i don ' t think that would work , because upvotes and downvotes are more for productivity of discussion and how it contributes to the whole . there could be a bill like , say , sopa , which redditors hate , but is still very worth discussion . and the other way , there could be a bill redditors all love , but the post is unproductive in itself .
you need to use his liberal use of firearms against him . depending on where you live if you feel that your life is threatened , like you fear that once he starts fighting you he will kill you , you can use lethal force .
you might consider checking out small world as it plays well with 3 and plays 2 to 5 ( so you could play with just your gf and when you get more people ) . it ' s fantasy themed so i don ' t know if that qualifies as " geeky , " but it ' s a pretty light game so it should still be appealing .
recessive genes can do weird things . there are multiple cases of couples of mixed heritage having racially mis - matched fraternal twins . google " twins different races " and you ' ll find one family that had this happen twice !
but does he need to show off so much ? we have a sample of one picture of this guy doing this . guys like this are the reason so many people just stay away from gyms because they feel so inadequate no . the people themselves and their shitty self esteem that derives from their lazy fat asses is why they stay away from the gym . nobody at a gym really cares about you . they ' re there to work out . if you go there , it ' s so you can work out . that ' s about it . pretty simple .
more importantly a tip is to stay off the top of mountains and cliffs that you ' re not supposed to be walking over . i think cliffracers were designed as punishment for players who decide to take a shortcut over a path .
well , i like the idea of properly appreciating creators for their work . but again , i ' m biased . edit : is that the best way to show appreciation ? maybe not . should it be one of the first , though ? in the professional world , yes .
haven ' t been through it , so take my advice with a grain of salt . i don ' t know when these feelings will go away , but i do know that the issue isn ' t just his behavior . this isn ' t a comment about your weight or however it has changed . this is a comment about your self - image . you specifically call yourself a blubbery mess . did he actually use those words ? if so , he needs a lesson in tact . if not , you ' re projecting onto him your worst fears for his view of you . i wouldn ' t call it catastrophizing , because this is apparently a real issue . i will call it tremendously unfair to yourself . whatever you may think , it ' s highly unlikely that you even remotely compare to a whale . even hyperbole to that effect is doing yourself a disservice .
my understanding is admittedly somewhat limited , but seems to me ( edit ) unlike most street gasoline trucks , street diesel trucks are not naturally aspirated ( some are twin and some are even triple turbo ' d ) and actually do need larger exhaust systems to handle the extra air that comes in . more air in - more air needs to be pushed out . i would wager if this was a douche cannon setup that it ' d probably be chromed , double stacked , and the person driving would probably have a bunch of stickers to add horsepower . though , i will be honest there is a cosmetic component that it brings with it is billows of smoke at shows and tractor pulls when the driver changes the tune on the motor to force it to do that . couldn ' t say for sure that ' s why this person has it on their truck .
that sounds like nonsense to me . there is such a thing as overamplification , where the signal can overwhelm the receiver circuitry and cause problems with reception , but that ' s highly unlikely to happen with an antenna that is not amplified . a good thing to remember is that when it comes to antennas , simpler is usually better . a lot of expensive antennas are just simple dipoles with a lot of futuristic - looking plastic , a built - in amplifier , and a boutique price tag . antennas with amplifiers usually cause more problems than they solve and amplification should only be added if adjusting or relocating the antenna won ' t solve the problem and space or location restrictions won ' t let you replace it with a better antenna .
i ' ve been there with the disordered eating , so i ' m sorry to hear that . to tell the truth i ' m still there with the disordered eating , but i think you hit the nail on the head when you said " this is my natural body . " eds are usually not so much about weight as they are control and the belief that you can somehow improve everything about your life if you could just lose that lose 5 or 10 or even 50 pounds or whatever . i don ' t know if you ' ve ever read shapely prose , but this piece on [ the fantasy of being thin ] ( http : / / kateharding . net / 2007 / 11 / 27 / the - fantasy - of - being - thin / ) was a real eye - opener for me . i ' m much better than i used to be , and the realization that it would be damn near well impossible short of science fiction - esque surgery to give me my ~ ideal body ~ really helped me not want that quite as much anymore . as for true love , easy monogamy , unconditional love - i don ' t believe in those things either , and i think that ' s perfectly okay . why do you feel cynical for feeling that way ? i ' m glad i was able to help , if only just the littlest bit . best of luck to you , op ! you seem like a neat person too , so i hope you manage to work through those insecurities soon .
what the fuck is this supposed to mean ? ! ? ! ? after sifting through an entire thread of people talking about hl ep : 3 i am still no closer to knowing what the hell these two cryptic messages are supposed to do with each other to begin with , or what they mean on their own . can someone help a brother out here ?
of course you can serialize to text , but if you are rendering and editing in non - textual format then it ' s not really relevant . we could serialize images to text just fine , but no one wants to edit them in that format , so we don ' t bother .
ah ok , that makes more sense . i ' m not sure i entirely agree with you though . fighting games were being built before we even had physics engines . i guess it all depends on exactly what is trying to be achieved . if you want the fighters bodies to deform when hit , then yeah , an indie is probably not going to get very far . but if you just want it animation driven then you can probably get away with some good rb physics and animation support .
the $ 50 - $ 80 in printed form is from sellers of used and / or remaindered copies , at a reduced price . the hardcover from the publisher is apparently $ 156 . 31 . welcome to textbook pricing . : - (
the time a game takes place has absolutely no relevence to whether or not its a sequel . bf1942 took place in 1942 , but its the prequel to bf2 which took place in 2005 , and bf3 took place in 2012 . its generally agreed by everyone i know it goes cod4 , mw2 , blackops , mw3 . . or whatever the order is . they use the same game engine , same physics , same graphics , the only thing they differ in is features and weapons availaible , along with their singple player plot .
the point of the book is to be blunt and hopeless , there isn ' t supposed to be emotion in it , the bleakness of the writing is cormac ' s style . it ' s ok not to like it , i ' ve always hated catcher in the rye , but you should finish it , especially so far in .
obviously ppd and other health issues are exceptions . but bfing has also been show to help with ppd ( releases oxytocin , the cuddle hormone , and prolactin , a relaxing hormone ) . and yes , the law is really enforceable .
i hate oxy / ace . plasma cutter will cut that bitch . as long as you ' re not trying to cut a fuckin ' sword or galvanized , you ' re welcome to come by and use mine or i ' ll offer up the 5 seconds to axe it . fellow ' 69 schwinn cruiser ( collegiate ) owner . also have a hipster - ized ' 71 varsity . if you have an extra rear fat tire rim laying around i ' d be stoked to buy it from you , too .
sure , you ' ll only ever be locked to a particular ide if they don ' t use an open standard , and the same really applies for the compiler , you ' ll potentially be locked , but only if the compiler is locked . fearing a new source code representation because the tools needed to read and edit it might cause lockdown is quite similar to fearing using c + + compiled using microsofts compiler because you might end up using some exclusive feature and be locked to it . its not a problem with the actual usage but with the terms and conditions .
i don ' t know why everyone thinks hl3 . currently there is 2 valve games in closed beta ( dota 2 and cs : go ) . i ' m pretty sure that there won ' t be any hl3 teaser until those games are about to be released .
only one side is correct , and evolution has been proven . it is accepted as scientific fact . there isn ' t any serious debate about it in scientific circles . people used to argue that the earth was the center of the universe . they were proven to be wrong . this is exactly the same . have you noticed how there isn ' t any serious debate about teaching creationism in any other first world country ? - - - i say this again . biology does not make sense if you assert that evolution isn ' t true . you can observe evolution in action with bacteria and antibiotic resistance . there is no secular reason that evolution is not valid , and science does not deal with religion . if something science has proven contradicts something your religious text asserts , you either have to accept that humans are fallible and the text is wrong , or that you are interpreting the text wrong . the earth is not the center of the universe , and evolution is a proven fact .
i honestly believe that technological pressures will change human beings faster than environmental pressures . i ' m only 31 and there is no way i could have imagined how technology has changed my life as a child . i wouldn ' t be surprised if humanity was unrecognizable in 200 years , let alone 200 , 000 years .
or it may just because , you know , there is a large gathering of people . . and they need to prepare as they do with every other mass - gathering . also , i give democracynow as much attention as i do fox news : \
flying mountain goat titan made out of granite . had dust that near instantly rotted things to a skeleton , and you couldn ' t even get your dwarves to go through the washer because they were unconscious from the dust cloud . bloody thing was basically immune to crossbow fire , and never landed the entire time it was on the map . on the positive side , it hung around the side of the map where goblins came to play from . the downside to that was when the local necromancer entered from that side and raised around 400 assorted goblins , trolls , beakdogs , and various wildlife skeletons , all of which are totally immune from the dust . the necromancer got dusted eventually , but not before leading his new army into my fort . which might not have been the end of the fort if the titan didn ' t follow the horde trying its hardest to destroy the skeletons with its dust that rots everything but bones . fun occurred shortly after that .
s . m . a . r . t . capable hard drives have been around for ages , and record all sorts of information on their own current state of decay . check out http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / s . m . a . r . t . for an overview , and seek out gsmartcontrol ( gpl licensed ) or similar to have a peek at your data .
of course . can ' t have their own hero tell them they are fanatical assholes more in like with a political movement . i liked his rant on why it even exists and compares it to having anti - golf and anti - skiing groups . let ' s get together and talk about how we don ' t practice something he says . that was awesome .
can ' t even make it one sentence in without seeing an awful grammatical error . it ' s averse , not adverse . people really are getting dumber . the idiotic youth are growing up and becoming idiotic adults , with real jobs . i ' m really noticing it more and more these days . the other day i saw " poured over the reports " and " peaked his interest " in articles on a very respectable news site . this is the beginning of the end .
my boyfriend ' s three cats do this all the time . his kitten is the worst though . if we lock them out of the room , his older cats just deal with the rejection gracefully . however , his kitten howls outside the door until we let her in , then she sits on the bed and stares , utterly fascinated .
i picked up my pup at the animal control shelter where she was given up by her former owner ( s ) . i made up a story for them ( war heroes ) to make myself forgive them for giving up such a wonderful dog .
again , like i said , it ' s not really about attractiveness . i ' d definitely say you are above average , and i ' ve seen girls with far less get a lot more attention . there are definitely less shallow guys that want an interesting lady rather than a dumb attractive one . i guess there are just far less in your age group / region . i definitely would have messaged you if i was anywhere close to your age though , if that means anything .
i understand sdlvx . but i am perhaps more cynical than you are . i find it hard to think that an organization that threatens and lies to its own citizens with regularity , an organization that has taken to basically random killing of scary muslims around the world , the organization that now records all of your phone conversations and all of your internet traffic , that blows billions on unneeded weapons systems and bails out criminal banks to the tune of trillions of dollars is capable of doing anything that we want or need .
if you ' re going to continue writing for theverge , i ' m assuming you ' ll use a computer to do so . what method of transport will you use to give the stories to someone to put on the web ? does that count as " leaving the internet " if you have recent stories on the web ?
simcity is fundamentally a car worshipping game . yes , alternate forms of transportation have been built into the game , but the proclivity of sims to use automobiles and the absence of mixed zoning means that walkable cities are damned difficult to develop and foster to maturity . no bikes either ! what ' s up with that ?
my first thought was - what if there is an accident . how many times have you seen video of the challenger explosion over the last 25 years . to have it etched in your head with mcdonald ' s might not be a good marketing move . especially with a failure rate of about 1 . 5 % .
any reason you are going with an amd processor over an i3 ? if this is strictly gaming the i3 will perform better . if you want the extra cores for something else , though , the 960t might be a good choice . you will also want a better psu . stick to one that can be found on the recommended psu thread found on the right sidebar - - - - this is what i would do if i were you . it will give you much better performance : [ pcpartpicker part list ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / p / 7yc5 ) / [ price breakdown by merchant ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / p / 7yc5 / by _ merchant / ) / [ benchmarks ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / p / 7yc5 / benchmarks / ) type | item | price : - - - - | : - - - - | : - - - - cpu | [ intel core i3 - 2120 3 . 3ghz dual - core processor ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / intel - cpu - bx80623i32120 ) | $ 114 . 99 @ newegg motherboard | [ asrock h61m - vs micro atx lga1155 motherboard ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / asrock - motherboard - h61mvs ) | $ 54 . 99 @ newegg memory | [ corsair xms3 8gb ( 2 x 4gb ) ddr3 - 1333 memory ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / corsair - memory - cmx8gx3m2a1333c9 ) | $ 35 . 78 @ ncix us hard drive | [ seagate barracuda 500gb 3 . 5 " 7200rpm internal hard drive ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / seagate - internal - hard - drive - st500dm002 ) | $ 69 . 99 @ ncix us video card | [ xfx radeon hd 6870 1gb video card ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / xfx - video - card - hd687azhfc ) | $ 149 . 99 @ ncix us case | [ nzxt source 210 ( black ) atx mid tower case ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / nzxt - case - s210001 ) | $ 39 . 99 @ newegg power supply | [ ocz 500w atx12v / eps12v power supply ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / ocz - power - supply - ocz500sxs2 ) | $ 19 . 98 @ ncix us optical drive | [ lg gh22ns90b dvd / cd writer ] ( http : / / pcpartpicker . com / part / lg - optical - drive - gh22ns90b ) | $ 16 . 99 @ newegg | | total | prices include shipping and discounts when available . | $ 502 . 70 | generated by pcpartpicker 2012 - 04 - 30 19 : 59 edt - 0400 | if you want to see the performance comparison between the 6770 ( which is just a rebranded 5770 , they have virtually the same performance and specs ) and the 6870 , you can check em out [ here ] ( http : / / www . anandtech . com / bench / product / 296 ? vs = 290 ) . reply or pm me if you have any questions on the decisions i made .
i did write something about telecommuting , but not sure you will like the answer . it was written a couple years ago and i do see a bit more telecommute positions these days . most small shops will let you work remote at least some time ( maybe 1 - 2 days / wk ) , depending on the business ( you don ' t see big banks or defense contractors allowing it for security reasons ) . there are some tips on getting a telecommute job here ( my older articles ) http : / / fecak . com / a - dose - of - reality - jan - 10 /
http : / / www . walgreens . com / store / c / ozium - original - glycol - ized - air - sanitizer / id = prod3854 - product spray it for a few seconds when you last get out of your car for the night . this has worked extremely well for smoke , but i don ' t know how it will do on oily pizza residue . you might need an airtight box to put the pizzas in . ( now i understand why i ' ve seen some pizza restaurants use trucks with little boxes mounted in the bed . )
i usually say to them " no thanks . i ' m not a christian " , but they keep coming back . all companies that solicit email have an opt out link . why don ' t you guys have a ~ ~ no prothletising ~ ~ sign that we stick on our mail boxes ?
it ' s pretty damn fun . i ' ve been wanting to spice it up for a while now but just haven ' t gotten around to it . i just installed that rail system recently and plan to do a sling and some sort of budget optic . it ' s a fantastic gun with 33 round glock 18 mags : d
good story but i would try and pay a little more attention to spelling , grammar and sentence structure . at some points , it felt very " choppy " , like you could have blended the sentences to make it a smoother read . other than that , nope .
grrrrr . this question has been asked many times and i think that its been answered before . 1 . griffon left the company to move on to start her own business , and several members of rt have gone to her parties / events . 2 . the main reason geoff hasn ' t been on the podcast is achievement hunter . now before you call bullshit , think about the amount of new content achhunter puts out every day , and they are still creating new series . 3 . on the live stream of lfd2 , they said basically the same thing , and that he was working on bigger and better things for ah . 4 . miles ( from roosterteeth ) commented on a reddit thread [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / roosterteeth / comments / qwi5m / the _ answer _ to _ where _ goeff _ has _ been / c417cc2 ) sorry for the long post : )
putting a flashlight on your gun gives you an " unfair advantage " ? rofl , doesnt putting a silencer on instead , or a laser , or hb , or fs do the exact same thing ? by putting on a fl , you ' re sacrificing everything else that would aid you . taking the fl out is a little extreme .
what do you suppose are god ' s goals ? i can imagine at least a couple . we ' re not debating the christian or catholic , or jewish , or whatever god you believe in here . we ' re debating god only in the sense of " something omniscient , omnibenevolent , and omnipotent , which created the world we live in " , and whether that proposition holds up , that is , whether " omniscient , omnibenevolent , and omnipotent " is consistent with " the world we live in " . its goals , whatever they might be are irrelevant for the purpose of this argument . one would be to identify people ' s true natures . without the ability to make morally important decisions , then we ' re left short of fulfilling said goal . an omniscient god doesn ' t need any such exercises to identify people ' s natures , it just knows . i also see no requirement that god must be active . it could be a deist sort , who creates , then just sits and watches .
really where did this come from ? i ' ve been waiting years for afican duck lips to be the new " thing " just so i can laugh at the dumbass kids that do it and then the floppy loose lips after they grow up and try and have them removed
my brother and best friend swear by them , that just seems like a crazy price to me . maybe when it is time to replace some of the new ones i just bought i will splurge on a pair and see what all the hype is about .
what i usually tell people when they tell me that is that i will respect their rights to believe but i will not respect their beliefs and i can find it completely ridiculous . they usually call me a dumb ass and tell me to go burn in hell , oh how " christian " of them !
i have a tsfa with questrade . that ' s what kind of account i ' d open . get a level 1 stocks and options account . minimum deposit is $ 1000 . just read and follow the instructions . you can use their live chat to help you through the process . i don ' t know about rim . i think there ' s better stuff to invest in but if you ' re just doing it for fun then whatever you want to do is fine .
scout : 0 / 10 . the obnoxious pose makes any judgement impossible , and nets you the default score of 0 . soldier : 10 / 10 . all points given based on nostalgic appeal . the nutcracker - inspired ensemble , reminiscent of christmasttime as a child , is a loving tribute to good days gone by , innocence long lost . pyro : 4 . 2 / 10 . too fetishist for my tastes . obsessed with " cute " items such as the sfse , tyrannus , and cremators ' conscience . demo : 6 . 9 / 10 . the color on the bill ' s hat is all wrong . engineer : 9 / 10 . excellent choice pairing the biters with the roosebelt . suggests a dedication to rustling jimmies . medic : 0 / 10 . appallingly simple . suggests a dedication to dropping ubers sniper : 100000 / 10 . hamburger face makes the loadout . without it you would have gotten a negative score spy : 2 / 10 . pairing the col roule with the made man is stylish , but utterly predictable .
i ' m just going to use your words to rebut , because you did a nice job of arguing with yourself : you initially claim that : people of sizes 12 to 14 are hardly overweight then say that : there is no such definition of " overweight " that ties it to the clothing size . so . . . you just proved yourself wrong man .
this only works if the girl who has friendzoned a guy is basically interchangeable with other women - in other words , she has no special qualities that made her especially interesting to the guy , and the guy felt no emotional attachment to her specifically . the former often isn ' t true , and in these cases the latter is false pretty much by definition - what separates the friendzone from mere lack of sexual interest is that there ' s a preexisting non - sexual relationship . which means - and i can ' t believe this is only now occurring to me - that the most direct , efficient , and realistically achievable way to wipe out the " sexist " idea of the friend zone would be to convince men who lament being friendzoned to start thinking of women as disposable , interchangeable vaginas instead of unique individuals . heh .
wings + horns , a . p . c . , creep , levi ' s sometimes has good stuff , reigning champ , post overalls , engineered garments , wtaps , nonnative . all of my favourite companies , and most of them are the ones i can justifiably purchase . if you ' re in toronto i highly recommend checking out haven , nomad , klaxon howl , lavish and squalor , and uncle otis , if just to check for inspiration . i rarely buy clothes from any of these stores unless they ' re on sale ( or if i just have money burning a hole in my pocket , which seldom happens ) . i understand completely the sentiment / negativity / scorn one thinks when trying to justify $ 200 jeans for the first time . but talk to the guys who work here , especially the dudes at nomad . 9 / 10 they ' ll be straight up with you about the quality , and show you the difference , rather than just try to pitch a sale to you . also , it ' s a good idea to just observe what looks good , rather than blindly purchase , because any of the most fashionable people you ' d see will tell you that some of the best finds you ' ll ever get will almost always be at value village or a thrift store . and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably interning at a fashion label .
ok so i agree it is a small sample . he will do better as should the rest of the team . what i mean is do we really need more outfielders ? who is in the minors that can come into the bullpen and help ? maybe richards ?
ironically an excellent way to survive that kind of situation . also , the gurkhas would consider de wiart a bit milquetoast i think . . . only two wars , seven near - fatal injuries and a few months in a pow camp ? i mean , if you want to get warmed up i guess that ' d do .
well , as i said , " personally " i feel that sex is sex regardless of the gender . if my wife and i agree to do something like that , well then maybe . but clandestine sex with any gender is wrong to me .
hi todd ! i ' m new to this reddit thing , registered just for this . any chances of some in - game badges being added in the future ? or would those correspond to trophies / achievements to any possible future dlc ? i guess they would have to be patched in too . are there any planned updates / fixes for a client - side patch in the future , or is just live - server tweaking right now ? last one - if it hasn ' t been asked - why the name mt . eddie ? were there other great names that the team wanted to use ? thanks !
the dratini ? i wouldn ' t suggest leveling it all the way up unless you have ridiculous amounts of patience . so you have pikachu , tauros , crobat , and croconaw . why . . . why did you not evolve it ? ! that leaves one space open ( if you really want to use the dratini ) . what i used was ampharos , good backup and all - around electric type . since you already have a pikachu , that shouldn ' t be a problem . other pokemon i had included noctowl and for some reason , arbok and pidgeot . i ' m not sure what your pikachu can do ; i ' d suggest teaching it all its moves and evolving it . tauros doesn ' t seem to have many good moves in gen2 . you might want to replace him with something else . crobat is a good choice , and croconaw should be evolved . if you really can ' t find something , use your suicune . the elite four consists of a psychic user , a poison user , a fighting user , and a dark user , along with lance the dragon user . i advise you to use types or pokemon with moves of those types , to create an advantage . if this helped , then i ' m glad !
you ' re telling me that when someone calls your belief system bullshit you get hurt feewings ? so let ' s take a long hard look at the atheists , muslims , jews , hindus , buddhists , and . . . and apologize to them for all the shit you ' ve given them . it ' s a two way street .
just to clarify : you don ' t want it to be gpu - bound . that means the game is limited by the power of your gpu and isn ' t using your cpu to its full potential ( granted most other games have this problem ) . you want the game to be using both the cpu and gpu . at its current state , with guild wars 2 being mostly cpu - driven , once tasks start getting offloaded to the gpu the game is going to run amazing on most every computer . i see the minimum specifications they released being relabeled ( informally ) as ' moderate ' specifications .
kickstarter may be a good option . if you present a strong prototype people will back it . not sure if you can raise enough money that way , though . " an epic melting pot of awesomeness from many games of the past . " is a red flag to me . too many self - labelled gamers have these " amazing " ideas which are really just a bunch of components from different games cobbled together because each of those components was " cool " . quality game design isn ' t taking a bunch of mechanics you think are cool from other games and clicking them together like lego blocks . you also seem like you are way overvaluing your idea considering the fact that you admittedly do not have the resources to produce it yourself . execution is what really matters here - - it ' s good that you ' ve gotten started at that and i wish you luck in continuing it .
your post does not match the title format for this subreddit . please follow this exact format : [ h ] what you have [ w ] what you want note that spaces are important . this post has been removed - feel free to fix your title and resubmit . i am a bot , and this action was performed automatically . please [ contact the moderators of this subreddit ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / message / compose ? to = % 23steamgameswap ) if you have any questions or concerns .
" what ' s the matter ? can ' t stand the sight of a strong nord woman ? " " do you get to the cloud district often ? oh , what am i saying . of course you don ' t . " i know what you ' re saying . in oblivion , everybody would be all like " hi there ! : d "
absolute same . i told my husband ' s cousin , thinking she ' d laugh at me , that i welcome having a newborn to wake up to , because that would give me something to do other than think utter nonsense or look at random shit on the internet while i should be sleeping . to my surprise , she agreed ! i can ' t get enough showers , and i think i ' m going to go for the bath next . which is weird , because i hate being in water , even to shower . thanks so much , so nice to read and commiserate = ]
bah sport experts suck at ethnic jerseys . its always spain , portugal , italy , france , germany , they serve the popular demand . there is also an italian jersey store somewhere on st - laurent in little italy , they have all the teams i think
to listen to the coalition spokespeople , i hear echoes of the republicans and the more extreme tea party republicans . all this folksy nonsense about governments have to live within their means , governments have to behave like households and like businesses , that government spending is bad , deficits are bad , debt ' s bad - all this to me is nonsense really because governments are not like households , they ' re not like businesses , they have responsibilities that go beyond . is anyone else frustrated by the complete and utter failure of the media to dispel this nonsense ? people keep buying the " all debt is bad " crap because the media continue to give airtime to the economically illiterate coalition politicians who keep spinning it . governments are nothing like households !
capital gains and sales taxes limit the ability to use gold as money effectively . why do sales taxes make it harder ? let ' s say i ' m able to buy a 79 cent pack of gum with gold . if i can do that then why can ' t i pay the extra 9 % sales tax too ? capital gains . . . well , i guess . a business will get capital gains from money too . they ' ll put it in the bank at the end of each week or whatever and start earning interest . gold appreciates just by sitting there , but is this really a fundamentally different problem ? on the secondary point , usage is also limited by legal tender laws which make payment of debts in gold unenforceable . how could it work otherwise ? suppose i have a debt to you . isn ' t it a good thing that form of payment is set by fiat ? i mean , what if you decide that you want payment in something that i can ' t easily obtain or transport ? what if i want to pay in gold you want something else ? seriously , how would it work ?
shiiiittttt thats nice . what model trek is it ? also how do you like your bontrager wheels ? im not a huge fan of in - house brands , and bontrager seems frankly the worst of them all . then again , i ' ve never ridden anything from them , so what do i know ?
there is a lot of common ground between icelandic law , and english and american common law . as i see it , this was basically a civil trial for impeachable offenses , " high crimes and misdemeanors , " in the originally intended sense of the us constitution . even though he had already been voted out of office , he could still be tried , which is a more ancient tradition than the standard in the usa , which is to forgive and forget once the person ' s term has expired . he was only convicted of the ~ misdemeanor charge , of not holding enough cabinet meetings during the worst of the crisis . to me that seems pretty fair . how could such a tiny country have done much , when faced with a global crisis . fortunately , the people voted in to replace his government , a coalition of social democrat - left - green parties , has done the best job of any nation in the world , when it comes to recovering from the crisis . not only do i think the us banks should have been allowed to fail , as was done in iceland , i think the chairman of the federal reserve and the us president at the time of the crisis ( bush ) , should have been made to stand trial before a tribunal to answer for their actions . the main problem with this is that the republicans , the next time they got power , would have perverted the mechanisms of accountability , and used it for a silly publicity circus .
she ' s quite lost , actually . she says nothing is broken so it ' s unlikely that my dog is in pain , but she doesn ' t seem to have a clue on what caused the paralysis . she even asked me if i didn ' t notice any signs of a possible disease before the accident . i mean . . . seriously ? my dog was hit by a car , doesn ' t feel a thing bellow his belly and she ' s wondering if it ' s some disease .
if its a browser based game or mobile app game with tit - based advets , its shit . a shame , really . i don ' t want to use adblocker but adds like these in the corner of a youtube are not acceptable . and the faces of people in the area , good god . eyebrows are not made to go that high . especially that roman orgy one that was gorram everywhere .
i ' m in naval aviation . still in flight school as an nfo student . the art / philosophy guys i know largely went into intel , but some of my instructors have told me about guys who have gone through flight school with degrees in art , music . . . the degree is largely irrelevant . majoring in theatre versus inverted underwater basket - weaving or chemical engineering does not make me more or less qualified or capable of flying an aircraft . having a college degree is more about showing your capacity for learning and responsibility . any degree can show that , you just have to be able to sell it in your motivational statement .
that is why matters . but to me , it was a simple solution , but just hidden to us and not the doctor . the moment i saw the man with people in his eye i knew that ' s how he was going to evade death .
to be fair , i think that gary neville is a pretty good pundit . several of his analytical pieces have been spot on , especially during the arsenal - man city match . i really dislike the gol tv commentators , so i ' d rather watch all of the la liga matches in spanish even though i don ' t speak it . however , in the u . s . espn3 . com is absolutely phenomenal .
i don ' t know . i still feel that ' s more ayn randism than objectivism , but in all honesty perhaps i just don ' t understand objectivism enough . from what i quoted , i do not get , " you can and should be an asshole to anyone and everyone , for little to no reason other than because it suits you best , " out of it . this kind of makes me feel as if it is more that ayn rand is the problem with objectivism , and not objectivism itself . however , again , perhaps it is that i do not know enough about objectivism or that perhaps the statement , " . . . proper moral purpose of one ' s life is the pursuit of one ' s happiness ( or rational self - interest ) . . . " does necessarily imply that you should do anything and everything in order to secure your own happiness / self - interest . idk . i just didn ' t necessarily get that out of the short description for objectivism .
idk if it ' s just me , but watching this movie , the quality of animation / characters is just horrid compared to the rest of the series . watching the movie now since it ' s my favorite anime , but i can ' t get into it like i did the series ( fma and fma : b both ) and other movie
best buy exists to make money off of you , the church does not exist to make money . unless you hold that your soul is a business product that you can buy and sell . in which case , i can ' t help you there .
the fact they ' ve booked you for a tour tomorrow says that the announcement ( if there even is one ) isn ' t going to be a very big one . if it were hl : 3 you can bet they ' d be way too busy with the press to be giving tours . edit : or you could possibly witness the most epic hours of valve hq before your very eyes .
the jacket looks like it ' s pulling there , but it ' s from my date ' s weight on the side of it . it ' s not a rental , and while it ' s not a high - end tux , it ' s at least tailored correctly . pants are way too baggy , i ' m actually still kind of pissed about not being able to afford a better pair and another alteration , cause i had to stay with ones that came with the tux .
exactly . too many people are caught up voting based upon a letter of the alphabet ( in this case " r " ) , that they fail to actually see what the person stands for . there ' s an old saying : " given the chance , half the people wouldn ' t even vote , and those who do vote are too stupid to know what they ' re voting for . " like everything , there are exceptions , but i think it holds mostly true .
well if the humans work together than the fight isnt too challenging especially with buffing . but on ng + and up , try using non - buffed basic weapons while summoning anyone , it makes for the hardest boss in the game even with its simplistic move - set . lightning does work on them though , makes the fight a bit easier .
i ' d add donatus to the list of popular latin authors . you can look through some of the earliest library catalogues and see tons of references to either the ars grammatica or priscian ' s adaptation of it or , hell , aelfric ' s for that matter ( 16 manuscripts of aelfric ' s grammar , more than any other oe text ) . it was a hugely popular text and it could definitely be argued that many people learned more classical authors through the grammatical books than they did through the originals .
hypothermia is always on my mind when i go outside , particularly because i base my activities around the water . in my essential dry bag , i carry a warm fleece , mylar blanket , lighters , knife , toilet paper and a cell phone . on the water , i keep a whistle and seek mirror in my pfd . i always have water on me , but ( admittedly ) probably not enough . if i ' m planning on being outside for more than 4 hours or so i ' ll bring some snack food . i try to prepare for an overnight when i go most places outdoors . and on the water , i try to prepare for getting wet , even though most of the time , i don ' t want to do either of these .
she ' s probably not a member of a hardcore / extreme church , but a mainstream religious person . those people just follow whatever is mainstream socially acceptable . look at the catholic church of today , aside from all the pedophilia they shift their views and focus to the mainstream constantly . it ' s how the mainstream religions maintain high membership . edit : notice how most the mainstream christians will defend their religion when you point out crazy nonsense ? " oh that ' s just the nutjob extremists " . well that ' s the whole thing . if churches maintained their old views , eventually the vast majority of society would leave . the extreme ones do attract nut jobs , and they don ' t need to shift their views because nutjobs are their customers .
this came to mind first : wildlife control posted some comment awhile back to promote their song " analog or digital " and so i searched for them on [ youtube ] ( https : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = bogyfayombo ) . they were pretty good , it was catchy , and it seemed as if they put a lot of effort into making their music video which is why i bought a few of their songs on my kindle .
i didn ' t intend for that comment to apply to all games . i consider moo2 perhaps the best game ever made . however , i do think this applies particularly to diablo 1 . that being said , speaking more subjectively , i would still enjoy playing diablo i and ii .
americans getting tired of it all and go out in a blaze of glory . . . shooting government workers i hope nobody starts shooting government workers . i have family that work for government agencies and i ' d hate for them to be attacked simply because evil big brother fascist government boogymen .
that ' s not what the study says . none of the following are described in the article as actually being studied . reasons include : the victim shares the same belief , the same god , the same moral compass , goes to the same religious institution , they are the same race , and straight . reasons to not help : atheist , gay , has an opinion directly opposed by the religious institution . you and he are taking a huge leap and imposing your own , quite obvious biases by guessing the specificity of the reasons . it ' s not even indicated if the broad basis that dr . willer mentions were actually part of the study or if he is simply hypothesizing potential reasons for generosity .
by recruits i mean that it ' s not difficult to get a contract for guaranteed atc . after basic you go to the 334th training at keesler afb and do sims and basic rules ( . 65 and afi 13 - 204 ) for about 5 months , the you go to your first base and enter ojt for 8 - 24 months depending on the traffic level and facility type . if you go tower , you get your cto cert once you ' re checked out in local , ground and data . rapcon ( tracon ) is handled differently , but i ' ve never done it so i don ' t know much about it . the ojt washout rate here at skf is about 50 % , but none of our trainees ever did a cti program , so ymmv .
so , western fantasy is a bit western - centric ? cpt . obvious to the rescue ! ( this directed at him , not at you ) . i think everybody should write about whatever resonates with them , and if that skews the average in some particular direction , well , too bad .
obviously the penis is stronger than the brain . and how the hell are you supposed to love someone after being in a relationship for 3 - 4 weeks ? of course you feel more connected to your ex . . . because you dated longer . but go ahead and throw away a relationship for one night of sloppy sex . if you broke up , there was a reason ( and it ' s not just her manipulative friend ) .
dammit . hulu has some very good anime , and other shows . plus , you can watch it on linux , which you still cannot do for netflix . ( that was a big plus for me ) . i guess i ' ll look elsewhere once they make this switch .
tribes : ascend uses ports 9000 , 9001 tcp , and 9002 - 9999 udp . [ link ] ( http : / / hi - rez . custhelp . com / app / answers / detail / a _ id / 278 / ~ / what - network - ports - are - used - by - tribes % 3aascend % 3f ) just as a heads up !
i just read the description for the one meetup scheduled on my city and frankly , i don ' t see why anyone would go and i understand why the attendance is crappy . what are some of the best reddit meetups you guys have gone to / stories ?
a man , not a god . this man will be a warrior / king / scholar . will lead to the third temple being built ( not a temple himself ) , lead all of the jews back into israel . will have elijah as a forbearer . [ this is a good starting list ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / debateachristian / comments / sd5e5 / what _ do _ you _ think _ of _ this _ list _ of _ prophecies _ that / )
ssx 3 is my all - time favorite game , and i love the new ssx as well . thanks for your work . i was going to ask you if a halfpipe could again make an appearance in the next iteration , but it looks like i will get my wish from a new dlc tomorrow .
i think the main reason he doesn ' t call himself an atheist is a difference in definitions . from context , what he means by atheism i and most people would call gnostic atheism , which few people subscribe to . given current terminology , i would wager that he might label himself and agnostic atheist .
i say gold because i have a feeling each treason will bring dany a significant loss . so with daario , i ' m assuming he ' s going to kill barristan and possibly be responsible for meereens destruction . as for love . . . jon doesn ' t love dany nor will he ever . but he loves ned stark and robb . . . i believe robb ' s will may emerge and declare jon for a stark . jon will know r + l is true but will stay true to his stark ways ( a contrast to ned ' s other adopted " son " theon ) and will fight dany but will die in the end and dany will lose her dragons to die alone on the iron throne .
press f11 ( by default ) when running fraps . you can set what it records , where it records to , and how long it records in the options . after that you just open the document with excel and start making graphs as you would normally , just be sure you organize and title the documents accordingly to the in - game settings they represent .
lol . . . my belly is already huge ! i ' m short , so that really helps it stick out there very quickly . i ' m not worried about once i get there . i ' m just worried about the driving there and back . it ' s a little over 1100 miles ( 18 hours of driving ) to get there and that much to get home again . i ' m just scared i ' ll be too grouchy and if i show discomfort or complain in the car then the kids will probably start chiming in , and that will for sure make my husband grouchy . i just would rather ruin the trip by not going than ruin the trip by making everyone miserable . . . does that make since ? but , you ' re probably right . if i take it slow it ' ll probably work out just fine .
yeah those people in the field of emerging technologies sure shouldn ' t venture into the unrelated field of emerging technologies . do you have any real points at all ? because your don ' t sound like you do .