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also i realize that sounded a tad drama queen but i haven t been sick in year it s hittin me hard this time
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and so the editing of 000 wedding shot begin
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aventure that s window for you i get to deal with about 0 window server and 0 window machine misbehaving every day shoot me
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finished everything she need to do at work tonight ugh three hour of nothing coming up
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i m am a year old male and i don t know if it s healthy to feel this way one of my relative is not feel so well and i myself feel like this have been affected me a lot recently and i also feel like i can t take all the thing at school i just feel like a total failure and that i will never be anything or get a good job and i feel like the only think i know is that i shan t to impress my dad but i just feel more shit every time i fail a test i feel like i m disappointing him more and more
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i hate money
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man tax suck i m horrified that i did something wrong on them turbotax decided to keep around a lot of the stuff i turned off
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going to clean my depression room so i can change the desk and the bookshelf http t co dy0jj slj
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hedonist lover ive lost myself upon your devilish gaze smile razor blade cutting word vibrantly painting picture with blood marking wall memory screaming out i will infest your subconcious like drapery beautiful silk of morbid whisper cover my body while my soul gently rock in the wind hedonist lover set me free
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anytime i m alone i m instantly depressed i can t enjoy tv alone i can t enjoy a walk alone i just hate it alone i just lay here all day in my bed on my phone for hour then go to sleep but i get so sick of my phone how can i be alone
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adame ruddy money i like it still waiting here oh what a surprise by state too hmmm seriously
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studying commerce how am i suppose to remember so much
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please just end it please ive tried od ing ive tried slitting my wrist i cant do it right just someone tell me the fastest and least painful way
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missykesson bet you let mcgee on there hahahaha
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ch0en huh like what i didnt know
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just enabled activesync on my google apps account i can now sync my contact and calendar over the net but no mail a of yet
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today ha just been so shitty it s so busy at the store i work at and i just constantly feel like i can t breath today i m also so paranoid because i ve been texting my family literally all day and nobody s gotten back to me so i m stupidly paranoid about something bad happening to them
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ha anyone had trouble with making progress in therapy i ve tried therapy a fair bit throughout my life and i ve never really gotten anywhere this year ha been exceptionally hard for me and so i have thrown myself into therapy and put a ton of effort both into finding therapist who were a good fit a well a really trying to put effort into it unfortunately i seem to be a failure at it i ve had four therapist tell me after a few month of seeing me that they didn t think they were making any progress and although they all offered to keep seeing me if i wanted they didn t want me to waste my money i feel like a complete failure and lost cause i honestly don t know what it is that i m doing wrong
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i miss my room in pasig i have no place right now to take sp s
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hhh it s time like that when you want thing to stay right then someone come and wreck it
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anyone else having awful war anxiety if so how are you managing i like near a base so basically my situation is i m f ckef if putin decides to bomb it any advice or well word are helpful i just need to calm myself about this ww stuff please
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i need sims gaah
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goodbye jive test server so very sorry to have to shut you down
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avisionofbeauty your phone doesn t like it sorry
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i really hate everything about myself i hate what i sound like look like my body my personality i really can t do this anymore and i won t try to i really wish i looked so much different wasn t a annoying a chatterbox i hate that i know i won t get better people call me a fighter for my disease but i hate it i wish i didn t have the clusterfuck of shit inside me i wish i wa pretty or maybe cute a cute cat a rabbit man something so i won t have to understand what people say about me i hate my body but i use fashion a my coping mechanism i never really wa able to my ex didn t like me wearing anything form fitting or revealing now that i can i find out that i probably don t have a lot of time to also definitely not the fund to when i wear something i like i feel nice and free but i also hate what i see in the mirror i said i wanted to be a cat or a rabbit but maybe a rock instead just chilling by the beach on the sand or some stream maybe a kid will take me and glue me on some paper glue sand rock seashell glitter amalgamation which will eventually be thrown in the trash to god know where i just don t want to be able to comprehend anything any word any judgement sound stupid laughable and i agree i don t know anything about the idea of reincarnation but when i kill myself tonight i guess i will hope to be a rock lol
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hi everyone i fly home from calgary to vancouver on sunday it s about an hour flight i suffer from gad and am constantly fearing the worst i have minor asthma i ve never had an asthma attack but i do have a rescue inhaler and i do take a maintenance inhaler everyday to prevent anything from happening i read somewhere that there s le oxygen in flight and am worried about what would happen if i had an asthma attack would i be ok would i be able to survive that hour flight please re assure me
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stupid glass and it s ability to cut my foot
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m moved home to my parent during covid in summer 0 0 to save money a everything wa remote everything is still remote so i decided to stay however i miss big city life with more bar restaurant more stuff to do the higher number of single 0 0 somethings like myself going back to la is a no go a rent is absurd and i d be paying almost half of my salary just to have a decent bedroom apartment i m currently renting a house from family but i m lonely a fuck i live in a small town with 000 people i feel stuck between a rock and a hard place
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i ve been suicidal for year i hate my life and i haven t felt joy for a long time a much a my parent don t care for my feeling and neglect me i know that if i end myself they d be devastated seeing i m their only child i don t know what to do anymore tbh i really want to do it but i love my family too much to hurt them like that
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down to pack of moroccan mint tea and a whole truckloads of kenyan tea
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i ve literally never changed my hairstyle it s just been a trim on top and on side but recently i ve started going out more and a few people i ve met out ha said to me that getting a medium fade cut would look good i ve always had a problem with barber though i have to go in about 0 minute before it close on a friday a that s the least busy time i only ask for the same cut because i hate making change how do i word it what do i say when i come in having a script in my head make thing easier cheer
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redpr no look like housework for me
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i had so many suicidal thought last night while i wa driving to try to make myself feel better i thought drowning is scary but i can go put my car in the river and drown then i went well let s look up to see what medication we have that might do it i m just so tired i ve tried so many different medication at this point i do therapy nothing ha worked i m still holding onto a little sliver of hope thing won t always be this way maybe one day i can keep my house clean all the time maybe one day i won t be so stressed and anxious maybe one day i ll be able to stay consistent and do well at my job if feel like it s further and further away i also just believe i m a total fucking failure at and discredit all the thing i ve done because it s just not good enough to me i don t know how to stop the negative self talk oh and i m also sometimes hearing voice lately sometimes i know they re not there real other time they sound like they re right next to my window or in my house i really wish i could just not exist for a week or a month why can t i just shut it all fucking off for a while i even just had a nice date with my partner and i m already back to thinking well i should still kill myself soon
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i m extremely suicidal but i want to live could anyone give me reason to live i don t want to feel this way but i hard not to think about it please anyone
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baby i miss you so much
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anistorm sorry
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swellvintage a lot better today thanks unfortunately being sick did not mean loss of apetite for me x
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sihlewasembo lord bonda mizzzidc our toxic home are just okay people share make mistake and forgive we certainly don t and will never throw a fit get into depression over sneaker
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anyone else feel this or is it just me
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gen marie i hope we can fix you in california at least
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just stop being me stop being a disaster stop being a disappointment stop being annoying stop being so anxious
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idk if anyone else get this i get anxiety poop sometimes but i also get anxiety vomit idk if it from excessive hyperventilating when i have an attack or just from the anxiety i get super nauseous and have no choice but to go vomit this can happen every night if it particularly bad doe anyone else get this i tried looking it up and i couldn t find much regarding vomiting when having a panic anxiety attack it the worst
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am gutted checked weather report for the wrong day no fishing for me today
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seamonkey i am on a healthy eating kick i could only have shetland pony
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danaeatsyou hahaha im sorry i didnt mean to and you re supposed to film the day of silly thats cheating doing it the day before
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good morning i am going for a run this morning then it off to the dentist for some drilling
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cannibaleyes i a bowling and the shit ripped
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i m going to the eye doctor to get an eye exam today and my anxiety is so bad because i m so scared i have a serious eye disease or something doe anyone else have anxiety about getting their eye checked i can t breathe and i feel like throwing up
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wellreadkitty oh poor thing i used ot love squeezing out the pu when i wa a vet nurse kinda gross really
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this is it i m sorry but i can t do this anymore i m tired and alone and i used up my resource to help me survive but it s over now i know my ex will be happier without me around and i know he will take care of our cat a i would it s going to suck not being alive anymore but i m done struggling to breathe i m exhausted i m bled dry i hope my friend and family can forgive me
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so i ve struggled w executive dysfunction for 9 year throughout my year of college there wa not one assignment that i did not do the night before it wa due i studied late ate terribly amp went thru a terrible depression a year after graduating i still have a really hard time doing thing in general i stall before i do anything at all amp it oftentimes lead to me not doing the thing at all also i kind of live my entire life on pause only taking care of myself when i have something planned or to look forward to i left my job that i wa insanely good at bc the commitment amp longevity terrified me why can t i function amp what ha helped u work thru these feeling
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ryanseacrest is it just me or she hate anoop i mean seriously she s kinda mean to him
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haven t talk with aaliyah love in a few miss her some wife say to thank her for the mag she sent u
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i ve been having this for a few day doe anybody know of this is from anxiety my hearth is normal but i ve been having headache and chest pain too
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seeing that shouldnt have made my stomach flip like it did
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hi just wanted to share my experience and hopefully get some advice from people who suffered through same symptom when i have extreme anxiety period i can not eat almost at all i eat one small meal a day if im lucky also vomiting can not be avoided when these episode come i have vomited several time when i wa out with friend for example i would say i have to pee and i would vomit my soul out of my body how can i help myself i am tired of dealing with this
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hello my daughter is suffering from what doctor initially diagnosed a depression we tried different med and all resulted in a flat affect and her staying in bed eating seemingly only carbs and gaining weight weaning off resulted in a year old thst ha life but is still anxious to the point of impairment at time she is terrified to try anxiety or adhd med a she doe not want to end up flat her word i am not looking for medical advice rather i am wondering if anyone ha experience with medication that did not totally remove emotion i hope this make sense and i thank you for reading
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is really really tired and hasn t slept in day can barely keep my eye open really missing my sanity
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my wife f wa doing great losing weight by walking and dieting but she expressed sn interest in working out in a gym so i bought her a gym membership for christmas a higher package that includes tanning and massage besides just the work out equipment she go night a week now after work i do kid duty in the evening after work and then just sit at home by myself if i ever try and make time for myself it is interrupted by work or home life i love my family to death would do anything for them but i have burning the candle at both end and never see any relief in sight it never stop someone always need something someone always want to bitch about something it just doesn t stop never i just want something for myself to go golfing uninterrupted to get a haircut without my phone buzzing my only release is yoga at night when the kid are in bed i know i should do it in the morning but i am just exhausted and can t i work 0 hour a week make sure all the bill are paid pick up the house every evening make dinner to time a week do homework with the kid every nigh do the dish do all the yard work and house upkeep i m just done i m spent and i feel like i can t take a second off or i will let someone down or be deemed selfish doe anyone else feel this way
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ha got work again today
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being loved by everyone having money to take care of my family giving back traveling the world getting up each morning working on project having no insecurity being respected being king
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i am mentally exhausted i have so many problem that i can not deal with my older brother bully me daily and all i do is just sit and listen to it if i tell him to stop he will just continue to be more annoying i have a lot of health problem my parent dont want to take me to a doctor because they think i am lying so i have to do it myself i am not legal in my country i go to school and put on a fake personality and laugh people bully me even there not physcally but mentally they tell me i am dumb weird skinny crazy i have zero friend in real life i have online friend that used to help me with everything and even made a workout plan for me all of that faded since my health is sucking rn my parent call me crazy daily becayse i like ti play video game for hour a day that is crazy to them even tho everyone else tell them it normal all i feel inside if me is just fear sadness and hopelessness 0 good or happy thought i thoght dozen if time about suicide i can t do it i have ocd and that top of everything and obliderates my life and make me suffer even more i can t take it anymore i don t knoe where to go or what to do it like i don t belong anywhere or cant do anything all i can do is whine on random subbredit because i have no one to talk to is this all life really is i know you might say ohh but if you try to get yourself up and get motivated and do stuff trust me i tried it many time it fails because of family problem etc am i worth saving is my life really worth living
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katebornstein which is pretty anti memorial tattoo but for all but the strictest there s no official ban just disapproving family
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maxime darn can t open it on my work computer not supposed to have fun at work but thanks anyway
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it s just a constant reminder that you don t really have any friend seeing everyone having fun laughing hanging out with eachother and then there s me depressing awkward and lonely i fucking hate it i just can t take it every single day being reminded of how much of a sad loser i am
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year old male year here i ve always had a confusing relationship with myself and anxiety when i wa a young child i wa very outgoing then hit about and wa bullied because of my sensitivity and openness developed really bad anxiety a a result got to year old and found it impossible to talk to girl and wa completely sick of my shyness so i decided overnight that i wa going to showcase my confident side at all time faking it till i made it this wa a blessing and a curse because a lot of my confidence wasn t necessarily real i wa inspired by people like russell brand and keith moon and i kind of acted like them all the time now thank god i ve reached a much calmer equilibrium most people would consider me a a very confident outgoing person but i feel much more myself i m way calmer chatty and forward with people one on one but i m still plagued with anxiety in other area i have no real issue in social occasion i m the frontman in a band and we re about to go on tour playing to thousand of people and i literally have no nerve whatsoever if only this translated to everyday life firstly i m terrified of getting a new scary job working in a pub bar something with people who have the potential to be snooty and mean if i don t know what i m doing instead i live at home with my parent in a sheltered existence i work a really simple easy job at home because i m too scared of a job where i have to do something new for the first time working in a bar absolutely terrifies me but deep down i wish i had the bravery to just do it and not give a crap if i fuck up whenever i ve tried new job in the past i get so frustrated with myself when i m not my cool calm confident self in these new situation why the fuck do i take so long to get relaxed with these thing and how do i get the bravery in the first place i m just so scared that people might perceive me a being shy i guess i value my self worth on my level of confidence in that current moment my second massive issue is when i m on my own in public perhaps public transport for example i m just fizzing with anxiety constantly it s horrific in public i feel extremely self conscious i know that no one give a shit about me or care about me but i literally feel like people are judging me constantly even though i know this isn t true something a simple a cycling on a road is a fucking impossibility i m just so scared that people will think i don t know what i m doing i just hate that physical feeling of anxiety of people watching me and judging me literally sitting here with a massive stress headache because of being in public the last couple of hour i then overthink about this for hour and hour because i just don t understand how i can be this way feel like i m having a personality crisis therapy hasn t helped medication didn t should i just stfu and get on with it in essence exposure therapy how can i not care when load of people are watching me on stage but literally feel like i m dying when people look at me in public why is there this maddening split personality in me i don t think my confidence is an act because when i m confident and relaxed i would consider that to be my most normal authentic self i m not naturally a quiet person just desperately insecure and sensitive
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it s not easy being useless i am honestly just considering quitting my job and spending these last few day in a hedonistic fashion i hate my family so their feeling don t matter i never understood the logic that i shouldn t kill myself because it would make other people sad it seems like everyone is for doing what s best for you until that thing that s best for you is suicide the rule for suicide are different because when you re suicidal you have to throw what s best for you out the window and do what other people want for you and that s fucking bullshit
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dad wa admitted to hospital yesterday so want to fly to cape town to visit r 900 for monday return ticket on kulula
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i m currently an art student at university and i m trying to pas the year but my anxiety coupled with my low self worth ha made it dangerously difficult to complete any kind of task or face up to any kind of challenge it s already taking what i have to take care of myself everyday and to give myself break whenever thing get tough but my work demand a lot and i want to get through it but whenever i look at what i have to do the thing i need to do i shut down i can t imagine myself ever completing these task or accomplishing thing and this is my last chance at university or i have to drop out i don t think i could take that kind of failure i want to be able to sit down and work hard face the challenge and either fail and try again or triumph and move onto the next so much of me is tied to the confidence i have in a task on a good day i ll create something i never thought i d do on my own but those day are rare i ve tried therapy but i can t afford it anymore and free healthcare here mean waiting month for a chance at a session ha anyone felt something similar to this or know what could help so far just typing this out ha helped a bit
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people who have been through depression or terrible life tell your success story or how you have changed i really need it
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i want to die so badly even just cut do something to ease this pain but my mom took all my blade all my option even my medication i have no access to anything anymore and i feel empty hollow i want to die so badly but i cant because i have no mean thats the only real reason i m alive right now is i dont have a way to unalive send help im not well im cry everything is terrible and i want out there really should be a log out option on life so you can take a break and come back if when youre ready to face this hell
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phillcoleman i had it a low a last night
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i am 0 married year this october and a four year old about to start school none of this matter when i m expected to pick up the slack for my family and their failing my sister wa diagnosed with schizophrenia my parent have no idea how to deal with it having lived with chronic depression their entire life and relying on faith to get them through she s refusing treatment medication and in denial of her condition it s a constant cycle of her being unstable hospitalized until shes able to manipulate the doctor that she s okay and go home to torment u my brother is leaving his military job after year and freaking out because he doesn t think he ll survive a a civilian i m fairly certain he ha his own mental issue stemming from way back but he s also just barnacled on to me for guidance i wanted to kill myself i wa about to and i called and got help and i ve been on medication for year i struggled with alcoholism in my early 0 and decided to stay sober for my daughter and i m finding it hard to hang on with all of this going on i m finding it hard to help people who don t want to help themselves but if i don t then everything just go to hell and i m the one to blame because i m the smart one and have to guide everyone where they re supposed to go it s exhausting having to care for people who refuse to accept they have issue i feel like i m being punished for being the only one in my family for having had the fortitude to acknowledge my mental illness it s taking a toll on my marriage and i am scared of the consequence of what that would entail i worry for my child because if i can t take care of myself then i can t take care of her i m staring at the same abyss that wa before me those year ago when i wa spiraling and i don t want to be here again anyway thanks for hearing me out reddit i just needed to verbalize it to make sure i m not just imagining it all
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why do i feel like when i m about to talk to someone i always see what am i lacking and how to provide solution for it and then not going to tell it in the end wtf
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i wa at the peak of my depression during lockdown level yoh
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fayokemi keziah oluchy is it laughter or depression you re wishing me
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i have been suffering with severe anxiety for a couple year now i had a bad life threading car accident in 0 0 and thing have never been the same i started college during the pandemic 0 0 and i wa on zoloft i wa taking my zoloft inconsistently and ended up in the hospital with severe side effect i decided to give it another try month later and the same thing happened i wa prescribed prozac in 0 and then took it for two day amp almost attempted fast forward to now my anxiety is the worst it s ever been i have severe side effect such a dizziness blurred vision shaking panic attack ect it s taken a toll on my daily life and i can t seem to function normally i m almost 0 year old amp living at home still because i can not seem to get a grip of my anxiety my day are long and exhausting amp most day i feel it would be better to end it all i will say i am also in therapy and considering seeing a psychiatrist i need advice anything i would love to hear about medication health psychiatrist therapy anything i just want to see what ha helped other people thank you everyone
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month ago i wa hospitalized because deperssion i wa diagnosed with depression they put me on abilify and depakote not first time on med year ago i wa on seroquel depakote and klonopin because my psy tought i wa bipolar but maniac phase or psychosis never happened and fit me i remember the last day in hospital i had this urge need of masturbate orgasm were beautiful and after i got home i had for a week these urge of masturbation and good orgasm but only in masturbation a i remember not in sex too someone had the same experience i wa recently diagnosed with adhd my psychiatric tapered off abilify and im now mg next week 0 i started with depakote 0 mg and 0 mg abilify next week i will be start again ritalin for my adhd why i had this increased libido thank you everybody
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tired cant sleep baby feeding at 0
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even the most basic task are super difficult to do this is most likely going to be my final week on this shitty planet and it s most certainly going to be my final post
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just got my presentation done slide done i m cry for this week will be the hardest of all week
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why the heck am i still awake i m usually so tired all the time but once a week it seems my mind body say no sleep for you wtf nosleep insomnia depression stress http t co oyjph znfy
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j stricko i found it pretty frustrating stupid monkey
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one of my friend called me and asked to meet with her at mid valley today but i ve no time sigh
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hate revision
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i ve been on mirtazapine 0mg daily for over a month now and seroquel 0 mg daily for just over two week i can t take it i ve been eating everything and making myself sick to my stomach gained weight have strange dream insomnia foggy brain and increased suicidal thought and i ve been more depressed than i ever have before i understand that medication take time to work but it doesn t feel like i have time i have talked to my psychiatrist family doctor and been to the hospital for an adjustment but to no avail i couldn t stick it out anymore so i went cold turkey on them both day ago i know that this is an incredibly stupid decision without the advising of a doctor but i can t handle it anymore i m wondering what should i expect for withdrawal symptom
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lanarisque hahahahhha hows your food poisening going ha it gone away
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i have a friend at work that i ve been confiding in for the last couple week we both are experiencing depression and suicidal ideation over the last several year she seemed like someone who ha everything together in a sense that she ha a gridiron exterior great career very positive attitude and i come to learn she s barely hanging on in my struggle with depression she ha been my most interesting and welcomed member of my support network i m also working at getting my former bos now my director back into my network my current bos add to the depression quite a bit but having a network of people to connect with is truly a blessing my point is that there are so many wonderful people and sometimes you expect the least expected to be your strongest ally stay strong and make today the best you can practice self care exercise is therapy therapy is therapy and be a reason someone release the stigma that depression is for the weak but that the strongest have to survive the self destruct mechanism in your brain just learn to manage it
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ashley tisdale i love you but why did you dye your hair
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msjodiodie it such a sad situation though in of u will be beaten in u every second amp killed a day it s sadly commonplace
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slideshare s embed code is annoying me sorry about the tiny embed fail
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im on val s mac in iitsc clubroom still sweating
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talking bout depression girl i just got off the pill
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sarahreedsc treaty isn t defined
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my bf s ex is now his best friend there like sibling according to them and they love each other like family i m a person that can t handle change well at all they use to hate each other and that wa what i wa use to they became best friend and i try so hard to deal with it and be her friend and accept it but it s so hard for me i ve been trying for month eventually tonight she got in a predicament and i helped her bf get her and calm her down i feel like maybe i m accepting her more and friendship more but this relief feeling want me to k ll myself even more what is this i m so confused i thought having good relationship would make you want to stay more
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should have stayed at home
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uh d why did the dentist hurt today holy crap i feel like my teeth are all about to fall out
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doesnt want to go to work lol
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can someone help me kill myself or give me way to please i m i m really done with life idc about anything anymore i don t want people to try and stop me like i just need a way to do it but idk how like what thing to do love you all xx
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