meh , it was a frenzy of griefer attacks , and nobody bothered to mine , so many were left trying to defend against full diamond equipped griefers with sticks and stones . the main reason i appreciated it was because i met a bunch of cool people .
well to complete the original plan , in 1995 it was estimated to cost $ 207 , 490 , 000 . so about the same cost for renovations to the ralph will cost . taken into account inflation , its probably more like $ 250million currently . in reality it will probably be $ 300 million . ub would probably be willing to foot some of that bill .
you ' re tactically walking around . you are highly alert and your adrenaline is pumping . you see an enemy in the corner of your eye - - your enemy sees you in the corner of his eye . you both snap to each other and begin shooting . you - - being the more skilled combatant , hit him square in the chest . your opponent , who fired at the same time as you did , panicked and missed you , sending a round flying by your ear . 800 milliseconds later , you are dead and your opponent is regenerating his multiple gunshot wounds to the neck and chest . why did you die ? because around the 3rd bullet you traded , you started missing and your panicked opponent started hitting . you were suppressed and he was not . after all - - bullets whizzing past your ear scared you and made you unable to aim , but your opponent taking several bullets to the sternum had no effect on his aim at all . in your example , you were referring to intentional suppression . in my example , i am referring to unintentional suppression . it is my example that demonstrates most people ' s problem with suppression . i am going to make this as clear as possible - - missing in this game can and does result in winning gunfights sometimes ( not often , not always , but it does happen occasionally ) . when it does happen , it is profoundly frustrating to the more skilled player who has lost .
[ might as well link to his actual op - ed . ] ( http : / / www . thedailybeast . com / articles / 2012 / 04 / 30 / stephen - king - tax - me - for - f - s - sake . html ) my favorite bit : what some of us want—those who aren’t blinded by a lot of bullshit persiflage thrown up to mask the idea that rich folks want to keep their damn money—is for you to acknowledge that you couldn’t have made it in america without america . that you were fortunate enough to be born in a country where upward mobility is possible ( a subject upon which barack obama can speak with the authority of experience ) , but where the channels making such upward mobility possible are being increasingly clogged . that it’s not fair to ask the middle class to assume a disproportionate amount of the tax burden . not fair ? it’s un - fucking - american is what it is . i don’t want you to apologize for being rich ; i want you to acknowledge that in america , we all should have to pay our fair share . edit : so many replies . . . where ' s my popcorn ?
just be sure to add 15 - 20 % to your bill if you ever visit the states . my friend lives in florida and serves for a living and gets stiffed by european tourists all the time . just a friendly reminder : ) ( read the other comments for an explanation , lol )
twitch . tv protip : use windowed mode , much much less lag for some reason . i don ' t know why but all the old streamers on twitch say use it if you are lagging , and i know from experience that it worked wonders for me .
i use a program called [ little sound dj ( lsdj ) ] ( http : / / littlesounddj . com / lsd / ) that lets me write music on the game boy . i have a usb cart that i load the program onto , pop it into the game boy and you have an instant 8 - bit music station . you can load samples into lsdj as well , which is why there are vocal snippets , pianos , etc , though the game boy crushes them down to 4 bit samples , haha . so everything you hear is coming from one original nintendo game boy . it ' s super fun if you like 8 - bit sounds .
being forced to go to church doesn ' t have to be terrible , depending on how it happens exactly : my father was catholic and insisted i go to church until i was 18 ( at which point i told him i was finished and stopped going ) . but he allowed me to attend a different mass than he did . he went at 9 , i think , and there was another at 11 , so i was allowed to sleep in a bit . so from age 13 or 14 until i was 18 , ( we ' re talking about 1993 - 1998 ) i would get dropped off ( later on i drove myself ) to church at 11 . then , i would meet my friend justin , whose parents did the same thing with him , in the vestibule at the back of the church - - where we ' d each stand and wait for the other . he and i would walk to 7 - 11 , buy snapples , drink them while we walked along the nearby railroad tracks , have a cigarette , and then smash the bottles on the rocks . we would make our way back to the church just as everyone was getting communion . we ' d walk up , take our communion , and get out maybe 10 minutes later , where our parents would pick us up . i miss that . it was actually really fun !
i was 16 and it felt like love at the time , but looking back at 24 , it was really an infatuation / puppy love and a dear friendship . i think love differs with maturity . when i was young i definitely was more materialistic about things . like , " oh he bought you a ring ? he really loves you " . . . again , i was young . it was butterflies every day . i never really felt normal around him . i was always nervous . it was definitely a strong feeling , but it was a first love . . . . and i think those are very special because you can learn a lot about yourself and relationships we tried keeping in touch after breaking up , but i became a mirror for all the bad choices in his life so he stopped calling , etc . but now it ' s just the way i feel about my partner . i want to talk to him , to see him . he makes my days better by just asking how my day was . we mesh on so many levels , i just don ' t think i ' ll find that in someone else . intellectually , sexually , . . . . everything i want in a partner he has . we compromise , we are there for each other , and ( important to me ) we continue to surprise each other in a variety of ways . i think it ' s everything i just described that makes me love him , but i think it ' s different for everyone .
i don ' t get why everyone thinks they ' re drug bags . . . lol . i honestly wouldn ' t even think of that . maybe i ' m sheltered . i get them from little electronics i buy , no lie . for example , i just got one the other day from a minihdmi to hdmi adapter i ordered online . no drugs for this guy .
went ice skating at rockefeller center with my new ( at the time ) husband . went to eat at a seafood restaurant overlooking the ice skating rink . very romantic , enjoyed some scallops and wine . . . left to walk nyc . started getting severe stomach cramps and had the pleasure of seeing the interior of the beautiful pierre hotel in manhattan . walked through the hall , past a cigar lounge which damn near killed me and into the bathroom ( thank god ) with an attendant . i had no choice but to let nature take it ' s course . . . many , many times in about a 1 - 2 hour span . and every time i left the stall , the little hispanic lady with the towels , perfume , etc was still there . awkward .
is the new translation better than the old one ? i ' ve been wanting to read it for a while and i was going to buy a used copy , but now there are new ones with a new translation . is it worth it to get the newer one ?
mass effect 3 had me super excited to not only see what my squad mates were up to after we all destroyed the collectors , similar to this , with diablo 3 coming up , i ' m interested to see what all of the characters from d2 are now doing . in the second game , three of the bosses were the original classes from the first game . . . the " dark wanderer " that later becomes diablo was the warrior , " blood raven " from act 1 was the rogue , and " the summoner " from act 2 was the sorcerer . all three characters had been driven mad by having to deal with diablo in the first game . so i ' m interested to see what the 7 classes from the second game become in the third game . it ' s not like i really care about their " back stories " or anything like that , and i ' m not " emotionally invested " into them either like i would be in a game like mass effect with its characters . . . i ' m just curious , that ' s all . . . so far , all i really know is that the barbarian from d3 is the same from d2 . . . so that ' s one down , 6 more to go .
i would say look into quad / multi - rotors . but more than anything i would say don ' t if you don ' t have experience . if you want experience start small and work your way up . the blade mqx should be a ok first quad - rotor . also please do not take anything big and heavy anywhere near people until you have years of experience .
people really underestimate the chi blockers . . . yeah , they have no magical powers to manipulate the elements but this are man and women who specialize in fighting benders . they hate benders so much that they will spend sometimes an entire life time perfecting their bodies in order to take away all bender advantages . they are not only great martial artists , they are fast , precise and know exactly what they are dealing with . with all that said , isn ' t korra and the other benders killing this guys ? on ep 4 when they raid the training camp , im pretty sure most of those guys die . how long can you survive with your head inside an ice block ? or how about that chick who got crushed by a huge block of stone against the wall .
contents retrospective ( 00 : 00 ) - first scaladays in lausanne ( 2010 ) , sold out with 150 attendees . scala 2 . 8 was announced . - second scaladays in stanford ( 2011 ) , sold out with 260 attendees . commercial support , typesafe stack with scala 2 . 9 and akka 1 . 1 . - third scaladays in london ( 2012 ) , sould out with 400 attendees . typesafe stack with scala 2 . 9 . 2 , akka 2 . 0 , play ! 2 . where we are now ( 05 : 45 ) - scala 2 . 10 on the horizon , basically feature - complete . - refinements , testing and release , will happen in the next months . scala 2 . 10 overview ( 06 : 20 ) - lots of work on tooling : eclipse , intellij , . . . more features , better performance . - low - level concurrency framework in the standard library ( futures and promises ) , used by both parallel collections and akka . - native reflection framework . - a few new language features . reflection framework overview ( 08 : 05 ) - cake pattern has a central role , improvements in 2 . 10 ( dependent method types ) make it more useful . - compilers and reflection are quite similar : both need to deal with the same concepts , answer similar questions . - differences between compilers and reflection : where does the information come from ? , generate code vs . invoke pre - generated code , error messages vs . exceptions , thread - safety , ( im ) mutability of types , . . . reflection in 2 . 10 , demonstration ( 12 : 05 ) mirror - based reflection ( 16 : 50 ) - mirrors return the reflective information of runtime values . - different mirrors can provide different characteristics . - types of different mirrors are enforced to be incompatible with each other : reflects the design of vms that for instance even the same types on different machines are distinct . - common supertype allows reasoning about all mirrors . implementation of reflection ( 18 : 30 ) - functionality for trees , symbols , types , names . - functionality to decompose and explore relationships between them , . . . - roughly equivalent to the core of the language specification and the core of the compiler . comparison with java ( 19 : 15 ) - java has a quite complex type - system since generics were introduced . - what is java ' s approach ? pretty much empty interfaces , no useful methods defined . - want to do anything non - trivial with types in java ? write your own compiler / type - checker ! - why was it done this way ? would have required to write essential parts of a compiler ( hard ) and to make sure both compilers always agree ( almost impossible ) . smart decision of the java designers to not suffer this maintenance nightmare . scala ' s approach ( 22 : 00 ) - unify the core parts of compilers and reflection . - compiler architecture : object - oriented encapsulation , separation of concerns . use a cake pattern in which every component has a self - type that contains all its required dependencies ( " slices of the cake " ) . - how to integrate reflection ? - multiple cakes : compiler cake ( ` scala . nsc . global ` ) and reflection cake ( ` scala . reflect . runtime . mirror ` ) inherit from common super - cake ( ` scala . reflect . internal . universe ` ) , which captures common information . - refactor common functionality into super - cake , let individual cakes handle differences ( e . g . compiler cake : io , reflection cake : thread synchronization ) - refine super - cake ( ` scala . reflect . internal . universe ` ) by providing a cleaned - up facade to the user on top , ` reflect . api . universe ` . - java ' s interfaces not enough , scala leverages abstract types to both present a convenient interface to the user and allow elegant / efficient implementation behind the scenes . reflection summary ( 29 : 50 ) - scala is a pretty regular language : - everything can be nested : classes , methods , objects , types . - everything can be abstract : methods , values , types . - type of ` this ` can be declared freely to express dependencies . - enables expression of cake hierarchies for software design in the large . macros overview ( 30 : 50 ) - once reflection and compilers are unified – what can we do now ? - what happens when the compiler itself can make use of reflection ? - it can call user - defined methods during compilation , which can consume / produce trees / types . - this leads to a simple macro system , which is included as an experimental feature in scala 2 . 10 . macro definition ( 32 : 40 ) - standard scala methods declaration with all the same rules for overloading / overriding / . . . + implementation part which points to a concrete , stable macro implementation . both have standard scala method signatures . - types are lifted from ` t ` to ` expr [ t ] ` , which can be described as an ast which , when run , produces a result of type ` t ` . macro expansion ( 34 : 35 ) - if the compiler encounters a macro application during type - checking , it will first type - check the arguments ( as usual ) , expand the macro application by doing a reflective call to the macro implementation with the context ( call site info ) and the ast . then the macro implementation runs and produces a tree , which will be taken as a replacement of the macro application and type - checked again . macro example ( 35 : 55 ) expressing syntax trees ( 37 : 00 ) - scala provides no special / new syntax . writing down syntax trees might be cumbersome , but there is actually a better way to do it without introducing special syntax . contexts ( 40 : 00 ) - a macro context contains a mirror ( in this case the current compiler instance ) that anchors trees , types which are being passed in and out of the macro . - also contains information about the macro call . hygiene ( 41 : 25 ) - lot of hard work in the scheme community in the 80ies to avoid hygiene issues . - scala ' s macro system is trivial , does nothing more than accepting trees / types and producing trees again , not hygienic . " not so good . " - real motivation for macros was ` reify ` : takes expression of type ` t ` and produces a tree representing this expression of type ` expr [ t ] ` at runtime . - for example to create a query from filter / map expressions . - see also linq on . net . - ` reify ` can be ( and is ) implemented as a macro , enables composition . - ` reify ` and ` eval ` are inverses , ` reify : t = expr [ t ] ` / ` eval ; expr [ t ] = t ` . - ` reify ` ( and ` eval ` ) enable : - splicing . - hygiene enforcement , types will prevent mistakes . - no need for special syntax for syntax trees . macro summary ( 51 : 55 ) - very nice syntax and hygienic macros without much effort . - cost / benefit ratio is huge . - bootstrap operation : minimal , unhygienic macro system - reification as a macro - code - as - syntax - tree + hygiene . - macros are a better solution than compiler plugins , because apis are kept stable . language features overview ( 54 : 00 ) - scala improvement process ( sip ) with a lot of community involvement . - sip11 : string interpolation - sip13 : implicit classes - sip14 : futures and promises - sip15 : value classes - sip17 : type dynamic - sip18 : language modularity - small additions , but interesting implications . sip11 : string interpolation ( 54 : 50 ) - constructing strings with ` + ` is very cumbersome . - embedded strings would be rather nice , but it is not possible to just reinterpret ` $ ` , because it is already a legal symbol inside a string . - syntax is itself extensible : ` id " . . . " ` gets translated to ` stringcontext ( " . . . " ) . id ( & lt ; args ) ` . - enables format strings , embedded xml , json , sql , scala , javascript , . . . just provide an appropriate method on ` stringcontext ` . sip13 : implicit classes ( 59 : 50 ) - " everyone got extension methods ! why doesn ' t scala ? " – " actually you want implicits , because implicits can not only add methods but also implement new interfaces , and in mature software systems methods exist for a purpose – to implement interfaces . " - scala 2 . 10 completely eliminates syntactic and runtime overhead of implicits : - syntactic overhead , adressed by sip13 : implicit classes - runtime overhead , addressed by sip15 : value classes - risk of misuse , adressed by sip18 : language modularity - before : ` class bar ( foo : foo ) { . . . } ` + ` implicit def footobar ( foo : foo ) = new bar ( foo ) ` - after : ` implicit class bar ( foo : foo ) { . . . } ` sip15 : value classes ( 63 : 50 ) - drop restriction that user - defined classes have to ( explicitly or implicitly ) inherit ` anyref ` ( ` java . lang . object ` in java ) . - scala classes can now also inherit from ` anyval ` ( only ` int ` , ` long ` , etc . could inherit from ` anyval ` before ) . - ` anyval ` classes have no object identity and only allow a single public value . - instances of those classes can be created and destroyed by the compile at will – basically as transparent as boxing / uunboxing in scala before . - methods of ` anyval ` are compiled down to extension methods ( " static " methods in java class files ) . - combination of implicit and value classes results in both efficiency and conciseness of extension methods with all the advantages of implicits . summary ( 66 : 15 ) - scala has grown to an accepted and popular technology for scalable applications . - development continues at a rapid pace – both at the language and the middleware level . - invaluable community involvement in refining the language and its libraries .
who cares if it was within the last year ? you could probably say the same thing about rappers you think are " good . " [ georgia bush ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 2iex5bexr2w ) with weezy ' s ambition ' s at the end . i ' m not a huge fan of his - - most of his stuff i don ' t like , but both these tracks are great .
i got suspended for coordinating a milk chugging contest off campus when i was in high school . principals are so afriad of liability they will expel / suspend someone for anything just to cover their ass . i completley believe they were expelled for that , stupid . . but believable . .
you dun good . . . in fact way too dressy & polished for the drunk tourist slobs who visit the valley . i love the striped blazer against the slate grey pants ( btw what brand ? ) . everything fits you spot on . my only quibble would be the tv fold ps doesn ' t seem to match , maybe a puff would be better . and that cig is ugly & disgusting . even if you ' re a smoker you didn ' t have to be puffing away for the shot . btw which wineries did u hit ?
[ ford also sent over this graphic showing the power curves of the shelby . ] ( http : / / autos . yahoo . com / blogs / motoramic / 2013 - ford - shelby - gt500 - confirmed - 662 - hp - love - 192449470 . html )
is the argument that defendants never use they way she was dressed as a defense ? that ' s not going to be a very accurate indication of the defendents actual mental state . no lawyer is going to say " she was asking for it by dressing like a slut . " because it would fail . but , the actual rapist might have thought this .
breathe and relax . valentines day is a load of crap slotted between christmas , easter and mothers day to make sure there is still some date of significance to keep you spending . perhaps you are smothering him in neurosis but then again perhaps he is just coasting along and not really that committed . . . it would be hard for any of us to tell but i ' m sure you can feel it in your own heart .
no it doesn ' t . it ' s not strange at all . i have never seen a single person who cannot be taught to float . almost everyone in my birth country is taught to swim , and the idea that some people simply don ' t float would be considered absurd . i have never seen it happen and never heard of it happening . the evidence ( and physics ) is very strongly on the side of " everyone floats " . therefore the most logical conclusion is that it is something solely in the minds of people who have not been taught to swim . until i see video proof i will continue to believe it is solely imaginary . evidence or it doesn ' t happen .
actually , there are quite a few firearms in nj . quite a few . they hunt deer and bear , waterfowl , you could technically even get a ccw , if you were persistent enough about it and knew the county sheriff . so , this is what happens when . . . . people are stupid ?
this gives me the best mental image . a crowded village , living in poverty . the dirty townsfolk gather around the elder . the children ' s faces beaming , the men looking very pleased . then it speaks .
no totally i do agree . i guess i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt , and i probably didn ' t act as maturely as i told myself i was . i ' ve basically removed him from my existence and it is completely his loss , if he ends up with her it will be one rocky road and i ' m already moving on . but i do very much appreciate the alternative opinion because you are absolutely right . meh , should ' ve just realized it was that easy to cut him out from the beginning . i try too hard to smooth out conflict since i ' m usually quite avid at avoiding it .
i don ' t get aggressive frequently , and during arguments , it was a source of frustration for her that i become a cold , rational , slow - speaking person rather than blowing up like she does . that is something that always gets me about other people , especially women . when i am having an argument with someone else , i think through it logically and slowly , trying to find a rational way to come to an agreement / solution . the other party almost always not only is angry and either yelling or on the verge of it , but even more infuriated by the fact that i am not angry . they will scream furiously , i will wait my turn , only to be interrupted halfway through my thought . the way i have always seen it , is showing anger is the first step to admitting that you are losing an argument . kinda off topic , but still felt the need to share .
i know for a fact i could provide reddit with more info on her ( actual name , facebook , etc ) . but i don ' t want anyone being a distraction in this girl ' s life . it ' s probably cool being eminem ' s daughter , but i ' m sure he wants her to live as normal a life as possible , and we should respect that to the best of our abilities . not to mention it would be kinda creepy on my part to do that .
if you read about it on their site , they are a group that believe in god , but did not live like they do . they lived their lives without acknowledging god . apparently they are trying to change this and praise jebus every day now . they called themselves recovering or former christianatheist . . . they equate atheism with a lack of morals .
thank you . i wasn ' t trying to blast you personally with that comment . it ' s more of a general frustration at the / r / wtf community . please don ' t take it personally . also , now that i ' m at home reading your thread at home , just wanted to say it probably one of the more original in here in a while . thanks for posting .
what a doof . i don ' t dig the high resolution screens like that . i had one and regretted the purchase greatly because my single 9800gt i had at the time had real trouble with 1080p graphics . i was like , " what the fuck was i thinking " . i dig the xps15z i got now . cool little gaming machine with a 1366x768 monitor . it ' s just what i need . skyrim runs on max settings fine , but overheats the machine so i tone it down to medium , and its glorious .
yep . the tin smell is not as pleasant as pa - kinda lemonish - but it burns similarly , and has a great flavor . i ' ve smoked equal amounts of both , and i have to say ch is my number one otc pipe tobacco . i use both to break in all my non - coated pipes , since neither blend does any serious ghosting .
they will likely keep coming back . i know that it is bit of a bother for you . i know during in my mission i took note of what houses we had visited and would try not to visit the same house twice . the problem with that is that missionaries are moved out of an area fairly quick and the records sometimes were not passed on the the next set of missionaries . as far as a type of a sign , i ' m not sure how that would be done .
hmm maybe i read it wrong , i was on the 25 / 2 . 5 300gb plan too for 36 . 95 , and from what i read i thought i was going down the 75gb limit . . but looking again yeah i think i ' m on unlimited now , for 49 . 95 . oh i see where i got confused , i read just their new plans , not what they were bumping me over too . ok so unlimited bandwidth for 13 bucks more a month , great : p .
i would say that you shouldn ' t model your show after anyone else ' s show , except in the most general of terms . the best way to grow an audience is to be passionate about the topic and make it your own . when i started our podcast : www . thenerdpocalypse . com i decided how i wanted it to sound , and went from there . if you model to closely to someone else you will end up sounding like them , which makes you just another " nerdist clone . " there are a lot of nerd podcast , be original . as far as marketing , go for twitter , facebook , and google + . tell your friends on each social network and try and build from there . we have been at this for 6 months and our following is growing all the time . its a long hard road , but constant promotion and passion . . . real passion makes things work . investing money - invest in equipment that makes the show sound good . besides this keep it lean . get a good mixer and microphones . don ' t forget pop screens . if you have poor sound quality people won ' t care to listen . i ' ve gone back to listen to our sound quality in early shows . . . jesus it sucks . now it sounds much better . side note : i see you are on soundcloud and itunes . . . great . look into to getting your show on stitcher radio . we have gain quite a few listeners from there . lastly : dont steal our listeners or i will hunt you down ! ! ! ! seriously ! good luck . hope this helps you .
just because people post in r / seduction doesn ' t mean they are going to pick up on kids . . . what is cool about that sub - reddit is the huge focus on self - improvement and building confidence with yourself .
i hate the fact that my tax dollars are being spent on things like ~ ~ the irs , epa , fbi , cia , hsa , nsa , atf , doj , tsa , dea and bop ~ ~ bridges , roads , stop signs , street lights , police officers , 911 , teachers , schools , disability assistance , unemployment assistance . . . why ? because that guy , those people , those others will almost certainly benefit from having those things . - - inside the libertarian mind
whatever , i ' ll be waiting for your placards and petitions and oh - so - nicely asking your oppressors to maybe give you bigger cages and longer leashes to actually achieve anything . the establishment ' s power doesn ' t come from fucking pr , it comes from violent and systematic oppression . i notice you haven ' t been able to come up with an example yet , odd that my strategy is the one that " failed throughout the twentieth century " when you can ' t think of a single instance of your own succeeding .
he said he wasn ' t serious about that . he ' s a normal really horny adolescent teen . i had a sister too and i remember my mind going to some very inappropriate places . we used to give each other massages and there was always a little odd tension there ( although it never went further ) .
it ' s not odd , i actually get asked it a lot ! he ' s more dependent on schedules ( ex : feeding ) , he ' s slow to respond to his name if he even responds at all . basically , he ' s just slower and less agile than a normal cat would be .
i don ' t know how much extra work was required for her to make the sale , but what you describe seems about right . she was a very oddly shaped woman , i have real no way of knowing but i would estimate her dimensions were 38 - 40 - 54 . what she had went beyond birthing hips , they were more like an ark , designed to a accommodate two of every animal . she was quite a bit younger then the average prof ( i ' d guess she was mid 30s at the time ) and so could probably relate better to the guy she picked up then the average faculty member on the hunt . though the first one didn ' t need such gimmicks , i ' m guessing assume the position worked for her 95 % of the time .
a lot of the rules imposed on the jewish community in the first 5 books were mainly there for sanitary issues . like when you had to break a pot if a dead animal touched it . and if you got sick , then you would have a " time out " outside the city . pork back then wasn ' t as clean as it is now in our slaughterhouses , pigs were eating the refuse that you threw them . it was only natural that their meat would have a higher risk of disease . jesus is here to same our soul , not our body . i ' m pretty sure he would be ok with us eating pork .
i think that the essence of brainwash is this : 1 ) we try to implant the brainwash without giving the victim any choice in the matter . 2 ) we implant ideas that resist analysis - by associating those ideas with a carrot - stick apparatus generally ( hope for something good / fear of something bad ) , personal identity ( i am a [ fill in the blank ] , all my friends are [ etc ] , i certainly wouldn ' t want to lose all that ) and / or some kind of taboo ( it is bad to question the word of authority ) . above all we try to insert the ideas deeply , so the victim doesn ' t merely say : " given x , y is logically implied " - but rather says " i feel that this is right and that is wrong and this other thing is truth " . an emotional connection is forged .
i passed out while shitting once . pants around my ankles , hadn ' t wiped yet , and just laying on the ground . i was disturbed when i woke up , but i imagine someone else looking at me would ' ve been more disturbed .
this is true . i was always really quiet and shy and meeting new people scared the ever - loving shit out of me . after i got out of boot camp , i wasn ' t so scared anymore . i stopped hanging up on the pizza delivery guy and held my head high . i ' m much better off now , and ever more confident . . . . . . . still alone though . . . . . it ' s cold in here . . . . .
hate to break it to you , but nothing the government is going to do will ever make a lazy man work harder . nothing . nor will any taxpayer funds ever motivate someone to stop living paycheck to paycheck . that isn ' t anyone ' s problem or fault than the person who chooses to live paycheck to paycheck . people find themselves in debt because they live well above their means . blame consumerism if you please , but the ultimate choice rests well within an individual ' s choices . i ' m glad you volunteered to share your salary with irresponsible people . oh . . . you wanted me to pay for it ? typical .
i was calling her out for being anti - feminist , which is like calling a dude a pedophile , i don ' t think you can say that to a girl without her saying something . but if she had resorted to the " uhm ok , so what " response , she probably could ' ve killed the conversation sooner . i ' d respond with , something like , " oh , i see , you don ' t have your sisters ' backs ! "
my god . . 3 is not female guys , don ' t let him down like that . . it will just end up a disappointment . it ' s a male and if anything a hermaphrodite . the pistils are what indicate a female ; the preflowers are extremely small , don ' t have as much of a round profile , 2mm big and don ' t grow up out of the joint . those preflowers have stems , are fairly large , and have the typical bulbous pollen - sac shape . male . sorry bro .
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : after seeing that something on the front page has less upvotes than it did an hour ago meme : angry walter am i the only one around here who doesn ' t downvote something when it becomes popular ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | am + i + the + only + one + around + here + - + who + doesn % 27t + downvote + something + when + it + becomes + popular ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) .
if you have any reoccurring payments ( gym , my little pony community subscription , etc ) then those will hit you and charge overdraft even if you tell your bank to deny all overdrafts . not sure if this is all banks but it happened to me with chase .
hey make a khajiit . they are rediculously fun to sneak and pickpocket with . they are great assasins , and above it all , you can be any kind of character with them because they can adapt to skills really well .
i think it ' s cringe - worthy to see nintendo announce a purple console and see the " gaming community " cry about it saying " it ' s so gay " or " it looks like barney " etc . it ' s like the gamecube all over again . idiots don ' t even realize there ' s a long history of purple nintendo gear . it ' s a signature thing for them , and i think it looks pretty badass . bunch of 12 - year - olds need to get off my internets .
oroy : gotta go with luck or griffen . whoever has the better record or makes the playoffs . droy : harrison smith safety vikings . the vikes have zero safeties right now and if he can contribute the way i think he can , our secondary has a shot to go from worst to respectable .
i don ' t know . . . i ' ve been putting off the research . . . haha ! kidding ! [ here ] ( http : / / www . realsimple . com / work - life / life - strategies / time - management / procrastination - 00000000055281 / index . html ) is an interesting article on the phenomenon . i also generally agree with the [ wiki ] ( http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / procrastination ) .
just googled faber , took me to this quote the federal government is sending each of us a $ 600 rebate . if we spend that money at wal - mart , the money goes to china . if we spend it on gasoline it goes to the arabs . if we buy a computer it will go to india . if we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to mexico , honduras and guatemala . if we purchase a good car it will go to germany . if we purchase useless crap it will go to taiwan and none of it will help the american economy . the only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer , since these are the only products still produced in us . i ' ve been doing my part i am sure i don ' t need to remind someone of your caliber , that the us gets the highest value added for these types of transactions , thus it benefits the us the most .
while that mobius loop itself may technically have no inductance , the wires you use to connect it to anything will , and hence you immediately loose the benefit of removing a tiny ( 1nh if that ) inductance from the circuit .
does humanity get wipe out every ice age because the temperature are too extreme ? no . there have been many glacial maxima that humans have survived just fine . while the changes in climate are quite large , they happen over a very long time . according to wiki ( [ 1 ] http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / timeline _ of _ the _ far _ future ) there will be an iceage in 50 , 000 years . that ' s not correct . orbital ( milankovitch ) forcing conditions favoring another glacial maxima will occur ( although the exact timing is an area of considerable debate - the 50ka number is by no means a certainty ) , but because we ' ve increased atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations so much , we ' ve effectively precluded a return to glacial maxima conditions for the foreseeable future . in theory will humanity be wiped then ? the glacial maxima have significant climatic and ecological consequences , but they don ' t tend to precipitate extinctions . anything that ' s been alive during much of the pleistocene has as a species survived multiple glaciation cycles . i have to wonder whether you may be thinking more of the " snowball " glaciation events rather than orbitally - driven glacial maxima .
[ this ] ( http : / / ps2media . gamespy . com / ps2 / image / article / 566 / 566899 / metal - gear - solid - 3 - snake - eater - 20041116105146898 . jpg ) is the best example i could find . he essentially holds the knife left - handed , pressed against the left side of the gun handgrip , where you would normally put the heel of your left hand . i don ' t know what that grip would technically be called .
when he nearly drowned and froze himself in an iceberg . when he first went into it and waterbended against zuko . escaping the fire temple after visiting roku for the first time . saving sokka during the storm when he was on the fishing boat . at the north pole it was a mix of anger and survival . most times he used it , it was primarily for defense but it is certainly true that it is used in rage or sadness .
yeah nothing kills the feeling of being in the most sophisticated city in the world quite like watching the straight blokes at the next table excitedly show each other the scarves and shoes they purchased today
even in your reply , stating that paul has little to no credentials , you are committing an appeal to authority . aristotle is still relevant , or is he not , because of a lack of credentials ? what about stable / little inflation is good for the economy ? that is what we should be discussing . not on who has a nobel prize . if i dared bring up my multiple degrees and professional certifications in a reddit discussion , i would be downvoted to oblivion . why is it okay for you to claim that same fallacy by proxy ?
ruling on teaching in a christian school islam q & a islam - qa . com / en / ref / 104002 / is it ok to teach at a catholic school ? . praise be to allaah . the shar’i ruling differs depending on the state of the school referred to in the question . 1 . if it is a religious school , in the sense that it was established to produce priests , monks and nuns , and it is working to establish a new generation of this class of people , then we do not think that you should work there , and we can only advise you to be cautious and to keep away from it , even if you are being called to teach other , secular subjects , because by taking part in working with them you will become part of their institution , and it is as if you are helping them in their kufr which they want to teach to the children . 2 . but if it is an ordinary government school , but has a christian administration that wants to teach the bible , and it is limited to that , then in that case there is nothing wrong with you working there and becoming part of the faculty , so long as you adhere to the commands of allaah and observe proper islamic hijab , and perform all acts of worship on time , and have a good attitude and treat others well , and avoid forbidden things , one of the most serious of which is loving the kuffaar , feeling comfortable with them and imitating them . when working with them , you should be keen to spread the truth and call people to it , and rid whoever you can of the darkness of ignorance and shirk . but if the school requires you to do any christian acts of worship or traditions , or it is mixed ( men and women together ) , or you fear that you may be dazzled by specious arguments as the result of mixing with the christians , then in that case it is not permissible for you to work there , and you should not continue to do so , rather you must leave and shun it for the sake of your religious commitment and so as to protect yourself from falling into the traps that the shaytaan sets for the sons of adam . allaah says ( interpretation of the meaning ) : “o you who believe ! follow not the footsteps of shaytaan ( satan ) . and whosoever follows the footsteps of shaytaan ( satan ) , then , verily , he commands al‑fahsha’ [ i . e . to commit indecency ( illegal sexual intercourse ) ] , and al‑munkar [ disbelief and polytheism ( i . e . to do evil and wicked deeds ; and to speak or to do what is forbidden in islam ) ] . and had it not been for the grace of allaah and his mercy on you , not one of you would ever have been pure from sins . but allaah purifies ( guides to islam ) whom he wills , and allaah is all‑hearer , all‑knower” [ al - noor 24 : 21 ] we should not forget to point out here the danger of these schools when they are opened in muslim countries ; in that case they are a tool of colonization by stealth , and an obvious means of corruption , concerning which many fatwas have been issued by scholars and academic institutions from the time when they were first established . and allaah knows best .
on your first picture - looks like kessler peak in the background to the right , and to the left ( where your pic is blown out with white ) is cardiac ridge with monte cristo and mt superior ( pictured here http : / / i . imgur . com / ef3fn . jpg ) . where you parked , probably on the right as you were driving up the canyon . you want to go right across the street to the smaller parking lot on the left - that is mill d north fork trail head . keep going all the way till you hit park city , amazing mtn biking ( the entire trail , from the road ) . edit : actually from looking at your pictures you were at mill d north fork ( one of a million trails in bcc ) if you kept going that is some great mtn biking , tons of lakes and ridge lines . ( didn ' t u say it was impossible : confused : )
going to back you up on this . totally correct that violence was essential to the civil rights movement . but i think the direct action should be taken against you and your kind , not targets of vandalism .
summer after 7th grade . was sitting with my " boyfriend " at the pool ( quotes because technically he wasn ' t but pretty much was ) . he had his arm around me and we were just talking when he kissed my cheek and i leaned over to kiss his cheek but he turned his head and kissed my lips . lasted a couple seconds and i smiled awkwardly afterwards . the . he kissed my cheek again and i turned and kissed his lips which lasted a little longer ( and included a little tongue ) . good first kiss until we were both teased to no end by the pool staff whom i know pretty well . . . guy turned out to be an ass but don ' t regret it .
thanks for the help , that is a great buy ! if i get that then i get a dvd burner for free . [ link ] ( http : / / www . newegg . com / product / product . aspx ? item = n82e16817341017 & nm _ mc = afc - c8junction & cm _ mmc = afc - c8junction - _ - power % 20supplies - _ - ocz % 20technology - _ - 17341017 & aid = 10440897 & pid = 3938566 & sid = )
fraps / bandicam is what i liked best after a couple months of trying different freeware , i found bandicam , then fraps . fraps gives better framerate , but larger files ( not much of a problem ) . both ( as well as most freeware for recording ) have small watermarks and are limited to 10 minutes of recording ( however , you can record like 5 10 minutes pieces and splice them together ) . http : / / www . bandicam . com / downloads / http : / / www . fraps . com / download . php
honestly i ' m not too sure on that one , however the purpose for decrypting the password is to gain access i presume , and if that is the case then why bother decrypting the password when you can just bypass the login via a linux bootdisk or even a sethc . exe hack . however if you want to crack the password then try ophcrack , just find out what it uses to extract the hashes then save them to a usb stick for later . . . oh and http : / / www . foofus . net / ~ fizzgig / fgdump / may be of interest
i think the fact that it took us this long to figure out that slavery was wrong means that it wasn ' t the easiest moral questions . but i think it definitely is one of the most important , and the original point stands mostly unchanged .
if you have some good classic ' thane wheels , and an ability to shift your weight well , you can slide on almost any type of board ! as for freestyle tricks , i have a cruising style deck ( kind of like a pintail , but 36 " , and with a kick tail and wheel cutouts in the front ) , and i can do all kinds of manuals , and although because of the weight i can ' t really ollie on flatground , i can pop off of curbs and two - sets . don ' t let the type of board limit you , take what you have and make the best of it ! i was convinced for a long time that i would have to buy a new setup for tricks , but after lots of riding , adapting , and practice , i proved myself wrong within a short period of time .
it ' s pretty ridiculous that he won ' t talk to you ; however , like you said , it ' s probably a matter of waiting it out . as for the marching band , i ' d be shocked if he didn ' t let you do that as it ' s a team activity and you can ' t let down your team . just try to make up for it after these other things ; maybe get a goddamned job to try to pay for some of the damage .
i was at work and suffered my first migraine . i blacked out and was taken to the er - routine mri didn ' t reveal anything . migraines persisted for the next few days , so i went back and saw a neurologist . he pulled up my mri scans and said , " that ' s not good . wait here ; i ' ll be back . " i was left in that room for twenty minutes solid , and when he returned he showed me the aneurysm . the imaging staff in the er had missed it : - / my migraines were unrelated to the aneurysm ( after months of investigating , we discovered that my car had been leaking small doses of carbon monoxide ) . that ' s the real terrifying aspect of aneurisms : generally , the first warning someone gets is that they die . i ' m one of the very - few people who has been diagnosed early ( or at all ) .
haha it ' s not really an insult as much as it ' s a joke . they hear me speaking portuguese ~ ~ they hatin ~ ~ and say it ' s spanish because its close . everytime on the movies people would call the portuguese guy a spanish
speaking out about zionism is immediately some form of anti - semitism . telling truths about zog is a crime . researching the so called 6 million is also a crime . they have locked their lies into history .
to be fair , he did call granger a young kickstarter software yuppie stereotype and basically implied with his diaspora example that he ' s hoodwinking people and getting their hopes up only to run off with the money .
i think you ' re a troll , but . . . [ grammar ] ( http : / / www . google . com / # hl = en & sclient = psy - ab & q = define : + grammar & oq = define : + grammar & aq = f & aqi = g4 & aql = & gs _ nf = 1 & gs _ l = hp . 3 . . 0l4 . 4644 . 6484 . 2 . 7067 . 15 . 14 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 272 . 2768 . 0j7j7 . 14 . 0 . _ svxqetogkq & pbx = 1 & bav = on . 2 , or . r _ gc . r _ pw . r _ qf . , cf . osb & fp = 94550080af715d0f & biw = 1872 & bih = 986 )
off the top of my head : virginity ( or supposed virginity ) doesn ' t guarantee it ' s going to be your kid . " mama ' s baby , papa ' s maybe . " plus , how long have we even remotely understood genetics ( my seed in her womb = my baby ) ? it would be better to sequester your woman / women from all of the other males , but we typically lived in groups and raised children in groups back in the day . under the age of 18 , women ' s bodies are still growing ( pubic bones , body fat , nutrition ) and they ' re more likely to have preeclampsia ( very bad news ) . younger mothers = inferior babies , dead babies , and dead mothers . & iirc we didn ' t die in our thirties ( you said this somewhere else ) , it ' s just that many more people died before they reached adulthood and that skews the average life expectancy .
as a religious person , i concur and i think the article is spot - on . i am " generous " in a very methodical way - i tithe , and i have specific charities i have researched and approve of that get my money . because of this , i am less likely to be emotionally swayed by a particular video / person / whatever . i go about my giving in a very rational way . does this mean i wouldn ' t stop by the road to help someone ? absolutely not . but i do think someone who does not have a system of giving regularly may be more easily " guilted " into giving money or assistance on a purely emotional basis .
i still think we should make an offer , what ' s to lose ? a player like this doesn ' t come around often and if we got him it would show we mean business i ' m sure the funds for him could become available because its hazard . i know its not going to happen but its worth a shot , you never know some awesome contract work could help ? i know i ' m being too hopeful ! straight to united , city or chelsea , i don ' t think he ' ll want to go to city though .
he wasn ' t a bad drummer live , but as the beatles transitioned into the studio , i felt his drumming really started to shine . the drumming on abbey road features incredible work . notable tracks with awesome drumming by ringo : rain all of abbey road she said she said a day in the life yer blues while my guitar gently weeps get back strawberry fields forever
i ' m getting my info from the same book ( among other sources ) ! i read it twice and one of his conclusions is that markets have never existed without states ! reciprocal gift economies are not quite the same as markets !
the daily mail is considered by the reddit community as a sensationalism - driven tabloid that can ' t be trusted . change your link to another source for people to be more likely to accept the presented info .
the great depression lasted until 1946 . only after government spending was cut it got up again ( together with some other factors ) . read higgs on this , here is a podcast with him : http : / / www . econtalk . org / archives / 2008 / 12 / higgs _ on _ the _ gr . html
i ' m about to graduate as an electronics maintenance technician in the us army . believe it or not , when soldiers like me are deployed and we aren ' t fixing harris radios or sincgars we actually do a lot of xbox maintenance . a lot of the sergeants that teach our classes are superb experts at fixing the red ring of death and other 360 problems . i thought this would be interesting for someone to read .
i ' m sorry , but in political discussion , you can ' t make vague claims and then not back them up with evidence . no one will listen to your argument if you have no evidence to support it . citations are important . if you see it on the boards all the time , then it should be easy to come up with a citation . once evidence has been established , then people can debate about it .
i would go with eagle rare as a step up from bt . elmer t is also great . you probably aren ' t looking for as much a step up the pay grade as much as just a further exploration of the same grade . of course i usually consider $ 25 - 35 the same general grade .
use windows easy trasfer do it [ manually ] ( http : / / office . microsoft . com / en - us / outlook - help / where - does - microsoft - office - outlook - 2007 - save - my - information - and - configurations - hp010066914 . aspx )
in the role of a landlord , she may need to . however , since he is an excluded occupier , it ' s entirely likely she could serve reasonable notice of 14 days ( pressing charges with the police helps build a strong case that 14 days is reasonable , rather than 2 months ) . what ' s more , in an excluded occupier situation , she could change the locks after the 14 days . . even with him still in the house . if he is absent , she can remove his belongings and leave them outside . shelter . org has a decent segment [ here ] ( http : / / england . shelter . org . uk / get _ advice / eviction / eviction _ of _ private _ tenants / eviction _ of _ excluded _ occupiers )
i work in labor and delivery at a large hospital and this happens every so often . what ' s crazier is when the father of two different women paces between two different labor rooms of his pregnant ( laboring ) girlfriends . there ' s a ton of jerry springer stuff that goes on , but too much of the stuff is so crazy and specific that it could potentially give away the identity of the patient or the family , and therefore me .
from what i saw , the flyers played like garbage in the first period and the devil ' s looked like a much better team . but then the roles reversed and the flyers got their shit together and played well while the devils made the same mistakes the flyers were making early . it ' ll be an interesting matchup if both teams are 100 % at the same time .
nope . why would i put that up , when i get assaulted for so many things less private than that ? i ' m sorry . i don ' t mean to be so grrrr , but this is the result of too much trolling in too short a time . i ' m not built for this shit . i would never do that to someone and i can ' t believe people are doing that to me , or anyone . i mean , i ' m looking right at rule number 2 in the sidebar at this moment and wondering what the hell is wrong with people that they can ' t just follow that one small rule and not ruin the fun for the people who want to have the fun . i was someone who wanted to have fun . oh , and now i ' m looking at rule 3 and it says to not be mean or crash the party . maybe all the trolls can ' t read , or something . fuckwads ! grrrrrrrr ! my temper is in full flare - up right now . worse than a solar flare ! seriously . i should probably not comment again until i ' ve calmed down . my mouth ( or my fingers , as it were ) is gonna get me into trouble . not like that ' s nothing new for me . gotta stop ! geesh . i just made myself laugh at my own anger . crikey . i need a fucking bowl ! but nooooooo !
much of the premise of the book takes on what we in the us do wrong . for example , going in to our children ' s rooms the moment they cry at night and feeding them . infants do not need to eat every two hours ( after two months ) and we wake them by not allowing them the cycle back into a sleep pattern . this developes a child that does not sleep at night . feeding oour kids all day to entertain them rather than teaching patience from birth leads to restless fat kids and poor abilities to sit and enjoy meals . the techniques of the book have little to do with individual personalities as virtually an entire country does it . even my french friends here in the us do it and i can ' t tell you how enjoyable their child is . give it a read and see if it makes sense for you .
but it did , didn ' t it ? the claims seem to have reasonable citation , and wasdin didn ' t challenge any of them . was he really removed from the team ? because of so , it ' s difficult to imagine a more pure act of compromising team integrity .
haha , well i really like glocks from an engineering standpoint and because i shoot them well and love shooting them . i carry a g19 as much as i can ( pretty much any time i ' m not in class ) . since a g19 is my carry gun , i have two of them . i also have a " loaner " g19 which is the one that ' s in my car . the g26 is if i absolutely can ' t carry a g19 . the 34 with the 6 . 01 inch barrel is my " plate killer . " the g17 cut down to a 19 frame is another carry gun plus it was a great deal at my old job . g34 with an additional g17 upper assembly and 9 mags for $ 450 .
jayzus . . . we have cars here too ya know . and electricity ! ! ; - ) seriously though , just pop in to a gp ( doctor ) , get a signed letter from a priest , and you ' re well on your way to living in sin . or maybe you can get them in a spar these days . . . not too sure .
i ' m scared now . internet tough guys gonna lay some true smackdown . just as soon as they put away their mountain dew and doritos . not even the doomsday preppers and bullion hoarders and gun nuts ( of which my family has at least two ) actually want the world to end , they just want it to become marginally worse to the point where they are marginally better off . you think if things get to the point at which the us dollar is worthless and infrastructure falls apart your organic backyard bullshit and your silver bullion is going to be worth anything ? there is nothing more toothless than an internet tough guy . on another note , i ' m interested what ' s going to happen once the economy gets better and people don ' t hate ceos for making money anymore .
http : / / youtu . be / qkbclbhq0py the divide ( 2011 ) survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building , where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic .
you ' re that guy , huh ? the guy who said : " but my shoelaces are crossed so ha ! " " nah uh , my imaginary gun is a lazer ! " " i ' m wearing anti - lava boots ! " " this is my house and my nintendo ! "
i know it seems a bit lazy of me , but i don ' t know if i want to go through the trouble of syncing the audio / video . if it was just a straight interview type thing , i ' d be more inclined to . but there ' s going to be loads of shots of the preparation of the food as well , far too much too sync it all : p . the quality of the h1 seems great though ! thanks for your input
i never measured the opium yield per plant , but the one time i did get this to work i produced ~ 8 small poppy plants each yielding between 3 - 5 pods ( 2 - 3inches in diameter , and green ) . scoring the pods is the tricky part . you want to cut into the pod just enough for the latex to bleed out , and the pod need to remain attached to the stalk , and allowed to wait for an an hour minimum . i would say the total amount of dried raw opium produced by the above crop was not more than the size of two tic - tacs . however , a small bit produced very noticeable effects . plus , you can chop the pods off once you ' re done milking them and make them into a tea .