[ "A arm wrestling contest is un ensure while an group of friends are cheering.", "A group of four young boys are arm wrestling each other and cheering excitedly.", "Young boys are clasping hands on a wooden picnic table outside and screaming at each other.", "Two people are arm wrestling while other people cheer them on.", "A bunch of boys are arm wrestling on a picnic bench outside.", "Two young boys are doing an arm wrestling contest while others look on and cheer.", "Two young boys arm wrestle while others cheer and watch.", "A group of kids encourage their friends who are arm wrestling.", "a group of kids play around with each other on a table area", "A group of boys are watching a thumb wrestling match." ]
[ "在室外一群人在观看两个小孩掰手腕。", "有几个孩子在玩扳手腕,镜头前左边的孩子赢了,镜头右边的男孩,手摁倒在桌子上。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和别人扳手腕。", "两个小孩在掰手腕,旁边有几个小孩围坐着。", "有两个小朋友在玩扳手腕游戏,旁边还有人在观看。", "两个小男孩正在进行掰手腕比赛,而其他人在旁边观看、欢呼。", "两个人正在桌子上扳手腕,而其他人正在旁边观看。", "一群孩子正在鼓励他们用手臂摔跤比赛的朋友。", "两个男孩正在一群孩子围着的桌子上掰手腕。", "一群男孩正在看一场两个人掰手腕的比赛。" ]
[ "Two guys are having an arm wrestling match by using their forearms.", "Two men are arm wrestling while other men watch and cheer.", "Two men place their elbows on the table and arm wrestle while other people watch and encourage them.", "Two people arm wrestle while a group of other people watch and cheer.", "Inside two men are arm wrestling while surrounded by a group of people cheering.", "Two men are trying arm wrestlin while their friends stand around and cheer them.", "A young man with a pretty little earring gains the upper hand in an arm wrestling contest.", "two men arm wrestling while a group of people overlook", "Two really strong men arm wrestle each other while other people egg them on.", "Tow men are arm wrestling while their friends cheer them on." ]
[ "两个人在扳手腕,其中一个人戴着眼镜,旁边一些人在为他们加油。", "一个戴着眼镜肌肉发达的男人和另外一个戴着帽子肌肉发达的男人在比赛掰手腕,旁边一群人在欢呼。", "两个非常有力气的男人在比赛扳手腕。", "一个戴着眼镜的人和一个戴着帽子的人在掰手腕。", "在桌子上,两个男人正在扳手腕,一群人围在旁边。", "两个男人正在尝试手臂摔跤,而他们的朋友则站在周围为他们欢呼。", "一个戴眼镜和一个戴耳环的两个年轻人在进行扳手腕比赛,戴耳环的那个人占据了上风。", "两名年轻男子在进行扳手腕比赛,而一群人在围观并为他们加油欢呼。", "两个非常强壮的男人正在扳手腕,而其他人在旁边吆喝。", "当他们的朋友为他们加油时,两个男人正在进行掰手腕。" ]
[ "Two women arm wrestling as a man says ready go.", "Two women arm wrestle when a man says \"Ready... go!\"", "Two females are having an arm wrestle match on a table.", "Two strong girls are arm wrestling and are pretty evenly matched.", "Two women having an arm wrestling competition where one is giving the other an early advantage.", "Two women in tank tops are arm wrestling on a red mat.", "Two women are laying on the floor arm wrestling while one woman is giving the other a head start.", "Two women are laying on the floor and they are arm wrestling with each other.", "A woman with blonde and black hair arm wrestling a woman with a tattoo on her arm.", "Two women face each other and lock arms while performing a test of strength." ]
[ "两个人趴在地面上然后每个人的手放在了一起,然后两个人趴着掰手腕。", "两个女人在室内爬在地上玩掰手腕游戏。", "两个女子穿着背心趴在地上,正在扳手腕儿。", "两个穿着背心的外国女孩,正在桌子上掰手腕,其中肌肉发达的看起来很厉害。", "两个穿着短袖的长发女人正在掰手腕。", "穿着背心的两个女人在红色垫子上掰手腕。", "两个女人在房间里,趴在地上掰手腕。", "两个女人正爬在地板上,正在掰手腕。", "两个女人趴在地上,她们在掰手腕。", "两个女人面对面并手挽手,按压到一边。" ]
[ "Two young men in school uniforms arm wrestle and smile.", "A person's voice is getting louder and louder as two uniform dressed teenage boys are hand wrestling on a long table.", "Two men are arm wrestling seated at a long table while those around them cheer them.", "Two people in black jackets arm wrestle over a white table.", "Two guys arm wrestling each other while the others besides them are watching.", "Two men are doing the hand wrestle till one goes down, while one man watches.", "Two boys doing arm wrestle while other boys are cheering around them.", "Two students are arm wrestling at a table while others watch.", "Two boys in school uniforms arm wrestle at a desk", "Two men are playing the game of arm wresting and a few people are laughing in the background." ]
[ "两个穿着西装的男人正在办公室里比赛扳手腕。", "两名男子兴致勃勃地坐在对面进行掰手腕比赛。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男子在掰手腕。", "两个穿着西服的男人在桌子上表演掰手腕。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和人扳手腕。", "两个人正在进行掰手腕,直到一个人倒下,而一个人在看。", "两个男孩正在掰手腕,其他男孩在他们周围喝彩。", "一群人观看两个人在白色的桌面上扳手腕。", "两个穿着校服的男人正在桌子上掰手腕。", "两名男子正在玩手臂摔跤比赛,有几个人在旁边笑。" ]
[ "A arm wresting match between an older gentleman and a woman where the woman almost falls out of her chair.", "A young woman is having an arm wrestling competition with an older man.", "a young woman and an older man are racing with their hands", "A man is holding his arm his place while a girl is trying to push it down.", "A man and woman are arm wrestling, and the woman appears to be winning.", "A man and woman sit in desks as if about to arm wrestle.", "In a classroom a man and woman engage in arm wrestling", "An older man playfully arm-wrestles a young woman in a classroom, and she nearly falls forward at the onset.", "A guy and a woman in classroom engaging in arm wrestling with conversations taking place in the background", "A man and woman are arm wrestling when told to go, while others are laughing at the action." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的男人和一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在扳手腕。", "一位中年男子正在和一位年轻的女士掰手腕。", "女子和中年男子坐在凳子上,使劲的掰手腕,两人不相上下,后面的另一个女子在笑。", "一个男人和一个女人正把手放在桌子上扳手腕。", "室内一个戴眼镜的男人和一个女人在做掰腕动作。", "一个男人和一个女人在书桌上进行掰手腕比赛。", "在一个教室里,一个年轻女子和一个中年男子掰手腕。", "在一个教室里,一个男人正在跟一个女人扳手腕,旁边有人正在看着他们。", "一个穿黑衣服的女人正在和一个男人扳手腕。", "一男一女被告知开始掰手腕,然后其他人则在笑这个动作。" ]
[ "Two women at a bar dressed in Halloween costumes having an arm wrestling match, a third woman is with them as a referee.", "Two people are arm wrestling while the crowd is cheering them on.", "Two people are arm wrestling against each other in a competition.", "A couple of women are arm wrestling on top of a table while a woman in referee uniform is looking at them.", "Two women, one of them wearing a box on her head, armwrestle during a competition while a crowd cheers and a referee looks on.", "Two girls are arm wrestling in front of a referee.", "Two people are in an arm wrestling contest with a referee.", "In front of a crowd two women are armwrestling at a table while being judged by a referee.", "An arm wrestling competition between two people while others cheer them on.", "Two women arm wrestle each other in front of a cheering crowd." ]
[ "两个人在比赛掰手腕,旁边有一群人在喝彩。", "在室内,二个人在扳手腕,有人在帮他们欢呼。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女子与另一个人掰手腕。", "两个人正在掰手腕,同时旁边还有一个女人正在观看。", "有两个人正在扳手腕,旁边有一个人在看着。", "两个女孩在裁判面前掰手腕,旁边有人加油。", "两个人正在和一个裁判进行着扳手腕比赛。", "一群人在观看两个女人掰手腕喊加油。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在和另一个人扳手腕。", "两个女人在一个灯光很暗的屋子里扳手腕儿。" ]
[ "Two men were wrestling with their arms at the table and they dissolved", "A person is showing how two males are both competing in a arm wrestle match.", "An arm wrestling competition involving two men at a live venue.", "In a very loud bar full of spectators, two men arm wrestle on a table.", "Two man are hand wrestling while others cheer on them and one of them wins", "Two men are arm wrestling one another in a bar.", "Two people are arm wresting while people in the background are cheering.", "Two men are having an arm wrestle while several people watch on and cheer.", "An arm wrestling contest ends with a victor, as both walk away.", "Two guys have an arm wrestling match and one guy wins." ]
[ "一群人围着再看两个男子之间进行的掰手腕比赛。", "一个黑衣服的人给一个灰衣服的人掰手腕,黑衣服的人赢了。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正站在房间里。", "两个男人在房间里靠在 一张桌子前扳手腕。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和人扳手腕。", "两个男人在酒吧里掰手腕,周围有很多人在看。", "两个人正在腕力比赛中激烈的比拼着。", "有两个男人在掰手臂,而有几个人在旁边欢呼。", "一场掰手腕的比赛以很快的速度结束了。", "一群人围着两个正在掰手腕的男人欢呼。" ]
[ "Two men are arm wrestling while onlookers cheer them on.", "A young man and an older man engage in arm wrestling contest as people watch.", "a couple of men in a room having an arm wrestling battle around a table.", "Two men arm wrestle while a few others watch.", "Two men are armwrestling while other people watch and cheer.", "Two men are arm wrestling on a table amongst a large group of spectators as one man becomes over competitive.", "Two men are arm wrestling and the older gentlemen is bowing over the table and grunting in pain.", "Two men are engaging in a competition of hand throwing and one of them wins", "A man is arm wrestling a much younger and much more muscular man, with no success.", "Two men are engaged in an arm wrestle, while two others watch." ]
[ "在一张桌子前面,众人的围观下,两个男子正在扳手腕。", "两个穿着白色衣服的男人,正在比赛掰手腕。", "两个男人在掰手腕,戴眼镜的男人要输了。", "两个穿着浅色衣服的人在桌子上掰手腕。", "两个穿白衣服的男人在掰手腕,旁边有两个人在看他们。", "两个男人坐在桌子旁边用力的掰手腕,旁边有两个人在观看。", "一男一女站在桌子旁看着两名坐着的男子在桌子上掰着手腕。", "两个男人正在参加一个手势比赛其中一个获胜。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在和另一个人扳手腕。", "两名男子在其他人面前进行掰手腕比赛。" ]
[ "A woman wearing lingerie and a woman wearing a dress arm wrestle.", "Two women are standing at a kitchen island preparing to arm wrestle one another while dressed in little clothing.", "Two women are standing at a counter and arm wrestling each other while a man talks.", "Two girls are arm wrestling on a counter in the kitchen.", "Two young women are hand wrestling and a man says they should try to win, to which one of them responds that \"we are\".", "Two women holding hands and getting ready to arm wrestle on a kitchen island.", "In a kitchen two women engage in arm wrestling on the kitchen counter", "Two women, wearing lingerie, are arm wrestling on a kitchen counter.", "Two scantily dressed woman hold the position of arm wrestling on a kitchen counter.", "Two muscular women hold their hands and prepare to arm wrestle one another." ]
[ "在室内,一个穿着粉色衣服的女人在和一个穿着蓝色内衣的女人掰腕。", "两个外国美女正在桌前比赛扳手腕。", "两个女人趴在大理石面的桌子上扳手腕。", "两个女人在一个台子上面扳手腕,周围有人在看。", "两个女人在桌子上掰手腕,她们彼此对视着笑了。", "两个女人在桌子上准备比赛一下掰手腕。", "在厨房里,两个女人在厨房的柜台上掰手腕。", "两个穿着内衣的女人正在厨房的柜台上掰手腕。", "两个衣着暴露的女人在厨房柜台上掰手腕。", "两个肌肉发达的女人桌子前握着对方的手。" ]
[ "Two big men arm wrestle and laugh in a warehouse.", "In a warehouse, two men lean over a barrel and arm wrestle.", "Two men are arm wrestling with their elbows sitting on a blue barrel, both struggling until one overpowers the other.", "Two men arm wrestle, over an industrial drum, at workplace while grunting and laughing.", "A person is showing how two males are arm wrestling together on top a tank.", "two men arm wrestling on top of a barrel in a warehouse", "Two ment stand over a barrel and begin to arm wrestle each other.", "Two men are competing by playing arm wrestling and laughing.", "Two men are competing, they are sitting and holding hands.", "Two men have an arm wrestling match and start grunting while trying to win." ]
[ "两个黑人正在油罐上面比拼掰手腕。", "两个穿着蓝色衣服的男人在一个蓝色的桶上掰手腕。", "在一个明亮的房间里,有两个男的在掰手腕。", "在一个蓝色的桶上面,两个男人正在扳手腕。", "有两个穿着黑衣服的男人在掰手腕。", "两名男子正在一个仓库里的桶上面掰手腕。", "两个身穿蓝色背心的男人在明亮的室内手拄着桶在锻炼。", "两名男子正在比赛掰手腕,旁边有笑声。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正坐桶前跟别人扳手腕。", "两名男子进行了手臂摔跤比赛,并在试图获胜时开始咕噜咕噜。" ]
[ "A man is playing an arm wrestle game with a child.", "A little boy is trying to beat his dad at arm wrestling.", "A man arm wrestles a small boy in a Spiderman costume.", "A child and his dad are playing around arm wrestling in the living room.", "A guy and a boy at a Spider-Man table have a game of arm-wrestling.", "An kid and his dad arm wrestler as the child giggle with delight.", "A man and child seated at a table are arm wrestling each other.", "A small boy and an adult male are arm wrestling and the boy is laughing.", "A father and son are arm wrestling on a tiny spiderman table", "A man is arm wrestling with a small boy and both are giggling." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色蜘蛛侠服装的小男孩正在和一个大人掰手腕。", "一个小孩正在尝试跟一个男人掰手腕。", "一个小孩子和一个大人在桌子上比赛掰手腕。", "在一个房间里,有一个大人和一个孩子在玩掰手腕。", "一个小孩和一个男人在比试掰手腕。", "一个孩子和一个男人比赛掰手腕,孩子高兴地笑了起来。", "一个男人和一个小孩坐在一张桌子旁互相掰着手臂。", "一个小男孩和一个成年男子掰手腕,男孩在笑。", "一对父子在一张小小的蜘蛛侠桌子上掰手腕。", "个男人和一个小男孩掰手腕,随后两个人都在咯咯地笑。" ]
[ "Two men are at a pool side getting ready to engage in arm wrestling", "Two men and standing on opposite sides of a table and preparing to have an arm wrestle.", "Two men are trash talking each other before an arm wrestling match.", "Two men are standing near a pool and talking to one another while looking at the camera.", "Two men are next to a pool standing above a table, messing around with a towel.", "Two men talk about participating in an arm wrestling match by a pool.", "Two men are in front of a hotel swimming pool talking about arm wrestling.", "Two men prepare for a pool-side arm wrestling match.", "Two men are getting themselves pumped up for an arm wrestling challenge.", "Two men standing by a swimming pool at a table preparing to arm wrestle." ]
[ "两个健硕的男人在泳池旁,将手按在小桌子上。", "游泳池边有两个男人站在那里说话。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人在说话,一个穿短袖的男人在旁边站着。", "两个男子把他们的手放在了一个白色的桌面上。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有两个男人站在一个游泳池旁边。", "两名男子在一个游泳池的旁边进行谈话。", "两个男人在泳池上面一起朝镜头说着话。", "两个男人正在一个泳池边进行手臂摔跤比赛。", "两名男子正在为自己的手臂摔跤挑战做好准备。", "两名男子跪在游泳池旁的一张桌子旁, 准备进行某种较量。" ]
[ "A couple of men with a group of people are arm wrestling.", "Two men are arm wrestling as others cheer them on.", "Two men arm wrestle while a crowd chants and cheers them on.", "Two young boys arm wrestle in front a group of people.", "Two men are arm wrestling while others around them are cheering them on.", "In a classroom two men arm wrestle while a group of people watch.", "Two young men arm wrestling while a group of people observe and encourage them.", "Two young men are involved in an arm wrestling match as they are encouraged by onlookers.", "Two boys challenging each other to an arm wrestle while others cheer them on.", "Two dark haired men are trying to arm wrestle while people are cheering." ]
[ "两个人在玩着扳手腕的游戏,旁边的观众为他们欢呼。", "房间内,两个人在桌子上掰手腕儿,旁边几个人在助威。", "一个男人和另一个男人在桌子上扳手腕,同时有一群人在欢呼加油。", "一个戴眼镜的男人和另一个男人在比赛掰手腕。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在朋友掰腕子。", "在教室里,一群人正在观看两个男人掰手腕。", "两个年轻男子在掰手腕,旁边人观察并鼓励他们。", "两名年轻人参加了一场手臂摔跤比赛,他们还受到了旁观者的鼓舞。", "有两个男孩在掰手腕而其他人则为他们加油。", "当人们欢呼时,两个黑发男子正试图掰手腕。" ]
[ "A couple of guys arm wrestling and others are watching and laughing.", "Two men prepare to arm wrestle while surrounded by other people.", "Two men are arm wrestling at a bar table in front of a group.", "Two men are seated in a bar and are arm wrestling and many others are seated around them watching and laughing.", "A couple of men are arm wrestling in front of a small group.", "Two men are arm wrestling while a bunch of other people watch.", "In a group of jeering men two men hold hands and arm wrestle.", "At the bar, a group of men sit around chatting and laughing while two of them arm wrestle.", "Two men arm wrestle in a very dark room as other laugh and talk.", "A group of people in a really dark room are laughing." ]
[ "两个人在桌子上扳手腕,旁边有人围观。", "一个老人在与一个年轻人掰手腕,很多人在围观。", "两个男人在掰手腕,周围的人在哈哈大笑。", "两个穿着不同衣服的人在掰手腕,旁边坐着一些人。", "一个白头发的男人在和另一个男人翻手腕。", "两个男人正在进行手臂摔跤,而其他一群人正在观看。", "在一群人的说话和笑声中,两个男人在掰手腕。", "在酒吧里面,有两个人在比试掰手腕,逗得旁边的人哈哈大笑。", "两名男子在一个非常黑暗的房间里扳手腕, 其他人则在说笑。", "在一个非常黑暗的房间里,一群人在笑。" ]
[ "A man and woman arm wrestle and the woman beats him while people clap.", "A person sits at a table with a woman and arm wrestlers her.", "A man and woman at a wedding participate in an arm wrestling match.", "A man and a woman square off for an arm wrestling match and the woman immediately wins.", "A guy and a woman are having a arm wreslting matcha and he loses", "Two people sit at a table and arm wrestle while others watch and cheer.", "A woman defeats a man in arm wrestling while people cheer her on.", "A man and a woman sit and have an arm wrestling match at a table while people watch.", "A man and a woman are arm wrestling, the woman wins the match", "A man and a woman arm wrestle during a party, and the woman wins." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的长头发女人和一个男人正在掰手腕。", "在餐厅,一个男生和一个女生比拼腕力,男生瞬间被女生击败,周围的人惊呼赞叹不止。", "一个女人和一个男人掰手腕,开始前男人有些激动,但女人一下子赢了,旁边人在拍照和欢呼。", "一个男人正在跟一个女人扳手腕,周围有很多人在看着。", "一男一女在比手劲,周围传来欢呼声,还有人在用手机拍摄。", "一个男人和一个女人围坐在一张圆桌旁在掰手腕,然后女方把男方的手拜倒在桌子上。", "女人掰到了男人的手臂,一群人在欢呼鼓掌。", "一个男人和一个女人坐在一起,在一张桌子上进行摔跤比赛,而人们则在旁边观看。", "一个的女人和一个男人正在桌子上掰手腕。", "一男一女在派对上掰手腕,最终女人赢了。" ]
[ "A woman and a man are arm wrestling and the woman is giving him some tips.", "A man and woman are arm wrestling on a brown table.", "A strong muscular woman beats an arm wrestling match with a man.", "A man and woman are arm wrestling and are not moving their arms.", "a woman playing a game of arm wrestling with a man next to her", "A man and a woman have an arm wrestling match but no one has one.", "A man and woman arm wrestle each other across a table", "A man and woman arm wrestle, the woman's muscles bulging as they work.", "A woman is arm wrestling a man and giving him instructions on the right method.", "A person is showing a male and female arm wrestling each other on a table." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的戴帽子男人和一个女人正在掰手腕。", "一个女人正在教一个男人如何比手腕。", "一位女子和一位男子正在玩掰手腕的游戏,最后女子胜利了。", "有一个戴着眼镜和帽子的人在和另一个人掰手腕。", "一个女人和一个戴墨镜的男人在掰手腕,他们在互相交谈。", "一个男人和一个女人进行掰手腕比赛,但是没有人赢。", "一个男人和一个女人的手臂在一张桌子互相搏斗。", "一个男人在和一个女人掰手腕可以看到女人鼓鼓的肌肉这是她们的工作。", "一个女人和一个男人在房间的桌子上掰手腕。", "一男人和一个女人正在一张桌子上掰手腕。" ]
[ "Two men having an arm wrestling match at a party.", "Two men are arm wrestling until one of them slips off the table.", "Two men are sitting at a wooden table arm wrestling.", "Two men are arm wrestling at a table, while a woman looks on.", "On a dining table, two men are arm wrestling until one man bends the other man's arm.", "Two men arm wrestling on a table as one almost wins but the other recovers at the last moment.", "Two men are getting ready to arm wrestle; then one man starts and the unfocused man forces his hand down.", "Two men are arm wrestle while is woman is talking to them.", "Two men are sitting at a table armwrestling each other.", "Two young men are sitting at a table then proceed to arm wrestle." ]
[ "一名身穿黑色上衣的男子和一名身穿绿色上衣的男子,正在扳手腕。", "一名白衣男子和一名黑衣男子在扳手腕。", "两个人在玩掰手腕的游戏,黑衣服的人轻松赢得了比赛。", "两男子扳手劲,其中一男子被扳倒后反逆袭。", "在一个房间里,两个男人正在掰手腕。", "两个男人在桌上掰手腕,一个人几乎快要赢了,但另一个在最后一刻奋力反抗。", "两个男人正在准备手臂摔跤,一个人先开始了。", "在一个明亮的室内,两个男人正在掰腕子。", "两个男人坐在桌子上比赛掰手腕。", "两名年轻男子坐在桌子旁正在掰手腕。" ]
[ "Two men are competing in an arm wrestling match and one man wins.", "Two people in an arm wrestling competition while music play in the background.", "Two men are participating in an arm wrestling competition while another man officiates the match.", "Two people with black shirts arm wrestle on a sunny day outdoors.", "Two men prepare for a wrestling match and one of them wins in moments.", "Two men are playing a very intense game of arm wrestling.", "Two guys have an arm wrestling match while other people watch.", "Two men engage in arm wrestling match at an outdoor table while to other men watch.", "a couple of men arm wrestle each other outside in the daytime", "Two men are arm wrestling on the table, there is a referee and other people watching." ]
[ "两个体型强壮的男人正在比赛扳手腕,左边的男人赢了。", "两个男人在比赛掰手腕,结果光头男人赢了有头发的男人。", "两个身穿黑色上衣的男人在室外的桌子上面掰手腕。", "两个男人正在掰手腕,同时旁边有人围观。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在和别人掰腕比赛。", "两名男子正在进行一场非常激烈的掰手腕比赛。", "两个人正在人群堆里面比赛掰手腕。", "两个男人正在户外的桌子上掰手腕,其他男人则在旁边看着。", "几个身强力壮的男人在一张小桌子上互相掰着手腕。", "在室外,有两个男子正在做着手臂摔跤,并且旁边还有人在看着。" ]
[ "Two people are arm wrestling then one hits herself in the face and falls to the ground.", "The boy and girl are lying on the floor armwrestling when her hand slips and strikes her face", "A guy arm wrestling with a girl lets go and the girl hits herself in the face.", "A girl and boy are arm wrestling each other and the girl loses her grip and hits herself in the face.", "Two young people arm wrestling, laying on the floor, until one of them breaks the grip making the girl hit herself in the face", "two people are arm wresting and the one lets go of the others hand and they hit them self in the face.", "The two kids are arm wrestling, and then the girl hits herself in face and is in pain, while her siblings laugh.", "A boy and a girl are on the floor on their fronts, arm wrestling, when the girl's hand lets go and she hits herself in the face, at which time they both begin to laugh.", "A teenage boy and girl are laying on the floor griping each others hands tightly, with their elbows on the floor and the boy lets go and the girls hits herself in her face with her own hand.", "A man and girl are arm wrestling when the man lets go and the girl smacks herself in the face." ]
[ "两个小孩子趴在地板上扳手腕,之后一个人放手了,就弄到另一个人了。", "一个男人和一个女人在掰手腕,后来女人被手打到了鼻子,男人在一旁大笑。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在和别人扳手腕。", "一个小男孩和一个小女孩正趴在地板上掰手腕,。", "一个男人和一个女人,在地板上趴着掰手腕。", "两个人正在掰手腕, 一个人突然放开另外一个人的手, 另外一个人就打到了自己的脸。", "两个孩子在掰手腕,然后这个女孩打了自己的脸,而她的朋友则大笑。", "一男一女在地板上玩扳手腕,当男孩的手放开时,女孩的手打在自己的脸上,这时他们俩都开始笑了。", "一个男孩和一个女孩正趴在地板上紧紧地抓着对方的手, 手肘放在地板上, 男孩放了, 女孩用自己的手挡在自己的脸上。", "在室内,一个男子和一个女子正在做着手臂摔跤。" ]
[ "Two guys arm wrestle while other people cheer them on in the background.", "Sitting at a table, two men compete in an arm wrestling contest until one wins.", "A couple of men arm wrestle and people are watching them smiling.", "A blurry video of two young men having an arm wrestling match while onlookers scream.", "Two men are arm wrestling as onlookers cheer them on loudly.", "The two men are arm wrestling, and the man in the hat can't hold on anymore and loses.", "Two men participate in an arm wrestling match while onlookers yell excitedly.", "Two men are arm wrestling while people are screaming in the background.", "A person is showing two men arm wrestling each other.", "Two young men are arm wrestling while others are looking on and yelling." ]
[ "一名女性在现场观看两男的掰手腕。", "两个男人在掰手腕,随后身穿绿色衣服的人获胜。", "两个戴帽子的强壮男人在比赛掰手腕,有一个男人在观看比赛。", "两个人在掰手腕,旁边的人呐喊助威。", "两个带帽子的男人,在掰手腕,一个男人被压了下去。", "两个男人在掰手腕,其中一个男人坚持不住就输了。", "两个男人参加了扳手腕比赛,旁观者兴奋地大喊。", "两个人在掰腕子,而观看的人都在尖叫着。", "两个男人正在房间的桌子上进行掰手腕比赛。", "两名男子在进行扳手腕比赛,旁边有人在大喊大叫。" ]
[ "Two guys are sitting around a coffee table getting ready to arm wrestle.", "Two men arm wrestle on a coffee table while a female watches.", "Inside of a home in the living room are two young men who decide to do an arm wrestling while their girlfriends watch on the coach.", "As two men were about to arm wrestle, a woman sitting by the side is smiling.", "A women is sitting on the couch and two guys are kneeling over a coffee table and start to arm wrestle", "Several people sit around and two of them start to arm wrestle.", "Two guys are getting ready to arm wrestle with each other as people watch.", "Two guys are arm wrestling on a table while a group of people watch.", "Two men have an aggressive are wrestling match while other people cheer them on.", "Two teenage boys prepare to arm wrestle on a messy table." ]
[ "两个人在准备掰手腕之前的前期动作。", "一个女人在笑着看两个男人激烈的掰手腕。", "两个男人在桌子上掰手腕,旁边还坐着一个女人。", "有两个身穿黑色短袖上衣的男人在扳手腕。", "两个穿着黑色衣服的男人在桌子上面掰手腕。", "几个人围坐在一起,其中两个人在进行掰手腕比赛。", "两个男人正在准备互相拼搏,大家都在看着。", "两个男人在桌子上扳手腕,一群人在旁边观看。", "两个男人在桌子上激烈的扳手腕,旁边的人在加油。", "两个十几岁的男孩准备在一张杂乱桌上扳手腕。" ]
[ "Two young boys are arm wresting, one of them is yelling obnoxiously.", "Two boys are arm wrestling and screaming while others watch.", "Two young men arm wrestle as a crowd cheers them on.", "Two boys are yelling as they arm wrestle on the floor in front of onlookers.", "A pair of men engaging in arm wrestling with one of them facing the camera and talking.", "Two young guys are lying on the floor, arm wrestling while another guy screams crazily into the camera.", "A young man laying on the floor arm wresting with another young man.", "A group of young men are having an arm wrestling competition.", "Two persons playing with hands and one person won the game.", "A group of boys are having an arm wrestling contest while they yell out loud." ]
[ "两个男的在比手腕,一个男的疯狂的叫着。", "两个外国男孩正在比赛扳手劲,大吼的男孩最后赢了。", "两个穿着白色衣服的人趴在地上掰手腕。", "两个少年在进行扳手腕比赛,旁边有很多人在看。", "两个男人在黑色的桌子上比试掰手腕,表情狰狞。", "两个年轻人爬在地板上,玩掰手腕, 而另一个家伙疯狂地对着镜头尖叫。", "两个男人在地板上扳手腕,其中一个男人在吼叫。", "两位穿白色衣服的年轻人正在进行手臂摔跤比赛。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男子在和另一名男子掰手腕。", "一群男孩正在进行掰腕子比赛,他们大声喊叫为自己加油。" ]
[ "Two boys begin to arm wrestle while at school, and it appears one beat the other.", "to kids having an arm wrestle while other people watch and cheer", "Two men are engaging in a game of hand fights to see who is stronger", "Two young men arm wrestle while others look on and watch.", "Two boys arm wrestle on a chair for a minute ,one wins and then he stand up in a indoor area. .", "Two teenagers are sitting at a short table armwrestling each other.", "Two teenage boys arm wrestle on a chair in their school.", "A black boy and a white boy in an arm wrestling match,", "Two men together playing arm wrestling the guy in the camo shirt wins", "Two young men arm wrestling and the loser jumps up to show an unfair point." ]
[ "在一个绿色的椅子旁边,两个人在扳手腕。", "两个男人在一个椅子上扳手腕,周围人起哄。", "两个人在比掰手腕,赢的那个人很开心。", "两个男人正把胳膊放在一个椅子上扳手腕。", "两个人在绿色的小桌子上掰手腕,白皮肤的人输了然后站了起来。", "两个少年正蹲在一张短桌上掰手腕。", "两个男人在房间里的凳子上掰手腕。", "一个黑人男孩和一个白人男孩在掰手腕比赛。", "两个男孩在一起玩掰手腕的游戏,穿迷彩服的男孩赢了。", "两个男人正在进行着手臂摔跤,输的人站起来表示不公平。" ]
[ "Two men are sat at a table involved in an arm wrestling match.", "A man has another man's arm pinned done while arm wrestling.", "Two men grunt intensely while arm wrestling each other.", "two young men are being recorded while they are arm wrestling", "Two men appear to be arm wrestling as one of them is making desperate sounds to avoid losing the game.", "Two men are engaged in what appears to be the end of an arm wrestling competition.", "A couple of men are arm wrestling on top of a table.", "A television shows two groaning men engaged in arm wrestling.", "Two men arm wrestling in and another recording the match.", "Two men are arm wrestling and one man is struggling to win." ]
[ "一个男子与另外一个男子正在用力的掰手腕。", "两名男子在进行扳手腕,被板下的男子大声喘气试图扳回来。", "一个戴着帽子的人在跟另一个留着短发的人掰手腕。", "一个戴着帽子的男子和一个穿着黑色衣服的男子,两个人面对面的在说话。", "一个戴帽子的男人和一个穿深色衣服的男人,两个人在掰手腕。", "两个男人正在拼劲全力地进行掰手腕比赛。", "两个男子在一张桌子上面比赛掰手腕。", "一个电视节目中显示两个呻吟的男子正在掰手腕。", "两个男人一起掰手腕而另一名男子则记录下了比赛。", "两个男人在扳手腕,其中一个男人戴着帽子。" ]
[ "Two people are demonstrating how to put floral arrangements together.", "A man and a woman are inside working with plants.", "Two people are showing how to make a floral arrangement.", "Two people are discussing some greenery and flower that bloomed.", "A woman and a man are discussing how to arrange flowers.", "A woman examines a flowering vine while a man completes the bouquet he is making", "A woman is talking about flower arranging, while a man holds a bouquet and does the real work.", "Two people in a flower shop going over some plants and flowers while one presents a bouquet that was made.", "A woman in a floral shop is showing a man a passion flower vine while he is preparing a boquet of yellow roses.", "Two people describe flower arrangements at a floral shop." ]
[ "一个男人一个女人正在挑选新鲜的花朵做成花束。", "一个穿着蓝色裙子的女人在教一个男人包扎花朵。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正站在一个房间里。", "一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的女人和一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在做花艺。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在学习插花。", "当一个男人正完成他正在制作的花束时,一个女人正在检查开花的滕蔓。", "一个女人手里拿着一束花,男人手里也拿着一束花。", "花店里有两个人,一个人在讲解做花束,另一个人呈现出做好的花束。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男子正在整理一束黄色捧花。", "两个人正在花店里的桌面前谈论着插花。" ]
[ "A woman behind the counter begins to talk as the video ends.", "This is an advertisment of paintings before a show about flower arrangment is about to start.", "A video shows an array of flower arts before the presenter begins speaking.", "a young woman is talking about arrange your own flower designs", "Music is playing over an art logo then a woman comes on and starts talking.", "An introduction to a demonstration on arranging your flower design", "There are flowers and art before a person next to flowers and a vase", "Several pictures of flowers are shown and then a woman stands at a table talking.", "A woman who works for some sort of floral company, making an episode of their tv show.", "A lady is welcoming people to her flower studio shop." ]
[ "一个穿着紫色衣服的女人站在放着花的桌子边讲话。", "一个女人正在准备演示如何进行插花制作。", "一名花艺师傅站在桌子前,桌子上有花有水瓶。", "一个长发姑娘,站在桌子旁说话,桌上放着花。", "两张漂亮的卡片。一个女人站在桌子前,桌子上放着鲜花和花瓶。", "介绍关于花卉图案设计的演示。", "一个女人站在摆满鲜花的桌子旁向镜头述说着。", "几张鲜花的照片被放映然后一个女人高兴的在桌子旁边说话。", "一个穿着浅色上衣的长发女人站立着说话。", "一位女士正在欢迎人们来到她的花工作室商店。" ]
[ "A man is arranging flowers inside of a plastic vase.", "A person is arranging some beautful flowers in a nice vase", "A man in a suit is touching flowers in a pot.", "a man trying to setup a flower arrangement while another man laughs at him.", "A young man, in a suit, is trying to arrange some flowers.", "A man messes with flowers, rearranging them in a vase until he's happy.", "Man trying to arrange flowers that are sitting beside a liquor bottle.", "A man is pruning a bouquet of flowers, while someone is laughing in the background.", "The man is fixing a vase of nice flowers as a surprise on someone's desk.", "A person arranges a bouquet in an office space by a computer." ]
[ "一个穿灰色西装的男人正在整理桌子上的一盆花。", "在房间里,一个男人在清理花瓶里的枯叶。", "一个穿着西装的人正在办公室里整理这花瓶。", "一个留有络腮胡穿着西装的男子在摆弄桌上的花。", "被阳光照耀的房间内,一个男人,在摆弄一盆鲜花。", "一个男人摆弄鲜花,重新摆放在一个花瓶里,直到他开心为止。", "一个男子正在摆弄他面前花瓶里放着的花。", "一个男人正在修剪一束鲜花,而有人在背后笑。", "这个人正在修理一瓶漂亮的花,作为一个惊喜,放在别人的书桌上。", "一个人在电脑旁的办公桌上摆放了一束花束。" ]
[ "A man is holding a bouquet of flowers and shoving them into a vase.", "a comedian demonstrating how to nicely arrange flowers in a vass", "A Monty Python player is seen in a gumby character stuffing flowers the wrong way into a vase.", "It's a scene from Monty Python on putting flowers into a vase", "A man is forcing flowers into a gold vase while an audience laughs", "A man puts flowers violently in a vase in a comedy video.", "A man holding flowers making louse noises while he slams the flowers into each other", "A man demonstrates flower arranging, but puts them in the vase backwards.", "An audience laughs while a man holding flowers turns them upside down and rams them into a gold vase.", "A man is yelling about putting flowers nicely in a vase and then smashes the flower in." ]
[ "在一个室内,一人拿着一束花正在表演节目。", "一个男人手拿一束鲜花大叫,然后把花束塞进花瓶,用东西砸。", "一个男人左手拿着一束花, 大声说着话。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在摆弄桌子上面几种颜色的花。", "一个人手里拿着一簇花,接着就将花砸向花瓶中。", "一个男人在一个喜剧视频中大声呼喊着并用暴力将鲜花插入瓶中。", "一个男人拿着花塞进桌子上的花瓶里。", "一个男人演示插花, 但把它们倒着插在花瓶里。", "一个拿着花的人把花翻过来插进金色的花瓶。", "一个男人拿着一大把鲜花叫嚷着把鲜花放进了花瓶里面,然后砸碎了它。" ]
[ "A man talks about a bouquet he fills in with a daisy as a woman asks him about the bouquet usage.", "A man and a woman are demonstrating how to create a flower bouquet.", "A person arranges flowers in a vase next to two empty vases.", "A man finishes a small floral arrangement in a vase, while a woman watches", "A couple from a florist gives a tutorial on flower arranging.", "A man and woman are making a bouquet of flowers.", "A man arranged some flower stock in a vase while a woman was standing beside him", "In a studio, a man and a woman demonstrate flower arranging.", "A woman is watching as a man to demonstrating a flower assembly.", "A man demonstrates the art of flower arranging to a woman on a studio set." ]
[ "房间里有一个男子正在教一个女子插花。", "两名外籍男子和女子正在展示如何插花的技巧。", "一个男人在插花,一个女人在旁边看着。", "一个男人正在将鲜花插到瓶中,同时旁边有一个女人在观看。", "房间里,一个男人在插画,他的旁边还站了另一个女人。", "一个男人和一个女人正在制作一束鲜花。", "一个男人在一个花瓶里插了一些花卉,而一个女人站在他旁边。", "在一个工作室里,一个男人和一个女人正在展示插花技术。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男子正在展示插花。", "一个男人向一个女人展示了插花的艺术。" ]
[ "A young boy plays with flowers while someone hands him one.", "a baby curiously looks at the plants with his mother", "a baby boy putting a plant into a vase with a person holding another plant", "A young boy touches a vase repeatedly and a woman tries unsuccessfully to give him a plant.", "A woman is showing a baby boy flowers as she talks to him.", "a little child is in the kitchen and he is poking a plant", "A baby plays with a vase of flowers as his mom holds another one out to him, then puts it in the vase.", "A baby points at and touches buds on a flower stem.", "A woman is putting some flowers in an arrangement and the kid is watching.", "A little boy is touching a potted green plant and a woman's hand appears with another green plant and she says \"ok\"." ]
[ "一个小孩在一个桌子前摆弄绿色植物。", "一个可爱的小孩子坐在椅子上面,看着桌子上面放着的花瓶。", "母亲给婴儿一朵花让他插入瓶中,但是婴儿没有理会。", "一只手拿着一个绿色的植物,一名身穿绿色上衣的男孩,正坐在桌子旁边。", "桌子上放着几株绿植,一个小男孩在拍打着花瓶。", "在厨房里,一个小孩正在戳一株植物。", "一个婴儿玩弄花瓶,一个女人拿着一个绿枝给他。", "一个婴儿指着花上的花蕾并且触摸到了花蕾。", "一个女人正在一个瓶子里插花一个小孩在旁边看着。", "一个小男孩正在触摸一个盆栽的绿色植物,一个女人的手与另一个绿色植物一起出现,她说“好”。" ]
[ "A man arranges flowers in a vase on a counter.", "A man performs some flower arranging, set to music, he places flowers in a vase.", "A man demonstrates how to make a flower arrangement using white flowers and green leaves.", "A man is tending to a pot of white flowers.", "A man was arranging flower stems into the flower vase", "A man is showing to how arrange a bouquet of flowers.", "A guy stands at a counter cutting and arranging flowers in a vase.", "A male trimming flowers and arranging them in a vase.", "a man making a tutorial on how he puts flowers into a small vase for a centerpiece", "A man is in the kitchen putting together a vase of arts and crafts-type flowers" ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人在桌子上插花。", "一位老人正在全神贯注地将花枝修剪一番,然后进行插花。", "一个戴眼镜的男子正在往花盆里放花。", "明亮的房间内,一个男人,在桌子边,插着花。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人正拿着花往桌上的花瓶里面插。", "一个男人正在展示如何插好一束鲜花。", "一个白头发戴眼镜的老人在柜台边切花和插花。", "一名男子在修剪花朵并将它们插在花瓶里。", "一个男人正在教授他如何将花插入一个小花瓶中以作装饰的教程。", "一个男人在厨房里整理一个装花的花瓶。" ]
[ "A woman is discussing adding pearls to a floral arrangement.", "A woman is using a bunch of different flowers to put a basket together", "An older woman arranges an assortment of flowers in a basket.", "An older woman is showing how to make a decorative basket display.", "A woman working on a flower arrangement adding pearlized baubles.", "A woman standing behind a flower arrangment adds more decorations to the arrangement.", "A woman is holding two pearlized baubles and trying to figure where to put them in a flower arrangement.", "A woman is doing a large floral arrangement and demonstates how to add pearls to it", "A woman in a green and black dress shows the flower display she's working on.", "A woman stands at a table as she arranges flowers in a basket." ]
[ "一女子拿着两小束珍珠花插在一篮子的装饰中。", "一个女士正在介绍插花用到的小饰品。", "一个女人正在用双手装饰面前的花盆。", "一个女人将花篮放在面前,教着插花的技巧。", "一位女士在一边设计花篮一边为观众讲解。", "一个女人站在一篮花的后面布置,给这篮花增添了更多的装饰。", "一个女人手里拿着物品,正在试图将它插在插花的地方。", "一个女人正在做一个大型的插花并演示怎么把珍珠放进去。", "一个穿着绿黑色连衣裙的女人展示了她正在做的花卉。", "一个女人站在桌旁, 在篮子里插花。" ]
[ "A man tells how to cut the flowers to get a great arrangement of flowers.", "An elderly gentlemen with gray hair explains to those watching what he calls \"wiring techniques\" which is how to build a set of roses sticking together.", "A man demonstrating flower wiring techniques so it can be better understood.", "A man is showing a bunch of flowers and how to assemble a bouquet out of it", "A man is looking at a table that is covered in roses.", "a man stands next to a table that has some different flowers on it", "A man displays cut flowers on a table to show floral wiring techniques.", "A man stands at a table covered with several fake flowers and proclaims his intention of making sure everyone is comfortable with all the wiring techniques, he starts with a rose.", "A man is demonstrating wiring techniques for rose stems and he picks one up.", "A man is showing different flowers in the table and cuts one flower" ]
[ "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在用剪刀修剪鲜花。", "一个白发老人在用剪子修剪展示各种花。", "一个人指着桌子上的花朵说着话,又拿起剪刀和一朵花。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人,他的面前有许多花朵。", "一个男人站在桌子边桌上有一些鲜花和一些工具,男人拿起一枝花用小刀对准花枝。", "一个男人站在一张桌子旁,桌子上有一些不同的花朵。", "一名男子站在一个摆满鲜花的桌前拿着剪刀修剪。", "一个人站在铺满假花的桌子上,宣布他要确保每个人都熟悉步线技术,他以玫瑰开场。", "一名男子正在演示玫瑰茎的接线技术。", "一个男人在桌子上摆出不同的花并切其中一朵花。" ]
[ "A woman is talking about the flower bouquet that she has created.", "A woman is demonstrating flower arranging using some green plants with long stems while commentating.", "a woman uses flowers in a vase to try to create a centerpiece as she describes how she arranges it", "A lady is describing how a flower arrangement looks and feels.", "A floral designer describes how to create a floral decoration by hand.", "A woman is working with a flower arrangement and explaining parts of it.", "a woman is showing how to properly put together flowers", "A woman identifying plants in a floral spray while touching them.", "A woman is talking about a pot of flowers while arranging them.", "A woman is showing how to make a basket of flowers." ]
[ "一个穿着黑秋衣的人两只手在整理花。", "一个女人在介绍一株造型奇特的植物。", "一个人正边说着话,边摆弄着身前的一束花。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在讲解。", "在一个房间里,有一个人站在一盆花的旁边。", "一个女人正在插画并解释其中的一部分。", "一位年轻的女士正在展示如何正确地将花朵放在一起。", "一位女士在摸植物的时候用花喷雾来鉴别植物。", "一个人在一盆花前用双手比划着并且嘴里讲述着。", "一个女人正在展示如何制作一个花篮。" ]
[ "different styles of flower bouquets with different types of vases are shown", "There are multiple collages of colorful flower and rose arrangements", "A miguel song is playing with pictures of colorful flowers.", "A variety of photos showing different floral arrangements with colors of red, yellow and white.", "A wide array of photos consisted of different flower arrangements are being displayed.", "Numerous flower arrangements being displayed with music in the background", "Various flowers are arranged in vases, some with an uncommon rectangular shape.", "A person shows off a different group of flower bouquets.", "slideshow showing pictures of multiple flower arrangements in vases,some with bows.", "Several floral bouquets are shown in sets of three." ]
[ "漂亮的花朵用丝带缠绕装在瓶子里。", "图片上有不同的花,有玫瑰花,百合花等等。", "有很多不同颜色和种类的花在变换,有的还被打上了蝴蝶结。", "整个屏幕画面循环播放着不同鲜花的图片。", "一束束红色黄色白色的花束插在花瓶里。", "在背景音乐中展示着许多种类的插花。", "各种花卉排列在花瓶中,有些花卉具有不常见的矩形形状。", "一个人展示了一组不同的鲜花花束。", "一些很多不同颜色的花朵被展示出来。", "有几束不同的花束,放在不同的瓶子里。" ]
[ "A florist demonstrates how to staple leaves together, and cuts flowers for an arrangement.", "a man stapling the leaves from flowers while music is playing.", "A man is arranging flowers and leaves and stapling the leaves together to form and arrangement.", "A man is demonstrating how to make a particular flower arrangement.", "A person is folding and stapling long stem leaves then cutting flower stems.", "A man in a pink shirt is stapling leaves together with a stapler.", "a man is showing how to properly fold leaves to make a bouquet", "A man is working with different flowers and weeds to create a flower bouquet.", "A man uses a stapler to staple leaves together and cuts flowers in half.", "A woman shows how to tie green leaves for a flower arrangement." ]
[ "一个戴着围裙的人在整理桌子上的一些花儿。", "一个男孩拿着粽子叶在桌子上折叠。", "一个人在桌子前修剪叶子,准备把花放进去。", "一个穿红色格子衬衫的人拿起桌上的绿叶做弯曲造型,并用剪刀把旁边的花朵根茎剪短。", "一个人用订书机把叶子折订在一起,并用剪刀把花枝剪断。", "一个穿着粉色衬衫的男人用订书机整理花叶。", "一个男人正在展示如何正确地折叠叶子来制作花束。", "一个男人正在使用不同的花朵和杂草来插出一束鲜花。", "一个人用订书机把树叶钉在一起制作花艺。", "一位女士展示如何将绿叶系在一起插花。" ]
[ "A woman picks off stems off of a branch of leaves as she puts it into a vase.", "A woman is explaining how to put together a floral arrangement.", "A woman describes and creates a flower arrangement in a large vase.", "A woman peels the leaves off a plant before putting in a vase full of water.", "A blonde woman wearing a pink shirt makes a floral arrangement while speaking of her preferences concerning foliage.", "A woman is showing how to put plants into a vase.", "A woman speaking while she trims branches to complete a flower display.", "A woman surrounded by greenery instructs viewers on flower arrangement.", "A young woman pulling of leaves and making a flower arrangement", "A woman prunes plants and describes how she is going to create an arrangement." ]
[ "一个穿着粉色上衣的女孩,将手里植物的叶子折下。", "桌子上放着鲜花,一个女人在插花。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的女人正在房间里插花。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在展示插花。", "一个穿着粉色衬衫的女子在摘叶子后将其插入瓶中。", "一个女人正在演示如何把植物放进花瓶里。", "一个女人说话时她修剪树枝,完成一个装饰花瓶。", "一名女子站在桌前向观众们展示她如何将花插进容器里的,她的旁边都是绿色植物。", "一个穿着粉色衬衣的女人正在插花。", "一个女人站在桌子旁边演示如何修剪植物。" ]
[ "Two young kids are together, they are arranging flowers in a vase.", "Two boys are standing in a home laundry room while one holds a vase an the other is placing pink roses in the vase with the red roses.", "Two young boys assemble red and pink flowers into a vase.", "Two boys prepare a boquet of pink and red flowers on a clothes dryer.", "Two boys are putting together a bouquet of roses in a laundry room.", "Two boys are placing pink and red roses and inside of a vase.", "Young boys are shown trimming roses and putting them in a vase.", "Two boys get together and do a flower arrangement out of roses.", "Two boys are putting a flower arrangement together with roses.", "Two boys are in a laundry room, arranging roses in a vase." ]
[ "一个小男孩拿着两朵玫瑰花,然后把花插进花瓶里。", "在房间里,两个小男孩在认真的插玫瑰花。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人正站在室内。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在和另一个人一起插花。", "穿灰T恤的男孩负责将红玫瑰和粉玫瑰插好,戴帽的男孩负责清理剪下的树枝。", "两个男孩正在花瓶里放置粉红色和红色的玫瑰花。", "年轻的男孩们展示修剪玫瑰, 并把它们放在花瓶里。", "两个小男孩聚在一起,用不同颜色的玫瑰花做插花。", "两个男孩正在用玫瑰往一个玻璃花瓶上擦着。", "两个男孩在一个洗衣间里,在花瓶里插玫瑰。" ]
[ "Two women work on flowers in a tall vase standing between two couches.", "Two women assemble a floral centerpiece in a tall vase in fast motion.", "In fast motion, two girls are fixing a bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase and then a man comes by and looks at it.", "A flower vase is seen assembled with a colorful assortment of flowers.", "A pair of woman constructing a bouquet of flowers in a vase.", "Two women in a house are arranging flowers in a flower vase.", "Two people are arranging flowers in a vase, then a man walks up to look at it.", "In a hotel lobby, two women arrange a flower vase then a man looks at it.", "Two women, wearing blue dresses, add leaves and flowers to tall floral arrangement in lobby.", "A few women are shown putting flowers into a vase and making an arrangement, video in fast motion." ]
[ "两女子在家中的桌面上,把花都插在花瓶中。", "两个女人在客厅插花,一个男人最后在欣赏插花。", "一群人在房间里对着桌子上的瓶子往里边插画。", "在一个明亮的室内,两个人正在装扮圣诞树。", "室内有几个人,其中两个女人正在插花。", "在一间房子里的有两个女人正在为花瓶插花。", "两个人正在花瓶里插花,然后一个男人走过去看。", "在酒店的大厅里, 两个穿花格衣服的女人安排了一个花瓶, 然后一个男人在看着它。", "两个穿着蓝色衣服的女人,在大厅里增加了花朵和花朵的花朵。", "两个女人在客厅里快速的将鲜花插进花瓶,之后离开,然后一个男人出现观看。" ]
[ "a small girl and a woman cutting and putting flowers into a vase", "A toddler boy puts yellow flowers in a vase while a lady creates a floral arrangement with orange flowers.", "A young boy and a woman are adding flowers to a flowerpot.", "A young girl and a woman making an arrangement of flowers in a container.", "A child is helping a woman by putting flowers in a vase.", "A girl is placing flowers inside the container while the mother is clipping the leaves and stems off.", "A young child is helping a woman put flowers in a vase.", "A woman and a little girl arrange flowers in a vase.", "A woman is making a flower assortment while the child helps her.", "A woman cuts flowers while a child puts them in a vase." ]
[ "小女孩把旁边女人修剪好的花插在花筒里面。", "一个女人用剪子把花剪短,有一个小孩拿着花往花瓶里插。", "小孩在插花,旁边大人在给小孩修剪花枝。", "在室内,一个女孩在插花一个女人在剪花。", "一个小孩拿着一枝花插进了花瓶,一个大人坐在旁边修剪花束。", "一位母亲正在剪着叶子和茎,而旁边的小女孩在帮母亲把花插进花瓶。", "一个小孩正在帮一个女人把花放在花瓶里,女人在用工具剪花枝。", "一个女人和一个小女孩在花瓶里插花。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的小女孩正在往花瓶里插花。", "一个小女孩和她的妈妈一起将花插进花瓶里。" ]
[ "A person arranges flowers into an arrangement using orange and white flowers and by folding leaves.", "A girl is making a flower basket with pretty flowers.", "A rapid time lapses shows the making of a flower bouquet with yellow and white flowers.", "a girl is seen making a flower piece and fixing it", "A person is adjusting flowers in a vase and making it look pretty.", "A person uses different flowers and plant leaves to make a floral bouquet.", "A woman arranging different flowers and leaves to create a flower arrangement", "A woman arranges a floral display while music plays in the background.", "A rapid time lapse is used to show a floral arrangement being set up with orange and white flowers.", "A woman is organizing a bunch of flowers while music is playing." ]
[ "在音乐的伴随下一个人正在快速的插着花。", "一个花店的老板在向大家展示自己的插花技术。", "一个穿黑色上衣的人正在摆弄着他桌子上的花。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人正在用花朵和绿叶制作花艺。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人正在插花。", "一个人正在用不同的花朵和植物叶子来制作一束花。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人布置不同颜色的花朵跟叶子来制作插花。", "一个女人正在用双手快速地整理花朵。", "一个人站在操作台前在制作一个绢布花篮。", "一个扎着头发的女人在插黄色和白色的花。" ]
[ "A women demonstrating putting a bouquet of flowers together.", "A female attempts to piece together a floral arrangement while talking with another female.", "A woman is making a floral arrangement as others look on and make comments.", "While people look on a woman picks up pieces of greenery and discards them then eventually finds the piece she wants and starts to include it in a flower arrangement.", "A person uses a variety of greenery to put together a flower arrangement.", "A woman works on a flower arrangement on a table while she talk and another woman laughs.", "A woman is showing how to make a bouquet of yellow and red flowers", "A woman is creating a bouquet out of red and yellow flowers.", "A person was decorating the bouquet with the different color flowers and the leaves", "Woman organizing a bouquet of floors sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的人在制作一把花。", "一个女人用双手在整理桌面上的花束。", "一个人正在弄花艺,不断整理花束,加上绿叶。", "一个穿长袖的人正在整理桌面儿上的花朵。", "一个穿着黑色裤子深绿色上衣的女人,在桌子上面整理着花朵。", "一个女人一边做插花一边说话,另一个女人在笑。", "一位女士正在展示如何制作一束包含黄色花和红色花的花束。", "一个女人用红色和黄色的花朵制作花篮。", "一个人正在用不同颜色的花和叶子装饰花束。", "女人把放在桌子上花束插在一个瓶子里。" ]
[ "A person is arranging a bouquet of orange colored tulips.", "A woman turns a vase full of flowers before explaining how to find such arrangements.", "A person is advertising a beautiful arrangement and how to find one in your area.", "A man is turning a flower vase with arranged flowers wile someone is speaking in the background.", "A person is slowly turning a flower arrangement in a vase.", "A person is turning a floral arrangement on a table.", "Someone shows a flower arrangement of tulips in a vase, followed by a company logo.", "A woman shows a flower arrangement in a vase, then discusses flower arrangements.", "A woman standing behind a table rotates a flower plant inside a glass container.", "a woman turning a vase of flowers on a table top" ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,在转动,桌子上的一盆花。", "一个人在向大家展示一束插在水缸里的花。", "在一个房子里。一个穿蓝色衣服的人正在摆弄着他的花。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在展示插花艺术。", "一个人在转动着展示一盆绿叶衬托着的橙色的花。", "一个人把桌子上的花卉进行转动展示。", "一个人在花瓶中插好花后向镜头展示着成品。", "一个人在展示花瓶里的花的同时讨论插花的技巧。", "站在桌子后面的一名妇女在玻璃容器内旋转一棵花植物。", "一个女人在桌子旁边转动着一个花瓶。" ]
[ "A woman weaves something out of leaves on a table covered with various artsy-craftsy type of decorations.", "Two people fold papers into designs on an elaborately set table.", "A group of woman are admiring the unique decorations on top of a table.", "The woman was making decor and showing off her other pieces.", "A woman adjusts the leaves on an artificial plant on a table", "A woman works on a plant at a table with decorative bowls and candles.", "a group of women are making baskets out of very large leaf", "A woman plays with a plant at a crowded and festive table.", "A group of people are at a table and one woman is folding fronds into a design.", "A group of older women are doing crafts around a long table." ]
[ "一群人在工作坊里进行手工活,一个穿着粉色衣服的女人在编织动物。", "一个女人把桌子上的植物折叠成一个特别的形状。", "一位满头白发的老奶奶在编制粽子。", "在一个明亮的房间里,花色的桌子上堆满了东西。", "一个穿着一件粉红色上衣的人正在叠东西。", "一名妇女在一张桌上用植物进行装饰,桌子上还有碗和蜡烛。", "一群人正在尝试将手中的植物,编织成各种形状。", "一位妇女在一个拥挤的、喜庆的桌子上玩盆栽。", "一群人在桌子旁,一个女人将叶子折叠成一个装饰品。", "一群年纪较大的妇女正在一张长长的餐桌旁做手工。" ]
[ "A lady appears to be arranging some flowers for a show.", "A woman is telling an audience about flowers while standing on a stage.", "A woman put together a flower arrangement and it is shown.", "A woman places a floral arrangement on a table and walks away.", "The lady is showing how she does a floral arrangement on the dining table.", "A woman is demonstrating how to arrange beautiful live flowers.", "A women is displaying and arranging flowers on a table to an audience.", "a lady with red hair and a dress speaks with flowers near her", "A woman is moving flowers around and showing different floral arrangements.", "A woman gives presentation about different ways to make floral designs." ]
[ "舞台上,一个女人在说话,台下很多人在观看。", "一个女人在台上边说话边做出动作,台下有很多人看。", "一个短头发的女人正围在放满花的桌子上。", "在一个宽敞的舞台上,一个女人展示着她身前的一束花。", "一个穿着黑色裙子的短发女子的旁边放着鲜花。", "一位女士正在演示如何摆放美丽的鲜花。", "一位女士正在向观众展示摆放在桌上的鲜花。", "一个红头发穿着裙子的女人在谈论旁边的这些鲜花。", "一位女士正在摆弄美丽的花朵,展示不同的花卉摆设。", "一位女士介绍了不同的设计花卉图案的方法。" ]
[ "An older gentleman creating a floral arrangement on a table using different types of flowers and a large pink bow.", "Someone is stacking white flowers next to red roses on a counter.", "A man assembles a flower arrangement and explains it as he goes along.", "A man making the bouquet with different flowers and make some other decorations", "A man in a florist shop lays gladiolas on the counter next to a pile of red roses.", "A florist works on an arrangement by tucking in a branch of long flowers from bunch he placed on counter.", "A guy stands at a table and places flowers on to it before arrnging them into a vase.", "A man takes different flowers and puts them together to create a flower arrangement.", "A man is organizing some beautiful flower arrangements on a counter.", "A man demonstrates how to make a large flower arrangement." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在工作台整理花枝。", "有一个穿黑色衣服的男人把一些花插起来。", "一个老人在一个桌子前修剪花朵来做花艺。", "一束玫瑰和一些浅色的花和绿植放在一张浅色的桌子上面。", "一个男人戴着眼镜粉色花和红色花放到了桌子上。", "一个人正在把一束花放到了桌子上。", "一个男人站在一张桌子旁边摆弄着桌子上的鲜花。", "一个男人拿起不同的的花插到一个花篮上。", "一个男人正在柜台上安排一些美丽的插花。", "在室内,一个戴着眼镜的男子手上拿着花正在擦花。" ]
[ "Two woman are shown making a flower arrangement while one talks about the flowers.", "A woman is showing off the numerous flowers in her garden.", "A woman is clipping plants and making a bouqet of flowers.", "Two women are arranging different bouquets of flower while explaining the different flowers.", "Two women showing the best way to make a flower arrangement.", "A woman discuss the flowers while another woman clips and adds a small sprig of leaves to a floral bouquet.", "a pair of female gardeners are showing and talking about flowers", "A woman stands at a flower arrangement and arranges the flowers.", "Two women standing in a garden are making and showing off flower arrangements.", "Two women set up a display of flowers in a garden." ]
[ "两个身穿黑色衣服的长头发女人在插花。", "一个女人把各种鲜花插在水瓶中,另一个女人在旁边解说。", "一个戴帽子的人和一个长发的人正在桌子前整理花束。", "在室外两个女子一边在说话,一边在做这插花。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有两个穿着黑色上衣的女人。", "一个女人在讲解花朵,另一位女人在插花,并在花束中添加了一片叶子。", "两个女人在桌子上一边说话一边进行插花表演。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人站在插花处插花。", "站在花园里的两个女人正在制作插花。", "两个女人在一个花园里摆了一个花卉展览。" ]
[ "A woman is using clippers and wire to bundle roses together.", "A woman stands at a table as she prepares a floral arrangement.", "A woman clipped a wire to arrange the roses she is holding.", "a woman is showing how to properly arrange flowers by cutting twine", "A person is standing at a table and working with wire cutters and showing how to bundle flowers.", "A woman cutting flowers a wire to create floral arrangements.", "A woman is demonstrating how to cut wires used to hold flowers together", "A woman trims a pink rose and then clips a length of wire to tie some flowers together.", "A person is trimming a rose, then cuts a wire, then picks up a bouquet of flowers.", "A woman is showing how to make different kinds of flower arrangements." ]
[ "一个女人用镊子剪断一节细绳把花捆成一束。", "一名女子向我们展示如何捆绑花束才好看。", "在一个房子里,一个穿棕色衣服的女人正剪金属丝。", "一个身穿咖啡色衣服的女人正在桌子上包扎花束。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在用工具给花整理着。", "一个女人剪开一根金属丝来制作插花。", "一位女士正在演示如何切断用来把花固定在一起的电线。", "一位女士修剪了一朵粉红色的玫瑰,然后剪了一段铁丝,把一些花束在一起。", "一个人正在修剪一朵玫瑰,然后剪断一根电线,然后拾起一束花。", "一位女士正在展示如何做各种各样的插花。" ]
[ "The florist has some flowers in her hands, as she explains how she arranges them.", "A woman holding bright orange flowers begins to tie them up.", "A woman explains about a bouquet that she is putting together.", "A woman is shown putting together a simple bouquet of flowers.", "A woman is adding stems and leaves to her bundle of flowers and then ties them together to create a bouquet.", "A woman arranges flowers into a bouquet and begins to wrap twine around it.", "A woman with orange flowers gathers them together while placing them in a vase.", "A female is making a bouquet of flowers and is explaining how to do it.", "A woman puts together a boquet of orange flowers and leaves.", "A woman with a brown top is demonstrating how she makes her bouquet." ]
[ "一个穿着棕色衣服的人,拿着绿叶一点点的绑在一起。", "一个女人正在运用优秀的插花艺术制作美丽的花束。", "一个人正在将几支花放在一起,用绳子将它们变成了一束花。", "一个穿咖啡色衣服的女人手里拿着一把鲜花,并将鲜花绑了起来。", "在一个房间里,一个女的在摆弄着一束花。", "一个女人降鲜花整理成花束,并用绳子缠绕底部。", "一个女人将花放在手中,然后用绳子将它们绑在一起。", "一个女子正在包一束花,并一直在解释着该如何做。", "一个女人把一束橙色的花和绿色的叶子放在一起。", "一双手里拿着一束花,其中一只手拿着桌子上的绳子,缠绕在花束的茎上。" ]
[ "A man arranges potted plants and flowers on a long wooden table.", "A man demonstrating how to make a flower arrangement.", "A man appears to be showing off some of his work.", "A man is putting together a vase full of green plants.", "Man in a pink shirt showing how to make a flower arrangment.", "A man is creating different bouquets of flowers using different sized pots.", "A man showing you how he arranges a vase of flowers.", "A man teaching how to trim flowers and arrange them in a vase", "a person messing with flowers and different greens while having them in vases", "a man is talking about how to set up vases with plants." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一男人正在插花。", "一个男人将修建好的植物插入到装满泥土的花盆当中。", "花瓶里放有一团线,男子再一枝一枝地把花草插入花瓶。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的男人正在插花,旁边有很多植物。", "一个穿粉色上衣的男子在讲解插花的步骤。", "一个男人正在用不同大小的花盆插花。", "一个男子正在想你展示如何安排花瓶。", "一个男人教他如何修剪花朵并将它们安排在花瓶里。", "一个粉色上衣的男人正在展示如何种这些植物。", "一个人正在谈论如何用植物建立花瓶。" ]
[ "A woman was arranging flower stems in a flower vase", "A demonstration of flower arranging to promote a flower website.", "A woman is advertising flowers and is making a floral arrangement.", "A woman is putting flowers into a vase in the kitchen", "A woman is demonstrating the art of flower arrangements on an internet site.", "A woman in a kitchen arranges flowers in a vase, saying a few words in the process.", "a women putting flowers into a vase on a countertop", "A lady putting flowers in a vase in a kitchen.", "A young woman is describing how to arrange flowers while she is putting orchids in a vase.", "A woman explains how she arranges flowers in a white vase." ]
[ "一个身穿灰色上衣的长头发女人在插花。", "一位戴着眼镜的卷发女士正在往花瓶里插花。", "一个女人把桌子上的花修剪后放到了瓶子里。", "一个戴眼镜的外国女人,站在哪里把花插入瓶子里。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人在往花瓶里插花。", "在厨房里,一个女人在花瓶里整理鲜花,在这个过程说说了几句话。", "一个女人正在演示如何更好看的将花插入花瓶中。", "一个戴眼镜的女人在室内把花插到花瓶里。", "一位年轻的妇女正在描述如何摆放花朵,而她正在把兰花放进花瓶里。", "一个短发的女子在往白色的花瓶里插花。" ]
[ "A lone woman standing in a room full of flowers making a flower arrangement.", "A lady showing how to do a flower arrangement in a large vase.", "A blonde girl, in a blue shirt showing how to create a flower arrangement.", "A woman is putting flowers into a vase in a flower shop.", "A lady is showing how to arrange a flower basket.", "A woman demonstrates how to assemble a sunflower centerpiece.", "A young woman is making an flower bouquet surrounded by many other flowers and plants.", "A blonde lady, in a blue shirt, preparing a colorful, flower arrangement.", "A woman demonstrates how to put together a bouquet of flowers.", "A woman is talking while putting together a sunflower arrangement." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在制作花束。", "一名女子在花房教导如何插出漂亮的花。", "一个女人一边慢慢地插花一边说着话。", "在摆满画的房间里,一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人 ,在插着花。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在室内做着花艺工作。", "一个女人正在演示如何用向日葵组装花盆。", "一个女人在桌子前摆弄着一堆植物。", "因为白肤金发的夫人。在教人们插五颜六色的花。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的女人在展示插花艺术的教导。", "一个女人正在一个很多鲜花的屋里插花。" ]
[ "A person is showing how flowers are kept inside of a bas for organization.", "A man describes various flower arrangements as they are assembled in vases.", "A person is using some floral crafts to make some decor.", "A man was arranging flower stalk into the vase", "A person putting together flower arrangements and telling you how he feels about it", "A florist gingerly assembles a variety of flowers and leaves, they look beautiful.", "A man is arranging a bouquet of flowers in a vase.", "A man is trying to teach us how to arrange the flowers on the vase properly.", "A man uses several wildflowers to put together a wreath and vase arrangement.", "A person places and arranges various flowers in a vase" ]
[ "一个人正在使用双手将花插入花瓶中。", "一个男子在向我们展示插花的技巧和方法。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在拿着花演示。", "一个男人正在往一个花瓶里插着不同种的花。", "一个穿着牛仔褂的人在白色的桌子前插花。", "花店的一个花商小心翼翼地组装各种花和叶子,他们看起来很皮漂亮。", "一个男人正在花瓶里插入一束鲜花。", "一个人正在努力教我们如何正确地把花瓶上的花整理好。", "一个男人用几朵野花来组装花圈和花瓶。", "一个人把各种各样的花放在一个花瓶里。" ]
[ "a couple of people inside together handling different leaves in a room", "A man and woman demonstrate flower arranging in an ad.", "A man and woman work together to demonstrate the art of flower arrangement.", "Flowers are the backdrop for an introduction to a show with a man and woman demonstrating flower arrangement.", "A man and a woman are preparing to arrange some flowers.", "A man and a woman named Alex and Robyn arrange flowers in different designs.", "Alex and Robyn demonstrate flower arranging after an intro showing a colorful array of roses and peonies.", "Different flowers in groups while a male and female picks up a few of them.", "A man and a woman were arranging some stalks of flowers together", "A man and a woman are arranging flowers on a television show." ]
[ "一个男人和一个女人在弄花,那个男人在剪花枝。", "在一个房间里有一个穿着灰色上衣的男人和穿着一个灰色上衣的女人在插花。", "一盆盆鲜花摆放着。一个男人和一个女人正在修剪着花枝。", "一男一女在花店整理花并用剪刀裁剪,有说有笑。", "一个男人和一个女人正在修剪搭配花束。", "一个名叫Alex和Robyn的男人和女人在进行不同的插花设计。", "一个男人和一个女人在讨论如何修剪花草。", "不同的花成群结队,而一男一女拿起其中的几朵。", "一个男人和一个女人正在室内的桌子上修剪花枝。", "一个男人和一个女人正在整理很多鲜花。" ]
[ "Two men help to put together a flower arrangement with each other.", "Two men are arranging and adjusting flowers in a vase.", "Two men are arranging flowers in a bouquet on top of another display and talking about it.", "Assortments of flowers are made by staff ahead of a special event.", "A person is arranging a display of different white and pink flowers.", "Men arrange flowers and narrate in a brick room.", "A couple people work arranging various flowers in vases while in a room with brick walls.", "A person is speaking about flowers and says it is a gorgeous arrangement.", "Two men work on a flower arrangement in a well lit room.", "Flowers are being arranged by two men and moved to tables." ]
[ "花艺师把各色各样好看的花,组合成一束花束。", "两个男人在用各种漂亮的花朵在插花,做成了一个花簇。", "一个穿白衬衣和一个穿黑衬衣的男人在整理花束。", "一个黑色衣服的男人和一个白色衣服的男人在整理花束。", "在一个明亮的室内,两个男人正在摆弄着花草。", "男人们在一个房间里边插花边叙述。", "几个人正在一个房间里摆弄着各种各样的花。", "一个人正在谈论鲜花, 并说这是一个华丽的安排。", "两个人在一间光线充足的房间里做插花工作。", "一个男个正在处理一瓶鲜花并把它搬到别的地方。" ]
[ "A person is fixing an array of a flower arrangement on the center of a table", "someone is putting together a flower table arrangement with colorful roses.", "A person is putting flowers together to make a centerpiece in an events room.", "A lady is arranging a floral center piece on a table.", "A person is sitting arranging flowers in a vase at a table.", "Someone prepares a yellow and orange floral arrangement at a table in an event hall.", "A person is arranging some flowers in a pot", "A woman puts together a floral arrangement at a fine dining table.", "A is applying an plastic flower vase onto an table.", "A woman arranging flowers on a table in a restaurant setting." ]
[ "一个带着手表的人在白色的桌子上将花修剪好插在了花泥上。", "在桌上小心翼翼地插花,将花枝修剪后插上。", "一个带着银色手表的人在桌子上摆弄着花。", "一只戴着手表的手,在白色的桌子摆弄着花。", "桌面上铺着白色的桌布,有一个人正在桌旁摆放插花。", "有人在活动大厅的桌子上制作插花。", "一个人正在花盆里插一些花。", "一位女士在一张精美的餐桌上摆弄着插花。", "一个人正在将一些塑料画插在瓶子中。", "一双手正在向一个白色的桌子上插花。" ]
[ "An elderly woman with glasses arranges flowers on a table.", "A woman displays a plant for a bouquet and then starts to trim other plants with scissors.", "A woman showing how you can take regular grass and make designs out of them", "A woman is holding a flower arrangement and clips the stem of a flower, then holds a complete flower arrangement with the stems tied with a string.", "It a video of a women arranging grass flowers for decoration.", "A woman shows an interesting flower then shows a website to find more.", "An ad for a website called FearlessFlowers as a woman shows them off", "A floral designer is encouraging the use of grasses in floral arrangements.", "A woman is holding a plant, then puts another plant in a vase of water.", "A woman discusses arranging grass and flowers and recommends visiting her website." ]
[ "在一个房间里一个穿着白色衣服戴着眼镜的女人正在介绍东西。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人在介绍一株植物。一个穿着紫色衣服的女人将几株植物绑在装着水的玻璃杯外面。", "一个外国女人拿着一株植物示范修剪并插进花瓶。", "在一个明亮的房间里,老太太手里拿着花,又把花种进杯子里。", "一个女人拿着一株植物讲解,然后又拿了许多植物插瓶。", "一个女人展示一个有趣的花,然后显示一个能找到更多花的网站。", "一名穿着紫色上衣的女子 在展示她怎么绑植物。", "一位戴着眼镜的花卉设计师正在鼓励在花卉摆设中使用草。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在将植物放入一个瓶子中。", "一位妇女在讨论整理草地和花卉,并建议访问她的网站。" ]
[ "A person arranges a set of roses in a vase while he explains his process", "A man demonstrates how to create a flower arrangement in a vase", "A man is arranging flowers in a vase and clipping the naked stems.", "A man speaks and manipulates and adds to a flower arrangement.", "Man showing how to properly put together an arrangement of roses.", "A man is arranging a set of green plants and roses in a vase,", "a man talks to someone and keeps some leaves in the rose bouquet", "A man demonstrates and explains how to arrange some flowers.", "A man in a black apron is preparing a bouquet of roses.", "A man arranges flowers in a vase and gives a tutorial on how to arrange the stems." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色围裙的男人正在室内插花。", "一个穿着白色衣服的中年人在一个装着玫瑰花的花瓶里插花。", "一个身穿白色上衣的男人用双手在搭配着玫瑰花。", "一个穿白色上衣的人正在给桌面上的花盆插花。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在整理一束花。", "一个男人在花瓶里摆放一套绿色的植物和玫瑰。", "一个男人正在一边说话,一边摆弄着玫瑰花,并且对花进行修剪。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在讲解如何插花。", "一个系着黑色围裙的男人正在准备一束玫瑰花。", "一个男子在一个玻璃花瓶上插着花。" ]
[ "A woman is making a flower arrangement with her hands and flowers.", "A women shows how she arrange flowers been doing it for years.", "A woman wearing a watch organizes a collection of flowers.", "A woman uses her hands to arrange a set of flowers.", "A woman wearing a summer dress is making a flower arrangement.", "A lady watching a film of herself arranging flowers in 1967, and wondering if she was ever that young.", "A woman is arranging flowers in a floral arrangement and then there is a picture of another arrangement.", "The woman is showing how to properly put together a bouquet of flowers.", "A woman shows how to arrange flowers in a vase years ago.", "A women is arranging different flowers and then starts talking" ]
[ "一个穿着背心的人,拿着鲜花在插花,做成了一束漂亮的花束。", "一个穿着花衣服梳短发的女人在摆弄鲜花。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的短发女人在摆弄着花束里的花。", "一个短头发穿着背心的女子在对着一盆花在做插花。", "在一个房间里,有一个女人在摆弄着一束花。", "一位女士在1967年看一部自己插花的电影,想知道自己是不是也曾经那么年轻过。", "一个女人正在进行着插花,随后出现了一张完工的插花图片。", "一个女人正在展示如何正确的组装一束鲜花。", "一位穿粉色上衣的女士展示了如何在花瓶中插画。", "一个女人把不同的鲜花插在瓶子里,然后展示成果。" ]
[ "A group of people are preparing floral table arrangements within a short time frame.", "A woman is arranging flowers into a clear glass vase and telling everyone they have five minutes.", "A group of people put together pink flower bouquets with music in the background.", "A woman talks to a class of people who are using flowers to arrange into a gift.", "Several people are working quickly on flower arrangements when a voice announces that five minutes is coming up.", "A few people are making bouquets with the flowers while a woman calls the time.", "Designing a beatiful bouquet of carnations flowers in a time framed event.", "A woman is putting a bouquet of pink roses together.", "A group of women are sorting through flowers, putting them into bouquets, and placing them in jars.", "An elderly lady putting together bouquets of flower for an event" ]
[ "一位和蔼的老婆婆使用鲜花来进行装饰。", "一群人在桌子旁整理桌子上的花朵并插在玻璃瓶中。", "一个人拿着一些玫瑰花往水瓶里插。", "有一个一群人正在用瓶子插玫瑰花。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的人正在整理一些花。", "有几个人在用鲜花插花,有一个女人在说时间。", "一些妇女在一个有时间框架的活动中设计一束美丽的康乃馨花。", "一女人正在修剪粉红的的玫瑰花并把它们一起放在了玻璃瓶内。", "一群女人正在整理鲜花, 把它们放在花瓶里。", "一位老太太为一个活动准备了花束。" ]
[ "A woman arranging some flowers into a thin glass vase then grabs another flower from another vase", "A woman shows how to put flowers in a vase to make them look good.", "A young Asian woman demonstrates flower decorating with flowers and three glass vases.", "A woman is showing how to make an arrangement of flower.", "A young oriental woman is working at a table and showing her friends how to arrange all kinds of different flowers.", "A woman is demonstrating how to make a flower arrangement.", "A woman is creating a floral arrangement on a table with other flowers on it.", "A woman demonstrates how to make a floral arrangement.", "There is a lady fiddling around with flower arangements on a table.", "A woman properly arranges several white flowers that are in a vase." ]
[ "白色的墙壁边,一个女人,说着话,在桌边做着插花。", "一个女人在摸着面前插满花的花瓶,然后从旁边的瓶子里拿出了一束花。", "一个穿着黑丝上衣带围裙的女人在插花。", "一女子把桌面上的花,放入桌上的花瓶中。", "在一个明亮的室内,有一个女人在摆弄着花。", "一位女人正在桌子上演示如何进行插花。", "一个穿着黑衣服的女人正在一张桌子上插花。", "一名女在站在桌子前用手摸着放在瓶子里的花。", "有一位女士摆弄着桌子上的鲜花进行插花讲解。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人边讲话边摆弄桌上的几种花。" ]
[ "A woman gives a tutorial for arranging flowers in a vase.", "A woman arranges a display of flowers in a vase while describing the arrangement.", "A lady is putting floral arrangements in a tall cylinder glass with water.", "A woman is putting flowers in a vase and then said she is happy with it.", "A woman arranged flowers in a bottle neatly and speak about other.", "A woman is using different colors of flowers to create a bouquet.", "A woman is arranging flowers and is pleased with the outcome.", "A woman is arranging a large bouquet of flowers in a vase.", "A woman is making a flower arrangement in a vase while talking about it.", "A woman is making a floral arrangement in a blue vase with long stemmed white and purple flowers." ]
[ "一个外国女人认真地用白色和紫色的两种花来插花。", "一个女人在往一个装满花的花瓶里插着花。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣的女子正在进行一场插花艺术展示。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人,在蓝色花瓶里插花。", "一个穿着淡蓝色上衣的女子正在往一个蓝色的瓶子里插花。", "一个女人用不同颜色的朵制作一束花。", "一个女人正在插花,并对结果感到满意。", "一个女人正在往花瓶里安插一大束鲜花。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在表演插花。", "一个女人正在一个蓝色的花瓶里做插花, 花瓶里有长茎的白色和紫色的花。" ]
[ "A woman is showing how to make a proper flower bouquet in a glass vase.", "a woman in a kitchen explaining how to place rose in a glass.", "The woman wearing the pink shirt is demonstrating the way she sets the flowers.", "A woman cuts roses and makes a small arrangement with them.", "A woman is explaining how to cut flowers and how to put them in a vase", "A woman starts to put roses in a clear flower vase.", "A woman demonstrates and explains how to arrange roses in a vase.", "A woman instructing how to do flower arrangements into a clear vase with pink carnations.", "a woman trims pink roses and places them in a vase", "A lady is making a flower arrangement with roses and a vase." ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服戴着手表跟戒指的女人在一张黄色的桌子上面在往玻璃瓶里插花。", "一个穿着粉红衬衫的外国女人正在修剪玫瑰花并完成插花。", "女子用剪刀修剪玫瑰花并将花插进花瓶里。", "一个戴着手表穿红色上衣的女人,她在插花。", "一个粉色衣服的女人把花放进花瓶里面,然后接着剪掉花枝。", "一个女人把一支玫瑰花放在一个透明的花瓶里,然后拿起剪刀又在修剪另一只玫瑰。", "一位女士演示并解释如何在花瓶里放玫瑰花。", "一位女士指示如何将插花插入带有粉红色康乃馨的透明花瓶中。", "一名穿着红色上衣的女人在一个花瓶插着花。", "一位女士正在用玫瑰和一个花瓶做插花。" ]
[ "A woman making a flower arrangement in a strainer used for cooking.", "A woman uses a collander to stick roses into it to make a flower arangement.", "A woman in a room making flowering arrangement in large bowl with music in background", "A woman is cutting flowers and placing them into a bowl making a flower arangement", "A woman is using a colander to make a flower arrangement with roses.", "A woman cutting flowers and placing them in a vase", "A woman is demostration how to make good floral designs.", "A lady places a bouquet of pink roses together in a bowl.", "A woman is making a flower arrangement on top of table.", "A woman makes a flower arrangement from a bouquet of roses." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的女人正在插花。", "一名女性正在将一支支花插在盆里。", "一个短发女人正在房间里剪花枝来插花。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一名女人用双手在插着花。", "一个女人在窗前的桌子上插花,桌上还放着四个玻璃花瓶。", "一个女人把桌子上已经切好的花放在花瓶里。", "一个女人正在往一个花瓶里插上不同的花。", "一位女士将一束粉红玫瑰放在一个碗里。", "一个女人正在桌子上做剪切插花的工作。", "一个女人把一束玫瑰花插进一个花瓶里。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrates how to put together a flower bouquet.", "Florist rolls wide leaf and places its stem into vase which contains branches, flowers and leaves.", "A woman puts together a flower arrangement and talks through how to do it.", "A young lady in the kitchen is showing how to make a flower arrangement.", "A woman is showing and explaining how to make a flower arrangement.", "A woman is showing how to properly assemble a bouquet of flowers in a shop", "A young woman is shown creating a floral arrangement and describing the steps she uses.", "Demonstration and narration by a woman using large leaves in a flower arrangement.", "A lady is showing how to assemble a flower arrangement.", "A woman is folding leaves while creating a flower arrangement." ]
[ "一个穿灰色上衣的长发女孩在用绿色的叶子插花。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的女人,正在演示插花艺术。", "一个女人一边认真地插花一边说着话。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个长发女人穿着灰色的衣服,手里拿着树叶插花。", "在一个房间里,有一个披着头发的女人把一片叶子放到花瓶里。", "在商店里,一位妇女正在展示如何在正确的组装一束鲜花。", "一个年轻的女人正在一边说话一边进行插花表演。", "一位女士在一边讲解插画,一边使用大叶子进行示范和叙述。", "一位穿着黑色上衣的女士正在展示如何组装插花。", "一个女人正在折叠树叶,同时制作一个插花。" ]
[ "A woman instructs on the way to put flowers in a jar.", "A young woman is arranging flower buds in a vase.", "A young woman is seen describing and demonstrating flower arrangment", "A woman with green hair arranges flowers that have not yet bloomed.", "A girl is measuring to putt flower into a jar with water.", "A woman explains how to properly fit a plant into a jar.", "A woman talks about needing new batteries and putting flowers in a jar.", "A woman demonstrates how to cut a rose stem to place it into a vase.", "A British Woman with green hair teaching how to trim flowers to place in a vase.", "Girl is talking while she puts flower stems in glass jar." ]
[ "一个绿头发黑衣服的女子拿了一些植物在手上。", "一个绿头发的女人在讲解如何插花。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的女人手里拿着一枝梅花。", "一个绿色头发的女人拿着一个玻璃杯,杯子里有很多花骨朵。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在室内展示花草。", "一位女士在解释如何将植物正确地装入瓶子里。", "一个绿头发的女人拿着一支鲜花和一个罐子。", "一个绿色头发的女人正演示如何将花茎放入瓶中。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人在一个房间展示着插花。", "一个女子在室内一边说话,一边在往玻璃瓶里面插画。" ]
[ "A man arranges several flower and plant arrangements by clipping them.", "A man picks leaves from a potted flower to liven up a different potted plant.", "A man arranges flowers and plants in glass containers while describing what he is doing.", "A man is arranging flowers and greens on a table.", "A man is creating flower arrangements while talking about how it's done.", "A man explains and shows how to arrange a bouquet of flowers.", "A man is preparing flower arrangements in small vases and he is talking about it.", "a person messes around with some flowers that are located on the table", "A man is arranging several vases and pots of beautiful flowers.", "A man demonstrates how to prepare flower arraignments on a television program." ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服的男人正站在桌子前面做插花。", "一位男士从一个大花瓶里取出一片叶子插入另一个花瓶里。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人正在做不同的花束。", "一名穿着长袖的男子,手上拿着剪刀在做插花。", "一灰色衣服的男士将修剪好花放进花瓶中。", "一个男人在讲解并展示如何制作一盆花。", "一个男人正在桌子上演示如何插花。", "一个男人在桌子上摆放着一些鲜花。", "一个人正在整理几个花瓶和一盆美丽的花。", "一个男人拿着一片绿色的叶子放在一个插着花的花瓶里。" ]
[ "A man is in a bike shop repairing a bicycle.", "A man was assembling the cycle with their parts by tight the nets and the front rod", "A man is working on a bicycle frame.", "A gentleman in blue gloves is building a bicycle starting with the frame in a frame holder.", "A man is showing how he manufactures a bike from scratch.", "a man is fixing his bikes in a garage that is full of bikes", "A man in a bike shop takes a bike frame and shows how to work on the bike frame.", "A guy is demonstrating how to fix bicycles in a room.", "A man assembling a bicycle from scratch by placing on the brackets.", "A man assembling different part of bike with his hands" ]
[ "有房间内,有很多自行车,一个白色衣服的男子在弄一个机器。", "一个外国男人戴着手套正在组装自行车。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男人在室内组装自行车。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在修自行车。", "一名男子在摆放着自行车的屋子里。", "一个男人在一个满是自行车的车库里修理他的自行车。", "一个男人在自行车商店里拿起一个自行车的框架,展示如何拼装自行车。", "一个人在房间中正在组装这一辆自行车。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男人正在修理一辆自行车。", "一名男子在室内用手组装自行车。" ]
[ "A man is showing how to tighten the brakes on a bicycle.", "A man is showing how to turn the screws on a bike while assembling it.", "A man is showing us how to screw a steering wheel on to a bike.", "A man is showing how to put parts of a bicycle back together using a bolt and a torque wrench.", "A man twists a screw into the handlebar of a bike.", "A bike repair technician works on adjusting the handlebars.", "Man has bicycle on table and using torque wrench to tighten screws on hand grips.", "A man is fixing/assembling a bicycle with Jenson USA' in the background.", "A gentleman is tightening the opposing screws on the handlebars of a bicycle that has no front wheel.", "A guy is screwing in bolts on a broken bicycle." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在拧紧单车上的螺丝。", "一个男人用螺丝刀拧一辆自行车上的螺丝。", "一个男人一边说话,一边组装自行车。", "一个男子拿着改锥在给一辆没有前轮的自行车扭螺丝。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在用工具修理自行车。", "一名自行车维修技术人员正在调整桌子上自行车的车把。", "男子在有着自行车的桌子上,使用扭矩扳手拧紧手柄上的螺丝。", "一名男子正在讲解如何装配一辆自行车。", "一个男子正在拧紧一辆没有前轮的自行车螺丝。", "一个人正在用手上的螺丝刀扭动着自行车上面的螺丝。" ]
[ "A voice over of a man explaining how to tighten the front brakes on a bicycle whilst a video shows this", "A man was adjusting the brake of a bicycle", "A tutorial as a person shows how to tighten the brakes on a bike.", "A person is showing how to repair and adjust the brakes on a bicycle.", "A person is explaining how to properly tighten brakes on a bicycle.", "A man demonstrates step by step how to put pair of brakes on a bicycle .", "A man is shown applying brakes to a bicycle.", "A man is demonstrating how to assemble the brakes of a bicycle.", "a man is showing how to properly tighten the brakes in a bike", "A man explains how to install brakes on a bicycle." ]
[ "一个人正在测试自己的自行车的刹车的轧。", "一个人在演绎自行车轮胎的刹车器。", "一个人拿着工具在修理一辆黑色自行车。", "白天的户外,一个人,在修理自行车的车胎。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在室外修理自行车。", "一个男人一步一步的演示如何在自行车上安装刹车。", "一个人正在展示自行车轮胎上的刹车片。", "名男子正在演示如何组装自行车的刹车。", "一个男人正在展示如何正确地把自行车的车闸收紧。", "一名男子解释了如何在自行车上安装刹车。" ]
[ "A man instructs on the correct way to set a handlebar.", "A man is hanging out all by himself while showing how to insert a bike handle into the frame", "Someone explaining how to align and adjust a bicycle handlebars.", "A man is using a tool to adjust the handlebars on a blue bicycle.", "a person using their hands to put together a bike handle by themselves", "A person illustrates how to properly align a bicycle handle.", "Someone is describing certain parts of a bike and how to put it together.", "A person shows how to put handle bars on a bicycle the right way .", "A person is demonstrating how to adjust something on a bike.", "Someone is showing how to tighten up a bike handlebar with a hex wrench." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色上衣的外国人用工具将自行车把安装好。", "一个人使用双手移动自行车头部,并调整自行车头部。", "一个人演示怎样调试自行车的车把。", "一个穿蓝衣服的人在调节自行车把手上的螺丝接口。", "一个男人将自行车车头插了回去,又拿工具将其固定。", "一个人说明了如何正确地对齐自行车把手。", "有人在描述自行车的某些部分以及如何将它们组合在一起。", "一个人展示了如何用正确的方式把把手放在自行车上。", "一个人正在展示如何在自行车上调整某些东西。", "一个人正在展示如何用六角扳手拧紧自行车车把。" ]
[ "A person smiles and speaks next to a person kneeling and working on a bike.", "A couple of men are working on a bicycle frame in a small garage.", "A couple of guys working on a bicycle and talking to another person in the background.", "a man with a hat on looks at the camera while another works on a bike", "A guy in a workshop works on a metal object as another carries on a conversation with the unseen cameraman.", "A man squats in the garage having a conversation with the camera man while a man works on the bike next to him.", "Some men are smiling and showing off their bike without any wheels.", "two men in a garage one is singing the other trying to fix equipment", "Two people who are squatting down on a floor repair a green bicycle.", "Two guys are sitting on the ground and one of them is fixing a bike." ]
[ "一个男子高兴的正在与他人交谈,,而那个男子现在组装单车。", "一个外国人在对着镜头笑着讲话,另一个外国人在修理自行车。", "一个蹲着的男人正在说这话,旁边有一个人在修理东西。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人坐在地上修一辆自行车。", "一个穿着绿色短袖的男人在看另外一个人修东西。", "一个男子蹲在车库里再说话,另一个男人蹲在地上在修理自行车。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人正在看另一个人修理车子。", "一个戴帽子的男孩在看另一个男孩在修理设备。", "两个人蹲在地板上修理一辆绿色自行车.。", "两个人坐在地上,其中一个正在修理自行车。" ]
[ "A person is demonstrating how to place reflectors on a bicycle wheel.", "A guy kneeling behind a bike puts a reflector on the spokes.", "A man is attaching a part onto his bikes wheel.", "A person clasps a reflecto on the spokes of a bicycle wheel.", "A man places a reflector on the spokes of a bicycle.", "A person kneeling next to a bike, silently affixes a reflector on its wheel.", "A man attaches a light to a wheel on a bike.", "A man putting a reflector on the front wheel of a bicycle.", "A boy demonstrates how to mount a reflector on the front spokes of a bicycle.", "A young man describes how he puts a reflector on his tire wheel." ]
[ "一个人正在把一个反光板固定到自行车的轮毂上。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的人在给单车的轮胎安装轮组反光贴。", "一个穿紫色上衣的人在组装自行车。", "一个人用手把一个东西安装在了一个自行车的车轮上。", "纯白色背景中,一个人在给一辆白色自行车安装轮胎反光灯。", "一个人跪在自行车旁边,默默地把一个反射器贴在车轮上。", "一个人在自行车上的车轮的钢圈上贴上一个物体。", "一个男人将反射器安装在自行车的前轮上。", "一个男孩演示如何在自行车的前轮轴上安装反射器。", "一个人正把一个工具装在一个自行车上。" ]
[ "brake and or shifter cable repair, replacement for a road bicycle", "A man is apply strings to bicycle handles of a bike in fast forward motion.", "This is a sped up video of a man who is assembling bicycle parts.", "A man in fast forward motion runs the cables for a ten speed bike and completes it.", "A man replaces and adjusts the break cables on his bicycle.", "A man is tuning up his bicycle with tools in fast motion.", "Someone is using tools to fix a bikes brake cables.", "In time-lapse photography a young man is demonstrating how to do a bike repair.", "In quick motion a man uses a tool to remove a brake cable from a racing bike, he then re-attaches it.", "In a room a man is quickly assembling a bicycle." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色上衣的人在组装一辆自行车。", "一个人在家里组装他的山地自行车。", "在一个房子里,一个穿着灰色衣服的人正在修理他的自行车。", "一个人正在认真地组装他的自行车。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人正在修了自行车。", "一个男人正在用工具快速的调整自行车。", "有人在使用工具修理自行车的刹车线。", "在延时摄影中,一名年轻人正在展示如何进行自行车修理。", "在快速运动中, 一名男子使用工具从赛车上取下一根刹车线,然后重新安装。", "在房间里,一双手正以快镜头组装一辆自行车。" ]
[ "a man talking, while folding a piece of paper with blue tape.", "One person shows a blue ribbon that he then bends in half with both hands.", "A man folds a piece of tape then says he is going to cut it.", "A man is folding a small paper-like object and speaking about the procedure", "Using his fingers a man folds a piece of wax paper with blue tape on it in half.", "A man is about to apply an adhesive onto his bike.", "A man folding tape and giving instructions on how to perform a certain skill.", "A man gives a tutorial on how to tape something on a bike.", "A man folds a piece of tape with a blue stripe and discusses cutting the tape.", "A man folds a small piece of blue and white paper while explaining what he is doing." ]
[ "一个正拿着一张纸,然后又将纸进行对折。", "一个男人把一张带有蓝色条横的透明纸对折。", "一个人将一张带有蓝色的塑料纸折叠,并说着话。", "一个人正在折叠一个蓝色和白色相间的塑料片。", "一个人将一张中间有蓝色的白纸对折。", "一个男人正要给他的自行车上涂上粘合剂。", "一个男人拿着一张纸正在把它折叠着。", "一个男人给出了如何在自行车上贴东西的方法。", "一个男人把一块带有蓝色条纹的纸对折一半。", "一名男子折叠一小块蓝白纸,同时解释他在做什么。" ]
[ "A young boy and his dad trying to repair the chain and wheel on his sons bike with a wrench", "A little boy uses a tool to fix his bikek while an older man helps him.", "A man is teaching a small child how to fix his bicycle.", "A boy fixes a spanner in the one pedal of a bicycle and a man helps him", "A boy is installing a foot pedal onto a bicycle, as a man watches and helps.", "Young boy turns wrench around a bicycle pedal, is helped by an adult and spins repaired bicycle wheel.", "a father and son is working together to fix a bike.", "A boy using a wrench to put on a new bike pedal.", "With the help of an adult male, a young man tightens the connection of a bike pedal.", "a little kid with red hair tries to work on a bike and an older person helps" ]
[ "一个男人正在教一个孩子修理自行车。", "一个小孩蹲在地上用扳手拧着自行车的踏板,老人也过来拧。", "一个身穿蓝色短袖的小孩和一个身穿格子短袖衬衫的男人在拧脚蹬子。", "一个小孩在修理自行车,旁边一个大人在看。", "明亮的户外,一个小孩在拿着工具修理自行车,旁边的男人在观看。", "有一个小孩在自行车踏板上转动扳手, 在一个男人的帮助下修理自行车的车轮。", "一个小孩正在大人的陪同下修理自行车。", "一个男孩用扳手装上一辆新的自行车踏板。", "在成年男性的帮助下,一名年轻男孩收紧了自行车踏板的连接。", "一个小孩在给自行车安装踏板,一个白发男子走过来帮忙。" ]
[ "A man is installing a tire on the outer rim of a bicycle rim.", "Someone is fitting a tire back on the rim of a bicycle.", "A man in a workshop is in the process of assembling a bicycle.", "A worker is either adding or removing a bicycle tire from its wheel.", "A man is putting a tire on the rim of a bicycle.", "A man in a garage puts rubber on a metal bike wheel.", "Video of a man replacing a bike tire tube on a bicycle wheel.", "A man is changing the tire in the wheel of a bicycle.", "A person is attaching the rubber tire to a bicycle wheel.", "A man tucks a bike tire underneath the rim and sets the tire on the floor." ]
[ "一个人把自行车轮胎一点点安好后从固定车轮装置上把车轮取了下来。", "一双手把自行车轮的轮胎边缘塞进去。", "一个男的在自己家中用手修理自己的自行车轮胎。", "一双手拿着一个黑色的轮胎,正在房间内修理轮胎。", "一双手正在不停的触摸一个黑色的轮胎。", "一个男子正在车库里拆卸自行车轮子的外胎。", "一个人在将自行车轮胎管按压进自行车车轮里面。", "一个人正在掰着一辆自行车的车轮胎。", "一个人正在把橡胶轮胎固定在自行车车轮上。", "一个男人正在修理他的自行车轮胎,然后把轮胎放在地板上。" ]
[ "A man is reading instructions while building a toddler's bicycle.", "A person is making a bi cycle by only her own effort and it seems like an project.", "A man sits and assembles a small pink bicycle as music plays.", "A man works on assembling a little girl's bicycle at his home.", "After looking at a directions sheet a man unscrews an attachment to handle bars on a bike and removes them.", "A man is sitting and reading instruction while he puts a small bike together.", "A man reading the instructions, and putting together a small, pink bike.", "a man looks at a bike manual and then tries to make a bike", "A man is reading the instruction manual for how to build a bike and then proceeds to work on it.", "A person is sitting and trying to assemble a pink bike." ]
[ "一个男子在房间里坐在地上正在组装一辆自行车。", "一个男人正在根据说明书来安装车子。", "一个戴着眼镜坐在地上的男人看着说明书在安装自行车。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人坐在地上修自行车。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在修玩具车。", "一个男人他把一小自行车放在一起,而他正在阅读指导。", "一个男人坐在地上阅读说明书,并组装一辆粉色的小自行车。", "一个男人看着自行车手册,然后试图组装一辆自行车。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在组装一辆自行车。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男子坐在地板上面正在组装一辆玩具车。" ]
[ "A man is unboxing an item inside and pulls out a tv satellite.", "A person is seen unboxing a package box and talks while arranging the package's content on the table.", "A person opens up a box, and removes a packaged bicycle seat.", "A man is demonstrating how to assemble a product that is under review, he begins removing parts from outside of the box it arrived in.", "A person opens a large cardboard box and takes a saddle out of it.", "A man is unpacking bicycle parts from a large box.", "A man unpacks a bicycle and explains how he is doing it.", "A man opening the box and explaining as he pull out what's inside the box.", "The man is unboxing a big tool and speaking as he does.", "A man opens a box, speaks, reaches into the box and picks up an object, and then places the object on a table." ]
[ "一个男人,正在房间里拆开一个箱子。", "一个男人打开装着仪器的纸箱向观众讲解。", "一个男人打开纸盒,拿出里面的东西还在说话。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在打开一个纸箱子。", "在一个房子里面,有一个男人打开了一个箱子,从箱子里面拿出了一个东西。", "一个男人正从大箱子里拿出自行车的零部件。", "一个男人拆开了一个箱子并从箱子里拿出了一件东西。", "一名男子打开盒子, 一边解释, 一边拿出盒子里的东西。", "这个人正在解开拳击的一个大工具, 像他一样说话。", "一个男人打开一个盒子,把手伸进盒子拿起一个物品,然后将物品放在桌子上。" ]
[ "A young man uses a small tool to adjust the brakes on a mountain bike.", "A boy is using a tool for fix a wheel on his bike.", "A person uses a tool to adjust the breaks on a bike tire.", "A person is adjusting the brakes on a bike wheel with a tool.", "A young male is working on the brake of his bicycle.", "A video of someone trying to fix a bicycle at night with a multitool.", "An upside down bike is on the ground and then person is applying a lock to the wheel.", "a person outside next to a bike looking and examining the tire using a tool", "Someone demonstrates the use of a screwdriver to repair the back tire of a bicycle.", "A person says \"here is how to fix breaks\" and then proceeds to attach a tool to a bike wheel." ]
[ "明亮的室外,一只手正在修理一台自行车。", "一名男子在修理车胎都已经磨平的自行车。", "一辆自行车放在门口,一个人在用工具修理着自行车的前轮。", "一个轮胎沾满泥土的自行车被一只手在锁子上放了一个东西。", "地面上放着一辆自行车,一只手拿着一把工具在拧自行车后车刹车。", "在晚上,有人试图录制用多功能工具修理自行车片段。", "人们正在给放在室外的一辆自行车上锁。", "一个人在自行车旁边看, 用工具检查轮胎。", "有人演示了用螺丝刀修理自行车后胎的方法。", "一个人正在使用工具修理一辆自行车的后轮。" ]
[ "A man is demonstrating how to clean and maintenance your bicycle.", "A man is giving tips on how to clean a bike properly.", "A man is showing how to clean a bicycle with water and a toothbrush.", "A person demonstrates cleaning a bike using a toothbrush and a water bottle.", "A persons scrubs a bike with a toothbrush, then cleans another using a water bottle.", "A couple of guys are oiling and working on a broke bicycle.", "A man demonstrates how to do routine maintenance on them.", "A video demonstrating how to care and maintain a bike.", "A Florida trail rider is cleaning off their bike with water.", "A man shows how to clean his bike with a tooth brush." ]
[ "一个人正在用牙刷清理着自行车齿轮。", "一个人正用牙刷刷自行车连接处,然后用水冲洗车的轮胎。", "一个人拿着水管在冲洗一部自行车。", "一个人用牙刷清理金属孔洞,让后俩个人一起用水清洗自行车。", "一个人穿着白色上衣的人正在洗自己的车子。", "有几个人正在给一辆破自行车上游油。", "一个男人演示如何对自行车进行日常维护。", "一个视频演示了如何保养和维护自行车。", "一名赛车手正在用牙刷喝水清洗他的自行车。", "一个男人展示了如何用牙刷清洁他的自行车。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to remove a \"quick\" line from a bicycle", "A man in a small shop works on a bicycle.", "A man works on a bicycle wheel inside of a shop.", "A guy is teaching how to fix a bicycle and is saying to cut and shorten the chain", "A young man wearing a hat works on a racing bicycle in a shop.", "A bike mechanic adjusts the rear derailleur on a bicycle in a workshop.", "A man is repairing the bike using the tools and testing .", "A person in a workshop adjusts a bicycle using hand tools and spins the back wheel.", "The video described how the man had a link took out of the chain and adjusted the bike to it.", "Someone working on small repairs to a bike while in front of several tools." ]
[ "在一个工作间里,墙上摆满了各种工具,有一辆自行车被挂在了中间的工作台上,一个戴帽子的人在对这个自行车进行修理。", "一名黑色衣服带着眼镜和帽子的男子在修理一辆自行车。", "一个工人在布满工具的房间里安装自行车。", "一个男人在放满工具的房间里,摆弄一辆山地车。", "一个男人在屋里修理自行车,墙上挂着很多维修工具。", "一名自行车机械师在车间里调整自行车上的后变速器。", "一个男人正在用工具修理自行车,一边还测试自行车。", "车间里有个人使用手动工具调整自行车并旋转后轮。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在车间里修理自行车。", "一名维修工人正在修理一辆坏自行车。" ]
[ "A man wearing bright blue gloves is pedaling a bicycle with his hands.", "A man uses a wrench to adjust pedals on a two wheel bicycle, as he spins them.", "A man wearing blue gloves is using tools to adjust a bicycle.", "A person wearing rubber gloves spins bike pedals around with a wrench.", "A person uses a wrench to turn the peddle of a bicycle.", "A man is shown using a wrench on a bike pedal.", "A person tightens the footrest on his bicycle using a spanner", "While standing on cardboard, a man is testing the pedals on a bicycle.", "A person was fixing the pedals on a bike while wearing blue gloves.", "A young man is tightening the pedal of a bike onto the foot- arm that connects the pedal to the bike's frame." ]
[ "一个穿着红色格子衣服的人在调试自行车的链条。", "一个戴着橡胶手套的男子正在修自行车的脚踏。", "一个穿着红色格子卦的男子在对一辆自行车维修着。", "一个戴着手套的人拿着扳手在自行车脚蹬上转动。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人正在扭山地车。", "一个男人用一把扳手放在自行车的脚踏板上在旋转脚踏板。", "一个人用扳手把自行车上的脚踏板收紧。", "一个男人站在纸板上测试自行车的脚踏板。", "一个人正在骑着一辆蓝色的手套在自行车上修脚踏板。", "一名年轻男子正将自行车的脚踏板拧紧到自行车车架的脚臂上。" ]
[ "A man is showing how to adjust a bicycle seat with a tool.", "A man works to tighten a bike seat onto it's spot", "An individual is using a ratchet to work on the seat of a bicycle.", "A man is explaining how to apply a bicycle seat properly.", "A guy is demonstrating how to tighten a bicycle seat with a socket wrench.", "a man uses a tool to adjust the seat of a bicycle in a bike shop.", "A guy is assembling a seat onto a bicycle with a wrench.", "A man screws on the seat of a bike, talking about what he is doing.", "A man is showing how to tighten a bike's seat down more.", "A person using a wrench is adjusting the seat cushion of a bike." ]
[ "一个身穿灰色上衣蓝色短裤的男人在摆弄自行车。", "一个人拿着工具在调节自行车的座椅。", "在房间,一个人正在用扳手给自行车拧螺丝。", "一个男人正在修理自行车,身后的墙上有挂件。", "一个穿着格子短裤的男人正拿着工具在调整自行车座。", "一名男子使用工具在调整自行车座椅高度。", "一个男人正在用扳手扭着自行车坐垫下面的螺丝。", "一个男人在自行车的座位上拧紧, 谈论他在做什么。", "一名男子正在展示如何勒紧自行车座椅。", "一个男人正在用扳手调整自行车的坐垫。" ]
[ "A man in a studio is assembling a custom bicycle.", "A man demonstrates how to build and assemble a bicycle using various bicycle parts.", "A guy stands at a bike frame and puts it all the parts onto it.", "A man assembles a bike together in a room with music playing over.", "A man shows how he assembles a bicycle with every parts.", "A man in a room is a assembling bicycle parts while music is playing in the background.", "A man is putting together a bicycle while music is being played.", "A guy in a loud orange shirt puts together a very complicated bike.", "A man in blue jeans and a sweater is building a bike from scratch.", "A man is putting assembling and putting the parts to his bike." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在拼接一辆自行车。", "一个男子在组装一辆白色的自行车。", "一个男人正在用工具认真地制造着什么。", "一个男子在设计着一种自行车的模型。", "一个男人在一间大房子里独自组装一辆白色的自行车。", "在房间里,一个男人正在组装自行车零件,儿音乐在后台播放。", "音乐播放时,一个男人正在组装自行车。", "一个穿着橙色衬衫的男人把一辆非常复杂的自行车很快的组合到一起。", "一个穿蓝色牛仔裤的男人在建造一辆自行车。", "一个男子正在把零件装配到他的自行车上。" ]
[ "A man is kneeling next to a bike and repairing the pedal.", "A man is adjusting his bicycle in a garage.", "A man works on assembling a bicycle in front of a Guinness poster.", "A man puts a chain on a bicycle, exactly the same.", "A man repairs a bicycle at his bike shop.", "A man squatting while repairing a bicycle in the garage and stands when finished.", "A man is indoors in a workshop or garage, speaking about doing some kind of work on a bicycle", "A man is sitting near a bicycle giving instructions while working on it.", "A man kneels on the ground while fixing something on a bike", "A man works on fixing a part of his bike in a garage." ]
[ "一个中年男人在修理自己的自行车。", "一个男人蹲在地上涂抹着一个物体。", "一个身着黑色上衣的男子正蹲在地上打理着自己的自行车。", "有志向的自行车达人在对自行车改装实验。", "一个房间里一个人在修一辆自行车,然后站起擦手。", "一名男子蹲在车库修理自行车,结束时站着。", "一个男人在房间里修理着他的自行车。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正坐在一辆自行车旁边,一边工作着一边说话描述。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正跪在地上修理自行车。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男人正在车库里修理他的自行车。" ]
[ "A person putting together a bicycle while pop music plays.", "A person is assembling a yellow bike with black tires.", "In sped-up motion a person attaches a wheel to a bicycle frame.", "A man is assembling a bicycle in a shop with music playing in the background.", "A man assembles the handle bars and front wheel of a bicycle in a time lapse sequence.", "Someone next to a brick wall in putting tires on a yellow bike.", "A man adjusts and assembles a yellow bike frame outside.", "A man is taking apart a yellow bike with black tires.", "A man is shown in time lapse working on a neon colored bicycle.", "A sped up video showing the process of putting together pieces to a BMX bike with music in the background." ]
[ "一个戴帽子的男孩拿着工具在组装一辆自行车。", "一位男子利用工具在组装一辆黄色自行车,先装了把手,后开始组装轮胎。", "一个男人正在给自行车进行组装,已经把轮子装上去了。", "一个穿着短袖,戴着帽子的男人在安装自行车。", "一个戴着帽子的男人,在户外安装自行车。", "一个男人在砖墙旁边把零件组装到黄色自行车上。", "一个男人在外面调整自行车的龙头,并且给车架安装了前车轮。", "一个男子正在给一辆黄色自行车安装自行车的前轮子。", "在时间流逝中,一个人正在组装霓虹色的自行车。", "一个快速的视频播放,视频中一个男子正在用工具修理自行车。" ]
[ "a man is using a zip tie to wrap a battery around a bike tire", "A person uses zip ties to attach an item to bicycle spokes.", "A person attached an object to the spike of a bicycle", "a man giving instructions on how to tie something on a bicycle wheel while demonstrating", "The guy is trying to tie an object on the wheels using a zip tie.", "A man is putting a zip tie on a controller of a wheel of a bicycle.", "A man explaining how to install a battery to a bicycle ring", "A zip tie is being put on the wheel of a bicycle.", "A man is giving directions about how to put something on a bicycle.", "A man is zip tying something to a bike tire as he describes what he is doing." ]
[ "一个人正在示范,如何将一个电池盒固定在自行车轮毂上。", "一个人在车轮里面的侧方绑上了一个盒子。", "一个人在一个自行车的车轮上绑上了一个盒子状的东西。", "一个人在自行车绿色车轱辘上绑了东西。", "一个人在室内用绳子将一个东西固定在绿色的自行车上。", "一个男人把拉链系到自行车的车轮的控制器上。", "一个男人解释如何在自行车环上安装电池。", "一个人在边说话边将一条拉链系在自行车的轮子上面。", "一个男人正在指示如何把东西放在自行车上。", "一个男人在描述自己正在把东西绑在一辆自行车轮胎上。" ]
[ "A technician demonstrates how to tighten spokes on a bike wheel.", "A man is demonstrating how to fix the wheel with the tool in his hand.", "A person is demonstrating how to fix a wheel using some tools.", "A guy is demonstrating how to fix the centre of the bicycle with a piece of tool", "Someone explains how to tighten bolts on a spoked wheel.", "A man explains how to tighten a bike wheel when fixing it.", "A man demonstrates and explains the process of tightening spokes on a bike.", "A person is shown fixing a bike tire outside with a tool.", "a man is showing you how to take a wheel apart and how to tighten or untighten it", "A guy is talking about how to tighten bike spokes with a wrench." ]
[ "一个人正拿着工具在解说如何修理自行车的轮子。", "一个男的正在拿着一个小工具讲解如何弄自行车轮轴。", "自行车的轮胎,轴承之间的铁圈,一只手拿着工具指向那里。", "一个穿着牛仔裤的人,手上拿着工具在组装自行车轮。", "一只手握着工具,其中一根手指在轮子的中间点来点去。", "一个男人解释了在修理自行车时如何拧紧车轮。", "一名男子演示了在自行车上收紧辐条的过程。", "一个男子正在讲解自行车刹车片的维修。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的男人正在拆卸自行车。", "一个家伙正在谈论如何用扳手来收紧自行车辐条。" ]
[ "A woman is tightening a bike tire on and then hooks the brakes up as she is describing what she is doing.", "A woman explaining how to fix the breaks on a bike.", "A woman is kneeling down and adjusting parts of her bike.", "a young girl is repairing a bicycle and explaining how to reinstall the front wheel brake", "A woman is adjusting the cables on the wheel of a bicycle.", "A woman is providing instruction on how to put bike back together after changing tire.", "A woman with a british accent explaining how to setup brakes on a bicycle", "A woman is outside demonstrating how to reattach the brakes to her bicycle.", "A woman describes the process of reattaching the brakes to her bike.", "A girl finishes installing the front tire on her bike, and then she reattaches the brakes." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在安装自行车。", "一个穿蓝色外套的女子一边讲解一边用工具维修自行车。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女的蹲在自行车的前面修理刹车。", "一个穿着蓝色外套的女人正在修理自行车。", "一个女生在徒手组装自行车的闸,并且一边在讲解。", "一名女子正在示范如何在换胎后将自行车重新组装起来。", "一个带着英国口音的女人在解释如何在自行车上设置刹车。", "一个女人正在外面示范如何将她的自行车的刹车接上。", "一个女子蹲在地上给自行车重新接上刹车线。", "一个女人蹲在室外的草地上修理自行车轮胎。" ]
[ "Man in a blue shirt fixes a bike wheel.", "A person is explaining how to fix some brakes on a bicycle.", "A young man repairs a bicycle, testing the wheels' stability.", "A man describes how to fix or operate a bicycle tire.", "A man is connecting cables in an attempt to fix a bike wheel.", "A man uses a tool to fix the wheel on a bicycle.", "A guy sits next to a bike and uses a tool to tighten the tire screws.", "A bike mechanic makes a wheel straight by adjusting the spokes.", "A man is fixing a bicycle while talking about it and then spins the wheel.", "A man tightens a tire on a bicycle and then spins the wheel with his hands." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个男人正在修车轮。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男子检查了一下自行车,然后转动了自行车的一只轮胎,又用手触摸了一下转动的轮胎。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人蹲在地上修一辆自行车。", "一个穿着蓝色背心的男人,在修理一辆自行车。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人在微信自行车。", "一个男人使用工具修理自行车的轮子。", "在室内,一个穿蓝色衣服的人在修理一辆自行车。", "一名自行车修理工通过调整车条使车轮条变成直线。", "一个人在修理自行车的时候谈论它, 然后旋转轮子。", "一名男子用自行车收紧轮胎,然后用手转动轮子。" ]
[ "A person using a tool to tighten the brake levers on a bicycle.", "A guy gives a turotial video on how to tighten brake levers and shifters on a bike.", "A man explains how to tighten brakes on a bikes handle bars.", "A man is discussing how to tighten the handle bars on a bicycle.", "A man discussing how to tighten hand brakes while demonstrating on a bicycle.", "A man holding a Allen key tightened the bike handle with it", "A person is tightening brake levers and shifters on a bicycle handlebar.", "A man holding a tool uses it to tighten screws on a bicycle.", "A man is talking as he demonstrates how to adjust and tighten the brakes.", "A tutorian on taking care of a bicycle, showing someone tightening handlebars." ]
[ "一个人使用螺丝刀把一个机器上的螺丝扭紧。", "一个男人正在用一个螺丝刀组装一台机器。", "一个人手里拿着螺丝刀在拧自行车把上的螺丝。", "在明亮的房间里,有一只手放在一辆黑色自行车上。", "一个人正在用专业的工具调整自行车把。", "一名男子拿着艾伦钥匙并讲解如何拉紧自行车手柄。", "一个人正在用工具拧紧一辆自行车把手上的螺丝。", "一个男人拿着工具用它来拧紧自行车上的螺丝。", "一个男人正在说话,他演示了如何调整和收紧刹车。", "一个人用着手上的板子拧动着自行车车把上的螺丝。" ]
[ "Someone is talking about traction and stability in a bike tyre.", "A man talks about bike wheels that can get more traction.", "A young man touches a bike tire while talking about traction and stability bike riding.", "A person describes the ways tire size and pressure can affect bike performance.", "A person is handling a bike tire and talking into a camera.", "A person shows a bike tire and talks about traction and stability.", "A man holds on to a bicycle tire while explaining the benefits of having a good bike tire.", "A man is holding a bicycle tire while describing the properties of the tire.", "A boy explains options for getting better traction on a bike.", "A boy describes parts of his bike while it's displayed for the camera." ]
[ "灰暗的房间里两只手扶着一个自行车的车轱辘。", "一个人把右手放在一辆蓝色自行车前轮处说话,之后拿开。", "一个人正在用手抚摸着自行车的轮胎,并且不停地说着话。", "在室内一直手抓着蓝色自行车的轮胎。", "一个人正在用手扶着一辆蓝色车子的轮胎。", "一个人展示了一个自行车的轮胎,并谈论牵引力和稳定性。", "一名男子坚持自行车轮胎,同时解释了拥有一辆好自行车轮胎的好处。", "一名男子手里握着轮胎,并描述着轮胎的属性。", "一个男孩解释了在自行车上获得更好的牵引力的选择。", "一只手抚在一个紫色自行车的黑色轮子上。" ]
[ "Someone is tightening bolts to put light reflectors on a bike.", "A guy is shown taking off a piece of a bicycle wheel and then going to the next step.", "An individual is demonstrating how to assemble front end caps on a bicycle.", "A man is fitting a part to the wheel of a bicycle.", "Someone tinkers with the end caps on a Bike wheel.", "A person works on a bike tire and shows us a special part.", "A man removes a component of a bike as he explains what he's doing.", "A person is screwing on an accessory for there bike.", "A man explains some adjustment to a bicycle's wheel.", "A person attaches a piece onto the wheel of a bicycle." ]
[ "一个人正在安装自行车车轮,没有安装上。", "一个人正在给自行车钢圈上一个有这红色点缀的轮盘。", "一个戴着手表的人正在修自行车的车轮。", "一个人手上拿着工具,调节着圆形零件。", "在一个房间里面,有一个人正在组装着东西。", "一个人在自行车轮胎上卸下一个零件,并且展示了一个特别的零件。", "一个男人在解释自己在做什么的时候,把自行车的一个部件移开。", "一个人正在扭动自行车的车轴,把一个配件取了出来。", "一个男人讲解并对自行车车轮进行一些调整。", "一个人把一块东西拴在自行车的轮子上.。" ]
[ "A man tightening a nut of a metallic structure with his hands", "A person is adjusting the knobs of a metal framed object.", "A man trying to explain how to assemble a gadget inside a workshop", "A man looks to be tightening an object while doing a demonstration on proper techniques.", "A man tightens a bottom bracket cup on a bicycle frame", "A man is twisting a piece of material on a piece of equipment.", "A man wearin a t-shirt, adjusts a joint of a black metal frame.", "a man tightening a bolt on some kind of equipment.", "A man is adjusting a piece of equipment while explaining what should be done.", "a man is tightening a nut on an equipment while explaining it." ]
[ "一个人正在操作着铁木的螺丝,一直不停的操作。", "一个戴手表的人正在拧架子上的旋转钮。", "一个人站在地上用一只手在缓慢的拧动机械上面的螺丝。", "一个戴手表的人在机器面前试图拧紧机器上的螺丝。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人在领黑色架子上的螺丝。", "一个人正在一件设备上扭动一个零件。", "一名男子穿着一件t恤,调整一个黑色金属框的接合处。", "一个人在某种设备上拧紧了一个螺栓。", "一名男子正在调整一件设备,同时解释应该做什么。", "一个男人站在架子旁将架子上的一个螺母拧紧。" ]
[ "A young man uses a ratchet to tighten a peg on a bicycle wheel.", "A person is using a wrench on a bicycle wheel.", "In a room is a person adjusting one of the wheels of a bicycle", "A man is making tight of the bicycle wheel by screw driver.", "A man using a special tool to tighten the screw for his bike tyre.", "A man is showing how to turn the large screw and nut on a bicycle wheel.", "A person uses a ratchet to tighten a bolt on the back tire of a bike in a workshop.", "A young man showing the proper way to work on a bicycle tire.", "A person uses a tool in order to tighten the back tire of a bicycle.", "A boy uses a ratchet to tighten his bike tire onto the bike." ]
[ "一个人拿着工具,在一个房间里修自行车的轮胎。", "手上拿着一个工具对着自行车的轴进行扭动。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在拿着工具弄东西。", "一个人手上拿着工具,在修理自行车轮胎。", "一个人正在用工具修理自行车轮胎。", "一个人正在演示如何利用套筒扳手转动自行车车轮上的大螺丝和螺母。", "一个人在房间里面用扳手拧紧自行车后轮上的螺栓。", "一个年轻人用手拿着工具正在展示自行车轮胎的正确工作方式。", "一个人使用一种工具来收紧自行车的后轮胎。", "一个人在用棘轮吧自行车轮胎拧紧在自行车上。" ]
[ "Someone takes apart part of a bike wheel to fix it.", "A man using a screwdriver to remove the spokes on his bike to do some work on it.", "A person is sitting down using a screw driver to work on a bike wheel.", "A man working on a bicycle wheel trying to fix the metal part.", "A man is talking as he repairs a bicycle with a tool.", "a person manipulates the spokes of a bike for some reason", "A man removes the spokes from a bicycle wheel", "A man is taking pieces of metal and making the spokes of a wheel.", "Someone is fixing the spokes on the rim of a bike tire while dog barks.", "A gentleman is working on fixing the spokes of a bicycle." ]
[ "在一个室内,一个人正在使用工具修车轮。", "一个人正在播放修自行车,看到自行车钢丝断开了怎么修补。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在修理自己的车子。", "一个人正用手拿着一根铁丝戳一个自行车的轮子。", "明亮的房间内,一名身穿黑色外套的人,双手正在触摸一个车圈。", "一个人正在双手拆卸自行车的辐条。", "一名男子正在演示如何从自行车轮上取下辐条。", "一个人拿着一些金属片做成一个轮子的辐条。", "狗在叫有人正在修理自行车轮胎边缘的辐条。", "一个人坐在凳子上面正在修理自行车。" ]
[ "A person is using a wrench to adjust handlebars on a bicycle.", "A person is using a socket tool to tighten the handle bars of a bicycle.", "a man in a garage is turning A BOLT WITH A WRENCH ON HIS BIKE", "A person uses a special tool to tighten a part of a bmx bike.", "A person in the background is adjusting a small bike.", "A person is using a wrench and working on a bicycle to fix it.", "A man is using a wrench to tighten the handle bar on the bike.", "A man uses a tool to tighten a nut on a bike that is being fixed.", "A person demonstrates the way to align and tighten the forks on a bicycle.", "A person is using a wrench to tighten the handlebars on a bike." ]
[ "一个人坐在车上不停的搅动着车上的螺丝。", "一个人在用工具调试自行车的把手。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的人在室内修理自行车。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在室内弄自行车。", "一个人在修理自行车的前把,螺丝是顺时针拧紧的。", "一个人正在使用扳手修理自行车的把手。", "一个男人正在用一个扳手不停的扭动自行车。", "一个男人正在用工具拧紧自行车上的螺母。", "一个小男孩正在房间内修理着他的自行车。", "一个人正在用扳手拧紧自行车上的把手。" ]
[ "A man moves around a bicycle that is next to a wall.", "A person is showcasing a red and white bike, the bike seems that its high quality.", "A person is showing parts of a bike that's parked.", "A man showing off his bike that he uses to ride mountains on", "A mountain bike is being panned over by the camera before a persons hand rests on the handle", "A bike is shown from the back of the bike to the front of the bike.", "A pedal, cycle chain and steering are all shown very closely and then the complete bicycle is shown", "Someone is looking at a red and white bike in a garage.", "Different parts of a bike are being shown close up.", "A person is showing how there bikes are oiled up." ]
[ "一辆自行车停靠在墙边,一个人伸出手碰了碰自行车。", "一个男人正在展示他的白色山地自行车给大家看。", "一个人在反复检查一辆白色的自行车。", "在一个明亮的室内,地板上放着一辆自行车。", "一辆自行车停靠在房间里的地面上。", "从自行车后部倒自行车前部显示有一辆自行车。", "踏板、自行车链和转向系统都会非常紧密地显示出来,然后展示整个自行车。", "有人在车库里看一辆红白相间的自行车。", "一个黄色的墙面旁有一辆白色的山地车。", "一个人正在展示自行车是如何上油的。" ]
[ "A person is attaching the front tire to a bicycle.", "A person is tightening the brakes on a girls pink bike.", "A person shows how to tighten a bolt on a bicycle.", "A man explains and demonstraits how to take a bolt off of a baby pink girls bike.", "A man is show how to put a wire on a bike and explaining it as he goes.", "Someone using a hand tool to adjust the front brakes on a bicycle.", "A person is unscrewing parts of a pink bike to fix it.", "A person is showing how to fix a bike from hand.", "A person is adjusting the brakes on a pink bicycle.", "A man verbal instructs how to attach a bicycle part." ]
[ "一个人拿着扳手在给一辆粉色的自行车拧螺丝。", "一个男人的给粉色自行车的螺丝扭紧。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的人正在修理着自行车。", "一个人的一只手抓着车轮,另一只手在车轮处修理。", "白色的墙壁边,一双手拿着板子,在安装一台自行车。", "一个人手拿工具修理自行车的前刹车。", "一个人正在演示如何卸掉一辆粉色自行车的零件。", "一个人正在演示如何使用工具修理自行车。", "一个人正在调整粉红色自行车上的刹车。", "一个人手上拿着工具正咋对着一台自行车做修理。" ]