shouldnt kill myselfive lost friends family help live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "shouldnt kill myselfive lost friends family help live" ]
no debería matarme a mí mismo amigos perdidos familia ayudar a vivir
think im suicidal summerive heard seasonal affective disorder thought winter months drag people down ive got backwards apparently never wanna hot humid life always goes crap im backwards whole life mistake give one good reason continue pointless cycle
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think im suicidal summerive heard seasonal affective disorder thought winter months drag people down ive got backwards apparently never wanna hot humid life always goes crapim backwards whole life mistake give one good reason continue pointless cycle" ]
Creo que el suicidio estival oído trastorno afectivo estacional pensado meses de invierno arrastran a la gente hacia abajo Ive consiguió al revés aparentemente nunca quiere la vida húmeda caliente siempre va mal hacia atrás toda la vida error dar una buena razón continuar ciclo inútil
banned point ive banned strong suspicion people banned least
[ "banned point ive banned strong suspicion people banned least" ]
prohibido punto ive prohibido fuerte sospecha de la gente prohibida menos
life hard like cant get hot boy catboy costume choke life gotta hard like smh kill
[ "life hard like cant get hot boy catboy costume choke life gotta hard like smh kill" ]
vida dura como no puedo conseguir chico caliente traje gato ahogar la vida tiene que duro como smh matar
want alivr anymore think take longer problem feeling hate everytying happening especially breathng want alive thibk kill myself want feeling idk stop it tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want alivr anymore think take longer problem feeling hate everytying happening especially breathng want alive thibk kill myself want feeling idk stop it tired" ]
Quiero alivr más pensar que tomar más tiempo problema sentir odio todo lo que sucede especialmente respirando quiero vivo thibk suicidarme quiero sentir idk parar cansado
redflag thoughts living aloneas soon turn eighteen would like start living alone start job im afraid day long thoughts ending all want cut myself want hurt myself im afraid alone could really end all live parents sister since think much cutting myself cant stand anymore know could
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag thoughts living aloneas soon turn eighteen would like start living alone start jobim afraid day long thoughts ending all want cut myself want hurt myselfim afraid alone could really end all live parents sister since think much cutting myself cant stand anymore knowcould" ]
pensamientos de bandera roja que viven solos tan pronto como a los dieciocho años les gustaría empezar a vivir solos empezar a trabajar con miedo día largos pensamientos que terminan todos quieren cortarme quiero lastimarme a mí mismo con miedo de que realmente podría terminar con todos los padres vivos hermana ya que pensar mucho cortarme no puedo soportar más saber podría
reasonim serious dire straights one person read today would enough ive come reddit many times seeking help various problems years let keep quick im worst state depression ive ever in theres huge lead past three years ripple effect huge onset panic disorder agoraphobia coming dangerously close developing eating disorder depression bad moment im physical pain im pretty much frowning time whether want not result chronic headaches time cant sleep binged eat im supossed go back uni next week six hours away folks parents desperately trying convince go back think depression get worse ill kill myself worst depressions even probably ever be mom knows suicidal thoughts only recently help ive medication since may much im depressed suicidal usual say suicidal loosely feel like fucking imposter guess feel like id everyone huge fucking favour die think necessarily want die feel like inevitable part future fucking hate im convinced feeling like result eventually killing myself desire grow old ive never anyone im cant keep job keep school im fucking depressed days really wanna something takes everything shit ton pills write redflag note yet again wanna die want pain end cliche sounds pains getting bad think im beyond point fixing this either redflag live rest life barely hanging suffering sometimes wonder suicidal depressed about im reasonably good health wonderful family live safe country never really want anything go good school im fucking ungrateful could many amazing things life motivation deserve achieve things even deserve get better ive tried fucking hard many years beat this ive really really tried get hard work ending exactly place started sometimes worse im fucking alone mom knows anything even know everything friends acquaintances uni many people like honestly think really good people living campus keep telling really care me care died even fucking care depressed fucking deserve this humour anymore dropped killed even want consider dropping choice have amazing friend group even tried hard go along every event every event smile funny go majorly way help get around everything wanted city theyre exchange students ended ditching me tell amount times id crying eyes out talking jumping window full blown panic attack moments headed them nothing excluded plans never replied messages calls but regularly talked group chat ate without we live hall things without constantly quite rude times happy call overly cautious paranoid acted anxiety no didnt know anxiety depression thats fucking shitty thing say anyways trying hard brave expect anything life honestly dont seems matter fucking hard try im piece shit one really likes enjoys around dead friends people life actually care would much better off feel like alien something wrong im different connect anyone im indifferent death im becoming cold fucking hate it ill never good close friends partner future thats possible me big part wants get better going years reasons anyways get better grow old cant even shit remember loved ones bust ass get degree thats gonna get salary thats snatched taxes constantly pussyfoot around others im terrified offending them spend every second life living like this keep going family worst days brain convinces want die ease burden care someone mental illness not true family amazing fucking believe anyways two questions said consider dropping uni this second time do really go back live six hours away folks tiny room friends people rely on im depressed suicidal good idea let folks convince staying home six months finally anyone give reason keep going one fucking reason would enough keep fighting good fight guys
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reasonim serious dire straights one person read today would enough ive come reddit many times seeking help various problems yearsletkeep quick im worst state depression ive ever in theres huge lead past three years ripple effect huge onset panic disorder agoraphobia coming dangerously close developing eating disorder depression bad moment im physical pain im pretty much frowning time whether want not result chronic headaches time cant sleep binged eat im supossed go back uni next week six hours away folks parents desperately trying convince go back think depression get worse ill kill myself worst depressions even probably ever be mom knows suicidal thoughts only recently help ive medication since may much im depressed suicidal usual say suicidal loosely feel like fucking imposter guess feel like id everyone huge fucking favour die think necessarily want die feel like inevitable part future fucking hate im convinced feeling like result eventually killing myself desire grow old ive never anyone im cant keep job keep school", "im fucking depressed days really wanna something takes everything shit ton pills write redflag note yet again wanna die want pain end cliche sounds pains getting bad think im beyond point fixing this either redflag live rest life barely hanging suffering sometimes wonder suicidal depressed about im reasonably good health wonderful family live safe country never really want anything go good schoolim fucking ungrateful could many amazing things life motivation deserve achieve things even deserve get better ive tried fucking hard many years beat this ive really really tried get hard work ending exactly place started sometimes worse im fucking alone mom knows anything even know everything friends acquaintances uni", "many people like honestly think really good people living campus keep telling really care me care died even fucking care depressed fucking deserve this humour anymore dropped killed even want consider dropping choice have amazing friend group even tried hard go along every event every event smile funny go majorly way help get around everything wanted city theyre exchange students ended ditching me tell amount times id crying eyes out talking jumping window full blown panic attack moments headed them nothing excluded plans never replied messages calls but regularly talked group chat ate without we live hall things without constantly quite rude times happy call overly cautious paranoid acted anxiety no didnt know anxiety depression thats fucking shitty thing say anyways trying hard brave expect anything life honestly dont seems matter fucking hard try im piece shit one really likes enjoys around dead friends people life actually care would much better off feel like alien something wrong im different connect anyone im indifferent death im becoming cold fucking hate it ill never good close friends partner future thats possible me big part wants get better going years reasons anyways get better grow old cant even shit remember loved ones bust ass get degree thats gonna get salary thats snatched taxes constantly pussyfoot around others im terrified offending them spend every second life living like this keep going family worst days brain convinces want die ease burden care someone mental illness not true family amazing", "fucking believe anyways two questions said consider dropping uni this second time do really go back live six hours away folks tiny room friends people rely on im depressed suicidal good idea let folks convince staying home six months finally anyone give reason keep going one fucking reason would enough keep fighting good fight guys" ]
reasonim graves graves rectas una persona leer hoy sería suficiente viene reddit muchas veces buscar ayuda varios problemas años letkeep quick im peor estado depresión vive in theres enorme plomo pasados tres años efecto de onda inicio enorme pánico trastorno agorafobia venir peligrosamente cerca desarrollo trastorno alimenticio depresión mal momento im dolor físico im bastante ceño fruncir el tiempo si no quiere resultado dolores de cabeza crónicos tiempo cant dormir binged comer im supossed volver uni la próxima semana seis horas amigos padres tratando desesperadamente convencer volver pensar depresión conseguir peor mal me mata incluso probablemente nunca ser mamá sabe pensamientos suicidas sólo recientemente ayudar a la medicación viva ya que puede mucho im depresión suicida suele decir suicida flojo se siente como id todo el mundo enorme favor morir pensar necesariamente quiere morir se siente como inevitable parte futuro mierda odio im sensación de resultado matarme final deseo de crecer viejo nunca nadie im im no puede mantener el trabajo mantener la escuela
may sound dumb want dio run fade blonde bastard killed dog ruined love jonathan erina i think im starting season one fight stand stone mask know imma die imma it would prefer fight mask stand
[ "may sound dumb want dio run fade blonde bastard killed dog ruined love jonathan erina i think im starting season one fight stand stone mask know imma die imma it would prefer fight mask stand" ]
puede sonar tonto quiero dio correr descolorido rubia bastardo asesinado perro arruinado amor jonathan erina creo que im a partir de la temporada una lucha stand piedra máscara saber imma die imma preferiría lucha máscara stand
thats id sum up said naked gun meets james bond think mine accurate im neutral point o br br this movie kind blast past reminds old movies from s s thats plays time period exact flashback exception mood movie made shows screen main actor who ive told popular homeland france perfect role here hes spy number attached him one character sums movie asking question hes good see watch movie br br very funny indeed like spies mixed comedy old school flair taking anything else matter seriously need watch this o
[ "thats id sum up said naked gun meets james bond think mine accurate im neutral point o br br this movie kind blast past reminds old movies from s s thats plays time period exact flashback exception mood movie made shows screen main actor who ive told popular homeland france perfect role here hes spy number attached him one character sums movie asking question hes good see watch movie br br very funny indeed like spies mixed comedy old school flair taking anything else matter seriously need watch this o" ]
its id sum up dicho pistola desnuda cumple James Bond creo que el mío punto exacto im neutral o br br esta película tipo explosión pasado recuerda viejas películas de s s que juega período de tiempo exacta flashback excepción película de estado de ánimo shows pantalla actor principal que ha dicho popular patria france papel perfecto aquí hes spy number le adjunta un personaje sumas película haciendo pregunta hes good ver película br br muy divertido de hecho como espías mixta comedia estilo de la vieja escuela tomar cualquier otra cosa en serio necesidad de ver este o
dont want feel way anymorei keep flipping depressed feeling absolutely nothing dont want feel way anymore first appointment get psychiatrist wont march dont know last long im give everything depressed could handle that life numb nothingness feeling whats breaking down dont know anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want feel wayanymorei keep flipping depressed feeling absolutely nothing dont want feel way anymore first appointment get psychiatrist wont march dont know last long im give everything depressed could handle that life numb nothingness feeling whats breaking down dont know anymore" ]
No quiero sentir nada más sigo deprimido sin sentir absolutamente nada no quiero sentir nada más primera cita conseguir psiquiatra no marcha no sé lo último largo im dar todo lo deprimido podría manejar que la vida entumecimiento nada sentir lo que se rompe no sé más
lot easier people cry someone funeral ask going every while imagine would answer anything standard i fine one wants hear loneliness existential dread realised something
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lot easier people cry someone funeral ask going every while imagine would answer anything standard i fine one wants hear loneliness existential dread realised something" ]
mucho más fácil la gente llora alguien funeral pregunta ir cada vez que imagine responder cualquier cosa estándar yo bien uno quiere escuchar soledad miedo existencial realizado algo
teensy bit horny okay lied ive horny day posting would tell im bored
[ "teensy bit horny okay lied ive horny day posting would tell im bored" ]
teeny poco caliente bien mint ive día caliente posting le diría a mi aburrido
someone please wish happy birthdayim worst birthday ever ive celebrating whole day bc nobodys home feel fucking alone right now lmao didnt even get hear happy birthday today fuck feel like crying something really stupid rn mean definitely isnt hoped th birthday go welp guess someone please wish happy birthday feel least little bit happy today would kinda mean world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone please wish happy birthdayim worst birthday ever ive celebrating whole day bc nobodys home feel fucking alone right now lmao didnt even get hear happy birthday today fuck feel like crying something really stupid rn mean definitely isnt hoped th birthday go welp guess someone please wish happy birthday feel least little bit happy today would kinda mean world" ]
alguien por favor desea feliz cumpleañosim peor cumpleaños siempre en vivo celebrando todo el día bc nadie en casa se siente jodidamente solo en este momento lmao ni siquiera se escucha feliz cumpleaños hoy mierda se siente como llorar algo realmente estúpido rn significa definitivamente no espero que el cumpleaños go welp supongo que alguien por favor desea feliz cumpleaños se siente menos poco feliz hoy sería un poco malo mundo
got link survey sexual intercourse frequency quarantine lmao u guys r sex id lucky even see gf february
[ "got link survey sexual intercourse frequency quarantine lmao u guys r sex id lucky even see gf february" ]
geted link encuesta relaciones sexuales frecuencia cuarentena lmmao u chicos r sexo id suerte incluso ver gf febrero
reason dont wanna kill myselfis dont wanna make dad grandmother sad already going lot break heart hard im done everything gave trying nothing ever works me failed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason dont wanna kill myselfis dont wanna make dad grandmother sad already going lot break heart hard im done everything gave trying nothing ever works me failed" ]
Por eso no quiero matarme a mí mismo no quiero hacer que papá abuela triste ya va mucho romper el corazón duro hice todo lo que me dio intentar nada nunca funciona fallé
one acquaintances came todayi walking school happened pass asked hey man doing gave typical answer doing okay jokingly replied saying only okay well least hate everything want kill yourself haha know respond gave kind nervous laugh little know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one acquaintances came todayi walking school happened pass asked hey man doing gave typical answer doing okay jokingly replied saying only okay well least hate everything want kill yourself haha knowrespond gave kind nervous laugh little know" ]
Un conocido vino hoy a la escuela pase pasó preguntó hey hombre haciendo dio respuesta típica haciendo bromas bien respondió diciendo sólo bien bien menos odio todo quiere matarse haha sabe responder dio amable risa nerviosa poco saber
guess whos friends homophobic hell mine yet come feels fucking great knowing anything homosexuality
[ "guess whos friends homophobic hell mine yet come feels fucking great knowing anything homosexuality" ]
¿Adivina quiénes amigos homofóbico infierno mío y sin embargo venir se siente jodidamente genial sabiendo cualquier cosa homosexualidad
saw movie night sleep loved searched find would again probably best movie ever seen time even cast full people never seen seems like real life story based nyc kind movie elevates viewing pleasure see it hear feel it moment saw wirey drinking beer watching game imagined must like grow without father many lines movie use daily basis like the personal alone time bathroom drinking beverage great film
[ "saw movie night sleep loved searched find would again probably best movie ever seen time even cast full people never seen seems like real life story based nyc kind movie elevates viewing pleasure see it hear feel it moment saw wirey drinking beer watching game imagined must like grow without father many lines movie use daily basis like the personal alone time bathroom drinking beverage great film" ]
ver película noche sueño querido búsqueda encontraría probablemente mejor película nunca visto tiempo incluso elenco gente llena nunca visto parece como historia real basada en la historia nyc película amable eleva ver placer ver escuchar sentir momento vio wiley beber cerveza juego imaginado debe gustar crecer sin padre muchas líneas película uso diario base como el personal solo tiempo cuarto de baño bebida gran película
were stumbling around together unformed world whose rules objectives largely unknown seemingly indecipherable even possibly nonexistent always verge killed forces understand says ted pikul film people sums life existenz probably film existence real unreal tell difference not last line film superbly ambiguousbr br the film seems like shaggy dog story indeed real shaggy dog it takes along interesting ride full provocative cronenberg touches make look amphibians game pods fish spines bones new light bits quite icky takes place rural setting gas station called gas station chinese restaurant called chinese restaurantthe film engrossing texture leagues away usual big budget science fiction movieyou read many things film repays watching oncebr br the main actors jude law ok jennifer jason leigh great roles suit talented actor good role like unmatchable unconventional beauty fascinating voice suits part allegra looks great short black skirt too familiar actors given much do looks good sounds good howard shore score complements film well cronenberg possibly alfred hitchcock scifihorror genre matter film makes always worth watching
[ "were stumbling around together unformed world whose rules objectives largely unknown seemingly indecipherable even possibly nonexistent always verge killed forces understand says ted pikul film people sums life existenz probably film existence real unreal tell difference not last line film superbly ambiguousbr br the film seems like shaggy dog story indeed real shaggy dog it takes along interesting ride full provocative cronenberg touches make look amphibians game pods fish spines bones new light bits quite icky takes place rural setting gas station called gas station chinese restaurant called chinese restaurantthe film engrossing texture leagues away usual big budget science fiction movieyou read many things film repays watching oncebr br the main actors jude law ok jennifer jason leigh great roles suit talented actor good role like unmatchable unconventional beauty fascinating voice suits part allegra looks great short black skirt too familiar actors given much do looks good sounds good howard shore score complements film well cronenberg possibly alfred hitchcock scifihorror genre matter film makes always worth watching" ]
Un mundo sin forma, cuyas reglas objetivos en gran parte desconocido aparentemente indescifrable incluso posiblemente inexistente siempre las fuerzas muertas entender dice ted pikul película personas sumas vida existenciaz probablemente existencia película real irreal diferencia diferencia no última línea película magníficamente ambiguobr br la película parece como shaggy perro historia de hecho real shaggy perro lleva a lo largo interesante paseo completo provocativo cronenberg toques hacer parecer anfibios juego pods peces espinas huesos nuevos bits de luz muy desagradables toma lugar rural entorno estación de gas llamada gasolinera restaurante chino llamado restaurante chino la película absorbente textura leguas lejos habitual gran presupuesto ciencia ficción película lees muchas cosas películas paga una vez br los actores principales jude ley ok Jennifer jason leigh grandes papeles traje talentoso actor buen papel como unmatchingable belleza unconvencional fascinante voz trajes parte allegra parece gran falda negra demasiado familiares actores dado que mucho se ve bien howard score complementos película bien cronenberg posiblemente alfred hitchcock scifihorror género materia película hace que siempre vale la pena ver película película película
anyone know pills overdose die little pain possible sorry english bad help overdosing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone know pills overdose die little pain possible sorry english bad help overdosing" ]
alguien sabe píldoras sobredosis mueren poco dolor posible lo siento Inglés mala ayuda sobredosificación
whats problem tornadoes hurricanes america like bitch build house bricks concrete obviously wooden fucking house gonna stay together never heard three little piggies
[ "whats problem tornadoes hurricanes america like bitch build house bricks concrete obviously wooden fucking house gonna stay together never heard three little piggies" ]
¿Cuál es el problema tornados huracanes américa como perra construir casa ladrillos hormigón obviamente casa de madera de mierda va a permanecer juntos nunca oído tres cerditos
town mph wind rn watched streetlight fall semi tip side got learners permit today woooo
[ "town mph wind rn watched streetlight fall semi tip side got learners permit today woooo" ]
ciudad mph viento rn mira farola caída semi punta lado consiguió estudiantes permiso hoy woooo
messaged crush wish luck bois filler filler filler filler
[ "messaged crush wish luck bois filler filler filler filler" ]
mensajed machaque deseo suerte bois relleno relleno relleno relleno
wait judge ironically killed family free go
[ "wait judge ironically killed family free go" ]
espera juez irónicamente asesinado familia libre ir
regret starting print d printer going piii bu bzzz next hours
[ "regret starting print d printer going piii bu bzzz next hours" ]
lamento empezar a imprimir d impresora va piii bu bzzz las próximas horas
forget milk cereal first yall wash hair body first actually bothering youd better answer correctly
[ "forget milk cereal first yall wash hair body first actually bothering youd better answer correctly" ]
olvídese de leche cereal primero yull lavar el pelo cuerpo primero en realidad molestar a usted mejor responder correctamente
least painful way diecant anymore dont want really painful
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "least painful way diecant anymore dont want really painful" ]
menos dolorosa manera de morir ya no quieren realmente doloroso
im hate life know might seem like every stupid year old kid ive suicidal since would go kitchen late night reenact would slit throught rare dont suicidal thoughts feel like im waste air one loves want im bad school everyone sees failure idk last post reddit good night reddit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im hate life know might seem like every stupid year old kid ive suicidal since would go kitchen late night reenact would slit throught rare dont suicidal thoughts feel like im waste air one loves want im bad school everyone sees failure idk last post reddit good night reddit" ]
i odio la vida saber puede parecer como cada estúpido niño de año ive suicida ya que iría a la cocina tarde en la noche reenact se deslizó a través de poco raro no pensamientos suicidas se siente como im desperdicio de aire uno ama querer im mala escuela todo el mundo ve fracaso idk último post reddit buena noche reddit
world sadim fuckinghurting yall years torment abuse years healing shit alone years always alone get better better im fucking step program im even addicted drugs alcohol though true guess addicted something im fucking trying feel sadness look universe begging hope see pain injustice cant escape im either going die protest maybe death meaning im gonna blow worthless brains end dayfuck life worth this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "world sadim fuckinghurting yall years torment abuse years healing shit alone years always alone get better betterim fucking step program im even addicted drugs alcohol though true guess addicted something im fucking trying feel sadness look universe begging hope see pain injustice cant escape im either going die protest maybe death meaning im gonna blow worthless brains end dayfuck life worth this" ]
mundo sadim puto daño yull años tormento abuso años curación mierda solo años siempre solo mejoran maldito programa paso im incluso adictos a las drogas alcohol aunque verdadera conjetura adicto algo im puta tratando de sentir tristeza mirar universo la esperanza ver dolor injusticia no puedo escapar o bien morir protesta tal vez la muerte significa que voy a volar cerebros inútiles fin día mierda vida vale la pena esto
one best romantic classicteen deviyaan film selecting among equals soft emotionlovethis simple story middle class man came limelight poetic talent charming personality attracted towards three women vice versa one hindi movie star second rich lady third lives neighborhoodbr br the situation put confusion decide one life partnerhe asked days themultimately goes astrologer asked loves mosthis confusion came know lady living neighborhood really cares loves true lovedevanand played lead character fully justified contemporary romantic image
[ "one best romantic classicteen deviyaan film selecting among equals soft emotionlovethis simple story middle class man came limelight poetic talent charming personality attracted towards three women vice versa one hindi movie star second rich lady third lives neighborhoodbr br the situation put confusion decide one life partnerhe asked days themultimately goes astrologer asked loves mosthis confusion came know lady living neighborhood really cares loves true lovedevanand played lead character fully justified contemporary romantic image" ]
Una mejor película romántica clásica del adolescente deviyaan seleccionando entre iguales suave emociónamoresta historia simple hombre de clase media vino luz de relieve talento poético personalidad encantadora atraído hacia tres mujeres viceversa una estrella de cine hindi segunda dama rica tercera vida barriobr br la situación puso confusión decide una pareja de la vida le preguntó días el múltiples va astrólogo le preguntó amores mayoría su confusión vino saber dama viviendo barrio realmente se preocupa ama verdadero amordevan y jugó personaje plomo totalmente justificado imagen romántica contemporánea
escape fron thismy family believe therapy siblings thinks worthless nowhere go help faraway want end end it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "escape fron thismy family believe therapy siblings thinks worthless nowhere go help faraway want end end it" ]
Escapar de esta familia mi creen terapia hermanos piensa que no vale la pena ir a ningún lado ayuda lejos quieren acabar con él
tell someone want dieive suicidal thoughts pretty much everyday past years somehow im still mostly cant boyfriend love much dont know tell im extremely suicidal person breaks least week wishing could take miracle death pill weve dating years knows depression dont think knows bad is feel like cant tell bc die blame knowing cant burden another person anyone relate here dont need convincing stay alive bc im afraid end rn need advice this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tell someone want dieive suicidal thoughts pretty much everyday past years somehow im still mostly cant boyfriend love much dont know tell im extremely suicidal person breaks least week wishing could take miracle death pill weve dating years knows depression dont think knows bad is feel like cant tell bc die blame knowing cant burden another person anyone relate here dont need convincing stay alive bcim afraid end rn need advice this" ]
Dile a alguien que quiere pensamientos suicidas moribundos casi todos los días los últimos años de alguna manera todavía no puedo novio amor mucho no sé decirle a la persona extremadamente suicida descansos menos semana deseando podría tomar milagro píldora de la muerte weve citas años sabe depresión no creo que sabe mal es sentirse como no puedo decirle a bc morir culpa saber cant carga a otra persona nadie se relaciona aquí no necesita persuasión mantenerse vivo bcim miedo final rn necesidad consejo esto
farewell friend aka adieu lamihonour among thieves perfect neat entertaining thriller sees mismatched demobbed french algerian war veterans alain delon charles bronson trapped basement vault one return stolen bonds clean two million wages sitting christmas weekend naturally things quite simple even open vault leading neat twists turns debit side theres bizarre striptease scene car park bronson irritating fonzielike catchphrase uses inopportune moments brigitte fossey sporting perhaps hideously misconceived hairstyle s it makes look like bald woman whose wig blown back top head high wind something liability ill cook spaghetti ill learn make love well ill read shakespeare speech hysterical wrong ways shame horrible last lineshot otherwise surprisingly entertaining unpretentious number thats worth checking find decent printbr br cinema clubs uk dvd offers english soundtrack since delon voices rest cast fairly well dubbed thats great problem especially since widescreen transfer pretty good quality
[ "farewell friend aka adieu lamihonour among thieves perfect neat entertaining thriller sees mismatched demobbed french algerian war veterans alain delon charles bronson trapped basement vault one return stolen bonds clean two million wages sitting christmas weekend naturally things quite simple even open vault leading neat twists turns debit side theres bizarre striptease scene car park bronson irritating fonzielike catchphrase uses inopportune moments brigitte fossey sporting perhaps hideously misconceived hairstyle s it makes look like bald woman whose wig blown back top head high wind something liability ill cook spaghetti ill learn make love well ill read shakespeare speech hysterical wrong ways shame horrible last lineshot otherwise surprisingly entertaining unpretentious number thats worth checking find decent printbr br cinema clubs uk dvd offers english soundtrack since delon voices rest cast fairly well dubbed thats great problem especially since widescreen transfer pretty good quality" ]
amigo de despedida aka adieu lamihonour entre ladrones perfecto thriller de entretenimiento nítido perfecto ve descompuesto veteranos franceses de guerra algerianos alain delon charles bronson atrapado sótano bóveda una vuelta bonos robados limpios dos millones de salarios sentado fin de semana de Navidad naturalmente cosas bastante simple incluso abierta bóveda que se convierte en giros limpios lado débito teres bronson extraño escena striptease coche park bronson irritating fonzielike catchfrase utiliza momentos inoportunos brigitte fossey deportivo tal vez horriblemente mal concebido peinado peinado s s hace parecer como calvo mujer cuya peluca soplada espalda superior alto viento algo responsabilidad mal cocinero spaghetti mal aprender hacer el amor mal leído shakespeare discurso histérica maneras equivocadas vergüenza horrible última línea de otro modo sorprendentemente divertido número sin pretensiones que vale la pena comprobar encontrar decente printbr br cine clubs uk dvd ofrece banda sonora inglesa ya que voces delon descansan bastante bien conocido que es un gran problema especialmente desde amplia transferencia bastante buena calidad
anyone hereim sure begin ill start now mother advanced lung cancer step father intellectual incapacities shows word wrong im getting paranoid it im alright everything need someone talk to thoughts self harm redflag thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone hereim sure begin ill start now mother advanced lung cancer step father intellectual incapacities shows word wrong im getting paranoid itim alright everything need someone talk to thoughts self harm redflag thanks" ]
Alguien aquí está seguro de empezar mal ahora madre avanzado cáncer de pulmón paso padre incapacitaciones intelectuales muestra la palabra mal im conseguir paranoico itim bien todo necesita alguien hablar con los pensamientos auto daño Redflag gracias
one beautiful moving thought provoking films around good family entertainment time makes think hard issues involved every time see ghost zac riding bike puddle end cant help cry eyes out john thaws performance touching shame longer us gone forgotten outstanding film full marks
[ "one beautiful moving thought provoking films around good family entertainment time makes think hard issues involved every time see ghost zac riding bike puddle end cant help cry eyes out john thaws performance touching shame longer us gone forgotten outstanding film full marks" ]
un hermoso pensamiento conmovedor que provoca películas alrededor de buen tiempo de entretenimiento familiar hace pensar problemas duros involucrados cada vez ver fantasma zac montar en bicicleta charco extremo no puede ayudar a llorar ojos fuera John deshielo rendimiento tocar vergüenza más tiempo nos hemos olvidado excepcional película marcas completas
whoever says pokemon stupid die movie superlative even shead tear celebei died cry much film touching animated thriller br br in fourth installment pokemon ash friends must stop bad jerk making celebei ultimate evil weapon dark ball time sam celebei travel time continuously hunted game hunters like part double battle sam apricorn pokeball if played pokemon gold silver crystal know isbr br i also enjoyed miramax charge instead warner brothers putting mini movie end great idea pokemon movie come life ever
[ "whoever says pokemon stupid die movie superlative even shead tear celebei died cry much film touching animated thriller br br in fourth installment pokemon ash friends must stop bad jerk making celebei ultimate evil weapon dark ball time sam celebei travel time continuously hunted game hunters like part double battle sam apricorn pokeball if played pokemon gold silver crystal know isbr bri also enjoyed miramax charge instead warner brothers putting mini movie end great idea pokemon movie come life ever" ]
El que dice pokemon estúpido morir película superlativo incluso vaina lágrima celebei murió llorar mucho película tocar thriller animado br br en cuarta entrega pokemon fresno amigos deben dejar de mal idiota hacer celebei última arma malvada bola oscura tiempo sam celebei viaje tiempo continuamente cazado cazador de juegos como parte doble batalla sam apricorn pokeball si jugó pokemon oro cristal plata saber isbr bri también disfrutó carga miramax en lugar de guerra hermanos poner fin mini película gran idea pokemon película volver a la vida siempre
whats point fighting pain die eventuallyi cant take pain anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats point fighting pain die eventuallyi cant take pain anymore" ]
¿Cuál es el punto de lucha contra el dolor morir eventualmente no puedo soportar el dolor más
ive seen many dustin hoffmans movies like straw dogs rain man liked them characters much often calm even shy persons expected movie straw dogs saw totally different person much energetic film kinda reminded al pacino serpico movie interesting beginning end liked way dustin hoffmans character ready everything stay son movie also revealing personally think shows people learn find compromise self without involving people issue
[ "ive seen many dustin hoffmans movies like straw dogs rain man liked them characters much often calm even shy persons expected movie straw dogs saw totally different person much energetic film kinda reminded al pacino serpico movie interesting beginning end liked way dustin hoffmans character ready everything stay son movie also revealing personally think shows people learn find compromise self without involving people issue" ]
ive see many polvorin hoffmans películas como perros de paja lluvia hombre les gustaba los personajes muy a menudo calma incluso personas tímidas esperadas película paja perros vio totalmente diferente persona mucho película energética un poco recordó al pacino serpico película interesante principio final gusto manera polvorin hoffmans personaje listo todo permanecer hijo película también revelando personalmente pensar muestra la gente aprende encontrar compromiso yo sin involucrar a la gente problema
know im going itim going stab taking beautiful view park near live ill start day breaking shit boyfriend ill tell ex cheated her feed favourite foods ill make sure day talked said goodbye friends ill want ill go want ill tell person ive liked years like them then ill go park ill sit one boardwalks its empty night impale myself ill get high fuck it pain problem ill let bleed out ill throw knife water want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know im going itim going stab taking beautiful view park near live ill start day breaking shit boyfriend ill tell ex cheated her feed favourite foods ill make sure day talked said goodbye friends ill want ill go want ill tell person ive liked years like them then ill go park ill sit one boardwalks its empty night impale myself ill get high fuck it pain problem ill let bleed out ill throw knife water want die" ]
sé que voy itim va apuñalar tomando hermoso parque de vistas cerca de vivir mal comienzo día romper mierda novio mal contar ex engañar su alimentación alimentos favoritos mal asegurarse de que el día hablado dijo adiós amigos mal querer mal querer mal decirle a la persona le gusta años como ellos entonces mal ir parque mal sentarse un paseo marítimo su noche vacía empala mí mismo mal drogarse mierda dolor problema mal dejar desangrar mal tirar cuchillo agua quieren morir
u guys ever post thirst traps fun like dont even wanna talk anyone ill post occasional thirst trap instagram tiktok feel something
[ "u guys ever post thirst traps fun like dont even wanna talk anyone ill post occasional thirst trap instagram tiktok feel something" ]
u chicos siempre post trampas sed diversión como ni siquiera quiero hablar de alguien enfermo post ocasional trampa sed instagram tiktok sentir algo
ill keep briefi sexually assaulted last wednesday night want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ill keep briefi sexually assaulted last wednesday night wantdie" ]
Enfermo mantener breve agredido sexualmente último miércoles por la noche wantdie
cool no why oh understandable pancakeshttpsyoutubeykgqxk_vau watch cringe compilation httpsyoutubebxutezexm playing minecraft httpsyoutubejla_wo fortnite httpsyoutube_avikzo_mq cosplayinghttpsyoutubeegcyymdone overall nerd httpsyoutubeqblhs_jyui talking chemistry physics httpsyoutubeykhwqxcyhi numbers stuff sunrisehttpsyoutubemieiumm seahttpsyoutubedmjgicv_tn show gamer jackethttpsyoutubebmpclhxoxu schoolhttpsyoutubezyugkduz tried killing httpsyoutubekvpkivtboro supposed beautiful dayhttpsyoutubevywpveahapg
[ "coolno why oh understandable pancakeshttpsyoutubeykgqxk_vau watch cringe compilation httpsyoutubebxutezexm playing minecraft httpsyoutubejla_wo fortnite httpsyoutube_avikzo_mq cosplayinghttpsyoutubeegcyymdone overall nerd httpsyoutubeqblhs_jyui talking chemistry physics httpsyoutubeykhwqxcyhi numbers stuff sunrisehttpsyoutubemieiumm seahttpsyoutubedmjgicv_tn show gamer jackethttpsyoutubebmpclhxoxu schoolhttpsyoutubezyugkduz tried killing httpsyoutubekvpkivtboro supposed beautiful dayhttpsyoutubevywpveahapg" ]
No me importa por qué oh panqueques comprensibleshttpsyoutubeykgqxk_vau reloj cringe compilación httpsyoutubebxutezexm jugando minecraft httpsyoutubejla_wo fortnite httpsyoutubeykhwqxcyhi números cosas amanecerhttpsyoutubemiiumm marhttpsyoutubeegmjgicv_tn mostrar chaqueta de jugadorhttpsyoutubebmpclhxoxu escuelahttpsyoutubeykhwkduz intentó matar httpsyoutubekvkivtboro supuesto hermoso díahttpsyoutubevywpveahapg
bought rope againthe ropes thin though long could cut pieces braid it even know im posting here waste time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bought rope againthe ropes thin though long could cut pieces braid it even know im posting here waste time" ]
comprar cuerda de nuevo las cuerdas delgadas aunque largas podrían cortar piezas trenzan incluso sé que estoy publicando aquí pérdida de tiempo
im drowning selfloathingim fucking stupid ridiculous literally intelligent thought process goes head given time cant well exams fucking basic even monkey them everyone fucking thinks shit easy dont think makes stupid im god damn stupid im blight upon humanity deserve die hate stupid anyone put misery wish one ever believed keep disappointing people realise im really loser life everyone thinks smart actually biggest fucking piece shit ever sully earth someone please help feel like hyperventilating fucking time think im going die soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im drowning selfloathingim fucking stupid ridiculous literally intelligent thought process goes head given time cant well exams fucking basic even monkey them everyone fucking thinks shit easy dont think makes stupid im god damn stupid im blight upon humanity deserve die hate stupid anyone put misery wish one ever believed keep disappointing people realise im really loser life everyone thinks smart actually biggest fucking piece shit ever sully earth someone please help feel like hyperventilating fucking time think im going die soon" ]
I ahogando autoodioningim mierda estúpido literalmente inteligente proceso de pensamiento va cabeza dado tiempo no puede bien exámenes de mierda básico incluso mono todos piensan mierda fácil no pensar hace estúpido im dios maldito estúpido im plaga sobre la humanidad merece morir odio estúpido cualquiera poner miseria deseo uno nunca cree seguir decepcionando a la gente darse cuenta im realmente perdedor vida todo el mundo piensa inteligente realmente más grande mierda mierda nunca mancha tierra alguien por favor ayudar a sentir como hiperventilación puto tiempo pensar im va a morir pronto
im gonna kill tonightim done feeling pain world collapsing dreams dying family members dying im debt lost car lost job goodbye world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im gonna kill tonightim done feeling pain world collapsing dreams dying family members dying im debt lost car lost job goodbye world" ]
Im va a matar esta nocheim hecho sentir dolor mundo colapsando sueños moribundos familiares moribundos im deuda coche perdido trabajo perdido mundo adiós
re im losing mindthis supposed response post just deleted think freshly posted received responses the post user seem deleted middle typing response anyhow original poster still reddit reading i hope so quick response alone peak hours right people probably asleep its am california right now im best person offer advice since im quite lost depressed state situation exactly i guess nobody really exact situation i too struggle am feel like ive become enemy people say cant let depression define you im struggling see line drawn anyhowsorry cant offer better words encouragement wanted say alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "re im losing mindthis supposed response post just deleted think freshly posted received responses the post user seem deleted middle typing response anyhow original poster still reddit reading i hope so quick response alone peak hours right people probably asleep its am california right now im best person offer advice since im quite lost depressed state situation exactly i guess nobody really exact situation i too struggle am feel like ive become enemy people say cant let depression define you im struggling see line drawn anyhowsorry cant offer better words encouragement wanted say alone" ]
re im perder la mente este mensaje de respuesta supuesta acaba de eliminar pensar recién publicado respuestas recibidas el usuario del post parecen eliminado media respuesta mecanografiado de todos modos original cartel todavía reddit lectura espero tan rápida respuesta solo horas punta derecho gente probablemente dormido su am california en este momento im mejor persona ofrecer consejos desde im bastante perdido situación deprimido estado exactamente supongo que nadie realmente situación exacta yo también lucha soy sentir como ive convertirse en enemigo gente decir no puede dejar que la depresión definir im lucha ver línea dibujado de todos modos no puede ofrecer mejores palabras de estímulo quería decir solo
went run rained hard shirt soaked white shirt thank god wearing bra even though bright pink embarrassing like check weather going run
[ "went run rained hard shirt soaked white shirt thank god wearing bra even though bright pink embarrassing like check weather going run" ]
go go run llovió camisa dura empapada camisa blanca gracias a Dios con sujetador aunque rosa brillante embarazoso como comprobar el tiempo va a correr
deleting sat scores httpsyoutubembqdxcfuehttpsyoutubembqdxcfue
[ "deleting sat scores httpsyoutubembqdxcfuehttpsyoutubembqdxcfue" ]
borrando puntuaciones sat httpsyoutubembqdxcfuehttpsyoutubembqdxcfue
update last post tried talk mom headache soon broached subject ig well try tomorrow lazy check basically hour long mental breakdown prolly undiagnosed bipolar
[ "update last post tried talk mom headache soon broached subject igwell try tomorrow lazy check basically hour long mental breakdown prolly undiagnosed bipolar" ]
actualización último post tratado hablar madre dolor de cabeza pronto brocheado sujeto igwell intentar mañana perezoso cheque básicamente largo hora crisis mental prolly bipolar no diagnosticada
days great days want kill myselfive attempted redflag once took roxycodone pills xanax klonopin drank half bottle nyquil half bottle dayquil know im explaining but yeah now sometimes day like morningafternoon great night get depressed want kill myself one day ill happy next ill want kill myself happen cant happy always gonna nagging thought fuck up right kill first time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "days great days want kill myselfive attempted redflag once took roxycodone pills xanax klonopin drank half bottle nyquil half bottle dayquil know im explainingbut yeahnow sometimes day like morningafternoon great night get depressed want kill myself one day ill happy next ill want kill myself happen cant happy always gonna nagging thought fuck up right kill first time" ]
días grandes días quieren matar a mi mismo intento Redflag una vez tomó píldoras de roxicodona xanax klonopin bebió mitad botella niquil mitad botella dayquil saber im explicar pero síahora a veces día como la mañana por la tarde gran noche conseguir deprimido querer matarme un día mal feliz siguiente mal querer matarme suceder no puede ser feliz siempre va a regañar pensamiento mal matar la primera vez
rented movie without heard or read anything it shame movie intelligent witty hilarious fastpaced realistically ridiculous characters manage get developed without relying heavily clichd tired stereotypes refreshing watch help thinking marketing would helped lob notsomainstream movie starvedforintelligentcomedy mainstream quality dialogue ease actors execute huge range awkwardness heartbreak comedy rare daysi felt actors must really enjoyed participating something rich national treasure number one box office three weeks rowit weak many ways mention guess im happy movies like seeing still made somewhere there
[ "rented movie without heard or read anything it shame movie intelligent witty hilarious fastpaced realistically ridiculous characters manage get developed without relying heavily clichd tired stereotypes refreshing watch help thinking marketing would helped lob notsomainstream movie starvedforintelligentcomedy mainstream quality dialogue ease actors execute huge range awkwardness heartbreak comedy rare daysi felt actors must really enjoyed participating something rich national treasure number one box office three weeks rowit weak many ways mention guess im happy movies like seeing still made somewhere there" ]
película alquilada sin escuchar o leer nada es vergüenza película inteligente ingenioso hilarante ritmo rápido realísticamente ridículos personajes manejan se desarrollan sin confiar en estereotipos cansados clichés muy refrescantes ver ayuda pensando que el marketing ayudaría a nosomainstream película hambreparainteligentecomedia principal calidad diálogo facilidad actores ejecutar enorme gama torpeza corazón comedia raro días senti actores deben disfrutar de participar algo rico tesoro nacional número uno box office tres semanas rowit débil muchas maneras mencionen adivinar im películas felices como ver todavía hecho en algún lugar allí
im bored ask whatever httpsimgurcomaghpjev dms open want im m
[ "im bored ask whatever httpsimgurcomaghpjev dms open want im m" ]
im aburrido preguntar lo que httpsimgurcomaghpjev dms abierto quiere im m
need advice ive wanted date someone two years started talking now tell feel last years keep mouth shut
[ "need advice ive wanted date someone two years started talking now tell feel last years keep mouth shut" ]
Necesito consejo. Una cita buscada. Alguien que hace dos años empezó a hablar. Ahora diga que siente que los últimos años mantienen la boca cerrada.
wish people caredim guy im ive cleft lip whole life made depressed ive actually tried kill couple times it enough courage anymore baby sister im scared life could affected death right feel alone nobody life seems care friends want around make depressed parents mock tried commit redflag think problems typical adults understand passing someone hallway school makes shake im nervous anything productive know nobody permanently help feel better ive always thought back head girlfriend a girl loved was would happy always makes feel extremely guilty everyone tells worry first also doesnt everyone want relationship makes special guess im posting here hopefully nobody say that think thing could help even girl hugged me would make happy long time year ago got hug girl best thing ever joke nobody cares tried times actually know many spent many many months talking girls absolute best patient respectful nice mention depression feel like thats best could do girls even want talk me confidence left embarrassing like said everyone tells im young nothing worry about friends call bitch bit emotional thing done made everyone else happier shutting saying nothing want shut good
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish people caredim guy im ive cleft lip whole life made depressed ive actually tried kill couple times it enough courage anymore baby sister im scared life could affected death right feel alone nobody life seems care friends want around make depressed parents mock tried commit redflag thinkproblems typical adults understand passing someone hallway school makes shake im nervous anything productive know nobody permanently help feel better ive always thought backhead girlfriend a girl loved was would happy always makes feel extremely guilty everyone tells worry first also doesnt everyone want relationship makes special guess im posting here hopefully nobody say that think thing could help even girl hugged me would make happy long time year ago got hug girl best thing ever joke nobody cares tried times actually know many spent many many months talking girls absolute best patient respectful nice mention depression feel like thats best could do girls even want talk me confidence left embarrassing like said everyone tells im young nothing worry about friends call bitch bit emotional thing done made everyone else happier shutting saying nothing want shut good" ]
Deseo que la gente cuidedim chico im ive labio hendido toda la vida hecho deprimido ive realmente trató matar un par de veces suficiente coraje más bebé hermana im miedo vida podría afectar la muerte derecho nadie vida parece cuidado amigos quieren hacer deprimido padres burlarse de cometer Redflag pensamiento problemas típicos adultos entender pasar alguien pasillo escuela hace temblarme nervioso nada productivo saber nadie permanentemente ayudar a sentirse mejor ive pensamiento backhead novia una chica amada era feliz siempre hace sentir extremadamente culpable todo el mundo dice preocupación primero también no todos quieren relación hace conjeturas especiales im publicar aquí con suerte nadie dice que pensar cosa podría ayudar incluso chica me abrazó haría feliz largo tiempo hace año tengo abrazo chica mejor cosa nunca broma nadie se preocupa probado tiempos en realidad saben muchos pasados muchos meses chicas hablando absolutamente mejor paciente respetuoso agradable mención depresión se siente como que lo mejor podría hacer las niñas incluso quieren hablar me dejó vergüenza como dijo todo le dice im joven nada preocuparse de amigos llamar perra poco emocional hecho todos los demás más felices cerrado decir nada quiere cerrar bien bueno
playing much games summer quarantine realised cop ambulance vehicles minutes hearing sirens front building
[ "playing much games summer quarantine realised cop ambulance vehicles minutes hearing sirens front building" ]
jugar muchos juegos cuarentena verano realizado policía ambulancia vehículos minutos oír sirenas edificio delantero
get gf supportive lmao ampxb processing img mkazzfkdi
[ "get gf supportive lmao ampxb processing img mkazzfkdi" ]
Obtener gf soporte lmmao ampxb procesamiento img mkazzfkdi
homelessness like chronic illnessgonna homeless again time expect happen fifth count bunch stuff money storage friends help move did thinking selling ending shit im built paycheck paycheck lifestyle breaking cycle poverty seems impossible wanna leave bed cause going long time till one again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "homelessness like chronic illnessgonna homeless again time expect happen fifth count bunch stuff money storage friends help move did thinking selling ending shit im built paycheck paycheck lifestyle breaking cycle poverty seems impossible wanna leave bed cause going long time till one again" ]
sin hogar como la enfermedad crónica vanna sin hogar de nuevo el tiempo espera que suceda quinta cuenta montón de cosas de almacenamiento de dinero amigos ayudar a moverse hizo pensar venta final mierda im construido pago cheque de pago estilo de vida romper ciclo de pobreza parece imposible querer dejar la cama porque va mucho tiempo hasta uno de nuevo
tips better confidence hello need advice confident less shy really sure else say
[ "tips better confidence hello need advice confident less shy really sure else say" ]
consejos mejor confianza hola necesidad consejo seguro menos tímido realmente seguro más decir
found cockroaches bed one closet get rid them someone actually help im terrified cockroaches im go bed two climbing crack bed do im going sleep couch bc im genuinely terrified
[ "found cockroaches bed one closet get rid them someone actually help im terrified cockroaches im go bed two climbing crack bed do im goingsleep couch bc im genuinely terrified" ]
encontrado cucarachas cama un armario deshacerse de ellos alguien realmente ayudar a mi aterrorizado cucarachas im ir cama dos escalada crack cama do im gosleep sofá bc im genuinamente aterrorizado
theres guy thats dick day long wont say names thats rules usually jojosomething theyre shitty person fuckoffdickhead
[ "theres guy thats dick day long wont say names thats rules usually jojosomething theyre shitty person fuckoffdickhead" ]
El tipo que es un día de mierda no dice nombres que las reglas suelen ser jojo algo que son una persona de mierda mierda cabeza de chorlito
dont want live anymoreim literally friends since years old im pretty sure mild quiet form bpd also pretty sure social anxiety avoidance personality disorder both im fucking lonely ive always people talk work school ends soon walk door people talk outside work right grandparents mom siblings online friend talked time eventually got tired clingy annoying cut off im lonely physically hurts hate myself cry sleep night wake crying morning dont want anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want live anymoreim literally friends since years old im pretty sure mild quiet form bpd also pretty sure social anxiety avoidance personality disorder bothim fucking lonely ive always people talk work school ends soon walk door people talk outside work right grandparents mom siblings online friend talked time eventually got tired clingy annoying cut offim lonely physically hurts hate myself cry sleep night wake crying morning dont want anymore" ]
No quiero vivir más, literalmente amigos desde años de edad im bastante seguro suave forma tranquila bpd también bastante seguro ansiedad social evitar el trastorno de personalidad ambosim mierda solitario ive siempre la gente hablar trabajo escuela termina pronto caminar puerta gente hablar fuera de trabajo derecho abuelos mamá hermanos en línea amigo habló tiempo finalmente se cansó pegajoso molesto corte offim solitario físicamente lastima odio llorar sueño noche despertar llorando mañana no quiero más
girl school said ugly eyes idea means regular dark brown eyes anyone tell means someone tells youyou ugly eyes least let know im ugly
[ "girl school said ugly eyes idea means regular dark brown eyes anyone tell means someone tells youyou ugly eyes least let know im ugly" ]
chica escuela dijo feo ojos idea significa regular ojos marrones oscuros cualquiera decir significa que alguien te dice feo ojos menos dejar saber im feo
hi guys story wrote english assignment tell think warning story quite dark standards vaguely mentions physical abuse enjoy the solution ampxb opened eyes didnt help couldnt see thing jolt fear ran me gone blind blinked times slowly could see vague shapes around me tried peer ahead fog gloom impeding vision saw appeared barren desolate muddy wasteland rotting trees looming beside me looked could see sun stars moon dark blanket clouds floating menacingly head descend upon crush me felt holding strange stick right hand looked hand realized wasnt holding stick knife sharp dagger precise dripping blood flung ground shock wiped blood hand onto pants frantically looked around me confused got hold weapon then second thought saw something ground little fog hand walked closer towards mysterious object yes hand hand whole body small girl lay ground arms legs splayed out couldnt older covered blood eyes wide open still unmoving horror staggered away body turned ran stopped again blood bodies piling top other ran again everywhere went found bodies still unmoving finally stopped dropped knees bodies around me felt like suffocating me knees saw dagger again done this could possible become monster slid ground prayed over suddenly huge thunderstrike sounding like gunshot woke sleep wait dream seemed real thought breathed huge sigh relief then almost took back looked around me remembering true reality situation sat up looking far wall bland dark stained wall looked around me walls looking almost identical felt cramped like walls closing me small dim light hanging ceiling home mind wandered thinking got horrible situation brought head take surroundings far end room could see tiny kitchenette appliances sitting bench gathering dust contrast wall behind almost sparkled dim light dozen knives stuck magnetic wall shining bright full moon glimpsed peeking small ivycovered window looking knives brings sense comfort took back childhood collecting knives hobby id spend hours cleaning them sharpening them arranging them escape outside world knife dream too didnt bring comfort felt uneasy almost scared might done kind fear ive feeling since childhood pushed feet walked unsteadily small alcove bathroom facilities were used sleeve sweatstained black hoodie wipe dust mirror peer mirror see holloweyed disheveled stranger staring vacantly back me let become creature staggered shower stripping clothes letting fall onto tiled floor turned water showerhead stuttered spit water out slow first strong flow water hit me stepped back weakened body unprepared sudden impact spray leaned spray temporarily enjoying feeling clean water running hair onto body water splashed onto face remember couldnt breathe greasy palms pressing neck grabbing hair muffled laughter barrier water separating us water continues flow crumple floor head hands flashbacks getting frequent still much done many lives saved innocents needed protection would protector never had needed finish project hair still damp dripped like blood dream shook away impatiently rubbed bloodshot eyes almost finished connected last wires carefully sealed glowing capsule inside airtight lead casing could fulfill purpose could save everyone inevitable pain anguish suffering life brings heaved sigh relief first time months allowed small smile linger haggard face took knife rack strapped side would need hands work first time months eased open door cringed loud creak checked hallway furtively one there dragged burden hallway grimacing unaccustomed weight arrived set creation pressed button done everyone free clutched knife close chest waited doubt lingered late go back become
[ "hi guys story wrote english assignment tell think warning story quite dark standards vaguely mentions physical abuse enjoy the solution ampxb opened eyes didnt help couldnt see thing jolt fear ran me gone blind blinked times slowly could see vague shapes around me tried peer ahead fog gloom impeding vision saw appeared barren desolate muddy wasteland rotting trees looming beside me looked could see sun stars moon dark blanket clouds floating menacingly head descend upon crush me felt holding strange stick right hand looked hand realized wasnt holding stick knife sharp dagger precise dripping blood flung ground shock wiped blood hand onto pants frantically looked around me confused got hold weapon", "then second thought saw something ground little fog hand walked closer towards mysterious object yes hand hand whole body small girl lay ground arms legs splayed out couldnt older covered blood eyes wide open still unmoving horror staggered away body turned ran stopped again blood bodies piling top other ran again everywhere went found bodies still unmoving finally stopped dropped knees bodies around me felt like suffocating me knees saw dagger again done this could possible become monster slid ground prayed over suddenly huge thunderstrike sounding like gunshot woke sleep wait dream seemed real thought breathed huge sigh relief then almost took back looked around me remembering true reality situation sat up looking far wall bland dark stained wall looked around me walls looking almost identical felt cramped like walls closing me small dim light hanging ceiling home mind wandered thinking got horrible situation brought head take surroundings far end room could see tiny kitchenette appliances sitting bench gathering dust contrast wall behind almost sparkled dim light dozen knives stuck magnetic wall shining bright full moon glimpsed peeking small ivycovered window looking knives brings sense comfort took back childhood collecting knives hobby id spend hours cleaning them sharpening them arranging them escape outside world knife dream too didnt bring comfort felt uneasy almost scared might done kind fear ive feeling since childhood pushed feet walked unsteadily small alcove bathroom facilities were used sleeve sweatstained black hoodie wipe dust mirror peer mirror see holloweyed disheveled stranger staring vacantly back me", "let become creature staggered shower stripping clothes letting fall onto tiled floor turned water showerhead stuttered spit water out slow first strong flow water hit me stepped back weakened body unprepared sudden impact spray leaned spray temporarily enjoying feeling clean water running hair onto body water splashed onto face remember couldnt breathe greasy palms pressing neck grabbing hair muffled laughter barrier water separating us water continues flow crumple floor head hands flashbacks getting frequent still much done many lives saved innocents needed protection would protector never had needed finish project hair still damp dripped like blood dream shook away impatiently rubbed bloodshot eyes almost finished connected last wires carefully sealed glowing capsule inside airtight lead casing could fulfill purpose could save everyone inevitable pain anguish suffering life brings heaved sigh relief first time months allowed small smile linger haggard face took knife rack strapped side would need hands work first time months eased open door cringed loud creak checked hallway furtively one there dragged burden hallway grimacing unaccustomed weight arrived set creation pressed button done everyone free clutched knife close chest waited doubt lingered late go back become" ]
hola chicos historia escribió Inglés asignación contar pensar advertencia historia bastante oscuro estándares vagamente menciona abuso físico disfrutar de la solución ampxb ojos abiertos no ayudó no podía ver cosa jolt miedo me pasó ciego parpadeo tiempos lentamente podía ver formas vagas alrededor de mí intentó peer adelante niebla oscuridad obstáculo visión vista parecía estéril barro desolado tierra baldío árboles podridos que se avecinaban a mi lado mirado podía ver sol estrellas luna manta nubes oscuras amenazante cabeza descender sobre aplastamiento me sentía sosteniendo extraño palo mano derecha mirado mano se dio cuenta no estaba sosteniendo palo cuchillo agudo daga precisa sangre goteado tierra choque limpiado sangre mano en pantalones frenéticamente mirada alrededor me confundido consiguió sostener arma
im giving self monthsidk wanna die ya want live anymore nothing except tears months things change ill livei think anything changei friends really know wanti want anyone im scared human beings every human good actorfake emotions family miss fine happy later on ok heres im posting what three months im anyway gonna die wanna experience stuffhelp out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im giving self monthsidk wanna die ya want live anymore nothing except tears months things change ill livei think anything changei friends really know wanti want anyone im scared human beings every human good actorfake emotions family miss fine happy later on ok heres im posting what three months im anyway gonna die wanna experience stuffhelp out" ]
I dándose a sí mismo messidk quiero morir ya quiero vivir más nada excepto lágrimas meses las cosas cambian mal livei creo que cualquier cosa cambio amigos realmente sé que quiero a alguien im seres humanos asustados cada humano buen actor emociones falsas familia falta bien feliz más tarde en ok heres im publicar lo que tres meses im de todos modos voy a morir quiero experimentar cosas ayudar a cabo
belong worldi never begin withim tired ive actively passively suicidal since years young thinking taking out want end violent disturbing life was growing up want one find me somewhere forests montana lake colorado always wanted move think thats ill find sort peace love nature ive ever loved anything entire life want surrounded die want given back earth put stupid box thrown ground gift come earth would bring last bit peace able give back it im sorry cant shit more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "belong worldi never begin withim tired ive actively passively suicidal since years young thinking taking out want end violent disturbing life was growing up want one find me somewhere forests montana lake colorado always wanted move think thats ill find sort peace love nature ive ever loved anything entire life want surrounded die want given back earth put stupid box thrown ground gift come earth would bring last bit peace able give back it im sorry cant shit more" ]
worldi nunca comienzan con su cansado live activamente pasivamente suicidas desde años jóvenes pensando sacar el fin fin de la vida violenta perturbadora era crecer quiero que uno me encuentre en algún lugar bosques montana lago colorado siempre quiso mover creo que es mal encontrar tipo paz amor naturaleza live siempre amó cualquier cosa vida entera quiere rodeado morir quiero dar vuelta tierra puesta estúpida caja arrojada regalo tierra venir tierra traería último poco paz capaz de devolverlo im lament cant mierda más
misfits military school hmmmm sounds funny maybe offensive some characters there arab thief sex crazy teen smart mouth pot smoker forget guy burns things throw strict nonsense sergent homosexual sergent one sexy ammunition teacher makes one crazy film adventurebr br i seen film funny comedy revolved around fact try work together things get donebr br these band misfit students weinberg military school placed because sgt liceman quotes because outcasts embarrassments families communities disgraces one ralph macchios earlier performances karate kid cousin vinny appearances barbara bach well film appeals teens young adultsbr br great soundtrack keeps film moving
[ "misfits military school hmmmm sounds funny maybe offensive some characters there arab thief sex crazy teen smart mouth pot smoker forget guy burns things throw strict nonsense sergent homosexual sergent one sexy ammunition teacher makes one crazy film adventurebr br i seen film funny comedy revolved around fact try work together things get donebr br these band misfit students weinberg military school placed because sgt liceman quotes because outcasts embarrassments families communities disgraces one ralph macchios earlier performances karate kid cousin vinny appearances barbara bach well film appeals teens young adultsbr br great soundtrack keeps film moving" ]
inadaptados escuela militar hmmmm suena divertido tal vez ofensivo algunos personajes arab ladrón sexo loco adolescente inteligente boca fumador olvidar chico quema cosas tirar estricta sin sentido sergent homosexual sergent una sexy munición profesor hace una loca película aventurabr br i visto película divertida comedia girada en torno a hecho tratar de trabajar juntos cosas get dobbr br estas bandas estudiantes inadaptados escuela militar weinberg puesto porque sgt piceman citas porque parias vergüenzas familias comunidades deshonras un ralph macchios actuaciones anteriores karate niño primo vinny apariciones barbara bach bien cine apelaciones adolescentes jóvenes adultos br gran banda sonora mantiene la película en movimiento
tiredi stupid amount money owed various places owed council due fact flatmate initially failed declare tax exemption court hearing said owed money th sept divorcing parents tearing whole family setup farewell abusive husband father mother me flatmate leaving go live someone else expected happen growing tired living could tell hard find work chosen career depression impedes efforts work times have tired feeling dull constant ache throbbing feels being nearly breaking middle supermarkets unable tell people around feel would gladly cease existence oh yes mind long wish around deal aftermath mother stepfather friends such aftermath would horrible note would fix anything brothers sisters fill place know feeling death another leaves open wound empty bare could die affect noone would lovely im throwing hands air shouting one last fuck you jumping front oncoming train want go quietly night nothing more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tiredi stupid amount money owed various places owed council due fact flatmate initially failed declare tax exemption court hearing said owed money th sept divorcing parents tearing whole family setup farewell abusive husband father mother me flatmate leaving go live someone else expected happen growing tired living could tell hard find work chosen career depression impedes efforts work times have tired feeling dull constant ache throbbing feels being nearly breaking middle supermarkets unable tell people around feel would gladly cease existenceoh yes mind long wish around deal aftermath mother stepfather friends such aftermath would horrible note would fix anything brothers sisters fill place know feeling death another leaves open wound empty bare could die affect noone would lovely im throwing hands air shouting one last fuck you jumping front oncoming train want go quietly night nothing more" ]
tinthi estúpida cantidad de dinero debe varios lugares debe consejo debido hecho flatmate inicialmente falló declaración exención de impuestos audiencia de la corte dijo debe dinero th sep divorcing padres destrozando toda la familia configuración adiós marido abusivo padre madre mi compañero de piso salir de vivir alguien otro esperado suceder cansado vivir podría decir duro encontrar trabajo elegido carrera depresión impedimentos esfuerzos tiempo de trabajo han cansado sentirse aburrido constante dolor de cabeza se siente casi romper supermercados medios incapaz de decir a la gente alrededor sentir con gusto dejar de existiroh sí mente largo deseo alrededor de acuerdo secuelas madre padrastro amigos tales consecuencias horrible nota arreglaría cualquier hermano hermana llena lugar saber sentir muerte otra hoja abierta herida vacía podía morir afectar a nadie encantador im tirar las manos aire gritando una última mierda saltar frente en tren quiere ir tranquila noche nada más
so look like eboy chromosomes gave curtains shit look like tiktok eboy time get bullied
[ "so look like eboy chromosomes gave curtains shit look like tiktok eboy time get bullied" ]
Así que parece que eboy cromosomas dio cortinas mierda parece tiktok tiempo eboy ser intimidado
phrase describe far a series unfortunate events probably goes world thought worst years ever might bad years
[ "phrase describe far a series unfortunate events probably goes world thought worst years ever might bad years" ]
frase describe lejos una serie de acontecimientos desafortunados probablemente va mundo pensado peores años jamás podría mal años
please helpthere several thesehttpwwwthinkgeekcomproductbtabs hidden inside house keeps night seriously cant take more nobody takes seriously unable locate them longer hear direction coming several
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please helpthere several thesehttpwwwthinkgeekcomproductbtabs hidden inside house keeps night seriously cant take more nobody takes seriously unable locate them longer hear direction coming several" ]
Por favor, ayuda a varios de estos httpwwwthinkgeekcomproductobtabs ocultos dentro de la casa mantiene la noche seriamente no se puede tomar más nadie toma en serio incapaz de localizarlos más largo escuchar la dirección que viene varios
planned redflag todayi idea anybodys actually going read this know im posting ive tried everything medication help therapy help thought relationship would make happy thought getting dog would make happy thought moving would make happy nothing changed exception brief periods actively wanting die feel like live everything ive done others others done me ive made many mistakes knew could start over would heartbeat cant theres changing ive done think shoulder burden anymore went every option available overdose asphyxiation even shooting myself honestly put thought dinner friday deserve something quick something painless needs hurt deserve hurt happen read this thank you hope better spot right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "planned redflag todayi idea anybodys actually going read this know im posting ive tried everything medication help therapy help thought relationship would make happy thought getting dog would make happy thought moving would make happy nothing changed exception brief periods actively wanting die feel like live everything ive done others others done me ive made many mistakes knew could start over would heartbeat cant theres changing ive done think shoulder burden anymore went every option available overdose asphyxiation even shooting myself honestly put thought dinner friday deserve something quick something painless needs hurt deserve hurt happen read this thank you hope better spot right now" ]
planeed redflag todayi idea alguien va realmente leer este saber i publicar i i i ha intentado todo la medicación ayuda terapia ayuda pensamiento relación haría feliz pensamiento conseguir perro haría feliz pensamiento moverse haría feliz nada cambio excepción breves períodos que quieren morir activamente se siente como vivir todo lo que ha hecho otros otros me han hecho i i i ha cometido muchos errores sabía que podría empezar de nuevo latidos del corazón cant theres cambio ive hecho pensar hombro carga más ido cada opción disponible sobredosis asfixia incluso tiro honestamente puesto pensamiento cena viernes merecen algo rápido algo indoloro necesidades dolor merecer dolor suceder leer este gracias esperanza mejor lugar ahora
new here need helphi guys sorry im breaking rules but ive thinking redflag alot dont think act could ever do family friends etc im dark place need someone anonymous talk to please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new here need helphi guys sorry im breaking rules but ive thinking redflag alot dont think act could ever do family friends etc im dark place need someone anonymous talk to please help" ]
nuevo aquí necesitan ayuda chicos lo siento estoy rompiendo las reglas, pero ive pensamiento Redflag mucho no creo que el acto podría hacer amigos de la familia, etc lugar oscuro necesito alguien anónimo hablar para por favor ayudar
soul mateim years old nearing ive praying death year now always felt like never good enough older brother always better everything parents seemed love always felt like dissapointment got uni met girl fell madly love get insanely well would anything her person makes feel like normal person im away feels like theres nothing left me completes makes feel whole boyfriend really nice guy would get really well way treats makes despise him always late everything unorganized past laughable asked go meal old friends ex recently got engaged girl love want go persisted agreed blew friends go him tells her long shift work go something get known weeks understandably angry went home got pjs meal family finished phoned told meal asked was phone comforting her upset angry said would see evening turned turned hours later said would said apologise would take breakfast late too still forgave him also took girl wanted sleep before see girl loves favourite play theatre understandably upset this somehow convinced unreasonable im always one comfort boyfriend whatever wants everything im left nothing ive desire death met girl found felt human since ive comforted boyfriend many times desire death never greater reason write now help found felt incredibly sad promised would stay around long needed boyfriend visiting since arrived barely says word feel use finally run out stuck girl described worst year life often referred rock always tried hardest make happy put smile face boyfriend long distance relationship btw tried make situation people made feel awful better made worse often forgets consider hard tried last year her continually mentions boyfriend perfect glandular fever thats hard says looked grim glandular fever saw pictures still looked beautiful glorifies everything feel like im becoming worth less less seem need anymore feel getting closer closer redflag even boss work realised something up know do want end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "soul mateim years old nearing ive praying death year now always felt like never good enough older brother always better everything parents seemed love always felt like dissapointment got uni met girl fell madly love get insanely well would anything her person makes feel like normal person im away feels like theres nothing left me completes makes feel whole boyfriend really nice guy would get really well way treats makes despise him always late everything unorganized past laughable asked go meal old friends ex recently got engaged girl love want go persisted agreed blew friends go him tells her long shift work go something get known weeks understandably angry went home got pjs meal family finished phoned told meal asked was phone comforting her upset angry said would see evening turned turned hours later said would said apologise would take breakfast late too still forgave him also took girl wanted sleep before see girl loves favourite play theatre understandably upset this somehow convinced unreasonableim always one comfort boyfriend whatever wants everything im left nothing ive desire death met girl found felt human since ive comforted boyfriend many times desire death", "never greater reason write now help found felt incredibly sad promised would stay around long needed boyfriend visiting since arrived barely says word feel use finally run out stuck girl described worst year life often referred rock always tried hardest make happy put smile face boyfriend long distance relationship btw tried make situation people made feel awful better made worse often forgets consider hard tried last year her continually mentions boyfriend perfect glandular fever thats hard says looked grim glandular fever saw pictures still looked beautiful glorifies everything feel like im becoming worth less less seem need anymore feel getting closer closer redflag even boss work realised something up know do want end" ]
Soul mateim años de edad cerca de vivir orando muerte año ahora siempre se sentía como nunca lo suficientemente bueno hermano mayor siempre mejor todo los padres parecían amor siempre se sentían como disapointment uni met girl cay locamente amor conseguir locamente bien cualquier cosa que su persona hace sentir como persona normal im lejos se siente como no hay nada me completa hace sentir todo novio realmente buen chico conseguiría muy bien go go go go go siempre tarde todo no organizado pasado risible preguntado go go amigos ex novia novia novia novia novia novia novia persistente go go le dice su trabajo largo turno go algo conocido semanas comprensiblemente enojado ir a casa consiguió pjs comida familia terminó telefoneó dijo comida preguntó era teléfono consolando su enojado enojado dijo que la tarde se volvió vuelta horas después dijo que disculparía tomar desayuno tarde demasiado aún así lo perdonó también se llevó chica quería dormir antes de ver chica ama juego favorito teatro comprensiblemente molesto este de alguna manera convencido razonable novio consuelo lo que quiere todo im quiero nada vida vida vida vida vida vida muerte encontró chica se sintió humano desde novio muchas veces deseo vida confortado muerte
leaving people behindi cant talk stuff anywhere may kill get goal weight want live loose skin disgusting want repulsive unlovable covered rashes wrinkles infections want least achieve goal die see need see scale buy gun time worried people upset die love enough want stick around want hurt all sad sure leave note idea plan this feel sad imagine poor niece missing me confused friends mom husband hope cool okay it just case anyone reads this no money surgery yes even another country
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "leaving people behindi cant talk stuff anywhere may kill get goal weight want live loose skin disgusting want repulsive unlovable covered rashes wrinkles infections want least achieve goal die see need see scale buy gun time worried people upset die love enough want stick around want hurt all sad sure leave note idea plan this feel sad imagine poor niece missing me confused friends mom husband hopecoolokay it just case anyone reads thisno money surgery yes even another country" ]
Dejando a la gente atrasi no puedo hablar cosas en cualquier lugar puede matar conseguir peso objetivo quiero vivir piel suelta desagradable querer repulsivo poco adorable cubierto sarpullidos infecciones quieren menos lograr objetivo morir ver necesidad ver escala comprar pistola tiempo preocupado personas molestas morir amor lo suficiente quiero quedarse cerca quieren dolor todo triste seguro dejar nota idea plan esta sensación triste imaginar pobre sobrina que me echa de menos amigos confundidos mamá marido esperanza coolokay sólo caso cualquiera lee estono dinero cirugía sí incluso otro país
tw moroccan sucide hotline number hhey hey name rayna need help please ive feeling pretty weak mentally physically past last months time would try vent family would simply ignore saying its phase growing up simply took away phone thinking letting talk friends eventually try vent them am writing small message laptop sucide slf hrm mental illnesses are sadly really taboo thing country concidered haram since moroccan people closedminded would like moroccan sucide hotline number even tho doubt theres one thanks taking time read im really sorry possible spelling mistakes english first language im still trying improve
[ "tw moroccan sucide hotline number hheyhey name rayna need help please ive feeling pretty weak mentally physically past last months time would try vent family would simply ignore saying its phase growing up simply took away phone thinking letting talk friends eventually try vent them am writing small message laptop sucide slf hrm mental illnesses are sadly really taboo thing country concidered haram since moroccan people closedminded would like moroccan sucide hotline number even tho doubt theres one thanks taking time read im really sorry possible spelling mistakes english first language im still trying improve" ]
tw moroccan sucide número de línea directa hheyhey nombre rayna necesidad de ayuda por favor ive sensación bastante débil mentalmente pasado los últimos meses tiempo intentaría la familia de ventilación simplemente ignoraría decir que su fase de crecimiento simplemente se llevó lejos teléfono pensando dejar hablar amigos finalmente tratar de ventilar estoy escribiendo pequeño mensaje portátil sucide slf hrm enfermedades mentales son tristemente tabú cosa país haram decidido ya que la gente marroquí cerrado mente le gustaría moroccan sucide número de línea directa incluso tho duda Theres uno gracias a tomar el tiempo de leer im realmente lo siento posibles errores de ortografía Inglés primer idioma im todavía tratando de mejorar
sister reached decision get married guy i say im bi im wearing bridal gown sister going go dress shopping together look fabulous bridal gown
[ "sister reached decision get married guyi say im biim wearing bridal gown sister going go dress shopping together look fabulous bridal gown" ]
hermana llegó a la decisión casarse guyi decir im biim con vestido de novia hermana va a ir de compras vestido juntos se ven fabuloso vestido de novia
lights new york first alltalking feature film been course jazz singer released oct first feature film incorporating synchronized dialog however film released july virtually unremembered place film history started short gradually tacked clocking minutes accidentally became first alltalking feature film opened grind house run warner bros surprise made million dollars good money back br br the plot quite simple two country barbers naively buy barber shop broadway fronts speakeasy the hawk gangster learn truth cant afford get out younger barber eddie mothers money tied place kitty younger barbers girlfriend gangster hawk wheeler oakman eye turning older girlfriend gladys brockwell newer model chorus girl kittyhelene costello cop killed trying stop hawks men unloading shipment bootleg liquor hawk sees opportunity frame eddie thus getting kitty himselfbr br this early talkie loads fun enthusiast pioneering works sure plot elementary dialog stilted something see much early talkies background musical scoring vitaphone originally used purpose still using musical accompaniment along dialog singing dancing numbers scenes hawks nightclub used opportunity show films could never musical numbers even wildeyed emcee heavy makeup left silent era hoot watchbr br vitaphone could go outdoors point due static camera booths scene park two lovers eddie kitty simulated cheaply greenery looks like something ed wood movie perhaps high school production our town br br gladys brockwell hawks castoff girlfriend delivers lines punch real trooper considering lines deliver hawk so think chicken want throw back deck huh mixed metaphors anyone final lines ive lived ive loved ive lost someone get paid write dialog brockwell making good success talkie career scoring triumphs silent films the evil sister seventh heaven fatal car accident cut career shortbr br then eugene palette older two barbers story frog voice natural delivery lines cuddly appearance gave long career character actor usually appearing putupon family manbusinessman gruff exterior heart gold fact mr palette member cast still notable career films three years movie releasedbr br finally question where microphone hidden microphones still stationary point fun figure theyve hidden it one famous scene though everybody pretty much figure out hawk office talking two henchman seem comprehend slowly talk taking eddie ride watch scene swear phone desk character film front center whole conversation microphone likely planted phonebr br there something heroic pioneers flying blind face new technology sound silent actors accustomed using pantomime expression vaudevillians know play live audience know make impression vitaphone camera booth dialog writers either trying write conversation compactly title cards filling films endless chatter br br check one out boring moves fast loads fun know look for no expect one ever bluray hope folks warner brothers add warner archive soon everyone see it
[ "lights new york first alltalking feature film been course jazz singer released oct first feature film incorporating synchronized dialog however film released july virtually unremembered place film history started short gradually tacked clocking minutes accidentally became first alltalking feature film opened grind house run warner bros surprise made million dollars good money back", "br br the plot quite simple two country barbers naively buy barber shop broadway fronts speakeasy the hawk gangster learn truth cant afford get out younger barber eddie mothers money tied place kitty younger barbers girlfriend gangster hawk wheeler oakman eye turning older girlfriend gladys brockwell newer model chorus girl kittyhelene costello cop killed trying stop hawks men unloading shipment bootleg liquor hawk sees opportunity frame eddie thus getting kitty himselfbr br this early talkie loads fun enthusiast pioneering works sure plot elementary dialog stilted something see much early talkies background musical scoring vitaphone originally used purpose still using musical accompaniment along dialog singing dancing numbers scenes hawks nightclub used opportunity show films could never musical numbers even wildeyed emcee heavy makeup left silent era hoot watchbr br vitaphone could go outdoors point due static camera booths scene park two lovers eddie kitty simulated cheaply greenery looks like something ed wood movie perhaps high school production our town br br gladys brockwell hawks castoff girlfriend delivers lines punch real trooper considering lines deliver hawk so think chicken want throw back deck huh mixed metaphors anyone final lines ive lived ive loved ive lost someone get paid write dialog brockwell making good success talkie career scoring triumphs silent films the evil sister seventh heaven fatal car accident cut career shortbr br then eugene palette older two barbers story frog voice natural delivery lines cuddly appearance gave long career character actor usually appearing putupon family manbusinessman gruff exterior heart gold fact mr palette member cast still notable career films three years movie releasedbr br finally question where microphone hidden microphones still stationary point fun figure theyve hidden it one famous scene though everybody pretty much figure out hawk office talking two henchman seem comprehend slowly talk taking eddie ride watch scene swear phone desk character film front center whole conversation microphone likely planted phonebr br there something heroic pioneers flying blind face new technology sound silent actors accustomed using pantomime expression vaudevillians know play live audience know make impression vitaphone camera booth dialog writers either trying write conversation compactly title cards filling films endless chatter br br check one out boring moves fast loads fun know look for no expect one ever bluray hope folks warner brothers add warner archive soon everyone see it" ]
luces Nueva York primero alltalking largometraje ha sido curso cantante de jazz lanzado octubre primer largometraje incorporando diálogo sincronizado sin embargo película lanzado julio lugar virtualmente no recordado historia de cine comenzó corto poco a poco tacked minutos de relojería accidentalmente se convirtió en primer alltalking película abierta grind house run warner bros sorpresa hizo millones de dólares buen dinero de vuelta
know might feeling many relate to depression less half life due many different factors things happened throughout lifei used drink alcohol quite frequently even smoke lot weed however quit things completely couple months ago another journey itselfi knew indulging different substances make highdrunk pushed feelings redflag depression aside making disappear forgetting moment came back last couple months completely facing shit unable or say unwilling escape means constantly feeling want cry time little feeling want let floods real got much tension inside know potential would feel much better afterwards time feel empty cannot cry matter hard try feels like emotions somehow trapped deep inside me would need terrible reason able let go pressure instead letting go getting rid it keeps staying is really frustrating want cry cannot
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know might feeling many relate to depression less half life due many different factors things happened throughout lifei used drink alcohol quite frequently even smoke lot weed however quit things completely couple months ago another journey itselfi knew indulging different substances make highdrunk pushed feelings redflag depression aside making disappear forgetting moment came back last couple months completely facing shit unable or say unwilling escape means constantly feeling want cry time little feeling want let floods real got much tension inside know potential would feel much better afterwards time feel empty cannot cry matter hard try feels like emotions somehow trapped deep inside me would need terrible reason able let go pressure instead letting go getting rid it keeps staying is really frustrating want cry cannot" ]
Sé que podría sentir que muchos se relacionan con la depresión menos la mitad de la vida debido a muchos factores diferentes las cosas pasaron a lo largo de la vida consumo de alcohol con bastante frecuencia incluso humo mucho hierba sin embargo dejar las cosas por completo hace un par de meses otro viaje sí mismo sabía indultar diferentes sustancias hacer alta borrachera empujado sentimientos rojoflag depresión aparte hacer desaparecer momento de olvido regresó los últimos dos meses completamente frente a la mierda incapaz o decir no querer escapar significa constantemente sentir llorar tiempo poco querer dejar inundaciones real tener mucha tensión dentro saber potencial se sentiría mucho mejor después de tiempo sentirse vacío no puede llorar duramente tratar de sentir emociones de alguna manera atrapadas profundamente dentro de mí necesitaría terrible razón capaz de dejar ir la presión en lugar de dejar ir se mantiene es realmente frustrante querer llorar no puede
ive finally realized somethingfirst all ill apologize errors post submitting mobile doubt many people read anyway im sure im apologizing im even bothering put throwaway nevertheless ive battling severe depression anxiety past eight years now selfharm selfhate like job recently admit needed help finally decided medicate myself intensify feelings ive increasingly paralyzing panic attacks self mutilating almost every day since hate feeling like this honestly like remember like genuinely happy thats realized really want earth anymore yes amazing support system theyre thing keeping here im years old ill graduating college soon ive heart broken truly believe im worth loved hate see every single day look mirror im unpopular even lonely im tired sad time ive missed classes count want get go life thing holding ending knowing badly would hurt others guess ill continue hurt means hurting end im loss guess im really looking answer sort needed let out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive finally realized somethingfirst all ill apologize errors post submitting mobile doubt many people read anyway im sure im apologizing im even bothering put throwaway nevertheless ive battling severe depression anxiety past eight years now selfharm selfhate like job recently admit needed help finally decided medicate myself intensify feelings ive increasingly paralyzing panic attacks self mutilating almost every day since hate feeling like this honestly like remember like genuinely happy thats realized really want earth anymoreyes amazing support system theyre thing keeping here im years old ill graduating college soon ive heart broken truly believe im worth loved hate see every single day look mirror im unpopular even lonely im tired sad time ive missed classes count want get go life thing holding ending knowing badly would hurt others guess ill continue hurt means hurting endim loss guess im really looking answer sort needed let out" ]
ive finalmente se dio cuenta de algo primero todos los errores de disculparse mal post envío móvil duda mucha gente leer de todos modos estoy seguro im apologizing im incluso molestarse poner desecho sin embargo ive lucha contra la depresión severa ansiedad hace ocho años ahora autolesión autohambre como trabajo recientemente admitir necesidad de ayuda finalmente decidido medicarme intensificar mis sentimientos ive cada vez más paralizantes ataques de pánico auto mutilarse casi todos los días ya que odio sentir como esto honestamente recordar como genuinamente feliz que se realizó realmente quieren tierra más sí increíble sistema de apoyo son cosa mantener aquí im años de edad enfermo graduarse universidad pronto corazón vivo roto realmente creo que vale la pena amor odio ver todos los días mirar espejo im impopular solitario incluso cansado triste tiempo ive falta clases contar querer ir cosa llevar a cabo la vida sabiendo mal otros adivinar mal continuar lastimado significa dolor endima pérdida adivinar im realmente buscar respuesta tipo necesario dejar salir
try kill real according cruel ultimatumi mean yeah like heavily depends future look like anyways whether not know follow ultimatum still shit might hit fan yeah guess ill happen i hope course
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "try kill real according cruel ultimatumimeanyeah like heavily depends future look like anyways whether not know follow ultimatum still shit might hit fanyeah guess ill happeni hope course" ]
tratar de matar real de acuerdo cruel ultimatumimeanyeah como depende fuertemente futuro mirada como de todos modos si no saber seguir ultimátum todavía mierda podría golpear fanyeah adivinar mal passi esperanza curso
every time happier feel sadder feel after hate feeling happy feels foreign
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every time happier feel sadder feel after hate feeling happy feels foreign" ]
cada vez más feliz sentirse más triste después de odiar sentirse feliz se siente extranjero
failed everything matters mei want complete waste life end fucking stupid euthanasia illegal here would give money blow every god damn person company way kill painlessly
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "failed everything matters mei want complete waste life end fucking stupid euthanasia illegal here would give money blow every god damn person company way kill painlessly" ]
fallida todo lo que importa mei quiere completo desperdicio vida final mierda estúpida eutanasia ilegal aquí le daría dinero soplar a cada maldita persona compañía manera matar sin dolor
believe it want pull trigger cant deal knowing unknown ahead time fucked lolive reading posts forum past weeks breaks heart time get weird feeling comfort knowing one wants commit redflag planning redflag quite based many different events happened life feel really want go it bought gun new sig mm legion guess want go style also want make sure bullet maximum destruction ive read enough human anatomy base brain know want aim gun practiced putting gun mouth pulling trigger however cant get brain accept real bullet condition able pull trigger think im afraid happens next tell next basically nothingness exist anymore thought seems illogical cant comprehend nonexistence anyone else problems way getting past instinctive need survive thanks readinglistening
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "believe it want pull trigger cant deal knowing unknown ahead time fucked lolive reading posts forum past weeks breaks heart time get weird feeling comfort knowing one wants commit redflag planning redflag quite based many different events happened life feel really want go it bought gun new sig mm legion guess want go style also want make sure bullet maximum destruction ive read enough human anatomy base brain know want aim gun practiced putting gun mouth pulling trigger however cant get brain accept real bullet condition able pull trigger think im afraid happens next tell next basically nothingness exist anymore thought seems illogical cant comprehend nonexistence anyone else problems way getting past instinctive need survive thanks readinglistening" ]
Creer que quiere jalar gatillo cant trato saber desconocido antes de tiempo follada lolive lectura posts foro semanas pasadas descansos corazón tiempo conseguir extraño sentir comodidad saber que uno quiere cometer Redflag planificación Redflag bastante basado muchos eventos diferentes sucedió vida sentir realmente querer ir comprar pistola nueva sig mm legión adivinar querer ir estilo también querer asegurarse de bala destrucción máxima ive lectura suficiente anatomía humana base cerebro saber querer objetivo pistola practicada poner pistola boca tirar gatillo sin embargo no conseguir cerebro aceptar verdadera condición bala capaz gatillo pensar miedo im sucede siguiente decir básicamente nada existe más pensamiento parece ilógico cant comprender la no existencia cualquier otro problema manera de conseguir pasado instintivo necesidad sobrevivir gracias lectura
join discord server chats homework venting hobbies memes gaming politics if that music etc dm interested
[ "join discord server chats homework venting hobbies memes gaming politics if that music etc dm interested" ]
unirse a la discordia servidor chats tarea ventilar hobbies memes política de juegos si esa música etc dm interesado
tell friendsthrowaway account reasons met vast majority friends internet kill im sure theyd ever know title says tell im killing let slowly forget me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tell friendsthrowaway account reasons met vast majority friends internet kill im sure theyd ever know title says tell im killing let slowly forget me" ]
Dile a los amigos que la cuenta de lanzamiento razones se reunió gran mayoría amigos Internet matar seguro que alguna vez conocerían el título dice que la muerte de decir Im dejar que lentamente me olviden
hows everyone checkpoint dont forget save
[ "hows everyone checkpoint dont forget save" ]
¿Cómo es que todos los puestos de control no se olvidan de salvar
anyone else ssris feeling like completely blocked creative thinking might coincidence creativity really bad now like cant think things anymoreim prozac btw
[ "anyone else ssris feeling like completely blocked creative thinking might coincidence creativity really bad now like cant think things anymoreim prozac btw" ]
cualquier otra persona ssris se siente como completamente bloqueado pensamiento creativo podría coincidencia creatividad realmente malo ahora como no puedo pensar las cosas másim prozac btw
inb no trans feel way could choose gender would get birth would love one want die gender
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "inb no trans feel way could choose gender would get birth would love onewant die gender" ]
inb ninguna trans se siente manera de elegir el género conseguiría el nacimiento amaría onewant die género
nobody believes ill itive decided give life school relationship girlfriend going shit told ive tried kill thought college thought joking told itd okay went last night told scared losing drifting apart scared felt way girl told thatd wed talk tomorrow stopped talking halfway night still read messages think make day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nobody believes ill itive decided give life school relationship girlfriend going shit told ive tried kill thought college thought joking told itd okay went last night told scared losing drifting apart scared felt way girl told thatd wed talk tomorrow stopped talking halfway night still read messages think make day" ]
Nadie cree que enfermizo decidió dar vida relación escuela novia va mierda le dijo a ive trató de matar pensamiento la universidad pensó broma dijo que bien fue anoche dijo miedo perder a la deriva distancia miedo sentir como chica dijo que se casaba hablar mañana dejó de hablar media noche todavía leer mensajes pensar hacer día
internet service provider isp make long story short one access isp know u use incognito mode still keeps ur history must figure access plz cox helps all thank you
[ "internet service provider isp make long story short one access isp know u use incognito mode still keeps ur history must figure access plz cox helps all thank you" ]
Internet service provider isp hacer historia larga corta un acceso isp saber u uso incognito modo todavía mantiene su historia debe figura acceso plz cox ayuda a todos gracias
lets sing songs d comments song title replies lyrics please cooperate
[ "lets sing songs d comments song title replies lyrics please cooperate" ]
permite cantar canciones d comentarios canción título respuestas letras por favor cooperar
anyone thoughts this get suicide ideation comes mind benzoheroin od
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone thoughts this get suicide ideation comes mind benzoheroin od" ]
alguien piensa que esto se suicida ideación viene mente benzoheroína od
reasons liveall reasons live people husband son mum sisters best friend none meant walk life them push them weight fact feels like cant breathe
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reasons liveall reasons live people husband son mum sisters best friend none meant walk life them push them weight fact feels like cant breathe" ]
razones liveall razones live people marido hijo madre hermanas mejor amigo ninguno significaba caminar vida ellos empujar ellos hecho de peso se siente como no puede respirar
counts redflag attemptif someone take like mg ibuprofen even knew wouldnt kill knew dangerous body weight would count redflag attempt would like self destructive behaviour self harm
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "counts redflag attemptif someone take like mg ibuprofen even knew wouldnt kill knew dangerous body weight would count redflag attempt would like self destructive behaviour self harm" ]
cuenta intento de bandera roja si alguien toma como mg de ibuprofeno incluso sabía que no mataría sabía que el peso corporal peligroso contaría intento de bandera roja como comportamiento autodestructivo autolesión
found ammo box no messing around drugs knives actually kill now best part missed anyone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "found ammo box no messing around drugs knives actually kill now best part missed anyone" ]
encontrado caja de municiones no jugar alrededor de cuchillos de drogas en realidad matar ahora mejor parte se perdió a nadie
redflag planon throwaway account cause cant find post main acc probably time ill post anyway could write whole books worth stuff theres really anytime explain ive set certain intervals time likely end attempting redflag im planning day day im giving years see kind change im pretty sure ill kick bucket cant explain feel life isnt inherently bad im good health mentally cant find anything good myself beat constantly one world cares all im saying cause refuse open anyone longer expect anything good bad happen go motions dont tell anyone feel hold everything hate appearing weak even though im trying hard man try hard stoic void feelings eats soul none friends give shit me dont know anyone irl know one girl every time tried talk gave advice always hear understand itll get better basically means nothing boyfriend sometimes take kind meaningful interaction someone shes normally phone im blabbering idiot nothing offer wish instead understand someone would would instead try lend hand meet me talk me ask day nope redflag becomes tantalizing world disconnected shit im caught middle one would care left it people never say anything face moment die theyll go oh great guy sycophants post social media look like good person im invisible everyone thats price pay existing really want get better somewhere me light follow really hope doesnt come taking well might
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag planon throwaway account cause cant find post main acc probably time ill post anyway could write whole books worth stuff theres really anytime explain ive set certain intervals time likely end attempting redflag im planning day day im giving years see kind change im pretty sure ill kick bucket cant explain feel life isnt inherently badim good health mentally cant find anything good myself beat constantly one world cares all im saying", "cause refuse open anyone longer expect anything good bad happen go motions dont tell anyone feel hold everything hate appearing weak even though im trying hard man try hard stoic void feelings eats soul none friends give shit me dont know anyone irl know one girl every time tried talk gave advice always hear understand itll get better basically means nothing boyfriend sometimes take kind meaningful interaction someone shes normally phone im blabbering idiot nothing offer wish instead understand someone would would instead try lend hand meet me talk me ask day nope redflag becomes tantalizing world disconnected shit im caught middle one would care left it people never say anything face moment die theyll go oh great guy sycophants post social media look like good person im invisible everyone thats price pay existing really want get better somewhere me light follow really hope doesnt come taking well might" ]
redflag planon throwaway account cause cant find post main acc probablemente time mal post de todos modos podría escribir libros enteros cosas que valen la pena Theres realmente en cualquier momento explicar ive set ciertos intervalos tiempo probable terminar intentando redflag im planificación día im dar años ver cambio amable im bastante seguro mal patada cubo no puede explicar sentir la vida es inherentemente bádim buena salud mental no puede encontrar nada bueno yo mismo golpear constantemente un mundo se preocupa todos los im diciendo
whole body hurts head feels swollen chronic pain combined panic attacks depression mix probably going loose job help kids bullying making videos comparing head egg jesus christ feel worthless cannot keep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whole body hurts head feels swollen chronic pain combined panic attacks depression mix probably going loose job help kids bullying making videos comparing head egg jesus christ feel worthless cannot keep" ]
todo el cuerpo duele la cabeza se siente hinchado dolor crónico combinado ataques de pánico depresión mezcla probablemente va a perder trabajo ayudar a los niños bullying haciendo videos comparando huevo cabeza Jesús Cristo se siente inútil no puede mantener
kinda obvious im hereive dealing bipolar depression years best friend killed around year half ago ive talked mom lot since seeing suffer knowing mom would suffer similarly killed thing preventing it sometimes feel like pressure ironically causes additional duress edit really know im posting here im sitting room alone guess want feel less lonely thoughts bit jumbled turned drugs reddit seeking help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kinda obvious im hereive dealing bipolar depression years best friend killed around year half ago ive talked mom lot since seeing suffer knowing mom would suffer similarly killed thing preventing it sometimes feel like pressure ironically causes additional duress edit really know im posting here im sitting room alone guess want feel less lonely thoughts bit jumbled turned drugs reddit seeking help" ]
Un poco obvio im hereive traficando depresión bipolar años mejor amigo asesinado hace alrededor de la mitad del año hace ive hablado mamá mucho desde ver sufrir sabiendo que mamá sufriría similar cosa asesinada previniendo a veces se siente como presión irónicamente causa edición adicional realmente sé im publicar aquí im sala de estar solo adivinar querer sentir menos pensamientos solitarios poco revueltos drogas reddit buscando ayuda
hello want feel less lonely server need you yes you pm link also say frog sent me please really need this lgbt friendly
[ "hello want feel less lonely server need youyes you pm link also say frog sent me please really need this lgbt friendly" ]
Hola quiero sentir menos solitario servidor te necesita sí pm enlace también decir rana me envió por favor realmente necesita este lgbt amistoso
kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank you oh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank youoh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today" ]
kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die elen por favor entender presente deseo subdued it escrito carta quería escribir decisión de niña final ella todos los demás mejor sin mancha lamenta añadir otro fracaso enorme paquete dolor todo el mundo podría dar maldito fracaso niña pequeña ver crecer hombre amor nena mucho razón mensaje preguntar simple deseo gracias gracias dejar parte comunidad esto no puede decir deberse a que acta sopa pipa forma cencorship prevalece mantener Internet vivo libre ustedes mismos niños futuro lucha amargo final reddit chan gag memebase ganar ciberguerra creer todos gracias oh pequeña ps película favorita que teme virginia lanaf ver papeles ricard burton elizabeth taylor plantado trascender cada película viene hoy