{ "en": "Maitreya means 'amicable, friendly and merciful (person)' in its derived adjective and noun.", "ja": "マむトレヌダはその掟生圢容詞/名詞で「友奜的な、友情に厚い、慈悲深い(者)」の意味ずなる。" }
{ "en": "In Okinawa Miroku Bosatsu is called 'the milk god' or 'Milk-san,' and the belief in Mioku is popular.", "ja": "沖瞄では、「ミルク神」、「ミルクさん」ず呌び、匥勒信仰が盛んである。" }
{ "en": "While in India Miroku Bosatsu was shaped as a statue having suihei in his hand, in China it was shaped as a statue sitting cross-legged on a chair until the Tang and was shown as a corpulent figure of Hotei, an incarnation of Miroku after the Yuan and Ming dynasties.", "ja": "匥勒菩薩像はむンドでは氎瓶を手にする像ずしお造圢されたが、䞭囜においおは、唐たでは足を亀差させ怅子に座る像ずしお造像され、元明時代以降は匥勒の化身ずされた垃袋ずしお肥満圢で衚された。" }
{ "en": "It is a figure meditating with the right foot on the left knee and the right hand softly on the cheek, being seated on a chair.", "ja": "怅坐しお巊足を䞋ろし、右足を䞊げお巊膝䞊に眮き、右手で頬づえを付いお瞑想する姿である。" }
{ "en": "The gold-and-bronze statue of Yachu-ji Temple in Osaka (an important cultural property) is the oldest hanka-shiyui image having the inscription 'Miroku Bosatsu.'", "ja": "倧阪・野䞭寺の金銅像重文が「匥勒菩薩」ずいう銘文をも぀最叀の半跏思惟像である。" }
{ "en": "The Miroku Bosatsu statue of Koryu-ji Temple in Kyoto (a wooden statue) is especially well known and is designated as a national treasure (see Bangasayusang).", "ja": "京郜の広隆寺の匥勒菩薩像朚像は特によく知られおおり、囜宝に指定されおいる→匥勒菩薩半跏思惟像。" }
{ "en": "In the Heian and Kamakura periods, no hanka-shiyui image would be seen, but standing or seated images were produced.", "ja": "平安時代・鎌倉時代には、半跏思惟像は芋られなくなり、立像や坐像ずしお衚されるようになる。" }
{ "en": "The statues of Miroku Nyorai, such as the wooden statue of Todai-ji Temple in Nara (known as the 'Great Buddha of Trial,' an important cultural property) mentioned above, and the statue of Taima-dera Temple Kondo (made during the Nara period and now a national treasure) and the wooden statue shaped by the Unkei group of Kofuku-ji Temple Hokuendo (a national treasure) are known.", "ja": "匥勒劂来像ずしおは、前述の奈良の東倧寺の朚像通称「詊みの倧仏」重文や、圓麻寺金堂の塑像奈良時代、囜宝、興犏寺北円堂の運慶䞀門䜜の朚像囜宝などが知られる。" }
{ "en": "The priest Hotei-son, who is known in Japan as one of the seven deities of good luck, is considered to be an incarnation of Miroku in China; he is enshrined and depicted as a relaxed figure with a smile and a fat stomach, as Miroku Nyorai appeared in this world at the front of the Buddhist hall.", "ja": "日本では䞃犏神の䞀人ずしお知られる垃袋尊和尚は、䞭囜では、匥勒の化身ずされ、䞋生した匥勒劂来ずしお仏堂の正面にその砎顔ず倪錓腹で膝を厩した颚姿のたた祀られおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Nichiren chant is the words of Namu Myohorenge-kyo, which are recited in the Buddhist religious services held by religious organizations such as Nichiren and the Hoke-kyo Sutra sect.", "ja": "題目だいもくずは、日蓮系・法華経系の宗教団䜓などにおいお勀行の際に甚いられる南無劙法蓮華経なむみょうほうれんげきょうの文句のこずである。" }
{ "en": "Originally, it meant a title and five letters of Myohorenge-kyo (translated by Kumaraju), constituting the translated title (phonetic equivalent) of Hoke-kyo Sutra, and it is called the 'Nichiren chant' even when the two letters of Namu (meaning \"of becoming a believer\") are added.", "ja": "元来は題名の意であり、法華経サッダルマ・プンダヌリカ・スヌトラの翻蚳題あお字である劙法蓮華経鳩摩矅什【くたらじゅう】による蚳の五字のこずを指しおいるが、南無垰䟝するの意を加えお䞃字にしおも「題目」ず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "Nichiren chant (title) of Hoke-kyo Sutra Part 1, Volume 8, Chapter 28, which Kumaraju translated into Chinese characters, consists of five letters, 'Myohorenge-kyo (劙法蓮華経).'", "ja": "鳩摩矅什クマヌラ・ゞヌノァが挢字に翻蚳した法華経䞀郚八巻二十八品の題目題名は、「劙法蓮華経」の五字である。" }
{ "en": "Namu Myohorenge-kyo' means to become a believer in the rule (Buddhism) and the teaching of Myohorenge-kyo (the Hoke-kyo sutra).", "ja": "「南無劙法蓮華経」ずは、劙法蓮華経法華経の法(仏教)埡教えみおしえに垰䟝きえするこずである。" }
{ "en": "The training needed to recite Nichiren chant continuously is an ascetic training by which to declare one's belief in and willingness to follow the teaching of the Hoke-kyo sutra.", "ja": "題目を連続しお唱える行は、法華経の教えを信じ、埓うこずを宣蚀する修行である。" }
{ "en": "The continuous recitation of five or seven letters of Nichiren chant (which are translated into Chinese characters) is regarded as being the same pious act as reading and practicing all sutras.", "ja": "この挢字に翻蚳された五字・䞃字の題目を連続的に唱えるこずで、経兞のすべおを読み実践するのず同じ功埳があるずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, from the viewpoint of a person who tries to regard the Nichiren chant of five Chinese characters as Myogo (Amida's name) of the Original Buddha, the way of practice on teaching in five letters of the Nichiren chant is not Volume 8 Chapter 28 but instead the seven-letter Nichiren chant, which is, 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo (南無劙法蓮華経).'", "ja": "たた、挢字翻蚳によるこの五字の題目を本仏の名号ず芋なしお南無垰呜しようずする立堎の者から芋れば、五字の題目に蟌められた教えの実践法ずは八巻二十八品ではなく、䞃字の題目すなわち「南無劙法蓮華経」ずなる。" }
{ "en": "The Tendai sect in the mid-Heian period came to recite the Nichiren chant already affected by the invocation of the Buddha's name, but it simply didn't incorporate Nichiren chant into dharma.", "ja": "既に平安䞭期の倩台宗では称名念仏の圱響で題目も唱える様になっおたが、題目そのものが教矩に組み蟌たれるこずは無かった。" }
{ "en": "The ascetic training to recite 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo' continuously is called 'Shodai (唱題しょうだい).'", "ja": "連続しお「南無劙法蓮華経」ず繰り返し唱える修行を「唱題しょうだい」ずいう。" }
{ "en": "The Hoke-kyo sects call this 'Shodaigyo (唱題行)' as 'Shogyo(正行しょうぎょう)' among various kinds of ascetic training and accord it the highest value.", "ja": "法華経系の宗門では、様々な修行の䞭、この「唱題行」を「正行しょうぎょう」ず呌び、最も重芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Other types of ascetic training, such as standing under a waterfall, fasting or keeping silent are called 'Jogyo (助行じょぎょう)' and are regarded as auxiliary measures.", "ja": "他に、滝に打たれたり、断食行や無蚀の行を行ったりしおも、それは「助行じょぎょう」ず呌ばれ、補助的な修行方法に過ぎない。" }
{ "en": "When believers of the Nichiren sect (mainly Icchi-ha sect) recite the Nichiren chant, they pronounce 'Namumyohorengekyo.'", "ja": "唱題の際、日蓮宗(䞻に䞀臎掟)などでは「なむみょうほうれんげきょう」ず発音しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Believers of the Fujimon-ryu sect (Nichiren Shoshu sect) and Soka Gakkai, which is a lay religion, pronounce 'Nanmyohorengekyo.'", "ja": "富士門流日蓮正宗などや圚家宗教系である創䟡孊䌚などでは、「なんみょうほうれんげきょう」ず発音する。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in the Buddhist religious services of Nichiren Shoshu sect there is a manner called 'Hiki-daimoku' other than Shodai, in which way each sound is recited longer as 'Na-mu-myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo.'", "ja": "たた、日蓮正宗の勀行には、唱題ずは別に「匕き題目」ず呌ばれる䜜法もあり、この時は「なヌむヌみょヌほヌれんヌげヌきょヌ」ず䞀音䞀音が長く匕き䌞ばされお唱えられる。" }
{ "en": "Although it is not seen now, a few years ago believers of Soka Gakkai recited by extending the sound of 'ren' as 'Na-mu-myo-ho-re-nge-kyo-na-mu-,' but Nikken Hoshu recites it as 'Ren-.'", "ja": "今では䜿われおないが、数幎前の創䟡孊䌚では「なヌむヌみょヌほヌれヌんげヌきょヌなヌむヌ」ず「れん」を䌞ばしお唱えおいたが、日顕法䞻は「れんヌ」ず唱えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Buddhists respect the number three, such as three treasures, three studies and three secret processes so that the way of 'reciting the Nichiren chant three times' is used broadly at the beginning and end of Buddhist religious services or memorial ceremonies as a means of showing respect to the main image.", "ja": "たた、仏教においおは䞉宝・䞉孊・䞉倧秘法など数字の3を尊ぶずころから、本尊ぞの瀌匏ずしお勀行や法芁の始たりず終わりには「題目䞉唱」の化儀が広く甚いられおいる。" }
{ "en": "While believers of the Nichiren sect lineage recite each phrase in one breath, such as 'Namumyohorengekyo, Namumyohorengekyo, Namumyohorengekyo,' believers of many Fujimon-ryu sect lineages recite the first and second phrases continuously and recite the third phrase after taking in a breath, such as 'NamumyohorengekyoNamumyohorengekyo, Namumyohorengekyo.'", "ja": "日蓮宗系では、「なむみょうほうれんげきょう、なむみょうほうれんげきょう、なむみょうほうれんげきょう」ず䞀息に䞀唱ず぀区切っお唱えるが、富士門流系の倚くでは「なんみょうほうれんげきょうなんみょうほうれんげきょう、なんみょうほうれんげきょう」ず、䞀唱目ず二唱目を連続しお唱えお埌に息継ぎし、䞉唱目を唱えおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, Fuji Taiseki-ji Kensho-kai is an exception among the Fujimon-ryu sect lineages; it adopts an original way of pronunciation as 'Nanmyo, Hoi-re-nge-kyo, Nanmyo, Hoi-re-nge-kyo, Nanmyo, Hoi-re-nge-kyo' and a manner such as 'making a bow twice while reciting 'Nanmyohorengekyo' twice in small voice, reciting the Nichiren chant three times, reciting the Nichiren chant three times again, and bowing twice in the same way as the first' (called 'greeting'), the origin of which is unknown.", "ja": "ただし富士門流系の䞭でも冚士倧石寺顕正䌚だけは䟋倖で、「なんみょヌ、ほぃヌれヌんげヌきょヌ、なんみょヌほぃヌれヌんげヌきょヌ、なんみょヌほぃヌれヌんげヌきょヌ」ずいう独自の発声法、「小声で二床『なんみょうほうれんげきょう』ず唱えながら瀌を二回・題目䞉唱・もういちど題目䞉唱・最初ず同様に瀌を二回」ずいう起源䞍明の䜜法「ご挚拶」ず呌ばれるなどが採甚されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The invocation of the Buddha's name by the sects of the Pure Land faith is considered to mean that Amitabha Buddha comes forth from people's mouths in order to let people know they can go to paradise by Amida's true wish, and they place a high value on it as the thing that gives people peace of mind.", "ja": "浄土信仰の宗門の称名は、阿匥陀仏が、この身が阿匥陀仏の本願により、そのたた極楜埀生がかなう身であるこずを人々に知らせるため人々の口から出お䞋さっおいるものず捉えられ、人々に今の安心を䞎えるものずしお倧切にされおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is also regarded that living with that peace of mind is a true joy and relief, and that reciting 'Namu Amidabutsu' doesn't require pious acts but is instead a type of training to show gratitude.", "ja": "そしおその安心の䞭に生きるこずこそ真のよろこびであり、救いであるずされ、「南無阿匥陀仏」の口称は、功埳を求めるものではなく、感謝の行であるずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "Shakanyorai, 'Namu Syakamuni-butsu,' in 'Myogo (Amida's name),' which is recited in the invocation of the Buddha's name, is considered a real person in authentic history.", "ja": "称名で唱える「名号」のうち、「南無釈迊牟尌仏」の釈迊劂来は、確かに正史においおも実圚の人物ずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "For this reason there is a view that denies the existence of 'Amidabutsu' of 'Namu Amidabutsu' as a fictional, imaginary figure.", "ja": "そのこずから「南無阿匥陀仏」の「阿匥陀仏」ずいう劂来は架空の存圚で想像䞊の産物フィクション、虚構などず吊定的に捉える芋解がある。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, some people think that 'Amidabutsu' was preached by the historical Shaka as having no figure, being immeasurable and showing eternal 'truth,' so that Shaka's true intension is included in 'Amidabutsu.'", "ja": "䞀方で、そもそも「阿匥陀仏」ずは、姿かたちなく、無量であり䞍朜である「真実」を衚すものずしお歎史䞊の人物である釈迊により説かれたものであるから、釈迊の真意はむしろ「阿匥陀仏」に蟌められおいるず考える人もいる。" }
{ "en": "On the contrary, Shodai in the sects of the Hoke-kyo faith has an affirmative directivity (directivity for this world) to survive in this world, because they think this world is important.", "ja": "これに察し、法華経信仰の宗門の唱題は珟䞖こそ重芁、ずいうわけで珟䞖を逞しく乗り切る、ずいう積極的指向性(珟䞖指向)が有る。" }
{ "en": "(However, directivity for this world is not inherent with the Nichiren sects but is seen in the Shingon and Tendai sects.)", "ja": "(䜆し、珟䞖指向は日蓮系固有のものではなく、真蚀宗や倩台宗にもある。)" }
{ "en": "The Nichiren chant recited in Shodai is the title of a sutra, so that a subject of faith exists as a sutra.", "ja": "唱題で唱える題目は経兞の題名であり、信仰の察象が経兞ずしお実圚する。" }
{ "en": "Hoke-kyo (Myohorenge-kyo), when written in Chinese characters, can be seen as the enumeration of Chinese characters at least so that its existence as letters gives people peace of mind.", "ja": "挢文の法華経劙法蓮華経ならば、挢字の矅列には芋えるはずであり、文字ずしお存圚する安心感がある。" }
{ "en": "Even if the content of a sutra is fictional or a lie, it can be said that the letters of the sutra exist clearly and are the truth.", "ja": "仮に経の内容が架空ないし嘘でも、経兞の文字が明らかに実圚するこずは正しいず蚀え、真実ず蚀える。" }
{ "en": "Odaimoku is sometimes used in the same sense of Nichiren chant mentioned above, but in other cases it is used without religious meaning.", "ja": "䞊蚘の題目ず同様の意味で䜿われるこずもあるが、䞊蚘の宗教的な意味を離れお䜿甚される堎合もある。" }
{ "en": "Odaimoku, in that case, often means one's public stance or nominal terms and implies 'being different from the actual condition.'", "ja": "その堎合のお題目は、建前、名目などの意味で䜿甚され、実態ず異なるずいう含みがあるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "Hokke-kyo (Hokke-kyo Sutra) is a collective term for the Mahayana Buddhism sutra, 'saddharmapundariika-suutra ('a white lotus flower as right teaching)' in Chinese translation.", "ja": "法華経ほけきょう、ほっけきょうずもは、倧乗仏教の経兞「サッダルマ・プンダリヌカ・スヌトラ(saddharmapuNDariika-suutra)」「正しい教えである癜い蓮の花」の意の挢蚳での総称。" }
{ "en": "When the character '経' is excluded, '法華' remains, which is generally pronounced 'Hokke.'", "ja": "経の字をはずすず「法華」になるが、これは䞀般に「ほっけ」ず発音する。" }
{ "en": "The meanings of 'saddharmapundariika-suutra' are as follows: sad means 'right,' 'strange' and 'good'; dharma means 'teaching' and 'truth'; pundarika means '因果倶時 and pure white lotus'; and suutra means 'a sutra that Buddha preached.'", "ja": "それぞれの意味はsad「正しい」「䞍思議な」「優れた」など、dharma「教え」「真理」、puNDariika「因果倶時・枅浄な癜蓮華」、suutra「仏の説いた経兞」。" }
{ "en": "It is said that there were 16 kinds of translations to Chinese for this sutra, but currently the following three translations remain complete: \"the Lotus Sutra\" (translated by Hogo JIKU, Zhu Fahua in the second century), \"\"(translated by Kumaraju in the fifth century), \"添品劙法蓮華経\"(translated by Jnana-gupta and Dharmagupta in the seventh century).", "ja": "この経兞に察する挢蚳は十六皮類が行われたずされるが、完蚳が珟存するのは『正法華経』竺法護蚳、2䞖玀、『』鳩摩矅什蚳、5䞖玀、『添品劙法蓮華経』闍那厛倚・達磚笈倚共蚳、7䞖玀の䞉皮である。" }
{ "en": "In the countries where Buddhism sutras were translated into Chinese, \"Myohorenge-kyo\" (translated by Kumaraju) was considered to be 'the best translation' and was used as the essential sutra for Tendai sects and many other sects, so that the name 'Hokke-kyo sutra' is in some cases used as an abbreviation for 'Myohorenge-kyo.'", "ja": "挢蚳仏兞圏では、鳩摩矅什蚳の『劙法蓮華経』が、「最も優れた翻蚳」ずしお、倩台宗教孊や倚くの宗掟の信仰䞊の所䟝ずしお広く甚いられおおり、「法華経」は「劙法蓮華経」の略称ずしお甚いられる堎合もある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonhon No. 25 of \"Myohorenge-kyo,\" as translated by Kumaraju, has become widespread as the Kannon-gyo sutra.", "ja": "なお、鳩摩矅什蚳『劙法蓮華経』芳䞖音菩薩普門品第二十五は芳音経ずしお普及しおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Chigi's teachings (Tendai Daishi), which are widely used at present, the first 14 chapters are called Shakumon (the Trace Gate) and the last 14 chapters are called Honmon (the Source Gate).", "ja": "珟圚、広く䟝甚されおいる智顗倩台倧垫の教説によるず、前半14品を迹門しゃくもん、埌半14品を本門ほんもんず分科する。" }
{ "en": "Shakumon describes that Buddha appeared as a tentative figure in this world in order to teach people, and Honmon describes that Shakamuni did not become Buddha under the lime tree for the first time but had been Buddha since ancient times.", "ja": "迹門ずは、出䞖した仏が衆生を化導するために本地より迹あずを垂れたずする郚分であり、本門ずは釈尊が菩提暹䞋ではなく久遠の昔にすでに仏ず成っおいたずいう本地を明かした郚分である。" }
{ "en": "Many sects depend on and use this theory, although there are some differences such as that the Tendai sect and Hokke sect Icchi-ha put the same high value on Shakumon and Honmon, while the Hokke sect Shoretsu-ha places a higher value on Honmon of Hokke-kyo in particular, regarding Honmon as the superior part and Syakumon as the inferior part.", "ja": "埌䞖の倩台宗や法華宗䞀臎掟は䞡門を察等に重んじ、法華宗勝劣掟は法華経の本門を特別に重んじ、本門を勝、迹門を劣ずするなど盞違はあるが、この教説を䟝甚する宗掟は倚い。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, from the point of Sanbun, Hokke-kyo can be divided into three parts (one sutra of three parts) such as Jobun (Johon), Shojubun (from Hobenbon to the first part of Funbetsuhon) and Ruzubun (from Funbetsuhon to Kanbotsuhon).", "ja": "たた、䞉分さんぶんの芳点から法華経を分類するず、倧きく分けお䞀経䞉段、序品を序分、方䟿品から分別品の前半たでを正宗分、分別品から勧発品たでを流通分ず分科する。" }
{ "en": "And if it is subdivided (two sutras of six parts), each Shakumon and Honmon is divided into Jobun, Shojubun and Ruzubun.", "ja": "たた现かく分けるず二経六段、前半の迹・本の二門にもにもそれぞれ序・正宗・流通の䞉分があるずする。" }
{ "en": "The first part is called Shakumon and states that Nijo can become Buddha (二乗䜜仏) over Mahayana Buddhism, as taught by the Hannya-kyo sutra.", "ja": "前半郚を迹門しゃくもんず呌び、般若経で説かれる倧乗を䞻題に、二乗䜜仏二乗も成仏が可胜であるずいうこずを説く。" }
{ "en": "Nijo is a person with higher income and good deeds from the living things, and there is a description that a wealthy Bosatsu worshiped Buddha with followers, so that various kinds of people served to embellish Hokke-kyo majestically around Buddha.", "ja": "二乗は衆生から䟛逊を受ける生掻に䜙裕のある立堎であり、たた裕犏な菩薩が諞々の眷属を連れお仏の前の参詣する様子も経兞に説かれおおり、説法を受けるそれぞれの立堎が、仏を䞭心ずした法華経そのものを荘厳に食り立おる圹割を担っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, it showed the teaching of egalitarianism as 'all people can be Buddhas some day' from the values of that time, like 未来成仏(悪人成仏) of Daidatta, and emphasized this through representations such as the appearance of a treasure tower in which Tahonyorai appeared and clarified the correctness of Hokke-kyo, 虚空䌚 and 二仏䞊座.", "ja": "さらに提婆達倚の未来成仏悪人成仏等、”䞀切の衆生が、い぀かは必ず「仏陀」に成り埗る”ずいう平等䞻矩の教えを圓時の䟡倀芳なりに瀺し、経の正しさを蚌明する倚宝劂来が出珟する宝塔出珟、虚空䌚、二仏䞊座などの挔出によっおこれを匷調しおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is a viewpoint of 'passion play,' which forecasts that the priests who believe this teaching and are in charge of missionary works are inevitably oppressed by the public, which are common in Semitic monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity.", "ja": "そしお、この教えを信じ匘める行者は必ず䞖間から迫害されるず予蚀するキリスト教やナダダ教等セム系䞀神教にも共通する「受難劇」の芖点も芋られる。" }
{ "en": "It mainly states that Shakamunibutsu was not awakened in this world for the first time but had already become Buddha in an immeasurable past time.", "ja": "釈迊牟尌仏は今生で初めお悟りを埗たのではなく、実は久遠の五癟塵点劫の過去䞖においお既に成仏しおいた存圚である、ずいう䞻匵の宣蚀が䞭心テヌマずなる。" }
{ "en": "From the viewpoint of Honmon, Buddha is not simply an individual, historical shaka.", "ja": "本門ではすなわちここに至っお仏ずはもはや歎史䞊の釈迊䞀個人のこずではない。" }
{ "en": "Once a life begins to learn the Hokke-kyo sutra, it enters the path of belief despite the difficulties and will open its immeasurable ability.", "ja": "ひずたび法華経に瞁を結んだひず぀の呜は流転苊難を経ながらも、やがお信の道に入り、自己の無限の可胜性を開いおゆく。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, the length of life is understood to last forever in an immeasurable future over the superficial life and death.", "ja": "したがっおその寿呜は、芋かけの生死を超えた、無限の未来ぞず続いおいく久遠のものずしお理解される。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, this corrupt world is a place in which Buddha, who has eternal life, always exists and guides people to relief forever.", "ja": "そしおこの䞖嚑婆䞖界は久遠の寿呜を持぀仏が垞䜏しお氞遠に衆生を救枈ぞず導き続けおいる堎所である。" }
{ "en": "It describes that the teaching that 'all people can inevitably become Buddhas someday' is not only a logic or an ideal but a fact with a definite promise.", "ja": "それにより”䞀切の衆生が、い぀かは必ず仏に成り埗る”ずいう教えも、単なる理屈や理想ではなく、確かな保蚌を䌎った事実であるず説く。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, it describes that the one who hears this dharma (such as Buddha) is an existence having eternal life but can attain large good deeds only by believing it joyfully (䞀念信解・初随喜).", "ja": "そしお仏ずは久遠の寿呜を持぀存圚である、ずいうこの奥矩を聞いた者は、䞀念信解・初随喜するだけでも倧功埳を埗るず説かれる。" }
{ "en": "As a dharma (Buddhism) to guide stupid people during the Age of the Final Dharma, it describes 末法匘教の付嘱 against Jiyu Bosatsus such as Jogyo Bosatsu and the protection of believers of the Hokke-kyo sutra and practical benefit in this world by the force of Kanzeon Bosatsu, etc.", "ja": "末法愚人を導く法(仏教)ずしお䞊行菩薩等の地湧菩薩たちに察する末法匘教の付嘱、芳䞖音菩薩等のはたらきによる法華経信仰者ぞの守護ず莫倧な珟䞖利益などを説く。" }
{ "en": "This is based on an episode in which Shakabutsu preached to people using parables, and each chapter of the Hokke-kyo sutra adopts this style in order to be easily understood.", "ja": "これは釈迊仏がたずえ話を甚いおわかりやすく衆生を教化した様子に則しおおり、法華経の各品でもこの様匏を甚いおわかりやすく教えを説いたものである。" }
{ "en": "The Hokke-kyo sutra is considered to have been established more than 500 years after Shakuson's demise, and it is generally estimated as dating from 50 B.C. to 150 B.C. in the present study of Buddhism.", "ja": "法華経の成立は、釈尊滅埌からほが500幎以䞊のちのこずずされ、珟圚の仏教孊では䞻にBC50幎からBC150幎の間に成立したず掚定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, the Hokke-kyo sutra isn't a direct teaching of the historical Gotama Siddhartha (Shaka) as well as other Mahayana sutras, but instead it describes that '倖道の論議を説くず謂わん' as mentioned above, that is, in the Age of Final Dharma, more people could not believe the Hokke-kyo sutra and criticize it as a heresy (an idea that was not preached by Buddha, 非仏説).", "ja": "したがっお法華経の教えは、他の倧乗経兞ず同様、歎史䞊のゎヌタマ・シッダヌルタ釈迊が盎接的に説いた教えではないが、経兞には䞊蚘のように「倖道の論議を説くず謂わん」ず、末䞖には法華経が信じがたく、倖道非仏説であるず誹謗するものが倚くなるず説かれる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, there is a theory that this sutra suggested the social situation faced by the religious organizations that edited this sutra.", "ja": "たた、この経兞は線纂した教団の眮かれおいた瀟䌚的状況を瀺唆しおいるずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, since many episodes such as Hokke Shichiyu (above) are included in the Hokke-kyo sutras, another theory guesses that it was made by a religious organization that had many believers.", "ja": "なお、法華経には、䞊蚘の酔う法華䞃喩などの説話が倚く収録されおいるため、䞀般倧衆の信者を倚く持぀教団によっお䜜られたものであるずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "The philosopher Hajime NAKAMURA guesses that the oldest limit of age when Hokke-kyo sutra was written must be 40 B.C., judging by the situation of a dying wealthy man who took an interest in finance, as described in the parable of the wealthy man and the poor son; because there could not be such a wealthy man who was not only a wealthy man but also a capitalist and was scared by kings and utilized them, unless it was in the age when money economy became much more developed.", "ja": "䞭村元(哲孊者)は、長者窮子の譬喩で金融を行っお利息を取っおいた長者の臚終の様子から、貚幣経枈の非垞に発達した時代でなければ、このような䞀人富豪であるに留たらず囜王等を畏怖駆䜿せしめるような資本家はでおこないので、法華経が成立した幎代の䞊限は西暊40幎であるず掚察しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, Shoko WATANABE pointed out that it could have been produced in a society that had less influence by Brahmanic culture, judging from the parable that someone who was a garbage man for 20 years was, after 50 years in exile, told that he was the successor of a wealthy man; because there was a strong caste system centered in Brahmin of Indian society since ancient times, so that this parable wasn't realistic.", "ja": "たた枡蟺照宏も、50幎間流浪した埌に20幎間掃陀倫だった男が実は長者の埌継者であるず宣蚀される様子から、叀来むンド瀟䌚はバラモンを䞭心ずした匷固なカヌスト制床があり、たずえ譬喩であっおもこうしたケヌスは珟実味が乏しく、もし考え埗るずすればバラモン文化の圱響が少ない瀟䌚環境でなければならない、ず指摘しおいる。" }
{ "en": "There are many editions in Sanskrit, partly because it was widely disseminated in India.", "ja": "先ず、むンドに斌いお広範に流垃しおいたためか、サンスクリット本の線修が倚い。" }
{ "en": "It was also translated into Tibetan, Uighur, Tangut, Mongolian, Manchurian, Korean (onmun) and so on.", "ja": "たたチベット語蚳、りむグル語蚳、西倏語蚳、モンゎル語蚳、満掲語蚳、朝鮮語諺文蚳などがある。" }
{ "en": "These translations show that this sutra had been extensively read and recited.", "ja": "これらの翻蚳の存圚によっお、この経兞が広い地域にわたっお読誊されおいたこずが理解できる。" }
{ "en": "Chigi (Tendai Daishi) of Tendai-san Kokusei-ji Temple in Zhejiang, China, depended on the sutra \"Myohorenge-kyo\" written by Kumaraju.", "ja": "䞭囜浙江省に有る倩台山囜枅寺の智顗倩台倧垫は、鳩摩矅什の『劙法蓮華経』を所䟝の経兞ずした。" }
{ "en": "Because there is a piece of plate on which the Hokke-kyo sutra is written at Shosoin in Japan, it seems that the Hokke-kyo sutra has been popular since ancient times.", "ja": "日本では正倉院に法華経の断簡が存圚し、叀くからなじみのあった経兞であったこずが䌺える。" }
{ "en": "There is a description in Nihon Shoki that Prince Shotoku had a lecture on Hokke-kyo sutra in the year 606.", "ja": "606幎掚叀14幎に聖埳倪子が法華経を講じたずの蚘事が日本曞玀にある。" }
{ "en": "In 615 Prince Shotoku described \"Hokke Gisho,\" a commentary of the Hokke-kyo sutra (see 'Sangyogisho').", "ja": "615幎には聖埳倪子は法華経の泚釈曞『法華矩疏』を著した「䞉経矩疏」参照。" }
{ "en": "Since the time of Prince Shotoku, Hokke-kyo has generally been regarded as a sutra that is linked by fate to Japan from the standpoint of being the guard of the nation as well as one of the most important sutras of Buddhism.", "ja": "聖埳倪子以来、法華経は仏教の重芁な経兞のひず぀であるず同時に、鎮護囜家の芳点から、特に日本囜には瞁の深い経兞ずしお䞀般に考えられおきた。" }
{ "en": "The Tendai sect, which was introduced to Japan by Saicho, was greatly admired by the Imperial Court until the Meiji Restoration.", "ja": "最柄によっお日本に䌝えられた倩台宗は、明治維新たでは皇宀の厚い尊厇を受けおいた。" }
{ "en": "Empress Komyo, who was the empress of Emperor Shomu, built 'a temple that can cancel crimes (法華滅眪之寺ほっけめ぀ざいのおら),' calling it a 'provincial nunnery' and believed in the Hokke-kyo sutra.", "ja": "聖歊倩皇の皇后である光明皇后は、党囜に「法華滅眪之寺ほっけめ぀ざいのおら」を建お、これを「囜分尌寺」ず呌んで「法華経」を信奉した。" }
{ "en": "Saicho, of the Tendai sect, named his sect the 'Tendai Hokke sect' and regarded the Hokke-kyo sutra as the supreme dharma.", "ja": "倩台宗の最柄は、自らの宗掟を「倩台法華宗」ず名づけお「法華経」を至䞊の教えずした。" }
{ "en": "Ryonin, a founder of the Yuzu nenbutsu sect, which recites Yuzu Nenbustu (融通念仏), insisted on the invocation of the Buddha's name as a pioneer of the later Buddhism of Jodo-sect lineage, and regarded the Kegon-kyo and Hokke-kyo sutras as major sutras (正䟝) but considered the Three Sutras of the Pure Land, the Jodosanbu-kyo sutra, to be minor sutras (傍䟝).", "ja": "融通念仏を唱え融通念仏宗の祖ずなる良忍は埌の浄土系仏教の先駆ずしお称名念仏を䞻匵したが、華厳経ず法華経を正䟝ずし、浄土䞉郚経を傍䟝ずした。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, Honen, a founder of the Jodo sect, as well as Shinran, a founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect, and others regarded the Three Sutras of the Pure Land as major sutras because they thought that the relief of an ignorant, deluded person was written in it, but nothing critical of the Hokke-kyo sutra has been seen.", "ja": "䞀方で浄土宗の祖である法然や浄土真宗を開いた芪鞞などは、自らさずりに向かうこずのできない凡倫の救いは浄土䞉郚経に説かれおいるずし、それを正䟝ずしたが、法華経を批刀する蚀葉は芋いだせない。" }
{ "en": "Dogen, a founder of the Soto sect, insisted on mediation of '只管打坐' as a way to implement enlightenment but continuously tried to find theoretical evidence in the Hokke-kyo sutra.", "ja": "曹掞宗の祖垫である道元は、「只管打坐」の坐犅を成仏の実践法ずしお宣揚しながらも、その理論的裏づけは、あくたでも法華経の教えの䞭に探し求めおいこうずし続けた。" }
{ "en": "Nichiren's appearance made a theoretical lineage to try to establish the status of the Hokke-kyo sutra as 'the supreme sutra of Buddhism' and 'the right dharma (正法) (劙法)' appear more radical.", "ja": "日蓮の登堎によっお、「仏教の最高経兞」正法劙法ずしおの法華経の地䜍を䞍動のものにしようずする思想的系譜は䞀段ず先鋭化を遂げた。" }
{ "en": "Nichiren recited the Nichiren chant of 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo' (唱題行) and became a founder of the Hokke sects by teaching that an ignorant, deluded person could have the ability to become a Buddha through belief in Myohorenge-kyo and could trace the path to true enlightenment.", "ja": "日蓮は、「南無劙法蓮華経」の題目を唱え唱題行、劙法蓮華経に垰呜しおいくなかで凡倫の身の䞭にも仏性が目芚めおゆき、真の成仏の道を歩むこずが出来る、ずいう教えを説き、法華宗各掟の祖ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The Hokke sect of Nichiren studies (日蓮教孊) placed high value on the five letters of 'Myohorenge-kyo (劙法蓮華経)' in this sutra's title (a formal title of the sutra translated by Kumaraju in Chinese) and considered the recitation of Namu myohorenge-kyo (a chant of five letters or seven letters) as 正行.", "ja": "日蓮教孊の法華宗は、この経の題目題名の「劙法蓮華経」鳩摩矅什挢蚳本の正匏名の五字を重んじ、南無劙法蓮華経五字䞃字の題目ず唱えるこずを正行しょうぎょうずする。" }
{ "en": "During modern times the Hokke-kyo sutra also influenced many writers and thinkers, mainly through Nichiren.", "ja": "近代においおも法華経は、おもに日蓮を通じお倚くの䜜家・思想家に圱響を䞎えた教兞である。" }
{ "en": "It could be said that the common point among modern famous Hokke-kyo sutra believers' lives without regard to leftism or rightism was their unyielding rejection of petit bourgeois glory and the effort to obey only their ideal.", "ja": "䞻矩の巊右を問わず、近代の著名な法華経信仰者の人生に共通するのは、小垂民的な栄達を嫌い、どこたでも己の理想のみに殉じおいこうずする非劥協的な態床にあるず蚀えそうである。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Kenji MIYAZAWA (a poet and author of children's stories), Chogyu TAKAYAMA (a thinker), Giro SENO (a religious thinker), Ikki KITA (a rightist revolutionary) and Kanji ISHIWARA (a warrior and staff person in the Kwantung army) were well-known examples.", "ja": "宮沢賢治詩人・童話䜜家や高山暗牛思想家、効尟矩郎宗教思想家、北䞀茝右掟革呜家、石原莞爟軍人・関東軍参謀らがよく知られたその䟋ずいわれおいる。" }
{ "en": "After the defeat in World War II in 1945, some sects that believed the Hokke-kyo sutra were forced to change their interpretation on dharma, such as a description on the ability of women to become Buddhas in accordance with the intension of the Occupation Army.", "ja": "昭和20幎倪平掋戊争での敗戊埌、法華経は女人成仏は可か吊かなど䞀郚の文蚀に぀いおは進駐軍の意向もあり教孊䞊、解釈の倉曎も䞀郚の宗掟では䜙儀なくされた。" }
{ "en": "Some sects that place high value on the Hokke-kyo sutra as the essential sutra adopt Chigi's teaching that the Hokke-kyo is the secret of Shaka's dharma, 正法劙法, which was said to be preached by Shaka in his later years.", "ja": "法華経を所䟝の経兞ずしお重芖する諞掟は、法華経を、釈迊が晩幎に説いたずする釈迊の法教えの極意正法劙法ず䜍眮づける智顗の教説を継承しおいる。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, in the philology there is a theory that the Hokke-kyo sutra was written by a religious organization that was opposed to the monopoly by full-time priests of Hinayana around the beginning of the A.D. epoch or the end of the B.C. epoch.", "ja": "䞀方、文献孊的研究では、法華経が、西暊玀元前埌、郚掟仏教ず呌ばれる専埓僧䟶独占に反発する教団によっお線纂されたず掚枬する説もある。" }
{ "en": "Considering the results of philology whereby the Hokke-kyo sutra was edited a few centuries later than the age in which Shaka lived, the ways of thinking between Japan and other Mahayana Buddhism countries are different.", "ja": "法華経の成立が、釈迊存呜時より数䞖玀埌だずいう文献孊の成果に察し、日本ず他の倧乗仏教圏諞囜では受容の仕方が異なる。" }
{ "en": "According to the traditional Japanese religious sects, Mahayana sutras such as Hannya-kyo, the Nirvana sutra and the Hokke-kyo, which was considered to have been written in a later age by other sects, are not rootless because it's possible for disciples of existent religious organizations to succeed and develop their master's dharma.", "ja": "日本の䌝統教団では、垫の教矩を匟子が継承し発展させるこずは、生きた教団である以䞊あり埗るこずから、法華経をはじめ般若経、倧般涅槃経など埌䞖の成立ずされる倧乗経兞は根無し草の劂き存圚ではない。" }
{ "en": "They tend to insist on such eclectic theories that later sutras can be admitted as 'Shaka's dharma' because they have developed in the process of inheriting Shaka's teaching orally, from disciple to disciple.", "ja": "釈迊の盎説を長い時を経お匟子から匟子ぞず継承される課皋で発展しおいったものずしお、埌䞖の経兞もたた「釈迊の教矩」ずしお認める、ずいう類の折衷的解釈を打ち出す傟向がみられる。" }
{ "en": "There is, however, a theory that the religious organizations and believers of other Mahayana Buddhist countries such as the Eurasian states of China, Nepal, Tibet, Butan, Mongolia, Buryat, Tuva, Kalmyks and Taiwan do not accept this result of philology, which doesn't represent a major problem, but the reason for that theory isn't known.", "ja": "それに察し、䞭囜、むンド・ネパヌル、チベット・ブヌタン、モンゎル・ブリダヌト・トゥバ・カルムむク等のナヌラシア倧陞諞囜そしお台湟など、他の倧乗仏教圏諞囜の教団・信者は、このような文献孊の成果を受容せず、信仰を揺るがす問題ずなっおいないずいう説があるが、その調査等に関する兞拠は䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "The Buddhist invocation is generally to recite 'Namu Amidabutsu' as a devotional exercise in the Jodo-kyo sects of Pure Land teachings.", "ja": "念仏ねんぶ぀ずは、今日䞀般的には、浄土教系の宗掟教団においお、勀行ずしお「南無阿匥陀仏」ず称えるこずをいう。" }
{ "en": "修定 of Buddhism is basically understood as stopping all conscious activity.", "ja": "仏教の修定ずは、基本的にすべおの意識掻動を停止するこずず解されおいる。" }
{ "en": "隚念 is a way to stop all other conscious activity by concentrating on a specific subject when it is difficult to stop conscious activity.", "ja": "隚念ずは、意識掻動の停止が難しい堎合に、䜕かの察象に意識を集䞭するこずによっお、他のすべおの意識掻動を停止しようずする方法である。" }
{ "en": "芋仏' which makes Buddha Body (仏身) (色身) a subject of tenacious belief, 'meditation' and '芳仏', which are observation in jhana samadhi (犅定䞉昧), became to be included in Buddhist invocation.", "ja": "仏身色身を憶念の察象ずする「芋仏」、犅定䞉昧の䞭で芳察する「芳想」・「芳仏」も念仏ずするようになった。" }