{ "en": "Since then, large statues of Buddha have been built in many places by people who pursue acts of great piety.", "ja": "以降、珟代に至るたで、倧きな功埳を求めた願䞻によっお各地に倧きな仏像が぀くられおきた。" }
{ "en": "In Japan there are statues of Buddha that are called '○○Daibutsu' in many places, but there is no standard as to how large one should be in order to be called 'Daibutsu.'", "ja": "日本では各地に「○○倧仏」ず称する仏像があるが、䜕メヌトルから「倧仏」ず称するかずいう基準は特にない。" }
{ "en": "Until World WarⅡ, 'Nara Great Buddha,' 'Kamakura Great Buddha' and 'Hyogo Great Buddha' were called 'Nihon Sandaibutsu (three large statues of Buddha in Japan),' but since Hyogo Daibutsu was broken during wartime delivery (the present Hyogo Daibutsu was rebuilt) there is now controversy as to which should be the third Daibutsu next to 'Nara Great Buddha' and 'Kamakura Great Buddha.'", "ja": "第二次䞖界倧戊前たでは、「奈良の倧仏」「鎌倉の倧仏」「兵庫倧仏」が「日本䞉倧仏」ず呌ばれおいたが、兵庫倧仏が戊時䟛出で取り壊されたため珟圚の兵庫倧仏は再建、珟圚は「奈良の倧仏」「鎌倉の倧仏」に぀いおは䞀臎しおいるものの䞉぀目をいずれにするかに぀いおは異説ある状態である。" }
{ "en": "Currently, there are some large statues that are identified as Nihon Sandai Daibutsu: 'the Great Image of Buddha at Takaoka,' 'Hyogo Great Buddha (rebuilt),' 'Nihon-ji Great Buddha,' 'Gifu Great Buddha,' 'Great Buddha of Ushiku,' 'Great Buddha of Tokyo,' 'Great Buddha of Akada' and so on.", "ja": "なお、珟圚、日本䞉倧倧仏を称しおいるのは「高岡倧仏」「兵庫倧仏再建」「日本寺倧仏」「岐阜倧仏」「牛久倧仏」「東京倧仏」「赀田の倧仏」などである。" }
{ "en": "A TV program titled \"Tamori Club,\" aired by the TV Asahi Corporation on May 4, 2007, had a special feature on Nihon Sandaibutsu and decided on the third Great Buddha.", "ja": "2007幎5月4日のテレビ朝日『タモリ倶楜郚』では、日本䞉倧倧仏を取り䞊げ䞉぀目の倧仏を決定する特集をした。" }
{ "en": "Among Mikkyo believers it is also called Vajrayana, as opposed to Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana.", "ja": "密教埒の甚語では倧乗mahāyāna、小乗hÄ«nayānaに察しお「金剛乗」vajrayānaずもいう。" }
{ "en": "It identifies itself as Buddhism, but among scholars there is controversy as to whether Mikkyo is included in Buddhism or not.", "ja": "仏教を自称しおいるが、密教が仏教に含たれるかどうかは孊者の間でも芋解が分かれる。" }
{ "en": "While in Mahayana Buddhism (exoteric Buddhism) dharma is preached broadly to people through words and texts, characteristically in Mikkyo a very mystical and symbolic dharma is transmitted by a master to a disciple within the sect.", "ja": "䞀般の倧乗仏教顕教が民衆に向かい広く教矩を蚀葉や文字で説くに察し、密教は極めお神秘䞻矩的・象城䞻矩的な教矩を教団内郚の垫資盞承によっお䌝持する点に特城がある。" }
{ "en": "The reason that Tibetan Buddhism, which took over Indian Mikkyo, was previously called 'Lamaism' is due to the characteristic that a disciple believes his 'lama' absolutely at the time of transmittal.", "ja": "むンド密教を継承したチベット仏教がか぀お「ラマ教」ず俗称されたのは、垫資盞承における「垫ラマ」に絶察的に垰䟝する特城を捉えたものである。" }
{ "en": "The ritual by which to prove that a master has completely transmitted dharma to a disciple is called Denpo Kanjo (䌝法灌頂), and the complete transmission of dharma is compared to 'pouring water from a bottle to another bottle without spilling a drop.'", "ja": "垫が匟子に察しお教矩を完党に盞承したこずを蚌する儀匏を䌝法灌頂ずいい、教えが䜙すずころなく䌝えられたこずを称しお「瀉瓶の劂し瓶から瓶ぞ氎を挏らさず移しかえたようだ」ずいう。" }
{ "en": "In the background of Mikkyo's establishment was such a social situation that Buddhism was oppressed as Hinduism flourished during the latter period of Indian Buddhism.", "ja": "密教成立の背景には、むンド仏教埌期においおヒンドゥヌ教の隆盛によっお仏教が圧迫された瀟䌚情勢がある。" }
{ "en": "Mikkyo tried to revive Indian Buddhism by incorporating the elements of Hinduism into Buddhism.", "ja": "ヒンドゥヌ教の芁玠を仏教に取り蟌むこずで、むンド仏教の再興を図ったのが密教である。" }
{ "en": "However, the incorporation of Mikkyo with Indian Buddhism could not limit the growth of Hinduism, and as a result Indian Buddhism declined.", "ja": "しかし結果的には、むンド仏教の密教化はヒンドゥヌ教の隆盛ずむンド仏教の衰退を倉えられなかった。" }
{ "en": "Soon, it was attacked politically and diplomatically from two sides: one, by the Islamic government (Delhi sultanate) that had invaded from northern India, which was ruled by Muslims from Western Asia; and secondly, by the Hindu government of southern India.", "ja": "やがお、西アゞアからのむスラム勢力のむンド北郚から䟵攻しおきたむスラム教埒政暩デリヌ・スルタン朝ずむンド南郚のヒンドゥヌ教埒政暩ずの政治・倖亀䞊の挟撃に遭う。" }
{ "en": "Attacked by Islam for its worship of an idol and magical elements, Mikkyo in India was forced to disappear into history as the last stage of Indian Buddhism.", "ja": "むスラム教埒から偶像厇拝や呪術芁玠を培底攻撃されお、むンドの密教は最埌の段階のむンド仏教ずしお歎史的に消滅に远い蟌たれる。" }
{ "en": "The early stage of Mikkyo, Zo-mitsu (the Mixed Esoteric Buddhism), which was established at the stage when magical elements were incorporated into Buddhism, was not particularly systematized but aimed to gain practical benefits in this world by reciting mantra, Shingon and litany, as well as the spell of each Buddha, being affected by the mantra of Brahmanism, in which religious services were performed.", "ja": "呪術的な芁玠が仏教に取り入れられた段階で圢成されおいった初期密教雑密は、特に䜓系化されたものではなく、祭祀宗教であるバラモン教のマントラに圱響を受けお各仏尊の真蚀・陀矅尌を唱えるこずで珟䞖利益を心願成就するものであった。" }
{ "en": "There was no Mikkyo sutra, and a curse on (咒) and litany were seen in the various sutras of Mahayana Buddhism.", "ja": "密教経兞があった蚳ではなく、各皮の倧乗経兞に咒や陀矅尌が説かれおいた。" }
{ "en": "In order to protect against the emergent Hinduism, the middle stage of Mikkyo was established more seriously as a systematized form of Buddhism.", "ja": "密教は新興のヒンドゥヌ教に察抗できるように、本栌的な仏教ずしお理論䜓系化が詊みられお䞭期密教が誕生した。" }
{ "en": "The middle stage of Mikkyo, as opposed to the Mahayana Buddhism in which a form of Shakamuni was preached, compiled Mikkyo sutras consisting of the teachings of 倧毘盧遮那仏Mahāvairocana), or Dainichinyorai by another name.", "ja": "䞭期密教では釈尊Bhagavānが説法する圢匏をずる倧乗経兞ずは異なっお、その別名を倧日劂来ず呌ぶ倧毘盧遮那仏Mahāvairocanaが説法する圢で密教経兞を線纂しおゆく。" }
{ "en": "After the accomplishment of \"Dainichi-kyo Sutra,\" \"初䌚金剛頂経\"Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha and their commentary, Mandala, which showed the world view of Mikkyo incorporating various Buddhas, was produced; thus the Buddhas of Mikkyo were placed into a hierarchyand systematized, as all Buddhas were created from Issainyorai (䞀切劂来), the Five Buddhas of Wisdom around Dainichinyorai: Gochinyorai (五智劂来).", "ja": "『倧日経』や『初䌚金剛頂経』Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha、たたその蚻釈曞が成立するず、倚様な仏尊を擁する密教の䞖界芳を瀺す曌荌矅が誕生し、䞀切劂来倧日劂来を䞭心ずした五仏五智劂来からあらゆる諞尊が生み出されるずいう圢で、密教における仏尊の階局化・䜓系化が進んでいった。" }
{ "en": "While the middle stage of Mikkyo became a complicated system of Buddhism for priests, it couldn't become widespread among Indian people and therefore couldn't change the trend whereby Hinduism, which emphasized daily religious services and folk beliefs, flourished and expanded.", "ja": "䞭期密教は僧䟶向けに耇雑化した仏教䜓系ずなった䞀方で、かえっおむンドの倧衆局ぞの普及・浞透ができず、日垞祭祀や民間信仰に重点をおいた倧衆重芖のヒンドゥヌ教の隆盛・拡倧ずいう朮流を結果的には倉えられなかった。" }
{ "en": "For this reason, in order to hold out against the flourishing of Hinduism in India, there appeared Funnuson (憀怒尊) and Gohoson (護法尊) to pray for the protection of the training of Buddhism and the surrender of the enemy, such as Gozanze Myoo, who defeated Shiva, and Mahakala, who subdued Ganesha and Gundari Myoo.", "ja": "そのため、むンドでのヒンドゥヌ教の隆盛に察抗するため、シノァを倒す降䞉䞖明王やガネヌシャを螏むマハヌカヌラ倧黒倩・軍荌利明王をはじめずしお仏道修行の保護ず怚敵降䌏を祈願する憀怒尊や護法尊が登堎した。" }
{ "en": "Because the middle stage of Mikkyo couldn't hold out against the flourishing of Hinduism, the late-stage of Mikkyo, which valued practice instead of theory, was established.", "ja": "䞭期密教ではヒンドゥヌ教の隆盛に察抗できなくなるず、理論より実践を重芖した埌期密教が誕生した。" }
{ "en": "Accompanied by this, Hosshin Fugen (法身普賢), Gonkosatta and Kongo Soji (金剛総持) became to be respected as 最勝本初仏 mostly.", "ja": "それに䌎っお法身普賢や金剛薩埵、金剛総持が最勝本初仏ずしお最も尊厇されるこずになった。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, being influenced by the tantora of Shakta Hinduism and Shakti belief, Anunttara-yoga was seen characteristically in the late-stage Mikkyo, which was a training of coalescence (sex) between male principles (mind, wisdom, upaya and Vajradhatu) and female principles (body, feeling, Hannya and Garbhadhatu), so that there appeared joyful Buddha (歓喜仏) which showed that the male Buddha (male principle) and female Buddha (female principle) had sexual intercourse.", "ja": "たた、ヒンドゥヌ教シャヌクタ掟のタントラやシャクティ性力信仰から圱響を受け始めお、男性原理粟神・智・方䟿・金剛界ず女性原理肉䜓・感・般若・胎蔵界ずの合䜓性亀を修行する無䞊瑜䌜性的ペガも埌期密教の特城であり、男尊男性原理ず女尊女性原理が性亀する歓喜仏も倚数登堎した。" }
{ "en": "In the development of research on yoga tantra, bringing Purana to the top of the head from the lower body was regarded as the best way, and having sexual intercourse was considered the most efficient way for that.", "ja": "ペガ・タントラの修行方法が探究されるに぀れお、䞋半身のチャクラからプラヌナを頭頂に導くこずが最䞊ずされ、性亀がその最も効果的な方法ずされた。" }
{ "en": "However, because of the ruined morals such as with male priests forcing lay female believers to have sexual intercourse as the best means of devoting their bodies, which they practiced despite the broken precepts, some Buddhists left the late-stage Mikkyo and returned to Theravada Buddhism, which valued the religious precepts.", "ja": "しかし男性僧䟶が圚家女性信者に我が身を捧げる無䞊の䟛逊ずしお性亀を匷制し、砎戒にもかかわらず男性僧䟶が圚家女性信者に性亀を実践するなど性道埳が荒廃したため、仏教埒の間には埌期密教を離れお戒埋を重芖する郚掟仏教䞊座郚仏教ぞの回垰もみられた。" }
{ "en": "As a response to criticism against priests' having sexual intercourse, the content of Anunttara-yoga was changed from a practice of having sexual intercourse to one in which intercourse was imagined.", "ja": "たた僧䟶の性亀に察する批刀を受けお、無䞊瑜䌜も性亀の実斜ではなく性亀の芳想ぞず移行する動きもあった。" }
{ "en": "The Muslim invasion and destruction in northern India interrupted Buddhism (including Mikkyo in India), but a developed system of late-stage Mikkyo can be seen in Tibetan Buddhism.", "ja": "むンド北郚におけるむスラム勢力の䟵攻・砎壊掻動によっおむンドでは密教を含む仏教は途絶したが、さらに発展した埌期密教の䜓系はチベット仏教の䞭に芋るこずができる。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, Mikkyo was first introduced by Saicho (Dengyo Daishi), who had returned from Tang.", "ja": "日本に密教が初めお玹介されたのは、唐から垰囜した最柄䌝教倧垫によるものであった。" }
{ "en": "The Imperial Family and aristocrats at that time were interested in Mikkyo, which valued practical benefits in this world or \"pure land\" teachings, as well as Jodo-kyo (Buddhist invocation), which promised reincarnation in the Land-of-Bliss/Pure Land of the next world, instead of the Tendai Doctrine, which Saicho had seriously studied.", "ja": "圓時の皇族や貎族は、最柄が本栌的に修孊した倩台教孊よりも、むしろ珟䞖利益も重芖する密教、あるいは来䞖での極楜浄土ぞの生たれ倉わりを玄束する浄土教念仏に関心を寄せた。" }
{ "en": "However, because Saicho mainly studied the Tendai Doctrine but did not do so with Mikkyo, Mikkyo was introduced more properly by Kukai (Kobo-daishi), who studied it at Shoryuji Temple, Qinglongsi Temple (the basis of Chinese Mikkyo), Engyo, Ennin (Jikaku Daishi), Eun, Enchin (Chisho Daishi) and Shuei.", "ja": "しかし、倩台教孊が䞻であった最柄は密教を本栌的に修孊しおいた蚳ではなかったので、䞭囜密教の拠点であった唐の青韍寺で本栌的に修孊した空海匘法倧垫、円行、円仁慈芚倧垫、恵運、円珍智蚌倧垫、宗叡によっお、密教がより本栌的に日本に玹介された。" }
{ "en": "Among the traditional Buddhist sects in Japan, the Shingon sect (whose teachings Kukai learned from Eka) and the Keika of Shoryuji Temple (Xian City) in China (Tang), thus systematized as Shingon Mikkyo (Toumitsu; Shokushin Jobutsu and the guard of the nation being two aspects), and the Nihon Tendai sect (called Daimitsu in some cases), which was begun by Saicho and established by Ennin, Enchin and Annen, are incorporated into Mikkyo.", "ja": "日本の䌝統的な宗掟ずしおは、空海が䞭囜唐の青韍寺(西安垂)恵果に受法しお請来し、真蚀密教ずしお䜓系付けた真蚀宗東密。即身成仏ず鎮護囜家を二倧テヌれずしおいるず、最柄によっお創始され、円仁、円珍、安然らによっお完成された日本倩台宗台密ずも呌ばれるが密教に分類される。" }
{ "en": "While members of the Shingon sect learn Mikkyo independently, members of the Tendai sect learn Tendai, Mikkyo, Buddhist precepts and Zen at the same time.", "ja": "真蚀宗が密教専修であるのに察し、倩台宗は倩台・密教・戒埋・犅の四宗盞承である点が異なっおいる。" }
{ "en": "While Tomitsu and Daimitsu, which were transmitted systematically, are called Jun-mitsu (Pure Esoteric Buddhism), Mikkyo, which had been transmitted in fragments and had adherents before Jun-mitsu, is called Zo-mitsu (Mixed Esoteric Buddhism).", "ja": "䜓系的に請来された東密、台密を玔密ずいうのに察し、玔密以前に断片的に請来され信仰された密教を雑密ずいう。" }
{ "en": "In modern China, Chinese Mikkyo, which flourished in the Tang Dynasty (the middle-stage Mikkyo) is called 唐密宗 and Mikkyo in Tibetan Buddhism continues to be called 西蔵密宗.", "ja": "珟代䞭囜では、唐代に盛んだった䞭囜の密教䞭期密教を唐密宗、珟代たで続くチベット仏教における密教を西蔵密宗ず呌んでいる。" }
{ "en": "In modern China, an effort is being made to revive 唐密宗 through an exchange with the Shingon sect of Japan (Tomitsu) such as Seian-ji Temple in Shanghai, but it is a minor activity.", "ja": "珟圚の䞭囜では、䞊海垂の静安寺にみられるように、日本の真蚀宗東密ずの亀流を通じお唐密宗の埩興を詊みる動きもあるもののマむナヌな動向である。" }
{ "en": "西蔵密宗 has been believed until now around the autonomous region of Tibet and northern China.", "ja": "西蔵密宗はチベット自治区や䞭囜北郚等を䞭心に珟圚も信仰が続いおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is considered that the reason that 唐密宗, the middle-stage Mikkyo, declined and was interrupted is that Taoism--which was a rival having the same aspects of practical benefits in this world, as well as mojo--was favored.", "ja": "䞭期密教である唐密宗が䞭囜で衰退・途絶したのは、珟䞖利益や呪術の面ではラむバルであった道教が奜たれたためず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Confucianism also had a strong influence in China, so that the late-stage Mikkyo, which flourished in Tibet, Nepal and Mongolia, was not introduced because tantra was in opposition to sexual morality.", "ja": "たた儒教の圱響も匷かった䞭囜では、チベットやネパヌル、モンゎルで盛んだった埌期密教は、タントラが性道埳に反するずしお導入されなかったずいうのが通説である。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, there is a hypothesis that Indian alchemy became Mikkyo and that Mikkyo was alchemy itself, but it is not widely accepted and remains untried in Buddhist studies.", "ja": "なお、むンドの錬金術が密教ずなり、密教は錬金術そのものであったずの仮説があるが、䞀般的な芋解ではないし、たた仏教孊の研究でも怜蚌されおいない。" }
{ "en": "By extension, the religion and sects that have mystical and symbolic dharma, such as cabala, kabbalah and Booduism, other than Buddhism, are in some cases referred to as Mikkyo.", "ja": "転じお、カバラやブヌドゥヌ教など、神秘䞻矩・象城䞻矩的な教矩を持぀仏教以倖の宗教宗掟も、密教ず呌ばれる堎合がある。" }
{ "en": "Amidanyorai, being Amitaabha or Amitaayus in Sanskrit, is one of the Nyorai in Mahayana Buddhism.", "ja": "阿匥陀劂来あみだにょらい、サンスクリットアミタヌバamitaabhaあるいはアミタヌナスamitaayusは、倧乗仏教の劂来の䞀぀。" }
{ "en": "The symbol of Sanmayagyo is a lotus (a lotus in full bloom in Vajradhatumandala and a blooming lotus in Garbha-mandala).", "ja": "䞉昧耶圢は蓮の花金剛界曌荌矅では開花した蓮華、胎蔵曌荌矅では開きかけた蓮華。" }
{ "en": "Amitaayus' in Sanskrit means 'a person who has an immeasurable life,' and 'Amitaabha' means 'a person who has immeasurable light'; these show that he is a super-man who has no limit in time and space.", "ja": "梵名の「アミタヌナス」は「無限の寿呜をも぀もの」、「アミタヌバ」は「無限の光をも぀もの」の意味で、圌が時間ず空間の制玄を受けない超人である事を瀺す。" }
{ "en": "These are freely translated as 無量寿仏 or 無量光仏 and are regarded as the Buddha of light who shines forth in this dark world.", "ja": "これを意蚳しお無量寿仏無量光仏ずも呌ばれ、無明の珟䞖をあたねく照らす光の仏ずされる。" }
{ "en": "Generally, he has been depicted as wearing simple clothes with no accessories and shows a symbolic gesture with the fingers of Kubon Raigo-in, i.e., mudra for the nine possible levels of birth into Amida's paradise, Gokuraku (see Mudra for detail), mixed with Jo-in, i.e., samadhi mudra, Seppo-in, i.e., the exposition of the dharma mudra, Semui-in, i.e., mudra for bestowing fearlessness, and Yogan-in, i.e., wish-granting mudra.", "ja": "造圢化された時は、装身具を着けない質玠な服装の劂来圢で、定印・説法印・斜無畏印・䞎願印を組み合わせた九品来迎印詳しくは印盞を参照のこずを結ぶ姿で衚されるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "According to \"Muryoju-kyo Bussetu Muryoju-kyo Sutra,\" he willingly stepped down from the status of Buddha to Bosatsu and practiced ascetic training for the relief of all the living things under Lokeshvararaja Buddha, with the name Dharmakara.", "ja": "『無量寿経仏説無量寿経』によるず、䞀切の衆生救枈のために自ら仏の䜍を降りお菩薩ずなり、䞖自圚王仏の元で法蔵ず名乗り修行をした。" }
{ "en": "He is the sambhoga-kaya Buddha who had thought about the relief of living things for a very long time (contemplation of five kalpas) and became Buddha by finding a way to achieve birth in the pure land.", "ja": "非垞に長期間衆生の救枈の思玢をめぐらし五劫思惟ごこうしゆい、浄土ぞの埀生の手立おを芋出したこずにより仏ずなった報身仏。" }
{ "en": "He made 48 wishes for the relief of living things; among them the eighteenth wish, called 'Hongwan (本願),' is highly valued, particularly in Jodo-kyo.", "ja": "衆生救枈に関しお48の願い四十八願を立お、特に浄土教においお第十八願を「本願」ず呌んで重芁芖する。" }
{ "en": "In \"Amida-kyo Sutra\" he was praised by as many Buddhas as there were grains of sand in the Ganges River of the universe.", "ja": "『阿匥陀経』では、倧宇宙のガンゞス河の砂の数ほどの諞仏から賞賛されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It says 'The power of Amidabutsu was extremely wonderful, and only Amidabutsu wished Hongwan and promised for the relief of all living things despite other Buddhas turning their backs against the relief of us, meaning the deadly, guilty living things.'", "ja": "曰く、「阿匥陀仏のお力はずば抜けお玠晎らしく、我々眪悪の重い衆生の救枈に察しお、他の諞仏が背盞を芋せたにも関わらず、阿匥陀仏お䞀人が本願を立おられお䞀切衆生の救枈をお玄束された。" }
{ "en": "No Buddha could reach enlightenment as Buddha without ultimately depending on Amidabutsu.", "ja": "䞀切の諞仏も最埌には、阿匥陀仏に䟝らなければ、仏の悟りを開く事は出来なかった」ず。" }
{ "en": "The phrase Tariki (Other-Power) Hongwan originated from this, and has been generally used in the sense of 'selfish dependence on others' or 'irresponsible,' in the broad sense.", "ja": "これを語源ずする他力本願ずいう蚀葉は、䞀般には「ムシのいい、他人ぞの䟝存」「無責任」ずいう意味でも広く甚いられる。" }
{ "en": "However, Other-Power here originally showed the power of Amidanyorai, while all other powers except his (but including Shaka's power) are called Jiriki (Self-Power).", "ja": "しかしここで蚀う他力ずは本来阿匥陀劂来の力を指し、圌の力以倖の釈迊の力を含めたすべおの力を指しお自力ず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Particularly in the Jodo Shinshu sect, an ignorant, deluded person with earthly desires can become Buddha 'only' by Amidanyorai's Hongwan, as it were, or Tariki Hongwan (absolutely Other-Power), and even the power of Shaka as Buddha is denied as 'Self-Power.'", "ja": "特に浄土真宗においおは、煩悩具足の凡倫は、阿匥陀劂来の本願、すなわち他力本願によっお「のみ」埀生を遂げるこずができるずし絶察他力、仏である釈迊の力すら「自力」ずしお吊定される。" }
{ "en": "According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, he appears for the relief of the soul four days after death (next to Dainichinyorai, Ashukunyorai and Hoshonyorai).", "ja": "チベット死者の曞によれば倧日劂来、阿閊劂来、宝生劂来に続いお死埌の4日目に魂の救枈に珟れるずされる。" }
{ "en": "It is the Buddha who appeared in Mahayana Buddhism, and there is a theory that it originates from an Iranian faith such as Zoroastrianism.", "ja": "倧乗仏教で登堎した仏尊であり、その起源はゟロアスタヌ教などのむラン系の信仰に由来するずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "According to that theory, Ahura Mazda, the supreme god of light, is an original model of 無量光劂来 and Zurvan, the god of immeasurable time, is an original model of 無量寿劂来.", "ja": "それによるず、光明の最高神アフラ・マズダヌが無量光劂来、無限時間の神ズルワヌンが無量寿劂来の原型ずされる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, there is a theory that the area of Iran, the original place of Zoroastrianism and the area of ancient Babylonia, which were fertile and flourished, served as the basis for the Western Land of Bliss.", "ja": "たた、西方極楜浄土は、ゟロアスタヌ教の起源であるむラン地方、もしくは肥沃で繁栄した叀代バビロニア地方が背景になっおいるずする説もある。" }
{ "en": "Since the Kamakura period in Japan, the words and phrases related to Amidanyorai had been seen in fully flourished Jodo-kyo.", "ja": "鎌倉時代以降、日本では浄土教の隆盛を受けお、阿匥陀劂来に関連した単語や蚀い回しが登堎するようになる。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned above, since the eighteenth wish among the 48 wishes in Jodo-kyo is seen to be the most important, Ohako (i.e., the eighteenth) means one's favorite stunt.", "ja": "前述のずおり、浄土教においお四十八願のうち第十八願を本願ずしお重芁芖するこずから、もっずも埗意なこずを指す。" }
{ "en": "The origin of this word is that although Amidakuji at present is shown in parallel lines, formerly it was shown in radiating lines, which looked like the halo of an Amidanyorai statue.", "ja": "珟代のものは平行線だがか぀おは攟射線状であり、阿匥陀劂来像の光背に䌌おいるこずから。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned above, it is used to show irresponsibility or a lack of effort, as transferred from the original meaning.", "ja": "前述のずおり努力しないこずや無責任であるこずを衚珟するのに䜿われるが、本来の意図ずは違う転甚である。" }
{ "en": "Statue at Horyu-ji Temple (Ikaruga-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara Prefecture) (one of the Amida triad, placed at Tachibana Fujin Zushi)", "ja": "法隆寺像奈良県生駒郡斑鳩町阿匥陀䞉尊像のうち、橘倫人厚子安眮" }
{ "en": "Statue at Jodo-ji Temple (Ono City, Hyogo Prefecture) (one of the Amida triad, made by Kaikei, placed at Jodo-do)", "ja": "浄土寺(小野垂)像兵庫県小野垂阿匥陀䞉尊像のうち、快慶䜜、浄土堂安眮" }
{ "en": "Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya Bodhisattva in Sanskrit) is one of the Buddhas of Buddhism.", "ja": "匥勒菩薩みろくがさ぀、サンスクリットマむトレヌダ(maitreya)は仏教の仏菩薩の䞀尊である。" }
{ "en": "He was born in Varanasi, India, studied under Shakabutsu and was given a clarification to become Buddha in the future.", "ja": "むンドの波矅奈パラナシヌ囜に生たれ釈迊仏の化導を受け、未来に成仏するずいう蚘を䞎えられたずいう。" }
{ "en": "Miroku (Maitreya) is a Bosatsu who is promised to become Buddha next to Gotama Siddhartha (Shakamuni-butsu, Buddha at present); it is said that he appears in the future 5670 million years after Gotama Siddhartha's demise and will bring relief to many people.", "ja": "匥勒はゎヌタマ・シッダヌルタ釈迊牟尌仏、珟圚仏の次に仏陀ずなるこずが玄束された菩薩で、ゎヌタマ・シッダヌルタの入滅埌56億7千䞇幎埌の未来に姿をあらわし倚くの人々を救枈するずされる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that he is presently in ascetic training (or that he preaches) at Tosotsuten; the belief in going to Tosotsuten of Miroku Bosatsu (䞊生信仰) after death was popular in China, Korea and Japan.", "ja": "珟圚は、兜率倩で修行あるいは説法しおいるずいわれ、䞭囜・朝鮮半島・日本では、匥勒菩薩の兜率倩に埀生しようず願う信仰䞊生信仰が流行した。" }
{ "en": "Generally, it is believed that Miroku appears 5670 million years later; such enormous years originating from the formula 4000×400×360576000000, based on the belief that the life of Miroku at Tosotsuten is 4000 years and a day at Tosotsuten equals 400 years in this world (it is thought that 576000000 years changed to 5670000000 years during a later age).", "ja": "䞀般に匥勒の䞋生は56億7千䞇幎埌ずされおいるが、この気の遠くなる幎数は、匥勒の兜卒倩での寿呜は4000幎であり、兜卒倩の1日は地䞊の400幎に匹敵するずいう説から、䞋生たでに4000×400×3605億7600䞇幎かかるずいう蚈算に由来する埌代に5億7600䞇幎が56億7000䞇幎に入れ替わったず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "The other old Buddhism sutra asserts that he appears 3000 years later, so that the time when future Buddha appears is not certain in a precise sense; another thesis claims it's a metaphor for 'the distant future.'", "ja": "他の叀い仏教の経兞では3000幎埌説もあり、その未来仏の出珟する時代は厳密には定かではなく「遠い未来」の比喩ではないかずの説もある。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Miroku Bosatsu appears as Brahman in this corrupt world, obtains enlightenment under the Ryuge-ju tree (竜華暹) after becoming a priest in the same way as Siddhartha, and brings people relief by preaching three times (which is called Ryuge-sankai, the three sermons at Ryuge).", "ja": "匥勒菩薩はバラモンずしお嚑婆䞖界に出䞖しお、シッダヌルタ同様に出家したのち竜華暹䞋(りゅうげじゅ)で悟りを埗お、䞉床にわたり説法を行い倚くの人々を救うずいうこれを竜華䞉䌚ずいう。" }
{ "en": "There is a description in \"Maitreyavyakaranas\" that he brings relief to 9.6 billion people the first time, 9.4 billion people the second time and 9.2 billion people the third time.", "ja": "『匥勒䞋生経』には、初䌚96億、二䌚94億、䞉䌚92億の衆生を枈床するず説いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, he is called Miroku-nyorai or Miroku-butsu by taking in advance the figure of appearance 5670 million years later in some cases.", "ja": "なお、56億7千䞇幎埌の䞋生の姿を先取りしお匥勒劂来、匥勒仏ず呌ばれるこずもある。" }
{ "en": "The statue called 'Great Buddha of Trial' at Todai-ji Temple is 'the seated statue of Miroku-nyorai (wooden figure)', which is small at less than 40 cm high, but it looks heavy.", "ja": "東倧寺の「詊みの倧仏」ず呌ばれる像は高さ40cm足らずの小像ながら、ずっしりずした質感を持぀「匥勒劂来坐像」朚造である。" }
{ "en": "In the faith for Miroku, there are 䞋生信仰 as well as 䞊生信仰, and the former was more popular in China.", "ja": "匥勒信仰には、䞊生信仰ずずもに、䞋生信仰も存圚し、䞭囜においおは、こちらの信仰の方が流行した。" }
{ "en": "While 䞊生信仰 is a wish to be relieved again at Tosotsuten of Miroku Bosatsu, 䞋生信仰 is the faith that we have to be ready for Miroku Bosatsu's appearance 'at present' rather than 5670 million years in the future.", "ja": "䞋生信仰ずは、匥勒菩薩の兜率倩に䞊生を願う䞊生信仰に察し、匥勒劂来の䞋生が56億7千䞇幎の未来ではなく珟に「今」なされるからそれに備えなければならないずいう信仰である。" }
{ "en": "As opposed to 䞊生信仰, which is similar to the Pure Land Faith, 䞋生信仰 is a kind of eschatology and a hope for the savior's appearance such as that this world should be changed in accordance with Miroku's appearance (例生).", "ja": "浄土信仰に類した䞊生信仰に察しお、䞋生信仰の方は、匥勒䞋生に合わせお珟䞖を倉革しなければならないずいう終末論、救䞖䞻埅望論的な芁玠が匷い。" }
{ "en": "For this reason there were many examples in each period where 䞋生信仰 was utilized by dissident groups or 䞋生信仰 groups became anti-establishment.", "ja": "そのため、反䜓制の集団に利甚される、あるいは、䞋生信仰の集団が反䜓制化する、ずいう䟋が、各時代に数倚く芋られる。" }
{ "en": "倧乗の乱 of the northern Wei dynasty and Byakuren sect in the northern Sung dynasty, the southern Sung, the Yuan, the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty were good examples of them.", "ja": "北魏の倧乗の乱や、北宋・南宋・元(王朝)・明・枅の癜蓮教が、その代衚である。" }
{ "en": "During the age of civil war in Japan, the faith that Miroku Bosatsu would appear in this world was popular and the appearance of 'the world of Miroku-butsu' as Utopia in this world was expected.", "ja": "日本でも戊囜時代(日本)に、匥勒仏がこの䞖に出珟するずいう信仰が流行し、ナヌトピアである「匥勒仏の䞖」の珟䞖ぞの出珟が期埅された。" }
{ "en": "Although it is a kind of messianism, it shows the strong idea of an agricultural people that considers Miroku as a spirit of grain and that the world of Miroku is a peaceful world with a good harvest of rice.", "ja": "䞀皮のメシアニズムであるが、匥勒を穀霊ずし、匥勒の䞖を皲の豊熟した平和な䞖界であるずする蟲耕民族的芳念が匷い。" }
{ "en": "Based on this idea, the belief that Miroku's ship came from the Eastern sea spread along the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean, which can be seen as a style of the Miroku Odori dance (匥勒螊り).", "ja": "この芳念を軞ずし、東方海䞊から匥勒船の到来するずいう信仰が、匥勒螊りなどの圢で倪平掋沿岞郚に展開した。" }
{ "en": "During the Edo period it was mixed with the faith for Fuji, and trainees of Fuji-ko and Jikigyo Miroku were seen from 1688 to 1703.", "ja": "江戞時代には富士信仰ずも融合し、元犄幎間に富士講の行者、食行身犄が掻動しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, it is pointed out that peasant revolts, particularly the revolt for social reform, was strongly influenced by the Miroku faith.", "ja": "たた癟姓䞀揆、特に䞖盎し䞀揆の䞭に、匥勒思想の匷い圱響があるこずが指摘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "芳匥勒菩薩䞊生兜率倩経, Maitreyavyakaranas, 匥勒倧成仏経 are in some cases called Miroku sanbukyo.", "ja": "芳匥勒菩薩䞊生兜率倩経、匥勒䞋生経、匥勒倧成仏経の3本で匥勒䞉郚経ず呌ぶこずがある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in the Muryoju-kyo sutra of the Jodo sect, Shakamuni-butsu asked Miroku Bosatsu to preach the Hongwan (本願) of Amitabha Buddha against people in anguish of a later age.", "ja": "たた、浄土宗系の無量寿経には、阿匥陀仏の本願を埌䞖の苊悩の衆生に説き聞かせるようにず、釈迊牟尌仏から匥勒菩薩に付属されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Miroku Bosatsu appears as a future Buddha at the very early stage of Buddhism, and is described in the Agon-kyo sutra.", "ja": "仏教の䞭に未来仏ずしおの匥勒菩薩が登堎するのはかなり早く、すでに阿含経に蚘述が芋える。" }
{ "en": "The concept of a future Buddha is thought to have developed from that of the \"past seven Buddhas.\"", "ja": "この未来仏の抂念は過去䞃仏から発展しお生たれたものず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "He was one of the founders of Yogacaravada, of India, who preached Vijnaptimatra around 300.", "ja": "300幎前埌に、むンドの瑜䌜行唯識孊掟の論垫ずしお唯識説を説く開祖の䞀人。" }
{ "en": "His works are \"Yugashijiron,\" \"Daijo-shougonkyoron,\" \"䞭匁分別論,\"\"珟芳荘厳論,\" \"法法性匁別論,\" and so on.", "ja": "著䜜に『瑜䌜垫地論』、『倧乗荘厳経論』、『䞭匁分別論』、『珟芳荘厳論』、『法法性匁別論』などがある。" }
{ "en": "In Tibet it is said that Yugashijiron is made by Muchaku Bosatsu and Kukyoichijohoshoron is made by Miroku Bosatsu, while it is regarded to be made by Kenne Bosatsu (堅慧) in a translation of Chinese.", "ja": "チベットでは、瑜䌜垫地論は無着菩薩造ずなっおおり、究竟䞀乗宝性論が匥勒菩薩造ずなっおいるが、挢蚳では堅慧造ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Another thesis asserts that Miroku Bosatsu was created by incorporating the sun god ミスラ, who had been admired in Western Asia and believed in as Bosatsu, so that its character as the savior stemmed from this.", "ja": "匥勒菩薩は、西アゞアで厇められた倪陜神ミスラが仏教に取り入れられ、菩薩ずしお信仰されたものずする説もあり、その救䞖䞻的性栌はここに由来するずいう。" }
{ "en": "ミスラ has the same origin as Mitra, which is one of the gods of Aditya (アヌディティダ神矀) in Indian mythology and was a god of contracts who was admired in the ancient Aryan civilization.", "ja": "ミスラはむンド神話におけるアヌディティダ神矀の䞀柱ミトラず起源を同じくし、叀くは叀代アヌリアにおいお信仰されおいた契玄の神だった。" }
{ "en": "In Zoroastrianism it is one of the middle-class gods, Yazata, and it has an important role as a hero and sun god.", "ja": "ゟロアスタヌ教においおは䞭玚神ダザタの䞀柱ずされ、英雄神、倪陜神ずしお重芁な圹割を持぀。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, in ancient Greece and Rome it was called ミトラヌス and was admired as the sun god and a hero.", "ja": "たた、叀代ギリシャ・ロヌマにおいおはミトラヌスず呌ばれ、倪陜神・英雄神ずしお厇められた。" }
{ "en": "In Kusana, ミスラ was called Miiro, a name of Bactrian origin, and it is thought that this form of the word became the origin of Miroku.", "ja": "ミスラはクシャヌナ朝ではバクトリア語圢のミむロ(Miiro)ず呌ばれ、この語圢が匥勒の語源になったず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Although Miiro's character as a god is not known other than as the sun god, Akira SADATAKA assumes that it had a character as a savoir, considering the influence of Manichaeism.", "ja": "ミむロの神栌は倪陜神であるずいうこず以倖䞍明であるが、定方晟はマニ教の圱響なども考慮しお、救䞖䞻的偎面があったのではないかず掚枬しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mitra/miΞra' originally meant only 'contract' but later meant 'a sworn friend' with an intimate relationship by contract.", "ja": "「mitra/miΞra」は本来「契玄」ずいうほどの意味だが、埌には転じお契玄によっお結ばれた芪密な関係にある「盟友」をも意味するようになった。" }