2 values
1 value
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getDescription()' and method implementation: 'public abstract String getDescription();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'createDependency(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependencyConstraint)' and method implementation: 'public TaskDependency createDependency(Task dependant, Task dependee, TaskDependencyConstraint constraint) throws TaskDependencyException { TaskDependency result = auxCreateDependency(dependant, dependee, constraint); addDependency(result); return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'setWeekDayType(int,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendar$DayType)' and method implementation: 'public void setWeekDayType(int day, GPCalendar.DayType type) { if (type == (GPCalendar.DayType.WEEKEND)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("I am always working time calendar, I dont accept holidays!"); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public StartFinishConstraintImpl() { super(GanttTaskRelationship.SF, GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("startfinish")); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getBottomTimeUnit()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @return */ public TimeUnit getBottomTimeUnit() { return getCurrentZoomState().getTimeUnitPair().getBottomTimeUnit(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public PaintCellRenderer() { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 16)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'removeUndoableEditListener(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.undo.GPUndoListener)' and method implementation: 'public void removeUndoableEditListener(GPUndoListener listener) { myUndoEventDispatcher.removeUndoableEditListener(listener); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getLocalizedName()' and method implementation: 'protected String getLocalizedName() { return getI18n("saveProject"); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getDefaultVal()' and method implementation: 'public Object getDefaultVal() { return defaultVal; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '05: Handle Milestones' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'SaverBase() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar)' and method implementation: 'public TaskScheduleEvent(Task source, GanttCalendar oldStartDate, GanttCalendar oldFinishDate, GanttCalendar newStartDate, GanttCalendar newFinishDate) { super(source); myOldStartDate = oldStartDate; myOldFinishDate = oldFinishDate; myNewStartDate = newStartDate; myNewFinishDate = newFinishDate; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getLineHeader(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'private TimeFrameImpl.LineHeader getLineHeader(TimeUnit timeUnit) { TimeFrameImpl.LineHeader result = getLineHeader(); for (; result != null; result = result.next()) { if ((result.myUnit) == timeUnit) { break; } } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsManager,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsStorage,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade)' and method implementation: 'public CustomColumnsPanel(CustomColumnsManager manager, CustomColumnsStorage customColHandler, UIFacade uifacade) { myColumnManager = manager; customColumnStorage = customColHandler; myUIfacade = uifacade; this.initComponents(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'nextTimeUnit(int)' and method implementation: 'public void nextTimeUnit(int unitIndex) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getNotes()' and method implementation: '/** * as the name indicated */ public String getNotes() { notes = noteAreaNotes.getText(); return notes; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: 'buildPlanePage(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.model.GPOptionGroup[])' and method implementation: 'public JComponent buildPlanePage(GPOptionGroup[] optionGroups) { final JComponent optionsPanel = new JPanel(new SpringLayout()); for (int i = 0; i < (optionGroups.length); i++) { optionsPanel.add(createGroupComponent(optionGroups[i])); } SpringUtilities.makeCompactGrid(optionsPanel, optionGroups.length, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5); JPanel resultPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); resultPanel.add(optionsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); resultPanel.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { optionsPanel.getComponent(0).requestFocus(); } }); return resultPanel; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'protected CachingTextFormatter() { GanttLanguage.getInstance().addListener(this); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'getRoleManager()' and method implementation: 'public abstract RoleManager getRoleManager();'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getPriority()' and method implementation: '/** * Returns the priority of the task. * * @return The priority of the task. */ public int getPriority() { return task.getPriority(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'updateAssignment(java.lang.Object,int,int)' and method implementation: 'private void updateAssignment(Object value, int row, int col) { ResourceAssignment updateTarget = ((ResourceAssignment) (myAssignments.get(row))); switch (col) { case 4 : { updateTarget.setRoleForAssignment(((Role) (value))); break; } case 3 : { updateTarget.setCoordinator(((Boolean) (value)).booleanValue()); break; } case 2 : { float loadAsFloat = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(value)); updateTarget.setLoad(loadAsFloat); break; } case 1 : { if (value == null) { updateTarget.delete(); myAssignments.remove(row); fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row); } else if (value instanceof ProjectResource) { float load = updateTarget.getLoad(); boolean coord = updateTarget.isCoordinator(); updateTarget.delete(); ResourceAssignment newAssignment = myMutator.addAssignment(((ProjectResource) (value))); newAssignment.setLoad(load); newAssignment.setCoordinator(coord); myAssignments.set(row, newAssignment); } break; } default : break; } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setVisible(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setVisible(boolean vis) { visible = vis; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'setValue(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setValue(String value) { if (!(isLocked())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Lock option before setting value"); } ChangeValueEvent event = new ChangeValueEvent(getID(), myLockedValue, value); myLockedValue = value; fireChangeValueEvent(event); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getTaskContainment()' and method implementation: 'public TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade getTaskContainment() { if ((myFacadeInvalidator) == null) { return TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade.STUB; } if ((!(myFacadeInvalidator.isValid())) || ((myCachedFacade) == null)) { myCachedFacade = new TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImpl(tree); myFacadeInvalidator.reset(); } return myCachedFacade; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'getResourceColor()' and method implementation: 'public Color getResourceColor() { return myResColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'calculateOffsets(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeFrame,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,java.util.Date,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit,int)' and method implementation: 'public ChartModelBase.Offset[] calculateOffsets(TimeFrame timeFrame, TimeUnit frameBottomUnit, Date bottomUnitStartDate, TimeUnit offsetUnit, int frameBottomUnitWidth) { ChartModelBase.Offset[] result; // Date bottomUnitEndDate = timeFrame.getUnitFinish(frameBottomUnit, unitIndex); if (offsetUnit.equals(frameBottomUnit)) { result = new ChartModelBase.Offset[]{ new ChartModelBase.Offset(offsetUnit, bottomUnitStartDate, bottomUnitStartDate, 0, null) }; } else if (frameBottomUnit.isConstructedFrom(offsetUnit)) { // java.util.List buf = new ArrayList(); int outerFrameUnitCount = timeFrame.getUnitCount(offsetUnit); TimeFrame innerFrame = myStack.createTimeFrame(bottomUnitStartDate, frameBottomUnit, offsetUnit); int offsetUnitCount = innerFrame.getUnitCount(offsetUnit); result = new ChartModelBase.Offset[offsetUnitCount]; for (int i = 0; i < offsetUnitCount; i++) { Date offsetEnd = innerFrame.getUnitFinish(offsetUnit, i); int offsetPixels = ((i + 1) * frameBottomUnitWidth) / outerFrameUnitCount; result[i] = new ChartModelBase.Offset(offsetUnit, bottomUnitStartDate, offsetEnd, offsetPixels, null); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("We should not be here"); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setEnabled(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { isEnabled = enabled; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'changePoint2(int,int)' and method implementation: 'public void changePoint2(int x2, int y2) { this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getInstance()' and method implementation: 'public static GanttLanguage getInstance() { if ((GanttLanguage.ganttLanguage) == null) { GanttLanguage.ganttLanguage = new GanttLanguage(); } return GanttLanguage.ganttLanguage; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'resourceAdded(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ResourceEvent)' and method implementation: '// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResourceView implementation public void resourceAdded(ResourceEvent event) { if ((getStatusBar()) != null) { // tabpane.setSelectedIndex(1); getUIFacade().setStatusText(GanttLanguage.getInstance().correctLabel(GanttLanguage.getInstance().getText("newHuman"))); setAskForSave(true); refreshProjectInfos(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'add(int,java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Add a role on the list */ public void add(int ID, String roleName) { // myProjectLevelRoles.add(newRole(ID, role)); myProjectRoleSet.createRole(roleName, ID); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'removeNodeFromParent(javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode)' and method implementation: ''. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'canUndo()' and method implementation: 'public boolean canUndo() { return myDocumentBefore.canRead(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '1() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setTopUnit(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'private void setTopUnit(TimeUnit myTopUnit) { this.myTopUnit = myTopUnit; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: '/** * Creates an instance of CustomColumnsStorage. */ public CustomColumnsStorage() { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setModified(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setModified(boolean modified) { setAskForSave(modified); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'setType(java.lang.Class)' and method implementation: 'public void setType(Class type) { this.type = type; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: '-init-()' and method implementation: 'public TaskInteractionHintRenderer() { draw = false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'isLooping(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.dependency.TaskDependency)' and method implementation: 'boolean isLooping(TaskDependency dep) { LoopDetector detector = new LoopDetector(dep.getDependant().getManager()); return detector.isLooping(dep); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'getActions()' and method implementation: 'public AbstractAction[] getActions() { if ((myActions) == null) { myActions = new AbstractAction[]{ new NewHumanAction(myManager, myRoleManager, myProjectFrame, myProjectFrame), myDeleteHumanAction }; } return myActions; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '15: Show Critical Path' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.resource.ProjectResource)' and method implementation: 'public ResourceNode(ProjectResource res) { super(res); resource = res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.ChartModelBase,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.chart.GraphicPrimitiveContainer,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIConfiguration)' and method implementation: 'public BottomUnitLineRendererImpl(ChartModelBase model, GraphicPrimitiveContainer primitiveContainer, UIConfiguration projectConfig) { super(model); myPrimitiveContainer = primitiveContainer; myRedlineOption = projectConfig.getRedlineOption(); myProjectDatesOption = projectConfig.getProjectBoundariesOption(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTree2)' and method implementation: 'public TaskContainmentHierarchyFacadeImpl(GanttTree2 tree) { /* <DefaultMutableTreeNode> */ ArrayList allTasks = tree.getAllTasks(); // comboBox.addItem("no set"); // for (int i = 0; i < allTasks.size(); i++) { // DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) // allTasks.get(i); for (int i = 0; i < (allTasks.size()); i++) { DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) (allTasks.get(i))); Task task = ((Task) (treeNode.getUserObject())); if (treeNode.isRoot()) { myRootTask = task; } myTask2treeNode.put(task, treeNode); myTask2index.put(task, new Integer(i)); } myTree = tree; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getOrganization()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @return the organization of the project. */ public String getOrganization() { return _sOrganization; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'undoOrRedoHappened()' and method implementation: 'public void undoOrRedoHappened() { // System.out.println("undoOrRedoHappened"); ourCriticProcess = true; fireDelayObservation(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setEarlierPreviousTaskColor(java.awt.Color)' and method implementation: 'public void setEarlierPreviousTaskColor(Color earlierTaskColor) { this.myEarlierPreviousTaskColor = earlierTaskColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getIconFilePrefix()' and method implementation: 'protected String getIconFilePrefix() { return "save_"; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'redo()' and method implementation: 'public void redo() throws CannotRedoException { try { restoreDocument(myDocumentAfter); } catch (IOException e) { if (!(GPLogger.log(e))) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } throw new CannotRedoException(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'getDependencies()' and method implementation: 'public TaskDependency[] getDependencies() { return ((TaskDependency[]) (myDependencies.toArray(new TaskDependency[0]))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getManager()' and method implementation: 'public TaskManager getManager() { return myManager; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'setValueAt(java.lang.Object,int,int)' and method implementation: '/* Dont need to implement this method unless your tables data can change. */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (row >= 0) { if (row >= (myAssignments.size())) { createAssignment(value); } else { updateAssignment(value, row, col); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(("I cant set data in row=" + row)); } isChanged = true; // fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttTask[])' and method implementation: '/** * Constructor */ public GanttDialogProperties(GanttTask[] tasks) { myTasks = tasks; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '10: Add/Remove Resources to Tasks Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getValue(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Returns the value for the given customColName. * * @param customColName * The name of the custom column we want to get the value. * @return The value for the given customColName. */ public Object getValue(String customColName) { return mapCustomColumnValue.get(customColName); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '13: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with subtask changes' is linked with method name: 'isADayOff(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.GanttCalendar)' and method implementation: 'public boolean isADayOff(GanttCalendar date) { return ((date.equals(myStart)) || (date.equals(myFinish))) || ((date.before(myFinish)) && (date.after(myStart))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getPreviousTaskColor()' and method implementation: 'public Color getPreviousTaskColor() { return myProjectConfig.getPreviousTaskColor(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'getResourceColor()' and method implementation: 'public Color getResourceColor() { return myResColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getResourcesArray()' and method implementation: 'public ProjectResource[] getResourcesArray() { return ((ProjectResource[]) (resources.toArray(new ProjectResource[resources.size()]))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.CustomColumnsStorage)' and method implementation: 'public CustomColumnTableModel(CustomColumnsStorage ccHandler) { customColumnsHandler = ccHandler; this.columnIdentifiers = titles; this.dataVector = new Vector(); Iterator it = customColumnsHandler.getCustomColums().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CustomColumn cc = ((CustomColumn) (it.next())); Object[] o = new Object[]{ cc.getName(), cc.getType(), cc.getDefaultValue() }; this.addRow(o); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setWeekDayType(int,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.calendar.GPCalendar$DayType)' and method implementation: 'public void setWeekDayType(int day, GPCalendar.DayType type) { if (type != (myTypes[(day - 1)])) { myWeekendDaysCount += (type == (GPCalendar.DayType.WEEKEND)) ? 1 : -1; } myTypes[(day - 1)] = type; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getTimeUnitStack()' and method implementation: 'public TimeUnitStack getTimeUnitStack() { return myTimeUnitStack; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.UIFacade)' and method implementation: 'public PublicHolidayDialogAction(IGanttProject project, UIFacade uiFacade) { super(GanttProject.correctLabel(PublicHolidayDialogAction.language.getText("editPublicHolidays"))); myProject = project; myUIFacade = uiFacade; this.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/holidays_16.gif"))); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'removeCustomColumn(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: '/** * Remove the custom column (and also its value) from this * CustomColumnValues. * * @param colName * Name of the column to remove. */ public void removeCustomColumn(String colName) { mapCustomColumnValue.remove(colName); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getLanguage()' and method implementation: 'private GanttLanguage getLanguage() { return GanttLanguage.getInstance(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'constructCheckBox()' and method implementation: 'private JCheckBox constructCheckBox() { boolean canBeProjectTask = true; boolean canBeMilestone = true; TaskContainmentHierarchyFacade taskHierarchy = myTaskManager.getTaskHierarchy(); for (int i = 0; i < (selectedTasks.length); i++) { canBeMilestone &= !(taskHierarchy.hasNestedTasks(selectedTasks[i])); canBeProjectTask &= canBeProjectTask(selectedTasks[i], taskHierarchy); } assert false == (canBeProjectTask && canBeMilestone); final JCheckBox result; if (canBeProjectTask) { result = new JCheckBox(language.getText("projectTask")); projectTaskCheckBox1 = result; } else if (canBeMilestone) { mileStoneCheckBox1 = new JCheckBox(new AbstractAction(language.getText("meetingPoint")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { enableMilestoneFriendlyControls((!(isBilan()))); } }); result = mileStoneCheckBox1; } else { result = null; } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'createDateFormat(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public SimpleDateFormat createDateFormat(String string) { return new SimpleDateFormat(string, currentLocale); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getTooltipText()' and method implementation: 'protected String getTooltipText() { String localizedName = getLocalizedName(); return localizedName == null ? "" : GanttLanguage.getInstance().correctLabel(getLocalizedName()); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '09: Add/Remove Task Links' is linked with method name: 'removeCustomField(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void removeCustomField(String title) { this.customFields.remove(title); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'setRowHeight(int)' and method implementation: 'public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight) { getChartUIConfiguration().setRowHeight(rowHeight); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: 'setFixed(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setFixed(boolean fixed) { isFixed = fixed; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: 'deleteTask(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.Task)' and method implementation: 'public void deleteTask(Task tasktoRemove) { myTaskMap.removeTask(tasktoRemove); // TaskDependency[] dep = // myDependencyCollection.getDependencies(tasktoRemove); // for(int i=0;i<dep.length; i++){ // dep[i].delete(); // } // todo REMOVE TASK FROM TASKHIERARCHY // fireTaskRemoved(tasktoRemove,myTaskContainment.getContainer(tasktoRemove)); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'importData(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.CustomPropertyManager)' and method implementation: 'public void importData(CustomPropertyManager source) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.IGanttProject,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.parser.ParserFactory,net.sourceforge.ganttproject.document.DocumentManager)' and method implementation: '2( $anonymous0, $anonymous1, $anonymous2) { }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'read()' and method implementation: 'public void read() throws IOException { ProxyDocument.FailureState failure = new ProxyDocument.FailureState(); ProxyDocument.SuccessState success = new ProxyDocument.SuccessState(); ProxyDocument.ParsingState parsing = new ProxyDocument.ParsingState(success, failure); // OpenCopyConfirmationState confirmation = new OpenCopyConfirmationState( // parsing, failure); // AcquireLockState lock = new AcquireLockState(parsing, confirmation); try { getTaskManager().setEventsEnabled(false); parsing.enter(); } finally { getTaskManager().setEventsEnabled(true); } // lock.enter(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'createMonitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job,org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor,int)' and method implementation: 'public IProgressMonitor createMonitor(Job job, IProgressMonitor group, int ticks) { return group; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'setPriority(int)' and method implementation: 'public void setPriority(int priority) { myPriority = priority; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '17: Show Resource Utilization (underused or overused person)' is linked with method name: 'getDefaultRole()' and method implementation: 'public Role getDefaultRole() { return DEFAULT_ROLE_SET.findRole(0); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'setEnabled(boolean)' and method implementation: 'public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { isEnabled = enabled; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: '-init-(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.language.GanttLanguage)' and method implementation: 'public Event(GanttLanguage language) { super(language); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '11: Change Task Begin/End Times manually with user changes' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.util.Date)' and method implementation: 'public ParameterizedTimeUnitImpl(Date myBaseDate) { this.myBaseDate = myBaseDate; this.myRightDate = this.adjustRight(myBaseDate); this.myLeftDate = this.adjustLeft(myBaseDate); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'isChanged()' and method implementation: 'public boolean isChanged() { if (isLocked()) { if ((myValue) != null) { return false == (myValue.equals(myLockedValue)); } } return false; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '02: Delete Tasks' is linked with method name: 'getDependeeActivity()' and method implementation: 'public TaskActivity getDependeeActivity() { return myDependeeActivity; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setRowHeight(int)' and method implementation: 'public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight) { getChartUIConfiguration().setRowHeight(rowHeight); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'columnAdded(javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent)' and method implementation: '/** * * * @unknown */ public void columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent arg0) { (nbCol)++; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'getBottomUnitWidth(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeFrame)' and method implementation: 'int getBottomUnitWidth(TimeFrame nextFrame) { int frameWidth = myFrameWidthFunction.getTimeFrameWidth(nextFrame); int bottomUnitsCount = nextFrame.getUnitCount(nextFrame.getBottomUnit()); // System.err.println("ChartModelImpl: getBottomUnitWidth: // nextFrame="+nextFrame+" width="+frameWidth+" // bottomUnitsCount="+bottomUnitsCount); return frameWidth / bottomUnitsCount; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'getResource()' and method implementation: 'public ProjectResource getResource() { return resource; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'getChartModel()' and method implementation: 'protected ChartModelBase getChartModel() { return myChartModel; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '04: Add/Remove Tasks as Subtasks' is linked with method name: 'createOptionComponent(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.gui.options.model.GPOption)' and method implementation: 'private Component createOptionComponent(GPOption option) { Component result = null; if (option instanceof EnumerationOption) { result = createEnumerationComponent(((EnumerationOption) (option))); } else if (option instanceof BooleanOption) { result = createBooleanComponent(((BooleanOption) (option))); } else if (option instanceof ColorOption) { result = createColorComponent(((ColorOption) (option))); } else if (option instanceof DateOption) { result = createDateComponent(((DateOption) (option))); } else if (option instanceof GPOptionGroup) { result = createButtonComponent(((GPOptionGroup) (option))); } else if (option instanceof StringOption) { result = createStringComponent(((StringOption) (option))); } if (result == null) { result = new JLabel(("Unknown option class=" + (option.getClass()))); } return result; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '07: Delete Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'acquireLock()' and method implementation: 'public boolean acquireLock() { return true; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: 'XXX: General Purpose Code' is linked with method name: 'scrollRight()' and method implementation: 'public void scrollRight() { for (int i = 0; i < (myListeners.size()); i++) { ScrollingListener nextListener = ((ScrollingListener) (myListeners.get(i))); nextListener.scrollRight(); } }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'setTaskManager(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.TaskManager)' and method implementation: 'public void setTaskManager(TaskManager taskManager) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'setPreviousTaskColor(java.awt.Color)' and method implementation: 'public void setPreviousTaskColor(Color previousTaskColor) { this.myPreviousTaskColor = previousTaskColor; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '06: Create Resources (person)' is linked with method name: 'getSelectedNodes()' and method implementation: '/** * * * @return the list of the selected nodes. */ public DefaultMutableTreeNode[] getSelectedNodes() { TreePath[] currentSelection = treetable.getTree().getSelectionPaths(); // no // elements // are // selectionned if ((currentSelection == null) || ((currentSelection.length) == 0)) return null; DefaultMutableTreeNode[] dmtnselected = new DefaultMutableTreeNode[currentSelection.length]; for (int i = 0; i < (currentSelection.length); i++) dmtnselected[i] = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode) (currentSelection[i].getLastPathComponent())); DefaultMutableTreeNode[] res = dmtnselected; return res; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '01: Create Tasks' is linked with method name: 'propertiesTask()' and method implementation: '/** * Edit task parameters */ public void propertiesTask() { myTaskPropertiesAction.actionPerformed(null); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '03: Maintain Task Properties' is linked with method name: 'dependencyRemoved(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.task.event.TaskDependencyEvent)' and method implementation: 'public void dependencyRemoved(TaskDependencyEvent e) { myGanttProject.setModified(); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'setFirstText(java.lang.String)' and method implementation: 'public void setFirstText(String text) { message1.setText(text); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '14: Prevent Circular Dependencies' is linked with method name: 'showPopupMenu(java.awt.Component,javax.swing.Action[],int,int)' and method implementation: 'public void showPopupMenu(Component invoker, Action[] actions, int x, int y) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < (actions.length); i++) { Action next = actions[i]; if (next == null) { menu.addSeparator(); } else { menu.add(next); } } menu.applyComponentOrientation(UIFacadeImpl.getLanguage().getComponentOrientation()); menu.show(invoker, x, y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '08: Maintain Resource Properties' is linked with method name: 'setYear(int)' and method implementation: '/** * Change the year of the date */ public void setYear(int y) { this.set(Calendar.YEAR, y); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '12: Change Task Begin/End Times automatically with dependency changes' is linked with method name: 'setTopTimeUnit(net.sourceforge.ganttproject.time.TimeUnit)' and method implementation: 'public void setTopTimeUnit(TimeUnit topTimeUnit) { setTopUnit(topTimeUnit); myTimeFrames = null; }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.
You are a tracelink identifying system between a requirement and method details.
Check if the following requirement: '16: Add/Remove Holidays and Vacation Days' is linked with method name: '-init-(java.util.TimeZone,java.util.Locale)' and method implementation: '/** * From super * * @param zone * * @param aLocale * */ public GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale) { super(zone, aLocale); }'. Strictly output 'True' if linked and 'False' if not linked.