free award time alright simple make laugh tell interesting facts knew get free award wholesome good luck
[ "free award time alright simple make laugh tell interesting facts knew get free award wholesome good luck" ]
tiempo de premio libre bien simple hacer reír decir hechos interesantes sabía obtener premio gratis sana buena suerte
opinions swim team ive always kinda wondered people thought swim team swimmers like think pssy sport understand like track underwater whats thoughts it im highschool swim always understood nowhere ner popular talked abou football soccer basketball baseball
[ "opinions swim team ive always kinda wondered people thought swim team swimmers like think pssy sport understand like track underwater whats thoughtsitim highschool swim always understood nowhere ner popular talked abou football soccer basketball baseball" ]
opiniones equipo de natación ive siempre un poco se preguntó la gente pensó nadadores equipo de natación como pensar pssy deporte entender como pista bajo el agua lo que pensamientos itim natación secundaria siempre entendido en ninguna parte ner popular hablado abou fútbol fútbol baloncesto béisbol
seriously contemplating death since weekshi everyone first all obligatory throwaway left university decided leave west european country african one find job did truly loved whole situation ended burning sheer amount required work shitty pay burnout came back parents europe im back round now except time think life at exactly unique path ive taken heres thing passion burning desire anything started running year ago officially diagnosed depression due excess stress predisposition i never liked consider depressed always felt something life helps enough never really sportive recreative thing back university took classes based like languages law road specialized wine trade everything fine realized would lead towards unaccomplishing jobs thought wine overrated wait work there everybody becomes extremely uptight overprotective label put bottle is all drink goes tourism event management latter get erase boundaries professional private lives weird hours get that perhaps would fine people shitty pay get paid enough rather get paid enough extremely low maintenance person started saving half salary every month what significant purchase like housing never reach start buying car simply able save anymore insure it repair put fuel it puts salary perspective work ass point destroy mental health least get paid respectable amount especially qualifications i postgrad so would work much thats works get responsibilities travelled much barely good friends left honest theres parents people really care about that life taking much energy like running thats left good consumer care latest high tech equipment food care fashion obviously dig outside tiny bubble theres also current environmental political global issues im used open all probably first time ever do first time actually consider killing myself never really afraid idea dead transition life death medication mg citalopram per day since september seem anything ill sure go see somebody soon obviously know ill ever able change life change things much define me thanks reading hope come across somebody experienced similar thing would love give family grand kids cant wrap head around dragging somebody mental state let alone raising anybody
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "seriously contemplating death since weekshi everyone first all obligatory throwaway left university decided leave west european country african one find job did truly loved whole situation ended burning sheer amount required work shitty pay burnout came back parents", "europe im back round now except time think life at exactly unique path ive taken heres thing passion burning desire anything started running year ago officially diagnosed depression due excess stress predisposition i never liked consider depressed always felt something life helps enough never really sportive recreative thing back university took classes based like languages law road specialized wine trade everything fine realized would lead towards unaccomplishing jobs thought wine overrated wait work there everybody becomes extremely uptight overprotective label put bottle is all drink goes tourism event management latter get erase boundaries professional private lives weird hours get that perhaps would fine people shitty pay get paid enough rather get paid enough extremely low maintenance person started saving half salary every month what significant purchase like housing never reach start buying car simply able save anymore insure it repair put fuel it puts salary perspective work ass point destroy mental health least get paid respectable amount especially qualifications i postgrad so would work much thats works get responsibilities travelled much barely good friends left honest theres parents people really care about that life taking much energy like running thats left good consumer care latest high tech equipment food care fashion obviously dig outside tiny bubble theres also current environmental political global issues im used open all probably first time ever do first time actually consider killing myself never really afraid idea dead transition life death medication mg citalopram per day since september seem anything ill sure go see somebody soon obviously know ill ever able change life change things much define me thanks reading hope come across somebody experienced similar thing would love give family grand kids cant wrap head around dragging somebody mental state let alone raising anybody" ]
en serio contemplando la muerte desde semanashi todo el mundo primero todo obligatorio desecho izquierda universidad decidió dejar el oeste país europeo africano uno encuentra trabajo realmente amaba toda la situación terminó quemando gran cantidad de trabajo requerido burnout salario de mierda regresó padres
great british movie screaming good laugh sexy gary stretch too oh lots bikes lovely welsh countrysidebr br members club arrowhead bike trike social club appear extras hooray br br there genuinely hilarious bits good acting good ideabr br met director jon ivay showing wareham dorset great man earth good laugh film must supported great brit movies shouldbr br so please go see can website cinemas showing find one near youbr br i cant wait get dvd biker friends seen film two three times already cant get enough itbr br amanda
[ "great british movie screaming good laugh sexy gary stretch toooh lots bikes lovely welsh countrysidebr br members club arrowhead bike trike social club appear extras hooray br br there genuinely hilarious bits good acting good ideabr br met director jon ivay showing wareham dorset great man earth good laugh film must supported great brit movies shouldbr br so please go see can website cinemas showing find one near youbr br i cant wait get dvd biker friends seen film two three times already cant get enough itbr br amanda" ]
gran película británica gritando buena risa sexy Gary estira demasiadooh lotes bicicletas encantadora welsh campañbr br miembros club arrowhead bicicleta trike club social aparecen extras hooray br br allí genuinamente hilarante bits buena actuación buena ideabr br met director jon ivay mostrando wareham dorset gran hombre tierra buena risa película debe apoyar gran brit películas debebr br así que por favor ir ver puede cines web mostrando encontrar uno cerca de youbr br i cant wait conseguir dvd biker amigos visto película dos tres veces ya no puede conseguir suficiente itbr br amanda
movie one favorites hard explain why maybe innocence corin nemec awkwardness paired boldness cheryl pollak definitely something soundtrack also characters little lines movements moments amusing themselves finally story one always tugs heartstrings last scene bittersweet all love movie perfect gooey sentimental girls night
[ "movie one favorites hard explain why maybe innocence corin nemec awkwardness paired boldness cheryl pollak definitely something soundtrack also characters little lines movements moments amusing themselves finally story one always tugs heartstrings last scene bittersweet all love movie perfect gooey sentimental girls night" ]
película uno favoritos duro explicar por qué tal vez inocencia corin nemec torpeza par negrita cheryl polak definitivamente algo banda sonora también personajes pequeñas líneas movimientos momentos divertidos finalmente historia uno siempre tira de las cuerdas del corazón última escena agridulce todo amor película perfecta gooey chicas sentimentales noche
itll start getting warmer next week lets fucking goooooooooooo
[ "itll start getting warmer next week lets fucking goooooooooooo" ]
Empezará a calentarse la semana que viene.
hi imma go sleep soon u guys comment positive things im depressed wake up
[ "hi imma go sleep soon u guys comment positive things im depressed wake up" ]
Hola imma dormir pronto u chicos comentar cosas positivas im deprimido despertar
come realisation trying ignore now matter long go without contact one ever reach me feeling like shit ever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "come realisation trying ignore now matter long go without contact one ever reach me feeling like shit ever" ]
Come realización tratando de ignorar ahora importa largo tiempo ir sin contacto uno alguna vez llegar a mí sintiéndose como mierda nunca
mental hospitalso day yesterday night drinking vodka cutting myself looking around house drugs overdose etc felt unknown reason really need help spoke mom awhile finally told asked admitting mental hospital work blah blah trying explain fast possible talks social worker local clinic doctor im suppose see works calls hospital town closest hospital says go today happy insanely nervous drink which im suppose to cant drunk wanna admitted something pack stuff expecting staying awhile really nervous mom calls gp ask valium something help go door hospital get vlium injection go hospital talk doctor nurse room asks lot questions minutes shows bed room people beds could lot people worst nightmare reason thought would room alone past experience mental hospital about years ago great hospital rooms total room own modern obviously liked it time wanted go home asap weeks made think would like that say mom cant stay here asks nurse doctor tells cant go back room im angry now trys convince say wanna go home do point post is like adult mental hospital normally im ireland im guessing different around world anyway advice info would great sorry long
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mental hospitalso day yesterday night drinking vodka cutting myself looking around house drugs overdose etc felt unknown reason really need help spoke mom awhile finally told asked admitting mental hospital workblah blahtrying explain fast possible talks social worker local clinic doctor im suppose see works calls hospital town closest hospital says go today happy insanely nervous drink which im suppose to cant drunk wanna admitted something pack stuff expecting staying awhile really nervous mom calls gp ask valium something help go door hospital get vlium injection go hospital talk doctor nurse room asks lot questions minutes shows bed room people beds could lot people worst nightmare reason thought would room alone past experience mental hospital about years ago great hospital rooms total room own modern obviously liked it time wanted go home asap weeks made think would like that say mom cant stay here asks nurse doctor tells cant go back roomim angry now trys convince say wanna go home do point post is like adult mental hospital normally im ireland im guessing different around world anyway advice info would great sorry long" ]
Hospitales mentales el día de ayer por la noche beber vodka cortarme mirando alrededor de la sobredosis de drogas en casa etc sentido desconocido razón realmente necesidad de ayuda habló mamá un rato finalmente le preguntó admitir trabajo de hospital mental blah blatrying explicar rápido posible charlas trabajador social médico clínica local supongo ver obras llamadas hospital ciudad hospital más cercano dice ir hoy feliz bebida locamente nervioso que se supone que no quiere admitir algo paquete esperando quedarse un rato realmente nervioso mamá llama gp pregunta Valium algo ayuda ir puerta hospital get vilium inyección ir hospital hablar doctor enfermería pregunta mucho minutos muestra habitación gente camas podría mucho gente peor pesadilla pensamiento sería habitación sola pasado experiencia hospital mental hace años grandes habitaciones hospital habitación total propia moderna obviamente me gustó que el tiempo quería ir a casa asap semanas hizo pensar que le gustaría que decir mamá no puede quedarse aquí pregunta enfermera doctor le dice no puede ir atrás habitaciónim enojado ahora intenta convencer decir que quiere ir a casa do punto post es como adulto hospital mental normalmente im irlandes im adivinar diferente alrededor del mundo de todos modos asesoramiento información sería grande lo siento largo
demons amp voices came visiti feeling lonely confinement guess demons decided knock im kept awake laying bed uncontrollable terrifying thoughts feel lonely yet screams make think wise really want comfort cant sleep im good wanna this im sorry yall cant handle
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "demons amp voices came visiti feeling lonely confinement guess demons decided knock im kept awake laying bed uncontrollable terrifying thoughts feel lonely yet screams make think wise really want comfort cant sleep im good wanna this im sorry yall cant handle" ]
demonios amp voces vino visiti sentirse solitario confinamiento adivinar demonios decidido golpe im mantenido despierto tumbado pensamientos terroríficos incontrolables sentirse solitario pero gritos hacen pensar sabio realmente querer comodidad no puedo dormir im bueno quiero este im lo siento yall cant manejar
hopelessness consuming destroying me nsfwthis long post apologize that depression panic disorder i panic attacks rarely gad general anxiety disorder obsessive compulsive disorder premenstrual dysphoric disorder i think officially diagnosed little year ago im day twentysix cycle ive thinking purpose life think help others im sure anymore feel hopeless worthless vagina narrow short tight time even im aroused lubricated cant insert two fingers slide one finger way vagina becomes extremely tight feels like finger going past something hard explain hurts feel angry hopeless one way im glad vagina tight would please partner another way im enraged fact someone would profit pain agony hate people say tight vagina good thing ive users flat tell tighter always better tense vagina feels better ive never abused part disgusted men want tight vagina want profit partners pain suffering like feels good man hurts woman im horrified go in does go way gets extremely tight part vagina ill stop him want take mans pleasure away ruin experience him feel hopeless areas life wish could go sleep never wake up plan harm myself also question sub people feel borderline suicidal arent reported punished right thank reading long post appreciate it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hopelessness consuming destroying me nsfwthis long post apologize that depression panic disorder i panic attacks rarely gad general anxiety disorder obsessive compulsive disorder premenstrual dysphoric disorderi think officially diagnosed little year ago im day twentysix cycle ive thinking purpose life think help others im sure anymore feel hopeless worthless vagina narrow short tight time even im aroused lubricated cant insert two fingers slide one finger way vagina becomes extremely tight feels like finger going past something hard explain hurts feel angry hopeless one way im glad vagina tight would please partner another way im enraged fact someone would profit pain agony hate people say tight vagina good thing ive users flat tell tighter always better tense vagina feels better ive never abused part disgusted men want tight vagina want profit partners pain suffering like feels good man hurts woman im horrified go in does go way gets extremely tight part vagina ill stop him want take mans pleasure away ruin experience him feel hopeless areas life wish could go sleep never wake up plan harm myself also question sub people feel borderline suicidal arent reported punished", "right thank reading long post appreciate it" ]
Desesperanza consumiendo destruirme nsfwthis long post disculpa que depresión trastorno de pánico i ataques de pánico rara vez gad general trastorno de ansiedad trastorno obsesivo compulsivo trastorno disfórico premenstrual creo oficialmente diagnosticado poco hace año im day veintiséis ciclo live think purpose purpose life think help others im heat more feels desesperance sin valor vagina estrecho corto apretado tiempo incluso im excitado cant insertar dos dedos deslizarse un dedo vagina se vuelve extremadamente apretado se siente como dedo pasando algo duro explicar dolor sentirse enojado desesperanza una manera im glacial vagina apretado por favor socio otra manera i horrorizado hecho alguien podría obtener dolor agonía gente dicen apretado vagina buena us users ives flat decir más apretado siempre mejor tensa vagina se siente mejor ive part nunca abusado hombres enojados quieren apretado vagina deseo beneficios socios dolor sufrimiento como se siente hombre bueno dolor mujer im horrorizado ir en sí va manera consigue extremadamente apretado parte vagina mal le impide llevar hombre placer experiencia ruina él siente áreas desesperadas deseo vida podría ir a dormir nunca despertar daño yo mismo también pregunta personas sub personas se sienten nerviosos
broken land freemy parents make much financial aid work hours week still cant afford college im one year thousands dollars unsubsidized debt less month pay next semester cant even move parents house even though money apartments going get better country shit hard get foothold life all think im done hope america fixes higher education system someday
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "broken land freemy parents make much financial aid work hours week still cant afford college im one year thousands dollars unsubsidized debt less month pay next semester cant even move parents house even though money apartments going get better country shit hard get foothold life all think im done hope america fixes higher education system someday" ]
tierra rota gratis mis padres hacen mucho trabajo de ayuda financiera horas semana todavía no puedo pagar la universidad im un año miles de dólares deuda no subsidiada menos mes paga el próximo semestre no puedo incluso mudar a los padres casa a pesar de que dinero apartamentos va a ser mejor país mierda duro conseguir piehold vida todos creo que estoy hecho esperanza América arregla el sistema de educación superior algún día
im tired fighting this want over peace finally find meeveryday fight im tired fighting it want something help me someone hear me small sliver happiness every time nearly manage get one universe beats back miserable dark place beats harder attempt cant keep fighting this fighting alone treated like leper black sheep whenever try teach someone anyone im tired constantly repeating myself reaching out trying find happiness one listens one cares im tired insurmountable guilt feel every day breathing strength mother children need wife husband deserves killed daily guilt knowing much pain theyd id left energy fight anymore cant live guilt knowing id them im tired want fight anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired fighting this want over peace finally find meeveryday fight im tired fighting it want something help me someone hear me small sliver happiness every time nearly manage get one universe beats back miserable dark place beats harder attempt cant keep fighting this fighting alone treated like leper black sheep whenever try teach someone anyone im tired constantly repeating myself reaching out trying find happiness one listens one cares im tired insurmountable guilt feel every day breathing strength mother children need wife husband deserves killed daily guilt knowing much pain theyd id left energy fight anymore cant live guilt knowing id themim tiredwant fight anymore" ]
Estoy cansado de luchar contra esta necesidad sobre la paz finalmente encontrarme pelea todos los días lucha estoy cansado luchar contra él quiero algo me alguien me oye pequeña felicidad sliver cada vez que casi manejar conseguir un universo late de nuevo miserable lugar oscuro latidos intento más duro no puedo seguir luchando esta lucha solo tratado como leproso oveja negra cada vez que intente enseñar a alguien estoy cansado repitiendo constantemente tratando de encontrar la felicidad uno escucha uno se preocupa estoy cansado culpa insuperable sentir cada día respirar fuerza madre hijos necesitan esposa marido merece morir culpa diaria sabiendo mucho dolor id izquierda energía lucha ya no puedo vivir culpa saber id theim cansado querer luchar más
another album like httpsopenspotifycomalbumcgwclwskgxkzgyattafdsilzrpdvqtsadchehew
[ "another album like httpsopenspotifycomalbumcgwclwskgxkzgyattafdsilzrpdvqtsadchehew" ]
otro álbum como httpsopenspotifycomalbumcgwclwskgxkzgyattafdsilzrpdvqtsadchehew
switched ssris feel better like feel stable however although feel better like brain never switch off anxious like developed adhd feel like always need something constantly find near impossible sit lie watch video movie etc say it distract feeling crap like want able relax enjoy things help depression hyperactivityadhd
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "switched ssris feel better like feel stable however although feel better like brain never switch off anxious like developed adhd feel like always need something constantly find near impossible sit lie watch video movie etc say it distract feeling crap like want able relax enjoy things help depression hyperactivityadhd" ]
ssris cambiado se siente mejor como sentirse estable sin embargo, aunque se siente mejor como el cerebro nunca se apaga ansioso como desarrollado adhd se siente como siempre necesita algo constantemente encontrar cerca de imposible sit mentira ver vídeo película, etc decir que distraer la sensación de mierda como querer capaz relajarse disfrutar de las cosas ayudar a la depresión hiperactividadadhd
life over never chanceits like sick joke lets take someone keep bottom barrel cage reach everyone else way cant express anybody else people miss coworkers would really miss work personally im tired working hard trying everything can getting nothing return people meant here one them thus fact life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life over never chanceits like sick joke lets take someone keep bottom barrel cage reach everyone else way cant express anybody else people miss coworkers would really miss work personally im tired working hard trying everything can getting nothing return people meant here one them thus fact life" ]
La vida sobre nunca casualidades como broma enferma deja llevar a alguien mantener la jaula de barril de fondo llegar a todos los demás manera no se puede expresar a nadie más gente extrañaría compañeros de trabajo personalmente estoy cansado de trabajar duro intentar todo puede conseguir nada retorno personas significaba aquí uno ellos así realidad vida
fool thinking things would oki fool thinking things would ok right now divorce could go smooth truly alone this know believe anymore one cares me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fool thinking things would oki fool thinking things would ok right now divorce could go smooth truly alone this know believe anymore one cares me" ]
tonto pensando las cosas oki tonto pensando que las cosas bien ahora mismo el divorcio podría ir sola verdaderamente este saber creer que ya a uno le importo
music work anymore lost truly numb music even work anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "music work anymore lost truly numb music even work anymore" ]
música trabajo más perdido música realmente entumecido incluso trabajo más
im one disaster away losing sanityover past year felt live continue slip away drive career make world constantly beat gone even spend time trying fun anymore think world one day automated husband means education survive worry bad house bought debate go bankrupt survive allowed place live happens lose job much means get another lucky five years trying low pay ones gone automation learn survive street want try survive permanent damage feet cant afford fix ongoing list medical problems wish one things would hurry end naturally years old feel best life offer already shown me feel never meant make world mental illnesses starting show one day cost job place world someone like cant make own reason ended things trying hold worst comes next time car breaks money house floods anything something happens think deal everything life wants throw me end anything worth fighting even did bother want live see world turn into know done want anymore world seem want take naturally want see make
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im one disaster away losing sanityover past year felt live continue slip away drive career make world constantly beat gone even spend time trying fun anymore think world one day automated husband means education survive worry bad house bought debate go bankrupt survive allowed place live happens lose job much means get another lucky five years trying low pay ones gone automation learn survive street want try survive permanent damage feet cant afford fix ongoing list medical problems wish one things would hurry end naturally years old feel best life offer already shown me feel never meant make world mental illnesses starting show one day cost job place world someone like cant make own reason ended things trying hold worst comes next time car breaks money house floods anything something happens think deal everything life wants throw me end anything worth fighting even did bother want live see world turn into know done want anymoreworld seem want take naturally want see make" ]
Un desastre de perder la cordura en el año pasado se sintió en vivo continuar deslizándose carrera de conducir hacer mundo constantemente vencido incluso pasar el tiempo tratando de diversión más pensar mundo un día marido automatizado significa educación sobrevivir preocupación casa mal comprado debate ir en bancarrota vivir lugar vivo pasa perder trabajo mucho significa tener otra suerte cinco años tratando de bajos salarios se fue automatización aprender sobrevivir calle quieren intentar sobrevivir permanente daño pies no pueden permitirse fijar lista permanente problemas médicos deseo una cosa se apresura terminar naturalmente años de edad se siente mejor oferta de vida ya me mostró nunca se siente significa hacer mundo enfermedades mentales empezar a mostrar un día costo lugar trabajo mundo alguien como no puede hacer propia razón terminó cosas tratando de mantener peor viene la próxima vez que el coche rompe dinero casa inundaciones cualquier cosa que sucede piensa trato todo lo que la vida quiere tirarme final cualquier cosa que vale la lucha incluso se molestó querer vivir ver mundo convertirse en saber hecho quiero más mundo parece querer tomar naturalmente quiero ver hacer
come think part today christmas eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve context bio part httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsibscome_and_think_of_itutm_sourceshareampamputm_mediumios_appampamputm_nameiossmf
[ "come think part today christmas eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve context bio part httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsibscome_and_think_of_itutm_sourceshareampamputm_mediumios_appampamputm_nameiossmf" ]
ive done terrible things deserve terrible endfirst all im wrong sub id like apologize search redflag found im years old entire life ive done nothing bad ive prison twice currently parole next years ive hurt everyone ever cared about ruined countless lives remorse since incarceration learned lot im person used be predator hunted children unspeakable things thinking past sickens stomach see reason go here family talk me friends happiness still urges time time act again feel it take life now cant hurt anybody else way always meant be im looking sympathy im looking told change better know ive done life given thrown away selfish actions wish could go back young amazing mother supportive father brother never would thought would give me want go back days young free regrets want take back everything done theres nothing left say lay pool tears reminisce golden days one promise made got prison id stop drinking bottle tequila juice thank reading please hold flaming trust me know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive done terrible things deserve terrible endfirst all im wrong sub id like apologize search redflag found im years old entire life ive done nothing bad ive prison twice currently parole next years ive hurt everyone ever cared about ruined countless lives remorse since incarceration learned lot im person used be predator hunted children unspeakable things thinking past sickens stomach see reason go here family talk me friends happiness still urges time time act again feel it take life now cant hurt anybody else way always meant be im looking sympathy im looking told change better know ive done life given thrown away selfish actions wish could go back young amazing mother supportive father brother never would thought would give me want go back days young free regrets want take back everything done theres nothing left say lay pool tears reminisce golden days one promise made got prison id stop drinking bottle tequila juice thank reading please hold flaming trust me know" ]
ive had terrible things mered terrible endfirst all im mal sub id like discussion search redflag found im years old life hed nothing mal ive prison dos veces en este momento la libertad condicional los próximos años ive hire everyone maintained live live returned lives remordimiento desde la encarcelación heart lot im person used be predated children indescriptible thing pass flakens thing thing pass smallens thing worm would raz go here family help me friends still instance time time time time time time time time time life any main main main maining main maining site maining site maining change s change live live live live live drive live live drive drive drive drigue drigue drigue drigue driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez drega jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez je
opinion bananas applesround orangesround plumsround pearround peachesround limesround lemonsround coconutsround pomegranatesround onionsround watermelonsround melonsround grapefruitsround tomatosround grapesround roundround bananascurved fuckin fuck bananas round everyone appreciates good round shape bananas different dont they look independent annoying curvy cunts explain cant get round bananas outrageous fruits round bananas need stoned entirely banned britain itself little shits cant put em mouth properly like good apple you doesnt make sense hurts banana hating brain bananas curved look exactly like downwards curve liking bananas banana slices are showing dismembering them make much better thing lets team completely fucking destroy little yellow minion looking extraterrestrial curvy inappropriately shaped pieces trash must alert mods astonishingly gobsmacking situation turn show government utterly eradicate bananas together we this
[ "opinion bananas applesround orangesround plumsround pearround peachesround limesround lemonsround coconutsround pomegranatesround onionsround watermelonsround melonsround grapefruitsround tomatosround grapesround roundround bananascurved fuckin fuck bananas round everyone appreciates good round shape bananas different dont they look independent annoying curvy cunts explain cant get round bananas outrageous fruits round bananas need stoned entirely banned britain itself little shits cant put em mouth properly like good apple you doesnt make sense hurts banana hating brain bananas curved look exactly like downwards curve liking bananas banana slices are showing dismembering them make much better thing lets team completely fucking destroy little yellow minion looking extraterrestrial curvy inappropriately shaped pieces trash must alert mods astonishingly gobsmacking situation turn show government utterly eradicate bananas together we this" ]
opinión plátanos manzanas redondas naranjas redondas ciruelas redondas pera redonda melocotones redondos limones redondos cocos redondos granadas redondas cebollas redondas sandías redondas melones redondos pomelos redondos tomates redondos uvas redondas plátanos redondos redondos curvos malditos plátanos alrededor de todo el mundo aprecia buena forma redonda plátanos diferentes no se ven independientes molesto coños curvos explicar cant conseguir ronda plátanos escandalosos frutas redondas plátanos necesidad de piedra completamente prohibido britain sí mismo pequeñas mierdas cant poner em boca correctamente como buena manzana que no tiene sentido lastimas plátanos odio cerebro plátanos curvados mirada exactamente como curva descendente gusta plátanos rodajas de plátanos están mostrando desmembramiento hacen mucho mejor cosa permite al equipo completamente destruir minion amarillo pequeño buscando curvy extraterrestre piezas inadecuadamente forma basura debe alertar mods sorprendentemente gobsmacking situación vuelta mostrar gobierno completamente erradicar plátanos juntos
feeling pretty good right now stark contrast usual sending positive vibes possibly can broke free anxiety bit today ive riding high ive made friends past months theyre truly wonderful people im beyond lucky life ive got roof head access water food etc im leaning back bed hoodie amp sweats pulled dryer ago feeling comfortable hell got lofi filling room totally enhancing good vibe head isnt clouded depression anxiety worry doubt whisked away soft sound music first night long time feel okay hope too not please invite join stopping bit enjoy lofi me herehttpsyoutubelicfmag_a ill hang bit longer talk anyone feels like commenting nobody does thats perfectly fine know whatever youre going through youre alone hope looking sign give up it right here thing believe amp im proud making moment genuinely hope lovely peoples nightsmornings go well find way beat demons probably going doze soon wanted share small victory you love ya
[ "feeling pretty good right now stark contrast usual sending positive vibes possibly can broke free anxiety bit today ive riding high ive made friends past months theyre truly wonderful people im beyond lucky life ive got roof head access water food etc im leaning back bed hoodie amp sweats pulled dryer ago feeling comfortable hell got lofi filling room totally enhancing good vibe head isnt clouded depression anxiety worry doubt whisked away soft sound music first night long time feel okay hope too not please invite join stopping bit enjoy lofi me herehttpsyoutubelicfmag_a ill hang bit longer talk anyone feels like commenting nobody does thats perfectly fine know whatever youre going through youre alone hope looking sign give up it right herething believe amp im proud making moment genuinely hope lovely peoples nightsmornings go well find way beat demons probably going doze soon wanted share small victory you love ya" ]
Sentirse bastante bien en este momento marcado contraste habitual enviar vibraciones positivas posiblemente puede romper la ansiedad libre poco hoy ive montar alto ive hace amigos pasados meses son personas verdaderamente maravillosas im suerte vida ive got techo acceso agua alimentos etc im inclinarse espalda cama sudadera sudadera sudadera amp tiró secadora hace sentir cómodo infierno lofi relleno habitación totalmente mejora buena vibra cabeza ist nublada depresión ansiedad preocupación duda whisked lejos suave música de sonido primera noche largo tiempo sentir bien esperanza también por favor no invitar a unirse parar poco disfrutar lofi me herehttpsyoutubelicfmag_a mal colgar poco más largo hablar cualquiera se siente como comentar nadie hace eso está perfectamente bien saber lo que estás pasando youre solo esperanza buscar signo renunciar derecho aquí todo cree amp im orgulloso hacer momento genuinamente gente encantadora nochesmañanzas ir bien encontrar manera golpear demonios probablemente va doze pronto quería compartir pequeña victoria ya amor
cabinet man came shuffled playlist pls someone say know im talking
[ "cabinet man came shuffled playlist pls someone say know im talking" ]
hombre del gabinete vino shuffled lista de reproducción pls alguien dice saber que estoy hablando
im confused distraught life great recently wife kid rising biologist become professor literally dream two years ago though year old diagnosed aggressive cancer given year best devastated wife devout catholic atheist difference religion tore us apart sons last days convinced agree familys christian funeral divorced shortly it fell depression bombed interview sleep landed half ass th grade teaching job last year students give two shits it top got laid last day school parents though treated students like shit past week ive thought son like die feel suicidal keep imagining like exist want worse am want talk somebody help put things perspective also want remain anonymous call john
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im confused distraught life great recently wife kid rising biologist become professor literally dream two years ago though year old diagnosed aggressive cancer given year best devastated wife devout catholic atheist difference religion tore us apart sons last days convinced agree familys christian funeral divorced shortly it fell depression bombed interview sleep landed half ass th grade teaching job last year students give two shits it top got laid last day school parents though treated students like shit past week ive thought son like die feel suicidal keep imagining like exist want worse am want talk somebody help put things perspective also want remain anonymous call john" ]
Confundido vida angustiada grande recientemente esposa hijo aumento biólogo se convierten en profesor literalmente hace dos años, aunque año de edad diagnosticado cáncer agresivo dado año mejor devastada esposa devoto católico ateo diferencia religión nos separó hijos los últimos días convencidos acuerdo familias cristianos funeral divorciado en breve cayó depresión bombardeada entrevista sueño aterrizado mitad culo th grado trabajo de enseñanza el año pasado estudiantes dar dos mierdas top se acostó el último día padres de escuela a pesar de los estudiantes tratados como mierda la semana pasada vida pensamiento hijo como morir se siente suicida seguir imaginando como existe deseo peor quiero hablar alguien ayuda a poner las cosas perspectiva también quiero permanecer anónimo llamar john
movie corner stranger things test the stranger things quiz best way fans test knowledge series stranger things test also excellent online contest know much series playing quiz give overview story interested ready go is stranger things testhttpsinquizzcomquizstrangerthingstriviautm_sourceredditamputm_mediumjoniamputm_campaignstrangerthings
[ "movie corner stranger things test the stranger things quiz best way fans test knowledge series stranger things test also excellent online contest know much series playing quiz give overview story interested ready go is stranger things testhttpsinquizzcomquizstrangerthingstriviautm_sourceredditamputm_mediumjoniamputm_campaignstrangerthings" ]
película esquina extraño cosas prueba el extraño cosas cuestionario mejor manera de los fans prueba conocimiento serie extraño cosas prueba también excelente concurso en línea saber mucha serie jugar cuestionario dar visión general historia listo ir es extraño cosas pruebahttpsinquizzcomquizstrangerthingstriviautm_sourceredditamputm_mediumjoniamputm_campaignstrangerthings
thoughti wish could trade places people dying dont want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thoughti wish could trade places people dying dont want" ]
Pensé que el deseo podría cambiar los lugares que la gente que muere no quiere
ruined one chance want go sleepi it finally someone much struggle found someone liked me ruined it desperate insecure fuck head ruined one chance want anymore go longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ruined one chance want go sleepiit finally someone much struggle found someone liked me ruined it desperate insecure fuck head ruined one chance want anymore go longer" ]
Arruinado una oportunidad quiere ir a dormir finalmente alguien mucha lucha encontró que alguien me gustaba lo arruinó desesperada insegura cabeza de mierda arruinado una oportunidad quiere más tiempo
bit young one see it theres excellent music many folks mentioned one seems notice rare appearance angel mostly ignored quite popular musical outfit wearing trademark white outfits grind th century foxes apparently try cram cameras field vision keyboardist gregg giuffria remains bands highlight apparently never gotten much haircut ever cherie currie exrunaways singer begins brief notable acting career here quite memorable alongside jodie foster rest her topless d scenes parasite ufo sighting wavelength kept us watching time br br its masterpiece preserves chunk period gaze upon wonder
[ "bit young one see it theres excellent music many folks mentioned one seems notice rare appearance angel mostly ignored quite popular musical outfit wearing trademark white outfits grind th century foxes apparently try cram cameras field vision keyboardist gregg giuffria remains bands highlight apparently never gotten much haircut ever cherie currie exrunaways singer begins brief notable acting career here quite memorable alongside jodie foster rest her topless d scenes parasite ufo sighting wavelength kept us watching time br br its masterpiece preserves chunk period gaze upon wonder" ]
Un poco joven uno lo ve Theres excelente música mucha gente mencionó uno parece notar apariencia rara ángel sobre todo ignorado conjunto musical bastante popular con la marca registrada trajes blancos muelen zorros del siglo al parecer probar cámaras cram campo visión keyboardist gregg giuffria sigue siendo bandas destaca aparentemente nunca consiguió mucho corte de pelo nunca cherie currie exrunaways cantante comienza breve notable carrera de actuación aquí bastante memorable junto a jodie Foster descanso su topless d escenas parásito ufo avistamiento longitud de onda nos mantuvo viendo tiempo br br su obra maestra conserva trozo de período mirada sobre maravilla
wanna join pog reddit r rthepogreddit
[ "wanna join pog reddit r rthepogreddit" ]
Quiero unirme a pog reddit r rthepogreddit
complaining mainstream music bad nowadays dumb one forcing listen probably wont affect way besides makes song good really subjective
[ "complaining mainstream music bad nowadays dumb one forcing listen probably wont affect way besides makes song good really subjective" ]
quejarse de la música convencional mala hoy en día tonto uno forzando escuchar probablemente no afectará mucho además hace buena canción realmente subjetiva
holy shit trying poop heard loud distressed hiss growl think thats kitten take care of hope danger im pretty sure fighting big ass cat hates everyone
[ "holy shit trying poop heard loud distressed hiss growl think thats kitten take care of hope danger im pretty sure fighting big ass cat hates everyone" ]
santo mierda tratando de caca oído fuerte angustiado silbidos gruñido pensar que es gatito cuidar de la esperanza peligro im bastante seguro luchando culo grande gato odia a todo el mundo
im monster im okay iti abuse neglect friends im terrible dad sister im mean cruel cat fucking care life meaningless im going fucking die soon might well make everyone around feel much pain go want whole fucking world burn go everyone feel pain rage feel every fucking day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im monsterim okayiti abuse neglect friends im terrible dad sister im mean cruel cat fucking care life meaningless im going fucking die soon might well make everyone around feel much pain go want whole fucking world burn go everyone feel pain rage feel every fucking day" ]
im monsterim okayiti abuso descuidar amigos im terrible papá hermana im significa cruel gato cuidado vida sin sentido yo voy a morir pronto podría hacer que todos los de alrededor sientan mucho dolor ir a querer todo el maldito mundo quemado ir todos sienten dolor rabia sentir cada puto día
much overdose citaloprammy boyfriend broke upwith
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much overdose citaloprammy boyfriend broke upwith" ]
mucha sobredosis citaloprammy novio rompió con
im old day older yesterday comes much wisdom
[ "im old day older yesterday comes much wisdom" ]
El viejo día de ayer viene mucha sabiduría.
girl leaving wanna dieso whats best way commit redflag im thinking car tube exhaust pipe
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "girl leaving wanna dieso whats best way commit redflag im thinking car tube exhaust pipe" ]
chica dejando quiere dieso lo que es mejor manera de cometer redflag im pensando coche tubo tubo de escape
ive suicidal since eight recently ive thinking actually going iti could post throwaway fuck it censor really feel lss im transgender ftm fully supportive people life tried telling dad would longer see little girl would kick out weve always close accept already breaking mentally friends school completely clueless much hurts someone came constantly gets pronouns corrected still struggle calling preferred name think even fully transition ill feel better body pass male thighs cant accept one accept me also awful body issues everyone live overweight want look them throw food hour eat fear gaining weight also sort undiagnosed mental disorder ive hearing voices i think schizophrenia personalities names since constantly talk sex no subconsious sex makes uncomfortable passion sexually active started talking sex specifically vivid visual hallucinations one voices giving oral others also berate tell here hurt others etc im also pretty sure depression read somewhere hearing voices past trauma hope true unfortunately believe sexually abused family member child family situation awful parents i nmom bipolar dad abusive relationship divorce my sake sometimes want come home bad plus special needs aunt lives us acts like spoiled year old know right wrong blames problems im allowed talk family cut ties them well academically school never could feel like fucked future never asking homeschooling special ed year dad guilts well atleast trying to try cant im fucking difficult feel hopeless already plan date want die im even highschool want become adult find love life cant deal shit anymore cannot go therapy mom hates therapists doctors school counselor would get cps involved ive mentioned borderline child abuse past want call resource line theres people deserving me post update next friday probably went it thanks everything reddit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive suicidal since eight recently ive thinking actually going iti could post throwaway fuck it censor really feel lss im transgender ftm fully supportive people life tried telling dad would longer see little girl would kick out weve always close accept already breaking mentally friends school completely clueless much hurts someone came constantly gets pronouns corrected still struggle calling preferred name think even fully transition ill feel better body pass male thighs cant accept one accept me also awful body issues everyone live overweight want look them throw food hour eat fear gaining weight also sort undiagnosed mental disorder ive hearing voices i think schizophrenia personalities names since constantly talk sex", "no subconsious sex makes uncomfortable passion sexually active started talking sex specifically vivid visual hallucinations one voices giving oral others also berate tell here hurt others etc im also pretty sure depression read somewhere hearing voices past trauma hope true unfortunately believe sexually abused family member child family situation awful parents i nmom bipolar dad abusive relationship divorce my sake sometimes want come home bad plus special needs aunt lives us acts like spoiled year old knowright wrong blames problems im allowed talk family cut ties them well academically school never could feel like fucked future never asking homeschooling special ed year dad guilts well atleast trying to try cant im fucking difficult feel hopeless already plan date want dieim even highschool want become adult find love life cant deal shit anymore cannot go therapy mom hates therapists doctors school counselor would get cps involved ive mentioned borderline child abuse past want call resource line theres people deserving me post update next friday probably went it thanks everything reddit" ]
vida suicida desde ocho recientemente vida pensar en realidad iti podría post throwaway mierda censura realmente sentir lss im transgénero ftm totalmente gente de apoyo la vida trató de decirle a papá más tiempo ver pequeña niña haría patadas weve siempre cerca aceptar ya romper amigos mentales escuela completamente sin pistas mucho daño alguien viene constantemente consigue pronombres corrección todavía lucha llamar nombre preferido pensar incluso totalmente mal sentir mejor cuerpo pasar muslos masculinos no puede aceptar uno me acepta también horribles problemas del cuerpo todos viven sobrepeso quieren mirarlos tirar comida hora comer miedo aumento de peso también ordenar desorden mental no diagnosticado voces auditivas i creo esquizofrenia personalidades nombres desde constantemente hablar sexo
spanish fart fandom dying updoredacted true pedophile
[ "spanish fart fandom dying updoredacted true pedophile" ]
fandom pedo español muriendo updoredacted verdadero pedófilo
nobody wants talk person think ugly worth anything wrong nice person deep down misunderstood would love make friends perhaps establish genuine connection people want alone right now would really love friend
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nobody wants talk person think ugly worth anything wrong nice person deep down misunderstood would love make friends perhaps establish genuine connection people want alone right now would really love friend" ]
Nadie quiere hablar persona piensa feo vale nada malo buena persona en el fondo mal entendido le encantaría hacer amigos tal vez establecer una conexión genuina la gente quiere solo en este momento realmente amar amigo
tomorrows dayive wanted die time now years life wasted wishing dead ive failed multiple times taking life hospitalized medication therapy name it couple days ago mother uncovered things never supposed know cant go detail bottom line is ive reached final breaking point new issues top everything else deal day day basis finally suffocated me ive wanted years tomorrow day im going go it dont want advice consoling want somebody know thank you reddit see side
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tomorrows dayive wanted die time now years life wasted wishing dead ive failed multiple times taking life hospitalized medication therapy name it couple days ago mother uncovered things never supposed know cant go detail bottom line is ive reached final breaking point new issues top everything else deal day day basis finally suffocated me ive wanted years tomorrow day im going go it dont want advice consoling want somebody know thank you reddit see side" ]
mañanas Dayive quería morir tiempo ahora años la vida desperdiciada deseando morir ha fallado varias veces tomando la vida hospitalizada medicamentos terapia nombre hace un par de días madre descubrió cosas nunca se supone que no puede ir detalle final es ive alcanzado punto final nuevos problemas por encima de todo lo demás día de acuerdo base finalmente me asfixiado ive años buscados mañana día im go it dont want advice consolating want someone know thank you reddit see side
want end iti know kill myself overexamine everything even want die want kill tonight cant figure way relatively painlessly none pills cabinent really lethal except tylenol hurts like bitch die from fucking hard
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want end iti know kill myself overexamine everything even want die want kill tonight cant figure way relatively painlessly none pills cabinent really lethal except tylenol hurts like bitch die from fucking hard" ]
Quiero terminar, sé que me mato sobreexaminar todo lo que incluso quiero morir quiero matar esta noche no puedo figura de manera relativamente indolora ninguna píldoras camarote realmente letal excepto tilenol duele como perra morir de mierda duro
hs girls really like older guys actually date one admire teen heartthrob like harry styles makes sense know typical year old guy girls seem totally others matter age wondering common people think
[ "hs girls really like older guys actually date one admire teen heartthrob like harry styles makes sense know typical year old guy girls seem totally others matter age wondering common people think" ]
hs chicas realmente como chicos mayores en realidad salir con uno admirar adolescente heartthrob como Harry estilos tiene sentido saber típico año viejo chico chicas parecen totalmente otros materia edad preguntándose gente común piensa
world fucking cruelit sounds fucking stupid textbooks arriving late getting charged fuck ton money fucking breaking point world fucking cruel nobody cares anybody everyone fucking greedy everyone fucking mean im fucking lonely friends like one loves me mom entirely disgusted reason ive tried getting help wont let me job im limited due transportation bc covid cant fucking find job cant drive keep gaining weight tired it keep going sub ranting ranting never going get better way kill myself would it tried many times always failed take anymore hurts much anyone hurt me wake morning wishing dead make stop much cant this death closest thing peace could ever find shit fucking world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "world fucking cruelit sounds fucking stupid textbooks arriving late getting charged fuck ton money fucking breaking point world fucking cruel nobody cares anybody everyone fucking greedy everyonefucking mean im fucking lonely friends like one loves me mom entirely disgusted reason ive tried getting help wont let me job im limited due transportation bc covid cant fucking find job cant drive keep gaining weight tired it keep going sub ranting ranting never going get better way kill myself would it tried many times always failed take anymore hurts much anyone hurt me wake morning wishing dead make stop much cant this death closest thing peace could ever find shit fucking world" ]
mundo mierda cruelit sonidos mierda estúpidos libros de texto llegar tarde que se cargan mierda dinero mierda punto de ruptura mundo mierda cruel nadie le importa a nadie todos mierda codiciosos todo el mundo mierda medio im maldito solitario amigos como uno me ama mamá completamente asqueado razón i i tratar de conseguir ayuda no me deja trabajo im limitado debido transporte bc covid cant encontrar trabajo no puede conducir seguir ganando peso cansado sigue yendo sub despotricando despotricarse nunca va a ser mejor manera de matarme si lo intentó muchas veces siempre falló tomar mucho más daño me despiertan mañana deseando muerto hacer parada mucho cant esta muerte más cerca de la paz podría encontrar mierda mundo
question steal scene expert expert scene stealers walther mathau full furious brilliant grumpy old man mode answer quietly deadpan perfect timing george burns herebr br i know nothing vaudeville remains favourite film two leads hilarious script funny direction pacing fine richard benjamin funny straight man trying get burns window etc even small parts greatbr br there many funny scenes mathau messing commercial burns repeating answers senilebr br a delightbr br enterrrrrr
[ "question steal scene expert expert scene stealers walther mathau full furious brilliant grumpy old man mode answer quietly deadpan perfect timing george burns herebr bri know nothing vaudeville remains favourite film two leads hilarious script funny direction pacing fine richard benjamin funny straight man trying get burns window etc even small parts greatbr br there many funny scenes mathau messing commercial burns repeating answers senilebr br a delightbr br enterrrrrr" ]
pregunta robar escena experto experto escena ladrones walther mathau completo furioso brillante gruñón viejo modo respuesta tranquilamente deadpan tiempo perfecto george quemaduras aquí br br saber nada vaudeville sigue siendo película favorita dos leads hilarante guión divertido dirección ritmo fine richard benjamin divertido hombre recto tratando de conseguir quemaduras ventana etc incluso pequeñas partes greatbr br allí muchas escenas divertidas mathau desorden comercial quemaduras repetir respuestas senilebr br un placer br enterrrrrrr
hope youre fine ups downs wanna say tell friends appreciate them could make day like two weeks ago one friends suddenly said likes hanging hes happy im around im honestly stoked hear someone appreciates even keep telling noone likes me guess tell friends appreciate them let know company means lt
[ "hope youre fine ups downs wanna say tell friends appreciate them could make day like two weeks ago one friends suddenly said likes hanging hes happy im around im honestly stoked hear someone appreciates even keep telling noone likes me guess tell friends appreciate them let know company means lt" ]
Espero que sean buenos altibajos quiero decir a los amigos apreciar que podrían hacer el día como hace dos semanas un amigo de repente dijo que les gusta colgar hes feliz im alrededor de mí honestamente avivado escuchar alguien aprecia incluso seguir diciendo a nadie como yo adivinar decirle a los amigos apreciar que avisa a la compañía significa lt
guys names reddit vastly different girls like guys username would epicbigchungus girls would katlynxox idk find strange difference see
[ "guys names reddit vastly different girls like guys username would epicbigchungus girls would katlynxox idk find strange difference see" ]
chicos nombres reddit chicas muy diferentes como chicos nombre de usuario sería épicabigchungus chicas katlynxox idk encontrar extraña diferencia ver
old person according redditthanks see ya
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "old person according redditthanks see ya" ]
viejo de acuerdo redditgracias nos vemos
tittle suicide tourism switzerland work
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tittle suicide tourism switzerland work" ]
Title suicidio turismo Suiza trabajo
im im suicidaluh hi im im suicidal really point dont care life mean care th grade so like cousin commented redflag maybe month later uncle same mom really fucked sorry swearing um well bad drug problem older sister basically mom grandma dad left keep coming back start shit like would say siblings worthless didnt matter uncle died couple days birthday birthday spent funeralalso siblings mom step dad lived grandma grandpas parents would always fight like boom fighting pm fighting times got physical dont like talking summer th grade began cut weird liked it hated pain soon dull blade like blacked different person went awhile till sister found told mom finally stoped month went on christmas great grandma died like second mom like loved much funeral saw corpseit wierd kinda expected wake know didntumm couple months ago moved biological dad mom tried kill front kept screaming wants brother my uncle wierd guess dad cool guess doesnt exactly accept trans ftm honestly dont give shit living want die birds sister honestly anti depressants working think death okay guess thanks reading suppose
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im im suicidaluhhi im im suicidal really point dont care life mean care th gradeso like cousin commented redflag maybe month later uncle same mom really fucked sorry swearing um well bad drug problem older sister basically mom grandma dad left keep coming back start shit like would say siblings worthless didnt matter uncle died couple days birthday birthday spent funeralalso siblings mom step dad lived grandma grandpas parents would always fight like boom fighting pm fighting times got physical dont like talking summer th grade began cut weird liked it hated pain soon dull blade like blacked different person went awhile till sister found told mom finally stoped month went on christmas great grandma died like second mom like loved much funeral saw corpseit wierd kinda expected wake know didntumm couple months ago moved biological dad mom tried kill front kept screaming wants brother my uncle wierd guess dad cool guess doesnt exactly accept trans ftm honestly dont give shit living want die birds sister honestly anti depressants working think deathokay guess thanksreading suppose" ]
Im im suicidauhhi im suicida realmente punto no importa la vida significa cuidado th gradoso como primo comentó Redflag tal vez mes más tarde tío misma mamá realmente mierda jurando um bien mal problema de drogas hermana mayor básicamente mamá abuela papá dejó seguir volviendo volver empezar mierda como diría hermanos inútiles no importa tío murió dos días cumpleaños cumpleaños pasado funeraltambién hermanos mamá paso papá vivió abuela abuelos padres siempre luchar como boom lucha pm tiempos de lucha se hizo físico no como hablar verano th grado comenzó corte raro le gustaba odio dolor pronto aburrido hoja como negro diferente persona fue un rato hasta hermana encontrado dijo mamá finalmente parado mes fue en Navidad abuela murió como segundo mamá como ama mucho funeral vio cadáverit wierd un poco esperado despertar saber didtumm pareja hace meses se movió papá biológico mamá trató de matar frente se mantuvo gritando quiere hermano mi tío wierd supongo que papá cool supongo que exactamente no aceptar trans ftm honestamente no dar mierda vida quieren morir aves hermana
guys suffer from im depressed im suicidal im happy life emotional problem disorder im ugly im great academics im great sports suffer trauma daddy mommy issues family problems im poor im lonely many good friends anxiety trouble talking girls im fat im good shape lots hobbies interests enjoy life life always good okay seriously tho normal
[ "guys suffer from im depressed im suicidal im happy life emotional problem disorder im ugly im great academicsim great sports suffer trauma daddy mommy issues family problems im poorim lonely many good friends anxiety trouble talking girls im fatim good shape lots hobbies interests enjoy life life always goodokay seriously tho normal" ]
chicos sufren de im deprimido im suicida im vida feliz problema emocional trastorno im feo im grandes académicosim grandes deportes sufren trauma papi problemas de la mamá familia im powerim solitario muchos buenos amigos ansiedad problemas hablar chicas im fatim buena forma lotes hobbies intereses disfrutar de la vida siempre buenookay seriamente tho normal
followers shitty pick lines wtf tell
[ "followers shitty pick lines wtf tell" ]
seguidores mierda recoger líneas wtf contar
almost am im gonna risk take minute nap watch wake up posting good luck
[ "almost am im gonna risk take minute nap watch wake up posting good luck" ]
Casi me voy a arriesgar a tomar minuto siesta reloj despertar publicando buena suerte
gave ol college try lifes meive trying really have want things stopped thinking negatively telling everythings fine bad im bouncing back anymore every day im closer it chipping away me feel im irrational im depressed want life chose hard path want anymore chose it brought myself many days stretched ahead me nothing look forward to plenty shitty memories look back on keep night punctuate thoughts throughout day repress say im good good things feel might want know never happen try hold ahead me like donkey carrot im even convinced things would fix anymore ive trying distract myself patch emptiness working fact failed effort making worse faking til make working making fake think every day multiple times day usually plan question ability carry out logistically could press button done would stellar im baby cant stand pain complicates things need help another human alive answers im irrational theres rational reason live want to genuinely tried already mean anything unhappy justified mean mental problem depressed dont least tonne htps like candy nothing looks like brain chemicals fine maybe circumstantial circumstances changing time soon think push next several years outcome guaranteed even sure thing change mind anymore really want it ive trying years working decide today waiting years reasonable no death comes everyone grand scheme things shaving yr really change understand people suicidal know theyre going die eventually enjoy journey not thats reason living understandable want to people care im gone regret thats case enough keep anymore im sitting around waiting things get better years surely thats representative timeframe needed get chest suppose someone tell ive made huge glaring errors
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gave ol college try lifes meive trying really have want things stopped thinking negatively telling everythingsfine bad", "im bouncing back anymore every day im closer it chipping away me feel im irrational im depressed want life chose hard path want anymore chose it brought myself many days stretched ahead me nothing look forward to plenty shitty memories look back on keep night punctuate thoughts throughout day repress say im good good things feel might want know never happen try hold ahead me like donkey carrot im even convinced things would fix anymore ive trying distract myself patch emptiness working fact failed effort making worse faking til make working making fake think every day multiple times day usually plan question ability carry out logistically could press button done would stellar im baby cant stand pain complicates things need help another human alive answers im irrational theres rational reason live want to genuinely tried already mean anything unhappy justified mean mental problem depressed dont least tonne htps like candy nothing looks like brain chemicals fine maybe circumstantial circumstances changing time soon think push next several years outcome guaranteed even sure thing change mind anymore really want it ive trying years working decide today waiting years reasonable no death comes everyone grand scheme things shaving yr really change understand people suicidal know theyre going die eventually enjoy journey not thats reason living understandable want to people care im gone regret thats case enough keep anymore im sitting around waiting things get better years surely thats representative timeframe needed get chest suppose someone tell ive made huge glaring errors" ]
le dio a la universidad probar vidas meive tratando realmente han querido que las cosas dejen de pensar negativamente diciendo todo está bien mal
reaching friend yes noim much thinking killing myself years getting worse recently realized dead inside life me outside things brought past still present realized even without them nothing want fight help want wait around future would like done one friend weve distant past three months id like reach talk him though even know would about want ask help know want but somehow want let know bad im feeling even let know want continue living problem arises distant emotional problems bad experiences knowing people committed redflag past figure farther away me less talk less killing hurt him reach out cause great distress im gone and after im pretty sure would blame himself think correct answer reach out positive reaching would help alleviate pain distress would selfishly adding his suppose im looking opinions and incredibly appreciate replies else talk this please refrain telling love me killing would waste talents world beautiful none relevant makes feel terribly ill
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reaching friend yes noim much thinking killing myself years getting worse recently realized dead inside life me outside things brought past still present realized even without them nothing want fight help want wait around future would like done one friend weve distant past three monthsid like reach talk him though even know would about want ask help know want but somehow want let know badim feeling even let know want continue living problem arises distant emotional problems bad experiences knowing people committed redflag past figure farther away me less talk less killing hurt him reach out cause great distressim gone and after im pretty sure would blame himself think correct answer reach out positive reaching would help alleviate pain distress would selfishly adding his suppose im looking opinions and incredibly appreciate replies else talk this please refrain telling love me killing would waste talents world beautiful none relevant makes feel terribly ill" ]
llegar amigo sí noim mucho pensar matándome años cada vez peor recientemente realizado muerto dentro de la vida yo cosas traídos pasado todavía presente realizado incluso sin ellos nada quiere lucha ayuda querer esperar alrededor del futuro quisiera hacer un amigo weve distante pasado tres meses como llegar hablarlo aunque incluso saber que querría pedir ayuda saber querer pero de alguna manera querer hacerle saber bazim sentimiento incluso dejar saber querer seguir viviendo problema surge distante problemas emocionales malas experiencias conocer personas comprometidas figura pasado figura más lejos yo menos hablar menos matar le duele llegar a cabo causa gran angustia se fue y después de im bastante seguro se culparía a sí mismo pensar respuesta correcta llegar a alcanzar positivo ayuda aliviar dolor angustia egoísta añadir su su supuesto im opiniones mirada e increíblemente aprecia respuestas otra charla este por favor abstenerse de decir amor matarme desperdiciaría talentos mundo hermoso nadie relevante hace sentirse terriblemente enfermo
friend drove away know ever trust someone again fuck feels never anything right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend drove away know ever trust someone again fuck feels never anything right" ]
amigo condujo lejos saber siempre confiar en alguien otra vez mierda nunca se siente nada bien
wanting make amends vs knowing kill tw metooi feeling debilitating levels shame metoo coverage recently fixated creepy fucking loser nice guy ways selfishly hurt around me psychiatrist male basically tells im hard myself men news done far worse points lacking experience perspective know wrong want someone take seriously tell without minimizing things yo man dealt major depression since didnt lose virginity technically mention inexperienced socially awkward mentioned somewhat nice guy time good friends woman freshman year college ill call h h started showing interest exciting didnt get much lived dorm h would get bed cuddle watch movies virgin also depressed albeit higher functioning eventually asked liked said yes also told want relationship told ok soon began pestering herasking reconsider months still friends still cuddled became clear becoming less comfortable me kept asking reconsider basically treating like boyfriend months despite feelings felt entitled it told liked me entitled nice guy eventually told could longer friends me told contact her recommended see shrink blocked facebook justice served since graduating spent time alone lot time reflect try better person stayed away dating work entitlement issues anxiety around year ago started thinking h again still blocked wonder subject metoo wonder one reasons psychiatrist isnt taking seriously hes done something worse feel like progress ive made sham whatever good manage never undo selfidentity abuser pain ive caused women people kind enough care me back thinking justice left redflag shamefully selfish worry even bother put effort better person hobbies interests career h reappear life let everyone know manipulative creep many ways still am
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting make amends vs knowing kill tw metooi feeling", "debilitating levels shame metoo coverage recently fixated creepy fucking loser nice guy ways selfishly hurt around me psychiatrist male basically tells im hard myself men news done far worse points lacking experience perspective know wrong want someone take seriously tell without minimizing things yo man dealt major depression since didnt lose virginity technically mention inexperienced socially awkward mentioned somewhat nice guy time good friends woman freshman year college ill call h h started showing interest exciting didnt get much lived dorm h would get bed cuddle watch movies virgin also depressed albeit higher functioning eventually asked liked said yes also told want relationship told ok soon began pestering herasking reconsider months still friends still cuddled became clear becoming less comfortable me kept asking reconsider basically treating like boyfriend months despite feelings felt entitled it told liked me entitled nice guy eventually told could longer friends me told contact her recommended see shrink blocked facebook justice served since graduating spent time alone lot time reflect try better person stayed away dating work entitlement issues anxiety around year ago started thinking h again still blocked wonder subject metoo wonder one reasons psychiatrist isnt taking seriously hes done something worse feel like progress ive made sham whatever good manage never undo selfidentity abuser pain ive caused women people kind enough care me back thinking justice left redflag shamefully selfish worry even bother put effort better person hobbies interests career h reappear life let everyone know manipulative creep many ways still am" ]
queriendo hacer las paces vs saber matar el sentimiento de tw metooi
idk people complain mask hard wear whatever like legit forget take mask car literally makes difference
[ "idk people complain mask hard wear whatever like legit forget take mask car literally makes difference" ]
idk la gente se queja máscara duro usar lo que sea como legítimo olvidar tomar coche máscara literalmente hace la diferencia
edit request someone good editing willing help out ill pay
[ "edit request someone good editing willing help out ill pay" ]
edit request alguien buena edición dispuesto a ayudar a pagar mal
people get comfortable point makes others uncomfortable comes personality people hating dark humor gotta wake pop ibuprofen numb everyone hurtin feelings mean bully people unless bash making joke cultures food cook something real one gonna eat like yams vagina
[ "people get comfortable point makes others uncomfortable comes personality people hating dark humor gotta wake pop ibuprofen numb everyone hurtin feelings mean bully people unless bash making joke cultures food cook something real one gonna eat like yams vagina" ]
La gente se siente cómoda hace que otros se sientan incómodos viene la personalidad la gente odia el humor oscuro tiene que despertar pop ibuprofeno adormecer a todos los heridos en los sentimientos significa gente matón a menos que bash hacer broma culturas comida cocinar algo real uno va a comer como ñame vagina
im able post memes omg read rules
[ "im able post memes omg read rules" ]
Im capaz post memes omg leer reglas
cant take anymoreno one likes me say it dont person hates know me school killing me work piles upon demands people succeed friends belittle others im singled made fun of im lonely one likes real everyone fake im sure year old boy trapped like this say stupid stuff know why try stop cant cant focus school release games parents like that help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take anymoreno one likes me say it dont person hates know me school killing me work piles upon demands people succeed friends belittle others im singled made fun of im lonely one likes real everyone fake im sure year old boy trapped like this saystupid stuff know why try stop cant cant focus school release games parents like that help me" ]
No puedo soportar más a nadie le gusta que yo diga que no la persona odia saber que la escuela me mata trabajo montones sobre demandas la gente tiene éxito amigos menosprecio otros im soltero se burla de im solitario uno le gusta real todo el mundo falso im seguro año viejo chico atrapado como este saystupid cosas saber por qué tratar de parar cant no se centran juegos de lanzamiento de la escuela padres como que me ayudan
years leftmade decision tough im im right now friends family surrounded people care get something it drown work im busy working dont time think pain get better next years figure time take hands make change
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "years leftmade decision tough im im right now friends family surrounded people care get something it drown work im busy working dont time think pain get better next years figure time take hands make change" ]
años izquierdmade decisión duro im im ahora mismo amigos familia rodeados gente cuidado conseguir algo ahoga trabajo im ocupado trabajo no hay tiempo pensar dolor mejorar los próximos años figura tiempo tomar manos hacer cambio
wanna know whos cool ethan_keith
[ "wanna know whos cool ethan_keith" ]
¿Quieres saber quién es ethan_keith?
everyone stalking profile see u bitches
[ "everyone stalking profile see u bitches" ]
todo el mundo acosando perfil ver u perras
honor dr seuss thought id give guys one favorite quotestoday you truer true one alive youer you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "honor dr seuss thought id give guys one favorite quotestoday you truer true one alive youeryou" ]
honor Dr. Seuss pensó id dar chicos una cita favorita hoy más verdadero uno vivo usted
alt care anymorei want already thinking constantly recently school coming soon feels like right time suffer longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alt care anymorei want already thinking constantly recently school coming soon feels like right time suffer longer" ]
Alt care ya quiero ya pensar constantemente que la escuela viene pronto se siente como el momento adecuado sufrir más tiempo
shoutout electriciansrepairmen bring treats excited dogs theyre thing holding world together real mvps
[ "shoutout electriciansrepairmen bring treats excited dogs theyre thing holding world together real mvps" ]
electricistas chilloutrepairmen traer golosinas perros excitados son cosa que mantiene el mundo juntos mvps reales
tried checking mental health care facility todayleft said planning hold hours minimum fuck that id rather go back work thank god wasnt professional place couldve trouble trying get filled signed paperwork least know thats option help either haha theres escape hell life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried checking mental health care facility todayleft said planning hold hours minimum fuck that id rather go back workthank god wasnt professional place couldve trouble trying get filled signed paperwork least know thatsoption help either haha theres escape hell life" ]
trata de revisar el centro de salud mental hoy izquierda dijo planificación horas de espera mínimo mierda que Id prefiere volver al trabajo gracias a Dios no era un lugar profesional podría tener problemas tratando de llenar el papeleo firmado menos saber que la opción ayuda o jaja Theres escapar infierno vida
wierd story found looking copypasta garden gnome noggin clontith walking around streets suddenly alleyway finds among us secks anime girl gnome asks wat amung us what among us among us responds saying secks wit anime girl ok said gnome anime girl cummed ok im cumming but wait said gnome there seems someone watching secks besides me points gnome ahh thats kinda sus said among us drip tip finally impostor reveals himslef jerma sus yes me responds evel jerma sus oh no said anime girl cumming every milliseconds hes gonna kill us all said amung us creamping anime girls pussy everything seemed end suddenly hero emerges darkness reciting banishing words said hero pepe frog pepe recited words sus jerma melted cum heres pic extremely gory moment sus jerma dead among us continued cumming inside anime girls mouth pussy anus pepe mighty hero went help people gnome noggin clontith walked home feeling safe hope liked ops story epic it
[ "wierd story found looking copypasta garden gnome noggin clontith walking around streets suddenly alleyway finds among us secks anime girl gnome asks wat amung us what among us among us responds saying secks wit anime girl ok said gnome anime girl cummed ok im cumming but wait said gnome there seems someone watching secks besides me points gnome ahh thats kinda sus said among us drip tip finally impostor reveals himslef jerma susyes me responds eveljerma susoh no said anime girl cumming every milliseconds hes gonna kill us all said amung us creamping anime girls pussy everything seemed end suddenly hero emerges darkness reciting banishing words said hero pepe frog pepe recited words sus jerma melted cum heres pic extremely gory moment sus jerma dead among us continued cumming inside anime girls mouth pussy anus pepe mighty hero went help people gnome noggin clontith walked home feeling safe hope liked ops story epic it" ]
wierd historia encontrado mirar copypasta jardín gnome noggin clontith caminar por las calles de repente callejón encuentra entre nosotros secks anime chica gnome pregunta wat amung nosotros lo que entre nosotros responde diciendo secks wit anime chica ok dijo gnome anime chica cummed ok im cumming pero espera dijo gnome parece alguien mirando secks además de mí puntos gnome ahh que un poco sus dijo entre nosotros goteo punta finalmente impostor revela himslef jerma susyes me responde eveljerma susoh no dijo anime chica cumming cada milisegundos que nos va a matar todos dijo amung nosotros crema anime chicas coño todo parecía final de repente héroe emerge oscuridad recitando destierro palabras dicho héroe pepe rana pepe recitado palabras sus jerma derretido cum heres pic extremadamente gory momento sus jerma muertos entre nosotros continuó comming dentro de anime chicas boca coño anus pepe poderoso héroe fue ayudar a la gente gnome noggin clontith caminar a casa
im doomed life eternal misery death escapeage sexually assaulted first time naivete told dad said go room sleep never addressed it age sexually assaulted second time wiser time age two year long abusive relationship made petrified men loud voices sudden movements would trigger me parents best severely bullied th grade became suicidal mum found suicidal tendencies said go ahead it im watching first fullblown panic attack age parents rubbished it said theres thing panic attack said probably much drink they like people drink theyre orthodox asians im graduated college one best times life became independent anxiety time low well school published newspaper journal found love life professors became closest friends graduated applied eight different places job everyone reverted letter rejection last hope rejected today stuck parents place love controlling me autonomy mental health goes shit become different person nowhere else apply ive exhausted list contacts networks parents debt im exhausted ive realized happiness fleeting cruel joke job got one paid times average sales job interested academia research said wanted follow passion fool im paying it goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doomed life eternal misery death escapeage sexually assaulted first time naivete told dad said go room sleep never addressed it age sexually assaulted second time wiser time age two year long abusive relationship made petrified men loud voices sudden movements would trigger me parents best severely bullied th grade became suicidal mum found suicidal tendencies said go ahead it im watching first fullblown panic attack age parents rubbished it said theres thing panic attack said probably much drink they like people drink theyre orthodox asians im graduated college one best times life became independent anxiety time lowwell school published newspaper journal found love life professors became closest friends graduated applied eight different places job everyone reverted letter rejection last hope rejected today stuck parents place love controlling me autonomy mental health goes shit become different person nowhere else apply ive exhausted list contacts networks parents debt im exhausted ive realized happiness fleeting cruel joke job got one paid times average sales job interested academia research said wanted follow passion fool im paying it goodbye" ]
Im vida condenada miseria eterna muerte fugaje sexualmente agredido primera vez ingenuidad le dijo a papá que go room sleep nunca abordó la edad sexualmente agredido segunda vez tiempo más sabio edad dos años larga relación abusivo hombres fuertes voces fuertes movimientos repentinos me disparan los padres mejor severamente intimidado th grado se convirtió en suicida mamá tendencias suicidas dijo seguir adelante im ver primer ataque de pánico plena edad padres basura dijo que Theres cosa pánico ataque dijo probablemente mucho beber como la gente bebe son ortodoxos asians im graduado universidad un mejor momento la vida se convirtió en independiente ansiedad tiempo Lowwell escuela periódico publicado revista encontrado amor profesores se graduaron amigos más cercanos aplicado ocho lugares diferentes trabajo todo el mundo revertido carta rechazo última esperanza rechazada hoy se pegan padres lugar amor control me autonomía salud mental va mierda se convierte en diferente persona en ningún otro lugar aplicar en vida exhausto lista contactos redes padres deuda im exhausto ha realizado felicidad efímera broma cruel trabajo consiguió un pago veces promedio ventas trabajo interesado investigación académica dijo que quería seguir pasión tonto pagarle adiós im
must admit reason bought movie big fan gackt huge fan hyde expecting good movie lot shots were shall say pleasing feminine eye slightly cheesy story mean synopsis sounded really there finished watching feel need tell world brilliance hyde gackt gave heartwrenching performances eyes still hot crying lasted throughout last half movie get sucked story really feel characters end element vampirism love easy overdo ruin movie subtly mixed storyline make something merely exotic normal setting rather random unnecessary addition story ranked firstand went back tried think giving last point came nothing ten ten is im much critic fact im bothering write review means either really hate movie really love it tell side im moon child
[ "must admit reason bought movie big fan gackt huge fan hyde expecting good movie lot shots were shall say pleasing feminine eye slightly cheesy story mean synopsis sounded really there finished watching feel need tell world brilliance hyde gackt gave heartwrenching performances eyes still hot crying lasted throughout last half movie get sucked story really feel characters end element vampirism love easy overdo ruin movie subtly mixed storyline make something merely exotic normal setting rather random unnecessary addition story ranked firstand went back tried think giving last point came nothing ten ten is im much critic fact im bothering write review means either really hate movie really love it tell side im moon child" ]
debe admitir razón comprado película gran fan gackt enorme fan hyde esperando buenas fotos de lote de película fueron decir agradable ojo femenino ligeramente cursi historia significa sinopsis sonó realmente terminó de ver sentir necesidad decir mundo brillo hyde gackt dio desgarrador actuaciones ojos todavía llanto caliente duró durante la última mitad película conseguir chupado historia realmente sentir personajes elemento final vampirismo amor fácil exceso ruina película sutilmente mixta historia hacer algo meramente exótico normal entorno bastante aleatorio innecesaria adición historia clasificado primero y volvió intentó pensar dar último punto vino nada diez es mucho crítico hecho im molestar escribir crítica significa o bien realmente odio película realmente amor contar lado im luna niño
im tired sufferingonly reason dont commit redflag hurt family im tired actually dont give fuck mental situation im feeling im tired living family would love end pain forever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired sufferingonly reason dont commit redflag hurt family im tired actually dont give fuck mental situation im feeling im tired living family would love end pain forever" ]
Estoy cansado sufriendo sólo por la razón no cometer daño de bandera roja familia estoy cansado en realidad no me importa mierda situación mental me siento estoy cansado vivir familia amaría acabar con el dolor para siempre
wtf kissing booth coming next year like bruhhhhh second one came
[ "wtf kissing booth coming next year like bruhhhhh second one came" ]
Wtf cabina de besos que viene el próximo año como bruhhhhh segundo llegó
right cannot feel enjoy anything anymore state cannot even feel love anymore relief anywhere besides sleep drugs think nearing end tracks symptoms severeend stage depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "right cannot feel enjoy anything anymore state cannot even feel love anymore relief anywhere besides sleep drugs think nearing end tracks symptoms severeend stage depression" ]
derecho no se puede sentir disfrutar de nada más estado ni siquiera se puede sentir el amor más alivio en cualquier lugar además de las drogas de sueño pensar cerca de pistas finales síntomas
another text post thing hate times dont know else post weird ass humour to
[ "another text post thing hate times dont know else post weird ass humourto" ]
otro mensaje de texto odio tiempos no saben más publicar extraño culo humorto
survey school project hi could take survey views gender equality would super awesome results totally anonymous school project httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfunqhmduxezaaxvxafgfyaunbpzkeydihitdja_djaviewformuspsf_link
[ "survey school project hi could take survey views gender equality would super awesome results totally anonymous school project httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfunqhmduxezaaxvxafgfyaunbpzkeydihitdja_djaviewformuspsf_link" ]
encuesta proyecto escolar hola podría tomar puntos de vista encuesta igualdad de género super impresionantes resultados totalmente anónimo proyecto escolar httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfunqhmduxezaaxvxafgfyaunbpzkeydihitja_djaviewformuspsf_link
attempted suicide third grade why sick parents arguing sick one weird kid school nobody talks too sick seeing family poverty trying raise family course still love parents hate watching struggle needs is split hated seeing single parent cry handed bill christmas tears eyes barely able keep straight i however beyond belief grateful getting never owned much money beforenow comes self insecurities self doubt depressionredflag lovetrust issues spend hours day wondering ugly kid life would much easier dead i know killing look something do insecurities wondering skinny like people seen physical appearance eat enough self doubt good enough burden parents ever suicidal ideation held together want see pain circles around head eventually driving madness causes break tears know love hard time trusting people causing push awayif hard talk feelings peoplereach get help getting understand going inside mind life maybe id different point state mind rant post thoughtslife
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "attempted suicide third grade why sick parents arguing sick one weird kid school nobody talks too sick seeing family poverty trying raise family course still love parents hate watching struggle needs is split hated seeing single parent cry handed bill christmas tears eyes barely able keep straight i however beyond belief grateful getting never owned much money beforenow comes self insecurities self doubt depressionredflag lovetrust issues spend hours day wondering ugly kid life would much easier deadi know killing look something do insecurities wondering skinny like people seen physical appearance eat enough self doubt good enough burden parents ever suicidal ideation held togetherwant see pain circles around head eventually driving madness causes break tears know love hard time trusting people causing push awayif hard talk feelings peoplereach get help getting understand going inside mind lifemaybe id different point state mind rant post thoughtslife" ]
intento de suicidio tercer grado por qué los padres enfermos argumentan enfermo un niño extraño escuela nadie habla demasiado enfermo ver familia pobreza tratando de elevar el curso familiar todavía amor padres odio ver lucha necesidades es dividido odio ver padre soltero llorado mano factura Navidad lágrimas ojos apenas capaz mantener derecho i sin embargo más allá de la creencia agradecido nunca tener mucho dinero antes de que ahora viene auto inseguridades duda sí mismo depresiones rojoflag amor confianza problemas pasar horas preguntar fea vida de niño mucho más fácil saber matar mirar algo hacer inseguridades preguntándose flacas como la gente vista apariencia física comer suficiente duda de sí mismo suficiente carga padres siempre idea suicida mantenidos juntos quieren ver dolor círculos alrededor de la cabeza conducir locura causas romper lágrimas saber amor difícil confiar en la gente que causa alejar si la gente habla sentimientos duros obtener ayuda para entender ir dentro de la mente vida tal vez id diferente estado mente rant pensamientos vida
want die reason livei want suicidal want die want find things live for anything matter hard look cant find single reason stay couple things need cleaned up finished anything find keep going sad used think could keep pushing going something live back then ups downs suck know something side bad keep climbing mountains scraping valleys anything side cant see point anything could make happy even anything could hurt anymore everything could hurt already happened nothing matters enough even care now want this cant find real reason to one left me one notice much gone short span physical pain seem bad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die reason livei want suicidal want die want find things live for anything matter hard look cant find single reason stay couple things need cleaned up finished anything find keep going sad used think could keep pushing going something live back then ups downs suck know something side bad keep climbing mountains scraping valleys anything side cant see point anything could make happy even anything could hurt anymore everything could hurt already happened nothing matters enough even care now want this cant find real reason to one left me one notice much gone short span physical pain seem bad" ]
Quiero morir por la razón livei quiero suicida quiero morir quiero encontrar cosas en vivo para cualquier cosa look duro no puedo encontrar una sola razón quedarse pareja cosas necesitan limpiar terminado cualquier cosa encontrar seguir adelante triste usado pensar podría seguir empujando algo en vivo entonces arriba abajo chupar saber algo lado malo seguir escalando montañas raspando valles cualquier lado no puedo ver punto cualquier cosa podría hacer feliz incluso cualquier cosa podría doler más todo podría doler ya pasó nada importa lo suficiente ahora quiero que este no puede encontrar una razón real a uno me dejó un aviso mucho tiempo corto dolor físico parece malo
every time pain heart hope ill dieto intensely connected someone months go away taken away memories pierce mind every fucking day cant handle it much pain crying pain mind rejection betrayal hate every single moment im alive spent time her messaging eating together making plans talking fucking connection thought would die together turn butterfly went much poverty heroin addiction fights happiness love longer talks me broke up friends something happened left drunk took heroin found strangers respond messages want talk me void void heart id rather electricity thousands volts snapped testicles go this pure emotional torture reality cruel beg god kill please every time pain heart happy maybe maybe heart attack kill me plan yet method sure get idea
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every time pain heart hope ill dieto intensely connected someone months go away taken away memories pierce mind every fucking day cant handle it much pain crying pain mind rejection betrayal hate every single moment im alive spent time her messaging eating together making plans talking fucking connection thought would die together turn butterfly went much poverty heroin addiction fights happiness love longer talks me broke up friends something happened left drunk took heroin found strangers respond messages want talk me void void heart id rather electricity thousands volts snapped testicles go this pure emotional torture reality cruel beg god kill please every time pain heart happy maybe maybe heart attack kill me plan yet method sure get idea" ]
cada vez dolor corazón esperanza mal dieto intensamente conectado alguien meses se van llevado recuerdos perforar la mente cada puto día no puede manejar mucho dolor llanto dolor mente rechazo traición odio cada momento im vivo pasó tiempo sus mensajes comer juntos haciendo planes hablando puta conexión pensamiento morir juntos vuelta mariposa se fue mucha pobreza heroína adicción lucha felicidad amor más tiempo habla me rompió amigos algo left ebria tomó heroína encontró extraños responder mensajes quieren hablar vacío corazón vacío id más bien electricidad miles de voltios se rompió testículos ir esta pura tortura emocional realidad cruel suplico dios matar por favor cada vez dolor corazón feliz tal vez corazón ataque me mata plan aún método seguro obtener idea
im real trouble mom caught fapping do
[ "im real trouble mom caught fapping do" ]
Im verdadero problema mamá atrapado fapping do
hospital nearly weeksi hospital month redflag attempt end month felt lot better put different meds antidepressents though going better feel bad tried kill again im thinking everyday know do happy meds took away thought miracle seems last wrote plan next months firm decision feel better everything plan ex still ignores hates everything plan to ill end things then least say gave everything could story truly horrible plan write book end things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hospital nearly weeksi hospital month redflag attempt end month felt lot better put different meds antidepressents though going better feel bad tried kill again im thinking everyday know do happy meds took away thought miracle seems last wrote plan next months firm decision feel better everything plan ex still ignores hates everything plan to ill end things then least say gave everything could story truly horrible plan write book end things" ]
hospital casi semanasi mes de hospital intento de bandera roja fin de mes se sintió mucho mejor poner diferentes medicamentos antidepresivos aunque va mejor sentirse mal intentado matar de nuevo Im pensar todos los días saber hacer feliz medicamentos se llevó pensamiento milagro parece último plan escrito los próximos meses decisión firme sentir mejor todo plan ex todavía ignora odia todo plan para mal extremo cosas y menos decir dio todo podría historia realmente horrible plan escribir libro fin de cosas
cry easily movies admit one brought tears although ms streep fan performance excellent title defines sentence mothers love is first hour like characters changed movie went on movie also explained certain marriages last even though obstacles must see film
[ "cry easily movies admit one brought tears although ms streep fan performance excellent title defines sentence mothers love is first hour like characters changed movie went on movie also explained certain marriages last even though obstacles must see film" ]
llorar fácilmente las películas admiten que uno trajo lágrimas aunque ms streep fan performance excelente título define frase madres amor es primera hora como personajes cambiado película fue en película también explicó ciertos matrimonios por última vez a pesar de los obstáculos deben ver película
worse tipranthi again depression anxiety more mentioned yesterday tried kill myself number one regret life could died grief way things after feel like completely different person way people treat me happy people treating better try kill self make love makes want throw roof mum never really sudden me know im ungrateful come this anyone am could go back time take tablets would hung instead considering redflag tak ibuprofen kill fuck liver kidneys work live life extra misery im undergoing therapy worrying suicidal thoughts ibuprofen answer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worse tipranthi again depression anxiety more mentioned yesterday tried kill myself number one regret life could died grief way things after feel like completely different person way people treat me happy people treating better try kill self make love makes want throw roof mum never really suddenme know im ungrateful come this anyone am could go back time take tablets would hung instead considering redflag tak ibuprofen kill fuck liver kidneys work live life extra misery im undergoing therapy worrying suicidal thoughts ibuprofen answer" ]
peor tipranthi de nuevo depresión ansiedad más mencionado ayer intentó matarme número uno arrepentimiento vida podría morir dolor cosas después de sentirse como persona completamente diferente manera de que la gente me trata personas felices tratar mejor matar a sí mismo hacer el amor hace querer tirar techo mamá nunca de repente sé im desagradecido venir este cualquiera soy podría ir atrás tiempo tomar tabletas colgaría en lugar de considerar rojo flag tak ibuprofeno matar mierda hígado riñones trabajo vivir vida miseria adicional im someterse a terapia preocupante pensamientos suicidas respuesta ibuprofeno
wish could fighti fought tried fought hard life beautiful mine ive realized cant fight destiny itll keep destroying born worst luck welp fuck destiny ill leave terms smile face two middle fingers air
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish could fighti fought tried fought hard life beautiful mine ive realized cant fight destiny itll keep destroying born worst luck welp fuck destiny ill leave terms smile face two middle fingers air" ]
deseo podría luchar he luchado luchado duro vida hermosa mi ive realized cant lucha destino seguirá destruyendo nacido peor suerte welp destino mal dejar términos sonrisa cara dos dedos medio aire
maybe time goi got home work tonight nothing bad happened today still felt terrible all dropped college recently im living parents talked friends couple months theyve stopped trying contact me everythings fucked dad asked work went fine asked tomorrow why i want know says but why cant ask one damn question without treating like fucking inquisition jesus well tomorrow work why keep asking that because im dad care you have drinking again why fuck would ask that you never ask im unless want something you drunk you little shit never want hear again never you hear me why fight me i fighting you dont tell that fucking tell that always make bad guy always assume im get you guess whos paying new house last months me guess charged rent year me guess cleans kitchen fuckin basement playing videogames you never ask help you because to dammit grown man pull fuckin weight play dumb me im done playing stupid passiveaggressive game waiting ask help grow up what fuck say me shut your damn mouth this house dad gets chair walks me looks eyes wait start yelling something odd happens whywhy this lucas hes crying why fight me look feet why stop going schoolyour mom wanted succeedand youre what youre person thought would be point dad cant even speak anymore walks stairs slowly still sobbing know drunk know matters heard said heard pain voice saw disappointed look face almost wish wouldve stayed angry would easier deal with tried stop thinking happened watched movie laptop played assassins creed little while pain go away words still echoed mind youre person thought would be see road ahead college dropout degree crappy apartment barely getting by ashamed see family long lonely nights theres light end tunnel over nows good stopping point need end disappoint people life moms already grieving acting like ive died something maybe need finish job
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "maybe time goi got home work tonight nothing bad happened today still felt terrible all dropped college recently im living parents talked friends couple months theyve stopped trying contact me everythings fucked dad asked work went fine asked tomorrow why i want know saysbut why cant ask one damn question without treating like fucking inquisition jesus well tomorrow work why keep asking that because im dad care you have drinking again why fuck would ask that you never ask im unless want something you drunk you little shit never want hear again never you hear me why fight me i fighting you dont tell that fucking tell that always make bad guy always assume im get you guess whos paying new house last months me guess charged rent year me guess cleans kitchen fuckin basement playing videogames you never ask help you because to dammit grown man pull fuckin weight play dumb me", "im done playing stupid passiveaggressive game waiting ask help grow up what fuck say me shut your damn mouth this house dad gets chair walks me looks eyes wait start yelling something odd happens whywhy this lucas hes crying why fight me look feet why stop going schoolyour mom wanted succeedand youre what youre person thought would be point dad cant even speak anymore walks stairs slowly still sobbing know drunk know matters heard said heard pain voice saw disappointed look face almost wish wouldve stayed angry would easier deal with tried stop thinking happened watched movie laptop played assassins creed little while pain go away words still echoed mind youre person thought would be see road ahead college dropout degree crappy apartment barely getting by ashamed see family long lonely nights theres light end tunnel over nows good stopping point need end disappoint people life moms already grieving acting like ive died something maybe need finish job" ]
Tal vez el tiempo goi consiguió trabajo en casa esta noche nada malo pasó hoy todavía se sentía terrible todo la universidad caída recientemente I padres vivos hablaron amigos par de meses han dejado de tratar de contactarme todo lo follado papá pidió trabajo salió bien mañana pregunta por qué quiero saber dice pero por qué no puedo hacer una maldita pregunta sin tratar como puto inquisition Jesús bien mañana trabajo por qué seguir pidiendo eso porque im papá cuidado que tienes beber de nuevo por qué mierda te preguntaría que nunca me preguntas a menos que quieras algo que borracho pequeña mierda nunca quiere volver a oír nunca me escuchas por qué luchar conmigo lucha no le dices a ese maldito decir que siempre hacer mal chico siempre asumir im adivinar quién paga nueva casa los últimos meses me supongo cobra alquiler año supongo limpia cocina maldito sótano jugar videojuegos nunca pedir ayuda porque maldita hombre adulto tirar peso jugar tonto
broke glasses broo cannot believe it every single glasses had broke break streak right dumb cant
[ "broke glasses broo cannot believe it every single glasses had broke break streak right dumb cant" ]
Gafas rotas broo no puede creer que todas las gafas habían roto racha de ruptura derecho tonto cant
ate sushi im bored bro omg
[ "ate sushiim bored bro omg" ]
se comió sushiim aburrido hermano omg
copped rteenagers merch ready get beat fuck go back school
[ "copped rteenagers merch ready get beat fuck go back school" ]
policía rteenagers merch listo get beat mierda volver a la escuela
guys guys got first compliment like month happy omg facetiming girl friends one said cute happy
[ "guys guys got first compliment like month happy omg facetiming girl friends one said cute happy" ]
chicos chicos tienen primer cumplido como mes feliz omg caratiming amigos uno dijo lindo feliz
dear girls really dont care boobs cm bigger mines devolving here grow different rates different times stop bragging aa cup lookin ass also likes different sizes yeah
[ "dear girls really dont care boobs cm bigger mines devolving here grow different rates different times stop bragging aa cup lookin ass also likes different sizes yeah" ]
queridas chicas realmente no les importan tetas cm minas más grandes que se mueven aquí crecen diferentes tasas diferentes veces dejar de alardear aa taza lookin culo también le gusta diferentes tamaños yeah
wavesmy suicidal thoughts come waves theyre hitting rn work fast food restaurant im currently hiding fact one coworkers sleeping manager hes already starting show favoritism idk weirdly contributing fact feel like everyone hates said shit wanting train job want out im fucking college dropout im failure familys eyes whats point cats even would probably happier roommate dont know want jump fucking bridge
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wavesmy suicidal thoughts come waves theyre hitting rn work fast food restaurant im currently hiding fact one coworkers sleeping manager hes already starting show favoritism idk weirdly contributing fact feel like everyone hates said shit wanting train job want out im fucking college dropout im failure familys eyes whats point cats even would probably happier roommate dont know want jump fucking bridge" ]
olas mis pensamientos suicidas vienen olas están golpeando rn trabajo comida rápida restaurante im actualmente ocultar hecho un compañero de trabajo gerente de dormir ya está empezando a mostrar favoritismo idk extrañamente contribuir hecho se siente como todos odian decir mierda que quieren trabajo de tren quiere salir im puto abandono de la universidad im fracaso familias ojos lo que punto gatos incluso probablemente más feliz compañero de cuarto no sé quieren saltar puto puente
seen lot ppvs past entertaining intense ppv complete dvd ever seen dvd extras worth gives different view wrestlers act show such chris benoit interviewedge interview glimpse monday night wars erathe first match hogan winning tag title gold promotional talk additionally good music videobr br tag team table match bubby ray spike dudley vs eddie guerro chris benoit pretty good intense match start show many holds pure raw physicallity spike hold tables matches guerro benoit gave good pure wrestling skills mat br br wwe crusierweight championship jamie noble w nidia v billy kidman crowd really care either wrestler get interested kidman shooting star press usually people expect lot high flying cruiser weight championship little fact bad noble hit finisher one even cared knew you tell lack cameras flashing ending quick though br br wwe european championship jeff hardy v william regal ive never really liked regal wrestler lacks intensity style hardy impressive really get chance show high flying act although still performed good counters added needed fast pace match ended quickly perfect match br br john cena v chris jericho funny looking back cenas first ppv used act used dress used look watch interview pretty funny good intense match cena showing nice variety holds suplexes counters aerial jericho subpar definitely helped cena launch career cena winsbr br wwe intercontenital championship rvd v brock lesnar intense good match wrestlers styles really matched well screen brocks pure power raw energy vs rvds skill full moves quickness rvd looked great match better later matches edge cenaand entire match fast pace ending worked perfectly still preserved brocks undefeated streak giving rvd desserts home statebr br disqualification match booker v big show another solid match lacked certain intensity rvd match still good follow up although started kinda slow which always big show booker impressive sick move announcers table finisher awesome ending great upset big move booker tbr br wwe tag team championship hogan edge v christian lance storm mediocre match hogan comes like usual huge pop variety moves lacks intensity energy christian exactly greatest athletic abilities himself ended mediocre match best still ok ppv br br triple threat match undisputed championship rock v undertaker v kurt anglebr br easily match year far best triple threat match ever seen close falls plenty finishers stolen finishers raw energy intensity fast pace one could predict would come one going buy dvd would buy strictly match ending watch yourselfbr br overall solid ppv plenty extra goodies keep watching again although hard find i pay little usual dvd definitely worth money
[ "seen lot ppvs past entertaining intense ppv complete dvd ever seen dvd extras worth gives different view wrestlers act show such chris benoit interviewedge interview glimpse monday night", "wars erathe first match hogan winning tag title gold promotional talk additionally good music videobr br tag team table match bubby ray spike dudley vs eddie guerro chris benoit pretty good intense match start show many holds pure raw physicallity spike hold tables matches guerro benoit gave good pure wrestling skills mat br br wwe crusierweight championship jamie noble w nidia v billy kidman crowd really care either wrestler get interested kidman shooting star press usually people expect lot high flying cruiser weight championship little fact bad noble hit finisher one even cared knew you tell lack cameras flashing ending quick though br br wwe european championship jeff hardy v william regal ive never really liked regal wrestler lacks intensity style hardy impressive really get chance show high flying act although still performed good counters added needed fast pace match ended quickly perfect match br br john cena v chris jericho funny looking back cenas first ppv used act used dress used look watch interview pretty funny good intense match cena showing nice variety holds suplexes counters aerial jericho subpar definitely helped cena launch career cena winsbr br wwe intercontenital championship rvd v brock lesnar intense good match wrestlers styles really matched well", "screen brocks pure power raw energy vs rvds skill full moves quickness rvd looked great match better later matches edge cenaand entire match fast pace ending worked perfectly still preserved brocks undefeated streak giving rvd desserts home statebr br disqualification match booker v big show another solid match lacked certain intensity rvd match still good follow up although started kinda slow which always big show booker impressive sick move announcers table finisher awesome ending great upset big move booker tbr br wwe tag team championship hogan edge v christian lance storm mediocre match hogan comes like usual huge pop variety moves lacks intensity energy christian exactly greatest athletic abilities himself ended mediocre match best still ok ppv br br triple threat match undisputed championship rock v undertaker v kurt anglebr br easily match year far best triple threat match ever seen close falls plenty finishers stolen finishers raw energy intensity fast pace one could predict would come one going buy dvd would buy strictly match ending watch yourselfbr br overall solid ppv plenty extra goodies keep watching again although hard find i pay little usual dvd definitely worth money" ]
lotes vistos ppvs pasado entreteniendo intenso ppv dvd completo nunca visto dvd extras vale la pena da diferente vista luchadores acto show tal chris benoit entrevista entrevista vislumbre lunes por la noche
editor voice applications and maybe drawing applications animated explanationhistory video thinking making animated video not moving animation like powerpoint animation need help anyone reading editing talent experience making videos pm talk anyone drawing talent pm see skilled enough get part video digital art only unpaid final video make profit people worked usernames credits questions
[ "editor voice applications and maybe drawing applications animated explanationhistory video thinking making animated video not moving animation like powerpoint animation need help anyone reading editing talent experience making videos pm talk anyone drawing talent pm see skilled enough get part video digital art only unpaid final video make profit people worked usernames credits questions" ]
editor aplicaciones de voz y tal vez aplicaciones de dibujo animado explicaciónhistoria vídeo pensamiento hacer vídeo animado animación no se mueve como la animación powerpoint necesidad de ayudar a cualquiera que lea edición de experiencia de talento hacer videos pm charla cualquier persona dibujo talento pm ver lo suficientemente hábil obtener parte de vídeo arte digital sólo el vídeo final no remunerado hacer que la gente trabajó nombres de usuario créditos preguntas
pills worki tried multiple times take sleeping pills highest dosage yesterday seem work anybody know why hand every time take them even sleep late rather wake earlier usual would appreciate someone tells reason it note please lecture things really appreciate help answer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pills worki tried multiple times take sleeping pills highest dosage yesterday seem work anybody know why hand every time take them even sleep late rather wake earlier usual would appreciate someone tells reason it note please lecture things really appreciate help answer" ]
píldoras worki intentado varias veces tomar píldoras para dormir dosis más altas ayer parecen trabajo cualquiera sabe por qué mano cada vez tomar incluso dormir tarde más bien despertar antes de lo habitual apreciaría alguien le dice razón nota por favor conferencia cosas realmente apreciar ayuda respuesta
ive seen mystery men cop bit stick press general public take imdb vote instance overall feeling mystery men fun films definitely wittier socalled comedy films nearly cleverbr br the cast superb greg kinnear excellent geoffrey rush tom waits kinnears limo scene ricky jay perfect spoiled movie star imbues character right balance comic book quality realism make workbr br i admit pacing little places visuals certainly flash bang possibly detriment characterisation end day high concept film making little moments whats tiger lily many great ones film make worth repeated viewing
[ "ive seen mystery men cop bit stick press general public take imdb vote instance overall feeling mystery men fun films definitely wittier socalled comedy films nearly cleverbr br the cast superb greg kinnear excellent geoffrey rush tom waits kinnears limo scene ricky jay perfect spoiled movie star imbues character right balance comic book quality realism make workbr bri admit pacing little places visuals certainly flash bang possibly detriment characterisation end day high concept film making little moments whats tiger lily many great ones film make worth repeated viewing" ]
he visto misterio hombres policía bit stick prensa público en general toma imdb vote instancia general sensación misterio hombres diversión películas definitivamente más ingenioso así llamado comedia películas casi inteligente br br el reparto magnífico greg kinnear excellent geoffrey rush tom waits kinneaers limo escena ricky jay perfecto estropeado estrella de cine imbues personaje derecho equilibrio cómic calidad realismo hacer trabajo br br admitir ritmo pequeños lugares visuales ciertamente flash bang posiblemente detrimento caracterización final día alto concepto película haciendo pequeños momentos lo que tigre lilly muchos grandes película hacen que valga la pena volver a ver
think friend may committed redflag maybe rehab dont knowmy online friend lives florida i live jersey havent responded since saturday days found tried commit redflag thats havent heard thought phone stated broken recent events think maybe committed im really worried first name cant call ask wellness vist info im really scared
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think friend may committed redflag maybe rehab dont knowmy online friend lives florida i live jersey havent responded since saturday days found tried commit redflag thats havent heard thought phone stated broken recent events think maybe committed im really worried first name cant call ask wellness vist info im really scared" ]
pensar amigo puede cometer Redflag tal vez rehabilitación no sé mi amigo en línea vidas florida i live jersey no han respondido desde sábado días se encontró probado comisión Redflag que no se ha oído pensamiento teléfono dijo hechos recientes rotos creo que tal vez comprometido im realmente preocupado primer nombre cant call ask wellness vist info im realmente asustado
new years resolution ill try procrastinate
[ "new years resolution ill try procrastinate" ]
resolución de años nuevos mal tratar de procrastinar
guys ever bust nut ur head rank felt like ur history absolute best orgasm first ever time think saw god also yw gross post
[ "guys ever bust nut ur head rank felt like ur history absolute best orgasm first ever time think saw god also yw gross post" ]
Los chicos nunca quebraron nuez u cabeza rango se sentía como nuestra historia absoluta mejor orgasmo primera vez pensar vio dios también yw burdo post
wanna killlll mysellfffhelppp
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna killlll mysellfffhelppp" ]
Quiero matar a mi ayudante.
nazarin directed luis bunuel presents extraordinary view religion mexico written director julio alejandro notable collaborator film put mexican cinema international map receiving grand prix cannes year disturbing film mr bunuel delves deep whats wrong churchbr br nazarin reckoning saint young priest seen living life poverty seedy pension city enough himself mind parting coin beggar appears window asking help time takes small room prostitute hurt fight another woman andara woman repays kindness burning room whole building nazarin seen taking countryside begging food andara beatriz two prostitutes old town follow him nazarins life parallels jesus fact saintly figure makes case humilitybr br of coursemr bunuel religion mind mr alejandro took upon create film ironic spain welcomed film released saw showing christian qualities reality acerbic satire catholic church ministersbr br francisco rabal spanish actor makes wonderful nazarin one best roles mr rabal worked extensively native country also mexico argentina rita macedo andara also excellent marga lopez also makes valuable contribution portrayal beatrizbr br a great film one cinemas master film makers luis bunuel
[ "nazarin directed luis bunuel presents extraordinary view religion mexico written director julio alejandro notable collaborator film put mexican cinema international map receiving grand prix cannes year disturbing film mr bunuel delves deep whats wrong churchbr br nazarin reckoning saint young priest seen living life poverty seedy pension city enough himself mind parting coin beggar appears window asking help time takes small room prostitute hurt fight another woman andara woman repays kindness burning room whole building nazarin seen taking countryside begging food andara beatriz two prostitutes old town follow him nazarins life parallels jesus fact saintly figure makes case humilitybr br of coursemr bunuel religion mind mr alejandro took upon create film ironic spain welcomed film released saw showing christian qualities reality acerbic satire catholic church ministersbr br francisco rabal spanish actor makes wonderful nazarin one best roles mr rabal worked extensively native country also mexico argentina rita macedo andara also excellent marga lopez also makes valuable contribution portrayal beatrizbr br a great film one cinemas master film makers luis bunuel" ]
nazarin dirigida luis bunuel presenta extraordinaria vista religión méxico director escrito julio alejandro notable colaborador película puso mexicano cine mapa internacional recibir gran prix cannes año película perturbadora mr bunuel delves profundo lo que está mal iglesia br nazarin ajuste santo joven sacerdote vio vida pobreza sevilla pensión ciudad bastante sí mismo mente partido moneda mendigo aparece ventana pidiendo ayuda tiempo toma pequeña habitación prostituta herido lucha otra mujer andara mujer paga bondad sala de incendio edificio entero nazarin visto tomando campo mendigando comida andara beatriz dos prostitutas ciudad vieja seguir nazarins vida paralelos Jesús hecho santo figura hace caso humildadbr br br de curso bonuel religión mente Sr. alejandro tomó sobre crear película irónico spain película bienvenida se lanzó sierra muestra cristiano calidades realidad acerbic satire catholic iglesia ministrosbr br francisco rabal actor español hace maravilloso nazarin una mejor función mr rabal trabajó extensamente país nativo también mexico rita macedo andara excelente marga lopez también hace valiosa contribución retratar beatrizbr una gran película cine maestros cineastas luis juan