[ "A crowd of people applaud in a busy bus terminal as pedestrians walk by.", "Groups of people noisily walk through a very crowded airport terminal.", "Some people are walking down a hall while others have lined the hall and are clapping and cheering for them.", "Pedestrians walk through a subway as two line of people stand on either side and clap.", "Lots of people walk down and up an airport hallway.", "People walk through an underground transportation underpass while some people lining the walls clap.", "A line of people are clapping as several people walk near a bus terminal.", "A crowd of people are traversing through a bus terminal.", "A large crowd of people walk through a bus terminal as people on the side of both walls clap.", "A group of people walk through an airport hallway to their destination." ]
[ "在一个地下通行口,许多人在个匆忙的走路。", "在位于第八大道42街道的港务局汽车站出口处,一些人站列两旁,对着出入的的人群鼓掌欢呼。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人和一个穿着紫色衣服的人走了过来。", "一列人在车站出口靠墙站着热烈鼓掌欢呼。", "在一个宽阔的路口,一群男人和一群女人,正在走动。", "人们步行穿过地下通道的地下通道,而墙内的一些人则鼓掌。", "当一些人走在公共汽车总站附近时,有一群人在鼓掌。", "一群人正在穿过一个公共汽车站,许多人快速的走着。", "一大群人穿过一个公共汽车终点站时,有些人们在两堵墙的旁边鼓着掌。", "一群人穿过机场的走廊到达他们的目的地。" ]
[ "Two girls in black and white stripes and four boys in brown hoodies clap.", "Two girls in jailhouse costumes clap while one of them looks backwards.", "Four men in the first row dressed in hoodies and two ladies in the second row dressed in striped shirt and hat are clapping while seated in front of long tables.", "Several people are sitting in a classroom and two girls are dressed up as prisioners.", "People are clapping at something at the front of the room. Two girls are dressing in costume jail uniforms while four people in the front row are wearing the same brown hoodie.", "People sit on chairs by tables in a room and dressed in hoodies or jail outfits.", "Four men wearing the same outfit and two women wearing the same outfit start clapping.", "A group of six people who look like they are in jail are clapping", "Four young men sit at one table and two young women in prison uniforms sit at a table behind them.", "A group of people are sitting down at tables and clapping." ]
[ "几个人正坐在桌子旁边,认真地鼓掌。", "室内的白色长桌前坐着四个穿相同黄色衣服的男人,后排坐着两个穿相同黑白横纹衣服的女人,他们一起在鼓掌。", "教室里有两个穿着条纹的女孩子和四个穿着一样衣服的男生在鼓掌。", "有两组分别穿着同样衣服的人坐着鼓掌。", "几个穿着灰色衣服的人和穿着条纹衣服的人在鼓掌。", "身穿着连帽衫人们坐在一个房间的椅子上。", "四名身穿同样服装的男子和两名身穿同样服装的女子坐在一间房子里,随后鼓起掌。", "一群看起来像在监狱里的六个人在鼓掌。", "四名年轻男子坐在一张桌子上,两名穿着监狱制服的年轻女子坐在他们身后的桌子旁。", "一群人坐在桌子旁拍手鼓掌,其中两个女孩穿着一样的条纹衣服。" ]
[ "A man stands behind a podium giving a speech as a crowd watches.", "A crowd of people are seated and watching a man perform a speech.", "A man is giving a speech to a crowd of people.", "A man is giving a speech in front of a room full of people.", "A man is giving a speech at the podium while other are listening to him tentatively", "The state county William J. Lindsay talking at the podium to a bunch of people in the room.", "A man is making a speech in front of a group of people.", "An audience is listening to a politician talk about his plans for education.", "A politician speaks in front of a large crowd as the all listen.", "A man is speaking at a podium in front of a large audience of people." ]
[ "很多人在听一个穿着西装打着领带的男人讲话。", "一位西装革履的男士正在众人面前发言。", "一个穿着正装的男人在前面演讲,下面坐着一群人在认真听讲。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在站着对一些人说话。", "一个灰色西服的男人在讲话,他背后有一面美国国旗,台下有很多观众。", "一个男人正在讲台上与一群人在房间里讲话。", "一个男人正在一群人面前发表演讲。", "台下的群众正在认真地听台上的一位政治家谈论他的教育计划。", "大家都在认真听一个政客在木直台面后讲话。", "一名男子在众多观众面前的讲台上讲话。" ]
[ "An audience is shown clapping along with a countdown video.", "People in a crowd are applauding something that is happening in front of them.", "A group of men and women are sitting in seats as they clap their hands.", "An audience full of people clapping in some sort of television countdown show", "An audience of fancily dressed men and women who are clapping.", "A large audience is clapping before the work eleven appears on the screen.", "A crowd of people are cheering and happy about something.", "A large group of people are seated in a theater and the majority of them are clapping.", "A well dressed audience is seen applauding and cheering, while the video clip begins and ends with a short musical clip.", "A crowd is clapping during what appears to be an award ceremony of some sort." ]
[ "观众们都在鼓掌,只有一位穿白色衣服的女子突然停住没有鼓掌。", "表演结束后,观众席上的观众热烈地鼓掌。", "一群人正在鼓掌,一位穿白色上衣的女人停止了鼓掌。", "在一间室内好多人在听音乐会在鼓掌。", "一群人坐在椅子上大家都一起在鼓掌。", "在作品11出现在屏幕上之前, 大量观众正在鼓掌。", "一群人在为某一些事情欢呼着,并高兴地鼓着掌。", "一大群人坐在剧院里,其中大多数人都在鼓掌。", "一群观众在鼓掌欢呼,其中一个人停止了鼓掌。", "在似乎是某种颁奖仪式的过程中, 一群人在鼓掌。" ]
[ "Hundreds of people from the Somali community gather together to reward scholarships to deserving students.", "A group of people gather at a dinner while one man speaks from a stage.", "A young man stands at podium, announcing the winners of the awards that are being presented in front of others there.", "A news station is covering a Somali graduation event at the Somali Community Access Network.", "A person who you don't see is talking about a Solami graduation ceremony that is shown.", "A reporter speaks about a graduation ceremony while displaying video images of young people accepting awards.", "A man is speaking while a young man is being presented with a diploma.", "A man talking at a podium at an event as others take pictures next to the stage.", "A person is introducing a group of kids to a group of people to win an award.", "A man speaks into a microphone as several young men accept certificates" ]
[ "在国家大会上,领导人正在宣布着一位年轻人的事情,大家都在围着看。", "一个黑人在台上讲话,下面有很多人站在一起,有专门的摄影师跟他们拍照。", "在一个场所里,人们正在举行一场颁奖典礼。", "一名身穿黑色外套的男子,正对着话筒讲话。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个穿着黑色西服的人正讲话。", "一位记者一边进行讲解,一边展示年轻人在接受颁奖的画面。", "一群人站在台上微笑拍照,其中有一个男人站在话筒边进行着发言。", "一名男子在一个活动的领奖台上讲话, 其他人则在旁边拍照。", "一群人排成一排站在台上等待着拍照。", "当几名年轻人接受证书时, 一名男子对着麦克风说话。" ]
[ "One black guy with check shirt and a white lady with back top clapping, white lady is in surprise", "Two women a white and black women clapping, afterwards the credits display \"Roadkill\".", "Two females sarcastically clapping at an unseen subject in the room.", "two women clap their hands together and one woman looks shocked", "Two women are standing in the doorway looking surprised, yet continuing to clap.", "White woman and black woman are clapping with an impressed look on their faces.", "Two women make shocked faces and clap for someone off screen.", "Two women are clapping and seem amused by something not seen.", "Two women stare in amazement while clapping and the a Roadkill logo is shown.", "Two woman with shocked faces clap their hands. A sign reading roadkill." ]
[ "两个女人站在门外惊讶地点头鼓掌。", "两个戴眼镜的人正在拍手,其中一个人穿着格子衬衫,另一个人穿着黑色上衣。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正站在一个的房间里。", "在一个房间里,有两个戴着眼睛的人,他们在鼓掌。", "两个戴眼镜的女人惊讶的拍着手掌。", "两个女人正在鼓掌,脸上都带着不可思议的表情。", "两个女人做出惊讶的表情,为某人鼓掌。", "两个女人在鼓掌,看起来很有趣的样子。", "一个穿着黑色上衣女人在一个房间鼓着掌。", "两个女人表情惊讶地拍着手。屏幕上显示了马路杀手的标志。" ]
[ "A person in a crowd of people records a live concert.", "Loud music plays and lights flash, while a large crowd claps their hands above their heads", "A lot of people are cheering and clapping at a live concert.", "A person jumps up and down in a very large crowd while listening to a band.", "People at a concert are holding their hands in the air and clapping.", "An auditorium is filled with a large crowd of people who are cheering while a band performs.", "A large group of people clap and cheer at a rock band performing on stage.", "A large audience is watching and clapping as a band plays on the stage.", "An intense music concert is going on; the flashing lights at the concert.", "At a concert, people cheer and clap their hands to the music." ]
[ "有一个很多灯光的舞台,舞台下面有很多人面对舞台把手举过头顶在拍掌。", "一群人在台下挥舞着手呐喊着观看演唱会。", "大型的音乐现场人们在跟着音乐节奏挥手。", "在一个灯光绚丽的室内,一群人正在蹦迪。", "许多人在室内看表演并高举手鼓掌欢呼。", "在一个礼堂里挤满了为乐队表演欢呼的人们。", "一大群人为舞台上表演的摇滚乐队鼓掌欢呼。", ": 当一支乐队在舞台上演奏时大批观众正在观看和鼓掌。", "一场激烈的音乐会正在进行;音乐会上闪烁的灯光。", "在音乐会上, 人们正在跟着音乐欢呼雀跃。" ]
[ "A woman stands beside another woman sitting in a chair and demonstrates an eye treatment.", "Two ladies were standing beside each other and cream was applied to the face of a lady", "Two woman are demonstrating how to apply eye cream to your eyes.", "A woman is demonstrating on a subject how to use a particular eye cream applicator, while music is playing.", "a womasn is talking about a face product she is putting on another woman.", "A woman talks about an eye product that is applied to the woman standing next to her.", "A woman describes how to apply eye cream while applying eye cream unto another woman .", "A woman shows to apply eye creamer on one's face.", "Two women are sitting and one os applying cream around one's eyes.", "A women applying a sort of eye cream under another women's eyes." ]
[ "白色的房间内,一个女人,说了一些话,然后给旁边的女人化妆。", "一个女士告诉大家先在眼上涂三下眼霜。", "一个穿黑色上衣的人正在讲解如何涂抹眼霜。", "一个女人给另一个女人的眼睛周围涂抹了一种白色膏状物体。", "明亮的房间内,一名身穿黑色外套的女子和一名身穿白色上衣的女子,正坐在椅子上。", "一个女人站在另一个女人旁边在讲话,一只手拿着一个产品在一个女人的脸部使用。", "一位女士描述了如何在给另一位女士涂抹眼霜的同时涂抹眼霜。", "一位女士在一个人脸上展示如何涂抹眼霜。", "一个人在另一个人的眼睛周围涂眼霜。", "两个女人在那里站着,其中一个女人在讲话,一只手在另外一个女人脸上涂抹着东西。" ]
[ "A man applies a facial cream on to a woman", "A man is demonstrating and explaining how to put moisturizer on a woman's face.", "A man demonstrating a beauty treatment on the face of a young woman.", "A man places dots of his facial cream product on a models face.", "A man is talking while putting small dots of a white cream on a woman's face.", "A man is prepping a woman's face for makeup by using something he has squeezed out of a small tube.", "A woman is sitting down while a man is dabbing cream on her face.", "A man is applying a facial creme to various areas of a young lady's face", "A man is applying make up onto a woman.", "A make up artist is applying some make up to an model." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人,说着话,把一些化妆品,涂到女人的脸上。", "在一个房间里一个男人在给一个女人化妆。", "一个化妆师在房间里为一位模特化妆。", "一个男子拿着护肤品在向一个女子脸上涂抹。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人和一个女人,男人往女人的脸部涂东西。", "一个男人正在讲解用他从小管里挤出的东西来为女人的脸做化妆的准备。", "一个女人坐着在,一个男人正在她脸上涂抹面霜。", "一个男人正在一个年轻女士脸上涂上面霜。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在为一个女人化妆。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人正在往一个女人的脸上涂抹化妆品。" ]
[ "In a bathroom a woman is demonstrating on how properly apply eye makeup", "A lady was showing how to apply the cream around the eyebrows without rubbing", "A woman gives instructions while looking into the camera, applying make up or foundation around her eyes and eyebrow.", "Woman explaining how to apply makup and then demonstrating by putting makup on.", "A woman is patting a cream or makeup around her brow bone and under eye.", "a woman showing how to apply makeup to her eyebrow and under her eyes.", "A woman is plucking and demonstrating how to arch eyebrows.", "lady tapping around her eye telling how to arch her eye bride.", "A woman is showing how to apply concealer to your face.", "A woman is demonstrating for other people watching her how to apply eye shadow around the eyes for the best effect." ]
[ "一个女人正在往自己的眼部周围涂抹一些东西。", "一个女人正在给自己颧骨附近打上高光。", "一个长发的女人用手蘸着化妆品在脸上面化妆。", "一个女人正在房间里用手按摩眼睛。", "一个女性在眼睛周围用手指化妆并且说话。", "一个女人展示如何在她的眉毛和眼睛周围化妆。", "一个女人在一边说话一边用手指往脸上涂抹东西。", "一位女士轻拍着她的眼睛,告诉如何擦她的的眼睛。", "一位女士正在展示在脸上涂抹遮瑕膏。", "一位女士正在向观看她的观众示范如何在眼睛周围涂上眼影。" ]
[ "A woman makes lines by dragging her fingers across her face.", "A detailed procedure is said as the lady massages and strokes her face gently.", "A woman rubbing her hands in different directions on her face.", "A woman applies moisturizer in slow even strokes to her face.", "A woman rubs her hands and fingertips along her face from side to side.", "A woman is rubbing her face with her fingertips in an instructional video.", "A woman wiping her hands across different places on her face and a voice narrating.", "A woman is rubbing her face possibly applying some type of cream.", "A woman slowly massages her face with her fingertips as an announcer speaks in a foreign language.", "A woman is smoothing her face with her fingertips." ]
[ "一个女人用两只手在不停地擦拭着自己的脸。", "一个扎着长发马尾的女人正在示范面部护理。", "一个女人正在用手来回地抚摸自己的脸颊。", "一个穿着吊带背心,扎辫子的女生在做脸部按摩。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个女人正在涂抹化妆品。", "在一段教学视频中, 一名女子正在用指尖摩擦自己的脸。", "一个梳着马尾辫的女人正在用手抚摸她的脸。", "一个女人正在揉她的脸,可能是在涂抹某种奶油。", "一个女人用指尖慢慢地按摩她的脸。", "一个女人正在用她的手抚摸她的脸。" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating how to apply eye lotion while making a video of it via her cell phone.", "A woman is putting on makeup and talking about how she applies it and why.", "A woman hold a cell phone in front of a mirror while she rubs lotion on her eye area.", "A woman holds a phone up to a mirror and puts on face cream.", "A women rubs cream into her face around her eyes making a video.", "A woman is shown holding a cellphone while she takes a video, and talks about applying something to her face.", "A woman applies a lotion to the area around her eyes.", "A woman is in the bathroom recording herself in the mirror explaining how she applies eye cream.", "A woman records herself on her phone while doing a makeup tutorial.", "A woman is videotaping putting cream on her eyes in front of a mirror and explaining the process and reasons." ]
[ "一个女子右手举着手机左手在脸上涂抹着化妆品。", "一个女人在家里边化妆,边给自己录像。", "一个穿黑色衣服的金发女子一手拿着手机一手正在按摩自己的眼部。", "有一个穿着深色衣服手里拿着手机的人在说话。", "一个长发女子正一手拿着手机一手揉眼睛。", "一个女人拿着手机在拍摄,同时在谈论她的脸上涂抹的一些东西。", "一位妇女一边说话一边用手抹匀眼睛周围的水乳。", "一个女人在浴室里用手机记录自己如何涂抹眼霜。", "一个女人在做化妆教程的同时将自己记录在手机上。", "一个身穿蓝色背心的人手摸着眼睛手里拿着物体。" ]
[ "A lady is talking about and getting ready to demonstrate some foundation makeup.", "A woman is seen describing and demonstrating a type of makeup.", "A woman demonstrating bare minerals makeup with another woman.", "A woman is talking about and demonstrating a foundation cream.", "A woman squeezes a small portion of liquid foundation onto the back of her hand and prepares to apply it with a brush.", "A woman demonstrates how to begin to apply Bare Minerals makeup.", "A woman applies a makeup product to the back of her hand, and uses a brush to pick up the makeup, while she is describing the product.", "A woman is in a commercial selling Bare Minerals.", "a woman making a tutorial on how she applies make up on her arms and lotion", "A woman is adverting some foundation and moisturizer to sell." ]
[ "一名女子将一个银色小瓶的护肤品涂在手背上均匀涂抹。", "一个女人将一管CC霜抹在了手臂上,然后用化妆刷涂开。", "一位女士在演示怎么更加合理的应用化妆品。", "一个穿白色西装的女人向我们展示了护肤品,并且将它涂抹在左手上,旁边还站着一个穿粉色衣服的女人。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在展示手里的化妆品。", "一位女士演示了如何开始使用矿物质的化妆品。", "一个女人在她的手背上涂抹上了一些化妆品,并用刷子刷着。", "一名妇女在一家商业上演示出售裸矿。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人往自己手上涂化妆品。", "一位女士正在宣传一些粉底和保湿产品。" ]
[ "A woman is putting cream on her face, another woman is talking about what is in the cream.", "A woman is talking about something to put on your skin and showing it on a woman.", "A woman is rubbing cream on her face, while another is discussing these actions.", "A woman is rubbing a cream on her face with her hands", "A woman applies a skincare product, then another woman describes the benefits of that product.", "A woman is talking about a certain type of cream is great for your skin.", "A woman uses a skin cream and rubs it all over her face.", "A woman narrates rubbing cream on face while another woman rubs the cream in.", "A woman rubbed a face and a woman in an interview", "A woman is shown demonstrating skin cream on an advert with a commentary." ]
[ "一位女士在往脸上涂抹一瓶化妆水产品,另外一名女士则在对这款化妆水作解说。", "一个女人在介绍一种女性护肤用品。", "一个盘着头发,戴着耳钉的女子在按摩脸部。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个女人在按摩脸部。", "一个女人双手抚摸着脸部和颈部。一个女人嘴巴一张一合。", "一个女人正在谈论某种乳霜对皮肤的好处。", "一个女人一种护肤霜涂满了整个脸。", "一个女人在往脸上涂抹化妆品然后另一个女人在解说。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人正在擦脸。", "一位女士在用手涂抹她的脸及脖子,另一位女士对着镜头说话。" ]
[ "a small baby is laying on the bed playing with a white tub of lotion.", "A baby in a diaper, with lotion smeared on his chest, wipes his hands together and smiles.", "A baby is holding an object, and is told something, to which he drops it and waves his hands.", "A small child is playing with lotion in his hands.", "An infant laying on a pink and white striped sheet opens a lotion bottle, and listens to a lady talking.", "A toddler lays on the bed holding a bottle of lotion, then he puts a little bit on his hands and rubs his hands together.", "A small toddler is playing with a bottle of baby powder and spilling it itself.", "a baby is laying back on the bed as the mom speaks to him", "A little baby playing with baby powder while laying down.", "Baby lying on his back takes a dab of lotion from the bottle and rubs between his hands." ]
[ "一个小宝宝正躺在床上用手擦乳液。", "一个小男孩躺在沙发上给自己抹上身体乳。", "一个裹着尿布的小男孩躺在床上玩耍。", "一个光着上半身,手上戴着手镯的小孩在床上玩耍。", "一个小婴儿躺在床上开心地拍打着双手。", "一个小孩子躺在床上拿着一瓶乳液,然后挤在手里一点点,搓着双手。", "一个小孩躺在床上拿着一个白色的瓶子,并且倒出东西涂在自己身上。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,他的妈妈在和他说话。", "一个穿着纸尿裤的男孩儿躺在床上玩一个瓶子。", "婴儿仰面躺着,并从瓶子里拿出一点化妆水,用双手摩擦。" ]
[ "A woman is sitting on a couch demonstrating how to properly put lotion on her legs.", "A young beauty lady applying the body lotion in her legs.", "A woman at a beauty spa applying body lotion to her leg", "A lady wearing black, sitting on a white chair, applying moisturizer to her legs.", "A woman is applying small amounts of cream to her leg.", "A woman is applying some lotion type product to her leg.", "A girl sitting on a couch is pouring lotion on her legs.", "A young lady applies lotion to her leg, knee and thigh", "A woman making a tutorial on which lotions she uses for her legs", "A woman applying some sort of beauty cream to her legs" ]
[ "一个女人坐在沙发上面拿着瓶子在往自己的腿上涂抹一些东西。", "一位女士在自己右腿上挤了一些美容产品。", "一个黑头发的女人正在用化妆品美腿。", "在明亮的房间里,一个女人坐在白色的椅子上,在腿上抹着油。", "一个女人坐在沙发上,把身体乳挤到大腿上,并盖上身体乳的盖子。", "一个女人坐在沙发上给自己的腿涂抹乳液型产品。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人坐在一个沙发上在往他的腿上涂抹着化妆品。", "一位年轻的女士将乳液涂抹在腿部,膝盖和大腿上涂了润肤露。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在涂身体乳。", "一个女人在她的腿上涂了某种美容霜。" ]
[ "A close up of a womans face as she applies lotion.", "A woman is touching her face as another woman discusses how your skin will look better over a certain amount of days.", "A woman applies makup as information about a product is presented.", "An advertisement for an anti-aging cream using a young model", "Voice over talks about skin looking good while a woman touches her face and smiles.", "A woman is shown applying and promoting beauty products.", "A commercial describes the positive effects that an advertised facial cream will have for your face.", "A woman demonstrates the effectiveness of a skincare product.", "A person smudged his face with her finger and then blinked coupled of times", "A skin facial treatment is shown and the increments for expected improvement are discussed." ]
[ "一个女子正在用手不停的摸着脸化妆,并且进行讲解。", "一个长相貌美的女人用手抚摸自己的脸部。", "一位面容皎好的女子用手摸了摸自己的脸并露出了笑容。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个黑色长发的女人。", "一个人用手揉了揉自己的脸笑的很开心。", "一名女士展示了用用和推广美容产品的情况。", "一个女人用手在她的她的脸上摸了摸。", "一位女士展示了护肤品在一段时间内的功效。", "一个人用她的手指弄脏了她的脸,然后眨了眨眼睛。", "一个女人显示了面部皮肤护理好,并改善了皮肤的质量。" ]
[ "A woman removes a towel, looks in a mirror and smooths her skin as she shows a jar of cream.", "In a bathroom a woman flips off a towels and starts rubbing her face.", "A woman is seen walking to the mirror of a bathroom before grabbing creams to put on her face.", "A woman is doing an advertisement for a face cream.", "A pretty woman in a white dress twirls around in a bueatiful bathroom and advertises face cream.", "A beautiful lady is doing an advertisement of a face cream by applying it on her face.", "A woman in a bathroom is massaging a cream from a small jar onto her face.", "A young woman advertises a face product while looking in the mirror and then holding it out.", "A lady is showing her morning routine but not in English.", "A young girl is showing various products used to clean the facial skin and for make up." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个女人,说着话,在房间内玩耍。", "一个人还真在房间拿着化妆品非常开心的看着。", "一位印度女子使用一款黄色润肤霜涂抹皮肤。", "一个漂亮的女子在对着镜子微笑,然后在给自己脸上抹化妆品。", "房间里,一个穿着白色吊带的女人手里拿着一些物品在展示。", "一位漂亮的女士把面霜涂在脸上,来做面霜的广告。", "浴室里的一个女人正在用一个小瓶的化妆品按摩她的脸。", "一名年轻女子在看镜子的时候用广告招牌,然后把它拿出来。", "一个穿着裙子的女人正在房间内给自己化妆。", "一个年轻的女孩正在展示用于清洁面部皮肤和化妆的各种产品。" ]
[ "A young girl showing how much of a certain hair product that she puts in her hair.", "A girl poured some liquid from a bottle to her palm", "A girl is holding up a plastic bottle then squeezes some of the bottle's contents into her hand.", "A young woman applies a hair product to her hands to show her hair care routine.", "a girl takes a red bottle and then puts some on her hand", "A girl shows how hard it is to squeeze something out of her water bottle.", "A girl with long hair gives a demonstration on how to use a hair product.", "A woman holds a shampoo bottle and pours some shampoo into her hand.", "A woman is doing a video on a hair care product that she is having trouble getting out of the bottle.", "A young girl holding a container talks about its content before squeezing the content." ]
[ "一个女人通过挤压将瓶子中的液体倒入手中。", "一个外国女子在介绍挤出一瓶液体的方法。", "一个身穿白色衣服的卷发女子,正在展示一个红瓶子里的东西。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小女孩手上拿着一瓶东西在说话。", "有一个穿着白色上衣的小女孩把一个瓶子里的液体倒到了自己的右手上。", "一个女孩在展示他在水瓶里挤出一些东西是多么困难。", "一个长头发的女孩演示了如何使用这个护发产品。", "一个女人拿着一瓶洗发水,并将一些洗发水倒入她的手中。", "一个女孩讲着话,然后从瓶子里挤出洗发水。", "一个穿白色衣服的女孩,左手拿着红色的瓶子,在往右手挤东西。" ]
[ "A women is showing the proper way to massage something into your hands.", "Hand massage for after being out in the elements is explained.", "A woman shows how to massage your hands and instructs the best places on your hand to massage.", "A company is demonstrating the use of its massage product on fingers.", "A woman demonstrates using shea butter to give a self hand massage.", "A woman demonstrates how to apply shea butter to the hands.", "A person giving instructions about how to massage a hand", "A woman shows the proper method for massaging her fingers by demonstrating.", "A woman demonstrates how to give a top of knuckle down hand massage.", "A woman is repeatedly massaging her fingers from bottom to the tip of her nails." ]
[ "一个人用自己的一只手不断地在抚摸自己另外的一只手。", "一个女人正在一边给手做按摩一边讲解。", "一个穿粉色上衣的女人在室内按摩手。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在慢慢地抚摸手。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在按摩自己的手。", "一个女人正在演示如何将乳木果油涂抹到手上。", "在室内,一个人正在用右手按摩着左手。", "一个女人伸出她的纤纤玉手,正在展示按摩手指的方法。", "一个女人演示如何给一个关节上方的手按摩。", "一个女人反复按摩她的手指从底部到指甲的尖端。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrating putting on face cream and being very gentle under the eye.", "A young woman applies a substance to her face before rubbing it in.", "A woman is rubbing lotion on her face and instructing how to apply the lotion.", "A woman is putting makeup on her face, and applies it in a circular motion.", "A woman rubs cream under her eyes and onto her cheeks", "A young Indian girl is putting cream on her face and she begins by rubbing it into her eyes before circling her cheek.", "A girl is applying makeup to her face while giving instructions.", "A lady was applying cream on her face with the fingers", "A woman rubbed a cream over her with her finger", "A woman rubs lotion or cream into her cheek and beneath her right eye." ]
[ "一个戴着耳环的长头发女人正在化妆。", "一个化着浓妆的女人在展示用卸妆膏卸妆。", "在房间里,一个女人正在对着镜头化妆。", "一个女人正在均匀涂抹脸上的化妆品。", "一个戴着耳环的女人正在用染着指甲的手往脸上涂抹东西。", "一个年轻的印度女孩正在给她的脸上涂上洗面奶,她首先把洗面奶擦到眼睛下面, 然后绕着脸颊转。", "一个女孩正在给她的脸化妆,同时给予指示。", "一位女士用手指在脸上涂上霜,并说着话。", "一个女人正再展示一些化妆品涂在了脸上。", "一位女士在她脸颊和右眼下面涂抹乳液或者奶油。" ]
[ "A woman rubs two cloths on her face in an advertisement.", "a woman is applying some sort of face product with two white rags.", "A woman applies Decleor toner to her face with white wipes.", "A lady is using a cloth in both hands to tone the skin on her face.", "A woman rubbing a toner product on her face using two cotton cloths.", "a woman has pads or napkins in her fingers and is wiping her face down with it", "A woman is wiping her face with pads for a commercial for skin toner.", "A young girl demonstrates a facial cleansing soap while music is playing in the background.", "The lady is doing a demonstration on the proper way to", "A woman is applying a lotion to her face using cloths wrapped around her hands." ]
[ "一位女士,正在用化妆品按摩清理脸部。", "一位女士手拿护肤巾,在脸上做来回的护肤动作。", "一个女人正在用两块纸巾擦拭着自己的脸,旁边放了一瓶化妆品。", "一个金发女人,双手拿着化妆棉,正在按摩她的脸颊。", "在一个房间里,有一个女人在给脸做按摩。", "一个女人双手拿着卸妆棉,正在用它擦脸。", "一个女人正在用垫子擦脸,她在拍一个皮肤爽肤剂的广告。", "当音乐在背景中播放时, 一个年轻女孩展示了一种面部清洁用品。", "这位女士正在以正确的方式涂抹自己的脸。", "一个女人正在使用化妆棉轻轻的擦脸。" ]
[ "A woman scoops out some cream from a jar and then puts it in her palm and rubs her hands together.", "A woman is applying goop to her hands and begins to rub it on her arms.", "A woman demonstrates how to rub lotion onto her hands in her room.", "A woman is putting cream in her hands and rubs it between her hands.", "A girl in a bikini holds a container of cream with some on her fingers then she rubs it into her hands.", "a lady in a two piece is showing how to apply a cream", "A woman gets some lotion out of a tub and rubs it into her hands, she is in her undies.", "A woman gets some type of skin cream on her hands and begins to rub it together.", "A woman in a bikini is demonstrating how to put some type of lotion on.", "A woman uses her fingers to take gooey cream out of a jar and then rubs the cream between her palms." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女人涂抹东西在自己的手上。", "一个穿比基尼的女人在身上涂抹化妆品。", "一个女人从盒子里挖了一块黄色的东西放在了手上。", "在明亮的房间里,一个穿着泳衣的女人,在手上涂抹着东西。", "一个穿着三点式的女人,把一些黄色的奶油状的东西放在手心摩擦。", "一位穿着两件衣服的女士正在展示如何使用奶油。", "一个女人从一个罐子用手指挖出一下然后抹在手上。", "一位女士手上沾了一些护肤霜,并开始搓揉。", "一位穿着比基尼的女士示范如何涂上某种乳液。", "一个女人用手指从罐子里拿出粘糊糊的奶油, 然后在手掌之间摩擦奶油。" ]
[ "A woman applying makeup while explaining the process at the same time.", "A woman is talking and another woman is rubbing cream onto her own face.", "Woman uses one finger in circular motion to apply blush along cheekbone.", "A young woman applies makeup to her face with the tip of one of her fingers.", "A woman demonstrates how to rub a blush into her cheeks in a circular motion with her index finger.", "A woman demonstrates how to apply blush to her face, using her ring finger.", "A woman is demonstrating applying blush to the apples of her cheek with her ring finer.", "A woman applies makeup to her cheek using one finger and a circular motion.", "A narrator gives instructions on applying blush and a woman demonstrates the application.", "An instructional video showing a woman applying makeup to her face." ]
[ "一个女孩拿着手指在脸部左右呈现出旋转的姿势按摩。", "一个女人在用手指按摩自己的脸部皮肤。", "一个女人正在脸上涂抹着各种化妆品。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在用手给自己化妆。", "一个人正在用自己的手指按摩自己的眼部。", "一个女人用无名指演示如何给自己的脸涂抹腮红。", "一个女人正在用食指将腮红涂抹在苹果肌上。", "一个女人用一个手指以一个圆周的动作将化妆品涂在她的脸颊上。", "一个叙述者给出关于使用腮红的指示,一个女人演示了应用程序。", "一个教学视频显示一个女人在她的脸上化妆。" ]
[ "A young boy helping a man put lotion on his legs.", "A small child rubs lotion on the thighs of an adult.", "A child is rubbing lotion onto a man's upper thighs. The man then reapplies the lotion as it gets absorbed into his skin.", "A little boy is rubbing someone's leg while they wave a lotion bottle.", "A child is rubbing some kind of cream on man's thigh.", "A child is rubbing lotion on a bigger person's leg.", "A man wearing shorts is sitting on a bed with a bottle of lotion as a child rubs the lotion onto the man's legs.", "A child is rubbing lotion on another persons left leg and then right leg when more lotion is applied.", "A child is rubbing lotion onto a man's thighs after he has applied it himself.", "A little boy is rubbing lotion onto a mans legs." ]
[ "一个小孩子正在用手给他家人的腿上抹油。", "一个人将润肤乳涂在自己的腿上时,小孩子将润肤乳揉开。", "一个小孩在用双手给别一个男子擦腿。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的小孩在给另一个人腿上涂抹东西。", "一个小孩两只手在给一个大人按摩大腿。", "一个小孩子在一个男人的腿上涂抹着擦乳液。", "一个穿着短裤的男人正拿着一瓶润肤露坐在床上,孩子把润肤液涂在了男人的腿上。", "一个蓝色衣服的孩子在另一个人的左腿上磨擦液体。", "一个孩子在自己涂了药之后就把乳液擦到了另一个人的大腿上。", "一个小男孩正在把化妆水擦在男人的腿上。" ]
[ "A young woman is demonstrating the proper procedure to apply make up around her right eye.", "A woman is applying a cosmetic under each of her eyes.", "A girl is applying a white cream under her eyes.", "A woman applies a type of lotion to the underside of her eyes.", "A woman applies some cream to the area under her eyes.", "A woman adds cream under her eyes and starts to rub it in.", "A woman demonstrates how to apply a beauty product underneath the eyes.", "A woman applies under eye cream using her fingers while music plays.", "A woman showing you how to put a product on under the eyes.", "A lady demonstrates how to properly apply a beauty product on one's face." ]
[ "一个女人在眼睛下涂遮瑕膏并往上抹匀。", "一个女人在演示着眼霜正确涂抹的手法。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在演示化妆。", "一个女人用手指在眼睛底部摸着眼霜。", "室内有一个女人,一只手正在眼部涂抹并且闭着眼睛。", "一个女人在她的眼睛下面涂抹了乳霜并开始揉搓。", "一个女性正在演示在眼睛的下面涂抹美容产品。", "音乐播放时,一位女士正在用手指涂抹眼霜。", "一个女人向您展示如何将产品放在眼睛下。", "一位女士演示了如何在一个人的脸上正确使用美容产品。" ]
[ "A woman gently applies cream onto her fingers and then onto her cheekbones.", "A woman applies a topical lotion to her fingertips before applying it to her face.", "A woman sprays cream onto her finger tips and applies it to the corners of her eyes.", "A woman is taking the face cream in her hands and applying it in her face.", "A woman is squeezing cream onto her fingers and placing it on her face.", "A woman applies product to her fingers and then carefully taps it at the corners of her eyes.", "A woman puts a small dab of makeup on her finger, splits it between two fingers and then dabs in under her eyes.", "A woman squeezes some makeup onto her fingers and then starts to apply it to her face.", "A woman is standing while applying a liquid to her face.", "A woman squeezes cream unto a fingertip, rubs with another finger and applies it to her face." ]
[ "一个女人在手上挤了一点膏体然后对着自己的眼角。", "一个女人把容器里的护肤品挤在了手上,并抹在眼角。", "一个女人把东西挤在手上又认真地在往眼周围涂抹。", "一个穿黑色一字肩衣服的女人正在用手指触摸自己的太阳穴。", "一个穿深颜色衣服的人两只手放在脸上。", "一个女人把产品涂在手指上,然后小心翼翼地在她的眼角轻轻拍打。", "一个女人在她的手指上涂上一点点化妆品,在两个手指之间分开然后轻抹在她的眼睛下面。", "一个女人在手指上挤一些化妆品,然后把它们涂眼的周围。", "一个女人正在往她脸上涂液体的时候正站着。", "女人把奶油挤压在指尖上,用另一根手指擦擦,然后涂到脸上。" ]
[ "A woman is mixing together oil and water and is rubbing the mixture on her face.", "A woman mixes something with olive oil and rubs it on her face.", "A woman is making a beauty mask, and she rubs it on her face.", "Yellow and white liquid are mixed in a bowl and then a woman puts it on her face.", "An individual mixing ingredients to the right consistency before applying to one's face.", "A woman is mixing ingredients and then applying them to her face.", "A person is mixing oil and water and then using it as a facial moisturizer.", "A woman is preparing a solution and applying it to her face.", "Oil and Water are placed into a bowl and then applied to a person's face", "An egg and powder are mixed in a bowl and then a woman is shown applying it to her face." ]
[ "一个穿着白色额衣服的女人将黄色和透明的东西搅拌涂抹在脸上。", "在一个碗里舀了一勺水加在盘子中,然后进行搅拌,最后抹在脸上。", "一个女人用勺子挖了两勺东西到盘子里,又用叉子给混合在一起,然后用手涂抹到了脸上。", "一只手拿勺子往碟中倒了些黄色的液体和透明的液体,再用叉子搅拌,用手蘸了蘸,涂在脸上。", "有人将黄色的液体倒入盘子里,加入水进行搅拌。一个女人在按摩自己的脸。", "一个女人将两种东西混合,然后将它们涂抹在脸上。", "一个人正在混合油和水,然后用它作为面部保湿剂。", "一个女人正在准备一个解决方案并将其应用到她的脸上。", "油和水被放入碗中, 然后涂在一个人的脸上。", "一个鸡蛋和粉末混合在一个碗里,然后一个妇女将涂在她的脸上。" ]
[ "A woman is massaging the face of the man lying down.", "The man lays there relaxed as he receives a facial.", "This man is lying down with his eyes closed while the masseuse moves her hands on his oiled face", "A woman talks to a man while she massages the face of a man laying in front of her.", "A man's face who is seen been oily and massaged all over while he lays down on his back.", "A woman demonstrates facial massage on a man, focusing on the jawline.", "A man is lying back and getting his face messaged by another person while people are talking in the background.", "A woman tells how to put lotion on to your face and to rub it in.", "A person rubs the sides of a face of a man that has his eyes closed.", "a man laying down and someone putting cream all over their face for them" ]
[ "一名身穿黑色外套的人,双手正在触摸一名身穿黑色外套男子的脸。", "一双手从一个男的的下巴来回抚摸到耳朵。", "一个女人用双手抚摸着一个男人的脸。", "一名身穿黑色外套的人,双手触摸一名身穿黑色外套男子的脸部。", "一个男人躺着,旁边一个人在给他做面部按摩。", "一名女子对一名男子进行面部按摩,注意力集中在下巴上。", "当人们在后台说话时,一个男人正躺着,让他的脸被另一个人抚摸。", "一个女人在告诉你如何将化妆水涂到脸上,并示范如何按摩使化妆水吸收。", "一个人在为另一个闭着眼睛的人洗脸。", "一个人躺在那里,另外一个人替他在脸上按摩。" ]
[ "Someone gently applies a cream to the eyelids of an elderly woman.", "A person applys something underneath the eyes of an asian woman.", "A male commentator narrates and demonstrates the use of an under eye cream on a woman.", "A lady is looking at the camera and trying to put some makeup on.", "A woman pushes her hair behind her ears and someone dabs stuff under her eyes.", "A person applying lotion onto another persons face while an announcer talks about the product.", "A woman pushes her behind her ears before a person uses a finger to put a cream on her eye bags.", "A person is demonstrating on an older woman an eye wrinkle creame", "A woman has cream applied around her eye by another woman, while there is a man in the back with a phone", "A man is giving instruction on how to apply a eye product to a woman." ]
[ "一个拿着话筒的男人在给一个老奶奶擦眼霜。", "化妆师正在为一个老太太进行化妆,后方工作人员在看手机。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在室内化妆。", "一个拿着话筒的人正在给一个穿着白色衣服的女人化妆。", "一个女人抿了抿自己的头发,另外一人给这个女人擦眼霜。", "当播音员谈论产品时,一个人将化妆水涂抹在另一个人的脸上。", "一个女人把耳边的头发放在耳后,然后一个人用一根手指在她的眼袋上涂抹膏体。", "带着一块表的人正在为一位年长的女人涂抹眼部抗皱霜。", "一个人在给一个女人眼镜上涂抹东西然后点开。", "一名男子正在指导如何将眼部产品涂抹于眼部。" ]
[ "A model is having makeup put on her showing the audience how to brighten up the under-eye area.", "A makeup tutorial on apply makeup on the under eyes.", "A person is applying under eye makeup on a young woman.", "A person is working on an unique make-up ointment on lady's face below the eyes.", "Someone demonstrates the use of under eye concealer on a woman.", "Someone is showing how to put some makeup on a girls face under her eyes.", "A person applies small amounts of make up to a woman's face and then blends it in with a brush.", "A person is using a brush to do a woman's makeup.", "A person applies makeup under a model's eyes then blends it in with the rest of her face.", "A girl is having concealer applied to her face underneath her eyes." ]
[ "一个模特正满脸微笑的坐在凳子上,化妆品给她化眼妆。", "一只手再给一个女人的脸部涂抹东西,然后拿着刷子再刷。", "一个人正从粉色的瓶子里挤出液体,然后用刷子扫在脸上。", "一个人的手正在给一个女子的眼睛上面涂抹东西,又拿着刷子在刷。", "如何用粉底把黑眼圈遮挡住,美美的出行。", "一个人正在展示如何在女孩脸上涂抹化妆品。", "一个人正在帮另外一个人化妆她的面部。", "一个人正在用刷子给另一个女人涂抹化妆品。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人正在脸上涂化妆品。", "一个女孩在她的眼睛下面涂上了遮瑕膏。" ]
[ "A woman rubs a skin cream on her face near the eyes.", "A woman sits at at table and spreads cream on two fingers, which she dabs and gently rubs around her eyes.", "A woman sits at a table demonstrating applying a product to her eyes.", "A woman wearing an orange shirt showing how to apply make up", "A woman rubs eye lotion on and around her eyes then she talks about not rubbing your eyes to hard.", "A women is giving a tutorial on how to apply something to the eyes", "A lady talking about a specific makeup and showing how to put it on.", "A woman shows how to apply a skin product around the eye area.", "A woman is showing how to apply some skin cream to the eye area.", "A woman is demonstrated how to use her eyecream by dabbing it around her eyes." ]
[ "一个女士坐在摆满眼霜的桌子前,用手涂了眼霜,然后发表了自己观点。", "一个女人坐在桌子前,用手抚摸着自己的脸。", "在一个房子里。一个红色衣服的女人正在涂着它的双眼。", "一个人身穿着彩色的衣服在介绍一种产品。", "一个女人坐在椅子上,两只手在脸上涂抹着,面前的桌子上放着两摞盒子。", "一个女士正在教授如何将一些东西涂抹在眼镜上。", "一位女士在谈论一个特定的化妆品,并展示如何使用它。", "一位女士展示了如何在眼睛周围涂抹皮肤产品。", "一位女士正在展示如何在眼部区域涂抹一些护肤霜,不断的擦拭。", "一名妇女通过在眼睛周围涂抹东西来证明如何使用她的眼霜。" ]
[ "a lady puts some kind of lotion on her face while smiles", "An african american woman is applying face cream prosucts and smiling in he process.", "the woman is showing how to apply makeup to the cheek bones.", "A woman shows how to lotions on to your face the right way.", "A woman smiles, blinks and touches the side of her face.", "A woman is applying cream to her cheekbones and she is smiling.", "a woman using her fingers to rub cream on her face", "A women smiles while applying makeup during a tutorial video.", "A woman is demonstrating how to apply a makeup product onto the cheeks.", "A woman is applying lotion to her face while a song is playing." ]
[ "一个皮肤黝黑的卷长头发的女人在按摩自己的眼周。", "一个女人正在分享她的化妆技巧,并且做出了示范。", "在房间里,一个女人对着镜头用两根手指化妆。", "一个有卷头发的女人在用自己的手指不断拍打自己的脸部。", "室内有一个卷发女人一只手正在抚摸脸部。", "一个女人在给她的面颊涂抹奶油, 她在微笑。", "一个卷发的女人用手指在自己的脸上来回的按压了几下。", "一位黑皮肤的女士在微笑着演示如何化妆。", "一位女士正在展示如何将化妆品涂抹在脸颊上。", "一个女人在放歌的时候正在给她的脸涂润肤露。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrates how to apply cream to the forehead, cheeks, and chin.", "A lady is demonstrating how to apply cream on the face while another is directing the act.", "A young woman with her hair covered applies a substance to her face.", "a female individual demonstrating how to apply moisturizing lotion to the face", "A woman is applying a cream to several points on her face.", "a person playing lotion on their face and spreading it all over their skin", "A woman is spreading some type of cream over specific areas of her face.", "A tutorial of how to apply facial moisturizer on a female.", "A women making a tutorial on how to apply make up on your face with lotion", "A woman demonstrates how to apply a cream onto her face." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的长头发女人正在化妆。", "一个女人在讲解化妆技巧,先擦底液。", "女子将涂抹物均匀地抹在脸上下左右的位置上,再仔细抹匀。", "一名穿着白色衣服的美女在用化妆品涂脸。", "一个穿白色上衣的女人在教抹化妆品的方法。", "一个女人在脸上涂抹乳液并将其涂抹在皮肤上。", "一名妇女正在将某种类型的乳霜涂抹在她脸部的特定区域。", "一个关于如何在女性面部使用保湿霜的教程。", "一个女人在做一个关于如何在脸上涂抹化妆液的教程。", "一位女士演示了如何在她的脸上涂抹乳霜。" ]
[ "A young girl is in a living room while talking to an adult.", "A young girl rubs cream on her face while a woman speaks in the background.", "A little girl points out where shes going to apply sunscreen on her face.", "A little girl holding a purple tube of lotion talking and pointing at different areas of her face.", "a girl touches her face and has a purple item in her hand", "A little girl is holding a purple bottle and poking her face with her fingers.", "A young girl holding a plastic bottle rubs and pats her face.", "A young girl is pretending to put cream on her face while talking to an adult.", "A little girl is applying lotion to her face and uses her fingers to touch her nose and forehead.", "A little girl has a bottle of lotion in her hand smiling at the camera." ]
[ "一个小女孩正在用化妆品自己手摸着脸化妆。", "一个穿红色衣服的小女孩往自己的脸上涂东西。", "一个小女孩挤了点手中的护肤品,在脸上胡乱抹着。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人拿着化妆品在擦脸。", "一个穿红色衣服的小女孩在擦脸手里拿着一个粉色瓶子。", "一个小女孩拿着一个紫色的瓶子, 然后用手指戳着她的脸。", "一个卷发的小女孩儿正对着镜头涂抹护肤品。", "一个年轻的小女孩在和一个成年人说话的时候假装往脸上涂奶油。", "一个小女孩正在她的脸上涂抹乳液。", "一个小女孩手拿着一瓶产品,然后涂抹在脸上。" ]
[ "Television is playing in the background while a little girl rubs her face multiple times.", "A little girl makes a funny noise and then rubs cream all over her entire face.", "A little girl continuously rubs her hands all over her eyes and face.", "A young girl is rubbing her face with her hands.", "A young girl with wet black hair is rubbing her face a lot.", "A young girl rubs her face and eyes and her dark hair falls in her face.", "A girl sits down as she profusely rubs at her face and eyes.", "A young girl rubbing her face with her hands and then covering her eyes with her hands.", "A little girl is rubbing suntan lotion all over her face.", "a young girl is on a bed and applying some kind of product to her face with her hands." ]
[ "一个可爱的小女孩正在房间里往脸上涂满护脸霜。", "一个穿花衣服的女孩在房间里拨开两边的头发并用手揉搓脸蛋。", "一个小女孩脸上涂了润肤膏,然后双手抹了抹脸。", "一个人身穿着彩色的衣服在揉眼睛。", "一个穿着短袖的孩子在用双手揉眼睛。", "一个年轻的女孩揉着她的脸和眼睛,她的黑发落在她的脸上。", "一个女孩坐在床上笑着揉她的脸和眼睛。", "一个小女孩用双手揉着脸, 然后用双手捂住眼睛。", "一个穿着白色上衣的小朋友用手擦防晒霜。", "一个年轻的女孩坐在床上,用双手将某种产品涂抹在脸上。" ]
[ "A woman is applying a moisturize to her face while another woman talks in the background.", "A woman says positive things about daily moisturizer for the benefit of an advertisement.", "A woman is discussing how to use a moisturizer during the day.", "A type of facial moisturizer is demonstrated and how much is needed.", "A woman is talking as she holds a bottle of cosmetics and talks about it.", "A woman puts lotion in her hand and then places it on her face.", "A woman is pumping moisturizer into her hands and then putting it on her face.", "A person holding a bottle while talking about facial moisturizer.", "An advert for a daytime moisturizer and how to apply it to your skin.", "A woman using a daytime moisturizer while another woman lists benefits of it" ]
[ "一个穿着浴袍的女人举着一瓶保湿霜。一个穿着浴袍的女人挤出保湿霜,将它涂抹在脸上。", "一名女子讲解并演示护肤品的使用方法。", "一个女子在演示如何正确的使用化妆产品。", "一个人手里拿着一瓶东西,然后倒了一点出来。", "一个女子往手心里挤了些乳白色的液体,然后涂在了脸上。", "一个女人手里拿着化妆水,然后往脸上涂抹。", "一个女人正在往手里倒润肤霜,然后将它擦在脸上。", "一个人正在演示一款化妆品是如何去使用的。", "一个穿着黄色睡衣的女人正在向脸上涂润肤露。", "一个女人使用白天的润肤霜, 列出了它的好处。" ]
[ "An older woman is showing how she uses a medical cream", "An ad for a skin cream is played with a women applying the product.", "A woman is talking about and showing how to put cream on.", "A woman is applying repair cream onto her hand and her face.", "In a bathroom a woman opens a tube, squeezes cream onto her hand and then applies it to her face.", "A woman applies a small amount of lotion to her hand.", "A woman is applying skin care products with a voice-over.", "A woman applies Ultimate Recovery skin cream to her hand and face.", "A woman advertises a lotion while the product itself is shown next to the woman.", "A product is shown by itself, then a woman demonstrates rubbing the product's contents into her skin." ]
[ "一个女人正在教我们如何涂抹护肤品。", "一名白衣女子正在使用一款护肤品。", "一个身穿白色衣服的女子,正在使用化妆品。", "一名身穿白色外套的女子,手里拿着一个白色的物品。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个女人正在往脸上涂抹着液体。", "一个女人在她的手上涂抹着少量的化妆水。", "一个穿着白色短袖的女人正在展示涂抹护肤品。", "一个女人在手上挤了一些东西然后给脸上涂抹。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女子把一种乳液涂在自己的脸上。", "一个女人将护肤品打开挤在手背上,然后用手涂在脸上。" ]
[ "A person dabs some skin care product on his facial blemishes.", "a person was applying some cream over his face on seeing the camera and apply on the pimples", "A man applies a pimple cream to his face and shows where he has applied it to.", "A young man applies some light colored medication to his face.", "A man with a beard is deomonstrating how to apply cream to pimples on his face", "A man is applying some skin care products to his face.", "A man shows himself putting ointment on its he has on his face.", "This young man is fighting his facial acne by applying a cream from a tube to the pimples.", "A man is dabbing some white cream onto his face.", "A young man is shown demonstrating how to treat facial acne." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色上衣的短头发男人正在脸上涂抹药膏。", "一个人将手指上的白色物体涂在了脸上,同时展示了另一只手上黄色包装的白色牙膏状物体。", "一个穿着蓝色格子上衣的人正在弄着他的脸。", "在明亮的房间里,一个带着胡子的男人,在往脸上抹油。", "有一个男人穿着格子衬衫,他正在往自己的脸上涂着什么东西。", "一个男人正在给他的脸上涂一些护肤品。", "一个穿着格子衬衫的男子向自己脸上涂药膏。", "这个年轻人正在用管子里的液体来对抗脸上的粉刺。", "一个男人在他的脸上涂了一些白色的奶油。", "一位年轻人正在示范如何治疗脸部的青春痘。" ]
[ "A advertisement through brand power for Johnshon's cream where a woman rubs her arm.", "A commercial showing a woman using skin cream on her forearm.", "a woman wearing a robe is applying some cream on to her hand", "A woman is talking as another woman rubs a cream on her arm.", "A woman rugs lotion onto her arm and then another woman holds the lotion container.", "A woman in the bathroom rubbing her arm and a woman standing in a store", "A commercial ensues demonstrating the use of a skin cream", "A person is applying lotion on her hands and demonstrating the product", "A woman shows off some Johnson skin cream while another narrates.", "A women rubs her arm and another women is holding a container." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色睡衣的女人正在摸着自己的胳膊。", "一个刚刚洗完澡的人在身体上涂抹某个牌子的身体乳。", "一个女人在来回揉搓自己的肌肤,另一个女人手中拿了一瓶东西。", "一个人在抚摸着自己的胳膊,然后拿着一个盒子。", "一个女人在抚摸自己的小手臂。一个女人在排满小盒子的背景前手里拿着一个小盒子。", "一个女人在浴室里用手按摩她的胳膊,另一个女人拿着商品在展示。", "随后, 一个广告展示了护肤霜的使用。", "一个女人在她的手臂上涂抹乳液,并展示了产品。", "一位女士展示了一些约翰逊的护肤霜, 而另一位女士则讲述了一些护肤霜。", "一个女人揉着她的胳膊,另一个女人正拿着一个容器。" ]
[ "A girl rubs both sides of her face before tapping her fingers on the side of her head.", "A female dressed in pink looks at the camera and rubs her face with her two hands while speaking in another language.", "A woman rubs her face and explains something in a non-english language, while moving her hand back and forth.", "A girl is being filmed while discussing aspects of her facial features.", "A young woman rubs her face with her hands and makes facial gestures.", "A woman speaks and rubs her face explaining something in another language.", "A girl is moving her eyebrows up and down and then rubs her face several times.", "A women showing off how to apply make up to your face", "A woman is showing a variety of places on the face and head to massage for a treatment.", "A woman rubs her face and nods her head as she holds her fingers to her hair." ]
[ "一个穿着粉红色外套的女人正在不停的做着面部运动。", "一个女人对着镜头抚摸自己的脸,然后挑了几下眉毛。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女人正坐在室内。", "有一个穿着彩色衣服的人在双手摸着头。", "一个女人用双手在自己的脸上摸来摸去。", "一个身穿粉色衣服的女人一边在讲话一边在揉着脸。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女人坐在床上揉了几次脸。", "在一个室内,一个女人正在抚摸自己的脸。", "一个女孩用手抚摸着自己的脸然后点头。", "一个女人正坐在房间用双手抚摸她的脸。" ]
[ "A girl touches her face repeatedly then opens her mouth while a person stands in front of her.", "A little girl rubs her cheeks over and over as she stares at something.", "A little girl massages her face with her fingers and opens and shuts her mouth.", "A young girl making faces at her self and rubbing her face.", "A young female child is rubbing her face with both hands.", "A young girl is making faces and rubbing her cheeks.", "A young girl seated in front of a mirror rubbing her face with both hands.", "A little girl in a red shirt is rubbing her fingers over her cheeks and mouth.", "A young girl pretends to put make up on looking in a mirror.", "The little girl pretends to put makeup on her face in front the the mirror." ]
[ "一个穿红色上衣黄头发的小女孩在嘟着脸。", "一个红衣服卷发女孩正闭着眼抹匀脸上的脸霜。", "一个穿红衣服的女孩站在屋里,双手一起在脸上划着。", "一名身穿红色外套的女孩,双手正在触摸自己的脸。", "明亮的房间内,一名身穿红色外套的女孩,正坐在凳子上玩耍。", "一个年轻的女孩正在做鬼脸, 并揉着面颊。", "一个小女孩正在镜子前用双手擦着她的脸。", "一个穿红衣服的小女孩用手指在她的脸颊和嘴上抚摸着。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩正在往他脸上抹着某种东西。", "一个小女孩假装在镜子面前化妆。" ]
[ "a lady stands in front of a pink and white background and touches her face", "A woman using all fingers on both hands is gently tapping cream on her face.", "A woman is applying a cream to her face using her fingers.", "A woman gently taps and rubs her face to apply a beauty cream.", "This woman is demonstrating how to apply a cream to her face and using her fingers to tap different areas of her skin.", "A woman uses her fingertips to lightly tap the skin under her eyes.", "The lady is massaging her face thoroughly prior to putting on make up.", "A woman is touching her face with her fingers in a fast manner.", "A woman massages then taps her face to show how a beauty cream works.", "a lady very tapping her face putting on beauty make up." ]
[ "一个金色头发的女人端坐着用指尖轻轻按摩着自己的眼周。", "一个黄色头发的女人在按摩自己的眼睛周围。", "一个穿粉色上衣女人在展示她的润肤产品。", "在明亮室内,一个女人在用东西,擦拭着自己的眼眶。", "一个女人用手指在面部到处抚摸按摩。", "一个女人用指尖轻轻拍打眼睛下面的皮肤。", "一位穿粉红色衣服的女人正在对着摄像头按摩他自己的脸部。", "一个女人用她的手指快速地抚摸她的脸。", "一位女士按摩,然后拍打自己的脸,展示美容霜是如何工作的。", "一个女子用手在自己的脸上在化妆。并且拍打着自己的脸部。" ]
[ "Woman demonstrating how to apply and blend makeup on a face.", "A girl with long hair demonstrates how to apply makeup to her face.", "The woman is applying a makeup product to her face, as she describes the technique that she is using.", "Woman demonstrating how to apply makeup to get rosy cheeks.", "A woman applies make up to her face while she describes what she is doing.", "A lady applying blush to her cheek with her hand and blending it along her cheek.", "A woman is using makeup under the eye and talking about it.", "A woman demonstrates how to apply makeup and blend with fingers.", "a lady sitting down doing a demonstration how to put on make up.", "A woman is talking and applying a cream to her face." ]
[ "一个女人在用手网自己的脸上擦东西。", "一个女人在不停的涂着腮红,使其均匀。", "一个长发女人正在用手抚摸脸部并涂抹一些物体。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的女子,一只手正在脸上不停的动。", "一个黑色头发的女人在室内往自己的脸上抹东西。", "一位女士用手在脸上涂上了腮红,并把腮红在脸上涂抹均匀。", "一个女人边讲解边在给自己的眼睛化妆。", "一个女人正在演示如何化妆并用手指进行涂抹。", "一个女人在房间的白色窗帘旁边化妆。", "一个女人正在说话,并在她的脸上抹一抹面霜。" ]
[ "A woman is rubbing a cream all over her face as another woman discusses the benefits.", "A promotional video of a woman applying a beauty aid", "A woman is applying day cream to her face while another woman explains the process.", "A woman applying a cream to her face at night", "A female voice is talking about the advantage of using a daily moisturizing cream.", "A woman in a tank top rubs facial cream on her face with a white background.", "A woman uses cream on her face while a narrator talks.", "A woman shows how to wear solution and the woman tells different things about the solution.", "A woman gently massages a cream into her face in a commercial advertisement.", "A woman is applying cream over her face in an advertisement, she looks at the camera and smiles." ]
[ "一个女人在室内,正在往脸上涂抹化妆品。", "一个白皮肤的女子拿着一瓶霜在脸上涂抹,最后露出微笑。", "一个女的拿着一罐化妆品,用手抠出来一点在脸上涂抹着。", "有个女子用左手摸了右手中拿着的东西朝脸上抹。", "在一个房间里,有一个女的在往脸上擦东西。", "一个穿着无袖衫的女人在白色的背景前往脸上抹着面霜。", "一个女人在叙述者讲话的时候用面霜涂在脸上。", "一个女人展示了如何穿溶液,而有个人则说出不同解决的方法。", "在商业广告中, 一名妇女轻轻地将奶油按摩到脸上。", "一个女人给她脸上抹了产品,然后微笑。" ]
[ "A woman applying product to her face and showing how to massage it in.", "A woman in a bathroom is applying a lotion to her face while talking about how to do it.", "a lady demonstrating on how to properly use a cream on your face", "A young woman records herself in a camera massaging her face.", "A women is rubbing a lotion or moisturizer on her face and explaining what she's doing.", "A young woman is talking and applying a product to her skin.", "A woman is demonstrating how to use facial moisturizing cream.", "A woman shows that she is applying a facial product on her face before gently massaging it.", "a lady talks to the camera and puts some cream on her face", "A woman is demonstrating how to apply and massage an anti-aging product to her face." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在用手往脸上擦东西。", "一个女人在房间里一边说话一边拿着东西在脸上涂抹。", "一个女人正在将一些化妆品抹在自己的脸上,然后揉着自己的脸。", "一个女孩先是将手搓热,然后用手轻揉脸颊,下巴与额头,最后用手提拉脸部。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个女人正在往脸上抹东西。", "一个女人正在说话,并将产品涂在她的皮肤上。", "一位女士正在演示如何使用面部保湿霜。", "一名妇女她在轻轻按摩之前在脸上涂抹面部产品。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在自己的脸上涂抹东西。", "一位女士正在她的脸上涂抹和按摩产品并且不停的说话。" ]
[ "A woman is explaining how to put concealer on near your eyes", "A women with a yellow towel in her hair pats her face with her finger.", "A woman shows how to put on some make up under her eye.", "A female individual doing teaching how to apply concealer to the face", "A woman demonstrates how to apply concealer underneath the eye.", "A lady wearing a towel on her head is doing some makeup in front of the camera.", "A woman demonstrates and explains how to put concealer around the eye.", "A woman was applying something at the base of her eyes with her finger", "A lady applies concealor underneath her eyes and on her face.", "A woman is applying some makeup onto her face." ]
[ "一个戴着黄色头巾的女人在用手戳脸。", "一个女人坐在房间里用手指不停的敲打脸部。", "一个女人往自己脸颊上仔细的涂着粉底液。", "一个头上戴着黄毛巾的女子在自己的脸上摸来摸去。", "房间里,一个头戴黄色毛巾的女人在用手指头不停地敲打着脸。", "一个头上戴着浴巾的女人正在镜头面前化妆。", "一位女士演示并解释如何将遮瑕膏涂在眼睛周围。", "一个女人用她的手指在她的眼睛滴鼻涂抹了一些东西。", "一个头戴着黄色毛巾的女人向人们展示如何化妆。", "一个女人正在她的脸上涂抹一些化妆品。" ]
[ "A woman rubs some kind of ointment on her shoulder.", "A blonde woman is using her left hand to massage her bare right shoulder.", "A woman rubs her hand over her shoulder several several times.", "A female whose face isn't on screen is rubbing her right shoulder with her left hand.", "A woman rubs her shoulder as if moisturizing, no sound", "A young lady is shown rubbing her shoulder as if applying a lotion of some type.", "A blonde woman, not wearing a shirt, rubs her shoulder.", "A woman rubs her right shoulder with her left hand repeatedly.", "A shirtless woman rubs her bare shoulder and then smiles.", "A woman is not wearing a top and is rubbing her shoulder." ]
[ "一个女人,赤裸着上身不停的抚摸自己的肩膀。", "一个女人用左手反复抚摸着自己的右肩膀。", "一个长发女子在抚摸着自己的肩膀。", "一个金发女人,正在用手抚摸着自己裸露的肩膀。", "一个黄色头发的女子正在用手来回按摩着肩部。", "一位年轻的女生正在按摩她的肩膀,好像在使用某种类型的乳液一样。", "一个金色头发的女人,没有穿衬衫,揉着肩膀。", "一位女士用左手反复摩擦她的右肩。", "一个赤膊的女人揉揉她裸露的肩膀,然后微笑。", "一个没穿上衣的女人正在揉她的肩膀。" ]
[ "A woman puts ointment on her fingertips and applies it around her eyes.", "A skin care product is shown along with a woman applying it to her face.", "a lady puts some cream on her eyes and looks into the camera", "A woman demonstrates how to use a particle brand of eye cream.", "A woman begins to demonstrate how to apply a facial cream under her eyes.", "An advertisement for some sort of lotion for the skin.", "A shirtless woman is applying some lotion underneath her eyes.", "A bottle of a beauty product is shown before a woman begins to apply the product to her face.", "A lady who is showing us about a cream for under the eyes.", "A woman rubs a drop of eye cream between two fingers, and places it underneath her eyes." ]
[ "一个女人用两个手指将眼霜均匀地抹在眼睛下方。", "一名女子在用两只手的无名指将一款眼霜涂在自己的眼周围。", "一个女子用一个装在白色管子里的东西涂眼睛。", "一个女子手上抹了一点东西在自己的眼睛上面抹来抹去。", "一名女子正在给介绍雅漾眼霜的用法。", "一个推荐适合皮肤的护肤品的广告。", "一个光着膀子的女人在她的眼睛下面涂抹了一些液体。", "一个女人正在展示如何涂抹一个美容的产品。", "一位女士向我们展示了眼睛下面的乳霜如何使用。", "一位女士在两根手指之间擦拭一支眼霜。" ]
[ "A woman is rubbing a cosmetic oil cream into her face.", "A woman applies a cream by rubbing it in with circular motions in a split screen.", "A woman is rubbing her face while lotion is being rubbed into skin and beauty products are shown on another screen.", "In a split screen, a woman is rubbing her face on one side, while fingers are rubbing cream on the other side.", "A woman rubs her face in a split screen as a supply of creams are shown on the other side of the screem.", "A woman is putting cream on her face while the product is shown on the right side.", "An adult female is rubbing her face and the left side of the screen shows a handing rubbing cream in circular motions.", "A woman continues to rub facial cream on her face.", "Woman rubs white ointment on her screen with to different angles showing.", "a woman massaging creme onto her hand and her face" ]
[ "一个漂亮的女人在脸上涂抹肤护品。", "一个金发女子用手掌在摩擦脸部肌肤,手背也涂了乳霜。", "一个女人把护肤品涂在脸上和手上,小心翼翼的涂抹着。", "一个黄头发女子在自己的脸上抹来抹去。", "一个女人用双手按摩着脸,一只手在均匀地涂抹着白色的乳液,一个玻璃瓶和一些护肤品。", "当产品显示在右侧时, 一名女人正在给脸上涂上东西。", "一位成年女性正在摩擦她的脸,屏幕的左侧显示一个圆周动作的处理摩擦霜。", "一个女人正在脸上和手上涂抹东西。", "一个黄头发的女人正在按摩着自己的脸部。", "一个女人用手在脸上做着按摩。一只手将化妆品涂抹在另一只手上。" ]
[ "An archaelogical dig site in the middle of a field, with some workers and ariel footage of the site.", "A group of people talking at a archaeological dig site", "A group of people work on an extensive archaeological site in hot weather.", "archaeologist are in a dirt field work together and exploring.", "A group of people video tape an archeology excavation in progress.", "A group of guys are digging in a historiacal site with lots of stones and ruins", "A group of archaeologists are digging at an archaeological site.", "a group of people digging on an open ground archaeological area", "Workers at an archaeological dig site remove dirt from the ground.", "People dig and carry tools in an excavated pit on an archaeology site" ]
[ "在施工现场,几个人正忙碌的干着自己的工作。", "一群人正在工地上交流怎么来工作。", "一片坑洼不平的土地上有几个人戴着帽子在坑里进行工作。", "一个男人在地上挖东西,旁边还有几个男人在站着,地上放着一些盛器。", "在户外的一块地面上被挖了很多洞坑。四个男人在坑里。地面上还站着一个女人。", "一群人正在一个有很多石头的废墟里挖掘历史遗址。", "一群考古学家正在挖掘考古遗址,视频展示了这个遗址多么的大。", "一群人在一个视野开阔的露天考古区挖掘。", "工人们在考古挖掘地点挖掘地底的文物。", "一群人携带者工具在一个大坑里挖掘。" ]
[ "A few guys digging a large hole in the sand and a narrator talking in the background.", "People in the middle east work in difficult circumstances and Prof. John Bintliff starts to discuss this.", "A man stands in a deep pit and throws buckets of sand to another at the top of the pit, then a man speaks about it.", "A man uses a tool to manipulate dirt, another man throws a bucket of dirt to a man above a hole that catches the bucket, empties it and throws it back into the hole before catching another bucket, and a man speaks.", "A group of men are outside and are working with shovels and in dirt, a man is talking about the difficult working situations.", "Two men wearing turbans carelessly toss buckets of dirt from an archaeological site they are excavating.", "Men are working and throwing buckets of dirt to another worker.", "Some men are working in a dirt cellar in hard landscape conditions.", "Men working in the desert throw buckets of sand up to another man.", "A man is giving information on people in the Middle East as a clip comes on with men in a dirt pit." ]
[ "在一个室外,一个男人接住了从下面扔上来桶。", "一些人在挖土或干嘛,有人扔给上面的人,采访某位男士在说这件事。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在解说新闻里的事情。", "一位新闻播报员正在讲述建筑工人作业事件。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个人从洞里扔出了一个桶,地面上的人接住了桶。", "两个戴着头巾的男人从一个考古地点丢弃了一桶土。", "男人们正在工作,把一桶桶土扔到另一个工人身上。", "一些男人在艰苦的景观条件下在一个肮脏的地窖里工作。", "在沙漠中工作的男子将一桶沙子扔给另一个男人。", "一名男子向上扔了一桶沙,然后又扔了一桶。" ]
[ "A group of people make a shallow excavation using spades.", "A dozen adults are using shovels, picks and wheelbarrows to remove grass carefully clearing a flat area.", "A group of people are outside and are digging in the dirt with shovels.", "A group of dig a formation in the dirt with shovels.", "A group of people with picks and shovels are digging a section of the earth.", "Several people use shovels to dig a construction project while a man talks about it.", "A group of people are outside, they are shoveling dirt and putting it in wheelbarrows.", "A group of people are digging up some dirt and throwing it in wheelbarrows.", "A man is comparing a group of people digging on a worksite to two people doing the same thing.", "Many people stand in a roped off area and use shovels to dig." ]
[ "几个人用铁锹把地上的泥土放到推车内。", "一个室外的土地上有很多人拿着工具在挖土。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人拿着铁锹铲土。", "一些人在室外的土地上拿着铁锹在铲土。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在地上铲土。", "几个人用铲子挖一个建筑项目, 而一个人在谈论这个项目。", "一群人在外面, 他们正在铲土, 把土放进推车里。", "一群人正在挖土,然后它们把挖出来的土扔进手推车里。", "一名男子正在将一群在工地上挖掘的人与两个做同样事情的人进行比较。", "许多人站在一个被围起来的区域里,用铲子在挖着地上。" ]
[ "A woman is kneeling at a deep hole and brushing dirt away from skeletal remains.", "A woman is brushing away dirt from a grave where a skeleton is laying.", "A scientist is at a digging site and she is brushing a skeleton.", "A woman uses a brush to expose a human skeleton in a hole.", "A lady is bending down and brushing the skeleton in the graveyard", "A person uses a brush to brush dirt off a skeleton in the ground.", "A woman is holding a brush in her hand and she is brushing a skeleton inside a hole on the ground.", "An archeologist digging up and examining a grave at a burial ground.", "a woman digging with a paint brush on a skeleton buried in the ground.", "Woman in a colorful shirt combing through the sand looking into a skeleton." ]
[ "一个穿黄色衣服的人跪在地上在清理一具遗骸。", "一位女人使用工具在地面上进行考古活动。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的人正在打扫着一个人的骨骼。", "一个女人,趴在地上,用工具,清理坑内的骨架。", "在白天的户外,一个男人,拿着刷子,在清理一具骷髅。", "一个人在用刷子刷掉坑里骨架上的污垢。", "一个女人拿着刷子, 在地上的一个洞里放着一具骨架。", "一个考古学家挖掘并检查了一个新的墓地。", "一个女人在用油漆刷清理埋在地下的骷髅。", "穿着彩色衬衫的女人在沙子里梳理着一具骷髅。" ]
[ "A person gestures at a cracked wall, a group of people use shovels to dig in a ditch and above the ditch, and a person holding a scroll gestures while a group watches him.", "A group of archeologists excavate an ancient ruin while the narrator gives us more information.", "A man is putting his arms against a wall and describing the wall.", "A group of archaeologists dig up the remains of an ancient city in the desert.", "a person telling the news a Hungary made land scarping why group work.", "Workers are excavating an archaeological site with shovels and other tools.", "Man putting his hand up on a wall and other men digging in the dirt with shovels.", "Many people with shovels work to uncover the site of an archeological dig.", "Men are digging out dirt beside a wall while an unseen women talks about archaeologists.", "A woman is explaining the remains of a piece of history." ]
[ "四个人拿着铁锹挖着坑,旁边有一群人看着。", "一个电视台在讲解这片土建筑物的修复过程。", "有很多人在室外手上拿着工具正在铲着土。", "一些人在室外拿着铁锹在挖地上的土。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在用铁锹铲土。", "工人们正在使用铲子和其他工具对考古遗址进行挖掘。", "一个人把手放在墙上,另一些人用铲子挖土,同时还有讲解。", "许多拿着铲子的人努力揭开考古挖掘的地点。", "一个女人正在人们挖土时谈论考古学家。", "一个人解释着一段历史的遗迹,并且一些人正在挖掘。" ]
[ "A man is describing the scene of an excavation taking place on the site.", "A group of people are digging at an archaeological site.", "A group of people dig in the desert to excavate while a man explains.", "A male is in the mountains giving a description of whats things consist of.", "A man is outside preparing to take part in a fossil dig.", "A man stands in open country speaking and is then shown walking towards a group o fpeople digging and looking at things on the ground", "A man stands on the edge of a desert describing some kind of research dig.", "A man at an excavation site describes what is going on at the site.", "Man in desert talking about archaeological excavation taking place in the background", "A group of people are digging in the ground while a man is talking to the camera" ]
[ "一个男人站在山上,身后人们在工作着,然后男人走向他们。", "一群人在地上挖着什么东西,其中一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人走了过去。", "在一处荒地上,一个戴着白色帽子,穿着蓝衣服的人正在向远方走。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人头戴着一顶浅色的帽子走向工作着的人们。", "一个穿蓝衣服的人正在说话,一些人在地里面干活。", "一个男人站在田野中说话,然后他走向一群正在地面挖洞的人。", "一个人站在沙漠的边缘, 描述某种研究挖掘。", "挖掘现场的一名男子描述了现场发生的事情。", "沙漠中的人谈论在背景中发生的考古挖掘工作。", "一个男人站着说话,身后有一群人提着桶在挖东西。" ]
[ "A man is operating a bulldozer, and the footage is sped up.", "A person operating some kind of construction equipment in a yard.", "a man doing something in his backyard and is recorded in fast mode", "A man is running some kind of big machine with a shovel on it moving earth around.", "A time-laspe recording of a man using a digging tool.", "While outside, someone uses a large vehicle with a crane to move dirt from one area to another.", "Someone uses a small crane to dig and level out dirt in a small yard.", "A person uses a small backhoe to perform some landscape maintenance in a time lapse sequence.", "a person riding a mechanical device is organizing and trimming the front yard", "A guy drives a mini digger as he clears dirt in a yard." ]
[ "一个人开着一台挖掘机在建筑物旁边挖土。", "在一块空地上,一个人坐在绿色的铲车里,在来来回回开着铲车。", "在院子里,一个人开着小型铲车进行清理工作。", "一个人在室外开着挖掘机在来回工作。", "一个戴帽子穿着橙色衣服的人坐在一辆黄色的小车上。", "在外面,有人使用一辆带有起重机的大型车把泥土从一个地方转移到另一个地方。", "有人用小型起重机在一个小院子里挖掘和平整泥土。", "一个人使用小型挖掘机在规定的时间进行风景维护。", "一个穿粉色衣服的人驾驶着机械装置整理前院。", "一个人在院子开着一辆小挖掘机清理泥土。" ]
[ "A man describes how certain tools are used when excavating archaeological sites.", "A small group of people dig into the earth with a variety of tools.", "Several people are using various instruments to dig in the ground.", "People using trowels and other items to dig up the ground", "A man is showing how people are using different trawls in the dirt.", "A few people are digging dirt using trowels and hoes.", "A person uses tools to dig in the dirt, another person talks, and then a small group of people use tools to dig in the dirt.", "a person is using special tools and a spatula to dig some old things from the ground", "A man discusses excavation technique while several people use tools to dig and examine a wide shallow hole.", "A man is interviewed, discussing the accommodations made for others to be able to dig; while he continues talking, others continue digging with hand tools." ]
[ "一些人拿着铁锹和铁铲正在草坪上挖坑,一个男子正在说话。", "一群人正在用铲子和铁锹在地上挖东西。", "一个人拿着铲子挖东西,另一个人讲解,有一群人拿着工具挖这一块土地。", "在一个宽敞的室外,一个人拿着铁锹在挖着地上的土。", "一个人用手上的工具挖着地面上的土,周围有人帮着他的忙。", "几个人在用镘刀和锄头小心翼翼地挖土。", "一个人用工具挖掘泥土,另一个人讲话,然后一小群人用工具挖掘泥土。", "一个人正在用特殊的工具和铲子从地上挖出一些旧东西。", "一个男人正在谈论挖掘技术,然后有几个人使用工具挖掘和检查一个宽的浅洞。", "几只手拿着工具在一个土坑里翻来翻去,一个胖胖的男人在旁边讲话。" ]
[ "A group of men are using pick axes and shovels to remove dirt", "A group of men were digging out a trench back in the year 2001.", "Several people are digging in a trtench looking for evidence.", "four person digging a trench investigation with rocks in a bucket.", "A handful of people are using pickaxes and shovels to dig a trench.", "A mixed group of people are shown digging soil from the edge of a trench with picks and shovels, and loading the soil into buckets", "A person with a pick axe digs then several people are shown digging the edge of a trench", "Archeologists digging in Trench 1 in 2001 with picks and shovels.", "A group of four people are doing some mason work near the sand", "People are using various tools to dig up dirt around a structure." ]
[ "室外还多人拿着工具在凿土,旁边还放着一个桶。", "几个人拿着铁锹等工具不停的在刨土。", "几个人戴着手套拿着锄头和木桶在挖地上的土。", "一群人在室外用工具把地上褐色的土弄到黄色的桶里。", "在户外的一个土坑里面,有几个人在用工具挖土。", "一群人拿着铁镐和铲子土沟里工作,并把土装进了桶里。", "一些人拿着工具在土地上挖图然后装进黄色的桶。", "考古学家在2001年用镐和铲挖掘壕沟一号。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在坑里挖土。", "人们正在使用各种工具来挖掘建筑物周围的泥土。" ]
[ "A group of people are digging through dirt and excavating fossils.", "An individual is discussing how a person can work with archaeologist and discover different artifacts.", "A group of people are in dirt and digging things up, talks about how you can work with archaeologist on the field and in the classroom.", "At a digging site a group of people are looking at and showing fossils in rocks then they are sitting at a table.", "A narrator tells what you can do at an ancient art site.", "People are working with archaeologists in the field and in a room as a woman talks about it.", "a documentary being narrated by a woman is showing different fossils", "People outside digging in the dirt to uncover important artifacts from the past.", "a group of people digging for fossils as they uncover and see unique designs on the fossils", "A slideshow of archeological findings are shown then people are seen working." ]
[ "一群人正在野外进行考古工作,挖掘物品,带回实验室研究。", "一个人手里拿着一块石头,之后一群人在大坑里考古,并在室内研究。", "在室外的土地上一些人拿着工具在刨土地里的东西。", "一群人在室外拿着刷子和铲子挖掘碎片。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在用铲子挖东西。", "当一名妇女谈论这件事时, 人们在田野里和考古学家一起工作,在一个房间里,一个女人正在谈论它。", "一个由女人讲述的纪录片正在展示不同的化石。", "考古学家们小心翼翼的挖掘着一处古墓,发现过去的重要文物。", "一群人在挖掘化石的时候发现了这些化石的独特设计。", "一个考古发现的瓷片,然后一些人在努力的工作。" ]
[ "A lady giving the news with footage of men surveying a sunken land.", "a lady in blue talks to the camera and some people are outside in a dirt area", "A person talks and nods her head, and then a man kneels and digs in the dirt as a small group of people walks, and one person points.", "A woman on the TV reports about an excavation that is going on.", "A news caster talking on the tv about discovering a new town.", "a women is reporting the news about a group of guys digging holes", "A woman reports on what is being done to preserve the area.", "A woman newscaster introduces a story on screen and empty fields of dirt are shown.", "A woman is giving a report and then men are out on a site that has been dug.", "A television report that shows people digging in a desert is being videotaped." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在演播室直播新闻。", "一位女主播正在报道挖掘古墓的新闻。", "主持人报道,大的地面上出现了两个大坑,工作人员正在了解具体情况。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的短发女子正在播报新闻。", "有一个短头发的女人在讲话。还有一些人在走路。", "一个女人正在报道关于一群人正在挖洞的新闻。", "一个女人在报道讲解该地区采取的一系列保护措施。", "一位女性新闻主播在屏幕上介绍一个故事,并显示空白的污垢区域。", "一名女子正在做报告, 然后男子在一个工地上挖掘东西。", "在一个电视屏幕上播放着一则新闻。" ]
[ "A group of children are learning about archeology at an excavation site.", "Truck travels along the way, man talks to boy and points things out to him, boy chops something.", "a car rides through the dirt and a boy hits something with his hammer", "A group of people a construction site and a young man is being instructed by an adult.", "A group of people appear to dig in an excavated area outdoors.", "A montage of people working outdoors at a dig site is shown.", "Truck drives in back of site being excavated, people are at edge of site outline, and man and boy stand on rubble heap.", "A vehicle drives past some excavated walls, then a man point out things to a young boy while a young man digs in the excavations.", "A construction zone is shown and people are shown digging.", "A man stands on a dirt hill and shows a little boy the sites as people dig in the area." ]
[ "一名外国父亲和儿子站在高处给儿子描述工人们建造房子的事情。", "红色衣服的男人正在向小朋友介绍这里的情况。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人正在挖着什么东西。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在跟一个男孩讲话,另一个人在挖地。", "有一辆汽车在行驶着,旁边还有一些大人和一个小男孩。", "展示的是一个在挖掘现场户外工作的人的蒙太奇。", "卡车行驶在被挖掘的工地后面,人们在工地干活,男人和男孩站在瓦砾堆上。", "一辆汽车驶过一个挖出土的旁边,然后一个男人指着一个年轻男孩看一个年轻人正在挖掘坑道。", "一个穿着橙色上衣的男人指导小男孩挖掘。", "一个男人正在向一个小男孩展示如何挖掘。" ]
[ "Two men are talking while showing a photo of adults looking for things in the dirt.", "A photo of people working in a field is shown, and then two men are sitting at at table while one speaks.", "A group of people digging and studying the findings from there dig.", "Multiple individuals on hands and knees in the dirt looking for artifacts.", "Two men seated =behind =a wooden desk are discussing a group of people sifting through a blocked off section of dirt.", "A group of people are doing archaeological excavation and two people are talking about it.", "A picture of a group of people are shown at a square dirt site working, then two men discuss this.", "A group of people kneel, sit and bend over the ground looking downward in a dirt field, and then a man talks while another man sits beside him and lifts his head.", "Two reporters discuss a site where a crowd is digging up remains.", "Man speaking while displaying a picture of a group of archaeologists." ]
[ "几个人有些蹲在地上有些爬在地上拿着铲子在找着什么。", "两个男人在一档节目中评价一群人在田地里农作的辛勤。", "在室外的土地上有几个人蹲在那里在做什么,又出现了两个人坐在那里说话。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一些人坐在地上捡东西。", "一群人跪在地上在劳作,两个人坐在桌子前在讲话。", "一群人正在进行考古挖掘,两个人正在谈论这件事。", "两个男人坐在桌子前谈论一张很多人在田地里工作的照片。", "一群人跪在地上,俯身俯视在泥土地上。", "两个记者正在讨论一群挖掘考古的工作者。", ": 一个男人在展示一组考古学家的照片时讲话。" ]
[ "Several people are wandering around in a construction site looking at the work that has been done.", "Two men are walking near a large hole and pile of dirt near large equipment.", "Two men are walking around an archaeological excavation site. and there is a truck at the site.", "A person is shown picking up soil in a truck", "A tipper lorry was seen with having sand from the dip near that and some persons were walking", "A large hole had been dug up to lay down the foundation of a building.", "A pile of dirt and me walking around climbing out of the dirt.", "People are walking around at a site that has been excavated recently.", "A construction crew walk around a construction site that has a very large pile of dirt.", "Men walk over construction site of brown dirt piles, dump truck, backhoe, gravel mound, and pipes." ]
[ "一辆挖掘机挖了很多泥土出来,还有一辆泥头车拉了一车碎石子。", "一个人从坑里面出来另一个人在旁边走路上有一台挖掘机和一辆车在路上停着。", "两个男子在一片挖了一个大坑的施工场地走动。", "有两个男人在挖掘机施工场地进行查勘。", "一台挖掘机和一台翻斗车停在土堆旁,两个男人从土堆上走过。", "为了奠定建筑物的地基,挖了一个大洞。", "我在一堆泥土中四处走动,从泥土中爬了出来。", "人们在一个最近挖掘出来图的的地方走来走去。", "一名施工人员在一个有一堆非常大的泥土的建筑工地上走动。", "男子走过建筑工地上的棕色泥土堆、自卸车、挖土机、卵石堆和管道。" ]
[ "A person is showing a group of people digging with shovels.", "A group of people work to escalate dirt from an area looking for artifacts.", "A fading out image of a frame that pans to multiple people digging out of an archeological site.", "A group of people are looking for some fossils and coordinating where to dig.", "Man in white cap explains what is happening on an archaelogical dig site as workers dig into the ground.", "A group of people are excavating whilst other people watch.", "A excavation site where people are digging dirt out while someone narrates the process.", "A traditional painting shown. At a digging site a group of people are using shovel and man talks about searching for artifacts.", "A photograph is shown, then a man speaks while people remove dirt from an excavation site.", "People are at an archaeological site digging dirt out of the ground." ]
[ "人们在一块方形地上,做着煤炭,有的人在用铲子装煤。", "一幅黑白照片,施工现场几个人做着不同的工作。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣黑色短裤的人正在挖东西。", "一个穿蓝色短袖的男人拿着铁锹,还有几个穿白色衣服的男人。", "一群人,在户外宽阔的草坪正在工作。", "一群人正在碗蕨,而其他人则在旁边观看。", "一个挖掘现场, 人们正在挖掘泥土, 而有人讲述这个过程。", "一群人正在一个挖掘现场使用铲子挖掘。", "一个女子在浅坑里用铁锹把泥土放进桶里。", "人们在一个考古遗址的地面上挖泥土。" ]
[ "A man sits in a small hole dug in the dirt as he writes on paper.", "a group of people are doing an archaeological dig somewhere outside", "A group of people sitting together as they start digging and carving out an object from the ground", "A man kneeling in a rectangle patch of dirt is writing on a piece of paper.", "A person is writing notes in a notebook as someone speaks in the back grown of the importance of note keeping.", "A man is kneeling in a framed structure in the dirt and taking notes of what he is doing, and what has to be done.", "A man is writing on a book in a n archaeological excavation site.", "A man checks measurements on a drawing while kneeling in a shallow hole in a yard.", "A man is kneeling down in a space dug out in the ground and labeling an architect design.", "One man is kneeling in a trough that is being dug and the calculations for the project are shown." ]
[ "一个戴帽子的男子半跪在地面上绘画一张图。", "两个人在一个场地上,其中一个人拿着本子和笔在记录东西。", "一个人半跪在地上画图纸,旁边一个人走来走去。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人正在测量土地。", "一个人在草坪上坐着在纸上写着东西,其中一个人在一边走来走去。", "一个男人跪在泥土中的框架结构中,并记录着他在做的事情以及什么必须做。", "一个男人正在考古挖掘遗址的一本书上记录着数据。", "一个男人正跪在一个院子里的浅坑里检查图纸上的测量值。", "一名男子跪在地下挖出的空间里, 给建筑师的设计贴上标签。", "一名男子跪在正在挖掘的水槽中,并显示项目的计算结果。" ]
[ "A guy is taking measurements of a dig and recording them on a paper.", "A site is being measured and mapped out for what appears to be an archaeological dig.", "A man measures an area while a group of workers and engineers look on", "Archaeologists are measuring and taking notes at a dig site as a woman narrates.", "A group of men are examining an exhibit together, they use measuring tools to anyalyze.", "A group of people are doing work at an excavation and a narrator is explaining the process.", "A man is measuring the ground with a measuring tape and writing it dowm.", "A man is labelling an area with some strings to be excavated", "A man is shown taking measurements at a work site, as a woman narrates what's going on.", "A person holding paperes uses a tape measure on the ground while another writes on a clipboard." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的男人在测量,另一个穿着黑色衣服、带着墨镜的男人在写。", "一个男人手上拿着卷尺对地面进行测量,然后用笔进行记录。", "在一片田地里,有一个人在用尺子测量土地,并且将数据记录在纸上。", "一个人手里拿着尺子量,一个人在用笔记录。", "灰色衣服的男子用尺子在空地上测量着,黑色衣服男子则记录着。", "一群人正在进行挖掘工作, 一名叙述者正在解释这个过程。", "在户外一个人正在用卷尺测量地面,另外一个人把它记录下来。", "一名男子正在用一些绳子标记出要挖掘的区域。", "一个男人在工作地点进行测量,一个女人讲述正在发生的事情的时候。", "四个人站在草地上看一个人在测量土地,然后另一个男子正在记着什么东西。" ]
[ "Several people work on an outdoor project lasting a few hours.", "Several people are shown in various stages of participating in an archeological dig.", "A group are digging and sorting things to under the sunshine then they left", "In a time lapse video, people are bringing bags of sand and buckets to and from an excavated area.", "Sped up motion video of people working and digging at a site.", "A bunch of people are working together on a construction site.", "A group of people are working outside building a wall.", "A time lapse is shown of landscapers working in a yard.", "A group of people are the land outside and collecting things that they need", "A group of people are building a fence and surrounded by bags of concrete in warp speed." ]
[ "一群工人正在地上搬运白色袋子的货物。", "一群人在类似出土地的地方进行挖掘工作。", "一天的时间,工人们都在进行繁忙的工作。", "在宽阔的室外,一群人,在忙碌的铺着白色的水泥袋。", "很多人在户外进行劳动,地上有很多白色的袋子和一些水桶。", "一群人在建筑工地上一起努力地工作。", "在户外,一群工人正在一直不停的做事情。", "在一个院子里工作的庭园设计师表现出了一个时间的误差。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在挖一片土地。", "一群人正在以超高速度建造围栏,周围是混凝土包。" ]
[ "A person picks through a basin filled with clumps of dirt.", "An archaeologist is sifting through dirt with a sifter to find information.", "A set of hands presses dirt through a wire screen and a message is displayed asking if one is interested in past human activities and un-earthing their passion.", "A person is sifting through dirt to try to find something all while music plays in the background.", "A person sorts through some dirt in a pan like object.", "Someone is sifting through pieces of dirt and mud.", "A person uses a hand to push bits of dirt, and rocks around in a colander type tool.", "A person is moving dirt on a strainer and then text appears.", "A person is sorting through a pile of rocks in an advertisement.", "Someone is using a metal sifter to sift through clumps of soil." ]
[ "一个人一只手在翻拿着装着土的东西。", "一个人正在拿着筛子筛选土和石头。", "在一个房子里,一个人正用筛子筛着土块。", "一个人正用手捏着一个框里的泥块。", "一个人在挑选放在筛子里的小石子。", "一个人正在筛选一片片的泥垢和泥土。", "一个人用一只手来推动污垢,并用漏勺式工具晃动。", "一个人在过滤器上移动污垢, 然后文字出现。", "一段广告中一个人正在整理一堆岩石。", "一个人正在用金属筛子来筛选土块。" ]
[ "A man explains and shows how very old shells are discovered and taken out of the ground.", "College students uses small instruments to dig bones at an archeaological dig site.", "A man is showing how an old shell or piece of pottery is unearthed.", "A man is demonstrating how to find certain fossils.", "A man opens the shell and shows then showing the shell inside the sea shore", "A man is describing the process of how fossils are found.", "A man picks up a shell and brushes sand off of more.", "A guy is holding up a clam and showing digging on the beach.", "A person is using a wooden stick to dig up clam shells out the ground", "A man shows the clam he found and the way he finds them in the sand." ]
[ "在一条河边,一个人拿着一个河蚌,一根人拿着一个刷子在挖掘一个东西。", "一个男人正在细心挖掘一个一万年前的蚌。", "一个男子手里拿着刷子和一根木棍,在清理地里的贝壳。", "一个人正拿着刷子挖被埋在土里的河蚌。", "一个人用刷子和木棍从泥土里取出来一个贝壳。", "一名男子正在描述化石如何被发现的过程。", "一个人捡起一个贝壳, 把更多的沙子刷掉。", "一个人举起一只蛤蜊,并在沙滩上展示挖掘。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人正在展示一个牡蛎壳。", "一手双手拿起一个蛤蜊,然后又一双手用工具在沙土里翻捡。" ]
[ "a couple of people using tools to shape and dig inside dirt", "A group of child doing digging to see if the can find fossils.", "Several children are digging and turning the dirt to see what they can find.", "A man talking about children digging 7 squares in the ground and shows the children digging.", "A group of young people dig in an outdoor area.", "A bunch of kids are sitting in the dirt using tools to dig.", "A group of people are sitting on the ground and digging in the dirt.", "A group of kids using tools sift through a dirt area carefully looking for artifacts.", "A group of kids using trowels to do some archaeology digging", "Three adults and two kids dig in yard with hand held shovels" ]
[ "一家人每个人都拿着铁质工具在一块地上铲东西。", "一群人坐在地上跪在地上用铲子铲土。", "一些人蹲坐在地上手里拿着铲子对着地挖掘。", "几个人正各拿着一把铲子铲一个坑里的土。", "一些人坐在地上用一些工具在土地上翻找着什么。", "一群孩子坐在地上使用工具挖泥土。", "一群人坐在地上, 用工具在泥土中挖土。", "一群孩子在土地上小心的挖掘仔细地寻找文物。", "一个男人正坐在地上挖着地上的土。", "三个成人和两个孩子在院子拿着铲子挖地面。" ]
[ "A man and woman are digging through clayish dirt with a little shovel.", "A woman explaining something while a man digs in the mud.", "A construction woman talks about a project and a man is shown working in the mud.", "A female worker wearing a hard hat discusses an issue about her job; a man is then seen working down in a hole.", "A woman narrates as a man with a small trowel is digging in the dirt.", "A woman in a hard hat speaks as a man is shown digging in the dirt.", "A woman describes a dig site and the history of the different levels of the dig.", "a couple of people with helmets on their head digging into mud searching for something", "a person standing up and then going to a man kneeling down in dirt getting items out of it", "Two escavators are working in a dig site, one describes what they are doing, the other is doing the physical labor." ]
[ "一个带着蓝色帽子、穿灰色衣服的男人在挖泥巴。", "一位女士在转手,另一位男士在拿着工具挖泥土。", "女子接受采访介绍男子在用铲子挖的东西。", "一群戴着安全帽和手套的人在泥地里工作。", "工地中一个女子在介绍,一个男子在挖着什么。", "一个戴着安全帽的女人正在接受采访,随后一个男人在泥土里进行挖掘。", "一个男人跪在地止手里拿着工具在工作着,同时还有讲解。", "一对考古夫妇在泥泞的坑里寻找什么东西。", "一个人站起来, 然后去一个人跪在泥土中取出东西。", "两个托管人在一个挖掘现场工作, 一个描述他们在做什么, 另一个在做体力劳动。" ]
[ "A man says that there was a fire in the area that he is standing on and shows points to rock walls.", "A guy with a beird is talking about the dirt that they are digging.", "A man is kneeling inside a dirt area and explaining the soil.", "A man is kneeling in an outdoor trench at an archaeological site, discusses the history of the site and asks his colleague for a bucket.", "A man is telling a story about the history behind the historical site he's at.", "A man is describing what he has found in a big hole in the ground.", "A man wearing a t-shirt is talking to someone within the opening in the ground.", "a man walks and talks by rocks about rocks outside", "The man is part of an exhibition and he is explaining that there was a fire at one time in the walls.", "The archaeologist explains and points out, in an area they just finished digging, an area where there is evidence of fire." ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服的男子蹲在一个洞里面,后来起身走到另一侧。", "一个男人蹲在坑里指着坑壁说着话,随后站起身在坑里走动。", "穿灰色短袖卡其色裤子的人在讲解着东西。", "一个金发留着胡子的大叔对着泥土在说话。", "一个人蹲在一个土坑里,蹲下又站起嘴在动。旁边有多人在工作。", "一个男人正在描述他在地下一个大洞里发现的东西。", "一个男人双手撑着膝盖蹲在坑里在说话。", "一个人在外面指着石头说着话走来走去。", "一名灰色上衣的男子正在解释墙壁上曾经有过火灾。", "这位考古学家解释并指出,在他们刚刚完成的一个地区有一个有着火迹象的地方。" ]
[ "Five worker wearing yellow vests are sifting through the dirt.", "A group of workers perform a dig in a historical site.", "A man overlooks an excavation, where there are men in bright yellow vests in the dirt.", "Several people excavate in a sunken dirt area as a speaker comments on what is happening.", "a group of workers sit in the dirt and do some kind of work", "A group of people are digging inside of graves at an archaeological site.", "A group of people dig in a pit while speaking to each other about what they are doing.", "Workers in a hole excivate items out of the dirt.", "Commentator speaks as he watches archeologists dig remains from the dirt.", "A group of people are measuring and sitting around holes in the ground with objects in them." ]
[ "一群穿着反光衣的工作人员在工地里工作。", "几名工人在一片空地上忙碌着,不知道是在整理着什么。", "一群穿着绿色衣服的人在土地上做着工作。", "一些人在埋有尸骨的土地上查询作业。", "一堆穿着黄色衣服的人正在地上干活。", "一群人正在考古遗址的古墓内进行挖掘。", "一群人在一个坑里挖掘,同时一起互相谈论着。", "一群工人们正在从一个大坑中挖掘泥土。", "几个考古学家从泥土中挖掘残骸。", "一群工人正在地面测量一些洞和做一些重要的工作。" ]
[ "A man is scraping rocks and dirt away with a trowel and brush to find what is underneath.", "A man with a spade and brush clears dirt away from a half-buried, broken pot.", "a man is narrating what he is doing while using a small shovel and moving dirt", "The person using a trowel picks at the dirt and rocks on the ground.", "a man is using a small shovel to dig bricks up and talking about how interesting it is", "A man talks about what he is interested in when looking for dirt and scratches around and brushes with a brush.", "A man picks through the dirt with a shovel, looking for items.", "A person is talking and showing how to use a hand tool and a paint brush to gather dirt.", "A person outdoors exploring artifacts buried deep into the ground", "A person holds and use a scrapper on the ground and then he uses a brush on the surface." ]
[ "一个人手拿铲子铲向地面上的石子,并用刷子清理干净。", "一个男人在某个地方拿着专业的考古工具寻找古物。", "一个人正拿着工具正在拨地上的泥土。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人拿着工具在土地上挖东西。", "一个人用一把铲子在挖土,紧接着这个人用刷子刷了刷这些土。", "一个男人一边拿着工具清理周围的污垢,一边谈论他感兴趣的东西。", "一名男子拿着一个工具在泥土里铲着石子。", "一个人正在交谈和演示如何使用一个手工具和一个刷子清理污垢。", "一个人在户外探索埋藏在地下的文物。", "一个人手上拿着铲子正在挖着地上的土。" ]
[ "A man explains how scientists sift through layers of dirt in an effort to find artifacts.", "A man is describing an archaelogical dig while kneeling.", "A person is showing how they dig a grave with all of the dirt and ideas.", "A guy talking about the different layers of dirt that have been dug up.", "Outside a man is digging a square hole in the dirt.", "A man sets on his knees looking into a hole with a cement spreader in hand.", "A man excavates a rectangular, precise hole while commenting he hasn't found anything.", "A man is outside and is by a whole that was dug and is using a tool in it.", "A man is kneeling on the ground beside a square hole, and showing some features of the earth.", "A man wearing a hat is describing the ground layers of the outdoor project." ]
[ "一个戴着帽子、穿灰色衣服的男人跪在地上。", "一名男子跪在一个方形的池子前进行修砌。", "一个男子跪在地上,拿着小铲子把地上的方块坑抹平。", "一个戴着帽子的男人跪在地上描述一个坑并讲解。", "一个戴着迷彩帽子的男人跪在一个土坑前面,手里拿着一个小铲子指着土坑的部位。", "一名男子跪下来, 然后手里拿着水泥抹子看着一个洞。", "一名男子挖掘出一个长方形,精确的洞,同时评论说他没有找到任何东西。", "一个人在外面使用一种工具在一个被挖出来的整体上。", "一个男人跪在地上一个方形的洞旁,展现了大地的一些特征。", "一名戴帽子的男子正在描述户外项目的地面层。" ]
[ "A group of people are outside as they try to stick a large pole into the ground.", "A few people stand in a rocky area by shallow water holding a measuring stick.", "Two girls and a guy stand beside a tall white stick and one of the girls moves it.", "Three people are using a really tall measuring stick by some rocks.", "Two women and a man are measuring and taking notes.", "A lady was trying to hold a pole in position while other around her tried to help.", "People holding onto a stick that looks like a lance in a field of stacked boulders.", "Several people are standing among rocks; one woman is holding a pole.", "A woman holding a pole along with two other people in a field of dirt and rocks.", "A lady holds a large pole at an archeology dig site while her friends stand around." ]
[ "在一片空地上,一个穿蓝色上衣的女人手里拿着一个白色的长棍,旁边站着一个女人和一个男人。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人正在立一根杆子,旁边站着一男一女。", "一个女子在一片有乱石的地方拿着一个棍子,旁边有两人在看着。", "白天的户外,一个女人拿着棍子,在玩耍,旁边两个人在观看。", "个石头很多的杂乱场地上,两个女人拿着一个长尺子比划着,旁边一个男人在看。", "一位女士试图把电线杆固定在位置上,而她周围的人试图帮助她。", "一个女人在堆积如山的巨石地里抓住一根看起来像长矛的棍子。", "有几个人站在岩石中间,一个女人拿着一根杆子。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女子在岩石上的泥土里抱着一个杆子。", "一名女性在考古挖掘点拿着一根长杆,而她的朋友在她的身边。" ]
[ "A group of people are working at a digging site with shovels and pails.", "Several people are digging and finding artifacts in the dirt.", "a group of people stand outside and interact with the environment", "A few people do work on an area as one man drops a shovel.", "Several people are digging and removing dirt from a cleared area.", "A man talks about a large group of people digging in a dirt pit in a forest.", "A group of people are digging a hole in a forest.", "A group of men are digging with shovels, while others stand around and someone narrates.", "a group of people work on some land that is located outside", "A group of people use digging tools to dig dirt from a pit as other people stand around." ]
[ "一群男人在一个土坑里用铁锹把土放进水桶里。", "一片树林里,很多男人使用铁锹一起挖着一个坑。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人和几个人在工作。", "在室外有几个人,拿着工具在土地里干活。", "树林里一群人在挖一个大坑,一把铁锹被扔在一个光着上身和一个穿着红色衣服的男人中间。", "一名男子谈到一群人在森林里的一个土坑里挖东西。", "一群人正在森林里面忙碌地挖土施工。", "一群男人正在用铁锹挖掘,而其他人则站在旁边,有人在讲述。", "一群人在外面的一块土地上工作着。", "一片树林里一群人正在做不同的工作。" ]
[ "A man is talking about the past and present while holding clay in his hand.", "A man describes work on a archaeological dig while showing some artifacts.", "A man speaks while holding broken pieces of glass in his hands.", "A man is standing and having a conversation in an outdoor setting.", "A person is shown having a conversation with another male.", "A man is explaining the contents of a site, most of the site has been masked or guarded.", "A man is being interviewed at an excavation site and several artifacts are shown.", "Two men are seen in a deep conversation and afterwards, the ground with cuts are shown.", "A man stands talking to a woman and holds shards of pottery in the palm of his hand.", "A man and a woman are talking to cameras, showing stone pieces in their hands and then looking at large holes in the street." ]
[ "一个穿着粉色短袖的人正在和另一个人交谈,他们在挖掘文物。", "一个男人在一片树林里挖到了一块碎片。", "戴着帽子的人,正在向另一个人介绍着一个东西画面中有许多正方形的坑。", "两个人在整修破损的渠道,手里还拿这破损的瓷砖。", "一个男人手里拿着零碎的石头碎片,地面有许多正方形的空隙。", "一名男子正在解释一个网站的内容,在展示该网站的大部分内容已被掩盖或保护。", "一名男子正在一个挖掘地点接受采访,并展示了几件艺术品。", "在一次深入的谈话中看到了两个人, 之后, 就显示出了被割伤的地面。", "一个男人站在那里和一个女人说话, 手里拿着几片陶器。", "一个男人正在说话,然后一双手里拿着石块,路面有的有几个大洞。" ]
[ "An archaeologist is looking through dirt and sand as others are cheering her on.", "A woman is digging through the dirt and rocks trying to find an object.", "An archaeologist is excavating on a site while a group of people watch.", "A woman is digging around in the rocks as she explains what she is looking for.", "A female bends over a pile of dirt and pushes around the dirt with a tool.", "A lady holding a bag was digging into the soil with a trowel", "A woman is digging through the dirt at an archaeological dig site.", "A woman holds a bag and looks through soil while other observe off screen.", "A woman uses a small trawl to sift through dirt and rocks as if doing some archeology exploration.", "A woman digs through some dirt in search of interesting rocks." ]
[ "一个女人在捡着面前的石头,然后用小铲子拨动面前的土。", "一个女人刮开泥土寻找埋在土下的物品。", "一个戴墨镜的女人用小铲子挖土玩。", "一个戴着眼镜穿着黑色上衣的女子蹲在地上用工具对着土在说话。", "一个戴眼镜的女人蹲着拿开地上的土块,然后拿出一个铲子扒土。", "一位拿着袋子的女士用手拨开石块然后用铲子挖土。", "一位女士正在一个考古挖掘地点挖掘土地。", "一个女人拿着一个袋子往土里面看,而另一些人则在旁观察。", "一个女人用一个小拖网筛选尘土和岩石,就像在做一些考古探索一样。", "一个戴眼镜的女人用手捡起地上的石头放在一旁,然后用小铲子在地上挖来挖去。" ]
[ "a person keeling down in the dirt moving it around with their hands", "A person doing a dig trying to find something at a site.", "a person digs into the brown ground that is underneath them", "Several guys in safety jackets are digging with hand tools.", "A person crouches down in dirt and uses a hand tool to scrape the dirt", "A guy in yellow is doing some work with other men on a construction site.", "Two construction workers are digging in the dirt while a third stands.", "A construction worker digs in the dirt with a hand tool while others work near him.", "Helmeted worker uses small trowel to scrape along top surface of soil in enclosed area.", "Construction workers dig by hand into the earth in front of large tractor." ]
[ "一群穿着工作服的人在地上挖土,旁边有挖掘机。", "施工地上一个戴着安全帽的人正半跪在土地上,用手上的工具刨土。", "一个戴着帽子身穿工作装的男子在忙碌工作。", "一个戴头盔穿工作服的男人蹲在工地工作。", "一个穿着绿色衣服戴着帽子的人正在挖土。", "一个下蹲的男人在和伙伴们在工地上工作。", "一名建筑工人正拿着一个工具在土里挖着土。", "一名建筑工人正在用工具在泥土中挖掘什么东西,还有一些人在附近工作。", "头盔工人使用小铲子沿着封闭区域的土壤顶部表面刮擦。", "建筑工上一个建筑工人手里拿着工具在地上挖土,而后面有一台大型挖掘机。" ]
[ "A group of people are outside standing and talking around a cleared, square plot of ground.", "a group of people standing and pointing at a dug up part in the ground", "A group of people are standing near the muddy field and are looking at it", "Several people are in a field and are looking at a large hole that's dug.", "A group of men and women assessing an excavated trench.", "People are standing around an excavation site and talking while music is playing.", "A group of people stand on the edge of a dug hole", "People standing around looking at the site that was dug up.", "A group of people stand around a square section of dug up ground and talk.", "People stand around a trench cut out of a grassy field as another woman walks to the edge" ]
[ "两个男子和五个女子在围着一个土坑交流。", "很多人站着在看地上的正方形土坑。", "一个穿白色上衣的男人在一块草地上观察一块地。", "在一个草地上面有一个沙坑一群人在围观。", "一群人看着面前挖出的一个正方形坑。", "人们站在挖掘现场周围, 一边在播放音乐,一边交谈。", "一群人在一片被挖了一点的草原上站着。", "人们站在周围看着被挖掘出来的地点。", "一群人站在一块被挖出来的地面周围聊天。", "当另一个女人行走时,人们站在沟渠周围。" ]
[ "A number of students in high visibility jackets are working on an archealogical site using digging and brushing tools.", "A lot of archaeology students are on the ground exploring the wonders of the earth.", "Archiologists are outside, in various areas, knelt down scraping and brushing the dirt away from their work areas.", "Several student working on an archaeology dig sweeping and unearthing an area.", "People in hard hats and safety vests excavate using hand tools.", "A person is speaking about students who have the opportunity to be involved in archaeology field work.", "People are working on an excavation of an ancient structure, while a man describes the students involved.", "Archeaology students, wearing orange safety vests, brush off rocks at an archeology site.", "Some people are doing archeology studies with great dedication in an outdoor space.", "A group of archaeologists working in a dig site in various spots." ]
[ "几个人在一个废墟中利用手上的刷子刷着废墟上的土。", "工地上的工人们都在努力的干着自己的工作。", "在一个工地上,有一群人正在努力的工作着。", "在一个明亮的室外,一群人正在打扫地下的土灰。", "几个人跪在地上用刷子在扫着灰尘。", "几个工人在工地上不停的用手在工作。", "人们正在挖掘一个古老的建筑, 而一个人描述了参与其中的学生。", "穿着橙色安全背心的考古学学生在一个考古地点刷掉石头。", "一群带着帽子的人们正在做一个户外考古学挖掘。", "考古学家的一组考古学员在挖掘一个地方。" ]
[ "A group of people are digging in the dirt with a dustpan and garden shovel.", "A group of people search the things under the ground.", "Gloved individuals pull items from a patch of dug earth.", "A woman narrates as people look for artifacts at a dig site.", "Several areas of turned dirt are shown as a woman talks about finding things at these sites.", "People are excavating artifacts from a plot of dirt using tools", "Several people are digging archaeological artifacts from the ground and a woman is narrating.", "The students dig on the ground searching for artifacts that are part of history.", "People with gloves dig and unearth artifacts from a dirt ground.", "Artifacts are being excavated from a location as the narrator describes the action." ]
[ "一个带灰色卫衣帽子的女生拿着铲子在土里挖文物。", "俩个人在树林的地面上挖出了一个瓶子。", "一个戴帽子的人正用手指抠着土地,地上放着一把铲子。", "在宽阔的室外,几个人在草地上挖东西。", "一个穿着黑色外套戴着手套的人正拿着一个东西递给另一个人。", "人们正在使用工具从污垢中挖掘出文物。", "一群人在户外的田地里挖掘着地下的考古文物。", "学生们在地上挖掘,寻找历史的一部分史前古器物。", "一些带着手套的人正在用各种工具在泥土里挖掘着各种东西。", "一群人正在从一个地点挖掘出什么东西。" ]
[ "Guys are talking while holding measurement sticks in the ground.", "Two people are using sticks to explore a hole in the earth.", "People are using giant poles and measure the depths in a giant dirt hole.", "Two males are digging into a rock quarry and they measure how deep the hole is.", "a group of people measure the ground outside during the daytime", "Two people taking measurements with a yellow and a white measuring stuck in a large hole.", "Two people talking and trying to measure an excavation site.", "Depth and length are being recorded of a large hole in some rocky ground.", "At a dig site, people are using measuring devices to determine the exact position of something.", "A person standing in a hole,measuring its height and width as he converses with a person in the background" ]
[ "一个人手里拿着东西在一个坑里面移动着。", "灰土路边一个长标尺斜指着一处,有人在坑里。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,几个人在户外工作。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男人,在土地里用直尺测量间距。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在挖着坑。", "两个人在一个大洞里用白色和黄色的测量尺测量着。", "两个人一边在说话一边在用手中的工具测量着面前的坑。", "有一个人在岩石的坑里,拿着尺子对这个坑进行长度和深度的测量。", "在一个挖掘现场, 人们正在使用测量设备来确定确切位置。", "一个人站在一个洞里,他在背景中与某人交谈时测量其高度和宽度。" ]
[ "A documentary featuring an archaeological dig performed by various students.", "People are really excited about an archaeology project that they are working on.", "A commercial is showcasing a group of people doing work at a camp.", "A man talks to the camera then a person is kneeling at a dig site.", "Several individuals are collectively working together on an archaeological project.", "A group of people use tools to excavate the ground below them.", "Several people are participating in an archeological dig with a grid square and several updated pieces of technological equipment.", "Several people dig in different scenes, interspersed with title cards.", "A group of people work on a project that involves digging out patches of dirt from the ground.", "A man is talking while a group of people are doing archaeological excavation." ]
[ "一个带帽子的男子在说话然后几个工人在地上干活看起来非常认真。", "一个身穿蓝色衣服的男人在讲解施工的过程。", "一个带着白色帽子男人在地上用铲子铲土。", "一个穿着深色衣服的男人在和一群人一起劳动。", "一个男人用手指着一个地方,其中有两个人在地上挖土。", "一群人利用工具挖掘他们身体下面的地面。", "一个男人正在对着镜头讲述着他们的考古挖掘现场。", "几个人在不同的场景中挖掘, 穿插着标题卡。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正坐在椅子上说话。", "一个人正在讲解,而一群人正在进行考古挖掘。" ]
[ "A woman holds a pick ax, then uses it in a pit.", "A woman is discussing the characteristics of a pickaxe that she uses to dig a trench.", "A woman talking about a tool used to dig and excavate a dig site.", "A woman who excavates shows a pickax and triangles.", "A woman holds up a pick axe, then uses it to dig in a pit", "a lady shows a pick axe to the camera and then someone begins using one", "A woman sitting down shows off a tool and is then shown using the tool to dig.", "A woman uses a pickax and thrusts it into the dirt with force.", "A woman is showing different tools that are used for excavation.", "A woman is holding a pick, then a man uses a pick on the ground." ]
[ "一个女人拿着锄头在讲解着,一个男人正在使用锄头。", "一个女人在展示用一把长柄的铁镐头挖土里的石头。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子在室外挖地。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的女子和一个身穿黑色上衣的男子。", "一个女人拿起一个镐头。一个男人弯着腰用镐头在土坑里刨土。女人拿出另一种工具。", "一位女士向镜头展示了一把斧头, 然后另一个人开始使用它。", "一个女人手里拿着一个工具在说话,一个男人在挖掘。", "一个女人用一把尖镐并用力将其推入泥土中。", "一个女人正在展示用不同的工具去挖掘。", "一个人拿着一个镐,在一个四方的凹地里锄着石头,一个女子手里也拿着一个镐,并且嘴里在说着什么。" ]
[ "A man performs an archaeological excavation while a woman explains what he's digging up.", "A work crew works in the dirt while the woman explains how something was built.", "A woman scrapes dirt into a shovel while another woman talks.", "A woman tells about a hut that was built on ground that is being dug.", "A woman construction worker is describing work that is being done outside while another construction worker works behind her.", "A person is digging up an old wooden shed as a woman speaks about how these sheds were built and materials they were built out of.", "A woman is outside explaining what used to be on the land as another women digs in the dirt.", "Two women at an archaeological dig site explaining their findings", "A woman is standing at an excavation site explaining what has been uncovered and information known about it.", "Two people are showing how to build a building foundation." ]
[ "在室外有两个穿橘黄色上衣的人,一个在站着讲话一个蹲在地上在挖土。", "一个女人在旁边介绍,另一个男人正在采集泥土。", "一个女人正在认真地解说,另一个人在用工具挖土。", "在一个空旷的地面上,两个女人戴着安全帽,正在施工。", "两个穿着制服的女人,其中一个女人在解说,另一个女人蹲在地上挖土。", "一个人正在挖一个旧的木棚,一个女人在讲解这些棚子是如何建造的,以及棚子的建筑材料是怎样制作的。", "一个女人站在土地上说话,另一个人用铲子在地里铲土。", "一个考古队员在干活,另一个队员在说话。", "一名妇女正站在一个发掘现场,解释已经发现的情况和有关此事的资料。", "两个人正在展示如何建造一个建筑物的基础。" ]
[ "Archaeologists are sifting though brown clay like dirt with instruments.", "A person is seen working the soil, then scraping it to a flat surface.", "A person sifts through dirt to find something, while another carefully blades off dirt to look for something in a blocked off area.", "A few people or archaeologists are sifting through dirt in a rectangular space.", "A man is scraping dirt in a segmented section of land while a woman works with a sifter to filter out artifacts or bones.", "A woman is sifting dirt on a large screen and then a man is using a trowel to scrape dirt from the ground.", "A woman is sifting dirt through a large sieve and looking through it carefully while a man is cleaning an excavation area.", "A woman sift through some dirt and then a man scrapes away at another patch of dirt with a tool.", "A group of people sifting and scratching at dirt inside a boxed off area", "A woman sifting dirt while a man scrapes dirt in a blocked off area." ]
[ "一个女人正在筛子滤土,一个男人正在用刀子刮平坑面。", "一个女人用筛子筛着泥土颗粒,一个男人用小铲子一层一层的刮着地面上的土。", "男人在地上刮土,女人在用塞子塞土。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个人正在土地上挖土。", "一个人在用筛子筛泥,一个人在用铲子铲泥。", "一个女人在用一个工具筛选污垢,然后一个男人在刮地面上的污垢。", "当一名男子在清理挖掘区域时, 一名妇女正在通过一个大筛子筛选污垢, 并仔细地从筛子中寻找。", "一个女人在筛选泥土另一个男人用工具刮去一片泥土。", "一群人在一个区域内清理上面的泥土,并且把他们筛选出来。", "一名妇女在筛选污垢时, 一名男子在被封锁的区域整理地面。" ]
[ "Several people are digging a hole and putting the earth in a wheelbarrow.", "People digging in dirt and placing dirt in a wheelbarrow.", "A group of people use shovels to dig up dirt.", "A group of humans are using shovels for digging dirt.", "A group of people are shoveling heaps of dirt into wheelbarrows.", "Several people are outside together shoveling dirt into a wheelbarrow", "A group of people are shoveling dirt and placing it in the wheel barrels.", "A group of people are using shovels to dig a hole in the dirt outside", "A group of people are digging a hole and placing the dirt ni wheelbarrels.", "Men were digging a hole and shoveling the dirt into a wheel barrow" ]
[ "一群人在一片土地里,手里拿着锹挖着土,装进旁边的小车。", "一群人手里拿着铁球,在土地上挖着一个大坑。", "一群人在用铲子铲地上的土,然后倒在身后的车里。", "一个穿着深色衣服的跟一个穿着浅色衣服的在干活。", "两个人拿着铁锹铲土并装入各自独轮推车中,他们身边还站着两个人。", "几个人在外面一起把泥土铲进手推车里。", "一群人正在把地上的土铲进一旁的小推车里。", "一群人正用铁锹在一个土坑里往小平车里铲土。", "一群人正在挖一个洞,把泥土放在那里。", "在室外,很多人手上拿着铲子把土铲到一个手推车里。" ]
[ "Lots of grains are seen being poured on a sheaver and the fine particles fall through.", "Someone outside is pouring dirt into a filter and shaking back and forth", "Some people are running some dirt through a filter to make it more fine.", "People are searching for olive pits by using equipment to sift through dirt and rocks by a tree.", "a person is throwing some dirt on the sifter and sifting it", "A technique for sifting dirt is shown with descriptive narration", "A person is shuffling dirt and a woman is narrating why.", "A person has poured ashes into a device used for sifting.", "A girl is demonstrating how they sift dirt to find things in it.", "Ash is thrown into a sifter to sift through for rocks and other items." ]
[ "一个人正在用筛子过滤晒出细小的尘土。", "一个人正在用筛网筛着泥土,伴随着一个女人说话的声音。", "一个人在用筛子筛地上的土,把大块的土块都筛出来。", "明媚的阳光下,一个人正在用筛子筛泥土出来。", "一个往筛子里面放了很多土,然后用力的晃动筛子。", "用描述性的叙述方法展示筛选灰尘的技巧。", "一个人正在教我们如何用筛子筛出大小的灰尘。", "在树林里,一个人把灰倒进一个用于筛选的装置中。", "一个女孩正在演示他们是如何筛选泥土以找到里面的东西的。", "灰被扔到筛子里, 筛选岩石和其他物品。" ]
[ "A man is crouched at a dirt and stone wall and talks about the stone and dirt levels.", "A man in a yellow hat in an excavated site talks about different soil types.", "A man wearing a hard hat crouches in a hole on a construction site and talks intensely about one side of the hole", "A man is demonstrating on how archaeological excavation is done in a site.", "One describes the nature of the soil for constructing the building.", "A man is in a hole in the ground kneeling down towards dirt and talking.", "A man wearing a hard hat and a construction vest examines layers of soil and talks about them for the camera.", "A man in a hard hat and construction vest in a deep hole.", "A man stands in an earth pit, leans against a bank with one arm, speaks and gestures up and down with his other hand.", "A man in a construction hat details the composition of dirt to support the age of a building" ]
[ "一个头戴黄色安全帽的男人蹲在地上。", "一个戴着黄色安全帽的男人正蹲在坑里讲解一些事情。", "一个穿制服的男子正蹲在工地上说着一些东西。", "一个穿着蓝色和荧光绿相间的衣服的男人蹲在一个个坑内讲述着。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一个戴着黄色安全帽的男人正在说话。", "一个男人在蹲在地上向记者讲解这些泥土。", "一名戴着安全帽和建筑背心的男子在检查土壤层,并对着镜头谈论。", "一个戴着安全帽和建筑背心的男人深陷泥坑中。", "一个戴着黄色安全帽的男子蹲坐着土坑里,用语言和手势来描述这个土坑。", "一个戴着建筑帽的人详细说明了泥土的成分。" ]
[ "someone is using a tool to move dirt around in an archaeological dig", "A person with a trowel is digging around in loose dirt", "Someone is digging in the dirt near an archeology flag marker.", "Someone is digging and turning dirt as they talk about what they have found.", "A person uses a small shovel to dig into the dirt as people talk in the background.", "a person is using a special spatula to unearth some antique items", "A person is using a trowel to remove some dirt at a archeology dig.", "A man scrapes the ground with a trowel at an archaeological dig in Jamaica State Park.", "A person is using a small trowel to slowly dig in the ground and scrape away the dirt.", "A person is carefully digging in the dirt with a small shovel." ]
[ "一个人拿着一把小铲子在地里挖来挖去。", "一个人拿着一个铁锹正在地里刨土。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的男人正蹲在室外一片空地上。", "一个人蹲在土地里用铲子翻弄着泥土。", "一个人正趴在地上在用小铲子慢慢地挖土。", "一个人正在用一把特殊的铲子挖掘一些古董物品。", "一个人正在使用泥铲除去一些污垢。", "在牙买加国家公园的一次考古挖掘中, 一名男子用铲子刮土。", "一个人正在用一个小木棍慢慢地挖在地上, 刮掉泥土。", "一个人正在用一把小铲子仔细地在泥土中挖掘。" ]
[ "People are digging under a canopy while the wind is blowing hard.", "People work around an excavated site, divided into quarters by crossed string, under a tent.", "Trenches has been dug for archaeological findings, workers are working under a tent.", "Some guys are building something on the beach underneath the umbrella beside the sea", "A man is working on digging the ground covered by a tent", "A man is working inside a hole dug under a tent blowing in the wind.", "a person kneels down underneath a very large tent that is outside", "Under a picnic type tent, a group of individuals are excavating a measured area of ground.", "A group of people are around a dug up gravesite.", "A man is digging at a dig site beneath a tent in some strong wind." ]
[ "几个人在野外要挖掘的地方搭了棚子,方便进行挖掘工作.。", "一名男子在户外搭建的遮阳棚下认真地筛选土壤。", "一个男人跪在地上弄着红色的沙子。", "遮阳棚下有一个坑,一个人跪坐在坑边整理着地面。", "一个身穿深色服装的男子在一个大坑上面搭帐篷。", "一名男子正在一个风中吹动的帐篷下的洞里面工作。", "一个人跪在户外的一个帐篷下面做着什么东西。", "在野餐式帐篷下,一群人正在挖掘一块测量好的地面。", "一个带着帽子的男子跪在那里小心的处理工作。", "一个男人正在一个强风中挖掘帐篷下面的挖掘地点。" ]
[ "A young girl in a wheelchair fires an arrow from a bow into a target while family cheers her on.", "a man with a hat stands next to a girl that is in a wheelchair", "An man is helping an young girl shoot arrows in the target.", "Kids at a summer camp are shooting arrows at a target with bows.", "A young girl in a wheelchair is shooting an arrow at targets.", "A group of people are congratulating a girl in a wheel chair for shooting an arrow at a target.", "A girl in a wheel chair shoots an arrow from a bow and hits a target and is cheered on by other people.", "A little girl in a wheelchair appears to be getting help from others while attempting to shoot a bow and arrow.", "A young girl uses a bow to shoot an arrow at a target.", "A family encourages a girl who is practicing hitting water balloons outside with archery." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的女孩坐在轮椅上射箭。", "一个坐着轮椅的人在射箭,并射中气球。", "一个作者轮椅的小孩手里拿着一把弓,远处有三个飞镖盘。", "一个坐着轮椅的女孩正在用弓箭射气球,旁边有人在看她。", "在户外,有一些人正在玩射击游戏。其中有一个小女孩坐在轮椅上,手里还拿着弓。", "一群人正在祝贺轮椅上的女孩向目标射箭成功。", "一群小孩子正在草坪上练习着射箭。", "一个坐在轮椅上的小女孩似乎在尝试射箭和弓箭时得到了其他人的帮助。", "一个年轻的女孩用弓箭射箭射向目标。", "一个家庭鼓励一个女孩谁是练习打水球外面与射箭。" ]
[ "A woman is shown with a bow and arrow, she readies herself to shoot it.", "a man is using a bow and arrow to hit a target in the desert.", "A person raises an arch and begins aiming it towards the top of the hill.", "A man prepares to shoot an arrow from a crossbow into the desert wilderness.", "A person getting ready to shoot something with a bow and arrow.", "A man is using a crossbow outside and shooting it in a field", "A person lifts a metal bow to shoulder level with an arm outstretched and takes aim.", "The guy is showing his skills in the field of archery.", "A person prepares to use a crossbow to shoot at a target.", "Heavy metal music plays while someone can be seen drawing back a bow in a rocky and dry landscape." ]
[ "在野外一个人拿着一把弓箭瞄准了远处。", "一个人站在山坡上把箭射向山顶上的一棵树。", "戴帽子的的人拿着弓箭,拉满弓准备向对面射击。", "在一个宽敞的室外,一个戴着黑色帽子的男人,手里拿着弓箭。", "蓝蓝的天空下,一个戴着帽子的人拿着一把弓箭准备射击东西。", "一名男子正在田野中使用十字弓进行射击。", "一个人举起一个金属弓到肩膀水平伸出手臂伸出来瞄准。", "这家伙正在山下展示他在射箭领域的技能。", "一个人准备用十字弓向目标射击。", "一个人在野外拉起弓弩向远处准备射击。" ]
[ "a man is using a bow and arrow and throwing it to the Target", "A man carefully draws back his bow and shoots an arrow at the target in slow motion.", "A man shoots an arrow out of a bow to a target in slow motion.", "A man in slow motion releases an arrow which flies across the room towards its target.", "A young man is shooting a bow and arrow indoors, he hits a piece of paper with targets drawn on them that are placed on the wall.", "A man shoots an arrow using a bow and it goes accross the room toward a target", "A man at an archery range shoots his arrow towards the target", "A person shoots an arrow into a target on the wall.", "A man moves his hand away from the bow, as he just let go of the string, firing an arrow across the room towards a target.", "The guy is doing a demonstration on the proper way to do archery." ]
[ "一个身穿灰色衣服戴帽子的人正在射箭。", "一个戴着棕色帽子,穿着灰色衣服的男人正在射箭。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人在一个场地进行着射箭。", "一个戴着帽子的男子在室内做着体育运动。", "一个穿着短袖的男人利用弓将箭射飞了出去。", "一个男人在用弓箭射出一支箭,然后箭射向一个目标。", "一个男人正在射箭场朝着目标射出一支箭。", "在射击馆里 一个人向墙上的目标射了一箭。", "一名男子将手从弓上移开,当他松开绳子的时候向一个目标射了一箭。", "一个男人正在慢动作把一支箭射出去。" ]
[ "A group of people are practicing their archery skills at a target style location.", "A group of men are all doing archery indoors.", "A group of people are at a bow and arrow contest and one man releases his arrow.", "A commercial for Lancaster Archery Supply displays people at an archery range.", "An advertisment for Lancaster archery supply with people doing archery things.", "People using bow and arrows, and a target with an arrow taken out of it is shown.", "A group of people are shown preparing and shooting their compound bows, then an arrow is shown being pulled out of a target.", "People are in an archery supply store shooting arrows in targets.", "A group of people at an indoor archery facility practice their skills.", "A group of people are participating in an archery competition." ]
[ "一个女运动员在射击场里面进行射击比赛,并且展示了他的成绩。", "射箭场馆里,一群人子啊进行射箭游戏。", "在射箭场里大家正在练习如何搭弓射箭。", "在一个运动场所里很多人拿这弓箭在做着运动。", "一个戴着帽子的长发女子正在运动场上和其他人一起练习射箭。", "人们使用弓箭,并显示一个从目标中取出的箭头。", "一群人正在准备并射击他们的复合弓,然后显示箭头被拉出目标。", "人们在场内你拿着射箭工具射击目标。", "一群在室内射箭室的人在练习他们的技能。", "在室内场地上,一群人正在参加射箭比赛。" ]
[ "A man with a bow and arrow slowly pulls the arrow back as if he is about to shoot.", "In slow motion a man is pulling back on a bow and arrow", "A man slowly pulls a bowstring back as if getting ready to launch the arrow.", "A man slowly raises a bow and arrow towards his front.", "A man with glasses and a long sleeve shirt is shown in the video drawing a bow in slow motion.", "A man with glasses is slowly raising a drawn bow but he never shoots the arrow.", "A man pulled an arrow in a bow while he aimed with it", "Skilled swordsman taking his bow and arrow and getting it ready to make a shot.", "A man dressing in black pulls back an arrow with a bow", "A man in glasses is pulling and aiming a bow and arrow." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男人在缓慢地拉弓箭。", "一个穿着黑色衣服戴着眼镜的男人,正在拉着一把弓。", "一个戴眼镜的男人拿着箭射向远方。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个男人正射箭。", "一个穿黑色衣服男人在慢慢的拉弓准备射箭。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人真在慢慢拉起一张弓,但他并未射箭。", "一个男人拿着一把弓拉了一支箭在瞄准。", "一个人拿着宫格剑做着射箭的动作。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人用弓把箭拉了回来。", "一个穿着黑色衣服和戴着眼镜的男人正在用力地拉着弓箭。" ]
[ "A woman shoots with a bow and arrow and turns around with a frown on her face.", "A young woman in a field is shooting an arrow at a target.", "A woman shoots an arrow with a bow into the grass.", "Woman outdoors holding and shooting an older fashioned bow and arrow.", "A young woman shoots an arrow from a bow across a grassy area and then walks away.", "a woman out in the open shooting a arrow and it landing in the grass", "A woman pulls back on a bow and fires an arrow at a block of wood.", "A young lady is outside shooting her bow and arrows at a target.", "A woman practices her bow and arrow targeting out on the field.", "A woman shooting a bow and an arrow at a large rock." ]
[ "一个长发的女士拉开弓箭射到了一块石头上。", "一个女人在草地上对着一个小目标进行射箭练习。", "在一个明亮的室外,每一个女人正在草地上射箭。", "一个穿着黑色上衣留着长发的女人,手里拿着一副弓箭。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个女人拉起一把弓,她把箭射了出去。", "一个女人站在开阔的地方将一支箭射在地上。", "一个女人在绿色的草丛里向我们展示射箭。", "一位年轻女士在户外向目标射击她的弓箭。", "一名女子练习她的弓箭,然后射中目标。", "一个女人手里拿着弓箭,并向远处射去。" ]