everyone hostile americans like understand disliking government that dont cunt american people didnt shit oh well ancestors owned slaves um family came escape world fucking war one like jesus christ one civil anymore
[ "everyone hostile americans like understand disliking government that dont cunt american people didnt shitoh well ancestors owned slaves um family came escape world fucking war one like jesus christ one civil anymore" ]
todos los americanos hostiles como entender que el gobierno antipático que no coño gente americana no mierda bien antepasados propiedad de esclavos um familia vino escapar de la puta guerra mundial uno como Jesús Cristo uno civil más
fuck it like thoughts matter anyway exist think killing daily realised neurotypical behaviour it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck it like thoughts matter anyway exist think killing daily realised neurotypical behaviourit" ]
A la mierda como los pensamientos importan de todos modos existen pensar matar diario realizado comportamiento neurotípicoit
future girldaughter wants treated like princess so means want live dirty castle dont bath married young old creep
[ "future girldaughter wants treated like princess so means want live dirty castle dont bath married young old creep" ]
futuro hija quiere tratada como princesa así que quiere vivir sucio castillo no bañarse casado joven viejo cretino
need motivation school im adhd learning disabilities absolutely hate school although all got fs classes refused work since im sophomore year theres law called no child left behind something kid get held back stuff want good year graduate get degree not school im adult
[ "need motivation school im adhd learning disabilities absolutely hate school although all got fs classes refused work since im sophomore year theres law called no child left behind something kid get held back stuff want good year graduate get degree not schoolim adult" ]
necesidad motivación escuela im adhd aprendizaje discapacidades absolutamente odio escuela aunque todas las clases de Fs se negó a trabajar desde que en segundo año no hay ley llamada ningún niño se queda atrás algo chico se retienen cosas quieren un buen año graduarse obtener el título no schoolim adulto
confusedlike lot people here idk want die tbh keep trying either wuss attempt doesnt workand try go theres reason must here try again idk anymore im tired broke keep trying life idk live makes sense
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "confusedlike lot people here idk want die tbh keep trying either wuss attempt doesnt workand try go theres reason must here try again idk anymore im tired broke keep trying life idk live makes sense" ]
Confundido como un montón de gente aquí idk quiere morir tbh sigue intentando cualquier intento de cobarde no funciona y tratar de ir allí razón debe aquí intentar de nuevo idk más cansado roto seguir intentando la vida idk en vivo tiene sentido
feel like failurewhenever try voice hopelessness people around remind failures cant anything better myself strive achieve something get ridiculed used arguments ive job since stopped working second child born still get depressed leaving others childcare people supported decision call lazy useless worthless unaccomplished forgive hurt also fault mine im pathetic dark soul begrudging happiness hated see content im tired sounds ridiculous entire life people mean me husband thought ally mocks telling complex vs world world cant wrong ive attempted redflag honestly love children cant catch break im garbage person cant get away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like failurewhenever try voice hopelessness people around remind failures cant anything better myself strive achieve something get ridiculed used arguments ive job since stopped working second child born still get depressed leaving others childcare people supported decision call lazy useless worthless unaccomplished forgive hurt also fault mine im pathetic dark soul begrudging happiness hated see content im tired sounds ridiculous entire life people mean me husband thought ally mocks telling complex vs world world cant wrong ive attempted redflag honestly love children cant catch break im garbage person cant get away" ]
Se siente como un fracaso cuando se intenta voz desesperanza la gente alrededor de recordar fracasos no puede nada mejor yo mismo esforzarse lograr algo se ridiculiza argumentos usados trabajo ive desde que dejó de trabajar segundo hijo nacido todavía se deprime dejando a otras personas cuidado de niños apoyado decisión llamada perezoso inútil inútil no cumplido perdonar daño también culpa mi im patético alma oscura rugido felicidad odiado ver contenido im cansado sonidos ridículo vida entera gente significa que mi marido pensó que aliarse burlas diciendo complejo vs mundo mundo no puede mal ive intento rojo honestamente amor niños no pueden coger descanso im basura persona no puede escapar
whelp time best sit down school work lonely
[ "whelp time best sit down school work lonely" ]
El tiempo es mejor sentarse a trabajar solo en la escuela.
life chipped awayeveryday feel pain tell people need help use situations im happy im never happy im putting happy face know im terrible person doesnt help people say im angel need somewhere painless somewhere dont get bullied punched replaced entire life someone im thought redflag year three sensitive spontaneously start crying eyes hurt want free free pain smart fail everything like jesus christ sports team give wrong medal making last apparently im lying even bother life jumped window ledge finally felt free supposed say hi mum like jumping buildings like seriously bothering life tldr want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life chipped awayeveryday feel pain tell people need help use situations im happy im never happy im putting happy face know im terrible person doesnt help people say im angel need somewhere painless somewhere dont get bullied punched replaced entire life someone im thought redflag year three sensitive spontaneously start crying eyes hurt want free free pain smart fail everything like jesus christ sports team give wrong medal making lastapparently im lying even bother life jumped window ledge finally felt free supposed say hi mum like jumping buildings like seriously bothering life tldr want die" ]
La vida destrozada todos los días sentir dolor decirle a la gente necesidad de ayuda uso situaciones im feliz im nunca feliz im poner cara feliz saber im terrible persona no ayuda a la gente decir im ángel necesita en algún lugar indoloro en algún lugar no ser intimidado puñetazos reemplazó toda la vida alguien im pensamiento Redflag año tres sensibles comienzan espontáneamente llorar ojos lastimados quieren gratis dolor libre inteligente fallar todo como Jesús Christ equipo deportivo dar una medalla equivocada haciendo lastapparentemente im mentira incluso molestia vida salto repisa ventana finalmente se sintió libre supuesto decir hola mamá como saltar edificios como seriamente molestar vida tldr quieren morir
cant post images cant post images
[ "cant post images cant post images" ]
cant post images cant post images
feel like crying right past week half worst really feeling great right
[ "feel like crying right past week half worst really feeling great right" ]
Siento ganas de llorar la semana pasada la mitad peor realmente sentirse bien bien
brother tried kill himselfidk feel visited days ago kept sighing wanted ask wrong showed absolutely interest tried reaching along siblings shit bad multiple times gave nothing would beat little jealousy stole shit always scared him ive grown downright hate feel like total piece shit gave absolutely nothing years finally make visit ask mom money say nothing me idk maybe came test see anyone cared blew it sent message explaining hope responds probably not thought fucking i attempt recently found time brought hospital siblings counting one living us mom said anything afterwards never happened still dont mention it ive thinking like wow right ol one would notice gone true since ive gotten reckless suicidal person seemed give shit dad found first place didnt say much himself thinking one want help other who right now really wants contact brother tell much love dont want die maybe didnt know dont know regardless sent know felt dont want go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "brother tried kill himselfidk feel visited days ago kept sighing wanted ask wrong showed absolutely interest tried reaching along siblings shit bad multiple times gave nothing would beat little jealousy stole shit always scared him ive grown downright hate feel like total piece shit gave absolutely nothing years finally make visit ask mom money say nothing me idk maybe came test see anyone cared blew it sent message explaining hope responds probably not thoughtfucking i attempt recently found time brought hospital siblings counting one living us mom said anything afterwards never happened still dont mention it ive thinking likewow right ol one would notice gone true since ive gotten reckless suicidal person seemed give shit dad found first place didnt say much himself thinking one want help other who right now really wants contact brother tell much love dont want die maybe didnt know dont know regardless sent know felt dont want go" ]
hermano intentó matarse a sí mismoidk se siente visitado hace días se mantuvo suspirando quería preguntar mal demostrado absolutamente interés trató de llegar a lo largo hermanos mierda mal varias veces no dio nada golpear poco celos robó mierda siempre miedo él i growd downright odio se siente como pedazo total mierda dio absolutamente nada años finalmente hacer visita pedir dinero pedir a mamá decir nada me idk tal vez vino prueba ver a alguien le importó envió mensaje explicando esperanza responde probablemente no pensé follando me intento encontrar tiempo trajo hermanos hospital contando uno vivo nosotros mamá dijo nada después nunca pasó todavía no mencionarlo ive pensar comowow derecho ol uno se daría cuenta de que se hizo realidad ya que ive consiguió imprudente persona suicida parecía dar mierda papá encontrado primer lugar no dijo mucho él mismo pensando que uno quiere ayudar a otro que ahora realmente quiere contactar hermano decir mucho amor no quiero morir tal vez no lo sé independientemente de lo enviado sentid no quiero ir
stupid poll stupid idea anyways crush considered popular person quiet person scale quiet kid popular person ever im honestly curious ratio could answer feel comfortable
[ "stupid poll stupid idea anyways crush considered popular person quiet person scale quiet kid popular person ever im honestly curious ratio could answer feel comfortable" ]
estúpida encuesta estúpida idea de todos modos aplastamiento considerado persona popular persona tranquila escala niño tranquilo persona popular siempre im proporción honestamente curioso podría responder sentirse cómodo
despise skittles cause slogan lying slogan says ill taste rainbow many colors like bitch skittles come colors red purple orange yellow lime green fucking taste rainbows actual skittles come colors smh fuck skittles
[ "despise skittles cause slogan lying slogan says ill taste rainbow many colors like bitch skittles come colors red purple orange yellow lime green fucking taste rainbows actual skittles come colors smh fuck skittles" ]
despreciar los skittles causa eslogan mentira eslogan dice mal gusto arco iris muchos colores como perra skittles vienen colores rojo púrpura naranja amarillo limón verde puto sabor arco iris real skittles vienen colores smh mierda skittles
haha im famous money enough talking suck dick
[ "haha im famous money enough talking suck dick" ]
haha im famoso dinero suficiente hablar chupar polla
boys girls asked crush felt way happy last years
[ "boys girls asked crush felt way happy last years" ]
chicos chicas preguntaron aplastamiento se sentían muy felices los últimos años
biggest karma whore universe browsing reddit stumbled upon gem account usmexyredditor apparently survived cancer children got heart surgery while grandpa caught covid also reposts others work like artwork etc hope steps lego psreport acc banned ps turns year old beat cancer posted sub beforez
[ "biggest karma whore universe browsing reddit stumbled upon gem account usmexyredditor apparently survived cancer children got heart surgery while grandpa caught covid also reposts others work like artwork etc hope steps lego psreport acc banned ps turns year old beat cancer posted sub beforez" ]
mayor karma puta universo navegar reddit tropezó con gema cuenta usmexyredditor aparentemente sobrevivió cáncer niños tuvieron cirugía cardíaca mientras abuelo atrapado covid también reposts otros trabajos como arte de arte etc esperanza pasos lego psreport acc prohibido ps vueltas año viejo ritmo cáncer posted sub antesz
tell like her crush messaging day yesterday today want tell like ive already told like awhile ago kinda wanna see says wait
[ "tell like her crush messaging day yesterday today want tell like ive already told like awhile ago kinda wanna see says wait" ]
Decir como su día de mensajería machacado ayer hoy quiere decir como ive ya dijo como hace un tiempo como un poco quiero ver dice espera
really want someone speak honestly totheres nobody life trust anymore talk to ive got fairly long story feel like writing once came group friends care me parents would rather use say ammo other brother told kill myself know much longer ill able take this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really want someone speak honestly totheres nobody life trust anymore talk to ive got fairly long story feel like writing once came group friends care me parents would rather use say ammo other brother told kill myself know much longer ill able take this" ]
Realmente quiero que alguien hable honestamente con Theres nadie confianza en la vida más hablar con ive tiene bastante larga historia se siente como la escritura una vez que los amigos del grupo me cuidan los padres preferirían utilizar munición decir otro hermano dijo suicidarse saber mucho más mal capaz tomar esto
dm guess interests include limited to modlesgundam nintendo switchsmash mario kart splatoon sf ect i steam play deciet among us old music s almost everything spooky stuff spooky talesmyths yugioh old games snes nes gameboy gb sp gba n genesis dreamcast i love fighting games im open almost anything
[ "dm guess interests include limited to modlesgundam nintendo switchsmash mario kart splatoon sf ect i steam play deciet among us old music s almost everything spooky stuff spooky talesmyths yugioh old games snes nes gameboy gbsp gba n genesisdreamcasti love fighting games im open almost anything" ]
Los intereses incluyen limitado a modlesgundam nintendo switchsmash mario kart splatoon sf ect i steam play deceet entre nosotros música vieja s casi todo cosas espeluznantes cuentos espeluznantesmyths yugioh viejos juegos snes nes gameboy gbsp gba n genesisdreamcasti amor lucha juegos im abrir casi cualquier cosa
bruh hit s yet im already sick tired life
[ "bruh hit s yet im already sick tired life" ]
bruh hit s y sin embargo ya estoy enfermo cansado de la vida
style emotional release bodywork called amanae or emotional release therapy feel compelled help veterans ways might able get touch organization area see volunteer intense process want know could help people suffering redflag especially veterans dont know would like rattling cage shouldnt rattled exactly right thing treating redflag would volunteer services learn working sufferers
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "style emotional release bodywork called amanae or emotional release therapy feel compelled help veterans ways might able get touch organization area see volunteer intense process want know could help people suffering redflag especially veterans dont know would like rattling cage shouldnt rattled exactly right thing treating redflag would volunteer services learn working sufferers" ]
estilo de liberación emocional carrocería llamada amanae o terapia de liberación emocional se siente obligado ayuda veteranos maneras podrían llegar a tocar el área de organización ver voluntario intenso proceso quieren saber podría ayudar a las personas que sufren bandera roja especialmente veteranos no saben que le gustaría jaula de ruido no debe sacudir exactamente lo correcto tratamiento Redflag servicios voluntarios aprender trabajadores enfermos
want buy gun year ago asked that id think crazy days im actually seems like decent idea ar bullshit acog scope cod type advanced warshit handgun locked safe case probably revolver cause theyre simple operate stressful situation days george floyd riots crazy shit itd good something protect case shit hit fan im cheap like good one anyway id wait til move out probably tell family
[ "want buy gun year ago asked that id think crazy days im actually seems like decent idea ar bullshit acog scope cod type advanced warshit handgun locked safe case probably revolver cause theyre simple operate stressful situation days george floyd riots crazy shit itd goodsomething protect case shit hit fan im cheap like good oneanyway id wait til move out probably tell family" ]
Quiero comprar pistola hace un año me preguntó que id piensa días locos en realidad me parece una idea decente ar mierda acog alcance bacalao tipo avanzado guerrahit pistola seguro caso probablemente revólver causa son simples operación estresante situación días george floyd disturbios loco mierda buenoalgo proteger caso mierda golpe ventilador im barato como bueno oneallway id espera hasta mudarse probablemente decir a la familia
tired difficult love thinking attempt number fourall want friends want mother love me two things cant manage feel like good job treating people like want treated give compliments constantly things make peoples lives easier sacrifice time energy making friends familys lives enjoyable think id rather throw sword stress someone else out feel like im constantly things supposed strengthen relationships focus good listener kind person like matter hard try one seems think im worth effort feel like im always afterthought one ever reaches me one ever nice things me feel like im constantly giving one else loves enough give anything me want occasional hug text asking day going able make plans without flaked on dont understand dont deserve basic acts love kindness dont know whats wrong me ive tried kill three times before time overdose time adjusted medication attended near constant therapy made major life changes try improve circumstances could happy ive worked hard now im miserable night took bottle pain pills bottle xanax try escape feel like always supposed do ive tried every coping skill ive tried taking medicine seeing doctors consistently ive tried inpatient outpatient partial hospitalization every single piece advice ive given try put action im miserable im alone im back zero im graduating college soon know everything going difficult soon money prospects friends im going end living mother hates sister wishes died first time tried way future created myself ive done every single thing right im still stuck dont understand point trying anymore ive rough year sexually assaulted front friends fall one said anything dog died flown interview which cost much didnt have eventually turned dream job turned every job since then im already ugly obese keep gaining weight eating disorder also apparently multitude conditions cause weight gain last depressive episode cost friends support systems place every single day presented another obstacle every conversation ends another inconvenience insult problem find solution for ive always high functioning depressive episodes still class five days week work full time sports three times week upcoming move life upheaval time money prepare for one tell edge every single moment feel like might time feel like supposed die first time fifteen soul rotted inside since thats people avoided loving me maybe tell im supposed loving isnt worth effort feel like maybe im already dead time give let body rest dont know want it remember therapist always saying suicidal thoughts really concern plan dont know believe anymore cant overdose again never works dont right kinds pills im adult psych ward must even terrible im surrounded twelve years olds way juvie ive always wanted slit wrists ive tried cant press deep enough anyway try go walmart buy razors think id wimp out cant jump bridge cliff dark thats scary think would feel alone imagine shooting head every second day time think would freeing taste sweet feeling fun side head seems like relief dont gun dont know buy gun think maybe theyd able tell tried get cant handle shame want go want free dont think ill ever happy think maybe born miserable die maybe im plot point someone elses story dont know wish someone would break apartment right strangle maybe parents would feel bad times put hands around throat could finally go way body wants me dont know keep living like this paper turn class tomorrow morning guess dont time think it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired difficult love thinking attempt number fourall want friends want mother love me two things cant manage feel like good job treating people like want treated give compliments constantly things make peoples lives easier sacrifice time energy making friends familys lives enjoyable think id rather throw sword stress someone else out feel like im constantly things supposed strengthen relationships focus good listener kind person like matter hard try one seems think im worth effort feel like im always afterthought one ever reaches me one ever nice things me feel like im constantly giving one else loves enough give anything me want occasional hug text asking day going able make plans without flaked on dont understand dont deserve basic acts love kindness dont know whats wrong me", "ive tried kill three times before time overdose time adjusted medication attended near constant therapy made major life changes try improve circumstances could happy ive worked hard now im miserable night took bottle pain pills bottle xanax try escape feel like always supposed do ive tried every coping skill ive tried taking medicine seeing doctors consistently ive tried inpatient outpatient partial hospitalization every single piece advice ive given try put action im miserableim aloneim back zero im graduating college soon know everything going difficult soon money prospects friends im going end living mother hates sister wishes died first time tried way future created myself ive done every single thing", "right im still stuck dont understand point trying anymore ive rough year sexually assaulted front friends fall one said anything dog died flown interview which cost much didnt have eventually turned dream job turned every job since then im already ugly obese keep gaining weight eating disorder also apparently multitude conditions cause weight gain last depressive episode cost friends support systems place every single day presented another obstacle every conversation ends another inconvenience insult problem find solution for ive always high functioning depressive episodes still class five days week work full time sports three times week upcoming move life upheaval time money prepare for one tell edge every single moment feel like might time feel like supposed die first time fifteen soul rotted inside since thats people avoided loving me maybe tell im supposed loving isnt worth effort feel like maybe im already dead time give let body rest dont know want it remember therapist always saying suicidal thoughts really concern plan dont know believe anymore cant overdose again never works dont right kinds pills im adult psych ward must even terrible", "im surrounded twelve years olds way juvieive always wanted slit wrists ive tried cant press deep enoughanyway try go walmart buy razors think id wimp out cant jump bridge cliff dark thats scary think would feel alone imagine shooting head every second day time think would freeing taste sweet feeling fun side head seems like relief dont gun dont know buy gun think maybe theyd able tell tried get cant handle shame want go want free dont think ill ever happy think maybe born miserable die maybe im plot point someone elses story dont know wish someone would break apartment right stranglemaybe parents would feel bad times put hands around throat could finally go way body wants me dont know keep living like this paper turn class tomorrow morning guess dont time thinkit" ]
cansado difícil amor pensamiento intento número cuatro todos quieren amigos quieren madre amor dos cosas no pueden manejar sentirse como un buen trabajo tratar a la gente como quieren tratado dar cumplidos constantemente cosas hacen que la gente vida más fácil sacrificio tiempo energía hacer amigos familia vidas agradables pensar id más bien tirar la espada estrés alguien otro hacia fuera sentir como im constantemente cosas supone fortalecer relaciones centrarse buen oyente persona amable como materia duro intentar uno parece pensar im esfuerzo vale la pena sentir como im después de pensar que uno siempre me llega a una siempre cosas agradables me siento como im constantemente dar otro ama lo suficiente dar cualquier cosa quiero ocasional abrazo texto preguntar día capaz hacer planes sin flamear en no entender no merece actos básicos amor amabilidad no sé lo que me pasa mal
dont care black brown normal long arent purple respect fuck purple people
[ "dont care black brown normal long arent purple respect fuck purple people" ]
no le importa negro marrón normal arent largo púrpura respeto folla la gente púrpura
want get revenge brother good plan ask parents seem insist wear older brothers hand downs problem pants never fit even wear belt keep slipping showing underwear parents listen say your wearing belt fine pull slip years yeah worn something without belt years im getting used used underwear showing time except home ever brother sees always gives massive wedgie ive come plan get revenge wanna ask good idea good enough brothers pants fitbut wears belt time sags pants tbh kinda ive started now times wants look good wears one girlfriend coming hour hell getting smarter clothesso im considering stealing belt embarrassing him leaves giving suprise wedgie telling stole belt good idea
[ "want get revenge brother good plan ask parents seem insist wear older brothers hand downs problem pants never fit even wear belt keep slipping showing underwear parents listen say your wearing belt fine pull slip years yeah worn something without belt years im getting used used underwear showing time except home ever brother sees always gives massive wedgie ive come plan get revenge wanna ask good idea good enough brothers pants fitbut wears belt time sags pants tbh kinda ive started now times wants look good wears one girlfriend coming hour hell getting smarter clothesso im considering stealing belt embarrassing him leaves giving suprise wedgie telling stole belt good idea" ]
Quiero conseguir venganza hermano buen plan preguntar padres parecen insistir usar hermanos mayores mano abajos problema pantalones nunca caben incluso llevar cinturón seguir deslizando mostrar ropa interior padres escuchar decir que su uso cinturón fino tirón deslizarse años sí llevaba algo sin cinturón años im me estoy usando ropa interior usado mostrar tiempo excepto en casa siempre hermano ve siempre da masiva calzoncillos ive venir plan vengarse quiere pedir buena idea bastante buenos hermanos pantalones ajuste pero usa cinturón tiempo sags pantalones tbh un poco ive comenzó ahora veces quiere lucir bien ropas una novia que viene hora infierno hacerse ropa más inteligente así que estoy considerando robar cinturón avergonzarlo hojas dar sorpresa calzoncillos diciendo cinturón robado buena idea
dear rredflagwatch christmas card yousuggested repost rreddit ten years ago almost almost killed girl broke me stood bucket rope around neck chickened out stepped down pathetically wept sleep slip step away dying tonight finished baking pumpkin cheese cake beautiful wife sitting couch wrapped fleece blanket watching christmas story five month old daughter lily asleep crib little red reindeer foot pajamas say babys first christmas tomorrow well wake house own ill cook breakfast well celebrate first christmas together family im newer reddit new internet message boards anonymous friends give us somewhere laugh vent cry scream theyve got really dark times wanted take minutes go bed thank you merry christmas faceless friends hard time gets better love yall valjean
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dear rredflagwatch christmas card yousuggested repost rreddit ten years ago almost almost killed girl broke me stood bucket rope around neck chickened out stepped down pathetically wept sleep slip step away dying tonight finished baking pumpkin cheese cake beautiful wife sitting couch wrapped fleece blanket watching christmas story five month old daughter lily asleep crib little red reindeer foot pajamas say babys first christmas tomorrow well wake house own ill cook breakfast well celebrate first christmas together family im newer reddit new internet message boards anonymous friends give us somewhere laugh vent cry scream theyve got really dark times wanted take minutes go bed thank you merry christmas faceless friends hard time gets better love yall valjean" ]
querida rredflagwatch tarjeta de Navidad yousuggested repost rreddit hace diez años casi casi muerta chica me rompió pie cubo cuerda alrededor del cuello acorralado acorralado patéticamente lloriqueó resbalón de sueño paso de la muerte esta noche terminó hornear pastel de queso de calabaza hermosa esposa sentado sofá envuelto manta de vellón ver historia de Navidad cinco meses hija lily dormir cuna poco red reno pie pijamas decir babys primera Navidad mañana bien wake house propio mal cocinero desayuno bien celebrar la primera Navidad juntos familia im nuevo reddit nuevo Internet mensajes tablones anónimos amigos nos dan algún lugar risa ventilación grito grito que tienen realmente oscuro momentos que quieren minutos ir a la cama gracias Feliz Navidad amigos duros consigue mejor amor yall valjean
anyone else constantly think killing selves places school work front everyonei always fantasize killing lunch hundreds watching
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone else constantly think killing selves places school work front everyonei always fantasize killing lunch hundreds watching" ]
cualquier otra persona constantemente piensa matarse coloca el trabajo de la escuela frente a todo el mundo siempre fantasear matando el almuerzo cientos viendo
lol boys talked on internet past months irl years fucking sucks
[ "lol boys talked on internet past months irl years fucking sucks" ]
Lol chicos hablados en Internet los últimos meses irl años mierda apesta
bored want join discord im guy the discord server aimed teenagers ran teenagers occasional events chill discussions almost anything link server profile fun whilst server
[ "bored want join discord im guy the discord server aimed teenagers ran teenagers occasional events chill discussions almost anything link server profile fun whilst server" ]
aburrido quiere unirse a la discordia im chico el servidor de discordia dirigido a los adolescentes corrió adolescentes ocasionales eventos frío discusiones casi cualquier cosa enlace servidor perfil diversión mientras servidor
dm truth dare question matter is answer
[ "dm truth dare question matter is answer" ]
La verdad se atreve a pregunta materia es la respuesta
guys need help change flair beside name pls hlep
[ "guys need help change flair beside name pls hlep" ]
los chicos necesitan ayuda para cambiar el estilo al lado del nombre pls hlep
end lifei going break dont think find love given kind person am dont enjoy work due certain reasons cant even quit it even quit somehow dont know next dont good relationship parents anybody think stop wasting time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "end lifei going break dont think find love given kind person am dont enjoy work due certain reasons cant even quit it even quit somehow dont know next dont good relationship parents anybody think stop wasting time" ]
fin de la vida voy a romper no creo encontrar amor dada persona amable soy no disfrutar del trabajo debido a ciertas razones ni siquiera puede dejar de hacerlo de alguna manera no sé siguiente buena relación padres nadie piensa dejar de perder el tiempo
see sexy women get horny like im teenagers horny watched cardi bs new ig post bikiniand big tits fat ass shes super hotand didnt get horny go watch see im talking about normal lmao
[ "see sexy women get horny like im teenagers horny watched cardi bs new ig post bikiniand big tits fat assshes super hotand didnt get horny go watch see im talking about normal lmao" ]
ver mujeres sexy get cachondo como im adolescentes cachonda mira cardi bs nuevo ig post bikini y grandes tetas culos gordos súper caliente y no se puso caliente ir ver ver im hablando de normal lmmao
wish euthanasiamy whole life keeps getting worse worse everyday goes by im even yet feels like im old fuck ive work since ive since lost dad one supporting family financially mom barely makes anything ive work live normal life see everyone else age going friends traveling fun im house day bed usually sit outside sun thing gives happiness now go college semester drop couldnt afford one help pay off started working full time job came back home years later quit couldnt take anymore routine everyday physically demanding didnt get paid lot hard work everyone else slacking off tired happening everyday walked never came back regret new job gives hours minute drive dealt stress previous job didnt think would hard get job day every single employer always pick people seem cool attractive ones one cares hard work anymore wont even give chance prove it go someone looks social status feel alone sometimes one talk besides mom little brother even dont want listen sometimes gets awkward since mom never really talked showed emotion feels nice someone physically around you older siblings great life guess forgot me ive asked help think figure own feel helpless wish human euthanasia legal wouldnt feel way everyday dont know im future im scared
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish euthanasiamy whole life keeps getting worse worse everyday goes by im even yet feels like im old fuck ive work since ive since lost dadone supporting family financially mom barely makes anything ive work live normal life see everyone else age going friends traveling fun", "im house day bed usually sit outside sun thing gives happiness now go college semester drop couldnt afford one help pay off started working full time job came back home years later quit couldnt take anymore routine everyday physically demanding didnt get paid lot hard work everyone else slacking off tired happening everyday walked never came back regret new job gives hours minute drive dealt stress previous job didnt think would hard get job day every single employer always pick people seem cool attractive ones one cares hard work anymore wont even give chance prove it go someone looks social status feel alone sometimes one talk besides mom little brother even dont want listen sometimes gets awkward since mom never really talked showed emotion feels nice someone physically around you older siblings great life guess forgot me ive asked help think figure own feel helpless wish human euthanasia legal wouldnt feel way everyday dont know im futureim scared" ]
Deseo eutanasiami vida entera sigue empeorando peor todos los días va por mí incluso sin embargo se siente como mi viejo trabajo de mierda desde ive desde papáne perdido apoyo financiera familia mamá apenas hace cualquier cosa live trabajo vivir vida normal ver todos los demás edad ir amigos viajar diversión
wow loved movie love judy marte girl awesome pretty face funny really really talented made laugh many times naturally rough victor desperately hitting her well seeing lot next coming years probably also director peter sollett costar victor rasukbr br raising victor vargas one best film saw long time refreshing true nice funny well filmed got good story good actors good film directionbr br if like simple slow paced real life urban movies like maybe jersey girl kevin smith love victor vargas better
[ "wow loved movie love judy marte girl awesome pretty face funny really really talented made laugh many times naturally rough victor desperately hitting her well seeing lot next coming years probably also director peter sollett costar victor rasukbr br raising victor vargas one best film saw long time refreshingtrue nice funny well filmed got good story good actors good film directionbr br if like simple slow paced real life urban movies like maybe jersey girl kevin smith love victor vargas better" ]
wow amor película amor judy marte chica impresionante cara bonita divertido realmente muy talentoso hizo reír muchas veces victoria naturalmente áspera golpear desesperadamente su bien ver mucho los próximos años probablemente también director Peter sollett costar victor rasukbr br criando victoria vargas una mejor película vio mucho tiempo refrescanteverdade agradable divertido bien filmado consiguió buena historia buenos actores buena película directionbr br si como simple lento ritmo real películas urbanas como tal jersey chica kevin herrero amor victor vargas mejor
kinda lowkey glad theres normalization wearing face mask like still wanna wear pandemic cause dont wanna show face im shy
[ "kinda lowkey glad theres normalization wearing face mask like still wanna wear pandemic cause dont wanna show face im shy" ]
Un poco discreto alegre Theres normalización con máscara de cara como todavía quiere usar pandemia causa no quiero mostrar cara im tímido
miss mom miss great grandma mmshe used vibrant independent tennis player volleyball player dancer swimmer first grade teacher put entire heart job shes epilepsy years doctors found matter brain epilepsy medicine combined lack independence she cant drive swim etc risk seizures changed her shes depressed talks killing wanting live im scared depressed mostly feeling like failure maybe would want live somehow better daughtersisterperson actually am wish siblings enough reason keep striving life great grandma mm died little ten years ago id give anything around right now shed know say taught sew tea parties time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "miss mom miss great grandma mmshe used vibrant independent tennis player volleyball player dancer swimmer first grade teacher put entire heart job shes epilepsy years doctors found matter brain epilepsy medicine combined lack independence she cant drive swim etc risk seizures changed her shes depressed talks killing wanting live im scared depressed mostly feeling like failure maybe would want live somehow better daughtersisterperson actually am wish siblings enough reason keep striving life great grandma mm died little ten years ago id give anything around right now shed know say taught sew tea parties time" ]
señorita mamá señorita abuela grande mmshe utilizado vibrante tenista independiente jugador de voleibol bailarina nadador primer grado profesor poner todo el corazón trabajo shes epilepsia años médicos encontraron materia epilepsia cerebro medicina combinada falta de independencia no puede conducir nadar etc crisis de riesgo cambió sus shes depresión conversaciones matar querer vivir im asustado depresión mayormente sentir como fracaso tal vez querría vivir de alguna manera mejor hija hermanapersona en realidad soy hermanos razón suficiente seguir luchando vida abuela mm murió poco hace diez años id dar cualquier cosa alrededor ahora mismo codigo saber decir enseñó a coser té fiestas tiempo
random thoughts feel like get way excited beginning kind friendship people set disappointment also really love thrill meeting new person like genuinely find knowing new things someone total mystery amazing immediately think omg person like me could literally music taste id literally love them crazy theres people that need accept fact theyre twin something theyre completely different need stop fucking excited rush things fast start might super friendly give people impression wanna friends forever bc moment thats feel slowly time lose interest crazy bc one point person everything could think clicked well suddenly interest talking anymore another completely different note also something ive noticed myself treat guys girls equally like talk guy completely way id talk girl im straight btw actually dont know im genuinely interested guy super weird feel like things start getting sexual something theyd lose interest me im afraid theyd wanna get know anymore dont want used like yea friendship anyone cant help see things like would guy talk lot didnt want relationship dont know makes sense feel weird talking guys sometimes bc feels like reason interest bc wanna something might sound crazy idk
[ "random thoughts feel like get way excited beginning kind friendship people set disappointment also really love thrill meeting new person like genuinely find knowing new things someone total mystery amazing immediately think omg person like me could literally music taste id literally love them crazy theres people that need accept fact theyre twin something theyre completely different need stop fucking excited rush things fast start might super friendly give people impression wanna friends forever bc moment thats feel slowly time lose interest crazy bc one point person everything could think clicked well suddenly interest talking anymore another completely different note also something ive noticed myself treat guys girls equally like talk guy completely way id talk girlim straight btw actually dont knowim genuinely interested guy super weird feel like things start getting sexual something theyd lose interest meim afraid theyd wanna get know anymore dont want used like yea friendship anyone cant help see things like would guy talk lot didnt want relationship dont know makes sense feel weird talking guys sometimes bc feels like reason interest bc wanna something might sound crazy idk" ]
pensamientos aleatorios se sienten como conseguir manera excitado comienzo amable amistad gente fija decepción también realmente amor emoción conocer nueva persona como genuinamente encontrar saber cosas nuevas alguien misterio total increíble inmediatamente pensar omg persona como yo podría literalmente música gusto id literalmente amor locos teres personas que necesitan aceptar hecho son gemelos algo que son completamente diferentes necesidad dejar de joder excitado apresurarse cosas rápido comienzo podría súper amistoso dar a la gente impresión querer amigos para siempre bc momento que se siente lentamente tiempo perder interés loco bc persona todo podría pensar hizo clic bien de repente interés hablar más otra nota completamente diferente también algo me di cuenta yo mismo tratar chicos niñas igual como hablar chico completamente manera id habla girlim derecho btw realmente no conocer realmente chico interesado súper raro sentir como las cosas comienzan a conseguir sexual algo que perderían interés meim miedo que ellos quieren saber más no quieren utilizar como yea amistad nadie puede ayudar a ver cosas como chico hablar mucho chico no quiere relación hace sentido raro hablar chicos a veces bc se siente como razón interés bc querer algo podría sonar loco idk
whats otters got phone back repair place half posts reference otters im guessing missed something
[ "whats otters got phone back repair place half posts reference otters im guessing missed something" ]
¿Qué nutrias tienen teléfono volver reparación lugar medio postes referencia nutrias supongo que se perdió algo
start texting crush m want start texting crush f know start many conversations besides wishing eachother happy birthday help suggestions welcome free ask questions helps
[ "start texting crush m want start texting crush f know start many conversations besides wishing eachother happy birthday help suggestions welcome free ask questions helps" ]
comenzar mensaje de texto machacar m quiere comenzar mensaje de texto machacar f saber iniciar muchas conversaciones además de desear a los demás feliz cumpleaños ayuda sugerencias bienvenida gratis hacer preguntas ayuda
privacy gone mom downloaded app phone used monitor year olds know navigate internet cant anything without mom seeing it cant delete tha app without getting warning phone locked bypass app without getting alert said bypass deleted concept privacy exist
[ "privacy gone mom downloaded app phone used monitor year olds know navigate internet cant anything without mom seeing it cant delete tha app without getting warning phone locked bypass app without getting alert said bypass deleted concept privacy exist" ]
privacidad ha ido mamá descargado aplicación teléfono utilizado monitor años de edad saben navegar por Internet no puede nada sin mamá ver no puede eliminar la aplicación sin conseguir aviso teléfono bloqueado aplicación de bypass sin obtener alerta dicho bypass borrado concepto de privacidad existen
im watching one criminal minds episode theres woman stuck giant facility find way guy kills her really hope hunch guy correct shes found way kill room knows shes slaughterhouse runs away like dude theres kill room means cattle need get somehow could follow path brought cattle could escape like ten minutes tops least better idea wandering halls aimlessly anyways thats ive needed get chest lady dumb rn shes getting chased dog it
[ "im watching one criminal minds episode theres woman stuck giant facility find way guy kills her really hope hunch guy correct shes found way kill room knows shes slaughterhouse runs away like dude theres kill room means cattle need get somehow could follow path brought cattle could escape like ten minutes tops least better idea wandering halls aimlessly anyways thats ive needed get chest lady dumb rn shes getting chased dog it" ]
Im viendo un episodio de mentes criminales Theres mujer atascada instalaciones gigantes encontrar la manera en que el chico mata su verdadera esperanza corazonada chico correcto ella encontró la manera de matar habitación sabe que ella matadero huye como amigo Theres matar habitación significa que el ganado necesita conseguir de alguna manera podría seguir el camino traído ganado podría escapar como diez minutos como máximo menos mejor idea errantes pasillos sin rumbo de todos modos que es necesario conseguir pecho señora mudo rn shes conseguir perseguida perro
life suckswhys gotta hard fucking kill yourself shit sucks anybody got good method cant get hands gun
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life suckswhys gotta hard fucking kill yourself shit sucks anybody got good method cant get hands gun" ]
La vida es una mierda por qué tienes que matarte duro mierda chupa cualquiera tiene buen método no puede conseguir las manos pistola
hanging soon cani bought rope im writing inside mcdonalds wait ride home wont able tonight plan wednesday afterwards whenever get house i live parents im going hang stairwell really hope works cant afford mess up cant tell friends family want time thanks reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hanging soon cani bought rope im writing inside mcdonalds wait ride home wont able tonight plan wednesday afterwards whenever get house i live parents im going hang stairwell really hope works cant afford mess up cant tell friends family want time thanks reading" ]
Colgando pronto cani comprado cuerda im escritura dentro de mcdonalds espera viaje a casa no será capaz de esta noche plan miércoles después de cada vez que conseguir casa yo vivo padres yo voy a colgar escaleras realmente espero que las obras no pueden permitirse desordenar cant decirle a los amigos familia quieren tiempo gracias lectura
accidentally spent dads money let us say berated put as always am getting point try spend every minute life working trying sleep deal everyone lonely breakdowns daily
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "accidentally spent dads money let us say berated put as always am getting point try spend every minute life working trying sleep deal everyone lonely breakdowns daily" ]
accidentalmente gastó el dinero de los papás digamos que se censuró puesto como siempre estoy consiguiendo punto tratar de pasar cada minuto de la vida trabajando tratando de dormir trato todos solitarios crisis diarias
idkive already trying improve years im gotten where im physically fit working management degree trying find internship still feel same honestly feels like waste time enjoyment felt kid making kids laugh know wanted sort positive influence others around profession got ill lost friends confidence went them since ive trying push myself gone events societies try get know people nothing works ive tried good person offering support help wherever still friends know somebody day never see again ampxb ive applied jobs cant even manage strike one those whats point somebody like living normal people live survive shit years rot die seems selfish mundane decades pointless torture ampxb wish bitch could go ahead already fucking hate shit it something plan ahead leave debt behind
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "idkive already trying improve years im gotten where im physically fit working management degree trying find internship still feel same honestly feels like waste time enjoyment felt kid making kids laugh know wanted sort positive influence others around profession got ill lost friends confidence went them since ive trying push myself gone events societies try get know people nothing works ive tried good person offering support help wherever still friends know somebody day never see again ampxb ive applied jobs cant even manage strike one those whats point somebody like living normal people live survive shit years rot die seems selfish mundane decades pointless torture ampxb wish bitch could go ahead already fucking hate shit it something plan ahead leave debt behind" ]
idkive ya tratando de mejorar años im conseguido donde im fisical ficical firmical working management grado tratando de encontrar prácticas todavía se siente igual honestamente se siente como perder tiempo disfrute se siente niño haciendo reír niños saber deseada clase influencia positiva otros alrededor de la profesión se enfermaron amigos perdido confianza fueron ellos ya que ive intentar empujarme a mí mismo ido eventos sociedades tratar de conocer gente nada funciona i ive probado buena persona ofrecer ayuda donde todavía amigos saben que alguien nunca más volver a ver ampxb empleo aplicado ni siquiera puede manejar uno de esos lows punto alguien como vivir personas normales viven sobrevivir mierda años pudrirse morir parece egoísta décadas sin sentido tortura ampxb deseo perra podría seguir adelante ya mierda odio mierda algo por delante dejar la deuda detrás
women confusing asked crush got used like took long make move ive know weeks tf didnt make move
[ "women confusing asked crush got used like took long make move ive know weeks tf didnt make move" ]
mujeres confusas pedido aplastamiento se utilizó como tomó mucho tiempo hacer movimiento ive saber semanas tf no hizo movimiento
also know cheaperbetter items could add please let know like minefield trying find nonprime pantry items i would also happily accept gift card grocery storerestaurant something another way assist know sure going towards food full disclosure active account months purely using username primarily least months
[ "also know cheaperbetter items could add please let know like minefield trying find nonprime pantry items i would also happily accept gift card grocery storerestaurant something another way assist know sure going towards food full disclosure active account months purely using username primarily least months" ]
También saber más barato mejores artículos podrían añadir por favor dejar saber como campo de minas tratando de encontrar artículos despensa no premium yo también aceptaría felizmente tarjeta de regalo tienda de comestiblesrestaurante algo otra manera de ayudar a saber seguro de ir hacia la alimentación completa divulgación activa meses de cuenta puramente utilizando el nombre de usuario principalmente menos meses
need someone talk toive feeling suicidal long remember need friend talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk toive feeling suicidal long remember need friend talk to" ]
necesidad de alguien hablar toive sensation suicida largo tiempo recordar necesidad amigo hablar con
saying hi reminding drink water every day till get girlfriend day hi hope great remember drink water stay hydrated
[ "saying hi reminding drink water every day till get girlfriend day hi hope great remember drink water stay hydrated" ]
diciendo hola recordar beber agua todos los días hasta conseguir novia día hola esperanza gran recordar beber agua mantenerse hidratado
bloody fucking failureabout months ago tried kill car garage one thing didnt count fucking neighbor coming see whats happening passed n right almost finally fucking dead n dick head decided call n pull garage fuck ima cut air bags car n crash bitch fucking hate ppl caring let fucking die well third time charm right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bloody fucking failureabout months ago tried kill car garage one thing didnt count fucking neighbor coming see whats happening passed n right almost finally fucking dead n dick head decided call n pull garage fuck ima cut air bags car n crash bitchfucking hate ppl caring let fucking die well third time charm right" ]
maldito fracaso hace unos meses trató de matar coche garaje una cosa no cuenta maldito vecino que viene ver lo que está pasando n derecho casi finalmente mierda muerto n polla cabeza decidió llamar n tirón garaje mierda ima corte bolsas de aire coche n accidente puta puta odio ppl cuidado dejar morir bien tercera vez encanto derecho
someone made playlist would kinda neat it want definitely shouldindie rock coollt ignore that
[ "someone made playlist would kinda neat it want definitely shouldindie rock coollt ignore that" ]
alguien hecho lista de reproducción sería un poco limpio que quiere definitivamente debería indie rock coollt ignorar que
cant keep going like thismy life know essentially ruined feel like ive hit rock bottom week ago point im digging deeper deeper sick tired living absolute isolation sick tired able see friends family person absolutely terrified going forced live rest life without ever seeing friends family ever again thats life want apart of cant keep going like this idea else do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant keep going like thismy life know essentially ruined feel like ive hit rock bottom week ago point im digging deeper deeper sick tired living absolute isolation sick tired able see friends family person absolutely terrified going forced live rest life without ever seeing friends family ever again thats life want apart of cant keep going like this idea else do" ]
No puedo seguir así mi vida sabe esencialmente arruinado se siente como ive hit rock down hace semana punto im cavar más profundo enfermo cansado vivir aislamiento absoluto enfermo capaz de ver amigos persona de la familia absolutamente aterrorizado vivir vida de reposo sin ver nunca amigos familia nunca más que la vida quiere aparte de cant seguir yendo como esta otra idea hacer
need notice post im check ban lifted fileffilleleleejek
[ "need notice post im check ban lifted fileffilleleleejek" ]
necesidad aviso post im check ban levantado fileffilleleleejek
want go sleep wake upi hate existing shit again im trying find reason keep going honestly cant cant remember last time ive actually happy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want go sleep wake upi hate existing shit again im trying find reason keep going honestly cant cant remember last time ive actually happy" ]
Quiero ir a dormir despiértate odio mierda existente otra vez estoy tratando de encontrar la razón seguir adelante honestamente no puedo recordar la última vez en realidad feliz
great ways try get heartbreakredflag option would like know anyway get release pain jogging gyming cant drinking smokinh question becaue quit months ago tried smoking really hurts wanna sleep forever cant now want better heart breaks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "great ways try get heartbreakredflag option would like know anyway get release pain jogging gyming cant drinking smokinh question becaue quit months ago tried smoking really hurts wanna sleep forever cant now want better heart breaks" ]
grandes maneras de tratar de conseguir rompecorazonesflag opción quisiera saber de todos modos conseguir la liberación dolor jogging gimnasio cant beber smokinh pregunta Becaue dejar meses atrás trató de fumar realmente duele querer dormir para siempre no puedo ahora quiero mejor corazón roturas
crush said yes soft drink talking me probably get checked
[ "crush said yes soft drink talking me probably get checked" ]
Trish dijo que sí bebida suave que me habla probablemente se comprueban
anyone want dead tho cant change myself cant choose get social anxiety cant change simply good social interactions cant change face cant change fact im small comparison rest cant change fucked mental health cant change headaches get everyday try nice tho
[ "anyone want dead tho cant change myself cant choose get social anxiety cant change simply good social interactions cant change face cant change fact im small comparison rest cant change fucked mental health cant change headaches get everyday try nice tho" ]
cualquier persona quiere muerto tho no puede cambiar yo mismo no puedo elegir conseguir ansiedad social no puedo cambiar simplemente buenas interacciones sociales no puedo cambiar cara no puedo cambiar hecho im pequeña comparación resto no puedo cambiar follada salud mental no puedo cambiar dolores de cabeza conseguir todos los días intentar agradable tho
subreddit go minutes without post holy shit think thats first time ive seen happen
[ "subreddit go minutes without post holy shit think thats first time ive seen happen" ]
Subredit ir minutos sin post santa mierda pensar que es la primera vez que se ve pasar
ive laying bed eyes shut trying sleep close literally hours cant it im tired one bit trying get better sleep schedule hard got hours sleep yesterday im probably going stay day sleep time becomes am ill able go bed better cycle
[ "ive laying bed eyes shut trying sleep close literally hours cant it im tired one bit trying get better sleep schedule hard got hours sleep yesterday im probably going stay day sleep time becomes am ill able go bed better cycle" ]
IV poniendo los ojos de la cama cerrados tratando de dormir cerca literalmente horas no puedo estoy cansado un poco tratando de conseguir mejor horario de sueño duro tengo horas de sueño ayer probablemente voy a quedarme día sueño tiempo se convierte en mal capaz ir a la cama mejor ciclo
im waitingfor one final straw drive edge finally all ive prepared everything except im going redflag note point dont even want write notetheres nothing want say anybodyits fault born suicidal self harming piece shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im waitingfor one final straw drive edge finally all ive prepared everything except im going redflag note point dont even want write notetheres nothing want say anybodyits fault born suicidal self harming piece shit" ]
Estoy esperando por un último borde de paja por fin todo ive preparado todo excepto im ir rojo punto nota ni siquiera quiero escribir nota hay nada quiere decir nadie su culpa nace suicida auto daño pieza mierda
dog would really good poker told barked would dropkick her immediately knew bluffing barked me idk knew bluffing seems really good figuring
[ "dog would really good poker told barked would dropkick her immediately knew bluffing barked me idk knew bluffing seems really good figuring" ]
perro realmente buen póker le dijo ladrado iba a gotearla inmediatamente sabía farol me ladró idk sabía farol parece muy buena conjetura
hate white rant playing among us met girl called belle pink random match went task date among us rounds argument white annoying lobby pink asked snapchat said yes right put username white fucking kicked game host feel sad now belle reading blue aka kakashi
[ "hate white rant playing among us met girl called belle pink random match went task date among us rounds argument white annoying lobby pink askedsnapchat said yes right put username white fucking kicked game host feel sad now belle reading blue aka kakashi" ]
odio blanco despotricar jugando entre nosotros nos conoció chica llamada belle rosa partido al azar fue fecha tarea entre nosotros rondas discusión blanco molesto lobby rosa preguntosnapchat dijo sí derecha poner nombre de usuario blanco jodido anfitrión juego patada se siente triste ahora belle lectura azul aka kakashi
getting first car soon looking lots early s subaru legacys imprezas cars would guys recommend live rural town school part time job situated main highway traffic lights traffic bad weekends friday afternoons amount beaches accessed going town
[ "getting first car soon looking lots early s subaru legacys imprezas cars would guys recommend live rural town school part time job situated main highway traffic lights traffic bad weekends friday afternoons amount beaches accessed going town" ]
Obtener el primer coche pronto buscando lotes temprano s subaru legados imprezas coches chicos recomendarían vivir ciudad rural escuela a tiempo parcial trabajo situado principal autopista semáforos tráfico mal fines de semana viernes por la tarde cantidad playas a las que se accede a la ciudad
girl told look like angel angels actually attractive theyre ugly see real description
[ "girl told look like angel angels actually attractive theyre ugly see real description" ]
chica le dijo se ven como ángeles ángeles en realidad atractivos son feo ver descripción real
coloradokilling soon anyone opiates idk wants also kill wants make look bizarre possible let know could die simultaneously wearing sonic hedgehog costumes side side everyone like but even know other could funny someone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "coloradokilling soon anyone opiates idk wants also kill wants make look bizarre possible let know could die simultaneously wearing sonic hedgehog costumes side side everyone like but even know other could funny someone" ]
coloradokilling pronto cualquier persona opiáceos idk quiere también matar quiere hacer parecer extraño posible dejar saber podría morir simultáneamente usando trajes de erizo sonic lado todos como pero incluso saber que otro podría divertido alguien
anybody else get text message email link woke morning im like oh sick got text message open link thought maybe university advisory clicked link and saw pussy half asleep
[ "anybody else get text message email link woke morning im likeoh sick got text message open link thought maybe university advisory clicked link and saw pussy half asleep" ]
cualquier otra persona recibe mensaje de texto enlace de correo electrónico despertó mañana im likoh enfermo recibió mensaje de texto abierto enlace pensamiento tal vez asesoramiento universitario cliced enlace y vio coño medio dormido
many thoughtsim sure completely qualify posting here seems like best place go ive many bad thoughts lately ive hard time couple years started really break somewhat recently im finishing high school hopefully going college soon im trying hardest go away college living house nightmare know me older sisters antidepressants anti anxiety medication moved out im afraid might stuck ill never able go anywhere life cant keep together mentally much longer want things get point cant fix anything really need someone talk to help would absolutely appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "many thoughtsim sure completely qualify posting here seems like best place go ive many bad thoughts lately ive hard time couple years started really break somewhat recently im finishing high school hopefully going college soon im trying hardest go away college living house nightmare know me older sisters antidepressants anti anxiety medication moved out im afraid might stuck ill never able go anywhere life cant keep together mentally much longer want things get point cant fix anything really need someone talk to help would absolutely appreciated" ]
muchos pensamientosim seguro completamente calificar publicar aquí parece como mejor lugar ir ive muchos malos pensamientos últimamente ive duro tiempo par de años comenzó realmente romper un poco recientemente terminar la escuela secundaria espero ir a la universidad pronto me esfuerzo más lejos universidad vivir casa pesadilla sé que las hermanas mayores antidepresivos anti ansiedad medicamentos se trasladó im miedo podría quedarse enfermo nunca capaz de ir a cualquier lugar la vida no puede mantenerse juntos mentalmente mucho más tiempo quiero las cosas conseguir punto cant arreglar nada realmente necesita alguien hablar para ayudar apreciar absolutamente
alonemy gf years dumped me grew together every day told loved me friend knew better even family never thought anyone would love way gave hope maybe wouldnt alone rest life shes blocked forms communication told never talk again im done betrayed treated like trash cant function barely sleep let alone function work itd b better killed sav life disappointed know sad sob story hurts bad im alone nobody talk love want around im going die terminal dehydration way least content wasnt spur moment decision
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alonemy gf years dumped me grew together every day told loved me friend knew better even family never thought anyone would love way gave hope maybe wouldnt alone rest lifeshes blocked forms communication told never talk again im done betrayed treated like trash cant function barely sleep let alone function work itd b better killed sav life disappointed know sad sob story hurts badim alone nobody talk love want around im going die terminal dehydration way least content wasnt spur moment decision" ]
solo mi gf años me dejó creció juntos cada día me dijo amado amigo sabía mejor incluso la familia nunca pensó que alguien amaría manera dio esperanza tal vez no solo descanso vida shes bloqueado formas de comunicación dijo nunca hablar de nuevo me hizo traicionado tratado como basura cant función apenas dormir y mucho menos función trabajo lod b mejor matar sav vida decepcionado saber triste triste historia duele bádimo solo nadie habla amor quiero alrededor de im va a morir deshidratación terminal manera menos contenido no fue impulsar decisión momento
fuck people giving excited awards suicidal postsare excited someone hurting excited someone wants end life cmon guys make sense awards choose lets think actions sensitive sub ffs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck people giving excited awards suicidal postsare excited someone hurting excited someone wants end life cmon guys make sense awards choose lets think actions sensitive sub ffs" ]
mierda gente dando premios emocionados posts suicidas están emocionados alguien daño emocionado alguien quiere fin de la vida cmon chicos tienen sentido premios elegir permite pensar acciones sensibles sub ffs
good life meant everyone people suffercan live itis worth it laurel worth it life worth it dont know kind question that guess sometimes sometimes not times worth living make ultimately worth living dont understand hurts sometimes one moment im okay next contemplating alive sucks doesnt make sense life got crazy people better others dont go feelings loneliness able connect people family cause family knowing werent related them wouldnt care damn you people see someone worth it used thrown away convenient im living life everyone else living ive learned people use satisfy themselves whether family friends significant others dont even get live lie believing people genuinely care me know women are know friends are know family is maybe ive given shit examples maybe ive given best ones cause know know reason different whether better worse dont know yet know utter worse im least say make feel better people say teenage years best years get live carefree dumb things get live yet havent done things always felt alone always outcast havent got experience life waking day day hoping tomorrow different not still wake hoping maybe today different maybe life change today thinking since middle school nothing changed ive aged gotten worse new experiences turned tragic lessons went severe depression period third nine weeks junior year reasons still dont understand something wrong me must be right oblivious things always face reality situation never trick feeling better certain situation always realize exactly got there exactly reasons happened example met someone felt like connected her freakishly lot stuff common felt like okay finally get person get close romantically boom less months went shit damn pandemic hit lost her instead able oh well life fully understand even happened first place used rebound friend group trashed ex wasnt even him wanted forget wanted hope things would go back him never wanted like felt like me basically went cold turkey me worth talking too dont even care know im alive never could understand this still dont understand this so ask question even like me seen reply do im hurting again except know best know leave im best at severing link say cant this really want someone least like relationship get text although similar got know you knew wouldnt last thats nothing you even bother worth it felt terrible not broke her felt terrible cause really felt could girl say alike still even like me make since even possible many questions wanted answers yet insignificant couldnt even garner response none text none phone calls nothing even drop water even bother dodged bullet anyway maybe hit me best delete number hit forbidden key unfollow months ago whats point anyway done done was am sense changing finding better ways cope am am maybe never meant regular like everyone else experience everyone else experiencing friends family lovers experiences maybe never meant me want continue writing maybe should could write good friend hooked another friend girl mine hasnt talked since initiate contact every time month hasnt even wanted know im alive point many questions go now work ass get nothing return im best shape life source income couple thousand saved still feel place feel worse cause achieved still place choosing live everyday tomorrow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "good life meant everyone people suffercan live itis worth it laurel worth it life worth it dont know kind question that guess sometimes sometimes not times worth living make ultimately worth living dont understand hurts sometimes one moment imokay next contemplating alive sucks doesnt make sense life got crazy people", "better others dont go feelings loneliness able connect people family cause family knowing werent related them wouldnt care damn you people see someone worth it used thrown away convenient im living life everyone else living ive learned people use satisfy themselves whether family friends significant others dont even get live lie believing people genuinely care me know women are know friends are know family is maybe ive given shit examples maybe ive given best ones cause know know reason different whether better worse dont know yet know utter worse im least say make feel better people say teenage years best years get live carefree dumb things get live yet havent done things always felt alone always outcast havent got experience life waking day day hoping tomorrow different not still wake hoping maybe today different maybe life change today thinking since middle school nothing changed ive aged gotten worse new experiences turned tragic lessons went severe depression period third nine weeks junior year reasons still dont understand something wrong me must be right oblivious things always face reality situation never trick feeling better certain situation always realize exactly got there exactly reasons happened example met someone felt like connected her freakishly lot stuff common felt like okay finally get person get close romantically boom less months went shit damn pandemic hit lost her instead able", "oh well life fully understand even happened first place used rebound friend group trashed ex wasnt even him wanted forget wanted hope things would go back him never wanted like felt like me basically went cold turkey me worth talking too dont even care know", "im alive never could understand this still dont understand this so ask question even like me seen reply do im hurting again except know best know leave im best at severing link say cant this really want someone least like relationship get text although similar got know you knew wouldnt last thats nothing you even bother worth it felt terrible not broke her felt terrible cause really felt could girl say alike still even like me make since even possible many questions wanted answers yet insignificant couldnt even garner response none text none phone calls nothing even drop water even bother dodged bullet anyway maybe hit me best delete number hit forbidden key unfollow months ago whats point anyway done done was am sense changing finding better ways cope am am maybe never meant regular like everyone else experience everyone else experiencing friends family lovers experiences maybe never meant me want continue writing maybe should could write good friend hooked another friend girl mine hasnt talked since initiate contact every time month hasnt even wanted know im alive point many questions go now work ass get nothing return im best shape life source income couple thousand saved still feel place feel worse cause achieved still place choosing live everyday tomorrow" ]
buena vida significa que todo el mundo sufre puede vivir vale la pena vale la pena la vida vale la pena no sabe buena pregunta que a veces no veces vale la pena vivir hacer en última instancia vale la pena vivir no entender a veces un momento imoky siguiente contemplando vivos chupa no tiene sentido la vida se vuelven locos gente
fuck square enix make ffr episodic
[ "fuck square enix make ffr episodic" ]
mierda cuadrado enix hacer ffr episódico
complain instagram stealing memes stupid memes supposed spread give shit made meme also watermarks useless nobody goes back original creator page anyways memes art silly jokes stop commenting stolen rsubreddit look ridiculous
[ "complain instagram stealing memes stupid memes supposed spread give shit made meme also watermarks useless nobody goes back original creator page anyways memes art silly jokes stop commenting stolen rsubreddit look ridiculous" ]
queja instagram robar memes estúpidos memes supuesto propagación dar mierda meme también marcas de agua inútil nadie vuelve página creador original de todos modos memes arte chistes tontos dejar de comentar robado rsubreddit mirada ridícula
depression getting old jesus christjust fucking kill man hell made feelings possible
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression getting old jesus christjust fucking kill man hell made feelings possible" ]
Depresión conseguir viejo Jesús Cristo sólo matar hombre infierno hizo posibles los sentimientos
hey yall made subreddit ever burning question ask someone lives texas head subreddit rasktexanfolks hope people join in little advertising
[ "hey yall made subreddit ever burning question ask someone lives texas head subreddit rasktexanfolks hope people join in little advertising" ]
Hey yall hecho subreddit siempre pregunta ardiente hacer a alguien vive texas cabeza subreddit rasktexanfolks esperan que la gente se unen en poca publicidad
ask random questions ask random questions im board right
[ "ask random questions ask random questions im boardright" ]
hacer preguntas aleatorias hacer preguntas aleatorias im boardright
theres many ways could kill right momentive never noticed really scaring me mind absolute chaos right know do everything see potential kill me everything close eyes limitless im young enough people would say much live for feel fake whenever try start conversation depression probably hormones teenager end making halfhearted redflag joke everyone around feels uncomfortable like ive ever diagnosed anything know many people selfharm know real problems struggles lives dont theres always food table money bank may enough money go college definitely privileged person im looking around room right freaking out think im going cry quite honest shouldnt ive crying lot lately im really weak person know much longer this still know could really commit redflag im fake person probably selfharm attention too even though told anyone it really want to would love sit talk talk talk hour straight everything would love tell story start finish see im selfish see many times ive said i im selfish think somethings wrong mind keeps twisting turning think supposed that cant focus anything post getting really hand im sorry cant concentrate much think getting really long im cant go back read edit right cant think properly im sorry tldr completely useless post cant make brain shut up sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theres many ways could kill right momentive never noticed really scaring me mind absolute chaos right know do everything see potential kill me everything close eyes limitless im young enough people would say much live for feel fake whenever try start conversation depression probably hormones teenager end making halfhearted redflag joke everyone around feels uncomfortable like ive ever diagnosed anything know many people selfharm know real problems struggles lives dont theres always food table money bank may enough money go college definitely privileged person im looking around room right freaking out think im going cry quite honest shouldnt ive crying lot lately im really weak person know much longer this still know could really commit redflag im fake person probably selfharm attention too even though told anyone it really want to would love sit talk talk talk hour straight everything would love tell story start finish see im selfish see many times ive said i im selfish think somethings wrong mind keeps twisting turning think supposed that cant focus anything post getting really handim sorry cant concentrate much think getting really long", "im cant go back read edit right cant think properly im sorry tldr completely useless post cant make brain shut up sorry" ]
Hay muchas maneras podría matar derecho momentáneo nunca se dio cuenta realmente asustarme mente caos absoluto derecho saber todo ver potencial me mata todo cerca ojos ilimitados im gente bastante joven diría mucho vivir para sentir falso cada vez que intenta iniciar conversación depresión probablemente hormonas adolescente extremo hacer broma de bandera roja todo el mundo se siente incómodo como ive nunca diagnosticado cualquier cosa sabe mucha gente autolesión sabe problemas reales lucha vidas no hay siempre comida mesa dinero banco puede suficiente dinero ir universidad definitivamente persona privilegiada im mirar alrededor de la habitación derecho pensar im va a llorar bastante honesto debe vivir llorando mucho últimamente im persona muy débil saber mucho más tiempo este todavía saber podría realmente cometer Redflag im persona falsa probablemente persona falsa también aunque le dijo a alguien que realmente quiere amar sentarse charla charla charla hora derecho todo amaría contar historia empezar final ver im egoísta ver muchas veces i i im egoísta pensar algos torcerse pensar que no se puede enfocar cualquier cosa post conseguir realmente hardim lo siento no se puede concentrar mucho pensar
also get really painful crampsperiods every month share people work want complain think business today asked leave lunch time lot pain terrible cramps actually bled pants embarrassing secretary told problem
[ "also get really painful crampsperiods every month share people work want complain think business today asked leave lunch time lot pain terrible cramps actually bled pants embarrassing secretary told problem" ]
También obtener realmente dolorosos calambres períodos cada mes compartir personas trabajo quieren quejarse pensar negocios hoy pedido dejar almuerzo mucho dolor calambres terribles realmente sangría pantalones embarazosa secretaria dijo problema
think im suicidal need someone talk toguess got big fat dui me did driving road beers leaning arm horn fucked blew bac thats twice legal limit parents bail jail morning could go prison could go jail career over im recent college graduate fucking criminal think hit anyone dont even remember could have someone could dead blacked out im really tough spot know whats going happen terrified fault ruined career acted like monster aghh thats really it want someone talk to feel really terrible right now want die feel like cant live shame actions
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think im suicidal need someone talk toguess got big fat duime did driving road beers leaning arm horn fucked blew bac thats twice legal limit parents bail jail morning could go prison could go jail career over im recent college graduate fucking criminal think hit anyone dont even remember could have someone could dead blacked out im really tough spot know whats going happen terrified fault ruined career acted like monster aghh thats really it want someone talk to feel really terribleright now want die feel like cant live shame actions" ]
Creo que yo suicida necesidad alguien hablar conjeturas tiene gran gordo duime hizo conducir cervezas de carretera inclinando el brazo cuerno follada bac que dos veces límite legal padres fianza cárcel mañana podría ir a la cárcel podría ir carrera en la cárcel sobre im reciente graduado universitario puto criminal pensar golpear a cualquiera ni siquiera recordar podría tener alguien podría muerto apagón im realmente difícil lugar saber lo que va a pasar aterrorizada culpa carrera arruinada actuó como monstruo aghh eso es realmente quiere que alguien hablar para sentirse realmente terrible ahora quiero morir sentir como no puede vivir acciones de vergüenza
year old neet several issuesi year old male struggle depression social anxiety low selfesteem daily suicidal thoughts financially dependent parents job go school many friends never girlfriend family love me hate feeling worthless unwanted hate feeling like disgrace know dad says me fucked driving test got nervous fucked job interviews im scared even apply anymore asked help issues got worse struggle even talking parents know theyll pass off always whenever problem everything fuck up hate feeling rejected hate waking everyday feeling like im nothing always wished never born kid now want end it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "year old neet several issuesi year old male struggle depression social anxiety low selfesteem daily suicidal thoughts financially dependent parents job go school many friends never girlfriend family love me hate feeling worthless unwanted hate feeling like disgrace know dad says me fucked driving test got nervous fucked job interviews im scared even apply anymore asked help issues got worse struggle even talking parents know theyll pass off always whenever problem everything fuck up hate feeling rejected hate waking everyday feeling like im nothing always wished never born kid now want end it" ]
años de edad neet varios problemas años de edad masculino lucha depresión social ansiedad baja autoestima diariamente pensamientos suicidas dependientes económicamente trabajo de los padres ir a la escuela muchos amigos nunca novia familia amor me odio sentimiento sin valor odio no deseado sentimiento como vergüenza saber papá dice que me follaba conducir examen se puso nervioso jodido entrevistas de trabajo miedo incluso aplicar más preguntas problemas de ayuda tienen peor lucha incluso hablando padres saben que van a pasar siempre cada problema mierda odio sentimiento rechazado odio despertar como im nada siempre deseo nunca nacer niño ahora quieren terminarlo
got free award im gonna give thats thats whole post pretty epic right lololol
[ "got free award im gonna give thats thats whole post pretty epic right lololol" ]
Obtuvo premio gratis im va a dar que ques que todo el post bastante épico derecho lolololol
warning nonconsensual support caring liking appreciation met extreme hostility may include doxxing termination traumatization death required ask consent prior engaging activities feelings towards mentioned first sentence asking consent permitted either reply dm agree terms conditions life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "warning nonconsensual support caring liking appreciation met extreme hostility may include doxxing termination traumatization death required ask consent prior engaging activities feelings towards mentioned first sentence asking consent permitted either reply dm agree terms conditions life" ]
advertencia apoyo no consensual cuidado gusto apreciación met extrema hostilidad puede incluir doxxing terminación traumatización muerte requerida pedir consentimiento actividades de participación previa sentimientos hacia la primera frase mencionada pidiendo consentimiento permitido o bien respuesta términos de acuerdo condiciones de vida
music taste hmu immediately httpsopenspotifycomplaylistcbbytzbqqoufkvzbsizjpeqbqxomk_zjrq
[ "music taste hmu immediately httpsopenspotifycomplaylistcbbytzbqqoufkvzbsizjpeqbqxomk_zjrq" ]
música sabor hmu inmediatamente httpsopenspotifycomplaylistcbbytzbqqoufkvzbsizjpeqbqxomk_zjrq
convert pain something else long story short someone broke heart ive losing mind things know shouldnt past week want stop
[ "convert pain something else long story short someone broke heart ive losing mind things know shouldnt past week want stop" ]
convertir el dolor algo más larga historia corta alguien rompió corazón ive perder la mente las cosas saben que no debería la semana pasada quieren parar
best bit film alan pulled knickers ran cut throat razor bum cheeks around bum hole also brilliant see alans bum going like fiddlers elbow later filmbr br alan tough hell like got annoyed pushed four eyed wimp onto sofabr br ive laughing days cut throat razor bit brilliant idea script writers alan must brought back eastenders peggybr br alan back time hes armed razor watch girl finds pulls knickers down
[ "best bit film alan pulled knickers ran cut throat razor bum cheeks around bum hole also brilliant see alans bum going like fiddlers elbow later filmbrbr alan tough hell like got annoyed pushed four eyed wimp onto sofabr br ive laughing days cut throat razor bit brilliant idea script writers alan must brought back eastenders peggybr br alan back time hes armed razor watch girl finds pulls knickers down" ]
La mejor película que Alan sacó bragas corrió cortando garganta rasuradora nalgadas mejillas alrededor del agujero del culo también brillante ver alans vago va como violinistas codo más tarde película brbr alan duro infierno como se enojó empujado cuatro ojos wimp en sofá br ive risa días corte garganta navaja poco brillante idea guionistas Alan debe traer de vuelta Eastenders peggybr br alan volver tiempo hes armado navaja reloj chica encuentra tira bragas hacia abajo
dont feel like dieim scared cut scared medicine hanging seems awful im afraid heights wtf
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont feel like dieim scared cut scared medicine hanging seems awful im afraid heights wtf" ]
No se sienta como dieim miedo corte miedo medicina colgando parece terrible miedo alturas wtf
go here im last year teenaging got know go here s subreddit
[ "go here im last year teenaging got know go here s subreddit" ]
Ir aquí el año pasado adolescente se sabe ir aquí s subreddit
used always feel loved me common fight turned sickly true care much man place shoes feeling pain must feeling alone know sick me stop this shouldnt feel bad right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "used always feel loved me common fight turned sickly true care much man place shoes feeling pain must feeling alone know sick me stop this shouldnt feel bad right" ]
uso siempre me siento amado lucha común se volvió enfermizo verdadero cuidado mucho hombre lugar zapatos sentir dolor debe sentirse solo saber enfermo me deja de esto no debe sentirse mal derecho
sorry post againi want use sub place go groan guess im now past couple weeks rough life saying much every thing crumbling around me mind broken afraid pushed dearest friend away ive intense lately many people open to know im much know throw sick weight onto loved ones shoulders ive watching videos people dying redflags favorite especially ones guns ive gotten murder videos freak accidents torture never never liked sort thing seeing hurt always made sick love now soothing pleasurable watch videos release drugsmeds always cheap masks make feel real pleasure watch suffering gore actually calm im filled hatred want hurt everyone crosses me want people hurt every fucking day hurt me always pinning screaming ears cant get quite anywhere everyones feeling forced onto me want stop it want eyes leave me ive never fight believe opportunity ive never hurt anyone want bash break people make feel like complete shit opened friend think scared off even give details needed get back wanted person care know completely breaking whats wrong me lived constant urge end life violence pounding head think really turned friend away me im tired everything loud want good man
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sorry post againi want use sub place go groan guess im now past couple weeks rough life saying much every thing crumbling around me mind broken afraid pushed dearest friend awayive intense lately many people open to know im much know throw sick weight onto loved ones shoulders ive watching videos people dying redflags favorite especially ones guns ive gotten murder videos freak accidents torture never never liked sort thing seeing hurt always made sick love now soothing pleasurable watch videos release drugsmeds always cheap masks make feel real pleasure watch suffering gore actually calm im filled hatred want hurt everyone crosses me want people hurt every fucking day hurt me always pinning screaming ears cant get quite anywhere everyones feeling forced onto me want stop it want eyes leave me ive never fight believe opportunity ive never hurt anyone want bash break people make feel like complete shit opened friend think scared off even give details needed get back wanted person care know completely breaking whats wrong me lived constant urge end life violence pounding head think really turned friend away me im tired everything loud want good man" ]
Lo siento post otra vez quiero usar sub place ir gemir adivinar im ahora pasado par de semanas vida áspera diciendo mucho cada cosa desmoronarse alrededor de mí mente rota miedo empujado querido amigo alejándose intenso últimamente mucha gente abierta a conocer im mucho saber tirar peso enfermo sobre seres queridos hombros ive ver videos gente moribundos banderas rojas favoritos especialmente armas ive conseguido asesinato videos extraños accidentes tortura nunca me gustó clase cosa viendo siempre hecho mal amor ahora calmante placer ver videos soltar drogas siempre barato hacer sentir placer ver sufrimiento gore realmente calma im lleno odio quieren herir a todos me quieren gente herido cada puto día me duele siempre pinche gritos oídos no puede llegar a cualquier lugar todo el mundo se siente obligado a mí quiere detenerse quiere ojos me deja nunca lucha creo oportunidad ive nunca lastimar a nadie quiere bash break gente hacer sentir como mierda abierta amigo pensar asustado incluso dar detalles necesita volver querido cuidado persona sabe completamente romper lo que me mal vivívo constantemente urgencia fin vida violencia golpear cabeza pensar realmente loco amigo im cansado todo fuerte quiere buen hombre
everybodys telling lifes short want dieim tired whats point anymore maybe humans meant die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everybodys telling lifes short want dieim tired whats point anymore maybe humans meantdie" ]
Todo el mundo diciendo vidas cortas quieren diem cansado lo que el punto más tal vez los humanos significandie
character named evie evie wants good person nice friendly smiles often strangely brutally honest evie also secret idiotsavant sister reciting original poetry getting community excited sister writing unfortunately evies poetry mother starts happy boy next door shows interest evie evie tries figure really wants dobr br what keep mind watching movie evie really is brutally honest person mind telling ivyleague types respect them would seem odd would able pull lie someone happy cheerful quite emotionless comes certain issues character flaws theyre plot development mean lot first seembr br mostly something melodrama character lies characters personalities propel drama relationships held risk terms writing fresh bold acting helps writing along well maybe idiotsavant sister could played better real joy watchbr br the directing cinematography quite good theyre acceptable evies world wreathed color light makes beautiful images consistent really much flaw result low production value within value genuine storytelling real care characters perfect movie certainly enjoyable onebr br polarisdib
[ "character named evie evie wants good person nice friendly smiles often strangely brutally honest evie also secret idiotsavant sister reciting original poetry getting community excited sister writing unfortunately evies poetry mother starts happy boy next door shows interest evie evie tries figure really wants dobr br what keep mind watching movie evie really is brutally honest person mind telling ivyleague types respect them would seem odd would able pull lie someone happy cheerful quite emotionless comes certain issues character flaws theyre plot development mean lot first seembr br mostly something melodrama character lies characters personalities propel drama relationships held risk terms writing fresh bold acting helps writing along well maybe idiotsavant sister could played better real joy watchbr br the directing cinematography quite good theyre acceptable evies world wreathed color light makes beautiful images consistent really much flaw result low production value within value genuine storytelling real care characters perfect movie certainly enjoyable onebr br polarisdib" ]
El personaje llamado Evie Evie quiere buena persona agradable sonrisas amistosas a menudo extrañamente brutalmente honesto Evie también secreta idiotaavant hermana recitar poesía original conseguir comunidad excitada hermana escribir desafortunadamente Evies poesía madre comienza feliz chico de al lado muestra interés Evie Evie intenta figura realmente quiere dobr br lo que mantener la mente ver película evie realmente es brutalmente honesto persona mente decirle a los tipos de hiedra le parece extraño podría tirar mentira alguien alegre alegre bastante emoción viene ciertos problemas caracteres fallas ellosre trama desarrollo significa mucho primero parece br mayormente algo melodrama personaje mentiras personajes personalidades propulsan relaciones dramáticas relaciones mantenidas riesgo términos escritura fresca audaz actuación ayuda a escribir junto bien tal vez idiotaavant hermana podría jugar mejor verdadera alegría watchbr br la cinematografía dirección bastante bueno son aceptables evies mundo wreathed color luz hace imágenes hermosas consistentes resultado realmente muy falaz bajo valor de la producción genuina cuidado personajes reales película perfecta película sin duda agradable obre br polarisdib
thinking much keeps alivewhat mean ive thought multiple ways end myself wierd common thoughts are feels pretty normal decade lost best friend rollover catapulted mental rock bottom state didnt help deployed time stateside anyway years since finding out ive since pushed dozens life became recluse care outside world ive spent countless nights laying awake fantasizing ending all mental exhaustion constant battles inner demons dirt nap sounds good however countless nights planning redflag im also countering thoughts happens fail end vegetable forced stay alive machines bad hurt noose doesnt kill im suffering would pretty awkward situation someone walk seeing like right ive thought slitting wrists id rather kids see aftermath that jumping bridge standing tracks waiting train turn bits popping many pills ive thought up thought failure thats kept attempting it today feeling like im fucking cursed live days death finally takes me typical day wouldnt bother say due disdain society anyone reading feels hopeless dont give up matter hardships enduring keep fighting sometimes gets worse gets better take upon reach out follow another path know definitely alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking much keeps alivewhat mean ive thought multiple ways end myself wierd common thoughts are feelspretty normal decade lost best friend rollover catapulted mental rock bottom state didnt help deployed time statesideanyway years since finding out ive since pushed dozens life became recluse care outside world ive spent countless nights laying awake fantasizing ending all mental exhaustion constant battles inner demons dirt nap sounds good however countless nights planning redflagim also countering thoughts happens fail end vegetable forced stay alive machines bad hurt noose doesnt kill im suffering would pretty awkward situation someone walk seeing like right ive thought slitting wrists id rather kids see aftermath that jumping bridge standing tracks waiting train turn bits popping many pills ive thought up thought failure thats kept attempting it today feeling like im fucking cursed live days death finally takes me typical day wouldnt bother say due disdain society anyone reading feels hopeless dont give up matter hardships enduring keep fighting sometimes gets worse gets better take upon reach out follow another path know definitely alone" ]
Pensar mucho mantiene vivo lo que significa pensamiento vivo múltiples maneras terminan yo mismo wierd pensamientos comunes son se siente bastante normal década perdido mejor amigo rollover catapultado mental rock fondo estado no ayudó desplegado tiempo Estadode cualquier manera años desde descubrir ive desde empujado decenas de vida se convirtió en cuidado de recluso fuera mundo ive pasado incontables noches puesta despierto fantaseando terminar todo agotamiento mental batallas constantes demonios interior siesta de tierra suena bien sin embargo incontables noches planificación Redflagim también contrarrestar pensamientos sucede fracaso final vegetal forzado permanecer vivo máquinas mal domesticado noose noe mata im sufrimiento situación bastante incómoda alguien caminar viendo como derecho pensamiento vivo de corte de muñecas ID más bien niños ver secuelas que saltar puente pendientes pistas pendientes tren turno bits popping muchas píldoras ive pensamiento fracaso que sigue intentando hoy sentir como im maldito día en vivo muerte finalmente me lleva día típico no se molestaría decir debido desprecio sociedad nadie leer se siente desesperado no renunciar a la materia dificultades sigue luchando a veces se pone peor tomar al llegar a cabo sabe otro camino definitivamente solo
lack hope motivation prior lockdown worstenedhello im writing gain sort motivation hope future im year old secondary school student ireland currently final year leaving cert acts access route college based individual performance longest time struggled mental health major anxiety depression redflag ideation lower general motivations immensely coupled add makes harder stay focused topic gain focus first place although taking medication these sertraline mg ritalin mg school always difficult however supports supplied seem quite impossible country lockdown schools closed im left home little motivation anything mother understands mental health challenges however insists blaming academic shortcomings lack motivation such believes right angry this said anger aimed me source problem seems me online classes school whatever reason theres little direct pressure teachers use google classroom thats it know get motivated much anything thoughts escape redflag getting stronger stronger feel alone all sucks want feel like anymore if incoherent im sorry hard put sort thing words me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lack hope motivation prior lockdown worstenedhello im writing gain sort motivation hope futureim year old secondary school student ireland currently final year leaving cert acts access route college based individual performance longest time struggled mental health major anxiety depression redflag ideation lower general motivations immensely coupled add makes harder stay focused topic gain focus first place although taking medication these sertraline mg ritalin mg school always difficult however supports supplied seem quite impossible country lockdown schools closed im left home little motivation anything mother understands mental health challenges however insists blaming academic shortcomings lack motivation such believes right angry this said anger aimed me source problem seems me online classes school whatever reason theres little direct pressure teachers use google classroom thats it know get motivated much anything thoughts escape redflag getting stronger stronger feel alone all sucks want feel like anymore if incoherent im sorry hard put sort thing words me" ]
falta esperanza motivación bloqueo anterior peorendhello im escritura ganar clase motivación esperanza futuro año de la escuela secundaria estudiante ireland actualmente último año dejar certificado actos acceso ruta universidad basado rendimiento individual más tiempo luchado salud mental mayor ansiedad depresión bandera roja ideación menor motivaciones generales inmensamente acoplado añadir hace más difícil permanecer centrado tema ganar foco primer lugar aunque tomar medicamentos estos sertraline mg ritalin mg escuela siempre difícil sin embargo los apoyos suministrados parecen absolutamente imposible país bloqueo escuelas cerrado im izquierda casa poco motivación nada madre entiende problemas de salud mental sin embargo insiste culpa deficiencias académicas falta motivación tales cree enojado este dicho ira me dirigió problema de fuente me parece escuela en línea cualquier razón hay poca presión directa profesores uso Google sala de clases que sabe se motiva mucho cualquier pensamiento escapar rojo más fuerte sentir solo todas las chupan quieren sentir más si incoherente im lo siento duro poner clase palabras me
wish would tell somebody chance moment stopped caring moment realised nothing really mattered anymore maybe thought pass like things used to drowning indifference stuck it things used crave enjoy feel like nothing friendships deep ever wanted them feels like meh fuck going tell anyways want anything really want nothing fuck no either way going same feels like already dead mean sometimes matters springs emotion longer recognize somebody brink suicide hand anything times here maybe meant statistic along thinking eventually going miss night sky think appreciate enough going miss memories two best weeks life people may suffer most sorry or not mean genuinely feel like anymore already
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish would tell somebody chance moment stopped caring moment realised nothing really mattered anymore maybe thought pass like things used to drowning indifference stuck it things used crave enjoy feel like nothing friendships deep ever wanted them feels like meh fuck going tell anyways want anything really want nothing fuck no either way going same feels like already dead mean sometimes matters springs emotion longer recognize somebody brink suicide hand anything times here maybe meant statistic along thinking eventually going miss night sky think appreciate enough going miss memories two best weeks life people may suffer most sorry or not mean genuinely feel like anymore already" ]
deseo le diría a alguien oportunidad momento dejó de preocuparse momento se dio cuenta nada realmente importado más tal vez pensamiento pasar como las cosas acostumbrados a ahogar indiferencia pegado las cosas utilizadas anhelan disfrutar sentir como nada amistades profundas siempre quiso que se siente como meh mierda va a decir de todos modos quiere nada realmente querer nada mierda no de ninguna manera ir mismo se siente como ya muerto significa a veces las cosas surgen emoción reconocer a alguien al borde de la mano suicidio cualquier momento aquí tal vez significa estadística a lo largo de pensar finalmente va a faltar noche cielo pensar lo suficiente va a perder recuerdos dos mejores semanas de vida la gente puede sufrir más lo siento o no significa realmente sentir como ya
innocent friend made dark joke today talking rasputin dance tiktok yknow shirtless boys said crush would literally die said wouldnt youve already tried didnt succeed youre immortal imma leave
[ "innocent friend made dark joke today talking rasputin dance tiktok yknow shirtless boys said crush would literally die said wouldnt youve already tried didnt succeed youre immortal imma leave" ]
amigo inocente hizo broma oscura hoy hablando rasputin baile tiktok yknow chicos sin camisa dijo aplastamiento literalmente morir dicho no has intentado ya no tener éxito eres inmortal imma salir
taking lethal dose diphenhydramine tonighti depersonalization derealization im convinced im living simulation way death life made shitty nothing real im inside computer feel like thoughts actions arent even mine want end depression feeling tonight taking mg diphenhydramine enough kill me live brain dead bed rest life miserable death option escape
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "taking lethal dose diphenhydramine tonighti depersonalization derealization im convinced im living simulation way death life made shitty nothing real im inside computer feel like thoughts actions arent even mine want end depression feeling tonight taking mg diphenhydramine enough kill me live brain dead bed rest life miserable death option escape" ]
tomar dosis letales difenhidramina esta noche despersonalización derealización im convencido im simulación de vida manera muerte vida hecho mierda nada real im dentro de la computadora sentir como pensamientos acciones no son ni siquiera el mío quieren fin depresión sentimiento esta noche tomando mg difenhidramina suficiente matarme vivo cerebro muerto cama descanso vida miserable muerte opción escape
keep bad intrusive thoughts killing sister killing myselfthese thoughts come around couple times month im scared may act one day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep bad intrusive thoughts killing sister killing myselfthese thoughts come around couple times month im scared may act one day" ]
mantener malos pensamientos intrusivos matando a la hermana matándome a mí mismo estos pensamientos vienen alrededor de un par de veces mes mi miedo puede actuar un día
feel like failing dog mom every way depression getting worse day time get home work everyday zero patience energy deal him husband month half hes months old hes incredibly rowdy attentionseeking huge sweetheart cannot seem help jerk whenever hes around feel overwhelmed around him cannot help hate hes feet time constantly trying jump lick anywhere skin showing trying train hes progressing rapidly still cannot seem find leftover patiencei always dog person happened mei feel like worst person world feel bad love much want feel loved know do horrible dog mom
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like failing dog mom every way depression getting worse day time get home work everyday zero patience energy deal him husband month half hes months old hes incredibly rowdy attentionseeking huge sweetheart cannot seem help jerk whenever hes around feel overwhelmed around him cannot help hate hes feet time constantly trying jump lick anywhere skin showing trying train hes progressing rapidly still cannot seem find leftover patiencei always dog person happened mei feel like worst person world feel bad love much want feel loved know do horrible dog mom" ]
se siente como el perro que falla mamá cada manera depresión cada vez peor día llegar a casa trabajo todos los días cero paciencia energía trato él marido mes medio hes meses hes increíblemente ruidoso atención buscando gran amor no puede parecer ayuda idiota cada vez que él se siente abrumado alrededor de él no puede ayudar a odiar hes pies tiempo constantemente tratando de saltar lamer cualquier lugar piel mostrando intentar tren hes progresar rápidamente todavía no puede parecer encontrar sobrante pacienciai siempre perro persona mei mei se siente como peor persona mundo se siente mal amor mucho quiero sentirse amado saber hacer horrible perro mamá
something wrote kind express feeling felt like sharing person inside me wants cannot break wall cries loud ever apparent desperation rise paralyzing enclosused imprisoned repression depression hope lost hope gained day day out disassociation confusion worth it strong enough let go weak enough hold on part something bigger prisoner something smaller say words head ring hallow spinning control maybe asking wrong questions maybe right questions maybe right answers maybe subjective maybe purpose purposeless words enough ride myself want break out replace person something better cry help plead affirmation tell alone tell okay tell okay please tell okay get somehow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "something wrote kind express feeling felt like sharing person inside me wants cannot break wall cries loud ever apparent desperation rise paralyzing enclosused imprisoned repression depression hope lost hope gained day day out disassociation confusion worth it strong enough let go weak enough hold on part something bigger prisoner something smaller say words head ring hallow spinning control maybe asking wrong questions maybe right questions maybe right answers maybe subjective maybe purpose purposeless words enough ride myself want break out replace person something better cry help plead affirmation tell alone tell okaytell okay please tell okay get somehow" ]
algo escribió amable sentimiento expreso se sentía como compartir persona dentro de mí quiere no puede romper el muro gritos fuerte siempre aparente desesperación aumento paralizante encierro preso represión depresión esperanza perdida esperanza ganada día a día desconsociación confusión vale la pena lo suficientemente fuerte dejar ir débil sostener en parte algo más grande prisionero algo más pequeño decir palabras cabeza anillo santo girar control tal vez hacer preguntas equivocadas tal vez preguntas correctas tal vez respuestas subjetivas tal vez propósito palabras sin propósito suficiente viaje yo mismo quiero romper persona algo mejor llorar ayudar alegar afirmación decir solo oktell bien por favor decir bien conseguir de alguna manera
feel giving enough time feel prayers answered moved abusers house bliss weeks lapses desires hurt worse today one f days keep praying religious time let cry feels prayers get answered given anybody else help sorrows universe truly want brave myself know begin even meditate journal every single day matter nobody knows even tell mei feel horribly alone many people love come help feel absolutely terrified ask help back even could cannot feel like open like that want trauma dump especially tell people stories get disgusted cannot handle it even know dude feel like still suicidal everything perfect is feel praying much cannot take given shut up feel like help coming soon trying find valid suicidal still
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel giving enough time feel prayers answered moved abusers house bliss weeks lapses desires hurt worse today one f days keep praying religious time let cry feels prayers get answered given anybody else help sorrows universe truly want brave myself know begin even meditate journal every single day matter nobody knows even tell mei feel horribly alone many people love come help feel absolutely terrified ask help back even could cannot feel like open like that want trauma dump especially tell people stories get disgusted cannot handle it even know dude feel like still suicidal everything perfect is feel praying much cannot take given shut up feel like help coming soon trying find valid suicidal still" ]
Sentir dar suficiente tiempo Sentir oraciones contestadas moved abusadores casa felicidad semanas lapsos deseos duele peor hoy uno f días seguir orando tiempo religioso dejar llorar sentimientos oraciones ser respondido dado alguien más ayuda dolores universo realmente quiero valiente yo sé empezar incluso meditar diario cada día materia nadie sabe incluso decir mei siento horriblemente solo mucha gente amor venir ayuda se siente absolutamente aterrorizado pedir ayuda de nuevo incluso no puede sentirse como abierto como que quieren trauma vertedero especialmente decirle a la gente historias se disgustan no puede manejarlo incluso saber tío se siente como todavía suicida todo perfecto es sentir orando mucho no puede tomar dado silencio sentir como ayuda venir pronto tratando de encontrar suicida válido todavía