pretty_name: DataSynthSELD
- 100B<n<1T
- audio-classification
PSELDNets: Pre-trained Neural Networks on Large-scale Synthetic Datasets for Sound Event Localization and Detection
- This repo contains 67,000 1-minute clips amounting to approximately 1,117 hours for training, and 3,060 1-minute clips amounting to roughly 51 hours for testing.
- These datasets features an ontology of 170 sound classes and are generated by convolving sound event clips from FSD50K with simulated SRIRs (for training) or collected SRIRs from TAU-SRIR DB (for testing).
- The datasets are generated by this tools.
Please cite our papers as below if you use the datasets, codes and models of PSELDNets.
[1] Jinbo Hu, Yin Cao, Ming Wu, Fang Kang, Feiran Yang, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley, Jun Yang, "PSELDNets: Pre-trained Neural Networks on Large-scale Synthetic Datasets for Sound Event Localization and Detection" arXiv:2411.06399, 2024. URL