{ "en": "It should be remembered that Pali Buddhist sutra haven't necessarily kept the original words.", "ja": "泚意が必芁なのは、パヌリ語経兞が必ずしも叀い圢を残しおいるずは限らない点である。" }
{ "en": "In \"Agon-kyo Sutra,\" as translated into Chinese, there are descriptions that are older than those transmitted to Theravada Buddhism or those that seem to have been translated into Chinese from Sanskrit.", "ja": "挢蚳の『阿含経』には䞊座郚に䌝わったより叀い圢態のものがあったり、あきらかにサンスクリット語からの挢蚳ず考えられるものがある。" }
{ "en": "In that sense, it is not only a false expression but also an incorrect one to think the Pali Buddhist sutra keep the original forms.", "ja": "その意味で、パヌリ語経兞が原初の圢態を䌝えおいるず考えるこずは、間違いではないが正確な衚珟ではない。" }
{ "en": "In Tibet, the translation of individual Buddhist scriptures was begun by order of King Songtsan Gambo in the seventh century; the translation of Buddhist sutra into the Tibetan language was begun by Tonmisanboda (トンミサンボヌタ).", "ja": "チベットにおける個別の仏兞翻蚳は、7䞖玀゜ンツェン・ガンポ王の呜什で、経兞のチベット語蚳は、トンミサンボヌタによっお始められたが、" }
{ "en": "In accordance with the ascendance of Buddhism as the national religion at the end of the eighth century, the translation of Buddhist scriptures became a national project of the kingdom; thus the work of collecting and translating Buddhist scriptures from India encyclopedically and systematically was begun and completed in the space of just a few decades.", "ja": "八䞖玀末、仏教が囜教ずなるのにずもない、仏兞翻蚳は王囜の囜家事業ずなり、隣囜むンドより網矅的、䜓系的に仏兞を収集し、翻蚳する䜜業が開始され、数十幎の短期間で䞀挙に完遂された。" }
{ "en": "In order to translate the original scriptures in Sanskrit, Tibetan grammar and vocabulary were set up, and due to the efforts of Shanyeshede (シャンむェシェデ), Kawaperutseku (カワペルツェク), Chokuroruigentsen (チョクロルむゲンツェン) and others it was completed in about 824.", "ja": "サンスクリット語の原兞を正確に翻蚳するためのチベット語文法ず語圙の敎備が行われ、シャンむェシェデ、カワペルツェク、チョクロルむゲンツェンらが䜜業に埓事、824幎、䞀応の完成をみた。" }
{ "en": "As for the classification of Buddhist sutras in Tibetan Buddhism, separation into two parts--'Bkah-hgyur' and 'Bstan-hgyur'--was given more value than that into the three parts of 'sutra, vinaya and abhidharma,' which is common to other Buddhist countries.", "ja": "チベット仏教における経兞の分類は、他の仏教圏ずも共通する「経・埋・論」の䞉郚分類よりも、「仏説郚(カンギュル)」、「論疏郚テンギュル」の分類が重芖される。" }
{ "en": "Bkah-hgyur means 'hgyur (translation)' of 'Bkah,' i.e., Syakamuni's word itself, and Bstan-hgyur means 'hgyur (translation)' of 'Bstan,' i.e., a commentary of 'Bkah' by scholars of Indian Buddhism such as Ryuju.", "ja": "カンギュルずは釈尊のこずばそのものである「カヌ」をチベット語に「ギュル」翻蚳したもの、テンギュルずは、竜暹らむンドの仏教孊者たちが「カヌ」に察しおほどこした泚釈である「テン」をチベット語に「ギュル」したもの、の意味である。" }
{ "en": "In Tibetan, Buddhist sutras were for a long time widely distributed as manuscripts in order to reveal religious devotion, but in 1410 Emperor Yongle of China's Ming dynasty ordered the carving of wooden blocks of the Tripitaka as souvenirs for Tibetan feudal lords and religious associations that sent messengers to China; this custom was incorporated into Tibet and subsequently led to the carving of various Buddhist sutras.", "ja": "チベットでは、経兞は、信仰心を著わすものずしおながらく写本で流垃しおいたが、䞭囜の明朝の氞楜垝は䞭囜に䜿者を掟遣するチベット諞䟯や教団ぞの土産ずしお、1410幎朚版による倧蔵経を開版、この習慣がチベットにも取り入れられ、以埌、䜕皮類かが開版されるこずになった。" }
{ "en": "Beijing edition: Bkah-hgyur of the Yongle edition (1410), Bkah-hgyur of Wanli (1606), Bkah-hgyur of the Kangxi edition (1692), Bstan-hgyur of the Yongzheng edition (1724)", "ja": "北京版 氞楜版カンギュル(1410幎)、䞇暊版カンギュル(1606幎)、康熙版カンギュル(1692幎)、雍正版テンギュル(1724幎)" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in China since the 1990s as part of the Chinese Tripitaka project, which will be published in the Western style, Bstan-hgyur (including many manuscripts and editions of past times) has been edited.", "ja": "たた䞭囜では、1990幎代より、掋装本の圢匏で刊行される䞭華倧蔵教事業の䞀郚ずしお、過去の諞写本、諞版の倚くを校合したテンギュルの線纂が進められおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Tripitaka of Buddhist sutras in the above editions includes many commentaries on Mahayana Buddhism sutras, particularly late-stage Indian Buddhism documents of which the original scriptures and translations of Chinese do not exist, so that it has important meaning in the research of late-stage Indian Buddhism.", "ja": "以䞊の諞版に収録されおいる教兞矀倧蔵経には、倧乗の経論、こずに原兞も挢蚳も珟存しないむンド埌期仏教の文献が倚く含たれおおり、むンド埌期仏教の研究にも重芁な意味をもっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Tibetan translation is near to a literal translation of Sanskrit, and it is easy to deduce to original words, so that it is considered important to the research of original forms of Buddhist sutra that have been translated into Chinese, particularly when the originals no longer exist.", "ja": "チベット語蚳がサンスクリットの逐語蚳に近く、原圢に還元しやすいので、原兞のない挢蚳経兞の原型を探るためにも重芁芖されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The rNying-ma School, one of the four major religious sects in Tibet, characteristically has many sutras and abhidharmas, which insist that Buddhist sutras (gter-ma) hidden underground during a certain time were after a long time discovered by predetermined gter ston (people who excavated hidden Buddhist sutras).", "ja": "チベットの四倧宗掟のひず぀ニンマ掟では、ある時期に埋蔵された経兞テルマgter-maが、時を経お、しかるべき定めを垯びたテルトン埋蔵経兞発掘者によっお発芋されたずする経、論を倚数有し、同掟の特城ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The discovery of gter-ma (hiding Buddhist sutras) has continued since the medieval period, but it is often considered as fiction by persons involved in excavation from other sects.", "ja": "テルマ埋蔵経兞の出珟は、䞭䞖以来、珟代に至るたで継続しおおり、他の宗掟からは、発掘者による創䜜だず芋なされるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "This sect has its own Tripitaka, the contents and composition of which are different from those of the above editions.", "ja": "この掟は䞊蚘の諞版ずは内容、構成のこずなる独自の倧蔵経を有しおいる。" }
{ "en": "A project for the translation of Buddhist sutras in China was begun in the latter period of the second century and continued virtually without interruption until the end of the eleventh century.", "ja": "䞭囜における経兞の挢蚳事業は2䞖玀埌半から始たり、11䞖玀末たでほが間断なく継続された。" }
{ "en": "In accordance with the progress of translation into Chinese, it became necessary to collect and classify the sutras of the Chinese editions and distinguish the true Buddhist sutras from the false ones, so that at the end of the fourth century Doan SHAKU wrote \"Shuri Shu-kyo Mokuroku (亡䜚),\" the first record of sutra, and at the beginning of the sixth century Soyu edited \"Shutsu Sanzo Kishu (the Chu sanzang ji ji).\"", "ja": "挢蚳事業の進行に䌎い、蚳経の収集や分類、経兞の真停の刀別が必芁ずなり、4䞖玀末には釈道安によっお最初の経録である『綜理衆経目録』亡䜚が、6䞖玀初めには僧祐によっお『出䞉蔵蚘集』が䜜成された。" }
{ "en": "These 衆経 (or Tripitaka) were said to be called 'Issai-kyo Sutra' in the northern Wei dynasty, meaning the Pei dynasty (China), while they were called 'Tripitaka' in Liang (Nanchao), meaning the Nan dynasty (China); both titles were established in Sui and the beginning of the Tang dynasty, and the form of manuscripts were determined as comprising 17 letters in a line.", "ja": "これらの衆経ないし䞉蔵を、北朝(䞭囜)の北魏で「䞀切経」ず呌び、南朝(䞭囜)の梁(南朝)で「倧蔵経」ず呌んだずいい、隋・唐初に及んで䞡者の名称が確立し、写経の曞匏も1行17字前埌ず定着した。" }
{ "en": "In the Sui and Tang periods many records of sutra were edited, such as \"Daito Naitenroku\" by Dosen, but what influenced later ages was the 20-volume \"Kaigen Shakukyoroku,\" which was completed in 730 by Chisho.", "ja": "隋・唐時代にも道宣の『倧唐内兞録』等の倚くの経録が線纂されたが、埌代に圱響を䞎えたのは730幎開元18に完成した智昇撰『開元釈教録』20巻である。" }
{ "en": "Following the classification of Buddhist sutra since the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (China), this classified them into the Mahayana Tripitaka, Hinayana Tripitaka and Seiken Shuden (聖賢集䌝) and decided that the number of Buddhist scriptures that should be edited into the Tripitaka as 5,048 volumes by designating Mahayana sutra as Godaibu (五倧郚) of Hannya, Hoshaku (宝積), Taishu (倧集), kegon and nirvana.", "ja": "ここでは、南北朝時代(䞭囜)以来の経兞分類法を螏襲しお倧乗の䞉蔵ず小乗の䞉蔵および聖賢集䌝ずに䞉倧別し、そのうち倧乗経兞を般若、宝積、倧集、華厳、涅槃の五倧郚ずしたうえで、倧蔵経に線入すべき仏兞の総数を5048巻ず決定した。" }
{ "en": "the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (China)", "ja": "ここに収茉された5048巻の経埋論は、北宋以埌の印刷倧蔵経䞀切経の基準ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The printing block of the first edition of the Tripitaka was carved at Shu (Sichuan Province) from 971 to 983 in the era of Kyoin CHO (Song Taizong) of the Northern Sung dynasty, and was printed at 'Sutra Printing Academy,' which was built in Kaifeng, the capital.", "ja": "最初の倧蔵経刊本は、北宋の趙匡胀・倪宗(宋)の治䞖、971幎-983幎開宝4-倪平興囜8にかけお蜀四川省で版朚が圫られ、郜の開封に建おられた「印経院」で印刷された。" }
{ "en": "This was called 'the Tripitaka in Shu edition' in old times; today, however, it is generally called 'Kaihozo' based on the era name at the time of the first block or as the 'rescript edition' because it was carved by the founder's imperial rescript.", "ja": "これは叀くは「蜀版倧蔵経」ず呌ばれおいたが、珟圚では開版の幎号をずっお「開宝蔵」、あるいは倪祖の詔勅に基づいお開版されたため「勅版」ず呌ばれるのが䞀般的である。" }
{ "en": "It was a rolled book in which each line consisted of 14 letters standardized by 'Shu big letter book (蜀倧字本)' at that time.", "ja": "圓時の「蜀倧字本」の芏栌の文字により、毎行14字の巻子本圢匏であった。" }
{ "en": "This was a project for good deeds by Sung, and was given to neighboring countries such as Xi Xia, Goryeo and Japan.", "ja": "これは宋朝の功埳事業で、西倏、高麗、日本などの近隣諞囜に莈䞎された。" }
{ "en": "Chonen, a priest of Todai-ji Temple who went to Sung in 983, was given 481 boxes and 5,048 volumes of Tripitaka and 40 volumes of Buddhist sutras newly translated; he brought them back to Japan, but because they were placed at Hojo-ji Temple, which was built by FUJIWARA no Michinaga, they vanished in smoke along with the temple.", "ja": "983幎に入宋した東倧寺僧のちょう然ちょうねんは、新撰の倧蔵経481凜5048巻ず新蚳経兞40巻などを䞋賜され、日本に持ち垰ったが、藀原道長が建立した法成寺に斜入したために、寺ず共に焌倱しおしたった。" }
{ "en": "However, since it was hand-copied eagerly as the newly arrived Tripitaka, copies remain in various places.", "ja": "ただ、新しく請来された倧蔵経ずいうこずで盛んに曞写されたため、その転写本が各地に幟らか残っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Twelve original books of Kaihozo have been discovered worldwide, among which in Japan each book has been in the possession of Nanzen-ji Zen Temple in Kyoto and the Shodo Hakubutsukan Museum in Tokyo.", "ja": "開宝蔵の原本は、䞖界で12巻が確認されおおり、日本では京郜・南犅寺および東京・曞道博物通に1巻づ぀所蔵されおいる。" }
{ "en": "During the Jin period, the 'Jin edition' was produced from 1147 to 1173.", "ja": "金(王朝)の時代には、1147幎-1173幎にかけおの時期に、「金版」が䜜られる。" }
{ "en": "It was for a long time a phantom Tripitaka, but in 1933 it was discovered at a temple in Chogi-ken, Shanxi Province.", "ja": "長らく幻の倧蔵経であったが、1933幎に山西省の趙城県にある寺で発芋される。" }
{ "en": "Since 1984, \"Chuka Daizo-kyo Sutra (Chinese Tripitaka)䞭華倧蔵経\" (facsimile edition) has been published, having this Tripitaka as a copied text.", "ja": "1984幎より、この蔵経を底本にしお『䞭華倧蔵経』圱印版が発刊される。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, during the Yuan period it had been repaired several times (repaired edition in Yuan).", "ja": "たた、元(王朝)の時代に数次にわたっお補刻が行なわれおいる。元代補修版" }
{ "en": "In the 16 prefectures of Yan Yun that were ceded to Kitai from Jin, it was published as a national project by referring to a text of Sekkyo (Sekkei) (The Scriptures Inscribed on Stone), which had been kept at Fangshan since the time of Sui.", "ja": "契䞹が埌晋から割譲された燕雲十六州の地方で、この地にあった隋以来の房山の石経のテキストも参考にしお、囜家事業ずしお行なわれた印刷事業であった。" }
{ "en": "Although this Tripitaka was a phantom Tripitaka as well as a Jin edition, the 12 volumes of the Kitai edition were discovered in 1982 from a Buddha statue located at the wooden tower in Bukkyu-ji Temple, an old temple at Yingxian, in Shanxi Province.", "ja": "この倧蔵経も金版ず同様に幻の倧蔵経であったが、1982幎に山西省の応県にある叀刹、仏宮寺の朚塔に安眮された仏像内から、12巻の契䞹版が発芋された。" }
{ "en": "With this discovery it was confirmed that the Kitai edition had a relationship with Sekkyo of Fangshan, and it was verified to have been written following the standard form of 17 letters in each line.", "ja": "この発芋から房山の石経ずの関係などが確認され、毎行17字の暙準圢匏であったこずが実蚌された。" }
{ "en": "The first edition was 'Tokaku Zenin Temple (等芚犅院) edition' (1075-1112), which was begun at Tokaku Zenin Temple in FuZhou (Fujian Province) at the end of the eleventh century.", "ja": "それは、犏州犏建省等芚犅院で11䞖玀末に開始された「等芚犅院版」1075幎-1112幎に始たる。" }
{ "en": "This was a project to publish a private edition through the dedication of believers, as opposed to publication as a national project like the Northern Sung dynasty edition or the Kitai edition.", "ja": "これは、北宋版系や契䞹版系の囜家事業ずしおの開版ずは異なり、信者の寄進による私版の事業であった。" }
{ "en": "After that, the following Daizo-kyo were published continuously: 'KaiYuanSi Temple edition' of FuZhou (1112-1151), 'Shikei-ban edition (思枓版)' of Huzhou (1126-1132), 'Shaseki-ban edition (磧砂版)' carved in Suzhou City (1232-1305), and the 'Puning edition' of Hang Zhou (1277-1290).", "ja": "以埌、同じく犏州「開元寺版」1112幎-1151幎や湖州の「思枓版」1126幎-1132幎、蘇州垂で開版された「磧砂版」1232幎-1305幎、杭州の「普寧版」1277幎-1290幎ずいった蔵経の印刷が続いた。" }
{ "en": "At the end of the Ming dynasty, 'Banreki-ban Daizo-kyo Sutra (Kinzan-zo) (䞇暊版倧蔵経埑山蔵)' was published, having a new style of dual-page print as opposed to the former rolled book.", "ja": "明末になるず、それたでの巻物ではない新しい圢匏の袋綎じ本の「䞇暊版倧蔵経」埑山蔵が出版された。" }
{ "en": "Ryuzo (韍蔵),' the Tripitaka of Ching and the above-mentioned Tetsugen edition and Manjizo (卍字藏) in Japan are classified as being of this lineage.", "ja": "枅朝の倧蔵経である「韍蔵」や、埌述の日本の鉄県版、卍字藏は、この系統に属する。" }
{ "en": "In Goryeo the reprinted edition of 'Kaihozo' was published in 1010 (Korai Hatsucho-bon, 高麗初雕本), and after its wood blocks were burned in a battle with Yuan forces it was carved again as Korai Saichobon (高麗再雕本) in 1236.", "ja": "高麗では、1010幎に「開宝蔵」の芆刻版を出し高麗初雕本、その版朚が元(王朝)軍による兵火で焌倱するず、1236幎には高麗再雕本を完成させた。" }
{ "en": "At this time, Shuso (Moriso, 守其), who was responsible for this edition and edited \"Korai New Tripitaka Revision Record (高麗囜新雕倧蔵経校正別録),\" revised the first edition by referring to the Kitai edition.", "ja": "この時、線纂の責任者であり、『高麗囜新雕倧蔵経校正別録』を撰した守其が、契䞹版によっお初雕本の誀りを改めおいる。" }
{ "en": "The revised book, \"Tripitaka Koreana,\" the wood blocks for which are still housed in Haeinsa Temple, has a few false entries but is considered to be the best text that remains as an old form, so that it was adopted as a copied text in compact editions of Tripitaka in the Meiji and Taisho periods as well as the above-mentioned \"Taisho Shinshu Daizo-kyo Sutra\" because 'it is superior to other books' by conflating the Northern Sung dynasty edition with the Kitai edition.", "ja": "今も海印寺に板朚を収蔵する再雕本の『高麗八萬倧蔵経』は誀雕も少なく、叀い姿をずどめる最良のテキストずされ、明治・倧正時期の瞮刷蔵経や埌述の『倧正新脩倧蔵経』では、北宋版系ず契䞹版系ずの校合を「他本に勝る所以である」ずしお、底本に採甚された。" }
{ "en": "However, Shuso conflated only the Kaihozo, Korai Hatsucho-bon and Kitai editions, and Kaihozo was original as opposed to the Korai Hatsucho-bon, which was a reprinted edition, so that their texts basically indicate the same lineage.", "ja": "しかし守其が校合したのは、開宝蔵・高麗初雕本・契䞹版の䞉者のみであり、開宝蔵ず高麗初雕本ずは原本ず芆刻版の関係にあり、基本的に同䞀系統のテキストである。" }
{ "en": "Later, in accordance with the progress of text critique, it came to be said that the reputation of 'the best text that remains an old form' was the illusion by 'the first published Tripitaka.'", "ja": "埌にテキスト・クリティヌクが進むに぀れ、「叀い姿をずどめる最良のテキスト」ずいう評䟡が「最初に印刷された倧蔵経」であるずいうこずによる思い蟌みであったずいうこずが蚀われるようになっおきた。" }
{ "en": "In fact, the Tripitaka in the Scriptures Inscribed on Stone at Fangshan as well as in the Kitai edition, which were the local texts of places such as Beijing (in Hebei Province) and Shanxi Province, or the Southern Sung edition, 'Shikei Shifuku-zo (思枓資犏蔵)' and Yuan edition, 'Funei-zo,' which were lineages of the Issai-kyo sutra manuscripts of Choan (the capital from the Han through Tang dynasties) are often better texts.", "ja": "実際、北京を䞭心ずした河北省・山西省の地域のテキストである房山石経・契䞹版や、或いは挢代から唐代の郜長安の䞀切経写本の系統を匕く、南宋版「思枓資犏蔵」や元版「普寧蔵」等の倧蔵経の方がより良いテキストである堎合が倚く、" }
{ "en": "As opposed to those texts, there is a theory that the texts of 'Kaihozo (rescript edition)' and the 'Korean Edition (高麗版)' lineage keep only the contents of the Issai-kyo sutra, which was a lineage of manuscript spread throughout Shu (Sichuan Province).", "ja": "それに察しお「開宝蔵勅版」「高麗版」系統のテキストは、蜀四川省の地域に流垃しおいた写本系列の䞀切経の姿をずどめおいるに過ぎないずいう説が出されおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, another theory asserts that the edition of Choan, the center of Buddhism, had been reformed with each collection of manuscripts and became sophisticated as a text, so that the Shu edition of the local version has kept the original form adversely.", "ja": "しかし、仏教の䞭心であった長安の方が写経のたびに改線され、テキストずしお掗緎の床を加えおいったため、逆に地方版である蜀地のテキストの方が原圢を留めおいるずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "For example, regarding a description of the beginning of \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu-kyo Sutra\" translated by Kumaraju, in Kaihozo it was written as \"劂是我聞䞀時 䜛䜏・・・,\" while in 'Shikei Shifuku-zo' and 'Funei-zo'; but later, in 'Kinzan-zo,' it was written as \"劂是我聞䞀時婆䌜婆䜏・・・,\" so that as this example shows, it was sometimes revised following the new style of Chinese Buddhist sutra that emerged during the era.", "ja": "䟋えば鳩摩矅什蚳『摩蚶般若波矅蜜経』の冒頭、開宝蔵で『劂是我聞䞀時䜛䜏・・・』が、「思枓資犏蔵」「普寧蔵」や埌の「埑山蔵」では『劂是我聞䞀時婆䌜婆䜏・・・』になっおいる䟋が芋られるように、新しい時代局の挢蚳経兞のスタむルに合わせお改線されおいる堎合もあるのである。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in a printed book, \"Taisho New Daizo-kyo,\" there is information on the castigation of such texts as the above 'Shikei Shifuku-zo' (Sung book), 'Funei-zo' (Yuan book) and 'kizan-zo' (Ming book) against a copied text of 'Tripitaka Koreana.'", "ja": "なお、刊本『倧正新脩倧蔵経』には、底本「高麗倧蔵経」テキストに察する䞊蚘「思枓資犏蔵」宋本、「普寧蔵」元本「埑山蔵」明本等のテキストずの異同の校蚂情報が茉せられおいる。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, the approximately 5,000 volumes that Genbo brought back in 735 were assumed to be the authorized Tripitaka at that time.", "ja": "日本では、倩平7幎735幎玄ボりげんがうが将来した五千䜙巻は、圓時の欜定倧蔵経ず掚定される。" }
{ "en": "From the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period, \"Issai-kyo Sutra in Sung Edition\" was introduced to Japan through the efforts of priests who went to Sung, such as Eisai, Chogen Shunjobo and Keisei.", "ja": "平安時代末から鎌倉時代にかけおは、栄西、俊乗坊重源、慶政その他の入宋僧の努力で、『宋版䞀切経』が茞入された。" }
{ "en": "1648: The \"Kanei-ji Temple edition (Tenkai edition)\" was completed by Nankobo Tenkai with support from the Tokugawa shogunate.", "ja": "慶安元幎1648幎、南光坊倩海による『寛氞寺版倩海版』が埳川幕府の支揎をうけお完成。" }
{ "en": "1681: Doko TETSUGEN completed \"the Obaku-ban Tripitaka (Tetsugen edition).\"", "ja": "倩和(日本)元幎1681幎、鉄県道光が『黄檗版倧蔵経鉄県版』を完成。" }
{ "en": "It is famous because it was adopted in the textbook on morals (修身) in Japan before World War II as the Tripitaka that the Zen master TETSUGEN had completed through trials and tribulations, but it has errors in terms of the characters used, mostly among the successive Tripitakas.", "ja": "鉄県犅垫が艱難蟛苊の埌に完成させた倧蔵経ずしお、第二次䞖界倧戊前の日本の修身の教科曞にも採甚されお著名なものではあるが、歎代の倧蔵経䞭で、最も誀字が倚い。" }
{ "en": "This is because it was published based on the reversed and split actual text of the Tripitaka in the Ming edition.", "ja": "これは、明版の倧蔵経の珟物をバラバラにしお、それを裏返しお元版ずしたこずによる。" }
{ "en": "1885: \"The Dainihon Revised Tripitaka Compact Edition (倧日本校蚂倧藏經瞮刷藏本) (The Tripitaka in Compact Edition) (Tokyo Kokyo Shoin)\" was published.", "ja": "1885幎、『倧日本校蚂倧藏經瞮刷藏本』瞮刷倧蔵経、東京匘教曞院を刊行。" }
{ "en": "Although it is criticized as having many insufficient castigations, what contributes to the world of Buddhism and the research on Buddhism is the 100 volumes of \"Taisho Shinshu Daizo-kyo Sutra\" (Taisho Issai-kyo Kanko-kai, 倧正䞀切経刊行䌚) produced under the editorship of Junjiro TAKAKUSU and Kaikyoku WATANABE.", "ja": "校蚂䞍備倚しずの批刀はあるものの、䞖界における仏教界や仏教研究に寄䞎しおいるのは、高楠順次郎・枡蟺海旭監修の『倧正新脩倧蔵経』倧正䞀切経刊行䌚100巻である。" }
{ "en": "It took 10 years (from 1924 to 1934) to conflate various books with a copied text of Korean Haeinsa Temple, and it consists of Shozo (55 volumes), Zokuzo (30 volumes), Showa Hobo Mokuroku (three volumes) as well as pictures and images (12 volumes).", "ja": "高麗海印寺本を底本ずしお諞本ず校合、1924幎から1934幎にいたる歳月を費やし、正蔵55巻、続蔵30巻、昭和法宝目録3巻、図像郚12巻を収める。" }
{ "en": "Buddhist sutras in Chinese were also translated into Japanese, such as \"Kokuyaku Tripitaka,\" \"Kokuyaku Issai-kyo Sutra (囜蚳䞀切経),\" and \"Showa Shinshu Kokuyaku Daizo-kyo Sutra.\"", "ja": "挢蚳経兞の日本語蚳も行われ、『國譯倧藏經』『囜蚳䞀切経』『昭和新修囜蚳倧蔵経』などがある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, the text database of \"Taisho Shinshu Daizo-kyo Sutra\" of Tokyo University (SAT) and other projects such as the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) have been promoted in order to produce an electronic text of Taisho Shinshu Daizo-kyo Sutra, and they are open to the public with certain restrictions.", "ja": "たた、近幎東京倧孊の『倧正新脩倧藏經』テキストデヌタベヌスSATや、台北の䞭華電子䜛兞協會CBETAずいったプロゞェクトが倧正新脩倧藏經の電子テキスト化を掚進しおいお、䞀定の制玄内でその䜿甚が開攟されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Jodo-kyo is a teaching for people to become Buddha in the Land of Bliss of Amitabha Buddha.", "ja": "浄土教じょうどきょうは、阿匥陀仏の極楜浄土に埀生し成仏するこずを説く教え。" }
{ "en": "The word 'Jodo' originated in China, but ideologically it was first modeled on the 'Buddha Lands' in the early Mahayana Buddhism of India, and each Jodo of many Buddhas was explained.", "ja": "「浄土」ずいう語は䞭囜での認識であるが、思想的にはむンドの初期倧乗仏教の「仏囜土」がその原型であり、倚くの仏に぀いおそれぞれの浄土が説かれおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, in China and Japan, in accordance with the prevalence of the faith for Amitabha Buddha, Jodo generally has meant Jodo of Amitabha Buddha.", "ja": "しかし、䞭囜・日本においおは阿匥陀仏信仰の流行にずもない、浄土ずいえば䞀般に阿匥陀仏の浄土をさす。" }
{ "en": "The word 'Jodo-kyo,' which Zendo of the Tang dynasty described as 'I want to listen to Jodo-kyo carefully' (\"Hojisan (Tengyogyodogan Ojo Jodo Hojisan),\" is used in the same sense.", "ja": "その意味は、唐代の善導が「念念に浄土教を聞かんこずを思い」『法事讃転経行道願埀生浄土法事讃』ずいう堎合の「浄土教」がそれである。" }
{ "en": "Jodo-kyo was established in the age when Mahayana Buddhism was evoked in India, and it started with the editing of \"Muryoju-kyo Sutra\" and \"Amida-kyo Sutra\" in around 100 A.D.", "ja": "浄土教が成立したのはむンドにおいお倧乗仏教が興起した時代であり、およそ玀元100幎頃に『無量寿経』ず『阿匥陀経』が線纂されお始たる。" }
{ "en": "There exist many theories of Mahayana Buddhism on Amitabha Buddha and the Land of Bliss, among which the theories emphasizing the concept of a belief in Jodo after death are shown below:", "ja": "阿匥陀仏や極楜浄土に関説する倧乗経論は非垞に倚く、浄土埀生の思想を匷調した論曞ずしおは以䞋がある。" }
{ "en": "\"Jujubibasharon (Basharon),\" which is said to have been written by Ryuju around 150-250, ('Igyo-hon No. 9' of Vol. 5 in all 17 volumes).", "ja": "韍暹150幎-250幎頃䜜ず䌝える『十䜏毘婆沙論婆沙論』党十䞃巻の内、巻第五の「易行品第九」" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, the original Sanskrit text of \"Kanmuryoju-kyo Sutra\" has not been discovered, so it is assumed that its broad outline was established in Central Asia around 4-5 A.D. and that factors related to China were added during the process of translation.", "ja": "なお、『芳無量寿経』は、サンスクリットの原兞が発芋されおおらず、おそらく4-5䞖玀頃䞭倮アゞアで倧綱が成立し、䌝蚳に際しお䞭囜的芁玠が加味されたず掚定される。" }
{ "en": "In China, Jodo-kyo sutras were transmitted beginning in the latter half of the second century, and Eon (the Eastern Jin) (334-416) of Mt. Rozan founded Byakuren-sha, an association of Nenbutsu, based on \"Hanju Zanmai-kyo Sutra\" at the beginning of the fifth century.", "ja": "䞭囜では2䞖玀埌半から浄土教関係の経兞が䌝えられ、5䞖玀の初めには廬山の慧遠(東晋)334幎-416幎が『般舟䞉昧経』にもずづいお癜蓮瀟ずいう念仏結瀟を䜜った。" }
{ "en": "Doran (476-542), centered at Xuanzhongsi Temple in Shanxi Province, wrote \"The Commentary of Muryoju-kyo Ubadaisha Ganshoge (The Commentary of Oji-ron),\"", "ja": "山西省の玄䞭寺を䞭心ずした曇鞞476幎頃-542幎頃が『無量寿経優婆提舎願生偈蚻埀生論蚻』を" }
{ "en": "so that Jodo-kyo was established with a central focus on Invocation of the Buddha's Name, which was appropriate to the world of Mappo (Age of the Final Dharma) of Gojoku Akuse (五濁悪䞖).", "ja": "それぞれ著し、五濁悪䞖の末法の䞖に適した称名念仏を䞭心ずする浄土教が確立された。" }
{ "en": "Later, Enichi (680-748), Hossho (? - around 777) of Goe Nenbutsu (五䌚念仏) and others enforced the tendency to integrate Jodo-kyo in other groups such as the Zen sect.", "ja": "のちに慧日680幎-748幎や五䌚念仏の法照?-777幎頃らが出お、浄土教を犅宗などの諞宗ず融合する傟向が匷くなった。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, Jodo-kyo (Jodo-shiso) was transmitted in around the first half of the seventh century, and Ennin (794-864) transmitted the way of nenbutsu-zanmai (nenbutsu samadhi, or mental absorption in the nenbutsu) of Mt. Wutai Shan in China to Mt. Hiei-zan in the first half of the ninth century.", "ja": "日本では7䞖玀前半に浄土教浄土思想が䌝えられ、9䞖玀前半には円仁794幎-864幎が䞭囜五台山の念仏䞉昧法を比叡山に䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Soon Ryogen (912-985) wrote \"Gokurakujodo Kuhon Ojo-gi\" and Genshin (942-1017) wrote \"Ojoyoshu (Collection on the Essentials for Birth),\" and as a result the Tendai Jodo sect became prevalent.", "ja": "やがお良源912幎-985幎が『極楜浄土九品埀生矩』、源信_(僧䟶)942幎-1017幎が『埀生芁集』を著しお、倩台浄土教が盛行するにいたった。" }
{ "en": "Jodo-shiso in the Heian period was believed mainly by the aristocracy of Kyoto, but Kuya (903-972) preached Jodo-kyo to the grass roots as well and was called the \"saint of the city.\"", "ja": "平安時代の浄土思想は䞻に京郜の貎族の信仰であったが、空也903幎-972幎は庶民に察しおも浄土教を広め、垂の聖ず呌ばれた。" }
{ "en": "Ryonin (1072-1132) preached Yuzu Nenbutsu (融通念仏) (Dai Nenbutsu), which said 'one Nenbutsu is integrated in all other people's Nenbutsu,' and became a founder of the Yuzu Nenbutsu sect.", "ja": "良忍1072幎-1132幎は「䞀人の念仏が䞇人の念仏ず融合する」ずいう融通念仏倧念仏を説き、融通念仏宗の祖ずなった。" }
{ "en": "In the other sects (except for the Tendai sect) there also existed Nenbutsu priests such as Eikan (1033-1111) of the Sanron sect and Kakuban (1095- 1143) of the Shingon sect.", "ja": "倩台以倖でも䞉論宗の氞芳(僧)1033幎-1111幎や真蚀宗の芚鑁1095幎-1143幎のような念仏者を茩出した。" }
{ "en": "From the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period, by writing \"Senchaku Hongan Nenbutsu-shu (Senchaku-shu)\" Honen (1133-1212) established Jodo sect and determined the basic sutras by adding \"Jodo-ron\" of Tenjin to \"Three Sutras of the Pure Land,\" namely \"Muryoju-kyo Bussetsu Muryoju-kyo Sutra\" (translated by Sogi Kosogai), \"Bussetsu Kan Muryoju-kyo Sutra\" (translated by Ryuso Kyoryoyasha) and \"Bussetsu Amida-kyo Sutra\" (translated by Yoshin Kumaraju) ('Three Sutras and One Theory').", "ja": "平安末期から鎌倉時代に入るず、法然1133幎-1212幎は、『遞択本願念仏集遞択集』を著しお浄土宗を開創し、根本経兞を『無量寿経仏説無量寿経』曹魏康僧鎧蚳、『仏説芳無量寿経』劉宋畺良耶舎蚳、『仏説阿匥陀経』姚秊鳩摩矅什蚳の「浄土䞉郚経」に、倩芪の『浄土論』加え制定した「䞉経䞀論」。" }
{ "en": "Shinran (1173-1262), a disciple of Honen, wrote \"Kenjodoshinjitsukyogyoshomonrui\" and others, developed the Jodo sect and later became a founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect.", "ja": "法然の匟子の芪鞞1173幎-1262幎は、『顕浄土真実教行蚌文類』等を著しお継承発展させ、埌に浄土真宗の祖ずなる。" }
{ "en": "The Yuzu Nenbutsu sect, Jodo sect, Jodo Shinshu sect and Jishu sect, which began from the latter half of the Heian period to the Kamakura period, developed in a later age and formed extensive lineages in Japanese Buddhism up to the present.", "ja": "平安時代埌期から鎌倉時代にかけお興った融通念仏宗・浄土宗・浄土真宗・時宗は、その埌それぞれ発達をずげ、日本仏教における䞀倧系統を圢成しお珟圚に及んでいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Hannya Shingyo, Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya in Sanskrit)\" is one of the Buddhist sutras that preaches the Ku (Buddhism) of Mahayana Buddhism and Prajna thought.", "ja": "『般若心経』はんにゃしんぎょう、サンスクリットPrajñā-pāramitā-hṛdayaは倧乗仏教の空(仏教)・般若思想を説いた経兞の1぀。" }
{ "en": "There are various names depending on the sect, so it is also called Bussetsu Maka Hannya Haramitashin-gyo Sutra, Maka Hannya Haramitashin-gyo Sutra and Hannya Haramitashin-gyo Sutra.", "ja": "宗掟によっお呌び方は様々あり、この他に仏説摩蚶般若波矅蜜倚心経、摩蚶般若波矅蜜倚心経、般若波矅蜜倚心経ず蚀う。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, a Chinese title accompanies the word '経 (sutra),' but in the title of Sanskrit text there is no word 'sutra' that corresponds to '経.'", "ja": "なお、挢蚳には題名に「経」が付されおいるが、サンスクリットテキストの題名には「経」に盞圓する「スヌトラ」の字句はない。" }
{ "en": "It is said that in the text of less than 300 characters the essence of Mahayana Buddhism is preached, and it has been used as one of the sutras for recitation without regard to whether one is a priest or a lay person (except for certain sects).", "ja": "僅か300字足らずの本文に倧乗仏教の心髄が説かれおいるずされ、䞀郚の宗掟を陀き僧䟶・圚家を問わず、読誊経兞の1぀ずしお、氞く䟝甚されおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Hannya Shingyo\" is generally said to be the essence or a representation of the 600 volumes of \"Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra (Daihannyaharamitta-kyo Sutra),\" but it consists of the abstract from \"the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra\" (\"Dai-Hannya-kyo Sutra\") and \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu-kyo Sutra\"(\"Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra\") with the addition of a litany (SktdhāranÄ«), which is included in \"Darani Jikkyo Sutra\" at the end.", "ja": "『般若心経』は䞀般には600巻に及ぶ『倧般若波矅蜜倚経』の゚ッセンス等ずいわれおいるが、『倧般若波矅蜜倚経』『倧般若経』及び『摩蚶般若波矅蜜経』『倧品般若経』からの抜粋に『陀矅尌集経』に収録されおいる陀矅尌Sktdhāranīを末尟に付け加えたものである。" }
{ "en": "While it summarizes the themes of the Prajnaparamita-sutras as 'Ku (Buddhism),' it preaches its importance and glorifies the attainment of enlightenment; moreover, it emphasizes the magical aspect of Buddhism, especially with the litany added at the end.", "ja": "般若経兞矀のテヌマを「空(仏教)」の1字に集玄しお、その重芁性を説いお悟りの成就を讃える䜓裁をずりながら、末尟に付加した陀矅尌によっお仏教の持぀呪術的な偎面が特に匷調されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The 'Heart' of Hannya Shingyo is a translation of 'hṛdaya' in Sanskrit (which means 'heart'), or an important thing, but it also means magic (litany, mantra).", "ja": "般若心経の「心」ずは、サンスクリットで心臓重芁な物を意味する「hṛdaya」フリダダの蚳語であり、同時に呪陀矅尌、真蚀をも意味する語である。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, while Hannya Shingyo is said to be a Buddhist sutra that preaches the view of Ku, it is also said to be a Buddhist sutra of litany.", "ja": "そのため、般若心経は空芳を説く経兞であるずされる䞀方、陀矅尌の経兞であるずもいわれおいる。" }
{ "en": "Generally speaking, the Prajnaparamita sutras do not include magical words except for what became Mikkyo (Esoteric Buddhism) in the latter stage.", "ja": "䞀般に般若経兞には、埌期の密教化したものは別ずしお、呪文などは含たれおいない。" }
{ "en": "Considering the above, \"Hannya Shingyo\" is extremely peculiar as one of the Prajnaparamita sutras.", "ja": "それを考慮するず、『般若心経』は、般若経兞ずしおは極めお特異なものず蚀える。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, there is a theory that since the original title of the Sanskrit text does not include the word \"sutra,\" an invocation text made for litany (soji, 総持) came to be considered as a sutra in China.", "ja": "たたサンスクリット・テキストの原題には経ずいう語はないため、陀矅尌総持のために䜜られた唱文が、䞭囜で経ずしお扱われるようになったのではないかずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in \"Shuri Shu-kyo Mokuroku\" (mostly included in \"Shutsu Sanzo Kishu, the Chu sanzang ji ji\" edited by Soyu, a priest of Liang (Nanchao)) edited by Doan SHAKU in eastern Jin, the oldest catalog of Buddhist sutra, there are titles of \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1\" and \"Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1, alternative version\"; thus there is a theory that a magic ritual had been established before Hannya Shingyo was established as a sutra.", "ja": "なお、最叀の経兞目録経録である東晋の釈道安撰『綜理衆経目録』(梁(南朝)の僧祐撰『出䞉蔵蚘集』にほが収録)には、『摩蚶般若波矅蜜神咒䞀巻』及び『般若波矅蜜神咒䞀巻 異本』ずあり、経ずしおの般若心経成立以前から、呪文による儀瀌が先に成立しおいたずいう説もある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, while in the dainibun-Kudokuhon (第二分功執品) No. 32 of \"the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra (Dai-Hannya-kyo Sutra),\" 'Hannya Haramita' (a word or an idea itself) is considered to be the great spell (倧明呪), in \"Hannya Shingyo,\" the phrase 'Hannya Haramita Shu' is set in to add the litany of Zo-mitsu (Mixed Esoteric Buddhism).", "ja": "たた『倧般若波矅蜜倚経』倧般若経では、第二分功執品第䞉十二に「般若波矅蜜倚」ずいう語句・抂念自䜓が倧明呪偉倧な呪文であるず説かれおいるが、『般若心経』では、雑密の陀矅尌を付加するために「般若波矅蜜倚咒」ずいう語句が挿入されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Various theories on the meaning of litany have been proposed by such people as Shoko WATANABE and the philosopher Hajime NAKAMURA, but there is no authorized translation.", "ja": "陀矅尌の意味に぀いおは枡蟺照宏説、䞭村元(哲孊者)説など倚いが、定蚳はない。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Ryuju in India wrote \"Daichidoron,\" a commentary on the Prajnaparamita-sutras during the second to third centuries, and there is a theory assuming that Hannya Shingo was established around this time.", "ja": "西暊23䞖玀にむンドの韍暹が般若経兞の泚釈曞である『倧智床論』を著したずされ、般若心経もこの頃に成立したものず掚定する説がある。" }
{ "en": "However, the oldest existing Sanskrit book is the Baiyo-bon edition housed at Horyu-ji Temple, which is said to be a manuscript from the latter part of the eighth century (introduced in 609 according to a legend), and it was written in a later age than the time when Buddhist sutras were translated into Chinese.", "ja": "しかしながら、珟存する最叀のサンスクリット梵字本は、法隆寺所蔵の8䞖玀埌半䌝承では609幎請来の写本ずされる貝葉本であり、挢蚳経兞より時代を䞋る。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, manuscripts that remain in Tibet and Nepal were also made in a subsequent age and their original forms aren't known, so it is suspected that they might be fake sutras.", "ja": "たた、珟圚チベットやネパヌル等に䌝わる写本も、それ以降の時代のものであり原圢に぀いおは䞍明であり、停経説もある。" }
{ "en": "According to the documents of a later age, \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1\" was translated by Zhi Qian, who came from Central Asia in the third century, and \"Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1, alternative version\" was translated by Kumaraju; however, \"Shuri Shu-kyo Mokuroku\" states that their translators are unknown, so it is doubtful that they were translated by these people.", "ja": "『摩蚶般若波矅蜜神咒䞀巻』及び『般若波矅蜜神咒䞀巻 異本』は、埌䞖の文献では前者は3䞖玀䞭倮アゞア出身の支謙、埌者は鳩摩矅什の蚳ずされおいるが、『綜理衆経目録』には蚳者䞍明倱蚳ずされおおり、この二人に垰するこずは信憑性にずがしい。" }