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there is a class that specializes in forging historical events to help students become " much better consumers of historical information " . they make fake websites , entries on wiki while still being compliant with the rules . a student in that class posted some fake stuff from the class on reddit , and they did what they do , and proved it bogus . | 1,337,228,827 | 3 | gmu |
not cool to spoil part of the game like that . . i know it ' s early on but i know plenty of people who read this subreddit haven ' t played yet . also put some more effort into it instead of some text on a page for fb likes and retweets . | 1,337,229,125 | 4 | diablo3 |
yeah , i really wasn ' t prepared for it to happen to me . today when i went it to talk to my manager i bought pepper spray and i was escorted to my car as i left by a coworker . the guy has nothing better to do , he ' s retired and has a lot of free time to be creepy . i ' m hoping one of my coworkers sees him and we can get him banned . i never really feared i could be a victim because i ' m so tall , pretty intimidating . | 1,337,228,990 | 4 | self |
government contractor , so a bit of both . . as far as preexisting job demand , i ' m inclined to agree with you in regards to the private sector . . but i think if you ' re going for the start - up type jobs as private sector industries catch the latest fear mongering ' net defense ' buzz , then throw out as many scary sounding words as you can ! | 1,337,228,949 | 1 | netsec |
excellent question , wish i could give you the answer . i do know that the examples of cyclotrons that i ' ve seen have had a radius of only a few feet across though . also a quick google search shows that cern is working on one that can fit inside a hospital lift . apparently it doesn ' t exactly require kilomters of space to make a particle accelerator . | 1,337,228,821 | 0 | movies |
as an employer myself who regularly interviews people for jobs , yes i would absolutely expect that . it ' s pretty standard . the actual degree itself ( and even the subject ) becomes less and less important the longer you ' ve been out of university though . after a few years , what you ' ve been doing in your previous job ( s ) becomes far more relevant . | 1,337,229,113 | 1 | funny |
ditto . and if verizon changes things before the s3 release , then i ' ll be owning something on sprint . i ' ve enjoyed verizon , but blatantly commenting to the media that your company is looking for ways to get more out of existing customers is just a slap in the face . | 1,337,228,907 | 2 | AndroidQuestions |
still , while it was one of the less anti - religious episodes , it wasn ' t started whether or not that was actually god , or the remains of a space probe that collided with god . and the conclusion was " even if there is a god there ' s no point assuming he ' s going to do anything for you anyway " . this might be nice , but it ' s not christian . | 1,337,229,048 | 1 | atheism |
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : awards meme : scarecrow i got an award because , i was outstanding in my field ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | i + got + an + award + because % 2c + + - + i + was + outstanding + in + my + field ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) . | 1,337,229,122 | 1 | AdviceAnimals |
[ ] ( / fluffy ) that sounds great ! could you somehow describe the scene ? [ ] ( / sursmile ) and there are few things that can equal or surpass the joy of helping someone special to me , and those things are particularly impossible to a mortal human being . | 1,337,229,004 | 2 | MLPLounge |
why do you think it is necessary for taxes to go up simply because demand increases ? i don ' t . attracting additional suppliers to the market and these suppliers - where do they acquire the capital to create new things ? suppose the government doubles the tax rate on these suppliers - can they hire fewer employees or more employees ? | 1,337,229,078 | -14 | politics |
not gunna lie , you should be flicking a banshee much further than 250 if you can flick a destroyer or wraith 400ish . nothing will fly exactly the same but further . to get close , i would guess a halo , max , monster , ape , or xcal as discs that would be similar to a faster banshee . the halo would be the closest i would think . | 1,337,228,951 | 1 | discgolf |
the ohio action , from what i can tell , looked at best pointless , and quite likely harmful . that doesn ' t mean that other actions of propaganda of the dead weren ' t effective in the past and couldn ' t be effective in the future . | 1,337,229,132 | -1 | occupywallstreet |
forget the sharpshooter and play killzone ( or resistance 3 ) just holding the two things seperately in your hands , it ' s fantastic . while it ' s not quite as quick and precise as a mouse , it ' s way closer to that end than a controller , and the feel and immersion is way better . the sharpshooter is balls ( shame , too , the actual hardware build quality is so nice on that thing ) , but move controls are hands down the best way to control an fps , in my opinion . | 1,337,228,931 | 2 | PS3 |
and i ' m going to call out your inability to read . i didn ' t say obama passed a budget , i said he submitted one . for 2 years the house has taken the unprecedented step of entirely ignoring the president ' s budget and instead have offered an absurd and unworkable budget that ends medicare . your claim that democrats came up with something after the gop took the house is a flat out lie . congress passed a budget in 2009 before republicans had control of the house . and it ' s not the job of the senate to offer a budget , it ' s the house ' s job . | 1,337,229,048 | 6 | Conservative |
" creepy " is often just a synonym for ' male sexual behaviour i find distasteful ' . as men are required to be more rigid in their expression of sexuality , anything that goes outside of the norm is an affront to society . this includes breaking the typical heteronormative / patriarchal pattern of dating / flirting . hell , the other day , this dude apologized profusely to my fiancee for being ' creepy ' when he flirted while she danced , and he asked to buy her a drink , but found out she was engaged . women cannot be creepy because society has conditioned us to think that women cannot be threatening and are innately ' good ' and merely act bad due to corruption , whereas men are innately ' bad ' , and expression of the more personal parts of their nature to society is ' dangerous ' and likely with ulterior motive ( i . e . that nice™ guy is just trying to get in your pants and is secretly an asshole ) , especially when that falls out of line of the rigid roles we ' ve set out for men , or god forbid , men masturbating - - perhaps with a toy . of course , that also makes the line between what makes a woman and man ' creepy ' woefully offset . a creepy woman to most is a stalker , someone who wants a celebrity ' s babies , mentally ill , or deranged . a woman going : " fuck i ' d love to see what his ass looks like stretched out . " to a male gonewild poster would be seen by most as liberated , adventurous , and kinky , assuming they weren ' t prudes . a male does that , and it doesn ' t matter who views it , it ' s instantly creepy . at the same time , a man who is not sexually forward in a situation that calls for it is also ' creepy ' . thank god i don ' t have to deal with this type of shit . | 1,337,228,853 | 29 | antisrs |
no , i posted it after reading all the other comments , which were basically a back and forth about it happening or not , a series of " bush didn ' t do this to obama . " followed by the same guy saying , " hey , guess what , obama will do this to whoever follows him , " and finally , someone talking about how america was taken over by a coup . maybe you didn ' t read any of those for whatever reason , but all of those are politicized comments . the only non politicized comment was about how it was " very professional , " which was sarcastic . | 1,337,229,136 | -2 | todayilearned |
women are socialised towards a far smaller number of ' acceptable ' jobs ( nursing , teaching , adminstration etc ) . a lot of that is changing ( thank goodness ) with more men doing nursing and more than 50 % of my medical class are women . by the sounds of it , engineering , computer science and the trades are still quite ' hostile ' towards women ( using the term loosely , i imagine you know what i mean ) . | 1,337,228,960 | 3 | newzealand |
samus will roll up on stage during the keynote in morph ball form , unroll in full power armor , then her armor will fall off and she ' ll be in her zero suit , holding the gold master version of a new kid icarus wii u game . | 1,337,228,964 | 3 | 3DS |
i ' m actually not terribly familiar with agincourte , most of my knowledge of the 100 year war coming from froissart . but i think i have heard that before as well . the english were actually pretty ruthless throughout the war . | 1,337,229,121 | 1 | AskHistorians |
chad smith , john frusciante , anthony kiedis , and flea will always be seen as the " prime " rhcp ( though they had great eras with their few other mentionable guitarists ) . they recorded . . . mother ' s milk - 1989 blood sugar sex magik - 1991 californication - 1999 by the way - 2002 stadium arcadium - 2006 money [ 9 ] | 1,337,228,981 | 1 | treemusic |
it is kinda a pain to sort through 60 + wallpaper dumps . . . and most of the wallpapers in them are reposts . . . but sometimes i ' ll find a wallpaper i like in them . dumps have their pros and cons , like everything else . i think people should have more of " themed " dumps , where they do space wallpaper dumps , or nature wallpaper dumps , or funny wallpaper dumps , etc . to just label all dumps as bad is a bit too much . | 1,337,228,816 | 4 | wallpaper |
not sure why other people don ' t get the humour here . i ' d find it hilarious if i got this e - mail , most people i ' ve ever worked with would understand it was a joke , and i ' m totes stealing this idea ! | 1,337,229,108 | 2 | drunk |
i see most people are calling this a " cute strat " that costs too much compared to just sending a 25 mineral zergling away to burrow , but i think this has a few advantages that aren ' t mentioned . for one , it costs the opponent scan time or detection time and the time it takes to wait for the creep to recede if you want to plant a nexus ( not so much an issue for a cc floating in . ) 300 / 300 is still quite expensive , but i don ' t think it ' s that much considering the amount of lings that would die in comparison . so it ' s more like 200 / 300 , if it saves you from having 4 lings die . even cheaper in comparison if you usually have more lings die from burrow / scouting . finally , you can continue making the creep tumors in the empty bases , adding more time consuming to the enemy . which is what you ' d want . | 1,337,228,854 | 1 | starcraft |
there is another pic of her , and an interview about her teen years , on [ the jv club podcast ] ( http : / / www . nerdist . com / 2012 / 03 / the - jv - club - 1 - christina - hendricks / ) . i loved her episode ! | 1,337,229,092 | 1 | madmen |
she thinks that it was the schools duty to get her into law at the university of sydney . . . . . . not just any old university . as the geelong grammar spokesman pointed out , she had the marks to get into deakin uni . but , obviously , anything less than the university of sydney just wasn ' t good enough . | 1,337,228,961 | 5 | australia |
do you like instrumental music and or funny sounds ? it might sound childish , and it ' s from an anime , but this always cheers me up ! [ fooling mode ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / ujybm ) a bit of advice , though . don ' t venture out into this anime ' s other songs . most of them are . . . not happy , so to speak . | 1,337,228,861 | 1 | depression |
are you guys kidding ? ? ! ! ! it is definitely the parents ' fault for not controlling computer time etc . but minecraft addiction is serious . it is fun , stimulating , can be educational ( i ' ve learned a ton about circuitry etc . ) however , i am the first to admit that i was addicted to minecraft and it did affect my grades , and it did affect my real social life , and detracted from the thing i truly love ( climbing , longboarding etc . ) . these kids obviously have serious addictions that need attention . addiction is addiction and the fact that so many of you are angry at the parents not liking minecraft is fucking ridiculous . to the op , you and your friends need a break . live life , meet girls , get the hell outside . minecraft will always be there , but your youth will slip right by with nothing to show for it but a few creations . those kids used to play with legos ? play with them , anything to take your eyes off the screen . minecraft is awesome , i still love it , but i have to set serious boundaries for myself , something these kids obviously need help with . so time away from the screen to get the priorities straight would be my advise . | 1,337,228,941 | 2 | Minecraft |
i like t - jax . ever since he got choke slammed on that interception return i have some respect for his dedication . although i did laugh when someone said " he is a poor mans vince young , who is a poor mans michael vick , who is a poor mans cam newton " | 1,337,229,122 | 6 | nfl |
hey , so i was wondering if you had any advice about breaking into the business ? my friend is very interested in special effects , even though her parents are making her continue with some sort of zoology major . personally , i think she should try to transfer to my school ( tyler school of art ) and become some sort of sculpting major to improve her work . this is what she does currently , although she doesn ' t really have the materials to make permanent casts of these masks yet . [ here ' s some of her work ] ( http : / / wolfmistress323 . deviantart . com / gallery / 36371284 ) | 1,337,229,126 | 1 | IAmA |
i ' m not blaming anyone . i just pointed out that the team of the early 90 ' s with the great fanbase and the team of the early ' 00s with the great fanbase are either non - existent or close to that . in most places , if the team is not playing well , attendance falls dramatically , and years from now , when okc is struggling to make the playoffs , their marketability and crowd will take severe hits . | 1,337,228,896 | 1 | sports |
fair enough ! : ) i had the it guy at work block reddit so i could get my work done , so i took to browsing funnyjunk instead . the " oh stop it you " face seems quite popular over there . that ' s all . haha . | 1,337,228,711 | 1 | atheism |
that idiotic myth was debunked so long that it ' s not even funny . http : / / video . msnbc . msn . com / the - last - word / 46034360 # 46034360 http : / / www . reddit . com / r / ronpaul / comments / oltey / a _ glaring _ example _ of _ horrible _ journalism _ by _ the / | 1,337,228,949 | 2 | ronpaul |
i don ' t think this is a good way to go about it . you should pick 1 framework and spend some time with it . that way you can actually assess its limitations fully ; something that seemed like a limitation might really mean you need to adjust your way of thinking about the problem . put a few months into a framework , create some different types of sites and see what you think . | 1,337,228,930 | 1 | webdev |
some people think that a hit that pays 30 cents should take 3 minutes or less . don ' t mind them , i want interesting , good hit ' s , even if they take a few minutes longer . i think i can spare a few minutes . | 1,337,229,003 | 3 | HITsWorthTurkingFor |