lca-codegen-large /
jenyag's picture
5e9734d verified
- name: repo
dtype: string
- name: commit_hash
dtype: string
- name: completion_file
- name: filename
dtype: string
- name: content
dtype: string
- name: completion_lines
- name: infile
sequence: int32
- name: inproject
sequence: int32
- name: common
sequence: int32
- name: commited
sequence: int32
- name: non_informative
sequence: int32
- name: random
sequence: int32
- name: repo_snapshot
- name: filename
dtype: string
- name: content
dtype: string
- name: completion_lines_raw
- name: commited
sequence: int64
- name: common
sequence: int64
- name: infile
sequence: int64
- name: inproject
sequence: int64
- name: non_informative
sequence: int64
- name: other
sequence: int64
- name: test
num_bytes: 2972013125
num_examples: 270
download_size: 1242136049
dataset_size: 2972013125
- config_name: default
- split: test
path: data/test-*
# LCA Project Level Code Completion
## How to load the dataset
from datasets import load_dataset
ds = load_dataset('JetBrains-Research/lca-codegen-large', split='test')
## Data Point Structure
* `repo` – repository name in format `{GitHub_user_name}__{repository_name}`
* `commit_hash` – commit hash
* `completion_file` – dictionary with the completion file content in the following format:
* `filename` – filepath to the completion file
* `content` – content of the completion file
* `completion_lines` – dictionary where keys are classes of lines and values are a list of integers (numbers of lines to complete). The classes are:
* `committed` – line contains at least one function or class that was declared in the committed files from `commit_hash`
* `inproject` – line contains at least one function or class that was declared in the project (excluding previous)
* `infile` – line contains at least one function or class that was declared in the completion file (excluding previous)
* `common` – line contains at least one function or class that was classified to be common, e.g., `main`, `get`, etc (excluding previous)
* `non_informative` – line that was classified to be non-informative, e.g. too short, contains comments, etc
* `random` – randomly sampled from the rest of the lines
* `repo_snapshot` – dictionary with a snapshot of the repository before the commit. Has the same structure as `completion_file`, but filenames and contents are orginized as lists.
* `completion_lines_raw` – the same as `completion_lines`, but before sampling.
## How we collected the data
To collect the data, we cloned repositories from GitHub where the main language is Python.
The completion file for each data point is a `.py` file that was added to the repository in a commit.
The state of the repository before this commit is the repo snapshot.
Large dataset is defined by number of characters in `.py` files from the repository snapshot. This number is from 192K to 768K.
## Dataset Stats
* Number of datapoints: 270
* Number of repositories: 75
* Number of commits: 219
### Completion File
* Number of lines, median: 278
* Number of lines, min: 200
* Number of lines, max: 1694
### Repository Snapshot
* `.py` files: <u>median 84</u>, from 3 to 255
* non `.py` files: <u>median 155</u>, from 8 to 2174
* `.py` lines: <u>median 15466.5</u>
* non `.py` lines: <u>median 18759</u>
### Line Counts:
* infile: 2691
* inproject: 2595
* common: 693
* committed: 1322
* non-informative: 1019
* random: 1311
* **total**: 9631
## Scores
[HF Space](