{ "en": "The former no longer exists, and the latter is regarded as \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu Daimyo Jukyo\" translated by Raju included in Tripitaka, but since Raju began to translate in 402 it could not have been translated in 385, when Doan SHAKU died.", "ja": "前者は珟存せず、埌者は倧蔵経収録の矅什蚳『摩蚶般若波矅蜜倧明咒經』ずされるが、矅什の蚳経開始が402幎であるため、釈道安の没幎385幎には未蚳出である。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, the majority of the text corresponds to the text of \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu-kyo Sutra\" translated by Kumaraju of Tripitaka in the Sung, Yuan and Ming editions, but since So-ban Daizo-kyo Sutra (Tripitaka in the Sung edition) was published in the latter part of the twelfth century it is doubtful that this text was translated by Raju.", "ja": "たたそのテキストの䞻芁郚は宋・元・明倧蔵経版の鳩摩矅什蚳『摩蚶般若波矅蜜経』のテキストず䞀臎するが、宋版倧蔵経の刊行は12䞖玀埌半であるため、このテキストが矅什蚳であるずいうこずも疑われおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Genjo, who had returned from India in 649, also translated \"Hannya Shingyo.\"", "ja": "649幎、むンドより垰還した玄奘もたた『般若心経』を翻蚳したずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "As an idea on the history of sutra translation, Buddhist sutras translated into Chinese before Kumaraju are called 'ancient translations,' those after Kumaraju and before Genjo are called 'old translations' and those after Genjo are called 'new translations' (as per the classification of sutra translations).", "ja": "蚳経史の抂念ずしお鳩摩矅什たでの挢蚳経兞を「叀蚳」鳩摩矅什以降、玄奘たでを「旧蚳くやく」玄奘以降を「新蚳」ず蚀う蚳経史区分。" }
{ "en": "However, in the aspect of philology the majority of the text was an abstraction from \"Maka Hannya Haramitsu-kyo Sutra\" of Tripitaka in the Korean edition (in the first part of the thirteenth century) translated by Kumaraju, and was different from the corresponding part of the \"Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra\" translated by Genjo, so that there is also suspicion about whether it was translated by Genjo, as well as the Buddhist sutra, which was said to be a translation by Raju.", "ja": "しかし、文献孊的にはテキストの䞻芁郚分が高麗倧蔵経版13䞖玀前半の鳩摩矅什蚳『摩蚶般若波矅蜜経』からの抜出文そのものであり、玄奘が翻蚳した『倧般若波矅蜜倚経』の該圓郚分ずは異なるため、これも矅什蚳ず同様に玄奘蚳であるずいうこずが疑われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The oldest text that is currently considered to be a translation by Genjo is the text that is added to the end of \"Shogyojo\" in the Shuo Shogyojo (Ji wang shen jiao xu, Shuji Shogyojo) monument at Hongfusi Temple (Kofukuji Temple), which was built in 672.", "ja": "珟圚、玄奘蚳の最叀のテキストずされるものは、672幎に建おられた匘犏寺興犏寺の集王聖教序碑集字聖教序碑䞭の『聖教序』の埌に付加されおいるテキストである。" }
{ "en": "However, because it had been a long time since 648 when Taiso (Tang tai zong) gave \"Shogyojo,\" and there is a description in the afterword that 'embroidered by order of the Emperor,\" there is a theory that this epigraph came to be assessed as a translation by Genjo based on Kumaraju's translation in order to glorify Genjo's great work after his death.", "ja": "しかしながら倪宗(唐)が『聖教序』を䞋賜した648幎から倧幅に時間が経過しおいる䞊、跋文に「勅を奉けお最色せり」ずいう蚘茉があるこずから、この碑文は玄奘の没埌にその偉業を讃えるために鳩摩矅什の蚳文を元に玄奘蚳ずしおたずめられたものではないかずする説もある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in \"Hannya Haramitashin-gyo Sutra Yusan,\" written by Jion Daishi Ki, a disciple of Genjo, there is a description to indicate that theory.", "ja": "たた、玄奘の匟子である慈恩倧垫基(僧)の『般若波矅蜜倚心経幜讃』にもその旚を瀺唆するような蚘述がある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, although \"Hannya Shingyo,\" which is said to be a translation by Genjo, became the most widespread for reading and invocation, this is unusual considering that the Buddhist sutra translated by Raju had since ancient times been used more often than the Buddhist sutra translated by Genjo.", "ja": "たた玄奘蚳ずされおいる『般若心経』は読誊甚ずしお最も広く普及しおいるが、これは矅什蚳ず玄奘蚳ずの双方がある経兞は、叀来前者が䟝甚されおいるこずを考慮するず異䟋のこずである。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, sloppy reading of \"the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra\" is often performed but the text of the Buddhist sutra itself is rarely read and recited.", "ja": "なお『倧般若波矅蜜倚経』転読は頻繁に行われるが、経兞のテキストそのものを読誊するこずは皀である。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in both Raju's and Genjo's translations, 'Hannya Haramitsu (Hannya Haramita),' 'Sariputra,' '阿耚倚矅䞉藐䞉菩提,' 'Bosatsu (菩提薩&22517)' and the last 'shu' were not translated into Chinese and showed transcriptions of Sanskrit without changes.", "ja": "なお、矅什蚳・玄奘蚳ずも、「般若波矅蜜倚」「舍利北子」「阿耚倚矅䞉藐䞉菩提」「菩薩菩提薩&22517」及び最埌の「咒しゅ」の郚分だけは挢蚳せず、サンスクリットをそのたた音写しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in the text that is said to be a translation by Genjo there are more than 10 differences in words depending on the edition, examples of which are as follows:", "ja": "たた、玄奘蚳ずされるテキストには版本によっお、䟋えば䞋蚘の箇所のように、字句の異同が十数箇所存圚する。" }
{ "en": "In Japan various sects, especially the Hosso-shu, Tendai, Shingon and Zen sects, use Hannya Shingyo and interpret it individually.", "ja": "日本では仏教各掟、特に法盞宗・倩台宗・真蚀宗・犅宗が般若心経を䜿甚し、その宗掟独特の解釈を行っおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, the Jodo Shinshu sect regards \"Three Sutras of the Pure Land (Jodosanbu-kyo Sutra)\" as the fundamental Buddhist sutra, and the Nichiren and Hokke sects regard \"Myohorenge-kyo\" as that, so they don't recite the Hannya Shingyo.", "ja": "ただし、浄土真宗は『浄土䞉郚経』を、日蓮宗・法華宗は『劙法蓮華経法華経』を根本経兞ずしおいるため、般若心経を唱えるこずはない。" }
{ "en": "This is because they don't need to use it from the viewpoint of their dharma, not because they deny the Heart Sutra.", "ja": "これは圓該宗掟の教矩䞊、甚いる必芁がないずいうこずであり、心経を吊定しおいるのではない。" }
{ "en": "For example, Kozui OTANI, who was a chief priest of the Jodo Shinshu sect at Nishi Hongwan-ji Temple, wrote a commentary on the Hannya Shingyo.", "ja": "䟋えば、浄土真宗西本願寺の䜏職であった倧谷光瑞は般若心経の泚釈を衚しおいる。" }
{ "en": "It uses it as one of the Buddhist sutra for daily use (see the article of Hannyashin-gyo Hiken).", "ja": "日甚経兞日課等通垞行事甚の経兞の1぀ずしおいる般若心経秘鍵を参照。" }
{ "en": "In the case where one reads and recites it repeatedly, traditionally he starts reading from 'Bussetsu' in the beginning for the first time but begins reading from 'Maka' for the second time without reading 'Bussetsu.'", "ja": "たた、繰り返し読誊する堎合は、䞀回目は、冒頭の「仏説」から読み始めるが、2回目以降の読誊では「仏説」を読たず、「摩蚶」から読む慣わしずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Because Kukai, the founder of the sect, emphasized Hannya Shingyo, various priests of this sect have written commentaries.", "ja": "この宗掟の僧䟶には開祖空海が般若心経を重芖したために泚釈・解釈を著す僧が倚く、著䜜が色々ずある。" }
{ "en": "Among those, the works by Kakusho TAKAGAMI, Yuko MIYASAKA and others in the postwar period of Japan are well known.", "ja": "このうち、特に戊埌の日本における高神芚昇・宮坂宥措などの著䜜が知られおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Lecture on Hannya Shingyo\" by TAKAGAMI, which was broadcasted via NHK radio in the prewar days, was very popular at that time.", "ja": "高神の『般若心経講矩』は戊前、NHKラゞオ攟送で行われたものであり、圓時奜評を博した。" }
{ "en": "It is considered very highly among the commentaries written in modern Japanese, and it receives high praise from scholars and priests of other sects.", "ja": "珟代日本語で曞かれた解釈曞ずしおは非垞に評䟡の高いものであり、異なる宗掟の僧䟶や仏教孊者からも評䟡されおいる。" }
{ "en": "In the Jishu sect it is necessary to recite it three times in front of the shelf of gods that enshrines the soul of Kumano Taisha Shrine after worship of the shrine and morning devotions.", "ja": "時宗では、神瀟参拝及び本山での朝の勀行の埌に熊野倧瀟の埡霊を祀る神棚に向かい䞉唱するこずが必須ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is often asserted that Hannya Shingyo is a Buddhist sutra that reveals the primary figure of one's heart.", "ja": "般若心経ずは自分の心の本来の姿を珟した経兞であるずいう䞻匵を行うこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "While the founder Dogen interpreted it, Tenkei's interpretation 'Kanjizai Bosatsu is yourself' is famous.", "ja": "開祖道元が解釈しおいるほか、倩桂の「芳自圚菩薩ずは汝自身である」ずいう解釈が有名である。" }
{ "en": "Ryokan left numerous manuscripts of the Hannya Shingyo, and TANEDA made haiku from the Hannya Shingyo.", "ja": "良寛は般若心経の倧量の写経を残しおおり、皮田は般若心経を俳句に読み蟌んでいる。" }
{ "en": "When it is read and recited in the shrine (in front of the gods), it is read from 'Maka' without reading 'Bussetsu' at the beginning.", "ja": "神瀟神前で読誊の際は、冒頭の「仏説」を読たずに、「摩蚶」から読む。" }
{ "en": "For ordinary people it is regarded as a Buddhist sutra of 'miracle-working mantra' instead of a Buddhist sutra that preaches 'Ku,' and some people interpret that it 'erases (空ずる)' the power of evil spirits.", "ja": "䞀般の人々にずっおは、「空」を説く経兞ず蚀うより、むしろ、「霊隓あらたかな真蚀」の経兞ずしお受け止められおおり、䞀郚には悪霊の力を「空ずる」ずいう解釈もされた。" }
{ "en": "There is an old belief that Hannya Shingyo benefits the recovery from illness, which is seen in \"Nihon Ryoiki.\"", "ja": "叀くから般若心経の利益で病気が治るずいう信仰があり、既に日本霊異蚘にその説話が残っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Many people carried it as a charm or hand-copied it in order to pray for recovery from illness.", "ja": "お守りずしお所持したり、病気になったずきに写経しお平癒を祈願したりした人が倚い。" }
{ "en": "It is well known that Hokiichi HANIWA read Hannya Shingyo at Kameido Temmangu Shrine and prayed for the success of \"Gunsho Ruiju.\"", "ja": "亀戞倩満宮で塙保己䞀が般若心経を読んで『矀曞類埓』の成功を祈願したこずは有名である。" }
{ "en": "During the Edo period, E-shin-gyo (Heart Sutra in Picture Version), was produced for illiterates.", "ja": "江戞時代には、文字を読めない局のために、内容を絵に衚した絵心経も補䜜された。" }
{ "en": "According to \"Hannyashin-gyo no Nazo,\" written by Meiji MOMOSE, this was created by Genemon YAWATA in Ninohe-gun, Iwate Prefecture from 1688 to 1703 for the sake of illiterates and became popular in various provinces through essays, and even literate people enjoyed it as a kind of rebus.", "ja": "癟瀬明治『般若心経の謎』によれば、これは元犄幎間に珟圚の岩手県二戞郡の八幡源右衛門ずいう人が文字の読めない人向けに創䜜した埌、随筆によっお諞囜に䌝播されブヌムずなったものであり、文字か読める人たちの間でも刀じ物的に楜したれたずいう。" }
{ "en": "Although numerous commentaries have been published, some of them make the mistake of interpreting the original intension of Hannya Shingyo, so that Buddhist scholars sound the alarm.", "ja": "解釈曞も倧量に出版されおおり、䞭には般若心経の原意を取り違えたものさえあり、仏教孊者が譊鐘を鳎らしおいるような状態である。" }
{ "en": "As the major translation and commentary in modern times, a book of Iwanami-bunko, a translation from the original Sanskrit by Hajime NAKAMURA and Kazuyoshi KINO, \"Lecture on Hannya Shingyo,\" written by Kakusho TAKAGAMI and \"Hannyashin-gyo Nyumon,\" written by Taido MATSUBARA, which interprets from the viewpoint of a priest of the Rinzai sect, have been published and reprinted many times so that their paperback editions are easily obtainable.", "ja": "珟代の䞻な翻蚳及び解説ずしおは、サンスクリット原文からの翻蚳である䞭村元・玀野䞀矩蚳の岩波文庫本、高神芚昇の『般若心経講矩』、たた臚枈宗の僧䟶の立堎から解釈した束原泰道の『般若心経入門』などがあり、それぞれ版を重ねお䜕れも文庫本ずしお手軜に入手できる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Jun MIURA proposed outdoor Hannya Shingyo, which is near to pleasure.", "ja": "たた遊びに近いものずしおみうらじゅんがアりトドア般若心経を提唱しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Monju Bosatsu, or maJjuzrii in Sanskrit, is one of the Bosatsus which is worshiped in Mahayana Buddhism.", "ja": "文殊菩薩もんじゅがさ぀、サンスクリットマンゞュシュリヌ(maJjuzrii)は、倧乗仏教の厇拝の察象である菩薩の䞀尊。" }
{ "en": "The Sanmayagyo symbols are the shorenge (a blue tropical water lily), sharp sword and bonkyo (sutras written on coconut leaves).", "ja": "䞉昧耶圢は青蓮華青い熱垯スむレンの花、利剣、梵篋ダシの葉に曞かれた経兞など。" }
{ "en": "According to \"Monjushuri Nehan-kyo Sutra,\" it was born in a Brahmin family called Brahmadatta at Tara Juraku, in Sravasti.", "ja": "『文殊垫利般涅槃経』によるず、舎衛囜の倚矅聚萜の梵埳ずいうバラモンの家に生たれたずされる。" }
{ "en": "\"Yuima-kyo Sutra\" described that when nobody could argue with Yuima-koji, who was sick in bed, only Monju Bosatsu, who visited him in place of Shaka, exchanged questions and answers evenly, and this episode highlighted its character as the Bosatsu of wisdom.", "ja": "『維摩経』には、維摩居士に問答でかなう者がいなかった時、居士の病床を釈迊の代理ずしお芋舞った文殊菩薩のみが察等に問答を亀えたず蚘され、智慧の菩薩ずしおの性栌を際立たせおいる。" }
{ "en": "Based on this theory, pictures or statues showing the scene in which Monju Bosatsu visited Yuima-koji were produced.", "ja": "この教説に基づき、維摩居士ず盞察した堎面を衚した造圢も行われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Later, Monju Bosatsu was not seen as a realistic figure as described in \"Yuima-kyo Sutra\" but gradually became deified through later sutras.", "ja": "文殊菩薩はやがお『維摩経』に描かれたような珟実的な姿から離れ、埌の経兞で埐々に神栌化されおいく。" }
{ "en": "It is said that although it is of the Bosatsu grade in order to benefit Shaka's teaching, once it became Buddha it was called Ryushu-nyorai, Daishin-butsu or Shinsen-butsu and will become Buddha (called Fuken-nyorai) in the future.", "ja": "釈迊の化導を扶助するために菩薩の地䜍にあるが、か぀おは成仏しお韍皮劂来、倧身仏、神仙仏などずいったずいわれ、たた未来にも成仏しお普芋劂来ずいう。" }
{ "en": "In another theory, it exists in the joyful world (垞喜䞖界) in the north at present and is called 歓喜蔵摩尌宝積劂来, the name of which can diminish crimes of 四重犁等, or it is said that it lives at Qingliangshan (Wutai Shan Mountain) in Shanxi Province China with 10,000 Bosatsu.", "ja": "あるいは珟圚、北方の垞喜䞖界に圚っお歓喜蔵摩尌宝積劂来ず名づけられ、その名前を聞けば四重犁等の眪を滅すずいわれ、あるいは珟に䞭囜山西省の枅涌山(五台山に䞀䞇の菩薩ず共に䜏しおいるずもいわれる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, according to \"Hokkekyo Sutra,\" after Nichigatsu Tomyo-butsu entered nirvana in the past life, its disciple Myoko Bosatsu was reborn as Monju Bosatsu.", "ja": "たた『法華経』では、過去䞖に日月燈明仏が涅槃した埌に、その匟子であった劙光菩薩の再誕が文殊であるず説かれる。" }
{ "en": "However, these are based on descriptions in Mahayana Sutra; there is no evidence that Monju Bosatsu really existed.", "ja": "なお、これらはすべお倧乗経兞における蚘述によるものであり、文殊菩薩が実圚したずいう事実はない。" }
{ "en": "As opposed to Kanzeon Bosatsu and others, it is thought that a real model person existed and that it was the Bosatsu who was created in Buddhist organizations.", "ja": "しかし文殊は芳䞖音菩薩などずは異なり、モデルずされた人物が存圚しおいたず考えられおおり、仏教教団内郚で生たれた菩薩であるず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, many sutras praise Monju Bosatsu as 'Buddha's mother in the three periods,' and in \"Kegon-kyo Sutra\" it plays an important role to take out Zenzai-doshi on the path to seek Buddhism.", "ja": "たた文殊菩薩を「䞉䞖の仏母さんぜのぶ぀も」ず称える経兞も倚く、『華厳経』では善財童子を仏法求道の旅ぞ誘う重芁な圹で描かれるなど、" }
{ "en": "These sutras show that the moral nature of Monju Bosatsu is Hannya (wisdom), which is an important factor in attaining enlightenment.", "ja": "これらのこずからもわかるように、文殊菩薩の埳性は悟りぞ到る重芁な芁玠、般若智慧である。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, developed from the original aspect of the wisdom to reach enlightenment, it became a symbol of wisdom in general (being smart and having much knowledge), which led to the proverb 'Two heads are better than one' in a later age.", "ja": "尚、本来悟りぞ到るための智慧ずいう偎面の延長線䞊ずしお、䞀般的な知恵頭の良さや知識が優れるこずの象城ずもなり、これが埌に「䞉人寄れば文殊の智恵」ずいうこずわざを生むこずになった。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in \"Feng-Shen-Yen-I,\" a light novel of China, there appeared mountain hermitscalled Fugen Shinjin and Monju Koho Tenson, who believed Buddhism later and became Fugen Bosatsu and Monju Bosatsu respectively, but this is fiction of a later age.", "ja": "たた、䞭囜の嚯楜小説『封神挔矩』には普賢真人、文殊広法倩尊ずいう仙人が登堎しおおり、圌等が埌に仏門に垰䟝しそれぞれ普賢菩薩、文殊菩薩ずなったずいう蚭定になっおいるが、これは埌䞖の党くの創䜜である。" }
{ "en": "In China, Mt. Wutai Shan in Shanxi Province has been worshipped widely since ancient times as Qingliangshan, where Monju Bosatsu lives, and this was introduced by Ennin in Japan.", "ja": "䞭囜においおは、山西省の五台山が文殊菩薩の䜏する枅涌山ずしお叀くより広く信仰を集めおおり、円仁によっお日本にも䌝えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in Vol. 29 of \"Bussotoki,\" which is a text of the Chinese Tendai sect, there is the description, 'Monju lives in Zhongnan Shan now and it is a priest Tojun,' which means that Tojun, a founder of the Chinese Kegon sect, was regarded as a reincarnation of Monju Bosatsu.", "ja": "たた䞭囜倩台宗系の曞である『仏祖統蚘』巻29には、「文殊は今、終南山に䜏み絊えり。杜順和䞊はこれなり」ず、䞭囜華厳宗の祖である杜順を文殊菩薩の生たれ倉わりであるずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "After Hung Taiji, Jianzhou Jurchen arrived at the name Manchus instead of Jurchen.", "ja": "ホンタむゞ以降、党おの女真族の呌称に代え満掲族ず呌称するようになった。" }
{ "en": "In Japan there is a legend that Gyoki, a priest in the Nara period, was a reincarnation of Monju Bosatsu.", "ja": "日本においおは、奈良時代の僧行基が文殊菩薩の生たれ倉わりだずいう䌝説がある。" }
{ "en": "It is one of the kyoji (attendant figures) of Shakanyorai with Fugen Bosatsu (see \"Shaka Triad\") and is broadly worshiped by itself.", "ja": "普賢菩薩ずずもに釈迊劂来の脇䟍を぀ずめる参照釈迊䞉尊ほか、単独でも広く信仰されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is in the lotus position on a lion's back with a sharp sword (treasure sword) to symbolize wisdom in the right hand and a shorenge bearing the sutra in the left hand.", "ja": "獅子の背の蓮華座に結跏趺坐し、右手に智慧を象城する利剣宝剣、巊手に経兞を乗せた青蓮華を持぀。" }
{ "en": "The number of buns can be one, five, six or eight, depending on the statue, and a statue that has one bun is regarded as a principle image in ascetic training for the increase of benefit; the one with five is for adoration, the one with six is for Chobuku (conquest, 調䌏) and the one with eight is for safety.", "ja": "この髻の数は像によっお䞀、五、六、八の四皮類があり、それぞれ䞀増益、五敬愛、六調䌏、八息灜の修法の本尊ずされる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, the 'Monju quintet' Monju gosonzo was produced, consisting of Monju riding a lion, Zenzai-doshi as an usher, Udenno drawing the reins of the lion, Buddhapali, and the elder Saisho Ronin.", "ja": "たた、階獅の文殊、先導圹の善財童子、獅子の手綱を握る優填王、仏陀波利、最勝老人を埓える文殊五尊像も造圢された。" }
{ "en": "In the Zen sect it is placed as 'Shoso,' which shows the complete figure of an ascetic monk in the monk hall (僧堂) and is shaped as a figure with hair cut engaged in the practice of seated meditation.", "ja": "たた犅宗においおは、修行僧の完党な姿を衚す「聖僧」しょうそうずしお僧堂に安眮され、剃髪し坐犅を組む僧圢ずなる。" }
{ "en": "In this case, from the viewpoint that Monju is also on the way of ascetic training, it is sometimes called Monji Daishi, which avoids using the title of Bosatsu.", "ja": "この堎合、文殊もたた修行の途䞊であるずの芳点から、菩薩の呌称を避け文殊倧士だいしず呌ぶこずがある。" }
{ "en": "Major works in Japan are the seated statue at Kofuku-ji Temple Tokondo (Eastern Golden Hall) (made by Jokei, a national treasure), Gosonzo at Abe Monju-in Temple (made by Kaikei, an important cultural property) and Gosonzo at Chikurin-ji Temple in Kochi city (an important cultural property).", "ja": "日本における䜜䟋ずしおは、奈良の興犏寺東金堂の坐像定慶䜜、囜宝や安倍文殊院の五尊像快慶䜜、重芁文化財、高知の竹林寺(高知垂)の五尊像重芁文化財などが芋られる。" }
{ "en": "It is the war god of Brahmin, Hindu and Zoroastrianism and the same god as Indra that is seen in the clauses of Hittite.", "ja": "バラモン教・ヒンドゥヌ教・ゟロアスタヌ教の歊神でヒッタむト条文にもみられるむンドラず同䞀の神。" }
{ "en": "The name of Taishakuten (垝釈倩) originated from Indra's name, Sakro Devanam Indrah, as follows: Sakuro is transliterated to 釈, Devanam is translated freely to 倩, and Indrah is translated freely to 垝 and placed first.", "ja": "垝釈倩の名はむンドラの名前のサックロ・デノァヌナヌム・むンドラSakroDevanamIndrahのうち、サックロを釈ず音蚳したものに、デノァヌナヌムを倩ず意蚳しお埌郚に付け足し、むンドラを垝ず意蚳しお冠したもの。" }
{ "en": "Originally, Indra was a war god that fought with Ashura, but it became one of the two good major deities of Buddhism with Bonten after it was incorporated to Buddhism, and it was considered to have helped Shaka before gaining enlightenment and hearing its preaching (see the article on Indra).", "ja": "本来のむンドラ神は、阿修矅ずも戊闘したずいう歊勇の神であったが、仏教に取り入れられ、成道前から釈迊を助け、たたその説法を聎聞したこずで、梵倩ず䞊んで仏教の二倧護法善神ずなったむンドラの項を参照。" }
{ "en": "There are Buddhist pictures of Indra, in which Taishakuten, who follows Shaka, has been drawn.", "ja": "むンドにおける仏䌝図様においおは、釈迊に埓う垝釈倩の様子が描かれるこずがある。" }
{ "en": "In Vol. 33 of Nehan-kyo Sutra (The Sutra of the Great Nirvana) and Vol. 56 of Daichidoron, there is a description that Taishakuten was called Kyoshika Kauśikawhen he was a human.", "ja": "涅槃経巻33や倧智床論巻56には、垝釈倩が人間だった頃の名前は憍尞迊きょうしか、Kauśikaであるず説かれおいる。" }
{ "en": "In ancient times, in Mahadh there was a Brahmin whose first name was Maka and family name was Kyoshika, and who did good deeds (犏埳) and had great wisdom.", "ja": "か぀お昔にマガダ囜の䞭で名を摩䌜たか、姓を憍尞迊ずいう、犏埳ず倧智慧あるバラモンがいた。" }
{ "en": "He had 32 acquaintances and friends with whom to learn and do good deeds, and after death he was reborn in the second world above on the top of Mt. Shumisen.", "ja": "圌には知人友人が32人いお共に犏埳を修しお呜終しお、須匥山の頂の第2の倩䞊に生たれた。" }
{ "en": "Maka Brahmin became most high, and 32 acquaintances and friends became ministers to give advice so that 33 (including him) are called the 33 Ten.", "ja": "摩䌜バラモンは倩䞻ずなり、32人は茔盞倧臣ずなったため、圌を含めた33人を䞉十䞉倩ずいう。" }
{ "en": "In Japan it is often expressed as a statue with two upper arms (二臂像), its hair tied in a treasure bun (宝髻) atop the head, and dressed in Chinese formal clothes.", "ja": "日本では、頭䞊に宝髻を結び、䞭囜匏の瀌服を着た二臂像ずしお衚珟されるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "In some cases he wears armor under the clothes and has a kongosho or a lotus root in his hand.", "ja": "たた、着衣䞋に甲冑を぀けるこずもあり、手には金剛杵や蓮茎などを執るこずがある。" }
{ "en": "In Mikkyo (Esoteric Buddhism) there are some examples in which he has one face and two upper arms (䞀面二臂) with a crown on the head, armor on the body and a tokkosho, a pestle with a single sharp blade at each end--this being considered an attribute of Buddhist guardian figures as well as a symbolic item of Esoteric Buddhism--in his hand.", "ja": "密教においおは、䞀面二臂で、冠を戎き、身䜓には甲冑を着け、手には独鈷杵を執る䟋が芋られる。" }
{ "en": "The oldest work in Japan is seen in 'the picture of Seshin Monge, giving up the body to hear a verse of scripture,' drawn on Tamamushi no zushi, the Beetle Wing Shrine, (Asuka period) at Horyu-ji Temple.", "ja": "日本最叀の遺存䟋は、法隆寺の玉虫厚子飛鳥時代に描かれた「斜身聞偈図」せしんもんげずに芋られるものである。" }
{ "en": "At Jiki-do in Horyu-ji Temple were placed statues of Bonten and Taishakuten (Nara period) (currently placed at Dai-Hozo-In (Great Treasure Gallery).", "ja": "同寺の食堂じきどうには梵倩・垝釈倩の塑像奈良時代が安眮されおいる珟圚は倧宝蔵院に安眮。" }
{ "en": "At Hoke-do (Sangatsudo) in Todai-ji Temple there are statues of Bonten and Taishakuten of kanshitsu-zukuri, done in the dry lacquer technique (Nara period).", "ja": "東倧寺法華堂䞉月堂には、也挆造の梵倩・垝釈倩像奈良時代がある。" }
{ "en": "At the Toji Lecture Hall, in Kyoto, there is a wooden statue on a white elephant, which is characteristic of Mikkyo.first stage of the Heian period)", "ja": "京郜・東寺講堂には、密教系の癜象に乗った朚像平安時代前期が安眮される。" }
{ "en": "For an example of the temple where Taishakuten is enshrined, Shibamata Taishakuten (Daikyo-ji Temple) in Tokyo's Katsushika Ward, has been made famous by the movie \"Otoko Wa Tsurai Yo (It's Tough Being a Man).\"", "ja": "垝釈倩を安眮する寺院ずしおは、映画『男は぀らいよ』で著名な東京郜葛食区の柎又垝釈倩題経寺がある。" }
{ "en": "Since the lost Ita-honzon (wooden main deity) of Taishakuten was discovered during the restoration of the main hall of Daikyo-ji Temple one Koshin Day in the latter half of the eighteenth century, Ennichi became to be held on Koshin Day (for details, see \"Shibamata Taishakuten\").", "ja": "18䞖玀埌半に題経寺の本堂を修埩しおいる際に、玛倱しおいた垝釈倩の板本尊が発芋され、その日が庚申だったこずから、庚申の日を瞁日ずするずいう詳しくは柎又垝釈倩を参照。" }
{ "en": "In the Dankun myth, which originated in the Goryeo period of Korea, Dankun, a founder of Dankun (Korea) is regarded as a son who was born from Kanyu, a bastard child of Taishakuten (Kanin in 'Sangokuiji'), and a woman that had humanized from a female bear.", "ja": "朝鮮の高麗時代に成立した檀君神話においおは、檀君朝鮮の始祖である檀君は、垝釈倩『䞉囜遺事』では「桓因」の庶子・桓雄ず、雌熊が人間化した熊女ずの間に生たれた子ずいうこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Yakushi Nyorai, bhaiSajya-guru in Sanskrit, is a Nyorai of Mahayana Buddhism.", "ja": "薬垫劂来(やくしにょらい)、サンスクリットバむシャゞダ・グル(bhaiSajya-guruは、倧乗仏教における劂来の䞀尊。" }
{ "en": "It is also called Yakushi uriko yorai or Daiiobutsu.", "ja": "薬垫瑠璃光劂来やくしるりこうにょらい、たたは倧医王仏ずも称する。" }
{ "en": "Representative Buddhist scriptures that preach 'Yakushi Nyorai are Yakushi ruriko nyorai hongan kudokukyo (Yakushikyo),' which was translated by Genjo, and 'Yakushi ruriko shichibutsu hongan kudokukyo (Shichibutsu yakushikyo),' which was translated by Gijo.", "ja": "薬垫劂来が説かれおいる代衚的な経兞は、玄奘蚳「薬垫瑠璃光劂来本願功埳経薬垫経」ず矩浄蚳の「薬垫瑠璃光䞃䜛本願功埳経䞃仏薬垫経」がある。" }
{ "en": "According to Yakushi hongan kudokukyo, Yakushi Nyorai was a founder of a religious sect in Toho joruri sekai (Eastern Pure Land), and swore 12 oaths when it was Bodhisattva, lengthened people's lives by curing their diseases, removed disasters, provided clothes and food, practiced Buddhist ascetic training and finally became Buddha by attaining Mujo bodai (perfect Buddhist enlightenment).", "ja": "薬垫本願功埳経では、薬垫劂来は東方浄瑠璃䞖界の教䞻で、菩薩の時に12の倧願を発し、この䞖門における衆生の疟病を治癒しお寿呜を延べ、灜犍を消去し、衣食などを満足せしめ、か぀仏行を行じおは無䞊菩提の劙果を蚌らしめんず誓い仏ず成ったず説かれる。" }
{ "en": "Unlike other Nyorai, it is the target of worship seeking worldly interests since it is the buddha of medicine which provides medicine to cure avidya disease.", "ja": "無明の病を盎す法薬を䞎える医薬の仏ずしお、劂来には珍しく珟䞖利益信仰を集める。" }
{ "en": "It is a Nyorai of exoteric Buddhism and the Japanese Shingon Sect (Shingon Esoteric Buddhism) basically does not emphasize it.", "ja": "顕教系の劂来であり、日本の真蚀宗真蚀密教では本来あたり重芖されない。" }
{ "en": "Although it is often treated as chuson (the center statue of three or more statues) in Besson mandara (Mandara of individual deities) of Zo-mitsu (the Mixed Esoteric Buddhism), it doesn't appear in Ryokai mandara (Mandara of the two Realms) of Jun-mitsu (The Pure Esoteric Buddhism).", "ja": "雑密系の別尊曌荌矅では䞭尊ずなる事も倚いが、玔密の䞡界曌荌矅には居堎所は無い。" }
{ "en": "However, in the Tendai Sect (Tendai Esoteric Buddhism) which traditionally had close ties with the Emperor's family, it was sometimes linked with the Emperor, a king of the eastern country, because it was the founder of a religious sect in Toho joruri sekai.", "ja": "しかし䌝統的に倩皇家ず結び぀きが匷かった倩台宗倩台密教では、薬垫劂来が東方浄瑠璃䞖界の教䞻であるこずから、東の囜の王たる倩皇ず結び付けられもした。" }
{ "en": "Further, there exist views that assert it is the same Nyorai as Dainichi Nyorai and such views derive from the interpretation by Tendai Esoteric Buddhism that Shaka Nyorai of Kuon-jitsujo, advocated in Lotus Sutra of exoteric Buddhism, coincides with Dainichi Nyorai of Esoteric Buddhism or Shaka Nyorai appears in the shape of Dainichi Nyorai in order to save people.", "ja": "さらに倧日劂来ず同䜓ずする説があるが、これには倩台密教においお、顕教での劙法蓮華経に説かれる久遠実成の釈迊劂来密教の倧日劂来ずの解釈ず、釈迊劂来の衆生救枈の姿ずいう二぀の芋方による。" }
{ "en": "As for the statue form, there exist both standing statues and seated statues and normally, their right hands make semui in (mudra for bestowing fearlessness), while the left hands make yogan in (wish-granting mudra) and hold a medicine vase.", "ja": "像容は、立像・坐像ずもにあり、印盞は右手を斜無畏せむい印、巊手を䞎願印ずし、巊手に薬壺やくこを持぀のが通䟋である。" }
{ "en": "However, many statues produced in ancient Japan, such as the statue in the main hall of the Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara and the statue in the main hall of the Toshodai-ji Temple in Nara, don't hold a medicine vase.", "ja": "ただし、日本での造像䟋を芋るず、奈良・薬垫寺金堂像、奈良・唐招提寺金堂像のように、叀代の像では薬壷を持たないものも倚い。" }
{ "en": "It is believed that the production of statues holding a medicine vase started after the introduction of 'Yakushi Nyorai nenju giki' translated by Fuku.", "ja": "これは、䞍空蚳「薬垫劂来念誊儀軌」の䌝来以降に薬壷を持぀像が造られるようになったず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Yakushi Nyorai is enshrined not only as a single statue but also as Yakushi Sanzonzo (three statues) with Nikko Bosatsu and Gakko Bosatsu situated on both sides.", "ja": "単独像ずしお祀られる堎合ず、日光菩薩・月光菩薩を脇䟍ずした薬垫䞉尊像ずしお安眮される堎合がある。" }
{ "en": "In the halo of Yakushi Nyorai, 6 or 7 statues of the same size are situated.", "ja": "薬垫劂来の光背には、䞃䜓たたは六䜓、もしくは䞃䜓の同じ倧きさの像容がある。" }
{ "en": "The above practice is believed to have derived from 'Yakushiko' (religious meeting of worshipping Yakushi Nyorai) at which people learnt and praised the virtue of Yakushi Nyorai.", "ja": "これは、薬垫劂来の埳を講讃する「薬垫講」に由来するず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "In 'Yakushi ruriko shichibutsu hongan kudokukyo (Shichibutsu Yakushikyo)' translated by Gijo and 'Yakushi Nyorai hongankyo' translated by Daruma Gyuta, original vows and bukkokudo (the land that Buddha has purified) of Shichibutsu, including Yakushi Nyorai, are advocated.", "ja": "矩浄蚳「薬垫瑠璃光䞃仏本願功埳経䞃仏薬垫経」や達磚笈倚蚳「薬垫劂来本願経」では、薬垫劂来を䞻䜓ずした䞃尊の仏の本願ず仏囜土が説かれる。" }
{ "en": "Tendai Esoteric Buddhism emphasized Shichibutsu Yakushi ho (praying to the seven Yakushi Nyorai), which was believed to have originated by Ennin, as the one which brings about health and safe delivery, and prayer for safe delivery using Shichibutsu Yakushi ho was conducted at the Fujiwara sekkanke (the families which produced regents) in the 8th -9th century.", "ja": "倩台密教では、円仁から始たったずされる䞃仏薬垫法が息灜・安産をもたらすずしお重芁芖され、8-9䞖玀には藀原摂関家で同法による安産祈願が行われた。" }
{ "en": "Konjiki Hokomyogyo Jojuo Nyorai", "ja": "金色宝光劙行成就王劂来こんじきほうこうみょうぎょうじょうじゅおうにょらい" }
{ "en": "In Japan where a creed seeking worldly interests was prevalent among people, Yakushi Nyorai scriptures were often produced for the purpose of praying for the healing of diseases.", "ja": "珟䞖利益的信仰が有力な日本においおは、薬垫劂来は病気平癒などを祈願しおの造像䟋が倚い。" }
{ "en": "Along with Amida Nyorai which promises peaceful death, Yakushi Nyorai attracted the most worshippers in Japan.", "ja": "極楜埀生を玄束する仏である阿匥陀劂来ずずもに、日本においおはもっずも信仰されおきた劂来である。" }