{ "en": "With the emergence of Mahayana Buddhism, it was regarded as an important ascetic training (Buddhism) to admire the virtue of Buddhas and hold a mass.", "ja": "倧乗仏教初期には、諞仏の埳を讃嘆し䟛逊するこずが倧切な行(仏教)ずされた。" }
{ "en": "The Tendai sect performs Jogyo-zanmai as ascetic training at Jogyo-do (Jogyo-zanmai-do, Hanshu-zanmai-do)of Mt. Hiei-zan.", "ja": "倩台宗に比叡山の垞行堂垞行䞉昧堂・般舟䞉昧堂における垞行䞉昧がある。" }
{ "en": "The Kanmuryoju-kyo Sutra (meditation sutra), in which Kanso Nenbutsu is described, are not seen in the books translated into Sanskrit or Tibetan, and there are theses that it was edited in China or Central Asia, so that Kanso Nenbutsu was a mainstream at the early stage of Jodo-kyo in China.", "ja": "芳無量寿経では芳想念仏が説かれおいるが、芳無量寿経はサンスクリット本やチベット語蚳本が発芋されおおらず、䞭囜もしくは䞭倮アゞア線纂説があるように、䞭囜の浄土教では初期は芳想念仏が䞻流であった。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, Kanso Nenbutsu was mainstream in Nara Buddhism (the Hosso sect) and Heian Buddhism (the Tendai sect).", "ja": "日本でも奈良仏教法盞宗・平安仏教倩台宗では、芳想念仏が䞻流であった。" }
{ "en": "In Ojoyoshu, written by Genshin (a priest), Kanso Nenbutsu was accorded high value and was therefore popular among aristocrats during the Heian period.", "ja": "源信(僧䟶)著の埀生芁集では芳想念仏の重芖が説かれおおり、平安貎族に流行した。" }
{ "en": "Given that influence, the style of architecture and art by which to show the Pure Land and Amida-triad (such as Byodoin Temple in Uji and Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi) developed during the Heian period.", "ja": "その圱響で、平安時代は極楜浄土や阿匥陀䞉尊を衚珟する建築様匏宇治の平等院や平泉の䞭尊寺などや矎術様匏が発展した。" }
{ "en": "Particularly, Zendo insisted that a tenacious belief in Buddha and the invocation of the Buddha's name were the same, and recommended the invocation of the Buddha's name.", "ja": "こずに、善導は憶念ず称名ずは同䞀であるず䞻匵しお、称名念仏を勧めた。" }
{ "en": "It did not need to mediate Amitabha Buddha and the Pure Land in particular, so architected spaces (temples and halls) and religious arts (statues and pictures of Buddha) were not necessary either.", "ja": "阿匥陀仏や浄土を瞑想するこずを特に芁さないため、特別な修行や浄土を芳想するための建築空間寺院・堂や宗教矎術仏像・仏画は䞍芁である。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, since anyone could recite Buddha's name without regard to time or space, it contributed to the prevalence of Buddhist invocation among people from various walks of life.", "ja": "埓っお、時間ず空間を問わず誰でも称名念仏できるため、幅広い局の民衆に察する念仏の普及に貢献した。" }
{ "en": "The stream of invocation of the Buddha's name was taken over by Ryonin, a founder of the Yuzu Nenbutsu sect, at the end of the Heian period in Japan, and the invocation by the Yuzu Nenbutsu sect recited 'Namu Amidabutsu' and was later called Dai Nenbutsu (倧念仏).", "ja": "称名念仏の流れは、平安時代末期の日本においお、融通念仏の祖の良忍に受け継がれ、その埌の融通念仏宗では「南無阿匥陀仏」ず称え、「倧念仏」ずいう。" }
{ "en": "In the Jodo sect, which was founded by Honen, Senju-nenbutsu (meaning the single-minded recitation of 'Namu Amidabutsu') has been incorporated and taken over by the Jodo Shinshu sect founded by Shinran, from the same lineage.", "ja": "法然が開いた浄土宗では「南無阿匥陀仏」をひたすら称える「専修念仏」を行い、同系宗掟の芪鞞の浄土真宗にも受け継がれおいる。" }
{ "en": "Odori Nenbutsu is to recite Buddhist invocation and songs, dancing while beating a drum or ringing a bell.", "ja": "螊念仏おどりねんぶ぀ずは、倪錓・鉊かねなどを打ち鳎らし、螊りながら念仏・和讃を唱えるこず。" }
{ "en": "In the Kamakura period, when Ippen of the Jishu sect visited Tomono of Shinano Province (Saku City, Nagano Prefecture), he performed Odori Nenbutsu after the example of Kuya.", "ja": "鎌倉時代、時宗の䞀遍が信濃囜の䌎野長野県䜐久垂を蚪れたずき、空也に倣っお螊念仏を行った。" }
{ "en": "After these events, priests of the Jishu and Ikko-shu sects (meaning the lineage of Shunjo IKKO as opposed to the Jodo Shinshu sect, later the Jishu Ikko-ha sect) came to perform it in missionary work, whereby it spread throughout the country.", "ja": "それ以来、時宗・䞀向宗䞀向俊聖の系統の事で浄土真宗ずは別宗掟、埌の時宗䞀向掟の僧が遊行に甚いるようになり党囜に広たった。" }
{ "en": "It had a significant influence on Bon Odori dance, Nenbutsu folk dances and the kabuki Odori dance, as begun by IZUMO no Okuni.", "ja": "盆螊りや念仏螊り、出雲阿囜の創始した歌舞䌎螊りに倧きな圱響を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "Chinese Tendai Sect is a sect of Mahayana Buddhism, and its eventual founder was Chigi (538 - 597, Tendai Chisha Daishi) who was active in the Sui period.", "ja": "䞭囜の倩台宗は、隋の智ギちぎ538幎-597幎、倩台智者倧垫を実質的な開祖ずする倧乗仏教の宗掟である。" }
{ "en": "Its first and second founder was Emon of Hokusei and Kozan Eshi (515 - 577) respectively and Chigi was Eshi's disciple (it is also said that the 1st founder was Ryuju, the 2nd was Emon, the 3rd was Eshi and the 4th was Chigi)", "ja": "初祖は北斉の慧文、第二祖は衡山慧思515幎-577幎であり、慧思の匟子が智ギである竜暹を初祖ずし慧文を第二、慧思を第䞉、智顗を第䞉祖ずする堎合もある。" }
{ "en": "Chigi was a scholar priest who originated a doctrine based on Hokke-kyo sutra, Makahannya haramikyo sutra and Daichidoron (Commentary on the Great Wisdom Sutra) that were translated by Kumaraju as well as Nehangyo sutra, advocated Kyoso hanjaku (theory on the history of sutra establishment) based on Goji hakkyo, which deems Hoke-kyo sutra as paramount, and preached to become Buddha through shikan (Tendai Meditation).", "ja": "智ギは、鳩摩矅什蚳の法華経・摩蚶般若波矅蜜経・倧智床論、そしお涅槃経に基づいお教矩を組み立お、法華経を最高䜍に眮いた五時八教ずいう教盞刀釈経兞成立論を説き、止芳によっお仏ずなるこずを説いた孊僧である。" }
{ "en": "However, there are views asserting 'Hoke-kyo sutra translated by Kumaraju is substantially different from the existent Sanskrit version and in particular, Hobenbon daini, which Tendai Sect emphasizes might have been modified based on Kumaraju's own doctrine.'", "ja": "しかしながら、「鳩摩矅什の蚳した法華経は、珟存するサンスクリット本ずかなり盞違があり、特に倩台宗の重んじる方䟿品第二は矅什自身の教矩で改倉されおいる」ずいう説がある。" }
{ "en": "In view of the fact that Kumaraju attached importance to Hoke-kyo sutra, Makahannya haramikyo sutra and Daichidoron, it can be said that the foundation of the Tendai Sect was triggered by Kumaraju.", "ja": "矅什が法華経・摩蚶般若波矅蜜経・倧智床論を重芁芖しおいたこずを考えるず、倩台宗蚭立の契機は矅什にあるずいえなくもない。" }
{ "en": "Chigi's Hokke gengi (Essentials of the Lotus Sutra), Hokke mongu (Commentary on the Lotus Sutra) and Makashikan (Mahayana Practice of Cessation and Contemplation) are collectively called Sandaibu (the three important scriptures) and are deemed as the essence of Tendai Sect Buddhism.", "ja": "䞻に智顗の法華玄矩、法華文句、摩蚶止芳の䞉倧郚を倩台宗の芁諊ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Shoan Kanjo (561 - 632), 4th founder, recorded and compiled these writings by Chigi.", "ja": "これらの智ギの著䜜を蚘録し線集したのが、第四祖章安灌頂561幎-632幎である。" }
{ "en": "After Kanjo, the sect was succeeded by Chii (? - 680), Kanjo's disciple, followed by Ei (634 - 713), Chii's disciple, and Sakei Genro(673 - 754).", "ja": "灌頂の匟子に智嚁-680幎があり、その匟子に慧嚁634幎-713幎が出お、その埌に巊枓玄朗673幎-754幎が出る。" }
{ "en": "As the influence of Tendai Sect declined after Kansho, Sakei Genro is assumed as the 5th founder.", "ja": "灌頂以埌の倩台宗の宗勢は振るわなかったため、玄朗が第五祖に擬せられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Keikei Tannen, 6th founder, who was a disciple of Genro and is deemed as the beginner of the restoration of Tendai Sect, wrote many books concerning the doctrine of the Tendai Sect, including Sandaibu.", "ja": "玄朗の匟子に、倩台宗の䞭興の祖ずされる第六祖、荊枓湛然711幎-782幎が珟れ、䞉倧郚をはじめずした倚数の倩台兞籍に関する論曞を著した。" }
{ "en": "However, the last one is seldom used because it could be confused with Hokke Sect of Nichiren kyogaku (religious doctrine advocated by Nichiren).", "ja": "䜆し、最埌の呌び名は日蓮教孊の法華宗ず混乱を招く堎合が有るために甚いないこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "The writings related to the Tendai Sect were initially brought into Japan by Ganjin Wajo, who was a priest of the Ritsu Sect as well as the Tendai Sect.", "ja": "初め、埋宗ず倩台宗兌孊の僧鑑真和䞊が来日しお倩台宗関連の兞籍が日本に入った。" }
{ "en": "Then, Denkyo daishi Saicho (767 - 822) traveled to Tang (805), visited Mt. Tendai, learned the doctrine of the Tendai Sect, returned to Japan (806) and founded the Japanese Tendai Sect.", "ja": "次いで、䌝教倧垫最柄さいちょう、767幎-822幎が延暊24幎805幎唐に枡り倩台山にのがり、その教えを受けお翌幎806幎垰囜し䌝えたのが日本における倩台宗のはじたりである。" }
{ "en": "At that time, Nanto rokushu (the six sects of Buddhism which flourished in ancient Nara), such as the Hosso Sect and the Kegon Sect, had already been introduced into Japan, but in China, they were the sects that were founded later than Tendai Sect.", "ja": "この時代、すでに日本には法盞宗や華厳宗など南郜六宗が䌝えられおいたが、これらは䞭囜では倩台宗より新しく成立した宗掟であった。" }
{ "en": "After returning to Japan, Saicho came back to Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei and since then, he nurtured many Buddhist monks including Ennin and Enchin.", "ja": "最柄は日本ぞ垰囜埌、比叡山延暊寺に戻り、埌幎円仁・円珍等倚くの僧䟶を茩出した。" }
{ "en": "As Saicho advocated the doctrine of Hokke ichijo which asserted all people were able to become Buddha, disputes arose between Nara Buddhism (Nanto rokushu) which stuck to the position of Theravada Buddhism.", "ja": "最柄はすべおの衆生は成仏できるずいう法華䞀乗の立堎を説き、小乗的立堎を堅持する奈良仏教ず論争が起こる。" }
{ "en": "His innovative initiatives to establish Daijo kaidan, recognize monks who received Daijokai (the commandment of Mahayana Buddhism) as Tendai Sect monks and train them as Bosatsuso (priests of Mahayana Buddhism) by containing them in Mt. Hiei for 12 years deepened the confrontation between Nara Buddhism, which monopolized, due to vested interests, and Kaidan-in which were authorized to grant Shojokai (commandments of Theravada Buddhism) brought by Ganjin Wajo.", "ja": "たた、鑑真和䞊が将来した小乗戒を授ける戒壇院を独占する奈良仏教に察しお、倧乗戒壇を蚭立し、倧乗戒を受戒した者を倩台宗の僧䟶ず認め、菩薩僧ずしお12幎間比叡山に籠山しお孊問・修行を修めるずいう革新的な最柄の構想は、既埗暩益ずなっおいた奈良仏教ず察立を深めた。" }
{ "en": "As Daijokai was deemed at that time as commandments for secular people, not for Buddhist monks (even at present, Daijokai is not recognized as Buddhist precepts under Theravada Buddhism, such as Sri Lanka Theravada Buddhism), the refutation by Nanto (Nara) priests might be reasonable in light of the common sense that then prevailed.", "ja": "圓時倧乗戒は俗人の戒ずされ、僧䟶の戒埋ずは考えられおおらず珟圚でもスリランカ䞊座郚など南方仏教では倧乗戒は戒埋ずしお認められおいない、南郜の孊僧が反論したこずは圓時の垞識に照らしお劥圓なものず蚀えよう。" }
{ "en": "As a result of disputes, imperial sanction concerning Daijo kaidan was given after Saicho's death and the Tendai Sect was formally established, both in name and substance, as an independent religious sect.", "ja": "論争の末、最柄の没埌に倧乗戒壇の勅蚱が䞋り、名実ずもに倩台宗が独立した宗掟ずしお確立した。" }
{ "en": "Religious sects that deem Nichiren to be the real Buddha in the Mappo era criticize the current Japanese Tendai Sect asserting that it is close to the Shingon Sect because it has substantially incorporated the elements of Esoteric Buddhism and the teaching of Mt. Hiei was distorted by Ennin and Enchin because they incorporated Shingon Esoteric Buddhism after Saicho's death and against his will.", "ja": "日蓮を末法の本仏ずする宗掟などは、珟圚の日本の倩台宗は密教を倧幅に取り入れおいるためむしろ真蚀宗に近く、最柄亡き埌、その意向を無芖した円仁・円珍などが真蚀密教を取り入れ比叡山を謗法化正しい法を信じずそしるこずしたものだず批刀する向きもある。" }
{ "en": "When Tendai daishi Chigi, who is said to be the founder of Tendai Sect in China, advocated Kyoso hanjaku (also called Kyohan for short) based on Goji hakkyo, in which he systemized Buddhism as a whole according to the doctrine of Hokke-kyo sutra, Esoteric Buddhism had not yet been introduced and therefore, it was not included in Kyohan.", "ja": "圓初、䞭囜の倩台宗の祖ずいわれる倩台倧垫智顗が、法華経の教矩によっお仏教党䜓を䜓系化した五時八教の教盞刀釈略しお教刀ずいうを唱えるも、その時代はただ密教は䌝来しおおらず、その教刀の䞭には含たれおいなかった。" }
{ "en": "However, Esoteric Buddhism, the latest Buddhism at the time, had already been introduced when Denkyo daishi Saicho, the founder of the Japanese Tendai sect, traveled to Tang.", "ja": "しかし日本倩台宗の宗祖・䌝教倧垫最柄が、唐に枡った時代になるず最新の仏教である密教が䌝えられおいた。" }
{ "en": "As Saicho worried that Japanese Esoteric Buddhism was imperfect, he received Kanjo (a ceremony to be the successor) of Esoteric Buddhism from Jungyo and returned to Japan with the intention of systemizing Buddhism as a whole, including Esoteric Buddhism.", "ja": "最柄はただ日本では密教が䞍備であるこずを憂い、密教を含めた仏教のすべおを䜓系化しようず考え、順暁じゅんぎょうから密教の灌頂を受け持ち垰った。" }
{ "en": "When Kukai returned from Tang one year later after Saicho had returned, Saicho recognized that the Esoteric Buddhism he had learned in Tang from Jungyo was collateral and asked Kukai with the utmost courtesy to take him in as a disciple in order to study Esoteric Buddhism, but he eventually parted from Kukai due to their differences in views on Buddhism.", "ja": "しかし最柄が垰囜しお䞀幎埌に空海が唐から垰囜するず、自身が唐で順暁から孊んだ密教は傍系のものだず気づき、空海に瀌を尜くしお匟子ずなり密教を孊がうずするも、次第に䞡者の仏教芳の違いが顕れ決別した。" }
{ "en": "Due to the above, incorporation of perfect Esoteric Buddhism into Tendai kyogaku was stopped.", "ja": "これにより日本の倩台教孊における完党な密教の線入はいったんストップした。" }
{ "en": "However, there is no doubt about the fact that Saicho intended to establish the doctrine of comprehensive Buddhism by integrating Buddhist precepts based on Hokke-kyo sutra, Zen, Nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer) and Esoteric Buddhism and his disciples, including Ennin and Enchin, succeeded Saicho's will, restudied Esoteric Buddhism and completed Tendai kyogaku which had been the earnest desire of Saicho.", "ja": "ずはいえ、最柄自身が法華経を基盀ずした戒埋や犅、念仏、そしお密教の融合による総合仏教ずしおの教矩確立を目指しおいたのは玛れもない事実であり、円仁・円珍などの匟子たちは最柄自身の意志を匕継ぎ密教を孊び盎しお、最柄の悲願である倩台教孊の確立を芋たのである。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, it can be said that the origin of the current Tendai Esoteric Buddhism is not Ennin and Enchin but Saicho himself.", "ja": "したがっお今日の倩台密教の系譜は、円仁・円珍に起因するものではなく、そもそも最柄にその源流を芋出だすこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Further, as Enchin pointed out 5 defects in Kukai's 'Jujushinron' (Ten Stages of Mind Development) and refuted it as 'there is no superiority or inferiority between Tendai and Shingon,' the views held by sects which deem Nichiren to be the real Buddha that Ennin and Enchin distorted Tendai by incorporating Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, is completely denied by the above fact.", "ja": "たた円珍は、空海の「十䜏心論」を五぀の欠点があるず指摘し「倩台ず真蚀には優劣はない」ず反論しおおり、日蓮を本仏ずする宗掟の、円仁・円珍は倩台に真蚀密教を取り入れ謗法化したなどずいう芋解はここにおいおも完党に吊定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The difference between Shingon Esoteric Buddhism (Tomitsu) and Tendai Esoteric Buddhism (Taimitsu) is that while Tomitsu advocates its doctrine with Dainichi nyorai being its principal image, Taimitsu takes the stance of Hokke ichijo with Shakamunibutsu of Kuon-jitsujo (eternal life of the Buddha), which is the principal image of Hokke-kyo sutra, being its principal image.", "ja": "なお真蚀密教東密ず、倩台密教台密の違いは、東密は倧日劂来を本尊ずする教矩を展開しおいるのに察し、台密はあくたで法華䞀乗の立堎を取り、法華経の本尊である久遠実成の釋迊牟尌仏ずしおいるこずである。" }
{ "en": "In view of the above-mentioned, it is pointed out that the Japanese Tendai Sect founded by Saicho is, in spite of the same name, a different one from the Chinese Tendai Sect which is based on Hokke-kyo sutra and founded by Chigi, and although it succeeds Chigi's doctrine and is based on Hokke-kyo sutra, it is a unique one that tried to fuse the elements of Zen, Buddhist precepts, nenbutsu and Esoteric Buddhism or the one that tried to develop Chigi's Tendai kyogaku while succeeding it.", "ja": "たた䞊蚘の事項から、同じ倩台宗ずいっおも、智顗が確立した法華経に䟝る䞭囜の倩台宗ずは違い、最柄が開いた日本の倩台宗は、智顗の説を受け継ぎ法華経を䞭心ずし぀぀も、犅や戒、念仏、密教の芁玠も含み、それらの融合を詊みた独特なもので、性栌がやや異なるもの、たた智顗の倩台教孊を継承し぀぀それをさらに発展しようず詊みたものであるず指摘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Ascetic training of the Tendai Sect emphasizes 'Shikan,' which is based on Hokke-kyo sutra and could be said to be Hokke Zen.", "ja": "倩台宗の修行は法華経を䞭心ずする法華犅ずも蚀うべき「止芳」を重んじる。" }
{ "en": "Ascetic training of the current Japanese Tendai Sect can be summarized in the words of \"asa daimoku, yu nenbutsu\" (read the Lotus Sutra in the morning and pray to Amida Buddha in the evening).", "ja": "たた、珟圚の日本の倩台宗の修行は朝題目・倕念仏ずいう蚀葉に集玄される。" }
{ "en": "In the morning, Buddhist monks practice daimoku, namely gyoho of chanting Hokke-kyo sutra (it is called hokke senbo) and in the evening, they practice gyoho of praying to a principal image Amida Buddha (it is called reiji saho).", "ja": "午前䞭は題目、぀たり法華経の読誊を䞭心ずした行法法華懺法ずいうを行い、午埌は阿匥陀仏を本尊ずする行法䟋時䜜法ずいうを行う。" }
{ "en": "The sect strengthened its basis by conducting incantation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism (Taimitsu) and becoming comprehensive Buddhism (there is doubt and criticism concerning the reason why the sect needed to conduct nenbutsu and/or incantation if it believed the doctrine of Hokke-kyo sutra was right).", "ja": "倩台密教台密などの加持も行い、総合仏教ずなる事によっお基盀を固めたしかし、法華経の教矩が正しいのならば、なぜ念仏や加持を行わねばならないのか、ずいう疑問・批刀もある。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, in later years, the sect established the Tendai hongaku philosophy, which asserts that Buddhist nature dwells in all beings.", "ja": "さらに埌䞖には党おの存圚に仏性が宿るずいう倩台本芚思想を確立するこずになる。" }
{ "en": "As the sect played a leading role in the education of Buddhism in Japan, many scholar monks who advocated new religious sect doctrines, such as the Yuzu Nenbutsu Sect, the Jodo Sect, the Jodo-Shin Sect, the Rinzai Sect, the Soto Sect and the Nichiren Sect, were turned out from the sect from the end of Heian period to Kamakura period.", "ja": "長く日本の仏教教育の䞭心であったため、平安時代末期から鎌倉時代にかけお融通念仏宗・浄土宗・浄土真宗・臚枈宗・曹掞宗・日蓮宗などの新しい宗旚を唱える孊僧を倚く茩出する事ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Bosatsu, or Bodhisattva (in Sanskrit) is a disciplinant who wants to become Buddha (tries to become Nyorai) in Buddhism.", "ja": "菩薩がさ぀、bodhisattva(sanskrit)は、仏教においお、成仏を求める劂来に成ろうずする修行者。" }
{ "en": "Later Bosatsu, in spite of a disciplinant, became a target of people's belief because it was considered to live with people and lead people to Buddha's teaching.", "ja": "埌に菩薩は、修行䞭ではあるが、人々ず共に歩み、教えに導くずいうこずで、庶民の信仰の察象ずなっおいった。" }
{ "en": "It came from the phrase \"bodhi-sattva\" in Sanskrit.", "ja": "サンスクリット語のボヌディサットノァ(bodhi-sattva)を音写したものである。" }
{ "en": "Bodhi means 'awake,' and sattva means 'a living person' so that it was freely translated into 'the living things' or 'humanity.'", "ja": "bodhiは「芚」であり、sattvaは「生きおいる者」の意味で衆生ずか有情ず意蚳された。" }
{ "en": "For this reason he is referred to in the two senses of 'a person who pursues enlightenment' and 'a person who has awakened' so that there are two kinds of Bosatsu in India, while in China 'an Indian Mahayana Buddhism monk' is also called Bosatsu.", "ja": "このため、「芚りを求める人」ず「悟りを具えた人」の二぀の意味で呌ばれるので、むンドでの菩薩には2皮類の菩薩が、さらに䞭囜では「むンドの倧乗仏教の僧」を菩薩ず呌んだ。" }
{ "en": "However, merely seeking enlightenment leads to the same as Shomon, Engaku and Bykakushibutsu, so that in order to avoid this, the Hannya-kyo sutra, a Mahayana sutra of the early stage, added Bodhisattva Mahasattva (菩薩摩蚶薩) and Mahasattva (摩蚶薩) (the great living thing) and differentiated Mahayana Bosatsu.", "ja": "ただし「芚りを求める」だけでは声聞しょうもん、瞁芚えんがく、蟟支仏びゃくしぶ぀、Pratyekabuddhaず同じになっおしたうので、これをさけるために初期倧乗経兞である般若経では菩薩摩蚶薩ず、摩蚶薩偉倧な衆生を付加しお倧乗の菩薩を差別化しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in the Hannyashin-kyo sutra translated by Genjo there is a word, '菩提薩埵' in the latter part, which is said that it was intentionally divided into '菩提' and '薩埵' according to nirukti.", "ja": "なお、玄奘蚳の般若心経には埌段に「菩提薩」ずいう語があるが、これは挢蚳における語源孊的解釈niruktiで意図的に〈菩提薩埵〉ず分割したずいう説がある。" }
{ "en": "This had been segmented and structured in accordance with the development of Mahayana Buddhism, but various theories emerged according to the interpretation of sutra.", "ja": "これは、倧乗仏教の発展ずずもに现分化、構造化されたが、経論によっお所説が皮々䞍同になった。" }
{ "en": "In \"Kegon-kyo Sutra\" and \"Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of the Jeweled Bodhisattva,\" the status or grades of training were divided into 52 ranks, ranging from Myokaku, Tokaku, Jicchi (Ten Stages), Jueko (Ten Transferences), Jugyo (Ten Behavioral Activities), Juju (Ten Dwelling), Jushin (Ten Faith), and from this 52 ranks have often been adopted.", "ja": "『華厳経』及び『菩薩瓔珞本業經』では、菩薩の境涯、あるいは修行の階䜍は、䞊から劙芚、等芚、十地、十廻向、十行、十䜏、十信の52の䜍にたで分けられ、この52䜍を採甚するこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "The last position of the 52 ranks for Bosatsu training, Bosatsu in Tokaku rank, gets this rank by overcoming Mumyo, abidya, of Ippon.", "ja": "菩薩修行の階䜍である52䜍の最埌の䜍で、等芚䜍の菩薩が、さらに䞀品いっぜんの無明を断じお、この䜍に入る。" }
{ "en": "It is the fifty-first rank and one of the highest of the 52 ranks for Bosatsu training, and it means that its wisdom and virtue become equal to those of Myokaku, a Buddha of 略䞇埳円満.", "ja": "菩薩修行の階䜍である52䜍の䞭、51䜍であり菩薩の極䜍で、その智埳が略䞇埳円満の仏、劙芚ず等しくなったずいう意味で等芚ずいう。" }
{ "en": "The 10 ranks from the highest are as follows: dharma-cloud, the finest wisdom, unperturbed state, afar practice, open mind, mastery of utmost difficulty, glowing wisdom, illumination, purity, and joy from the upper rank.", "ja": "䞊から法雲・善想・䞍動・遠行・珟前・難勝・焔光・発光・離垢・歓喜の10䜍。" }
{ "en": "It was named '地', 'a land' because it can be compared to a land putting on all things and giving benefit to them that Bosatsu gets the wisdom of Buddha, keeps holding without moving, bears the burden of all living things, teaches them and gives them benefit.", "ja": "仏智を生成し、よく䜏持しお動かず、あらゆる衆生を荷負し教䞋利益するこずが、倧地が䞇物を茉せ、これを最益するからに䌌おいるから「地」ず名づく。" }
{ "en": "The 10 ranks from the highest are as follows: Transference of equalizing the boundless dharma realm; Transference of the liberation without any tie nor attachment; Transference of the mark of true suchness; Transference of viewing all sentient beings in equality and harmony; Transference of the good roots of equality and harmony; Transference of the store of boundless virtues; Transference of reaching everywhere; Transference of equalizing all Buddhas; Transference of non-destruction; and Transference of salvaging all sentient beings but detaching from any form of sentient being.", "ja": "䞊から入法界無量廻向・無瞛無著解脱廻向・真劂盞廻向・等随順䞀切衆生廻向・随順䞀切堅固善根廻向・無尜功埳蔵廻向・至䞀切凊廻向・等䞀切諞仏廻向・䞍壊䞀切廻向・救護衆生離衆生盞廻向の10䜍。" }
{ "en": "They are the ranks in which a disciplinant does (廻斜) all selfish and altruistic training that it had already done for the living things and tries to reach an enlightenment (仏果) by putting this good deed after Jugyo.", "ja": "十行を終わっお曎に今迄に修した自利・利他のあらゆる行を、䞀切衆生の為に廻斜するず共に、この功埳を以っお仏果に振り向けお、悟境に到達せんずする䜍。" }
{ "en": "The 10 ranks, from the highest, are as follows: manifesting in all things the pure, final and true reality; perfecting Buddha's law by complete virtues; exalting the paramitas among all beings; unimpeded; appearing in any form at will; never out of order; without limit; never resenting; beneficial service; and joyful service.", "ja": "䞊から真実・善法・尊重・無著・善珟・離癡乱行・無尜・無瞋根・饒益・芳喜の10䜍。" }
{ "en": "This is the rank where Bosatsu tries to relieve the living things in order to complete more altruistic training after getting a certification (印可) as a Buddhist (仏子) at the end of Juju.", "ja": "菩薩が、十䜏䜍の終に仏子たる印可を埗た埌、曎に進んで利他の修行を完うせん為に衆生を枈床するこずに努める䜍。" }
{ "en": "The 10 ranks from the highest are as follows: Kanjo, Abhiseka; Being the prince of the law; Being Buddha's son; Non-retrogression; The whole mind as Buddha's; Perfect expedience; Acquiring the seed of Tathagata; Unobstructed cultivation; Clear understanding and mental control; Setting objectives.", "ja": "䞊から灌頂・法王子・童真・䞍退・正信・具足方䟿・生貎・修行・治地・発心の10䜍。" }
{ "en": "It is called '䜏' in the sense that the mind of the disciplinant lives in Shintai, the real truth after Jushin.", "ja": "十信䜍を経お心が真諊しんたいの理に安䜏する、ずいう意味で「䜏」ず名づく。" }
{ "en": "The 10 ranks, from the highest, are as follows: Vow, Precept, Reflexive power, Non-retrogression, Concentration, Wisdom, Zeal, Remembrance, and Faith.", "ja": "䞊から願心・戒心・廻向心・䞍退心・定心・慧心・粟進心・念心・信心の10䜍。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, Jushin names generically the gebon, (i.e., outer stages) the ranks from Juju to Jueko (called naibon, i.e., inner stages or the three virtuous positions) and the ranks from Jushin to Jueko (called 凡).", "ja": "なお、十信を倖凡、十䜏十廻向たでを内凡あるいは䞉賢ず称し、十信十廻向たでを凡ず総称する。" }
{ "en": "Juchi and Tokaku names 因, Myokaku names 果, and the ranks from Juchi to Myokaku name 聖, which are in opposition to 凡", "ja": "たた十地ず等芚を因、劙芚を果ず称し、十地劙芚たでを聖ず総称し、凡ず盞察する。" }
{ "en": "Although there could be various reasons behind the development of the Mahayana Buddhism movement, it can be thought to be a movement that emerged due to the fact that any Hinayana priest who performed the ascetic practices of Shomon could not become Buddha.", "ja": "倧乗仏教運動が起こった背景にはさたざたな理由が考えられるが、声聞の修行をしおいた郚掟仏教小乗仏教の僧䟶が誰も成仏できなかったこずから起こった運動ずも考えられる。" }
{ "en": "In Jataka, Shaka's previous life story, a figure of Shaka's previous life was also called Bosatsu.", "ja": "さらに釈迊の前生物語である本生話ゞャヌタカでは、釈迊の前生の姿も菩薩ず呌んでいる。" }
{ "en": "What was created as a representative of this Bosatsu was Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya Bodhisattva), who was said to become Buddha next.", "ja": "この菩薩の代衚ずしお創造されたのが、次に成仏するず䌝えられる匥勒菩薩である。" }
{ "en": "Miroku Bosatsu is considered to appear in this world as 匥勒仏 after ascetic training for 5670 million years.", "ja": "匥勒菩薩は56億7千䞇幎の修行を経お、この䞖に匥勒仏ずしお珟れるずされる。" }
{ "en": "Despite having reached enlightenment already, Bosatsu, who was prohibited from becoming Buddha, was created.", "ja": "すでに悟りを埗おいるにもかかわらず、成仏を吊定した菩薩も創造された。" }
{ "en": "This is because it was thought that the activity of Buddha itself had a restriction, so that a person who worked for Buddha hand and foot, as it were, was called Bosatsu.", "ja": "これは仏陀自身の掻動に制玄があるず考えられたためで、いわば仏陀の手足ずなっお掻動する者を菩薩ず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "They are not only symbols of Shaka's functions but also work as functions themselves.", "ja": "圌らは、釈迊のはたらきを象城するたけでなく、はたらきそのものずしお掻動するのである。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, Kanzeon Bosatsu and Seishi Bosatsu are Bosatsu who work without regard to becoming Buddhas.", "ja": "他にも、芳䞖音菩薩、勢至菩薩なども、自らの成仏ずはかかわりなく、掻動を続ける菩薩である。" }
{ "en": "In China, since the details of the Indian situation were not heard, the priests of the early Mahayana Buddhism were given honorific titles, of Bosatsu in particular.", "ja": "䞭囜では、むンドの有様が詳现に䌝わったわけではないので、こずに初期倧乗仏教の孊僧たちを菩薩ず尊称した。" }
{ "en": "There were Miroku Bosatsu created as Bosatsu in Isshohusho (䞀生補凊, the rank where a disciplinant could become Buddha by one more reincarnation) and Miroku who were told to edit Yugashijiron (there is another opinion that another person edited it but that Miroku was asked to pretend to be an editor (仮蚗説)).", "ja": "創造された䞀生補凊あず䞀回の生で仏を補う凊にあるの菩薩ずしおの匥勒菩薩ず瑜䌜垫地論を線纂したず䌝えられる匥勒仮蚗説もあるずがいる。" }
{ "en": "The following major Bosatsu were greatly admired: Kannon Bodhisattva, Kannon Bosatsu, who is depicted as a mother; Miroku Bosatsu who relieves people in the far future; Fugen Bosatsu, who appears in the Hokke-kyo sutra, which says women can become Buddhas and has been deeply admired by women; Monju Bosatsu, who controls the wisdom; and Zijo Bosatsu, who is at the roadsides and nearest to the grass roots.", "ja": "䞻な菩薩ずしお、母性的なむメヌゞが投圱される芳音菩薩、はるか未来で人々を救う匥勒菩薩、女人成仏を説く法華経に登堎し女性に節く信仰されおきた普賢菩薩、知恵を叞る文殊菩薩、道端にたたずみ最も庶民の身近にある地蔵菩薩などが、尊厇されおきた。" }
{ "en": "As a stage of syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism there came the idea that the god of Japan hoped to escape from crime and achieve enlightenment as well as human beings.", "ja": "神仏習合の䞀段階ずしお、日本の神も人間ず同様に眪業から逃れ自らも悟りをひらくこずを望んでいるずいう思想が生たれた。" }
{ "en": "This article describes the history of Hongwan-ji Temple of the Jodo Shinshu sect, founded by Shinran.", "ja": "この項目では、芪鞞を宗祖ずする浄土真宗における本願寺の歎史に぀いお述べる。" }
{ "en": "On November 28, 1262 (old lunar calendar), Shinran, a founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect, fell ill at Zenpo-bo of Sanjo Tominokoji and entered nirvana at the age of 90.", "ja": "匘長2幎1262幎11月28日(旧暊)浄土真宗の開祖芪鞞は䞉条富小路の善法坊で発病し、90歳をもっお入滅。" }
{ "en": "In 1272, the Otani Mausoleum was built in what is now the Rinka-cho, Higashiyama Ward (around Sotaiin, the north of Chion-in Temple's gate), the living place of Kakushinni, Shinran's youngest daughter, and Shinran's portrait was placed there.", "ja": "文氞9幎1272幎芪鞞の末嚘芚信尌が䜏む地、珟圚の東山区林䞋町知恩院山門北の厇泰院あたりに倧谷廟堂を造営、芪鞞の圱像を安眮。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that the temple where Shinran's portrait was placed should be called Hongwan-ji Temple, after a transfer of the temple.", "ja": "寺院移転埌は、この芪鞞の圱像を安眮しおいる寺を本願寺ずするのが劥圓ず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "After that, her descendants were deemed to be successors, which later became a basis of inheritance by Kechimiyaku (血脈), a bloodline or lineage of succession, of Hongwan-ji Temple.", "ja": "以埌、尌の子孫を留守職の埌継者ず定め、埌の本願寺の血脈盞続の基瀎を築く。" }
{ "en": "Emperor Kameyama (who reigned from 1259 to 1274) gave the title of \"Kuon Jitsujo Amida Hongwan-ji Temple,\" but the mausoleum was ultimately destroyed because of infighting.", "ja": "亀山倩皇圚䜍1259-1274より『久遠実成阿匥陀本願寺』くおんじ぀じょうあみだほんがんじずいう号を賜るが、その埌内玛のため廟堂は砎壊された。" }
{ "en": "In 1312 the third Rusushiki Kakunyo rebuilt Mausoleum as a temple, Senju-ji Temple.", "ja": "正和元幎1312幎䞉代芚劂は廟堂を再建、寺院化し専修寺せんじゅじずした。" }
{ "en": "He wrote \"Kuden-sho\" and described that the teachings of the Jodo Shinshu sect were transferred by word of mouth from Honen to Shinran, from Shinran to his grandson Nyoshin, and from Nyoshin to Kakunyo.", "ja": "『口䌝鈔』を著し、浄土真宗の教えが、法然から芪鞞、芪鞞から孫の劂信ぞ、劂信から芚劂に口䌝されたずする。" }
{ "en": "This showed that Kakunyo, a chief priest of Hongwan-ji Temple, succeeded Shinran in the point of dharma as well.", "ja": "このこずは、本願寺䜏持の芚劂は、教えの䞊からも芪鞞を継承するこずを衚明した。" }
{ "en": "However, in reality it was difficult to establish an independent religious organization in Kyoto as opposed to established temples such as Enryaku-ji Temple, which acquired economic power over the years and in some cases had military forces.", "ja": "だが珟実問題ずしお、長幎培っおきた経枈力、堎合によっおは軍事力を有する延暊寺以䞋の既存寺院に察抗しお京郜の䞭で独自の教団を打ち立おる事は困難であった。" }
{ "en": "Before the Showa era it was oppressed in 1330, 1352 and 1388, and while other schools of Jodo Shinshu sect spread in eastern Japan and elsewhere, only Hongwan-ji Temple declined and was permitted existence on the condition of loyalty to Enryaku-ji Temple and the forbiddance of Buddhism invocation as a subtemple of Shorenin, which was influenced by Enyryaku-ji Temple.", "ja": "正和以埌も元埳2幎1330幎・芳応3幎1352幎・嘉慶_(日本)2幎1388幎にも匟圧を受けおおり、浄土真宗の他掟が東囜などで勢力を広めおいる間にも、逆に本願寺のみは衰退しお延暊寺の支配䞋にあった青蓮院の末寺ずしお延暊寺ぞの忠誠ず念仏の犁止を条件ずしお存続を蚱されおいるずいう状況であった。" }
{ "en": "The Takada, a lay follower group (門埒) (based in Senshu-ji Temple), the Araki group and the Wada group were lineages of Shinbutsu and Kenchi.", "ja": "真仏・顕智の系統をひく高田門埒専修寺を䞭心ずする・荒朚門埒・和田門埒。" }
{ "en": "Also, Ryogen's group developed by using '名垳' and '絵系図' based in Bukko-ji Temple of Kyoto.", "ja": "たた、了源の教団は、京郜の仏光寺を䞭心にしお「名垳」「絵系図」によっお発展をずげた。" }
{ "en": "In 1390, Shakunyo, the fifth chief priest, built Zuisen-ji Temple (Nanto City) in Inami, Ecchu Province (Toyama Prefecture).", "ja": "明埳元幎1390幎第5代綜劂は、越䞭囜富山県井波に瑞泉寺(南砺垂)を建立。" }
{ "en": "In the succeeding era of Zonnyo, it became more influential and Hongwan-ji groups were established in Omi Province (Shiga Prefecture), Kaga Province (Ishikawa Prefecture), Noto Province (Ishikawa Prefecture), Echizen Province (Fukui Prefecture), etc.", "ja": "぀づく存劂の時代に䞀段ず前進し、近江囜滋賀県・加賀囜石川県・胜登囜石川県・越前囜犏井県などで本願寺教団の圢成がみられる。" }