from dreamcoder.program import Primitive, prettyProgram | |
from dreamcoder.grammar import Grammar | |
from dreamcoder.type import tlist, tint, arrow, baseType #, t0, t1, t2 | |
#from functools import reduce | |
#todo | |
int_to_int = baseType("int_to_int") | |
int_to_bool = baseType("int_to_bool") | |
int_to_int_to_int = baseType("int_to_int_to_int") | |
#deepcoderPrimitives | |
Null = 300 #or perhaps something else, like "an integer outside the working range"? | |
def _head(xs): return xs[0] if len(xs)>0 else Null | |
def _tail(xs): return xs[-1] if len(xs)>0 else Null | |
def _take(n): return lambda xs: xs[:n] | |
def _drop(n): return lambda xs: xs[n:] | |
def _access(n): return lambda xs: xs[n] if n>=0 and len(xs)>n else Null | |
def _minimum(xs): return min(xs) if len(xs)>0 else Null | |
def _maximum(xs): return max(xs) if len(xs)>0 else Null | |
def _reverse(xs): return list(reversed(xs)) | |
def _sort(xs): return sorted(xs) | |
def _sum(xs): return sum(xs) | |
#higher order: | |
def _map(f): return lambda l: list(map(f, l)) | |
def _filter(f): return lambda l: list(filter(f, l)) | |
def _count(f): return lambda l: len([x for x in l if f(x)]) | |
def _zipwith(f): return lambda xs: lambda ys: [f(x)(y) for (x, y) in zip(xs, ys)] | |
def _scanl1(f): | |
def _inner(xs): | |
ys = [] | |
if len(xs) > 0: | |
ys.append(xs[0]) | |
for i in range(1, len(xs)): | |
ys.append( f(ys[i-1])(xs[i])) | |
return ys | |
return _inner | |
#int to int: | |
def _succ(x): return x+1 | |
def _pred(x): return x-1 | |
def _double(x): return x*2 | |
def _half(x): return int(x/2) | |
def _negate(x): return -x | |
def _square(x): return x**2 | |
def _triple(x): return x*3 | |
def _third(x): return int(x/3) | |
def _quad(x): return x*4 | |
def _quarter(x): return int(x/4) | |
#int to bool: | |
def _pos(x): return x>0 | |
def _neg(x): return x<0 | |
def _even(x): return x%2==0 | |
def _odd(x): return x%2==1 | |
#int to int to int: | |
def _add(x): return lambda y: x + y | |
def _sub(x): return lambda y: x - y | |
def _mult(x): return lambda y: x * y | |
def _min(x): return lambda y: _minimum([x,y]) | |
def _max(x): return lambda y: _maximum([x,y]) | |
def deepcoderPrimitives(): | |
return [ | |
Primitive("HEAD", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _head), | |
Primitive("LAST", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _tail), | |
Primitive("TAKE", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _take), | |
Primitive("DROP", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _drop), | |
Primitive("ACCESS", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tint), _access), | |
Primitive("MINIMUM", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _minimum), | |
Primitive("MAXIMUM", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _maximum), | |
Primitive("REVERSE", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _reverse), | |
Primitive("SORT", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _sort), | |
Primitive("SUM", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _sum) | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("MAP", arrow(int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _map), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("FILTER", arrow(int_to_bool, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _filter), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("COUNT", arrow(int_to_bool, tlist(tint), tint), _count), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("ZIPWITH", arrow(int_to_int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _zipwith), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("SCANL1", arrow(int_to_int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _scanl1), #is this okay??? | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("INC", int_to_int, _succ), | |
Primitive("DEC", int_to_int, _pred), | |
Primitive("SHL", int_to_int, _double), | |
Primitive("SHR", int_to_int, _half), | |
Primitive("doNEG", int_to_int, _negate), | |
Primitive("SQR", int_to_int, _square), | |
Primitive("MUL3", int_to_int, _triple), | |
Primitive("DIV3", int_to_int, _third), | |
Primitive("MUL4", int_to_int, _quad), | |
Primitive("DIV4", int_to_int, _quarter), | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("isPOS", int_to_bool, _pos), | |
Primitive("isNEG", int_to_bool, _neg), | |
Primitive("isEVEN", int_to_bool, _even), | |
Primitive("isODD", int_to_bool, _odd), | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("+", int_to_int_to_int, _add), | |
Primitive("-", int_to_int_to_int, _sub), | |
Primitive("*", int_to_int_to_int, _mult), | |
Primitive("MIN", int_to_int_to_int, _min), | |
Primitive("MAX", int_to_int_to_int, _max) | |
] | |
def OldDeepcoderPrimitives(): | |
return [ | |
Primitive("head", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _head), | |
Primitive("tail", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _tail), | |
Primitive("take", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _take), | |
Primitive("drop", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _drop), | |
Primitive("access", arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tint), _access), | |
Primitive("minimum", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _minimum), | |
Primitive("maximum", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _maximum), | |
Primitive("reverse", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _reverse), | |
Primitive("sort", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _sort), | |
Primitive("sum", arrow(tlist(tint), tint), _sum) | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("map", arrow(int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _map), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("filter_int", arrow(int_to_bool, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _filter), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("count", arrow(int_to_bool, tlist(tint), tint), _count), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("zipwith", arrow(int_to_int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _zipwith), #is this okay??? | |
Primitive("scanl1", arrow(int_to_int_to_int, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), _scanl1), #is this okay??? | |
# ] + [ | |
# Primitive("succ", arrow(tint, tint), _succ), | |
# Primitive("pred", arrow(tint, tint), _pred), | |
# Primitive("double", arrow(tint, tint), _double), | |
# Primitive("half", arrow(tint, tint), _half), | |
# Primitive("neg", arrow(tint, tint), _neg), | |
# Primitive("square", arrow(tint, tint), _square), | |
# Primitive("triple", arrow(tint, tint), _triple), | |
# Primitive("third", arrow(tint, tint), _third), | |
# Primitive("quad", arrow(tint, tint), _quad), | |
# Primitive("quarter", arrow(tint, tint), _quarter), | |
# ] + [ | |
# Primitive("pos", arrow(tint, tbool), _pos), | |
# Primitive("neg", arrow(tint, tbool), _neg), | |
# Primitive("even", arrow(tint, tbool), _even), | |
# Primitive("odd", arrow(tint, tbool), _odd), | |
# ] + [ | |
# Primitive("add", arrow(tint, tint, tint), _add), | |
# Primitive("sub", arrow(tint, tint, tint), _sub), | |
# Primitive("mult", arrow(tint, tint, tint), _mult), | |
# Primitive("min", arrow(tint, tint, tint), _min), | |
# Primitive("max", arrow(tint, tint, tint), _max) | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("succ_fn", int_to_int, _succ), | |
Primitive("pred_fn", int_to_int, _pred), | |
Primitive("double_fn", int_to_int, _double), | |
Primitive("half_fn", int_to_int, _half), | |
Primitive("negate_fn", int_to_int, _negate), | |
Primitive("square_fn", int_to_int, _square), | |
Primitive("triple_fn", int_to_int, _triple), | |
Primitive("third_fn", int_to_int, _third), | |
Primitive("quad_fn", int_to_int, _quad), | |
Primitive("quarter_fn", int_to_int, _quarter), | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("pos_fn", int_to_bool, _pos), | |
Primitive("neg_fn", int_to_bool, _neg), | |
Primitive("even_fn", int_to_bool, _even), | |
Primitive("odd_fn", int_to_bool, _odd), | |
] + [ | |
Primitive("add_fn", int_to_int_to_int, _add), | |
Primitive("sub_fn", int_to_int_to_int, _sub), | |
Primitive("mult_fn", int_to_int_to_int, _mult), | |
Primitive("min_fn", int_to_int_to_int, _min), | |
Primitive("max_fn", int_to_int_to_int, _max) | |
] | |
def deepcoderProductions(): | |
return [(0.0, prim) for prim in deepcoderPrimitives()] | |
def flatten_program(p): | |
string = | |
num_inputs = string.count('lambda') | |
string = string.replace('lambda', '') | |
string = string.replace('(', '') | |
string = string.replace(')', '') | |
#remove '_fn' (optional) | |
for i in range(num_inputs): | |
string = string.replace('$' + str(num_inputs-i-1),'input_' + str(i)) | |
string = string.split(' ') | |
string = list(filter(lambda x: x is not '', string)) | |
return string | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
#g = Grammar.uniform(deepcoderPrimitives()) | |
g = Grammar.fromProductions(deepcoderProductions(), logVariable=.9) | |
request = arrow(tlist(tint), tint, tint) | |
p = g.sample(request) | |
print("request:", request) | |
print("program:") | |
print(prettyProgram(p)) | |
print("flattened_program:") | |
flat = flatten_program(p) | |
print(flat) | |
#robustfill output = names from productions + input_0-2 or 3 | |
# # with open("/home/ellisk/om/ec/experimentOutputs/list_aic=1.0_arity=3_ET=1800_expandFrontier=2.0_it=4_likelihoodModel=all-or-nothing_MF=5_baseline=False_pc=10.0_L=1.0_K=5_rec=False.pickle", "rb") as handle: | |
# # b = pickle.load(handle).grammars[-1] | |
# # print b | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) empty (cons (+ (car $1) (car $0)) ($2 (cdr $1) (cdr $0)))))))") | |
# t = arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint), tlist(tint)) # ,tlist(tbool)) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(t, t), p)) | |
# assert False | |
# print(b.logLikelihood(arrow(t, t), p)) | |
# # p = Program.parse("""(lambda (lambda | |
# # (unfold 0 | |
# # (lambda (+ (index $0 $2) (index $0 $1))) | |
# # (lambda (1+ $0)) | |
# # (lambda (eq? $0 (length $1)))))) | |
# # """) | |
# p = Program.parse("""(lambda (lambda | |
# (map (lambda (+ (index $0 $2) (index $0 $1))) (range (length $0)) )))""") | |
# # .replace("unfold", "#(lambda (lambda (lambda (lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (if $0 empty (cons $1 $2))))) ($1 ($3 $0)) ($4 $0) ($5 $0)))))))))").\ | |
# # replace("length", "#(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ ($1 (cdr $0)) 1))))))").\ | |
# # replace("forloop", "(#(lambda (lambda (lambda (lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (if $0 empty (cons $1 $2))))) ($1 ($3 $0)) ($4 $0) ($5 $0))))))))) (lambda (#(eq? 0) $0)) $0 (lambda (#(lambda (- $0 1)) $0)))").\ | |
# # replace("inc","#(lambda (+ $0 1))").\ | |
# # replace("drop","#(lambda (lambda (fix2 $0 $1 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if | |
# # (#(eq? 0) $1) $0 (cdr ($2 (- $1 1) $0)))))))))")) | |
# print(p) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(t, p)) | |
# assert False | |
# print("??") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "#(lambda (#(lambda (lambda (lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) $3 ($4 (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0)))))))))) (lambda $1) 1))") | |
# for j in range(10): | |
# l = list(range(j)) | |
# print(l, p.evaluate([])(lambda x: x * 2)(l)) | |
# print() | |
# print() | |
# print("multiply") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (lambda (if (eq? $0 0) 0 (+ $1 ($2 $1 (- $0 1)))))))") | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(arrow(tint, tint, tint), tint, tint, tint), p)) | |
# print() | |
# print("take until 0") | |
# p = Program.parse("(lambda (lambda (if (eq? $1 0) empty (cons $1 $0))))") | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(tint, tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), p)) | |
# print() | |
# print("countdown primitive") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (if (eq? $0 0) empty (cons (+ $0 1) ($1 (- $0 1))))))") | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tint, tlist(tint)), arrow( | |
# tint, tlist(tint))), p)) | |
# print(_fix(9)(p.evaluate([]))) | |
# print("countdown w/ better primitives") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (if (eq0 $0) empty (cons (+1 $0) ($1 (-1 $0))))))") | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tint, tlist(tint)), arrow( | |
# tint, tlist(tint))), p)) | |
# print() | |
# print("prepend zeros") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (lambda (if (eq? $1 0) $0 (cons 0 ($2 (- $1 1) $0))))))") | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tint, | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tlist(tint)), | |
# tint, | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tlist(tint)), | |
# p)) | |
# print() | |
# assert False | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ 1 ($1 (cdr $0))))))))") | |
# print(p.evaluate([])(list(range(17)))) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(tlist(tbool), tint), p)) | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ 1 ($1 (cdr $0))))))") | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tlist(tbool), tint), arrow( | |
# tlist(tbool), tint)), p)) | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (fix1 $0 (lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))))") | |
# print(p.evaluate([])(list(range(4)))) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(tlist(tint), tint), p)) | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (if (empty? $0) 0 (+ (car $0) ($1 (cdr $0))))))") | |
# print(p) | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tint), | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tint), | |
# p)) | |
# print("take") | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# "(lambda (lambda (lambda (if (eq? $1 0) empty (cons (car $0) ($2 (- $1 1) (cdr $0)))))))") | |
# print(p) | |
# print( | |
# g.logLikelihood( | |
# arrow( | |
# arrow( | |
# tint, | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tlist(tint)), | |
# tint, | |
# tlist(tint), | |
# tlist(tint)), | |
# p)) | |
# assert False | |
# print(p.evaluate([])(list(range(4)))) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), p)) | |
# p = Program.parse( | |
# """(lambda (fix (lambda (lambda (match $0 0 (lambda (lambda (+ $1 ($3 $0))))))) $0))""") | |
# print(p.evaluate([])(list(range(4)))) | |
# print(g.logLikelihood(arrow(tlist(tint), tint), p)) | |