[ "A baby wearing a diaper repeatedly adjusts a pair of glasses to correct position on its face while a hand keeps moving the glasses to the forehead and the end of the baby's nose.", "A video of a a baby wearing a pair of glasses and keeps flipping them back on after someone flips the glasses up.", "A man plays with a baby's glasses by moving them up and down on his face.", "a man is playing with eye glasses that a baby is trying to wear", "Baby is enjoying with his glasses by adjusting to right place when other person is moving it.", "A baby boy constantly adjusts his blue-rimmed eye-glasses when moved by someone.", "A baby is getting their glasses played with as they sit in the bed.", "a little kid is wearing glasses and another person is taking them off", "A person raises a pair of glasses on a baby's face, and the baby puts them back down.", "A baby continuously readjusts his glasses as someone skews them on his head." ]
[ "一个人把小男孩的眼镜一会取下来一会戴上去。", "一个人和戴着眼镜的小宝宝在玩宝宝戴着的眼镜。", "有个赤裸上身的小孩带着蓝紫色框的眼镜。", "一个穿浅色衣服的人戴着不舒服的眼镜。", "一个光着上身的小男孩正戴着眼镜坐着。", "一个戴眼镜的男婴在被人移动过自己的眼睛后,自己不断的在调整。", "一个婴儿坐在床上,一个大人不停的去碰他的眼镜。", "一个小孩戴着眼镜,另一个人正在把它摘下来。", "一个没穿衣服的婴儿正戴着眼镜在室内玩耍。", "一只手正在挑逗一个婴儿戴的眼镜,不停的上下摆弄。" ]
[ "A doctor is placing magnifying surgical loupes on a wooden table.", "A man is demonstrating a pair of magnifying glasses and saying how to ensure a snug fit.", "A man rotates a pair of glasses then puts them down while talking.", "A man holds a pair of eyeglasses and describes how to adjust them.", "A person talks about how to ensure a snug fit with a pair of specialized glasses.", "A professional demonstration of glasses with microscopic attachments on the lenses ends.", "A man talks about a special eyewear for an ad for orascopes.", "Someone is holding a pair of glasses and then turns them over and sets them down.", "A man is demonstrating how to adjust eyeglasses to ensure a snug fit.", "A man teaching how to put together a pair of glasses" ]
[ "一个男人正将一副具有特殊功能的眼镜放于桌子上。", "一个男人摆弄着一个特制的眼镜,并摆在了桌上。", "房间里一个戴着手表的人正往桌上放着一个工具。", "在干净的桌面上,有一双手摆弄着一副眼镜。", "一双手拿着一个黑色的类似眼镜的东西摆放在桌子上。", "一个专业的示范玻璃附件在镜片末端。", "一个男人把一个特殊的眼镜放在了桌子上。", "有人拿着一副眼镜, 然后把它们翻过来, 放下。", "一名男子正在展示如何调整眼镜以确保舒适贴合。", "一个人教学如何把一副眼镜放在一起。" ]
[ "A man in a restroom is cleaning his glasses with a wipe.", "A man is filmed adjusting something in order to fix it.", "A video of a man trying to fix broken glasses in a bathroom", "A man uses a small screwdriver to repair a pair of glasses.", "a person standing up and messing with wires that go to a machine", "A man is standing at a counter, fixing a pair of eyeglasses", "The man is trying to fix his broken eyeglass in the bathroom.", "A man holds a pair of glasses and is fixing them with a hand held tool.", "A man fixing a pair of glasses with his hands and with the table.", "A man is cleaning and repairing a pair of glasses with his hands." ]
[ "一个身穿条纹长衬衣的男人正在修理眼镜。", "一名男子正用力地将一台机器的两股线连接在一起。", "一个身穿灰色衬衣的男子,正在修理一个眼镜。", "一个男人拿着螺丝刀修理着一副眼镜。", "一个穿着衬衫的男人正在摆弄着眼镜。", "在柜台前,有一个男人正在修理一副眼镜。", "那个男人正试图在浴室里修理破碎的眼镜。", "一个男人拿着一副眼镜,正在用手持工具修理它们。", "一个男人用他的双手和桌子固定一副眼镜。", "一个长着胡子的男人手里拿着工具修理一副眼镜。" ]
[ "A young girl is vlogging about a challenge involving moving the glasses on her face.", "A blond teenage girl wearing eyeglasses is talking into the camera.", "A rambunctious young girl records herself as she laughingly describes a challenge in which she raises her glasses to her forehead and initiates them to falling back into place onto her nose using a facial gesture.", "A girl makes funny faces so her glasses will fall of the top of her head.", "A girl on the bus talking and lifting up glasses.", "A girl puts her eyeglasses on top of her head and then they fall to her face for a challenge.", "A young girl is filming herself making faces, explaining how she's doing a challenge.", "A young girl is making funny faces at the camera.", "a young girl looks into a camera and yells as loud as she can", "A girl is making weird funny faces and pulls her hair back." ]
[ "一个带着太阳镜的小女孩摘下镜子对着镜头说话。", "一个女孩在室内一边讲话,一边将眼镜移动到额头上。", "一个戴着眼镜的长头发女孩在房间里说话。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个小女孩在说话。", "一个带着眼镜的金发女人嘴在动手比划着,然后把眼镜移到头顶,边说边做着动作。。", "一个女孩把眼镜放在头顶上,然后眼镜掉到她脸上去接受挑战。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子正在不停的做着鬼脸。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子正在不停的说话,然后做搞笑的表情。", "一个年轻女孩盯着手机,发出很大的声音。", "一个女孩子做着奇怪的鬼脸,用手把头发往后拉。" ]
[ "A man repairing a pair of reading glasses with his different tools on the table.", "A young man works in a optical shop preparing prescription glasses.", "A man is using tools to work on a pair of eyeglasses.", "A man lays out a set of tools on a table in order to make repairs to a pair of glasses.", "A man seated is adjusting eye glasses while there is noise in the background.", "Man sitting at a table with small tools and a pair of glasses.", "A guy with white shirt on is repairing the glasses with some tools on the table", "A young man who looks to practice medicine picks up and puts down various tools", "A man makes adjustments or repairs to a pair of eye glasses.", "A man is in a workshop repairing a pair of eyeglasses." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正拿着工具修理着眼镜。", "一个男人在修理一副眼镜,修好之后把眼镜放到桌子上展示。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在修理眼镜。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着白色衣服的人坐在桌边弄眼镜。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男子正坐在桌子跟前用工具修理眼镜。", "一个男人坐在桌子旁,拿着小工资和一副眼镜。", "一个男人用手里的工具在修理手上的眼镜,然后把眼镜放在了桌子上。", "一个想行医的年轻人,拿起各种工具在修理眼镜。", "一个白衣服男人对一副眼镜进行调整或修理。", "一个男人正在车间的桌子上修一副眼镜。" ]
[ "A man is showing how to raise the nose guard on eye wear.", "A man gives a demonstration on how to adjust the nose pads on a pair of glasses.", "A man is showing how to adjust the nose pads on a pair of glasses.", "A guy is showing how to adjust the nose pads on a pair of glasses.", "A man in a white medical coat holds glasses and gives instructions on adjusting facial placement.", "A person is squeezing the inner part of glasses.", "A man demonstrates how to adjust the nose pads on a pair of glasses to make them more comfortable.", "A person is showing how to make an adjustment to eyeglasses.", "Someone showing how to adjust the nose pads on eye glasses.", "A man sitting a table is discussing an adjustment someone can make on glasses." ]
[ "一个男人在展示一副蓝色金属框眼镜。", "一个白衣服男人正在摆弄着一个蓝色镜框的眼镜,并说着话。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在修黑色的眼镜。", "有一个身穿浅色衣服的人拿着眼镜在桌子上。", "一个人在哪里用手拿着眼睛,并用两只手在哪里挤眼睛上的东西。", "一个人正在用双手挤压一个眼镜的内部。", "一个男人演示如何调整一副眼镜上的鼻垫, 使它们更舒适。", "一个人正在展示如何对眼镜进行调整。", "一个人在示范如何调整眼镜上的护鼻垫。", "一个人正在演示如何在眼镜上做出调整。" ]
[ "A person demonstrates the flexibility of a pair of glasses by squeezing them and bending them.", "A person holds a pair of glasses in his hands and bends the frame and the ear pieces to display its flexibility.", "A man is bending and flexing eye glasses while holding onto it.", "A person hold a pair of glasses and bends them in different ways.", "Tow hands fold glasses different ways to demonstrate how unbreakable they are.", "Someone is showing eye glasses printed 'Dunlop' and flexible in any way it is pressed.", "A male is holding a pair of glasses and is bending them several ways to show the flexibility of the metal.", "A pair of hands holding eyeglasses start to bend the frame showing it return to it's original state as someone speaks in the background.", "A man is holding a pair of glasses and showing how they can bend in any direction.", "A black pair of glasses are being bent with a hand." ]
[ "一个人在展示他手中眼镜框的韧性。", "一双手拿着一副眼镜捏着镜框和镜架,变形后都复原了。", "一个人正在来回的折叠着一副眼镜。", "一个人拿着眼镜来回折叠手中的眼镜。", "一个人用力把眼镜弯曲到变形,只要一松手眼镜就恢复了原来的形状。", "一个人正在展示印着‘邓禄普’的眼镜,无论任何方式按压都会有弹性。", "一个人拿着一副眼镜试图将它折断掰弯。", "一个人双手握着眼镜开始弯曲框架,然后它又恢复到原来的状态。", "一个男人拿着一副眼镜, 展示它们如何向任何方向弯曲。", "一副黑色的眼镜正在被一只手弯曲着。" ]
[ "A woman is trying on different glasses and seeing which one is better.", "An Asian girl with glasses looking at the camera and talking about different styles of glasses", "A girl with glasses puts on different types of glasses.", "A woman holds a pair of glasses on her face and then switches them for a larger pair.", "A girl is talking while adjusting her glasses then putting on another pair", "A girl sescribes the effect of the glasses she is wearing and why she chose them, then switches to another pair.", "A girl is adjusting her glasses and explaining what they do for her face. She then shows off another pair of glasses.", "A girl showing several types of eyeglasses and their benefits.", "A girl is explaining how she wants to ware her eye glasses.", "A woman showing how different eyeglasses look on her face." ]
[ "一个双马尾的女人戴着黑色的眼镜在说些什么。", "一个女人正在讲述试戴不同的眼镜。", "一个黑色长发女孩将两副不同颜色的眼镜戴在眼上展示。", "一个手上戴着戒指的女孩,在戴各种款式的眼镜。", "一个戴眼镜的女孩在镜头前讲着,然后换了另外一副镜框。", "一个女孩描述了她戴眼镜的效果以及选择它们的原因,然后换另一副眼镜。", "一个女孩房间里尝试着不同的眼镜。", "一个女孩正在展示她佩戴几种类型的眼镜并讲述每种眼镜的好处。", "一个戴着眼镜的女孩正坐在房间内展示他的各种眼镜。", "一个女人展示了眼镜在她脸上的样子。" ]
[ "Two men are sitting on a sofa wearing sunglasses while one of the men is talking.", "A man speaks and gestures with his hands and another man gets up and touches something.", "A man is talking while another one is adjusting his glasses.", "Two men are sitting tugging on their shades while sitting on the couch", "Two men wearing purple sunglasses indoors talk to the camera.", "Two men are speaking about purple glasses and say \"see you later\".", "Two men seated with dark glasses are seated on a couch talking about wearing glasses.", "Two guys making a video of themselves wearing purple sunglasses.", "Two men are seated on a couch wearing purple sunglasses.", "Two men sitting on the floor in front of the couch give advice." ]
[ "一个男人在说话,旁边的男人用手推了推自己戴的眼镜。", "两位带着墨镜的男人坐在沙发上讲话。", "两个戴着墨镜的男人坐在沙发上,其中穿蓝色衣服的男人一直讲话。", "有两名男子戴着墨镜,其中一位穿着绿色短袖。", "在一个明亮的室内,两个男人嘴巴正在一张一合的动着。", "两名男子正在讨论紫色眼镜并且说“以后见”。", "两个戴墨镜的男人坐在沙发上谈论戴眼镜的事情。", "两个男人在拍自己戴着紫色太阳镜的录像。", "两个男人戴着太阳镜坐在沙发上说话。", "两个男人坐在沙发上正在互相谈论着。" ]
[ "A model is doing an advertisement for eyewear 'Eye Spot'.", "A woman touches the eyeglasses she is wearing and then talks to the camera.", "In an opticians shop a female is standing with glasses on talking about the wearing of glasses.", "A woman is talking and putting on a pair of eyeglasses.", "A woman wearing a glasses and said she felt inspired", "A woman puts on glasses and she feels inspired after wearing them.", "A commercial for eye wear begins with a woman talking about a pair of glasses.", "a woman in a room talking and messing with her glasses", "A woman tells about her glasses and how she feels when wearing them.", "A woman standing next to a wall with multiple pairs of glasses and she trys on a pair." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个女人,说着话,把一副眼镜待在眼睛上。", "一位女士在录像前面戴上一副眼镜说着一些话,之后出来一条网址。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在眼镜店里戴眼镜。", "一个穿着西装外套的长发女人在戴眼镜。", "一个穿着深蓝色外套戴着眼镜的女子正在站着说话。", "一个女人戴上眼镜,戴上之后感觉非常好。", "一个眼镜的商业广告开始于一个女人谈论一副眼镜。", "一个女人在一个眼镜店里谈论她的眼镜。", "一位女士讲述了她的眼镜,以及她戴上眼镜时的感觉。", "一个长头发的女子站在室内的墙边,戴着眼镜在说话。" ]
[ "The guy is doing a demonstration on how to heat the eyeglasses to repair it.", "Repairs are being made to eyeglasses that have one of the sides broken off.", "A man speaking in foreign language is fixing a glass frame.", "The man tries to fix the broken eyeglasses by applying some heat on the screw.", "a person talks and works on a job that is in front of them", "A person used a fire to heat a metal and inserted the metal into a spectacle frame", "A man using a blow torch demonstrates how to weld a hinge back onto glasses.", "Someone is fixing a pair of glasses with heating something up and a pair of pliers.", "A man is repairing a pair of eye glasses by heating a hinge and setting it into the plastic frame.", "a person using a tool and working on glasses to repair them" ]
[ "一个人正在仔细地修理他坏掉的眼镜。", "一个人在对一副破损的眼镜框进行维修。", "一名工作人员在拿着他的工具修理坏眼镜。", "一个男人的眼镜坏了,他正在用工具修眼镜。", "一个人正在利用高温维修损坏的镜框。", "一个人用火加热金属后,将金属插入了眼镜框。", "一个人正在演示如何将铰链焊接到眼镜上来修好。", "有人正在修理一副带暖气的眼镜和一把钳子。", "一个男人正在用工具摆弄着他的眼镜框。", "一个人使用焊接工具想要修复断裂的眼镜框。" ]
[ "Someone is fixing a pair of glasses using fishing line.", "A man sits and threads some nylon line through a pair of spectacles, and pulls it tight to secure a lens", "a person sitting down and fixing glasses frames while messing with the lens", "A man is fixing a pair of reading glasses with a wire.", "Someone is working with wire and a pair of glasses trying to fix them where the hinge is.", "A person sitting on a chair putting wire or string through eyeglasses.", "a man showing how he repairs his glasses by using fishing wire and twine to fix the lenses", "A man is fixing a pair of glasses with a plastic cord.", "A man sitting on a chair shows how to repair spectacles with some wire.", "A man uses a needle and thread to fix his glasses." ]
[ "一个人正在给眼镜的旁边边框做固定。", "一个穿着深蓝色格子衫的人在修眼镜。", "一个男人坐在椅子上拿着一个眼镜在穿一根白色的线。", "一个人正把一根线穿过眼镜腿上的洞。", "一个人把一根细绳从眼镜角上的缝隙穿进去,然后侧向一拉,眼镜片和镜框就分离了。", "一个坐在椅子上的男人用细铁丝在修理眼镜。", "一个人展示了他是如何用铁丝和绳子修理镜片的。", "一个男人正在用一根塑料绳子固定一副眼镜。", "一个男人坐在椅子上展示如何用一些线修复眼镜。", "一名男子用针和线来固定他的眼镜。" ]
[ "Someone bends different parts of a pair of glasses and lets go.", "A person bends the arms of a pair of glasses then drops then on the table.", "A person shows the flexibility in the frame of a pair of glasses", "A person is showing how they fix a pair of glasses.", "A person is demonstrating the flexibility of an eyeframe by twisting the front and bending the earpieces as it springs back to its original shape.", "A person bends the parts of a lens without breaking them anywhere.", "A person shows how flexible the eye glass frames are that he or she is holding.", "A person is holding a pair of glasses and showing how they are flexible.", "Bending wire framed glasses in and out of shape.", "A person is demonstrating the flexibility od a frame for eyeglasses" ]
[ "一个人用双手尝试着撇眼镜框的金属部分。", "一个人在向我们展示他的眼睛框边可以进行翻转。", "一个人拿着一个银色的眼镜在掰眼镜腿。", "一个人在用手弄一个金属的眼镜框。", "一个人用手扳动做眼镜的镜腿,将镜腿弯曲了。", "一个人把眼镜的各个部分弯曲,但眼镜没有任何地方被破坏。", "一个人展示了他或她所握的眼睛玻璃框架是多么的柔软。", "一个人手里拿着一副银色眼镜,展示着这幅眼镜的柔韧性程度。", "一个人正在弯曲一个白色眼镜的眼镜腿。", "一个人正在桌面上展示眼镜架的灵活性。" ]
[ "A man gets his glasses fixed at a repair shop and describes why.", "A guy in a hat is talking to a woman about fixing broken glasses.", "A man hands a woman a pair of glasses as he's talking while being interviewed.", "A man is standing at a counter with a woman on the other side who looks at his glasses.", "A man talks about getting his glasses repaired as a woman helps him.", "A man and woman are talking across a glass counter top, then the man hands her his broken glasses.", "A man was standing in front of a woman bringing out a glasses out of a case", "A man stands in front of a shopkeeper and speaks about his broken eye glasses, while a reporter's voice is heard", "A man takes his glasses to the store for repair.", "A woman behind a counter is showing glasses to a man standing at the counter." ]
[ "一个人正跑到商店里面买跟服务员交谈配眼镜。", "一个带着助听器的老爷爷在买眼镜。", "一个带帽子的男人正在商店里购买眼镜。", "在室内一个戴着眼镜的男子在和一个戴着眼镜的女子在说话。", "一个男人将红色框架眼镜递给一个女人看。", "一个男人和一个女人在玻璃柜上交谈,然后男人递给她一副破碎的眼睛。", "一名男子站在一名女子面前, 从箱子里拿出一副眼镜。", "一个男人站在一个店主面前,谈论他的摔坏的眼镜,同时听到了记者的声音。", "一个戴着帽子的男人把他的眼镜带到商店去修理。", "柜台后面的一位女士正在向站在柜台边站着的男士展示眼镜。" ]
[ "A man is fixing glasses in a vice grip.", "A man cleans off a pair of glasses clamped into a vise", "A pair of glasses sits in a clamp machine as a man works on them.", "A person puts a pair of glasses in a device to hold them in place.", "A camera is zooming in on a telescope that is holding a pair of glasses", "A person demonstrates how to fix eye glasses.", "A person is attempting to fix a broken pair of glasses.", "A man is working on a pair of eyeglasses on a machine and talking about it.", "a man repairing glasses that are in a clamp while he is talking about it.", "glasses stuck in a thing and a man turning it around while talking" ]
[ "一个人拿着一台绿色的机器并将眼镜放在了上边。", "一个人向大家演示怎么将一个眼镜给矫正过来。", "一个人在用一个工具修理一副眼镜。", "一个人用再桌子上的机器夹着破坏的眼睛。", "一个男人在用一个特定的工具修理一个眼镜。", "一个人演示了如何修理一副眼睛。", "一个人正在利用工具修理一副眼镜框架。", "一个在一太机器上研究一副眼镜并且解释该怎么做。", "一个人正在讲述这个东西修理眼镜的。", "眼镜插在一个东西里,一个男人边说话边转过来。" ]
[ "A man is demonstrating on how a feature on glasses work.", "Man shows night time glasses attachment and lifts it up when you don't need to use it.", "A person is explaining a type of glasses and how they work.", "a person picks up some glasses they have on their head", "A man is demonstrating the use of glasses with a movable circle over the lens.", "A person has their hands on a pair of glasses and is talking.", "An Indian guy is talking about a pair of glasses that are sitting on a red blanket.", "A man picks up a pair of glasses with thin wire frame then peels back a black dot on each lens.", "A man is explaining a pair of eyeglasses that has something in the middle that can be moved.", "A man shows off a pair of glasses that have extra lenses attached to them." ]
[ "一个人正在认真的展示放在红色桌面上的眼镜。", "一个男人在一张红色的桌子上展示一款新型的金丝细框眼镜。", "一块红布上放着一个金框眼镜,眼镜中间有黑斑点。", "一个人从粉红色的地面上拿起了一个眼镜,并把它给展开。", "有一个人的两只手拿着一副眼镜。眼镜被移动了一下。", "一个人用手拿着一副眼镜正在说话。", "一个人边说话边用手摆弄一副眼镜。", "一名男子拿起一副带有线框架的眼镜进行调整。", "一名男子正在解释一副眼镜,中间有一些可以移动的东西。", "一个男人展示了一副配有额外镜片的眼镜。" ]
[ "Hands bend an eyeglass arm to fit while a woman describes the process.", "A woman explains how to adjust the frames of eye glasses for a better fit.", "A person is demonstrating how to gently bend the bow on glasses to make them feel tighter or looser.", "As a woman speaks, a person adjusts the legs of glasses to show how they would fit better.", "an eye glasses professional demonstrates how to bend the eyewear to make it fit better", "A woman holding a pair of reading glasses, demonstrates how to make adjustments to the fit.", "A person is adjusting their glasses by bending them with their hand, a woman is explaining how to do it.", "Someone is adjusting an ear piece of a pair of glasses, while a woman talks about it.", "A woman is showing how to adjust your glasses so they fit better.", "A person is demonstrating how to adjust the ear pieces on glasses, so they will fit better." ]
[ "讲解员在给人们讲眼镜的镜架的优点,即结实耐用。", "一个人手拿眼镜,将眼镜的镜框掰歪。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人正在修眼镜。", "一个人的手拿这一副眼镜,并且还有一个女子在说话。", "一个人拿着一个眼镜,这个人用手把眼镜腿掰来掰去。", "一个女人拿着一股眼镜,并示范了如何调整适合。", "一双手在弯曲眼镜来调整眼镜, 一个女人在解释如何做。", "一个人在调整一副眼镜的支架,一个女人在播讲什么。", "一位女士正在展示如何调整你的眼镜,使它们更合适戴上。", ": 一个人正在演示如何调整眼镜上的耳架。" ]
[ "A person is holding a pair of glasses and showing how they can bend.", "Two hands bend the arm of a pair of sunglasses and then an ad for is displayed.", "A woman is bending the arms of sunglasses with her hands.", "A woman is being the end of a pair of sunglasses to show how flexible it is.", "A woman is holding sunglasses with what looks kike flexible ear support.", "A woman sitting down at a table shows a pair of sunglasses.", "A woman is holding a pair of sunglasses and showing how they can be bent.", "A person is holding a pair of all black sunglasses and slightly bending the frame.", "A person is sitting down while straightening out the ear piece of a pair of sunglasses.", "A person shows off a goggle that has arms made out of rubber that don't break when bent." ]
[ "一个女人正在演示一款眼镜的质量。", "一个女人正拿着一副眼镜进行某种演示。", "一个人正用手扭着一个黑色眼镜的眼镜腿。", "一个穿短袖的人正展示桌面上的墨镜。", "一个穿着灰色短袖的人在掰一个黑色的眼镜。", "一个女人坐在一张桌子旁展示了一副太阳镜。", "一位女士拿着一副太阳镜,展示着它们是如何弯曲的。", "一个人手里拿着一副黑色太阳镜,并稍稍弯曲了一下框架。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人正在把玩一副眼镜。", "一个人展示了一个护目镜,它的手臂是用橡胶做的, 弯曲时不会断裂。" ]
[ "Someone heating up eyeglass frames and bending them into shape.", "A man is moving a pair of glasses back and forth under a machine.", "A man's hands are shown doing something to a pair of glasses while talking about the process.", "Man narrates as he moves a part of black eye glasses side to side in front of a heat source.", "A man checks the quality of a pair of glasses as he talks.", "A man is waving a pair of glasses in between two black plates on a machine and describing what he is doing.", "A man holding a pair of glasses and holding it in a machine which he said uses heat.", "A man is showing a pair of glasses in a tool to improve it.", "A pair of eyeglasses are moved through a heating device.", "A guy holding a pair of glasses thenmoving them back and forth in front of a machine" ]
[ "一双手拿着一副黑框眼镜在机子中间来回移动。", "一个人拿着眼睛在仪器上检测,同时在讲解。", "一个人拿着眼镜在机器中间晃了晃,拿出来检查下,又放在了机器中间。", "一双手拿着眼镜放在黑色的工具上,来回晃动。", "一双手拿着一副眼镜在机器前摆动。", "一个男人正在一台机器上的两个黑色机器中间晃动一副眼镜,并描述了自己在做什么。", "一个人拿着一个眼镜框在一台机器中间晃动着。", "一名男子正在展示一副眼镜在一个工具, 以改善它。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子正在操作着一副眼镜通过加热装置。", "一个拿着一副眼镜的家伙, 然后在机器前来回移动。" ]
[ "A woman taking off a pair of glasses and promoting air lenses.", "An advertisement featuring a woman in thick glasses touting a new ultra thin glass product.", "A female is describing what glasses a person should wear.", "A woman demonstrating thick glasses and how beneficial it is to use contacts instead.", "A woman talks to the camera close up about glasses to advertise.", "A woman is wearing thick glasses then removes them and puts them on the top of her head.", "A woman takes a pair of very thick lensed glasses off her face and places them on top of her head.", "A woman takes off glasses and puts them on her head.", "A woman is wearing coke bottle glasses while selling air lenses.", "A woman is demonstrating a new glasses product while she wears one." ]
[ "一个女人把眼睛从眼上拿了下来戴在了头上面。", "一个女人摘下的眼镜然后拿着放在了头上。", "一个穿灰色上衣的女人在一个房间戴着眼镜。", "一个金色头发的女人把戴在眼睛上的眼镜带到了头上。", "一个女人摘下了自己的眼镜戴在了头上。", "一个女人戴着厚厚的眼睛,然后摘下眼睛,放在头顶上。", "一名女子从脸上取下一副非常厚的镜片,然后将它们放在头顶。", "在一个房间里,一个女人摘下眼镜并戴在头上。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的女人正在展示眼镜。", "一个女人在展示一种新的眼镜产品。" ]
[ "In a room a man looks at his glasses and then changed them.", "A young teen takes his glasses off showing two other pairs and then disappears off camera.", "A man takes off his glases and puts them ih his hand with other glases.", "A man speaking in a different language takes off his glasses and then walks out of the scene.", "The man puts down his eyeglasses as he is holding two more and then he leaves.", "Man taking off a pair of glasses while holding two other pairs in his hands and putting them all on a table before walking away with no glasses on his face.", "The guy is trying on a few eyeglasses as he compares them.", "A man takes off this protective eye googles as he is in a shop.", "A young man put pairs of glasses away and leaves the room.", "A man holding two pairs of glasses, takes off another pair of glasses and puts them on the table." ]
[ "一个黝黑的男子把眼镜摘下放到桌子上。", "一个男孩摘下眼镜然后把其他的眼镜都放在了桌子上面。", "一个穿着白色背心的男人手里拿着两副眼镜,又戴着一副眼镜,最后摘下眼镜,把它们放到桌子上。", "一个穿着短袖上衣的男人把几个眼镜放在桌子上。", "一个男人弯着腰摘下眼镜,把眼镜放在桌子上,直起腰来。", "一个男人拿下一副眼镜,手里拿着另外两幅,把它们都放在桌子上,然后不戴眼镜离开。", "一个男子一边说话一边摘下了眼镜。", "一个人在一个商店里摘下这种保护眼睛的眼镜。", "一个年轻人把几副眼镜放在一边离开了房间。", "一名男子手持两副眼镜,。摘下另一副眼镜,放在桌上。" ]
[ "A person sitting at a table working with eyeglass frames.", "A man brushes the front of black glasses frames.", "A man marking a eyeglasses frames with a white marker", "A woman sitting at a table working on glasses with more pairs of glasses waiting.", "A women using a special pencil to draw onto some glasses.", "A person showing how they hand paint each individual pair of glasses.", "A young woman cleans a pair of glass frames near a table that has some more lined up.", "A person is shown in an optician's informational video making black rimmed eyeglasses.", "a man is cleaning eye glass frames with a tool on a desk.", "A person uses an object to mark an eye glass frame" ]
[ "一个人左手拿着眼镜框右手拿着工具在眼镜框上面划来划去。", "一个人正在制作黑框眼镜的眼镜框。", "一个人拿着一个工具和一个眼镜,他的面前有几个眼镜。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在凳子上坐着。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人用一个白色东西在修理着黑色眼眶。", "一个人展示了他们怎样手工制作镜框。", "一位年轻女子在一张桌子附近清洗了一对玻璃框架, 桌子上有一些,更多的排成一行。", "一个人在配镜师的信息视频中被显示,制作黑色边框眼镜。", "一个男人正在用桌子上的工具清洁眼镜架。", "一个人手握一根白色的棍子在一副眼镜框架上比划。" ]
[ "The girl has on a lot of lipstick and sunglasses on while facetiming her friend.", "A young girl in pink sunglasses and a lot of lipstick talks into the camera.", "A young girl wearing sunglasses and makeup talks to the camera.", "A young girl wears sunglasses and dark lipstick and speaks in a foreign language.", "In a room a girl is wearing sunglasses and lipping to someone talking.", "A young girl talks into the camera to another girl very loudly.", "Girl wearing sunglasses and dark lipstick speaks with exaggerated mouth movements.", "A young girl wearing sunglasses and dark lipstick talks a foreign language", "A woman is talking in front of a camera and making funny faces as she talks.", "A girl with sunglasses on talks and makes faces while in her room." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个女人嘴巴在一张一合的动着。", "一个化着浓妆戴着墨镜的小女孩在模仿大人说话。", "一个带着墨镜,涂着重颜色的口红的女孩儿在说话。", "一个穿蓝色衣服戴墨镜的金发女孩正在说话。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,动了动眼镜,嘴巴在一张一合。", "一个身穿浅色衣服的人戴着眼镜手比划着,嘴张着。", "戴着太阳镜和深色口红的女孩说话时嘴上动作夸张。", "一个戴着太阳镜和深色口红的年轻女孩在说着外语。", "一个女人在镜头前说话并在她说话的时候做鬼脸。", "一个戴太阳镜的女孩在她的房间里边说话边做鬼脸。" ]
[ "A man wearing glasses holds onto the arms of another pair of eye glasses.", "A man is on camera performing as another character with glasses.", "A guy holds a pair of glasses and trys to explain their features.", "A guy with a fake mustache and fake mole messing with glasses in his hands.", "A man in glasses is talking while holding another pair of glasses.", "A guy with glasses on is talking with a pair of glasses in his hand.", "A man wearing glasses and a mustache hold ups up a different pair of glasses.", "A man holds up a pair of eyeglasses while speaking in a foreign language.", "A man is talking while holding glasses, as the image eventually turns black and white.", "A man with a fake mustache and mole says something in Spanish as he manipulates a pair of glasses." ]
[ "一个脸上有胡子戴着黑框眼睛的男人正在端详他手里的眼镜框。", "一个穿着西装,戴着黑框眼镜的男人正在摆弄手里的眼镜框。", "一个穿西装带眼镜的男子,手里面拨弄他的眼镜。", "一个穿着西装的人,他戴着眼镜,手里拿着另外一副眼镜。", "一个留着八字胡、戴着眼镜的男人正在拿着一副眼镜。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人正在讲话,同时他的手里拿了一副眼镜。", "一个戴着眼镜、留着胡子的男人举起了一副眼镜。", "一名男子在用外语讲话时举起一副眼镜。", "一名男子正在拿着眼镜说话,图像突然变成了黑色和白色。", "一位男士一边摆弄着眼镜一边在说话。" ]
[ "A man recording himself while 2 people are talking with music playing in the background.", "A guy sitting down in the dark and talking about things.", "a man with large eye glasses talks directly to the camera.", "A man wearing glasses stares at the camera then touches his glasses.", "A man with sunglasses is speaking to someone else in a semi-darkened room.", "A man is looking at the camera and adjusts his glasses several times.", "A man with large glasses is making different facial expression, moving the position of his mouth and moving his glasses around.", "A man is wearing large glasses and looking at his self in the camera.", "A man is wearing glasses inside a room and he is adjusting them.", "A man in glasses and wearing a beard sits in a dimmly lit room" ]
[ "一个男人待着金属眼镜框在做面部表情动作。", "一个戴眼镜的男人不停地在张着自己的嘴巴。", "光线黑暗的空间里一个男子戴着墨镜扭动着脑袋,左手扶动着眼镜。", "一个头戴眼镜的留着胡子的人躺在沙发上自我欣赏。", "一个戴着眼镜留着胡子的男人舔了一下自己的嘴唇后用手扶了一下自己的镜框。", "一个男人正在看镜头,并调整了几次眼镜。", "一名戴着大眼镜的男子正在做不同的面部表情,移动嘴巴的位置,移动眼镜四处走动。", "一个男人戴着大眼镜,在画面里看着自己。", "一个男人在一个房间里调整着戴着眼镜。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人,坐在灯光昏暗的房间里。" ]
[ "The lady is doing a demonstration on the flexibility of the eyeglasses.", "A woman is holding a pair of flexible sunglasses and is talking about them.", "A woman selling sunglasses at a display demonstrates their flexibility.", "A woman demonstrates the elasticity of a pair of sunglasses.", "A woman in a glasses store was wearing a glass and bending the frame of the other glass", "A lady demonstrates how a pair of sunglasses are flexible and can bend.", "A woman is demonstrating a pair of sunglasses with a frame that can be bent and does not break.", "A woman speaking a foreign language shows off a pair of sunglasses.", "A woman working in a sun glass shop bends a pair of sunglasses in her hands.", "A woman is seen talking about and demonstrating flexible eyeglass frames." ]
[ "在一个眼镜店里一个戴着墨镜的人拿着一个墨镜在演示。", "一个女孩带着墨镜手里拿着另一个墨镜不停的折动。", "一个女人戴着一个眼镜,手里拿着一个。", "一个女人正拿着一个眼镜的眼镜腿来回扭着。", "眼睛店里一个女人戴着墨镜、双手在摆弄一副墨镜。", "一位戴眼镜的女士演示了一副太阳镜如何的灵活并且可以弯曲。", "一名女子正在展示一副太阳镜, 它的框架可以弯曲并且不会折断。", "一个会说外语的女人展示了一副太阳镜。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女人在眼镜店用手折弯一副眼镜。", "一个女人正在谈论和演示灵活的眼镜框。" ]
[ "A guy talking about glasses and showing them off while people talk in the background.", "A young guy standing in a noisy room talking about the frames on his eyeglasses.", "A man is describing some derails about his eyeglass frames.", "A kid is wearing glasses and speaking about the details on the frame.", "A man standing next to a globe is talking about his glasses.", "A man next to a globe takes off his glasses and describes them.", "A man sitting and wearing a glass brought it out of his face while talking", "A man in glasses speaks to the camera and then takes off his glasses and holds them to the camera.", "A man is talking about and showing his glasses and explaining what makes them special.", "A guy is talking about his glasses, and takes them off to show the camera." ]
[ "一个人一边讲话一边摘下了自己的眼镜。", "一个男人正在讲话,然后把自己的眼镜拿了下来并且开始介绍自己的眼镜。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在展示眼镜。", "在明亮的房间里,一个男人带着一个黑色的眼镜。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人将眼镜摘下,旁边放着一个地球仪。", "地球仪旁边的男人摘下了眼镜并进行了描述。", "一个人穿着黑色衣服的男子把眼镜摘了下来。", "一名戴眼镜的男子对着镜头说话,然后摘下眼镜拿着眼镜对着镜头。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在给人们展示着自己的眼镜。", "一个男人嘴里说着什么,并将眼镜摘下来面对镜头。" ]
[ "In a store, a woman hold up her hair while a narrator talks about the shape.", "A woman takes off her glasses, pulls her hair up and makes faces.", "A woman is standing and pulls off her glasses and pulls her hair up.", "A woman is talking and recording another woman; the woman being recorded pulls her hair back.", "A woman pulls her hair back so that the full shape of her face can be seen.", "a woman talking to another woman while she takes off her glasses.", "The lady is doing a presentation on the different shapes of one's face.", "A woman is holding her bangs up and having the shape of her face evaluated.", "A woman is asking another woman to take off her glasses and pull back her hair and she then evaluates the woman' face.", "A woman pulls her hair back so another woman can see the shape of her face to determine the type of eyeglass frame she should get." ]
[ "一个戴眼镜的女人把眼镜摘掉并把头发揪起来。", "一个女人摘掉眼镜,把刘海掀起来展示自己的额头。", "一个女人将金框眼镜拿掉,然后她将自己的刘海撸起来。", "一个女人把自己的眼睛摘下来,然后把自己的头发拢起来。", "一个女人摘下眼镜,然后掀起头发露出额头。", "一个女人在和另一个女人说话,然后她摘下了眼睛。", "一个女士把眼睛去下来把头发向头顶推。", "一个女人把眼镜摘下来,并用手抓起了刘海。", "一位妇女要求另一位女士摘下眼镜,拨开她的头发,然后对女士的脸进行评估。", "一个女人把她的头发往后拉,这样另一个女人就可以看到她的脸的形状来决定她应该得到哪种类型的镜框。" ]
[ "A girl is putting on glasses and showing them off to the camera.", "A female puts on glasses, then a young boy starts to talk.", "Woman demonstrating hair ties that hide behind your ears and putting on glasses.", "A woman puts some glasses on her face and then a boy starts talking.", "A young woman is demonstrating hair ties on the earpieces of glasses and then a little boy says that is cool.", "A women and young boy show off the attachment to their glasses that prevents them from slipping.", "A young woman is sitting as she is putting on her glasses.", "A woman is putting on a pair of eyeglasses and then adjusting them on her face.", "A woman tries on a pair of glasses and then a boy talks about something.", "a lady puts some glasses on her face and a boy talks to the camera" ]
[ "一个女人戴上眼镜。一个小男孩坐着拿着眼睛。", "一个女子在戴眼镜,一个男孩在说话。", "一个女人在戴眼镜,一个穿着黑色短袖的人拿着一副眼镜。", "一个外国女人用双手戴眼镜一个小男孩儿手里拿着眼镜在说话。", "在一间明亮的室内,一个女人正在戴眼镜,一个小孩嘴巴在一张一合。", "一个女人和一个小男孩讲他们的对眼镜的依赖,防止了他们滑到。", "一个女孩儿在镜头前正展示着她的新眼镜。", "一位女士戴上一副眼镜,然后在脸上做了一些调整。", "一个女人戴上一副眼镜,用手调整了几下。", "一位女士戴上眼镜微微笑了一下,一个男孩一边说话一边低头看了一下。" ]
[ "Someone is using a small tool to screw in screws on a pair of eyeglasses.", "The man is fixing the eyeglasses as he turns the screws using a tiny screwdriver.", "A person is using a very small tool to make repairs to a pair of eyeglasses.", "A person is drilling a hole into a pair of eyeglasses.", "Person shows how to tighten the screws on eyeglasses if you need to.", "A person's hand is shown tightening the screws of glasses.", "One hand holds eyeglasses while the other hand turns pointed tool by nose-piece.", "A person is using a small screwdriver to drive in the screws of sunglasses.", "a person adjusts some glasses they have with a small tool", "A man screws together glasses using a small metal device." ]
[ "一个人手里拿着一个工具,拧着眼镜的螺丝。", "一个人正在用螺丝刀卸眼镜框上的螺丝。", "一个人正在利用工具组装手里的眼镜,样子非常的成功。", "一个人在用一个工具对一个眼镜进行加工。", "一个人拿着螺丝刀在拧一副眼镜中间的螺丝。", "一个人正在用手拧紧一副眼镜的螺丝。", "在一个白色的桌子上,一个人拿着一个工具在修理眼镜。", "一个人正在使用小螺丝刀扭动太阳镜的螺丝。", "一个人正在用金属材质的小公具维修眼镜。", "一个人正在用一个很小的金属装置将眼镜拧得紧一些。" ]
[ "A woman puts on a pair of glasses and attempts to reach a vision chart.", "A woman in a white shirt demonstrates how to use vision-testing glasses.", "A woman wearing glasses covers one eye with her hand, attempts to read a blurry eyechart and then adjusts the glasses to make the chart clear by turing something located where the lens and arm meet.", "A woman is wearing glasses and covering one eye while adjusting the glasses.", "A woman puts on her glasses and covers each eye in turn as she reads an eye chart", "A woman puts on her glasses and shows a special feature of the glasses.", "A person puts on glasses and looks at rows of letters with one eye covered.", "A woman puts on a pair of glasses and then adjusts the knobs on each lense while looking at the eye chart on the wall.", "A person demonstrates a pair of glasses by wearing them and taking an eye exam.", "A woman is adjusting her glasses and checking her vision against an eye chart." ]
[ "一个金色头发的女子戴上眼镜后用手蒙着右眼看视力表,然后换左手。", "一个女人带上一副眼镜然后用一只手捂着一只眼看视力表,然后换另一只手捂着另一只眼看视力表。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女子在测试视力。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人戴着眼镜调适清晰度。", "一个人戴着眼镜在看视力表,一边看一边调着镜片度数,直到看清为止。", "一位女士戴上眼睛,展示了眼睛的特色。", "一个人戴上眼镜,轮流用一只眼镜在看视力表。", "一个女人戴上一副眼镜, 然后在看墙上的眼图的同时调整每个镜头上的旋钮。", "一个人通过戴眼镜和参加眼科检查来演示一副眼镜。", "一个女人把一副眼镜带在眼睛上,然后盖住一只眼睛看向视力表。" ]
[ "A boy is filming himself talk and a girl comments at the end.", "A boy is talking and a girl is talking and jumping.", "Two children are talking about a mistake they made on a project.", "A young boy is talking about making a test taste.", "A young man is talking followed by an young woman who talks.", "A young man was doing a taste test that did not work out this time.", "A boy is shown talking about something they just did and a girl jumps up and down.", "A young boy with glasses describes how he ruined a taste test video but it was okay", "A young man with glasses finishes up a demonstration about a taste test", "A boy and girl are thanking viewers for watching their video." ]
[ "一个戴眼镜的小男孩和一个坐在电脑椅上的小男孩。", "一个蓝色上衣带着眼镜的男孩在说话,并用手挠了一下耳后。", "一个小男孩在室内双手挠头,然后蹦跳了起来。", "一个穿蓝衣服的男孩在说话,一个金发女孩在跳跃。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣戴着眼镜的男孩子正在房间里说话。", "一个男孩子正在做一个尝试,但他没有成功。", "一个男孩正在谈论他们刚刚做的事情。", "一个戴眼镜的小男孩描述了他是如何毁了一个测试视频,但是没关系。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服戴眼镜的男人正在展示房间内的东西。", "一个戴黑色眼镜的小孩儿在说话旁边有一个人在跳动。" ]
[ "A boy with glasses takes them off and turns them to the side.", "The young boy with glasses is explaining how good his glasses are.", "A boys is filming the side of his glasses and reading what it says on the side.", "a young man wearing glasses is recording himself as he takes the glasses off", "A boy shows off the frames of his new glasses.", "A boy is showing off and taking off his glasses.", "A young boy is talking about his glasses and then adjusts them.", "A boy takes off his glasses and shows the side of them to the audience", "A boy sits at a desk and uses his hands to remove his eye glasses and examines them.", "A boy takes off his glasses to show off the appearance of the frames." ]
[ "一个身穿红色上衣戴着眼镜的短头发小男孩摘下眼镜玩耍。", "一个小男孩把眼镜从鼻梁上摘下来展示他的眼镜。", "一个戴着眼镜的男孩用双手拿下眼镜展示着。", "有一个穿着深色衣服戴着眼镜的小男孩。", "一个戴着眼镜的男孩子摘掉了他的眼镜并且在展示眼镜。", "一个男孩一边炫耀一边摘下了自己的眼镜。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子正在弄着眼睛。", "一个带着眼镜的男孩摘下眼镜向观众展示眼镜的另一面。", "一个坐在桌子旁的小男孩正在检查他的眼睛。", "一个男孩摘下眼镜来展示相框的外观。" ]
[ "A young infant is sitting in a high chair while an adult male behind him is holding his arms and using his hands to drum the plate in front of him.", "A woman is holding a baby´s arms and teaching it how to bang rhythmically on the table.", "A girl holds onto a baby's hands while using their hands to hit a tray.", "A grown-up sits behind a baby in a high chair, the grown up playfully holds the baby's arms making the baby's hands drum on the high chair tray.", "A man manipulates baby's hands to tap out an intricate beat.", "A young man stands behind a baby and plays with his hands.", "a little kid sitting on a seat moving around while others watch", "A baby in a highchair and someone is behind them making them use their hands as drums.", "A young woman plays with the arms of a baby in a high chair.", "A baby seated is being assisted to air drum and a person is laughing in the background." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人,拉着一个宝宝,摆动着双臂。", "一个小孩子坐在坐椅里,一个男握着他的手臂拍打着坐椅前面的板。", "一个小婴儿坐在宝宝椅里面开心地拍手拍桌子。", "一个小婴儿坐在婴儿车里挥舞着双手。", "一个黑色衣服的女人,抓着一个乳白色衣服的小孩的手,拍打小孩坐着的儿童椅前面的小桌子。", "一个年轻人扶着婴儿的手在婴儿车上面敲打着玩耍。", "一个黑衣服的男人拿着小孩的手不停的摆动。", "一个婴儿在高脚椅,有人在他们的后面,他们使用他们的手作为鼓。", "一名年轻女子在高脚椅的婴儿的手臂上玩。", "一个人握住一个坐着的婴儿的两只手击打在婴儿身前的桌面上。" ]
[ "A girl is shaking her arms fast and telling people to rock on.", "A woman plays air drums, shouts and makes a hand gesture.", "A younger girl playing air drums and giving a \"rock on\" hand symbol.", "A girl sitting in front of a computer, plays air drums then holds up her hand in a rock n roll sign then yells \"Rock On\".", "A woman at a computer screen shakes her hands quickly, then makes the \"hook 'em horns\" sign, and shouts.", "A young girl shouts about something and then cheers as well.", "a person sitting down next to their computer as they are singing and moving their arms", "A young girl is pretending to be playing drums and talks loudly at the camera while holding up a rock on hand sign.", "A young girl in a striped jacket makes grunts, signs, and screams much like those of her prehistoric ancestors.", "A young woman throws devil horns with both hands and shouts \"Rock on, Montreal!\"" ]
[ "有一个女人在电脑前表现的很兴奋,做着大幅度的手势动作。", "一个女人坐在电脑前举起右手,手上用三个手指做出姿势。", "一个女人食指和小指翘起比着手势,并且欢呼着。", "一个女子坐在电脑前大声说话并作出手势。", "室内有一个黄发女人嘴巴一张一合,并且上下摆动手臂。", "一个年轻的女孩大喊大叫之后欢呼了起来。", "一位女士在电视机前疯狂的挥着手。", "一名年轻女孩一边假装在打鼓, 一边比个手势,一边对着镜头大声说话。", "一个穿着条纹夹克的年轻女孩发出了尖叫声。", "一个年轻的女人站在房间里的电脑旁大叫并做着手势。" ]
[ "Boy holding drumsticks walks to adult, lounging in chair, and mimics clutching drumsticks to his chest.", "A young man is shown shaking drumsticks at the tv while a woman laughs.", "A woman is sitting in a chair while a boy is standing in front of her.", "A young man is walking around a room clutching a pair of drumsticks while others in the room laugh.", "A few people are hanging out including a woman in a chair and a young man holding drumsticks.", "A young man smiles and gestures while holding drumsticks while and older woman looks on.", "A boy dances with a pair of drumsticks while people look at him", "a boy is using a ruler and playing a game of charades.", "A woman in rocking chair laughs as she watches a teenage boy hug up to a stick.", "A young man performs funny actions and others laugh at him." ]
[ "一个男子在家里左转一下右转一下然后躺在椅子上的女子对他笑了笑。", "一个男孩拿着鼓槌,另一个中年女人笑着。", "一个躺在椅子上的女人正在笑一个短发的男子。", "在明亮的室内,一个穿黑色衣服的男人拿着鼓棒。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在拿着一个东西跳舞。", "一个年轻的男人一边微笑一边手里拿着棍子,旁边戴眼镜的女子坐在椅子上在微笑。", "一个男孩拿着两根木棍在房间走动,另一个男孩躺在躺椅上。", "一个男孩正在用尺子和玩猜字游戏。", "一个坐在摇椅上的女人笑着看着一个十几岁的男孩抱着一根棍子搞怪。", "一个男子手里拿两根棍子在房间走动并做着有趣动作,另一个人坐在椅子上笑。" ]
[ "a group of people at an event where they watch a man using drum sticks to repeatedly hit a small object", "A group of male are on stage while one is playing with drum sticks on his lap.", "A band stands on stage and one member of the band plays a very fast beat on a small plastic surface with drumsticks.", "A drummer is playing on stage at a concert while others look on.", "Young men on a stage standing by as one man taps drum sticks and a crowd cheers.", "A guy is drumming onstage with a band at a concert.", "A man on stage drums his drumsticks as people in the audience cheer.", "A guy is playing a drum on a stage while another guy encourages the crowd to cheer.", "A drummer plays an intense solo on stage while other members of the band stand by and then clap.", "Several men stand around a drummer on stage while an audience cheers" ]
[ "一个男人,正在一群人面前展示他的手速。", "一个人拿着木棍敲着鼓,旁边几个人看着。", "舞台上,一个男人敲击乐器,此时,观众欢呼起来。", "在 一个明亮的室内,几个人正在表演节目。", "几个人站在舞台上,一个人飞快的用小棍子击打着节奏,一个人举起了双手。", "一个男人在音乐会上与乐队在舞台上敲鼓。", "一个男人正在舞台上用棍子快速的敲打着什么。", "一个家伙在舞台上打鼓,另一个人鼓励观众加油。", "一个鼓手在舞台上演奏一个激烈的独奏,而乐队的其他成员则站在一旁拍手。", "几个人站在舞台上的鼓手周围, 而观众则欢呼。" ]
[ "In a business district, a person is standing on the sidewalk and acting like they're playing drums.", "A group of people are walking down a busy street while one person is standing to the side doing a dance.", "People are shown moving down a sidewalk while people talk in the background, a woman stands over something on the ground.", "A woman on the street pretends to play the beat to a song.", "A woman dressed in purple yells in front of a store while making hand gestures.", "Scores of people walk the streets of a shopping area, one, dressed in purple, performs on the sidewalk.", "A person is in the sidewalk and dancing in front of a store.", "Several people walk down a sidewalk while a person stands facing a storefront and moves their hands up and down erratically.", "Two people walk by a person a purple outfit who is gesturing with his hands.", "People are walkinig along a sidewalk that is lined with stores." ]
[ "一位穿着紫色上衣,头戴紫色帽子的男士在马路边手舞足蹈,嘴里还说着话。", "一个穿紫色衣服的人站在街头晃动着身体。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人正在面对着墙壁乱动。", "一位穿紫色T恤的女人,她正在商店门口手舞足蹈。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一些人在路上行走。", "许多人走在购物区的街道上,一个穿紫色上衣的人站在地上晃动着身体在表演。", "在一个街道上,一个穿紫色衣服的人在跳舞。", "一个对着街道上的橱窗比划着,脚下放着一个包。", "街道上一群穿着短袖的人在走来走去的逛街。", "人们在一些商店旁边的路上行走着。" ]
[ "A man with long blonde hair is in the car playing the air drums.", "A man in a car air drums as metal plays over the car radio.", "A man in the passenger seat of a car does air drums to music.", "A man plays invisible drums as he listens to rock music in a car.", "A guy is doing some hand gestures in a fast motion and then turns and laughs by seeing someone", "A man sitting in the passenger seat of a moving car air drums to music then turns to look at the camera.", "a man shaking his hands around while inside a car", "A man in a car passenger seat plays air drums and grins maniacly.", "A man is playing the air drums as he is riding down the road in a car.", "A man is in the passenger side of a moving car, and he is air drumming along to some loud music." ]
[ "一个长头发戴眼镜的人在车窗边突然回过头。", "一个男人在副驾驶上打开车窗不停的手舞足蹈。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男子坐在骑车里面用比划着动作。", "一个戴着眼镜的人在车子上面摇晃着他的手臂。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在车里模仿着开枪。", "一名男子坐在一辆行驶的汽车副驾驶上,听着音乐,转过身来看相机。", "一个男人在车内开心的晃动他的手。", "一个坐在汽车乘客座位上的男人疯狂地打着空气鼓和笑容。", "一名男子正在打着空气鼓,因为他在车上坐着。", "有一个坐在车内的女人,正在用她的手在空中鼓声弹奏。" ]
[ "A man moving his arms as if he was playing the drums.", "A man sits and gives heavy movement of his head and sings something", "A man pretends to play drums and head bang to music playing.", "A teenager or young man pretends to play the drums along to a song.", "A man sitting in front of the door is seen rigorously shaking his head up and down.", "A man is seated gesturing the playing of drums like in a rock band.", "A man dances and shakes his head while listening to rock music.", "A boy shakes a round like crazy and acts like he is playing the drums.", "A man swinging his head back and forth in order to flip his hair.", "A guy sitting down and knocking his head back and fourth." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个人正在摇头晃脑。", "一个人在欢快的音乐伴随下手脚摇晃跳着舞。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人在房间里跟随着音乐摇晃。", "在一个房间里,一个男人在摇头晃脑。", "一个外国男人在随着音乐手舞足蹈。", "一个人坐在那里,像在摇滚乐队里一样,指挥着鼓手打鼓。", "在房间里,一个男人跟着音乐摇头晃脑。", "一个男孩像疯了一样摇晃着脑袋,表现得像是在打鼓。", "一个男人在房间里很兴奋的来回摇摆着头。", "在室内,一个穿着黑色衣服的男子在随着音乐摆动着自己的身体。" ]
[ "A boy is drumming on his desk and making funny faces into the camera.", "A young man is beating out a beat to music being played and pantomiming the artist singing in the background.", "A person playfully air drumming and singing along with a song.", "A young man is play drums on his desk and making faces at the camera.", "A man drums along with pens to his favorite song along with lip syncing.", "A teenage boy sits in front of his desk and drums with his pencils.", "A teen boy wearing a rangers tee shirt is listening to rock music and hitting something in front of him with drumsticks.", "A man is listening to metal music and using two pens to beat along to the song.", "a man sitting in his room uses pens to make music as he shakes his head and sticks out his tounge", "A boy is playing the drum in his lap and sticking out his tongue." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色半袖灰色裤子的男孩正在用筷子敲击桌面。", "一个深蓝色短袖的男孩在模仿打架子鼓。", "一个戴着眼镜坐在椅子上面的男人敲打着桌面。", "在明亮的房间了,一个男人坐在黑色的椅子上,敲打着桌子。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在打击桌子。", "一个十几岁的男孩坐在桌子旁边拿着笔在桌子上敲打。", "一个穿着护林员T恤的青少年男孩正在听摇滚音乐,用笔击打桌子。", "一个男人正在听金属音乐, 并用两支钢笔敲打着这首歌。", "个坐在房间里的男人用钢笔做音乐,他摇头并伸出他的舌头。", "一个男子坐在凳子上面敲打着手里的东西,并且一直在吐舌头。" ]
[ "In a living room, a man is sitting with a toddler on his lap while they're playing air drums.", "A man helping a baby do air drums in a living room.", "A baby is in his dads arms and pretending to play the drums.", "A man is holding a baby and moving its arms to the beat of the drums.", "A man is holding his son and jamming his arms along to the music.", "a man and a baby sit on a couch with each other and interact", "A man sits with a baby and teaches her to air drum.", "A father pretends to have his baby drumming in the air.", "A man is sitting in a chair playing with a baby and making the baby laugh.", "A man is sitting in a chair with his baby and air drumming to Tom Sawyer." ]
[ "在室内,一个男人抱着一个婴儿坐在沙发上舞动着手。", "一个男人带着小孩随着音乐的律动左右摇摆。", "一个戴眼镜的男的在沙发上坐着抱着一个小男孩拿着他的手乱动。", "一个男人抱着一个孩子,并抓着孩子的手晃来晃去。", "一个大人抓着一个小婴儿的双手来回抖动。", "一个男人和一个婴儿坐在沙发上玩耍。", "一个男人和一个婴儿坐在一起,并拿着婴儿的手摆动。", "一位父亲假装让他的孩子在空中打鼓。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男人在沙发上抱孩子。", "一个男子正在抱着他的孩子,正在教他的孩子双手摆动。" ]
[ "A boy mimics drum playing by tapping his feet and slapping his hands on his legs.", "In his bedroom, a boy taps his knees and his feet to play a note.", "A kid is sitting on his bed and making music with his hands and lap.", "A boy sits on a bed and taps his heels, snaps his fingers and slaps his leg to create a rhythm.", "A boy is tapping his foot and playing air drums.", "A person is sitting on the side of a bed, using his hands and feet to make a rhythmic beat.", "A boy is sitting down and making music by tapping his heels and slapping his thighs.", "A boy sitting on a bed performing a beat with his feet and his hands.", "A young man is siting and snapping out a beat with his hands and feet.", "A young boy makes a drum beat with his hands, legs, and his feet." ]
[ "一个小男孩通过自己的手和脚的配合打出节奏感。", "一个男人坐在床边用手有节奏的拍打着大腿。", "一个穿黄色短袖黑色裤子的外国男孩坐在床边来回敲打自己的腿两侧。", "一个男人正在跟着音乐节奏抖动自己的腿。", "房间里,一个男人一只手拍打着膝盖,一只手摇晃一个物体。", "一个男人做的床边,用手和脚有节奏的打节拍。", "一个男孩坐下来,通过踩地面和拍大腿来制作音乐。", "一个男孩坐在床上,用他的脚和手打节拍。", "一个穿着短袖的男孩在一个房间练习着节拍击打。", "一个小男孩用他的手、腿和脚做一个鼓的节拍。" ]
[ "A concert goer jams out to the musician onstage with string light back lighting.", "In a car a man is listening to music and playing air drums with his hands.", "A man is playing air drums while listening to a song in a car.", "An older man is dancing in a car with music playing", "a very dark video with someone jamming to some tunes with lights on in the back.", "In a car a man is dancing with fast moves to music playing in there", "A person is doing hand jestures, dancing to loud rock music.", "A young boy is sittin in the front passenger seat of a car singing and playing the air drums.", "A person in inside a car jamming out to some rock music.", "A man is rocking out to some music in the passenger seat of a car." ]
[ "一个男人坐在车上跟着音乐节奏在跳舞。", "一个男人在车内跟着音乐摇头晃脑并舞动双手。", "一个人在黑暗的环境里伴随着音乐手舞足蹈。", "在一个昏暗的汽车里,一个人在听着音乐,不停的嗨。", "昏暗的室内一个人双手舞动着做动作。", "在一辆汽车里,一个男人随着音乐快速地扭动四肢。", "一个人正在非常激动的跟随音乐跳着舞蹈。", "一个小男孩坐在一辆汽车的前排乘客座位上,一边唱着一边吹着鼓。", "一个人在汽车里听着摇滚音乐手舞足蹈着。", "一个男人坐在一辆车里,摇晃着身体,用手挥舞着。" ]
[ "A man seated at an office chair air drumming while rock music plays in the background.", "a man with a stick in his hand sitting on a chair indoors", "A man sitting on a chair in a room was twiddling with the stick in his hand", "A man is shown playing with drum sticks while a song is playing.", "A man with drumbsticks in his living room practicing playing the drums for his wife", "A man is sitting and performing air drumming while a song is played.", "A man smiles as he manipulates drum sticks as though he's either pounding the drums or conducting.", "A man sits in a chair with drum sticks in his hands.", "A man is sitting in a chair waving his hands with drumsticks to the music.", "A man sitting and smiling with drum sticks listening to music." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的人坐在椅子上双手拿着木棍挥舞着。", "一个男人坐在椅子上随着音乐的律动微微的摇摆。", "一个穿着暗红色短袖牛仔短裤的男人手里拿着两根棍子坐在凳子上。", "在室内一个戴眼镜的男人双手拿着木棍开心的挥舞着。", "一个穿着深色衣服蓝色短裤,戴着眼镜的男子,手里面拿着小棍子在挥动着。", "一个男人坐在那里表演空中鼓声,与此同时一首歌正在播放。", "一个男人坐在椅子上手拿着鼓棒晃动。", "一个男人正在坐在椅子上,手里拿着鼓棒。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上,随着音乐挥舞着手举着鼓槌。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,微笑地晃动着手里的鼓锤。" ]
[ "A young man with a beard wearing a red shirt with a yellow ribbon around his neck playing drums in front of a girl that is seated in front of a whie draped wall with lights on it.", "Some friends hanging out while the male pretends to play the drums to the music.", "A man and a woman are sitting the man is dancing sitting down.", "A man nods his head to music as a woman watches.", "A man air drums while a girl in a lounge chair watches.", "A man is listening to music and playing air drums to the beat of the drums in the song while a woman sitting beside him watches disapprovingly.", "A man is pretending to play the drums with the music that is playing and a woman is sitting next to him watching.", "A women sits and watches a man plays the air drums .", "A man pretends to play an instrument as a woman sits in a chair behind him.", "a man bouncing his head and hands with a woman sitting beside" ]
[ "昏黄的房间内,一个男人,在比划着,旁边一个女人在观看。", "一个男人双手敲着乐器,一个女人在旁边沙发上坐着。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在打手势。", "在昏暗的环境中一个女人坐在那里一个男人在不停的拍手和摇头。", "一个挂着小灯的房间里,一个女人躺坐在椅子上,一个男人正在敲鼓。", "一个男人正听着音乐,伴随着鼓点敲击鼓声,坐在他旁边的一个女人则不以为然的看着他。", "一名男子在假装用正在演奏的音乐打鼓, 一个女人坐在他旁边看。", "一个女人坐在那里看着一个男人打鼓。", "一个男人假装在演奏乐器,一个女人坐在他身后的一张椅子上。", "一个男子手不停的动着,旁边坐着一个女人。" ]
[ "A young child stands in the aisle of an auditorium using sticks to play.", "a little boy is in the aisle of a stadium playing air drums", "A little boy uses drumsticks to pretend he's directing the music at a church.", "A small child pretends to play the drums as he holds a pair of drumsticks.", "A kid is air drumming while music is playing in the background.", "A small boy uses drumsticks to direct music playing in the background, while standing in the middle of an auditorium.", "A baby is holding a set of drum sticks and is pretending to play the drums.", "A young boy with drum stick acts like he is playing drums.", "A little boy dances to music while waving two sticks around in the air.", "A child in green waves two sticks in an uncoordinated manner." ]
[ "一个孩子正在拿着两根木棍模仿者指挥家的样子。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小男孩拿着指挥棒在摇晃。", "一个穿绿色上衣的小男孩双手拿着敲鼓棒在不停舞动。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小孩,手上拿着两个木棍在跳舞。", "一个小孩随着音乐挥动手中的两根棒子。", "一个小男孩站在礼堂中央,用鼓槌指挥着背景音乐。", "一个婴儿拿着两根鼓棒,正在跟着音乐声做出打鼓的动作。", "一个小男孩拿着鼓棒,表现的样子像是在敲鼓。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的小男孩挥舞着两根棍子。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的小孩手上拿着两根棍子在玩耍。" ]
[ "A kid is sitting at a drum set playing in his room.", "Someone is playing the drums dramatically, in a studio.", "In a room someone is playing the drums and head banging.", "A man who is sitting down drums loudly on a drum set.", "A man is sitting in a room and playing a set of drums, while several people are conversating.", "A person in playing a set of drums in a room with highly decorated walls.", "a person sitting on a stool wildly plays a drumkit", "A person in a room by himself enthusiastically playing a set of drums .", "A boy plays the bongo drum and cymbals within a recording room.", "This boy is playing drums for his friends in a studio." ]
[ "在一间房子里面,有个人在击打鼓,发出刺耳的声音。", "在一个房间里面,一个黑色衣服的男子在疯狂地打击着乐器。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着长袖的人在打架子鼓。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在打架子鼓。", "一个穿着一件黑色上衣的人正在敲打乐器。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,在房间里敲打架子鼓。", "坐在凳子上的人疯狂地弹奏鼓包。", "一个人在房间里独自热情的演奏打鼓音乐。", "一个小男孩在录音室里打着邦戈鼓和钹。", "这个男孩正在演播室里为他的朋友打鼓。" ]
[ "A male performing on the drums to the music in a secluded grassy area.", "In an open field a man is playing a large set of drums and making music", "A male is sitting at a drum kit outside on the grass playing the drums.", "In a yard a man is playing drums while music is playing.", "A man sits in front of a drum kit and performs outside.", "A man is sitting in a garden in a blue top as he plays the drums in a skillful manner.", "A man plays drums on a drum kit outdoors while music plays.", "In a outdoor are a man is sitting and playing the drums.", "A boy is playing on a drum set in the middle of a grass field.", "A young man plays the drums along with a song that is being played." ]
[ "在一片空地上,一个穿蓝色衣服的小男孩在打架子鼓。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男孩儿在打架子鼓。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣的男孩正在户外的一片空地上打鼓。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人在绿色的草地上打架子鼓。", "在野外,一个男人坐在几个架子鼓中间演奏音乐。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣的男人正坐在花园里,以一种熟练的方式去演奏鼓。", "当音乐播放时,一个人在户外上演奏鼓。", "在户外有一个男人正坐在那里打鼓。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男孩正在草地中间打鼓。", "一名年轻男子和正在播放的歌曲一起演奏鼓。" ]
[ "A little boy is sitting on a chair and drumming two thin sticks in the air to music.", "A child is playing imaginary drums, keeping time with the music that is playing.", "A boy is air drumming while music is playing in the background.", "A young boy acts like he is playing a set of drums while listening to music.", "Musics playing while a little boy is acting like he is playing the drums.", "A young boy pretends to play imaginary drums, with two wooden sticks, while sitting at a desk.", "A kid is using sticks and hitting the air along with the beat of the song.", "A young boy is swinging a pair of sticks along to a song he is listening to.", "A kid is whacking some sticks over an invisible drum set.", "A boy is holding two thin sticks and pretends to play the drums." ]
[ "一个小男孩拿着两根小棍子在对着空气敲打,仿佛面前有一个架子鼓给他敲击一般。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男孩双手各拿一支筷子随着音乐敲打。", "一个穿灰色上衣的男孩练习着打鼓。", "一个小男孩拿着两根小木棍,跟随着音乐在舞动。", "在一个房间里,有一个男孩坐在椅子上面,他在挥动双手。", "一个小男孩坐在桌子旁,用两根木棍打着想象中的鼓。", "一个小孩正在摇晃着棍棒,并伴随着歌曲的节拍击打空气。", "一个小男孩伴随着音乐挥舞这手中的木棍。", "一个小孩子坐在椅子上正在模仿打鼓的动作。", "一个戴手表的小男孩儿正在挥动自己手里的棍子。" ]
[ "A man snapping his fingers while standing around with several other men.", "A person with sunglasses and a cap snaps his fingers while next to a bunch of other people.", "A man pretends to play the drums while outdoors at an event.", "A man without a shirt is pretending to play drums with another man beside him.", "A man is on the beach moving his hands like he is going to cast a rod.", "A man wearing no shirt snaps his fingers in rhythm to music that is being played.", "A man stands inside a crowd and does a dance to the sound of the music.", "A man dances a bit next to other people at an outdoor venue.", "a man with a beard and half-naked is dancing with his hands in a park", "a guy performing air drums with his hands at a music event" ]
[ "一个赤裸着上身的男人正在室外打着手势。", "一个光着膀子的戴帽子的男人用手打着节奏。", "在一片户外。一个戴着项链赤裸着上身的男人正在手舞足蹈。", "一个戴着帽子和眼镜,并且没有穿上衣的男子,他的手一直在摆动着。", "一个戴着黑色帽子的人正在跟着节奏打拍子。", "一个没有穿衬衫的男人正在随着演奏的音乐有节奏的打手指。", "一个男人站在人群中,随着音乐的声音跳舞。", "一个男人光着膀子在打着响指听着歌曲。", "一个留着胡子、半裸着衣服的人在公园里用手跳舞。", "一个光着上身戴着帽子的男人,在挥动的自己的手。" ]
[ "A man in front a computer moving his arms as if he was playing the drums", "A guy sitting down watching a laptop and air drumming to the music.", "A man with two sticks in his hands beat the table where the laptop is kept", "A teenager or young man pretends to play the drums with a pair of drumsticks in the air.", "A young man uses drum sticks to drum the air while sitting infront of a laptop.", "A man is making music by combining sound from the laptop with the tap the drumsticks are making with the table and the globe.", "A man uses drum sticks to play drums on different objects around him.", "a guy wearing blue t-shirt is following the music as if he has a set of drums while listening to the music", "A man plays a game with drums sticks and a computer sitting on a pillow.", "A boy uses a table and a ball for drums to play a song." ]
[ "在一个房间里面,一个人正在模仿着电脑来敲击乐器。", "一个男孩用木棍敲打着桌子和圆圆的东西。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男子,双手拿着木棍在电脑面前敲击并发生声响。", "一个男子在室内对着电脑,手里拿着两个棍子在晃。", "一个男人用两只筷子有节奏的敲着茶几和凳子,当乐器。", "一个男人正在通过笔记本电脑的声音和鼓槌与桌子和地球仪制作一段音乐。", "一个男子坐在板凳上拿着鼓棒敲击着空气。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的家伙在听音乐的时候打着面前的东西。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在玩鼓棒。", "一个男孩用一张桌子和一个球鼓来演奏一首歌。" ]
[ "The little boy is listening to music and dancing around with his hands.", "A little boy is dancing by moving his arms a lot while music plays in the background.", "The young child is sitting down while pretending to play the drums.", "A small child imitates playing the drums while a song plays.", "A child sitting on the floor in a dark room makes dancing motions with his or her arms to a song.", "A boy sat on a chair and swung his arms while drumming the air", "A toddler is sitting down and as he listens to music playing loudly in the background, simulates himself playing a set of drums, along with the beat of the music.", "A toddler is sitting in a chair pretending to play a drumset.", "A kid is air drumming while there is music playing in the background.", "A child is sitting on a floor waiving their hands like they are playing a set of drums." ]
[ "一个小男孩坐在椅子上跟着音乐摆动身体。", "一个小孩在房间里,伴随着音乐声模仿敲打架子鼓的动作。", "一个小男孩儿正坐着摆动自己的双手,做各种动作。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个穿着绿色的衣服小孩在玩耍。", "有一个小男孩坐在凳子上面手舞足蹈旁边放着音乐。", "一个男孩坐在椅子上,开心地挥动双臂。", "一个幼儿坐下来,当他听音乐在后台大声播放时,模拟自己演奏着一套鼓,以及音乐的节拍。", "一个孩子正坐在椅子上伴随着音乐假装弹奏锣鼓。", "当背景音乐响起的时候,孩子就像鼓点鼓声一样。", "一个男孩在一个黑暗的房间里坐在一把椅子上面挥舞着双手。" ]
[ "A man is playing air drums using his baby's arms.", "A child is enjoying the music as the father holds her hands and pretends to drum along.", "A young girl and her dad as they both play the drums with pens", "A toddler holds ink pens while a man moves her hands to make it look like she is drumming.", "A man is moving a small girls arms mimicking the drumming of a song playing in the background.", "A man is holding a small childs arms pretending to drum to a song holding pens.", "A man is holding a child and doing air drumming as music plays.", "a person holding a baby in their lap pretends the baby is playing drums.", "A little boy on a man's lap air drums with drum sticks in his hands.", "Adult man holds the hands of a child and mimics playing the drums as a song plays." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人,抱着一个小孩,坐在凳子上玩耍。", "一位男人抓住着一位儿童的双手,伴随着音乐模仿打架子鼓的动作。", "一个戴黑色帽子的男人拿着粉色衣服小女孩的手摇晃。", "一个男人正抱着一个小女孩,晃女孩手里的笔。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个男人和一个女孩正在做游戏。", "一个男人抱着一个小孩的胳膊,拿着笔假装打鼓。", "一个男人手把手教一个小孩打空鼓。", "一个人抱着一个婴儿在他们的腿上假装婴儿在打鼓。", "一个小男孩在一个男人的膝上空气鼓与他手中的鼓棒。", "一个小孩手里拿着两支笔,一个男子握着她的手在挥舞。" ]
[ "very large group of people in a auditorium with music playing", "A large group of people are all sitting in chairs talking and looking around.", "People seated in a stadium are listening to a musical performance.", "A large crowd in an arena watches while music plays.", "There is a large crowd sitting together in an arena type setting.", "A large crowd makes noise in an arena setting waiting for an event to begin.", "A large group of people are talking and sitting in some sort of stadium.", "An auditorium packed with people waiting while music blares in the background.", "A crowd is seated during an event at the MGM Grand.", "An watching an show in crowd of silent a during." ]
[ "很多人齐聚在一个广场上欣赏着美妙的音乐。", "人山人海的人在诺大的体育场听演唱会。", "观众们在观众台上认真的等待着表演的开始。", "在室外的场地有一群穿着不同衣服的人坐在座位上。", "在一个场馆内,做满了很多行色各异的人。", "一大群人在竞技场等待活动开始时发出了噪音。", "一大群人坐在某个体育场里聊天,坐在那里。", "一个礼堂里挤满了等待的人, 而音乐在背景中咆哮。", "在米高梅大酒店举行的一场活动中,有一群人聚集在一起。", "一群人在室外的场地上沉默着观看一场演出。" ]
[ "A man getts tapped on the arm and he starts immitating a drummer.", "A young man is pretending to play the drums while at a house party.", "A group of youngsters are at a party while one guy pretends to be playing drums in the air", "A bunch of kids are hanging out listening to music while one head bangs.", "A group of people at a party admire a man who is air drumming to music.", "A group of teens stands in a living room while \"In the air tonight\" by Phil Collins plays on the radio and a teen boy plays air drums to it.", "A man surrounded by other people while playing the air drums.", "Three men are at a party and one of them is drinking while the other plays imaginary drums to a song in the background.", "A young man plays air drums while several other people around him watch.", "A person was acting as if he was playing the drums with effort and with enjoyment by shaking his head and others were laughing" ]
[ "一个外国男人跟着音乐的节奏做着手势。", "房间内站着一群人中间,一名身穿黑色上衣的男人在摇头,手里做着动作。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在无实物表演。", "一群人在室内喝着酒狂欢,一个人用手在表演打击乐器。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在挥舞着手臂。", "一群青少年站在房间里,一名少年摇晃着头表演着击打鼓的动作。", "一群人围着一个人观看他吹气鼓表演。", "三个男人正在参加一个聚会,其中一个正在喝酒,而另一个人则在背后对着一首歌演奏假想的鼓声。", "在一个房间里面,一群年轻人正在不停的跳舞。", "一群年轻人在一个昏暗的房间里玩耍,其中一个男孩一边摇晃着头一边用手做着打鼓的动作。" ]
[ "A small child practices air drumming with two large sticks.", "A young boy is pretending to drum in the air with drumsticks and stomping his right foot to a fast song that says \"Praise him\".", "A young boy is dancing to music while he air drums with two drumsticks.", "A young boy with drum sticks acts like he is playing a set of drums.", "A boy in a striped shirt is playing with white drumsticks.", "a boy stands and plays around with some drumsticks while listening to music", "A boy is air drumming and tapping his foot as he moves his arms.", "A young African-American toddler plays with some drumsticks, hitting them in the air to the music.", "A young boy is playing with his drum sticks without the actual drums.", "A little boy is bouncing his leg and hitting the air with drumsticks." ]
[ "一个穿着条纹衫的小孩双手拿着短棍、随着音乐在舞动。", "在一个房间里一个穿着黑色裤子的小男孩儿在拿着两个小棍子玩。", "一个小男孩跟着音乐的节奏挥动自己手中的两根木棍。", "一个穿条纹上衣的小男孩晃动着双手拿的棍子。", "一个穿着黑色裤子黑白条纹的小男孩,手里拿着棒子在舞动着。", "一个男孩站着,一边听着音乐一边玩着鼓槌玩耍。", "一个男孩正在拿着两根棍子摆动着。", "一个年轻的小孩玩着一些鼓槌,在空中击打他们的音乐。", "一个小男孩手拿敲棒一边抖着腿一边挥着棒子。", "一个小男孩正在蹦跳一条腿,用鼓槌击打着空气。" ]
[ "Two people in a radio studio play air drums to a Phil Collins song.", "A man and women in a sound booth air drumming to a song that is playing.", "The man and the lady are having a great time playing some music.", "A couple of people act like they are playing music and jump around", "Two people are in a room and jamming to some music together.", "A man and a woman are in a recording studio singing joyfully along to a drumming song.", "a man and woman playing the drums with pens while in a studio.", "A man and a woman are in a room with sound equipment and music playing, they drum to a song using pens.", "A man and woman inside of a radio broadcasting studio dance and perform air drumming to a classic pop-rock song.", "At a radio station, the two radio announcers for the current show are playing a song on the radio by Genius while listening to it, each is dancing to the music." ]
[ "一个男人和一个女人在敲打着桌子旁边还有话筒。", "一个男人和一个女人在手舞足蹈打着节奏。", "两个人都戴着耳机,他们伴着音乐尽情地敲打面前的东西。", "一男一女戴着耳机,双手不不停的挥舞着。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人和一个穿黑色衣服的男人在挥动着双手。", "一个男人和一个女人在录音棚里,随着鼓声欢声笑语地歌唱。", "一个男人和一个女人在房间内拿着笔上下挥动。", "一男一女在一个房间里, 有音响设备和音乐在播放, 他们用笔鼓起一首歌。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在室内跳舞。", "在一个广播电台,当前节目的两个电台播音员正在播放一首由天才在收音机里听的歌曲,每个人都在随着音乐跳舞。" ]
[ "A man sitting on couch with electronnic drum stick is playing drums in the air.", "A man plays with electronic drum sticks on his laptop computer.", "A man is sitting on a couch playing a virtual drum set as a woman talks.", "A man is demonstrating a virtual drum set connected to a laptop computer.", "A man is sitting on a couch shaking some items in his hand while a woman talks.", "A man sits on a couch and uses uses computerized drumsticks to play a song.", "A man is seated on a couch holding sticks that are plugged into a computer as he makes movements as if playing drums.", "A man plays electronic air drumming on his couch, through his laptop.", "A man sitting on a couch plays air drums with computer controllers.", "a man imitates that he is drumming with two objects in his hand" ]
[ "一个男子坐在沙发上手里不停的摇动着两个接在电脑上面的道具。", "一个外国人正坐在沙发上手持道具有节奏的挥舞着。", "一个穿着黄色裤子的男人正坐在室内沙发上。", "一个穿白衣服的男人坐在沙发上摇晃着手里的东西。", "一个人双手拿着两个圆柱状的物体,正在有节奏地挥舞着。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,使用电脑鼓槌弹奏一首歌曲。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,用手拿着连接着电脑的棍子,当他用手做出打击的动作的时候,电脑上会发出像打鼓一样的声音。", "一个男子通过他的笔记本电脑播放电子空气鼓声,并在沙发上打着鼓。", "一个男人坐在沙发上一边踮着脚一边玩空气鼓。", "一个男人手里拿着两个物体,对着电脑,在模仿打鼓。" ]
[ "a little baby sits on a person and shakes their arms to and fro", "A young kid swinging his arms to the beat of a song in a car.", "The little boy is dancing wi the beat of the drums as he watches the monitor in the car.", "A little boy sitting in a car is playing air drums to music on the car screen.", "A little boy is pretending to play drums while watching a video of a band playing drums.", "A very young boy is beating his hands in the air while listening and watching a drum video.", "A toddler mimics the movements of a drummer while listening to music and watching a video in the car.", "A toddler dances inside a car to the sound of drums from the stereo.", "A toddler seated on a man's lap in a car bounces to the rhythm of drums.", "A small child sitting in a car pretending to be playing the drums." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的短头发小孩正在车里坐着看视频。", "在汽车里有一个穿白色衣服的小男孩儿在挥动两只手跳舞。", "一个穿白色短袖的小孩儿正在车子里跳舞。", "一个穿白色短袖的小孩子对着车里的视频晃动着双手。", "一个坐在大人怀中的小孩子正在手舞足蹈。", "一个小孩子一边聆听和观看击鼓的视频一边在挥动双手。", "一个小孩子坐在车上放着音乐跟着跳舞。", "一个蹒跚学步的孩子在汽车里面跳舞,听到了立体声的鼓声。", "一个孩子坐在一个男人的膝盖上,随着鼓声的节奏跳跃起来。", "一个小孩子坐在车里对着电视挥舞着双手。" ]
[ "A kid in a car seat air drumming along to the music that is being played.", "In a vehicle a boy is seated in a car seat and he plays air drums.", "A young child acts like he is playing the drums to music he hears on the radio.", "A young kid is air drumming to rock music in the back seat.", "A boy is asking his dad what song is being played inside of the car.", "A little boy sitting in a car, wearing a winter hat, playing air drums to a rock song.", "A child in a car seat makes drumming motions along to the music.", "A little boy in a car seat plays air drums along with a song.", "A young boy in a car with his dad the boy is practicing playing air drums", "A young boy playing air drums in a car, in a convincing fashion." ]
[ "在一个昏暗的车里,一个小女孩在手舞足蹈。", "一个小朋友坐着并跟着音乐挥舞双手。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣戴着帽子的小孩坐在车里。", "在一个明亮的车内,有一个戴着帽子的小男孩在手舞足蹈。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服头上戴着帽子的男孩在跟着音乐舞动手。", "一个小男孩坐在车里,戴着一顶冬天的帽子,为一首摇滚歌曲打空气鼓。", "坐在汽车座椅上的孩子随着音乐发出鼓声动作。", "一个坐在汽车座椅上的小男孩一边弹奏着空气的鼓, 一边唱着一首歌。", "一个小男孩在一辆车与他的爸爸男孩正在练习打鼓。", "一个小男孩正在跟着音乐的节拍挥动着双手。" ]
[ "A group of people are riding in a car listening to a song the back seat passenger is pretending to play the drums.", "A group of people jam out in the car and talk.", "A woman singing on the front seat of a car, and another woman on the backseat pretending to play the drums", "2 women are riding in a car listening to the music, while the woman in front listens & the one in back pretends to play the drums", "A person in cars starts a mild dance in hands and the other one acts as though he is playing the drums", "A kid pretends to hold something in the back seat of a car and then starts thrashing around.", "Two women riding as passengers in a car and playing the air drums.", "The people riding in the car are dancing and enjoying the beat of the music.", "Young people ride in a car, one of them doing an air drum version of a song.", "A group of people in a car laugh after one person gets too excited after hearing the drum beat of a song." ]
[ "一个黑色衣服的人坐在副驾驶上,一个坐在后座的人在舞动着双手。", "一个男孩在车内做出十分疯狂的动作。", "一个人随着音乐节奏尽情地舞动着身体。", "两个人坐在车里,后面那个人听着音乐在跳舞。", "在一个汽车的后排坐着一个戴着帽子的人,他一直在摇头。把帽子摇到了汽车里。", "一个男孩坐在汽车的后座,假装手上拿着什么东西,然后开始晃动。", "两名女子坐在车里,后排的一名女子突然不停的锤着前排的座椅靠背。", "乘坐汽车的人们正在跳舞,享受着音乐的节奏。", "在一辆行驶着的汽车里一个人在手舞足蹈的晃着。", "很多人坐在车子里面,其中有一个人一直在摇晃着她的身体。" ]
[ "A man makes music with a instrument by moving his hand up and down .", "A man is watching the computer monitor while playing drums using a computer program.", "A man is playing an electronic musical instrument game and watching the progress on his computer.", "A man working on some kind of musical instrument or tuning.", "A man is drumming using two handheld devices that simulate the sound of a drum kit.", "A man moves two controllers up and down creating a drum sound on a machine.", "A man in a dedroom watches a computer screen and moves to the beats coming from the computer.", "A man is in his room playing with a game on a computer system", "A man is moving something in his hands to a beat on a device.", "A man uses a simulated drumstick and a laptop to produce a drum beat sound" ]
[ "一个男子在房间里拿着一个东西在打节拍。", "一个男人在卧室,在小桌子上有电脑与乐器,他在弹奏。", "一位男子正用着手感的方式,来敲打着音乐,非常娴熟。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男人手里拿着东西在晃动。", "一个男人在房间电脑前手拿话筒做着打鼓的动作。", "一个男人上下移动着两个遥控器,在机器上发出了鼓声。", "一个男人在一个dedroom看着电脑屏幕,并移动到来自计算机的节拍。", "一个男人正在他的房间里玩电脑系统上的游戏。", "一名男子正在移动手中的东西在设备上敲打。", "一名男子使用模拟鼓槌和一台笔记本电脑产生鼓声。" ]
[ "Two men pretending to play drums, using flowerd as drum sticks.", "Two men are at an outdoor festival and dancing with flowers in their hands.", "Two men play air drums to a live band at an outdoor show.", "Two men using their hands and daisies to beat imaginary drums to the tune of music playing.", "Two male friends are air drumming while holding some flowers outside together.", "Two men are dancing with their arms while holding sunflowers outside in the sunlight.", "Two men holding flowers make drumming motions with their hands.", "Two men are pretending to play the drums while holding a bunch of flowers.", "Two guys are outside doing a dance togethere while holding flowers.", "Two men, playing air drums while holding a bouquet of daisies." ]
[ "在一个广场上面,两个人正在手拿着鲜花跳舞。", "两个男人拿着花站在街头疯狂过的摇摆着双手。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,两个带着黄色花的男人正在不停的自嗨。", "在搭满棚子的室外,两个穿着背心的男人,在拿着花跳舞。", "一个身穿红短袖的男人和一个穿着黑短袖的男人在挥舞着自己的胳膊。", "两个男人在阳光下拿着向日癸挥着双臂跳舞。", "两个拿着花的男子伴着音乐在户外跳舞。", "两名男子在拿着一束鲜花的同时假装演奏鼓。", "两个人一边拿着花, 一边在外面跳舞。", "两个大胡子男人挥动着手臂在跳舞,一个男人手里拿着一朵花。" ]
[ "A man driving his car while listening to loud music and playing air drums.", "A man is jamming to music in his car and pounding on the steering wheel.", "A man driving a car and playing the air drums while not holding the steering wheel.", "A male is dancing and pretending to play drums as he drives along in a car.", "A man dances in his seat while driving a car and listening to loud music", "A man moving his hands and arms as if to play drums, in a car, while driving.", "A guy getting very excited and air drumming to car music.", "A man plays drums on his steering wheel while driving and playing loud music.", "a man dancing and singing music as he flails his arms as he drives on the street", "A man is dangerously playing air drums to music while driving." ]
[ "白天的户外,一个男人,一边比划着,一边开着车,在道路上行驶着。", "一个男子双手不扶着方向盘在开车,很开心兴奋的样子。", "一个男子开着车,而且还手舞足蹈。", "一个戴着黑色帽子,戴着墨镜的男子在一边儿开车一边儿跳舞。", "一个戴着帽子和黑色墨镜的男人坐在汽车驾驶座上,双手不停的敲打方向盘。", "一个男人在开车时,他的手和胳膊挥动着就像是在打鼓。", "一个男人在车里听着音乐非常的兴奋。", "一名男子在驾驶和播放嘈杂的音乐时在方向盘上打鼓。", "一个正在开车的男人在车上疯狂地扭动着。", "一位男士开车时晃着头用双手不停地拍打着方向盘然后扭头说话。" ]
[ "A man was drumming the air while dancing in a room", "A man is dancing and playing air drums while music plays in the background.", "A person is shown dancing alone in the dark by himself.", "A man is air drumming while listening to the music in the background.", "A man is dancing to some music with his arms pretending to play drums.", "a dark recording where a man with a white shirt starts to dance and sing while blue lights display on him", "A man in a bar is dancing to the music and pretending to play drums.", "A man in a bar pretends to sing and play the drums to a song.", "a man in a white shirt pretends to play the drums in a dimly lit area.", "A man is dancing as loud music is being played." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,一个男人,站在地板上跳舞。", "一名穿着白衬衫的黑人男子在舞厅里跳舞。", "一个穿白色上衣的男人在昏暗的环境里手舞足蹈。", "一个男子在欢快的音乐下手舞足蹈。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个穿着白色上衣的男人胳膊在不停的动。", "在一个昏暗闪着蓝色灯光的屋里,一个穿白色衬衫的男人在唱歌跳舞。", "一个男子伴随着音乐在灯光下跳舞。", "酒吧里的一个男人在对着空气打鼓并假装唱歌。", "一个穿着白衬衫的男子在昏暗的地方假装玩鼓。", "一个男人正在跳舞,大吵大闹的音乐正在被播放。" ]
[ "Two men are listening to music and are jamming out to it.", "A man and his buddy play air guitar and drums to a rock song.", "Two men are dancing to music, with one using a pool stick as an air guitar.", "Music plays and two men dance around, one pretends to play guitar on a pool cue and the other plays air drums.", "A man plans air drums and another man uses a pool cue to play air guitar.", "Two men pretend to play real instruments as they dance to the music.", "Two men together pretending to play instruments one has a broom", "A man is playing air guitar with a pool stick while another man pretends to play the drums.", "two men are dancing one is using a pool stick as a guitar", "Two guys are listening to music and pretending to play instruments." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衬衫的人和一个穿着格子衬衫的人在跳舞。", "一个男子拿着一根杆子,另一个男子手舞足蹈,两人都伴随音乐跳舞。", "两个男人在房间里跳舞一个人拿着球杆另一个人挥动着手势。", "一个穿深色上衣的人拿着球杆转圈另一个人也在舞动。", "两个男人假装自己手中有乐器正在演奏。", "两个男人在随着音乐跳舞并假装手里面是真正的乐器演奏着。", "两个男人一起假装玩乐器,其中一个男人拿着扫帚。", "一个男人正在用一根球棒杆学弹着吉他,而另一个男人假装在打鼓。", "两名男子正在跳舞,其中一名把台球棒作为吉他。", "两个人正在听音乐,还假装在玩乐器。" ]
[ "A man dances around with a woman as they stand outside and whistles and drums play.", "Live music plays while a man and a woman do a dance where they waddle their feet, and wave their arms.", "A male teenager wearing glasses is moving his arms in small circles by his hips while dancing.", "A guy wearing glasses with leather jacket is dancing to the music with others", "A man and a woman are dancing to music that is playing outside.", "Men and one woman dance outside at night.", "A man in a leather jacket is dancing with a female as a marching band plays music at an evening party.", "Several young people are dancing outdoors and talking to each other.", "A boy is dancing in a party in front of a female.", "A man wearing glasses is sprayed in the face with smoke while dancing with a woman to loud music." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色皮衣的男子和几个人随着音乐舞动。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在音乐下有节奏地扭动着身体。", "几个穿着不同款式衣服的人在扭动身体。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人合一个短发美女正在跳舞。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人和一个金发的女人在跳舞。", "一个男人和一个女人在外面跟着伴奏跳舞。", "一群人非常开心的跟随音乐跳着舞蹈。", "几个年轻人在户外跳舞并且互相交谈。", "一个戴着眼镜的男孩跟谁着音乐跳舞。", "一个戴眼镜的男子在与一名女子跳舞时,旁边有烟雾喷在他脸上。" ]
[ "A man is pretending to play the drums while holding a pair of drum sticks.", "A man sitting down, pretending like he is playing the drums.", "A shirtless man is pretending to play drums with drum sticks.", "A topless man is sitting on a stool while pretending to play the drums in a vigourous fashion as he waves his drum sticks.", "A man is sitting on stool with drum sticks playing imaginary drums.", "A shirtless man yells and plays drumsticks on his legs.", "A guy is sitting and holding two drum sticks as he jams at the air drums.", "A young shirtless man plays air drums while someone else yells out when to play cymbals.", "A man is sitting ontop of a box a vigirously playing air drums.", "A shirtless man is holding sticks in his hands and playing drums in the air." ]
[ "一个穿着牛仔裤的男人拿着两根棍子挥来挥去。", "一个光着膀子的男人拿着两根棍子在挥舞。", "一个人坐在那里拿着两根棍子,并且双手不停地舞动。", "在一个房间里,一个手上有纹身的人在做敲打的动作。", "一个赤裸上身的男人正拿着两根小棍坐在凳子上挥舞。", "一个没穿衣服的男人在他的腿上玩鼓棒并在大喊大叫。", "在室内,一个光着上身的人在练习击打架子鼓。", "一个赤裸上身的男子对着空气打鼓,边打边大声喊。", "一个男人正坐在一个箱子的边上,正在拼命地敲着鼓。", "一个赤膊男子手里拿着棍子,在空中练习着打鼓。" ]
[ "A man is sitting down with his baby on his lap and he is making the baby laugh while holding its arms.", "A man and his baby together as he moves his arms and the baby starts to laugh with him", "A man is playing with the laughing baby that is laying in his lap.", "A baby boy is laughing while a man is holding and playing with him.", "A baby lies on a man's lap and giggles and laughs as the man holds it's hand and pretends to drum with them.", "A man is playing with a baby on his lap and making it laugh.", "A very young baby laughs while his father plays with him.", "A man makes an infant drum, much to the infant's amusement", "A man is holding a baby and shaking the baby's arms up and down.", "A father plays with his baby son while his son laughs and enjoys it." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在哄他哭泣的孩子。", "一个小宝宝躺在一个男人的腿上,男人握着小宝宝的手逗小宝宝。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男人和躺着他腿上的小孩子玩着。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在和孩子玩耍。", "一个婴儿躺在一个男人的大腿上,男人握着婴儿的手,在逗他开心。", "一个男人在和腿上的婴儿玩耍,并让他大笑。", "一个非常年幼的孩子在他父亲与他一起玩耍时笑了。", "一个男人做一个婴儿鼓,这给婴儿很大的乐趣。", "一名男子抱着一个婴儿, 上下晃动婴儿的胳膊。", "一位父亲和他的宝贝儿子一起玩耍,而他的儿子则乐在其中。" ]
[ "A long haired man pretending to play instruments and sings as the music plays.", "A boy with long black hair over his face is pretending to play the drums while others are watching him.", "Lip sync battle appears to have only one participant as his oblivious friends enjoy their reading.", "A group of boys listens to music and one plays the air drums.", "The camera pans right and a kid sits on the couch jamming to a song.", "A group of people sit around while one plays an air instrument.", "A teenage mouthing the words to a heavy metal song playing and air drumming with his hands.", "a group of people are hanging around and one of them is angry and yelling", "A guy is playing air guitar while singing a rock song.", "a man with glasses and long hair is singing with the music while another is texting." ]
[ "一群人在家中看着电视直播,其中一男子跟着唱歌。", "几个人坐在沙发上,其中有一个看着电视唱着歌。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人正坐在沙发上摆弄着双手。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在沙发上面说话。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男人在用力的用双手比划着。", "一群人围坐在一起,其中一个人在演奏空气仪器。", "一个青少年坐在沙发上唱歌并且用手挥舞空气来打鼓。", "一群人坐在一个屋子里, 其中一个人很生气, 并且大喊大叫还挥动着双手。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在一个房间唱着歌。", "个戴着眼镜和一头长发的男人正在跟着音乐唱歌,而另一个人正在发短信。" ]
[ "A teenager sits on a folding chair pretending to play drums with utensils on his legs.", "The boy in front of the building pretends to play drums", "A man listening to music and playing the drums on his knees.", "An older kid is outside playing the air drums while sitting.", "A young man plays air drums while sitting in a chair", "A young man sitting in a chair pretends to play drums.", "A man is sitting on a chair pretending to drum in the chair.", "A young man is sitting on a folding chair listening to music while playing air drums.", "A guy is sitting in a chair playing the air drums as the camera fades out.", "A man plays imaginary drums on his knees to music that is playing." ]
[ "一个男人在对着空气自娱自乐的打鼓。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人坐在椅子上跺着脚,两只手在空中晃动。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子灰色上衣的人正在跳舞。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上用手里的两根棍子敲大腿。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的男子正坐在椅子上用手敲打着腿部。", "一个年轻的男人坐在椅子上假装打鼓。", "在户外,一个长头发的人在假装打架子鼓。", "一个穿灰色上衣的年轻人坐在折叠椅上一边播放空气鼓, 一边听音乐。", "一个家伙正坐在椅子上吹着空气打着鼓。", "在室外,一个坐在凳子上的男子正在摇摆着自己的身体。" ]
[ "A man cheers and high fives a child sitting at a table.", "A little boy gets excited about eating spaghetti as his dad cheers him on.", "A small boy is shown at the kitchen table and a man makes a sound he laughs at.", "A boys sitting at a table flails his hands, talks and gives someone a high five.", "A child, together with dad is playing around in the dining room.", "A little boy is sitting at a table in front of a plate full of spaghetti while a man talks to him.", "A little boy is sitting in a chair, wiggling his hands. He gives an older man a high five.", "A boy high fiving someone at the dining table.", "A young boy laughs and celebrates with a high five.", "A small boy with a plate of spaghetti in front of him waves his arms then slaps hands with an adult." ]
[ "在一间屋子里,一个小孩和一个人拍了一下手掌。", "蓝衣男孩在餐旁边高兴地和大人击掌欢呼。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在手舞足蹈。", "一个小男孩坐在桌前,桌上放着一盘面条。", "一个穿黑色衣服的孩子挥动着双手和一个人击掌。", "一个小男孩正坐在有着意大利面的桌子面前和一个男人说着话。", "一个小男孩坐在桌子旁,手舞足蹈地和旁边的人击掌。", "一个男孩在餐桌上高高地打了一个人的手掌。", "一个小男孩欢乐的笑着用击掌来欢庆。", "一个小男孩坐在桌子旁边的椅子上,快速的摇晃自己的双手。" ]
[ "Sitting at a table, a man pretends his salad is a drum and plays a beat.", "A man is sitting at the table pretending to play drums.", "A person is doing weird actions by sitting on a table", "A guy is sitting at a table, pretending to be playing the drums to a rock song.", "A man is playing some air drums to a rock music song.", "A man plays air drums seated at a table in front of a dish of salad.", "A man plays air drums while music plays in the background.", "A man sitting at table mimes playing a beat on the drums", "A man is sitting at a dinning table with a bowl of salad and is pretending he is playing drums to music.", "A man is playing the air drums while setting at the kitchen table." ]
[ "一个男人跟着音乐的旋律摆动着自己的手臂,桌面上还摆着水果沙拉。", "一个男人坐在一盘沙拉后面假装在敲架子鼓。", "一个长胡子男子坐在桌子前面对着一盘菜在挥舞着手。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人面前有一盘食物对着食物在比划动作。", "一个男人坐在桌子前手不断的上下敲击,桌子上放着食物和手机。", "一个男人在一盘沙拉前的桌子上打气鼓。", "在室内,一个男人在一盘食物前手舞足蹈的。", "一个男人坐在桌子旁,跟着节奏敲打着节拍。", "一个男人端着一碗沙拉坐在餐桌旁,并且假装他正在为音乐打鼓。", "一个男人坐在桌子旁坐着手部动作,桌子上放着一份沙拉。" ]
[ "A girl wearing a black jacket dances in a kitchen and does hand motions", "A woman is pretending to be playing drums in the air.", "A girl acts like she is playing the drums to the beat of the music in the background.", "A girl in her kitchen beats her arms up and down to the music.", "A girl is standing in a kitchen waving her arms like she is playing a set of drums.", "A woman is standing dancing and pounding her fists to the beat of music.", "A woman is air drumming uninterruptedly to music playing in the background.", "A woman pretends to play the drums in her kitchen.", "With music playing in the background, a female pantomimes the drum patterns of beat in the song.", "a woman is in the kitchen acting like she is playing the drums" ]
[ "一个女人随着音乐的节奏,摇晃着头双手敲打着。", "在一个房间里,有一个长发女子在音乐的伴奏下,挥动着双手舞动起来。", "一个人正在随着音乐节奏敲击双手舞动着。", "一个长头发女人,她穿着黑色的外套,挥舞着双手。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人挥动着双手跳着舞。", "一个女人站立着,伴着音乐的节拍,舞动着她的拳头。", "一个穿着黑色外套的女人在厨房随着音乐扭动。", "一个女人在厨房里听着音乐假装打架子鼓。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女孩跟着音乐摇摆。", "一个女人在厨房里表现得好像在打鼓。" ]
[ "A man in his underpants jumps around and pretends to play the gutuar as another man without a shirt makes a beat.", "Two men in swimming trunks, sunglasses and baseball caps pretend to play instruments using household objects instead.", "Two men wearing sunglasses are pretending to playing along with the music in the background using a broomstick and utensils & cups respectively.", "Two men in swiming trunks use household items and pretend to be playing instruments as a song plays in the background.", "2 shirtless men playing random objects like musical instruments.", "One young guy is using a broom as a guitar while another guy plays two glasses as if they were drums.", "Two shirtless men are seen dancing and pretending to play instruments along to a song.", "A man dances around in his underwear pretending a broom is a guitar as another man plays drums using a table.", "A shirtless guy in sunglasses plays a broomstick like a guitar while another shirtless guy in sunglasses bangs spoons together.", "One man plays air guitar while holding a broom and another drums on a table." ]
[ "两个人戴着墨镜用扫把当吉他用饭碗当鼓敲正在狂欢。", "一个男人拿着扫把当吉他在弹奏,另一个男人坐在桌旁敲桌上的杯子为他伴奏。", "一个男子站在地上手里拿着扫地的工具在跳舞,然后桌子旁边坐着一个男子在用筷子敲碗。", "一个戴着墨镜的男子手里拿着蓝色的棍子正在跳舞,旁边有个男子在敲玻璃杯。", "一个赤裸上身的男人。拿着扫帚弹吉他,一个男人坐在桌前敲击杯子。", "一个年轻的男人在用扫帚当吉他,而另一个男人在用玻璃杯当鼓敲打着。", "两个赤裸着上身的男人正在一起演奏音乐。", "一名男子穿着内裤跳舞, 假装扫帚是吉他, 另一个男人敲击桌子上的杯子。", "个穿着太阳镜的赤膊男子像吉他一样弹着扫帚,而另一个戴着太阳镜的赤膊男子一起敲打着勺子。", "一个男人拿着一把扫帚,弹着空气吉他,另一个人在桌上打鼓。" ]
[ "a man holding a alligator and a child came and sit on it.", "A young boy gets to sit on an alligator as a man holds the gator's mouth closed.", "A young boy is seen sitting on an alligator with the assistance of a handler.", "People in the background are chuckling as a little boy is allowed to come over to where the man is holding an alligator by the mouth and sit on him. and then he talks to him", "A child sits on the back of an alligator while the handler tells a joke.", "A child is shown sitting on a crocodile while being told a joke.", "A man is holding the mouth of an alligator in a sand pit while a little boy mounts the back of the animal and others are looking on.", "A child straddling an alligator while the keeper makes sure it is safe by holding the alligators head.", "A man holds a crocodile as a kid walks up and sits on it.", "A man is holding the head of an alligator and then a young boy gets on it's back." ]
[ "在一块雪地上,有一个人手放在鳄鱼头上,一个小男孩坐在蜥鳄鱼身上。", "在工作人员的帮助下一个小男孩坐在了鳄鱼的背上。", "一个男人抓住鳄鱼的嘴巴,一个小男孩坐到了鳄鱼的身上。", "一个男孩走进一个东西并坐在了那个东西上面。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在骑鳄鱼。", "一个孩子被告知坐在鳄鱼上并听着一个笑话。", "一个男人正在沙坑里抓住鳄鱼的嘴,而一个小男孩骑在动物的后背上, 其他人在看。", "一个男子在观众面前抓住鳄鱼的嘴并让一个小男孩子坐在鳄鱼身上。", "一个男人抱着一条鳄鱼,一个孩子走过来坐在上面。", "一个男人拿着一头短吻鳄的头,然后一个小男孩爬上了它的背。" ]
[ "A person holds the tail of an alligator and attempts to pull it out of the water.", "A group of people are outside play with alligators one of the individual grabs one of the gators by the tail.", "A young man dragging an alligator out of a murky body of water.", "An alligator is being held by the tail and is trying to get into the water.", "A person is pulling a large alligator by the tail over tires out of water.", "A gator is being held by his tail while another man comes up apon him.", "A person is pulling an alligator out from a pond.", "Someone pulls an alligator out of the water by its tail as the alligator hisses.", "Someone is holding a huge allegator by the tail and is dragging out of a marsh.", "A man is pulling an alligator by the tail but the alligator struggles to escape." ]
[ "一个人在水里拉出了鳄鱼,旁边还有人围观。", "一个男人试图拽住鳄鱼的尾巴,把它拖上岸,与此同时周围的观众在欢呼。", "在水池边,一群人正在看着一个男人用手拖拽着鳄鱼的尾巴。", "在水塘边,一个人正在拖拽鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个人站在水边抓住一条鳄鱼的尾巴,把鳄鱼拖上了岸,旁边还站着两个女人。", "一只鳄鱼正被他抓住尾巴,而另一名男子则迎面而来。", "一个人正在把鳄鱼从池塘里拉出来。", "一一个人把一只嘶嘶叫的鳄鱼从水里拉了出来。", "一个穿着黑色T恤的人拉着鳄鱼的尾巴将鳄鱼拉出水里。", "一名男子正在拉着鳄鱼的尾巴,但是鳄鱼挣扎着要逃跑。" ]
[ "A man wearing sunglasses sits on an alligator on a sandy shore.", "A man sits on an alligator as he describes characteristics about another captured alligator.", "A man sitting on top of an alligator, holding it down, and describing the largest one he has caught.", "A man is sitting on an alligator while describing", "A man straddles an alligator in the sand while talking about it.", "A man demonstrates how to handle an alligator by sitting on it and grabbing its snout.", "The man was talking about he catches alligators at the Alligator Farm.", "A man is sitting on top of an alligator, talking about all the alligators he's captured.", "A man that is missing all of his left hand fingers, is sitting on an alligator then opens the alligator's mouth.", "A man is talking about the largest alligator that has been captured." ]
[ "一位男子正在专心为大家演示如何驯服凶恶鲨鱼。", "一个男人坐在一个鳄鱼身上,一边讲解一边示范。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人骑在鳄鱼的身上按着鳄鱼的头。", "一个带着墨镜的男人,骑坐在鳄鱼的身上。", "一个男人骑在鳄鱼的背上,并把手放在鳄鱼的前面右边和左边,并用右手扶着鳄鱼的上颚。", "一个男人示范如何处理鳄鱼,如何坐在它的上面抓住它的鼻子。", "一个男人正坐在一只张开嘴巴的鳄鱼的背上,并说着话。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼身上,谈论他抓获的鳄鱼。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的男人正在骑着一个鳄鱼上讲述着某些东西。", "一名男子正在谈论被抓获的最大鳄鱼。" ]
[ "A crocodile behind a fence is taken by the tail by a worker for the amusement of a crowd.", "A crowd watching a handler in a fenced area working with an alligator.", "Several people watch a crocodile walk then a guy takes it by its tail.", "An animal keeper inside an enclosure with an alligator and pulling it away from the fence by the tail.", "A man is handling an alligator in a cage while a crowd of people look on.", "A woman does a demonstration with a live alligator for an audience.", "An alligator walks towards a trainer and then the trainer grabs his tail.", "An alligator slowly walks towards a person who then grabs it's tail.", "A REPTILE IS SEEN WALKING ACROSS A PATH AND THEN GRABBED BY THE TAIL BY A HUMAN.", "An alagater in an enclosure is being grabbed by the tail by a handler." ]
[ "一群人在观看一位女士训一只鳄鱼。", "一条鳄鱼被原本站在她前面的女子绕到后面,并拖起了它的尾巴往后走。", "一条鳄鱼在爬行,一个穿红色短袖的人在调教它,周围还有人给他们拍照。", "一只黑色的鳄鱼,正在室外地面上行走,一名身穿红色上衣的男子,正站在鳄鱼旁边。", "在一个围栏内,一个穿着红色衣服的人,拽起一只鳄鱼的尾巴,围栏外有一些人在观看。", "一个女人用一只活鳄鱼为观众做演示。", "一只鳄鱼走向训练师,然后训练师抓住他的尾巴。", "一只鳄鱼慢慢地走向一个人, 这个人过来抓住它的尾巴。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女人在一个场地和鳄鱼进行着表演。", "一个红衣服的人拿起鳄鱼的尾巴,周围还有很多人在观看。" ]
[ "a person kneels with an alligator or crocodile and speaks to a laughing crowd", "Visitors sit outside railed ring where a man sits on the back of an alligator with its mouth open.", "A man is telling jokes while sitting on the back of an alligator", "A man in a ring seems to have wrestled an alligator, and talks to the audience about the animal.", "A group of spectators are watching as a man is wrestling an alligator.", "Man in ring is sitting on top of a crocodile or alligator.", "A group of people are watching a man hold down a alligator.", "A man is in a semi enclosed space, surrounded by a crowd, and handling a Crocodile.", "a man showing a large crowd a gator and talking to them", "An animal presentation is being given in front of an audience with an alligator." ]
[ "在众人的围观下,一个男子在舞台上面制服了对手。", "一个男人在跟鳄鱼表演节目,台下许多人在看。", "在舞台上,一个男人骑在鳄鱼的身上。", "一个人在栏杆里边的台子上,旁边坐着一群人。", "一群人在观看表演,一个人骑在一只鳄鱼身上。", "一个环形的场地里面,一个男人坐在鳄鱼的身上。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上,旁边的人在观看。", "一名男子在半封闭的空间里,被人群包围,正在处理鳄鱼。", "一个男人向一大群人展示鳄鱼和他们交谈。", "一个人在观众面前用鳄鱼做动物表演。旁边很多的人在笑。" ]
[ "A person is pulling an alligator by holding its tail", "A man in jeans is dragging a crocodile by his tail while being watched by two other men", "A man is pulling an alligator out of the water by its snout as others clap and cheer him on.", "A man catches an alligator by the tail and drags it to dry ground.", "A man pulling an alligator by it's tail in dirty water while people cheer him.", "A kid and woman stand in water as a guy drags a crocodile out of the water by its tale.", "A man drags an alligator out of the water and pins it down as onlookers cheer.", "A man pulls a crocodile from the water and the man sits on it.", "A man is dragging a crocodile from the water by its tail.", "A man wrestles an alligator out of the water as people wach and cheer." ]
[ "一个人在几个人的围观下把鳄鱼从水里拉到岸边,并且抓住鳄鱼。", "一个男人从水中把一个鳄鱼的尾巴抓住,拖到岸上了。", "一个男的将水里的鳄鱼用手拖了出来,然后按住了它的头。", "一个身穿白色衣服的男人,把水池中的鳄鱼拖拽到地面上。", "一个男人在水中抓着鳄鱼的尾巴将其拖在了地面上,并一下坐在鳄鱼的背部将其控制了下来。", "一个男人把一条鳄鱼从水中拖了出来。", "一个男人把一只鳄鱼拖出水面并把它按住,旁观者欢呼。", "一个男人把鳄鱼从水里拉出来,那个人就坐在鳄鱼上面。", "一个男人正拽着池塘内鳄鱼的尾巴将他拖了出来。", "当人们欢呼雀跃时, 一名男子将鳄鱼从水中拉出来。" ]
[ "A young girl pulling an alligator by the tail out of the water.", "A female is trying to pull an alligator out of the water by its tail.", "A woman is standing in the water and pulling the tail of an alligator.", "A woman holds onto the tail of a reptile and drags the reptile as a group of people stand and watch.", "A lady is pulling an alligator out of the water by his tail.", "A woman standing in shallow water holds an alligator by the tail and pulls it.", "A girl in a alligator pit pulling the alligators tail and others around watching.", "A woman is dragging an alligator in water by it's tail.", "A woman is trying to pull an alligator out of a pool of water by its tail as people watch.", "A woman is pulling a crocodile's tail to get him out of the water." ]
[ "一个穿黑色背心的女人在小池里拉鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个女人在一个男人的鼓舞下拖着一只鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个扎头发的女人手里拖着鳄鱼往后拉。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个女人正在拽一个鳄鱼尾巴。", "一个穿兰色背心扎着小辫儿的女人在水里拖着一条鳄鱼的尾巴,旁边还有人在看。", "一个女人站在水里并抓住一只鳄鱼的尾巴向后拉扯。", "一个女子鳄鱼潭拽着鳄鱼尾巴,旁边有很多人在围观。", "一个女人正在拖着鳄鱼的尾巴将鳄鱼拖入水中。", "一个女人正试图拉着鳄鱼的尾巴将他拖出水池。", "一群人在观看一名年轻女子在水里拉着鳄鱼的尾巴。" ]
[ "A couple people are are in a shallow pond and one main is pulling an alligator by the tail.", "A person is wading through water holding an enormous crocodile by the tail and dragging it along.", "There is two Asian men in an enclosed tank and one is holding the alligator by the tail.", "A man drags a large floating alligator by the tail in a pool.", "In a pen full of water a man drags an alligator by it's tail what talking about it.", "Two men are in a pool with crocodiles, one pulling an animal through the water by its tail.", "A young man pulls a crocodile by its tail around an indoor pool.", "Two males are in the water and one is shown dragging an alligator from its tail.", "A man is walking through a shallow pool of water, dragging an aligator by the tail.", "Two men are out there by the pond fixing and propping the alligator." ]
[ "一个人在水里走着,另一个男人拖着一只鳄鱼在走着。", "在水里,一名身穿红色衣服的男人在行走,另一名身穿蓝色衣服的男人拉着鳄鱼的尾巴在行走。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人正在拉扯鳄鱼。", "一个穿红衣服的人在水里站着,一个穿蓝色短袖的男人手里拖着鳄鱼。", "水池中有一条鳄鱼,一个穿着蓝色衣服的男子拉着鳄鱼的尾巴走在水中.。", "两个男人在鳄鱼池里,其中一个人拉着一只鳄鱼的尾巴向前走着。", "一个年轻人拖着一条鳄鱼的尾巴绕着室内游泳池走。", "在池塘里面,一个人拽着鳄鱼将其拖走。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人在水里拉鳄鱼。", "池塘里有个男人在拉着鳄鱼的尾巴前进。" ]
[ "A man in an arena is performing alligator wrestling as onlookers cheer on.", "A man is sitting on the back of an alligator and his chin is resting on the alligator's mouth.", "A man is performing in an alligator show for an audience and he puts his chin on the gator's mouth.", "A man holds an alligator's mouth open using his chin.", "A man is resting his jaw on the mouth of an alligator.", "A man puts his chin on the crocodile's chin in the cage", "A man is performing a show at a zoo with an alligator to please the crowds.", "A man is keeping an alligator's mouth open with his own head.", "a man stands with his head on an alligator on the white dirt", "a man sitting on a crocodile with it's mouth on the man;s chin" ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人坐在一只鳄鱼的背上,将下巴放在鳄鱼的嘴上,与此同时周围的观众在欢呼。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上,将下巴放在鳄鱼的嘴上。", "男子骑在鳄鱼身上用下巴顶着鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个白色衣服的男人坐在一条鳄鱼身上。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在把下巴放在鳄鱼上。", "一个男人把下巴放在了在笼子里的鳄鱼的下巴上。", "一名男子正在动物园用鳄鱼表演节目以取悦观众。", "一个男人把自己的头保持在鳄鱼张开的嘴巴上。", "一个男人在白色的泥土上,头靠在鳄鱼的头上。", "一个男人骑坐在鳄鱼的身上,下巴放在鳄鱼的嘴巴上,旁边一些人在围观。" ]
[ "A crocodile crawls out of the water and towards a man that feeds it with food.", "A man sitting by a lake trying to feed an alligator.", "A man feeds an alligagor as a crowd is watching and amazed.", "A man teasing an alligator out of water with a piece of fish.", "In a swamp an alligator leaves the water and approaches a man.", "A man is teasing an alligator using a piece of food to come from the water.", "A man lures a crocodile with food in his hand from the dark waters onto the shore while shocked onlookers can be heard.", "A guy is luring a gator out of a pond with a piece of food in his hand.", "A man with a hat goads an alligator until it comes out of the water.", "A man lures an alligator out of the water and he touches its face before the gator heads back toward the water." ]
[ "一个戴帽子的男子拿着肉在逗一只鳄鱼,有个女子发出惊叹的声音。", "一个男人在用一个物品引诱鳄鱼上岸,旁边有人在摄影。", "在一片树丛里,一个穿黑衣服,男正勾引着一条鳄鱼。", "一个穿着深颜色衣服的人和一条鳄鱼在池塘边。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的人正在水边拿东西逗鳄鱼。", "一个男人正在用一块食物引诱一只鳄鱼从水里出来。", "一名男子用手中的食物将鳄鱼从黑暗的海水引诱到岸边, 同时可以听到震惊的围观者。", "一个家伙手里拿着一块食物, 从池塘里引诱一只鳄鱼。", "一个戴帽子的男人把鳄鱼勾引出来,直到它从水里出来。", "一个男人正在用食物将鳄鱼从水中引诱出来,他触摸鳄鱼的头。" ]
[ "A man wrestles with an alligator, trying to take control of the animal while avoiding getting caught in its jaws.", "A man in a pond plays with the jaw of a crocodile and performs tricks with him.", "Man performs stunts with live crocodile in and out of the water.", "In a pool of water, a man is holding and wrestling with an alligator.", "A man in a pool of water is wrestling an alligator.", "A man is in the water with a live crocodile, and he is holding its mouth opened, and then wrestling with it.", "A man is wrestling with an alligator in a body of water.", "A large man wrestles with an alligator in a body of water as heavy metal music plays.", "A man holds an alligators mouth open and then wrestles in the water with it.", "A man wrestling with an alligator where he tries to man handle the gator in the water" ]
[ "一个男人和一头大鳄鱼在水里面纠缠。", "一个魁梧的男人在水中和一条鳄鱼较量。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男子在水池里抱着一个鳄鱼在戏耍鳄鱼。", "一个长着胡子的男人正在水里摆弄一只鳄鱼。", "一个男人在水池中用双手抓住鳄鱼的嘴巴,与鳄鱼在水中翻滚。", "一个人拿着一条活鳄鱼在水里, 鳄鱼张开嘴, 然后与它搏斗。", "一个男人正在与一条鳄鱼在水中搏斗。", "随着重金属音乐的播放,一个大男人在水中与鳄鱼游戏。", "一名男子张开嘴, 然后与鳄鱼在水中扭打。", "一名男人在水中用手把一只鳄鱼的嘴掰开合上。" ]
[ "A woman sets on the back of an alligator holding it's jaw closed; as she speaks through a microphone.", "A woman is setting on the back of an alligator holding it's jaws shut.", "A woman sits on an alligator while holding its mouth shut and solicits donations from the audience.", "A woman is sitting on a top of crocodile and holds his jaws", "A woman sitting on an alligator, holding his head at a 90 degree angle, talks on a microphone to an audience.", "A woman sits on top of an alligator and holds it's mouth.", "A woman handles an alligator in an alligator park while thanking a crowd for their donations.", "A woman is sitting on top of an alligator and putting on a show while people watch.", "A woman is sitting on the back of an alligator while holding it's mouth.", "A woman is sitting on an alligators back and holding its mouth from behind while talking to a crowd of onlookers." ]
[ "一个女人骑在鳄鱼的背上,双手拿着它的嘴巴,戴着耳麦正在向观众们讲解着。", "一个女人一边坐在鳄鱼的背上一边讲解。", "一个穿黑色背心的女人正坐在一只鳄鱼背上。", "一个女人坐在鳄鱼的后背上,用一只手合住鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个人坐在鳄鱼背上,手扳着鳄鱼的嘴讲解着。", "一个女人坐在鳄鱼背上,用手按着它的嘴。", "在公园里,一个戴着帽子的女人握住了鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个女人坐在一只鳄鱼的背上,并且抓着它的嘴巴。", "一个女人正坐在一只鳄鱼的背上,当时她正握着它的嘴。", "一个女人正坐在一条鳄鱼的背上,在跟一群旁观者说话的时候,从后面抓住嘴巴。" ]
[ "A woman screams in the background as men handle a crocodile inside a pen.", "two people are holding onto an alligator and doing something to him", "Some person were holding the crocodile by sitting on that inside the cage net", "A group of people are cheering and screaming as two men are in a fenced in area doing something.", "Two guys are doing something to a person on the ground and a woman is yelling.", "Two men are kneeling doing something with their hands in a competition.", "Two men behind a fence are kneeling on their knees and helping someone else while other people are watching.", "A woman is shouting and cheering on a group of men in a fence.", "A man sits on an aligator while another man secures its mouth and others watch.", "a small boy screaming very loudly looking at some people near a small pool" ]
[ "一群人在看两个男子驯服一条鳄鱼。", "好多人在一个围栏里,还有好多人在尖叫。", "两个蹲着的人正在处理着东西,旁边有人在喊叫。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正骑在一条鳄鱼身上。", "两个人跪在地上按压着一个黑色的东西,旁边有很多人围观。", "两个男人在比赛中跪在地上,手里在做着什么。", "两个人跪在围栏的后面给一个躺在地上的人做急救,周围有人在围观并且大声说话。", "一个女人在对着栅栏里的人大喊大叫。", "一个人坐在鳄鱼上, 另一个人固定着它的嘴, 其他人在看。", "网栏后面水池旁边,有一群人在围观。" ]
[ "A man is pulling an alligator from the water while other people are watching.", "A man is pulling a gator out of the water by the back of it's tail.", "A man tries to pull a gator out of a pool by his tail.", "A person who is outside that is pulling the tail of a crocodile or alligator.", "A man struggles to pull up an alligator out of the water.", "a group of people are standing around as a person is holding the tail of an alligator.", "A man is pulling an alligator out of the water by pulling its tail.", "A man is pulling an alligator by its tail while a group of people stand around and watch.", "A man is pulling an alligator out of the water by it's tail.", "A person crosses a shallow pond towards a man holding a large crocodile by the tail, and pulling it back when it runs forward." ]
[ "在河边有个穿着黑色背心的男人在拽一条鳄鱼,旁边有两个男人在看。", "一个男人将水中的鳄鱼拖了上岸,鳄鱼在作着反抗。", "一个男人拉着鳄鱼的尾巴,把鳄鱼从水里拉出来。", "一个男人正用手拉着一只鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个男人拽着尾巴将一条小鳄鱼从水里拖上岸,旁边几个人在看着他。", "一群人站在水池边观看一个人抓着鳄鱼的尾巴把它拖上岸。", "一名男子正在拉着鳄鱼的尾巴,将其从水中拉了出来。", "一个人拉着一只鳄鱼的尾巴,把鳄鱼拖上岸。", "一个人正在用它的尾巴把鳄鱼从水里拉出来。", "一个人抱着一条巨大的鳄鱼尾巴,然后向后拉着拉出了水池里。" ]
[ "An animal handler drags either an alligator or a crocodile out of a pool of water.", "Woman with ponytail pulling an alligator around by its tail in an enclosed area.", "a woman pulling a small alligator out of a small pool by themselves", "A woman drags an alligator by its tail out of a pool.", "A father and daughter are watching an alligator triner drag an alligator by the tail.", "A woman pulls an alligator out of a swimming area by its tail.", "A woman is pulling an alligator out of a shallow pool by the tail.", "A woman is dragging an alligator out of the water.", "A woman at a zoo setting pulling an alligator around by its tail.", "A woman drags around an alligator as several people watch" ]
[ "一个光着脚丫的女人从水里拖出来一条鳄鱼。", "一个女人把鳄鱼从水池中拖出来,旁边站着的人用手机在拍照。", "一个穿着紫色衣服的人拉着一个鳄鱼的尾巴后退。", "一个光着脚的女人,从水塘里拉出一只鳄鱼。", "在一个晴朗的室外,一个女人正在拽鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个女人拉着鳄鱼的尾巴把鳄鱼拉出了游泳区。", "一个女人正在一个鳄鱼池里将一条鳄鱼从潜水区拖到岸上。", "一个女人正在把一只鳄鱼从水中拖出来。", "动物园里的一个女人拉着一条鳄鱼的尾巴,把他拽了上来。", "一个女人双手拖着一条鳄鱼往后面拉,这条鳄鱼一动不动。" ]
[ "A man pulls an alligator out of the water and swears while others are looking on.", "A man beds down to pick up a gator out of the water.", "A man grabs an alligator's tail at an outdoor lake and pulls it out while yelling.", "A man is in a swamp and picks up a small alligator by the tail.", "A man pulls a baby alligator our of a lake then grabs a piece of wood", "A man pulls an alligator out of the water by it's tail.", "A man angrily pulls an animal from a body of water onto shore.", "A man grabs an alligator by the tale from the water's edge.", "A man pulls an alligator from the water and swears at it.", "A person dragging an alligator out of the water by the tail and yelling at it." ]
[ "一个人徒手抓住并拍打着鳄鱼,并捡起了一块木板。", "一个戴着黑色帽子,穿着白色靴子的男人从河边抓出一条鳄鱼。", "在湖边,一个男人从湖里抓到一条小鳄鱼。", "明朗宽敞的室外,一个男人正在逮鱼。", "一个穿着紫色衣服的人正在抓一条鳄鱼。", "一个男人拉住鳄鱼的尾巴将它从水中拉了出来。", "一个男人用手将水中的鳄鱼拉到岸边上。", "一个男人在水边抓住了一只小鳄鱼的尾巴。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人正从水中抓起来一条鱼。", "一个人拽着鳄鱼尾巴将它拖出水面,鳄鱼还在大喊大叫。" ]
[ "A guy sits on an alligator and holds its head and mouth open.", "A man is holding open an alligator's mouth with his hands.", "A zoo handler sits on an alligator and puts his hand near its mouth.", "A man straddling an alligator and then proceeds to pull its head back and mouth open.", "A person sits on a dolphin and opens its mouth and raises his hands", "Man sitting on an alligator while prying its mouth open to stick his hand in.", "A ma sits on top of a Alligator and opens its mouth while people watch him.", "A zookeeper plays with a crocodile while the onlookers laugh.", "A man sits on top of a crocodile and pries it's mouth open with his hands.", "A man straddles an alligator and pulls up on its top jaw while putting his other hand close to its mouth then he drops the jaw and picks it up again." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人骑在一条鳄鱼身上,一只手扳着鳄鱼的上颚,另一只手在摸鳄鱼的下颚。", "一位饲养员正在室外的草地上训练一只鳄鱼。", "一个穿黑色短袖衫的人坐在鳄鱼背上,用手掰开鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人骑在鳄鱼身上表演着节目。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人坐在鳄鱼身上,掰开鳄鱼的嘴,把手伸进去。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上,掰开鳄鱼的嘴把手放在鳄鱼嘴边。", "一个男人坐在一条鳄鱼背上,然后拉开它的嘴。", "一个动物园管理员在旁观者大笑的时候戏弄鳄鱼。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼的顶部,用他的手撬开它的嘴。", "一个男人骑在一头鳄鱼的身上,用手拉起它的上颚,然后放下来,又用手拉起它的上颚。" ]
[ "A gator wrestler demonstrates his skills while a narrator discusses wrestler history.", "A man is on top of a crocidile and holding his mouth open while he shows it to a show.", "A very brave man sits on top of an alligator while holding its mouth open and showing the crowd.", "A person opening a crocodile mouth and showing here and there", "A guy is straddling a crocodile and holding its head open.", "A Seminole Indian alligator wrestler shows off his latest catch while sitting on its back and moving its widespread jaws from side to side.", "A man sitting on an aligator and showing off his teeth.", "A man sat at the back of an alligator and held the mouth opened.", "A man dressed like Crocodile Dundee is sitting on a crocodile and holding his mouth agape.", "A man shows how to interact with a live alligator." ]
[ "一个带着帽子的男人坐在鳄鱼的背上,用双手掰开了鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个男子坐在鳄鱼身上,一人一物僵持不下。", "一个戴着帽子的人坐在鳄鱼身上两手掰开鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一名身穿绿色裤子的男子,正坐在一条鳄鱼身上。", "一个男子坐在鳄鱼背上,双手掰开鳄鱼的嘴巴,还把下巴放到鳄鱼的上颚上。", "一个塞米诺印度鳄鱼摔跤手,坐在它的背部展示他的最新捕获物,并移动其广泛的下巴从一侧移到另一侧。", "一个身穿花衣服戴帽子的人手掰着动物的嘴。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼的背后用手张开鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个戴着黑色帽子的男人掰开了鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个男人骑在鳄鱼上面,用双手掰开鳄鱼的嘴巴。" ]
[ "A man in a cage is wrestling an alligator as spectators watch.", "A man is in a circular stage talking about an animal that he is holding next to him.", "A group of people watching a man touching a gator.", "Spectators watch an animal handler with a crocodile as a commentator tells what will happen,", "A man is showing how to put his hand into an alligator's mouth in front of an onlooking mouth and talking about it.", "Two guys are inside of a pen and speaking to an audience.", "Two men are performing an act with a gator in an outdoor arena.", "A peron in a pen wrestles with an alligator in front of an audience", "A big crowd is surrounding a man who is sitting and doing something and another man stands away from him", "A man is sitting on top of a gator and puts his hand inside the aligators mout while people watch" ]
[ "在一个室外,两个男人正在表演节目,旁边的人在观看。", "一群人看着一个人在动物园中间坐在鳄鱼身上。", "一个穿着长袖的人正在水池中央坐在鳄鱼身上。", "一个人在跟鳄鱼玩耍,周围有很多人在看。", "一群人,围观着,两个坐在水中心的人。", "两个人在围栏里面讲述训练鳄鱼的过程给观众们听。", "两个男人正在一个户外的竞技场上表演一个鳄鱼的表演。", "围栏里的贝隆在观众面前和鳄鱼搏斗。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人坐在一群人中间一动不动。", "一个男人正坐在一只鳄鱼的身上,把手放在鳄鱼的肚子里,而人们则在旁观。" ]
[ "A man sitting on top of an alligator while holding his mouth then opening it.", "Someone is sitting on an alligator between poles and holding its mouth open.", "A person is sitting on the back of an alligator and opens its mouth.", "A man holds an alligator's mouth closed and slowly opens it.", "A man is holding a crocodile's jaw closed as he performs on stage.", "A man in a zoo-like enclosure sits astride some type of crocodilian and pries its mouth open.", "A man is opening alligator's mouth carefully and showing his teeth to the customers.", "A man is seen straddling an alligator holding it's mouth shut then slowly opening it.", "A man sits on a crocodiles back and opens it's mouth.", "A man sits on top of a alligator and he opens its mouth with his hands." ]
[ "在动物园,驯养师正在缓慢的打开鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个戴墨镜的男子在解说,他慢慢打开鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼的身上掰开了它的嘴巴。", "一个人坐在鳄鱼的背上,把鳄鱼的嘴掰开。", "室外树荫下,一个戴眼镜的人骑在鳄鱼身上用手掰开鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个人坐在动物园一样的圈地,骑着某种类型的鳄鱼,把它的嘴打开。", "一个男人小心翼翼地打开鳄鱼的嘴,向人们展示鳄鱼的牙齿。", "一个男人跨坐在一条鳄鱼身上,然后将它闭上的嘴打开。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上用手打开了它的嘴巴。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼的顶部,他用手张开嘴巴。" ]
[ "A man holds an alligator's mouth open with his chin, then removes it and closes the mouth, finally opening it once more and continuing to speak to a crowd.", "a man is sticking his head on an alligators mouth for a live audience.", "A man is sitting on the back of an alligator pulling it's head backwards.", "A man is sitting on an alligator and holding it's mouth open with his chin.", "A man sits on top of a crocodile and balances his chin on it's snout.", "A man is setting on an aligators back and holding the aligators mouth open using his chin.", "A man sits on top of an alligator in a muddy enclosure, rests his head on its open mouth, then shuts its jaws.", "A stage performer puts his head near an alligators mouth then shuts it close.", "A guy is sitting on an alligators back in the sand.", "A man in a performance/show holding a crocodile's mouth open with his chin and closing it's mouth shut with his hands." ]
[ "一个男人正在和鳄鱼表演节目,赢来了许多的掌声。", "一个男人正坐在鳄鱼身上用手合着鳄鱼的嘴。", "一名墨镜男子正在与一条鳄鱼表演着。", "一个穿短袖的男人用下巴抵着鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个人坐在鳄鱼身上用下巴抵着鳄鱼的嘴,用手捏着它的嘴巴。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼的背上,把下巴放在鳄鱼的下巴上,然后用手把鳄鱼的嘴合了起来、又打开。", "一个男人坐在一只鳄鱼的顶部,把头枕在嘴上,然后闭上嘴巴。", "舞台表演者将他的头靠近鳄鱼嘴,然后关闭它。", "一个人正坐在沙滩上的鳄鱼的身上。", "一个男人坐在一只鳄鱼身上表演用下巴撑着鳄鱼的上颚使其张开,然后闭上鳄鱼的嘴。" ]
[ "A man is situated on a top of a lizard with its mouth open while a crowd watches.", "A gentleman is sitting on an alligator holding the alligators mouth closed under his own chin.", "A man with an animal at an event where he has to pose for the camera", "A male is shown inside a cage on top of a lizard.", "A man sits on an alligator's back and uses his chin to hold its mouth shut.", "A man is attempting to wrestle an alligator in the sand.", "A man poses for a picture while he sits on top of an alligator.", "A person straddling an alligator while posing and holding the alligators head up with his chin.", "A man is in a ring sitting on top of a crocodile with his head on the crocodiles jaw while crowds watch on and shout at him to keep going.", "A man is posing in the sand on top of a fake alligator." ]
[ "一个男人在满是沙的场地里骑着鳄鱼不敢动。", "一群人在看台观看围栏内一个人在与动物表演。", "一个身穿灰色上衣的男子骑着一只鳄鱼正在进行表演。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在在表演。", "一个男人坐在一只动物的身上,身子下的动物抬着头,后面的观众席上坐着许多人。", "一个男人试图在沙滩上与鳄鱼摔跤。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上,展开了双臂。", "一个人正骑在一只仰着头的鳄鱼身上双臂张开摆着姿势,围栏外有很多观众。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人正坐在鳄鱼身上。", "一个男人在沙滩上,坐在一只假鳄鱼上摆造型。" ]
[ "A man is sitting on top of an alligator, while two men observe.", "A guy appears to be sitting on a gator about to break its back.", "a man sitting on top of an alligator while other men cheer him on.", "A man is hovering over an alligator's body and smiles with it.", "A man is sitting on a alligator while two other men stand around him", "A man sat at the back of a crocodile and gripped its neck", "A man straddles an alligator and pulls it's head up while other men talk about how nice it is.", "A man is sitting on an alligator and pulling it backwards by its shoulders", "A couple of guys are outdoors one of the men is sitting on top of a gator.", "A man plays with an alligator in between his legs by the river." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男人正骑在鳄鱼背上。", "一个穿着棕色工装连体裤的男人捕获了一只鳄鱼。", "一个男人骑在鳄鱼背上,并拿着它的爪子。", "一个戴着帽子的人骑在鳄鱼身上并且两只手拉着。", "有一个戴着帽子,戴着眼镜的男人坐在了一条鳄鱼的背上。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼的悲伤并抓住了它的脖子。", "一个男子坐在鳄鱼身上拉起鳄鱼的头部露出它的牙齿。", "一个男人正坐在一只鳄鱼身上把它的肩膀向后拉。", "一个穿着红色衣服的男人正坐在一条鳄鱼的背上。", "一个男人在河边坐到了鳄鱼身上,还有个个男人在看着他。" ]
[ "The animal handler is holder open the jaw of an alligator for the amazed audience.", "A man sitting on an alligator while talking about something that happened previously.", "A man is talking to an audience while he has opened the mouth of a crocodile.", "a man sits on the back of an alligator and talks to some people", "a man showing an audience how he man handles a crocodile as he lifts one of its mouths up", "A man sits on an alligator, holding its mouth open and talking to unseen people.", "A man with a microphone sits on top of an alligator, holding its mouth open.", "A man sits on a crocodile holding it's mouth open and talks to a crowd.", "Man wearing sunglasses and sleeveless shirt holding the top jaw of a alligator with is mouth open.", "A man is sitting on an alligator and opening it's mouth." ]
[ "一个戴着墨镜的男人用手掰开鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的男人正在拨弄鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个人坐在一个鳄鱼身上,掰着鳄鱼的嘴巴在看。", "一条小溪旁,一个穿着黑衣服的男人正在驯化鳄鱼。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人掰开了鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上左手抚摸着鳄鱼的上嘴唇。", "一个戴着麦克风的男子坐在鳄鱼身上,扒开了它的嘴。", "一名戴着麦克风的男子,将手放到鳄鱼的嘴巴上,并对着一大群人说话。", "男人戴着太阳眼镜,穿着无袖衬衫在鳄鱼身上表演节目。", "一个男人正坐在一只鳄鱼身上,并掰开了它的嘴。" ]