Alon Eirew
add license
# WEC-Eng
A large-scale dataset for cross-document event coreference extracted from English Wikipedia. </br>
- **Repository (Code for generating WEC):** https://github.com/AlonEirew/extract-wec
- **Paper:** https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.198/
### Languages
## Load Dataset
You can read in WEC-Eng files as follows (using the **huggingface_hub** library):
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url, cached_download
import json
REPO_ID = "datasets/Intel/WEC-Eng"
splits_files = ["Dev_Event_gold_mentions_validated.json",
wec_eng = list()
for split_file in splits_files:
hf_hub_url(REPO_ID, split_file)), "r")))
## Dataset Structure
### Data Splits
- **Final version of the English CD event coreference dataset**<br>
- Train - Train_Event_gold_mentions.json
- Dev - Dev_Event_gold_mentions_validated.json
- Test - Test_Event_gold_mentions_validated.json
| | Train | Valid | Test |
| ----- | ------ | ----- | ---- |
| Clusters | 7,042 | 233 | 322 |
| Event Mentions | 40,529 | 1250 | 1,893 |
- **The non (within clusters) controlled version of the dataset (lexical diversity)**<br>
- All (experimental) - All_Event_gold_mentions_unfiltered.json
### Data Instances
"coref_chain": 2293469,
"coref_link": "Family Values Tour 1998",
"doc_id": "House of Pain",
"mention_context": [
"mention_head": "Tour",
"mention_head_lemma": "Tour",
"mention_head_pos": "PROPN",
"mention_id": "108172",
"mention_index": 1,
"mention_ner": "UNK",
"mention_type": 8,
"predicted_coref_chain": null,
"sent_id": 2,
"tokens_number": [
"tokens_str": "Family Values Tour 1998",
"topic_id": -1
### Data Fields
|Field|Value Type|Value|
|coref_chain|Numeric|Coreference chain/cluster ID|
|coref_link|String|Coreference link wikipeida page/article title|
|doc_id|String|Mention page/article title|
|mention_context|List[String]|Tokenized mention paragraph (including mention)|
|mention_head|String|Mention span head token|
|mention_head_lemma|String|Mention span head token lemma|
|mention_head_pos|String|Mention span head token POS|
|mention_id|String|Mention id|
|mention_index|Numeric|Mention index in json file|
|mention_ner|String|Mention NER|
|tokens_number|List[Numeric]|Mentions tokens ids within the context|
|tokens_str|String|Mention span text|
## License
We provide the following data sets under a <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>. It is based on content extracted from Wikipedia that is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License