generally amazon for hard copies , i don ' t live close to any high - street retailers . also , the kindle store actually has some pretty decent free ebooks and i borrow from friends if it ' s something i don ' t have but really want to read or if they give a strong recommendation , but i ' m too poor to buy it outright .
" felicity dear , it ' s fine to have dreams and goals ! you can dream of the day you marry a true christian™ man selected by your father ! you can have the goal of bearing him 10 handsome , healthy sons , and keeping a beautiful , clean home ! " - sexist christian guy let me get this straight . so women dream of having there father pick them a suited husband . then she must give birth to ten sons , all so she can clean up after them . i think i ' m converting religions .
basically , brock went to hip - check / elbow cena off of the apron after launching himself off of those steps , but he didn ' t take into consideration 3 important things : 1 ) how much air he got . 2 ) cena pulling the top rope down as he fell off of the apron . 3 ) gravity .
i ignore it for the most part . i can ' t change some asshole ' s behavior online so i let them scream their screechy lungs out and mute them . unless it ' s directed at me specifically when i ' m owning them . their tormented screams feed my soul . yum .
crackle is china glaze ' s " crushed candy " , underlayer is revlon ' s " black lingerie " . it was a great way to cover up a failed attempt at matte / glaze taping , and though it ' s hard to tell from the webcam shot , it looks kinda like stone turquoise in person . i think a lot of why i didn ' t like crackle when i ' d seen it in person on other people is because i didn ' t like the way people wore it and / or it looked really sloppy , but a couple of layers of clear coat helped a lot with the sloppy part , and the rest is color choice and making sure your nails don ' t completely mismatch what you ' re wearing . i don ' t think matching nails with outfits is necessary , but it definitely helps make both your nails and outfit look way more awesome .
you have to act like you ' ve been there before . like you know exactly what the context is and where it can possibly head . be calm and secure and don ' t react like a child on christmas . play into that frame and work it confidently , like its nothing and you know what the fuck you are doing . but , if you have to shift into actor mode , she ' ll see right through it . just relax , the vibe is sexual , and work naturally toward that end .
the issue of stadiums not having an overall net positive is viewed from the lens of a new area with no current stadium getting one . no offense but this is completely inaccurate . stadium subsidizing has been in existence since the 1960 ' s in the us and canada . we have a lot of data to work with . please google economists brad humphreys and / or dennis coates . they worked with decades of data sets from major metro areas such as new york , cleveland , and cincinnati . their conclusions , like all conclusions based on something that is incredibly difficult to put in a tangible sense , is cloudy to negative . and if the team were to leave it would end up being a net negative in relation to the new stadium deal . you understand this is an incredibly lofty claim , right ? i have a feeling that at this point you ' re speculating based on personal bias . do you have some solid numbers to back up claims like this ? once again - i feel i need to throw out the fact that i want the vikes to stay , but as someone with a career and education with economics i ' m seeing a lot of hot air being thrown around as if fact simply because people want it to be true . from a professional economists point of view , public stadium financing being beneficial to a city and state is tenuous in a best case scenario - and a complete myth in a worse case one . what makes a city and obviously a state vibrant and financially relevant in a modern first world setting is it ' s ability to court business that provides for a plethora of stable careers and a product that will always be in demand . a $ 550 million dollar investment into a sports franchise is the antithesis of that line of thought . the amount of full time careers coupled with the product output of the minnesota vikings is minimal . a lot of merchandise and ad revenue will be sold - but a very small fraction of that will actually go back to the city of minneapolis , the state of minnesota , and her citizenry . by contrast take for example the incredibly small taxation we have of the bio - medical field coupled with public funding of post secondary education in that category . that has made minnesota a highly valuable place to house one ' s biomed business . boston sci being an east coast company has a major campus here . medtronic ' s main campus and entire business is based here . the mayo clinic is one of the leading medical institutes in the world . those type of investments provide minnesota with a product , careers , and revenue . unfortunately the vikings seem to merely provide us with distraction , a number of part time seasonal jobs , and polarized denizens . though i do truly hope you can prove me wrong or point me in a more pragmatic direction with some numbers to back it up so i can actually support this measure with good conscience .
i see a lot of people saying that helm is in the command division . i don ' t think that ' s necessarily true . it just so happens that most officers at the helm were in command , is how i reason it out .
& iirc we didn ' t die in our thirties ( you said this somewhere else ) , it ' s just that many more people died before they reached adulthood and that skews the average life expectancy . i know how average life expectancy works and childbirth deaths and childhood diseases greatly effected that . but it was a much more dangerous world back then . the chances of dying were higher and it was better to start young for men and for women .
the article also explains that although there were many studies done in the 80 ' s most of them were rather short term and mostly tested with animals not humans , this affects the validity of the results . so yeah , sucralose is probably safe to use for a short period of time , but who knows if you use it for years . . . also it claims that splenda has bulk additives that are carbs . . . not good for keto - ers i don ' t really trust the fda that much either .
i do not see a problem with jeers coming from opponents ( other kids ) . that is certainly part of life . getting yelled at by the coach or your own parents is part of life . but when it comes from parents of the other team it is just bullying and uncalled for . i would say by high school you should be able to handle jeers from everyone , but this appears to be a park for very young kids .
i ' ve been deemed an honorary black person by my entire african - america studies class , so i feel you . i like them a whole hell of a lot , and don ' t really get all the hate . its like reddit says that they like old tyler and hate his new stuff , but tyler is the hipster ? also , they just think that if he didn ' t rap about the things that he did , then he ' d be good . but they hate mainstream rappers too . . reddit is soooo weird . and hipster . but won ' t admit it .
steady aim with a sniper is now useless . for accurate shots , you have to be still , not moving . and op can use specialist without selecting any other perks . although with thermal scope , a dragunov can be good . especially with scavenger . spam the trigger and get kills , and ammo - refills ? makes it too easy for op . not sure which blue perk would be completely useless for a dragunov . maybe recon ( if not the pro version ) . lol i really want to see game play footage with one of the terrible classes people have mentioned .
im still in school . here ' s how it kinda went with all te guys : " you ' re gay " ? " yeah " . " cool . " and the girls : " woah you ' re gay ? " " yeah . . . " " this shirt matches these shorts riiiiiight ? "
1 ) an enemy in the genroom is an enemy away from your and their flagstand , even if it ' s just for a while . just don ' t waste your precious time by sitting there and camping the genny . i doubt that . low level players who mindlessly run to the gen room aren ' t going to start playing the flags suddenly if you stop distracting them . they will camp the gens anyways , they ' ll deathmatch in middle , or in the rare scenario that they actually play flags they ' ll do a poor job at it or just hinder their teammates with llama - grabs and insta - returns . i personally welcome low level players , as a chaser , to try and cap my flag . i let them take it , kill them , and move the flag to a spot where it ' s practically guaranteed to sit uncontested for 30s + . a way to peel defenders off of the flagstand is to 1 ) kill the engineer on duty ( and his friend if he ' s there ) , 2 ) kill the generator , 3 ) kill the first player that comes in to try and fix the generator ( this is to ensure that more enemies will go down and check the situation out ) and lastly 4 ) gtfo ( or vvm if you prefer ) . in pub play the best way to clear the flagstand is by hitting the flag stand , period . the game is balanced for 7v7 or 8v8 , but when the number of players doubles , the size of the flag stand and number of deployables you have to deal with practically stays the same . in 7v7 , two or three lo / ho can be effective at clearing the stand . in 16v16 the stand is the same , but you have potentially twice as much firepower raining down onto it . and this honestly isn ' t so bad if you ' re dealing with close - range stand clearers , such as raiders . but when you ' re dealing with juggernauts that take 10 + seconds of travel time to even begin fighting against , and when they ' re hitting from different angles , shit gets stupid real fast . move out to kill one , and by the time you ' ve killed the next the first one is already back and has killed your hof . the average pub player won ' t even bother fighting against juggernauts for this reason . that ' s why any pub game where you see three - four jugs , the enemy defense crumbles pretty much instantly . if those juggernauts move into the generator room as infs / raiders , it ' s no problem for the defense , their hof doesn ' t have forcefields but he ' s still defending the flag just fine .
. . . so leave room for us that are willing to give it a chance . i don ' t think you need to worry about space when it comes to watching a dvd / blu - ray / videofile in your own home . criticism , likewise , won ' t make the anime go away , so you don ' t need to worry on that front either .
you play very very very passively till lvl 9 ( by which time you should have your revolver ) and then you keep your tides stacked and try to trade with him . your sustain beats his ( since he has none ) and your harass will win out because of this . after 9 in general vlad does a number on most champs . also keep in mind if you go even in every trade against j4 hes extremely mana reliant , so after he ' s out of mana zone him
yeah , i read that quote and thought . . . " that ' s . . . not bullshit " glad someone else agrees ! papers about how postmodernism doesn ' t exist are part of the reason postmodernism is still a thing . that ' s just true . edit : grammar
argh ! the snack are these spicy and crunchy red sticks that tastes amazing . my last trade was with a canadian and she sent these over . they aren ' t sold in the us and i ' m not even sure if they ' re sold outside of that store in the link .
protests aren ' t war , they aren ' t combat . when we ' re in war and in combat , then violent and destructive strategies are appropriate . then i ' ll have your back . because i agree with almost 100 % of the idealism you support . but for the love of god , your kind of actions now are destroying chances of doing this without war , which is why your actions are analogous to provocateurs . . and i don ' t know if you know war yet or not .
( one of ) the hottest things i ' ve ever been told : " i ' ve had to change my panties 10 times in the last 3 days because of you . " this may not be the same level of stimulation that you ' re talking about , but i love knowing i have that effect on my girlfriend .
i ' ve gone to one of those and the most awkward part was when my date went to the bathroom at dinner and i was left with a table full of people i didn ' t know . it was definitely worth it though because i made some friends that night
this statement reminds me of a daily show skit where aaasif mandvi asks a fox news presenter why she doesn ' t believe that global warming is real despite all the statistics that prove otherwise . she answered by saying that these statistics are suspicious because they are published by scientists and only other scientists are allowed to review these findings . i loved that bit .
what do you use to photograph your makeup ? it always looks so great ! my photos never show the true pigmentation of my products , which is frustrating - it never looks as bold on camera as it does in person . halp
just because you notice a behaviour in one girl doesn ' t mean all women behave like that as well . there ' s this guy i hooked up with a couple of times and he does the exact same thing . it ' s infuriating but i guess some people just feel uncomfortable communicating over text . i don ' t just assume all men are bad at texting . maybe she likes keeping up communication with you so she texts you , but has actually no clue what to write . maybe she ' s just bored and likes texting random people . there could be loads of explanations . this isn ' t a gender issue , this is just momentarily unidentifiable behaviour . i wouldn ' t worry too much about it , you ' ve only been on one date . get to know her and her behaviour better and just see what happens .
i ' m out of high school and i was going to go to prom because this girl said she would tell the cops that my bar was serving alcohol to minors . then she started making out with dee ' s date ! charlie still went but he was just wingmaning a high schooler and dancing alone . mac is an asshole .
best advice : stop jungling warwick . reason # 1 : the speed he clearer the jungle is really , really slow . he is some what mana dependent almost always started at wolves / blue . this makes it really easy to invade his jungle and steal his red . reason # 2 : his ganks lvl 1 - 5 are horrible . . . he has to walk up to you with red buff to do anything . in the long run this will make you a weak jungles as you will tend to just farm the jungle thinking that you can ' t gank until level 6 . . . meanwhile faster jungles are wrecking your lanes . a level 2 or 3 gank on the top lane can single handedly win the lane if the enemy team does nothing to correct the advantage . . . you can force the enemy to blow sumonors , pots , or even cause first blood . . . not with warwick . move on to one of the following junglers : lee sin , shyvanna , uydr , mundo . all of them clear the jungle farm more faster . . and can start enemy wraiths / red for a lvl 2 or 3 gank .
the only things we can ' t predict are those that involve quantum gravity , and thus within one [ planck time ] ( http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / planck _ time ) . with a theory of quantum gravity , however , we ' d be in a much better state to describe this 1 10 ^ - 44 seconds after the big bang .
are you referencing this case ? march 1998 . the u . s . supreme court today refused to hear a challenge to california ' s term limits law . the law , passed by california voters in 1990 , limits state assembly members to three two - year terms and state senators to two four - year terms , and bars lawmakers who reach the limit from ever running again . without commenting , the court refused to hear arguments by state legislators and citizens who claimed that the law violates the rights of california voters to support their chosen candidates . the appeal also argued that voters were not aware when they voted in favor of the measure that they were approving a lifetime ban . california ' s term limits law has had a complicated run through the courts . it was first challenged in federal court in april 1997 , when a judge ruled its lifetime restrictions unconstitutional . this judgment was affirmed by a three - judge panel of the 9th u . s . circuit court in oct . 1997 , but for a different reason . the panel said that the initiative approved in 1990 was unconstitutional because it did not clearly stipulate that it would impose a lifetime ban . both decisions were reversed by the full 9th circuit court in dec . 1997 , which ruled that the lifetime limits were " not severe , " and that california voters knew and fully understood what they were voting on . in refusing to hear this case , the supreme court has not ruled on the merits of california ' s term limits law , and the ruling sets no national precedent . at the same time , it is a victory for term limits supporters .
well . . we ' re definitely not as extreme as the western world . as a thai person born in england , i have to say i ' ve adapted to the english culture of it being slightly " weird " to be with a boy for so long and to have not had sex with him . in thailand some people are ready to have sex with each other after dating for a short period , and it ' s not necessarily frowned upon per se , but usually people do wait until after marriage . i have some friends in thailand who have been with their partners for 2 months and had sex , and others who have been with their partners for 2 years and want to wait . i guess it depends on the person and how ready they are . there is definitely not as much social pressure in comparison to england though , i ' ve realised
i do that all the time . who needs automatic farms when you can make a large , obscuring barrier of sugar canes ? i also put mine along the lines of my cobblestone generators , water fountains , and all other creations that use water . i don ' t care what people on servers think , it ' s convenient to me .
a . . . job ? juh - ohb ? you mean that thing where i sell my labour in exchange for a wage , further alienating myself from the means of production and indenturing myself into servitude for the ruling class ? sounds terribly bourgeoise .
[ speculation and spoilers ] ( / g " we ' re going to have to dial back for this . in cok when jaqen leaves arya he changes his face . a person with a face described almost exactly the same is in the prologue of affc where pate dies . then pate is seen with marwyn when sam meets with him . " ) the wiki of ice and fire also talks about it briefly : http : / / awoiaf . westeros . org / index . php / jaqen _ h % 27ghar hell , here is an essay about it : http : / / towerofthehand . com / blog / 2010 / 08 / 24 _ if _ its _ chains _ you _ want _ / index . html
ahh , well maybe they were not when you took them , but i ' m taking them now , and i ' ve had tons of crashers in every course , and some people not even able to gets lab spaces despite having the lecture .
on verizon it almost never happens , maybe 1 out of every 1000 txts , it usually happens when sending to someone on virgin mobile . mms is maybe 1 in 50 and only when i ' m sending to someone on another network .
oh , no need to be so sensitive . it wasn ' t a personal attack . i was simply responding to what you said , and i thought you did imply that a 3rd party vote was meaningless , when you said : it ' s not an untruth that there are only two parties to vote for i . e . ( accounting for the strange double negative ) you were saying " it is true that there are only two parties to vote for " i was responding to that , and it seems that you agreed with what i said . no need for me to be " very careful " , or for you to make threats online - it just demeans us all . . .
i wish so much that i didn ' t understand this . my ex - boyfriend died of suicide just over a week ago . he was an atheist / agnostic . it was the thought of nothingness and peace rather than eternity that was appealing to him . i didn ' t know anything could hurt so much . please message me if you would like to talk .
it makes me sad that someone as ignorant as you had the good fortune of being born in the states . what you really deserved , in the big lottery draw of citizenship and life , was to be born somewhere that the us was fucking right up the ass . and please refrain from using the pronoun ' ' we ' ' and implicating the entire country in the fathomless stupidity of your opinions .
everytime i died , i thought about why i died and how i can prevent that next time , and i just continued on learning about the game , learning the capabilities of champions and all of that stuff , just general improvements
oh agreed . i ' m just replying to this case specifically . i understand there are exceptions , like releasing a second egg during the cycle , timing of ovulation being off , etc etc . but those are whats called outlyers . for this specific example , in this one off case , the odds of her getting pregnant even if she didn ' t use protection and the dude blasted her full of sperm , are statistically very low due to how a womans cycle normally works . thats all . what i ' m not saying is it ' s a sure thing .
of course not . but it also doesn ' t mean that i should be forced to censor everything i say and write to be sensitive to their fragile beliefs . and regardless of what you believe , most of these stories simply , objectively are not true . that doesn ' t mean we can ' t pretend they are for the sake of atmosphere , but that goes too far when people complain about complimenting a writer on a tale well told .
the cashiers know what ' s up as well . i once had a cashier deny me a sale for a 4 pack of swishers because i could buy a 2 pack and get another 2 pack free . " same number of blunts for lower price . " he said with a smile . i asked him what time his shift was over that night , and we toked up after . been smoking with him ever since !
well all scandinavian countries have not messed up massiv dept . the all run small deficits . scandinavian countries are pretty free if you dont look at taxes the real intressting thing is that they manage to spend there taxes in a good way . thats why there econmoies work , if the government would get messed up and government started to misdirect money the would run into problems fast .
check out the [ pants ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / malefashionadvice / comments / t04ir / coats _ shirts _ shoes _ boots _ but _ no _ pants _ guide _ so / ) guide that was recently posted . i own some banana republic chinos ( that now have bleach stains on them ) that were a little too loose in the thigh area , so they might work for you . i believe they ' re called gavin chino .
i ' m definitely overweight right now and have no problem finding non - plus sized clothes . even when i was at my heaviest , which was certainly very much bordering on obese , i was a size 16 . i think it ' s fair to call anyone over a size 16 obese .
i live in rural texas , and we hog hunt as a pass time and we love to chief it up too . we usually catch pigs with traps or dogs but on this day we had one in a snare . we were both at about [ 7 ] s and we stood there watching as the hog charged at us for about 5 minutes . it weighed about 90 lbs and was scary . finally we pinned it down and got the snare off and tied it up . i guess i ' m topical because it is odd even if it doesnt deal with the police or people or stores
in order : quit wow started dating first girlfriend graduated started first ' real job ' broke up with first girlfriend started playing wow again for a little bit quit wow again started dating my best friend / long - time love
in the jewish view ? there ' s no hell . in the christian view ? straight to hell , just like all the holocaust victims . some denominations might go with " purgatory , " or some other pre - christian exception .
haha . if it makes you feel better , my boyfriend is only 2 years of college away from teaching elementary school , and i ' m still constantly correcting his spelling . . looks like i ' ll be doing the spelling test grading . . . xd
playstation disks or isos plus a playstation emulator ( legal if you actually buy the disks and don ' t download playstation bios files from the internet ) . alternatively disks or files from the pc port plus perhaps a no - cd patch ( legal if you buy the actual disks ) . how to acquire such files illegally is beyond the scope of this post , but a good playstation emulator is epsxe or psx .
well , it ' s probably better than nothing . peerblock isn ' t a proxy , it ' s just a list of things to block . that said , if you ' re torrenting , don ' t expect it to save you from getting caught at all . it probably reduces your risk by some % , but that ' s it .
yeah , i wasn ' t really impressed . . i saw a suggestion a while ago somewhere , where they suggested rebranding to the brooklyn knights . probably could have done a lot more with a knight logo , especially being black and white now
not saying this article is great science or anything , but i ' m pretty sure it never asserted that being non - religious was an actual cause of the level of compassion . it was just stating that there was a correlation .
keynesian theory and many of the other similar schools of thought are all based off market manipulation so i see no real difference between them . the all attempt to manipulate the market in their own unique manner to meet similar ends which is redistribute or syphon off wealth . this has occurred in greece , spain , rome , america , etc . it’s nothing new . in the end they all result in a crash or a bust of some sort due to market anarchist or martyrs . " there is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious , makes you so sick at heart , that you can ' t take part ; you can ' t even passively take part , and you ' ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels , upon the levers , upon all the apparatus , and you ' ve got to make it stop . and you ' ve got to indicate to the people who run it , to the people who own it , that unless you ' re free , the machine will be prevented from working at all ! " - mario savio [ mario savio : sproul hall steps , december 2 , 1964 ] ( http : / / youtu . be / tcx9bjradfw )
could of morrison had done a superman book with the same content of the action series except off in its own book similar to all - star ? all - star superman isn ' t in continuity . the more aggressive version of young clark kent is definitely different than how ' s he ' s been portrayed in previous origin stories . we ' ll see how this character changes in the next few arcs , but so far , i ' d say action comics definitely couldn ' t take place in the old continuity .
that bow shot actually won him the fight , guude did amazing considering he was caught completely off guard ; he managed to deal 7 hearts damage and kill zist after he got hit twice for 3 hearts then turned around to attack .
i have my own youtube channel and have over 90 videos which are majority screen records . it really all depends in whether you have a mac or pc ( i am most knowledgeable in mac because that ' s what i record on ) . if you have a mac then all mac ' s come with quicktime which will record your screen and audio for free . the quality out of ten i would say is 7 because blocks can be fuzzy and it ' s not the best . another recording software ( i ' m using now ) is screen flow which is extremely expensive but has really good quality vids , it also includes features that can be useful if you are going to make tutorials . i ' m not saying pirate screen flow but right now i ' m not sure if it ' s worth the bucks . if you use pc then a couple recording softwares are camtasia which has a demo , fraps and what other people have already said . coming from a sort of experienced recorder never submit videos that have a watermark . if it ' s small and off to the side that ' s fine but if it ' s noticeable then don ' t submit it . hopefully this helped if you wanna see my videos you youtube is / user / guancialee
you can add a second submit link which links directly to the text tab on the submit page . see / r / deadb33f for an example . there are three submit links at the top of the sidebar , one is the regular link which links to the normal submit page , the other two are actually styled sidebar links which link directly to the text tab on the submit page . just for fun they also partially fill out the form , although you probably wouldn ' t want this .
your dad probably isn ' t talking to you because he doesn ' t want to say anything to hurt you . he ' s probably more pissed at himself , because he should have known better than to put a teenager who thinks he ' s invincible behind the wheel of a porsche .
the simplest way to think about it is microsoft having a " monopoly " on the 360 . if you wanna play 360 games , you have to play it on the xbox 360 , you have to pay for xbox live to go online , etc . they have absolutely no reason to fix anything because a lot of their customer base is willing to put up with their shoddy hardware and buy multiple 360s for when one goes down . microsoft then turns that into good pr by bragging about their sales numbers . good for microsoft , bad for the consumer .
i ' m surely not accountable for [ the faults of the catholic church ] after 500 years of separation . i never said or suggested otherwise . i merely suggested that you share that history , like it or not , and that your particular branch of christianity came out of that tradition , for all its faults . most likely , you ' d have been a catholic at the times of each of these past discretions , but that ' s not especially important ; i just want protestants to stop trying to pretend they ' re that different from catholics . whether you believe in the supernatural events or not is non sequitur to the historical fact of the person . that ' s not what non sequitur means or does . if anything , bringing up the divinity or miracles attributed to christ counts as a red herring in this discussion , but even then that charge is limp , due to the fact that i explicitly stated that i have no difficulty acknowledging that any number of guys named after joshua existed in or around jerusalem in the first century ce . as i said , that ' s not a problem ; it ' s when divinity and miracles come into the picture that the problem rises , and due to the fact that those are not as easily separable as you might think from the legend of jesus , some of the stories found in the synoptics are suspect , even where they don ' t get into divinity or assert miracles . recognize that there are four different questions being asked when you wonder if i accept the historical existence of jesus : 1 . did a person with the name jesus ( yeshua , yehoshua , joshua , etc . ) exist in the early first century ce ? 2 . did a person with the name jesus and as roughly described ( sans divinity and miracle claims ) in the new testament exist in the early first century ce ? 3 . did a person with the name jesus and more or less as described in the new testament exist in the early first century ce ? 4 . did a person with the name jesus and exactly as described in the new testament exist in the early first century ce ? i understand fully that this question is meant to worry about the first two versions , but the first version is pretty uninteresting - - that ' s like asking if somebody named steve existed in the early 21st century in america . yeah . the second question gets a bit more interesting , but the answer gets more nuanced : insofar as a ' steve ' existed in the early 21st century , and he bussed tables , played bass in a local band , had a handful of friends and even a decent following for his weekend gigs - - and i can assert with confidence that at least a few such steves exist in nyc right now - - it is unclear to just what extent i should say that the steves who exist and fit my description are the same ones described in a book i find two thousand years later . this is where the nuance comes in . while i will grant the existence of one or even up to five steve - the - bassist / - busboys , i will remain skeptical as to the existence of a steve - the - bassist / - busboy who was honored in an impromptu parade through manhattan . if i read a story about that steve , it ' s not clear that it ' s the same as any of the five steves whose existence i ' ve accepted - - indeed , it seems like it ' s a different steve entirely . i ' m inclined to say that while the impromptu - parade - steve is modeled after an existing steve , he ' s nonetheless fictional ( assuming i ' m correct in my skepticism ) . this is my response to question # 2 ; i accept the uninteresting existence of several jesuses , but the one around whom the legend is built is probably a fictional embellishment of an existing person , and i don ' t know just where the truth lies . now , i know you ' re not interested in versions # 3 and # 4 , but to give them brief treatment , if i am skeptical as to the veracity of the tales in the non divine / miraculous portions , then hell yes i ' m skeptical with respect to the magic . so again , i accept the uninteresting existence of various jesuses . that ' s easy . i become more and more skeptical the more you insist that his life matches with the depictions in the synoptics . joshua is not the same . sure it is . as i understand it , it ' s basically the difference between " stephen " and " steven . " they ' re both steves .
if you don ' t see him succeeding at earning your vote , fair enough i suppose . if you don ' t see him trying , you ' re not looking . for one thing , he just released this and several other videos full of the accomplishments he ' s running on , most of them being , by any reasonable standard , pretty liberal . http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 1wbqe - wvk9e ( the video in question )
oh ! something new everyday ! i didn ' t know that was a possible meaning for " womanism " - - looks like we ' re both a bit off , at least compared to what wikipedia says : http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / womanism while feminism certainly did start off as seeking equality , it has developed beyond that into a much more complex political and academic tool .
look at a comment i replied to further down the thread where a guy is getting upvoted for saying " religious people deserve to be laughed at because their beliefs are laughable " . http : / / www . reddit . com / r / science / comments / t02q0 / highly _ religious _ people _ are _ less _ motivated _ by / c4igoap
hey , it never hurts to have a huge siren go off when someone enters unannounced . at least it ' ll cut down on the time they have to ransack the place . if you ' ve had good experiences with oakley , stick with them . protelec and xl are two other reputable companies .
keep me posted . or reply in a pm . i ' m just trying to figure out what it ' s like out there for the brave females who choose to post . i guess i could fake one , but i ' d rather not ruin the integrity of the whole thing .
they may be assuming the same thing you are . . . you haven ' t asked for their number so maybe you don ' t want it . but the other post is a good plan . you could also , need help studying , or want to borrow a book , etc . you can come up with a million reasons to want to text someone . do you have fb ? lots of people have their numbers in their info . that ' s also a good way to meet up with your friends . write on their walls . you can just say , " do you have a fb ? " and then send them a friend request .
i have enjoyed the survival mode ( though i would prefer if it was 4 player ) and managed to get to level 15 on every map but the reason i like zombies is actually the opposite to why you like survival , i like to get away from the war setting and get a bit silly with perks and pack a punched guns but hey each to their own : - )
it ' s a bit hard to see at this piture quality , it looks like it might have some sort of pattern ? but i can ' t tell . from the arm on the left , it looks like the sleeves might be a bit short , since i cannot see it .
( page 8 ) [ question ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4ihnu3 ? context = 1 ) ( theunoriginal ) : why do i have to hold left trigger to grind on trees . ಠ \ _ ಠ [ answer ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4iic1m ? context = 1 ) ( kingbitty ) : yeah , connor and i went back and forth on this a bunch . trees just never fit well in our grinding tech , we probably shouldnt have had them at all . they really are more of a sim snowboarding standard than something that belongs in ssx . unless they are giant , mutant bent up redwoods or something . i know they can cause some headaches and frustrations in the rockies . sorry dude . [ question ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4ihm0h ? context = 1 ) ( savourylobster ) : i ' d love to know if there is any chance you guys will create a realistic snowboarding game . shaun white did not come close to making a realistic snowboard experience and , stoked , both big air and original were not fun . maybe a game mode or something to turn off uber tricks and spin and flip a bit slower ? i understand cuz from skate was on the ssx team so he would be a great help in creating a realistic snowboard game with the same design as skate . i know many other snowboarders would love to hear your opinion on this . [ answer ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4iicpp ? context = 1 ) ( kingbitty ) : i don ' t think we would ever turn ssx into a sim snowboarding game , but we certainly have the core tech to build an awesome one . no plans to do so at this time though as far as i am aware . [ question ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4ii86g ? context = 1 ) ( zahaha ) : hey todd , whats your favorite color ? [ answer ] ( / r / iama / comments / t09os / _ / c4iikz1 ? context = 1 ) ( kingbitty ) : black
if i lived closer , i ' d go all the time . they are playing the pawsox game on nesn thursday though , and i ' ll probably watch it just to get my baseball fix . i live in ct and the twins aa team plays here , i go to games . i got a season pass a few years back and went to maybe 10 - 12 games with my buddy . it was good fun .
take this to / r / drugs please . ( or hell , there is this neat thing called [ google ] ( http : / / lmgtfy . com / ? q = nitrous + without + a + cracker ) ) but basically no , without a cracker you are at a loss , some try to crack inside a balloon but that ' s hit - and - miss and dodgy as hell . save them and invest , it ' s a one - off payment if you treat it well .
i say this might be really great for the games industry , for it allows a successful lead designer to teach a newer generation . this not only allows for the students to learn what is taught , but innovate and incorporate their own ideas into was is already so successful . or i could be just wrong and nothing really comes out of this .
i have two more weeks and can ' t wait to find out what it is . i have a feeling it ' s a boy so we ' ll see . we did a baby pool where family and friends can guess the gender , due date , weight , hair / eye color , etc . it ' s pretty cool . it ' ll be neat to see who gets closest to how the baby will come out .
when my daughter was a new driver she totaled my car . when i got to to scene and talked to the police officer on the scene he told me that she was convinced that " i was going to kill her " . i went over to her and asked what happened and she told me that there was a fly in the car and she was trying to swat it and hit a tree . i told her " that that little bastard better be dead ! " . then i told her that a lot of young drivers dont survive their first accidents , and the most important things were that she did survive and that she learns from it . that she learns that driving means total attention all the time . that was 19 years ago and she ' s been an excellent driver since that day . your dad will get over this . learn from it , and be a better driver in the future . even your dad knows that your life if more important than a porche .
let me revise your assumptions . this is how good christians work . reasons include : the person is in need , god ' s word says to help others , you had some spare money / time / etc that must have been from god for exactly that purpose . valid reasons to not help : the person has requested that you cease helping . invalid reasons to not help : different beliefs , different lifestyle , different opinions , fear of prosecution , fear of persecution .
lol once at a self checkout when i was baked and i was trying to buy a dozen donuts but i forgot i didn ' t have cash and sat there staring at the thing for 5 minutes trying to remember my debit card number till i just kinda gave up and left the donuts .
on every single game i ' ve ever played . don ' t know if my monitors fault or my graphics card . never really care to find out anyways , i just turn on vsync and it ' s alll goooood . don ' t know why people turn if off anyways . if my screens refresh rate is 60hz then it isn ' t going to be able to render more than 60fps even if it wanted to . do people that turn it off just enjoy seeing " 100 + fps " in the corner ?
could you imagine being her ? you have to live a life of secrecy to avoid the life of fame . kind of shitty if you ask me . trying to live a normal life but everyone would immediately attempt to get into your life if you revealed your identity .
yes , they are also known as full - fare tickets , as opposed to the discounted tickets that most people use . look for y - class , c - class , j - class or f - class tickets , but be prepared to be shocked at the price .
there was a fire in my building . as there are many elderly people living here , i went around and banged on doors to make sure everyone was out . i helped the old ladies through the smoke to the stairwell and told them i would be back to help if they couldn ' t make it down the stairs . when i did come back ( after checking all the suites ) i found a chinese man shoving them forward in his haste to get down the steps . things got violent .
i tried but we need to upvote this in [ r / politics ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / politics / comments / t0k5c / almost _ 50 _ of _ inmates _ with _ a _ particular _ offense / ) or it will get buried . edit : stalled with 3 upvotes
i mean , the issue is that unless you are lucky enough to have rafters and studs in the perfect place , it simply cannot be done . which i assume is why there is no off the shelf option , you ' d have to fabricate it yourself .
did a 300 mile bike training camp in the shenandoah mountains ! got rained out during the second day and i really wanted to crack 300 total for the long weekend so i ended up doing 142 miles on the last day ! ridewithgps link here : http : / / ridewithgps . com / trips / 619291
correct but scyther doesn ' t actually fly into the air . it uses it to hover and generally be a speedy badass . most flying types that can ' t use the fly hm are as such . i ' m pretty sure the hm thing is game stuff . not to be taken as lore ( as in they can ' t do it without the hm ) . like certain pokemon can ' t use cut unless taught ? really ? : /
it ' s why me3 was the weakest of the mes even disregarding the ending . kai leng and the illusive man suffered much to strongly from " plot related absurd abilities " . oh , i ' ll stop all bullets using biotic powers . oh , i ' ll get in this really hard to get to location super easily . oh , you can ' t stop me now because it ' s not in the plot but even though you ' re doing well against me i ' ll make it seem like i ' m a god and you ' re an ant . gagh .
krugman wants our debt to go to 130 % of gdp . . . . our credit rating was reduced from aa + to aa because we hit 100 % . the only reason our dollar is not toilet paper is because the world desperately hangs on to it for the world reserve currency . the credit rating should be much lower but , regardless , the minute the world starts to lose confidence in our dollar ( i . e . like the housing bubble ) , the entire foundation of the u . s . economy will collapse . just remember , krugman did not predict the housing bubble . ron paul did in 2002 .
well having a shitty pc didn ' t stop me from playing games . i find that anything 15 fps and above is doable to a certain extent . and then i got a nice laptop with a half decent gpu . seriously , if you ' re playing assassins creed and blowing up your computer , get a new one when you can . a decent custom build ( 600 $ ) will last a while .
a pokemon that you will search all your life for , and when you will find it , it will be wrong nature , it will be awfull . however , you got 1 / 8192 chances to find one , and 1 / 8192 that it will be the one you wanted . good hunt .
you should change it too , asked my parents for a $ 2000 dollar computer they bought one i didn ' t want then your parents could make a meme using insanity wolf kid wants to see violence on computer rip his eyelids off with dvd drive
hahaha , omg , this happened at the mcd ' s where i live xd friend of a friend is the girl in the picture . and this guy is in a band ! [ link ] ( http : / / www . parkbandmusic . com / fr _ home . cfm )
maybe you arent solidified in your own views , but you repeatedly cited campaign contributions as a source of your displeasure with politics . for example , you said : if they got a greater return from investing in people and research than purchasing politicians , then the rational decision would be invest in where the greatest return is . as it is now , it ' s about 1000 : 1 return if you " contribute " to a campaign . there is no other opportunity on the planet that gives you that sort of return on your money . that would suggest there should be some limitation on campaign contributions to prevent that sort of corruption , but then you say : i should be able to donate my money to groups that will agitate and advocate on my behalf . donating money to a group or politician is a campaign contribution though , right ? so where is the limit that you previously suggested should be in place in order to prevent your cited 1000 : 1 return that comes from purchasing access and the inevitable kickback that comes via contributions ? how is expressing my political views " controlling elections " ? money is controlling elections , not political views . money flows to both parties , this is why politicians pander to those with the most money and why , for example , banks throw plenty of campaign contributions to both sides , insuring favorable treatment regardless of who the figurehead is in power . how is me running a political ad controlling an election ? because unlimited ads means politics go to the highest bidder . most people get their political information from the media , unlimited money pouring into political ads means the office goes to whoever spends the most . this is partially why presidential elections are now costing over $ 1 billion , and why the media is greatly in favor of heavily divise and outrageous showbusiness politics .
sorry . it didn ' t have a print date . it said it was made in ontario , california by some baptist church . best of luck to getting to your sister - in - law though . i live in the bible belt , so i know how hard it is to talk to very religious people .
i was at my husband ' s cousin ' s son ' s birthday party . it get ' s chilly . cousin ' s wife gives me a jacket . hours later , my husband and i leave . a few blocks down the road i realize i ' m still wearing the jacket . i run back inside to drop off the coat , the wife catches me , she is with her friend . they mention that we should meet up despite friend saying she doesn ' t have a significant other to bring . i say , " if i get drunk enough , who knows . " i meant to say , " if we ' re drunk , who cares ? " now she thinks i want a threesome . didn ' t realize how it sounded until i left and now i don ' t know how the bring it up without being weird .
its combat is a little different from skyrim but about the same idea , with morrowind being a little less interactive or animated , but it is harder in morrowind where skills , perks , and potions / drugs make a bigger difference .
it does not eliminate the theory agreed or the assumption which assumption ? and what do you mean by " it eliminates " ? your grammar is strange . if you had the assumption that 5d alien entities exist , then you should apply occam ' s razor to eliminate that assumption . you do the eliminating . it doesn ' t make grammatical sense to say that the theory does it .
if it was a porno video , then maybe people only actually looked at the first couple of minutes , the bit in the middle and then the end , all the bits they skipped could have contained the information .
i used to watch it subbed all the time back when i was in germany . but i bought the complete 4 disc collectors edition a few weeks ago , when my mom wanted to watch it , i made her watch subbed , but then later watched it dubbed on my own and it started out ok , but then you could tell it was anime voice actors , and it was just awful .
i can see what you mean , but i don ' t feel it ' s as frequent as you make it seem though . i love jennifer hale , but i can ' t get as immersed in the dialog outside of the big decisions and combat , her voice feels like it changes too much for me as femshep .
i ' d like to engage you further on this . 0 ) with many adhders constantly complaining about motivation , is it safe to presume that there is a good chance of midbrain irregularities , and they should be considered a part of the core adhd problem ? focus cannot be effectively deployed without motivation . there are some parellels with apathy / aboulia : http : / / en . wikipedia . or / wiki / aboulia # damage _ to _ the _ basal _ ganglia motivation and vigor always seem be thought of as psychological phenomena , but it is clear that tonic dopamine has a role , at least in part , and can be addressed chemically . the question is how to maintain it / or some other ways to manage it ? i am not aware of any sustainable ways , do you have suggestions ? is there any current research ? i ' d like to see some info on abilify and adhd / motviation . ( there are some real flimsy experimental results that suggest ssris sensitize the mesolimbic pathway ' s d2 receptors , which they claim is the ultimate final antidepressant pathway . as well some purely anecdotal info on nmda antagonists retarding tolerance to stimulant ' s motivational effects ( as well as other habit forming substances ) , but seems to be helpful only with amphetamines , and not ndris ) . 1 ) selective frontal lobe dopamine agonist ? i am not aware of anything that precisely targeted , can you be more specific ? 2 ) why would tolerance be conveniently ignored ? for what reasons ? 3 ) there are other studies , that show mph ( maybe it was other stims , do not recall now ) were no better than placebo after several months . several studies with similar results , that does not sound comforting . 4 ) i don ' t have access to literature on sct , besides whats available in google / pubmed search . to my knowledge , barkley is the originator of the term , and did the original research . other authors : https : / / www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 11411783