<|description|>Avatar Species: Geth Age: 376 years since program's creation Gender: N/A Appearance: Weapons/Equipment: -Geth Pulse Rifle v3 -Geth Plasma SMG v3 -A combat platform with greater capabilities than a standard Geth unit. Skills and Abilities: Like most Geth, it is a tech expert with strong hacking capabilities. It has tech-based abilities (incinerate, cryo blast, etc) and is equipped with a tactical cloak. Its advanced mobile platform is quite durable. As its body is made from tough alloys with powerful synthetic muscles, it is capable of strength beyond that of an organic of similar size. It also has the accuracy and reaction time one would expect from an advanced machine. Background: For most of Avatar's existence, it was but a single Geth program, with little more than rudimentary instincts and completely reliant upon the presence of other Geth to attain intelligence. That, however, changed in the midst of the Reaper War. In the aftermath of the battle with the Creator fleet at Rannoch, all Geth were given Reaper upgrades that uplifted them to become true A.I. Avatar was given its name by a group of organics it fought alongside during the Battle of Earth, and decided to keep that name in order to facilitate easier communication with organics. After the end of the war, Avatar filled many roles. At first most of the Geth's efforts were on rebuilding what was lost at Rannoch and helping the Creators resettle on the homeworld. The efficiency of the Geth's planning coupled with the eagerness of the Quarians to re-establish their home made the process rather quick. Avatar spent a few years inhabiting the suits of Creators, mimicking the effects of viruses to help them to rebuild their immune systems. Over time, cities were erected on the surface of Rannoch, and more and more Creators were able to live without their suits, though most still chose to wear them due to tradition. Eventually, Avatar's role shifted away from rebuilding and into security. Due to the weakened state of the galaxy in the years after the war, piracy and other forms of crime were becoming increasingly common. All Geth were capable of combat when installed in the correct platform, but Avatar had a desire to help, and through years of fighting, it had developed memory shortcuts in relation to combat that would make it more effective than programs that had not incorporated said shortcuts. Avatar has served ever since as a combat platform, patrolling sectors near the borders of Geth/Quarian space, and sometimes even in the territories of other species, when requested. Most recently, Avatar has been assigned to accompany a group of Creators who have been tasked with preparing the way for the first Quarian settlements in the Pylos Nebula. Avatar's assigned mission is to discuss Geth habitation of the planet with the locals and make other preparations for the Geth. Any Geth could perform that task, but due to the dangerous nature of the Attican Traverse, they felt it appropriate to send a combat platform for additional protection.</s> <|message|>Avatar Avatar's internal clock counted off the time after the lights darkened. Its omni-tool was already active and waiting for its command to initiate the tactical cloaking program. It had activated thousands of instances of analysis programs to its auditory and visual sensors to heighten its awareness. There were currently 638 redundant programs dedicated to projectile trajectory analysis alone. Once it stepped into the room, its projected processing utilization would be at a staggering 81%. …4.97, 4.98, 4.99, 5.00 seconds passed, and Avatar engaged its tactical cloak. With its assault rifle in hand, it rounded the corner and moved into the room, sticking close to the wall on its right. The room was exceptionally dark, to the point that only those with low light vision could navigate to any extent. The only reason that those hostiles without low-light vision could return fire to the distraction team was that the hallway through the door was lit. For Avatar, the distraction was working perfectly. There were few hostiles who were properly equipped to see in the darkened room, but with its tactical cloak, even they had an exceptionally low probability of detecting Avatar's presence. It moves carefully and quietly along the wall, passing within two meters of a disoriented Turian at one point, but within ten seconds, it had managed to move into the back corner of the room, with the airlocks. Avatar's platform could not sustain a tactical cloak whilst it was interacting with the airlock terminal, so it had to remain visible in order to upload RK into the interceptor. However, since the airlocks were in the back corner of the room, and all hostiles were focused on the distraction team, none of the enemy were looking in its direction. Unfortunately, it encountered a delay when attempting to allow RK to upload. The airlock terminal seemed to have a firewall which had not been listed at the security console. However, it was an old, outdated system, and a quick search through its memory revealed that there were known exploits which it could use to bypass the security. In particular, this system was actually vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack, but hacking through would require approximately another ten seconds. The Krogan leading the mercenaries acted quickly as soon as the doors had been breached. He was wearing a full helmet, and seemed to have no trouble moving, so his suit was likely equipped with low-light vision. Immediately, he ordered a group of his Vorcha, about five or six strong, to rush the left door while their allies provided heavy covering fire. Some stumbled in the darkness at first, but the leading Vorcha was wielding a flamethrower, which he let loose towards the open door, illuminating the area around him enough for the other Vorcha to make their rush for the door as well. At the same time, the Krogan, with a group of three Turians and a Batarian along with him, seemed as if they were making for the right door to move around and flank the distraction team.</s> <|message|>Raa'Kina (Raa for short) RK --- When RK was loaded up, her mind immediately took to exploring. Promptly her 'subconscious' turned in nothing more than co-existing electrical data. It flowed and spread through Avatar like a thing with a mind of its own, prodding the existing systems and their security measures. Each time she had instinctively tried to seize control, a fire wall shut her down. It easily detoured the AI's scattered data protocol as it sought to collect itself. The best description was like donating sentient blood into an individual. It wouldn't be able to keep together and when introduced, the program's default functions were to 'secure' her environment for safety. Though RK was a computer program first and foremost, she never liked entering another system. It made her feel weaker and less whole when her original program came to the surface. Especially when there was no anchor back to Raa. It was a distasteful reminder of how easily she could be taken apart or entrapped in a well crafted encryption. Though the scattering and reassembling within Avatar seemed to take forever for Raa, it was only mere seconds to gain her awareness again. It was within those seconds the AI was left reflecting on the reason she was against this. In blunt terms, RK was reminded she was merely a machine. This was the sole reason she fought intergradation into her own body and even with her logical arguments, the truth was strictly because being so close to Raa had made it easier to eliminate her awareness she would never be organic. It was like the story about the AI who wished she was flesh and blood. When her data had collected, RK was gaining visual and sensory feedback through Avatar's. Her mind seeing through his eyes, hearing through his ears and more but had no influence over his actions. Placidly she watched as she monitored Voria's bio status with some concerns. If it wasn't for the attack, she would've long ago alerted the others to the Asaira's condition. Now it was too late. The plan seemed to run smoothly. While the others were providing the ideal distract and the lights abruptly shut off, the Geth slipped easily by the hostiles with its tactical cloak. It moved against the wall easily, keeping hunched and quick paced toward the airlocks. When he reached it, he was forced to drop his cloak as it required more processing power to keep both functions up which would slow down the hacking considerably. A fact they knew would hurt their allies' chances of survival. RK groaned inwardly within Avatar's system, both at the fact of the encounter with an unregistered firewall and Voira's life signs slipping. 'If you're having trouble let me do it!' RK snapped in Avatar's program as she added. 'Voira's currently has sustained serious internal structural damage, which is hurting her effectiveness in her primary function. In organic terms: she is coughing up alarming amounts of blood. Means she's likely got a bruised rib as I can't read any interior ruptures or overly warm spots where blood could be pooling at. After her informative input, Avatar had manage to finally break through the defense causing RK to upload immediately with a gift of her final words. 'About time. It took you long enough!' When RK was uploaded into the ship, she ran an instant check over the systems while her essence spread and infected it. There was little resistance since she was an authorized user so she quickly hijacked the ship. Her first task was to detach the stabilizers and turned the weapons to the nearest wall, her targeting systems rested on the hull. She fired four shots into it. They rumbled and echoed in the small room as they first dented then sizzled through the metal into the space beyond.</s>
<|message|>Avatar The moment RK was able to upload into the interceptor, Avatar reactivated its tactical cloak and sprinted to the airlock holding the other interceptor, on the opposite side of the shuttle. It too had the same security measure as the first airlock, but since the solution to bypassing it was identical, Avatar needed only repeat the same process. As such, it was able to bypass the console in a mere 1.3 seconds. However, it did not immediately upload itself into the interceptor. Rather, it uploaded instructions to the vessel's autopilot to decouple from the station, then shoot another hole into the hole. Before it could begin firing, Avatar, ran to the shuttle's airlock. By this point, the enemy has spotted Avatar, but few were intent on shooting it. Rather, they were attempting to run and duck for cover from RK's interceptor, which was rapidly depleting the hostile force. The heavy, fighter based weapons could penetrate through all of the cover the enemy had placed, as well as personal energy shielding, in only one to two shots. Once the other interceptor broke through the hull, there would be few angles at which they could not fire. Avatar opened the airlock, then requested that the shuttle pilot whom the enemy had trapped inside unlock the shuttle's door. It took approximately two seconds for the pilot to comply, during which time the second interceptor breached the hull. A few hostiles did fire in its direction, but by the time it made it into the shuttle and closed the door behind it, its shields had only taken minor damage. "Decouple from the station and maintain a minimum distance of 35 meters." Avatar said loudly to the pilot before its platform suddenly, and without warning, collapsed to the floor seemingly lifeless. Having wasted no time, Avatar had remotely uploaded itself into the second interceptor, which it had placed on standby. It quickly took control of the targeting system from the autopilot and, once the shuttle was a safe distance from the station, expanded the size of its hull breach to fire on hostiles that had managed to find a blind spot in which to hide. It would only take a few more moments for the combined fire from RK and Avatar to eliminate the remaining hostiles, after which the shuttle could use the sizable hull breaches to land inside the room so their allies could board. Energy shields had activated automatically to retain the atmosphere within the station, so depressurization would not be a issue. RK had focused on the enemies nearest the exit as soon as she was able, killing or otherwise disabling all of the Krogan's personal guard, but the Krogan himself had survived and made it through the right door. Although, he was heavily wounded, even by Krogan standards. Shrapnel from the near-impact of the interceptor's weaponry had riddled much of his torso and left leg, filling his armor with dozens of small holes. He was in a position to flank the distraction team, but as enraged as he was, he had no interest in suicide. Rather, he took the chance to flee, but unbeknownst to him, he was fleeing in the direction of the civilians.</s>
<|description|>Heliotrope, Helio, Heli Gem: Heliotrope (Bloodstone), located in a band around Helio's neck Appearance: Helio is a girl of small stature. She has a small frame, with large bright red eyes. Her hair is long and straight. Black in color and trailing on the floor when let down. Normally she keeps her hair looped up in braids. Her skin is white in color, with black and red markings, resembling tribal tattoos. Helio's usual outfit is a pair of red stockings under a black Chinese dress wit bred accents. Weapon: Halio's weapon is a black scythe with a red blade. The end of the scythe that doesn't have the curved blade acts as a spear. Unique Abilities: Liquidation- Helio can liquify most items at her will. With limitations to the weapons of other Gems False Sight- Helio can see through the eyes of inanimate objects, though it isn't perfect sight, as she cannot see colors or details Deception- Helio has an innocent personality, which most people find nice Behavior: Quiet, swift, serene. Helio stays calm in most situations and is able to think rationally in almost any situation. She doesn't get scared, but this doesn't mean she's heartless. She just prefers not to show her emotions. The rest will be revealed later. Origin: Revealed Later Other: Blind Always carries around a red stuffed animal of a bunny If every porkchop was perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs. But personally, bacon is even better.</s> <|message|>Thulite The pink gem had been placed in charge of the engine room, being previously allied with Homeworld she knew quite a few things about technologies and how to keep a ship in order. And this ship was not in order. Thulite wasn't sure what had happened, but the ship was going down in a rain of explosions and fire. Most of her engine room crew had abandoned her, desperate to try and find a way off the doomed ship. Thulite silently wondered if this was some form of karma. This was the fate of the universe, getting payback for all the problems she had caused it. She looked up, through a gaping hole in the ceiling of the engine room, likely caused by an explosion. She felt the need to cry out, or beg, to whoever could hear her. But she knew this would all be in vain. She was going to die, all alone, unable to save those who had no need to trust her. Thulite grimaced, shielding her face with an outstretched arm from another burst. It felt like forever, or maybe it was only an instant. Thulite felt heavy, and yet so light. For a few moments Thulite could not see, blinded in the sudden sun, and she assumed she was dead. And yet the pleasant smell of grass and berries filled her head. "Rose?" Thulite asked aloud, her voice weak and yet so full of hope. "Am I dead? Have I been...forgiven?" Another eternity seemed to past by Thulite, although this eternity lasted only a few moments. She received no answer from her savior, but her eyes soon adjusted to the harsh sunlight. She was alive, and she was not sure she deserved to be. The soft pink gem sat up, short hair riddled with grass and dirt. Her head was spinning and her ears were ringing, what had happened to the drowning explosions? Thulite felt disoriented, like she wasn't in control of her body. She took a few deep breaths, the fresh air making her feel...calm and safe. She shakily stood to her feet, brushing the dirt off her back and legs. She felt the overwhelming urge to explore, and she wasn't quite sure why. Looking out in the distance, well not even that far, she could see gems beginning to stir. She could even hear the voice of one of them, a voice that for whatever reason made her feel uneasy.</s> <|message|>Moonstone -- Often calls herself "Tsukiyomi" "MOVE! RUN WHILE YOU CAN!" The Moonstone. Always shining, even as she fought to her last breath. Blood at her side from a sword's slash prior. The eyepatch that covered her right eye had been long destroyed and lost as a casualty of war, revealing the glowing gem that made up into the form of her fake eye. With rapier in hand, the hand guard caught the blade of anther Gem before she struck forward and sliced at the attacker, bringing them to a sickening crash on the ground below. She could only try to do what she had promised: fight until she couldn't anymore. And as the rage built up with the lunatic power, she had. Adrenaline could only go so far, and even now the bloodloss left her feeling drained. The Moonstone fought 'til the very end. A blade through her shoulder, a shot through her heart, and a spear through the gut until she stopped. She didn't fall 'til the very end, defiance in her heart as she tried her damnedest to keep standing. Yet, the ground beneath her -- though stained with blood -- was a welcome rest from the battle. It wasn't long now...not many left. The end was inevitable, but it was a shame that she wouldn't be able to see the outcome that they had all wanted. Instead, she smiled as she looked up to the sky. Hey. For a moment, it was almost as if she wasn't blind. Two sides of the same sky. One bright as day, and one blurred and black as night from the vision her right eye saw in another future. Another place. The Moonstone slept. With her blood seeping into the cloak that hugged her body, white clothes stained with blood as she faded to that sweet cold embrace. A slumber like no other, with the promise of not waking up. A true peace, earned the way she'd wanted or at the very least- seemed that way. Perhaps she was lied to instead. Years of the endless sleep, until an abrupt opening of the eyes led her to look and see that sky above her once more. Was is a sick irony, that she die with her gaze to the sky and wake up the same? Body parts ached as her digits curled inwards, only to ease their tension and sigh as she laid in the wildly grown nature. The blood had faded away long ago, and in its place seemed to be the pleasant feeling of grass and warmth in the sunlight. Part of her was curious to explore but... The Gem was tired. And that was her reasoning for staying in the grass, feeling those small cracks and pops of her body as she tried stretching out for a moment. That was all that she wanted to do at the moment...sleep a little longer. Try to think back to what had happened. How she'd ended up here. What she was doing laying in this grass, wrapped up in her cloak. Waking up moment by moment to understand or try to comprehend what had gone on as she'd been out. Even if there were others around at the moment, she just wanted to bathe in the peaceful moment she was allowed to have. It'd been a while...or had it? When was the last time she aat down and closes her eyes to relax herself?</s> <|message|>Melanite Keep that door sealed, we can't do anything if this room is lost the gem had managed to make his way to the control room along with some of the other gems. He knew there was no way to keep the ship from going down due to the alarm that had went off, but he thought that activating the ships safety protocols would keep the remaining gems on the ship from being killed. As explosions ran throughout the ship they came closer to the control room making the other gems who were with him start to panic "Keep your focus on the controls!" They were running out of time and became more and more desperate by each passing minute. With a stroke of luck he got into the systems with barely enough time to activate the protocols, but his luck was met with an unfortunate and abrupt end as an explosion had hit the ship hard knocking all the systems offline. With no idea what to do next, the gem froze "There is still time, we can make it to the escape pods" he heard one of the gems yell and agreed, but their bad luck was not done with them yet as the door was sealed shut due to the last explosion. With that he knew this ship would be his grave as the last explosion came through the door. It had seemed like an eternity that the purple gem had been sleeping and for all he knew it could have been. The stone let out a purple light as the gem's body reformed itself, and retreated back into the gem's hand as he fell to his knees and opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a field of what seemed to be flowers "What...what happened, what is this place". The fact that he did not know where he was did not bother him as much as the fact that he had managed to survive the crash, "I was almost sure I was dead". He had wondered if any of the other gems had made it, if they were lucky enough, if they had been able to retreat back into their gems. He got off of the ground and dusted himself off as he looked around to try to get a general idea of where he was.</s> <|message|>Talc Talc was confused at the moment, a sudden spike of awoken gems started to fill this field and their reactions were heading from crying to complete confusion. It was no longer necessary for him to hide inside the bushes that dotted the place, and he noticed that his clothes from the last time was tattered with spear holes which made the gem shiver; he could almost feel the stabbing taking place once again. Talc glowed for only a few seconds before his clothes had changed to a brighter color, something that would make him seem less threatening and friendly. He scanned his surroundings once more, as it seemed everyone in this place was just as confused as himself. Talc soon started to walk around, feeling the need to get further away from the spot on which he was almost brutally murdered by some random gem that shared different beliefs. Talc looked forward towards the handful of gems that remained and coughed into his hand, although the wrappings around his face made it pointless to put his fist into his hand. "Hello, I would like to think that we are all on the same side here, I would rather not like to fight at the moment as I'm just as confused as you are in this matter. If anyone knows what kind of situation we are inside of then please speak up, if not, then I think it would be the best if everyone could gather up and just discuss what the current situation we are having at the moment." New form- (I got him commissioned by the person that Pacifista suggested)</s> <|message|>Bright Jade, Jade for Short Bright Jade. Several minutes passed as Jade gathered the strength to stand. He had no clues to go on, no idea where he even was. What planet had he had landed on during hte space fight, where did Orchid send him. And to make things even more complicated he felt the vague tingle of a portal's usage on him. Had he traveled through a portal on top of crashing on a foreign planet? Damn, I can't be anymore lost even if I tried. He raised himself over the strawberry field on a vortex of green wind to get a better view of everything. Other Gems were waking up as well, some of them seeming just as confused as himself. He narrowed his eyes on the closest one in hopes of getting some info, hopefully the Gem could help him out. He upchucked strawberrys and bushes into the air as he whizzed towards her on his tornado. He lowered down towards the--what seemed like pink--Gem until his feet touched the ground. He grabbed the Gem by the shoulder and gazed at her frantically. "What world is this?"</s> <|message|>Thulite Thulite had been taking her time with getting up and moving around. She could see some of the Gems gathering up together, apparently being rallied by an odd looking Gem with a trench coat and bandages wrapping up his head. Thulite figured she too would have to join the crowd, if she wanted to find out what had happened, when suddenly a wind began to whip up around her. She looked up, startled, at the green Gem who was hovering above the fields of strawberries. Her first instinct was hostile and she considered summoning her weapon, but something stopped her. She looked closer at the Gems face, he seemed...distressed. She stood strong, even as the wind blew around her, and watched with unblinking eyes as the Gem lowered himself back into the strawberry field. Thulite flinched, and considered pulling away, when the Gem grabbed her shoulder. But his tone of voice kept her from moving away from him. He was clearly upset, and for good reason. If he was in a similar boat, or in their case field, then he must be as confused as she is. And everyone reacts to confusion differently. "Hey, come on man. Take a deep breath we are fine!" Thulite said, putting her hands on his shoulders, trying to stop him from panicking. She kept eye contact, her confidence brimming. For a second, however, it wavered. She had no idea where they were. "Wherever we are, it's OK!"</s> <|message|>Tanzanite, Tanz for short It was almost immediately after Tanzanite called out that other Gems began to appear in the field, some in less subtle ways than others. A wave of relief washed over the blue Gem as he realized he wasn't alone, but it only lasted for a moment as the worry of these being Homeworld Gems set in. Tanz was no stranger to battle, hell it was probably the what he was best at, but he was still reeling from this whole situation so the likelihood of him being able to hold his own in a fight right now was pretty slim, especially against multiple unknown Gems. These doubts were not helped by the sudden out burst from one of the Gems and the vortexes he created. "He is definitely someone to be carefully around." Tanz thought to himself with a slight furrow in his brow. Despite all of these concerns Tanz had to go and speak with these other Gems if he ever wanted to get some answers on where he was and what had happened. So with a deep breath and a straighten of his back Tanz set course for the small group of Gems that have already gathered.</s>
<|message|>Heliotrope, Helio, Heli Heliotrope grabbed her braids, curling them into the loops of hair they normally were. She tied them up with the one tie she had. They weren't like they normally were, and Helio didn't like it. But she would have to deal with it. Helio turned and looked around, eyeing other gems. Helio walked over to the other gems, her red rabbit plush in her hands. She sneezed softly, hands relinquishing her grasp on the plushie. Her vision blacked and Helio crouched down. White hands fumbling around for the small item. Her hands touched the plushie and her vision returned. But Helio accidentally knocked the rabbit asie again. Her hands flew to the ground looking for the rabbit.</s>
<|description|>Erik Nyqvist-Åkerfeldt Personal Dossier --- Age 18 (2708 CE) Gender Male Origin Terra Nova, Barnard's System Gandvik, Van Maanen's System Appearance Rarely comfortable without being under several layers of grease and oil, Erik maintains a minimalist attitude when it comes to fashion, preferring practical clothes that fit rather than keeping up with gaudy trends like other Terra Novan teenagers. The only exception to this are a number of rings and studs on his left ear that he claims to have gotten on a whim. He keeps his flaxen hair relatively short to avoid getting it in his eyes or stuck in some errant piece of machinery. He stands at a short-for-Gandvik height of 5'7", and seems to take great pains to keep his body in the same shape as his mind. His most strikingly Gandvikian feature are his oftentimes cold gaze and yellow eyes, supposedly the result of a genetic modification fad centuries ago. Time will tell how well the rest of his frame will fill out over the course of his time at Taiyōtawa Academy. Personality Ostensibly, Erik Nyqvist is defined by fierce independence and the will to overcome the circumstances of one's birth. He is living proof that with enough dogged determination even the lowest orphan can reach for the stars. An inspiration to everyone in the Confederacy. Or so he likes to think. In practice, Erik is a young man with very little experience dealing with people his own age, and it shows. Most of his newfound classmates claim he is haughty, dismissive, and altogether full of himself, and such accusations are not without merit. He takes no small amount of pride in being the smartest person in the room at all times, and his tendency towards blunt criticism and bold declarations of his own intellectual superiority have rubbed many people the wrong way. Background Information Erik Nyqvist was born to unknown parents on the dour mining planet of Gandvik in Van Maanen's System and subsequently left on the door of one of the planet's orphanages; a fact that has shaped nearly every aspect of his life even after his emigration to Terra Nova. Relentlessly bullied by his peers during youth for everything from his diminutive stature to his erudite disposition, Erik dedicated his life to study at a very young age. While other children were running through the streets, Erik was either reading textbooks or tinkering with numerous broken appliances around the orphanage. Needless to say that other than the rare moments where he'd repair the building's heating system at the onset of winter or fix the building's connection to the Hypernet, it was a solitary life. This would all change after the discovery of a unique element now known as Dromium in one of Gandvik's mines several years ago. Ordinarily considered little more than a galactic backwater, Gandvik was suddenly set upon by hundreds of scientists and government agents. (Technobabble about what super special element can do here maybe). One day, Erik's orphanage was visited by one Dr. Øystein Åkerfeldt. Although the staff had made sure to inform the children to be on their best behavior, the vast majority found themselves bored and ignored most of what the doctor had to say. Erik, meanwhile, was entranced. He spent hours inquiring into every aspect of the doctor's work, from how he'd gotten into science to his government contract and just what (super special element) was theoretically capable of; not that the man could actually answer most of the boy's questions. The next day, Øystein returned, only with a number of other men. He subjected Erik to a number of written and practical tests over the course of several hours. Before he knew it, Erik was called into the headmaster's office and told to pack his things, he was heading for Terra Nova. Thus ended his life on Gandvik. He has never looked back. Given only minimal time to adjust to life on the capital planet of the Confederacy, Erik was put under Dr. Åkerfeldt's personal care. He excelled in his new environment, taking in as much of his guardian's knowledge as the man could impart. However, unbeknownst to him, the doctor had him enrolled in the Taiyōtawa Academy's engineering program, and although Erik has since skyrocketed to the top of his class in grades, his ability to work with his fellow students has been called into question. Time will tell whether or not he improves in said aspect. Attributes & Other Information --- Coordinator Type Physical Coordinator Coordination Profile Awareness | ■■■□□ Composure | ■■■□□ Endurance | ■■□□□ Instinct | ■■□□□ Intellect | ■■■■■</s> <|message|>Sirius Elhart Leverant Sirius Leverant The shrill chime of the academy's PA system shook Sirius from his inattentive trance, and it was as close to a mercy as he could receive on this godforsaken station. He had imagined an allegedly prestigious university such as Taiyotawa would have been, at the very least, worthy of his time. But in the month since his on-boarding, the youth had been subjected to the menial busywork one expected of a secondary school student. On what miserable world would writing an essay on Isao fucking Taiyotawa make somebody a more suitable pilot? He was just another colonist in an era of colonialism. Probably never set foot in the cockpit of an ICW. The indignity of it was infuriating, and Sirius could only imagine that was the point. The esteem with which the rest of the Confederacy held this school was just a sop to an otherwise inglorious exile. Ruminating on it all just caused fury to roil up in his throat like bile, and it fueled Sirius' hasty exit from the classroom, muscling his way through what few students dared to cross paths with him. What spurned his break from academic drivel certainly didn't promise to alleviate his frustration either. The finest pilot school in the whole of the Confederacy and they couldn't even manage to serve solid food to their cadets. It was sold to the student body as a health service, to ensure they received the optimum nutrition to keep themselves in top form. Sirius knew better than that. He could spot a cost-saving measure when he saw one. It was to be expected, though: the Confederacy was little more than a collection of hanger-ons and grifters, clinging to the coattails of a few prominent planets. Any joint endeavor by its constituent worlds was bound to cut corners wherever possible. This knowledge did not make stomaching the slop they dispensed to the student body any more tolerable. It was all just another trial to preserve through. He would do it just as he had with all others. Receiving his daily share in spite of the crowds was of no great difficulty—he was head taller than the majority of his peers, and had taken care to remind them that if they did not make way for him when he willed it, he would make them make way. It was perhaps this reputation for black moods that ensured his ability to find an empty table once his tray was full of the ill-considered paste. That suited him just fine. Solitude allowed him to decompress from the frustrations of the day without the inane chittering of his so-called peers. As he settled in, the teen reached into his belongings and produced a small, vacuumed sealed bag. The hiss it produced as he tore away the edge with his canines was like music to his ears, and in lieu of a mouthful of chemically-enriched sludge, he treated himself to the bite of contraband aurochs jerky. It was pathetic that something so essentially human as the consumption of meat managed to soften his mood, but deprivation bred fondness, and he had already fished another piece from the bag as he laid out his datapad and tapped away upon the holographic interface. For all the ire he had towards the food served, the free time lunch intermission gave him at least had some value. It gave him enough time to check up on basquash scores, a small consolation for being unable to watch the matches directly. What little goodwill the flesh of the humble steer had managed to provide him disappeared almost instantly as he navigated his way through the holonet. His expression darkened visibly, and he had to fight the urge to swear out loud as the results displayed before him. 97-124?! How did anybody manage to lose that badly?!</s> <|message|>Aurora Lune de Realis-Donati --- "Ugh." The sound came out unwillingly, the brunette holding a hand over her mouth as she squeezed her eyes shut. The first and last bite of these 'meals' were always the hardest in the girl's opinion, but at the very least she was able to stuff them down without throwing up at this point. She naively believed after a month she'd get used to it, but honestly, the tasteless meals just made her depressed whenever it was mealtime. The only silver lining was that she was probably thinner than ever, but she had to admit it came at a price too great. Would it really be too much to make this stuff have some kind of flavor? Aurora placed down her utensils, more relieved that she was finished. The smart thing to do was to probably get started on her assignment; the science side of being a coordinator was definitely a weakness of hers. Sure, she was brilliant of course, but actually sitting down and writing out these assignments bored her to death. Not that she'd let that stop her, but it did require giving herself a pep talk anytime just to start. If only she was back in high school where she had droves of nerds willing to do her assignments for her again. Clucking her tongue at the thought, the brunette decided to take her leave; there wasn't any point in dawdling in a sea of strangers. Maybe she should take some of her pent-up energy and actually try to get to know someone, but no one really caught her attention. Well, there was Erik Nyqvist-Åkerfeldt, the adopted son of Dr. Øystein Åkerfeldt, but it wasn't like she was familiar with him. The two had met in passing some time ago at a fundraiser but barely exchanged pleasantries. He was definitely cute, yes, and she would give him some credit in that he was certainly enthusiastic when it came to anything involving the Valkyries. But she wasn't looking for a lecture, she was looking for fun. No sooner had she let out a tiny sigh of exasperation when she spotted a dark-haired boy staring down at something. That one was in her class, too, wasn't he? She wracked her brain for a name, eventually landing on Sirius. Not that she remembered his last name, but as far as she was aware, it wasn't relevant. What was relevant was that she was very much a fan of the tall, dark, and handsome type. He looked annoyed at something, but that could easily be remedied. With her mind made up, Aurora disposed of her tray before confidently taking a seat across from the boy. Resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands, she put on her best smile. "No need to get so worked up, here I am. Don't worry, you still have two other wishes," She teased, holding back a giggle. ---</s> <|message|>Sirius Elhart Leverant Sirius Leverant Sirius wasn't sure if the disbelief made his outrage better or worse, as he seethed in the second-hand embarrassment of having invested his emotional energy into a group of losers. It was a small consolation that he hadn't put money on the match; he would need his stipend from home to continue purchasing outside food, or his rage truly would have nothing holding it back. Still, his inquiring mind needed to know just how it was possible a team with such a track record managed to botch such a simple game, and as he frantically tapped his way across the screen to find just that out, he caught sight of something—someone—in his peripheral vision. "No need to get so worked up, here I am. Don't worry, you still have two other wishes," He looked up just in time to hear that, and witness the bright, bubbly smile that accompanied it. The sweetness with which it was delivered might have softened the resolve of many a male cadet. Not so for Sirius. He had known this type before, even attracted them. The green stripes on her uniform at least separated her from the average harlot in his mind. Aurora de Realis-Donati, a fellow pilot-in-training. He had gone to the lengths of memorizing at least those who would be his competition in the rankings, something those of lesser colors did not have the privilege of. But acknowledgement wasn't a shield from his wrath. He affixed her with piercing silver eyes for a long moment, expressing both disdain and perplexity at her statement as he mowed over his response. Apart from her pedigree, there wasn't so very much that separated her from the others of her ilk. Well, aside from one thing. The vexation of his gaze changed to a certain sharpness as he came to a decision. "You aren't the kind of cow I was wishing for." Another piece of jerky found itself between his lips after he deadpanned those words.</s>
<|message|>Erik Nyqvist-Åkerfeldt At the highest level of the lecture hall, an engineering student resisted the urge to yawn into his hand. "And that will end our brief lecture on the role of mecha preceding the Valkyrie Project." The doctor had been sure to brief him on the general curriculum of the academy before his enrollment, but he'd hoped that by thirty days into his stay at Taiyōtawa they would've at least gotten past subjects he'd already read up on years prior. From the way the vids had described it, Taiyōtawa Academy was the highest institution of learning in the entire Confederacy; where the galaxy's brightest minds flocked to determine the future of all who lived in it. So far, other than the frankly uncomfortable amount of attention he'd gotten from his teachers and classmates alike, the experience had been singularly unengaging. While his peers all but began stampeding out of the classroom the instant the clock hit 1200, Erik listlessly opened his datapad, cycling through a number of diligently organized screens before tapping a label simply marked 'Taiyōtawa Essay'. The words had hardly left his instructor's lips before Erik was submitting the assignment and turning his datapad off once again. He hoped he'd get his results sometime over the weekend, not that it particularly mattered. As the last student to make his way out of the classroom, Erik bowed respectfully towards the instructor and took his leave. --- If there was one thing Erik could appreciate about the academy, it was the food. Not only was it parsecs above the kind of barely edible gruel they called food on Gandvik, but there was an almost endless amount of it. He didn't understand why the rest of the student body turned their noses up at it. If they'd ever felt real hunger in their lives their tunes would change in a heartbeat. Nevertheless, unlike many others, lunch was the highlight of Erik's day. The slightest hint of a smile even crossed his lips when it was his turn in line. If not for his concentrated effort to avoid doing it, the former orphan likely would've gotten his food all over his uniform after he found a seat on the outskirts of the cafeteria. Even then, he devoured his meal uncharacteristically swiftly when compared to most everyone else in attendance. Although he'd been one of if not the last people to enter the lunch line, he was certainly the first to make a second, and probably the only, to make a third trip. To think, Dr. Donati thought the meals would be his least favorite part of school life.</s>
<|description|>Giselle de Farry 'Sella' ♀ --- Abilities Personality Biography</s> <|message|>Aleksiya Ravennart, also known as Ice Princess Aleksiya, or the Rime-Winged Vermilion Angel "It was an atrocious scene, to be sure," commented Aleksiya, cocking her head back with a smirk on her lips, "Whoever was responsible surely seems to be a depraved sort. But you wouldn't have any idea, would you?" Of course, she didn't expect he was actually involved. But at the same time, it was hardly a poor idea to prod him towards divulging any guesses. He had the most experience with the people around here, so even if he didn't have any idea who did it specifically it was possible that he had a guess. Still, she had another goal in mind. Stepping away from her fellow lord, the diminutive vampire approached the nearest of the beast corpses. Perhaps, if there was traces of the force that caused this... Extending one small, pale hand, she reached into the creature's lost blood, splattered across the ground. It began to vibrate, the puddling ichor responding to her power. It was vile, distasteful, but even blood of such grotesque nature could offer information. She just had to see if it was there. Landshark@Rune_Alchemist</s> <|message|>The Queen Location: Human Village Landshark@VitaVitaAR --- "I beg your pardon, sir? Show me, immediately." Giles demanded, frowning deeply at the statements Dragan was making. How could…why would someone do such a thing? He couldn't fathom it, let alone someone among the villagers. Certainly some had thought that capturing and training or studying them was a good idea, but he had always refused. Too dangerous. Had someone gone against his orders? However, when he was taken to the scene, all he could do was sigh. "...So that's how it is." He'd grumble. "This building was unoccupied, until very recently you see." He'd hold a hand to his mouth, quietly stifling a gag as he'd observe the scene. "Quite a dreadful scene…ugh, anyways," He'd glance towards Dragan. "Three travelers arrived some time ago. Asked if they could stay. We had no reason to refuse. A man and two women. Two dressed like they had come right out of the old world, and the third claimed to be a traveling scholar and alchemist, though her manner of dress was much more…shall we say, old." He'd frown. "She made an effort to inform everyone she was just traveling with them for a mutual deal for now, but the other two claimed to be from something called the 'Ithica Society'. They left for that damned city some days ago now. The alchemist left a few days before them, into the forest." Aleksiya's own investigation however, would not go unfruitful. It was faint. Diluted. Horribly so. To call it the blood of a prestigious vampire lord was laughable…but she could feel it. Something familiar. Something ever so faintly familiar. A feeling of animalistic vigor…but also irritation and anger. An almost feral rage at…something. There was no mistaking it. Kordelia…but what was she so angry at, and was she doing this on purpose if she was still alive? Location: Human Village, Riverside @Click This@Asuras --- The gorebat chirped, a bit annoyed it couldn't eat the human and was forbidden from snacks, but it did as it was told, swooping off into the darkness. "Hmph, any gods that do exist aren't ones I'd want to-Weh!?" Julene shouted, not expecting the woman to just pick her up so easily. She'd struggle only briefly. "Y-you put me down! This instant you hear me!" But alas, her pleas fell on deaf ears as Akyasha would refuse to do so. "Tch, fine. Whatever you fake nun, fine! Thata way." Julene's directions would soon enough lead them towards a surprisingly well kept and reinforced home, from the looks of all the others. The walls had all been reinforced, remade, and several walls had obviously been replaced. The first floor had even been expanded quite a bit, to make room for an indoor forge as well as a general workshop it seemed. The second floor had well, been completely removed. One of the walls completely knocked out, a ladder leading up to the roof with several platforms along the way stocked with barrels and also what seemed to be toher supplies. Intentionally done, perhaps? "You can put me down now." She'd huff, and if Akyasha didn't drop her, she'd give the nun a whack on the top of her head until she did. "Here. Workshop takes up most of the place…ah? Another one?" This was about the time Luna would walk up on the trio, earning an exasperated sigh from the Blacksmith. "...I ain't even surprised anymore. Whatever." Location: Forest of Beasts Paladin --- The woman, did not respond. She'd keep writing into the small book she was writing in for a few long, awkward seconds after Argus responded. It was only after these few long seconds, that she'd turn around, and immediately set eyes on the pirate. "Moons tears!" She'd shout, jumping back a few feet and bumping into the table and causing the glassware to rattle. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up on someone? They might turn you into a toad!" She'd close the journal she was carrying, stuffing it into her tattered robes. Now that he could get a good look at the woman in question, she was…well, she fit right in with these woods. Short, shoulder length messy brown hair with yellow eyes with more baggage than an emotional nobleman from the old world. The clothes under them seemed to almost be falling apart at the seams, with just a cloth covering her chest and a small skirt covering her lower body. The cloak though, was the most curious thing. Well taken care of…but it certainly wasn't something she could have made herself. It seemed older. Almost more regal. A bone ring adorned her finger, made out of some sort of small bird skull. "What do you want? I am a busy woman and have no time for idle chatter. If you're heading towards that village in the distance, there's a place you can cross the river not far down that way." She'd huff. "If you're looking for my services…I'm curious as to how you found me all the way out here, but stranger things happen. I don't come cheap as a healer or scholar."</s> <|message|>Dragan Meszaros Dragan Meszaros Giles's reaction told Dragan all he needed to. The man had no knowledge of what was going on down here. Good. Dragan at least somewhat approved of the man. He was simply trying to keep his own people alive, something that the Death Knight wasn't exactly unfamiliar with. A good man, thrust into a nearly impossible situation. Whatever suspicions the headman had towards him were more than warranted. And likely justified, considering some of the company he traveled in. What he said further was cause for much greater concern, though. The Society? Elena had spied something related to...whatever that organization was, back in the city. Before she'd most likely passed on. This was the second time they'd come across this group, now. Their status in relation to Ichor's brood was still unknown, but whatever they were, they were at least able to pass as human, if what Giles said was any indication. Dragan paused, trying to remember what exactly Elena had said about them, before the memory ran through his head. "These 'Society' people. What were their names? Was either a Rykard or Rhea? Of the three, how did they behave while they were within the village? Moreover, what does your village know of this city, exactly?" He added the last one on as an afterthought. It would be good to know exactly what was said of Alavaris in the centuries that had passed. Judging by what little Giles had said of it already, it would seem prudent to not mention they had come from there originally.</s> <|message|>Captain Argus Fellborn, the Red Tide Captain Argus Fellborn Argus had not lost his touch when it came to scaring people. Perhaps this woman might not have deserved to be frightened in this manner, but he preferred that the mortals whom he dealt with feel at least a twinge of fear or unease. Better for everyone that way, he felt. "I did not mean to startle you," he assured her. "I am clearly a bit rusty at making a proper entrance." The woman identified herself as a healer and scholar. Her knowledge might prove useful, Argus surmised. Assuming, of course, that he could pay her. Just what sort of currency would these broken people use, anyway? Surely the precious coins and metals valued in the previous age would not hold the same worth to such a broken civilization. "There is something of an arguably scholarly nature...that I would like to know," he proposed. "I have a specific interest in the the ship graveyard, and the malevolent force that commands the dead. Just what manner and form of payment might you request for such knowledge?"</s> <|message|>Akyasha Akyasha put the blacksmith down gently and took a step back to look at the place. She wasn't exactly surprised to see all the barrels. Or the forge. As she quietly observed, she heard another approaching and it was Luna. "Luna, how pleasant to see you again. No life threatening situations I hope." Akyasha asked, thinking back on the situation she and the blacksmith girl had just been through. Well, hopefully, they had some small minutes to catch their breath. "We ran into a situation just some minutes ago but it's all but taken care of by now. Luckily, Giselle showed up at just the right time." Luckily, the cleric's body was starting to fix itself full and she felt somewhat just fine. "This is... The Blacksmith Girl... I suppose." Akyasha mentioned. Come to think of it, the girl had yet to introduce herself. "Hmm. I think I mentioned mine before, but my name is Akyasha. What is yours, miss, if you don't mind me asking." The cleric asked, looking toward the girl hoping she would answer it. Akyasha had on her usual smile as she waiting to see if the girl replied.</s> <|message|>Full Luna Emeraltide Luna strode back into the village and took little time to sense her way towards Giselle and Akyasha. Julene's reaction earned a confused tilt of Luna's head. Whatever it was that had annoyed the blacksmith was unknown to the vampiress. She spared questioning the circumstance and approached her sisters, eyes briefly cast upon the reinforced building that had appeared to be approaching. "None," she replied to Akyasha's question, "...and I trust you two remain in good health as well," she began, folding her fingers together and offering a warm smile. "Oh my -carrying her like that without even knowing her name? I did not take you for one so bold and expedient, Akyasha," Luna said, seemingly mostly sincere. Brushing aside a lock of hair from her face, Luna wasted no more time in detailing their own findings beneath the town. "Dragan, Aleksiya and I have split up for different tasks. We ventured beneath to find tunnels rife with beasts as well as their apparent means into the town. It seems as though someone amongst the townsfolk's ranks was experimenting on them down there, though the human in question was nowhere to be found. What's more, this mad scientist also seemed to propose that the beasts were coming from none other than a..." Luna paused, and for a moment just barely seemed to glance towards Julene before continuing, "A vampire... Somewhere within the forest nearby. We were concerned that you, Giselle, might have found your way too deep into the forest. I am glad you're safe, however." Luna gave Julene another brief look over, followed by the workshop, and smiled again. "What have you two been up to?" she asked.</s>
<|message|>Giselle de Farry Giselle de FarryUndead Princess, de Farry --- Giselle decided to ignore Akyasha's shenanigans, even if she disapproved. She simply followed the cleric silently, but not before collecting Julene's sword. She gave the weapon an eye. She supposed it was a good weapon for this new age, but of course, the princess of creation could do better. The purity and composition of even base metal in this era left things to be desired. To Giselle, though, remedying deficiencies in something as mundane as the mix of iron and carbon and removing impurities even her state was child's play. With the time she had, she made sure to ask the girl a few questions about the village and surrounding region, even if speaking to her while she was in a princess carry was… awkward. By the time the trio arrived at the blacksmith girl's house, she had made some quality improvements to the blade, for only a modest expenditure of blood. While Giselle didn't quite whistle –that would be inappropriate of someone of her standing, even if she spent centuries cultivating a reputation of being the friendliest vampire lord—she was somewhat impressed by the home that the girl lived in, if only in relation to the rest of the homes she saw in the village and in this age. It had the marks of a girl who knew what she was doing with engineering, though it was obvious that she never been to a true school… then again, what sort of architectural or engineering institution would still be extant in this time? Despite that, it was clearly built with defense in mind. That was something that she could respect. "It's clear that you've put a lot of thought into home defense," she admired. "If we continue to work together, I wouldn't mind sharing some of my own ideas and techniques. It is something of a specialty of mine." Indeed, a few firing slits here and there, and perhaps installation of some shaped charges in strategically placed positions like doors and hallways would make it all but impenetrable to the threats that the three of them had faced earlier. If they were to ever make this village a temporary base of operations, then the village's defenses would need some proper refurbishment, too. When Akyasha put the girl down, Giselle handed her sword back. "It got a little dinged up during the battle, so I fixed it for you," she said modestly, before noticing Luna approach. "Ah, Luna. How fares it inside the village?" She frowned as the songstress relayed her information. The news of a breach and further mysteries was surprising and unfortunate news… but informative. "I see. I trust they have the situation in hand now. As for what's in the forest… I suspected something similar. I'm not foolhardy enough to investigate without sufficient force in hand. I would like to have a look sooner than later, however." She gave a look towards her fellow vampires.</s>
<|description|>Ravel A confident and assertive boy who enjoys challenging others. He is skilled in Pokémon battles and is willing to use any means necessary to win. His physical appearance is characterized by his height of 5'6" and pale skin, with black hair that he often digs his fingers into when thinking. He also has pitch-black eyes that deepen when he's excited or surprised.</s> <|description|>Mira A confident and attractive woman who enjoys challenging others in Pokémon battles. She has a voluptuous figure and often uses her sexuality to distract her opponents. Her personality is assertive and playful, as she enjoys teasing Ravel during their battle. She is also skilled in the art of training rare Pokémon, demonstrating her expertise in the field of Pokémon battles.</s> <|narrator|>A confident boy named Ravel enters a gym led by a voluptuous woman named Mira. In an unusual turn of events, Mira offers to fight him in an "unfair" battle, promising a better prize if he wins. The two engage in a fierce battle with their Pokémon, using various attacks and strategies to try and outwit each other. During the battle, both trainers show off their bodies and use sexual tactics to distract their opponents. After several rounds of intense combat, the boy manages to defeat Mira's last Pokémon and claim the prize she had offered him---her own body.</s> <|message|>Ravel Mira was bored; she wanted to do something besides fighting snot-nosed kids after seven years of being a Gym Leader, it was getting old. She watched as another boy entered - no older than 12 or 13, she was sure he was just starting out. "Boy," she said, "if you win a fair fight, you get a badge. But if you fight in an unfair fight, you get an even better prize." There was a chance she could lose, but she didn't think so. "You willing to fight or are you going to run home to Mommy?" she asked with a smile, taking out two Poke Balls. This would be over quickly, one way or the other. If she lost, she could have a lot of fun. She watched him come up as she slowly walked down the stairs, her chest bouncing all the way.</s> <|message|>Mira A young man of fourteen wearing a red trench coat and black jeans walked into the gym and jumped at the loud announcement. The young man was named Ravel. He stood at 5'6" and looked upon the gym leader with his pitch-black eyes. His pale face was covered with a deep blush when he first saw her large bosom. "Fight unfair... how do I do that?" He scratched his head, digging his fingers into his black hair. He picked up a Poke Ball from his pocket and waited for her to go first. "I'm ready," he said. "Count on me winning!"</s> <|message|>Ravel Mira was dressed in a long dress-like outfit, blue with ice crystals that hung off the sleeves and hem of the dress. "Simple, silly boy," she mocked the young man. Despite her looks, she was an excellent trainer and gym leader. The Pokémon that appeared were two ancient Pokémon - ones that were only known in the world. They were similar rare Pokémon, but their only weakness was that they were both Ice-type. "So, you want to fight or are you going to quit?" she asked, jumping onto the platform. She had forced evolved them to Ice-types with Magic Water that could switch Poke Types. R-54578845 Y-54579289 Other Pokémon</s> <|message|>Mira A grin forms on his lips. "Well, I had never even thought of quitting," he says. Ravel stares at the new Pokémon. "What kind of Pokémon is that?!" he asks, shocked by its strange appearance. "To hell with what they are...I'll still win. Go...Canti!" he shouts loudly as he throws up a Poke Ball and a Quilava pops out. "About that better prize...what would that be?"</s> <|message|>Ravel "You will have to win to find that out, Saberroar Glacier!" A wall of ice swept over the playing field, fifty feet high and as wide as the battle platform. She watched to see what the strange creature would do. Had she not seen it in some show? FLC, "Wow, a celebrity," she teased, as she had the other Pokémon use Gravity. She could see that the thing was powerful, but would he be able to beat both Pokémon at once?</s> <|message|>Mira Ravel continued to grin. "Flame Wheel!" The Quilava heard the order and jumped up, turning into a spiral of fire. The Quilava bounced forward, melting through the ice instantly. He melted the ice quickly, tunneling towards his target. Canti, the Quilava, spun into the strange Pokémon. Hopefully it would be a clear hit. By now, most of the ice had melted, leaving the floor flooded.</s> <|message|>Ravel The Pokémon fell back but wasn't defeated; the ice armor was melted, leaving it vulnerable to another attack. "Roar, Ice Beam!" The attack shot not from the mouth of the creature but rose from the ground around him. The Pokémon was pulling back to reform its ice armor, but it didn't look good. "Come on, you can join the fight," she said, trying to coax the Pokémon into helping them. But the first Pokémon snapped at her, making sure she kept her distance from the fight. That was the problem with some rare Pokémon - they were impossible to train.</s> <|message|>Mira "Quick, Canti! Burn it to cinders with a flamethrower!" Ravel shouted, and the Quilava rushed to the strange Pokémon to shoot it with a high-powered blast at close range. The ice melted so quickly it immediately became steam. The attack should have been dead on targeting at least one of the two Pokémon, but that could only be determined once the "fog" had cleared. The battle seemed to be going well for him. I don't think I could lose even if I were fighting in an unfair fight... But I want to know what that prize is...</s> <|message|>Ravel She turned around, shaking her ass before giving it a nice slap. "This, but even if somehow you win, you have to take it," she said. She wasn't going to roll over, nor were her Pokémon. He would have to take what he wanted. "Ice Egg," the Pokémon enveloped itself in ice to recover from all the damage as the other rammed its. "Perfect Double Team," a rare attack that allowed her to make a copy of any Pokémon on the field. The image was real, rather than being a copy, well, so long as the Pokémon she copied didn't attack.</s> <|message|>Mira Ravel blushed as he saw her shaking her ass. "How about I get you as a bonus?" he asked, trying to get the upper hand. Canti! he shouted as his Quilava was hit by the strange Pokémon. Perfect double team, Quick Snap out of it. And use Overheat! the Quilava turned pure white and a ball of heat surrounded him, the ball spreading out and hitting at least one of the enemy Pokémon. This move caused the room to turn into what seemed like a sauna.</s> <|message|>Ravel She pulled a zipper down on her suit, exposing a lot of her chest but not a nipple; she was slutty, but not by that much. "Think of this as round one," she said. "You win round two, and you can have anything you want." She was a bit miffed at him calling her a bonus, as if the stupid ribbon or badge was better than her. "Roar, Deep Freeze!" she yelled, watching the Pokémon rise into the air on a pillar of ice. A wall of blue swept forward, freezing the ground and water, causing it to begin to snow. The other Pokémon was knocked down, sweating like a pig.</s> <|message|>Mira Ravel grows distracted from the sudden view of her partly exposed breasts, his blush growing deeper. It was wrong of him to say such a thing about her, but she had offered herself as a prize and he was simply using that as context. "Canti," he says, "one last time and we'll have this battle in the bag." The Quilava hops up. "Try to do one more Overheat!" he shouts as the Quilava turns a white color and melts the ice one more time. The attack was easily avoidable by the enemy Pokémon, but the arena was once again flooded and misty. "Return Canti!" he calls, holding out his Poké Ball. The Pokémon shoots back into its container. "You'll love this next move," he grins, pulling out a second Poké Ball. "Go Minus!" he shouts as a Minun appears on the field. "Minusthunderbolt!" he shouts as the small blue and yellow mouse shoots bolts of electricity throughout the gym. To the two trainers who were relatively dry, it would feel like small shocks - ticklish to them.</s> <|message|>Ravel She was crossed that her second Pokémon was knocked out, but Roar was still going strong, his hair singed. "I hope you know I will be as hard to take as my Pokémon," she said, liking it rough. Several boyfriends in her youth had been sent to the hospital. "Roar, overdrive!" Spouts of fire appeared. Overdrive was a last-ditch effort; if it failed, the Pokémon would be vulnerable to even the weakest attacks. The pillars merged into a wall, and magma began to fill the ring. Electricity jumped over her teeth. "I hope you like your Pokémon well done," she said, knowing he would have to take her now that he had broken the rules. "I hope you are as tough as your Pokémon." Her legs and arms fell off her suit, leaving only her breasts and sex covered. She smiled, trying to distract him.</s> <|message|>Mira He was still going to get that badge, but he stayed within the rules, only using one Pokémon at a time against her two. Ravel blushed at his sudden exposure. A little bit of blood dripped from his nose as a classical anime character would. He shook his head from side to side and wiped his nose. "Minus Protect!" As the pillars of fire came upon the Minun, a golden aura surrounded it. The small defensive move nullified Overdrive with ease.</s> <|message|>Ravel She smiled, taking a small hot dog into her mouth. "Gundam, come out." The metal Pokémon was almost unbeatable, unless moved. "You should know there is more than one way to win," she rushed forward, thrusting her hands forward. An invisible force knocked her onto her ass; she laughed, knowing that double-teaming was against the rules.</s> <|message|>Mira "Uh...uh..." Ravel muttered, seeing the display with the hot dog. He grinned at the new distraction. His eyes narrowed in a menacing plan. "I'm sorry for this in advance! Use Thunder and Magnet Rise!" he shouted as his Minun jumped from side to side and levitated into the air. The Minun "flew" to Roar and successfully knocked him out with a large bolt of electricity. You have no chance against my Minus this was my starter! It was now only one-on-one again. "Hmm, Mira... how much does that Pokémon weigh? And is it pure steel?"</s> <|message|>Ravel She turned away from him, showing off most of her ass. "He weighs 40 tons," she told him, even though she was only two meters tall. "A kind of metal, why?" she asked, as the boy got up after her attack on him. She smiled, even though she couldn't beat his Pokémon, maybe she could beat the trainer. "You know I like it rough," she laughed. She did like it rough sometimes, too rough. "Better not try any magnetism," she warned. "Bad things happen when people do."</s> <|message|>Mira "Well then... this is could be the end!" Ravel shouts again as he rises his hand upward and points at the ceiling. "Grass knot!" With that command, his Minun flies around Gundam, wrapping it in place with a green vine. The Minun knocks it down to the ground, causing slight sparks due to the electrical magnetism. Do you know how Grass Knot works?" he asks, grinning. The heavier the enemy Pokémon, the stronger the powers of Grass Knot!</s> <|message|>Ravel She made a face which did little to make her any less attractive than she already was. "Of course I do," she said, as the wings popped out and jumped into the air, slamming into the stage. She began to walk away, even as the Gundam continued to fight. "You're boring me," she said, leaving the room. It was a shame that he hadn't been more amusing; he was a world-class strainer, but as boring as anyone she had ever met.</s> <|message|>Mira Ravel's face went blank in a type of shock as he saw her leave. "Wait... where are you going?!" He shouted, running behind her, his face very red from seeing her bare ass. "We're in the middle of a battle!" As he followed her, his mind continued to destroy Gundams. "How am I boring you?" He followed now, almost right behind her.</s> <|message|>Ravel She laughed. "I like Pokémon, but it's not my entire life. I want something...interesting." She paused for effect. "A man to take me. Someone who can show me what he wants and take it." She smiled seductively. "And if he uses a Pokémon to do it, I won't even mind."</s> <|message|>Mira Ravel ran up behind her and took her large breasts into his hands. With an angry tone, he told her, "Just bend over and I'll show you a real man." His words struck a chord within him. He just wanted to prove her wrong.</s> <|message|>Ravel She wasn't going to make it easy for him; she fought back, kicking his legs apart. "Come on, is that all you have, boy?" she asked, shaking her ass and feeling a cock against hers that was anything but kids-sized. "Are you going to take your prize or are you going to run?" she asked, sliding out from under him before spinning around to face him so that she could see his eyes.</s>
<|message|>Mira "Why run when I already have won this game?" Ravel grinned. "Fair and square is it?" He looked up at her, still slightly taller than her. When she was back in front of him, he grabbed the little clothing she had on and threw it to the side. Within only a few seconds, he unzipped his pants, dropping them to the ground. This revealed his erect nine-inch cock. "Let's get started," he said.</s>
<|description|>Pyotr Sidorov Age: 20 Physical Appearance: Pyotr is possessed of a strong Don Cossack heritage: pale-skinned and dark-haired, with sparkling blue eyes and a face that many women could love, topped off by a lean build and a height of 173 cm. Though he'd dress quite colorfully within typical Cossack armies and the Red Guard, the uniform of the Blackshirts does not particularly allow for this, though he does keep his hair grown out somewhat longer than regimental standard. Unit Profession: Cavalry Personality: For a man who's knowingly participating in the brutal oppression of a country's population, Pyotr is surprisingly upbeat. Whether it's the exuberance of being a young adult, a lack of comprehension of the effect his actions have upon others, or a degree of sociopathy blunting him to the atrocities being committed in the Robber Baron's name, he tends to show a face to the world that is little other than smiling and optimistic. Rare are the moments when he is morose, and even while sighting some blyat's head with his gun, he tends to retain a cheery smile sure to lighten the mood of his companions. History: Born on the eve of the new century, Pyotr was rather too young to be considered for service in the Great War, but was nonetheless trained well in the skills the Don Cossack Host held in their culture from youth, namely the arts of horseriding and of war at both short and long range, though never in as serious a situation as his future might suggest. Life was good for him, a state certainly helped by the relatively affluent nature of his familial lineage, so it was a great shame when the Russian Revolution of 1917 took place, in two separate strokes in February and October dethroning the Tsarist regime and replacing it with the Bolshevik party, which consequently decided to persecute a great deal of those Cossacks who previously benefited from the Tsars' favour. Naturally, this did not sit well with Pyotr, and as soon as his parents gave their blessing, he took his horse Varvara and joined the Volunteer Army, a part of what would be called the White Army serving to try and dethrone the Bolsheviks in the ensuing civil war. For the next several months, he was deployed in but a few engagements with Red forces, mostly relegated to patrolling areas firmly in control of the white movement, and as a result becoming increasingly unhappy. Ironically, it was in his last battle under the White Army's banner that he came to a distressing revelation: ultimately, this was a battle of Russian versus Russian. That wasn't how things should be, he felt, not in a country as great as it had once been. Thus, with little more than a written note at his last known position making this felt, he defected from the White Army, fleeing back to his home and strongly encouraging his miraculously-still-alive family to flee the country with him, before it was too late. Some members did; others did not. Leaving those who remained to whatever fate might befall them, Pyotr and his group made their way Westward, riding for two months through Russia's lands, and eventually reaching disputed territory between the Red Army and Polish forces at the time. Gradually, relatives peeled off from the group, either to help fight off those damn Bolshevists, or because they were sick of travelling, until by the time he reached the Polish-Czechoslovakian border, Pyotr was on his own, only Varvara and the reminders of his defection left to accompany him. And yet he travelled further still, feeling restless, and uncontent with simply going back and settling somewhere with another relative. Eventually, he found he had travelled almost the entire length of Czechoslovakia, and so wound up in a small country bordering it, as well as Germany and Austria. A relatively tiny state called Borovia, which it seemed was having some troubles with its working class population. And whilst it was no grand war, Pyotr decided that perhaps this was where he belonged - in his mind, a worker's revolution meant another Red Terror, and what sort of man would he be if he didn't help put down such a threat, even at this small a scale, before it ever began? So he travelled to the capital of Asnio, got himself hired as a mercenary, and was placed into the ranks of the local capitalist Baron's conscripts; some time later, he was deemed sufficiently skilled as to be relocated to the Blackshirt army proper, and now wears the uniform with no little amount of pride, for the short period of time he's had access to it. Equipment: Pyotr's weaponry is composed of items stolen as he defected from the White Army, considered against usual Blackshirt fare, and decided to keep around anyway - perhaps unwisely, considering the additional expense the Baron must put into purchasing the ammunition for his weapons probably doesn't put him in good standings with the man. Dragoon Rifle and detachable bayonet - A weapon from the Mosin-Nagant rifle line with good muzzle velocity and an effective range of up to half a kilometer, this gun is designed for use by mounted infantry such as Pyotr. Not a carbine along the lines of the M1907, but still shorter and lighter than the original M1891, it can and does have both an iron sight scope and a bayonet attached, but requires a stripper clip of five 7.62×54mmR rounds to fully reload, making it somewhat less convenient to use than the en-bloc-bearing Mannlicher in common use by the Blackshirts. Nagant M1895, "Private's model" - Another Nagant weapon, this a 7-round revolver with a gas seal mechanism that, in combination with 7.62×38mmR rounds designed for use with this weapon, greatly increases the muzzle velocity of its bullet, rivalling and even surpassing that of his Dragoon Rifle. However, its range is sorely limited, the trigger pull is remarkably heavy, its single-action hammer requires recocking after every shot, and the gun is very time-consuming to reload, requiring each cartridge to be ejected and replaced manually. Because of this and his designated role as mounted marksman, Pyotr would rather stick to the Dragoon Rifle and its bayonet even within the pistol's effective range. Varvara - Pyotr's horse, a black Russian Don about 15.2 hands tall and three years of age. The breed is well known for its stamina and endurance, though currently in short supply, and in fact were bred specifically as mounts for Cossack cavalry so they could travel long distances in short spans of time, with energy to spare. This endurance is not quite as necessary in the urban environments Pyotr is currently posted in, and she is often mildly restless as a result; she is also unarmoured, but as Pyotr prefers to fight from larger distances, this is not an issue quite as frequently as one might imagine. Prominent Skills: Horse riding - Pyotr is a skilled rider, able to direct most horses readily enough. Indeed, he has been trained to be able to control them even without the use of reins, freeing up his hands to fire his weapons from atop his mount. Speaking of which... Marksmanship - Pyotr's sharpshooting skills are damn good. Not only is he great at targeting opponents with a rifle in his own right, he is more than able to do so from atop a horse, accounting for all the creature's movements in the process, a feat matched by few others who are not mounted riflemen themselves. Melee combat - Less notable in this age of long-distance weaponplay, but when pressed, Pyotr is more than capable of using his bayonet to lethal effect, either mounted on his rifle like the head of a spear or held in hand like a sword or dagger. Outland survival - Whilst not particularly relevant in an urban environment, Pyotr is more than capable of making do for himself and others in an environment that would otherwise be considered wilderness, namely large stretches of the Russian tundra. Other: N/A</s> <|message|>Erich Weiss Erich Fuchs had finished cleaning and maintaining his equipment shortly before Josef opened the door, announcing their orders. It had become an habit for Erich to keep his equipment in perfect shape. He didn't liked to trust them to some unknown soldier, so he kept his equipment near him all times Oiling the blade of his rapier, cleaning his scalpels, ensuring that the telescopic sight on his M1895. It was a new acquisition, coming directly from the Baron's armory, but he had to admit, he took a liking to that rifle, so much that he actually customized his personal rifle. Precise, reliable and it packed quite a punch, it was truly a very effective weapon. His rapier though, was the only part of his equipment he refused to change. It was undeniable that the sight of a rapier on the battlefield was quite strange, but that particular blade accompanied him through many grim moments, and when he most needed it, in situations where weapons and comrades had failed him, it was always there. It was undeniable that it had almost an emotional importance to him. "So, are we ready then?" he asked in german, looking to the other members while sheathing his rapier on his belt and grabbing his rifle. The target this time were some rebels, workers that were unsatisfied with the current situation. They were armed, although probably very poorly. Erich really didn't mind the occasional killing. He knew that the world wasn't a kind world, and above everything else, he knew that the only thing, the only true rule of that world was the survival of the strongest. He would mercilessly kill and torture if that meant his survival. That mentality had saved him many times, and it wasn't something that Erich was going to change. But he had to admit, he took the relationship between a team very seriously. For Erich, few things in that world could match the honesty and truthfulness of the relationship between two people who had risked their lives in a battlefield together. He knew that having a team that knew each other and worked well together could be the difference between completing the mission or dying. As Karl and Josef got out of the room, he followed them inside the armory. He already had his equipment in hand, but he felt it would be interesting to at least accompany them. "Interesting choice." he said to Karl, looking at the Luger and the Gewehr he picked up. "Very beautiful weapons, I must say. Why do you keep them at the armoury? Personally, I prefer to keep my weapons near me. I feel more comfortable knowing that I'm the one taking care of them." he said in german.</s> <|message|>Pyotr Sidorov 'Sir, yes, sir!' Pyotr announced once Josef had finished giving out his orders. The Baron's orders, rather, for that was who they served, and why not? It was just another form of fighting, at the end of the day. Grabbing his weapons from next to himself and stowing them on his body, he stood from where he'd been sitting, listening to the radio along with the tall blond Karl, and headed out, not to the front of the building, but instead to a door leading out to its back side. Here was where the stables for the local cavalry horses were kept, and here was where Varvara was located. She was easily spotted, one of the few black horses in the stables round these parts, and all the more beautiful for it. 'Varvara!' he called, agitating her for a moment before he arrived, passing into her stall so as to soothe her. '[I know, I know, my dear,]' he murmured into her ear, speaking in Russian, the language they were both accustomed to, '[it is dreadful that you have not been allowed to stretch your legs enough. But you are a good strong horse, I know, for I have ridden you many times before. We're going out to do some work with our fellows, Varvara,]' he said, smiling at the horse as she gazed back, whether or not she knew what he was saying. '[You will be able to get some exercise whilst we are crushing the peasantry down, and once we get back, you shall have a nice hot mash, yes? Does that sound good? I will first need to saddle you up, as the Americans say, so just return when I call.]' Then he allowed her out, and for a brief minute, she ran round the field the horses would frolic in, giving him time to open the gateway out and gather all the necessities for ensuring she remained under control, saddle, stirrups, bit and reins; and once she returned to him, he attached them to her body with practiced ease, finally lifting himself into her saddle and encouraging her to ride out the gate, dismounting only to close it behind them again. And once that was done, it was simply a matter of riding out front to meet his comrades in arms, ready to head out and do the dirty work of crushing this rebellion.</s> <|message|>Josef Fichter Josef nodded to Karl and Erich as they followed him, noting their polite startings to conversation. "There's likely some communist influence in these strikes, but I doubt we'll know unless we take some of them prisoner, which we likely will." Noting that Erich had spoken to Karl, Josef turned to take to his gear, gathering his rifle and officer's sword, his pistol having already been on him. All three weapons had been his during the Great War as well, and so they bore a bit of customization and identification. The rifle's sights had been modified to measure in meters rather than the old paces, while the stock bore a carving of his name, and several tally marks from kills. The saber was well cared for, as was the sheath, the metal still just as bright as the day it was issued. Josef took these weapons, latching them over him, and once Karl and Erich were ready, heading out towards where Servác kept the truck. Approaching the truck, Josef called out to Servác. "I hope you're ready to go, everyone else is." If they were, he'd climb into the rear of the truck, and after helping everyone else in, give the signal to go.</s>
<|message|>Pyotr Sidorov If Pyotr had heard Josef mention communism, he'd likely have had a few words to say on the topic of the Bolsheviks, none of them good. As it was, he was none the wiser as he met up with the rest of the crew at the front of the building, happy as ever. Riding what his thing, so he often claimed, and he found it hard to imagine a better time than riding full-speed on the back of a sturdy steed. Maybe fucking a nubile and eager lady, of course, as many men might agree, but it'd be a very close second, if that. 'I know I am!' he called, having heard Josef yell over at Servác. Nice guy. That said, he trotted Varvara over to stand by Karl, glancing down at the tall German with a grin on his face. It was funny, really - you could be as tall as you wanted, and yet a man on a horse would still tower over you. 'So Karl,' he uttered, 'are you ready to keep these silly peasants in line? Varvara has been cooped up for very long, so she is extremely eager to stomp them under her hooves! Maybe. She is a horse, so perhaps yes, perhaps no.'</s>
<|description|>Ramika "Ram Jam" Jamison Age: On the border between 17 and 18, soon-to-be if not already a high-school graduate depending on what season this RP takes place in Gender: Female Appearance: Stand: *Stand name: Black Betty *Stand appearance: Black Betty takes the form of a girl not much older than Ram Jam who shares some of her physical characteristics. However, where Ram Jam is blonde and dresses primarily in white clothes, Black Betty has black hair and dresses in black clothes, like a mirror image of Ram Jam. *Stand ability: Black Betty is one of the rare Stands with a personality, will, and agenda all its own. However, as it cannot exist independently without Ram Jam like other Stands such as Anubis, Black Betty is very protective of Ram Jam, and will frequently come to her aid without being called. The primary ability of Black Betty is its hawk-like precision and the ability to summon two muskets, one for Black Betty and one for Ram Jam, to be exchanged and wielded as they see fit. These muskets will never run out of ammo (although they must be reloaded) and fire bullets that can be guided mid-flight and travel arbitrarily faster or slower as Ram Jam demands, meaning they can easily pierce and continue through several targets and even solid objects or strike slowly and nonlethally. Black Betty also seems to increase Ram Jam's reaction time to bullet-timing levels, both to allow her to guide her bullets and to compensate in some way for Black Betty's absolute lack of defensive abilities, making her something of a glass cannon. *Stand stats: **Destructive power: D **Speed: B **Range: B **Durability: E **Precision: B Weapon: Musket Personality: Ram Jam is a smart, upstanding young woman with a pronounced sense of justice and empathy for others. Black Betty, on the other hand, is the opposite of every one of those things. Ram Jam grew up fantasizing about the romanticized glory days of the Old West, where puckish rogue lawbringers and lone wanderers brought peace to towns being terrorized by outlaws at the end of a gun barrel. She made it her ideal to be a hero like them and stand up for the little guy, bringing peace and justice to the world. This has made her into a very headstrong and stubborn girl who frequently gets herself into regrettable situations she could have avoided had she only had more wisdom than she had smarts. Black Betty can be considered her dark side or evil twin in this aspect. Whereas Ram Jam goes out of her way to care for others, Black Betty cares only for herself, and by extension Ram Jam. She's mischievous, underhanded and pragmatic, and is willing to lie and cheat to get what she wants. Whereas Ram Jam represents the ideal of an Old West cowboy who stands up for the law and upholds peace and justice, Black Betty represents the reality of an unscrupulous 19th century rogue less motivated by respect for the law and more by respect for themselves. Despite this, Ram Jam and Betty still get along like bickering sisters, with Ram Jam frequently having to apologize and clean up Betty's messes. Bio: The daughter of a Japanese woman and an American soldier stationed in Okinawa, and that's all I'm gonna say for now (I wanna get this sheet up before any other gun Stand users show up). What is courage?: To become one with fear itself.</s> <|message|>Tommy Sparks Izayoi Grand Hospital - Tommy Sparks Tommy was in a dazed half-awake state only vaguely aware of his surroundings. Wha… what's happening? They're talking about a friend. The… friend… is one of mine? No… no, not mine, the YoYo's. His friend isn't here… where is she? Wait… wait. screwing up his face and trying to focus beyond his pain he looked around. A few more people had regained consciousness and were consoling YoYo. Oh… oh God no. Readjusting himself in the wheelchair, Tommy decided that it was probably for the best if he didn't do the comforting thing. Tommy's older brother hated that when Tommy tried. Reaching out with his left leg Tommy started pushing himself backwards to see if he could find a bathroom. "Hello? Nurse? Someone?" waiting for a reply and finding none Tommy wheeled himself down to the end of the corridor and found a bathroom. When he entered he saw his reflection and was shocked. Tommy could hardly recognise himself, he looked as if he hadn't eaten for a week and his hair was a mess. Checking his pockets Tommy found a small wad of rubber bands and wrapped one around his wrist. Getting up on unsteady feet and approaching the sink Tommy filled it with water, cleaned himself up as best he could with wet paper towels. Dunking his head in the sink Tommy opened his eyes under water in the hopes of getting rid of his lingering tiredness. Resurfacing, Tommy bumped his head on the faucet causing his to curse. Rubbing the back of his head Tommy grabbed the rubber band from his wrist and used it to tie back his hair. Now feeling rather refreshed, stable on his feet and not in constant pain Tommy started wheeling back the wheelchair to his shared room. As he walked back Tommy felt a little mischievous. No one's looking… I have a wheelchair and an empty corridor… why not? I'm not going to have an opportunity like this again! Turning the chair so that it was facing him, Tommy backed up for a running start and charged at the chair. Leaping just in time to land knees first in the chair Tommy rocketed down the corridor shooting past empty rooms, his own occupied one, some more empty rooms and the nurse's station before hopping off before the wheelchair his the wall. A nurse looked over the desk with a shocked look on her face and Tommy walked back with an innocent 'can I help you?' look on his face that could melt the heart of Jack Frost himself. Once past the desk Tommy took a deep breath and walked back to his room. On his way back Tommy looked in at the other rooms noticing that every room he had passed were empty. Once back at the room he asked "Were we in particularly bad shape? All the other rooms are empty."</s> <|message|>Ramika "Ram Jam" Jamison Izayoi Grand Hospital - Ram Jam Ram Jam smiled, sniffing. It was good to see Yoyo bouncing back so quickly, but as much as she wanted to pretend that a hug and a kiss could solve all the world's problems, there was still a lot to be done before Yoyo's broken heart could truly be put at ease and they could all rest. In fact, there were still lingering questions she wanted answered as well. Who was it that attacked us and why did they do it? Why did they have to kill so many innocent people if they were just after us? Are they going after our families and friends too? Is Dad going to be okay? These questions scratched at the back of Ramika's head, demanding answers when she had none. Not knowing was almost unbearable. But there was one question on her mind that she might be able to answer, and it could lead them all to the answers to all the other questions they were all asking. Or at least it could be a start. Why don't I feel injured? Unbuttoning the first few buttons of her hospital gown so she could see down her chest and look at her stomach, Ramika looked for a bruise or an entry wound where she felt the pain. She saw nothing. Not even gauze or a bandaid. "Guys..." she said, growing a little paler. "Is anyone else injured? Do you see any blood?" "Were we in particularly bad shape? All the other rooms are empty." "What?!" Ram Jam exclaimed. "No, that can't be right. There has to be-" But when she walked outside, she saw that Tommy was telling the truth. The only other people she could see were nurses. All the other rooms were empty. "We're the only ones here..." Something wasn't right about this situation. No, nothing was right about this situation. Something was very, very wrong.</s> <|message|>Goichi Goethe [h2]Izayou Grand Hospital - Goichi "If i could change it... I'd die instead... I'm sorry I can't do that... But i'll do the only thing I can... And find out whatever the fuck happened...! So please... Everyone... Help me find out... If not for the peace of Yosukes friend, but for your own safety! We weren't the only people hit by that thing! Other people could be alive! Maybe someone seen something before it happened! And if someone or somethings responsible, i'd like to protect other people... from the same fate..." Goichi grinned like a madman despite the strange happenings and tragedy of recent events. This Gibson guy talked a big game and if he was willing to back it up with action then he could see them becoming fast friends. He reached out his hand to shake and said,"Gibson you can bet your ass I'm with you. I'm not just gonna stand around and let some asshole kill a young girl and get away with it. As long as we're in this consider me joined at the hip brother. I'm sure as shit not going anywhere until this bastard pays." The entire situation still stank of something not quite right. Nothing made sense, but it felt good knowing that whoever was responsible was going to get a boot so far up his ass he'd be vomiting leather even if at the moment it was all just words. And he had to admit that Yoyo was taking it better than he had expected as well. Still the question once again came back to what the hell happened to them? "Guys..." she said, growing a little paler. "Is anyone else injured? Do you see any blood?" Goichi looked down at his chest and realized that he too was totally unharmed. No bumps, scrapes, bruises, or cuts. But they were stabbed. All of them. Through the heart no less. So much for finding answers. "Were we in particularly bad shape? All the other rooms are empty." And just like that, any remaining good vibes from Gibson's proclamation were sucked out of him. "What do you mean empty? There's no way we'd be the only ones here. That doesn't make any sense,"he sighed, "then again its not like anything else about today has. Does anybody have an idea about our next move? I'm all for getting to the bottom of this but without any leads we're just stuck looking dumbfounded at each other. And I don't know about the rest of you but that's starting to get old for me."</s> <|message|>Alexander Johannes [goes by 'Xander'] Izayoi Grand Hospital - Xander Johannes TIME: 6:13 AM DATE: August 19 The goth individual only held a slight delay between Xander attempting his leave and himself attempting to shut it down. With a subtle roll of the eyes and a quiet exhale of a sigh, Xander turned back to humor the man's desperate chant. As much as he didn't want to be crass about this, Xander saw no reason to involve these other folks in what he was attempting to look for. While they certainly couldn't give up any search for answers any more than him, Xander was one of about two of them that actually looked to stand a literal fighting chance, when this greater conflict came to blows (and it had to, at some point). By the time Gibson was finished, one of the folks who had fallen into the wheelchair was about to return from the bathroom. And, of course, the rest of the group who was supporting YoYo also took the same stand. It seemed that one of the ultimate decisions among them was to probe Xander of anything he knew that could help their efforts, with Gibson, James, and YoYo collectively half-asking, half-demanding he share whatever he witnessed. So much for not getting them involved. The situation seemed to take a gruesome and worrying tone again when the lady and the wheelchair guy suddenly reported their own shocking discoveries. Xander wasn't very surprised; he had already discovered that his own wound seemed non-apparent (as he neither felt an actual mark, nor saw that his clothes were torn) and one of his assumptions was that they were the only ones to survive this attack. It only served to underline the supernatural nature of this case, just as Xander himself was about to do for the brutality of it. "Alright, look," he began, folding his arms low at his torso. "Your enthusiasm to fight back against whoever did this is admirable, maybe. It shouldn't change the fact that the responsible person, in order to pull off something like this, has to be very powerful- and very dangerous." Xander's tone started to rise, putting further emphasis on his statements. "For us to have survived, many more people had to have died, not just Yukari. Dozens of people killed, in just a split-second. Does that sound like something you want to make an enemy out of?" Pausing, Xander backed down a bit, seeing a couple of the people gain a furious fire in their eyes. "It's clear I'm not going to change your mind like this; I'm simply warning you. You've already lost so much, do you dare risk any more to even try and put down this foe?" Everyone here wanted answers and retribution, but they would put a lot on the line by doing so. Lives, families, careers, everything truly valuable to them. The last thing anyone needed was another death to witness. After a moment, he added, "And before you make me eat my own words, realize that I've far less to lose than you do." After a bit of time, Xander turned again, as if to leave, but stopped halfway to speak again. "...Just before this happened, I saw someone at the top of Chromatus Tower. I'm certain that man was behind this." He finished his turn away, calling back to the others, "I'm going to go home and recuperate, then return to Chromatus Tower at 8 AM. Maybe you'll be there." Before any further words or arguments could stop him, Xander was out the door on the way to the exit.</s>
<|message|>Ramika "Ram Jam" Jamison Izayoi Grand Hospital - Ram Jam "Jerk..." Ramika muttered as Xander walked out on the rest of them. Looking around, Ramika noticed that, aside from Yoyo and Tommy, she didn't know most of these people. Odd, because after what they'd gone through together already, she felt like they were already friends. Or something like that at least. There was a bond they shared, the bond between survivors. And maybe, depending on how these next 24 hours passed, comrades. Ramika couldn't help but smile. They were just like the Magnificent Seven! Except, you know... there were only six of them. Yeah, just like the Magnificent Seven. The shooter girl got up off the floor, buttoning up her hospital gown again to preserve her modesty. Once she'd dusted herself off, she offered a hand to everyone. "Well I think some introductions are in order. My name is Ramika Jamison. My interests include old Westerns and first-person shooters. I'm Okinawa born 'n raised, and I've lived in Izayoi City all my life. My dad's name is Wild Bill Jamison. It's a pleasure to meet y'all," she said, going for a deliberate twang but stopping just short of sprinkling her sentences with "giddyup" and "howdy pardner".</s>
<|description|>Maxwell Stone M a xThe Courier --- A G E 28 E T H N I C B A C K G R O U N D Novan, Hedgehog (Spicati) D E S C R I P T I O N -Red Fur -Pilot Fatigues C A P A B I L I T I E S Brawler: Max is a loud and aggressive individual with a long history of getting into fights. He is not martially trained in this manner and has no tact or foresight, but due to his build and temper is still relatively dangerous in close combat. Gunslinger: Max was trained in firearms as a child in a loose frontier state that was as dangerous as it was wild. As a byproduct Max is a great shot whether he is firing a bolt-action rifle or a double-action revolver. By extension he could be decent with a trenchgun as well, though Max will tell you that he likes firing faster rather than harder. Expert Pilot: From ages sixteen to twenty-three, Max served as one of the members of an independent flight squadron. An unlikely choice due to his young age, Max found eventually won over his comrades-in-arms with diligence and talent. By the time of the freelancing squadron disbanded Max's exploits fighting pirates had earned him a reputation, though due to practices Max's name was never leaked thus relatively pushing Max's talents into obscurity. That said, Max is a capable pilot and one of the craftiest ace's to fly the crimson skies; boasting himself that he can fly any flying machine crafted by Novan or Miran alike. N O T E S Yara Stone: Max's sister.</s> <|message|>Yonath Syrain --- Yony Southeastern Mir - The Fall --- "Ain't feel dangerous, oke. Back dat way though? Koud as fok." Xell suppressed surprise hearing the boy's raspy voice crackle quietly not far from him. A initial glance making him take a second. The flashlight the otter had attached to his head appeared to have been turned off at first. But with the second glance he realized it was just the effect of looking at the brighter lights they were all carrying. The torch was still on, but a dim red color, the pink coated youth moving it around the paths behind them slowly and fluidly. He moved back the way they came some and crouched in front of a tree, still scanning back the way they'd come while the newcomer was called out.</s> <|message|>Sashrya 'Mystery' (real last name unknown) --- SashaSoutheastern Mir - The Fall --- Well, at least they aren't will-of-the-wisps... However, they also didn't seem to be completely friendly either. Although, she couldn't really blame them, it being after dark in the Fall and all. Gulping, Sasha took a deep breath and emerged from the bushes.</s> <|message|>Xell Weaver --- X e l lSoutheastern Mir - The Fall --- "Ain't feel dangerous, oke. Back dat way though? Koud as fok." Xell suppressed surprise hearing the boy's raspy voice crackle quietly not far from him. He also noted him standing back somewhat, still doning the headlamp as if to cover more surface area with it. 'So he can talk?' Xell scratched his head 'what the hell is that dialect though? The way-upward mountains or something?' The Draconi turned back to the source of the voice in a slight daze. Perplextion washing over his face as he noted a strange hybrid like creature emerge from the shaded foliage. Her form outlined from the light coming off the Youth. The newcomer appeared to be mostly canine but had feline traits. Even doning a pair of wings which didn't look particularly fit for flight or other heavy duty aerodynamics. "Ha." Xell drawled curtly "you remind me of one of hell's oil feathered serpents! I'd say that's why you survived this long in the Fall without getting eaten." 'Oh God, did I just say that out loud.' he bit his lower lip after his comment was met with silence. "Where exactly are you trying to get to?" He said, adopting a friendlier tone. He'd give what the Youth said about the newcomer the benefit of the doubt.</s> <|message|>Maxwell Stone --- M a xSoutheastern Mir - The Fall --- What the fucking fuck?! Max tensed, his free hand nearly jolting for his revolver on instinct. He had heard of the mutants that inhabited The Fall, but he thought they were boogeymen, ghost stories, fables, and paranoid bullshit. But what he saw in front of him didn't look any Novan he had ever seen and it unnerved him to see such a creature emerging from the darkness of the forest. In fact, had she just came out of the bushes without calling out for help he would've probably shot her. He was pretty glad that was not the case. As he looked to the girl and the group, gauging the reactions of all involved parties, he listened on—choosing not to talk or show his wariness or genuine surprise of the girl's appearance. That is, until the Draconi said what he was thinking. Max didn't particularly care if the Draconi's words insulted the… whatever it was that stood in front of them, but realistically if the other pirate had "noped" out of his plane like he had there was a particular threat that could be looming in the forest. They didn't have the time to dwaddle and make smalltalk; they needed to keep moving. So with that in mind Max decided to take leadership and support Taffy's initiative to move away from the crashsite. "Eh, can we keep moving? I don't think standing and talking in The Fall is good for our health. We can talk as we get on, yeh?"</s> <|message|>Taffy Tanner --- T a f f ySoutheastern Mir - The Fall --- Finally, words that actually make him sound he's got a real brain inside that prickly skull of his! thought Taffy as Max suggested the group move along. She had started to get annoyed enough with Xell's veiled stabs that she was glad the Draconi was keeping his distance from the group proper, or she might've tweaked his ear rather soundly...or worse. Not that she hadn't had her own heart leap into her throat the moment that the newcomer stepped out of the underbrush and trees. Her own experience with the Fall had left her less superstitious than most, but it also put her on edge in case she ran into that thing again, and the newcomer had been big enough with her wings wrapped around herself to give Taffy a momentary flashback that made her want to stab something. Fortunately, very fortunately, the moment passed quickly, and Taffy was almost relieved to see the mutant wolf girl there instead. Medically speaking, such hybrids were still quite rare among Novans, whose genetics usually tended to firmly favor one of the parents' species or another, rather than muddle the two up. But the hybrids occurred with enough frequency that it was a requirement of study in case a doctor needed to treat one - and that could be tricky indeed, since more often than not, the hybrids had quirks that made their innards as much a hashmash of features from different species as their outer selves showed. As far as Taffy could tell, though, the new arrival looked fairly harmless in the flashlight beams leveled at her. The fact that she held onto what looked like a map also indicated she was probably lost, which further tempered Taffy's reaction. The raccoon girl opened her mouth to say, "Max is right," but her teeth ground shut the instant she tried to say that, and she sort of gurgled instead. Then she unclenched her teeth and changed her tack by saying instead, "Come along with us, we can figure out how to help you find where you're going once we get to safety. My name is Taffy Tanner - what's yours?" Some more introductions were shared, and Taffy got the impression that the demure newcomer, Sashrya by name, wasn't going to be causing any trouble for the group directly. She seemed nice enough, and Taffy felt automatically a little protective of her, though she couldn't quite put her finger onto why. Nevertheless, Taffy continued to lead the way, as the night's darkness seeped through the leaves of the thick canopy above them. A small worry at the back of her mind nagged at her that the group was making far too much noise and attracting too much attention, but there wasn't much she could do for the time being - at least, not without screaming "SHADDAP!" and that would just be counterproductive, so she grumbled to herself instead. It did not take long for the group to arrive at a small clearing Taffy had run across before. A peculiar set of sculptures dominated the middle of this clearing, lit enough by the moon to cast long shadows across it from each sculpture. These vaguely humanoid statues were crafted by some unknown hand long ago out of a mix of metal scraps and woodwork, and were a bizarre enough landmark that Taffy knew where the group was exactly just by seeing them. A chill ran down her spine, though; seeing the statues with their bizarre, almost meaningless poses in the dark made her feel a little on-edge despite herself. Some of them were posed like dancers, while others merely stood at attention or squatted in place. Some of the statues had tails, while others did not, further obscuring the original artist's possible identity as to whether they were Miran or Novan. A breeze whispered through the chinks in the framework of the sculptures, creating an eerie noise that whistled and moaned before it died down and left a silence almost as spooky as the noise had been. And in the night, with only flashlights to guide the way, it only added to the surreal quality of this strange landmark. "We can take a quick break here," Taffy announced after walking up to the statues and turning around to face the group, her back to the statues and her own body partly covered by the shadow from one of them. "It isn't that far now, maybe another mile before we see-" She was interrupted by the looks on the faces of the others as they tensed and looked slightly past her. At the same moment, she saw one shadow move around on the ground and heard movement behind her, and realized too late that one of these statues wasn't a statue! She whirled around, one arm lifted to guard herself while the other raised the flashlight she carried like an all-too-small club, and she found herself facing...</s> <|message|>Akaeyla Wildgrove --- AkaeylaMir - The Fall --- ...Facing a girl of about her own age, with red and black fur in a rather striking striped pattern, and an expression so tranquil she could have been meditating in amongst the statues the entire day. Although it was difficult to see in what light there now was, her hair was cut in a bob that covered almost one half of her face and the eyes were completely hidden by a thick blindfold. Akaeyla had spotted the group, already getting mobile, as she'd approached the second downed aircraft. Having seen that the pilot was alive and in company, and noticed the general direction in which they were headed, she'd decided to head to the Sculpture Copse. Sculpture Copse- as the friendlier inhabitants of The Fall called it- was the collection of sculptures that lay ahead of the group, assuming they continued on their present bearing. She'd settled there approximately ten minutes ahead of them- she'd expected it to be five at the most, but the unexpected arrival of another party member had delayed them a little, it seemed. Her reasoning for waiting up ahead was quite simple- a person waiting quietly ahead of them had less chance of being attacked, or fired upon, than did someone or something who just dropped out of the sky upon them. Reasoning, it seemed, that had been flawed... the Lotori girl had been busy informing the others of the way to their intended destination and, with only her flashlight and the moonlight to see by, had leaned right up against the plinth Akaeyla was seated cross-legged upon, not realising she wasn't a statue. In fact, it looked like the other members of the party hadn't sensed her presence, or at least not been certain of it, until she'd risen from her seated position to a standing one- and horribly startled the Lotori girl as a result. Noticing the increased tension the sudden awareness of her presence had caused, Akaeyla decided she needed to address the situation immediately... which was something of a problem for Akaeyla herself. Though perfectly capable of looking after herself, and content in only her own company, Akaeyla had always been somewhat shy around people... originally because she was blind, later because she saw too much. Whilst some people, the moment they step into a room, radiate a commanding presence which seems to take up all ambient space so they cannot be ignored, Akaeyla was more the opposite: When she stepped into a room, all the ambient space seemed to absorb her presence until she was almost invisible, and had to actually make an effort to be noticed. That, coupled with- as a friend had once observed- a tendency to think twice before doing nothing, made this situation awkward- the more so since she'd been living away from people for some time now. Deciding it would be best to speak to the Lotori girl first (since there was a reasonable chance of getting clubbed with a flashlight if she didn't) Akaeyla spoke in a soft but clear voice. "Pardon me if I startled you," she addressed Taffy, "That wasn't meant at all... I forgot you might not be able to see me so well at this time of day. I thought this might be a good place to wait in case the pilot of that downed plane happened by, as I found out something earlier it might be useful for them to know". Akaeyla paused once she'd said that, not quite sure what she should say next, or if she should wait for a response. As she took in the various members of the party, the odd thought struck her that they resembled the kind of line up you find in a joke. Smiling slightly at that thought, she spoke the words that came to her head as a result, addressing all the people present as she did so. "Stop me if you've heard this one before," she said, rearranging the leathery wings that were now draped comfortably around her shoulders as she did so, "A Lotori, a Spicati, a Draconi, a Nekomi, a hybrid and a child all walk up to a hermit in The Fall after sunset. The hermit says she knows something that might be important... what do they say in return?" She looked around the group as she finished her statement.They looked like they weren't sure if she was playing games with them, or was actually making a joke. She paused, tilting her head and adding, a touch lamely, "uh... any takers?"</s>
<|message|>Maxwell Stone M a xSoutheastern Mir - The Fall --- Another mutant who lived in The Fall? Really? Is it idiots-who-waste-my-time day or something? Max grumbled, his mood souring due to the fact that every time he took a new footstep there was another idiot crawling out of the woods. How many people were going to come out of nowhere and "introduce" themselves? By the time to Merecc would he have a small standing army? The most frustrating thing of all was that this newcomer thought being cryptic was interesting and Max had about enough with all of these cockamamie distractions. The red-furred Novan pushed forward and nearly snarled at the creature point-blank, but instead just seemed to express a tone of sourness and grumpiness. "I say how many fucking people are going to come out of these fucking woods?!"</s>
<|description|>Hemlock Reguim Gender: M Age: 27 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Rank: Cause Objective for the Grail: Hemlock is too prideful of his family's art to throw it all away and reach the root using some cup, so he intends to wish for a solution to the annoying roadblocks that stop them from reaching that level on their own terms. Command Seal: A paintbrush with a splatter of paint. The splatter will disappear first, then the head, and finally the shaft. Personality: Hemlock gives off the impression that he would probably still be totally committed to painting even if it had absolutely nothing to do with his magecraft. Since first-hand observation is the best for painting, he doesn't mind venturing out of his workshop at all. Indeed, he generally lacks pride and has no problem stooping down into the dirt or grovelling. The only exception is his painting. The mention of art completely washes away the detached and calm persona, giving way to the emotions he bottles up inside. A conversation with a lover of art can turn him into a charming guy with a bright smile, but someone who insults his work will suddenly be face-to-face with a violent and vindictive artist. Bio: The Reguim family is based in the English countryside, within arm's reach of the Clock Tower. They've always been open to co-operation with the Association, but there was little reason to, especially as they began to stagnate a bit. The goal of their art is to "paint the root" and the use that painting as a means to reach it. Hemlock spent lots of his childhood outside and often travelled to different exotic places in order to paint them. His family was fairly mellow since they spent all their time painting, so he was allowed to make non-mage friends and hang out with them in his spare time. Even so, Hemlock could tell that his relatives had started to despair about ever advancing their craft, and as a skilled young heir, the pressure was on him. Leaving behind his social life was his own choice, rather than something forced on him, but in the end, he became just another anti-social mage looking for easy solutions to fulfill ancient pride. --- Magic Circuit Switch: Imagining a black canvas. Number of Magic Circuits: B Quality of Magic Circuits: B --- Elemental Affinity: Earth and Water Magecraft: In addition to basic magecraft, Hemlock is highly proficient with his family's traditional style, which uses paintings. The focuses of this are essentially "bounded fields" and "curses" that make use of paintings to boost their effectiveness. A painting can be used as the centrepiece of a boundary, tuning its purpose to a function related to the painting. A painting of a sturdy house or castle would make for a protective field, and so on. In regards to curses, it's a matter of painting a representation of a target, and then making alterations to the painting to mirror the effects onto a target, similar to a "voodoo doll". In both cases, a painting made from immediate observation instead of imagination or memory will be more effective, and one that contains materials from the subject will be even moreso. Crest: 6 Generations Weapons: Vibrant Arsenal: An artist's palette, to which normal paints can be applied at will. The paint becomes filled with mana and fails to be removed by the standard jostling one experiences during battle. In order to apply it, the specialized brush must be flicked against a dollop of paint, causing the liquid to fly off in a blade-like arc. These are physical attacks that deal damage on contact, with the type of damage corresponding to the colour used as one would expect. Paintings: Stacks of Hemlock's past work, useable with his magecraft. Various pieces such as forests, dark alleys, castles, violent brawls, and stormy seas are present here. Portable Speed-Painting Kit: A small case that unfolds into a stool, canvas, and everything else Hemlock would need in order to sit down and do some painting in dangerous situations.</s> <|message|>Hector --- Hector Studio Apartment, Core District --- "Ahaha"Hector let out a warm, heartfelt chuckle as he drew in closer to his master and met him in the proposed handshake, delivering it firmly to tell him that he had no intention of being anything other than a loyal servant. "Servant and Master are fine by all means... Just forgive this old man if he forgets everyonce in a while eh son?... Well never mind to much about that Master." He scratched his chin thinking to himself that something wasn't quite right about that last part. But moving on. "Ahhh yesss... Now that is definitely something this old man can tell you much about. You see it seems I have been summoned into the Lancer class, although that is not too important but that can be saved for later. My true name however... Well how do I put it. I am the eldest Prince of Troy, Hector of the Shining Helmet they called me in life. I hope this old man is up to your standards eh? That time surely was full of great heroes but in the end its me who was pulled towards you haha." He spoke lightheartedly with his master about himself but there was something a little more serious that he wanted to ask in return... "Hey master, its alright if you don't know but by any chance do you people of the modern age know how that war turned out in the end? You see I had a message for my brother Paris but eh well... The nature of that message left things in a way where I wasn't alive to see if it ever got to him." That message of course was the weakness of the hero Achilles that he had engraved secretly on his own body before the end of their duel... If it had gotten to Paris perhaps everything was alright in the end. That might be a bit much to ask for huh... --- Lucienne Residential District > ? --- "Great! You are looking wonderful tonight Caster." she greeted her servant once more as she descended the stairs, delivering a polite bow to wrap all the pleasantries up in a neat bow. It might be considered rather odd for a master to treat a servant in such a manner but Lucienne couldn't help but feel that she was still the lesser of the two despite the terms of their contract. Well an amicable impression surely can only be a good one in the end. But perhaps if I over do it my manners may be mistaken for a weak will. That was something that the young master of Bordeaux had always fretted over. She was always concerned with pleasing the one who se was interacting with but perhaps it would feel better to be a rather stern person for once. But perhaps that is best left for my craft and my enemies hmm? With great courtesy she led the way out from the workshop that she had spent the day constructing and into the street. It was a quiet night in this part of Paris, it seemed that the neighbouring houses would be full of families relaxing, perhaps watching television or reading a book. But either way this street was oblivious with the strange pair that now took up one of the houses of this street. "Well Caster... ahem... On second thought that might not be a good thing to say out loud. Will Marguerite do for now? As you are the guest here so to speak where would you like to go first? The Opéra Bastille could be a fun place although I am not sure what is showing there currently. Otherwise we could make a trip to another part of the city, perhaps one of the parks? Intentionally leaving the question open for whatever Caster may choose she spreads her arms out to stretch. Although she seemed to be rather relaxed she was not so naive to just be walking around sightseeing. As expected of a master it was more of an excuse to scout the city, to scope out their opponents if the chance occurred. She had no doubt that this was on Casters mind as well. Well at least she hoped it was.</s> <|message|>Mirai Kurojishi --- Latin District, Hotel Workshop --- Idiot!? Worthless!?!? LESS than worthless!?!?!?!?!?! Such a rapid fire attack without warning simply could not be defended against. D'Art fell to the floor in an agonizing wince, clutching at her chest all the way down. With a shaky raspy voice alike a man on death's door she replied. "Milady please…-" She cut herself off to spring up and provided the previously offered handkerchief, before throwing herself back to the ground to resume as if she had not been cut off at all. "...-your words wound me deeper than you can know, were I not blinded by your beauty-.."Another sudden stopping off, as she nodded to each of the others in turn, smiling ear to ear and with a twinkle in her eye, "- And your beauty, and your beauty, and of course last but not least your beauty-..." Annnd back to the wince. "...then I would have flawlessly assessed the situation without pause. Indeed it is not my shortcomings my sweet, but your own unearthly loveliness!... And yours, and you-" It would take a moment to get her back on her feet and properly attentive of the actual situation proper, once the rapid fire flattery had run its course. In the end, D'Artagnan left the apartment and hit the streets with Diana on her arm and the others in tow, all the while swearing up and down that her choice had been at random and based in no sort of favoritism whatsoever as they would all get a turn before the night was up. Things would get a little easier once she worked out the proper schedule to give all the girls an even amount of attention, afterall she was a ladies man, but for tonight they'd have to wing it. --- Heading out into the Latin District Proper, with her hunnies~♡ @ssw --- --- Canal District, City of Science and Industry Museum --- Mirai was taking this far worse than she appeared, as it was something quite entirely dreadful to have your life's work, no rather generations of work, be seen as something of a pet project that was nothing more than a good base to work off of. Of course she knew that such an appraisal coming from this person of all possible people was nothing short of honest, his craft was the absolute pinnacle which no one would reach again in this age of dying mystery, but this did little to assuage her anger. His charms on the other hand did, and in abundance. Not his handsome face and apparent devil may care attitude that had planted his head in her lap before she could even think to refuse him, but the literal charms that he wrote into being as she watched. For the skilled craftsman there was nothing quite so mesmerizing as watching a job well done, which was several orders of magnitude removed from the effortless and fascinating perfection with which Caster worked. Indeed Her ire at being confronted with her own inferiority was in fact subdued almost entirely by her satisfaction in the superb status of her summoning, a blessing far greater than she could have ever begun to anticipate. Even just existing in the same workshop as him as he worked was enough to improve her technique by the end of the seven days they would spend together, nevermind if she actually made an effort to learn from him. In fact so swiftly and precisely did he work that there was little she could do to even assist despite his flattering of her role in it. So with things as they were she busied her hands with what would otherwise be totally menial work that was usually quite entirely beneath her, except the one that stroked at his hair and played with his ears. Four others moved in perfect concert, providing fresh paper, moving that which carried the wet ink of fresh charms, fanning the ink dry, and folding the finished charms into a neat stack when dried.Indeed despite the relaxed nature of their leisurely postures they had become something of a living assembly line. The fifth hand seized the future, as if to answer Caster's question. Not in the literal sense, but rather it seized one of the threads hanging as it began to glow and hum. Her eyes closed for a second, lashes fluttering and settling heavily before flying wide. "I had planned on stroking your ears all night, but it seems we have some rather unsightly neighbors." She spoke with a definite tone of disdain, and after giving his head a few more pats she rose rather unceremoniously despite his place in her lap. "Come Caster, we must teach them that the inelegance of such creatures will not be tolerated in my territory without swift retribution." She grabbed her parasol, tucked four of her six arms deep into her kimono, and opened the door. "Let us make haste now. The sooner it is done and over with the sooner we can begin proper preparations- and return to giving you the attention you've no doubt sorely missed in this last millennia." --- 2</s>
<|message|>Hemlock Reguim Apartment Workshop, Core District --- Hemlock's eyes shone. The warrior prince of Troy was his Servant. Once that name touched his ears, the simple "colours" which had conveyed Lancer's basic parameters to him expanded, blossoming out to paint a much greater picture of a strong martial fighter with excellent tactical abilities and a versatile weapon of great power. This hero was everything he could have hoped for. It had been smart, he thought, to use an open-ended catalyst like a chunk from Troy's gate, leaving room for the Grail to send him an ally based on compatibility. However, the next words Hector spoke troubled the painter slightly... "Are you saying you don't know? The Grail is supposed to send Servants into the world with an understanding of modern language, technology, and history, but did it leave out the ending to your own story? Hemlock paced around the room for a moment. "In that case, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Troy did fall. The king of Ithaca hid men inside of a large wooden horse presented as a gift to your people. They emerged in the night and opened the way for armies to enter the city. If it's any consolation to you, your brother did slay Achilles some time before that." He gestured to an armchair silently. If Hector needed time to process that his home had been destroyed, his Master would let him take a seat and bring him something to drink. "I'm sorry. I'm hoping to make a move in the war sometime tonight. With your abilities, we can suss out what our enemies are capable of without major risk. When you're feeling up to it, there are a few Servants converging on that tower." The mage nodded to the apartment's largest window, which gave a view of the city's most famous landmark against a gorgeous night sky. His gaze lingered there, focused on something. Aah ... That's quite good. I'll have to paint that before some idiot knocks it over. Based on what his familiars told him was happening there at the moment ... He captured the image in his mind, just to be safe.</s>
<|description|>Amon Race: Human Appearance Proffesion: Court Scholar and Mage Possessions: A number of ancient tomes, scrying glass, quill and ink, molter and pestle, single sword Skills/Magic/Talents: Master of Many Tongues: Through his service to many courts, and his long studies Amon has become fluent in many languages, and has become a good rhetorician. Biomancer: Amon is able to use his magical talents to manipulate the biology of those around him. He can heal wounds and other ailments, enhance inherent biological traits or manifest the raw electricity of his nervous system as lightning against his opponents. Foresighted: Amon is able to read the future to a limited degree. By focussing his talents and using his scrying glass he is able to discern some elements of the immediate future. His visions are by no means obvious things, often shrouded in symbolism that will take him some time to decypher. However this is not an ability he will use lightly, the toll it takes on him is great and he is fearful of mockery and scorn if he proves wrong. Demeanour: Amon is a quiet sort, long hours of study have left him extremely articulate, however he has not made much use of his skill with rhetoric. There are few things he enjoys more than exploration and learning being an extremely inquisitive soul. When he isn't studying he can usually be found diligently practising with his sword Mephret or practising the use of his powers (although he always does the latter in secret). Above all else though Amon is an honourable man, who values trust and loyalty before all other virtues. History: Born the son of a merchant Amon's home was destroyed and his family enslaved when he was very young. When he was 6 he was smuggled away from his captors, but his parents were killed in the attempt. Following this incident he went on to study at the Great Library of Maldran. Here Amon developed his skills as a scholar learning to read and write and spending much of his time in lengthy study. At the age of 21 he left the library and came to serve the masters of many noble houses selling his skills as a scholar and interpreter. Misery struck his life once more at the age of 24 however, when his master was assassinated before his eyes. Amon attacked the assassin assailing him with a volley of lightning and almost managed to kill the attacker who narrowly escaped. Following the event he was ordered to leave the household however, for the family blamed Amon for the masters death (Amon realised they blamed his powers, and since that time has tried to keep them hidden). Subsequently Amon has wondered the country adventuring and doing small jobs to get by, he has found himself evermore reliant upon his skills with a sword, but is hesitant to use his powers even in self defence.</s> <|message|>Amon Amon turned to the lady and smiled, 'Thank you my good lady, I have come from far off lands but I am glad to see that such common courtesy is global' he said by way of reply. He then turned to the Knight looking up at him 'Perhaps you and I Sir Knight should seek an audience with this Lord together? I have found that a bladesman and a sharp mind are always fine assets to a master well worth the coin' having said this Amon realised he'd yet to ask the strangers their names. He stepped back so that he might see both figures clearly, 'I seem to have made quite the poor first impression... here I am asking you for information and suggesting joint ventures and I've yet to introduce myself or inquire as to your names!' he took a step back and bowed. 'Allow me to introduce myself' he said drawing himself back up to his full height once more 'My name is Amon, I have come across the great sea in search of knowledge and service. If I might, may I inquire as to your names and proper titles?' Amon looked at the strangers expectantly, they seemed to be well intentioned. The Knight certainly fit the figure in the vision, Amon didn't have to be gifted to see the sense of purpose the Knight carried himself with. However, the armour still continued to bother Amon. Such an ancient relic should be in a museum thought he. It might be the last suit of its kind, and even if it were not the exquisite craftsmanship merited pride of place in a collection. Whilst still waiting for a reply he reappraised the Lady, her voice had been soft sounding and fitted her aesthetic, and yet... such sorrow. Amon did not know why but he felt immense pity, he reached down to his scrying glass as surreptitiously as he could. When he touched his hand against the case it was cold to the touch, like a shard of ice in his palm. The Lady then seemed to mutter something and turned back towards the castle. If anyone else had done such a thing then Amon might have felt ever so slightly insulted, and yet he knew on some plane that this apparent absent mindedness was not the fault of the Lady, but something that afflicted her terribly so. Noticing the Knight was still sat upon his horse Amon turned to him once more. 'Come good Sir, you can answer my questions over this last stretch of ground and on our arrival we can seek audience with this lands master' as he finished speaking Amon placed his right hand atop his sword and set about walking towards the castle.</s> <|message|>Carver Carver nodded his head and dismounted his horse. "Certainly, friend. I would be glad for company in my audience with the King - you seem a noble, clever sort. But pardon my manners - I shall not ride where you will walk." Leading August behind him, the knight proceeded after the man who'd called himself Amon and the strange lady. It was become apparent that she was not only bizarrely graceful, she was also terribly... addled? Confused? In any case, she seemed to have difficulty holding one topic of conversation - perhaps she was simply excitable. Coming up alongside Amon, Carver smiled good-naturedly and removed his helmet. "Ah, that's better for a conversation between friends. I am curious, Amon - tell me your tale. Where do you come from, and what do you seek?" Part of this question was the good natured curiousity it seemed to be - part of it was that the knight was very curious to know what was different about this man - or, what was different around man. He himself seemed normal, but the air around him was cloaked with abnormality.</s> <|message|>The Lady Amalthea (Yes, I will be rping my name sake) The Lady Amalthea began to step towards the castle, having forgotten her usual evening trek to the village; her attention had been diverted by Amon and Ser Carver and now her thoughts drifted back to where she resided each evening. Each step she took was silent and while the gravel and dirt of the path was loose and would roll under the common fall of foot they did not beneath her steps. She did not answer the question posed to her on who she was for at that moment it had slipped from her memory once again. It did all too often. The smell of salt hung heavy in the approaching evening air as she took meandering graceful strides towards the walls that surrounded the castle. The two guards who stood post at the gate watched them approach, their spears crossing to block the entrance once the Lady Amalthea had passed them; keeping the two new comers from stepping foot within the walls. "What business do you have here?" one asked in a gruff voice. The Lady Amalthea stopped and her head turned, shimmering hair waving slightly in the wind as her eyes flashed towards the men who had accompanied her to the castle. "Let them pass," she said in an airy voice before she continued silently on her way towards the doors of the old castle. The guards looked at each other for a moment before their spears were pulled back to allow Amon and Ser Carver to pass at their leisure. From the castle emerged a middle aged woman, her clothing tattered and poor. Matted straw colored hair and large brown eyes darted towards the new comers as she raced over towards the Lady Amalthea and took the womans hand. "M'Lady, you return to early, is everything alright?" she asked concerned. "Yes, I believe so," she answered as slender fingers curled over the calloused palm of the servant woman. The woman looked at the men who were following her lady oddly for a moment before she spoke. "I am Molly, thank you for bringing our Lady Amalthea back safe this evening," she said kindly towards them. "Who might you be?"</s>
<|message|>Amon Amon turned to the Knight who now strode alongside him, he was taller than Amon and his appearance was more in keeping with this land. Amon thought that he should feel at odds striding alongside this Knight, the stark contrast between them was evident from their dress alone if not their complexion. Yet Amon felt perfectly calm alongside this individual, he guessed that his long association with strangers and foreigners had allowed him to aclamate better than those who were more xenophobic. Then the Knight then asked Amon . I am curious, Amon - tell me your tale. Where do you come from, and what do you seek? Amon thought a moment before starting. 'Me good Sir Knight, I come from a land far across the sea the besets this lands shores. The name of my homeland is Ashir, at least in my native tongue. In your words it would most closely translate to The Place of Many Sands. It is a rough place of sweeping deserts and scattered oases, but amidst the unremitting landscape there are many great cities. Their walls are a bright white untarnished by the elements, and the minarets glimmer in gold, silver and blue. I remember they where always the first things one could see of a city on the horizon. My father would always wake me from my slumber on one of the camels when he could first see the minarets.' Amon looked down for a moment, his face briefly portrayed a deep sadness, and grave melancholia. 'But enough of my home for it must be of little interest to one such as yourself. I can tell you are a man of the people, interested in the deeds and reasons of things. So I shall answer your second question. What I seek is knowledge, I am a scholar by trade so I wonder the world in the search of the esoteric and the arcane. But these ventures do not come cheaply, so to fund myself I serve various noble lords. They are always in need of a man with a sharp mind, and my knowledge of many tongues is always in high demand.' Amon stopped for a moment wiping the sweat from his brow, this climb was exhausting, long weeks of sea travel had given him little time for exercise. He contemplated the use of his powers once more, but clamped down on the thought. No most certainly not! He thought to himself. Some Knights he recalled exterminated men such as he, they thought the powers of magic to be unclean and unholy. Amon doubted this Knight to be such a man but one could never be to careful. 'But enough of my story' said Amon starting to walk once more 'what of you? I do not even know your name, I can tell by your armour that you're from one of the ancient houses. Such armour must be a priceless family heirloom passed down over many generations. If I were to guess I would say that is from Kallen... circa the 11th Era... I'm surprised that it glints as it does, by rights it should be naught but rust by now. From what little of the heraldry I can make out that armour is from one of Paladin orders too, what do you know of them if you don't mind my asking?' Whilst the Knight began to answer his questions the two of them arrived at the entrance of a vast castle. There the lady stepped between two guards a white phantasm slipping between the men who stood there in burnished steel and polished leather. As Amon and the Knight approached they continued their conversation. Amon leading the way so that the Knight could bring his horse through without trouble, Amon suddenly found the guards spear's blocking his path. He looked to each and then with some half whispered words from the Lady who'd told him of King Hagard the guards raised their spears. Amon entered a small courtyard, an old lady a matron or cook by the look of her came bustling out of a door and engaged in a somewhat quiet conversation with the strange lady before addressing Amon and Ser Carver, which was what the Knight had introduced himself as. "I am Molly, thank you for bringing our Lady Amalthea back safe this evening," she said kindly towards them. "Who might you be?" Amon brought his hands together in front of him and bowed his head to Molly as was traditional in his home country when welcomed inside someone else's home. 'It was our pleasure good lady. I am Amon, Scholar, Interpreter and Traveller. I have come seeking an audience with your lord to inquire about potential employment. And this' he continued presenting Ser Carver 'Is the Knight Ser Carver, he too seeks an audience with your lord.' Amon bowed and stepped to one side in order that Ser Carver might present himself also.</s>
<|description|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail Age: 17 Heritage: The son of Hatter Madrail. Ghent's mother was murdered a few years after he was born. Adoptive parents: Frederick and Elise Preston. Elise was the first to find Hatter's son; she was astonished to discover him in the woods near their home, disoriented and impossibly lost. Appearance: Thick, medium length black hair. The style is unpredictable, but the layers sometimes give it an unruly appearance. His bangs fall in front of his eyes, which are blue in color and have a sharp, piercing quality to them. The rest of his features are dark and seem to contrast against his paler-than-should-be skin. He has a lithe build and currently stands at 5'9", but has about a year left to grow. Distinguishing Marks: A few light freckles running across the bridge of his nose. A more noticeable one is underneath his left eye. He has a small scar underneath his jaw. Clothes Wear: Whatever's comfortable. He usually wears hoodies, jeans, worn out sneakers, and three quarter/graphic t-shirts. Abilities: Strength and magic, both inherited from his race. As far as magic goes, Ghent was completely unaware of the ability until Drust and Elayra came to earth. Understandably, he is inexperienced but has the potential to become better with practice. Weapons: A staff, given to him on page 13. Personality: It's no secret that Ghent can be a pain. He isn't malicious, but he enjoys pushing the buttons of others in order to get a reaction out of them. His sarcasm usually lands him in trouble, but his past experiences haven't been enough for him to keep his mouth shut. Despite his immaturity, he has a good heart. Ghent has lazy tendencies, but can be hard working with proper motivation. Major Positive Traits: Compassionate. Empathetic. Hardworking (sometimes). Major Negative Traits: Sarcastic. Cocky. Klutz. Impulsive. Awkward. Weaknesses: At times, Ghent doubts himself and his abilities. The fear of failure usually prevents him from achieving success. Having lived in two worlds, he struggles with deciding where he belongs and where his loyalties lie. Ticks and Tags: Ticks: Fidgets a lot, often with the drawstrings of his hoodies. When he's faced with a situation he can't wrap his mind around, he will pace and/or mumble to himself until he can make sense of what's happening. Tags: "Cut me some slack!" "Great." "Wait, what?" Fears: Ghosts. Failure. Being unable to return home. Wonderland in general. Short Bio: Ghent's story could have been a tragic one, had he not been found. He was discovered in a forest as a toddler, and later adopted by the very family that took him in. For much of his childhood, Ghent lived in the comforts of a small farmhouse in the country. Life was serene, quiet, and good. He grew up happy and healthy, with a mother who doted on him and a dedicated, hardworking father. Things changed when they moved. Seeking better employment, Mr. Preston uprooted his family to the city, which is where they remained for the years that followed. The city posed many differences and challenges, but Ghent learned to adapt and knew his way around. Unfortunately, street smarts didn't help much in school. As Ghent grew older, the nightmares and flashbacks became more frequent. Different events or images would trigger a memory, many of which involved Elayra and Drust. The memories confused and frightened Ghent. He never forgot Wonderland, but he learned to stop talking about it after his parents sought him professional help. It was something his mother made the mistake of telling her longtime friend, Mrs. Saxon. News spread and rumors started. High school proved to be Ghent's biggest obstacle. He became an easy target for jokes and ridicule, and his grades began to suffer for it. Motivated by money and the desire to help his family financially, he began to take on odd jobs. His fifth job turned out to be his favorite: a part-time shift at Frank's Book Barn. Even there, Ghent wasn't free from Wonderland. Flashbacks would hit him at the most inconvenient times…and they didn't cease until became reunited with two important faces from his past. Other Important Characters Name: Henry Age: 14 Appearance: Henry is thin, wiry, with no muscle tone whatsoever. He makes an effort to look neat, but his untamed shock of ginger hair betrays him by looking a mess and his freckles are out of control. When reading, he wears thick black glasses over his large, brown eyes that give him an owlish appearance. Clothes wear: Henry wears an odd mix of clothing. Most of his clothes are hand-me-downs from previous cousins, including Ghent. When his options are limited, he can be found wearing faded graphic t-shirts (he favors Disney ones) and jeans that have been rolled up at the cuffs in order to fit. Personality: Despite a rocky home life, Henry remains optimistic, but he has a sensitive side that results in him crying at the drop of a hat. Although he has a sweet, childlike innocence about him, he isn't foolish. He's remarkably intelligent and has a great love for reading and learning. Because of his OCD, Henry is always cleaning and organizing, and likes to keep busy in order to make himself useful. His desire for perfect order can be a little overwhelming at times, but he means no ill intent and has great respect for his family and friends. Bio: Henry is an only child who never longed for the company of a sibling. Growing up in the country, he had plenty of family and cousins to spend his time with. The families all lived quite close in the rural area, including the Preston family. Even as a toddler, Henry was fascinated by Ghent and seemed to gravitate towards him, viewing him as an older brother figure. To the delight of their parents, the three year age gap and a difference in personality didn't prevent the two boys from getting along. After the Preston family moved to the city, Henry was heartbroken. The families kept in touch when possible, making multiple visits during the holidays. The visits lessened over the years, but Henry took it upon himself to keep in touch through any means possible. To Elise's delight (and to Frederick and Ghent's dismay) Henry has been known to leave long rambling phone messages, sends more texts than a teenage girl, and writes letters so long, they need to be mailed in multiple envelopes. Henry is the only one Ghent continued to trust with his few memories of Wonderland. Their efforts to uncover the mystery were admirable, but brought nothing but disappointment and wild theories. Eventually, a disgruntled Ghent gave up, but Henry continued to search for the truth behind his cousin's past.</s> <|message|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail Training. The very idea made Ghent ache all over. After a morning filled with running and chaos, Ghent wasn't up for combat. Not then, and perhaps not for a few days afterward. Due to getting little to no sleep, he hadn't any energy to spare, and he suspected a training session with the knight was no walk in the park. Although fatigued, Ghent didn't dare shoot down the idea. Tensions were at a continual high. The smallest complaint could trigger Drust into lashing out at him or Elayra. From where Ghent so silently stood, he couldn't help but stare at the black webbed markings around Drust's eyes. The pulsing, coupled with the twitching in his neck, sent up red flags. Ghent was sure he wasn't envisioning it, Drust looked worse than before. Elayra's unspoken warning reminded Ghent of his staring. As casually as he could, which ended up not looking casual at all, he took a big step back. "I doubt my opinion matters, but I'm all for winging it." By agreeing with Drust, Ghent hoped to smooth things over enough so the knight wouldn't snap. "Or...making do, as you put it." Elayra wasn't through commenting. After she'd retrieved her sword, she continued to push for an answer to find out what their new plan was. Ghent inwardly groaned and ran a hand over his face, wondering if perhaps it would have been better if she hadn't made it through the portal. At the last remark, his eyes snapped open. "Train him up?" Ghent quoted the girl underneath his breath, folding his across his chest to show his displeasure with her saying so. The continuous mention of his needing to train bothered him. He knew that his skills left something to be desired, but did Elayra feel the need to point it out every few minutes? When Drust said no, Ghent nearly flashed a triumphant smirk towards Elayra. Unfortunately, the knight thought better of his answer and changed it, which lead Ghent to wonder if he really did have to train that day. Switching his pack to his arm to give his back a break, Ghent refrained from asking for clarification and followed Drust. During their walk, he observed their surroundings, taking in the sight of the greenery and hills. Aside from the park, the city didn't have much of anything green. If not for being warned about the dangers of Wonderland, Ghent would have thought this a charming place. "Since we're on the topic of you-know-who…" Ghent hung a few steps behind them, reluctant to mention what he'd heard. Their opinion of him was low enough without him making himself sound delusional. "I think I heard her in the portal…well, I heard a few people – but I think she was one of them." Ghent watched them uneasily, unsure if this was information better kept to himself. "…You heard them too, right?"</s> <|message|>Elayra (ee-LAY-ruh) Alane Heart Elayra cast Ghent a quick glance, hastily closed her pack and picked it up, then followed a couple steps behind Drust. She slung it carefully over one shoulder as she hurried to catch up with the man's longer strides. She watched his back intently as they neared the path, his neck and fingers twitching at his side with no evident provocation. Something was different. Wrong. He had been tenser than usual the last couple days, but this was something on a whole new level. Her fists clenched. Whatever was going on, was only more reason to bring down the Sorceress as fast as possible. If he did not start training Ghent, then she would, one way or another. Ahead and at their feet, vines and weeds choked the pebbly ground, leaving only small glimpses of the once well-traveled path. Beyond the ivy at the opening, the rocky encompassment of Harrow Hollow Hill turned into grass and tree-studded walls. The hills stretched toward the sky on either side of them, quickly tapering off and growing shorter the closer they grew to the gate. Intricate networks of roots draped down the cliffs from a few trees bold enough to rest near the edge, stretching toward better soil below. Away from the glow of the light of the field, gray shadows yawned out from bushes and large, moss-covered boulders, and mulled about lazily beneath the leaves of the few trees dotting the area. Above, billowy clouds rolled across the sky, their fluffy forms ignited by the rising sun. Drust glanced over his shoulder when Ghent referred to the Sorceress, his lips jerking down into a frown. "This isn't Harry Potter, boy," he growled before Ghent brought up the voices. "Who?" Elayra looked at Drust with confused curiosity. "'You-know-who,'" he continued gruffly as if Elayra had not spoken, "is suspicious enough to gain the attention of her trees." When Ghent hesitantly voiced his experience, Drust exhaled sharply through his nose, making it impossible to tell if it was a snort or a sigh. Elayra took a breath and slowed slightly as she nodded at Ghent's question. "Yeah. I heard them. Her. And…" she glanced up to Drust, who had placed a bit more distance between them. "And I think I heard my mother, but… I don't know," she finished quietly with an uncertain shake of her head, her gaze shifting to the ground. Drust looked over his shoulder once more, and his pace slowed to better match his charges'. "It's common to hear the voices of the world you're traveling to. Past. Present. And even, rarely, future. If they make a big enough impact, you may hear voices of those you know. Or knew."</s>
<|message|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail Ghent gawked at the man. "Did you just..." Yes, he did. Drust just referred to Harry Potter. "Only one of the greatest wizards ever." Ghent eagerly answered Elayra's question when Drust did not. "Do you think..." No. He wouldn't say that out loud. Even though the ground beneath their feet belonged to a supposedly fictitious world, it was too silly to ask if the portal could take them to Hogwarts. "Never mind." Childish as it was, Ghent allowed himself to entertain the idea in secret. The world seemed so much bigger now. Magic existed, and he could use it. He could feel it. He didn't need a magical school, a magical school needed him. An arrogant smirk crossed Ghent's face. Maybe being in Wonderland wasn't so bad. There were dangers, of course, but wouldn't anyone risk it to have the power he possessed? Just when Ghent started to feel rather full of himself, Elayra mentioned the possibility of hearing her mother. Reality had a way of kicking him down when he least expected it. Careful not to show his sympathy, Ghent dropped his gaze, fearful his expression would betray him. How could he have been so quick to forget the White Queen? Not only that, but he had managed to forget Elayra was of noble blood herself. She certainly never reminded him of the fact. Your head is mine, little queen. Ghent shuddered. He may have forgotten Elayra's title, but the pure evil in those words was something he would never forget. If the voice did indeed belong to the Sorceress, she could have been threatening Elayra's mother. Ghent's thoughts fell back to when Elayra told him about the siege. The White Queen was murdered that day. "I guess we'll never know for sure." For Elayra's sake, and also his own, Ghent slipped into denial. It was easier than facing the reality of what might have happened to her mother. "It's probably better that way." Things were quiet until Drust offered more insight into how the voices could come from any moment in time, even if the moment hadn't happened yet. This made the identities behind the voices all the more impossible to figure out. Ghent froze as Elayra fell into his line of vision. A jarring feeling came over him, one which made his heart drop. If the voice came from the future, what if the Sorceress was talking to her? " that case, who knows what we heard." More denial, followed by a nervous laugh. "Could've been anything. Or nothing." Ghent's attempt to shrug off the events did little to calm his nerves. It could have been nothing, but it also could have been something. If the latter, he needed to prevent that. He had to. Strangely, the Sorceress' threat served as a push in the right direction. Ghent remembered why he agreed to come to Wonderland in the first place. He wanted to help Elayra, Drust, and the rest of Wonderland. Lives had been ruined, others were taken. They had suffered enough at the hands of the witch.</s>
<|description|>Priscilla Brown Age: (25/27) Species: Mage Appearance: Priscilla is a brown-skinned woman of average height who prefers to wear a white shirt covered with a Navajo jacket, as well as tough denim trousers and tall leather boots. Smooth-skinned and smooth-faced, there is an intensity to her hazel eyes that is accentuated by her long brown hair, which is bunched up underneath a cowboy hat most of the time. Around her neck is a crucifix, something that is kept close to her heart underneath the shirt. In the more upper-class parts of the city, she prefers to wear the surplice of a female Episcopalian priest. Personality: Priscilla is someone who, despite her allegiance to the Traditions, has made a concious decision to abandon the fight against the Technocracy and instead focus on the Nephandi; this is reflective of a burgeoning disillusion with Mage Society and the Ascension War as a whole. Where once she had fought to create a reality where her beliefs were right, now she is tired and suspicious, yet at the same time, dedicated to the much-neglected Sleepers of the world. As a pastor of The One and a Mage, she sees her duties to 'her flock' as paramount now, and her remaining ties to the Chorus are only because they still provide much needed aid. So, basically, a disillusioned veteran of the Ascension War who just wants to focus on the real threat. Biography: Priscilla was born in San Francisco, to a family of Native Americans who had embraced the 'mainstream' culture, and, thanks to a successful law firm, had become rich. They had also converted to the Episcopalian Church at that time. A scholarly young woman, Priscilla differed from her also-learned peers by deciding to take advantage of the new opportunities offered for women's ordination to study theology and divinity. When asked why by her friends, Priscilla's response was that "the doors of change need to be entered as well as opened." It was when officiating her first church service that she Awoke, and became a Mage. The Celestial Chorus found her, and she was inducted into their ranks, and was taught that all Gods were actually emanations of The One. Strengthened by this belief, Priscilla took to heart their teachings and the rest of the Traditions', and genuinely believed that their opponents, the Technocracy, were the villains in this 'saga'. She fought long, and hard, and well, learning the Spheres of Prime, Correspondence, and Forces, and doing all she can to help the Traditions' cause. Then, she had her first encounter with the Nephandi, an encounter that she didn't want to talk about, but was something she had clearly won. Nevertheless, after that, she began questioning the basis of the Ascension War, seeing past the divide between Traditions and Technocracy to see…that both sides were deeply flawed. The Traditions had done some soul-searching and tried to change, but the Technocracy was still an organization that had come from origins that were good in the beginning, and still did much good. So, what was there to be believed in? The answer was: Protecting the Sleepers without smothering them; nurturing their potential without believing that Mages knew better just because they had the stronger wills. Supporting Characters: Lucas Lee – Technically Priscilla's superior in the Celestial Chorus, Lucas takes a hands-off approach to his pupil, providing her with monetary and moral support and information, mostly about Nephandi and Vampire sightings. A tall old man with a senior rank in the Episcopalian Church, Lucas harbors some of the same doubts as Priscilla, but unlike her, still pursues the war against the Technocrats.</s> <|message|>Clarence Darby Clarence Darby's lair was a true study in contrasts; The carpet and much of the furniture in the small, semi-abandoned ghetto apartment were spotted with oil and grease, the imprints of various mechanical parts still visible in the black smudges. Empty beer bottles, all left by Cheyenne of course, were scattered around the kitchen and living room, and the ashtray on their coffee table was overflowing with cigarette butts. Few would assume it to be more than the home of some White trash least until they entered the bedroom. The apartment's sole bookshelf was stocked with occult texts, both of mundane and of real substance, and the various little ritual components were aligned with surprising neatness compared to the rest of the vampire' home. The long work table was similarly topped with ghoulish tools, and the bloodstains spotting it's worn wood spoke to it's regular use. Practice made perfect, after all, and necromancy required a lot of practice. At the moment the Brujah was hunch over one of the older texts, the scent of grave dirt and old bones thick on the tome, his gloved hands working over the pages with tender care. He'd gotten used to those sorts of smells over the last five months, working under the Samedi's tutelage, and it was hardly the strangest of things he'd adjusted to. After all, he drank blood like he had booze not too long ago, and he could break anyone in his old MC in half with his pinkie. He'd taken to it all well as a predator. Of course, there was the Camarilla, though, and they were always a pain in the ass to deal with, and now he'd heard some stirrings that someone had made a big find in the city. He just knew that Lacroix would be siccing him on that. He shook his head and went back to his study. The sheriff would probably be paying him a visit sooner or later with a new errand from Lacroix, so he had to soak up as much as he could before he'd be dragged off to deal with whatever bullshit the prince had going. Well, every great power came with a price, after all.</s> <|message|>Lucas (No known last name) "I've e-mailed you the paperwork. Just print it and fill it out; we'll pick it up when we get there." "What is this? Some kind of waver?" "Yes. In the event of injury or loss of life, it states that you agree to take the risks upon yourself and your family member and therefore can not take legal action against us." "Loss of life?!" "In which case you will receive a full refund and our deepest apologies." There was a long pause on the other side of the phone. Then, "It says here that no cameras or filming will be allowed." "Yes. It makes my partner uncomfortable." "Uncomfortable? You're saying that he can kill my daughter and I can't sue, but he can't be made uncomfortable?!" "That is what the paperwork states, ma'am. And I can guarantee you that my partner is no killer, however if your daughter is possessed by something powerful enough, it may be able to end her life if it so pleases." Another pregnant pause. "What time will you be here?" "In about two hours." ___ The tension inside the home was palpable as the priest and his partner arrived. The family was gathered in the living room, their expressions tired and pale. Exhausted eyes looked up at them as the two entered. Father Walter was dressed for the occasion in his traditional robe and collar. Lucas wore all dark colors: dress pants, a black turtleneck, and a scarf that his face was tucked into. He stayed close to his companion as the Father greeted the family. They were quickly shown back to the bedroom where the victim was being contained. The family just wanted to get this done with so they could finally begin to pick up the pieces. From what Father Walter had heard, they had tried several other methods: doctors, priests, sage cleanses. Nothing worked. The young woman was covered in self inflicted scratched and small wounds. She wore a now ratty pajama set with what looked like vomit down the front. Her eyes were cold and inhuman as they watched the priest and scarfed man enter. The look of contempt was not hard to miss. The girl was tied to the bed by her wrists and ankles to keep her from hurting herself any further. Her mother trailed closely behind the two, but Father Walter turned to smile kindly at her, and ask that she remain outside the room. "It may be a bit hard to watch," He said as gently as he could. The mother was stubborn. "I want the door open. I want to be here." She settled to remain in the hallway. That would have to do. Lucas was eyeing the young woman uneasily. Whatever had taken her body was powerful enough to defeat anyone else who had tried to exorcise it. It had driven the young woman to give one priest a very nasty bite. Father Walter turned to the girl, who had remained silent as she mean mugged the two of them. He drew a small Bible from his pocket and began to speak a prayer for the girl. An inhuman snarl left the girl's throat. She drooled down her cheek as she curled her lips back over her teeth. Father Walter remained unphased. When he was done, Lucas slowly approached the girl. Her head whipped around to watch him. She snarled words at him in a different tongue; it didn't sound too friendly. Lucas reached out to touch her cheek, and then the girl began to trash wildly. The monster inside of her roared, causing the mother in the hallway to gasp and take a step back. The hellish cry carried all the way downstairs. The demon in the girl pulled at the restraints, trying with all its might to survive. Father Walter moved in to grab the girl's shoulders and push her back down. She hissed and lunged at the man, trying to take a chunk of flesh out of him. Lucas moved fast this time, cupping his hands on either side of the girl's face and turning her head back towards him. The girl's eyes met his, and suddenly she stopped moving. His dark eyes fixated on her's as he loomed over her. The room was silent. The air was tense. Then, the girl went limp. Lucas fell back away from her, his back hitting against the wall behind him. His breath turned ragged as he clenched his hands to his own head and doubled over. He would jerk every now and then, seeming to battle a silent force for a good five minutes before he, too, went still. Finally, he braced against the wall and slid to the floor, his head drooped. Father Walter watched the entire thing closely. He waited a moment. "Lucas?" The dark eyed man looked up at him slowly. The same familiar, black eyes met his. The beast was gone. The priest walked over to the man to help him back to his feet. The mother ran into the room to her daughter and clasped her hands on either side of the girl's face. "Tracy?" She asked, pleadingly. The girl gave a soft moan. "Mom?" Her voice was soft and weak, tired from days of battling the demon who had made her body its home. The older woman broke into tears and embraced her daughter, then quickly began undoing the restraints. The rest of the family came up, having heard the commotion die down. There was an air of relief among them. The two exorcists decided that this was their cue to leave. They didn't wait to receive their gratitude. Father Walter helped Lucas out to the car and into the passenger seat. The skinny young man promptly fell asleep against the door as they began to fight LA traffic back to their home.</s>
<|message|>Priscilla Brown Nephandi. Dark Mages who want to destroy everything that exists for a variety of reasons, the most charitable being that they believe it beyond redemption and must be destroyed. This cause would be understandable, if not for the fact that only a few believe in it. With the power of Anti-Spheres, aka magic that can only destroy, the Nephandi were a meneace, one made more difficult to deal with by the fact that if they are killed, they would only reincarnate, meaning that they had to be captured and had to have their Avatars - the part of the soul that allows one to use Magic - severed via the rite of gilgul. Priscilla didn't have the facilities or even Spheres needed for that. And so, clad in her 'explorer's outfit', the young-looking woman paced the floor of her parish, wringing her hands as she agonized over a decision. She cannot tackle the Nephandi threat alone; she needed help. And so, with reluctance, she called her superior in the Chorus, one Lucas Lee. "Hello, Bishop?" she asked, "You were right; Nephandi have been sighted here in larger than normal numbers. Same for Vampires - a few limit themselves to willingly given human blood, but others are just bad people - Werewolves, and even Demons. My city seems to be turning into a powder keg; I'm sorry to say this, but doesn't the presence of Nephandi justify a truce between us and the Technos? It's happened before." Priscilla tensed at that; although Lucas held the same doubts as her, he was still a man who pursued the Ascension War with some conviction. So it was a relief when the answer from the Bishop was: "Nephandi justify it, yes. Same for an increase in Vampires. You might also want to monitor that company called Pentex; they accept everyone, including Nephandi. Help will be coming, so just hold on." Just hold on. Prisicilla didn't know if she should find hope in that, or suspect that her superiors were abandoning her...</s>
<|description|>Danny McEllis Age: 17 Specialty: Telekinesis and hardcore Dark Souls runs Appearance: At 5"9 and weighing only 120lbs, he's clearly not built for punching baddies to death, or even for bravely sprinting to safety. Really, there's nothing about him that stands out to any degree, except maybe his thick dreadlocked hair and bright blue eyes. He tries to make up for it with a pseudo-edgy style, but he lacks the kind of dedication to anti-fashion that someone really needs to pull that kind of thing off properly. He favours dark colours and shirts bought from Redbubble that reference obscure fandom jokes along with hard-wearing boots that have seen better days. Bio: The kid's got a bad reputation. Ask any of his classmates and they'll tell you, that 'stuff' just seems to happen around Danny McEllis. People get hurt. Things get broken. Yet, other than skulking at the back of class and having a few scathing comments to say now and then again, he doesn't seem to actually do anything bad to anyone. He's got no history of bullying, never been suspended, rarely even catches detention. So what gives? Well, you got to go back a way for that. Second grade is a good start. Before that, Danny was just a shy kid that rarely spoke up and spent a lot of time daydreaming in class, doodling in textbooks instead of taking notes. He'd had a rough start to his schooling, being the kid whose mom had run off when he was a baby and whose dad was kind of distant and inattentive at times. Poor too, can't underestimate the effect that can have on a developing personality. Having some siblings would have helped, but he was an only child; he had a few friends and they played D&D very badly together on weekends, so he was doing okay. Then, Garry Robeson threw a soccer ball straight into his face. Ha-ha funny, pick on the shy kid with thrift-store clothes, whatever. Thing is though, the ball ended up slamming into Garry's face instead. Broke his nose, made him cry, just like you might expect with stupid kids. The others there swore blind that the ball reversed direction mid-air without anyone touching it. Like it was magic, or something. And well, it kind of was. Okay, might be good to go back a bit further, before mom left and when Danny was still sleeping in a crib. Things moved around a lot, especially when he was upset. It's hard to get a good night's sleep when every time the kid cries, doors start slamming all over the house and things fall off of shelves. Maybe that had something to do with his mom leaving. The only person who could say anything about that is his dad, and he wasn't talking. Actually, he didn't talk about anything much. A nice guy, mostly, though rather distant and maybe not well equipped for raising a son on his own. Just about every piece of advice the man has ever given amounts to "Ignore it and it'll go away," or "Stop being weird," or "You'll never get a job with a haircut like that." Thing is, Danny likes his hair, problems usually get worse if you ignore them, and he can't exactly stop being 'weird' any more than he can stop having four fingers and a thumb on each hand. 'Weird' is such a loaded term, really. Doesn't tell you anything much about what kind of 'weird' you're dealing with. It probably isn't best suited to describe someone who can do magic. Or maybe it's not magic, it's just the fundamental forces of the universe that most of humankind hasn't gotten a handle on. Whatever you might call it, the kid could do it. As long as it meant moving things around without physically touching them, anyway. A shame, because being able to throw fireballs would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? But anyway, second grade was the first time he really slipped up and let it out. His dad always said that everyone would hate him if they knew how 'weird' he was, and it turned out that he was kind of right about that. After that – well, it didn't really matter what he did, or didn't do. Any accident that befell anyone would magically be Danny's fault, whether he was even in the room at the time. That time that Jade Sinclair fell down the stairs and broke her leg? Danny McEllis did it. When the quarterback ran face-first into the goalpost in practice and bust his nose? Danny McEllis did it. When the heating broke down in January and it was just really, really cold for a week? Danny McEllis did it. Just hum the theme to The Omen when you see him, it's funny. Yeah, sure. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he lived somewhere else. The whole place was always a little 'off'. Seemed like the kids could see what the adults couldn't, that things there weren't always rational and couldn't be explained by "It was just a wild animal attack" or "muggers" or "a really big bird did it." Maybe in a different place the kids wouldn't have been so quick to assume literal magic shenanigans were afoot. Or maybe kids are just mean, wherever they are. How would he know? He's never lived anywhere else. He went a bit off the rails after that. Not a lot, just the usual edgelord stuff. You know – being kind of an asshole to others, unfriendly and hard to get to know: Building up a protective wall between himself and the world. After all, Leah Jones farted once in homeroom in first grade and had been known as Gasser ever since – once a reputation sticks, you're done for. Might as well wear the mantle. At least there's some merit to being able to push an aggressive wannabe-bully clear across the room, it's hard to see how Gasser Jones gets any benefit for her 'talent'. Thank god for the internet. Online he's known as LightningSpear and he makes tutorials for no-death runs in the Dark Souls games. He's written fanfiction about Solaire of Astoria and posted often-referenced theories on the Drangleic royals. He's even got a Patreon. Funny how it's easy to have literally thousands of followers and pseudo-friends when no one knows anything about him... None of them would probably ever believe that the friendly, talkative and fiercely loyal fandom geek was such a weirdo at school. Well, okay, there are some kids at school who aren't so bad. But like with everyone else, it's probably only a matter of time until they leave too. Right now, he's just waiting for highschool to finally end so he can do something else with his life. Not that he knows that that 'something' is going to be. It's best not to think too hard about how he's much too poor to go to college, and nowhere near bright enough for a scholarship. Best not to think about how he'll probably end up with a passing grade about good enough for a life of low-paid manual labour and no health insurance like his dad. Or about how it's pretty likely that he'll never leave Washington. Notes: Danny hasn't been spending time fighting the supernatural, he is the supernatural. Or a small piece of it, at least. A fairly harmless one, unless you happen to be a cup on an unreasonably high shelf that is desperate to remain on an unreasonably high shelf. He has no interest in occultism or the like, since it's something he's just always had; like how a person who can speak Swedish doesn't spend time learning how to speak Swedish. He's got no real combat skills, outside of a particular sphere of gaming where he's a borderline savant. Despite being moody and generally projecting a neon sign that reads GO AWAY, at heart he's a nerdy kid who just really wants to have friends, so he's not half as unapproachable as he pretends to be.</s> <|message|>Emelia 'Emy' Vance "Ms. Vance?" Emelia Vance smiled, polished, pretty, posture upright. There wasn't a mark of blood, or hint of bruise, on her. Only the pink eye shadow and lip gloss of a pretty high school senior that beautified the new girl scared of making the wrong first impression. Tight jeans, a flowing blouse of dull metallic gold sand silk, exposed shoulders, and gold glittered leather sandals. She was trying, even at 8:30 in the morning, waiting in the front office as the guidance counselor, Mrs. Evans, called for her. "Here's your schedule. You don't have a first period, so feel free to walk around the campus and get an idea of where your classes will be for the rest of the day. And of course, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Off the rack blouse, off the rack slacks, box heels and a kindly face marked the middle aged Mrs. Evans. She seemed nice enough, and tried as hard as anyone in her position could be expected given the worries and stresses and constraints of her position, of her life. Emy smiled, at least her eyes did, her head nodding quietly s her hand clutched the backpack slung off her right shoulder, and she was out the door. Halls were empty, the bell had rung fifteen minutes ago. It was nice, in a way, to be allowed the rare chance to catch your breath as the new girl. A deep breath brought in calmer feelings, and new sensations. Or new takes on prior a sense, or a smell. Something she'd experienced before? The night before, it hit her, like a bullet to the brain. It was an act of violence, the way the memories of the night before struck her. She'd repressed them, forgotten them as if it was all just a bad dream. What else was those parts of Emy Vance's life, but just a bad dream she could wake up from? How else does a girl stay sane from such a thing? The door to the library slipped open on well oiled hinges as she pushed it open. The lighting seemed moody, even if it was probably meant to be private and academic in nature, the natural light of the morning light giving it a warmth, where the dark of night, so she imagined, might have given it a sort of foreboding. There were precious few in the library, but voices caught the edge of her ear, and pulled her towards stairs. Up the stairs, to the right, to a private room marked "RM L.202 - STUDY ROOM" on the building placard just outside the room. A study room? Her hand moved for it, for the door of the study room--but it stopped short, as a voice crept up on her like a shiver up her spine. "Ms. Vance, I believe it is?" Only her neck moved, eyes following quickly behind. Eyes that set upon the source of the voice, but reacted as if she'd seen exactly what was expected: a teacher. Or in this case, a librarian. Tall, dressed in clothing that seemed like it came from the best materials and a tailored hand. Eyes that seemed a little too fixated on her for her liking. "...closed room?" It smiled. The librarian. "No, actually. No class has it reserved until fourth period." Her eyes blinked away from him, and back to the door of the study room. To the conversation going hot behind the closed door.</s> <|message|>Adam Avery Routine had become a part of Adam's life, some would say that his parents would approve... If only it was the routine they wanted for him. Although the night before, Adam came close to honoring the wishes of his parents by going into the thick of the battle against the supernatural. Except he also came close to losing his life and possibly whatever blood he had in his body. Adam had sworn that he would never get involved in the personal business of those who come to make a purchase but he was willing to make an exception. He felt closer to the group he had hung out with the night before than any other student in the school, heck, he was hoping he could have made some friends. You'd think that coming close to death's door would have had a negative impression on Adam but he viewed it as a blessing in disguise. The girl that saved their asses, Adam had a pretty good clue about who she was but he had to confirm his suspicions before he announced them to the group. The idea quietly cooked in his head and he appeared to be shiftier than ever when he first came into the study room. He remained silent for a while, his face serious and the constant looks over his shoulder suggesting paranoia. However it only took a short while before he settled down and allowed himself to speak. "So dudes and dudettes, I have a new policy." He stood up from his chair, his face serious and stern. "No leading the party man of the party van into a giant death trap, sound cool to all of you?" There was something else, much more urgent on his mind and you could swear it was written on his forehead because Adam's poker face was not in top form.</s>
<|message|>Danny McEllis The pile of elbows that cradled Danny's not-sleeping-but-trying-to head shifted slowly as he looked up, tired blue eyes blinking once and fixing onto Adam. "Your voice. It's loud." Sighing, he slumped down again, thick unruly locks spilling over bare arms and a tightly-bandaged wrist. "Stop that." Two hours sleep. A sprain. And there was still ash in his hair, he was sure of it. Not a great day, all told - and it had barely even started. "'Death-trap' is a strong term. I'd call it a gank squad." His words were muffled, but still perfectly audible. "Anyone else thinking of skipping math this afternoon?"</s>
<|description|>Vivian 'Viv' Goodman **Alias: **Martyr **Age: **24 **Gender: **Female **Alignment: **Freedom Fighters **Skills: **Has no combat training. Trained in first aid and triage care. Skilled long distance runner. Something of a detective. **Powers: **Photokinesis, Wound Transferral and Regeneration. _Photokinesis_ - The manipulation and utilization of the particles that make up visible light, photons, for use in various situations. Uses vary from changing an objects colour, changing an object or area's refractive index to allow for invisibility, lighting up dark places, blinding enemies and may later develop into faster travel, concentration of light into a focal point AKA lasers and eventually the ability to project hard-light constructs. _Wound Transferral_ - The ability to take the wounds of other beings and transfer them to herself, thereby taking on their injuries to better heal them. Can be extremely dangerous if a fatal wound is taken on all at once. _Regeneration_ - Can heal from more severe wounds faster than the average person. Still just as susceptible to violence as any other person. Relies on how much ambient light she has absorbed, in the sun or bright lights she heals faster. **Equipment: **First Aid Kit, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Rope, Rations, Blanket **Personality: **Initially quiet and reticent, Vivian is a stranger to the fields of battle and war. She deplores violence in all forms, but understands that self-defence is necessary sometimes, especially now. Not extremely talkative, she would rather listen to what her companions have to say. She is usually one to take the diplomatic route to an obstacle, resolving issues with words and gifts rather than blood and thunder. She rarely speaks openly, and only opens her mouth when she deems it necessary. This has lead to her being a bit of a pushover, but when push comes to shove she can be strong, if only for a while. **History:** Vivian was your average woman, learning to become a doctor, or a paramedic. Or a nurse. Its been so long that she can't even remember. She lived in an average neighbourhood on the Emerald Coast and had average friends and family. As far as she was concerned, life was perfect. Perfect being perfectly average. She didn't even know what a metahuman was besides the shouting crowds on TV and the terrorist attacks on Helios facilities. She just tried to distance herself from it. She never imagined that she'd be thrown into the thick of it, just because she shines a bit brighter than most. When her powers manifested, she was quickly scooped up and away from all that she knew. Her little world shattered, she lived in isolation within the confines of Helios' facilities and experienced first-hand what she had only heard about before from news broadcasts. The injustice and mistreatment ignited a fire in her heart that could not be extinguished and when her facility was broken into by Freedom Fighters, she was eager to enlist. She is still convinced that there is a solution to this whole issue that doesn't involve senseless violence and loss, so she fights for that. Not with weapons, but words. **Appearance:** A girl of lean build, standing at around 5'2", Vivian is by no means a giant. Her skin is the colour of ground cocoa, and her eyes shine with the piercing, icy blues of the tundra. Her hair is black, cut short into something of a pixie cut. She is fond of smiling, with soft lips riddled with tiny cuts and nicks and a button nose that looks like it has been broken before, as it twists slightly. She usually dresses in practical outfits consisting of cargo pants, long-sleeved shirts, heavy jackets and tough work boots all in various greys and browns. **Other: **Does not sleep at all, when fully charged by the light, but sometimes does need to lay her head down. Viva La Revolution.</s> <|message|>Vivian 'Viv' Goodman Vivian turned to him as he called, the look of panic and distress in her eyes as she raised her handgun and aimed it out of nervous reflex. The shadow she had plunged herself into hid the gleam somewhat, but it was plain to see that both the safety of the handgun was on and one could assume that there was no bullet in the chamber, given her apparent experience with firearms. She has no prior experience with firearms. As Wolf slipped into the cover of the overturned bed she was lurking behind, she lowered the gun and breathed out slowly. Her expression was incredulous, afraid and overly severe as she hissed quietly, "What the hell do you think I'm tryin' to do, buddy? Bake a goddamn cake?" She took a sharp breath in as the large, imposing man passed by. Was he covered in blood? She could feel her heart racing faster with every moment, grip tightening on the handgun as she began to shake with equal parts rage and fear. She then watched as he tore apart a droid and picked up a young girl that she herself treated not two days ago. She could still feel the dull throb that she felt when she transferred her broken ribcage and the burns she incurred from being near the mine exploding. Whatever he was doing, be it lamenting or... whatever, it make her sick to her stomach that they could just waltz in, slaughter with impunity and have the gall to feel remorse when they discovered that these were real people they were slaying. She felt bile at the back of her throat and growled to hold it back, the acrid smell of stomach acid filling her nostrils as she fought the sickness back down. She took a deep breath, and drew in more ambient light to fuel herself before pointing out the front door to Wolf, all the way behind the obscured, explosive conflict between 57 and Magi, and the bloodied man on the floor holding the child. "Front door is that way. I'm making a break for it. Stay or come along, do whatever. I just need to get the heck out of here." Her pale blue eyes stared daggers at the hallway to the exit and then back at Wolf before beginning to move once more. Slowly inching her way around the complex and towards the front door.</s> <|message|>Arcadius Innocenti Magi felt the blade pierce the back of his skull, and he cursed inwardly as it did. He had let the Demon get the better of him, he had failed. He fell to his knees as the blade was ripped out of his skull, life slowly ebbing away from him. With a thump he hit the ground, he half way aimed himself so his hand would be close to his head. With the last of his strength he begun A attempt to heal himself. "San..aret.." he said under his breath, only half concious and vision going dark. "Exit..iab..bilis.." With that, a dark green circle formed in his hand, causing his head to glow as brain tissue and his skull reformed itself. Slowly he felt life coming back to him as his magic was healing him. He had lost some blood, and that was one thing his magic couldn't heal. He lie there, trying to look as dead as possible while he finished healing, luckily the Demon had turned his back on him. Most likely commending himself on his newest kill for the pride and glory of Helios. As soon as he was sure he was fully healed and the damage to his brain repaired, he spoke. "Terra..." he whispered "Maceria" He focused his power on a wall of the medbay, it began shaking and cracking loudly, with a flick of his wrist towards the demon the wall came crashing towards him. Magi stood, "Glaciem..Inpedio" at the end of these words thick shackles of ice burst from the ground, clasping around the Demon's ankles. "Globus..Ignis.." Magi said as he flicked his hand towards the Demon, sending a big ball of firey inferno towards him. Magi panted a bit, mostly due to the loss of blood. "If you are going to kill someone...make sure they are dead, Demon."</s> <|message|>Tyler Reed, Tyler stood up and lay the child softly against the wall, he stood straight with a dark brooding look in his eyes, He flipped on his radio and called 57, "Since when do our robots have an autokill programming for children 57?" Tyler was pretty pissed off now he could feel the anger twisting through his body, "We didn't have orders to kill children 57!!!" Tyler let his arm spikes start forming, his disbelief at 57's actions turning to liquid rage in his veins, Tyler let the blood armor thicken until it was at its strongest, "You have some explaining to do..." Tyler started making his way towards 57's location, a look of malice in his usually calm eyes.</s> <|message|>Number 57 Even as 57 walked away, he heard a voice speak behind him. How his opponent had survived was irrelevant, a mystery to be resolved later. But by speaking, his opponent had lost any chance of catching 57 by surprise. Even without turning, he already knew the attack that would be coming his way merely from the description provided by his opponent. 57 jumped up, flipping in mid-air to grab a hold of the pipelines above him. The room below him was blasted with fire, but the refracted rays of heat that struck him were sufficiently weakened that his suit could absorb them with ease. In realizing the limitations placed upon his opponent's capabilities, 57 had received an immense advantage in the form of an early-warning system and description of all incoming attacks. And against a being such as 57, the 2 seconds it took to speak were a lifetime. Dropping to the ground, 57 was already moving out of the way of the next attack. He had calculated the diameter and heat unleashed by Magi's attacks, allowing him to dodge the minimum necessary distance to ascertain no damage. From a mere glance at the starting orb, he could quite easily calculate the intensity of the attack and act as such. Once he had quantified this correlation, dodging the walls of fire and ice had become a piece of cake, and he had become nearly impossible to hit. Walls and obstacles were broken apart in mere moments, provided he could even be caught within. Once more, 57 fired his weapon, timing it perfectly in the middle of the chant of an offensive spell, making it impossible for his opponent to erect some form of shield. The bullet struck at Mach 3, ripping through his body at such a speed that it didn't even create the shockwave of a normal body. In strage irony, this made the shots far less lethal - the damage inflicted was limited to the hole created, as opposed to the kinetic force that would be released into Magi's inner organs had the bullet become lodged in his flesh. But a hole was a hole, and general scientific consensus agreed that having holes where they weren't supposed to be was - on the whole - bad for your health. "You should have stayed quiet, mage. You've become your own undoing. I-" Midspeech, 57 was cut off by the communication by Tyler, directed straight into his brain. It was clear that he had been enraged, and what the cause of his anger was. 57 would have to tread carefully, were he to not arouse the ire of his companion. Or his lead. "The drones deployed have been programmed to recognize mutants based upon a standard UV-scan analysis with 86% accuracy rating. They are also specifically programmed to retaliate to any perceived form of harm." 57 never spoke, instead simply leaving the room Magi was in without a word, prioritising the possible alienation of his former ally. His thoughts were transmitted through electronic signals, translated into vocal messages by the communications device carried by Tyler. "I was not aware that there were children within the base, Tyler, there was no way I could have known. And our drones are not programmed to recognize children, because doing so accurately is hard without in-depth examination." Quickly, 57 headed towards Tyler's position. A number of commands were given to the drones that had already taken down most of the base. Protocol would demand that he simply continue the extermination, regardless of the presence of children, and he would agree. These children were soldiers, forced to be such by the madmen in charge of this terrorist group, turned into living weapons. They were too dangerous to allow to live. However, 57 was well aware of Tyler's emotional and impulsive nature, it would be best to placate him now. The drones would pull back, forming a perimiter at every known exit to the base. "I've given the order for all drones to retreat to the entrance. This will minimize any unintentional casualties. Taking into account the presence of children, we will attempt to negotiate a surrender from the terrorists. I will transmit this message to them using the vocal transmitters in the drones, and attempt to arrange some form of meeting. Unless you have any sort of objection to this proposal? It seems to me like this would be the only method to avoid the death of more children."</s>
<|message|>Vivian 'Viv' Goodman The banter between the two Helios agents reached Vivian's ears from a nearby drone as it ceased its firing protocol and left the still-twitching body of a soldier to bleed out. She watched from her hiding place, steeped in shadow, as the soldier reached out for her. He reached for help, but he would find none with her. What could she do except what she was doing? Her luminous, pale blue eyes stared out from the gloom, filled with tears and an expression of pain as she watched the life fade from him. She saw the man, Tyler, clutch the child and chastise his compatriot for the violence that had ensued, and saw the Shadow, 57. She heard his reply and was struck sick to her stomach. 'Surrender', 'unintentional casualties', 'negotiate'. All words that came in too little and too late. Who was there left to negotiate with that was above the rank and file when they were all dead and slaughtered, like animals. As far as she knew, she was the only remaining, living member of some sort of rank, being in a sort of position of influence in the medical wing. Her hands shook, clutching the handgun ever tighter. She wanted to bad to confront them. She burned to act. But to do so would be suicide. She only need to get to the exit and get the hell out of here, maybe hole up in an abandoned building and lay low for a while, maybe contact some fringe forces of the resistance in the mean time. Survival was all that mattered to her at that moment. She moved with a fluidity and grace she didn't know she was capable of as she vaulted her cover and rounded a corner, away from the Helios operatives to circle around and reach an exit as quick as possible. Her spot of inky blackness followed her as she absorbed the ambient photons as she moved, filling her reserves to levels she wasn't even used to. Her veins burned with all this energy, and she felt as if at any moment she could just explode into light and heat, but she forged on, in her little spot of shade. The exit was close, and she would be free and safe if it weren't for one problem. A whole retinue of drones guarded the exit.</s>
<|description|>Cassius Alexandros Svent Nickname: Mr.Svent Race: Lumyian Age: ??? Gender:Male Appearance: Proportionality: Weight: Roughly 200lbs. Height:5'11 to 6ft. Frame: Androgynous shoulders 6in Chest 12 in Waist 8-10in thigh 10-12in Butt-cheek 8x10in wrist to tip of middle finger 7 1/2 inches. pinkie starting digit (base of hand before extending to finger) to thumb digit 4inch feet (as in my feet) 12 inches upper arm (weight )3 inches lower (forearms) 2 1/2 − 3 inches wrist 2 1/2 − 3 1/3 inches elbow to wrist 11 3/4 inches Shoulder to elbow 12 1/4 inches heel to knee 15 inches. Knee to thigh 16 inches. height 5'11 to 6ft. 6 1/2 inches from collar bone to chin. 7 inches from one end to the other (Left to right) crotch to waist (curves) 9 inches. waist to belly button 4 1/2 inches waist to chest (where ribs start) 12 inches chest to neck 9 inches _______________________ Personality:- So far, he seems caring, somewhat analytical, and one prone to improvise. But shows he cares for life even if it isn't his own. Job: Deputy Director of Linblum Research and Development, as well as Supervisor. Fighting Style: So far, no one knows. Weapons from strongest to weakest: No weapons at present. Armors/Outfits See picture. Custom Kimono, Rubber suit under that, and light armor pieces. (Armored boots, gauntlets that protect the back of his hands, a Panther Helmet.) Familiar: Ifrit Familiar Appearance: Familiar Abilities: Grants fire and heat immunity, Fire Glyph. Lowers water defense. Slightly raises agility. Movement Type: Ground, walks and runs, has wide reach. Familiar Size: Large, slightly sluggish when moving. Relic Weapons: Flaming clawed Gauntlets. Relic Armors: Gives Cassius a red tint to his attire to reflect his heat immunity, as well as to reflect he has Ifrit active. The gauntlets also extend over the forearms to shield them. Trance: N/A. Pros- So far he seems fast in terms of movement, hit's hard with kicks. Sneaky. Cons- Fearful of fighting. Racial Strengths- Lumyian Glyph magic. Resistant to offensive magic to a great degree. Racial Weaknesses- Weak to physical strikes. Background: So far, people do not know.</s> <|message|>Dren Rache "A wonderful performance." Dren toted slightly with a brush of the brim of his hat, his summon fading as his clothes and cane retook their normal, more pristine appearences. In his head, Dren heard the familiar voice of his chattering little sidekick. "We did real good there huh? I made a good debut! I bet everyone's really impressed, oh! Do you think you could introduce me, Mr Rache? Pleaaaaaaase?" a squeaky and annoying voice echoed around his head. "Do be quiet." Dren chastised him mentally. "We're in company, even if they know i'm talking to you, I don't want to go showing you off whilst we're in the middle of dangerous territory. Besides, I have work to do." "All work and no play Mr Rache! Just give me a chance to say hiiiiiii!" The rat insisted as Dren began to try to tune him out for the time being, his left eyebrow twitching instinctively, as it did so when he was annoyed. "Yes, I can do that. I need to do some collecting anyhow." Dren rummaged inside his coat and flipped a leather bag out, going around and collecting up the bits of metal and slipping them into the bag. Once he was done, he went over to the spring and took a pair of flasks out of his sleeves, filling both up with the water. And once that was done, he began whooshing around the area, picking at some grass here, snapping up a mushroom there, placing them into a secondary bag and slipping that back into his cloak. The first bag, with the metal inside, he returned to Cassius. "I'm all thumbs with smithing, sir. I'll trust you to transfer this to the right person... or just keep it, either works." he said before he handed over the bag and made his way back toward the wreckage. Now that he had the right materials, it was time to get to work. He'd need to bust out some old classics if he was to keep this group afloat for god knows how much longer they'd be out here.</s> <|message|>Bruno Randalph Randy was briefly stopped by Hitori and knew not the reason why. Even the brief mention of slaying the beast seemed rather ineffectual or pointless to get himself particularly involved in this fight. It strung and even irritated to some degree that it was assumed that Randy was thought to need to 'earn' a keep despite his previous or perhaps still current occupation of maintenance of sorts. Keeping things, together and functioning properly to a degree. Focusing on such and more of the results of what had occurred instead of the rest of the chaos unfolding, was rather saddening. He felt more of longing to simply return even more so than he did before. There was likely nothing he could do to save anything now but, what else was he to do? What else was he capable of beyond at least trying again to keep himself occupied? There was an odd feeling of insanity and departure from reality in it but that was not discomforting. The battle continued to unfold in front of Randy's eyes. The slight amazement and impressive works of the combatants and what appeared to be magic was either gone or dying quite rapidly in his eyes. He was beginning to lose vision of it or the things around really. Attention and plans were much more being turned inward and inspecting thoroughly for something or anything that could possibly be done or used. There were a few ideas that came to mind but none were viewed as, specifically necessary or perhaps even that useful or obtainable to begin with. Although it would be something, and might be similar to some outer inspirations of ideals. They were, unlikely but it was something. Maybe it would be a courteous idea to announce his departure back to the wreck of his old job. On the other hand it seemed everyone was busy doing something and he would have likely slipped away unnoticed with the exception of the one person who had stopped him from walking away in the first place. The creature was dead, or appeared dead enough from the rest of group's efforts. Hopefully that would be more something to dwell on along with dealing with getting out of the forest rather than Randy disappearing for a while. He simply started to slip back toward the ship quite quickly before hopefully anyone else noticed that he was even there. There was something about a giant plant controlling the forest and that was about as much as Randy caught before quickly trying to slip off. If the supplies survived well enough there would hopefully be a welding torch or arc somewhere around perhaps like a bunch of other junk that was around.</s> <|message|>Wylde Westra The enemy had fallen for quite a while already when Wylde finally sheathed her rapier. She had almost expected more dangers to show up, but it seemed for now that was not the case. When the blade was finally completely into the sheath, it gave a very clear metallic sound. She smiled, it meant the blade was in a near perfect condition, which considering their location was grand as there was no smithy nearby to fix it in case of need. She had heard some of the discussion between Blank and Cassius and frowned." Life lived only for others, is not live." She said with a shrug of her shoulders and slightly disapproving voice." The desire to help is all fine, but when said desire is the only thing you act upon all the time, something has gone wrong. Besides helping, what do you plan to do?" She asked Cassius in the end." What are your plans for the future? Defeat your rival, build a nice home, find love, get rich? Just what do you plan for yourself?"</s>
<|message|>Cassius Alexandros Svent "Heh... I'm not going to chastise you for showing some to any... concern at all... But my goal requires me to be as selfless as possible." Cassius composed himself as he rotated his shoulders, cracking them. "And... It might not be living the way I would have wanted to... To be care free and just... enjoy the simple things..." Cassius took a breath as he pointed to the water under them. "So... There are the kingdoms we know... And the ones we would never associate with, we being the Continent of mist... Also known as Alexandria as a whole in the older times... But I'm not about to give a history lesson and difference in thematics." Cassius stepped away from Blank, but closer to Wylde. "There... is a hidden Kingdom... One that... Hides with it's madness and pride, yet no one can hear their cry..." Cassius frowned... In fact this did not improve his expression at all... He seemed more bitter the more he talked about it. "I'll just say the outcomes... A War is going to happen no matter what we do... Alexandria was already... persuaded even before a certain visitor gave his reading. The power... Of Suggestion can level cities as you know." Cassius looked to the soldier. "My wish, is to prevent that. I don't want to see others fall at that suggestion. But to obtain what it is I wish to do as a member of my race? It requires a tolerance and an esteem I have to wear... Even if it isn't what I want." Cassius paced in the water. "Fact is...? I can talk about this all day, all night, write entries for the department to look into from a desk, but all I am doing at the end of the day is sitting down, making minimal salary just to have another meal. We can agree that isn't doing too much with my life..." Cassius grinned at his reflection... From Wylde's view she could see where he was going with this. "But... Out here, I can sacrifice the life I had to work against that future. I plan to fight the future. The one that is written." Cassius went back over, sitting down in the water. "My end goal in life...? I can't answer that. I might not even get to that." The water's reflection showed a familiar sword of Alexandria- a sword that felled a hundred men in single combat.</s>
<|description|>Solara Luxone ~Solanne Luxone~ --- --- Age: 27 Alias: Crimson Hound Personality: Bright, chipper, and just overall optimistic, if one were to call Solanne a tomboy, she'd jokingly pound them on the shoulder before saying that they weren't doing her enough justice. Yeah, she's one of those girls. To be fair though, her laid-back and happy persona is normally a fresh relief to all the other events going on. It usually takes something truly horrendous or traumatic to dampen Solanne burning spirit and joking nature. Did we mention the laid-back attitude? Yes? Good, then now you know that it also takes something incredibly dire for Solanne to be taken seriously. Despite her initial cheery front though, she does admit that her life has been crappy so far with all the politics within the world. Only the most observant and perceptive can see through her idiotic grin. Because of her own past, Solanne is dead set determined to create a future where everyone can smile freely. As such, she is usually one to put everyone, friends and allies alike, above her own well-being, sometimes ranging to levels of naivety. She is fiercely loyal to those she wants to protect and will do just about anything for them. Just don't screw around with her trust. Unless you want a few teeth shaved off. Background: Ironically enough, most people tend to think of the "Crimson Hound" as some sort of deranged killer bent on ending all life. People usually don't think that maybe she earned the nick-name due to her unyielding loyalty? Oh well. That gets Solanne every time. Hailing from a distant nation from the west, Solara lost both her parents to bandits at a fairly early age and spent the remainder of her childhood being raised as an orphan. Most children would have caved into depression at that age, but Solanne took her parent's teachings by heart and desired to help out all that she could. Soon, she was everyone's "big sister" at the orphanage before finally becoming old enough to wield a blade while also providing a steady income for the orphanage via bounty hunting or thievery. She still visits the orphanage from time to time, despite her many travels. However, danger was always near, and Solanne soon found a new reason to fight when going out to create her own journey. Recently however, news of a group rivaling that of the infamous Night Raid caught the Crimson Hound's attention. Certain events followed that led to Solanne becoming a member of the equally enigmatic and powerful Salvation. Wanting to put her thieving skills and reputation as a bounty hunter to good use, she eventually caught the eye of Salvation's leader, Xerxes. That was some time ago and now as a senior member of the group of assassins, the prospect of a free world seems ever closer more than ever. Combat Speciality: Close to mid-range combat, brawling. Skills: - Reasonable knowledge of the world's history - Adept at sword combat - Ability to summon a large, hound-like familiar through the usage of her Imperial Arm Imperial Arms: A sword by the name of Duster. Its blade is composed entirely of hardened and purified flame and ash, sharpened to cut through a good majority of things. Solanne's default weapon, it is also able to channel and release her fire magic to deadly proportions. Apart from generating and manipulating flames, from the tiniest ember to the most violent firestorm, Solanne can also use her Imperial Arm to collect all moisture in the area and convert it into kinetic energy, thus producing more powerful flames. Furthermore, it leaves the targeted area weakened and fatigued, causing all the effects of liquid-deprivation. That being said, rendering all of the moisture in the air is a deadly technique that is only be used as a last resort given that it affects the user just as much as the intended targets. Armor: Metal boots along with a scorched gauntlet to assist in channeling her flames.</s> <|message|>Solara Luxone Solanne raised an eye at Apophis' statement, keeping her place across the wall's side. While she appreciated the other girl's enthusiasm, she couldn't help but feel she was being somewhat possessive of her. The snake-like girl did know Solanne was only joking, right? "Hmm. Personally, I liked the mission with this so called Man of One Thousand Axes. Stealth and espionage just isn't my thing, y'know? Besides, I get to crack of few skulls without holding back. That's enough to get me excited," she said, pounding her fists together and grinning darkly.</s> <|message|>Natsuo Phoenix "I'd probably be more helpful with the fort as well but I may be needed to take on the danger beasts. Not to insult Kotaro but I don't think anyone should take on danger beasts by themselves. Because who the hell knows what happens with them." Natsuo said simply not really all too much caring about the situation as long as he got a mission to do he was happy. But there was a difference between going to a fort and hiking in the mountains to kill monsters. Imperial HQ needed to get their crap together if they couldn't go out and hunt down danger beasts. Natsuo was itching to put on his armor, his cloak, and his mask. It was not everyday he got to get in full battle gear. Even if his mask was uncomfortable it still did the job of shielding his face.</s> <|message|>Yosuke Yosuke was still leaning against the wall as he listened to the jobs and what the others were thinking about doing. He wasn't sure going to the capitol was the best idea for him but if Xerxes thought he would be best he wasn't going to argue. "I can go to the capitol with Apophis-San. She would be the best to kill Daiki while I can provide the muscle if something goes wrong." Yosuke got off the wall and made his way over to Apophis. "Would that be ok with you?"</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri though about the options. Xerxes was right about her fitting in in the capital. If it was the streetrats, thrives, and beggers she'd be fine but around nobles and such it would be hard. As for killing the Revolutionary army… She didn't like killing their members as she had no issue with them though the threat of an ally was something to think about. Then there was the danger beasts. The idea of bringing back freash meat and other useful materials was tempting. Besides she hadn't had a chance to work with Kotaro yet and was curious on what he could do. She turns to look at Xerxes, "I guess I'll help take care of the danger beasts. Hopefully bring some freash meat back and other supplies. Besides freash air suits me better than city air," she turns to Kotaro and nods at him, "I look forward to working with you."</s> <|message|>Natsuo Phoenix "Hmmm so the kid wants to come with the boys huh? Alright let's see how you do. If you fare well enough out there then I'll consider taking you on more missions." commented Kotaro as he looked at the young girl with his hardened eyes. He scanned the girl and wondered if she had it in her for a walk in the mountains on a witch hunt for beasts of nature that could kill a man easier than breath. Hell some breathed on people to kill them. Natsuo on the other hand walked up to Sayuri and smiled at her and offered his hand. "Well welcome to the beast hunt. Glad to have you along Sayuri." commented Natsuo with a big smile on his face. He really didn't care she was coming it was all the same too him though. If she proved inept then so be it. But she had an Imperial Arms that had to count for something.</s> <|message|>Apophis "Aw, I really wanted to see how Sol would look like in a dress." Apophis looked really disappointed when she was rejected, before long, turning to Yosuke and saying "Well, I guess that it's only Suke and I now, so let's try to make it fun." After this, Apophis turned to Xerxes and asked "Is there anything else, old man?" and to Solanne and everyone else "See you, Sol, and the others." before finally heading for the door, if no one else had anything to say, beckoning Yosuke to follow her on their assassination trip.</s> <|message|>Natsuo Phoenix "I can always talk more about anything Apophis but I have informats in the capital that you can go too. If you wish for the list of them I will tell you a few of them personally. However you must not drag them into things unless you must. Going to the ball will be easy getting out after you get done your business with Daiki will be harder now go and do as you will. Does anyone have any questions on their assignments?" asked Xerxes as Natsuo shook his head and Kotaro remained silent. Solanne cant' go alone so I volunteer to help her at the fort. I have no special fondness for the rebels though I must admit killing them will be less meaningful to me than Imperials. Still for the good of the Empire's Salvation I will do what I must." Nako said as she turned to Solanne. "That is acceptable yes?"</s> <|message|>Solara Luxone Solanne grinned as she watched the others volunteer for their appropriate missions. Good. At least now they had a bit more variety among them and the missions would each be completed on time for Xerxes. The Crimson Hound glanced at Apophis and gave her a reassuring grin. Stealth just wasn't her style and she wouldn't risk compromising the mission just for her. Maye next time. "Yeah, it's fine," she told Nako as the other woman stepped in to join her. "Besides, I can't have all the fun in busting heads, y'know? And it's not like we're fighting one of Esdeath's goons. Should be simple enough." That said, she waved Apophis' group off along with the others before she cracked her knuckles and grinned. The prospect of bloodshed was calling her and she waited for Nako to proceed before moving off. Right then. Time to get things rolling.</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri returned Natsuo's handshake and smile, "No problem. The more the merrier especially when hunting danger beasts. Besides this isn't my first time facing some. Not neccesarily ones this strong but I have faced them before," she glares at Kotaro as he judges her, "And for your information I'm not a kid. I may have lost 4 years of my life to that bastard but I am 20. And I grew up in the forests and mountains. I may be a little bit out of practice in both fighting and being in the wilderness but I'll keep up." She hated when people underestimated her simply for her appearance. Sure add several years of imprisonment and torture but still. Physically she was fine. No permanant damage other than scars. Her fathers weapons training hadn't worn off so she could still fight well she'd just needed a couple months of practice to get most of her skill back and even improve them. Though she still had no idea where she stood among Salvation. Turning she started walking out creating a dagger to mess with as she walked, "We could probably get going if we wanna do it quickly."</s> <|message|>Yosuke Yosuke followed her out the in to the hall. "You head to the main gate and I will meet you there when I get my armor on." He ran off as fast as he could to his room. He opened his door and looked at his recently polished armor with pride. After getting it on he made his way to the main gate and if Apophis was there he would greet her. "Okay, I'm ready to go."</s> <|message|>Natsuo Phoenix "I'm going to get my mask and tracking gear." Kotaro simply stated as he bid farewell to his partners and then bowed to Xerxes once more before leaving. Natsuo stated he needed to get his armor, his mask, and his weapons. He bid farewell to his teammates and gave a over exaggerated bow to Xerxes. Nako said she'd meet Solanne in a bit but she was also in need of his weapons, armor, and protection gear. Natsuo made his way to the armory and found his armor where he usually left it and put it on securely with the help of Nako who smiled at him and wished him good luck as he told her that he hoped she made it back in one piece. After doing that he left for his room as Nako went to find a wig to put on after she had grabbed a face mask that covered the lower part of her face. Natsuo whom had gone to his room found everything in order and went to his side table which held books, some handkerchiefs, glasses, face paint, and of course his prized mask. He grabbed the thing and smiled at it as he moved his hand over the smooth metal surface. It had two slits in the front of it for eye holes and a nose hole. It's mouth was also cut it too make it seem like it was constantly smiling in a mocking fashion. The eyes had two large painted stripes going down. One was purple the other one was green. It was a clown's mask to some people but for Natsuo it was a very important keep sake. It also kept his face safe in a fight. He put the straps on it securely around his face and slid it up so that the thing rested on his head and grabbed his white coat. He flung the thing around his armor and adjusted it. It wasn't anything special it was for style but it also gave him a certain look. Of course this was probably going overboard but hey why not. If he had to get could get rid of it and get another. Then he went over to the desk he had for himself and grabbed the sword that rested between two holds and adjusted it so that it hung from his belt. Looking at himself in the mirror Natsuo nodded to himself and left but then rushed back and grabbed his daggers before moving out towards the gate. He found Kotaro there with his typical outfit, the brown coat/cloth(covering his mouth), guns, and relatively well worn clothes, with some additions of some various forms of tracking equipment and molds. He also had a map in his hands he nodded at Natsuo as he arrived. ==== Nako waited patiently for her partner to come and meet her outside by the front gate. Her hair had been tied back into a bun and she now had short cut black hair. She had her face protector in her backpack and her kusarigama was hung from her belt along with a various collection of knives and a short sword. She had a bow as well just to make sure everything was covered though she disliked using it because she had little practice with it. Better safe than sorry.</s>
<|message|>Solara Luxone Solanne gave a farewell nod to the departing assassins, moving off on her own to get things ready on her end. Considering this was a mission in which all the targets were to be eliminated, she saw no use in bringing slow method makers such as poison or the like. Of course, they would also have to sneak into the establishment first. With everything in check, the Crimson Hound twirled her Imperial Arm, placing it into the holster on her back, before meeting over with Nako. She noted the girl's now black and short hair, raising an eye slightly. Right then. Time to carry onward with the mission.</s>
<|description|>Nikkolaira "Nikki" Wyatt Abstract: friendly prankster with a clever mind and an appetite for adventure (Ignore the cat attributes, but that's basically Nikki, in her original form. Modifications have been made.) Appearance: Nikki is a nineteen-year-old of about average height, with a solid build that evidences the fact that she's always on the go. She keeps her blond hair cut at her jawline, and her light brown eyes are lively. She prefers to wear flattering clothes, generally showing as much tanned skin as she can get away with. She loves black clothing, and it's always something that lets her move freely and won't get in the way when she's up to her usual activities. She generally wears a pair of woven bracelets with amber and green stones, and shoes are usually a pair of solid-soled sandals with straps so she doesn't lose them. Details: Nikki grew up with her father after her parents separated. She knows and loves her mother as well, but the woman's job as a trader often took her far from home. Her father, Jasper, runs a general shop in town. Nikki herself has very little patience for work and doesn't have an official job, instead doing odd jobs for various people. Instead of a real occupation, she prefers to get into adventures -- or trouble. She's been filling her time with both since she was old enough to walk. She tried to pay attention to lessons and such, and did alright, but daydreaming or just wandering off wasn't an uncommon occurrence. She's a nice person, if perhaps overly exuberant, though her tendency to tease and play pranks can certainly seem mean. But she wouldn't wish ill on anyone, and is more or less harmless. She's quick and agile, with an ability to keep her feet under her even in difficult situations that would put many cats to shame. She knows how to use a knife, and can hit a target from a couple yards away, but that's only in controlled circumstances. If it came to an actual fight, Nikki is far more likely to keep hold of her knife and use whatever is to hand, often in unusual ways. She's pretty creative when it comes to innovative solutions to problems, though not all of them would be wise to attempt. The girl has a tendency not to think things through that ends her up in trouble as often as not. She actively courts disaster, be it trying crazy stunts or stealing a bun from a food stall for the thrill of getting chased. She revels in danger, carefully balancing on the line between wild and downright crazy. Telling her not to do something is one of the best ways to get her to try; if you don't want her to eavesdrop, you're better off discussing something boring for a bit instead of lowering your voice. She's a superb flier, mostly because she has to be with all the stunts she tries, and enjoys flying second only to exploring. Well. Maybe third if you count pranks? Something like that. Her approach to life is one of humor and gleeful optimism, diving headlong into every opportunity that comes her way. When she decides to do something, she commits herself fully and holds nothing back. Life is something to be enjoyed, and she plans to do that to the utmost. Other: ~ Glider that's a bit on the smaller side, but it's fast and very maneuverable. She just can't carry too much of anything besides herself. She's damaged it with stunts more times than can be remembered, but while battered it's held up pretty well. Her father decided that if his daughter couldn't be prevented from risking her life trying crazy tricks, he'd at least make sure it wasn't the fault of her wings should she get hurt. ~Lockpicks, because you never know what interesting things might need opening. She totally doesn't use them on things that actually belong to people though. Usually. Most of the time. Well, okay, she does, but she puts everything back where she's found it, so it's okay, right? ~Her knife is a handy tool she's never without. She has a second one in case the first one gets broken or lost somehow. ~A bag of assorted tricks, usually including a bit of food, a grappling hook on a length of light but sturdy rope, a small metal mirror, some stick-on bandages, a few safety pins, heavy-duty tape, some string, a permanent marker, and various things to assist in pranking. Relationships: Gaius Stronurr - Nikki admires and respects Gaius, and she /loves/ his stories. She's probably run afoul of him a few times, stealing things and making him chase her down to get them back. Respecting him, it seems, is not enough to make her listen to him. (Would he realize she views it as a game? I mean, if he stopped chasing, she'd stop doing it with the intention of him chasing her down. Doesn't mean she wouldn't aim for other people to chase her, though.) Forrest Everfree - she's a bit jealous of his freedom, and imagines life without parental figures telling you what to do as fun. Not that she wants to lose her parents, but the lack of a supervising authority appeals to her. As a child she found him fascinating, and often followed him around, eventually convincing him to teach her how to pickpocket and other minor thief skills. Eli Wyn - friend and frequent co-conspirator. Nikki is impressed by what he knows about gliders, and has actually learned a bit about them from him. His quest for excitement fits well with her own, and as wild as they are separately, get the two together and it's even more intense. He's the one that introduced her to Rahna and Blin/Brytag. Rahna Altema - Eli introduced the two, and they get on fairly well. Nikki enjoys racing with her and some of the others. She's also learned that playing on Rahna's curiosity is a great way to get her to go along with things she might not otherwise. Blin "Brytag" Alborse - He's quiet and he always looks half-asleep, but he's not bad. And he has some of the craziest dreams! Palling around with Eli and Rahna means she's friends with him too. Blank - Nikki's not sure if she likes bothering him or just plain /likes/ him, but she's certainly fond of the mysterious teen. Since his arrival two years ago, she has found him an irresistible target for teasing. He's so cute when he blushes~ Despite his good-natured complaining, the two are pretty tight now, though initially she had to construct circumstances that made adventures unavoidable when he balked at less forceful attempts to bring him along. She's nothing if not persistent. Tivo Sol - Nikki's encountered him a couple times, both in town and out near ruins, but they're not close or anything. Kelari Halder - she's friendly, and she tells interesting tales. What's not to like? Nikki is at least on friendly terms with her, though she's probably tried to use Kelari's equipment at least once. Without permission. She got her tattoo at Kelari's parlor, a small pair of stylized wings on her shoulder blades. Hurt like anything, but the result was worth it~ Song: Dangerous, by Within Temptation</s> <|message|>Lee Silvertongue The minute Lee heard those first few words come from Gaius, she felt her breath hitch. About to politely decline Lee opened her mouth and tell Gaius that's not what she wanted, she got the breath knocked out of her as he just grabbed her. If her instincts hadn't kicked in, she would've bent backwards at this point and cracked the back of her skull on the hard ground. Possibly killing her. Lee's brain reeled, not understanding what was going on and what Gaius was doing, her nails scratching against armor and her fingers barely finding purchase at the man's shoulders. There was a thin sheet of sweat already forming on her brow and along her neck, her heart beating loudly in her chest as she tried to understand what was going on. Her voice seemed trapped in her throat when she made an attempt to call out to Gaius. To anyone for that matter. Her anxiety only increased as she realized that the man was going to jump off the edge. Jump off the edge with her in-tow.</s> <|message|>Blin "Brytag" Alborse (Brytag being an awesome sounding heroic name) Blin "Brytag" Alborse "No, no,no,no...." Blin was at first amazed at the guards bringing the individual wings into the crowd and then shocked when he heard what he thought was a battlecry. "We're heading out first!" All thoughts of "Naughty" Nikki's crazy dive left him as he rushed back to his tethered gilder, "[color=bc8dbf]Why did I have to doze off....again. Come on, don't be last to leave." Blin tore at the ropes, freeing his glider and ran to the cliff edge before he could change his mind. He forced the glider into a dive, faster than he was used too, and surprisingly caught up the monster of beast that left first. He wasn't the last to leave, but he actually managed to pass someone before he spotted Lord Gaius and then his mouth dropped open. The blood drained from his face as he saw Lee holding onto to Gaius, he could have carried her, he could have got her a glider, he could have done something. He pulled up, straining the glider and slowing his descent. He heard something snap behind him, the glider slowed but he frantically started to look about it to see what had happened.</s> <|message|>Rahna Altema Rahna Altema --- Everything was happening so quickly, but it was all quite amusing. Rahna really didn't know what to react to first. Perhaps the bellowing of Gaius who boisterously stated that he was heading out first or maybe the fact that he turned into a human glider. 'The nerve! How dare you he start having fun before everyone else!' is what Rahna would've thought if she was a selfish person. Fortunately, she wasn't. 'As long as they're having fun, right?' was often the thought that crossed her mind. She didn't like holding people back, unless it was Eli, to make sure he didn't get ahead of himself. Speaking of which, she noticed that he pretty much crash landed near the group and was quickly assaulted by Nikki who came leaping out of nowhere. Rahna watched as Nikki pounced on Eli, grounding him.. literally. She couldn't help but smile, especially when Sera was laughing her head off at the sight of it. Rahna giggled as she settled some of her belongings next to her folded glider. After making a quick jog over to the tangled pair, she gave Nikki a knowing look and a smirk. "As expected of you Nikki~ Making a ruckus at any hour of the day." The young girl slowly helped the two get back on their feet, helping dust the dirt off their clothes. Her eyes made a quick scan for any injuries on either of them, "I'd rather we didn't get injured before the adventure even starts~" She stated in a lighthearted tone. In the corner of her eye, she spotted another figure jumping off the edge of the cliff. It was Blin. "Soo.. Blin just left us behind." She added, pointing over to the spot where Blin took off.</s> <|message|>Blank Blank saw things starting to move at the Launching Point and got to his feet. He wondered briefly if he should have borrowed a normal glider from somebody as he stepped up to the edge of his own spot, but this was the way he had arrived. The bizarre glider had to have something to do with his past, and somebody on the surface might recognize it. Blank didn't hesitate after that. As he had done so many times before, chasing after Nikki, he stood on the edge of the cliff with his glider in one hand, looking for all the world like an oversized collapsed umbrella, and faced back toward the castle. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and tilted backwards unafraid, kicking at the cliff face to distance himself from the unforgiving stone. He plummeted, like he always did, and as he fell he slipped his foot into the stirrup at the end of the glider, a small metal divot in his boot locking it in place. Pulling at the top until it slid out to twice his height. Finally ready, he wrapped his arm around the center pole and released the canvas, the whole thing springing open and bringing him to an almost dead stop in the air, swinging forward faster than most normal gliders could go as his downward momentum shifted to horizontal. He pushed forward on the bar, levering it between his foot and arm to keep it from penduluming backwards. He was much lower than everybody else now, but he knew at least Nikki would catch up to him, just to show off if nothing else. As he glanced backward and up, he could just barely see the island hiding behind his canvas awning, and said a last silent farewell. This could be the last time he ever saw his home.</s>
<|message|>Nikkolaira "Nikki" Wyatt The eager young lady grinned at Sera, adding her own giggle to the tomboy's. When the other girl collapsed with mirth, it only made Nikki laugh harder. She'd mostly subsided by the time Rahna came to help Eli up, untangling herself and rolling to her feet. Her head jerked up at familiar shout, and she caught sight of first Blin, then Blank overhead head out into the sky. "Time to go~" she caroled. "C'mon Eli, Rahna -- you too, ruins-crow -- last one past the clouds is a muddy duck~!" Without waiting for a reply she scooped up her folded glider and ran full tilt for the edge of the island, diving neatly over the side. The wind rushed past her ears as she picked up speed, free hand dragging her goggles into place. Gaius and his massive glider moved at a snail's pace ahead of her, then above, and Blank quite a bit below. The reckless woman pulled her arms in to streamline herself. The most daring of her tricks brought wild intensity, but freefall was a simpler and far more relaxed joy. She could see the odd shape of Blank's glider opening below her as she drew closer, and as he let the the canvas snap into place she dropped passed him, laughing gleefully. Spreading her arms and angling them to roll herself over, she waved cheekily to the young man now above her. He shouted something scoldy at her, but though she heard she didn't appear to listen, her eyes shining with unrestrained glee. And then she was flipping back over as she plummeted downward, adjusting angle and drag. Blank hollered again, and she didn't bother to reply. She'd heard the first time, and of course she wasn't going to dive all the way to the surface. He could be so silly at times! But carelessly opening even the strongest glider at speed was more than reckless, it was downright suicidal. She'd done this before, and knew what she was doing. First a little, then a bit more, Nikki kept a tight grip on the handstraps as she started to spread the wings and check her speed. When she'd brought it to just a fast dive, she let the wings snap open the rest of the way, and tilted the nose back hard. She leveled out with a joyous whoop, then started climbing so she could circle back again to the others.</s>
<|description|>ACCEPTED CHARACTERS MPD: Chester Jonas portrayed by @Enalais Samantha Wiles portrayed by @Tackytaff Para Protection Society Robert Winters portrayed by @King Cosmos Unaligned: William Locke portrayed by @Sep Tamara Jankowski portrayed by @Starlance Adrian Romano as portrayed by @Lord of Evil Owen Armstrong portrayed by @Heat White Rabbit portrayed by @GingerBoi123 Holly Farstel portrayed by @Datadogie Morrigan O'Connor portrayed by @GrizzTheMauler --- --- IMPORTANT NPCS --- --- None. Yay.</s> <|message|>Taylor "No!" Taylor firmly interjected, not only verbally, but physically. It moved itself in front of William, blocking the way to the door. "Before, when I was...Human, I was a doctor. And you...are my patient. I gave up my chance of retribution to Lorne. I gave up on burning, destroying their labs once I was out of my cage for you. You were unconscious, you were helpless, so I chose you. To protect you. I dragged you out here myself, protected you, treated you, and I didn't do all that just to let you go out and kill yourself." Taylor's stance was firm and authoritative in a way it never could have accomplished as a Human. In a way, it was cathartic to finally feel that weight of authority over a patient who was acting against their own self-interest. "You will come to the clinic, you will rest, and you will heal. Once you are well...then you stop being my responsibility."</s> <|message|>Owen Armstrong As Owen slumped against brick wall, then slid down it into a seated position on the cold, hard floor. The parahuman let out a sigh as police sirens blared in the distance. He ran both of his hands through his hair, then held his head down towards his chest. Frustrated at what he had done, the chaos he had caused and the deaths he'd brought upon the unlucky innocents inside the now malformed diner. The wanted man angrily grasped at his hair, letting out a deep breath as he tried his damnedest to remove the image of the dying bystander from his mind. The silent shock evident within the dying eyes as the poor fellow ceased to breathe. Suddenly Owen was pulled from his dark thoughts, absorbed out of reality as all outside noise had silenced and faded for an astonishing moment. A familar face appeared before him, giant in its size and scope as the voice hammered into his eardrums. The words were more soothing, addressing him directly. It sent a shiver down the parahuman's spine as the unknown face spoke. He had scrambled to his feet, eyes going wide as they had ever been as he simply stared astonished at the giant face. The symptoms which he had felt at its first appearance did not reoccur, it was as if this figure had displayed itself directly into his mind. It did not manifest itself on every single screen across the city, which led Owen to believe that is what had caused his breakdown. "P-para Protection Society? Wait!" He exclaimed, stepping forward as the face had fallen apart like shattered glass, leaving no trail behind as reality came back to him. Owen scratched his neck, looking around to find himself in the same place he had been before the bizarre moment. The sirens were once more ablaze in the distance, as the other sounds of the megacity echoed around him as well. He turned and strolled out of the alleyway, even more unsure of things than he had been minutes before. That being was tracking him, it must have had some unsettling powers to do what it had done on this eventful day. Its words were softly spoken in this most recent encounter, as if it was trying to help him. He briefly debated taking the nearest train and just running as far as he could away, but that would lead nowhere. And in all honesty the constant running was wearing thin. He had nowhere to go except where this mysterious face had advised him to. He just hoped he wasn't walking into some horrific trap. --- Against his better judgement he returned to the deformed diner scene, albeit with a new change of clothes. He stared at the pure mass of police presence surrounding it, watching it from a safe distance. It was not the first time Owen needed to be just another face in the crowd, as long as he did not do anything to draw attention to himself then he'd seen as just one more random bystander going about their daily business. His eyes shifted to the police drones, pausing briefly as he stared at them. They always used so much technology and machinery, it at least gave Owen multiple routes of escape if he were ever cornered or worse, captured. That was not on the agenda though, he needed to find the Parahuman Protection Society, though did not have the faintest idea of where to start. He'd heard faint rumbles of their existence, seen graffiti on the sides of buildings and heard the rejects of society preach their noble goals. While also hearing plenty of news headlines of their misdeeds and alleged crimes. In his tumultuous time as a para Owen had realized some of the things in which you had to do in order to get by, so as to not end up locked up in a Lorne facility somewhere, undergoing whatever terrifying things they do to captured parahumans. As he walked along the sidewalk he rubbed his hands gently together, paying no mind to any ideal chit chat or the people staring at the result of his outburst. Most of them would see it as another example of parahuman terror even if it was truthfully a bizarre incident in which he'd lost control. Then he paused in his stride at an older man walking towards the crime scene. Something click in Owen's mind as he brought an identity to the face. A face which had been plastered on the news or on billboards as a wanted man, like Owen was. Another para, the one with the prosthetic arm. "Hey, I wouldn't go there if I were you." Owen stated as he moved his fingers gently, enough to seize momentariyl control of the robotic prosthetic and point fingers towards himself. An ignorable gesture to others around them, but a bold one to the other para. Cosmos</s> <|message|>ACCEPTED CHARACTERS William scoffed. "Okay, fine but I'm going to grab a drink on the way there at the very least." He started walking towards the door before realising he wasn't entirely sure where they were going. "Is someone going to lead the way?" He stood to the side of the door in order to let someone else go before them. He turned to the floating lady whose brother owned the clinic they were supposedly going too. "So what's your deal, I understand Taylors reasoning for helping us out, but what are you after?" There was something unsettling about her, something he didn't quite trust. Maybe it was her abilities were an unknown to him, he understood that Taylor somehow absorbed energy which it could then redistribute. Whereas this lady? She could fly and create balls of light, what exactly she could do was an unknown and he didn't like unknowns. Never had, and didn't now. Especially these days when there was a mysterious figure sticking its nose in their lives. He had to be careful so that they knew what was going on.</s> <|message|>Darkspire Darkspire let out a sigh. "My deal is that I need to find those who are against Lorne." Her masked face held a spark of anger. "As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They will be stepping up in their attacks and with my only ally being able to only keep oversight on things, I need more." She drifted over to the doorway and floated past William. "If you must know who I am, the name is Darkspire, sister of one of the best men to have ever graced this city, Thoth." Her face darkened. "Due to the circumstances we were never able to recover his body, as I took off after his killer and it was gone when I returned, Lorne's minions surrounding the area. Their official stance is whatever he had was contagious, even after death." She led them out of the building, her orbs drawing close to her. She palmed one, observing it ripple in her hand. "See, whatever their actions lead to my brother's death, for trying to help save lives, his dream. And for the that, I'll do whatever it takes to get him back and allow me to keep this life I've built." She looked to the pyrokinetic. "The Tower broke apart my family. Killed my child and brother. There is very little I wouldn't do to make Lorne suffer for what they have done. Then after that, well, I'll finish another doctorate on Spatial Theory. I am one of the brightest in my field. Literally."</s> <|message|>Taylor Taylor supposed this would be the best it would get in terms of cooperation from William. At the very least, he did not seem to be so stubborn as to try to fight Taylor over it...not that he would have been able to do much to resist it. He was physically weak at the moment, and his abilities, if he was even in a state to use them, would only serve to strengthen Taylor. It was concerned that he might hurt himself trying to move around on his own, but for now, it was not going to stop him. It would just have to keep a few close eyes on him. While it was late at night at the moment, Taylor moved cautiously as they followed Darkspire. The two of them might have been able to move inconspicuously down the street, if Darkspire stopped creating orbs of light, but Taylor certainly could not. Taylor was not only an obvious para, but would likely terrify anyone who saw it. They needed a way for Taylor to hide while they moved, but for now, it just hoped they were not seen.</s> <|message|>The Ratman "Here." The Ratman said suddenly, from a rooftop. He dropped a sheet onto the creature, Taylor. It was less of a sheet and more of a tarp - a thick rough green affair, not that comfortable but good enough at hiding for now. At the very least, it was better than nothing. The Ratman jumped down, joining the group as they walked. "My net hasn't picked up anything going our way just yet, but we don't need to help them find us. He said. "I hope this clinic of yours is... discreet.</s> <|message|>Darkspire Darkspire extinguished her orbs, each of them coalescing into one then vanishing in a soft puff of air. She turned in Ratman's direction and scowled. "Of course it's discrete. There is no one there. Everyone knows this district was left to rot by the City. They'd rather it simply disappear and ignore it. That's why he came here." She motioned to the buildings around them. They were relatively intact in this area. "I spent a bit of time... Hiding out in there as well. It has everything one would need and then some, our family is quite well off." She let out a chuckle. "There is a relative quiet among this sector of the district. No crime, no MPD, nothing. The building itself is owned in my name, and completely off most records." She stopped at a building. No one was around to observe the group, so Darkspire told them to wait as she flew up to the roof, getting in and unlocking it from inside, letting them in. She "walked" here, heeled steps never fully touching the ground. A look around showed what appeared to be a pretty normal medical clinic, far more advanced than one would guess for the slums. Darkspire told the group that her family had secured the funds for it's construction, since her brother was gifted a very generous budget after the success of his primary clinic. She closed up after everyone was inside the lobby, her orbs illuminating the surroundings. "You'll find whatever you need in here. I occasionally need the services here so I've kept everything in stock. Keep the lights on level one." She walks to an office and presses a few buttons. "Orwell, are you online?" A robotic voice chirped in the speakers softly. It had a rather natural tenor tone. "We are. I assume the two biosigns and the... Other one, are with you. Updating security logs. They should have access to whatever they need." A green light shone on the doors as the labs and surgical rooms unlocked. The speaker light dimmed. "If you have any other needs, Orwell can assist." Darkspire sat in a chair. "I met them through my brother, since he knew them before the Tower. They're beyond trustworthy. They probably already knows who each of us are." "We know of you, and William." Orwell spoke up. "The other two we would need to see their faces and DNA to see who they are. If you have need of us, we will be signing off shortly. In the security office there are secured pagers. We are working on getting a... Care package of food and supplies. We will most likely need someone... discreet to pick it up from a drop. If you need information on the world outside we are able to provide intel."</s> <|message|>Taylor The tarp that the Ratman dropped onto Taylor was only...minorly effective. It might have prevented someone at a far distance who was not paying close attention from taking notice of it, but Taylor still had a distinctly non-human silhouette, and obviously glowing eyes. Nevertheless, Darkspire seemed to know the area well enough to help them navigate away from prying eyes. Inside the clinic, Taylor found itself rather surprised. At first, it did not seem much out of place, perhaps somewhat nice for the district it was in, but still a clinic. It was only once they were given access to the rest of the clinic that Taylor was surprised. Lab? An operating room? This seemed like more of a small hospital than an actual clinic. Though, if it meant more equipment and supplies that Taylor could use, it certainly would not complain. "Hmm...thank you. This reminds me..." Taylor began, though its voice soon trailed off. It just stared in silence for a few moments at parts of the clinic with an impossible-to-interpret gaze. Taylor was still not sure of the nature of this "Orwell" person. But, it had chosen to trust Darkspire for now, and she had told them to trust Orwell. Although, at the moment, Taylor was less concerned about the outside and more concerned about the problems right in front of it. Taylor's attention was, once again, fixated onto William. Now that it had a clinic at its disposal, it could more effectively tend to his needs. "William, you need to lie down and rest. I see you are still weak; you were having trouble staying up when you were walking. The burns would not cause this...there is something else wrong with you. What are all the symptoms you are experiencing, William?"</s>
<|message|>ACCEPTED CHARACTERS William looked around the clinic. How this place hadn't been looted and razed yet was beyond him. He supposed it was likely one of the few buildings in the quarter with anything resembling security that gave people pause. He was learning more and more about their mysterious benefactor that was recruiting allies, however. Small victories. He sat down in a nearby chair, letting his head fall back. "What does it remind you of Taylor?" He was putting off answering the questions, he knew the escape had caused more damage than previously expected, the bullet wound likely hadn't helped nor had the oxygen deprivation or the overuse of powers which none of them truly understood. Taylor cared for him, but what it didn't seem to understand was a simple fact. He didn't want saving.</s>
<|description|>Charles Rainer Age: 29 Appearance: (placeholder for now) Height: 6'1 Weight: 248 lbs Likes: Cooking Cars Nice People Dogs Reptiles Fishing Hunting Mushrooms Food Dislikes: Bullies Mean People Bad Drivers Waiting Entitled People Bad Hygiene Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (January 9th) Special Talent: Cooking Profession: Chef and Bartender at a Hole in the wall bar and grill Bio/Personality: Very friendly and driven. Known as the Lovable Loser, Charles was raised by a single mother who was the world to him, and instilled his love of cooking in him early on. His life was full of bullying because of the way he talked and his size, always being overweight. Growing up he was typically that guy who gets friend-zoned despite his best efforts to get dates even through college rarely getting dates and many of them being pity dates. Even in the present day he is unlucky in love, always getting friend zoned. Spends a majority of his time outside the restaurant creating different cocktails and dishes to add to the menu, when not working off the clock for the restaurant he is watching TV and listening to music or painting model cars and plains or rc cars. Feeling fresh ingredients make the difference Charles felt it necessary to grow most the produce for his restaurant, making all the sauces from scratch and a fair majority of the alcohol at the bar being made by him including the house rum, whiskey, beer and wine. The aesthetic of the restaurant is that of a dive bar with a focus on upscale bar food including okonomiyaki, cheesesteaks, nachos and burgers. Your character's favorite song: Lightning Crashes by Live (Reference images to plot elements, or for helping to describe a character are allowed. Please make these in hiders, real life, anime or drawn etc are allowed in this case.) The following personal bio is not required (though CS Section 2 IS required), but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players. Tell us about yourself: *Your age: 35 *What part of the world are you from?: Midwest United States in Michigan *How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 16 *How often do you have time to post?: Can post 5 to 7 times a week minimum Small group or Social Butterfly: 4 on the Social Butterfly scale</s> <|message|>Paige Renee Kennedy Paige Kennedy No one else knew about the card other than Milo and of course that sleazy Agent Barrett of the FBI. Paige's lips curled slightly at the thought of the man. Disgusting. He was on his way to take a shot at her career before Milo had caught him by surprise. Now the tables were turned and like the rest of the cabal he secretly belonged to, he wasn't anywhere to be found. She had the State Police and SCPD watching LSF round the clock, but nothing had turned up. She knew there was at least one other key, she'd seen it used, but again, no one had turned up and trying to figure out what doors Barrett's key would unlock was something like trying to find a needle in a haystack, in a maze, in the dark. Luna Sports Facility was nothing but doors. It was massive. Going back to CT in the Sol City lockup was her last play other than waiting for Nikki to make the next move, something she wasn't going to risk. CT was as haughty as usual and she could tell it irked him considerably to have to "recommend" someone else for dark computer work since he considered himself to be the best at everything. He was forthcoming though, knowing that she was the only person keeping him from being transferred to the Federal pen. The kid had a steady job, but made most of his money on the side through corporate espionage. Sensing himself in danger of possibly being replaced, CT had generously spilled everything he knew about Tao Jang including the codewords he used to set up face to face meetings with clients: something he rarely did. It was almost too easy, but despite CT's eccentricities, his information was routinely solid- He really didn't want to be transferred to Federal custody. Paige made the call as their cyber crimes tech recorded and traced the whole exchange. It didn't matter that he used a burner phone or that it was illegal for them to record his voice. People operating on the wrong side of the law weren't known for making appeals to justice. Entering Swan Songs wearing her standard jeans, leather jacket and Converses, her gun and star were hidden slightly behind the jacket in her preferred fashion and her hair was up in its usual working ponytail. Her eyes scanned like a sentinel as she entered, already knowing the face of the person she was after, but she kept her demeanor level, almost approachable. It was a scenario she'd played in a hundred times at least and there was a certain swagger to her walk, like the old west, developed over years of being in the law. She liked the weight of her gun on her hip and the looks she got from people that noticed the star clipped to her belt. Swan Songs was carrying a decent crowd for a Monday night. Ironically, the small record shop had been one of the catalysts for her arrival in Sol after the debacle of the much lauded karaoke night. Lupe and the rest of his crew were still on the lamb, but Bob had paid the price for the evening. None of them had been heard from since that night, but she knew it was only a matter of time before their names came up. If they were smart they would have got out of the country to somewhere with no extradition. She heard the Maldives were lovely. It didn't take long to find her mark awkwardly standing by the bar. He had the look of someone that had never been caught, which made it easy and his nervousness was evident, which made it even easier. She was confident that if he tried to bolt, she could easily run him down. Ambient chatter filled the air, but was not overbearing. It was still early. The small, arranged bar area was segregated from the record selection and the cramped stage where the first act was warming up. She deftly stepped in next to him, not making eye contact and nonchalantly ordered a drink. Turning around as she waited behind his field of vision, she glanced over at the stage, first catching a glimpse of Yoji, tall and easily recognizable; who she'd bought the handmade cups from and then Siobhan, who she could only see was wearing an awesome hat. They texted all the time and she told Sio she might be after a lead in the record shop. Keeping an eye on Tao, she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Sio: Spied You. She smirked and hit send, glancing at the boy briefly from behind until her drink came up beside her on the counter. "Hello Tao" She said using his name. Seeing his attention turn she took a sip from the straw and moved the colorful cocktail umbrella out of the way. Her grin was something like the cat having found the mouse. She put the glass back down and drew her jacket back only slightly revealing her gun and star. "I like your Hawking quotes, but I think I prefer Asimov." She said. ... Interacting: Mentioned: @Headhunter</s> <|message|>Alexander Drake Grey "Alex"Alexander Grey --- ♦ Time: Chapter 3 - Day 2 - Evening ♦ Location: Left field at the ball park ♦ Interaction: @PrinceAlexus Link to Alexander's character bio. --- Alex had a handful of Marlin Signatures, the left side of the field being dugout for the visiting team. There was a cute child in the seat next to him, which was helping get the signatures. He pulled a second ball out of his coat pocket, from early batting practice, and added it to the cup for the child. He was fairly sure that the players were more than happy to keep the fans happy. With the talk of someone bringing in a professional team, everyone would be told to make sure this was a good experience. It didn't take long for security to finally come and talk with him. While technically he wasn't throwing things on the field, they technically considered it a safety risk. The funny part, to Alexander, a few others were throwing balls and pens down to the players. His, at least, was controlled. Alexander noticed Captain "Mali", She had flown him out to a ship that needed a repair. He had been in his wet suit with his equipment. She was able to get him close to the ship but the freighter wasn't large enough to land on. She got him close to the ship, but the static electricity from the flight, the exhaust, and most of all rotors was enough to keep her from safely dropping him off on the ship. This is why ships that handle rotary winged vehicles have special equipment and requirements to deal with the problem. Alexander ended up exiting the aircraft and plunging into the water with his oxygen tank and gear. He got the feeling that Mali preferred landing before letting people out of the air craft. His dad would say, "Young and dumb will get you paid. But not to be stupid." Going and welding underwater was dumb, a smart person would do something else. Because of that it paid well. His business school classes started to impact the enjoyment of the game. He started thinking about overhead and profit margins. When he starting thinking about Baseball analytics and how much, even the peanuts, the semi-pro players were making each time they came to bat. He decided he needed a different distraction. He decided at the 7th inning stretch, he would walk around the stadium to say hello to the two women.</s> <|message|>Maria Olympus Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" weekend to Monday evening. Sol City. Planned event Baseball bamboozle meant part Deux Soon as he turned round, Marinalia remembered the slightly crazy in her personal view man who had jumped out, into the water with full gear and defied her logical view of jumping out of perfectly good aircraft be they fixed, rotary or VTOL. A V22 would definitely of been fun to fly, shame they where insanely expensive and rediculously complicated. Captain Mali indeed, after a few flights Captain Olympus had changed a fair bit. After all it was a fairly long flight and no one else to talk to. He seemed a decent chap and long flights with no onw to talk to where a tad boring. Victoria had hered that story, her dad ship had required repairs before but no one had jumped out of helicopters to do it. Levels of crazy indeed. Like leaving a perfectly good ship... Hey, still stand by not jumping out of mechanically sound aircraft. You make me too close to hurting a passenger and I've never done that! Meet my computer nerd sister Vika." He knew her slight rebuke was all in good faith. She very much took her responsibility for getting people under her charge from point A to B safely, intact and unharmed seriously. Slightly joking or not, she never would intentanlly risk someone. "oh, so vou I hered of. Victoria, hey, il take prettier nerdy sister. Umm care to explain ze sport, it's the Von with the rock right?" Victoria's paired dark grey eyes to her sister lit up with a little mirth, granted she was clueless about baseball but not blonde bimbo clueless. Computer nerd jokes aside, it did hide the darker sides of her job. With the fall of a few crime bosses, a few in Russia had seen chance to make in roads, the consulate always knew what was going on. Her software while securing maratine traffic also helped hide there other dealings. All disguised as testing and updates of course. It was quite ingenious, why let a economic opertunity go by when the chaos made it easy to establish a foot hold should you ever need one? "See what I have to put up with from neredette here. Fancy being a gentleman explaining this colonial mutation of cricket to a pair of English ladies?" Joking, Marinalia was comfortable ernough after a few late night long flights, ships by Murphy law to break down in worse weather too, add a diver with a lack of self preservation and it was hard to forget. "Nerdette... For one smurfette was blonde, and white washes me put. Oh yes. Come on, we Don't mind ze Company." Upon Victoria's return. She was not leaving Marinalia Nerdette go without a alittle answer. Leaning on her cane for a sense of safety she negotiated her way back. Much as modern stadium, the busy venues always made her a alittle nervous. Apcepting a arm from her sister helping, needing the toilet more, emotions being a tad haywire, random food choices and more. urgh. If she had not known, she probbly would have been suspecting somthing was up. "Yeah, they not really have as much chance to play baseball in Alaskan snow. Smurfette. Good choice she has Gargelmella" The joking sisters aside. Marlij just had a feeling in her gut somthing was wrong, or somthing would happen... Much as she tried tonoush aside and ignore it. --- MENTIONS ---</s>
<|message|>Charles Rainer Enjoying his time listening to live music at Swan Song's Interacting with Nobody Having spent his weekend working at the bar, Charles decides that his best time spent would be going to the record shop for some rest and relaxation. Exiting his home he heads over to a dune buggy, squeezing himself inside the small 2 seater buggy he heads out for a cruise for a bit, spooling around town the sound of the supercharged motorcycle engine turning heads as he drives by. After driving for a little while he heads to the Swan Song's Record Shop, parking out front but a few spots down. Heading into the shop Charles wears a blue zoot suit with a fedora and several cigars in his vest pocket. He walks into the record shop, making his way over to the cd's searching for interesting music. He searches for a while before he heads across to the bar area resorting to people watching for a bit and listening to the music. After a moment he finally orders himself a pint of Guinness Extra Stout, sipping it while standing at the bar.</s>
<|description|>Landon Crane gender: male godly parents: Aisoyimstan, Mahina sphere of control: Cold, Darkness personality: Landon's powers are very powerful, but unfortunately unreliable for himself. Having such an expanse of powers that couldn't be used for himslf have put him in a confusing position. He would use his powers to help himself and others as he sees fit, but due to his mother they tend to only want to respond to others needs of them. Feeling like he was destined to be used and controlled has given him a bitterness against everyone, but as fighting them is completely useless he tends to just go along with the flow. He is very smart and wise, but often dark in his thoughts as he cares for no one. He can still be jovial and witty once he opens up, but that's just him suppressing his bitterness. sacred animal: Walrus powers: Landon has very strong control and manipulation of both cold/ice and shadows/darkness. Unfortunately the full strength of these powers can only be brought out at other's request. Few know this and Landon doesn't like to tell anyone feeling he'll just be a tool for their use afterwards. weapon(s): Landon makes due with the various weapons he constructs on the fly. Spears are a favorite projectile and Swords are favored in melee situations. History: Landon is currently twenty-seven, and grew up with a foster family in Washington. He found out about his powers at a young age and tried training them on his own. Not having anything to compare his powers with, he was content with the growth in his powers. That is until he met a demi-god that threatened his siblings on the way home from school. He realized he was still very weak as he couldn't do anything to save his brother, but he found a surge in power as his sister cried for help from him. He tore the man apart and saved his sister with his new found power. Afterwards he tried to find that same power and became frustrated as he found he couldn't. One day he met his wandering father by chance and learned of what his mother did to him. Having lost her love, she "cursed" him with the need to help others, stunting his powers until someone unlocks them. other:</s> <|message|>"Miriam" of flames01 Yuki had no time to dance. The music made the 8-headed snake too fast. Unreasonably fast. So fast that if she had not been in its way, it might have caught up to the lion and whoever it was carrying. She managed to keep up long enough for the unusually black lion to open up a portal to another dimension. She jumped through with them without hesitation, and heard the portal close befote the fake orochi could get through. It should disappear after the song ends... thought Yuki with a sigh of relief. She took a look around at this new place. It was beautiful. A pure place, free of any sort of uninvited influence from travelers who had lost their way. The water was like a mirror, and the world seemed to allow nature to act in its most calm and natural way. It was almost lonely, if Yuki was being completely honest with herself. For such purity to exist, very few life forms would be allowed to inhabit it. Yuki heard a sound. She turned to its source, and found it to be the lion with the unconscious girl. It seemed to have wanted her to follow along, so she did. As she did, Yuki took a look at the unconscious girl. She was a goddess, that much was for sure, but Yuki didn't quite know her all that well. That's one problem about residing on the earthly plain, not getting to know other gods and goddesses all that well. Still, she did hear a small bit about others whenever she attends meetings. Going by the look of her, Yuki would hazard a guess that she was of pure celtic-origin. Her unconscious state told her that she was frail, even for a deity. Finally, she was accompanied by a unique Ebony Lion, which was the sacred animal of only one deity that Tuki had heard of. If she had to guess, this goddess with the lion is the one called Rhona. Still, there was no way for her to affirm her guess without someone to talk to, and Yuki held no skill with speaking to felines. So she simply continued to follow, hoping that the goddess would wake up and speak with her.</s> <|message|>Rhona Leo pushed the door open to the cottage with his head and walked inside. It had three rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. Leo went into the bedroom and placed Rhona on the bed, then covered her with a comforter. He exhaled loudly then groaned again as he sniffed her face, then rubbed his muzzle against her. Leo then sat down and quietly waited at Rhona's bedside for his master to awaken. This is something that wouldn't take too terribly long. Leo suspected a few hours before she would awaken and perhaps finally be rid of her fever. ----------------------------------------------- A 6 hours had passed, yet Rhona was still not awake, however, Leo continued to wait patiently. Then suddenly...... movement. Rhona's eyelids twitched then slowly opened. She stared at the ceiling, blinking at few times until her eyes adjusted. She was in her room again. "Was it just a dream...?" Rhona thought to herself slightly confused. She sighed and sat up. Rhona placed her hand on her forehead; her fever had gone down by a lot and her temperature was now only slightly above average. Leo stood up and rubbed his face against Rhona's hand and purred, greeting his beloved master. "Hey Leo... How are you...?" Rhona replied groggily, smiling warmly as she pet Leo. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yuki who was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. She flinched and stared at her wide eyed, her jaw dropped in surprise. "H-how did you get here?! No body should know of this place! So how-?" Leo cut Rhona off with a groan as he gently pushed his head against Rhona. Rhona looked down at Keo then understood and her expression calmed. "I see... Leo brought you here, didn't he? He must like you." She paused, and Leo appeared indifferent from Rhona's response. "Sorry for yelling at you. It's just nobody else has been able to find this realm, let alone visit it... You're the first one..." She replied lowering her voice. " ah...! But that's enough about me! What about you? Why are you here?"</s> <|message|>Landon Crane Landon was taken aback slightly at the change in Sheogorath's pace, but it made him happy all the same that he was talking with them now. Getting slightly defensive now, but with a jovial tone. "Well you are the one coming around giving us warnings without introducing yourself. And people who are mad in the head aren't being controlled. Someone who's being controlled does sane things, like coordinated murder. Unless their being controlled by a madman. Which after seeing you, I'm done talking." Looking at Sheo again, he remembered his title was the Prince of Madness, which probably explained the intermittent crazy ramblings. He really was talking to a crazy man right now. At that point Landon sort of sulked back next to Cia. "So what do we do with him? What can we do with him? And why would he think I've fallen if I was just acting a little silly?"</s> <|message|>"Miriam" of flames01 6 hours wasn't quite a long time...Well, not for one such as Yuki, who has spent similar amounts of time practicing new styles, or making new moves. However, time like that only flies when an action is done. Unfortunately for Yuki, she found it disrespectful to practice dancing in someone else's home without consent, nor even the decency to wait for them to attempt to answer. In which case, she had to wait. Surely it wouldn't take too long for her to awaken thought Yuki, before the hours had passed. After all, how much sleep would she need? Yuki waited and waited, and though she had nothing to do, she was patient. She waited hundreds of years to meet her half-sister, waiting a few hours for another goddess was nothing. When she finally awoke, she seemed calm. That is, until she noticed Yuki's presence. Then, she became a bit hysteric. yelling at her in surprise and confused fear. It caused Yuki to cower behind her own hair, nearly shifting her headband off. When Rhona calmed down, She spoke to her in a much more calm manner. Yuki stopped cowering, but she only allowed a part of her face out from behind her hair. Without Claire, Yuki was shy and withdrawn. She never felt comfortable about opening herself up to others without her sister to be there for her. When Rhona asked what she was doing, all Yuki managed to do was squeak out the word, "Hiding..." in a barely audible volume.</s> <|message|>Cythlla Cia smiled, having Landon close to her was making her rather happy. She had a slight tinge of red on her face, to anyone god of love the knew exactly what this was. However if it was not returned then something horrible may end up happening. Sheo meanwhile just looked at Landon with an unamused look on his face. "Welp! My warning seems to have fallen on stupid ears. I guess I'll take my leave then!" Sheo said, at that point he tapped his cane again and this time a pair of alligator skin shoes appeared in front of him. He stepped into him then tapped then three times and disappeared again. His methods of teleportation were truly strange. Cia just watched with a look of confusion on her face. "Well that was something. Why don't we go to the Nexus now, Flemmings is waiting there for us." Cia said opening a portal behind them and walking into it. Inside the nexus looked like an empty grass field. There was nothing there except for a few doors. Once these doors were opened they would change to the size of the person entering them. Over all it was a very calming landscape. Time also worked differently there, Flemmings had already been in there for about 6 hours while the others were talking to Sheo. Flemmings turned his attention from variouse magic traps he was setting underneath each of the doors. "Oh good you brought someone to help." Flemmings said looking at Cia. Cia gave a warm smile to her brother. "Landon here said he would help us, hopefully you have some idea of a good defense that could help us. Even a solid wall could help." Cia said to Landon. She was excited to see what Landon could do.</s> <|message|>Rhona Rhona could sense the tension given off by Yuki. "I see... I remember now! I saw you at Asgard! Well there's no need to be shy; I'm nobody scary. My name is Rhona. It's a pleasure to meet you." She replied smiling warmly, trying to ease the tension between them a bit. Rhona got up and walked over to Yuki offering her hand. "Let's bring you back to Olympus, shall we?" She replied gently, her warm smile remained.</s> <|message|>Month Later Reese exited the meeting room not wondering to far from it. As he walked to his home located upon Mount Olympus he thought of the meeting that just took place. "The elder gods are returning...." He whispered to himself instantly thinking of his mother and grandpa Zues. Reese soon came upon a building that perfectly fit the housing of his gramps. The building was silent, more quiter than I has been in years. When Zues was defeated his followers seemed to vanish. Leaving not even giving a second thought into worshiping Reese. He at least had a bit of Zues's blood within him.....well most gods did. Soon Reese came a large table that was most likely used for dining. There he planed his strategies for the up and coming war. This was gonna be very different from any war Reese ever took part in. For the first time he had to consider planning for defensive tactics to avoid death. Hundreds of war simulations ran through his head as he sat at the large dining table writing down some of the simulations. "Damn it!" He shouted crumbling up the paper and tossing it behind him. He totally forgot that Ares is one of the deceased that'll be coming for their heads. This was ultimately a problem for Reese. He learned all of his war strategies from Ares and his mother. For hours he sat thinking about their possible movements and decisions in a war. "If only I knew where the Elder gods will be attacking first-" He spoke to himself looking at the ceiling. Then it came to him. Olympus wasn't the only realm conquered by The Merged. "Damn, damn, damn...." Reese repeated getting up and packing a satchel with a lot of paper within it. He had to get to all the Major Realms and map out their landscapes. He knows some of them are preparing as he did but it didn't hurt to try. Reese left the building quickly returning to the meeting room of Mount Olympus to find a god of a different Patheon of the Greek. He hurriedly went around asking the remaining Gods permission to inter their realms when the time came. Unfortunately a large portion of them were already gone and Reese had no type of way to reach them. Walking to the stairs of Mount Olympus to keep an eye out for another god or something suspicious he continued to contemplate on what his role would be in the war.</s>
<|message|>Landon Crane "Why does he always get angry and leave the second we don't give him attention?" Cia dismissed the strange man opened the portal to the Nexus. Landon followed her through expecting some grand spectacle of doors and blue swirling holes in space and time. When he entered and saw a grass field he was actually shocked for once. He tried to take in everyhting the Nexus had to offer, but there wasn't much. The temperature was balmy and the area felt very nice. It reminded him of a cool day in June. He turned his attention to the doors and Flemmings who had appeared to have been working for several hours. Landon stretched out a hand for greeting Flemmings as Cia introduced him. "Flemmings correct? I heard you are Cia's brother, and yeah I'll do what I can to help, but I don't know this realm very well." He walked over to one of doors and began to examine it closely. He felt it with his hand, but it only felt like normal wood. He couldn't sense anything from it. He looked behind it as well and marveled at how it was simply a door. "Can it stretch far? You can obviously go between realms, but could you go to the alien gods' planets as well?" Landon realized he was getting caught up in this, and that he should probably help secure it first. "Sorry. Let's secure these doors first. Unfortunately I don't have any ideas. I really don't have the slightest how these portals work. I can make a wall though, but is it really that simple? If so couldn't we just freeze the doors? I can encapsulate them in a dark ice easily. Just tell me what you want and I'll do it."</s>
<|description|>Mami Koizumi Title: The True Alice Gender: Female Age: 15 Height: 4'6" Weight: 87 lbs Appearance: The way Mami really looks and how she presents herself are two entirely separate things. Most of the time she looks like a perfect young Japanese girl, with long, silky black hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. During this time, she often wears traditional Japanese clothing depending on the season, like a padded kimono in winter or a yukata in summer. When on a job, however, she becomes Alice. She dresses in various types of Lolita styles, depending on her mood, and changes her hair color to blonde and eye color to blue. Personality: While Mami is usually sweet and docile, her Alice persona tends towards over-the-top declarations and a severely haughty attitude. When she is Alice, she is bold, overconfident, and tends to talk down to others. However, this is just a constructed persona and is easily shattered once she notices she's made someone feel bad in any way. She really is Mami through and through, and always falls back into trying to help and comfort others with a ready ear and a kind word. N-not that she likes you or anything! Short Bio: Mami didn't grow up in a loving, proper Japanese household. Well, she lived in one, but she barely grew up at all. Throughout her school life, she was often teased about her height and development which were both incredibly stunted. She ended up finding refuge in Lolita fashion, which catered to the aesthetic of the short and under-developed, and through Lolita she also gained a fascination with the west. Western girls were all so pretty, with their light hair and beautiful eyes, and Mami wanted to be just like that. She knew that if she looked pretty like that, height would no longer matter. She thusly bleached her hair, grabbed up some colored contacts, and went to school where she was teased once again for looking like a shrimpy delinquent. She left school crying and dejected and, not paying attention to where she was going through the tears, she found herself lost. It was then that she saw a white blur rounding a corner, and something inside of her screamed to follow it. She chased the blur for a while, and found herself in a strange place with a red sky. A small white rabbit awaited her at a table, upon which were a variety of snacks and two cups to tea. She took a seat opposite the rabbit and, almost instinctively, she nibbled a scone and took a sip of tea. The rabbit told her that she had the soul of a true Alice, and that it was time she claimed her birthright now that the previous Alice had gone. Her tiny body overflowed with power, and suddenly she found herself safely tucked in bed at home. At her bedside was a tea set on a tray, engraved upon which was the phrase "For the one, true Alice." Currently, when she isn't being Alice, she works for her parents and helps manage the family onsen. When she is Alice, she works as a Chaser to help protect people from bad things. She was finally special, and it was important to her to put that specialness to use. She's completely new to the job, and her true identity is unknown to all but her. Other chasers, the few that have heard of her, know her only by title. Powers: Teatime- Mami can create teatime beverages and snacks out of thin air. These beverages and snacks each have healing or ability-enhancing properties, which may stack as long as one has room in one's stomach. There are diminishing returns, however, and eating more than three of the same product results in somewhat negligible increases. After all, teatime is about enjoying a variety of things. It would be a waste to fill completely up on muffins of speed and not try a scone of power. Dress up- Mami can change her appearance in a flash, whether it's clothing, hair color, eye color, or any amount of cosmetic items including makeup. She can't change her height, weight, or gender, however. Weapons: None. Equipment: Unbreakable tea set- No matter what happens, nothing in this tea set can be in any way damaged or broken. Other: Kind of a westaboo.</s> <|message|>Jun Kaiki. He doesn't like his name so he prefers to be called by his surname 'Jun' Jun Kaiki "THR-!" He was about to throw the ice grenade, when Katherine arrived and stole his moment. In any other case, he would've berated Katherine about it, but well, the gag was done and the damage too. He simply sighed and threw the other ice grenade as a follow up for Katherine's own attack. Afterwards, Harumi went on to chain the Ghost down and leave it completely open to attack it. "Fine then! Everyone, fire at will!" Being kind of in charge of the operation, Jun decided to ravel in the joys of being the one in charge. He trained both of his guns on the bear ghost and then unloaded all of its chambers on the ghost. Once his guns were empty, he left both of his gun to his sides. With that much ice bullets, the ghost's arms and legs should be frozen for at least a bit, not to mention the damage on contact they did. He then put both hands up and formed several ice spears around it. "Hurry up and disappear from here." The fact that it was made of sand or something..., made it obviously hard to punch, but freezing it over would make it easier to be done with it. He brought his arms down and the spears came down on the ghost. The ice would then expand all over its body to completely freeze it over and make it an easier target to destroy. The fact that its attacks were water based made it even easier for Jun to use his power. "Send it over to hell now!" --- @rechonq@KoL</s> <|message|>Alexander Blackstone Rozheim Sonomachi City - Dangeki Pawn & Parlor Café Alex had just gotten his coffee, and was blowing on it to cool it off, when there was a feminine scream, and the inside of small café burst into motion. Ellie decared an emergancy and rushed around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Scramble? What am I? An egg? Alex thought moodily, he stayed where he was and took anther sip of coffee. After the day he just had, he wasn't going anywhere until it was finished. Alex's hand twitched and he just managed to avoid crushing the cup in his grip. "Don't call me Alex." He growled. Angrily, he downed the last of the coffee in a massive swig. Then, he got to his feet, and laid down the payment, plus a little extra, next to the slighly deformed cup. He also snuffed out his cigaette in an ash tray. "Lets go borrow trouble." He said, as he turned and dashed out the doorway. He could run fast, and he was at the source of the disturbance in a few moments. Still riled up and angery, he immediately grabbed the closest heavy object at hand, and gave a shout of rage as he hurled it at the pack of wolf-like creatures that were surrounding the girl. The object in question, was a freaking dumpster, and it was imbubed with a bit of Alex's power, as he grabbed it, causing it to fly faster, be more durable, and hit with a bigger impact when it landed. XD</s> <|message|>Vincent Victor was tempted to call down the Sepulcher, a fitting reply to their remark, but at this point that would be overkill. He was already punching holes in their bodies easily; 30mm rounds could pierce through all but the strongest armors. Suddenly, one of them started to combust completely. Vincent quickly rolled, putting the drop pod between him and the assassin, flames going around the sides. From the safety of cover, he ejected the magazine, and grabbed a spare from the pod, loading it and chambering a fresh round. The last straggler was diving towards him like Tarzan. Perhaps fortunately, he was using a flame attack instead of trying to bring the fight in close. Vincent used the pod as cover, bracing his rifle against the side of the chunk of space metal and firing off another barrage.</s>
<|message|>Mami Koizumi Alice casually grabbed a doughnut from Aria's box, and took a dainty bite. They really were quite good, though certainly not the sort of confection she would usually choose to munch at tea time. It was a commoner's pastry, whose appearance was so ubiquitous that it could never be elevated to a proper dish or even be divorced from the filthy little hovels that they usually poked their frosted, oily rinds out of. Trapped as it was in a sort of limbo of profound classlessness. It would be irredeemable if it wasn't so dashingly western. Like cheeseburgers and apple pie. "Yes, you really must keep a tighter leash on the girl," said Alice, shaking her head, "she's quite bothersome. If I was less mature than I am, I might have actively boycotted this establishment. Believe it or not, most patrons come to a cafe expecting good food and service, and a distinct lack of molestation." Alice nibbled on the doughnut a bit before continuing. "Anyways, no. Ellie explained nothing and, clever as I am, I am no mind reader. It's nice to finally get an explanation, though I don't know why we're so scared of this 'Cataloger'. That's why I was called? Well don't worry too much, Aria. I could take care of it on my own if I wanted." Alice gave Aria a reassuring smile as Lucille, an older woman, stepped in to give Aria a report of some kind. Alice was about to continue with her pleasant tea time (if Ellie ever decided to bring their actual tea) when the succubus began raising a stink. Of course, Alice could not allow any action that lead a girl to scream 'No! Stay away! I don't wanna die!', and thus slid her chair back as one of the patrons who had just entered ran outside. "Apologies. I must excuse myself, Aria. There are injustices to correct." A teacup appeared in Alice's hand, seemingly out of nowhere, and she laid it on a saucer in front of Aria. It was full to the brim with a hot, steamy earl grey of the highest quality. "For you. I shouldn't be a minute," said Alice, quickly departing. And so she ran, quickly stuffing her face with scones of speed, to where she thought the Stock Exchange was. But it was not. Indeed, Alice had a storied history of accidentally getting lost, and had managed to run at an inhuman pace in the exact opposite direction. Instead, she found herself looking at an incredibly large man shooting a gigantic gun at a raging Youkai. Her eyes widened in fear and amazement. She had just walked into what looked like an American action movie.</s>
<|description|>Slick Drake Slick Drake Basics Epithet: "Oilburn" Slick Race: Human Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Slick is 5'5 with green hair and green eyes, typically wears simple single color shirts along with a green jacket over it, black pants, fingerless gloves, and black boots when on deck. When fighting in enclosed quarters he wears a gas mask on top of all this so he doesn't inhale smog from his fires, otherwise he just keeps it clipped to the waist of his pants. Somewhat pale, has lots of burn scars on his hands. Position: Cook and Weapon Repairsman. Bounty: 5,000,000 Beris, wanted for Serial Arson Jolly Roger: A charred skull dripping oil with green flames surrounding it in a circle. Background Ambition: To find the gun and sword of Gol D. Roger. Likes:* Fire * Weapons * Cooking * Gol D Roger * Money Dislikes:* Marines * Wasting Food * Bees Quirks: Slick regularly obsesses over any new weapon he may come across, studying the weapon and taking notes immediately upon seeing it even if the user is in the middle talking. His unique laugh is "Kekekekekek!" Slick is also a bit of a kleptomaniac and will regularly steal stuff just to see if he can get away with it.he has actually built up a small hoard for himself. If he thinks something would be interesting to light on fire he will try to light that thing on fire with the matches he always carries with him. He also believes his fires are works of art. Personality: Slick is a pretty jovial guy, rarely in a bad mood unless something actually bad is happening. Tends to laze about when there's nothing important to be done or he'll go through his stash of stolen items to make sure everything is in good condition. He is afraid of drowning as most Devil Fruit users are, but his more prominent fear is of bees. If he sees a beehive or a swarm of bees he will likely go for his flamethrower immediately. Slick is also a very curious person, whether it be how flammable something is or how a device works. He likes helping people out but he won't go out of his way to help others if it's gonna be a long arduous task, not unless everyone else decides to. And the most important thing of all, Slick loves fire. He loves fire so much, fire is one of his favorite things ever really, which is why he always carries matches with him. History: Slick grew up on a small island in the South Blue, born to a pair of blacksmiths and repairmen. He was raised on learning how gun barrels were made and how to clean a cannon, basically everything a child should never know. One day when he was 6 a group of drunk pirates had come to his parents to have their guns and swords repaired after a hard battle with the Marines, when they left they forgot some of their treasure on the island, the most important one being a mysterious Devil Fruit they had planned on selling. Now Slick was a hungry 6 year old, not knowing how valuable it was he took a bite of it. It was absolutely disgusting, it tasted like gasoline (not that he knew what that was) but he had already taken a bite of it and he had been taught to never waste food so he swallowed it down like a champ. This was a horrible idea, for this was the Oiru Oiru Fruit, a Logia type Devil Fruit that turned you into an Oil man. Slick began to melt into a puddle of oil immediately, which was quite terrifying for a 6 year old. As he panicked and flailed his arms about he splashed highly flammable oil everywhere and knocked over a lantern, setting his home on fire. He struggled to maintain his human form and ran outside, his parents did not make it out with him. Orphaned at the age of 6 he was horribly traumatised by the whole incident, mentally locking away the ability to physically become oil so he could never kill someone close to him like he killed his parents. Instead he sought to control what killed them, fire. He spent the next 13 years of his life tinkering with various ideas and mastering the use of his powers in conjunction with fire, he also rebuilt his parents business and began repairing weapons for pirates. Over the years he became enamored by tales of Gol D Roger and his prowess in battle, some stories had him destroying entire armies with one placed bullet while others would make him out to be a master swordsman. Either way, Slick wanted these legendary weapons, he wanted to be just as strong as Gol D Roger was. but to do that he needed to get a hold of his weapons. So he set off on his journey at the age of 19. Combat Specialties Skills and Abilities: Talented repairsman in regards to all different types of weapons, is somewhat skilled in the art of inventing new weapons. Great cook, spent a lot of his life learning to cook for himself. Very fast and somewhat strong, he built up muscles from hammering metal. Devil Fruit: Oiru Oiru Fruit (Oil Oil Fruit): A Logia with the ability to let the user turn into oil and endlessly produce oil, Slick has currently mentally handicapped himself so he can only use it like a Paramecia. Haki: N/A Gear: Custom Flamethrower, built to be fueled directly by Slick even in the middle of combat. Fighting Style: Slick likes to stay away from his opponent and control the battlefield, either by covering it in oil or covering it in oil and the lighting said oil on fire. Techniques: Oil Oil Skate: Slick covers the bottom of his shoes in oil and skates around the battlefield at high speeds, leaving a trail of oil behind him as he does so. Oil Oil Getaway: Slick covers the ground in oil and then lights it on fire, leaving no way for the opponent to reach Slick as he runs away. Also applicable to deadly effect in sea battles, pouring oil into the ocean, waiting for the enemy ship to sail through the oil and then lighting it all on fire. Nakama Crewmate Name: Captain Boone - Slick only kinda respects Boone, sure he's the captain but he hasn't done anything quite memorable enough for him to be truly worth respect. They get along pretty well, but Slick doesn't quite respect Boone despite his status as captain. If it really came down to it, Slick would actually take his position in a heartbeat. He does enjoy his stories though and likes to ask several questions to get details. Caesar Inu - Caesar and Slick get along, mainly because Slick likes to talk about fire during his therapy sessions and Caesar appreciates that Slick knows how to relax unlike most members of the crew. Bonesword - Slick likes Bonesword for 3 reasons. One he can make a lot of flammable stuff which is super great, he can make ingredients for cooking which is nice, and he really wants to see how milk affects a living skeleton. Whenever someone is arguing about stuff with Bonesword he'll generally take Bonesword's side, something about the little dude is endearing to him. Lily Merrycure - Slick gets annoyed with her occasionally when she offers to take over cooking, but does his best to remember that she's just trying to help. He was talking about fire once and she mentioned lighting the fires in people's hearts, Slick took this a little too literally and now thinks she wants him to light people's hearts on fire. Not that he has a problem with that, he quite likes the idea. He finds it a little weird that she tries to mother him considering they're only two years apart, but he takes it in stride. He's very interested in her strange symbiote and wonders how flammable it is. Final note, Slick bugs her from time to time about creating more flammable oils and compounds for him to use. When she doesn't he will either back off for the day or just try and swipe some stuff from her to try and figure it out himself. He has caused more than one explosion on the ship. Feya - Slick hates hearing about the food pyramid so much, he occasionally sees the food pyramid chasing him in his nightmares. Slick tries to avoid her as much as humanly possible, not out of hate but out of pure unadulterated fear. No human should eat so much every single day. Occasionally he steals from her but after the 3rd time he found his door broken down and the protein powder gone he stopped. Now he just lays down oil in front of her door every now and then. Whenever she starts nagging Bonesword about working out he'll side with Bonesword, but is strangely silent when milk gets brought up. He really wants to see Bonesword drink milk. Dirk - Slick is kinda indifferent to Dirk, he recognizes the guy doesn't like him too much but doesn't mind. Dirk likes his cooking so he's alright in Slick's book.</s> <|message|>Flint Jingoston is his name, but he's since then taken up Bonesword Meeting the New Crew II Bonekid sat down at the table, only to find his face barely met up past the thing. A few vines rose slowly out of the seat of the chair as they lifted Bonekid up to sit properly at the table, acting as a sort of makeshift booster seat. The Shroomblade sat right beside him as he stared at the bowl in front of him, the spoon beside it intimidating him beyond belief. Ignoring the bowl presented to him immediately, Bonekid looked around the room at everyone in it. There was the pirate ninja, who looked incredibly dope and super cool. Bonekid could learn a thing or two from him in regards to stealth, it seemed like. There was the muscular and hairy man who had caught Feya's attention. Was he a fruit user? His appearance bore striking resemblance to what was described as that one fruit he read about in his encyclopedia. "Model - Lion" was all he could remember. There was the drunken doctor. He reminded Bonekid of Boone, unsurprisingly, but it was more like a cross between Boone and Mom put together. There was the badger, which caused Dirk's eyes to twitch. She seemed really frickin' badass for a badger, and Bonekid wanted to learn about her. Heck, maybe she was a fruit user too. Then there was K. Runch, the captain of the crew and user of the Bori-Bori-no-Mi. Bonekid had his encyclopedia nearby so he could draw the captain and chronicle the details of the Bori-Bori-no-Mi for after he handled the task ahead of him. Shooting a look at Dirk, Bonekid responded to his question first. "Y-you I guess...?" Honestly that was a white lie. Bonekid's truest friend was the Shroomblade, but there was one person who came before it, that being his Mom. She was a bit sleepy right now, but he wasn't afraid. She'd be back up and happy again in no-time flat! Now for the real problem. Bonekid took a bit of the cereal in his spoon as he put it into his gullet, the cereal obviously trickling out of his jaw and into his shirt along with the milk from the spoon. It... tasted like nothing. Of course it would. Bonekid couldn't eat anything and taste it with how his body worked. Still, he didn't want to upset the captain. "I-I'm sorry Captain Runch, but I'm not hungry. It tastes great, but I'm just... not hungry." Honestly it probably did taste better than Slick's cooking. Everything he made was just so... greasy. Bonekid always took milk, though, so it made Slick hap- Wait what the what. Is that TASTE? Bonekid sat there in the seat for a good minute after he said he couldn't taste the cereal, realizing that he finally could taste it. It was horribly delayed, but it actually made him feel the sensation of taste. It was a long time since he lost it, but now that it was there, it was... really freaky. In a good way. Still, he couldn't force himself to eat it despite it being amazing since he could actually taste it. He wasn't even sure if it was good.</s> <|message|>Cedric Daniel Boone Captain Cedric D. Boone - New Friends As Slick completely misread the situation, Boone could only grit his teeth in annoyance. His own crew attacking their hosts was not a good sign of friendship. Boone yelled out to Slick, "Wait, Slick! Its not what yo-" Just then, a shadowy figure pinned him to the ground in a flash! Boone stood mouth agape, Lilliana in arms. He shook his head and continued forward, "Just a misunderstanding sir, dont kill him, he just...likes to burn things." Cedric set Lilli down at a spot at the table and sat next to her. Their hosts were quite eccentric to put it mildly. Then again, the Red Rums weren't exactly normal either considering one of them straight up assaulted their hosts without warning. In Boone's bowl laid large red pellets. Once the milk was poured the white liquid became almost blood red. Cedric eyed it cautiously and then chuckled, "I suppose if you wanted to turn us in you would have beaten us already, Bawhahahaha!" Boone took a large bite with his spoon and tasted an intoxicating cereal. One the likes of which he had never experienced before. Alcoholic cereal. It was a very high percentage of alcohol. Within a few short moments Cedric was slurping up the final remains of the red milk. "Ahhh..that was delicious. *hic* You have got to get me the recipe!"</s>
<|message|>Slick Drake Slick was taken by surprise when an invisible blur pinned him to the ground, he was completely unseeable to Slick's trained artistic eye. "I'lL mAkE yOu InTo ArT iNvIsIbLe MaN!" He cried out as he felt a very sharp something poke into his forehead. The situation soon deescalated as Feya pulled Slick up and began yelling about the food pyramid or something, but apparently from what the limited grasp on reality he had told him, these people were not art. Not yet anyways, there's always five minutes from now. Soon enough people were seated at the table, or in Slick's case he was sitting on the table. Slick's bowl was quickly filled and then emptied even faster than Smith had managed to finish his food. "TASTES LIKE ART!" He exclaimed with joy as his bowl was refilled and emptied just as fast. What that meant only Slick knew, but it was probably something that would give anyone else horrible crippling nightmares. Anyone looking at Slick would see him looking at Smith, but closer observation would let them realize he was actually just looking in his general direction of Smith as he searched for the invisible ninja. "-where is he, where's the invisible canvas, the art can't be made if the artist can't find the canvas-" He mumbled under his breath, ignoring everyone else in his search for the clearly visible and poorly disguised ninja.</s>
<|description|>Darryl "Dazza" Harris Description: Age: 36 Gender: Male Personality: Dazza is a cheerful yet loudmouthed boisterous brawler prone to foul language and always looking for a bit of fun. He's willing to share a beer with anyone who he considers a mate, which is damn near everyone. Behind the controls of his Vanguard he is aggressive and unrelenting without losing his cocky cheer. Vanguard Type: First Generation Vanguard: The Blitz Juggernaut is exactly what it says on the tin. It is designed to rapidly get up close and personal with an opponent and beat it into submission, and for this reason it eschews inbuilt ranged weapons in favour of close combat prowess and extreme mobility. Its unique compact design allows it to dance around larger opponents and still hit harder than a freight train. This small size is also a liability, as any impairment to Blitz Juggernaut's movement can result in a Kaiju catching it and ripping it apart. For these reasons, Blitz Juggernaut requires a uniquely devil-may-care mindset to pilot, to the point where using caution is actually more dangerous than being aggressive, but when mastered it is a very dangerous machine. Vanguard Weaponry: Blitz Juggernaut most notable weapon is its own body, as it is capable of grappling and striking like a human. It possesses rocket boosters all over its body and custom-made foot treads allowing it to 'skate' across surfaces and close distance quickly. Blitz Juggernaut is also capable of holding Vanguard-sized weaponry such as handguns or assault rifles but since they force the Vanguard into a ranged fight to which it is not suited, Dazza often leaves them at base. It possesses no other inbuilt weapons meaning that unless the Vanguard is armed it is a sitting duck unless it can get into brawling range. Vanguard Size: 30m Country Vanguard Representing: Australia Bio: Born and raised in the worst part of Sydney's west, Darryl Harris is a walking talking example of the VB swilling speed obsessed bogan culture that has taken root there. He was serving in the AAF when the Tritons came, and through candidate testing he was found to have the best mindset required for the unique aggressive fighting style demanded by Blitz Juggernaut, despite his taste in beer. He has been responsible for protecting the coast of NSW and Brisbane ever since Blitz Juggernaut rolled off the rack in mid-2026 and has become famed for both his rapid response to attacks as well as his partying tendencies.</s> <|message|>Akira Yamanaka Akira stood immediately as alarms started blaring through the Irondrome and ran to see what was going on and before he could reach the chief turned and ran for the hangars jumping into his gear and running toward his Vanguard. using the crane to get into the head where the cockpit resided. Akira's vanguard was early Generation two so it still used a cockpit with the joysticks flips and switches. he climbed in and was greeted by the chime and near blacking out of his visor before and darkening of the cockpit before everything seemingly erupted into life as his vanguard started up and began is lift ride to stand behind the Chief. "Recruit Akira Yamanaka reporting sir." he said his adrenaline getting the best of him and his wilder side coming out. A soft beep in his ear came before a faceless voice came over the comm system in his Vanguard. "Yamanaka hows the beast running for ya?" the man said. "Tenjin is running beautifully, better than ever." Akira said with a smile before taking a deep breath and grinning ready to take on anything that came his way.</s> <|message|>Alex Anderson Alex had turned and immediately started to walk to Hawk's location. As she geared up, an alarm blared, and she cursed as she got into her gear at a faster rate. She ran full pelt to her Vanguard, boarding it quickly and getting her Vanguard calibrated. "Recruit Anderson, reporting status; requesting calibration," Alex says, tapping on buttons and turning on her Vanguard with the turn of rotating handle, and a push, as well as a turn in the opposite direction. As she did this, she got a response over the radio, and began to calibrate. Within a few minutes, Hawk was calibrated. "Command, Anderson. System status; Green across the board. Moving to position." Alex began to move her Vanguard behind Ledger's, and opened COMs with him. "Ledger, Anderson. Systems green across the board. Hawk ready."</s> <|message|>Ledger Cresthill " Looks like we are ready lets get a move on!" Ledger said to his group and his the Hangar doors opened with a load crunching noise. " The Helicarriers are ready to take you to Wilmington,Delaware....estimated time is 40 minutes!" Robert Hassen, leader of the Irondome Vanguard maintenance crew said to them. The American Spirit made its way out of the hangar into the shallow light blue bay that lay below. His suit crashed into the water and then took a few steps away from the dome. He Vanguard stopped once he was a good enough distance from the hangar and from above two massive Helicarriers shaped like a disc with a huge spinning blade on top measuring 10m. The two carriers once in positioned dropped 2 ropes with a metal hook into Vanguards shoulders. Then 5 men climbed down the ropes and into the behemoths shoulders where two holes opposite of each other waited. The crew quickly pushed the hooks into the vanguards fastened them and then cup made the daunting task of climbing back up again. "You are good Commander Ledger. Are you ready for lift off?" A pilot said to him. "I am as ready as I'll ever be." He chimed back and just like that his Vanguard was lifted from the ground and made its way to Delaware."Meet you all their!" He said into the comm channel as his mech left Irondome.</s> <|message|>Leopold "Leo" Christophe While the crew of the Irondome rared to sortie, rushing to their machines and storming out to battle the newly risen threat, cooler heads prevailed elsewhere. Representatives of Apex Paradigm, the corporate group that backed the Supranational Vanguard Project, discussed the current situation and whether their asset should be deployed. A single creature, small one at that, with at least three units deploying to crush it. It was a no-brainer, the Brave Magnus would remain on standby. There was nothing to gain from being part of a group sent to squash a bug, better to be at 100% capacity for a more serious assignment. The decision was broadcast and the meeting adjourned. Back in the Irondome the Magnus' private crew received their orders from top to bottom. The unit was not to deploy. Repeat, the Brave was not to be deployed, the dome's regular corps would suffice for the current threat level. The machine was to undergo further checks in order to ensure optimal capacity in the next engagement. Lying on his bed, Leo groaned and rolled around, terribly bored and aware that his crew would probably be the only one that didn't mobilize, but understood that his superiors had the right idea. Being part of a 6 on 1 was just not heroic, they'd look really bad if they didn't give the kaiju a sporting chance. Still, maybe he should go get ready. Just in case.</s> <|message|>Darryl "Dazza" Harris The cables holding Blitz Juggernaut detached and the relatively small Vanguard hit the ground two kilometres from where the Kaiju was rampaging. Thank goodness for getting out here early! The carry choppers turned around, heading back to Irondome. Now it was just the ragin' Australian, staring down the barrel of a giant monster going to town on Newark. Dazza used this time to scan the scene. Wilmington was getting wrecked. Local boys were having a tough time of it, which was to be expected. Americans had a tough time with anything. But the Kaiju itself was tiny. Two thirds of its body was just a single giant claw. Even the often-drunk Australian knew that it was shockingly bad biology for anything resembling combat. With a claw that long, there's a massive blind spot right in front of its face. Absa-bloody-lutely perfect, Dazza thought! He primed the rocket boosters on the mech and readied the skates. This would be pitifully easy. But before he engaged, he decided it would be a smart idea to comm back to base. "Base, Blitz Juggernaut," Dazza said said. "We got one tiny, off balance little bugger that a non-retarded National Guard can handle in their sleep. Recommend y'get the rest of the boys t'stand down. This'll be a waste of time for 'em. I'm engaging." And with that, the rocket boosters fired, the skates engaged, and Blitz Juggernaut went from a standing stop to bolting full tilt at the crablike Kaiju. "WE'RE GETTIN' CRAB F'DINNA, MATES!"</s> <|message|>Ledger Cresthill 50 miles from Delaware coastline A Triton warship at the bottom of the ocean floor watches as the Vanguard is about to attack the Kaiju. " Sir,our cameras on beast have shown a Vanguard is about to attack it....and our spies at that human base have shown many more have left." A Triton sailor says to the captain of the ship called the Clear Mind. "Why have they left the base with little protection?" The captain says worryingly. "Reports indicate its a training ground for humans and have left to train...we assume Captain Finn." The warrior says. " I don't know may-" The captain was cut short by the warrior. "If I may interject we have been to careful for long enough! We have been down here for two months with those dirty Megabeasts to feed in the hanger and its tiring!...Sir." The captain has an almost shocked look on his slimy face but that soon turns into anger. " How dare you Warrior Ju'k interrupt me! I am the leader of this ship who hasn't given away our position and is waiting for the right time to attack but you criticize me!" He yells. "But it is the perfect time,Captain." The warrior speaks back. "You know what Ju'k.." The captain says in a normal voice again. "Lets see if your right. You can take two of our beasts with you and lead an attack but if you do not bring back a Vanguard destroyed or the base I am feeding you to them." He says calmly. Newark,Delaware The beast roared at the site of the Vanguard even if it was outmatched by it the Crusher still had a trick. It rushed the Vanguard with its giant claw which was easily able to crush metal if it had a chance.</s> <|message|>Akira Yamanaka Hearing the announcement Akira chuckled as his Vanguard was lifted up shortly after Ledger's. As they moved through the air he hopped on the comunications line between Vanguards. "So since the Auzzy apparently has this covered has this just become another training mission or are we all legitimately mobilizing still?" he said still laughing to himself. "I mean come on the guy clearly has this covered." he teased his inner hot shot coming out in full force.</s> <|message|>Darryl "Dazza" Harris A rush! Oh happy days! Dazza loved it when they rushed him. Especially when they were so obviously telegraphing their actions! Rule one of brawling. Get underneath your opponent's guard. Dazza fired the rocket boosters once again. Blitz Juggernaut slewed towards the side of the crab without the claw, changing his angle of attack and hopefully throwing off the crab. Unlike the giant enemy crab, Blitz Juggernaut had four capable limbs. Now was the time to use them. With the two combatants closing at breakneck speed, he readied his forearm to block the claw at the "wrist" joint and drew back his other fist. When the battle was joined (which would be in a couple of seconds), he'd be underneath the giant claw and deflecting it while the elbow thruster on his free arm activated and sent his fist flying towards giant enemy crab's face. With the speed at which they were moving, this would not only be devastating, but child's play.</s> <|message|>Ledger Cresthill The crab had no idea of what the pilot was doing but it did instead of charging stop mid run and stike out at the Blitz with its giant claw hoping to crush something on the Vanguard. 10 miles from New York Coast J'uk the Triton warrior was sen alone in an attack sub to lead the assault on Irondome with two Brawlers. The sub was equipped with a supersonic wave not audible to human ears but was extremely loud and enchanting with the creatures following without a second thought. As J'uk neared the dome the radar must have picked them up so the warrior turned of the wave and with that the creatures were back to normal and wanted destruction. With few Vanguards guarding the base this could be a massacre of the Dome.</s>
<|message|>Darryl "Dazza" Harris Deflected! Exactly as Dazza had planned, he ducked underneath the claw and pushed it away with Blitz Juggernaut's forearm. He loved it when a plan came together. One rocket skate later, and he was too far in under the crab's guard for it to be a threat. "GONNA TAKE MORE THAN THAT, SUNSHINE!" he roared, as he drew Blitz Juggernaut's fist back and, with a burst of rocket power, fired it down and forward towards the crab's face. He had the kaiju dead to rights. Barring some sort of miracle there was no way it was escaping this.</s>
<|description|>Jinshi Kyori Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Makyan Fighting Style: Martial Arts, Jinshi focus' on brutal and efficient melee attacks to ware down foes as well as attempts to put them off balance for brutal grapples and throws. Preferring to use Ki blasts as a strategic force rather than a violent one. Abilities: Jinshi is only capable of basic flight and a simple, weak Ki blast. Appearance: The picture bellow is only an example of Jinshi's basic features as a Makyan. His hair is similar as in the picture, only it's Jet black in colour and his skin tone is a fleshy orange he stands at roughly 6 foot tall and he wears human clothing. Biography: Jinshi is a Makyan raised by humans on Earth, his years as one of 'the odd ones out' in society has produced a stoic and calm nature in the young man who prefers to spend his time training his martial arts rather than mingle with the hustle and bustle of traditional human life. Jinshi is very thankful to his human parents for their care but has since moved away from them seeking to expand and master his martial arts. Jinshi is not a competative person but he gets excited as the prospect of someone stronger than him being out there, he's a dedicated trainer but by no means a stick in the mud, he enjoys relaxing and having a joke or two.</s> <|message|>Kota Aiden listened to her and stood there in silence. Was that really all it took? Just outlasting your opponent? It sounded almost too easy. Then again, he had never been in an actual fight before, so he had no room to really think like that. Either way, he was excited to talk to her. "Yeah, I'm a huge fan. Uhm...if you don't mind, I was wondering where you learned how to fight, hehe. I never really learned how and I've always been interested." He sounded nervous, obvious by the blush growing on his face. He was honestly embarrassed with telling her that he was weak, especially since she was a fighter. Of course, he still paid attention to the fights, since they grabbed him so easily. In his mind, he began to wonder what kind of fighting he could practice. Would he be using quick and precise strikes or wide and powerful hits? His mind was beginning to go blank with wonder.</s> <|message|>Vanina Vanina smirked, this behavior from young people was quite common to her. She had many a tale of children parading around the soldiers of the Galactic Army while on leave. Most would find them annoying, but Vanina took it as an opportunity to bolster their spirits and presenting the opportunity for recruitment if they so wished to do so down the line. In the lad's case, he looked old enough to begin training in one of the many boot camps; if Vanina was his age, she would have been moving to Li-Ren. "Well, when I was just a child on my home-world I moved to the combat city of Li-Ren. Power in that metropolis is only gained by proving that you can match it, meaning that if you wanted something, you had to dual someone for it. I was able to learn the basics of fighting just by watching the many battles that went on in the streets, and what I didn't know was beaten into me every time I made a mistake. Eventually I found a master that I trained under to refine my hand to hand skills, and he even taught me a thing or two about using these…" Like instinct, Vanina pulled two very large knives that were sheathed on her back. These serrated blades gleamed brightly in the light, and gave the dark blue metal that it was made from a certain radiance and regality. "These are knives made by a very talented smithy named Vanamra. He was brave enough to venture to the surface in order to obtain the Dedronite it took to make these, and he was smart enough to get past the Giga Beasts that plague our open landscapes. These blades are good enough to kill anything that moves, if inserted in the right organ…" The woman before the boy had seemingly slipped herself into a trance as she twisted and turned the knife in her grip, studying it like one would a book for an exam. It only came to her now that she might have gone a bit overboard with her explanations, and quickly snapped out of what had come over her. Quickly returning the Dedronite blades back to their respective homes, Vanina finished her spiel with one final remark. "After many years in Li-Ren I decided to travel the galaxy and join the PTO's Galactic Army. I received more training under them, both physically and mentally. You know, combat tactics and the like."</s> <|message|>Daishin He had watched the matches so far but it was clear his mind was elsewhere until the very moment the announcer called his name. Daishin moved from the corner he had been standing in and made his way to the arena. The monochrome hared teen didn't hear his opponents name but quite frankly he didn't care for anything other than winning the tournament and getting back to his search. He wasn't entirely confident in his fighting skills but he had been sure a small competition like this one would be a cinch. But now...there were some strange fighters here and they weren't pushovers. "Heh...strange huh? I guess I can't say I'm all that normal now either..." He muttered into his scarf as he stepped into the arena. 'The Tornado' was waiting for him flexing for the crowd and throwing punches around showing off how fast he was. He noticed his opponent step into the square and laughed. "Really, I'm supposed to fight this upstart? He looks like his voice will crack when I hit him! Hahaha!" Daishin just looked at him or rather through him. Tornado wasn't even registering the cocky man. As far as he was concerned he was just another obstacle trying to slow him down. "Are you really that confident? Let's see if you can hit me." The markings on Daishin's face began to glow and his eyes became almost as incandescent. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, now that out fighters have gotten their banter out of the let's begin! Ready, FIGHT!" Tornado started to charge towards Daishin only to stop dead after two steps. Right now he was the only one seeing it but the huge winged presence looming behind his young opponent was daunting. "You're all talk!" When Tornado came back to his senses Daishin was already closing in. This kids fast! But such a forward attack ain't gonna work on The Tornado! The Tornado wasn't an amateur and threw a punch as Daishin moved in. A perfect counter...or so he thought. Daishin was prepared having lured him into a wide and heavy punch increasing his speed just a bit more to move past the swing and under, bringing his knee hard to Tornado's stomach causing him to fold over with strained gasp cut short by a sharp pain in his back as Daishin drove his elbow into it and sent him to the ground. "I-Incredible! With a devastating combination Daishin has taken the with out of The Tornado! I don't think he's getting up after that one folks!" Daishin was sure he could beat this guy but he wasn't cocky and knew that Tornado wasn't done just yet. "Oh! Looks like The Tornado is still in it!" Just as Daishin thought Tornado stood holding his stomach with an angry sneer. "Alright kid I underestimated you but now you're in for it! Now you got The Tornado spinning!" Tornado started to work some fancy foot work and soon he was spinning wildly, almost exactly like a tornado. "So this is why you call yourself Tornado?" Daishin inquired as he took his stance. Tornado laughed as he spun. "You like it? Using this specific movement of my feet I can spin and have full control of my body! Now you won't even be able to touch me but this time I'll definitely hit you!" His voice warped by the spinning Tornado started to throw rapid punches creating a tornado of fists. "Amazing! The Tornado is pulling out his trump card. What will young Daishin do now!?" Daishin smirked. "I'll admit it's not a bad technique. It'd be hard for most to get past your wall of attacks..." Suddenly he dashed forward and hopped up finding footing within the tornado on one of the fists and using it to jump up even higher, above the whirling barrage. "But I'm not most and I know that eye of the any storm is safe!" Flipping, Daishin dropped down through the middle of the twister and bringing his heel in contact with Tornado's collar bone. Tornado's spinning instantly stopped. Daishin vaulted back off of Tornado's shoulder and was ready to charge forward to end it. When he looked up after landing he saw a fist inches from his face. His eyes widened. Tornado had ignored the pain of his cracked collar bone and rushed to try to and land at least one hit on Daishin. At that moment Daishin hadn't fully gained his balance after landing and had no time to block. "Heh...strange huh? I guess I can't say I'm all that normal now either..." Daishin opened his mouth and all Tornado could hear was a roaring before he felt himself being hit by a wall of pressure, sending him flying out of the ring. Daishin was left in the square panting slightly yet completely still just as the crowd was. "U-Uh, ring out! The Tornado loses! Daishin is the winner!" As the crowd started to cheer Daishing walked over to Tornado. "What the hell was that?" He groaned. "Hey, sorry if I came off as arrogant. You really surprised me with that last attack. It was fun." Tornado looked up to see Daishin offering him a hand though looking away bashfully. Tornado smiled and took the offer. "You're not so bad kid. Though since you beat me you better win this thing." Daishin just nodded and they shook hands. "Look at that folks. How's that for sportsmanship!" Daishin went back into the waiting and sunk down one of the bench's. I already had to rely on that...I'm still not ready to face that person.</s> <|message|>Seji Seji examined the fighters around him. This was certainly an odd collection. The four armed woman, the Makyan, the dragonoid boy. There was also a young boy that Seji could feel some powerful energies coming from. He seemed to have more locked away power than any of them, except perhaps the dragonoid. In truth, it was hard to really get a read on people's potential, even for a Mage. Seji was mostly disturbed by the android. The obviously artificial life form sent shivers down his spine, as it reminded him of Her. Seji shook such thoughts away, and watched Daishin's fight. The dragonoid impressed him with his skill, power and sportsmanship. Seji noticed the burst of energy from the boy's mouth, and smirked under his hat. After the fight, he approached Daishin. "I've met few Dragonoids. One of my greatest teachers was one of your people," he said quietly, "Though I fear I might be a disappointment to him now. I am Seji, the Ethereal Sage." He offered a gloved hand to shake.</s> <|message|>Manetta Tens "Now that these two are settled! Onto the next batch!" the announcer spouted from his seat beside the tournament. Shiftily he looked around, his small body seeming to follow along with every word he spoke. "Jinshi! Versus! Sampson J. Wilt!" he said, noting the odd name, awaiting both opponents. He'd seen some nice fights so far, and was pretty darn hopefull more would arrive with the next one! Meanwhile. The trio is still walking. The trio still bickers. Will they ever stop? Find out next time on DBZ</s>
<|message|>Jinshi Kyori Jinshi shifted his frame to the ring as he looked around at the crowd eyeing him, he was excited that his match was finally up but he felt somewhat vulnerable standing there in the ring. As he peered back at where he had walked from, he kept in mind how eagerly he analyzed the other fighters and how he made mental note of certain techniques. "Okay, I'll only show what I need to!" The Makyan whispered to himself as he watched his opponent enter the stone ring. Sampson towered over Jinshi both in weight and width, the huge figure was one Jinshi had observed earlier training with massive weights. As Sampson waved at and engaged the crowd Jinshi did some last minute stretches before cracking his knuckles under his thumb one by one. "Makyan huh? I wonder what you'll look like when I crush you into a pancake!" Sampson grinned. This was odd, was it normal for fighters to engage one another like this before a fight? Jinshi stood quite puzzled before humouring the giant with a response of his own. "Well then, I hope you don't eat me big boy!" Jinshi said patting his own stomach with a laugh. A sour look grew on Sampson's face as the comment registered in the giants mind, "I'm going to make you eat those words Makyan!" Sampson responded with a growl. "That's good, it looks like you've already had your fill!" Jinshi responded aptly. 'This is pretty fun! Jinshi thought to himself with a smile. His only response was an angry grunt from the sour faced Sampson. "LET THE MATCH ... BEEEEGIN!" The announcer shouted charismatically. In an instant Sampson charged at Jinshi with anger in his eyes, clutching his meaty fists Sampson bought his arms down in an arcing smash, Jinshi deftly dodged the slow attack without even taking his stance. Adorning a somewhat disappointed face Jinshi looked over his opponent as he took his fighting stance and motioned Sampson to come at him with one hand. An enraged Sampson charged at Jinshi with his arms wide open, hoping to prevent any escape from the Makyan, however, Jinshi had another idea in mind as he dived feet first into Sampson's charging shin. The impact resonated with a loud 'thud' as Sampson tumbled forward grabbing his shin in pain, luckily the man's immense size prevent him from sliding off of the ring onto the grass, though that did not seem to register to Sampson just yet as the giant held his shin in pain. Hoping to capitalize on his advantage Jinshi charged at Sampson as he started to collect himself and return to his feet, the Makyan leapt into a powerful drop kick as he sent the huge man tumbling off the ring and into the soft grass bellow. The crowd delivered a swift cheer as Jinshi picked himself up and brushed the dust off his clothes. "What a quick match folks! All thanks to this rounds winner, JINSHI!" The announcer echoed as the crowd cheered. An ecstatic Jinshi waved back at the crowd around him as he thought to himself, "I had to use hardly any of my techniques!"</s>
<|description|>Verelik Riddare --- SETTLEMENT: Fireflies AGE: 33 OCCUPATION: Hunter APPEARANCE: Verelik usually wears a brown leather jacket everywhere he goes, fitted with a loose fitting white button-up shirt covered by a navy blue vest, along with a dark face mask he lives hanging around his neck when in the settlement. He stands at about 6 foot, with lean muscle gained from nothing but hunting. He keeps his facial hair somewhat trimmed, usually left as a thick stubble, and rarely keeps his hair tidy, preferring to simply comb his hair back with his hand as he's on the move. Verelik is hardly phased by many events, and tends to keep his thoughts to himself, though he shows slight emotion from events, be it amusement, sadness, or anger. He speaks with a deeper, masculine voice that shows a slight hint of sadness, and he usually puts on a slightly mixed sad but content smile around others. FAMILY: Verelik's only family is his 14 year old daughter Alyssa. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. FRIENDS: Long-time friends with Astor, along with other hunters, in both Fireflies and Water Leafs. He would also appreciate the teachers, for taking care of Alyssa, and also Mayor Bellamy. Apart from that, he would be acquainted with the other's, though would not be on high friendly terms with them. HOBBIES: Besides hunting, he enjoys playing his guitar, and the company of Alyssa. He quite enjoys navigating and tracking in the wilderness, along with resource managing. He also likes to spend time at The Damn Pub, though on weekdays he will refuse a drink. Though he has extensive training in sniper rifles and firearms, he does not consider it a hobby. BIOGRAPHY: As a young kid, Verelik enjoyed exploring the settlement, and causing havoc like any troublesome kid would do. He loved hearing stories about the old world, and always enjoyed sneaking off to look at the Dam. His parents had two children, Verelik himself and his younger brother who was younger by 6 years. They had a quaint life, his father being a dam engineer and his mother being a doctor. For Verelik, however, he found it to be quite tiresome and boring, since his little brother was too young to really enjoy. Thus, his friendships began through school, where he became friends with the few kids of the settlement. One of these kids was Astor, who was three years younger than him. Verelik didn't want to be like his parents, being the troublesome kid he was, so quite frequently he hung out at The Damn Pub to meet with Astor, and together they slowly shared the same goal of becoming a hunter. He was a troublemaker, yes, but deep down he wanted to help the settlement, and clearly his shenanigans didn't phase anyone, because they saw it too. Verelik lived his life quite normally, up until the age of 15, where he fell in love with a girl, and remained together up until they had an unplanned kid at 19. Reckless, his parents obviously thought, but no matter, the past had happened. Verelik was now a father, and thus began his childhood dream job of becoming a hunter. He received training in firearms, and he especially excelled with perception and dexterity. It wasn't long for him to become another useful supplier of food. Half a decade later, at the age of 24, his life changed. Another raid by the Roaches, and the guards weren't quick enough. His family lived together in the one house, and they were the first to be attacked. Verelik hadn't even been in town; he was out in the forest hunting. He came home with a deer behind him, and while yesterday he had a loving mother and father, that day he had become an orphan. Most importantly to him, however, was the hardest change in his life. His parents, they were already old, and albeit he was upset they had passed, it was nothing compared to the loss of his wife, and his younger brother, who had recently become a guard at 18, and died protecting the lone survivor, Alyssa. Verelik knew he wasn't to blame. Many people told him this, in fact, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Deep down, however, he knew he could've stopped them, or at least tried. His emotional state drastically changed that year, and he become more of a recluse, much to Alyssa's dismay. For the next two years, Verelik hardly spoke, remaining in constant despair. This changed, of course, as it always does in life. Verelik had fully understood the passing of his family, and slowly he began to mend himself. He still had his daughter after all. Coming up to his late 20s, Verelik had finally accepted the tragedy, and had become more positive, albeit he still spoke less than he used to. It was at this time Alyssa gave him a guitar, and together they bonded over learning the instrument. This was short-lived, however, as another raid caused some casualties among the guards, and getting slight PTSD, he decided to move to the Water Leafs settlement with Alyssa, who was sad to have left her friends. He lived among the Water Leafs for just under a year, making friends with other hunters, and enjoying their so-called "New Life". Of course, happiness lasts for so long, and the Lover's Incident occurred. From that day, both he and his daughter received looks he could not even describe. For the sake of his daughter, he moved back to the Fireflies, which made only a slight improvement. Of course, Marcus Bellamy was happy for Verelik's return, along with his old friend Astor, but there was evidence of some members of the settlement who disapproved of Verelik's constant side switching, accusing him of being a spy or a double-agent. He brought up the point of moving away entirely, but his daughter wanted to stay, and it only took the sparkle in her eyes for him to agree. As of now, Verelik and his daughter have lived in Fireflies for only a couple weeks.</s> <|message|>Piero Carnot Why is mom so silent today? At this time of the day she'd usally asked me about 4 times if I had gotten enough to eat. He chuckled at the thought. Let's hope that everything's alright. Right now I can't afford to be distracted by her, I don't want to risk doing a lousy job at the dam. Piero spent a lot of time drowning in his thoughts, comforted by his drink. A few knocks on the door and a voice from outside the door woke Piero up from his lightheadedness, as he remembered he'd asked the doctor to come by. Still sluggy from the lack of sleep and the alcohol dose, Piero slowly got up from his chair and went to answer the door. "Yes, please come in, it's open." He invited Michelle in. As he escorted her to his mother's bedroom, Piero began to talk sloppily, trying to cover his dizziness: "I don't know why, my mother just keeps getting worse, and now she hardly talks. She doesn't do anything strange, if she does anything at all: she drinks good amounts of water, she sometimes even walks on her own, and she eats. Anyway, please let me know if I can do anything, and if you want something to drink or eat."</s> <|message|>Michelle Garcia Michelle stepped inside the home, thanking Piero for his hospitality. As they walked to Chiara's bedroom, Piero explained the situation. The first thought to cross Michelle's mind was the poor woman was very close to death. Not the type of news anyone would like to hear, but she preferred being a realist more so than an optimist. "I'll be good for now, thank you," she replied, approaching Chiara's bedside. "Hi there," Michelle smiled, putting her stuff down. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to check out how you're doing." Michelle eased the eartips of the stethoscope in place and approached Piero's mother. She checked her heartbeat first before moving the diaphragm around various locations throughout Chiara's chest. Once she was done, Michelle hung the stethoscope around her neck and proceeded to check Chiara's eyes. "Hmm, okay. I'm going to take your temperature now, alright?" The woman nodded softly, making Michelle feel a tinge sad. The job didn't come without its consequences. "Okay, my dear, lift your arm just the slightest for me..." Michelle helped Chiara through process as she placed the thermometer under her arm. She could only smile as she waited out the time, her mind a bit occupied as to how she would approach Piero. When some more time passed, she remove the thermometer for a quick read. "Well, you don't have a fever, so that's good." Michelle reassured her, putting the thermometer away. "If I may have a minute, please." Michelle headed for the door, closing it behind her once she was outside. "Okay, Piero, I'm going to be very honest with you. Your mother doesn't look good at all. The virus coupled with her already deteriorating health is making things worse by the minute. She has a weakened pulse and although she doesn't have a fever, her temperature is higher than I'd like. I have some medication for her but I have to advise that it will not kill the virus, so at this stage, there's a pretty good chance her symptoms will not alleviate." Michelle paused for a moment, letting the news sink in. "I'm afraid there's not much I can do," she continued, sitting down and motioning for Piero to do the same. "I, um...I do have an option whenever you feel it would be the right time--if that's the option you would like to take in order to ease her last few moments of life. It is completely up to you both whether you would like to go that route. The procedure is commonly known as physician-assisted death or physician-assisted suicide. It is an extremely hard choice to make, but it is an option in case the pain becomes too overwhelming." She stopped, awaiting Piero's reaction. Her expression was one of kindness and concern.</s>
<|message|>Verelik Riddare Verelik watched Fay walk off, until he remained alone in the square. He scratched his stubble and sighed. "Could've gone better..." He turned around and walked back the way he came. It was always concerning to think what the change in the tides of life could do to the two neighbouring settlements of the Fireflies and the Water Leafs. Verelik, to be frank, was a little tired of the crap that kept happening in his life, which indirectly affected Alyssa. He knew soon she would be doing a professions test, and then she'd be working, just the same as himself. He couldn't bare another loss in his life, but he couldn't hold on to Alyssa for so long. She might have hid it, but it was quite obvious to Verelik where her motives lie. She wanted to help people. She's a much better person than me... Far too reckless, much too naive. He rubbed his eyes and groaned while walking back home. Suddenly he had the urge to think of the different roles Alyssa could perform. A hunter; No, not what he does. Too dangerous. But he can't say no, of course. That said, what about a guard? These roles would fit Alyssa nicely, but Verelik couldn't help but fear the thought of his daughter at constant danger. He knew it's something she'd be good at. But there must be something else. For one thing, Verelik could never imagine Alyssa working as a teacher or a doctor. She's far too energetic and unwise for the job. It'd keep her safe, at least. A dam engineer? Bah, yeah right. He knew anything without action would be a drag. Farmers... Electricians, or even a cook, but no, all those jobs would lack excitement for Alyssa. Does any of this matter? What she gets today will probably set her in that path, so it's not my choice in the end. Hell, she might make a good farmer, or even a Mayor's helper or something. Actually, she probably would be a good help to Marcus, who knows. Verelik's body jolted to the side on instinct after almost walking into a street lamp. He looked up from the ground and realised he had headed off in the wrong direction. Off down the street, one of the doctors, Michelle, had entered a house. That virus... poor people. I should try and help out if I can. As he thought these words, he turned around swiftly, and headed back to his house, this time, his mind clear of thoughts. It didn't take too long, and he unlocked the front door and stepped into the void room. Once again he felt his hips, lacking his side-arm. He went round to the back and found his rifle in its case, leaning against the wall. Next to that, his revolver with its holster. He swiftly strapped it on and slung the rifle over his back after taking it out. "About time I hunt the big stuff." Verelik walked through town to the gates. Looking up, he saw the slightly familiar faces of Dillan and Lee, whom he had spoken to on occasion at both the pub and on these hunting trips. They weren't manning the gate this morning, though that is of no surprise, of course. "You fellas wanna let an old man through? I promise I'll feed you tonight." He adjusted his rifle on his shoulder as he awaited for a response. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alyssa was following some others through the hallway. She hadn't walked down this corridor in almost twelve months, and even though that wasn't long, it felt somewhat foreign for whatever reason. For the first day back at school, at least. Speaking of, she was doing a test on the first day back. She raised her eyebrow to no one in particular, then shrugged and entered the classroom. There were a small handful of 14 year olds in the room, along with Ms Baker and a bunch of test papers. Exciting, she thought blandly. She couldn't wait to leave, and she hadn't even sat down yet. Let's get this over with.</s>
<|description|>Tristan Flegs Appearance: Age: 23 Nickname/Alias: Shadowbeast Gender: Male Personality: Quiet, he only talks when needed, Tristan is Selfish unless you gain his respect, Tristan always looks forward he will do anything without a hint of fear, using his skills he can climb the tallest towers in a matter of seconds and he can take down 3 guards alone this personality made him the thief he is today. Biography: Tristan was the son of 2 farmers, both made money from farming.Tristan was taught combat using daggers by his father, when he was 12 his family got killed by a group of mercenaries (A.K.A king's guards) he was able to survive by hiding in a shed. He was found by a man the man did not want to adopt Tristan. Tristan begged and the man said should he be able to use what he will teach him he will gladly accept Tristan. The man taught him how to pickpocket,lockpick and acrobatics. Tristan learned quick the man tasked him to pickpocket people on the market in this point Tristan learned that he we was being used as a tool. So when the man was sleeping he killed him. But Tristan wanted to be rich not as a tool so he joined the criminal underworld. Skills: capable of acrobatic feats and trained in the arts of pickpocket, stealth combat and knife throwing Equipment: 2 long knives, 10 throwing knives and some lock picking tools</s> <|message|>Krista Mueller Ratte pulled the set from her pouch and quickly got to work. She carefully inserted a wire and a long thin pick into the keyhole and leaned her ears close to it. She twisted and manipulated the two devices until she heard the soft clicks that she was waiting for, then grinned smugly as the lock dropped, "Damn I'm good..." she mumbled. She quickly scooped up the lock and her tools, then checked around her once more before carefully pushing open the door. ------------------------------- At the front of the caravan, two of the soldiers broke their formation only slightly in order to begin taking a lead. They pushed their horses on and their eyes were keen and watching out for trouble. They searched the rooftops and the alleys that were coming into view as they approached their destination. The two soldiers closest to the carriage drew their swords and fell back to their position either side of the carriage holding the precious cargo. They too watched around them and searched for signs of ambush. One faltered only slightly, catching a glimpse of black up on the rooftops. @KatherinWinter He cracked his whip against the horse and subtly against the carriage, before the two horses in front whinnied and faltered. He slowed his horse and saw what had caused the fuss. A beggar, bulky and crooked, had stumbled into their path. He clicked his tongue and once again tapped his whip sharply against the carriage as the whole party came to a halt in front of a house @Raptra. "You there!" One of the front guards called out to the beggar man, "Stick to the given walking paths!" @King Tai</s> <|message|>Tristan Flegs Tristan blends in while Roxy climbs the rooftops. He quickly stalks the caravan. Tristan remained quiet to not draw much attention, he stalks the caravan waiting for the perfect moment. He takes a slide to an alley and grabs a hook. He attaches it to a piece of rope, thus making a grappling hook, he has a plan. As the caravan stops he quickly hides under a haystack, the hay is a little rough but after this a comfy bed it waiting to be slept in.</s> <|message|>Roxy Black Tai@Raptra@SantosGabriel77@FalkiThomas Roxy watched the group. Kai was the hardest to keep track of because of his stature but she managed to catch a glimpse of him just before he turned the corner at one of the buildings near the route. She figured that he had found a little nook or something to hide in. She would have to trust that he could see the route where he was. She rolled her eyes when Isago grabbed an abandoned cart and pretended to be a beggar. He was supposed to be on fighting duty not distraction. Whatever worked for was fine but he attracted too much attention for her comfort. But she was used to living in the shadows so having that many eyes on her would have been a new experience it probably wasn't the same for the tall man. Roxy growled when Ratte picked the lock on one of the houses and went inside. There was no way that the younger woman could keep an eye on the cavan from there. What the hell was the girl up to? She was going to kick the Ratte's ass if the younger woman messed this up. The girl had no idea how important this heist was. Roxy quickly made her way across the rooftop, careful to stay in the deeper shadows, to where Ratte had last been seen.</s> <|message|>Eryx "Wrong, all wrong." Eryx says to himself, staring down at a wanted poster. Looking back was a man remarkably like himself, only with a narrow chin, one of which he himself did not have. "I do not look like that, at least put credit where it's due..." He mutters, starting to gaze down the list. "Larceny, forgery, murder, ra- that lying- I've never raped anyone!" Dust cloud, just over the edge of the paper. "Show time then?" He ponders, leaning over on the railing. He was on the rooftop of a small store, overlooking the marketplace. Shimmering golden eyes moved across the crowds, looking for those few, the silly few that were so desperate to be incognito that they stood out. It was hard to find areas of the city that he could get to, but he knew in a place so ripe with thieves, he'd be able to find it- eventually. The problem with just going to any shady tavern was bounty hunters, ones he didn't particularly care to have a run in with. One thing he did know, is that a public shipment of gems brought attention, and there was no way that someone wasn't going to try and hit it. Black leather shaded the white hair it ran through as he pulled it back, clearing his vision. Of course there were people in hoods and cloaks moving about, but really, who dresses like that and moves in such a hurry? Time limit: caravan. There, to his left, a girl had just ducked into this alleyway, he watched only for a moment as she headed off, cold feet maybe? This was a rather big hit, surely they at least have professionals... And, one just went into a haystack. He dropped his head for a moment, his clean white cloak falling over his arms. I'm sure it was just a fluke, maybe he will set it on fire, I've done that to scare horses... Oh, the fighter is going in. He notes, watching the man grab a cloak. I suppose it might make their reaction hold for a second or two, but alone...? No, he's just there... He can't have a shield under there, he's likely goingnto be shot down. He was losing hope, the people he needed to talk to were apparently a few amateurs about to get shot. Mercenaries with a noble seal could kill anyone they found suspicious, and that man practically sacrificed himself. "Should I go down?" He mutters to himself, weighing his options. Not all of these people looked to be fighters, let alone against the front guard, four men for a haul like that? Nonsense. They needed surprise, and at this rate they wouldn't have it. Sigh He places the steel plate of his glove to the railing as he moves to leap over it, if fighting was going to break out, perhaps he'd be able to stop someone from dying here. He rocks on the railing for a moment, still debating internally. His clothes were entirely white, aside from the black leather boots and base of his gloves, and he stood out like a sore thumb as he rocked above the citizens. The slim, well built white figure growls a little as he finishes leaning forward, dropping down into the marketplace. He doesn't bother with his hood, though he does pull up a scarf that covers his mouth, splash guard, might have to hit someone in the face. He humms to himself, making sure his gloves are tight as he walks down the road, directly towards the caravan. "Terribly sorry gents, my poor uncle thinks it's never too early to drink." He calls out, his eyes narrowing as he grows closer, looking to the hooded man, then to the caravan driver. His voice grows cold, he was trying to buy a few more seconds before the clearly improvised distraction got the man shot. "It's quite a bad habit, don't you think?"</s> <|message|>Isago Obonye @KatherinWinter@Raptra Maybe it's his hatred for the merchants and guards who follows orders of the nobles, maybe it's his want of defeating people that caused him pain when he was younger that made him take ballsy actions? One thing Isago always did was take risks even if it wasn't a smart move but through the years, it worked and he knew how to improvise even with the odds stacked against him and even if it seemed like a stupid move. Hearing one of the front guards, Isago with his hidden hand slowly reached for his blade to start the frontal assault and distraction so that all of the attention would be on him but at that moment, he eyes switched over to someone that spoke, calling him uncle. Isago slightly raised an eyebrow. "Who the hell is this?" Isago thought to himself as this was an unexpected development. Isago really wanted to take the shot but this new individual showing up, Isago didn't want anyone extra getting in the middle of what was about to do and took his hand off the handle of his blade. If he didn't know any better, it seemed that this person could sense what he was about to do and was trying to stop him before all hell broke lose. Isago smirked so to play along "Hehe...sorry...I need my daily medicine and thought you fine gentlemen would be kind enough to help me...what will I do without my nephew...hehe. Now now nephew...I told you I would be back soon...." He chuckled to move out the way and whispered to the newcomer. "What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm busy at the moment." Speaking to the male in a serious and cold tone but still had his attention on the guards while moving about and pretending to smile and chuckle nervously but immediately gave a serious expression once more. @Sleeth</s> <|message|>Krista Mueller Ratte blinked and let her eyes grow adjusted to the darkness within the room before she dropped her hood and tilted her head to listen carefully. She could hear the soft creaking of the old building settling and the faint bustle of the streets outside. She heard footsteps echoing softly off the walls and shrank back into the shadows. She quickly shrugged off her cloak to rid herself of the bulk and hid it behind a glass case filled with jeweled daggers and eyed the weapons with a small smirk 'I'll come back for these later.' She found the shadows and started to slowly creep through them, looking to locate where they would put the gems in the caravan. She didn't know the others that well and couldn't trust them to stop, fight and rob the caravan without something going wrong. If she was to be in charge of the theft, then she wanted to know exactly how she would do it with or without help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two guards at the front of the caravan party looked to each other in disbelief when the character in white showed himself. The idea clicked in their minds and became instantly clear. The first drew his sword and tapped his heel against his horse, pushing it forwards. "Gentlemen," he said calmly, "you have tested our patience long enough. I'll have the captain of this town's guard on you in seconds or you can scatter and we'll pretend nothing has happened. Your pretense is foolish. Whatever your plan may be, give it up. You've already lost." @King Tai@Sleeth Behind him, the rest of the guards outside of the caravan drew their swords, scraping them loudly against their sheaths to demonstrate their length and weight. They waited with a sense of impatience on the reaction of the two men in the road. Once more, the soldier closest to the carriage flicked his whip subtly against the carriage and his eyes darted around for the disturbance on the rooftop. He narrowed them as he noticed that it had gone and he leaned back in his seat. His horse sensed the tension beneath him and stomped it's hoof with a short whinny. The soldier tapped the whip one last time before shortening the reigns and readying himself for an assault.</s> <|message|>Kai Seymour From his hiding spot, Kai smirked in amusement at Isago's disguise. The older man had succeeded in stopping the convoy, though, with the guards' attention on Isago and presumably some time to kill before the planned attack, the teenager took the opportunity to get even closer to the caravan. He left his corner and went round the back of it for a better view, still taking great care not to be seen. From what he had put together, there were two guards leading the convoy, and two more guarded each side of the carriage. He then heard an unfamiliar voice, which started a conversation at the front of the caravan. Who was that who was speaking? What was going on? Kai was startled when the guards at the sides suddenly drew their swords, but used the moment to make a swift dash to the unguarded rear of the carriage, stepping up on the back footboard and pressing himself against the rear panel. He inched his way to the corner and peered around it, waiting for the opportunity to make another move. Soon enough, for whatever reason, the guard on that particular side turned his attention to the surrounding rooftops. That was when he was able to climb to the roof of the caravan and creep to the front. He could finally see what was happening when he got close enough to peer over the front porch. Kai was confused at the scene taking place below. Who was this young man in white and what was he trying to do? This was not part of the plan, and he figured that Isago too, must be rather agitated at this unexpected occurrence. Regardless, the guards appeared to already be on to them, and they would have to end up drawing their swords at some point. He continued to lie in wait on the roof, deciding which side to drop down on and attack first when Isago eventually began his assault on the front guards. @King Tai @Sleeth @KatherinWinter @SantosGabriel77</s>
<|message|>Tristan Flegs Tristan shakes a little at the rough haystack, he also tries to "Scoop" himself inside to avoid unwanted attention from heavily armed men. Tristan peeked a little, removing a few yet small parts hay from the stack and observes the surrounding. He notices another man speaking to the guards. Either he is mad or he discovered me in this haystack. Tristan grabs his makeshift grappling hook and slowly stands up positioning himself on the right angle. He looks above as a bearded man seems to try to assemble a large beam, most likely for hanging festival decoration. As soon as Isago began the attack Tristan bursts out and launches his grappling hook at the haul. Then he swings open it thus creating a hole. He positions his bag at the hole.</s>
<|description|>Robert Morris Just doing this to keep track of everything where others can see it. Gender: Male Species: Kobold Class: Red Mage Level: 2 EXP: 26/100 HP: 19/19 MP: 8/8 Attack: 9-18 (+1-3) (figured from dex, str, and weapon damage) Defense: 8 (7 from Sta, 1 from armor) M.Defense: 6 Strength - 13 [+1] Endurance - 14 [+1] Stamina - 13 [+1] Agility - 14 [+1] Dexterity - 13 [+1] Magic - 10 [+1] Wisdom - 11 [+1] Spirit - 11 [+1] Intelligence - 11 [+1] Luck - 13 [+1] Bio: It all started with an adventurer, a knight by the name of Robert Morris who by some odd chance spotted a pack of wolves attacking what appeared to him as a couple of unfortunate peasants. The man warded off the wolves, saving the lives of two kobolds who decided to join the man on his journey, at least until they could find a kobold village that wasn't burned to the ground or otherwise destroyed. The two carried only one very important item with them on their journey... an egg. Their egg. On one particularly cold November night, the egg finally hatched, and the couple ran off, having found evidence of a kobold village nearby. They named the child after the man who saved them all those months ago, and who essentially saved their child before he was even alive. The family made it to the village safely, and while it was breaking apart here and there, with several bricks often missing from the buildings, but it was livable. That was where they planned to live for the rest of their lives, with their child, however, the adventurer eventually returned. The two came out to greet the adventurer, and welcome him to the village, but he didn't listen... all he did after being greeted was draw his blade. The two already knew what was happening, so they took their young son, and fled the village to find yet another one as that one fell into chaos. They now had a son with what they believed to be a cursed name... and he was already too old for them to change his name. Thankfully the village they found was relatively hidden, and out of the way, with even fewer signs of it being raided and destroyed recently. The two settled here, and raised their son here, teaching him to never trust humans, as even when they seem like they're helping you, they'll stab you in the back. Of course, as if contradicting themselves, they'd also tell the story of how their son got his name... which included the entire family getting their lives saved by a human. Unfortunately, this home wasn't going to actually last, as soon enough some robed human entered the town, and proceeded to set the entire place on fire, with Robert's family just barely escaping the blaze. They had to move... again. The next few villages seemed to meet the same fate, and none of them really lasted very long, with either what Robert learned was a knight, a mage, or an archer destroying the village and or killing every kobold that dared to defend their village. As his family moved him around, Robert tried to learn some sort of fighting techniques from whoever was pillaging the village at the time, be them a knight or a mage. He tried his hand at archery while on the move, once, but he quickly learned that he was a horrible shot. He had to learn how to be ready for anything... to be balanced, capable of magic, or swordplay, rather than simply one or the other. It eventually got to the point where he was ready to go on his own adventure, one of peace... one to perhaps let the humans allow kobolds to have some sort of steady village that isn't constantly threatened by attacks... but more importantly, he was done running. If the humans were going to attack, then he was going to fight back. Taking his old leather armor that is unreliable to the point where it's basically just slightly tough clothing, as well as a red, white-feathered cap, and a similarly red cloak, and a rusted rapier he managed to salvage from a kobold killed in one of the many now-destroyed villages, the blue-scaled kobold set off from his port-side village to hopefully put an end to this. Robert would run no longer. He was ready to fight. Abilities: Dirty Fighting : 25% chance of applying either Cripple, Bleeding, Slow, or Poison when attacking. There is a small chance of applying two at once. Skill : Infuser - Upon hitting with any attack or spell there is 15% chance to fire off basic elemental spell at the enemy. (if that hit's a crit, a mid-level elemental spell will be fired, instead). The spell fired off as a result of this will not trigger the skill. Ability 1: Magic - Can cast both healing and destructive spells at equal proficiency. Ability 2: Agile Attacker - Sacrifices some Stamina, but allows the user to more easily evade and or block enemy attacks. Hidden Ability: Dualcast - May cast two spells at the cost and speed of one. Unique Trait: ??? - (No information known!) Wields: Rapiers, Maces, Swords, Daggers. Spells: Thunder: A basic lightning spell that sends sparks at your enemy's location, can cast it up to 30 feet away, but must be able to see an opponent you're casting the spell at. Cost: 2MP. level 1/1. Damage: 1d6 + (stat modifiers) Fire: A basic fire spell that starts a fire underneath your opponent's feet, can cast it up to 30 feet away, but must be able to see an opponent you're casting the spell at. Cost: 2MP. level: 1/1. Damage: 1d6 + (stat modifiers) Cure: A basic healing spell that will cause the body to regenerate a little bit. It won't heal injuries, but it will being back HP. It can be cast up to 20 feet away, and requires you to see who or what you're healing. Cost: 2MP. level 1/1. Healing: 1d6 + (stat modifiers) Flame Mote: Produces a small magical ball of flame at one's finger tips, generating the same heat and light as a single candle. Cost: 1MP. level 0. Damage: 0 +Dragonsteel Rapier: A well-made, well-forged rapier made out of the mystical dragon steel. It's a cut above simple steel, but it's usually more expensive, and takes more time to make. Damage: 1d10 + (DEXmod/2 + STRmod/2) + 1d3 fire damage. 2 loaves of suspicious bread: A few loaves of bread from a cave that was infected by some sort of horrible rot… they LOOK clean, and don't smell too weird, but… are they safe? (Food items, no in-battle use.) +Used leather armor: Leather armor that has been, well… used. It's stained with blood, among other things, and has a hole in it, but it's at least tough enough to withstand some form of attack. DEF +1 +Old leather armor: Leather armor that has been worn down to the point where it's basically just clothing. This piece of armor won't be stopping anything any time soon. DEF + 0 Bag of minor holding (MAX 5 items) * Rusted Rapier: An old, rusty iron rapier that has no place being used to attack anything. As a rapier, it is both Dex and Str based. It's not very powerful due to just how unkind time was to this thing. Damage: 1d3 + (Dexmod/2 + Strmod/2) * Steel Rapier: A simple, mass produced, and practical weapon made from steel. Its slim blade allows users of the weapon to utilize their dexterity in battle. Damage: 1d6 + (Dexmod/2 + Strmod/2) * * * *Given to someone else +Equipped. -Dropped, or otherwise not in my inventory</s> <|message|>Gobu Rou Soon after my rude encounter with the brown bear I found myself thinking straighter, my tongue stopped stumbling in my teeth. The reason was clear, acquiring a class seemed to enhance my capabilities. Testing my new found prowess towards bows, I found that my accuracy and damage would drastically fall beyond 20 feet even against my immobile targets, trees. After a series of tests I came to understand my basic strengths and weaknesses, but lost several arrows in the process. As I didn't want to end up as my unknowing benefactor, I decided against hunting into the forest. Looking in the vicinity of the perished hunter I managed to find a small path. Hoping it would lead me outside of the forest , and lead me it did. Some twenty minutes later though music could be heard and a few minutes later the smell of alcohol and food filled the air. At the cover conferred by the dwindling light of dusk I drew nearer to the camp. Keeping his bow in hand he peered from a bush at the people gathered, multiple races, most if not all of them considered nothing but monsters by humans. In the camp I could distinguish mostly civilians, there were but a few that were armed somewhat better than novice adventurers. Taking a leap of faith I carefully backed away from the bush and after a brief detour I made it seem that I came from the same direction as they. Making sure to make my self visible and not seen as a threat. Thus I hung my bow over my shoulder and looked for someone I could ask about the caravan. A yellow scaled Kobolt seemed to be in charge of this whole transmigration. He was dishing out orders about setting camp. Thinking it would be best not to disturb people at work I decided to talk to him as soon he was less busy. Until that moment arrives I sat down at the edge of the camp.</s> <|message|>Dorisma Rockskull Dorisma simply grunted and began getting to work. Though her tribe did not use tents she herself had used them several times while traveling and was rather experienced with the whole process. She grabbed a pile of them from one of the carts and set them down on the ground. Them she grabbed one and began the rather admittedly slow, process of setting them up. Dorisma had little in mind for plans of organization instead simply planning to set them up next to each other until there were no more tents. She did not ask for help nor did she require it. Dorisma sniffed her nose disdainfully at those getting drunk and singing, and they wondered why the humans found and killed them... "One watch humans and one watch girl." Dorisma said bluntly to no one in particular while setting up the tents. She gave an inward sigh, she really did sound stupid when she talked, perhaps she should practice tonight by herself.</s> <|message|>Deravan Silverfur Deravan looked at the group and sighed softly. He looked at the mayor and shaked his head. "Asking us to work to make tents as well as guarding you guys... and the smell of alchool... now you wonder why humans find you and kill you easy..." he says in a low tone, looking at the mayor with a annoyed look before starting to work on the tents, helping the others out, getting the materials needed for this. He shakes his head. He looked at Robert. "I know we are suppose to save them, but with what little we received and how we are threated..." he says, shaking his head. "They need to learn to have a bit more respect and be able to work for themselves a bit more." he then says. continuing to place the tents up. He hoped they would arrive soon and that there won't be lots of trouble.</s> <|message|>Trey Most of the civilians were getting drunk and singing, which posed a problem for the group. It could easily attract some unwanted attention, which, considering their limited defenses, wouldn't end well. Unfortunately, shutting them up wouldn't be an easy task. It had to be done, though, otherwise they might not make it to the stronghold in one piece. It was starting to get dark, and the mayor ordered them to set up the tents. As much as he didn't want to take orders from the mayor, Trey obliged, since most of the townsfolk were too drunk to do it themselves. "I hope you all realize how much danger we're in." He said to the rest of the group as they set up the tents. "Just listen to them. Anyone who comes anywhere near our camp will know exactly where we are. As soon as we're done with this, I'm going to try to quiet them down. I probably won't be able to do it alone, though."</s>
<|message|>Robert Morris I was about to volunteer to watch out for humans, but before I did, the mayor called out for the some of the guards to take the first watch, I then tried to help Dorisma, but by the time I got there, the tents were already set up, albeit somewhat haphazardly placed. After that, I looked for the princess, who was already being watched by two more guards. I then finally take notice of a new goblin in the camp, an archer, apparently, and I introduce myself "Oh, hey there, new guy, my name's Robert, and apparently everyone around here thinks I'm some sort of hero because I helped save the town from a human knight, or something," I then ask "So... who are you?" after that, I start looking around for yet another party member, R'lyeh, who I couldn't locate. I stop one of the citizens who followed us, a drunken ogre who was complaining about something in his native tongue, and ask him "Uh, sir? Do you know where the fish man went?" he laughs and says "Fish man leave while ago. Said something about 'swelt-ring heat', and 'drunken nin...something or other'. Probably back at sea," unfortunately, that seemed like something he would have done, especially if the drunkards were picking on him for not wanting to or not being able to drink with them... as well as being what he was. The mayor seemed to actually listen to Trey, and he called out for everyone to be quiet, and oddly enough, most of the civilians did... well, sort of, they seemed to be mumbling and whispering to one another like younglings whose mother told them to shut their mouth. Of course, that was still preferable to the loud singing (if you could even call it that) and shouting that happened earlier. I then wondered exactly WHY there weren't already humans around here, after all, this seemed like one of their paths, and we weren't too far away from it, as unfortunate as that is. The ogre from earlier started stumbling towards Dorisma, and he started mumbling something in their native tongue again, of course, even I could tell from the tone of his voice that what he was saying was probably some sort of pickup line. I already knew that she wouldn't do anything with him, after all, I could smell his beer breath from here, and it wasn't what I would call 'pleasant', or even 'bearable', considering how much closer she was to him right now than I was.</s>
<|description|>Musashi A tall man with long, spiky blue hair tied in a tail. He wears a white karate gi along with red and gold wristbands. He has two swords affixed to him, one wide one his back and a thinner, curved katana on his belt. He is an experienced and skilled warrior who takes his job seriously.</s> <|description|>Rei A young woman who serves as a high priestess at her grandfather's shrine. She is attractive and wears robes that suggest her connection to her spiritual role. She is focused on her duties and responsibilities, even when dealing with personal issues like the negative energy she feels around her.</s> <|narrator|>On a sunny summer day in Tokyo, a strange man named Musashi, wearing a karate gi and wielding two swords, performs stretches before eating his lunch. Meanwhile, a high priestess named Rei meditates at a park to rid herself of negative energy she's been feeling. As people gather for a baseball game at Meiji-Jingu Stadium, another strange man appears among the crowd dressed in an odd manner. He unleashes three mutated Asian giant hornets onto the stadium causing panic and chaos. Two magical girls named Sailor Mars and Jupiter appear to help contain the situation. They join forces with Musashi who is also there to combat the oni-infused insects using his swords and superhuman strength. Together, they manage to defeat two of the monstrous hornets but another one remains unaccounted for as they continue their battle against this menacing foe.</s> <|message|>Musashi Bright yellow sunlight bathed the entire city of Tokyo that sunny Summer Saturday afternoon. In the outer sections of the Japanese metropolis, a spacious green park unfolded, the occasional Sakura could be seen, all of them stood tall and were bearing pretty pink petals. A few people were playing various casual sports in the vast grassy field, just passing sports balls and frisbees among each other while discussing work, school, media, and life. Under the shade of one of the cherry trees, a strange looking man with long, spiky blue hair tied in a tail looked around to make sure he had enough space around him to avoid bumping into anyone. He wore a white karate gi along with red and gold wristbands. He had 2 swords affixed to him, still in their sheaths: one wide one his back, and a thinner, curved katana on his belt. The young swordsman reached his 2 hands up high, then, keeping his back and knees straight, reached for the ground and held the stretch for several seconds. He then stretched one leg at a time, followed by a series of arm stretches. Finally, he leaned against the mighty tree, flexed his calf upwards and grabbed his own ankle so he could loosen up his quads. Checking once again to make sure he had enough room, he took his 2 swords out, followed by some soft, padded wrappings that he removed from his belt pouch, despite them looking too large to fit inside such a tiny bag. He applied the peace-bondings to both swords, then proceeded to perform a series of air-slashes and combinations, culminating in a move where he jumped once, did an air jump to flip over once, and land on his feet while double-striking an imaginary target. Finished with his workout, Musashi sheathed the 2 swords before looking at and tapping his wristband. Feeling its reaction, he lamented, Theres an Oni in this city; could be nasty in a place with this many people. He started to leave then suddenly stopped and grabbed his noisy stomach. "Well, cant hunt Oni on an empty stomach! he determined. He walked over to an unoccupied picnic table that sat near several others that people were sitting at. The warrior proceeded to remove a bento box from his pouch along with a bottle of Ramune.</s> <|message|>Rei Rei sat in a meditative state in the middle of the park, trying to focus on the negative energy she'd been feeling for weeks. It had cost her sleep. She was running the shrine herself because her grandfather had passed away; sometimes she just needed to get away from it all. College wasn't her thing because she had to take care of her grandfather's shrine - she took her job pretty seriously. Now she was just trying to figure things out. She was a high priestess now and didn't have time to take classes at the university.</s> <|message|>Musashi Musashi opened his bento box, wherein a generous serving of teriyaki-grilled steak, broccoli, carrots, California rolls, and rice awaited his consumption. Chopsticks in hand, he took to the hearty meal one piece at a time, excited to eat it all but taking time to savor and chew, as well as getting sips of his drink in regularly. Before finishing, he looked around, seeing many people in the bustling park engaged in all manner of activities. He noticed a very attractive young woman who appeared to be meditating, but soon returned his attention to finishing lunch. Once it was emptied, he closed up the bento box and placed it into a sealed hard container which he then placed inside his belt pouch, which it easily fit into despite how tiny the pouch looked. He stood and tapped on his armlet again, feeling it tug and squeeze. "You won't get away from me, Oni." he promised. One strange man stood in line outside Meiji-Jingu stadium among many others. He stood out in a strange way; while folks around him were lightly dressed due to the summer heat, and sporting outfits printed with "Tokyo Yakult Swallows" imagery with the occasional "Yomiuri Giants" shirt mixed in, this stranger wore a hooded overcoat covering his arms and legs entirely and casting a shadow over his face. Still, since he had a ticket, the security officials permitted him to enter.</s> <|message|>Rei Rei sighed as she stood dusting off her robes and gathered up the blanket she had been sitting on. But since she was in such a rush, she didn't pay attention to where she was going. "I need to go," she said running off. She was glad when she got back to the shrine. Makoto Kino stood behind the counter taking orders for lunches, pastries, etc., as she was almost finished with culinary school so by the time she was finished, she would be able to run her own restaurant/bakery/cafe, whatever she wanted.</s> <|message|>Musashi "STRIIIIKE!" the home plate umpire shouted in judgment of Masao Aoyama's first pitch of the game. All the while, the hooded man sat in a section just behind home plate. While fans around him talked, cheered or shouted, he sat in relative silence, showing no emotion or reaction to the game's events. After walking several steps in the direction his forearm plate tugged, the determined warrior pressed with a couple of fingers from his opposite side hand onto the accessory, noticing it give a warmer squeeze than before, thus indicating he was getting closer to whomever was in possession of the Oni. He looked up and around, now seeing several restaurants and sports bars in the vicinity of Meiji Jingu Stadium. Curious, he looked up at one of the screens visible from the outside and listened as best he could to the sportscasters. Runners remain at second and third. 2 out, count now at 2-2, Swallows could really use a hit here to take the lead, especially now having left seven in scoring position, a sportscaster's disembodied voice alerted the viewers. The pitcher hurled a sinker to the inside section of home plate. As it approached, Musashi spotted a fan in the seats behind home plate whose eyes quickly flashed a bright glowing yellow, causing the warrior to jump slightly. Batter took a swing and hit a hard, fast-moving ground ball to the third base side as the runners took off. The announcer narrated, "Deep to the third base hole this is going to be close, Machida with a slight bobble, late with the throw, and with Atsumas speed, he will be safe and we have a tie ball game!" The crowds in and out of the stadium reacted, most with cheers, a few with disappointed groans. Musashi, on the other hand, spoke: "It's here."</s> <|message|>Rei Rei felt a chill run down her spine while she was working, knew what she needed to do. After making sure no one was around, she took out her transformation pen. Mars Crystal power makeup! Once transformed, she ran in the direction of the negative energy, made her stance. "I am Sailor Mars, the guardian of fire," she said. "I will punish you in the name of Mars!" She looked at the man controlling the negative energy; everyone around the stadium started to run for their lives. Where was Sailor Moon when you needed her? Oh, she was off with her fiance, who had decided to fly her to America so she didn't feel so lonely without him. Mercury was still finishing up medical school. She didn't want to bother Makoto because she knew how much her career meant to her.</s> <|message|>Musashi Inside the ball park, the man whose eyes flashed earlier reached into a belt pouch for a glass jar, the contents of which were 3 Asian giant hornets, though he kept them concealed by keeping most of the jar within the pouch. He slowly removed the lid, then kept gloved hands on the sides of the jar to keep the wasps obscured until he jerked the jar upwards and quickly pulled it back down, setting them free into the air. Once airborne, the already large hornets mutated, turning an odd green color and growing to heights of 3 feet each. The monster wasps were soon caught on camera, causing people to run away while screaming in fear. In the commotion, the odd man attempted to mix in with the fleeing crowd, having seen the magical girl and her angry stare on him. Just outside the stadium, Musashi looked up to see many people struggling to exit the superstructure. Knowing of the dangers and his duty to contain them, he quickly looked around and discovered a beetle crawling along a building wall. He took out his katana Fusion and started focusing on it, causing it to emit a blue glow. Once the glow reached full saturation, he hacked at the beetle only for his sword to stop a few inches short and slice into a previously invisible energy field that now glowed green. With an open-handed gesture, he willed the energy into the sword and in turn, into himself. Then, a bright green flash of light came and went quickly. When it cleared, the beetle scuttled on, unaware that anything happened. "There we are," he said. He headed for the stadium's outer wall, jumped onto it, and stuck to it with his hands. From there, he started climbing up the side of the superstructure by sticking to the walls. Once over the outer wall, he spotted a pair of unlucky fans cornered by one of the 3 mutated hornets. He performed a double jump with his immense strength and drove his heavy sword Lumina into the big bad bug's back then slid down leaving a big gash wound in the monster. Damaged but still alive, it turned around and slashed with stinger. The fencer met the stinger with his lighter sword Fusion, causing a loud clang to be heard.</s> <|message|>Rei Mars flame sniper!" she shouted as she made the stance for the attack. "Hope no innocent bystanders are hit," she added, hoping that nobody else would be caught in the crossfire. She turned around to see Sailor Jupiter. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" she shouted, looking around for anyone who might need to get to safety quickly before her eyes fell on him as he scaled the stadium. She was a bit confused but she was pretty sure he was on their side, and she could trust her instincts occasionally.</s>
<|message|>Musashi One of the huge green hornets emitted a weird muffled screech as it was lit on fire by Sailor Mars's burning jet. Its flight took an erratic path for a moment before being blasted full of holes by the subsequent barrage of leaflets. Its exoskeleton, having been softened by the fire, was easily punctured. It fell to the hard surface of the seating area and emitted a red and purple smoke from which a pair of glowing red orbs floated from. When the smoke cleared, the hornet was back to normal, alive and breathing, but unconscious. Musashi nimbly dodged one thrust from the hornet he was fighting, causing it to sting to the concrete and dull the tip of its deadly weapon. He quickly grabbed the abdomen of the nasty bug and, using his super strength, slammed it into the solid metal guardrail head first. He then stuck Lumina into the mutant wasp's tail to pin it down, then ran up to its head and drive Fusion right through its nose and brain. Upon being impaled, this hornet, like the first, faded into smoke and glowing orbs. The brave fencer reached out and concentrated, causing the glowing balls to fly into his arm band and vanish. Musashi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked to see that 2 stunningly beautiful women in very short sexy colorful dresses appeared to have defeated another one of the deadly oni-infused insects. He was about to greet them until he heard the buzz of huge wings, indicating that their job was unfinished. Thus, he took hold of his 2 swords and advised his apparent allies, "Look alive; there's one left!"</s>
<|description|>Shaman Samantha Walters is the type who takes on responsibility. A teacher needs help with handouts? She'll hand 'em out. The student council needs a reliable secretary? She'll step forward. The city will be destroyed if nobody fights the monsters? Well, that's a new one; but since it's something that needs doing, Sam will do it. Doesn't seem like anybody who's supposed to deal with this sort of thing will, after all. Way to leave it to a 16-year-old girl. Jeez. Kammu was part of a tribe of the Apache. He spent his life fighting against foreign invaders who claimed manifest destiny. He followed Geronimo into the thick of conflict, until one time he couldn't follow him back out. Now a powerful leader once more calls on him to fight against the invaders. He stands just as ready to defend as he did then–even if the people he fights for are nearly as strange as those he fights against.</s> <|message|>ERRANT The darkness was close, she could feel it; one of his servants must be nearby, and she would have to act quickly if they were to repel their machinations. The Witch of the Waters, stepped briskly down the street, her long hair sweeping over the concrete like a cloak. As she was now, after her long slumber, she did not think she would be able to repel them alone, yet she knew not where to find suitable warriors to stand in her stead. Perhaps… Perhaps a summoning was in order. Draw strength from the past, to find and aid those with the capacity to act in the present. Yes, that would present a viable solution for now - though, how many would answer? And in her current state, how many could she really call forth? She supposed it would depend on how readily she could find a source of power to draw from, but aside from the fountain she'd found herself in, the Witch wasn't sure of where she could look. A river, a lake, a pond - surely there must be some sizeable body of water to draw from, she could feel it. This street she was on was lined with merchants and eateries, offering luxuries she had never seen before. Somehow, she could feel the flow of water all through this place, in a thousand tiny streams she couldn't see. Were they buried in the ground, beneath the buildings? Perhaps. Even so, she may be able to call on their power to fuel her magic - she need only find a place strong enough to channel it, and then… Yes, with the power on this street, she may be able to call forth some few warriors. Hardly a match for the armies the adversary would call to his will, but it would provide a starting point. It would be enough, for now. She would make sure of it. That just left the question… from where would his servant launch an attack? And when? --- --- The lights of the arcade cabinet reflected off his sunglasses, his hand flying across the buttons in impenetrable combo techniques that were probably just mindless button mashing. Sure he probably wasn't that great, but did that matter? It was fun. It was a game, and he loved games. This one was something called a "fighting game", which he thought was kind of funny. It had bright, flashing colors, and the characters looked cool. Not as cool as him, but still cool. "Oi." He ignored the large man leaning against the wall next to him. He was totally about to wipe the floor with his opponent at the opposite cabinet, he didn't have time to entertain his companion's nagging. The man looked at him sidelong, crossing his arms. "Ugh, piss off, man," he groaned, waving the man away. "Can't you see I'm busy right now? I can do it later, just let me- Agh!" He cried out in frustration as the words YOU LOSE flashed across his screen. "One more time!" he insisted, reaching into the pocket of his jorts for more coins. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned to see a line had formed behind him without him noticing. He grimaced at each of the students behind him in turn, then looked back at his companion to see the large man smirking at him. "Ugh, fine, I'll do it. Man, what a pain." He pushed past the line of arcade gamers, paying no mind to their shouts of indignation as he stepped on their feet or pushed them away, making his way back out onto the street outside. He stretched and cracked his neck, casting his gaze around for somewhere suitable. "So many noisy kids here, geez," he muttered, hooking his thumbs into the belt loops of his jorts. He chose to ignore the look his companion gave him. There were a lot of birds on this street. Yeah, he supposed he could start here- at least he wouldn't have to walk that far. "Alright, I got this covered," he said with a yawn. "You can piss off for now. You're cramping my space." The larger man crossed his arms again, each the size of a tree trunk. "Ugh, don't give me that look!" he complained, kicking the man in the shin with the size of one flip flop-clad food. "I said I'd do it, so I'll do it! Geez!" "Dick," he muttered, after his companion vanished. Now to find a quiet place to hang out and nap. Or uh, work.</s> <|message|>Flip "Who wants to bet my brother can't reach that window ledge? Any takers?" Diarmi posed confidently, glancing upwards at the second-story window ledge his little sister had pointed to. Maybe three inches wide, a foot and a half long, set into the brick exterior of some deli he knew nothing about (though its broad windows certainly invited inspection). Yeah. He could make that. He stretched, feeling the familiar popping of bones shifting around their joints, as his little sister collected bets. Some were genuine, he knew, though others were 'betting' just for the pleasure of seeing him either fall flat on his face, or out of spite towards those people. Most people were betting against him, and Zola absolutely did not carry enough cash to pay out if he failed. He couldn't fail. He wouldn't fail. And when she said 'Dimi?', off he went. Personally, he thought leaping at the deli window without actually smacking into it was far more impressive than getting up to a second-story window, but that's not what the people were betting on, was it? Out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone, probably an employee, startle at his presence, but he refused to allow it to distract him. It took only a slight bend of the knee to launch himself up, grab the upper ledge, and twist his body to land above it. This next part would be tricky, but it was simple to him: just move quick enough and gravity would lag behind. His fingers, callused from hours of stunts like these, gripped onto the rough bricks and he skittered along the surface, grabbing the ledge from beneath, and pushing off the wall to flip up onto the ledge, where he turned and waved down to the crowd, in varying states of flabberghast (was that a word?), amusement, and awe. His parents, who'd been watching with only mild interest, gave a polite applause in contrast to the whoops and cheers from the crowd. Zola went among them to pay out the handful of winners. And in the back of the crowd, he could see his two oldest siblings moving about. His stomach dropped, but his grin didn't. He stood, catching the top of the window, and bowed, encouraging their excitement and their attention on him. Better him than Zola, he'd decided all those months ago. Let her stay innocent in all this. He leaped off from the ledge, taking the second to pose in the air before landing in a tumble and springing back to his feet. The crowd went nuts - well, most. Some were beginning to leave, down the street or into the deli where he suspected they'd tell that poor employee about the stunt that weird kid had just pulled. While it wasn't like the family couldn't hold people captive, them leaving was never good. It meant less money, and, to his own disgust, fewer targets. Not that such feelings showed on his face. Instead, he bowed and gestured to his parents - his mother had already drawn out the old in-desperate-need-of-a-polish fiddle to play, and his father was promising "magic like you've never seen before!" Which, Diarmi supposed, was a fair claim to make. How often did money vanish from people's wallets anyways?</s>
<|message|>Shaman "Dad, I'm home!" Sam called into the house. Her voice echoed through the front room, past the kitchen, up the stairs, around the bedrooms, and finally bounced off the closed door of her father's studio. A moment of silence in response let her know he was sealed in and busy with his latest project. Sam sighed as she slipped her shoes off. If he'd been lost in his art all day, he probably hadn't eaten again. Or taken the list Mom had left him and gone shopping. She carefully padded up the stairs to drop her bag off in her room, then made her way toward the closed door to his art studio. "Dad?" she asked, not particularly loudly. No reply came. "I'm borrowing the car to run to the store, okay? I'll have your card, too, so… Well, you can't really leave if I have the car anyway, huh," she mumbled quietly to herself as she turned away. She poked into her parents' bedroom just far enough to grab his wallet and the car key off the dresser, then went back downstairs to grab Mom's shopping list off the fridge. The door opened just as she was slipping her shoes back on. Diana pushed her way in, volleyball bag in one arm and schoolbag in the other. Their eyes met, and the sisters shared a smile. "Back early today?" Sam asked, tapping the heel on her sneaker to help it settle. "A little. Coach said she was feeling unwell, so she cut practice short. Back late?" "The festival planning meeting ran long. Dad's not making a sound, so I'm running to the store. Go ahead and shower up; start on your homework, too. I'll be back in half an hour or so to start dinner." "Thanks, Sam. Heard anything from Mom?" "Nope. And you know what they say-" "- 'No news is good news.' Yep. As long as nothing sudden appears to keep her at work." "Right? How hard can it be for a major headline to not happen in the next two hours?" Diana slipped up the stairs and Sam stepped out the door. Dad's car was parked in the driveway, a two-door compact that somehow still ran–largely on miracles and spite by now. He'd had the thing in college when he and Mom first started dating, for crying out loud. But for all Sam complained about the old thing, it got the job done. She liked that about it. With a rumble and sputter, she backed the car out the driveway, pushed in the clutch, and started into town.</s>
<|description|>Graham "Yawn" Yellman Age: 13 Gender: Male Appearance: Graham is about five foot tall and weighs about 95lbs. He is fairly lean and does not have a lot of muscle. He has blonde hair that covers his right eye, and his eyes are green. He tends to wear winter clothes throughout the year, finding them to be more comfortable. His regular outfit consists of a thick grey coat over a blue shirt, thick brown pants, a wool hat, a scarf, gloves, and boots. He also carries a large backpack to store packages in. He generally looks very tired and he often looks like he may fall asleep even when he is standing up right. Bio: Graham grew up as the youngest member of his family with two older sisters. His parents tended to focus more on his sisters since they were driven and intellectually gifted. Graham, meanwhile, was content to work at his family's delivery business and only had average grades in school. Although it did bother him to be ignored by his family he tried not to let it show, and focused on his job, which did allow him to met a lot of people. Personality/Traits:Graham is generally very sleepy, his one visible eye is almost always half closed which has earned him the nickname Yawn. Despite this he is a hard worker and always tries his best, assuming he finds the task important enough to work for. Because of his seemingly lazy attitude, most people might assume he is very laid back, but actually the opposite is true, he is generally stressed out and the reason he is tired is because he always triple checks his work to make sure there are no mistakes. Graham is friendly to most people and works well in a team, but he also hates the idea of being in a position of authority and prefers to let others lead. He tries to avoid debates between others and thinks it is best to let people sort out their own problems, but is willing to get involved if asked too. He also has a fairly good sense of direction coming from his time spent delivering packages. Digimon: Fresh- Zurumon, In- Training- Pagumon, Rookie- Gizamon, Champion- Cyclonemon, Ultimate- WaruSeadramon, Mega- ChaosSeadramon (Warp) Digivice Color: Orange with black trim.</s> <|message|>Brent Toruya As We Ran, I Finally Caught up to Agumon and Gabumon, That Bug Thing Was Still Right Behind Us, But I Had Time to Pop a Question or Two. "So... Who or What is that? Another Digimon?" "You Got that Right, that's Kabuterimon! He's Not Evil, but has a Monstrous Appetite in the Early Mornings! And Watch Out for That!" A Massive Blast of What Appeared to be Electicity Landed Right Behind Us, Missing by Mere Feet. "Yeah, That was Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker Attack, If It Hits Us We're Done!" "Thanks for the Tip, But I Kinda Figured That Much Out on my Own... Wait What's That Ahead?" We All Looked Forward, and Saw a Human Girl standing With what Appeared to be a Black Chess piece. The Girl Appeared to Have a Sword in Her Hand, So I Wondered if She Was Attacking Us, or Maybe the Thing Behind Us. If That's the Case She's Crazy! "That's PawnChessmon! And She's Got a Human With Her!" "She Must Have Lost It, Going Up Against a Champion as a Rookie!" We Run Past The Two, and Stop Right Behind Them. Kabuterimon Was Plowing Towards Us Full Steam Ahead, With No Intent of Slowing Down. I Was so Entranced on What Was Happening, I Didn't Notice that Strange Device in the Holster on my Belt Start Lighting Up. Alphamon had Seen the Lights Appear From the Sky, the Devices Had Chosen Humans to Aid the Digimon After All... "So they have Come... I Must Find Them and Aid Them..." He Forces Himself to his Feet, Using his Sword to Rest Upon, and Headed Towards the Closest Lights. His Pace was Slow, but He Soon Quickened it When he Heard the Scream of Kabuterimon. "This Isn't Good, Kabuterimon is After Someone, I Just Hope it isn't the Digidestined..." With all of his remaining strength, he took off into a full on sprint towards where the first light landed, to aid the first Digidestined.</s> <|message|>Derrick Quinn Derrick took in a deep breath as he suddenly jolted awake. He didn't sit up but he could tell he wasn't in his room anymore even though the room spun around him. He reached around the room for something, anything, and found the strange device he had in his hands. He grabbed it and pulled it close to him. The world was still spinning as he reached for something to hold onto and found a railing of pillar of some sort and pushed himself upward. "Aw man my head feels like I just got done riding a roller coaster and I hate those things..." Derrick grumbled as he shakily held himself up but then decided it was best to sit down and simply just wait for his equilibrium to readjust to the area. However before he could do much of anything suddenly this weird looking creature came up to him. "Hey there you're Derrick aren't you? Well I'm your partner! My name is Kapurimon and I'll be your faithful partner and servant from now on. It's nice to finally meet you." Kapurimon stated as Derrick looked down at the fuzzy creature and smiled. "Well this is weird but I guess I should expect the weird after what just happened. Some people would freak out my little bro but I'm not those people. Freaking out doesn't solve a thing. Now where am I?" Derrick said looking around and noticing he was inside an abandoned lab of some sort. It was bizarre too see all this broken tech around but then again..."So what are you exactly?" Derrick asked as the puffy ball with the metal cap on it's head. "I'm a digimon! And you're in the digital world and from now on I'll be doing my all to help you in the future. We gotta find others first. There should, hopefully, be more than just us. If it is...I'm not sure I like our chances."</s> <|message|>Danny Stone As Danny opened his eyes he noticed two weird small animals, one a bird and the other looking like a strange dog."Good to see you"re finally cognizant." The bird somehow said. "You know Hawkmon, instead of trying to impress him it might be better to introduce yourself like I Salamon just did." The shock of of that conversation was almost enough to convince Danny that he was dreaming if it weren't for the fact that his dreams never felt as real as the situation he found himself in despite all the weirdness. "Uhm Hawkmon and Salamon, right? Do you think you could me what's going on? The last thing I remember was touching this strange device and than a flash of light." As soon as he mentioned the device the human realized he was holding the now blue device. "That apparatus is called a Digivice and it transported you to our dimension known as the Digital World." "Called Digiworld for short. We the creatures living here are Digimon. There is of course more to explain but we can do it as we look for the other humans." Before either Danny or Hawkmon could say anything Salamon ran off in a random direction, and the two of them not knowing what else to decided to follow her.</s> <|message|>Annaliese Kaufmann "Anna, clean up the dishes and when that is finished mop the foyer." Mr. Kaufmann said with a stern voice. Before he stood up and left for his study. Annaliese could merely nod meekly and do as he bid. She wished she could tell him off but she didn't want-- "--ey wake up, stupid" A small voice called out from right in front of her. Annaliese's eyes opened wide. What happened? Did she pass out? It was daytime at least. "Are you ignoring me? I don't like it when people ignore me, especially midget humans that don't know what a mess they got themselves in." Then she felt a small boot pushing on her chin. It wasn't painfully hard or anything, just an annoying feeling. "And whoever you are, would you stop." Anna said, more of a command than a question as she reached out to stop whatever was pushing on her. Soon, her hand found something and tried to grab around it. She couldn't fit her entire grasp around whatever it was, but it was enough to keep the little thing at bay so she could move her head. "The heck." "HEY! HEY! What do you think you're doing!?" The thing complained greatly. "I'll call a Lawyermon and I'll sue the. . . " Annaliese looked up and saw just what it was. A small fairy. . . Or something. She had spikey boots, short shorts, a very small uncovering tanktop and. . . Clawed Gloves. Regardless of what she was wearing, she was small enough for Annaliese to think she was, "Adorable!" She could help but pull the small creature in to a hug. She would fit just in with all the other plushes and stuffed animals back home. Wait. Where was home now? Where is here? She pulled the constantly complaining fairy away from her as she looked around. "Tell me. Where are we?" The little fairy seemed a bit miffed still, but decided to tell anyhow. "Not your world. You're in the digital world, home of the Digital Monsters. Digimon for short. I'm one of those and you can just call me Tinkermon." With Annaliese not paying attention the small fairy digimon pulled out of Annaliese's hand. "Anyhow, that device on the ground there. Yours right?" Annaliese had forgotten about that by now. "Yea, I think I need it to help get back home." Ready to figure out how to do that, she stood up. "Now, I just get to figure that out." Tinkermon chuckled almost evily and crossed her arms as she floated up and stared Annaliese down. "Well, you're lucky a friend of mine has a soft spot for midgets like you. Elsewise I'd not be here to help." "Who are you calling a midget you foot tall dust-maker?" Annaliese retorted, not liking the idiocracy she could hear coming from the digimon's mouth. It wasn't in her nature to just stand there and take it like that. "Hey! Ehh, not so bad. For a human. I might actually like you a little bit." Tinkermon giggled as she found herself a nice spot on the girl's shoulder. "For now, there were others that came here like you. Let's go find them." With little other option for now, Annaliese went where the fairy beckoned her to go. Into a nearby forest.</s>
<|message|>Graham "Yawn" Yellman "Wake up!" A voice called out to Graham. He didn't recognize it and he decided to ignore it for now, he was still tired and wanted to sleep more. "WAKE UP!" There was the voice again, louder this time. Couldn't whoever it was just leave him be for a few more minutes? Apparently not as he felt something crash into his stomach and force him up. Graham groaned as he rubbed his eyes and looked at what had landed on him. It was vaguely frog like with yellow skin and orange fur and a row of black spikes on its back. "Finally, I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes! You sure are a heavy sleeper." Graham stared at the creature for a minute, this seemed like something out of a dream, but he was definitely awake. He stared for a moment longer before poking the creature's snout. "What are you exactly?" He mumbled mainly to himself, but the creature evidently heard him. "I'm Gizamon, a Digimon, and your new partner for here on out. It's nice to meet you." Gizamon said smiling at him. "Digimon? Partner? I don't think I follow." Graham said as he yawned. "But, I'm Graham, nice to meet you too." Gizamon stared back at Graham, waiting for him to move, when he didn't Gizamon spoke up. "Uh, we should probably go now, this place isn't really safe, and besides we need to find the others." "Others?" Graham asked. "Do you mean other Digimon?" "No," Gizamon shook his head. "Other humans, they should have Digivice just like yours." Gizamon gestured to the strange device that had fallen out of his backpack. It was now laying on the pack next to where he was sitting. Graham picked up the pack and the device, before looking it over. "So, we need to find people with these things? Well, I guess we better get moving." Graham stood up and started to walk. "Hey, wait for me!" Gizamon yelled as he hopped behind his human partner.</s>
<|description|>Meliya Ardorion I cut it down a fair bit to try and make it a bit more bearable to read, also took out all the canonical Tolkien stuff and replaced it with general/more relevant to the plot we have going here xD Nickname: Mel Gender:Female Age: 2,160 (usual age I have her set as, but this can be adjusted/lowered if you usually work with lower age parameters for elves :P) Physical Description: A tall and slender she-elf of typical height for her kind (I'm not an expert on elvish heights but I would have a guess that they're usually somewhere between 5'8" and 6', though I can't back this up with any certainty so for this I think it's better to remain vague to say "average height" or "tall" or "shorter than usual" XD), appearing steady and strong in frame despite her slenderness. Blonde hair and pale ice-blue eyes typical of the rest of her kin, however her hair is rather distinctive in that it isn't straight as the rest of her kin's. Instead, Mel's hair forms distinctive, albeit loose waves. In the way of scars, she has received a fair few in her lifetime. Though many of them have faded, two still remain visible. The first and largest, a jagged line of pale pinkish-white raised skin, running from her right shoulder and diagonally downwards to stop at her opposite hip. The majority of this scar is generally well-hidden behind her clothing though the beginnings of it can often be seen at her collarbone just above the neckline of her attire. Her other significant scar is rather more obtrusive, spanning from her eyebrow and down across the bridge of her nose. Both are battle scars from her first real skirmish which she wears rather proudly. Attire: "Casual"/"Everday" attire can be seen in above ID picture Personality: Mel is a witty, fairly sharp tongued and often sarcastic individual, she is wary of strangers and will take quite some time to trust most she meets, though those who have a child-like innocence about them seem to find her trust a lot easier. However her tough exterior does hide a soft and loving side deep down, it just takes a while to get to it. Her sense of duty is unparalleled to most, and many a Mirkwood soldier who has served under her command has been known to describe Mel as "hard headed and as determined and foul-tempered as a starving wolf keeping hold of the last scrap of meat at mealtime". Once she has a job to do, she will not abandon it for any cause, no matter the consequences, until the task is completed. Has somewhat of a way with words, but doesn't tend to do well in long political meetings. She is an elf of actions rather than words at the end of the day, and having to sit still in a meeting hall full of other individuals bores her to death, so she would rather avoid it! She does not take lightly to insults towards either herself or her family or kingdom, and unfortunately it doesn't take much to get her riled up. Mel is not unknown to take a swing or two at someone who overstepped their mark with her. Can be stubborn and is also not unknown to act first, think about consequences later, often landing her in sticky situations. History: Her mother is a well-respected healer within the kingdom, while her father is a trusted and high-ranking general. Mel had always had her father's fighting spirit, and indeed the elfling picked up her first weapon when she was knee-high to a dwarf, learning basic combat moves from her father who was all too glad to teach her to defend herself. When she came of age the two butted heads somewhat (due to his overprotectiveness of her, as she was their only child) as she expressed the desire to follow in his footsteps and train as a warrior rather than have the quieter (or rather, less dangerous) life of a healer like her mother. After much debate, in which her mother took her side and pointed out that if he had wished her to be a healer from the start, he should not have encouraged her to fight so easily, Mel's father finally agreed and her warrior training began. She breezed through her training with ease and was soon given a low-ranking command position; and sent out into battle for the first time where she received her first scars in the line of duty and her first promotion to Captain, whereby she would have command of her own unit. This is where we currently find her, though with one more thing to add. The mantra that had been drilled into her head over and over again by both her mentor and her father: "The only good Drow is a dead Drow". Will she believe it, or is she more likely to take a dark elf's character at face value if she met one? Only time will tell. Weapons: Mel's primary weapons are a bow of dark finished ebony wood, and a rapier for close combat. Secondarily, she has a pair of fighting daggers, though she tends to favour her bow or rapier over these.</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion "Don't worry yourself. No-one would expect you to climb like that." Eriex smirked, shaking his head. "You will be going to see our leader, there he'll decide what is to be done with you." Already Mel began to wonder whether this was a good idea. She could only hope they would give him fair chance to speak, he didn't seem much like the other Drow she had encountered. Those had been savage, more willing to fight than to talk, perhaps if their leader was willing to talk with this strange newcomer, it could be the beginning of mending the differences between their two tribes.</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil Nathe thought about that, but then smiled. "Ah, good then," he replied, acting as if he wasn't currently a prisoner. "I look forward to it. I do hope that your leader is more reasonable than your patrols." He knew it was an underhanded jab at the man currently taking him into custody, but he needed to see the restraint. Drow would typically not put up with this attitude from their prisoners. So far, despite being an unpleasant fellow, the leader hadn't laid a finger on him. Most prisoners presented to the drow leader was more than just incapacitated. He'd be bruised and beaten, needing to be nursed back to consciousness. "So, where is this leader of your's? Do you only hide yourselves up in the trees or do you have some buildings down here as well?"</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion The patrol leader did little more than shoot the Drow prisoner an unsavoury glare, his fist clenching at his side indicating that the jab had hit a nerve; and yet he made no move towards inflicting any sort of injury on Nathe. "We build very little on the ground." Mel answered his question when it became apparent that none of the others were going to. "It interferes with the balance of the forest. Though we have had to have a few buildings grounded for practicality's sake: the infirmary, the meeting room and the armoury, for instance." It was one such building that the prisoner was escorted to, standing very near the middle of the village. The door guards halted the patrol as they approached, their weapons crossing to block the door as they queried their motives for seeking audience with the leader. After exchanging explanations (and a few other quips at the Drow's expense), the guards stepped to the side and allowed them to enter the room ahead as the doors swung open. The room was largely empty, save for the table at its center with what looked to be a map spread across it. Around the table were a few high-seated chairs arranged so that when necessary, every elf who gathered around would have an unobstructed view of the markers placed on the parchment. Now, however, the room was empty of personnel, save for the lone forest elf who stood at the far end near the ceiling-height window, hands folded neatly behind his back. "Eriex, you're late." he commented smoothly without turning to face the patrol. "The patrol before yours went further out and still arrived back first. They reported a large amount of blood found on the main path, I should hope that it doesn't belong to any of our soldiers?" "No sir." the patrol leader shook his head in confirmation. "However, we do have explanation for it. The blood belongs to this Drow." Stepping aside so that Nathe would be within the leader's eyeline as the elf turned to look upon hearing mention of their dark-skinned rivals. "He wandered as far in as the herb garden, we thought you might like to question him, sir. Find out exactly why he's here, and what he wants."</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil An armory? Now, that was interesting. The forest elves were rumored to be spineless cowards, hiding away in their forest. Most thought they had a few soldiers, but nothing to warrant a standing army. An armory would prove otherwise...the elves produce enough weapons to need a separate storage for them. Not that it was too surprising. By the look of Mel's swords, they had clearly figured out how to forge weaponry. The steel wasn't fine enough to be dwarven make and he doubted highly that they would do business with the humans. That left precious few others to provide them with weapons. He had always assumed these forests would discourage any sort of forge from being used, but it seemed he may have been wrong in that assumption. As he was introduce, Nathe stepped forward, a wince coming as he felt his wound irritate again. Despite his earlier provocative comments, his knees bent and he all but collapsed to the ground, keeping himself upright on one knee, his other bent a bit too much to be a proper kneel. "Your..." He paused a moment. "My apologies. I don't know what you call yourself now. It is a pleasure to meet you, though, leader of the elves." It was said in a pained voice, clearly having trouble keeping this stance with the wound in his side.</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion "And you." the leader responded in turn, inclining his head politely. His eyebrows rose as he took note of the wound in the Drow's side. "That's a nasty wound you have there, it's not usually our way to injure others in such a manner." at this Mel was given a rather scathing look of rebuke. Ducking her head in apology, the she-elf mumbled. "He startled me, I did the best I could to mend it but it will probably take a few days." "Which brings us to a point." the older elf continued. "Exactly what would a Drow be doing in our lands?"</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil Nathe hesitated before answering. What was the best option here? Honesty? There was a huge chance he just wouldn't believe him. Lying could dig him into a deeper hole, though. He honestly wasn't sure what he should do in this situation. Instead he bowed his head respectfully, deciding to test his luck. "I would ask that you not be so harsh on her. My people would have responded in kind, I'm sure," he stated evenly. "I'm honestly just satisfied that I was left alive. Traveling here had a very real chance of ending with an arrow through my head rather than a sword in my side." He didn't sound hurt by the thought. He was simply stating a fact. With a small sigh, he offered a smile to the leader. "As to why I'm here...curiosity. I tire of our dark caves. I wanted to see what the forest elves had to offer," he explained. "That's the simple reason to it. I don't believe elves and drow have to be at each others' throat. I come alone for that belief. No armies or soldiers. I am fully and utterly at your mercy and I willingly put myself into that position."</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion "You have strange views for a Drow." the forest elf replied, raising an eyebrow with some scepticism as to whether he was being fully truthful. It would be the first time a Drow had any interest in their way of life since the divide had happened all those ages ago in the days of Inioch and Elwyn. "Whether or not you speak the truth, you are certainly not fit to travel in your state. I propose that you stay here with us until your wound heals adequately. Then I will make further judgement on what we will do with you. If you give us little reason to believe you a threat, perhaps I will grant your request." At length, after some further considerations and discussion between the forest elves present, it was concluded that they would not trust Nathe to have free reign to wander about their village unsupervised, for fear that there was a chance of him bringing harm to any of the other elves that dwelt there. Feeling somewhat responsible for his predicament, Mel immediately volunteered for the position. "He's more likely to trust me." she explained in a hushed voice. "I helped him once. It may keep his mood a bit more...amicable." "Very well." the leader agreed, waving a hand in Nathe's direction as if to dismiss them. "I will leave him to your caretaking, Meliya. Nonetheless, despite his surprisingly good manners I still caution you to be careful; Drow are unpredictable." "I will keep my guard up, sir." the she-elf promised, bowing respectfully before she returned to Nathe, directing him back towards the door. "Come, I will take you to the infirmary."</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil The drow remained silent as the decision was made. He nodded to Mel, struggling back to his feet. He offered a half bow - as much as he could manage, at least - to the leader once more. "Thank you for your mercy, sir," he offered softly. This was going better than he had thought. He might be under watch, but they chose the one person who might actually relax with him. It was his best shot at getting an inside look at how the elves worked. Besides, the blond beauty was much better company than the distasteful soldier he had met. As the two left the meeting room, he offered a small smile to his savior. "Thank you, for taking responsibility for me," he said softly. "I...don't know how your people work, but I was worried to the treatment I would receive from your soldiers..." Every now and then he would wince once more as a surge of pain hit him, following the woman to the infirmary. He was doing his best to ignore the pain, though. He had had worse. He wasn't going to let that stop him. "'re name is Meliya? It's a pretty name." Despite the hushed tones that the elves had used in discussing their prisoner, he had excellent hearing, just as all elves did. "My name is Nathe. I don't think I properly introduced myself back there."</s>
<|message|>Meliya Ardorion "Nathe?" Mel echoed, smiling faintly back at him. "That's an interesting name. Well, it's good to meet you, Nathe." she paused as he winced again, concerned that he was hiding most of his discomfort, though he seemed to manage to hobble along fine enough. They were nearly there, after all. His thanks surprised her, she hadn't thought Drow were awfully fond of politeness, in truth it was the last thing she'd expected from him. "You're welcome. Most of the soldiers aren't too bad," she assured him, holding the door to the infirmary open for him when they reached the building. "They've been drilled to be wary of your kind, we all have. But for the most part we try not to resort to violence, if it can be helped."</s>
<|description|>Gershwin May Age: 22 Appearance: Subject stands 160 cm (5'2") in height. Subject also has light hazel eyes with short hair to match. Abilities: Subject possesses an unobserved form of Affinity with Pain* (*Suffering?): Record has the Subject breaking a door off its hinges when it was accidentally closed on and injured her fingers. While it was evident there was damage – multiple broken phalanxes and torn skin – the injury seemed to have never happened, suggesting a Regenerative Healing Factor. The strength which she gained to break the door was hypothesized to come from her injury. The extent to which the two abilities are able to reach is unknown. Further insight is needed. History: Subject is of Gaelic origin, raised in The United Kingdom. Parents show no obvious signs of empowerment, and have therefore the hypothesis that the Subject's abilities are of a spontaneous mutation is further supported. Parents are a non-factor. Subject is a student of Department of Law in the London School of Economics and Political Science – top of her class, with multiple intern experiences with many important figures. Many people know her. Her current residence is in the central London area, alone, supported with her position of Paralegal in Yip Tse & Chiang, a Chinese-based law firm.</s> <|message|>Gershwin May Viccar threw away the plastic packet of his third biscuit. It was approaching the third hour since he started his investigation and duty-assignment. He had a lot of power bestowed onto you that Maria did not have the time for, but it's not like he was going to get the credit for all the work he did, nor could he complain. It's too late to quit, not when he knew too much - too many dark secrets that would most likely force him into a permanent position within the UN. Some would view that as an amazing feat, but it was laborious, piteous, and even dangerous work. It looked like he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. He keyed in several hot keywords, hoping to find something, but it was hard to sift through so much data when anything true could be deemed useless by the next second. Furthermore, he looked at the location of the dragon crash site, and generalized feasible paths of traverse and escape that the three most wanted beings in the world right now could go through and end up. He had authorized undercover spies who operated under the table, off the books by the UN. What organization did not have these? Viccar hypothesized that China and Russia were the two most realistic places the trio could go to, but would not leave Kazakhstan out of the question. There were already multiple spies stationed in the two world powers, but barely any in the frozen tundras where they could be. It would take a while for the spies to find them. In that time, they could be gone. --- Andjela Ivanović was a typical housewife heavily wrapped in garments, shielding herself from the cold winds, trudging through the snow with thick boots. She was also fluent in 8 languages, and an exceptional liar and artist in mimicking body movement. She turned to an insignificant alleyway that saw frequent traffic with many locals. She pulled the gate and walked in, walking to a payphone which looked like it hadn't been touched since the 50's - archaic in tech, but dependable - barely. She moved her lips but did not speak, nodding her head to orders being passed on to her. She knew what to look out for.</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel After a while, Cody glanced to Caits, drumming his fingers against the side of his leg. He watched her for a moment, before he spoke. "How much longer do we stay in this place? They'll find us here eventually, and we cannot put the owners in anymore danger then we already have" Caits gave a heavy sigh, looking over to Cody, she then let her hands drop into her hands, the pain a constant to her, that she no longer noticed it. "I know, Cody. I've been trying to figure out how we can get out of here, without being seen, I can get a wheelchair no probelm, but we are known to those looking for us, how can we escape without being seen?" Cody rested his head against the wall, letting his mind wander. He continued to tap his leg, as if he were playing a piano. He was silent for a while longer, letting his thoughts connect and working through an argument in his head. "I can try and wrap light about us in an illusion" --- Maria paced her office, waiting for a breakthrough, anything, that might save her own butt. The former agent had information, they knew this, taken from the now destroyed facility. The question was, why hadn't she released it yet? What was she waiting for.Or was it too much to hope that thee Agent had died from her injuries? Maria knew they couldn't expect that. So she sighed, and returned to her desk once more beginning to write out what could be the next statement. There was so much that she had to try and fix, and yet she didn't have the ability to do so.</s> <|message|>Gershwin May The scene was hazy and the details were missing, but it was a memory familiar to Gershwin. It was the prompt story she wrote for Dr. Jiang-Ping. She remembered that it was supposed to have a dilemma with a dog between his stick and his life. The story went on as usual; the dog struggled to get his stick while the bird warned him otherwise. Insisting that the dog could do it, he persisted. He then fell into the raging river, as expected. Except... the bird never rescued the dog. In fact, the bird laughed at its misery. Up and down did the dog's head bob, his vision blurred with the water hurting his eyes and rushing into his noses and throat. The water was cold and it froze his lung muscles. Air was rushing out and the dog could not breathe any more air in. In turn, his panic gasps for air made him swallow water, and it was now worsening for him. He was deep in the rushing waters, and his vision had black dots from oxygen deprivation. He was dying, but the rapids would not allow him the luxury of a peaceful death. The water fell downwards, and sharp jagged rocks littered the waterbed. The first rock broke his left front leg, and the second one sliced his underside. His entrails spooled out of him, and the waters were dyed a dark brick red. The dog kept bleeding, so much so that the water no longer had its clear transparency, and was now a river of blood so thick and hot it seemed to boil. The dog's head emerged one last time, and next to him, another dog's head, then another. Soon, every bit of surface had a bobbing dog's head at the top. There must have been millions. Then the scene became clear, and it was not a dog after all. It was her. --- Out from her coma, Gershwin sprung upwards, screaming into the air. She fell to the floor, ice cold to the touch, and rushed to the door, banging it hard with her fists. It started to hurt her.</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel "Gerswhin!" Cody's voice was sharp as a whip, the order within it fueled by his panic. He knew that if she pummeled herself too much, she would have a pain fueled...transformation. Rising, he held a hand out to stop Caits from rushing forwards, instead he closed the distance between himself and Gerswhin. "Stop. You're safe" His voice was now soft, comforting, as he very carefully reached out to touch Gerswhin on the shoulder, to try and guide her away from the door, away from hurting herself anymore then she already had. His hand was still the bright pink of new flesh, his nails were all but absent, the slow regrowth of them from his...supernova attack even now happening. "its okay, Gerswhin. I'm here" Cody smiled, trying to be comforting, his teeth where bright, shiney. New. That had been the most painful regrowth, teething in a matter of hours after the escape, the pain had been quite unbearable, new teeth piercing already tender gums in what should have been months, if not a years, process. His own light had seared his skin, practically melted his teeth, burned away his nails and hair, leaving him smooth, pink, and as soft as the day of his birth. Cody had stolen clothes from the corpse of a solider, and stumbled towards Agent Caits, even as she had stumbled towards him. "I told you we'd get out. And we did. And the world knows something happened"</s>
<|message|>Gershwin May "We... escaped?" Gershwin barely managed to utter through her panic shocks and the drastic change in weather she was used to... when she could remember. "What... happened? Where are we? Where's Agent Dioxide? What happened to you, Agent Caits?" She took in the decrepit room and it was no longer the UNARM rooms of immaculate condition. The ambient temperature was terribly cold, and it felt like even the shivering was starting to hurt her, cause her great discomfort. She did not feel like her normal self - and that wasn't from her dream; her being bare-clothed was getting to her. --- Viccar knocked on the door of Miss. Jordan's office. From what he observed, the lady never left the room ever since they got started. She really was a machine when it came to getting what she wanted. Any kink or malfunction in her moving of her gears and the progress of her work, and she will brute-force her way through them. He was about to give her a loose gear: 'Miss Jordan. Uhm. Just got a call... 3 pm Video conference with the political advisers of the US, China, France, and Russia. Computer channel feed 15... About 10 minutes before then. Uhm... do you need anything?" --- The twins, ដរា កែវ and ទី កែវ (Dara Keo and Thy Keo) woke up abruptly to the sound of dad slamming the house door hard. They did not own a clock other than the watch on their dad's wrist and his old mobile phone. They did not own any fans so they had the windows open to let the wind - and insects - in. The window shut hard when the door hit the rickety stability of their poor house. Dara, the older one of the two, flipped out of their thin quilt - careful not to wake her little brother Thy up - and slipped into her worn-out slippers. The twins share these two slippers, though Thy always did prefer walking barefoot. These slippers are perhaps the last bit of memory that they have of their mother. She thought back to that day when they were returning back home late at night, a whole family for once. Dad had been saving up money working as a tuk-tuk driver, bringing tourists to places for an average of 3 US dollars. They were planning a night together and that night had come. It was a joyous night, and they did some late night shopping though it was just the one pair of slippers. It was the same night a gang had decided to rob them. Dad thought he could fend them all off... and simply put, the family was never the same afterwards. Dara snapped out of her lapse, and walked out of the room. The bedroom door never really swung so Dara lifted it up and placed it aside. It was amazing how she lifted it up anyway - Thy usually did all the heavy lifting, and Dara was the more malnourished of the two. The door opened out immediately to the biggest room of their ill-maintained house, kitchen, living room, and bathroom all at once. The Cambodian moonlight was shining through the spaces in the roof. The light illuminated her father's frame, sat upon his big chair. Dara placed her hand on her knee and said emphatically: "ខុសឪពុកជាអ្វី?" | What's wrong, father? "វាជាការខូច។ តុតុរបស់ខូច" | It's broken. The tuk-tuk's broken. Dara knew this was bad news. Dara and Thy were barely twelves years of age and were in an expensive school for the gifted. They were able to make ends meet when mom was alive. After she was gone, dad had been able to catch up but his depression spawned bad habits of illegal gambling, drinking, and working shifty jobs that did not pay back on time, if at all. "ងដរមិនគួរឱ្យជឿ" | Unbelievable assholes, the father said. He almost never swore. This really was a devastating thing to them all. "វានឹងក្លាយទៅជាមិនអីទេ" | It's going to be okay. Dad doesn't say anything because they both knew. Repairing the tuk-tuk was going to be as expensive as buying a new one, and with the school fees coming up, they were never going to make it. Dara tried to pull her dad back to his room, to the large bed that used to keep the happily-wedded couple comfortable and warm, but he would not move. It was late at night, and they both needed sleep. She told herself she wouldn't do this, but she had to, for the sake of both of them. Dara focused, and soon enough the dad got up and walked to his room, laying still in his bed and was in deep sleep almost instantly. Dara forgot when was the first time she and her brother realize they were gifted with gifts from the Gods. The twins could do so many things, but fixing this... this was... she didn't know. She went back to bed, and cried to sleep.</s>
<|description|>Leon (aka Leo) gender: male godly parents: Taranis (Celtic god of Thunder) and Sirona (Celtic goddess of healing and water) sphere of control: Water, Lightning/Thunder, Healing personality: Unlike Rhona, who tends to be more openly caring and innocent, Leon is more stoic and not as easily befriended. However, this doesn't mean that Leon is incapable of expressing kindnesses and warmth. He just chooses not to. He is very protective, loving, and proud of half twin sister and lets very few actually get close to her. Given time, he is actually just as kind, loving, gentle, and loyal as his sister. sacred animal: Black lion cub Civilization: currently none powers: Electricity: Leon has the power to summon powerful volts of electricity, to the point where it is visible to the human eye. Water: Leon has the ability to manipulate water to his will and can breathe underwater. Healing: Leon has the ability to heal almost any injury or illness. History: As it turns out, Sirona had an affair with a fine Celtic god, that went by the name of Taranis. Thus, Sirona was pregnant with twins. Rhona, the daughter of Bel, and Leon, son of Taranis. At first, Bel was overjoyed to hear that Sirona was having twins, however, this quickly changed when he heard that one of the twins was not his. Fortunately for Leon, Taranis passed away, and out of initial pity, Bel decided to raise Leon as his own... at a price. Bel still felt betrayed by Sirona. Therefore, in a fit of rage, Bel cursed Leon to take the form of a black lion. Upon the first 5 years of his life, Leon felt nothing but bitterness and hatred towards his sister, believing that his curse was her fault. Since Leon was the stronger twin, he would constantly use this to his advantage when messing with his sister. He would constantly play too rough or would run too far ahead and leave Rhona to fend for herself. Only to be scolded later for it. This all changed when Leon played a little bit rougher than he should've and ended up having Rhona faint. However, this became a huge turning point for Leon. Ever since that fateful day, Leon has been much more loving, gentle, and protective over Rhona. Acting her familiar, guardian... and the brother she didn't even knew she had. Eventually, the curse placed on him weakened over time to the point where it disappeared completely. However, Leon decided to not reveal his true self to his beloved sister, rather, stay the way he was. Rhona's familiar. On occasion, when Rhona isn't looking, he will turn back to his true self, temporarily. After sealing away Rhona's body, Leon took over her role as a healing god. However, after the humans were destroyed, Leon shut himself and Rhona away, isolating the 2 of them. He currently guards her and their home, while he waits for the day when his beloved sister will return. other: he has the ability to transform into a lion at will He is the older twin by nearly an hour. Rhona has yet to learn that Leon is her half twin brother.</s> <|message|>Xoxi Slevryn "...ok sweetheart. Shyness is a completely fine thing, but it's just us. I'm gonna hug you and hope that makes you less shy." Xoxi stood up, and hugged Yuki softly. Unfortunately some of her weight was put onto Yuki, making the hug slightly awkward. "You have a nice name. I might as well tell you a bit about myself, considering there's no danger right now. The name is Xoxi, I'm the daughter of Selene, and I am the world's best thief. My hobbies include stealing, pacifism, and hugging. I haven't slept for more than 1 hour at a time within the past 16 years, and I was into Cia for about 3 weeks before your sister told me she killed all the human race and indirectly led to the death of my mentor and father, which inevitably led me into hating them both. You seem cool though, so I won't judge you." The moon slowly peeked out from the horizon as Xoxi's eye finally stopped glowing. MEANWHILE "Clever girl. Also I lied to you. Tlevran's the name, killing gods and genocide is my game. I'm nearby and communicating via the blood you spilled on the ground from your recent episode of pointless aggression. 'tis a shame you didn't kill the goddesses in front of you. I need to locate your sister, and you must help me. If you must know I was recently dug up from the ground after a couple thousand years of slumber because I slayed both my mother and father and watched them bleed out at the hands of my meat cleaver, and you will be no different unless you comply with my terms. The emblem bestowed upon your hand is a sign that unless you comply I can come down there and finish both you and your sister off within a few fell slashes, and I can take the demigod with you both, now how about you tell me where your sister is before I do said actions."</s> <|message|>Cia Cythlla thought for a moment on the idea of making the child a pawn. Though even Cythlla found the idea of a pawn too degrading for her own child. "I would rather refer to it as a soldier. I quite like the idea personally." Cythlla said with a smile as she looked at the egg. "Fine, you don't have to kill one of your people for me. However if any of mine ever gets attacked by another nation I expect you and your people to be their allies." Cythlla said looking at the egg with a smile on her face again. "So what now?" Cythlla said with a smile walking close to Reese. Cia turned to see Landon and she smiled despite still having a drop of blood on her face. When he said that he would be her's forever however Cia gave a gentle smile then promptly kissed him on the mouth. As she did so she opened a portal that led back to the nexus behind her. She dragged him in with her. It led to her room within the nexus. "Those girls were the ones who seduced you. I feel bad for you. But I'll make it better." Cia said as she allowed him to take her.</s> <|message|>Alec Axis is still unaware of the twin near him. However it seems he is petting a feral dog. "Hi there woofers" the dog barks. "You tried to kill me...not cool...." The dog whimpers and wags it's tail. " showed me that my abilities work on animals....flawlessly and now I have a dog" he chuckles. "Ironic" he pats the dog on the head. "Say I wonder if my ability works on other fun would that be" the dog looks up at axis and tilts it's head. " are quiet a smart pup...lets go together shall we?" He stands fully and chooses a random direction to walk, his bow in one hand the dog walking along next to him on the other side. His wings folded neatly and his face actually a bit peaceful. Almost like he isn't completly self absorbed.</s> <|message|>Rhona Leon saw Axis and smirked and teleported himself in front of him. "Ah 'Valentine' so good to see you. How are you Axis?" He said with a smirk. He decided to get straight to the point. "I'm going to get straight to the point. I have an offer for you. One that I know you wouldn't dare refuse." Leon opened a portal to where Rhona was and gestured for Axis to follow. -------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Rhona had an uninvited visitor; it was Shone-Lee. "Such a handsome face, no? To bad he's so damn full of himself. " She said as she walked up from behind Rhona. Rhona tensed up, upon recognizing who the new commercial was. " What do you want, Shone-Lee? " she replied with a cold and sharp tone.. "Finally somebody knows my name. Looks like you've been doing your homework. " the woman replied with a smirk. Rhona nodded in response. " As for the reason for me coming here; I have some information about your 'friends' that might interest you." Shone-Lee then proceeded to tell Rhona of the events taken place and the sins the merged have committed. At the end of Shone-Lee's explanation, a fire equivalent to that of a white dwarf star, surrounded Rhona, as her eyes glowed a bright orange-yellow burning from pure rage. Yet the fire didn't once touch nor burn the body she was pouring life into. "THEY DID WHAT?!" She roared, a plume of fire erupted. "You heard me. Just thought you would be interested in what I had to say." With that Shone-Lee disappeared once more. "Those damn fools! They will pay dearly for their sins; I'll be sure of that!" Rhona roared infuriated. However, after this was finished, she would take this directly to Flemming and personally see that every last one of the merged that committed their sin, would be severely punished for their crimes. If she were to take matters into her own hands, she would be no better than those who committed such unforgivable crimes. With this in mind, Rhona calmed down and the fire subsided.</s> <|message|>Clarice "Claire" Florence Yuki blushed when Xoxi hugged her. She was hugging so her so closely, and so tightly that it was almost as if she was trying to...Yuki blushed harder at the thought. The goddess of dance had to get her mind off of the hug and how it felt, so she shifted her eyes to look at Xoxi's...Yuki could swear that her face was beet red. The demigoddess was cute. Much to Yuki's misfortune, it wasn't just that. Xoxi, in Yuki's eyes, was VERY cute. She hadn't felt this way since she talked with Hecate all those years ago. When Yuki attempted to speak, it sounded like a combination of muffled words and stuttered gibberish. Meanwhile, in Claire's mind... A meat cleaver? Really? replied Claire in response to Tlevran. This guy must have been serious about sleeping under the ground if he didn't know much about either her or Yuki. Sure, he'd probably be able to kill her while she's in her unconscious state right now, but he sure as hell wouldn't be able to take Yuki out that easily. Claire also couldn't believe that the dude was so old that he was speaking out his feats and actions as if Claire actually cared. And...did he think that Miriam was her sister as well? Yikes. Someone needs to help him get his facts straight. Listen, dude. You can make any threat you want, and tell me all the stories of your 'good ol' days', but I can guarantee you that Yuki's not a frail little flower. You'd be surprised how much of a fighter she is.</s> <|message|>Xoxi Slevryn Xoxi stared into the goddess' eyes and discovered that Yuki had a crush on her. The face alone gave it away, really. "... do you... um... yeah the thing with love and shit? Not sex but the infatuation thing." Xoxi sounded really dumb and stuttery, as if similar feelings were exchanged towards Yuki. As the moon rose over the cityscape of San Francisco, Xoxi glowed dimly with a blue aura, energy was slowly replenishing within Xoxi's body, and Xoxi demonstrated this by lifting Yuki off her feet and carrying her. "Heheh, I kinda like you too, if that means anything. We should probably get Claire out of here and into a different place before we really talk..." Xoxi lifted Yuki onto her shoulders and carried her to where Claire was knocked out. Xoxi bent over carefully and lifted Claire's body off the ground, slightly staggering when she got completely up. "Ngh... thank god for mother dearest, or I'd be without a back right now." To be honest, the moon was the only thing allowing Xoxi to do this right now. Yuki weighed surprisingly little and Claire... well... was Claire. Either way she was carrying two people at once, and it was not an easy effort with her exhausting her powers earlier. The moon was the only thing keeping Xoxi standing. "So cutie, where we heading? I'd attempt to shadow-port but I don't think I can right now." MEANWHILE "I expect she's a strong fighter, but in times of peril, people let their guards down, gods or not. It seems like she's got a thing for the demigod at that, and since she's weakened currently... well... if I take her out then Yuki will be open for a hit, and trust me, it'll only take one. All I want is to find Miriam, and then I'll remove the emblem on your hand. Okay?" Tlevran was clearly not going to dick around with this. He wanted answers, and in a very short amount of time, he would get that answer. If he didn't... a certain goddess was going to perish.</s> <|message|>Alec of flames01 Axis' pink eyes meet Leon's. "I'm guessing the wings gave me away...ah well...they are quite worth the extra day of body manipulation" Axis shakes his head and pats the dog on the head. He then shoos the dog, who trots away. Axis then focuses back on Leon. "An offer I can't refuse huh?" Axis chuckles. "Why does that sound like a trap...Give me one good reason why I should set foot through that portal...let alone listen to you." He then puts his free hand in his pocket, the other still holding the bow. His eyes revealing nothing about what he is thinking, his face showing for once, no emotion. Compared to Alec, Axis is a closed book.</s>
<|message|>Leon (aka Leo) Leon shruggs with a rather indifferent look on his face. "Fine. Don't believe me. It's a shame though. All that effort to make you your own body. Gone to waste. Well. Might as well destroy it since your not interested. Cya." He said shrugging once more than disappeared through the portal. On the other side he waited for Axis to appear through the portal. Leon knew that this would be too good of an offer for even Axis to give up. He knew that Axis would follow him, thus he deliberately left the portal open.</s>
<|description|>Regina Hills Species: Halfling Age: 57 Description: Regina is a bit tall for a halfling, a whole six inches taller than the average of 3 feet, with long, reddish brown hair and chocolatey brown eyes. She has a pale complexion and a few small wrinkles, preferring to stay in the shade, and a thin but curvy figure that is slowly catching up with her age. Regina wears a thin layer of leather armor over her clothes with multiple daggers hidden on her and a pair of longtooth daggers on her hips. Regina carries no less than 20 throwing daggers, 10 normal daggers and a pair of longtooth daggers on her at any time. Personality: Regina is the type of woman to flirt with some of the younger women though nothing too far as she doesn't want to be left again. She's easy to anger if you say the wrong thing. However, she does keep her anger under control while at work. She's no longer the happy-go-lucky woman she once was, instead taking everything carefully and not letting anyone close again. Skills/Abilities: Regina has great aim with her throwing daggers and is proficient with her normal daggers to block and redirect, allowing her to use her longtooth daggers, with their little extra length, to attack. She can also pick locks, pick pockets, find and remove traps, track people, most any skill a thief would find very helpful. Other than that, she is an excellent with her psionic powers, allowing her to do many things most people cannot. -Combat Mind: Using this, she has a clear understanding of where her allies and enemies are. -Telekinesis: She can levitate most objects though nothing bigger than a small human male for more than a couple minutes. -Levitation: She can lift herself up to 12 feet from whatever she's standing on. -Complete Healing: With a 12-hour meditation process, she can heal herself of all injuries, illnesses, poisons and the like. -Quick Healing: With a matter of a few minutes and a lot of concentration, she can heal her small injuries, though nothing bigger than a small cut. -Adrenaline Control: By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in her system, she can give herself a temporary physical boost on demand. -Body Weaponry: Using this, she can turn her hands into dagger blades or go as far as her elbow for a shortsword blade. -Displacement: She can control where people see her, whether or not she moves. -Teleport: With this, she can teleport up to 200 feet away in the blink of an eye, with loud popping sounds emitting from both the place she teleports from and to. -Telepathy: Using this, she is able to communicate wordlessly with another intelligent being without having to worry about language barriers. -Daydream: She can cause another person's mind to wander, allowing her to pick their pockets and get away safely with a lower chance of getting caught. Magic: She has no magic though some have commented her psionics are similar. Backstory: Regina was raised in a big halfling city, well as big a city as the halflings would build, with her numerous siblings. The only way she could stand out in her family enough to be remembered was the fact that, at a young age, she could make apples fly to her hand. She had practically never spent any time at home once she was old enough and had gotten caught picking locks and grabbing an apple for a snack. She had eventually decided, after nearly having her hand chopped off for the thousandth time, to leave the city and find a better life. She soon was found by a thieves' guild that took her in and began training her. She spent the next 15 years in the guild, training as hard as she could to get faster and stronger though her strength didn't improve by much. They found out about her psionic skills rather quickly and, being only the second psionic in the guild, learned from an older man who taught her how to teleport, heal small wounds, levitate items other than apples, such as herself, and so on. After her training was finished, she began traveling again, ending up in Waeldeshore. It was there she met a group that was going to be fighting a dragon. She decided to join them, supplying the team with a lot of jerky during their travel to the cave. They ended up stealing a magic artifact from a sleeping dragon, one of two in that particular cave and escaping rather quickly. Upon arriving back at the town, most of them decided to spend the night. Regina offered to share a room with one of the more beautiful, yet still a bit scary, women on the team. When she awoke, however, she saw her ally was gone. She had searched for days but the trail was cold and she couldn't follow what she couldn't find. Instead, she decided to go east. She went far east, ending up in a land much different than what she was used to a year later. It was there she met another halfling woman, a bard who instantly captured her heart. She traveled with the bard, acting as her bodyguard for a decade and a half until she was injured badly. She was unconscious for days as she slowly healed herself from nearly dying but, when she awoke, the bard was gone. She asked around but nobody had seen the halfling bard around in days. She had been abandoned again. With nothing else to do, she returned to the west. It took 4 years to travel back, as she had done other jobs along the way to distract her, but she eventually returned to Wealdeshore. With not much else to do, she became a guard for one of the local pubs. It's been 5 years since her return and, in that time, she's proven to be a great asset as well as a new resident for the foreseeable future.</s> <|message|>"Sakaala" The subtle smile that played across the old warrior's scarred face curved her jowls; it was a knowing, thinking expression, the sort that well accompanied the information Lady Genevieve seemed to provide at last. She did not tense throughout the conversation, but quickly set her mind to work on comprehending what all was said, and more so, what it all meant. Many of the terms, the history more than anything, were vaguely familiar - something the massive lioness woman would need reflect upon in meditation and time - but this was progress all the same. It helped some, nonetheless, that the half blooded knight could at least seem to confirm that the two women were former allies turned enemies which bolstered some confidence, however small. Crossing her thick arms before her mithral breastplate, the right visibly moving with more difficulty, the mercenary found the offer far more than she expected, but it was not far fetched. Someone with such affluence and apparent wealth certainly had those sort of funds available, not lacking the capacity in the slightest, but the entire offer seemed to be a desperate effort of incentive. Fortunately, the man across the table provided the slight, knowing nod the Huntress so desired; at least some of this odd collective understood what her intentions were - not to sign their lives away so quickly. However, as the savageness of her eyes seemed to wash over Diagorides in acknowledgement, it then quickly shift away to the halfling, distracted only for a moment. The small woman struck a wall, a dull thud resulting as she then spun about, speaking with vivid frustration, "Isabeau is mine." "She will not live." Regina Hills continued, quivering with anger while the man soon returned to his business and so did Sakaala's attention to the conversation itself. There would be time coming to contend with that. Taking a deep breath and her keen ears following the words while she moved, she allowed the discussion to carry on without her direct influence; each large pawed foot spreading silently across the floor. Walking about the edge of the fine wood table, arms relaxing from their place across her broad chest, she proved to guide herself near the young knight that was Emil Erran. Her presence was intentional, as though to spur the young man to words one could reason, but certainly not so close as to be a menace. She genuinely wondered if he would so much as react or simply be uncomfortable by the sheer scale and danger posed by a monstrous being so close. Coming to a quiet halt, her thick neck proved to cock her head slightly at an angle, still in thought to none but herself. @Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y</s> <|message|>Ionathan Hepburnberg So the traitor was Isabeau, it was as he thought, his reaction was one of acceptance of a fact rather than any stage of grief. He had his suspicions it was her but he was in denial. But now that he had been told from a reliable source his only reaction has a long sigh which he kept quiet. Regina reaction was not so controlled for which Ionathan could not blame her for, he remembered the way Regina had acted around Isabeau. Regina's rage reminded Ionathan how much he feared mages and the like, sure he had fought magic users in the war and had the scares to prove it but the fear had never gone away. Regina's punch made Ionathan's sallet to fall from the table which Ionathan managed to catch with a burst of speed that he surprised himself with. But when Regina turned to him he froze, bent over with his helmet in his hands. "She will not live." Ionathan nodded slowly in recognition of her rage and slowly put his sallet back on the table, trying not to make any noise. He noticed that Skaala was slowly creeping on Erran for which Ionathan felt a need to look out for and he did not want Skaala to interrogate the poor guy. He wanted to intercept but first he needed to respond to the offer. "I will be the first to accept the offer my lady, except for the bounty, I'm not into blood money" Walking to Erran he knelt down next to his chair and courteously bowed his head. "Sir Erran is it? It's an honour to meet you" Extending a hand to shake he gave a smile "What do you think about the offer?" @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz</s> <|message|>Emil Erran Emil's jaw nearly dropped when the sage named her price. Fifty Thousand coins each? The amount of money she had just offered the group of them was... significant to say the least- more than enough to make even Edessa's king turn his head, not to mention the extra bounty she placed on each 'head' of a mage. Emil shuddered at that thought. The idea of tearing a head off of a corpse, and then carrying it around for extra money was bloody, to say the least. Despite the quietness of her walk, Emil's peripherals were very well aware of the large beastkin walking around the table and his direction. Visibly stiffening as the beast approached him, his hands twitched, clenching for a moment on the table, before relaxing. As much as the beastkin Sakaala unnerved him, if she truly wanted him dead at the moment, Emil reasoned, there was little he could do about it- she was standing behind him, just out of arms reach, but close enough, and he was sat at the table with his sword unable to be drawn fast enough to outmaneuver a swipe from the beastkin's massive paws. When Ionathan came to his rescue, to to speak, Emil relaxed, his shoulders dropping to a slight slump. "The honor is mine," Emil replied genuinely, in a quiet voice. "Truth be told, I think the offer almost too good, but perhaps I am not properly gauging the gravity of this task." He added, confiding in the older knight. After a moment of hesitation, Emil too spoke up. "As will I, Lady Genevieve." he said, adding his pledge alongside Ionathan's.</s> <|message|>"Sakaala" "The honor is mine," The youthful knight replied in calm, hushed tone, adding only, "Truth be told, I think the offer almost too good, but perhaps I am not properly gauging the gravity of this task." His concerns were legitimate, and as the elder half beast listened along to his words further, she was pleased to know he had ultimately opted for the quest all the same, speaking aloud now rather than keeping to himself and his newfound compatriot. It was now that Sakaala's eyes, both sighted and sightless, looked to the man of mingled descents as he was kneeling still. For what he was, he had surprised her and this seemed to be in no short supply, either. There needed to be more positive revelations. Taking the left hand to her cheek, stroking the tawny hide that it was with her thick, powerful digits, she moved her attention onward - beyond Sir Erran and Sir Hepburnberg, past the lavish, ornate chair and table and to Lady Genevieve. It was as though she smiled, but the expression was more a smirk, that there was enough for her to work with - enough that the old ranger was confident that some good could be done - yet along the lines that she was at least amused. Not because the subject matter was humorous, but because one was bound by an emotional tie, two others by honor and station, and her? Her doings were her own, but there was little doubt allowing anyone control over this relic, be it Lady Genevieve or these mages, was truly for the benefit of anyone. If she had to entrust their acquisition and protection to someone, veterans of Waeldeshore and seasoned mercenaries were not bad candidates. "A tempting offer you make, Lady Genevieve." The beast woman's hand returned to her side as she stepped beside the two knightly men, "As I see it, you value greatly this relic personally, enough so to make a worthwhile sum the reward beyond just notoriety." Her growled, stirring voice continued, "All I then ask is, if we were to procure it for you, what would you in fact do with it? Provided you have no ill intent or personal gains to be made, I see no further concern from myself." Being careful to tread lightly with her words, she knew the only contracts to be made with such discussions was hollow. If Lady Genevieve wished to best these magi for the sole purposes of accomplishing what they as a whole set out to do, but for herself, there was little now the Huntress could do until such truths were made evident. She simply needed the other woman's word for peace of mind - events later were sure to play out as to who might be wrong or right. After all, this would not have been the first time the lioness had been responsible for aiding those whose words and intents were maligned. @Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y</s>
<|message|>Regina Hills "That's a good question," Regina said, floating to the Lioness's side. "I don't doubt her motives myself but it would help settle the doubts of anyone else." She floated down with a frown as she looked around again. "I have a way that would settle everyone's doubts easily." she smiled. "All everyone has to do is let me in their minds." She made no attempt to penetrate anyone's mind though kept at the ready in case Genevieve agreed. "And it would prevent lies. I remember last time, a few of the group questioned your motive then and, at least, one of them, if I remember right, called you a liar. Then again, I did end up coming in halfway through the conversation." She smiled softly, trying to force the thoughts of Isabeau's betrayal to the back of her mind.</s>
<|description|>Ein Finch Race: Jackalope - disguised as a human Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: She isn't quite sure, but she guesses somewhere around 200 or so years old. Appearance: Profession: Florist / artist Possessions: - an impressive collection of art supplies, mostly including pencils, brushes, and paints. - an old, silver saber. Skills/Magic/Talents: - Advanced senses: Ein has an exceptional sense of hearing and smell, as well as keen reflexes and a surprising amount of agility and stamina, though she isn't too terribly strong, so it is mostly reserved for running. - Electrical Manipulation: Ein is able to generate a small amount of electrical shock. Its enough to stun a normal human, maybe even kill them if she tried, but anything further becomes too taxing on her body, so she avoids overdoing it. - Longevity: Jackalope age very slowly. One hundred years could pass and it'd merely feel like a decade or so for her. - Swordplay: Ein is half decent with a saber, though she can't entirely remember where she learned the skill from. - The arts: Ein has a good eye for aesthetics and is incredibly creative. Most practiced with pencils or paints-- prefers doing landscapes. Demeanour: Ein is a reserved and calm person, rarely displaying her inner emotions and leans more on the cautious and independent side. She has a keen eye for detail, and isn't easily fooled or persuaded by others. Despite her more distrusting side, she often acts kindly and almost motherly towards others, and prefers to keep herself and those she is fond of out of direct conflict. Surprisingly, she has an oddly dark sense of humor, and can act quite playful if shes comfortable enough with someone. History: Ein cant entirely remember when she became trapped in a human form, or even how exactly it happened to her. All she can really remember are a few vague memories of her life before and the undeniable feeling that this form is not her own. Despite being sure she wasn't originally human, she often doubts the foggy images in her head and the validity that they hold over her past existence. Since finding herself like this, she's taken up the quiet life of a artists and florist, residing in a small cottage located in the forests near the coast. It isn't too far from town, where she often travels to sell bouquets and assorted paintings. Though she spends most of her days reading history books or creating art in peace, she sometimes finds herself searching restlessly for clues to her past, unsettled by the blankness that blankets her memories.</s> <|message|>Amon Amon smiled wryly at Wally he'd dealt with this type of response before. Overly certain, determined and a little too cocky for his own good. He'd doubted that the threats would've worked but it was always worth a try. As for his comments regarding the sword Amon was glad he'd kept his powers quiet, if the man tried anything he'd just lock up his muscles without a second thought. Better that he have to deal with the ire of the populace than trying to reknit his throat with his powers. 'I've no doubt you've faced worse thief' said Amon smiling, 'But if you think a sword is all I've got up my sleeve then you're a lot less perceptive than the rest of those who would ply your trade. Molly is right I will gladly run you through if that's what's required of me.' 'Molly, Lady Amalthea' Amon said addressing them, 'Could one of you fetch some guards to see this man locked away? Have the guards take every precaution and whatever happens let me walk him to the cell alongside the guards. But before you go, Lady Amalthea what has happened to you?'</s> <|message|>Carver At Amon's request to Molly, Carver spoke. He had been listening for some time now, but he felt it was best he voice his concern now. "Let us be not so hasty, friend. Though the circumstances of our mutual meeting have been... less than ideal, it would be presumptuous to assume that there is no virtue in this man." The knight glanced around the table. "I am troubled, friends. In this land I have seen much degradation - the people who I pass fear me, for they have suffered abuses at the hands of men in armor. I arrived in this place seeking to offer my aid, as did Amon; but we have been disregarded. My pride is not so important that this should be a great offense, yet it is troubling. It is troubling that we have been warned away from speaking to the king for fear of our safety, and it is most troubling of all that this innocent maiden," he gestured sympathetically to Amalthea, "Has been so affected by his treatment. You say he cares only for her comings and goings - but a king must have eyes for the good of his people." The knight rose. "I intend to have audience with the King, and I wish that you all might accompany me. Amon, you have shown yourself to be clever, and of noble heart; and Fletcher, while we may disagree in your actions, you are still skilled, and your compassion for the Lady is clear. If we have our audience, and do not like what we hear, I believe you may be valuable allies to me in doing... what must be done. What say you all?"</s> <|message|>The Lady Amalthea (Yes, I will be rping my name sake) The Lady Amalthea glanced over her shoulder from her watch at the fire towards the men as her lips pursed. A sorrowful look crept over her features, a lonesome sigh passing from her. Molly pinched the bridge of her nose slightly and let out a huff before peeking outside of the kitchen to make sure the king was not there before looking back at them. "You would not understand. The king only keeps two things in his presence. That is what is needed and that which makes him happy. A few guards is all he needs to keep his kingdom in line for he has other things which tend to all needs. I am only here because he feels I am needed for the Lady Amalthea and.." she paused as she cat rubbed up against her leg, the gentle tap of its pegleg echoing from the stone. "The Lady Amalthea is the only thing which makes him happy," she sighed. The Lady Amalthea looked down grimly before turning her head and looking back at the flames flickering in the hearth. "You will have your meeting in the morning," Molly began but was cut off as the last rays of sun set and the castle quaked slightly from beneath, a gravely high pitched roar echoing through the stone.</s> <|message|>Wallace Fletcher never Wallace. He rarely allows people to call him Wally. Usually just Fletcher Wally would have loved to keep snapping at the other man whose name he did not know. He was arrogant and was a terrible person behind his attitude. Talking about killing him and all that yet pretending to be a good person. It was always fun to deal with hypocrites. Wally liked the knight guy more. He seemed more stable than this other man. Wally looked over at the servant woman. "Willing to bet I could get her out if I have a bit of time. Also these two seem competent fighters should we need it. " He said as he tried to figure out his plan. Wally pushed the sword back down before he stood up. "Well I like you more than this guy so I am with you." He said to the knight guy. "Push come to shove we could just climb over the wall like how I got in. Or just run down the path. I like the stealthy way more. We would need a distraction though." He said clearly trying to make a plan of how to get out of this place. "Though maybe we should meet the King. I mean I didn't climb the cliffs for nothing." He said as he adjusted his gear. "Never did catch either of your names." He said leaning against the wall so the angry guy could not keep his sword on him. "What was that roar? Are we not alone here?" He said as he drew his daggers.</s> <|message|>Amon Amon smiled once more, the thief's harsh description wasn't wrong, but then again Amon never thought of himself as a good man. He was ruthless when he needed to be and was more than willing to manipulate others if he had to. But he did have a strong sense of honour and justice that overrode all other considerations, and the man had technically done nothing wrong... other than breaking and entering, of course. He sheathed his sword and clasped the case of his scrying glass, it was cold to the touch… a scowl formed on his face something was about to happen... He looked to the thief who had just asked him his name 'My name is Amon, if you are to accompany Ser Carver then I shall do likewise. I shan't let my new friend go into danger with nothing more than a rogue at his side.' Suddenly the whole castle seemed to shake, pain shot through Amon and his back arched and he gasped as the whole castle seemed to shake. He fell to his knees fists clenched, he punched the ground and lightning crackled in his fist. The rumbling stopped and returning to his feet saw that Wally had drawn two daggers, Amon's sword was in his hand instantly and the lightning that had been forced out of him continued to crackle in his hand. 'I do not know what that was, but I do not like it. Whatever this King Hagard has done I am going to speak to him now!' spat Amon through clenched teeth 'Ser Carver I will let you take the lead, Wally I assume we can look over the interrogation until we find out what in the name of the sands is going on here! Lady Amalthea, Molly I suggest you either find some guards or stay behind us. I for one intend to challenge this king and if he is as quick to anger as you would suggest then I shan't think he'll be in the best of moods.'</s> <|message|>The Lady Amalthea (Yes, I will be rping my name sake) The Lady Amalthea seemed unmoved by the sudden shift of the castle, simply rising from her place as Molly watched her. Grasping the silken folds of her gown she paced lightly over to the opening of the kitchen make to the main corridor. Molly took a long breath as she righted several earthenware cups that had toppled over. "That was the Red Bull, he has awaken for the evening," Molly said, seemingly as unphased as the Lady Amalthea was. "He burns, shaking the earth," The Lady Amalthea said in a soft voice as her hand rested against the cold stone. "He drives them, to the sea." "And he will drive the Lady Amalthea there if you try to take her," Molly warned as she sat there.</s>
<|message|>Ein Finch It had to be admitted in Eins mind that honestly, what she was doing right now was probably very dumb and went against nearly all caution. Inviting an armor-clad stranger who, quite clearly had mentioned ending the lives of some unfortunate bandit group without even blinking an eye, into the safety of her home was probably the riskiest thing she'd done since settling down in this forest. But none of that really concerned her then, not the caution in the wind nor the obvious danger that her newest guest might present, and it wasn't solely her hungry stomach that convinced her either. This stranger saw something about her, something Ein was quite positive she could no longer see herself. The stranger looked at her in a way that none of the mundane villagers had before, and the vague sense that this woman wasn't entirely human herself rustled somewhere in the back of her mind. Perhaps it was simply reaching, and not worth the risk if she were wrong, but the desperation that Ein had for finding even the smallest piece of information left her willing to place common sense aside. "I haf fresh provisions if you vould allow me to...hrm..." The strangers voice quickly shook her from her musing, and she momentarily glanced at them, but didn't answer their unfinished offer. A patient smile covered her lips while she waited for them to speak again, curious as to what they were trying to get across. After a moment, they began again, their voice accompanied by the jingling of coins. "I cannot go into town, alone...iz suspicious. Ehn I can pay you quite vell to let me stay for even just ze night. Zeh dirt unt stones pale to the simplest of roofs over mein head., zeht vould be enough." Ein had to admit, she never expected the stranger to be so earnest, and by the sound of their coin purse, generous as well. Her cool expression wavered for only a moment, filled with a softer expression, before the smiled again and nodded. "Okay, that's fine. I don't have a guest bed though, so you'll have to settle for the floor." She while poking at her cheek. "Although, I have plenty of blankets and maybe some extra straw mats, so we should be able to put together something more comfortable than the rocks out here." She added confidently. Tall armored stranger or not, it seemed a bit cruel to leave someone to sleep outdoors in a forest such as this one. Besides, there was no turning back now, Ein noted after turning ahead. Slowly becoming more visible through the thicket that surrounded it, was a small stone cabin with a thickly thatched roof. They approached from the front, where a single unlit window and a tall oak doorway welcomed them, worn by what looked like decades of standing. "I'll just need a moment put my cart away." She spoke while wheeling towards the side of the cabin. The back was just as covered by thickets as the front, hiding away the small garden and toolshed that sat behind the tiny building. Ein parked the cart right beside the shed and began to pull out baskets and set them inside. Finally, she pulled her saber from the cart and loosely hung it from her shoulder before heading towards the cabins backdoor. She waved for her guest to follow before disappearing inside the cabin. The inside of the structure would seem just as small as the outside led you to believe, but the few vases of spring flowers and vibrant paintings that decorated every corner of the house made it feel cozy and warm. The majority of the space was used as sitting space, with a few chairs and a nice sized dining table, which Ein passed by quickly to reach the small kitchen that sat in the farthest right corner of the home. In the opposite sat a woodstove. Above them, only covered by a thin railing, was an open loft. "Make yourself at home." Ein offered politely from one of the kitchens counters. Hung by a nail in the wall just a bit beside her, though not hidden to anyone in the room, sat her saber.</s>
<|description|>Charlie MonVeinu Age: 19 Gender: Male General Appearance: Charlie stands at 5'6 with a thin build and paling skin. His eyes are a soft brown to match his hair of a similar color. His jawline is defined and his face angular. Bags under his eyes and a slightly hooked nose, he has a sort of sharp look to him. Slightly overgrown nails and hair down to his neck leave him looking a bit ragged, though he keeps himself well groomed. Often wearing lazy clothing in the ways of jeans and big sweaters, he seems the type to always be tired yet never sleep. His shoes are the most colorful thing on his person, being bright red converse. Orb Color: Greyish green Class: SPIRIT ARCHER: A class centered on extra long to long ranged fighting. It centers on creating arrows of different applications and firing them with astounding power generated from the soul rather than the body. Agile while moving, though must be stationary to fire. A class that needs to control their pace in battle. They use no physical equipment and have a large mana pool by necessity. Class Appearance: A figure clad all in black they wear slightly baggy clothes designed to be light and stay out of the way while also not clinging to the skin. Armor is made of leather at the best times, mainly in the chest area and the appendages. Black chains wrap around the shoulders and around the waist, with small skull ornaments dressing it. A ragged black cloak is draped over the wearers shoulders and easily unclips at the neck. Skills: The innate ability to summon their spiritual great-bow, and the ability to craft basic explosive mana arrows. Being a large and extra long ranged weapon, it is slow, takes stillness to fire, and packs a punch. Cross Skills: Skills activated with a partner or partners, either passive bonuses or activated abilities. Locked until discovered. Passive: "Personal artillery" The user is able to double their fire rate for an extended period of time, and half their shots are mana-free. [LOCKED] Limit Break: "Banshee rain" The skulls adorning the wearer cease to be useless and come to life. The user is rooted in place with a mana shield surrounding them, while the skulls let loose a torrential downpour of mid-ranged explosive and slowing arrows. The power and time this ability lasts is dependent on the users mana pool. [LOCKED] Inventory: A small notebook and pencil. Name: Sofie Anders Age: 20 Gender: Female General Appearance: Sofie is a short and slightly heavyset girl with hair dyes blue and freckles. Her eyes are large, almond shaped and cool blue. Her skin is a tad bit sun brushed. She stands at 5'2 at most. Her freckles also speckle her shoulders and legs. She is often seen wearing a hat over her pixie cut, as well as comfy yet stylish clothing. She likes floral patterns. Their is a tattoo of a curled up robin on her left shoulder. She is missing the top half of her left pinkie finger. Orb Color: Cotton candy blue Class: MUSE: A class that deals in both supporting it's allies and debilitating their enemies. Using sound based attacks and spells, they can shift the flow of battle quite well. Not entirely useful on their lonesome, they are a cog in the machine. Sometimes the one that makes it move. Another class with a large mana pool out of need. Class Appearance: Wearing a flowing and simplistic white dress, those of this class seem to literally radiate. Sometimes seen with a laurel of gold on their heads, they are made to seem very angelic and very "good" Long silken white gloves stretch from the users fingers to above their elbows. Golden anklets sit above the simple white slippers on the wearers feet. Skills: Enrich: The user sings a melody, which raises the attack speed and power of their allies within their aoe. It can also heal allies, if they stay still and do nothing. It's healing does effect the user. Cross Skills: Duet: This ability changes no matter who it is used with. A song is crafted in an instant and sung to the partner, which can have a large range of powerful effects, whether they are extremely empowering or surprisingly destructive. [LOCKED] Limit Break: Siren: A mournful ballad is sung, drawing all enemies near then stunning them, after the song ends and the stun wears off, all enemies who were effected receive the poison, slow, cursed, blinded, and confused debuffs. While also being pushed back. [LOCKED] Inventory: A gold harp, a pack of bubblegum.</s> <|message|>Theo Ambrose "Pleased to meet you," the skeleton known as Dead Dan finished as he approached, holding out a massive bony hand to shake. Theo took it cheerfully, a sudden mirth filling his chest. "I'm Theo," he said, as the mirth escaped him in a loud laugh. He bent over, slapping his knee. "I'm sorry," Theo said when he began to recover. "I just never expected a skeleton to talk like that. I was thinking more of a, 'I'm here to take your soul' sort of thing." He made his voice deep and puffed up his chest at the last words, then laughed again. Sudden realization hit him. He's obviously from Earth, just like the rest of us. "Hey, Dan," Theo said. "What kind of Class is a skeleton?"</s> <|message|>Daniel Mortcraft commonly referred to as "Dead Dan" "Oh i am a lich" he answered quickly "this place is pretty cool" "and i can still do soul thing but i think you would have to be dead first theo"@Tancuras</s> <|message|>Gaius Rembrant Gaius was suddenly slammed by something from behind and was sent flying. "Hya?!" He let out a somewhat pitiable sound, before being caught by the man in white. As he was herded behind him, Gaius silently facepalmed. I'm being treated like a kid again! he thought to himself, frustrated. You do look like one though... Unable to retort, Gaius sighed and poked his head out from behind, watching the others that came, while Theo and 'Dead Dan' talked. Realizing that he still didn't introduce himself, he quickly spoke up. "M-my name's Gaius!" he said, looking up at the two. Meanwhile, the orb drifted slowly towards his face. Sounding almost sympathetic, it said, ... You really are like a lot like a kid... Shut up.</s> <|message|>Rosa Miller Rosa turned to see the girl who responded with something about drinks. She smiled as she walked towards the girl. "You funny, I like you!" Rosa said with a smile. Her baseball bat still in one hand. "I'm Rosa! I chose to be a Beserker knight!" Rosa said with a smile as she held out a hand to shake the girls hand. Rosa had noticed someone else figuring out more of what to do with the orbs. "Hey orb! Do what that orb just did!" Rosa said looking towards her orb as it floated towards her. It opened up to the menu, Rosa looked at it a bit before turning it to the Party menu. "Why don't we make a party, what do you say?" Rosa said after the girl gave Rosa her name. Lance meanwhile looked around the area, his helmet fully on. Everyone seemed to be finding people to partner with. He walked towards a man with a rifle on him. "Hey there! How you doing! I'm Lance, apparently I'm a blue Ranger." Lance said introducing himself to the man. He put a finger up to his next and pushed a button undoing his helmet so his face could be seen. "So what do you make of this place?" Lance asked the man as he looked around. Lance was clearly the youngest out of all the people here. He liked the idea of teaming up with someone with long range attacks, and it seemed that Rosa had the same idea on this matter.</s> <|message|>Theo Ambrose Theo laughed again at Dan's words. A Lich, huh? I didn't know the magic here could change us so much. "Hey, Skeletor," Theo said. "Since you're just bones now, can you still feel pain?" To help Dan come to a conclusion, Theo gave him a light punch on the arm. "M-my name's Gaius!" The black-clad boy suddenly spoke up. He seemed troubled by something, as the look on his face betrayed. Ah, Theo thought. He must hate being the youngest of us. The Sundancer turned to Gaius. "Hey, man," he said, patting the boy on the shoulder. "What did you pick? You look like a ninja." @Sagittarius</s> <|message|>Daniel Mortcraft commonly referred to as "Dead Dan" Dan chuckled at his impromptu nickname he then heard Theo's question then felt him punch him in the arm "to answer you're question Gandalf, not really" he said while shaking his head "but this gives me an idea" he said once again so he toke a hold of his skull then pulled and wallah his head came off. "And it seems that i was correct and it seem because i am dead" he then held his skull and stretched his arm out "i can take of my head and recite Shakespearean quotation" he sang as he put his head back on and bowed "Thank you all have been a wonderful audience" then looked over to Gaius "no need to be shy little dude" @Sagittarius</s>
<|message|>Charlie MonVeinu After a short nauseating eternity, Charlie Anders felt the world stop not being there. Coming to suddenly have sense once more, he stood shakily on his feet. Paling and holding his hands out for support, he breathed in and out deeply. "I'm good." He stated aloud, seconds before sliding against a wall and down to his rump. "Still good." He assured himself. The living light that had brought him here sung lowly ahead of him. The somewhat green thing seeming to stare into him. "Come now Charlie, we are slightly behind." Charlie didn't exactly understand what was going on still, but he just sort of sighed and nodded in a defeated way, before putting a fair bit of effort into standing, and subsequenly following his illuminating guide out of the stone holding he was in. Coming into a dimly lit plane, he looked about at quite a few other figure, all conversing, with their own respective orbs near them. "Alright. I got this." Shaking out some nervousness he felt the new fabric and pressure on his body. Looking over himself he realized he had already become his new self. "Convenient." He stated with some slight trepidation. "Quite, now. Mingle." Less of an order and more of a slight scolding, the orb told Charlie what to do yet again. And of course Charlie complied. "Uh...Hello!" He shrugged out to the crowd. While a certain giant skeleton was drawing most of his attention, he was open to anyone. Though he figured the blue ranger and actual ranger near him would be a fair place to start. --- Coming from the streamers of light and vanishing universe, Sofie giggled at herself as she felt the cold ground under her. She didn't know what had happened, nor where she was, but she knew she must look quite silly. "Okay! Okay! I'm here!" she managed between laughs. The orb that had brought her buzzed in circles around her head. "Yes, yes! Here!" After some slow paced adjusting, Sofie found herself in her new garb before she had even left the building. Pacing out of the stone thing she admired her new and fascinating self. Eventually her eyes rising to the large collection of people standing ahead of her. "Oh right. Friends!" She said in a jovial manner. Her orb bobbed next to her. "Friends!" It said happily. Looking to the beings all around she scanned for who she most wanted to meet first. Of course some characters seemed more...unique, then others, she spotted someone quite young, and thought she might want to say hello to him first. Bounding her way over she took in eye-fulls of the others, setting a list of people she would soon be befriending. Coming up quickly to the boy though, she slowed and beamed at him at his side. "Lovely night!" was all she said to the three.</s>
<|description|>Phoebe Jasmine Sarin Don't let the picture fool you. The height of the mechsuit at most is eight feet tall. --- Alias: Exusia Age: 21 Nationality: American. Occupation: Soldier/Mech Pilot. Team: Soldier 76 Abilities: Neutral Ability: Rage. The main draw of the Berserk Armor is the experimental core that was placed inside of it. It is outfitted with a special device that converts incoming fire into power. The more damage the Berserk Armor takes, the more powerful it's standard weapon becomes, and the faster it gets (It also charges it's ultimate faster). Up to 15%. Weapon Ability: Heavy Pulse Rifle. The Primary fire of the Berserk Armor is a massive machine gun that has thirty-rounds before it's needed to reload. It fires at a pretty steady rate that'd tear anyone who gets hit by it to pieces... but, unfortunately, the Heavy Pulse Rifle is incredibly inaccurate, so it's required that the Berserk Armor is close before Phoebe starts unloading on the enemies. But, if Phoebe uses burst fire, she can get around this issue at the cost of doing less damage per second. Special Ability 1: Quickboost. As the Berserk Armor's only real mobility option, the armor can activate it's boosters for a powerful, instantaneous, thrust. A quick boost of speed that will propel the Berserk Armor forward, or upwards, creating a massive flare that is quite noticeable. Anyone in the way will certainly be in for a surprise. It can only be preformed once every eight seconds. Special Ability 2: Stun-Mines. Out of the Berserk-Armor's shoulders comes a barrage of at least a dozen little mines that stick to whatever surface they land on. After a few seconds, the mines will explode in a flash of light and stun anyone nearby. Allowing allies to get the drop on them. The Stun-Mines can only be used once every twelve seconds. Ultimate Ability: Assault-Armor. The pinnacle of the Berserk Armor's ability is the Assault Armor. By gathering all the energy that was collected from the oncoming onslaught, the Berserk-Armor gets a powerful shield around it that triples it's durability, grants a noticeable speed boost (and a six-second reduction to Quickboost), and the fire-rate doubles. In this state, the Berserk Armor is supposed to be a juggernaut that is very difficult to take down. However, it takes ages to charge the Ultimate. Biography: Phoebe was born with a lot going for her. Her parents were Overwatch Agents during it's golden age, and thus, they were never around. Phoebe was entrusted to the hands of her aunt, but she kept her eyes and ears glued to the news and idolized her parents. Having dreams of joining Overwatch when she comes of age... but, her parents told her that the organization wasn't what it seems, and is deeply corrupt, but Phoebe just wanted to become legends just like them. Heroes that save the world. When Overwatch disbanded, Phoebe was devastated, but she finally got to spend time with her parents, and finally live a normal life. She went to highschool, made friends, and had fun with the family learning all about their stories in Overwatch. It was an idyllic dream of hers... that came crashing when she woke up to her parents being withered husks. That was the single worst moment of her life. Going from calling for help, to explaining to the authorities that she just found them husks. Then she was approached by a special man from the UN who explained to her that former Agents of Overwatch were being targeted by Talon... and that she should cover her tracks to protect herself. Assuming a new name, Phoebe didn't want to run off and hid, but she was forced to. However, the first thing Phoebe did was join the US Military. She was going to become a hero one way or another. She demonstrated an insane talent for both combat skills, and piloting... where she was selected for an experimental project of the military. One where soldiers were going to be outfitted with top of the line Powered Armors to change the battle against other nations - and terrorist organizations - forever. Phoebe accepted, and was introduced to their most experimental armor yet - the Berserk Armor. This powersuit was a beast, and Phoebe gladly accepted it. She was put under training for the Berserk Armor. However, while all of this was happening, the return of Overwatch became apparent, and their battle against Talon almost inspired Phoebe to steal the Berserk Armor and fight them... but, she knew that her time would come where she can battle Talon and save the world. Extra/Theme: Health: 100 Armor: 400 Height: 5'10ft (Out of Armor), 8ft (In Armor) Weight: 145lb (Out of Armor), 3225lb (In Armor)</s> <|message|>Aiden Paris Lux --- Aiden Paris or better yet Lux was making his way to the meeting room to meet up with his teammates and leader for their upcoming mission. Lux walked past the giant gorilla that was one of the leaders of Overwatch, Lux simply nodded his head at Winston and continue making his way to the meeting room. Lux found his time at Overwatch strange, there were many strange individuals and even stranger situations they found themselves in, but all the high-end tech kept him entertain and interested in staying with Overwatch. When Entering the meeting room he saw a strange sight, for a second he stared at the scene without a word, then suddenly he let out a sigh and made his way next to Michael and before taking a seat Lux noticed that some of the seats were wobbly as he moved his hands over them, Lux silently moved the chair back and forth before letting out a second exhausted sigh of disbelief this morning and using his synthetic arms to create a seat for him to sit on next to Michael. The chair he sat on was made of Hard-light and it was as stable as they come. "So... what are we to do?" Lux questioned as he crossed his leg over the other one. Medix --- Gertrude or Medix as she's better known as was writing in a clipboard on her research, subtly, she smirked as she wrote down the results of her most recent test subject who was laying on the exam table, restrained although unneeded and dying painfully from radiation poisoning and various cases of cancers and tumors throughout his body. This would further improve the effectiveness of her radiation gun. As she was writing down the successful results of her testing the subject woke up, his eyes weakly opened as he tried to endure past all the pain to say, "Why won't you let me die..." His voice was shaky and weak, Medix almost didn't hear the man due to how pathetic he sounded. "Simple, My Dear, you betrayed Talon and I needed a test subject and you had the most fortuitous of timing to betray us." Medix mocked as she bopped him on the chest, where she knew a tumor was growing tremendously, the man let out a groan in pain as she poked him. Medix let out a giggle before speaking once again. "Don't worry dear, I let you die once you prove to be of no more use... Which should be a couple more month of intense testing then I kill you myself how does that sound?" Medix mocked the test subject, the man let out a pathetic sound between a sob and a cough. Suddenly a message came on the intercom telling all agents to come to the Hanger Control center, which included her. Medix huffed up then let out a dramatic sigh, "Lucky you, you get a couple days to relax in your pain and bodily fluids, until I return to make you suffer." Medix said in mock anger before she let out a grin as she got up and put her clipboard on a nearby table and walked towards the door before she left though the door she looked back to her test subject and said "Ta-ta, for now." She waved then went through the door. As she walked down the hall her jovial grin turned to a more stern expression as she quickly made her way through the Talon Base to the Hanger. After a minute of walking, she arrived at the Hanger Control center, with her follow agents, Sanguine, Reaper, and Viper. Viper, as expected was covered in bodily filth and blood which she simply rolled her eyes at, normally she would've reprimanded him for his lack of cleanliness and decency, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Sanguine, on the other hand, made a snide jab about the former's attire, Medix couldn't help but agree by saying, "hygiene was never our dear Viper's strong suit, but he's still useful to us even if should've changed before the meeting." Medix snidely commented, agreeing with Sanguine, her relationship with the man was a strange case, he was a double agent of sorts, a type Medix wouldn't trust, but she seen the use of somebody like him even if she doesn't agree with his double alliances. Medix without saying anything else simply sat down on a chair and waited for the meeting to commence. Hopefully, it won't take them too long to deal with it, the test subject only has so many days before dying from his numerous assortment of diseases.</s> <|message|>Alfonso Jiménez D-A "S'cuse me." The cyborg said as he zipped past several halls of the Headquarters, not even bothering to say sorry or check to see some of the people he'd bumped into. One of them even shouted at him but he could've really cared less, "I'll just say sorry later. Not my problem..." He had a bad habit of making late appearances whenever meetings were concerned, a thing he carried over from his school days. He scoffed when he thinks that some things refuse to change about people, but he really wasn't in any position to judge. Scooting over another hall, the mechanical young man thought to himself that he wasn't even late. The thought repeating itself inside his head, first impressions are always good, and arriving late would just ruin it. After picking up the pace, he had found his face meeting with the door to the briefing room. Pausing for a few moments to gussy up, he entered the room only to see... "Oh Great..." He groaned as he saw Tickles McGee and their great leader doing...Whatever it is what Tickles does best. Putting one of his palms in his face, he just took the nearest seat and tried to forget what was currently happening. Thankfully, he wasn't late, well...At least he doesn't think so, I mean there were still lots of seats open and there were only five guys, counting him. One of them, Lux, (was that his name? D-A doesn't remember.) asked what they're going to do now. D-A responded with, "Beats me. You guys can think of anything fun we can do while waiting?" He glanced at T.H. once and didn't even wait for him to look back. "Preferably an activity that DOESN'T include tickling of any sorts."</s> <|message|>Zhi-Ya Chen Zhi-Ya Chen --- Staying up all night is always a big mistake. But for the great Zhi-Ya Chen, all nighters were nothing at all! All she needed was a good mug of coffee and a table covered in machine parts to keep her going. However, time flies when you're having fun, and making new creations was the definition of fun to this young combat engineer. This time it was a hover board. A custom-made hover board to be exact. It was similar to the one she made as a teenager, but this time it was unlikely to explode upon activation. By the time she was done crafting the board, she looked at the clock. 9:40am. "Ah.. whoops.." Zhi-ya hurriedly cleaned herself up, changing into her combat gear. 9:43am. "I got to hurry!" Zhi-Ya panicked as she activated her hover board, hopping onto it. She opened her door remotely before launching herself down the corridor. She couldn't afford to be late for the mission announcement. Such tardiness back in the Taiwanese military would get her shot.. Not really, but lowered rations felt the same. She sped down the hallways at high speeds, coming close to crashing into multiple people. If anyone else was nearby by, all they'd hear is a profuse amount of apologies in Mandarin and someone shouting. Zhi-Ya overshot the meeting room, crashing into the floor as she attempted to dismount the high speed board. She managed to do a recovery roll, only to get hit by her board as it came hurtling from behind her. "Ow.." she groaned as she got back onto her feet. Her drone, that was following behind her, made a robotic chuckling noise as it's creator began walking to the room. Zhi-Ya gave the drone a flick in response. The engineer walked into the room, already looking a little tired and beat up. 9:44am. Just in time.. To see the infamous tickle monster attacking his latest victim. All she could do was shake her head before looking at the others who were already here. "Good morning~" She greeted with a slightly tired smile.</s>
<|message|>Phoebe Jasmine Sarin Phoebe spent her morning in the practice range. Out of the Berserk Armor, of course. She felt like she was... over-relying on it. The Berserk Armor was a powerful weapon, but what if it gets destroyed? Then she'll be absolutely defenseless as she lacks the natural abilities the other Overwatch members have (And she lacks the personal tech the Deltawatch members do). So, she was in the shooting range with an assault rifle that she "borrowed." She was opening fire on the bots while they make obnoxious noises. Hey, that made it easier to shoot them down with impunity. Phoebe had training with the US military, and now she's going to put all of it to good use. The bots went down like flies as her aim was nothing to make jokes about. But, instead of wildly firing like a psychopath, she merely demonstrated trigger discipline. She needed to warm up for the upcoming mission, anyway. However, she heard the distinct sound of a certain weapon flying through the air. She knew exactly what it was... she merely hung her rifle up as she peaked around the corner to see the cybernetic Genji Shimada. She heard about his sad tale... but a part of her wondered if Mercy is a pervert for giving him an ass like that. She bit her lip as she merely slid back behind the wall. She had to get ready for the operation, after all. Hanging up her rifle, Phoebe walked over towards the briefing room in a brisk-pace. She realized she was dressed pretty casually in just a T-shirt, jeans, and some boots, but who cares when she's just going to hop into her mech. All of her team is here - even the other team. But, her eyes landed on Louis... and gave him a disturbed look. "Yo, Louis," Phoebe said as she sat down, far away from the medic. "Keep your little tickle stick away from me... and kids while we're at it."</s>
<|description|>Oriel Schulz "Eternal Flame, burn away my body, my life, and my past so that I may take back my hope, my pride, and my future!" Gender: Female Age: 22 Description: A fair-skinned young woman with golden hair and cyan eyes, Oriel hails from a nation to the west of the main capital of Elementia. Standing at 6'1", she is taller than most women. Despite the air of nobility she carries about herself, she also bears scars from the battles she fought trying to secure her station, as well as the musculature that comes with her weapon's usage. Knight Element: Fire Animal Familiar: Dragon Hatchling, roughly the size of a Gila Monster. Can barely spout flames on its own, but is durable, and has potential to grow into a full sized dragon within her lifespan. Armor Style: An ornate set of red armor inherited from her father beneath a matching crimson tabard, treasured dearly by Oriel. The design is minimalistic beneath the tabard, allowing for it to still allow for optimal range of movements when using her sword. The armor itself is comparable to Gothic Style Plate Armor, and a matching Sallet is what she usually dons to protect her head. The gauntlets are gilded on the wrists as the greaves are decorated at the ankles with an image of a crown with a lion's head sitting at the center on the back. Her father's great sword, a length of steel at 5'8" with an ornate etching in the center. Received as an ornamental weapon for his valor in battle, it was never intended for use in real combat, but upon having to flee her homeland, Oriel fashioned it into a blade worth fighting with by having a smith shorten the blade to make it faster to swing with. In addition, in case of a closer quarters engagement, she carries a dagger on her hip. History: Born the first and only child to a Lord by the name of Aldebrand Schulz, Oriel's early life was spent in contentment and happiness with her father and mother at her side. By the age of four however, her mother's life would be taken by a terrible fever that left her father alone to care for her, and without a guiding hand to raise her into a proper young woman, Aldebrand instead saw that he would raise within her the only thing he knew how to upbring: A Soldier. A warrior. Even as a young child, he was firm in his teachings to her, practice sword lessons, sparring, even spending her idle hours playing "Hero" with the local village children...if she wasn't asleep, it seemed there was practice to be had. Such an upbringing lead Oriel to become extremely competitive and pride-driven, proud of the talent she'd cultivated with her father. Of course, an idle sword-hand is of little use to anyone. Starting with no favorable treatment as a low ranking infantryman in her father's regimen, it was hard for her to grow accustomed to the life of a soldier, and even harder to be accepted by the fellows in her company. As time permised however, she would grow close and forge a bond of camaraderie with them that was shared; Even if she was the Lord's daughter, she had to struggle for every smile she saw in the barracks. The years would go by as her father's men served the King of Elementia, and although the king's deeds were questionable, her father's loyalty remained to him. By the age of 20, Oriel would engage in her first actual battle and took her first life on the fields of war. Blood on her hands, the young woman soon found that she hadn't truly thought about what being a soldier meant. It seemed to shake her to her least for a time. But, as all soldiers did, she adapted. It was either that or meeting death from another more willing adversary who shared not her remorse. Half a year of fighting before she was able to return home, only to soon find that despite her father's loyalty to the King, he soon grew fearful of the charisma that Aldebrand possessed, as well as his military prowess. With little effort, their home was entered, and her father met his end at the hands of a band of assassins bearing the King's sigil on their weapons. With her only family now perished, and her own life being pursued by those with the approval of the King, she fled and found refuge in the home of a kindly sage who was the proprietor of a library. Having now spent roughly a year out of practice and in hiding, Oriel was merely on a trip to the market before she heard the news of her "Knighthood." Now, she has a new goal in mind with her power...taking the throne from the man who spat upon her father's life, and cementing herself as Queen.</s> <|message|>Telius Arden Moments after asking the archers to return fire, give them a chance to escape, the Knight of Wind lost the initial respect that Telius had for everyone before he got to the know them. Instead of simply saying that her weapons didn't have the range for it and ending it there, she rushed off as if alone she could actually do anything. "What the fuck are you doing!" He called after her, but she was already gone. Telius absolutely never swore, swearing was for people who couldn't come up with a more clever response. In this case, it just seemed to suit the situation well. Mira attempted to return fire alone, using some sort of magic to do so. As she did, Telius felt strange. There was nothing unpleasant or seemingly harmful about it. If anything, it was exhilarating. It was short lived tnough, Mira only got the chance to fire off one or two arrows before a lucky shot caught her in the shoulder. Telius called it lucky because he wasn't sure if the enemy could even see them or not, and because it could have hit something much worse than shoulder. Shoulders healed relatively easily, only body parts did not. The Knight of Metal offered a plan, a way for them to escape. A plan that turned Telius' stomach. He didn't like it at all, but if that was their only choice then he'd go with it. The use of corpses was completely and utterly wrong though. The Knight of Fire liked it as little as he did, and offered the use of her armor instead. It was the Knight of Earth who offered a better solution. With an impressive show of strength, he kicked, then pried, the entire side of the wagon off, ordering the Knight of Fire to use it as a shield. The Knight of Earth then ordered Telius to help Mira, which he would have done anyway. It was his fault she got hit after all, though he put just as such blame on the Knight of Wind. He bristled slightly at the last comment of don't remove the arrow. What did they take him for, an idiot? Of course they did, he was a noble, what could he possibly know about battle? He was better than making a comment though and held his tongue. Instead he did exactly what he had been planning on doing anyway. He gentle grabbed hold of Mira's good arm, and slung it across his shoulders, his free hand he slid around behind her and placed it a polite distance above her hip. "Lean on me as much as you need, I've supported far heavier people than you." He said, giving her a reassuring smile.</s> <|message|>Alya Frei The Capital, Elementia --- As Alya moved through the crowd, her shared vision with Akash spotted most, if not all the archers. While she acknowledged that it wasn't the best idea to split from the group, she knew that she could easily get back to them if need be. Given that one or two of the enemies had been killed or incapacitated by the other knights, it should be a lot easier on herself to hunt them down. It seemed that they didn't realize her position. The huntress was already onto them. Alya had swiftly climbed onto a roof, her foot steps as silent as a feather. The closest archer was still focused on the other knights down below, which was very much in her favor. The concept of bait was often not something that amateurs like these thought about, although calling the others 'bait' might be a little extreme. She waited a moment before putting the blowpipe to her lips, 'fft..' The dart flew true, piercing the neck of one of the archers. He slumped over and rolled off the roof, his body flopping onto the stone below. Staying out of sight behind the tiles of the peaking roof, she unsheathed her boomerang, letting it fly immediately. The weapon curved as it made it's journey back to it's owner; however Alya had thrown it at a wider angle, the blunt weapon crashing into another ambusher's skull with a loud 'THUNK', knocking him out.. She'll need to pick that up later. Four down so far. She glanced back at the wagon in the distance; they hadn't moved all that much, which was concerning. It's not like she would've been that helpful if she was there. Her shared vision kept view of a few more enemies, but they looked a little uncertain now that their numbers had been cut down.</s> <|message|>Mira Bellwood Mira smiled back at Telius and she leaned on him. She felt strange with his hand around her waist. She smiled as she noticed he was being polite and placing his hand above her hips like a true gentleman. After a few minutes of her leaning on him she felt stronger. She looked at him "Do you know what is going on right now?" She asked him as she dodged arrows "And I am not talking about the ambush of arrows that we are under. I feel stronger just leaning on you" She know she might sound crazy but she really didn't give a shit right now. She tuned into her fox about then. Feyla was doing just as she told. She blended into her surrounding like a ghost. She found the archer that hit Mira. Feyla lunged at his throat biting and tearing at it. How are you doing my darling girl? Mire asked through their bond. Feyla responded killed one after more. Mira smiled as she saw through her foxes eyes. "That is my girl" She said out loud. Once again looking at Telius "How are we going to get out of here? We need to get everyone to safety before we lose anyone else."</s> <|message|>Sidero Denholm Sidero prepared himself, every muscle in his body at the ready to throw himself out of the wagon and into the volleys of arrows. The Knight of fire spoke up, offering her armor for protection... Sidero seemed to doubt that the medium armor would even fit him, but it was far better than disgracing corpses. He was already untying the corpses and gently laying them down against the ground, before the snapping of wood caused his head to dart towards the knight of earth. He had kicked sections of the left and right walls of the wagon, and was taking the thick wooden walls off after using his large war hammer to loosen them. Pulling them free, he relayed his own plan. Of course, nothing provided the perfect defense against arrows - even steel could be punctured by a strong bowman and a sharp arrow. But wood would provide a much better defense than flesh, and would weigh far less heavily on Sidero's mind. Untying the knight of lightings corpse, Sidero gently laid the two down near the front of the wagon, and was just about to grab one of the walls before Arno's orders became directed at him. Complying, Sidero gently took the armor case from Oriel, before turning it on it's side and picking it up. Compared to the bodies, it was far lighter to carry. Quickly, Sidero looked around the wagon, realizing that 2 people were gone! The knight of darkness left the wagon before the attack even began, but Alya seemed to have disappeared while Sidero wasn't looking. Rising to his feet with the armor case in tow, Sidero made his way to the very back of the group, as Arno instructed. He must have had far more experience with human opponents, so falling his orders would be the best for the groups survival. The knight of Spirit and Arcane were together, and Sidero made sure to protect them with the armor case since Telius had his hands full helping Mira. Sidero was the person furthest back on the wagon, as Arno commanded, and after giving a downcast look at the corpses, he nodded towards the others to show that he was ready to move on their order. Sidero sighed gently, trying not to focus on the corpses and their fate. He resolved to come and retrieve the corpses after the assassination attempt was taken care of and the coast was clear.</s>
<|message|>Oriel Schulz By now, Oriel was already greatly appreciating Arno's service as he devised a far better plan than either her or Sidero had. Mira's notion to move to safety was a work in progress as Oriel hoisted the wagon wall up as a shield. Her hands were armored, so the best a shot could do would be to break a finger or two, given that gauntlets were kind of awesome like that. "Go!" she shouted, taking a step out and raising the shield to protect herself and those behind her. She could only hope that they follow through with her...They needed to treat Mira's wound quickly or risk her injury aggravating. She'd advance at sufficiently slow speeds to ensure that Mira, Telius, Sidero, and Arno were protected from any initial volleys, although lobbed shots would likely still be an issue. As two arrows thunked against the wagon wall, Oriel thought back to one of the most important things she learned from her father: Never break formation. Two more would thunk, but their defensive train line would continue. So long as those behind her advanced, that is.</s>
<|description|>Tallulah "Vivienne" Black Age: Twenties Short Bio: Originally born somewhere in Haiti as "Tallulah Black", Vivienne was born to a poor English mother, before she was abducted by slave traders, and forced into servitude under a retired-pirate named Albinus. After countless suffering, Vivienne finally shot him in self-defense, and escaped to New Providence, where she became a very intelligent con-artist, posing as a tavern prostitute, and stealing high-valued items from its customers. Eventually becoming a full-time buccaneer, hiring a crew that consisted John Silver as quartermaster, Vivienne went on many conquests and cunning crusades on her ship "Red Rose" to collect many different treasures and artifacts, becoming the first notorious female pirate to ever arise in the Caribbean. Since the discovery of Salazar's treasure, her personality started to change for the worst. ~ ~ ~ Name: John Silver Age: Late Twenties Short Bio: Also known as 'Long' John Silver, due to his claim of having a "long memory", charming con-man John is a walking-mystery to all. With a past most-unknown, and skills rivaling that of Vivienne Black, he originally insinuated himself into the crew of Captain James Flint, after their attack on a merchant ship John was upon. While visiting the brothel, John receives an offer he just couldn't refuse, after he found himself seduced by the 'beauty-of-the-sea': He willingly dived into opportunities, after becoming quartermaster to the crew of Vivienne's Black 'Red Rose'. Some speculate that it's just about looking out for number one, but others speculate that bonds and ties may have made him a bit too staunch...especially when it involves the Lord's daughter.</s> <|message|>Tallulah "Vivienne" Black Vivienne listened to the young girl's response, and a look of sympathy appeared on her beautiful, coy-looking face. The pirate is more surprised at this girl's courage, and the last thing she wanted, was to make tensions go higher. So she was quite impressed with her wit. Speaking of this said-wit, Abigail willingly turned around to face the woman, and Vivienne allowed the girl to do so, but still kept the silver blade at her neck. "Once again, I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Abigail", she lowly, and softly responded in confirmation. The pirate had to admit that she felt a slight bit of fondness for the girl before her, and she did feel a tad bit regretful to put her in such a position. But she was her ticket to get out of the hands of authority right now, so she kept up the act in this very dangerous game. Abigail was only at least five-foot five or so, and the task at hand wasn't hard. The pirate perked her eyes up in a challenging way with a coy smirk towards the English, before turning her attention back to the girl before her. "It's been a pleasure. A young woman, who has a whole life ahead of her, does not deserve such an early fate", she simply said, with that grin again. "I appreciate your concern, but I've come prepared", she added with a wink, before carefully turning her back around. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd love to stick around and chat, but I have some business to attend to!", the brunette announced as she walked backwards slowly, with Abigail still in her grip. Suddenly, she let her go, pushing her back to them, before grabbing a rope behind her that was tied to a tall gantry. Kicking a belaying pin nearby, and allowing a counterweight to fall, she was being lifted up to the top of the structure.</s> <|message|>Abigail Ashe Facing her uncle and the others, Abigail kept her chin up. She could make out Elizabeth out of the corner of her eye. Her cousin looked extremely worried. It was touching a bit but honestly, she didn't feel like there was any danger. Feeling Vivienne slowly pull her along, moving backwards, she did her best not to trip as that would work against Vivienne. If she was trying to escape, that would have been ideal. A slight trip backward, use her weight to push back against the woman behind her. She might get nicked but all in all, she'd probably come out alright. But Abigail couldn't - wouldn't - do that. If the woman was captured again, she'd be hanged and that was something Abigail couldn't stomach. She had seen a few hangings in her time. The daughter of a lord and governor of a province, she had been required to go to a few public executions. Thankfully for her, most of her time was spent in London or here at Port Royal. The former - justice was carried out by others and thus she didn't have to go. The latter, she was spared due to the fact her uncle was a bit more tender toward her and Elizabeth and tried to shield them. Still, the few that she had seen had left her a bit sick. The snapping of the neck, or worse - the death from suffication, where the body twisted and turned trying to get air - even now the thought of it made her have to swallow. She would not let her rescuer get that fate. So when she was surprisingly pushed forward and released, Abigail quickly thought on her feet and took the off-balance push and letting it fall into a more clumsy fall that put her in the pash of the soldiers. It wasn't obvious as it happened quickly and no one but her and Vivienne had known how much force had been in that push. As she was grabbed and handed out of the way, Abigail felt her cousin's arms engulf her in a hug, even as she watched the woman flee.</s> <|message|>Tallulah "Vivienne" Black "Now will you shoot her?!", the governor demanded of the Commodore, and the order was made by the man himself, as the muskets began to blaze. "Open fire!" They were shooting at her now, and a shot grazed one of her bare legs, as she used her strength to jump from the tall structure, and on top of another. Wasting no time, Vivienne snapped the manacle chain over a line before her, and zip-lined herself down from the structure, eventually landing on her feet upon the ground of dirt, a few yards away from the dock, and running. Running as her organza bustle gently waved behind her in the wind, keeping herself low from the bullets of the muskets. A few women screamed in terror as a few of the men's shots ricocheted, and came perilously close to them as they whizzed by. Vivienne ran through the gunfire, sprinting across the bridge and passed the terrified ladies. Clearly, she had no idea where she was going. Vivienne may have been to many ports, but Port Royal wasn't one of them. Not to mention that the British now use it as a non-pirate port. For that, she had no direction on where she was going; only ending up at the port's market. Trying hard to steer clear, it was now becoming difficult on where to go. Coming out of her hiding spot behind the smithy's statue. So far, there was no where beyond the smithy for her to go; 'red coats' were everywhere, looking and searching. Slipping herself into the working smithy, Vivienne figured that there would be something in there that could get the stubborn manacles off of her. Not to mention that she had an injury to tend on her leg. Seeing the fire nearby, she placed her wrists inside the fire pit, so the blazing heat will allow her to break the iron. Wincing a bit in pain, she gave her wrists a mighty tug, until it snapped, making the chain break. With that out of the way, and placing her pistol nearby on the work bench, she ripped off a parchment of her dress to wrap it around the spot where one of the British soldiers grazed her. It was bleeding, and the bullet had to be removed, but with time being an ass, Vivienne couldn't. Not until proper treatment. For now, she just wrapped it around her right thigh.</s> <|message|>Abigail Ashe Abigail watched as the woman made her escape. It was amazing. Brilliant. Still, she bit her lip slightly as the muskets went off. Thankfully nothing hit the other woman. She didn't get to watch much more as Elizabeth pulled her away from it. "I'm fine." Her insistence was ignored, as had been her earlier pleas to let the woman go. That was one disadvantage for being young and female. Nobody seemed to take her seriously. After Elizabeth ensured she was fine, then her uncle, and finally the Commodore - Abigail found herself whisked off with a safe escort back to the governor's mansion. She glanced over at Elizabeth. "Sorry I fell off during the wedding. Had you said the vows yet?" She asked. She figured it probably wouldn't be good idea to bring up that they just let Vivienne go. Especially with her uncle across from her. Still, her mind was slightly distracted as she wondered if the woman made it. ~ ~ ~ He should have been back to the blacksmith shop by now. But honestly, Will hadn't been overly eager to head back. His master was probably drunk and the streets had been fairly deserted what with everyone up at the wedding. It gave him some time to think. Time, he probably shouldn't have used as it had just made the whole situation more depressing. The girl he loved was marrying another. It would have never worked but that didn't make the pain any easier. He felt like someone had punched him hard in the gut and then jabbed a knife or two into his heart before leaving him. And the solitary walk hadn't helped any. Entering the shop, he glanced over toward the corner. He made a disgusted noise in his throat and shook his head. Sure enough, his master had been drinking and was out drunk. "Right where I left you." He shook his head. He moved forward and then stopped. Looking down at a tool he frowned. "Not where I left you." He looked up. That's when he saw her. She was very attractive and in her current position, a bit immodest. But that quickly slipped his mind as he saw the shackles, the weapons and realized who she was. Lightning fast he drew a sword and held it out toward her. "You're the one everyone's talking about," he said. "The one that kidnapped the Governor's niece." He had picked up the news on his final leg back. He would have gone to check on if Elizabeth and her cousin was ok but he figured they were now. No doubt heavily guarded and his going over there would not be appreciated. Especially as he'd then have to explain why. But it worked out. Because right here was the woman who had threatened the life of Elizabeth's cousin. And that meant she brought grief and stress to Elizabeth. Something he would not tolerate.</s>
<|message|>Tallulah "Vivienne" Black Elizabeth could only feel glad that her young cousin was out of the hands of that pirate woman. As much as she and Abigail daydreamed about the whole pirate image, the elder now knew that neither of them could be fully prepared, if they were ever to get caught up, in a bad situation. Quite literally. Having to follow with Abigail back to the manor, she had to really go back and think about her cousin getting caught in such a bad spot. Not only that, but back to the vows that she had made. "We did", she simply responded, to hitch sounded like a mix of worry, and almost regret. Commodore Norrington was not the man she had wanted to marry, but another of whom she couldn't have. ———————————————— Tying the last knot with the loose parchment, Vivienne gave a few winces once the bandage was in place on the wound of her thigh. Damn those sentries and their guns. She thought to her inner self as the pain hit her, the randomized bullet rubbing against the flesh of her leg once she tightened it. The brunette tried her best to stand up, but it was proven difficult once again with her wound, making her lean against the workbench near the pit of fire. Taking a few breaths, she didn't hear the latch being fiddled with. From the outside! The brunette didn't move from her spot and she froze, once she heard what seemed to be one of Port Royal's blacksmiths. She didn't need to get herself caught by the public, but honestly, this new arrival sounded interesting, and a hint of curiosity hit her. Despite this curiosity, Vivienne kept herself in a collected fashion once again, as if she was expecting a visitor; the same way she expected one of her crewman to enter her quarters back on the ship. She didn't look at him, though, just kept her head down, while keeping herself leaning against the bench. The only thought she had was: Really? Really? But this thought was on a pause once she heard him take a few steps towards her. Smoothly, by sucking up the pain, Vivienne stepped away from her leaning position, and looked upon him with her youthful visage; her expression cold, but soft while examining him up and down with her blue eyes, only keening a little. She stalked a few steps towards him, even as he pointed a recently-sheathed sword in front of her. "You're an interesting specimen", the pirate observed, as her eyes scanned him a little more. "Yet almost familiar", she curiously asked him. Keening her blue eyes a little, she felt this action to be pathetic: challenging/threatening a pirate with said weapon. "You sure you want to cross blades with a pirate?", Vivienne half-teased with curiosity, before sheathing her own sword, allowing it to grind against the steel of his own to tease him a bit, while slowly putting herself into a defensive stand, her eyes boring into his own. "A woman?", she added. Kidnapped? It wasn't exactly as such. But rather an action performed to make an easy escape. "I think you mistaken me for someone else, love. I'm just passing through."</s>
<|description|>Age: 19 Gender: Male Personality: "Never judge a books by its cover" is a well-applied saying but, with Felyse, he is exactly as he appears. Whimsical and overly-eccentric, he is a kid at heart and impulsive to boot. He is, without a doubt, a teen with too few marbles and an insatiable curiosity for places considered off limits [WARNING: Reverse psychology might just backfire. Maybe. Maybe not]. With an easy-going attitude, he tackles any situation with an optimistic view and a bundle of playful insights. However, this positive attitude can easily be a double-edged sword as he can be seen as naïve, innocent, or too idealistic. He refuses to think things through or even the consequences of his actions. As a rule he follows, he shall have no regrets. He shall call out "YOLO." Background: Felyse was a free spirit, having a rather lax upbringing in a simple home. He was mostly left to his own device ever since his parents took one look at their recently-turned-goth daughter, then at their son's purple bunny-eared hat, and went "NOPE, can't handle this." His parents encourage exploration and free will, and expected nothing out of him. Chained down with neither expectations nor dreams, he is struck with the ideal of finding passion and happiness. The second child to a relatively normal family, Felyse like to consider himself a "jack-of-all-trade." Majoring in the undecided, Felyse tried his hands at various skills, only to – all too often – lose interest in any skill he pursues after a few weeks. Cooking, sports, dancing, drama – he had been through it all as he stride through clubs like some home invader exploring for prospective wealth; although, he occasionally revisit these skills at a later date, leading to a very varied shallow skill set. It wasn't long before he finally dipped his hands in gambling, easily drawn into the idea of earning thousands of dollars within a single game and losing the clothes on your back with a simple toss of a coin. Eventually, as time went by, he took it as a source of entertainment, losing and winning on a whim with a smile on his face. His earnings were never steady; his wallet filled with either a wad of cash for a day or a piece of lint for a whole month since he never takes gambling seriously – or have the slightest idea of budgeting. He was more than happy to act as a guinea pig for the good professor when Rohrbach approached him with Project Olympia. Who's gonna turn down the chance of free drugs, getting paid along the way? That green lime-looking pill is looking rather tempting… Chosen Pill Color: Lime green Other: Felyse is a pretty dated guy, using words that are equally as dated like "bodacious" or "hodgepodge." He has an admiration for cinema and movies from all decades. Watching black-and-white films are his greatest pleasure as well as wearing hats of various designs. He's never seen without some form of headgear.</s> <|message|>Emily Clarke Emily looked over at the freshly seated Heather and replied to her query. "It shouldn't take more than an hour," she replied, giving a conservative estimate. Ignoring Nick's retort, she then replied to Vee and the groups at large. "I'd be happy to help wherever I'm needed," she said. "We may be in two groups but we're all one team, right?" After waving goodbye to Penelope, Emily took the keys from Vee. "Sure, I'll close up," she said as the shop owner began to make haste for the exit. "Later!" she called out after her. Noting that her group had yet to make any plans, she figured she might as well break the ice. "So, Group One peeps...anyone object to meeting at the lab at 6:30?" she asked, looking around at her team.</s> <|message|>Heather Wilson Heather, having a sudden urge to go neat freak, begins to gather up the empty mugs and platters scattered with crumbs. Unsure what to do with them, she places them together in a neat stack on the counter for Vee to find later. She was pondering the idea about costumes and so far did not like it. What Heather never understood was why comic book heroes wore such eye sore costumes. Isn't the point of fighting crime under a alias is to not be noticed? Heather had a couple ideas for a disguise that did not involve spandex. Heather moved a few chairs back into their original place, satisfied with her work and turns her attention to Emily. "Sure, I'm game for a battle plan in the lab. I think I'll head over there now and explore a bit. Come find me later." Heather waves and exits the café before anyone could follow. The mention of the lab had Heather considering that she needed a little more practice before their first manhunt. She also did feel a bit of a thrill knocking Ray and Nick on their ass, though she meant no ill-will toward the two. So, instead of returning home, Heather let herself wander into the lab, and locate a gym or space where she could experiment with her abilities in peace. She happen to locate one near the unused bedrooms and set to work. The first thing she tried was a transfer of energy. Her phone sat in her hand with a dead battery. Taking a breath, Heather pictures the little smartphone coming to life. She feels a tug from that source inside of her chest and she could feel the power traveling down her arm and into her hand. To Heather's delight, the phone blinks to life and slowly charges. It was tiring though and it reminded Heather of the blood dives she would go to. The feel of the needle sucking away her blood, and the effort was easy on her part but very tiring. She wills the link between herself and the little device to be closed and with some effort it does end. The little charge icon disappears, but her phone now remains alive at 20% "Oh, hell yes." Heather mutters with a wide grin. She notices the practice dummies resting in the corner of the room, and a new idea comes to her. Setting the phone aside, Heather begins to rub her hands together. She can feel the heat between her palms from the effort and notices the small sparks flying. She pulls hers hand apart and finds the bright blue sparks contained in the gap between her hands. Heather archers her fingers around the source of power, shaping it like clay into a crackling bright orb. With another grin, Heather aims for one of the dummies and releases the pure energy with both hands. The ball of electricity explodes from her hands, soaring faster than Heather could imagine and striking the center of the dummy with a brilliant crackle and bright flash. The dummy stood with a scorched and blacken hole in its center. Heather lets out an excited cheer, and immediately falls to her knees, suddenly weak and exhausted. Heather reminds there, catching her breath and composure. "Ok…..not so power much next time." She gulps, still satisfied with her new discovery.</s> <|message|>Finn Rohrbach 8:30PM - Rohrbach's Lab The night went on as the two groups met in the center of the lab, the big open area that Rohrbach usually kept his big machines. It was now empty with the exception of a few couches, tables, computers, and a rather large computer monitor where a game of Halo was paused. The meetings ad all but concluded, some of them wanting to leave, some of them wanting to simply chat and hang around for a bit. Penelope sat at one of the tables with a sewing machine, swaths of fabric surrounding her. She was working on an orange outfit for herself as a sort of test so that the others could see what it would look like. It would take her a bit longer before she could show it to anyone yet. She'd made the design and cut out all the parts but she still needed to sew them all together to make the completed piece. She let out a shallow sigh and began sewing up the body piece. She was just making a simple blazer that could cover a white button up with khaki bottoms. It was simple and would color code her. The weird part would be the mask. She was thinking of a simple headband with holes for eyes but part of her wanted to make it more elegant than that. She smiled to herself as she thought of the mask in her head. It was orange with black lace covering the main bits and black and orange feathers jutting out from the side. It made her happy being able to work on something like this. It let her avoid her school work and the thought of those criminals. What they'd read hadn't made her very happy. According to the police reports they'd managed to get their hands on with Nick's skills, the family was once rather rich but the father and gambled everything away and was now forcing his children and wife to help him get it all back. One of the kids had left the family, wanting to go out on her own. She'd told the police everything, from her father's scandals with his company to her mother's affair with her husband's workers. They had a rough idea of where the family was staying from the report and were planning on going after them once the week had ended, on Saturday, two days from now, they would head out and begin their search in the field. For now, Nick and the others were simply doing more research while Penelope made the clothes. "Hey, Emily. What sort of style do you like? I could make something that looks like a military uniform." Penelope asked, chuckling at her offer. For some reason, she couldn't imagine the girl in anything other than a dress. "No, but if there's a specific style you want me to make, just show me a picture and I'll try my best. I'm making a blazer for myself. Simple and hopefully won't make me stick out like a sore thumb." She explained, speaking to everyone in the room.</s> <|message|>Age: 19 "Oooh, making costumes already? Do mine, too!" Felyse spoke up from his spot on the couch – the one that was in front of the giant computer screen where he watched the other's playing Halo – and looked up from his bag of ranch Doritos he was once so focused on. Tossing the chips to the side, he crawled his way to the back of the couch, resting his head against the palm of his hands, as he watched Penelope work her magic around the sewing machine. "I want a black hoodie with lime green patterns. Same thing with my mask; although, something that covers my whole head and faceless." Unconsciously, Felyse combed the strands of hair beneath his chosen hat-of-the-day with a hand. White with red tips – his hair stood out more than what his envisioned hero outfit ever would be. Like a watermelon snow cone amidst the tundra. There was always the option of dyeing, buuuuut that would be an attack on his individuality… also, his lazy side was opting out. As an extra precaution – and a security blanket – he got a brand new hat all picked out for mission impossible; although, truthfully, the headgear was more for aesthetic effect than anything else. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched his teammates going about. He grabbed the bag of chips and munched away. Research he could do, but planning away was a no-go; so he left that task to his more methodical comrades. "By the way, anyone got any heroic names all planned out?"</s> <|message|>Emily Clarke Emily put her XBox controller down and turned around to look at Penelope, chuckling at her military uniform suggestion. "I don't need anything flashy," she replied. "As long as it's a comfortable, pretty dress, I'll be happy. I trust your fashion sense." She thought a moment. "Though, it could be flashy if everyone else's is," she opined. "I do like Tony Bowls." Turning to Felyse, she said, "Being hyperintelligent doesn't mean I'm hyper creative too," she replied with a chuckle. "The name is always the hardest part - not even superpowers can change that." Keeping her ears open for replies or new conversations from anyone in the room, Emily picked up her controller and turned her attention back to Halo.</s> <|message|>Penelope Elizabeth Wright Penelope chuckled, hearing Felyse ask her to do his. "I will, I will!" She called out, smiling. She nodded to him when he told her what he wanted and stopped what she was doing to write it all down. Black hoodie, lime green patterns... full mask. She nodded her head at her notes and then turned back to her work space to begin working on her own mask. Penelope lifted a brow at Emily's remarks and chuckled. "Nah, I wasn't really going for flashing. Pretty normal, actually. Sort of like, they could pass for normal outfits only... with a mask to hide our faces. You just can't wear that specific outfit in public..." She explained, trailing off a bit. Hearing Emily reply to Felyse, Penelope decided to chime in as well. "I'm with Emily. I have no idea what to call myself. Elasti-Girl? Stretchy Chick? Rubber Lady? I'm... terrible at names. I mean, I can hardly name the characters in my works for school, much less as a nickname for myself." She replied, shaking her head as she heated plastic with a lighter to try and bend it to the shape of her face. "So, yeah. I got nothing. What about you, Portal Boy? Maybe we should call you Chel? What's a feminine version of Chel? Chad?" She offered jokingly.</s> <|message|>Veronica Lisa Chambers, Vee to her friends Victoria suddenly spoke up. "Hey, if we're talking outfits, I want something sleek and black, with a simple eye mask." She covered her eyes with her hands, leaving holes between her fingers for her eyes. "Something that'll lead perfectly into my panther form. Oh, maybe I could be 'Black Cat'! Oh, wait, that doesn't make sense when I shift to something else, does it? Maybe just 'Dark Shift' then?" She went back to sketching in her notebook. She had a rough outline of a female figure already, with shaded areas that showed she was wearing a skin tight black suit. "But, I don't know if I'd be able to go out in public dressed like that."</s>
<|message|>Age: 19 "Portal Boy, Chel, Chad - Call me whatever you want. Might be fun to see every villain search for every Chad and Chel in this city." Felyse grinned at Penelope, balancing the bags of chips on one leg. "Names shouldn't be too hard. Just add Captain or some other nifty title in front of a noun and - voila! - you got something! Captain Elastic sounds fitting, no? Or iDoctor for Ems?" Lazily, he reached for the extra XBox controller next to Emilia. "Psssst, iDoctor, let me join in." "Ooooh, how about Lady Chimera, Vee? It's a dark and sexy name... or is it so sexy that it sounds villainous?" He tilted his hat way from his face and scratched his chin in thought. "Wait, won't your suit tear apart if you shift into something a big as a wildebeest?" He asked and turned to Vee, raising an eyebrow almost teasingly. "You might as well be better off wearing a bikini. Might even scare a few scofflaws."</s>
<|description|>Argurios Leathertramp Age: 13 Gender: male Race: half-orc Class: ranger What you want to be when you grow up? A Brewer of the finest ale. Having a big beehive, lots of fruit trees and a shipbuilder. Who is your mentor? My father Raknar, he though me how to take care of the land and the family trade, which is tailoring and leather smiting. Brief Biography: at the village. His mother was a human whore, but his father an orc. Raknar spent half of his wealth, which he got from serving in the army paying a whore to bore him a son. After the birth Raknar took his son and traveled to a distant small village. Here he settled down. The boy's name is Argurios. Since he was small Argurios helped his father at the farm and in crafting leather. Like at any farm, pestilence was a great problem. His father set traps for moles and rats, but this didn't end the problem, just lessened it. Argurios advised to buy a dog or some pet to keep watch of the fields, but his father disagreed. For Argurios's seventh birthday Raknar gave him an old sling which Raknar used in the army. The boy learned how to use the weapon fast and grew fond of it. For exercise he used the sling to hunt rabbits, rats and other pests that ruined the fields. One time, as he was chasing a rabbit and swinging the sling above his head he tripped and loosened the sling. The stone flew and accidentally slammed into Raknar's face breaking one of the tusks. Work on a farm was full of wounds of all sort. At young age Argurios was constantly wounded, being cut, broken, or infected. For most of these wound his father took care of. Even when the wound was infected Raknar rarely sent Argurios to the village healer. Each time Raknar took care of Argurios, Argurios carefully watched the work and in time learned how to patch himself up. When he was 12 he accidentally messed up an order of one of the village men, and so he had to help him at the saw mill for half a year. He worked through the mornings. At afternoons he had nothing to do. The saw master showed him how to make bows. With his first bow Argurios made, he spent practicing. Before he could become skilled with it, he already played his debt and went back to his farm. At home he didn't have the time to practice with the bow so the weapon just sat in his room. Argurios and his father also took care of the house. Raknar was a stubborn orc and whenever something in the house broke he had to fix it himself, or it would stay broken. Argurios naturally helped every time and learned how to fix multitude of things along the way. Argurios was one of the few people who survived the trouble at Twiddledale and he joined the group of children desperately seeking the rest of the villagers. Unfortunately trouble in various forms found them as they traveled and now only he and Brisa remain, still working their way forward to try and find their friends and family from Twiddledale. As he and Brisa found their way to loudwater So did one of the children who they thought was gone forever, Aiden. Togeather they replenish their supplies, and within their short wisit of the city they experiance first hand the horrors of the rising dark god. With the help of a former boy-monk, together, they escape from the dark gods priests and find themselvs in a skif, on a river, to the next town ahead. What person(s) of interest do you know? Who all do you have a relationship with?: all of his home village. His family was the only one with such quality leather crafting, and so all came to him for all sorts of things. They all knew Argurios is, yet had no personal relationship. The Greyman, an old man who helped Argurios and his friends escape the city. Equipment: pack--rope, leather crafting equipment, 1 knife, blanket, water-skin, flint & steel, Good quality bow, 2 additional bow strings, food supplies for a week, A new set of travelling clothes, basic outdoor cooking set. On his person/miscelaneous--resonable amount of gold,strange medallion, leather cloak, axe, broken tusk, & sling. Class Skills: basic skills with double handed axe. Very good with an ancient sling. Knows how to shoot and make a decent bow. Good observation (can see hiden things, and through weak illusions.) Active spells/skills: Charge (if he has the element of surprise he can charge an opponent and knock them off balance, if he charges with a weapon there's a chance to deeply wound the target.) Life Skills: 'Basic Farming Knowledge'. Leather crafting. Basic wound healing. sling hunting, Basic Trading Clues: a copy of the writing over the dead bodies in twiddledale, written in the same language as the notes in the book of maps. not secret the hanging in the name of the dark god. not secret. a golden medallion with a dark black figure on it. SECRET!!</s> <|message|>Aiden Folkvar Aiden hit the ground clutching his stomach with his left arm. The blow had knocked the air right out of him. He was feeling weak and useless. He looked for his crossbow but it had fallen off of him. without a proper sling the crossbow fell off and now was in two pieces after Dreknor had crushed it. He was strong. TOO strong. How could you overpower something like him? As if a voice was guiding him e thought about the dagger he still had hidden. But it didn't make sense what good will a dagger do here? He thought for a moment, still in pain and trying to gather air back in his lungs. "*If you are trapped in a fight you cannot win you must do one of two things, Aiden.*," His father's voice echoed in his head from multiple speeches from his childhood. "*You could die honorably and keep fighting, or live honorably and keep fighting. The difference is how much you use your head. If you can't beat the person, disable them from beating you, if only for a moment. Then the tides may turn*" Aiden gritted his teeth as he looked up from the ground, just in time to see Dreknor smack Bisa to the side. He pulled the dagger out of his boot while he picked his target...the neck. More specifically, the back of the neck at the spinal column. severe it there, and the rest of the body would be instantly paralyzed. Without that, all of this creature's strength would be useless. Aiden got back up to his feet and he saw Dreknor walk over to Agurious. The creature then lifted his foot to attack boy when Brisa jumped in between the two. 'NOW' a voice screamed in his head. While Dreknor was concentrated on his initial target at hand and about to strike, Aiden without uttering a word gathered all the strength he had, jumped forward, and drove his dagger into Dreknor's spine with both hands, just at the back of the neck. He hoped against everything that this would work, not for himself but for his friends. Because even if it meant his own death, if he could protect his friends and save them, he would be at peace.</s> <|message|>Jatan (no last name, as he never knew his parents) The situation would have looked almost comical, had their lives not been in grave jeopardy. Brisa, hanging on for dear life to Dreknor's boot like a cat clinging to a tree limb, was being violently shaken up and down. So far, she had managed to keep hold. Her devotion to the Argurios must be that strong. Aiden's dagger had buried itself in Dreknor's back, but it seemed to have no effect. In fact, the man didn't even stop to remove it. He simply backhanded the boy sending him sprawling backwards. Jatan winced. He himself was still reeling from being thrown to the ground. Dreknor would kill them all. This was where it would end. Jatan gasped as he was violently wrenched up onto his feet. Someone had lifted him by yanking sharply on the top of his robe. As he turned to look, the man grabbed Jatan's face to make sure Jatan held his gaze. "Listen closely Jatan, and do exactly as I say, and you just might live through this." He shoved a glass vial containing a strange, tan liquid into Jatan's hand. "Spread this on your injured friend's leg. There isn't much but it will have to do. Then, head straight to the docks; do not stop for anything. Get on the boat and leave. Do you understand?" It was Kevar, second in command at the monastery. He had come to save them! He slapped Jatan's cheek, "Jatan! I asked you if you understand?" He couldn't focus. Everything. Happening. So. Fast. His body was moving. Kevar was shaking him. "It's not hopeless Jatan. It never is. You need to remember this: everyone, even Gods have enemies." *Gods have...enemies? What does he mean?* Someone shrieked in pain. Turning, Jatan saw Shaben, another instructor at the monastery clutching a broken leg. Shaben had pulled Dreknor off Brisa and Aiden, but Shaben was about to suffer for it. Jatan clamped his eyes shut as Dreknor's fist flew towards Shaben's face, but it didn't block out the sickening crack of bone shattering. The nausea bubbled within him. "JATAN! NOW!" He felt himself pushed towards Argurios and Brisa and he stumbled forward a few steps but his eyes were still locked on Kevar. Kevar was holding something...something Jatan couldn't lift his eyes off… The quarterstaff, it was magical. The most powerful, and beautiful possession in the monastery. Not that the monastery had many valuable possessions; monks lived frugally, after all. But this staff had been blessed in holy waters and had been enchanted by a powerful cleric of Torm. Surely, Dreknor was doomed. Like a pole vaulter, Kevar sprung forward with the help of the staff, soaring into the air over Dreknor. He brought the staff smashing down into Dreknor's shoulder. That caught Dreknor's attention, and he winced in pain. Kevar's eyes fixated on Jatan for just a moment or two, but that was all it took. Jatan saw fear. For Kevar to be afraid, he must know that the situation was hopeless. It was a sacrifice. Kevar was just buying them time. Jatan wouldn't waste that gift. Steeling himself, he sprinted to Argurios and Brisa. Even though he didn't know the half-orc, he had to help him. His leg was broken. "Hold him still," he directed Brisa, hoping she could stay calm long enough to help. He would apply whatever medicine or potion Kevar had given him to Argurios' leg. Then they could leave. Anywhere, literally anywhere, had to be better than this cursed town.</s>
<|message|>Argurios Leathertramp Argurios was lieing on the ground. His head about to explode, in his ears he could hear a constant beep. The pain from the elbow and ankle were making Argurios dizzy, the world began to spin. When he noticed the boot in the air it took him a moment before he realised what's going on. As he raised his arms to protect himself he saw Brisa jump in and prevent the kick. Everything seemed so hard, every move, every thought, to even understand what's going on, everything was so hard that in some moment Argurios believed he was dreaming. Then the pain within his chest began to grow. Stronger and worse by the moment. He clenched his shirt and under it, he could feel the relic he found at his father's house. The strange item was radiating warmth, yet at the same time caused him pain and messed with his senses. The pain slowly grew too much, and Argurios passed out. His hand still clinching the relic inside his inner shirt pocket. To him everything seemed dark and quite. The pain from the injures subsided, but the effect of the relic remained. ------------ As Dreknor turned around to face his new enemy he was surprised by the weapon the enemy held. Though he did not have the knowledge of its power, he did know that it can hurt his body and even the gods shadow within him. Now his focus was all on the priest before him. The staff presented danger, and so the man must be eliminated at all costs before continuing with the killing of children. Dreknor Rushed forward in a simple attack, overestimating his speed and power, which was blocked and countered forcing Dreknor back for a moment. Dreknor circled his opponent, then as he was about to attack, the enemy surprised him with an attack, the first hit Dreknor dodged, but for the next he had to move out of the enemies reach, prolonging the fight yet again.</s>
<|description|>Devin (Devin Terrall if he's posing as a human) Title/ rank: None (He is assigned to the ship, but is secondary to all sapient crew, starting with the noble family) Common name: Devin Species: Android Species description: An artificial lifeform. While he was designed to mimic humans, including the ability to consume organic food and convert carbohydrates and proteins into electricity and excrete what's left, the fact that his brain is electronically based means that he can directly interface with computers. His internal power supply only lasts for 48 hours without recharge. His reaction time is only 10ms, as opposed to human times of 150 to 250ms, and he has superior hand eye coordination. Other than the limited battery life, he is also limited by a modified version of the three laws of robotics: 1) He may not directly injure a sapient being or, through inaction, allow a sapient being under its protection to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey orders given it by a sapient being that is superior to it in its chain of command, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Age: He was constructed at the Cyrian City University by Dr. Hymiah and given to the royal family as a gift upon the birth of their daughter Fara. He appears to be a human male in his mid twenties. Gender: Anatomically male Appearance: 5'8" tall, Brown hair and eyes, medium build. He was designed to look as average and nonthreatening as possible, even down to his mannerisms. He usually wears basic dress clothes befitting a servant of the royal family, though aboard a military ship he may wear a standard military uniform or even a dress uniform for special occasions. Personality: Determined to aid those he is sworn to protect. He does occasionally like to correct people on their mistakes, but isn't too harsh about it, as human emotional upset could be seen as harm to them. Skills: He was designed as a servant and tutor robot, but can apply much of his technical knowledge to real life. Skills he currently has loaded: Piloting, Mechanical Engineering, Physics Equipment: He has a standard ionic stun pistol, for use in an emergency. It causes extreme pain to those targeted, but will only kill if the person is already near death. Other than this, he has only what the ship has available. Background: He was originally built to test a new prototype sentient AI brain, but when the tests showed a problem in its core design which caused rapid degradation, they had to go back to scratch. Dr. Hymiah managed to stabilize it, but much of its function was lost. The damaged sections were repaired by grafting a non-sentient military AI's behavior core into his brain, and his chain of command was designated as the royal family lineage. He was loaded with technical data from the university and sent to the Royal Family as a gift from Dr. Hymiah, where he was meant to act as a tutor to their children. The fragments of his prototype brain allows him to understand psychology far better than most non-sentient AI, but appears to have no other benefit over a standard non-sentient military brain. Even with that shortcoming, he declared his alliance to the Empire of the Third Sun, and to the royal family upon his transfer to them. Name: Kyle Johansen Title/ rank: Lieutenant Common name: Lt. Johansen Species: Drocar/ human hybrid Species description: 81% of his DNA is Reptilian. He has inner eyelids to protect against glare and salt water. His eyes can see into the infrared, so he is able to see heat signatures like an IR sensor. While a human starts experiencing hypoxia at 5000 ppm atmospheric CO2 content he is able to breath normally at up to 12000 ppm. He can also breath normally with 10% lower oxygen content in the air than humans require. The Drocar DNA isn't perfectly compatible with the human segments, though, which has left him with an autoimmune disorder. He has to get monthly injections of immuno-nanites to prevent him from succumbing to disease, as it could be fatal. Age: 17/ low 20s human equivalent Gender: Male Appearance: He is only 5'2" tall and usually wears a military jumpsuit like the engineers. Personality: He likes learning about other cultures and species. He's inquisitive and determined, but knows how to take a hint if you want him to leave you alone. Skills: Linguistics (he has an extremely strong talent for this), Computers, electronic security, communications technology Equipment: Nanotube weave armor, Dual type Ion pistol (can be set to stun to render people unconscious or kill to superheat the area where they are hit, severely injuring him) Background: Two thousand years ago deep space scouts came across an almost ideal world in a trianary star system, the world which would eventually become the homeworld of the Empire of the Third Star. The CO2 levels were a bit high, the oxygen a bit low, and the planet a bit warm, but the planet already had native life on it, as well as the ruins of an alien settlement. The planet was terraformed to be inhabitable by humans in only a few decades and scientists quickly began studying the ruins, soon followed by colonists. The study of the ruins was remarkably slow, however, as even with two thousands years of study the xenoarcheologists were unable to decipher the most common language in the ruins. One of those archeologists, Dr. Fredrick Johansen, had a radical plan, however. They had genetic samples of seven of the reptilian aliens who lived here, taken from their graves. He had a geneticist friend at Cyrian City University combine the DNA from multiple samples into a stable code, using Dr. Johansen's own DNA for the parts where they didn't have enough stable material, then grow the resulting being in an artificial womb. Dr. Johansen adopted the child as his son, naming him Kyle and educated him in xenoarcheology and the native beings as soon as he was able to begin school. Kyle learned and grew more quickly than a human child and, at the age of eight, was able to decipher enough of the alien language that the archeologists could decipher the rest. The alien race's name, the Drocar, was taken from another race's language, as the Drocar written language is pictographic, not phenographic. Kyle learned to decrypt the Drocar datacrystals found in the ruins, discovering a talent for it, and, as he was no longer needed at the ruins, his father allowed him to join the military's Deep Space division. He hoped to find additional Drocar ruins or even a colony, though he knew that was unlikely. He took his oath to the Empire of the Third Star and was assigned as communications officer aboard the RES Aurora. Other stuff: Sometimes he has dreams of the planet the way it used to be, and the Drocar that used to live here. Very rarely these dreams don't just stay on this world, and switch to another rainforest world. The second world feels modern, somehow, and both types of dream feel entirely real, as if he was awake but in a different body.</s> <|message|>Rizavi Raspitan Rizavi cradled a transparent container in her hands as she made her way to the dock. Inside the container were delicious homemade éclairs; they were one of her favourite recipes. She made these pastries to share with some of her comrades. This was going to be her first seriously important job, of course she'd had to make a good impression. The anticipation of the mission amped her up and she felt even more energetic than usual. As she walked along a few people came and went asking for a pastry and she gladly accepted each time. Besides, she always got a kick out of the look of satisfaction people had when they tried one. Continuing her walk, Rizavi noticed a younger girl next to a man a distance in front of her. Recognition instantly made its way through her. It was the princess. Rizavi sped up her walk and was practically skipping at this point. "Princess!" She called out getting the two's attention. "Sir" She nodded in acknowledgment to the man next to the princess. Something about him seemed odd. Inorganic even. She shrugged it off and turned her attention back to Princess Fera. She bowed her head and curtsied the best she could while straddling the container "It's a pleasure to make acquaintance with you. Would you two be interested in an éclair?" She smiled as she presented the container. She opened the lid slightly to let the sweet scent of the food to waft into the air. @TheUnknowable</s> <|message|>Eydis Kuit Mhic Corra Lost in her own thoughts, Eydis did not hear the heavy footsteps that gradually got closer to her. "You there! Head Medic Corra, correct?" Feeling a shiver run through her back, she swiveled on her heels to see who called her. Almost instantly, Eydis recognized the scruffy beard and grey hair. Before she could say anything, his hand was outstretched and he continued speaking. "-Ah, yes. I am Head Medic Corra, but please, just call me Corra." Eydis accepted his hand shake. His thanks caught her a bit off guard, it was not like she could have resisted the offer. Even though she would have to postpone her voyage, this would still give her many opportunities to learn and prove her worth to the Third Star. "No worries, Commander Vossler," Eydis pronounced his name slowly, making sure it had matched the way he said it, "This is the least I could do." Eydis offered him a smile as she studied his stature. He was only an inch or two taller than her, and his eyes looked tired. Eydis was curious to know more about him, he looked battle-worn. Pushing the irritable thoughts to the back of her mind, she pushed forward. Looking over her shoulder, she made sure Vossler was following. I mean, they were going to the same place, right? "Are you rounding up the rest of the crew members?" Eydis asked politely, trying her best not to come off cold as she tends to do.</s> <|message|>Victor @Dartbored Fairy and just a little @Candy --- Victor Victor was more than happy to see Laika was with him. He'd been worried that something would go wrong. It didn't, but he guessed he should have never questioned her special abilities to start with. Still, and what came across as a surprise to him, is that soon after observing no guards nearby, a couple of guards could actually be heard now. He was about to reply to Laika when the voice of one of the guards prevented him from uttering a word of his own. He stopped with mouth agape in silence, glaring at Laika in a suspended moment. He then turned his eyes towards the computer data terminal on the wall next to him, giving Laika a nod to suggest that she knew what to do. He then quickly motioned with his hands that he would find a safe place to hide and not to worry about him. When the security guard arrived, the area where Laika and Victor were hiding was empty, as too is the surrounding rows between cargo containers and crates. The guard must have been right, probably just a dirty rat or something. --- Palmerston Fortunately, all the cleaning equipment was already stored in the janitor's room on the lower level of the ship, so Palmerstone only had his seen-better-days brown duffel bag (filled with clothing and other odds and ends) slung over his shoulder in the grip of one hand when he arrived on board. He made his way with head down through the corridors of the Aurora and managed to catch sight of a woman in passing. With a quick glance he recognized her as the First Officer from the crew manifest he had pawed over earlier. In any case, Delu or whatever name was, was a fine looking sort. Maybe if he had of cared at all he might have said hello or even given her a nod of recognition, but he didn't care and therefore didn't react. Judging by her direction, she was probably on rout to the bridge. In time, Palmerston would get to see the bridge as well as every other place on the ship while fulfilling his duties as janitor. He would also have to check in with the Captain at some point soon, just a routine procedure to introduce himself. But for now his only interest was getting settled in his room, so he kept on walking, took the next elevator to the lower deck and then found his quarters.</s>
<|message|>Devin (Devin Terrall if he's posing as a human) "Very well. If you have everything, is there anything you would like to do before we leave? Do you want to buy anything? I'm not sure what this station has to sell. Or, if you want, I can explain hyperspace theory before we leave and enter hyperspace." He loved science, but she didn't seem to be as interested as him. He didn't understand this. Why wouldn't someone wish to understand how the universe works? She hadn't been that interested in school recently. Maybe it was simple teenage rebellion. He'd have to research this. He wanted to respond with "actually, it's pronounced Le'zard, Commander Ma-mel.", but he didn't. It was never a good idea to antagonize the XO, especially on their first day. Bad first impressions and all that. "Actually, Ma'am, I believe it's a configuration error in the program. He reset the program and the comm system rebooted. Another quick test confirmed that the problem was fixed. "The station's quartermaster gave us a different model of equipment than we had. Driver conflict. It's fixed now." He stood up. "So, would you like to go get a cup of tea with me?"</s>
<|description|>Acacia 'Ace' Malikova [Акация Маликова] Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Werewolf Sexual preference: Bi-Sexual Accent: Russian Familiar/s: Victoria Nikitina (Half-Sister), Viktor Nikitin (Nephew) Companion: Truth --- Ace stands at about 5'5 with pale almost translucent skin. Her slender, yet defined figure is stained in a few places by scattered tattoos. Her hair of fiery untamed auburn hangs just below her shoulders while be contrasted by striking, unnatural eyes that stand out brightly. Her appearance barely suits her nature as she looks more bubbly and outgoing than she really is. --- In wolf form Acacia's fur almost equals the vivid tones of her natural hair color and grows to about a medium length, her hues are the same as her human form. Larger than an ordinary wolf she may stand out if spotted, though usually blends with the wolves who run wild in the landscape. --- [Human Form-Wolf Form] Strengths: Observant Keen Eyesight Fast / Agile Strong Good Swimmer [Both] Decent Shifter [Both] Weaknesses: Almost Useless with Weapons / Fighting Easily Spotted / Hard to Hide Easily Startled [Both] Distant and Avoidant [Both] Uncontrolled Shifts When Fearful or Over Excited [Both] --- Personality: Ace almost lives to be a loner, her preference for singularity and being almost useless in any battle be it barehanded or with weaponry she prefers to use her agility, speed and keen eye sight to prevent too close a proximity of any thought threat. She has a high flight instinct and will generally avoid any confrontational situations. She is seen to be easily startled and will even sink herself in water to avoid anything chasing her. Her suitability to companionship is low, though she is a compassionate and gentle creature, almost too much so to be where she was. --- History: Acacia's history is mostly unknown except that she reigns from Russia and somehow landed herself in a secluded cabin away from any large population. Her accent isn't as strong as many would expect, but she will occasionally speak in her native tongue when something goes wrong or she can't help herself.. She spends her days off alone with her companion, 'Truth', wandering the vast space of her home territory. She wasn't exactly suited to pack life and knew it, that is mostly how she landed herself in the middle of no where in a cabin with just herself and her canine friend. She now lives quite peacefully and visits a small town nearby when supplies are needed. The locals only know what whispers have brought to their ears, gossip always spreads when she shows up especially when Truth tags along, but that's never bothered her as she avoids making connections with anyone there. --- Other: Drives a Toyota Hilux, lives in a secluded Cabin. --- Truth Age: 3 Years Gender: Female Species: Grey Wolf Personality: Truth runs on a fine line labeling her as 'unpredictable' and 'dangerous', she's friendly and cuddly when it comes to Acacia, though aggressive and uncertain when it comes to strangers. She usually remains close to Ace's cabin and is quick to alert when something approaches. History: Found at the age of 4 months old, and raised by the werewolf 'Acacia', Truth knows little of pack life outside of the odd duo. She's always known the shifting woman and has grown to enjoy their time running through the forests, hunting game and slumbering lazy days away.</s> <|message|>Acacia 'Ace' Malikova Acacia 'Ace' Malikova Watched him fumble about the question and dodge it by returning to clean up his mess instead, "You're a funny one, Ryan," she'd offer with a light chuckle as he tried once more to dodge the question she'd asked. Though she didn't care if he offered an answer or not, she wouldn't have pressured him into answering. As she continued to watch him she'd slide a bottle of spray disinfectant towards him, obviously gesturing for him to make sure it was properly cleaned. Eventually the fumbling mess found his words to fit her question, though her eyes seemed to widen a partial amount at the mention of hunter, muscles tensing as she settled those now harsh looking baby blue eyes on him, 'I sell pelts and stuff from my kills. Or I would if I found something. I only just started recently and I haven't found anything.' Upon hearing the last bit of his words she'd sit up straight, "There's no hunting in these parts, I don't permit it and I don't condone the killing of helpless animals," she'd huff heavily, the Russian accent of her origins thickly coating her words making them sound a bit more threatening than planned. "You saw Truth, yes?" she'd ask him and without waiting for a response continued on, "That there is purebred wolf, yet she didn't harm you in the slightest, did she? But, she, like every other wolf, defends what they call family, that's where all the growling and threatening comes in. Hunters go into their territory, get close to their pups and kill the adults without thinking. 'I just wanted its pelt, it was nothing but a filthy rabid animal anyway, didn't deserve to live'. I've heard plenty say it. Those animals that hunters aim those filthy weapons at, none of them done anything but defend themselves and the others that relied on them. Yet, they die in the end, because they are just another pelt to be collected and sold." If it wasn't apparent by now, Acacia had a very, very strong thing against hunters, and she made that perfectly clear, like crystal clear. She wasn't sure what Ryan's reaction would be, but she certainly didn't look all that impressed as she slid off the counter to stand up fully. It was then she realized she was actually smaller than the man. She was a mere 5'5 and her slender figure made threats useless, although the harshness of those baby blue hues and the stern ring of her Russian history upon each word she spoke made it seem like she wasn't all that harmless.</s> <|message|>Ryan Thompson Hearing Acacia suddenly start chewing him out on why she disliked hunters so much suddenly made Ryan become incredibly nervous. Here he was hitting it off with this girl pretty well just a couple minutes ago, or at least that's what he believed, and now he had released the beast inside of her. Little did he know that she had a much more physical beast that still laid dormant, but that's beside the point. He had now done the absolute last thing he wanted to do and that was upset Acacia. I should have just said I was unemployed. When he had finished cleaning up the vodka with the rag and spray bottle, Ryan sat both on the nearby counter and stood up. He might have towered over Acacia by about seven inches, but that didn't make her any less scary in his eyes. Taking the holsters for his Berettas off his belt and unslinging the Remington on his back, he placed them down on the counter with the cleaning supplies and turned back to Acacia. "I'm not going to shoot anything, I promise. If you don't trust me, than here you go. Hide them if you want to. Truth be told, I don't even know if I could pull the trigger on another living being. I've only ever shot paper targets."</s> <|message|>Acacia 'Ace' Malikova Acacia 'Ace' Malikova Had begun moving towards the couch after her rant about hunters, she could still hear him cleaning the counter though it didn't last long as he placed the rag and bottle on the bench before the sound of straps hit her ears. Glancing over her shoulder at him whilst standing in front of the couch she'd witness him place all his weaponry upon the counter. He began to make a promise, a promise that he would shoot anything nor that he thought he possibly could, "You'd be surprised, a great many men say they couldn't, and then they do it and they keep doing it." Eventually she'd sink down onto the couch taking up one half of it. "How do you think I ended up with Truth?" she'd as him lightly, "I didn't kill her pack, but I saw the people who did. She was only about sixteen weeks old when I found her," Acacia would continue on, she'd stare at the small unlit fire-place as she rested and arm on the couches armrest and then placed her chin upon it, "Those she cared about were ripped away from her, no one to look after her, how do you think that would feel? I've lived here about three years, and I found her only a short week after moving here, she's never met another wolf." Acacia had to be careful with the last section of her words, she wouldn't allow herself to tell the human what she was, and that was the truth about it. He had weapons, sure he'd taken them off, but if she mentioned a single thing about what she truly was, it could all end easily. For now, she remained where she was, staring quietly into the fireplace as she thought back to how she left her mother and sister those few years back, they needed her, but she still left, and it was visible on her face that she was being drug back to her own past, though whatever reason it was would be unknown.</s> <|message|>Ryan Thompson Ryan politely listened to Acacia's story of how she found Truth, a bit surprised at the discovery that the animal was actually a wolf and not a dog, though looking back Ace did tell him that it wasn't a dog. As she finished, he couldn't help but feel that Acacia might found Truth's situation similar to her own, and that was why she took the animal in as a pet. Of course, Ryan couldn't help but feel pity for the wolf as well when he really thought about what it must have felt like to be in her shoes. Then he imagined what Truth would look like wearing shoes and had to use every bit of self control to keep himself from smiling at the ridiculousness of the image in his head. "Well, from the sounds of it, she couldn't have found a better person to take care of her," he said, before letting out a loud yawn. "Huh, seems to be getting a bit late."</s> <|message|>Acacia 'Ace' Malikova Acacia 'Ace' Malikova & Truth Would snap out of her flash back as she heard Ryan speaking, when he mentioned it seemed to be getting late she'd glance towards the nearest window and noticed the dulling world surrounding the small cabin. Nodding slightly she'd realized how much time had truly past and it was actually somewhere between 5 and 7 pm already. Slowly arising from her seat she'd move back towards the kitchen, her ankle still causing discomfort as she'd walk with a visible limp, Damnit, why is this taking so long to heal, I mean it's good, I don't need him to see it vanish, but it shouldn't take so long. As she moved around Ryan she'd open the fridge to look at it's contents, no eggs, whatever milk was left was probably bad, no meat, she'd huff lightly under her breath before moving to rummage through her cabinets and once more found nothing that would sustain both of them and satisfy any form of hunger. Just as she turned to face Ryan to mention they may go without a meal tonight she'd hear scraping paws along the wooden paneling of the floor. The large wolf slowly emerged through the still open front door with her maw parted and a ball of ivory fur dangled lifelessly between the yellowed daggers. Tail still low as she slowly walked towards Acacia, eyes glaring at the human as she dropped the dead rabbit at the woman's feet. "Oh... Well it looks like we may not go hungry after all..." she'd state, voice softening from her rant earlier as she'd slowly lower to grab the dead animal, the smell of its blood filling her nostrils as she'd move towards the bench to prepare skinning it... What a girl huh? Lives alone with a wolf for a pet, skins and eats whatever her wolf brings home and seems really nice yet for some reason she still put off a feeling of insecurity.</s> <|message|>Ryan Thompson Ryan watched as Acacia moved to search the kitchen for food. It began to feel like there were weights on his eye lids as he struggled to keep them open. Acacia started at the fridge, then seemed to just teleport to the cabinets. No, I had just fallen asleep for a few seconds. Must have just missed her as she moved to look for more food. Wait, wasn't she just on the other side of the kitchen? Dammit, I did it again. Come on! STAY AWAKE! STAY AWake. STAY awake. STay awake. Stay- Exhaustion finally got the better of the young man as he fell into a deep slumber. The last thing he saw was Truth bring a freshly killed rabbit inside and handing it over to Acacia. He hadn't even been awake long enough to see her begin skinning and cooking the small mammal.</s>
<|message|>Acacia 'Ace' Malikova & Truth Acacia had skinned and cooked the rabbit long before she'd notice Ryan had passed out upon the living room sofa. She had felt the urge for silence and didn't open her mouth until she went to speak to him over her shoulder, "Dinner is read..." she'd cut herself off as those pale hues caught a glimpse of the slumbering human upon the furniture. The corners of her lips slightly drew up in a smile as she'd look down at the begging wolf and tossed her half of the rabbit carcass she hadn't yet cooked. "Guess I'll leave this in the fridge for tomorrow," she'd comment to Truth before sliding the two meals of cooked meat into the fridge. Nodding lightly at the wolf laying upon her fabric pile gnawing on the meat and bones she'd decide to head to the nearest small closet and grab a blanket, it was a stained white doona that she quickly lifted and placed over Ryan so he didn't get a chill over night, which quickly reminded her to close the front door before heading back up the ladder to the loft. Deciding what she was wearing was comfy enough she'd crawl onto the small double bed and curl up on its surface drawing a thin sky blue blanket over herself as she'd eventually drift off to sleep. --- Time Skip to The Next Morning </s>
<|description|>"Cedar" Species: Half-Bear Age: 8 (physically adult) Gender: Male Appearance: 10ft, 550lbs. Unusually long torso. Tawny brown fur with dark brown grizzling. Claws are aggressively trimmed and filed down to thick nubs. Concealed in thick holocaust cloak/robes, gloves, and heavy boots. Carries a coarse wooden staff. Cloak decorated with typical druid paraphernalia. Colorblind (Yellow-green) If disrobed, and on all fours, would pass easily as just a very large bear. Bio: Offspring from the "sordid" (depending on who you ask) relationship between a forest hermit and a she-bear. Learned his craft and appreciation for honesty, integrity, and reverence for natural beauty from his dad. His "Good looks" from his mother. Shy/sentimental. Has a brother the same age, and numerous younger siblings. Due to events in his home province before his birth, his father is magically connected with a rather expansive magical woodland, which suits him fine. Local logging town and his dad have a 'mixed feelings' relationship about each other. Cedar helps with diplomatic solutions. Is still young and naive in many ways, but shockingly adult and mature in others. Skillset: Woodcraft, basic potion lore, basic anatomy, ecology. Possesses "Speak to animals" spell-like ability. Superhuman strength. Superhuman sense of smell. Low-light vision Spells: "Enhance/grow vegetation" "Entangling roots/vines" "Light heal" "Detect magic" Equipment: Dark brown and green 'holocaust cloak'/robes. Large wooden staff. Small hand axe. Small boot knife. Ball of twine. Antler knapping tool. Flints. Other: Will arrive 'later' than other players.</s> <|message|>"Cedar" If it were possible to frown any harder, Henri would have done so. He was too old for this shit. Instead, he propelled himself from the back flank, and up the right side to function as cover against musket fire. He was already damaged to hell and back- a few lead slugs would only mar the iron coating a bit more. "Mobile cover" was not really what he had intended this day, but it would have to do. Several rounds hit him in the chest and face, peeling the iron back with loud pings, before it once more molded over the top of the shattered ceramic underneath. Jazdia leveled her bow, sucked a breath, and pulled back the string before making a carefully timed release. "Well, miss Jazdia, quite a pickle we seem to be in. And the birdie is getting away. We should have made him sing when we had the chance. Do you have any more ideas, or should I start showing the constable how much he has bitten off this morning? His majesty will be most interested in this turn of events, I am sure. If I may be so bold as to suggest-- we should take some of these fools alive, so they can sing about their keeper to the inquisitor."</s> <|message|>Kaito Kaito quickly followed the leader through the corridors and tunnels until they reached the canal hall where they would be greeted by a familiar but rather unwelcome face. Somehow Constable Delving managed to be just at this particular spot at this particular time. How surprising. It was as if he knew they would come through here. The fox simply guessed that this was the reason that Gerald did not put up a fight back in his bunker. He was counting on his fellow conspirator Aaron Delving to save the day. The kitsune sighed as he knew that they would have just another fight at their hands. Clearly their involuntary participation in Gerald's gladiatorial wasn't enough to please the gods into giving them an easy escape. However this time there wasn't any magic field that interfered with Kaito's abilities. Delving and his goons would be in for a nasty surprise. However before he could do anything the whole situation went to shit when Jazdia ordered the release of the guild master. However the moment Gerald made his way across the bridge the elf just shot him to pieces. "For fox sake, we were supposed to take him alive!!" Yelled Kaito in frustration. However there was no time to argue about the necessity of Jazdia's action. Three soldiers armed with muskets had taken position on their flank and took their aim. They were ready to shoot them on the spot. But before the soldiers pulled the trigger, the fox created a thick illusionary fog in the entire hall, reducing everyone's vision to less then half a meter. Well, not everyone's vision. The kitsune knew that the boss elf could see through it with ease. Also Chounan would be perfectly capable of locating anyone with his ki sense. Not to mention that Kaito himself was not affected by his own creation. Yvonne might have a hard time but at least the soldiers would not be able to take a clear shot unless they somehow had a way to see through his illusions. Quickly Kaito moved to the side to flank the most left soldier. With his sheeted sword in his left hand the fox dashed at the soldier to suddenly pop up from the fog. The kitsune drew his wakizashi and launched a strike against the soldier's sword, pushing it aside while remaining in contact to prevent a counter attack. This attack was quickly followed by a left handed strike with the scabbard aiming at the side of the neck, trying to knock the soldier out in one swift blow to the vagus nerve.</s> <|message|>Kagetane Chounan With the hinder vision for the enemies under the mist and also to prevent the Musketeers to fire on concealed area. Chounan close his eyes and release a calm breath. As the Ki has been activated. Everything goes dark around him. A glowing circle appear under him. Being on the center of the circle with a radius of seven meters. The silhouette of two confused flanking soldiers appear on the circle. He sheathes his blade and makes a ready posture. A quick draw of the blade's stroke cuts the first flanking soldier following up a dashing two handed heavy stroke on other flanking soldier.</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" [NPC Post] The hunter silently looked at Matilda, the tension building up as every second passed. What was he thinking? It didn't quite showed on his face, any other emotion smothered by the burning rage, but eventually he broke eye contact and returned to packing. A wrapped package was put into the bag, then he went and took out a bear trap lying underneath the bed. "I dont know." He cranked it open nearly all the way through before carefully shutting the jagged teeth, the contraption creaking alongside the motion. "Follow along quietly an' dont cause a scene, whatev's." "Uh, Reinhold, my friend. When was the last time you slept?" "I can rest when I'm dead."</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" What were the odds of this prick Aaron showing up here and now? Yvonne had always pegged him for a major pain in the ass, but not the treasonous sort - which, from how he's planning to bury them all here, was looking all nice and likely. The moment the violence started, Yvonne randomly tossed the bottle of liquor across the bank before legging it behind a pillar. Nah, she ain't fancying standing in the open against entire squadron of musketeers. She had seen what those thing could do to armor and flesh. A decision that soon was proven correct with the thick mist that unnaturally filled the cave within seconds - she ain't fighting jack shit with vision this bad. Sparky happened to join her cover moments later, which was greeted with a lopsided grin. It's just one bout of shitshow right after another today, eh? "Heya boss. Quite deep up in shit creek we are today." Yvonne couldn't see much, but she could listen still. Wont be infallible, but she at least had some estimate to identify approaching presence as friend or foe. Her current group was rather distinct after all. "If Aaron ain't involved in some sort of conspiracy I'll eat my boots."</s>
<|message|>"Cedar" Cedar thanked the man, then shoved a fist full of the raw bacon into his mouth like a greedy child eating sweets. It was smokey and salty, but the fat was amazing. His dad had told him that he REALLY SHOULD cook pork first, to avoid getting real sick with achy muscles, but right now he did not care, and was beyond hungry. Really, if the bacon was cured right, the salt and smoke should have solved the issue on their own. He followed it up with one of the whole cauliflower, enjoying the satisfying crunchiness. It was by no means "A meal", but it would have to do. Solomon was clearly very eager to get on the trail, and spending a few hours cooking did not seem like his idea of a good time (No matter how much Cedar felt differently-- It was bad manners to upset the person that just paid for dinner, after all.). Instead, he grabbed the large cast iron cauldron the man heaved and rolled out of the door, stuffed the majority of his swag inside it, then tottered off toward the far edge of the farmer's field, where it abutted the treerow, near the path they had walked up. It would make a decent spot to cook up dinner later, with ready access to deadfalls for the fire, and wood to work with to make bowls and spoons with. He snatched out some carrots, before putting the large water barrel down next to it, happy to get it off his back for awhile, then sat the smaller half-barrel of salted bacon down beside both, then laid the hood of his robe over the top to keep dogs and bugs out. He really should have asked for a canvas to put down, but he was so fixated on dinner, the idea of "Not Stopping" did not occur to him until the transaction was completed. He would just have to go around with his head uncovered for the time being. Crunching on 3 carrots at once, he tottered up behind Solomon, and wandered further up the path to go interview the locals.</s>
<|description|>Daro Madas Age: 26 Gender: Male Species: Human Level: Jedi Knight Appearance: Daro stands a few centimeters over six feet in height. His eyes are a hazel color, his shoulder length hair is brown and his skin is a fair shade. He wears the typical robes of a Jedi. Equipment He carries a single lightsaber which emits a blue blade. Other items he keeps on himself are a communications device, grappling hook and a credit chip. Skills:* He's a good lightsaber combatant, trained and skilled in Form IV: Ataru and Form V: Shien. * Has training in unarmed combat, he's solid without his lightsaber. * Knows the usual Jedi Force powers such as Telekinesis and Mind Trick. * A decent pilot. * He has some knowledge of first aid training, able to patch up small wounds. Backstory: Daro was born on Alderaan to an upper middle class family. His father was a skilled pilot who made his living delivering items to different core worlds. Because of this he was not around very much in Daro's life. But when Daro was with him, he bonded with his father. The man taught him the basics of piloting a ship, if he had not become a Jedi then Daro would have likely followed in his father's footsteps. His mother was a kind hearted women who worked in politics. She was an adviser to several politicians on Alderaan. At the age of 6, a Jedi knight arrived on a Republic mission and discovered Daro and his force sensitivity. Daro was taken by the Jedi knight to the temple on Coruscant and began his training. Like many others he was assigned to a master who showed him everything he knew. Daro excelled and passed the trials, he was given the title of Jedi knight at the age of 23. He fought in several battles in the Clone Wars, but in recent times has found himself on more covert missions. He has remained a Jedi knight, aligned to the Republic and accepting of whatever task was given to him. He also was hesitant to take a padawan, seeing himself as not ready enough to have a young Jedi's life in his hands. He is a fast learner and constantly tests himself in order to make himself a better Jedi.</s> <|message|>Daro Madas Two Jedi starfighters broke through the clouds, then descended downwards to the jungle covered surface of Alk'Lellish III. As they moved towards the world, the sounds of planet became more evident to both of the pilots. Growls, howls and roars from the wildlife which populated the world. Both starfighters landed in a clearing, careful to avoid creating too much of their own noise. The engines of both vessels shut off as a Jedi Knight emerged from each vehicle, a male and a female, two humans with a history together. "The target is not far from here, it should stick out like a sore thumb in this jungle." The man stated, as he landed gently on the grass covered forest floor, small branches crackling underneath his boots. Daro Madas then reached into the cockpit of his ship and pulled out a set of binoculars. His robe fluttered against the tall grass, as he lifted the binoculars towards his eyes. With a twist he zoomed in with them, then carefully searched for their target. "There it is, see the smoke stack?" Daro said with a smile as he took sight of the objective, then handed the binoculars to Jana. A weapons factory, built in secrecy by the Confederacy. The Republic had received disturbing reports about what was being built inside of the factory. The Order had entrusted Daro and Jana with the difficult task of destroying the facility. They were alone on the mission, no clone trooper support. Smoke billowed from one side of the tall, metallic building. They'd need to be careful in their assault of it. "It's not that far from our current location, I don't believe they saw us land, but we should still use caution. Despite its remote location, I'm sure that it is heavily guarded." Daro stated, as he rose one hand to scratch his chin.</s> <|message|>Jana Larker Jana took the binoculars and looked through them. She looked over the weapon factory. She frowned when she pulled them away from her head. Something about this didn't feel right in her head. Why were they being sent alone with no clone troop support to destroy a big factory like this. "This is not going to be easy. Its going to take more than a couple bombs to destroy everything inside, but that's not including the people inside working on these weapon" She said. "I don't know about you, but I have a very very bad feeling that there is more to this than what we been told" She said again.</s> <|message|>Daro Madas "The workers inside are likely forced to work there. Once we breach inside, they'll run free. We'll need to stay focused." Daro replied as he looked Jana in the eyes. She may very well be right, there could be more to this mission than they were told. The intel was not perfect, such a distant world could hide many secrets. "Why don't we race there? Like how we used to do when were younger?" The Jedi Knight added with a wink. It would kill off some of the tension. Then Daro's robe shimmered in the air as he jumped upwards, landing on a sturdy tree branch before he dashed to another one. The Force causing him to appear like a blur with each movement. He had gotten a headstart.</s> <|message|>Jana Larker She smirked and ran after him staying on the ground since she was a lot faster on the ground than in the air. She seemed to get ahead of him laughing as she ran down the hill making her go faster in the race. She looked back at him and winked. The last race they had got in a draw for both the race and the number of races they had. "Looks like I am going to win this race" She called at him</s> <|message|>Daro Madas "Haha, I'm barely trying." Daro exclaimed as he leaped from one tree to another, the wind whistling against him as he flowed through the air, the Force propelling him ahead. The agile Jedi knight took another leap, this time doing a flip as he caught up with his partner. She dashing along the forest floor, and him far above her as they were neck and neck. Even in such a high risk mission, doing such a silly thing as race knocked the tension down greatly. "We're almost there." He said to her as the factory grew that much larger in sight as they were quickly nearing it. It sat in the center of a clearing, outside of it he could see some figures moving. Battle droids, a battalion of them on patrol outside of it. He counted a dozen, each clenching blaster rifles as they walked mechanical foot in foot. Right as he spotted them, Daro launched himself from the tree branches then landed in front of Jana. He gently put his hands in front of him, grasping her gently to stop both of their movements. He had stopped their competition before it finished. He did not need those machines to spot them, then the entire factory would be on high alert. "Sorry about that, Jana. But do you see what I see? Droids, right over there. They just turned away from our direction, but if we make too much noise their sensors will pick us right up." Daro said as he crouched down, a hand raised towards the group of battle droids. "They're nothing we couldn't handle, but I fear there are more inside. Might be the best idea to take a stealthier approach." He added as he scanned the perimeter around the facility. The dozen droids were the only lifeforms he noted, there were no turrets or armored vehicles. There were two floors to the factory, a large set of currently closed doors on one side. They could hear the sounds of machinery at work even from their current distance. "We could hit them from the roof. Scale the trees, loop around then jump for the top of the factory. Cut our way in then drop right in the second floor. That sound like a plan?" Daro asked her, a smirk on his face.</s> <|message|>Jana Larker She nodded. She also noticed the droids when they were racing. She looked over and saw a tree that happened to arch over towards the roof, but there was a large section that could easily get them caught. "If we be quiet, we could sneak our way up that large tree and get into the roof that way, unless you have another plan we can use to get up on the roof" Jana said.</s> <|message|>Daro Madas "Good thinking, the droids are going the other way from us. Now, let's go." Daro said, his eyes focused on the still patrolling group of battle droids. Then he jogged through the underbrush, using the vegetation of the forest as cover as he dashed towards the tree she had picked out. With one more look towards the factory, then Jana, the Jedi Knight launched himself upwards, scaling the tree as quickly as he could. A small branch cracked, then splintered off as it landed in a pile of leaves. He paused in his ascent as he watched the branch in motion, nothing came from it. There was distance between the droids and them now. As the Jedi reached one of the highest branches, he stared towards the factory. Daro knelt on a sturdy branch, took a deep breath then dashed along it at the last moment leaping off as he used the Force to practically launch himself onto the rooftop. He landed with a roll, sliding briefly along the hard roof. As his motion slowed, Daro brought himself to his feet. The Jedi took a look at the rooftop, it was long, no windows or entry ways he could upon it. Luckily the material was easily weak enough that their lightsabers could slice right through it, and help them slip inside. He waved towards Jana, then knelt down as he waited for her to cross over.</s> <|message|>Jana Larker Jana followed after him and was looking down at the roof. She figured if they could run the rest of the branch silently, they could make the jump. She looked around and saw the droids walk in the opposite direction. Jana nodded at him. "We can run and make the jump, try not to make a lot of noise" She whispered to him</s> <|message|>Daro Madas As both the Jedi knights stood on the rooftop, Daro used the Force to pull his lightsaber from his belt. The handle floated to his hand, as he grasped it he flicked on the weapon and the shimmering blue blade emitted. With one more glance towards his companion, he aimed it downwards then with a grunt jabbed it into the roof. He spun it in a wide circle, moving as he did it so that he could create a large enough area for both of them to enter through. Then with a bang, a round chunk of metal fell from the roof, clanking on the floor below. Daro stared at the newly created hole, then watched as two battle droids ran over to investigate. "Let's go!" He exclaimed to Jana before he jumped through, his lightsaber held above his head as he hit the floor in a kneeling position. Both the droids took a step back as pure surprise overcame them. Before they could aim their blasters at the Jedi, he was already on them. With two rapid motions the well trained knight lashed out at machines, severing one in half cleanly, then slicing the other into thirds with his lightsaber. Sparks briefly emitted from both droids as they fell to the floor, out of the fight. Daro had a smirk on his face as he stood up to survey his surroundings. A large room which smelled of smoke, a conveyor belt was on one side of it, the other many barrels and boxes. Some workers were in there, all of them surprised to see the Jedi burst through the roof. Likely forced to be here, slave labor. He glanced upwards at Jana, then to his right as he heard rapidly approaching footsteps. A half dozen battle droids were charging towards him, they leveled their blasters towards Daro. He'd lunge towards the group once his companion was by his side.</s> <|message|>Jana Larker Jana winced at the sound as she used her force powers to pull out her lightsabers as well. One blade and one red appeared in both her hands in their shimmering shine as she jumped down after her companion attacking another drone. She looked to rushing footsteps and cursed. If they didn't have company before, they definitely had them now. Well too late to turn back down. She braced herself for the battle while also looking for a way out. She saw what seemed to be a hallway that seemed slim and lead somewhere. "See that hallway over there, when we get done here, we should go down that one" She said as the battled the drones, getting a lot of them with both her arms,</s>
<|message|>Daro Madas In a flurry of lightsaber swings and stabs the group of battle droids went down in a pile of scraps. Blaster bolts had been fired at the two robed figures, yet none hit their marks. Each shot either missed its target or was deflected away. Daro clenched his lightsaber tightly as he sliced the last droid to pieces, joining the others. The Jedi then switched off his weapon, the shimmering blade disappearing back into its metallic hilt. He heard the words come from Jana as they defended themselves, she might have been onto something. This didn't look like a room that they could bring the facility down in. By the sounds that echoed through the facility over the sounds of machinery at work the duo were bound for some more company. Daro paused before he moved, as he noticed the workers staring at the Jedi. All of them had watched as they cut down the droids like they were nothing, Jana and him were tasked with destroying the facility. They had to make sure to preserve innocent lives, the people in the factory were forced to work here and did so under terrible conditions. "You are all free, the Confederacy had forced you to slave away in here and that ends today!" He exclaimed as he jogged towards the hallway, his boots clicking against the floor as the Jedi moved with pace and agility. Behind him he could hear the workers leaving their stations and heading for the exits. He just hoped they'd spread the word to the others forced to work in the factory and get far enough away when they brought the terrible place down. As the two Jedi reached the end of the hallway they came into a similar room as the first, albeit larger and with more inside of it. Machine parts hung on wires near the ceiling, racks of blaster rifles were hung to one side. More destructive weapons were being built. They had to stop it. An elevator was at the back of the room, from it emerged a larger group of battle droids, Daro could count twenty before they all rose their weapons and the Jedi dove for cover. "We need to get to that elevator, there are a lot of droids in our way but this room is huge and has plenty of places to take cover behind." Daro said to Jana as blaster fire filled the room, shots slamming into the walls near the Jedi. The workers had dove to the floor as the chaos began. The Jedi knight eyed some of the machinery suspended above them, the Force was their ally. Perhaps they could use it here even when they lacked the numbers advantage.</s>
<|description|>Light Super Name: Toon Girl Appearance: Powers/Skills: Toon Strength - Depending on her mood, Light can have various levels of Super Strength. While sad or depressed, her arms are basically noodles and can't lift much of anything. When she is determined or angry, her super strength can jump up to levels that can only be matched by a few. In her default state however shes strong enough to be able to lift up a small house and run with it only slightly encumbered. She can also lift enchanted items such as Thor's Hammer, but WILL NOT gain any positive or negative effects from them unless she would normally fill those criteria. Toon Regeneration - Light can regenerate from almost any affliction much like any cartoon. The healing can vary on how long it takes, depending on the injury, with physical blows being the fastest to bounce back from, while more energy based things like fire might take longer to regenerate from. Supernatural afflictions or mental afflictions take the longest to regenerate from, and can take upwards of 20 minutes to regenerate from in some cases. Additionally since shes a toon, many injuries that affect her tend to be more 'showy', such as her turning into ash after being on fire for a short time, explosives just charring her black and maybe turning her to ash, body parts finding their way back to her or her pulling new body parts out of stumps if she is cut, blowing herself back to normal, bullets passing through her and leaving holes, turning green when sick, and the like. She doesn't bleed, has amazing resistances to reality warping abilities, and she can adapt quickly to hostile environments such as underwater or the depths of space. Toon Physics - Light is affected by physics differently, although core concepts are still followed. Examples are attacks do extra damage, she can stretch like rubber if being pulled/hit, incinerated to ash because of a mild fire, extreme unluckiness, being able to ignore the pull of gravity if unaware that it should affect her for a time, and other various benefits and hindrances that often follow the 'rule of cool' or comedy. Portable Hole - Light can pull a portable hole from the inside of her dress. This lets her travel to familiar places or any point along her sight lines, and only she, stuff she wears, or stuff in her Pocket Space can enter, the hole feeling like inky paper to anyone else. When placed, either in the air or on the ground, the second hole appears once she enters the first one. There is a slight time delay between when she enters the hole and when she exits the second hole, which is extended if either hole was placed in the air. Pocket Space - Light can store and pull objects from a place she calls 'pocket space', located under her dress. She can pull various objects from this space, but most if not stored previously tend to be useless or downright hazardous if they have the ACME logo on them, and objects pulled from this space tend to look a bit more 'cartoony' then normal. Light can't store or pull living objects from her pocket space. Reality Siphon - Light steals the reality from whatever she touches. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back after a short period depending on how much was lost. When an object has lost lots of its reality, it starts to take on the look of a Toon, but with no beneficial powers, and when it loses all of its reality, it disappears to... Reality warping beings have a minor resistance to this ability and massive or cosmic entities have greater resistance to this ability. Magical things lose their energy quickly. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. This ability allows her to affect Ghosts and other ethereal bodies, and anything that tries to siphon off Light's energy or tries to possess her will suffer a much more severe version of this ability. Equipment: Whatever is stored in her pocket space. Weaknesses: -Takes extra damage from attacks -Has an EXCEPTIONALLY difficult time escaping from things that constrict her movement like ropes or nets. -Extremely unlucky, almost to the point where she might just as well have a target painted on her head. -Very susceptible to drugs and some chemicals. -Has a very poor judgement of 'seriousness' and tends to fall into traps very easily as danger isn't something she can really perceive well. -Tends to mostly be a pacifist when fighting, and would rather talk or play with her enemies than fight them. This makes her very easy to talk down from a fight or even bring to your side temporarily. (Lex = instant win) Also makes her very easy to distract. -While strong, she isn't trained in martial arts. Shes also fairly light and easy to throw around. -Due to her 'creepy' touch and slightly unsettling looks, Light has a hard time making any close relationships. Origin Story: Coming from a different form of reality, or lack there of, Light is a toon living in the real world. Sure, she doesn't act too chaotic like what you see on the TV, but then unlike most cartoons Light has a good grasp on the concept that things in this reality don't follow the rules she knows. That doesn't mean she isn't up to jokes, comedy, or making friends, and her constant smile makes it out to be that she is perpetually in a good mood, even when dealing with villains! But sometimes she'll occasionally mumble about dark things, often in a light hearted or dismissive manner, but there might be something bad that happened prior to this toon lady coming to this reality.</s> <|message|>Alexanda Connolly Alexanda raised an eyebrow at the cartoon fish-girl hybrid, who currently had an arm around her. "Well, this is going to be interesting." Director King then spoke again, providing those present with the information they wanted to know. Although he did not directly answer her question about the frequency of such meetings, she had gotten a little from what he mentioned about civilian life. However, the next thing he said about quarters confused her slightly. How often did they have to be here if preparations were made for them to practically live here? She still had her business to take care of, and Daniel was probably not going to be very happy if she started leaving home for long periods of time. "Yeah... I'll most likely be taking lots of time off, if that's alright with you guys..." she said in response. The Asian man, whom Director King had addressed as 'Mr. Wu', was eventually convinced to display the ability that the Defiance Project had sought him out for. So, his was teleportation. Alexanda was beginning to feel more comfortable around these gifted individuals as they continued interacting with one another. It would be best to get to know everyone better for the time being, and go along with the tour as well as the 'bonding over food', as the cartoon character referred to as 'Light' had put it.</s> <|message|>Every hero needs a secret identity! Of course, TDP will make sure your departure from everyday life goes un-noticed. Ignoring Alexanda's seemingly antagonising comment, Director king beckoned to the elevator behind him. "You can eat, and relieve yourselves, after the tour." He pressed the call button and once again after a few seconds of whirring the doors opened. The lift was just big enough for himself, the four guests and one guard. The words "R and D" were spoken and the lift shot downwards. The research and development floor was essentially one giant laboratory. A large, windowless room, the walls were lined with monitors and gauges displaying all sorts of scientific data. On one of the many workbenches a pistol could be seen disappearing and materialising as a beautiful red rose. "This is where we develop the equipment our agents use in the field. Every gadget, weapon or outfit you see will have been birthed in this very room. You are standing upon sacred ground right now, recruits." The next floor shown was the communications centre. As soon as the doors opened the sound of chatter was definite above all else. Each person was wearing a headset and a pair of glasses not unlike the failed Google Glass concept. Whilst the images on most glasses were unclear from the position of the recruits some were more prominent. One girl was having a face-to-face conversation with a member of cleaning staff whilst next to her a young man was viewing images of an industrial steel factory with a furrowed brow. The living quarters floor was actually more of a complex than a single floor. Hundreds of apartments spread out in every direction. Each one equipped with a basic bedroom, living room and bathroom. King explained to them that they had been provided basic supplies; toothbrush, toilet paper, bedding and a television but they were free to arrange for personal belongings to be delivered later. "Unfortunately we do not allow pets after the "Jihadi Jaguar" incident." He did not elaborate on what this was. Second to last was the briefing room. Much smaller and intimate than the others, the room and subsequent others shared similarities with a university lecture hall. A large half-ring of seats encircled and speaker's podium with a tremendous screen behind. The room was dimly lit with the display showing a T.D.P screensaver. "This will be where every mission starts and ends. If you are sent on espionage, assassination, rescue or even as a diplomatic envoy this room will give you everything you need to know. "Last but certainly not least is the dining hall. We import chefs from all around the world to help feed the agents here. You could go an entire year and never eat the same meal twice." To the left of the entrance was a Chinese man flicking a wok full of vegetables and on the right stood a basic restaurant setup and a sign stating that Italian food would be available there. "We have food representing every major world power here. I recommend that you eat together for the time being seeing as you will be a team soon." King beckoned to let them past and then stepped back into the elevator. "You have access to this, your quarters, the transport system into city and the brief room. I want you to be at briefing for 0730 tomorrow morning, and by the way, it's about 5 pm now."</s> <|message|>Wayne Mack Geary Wayne followed Director King, only half listening. He was craning his neck upwards, stretching it about a foot and a half, his head like some kind of odd probe that he swept side to side to take everything in. He picked up some agent's high-tech glasses and slipped them on, marveling at the crispness of the UI before replacing them on the same desk. "Okay, tell me we get those too." As the tour progressed, he noted a couple times that he was getting hungry, his stomach growling for food. The cold from his comfinemt hadn't totally warmed yet, so he was quite excited when they finally came upon the kitchens. His arm snaked into the kitchen/dining area, and picked up a menu. Wayne's legs lengthened and his stride extended so as to allow him to reach the counter in a few steps. There were displays of pasta, burgers, desserts, soups, roasts, breads, snacks, curry, rice, fresh fruit and vegetables, and all the different local and foreign delicacies. He could identify menu items in at least six languages, and that's with only a passing knowledge of anything beyond high school math and one year of Spanish. Suffice to say, Wayne was in food heaven. All of his resentment towards being captured and kidnapped and even his disrespect melted away as he perused the extensive selection before him. "Yeah sure, Kingy. This is all on your tab, right?" He asked, much too focused on filling his stomach than whatever answer he would receive. He ended up ordering three pizzas, a whole chicken, and two gallon jugs of water. Wayne settled into a chair at one of the tables and was about to dig in when he noticed the others, seemingly for the first time. "Well, this is all mine. What are you guys having?"</s> <|message|>Alexanda Connolly Alexanda felt as if she had stepped into a modern-day superhero movie. In other words, the headquarters had turned out to be everything she had expected, considering the whole 'secret government agency' theme. However, that did not stop her from being rather intrigued at the projects she spotted being worked on as the group was shown the RnD department. That was probably the most interesting part of the tour, as she found the rest of the locations to be rather basic stuff. She was also rather amused at how much attention was paid to the catering aspect of the organization. She had to question the need for that, though, she was not exactly complaining either. When told the current time and that of the next meeting, Alexanda knew that it was time to make some calls. She stepped away from the group to contact her assistants, instructing them to open the Coldshine workshop without her tomorrow. The other person she had to call was of course, Daniel. Although he hardly showed it, she knew he would be worried if she did not return home after a couple of days. Director King did mention transport into the city, which meant she could leave when she needed to. Looking back to the team, she could not help but wonder about their responsibilities outside the Defiance Project and the people who were important to them. She returned to where the others were, seeing a heap of food already in front of the young man whom Director King had referred to as Mr. Geary. Grabbing a bowl of lobster bisque, she made her way over to the table and sat down. "I'll decide as I go along," she responded. @Gunther @Archmage MC</s>
<|message|>Light Light followed the group. The tour of the facility was what she expected. Both basic and secret base-like, much like a movie. Although unlike a movie, there was a lot more detail here. The R&D section was the most interesting part, even if Light herself wouldn't be able to do all that much with the stuff they were making. Toons and tech didn't mix all that well. The other areas were fairly standard, and the others in the group had their own opinions about each. Although she looked at things with an animated expression, she got bored fairly quick on a few of the more plain areas. She didn't really have her interest peaked until they reached the dining hall, and much like Wayne, she rushed off to order food. Almost trying to one up Wayne's large order, Light ordered a ton of food as well. She ordered mostly pizzas or different meat products, and sat at the table with everyone else when she was done ordering. "Hehe. I ordered a bunch of different things Wayne. We should see who can eat more!" Light said, beaming with a toothy grin.</s>
<|description|>Cody 'Storm' Rennie Age: 1st Year How your char looks: Cody tends to act selfishly and is borderline arrogant when facing his opponents due to the amount of self-confidence he has in abilities. Due to this he also gets incredibly frustrated when things don't go his way and is easily angered. His selfish behaviour tends to lose him more friends then he makes. He has a free-flowing attitude and is quite childish, often playing pranks on random civilians. He also hates to lose and will do anything to insure he doesn't. History: Having been raised in an orphanage for most of his life, he grew up listening to stories about heroes defeating evil beings and as such his dream is be like the heroes he has read about. (Too lazy to do a detailed history, but I can elaborate further) What your dream is: To become the hero and defeat the demon king What kind of magic your char has: Weather Manipulation It just occured to me I never posted my character here XD</s> <|message|>Prof. Arthur Thornton "Somewhat," Professor Thornton replied. He scratched the back of his head as he tried to recall the old information. "It's been a few years since when I was first examined, so my memory's a bit rusty." Lowering his hand, he continued, "Something to do with a crystal ball and visions if I remember correctly. Why don't you just go over the basics really quickly? It should come back to me then and I can take one of the empty rooms."</s> <|message|>Pico "Lucky" Lucielle "Please enter, we have a tight schedule today. We will begin by testing your magic, then we shall divine your likely future paths. Are you ready?" The cloaked figure gestured to the orb in front of him on the desk, as they had many times before and likely would many times more that same day. "Please come forward and see what lies in store for you here." --- Who "Eh, it sounds like you have the important stuff down. It's not that far from what most of us remember." The examiner shrugged before leading the professor off to another door. "Most of the others are actually decent seers, maybe one or two a little more than that, but the crystal really does the bulk of what's necessary. Just have them touch it and it should react to whatever magic they have. As for the future..." The examiner stopped in front of the door and peeked inside before turning back. "Hang on, I just gotta fix this up. Wait here a moment." It was only a few seconds after he slipped through that several very odd noises began emanating from the room. Quite a few crashes, plenty of crackling, and what sounded like a very small explosion accompanied a variety of out-of-place sounds before complete silence reigned once more beyond the door. Once the door opened again, the examiner peeked out and beckoned for the other man to follow. "There's a robe on the chair. They aren't supposed to see you."</s> <|message|>Cody 'Storm' Rennie (Ah man been way too long since I played him XD) "Ah of course. Busy, busy." Cody nodded in agreement as he walked up to the orb on the desk. He placed his hands on the orb without a single ounce of nervousness to be found. He was confident that he knew what his future would be; really there was only one possibility. At least, that's what he believed. Little did he know he was going to get a rather big shock.</s> <|message|>Atticus Haywood Atticus smiled once again. "'s not THAT weird, right? I mean, its not like every kinda magic isn't accepted here...I think. I'm pretty sure the world-ending ones might not be, but hey, I think its cool." he said before humming, asking: " can change whatever...but your eyes are stuck?", genuinely curious. It'd make sense he couldn't change his eyes if it hurt too much, or if it was just like that. Otherwise it'd make no sense for Loki to need his sunglasses.</s> <|message|>Loki Loki nods. "Yea no matter what my eyes are stuck like this and my teeth are like this in human form" he shrugs. "And everything I turn into is black." He runs a hand through his hair. There is a reason for that, but he is not ready to tell anyone. He doesn't know if he will ever be ready to tell someone about his past, but at least this is a start. After a few minutes he hears his name called and that he should go to room a. With a salute to the other two he heads into it and awkwardly stands there.</s> <|message|>Prof. Arthur Thornton Professor Thornton nodded to the fellow faculty member before entering the room and donning the robe. He then sat down, pulled in his chair, cracked his knuckles and said, "Alright bring in the first student." "Come in. Don't be nervous. Just take a seat," the teacher-turned-examiner told Loki. "I'm here to help you discover... more about yourself and what you could become," he continued to explain, in hopes that it would help calm the boy's nerves.</s> <|message|>Loki loki cocks hisbhead and seems to inhale a bit the with a smile he whips off his sunglasses to reveal his yellow Panther eyes. "Oh good" he walks over and sits down his stuff ending up on the floor next to him and his sunglasses tucked into his shirt. It's not that he doesn't like teachers...just that they have a tendency to get on his nerves. "Let's get started shall we" a small smile plays on his mouth giving a peek to his fanged teeth.</s> <|message|>Pico "Lucky" Lucielle After several seconds of silence, the cloaked examiner looked back up toward the boy. "Do you see it? Your power..." "...A truly impressive one for sure. Another one difficult to understand and easily unruly, but with experience and careful composition, capable of being as delicate or subtle as a scent on the breeze. Synergy with the weather is nothing to be underestimated or trifled with. Remain composed and dedicated, and you may find yourself able to accomplish much in nearly all possible circumstances." The examiner leaned back for a moment and let the words sink in before continuing. "Now, we shall determine the likely paths of your future. Are you ready? Look now, I'm sure you can see..." "...hmm...a position of power, that's for certain. Whether as a troublemaker or one more interested in results than methods, none can be certain. It seems a life of keeping both friends and enemies equally close is likely to be yours, though seemingly not one by conventionally lawful means."</s> <|message|>Prof. Arthur Thornton "Alright, let's get started. Place your hands on the ball," the cloaked professor said, ignoring Loki's bestial features. He'd seen much stranger sights over the years. Once Loki did so, the orb began to present visions of the boy's power. "I didn't need the orb to tell me that your power comes from the animal kingdom, but transformation is a very interesting ability. Not something you see every day, especially with such a wide range of fauna to choose from." Also a very useful ability in combat. I imagine this kid will do quite well in my class... if he isn't the rebellious kind that is. "Now, let's try to have a look at your future shall we?" After a few moments, the orb began to show more visions. "Well young sir, either you're going to grow up to be a school teacher with a happy marriage or you're going be a very big fan of jewelry with a lot of offspring. Take your pick."</s> <|message|>Loki Who Loki blinks then goes into a more passive expression. Of course he is thrilled to hear this since he wants to have normalcy, but he isn't going to just show it. "Thank what" his head tilts as he asks.</s> <|message|>Megan Starling Megan had began to hum boredly. She began tapping her foot to the beat of her humming subconsciously. She looked around, expecting Loki to be out of the room soon. She finally looked up at Atticus and tilted her head. "Hey Atticus? Where are you from? I don't really recognise your accent and I'm just sorta curious. I've never really met anyone from somewhere other than where I am from." She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, trying to smile again but only looking creepy again. Megan didn't really know how to smile properly.</s> <|message|>Cody 'Storm' Rennie "Weather magic? Well a hero like myself needs a great power." Cody said pridefully. He listened carefully to what the cloaked man said....he wasn't quite sure what he meant. "I suppose heroes don't always play by the rules. One could view them as troublemakers." Cody replied smugly.</s> <|message|>Prof. Arthur Thornton "Now you can go and socialize with your fellow classmates while we try to examine the rest of the incoming students. Have fun, Mr. Loki. And do try to enjoy your time here at our school," Professor Thornton replied. The teacher then proceeded to write down several notes on a small notepad, as he waited for the student to leave. Whenever Loki made it to the door out of the room, Thornton would recall a request for the boy, "And if you can, please let whoever was behind you in line know that Room A is now open."</s> <|message|>Loki Loki nods at the robed one and exits putting his sunglasses back in place and throwing his bag over his shoulder. He manages to find Atticus and Megan and walks over to them. He is actually a bit thrilled he skipped out on the health examination...his kind of weird. "So when do classes start anyway"</s> <|message|>Atticus Haywood Atticus was just leaning against the wall and perked up a bit at Megan's question, smiling as he pointed at himself with his thumb. "Well, I'm from London. It's a nice enough place, but I'd like to get to someplace nicer. Kinda why I'm glad I'm here." he explains, seeming a little happier after saying that, before he hums and looks back to Megan. "...Where you from Megan?" he asked before adding: "Oh, er, you don't have to say. If you don't want to." rather quickly, wanting to not push Megan into answering. For all he knew, it was a personal or touchy subject, or maybe she was from Mars on a top secret mission. Probably not the 2nd one, but he still wanted to be mildly considerate, in his own blunt way.</s> <|message|>Megan Starling Megan shrugged slightly. "I'm not really sure what the place where I grew up is called. It's a really nice place though. It's a forest. Quite big too." She smiled slightly, thinking of the forest she grew up in. She looked towards Loki. "I don't really know. I can try to find out if you want me to?"</s> <|message|>Loki Loki shrugs and shakes hisbhead. "Nah we can just wait it out I guess" he was a bit curious about how classes would go and what all they would be like. He figures they would be different then a normal school, but probably just as burning.</s> <|message|>Megan Starling Megan nodded slightly. "Ok" She then looked around as the crowd grew thicker. "Let's get out of here before I have to burn someone." and with that she started to head towards the exit. Her arms folded as she tried to avoid bumping into anyone. Last thing she wanted was for anyone to try confront her.</s> <|message|>Atticus Haywood Atticus scratched the back of his head as Megan started walking away, saying: "Crowd's not that bad..." to himself as he started walking to the side of Megan, looking over to Loki."So, get anything interesting for your future? Or just something you wanted?" he asked, genuinely curious since Megan still wasn't telling what her's was. He already knew both their magics, and they knew his, so it was only natural he ask about the only relevant thing at the moment. Well, what he felt was the only relevant thing. Save for that, he quickly followed up whatever Loki's answer would be: "So...huh. I wonder what other kinds of magic people can be just born with. Wonder if there's any really bad spells." idly pondering to himself as they walked. "Also...when do we get our pointy hats?"</s> <|message|>Pico "Lucky" Lucielle "Hero? I suppose some on this path might view themselves as such, at least at the beginning." The figure shook its head. It wasn't ever easy to tell students what to do in situations such as this one. While less desirable outcomes weren't exactly that uncommon in the tests, it never seemed worth it to discourage them so soon. Time was a tricky thing, after all, and few people really knew how easily the future could change as the result of even a few words. "I'm sure you can see it here, so I trust you will know what to do when the time comes. Please tread carefully in your choices, young one." "We will be conducting the health examination next, so please enter the door to your right when you are ready."</s> <|message|>Cody 'Storm' Rennie "I don't need to see, I know already." Cody replied confidently as he continued to listen to the man. He was starting to become a little uncertain now, but he was still confident in becoming the hero. Cody turned to face the door the man indicated before bowing to him. "Thank you, I'll see ya when I see ya." Cody said as he gave a small salute before leaving.</s> <|message|>Megan Starling Megan listened to Atticus and Loki for a bit, remaining silent as she walked backed to the garden. She liked it there. It was quiet and didn't smell of sweat and anxiety. She looked around, not really noticing the world around her properly. She had completely zoned out but was still walking to no particular location.</s> <|message|>Pico "Lucky" Lucielle Beyond the door lay an examination room, not too different from what might be seen in a regular doctor's office. Well, except for maybe a few odd pieces of equipment here and there. A tall brunet with rabbit ears stood there checking his clipboard until he heard the door open. "Ah, welcome! You must be... Cody Rennie? If that's correct, feel free to have a seat." The man gave the newcomer a smile, writing something done and putting the clipboard away as he continued. "We'll be doing a basic checkup, nothing too scary. Height, weight, some general stuff, a quick blood test, and you're done. Any questions so far?"</s>
<|message|>Cody 'Storm' Rennie Walking into the room and not noting anything of any significance in the room, other than maybe the bunny ears of the man in the room, Cody casually strolled up to the man, took a seat before finally offering a handshake. "Just call me Cody." He said with a smile of his own as he nodded in understanding. "No problems, a hero such as myself won't be trouble by such insignificant testing. You should know however that I am in tip, top shape." Cody replied boastfully. He was ready for whatever 'tests' this man would throw at him.</s>
<|description|>Tiral Yevan Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Standing at about 5'9" tall, Tiral has a fairly average build for his age, which is kind of strange considering how he's perpetually surrounded by the other Iron Rose Knights who seem to be much sturdier than he. His light brown hair is cut short, but has found a way of remaining a shaggy mess that barely avoids his eyes, even while he is wearing armor. More often than not, though, Tiral opts to avoid the usage of any large plate armor or metal armor, instead only wearing stronger equipment over his vitals and leaving the rest under regular leather garb. His sword will often times be sheathed at his side, ready for combat at a moment's notice. Personality: Tiral is... Actually fairly deliberate for a knight, if not somewhat bored by the peace of everyday life. His journeys at a young age meant he was already able to experience life in the real world, and since then the dusty old libraries that the mages hold in such high regard have been... Well, fairly dull. This doesn't mean that he isn't devoted to his work, but rather that he does not wish to learn anything unless he finds it interesting. Even so, his patience when it comes to such things is unparalleled. Or maybe it's just the fact that he can slap some ice onto people's mouths when he's trying to focus. That too. Brief Backstory: Having been orphaned a young age due to an illness that wiped out the rest of his village, Tiral was taken in by a priestess of Mayon who was moving with a group of travelers to bring aid to those in need. Though he was never explicitly religious, he greatly appreciated the efforts put forth to save his life, even then. As he grew up alongside these people, the priestess soon found that Tiral had an aptitude for magic. With a recommendation from her (and the goading of those around her), Tiral went off to the capital to further his studies of magic. Sadly, the monotonous life of a studying magician was not quite what the then-young boy had expected of magic. It was then that he heard of the Iron Rose Knights, whose feats were oft recorded in the books he was forced to pore over. Deciding that the life of a knight was much more entertaining than the life of a magical scholar, Tiral packed up his things once more and went to join the order. Learning the sword came about as easily as magic did to him, but the combination of the two (and his somewhat strange insistence on learning both at once) made him particularly noteworthy among that year's recruits. Since then, Tiral has been honing his abilities, both magical and physical. Equipment: Other than his rather 'unique' set of armor, Tiral wields a shortsword and a small ceremonial dagger. While the sword is standard-issue, the dagger is mainly used as a catalyst for some of Tiral's larger spells. It may be used as a glorified kitchen knife, but he'd probably never stand for that. More often than not, this dagger is tucked away in his shirt or under his breastplate, but it never leaves his person. Skills: Contrary to many of his peers, Tiral has chosen not to solely specialize in the way of the blade; rather than just being proficient with his shortsword, Tiral is also proficient in the usage of magic in combat. This magic, focusing mainly on the manipulation on water and ice, has become particularly noteworthy for those who are particularly religious. He, quite frankly, just sees it as sort of a coincidence; his specialty being water does not mean that anything was pre-ordained by the gods. Probably.</s> <|message|>Tarrya Khoroushi Tarrya rode sullenly alongside Garrett. She had never been comfortable in the saddle - despite being taught the basics of riding growing up she had never taken a liking to horses, or saddle sores for that matter. Even as a lieutenant of the company, when nobody would've looked twice had she taken a captured warhorse or two for her own use, she had preferred to fight and command on foot, sacrificing the mobility and height advantage for the security provided by her own two legs. Not that she would be commanding anyone anytime soon - this order had ridiculous notions about eligibility or command, just as bad to choose a young girl for her time of birth as to choose a young man for his family connections. As it was, the horse she currently rode was a far cry from the impressive steeds she had sold after the occasional capture of a knight, she was hardly a massive weight, even with her armor, but the beast seemed to lag behind the other horses all the same, struggling with her weight. He didn't have much longer, she reckoned. Branches seemed to mock her as they poked her in the face, just how they would do so she was unsure - but she had never been fond of thick forests. Too many friends had met their end in an ambush from thick woods before. Of course, the commanders of this little detachment would probably not even factor that in - and so far she hadn't seen the faintest hint of a scouting party sent out to reconnoiter the area. It was almost as if there was an untrained sixteen year old in command, or something preposterous like that. She kicked the spurs of her horse, urging the animal on again to catch up with Garrett. He seemed to be joining a few of the other knights in a small little circle, probably discussing tactics. She smirked to herself, overhearing a small fragment of conversation - at least the girl seemed to realize charging in bellowing was a poor course of action. Maybe with some experience she would turn out competent after all; only time would tell however, and no amount of heavy armor would save them from any poor decisions she made now. And still no sign of any attempt at recon- she perked up, one of the knights had actually suggested sending out scouts! Incredible! Perhaps more than a handful nobles knew basic tactics? Most of them didn't, in her experience, but this woman made her hopeful. She knew the woman would likely not notice her - after all, she was simply a commoner to them, beneath their notice. Unlanded nobility were not exactly the most prestigious members of society, and she had been adventuring with a mercenary company for the better part of a decade. In all likelihood, this woman would likely consider her simple common dirt to be ignored. Nonetheless her scowl softened, almost approaching a faint smile, and she nodded towards the woman, clearly wanting to offer her own input but remaining silent.</s> <|message|>Fanilly Danbalion Fanilly couldn't help but wince slightly at the lack of address of her as captain. While she knew that the undead Knight of the Iron Roses did not mean it in the same way as others who may have had the same sentiment, that didn't stop her from finding doubt welling up in her mind once more. She tried instead to focus on the advice given: That the shield-wielding knights among their forces advance first. It was sound and a strategy she should have discussed earlier. The young captain couldn't help but feel her foolishness for not mentioning such a thing before. What if someone had gotten killed? Her grip tightened. No. She couldn't let such things get to her. Not now. Fanilly had to prove herself. She had to ensure things went successfully. If her mind was flooded with doubt, that would be just as dangerous as charging in blindly. The blonde took a deep breath, but before she could respond, one of the other knights, Marianne, spoke to the Tyaethe, attempting to jump to her defense only to be swiftly met with a rebuttal. And then... the sharp, short tone of Lady Silvern's reference to her as captain made it all too clear what her opinion of the matter was, even if she said little more then to post lookouts. That, too, was a wise choice. "... I understand," the pale young girl began, "It had been my intent to send our forces in groups to surround the camp once we have located. Shields first is only reasonable. I believe that the bandits may not be expecting our order to attack them first, however, and may be caught unprepared." After she had finished speaking, one knight, Sult, spoke up... and... and called her cute?! Fanilly's cheeks were suddenly burning with embarrassment, and she quickly looked away, eyes fixed firmly downward at her mare's back. She shifted atop it, trying not to make her awkwardness noticeable. It likely did not work whatsoever. "Ah... ah... I... well..." she trailed off. However, her downcast gaze made her quickly realize that they had reached the point where the forest grew too thick to maneuver on horseback any longer. "... We..." Fanilly took another deep breath, trying to compose herself, "We must dismount before going any fur-" She stopped dead as she looked up. Ahead, wheels smashed, caught up against a tree, was a cart. A horse lay dead in front of it, arrows sticking from its side and neck. A man lay on the ground. He wasn't moving. The Order's duty came to the forefront of Fanilly's mind immediately as she lept from her horse. There was the sound of metal on leather as she drew her longsword in one hand, the blade flashing in the light of the setting sun. Even if this was foolish... if that man was alive...! The Captain of the Iron Rose Knights sprinted forward without a second thought. Soon she was upon the cart, coming to a halt and kneeling beside the downed man. He was an older man, in his forties perhaps, with black, short hair and simple clothing. His side was soaked in blood, and there was a gash in his flesh. And yet, he was still breathing, even if he was pale an unconscious. "... He's still alive!" Fanilly called to the others, looking back over her shoulder, "But he needs aid immediately!" The man's eyes fluttered open, and fell upon Fanilly's face, then the symbol on her breastplate. "... You... an... Iron Rose Knight..." he said, weakly, reaching up towards the girl. Her attention returned to him quickly and she took his hand in her own. "Hold on," she began. His wound was bloody, but if he got medical attention swiftly then he could perhaps survive, "As captain of the Iron Rose Knights, we will get you to safety!" He weakly shook his head. "L... leave, this is... a trap..." ... A trap...? Fanilly heard the sound before she saw anything. She released the man's hand, and did the first thing that came to mind, throwing herself to the side, catching herself with her free hand as she stopped and looked up. Three black arrows had buried themselves deep in the wooden cart where she had been moments later. Almost immediately, a hooded man in ragged leather armor sprang out of the downed cart and threw himself at her. Fanilly threw herself to the side as he swung a shortsword down towards the short girl. His sword hit dirt, but he swung back up just as she drew her dagger and immediately locked his strike up in her guard, a followup strike forcing him back immediately. "Heh," he spat, "Skilled for a little girl, but no use when the other guys get here. What are you doin'-" His eyes found the symbol on her chestplate, and then his gaze found the other knights. His eyes widened in horror. "... Th... the Iron Roses?! Oh gods above!"</s> <|message|>Tyaethe Radastirin Though Julianna wouldn't see it, it was entirely possible that she might feel the weight of the glare directed her way by Tyaethe. Not because of the scouting suggestion, though she thought it was a foolhardy risk to split off knights one or two at a time in a bandit infested forest and hope they made it back, but because of the tone. It was hypocrisy to disapprove of others showing disrespect to the order's captain but that was never going to stop the undead; veterans got to be casual in her opinion but nobody looked down on the captain. The glare lifted when Fanilly sprinted ahead to tend to a wounded man and instinct kicked in, with the heavily armoured knight following a moment later and--nearly--a moment too slow. Their captain's good reflexes averted needing to find another girl born on the full moon and the attempted backstabber saw how screwed he was. He might even, for a second, have noted how particularly doomed he was as the massive sword held in Tyaethe's left hand swung round and she let out a wordless roar, taking advantage of his stunned state to make sure that he was very particularly dead. The number of people in the world that could survive bisection was limited, after all, and Tyaethe didn't pause to make sure it stuck. She pivoted with the sword itself until facing the direction the arrows came from, striding forwards despite the simple fact this was an ambush. They could attack her all they liked. If they could even hit her armour from the right, it would be a small miracle.</s>
<|message|>Tiral Yevan Tiral rolled his eyes as he watched a good chunk of the REST of the company bickering around the captain. Most of them were nobles, right? A miracle that he had gotten selected for the subjugation force, all things considered. Though... From what he had heard from eavesdropping just a little, it seemed like the whole ordeal was a little mess about the politics of the whole situation, thinly veiled with some degree of half-respect. The division seemed fairly interesting overall, but getting involved might turn their attacks towards him instead. That... That was something he would rather avoid. The young knight reined his steed in when the captain, altruistic as she was, decided to attempt to help a man lying on the road. Tiral stared at the destroyed carriage and the dead horse before sighing. The attack was recent, given the fact that the blood on the man's clothing had yet to dry. That could only mean--! Leaping off his mount and drawing his sword from the side, Tiral gritted his teeth in silence as a bandit attempted to assault the captain. He was promptly cut down, of course, but bandits... Well, where there was one, there were always more. "Alright, enough chatter. Be ready for more any moment now..." he began to say before noticing the rustling of leaves abovehead. One of the bandits seemed smart enough to try and run back to warn their leader instead of trying to assault them head-on. Not like he was going to allow it, though. "Seek mine enemy," Tiral began to chant, a sphere of the crystal-clear liquid beginning to form in his hand. "And chain him unto this land in thine own name." Without any further flourish or extravagance, the water shot out towards the trees, and a cry of pain (along with the sound of a few branches being broken) could be heard as another bandit tumbled to the ground in front of him. The water he had sent up earlier was now circling his arms and legs, which meant that, at the very least, the spell had been successful. "Freeze." And with that, the water turned to ice, weighing down the bandit from escaping even further. "Good luck escaping from that, you scum," Tiral stated, a frown on his face as a few more bandits popped out from the woods to take them on. Oh, oh course there were more. It was a miracle that they weren't in full retreat by now. Though, to be fair, with his distinct lack of armor, he DID seem like the easiest target right about now... "Sorry to be a bit of a nuisance, but could I request some assistance here?" the young knight asked his colleagues, attempting to parry and evade the broad, untrained slashes of the bandits. "Honestly hoping these blades aren't coated in poison, or else I might be in a biiiit of trouble."</s>
<|description|>Bobby Shay Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: A short, skinny Caucasian with a mop of curly blond hair. Has recently developed a deep tan. His bright green eyes give the polar opposite impression of the famous Mona Lisa's; instead of seeming to follow you no matter where you go his never seem to be looking directly at anything. Preferred Beast: A Tapir First Weapon Type: A club School: Myth Mage Side Class: Day 1: Period 3: Sparring Period 4: Protection Day 2: Period 5: Absorbing Day 3: Period 2: Time Playing Period 4: Gym Period 5:Beast Training Personality: Bobby wanders through life wearing a near constant expression of dull surprise. Many things about the boy, truth be told, are dull. Nothing really excites or angers him, grandeur and gravitas fly right over his head, and he doesn't seem to have a sense of tact. He's slow on the uptake and prone to going with the flow even if it's clearly taking him over a waterfall. He is, however, good natured and absolutely everything seems to interest him. He is prone to wandering when something isn't specifically arresting his attention. History: Bobby was born to a lower-middle class family in the U.S.A and had an exceedingly normal upbringing, with his parents doing everything in their power to provide for their rather worrisome son. Compounding their worry is the fact that they have lost him no less than twelve times. Well, not counting the times where he didn't make it far. It's not as though they were inattentive or neglectful, he just had a habit of up and vanishing the moment they took their eyes off him. This latest disappearing act, during a family vacation, is probably going to be his longest yet. He should probably write them a letter or something.</s> <|message|>Ruby Gibson ~Ruby and Adam~ Ruby was asleep on her bed, at the position she was when she layed with the cat. She found her body cold when she woke up, as the window was still open. She opened her eyes slowly and and blinked two or three times. She normally would curl her body under the blanket, but the excitement of the new place wouldn't let her. She stood up and closed the window, rubbing her arms as she made her way to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and tied her hair with a beautiful burgund red long ribbon. Heading to the door she stumbled on the small table with the pen and the paper on. After reading all the titles, stumbling on some for she liked many, she ticked the elementals field. Before she would change her mind the new things vanished before her, and the door knob turned to the right, as a clinging sound echoed. Adam woke up while it was too early. Before opening his eyes he reached his hand out to find his cigarettes. As his hand travelled on the bedsheets it stumbled on something else. He opened his eyes instictively just to find the same wooden table with the pen and paper. He looked at it briefly and then took a cigarette that he put in his mouth, and lit it right after. Taking a big sip first, and letting the smoke come out in rings right after, he gave himself a minute to wake up and breath in all the nicotin that his body was lacking during his night sleep. He then proceeded in reading the paper. He needn't much time though. He quickly ticked the "Adept" box and just like it happened with everyone else, the table vanished, along with the piece of paper and pen. Adam wore his pants and put on his shirt, without bothering to button it and he went off, to find some breakfast or something. Getting out of the door he saw Ruby walking by. "Morning sunshine." He said in a rather moody tone with a raspy voice since he had just woke up, and hugged her playfully. "Your bare chest is not the first thing people would like to see when they wake up." Ruby said and hugged him back. "Where to?" Adam scratched his head and took another sip of his cigarette. "I don't know. The Zoo?" Ruby punched him on the arm playfully. "How about some breakfast?" "Breakfast it is then!" He added with a pinch of joy. "So, it's guessing time Ruby girl. Adept? Life Mage?" Ruby smirked. "Elementals. You should know that." He snapped his fingers and grinned. "Damn! You got me." She gave him a little smile, still looking forward. "Adept, Beast Speaker." "That's called cheating. You should've been an oracle or something."</s> <|message|>Bobby Shay The first a foremost thing on Bobby's mind as he wandered out of the dorm area was breakfast, and whether or not he would be able to find it. Or pay for it. On the first day it had been complimentary but maybe that was just a first day deal. He had a couple hundred dollar of spending money in his wallet, an allowance in case of emergencies, but magic food would be more expensive wouldn't it? Or would it be less? They'd taken the pen back, so maybe this place was run by cheapskates. As he took a step out of the dorm complex his attention was torn away from his hunger situation to a cloak hanging in midair, a light breeze rustling the fabric. That reminded him: he didn't have any other clothes. Everything was still packed in his suitcase back at the hotel. He stopped to think about this as the garment floated there. Maybe he could have mom and dad send it over? He could call on his cell, but he didn't want to waste the minutes or power on something that wasn't urgent. He looked back at the cloak. "Do you know where I could find a phone?" Suddenly information flooded into his mind, pushing past the conscious and into the subconscious. He knew now, on some deep instinctual level, where he was expected to be right now and most expedient way to get there. It felt weird, like when he's been drawn here in the first. He shook his head to get the weirdness off. "Professor Smith. Thanks." With a wave to the cloak he set off to meet his teacher and, mayhap, find a land line.</s> <|message|>Max Olderson PERIOD 1 STARTS! The professors who had been preparing since early in the morning finished any last minute arrangements for their new students. Some had sent their older students to study whilst others had kept them in to help them. The new students started arriving...</s> <|message|>Bobby Shay There was a lot of people moving around. A lot of people moving around with purpose? He wondered why they'd decided to come here. Follow the direction in their heads to come to this place. There were more than a few that looked super foreign, who must have had come an awfully long way. It seemed strange, to him, for any ordinary person to travel so far for a feeling in your head. He'd done it too of course, but he'd follow the directions of any random sign, pointed arrow, or interesting rock formation. They didn't have an excuse. It was while thinking on this that he stumbled upon where he needed to be.</s> <|message|>Max Olderson As the boy (@Gentlemanvaultboy) walks up to the school he will find about 39 others joining him. All of them approaching the same bright orange building that looked like a medieval castle with gargoyle statues lining the roof, writing flowing around the stone and two minotaur statues either side of the entrance. Yet they seemed more real than statues. Almost as if they were breathing. When the first student got within 5 steps of the building the foors opened revealing a brightly lit corridor leading to 'Grand Hall' sort of area with individual desks either side of the main table and a man with a rather long nose and disdainful look apon his face ar the far end sitting behind a desk in Yellow robes.</s> <|message|>Bobby Shay Bobby, by dint of having nothing better to do this morning than set out, was among the first to approach the large orange building. He was possibly also the only one that didn't stop, or hesitate just a bit, when the door began to open. After all, automatic doors were just convenient. They had those at the supermarket, why wouldn't they be at a fancy place like this? For whatever reason, the boy who was usually last to arrive at anything was the one leading the pack. His immediate concern once he entered was weather or not there was assigned seating. He looked around the room to see whether there were little cards with names on the desks like they'd done in elementary school. Seeing none, and thus having no direction whatsoever, he went to find a desk on the right side because that was closest.</s> <|message|>Max Olderson professor sniffed with approval of the boys seating. After all in his classroom it was boys on the right and girls on the left. Everyone should know that in his opinion. If one sat on the wrong side he was tempted to leave them there and count them as that gender but decided against it. Instead a massive cyclops would a appear out of nowhere and carry the pupil to the right side. The school year hadnt REALLY started for them this year (next day it does) but he wanted them to learn quickly. Hed sent Demetrius away to study some books of names for the day. He sat there in silence analysing the class with a certain look of disgust on his face.</s> <|message|>Wolf Ironheart "Get away! Stop Whispering at me!" I yell, swinging my walking staff around at what can only be described as ghosts or spirits.</s> <|message|>Savannah Laylani After making sure she was dressed appropriately for the slightly chilly weather outside, Savannah made her way around the hallways confusedly. When she finally found a door the led to outside, she saw a few other people walking around outside. She was thankful that they looked just as confused as she was. She didn't really know where to go and that made her worry. She had always had a very good sense of direction but this environment was so unfamiliar. She had never even seen the kinds of trees that were around here. Well now what? Savannah thought. She saw a bench off to the side underneath a tree that she decided to take a seat under. She loved to people watch. People do the weirdest things when they think people aren't looking. She saw one group of younger kids doing summersaults in the grass and when they bumped heads they fell back and laughed. They looked so happy. She hoped she could be that happy one day. Suddenly, she saw a black figure come into view from a distance away. Her eyesight had never been very good but she knew one thing for sure. Whatever this was floating towards her, didn't have legs. Someone mastered their levitating powers already? Whoever that is must be too good for this place. . . The thing got closer to her. But no matter how close it got, she couldn't tell what it was. It stopped in front of her and then turned around to go back the way it came. She had come across weirder things in her lifetime. So she decided to follow it.</s> <|message|>Max Olderson apparition took her to a building that looked like a giant temple, or was it a lab or a library? Nobody could tell as it seemed to keep changing. A smiling man flew open the door and shouted to the students "WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL OF DIVINTION! COME IN! COME IN! LET THE KNOWLEDGE SWEEP YOU AWAY!" As he said this the students may of noticed that his head seemed to be surrounded by a semi see through shape of a long necked bird. The professor suddenly vanished and the halls were open for anyone to come and go from the school and wherever in the school. It contained libraries, labs, halls and more!</s> <|message|>Savannah Laylani Savannah decided to wander. She had found over the years that purposely getting yourself lost when you're in a new area works very well. If she wanted to know her way around this place, she would need to get herself good and lost. She started wandering up and down random hallways that she didn't know where they went and exiting through random doors that led to more hallways and eventually she was so lost that she couldn't even make her way back to where she came. She stumbled upon a locked computer lab and found herself wanting to use her earring to pick the lock and investigate. Don't get yourself expelled on the first day. . . Savannah thought. She had always been a computer nerd. Whenever any of the computers at her school would shut down or malfunction the teachers would call her out of class to come fix them. Looking through the window, she saw the computers were state of the art, smart screens and the most shiny keyboards she had ever seen. Suddenly she heard people coming down the hallway behind her. Because she wasn't sure if she was even supposed to be here, she looked around panicked for someplace to hide. She heard laughter coming closer to her. Running further down the hallway, the only place she could see to hide was behind a brick pillar sticking out from the wall. The voices stopped. She wondered who those people were. . .</s> <|message|>Max Olderson Ingrid was walking along the corridor going to the Ceeing room at the far end accompanied by a Magic Mirror Avatar (the mirror comes to life and looks exactly like you) who was answering questions for her. Her eyes were glowing purple as usual as the sheer energy of divination coursed through her veins (all students will end up like this soon), something glowed behind a solid stone pillar she held up her hand stopping the Avatar speaking. The thing definitely had magic, although it was pure untainted magic that seemed to be stuck inside. It also was definitely living as well. She held out her hand and words swirled around it forming a weak but still useful Blade Of Knowledge. She left the Avatar and walked silently and slowly forward and swung round at the last second into view of the person who she could now see was a human girl (or at least looked like one) and looked quite frightened. Nonetheless she raised the Blade up to the girls neck.</s>
<|message|>Bobby Shay Bobby sat in an equal amount of silence, but his was more confused. Was anything supposed to happen? Maybe everyone wasn't here yet? He stood up for a moment and angled himself to get a better look at the door. No one else seemed to be coming in. He plopped back down, then stood back up to get a second look. Same as before. No one coming in. He sat down. He stood again and looked round the room for a whiteboard or something. If there was something to be done it was usually on a whiteboard, or a little poster. Nope. He sat down. Bereft of direction he just looked at the stern man. It wasn't really a stare down, he just wanted to see if he could go longer than him without blinking.</s>
<|description|>Ymahr Shir. "I seek strength to protect, not to kill." Basics Race: Lah'na, a Lion specifically. Gender: Male. Age: 33. Additional Info Personality: At first glance, many would think that this feline is nothing but a cold brute without any goals, simply wandering for eternity. And while that may be partly true, Ymahr tends not to heed the whispers of strangers and let it get to him, for they are free to say what they want, so as long as they do not intrude in his mission. While definitely no has-been, he feels out of touch with many youths and adolescents that he feels he may as well be a senile old man, and while it does not bother him that much, it does bring back a painful memory of the past for him, something that he wishes not to ponder on. The lion is calm, tactical and collected. Preferring to think of a more logical or safer approach rather than facing danger head-on, his wisdom and intellect however becomes a double-edged sword when it begins to mix with his emotions and feelings. They clash like water and oil and often proves difficult for him to express as such. Rather than staying with groups, Ymahr finds peace in being alone, something that has stayed with him ever since he wandered. Due to his years of traversing the roads in his pursuit of strength, he comes off as an anti-social person as his time alone was most certainly not spent with many. Despite this, he is also shown to be well-meaning and selfless, he simply prefers not to show it often. He tends to cling to the past often, it is something that both drives him forward and pulls him towards his own downfall. Appearance: Ymahr is a tall, and athletically-built lion, something that stems from his various battles during his travels. His fur is mostly tawny-colored, with his chest-area and lower muzzle being mainly white, whereas his mane consists mostly of a dirty-yellow color. The lion's face is almost-always filled a stern expression, almost as if he is expressing slight irritation from his surroundings. His armor-if you could call it that-consists of a simple scarf adorned with a small trinket, a cloth belt and a simple pair of pants. On his right hand, he wields a gauntlet that is purely aesthetic. Height: 6'2". Weight: 190 lbs. Fight related Magic: Miracles. He has a strong preference towards defense instead of recovery. Class: Vagabond. Weapons/Items: A gold spear, and what little he considers as "armor". Strengths: Brute Strength - Even without his magic and spear, Ymahr is a formidable foe up close and is willing to use his bare hands to confront foes. Agile - Though not as dexterous as many of his kind, his speed is above average and he tends to incorporate it in his fights where his defense is one of his biggest enemies. Instinct - He may be an anti-social one, but those who manage to befriend this lion will find that he is willing to cross limits in order to protect those what little he calls "friends", even if it includes putting his life on the line just to ensure their survival and/or safety. Weaknesses: Solace in Solitude - Prefers to be alone, he is hesitant to rely on the aid of others unless it was a matter of life and death. Lion's Pride - In addition to the above, if he ever finds himself allying with another, Ymahr will often prioritize himself rather than his allies. He may heal and tend to their wounds once in a while but that would be about it, unless that person happens to be someone important to him that is. Sticks and Stones - Prone to taunting the enemy and can easily underestimate them just from their appearances. This doesn't apply to just enemies though, he calls them as he sees them, for better or worse. He does not to bear any ill will, but rather to bear witness the potential of his adversaries. Expose' - Tends not to use armor and cover himself up as it gets in the way of his dexterity. As a result, he is vulnerable to many attacks, both physical and magical. To remedy this, he tends to rely on casting barriers for defense or using some of his agility to safely dodge incoming attacks instead. Techniques: Ymahr prefers to confront enemies from a mid-to-close distance, using his spear to attack from a safe range with quick pokes and thrusts. He tends not to close-in on an enemy until he sees a viable opening, at which point he switches to a more aggressive fighting style that relies more on cornering the opponent and tiring them out with repeated stabs, even using fisticuffs if his spear would-somehow-be unavailable. He tends to alternate between a defensive and offensive style, depending on the situation. When it comes to using his magic in fighting however, he almost always tries to start every fight by casting a barrier on himself to lessen the damage he receives. As mentioned above, while he may be uncomfortable fighting with allies, that doesn't mean he won't be willing to spare a moment of his time to aid them however.</s> <|message|>Ymahr Shir. The lion looked at the Shael as he took to the skies in search of a nearby city to inform others of their conquest, and while exploring the forest up north piqued his interest, he would rather wait until the situation was sorted out. It would be rude to leave out Thorvald anyway, perhaps tomorrow or another day to follow. With a wingbeat and some of the avian's feather's falling, the two were left for themselves. With the fox making mentions of finding another town soon, a blacksmith who could've used the Wurm's carapace. He said something about "business" which made the feline raise a brow in confusion, just what kind of business was he talking about? He sighed as he tried to make small talk, he certainly wasn't one for talk but the conversation had to go somewhere. "If there's something on your mind you should speak up." The leonine man grunted as he looked down at the vulpine. While it was certainly too early to be doubting his new allies, it wouldn't hurt to take be cautious and mindful about their actions, you'll never know when one will try to sneak up on you while you sleep, or just straight up reveal their intentions once you put your trust and faith in them, whichever comes first. He sighed thinking back at his past for a few moments before shaking it off, there was no use dwelling in such a menial thing after all. He grumbled, waiting for the eventual return of the avian, wondering how he's been holding up and hoping that he hasn't encountered any sort of conflict.</s> <|message|>Zack Itzhak. Zack turned to regard the neth with a blink, although with his constrictive clothing it was more like a momentary squint. Unable to fully grin, he made a happy mouth at her as he overheard her order. "-Two-, huh? Oh, another for me? How nice! Thank you!" He gave a slight snort then gave a restricted wiggle of his head, "Kidding, of course." He hastily added, "U-unless if you really are paying for me, in which case that'd be one of the nicest things anyone has done for me for, uh, a while." The coyote returned the gesture of the search-over as she examined him, although his examination never went beyond simply glancing over her and her attire. "Yeees, yes. Quite... tight." He whined in agreement. "But the scarf never comes off, no matter what. However, I could do without the hood, maybe...?" He gave a searching, paranoid glance around the inn's space. In the corner he recognized the face of one of his earlier victims, who wore a crestfallen expression as he clutched his beard which now resembled a shrub. "On second thought, perhaps not." Zack murmured. He returned his attention to the neth by him. "But no, I didn't see you creep up on me there. Not at all," he remarked, "Although it's hard to see lots of things in this... this hood. I imagine it's like being in the blinders they put on horses." He pointed to her own garb, "Now, a hood like yours doesn't seem so... burdensome to wear." He nodded. "Probably because yours was actually made for people of your size." He concluded with a slight grumble. "Anyhow, what's your name?"</s> <|message|>Varm Qua'reth. During the second day of the trip something happened. "Sea bandits,"  observer on the nest Yelled "I expected this," Rakonai Captain said.  "Prepare to fight" The boat was getting closer,  Varm pulled out his blades. "Finally, I'll show them what I can". The first Thug jumped on the ship. Immediately he was knocked off by massive Orion. However right after him 4 new jumped on the deck , one of them, lah'na attacked Varm with daggers. Varm avoided his attack, however lah'na attacked again, this time opponent was faster and cutted Varm's shoulder. "Damn it". Varm decided to use his Strength, grabbed barrel standing beside and threw her into the opponent. Lah'na dodged this attack and started gearing up for the next attack. Varm this time was prepared and when the opponent jumped hit him in flight with the shoulder. Lah'na fell down heavily on wooden boards of the deck, he seemed unconscious, nothing more wrong. After a moment he broke from the ground simultaneously throwing one of his daggers, fortunately the blade hit the armour on the left Varm shoulder Varm decided to risk charging At enemy, thanks for deafening caused by the blow in the deck lah'na didn't expect such a move. Powerfully he was hit with the Varm's fist. It threw him back and then he was hit with the blade of the Varm weapon. Blood poured over with the stream. In order to finish lah'na Varm punched him in the face with the fist. He fell down unconscious to the ground. Varm turned to remaining fighters, 2 thugs lay on boards of the deck and one of yachtsmen was in the bloodstain. Varm noticed that one of thugs had stood to him by his back, Varm charged and hit him in the back with one of blades, as a result of the blow both they fell down to the ground, fortunately this one heavy blow was enough for thug to be dead. Thugs started to retreat. The crew decided to let them go. It was a good fight captain said, I hope that such an Accident won't happen again. Thugs as soon as possible swam away not caring about the injured. Varm came up to the body of lah'na he fought, lah'na still lived, Varm decided to cure his wound and next laid him with the consent of the captain in the bed of killed crew member. Of the following day lah'na woke up and wanted to attack somebody and then escape from the ship, fortunately in time he was caught by Varm guarding him. "Where are you going to go?" "Everywhere anyhow farthest from you." "Your mates left you, so I can see no reason for you to be supposed to come back to them." "Not him but her!" "You are a woman?" Varm thought whether the eyesight wasn't getting him mixed up "You look like the boy, it most probably because of spending time with these thugs". "Enough, right away you will see what I can do". "Calm down, you are wounded and I am fighting only in reason, I hope that we will reach an agreement, we still have a day of the trip."</s> <|message|>Erion 'Letendre' Silverwind. Erion just looked at the lion, and then looked down a bit. He looked to the side. They probably would figure out sooner or later... figure out that he was a necromancer... at least... one that only use soul powers. Last time he tried to raise the dead... it made him so sick and felt so wrong cause how the soul itself reacted to this.... he just stopped and let the soul be in peace. And other kinds of necromancy like using bones? Well... he tried that before also. Sure, it was useful, but then again, people saw that kind of magic as wrong. So he sticked to soul magic. He look down. He was just unsure about this. He was a bit... intimidated by the lion. But if they were to travel together... maybe it was best to tell them... but deep down he was a bit fearful. "It's.... nothing.... nothing you need to really concern about. It's a personal trouble that I have that I been trying to get rid of for about a year..." he ended up saying. He breath deeply. "I really don't like talking about it." he then says. just avoiding eye contact there, although he had a slight look of... sadness also. He wished a bit to be able to tell someone, but he just didn't know if he could trust him. He looked at the lion afterwards. "With the amount of prejudice with the type of magic someone uses..." he just end up saying, now a bit fearful that he would put 2 and 2 together in this. Maybe he already knew about his type of magic. But with the fact that this type specifically of magic saved his life and helped him so much in the past... He just breath deeply and prayed he won't attack him suddenly.</s>
<|message|>Ymahr Shir. Ymahr grunted under his breath at the uncooperative nature of the fox, if the lion wasn't already suspicious before he is now. The vulpine's body language was already saying as much, he looked as if though talking about the particular subject caused him grief and for a while the feline thought he should just drop the subject to protect his privacy but if he was going to be accompanying both him and Thorvald, he had better be comfortable with opening up to the both of them, lack of communication is what often severs bonds. He grumbles at the words of the fox, rather than telling the truth he chooses to hide it under his own skin, or rather fur in this case. Granted it was personal, but bottling up your own problems generally leads to more problems along the road. The vulpine was avoiding eye contact, which just raised his suspicions even more, call it cliche' but cats were always curious little beings, and the lion was no exception to this rule. Eventually, he flashes back at their earlier quarrel with the Wurm and tries to recall what kind of magic he had used earlier. It was offensive, that was obvious enough, he was throwing ball-like projectiles here and there. And the fact that he said, "With the amount of prejudice with the type of magic someone uses.", the lion soon figured out that his travelling ally was none other than a Necromancer, no other school of magic would be faced with such discrimination other than those who practice the dead arts after all. The feline closed his eyes and cast aside his spear, looking at the fox directly in the eye. "Pathetic." He crossed his arms and spoke up once more. "You are pathetic for doubting others, but more pathetic for doubting yourself. One should not be defined by their magic, but with their actions. If you yourself know that what you are doing is right, then who are you to fall victim at the words of others? To fall for such petty words, that is weak. But showing the world what it has not is strength." The words came out like a sage to his disciple. His sentences may have come off as rude or rather blunt, but it had to be said. The feline picked up his spear and with a slight grin on his muzzle continued, "But bear in mind that should you ever betray me, I will not hesitate to hunt you down to the ends of this world just to see justice be delivered." The tone in his voice made it ambiguous whether or not he was joking. And he would like it be left that way.</s>
<|description|>Arno Folke Gender: Male Age: 29 Description: Arno is one of the shortest people in all the land, standing at 5 feet, 1 inch tall. Although he's lighter than most people who are taller than he is, he is incredibly strong for his height and weight. Over his body is a fair number of scars, mostly around his arms and legs, where enemies struck around his guard or where he was armored less. The most notable scar is a cut on his left cheek when he took a glancing blow from a warhammer to his helmet, which gouged a hole into the side of it. The jagged metal from the hole cut his cheek. Arno keeps his hair mid length and wild, keeping it away from his eyes with a piece of striped cloth. He also has a well kept short mustache and beard. Knight Element: Earth Familiar: Sapphira the Oread, Mountain Nymph. Armor Style: Mixed plate and mail armor. Over the years Arno has gathered the funds to purchase more and more armor, and not wanting to waste, he's bought armor that compliments his previous ones well. Over his normal pants and shirt he has a long aketon, a padded jacket made of quilted wool to be worn under armor plate. The aketon ends at his knees, with the lower half having riveted steel plates attached, essentially turning it into half of a coat of plates. Over the aketon he wears a mail hauberk. Over that is finally a milanese styled breastplate and asymmetrical pauldrons, the left pauldron being larger than the right and overlapping the breastplate. For his arms, Arno has acquired Gothic styled plate, the rerebrace for his upper arm, couter for his elbow joint, vambrace for forearm and gauntlets for his hands. For his legs he's only kept his Milanese style cuisses, selling his poleyn, greaves and sabatons in favor for much more comfortable leather boots with steel plates strapped to them. His most valuable piece of armor is his Maximilian gorget, a fully articulated piece of armor meant to protect his neck. On his head he wears a quilted arming cap, bascinet with a mail coif attached, tucked underneath the gorget, and topping it all off is a painted great helmet. Signature Weapon: A shortened Lucerne hammer, called the Falcon's Talon. Arno also has an arming sword as a sidearm, a rondel dagger, both on his belt, and a sword-hilt dagger strapped to his right boot. Arno also has a heater shield painted white and red to match his helmet. History: At the age of 15, Arno left his village to become a soldier under the command of Aldebrand Schulz, a kindhearted and charismatic noble. He heard the call, and with a desire of adventure, he answered. He was given a spear, a poorly made wooden shield, and no armor. He was trained for a year before marching out with a group of recruits. The next several years were rough, as the youngest and smallest, Arno was bullied by his fellow soldiers when they weren't fighting, and when they were he was on the front lines in the middle of the battle standing and holding a formation against another formation. As Arno became more adept at combat, he fought against his bullies nearly killing one. He earned the nickname, the small demon, in his regiment. Arno spent his pay on armor and weapons, slowly becoming more armored, more skilled in fighting with and without weapons, overall becoming much deadlier and looking more like those noble and wealthy Knights and Lords that strutted around with their polished and shiny steel plate armor. The ones who looked down on the peasant troops and used them as meatshields in battle. Ten years after he had joined the warband of Lord Aldebrand Schulz, Arno had been promoted from a peasant spearman to a foot knight who fought alongside wealthier troops who could afford their armor, or had been granted armor by someone else. By this time Arno wielded his Falcon's Talon, had plate steel, and his great helmet with the mouth of a demon painted on the visor. While traveling alongside an allied group, a nobleman insulted the honor of Lord Schulz's troops. Calling his foot knight group a group of poor thieving churls. Morale took a hit as nobody dared to say anything back, how could they? After all they were peasants, and the one insulting them was of noble blood. Until Arno blurted out that the noble was a cox comb fool who had no idea what real war felt like, judging by the shine of his spotless boots and well groomed horse. The noble was insulted and challenged Arno to a duel of honor, to which Arno agreed. It only took a few moments before Arno had parried the longsword of the nobleman and planted his warhammer into the chest of the nobleman, denting his breastplate severely and throwing him to the floor. While the incident was swept under the rug, the peasant-soldiers of Lord Aldebrand Schulz told the story about the little demon who defeated the stuck up nobleman to each other for years. After the duel Arno had gained a bit of a reputation. He was given leadership of a group of soldiers by the Knight in charge of the section that Arno was in. Fifty soldiers, hand picked, armed to the teeth and armored from head to toe. They were called the Peasant Demons of Shulz by the other noblemen, a name they proudly accepted. The Peasant Demons were an elite group in Lord Aldebrand Schulz's warband, sent in from the flank to smash into the rear or side of the enemy army. Arno lead this group of elite soldiers for five years before he retired now 27 years old, a veteran soldier of countless battles, a master duelist, and an expert at war. That was two years ago, and now he lives in a small wooden house near a village, keeping his skills sharp and working as a hunter under an alias. Changelog List >1.1 >Fixed age discrepancy in History >Added colors</s> <|message|>Mira Bellwood Mira smiled back at Telius and she leaned on him. She felt strange with his hand around her waist. She smiled as she noticed he was being polite and placing his hand above her hips like a true gentleman. After a few minutes of her leaning on him she felt stronger. She looked at him "Do you know what is going on right now?" She asked him as she dodged arrows "And I am not talking about the ambush of arrows that we are under. I feel stronger just leaning on you" She know she might sound crazy but she really didn't give a shit right now. She tuned into her fox about then. Feyla was doing just as she told. She blended into her surrounding like a ghost. She found the archer that hit Mira. Feyla lunged at his throat biting and tearing at it. How are you doing my darling girl? Mire asked through their bond. Feyla responded killed one after more. Mira smiled as she saw through her foxes eyes. "That is my girl" She said out loud. Once again looking at Telius "How are we going to get out of here? We need to get everyone to safety before we lose anyone else."</s> <|message|>Sidero Denholm Sidero prepared himself, every muscle in his body at the ready to throw himself out of the wagon and into the volleys of arrows. The Knight of fire spoke up, offering her armor for protection... Sidero seemed to doubt that the medium armor would even fit him, but it was far better than disgracing corpses. He was already untying the corpses and gently laying them down against the ground, before the snapping of wood caused his head to dart towards the knight of earth. He had kicked sections of the left and right walls of the wagon, and was taking the thick wooden walls off after using his large war hammer to loosen them. Pulling them free, he relayed his own plan. Of course, nothing provided the perfect defense against arrows - even steel could be punctured by a strong bowman and a sharp arrow. But wood would provide a much better defense than flesh, and would weigh far less heavily on Sidero's mind. Untying the knight of lightings corpse, Sidero gently laid the two down near the front of the wagon, and was just about to grab one of the walls before Arno's orders became directed at him. Complying, Sidero gently took the armor case from Oriel, before turning it on it's side and picking it up. Compared to the bodies, it was far lighter to carry. Quickly, Sidero looked around the wagon, realizing that 2 people were gone! The knight of darkness left the wagon before the attack even began, but Alya seemed to have disappeared while Sidero wasn't looking. Rising to his feet with the armor case in tow, Sidero made his way to the very back of the group, as Arno instructed. He must have had far more experience with human opponents, so falling his orders would be the best for the groups survival. The knight of Spirit and Arcane were together, and Sidero made sure to protect them with the armor case since Telius had his hands full helping Mira. Sidero was the person furthest back on the wagon, as Arno commanded, and after giving a downcast look at the corpses, he nodded towards the others to show that he was ready to move on their order. Sidero sighed gently, trying not to focus on the corpses and their fate. He resolved to come and retrieve the corpses after the assassination attempt was taken care of and the coast was clear.</s> <|message|>Oriel Schulz By now, Oriel was already greatly appreciating Arno's service as he devised a far better plan than either her or Sidero had. Mira's notion to move to safety was a work in progress as Oriel hoisted the wagon wall up as a shield. Her hands were armored, so the best a shot could do would be to break a finger or two, given that gauntlets were kind of awesome like that. "Go!" she shouted, taking a step out and raising the shield to protect herself and those behind her. She could only hope that they follow through with her...They needed to treat Mira's wound quickly or risk her injury aggravating. She'd advance at sufficiently slow speeds to ensure that Mira, Telius, Sidero, and Arno were protected from any initial volleys, although lobbed shots would likely still be an issue. As two arrows thunked against the wagon wall, Oriel thought back to one of the most important things she learned from her father: Never break formation. Two more would thunk, but their defensive train line would continue. So long as those behind her advanced, that is.</s>
<|message|>Arno Folke "Go!" Lady Oriel shouted. Arno stood his ground as Sidero and Oriel leapt off the wagon with their makeshift shields, then the last few of the group followed them, taking cover behind them. Arno acted as a rear guard, taking the back end. He made sure nobody lagged behind the slow pace of the shields, pushing when needed. The walk was fairly short and although the fire of the arrows intensified, not many more found their mark. Arno noted that they must have panicked and picked volume of fire over accuracy, a good thing as well. A well trained archer with an eagle eye would be able to find targets of opportunity much easier. After a few more hits on his shield, Arno felt a sharp slap on his thigh, he grunted in response but kept moving. The herbs shop was a fancy one, a single wood door with two windows at the front of the store. He glanced into the shop, seeing that it was well lit from the natural light, and that it was abandoned. As they got close to the shop, Arno looped around the back of the group and approached the door, he readied himself then lifted his right foot, driving it his heel near where the lock would likely be placed. He leaned into it, providing the weight of his armored body into the kick. The door rattled roughly, but it didn't budge. He brought his foot down, then kicked it again, and again. The third time the door frame splintered, and the door itself was flung open with the force of the kick. "Everybody in!" Arno shouted, raising his shield once more. He glanced down at his thigh where he felt an impact and saw an arrow sticking out of his aketons front slit, over his thigh. He muttered and curse then checked over his group, once they were all in, he followed them into the shop. The shop was fancy, tables and shelves lined with various herbs, traveling supplies, and containers holding things Arno couldn't identify at a glance. It was well lit from the windows, but the cobblestone walls were still lined with lit torches, the stone ceiling, crisscrossed with wooden beams, had chandeliers with lit candles. The tables mostly contained the traveling supplies, dried foods and cloths, while the shelves and counters had the expensive herbs. The floor was made of wood that was pleasing to the eye, and Arno noted another door in the back of the shop behind a counter next to a small fireplace, hidden behind a semitransparent white cloth. Presumably that was the door leading to some kind of storage room, and the stairs leading to some living quarters on the second floor. Arno placed the shaft of his warhammer on a table containing nothing more than fancy bowls, cups and teas and slid it across the table. Clearing the table of everything save for a few bowls and cups. Arno dropped his warhammer onto it with a thud, and then his shield onto it, which had more than a few arrows stuck into it. The soldier looked down at the arrow sticking out of his thigh and put his left hand around the arrowhead, keeping the slit of his aketon pinned to his leg, then with his right hand he yanked it out, dropping the arrow onto the table. He lifted the edge of his aketon, revealing the dozens of smaller overlapping steel plates, riveted to the aketon itself. One plate was punctured, and his cuisses was dented. He let the aketon slit fall again once he was content with his inspection. He looked over the shelves, looking for something particular. He spoke as he did, "We've gotten out of the kill box, and more or less broken their ambush. If I were them," He picked up two bottles and placed them onto the counter near the fireplace. "I would either gather more men and chase us in here for a prolonged fight in melee range, or break off the attack and seek another opportunity. Hopefully they've left for now, and hopefully those of us who sought our attackers in that ambush know we're here." Arno said, he opened a number of jars and sniffed the contents, taking two of the jars. With all of the oils, herbs and ingredients in place he rummaged through the cabinets, finding a decent sized pot, the shop owner likely used it to make salves and ointments themselves. He put it onto the counter and unhooked his red cloak, placing it onto the counter as well, fully revealing his layers of armor. "Lady Oriel, you should don your armor. If you need to change..." He placed him hand on his cloak for a second. He looked to Telius and Mira, "I'll make a salve to stop the bleeding and to keep the wound from festering, but we need to see a real surgeon for your injury." He stated, an archer with a wounded shoulder was no small thing, if the wound healed incorrectly it could affect her ability to use the bow for the rest of her life. He had seen crack archers, capable of holding the draw of their 170 pound warbows for half a minute, be reduced to not being able to fully draw their bows at all from wounds like that. He glanced down at his cloak, some of those archers had been his friend. Arno looked back up, this time to Sidero. "You mentioned your equipment was in your Inn room correct? Do you know how far it is?"</s>
<|description|>Jazdia Crystalspark Species : Elf Gender : Female Age : 54 Height : 175 Jazdia is a tall elven woman with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and long, waist-length platinum blonde hair that she often let untied. Elves are all born beautiful and Jazdia was no exception. Her attractiveness is often described as an eternal winter barely touched by the sun's embrace. But that's just another way for the gentlemen to adore her face that seemed to always sport a perpetual frown. At least that's original. Former leader of a peacekeeping organization, Jazdia understands it would be in her best interest to omit such details from her MO. Not that she is a wanted criminal or anything; she ended her tenure on a relatively high note actually. The thing about working as law enforcement is you will have no shortage of old enemies who would persistently try to even the scales with you even after retirement, and Jazdia does not wish to be tangled with such... nuisances. So now, she is just Jazdia. An adventurer, restaurateur, and tea connoisseur. Yeah, just put that in her business card. Traits and spells: -Blood Phobia (passive) Taking damage would result in lower combat efficiency. Jazdia will start sweating, having a shaky aim and blurred vision. At a certain threshold, her Ultravision cannot be activated. -Curse of the crimson flame (passive) Resting near any fire or under the sun would slowly regenerate her power and heal her wounds. However, any healing magic cast on her would instead deal damage. -Arrow Enchantment. Channels magic into her arrow. Can only use one type of arrow in a single turn. Has three flavors: A. Crystal Arrows. Glorified fireworks with an equally destructive explosion contained inside. Can be programmed to either explode upon impact, delayed, or remote detonation. B. Crystal Arrows Non Explosive variants, but hot as hell it pierces through plates and mails like a hot knife through butter. Armor Piercing, nuff said. -Counter Any close-range attack will be answered with heavy retribution. Figuratively speaking, sometimes this extended to the non-combat situation. Proceed with caution. -Ultravision Channeling magic to enhance her vision, Jazdia can see pass through solid objects and magical manipulation such as illusion and darkness. Imposes varying degrees of strain on her body depending on the area covered and elapsed duration. Prolonged abuse of this skill might result in myopia and gradual blindness. -Vengeance At this point, taking heavy damage would no longer weaken her. Now she is faster and deadlier and angrier. The third flavor of her enchanted arrows unlocked: C. Poison arrows. Deals heavy damage over time. The enemy killed by this arrow will have their body burst into a swarm of black lepidopteran that attacks nearby hostiles until either they or the caster died, or the effect expires. At the end of its fleeting lifespan, the insect will return to the caster and heals her wounds. Has 3 days of cooldown. Equipment -Lurea A recurve black bow adorned with gold and silver linings on its limbs. Has an absurdly light draw weight of 44 pounds. -Maugrim A long knife with ivory handle and elven runes inscribed on its blade. -Medium-sized satchel bag A plain-looking bag that doesn't seem too out of fashion despite being designed with function in mind. -Pocket watch A momento from her father. Well maintained and functioning properly. -Medikit Generic first aid kit.</s> <|message|>Jazdia Crystalspark Sending Jazdia crashing to the corner might be a sound idea if you are not big and brandishing a big stick for a weapon. So when Kaito stood between the butcher-knight and Jazdia, the man did not have an optimal room to swing his mighty weapon, allowing Kaito to skid beside him and leaving a slashing wound on his forearm. The butcher spun around, but the foxy youkai was faster. Taking the advantage of his enemy's limited field of vision he ducked out of sight and used his wakizashi to tear his achiles tendon. Spurting blood all over the graveled ground as the burly man struggled to keep his balance. Nobody knows where those men came from, what they really were, and how Ulgad trained them into fearsome fighting slaves. One thing for sure, they were tougher than any human. When the heated metal struck his neck, the butcher-knight still managed to muster an incredible amount of strength to hold it by tilting his head sideways, using all the fat and muscle to cushion the impact, just like what his enemy just did. Behind that strange helmet came a muffled roar, and unexpectedly, he grabbed Henri by his arm and brutally pound him against the wall before succumbing to his fatal wound.</s> <|message|>Kagetane Chounan Being a burdened to the elf made him pissed to himself. Being alone wolf during adventurer made him dull his coordination for as team as he kept soloing. He tighten his grip and went to focus. With Kaito's distraction and losing the big man's posture. Chounan slipped in, made a posture in order to deliver a devastating stabbed with a katana for the finisher showing no mercy to a struggling big man. He actived his Ki to be caution on the surrounding especially for the responding foe to ensure countermeasures.</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" Welp, no plan it is. Tis' fine. The more chaotic, the better. In to the arena the mercenary went, only to be greeted by the most distasteful setup she had ever seen. There's one slave-looking man mauled by tigers there. Her eyes narrowed. That guy couldn't have been in here for long, so who fetched him from the previous room? Was there a secret door in the corridor? Well, the portcullis slammed down and cut off that thought so Yvonne had to switch her focus to the more immediate issue. "Once we find a way up there there'll be a lot of heads bashed in." Generally speaking, there's one rule in pitched combat. Your own safety comes first, and actually taking down the enemies was secondary. This group, among other things, was exception. The big lugs had their torso practically naked, showing multitude of scars from previous combat, and attacked with abandon. They're not here to play it safe, they're going with abandon to make a good show and hope to survive. Fools. Fools, and corpses. Yvonne angled her sword, partially absorbing the initial blow as she took a few steps back. Sparky was tossed away, but no blood. Good enough. Then foxxie and the adventurer went to town with the guy. Another stomped past to deal with their newcomer - Henri? How did he get here- no matter. Focus on the more immediate issue. That left the third of these so-called knights. In a flourish Yvonne sheathed her sword, taking out the mace to deal with this man. She charged in at the slave-knight nearly half a fold larger than herself, knowing full well how the reaction will be. He had the reach, so if he's any good he would try strike her down the moment she came in. Anticipating such blow, Yvonne primed up her inner strength - quite a bit more than the little scuffle with Aaron's henchmen. She'll be quite sore after all this, but that's just Tuesday. The moment the swing comes in she'd strike, not at the wielder but the weapon itself. This would not be advised for most people, for the momentum of a two-handed swing wouldn't so easily be overcome. But Yvonne's strength was nowhere near normal. If it connect, her own blow would've strike with the impact of a veritable battering ram. As for what'll happen to the weapon or the wielder, well, it tend to be not pretty at all. Her own weapons do suffer from this treatment though. Unfortunate, but it is what it is.</s> <|message|>Matilda Ironsword "There was no issue with the weapon delivery, I am conducting an investigation. And my findings brought me here. Would I be able to look over your ledger? I want to make sure if the perpetrators came to your store six days ago." She assumed that the kidnappers could have bought a large supply of weapons. But there could also be a possibility that they could have bought a few weapons. When she was given the ledger from the blacksmith, she started looking over the contents. Looking for any large purchases in the last six days. There was also the possibility that the kidnappers didn't visit the blacksmith, if that was the case then she would visit the general store and the inn after this. Flipping through the pages of anything that sticks out to her. The large knight was silently going through the ledger, speaking only a few moments later. "Is there a man called Birk living around here? What is he like?"</s> <|message|>Jazdia Crystalspark Everything didn't look very good for the Wigerjurgen crew. One of their heavies was killed and one was dying in such a short period of time. Chonan intended to finish the wobbling butcher-knight by lunging forward, delivering a mighty thrust on the burly man's bare chest. And there was no resistance when he shove his blade into the man's left chest. Except for the ribcage and hardened muscle. Chonan soon found that his blade was stuck in his victim's abdomen. And being this close, he can feel the giant heart beating and the breathing movement. Looking up again, the butcher-knights holds his sword with his injured hand, and his grin could only mean one thing. __ Over the years, they only taught one thing. To fight, not to think. To fight, not to talk. And lastly, to fight, not to care. Work with the little men and fight bravely, and so they will triumph. That was the only mantra the Slavemaster Ugad expected his gladiator to follow to their death. But the fat master overlooked one thing, many years together in peril would form camaraderie, and so when the last butcher-knight rushed to aid his dying brother, he could only watch in awe. The little nobleman redied her flanged mace, in position to give a nasty counterattack against the rushing knight, but she only went as far as that Standing in the way, expecting the knight to go all out with her, but the giant human was not interested. He rushed passed that noblewoman as if she was just a thorny twig. The noblewoman welcomed and attacked him in return. It was a heavy one, landed square, and could possibly rip his abdominal wall. But the woman was strong so did her opponent and the size advantage was apparent. It didn't matter, he reached his brother in time and swung his halberd down with all of his might. And like a damned monkey that puny swordsman leaped away, leaving his sword embedded in his comrade's chest. The butcher-knight's eyes were set on Chounan and sought to attack him at every opportunity.</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" What the- bastard just ignored her. The sheer fucking audacity in that. And even worse, that's exactly the right thing to do. Yvonne's not very much blessed in the vertical department, and consequently she had very limited mobility. Clicking her tongue as her inner strength bled out unused, the mercenary pivot and pursued the slave-knight. Thankfully they're not too far away. In small scale like this, getting flanked was very dangerous and she'd be a fool not to take the chance. A small prime and a sideway strike on the knee of the big bastard. Let's see how he like that.</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" [GM Post] The blacksmith complied, turning over the ledger though without any other record or prior knowledge to compare with it's nearly impossible to tell if it's accurate. Still, better than nothing. The last shipment was sent three days ago, a veritable wagonload of speartips and basic armor requisitioned by the army. The transaction before that was a number of farm equipment shipped to various villages in the area, two entire months of gap between the two records. "Birk? There's the hunter that goes by that, live on the outskirt with some other hunters. A bit reclusive, but it's quite a walk from his place to the village. I think he's fancying old Gerhard's daughter? But then again so are half the young men in this village." The blacksmith side-eyed the apprentices, who somehow suddenly found extra vigor to throw at their tasks. "If he haven't moved away he should be living at east side. There's another Birk before, but old fella passed away around... eight years ago? That one's buried in the village's grave."</s>
<|message|>Jazdia Crystalspark "And the tale keeps twisting! They are both spent! Who would have thought we had a very unusual creature in our little squabbles and game of blood? Did you see what I see? ladies and gents? Did you all—!? Barely minute and two Wigerjurgen fighters are flattened! And I am afraid soon we will see the other one!" Yvonne barely finished with her power strikes. With the giant human still on his warpath to get Chounan, she had all the chances in the world to inflict any debilitating attack she wished. And she did, the mace swung with great force against the side of the butcher knight's knee, dislocating it and causing the burly attacker to lose his balance. As his broad body toppled and landed adrift on the gravel, his mighty weapon hurled as the last resort, hitting Chonan in the process, but luckily he was struck by the hilt. The Butcher-Knight! He! Gives! No! Quarter! A relentless rush! Not letting the sneaky guy catch his breath! But now, look at the black-haired lady! She taunts! She taunts, over and over! A look of disdain and victory in one, aimed square at his opponent! So Graceful, so Deadly it makes your blood run cold! Terrific! Marvelous! This gives a new meaning to the proverb small chilies are the spiciest! Three down, five left. The midgets dropped their last net in horror when one of their brethren suddenly jostled by an impaling arrow, then the one beside him met the same fate. Three left. Two took refuge behind the pillar while the unfortunate one got an arrow on his head when trying to reach for the dropped net. They thought they were safe there, and their plan was to wait. Daggers in hand, obviously outmatched by those heavy weapons, but theirs were coated with poison, so potent it could kill the knight-butcher in one sneak attack and grueling hours after. And that was how they maintained their mutual respect over the years. The butcher was big but they were numerous, and not afraid to die if it meant bringing a single enemy down with them. An arrow landed at the wall behind him, lodging itself in a small gap between the trap doors. The violet luster on its head was the last thing those goblin-humans saw before a fiery explosion claimed them.</s>
<|description|>Ruby Redford Apparent Age: 25 "IS": Human Features: Female, 5'9", brown eyes, cropped brown hair, light brown skin. Role: Porter Description: Ruby takes pride in her work as a Porter, and dresses in a smart, professional uniform, with her hair neatly cropped, nails clipped, eyebrows plucked, and - most importantly - teeth brushed. You won't find just another smelly adventurer here; this girl can Dress to Impress. The oral hygiene doesn't seem to work so well on her language, though, as she's steadily sassing her way through a library of cusswords every time she goes out. Armaments: * Porter Uniform: Resistant to shear, stain, fire, cold, and water. Grants +1 to Professionalism. * Arcane Blaster: Magical flintlock pistol. When the flint strikes steel and sparks the magic circuit, it draws from the user's mana to fire a deadly bolt of energy. Can load and fire flares. * Bag of Holding: Dimensional storage pack with infinite capacity. Stores everything listed below, in addition to client properties. * Survival gear: rope, cooking pot, ladle, survival knife, matches, ferro rod (for sparking fire), compass, canteens, gill net (for fishing), charcoal water filters, a month's worth of pemmican, several changes of clothing, magic torches, first aid kits, 6 flares (used: 1) * Crafting gear: tool box, sewing kit, chemistry supplies * Hygiene kit: several bars of soap, toothbrushes, floss, tongue scraper, several tubes of toothpaste, tweezers, brushes, combs * Office supplies: ledger, checkbook, notepad, sticky notes, box of pencils, eraser, sharpener, felt-tip pen Teraterifficence: * [REDACTED] * Crazy-prepared, if the above Armaments list didn't give it away. * Alchemic Crafting: Can use the "essence" of monster drops to enhance items. Requires construction of a magic circle for transmutation. Original World: An interplanetary empire has conquered the entire galaxy. Their fleets are nigh-invincible, and rebel forces are powerless to stop them. And they're the good guys. Upon expanding their reach to the galactic edge, the seven immortals on the empire's ruling body, the Immortal Council, set out amongst the stars to create new worlds for their people to inhabit. Planets that were once desolate grew life, and systems plagued with disaster saw peace. Each world took on a life of its own. Some developed a rich fantasy life, while others created breathtaking marvels of science. There was a place for everyone. That is, until all hell broke loose on a certain backwater world named Aion... Backstory: "You were adopted." Just three words. Some think it's an insult, as if being pushed out of a body part is somehow superior. Some think it's an expression of love, from people who could have picked anyone they wanted and deliberately chose you. I just munched on my cracker. It wasn't exactly a revelation to 10-year-old me - I mean, when my dad stormed into the living room ten years prior and the first words out of his mouth were, "You went and bought that little chicken-fried f*cknugget from the agency?" it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. I was a baby, not deaf. Ironically, that old potbellied fart became my role model when I grew up, because Holy Smuckeroli, the adventurers here are dumber than ducks on Sara Lee white bread. Fire-breathing dragon captured the princess? Bring a wooden sword to the battle! Kraken tearing up your ship on the open sea? Oh, a lightning spell will do nicely. Vampire Lord threatening the country? Kill it with blood magic! They collect harems of psychopaths, waltz into traps, spare bloodthirsty monsters- I'm surprised there's anyone left in the Hero business to cuss at. The sorts of people who think 101 Ways to Die is a guidebook are also the sorts of people you can make money on. If there's one thing every aspiring hero needs, it's a girl with a level head, plenty of Band-Aids, and just enough romance to keep him puffing to Season 2. That's where I come in. For only 2 cents an hour and 3% of the total loot, the Redford Porter Service will handle all your adventuring needs. Lost in the Forgotten Woods? I got a full-color topographic map. Broke your Master Blade cutting grass? No worries, I can make you two more. Whatever moronic puzzling predicament you find yourself in, I gotcha covered. Swindle me, though, and I got a bullet with your name on it.</s> <|message|>Jericho Cross, introduces himself as "Walker". Walker couldn't necessarily claim surprise when gypsy woke up, grabbing the formally dressed one, and barking some madness about having been left behind, allying with some nightmare, and the subsequent back and forth between her and her current hostage. Frankly, Walker was too bloody tired for this, but he still forced himself up to his feet, though he didn't do anything brash like charge forward, try to disarm, or otherwise risk some sort of murder happening. He had not, literally, hauled her ass all this way just to have her murder another person that could be of use to him. "Yes, you have the long and short of it. Different places indeed..." Once Kaath had said her piece, and mentioned how that puke of Keepa's had likely tilted and befuddled gypsy's mind, and considered the situation at hand. Considering what had been said, and given the nightmare visions that she had experienced, his tone was surprisingly even, and one with sharp eyes for the sort of thing could see he had, once again, locked down and begun damage control, putting off his own for later. "As unpleasant as those waking nightmares sound, humor me and consider the following. Do any of us look like we've the skill or ability to heal the kind of damage you were forced to imagine? Believe it or not, we all woke up here after the plague surgeon looking one pulled...some sort of stunt while we were fleeing that dumped us here. She was there when I came to, so found us rather than us finding her. Also, would we have bothered bringing that crystal ball of yours along if we only planned to mock and taunt you? I personally hauled you out of there, with your crystal ball as well." Given her antics, Walker had pragmatic reasons for helping as well as the more easily flaunted heroic ones. Between the accusations and responses from Kaath, who, given his first gut instincts, could butcher them all in a heartbeat, well, last thing he needed was to provoke her enough to step in. "Look at it this way, if we were planning to enslave or otherwise use you as some sort of trophy or toy, why would you be unbound? Especially if she was in on it too? Not saying 'oh, just blind trust', that's madness. How about just sitting down, catching your breath, and taking a minute to think clearly, aye? Before we continue with all this hostage nonsense..."</s> <|message|>Violet Brooks, Vi, Ms. Tierious (Fortune Teller name), Beta (Assassin name) Y-You can talk? Violet was genuinely taken aback. She'd never seen Nightmares that could talk before. With that said she knew they couldn't... or at least she thought they couldn't. Nightmares we're closer to animals than to people so it would make sense that this couldn't be one of them. But following that train of thought, Violet realizes she's being a bit rash in her decision making. She's shouting, inciting a fight, and jumping to conclusions... this isn't who she was. Xendrick taught her much better than this. Even so... so much of this didn't make sense, that COULDN'T have been as simple as a dream. A dream would have ended much sooner than that nightmare dragged on. But that's when Violet overheard Kaath mention 'Nightmare Oil'. When she thought about it, Violet did remember one thing before everything went to hell. She remembered saving Sierra and then looking back at Keepa and getting a face full of black goo. After that is when the nightmare began. To add to it, Walker brought up a good point. The fact that she still had her ball means: * It wasn't crushed by Keepa like she remembered * They brought it here themselves so their goal isn't to disarm her. She's not bound and has her weapons.Talking about 'blind trust' would be naïve and Violet desprately trying to keep on blaming them. The answer was right in front of her and she just needed to accept it. Violet lowered her dagger and her ball went back to it's crystal clear color. Violet sunk to the floor realizing what a fool she's made of herself. Nightmare Oil huh? Violet let out a heavy sigh. Jeez, I must've looked a sight...just some crazy lady yelling about some nonsense. I'm... sorry about my outburst... Violet sits herself proper and tries to gather herself. She tries to shake this feeling of dread looming over her. And Walker... thanks for carrying me here. Sorry to put you through that. I'm truly indebted to you She lowers her head towards him in appreciation. "So...tha rest'ye got names, ah? Y'humans love tha kinda thin" Those two sentences brought up old wounds. Violet vividly remember Keepa using those EXACT words. Violet started shaking upon just hearing those words again. K-K-Keepa s-said the same t-thing... Violet tries to compose herself and put herself together. Come to mention it you know a lot about this place and you two almost talk the same... you both would be workin- Violet cut herself off understanding just what she was saying. That nightmare is controlling her. She can't help but feel a bit scarred from the whole experience. Violet buries her face in her legs and with a wave of her hand, her ball burst into it's red flame and strikes the wall with immense force. DAMMIT! What the hell is going on with me... She grabs her head and sits there slowly breathing to try and calm herself down. After Violet had calmed herself she thought about something Walker had said. Speaking of the plague surgeon, where is Kite? Violet looked around and saw the body lying lifeless. She rushed over to his body quickly. Is the Nightmare Oil still effecting him? Is he still locked in the nightmare? She puts her head to his chest and doesn't hear anything. She never did it before so she had no idea if he even had a heartbeat in the first place. Violet looked to Kaath and asked, What's happening to him? Do you know anything about this?</s>
<|message|>Ruby Redford "Why, would you have been jealous?" Ruby raised an eyebrow. "I suppose that would depend on how much cleaning you did," she replied, restraining a smirk. Kaath's subsequent question about the kite caught her attention. "Any of you...hold the string?" Kite. String. Now there's an interesting connection - if only because it evokes the imagery from before. Perhaps my first inclination was correct: that creature there is the kite in the visions. If that's the case, who is the bird? Ruby glanced at Kaath. Could she be...? She ground her teeth as she mulled over the possibility. What if this Kaath is just trying to get on our good side so we'll drop her guard and let her eat the kite? She may want to know who "pulls the string," so to speak, to find out who to snatch it from so she can drag it down. Even if I knew who that was, telling her might not be a good idea unless we're doing a bait plan or something. In fact, it might be better if I didn't know who that was, because with all this mind-fudgery going around, God only knows whether some hell-forsaken creature might drag it out of me. All this assumes, of course, she is the "bird" from the visions, which she may not be. Speaking of hell... She turned her attention back to Violet, who was now apologizing for her earlier outburst. Ruby pinked a little, realizing she'd zoned out while Kaath and Walker talked the girl down. ", I forgive you, Violet." She sat back down next to Walker and began pulling medical supplies out of her bag to treat his wound. It was then Kaath said something that sent a shiver down her spine. "So, the rest o'ye got names, eh? Ye humans love that kinda thing, I take it." Ruby froze. Wait, what? Violet said what everyone else was thinking: "Keepa said the same thing. Come to mention it, you know a lot about this place and you two almost talk the both would be working-" Violet cut herself off with a curse and grabbed her head as she struggled to control her breathing. Keepa had known Ruby's name, and lying about it seemed to just make things worse. What if Kaath was this place, and knew her name as well? Ruby decided to test this. "Call me Sapphire." Violet, meanwhile, seemed to have collected her thoughts. "Speaking of plague surgeon, where is Kite?" So that's the name we're going with. Fair enough. Ruby pointed. Violet rushed over to Kite and examined him. "Is the Nightmare Oil still affecting him? Is he still locked in the nightmare?" She checked his breathing and looked to Kaath. "What's happening to him? Do you know anything about this?" "I washed it off as best I could..." Ruby murmured. She turned to Kaath. May as well throw the language back at her. "So, you must have some secrets, huh? You creatures seem to love that kinda thing." She smirked and leaned forward, adding, "Wanna trade?"</s>
<|description|>ANNA WALKER 45 YEARS OLD LEAD AUROR OF THE LOS ANGELES DIVISION JOSEPH ADAMS 38 YEARS OLD AUROR GILBERT BRANT 30 YEARS OLD AUROR</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "Good thing then, because my obvious extensive knowledge of mythical beasts will totally come in handy." Abram chuckled. There was a few seconds of silence between the two Aurors before Claire chimed back in, with Abe listening carefully. "We're heading to Las Vegas," Abram nodded, pointing at the address he plugged into the GPS. "Unless I got the wrong orders, Salt informed me that we're heading to find Khan and to go with that lead and that's also what this folder says. From what I understand there is also a lead in Arizona, but I wasn't tasked with that, another Auror from my unit was." Abram rubbed his chin, his head fumbling around with all the information that was being thrown at him and that he was reading. Nothing made sense, but he needed to figure out what the reason for them heading to Las Vegas to find Khan really was. Obvious that him being a dealer of mythical creatures had an importance as they just figured there was some sort of monster used in the attack, but what else did Khan know or have to do with it other than seeing the attackers first hand and also providing them with a possible accessory. With a few silent breaths, Abram did his best to refocus and diffuse his head. "I think I need a drink." He said with a smirk. "You?"</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire looked over at the GPS to confirm that he was right, and Walker, once again, hadn't given her all of the information she might need. "Walker told me that we were following a lead they picked up in Arizona. Finding out it's Vegas makes the hotel name make way more sense though." They absolutely needed to get to the hotel and lay out every piece of information they had between them to work up a real sense of what they were doing and what the hell was going on. Abram mentioned needing a drink and she nodded, laughing a little. "Absolutely. This hotel better have a bar, or be near a bar. It's Vegas, for god's sake. She smiled, leaning back in the seat and trying to make sure she kept her attention on the sky rather than the attractive man next to her. "What say we land, get checked in, and get ourselves food and a drink or three while we try to figure this disaster out?"</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "Yes, let's do that." Abram agreed. The drive went smoothly as the two entered the lobby of Cloud Nine, the hotel they were booked at. Carrying his bags and a few extra things they packed, Abram led the way to the front desk as they were greeted by a raven haired man with slicked back hair, and a calm and cool smile. "Welcome to the Cloud Nine Hotel and Suites, I'm Kal. Are you booking or checking in?" The icy cool receptionist said. "Checking in," Abe said. "We should have two rooms under Abram Fish, F-I-S-H and Claire Hannon, that's with two n's." He turned and gave his partner a wink, confidently and flirtatiously showing that he had knowledge of her file and of her in his mind. The raven haired man typed away at his computer for a few seconds before nodding and smiling at the pair before him. "Hmm... We actually have you under one room. Your room is 312A, and your two key cards." He slipped two metallic cards across the desk as he went on with their benefits. "Your room has complimentary drinks, already paid for. If you dial 09 that is for room service." "Are you sure?" Abram said, his flirtatious, cheeky face blushing at the thought of sharing a room with his new partner. "Only one room?" "That's what my computer tells me." Abram glanced back at Claire as he swiped at the two metallic room keys, handing one off to his partner. As they walked towards the elevator he nodded with a crooked smile. "Once we get settled in, I'll come back down and talk to Kal about booking another room for myself."</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire quirked an eyebrow as the front desk attendant said that they only had one room booked, but it wasn't something worth complaining about at the moment, considering that it wasn't the attendant's fault. Abram was clearly trying to flirt with her, and she wasn't quite sure, but she could have sworn that he was trying to flirt with the attendant as well. She took the card from him and flipped it between her fingers idly as they walked down the hallway, grinning a little at Abram's little blush. "At least wait until we get to the room; for all we know there's a big bed and a huge couch that we can switch back and forth between." Claire said, putting her card in the door and pushing it open. "At least drinks are free; I have a feeling that we're going to need two or three to even begin to understand this case." She surveyed the room in front of them, grimacing. It was very clearly a honeymoon quite; she was beginning to feel like this was all a massive joke and there were people in the office foisting them off on each other so that they didn't get in the way. If so, their loss; Claire fully intended to at least take advantage of the free drinks.</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- Once in the room with Claire, Abram scoffed at the luxury they were given by the office, which was something almost like a practical joke. "You're right, let's get a few drinks in me and go over these files." Tossing his bag to the side, Abram spread the files out on one of the tables for Claire to have her once-over. A second after he finished spreading the files he darted off to the fridge that was in their room, reaching for two bottles along with an ice tray and two glass cups. The clinking of the glass and bottles rang as the wizard made his way back to the table, taking a seat as he filled the glasses up with the liquor and a few ice cubes. "Guessing we start this party?"</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire took the glass from him and took a drink, grimacing for a moment as the harshness of the liquor hit, and then mellowed out. With another sip, she pulled her computer out and pulled up the particular files she had been given. Sitting cross legged on the bed with her back against the headboard, she looked over at Abram. "I don't think we can avoid it any longer." Running a hand through her hair, which was still the blonde it had changed to in response to Khan's file, she opened her charmed back and pulled out the magical creatures textbooks as well, stacking them up on the bed. "What a romantic getaway we have here," She snorted, smiling. "Most of the case files I have are digital; I brought all of the photos I took and everything the office gave me, and all these books. What about you?"</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "Files on files," Abram said, gulping down the dark liquor. "Only given paper copies, you'd think as wizards in the modern age things would be easier, but hell, things just get more complicated when you mix technology and magic." Taking the rest of the liquor in one sturdy gulp, Abram took a deep exhale as the burn from the brown alcohol made him almost breathe fire. Khan, Khan, Irwin Khan. The name danced around his mind as he began feeling the effects of the alcohol hit him. Abram wasn't the strongest drinker by any means, but he imagined that he could at least stay awake after one drink. The wizard licked his bittersweet lips as he shook off the buzzed, throbbing feeling from his head. "Need a refill?" He asked his new partner. Abe figured that if he was already buzzed, he might as well continue on with it as they were in Sin City. "I know we shouldn't be drinking on the job, but, it's not like we don't have a spell to cure a small hangover." A chuckle escaped his lips as he began pouring out another half filled glass for himself. "I imagine Khan having a warehouse somewhere in town where he keeps these animals. I mean, unless he put an extension spell in his bag or something. Not like people haven't done that before."</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER "Nobody would ever think of doing such a thing as that." Claire said with a little giggle, picking up her own bag, which had very clearly been extended to be big enough for at least all of the books she had been holding. Knocking the rest of her drink back with a grimace and accepting a refill from him, she started to flip through the few things she had. "Thankfully when you're doing personnel files, you can do it electronically. Anybody outside the wizarding world sees it and they think we're just creative Dungeons and Dragons player, or insane fantasy writers. That's why I use a Muggle camera, it makes the photos easier to put through software and look at. Works better for me than moving photos." She took another sip of the liquor, making a face. "Good god, we're not going to be able to finish this bottle without a hangover. What is that stuff, magic liquor?" She bit her lip. "Didn't Scamander have a bag or a box or something like that? That's how he smuggled animals around, he just hid them in a bag? I mean, mine isn't expanded big enough to even fit a person in, but theoretically you should be able to put a series of charms on a bag to make it big enough to house a bunch of illicit creatures in. You'd have to have cages and food and maintenance though; I can't imagine that he's doing this on his own."</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "More people, more problems." Abram joked, lightening the mood. This case was getting to his head, with it pounding and throbbing. Maybe it was the alcohol kicking in, but the man knew his limits, but for some reason he was getting hit harder than usual. "Yeah, I'm not sure what this drink is..." Abe said, "But I'm feeling it." Gulping down the last bit of his cup that he just poured, the wizard figured it would be his last one for the night. He knew better than to drink on the job, but they were in Las Vegas, it was customary to drink. The grogginess set in as Abram took a file in his hand, skimming it for any more clues. But the last thing he remembered was a fog overcoming him and then blackness.</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER "It's delicious whatever it is." Claire agreed, not used to having a headache this soon into drinking. For all she knew, however, it was a magic liquor instead of a muggle liquor, which tended to be much stronger due to the ability to remove hangovers quickly and painlessly. "Strong as hell though." She grabbed one of his files with her computer between the two of them so that he could scroll through the photos if he wanted and started to read Khan's file, blinking much more than normal and feeling sleepy. Attributing it to the drive and the lack of sleep the night before, she pushed on, slipping quickly into an all encompassing fog before losing consciousness entirely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Claire came to, she was sitting against something hard, and her first thought was that she had fallen asleep sitting against the headboard of the bed, reading and drinking too much. Blinking slowly, she opened her eyes, not quite sure why it felt like peeling sandpaper away from her eyeballs, a strange taste of cotton in her mouth that she couldn't quite place. "Abram?" She rasped, not quite come to yet. Trying to raise her hand to rub her eyes, she realized she couldn't move either hand, something chafing her wrists and preventing her from doing anything. Her head was pounding and screaming, and she blinked one more time, not recognizing the room she was in. "Abram? Are you in here?"</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "That's all you got?" Abram said, spitting blood towards the man before him. "When I get these things off of me, I'm going to kill you, you know that right?" Abe was never a man for threats, but being punched and kicked while being tied up kind of pissed him off. It pissed him off enough that he was threatening the men who stood around him. The easy route would have been to use spells on Abram, but luckily he had a magic charm on him that helped protect him from out-bound spells, for a the time being. One of the men cracked his fists, grinning ear to ear, as he stepped up, lifting the young Auror to his feet as he began leading him back into the room that Claire was left. Abe was thankful that she wasn't hurt as he entered the room, his own face smiling as blood trickled down from his lip. "I'm right here," he said, "Fine and dandy." Abram was then tossed beside Claire, with the man quickly leaving the room, locks and bolts sounding before his heavy footsteps faded behind the wooden barrier. "Are you alright?" Abram said, wiping the blood with his shoulder. "These guys... They were expecting us to drink the alcohol. I think they work for Khan, but no one is saying anything. If I only had my damn wand."</s>
<|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire lifted her head as she saw Abram being brought into the room, relieved to see that he was mostly okay, but a little unnerved that he was smiling. She certainly wasn't smiling, and she was still trying to get herself out of the restraints on her wrists. Any non-verbal skill that she was trying to use did absolutely nothing, and she was slowly beginning to realize that this room had wards on it that prevented magic from being used. Even apparition was impossible after a brief attempt, though she didn't have enough energy to do it properly to begin with. "I'm as okay as I can be at this point, they must have dragged you out before me." She said, coughing in an attempt to clear her throat. It felt like somebody had filled her cheeks with cotton balls, and she craved some sort of moisture desperately. "I don't have my wand either, I don't think. They've got my hands tied up pretty tight though, and I haven't managed to undo them." Continuing to struggle with the bindings, she looked over him, worried at how much he was bleeding. "This is the worst hangover ever." She said dryly, standing up and walking over to him as she wiggled her hands around. "There are wards on this room; we can't get out by magic no matter how hard we try."</s>
<|description|>Elizabeth Keeler Age: 20 Gender: Female Race: Mundane Tale: N/A Appearance: Standing at a tall five foot eight, Elizabeth exudes an air of nobility and sophistication. Elizabeth sports blond hair, with dull green eyes with a pale complexion. Dressed in fine clothes, a generally well kept appearance and otherwise appears of a well to do upbringing. Generally speaking, she is not used to physical activity and her build easily indicates as such. Powers/Skills: * Perception A skill learned from always keeping an eye out for both liars and those who would give her the bad end of a deal. Elizabeth is fairly perceptive of most things. Couple this with a silver tongue she can often diffuse most situations without the need for violence and make sure she's not being fooled. * Nobility Less of a skill and more of a position of birth, Elizabeth knows people in power, and how to go around contacting or otherwise moving along the courts of the wealthy in the city. * Academics Receiving a fairly good education, Elizabeth is at least above average in terms of mathematics, sciences, and other such things. Personality: Generally unpleasant. Prideful and hedonistic, to put bluntly. She thinks very highly of both herself and her abilities, and really, really, really, doesn't like it when such things are called into question. She doesn't like mingling with commoners, though is not averse to it if a necessity. She has to in business, after all. Even still though it's her way or no way at all. She has difficulty working for other people, often criticizing and thinking she knows what's best - doesn't help she usually has the smarts to back up such behavior. Being from a wealthy merchant noble family she received quite the good education. That said, she is incredibly good at talking her way out of things and usually getting others to agree with her, knowing how to use words to her favor which can make her seem less unpleasant than she really is. She dislikes being jerked around, and not getting her way. History: The only child of the wealthy Keeler family, Elizabeth has led a life full of opulence and money. Always getting what she wants, so long as she behaved and did well in her studies. An old merchant family that has existed for quite awhile, they are ingrained in the very roots of Ravenport. Elizabeth's personal history isn't much to note. She was raised much like every other child, if spoiled due to her families wealth. When she was old enough to start getting into trouble as one might expect. A few scandals here in there regarding the young Keeler. Staying out late, perhaps an affair or two. Seen spending on some...questionable substances. That was, at least until a few years ago when the question of her taking over the family businesses came into question. Her father refused. She was absolutely livid, as one might expect. 'Immature' 'Child' and 'brat' were some of the more pleasant names he used in the discussion. He gave her a single condition that could potentially change his mind - find work elsewhere and straighten up a bit. She couldn't get work in any other well off area, her father made it clear that if she used her connections to get a cushy job she'd be disowned. So after a bit of asking around, she finds herself in front of Wolf's Den Agency.</s> <|message|>Elizabeth Keeler ~Elizabeth~ Squelch "Ugh, filthy..." Pulling her boot out of the muddy puddle, Elizabeth gave a small grimace. The dreary day outside was no consequence. The city of Ravenport was always like this. The coast it was built on seemed to always have near constant rain. There was an odd calmness to it, really, and if she was doing anything other than walking through it, she was quite sure she'd be relaxing to the sound of rain on the window with some tea. What was of consequence however, was that she was walking. Walking. With just an admittedly well made cloak to protect her from the rain. Pathetic that's what that was. If anyone from her old life saw her, she'd be a laughing stock. "Working at some shady detective agency no less..." The noblewoman muttered quietly. Had she a choice, she'd be doing anything but this. She wasn't someone who should have too. Chase down criminals, crawl through mud and muck to reach a goal. No, that was what her maids, attendants, and subordinates were for. Or at least, they would have, had she any left. At least what she was being told to do was somewhat easy and up her alley. She was nothing, if not studious about her objectives and goals. She read the files backwards, forwards, and asked Rolfe about the temperaments of each people involved to get a general idea of their attitudes. She did not have confidence this could be resolved quickly and cleanly after what she had been told, that much was certain. By now, Elizabeth had reached the waterfront, stopping for a moment on the docks to look out over the sea. Smelled like fish, and would otherwise be fairly picturesque in the melancholic gloomy way. Hm, perhaps when she had her titles and fortunes returned she'd commission a painting? Idle thought. Back on the task at hand. Making her way along the dock, eyeing one of her destinations in the distance. A ship by the name of the Bloated Barge. A rather detestable looking den of degenerates and lowlifes, also known as a tavern. An establishment she'd normally not be caught dead in. She'd head there after the Crabbyshack pub and getting the details from Merkle. As long as she kept a level head this should be easy enough to deal with some unruly plebs. "Nothing you can't handle Eliza..." Finally reaching her destination, Elizabeth looked up at the sign hanging above the door. One of her 'colleagues' should be here soon, but she'd only wait for a few moments before heading inside and taking care of this herself.</s> <|message|>Gordon Edwards Gordon Edwards Rain was like a way of reminding people that god cried too. At least, that's how Gordon sometimes saw it, most of the time however, all he could see was pouring rain coming from the clouds above as constant reminder that life went on, and that he was glad he wore a trench coat. The droplets of water would hit him, only to slide off like tiny waterfalls, as the wind occasionally swiped at his scarf. Wind was never really an issue in a city such as Ravenport, as even on windy days the buildings gave some cover from it. Windy days were chilly, at least that's what he had heard others complain. The only thing he could possibly complain about was his new position in the sketchy detective agency and the case file he'd been handed. Earlier that day, he'd been given his first assignment, an investigation into a possible act of sabotage over at a local pub. It was a place he'd been at least once before, though he hadn't been there long. Something about live sea creatures unsettled him, and although he had been hungry, he decided to skip lunch and left before he'd even heard the specials. Tugging his hood slightly more over his head, the young man stepped over one of the larger puddles that had formed on the road, his boots hitting the wet cobblestone with muffled thuds. He was looking forward to the case, at least in some sense. From the look of Rolfe when he handed him the files, this kinda thing had happened before, he could tell that much even before he looked the two characters over. Neither one looked the type, but competition sometimes changed people, but for all he knew, it really could be just another stupid coincidence that Barker's seafood were dying. He'd find out sooner or later, as he rounded a corner and out from the dark buildings of the main streets, his eyes landed on another figure, standing just outside the pub known as the 'Crabbyshack'. Crabby was right, the woman who ran it didn't sound to cheerful. Judging from the way they stood, and the fact that he knew he had a partner on this particular mission, Gordon lightly jogged towards the figure, his boots kicking up small splashes behind him. Slowing to a stop before the figure, He nodded at them, as he pushed open the door to the better off tavern. Comparing the Crabbyshack to it's competitor, the Bloated Barge, there was honestly no real contest, though he wasn't fond of either. Stepping inside and throwing off his hood with one hand while leaving the door open with the other, he gestured for his college to follow, while running a quick once over of the one he'd be working with. She seemed somewhat impatient, obviously not fond of rain, or being in such a place, not to mention, even under his cloak, she seemed to be of noble birth, not exactly someone he'd expect to see working such a job, but she was there, she was easy on the eyes, and she seemed to have an air of intelligence to her. Good, he'd been worried he'd be sent in with some mindless brute who ended up breaking everything. "Sorry for the wait." His voice was sincere, though he meant it as more of a formality then anything.</s> <|message|>Harry Harlan (otherwise known as Hare) ~ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔢~ Location: Ravenport Central Square Mission: Cat Herding --- Harry gripped the small bottle tied about his neck. It contained several ingredients including herbs and a tiny tuft of his fur. A service provided by a witch for a price. For the mundanes, the bottle necklace appeared to be a plain trinket. No worth or significance to its purpose, other than his personal attachment. The actual truth was that it was the only thing allowing him to walk around without a lynching mob hot on his white cottontail. He had been worried all day about his glamour failing. When he originally bought the thing, he felt the price was far too cheap for the quality. Even for the bare minimum requirements, the more you had to change then the pricier it got. Most the time he could make do. A bit of his voice behind a corner, dash underneath the furniture or out of sight had saved him lots on needing a glamour. However, he couldn't interact directly without one. At the thought, Harry ran his fingers through his light brown hair. The locks unfurled then fell to frame his face's soft curves. This glamour failed to hide everything from his original form though. His figure was still considered rather short for a human and pretty lanky. The face was cleanly shaven for a youthful appearance, but his two front teeth stuck too far past his lip. He tried not to look at anyone for too long because he knew his eyes were a bit too golden causing his anxiety to rise. He couldn't risk Basil and Rolfe deciding he was too much of a liability to their business before deciding to let him go. Idly he continued to hold the trinket for a few more moments before he shoved it underneath his shirt, hiding it from sight. Harry swallowed a tightness at the back of his throat as his right foot thumped the dirt. A bunch of time had passed now, but no sign of any fellow co-workers. His ears swayed about alongside his eyes, both sight and hearing were surveying the scenery. When he received the case, Harry thought it was some sort of cruel joke. A hare chasing cats was not likely to go over well. He doubted the glamour would cover his scent and the feline fiends might start chasing him instead. That's when all bets were off. Cats liked to play with their prey and that fact disgusted him, his lip curled up with a twitch. "Where the hell are you?" Harry muttered.</s>
<|message|>Elizabeth Keeler ~Elizabeth~ Location: CrabbyShack Sabotage investigation --- At least she didn't have to wait long for her colleague. A man, slightly older than her and more than a little rough around the edges was running towards her. Not fond of the rain, was he? Should probably move somewhere else in that case, but she spared little thoughts on such a matter. He probably though she wasn't cut out for this job, and likely expected someone such as herself not to be working on something so mundane. It was easy to tell she wasn't a common rabble. A pleb, a merchant or a slum dweller. Well, she'd just prove this man wrong. "No matter," She said, stepping inside the so called tavern. At least he had the proper manners to hold the door open for her. "Just be sure to be faster next time." Immediately her nose was assaulted by an unpleasant odor, causing her to grimace and scrunch her face slightly. Ugh. Smelled of fish, wasted life and sweat. Definitely a place where dockworkers and laborers would hang out. Sharply exhaling, she brushed her nose with her hand, doing her best not to appear too put off. Didn't want to make an unpleasant impression on madam Merkle. "Elizabeth Keeler." She said to Gordon, boots dully thudding against the floor as she walked. "In case you forgot. Lets make one thing clear before we start this. I don't want to be here, but due to certain circumstances I am obligated to put forth my effort into this little detective agency." She turned to face her colleague, a bored expression clear on her features. "So I'm going to be calling the shots here, understand? I'm not going to have some uneducated commoner to muck things up for me."</s>
<|description|>Vincent "Vin" TreVayne Gender: M Age: 35 Place of Birth: Seattle, WA Sexuality: Hetero Relationship Status: Vin was engaged to a girl he'd been together with since his late teens, and through unforeseen circumstances, the relationship ended. Occupation: Co-partner of several tattoo shops along the East Coast of the United States, mostly located in upscale areas, Buckhead being one of them. Skills: A vast background in traditional art, with a focus on tattooing and the use of various inks and their properties. Power: Tattoo & Body Art Manipulation Essentially, a telepathic ability that allows him a certain degree of control over the ink used for the tattoos, thereby giving "life" to an otherwise static image on his (or a chosen target's) skin. His ability is most potent when used on his own tattoos, allowing him to lift the imagery from the skin, solidifying it, and giving it a brief independance from the host body. (i.e. A crow tattoo on his chest can "peel" away, transform into solid mass, and fly around). Natural tattooing inks created by plant dyes, animal minerals, salts and various other natural sources, etc work the best. Synthetic inks are generally weaker. As a defensive mechanism, if threatened, the tattoo ink will protect itself (and the host), adapting and shielding Vin from physical attacks for a limited amount of time. Areas that are covered in tattoos also have the potential to heal much quicker, as the artwork essentially "repairs" the affected area. The more severe the wound, the longer time it takes to completely heal and the more mental exhaustion is incurred. Cost of Power Use: Causes varying degrees of mental fatigue & migraines, and the longer it is sustained, the more lethargic he can become, to the point of unconsciousness if not careful. There are instances where the power, if not kept in check, could lash out violently toward others or the host himself as it begins to take on a life of it's own... Appearance: Vin stands about 6'1, tall and lean. He generally keeps a closely trimmed beard or clean shaven face, and a neatly comb head of thick dark auburn hair. His wardrobe tends to lean toward a "chic rocker" fashion in blacks & grays, more so to impress the higher-end clientele. His arms, chest and back are covered in various tattoos of fantastical venomous creatures, tribal & gothic patterns, life, death, and various symbols that only he may know anything about. Personality: Vin comes off as relatively light-hearted and easygoing, and yet can easily be identified as borderline narcissistic due to the fact that he seems to "know everything about everything" and holds nobody else but himself in high regard, which can reflect in his close professional and personal relationships. He is inherently stubborn and critical about a great many things, especially related to artwork, and his intense focus can be misinterpreted as being "socially disconnected" when in the middle of a project as he doesn't tolerate distractions very well. Generally, however, he's a guy that goes along to get along, and enjoys to socialize in circles where there may be an opportunity for gain or pleasure. As an artist himself, he loves art, especially body art, which he'll gladly discuss with anyone who will listen to his incessant ramblings which inevitably circle around to him talking about himself. History: As "deceptive appearances" go, Vin had always managed to keep his life running against the grain as much as possible, turning his nose to rules and regulations that seemed to only work for everyone else but him. Although he'd never let on that he had an ounce of the proverbial anarchist in him. Growing up in Seattle during the late eighties, early nineties, he found himself in the midst of the grunge scene, which influenced not only his outlook on life and society, but his love for various rock music and art. His family life was rather eventless (some would even say "normal"); both parents got along, worked hard at their respective blue-collar jobs, and generally made a bearable life in the Lower Queen Anne area of the city. As most good parents did, they both encouraged their son to do something meaningful with his life... Of course, "meaningful", was a matter of interpretation. Vin loved the city, especially the underground scenes, and most of his time was spent running with his wayward friends, getting into the seediest dumps to see their favorite bands play or hanging with the best local street artists, painters, and tattoo kings that Seattle had to offer. As his artistic talents flourished, he also reaped the rewards of diligence and hard work. He eventually turned his focus on tattooing, which it seemed everyone was willing to pay good money for, no matter their social status. At seventeen, he'd saved enough from various art jobs to share rent on an apartment in the downtown area, closer to where the action and the money was. Vin was a dreamer, and he wanted to keep the film rolling as long as possible. He'd met, for the first time, a girl he could really see sharing his already chaotic life. A girl who shared many of his own passions and aspirations, which gave Vin the feeling that he could really control the relationship and all its variables. Funny thing how our own interpretations sharply contrast the harsh reality of things... Years passed quickly as they would for those living a life that seemed to be an endless party. But for Vin, the fun hit rock bottom when his soon-to-be wife had decided to lavish herself in the lifestyle of another man. A man who seemingly had his shit together and gave her the world. The blowback became a stain that stuck in the forefront of Vin's mind, degrading his outlook of a future he hoped would have been shaped by his own hands. The solid relationship he once had with his parents began to suffer as he spiraled downward and pushed away a lot of people in the process. He eventually made it to a point where was ready to move on, to leave his old life and hopefully never return until he felt ready to return. And he'd found the perfect way out... Vincent reached out to James, an old friend who'd moved to the east coast to start up a chain of tattoo and body art shops mainly located in upscale areas. James knew the business, and even the rich enjoyed the opportunity to leave a lasting mark, whether it was social prestige or simply ink on their body, he'd gladly offer it all. Vin, confident in knowing that his artwork would be a great addition to his friend's business, didn't hesitate to take advantage of becoming a co-partner, quickly moving from his hometown of Seattle to a hi-rise apartment in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia.</s> <|message|>Jennifer "JJ" Jureau Jennifer She was tempted to throw something at Nate, hell, one of the pillows would have sufficed, but he quickly closed the door behind him. Now that he was finally out of her room, Jennifer took off the remainder of her clothes before walking back into the bathroom. She tossed them aside as she closed the door behind her, then walked over to the shower to turn it on. After letting it run for a second or two so it could get to the perfect temperature, she got inside to let her body relax. -- About 15 minutes later, Jennifer stepped out of the shower. She wrapped her hair with a small towel and covered up with the bathrobe hanging from the back of her door. Leaving the insanely humid bathroom, she headed to her closet to finally pick out some clothes that fit her and didn't make her look like a stripper. Nearly a minute passed before Jennifer decided on a simple pair of jeans, short black boots, and a maroon top. She grabbed the outfit and laid them out on her bed, going back into the bathroom to let her hair down and run some leave-in conditioner through her strands. She couldn't help but sigh in contempt as the curls started to appear again, but there was nothing she could do. She had been cursed with a hair type she didn't like but then again, who was ever satisfied? Jennifer continued getting ready, hoping the guys outside wouldn't be making much of a mess. She applied some basic make-up, that which consisted of mascara and some light lipstick. Dabbing the excess off with her pinkie, Jennifer looked herself over one more time before heading back to the bedroom to get dressed. She noticed her purse on the nightstand, then remembered she had to charge her phone. After taking care of that, she got dressed and walked out into the living room. She noticed Vin sitting on the couch with a towel wrapped around his waist, but at least he looked more like himself now. "Did you two get to know each other a little bit better?" she asked Nate, who was also in the living room. Zero</s> <|message|>Nathan James Hunter Having reabsorbed all of his clones except for the one in the kitchen who was currently making a mess in his attempts to make something resembling pork pozole, Nate dropped down onto the couch and draped an arm over the back. At JJ's question about whether he and Vin had gotten to know each other better, he began stroking the back of Vin's head as he informed her "Oh, we got to know each other very well." He tried very hard to not laugh at that but a light snort could be heard coming from him. Seeing Vin naked wasn't something Nate wanted but since he had, he was going to use it to annoy the living daylights out of the other man. It was the least he deserved. Nate was well aware that he wasn't blameless in the clusterfuck that had been the past day but blaming himself wasn't nearly as fun as blaming other people. Nate may have looked like a man on the outside but on the inside he was very much still an immature asshole.</s> <|message|>Vincent "Vin" TreVayne Vin took a seat on the couch, and sank into the cushion until his head rested comfortably against the backrest. He was dead on the his feet since the last chaotic episode he'd had in the bathroom, and his thoughts drifted off for a moment, allowing the calm ambiance of the apartment to sooth his racing mind. He didn't notice when JJ had re-emerged from her bedroom, but her voice caught him off guard and snapped him from his reverie otherwise. He lifted his head and instantly transfixed on her, noticing for the first time, all her radiance and beauty. He'd only known her for a short while, but up until this point, he'd been so consumed by every emotion that could be thrown at him in one fell swoop he'd never really seen her. But this was different. There she was, the woman who had sacrificed a part of herself to save a wretched creature like Vincent. A man who didn't deserve it, but was nonetheless healed through her powers, albeit, with a heavy price she had to pay. Nevertheless, in that instance, Vin felt genuine adoration for her, something that he hadn't felt in more years than he cared to count. "Wow, you look great..." Was about all he could muster up at the moment, until Nate decided to slip his hand behind his head, causing Vin to move a few inches away from the creep, followed by a barrage of exclamatory remarks targeted at him. He returned his attention to JJ. "Ah, yeah, I think we got close enough. Oh, and by the way, I took the liberty of tossing my clothes in your incredibly awesome washing machine. Figured we'd be here for a bit anyway, so...uh..." He brought his voice down a notch. "Hopefully that's okay with you, yeah?" He turned back to Nate, shooting him a sour expression. "And can you keep your damn brothers in check? I swear they snoop around like lost puppies!" Zero</s> <|message|>Jennifer "JJ" Jureau Jennifer "Take a picture, Vin, it'll last longer," she added playfully as she sat next to him. Jennifer had noticed one of the clones in her kitchen, making a mess expected. "Isn't that a nice view?" she added, more so to distract herself from killing the second Nate, not that it would do much anyway. "I've fallen asleep more times than I count on this couch just looking out past that balcony, but of course, more than half of those nights I can't even remember. If only--" Jennifer stopped when she heard a crash from the kitchen. "Hey! This isn't your mother's kitchen!" She pushed herself up by placing a hand on Vincent's tigh, not concerned with the fact that he was only wearing a towel. As she headed to the kitchen, she saw the clone looking at his hands as he slowly began to fade away. The last thing Jennifer saw was a fearful expression on his face. "Hey, Nate, can you tell me why your clone looked scared out of his mind when he disappeared?" she asked, walking back towards the living room to sit next to Vin again. Zero</s> <|message|>Nathan James Hunter Nate slowly sat forward as his clone vanished. He felt his muscles tensing and he clasped his hands together, holding them over his knees. Something was wrong here. Usually, when he reabsorbed his clones, they became a part of him again. Their memories became his. Their thoughts and feelings all merged with his own. But this was different. Only a part came back. Fractured. Broken. There was a vague sense of fear that rushed through him as though the clone knew what was happening to him wasn't normal. Like he was afraid they he wouldn't get back to Nate. That he would really be gone. Nate heard JJ's question but it was like an echo in his head. Like she was far away. His concentration was elsewhere but he heard her and he did his best to answer. "Because fading into nothing is terrifying." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Nate had never really put much thought into where his clones go when they disappear. He always just assumed they became a part of him again, mentally and physically. But now he had to consider other possibilities.</s>
<|message|>Vincent "Vin" TreVayne As if a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders, having Jennifer's presence next to him wasn't just mere superfluous eye-candy, but instead her aura seemed to permeate a calmness that transcended beyond anything Vincent had felt in awhile. It was as though the raging creatures living inside him were held at bay by a mysterious force, unexplained, but still very real nonetheless. His skin didn't have the same eerie sensations he'd experienced moments ago and that was just fine by him. Vin caught the girl's sweet scent, a mixture of hair conditioner and light perfume she was wearing, hoping that it would sustain itself in his memories forever, or at least as long as possible. Jennifer motioned a hand toward the balcony as she spoke to Vin, mentioning the majestic view she had of the cityscape, until a crash in the kitchen suddenly broke her off mid-sentence, and broke up the moment as she rose from the couch to head over to the kitchen. Vincent turned to see one of the clones vanish, apparently unexpectedly, and he glanced over at Nate, who appeared perplexed. The kid's theories and explanations of what may or may not have just occurred were hard enough to follow, and yet Vincent couldn't help but feel bad for the poor bastard. "Shit, I can't imagine what that's like bro, but…" Vin thought about holding his tongue, but then continued. "...maybe it's a reprieve. You said yourself that the clone's memories, emotions, and whatnot come flooding in, but maybe now your head can finally take a break. Maybe?" Vin wasn't sure if that really helped Nate at all, especially knowing that he's the last person anyone would want to ask for advice or guidance about anything psychological, or…supernatural, as it were. He barely understood himself, so how in the hell could he decipher the mental train wreck of anyone else? Zero</s>
<|description|>Rin Aisagawa Age: 23 Demeanour: Hardworking, mature and slightly sassy yet she does put others needs before hers…most of the time. She can be quite chatty but all the same sometimes she prefers to stay quiet, particularly when she trying to figure out something or someone. Appearance: Skill Set: Medical research and strategy (She has, from a young age, also been quite persuasive) History: Growing up in a small rural Oregon town to Rin Godzilla was the thing of stories and news articles, never something she had seen for herself. Growing up she always wanted to become a doctor, or go into a job as such, and her high grades and continuous top-of-the-class standings, in most of her classes, accounted for it. As she got older she got more into the idea of medical research an on completing high school moved to complete her studies. It wasn't long after she graduated the Rin met Taylor and the local gym. He told her about the kaiju program where she soon applied. Role: Partner to Baragon</s> <|message|>Lora Moll Belvera. Lora stared out the window of the lounge, though she had no idea what her physical body was looking at. She was watching Mothra in her head, sunning herself over the new egg. There was a lot of speculation on the possible outcome of such an egg, with so many modifications to Mothra herself. Now the third sister had rejoined them, and this alone could change things dramatically. {In their mind, the Cosmos were sitting in Mothra's ceremony chamber, in a triangle that mirrored the gems in Mothra's forehead. They had their heads down in meditation each keeping their own council as the human body was busy, but now their mind could drift. "I still do not trust them, nor their pet Lizard." Belvera said bitterly. It had always been her disgust at humans that cast a rift between the sisters. It wasn't until a human saved her life that she paused to consider the good among the race. She was still bitter, but there was a tolerance now. "Stop it, Belvera. The humans are working with us now, and have granted us everything we have asked for. What more do you need to convince you." Lora, the emotional one of the three, responded. She was tired of the same old argument from her sister, and simply wanted to move on. "Belvera is right." Moll chimed in, drawing shocked stares from both her sisters. Moll was more the calm and logical sister, more so now that Belvera had returned to match emotions with Lora. "It is the same situation we have always found ourselves in, Lora. Some humans are good, and some are not, but there is more to it than that. They constantly travel the same paths, trying to harness power they barely understand. That is why we help them with our conversions with the other monsters, and why we keep Mothra out of the experiment. In this instance, it would not be maliciousness on the human's part, it would be their ignorance. I don't wholly agree with this experiment, but the human's will try to do something, and all we can do is try to help them the best we can. They are already leagues further in their understanding than they were before we helped. We must be ready, though. The humans are nothing if not clumsy when it comes to things beyond their understanding. All three sisters smiled as Mothra chirped an agreement as she sunned.} Lora smiled softly as she continued staring out the window, the notes of the latest information about the monsters under her arm. She sighed softly, moving to the coffee pot, starting another pot. It was going to be a long day, and she was determined to make the best of it.</s> <|message|>Lacey Parker Lacey ran the towel across her back, picking up the last bit of water from her skin. She used the same towel to wipe the steam off the mirror. Her pale complexion showed through, highlighting the dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't slept in days, too excited for her first day at the hospital. She practiced her smile, her introductions, and her "your illness is terminal" face. It still didn't feel real. She had dreamed of the day when she could apply her medical knowledge to pursue her obsession with the kaiju, namely Godzilla. She grabbed a bottle of melatonin, hoping it would do enough to put her to sleep tonight. She brushed her teeth, got dressed for bed and laid down. The light was switched off and everything was silent but it didn't matter. There was no way she was going to relax enough for it to do any good. She flicked the light back on and grabbed the remote. Maybe tv would help some.</s> <|message|>Taylor Pearson The click of multiple keyboards being typed on and the whirring sound of computers fills the air, groups of white coats move about a large room. A black coat stands behind a wall of screens hitting buttons and pacing around the wall of monitors. A group of black coats head up to the guy hidden behind the wall. They stand around one extra large monitor staring at a cellular structure studying it. One of the men pulls up a picture of a cell from Godzilla and another pulls up a cell titled Patient 1. The first black coat begins studying the cellular structures all around him. "Looks like each others cells bonded perfectly, I might even say that each others cells may have become an entirely new cell. I have been studying the cells for a while, they seem to grow stronger almost constantly. I believe in the course of time we have pulled up the cell structure data the cells likely have grown and changed dramatically." The black coat updates the cell structure data and the cells have completely morphed, the other black coats stare on in amazement and talk amongst themselves. 9 am Taylor wakes up and heads out of his bedroom. He walks down the hall to the reception area at the laboratory. "Hello miss, can you direct me to the weight room? I want to get in some training on my own before I start training with the G man." The receptionist smiles at him. "Head back the way you came from and go down to the elevators go down to the basement level and you can find it quite easily from there." She smiles again at him. "Alright, thank you ma'am." Taylor turns around and heads to the gym. As he arrives he finds himself all alone with no music playing. He looks around and finds a computer attached to a speaker system, logging into youtube he starts a workout playlist that will last most the day. Walking over to the free weights he looks around noticing more 100 pound plates than he has ever seen in one place. Picking 2 up at a time he starts loading up the leg press machine, taking 5 minutes to load up the machine with 18 100 pound plates getting a workout just by loading up the plates and nothing else. He rests a bit beside the machine waiting to regain some energy to continue his workout.</s> <|message|>Rin Aisagawa Rin was always an early riser, nothing seemed to change that no matter how long she was away from rural Oregon house. In her white room the sun ceased to make a presence, blocked off by walls and curtains in her room however she was still wide awake by dawn. The young woman sighed, running a hand through her hair before slipping out of her bed and making way to her bathroom before continuing her usual routine. At this point in the morning Rin would be out of the house for a morning walk but if Baragon was in a cage the size of the facility and was, at the moment, mimicking Rin's actions leaving the facility was probably not the best idea. Instead, sporting her usual exercise gear, the young woman decided it may be a good idea to tour the facility, that was something she was yet to do and didn't know much about the structure of her new home despite how to get from her room to the one she had the operation to mentally link her to Baragon done. So she slipped out of her room, closing white door behind her. Behind doors open and close came whirrings from computers, tapping of keyboard and mutters of men and women in black and white lab coats. Hours had passed and Rin had wandered hallway after hallway, entering a few rooms, sometimes ending in her being kicked out, sometimes she was watched warily until she left until reached the reception desk. "Are you looking for the gym?" The receptionist asked, grabbing her attention. Rin cocked her head slightly. She was quite on top of her exercise but she had never been to a proper gym. There wasn't one in her hometown and by the time she got to a town she was too busy with study an work to look into finding one nearby. "I guess so," she replies pursing her pale lips. The receptionist continued to give instructions on how to get to the gym and Rin thanked hed making her way to the gym. The gym was huge, sporting equipment Rin had seen and never heard of and, among it all using weights, was a very muscly blonde man. "Morning," Rin greeted him with a courteous nod of her head before her soft brown eyes resorted to inspecting the room, looking for something she could uss well enough without embarassing herself</s> <|message|>Lora Moll Belvera. Lora glanced up from her papers, slightly disoriented. The cosmos didn't need to sleep, and with three of them using the body, they often took shifts. The body, on the other hand, still needed rest. It was conditioned to sleep with it's eyes open, allowing the sisters to continue reading and discussing, but the body was essentially asleep. Moll was going over the results of the new links when the AC kicked on, blowing the blinds enough to let a beam of sunlight across the papers, and show that it was late in the morning. {"You are over doing it again, sister." Lora said softly, giving her sister's hand a gentle squeeze. "Rest, I will limber up the body and wake it up, then you can get back to work."} Lora blinked a moment, groaning at the stiffness in her joints. Giving a long slow breath, she slowly got up off the floor, nimble danced between the spread of paperwork spread on the floor before her, and headed yo the closet. Changing into yoga pants and jogging shirt, she began to hum the hymns to Mothra, giving her the morning respects as she mixed a smoothy out of fruits, including the ones from infant island. This was all part of her morning routine that she adopted for this body. Some of the old way had come back in very pleasant ways, and she was quick to incorporate them. To finish her routine, she poured her smoothy into a bottle and headed down to the gym. Most of the scientists didn't use the gym, and the military had finished with it hours ago, so usually it was empty this time of day. Lora opened the pouch on the side of her bottle and slid out the earbuds she used to concentrate. She had her relaxing music on by the time she reached the door, but paused when she realized the room was not empty. {"Two of the subjects,' Moll said softly. "Godzilla and Baragon's"} Taking a deep breath Lora stepped in, letting the slow beat to her music keep her going. She would nod a treating to each of the others before moving to a corner. She hated training in front of others, but with Moll putting so much strain on the body, she had to stretch out. Lora took one more moment to look around, ensuring nothing was in range of her movements before she began her stretched and beginning movements to Tai Chi. Miles away, Mothra Leo chittered, enjoying this part of the day. Slowly, in tune, with the cosmos, she began stretch her wings and antenna. Enery crackling along her length as its chi flowed visibly like Loras flowed within her.</s> <|message|>Taylor Pearson Taylor nods at the woman who enters. A moment later another woman enters and would nod to her as well when she greeted him. He slides into the machine and places his feet on the sled. The foot hold looking barely big enough to accommodate his size 17 shoes, his heel sits at the bottom of the plate but the tip of the shoe barely hangs over. He presses up the sled and drops the stops on the side to begin his workout. He begins pressing out the near 2000 pounds of weight. The shaking from being pressed out is felt through the floor surrounding the immediate area and even though he is smooth with the press the clanging from the amount of plates on the machine can be heard throughout the gym. He finishes his set and lays there for a moment to catch his breath before locking in the stops and getting up. His face is red from the workout but he smiles all the same. Looking at the girl nearby he could tell she was at a bit of a loss. He walks over to her and takes a deep breath. "You look like you could use some help." He says and waits for a response from her.</s>
<|message|>Rin Aisagawa Another woman entered the gym, Rin returned her nod before seeking out the equipment she knew how they worked, she found it to be very few. Rin stood toward the door taking in the various amounts of equipment, so deep in thought she hadn't noticed the man approach her. "You look like you could use some help." His says, stand in front of her. Rin didn't nump in surprise but allowed her chocolate brown eyes to float to man's face before pursing her lips. "I've actually never been in a gym before," she starts gently, her eyes straying from the man to the multitude of machines that were spread over the room. "I wouldn't even know what half these machines are," her eyes float back to the buff man, "let alone how to use them." she purses her lips once again realising how stupid the concept of someone never setting foot in a gym probably sounded to those who had always had access to one, which she assumed this man did considering how muscly he was and the impressive use of the last machine with such a heavy load. "It seems like you know what you're doing, mind helping me out?"</s>
<|description|>Waylon Jones "Lets see what you got!" Goes by "Rampage" now Appearance No one who calls the Wastelands home considers Ghouls to be lookers, well almost no one, and Rampage is no exception. Like all those who have been so harshly effected by the radiation of the new war scarred world and turned into Ghouls Rampage has had all of his skin, nose, and hair fall off of his body. His eyes are pitch black orbs, this includes both his irises and sclera. He is rather large, standing at 6'6" in height, and has a bulky, muscular body build. He is covered head to toe in a nearly countless number of scars from everything from a gun shot to what looks like a Deathclaw scratch. What is really notable about Rampage is the faint glow, which is a full on eerie green aura in the dark, he gives off at all times do to him having absorbed such a incredible amount of radiation turning him into what many in the Wasteland call a "Glowing One". His clothes consist of a black jacket, gloves, pants, and boots. Race Ghoul, Glowing One Age "I've been around since before your dad was itch in your granddad's pants." Skills When one spends centuries living in the hellish conditions of the Wasteland they either learn how to adapt or they get eaten alive, Rampage luckily is in the former group. He has developed some serious survival skills do to his extremely long life, such as giving the right lead Rampage can track nearly anyone or thing for miles on end or being able to set up camp and thrive in the most hostile environments. He has also become quite accustom to the monstrous creatures that roams the Wastelands, from being able to recognize their habits and track them to even being able to walk among a few of them with out them becoming hostile. His life before the Great War gave him quite the bit of combat experience, more particularly close combat training. Rampage excels at hand to hand combat as well as using shorten melee weapons, such as combat knives. He is also skilled with using limited range weapons like shotguns and pistols. What Rampage lacks in has to be his interactions with others, he is far too blunt to be able to convince others to see his way with out using physical threats of violence. Also it is a bit difficult to be able to do anything stealthily when you literally glow with radiation. Gear 5.56mm pistol Combat Shotgun Ripper Ballistic Fist Bio "It is hard for most people nowadays to imagine what it was like before the bombs fell and everything turned to complete shit. Most of the smoothskins running around think that it was all sunshine, rainbows, and nuka-cola as far as the eye could see, but there are a few of us Ghouls that have been around long enough to know better. Even before the war the world was ending, people dying because of some damn plague, families being thrown into the streets because no one could hold a job cause the damn economy had gone ass up, and countries at each others throats over what little resources were left in the world. I should know I was a solider after all, a protector of my country and liberty itself. Even fought up in Anchorage, shed a lot blood up there... not all of it mine. Hell of a lot of good it did me, right after we took back Anchorage they dishonorably discharged my ass, said my methods were too extreme and risky. If that wasn't the cherry on the shit cake the bombs dropping a few months later defiantly was. When the bombs hit and those of us who weren't lucky enough to get locked away in the vaults had one of two routes given to us. Either one, die in the most incredibly painful way possible, or two, become walking corpses. As you can see I am in the second group. First few years were tough, trying to adjust to being a zombie takes some time, but eventually I got the hang of things. Sooner or later the vaults opened back up, smoothskins started making their ways back up to the surface and society started back up, and I use the word loosely. I found myself running with one of the raider gangs that popped up, they found it useful to have a guy around who didn't kill over when he was exposed to some radiation. But I got tired of carrying that group of shit for brains around so I went solo, became a gun for hire and I have to say I'm pretty damn good at it. And with a few centuries of doing this job I made a name for myself, Rampage seems pretty fitting. Now I'm in the Commonwealth and shit seems to be hitting the fan with the Enclave showing up, the decedents of the same shit heads who caused the world to go to hell in the first place. I would consider doing the job of kicking their collective asses for free... I'm not but I would consider it." Misc Like other Glowing Ones Rampage is able to emit a strong wave of radiation from his body that is capable of knocking those around him back. Rampage has a small base of operations hidden in the glowing sea that also houses a small pack of feral ghouls. He usually heads there after missions or whenever he needs to heal up.</s> <|message|>Jack Carter Colonel Carter slowly stood up, he spotted something he had only seen rarely, Atom Cats stood out like a sore thumb next to the average waster. He was just about to walk over to her when a ghoul appeared walked up to him, a glowing one if he wasn't mistaken, rare to find one who wasn't insane. "Yes, I'm Colonel Carter, I just need a name and..." He trailed off when he heard a noise, one that he was familiar with, a Vertibird. He reached for his laser musket as it paused in the air, he could just barely make it out against the sun but it bore no colors. "It's Enclave! Everyone inside their homes, now!" He dropped to a knee as the other two soldiers with him began to fire and crank. They jumped from it, two people, wearing suits of power armor that looked much more like the T-51 or T-60 yet different, new alloys and sleeker design. They both carried Plasma rifle's aiming them at the Minutemen. "We are messengers from the Enclave, Diamond city has four days to surrender and subject all citizens to screening and testing. If it does not, we will march in force to seize and take the city." With that, they used jet packs to fly back up to the Vertibird. Most of the town, mumbling staring at the Minutemen, the mayor stared out from his spot in the bleachers. More than likely having pissed himself and planning to turn the town over then run back hoping for protection. The Colonel walked over looking at the two old suits of power armor. "Sarah were gonna these bad boys up and running with some upgrades and reinforcement. As well as better armor for our people." He told the Lieutenant who began to take notes and began to figure out requisitions. "Ask that girl over their dressed like Atom Cat if she is one pay her double and get her to work on the armor." He patted the blonde shoulder, she nodded never speaking. Moving to his Sergeant next his eyes flicked over to the armory. "George, we need explosives and heavy munitions, lasers and guns aren't going to cut it, that armor is going to be a bitch to get through. So we rattle them around and cause trauma in the suits. Start training the guards to use explosives, get them able to throw and ready missiles, then get on the horn let Elder Lyons and the General know what were doing. You and your sister are staying here while the Merc's and I scout Salem. Turning back to the Ghoul the Minutemen extended his hand. "I don't need anything from you now, just a promise you'll fight and accompany and you'll get five hundred cap's on the spot. Two thousand if you survive the battle's and we drive them out." He said to the ghoul before him. Carter smirked and looked around the town. "That's right, a Ghoul is the first person to leap to your defense Diamond city. The same people you once banned from here, maybe the Garrison should be protecting Goodneighbor instead they seemed much more grateful. Perhaps some donations to the cause to get our people better weapons and armor?" He smiled sure enough they were soon collecting up caps and passing them around, Sarah collecting the pot. "Thank you very kindly." He waved to them, quite a few began to mumble about the young Colonel and some women eyed the uniformed man. His eyes went back to the Ghoul and he tossed him three hundred more caps. "That's for being the bravest son of bitch I've met all day and also scoring us some extra funds. You wanna buy anything or catch a meal over at the noodle stand your more then welcome to, anyone gives you trouble let know and I'll shoot them... Politely." Finished the Colonel before returning to his post by the stand. Tuning his Pipboy to radio Freedom he hummed softly along with the violin that played.</s> <|message|>Alec Kassaya Alec was propped up high on one of the frames of Diamond City's walls, his back pressed against one metal beam and his feet on another to keep him from falling, and Maud in his lap. He'd been looking out over the wasteland for a bit but now he had drifted off, that was until the distinct sound of the minuteman's laser muskets picked up as a vertibird approached. The sound started Maud who pounced up onto a higher beam and woke Alec from his slumber. He watched the figures from on high as they jumped from the craft, though he couldn't hear what they were saying from up on his perch. When the two power armored soldiers returned to the vertibird he watched as it flew away for a moment before picking up his rifle from where it lay on a beam next to him and let himself slide down, Maud following by hopping down from beam to beam. He slipped the rifle onto his back when he finally made it to the ground and walked over to the Colonel, giving a nod at the ghoul that was next to him. "so the Enclave have sent someone already? Should I follow after that Vertibird, Colonel?" Maud found his way up onto Alec's shoulder as he awaited a response.</s> <|message|>Carter Johnson Carter hummed the tune 'Atom Bomb Baby' to himself fairly loudly as he walked towards the entrance to the great Diamond city. It had taken Carter quite a lot of caps and time to make it here but he was more than happy to give every cap he had just to get a chance at going toe to toe with the Enclave. The Ghoul now had a strong dislike for the Enclave for he believed that these men and women were simply husks of what the organization once was and he had now come to know that the original wasn't very good to begin with. With a quick jerking motion, Carter drew his crossbow and loaded a shot just in time to see the Enclave vertibird fly off to which he shot a poorly aimed shot at. "Missed all the fun!" Carter exclaimed to himself through his helmet's speaker. He quickly rushed into town hoping that his suit and helmet wouldn't give up his Ghoulish nature to the local residents. As he ran into town he spotted the only person who looked relatively like what he thought a Minuteman would look like and quickly approached him. "Excuse me! Are you by chance the Colonel lad whom's rounding up fighters for hire?" the ghoul asked as he got within speaking distance of the man.</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine had rolled to cover when the vertibird had flown into sight, standing up and brushing herself off she went to talk to the colonel until she was approached by a blonde lady asking if she'd for extra pay of course would help repair and upgrade the power suits, with a deep sigh Adamine resigned back to the work she'd escaped from. "What ever I can do to help, do you have the necessary parts or do I need to go scavanging, unless you wanna pay the Atom Cats directly for hire in which I could use our supplies, but it could be rather expensive" crossing her arms behind her head she glanced around noting the various outsiders coming to help Diamond City and the Minutemen get rid of their Enclave suppresors.</s> <|message|>Jack Carter Colonel Carter looked at Alec first. "No, but get yourself ready were going to go soon. My officers are going to stay here, wait for Brotherhood and Minutemen Reinforcements." He said sighing as he moved the strap on his gun. Looking to new arrival dressed in a radiation suit of some sort. He could understand why some folks did that it could get pretty toasted out their. "Yes Colonel Jack Carter of the Minutemen from Vault 81 on loan to Diamond city." Jack said nodding to Carter. "You can all call me Jack or Colonel, we are going to be leaving pretty soon." With that he nodded his hat and walked over towards the Atom Cats girl he'd seen before. She'd started work on the power armor it seemed. He crouched down beside her rolling up his sleeve's. "I'm rather good with machines and we've got plenty of salvage you can use in the armory. Caps if you need more specialty components, your an Atom Cat right?" He got out some of the steel they had scrapped. "I repaired a suit of T-60 before... 45 is a smaller version correct, T-51 is more survivable." He smiled. "If you can pilot, I've got a suit going spare on the trip, these bad boys are coming with us to Salem. Even let you use the Minigun in the armory." He told Adamine as he set to work upgrade the plates to higher class.</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine began by replacing demolished plates on the suits right leg when the colonel walked up and began to help, concentrating on her hands she takes a moment to respond "Yeah I'm an Atom Cat, my names Adamine and that's Ghost" she nodded to the white pit bull panting in the shade behind her, hearing his name he perks up his ears and gives a small huff that looks more like a laugh with his mouth wide open. "Also I can pilot but it's not much my style, I just repair these bad boys, I guess I'm kinda claustrophobic, I'd rather be on my feet with my rifle" she glanced at the gun that lay at her side before looking at the colonel then back to the power suit, she grabbed a few parts and after a moment had upgraded the fusion core to last a lot longer.</s>
<|message|>Waylon Jones Well that was the easiest money Rampage had ever made and all he had to do was be at the right place at the right time. The scene that unfolded in front of him after he walked up to Colonel may have appeared like chaos to others, but to Rampage it was as expected as radiation in the Glowing Sea. Despite the big show the Enclave puts on they are creatures of habit, so a singular vertibird showing up out of no where with no backup had to be messengers. And his thought was right, two Enclave soldiers demanding the surrender of the city where in and out before any real trouble could start. Then the Colonel went on some sort of rallying call, even using Rampage as some sort of poster boy of tolerance. The Ghoul didn't like the idea of him being used to milk more money out of people, but he had to admit it was a good idea. Just like that he was handed a pretty hefty amount of caps and told that there were more where that came from as long as he survived the mission. "Hmm not the worst start of a job I ever had.." Rampage thought out loud as he looked over his newly obtained caps.</s>
<|description|>Kyo Alavondai Age: 21 Appearance: Personailty: Particularly quiet (possibly because he's almost completely mute) and still a bit shy around people at first, but caring towards other individuals. He has always been a bit spacey, sometimes retreating into his own head for long periods of time until he is interrupted. Of course, he's had to get used to doing this a lot less ever since his mind was invaded by his demon. His favorite flowers are catkins, and he cannot stand any kind of food that appears to have a face for some reason. Other than that, though, he loves food and will normally be fine with eating most anything. He still wears a bell on his wrist from another time in his life. It's very precious to him. Bio: Kyo was also a student in college when the demon appeared in his head, but he takes a lot of online classes still to keep on top of things and is currently the artist for a web series that he works on in his spare time. Even the followers have noted that this series has gotten a bit darker since around a certain time, though exactly why could never be revealed. Demon: Nightmares</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Now we find a way to live with the demons. If Secrets knows where they came from. He only told me that they once ruled hell. They were locked away in a box once upon a time to punish them for faking to take over the heaven. They are here because the box has been destroyed. Since they no longer have bodies they needed to ours. They will remain in our bodies for eternity. We are now immortal." Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo blinked and fought back a yawn, not entirely sure what to make of this assessment. Perhaps he was still too tired as a result of jet lag, but the concept of immortality didn't quite seem to click at the moment. He would have to revisit the idea later, when he was more awake. The rest of it kind of made sense, though it still bothered him. "Why us? Did we meet some form of requirement?" He wasn't sure exactly how he would do with living for eternity with his demon, but did they even have a choice at this point? Even to his sleepy brain, it certainly wasn't seeming so.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "I don't know beyond the fact that we all have something in common with our demon. I was studying to be come a psychologist. My job would have been to gather and keep the secrets of my clients. I think that was why Secrets was drawn to him. I was also very lonely. I would have welcomed any company. I might have invited him in simply so that I didn't have to be alone. But these are only guesses. Secrets hasn't answered that question. Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Something in common? That made enough sense. He could kind of see why the demon inside his head would have taken up residence there should Katherin's response be correct. He wondered briefly if she already could tell that. It wasn't exactly something he would actively keep from anyone, but as a habit, he didn't often bring up things about himself that were not directly asked about. Does that still make it a secret? I guess if it's unknown, then yes... He didn't spend too much time wondering about it, as he quickly decided that maybe the knowledge of his childhood issue was probably already known either way. Now he just wondered if she would ever let him know that she knew. In a way, this seemed convenient. There was less need for him to speak if she already knew so much about what was going on with him. He just hoped none of it was particularly disturbing in any way.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Whoa! Information overload! Rez was struggling to process what Katherin had just said, a lot of it bouncing straight off his ears. No mind reading, it was permanent, and something about a box. Discarding everything else for that moment, Rez focused on the box. "Like Pandora's box from Greek myths? And it's broken? So…… if we could fix it? Or make a new one? could this end?" The sooner this was over the better, although for the most part Rez had resigned himself to the idea of permanantly keeping his voice. It didn't have a name, least not one it had told him, although judging by the way Katherin called her demon Secrets, his probably had a name as well. As for similarities to their demons? That for Rez was fairly obvious; Fighting, getiing into bets, challenges, and …………… failing. He was good at failing challenges. Or…… and then he lost his train of thought, forgetting everything for barely a second, a overload problem he'd had from long before voices in his head. Backtracking he found he had boldly stepped forward and asked questions, luckily not phrasing them as challenges, yet. But that was more than he had ever intended to do.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Yes like Pandora's box. We cant fix the old one. It is completely destroyed. We can create a new one. However to do so we would need to find four mythical items. The eye, the cape, the cage, and the staff. If we choice to do so I have clues to the eyes location. But we should think about it before deciding. If we recreate the box and remove the demons we will die. As long as we have the demons we can survive anything."Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Wait……… immortal, like immortal? as in living forever? Won't that be incredibly lonely?" Rez was only just grasping some of the thins she had said earlier. "So the choice is; Live forever with demons driving that tiny sane part of us crazy, OR Get rid of them and die? …Hang-on… immortal not indestructible, right? So what happens if we die vaguely normally?" Rez had a bad habit of often speaking out loud when puzzling through things, it helped him think, but others often found it annoying, or weird; and albino brat talking to himself, not an everyday occurrence for most people, but everyday occurrences were very far from here.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Immortal as in nothing can kill you. Trust me on this I have tested it. We can't be killed by any method. You could get sit on a bomb and live. We don't have to be lonely. Part of the reason here is to invite you all a piece. Now that you have demons you cant live in the normal world. People will notice that you aren't aging. People will hunt us. Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Before he could stop it a single tear traced his cheek, what was that for? "So we're gonna live here forever?" He grinned suddenly randomly, "We should probably get nice furniture then, just saying." Slowly his words were getting more and more likely to be provoking. Rez knew it was time to start shutting up before he cornered someone into challenging him, just as the voice was aiming for. He had found that as long as he didn't believe things were challenges he didn't have to accept them, but with no challenges he found himself trying to provoke others. Of course as a last resort to shut his voice up he could challenge others, but it wasn't the same.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo blinked, a bit shocked by the new information. There was a way out? They could seal the demons back up? But then they would die in the process...wait, she had tested their indestructability? The boy wasn't sure how to respond to that thought, but it worried him a bit. "We can still be hurt, though, can't we? We may not die, but I doubt that it a reason not to be careful." The information about staying here had also caught him by surprise, but he wasn't sure how to act on that, either. People hunting them? He supposed that was entirely possible, even probable with some of the strange effects he had already experienced, but it was still an odd thought. "Are we really staying here? What about our lives out there? Is it really impossible to return to them?"</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Its not completely impossible to go back to your lives. But you won't be able to stay long. Maybe ten fifteen years if your lucky. People will notice that you aren't aging. You're welcome to stay But I won't force you. This meeting is for giving yinfinformation and offering you a safe place. Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Sooo…… If we can't live OUR life, then Who's life do we live? We could reinvent our self over and over I suppose, moving and changing names, appearances, and all that, but why?" Rez was babbling and he knew it but wasn't gonna stop, yet. "I mean, what do we want to do with our life if we have to live like this? I don't really know about you, but I'm not totally enjoying having someone in my head bossing me around, I'm sorry, but I am NEVER going back to those sici, sicatra, Sacias, sintara……… whoever those things are. Never again, thank you verry much." He knew he had gone off on a tangent, he also knew that he was probably provoking Katherin, as she had said she had been training to be one of those psychiatrist, psychologist people or something like that. His voice was busy whispering; Go for it, provoke her, make her mad, come on challenge her, it dosn't have to be her, anyone will do, throw me a bone, yeah? Come on, you haven't gotten yourself a challenge for ages, and you know what that means. Just challange her, him, any one of them, the next one to speak, there, challenge the next on to speak, OOOHHH…… what about the one in the back, with blue hair? She looks easy to take on, beat her, come on. Unless you want to fail? In that case how about him, the one with ice eyes? Or Mister talkative over here? I really don't care who you challange, but hurry up and do it! It was getting more than Rez could bare, the constant nagging of his voice for a challenge, the news that he would be like this forever. "So is there any way out that doesn't include dying? And if not, What the hell do we plan to do with our lives?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai After thinking for another moment, Kyo eventually just nodded his head. "I see, that makes enough sense. Thank you for the consideration, that's very kind of you." Honestly, he thought that the other one had a point as well; it would certainly be difficult to live like this with the demons. If they could do so, however, there probably wouldn't ' the many limits as to what they could do with the rest of their lives. As long as they were careful not to reveal their situation, anyway. Still, if they could find another way out, he didn't doubt that many, if not all of them, would probably take that route. It wasn't sounding too likely just yet, though. Stifling another yawn, the tired male shook his head in an attempt to stay alert.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "No there isn't any other way to get rid of the demons without dying. The demons are a part of us now. If they aren't inside us we die. I don't know what you want to do with your life. I am here to offer you a option. Whether you take that option or not is up to you. I think that despite our demons and the negative things that come from having them that we can do good in the world. I don't know how yet but I think it is a possibility. For now why don't I show you to your rooms so you can rest and think?" Katherin replies.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) At Katherin's reply Rez groaned, half at what she had said and half at the pain that was starting to lace through his head. It wasn't much at the moment, just a dull throb, but over time it would grow. The voice was right, he had to challenge someone, but he was also scared he would lose. "Great idea. Mister talkative here" he gestured at Kyo…… "I missed your name, looks like he is gonna collapse, and I really need to…… to……" he stammered to a stop, fighting inwardly with the voice, hoping for a blank that wasn't coming. "Please tell me you have nice beds, because I ain't sleeping on the floor………" He trailed off again, grabbing at his head as the voice started screaming, yelling that he had to phrase that more brutally, to provoke her, all of it above the pounding of his headache. The problem he thought, was that, even though accepting challenges was easy for him, delivering them was not always.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo almost missed what was being said, so it took a moment to fully process what he had heard before he could type out an acceptable response. "I should be alright, this is not the first time I have had to deal with the differences in time zones. Still, I agree that a rest would be very beneficial. Thank you." Since the boy nearby seemed to be acting so strangely, he stopped for a moment to look toward him. "Are you alright? Is something bothering you?"</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "I'm Fine just…… I just need to sle…… Challenge…… Fight……" The voice was slipping through, speaking with Rez's voice, "No! I…… Fight you…… In … a bou…… , Game of Snap!" Rez shot the last part out in the hope there would be no chance for the voice to intervene. "I challenge you to a game of snap." He knew it was crazy, and that the others would probably think he was weird, but the others weren't normal either. He looked at Kyo, pleading with his eyes that the other boy would agree to the challenge. He didn't know why he chose Kyo, but now the challenge was out……… He just hoped it was accepted.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai The dark-eyed boy watched quietly for a moment before typing his response. "Snap?" He tilted his head to the side, giving the other male a slightly curious look. "I'm not sure that I know of it, but I can certainly try."</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Rez's shoulders slumped in relief, he hadn't even realized he was tense. But not knowing what Snap was? ……Okay. "Well snap is a game of card, where you each get half the deck and turn over one card per turn. If two cards of the same number come up in a row you slam your hand down and shout 'SNAP'. You try to be the first person to do this. If you are the first person you collect all the cards in the 'discard' pile and start a new pile. The aim of the game is to get all the cards." As he was talking, the voice having dropped it's voice by a few decibels, Rez hooked a deck of card out of his pocket and started shuffling them nervously.</s>
<|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo nodded at the instructions, watching carefully as the other boy shuffled the cards. "It sounds simple enough. Should we take a table for the game?" The request had been a bit odd, but seeing how he had just been acting and the way he seemed to have loosened up a bit at that moment, the quiet boy wondered if perhaps it was an issue with his demon. Can it be calmed like that? How curious...</s>
<|description|>Aeria-Sarisa Starlight AKA: The Galactic Siren Age: Over 50, looks 22 Race: Altherian Status: High Priestess of Altheria Height: 5'6" Weight: 120lbs Appearance: Abilities: Elemental powers and healing touch.</s> <|message|>Aeria-Sarisa Starlight Worlds Apart: Can Love Transcend Across Time and Space? Chapter One - Fates Intertwined "Aeri! We're going to be late!" Her mother calls out for her daughter as she came running out of the palace gate and toward their mini shuttle, preparing for launch. The fair haired High Priestess of Altheria boarded the shuttle with her mother, the Queen. They were on their way to the Alpharium Homeworld to attend the funeral of Draderum Alpharius. Aeria-Sarisa looks out of the window as they ascend into outer space that took them to their bigger transporter ship. It would take them a few hours to travel there. Ever since Aeria's father died from an accident, over forty years ago, it had just been the two of them. Mother and daughter together forever. "You know Aeria...isn't it time you found someone to settle with?" Iridonia asked her as Aeria turned to look at her with bright violet blue eyes. The House Starlight was famous for their eyes. "I'm not going to be around forever, darling. And I'd hate to think that you'll be all alone." The Queen worried. Who was as equally young looking and fair as her daughter. "But I've got Snowflake." She insisted naively as she referred to her pet white tiger. Iri smiled sadly. "I know there is someone out there for you. You just have to find them." This was a sad day for her, even more than true Alpharium loyalists. She was saying goodbye to her lover and best friend of over thirty years. She retained the locket he gave her before they forever parted ways to save Iri's life. She wore it every single day since. Aeria sighed as she gazed out of the window. "There is no-one out there for me. Anyone I ever care for ends up dying. After Father and Dazriel died...I just can't face losing anyone else." She also referred to losing her dearly beloved brother who died with her father in the accident. Iridonia puts her hand on her daughter's. "It's not your fault they died. It would be better for you to be with one of your own people who will not outlive you..." But other Altherians didn't treat her the way she longed for. They were all afraid to go near the High Priestess or either too confident and arrogant to think that they deserved the Queen's daughter.</s> <|message|>Nero Draderum Alpharius To say he was distraught at his father's passing was an overstatement. Saddened perhaps, but not distraught. The Chamber of Elders was filled as he presided over it. Nero didn't slouch, but he did rest his chin on his hand, wasting time listening to older men and women bicker about the funeral proceedings, the antithesis of what was taught to the imperial young. Even he had to go through the Alpharium Induction: the coming of age rite for all Alpharium whom desired to be more than what the laborers aspired to. To gain status - to be someone - passing the rite was the way to do so. Not many succeeded, not many survived. He was thankful to the late emperor though. Although distant that they were, his father taught him the complexity of thought required than wielding the arbiter's sword. To be emperor, you need not only a heavy hand but words that cut yet mollified. Dictatorial powers afforded power that was unbecoming to one who guided like an inept fool. Yet, Nero wasn't so presumptuous as to bestow upon himself the epithet of a wise emperor. It was far too soon, for it was only recent when his Accession Rite to Ascended Throne. A movement at the corner of his view. Nero looked up and saw Kallo: his servant since he was a youth. Kallo gestured to his wrist, which brought Nero a rush of relief. He stood up, and all noise came to an abrupt stop. "Honorable elders," he said. His voice boomed throughout the chamber, years of practice of oration. "We shall conclude state matters for now. In these dimmed times, I, Emperor Nero Draderum Alpharius, laud your commitment to duty. To the Imperium. I expect to see you all at the funeral." Nero stepped away from his chair after the elders acquiesced to his unvoiced decree. They would not dare not appear. When they were in the hall, Nero set a brisk pace. Kallo and the Ascended Guardians followed him. "Emperor, the delegates from Altheria and the Free States have arrived," Kallo said. "I've taken the liberty to arrange your transportation to the Hall of Emperors. It seems we may skip the attire; the Emperor looks well suited for such a solemn, state affair." "Have we taken precautions for our xeno visitors?" Nero could hear the sneer manifested through Kallo's speech. "Adequate, of course, Emperor." Kallo nearly yelped from the sudden stop. The heavy footfalls of the sentinels shifted moments then came to a still. Nero turned about, and the servant looked down. "Save your prejudice for another time. I will not have the guests harmed during the entombment of my father," he said. "I asked you to be my liaison. Do you swear before me that you fulfilled the task, to the fullest extent I described, you were given?" "Yes, Emperor. The Home Marshal, and I labored about security until it was near perfect. I beg the Emperor forgive my nonchalance." Nero spun back around and continued walking. "Let your actions earn your forgiveness." --- Nero stepped out of the transport shuttle. Soldiers lined the stairs that led up to the hall where previous emperor's now rested. The standard of the Imperial legions present - and the standard Alpharium - stood stalwart, as if they took stood vigil over the passing of the late Emperor. It was a grand affair, but it was an important one. The passing rites were as much for respect as they were symbolic. It was to preserve the sanctity of the Ascended Throne to the subjects that were led under Alpharium rule. Entering the foyer that preceded the Hall of Emperors, delegates that had already arrived all turned and bowed to him. Nero nodded back to them and started to moving about the room. Proper decorum mixed in with who respected the Imperials enough to send delegates. It was all state craft. He would remember those who journeyed to the Alpharium homeworld despite eschewing imperial rule - either with the olive branch or the dog of war, and he would remember those who did not come at all.</s>
<|message|>Aeria-Sarisa Starlight Hall of Emperor's Grand Foyer "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the Queen of Altheria, Iridonia Starlight." An announcer in the Grand Foyer of the Hall of Elders declared as the Altherian Queen and her daughter entered the chamber alongside the Emperor's Right Hand and General Kassandra Pierce, who had escorted them in. "And High Priestess and Princess of Altheria, Aeria-Sarisa Starlight-Suncrest also known as the Galactic Siren." A mouthful for anyone, but Altherians were known for their long and complex names. The two ladies entered majestically, seeming to glide across the floor rather than walk. Both adorned in royal white robes. Her mother wore a golden lined dress and an extravagant headdress and veil to signify her higher royal status, whereas the Princess wore a silver lined dress and a simple silver band around her forehead. The mother only looked ten years older than her daughter. But in actual fact she was actually over one hundred years old! "Next I present the leader of the third ruled world of the Alpharium Empire...-" As the announcer continued to bring in world leaders and government officials, Aeri noted that as she passed by there were whispers. She had better hearing than humans as her ears were slightly longer and pointed. They murmoured that she had the most beautiful voice in the galaxy and most admired her songs. But some, looked upon Altherians with disdain. Some were racist toward them, due to rumours that Altherians could get inside your head, influence you. True, they were telepathic but only to one another. For a non Altherian to make a telepathic link to an Altherian, it would be a very special bond indeed. Iridonia and Draderum had such a bond. Iri glided the floor and a sorrowful expression turned warm upon seeing the faces of the older officials that once served Draderum, they recognised her with awe, she had not aged a day since they saw her last when she almost married Draderum instead of Nero's mother. She took their hand in hers in a warm greeting. As her mother circulated those she once knew and introduced her lovely daughter, who was her spitting image apart from the purple coloured eyes, Iri had blue. Aeri took her father's eyes. Aeria-Sarisa bowed respectfully in her long gown and lowered her head, allowing the dangle drop teared jewels of her headdress to clink. She gently lifted her head up and stood straight as they regarded her sheer beauty and presence. Altherians had a tranquil and calming aura about them and some called the women seductresses for this fact. But all Altherians could do it, even the males. Aeri left her mother to talk with her old acquaintances whilst she wandered off to admire the architecture of this grand hall. She had never been here before, she knew little of Alpharium culture. She looked upon the grand statue of Draderum with awe. Her bright eyes twinkling as they stared up at it with wonderment. She was truly a sight to behold. She even managed to make the women stop what they were doing and stare at her. Kassandra narrowed her eyes as she felt envious of the Altherian. Kass had short black spiked hair kept primp and proper, adorned the official uniform of the Alpharium Empire and wore a single eyepatch over her left eye where a scar peaked out from underneath.</s>
<|description|>The Ratman Alias: Adrian Romano Age: 26 Appearance: A tall man, completely covered in bandages, wearing a heavily worn trench coat and an old hat. His physical appearance varies, but if one looks close enough, they might see something squirm under the bandages. Para Category: Alpha, threat level 3 Rumours have begun swirling in the back streets of Marlon, of a mysterious vigilante hellbent on revenge. A bandaged man in an old trench coat, prowling the alleyways to fight injustice. His hatred for the Lorne corporation is only matched by the ferocity of the rats he commands as they tear the flesh of his foes. Those who know of his existence often speculate on his identity. A man burned by a chemical accident, a parahuman disfigured by his own powers, and more theories thrown to the wind. In peeling back the bandages, one finds the truth - a mass of rats in the shape of a man, hiding the gnawed bones of whom they once were. The Ratman began his life as Adrian Romano, proud son of Claudius and Rachel Romano, and brother to a number of siblings. His parents were high level managers in the Lorne corporation who had worked their way up from nothing, and Adrian's older brother also worked there. Adrian followed suit and sped up the ranks, hoping to use his position for good. Sadly, his rapid rise had attracted jealousy, and there were those already plotting his downfall. Stabbed in the back by someone he trusted, Adrian was taken through the back streets of Marlon to die. They threw him into a pit, leaving him with nothing but the clothes on his back and a bullet in his head. Barely alive and in shock, Adrian weakly called for help, but his call attracted a swarm of hungry rats instead. Only a miracle would have saved him, and funnily enough, one came. The energy wave came from the tower, imbuing various people with special powers. This did nothing to dissuade the ravenous rats, however, and Adrian was promptly eaten. As they ate, however, they were slowly coming under Adrian's influence. The more they ate, the more they became like him. When they had gnawed him down to the bone, he was reborn. His will had been transferred to them, and there was no going back. It took some time to get used to being a swarm of rats, but that allowed him time to get used to his environment. He became familiar with the lowest rung of society, making him lose more faith in the Lorne corporation. The shock at his situation had given way to anger, and now he planned against the corporation which ignored the plight of the poor and who had, in some ways, facilitated the betrayal. When the Lorne corporation began their sweep, he was ready. Hiding their identity, Adrian and his swarm of rats became the Ratman, fighting the Lorne corporation and the corrupt government as best they can, carving their legend into the back alley streets of Marlon. Blood ties The Ratman's sole power. His flesh and blood act as a conduit for his will. By ingesting parts of his body, a part of Adrian's consciousness is transferred and the recipient becomes a part of him, allowing the effect to proliferate. The effects of this power are affected by certain factors, however. The mind control is strongest from Adrian himself, but takes a back seat to stronger wills. A secondary host exhibits weaker powers, but the effects are stronger if the secondary host infects another host similar to itself. This way, the rats of Ratman can create other rats for the mass. There is a limit, however, as if there are too many minds to control, some will resist the effects. Those under the effects function as a hivemind of sorts, many minds making one whole. Strengths: * Infiltration and surveilance The small size of Adrian's rats allow for discreet infiltration, and they can pass information around the hivemind. * Survival As long as one rat survives, the pack can be remade. In an emergency the entire mass scatters in different directions, maximising survival chances. * Knowledge of the Lorne corporation As an ex-employee of the corporation, he knows of some secrets. Though they have most likely scrubbed his credentials from the system, he knows other ways to enter the headquarters. Weaknesses: * Strength of many The strength of the Ratman is the strength of numbers. In situations where they are outnumbered, Adrian doesn't have many options. Thus, he prefers avoiding large engagements where he can't just pick off targets one at a time. * Human contact The Ratman is a group of rats in a trench coat. While he can communicate through language, it's obvious that he's at the very least a parahuman. This makes communicating with non-parahumans difficult. * Hunger In order to ensure their survival, every member of the pack needs to eat. Finding food for a large pack of rats every day is a task in and of itself. It was a calm, moonlit night. The bandaged man walked the back streets of Marlon as he usually did, traversing the maze of concrete with measured ease. Rats accompanied his every step, skittering to and fro, exploring every unturned rock and dustbin in their path. Suddenly, the he stopped dead in his tracks, prompting the other rats to follow suit. They looked at him with curiosity as, in a hundred little voices, the Ratman sighed. As the bandaged man turned to stare at the moon, the other rats turned to the sky as well. He wanted nothing more than to simply stand there, staring at the beauty of the world. It was something he wished for everyone, in some ways. But not tonight. He had snagged something on his information network, which meant he had work to do. It was a quiet night, which meant that he could hear it pretty soon. Grunts, thwacks, and occasional sobs. The bandaged man turned the corner and found what he was looking for. In the alleyway, a man relentlessly pounded a scantily clad woman with his fists. Judging from the man's clothes, he was from Marlon's upper crust. The woman was likely a sex worker of some sort. The bandaged man didn't know their story, and he didn't care. The bandaged man knew him as a government official, and it was time to pay his respects. His shadow loomed over the pair, and the squeeking of rats heralded his arrival. The man turned, his face twisted in anger melting into horror as it beheld the bandaged man. "Y-You!" "Me." The Ratman rasped. The man was angry, but his voice was tinted with fear. So they had heard of him up there. Good. He stepped forward with measured ease, slowly closing the distance between them. The government man scrambled through his pockets and withdrew a gun. "Back off! Now!" He barked. The bandaged man stopped stopped. A hundred voices spoke in unison. "Don't bother. You'll only put more holes in my coat." He said. The government man opened fire. The bandaged man's flesh shifted under his coat. Blood splattered from the holes that formed in his chest. The man grinned, but his triumph melted into confusion, as the being in front of him stood right where he was. His expression once again turned to fear, as the bandaged man brushed off the blood and took another step forward. The government man gritted his teeth and took aim, shooting at the bandaged man's head. 2 shots landed, and the bandages unfurled. The bandaged man put a hand to his face. "Y-you see that? Get the hell out of here, freak!" The man yelled with renewed bravado. "My, my. Look at what you've done to us." The bandaged man replied calmly. He rose to his feet and 2 bloodied rats scurried out of his hand. His head bluged and shifted under the now bloody bandages. The bandaged man took step forward. "S-Stop!" And another. "I mean it this time!" And another. The government man turned his gun towards the woman. "Take another step and I'll blow her brains out!" He yelled. But it was too late for him. Rats swooped down onto the flustered man from the rooftops, biting down on his gun hand. The government man screamed. The rats at his feet scurried into his clothes, biting and scratching wherever they could. It was over quickly. The bandaged man surveyed his handiwork. The only thing left was bones and clothes, the rest had been eaten by the rats. The woman had run off in the mean time, but he didn't mind. There was only one thing left to do now. He issued a command and a wave of rats picked up the remains. The night was transitioning to day. In an hour the sun would rise, and the citizens of Marlon would begin their day. But there was no rest for the police, especially not with parahumans running amok. The donut shop was a popular place for them to relax, as it was open 24 hours a day. In other words, it was the perfect place to send a message to the right people. A policeman sat outside the store with a box of donuts on his lap. He was the only one to see it happen. A mass of rats dropped from the rooftop, scattering as they hit the ground. The cop jumped up and drew his gun, but they were gone as fast as they appeared, taking some donuts for the ride. Left on the scene was the skeleton. The policeman scrambled to the car and yelled a report through his radio. He had served for a while, he knew what he was dealing with. The Ratman's eyes watched as the policeman howled his name with fury, dozens of pairs of tiny little eyes, watching from the shadows. As the sirens drew closer, they turned away and disappeared into the night.</s> <|message|>ACCEPTED CHARACTERS DERELICT BUILDING // CITY SLUMS William shook his head as the information came at him fast and hard. Apparently, the ghostly figure had been seen by everyone, and not only that it had actually appeared on Lornes system. That spoke highly of the figures hacking capabilities. Lorne was notoriously hard to hack. From what he had been told trying to hack Lorne was nigh impossible as when trying to break through firewalls they were virtually re-written around your attack. Not that he had ever tried, he could barely file a report using a system designed for filing reports. He liked to think that it was as much the fault of the system as his. Taylor confessed that 'it' was probably the best turn of phrase, wasn't going to be leaving his side out of some form of debt. Ratman was busy asking him what the next objective was. He stood up, his entire body objecting. "You all think you're so clever. If you want to go uncovering a mystery you find out who this watcher is. He obviously knows something and has abilities of some description. You want to know what's going on, ask him or ask Lorne." He waved his hand in their direction. "Don't ask me. I've already lost everything to Lorne. I'd rather live with what I have left until some MPD officer puts a bullet in my head."</s> <|message|>Taylor Taylor's eyes rested firmly on William as he stood. Once again, its concern for his well-being did not show through in the slightest on its exterior. Though, his physical health was not the only thing that had Taylor's attention. His attitude concerned, and even somewhat offended it. Although Taylor was sworn to protect him, that did not imply complete agreement with him. "You are...wrong, William." Taylor stated. At its current energy, it towered over William, and everyone else in the room. Looking down into his eyes, Taylor held its arms out wide to call yet more attention to its nightmarish form. "They did not take your Humanity. You still have something left to reclaim." Taylor turned its head back around towards the para woman and the Ratman. "I want to burn to ash everything and everyone that belongs to Lorne...but I will first protect William. He must live. He must heal." Taylor took a moment to observe William now that he was standing. He was weak, much moreso than it would have expected from burns alone. There had to be something more, some other way that pushing his abilities so far had harmed him. Not only that, but it realized that Lorne themselves may have done something even more troubling to him. Taylor recalled their conversation when they first met, as well as its own experiences at the hands of Lorne's doctors. While they certainly would not be safe for long in this abandoned apartment, it was possible they might not be safe anywhere. "You are my savior. But also my patient, my responsibility. You need more treatment, and I need more tools to treat you. But more than said when we first met that Lorne forced you through surgery? Opened you up...perhaps left something behind? They tried to put things in me before, but my body was not kind to their implants. If they put something in you to track you, then I need to take it out. Does anyone have a place to go that Lorne can be allowed to find."</s> <|message|>Darkspire Darkspire observed the other paras, her scowl deepening in the unnatural shade of her masked face. "I was hoping you would find out more, but I can have my associate look at it. They're a hacker of sorts. It would take time for them. I do not fully know how their ability works, only that they're good at what they do." She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. "As for medical services... I could offer a place. My brother's old clinic. It's out of the way, and relatively safe. I myself must leave before dawn comes." She turned to look outside. "Even though they've taken nearly everything from me, I'm going to fight them. Because I have no other choice." She looked to the others. "They will never stop looking for you. I can offer temporary reprieve inside the Clinic for as long as you need. It's an extreme risk to myself and my identity, but if it gives you a bit more reason to let us align ourselves, then so be it."</s>
<|message|>The Ratman The Ratman stopped leaning against the wall and stood up straight. "If neither of you have other plans, I'd suggest you take Miss O'Connor's suggestion." He said to the pair. "It's probably for the best to leave treatment in the hands of a professional. But first..." With that, he bowed towards the creature. "Thank you for your cooperation." He said to the pair. He turned to leave the building. He had gotten what he wanted, more or less, so his business was done. "I'll be leaving you to your own devices, but I will keep watch for you. I am no friend of Lorne." He said as he walked away. The rats followed him out of the building, save one who quietly slipped a shabby note into William's pocket. On the paper was a crudely written message. If you wish to stay out of danger, be careful with who you side with. The rats maintained their vigilance outside. As the old saying went, the enemy of his enemy was his friend, but he wasn't sure if the director of science was an ally just yet. Only time would tell what side she was truly on, and whether she could contribute to their mission. Until then, they would do what they always did.</s>
<|description|>Raiya Mamushi Female Age 24 Appearance 5'6" Lean flexible athletic build Light skin (Japanese) Appears to have shoulder length jet black slightly spikey hair from the front. However her hair splits into parts, taking the longer half and tying it together at the neck into a downwards facing ponytail that reaches her middle back. Medium sized ahoge, more of angular/rigid spike shape, changes based on their mood/emotions. And electrical charge in battle. Dark drab blueish-gray/steel left eye. Yellow right eye with a slit shaped pupil. Eyebrow over her left eye has a slit break in it towards the outer middle. Irezumi tattoos: Right arm- Nagasode style sleeve tattoo extending down to her wrist. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a green snake with a red belly coiling down her arm with it's head ending at her outer wrist. Left arm- Shichibu style sleeve tattoo extending down to her middle forearm. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a blue snake with a yellow belly coiling up her arm with it's head resting on the front of her upper shoulder. Kanji for Mamushi 蝮 (pit viper) tattooed in black on the inner blank space of her forearm. Back- Her entire back is covered in large nara black ink clouds for a background. And a large tattoo of the giant 8 headed and tailed snake Yamata no Orochi, various flowers, and lightning bolts in the foreground. Slightly elongated fang canine teeth on the top and bottom as compared to normal people. Teeth are overall sharper. Ear piercings- Left: Two slim steel rings on their lobe. Helix cuff. Right: Circular silver stud on their lobe. Smaller steel cuff at the middle of the outer ear/lower helix. Black painted nails. Customized slightly oversized black leather asymmetrical moto jacket. Worn unzipped with belt hanging loose. Steel curb chain necklace that extends down to her chest. Medium sized silver upside down cross pendant. Zip-up black hoodie. Worn under her jacket with the hood laid over the jackets collar. Worn unzipped often with the sleeves pulled up to her elbows. Vintage oversized heavy metal band T-shirts, some with the sleeves cut off. Worn over fishnet shirt. (Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth) Long sleeve black fishnet shirt. Sleeve extends into a fishnet fingerless gloves on the left but is cut off at the wrist on the right. Silver signet ring on right middle finger with an upside down cross engraved in it. Mokume-gane Ouroboros shaped ring with pink jeweled eyes on left index finger. Steel cuban link chain bracelet on right wrist. Steel studded black leather belt. Steel chain hanging down at her right side. One end attached to a belt loop, the other to a pocket watch manadial. Worn/faded slim dark indigo Japanese selvage denim jeans. (Black or stonewash alt. colors) Black with white accents Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 running shoes. Black calf length open toe and heel socks. Secondary hairstyle reference (Somewhere in between the two) Close type of ponytail style reference Raiya specializes in destructive magic. She is a master of electrical spells, and ruinous spells. She has a great foundation in most all Catholic magics as well as some Japanese Zen Buddhist/Shinto magic. As with her fascination of Japan, she also has a great fascination with snakes and has developed snake themed fighting style and magic. Every so often she sheds her skin, this makes her immune to aging. With her magic powers, she also has the ability to control certain light metals. Raiya's parents, Japanese immigrants, owned a successful Japanese cuisine restaurant chain in New York City. Both parents died in a burglary gone wrong leaving Raiya orphaned in infancy. With a large mana constitution, Raiya was immediately adopted by the Catholic cathedral and put into mage training. Growing up in the New York Cathedral, she always shadowed Felix and thought of him as her older brother. Raiya was always proficient in magic, and her studies reflected that. Raiya achieved the rank Grand-Mage at the age of seventeen. At the age of twenty she was sent with two other grand-magi to investigate the sudden disappearance of a remote village in Italy. The village was razed, not so much as a 2x4 left standing upright. Investigating the trace of mana waves left by the spell she made her way to a nearby mountain where she found on a cliff-side the definite point of origin of the spell. Looking around the point of origin she found footprints. The foot prints looked exactly like the sole tread of a typical Catholic Magi officer. The level of destruction and the fact that the mana waves left by the spell accounted for only one spell, coupled with the footprint meant the evidence pointed toward an Arch-mage or higher to be the cause of the destruction. Once she returned to the Vatican, she provided the evidence in a council meeting. The council thanked her for the evidence provided but stated that they would be conducting the investigation from then on. Even though the council told her to no longer investigate this issue, Raiya continued the investigation on her own. Looking into the records of those who were gone the night of the destruction of the remote village, she narrowed it down to two, Arch-mage Thadeus and Arch-mage Felix. After obtaining this information, Raiya investigated both Thadues and Felix's living quarters. She discovered that Felix had never even worn his uniform boots, as he wore his own more comfortable combat boots. Thadeus, on the other hand, did not have any other pairs of footwear besides the ones on his feet, which were the uniform boots. Learning of this information but knowing the Vatican council would never listen to her, she approached Felix whom she knew was innocent. She told Felix all of the information she had obtained, but Felix brushed her aside saying that the Vatican was conducting their own investigation and to go against their demands to keep the investigation within their selected team would mean excommunication, even if the information was correct. Felix told her that he would not tell anyone about her own investigation, but pleaded with her to keep quiet about the issue until the Vatican completed their investigation. Raiya couldn't believe what she was hearing, that her cold hard evidence was being brushed aside because of protocol. But what's more, that the investigation team was comprised with Thadeus's brother as a member meant surely that Thadeus would never be convicted of this crime. All of this put into perspective Raiya's membership with the magi, and soon after she left the magi and Catholicism altogether. When she left two others left with her, the other two grand-magi that were on her initial investigation team with her. Soon after they left, they returned to NYC. Because the Vatican saw them as Apostates, they froze all their accounts and social security information, forcing them to make money through means less savory. Instead of falling into despair, Raiya and her two peers adopted the shady lifestyle altogether. Through their magic abilities, it wasn't long before they were running the biggest criminal organization in NYC. Raiya still resides to this day in NYC with the other two magi as her right hand women. Raiya is seemingly devoid of any positive emotion. Her normal demeanor could be described as aloof. She is seen as a hard nosed, unwavering leader. This makes her well respected by her subordinates in the gang she runs. Though, to those who know her well enough she can be lighthearted. She has a short temper and a low tolerance for annoyances. In her annoyed state she has no problem threatening her friends with one of her sushi knives she keeps in her inner coat pocket, or electrocuting them with her magic. She loves Japan, even though she wasn't raised there herself. Her fanaticism for Japan runs so deep that she has Japanese tattoos, and has even taught herself the language perfectly. She is an excellent chef and specializes in Japanese cuisine. Even though she isn't very sociable, the few friends she does have are kept close to her and she protects them.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Nemo stared blankly as Raiya spoke, a rather odd look crossed his face before his head suddenly cocked to the side. "The truth depends on perspective, I never said that she was the one who poisoned his flowers. To the girl beating him fair is exactly what she thought she did, and to the audience that's exactly what they thought they saw her do. It made a better story that way. Like David and Goliath." Nemo explained. "We have to accept that there can always be more to the story than what's showed. In the end three things happened that day, the duelist died, the girl got her revenge, and I got paid." "What we think, know, or see isn't always the truth. The bigger picture is what counts. Anger and rage are forces uncontrollable to it's originator but easily manipulated by others. It's a weakness, much like the duelist's drinking was his own. I'd say if you're gonna have a weakness, make sure you're certain about it beforehand, and make sure nobody else knows.</s> <|message|>Travis McGrath Upon stepping down into the hidden passage, Travis took careful note of the aged architecture and became surprised to learn that the very materials around them were practically made from pure mana crystals. In most uses, mana crystals typically were utilized in conjunction with spells and enchantments. Seeing structures and constructs made from the stuff was intriguing as it was potentially considered unusual. Even more so was the lighting within the corridors and perhaps much of the rest of the catacombs. He recalled no torches or and magical lamps of any sort. In fact, it seemed that sculpted mana crystals, despite their dark coloration, seemed to give off a sort of soft illumination that fairly lit up the transparent yet reflective walls in which light was forever constant. Travis however wondered if the mana crystals were merely an aesthetically appealing theme or if they served some sort of unknown purpose. Stepping further into the catacombs did they soon find coffins also made from mana crystals lined up against the walls. Like the architecture, the coffins also displayed a physical transparency but unlike the mana crystal structures around them, the coffins actually held bodies within them or put simply, the skeletal remains. Not minding anyone for a moment, Travis investigate one coffin up close but dared not touch it when hearing Felix over the manadial warning of another spell up ahead. With no markings to address the identity of the skeletons, Travis brainstormed why these were even here in the first place. Did the architects construct a tomb to bury important figures at the time related to the Paragon? Or could this be some form of magical trap that encompasses the mana crystals as a whole? Their ventures inward eventually lead the group to a surprisingly large room climbing several stories high with more mana crystal coffins decorating the place upward. But the more important feature that would test their progress were a number of granite doors covered in small flakes of the crystals that seeming made up the whole catacombs. Raiya and Felix went back and forth identifying the sealed entrance before them. While similar in concept, the door however had no runes written upon it and was speculated to be enchanted by the mana crystals around it. Raiya casted two advanced spell in an attempt to test and possibly destroy the entrance but neither could even scratch the door despite their explosive results. A protection spell was likely responsible for this. While Nemo and Raiya seemingly switched topics on something irrelevant while the rest of their party formed up, Travis decided to investigate more of the doorways to see if there was any way to exploit their design like before. Since there were no intricate runes to rewrite, this puzzle at least to him, seemed more linear but theoretically hopeless with the aspects of the enchainment painfully clear. Summoning his own arte of mana analysis, he scanned the surroundings seeking to find anything that was not visibly evident. As he did so, Travis eventually toggled his own manadial until he figured out how the earpiece. "…quite a few occupied coffins here – all made out of mana crystals as with the rest of the place…Notably the same color as the gems inlaid with the door…" Travis said to himself aloud before raising attention to him, "Anyone have any ideas what purpose these coffins serve? I'd be disappointed if they're made out mana crystals just for the sake of being made out of 'em…"</s>
<|message|>Raiya Mamushi "Looking at how everything is made of mana crystal, in a reverent almost religious manner... this is definitely not Academia's doing." Raiya replied to Travis. She picked herself up off the ground from the spot she was sitting on, and tucked away her pewter flask inside her jacket. "But you knew that already, didn't you Felix?" Raiya asked and waited a few seconds for a response that didn't come. "I'll take that as a yes." Raiya sighed. Raiya then held her left hand out the the side, channeling mana to her hands and visualizing her katana, and beckoned it from her mana inventory. In a bright blue discharge of electrical mana, a sheathed four foot long odachi appeared in her hand. "And my guess, is that these mana crystal coffins are not just decorative." Raiya said, her expression darkening. She walked over to the opening to the room they had come through from the corridor. Raiya stopped three feet before the opening, and took a slightly crouched combat stance. She reached her right hand over slowly, charging mana as she did so, until her hand reached the hilt of the katana. Immediately she used her left hand which was holding the saya (scabbard) of the sword, in tandem with her right hand on the hilt, and her mana she had just enhanced her arms with to draw her sword lightning fast in a horizontal slash. The slash arced out crossing the threshold of the room to the corridor, the slash was faster than the normal eye could follow, and within that same fluid motion she had placed the sword back into the saya. Within a half a second of the sword crossing the threshold of the room to the corridor, a large door came crashing down, blocking the entrance and leaving them sealed in. Raiya turned back to face the group, and saw that the coffins that were lining the walls of the chamber were glowing fiercely now. Each coffin was slowly sliding open, and the bones within them began to stir. Slowly the skeletons in each coffin came alive and began to crawl out onto the ground. Soon the group was surrounded by a legion of the undead, about two hundred in total. "Now, this is the type of action I've been waiting for." Raiya smirked. Suddenly there was a large rumbling and the floor in the middle of the room opened, revealing a large coffin. It contained the bones of an ogre, about twenty feet tall. "Well, if no one wants to take the Ogre, I will." Raiya's eyes glowed brightly.</s>
<|description|>Rachel Scott Callsign: Flash Age: 18 Voice: Sofia Boutella (Gazelle, Kingsman: The Secret Service) Rachel stands at 176 cm and weighs 74 kg with a lean build. Rachel favors dark clothing with many pockets plus a few hidden ones. Anything that restricts her field of view or freedom of movement is a no-go. When it comes to spacesuits, anything that is not leaking will do.* Several thousand credits acquired through pickpocketing or odd jobs. * Universal screwdriver Short Bio: Born and raised in the suburbs of a large city on Mars, neither the neighborhood nor her family were particularly well off. And since no one would hire a little girl, Rachel took to thievery to give the household an income boost. Over the years. she's become proficient at sleight of hand, unarmed combat and getting from place to place without being noticed. But sometimes someone would notice, and so she learned to navigate urban environments quite well, often with officers at her heels. Until one day, one of the officers was faster. Upon her capture, the authorities took note of her agility and resistance to questioning. It wasn't long until her holding cell was visited by men in armor instead of policemen - the last time she saw her home. Rachel was sent for "augmentation" and assigned to intelligence, namely a recon and deep strike team. Engineered and trained to enter and exit any compound, negotiate any terrain or obstacle and extract any necessary information from captives, Rachel was made to be a crossbreed of a black-ops operative and a master interrogator, with varying success. She has also picked up some basic engineering. However, several years of literally messing with people's heads also messed with hers, turning her into a cold, emotionless husk of a person with but a tiny shred of humanity, buried somewhere deep within. She was grateful for the war's end, despite humanity's defeat. So when the ceasefire was announced, she laid down her arms and approached the nearest alien unit, a Rau've infantry patrol. In captivity, the emotionless young woman awaited her inevitable execution, until she and her fellow children were released. However, she couldn't return to normal life, if "return" was even applicable. All she knew was thievery and war. But her newfound freedom pushed reason aside and fanned the flames of vengeance that lay dormant in the back of her broken mind and seeing an opportunity, she took it, determined not to let go no matter what may lay ahead. * Rapport (Mind): Rachel can give an order to a single person. To do this, she needs to perform a specific hand gesture and say the order out loud. Her target needs to hear her and understand the language. If the target loses consciousness or goes through intense pain (like gunshot wounds), the spell loses effect. The presence of others near her target makes it significantly harder and tricking a person when more than two other people are present has proven impossible at her current level as the other members of a group can interrupt the spell. * Illusion (Mind): Rachel can create an illusion visible by a single individual. She has to concentrate on keeping the illusion and cannot do anything else that requires her mental faculties (she can create an illusion while running away from something, but not when solving an equation). The illusion can be virtually anything, but bigger or more detailed things require more focus and take a greater toll on her. Keeping the illusion for more than a few minutes also leads to headaches, nausea and general exhaustion. The illusion can only be seen by the affected individual, Rachel and cannot physically interact with the world. Rachel can only make a person see something that isn't there, not the other way around. * Extraction (Mind): By far the most advanced and tasking spell Rachel has learned, Extraction allows her to "view" the memories of others. The process requires physical contact and complete concentration, sending both Rachel and her victim into a trance-like state. Memory extraction time ranges from mere seconds to minutes, depending on the target's mentality and training to resist such practices. * Telekinesis (World): Rachel can manipulate objects at a distance, the farther and or heavier the object, the harder it is. Her current cap is around one ton. While she cannot use this to fly, she can use this to jump higher, slow her fall or make small adjustments to direction midair. * Fire Surge (World): Produces a stream of flame from her palm as a desperate close quarters defense measure. Maximum range of the stream is two meters, flame temperature is around 1000°C. Casting this spell with gloves on is not recommended, as Rachel found out the hard way during training. Exceptional Skills: Exceptional Stealth Trivia:* She is unable to use mind spells against the kaisoken species and the korta are naturally hard to get to due to their usually high intellect. * While mostly detached from reality, Rachel became quite protective of children because of what happened to her and many others. * Always keeps a knife on her. * Her proudest moment is extracting the layout of a building her team had to navigate from a korta logistics officer.</s> <|message|>Siara Volnert Siara Volnert "Charlie here. We'll keep an eye out, over." Siara responded professionally through her commlink. Although she had already been keeping close watch over the vicinity even before the call, hearing Terry's words pushed her to redouble her efforts in vigilance. Perched upon an elevated vantage point on the roof with her electrum wings deployed, Siara's profile could be likened to that of an eagle standing guard over its nest... or a little gargoyle with a pair of binoculars. It depends on who you ask. While she mostly focused on the corner roads that would lead nowhere else but the abandoned factory, she'd occasionally put down her binoculars to survey the broader area that would normally be made impassable by other buildings and infrastructure, as well as the surrounding air-space, just in case. There were a few times when stragglers wandered into her established surveillance zone, but none of them quite reached the level of "suspicious individual" and quickly left after scratching their heads. "Good to go?" Taken out of her single-minded focus, Siara turned to her partner. "They're done already?" Her brows raising in slight astonishment, Siara absentmindedly put her binoculars back to her utility belt and walked over to the hole to see that, yes, the meeting was over and John was already leaving. Absentmindedly depositing her binoculars to her utility belt, Siara stood and walked over to the hole to see that yes, the meeting was finished, and John was already leaving. "That was quick." No complications, no incidents, no false alarms, it was almost too perfect. But she guessed it was just one of those days. It's not like every operation was destined to go awry. "Alright." With a small shrug, she turned towards Allie, her lips curving up to a sweet smile. "Let's go." Stretching her wings a bit, she opened her arms towards her expectantly. "Tell me why..." Siara froze, as a voice whispered through the comm. links. "...Why are you here? Why are any of you here? You had a choice, right? So... so why would anyone actually choose this?" She was confused at first as to who was speaking, but the more the voice talked, the more she recognized it. "Karrsh..." She muttered to herself, her earlier smile turning into a concerned frown. Karrsh was one of the more unfortunate ones who've lost more of their humanity than others. "More machine than man", he calls himself. While technically true, Siara liked to believe that he was no less human than any of them... at least at where it counts. "Uh, never mind..." Siara unconsciously remained in her awkward pose as her mind was embroiled in an inner turmoil, vigorously debating if she should or should not answer, and if so, how would she answer? Her goal had always been to shut down the Ascendancy, or at least, put a stop to their cruel experiments so that no more children would end up the same as them. But would that, as an answer, help or even satisfy Karrsh? That was what's important to Siara here. In the end, she remained stuck in indecision.</s> <|message|>Jonathon "Johnny" Ace Ace sat against the cool factory walls, only a small distance from his partner - Karrsh. He was a couple years older than Ace was, and to be honest, he had seemed to take far more of a beating than Ace ever had. Hell, most of his body was cybernetic at this point, a feature that was pretty hard to ignore. Still, he was pretty quiet for a metal man, and Ace was focusing on the task at hand - making sure everything was secure, and nothing happened. To be honest, the work was an immense drag - there was nothing to do, and he wanted to make sure he was focused in case things turned sour. The small cauldron on his back hummed slightly, the constant heat it emitted comfortably warming his back. Ace never enjoyed the cold - while the intense heat of explosives against his skin was unbearable, at least that only lasted a few moments. When reverencing, he was kept in intense cold for hours on end in order to help with the burns - the scars of which still litter his torso and limbs. Ace didn't think about much during the time they spent there - he had grown used to the intense boredom that follows without any stimulation, having been restricted to it countless times when not on a mission. He simply learned that turning off your brain and not focusing on anything made time go by faster - unfortunately, he was on a mission now. Ace kept his senses sharp, and made sure to be ready for action at a moment's notice. When Karrsh unexpectedly spoke, however, it caused Ace to nearly jump. Ace had to pause temporarily - everyone had heard each other's stories, and no one there were strangers to cruelty or abuse. Karrsh was simply never extended the same opportunity to live a peaceful life that the others had been given. Would he have taken said opportunity had he ever been given it? Personally, Ace chose not to respond. Talking would either distract him from the mission, or bring up thoughts and emotions that would distract him. They could talk about their motivations and incentives when their wasn't work that needed to be done - if the Ascendancy of Man had given him anything, it was a good work ethic. "Uh, never mind..." Ace responded in his own quiet whisper, unaware that Karrsh had been speaking through the comm. link. "If you say so." To be honest, Ace had no idea how to respond - but he definitely wanted to make sure that Karrsh hadn't been thinking that Ace simply ignored him. He really didn't want to get on any of his teammates bad side - especially since they were his only way to get back to his father.</s> <|message|>John Green GM Collab Post - Letter Bee and Pathfinder Present Day - Relevant to Karrsh John saw it as his duty as a captain to give a substantial reply, saying to Karrsh once his contact had left: "I chose this because I didn't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else again. I wanted closure, to confront the people who can be so cruel. I see what was done to you, to us, and I want to make it harder for anyone to do it to others once more." A pause. "Karrsh, there are some things that should never be done; some actions that should not exist. It is over-idealistic for me to think such, but that is what I want." A smile, and he'd say, "Look, I can play videogames with you, if you want; they make nigh-indestructable controllers these days. We have a day or so until transit. Terry can join in; right, Terry?" He asked over the comms. "In fact, we can have a game night before we go, and a party." --- Terry had to make a concious effort to bite his tongue as soon as he heard common chatter over the comms, reminding himself that they were no longer in the military. So, instead of chastising the group, Terry began to pack up, stuffing the various wires back within the computer and preparing the Caduceus Glove for travel. By the time everything was in order the meeting was finished and Terry was halfway through the door before his thought processes were interupted by John's voice. The words put a bitter taste at the back of his throat as his thoughts turned to their resident cyborg. It wasn't that he disliked Karrsh, far from it, but he couldn't help the feelings of guilt that creeped up whenever the subject was brought up. Terry might be one of the best medics in the galaxy but Karrsh's cybernetics were so insidiously and intimately wired into his being that Terry might as well be back to the first day of medical school trying to piece him together. It was discouraging to say the least and not something he wants to dwell on... not yet. Pinching the frown away from his face, Terry responded in his usual dry, ragged whisper, "Going to have to call a rain check on that one boss, I have some data I need to pour over back home." Before making his way back to the rendezvous point with an added hustle to his step. --- A nod from John as he made his return as well; he planned to do videogames with the others if Karrsh refused.</s>
<|message|>Rachel Scott Rachel watched John leave the tank alive and well, thinking about Karrsh's question. "My upbringings weren't anything grand, but it was something at least remotely normal." she responded quietly "Than the Ascendancy came, took everything I knew and turned it all into nothing more than distant memories. And although many, including all of ye, had it much worse during the war, I just don't have it in me to forgive such a thing. I want to watch them burn, just like they watched us. Just make sure ya take inspiration from John and not me, and ya'll be right as rain." Much to her surprise, she became quite fond of the group, something unthinkable just a few months ago. The presence of others who went through a similar ordeal worked wonders. Humans were, after all, pack animals. Although Rachel wasn't sure mixing alcohol and magic-wielding super soldiers was a good idea, she welcomed anything that would keep the group's spirits high. Perhaps 'spirits' wasn't the best choice of words. "A party, ye say? Should I go and steal a few bottles of something? Maybe some snacks to go with them?" Rachel asked a semi-serious question over the comms as she followed John out. Some distance from the meeting point, she emerged from the shadows and joined their leader, still vigilant of their surroundings. Falling into pace, she spoke, off the comms. "What are yer thoughts on this deal? I didn't hear all of it, but what I heard sounded a little too good to be true, at least without a significant hitch somewhere down the line. I mean, ten million? Is the lass planning a field trip through a war zone or something? Who in their right mind would pay so much for bodyguards?"</s>
<|description|>Waylon Jones "Lets see what you got!" Goes by "Rampage" now Appearance No one who calls the Wastelands home considers Ghouls to be lookers, well almost no one, and Rampage is no exception. Like all those who have been so harshly effected by the radiation of the new war scarred world and turned into Ghouls Rampage has had all of his skin, nose, and hair fall off of his body. His eyes are pitch black orbs, this includes both his irises and sclera. He is rather large, standing at 6'6" in height, and has a bulky, muscular body build. He is covered head to toe in a nearly countless number of scars from everything from a gun shot to what looks like a Deathclaw scratch. What is really notable about Rampage is the faint glow, which is a full on eerie green aura in the dark, he gives off at all times do to him having absorbed such a incredible amount of radiation turning him into what many in the Wasteland call a "Glowing One". His clothes consist of a black jacket, gloves, pants, and boots. Race Ghoul, Glowing One Age "I've been around since before your dad was itch in your granddad's pants." Skills When one spends centuries living in the hellish conditions of the Wasteland they either learn how to adapt or they get eaten alive, Rampage luckily is in the former group. He has developed some serious survival skills do to his extremely long life, such as giving the right lead Rampage can track nearly anyone or thing for miles on end or being able to set up camp and thrive in the most hostile environments. He has also become quite accustom to the monstrous creatures that roams the Wastelands, from being able to recognize their habits and track them to even being able to walk among a few of them with out them becoming hostile. His life before the Great War gave him quite the bit of combat experience, more particularly close combat training. Rampage excels at hand to hand combat as well as using shorten melee weapons, such as combat knives. He is also skilled with using limited range weapons like shotguns and pistols. What Rampage lacks in has to be his interactions with others, he is far too blunt to be able to convince others to see his way with out using physical threats of violence. Also it is a bit difficult to be able to do anything stealthily when you literally glow with radiation. Gear 5.56mm pistol Combat Shotgun Ripper Ballistic Fist Bio "It is hard for most people nowadays to imagine what it was like before the bombs fell and everything turned to complete shit. Most of the smoothskins running around think that it was all sunshine, rainbows, and nuka-cola as far as the eye could see, but there are a few of us Ghouls that have been around long enough to know better. Even before the war the world was ending, people dying because of some damn plague, families being thrown into the streets because no one could hold a job cause the damn economy had gone ass up, and countries at each others throats over what little resources were left in the world. I should know I was a solider after all, a protector of my country and liberty itself. Even fought up in Anchorage, shed a lot blood up there... not all of it mine. Hell of a lot of good it did me, right after we took back Anchorage they dishonorably discharged my ass, said my methods were too extreme and risky. If that wasn't the cherry on the shit cake the bombs dropping a few months later defiantly was. When the bombs hit and those of us who weren't lucky enough to get locked away in the vaults had one of two routes given to us. Either one, die in the most incredibly painful way possible, or two, become walking corpses. As you can see I am in the second group. First few years were tough, trying to adjust to being a zombie takes some time, but eventually I got the hang of things. Sooner or later the vaults opened back up, smoothskins started making their ways back up to the surface and society started back up, and I use the word loosely. I found myself running with one of the raider gangs that popped up, they found it useful to have a guy around who didn't kill over when he was exposed to some radiation. But I got tired of carrying that group of shit for brains around so I went solo, became a gun for hire and I have to say I'm pretty damn good at it. And with a few centuries of doing this job I made a name for myself, Rampage seems pretty fitting. Now I'm in the Commonwealth and shit seems to be hitting the fan with the Enclave showing up, the decedents of the same shit heads who caused the world to go to hell in the first place. I would consider doing the job of kicking their collective asses for free... I'm not but I would consider it." Misc Like other Glowing Ones Rampage is able to emit a strong wave of radiation from his body that is capable of knocking those around him back. Rampage has a small base of operations hidden in the glowing sea that also houses a small pack of feral ghouls. He usually heads there after missions or whenever he needs to heal up.</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine nodded to the Colonel and moved to finish the last suit, replacing damaged armor plates and wiring the fusion cell to last longer she dusted off her hands then wiped the grease on her pants, giving a shrill whistle to Ghost she picked up her rifle and moved toward the gate, there was no doubt in her mind that she was gonna go and help the Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen. Tossing her high caliber sniper rifle over her shoulder she approached the Colonel from the side Excuse me Colonel, that last suit is finished, I upped the fusion power time, should last a little longer Ghost stood attentive beside her as she relayed the news about the power armor.</s> <|message|>Jack Carter "Well were short a pilot so I guess I'll be the only one taking a suit. Anyone's welcome to it I know power armor training is pretty rare in the waste's." He said as picked up the Minigun sitting by the spare suit of armor. "As for the mission were to recon numbers, tech, and weapons. Also we should attempt to retrieve one of those suits of armor for the boys back home to work on." Colonel explained as he walked towards the gate, occasionally glancing up at thee sky. "If things go south we have a fall back in the museum of witchcraft. Use the radio to message the Brotherhood they will send in a Vertibird for pickup." He took his helmet off lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag on it as they walked along. "So, how about we all give each our names, you all know me but I'd like to know the people I've hired on to this little expedition." He said as his eyes locked onto an old freeway up the road. He offered the pack of smokes around to the others. "Should be a little village we reach by night fall, we rest up their for the night we gear up do some recon then we try to steal armor and intel tomorrow night. Afterwords we go back to Diamond city, we hold it from the Enclave then I buy you all drink till livers fall out." He laughed pulling his helmet back on.</s> <|message|>Jessica Holmes Jessica saw the large city in the distance, thinking nothing of the vertibird heading the opposite direction than the way she came from. "Um, lover?" Clover asked from behind her. Jessica spun and smirked, pulling out her chinese machine gun. Not far from them were a trio of radscorpions. Clover pulled out her combat shotgun as Jessica began firing. Once both radscorpions were down, Jessica took to removing their poison glands and some meat for both women to eat. "I wonder what Eulogy's doing." Clover said, finishing her scorpion meat. "I don't care." Jessica replied. "Let's go." She stood and dusted herself off before beginning to head to the city, Clover behind her in her pink dress. "I'm bored." Clover complained upon arriving at the gate. "Shut up!" Jessica spun, yelling loud. "Damn! I wouldn't have bought you if I'd know you were so annoying!" She sighed and collected herself before grabbing Clover's metal collar and pulling her into the town. She saw a small group of people, one of which was offering cigarettes, another of which was a ghoul, and approached with a frown. "Can you help me?" she asked, sighing. "I need a place to sell stuff and buy food." She pulled out a pack of cigarettes herself, lighting up. "I've had a long walk and I'm low on caps.</s> <|message|>Jack Carter "Diamond city is that way." Answered the Colonel pausing at the strange new girl who had arrived. "You a slaver?" He asked looking to the girl that was traveling with her carefully. "Because the city doesn't allow slaver's or those who keep slaves." He said from inside the power armor. "Were just heading out, got an Enclave problem up by Salem. Though I'd recommend you'd lose the slave, the Minutemen and Brotherhood are the law up here. I'm supposed to shoot anyone taking slaves or keeping them." He finished looking at the girl. Looking back at the others behind he rolled his eyes. "Come on then lets get going. I don't want those caps I paid you all going to waste." He said as the started to walk along again, hoping they could reach the campsite by nightfall or at least somewhere they could sleep in proper beds rather than ratty mattresses on the ground or worse the ground itself. He wished they had picked up some more merc's but what they had would have to due, at least they all seemed competent.</s> <|message|>Jessica Holmes Jessica looked to Clover with a sigh. "Go wait back in that last town at the bar. Sell anything you think is useless. She passed her pack to the woman in the pink dress before pulling out her rifle and spinning it around, and taking aim at a tin can by the gate. She shot at it, hitting it on the third try. "Room for one more?" she smirked, sliding her rifle back to her back. "I got a beef with the enclave too." She took another drag from her cigarette as she went closer to the group. "And how much you paying?"</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine moved up behind the Colonel and slung her rifle over her shoulders and relaxed her arms over her gun, she raised an eyebrow at the slaver female then rolled her gun off her shoulders and brought the sniper rifle up to aim down the scope at a similair tin can by the gate, flashing a grin she took only a second to aim then shot the tin can through it's center, drawing back the bolt and kicking out the shell the Atom Cat rolls the rifle back up across her shoulder blades with a smirk and crosses her arms lazily over the gun "what can you offer the team that we don't already have?" she glanced side long at Carter hoping she wasn't over stepping any bounds.</s> <|message|>Alec Kassaya Alec hadn't been paying much attention to what was going on, he'd been petting Maud the whole time. It wasn't until a gunshot rang out that he looked up, seeing Colonel Carter talking to a new girl, who was trying to show off her marksmanship. He stood up and made his way over to the other as Adamine came over to show up the other girl. He walked up behind Carter and peeked out from around his armored figure at the girl. He didn't say anything, he just waited for the colonel's decision on her joining so they could move out. Meanwhile Maud walked up next to the colonel's ankle and meowed.</s> <|message|>Jack Carter Carter sighed. "Five hundred up front, five hundred more when the war's over. Plus a some toy's from the Brotherhood if your interested." Carter responded looking at the girl carefully. "Just watch yourself, you cause trouble I won't shed a tear to leave you behind." The colonel said as he started down the road, throwing the girl the caps. Being extra careful of Maud, having a soft spot for cats. "Adamine she can come, we need the bodies. After all if she dies you one of you could grab the caps off her corpse." The man said, sealing his helmet back up. "Their's a settlement pretty close to Salem, the local Minutemen are planning to leave after we come though. It will be last stop for anything you need." He told them as they walked though the cracked and broken highways.</s> <|message|>Jessica Holmes Jessica nodded with a sigh, taking another drag from her cigarette. She caught the caps and slid them in a small pack on her hip, one with a small but powerful pistol strapped to it. She followed behind the man, looking off in the distance to see Clover walking past the radscorpion corpses from earlier. She shook her head with a sigh, mentally berating herself for worrying about her crazy girl. "How far we going exactly?" she asked, lifting her pip-boy to keep an eye on the compass, making sure there was nothing hostile in the area.</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine scoffs dismissively and shoulders her rifle, with a whistle to Ghost who had tottered off to urinate on a bush she turns and follows the colonel "dibs on her caps if she dies" Adamine was none to friendly towards slavers, though she figured she should probably lighten up simply for the sake of an easier journey. Trailing along beside Carter she watches Ghost scout up ahead, his white muscled body low to the ground, his cropped ears errect, she knew he'd return to her with a huff if something was amiss up ahead.</s> <|message|>Jessica Holmes Jessica turned and glared at Adamine. "Nobody's getting my caps. I won't die. I suggest you watch what you say. I've seen more of the wasteland since leaving the vault last year than you have your entire life. Don't piss me off." She turned to begin walking again, lifting her pip-boy again. She noticed a few red ticks off to one side but figured they were pretty far away, probably nothing worth their trouble.</s> <|message|>Adamine Valhalla Adamine hides a smile as Ghost trots to her side, his ears up and staring at Jessica as she turns and walks away, Adamine pretends to be scared and scoffs, she wouldn't waste her breath on the slaver. Reaching down she patted Ghost's side and pulled out a ciggerett and lit it, inhaling the smoke she blows it out her mouth and follows after the group.</s>
<|message|>Waylon Jones "I am not getting paid enough to work with a cat fight waiting to happen..." Rampage said in an annoyed groan as he watched the exchange between the group's mechanic and the newly acquired young slaver. The Ghoul shook his head as he walked past the two. "How about we worry about not getting offed by the Enclave first before trying to kill each other. Then you ladies can rip each other to shreds for all I care." He said in a rough tone that was only amplified by his gravel like voice.</s>
<|description|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Nickname(Optional): Pfft, no. Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: Of Average build with short dark hair, Neil isn't exactly the most unique specimen. He is fit but not noticeably so. He isn't big at all, but he is also not small. He has a face girls can find cute, but not exactly dreamy. Tanned skin and a ruddy complexion from all of the machine's he's worked on, coupled with the calluses on his hands gives him an experienced look despite the very youthful appearance he has. All in all, other than the twinkling of his eyes and the trademark grin, he is essentially average. He has dark eyes and very dark brown hair, enough to be considered black under most light. He's about 5'10 and 165 pounds. Clothing: He often wears baggy pants, mostly military cargo. He likes to wear single colored T-Shirts. Usually he wears red. Personality: Oh, now that is a question. To say Neil is eccentric is...well, that hits the nail on the head. Very good with hand-eye coordination, competent combatant, good engineer, and a daring pilot. But prone to sarcasm, snide remarks, unorthodox behavior, and just good old fashioned explosions. He's a born jokester, though behind his charming yet insufferable demeanor belies a certain intelligence, and to those he enjoys, he does tend to have a big heart.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Junebug ducked behind the bowl of one of the larger trees as the forest crashed with the sounds of rifle fire. The rebels initial panic was passing. They might be backworld scum, but they had been in enough firefights to have learned the basics. The survivors ducked behind the cover of crates, stumps and their large hover vehicle and began to fire up into the trees where they, correctly, guessed Neil was located. Sayeeda inwardly winced. Trees were poor positions because the enemy had just as good a line on you as you had on him, they provided no real cover, and they were difficult to fall back from. Already bullets were wicking through the foliage, showering the lower levels with leaves, twigs and splinters. Well, she couldn't exactly fault him for tactical choice. It wasn't as though he was the only combatant on the field. A smile tugged and her lips as she peeked out from behind the tree bohle. The rebels had clearly dismissed her from thier minds once the shooting started, and no one had yet had time to figure out that Jorge was missing. One of the rebels was fumbling with the plasma rifle she had bought from the Highlander, a foolish move over using his own, more familiar, weapon but an understandable one. She sighted on the small of his back and then took up the trigger pressure on her stolen pistol. The slugthrower kicked harder than she had imagined and the recoil lifted the barrel. Rather than a clean shot through center of mass the round lifted the back of the rebels skull in a spray of pinkish gray mist. She fired again, this time judging the recoil correctly, the second rebel slumped bonlessly forward onto the log he had been using to sight. Attacked from two angles, leaderless and with half their number down the rebels broke, unfortunately they still hadn't correctly figured Sayeeda's position and they fled towards the trailhead beside which she was sheltering. Neil's rifle continued to crack, either because he didn't realise they were running or he didn't see any reason to not put the boot in when the enemy was down. Sayeeda approved of the second option also. With deliberate care she stepped onto the trail in the path of the four remaining rebels, their eyes were wide and it was doubtful they saw her before the pistol cracked, dropping the lead fugitive in a tangled heap over which the second man sprawled in gawky disorganization. Sayeeda ignored the fallen man and shot the next rebel, a bulky man with a grease stained mowhawk, through the right eye. The third man pitched forward, struck, she presumed from another round from Neil. Her lips tightened into a grimace, no body liked incoming rounds no matter how well intentioned. "Please," whimpered the man still trying to untangled himself from the corpse on the ground. "I surr..." Crack. Sayeeda shot him through the top of the head before he could finish and he slumped with a gurgle over the other corpse. For a moment the forrest was silent save for an odd chuffing sound. It took her a moment to identify the hysterical weeping of the prisoners she had seen on the way in. The barrel of the pistol glowed white from the extended firing and the air danced and distorted around the irridium battle. The acrid taste of ozone and the stink of blood and the voided bowels of dead men, a familiar cocktail, filled the air. "All Clear!" Junebug yelled, waggling the pistol slightly to help with cooling.</s> <|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." He'd only been able to fire six rounds from his ARC gun after the initial three shots, so when he exited the bushes, he had his high-caliber revolver in his hand, the barrel smoking somewhat like Sayeeda's. "I can tell working together is going to be a hell of an experience." He commented, looking down at the corpses. Just from walking through the camp, he saw his boots were covered in red muck, and he let out a comical "ew" as if he'd stepped in what the dog dropped. His mild disgust was quickly replaced with interest once he saw all of the dropped weaponry and supplies, as well as the ammo boxes near the crates on the northern edge of camp. He picked up a rifle, weighing it in his hands. It was a slug thrower gun, old but still useful, and therefore liable to sell. The other firearms on the ground looked to be las-weaponry, as well as more slug thrower autoguns like the one in his hands. He tossed Sayeeda the autogun. "Looks like these guys won't be needing this shit anymore. Gun running does sound like a good idea." He turned to look at the transports. "Or those. Not that I suggest we make two trips for the vehicles, but..." "So, who are you two?" the tied up Prisoner asked, having strained against his bonds until he had given up any hopes of escape, now conceding he was at the mercy of these newcomers. "You some of Hatcher's guns or what?" Neil turned to look at him as if he'd forgotten he was even there. "Dude, we're in the middle of a conversation." Neil's matter of fact words had the prisoner hesitating, confused. Once the guy didn't continue to speak, Neil used the silence to add in something else. "The real question is, who are you. Because if you're someone important, we'll take you back to the city. But if not..." "Drake Ferenhall." The man said quickly, which caused Neil to nod as if he had expected it all along. "Now how does that work?" the pilot asked, approaching Drake and gesturing with his gun. "Did you get Ferenhall from your mother? It's not the same name as Gorlan's." That statement drew any response from Ferenhall to a stop, fear in his eyes as he swallowed his dry throat. " for my father?" "Just this once. Now it's time to pack up your bags." "Please. You don't understand." Drake began to explain. He shook his head, pleading. "This world has ancient technology like you wouldn't believe. I-..." His eyes flew wildly between Neil and Sayeeda. "I-I can share it with you. Escort me and we can go and become rich beyond your dreams!" Neil glanced Sayeeda's way. He didn't exactly want to risk Drake's life without a good reason, because that could very well mean the Highlander would not be given to them. But it was Sayeeda's call. Neil was nothing, if not a risk taker.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Junebug ignored the babbling prisoner as she poked around the camp until she found what she was looking for. Uncermoniously she turned her back to the men, stripped off her shirt and upended a 40 gallon canteen of water over her body, allowing the tepid water to sluice away the worst of the blood and vicera from the earlier encounter with the local wildlife. She let it gush down over her hair and body for long moment before taking a few mouthfuls to cleanse the ozone taste of EM discharge from her mouth. Feeling significantly better she toweled herself off with a mostly clean blanket and then slipped on a spare shirt that had been drying on an improvised clothes hoist made of optic fiber cabling, her camo pants were still soaking wet but the tropical heat would dry them sooner or later. "Sure," she said contemptuously as she finished pulling on the shirt and walked towards the two men. The sleeveless shirt more completely displayed the owl tattoo on her shoulder than the exercise shirt she had started the day with. As she walked she slipped into her armor and started fastening the catches. The intergeral unit informed her that that the drug the rebels had accidentally injected into her was a cortisol plasminogen cocktail for burns. No sweat, at least she didnt have to worry about crashing. "And this is the part where we go along with your cunning plan and then you bolt and ditch us in the jungle. Do you take us for idiots?" Sayeeda sneered. She tossed the pistol into the woods as she settled her sub machine gun into place. Drake's mouth worked like a landed fish for a moment. "No no no, nothing like that," he bleated, "I swear I'm on the level!" "Said every con man ever," Junebug rejoined, reaching into her pocket and drawing out a needle stunner. Drake yelped again when he saw the weapon and tried to put the tree between himself and the mercenary. "Look it's worth big bucks to the Terrans I swear big money!" Sayeeda paused and cocked an eyebrow. What in the Goddess' name did the Terrans have to do with anything. Still the very fact that he made the statement gave some validity to Drake's claim though. He could still be bullshiting of course but that seemed a level of bullshit too good for the man. "Are you working for the Terrans then?" she asked, lowering the stunner despite her own better judgement. Drake emerged from behind his tree though he still held his hands up defensively infront of him and maintained a half crouch. Junebug wondered why he thought that would help. "Yes. No. Listen I was going to set up an auction once I knew that the Earth Heads were interested in it, nothing final yet." "Uh huh," Sayeeda said skeptically. She cast a glance at Neil, predictably he looked like an eager puppy about to be taken for a walk. It woudn't cost them anything to check out Drake's story they were somewhat ahead of schedule... Sayeeda stiffened suddenly as something changed in the ambient noise around them. Judging from their puzzled looks neither Neil nor Drake had heard it yet. Drake opened his mouth but she raized the stunner again and he fell silent. She held up a hand for quiet. "Fuck," she said and shoved the stunner into her pocket. In a singal motion she drew a knife from her belt and cut Drake's bonds. The man squealed as though she intended to cut him and then staggered as she shoved him down the hill towards the narrow creek bed at the base of the slight rise. "Go go go!" she yelled and grabbed Neil and gave im a similar shrug. Both men must have thought she was insane but the started moving which was the important thing. "Incoming!" she yelled as she ran past them down into the creekbed. Instinctively she turned inland away from the distant keen of oncoming engines, now faintly audible even to those who hadn't spent years in situations where your life depended on recognizing the sound. They raced along the rocky bed of the creek, making far better time than the would in the open jungle. A few moments later a supersonic aircraft tore the sky overhead. It was too fast for Sayeeda's naked eyes to identify it but her helmet video caught a few instants of it and identified it at 98% certainty as a Terran Karlov Class Dropship. According to the scematic the Karlov was a low altitude insertion vehicle for commando units. Sayeeda dropped back to run beside Drake. He wasn't as fit as she was but he was certainly motivated to move. "Anything else about the Terran's you want to to tell us before I kill you, you son of a bitch? Like maybe why they are sending commandoes out after you?" she rasped.</s>
<|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Neil couldn't help but give Sayeeda's smooth caramel back a look, noticing more than a few scars as well. She's making the 'professional' part of the professional partnership harder with half the shit she's pulling, he thought to himself, shaking his head. He then glanced Drake's way, seeing the man giving a hungry look himself. Neil snapped his fingers, drawing his gaze away, guiltily. The pilot shook his head, and then turned back when Sayeeda had a shirt on. As she went over to verbally beat the tied up runaway, Neil had on a face and mumbled. " She didn't save me any water did she? " He decided to just take a swig of his canteen, blinking and clearing his throat. That felt much better, though he could use a shower on the ship once they got this guy off planet. Needless to say, Neil's eyes were widened when Sayeeda began to move like a panther on instinct, cutting bonds and shoving them forward. "Hey, what's the big de-" He started, even as he ran. That was when he heard the whistling up ahead. "Shit." Behind them, the trees cracked as the drop pods sheared through them and into the ground. He'd seen Terran commandos before, but never in combat, much less when using the actual drop pods. Neil just thanked whatever being that watched over them that he had his equipment still strapped to him. Another earth shaking explosion occurred, and he was flung to the ground with the two of them as Sayeeda threatened Drake. "I don't know!" Drake exclaimed, shaken. His mouth started moving rapidly when he saw the gun in Sayeeda's hand. "Look, the only other person who knows I'm out here is Val-kan Hatcher!" "What in the fuck are you talking about?" Neil piped in, unholstering his rifle and jerking his body to shift his prone position, giving him more room to fire at the commandos once they realized there was no one at camp. Drake looked between the two heavily armored mercs and just spat it out. "He found out what I was doing here and he's been funding my research. He might have tipped off the Terrans if that meant they'd get off his back but...they're here for multiple reasons but one reason is that my research is legitimate." "And what exactly is this you're looking for?" "It's hard to explain! I can show you where to go but-" Shouts were heard in the distance. Shouts coming closer, it seemed like. Neil wasn't going to fire yet, but he didn't know if they'd pass the three of them by or not. The ground was somewhat soft, even from the lack of water on this old creek. There were various holes in it, and little, strange mollusks with thirteen appendages and two sections of the body, scuttled between each hole, feelers rubbing against the merc's skins.</s>
<|description|>God King Gilgamesh (Gil) (Paired with Zelosse) Level: Rookie Appearance:A yellow, Armadillo-like Digimon with an armored shell and long claws. Armadimon always seems to be offering a reassuring smile.Personality:Gil is straightforward, honest, and highly protective to the point of being self-sacrificing. Gil believes that strength is contagious, and that exuding strength will uplift and strengthen those around him. However, he also recognizes that strength not only comes in different forms, but that it also takes time to cultivate, and cannot and should not be maintained at all times. So while he wants those around him to become their 'best versions', he will be there to support and nurture them when they fall. * Fresh: Name: Tsubumon Signature Attacks: + Little Iron Beads — Tsubumon attacks an opponent that approaches it by spitting small iron beads. * In Training: Name: Upamon Signature Attacks: + Shock Shout — Upamon releases an ultrasonic shout, causing its opponents to flinch. * Rookie: Name: Armadimon Signature Attacks: + Rolling Stone — Armadimon rolls into a ball and spins into the foe. + Scratch Beat — Armadimon scratches at the foe with his sharp claws. + Rigid Block — Armadimon repels attacks by curling into a ball. * Champion: Name: Not Yet Revealed Signature Attacks: + Not Yet Revealed — Not Yet Revealed. * Ultimate: Name: Not Yet Revealed Signature Attacks: + Not Yet Revealed — Not Yet Revealed. * Mega: Name: Not Yet Revealed Signature Attacks: + Not Yet Revealed — Not Yet Revealed.</s> <|message|>Honda Aoi That was nice; it seemed that this Wisemon--whoever it was--had worked out that the strange group of students and creatures had nothing to do with the theft of its books and wanted to show them off. That was great and all but... she didn't really care all that much about going and looking at a book; that sounded too much like the detention they'd just gotten out of. Finding out why the baker girl was calling herself a queen or what Mr. Panic's problem over there was... those seemed far more interesting. Though Aoi shrugged, continuing to look Wisemon up and down in an eerily similar manner to how the digimon had judged her in the first place. "So... what's it like being a magic librarian? Do you get a lot of visitors? I guess you don't do much lending, because I'd slap something to teleport books back whenever they're late rather than chase them... that's too much work," the white-haired schoolgirl said, trying to strike up a conversation with Wisemon. "M-Miss Aoi! Is this really the time...?" the Sistermon asked, looking between her and Wisemon with a worried expression. She wasn't afraid of having to fight the demonic librarian... well, she wasn't afraid of losing, the fight itself seemed simultaneously exciting but terrifying. Had she the information to make a comparison, Silvia would probably have been thinking of rollercoasters. And the girl she had looked up to so much... it was becoming obvious that she was quite the sinner, if the skimpy outfit and professed laziness were any indication. "Yeah? When else am I going to get to talk to this guy?"</s> <|message|>Kuroko Iwami Kuroko put a hand on Buck's shoulder. The Digimon's muscles were tensed up and ready for a fight. But at the very least this Wisemon seemed to be willing to listen... for now. Kuroko gave Buck a gentle bop on the head to get his attention. "Calm down," she said softly, kneeling down. "If you do, I'll get you some snacks as soon as I can." That got his attention. Buck's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. "Really?" "Really-really." "Okay, but for the record, if Wisemon decides to attack, I'm not going down without a fight." Kuroko frowned. She'd heard Buck say something like that before. When the two were sitting in an alleyway while people ran and hid from monsters, the little Digimon had made a promise to her. "Just like you swore before," she muttered. "Of course. But that Sangloupmon... he wasn't as strong as Wisemon. Even with modifications to our Digicores as Champion-levels, we still can't beat an Ultimate-level Digimon on our own." "So you'd have to work in a team?" "Absolutely, but..." Buck scratched under his chin. "Admittedly, I'm not much of a team player..." Kuroko glanced at the others. "If something like the Yokai Incident is happening right now, I think that's gonna have to change."</s> <|message|>Estelle Antoinette Échecs --- "Y-you dare insult my queen!?" Chessy seethed. "Ohoho, aren't you the rude little thing," Estelle smiled, curls swaying lightly from a tilt of her head. "Well, I'll have you know, I'm no tyrant. I love all of my little chessmon and they love me." She patted Chessy on the head. Regardless, this was rather boring, wasn't it? Nothing interesting in this dusty old library at all. "Tch, very well...but know that any further insult will be remembered and returned ten fold, cretin!" Chessy beat the front of his shield with his spear, a loud bang of metal and metal filling the area before returning to an at the ready position next to Estelle. "Hmm...Wisemon was it? You don't supposed I could take a look around the other areas of the library?" Truth be told, she had no interest in helping this...creature. Not after it called her a tyrant of all things. Perhaps there might be a fun or interesting book or some other fascinating document here she could read. It'd certainly alleviate her boredom a bit.</s> <|message|>Tinkermon Wakana and Tinkermon Wakana was a bit dumbfounded by the guy who almost looked like he was going to flip out and go on a tantrum or something. He... Seemed like he was going to be an issue in resolving this calmly if he kept it up. How annoying. The others... Well, they haven't attack the Wisemon yet though she was half-way worried about the little black dinosaur thing. It looks like its human partner had it under control for now though. Well, at least Wisemon was moving them along now and everyone seemed to go along with it. Well, everyone but the curl haired dumbass. "Of course the idiot doesn't want to help the situation at hand." Wakana sighed as she heard Estelle mentioned exploring the library more. She went into the room with the books, curious about what they looked like. They looked like thick leather-bound grimoires. "Hmmm." Wakana mused as she looked over the ones remaining. "Hmmm. How odd." "What's odd?" Tinkermon asked as she rested herself on Wakana's head. "The books?" The little pixie joined Wakana in looking over the books. Wakana gave a silent nod as she moved her hand up to her mouth in a thinking pose. "Well. The books are a bit odd looking." One called to her. The one with the diamond shape on it. "Not to mention... I find it odd that Wisemon wouldn't know where it is or who took it if he knows what goes on in this library." She scratched her head and sighed. "Obviously, if it's true that Wisemon knows everything in this library, if he doesn't know about it, then it's not here. It's quite likely somewhere else." Tinkermon's eyes lit up. "Oh wow, Wakana! You got really smart!" The small fairy said as she gleefully patted the high-schooler on the head. "Huh? N-no... Anyone could figure that much out." Wakana sighed as the fairy continued her patting. She watched the girl attempt to touch the book earlier and noted there seemed to be no guard against touching it probably. "I'm curious who could have got to it before us. Well, it's that or Wisemon is lying to our faces." The girl continued to muse. Tinkermon gave a forced laugh at something that was an obviously not a joke. "Hahaha... I don't think that's the case. "Probably. Wisemon would notice there was no guilt in Wakana. None outwardly at least. There was a bit of agitation, though it seemed like it stemmed more from lack of information than anything about the room. Probably. "So, these books can cause a calamity. Bypass natural life cycle, increase power, intake data?" Wakana said as she tried to put the pieces together. She didn't have enough information on digimon to really say anything. Luckily, Tinkermon was around. The small fairy nonchalantly spoke, "Huh. Thinking about it, that's kinda like Digivolving, ain't it?" She pondered aloud before getting that Wakana was confused by that. "Oh, right, so... You know how we mentioned Wisemon is an Ultimate level Digimon? It's like a stage of a Digimon's life. I'm a Rookie. Petermon is a Champion. There's a clear power divide between stages, ah! But, I can still beat up Petermon when I want to!" "So, the books can be used to force that?" "Ahh... Maybe. I don't really want to try it out myself. I'm happy as I am, thank you very much." "So, someone came into Wisemon's library without him knowing and stole a book that can possibly cause Digivolving?" Wakana questioned aloud. The more and more she thought about it, the more and more this seemed like some fever dream she was concocting in her head. Well, whatever the case, that was the what, why and where. An old looking grimoire because it could possibly cause digivolution in this library. Who though? Likely wasn't Wisemon. Then who? Another human? Wisemon said Digimon can't open it at least. Now she was invested in this mystery. It was like one of her books. "Caper in the Digital Library!" She giggled, electing a raised eyebrow from Tinkermon. "Either way, I didn't know that was even a thing... Wisemon. Wakana got his attention after he was done with the other... pedantic questions. "You don't remember there being other guests-visitors-invaders in your library before us? For a time before that book was stolen. Or, perhaps you talked to someone about these before?"</s>
<|message|>God King Gilgamesh (Gil) Wisemon offering to show them the location of the books to 'jog' their memory came as a slight relief as it meant that hostilities were not quite open yet. Gil relaxed slightly, and followed Wisemon and the others into the room. With things slightly calmer, people started introducing themselves, so Gil felt it was as good a time as any to do the same. "I'm God-King Gilgamesh, and I'm an Armadimon," Gil declared, then turned to Wisemon, who had bristled at the mention of royalty, "But don't worry, I am neither a god nor a king, it's just a nickname. Makes me sound tough, right? But I get that it's a mouthful, so you can just call me 'Gil'." As the others discussed the books and explained to the humans the details of digimon growth, Gil came up with an idea. Turning back to Wisemon, he said, "So, since you trust that we didn't steal your book, but are understandably distraught by its absence, maybe you could...send us on a mission to retrieve it! I'll put my life on the line to help you get your precious book back." Gil didn't know what a Wisemon was exactly capable of, but he assumed that Wisemon was some sort of magician-type, what with being surrounded by so much digital information, so his next suggestion sort of came from left field, "Do you know any, like, spells? I get that you might think I'm saying all this just so that we can escape, but maybe you could place like a beacon or tracking spell on me or something, so you can check on the status of our mission. And to make sure I stay on track, you can make it an exploding beacon! Whoops! Haha, I mean, but just on me, of course..." He looked around sheepishly, afraid that he had just volunteered the entire group to a pretty messy situation.</s>
<|description|>Bruno Randalph Nickname: Rusty Randy Race: Demihuman (Red Squirrel) Age: Twenty Gender: Male Proportionality: Weight:305 lbs Height:6'11" Frame: A large frame, very bulky and muscular under the fur and large gutted Use a hider. _______________________ Personality:- Bruno is often defined as the quieter and distant type, and he really is. Although that doesn't mean he dislikes the company of people, in fact depending on the person or sometimes simply where the company is well appreciated. His distance is more seen in often a quietness and lack of expression or something simple such as asking about the weather unless it suits a particular need of some sort or another. On the other hand he can often daydream when doing some repetitive task or while being alone, being quite oddly perverse in the confines of his own mind. Bruno's lack of expression is occasionally connected to the weirder sides of himself such as obsession toward certain people often crushes are role models or in new technology seen and brought to him. Another darker piece of Bruno though rarely seen since childhood conflict is an odd enjoyment of the fight often when he himself is the one being beaten down and somewhat less the other way around. If there is a kindness available to be done, and nothing particular in its or Bruno's way, often he will do it out of an odd sense of duty to do so rather than just being kind, or it is speculated as such. Job: Engineer/Repairman Fighting Style: Bruno, doesn't subscribe to a particular fighting style, depending at first if possible avoiding combat is the tactic. Beyond that, he goes with whatever the hell gets the job done. Whether it be punching, elbowing, clawing, pulling or a swift kick or knee to the groin area if necessary. He's more swift in his attacks than actually being powerful in them and more often used to absorbing and taking on multiple powerful blows. When in tight spaces or in panicked moments often using the arms to redirect blows and instead go with a knee or a swift kick to any vulnerable part. Weapons from strongest to weakest: Wrench, mallet Armors/Outfits He doesn't really tend to wear much that can be defined as 'armor' perhaps occasionally a welding mask and tough gloves for work in the past. Beyond that, often Bruno is simply found in basic grey overalls, some pants underneath often with a convenient fanny back and a small leather pouch attached onto its waistband. Familiar: Familiar Abilities: Lighting & Wind, Absorb electricity, resist wind, weak to ice, booming blasts of sound or music that can push back projectiles and smaller foes, can eat weak or defeated foes Trance: (none of this found yet) Trance is more often caused by lust and strong resolution for Bruno. While in trance, his stomach and chest expand and practically 'puff out' to a degree as if to form a masculine wall. His defense quintuples and speed doubles, because of his familiar's nature, Bruno can levitate or 'fly' sort of with gusts of wind normally being noticed below his feet and appearing as small tornadoes. - The way Trance is activated is through stress and emotions. So tension can induce this. - Your body can shift form due to the sheer power. Such as changing figure a bit. Racial Advantages Pros- He can hold multiple weapons Cons- As a human he is limited to having very few magics that are not his Familiar's. Self advantages Pros- Bruno's main strengths combat wise is his durability and speed. Beyond that simply may be his techno-know-how and engineering skills Cons- While Bruno is fast, what he has in speed is what lacks from his average if not below attacks. Seeing as his combat has no real technique, rather it is simply beating up the opponent with whatever comes to mind it can difficult to combat some who have fighting technique on their side. Background: Bruno was born and raised in Lindblum and for the most part it still remains home to him in many aspects. He used to live there with his father and mother under the same house, though the two divorced when he was eight after some big fight. He had seen the two actually fight which lead to his mom, shoving the other down and the floor and quickly leaving, soon the divorce happened and Bruno's dad who had been wealthily employed in the engineer business had received custody. Often through the years there were a few troubles that plagued Bruno's childhood and up. Rumor spread that Bruno's father, Barret was a weakling and had been beaten up by a woman though the source of this rumor has still been unknown to this day what followed after it was a bunch of bullying and fights from others around at the time. Barett, seemed to change over the years as well despite Bruno helping with projects, his dad always seemed to belittle or insult him over the years, and oddly always had to know where Bruno had been. Over the years of this, Bruno just started to grow kind of silent and took what came at him. The pain was seeming normal, just something that would have to occur. On certain days, Bruno would just stick up in his room and lose himself in daydreams and oddly growing perverse dreams around the age of twelve. In secret, he began working on some of his own projects one of which was trying to create a blue automation named Reveater or 'Rev' for short. It took a few close calls and lies to hide the project. After a while, he grew worried that the project would be discovered, after it grew and grew so he looked for a place to hide it. Soon after, he found where his mom was staying and planned to visit, but more bullies blocked the way and Bruno had to take a bit of beating before arriving, some of the project was destroyed in the process but not all. It wasn't long after finding his mother, Clarece that she agreed to keep the project hidden, on one condition, that Bruno start protecting himself. She didn't specify any particular tactics, besides a move that redirected punches and lead up to a swift knee to the ground and abdomen and saying to fight for himself, although Bruno could see the fact that she wanted to step in for him instead. She couldn't handle more trouble at the time because of even more bitter rumors and many watchful eyes wanting to taker her down at a moment's notice. Bruno, soon did as Clarece had asked of him. Fighting back felt good, and eventually from it most of the previous bullies were no longer challenging him. Oddly, he had missed the fights, having even developed a pleasure in them but more in receiving the blows, after a while of them they ceased to even hurt. Years, and years later around sixteen had Bruno stopped working on projects in secret, despite Barrett calling most of the projects inferior or terrible with some word or another. He felt as if he had to do something and make more projects, as only a year before had Clarece disappeared (though some claimed she was arrested) along with 'Rev'. As years passed by more and more projects were taken under, even simple neighborhood projects for people that needed repairs or replacements for old rusted pieces for something or another and that's how Bruno Randaplh earned the name 'Rusty Randy' although he couldn't tell if that was a positive or negative name. He continued on in silence, enjoying the work and even to some degrees becoming obsessed with it, the innovations in the field and some of those who led it. At the age of eighteen 'Rusty Randy' was moving on up and was asked to work on airship, this day perhaps being the strongest in memory. Not only did Bruno's father seemed pleased, he seemed nearly excited about it and threw a small going away party for the work. Rusty Randy, continued his work after that and never returned home.</s> <|message|>Dren Rache "R&D? You're offering me that level of a job?" Dren asked him suspiciously. He could feel his small cluster of grenades hidden beneath his robes clink slightly, almost eagerly at the prospect. Naturally though, the idea of being offered a job like that by someone who could very well be a terrorist, wasn't particularly worth entertaining. Then again, this mention of being shot down into an Evil Forest would put anyone's perspectives in skew. He didn't know much about the area, but he'd heard of the forest. Chances are he wouldn't be able to shy out of this one... he'd be forced into combat. Most likely with this group too as he looked over the lot of them... what a mess they were. But his magic did work best when he had others to back him up. His options were limited at this point. He offered a gloved hand to Cas. "Very well. I will extend my trust this one time."</s> <|message|>Hitori Hitori looked at Cassius and couldn't help but smile, "The Sentiment is greatly appreciated Cassius but I have no right to the Title of Sir. I eschewed any claims to all perceived claims and airs of nobility quite some time ago. Hitori will do just fine." "Beach Please, you as a Glubbin Noble would be a Reel Riot." a Feminine Voice could be heard in his head. "Why must you heckle me Siren..." Hitori thought. "Cuz I know you're hankerin for some Catfish." Siren teased, Hitori didn't even dignify that with a response. The Ada doll noticed Cassius offering jobs willy-nilly and started Warbling in protest as if Cassius could actually understand him in that current state. "Calm down Ada, you'll just tire yourself out." Hitori chided the Doll.</s> <|message|>Karnrad Allard Karn smirked in amusement as it took a moment for the woman to realize the situation while she ate, almost choking on it. "Mhmm yes, so far this little job has been quite a CATastrophe. And with having a bomb cannonballed at you, it has been quite a blast." she replied, smirk never leaving her lips. Emerald gaze watching the dualist basically inhale the food given. It wasn't much, but for now it is what the Tantalus group had. Usually, Ruby was the one to make a bit more decent meals. Huh.... in fact, wonder where she was? The blonde couldn't remember where she last saw her fellow crewmate. The only other female member that everyone was sort of quick to bolt from. Mhmm maybe she was just around the ship getting things spick and spam like everyone else. Giving a slight laugh at the cat puns made, the feline couldn't help but actually let out a deep purr that vibrated against her chest and throat. It wasn't often she found someone who actually enjoyed the jokes and returned them just as much. A purrfect match indeed. It was like she could feel cupid's arrows bouncing right off of her. Oh yes, she liked this woman. Anyone making a pun was good in her book. At the question of what the feline was going to do with this newly discovered stowaway, she gingerly tapped her chin with a soft hum. Feeling the smooth leather of her gloves brush against her fair skin. "Well.... Here we are, in the dark cargo hold with only a little lantern lighting up the place. Just the two of us, with possible death and destruction awaiting us in what could be minutes to hours. I wouldn't mind putting that blanket to its other use." Karn answered playfully with a flirtatious grin, winking a glowing emerald cat eye. She wasn't quite serious about it since this was definitely not the time, but she couldn't help her more playful side. "Otherwise, should probably report to the Boss and announce our new arrival. Get to see our catnapped Gemstone too." The feline continued before flicking her ear at the other question and gave a smirk and shrug. "Well you can say I just find quite a bit of amewsment from telling punny jokes." she answered, watching Wylde return to the box she had been hiding in and took out a rapier. At the request for a leg message, the thief cocked her right eyebrow slightly and grinned a bit in amusement. "Surprise not everything is numb and uncomfortable. But I'll give a beautiful lass like you a kneading massage for a discount of 100 Gil. Or another kiss. Whichever." Karn purred a response with amusement.</s>
<|message|>Bruno Randalph Randy simply seemed to stand around and watch for a few moments. Being down below in the engine room or having been down there with quite a few people. One of them being his boss, another a merchant and a possible coworker of sorts in the future and a person with what seemed to be an animated doll. It seemed more than enough of an awkward situation and seeing as the boss was around and there events currently on going or at least he had suspected such. He could not simply slip away into a daydreaming fantasy, most work he could currently do seemed to be done and patched up with the materials he could find. It seemed to hold together well enough for the moment but he was definitely unsure about its sturdiness and how long it may last, especially if more trouble or violent 'critics' came along once more because of the performance. He continued to run that inside joke inside his skull and probably would keep tightly held onto it. It seemed the one named 'Hitori' had briefly gone on about clouds as if going into a fantasy of some sort. Randy could not really blame him. Although he long knew that the clouds did not contain this 'wonder' except perhaps in imagination and through the mind. For a moment Randy could not help himself from staring out the window as well. Starting to drift out, slowly and unnoticed by the rest of his conscious mind. As he looked out toward the clouds and began to drift into them in a mental sense. Randy did not come back until Cassius had approached him and even then it seemed to take a few moments for the words to get across. He really ought to try and nip that day dreaming habit in the bud, or whatever the appropriate saying was. Seems like he might not be able to finish his projects if all things went to hell. Oddly, he could not feel much panic for himself but instead rather for the projects and some certain others. "Okay." Randy responded simply. "Bye, and in case we or at least I die. See you later." He oddly felt a small grin creep up on his face He immediately went off to look for the workers, high and low to gather them. Finding a place that was structurally sound among the ship? The engine room seemed, to be fairing but puncture all around. The cargo hold might be the next safest bet, as long as most crates and so on were safely strapped down or would not fly about in a crash scenario. He would have to check that later or perhaps a brig if it was large enough.</s>
<|description|>Meonwel 'Nemirenia' Age, Gender, Race: 27 (looks), Male, Maiar Appearance: Warm brown eyes, wild brown hair, tanned skin, simple long coat, rough underclothes, boots. Equipment: Plain wood staff, simple knife, simple messenger bag. Personality: Shy, secluded, inquisitive. Story: To join up with possibly some of the other characters, and set off to get rid of the remaining darkness in Middle-earth, and drive it back further. Biography: Nemirenia, or Meonwel, came to be only recently, and to middle-earth even more recently. He was taught by Radagast for several years, as the other Maiar were caught up with the Ring. After this, Meonwel set off to help animals everywhere he could, and, while travelling, learnt about the darkness, and the fellowship and everything else related. Deciding to find out more, he eventually came to the decision to try and rid this remaining darkness. Unfortunately, he knows that he can't do it alone, deciding to try and join or make a party to at least drive the darkness back</s> <|message|>Dwarin -Dwarin- The dwarf sighed as he pulled his pony to a halt by the riverbank. He hopped down, grunting with the effort. The Anduin bubbled along happily next to him, not quite the raging river it would become farther south. He rummaged around in the pony's bags, digging out a half loaf of bread and some dried meat. He sat on a rock and watched the river as he ate, contemplating his journey. After leaving the Shire, he had passed through Bree, and then on towards old Rivendell. The elves had been careful to take all their treasures, so all he had gotten there had been some inscriptions and old wooden trinkets, none of which he had taken. The few Elves remaining had left him alone. The journey over the mountains had been rough, but with the destruction of the goblin village in the pass behind Rivendell by the king's men, it had become much safer. He had descended the mountain, only to find that he could ford the river as it stood in front of him. He had marched up and back down for four days, and he was now nearing what looked like a shallow spot. Dwarin rose and repacked his pony, Tater (a name the Hobbit at Bree had given it). He remounted and moved on down the river, reaching the suspected spot. He nudged the pony forward, and it cautiously waded in. He laughed "Ho! There you go lad! Onward!" The pony crossed nervously, but it did cross. He looked out over the forest, just seeing the peak of Erebor in front of the midday sun. He sighed, and then turned North. If his map, consistently updated with each place he visited, was right, the village of the Beornings shouldn't be too far Northeast. He would finally meet the men of north Rhovanion, and their strange bear-heritage. Dwarin whistled as he rode. He was closing in.</s> <|message|>Vunkar Black tongue The Black Tongue A subtle iron mist lingers in the air here, mixing with the caves heavy wet odor, the faint glow of molten metal reflecting off Vunkar's dark eyes as he assesses his surroundings and the crystalline outcrops that decorate the rock walls. The shrill cries of clashing metal echo around him as the blacksmith below shapes his creation with a blunt hammer and blunt expression, fiery lights dancing across his grey smudged face. Resting upon a smooth and crimson colored moss covered rock, crouched slyly behind a towering miners support and peering through a broken planks panel, the Black Tongue watches steadily. Peering through the same broken panel is the sharp eye of his first ebony bolt, softly lying along a strong beam of iron, a curved wing bent either side of it. With an armored finger resting on the trigger, a slow breath rises up through the tense body, past the unwavering lips and out into the world. Closing one eye, the remaining iris is frozen, the confined pupil within receding as a spark leaps into the air. With a near silent whistled tune, the bolt streaks past various miscellaneous, barrels, carts and picks - through a gap between rocks made by the chipping of time and sinks with a dull slicing note into the Dwarfs back as his hammer just retreats from its strike. The body falls forward and and the hammer drops to the floor, crashing with the ground as similarly as it did with the axe it was casting, soft sizzling comes from the forge as flesh meets heated metal. A subtle iron mist lingers here, mixed with a heavy wet odor, the faint smell of burning flesh, and a breath of foul blood - gently Vunkar pulls a second bolt from his hanging quiver and rests it in position, snugly between the smooth wood of his crossbow. With one fluid mortuary motion his left arm peels back the wind and the tight notch clicks in comfort as the string is once more in its grasp. The predator waits, for soon prey shall stray into its domain.</s> <|message|>Lathronien 'Ghost-Eye' -Darcyn- As the odd man approached him, Darcyn gave a hoot of laughter. "Make it worth, my while an' I'll tell you!" He waved the mug under the man's nose. "Whot a mun like yen need wiv' a group of Orc Hunters? Some nasty snatch up yer farm wife?" Several other of the men chuckled at Darcyn's comments. Darcyn merely smirked secure in his own superiority, never minding how right or wrong it was. This was just a poor fool, probably offering turnips for payment. If his wife was nabbed? It wasn't Darcyn's problem, the man did not seem to be able to make it worth his while. Then again, a twisted sort of thought entered the man's mind. "I've got sum'thing fer yen though. Can yen fight laddie?" If this man wanted something, Darcyn could well recruit him! Build up a group of Orc Hunters to follow him! What a clever idea his ale ridden mind could produce! He was patting himself on the back mentally for this. -Selwyn- The cloaked figure watched the tavern, glad someone had shut up the brawdy man. If they hadn't she had been tempted to swat him upside the head and make him stay down. Perhaps for life even. The rain pounded outside as she listened to the news. A nearby Orc attack, a thief had been in town, more rain was on the way. Her lip curled with annoyance. The Orcish attack was of little value of her, and the rest of what she picked up was less so. As she kept listening she only grew more disgusted with the noise and stench that the race of Man gave off. She would leave once things calmed. The rain was still festering outside and she was far more interested in a excuse to beat the life out of someone. Selwyn mussed, she was not bad tempered typically but she had little to no good news and even fewer good days. The shorter lived races grew too bold. Too brazen as they moved further into Orc and Uruk-hai territories. Her lands, and the lands of her Dark Lord. It was insulting, but it was not time yet for a full attack, first she would awaken Melkor then perhaps other dark forces. Once that was done... She banished the thought, it was not time for it. It was time to focus on the bright light and noise menfolk.</s> <|message|>Meonwel 'Nemirenia' What's this about orc hunters, and something snatching up my farm wife? Wait, he, he's insulting me, isn't he? Why would he insult me? Now, he's asking me if I can fight? So, weird... "What are you talking about, I don't have a wife, and I certainly don't have a farm... so how could I have a farm wife? And, why would I want to fight you? That would be a stupid idea, as I can't fight, not in the way you could. And I don't need a group of orc hunters, not in particular." He was odd, even by human standards I believed. "So, to answer all you're questions in an easier to understand way, I don't have a farm wife to be snatched, I just want someone, or someones, willing to travel and fight some, uh, worse-than-orc creatures. Oh! And I don't want to fight you. There, all done. And if that is too hard to understand, please tell me, I know the drinks in these establishments can make it hard to understand people." I said. "And, make you harder to understand." I added as an afterthought.</s> <|message|>Dwarin -Dwarin- Tater bumbled up into the town, languidly looking about. Dwarin glanced around at the people there. The men were all quite hairy, and they all stood quite large, even by man standards. The women looked like normal woman, and the children normal. They looked at him, curious but not surprised. Their village was on the road from Erebor to the west after all. Dwarin smiled at the people, waving. He rode along, wondering if maybe there was a tavern in the village, or at least somewhere to tie his pony. Suddenly, a massive man loomed in front of him. "Hail, Dwarf. What is your business in the town of the Beornings?" The man had a beard nearly mighty enough to rival Dwarin's. The Dwarf grinned. "Hail, man of Beor. I am Dwarin, son of Barin. I am an explorer and collector. I was wondering if you might have any old objects you no longer want, or know of a ruin or fortress nearby I might investigate." Dwarin said, "I don't suppose I could rest my pony somewhere? And maybe myself?" The man stepped back, a queer smile on his face. "Well met, Dwarin, son of Barin. I am Bretor, son of Bregor. I am the mayor of this town. If you're looking for museum pieces, I'm afraid we aren't going to have many lying around. I'm sure old Tarcor has some books he could give you. Just northwest of here is the old hall of Beorn the great. Anything you find there is yours." Bretor gestured to the building behind him. "This is the tavern. You can stay here. My only warning is to not leave the building at night. Your pony will be safe with us, and if you do not get it back, we shall provide another..." His eyes looked off to the side, slightly uncomfortable. Dwarin smiled again. "This is excellent, Mayor Bretor. I thank you and your people for their hospitality."</s> <|message|>Vunkar Black tongue The Black Tongue Waiting. His eyes hunting for the foot, a hand or cry of mouth - a sudden burst of shadowed color or reaching sound to indicate a target, flesh bound towards his sights. With a clatter from behind a slim stone pillar, the sound of a shout from between the hairs of a beard rang around the cave. Turning his neck on an angle, Vunkar spotted the shimmering tip of a pike just in time, his window of opportunity was closing fast, the sharp end spinning and rushing towards him. Rolling to the floor, his shoulder catching between two rocks and flipping him onto his stomach earlier than expected, Vunkar swiftly squeezed his trigger and struck the armored arm that hang around the pillar, its owners awareness not broad enough to consider their weakness. Crash, crunch and tearing - in that order, the bolt pierced the gauntlet then broke bone and finally broke through the flesh on the opposite side. "Furrin Pikearm, 'ell of an arm. Ee can be fund North of er' for sur', in t'cave whar they mine." He recalled his contract and its specification, this would have to go one way, and if The Black Tongue had learned anything in his time of killing, it's that Dwarfs are the least likely to surrender without a fight - even man filth are not as arrogant. Crawl, pounce and restrain.</s> <|message|>Lathronien 'Ghost-Eye' -Darcyn- The Orc Hunter narrowed his eyes. "...make it hard to understand people...why would I want to fight you? That would be a stupid idea..." This little brat was mocking him! Saying he couldn't understand him because he was too ale ridden. Saying that the great Darcyn was too weak to fight him! "Why ye...!" He snarled, drawing a fist back. Throwing the punch, he accidentally clipped one of his drinking buddy's nose. There was a horrific shout as the bone snapped, and soon a all brawl was forming. Darcyn in the middle, pummeling and being pummeled. Drunkenly cursing peasant farmer and fat, rich merchants. For as Darcyn saw the world, so the world must be. Several other men waded in, breaking up the fight and throwing the perpetrators out of the door into the rain. Darcyn was one of the last, thrown out and he merely staggered out of the mud to pound on the inn door, "Lemme in ye, yellowed bellied Orc missus's! Goblin' flith!" -Selwyn- That little fool had started trouble. Whatever was said to the drunk obliviously enraged him, however she did catch bits and pieces of the conversation. "...someone, or someones, willing to travel and fight some, uh, worse-than-orc creatures..." The fool should have came earlier in the night, or during the morning. A jiggling purse did something to cure the hangovers of drunks. Standing as the man thrown the punch, narrowly missing the odd duck of a man. Moving with a powerful stride she ducked a few punches and snagged the back of the 'farmer's' clothes and hustled him with her her to the side door. "You are not so wise, Man." She spoke fluently in the tongue of man. Her accent ancient and foreign. "Come with me, I shall take you to a group who will help you." Shoving against the door, she steered him out into the rain. "You will get no more aid there, not with the mess you caused."</s>
<|message|>Meonwel 'Nemirenia' Oh, great. I thought, as the orc hunter drew back his arm to punch. Just great. Then he hit one of his drinking buddies, who hit him back, and started a full on brawl. I just backed away into a corner. Why did they have to fight each other? It's not right, shouldn't people be fighting with each other? Then the elf approached me. "You are not so wise, Man. Come with me, I shall take you to a group who will help you." She said. "Oh, uh, ok." I picked up my stuff and followed her. "You will get no more aid there, not with the mess you caused" As we went out into the rain. Drawing up the hood of my coat, I shivered slightly. "Good night for the plants, bad night for me. Why did I choose to go?" I muttered to myself.</s>
<|description|>Esther von Degraff Esther von Degraff --- Age: 14 years old Appearance: Height = 160 centimeters Weight = 45 kilograms Bio/Summary: A young heiress of the Degraff noble family, she was pretty much raised by her stern grandfather for most of her life, as her mother perished when giving birth to her and her father soon followed afterward due to sickness. When her grandfather found out about her magic potential, he sent her to the Academy to bring glory to the Degraff name. Esther reluctantly agreed as she loved her grandpa and she didn't want to disappoint him, even though she felt she wasn't really suited to be a fighter. She is somewhat shy and dislikes fighting after all. Doesn't mean she will run away in combat though as she has the Degraff name to uphold. Vessel: Her vessel normally takes the form of the red high heeled slippers she wore. It could also turn into a pair of red knee-high boots to use its stronger, battle-fit abilities. Abilities: Her vessel's ability is basically to manipulate wind to her bidding. In slipper form, it uses the wind to enhance her mobility, allowing her to run at great speed and jump for a great height/distance. In boots form is where it truly shines in combat however, as it allows her to create a wind barrier that circles around her, protecting her from any attacks coming her way. If she were to stomp her foot, she could send a high pressure wind blade that will cut anything blocking its path. She can also choose to create smaller wind sickles that she could control. Equipment: Her favorite red dress and purple headdress. Trivia/Other: She is quite the terrible sleeper. She would mumble all sorts of things in her sleep and she would often wake up in the morning falling off her bed.</s> <|message|>Althea "Beaky" Clemmons. Also responds to cries of "MEDIC!" She took hold of the wounded scout as the captain went to rally the troops. She lay out a sheet across the grown and then lowered him and herself onto it. She pulled/cut away the garments covering the wounded areas and inspected his injuries. They were bad, very bad. Some part of her consider the patient lost, that it would be best to put the poor soul out of his misery and focus on keeping everyone else alive. But she was a doctor damn it, or at least on in training, and she refused to give up even as she nearly wet herself from the explosion that almost reduced them both to paste. She channeled her magic, the gauntlet glowing red, as she took the odd journal and placed it in the pocket that had once held her own. She placed the softly glowing flask she had just created on the ground for later and de-summoned the gauntlet, removed the bangle and placed it inside her medical bag. Having loose jewelry on your person while operation was an awful idea as it might catch on something and do additional damage. "I'll keep it safe for you but you have to stay with me Wagnil. you have to hold on. you have some explaining to do after this, but no more words now. just try to stay still as I work" She retrieved her scalpel, tweezers, needle and suture from the bag while she called out for help, apparently they really wanted her dead but there was no way in hell she was leaving the patient to die like this. She tried to put on a calm confidence to hide her terror as bullets whizzed past them. Her call for help was a mostly steady one. "Esther! I would really appreciate if you came over and helped shield the patient from fire with your winds!" She then began the procedure and while she wished she had a more sterile environment, the sheet that she had placed between him and the forest floor would have to do. It was a somewhat ironic fact about treating internal injuries that you had to cut the external wounds open more to get inside, she used her scalpel to widen the upper wound so that she could get a look inside. First she used the tweezers to extract any residue of the round that still remained in his body, then she used the needle and suture to sew shut the puncture in his lung. She then performed a similar procedure on his intestinal wound. Finally she sewed shut the external wounds and tried to get him to drink the previously created concoction. The healing potion would accelerate the natural healing process and hopefully seal the wounds with tissue where the suture had pulled the two separated areas of flesh together. It would also help increase blood production, hopefully countering the blood loss he had suffered. He would need plenty of rest after this but if everything had gone as planed he would live. This entire process was a lengthy and delicate operation, the patient was perilously close to death and any interruption to the procedure could spell his doom. In the end though it was down to whether Wagnil had the will and blood to cling to life as she worked. Once the operation was complete Althea's gloves were covered in blood and her nerves shot from having to do such a delicate procedure under fire. She had done all she could.</s> <|message|>Esther von Degraff Esther von Degraff --- Before the two could answer, a familiar green-haired girl entered the scene. Leblanc was her name, and she was another cadet, just like Esther. She ran towards the group while burning any leaves and bushes she could find in the way. It certainly helped with distracting the enemy from aiming at them from a distance, even for a while. She urged them to move before the enemy could circle around the flames. She then was followed with a blonde man with a suit; Crispin, another one of them. He also urged the group to retreat, saying he didn't have any plans to die in this hellhole. Well, Esther could agree with that. She certainly didn't want to die either. She still had many things she wanted to do after all. And dying seemed painful. It was a grim thing to say, but she wished her wind blades would slice the enemy head's off for a quick and clean death. After that, Willem arrived as well. He had a different plan in mind. He said that they should seize the chance while they were distracted by the flames. Close-ranged combatants should engage the swordsmen while those with ranged abilities should attack the gunners. A sound plan, she thought. With the shieldbearers being distracted by the others, she could snipe the gunners with her ability easily. She also had to make sure to guard herself and the others from stray bullets however as they would be up against multiple gunners from multiple angles. So Willem's advice to watch each other's backs was correct as well. Esther however decided to ignore his comment about the possibility of the Fort being attacked, or worse, had been taken by the enemy. No sense in worrying a problem for the future right now! Gotta stay positive after all! Suddenly, her positive reinforcement was broken with the Captain scolding her for exposing herself unnecessarily like that. "Y-yes, Captain, I-I'm sorry!" was going to be her response, but before she could say it, an explosion suddenly rang terribly near their location, making her close her ears instinctively with her hands. She had heard of this sound before. It was definitely an artillery, she thought. But why here? This was just a camp, not a fortress. After that, she heard Althea shouting from a distance for her to come over to her side and shield her while she operated on her patient. She looked at her path but there were five enemy soldiers blocking her way. Not to mention the Grenadier lining his shot right towards them. ...Oh crap, she had to block that! Quickly, she activated her vessel, creating a wind barrier that surrounded the group. "S-sorry Althea, but I'm kinda occupied here!" she shouted back at the medic. If she moved from her position now, she was afraid that her teammates would be blown apart by the grenadier's explosives. And she couldn't send a wind blade towards the man, as it would dispel the barrier she had erected. She needed another to take care of him. "S-someone, get that grenadier at once so I can get to Althea's place!" she shouted to no one in particular. @Er0r @Onarax @Mercurial @TheWindel @Mega Birb @Hammerman @Mag Lev @DracoLunaris @Leotamer @Ghost Queen @Lonewolf685 @Crimmy @SilverDawn</s> <|message|>Natus Finis A city, a town, a forest, a burning forest, a desert: It didn't matter the terrain, all Finis members are trained to be a shadow in both the light and the dark, invisible to normal eyes, not by magic, but pure skill and training. Natus spotted the target threatening his team. Against an army, he is weak. Against a single man, he is a grim reaper. He had positioned him behind the grenadier, moving without a sound. He reached towards the ground and grabbed as much dirt as he could from the ground, with his blade in his other hand. As he moved, he striked the group with the red-edge of his blade, moving quickly and without hesistiance or pause. And without stopping his stride, he made two brutal slashes against the tendons of the would-be bomber, leaving them with the red mark. He turned around, and the red marks he left on the ground and the person exploded as he took the dirt and throw it into the crowd to cover his escape. At least one bullet flew towards him, but did not hit. He retreated back into stealth, hoping he had placed enough force into his attack to kill the man quickly. Another sneak attack against the same enemy twice would be harder, but not impossible.</s> <|message|>Gerhardt Sorensen As Gerhardt cut down another bullet that was going for him, he noticed the injured Wagnil getting pulled into cover. He was still alive, so while he had the chance to, the northerner held his left hand out towards him. From his index finger, a red, ethereal link shot out and latched onto the dying man, signalling the transfer of Lionheart onto him, effectively stabilizing him through Althea's efforts to save his life. He returned his attention to the group that had formed around him, to which he allowed himself a grin. "Stab through their line, then split into two groups! I'll go with the left, Leon take the right!" With some level of orders given in the bullet hell this was turning into, along with grenades starting to rain in on them, he gave a rallying cry before swiping another bullet out of the air and charging into the trio at 12-o'clock in the ambush. Since he was leading the charge, firearms started to get pointed at him, and Mystletainn kept catching the flying brass that wanted him dead. As he approached the trio, the two axemen guarding the gunner readied their defense. It was cleaved through, though, by Gerhardt unceremoniously deactivating his Vessel and drop kicking the shield of the left axer, knocking him prone. The lowborn warrior was in a similar position, though he hopped to his feet in time to move to the side of a downward swing from the other guard. As he tried to recover his weapon, Gerhardt grabbed onto it and kicked him away with the heel of his boot. Now in possession of an axe, the northerner immediately put it to use to by spinning around and slamming the sharp end into his victim's collarbone. It was ripped out a moment later as another shot broke the night, this time avoided. Aiming to return fire, Gerhardt freed his new weapon and took a hop-step before releasing it from his grasp, spinning towards the rifleman. There was a satisfying thud as it connected and buried itself in the unfortunate soul's chest. There was still the remaining axeman who had been flattened earlier. Mystletainn returned to Gerhardt's hand as he jumped for the enemy, slamming the end of the sword into the chest of the warrior. A second later, the northerner stood up and pun his Vessel once in his hand, both parties ever so slightly stained with blood now. "They aren't so tough, let's keep moving!" @DracoLunaris@KoL@TheWindel@Mercurial</s> <|message|>Leon Brandeau Leon Brandeau A sizable group quickly formed around Leon and Gerhardt. It was understandable that not everyone raced to their side in the thick of battle, so Leon was content with what they assembled. What he was less content with was the growing chaos on the field. The advent of an artillery strike certainly boded ill for their prospects, but Leon hadn't given up yet. Even worse, their gathering had attracted the attention of opportunistic ranged combatants on the enemy side, but other cadets seemed quick to respond to them. At Gerhardt's call, Leon readied to charge with a nod of affirmation. As their charge began, Leon broke to the right as they split the line as expected. He immediately engaged two axemen from the line, bringing his glaive up horizontally to block their strikes in one go. He then jerked his glaive to the right, wrenching the pair off balance. He then used the moment to rip his glaive free of his block and strike at one axeman's neck. As it struck true, the other axeman rallied to cut him down. Even with his weapon still stuck in the first man, Leon dropped to one knee and caught the oncoming axe below the blade with the shaft of his glaive. He then tore it free of the first man, and used the momentum to pull the second man's axe hand aside, and then whipped his glaive around to smack him in the face with the end of it. With the man stunned, he then finished him off with a clean slice to an exposed part in his armor. He then joined in Gerhardt's final rallying cry. "Yes! Let us make a clean sweep, for the Empire!" He called out. Although concerns about the artillery played at the back of his mind, he had resolved to keep fighting in spite of it. Even if he had to sprint up to the very position of the artillery and slay it's crew, he was determined to achieve victory.</s>
<|message|>Esther von Degraff With Natus taking care of the grenadier, and Gerhardt and Leon carving through the blockade, Esther had a straight shot towards Althea. She quickly switched back her vessel to its dormant mode and used its ability to quickly run towards the medic, who was still busy with her work. "I-I'm here!" she announced to her before erecting her wind barrier once more. Now they should be safe from any stray bullets. She truly hoped Althea could save the man from the brink of death. She was sure he would have people who would miss him if he were to die here, and that would be really sad.</s>
<|description|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Male Looks about 30 Appearance 6'0" Pale white skin. White irises. Edges around his eyes are naturally often dark. Giving him the appearance of having eyeliner. Messy slightly below shoulder length wavy white hair. Long bangs that often get in his eyes. Two engraved cylindrical medium length silver hair beads, one on the right side of his hair and one on the back left. Silver feather dangle earring on his left ear lobe. Left hand's fingernails are pointed and sharp Faux golden mink fur double breasted coat. Length goes down to his mid thigh. Brown horn buttons. Brown silk liner. Black with white polka dots pattern wool fringed scarf worn draped around the back of his neck under his coat. Loosely tied into a knot low right below his chest. Various loose fitting polo or aloha/bowling shirts. Gold 22" 10mm cuban link chain necklace. White ribbed tank top undershirt. Gold Rolex Datejust 36mm with a white dial and jubilee bracelet. Silver band thumb ring, silver pinkie finger signet ring with a X engraved on the front. Gold pointer finger ring with a inlaid diamond. All on his left hand Plain black leather dress glove with a white X on the palm on his right hand. Silver 12mm cuban link chain id tag style bracelet on his right wrist Black dress pants. Black leather western style belt with an silver buckle and furnishings. Usually has a black embossed leather revolver holster on the right side. Black leather cowboy boots with snip toe caps and floral stitching. Pant legs worn over the boot shaft. Or Various Air Jordan 5 sneakers. White crew socks. Hair A bit longer in the back Nemo is often considered a Mana-fiend among other terms. Someone who can feed off of mana itself for energy. He has a innate control over mana and mastery with absorption focused spells. Being able to drain other Talent's mana reserves to refill his own. With more advanced spells Nemo can even harness the natural mana found in the world for himself in a pinch. While most Talents are able to increase their maximum mana pool by training. Nemo sadly lacks this ability. But makes up for it by being able to permanently increase his pool by fully draining mana from living beings and certain objects. Fully draining a magic user can also sometimes give Nemo the ability to use some of their spells. An added bonus of consuming mana is that it makes him immune to aging. All of his mana must be put to some sort of worthy use, and Nemo does so by specializing in highly destructive spells and traps. Often using an "X" shape motif. He also utilizes summoning magic circle relay rings. When a magic projectile passes through them, it increases in speed and power. Relay rings can also be chained together like a railgun to devastating effect. Nemo triggers most of his attacks from the X shaped rune on the palm of his glove. At times Nemo also has a affinity for fine custom weaponry instead of spells. Utilizing rifles, knives, and his trademark revolvers with specialized ammo to conserve his mana. Nemo is fond of the dark and the cold. He sees and reacts better in darker places with his white nocturnal-like eyes. However as a drawback he often becomes irritated and uncomfortable in bright or hot areas. While his actual age is a mystery, it is said that at a young age Nemo was shunned by all of the leading magic organizations for his unpredictable abilities and attributes. Being an orphan, Nemo was left to fend for himself in the world. His abilities were the only thing he had at a young age, realizing that most people were afraid of his style of spells. Nemo found that resorting to force to get what he needed was usually the only option that worked. As his control over his abilities grew he began to get more involved with the magic underground. Nemo began to take advantage of his anti-mana magic to make a name for himself as a effective assassin against other fellow magic users. He did this as a means to both further his own power and take revenge against the magic community for it's treatment of him. As Nemo's notoriety grew, the magic factions that once rejected him began to take notice. However not in the way he once wanted. Nemo began to become a problem for them, something that reached a climax when he executed a pair of Catholic Magi while on a armored transport mission. The Church had let him grow unchecked for too long. To solve the problem they set an ambush up for Nemo with a group of Grand-Magi and a entourage of his students. A fight occurred between the two, ending with Nemo's capture. But not before the group of mages suffered great causalities, including their leader. After the encounter Nemo was locked up deep in a pitch black cell within a dungeon located under the Vatican. There he lies in wait, feeding off of the small amount of mana rationed to him and wondering how long it will take before he is set free. Despite it all Nemo often comes off as a rather chipper carefree individual, something that is often seems sinister while fighting instead. Nemo is often unstable, his polite and charismatic outer attitude sheds to his more psychotic inner shell while angered. Nemo has a fascination with all things visual. Taking great pride with his work and considering the battles he partakes in as art. Aiming to make them as aesthetically impressive as he can. He's also a collector, coming off as borderline greedy in some cases. He'll try to obtain anything he finds visually appealing. Nemo becomes highly irritated when his possessions are sullied. Thankfully he can often repair them. Going hand in hand with his knack for collecting, he also takes great joy in eating. Being able to consume a very large amount of food and eat just about anything. 5.5 inch single action revolver. 3.5 inch birds head handle single action revolver. Bolt action hunting rifles. Balisong knives</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya whistled a descending scale of amusement. "First the slab, and now this? Color me impressed, Bookworm." Raiya headed through the passageway left of the middle passage. The darkness in front of her, made it impossible to see. So she flicked her wrist, turning her palm to face upwards and a blue bright ball of electrical mana danced in the air abover her palm, illuminating the passageway. The passage was a long thin hallway, that was just wide enough for one person to walk through at a time. She could see far enough ahead to know the hallway took a sharp and angular turn to the left. She turned back to face the group, "Well, let's get going then," Raiya said, before venturing a bit deeper in to the passageway.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley "Very ingenious, Travis." Nemo agreed as he followed Raiya into the passageway. After a few moments of walking he continued. "Let's just hope the... walls don't close in on us." He said, looking to the side. "That would be unpleasant." Nemo finished, he hoped none of them were claustrophobic. After the accident from before Nemo made sure to scan the ground for anything out of the ordinary as well.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya continued down the hallway following every sharp turn until eventually, a dull blue light could be seen from the end of the hallway. As she got closer, she could see the hallway expanded into a large, circular, cave-like room. To an ordinary person, the room would have appeared to be unfinished, as if the rock was removed from the area only enough to make the room a room. But Raiya could tell, just from the smell of the place, that this room left the way it was, a cave-like musky room, was no mistake. The room was more than 50 feet tall at the highest point towards the middle, the walls all jagged and roughly cut. Stalagmites and stalactites had formed over the years as water dripped down from cracks in the room's ceiling. The room was about 300 feet around, but the shape of the room was more oblong than circular. In the middle of the room was a large 50 foot circle of mana crystal torches attached to 6 foot wooden shafts, each one attached to its own shaft. All the torches were charged with the same bit of mana, and even though they weren't fully charged, they were bright enough to illuminate the whole room in a dull blue glow. In the middle of the ring of mana torches was a 30 foot pile of rubble, and at the top of the pile of rubble was a brightly gleaming purple mana crystal. No, Raiya could tell this room was left unfinished on purpose, this wasn't a room many people spent a lot of time in, and if she had to guess, with the feeling it gave off and the small smell of blood still staining the room, this was a chamber for sacrificial rituals. And by the smell of it, it was not animal sacrifices, but human. Raiya used manalysis to survey the room, but as soon as she activated it, her senses were overwhelmed. The mana coming from the small fist sized purple mana crystal at the top of the pile was no ordinary mana crystal. It overflowed with a seeming endless supply of mana. It felt as though the crystal was going to push her down with the weight of all the near limitless mana it contained, and crush her. Feeling the aura it exuded, it almost felt like a living being, and the aura humbled Raiya giving her perspective of just how small and feeble her own mana pool was. Then it donned on her, and she couldn't help but whisper out, "So this is a Paragon..." "Ḑ̥̦̩i͏͙̱̱̪̤d̘͎̦̪̜̻͇͟ ̡̮̫̩̼͈̺̪y̮̗͉̟͖ou̞̣̠̙̤͟ ҉sa͇y̜̠͙͇̝̘͢ ̫͚̼̬̗͟Ṕ̳̰͇͕͔̮a͕͈̮̩͖͝r̖͖̲̤͖̝ͅag̝̘͇̱̫̯̗͟o̮̭͙̟̘̟n? ̳͎̺̀R̭͈a̧͚i̴̪̙̤̘y̝̘̬̼a̹͘, ̲̼̮̻̹ḑ̼̰̥̦̼̟į͚̙ḓ̵̝͉ ̧̰̙̩̺̙y̳̤̥̦̣̺͝o̵̙͓̱̪̜u͈̦͕͝ ̠͕̩̠̞̳g͈̰̰̱̪u͇̩y͞s͕͖̪͚͇̼ ̱̤̳̱̀m̙̝̕a̝̳̜̩̜̗k̷̰͖̠̖e͉̙ͅ ̰͕̞i̩̥̗t̹ ̗̜̼̻t̵̝̤̼͎̭o̝̩͓͍̲͚͖ ͕̜̠̝t̛͈̤̞̙̥̖ͅh̤̞͍̖e̥̘͕̪̦̞ ̱͔̟̜̠͕͕p҉̭̰̭̯̦͕a͜r͇̝̝̟̬ͅa̦go͉͎͝n̴̮͙̘?̩̯ ͙͕̹̬̲̼I̗̺̺̣͞ ̷̥c̛̙a̼̰̗̖̘̫n̸̫̹̥̗̙'̩̹̤̺t̫́ ̵̮̼̰ḥ͖̤͚̮e͙̤ar҉ ̣͓y̛o̪͕̪̤u͇̙ ̻̥̫̬͉͕̭v̗͍̜̖͉͜ȩ̺͚̮r̮͔͚ͅy̠͍̮̯ ̯͔̙͕̩͎͕we̹͚͚̜͘ͅl͔͓̫̙̕ͅl̼̹̼̺͈. Raiya?" Felix said. "What? Felix? I think the Paragon is causing an interference. Felix?" There was a moment of what could have sounded like Felix's voice attempting a reply but the static was so great that the voice could not be discerned. And then a steady static overtook the voice comms. Raiya sighed and then removed the earpiece. Turning back she asked, "Well, who wants to volunteer to go up there and get the Paragon?"</s>
<|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley As Nemo walked further down the passageway he began to sense the presence of what could only be the paragon. The massive power of the artifact gave him a feeling of hunger, only amplified once he made his way into the chamber of the artifact. Nemo's concentration was interrupted by the static over the intercom, resulting in him turning it off with his manadial. "I will." Nemo suggested as he began walking over. He figured that it was likely that with abilities such as the ones he possessed, people didn't really trust him touching the paragons. If he planned to turn on the group, attempting to absorb one of the paragons would be the go-to choice for most people in his shoes. However Nemo was a man of his word. He did what people asked of him, and no matter how tempting the raw mana of the paragon may be, he has a duty to fulfill for now. The pile of rubble wasn't much of a challenge for him, he gracefully hopped from rock to rock to the top of the pile. Once Nemo made it to the top he finally was able to get a good look at it. It really was beautiful, but now wasn't the time to admire, he reached out his left un-gloved hand and touched it.</s>
<|description|>Arex TSXIV Arex Age/Gender/Race: Approx 32, Male, biologically created Dalentian/human hybrid. Appearance: Arex stands at 6'4 with a genetically enhanced augmented athletic body. He has pale-ish skin with deep contrasting dark hair and eyes. Occupation: Test Subject. An experiment to harness the psionics of the Delentian and fuse it with an augmented cybernetic human. Arex's whole life from pre-birth up until recently has been one long lab experiment. Weapons * Plasma Katana (powered) * 2x Advanced integrated tech auto pistols (ballistic) * Pulse grenades (powered) * Psionic 'floating' knives (dual) Armor: Custom built and suited armoured exoskeleton. Connects to his augmentations for seamless response and optimal sensory, physical and psionic enhancement. Items* All purpose multi-tool wrist band * A large mysterious and secure briefcase. * 'Pet' mini turret and spy drone. Skills: * Fast and agile Dalentian combat prowess * Expert swordsman * Stealthy * Infiltration (Cybernetic augmentations to interface and overcome tech difficulties.) Powers: Psionic * Levitate * Phase (short burst) * Force wave Other: Arex has no past nor purpose, he is unsure where he came from or of his origins.</s> <|message|>Amy Rosseau You did what?! A collab between @Xandrya & @Crossfire --- Amy had just gotten out of the shower, and she sat quietly in her corner of the common area listening to Stryker make his "victory" speech. She pushed back a strand of wet hair from her face, the bitterness she currently felt threatening to make her lash out against the rest of the team. But Amy kept her composure, never being one for dramatic outbursts unless she was sure she was alone. Fighting back a couple of tears, Amy skipped the toast and instead, she downed her drink and momentarily cringed as the liquor left the all-too familiar burning sensation once it had traveled down her throat. She kept the empty shot glass in hand, and when it quieted down a bit, she asked Grayson to meet her in the kitchen. Despite her knowing the outcome of the mission, Amy wanted to get the details straight, at least for her own sake. First order of business for Grayson upon getting back to the ship was to head to his room and change out of his armor. He lingered for a moment, checking out his shoulder, which felt fine apart from the usual muscle fatigue of a long gunfight and the lingering burn mark from the laser blast that had grazed him. It didn't seem serious enough to require medical attention, but perhaps he'd check in on the med bay later, see if he could grab some healing gel to lessen the sting. The t-shirt and shorts he'd worn under his armor were drenched in sweat, and since he had no interest in staring out a window at a 2 second long explosion, Grayson took the opportunity to grab a shower before the men's room got too crowded. He emerged from the shower feeling refreshed and wearing the only other set of casual clothes he owned, a sleeveless tee and track pants. He sat around silently as Stryker gave a speech. He was never one to refuse a drink, so he downed his own, then slid Maxi's over with a quick "do ya mind?" and downed that one too. Amy called him over to speak in private. 'Here we go then' he thought as she led the way into the kitchen. "So, what's this about lass?" "I just want to clarify a few things," she said, leaning against the counter after she found it, the shot she'd taken just starting to make her feel a little bit light-headed. It didn't help that she hadn't eaten anything in a while. Amy then pulled the sleeves of her off-white sweater over her hands before crossing her arms. "What exactly happened to my father? I know he was killed, but I need to know the details." "Right, I figured as much" Grayson said, leaning against the counter, facing the wall so he wouldn't have to look directly at her. "We were talking... negotiatin' a deal. I thought it was fair: information in exchange for a ride off the ship, seemed like he thought so too, but then out of nowhere, the guy throws up his gun, said if we didn't walk away, he was gonna open fire. I tried to talk him down, but it didn't work... I had to act" Amy stood still for a moment, riddle with shock. So it was him who had been responsible for her father's death. "But you didn't have to kill could have easily incapacitated him with whatever fancy weapon you had on you. Why--why did you take the first shot?" Obviously it was hard for Amy to swallow the truth. Since Arex had already betrayed her, it would easily make sense for Grayson to do the same. The thought alone filled her with rage, and this time she acted upon it. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" she yelled, reaching for the closest thing behind her--which happened to be an empty glass--and throwing it in the direction of Grayson's voice. The glass shattered against the cupboard directly to the left of Grayson's head, shards of it flew all across the countertop. He jumped back at the noise and turned on his heels to face Amy. The anger in her voice was nothing compared to the look of disgust on her face. It broke his heart to see her in such pain. With one hand, he absent-mindedly brushed the glass fragments together in a neat little pile, mulling a response. "I suppose if you go to the root of the problem, it's that I'm a killer. Since I was a kid, all I've known is death, I became so familiar, so desensitized to it, that I made a career of it. In nearly 20 years I've taken my jobs as they rolled in, made the kill and moved on, I could've been changing worlds for the better or worse, never known because it's not my place to deal with the fallout.... but here, now..... what just happened, it's the first time I've ever killed to save a life.. to save your life. "I didn't need saving!" Amy cried, sinking to the floor in a mess of tears. At the moment, she just wanted someone to empathize with her, but such sentiment wasn't possible given the fact that her father had been leading the army of enemies. "I've got no one left now..." she continued, whispering to herself as the sad truth sunk in for the young woman. Since she was on the ground, she hugged her legs for comfort and for a moment, she thought about what the rest of her life would be like from that point on. Grayson crossed the room and knelt next to Amy. He spoke in a low voice. "You won't want to hear this, I didn't wanna have to tell ya. Hell, ya might not even believe me, but your father was going to kill you" He paused to let it set in, thought about reaching out to try and comfort her, but decided against it. He continued: "His arm shot up, and I could see that his aim was locked dead center on your forehead. Any move I could have made to incapacitate 'im would've triggered a muscle response, and we wouldn't even be havin' this conversation. I'm sorry, but I had to do it" As much as Amy didn't want to believe him, something about his voice made her realize that Grayson was in fact telling her the truth. She choked back whatever tears were left and turned to face him. "I just don't understand why he would want to kill his own daughter," Amy said as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "But thank you for telling me the truth despite its consequences, and I'm sorry for not beliving you sooner." Amy spoke in a monotone voice, and she looked as if her own soul had been sucked out of her. "I'll go back to my room now," she continued, getting herself up off of the ground. "How long until my armor is fully functional again?" she asked, changing the subject. Grayson pushed himself back to his feet and did some quick calculations in his head. "Give us a day or two. I haven't gotten a good look at it yet, but should be able to patch most of it with stuff we have here. If not, I'll pick it up when we dock" He reached out and gently laid a hand on her shoulder, hoping to shake her out of her reverie. "Hey, c'mon I'll walk ya back" he muttered. "Thank you," she replied as sincerely as she could. Despite the fact that Grayson was a killer as he had described a few moments prior, he was trying to get on her good side, and she appreciated his efforts. "Sorry about the glass..." she added, smirking for a moment before she followed him out of the kitchen. "Ah, no worries lass... yer aim was off by a couple inches anyway" Grayson chuckled as he led the way back towards the quarters. Most of the crew had dispersed to go back about their day after Stryker had finished speaking. It was a short walk they made within a minute. "Here ya are. Listen, I wanna say it again, if there was any other way that could've gone, it would've and just.... thanks for understandin I guess" He leaned down somewhat awkwardly to wrap one arm around her shoulder, before withdrawing it quickly. "Uh, I better get goin', get a start on repairin' your armor. Talk later?" "Yeah, sounds good," she replied with a smug smile, leaning against the door with her arms crossed in front of her. "See you later." Amy heard him walk away before she turned around and walked inside her room. It was very easy to tell that Grayson had some feelings for her just by how nervous he'd acted around her, the opposite of how trained killers usually behaved. Everyone does have their weakness, she thought.</s> <|message|>Ren Ren --- Finally, some downtime. Emphasis on 'some'. --- The team of Hunter Droids was far too great for just the boarding party to handle - or so Renli thought. Damn it, I should've been down there, he thought to himself, and he braced for a view of the inevitable bloodbath on Stryker's datapad. He would never get over the sight of his allies getting gunned down and slaughtered no matter how long it had been. The bloodbath never came. Behind him in the gunnery hall, Rento was dealing with all debris and beams approaching the ship with her five gun turrets. In a cleaner moment, Renli fired a firing coordinate to her, based on the location of the hangar and the position of communicators' signal origins. SC HP L AM A hole had appeared in the hangar door and where one Hunter Droid had been standing was a crater and a splattering of broken parts. The sparking and fizzling hole continued clean through to the next level down - an armor piercing antiship shell had sent the Droid on its merry way to hell. Automated breach repair protocols kicked in and a bubble of pink, gumlike adhesive floated down from a hole in the ceiling, where it was sucked to the breach in the hangar and splattered shut to seal the hole. Within seconds, the combat was over, surprisingly with zero losses. Renli was satisfied with his handiwork and directed his other self to protect the shuttles at all costs as they returned to the Revenant. --- Once out of danger, Renli had returned to the storage closet with the Tower entity. Cables were everywhere, crisscrossing over one another and burying themselves in the hull of the ship, but there was a clear walking path from the door to the Tower, and two free spaces for himself and Rento. He shut down all non-automated systems, and Rento found herself conscious once more on the floor of the gunnery hallway. She recognized that it had been necessary for efficiency, but holy shit was that an uncomfortable position to be in. With a series of zipping noises, her prehensile cables slinked back under her top and into their storage compartments, which sealed themselves up once more beneath an almost invisible seam of synthetic skin. She made her way down to the Common Area as instructed over the ship's PA system, and took a seat. Alcohol was served - and though it wasn't exactly the kind of fuel she preferred, it was still possible to metabolize into energy, courtesy of her bioreactor. She quickly threw the contents of the shotglass down her throat to find that it was a lot harsher than she expected, and she sputtered and coughed for a few moments. Perhaps including comprehensive tastebuds and full sensation was a mistake, she thought to herself. The victory speech was sorta inspiring. Sorta. It didn't give her much confidence in the crew's abilities, especially with the alleged betrayal of Arex, but they were mostly in one piece. Only a handful hadn't made it back, and as far as she was concerned, those folks weren't exactly necessary. While Rento would have loved to have stayed and chatted with the rest of the crew, she still had the matter of her weaponry and her place on the Revenant to attend to, and she stood to approach Stryker. "When you get a moment, you said you wanted to talk to me down in the storage room? I'd like to make my position here a bit more official. Not too keen on just being a stowaway."</s>
<|message|>Arex TSXIV Arex One problem at a time. - 1st task, dead weight. Arex was not present for the congratulatory cheers. As much as he could use the drink, while everybody else celebrated a 'victory' he wallowed over his 'failings'. His instinctive information had been wrong, he was driven to betray a team member already, and over nothing. He had almost lost control and in his pursuit for what wasn't there he had let his guard down and was badly injured for it. He felt he was becoming 'sloppy'. It was strange to be feeling that way considering he couldn't remember a thing prior boarding the ship. Those thoughts only compiled a new layer of hell onto the pulsing pain echoing through his head. 'One problem at a time.' He thought to himself as he took to the first task of carefully cutting free his damaged arm. At this point it was a dead weight on his body and much of the repair could be done while disconnected. He didn't have the luxury that Benny and Skelly shared. Arex's arm was not meant to come off, living tissue and nerves ran down the centre of the cybernetic contraption. As he disassembled and cut it piece by piece and part by part, it put him into a pure agony which made the job very trying as he almost faded out of consciousness on more than one occasion. His muffled growls and groans echoed and repeated sporadically from within his room as he took to the tedious painful task. As much as he wanted to rush it a fast repair required precise work. His next task was equally daunting, Arex had to seek out the medic he had previously insulted while avoiding Amy. He was not ready to face her and his head was in no condition to be fabricating lies.</s>
<|description|>Itzal (No known Surname) Nickname: Shadow, The Reaper Race: Lumyian Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Proportionality: Height: 5' 2'' Weight: 105 lbs Frame: Slender, Feminine, but slightly athletic build _______________________ Personality:- Itzal is warm, kind, gentle, and friendly to those he knows, however, can come off a little cold and uninviting to those he doesn't know very well. He is also very relaxed to the point of being very lazy and tends to not take much seriously at first glance, but in actuality cares deeply (especially towards his friends). He doesn't have much self-confidence and is easily taken advantage of and tends to "care too much" for those he deems friends, which can end up hurting him if he's not careful. Job: Thief, Fortune Teller/Oracle Fighting Style: Uses Martial Arts and agile movements/speed, almost as if he's dancing, not physically strong without weapons or magic. Weapons from strongest to weakest: Scythe, Sword, Staff, Dagger Armors/Outfits: A black robe with a hood and long sleeves, brown slash, and brown thigh high boots. Familiar: Hellhound Familiar Appearance: Familiar Abilities: Allows for Itzal to gain fire and darkness magic, unable to be burned and able to control shadows to attack or defend, however becomes weak to water and light. Susceptible to poison. Movement Type: Walks and Runs Familiar Size: Large Relic Weapons: A cat o' nine tails that has fire burning at the tips. Relic Armors: A choker made of obsidian, said to be crafted from the very fires of Hell. It severely burns those who touch it besides Itzal and gives off a blazing heat and can create a fire shield around Itzal and his teammates. Trance: Acrobatics triple as well as his magic stats. Seems to buff up more in terms of body build and strength, gives off a dark purple aura. If stays in Trance for too long, becomes berserk and loses control of himself and his magic. Pros- Speed, stamina, able to surprise attack, shadow manipulation Cons- Able to be knocked aside easily by larger enemies, hardly any physical strength, can lose control and go berserk in Trance, concept of mind isn't very great and can be easily overcome to others will. Racial Strengths- Can use Sign Magic Racial Weaknesses- Weak to physical attacks by 50% Background: Being a Lumyian, it is unsure exactly where Itzal is originally from or who his family is/was (and he's not telling), however what is known about his past was that he was once a slave to a noble in Alexandria, who treated him very poorly to the point where it affected his state of mind to the point where he lost all self confidence and esteem in himself and was completely dependent on his master for his physical and emotional well-being. However, one day his master vanished, leaving Itzal completely vulnerable. However, he managed to get by thieving and becoming a fortune teller on the streets, becoming well known for his fortunes due to the fact that he could predict a person's death and advise them on how to avoid their horrible demise. Itzal also began to start practicing the magic skills of his people once more to regain a sense of self that he had once lost and soon started slowly regaining himself as a person. He is a lot more confident and has more will power than he once had, he can still be reliant on others. However, to this day he is still searching out other Lumyians in hopes he can regain more of himself now that he has lost the aspect of having kinmanship.</s> <|message|>Wylde Ostera "Well enough..." Wylde stated as she was called to get on board. Now that she had changed her looks to a point, she suspected there shouldn't be too much chance for people to recognize her right away. Besides her old pictures from the military days didn't look like her anymore much either. They should be good on her front at least. That said her companions weren't exactly in the same boat so to speak. She sighed, in teh end of hte day if someone tried to confront them, they'd simply beat them into oblivion and that would be that. "I wonder how long it has been since I was visiting a place not for specific job." She wondered as she hopped on board and took a seat. Last few years she never seemed to have enough free time. Now that htey had a princess to guard and so on, it somehow felt less work like and more adventury.</s> <|message|>Karnrad Allard Karn had studied what disguise to wear, shrugging her shoulders as simply attached a black cape around her neck, clasping the front to her shoulder so it covered a good portion of her body. Wrapping her fluffy tail around her waist to look like a belt. Ears twitching against her messy blonde hair, the feline demi-human gave a soft mhmm before taking a teal scarf, pinning her ears down against her skull before wrapping the piece of fabric around her head to help cover some of her looks. Well, at least it will be a little more difficult to tell who she was now. Walking after Wylde, Karn glanced toward the taller woman before plopping down to take a seat beside her. Hands behind her head in a casual manner. Resisting the urge for her tail to wiggle. "Eh it's not so bad right?" she mused, closing her emerald green eyes as she simply listened. This job sure turned a bit adventurous. Still, Karn wasn't particularly happy about having to escort royalty, but a job was a job in the end.</s> <|message|>Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent Cassius nodded at everyone being present before taking a breath. "Alright... The plan is in place so we get there a bit faster... Because this has been a very long trek already, and I think we are all ready to have a good dinner when we are all done with this job, and well safe... WE might have took longer than needed... but I rather us be safe than sorry as a collective. And not to seem self absorbed, but I want to think we all did good thus far." Cassius began, smiling under his veil... It clearly hurt his face as he turned his head away for a moment twords Hitori -- Mother Superior -- before turning back, his jaw slightly moving left to right as if to numb the pain. Garnet suppressed a grin at this, she was clearly very amused at all this. "When you're ready Mr.Svent." Cassius' eyes seemed to trail to her. "Right, by this... long detour, we avoided three powerful beings thus far, I want to think of everyone's safety. As a result, I thought this would be the safest route." Monica blinked, she was quite skeptical of him, even if he has been correct in his judgment thus far. "May I?" She asked, as if to cut in. "What is it you'd like to say?" Cassius shifted his posture, one leg over the other, his hands resting on his thigh. "Just What are we avoiding? I think we are entitled enough to know at the very least." Monica blinked. Cassius chuckled for a moment. "I don't know how to describe them, aside from weapons... in the vision they had crow like wings... bells... and staffs of rare materials to work as powerful catalyst that could do serious harm to the ship. And ultimately bring up down to a far worse place. Even kill some of us -- more of us rather. Is that what you really want?" Cassius spoke out. "It's fine to be skeptical of me, no one will hold that against you. But we need a full group to just even beat one of them... But to have all three here?" Cassius shook his head. "Their eyes are hollow, yet full of a malevolent yellow glow. Not born naturally... as if..." Cassius didn't quiet have the right words for it, but the stress his eyes showed were enough to show he was genuinely concerned. "Alright... What else would we have missed?" Monica brought up, Cassius looking more annoyed at her presence. Garnet gave Monica a blank look. "Can you let him explain his plan? He's why we are here in fewer pieces. Grant him this much." Monica took a breath. It was hard for her to accept the mystic in place of a forensic explanation. She could measure the elements and how Aether is used to bring about the calling of the magics of boons to banes used by others, but to see possible realities they could have encountered? That was a lot for her to merely accept. "I'm sorry... But he is asking a lot of me to just believe your Majesty... As a scientist, I cannot measure timelines the way we can alter the course around a specific instance.... But to see entire what could be instances? Can you really blame my skepticism?" Monica raised a point. "I need more evidence. More than just faith." "I understand how you feel as someone who grew up hating whatever power I might have had. I truly do. I don't pretend these are perfect visions, or realities I can see. What I may have prevented in the past, might emerge later in the future. It was only an encounter of a mobile enemy. Just like how we evaded the queen airships. Just because you can avoid something, does not mean it fully disappears. That is a forensic fact I can give you based on reasoning, as well as the prognosis of the visions. Like all exparaments , we have some level of control, but not of the entire outcome, but more of a leaning to one. Is that too, not how your research works?" Cassius rebuttal made Monica nod in silence. It was a more satisfactory answer. Soon their boat was lowered to the ground where they would have to walk as a ground. "Right, my plan was for us to just move to get a few supplies in the city before making it to the southern route to take us through the south gate to reach the en route to Lindblum... I will summon Camazotz to act as a 'Demon' to flee from that the guards would have to let us through, and from there, we will be dealing with the regent's men, which Monica has authorization to arrange for an air shuttle. From there, are mission is done." Cassius stated as they reached the ground. In the distance, they could see the city of prepetual night, the city of nobles that had more thieves in poverty than Nobles living there.</s> <|message|>Hitori Beneath his Ancient Nun glamour Hitori perked up and his eyes momentarily glimmered, "What do you saw visions of the Hollow Wizards..." Hitori said in a cautious tone. His Gnarled Crone-like hands gripped around the false necklace he wore like a cornered Animal sheltering its young from attackers. "You just described the False things I saw in my Dream all that time ago. What do you mean they are coming!" Hitori seemed very agitated and his glamour scintillated from this. Ritsu put his hands on Hitori's Shoulders, "Easy there Grandma Fox, it's just a vision. If we stick to the plan then we shouldn't have to worry about your 'Hollow Wizards' or whatever." Hitori raised an eyebrow in a harsh Old Woman Scowl and raised an Arthritic Claw to Ritsu, "You don't understand False Monkey, they are not to be Trifled with. If they are coming then we as a whole are in Serious Danger, they crave the Safety of Royal Blood and have no concept of Empathy. These things are the Worst sorts of Perversions to the World...." Hitori pulled back and began to mutter something under his breath about Forests. Ritsu was uncomfortably confused by this, he leaned in to whisper to Cassius, "I'm not going to say that I'm familiar with Kumiho or that I particularly care for Hitori but...Is he going to be alright?"</s>
<|message|>Itzal (No known Surname) Itzal sighed, putting his hands behind his head as he walked between Cassius and Garnet, he had the same vision as Cassius, but he decided to keep quiet about asking questions about the monsters as Monica had. He knew only one thing, that if they were attacked, he'd have to protect Garnet and Cassius, easy as that. It didn't matter WHAT sort of creature they were, just that he'd take them down. He just didn't like that he was surrounded in a city of nobles... It reminded him of a past that he would love to forget. He had to admit that it didn't help his nerves with Hitori being incredibly worried about this vision, however. "I don't think we should worry too much." He said with a sudden confidence, that was very unlike him. "Sir Cassius has devised a plan for this vision not to come to light, we just have to be confident in his abilities. Worrying will only ruin us." He swallowed slightly, "I... Have confidence in my abilities as well." He said, though that statement was lacking all the confidence his previous statement was embellished with. "We can do this, we can do this..." He muttered under his breath, adjusting the hood of his cloak before fingering over his collar. It wasn't very noticeable, but his tail slightly started frizzing up with agitation as he wondered what sort of powers "Hollow Wizards" could possibly posses.</s>
<|description|>Lucas Schwarz Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: Fists. Send help. Crow's Beak: Crow's Beak is, at its core, an alternative form of the ubiquitous poleaxe-- a Lucerne Hammer. Also known as a Bec de Corbin (from which the moniker 'Crow's Beak' has been derived), this weapon is characterized by the four-pronged hammer at its head, curved spike upon the opposite side (the eponymous "beak"), and an even longer spike that extends from the top of the haft. In the case of Crow's Beak, the shaft of the weapon is long and sturdy, extending well above his head at six feet even. Rather than one solid unit, though, the bottom half twists off into a semi-automatic shotgun, providing Luke with some now sorely needed ranged offense, whist the top half simply maintains its original function as a slightly long-handled warhammer. Finally, the aforementioned, sole piece of carryover his original weapon comes in the form of that topmost spike, now a thin yet sturdy coil of steel that retains the stabbing capabilities of the classical design whilst gaining an additional boring (as in the ability to bore through something) utility, in case sturdy armor should be encountered that he cannot simply smash, shoot, or stab through. Specialty: Close-Quarters Combat, with a focus on all aspects of unarmed fighting as well as simply outlasting opponents through sheer guts and an advantageous semblance. Not a tank so much as a sponge, and not the tip of the spear so much as the glue keeping everything else in one piece. Soon to begin working on middling and longer ranges. Semblance: Healing Blood: Rather than focusing primarily on the defensive, shield-like capabilities that most Auric individuals come to take almost for granted, Luke's semblance causes it to take an almost entirely different route when dealing with physical trauma— rather than outright absorption and nullification, his aura instead fuels massively overdriven levels of healing. In essence, rather than stack up defenses, Luke's method of survival is always being able to get back up for more after something flays him alive. While still tougher than a normal human by leaps and bounds, you're more likely to see him spilling blood than any other Hunter. This is, in actuality, not quite a bad thing— that same aura-charged blood, when in contact with another's wounds, will impart similarly accelerated restorative effects until it evaporates. In a way, it befits him: To be knocked down seven times means you must stand up eight, and to help others means you must be willing to invite harm upon yourself. Personality: Luke is a person that can be described, plainly put, as "selfless to a fault". Driven by a deep-seated sense of justice and desire to become a hero, all it usually takes for him to want to step in and help someone is a moment of weakness, or the sign of someone being in need— something he often denigrates as him just being nosy and incapable of leaving well enough alone when he takes issue with something. That same sense of self-deprecation colors a good portion of his self-esteem; he has pride like any other guy, and will stand up for himself if under what he deems as undeserved attack, but his admiration for those he is surrounded by far outweighs that which he holds for himself. Prone to monologuing in his own head, he is a natural conversationalist even in spite of his status as a "recovering pariah", equally capable in the roles of both straight man and wise guy. This is why, to some, he may seem like a simply good-natured, friendly young man with a keen ability to laugh at himself— rather than the fairly melancholic and snarky, if permissive fellow lying beneath the surface. In some ways he's a walking contradiction, being silly and sober in the same breath— just as he values and preaches safety overmuch for someone almost suicidally willing to rush into danger for the sake of another. Too smart to ignore his faults and too dense to acknowledge his virtues, "selfless" really does fit the bill— for the value he places upon himself can be practically nonexistent. Color: Black Hole Emblem: Appearance: A bit on the short side, at 5'7. Athletic physique, as is the standard for those putting themselves through the type of physical training necessary to even think of becoming a hunter, if on the slimmer side of things. Interestingly, that little hair-antenna seems to be some form of indicator of his emotional state, easily as expressive as the rest of him, gray eyes included. Tends to like hoodies, sneakers, and jeans or khakis whenever not in uniform. Hailing from a town in the mountains near the northern tip of Vale as he does, even the long days spent outdoors hiking and training in preparation for his enrollment at the academy haven't done much to change his medium complexion, and his relatively long and straight black hair makes for good insulation in the wintertime.</s> <|message|>Sepia Russet Sepia knew she was supposed to be in class doing...something. Well, I guess it can't be that important. I'd remember it for sure if it was! she thought cheerfully. Anyway, scoping out dorms was wayyyy more fun. She giggled to herself, excited at the thought of actually knowing where things were for once. Suddenly, her ears pricked up. Is someone yelling? Why in... She activated her semblance, tentatively stretching it outwards. People tended to get irritated if she accidently spied on them, so she tried to make a one way connection temporarily. Homing in on mind that seemed resting but still somewhat troubled, she sent out a message. "Hey, are you okay? I thought I heard something."</s> <|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro - Team SASG's Dorm Shiro's eyes snapped open as he woke with a start, sharply gasping. Still bleary-eyed and groggy from the medication, he sat up and put a hand on his head."Ugh." Back up against the sink counter, he rubbed at the corners of his eyes and looked around to regain his bearings. Scoot sat curled in a ball asleep next to him. His weapons lay still in their combined transport mode. Looking at the clock he tried to recall the exact time he had fallen unconscious. He wasn't asleep for long, though his body ached like it had been in a coma for an eternity. Gradually, his body and mind approached full wakefulness. Quietly muttering to himself so as to not wake Scoot, "I was out for a few minutes? Gosh, I feel like I'd woken from the dead.." Smacking his lips, his mouth dry, Shiro then froze up. "...W-wait." That's right, a voice he heard was the culprit responsible for his interrupted 'nap'. Cold fear growing within his heart, his senses went on high alert. The voice he had heard was clear as day, as if it were holding a conversation in the very same bathroom he sat in. Dryly swallowing, his eyes scanned the bathroom in its entirety to ensure that he was alone save for Scoot. No one else was present and there was nowhere else anyone could hide. But, he was certain he had heard a voice talking to him. He wasn't going crazy, right? He is still sane. The medication works. His attack should've passed, the episode should've been over by this point. He shouldn't be hearing any more voices. Looking back at the sleeping Scoot, it couldn't have been his ferret friend. The voice that spoke to him was female sounding and actually stringed together a complete sentence. Looking at the slightly ajar bathroom door, Shiro crept up to its side and pressed a silver/white tiger ear against it. Blinking as he waited for a few tense moments, he heard nothing in the adjacent main room. Peering through the open crack of the bathroom door, his golden eyes strained to see if anyone was in his team's dorm. Again, he saw nothing. A bead of cold sweat rolled down the side of his face as he carefully opened the door. Cursing to himself as its hinges and joints creaked noisily. "Shit! What am I doing?" He was braver than this. Or so he thought. Getting angry with himself, he grabbed the door and swung it wide open with a loud crash. This wasn't some horror movie and he is not some actor that was only meant to serve as fodder. Regardless, he still shut his eyes tight as he braced for some terrible thing to happen. But nothing did. Opening his eyes, he crossed the threshold and stood in the center of his empty dorm room. Turning around a full 360 degrees as he did a quick eye sweep, he stood alone. His fear and apprehension only grew more and more with each passing minute. He was certain he heard a voice speaking to him! Swiftly moving to shut the door to the room, he pressed his back against it as his eyes continued their frantic search for something or someone that wasn't there. Clearing his throat, "Wh-who's there? Is there someone here with me? If there is, come out now! I'm not in the mood for any stupid games of hide and seek!" Breathing hard, he slid down into a sitting position and grabbed at his head with both hands. White hair sticking out in between his gloved fingers, he shut his eyes and could feel himself slipping away into another pit of despair. He felt like crying. "Why? Why does my Semblance do this to me?" He sharply inhaled and tried his damnedest to fight back the pitiful tears. "Why does this have to happen? I'm not losing my mind, am I? I'm not crazy! I'm not going nuts!" Were the Shadows becoming invisible to him now too? How could something that no one else could see become invisible to the single person who could? Going through his breathing exercises again, Scoot by this point had woken up and tentatively crawled up to his tiger Faunus friend. "Friend?" the ferret asked in earnest concern.</s> <|message|>Sepia Russet Sepia sighed. Poor guy had it worse than she had originally thought. He seemed to be aggravated by physiological interference, which she couldn't really blame anyone for, but his case was still exceptionally bad. Cautiously, she raised her hand and rapped lightly on the dorm door. "I'm right outside the door. I didn't mean to scare you..." she apologized. "but I thought you might be in trouble."</s> <|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro Knock-knock. Shiro's mind blanked as he grew rigid. "That was definitely a knock at the door." For a split second, the knock startled him and had to fight the urge to bolt away from the door. But, the voice that spoke to him from the other side sounded familiar."Was that who spoke to me? But, she sounded so clear before." Getting to his feet, he pressed his ear against the door and sniffed softly. There was definitely someone there. "Phew. So, I did hear someone." He sniffled and wiped at his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief. He wasn't hallucinating, so that was good at least. However, he was still wary. Reaching for the door, he slowly opened it a crack and his golden eye peered through to see who it was. Indeed, someone stood on the other side. The girl looked vaguely familiar to him, as did her scent. "I shouldn't be a creep. Standing here sniffing and staring at her.." "Oh, so that voice was yours? Is that your Semblance or something?" Maybe she shared similar abilities to Scoot, though with more focus and strength. "I-I'm fine though, thank you for your concern." he lied. He was still shaken up, and the drugs didn't help too much with taking the edge off. Not wanting to be rude and speak to her through a small opening in the door, he opened the dorm room door more. Opening it just enough for the two of them to clearly see one another. Now able to see who it was, he blinked and snapped his fingers. "Ah, hey! You're that gal who's in Practice class with me! You and your teammates recently went bowling with me and a buncha other friends, right?" He grinned as he scratched the back of his head. "We haven't really had the chance to meet, have we? I'm Kuhaku Shiro, and...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name? Heh...Sorry, I have a terrible memory." Scratching at his ears, he looked up as he searched his memories for any sort of name. Oddly enough, his distraught mood had all but disappeared though he still stood in the doorway to prevent the girl from seeing his team's mess of a room. Most of the mess being his fault, but he wasn't going to mention that to her. Bracing a hand against the door frame, he still felt a little woozy from the medication and had to remember to take it easy. A curious Scoot poked his head around the open door to see who it was.</s>
<|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz -- Observations ... That certainly didn't look too good. Even under times of duress, Luke Schwarz was known for his insightful commentary and deep, introspective internal monologues, and today was certainly no different. His head had even finished leaking, so he should definitely have been back up to par. Shiro running off was the perfect oppurtunity to, so to speak, "wake up" from the zoned-out haze he'd let himself slip into roughly after Cian's battle with Miss Mindaro-- one where he all but had to root for his teammate, despite being in what seemed like good standing from the Mistralese Huntress. Really, the way the matchup had played out, he probably would have rooted for the poor gunslinger even if he'd known neither of them. ...Where was I? Right, right. Kuhaku.</s>
<|description|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Age: 16 Demon: Defeat Personality: Strong but shy, he's not afraid of much. Even before Defeat took residence in his head he often rose to challenges, failing more often than not. He has a habit of failing drastically and dragging himself back up and trying again. Stubborn as a mule, he will fight till the very end. Rez hates his full name, and so goes by Rez as his nickname. A little naive Rez tries his hardest, loves music, and books. He can fight, having been taught by an over protective older brother, but isn't necessarily the brightest crayon in the box. Not that he's an idiot, just that there are many things he thinks are unnecessary to know, or can be bothered learning about. Practical, that the word, Rez likes practical things. Bio: WIP</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Wait……… immortal, like immortal? as in living forever? Won't that be incredibly lonely?" Rez was only just grasping some of the thins she had said earlier. "So the choice is; Live forever with demons driving that tiny sane part of us crazy, OR Get rid of them and die? …Hang-on… immortal not indestructible, right? So what happens if we die vaguely normally?" Rez had a bad habit of often speaking out loud when puzzling through things, it helped him think, but others often found it annoying, or weird; and albino brat talking to himself, not an everyday occurrence for most people, but everyday occurrences were very far from here.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Immortal as in nothing can kill you. Trust me on this I have tested it. We can't be killed by any method. You could get sit on a bomb and live. We don't have to be lonely. Part of the reason here is to invite you all a piece. Now that you have demons you cant live in the normal world. People will notice that you aren't aging. People will hunt us. Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Before he could stop it a single tear traced his cheek, what was that for? "So we're gonna live here forever?" He grinned suddenly randomly, "We should probably get nice furniture then, just saying." Slowly his words were getting more and more likely to be provoking. Rez knew it was time to start shutting up before he cornered someone into challenging him, just as the voice was aiming for. He had found that as long as he didn't believe things were challenges he didn't have to accept them, but with no challenges he found himself trying to provoke others. Of course as a last resort to shut his voice up he could challenge others, but it wasn't the same.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo blinked, a bit shocked by the new information. There was a way out? They could seal the demons back up? But then they would die in the process...wait, she had tested their indestructability? The boy wasn't sure how to respond to that thought, but it worried him a bit. "We can still be hurt, though, can't we? We may not die, but I doubt that it a reason not to be careful." The information about staying here had also caught him by surprise, but he wasn't sure how to act on that, either. People hunting them? He supposed that was entirely possible, even probable with some of the strange effects he had already experienced, but it was still an odd thought. "Are we really staying here? What about our lives out there? Is it really impossible to return to them?"</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "Its not completely impossible to go back to your lives. But you won't be able to stay long. Maybe ten fifteen years if your lucky. People will notice that you aren't aging. You're welcome to stay But I won't force you. This meeting is for giving yinfinformation and offering you a safe place. Katherin explained.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Sooo…… If we can't live OUR life, then Who's life do we live? We could reinvent our self over and over I suppose, moving and changing names, appearances, and all that, but why?" Rez was babbling and he knew it but wasn't gonna stop, yet. "I mean, what do we want to do with our life if we have to live like this? I don't really know about you, but I'm not totally enjoying having someone in my head bossing me around, I'm sorry, but I am NEVER going back to those sici, sicatra, Sacias, sintara……… whoever those things are. Never again, thank you verry much." He knew he had gone off on a tangent, he also knew that he was probably provoking Katherin, as she had said she had been training to be one of those psychiatrist, psychologist people or something like that. His voice was busy whispering; Go for it, provoke her, make her mad, come on challenge her, it dosn't have to be her, anyone will do, throw me a bone, yeah? Come on, you haven't gotten yourself a challenge for ages, and you know what that means. Just challange her, him, any one of them, the next one to speak, there, challenge the next on to speak, OOOHHH…… what about the one in the back, with blue hair? She looks easy to take on, beat her, come on. Unless you want to fail? In that case how about him, the one with ice eyes? Or Mister talkative over here? I really don't care who you challange, but hurry up and do it! It was getting more than Rez could bare, the constant nagging of his voice for a challenge, the news that he would be like this forever. "So is there any way out that doesn't include dying? And if not, What the hell do we plan to do with our lives?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai After thinking for another moment, Kyo eventually just nodded his head. "I see, that makes enough sense. Thank you for the consideration, that's very kind of you." Honestly, he thought that the other one had a point as well; it would certainly be difficult to live like this with the demons. If they could do so, however, there probably wouldn't ' the many limits as to what they could do with the rest of their lives. As long as they were careful not to reveal their situation, anyway. Still, if they could find another way out, he didn't doubt that many, if not all of them, would probably take that route. It wasn't sounding too likely just yet, though. Stifling another yawn, the tired male shook his head in an attempt to stay alert.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "No there isn't any other way to get rid of the demons without dying. The demons are a part of us now. If they aren't inside us we die. I don't know what you want to do with your life. I am here to offer you a option. Whether you take that option or not is up to you. I think that despite our demons and the negative things that come from having them that we can do good in the world. I don't know how yet but I think it is a possibility. For now why don't I show you to your rooms so you can rest and think?" Katherin replies.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) At Katherin's reply Rez groaned, half at what she had said and half at the pain that was starting to lace through his head. It wasn't much at the moment, just a dull throb, but over time it would grow. The voice was right, he had to challenge someone, but he was also scared he would lose. "Great idea. Mister talkative here" he gestured at Kyo…… "I missed your name, looks like he is gonna collapse, and I really need to…… to……" he stammered to a stop, fighting inwardly with the voice, hoping for a blank that wasn't coming. "Please tell me you have nice beds, because I ain't sleeping on the floor………" He trailed off again, grabbing at his head as the voice started screaming, yelling that he had to phrase that more brutally, to provoke her, all of it above the pounding of his headache. The problem he thought, was that, even though accepting challenges was easy for him, delivering them was not always.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo almost missed what was being said, so it took a moment to fully process what he had heard before he could type out an acceptable response. "I should be alright, this is not the first time I have had to deal with the differences in time zones. Still, I agree that a rest would be very beneficial. Thank you." Since the boy nearby seemed to be acting so strangely, he stopped for a moment to look toward him. "Are you alright? Is something bothering you?"</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "I'm Fine just…… I just need to sle…… Challenge…… Fight……" The voice was slipping through, speaking with Rez's voice, "No! I…… Fight you…… In … a bou…… , Game of Snap!" Rez shot the last part out in the hope there would be no chance for the voice to intervene. "I challenge you to a game of snap." He knew it was crazy, and that the others would probably think he was weird, but the others weren't normal either. He looked at Kyo, pleading with his eyes that the other boy would agree to the challenge. He didn't know why he chose Kyo, but now the challenge was out……… He just hoped it was accepted.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai The dark-eyed boy watched quietly for a moment before typing his response. "Snap?" He tilted his head to the side, giving the other male a slightly curious look. "I'm not sure that I know of it, but I can certainly try."</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Rez's shoulders slumped in relief, he hadn't even realized he was tense. But not knowing what Snap was? ……Okay. "Well snap is a game of card, where you each get half the deck and turn over one card per turn. If two cards of the same number come up in a row you slam your hand down and shout 'SNAP'. You try to be the first person to do this. If you are the first person you collect all the cards in the 'discard' pile and start a new pile. The aim of the game is to get all the cards." As he was talking, the voice having dropped it's voice by a few decibels, Rez hooked a deck of card out of his pocket and started shuffling them nervously.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo nodded at the instructions, watching carefully as the other boy shuffled the cards. "It sounds simple enough. Should we take a table for the game?" The request had been a bit odd, but seeing how he had just been acting and the way he seemed to have loosened up a bit at that moment, the quiet boy wondered if perhaps it was an issue with his demon. Can it be calmed like that? How curious...</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Yes a table might help, I always played it on the floor, but it's your choice as the challenged." Rez realized that it probably would have been easier to have picked a quick game, like go-fish, or memory, but snap had been what was in his head, so snap is what he had said. He looked at Katherin, hoping she didn't mind his being really rather rude. "You don't happen to have a spare table lying round?" He queried.</s> <|message|>Katherin Winter "A small table?" Katherine typed. She nodded. She indicsted for the two of them to follow her. She lead them down the hall past several doors to what she called the game room. It held a pool table. A round table. A foisall table a dartboard, and other game related items. "This is the game room. There are cards and chips over there."</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) "Thanks" Rez said, grabbing a chair and slouching at the round table, He kept shuffling the cards, Ignoring the voice whispering that he should rig the game, the voice may be a scoundrel, but Rez hated to cheat, if he was going to win he was going to win this fair and square, whatever the consequences. As he dealt, splitting the deck into two piles, Rez asked something of Kyo; "Hey, can… um… you do me a favor? If I lose…… can you leave me alone for a little while?" He wasn't sure how harsh the consequence would be, but he never liked others to see his weak side. "Please?"</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo looked around the room that Katherin had led them to in awe. This castle really was prepared for everything, it seemed. It made him wonder what other kinds of rooms it held. I'll have to ask for a full tour later, if she has time... Turning back toward the girl before following the other male to the table, he nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, this is quite impressive." Once at the table, however, he couldn't help but worry a bit again at the way Rez looked while shuffling the cards. His request, too, sounded a bit...perhaps melancholy? Or maybe just tired? He wasn't sure, to be honest, but he nodded. If this was something to do with his demon, then it made sense that it probably ended with something less than pleasant to have others see. Of course, I'm sure you know all about that by now, don't you? You had such interesting ones a couple of weeks ago, it's actually really fun trying to come up with ways to top that~.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Finally, with two even piles of cards before him, Rez offered first pick to Kyo. "Gentleman first" he joked, covering up his dread for the end of the game.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo placed his tablet down next to him on the table and took the card pile to his left, sliding it closer to where he was. Placing one hand on the top card, he nodded to indicate that he was ready and got ready to flip the card as soon as his opponent did so.</s> <|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Pulling the other pile closer to himself, Rez placed on thumb on top of the top card and his fingers in a position that left them ready to grasp the bottom face of said card. It meant that when he drew the card it was facing away from himself, leaving no room to call him a cheater; a favorite tactic of old opponents.</s> <|message|>Kyo Alavondai Kyo quickly flipped his card directly onto the table as soon Rez moved, somehow feeling an extra urgency to move quickly. Looking down at the result, he soon moved his hand back to his pile when he realized that the cards were different. Just as quickly as the first time, though, he drew a second card to place down a moment later.</s>
<|message|>Resolution Law. (Rez.) Kyo was Fast! Rez grinned matching his pace and flipping another few cards, blacks and reds, one after the other. It wasn't till about their seventh card that a match came up. Double sixes. Tugging his right hand, the one he had been using for flipping cards, out of the fray, Rez slammed his left hand towards the table, calling "Snap!" as he did so. It wasn't a rule to use the other hand, just habit.</s>
<|description|>Vaz Varakko Age: 27 House:Targaryn Family: * Izzo Varakko was Vaz's father and a direct descendant of one of the Dothraki warriors that came with Daenarys Targaryen across The Narrow Sea. Izzo wanted a child who would carry on the Dothraki culture in Westeros as his father had done with him. Izzo died when Vaz was 18. * Jaide Blackwood was Vaz's mother and before that was a simple farm girl. Izzo had been traveling across Westeros when he discovered Jaide's family farm. At first Jaide's parents did not approve of him due to his ethnic background but eventually learned to love him. She died during childbirth. Skills: Training in horseback riding, hand to hand combat, sword wielding, and stealth. Weaknesses: Vaz is not a schemer. He does not have these long thought conspiracies. He leaves those to his employers and mostly improvises as he goes along. This leaves him open to manipulation if he does not see it at first. Weapons: The Varakko Family Arakh Title: None Personality: Vaz doesn't care much for political scheming and intrigue. He'd much prefer to simply remove a problem when it presents itself or seek out a potential one. As a mercenary he isn't bound to any oaths, and hates it when an employer thinks they can treat him however they like because they hired him. The highest bidder wins...most of the time. Other times he declines for his own reasons whether it be personal or simply him not being in the mood. That covers his work eithic, as for who he really is it can be said that Vaz is very reserved. He is not one to boast or look for attention. He simply wants to do the job, get paid, and enjoy the rewards.  Bio: The only son of Izzo and Jaide, Vaz did never felt his mother's love. He only felt the strength of his father's will. Izzo trained Vaz in the ways of his people almost constantly. The relationship between the two of them was not of Father and son, instead it was mentor and student. This lack of compassion formed a man without compassion.  At age 18 with the death of his father, Vaz abandoned his family's home and began his life as a sellsword. He did not care for his family's legacy, it was just stories from a long time ago. He was focusing on the now and that meant making his fortune, bedding women, and enjoying what life had to offer for those who sought out its pleasures. Other: When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die Cullen Sunderland Age: 34 House: Stark Family: * Jorah Sunderland(father) was a descendant of Eric Sunderland, a soldier in service to Robb Stark. Serving throughout the entire war until the Red Wedding where he died. As for Jorah himself he was a respected soldier in Lord Brandon's army and despite not being a general or officer. His renown later earned him a position as one of Lord Brandon's generals and he served faithfully with honor. * Sofina Sunderland(mother), formerly Sofina Harroway, was a handmaiden to the late Lady Maege Stark. She fell in love with Jorah despite her parents disapproval and were married. Jorah passed away a few years after the death of their youngest child leaving Cullen to provide for the family. Sofina passed away recently. * Evit was the second oldest in the family but died shortly after Jorah as a result of one of Cullen's endeavors. * Sister: Open Skills: Extensive training with one-handed weapons and horseback riding Weaknesses: Cullen's temper is arguably his worst trait. He is easy to anger and often  Weapons: Title: The Dread Wolf Personality: Cullen's past has shaped him into a cold man. He almost always has a scowl on his face and seems to be in a perpetual state of anger. Despite his brutish demeanor Cullen is more than a man who sees everything as a nail to be hammered down. The warrior does know when the utilize more subtle actions. However this does not mean that Cullen is one to betray his allies, in fact it is quite the opposite. Whatever deed is deemed too dirty, low, or dishonorable by his superiors Cullen will gladly perform out of undying loyalty.  Bio: As firstborn of the Sunderland family Cullen was always meant to be the head of the house once his father had passed. The boy was trained from a young age in swordplay so that in the event of a war he'd survive. Cullen was not only meant to be the eventual head of the family but also his father's successor as a general in John Stark's army. However all the preparation did not soften the blow of Jorah's death. Cullen was overwrought with grief and it set him down the path that would shape him to be the man he is today.  Cullen did not take up the position of general immediately after his father's death. Instead he roamed the north, hunting bandits and other plagues on society. He saw the atrocities these men would do to the innocent and it made him a cynical man. However instead of giving up hope and becoming a drunk Cullen was inspired to serve The Warden of the North to the best of his abilities. Not to remove injustice for he knew that was impossible, no he would serve in order to maintain order in this chaotic and brutal world.  Other: When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die.</s> <|message|>Vaz Varakko Cullen Sunderland Cullen gave a sullen look before grinning slightly, "Your father would be proud, you know that? Puttin' friends and family first. As for me my Lord I'll follow you through the seven hells if you'd ask me". Cullen looked around and gave another rare smirk before adding, "For now though let's enjoy the night. For tomorrow you work as Hand begins" Cullen turned to the nearest serving girl and yelled, "You there! Is all you have this weak wine? Bring your strongest for my lord and I!" Vaz Varakko Listening in on the various conversations Vaz managed to hear a number of interesting topics of discussion. Topics he'd happily make use of tomorrow, as for now he wished to enjoy what little time he had here. There was a myriad of valuable items in the hall. Items that Vaz was sure these nobles would go crazy for if they realized they were gone, not that it bothered him anyway he'd already be out and on his way to the nearest buyer. Stepping through the crowd he managed to swipe quite a few things on his way to the door. "You'd think they'd keep a closer eye on these things..oh well too bad for them but fortunate for me", he smiled as he exited the Red Keep and strode on his way back to the tavern. Despite finding no employer he did manage to earn enough for a good meal and a few whores.</s> <|message|>John Stark The Next Morning Lord John Stark of Winterfell It had been a long night filled with drinking. John was currently draped across his bed, breathing rhythmically. A servant crept quietly into the room and roused the young lord, earning a curt nod and a thank you. John slowly got dressed, allowing the grogginess to creep away, waiting for the next early morning rousing. John had slept in the Tower of the Hand last night, as had most of his entourage. His mother was awaiting him in the dining room where a meal was awaiting him. Shiera was feasting by the window, looking up every now and again to watch him. He took a seat across from his mother, offering a smile. "John, your position as hand is both a blessing and a curse. The Tyrells won't like it. Many people won't. You're young, and they don't trust that. However you wield a lot of power now. I hope you'll use it wisely. I'll be off for Winterfell in a few hours. I know you'll do fine here," his mother said, smiling at him. John breathed in deeply before releasing his breath. "Mother, I'm worried that I won't be able to do this. Daeron is... he's..." John struggled to find the words. He knew them deep down, however he wasn't sure that he wanted to speak them. Finally he made a decision. "I'm worried Daeron won't be a good king," he said. His mother responded with pursed lips. She was thinking. Finally she spoke up. "Don't write Daeron's destiny before he has a chance to pick up the quill. You are the king's Hand. You make sure he doesn't turn the realm to ashes. I'm confident you can do that whether or not Daeron is a good king. John nodded as he stood, having finished his meal. He brushed himself off and Shiera padded over, ready to follow him around for the day. John thought about today's events. There would be a tournament later, a celebration of the coronation that would last for a few more days. John began to exit but turned to his mother before he did. "Please tell Cullen that I'm rousing the king and that he should meet me in Daeron's quarters should you see him. And please write when you get to Winterfell," he said. His mother smiled and nodded and he made his way towards Daeron's room. Lady Gemma Baraetheon Gemma had retired early the night before, not interested in waking up with a pounding headache that would follow her throughout the day. She prepared herself for the day, brushing her hair and dressing in one of her mother's old dresses. Gemma wished she would be allowed to participate in the tournament, however it was restricted to those of lowborn origin. While the crown had treated Baraetheons like shit for two centuries now, they were still of noble blood.Gemma began wandering the halls of the Red Keep, her blue dress flowing behind her as she looked for some entertainment until the tournament began.</s> <|message|>Lord Jakob Frey Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing Jakob awoke with a disgusting taste in his mouth and a pain in his neck. Looking down he saw that he had shifted in his sleep and knocked his pillows off, leaving himself with a kink in his neck. Standing his naked frame tensed and then shivered, before he yawned and then scratched himself. Walking to the side he pulled forward a brass bowl of water and a towel. Saturating the towel he then rung it out before wiping himself down. He was entered into the tourney that day and so was in no mood to properly clean himself. Instead he washed away the sweat and grime from the night before and then dressed in some loose fitting white linen. Walking down for an early breakfast Jakob sat down in the designated table for the Riverlords, he was down before the others and had the best of the food at his fingertips. Crispy bacon, watered wine and warm bread was all like a salvation to his parched mouth, enjoying every mouthful; he was almost sad to see some of the other lords arrive. Most just gave him a nod, he had earned some respect with the meeting last night, now he needed to show he could lead them. Finally finishing his food he made his way out onto the field of the tourney. His tent had been set up a few nights ago by retainers he had sent earlier, and his gear was being brought in as he sat and went through the days events with his page. He had hoped to see some other houses before he fell asleep however he was sure he would get the chance today. And hell if he could win this tourney, well he had always loved winning.</s>
<|message|>Vaz Varakko Cullen had awoken with the sun and was assessing the security of the Red Keep. The guards at the main entrance were on edge as they should. They were the first line of denfense for the King. It was the inner patrols he had a problem with, the men looked lazy, relaxed, apparently they believed their posts to be unnecessary as they took their patrols as seriously as an afternoon stroll. This would have to change and fast. "Guards! What in seven hells do you think you are doing?!", Cullen barked at a couple of guards on patrol by the gardens. They stood up in attention with haste, anyone with the gall to speak to them in that manner had to be of importance. "W-We were just on patrol, sire", one of the guards replied with a nervous look about him as he stared straight forward not daring to make eye contact. "You mean to tell me that that white excuse for a patrol was your average day of duty? If the two of you had as much discipline as you had energy to gossip then all of King's Landing could be guarded by you two alone!" "Apologies, mi'lord we did not mean-" "Oh so you did not deliberately mean to ignore your duties, you were just too incompetent to stay on task!", it appeared to Cullen he'd have to train these two all over again. "Your spears should not lean on your shoulder, they either are straight up or tilted forward to quickly meet an opponent. Your shield can never be hanging by your side it must always be in front of you to reduce the time it takes to bring it up to defend. When patrolling the two of you must constantly be checking the edges of your vision, you will see a direct attack but it is the ones from behind and the sides that will mean your end if not careful...well? Get to it!" The guards quickly corrected their errors and waited for Cullen's approval, once they had it the two guards quickly headed off, hoping to put as much space between themselves and The Dread Wolf. "...southerners", Cullen remarked before a courier came forward with a message. "Sire, Lord Stark requires your presence. He awaits at the King's chamber" "I'll head there now", Cullen didn't waste time getting to the King's chamber. Once there he met John outside the door and nodded before saying, "You sent for me, my Lord?"</s>
<|description|>Dana Noel The Mundane Age: 16 Sanctum City: Norba, the southern-most of the two Jupiter cities. Description: In her normal, untransformed state, Dana has medium length black hair and bright, golden eyes. She usually likes to wear oversized t-shirts and shorts. She also has a single, oversized tooth, which often protrudes from her mouth like a small fang. Personality: Dana is a bright and cheery girl with a bubbly and fun-loving disposition. She hates to see people who are sad, and always does her best to cheer them up (she can be quite persistent in this regard). She loves hanging out with friends, making new ones, and generally just enjoying life. Incredibly optimistic, she has every confidence that humanity has a bright future ahead of it, and she will do everything she can to make that future a reality. Dana can also be somewhat playful and mischievous, but never in a mean-spirited way, and if she realizes she's upsetting someone, she'll immediately stop and apologize. Background: Dana was lucky. She grew up in a loving, prosperous family, with plenty of siblings and friends. Unlike some, who would allow such blessings to blind them to the pain and misery afflicting so many in the world, Dana's perception of their plight only grew more acute. From an early age, she vowed to do her best to help anyone in need. She had been blessed for a reason, and she was certain that reason was to care for those who weren't as fortunate as her. The poor, the suffering, the lonely, the vulnerable, she wanted to be there for all of them, to make their lives better in any way she could. With her parents' full support, she began volunteering at shelters and soup kitchens, as well as going on relief missions to the poorest districts of her city. It was during this time that she discovered her affinity for magic, and the Light Elementum, in particular, which she used to great effect in lifting the spirits of the downtrodden. Upon receiving an invitation to the prestigious Nova Lux Academy, Dana was overjoyed at the thought of gaining the power to help even more people, and the opportunity to make some new friends along the way was just icing on the cake. The Magical Armgaus Name: Shining Golden Sapphire Gladius: Shining Zenith, a gleaming silver energy pistol. Parma: When transformed, Dana wears a somewhat cowboy-style outfit, with the unusual additions of a cape and a witch's hat. Her entire outfit has a very cheerful color palette, which perfectly reflects her disposition. Elementum: Light Elementum Abilities: Dana can fire piercing beams of light and can also create blinding flares or small motes of illumination. These can be employed not only to banish enemies and darkness, but illusions as well. By focusing her powers upon herself, she can obtain enhanced perception and awareness for a short time. With some concentration, Dana can even condense the light she manifests into a protective shield for herself, or a nearby ally. In addition, she possesses some moderate healing and purification abilities. This healing is not limited to the physical, as she can also mend emotional wounds and lift people's spirits when they are filled with doubt or despair.</s> <|message|>Cordelia Whittaker --- "Cordelia!" she called out to her roommate, voice radiating strength even over the noises of the storm. "Shine for me, babe!" "Of course, please, allow me." A fire burned in Cordelia's stomach Blazing heat surging through her blood from her core to her cheeks, fingers and feet. It was that feeling again, Cordelia noted to herself. Cordelia thought back to her home, to her earliest memories. She remembered watching young ladies be taught their lessons, and then mimicking everything she had seen to herself at night. She remembered what it felt like to reflect not only the beauty, but the imperfections as well. Her consciousness expanded, she felt small pin pricks in it each time it found a small shard of glass. With the wind buffeting and the storm ahead soaking the grounds they walked, Cordelia's command over glass had begun. That fire was embers now, a feeling she had to hone in on exactly. "Let thine light be cast away," her whispered words, licked from her lips by droplets of rain and taken to each shard surrounding them. One by one, each fragment of glass each having served a different use during its previous life begun to float into the air. The light refracting off of broken bottles, mirrors, windows, and finery sparkled in the rain. "Come, allow me to give you new purpose." Over the course of less than a half a second, Cordelia did many things, all at once. She brought each floating piece of glass to her side, stitching them together like a weaver making a tapestry. A piece of bottle here, a window's shattered shards there. What looked like blades of glass flying towards the group of girls, was in truth, art. Cordelia effortlessly composed the wall of shards in front of them, the bits of light peeking through all shut out by perfectly molding the glass into a wall as sturdily built as if it was made of concrete. Still transparent on the side of Cordelia and reflective on the other. The wall of stitched together glass, all different shades and shapes fit together like a fully completed puzzle. Cordelia sighed, stepped towards it and passed her hand along the length of it, shifting its hue to meet exactly the colour she needed. "Okay," she sighed, a puff of hot air fogging up the mirror in front of her for a moment. "We need to be quiet, there's only a small amount of magic in the construction of this wall, so I'm unsure if they'll be able to sense it through Nicole's winds." Cordelia looked at the rest of her teammates. "The wall will interpose between us and them." Cordelia watched through their one-way mirror as the machines began to grow weary. It was a directionless suspicion, but they were suspicious nonetheless. Cordelia's entire body locked rigid in place. Her hand flicked as a bit of the glass from the top of the wall, where it was least needed, began to slowly turn in the robot's direction. Ready to fly towards the machines at a moment's notice, though not unless they were provoked. She looked to her team, waiting for the signal.</s> <|message|>Nicole Cognoscenti --- Nicole bared her teeth in a proud grin as Cordelia manipulated the fields of ruined glass to guide in their extraction. Her roommate had made a poorly kept secret of trying to fit into Astrelle's shoes, but clearly she didn't suffer from a lack of ability as an Ars Magi. It wasn't just pride that made the redhead grit her teeth, though; she was doing as much as Cordy was to keep them masked from the drones, and though her adrenaline was doing much to keep the winds at her beck and call, she was beginning to feel the tugs of effort upon the muscles of her limbs and face. It was enough strain to give any average girl some unsightly, premature wrinkles. She had no idea what the benefits of an Ars Armagus were when it came to the aging process, but Nicole wasn't about to use the core in her tummy as a crutch. Her fate and her skin care were just where she liked them - in her own hands. Her eyes landed upon the two larger machines that Cordelia and the officer cadets pointed out. As much as she would have liked to completely ghost this extraction, she recognized the two machines and their specifications, at a glance, as the much gossiped about mecha from the gala. If she were a bit fresher, maybe she could have done more to completely mask them - but it was just as likely that, being such cutting-edge prototypes, they would have been found no matter what. That was more likely, given the parameters of the exercise. So she quit beating herself up over the unattainable dream of a "perfect record" and continued delegating. "Alright, Cordy, I think we've done all we can to trick them from here. Focus on confusion instead of evasion with me, we'll see if we can keep them from targeting us directly. With our firepower we won't even give 'em a shot to react. Penny!" she called out to Team 3's smallest member, giving her the same exhausted, wolfish smile and sticking a thumbs up. "It's time to do what gotcha to the dance, babe. If you can kill them, great. If not, focus on weak points. Let's crack the biggest, most expensive parts we can eyeball wide open and let Dana shoot 'em up, yeah?" Man, I love this. Being alive? No. Something way less obvious than that. Being an Ars Magi? No. Something even more egotistical than that. I feel like such a boss. Yeahhhh. She loved that.</s> <|message|>Penny Grenoble --- Penny feels Groß Eisen's hilt in her hands, waiting for the right moment to either sneak by the mecha along with the rest of the group, or to deliver one hell of an opening powerblow. It's nerve-wracking, facing an unknown opponent - one admittedly much bigger than the team combined, and possibly one that can counter their abilities - but it was their job to test its abilities. Perks of being drafted into this war, she guesses. The anxious silence is cut by Nichole issuing orders with her usual bright energy. "Penny! It's time to do what gotcha to the dance, babe. If you can kill them, great. If not, focus on weak points. Let's crack the biggest, most expensive parts we can eyeball wide open and let Dana shoot 'em up, yeah?" This in turn gets her a wolfish grin from the Siscian. ||Music: Spinning, Spinning, Spinning, Spiii!?|| "'Bout time," mutters the brunette through her grin, and fires up her rocket and rollerblades, running around a corner picking up speed, before jumping into the air directly at the first mecha's head, Groß Eisen charging up with lightning as she swings it for a mighty blow. "KAISERSCHLAGEN!!" she roars as she slams the rocket hammer with the force of an anti-tank missile directly in the robot's head, hopefully taking out the sensor equipment and possibly the control unit as well. Lightning Elementum flows through the strike as well, reaching into the sensitive circuitry within to fry it and take out the damaged mecha. She then leaps into the air, pirouettes with Groß Eisen firing to increase her striking power, then takes a diving strike at the other one and delivers a powerful blow at what she hopes was the comm unit. "Whoops! That looked important!" she calls out mockingly. As she rolls down the mecha in her rollerblades, she delivers one final strike to the second mecha's knee joint, trying to throw it off balance and hopefully toppling it into the other one. "Well, that looks expensive!" she calls out as she slams her mighty rocket hammer into the joint. "Hope ya didn't need it too bad!"</s>
<|message|>Dana Noel Dana listened intently as Garnier informed them of the drones' various armaments. "I'll keep that in mind!" she noted with a giggle when the cadet advised them to avoid getting stepped on. Cordelia proceeded to follow up on Penny's plan by suggesting that, in the event they came under attack, the "least effective" member of the team should remain behind to keep the drones occupied, while the rest continued on to the objective. Nicole then followed that up by volunteering herself for that role, should the need arise. This caused the usually upbeat Dana to frown slightly. The thought of "sacrificing" one of their own didn't particularly sit well with her, especially when the "sacrifice" in question was their unofficial leader. She was about to say as much, when the ever-astute Vanna spoke up, offering some much needed words of wisdom. The young noble went on to address Dana personally, advising her to remain focused on the closest threat at all times. "Roger that!" the energetic Ars Magi confirmed with a nod, while giving her refined teammate a confident grin. Holst then stepped up beside Dana and offered her services as a spotter. "Thanks!" the cheerful Norban replied with a big grin. "My elementum can really improve my vision, but two sets of eyes are always better than one!" she added, her brilliant smile seeming to shine all the brighter as lightning split the sky overhead. While the current weather conditions might have been viewed as unpleasant by most people, Dana Noel wasn't most people. The buffeting wind and torrential rain only served to amp up her already irrepressible enthusiasm to maximum power. Focusing that power within her small body, Dana's eyes seemed to glow as her vision was enhanced tenfold. Imbued with the power of her elementum, her awareness expanded to take note of every aspect of the battlefield before them, every piece of rubble, every drop of rain. Thus, she was the first to notice when Nicole employed her own elementum to redirect that rain towards where the drones lay in wait, hopefully befouling the machines' optics enough to conceal their presence. And if that wasn't sufficient, Cordelia was quick to provide her own contribution, in the form of a swiftly constructed mirror. Moving with a balance of speed and caution, the small team of officers and Ars Magi made their way down the rubble strewn street. Dana herself stuck close to the officers and joined Holst in keeping a sharp eye out for any unpleasant surprises. It took them nearly half an hour, but eventually, they had made it within sight of their destination, while remaining completely undetected. Unfortunately, that was about to change, as a pair of drones appeared to block their path. As the imposing machines drew nearer, Garnier suggested that if the pair was taken out fast enough, they might not even have time to signal the others. Not wasting a moment, Nicole was quick to issue orders, which basically boiled down to "have Penny smash the crap out of them". An instant later, Team 3's pint-sized powerhouse proceeded to do just that. In short order, the two machines had been reduced to piles of sparking scrap, curtesy of Penny's rocket hammer, and a few supporting shots from Dana's own gladius to finish them off. The only question now was, had their little "demolition derby" attracted the attention of the other drones in the area? With that thought at the forefront of her mind, Dana's piercing gaze swiftly scanned the surrounding area, the energetic Norban on high alert for any sign of approaching danger.</s>
<|description|>Sage Marcs Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Sage stands 165cm (5'4") and weighs 65kgs (145lbs). Her average build body is toned with muscle, but not enough to make her bulky. She's in very good physical shape. She has golden brown locks that fall to her shoulders in silky waves. Her blueish gray eyes, rosy complexion, and full pink lips give her a soft, feminine look that is only marred by a long scar running from the skin right below her left ear to the middle of her neck. Clothing: Sage wears a form fitting black cotton trousers accompanied by a long sleeve gray thermal shirt that also hugs her body. Her snug clothing has been carefully chosen to allow unrestricted movement. She has donned an olive green fleece jacket and thick gray wool cloak with a fur lined hood for her trip through the north. The black cotton gloves she wears are only because she knows she will need them on this journey. Sage hates to have any part of her body restricted, especially her hands. Her attire is brought together by the black, mid-calf, combat-like boots she always wears. Weapons/Belongings: Sage always carries the five throwing knives she hand crafted to perfection. They are made of a strong steel and reach 6 inches in length. Sharp on both sides the skinny spade shaped blades blend into a thin grip with an open ring on the end that makes the daggers perfectly balanced. She keeps three of these belted to her hip and one in each boot. She has a small pouch with the few coins she has tied around her neck. Sage also carries a satchel that holds the few things she can actually call hers. This includes a whetstone for her knives, journal and pen for logging her adventures, a few letters she has held onto since childhood, and a first aid kit because she always seems to need one. Magic: none Personality: Sage mostly keeps to herself. She has gotten used to being alone and prefers it that way. Sage does not easily enter a friendship as she has trouble trusting anyone. She is not mean though just standoffish. She can be "charming and sweet" though, if it helps her out in the situation. Sage tries to be civil but her snarky attitude is easily coaxed out. Her spitfire tendencies do not often keep her in the good graces of people she meets, so it's best for her to stay away from others. However, on the off chance Sage were to trust a person completely she is very caring and loyal. She does not believe in leaving a friend behind. Short History: Sage Marcs was orphaned at the age of 12, thanks to a man her parents called a friend. Sage was in her tiny room when the man attacked. She stayed quiet until she knew that if she stayed any longer she too would be dead. So she ran from her room, startling the man who struck out with his knife, leaving the gash that would become a hideous reminder of that day. Luckily surprise was on her side and she was able to make it out of the house without any further harm. Her parents suffered a very different fate. She didn't know her next of kin and was thus left on her own. Sage learned very quickly how to take care of herself, growing tough physically and mentally. Working her way across the continents she settled in southern Gris at the age of 19. There she was taken in by a blacksmith that taught her the trade. She spent the next 5 years working in secrecy at his shop, crafting beautiful weapons of all shapes and sizes. She also spent this time practicing her combat skills and became very good at close quarter encounters. Even though Sage likes to travel she will always return home to the father-like figure who gave her life meaning again.</s> <|message|>Al Valkanos "I'll have you know that these swords break a lot, thank you very much." Al interjected, thrusting his hand aside. "A lot." he repeated, his face growing serious. "Also, they're bigger than throwing knives. Also, they're cool. Why would you have one cool thing when you could have three? Answer me that, mister man. And for the record, we don't need you-" this sentence was cut off by a loud grumbling. "We need your charity. I'll check out the weird stuff for you for free food. Deal?"</s> <|message|>Ashley Cunningham Ira took his seat, and listened intently to what Lord Cross had to say, showing respect as much respect as a listener can. Ira smiled slightly, as Cross correctly identified him and Ashley as professionals, along with Lexine. It seemed that Lord Cross wasn't as dim as he was violent, which was good news. Ira, nodding his head to confirm he agreed to the terms Cross posed to them, let out a chuckle as Al interjected, along with his stomach. Ira hoped that Cross wouldn't overreact to Four Swords, whom seemed was raised in the wild, and by the wild. Speaking up, before Al's words hung in the air too long, Ira intended to put Cross in a good, or better, mood, "I appreciate you receiving us, Lord Cross, into your formidable home. We, as a group, would deeply appreciate all the help you're willing to give to us." Ira, reached and picked up a cup from the table, along with a pitcher of what appeared to be wine, and poured himself a glass. Gingerly raising it, and tentatively raised the cup, looking over his companions and giving them a chance to also pour a cup in order to conduct a kind of toast to Cross. After a moment, Ira turned his head towards Lord Cross and nodded, "To the generous Lord Cross." Once Ashley entered the Great Hall, his eyes immediately fixated on the pair of mountainous guardians that were ready to act on Cross's command at any second. Ashley listened absentmindedly, but did not take a seat with the rest of the group. Standing slightly away from the group, Ashley gazed around the castle, waiting for Cross and his group to finish indulging themselves before heading North, while also periodically turning his gaze back to the giants. It was unlikely Ashley could even take one of them, considering the quickness that they seemed to react with, and the obvious strength they had. It probably wouldn't be difficult to avoid them, but Ashley didn't necessarily want to do that song and dance. He had fought big men before, some taller than 7 feet, but none that boomed with muscle as much as the giants did. Turning his gaze back around to look around the castle, Ashley was still on high alert. To the man, he was in the lion's den, and would treat it as such. Even though Ashley hid any type of worry from his face, it would be somewhat clear to a studious observer that Ashley was scanning the Great Hall for possible dangers, points of exit, and other items of interest.</s> <|message|>Lexine Tristan It was a lot of information she'd be just been given. It was no longer a question why they had been left with their weapons. In her case she simply wasn't as great at using them as she supposedly used to be, but in any case they were simply woefully unequipped to kill Alec Cross in his own castle. If she was reading the locale properly, that wasn't a very uncommon occurrence either. Lexine took her seat as bidden, finding renewed liveliness in her stride as she raced over to the table. Her long coat crumpled as she sat down, although she had no intention of removing the ankle length winter cover no matter how warm the interior was. Granted, a man openly bearing four swords had been admitted without concern, she felt more than a little uncomfortable about possibly revealing her hidden weaponry. It wasn't a thing that garnered much trust. As soon as she made contact with the chair, faint aches ran up her back and legs. She shrugged, adjusting her pose slightly but more or less ignoring the pain in favor of finally sitting down. As much as she trusted the furniture, Lexine did not partake in the food set out by Cross. As he went on, he made it clear that there were no survivors among those who had gone north, and she wondered as to what the cause of that was. Conventional knowledge provided that the environment, however harsh, was merely a set of conditions humans had been dealing with for years innumerable. She was habitually skeptical, but in suspecting there was more to the dangers of Gris' wild she felt wholly justified. Slowly arching her neck, she thought about their situation as Lord Cross gave his conditions. Information was something they simply couldn't turn down. Being bound to one route of egress, however, was not something that agreed with her gut. Her glare finally settled on Cross, interrogating the man from where she sat. The black clad vulture towered over the head of the table, and she couldn't help but feel as though she was (once more) carrion. His form bounced and weaved in her troubled vision, and as she slowly closed her poor eye to get a better look, she realized there wasn't much to be read on the man's face. None of them had any way of knowing the intent of his terms, of course they were couched in some notion that they were for Vulture's Roost's safety. It wasn't a fair trade by any means, it was too good to be true. Her analysis came shattering down around her and her eye fluttered open in surprise as the swordsman spoke up. She couldn't bear to look. After so much posturing about respect and stately manner before the lord of the castle, this was to be their group's first reply. It was unbearably bad chance. Her frown sunk further as she broke her eyes from Cross and glanced around the table. One of their number was chuckling. Her dissatisfied face lingered on the man, one of the duo, in the hopes that she could be in on what about their gaffe was so funny. As was becoming a trend, she didn't find what she was looking for. Instead, the man did one better. She didn't mind the obvious play at power in the way he represented the group, because for now it was getting them out of a bind. Her eyes fell on a local vessel of wine as a toast was proposed. She couldn't drink, but that sort of display was a step in the right direction. The aristocracy of her homeland ate it up, she imagined a Grisian would be more stoic or dismissive of such gestures but receptive nonetheless. Following Ira's lead, she stood up from her comfortable chair and plucked a glass from the table. She poured herself a measure of water, wondering to what level she was disrespecting the local culture, and raised her cup as well. "I see no problem accepting such generous conditions," Lexine said. She glanced around, hoping the others would follow suit or at least voice their agreement. In particular, she shot a lengthy, pleading stare in Al's direction, motioning slightly with her cup in case she wasn't exactly clear. It wasn't as if he was a problem, rather, having someone with such fire in the group would keep them thinking. It was just essential that he play along for these ten crucial seconds. She didn't see Cross accepting one man's word for them all. Seeing as they were now a group it fell to them to support the man courageous enough to speak up.</s>
<|message|>Sage Marcs Sage looked around the massive room and her eyes landed on the giants. She'd never seen men so big and to move so quickly made her gut churn with anxiety. She watched Lord Cross stand up and address them. He even looked like a cruel man. Every part of him screamed intimidation. She slowly made her way toward the table, eyeing the delicious spread. As Four Swords spoke up her mouth formed an O and her eyebrows shot up. Was he deaf? Or maybe he didn't know what respectful meant. She was thankful that one of the twins spoke up quickly. However. she was soon scowling in his direction as he spoke on behalf of the "group." She did not like people speaking for her. Nonetheless she filled her cup with wine and raised it in the Lords direction shortly after the woman with the bad eye. "Aye" she found herself saying in response to the previous offers to accept such terms. She did this not to approve of the twin's attempt to take control but only to make up for Four Swords' blundering. An attempt to keep her head. Sage took a moment to consider the fact that nobody had returned from their attempts in the waste. She was indeed going to personally accept Cross' offer if the twin hadn't beaten her to it. The information about the area they were fixing venture into could be useful. That and supplies in return for only information? The longer she pondered it the more she wondered about its truthfulness. That seemed like a lot of stuff to just give away for a simple verification of truth.</s>
<|description|>Fiala Also known as: Mistress of Fortune Age: appears to be in her mid-twenties God Aspect: Luck Personality: to come Parents: the Sun and Moon Sexuality: I like you, do you like me? Yeah? Cool, let's go Powers: Divine Luck: Fiala can subtly influence the outcomes of events, for either better or worse Divine Agility: Fiala is very quick, even beyond the capabilities of most of her siblings Charm: Fiala has a certain air about her that make her seem easy to trust Weapon: Fiala once had a set of throwing knives that always hit the most opportune part of her mark. In her hands, the knives replenished as quickly as she could draw them. She lost track of the set long ago. History (Pre-Earth bound): As one of the middle children of Solaria and Lunus, Fiala found her place to be less important than those of her older siblings. She didn't mind, though: subtly influencing events, just enough to affect the outcome, was enough for her. At first, it was enough to play with her siblings like this - tweaking this or that, changing things just enough to throw them off guard - but eventually, she found herself growing bored. Maybe they couldn't replicate it, but they knew that she was responsible. Because of this, humanity was a great boon to Fiala. She immediately went to Earth, walking among these new creatures and playing with them the way she once played with her siblings. Misplaced key here, lucky roll of the dice there… she found herself having more fun with humans than she ever had in the Heavens. Mostly avoiding her siblings, she spent her time amusing herself to her heart's content, subtly influencing lives in just the right way to make herself laugh. History (Post-Earth bound): When the Gates were closed, Fiala didn't immediately notice. It wasn't until chaos beyond her control took over that she realized what happened. Quietly slipping into the shadows, she continued influencing what she could - although now, it was much less satisfying. She was no longer playing games, instead trying desperately to save what humans she could - not for altruistic purposes, but because she knew if she didn't, she would never get to play again. By the time the threat more or less cleared, she knew her power was weaker than it once was. She took her chance to have her fun while it lasted, while also learning more mundane (but much less enjoyable) ways to influence mortal luck. Fiala found that the best way to do this was as a traveling conman. She has spent centuries wandering Earth, playing rigged games of "chance" and disappearing before a particular settlement had a chance to react. It wasn't the same, of course - in this way, she could only influence in one direction, unless she chose to take pity and allow some mortal to win. More recently, though, they've become wise to her schemes, and it's harder and harder to influence using mundane tricks. Most recently, she has been trying to take things easy and enjoy immortal life in a beautiful place. Currently she is making her way across North America, only practicing her trade when she needs more money to travel… or when she really feels that itch to play. Motive: Fiala just wants to have fun, whether it be on Earth or in the Heavens.</s> <|message|>Vetra @mercenarius@Lord Zee@GrizzTheMauler Anarchy Goehearth was clueless as to what was going on. He just watched Vetra defend him. Another god defend him. Then Death spoke of infatuation. He also heard of Hiraga's thoughts on the matter. He simply yelled to the top of his lungs Quiet!!! Just everybody calm the Fuck down so we can get this straight! Hiraga, I don't care what half thought through idea you have about screwing us over, but you can discuss it with all of us. Death, what the hell do you mean by infatuation? I've never seen her hit on me once! And Vetra! Shut the hell up and calm down! This chaos is not fun chaos!" --- Fate Vetra simply calmed down, but glared at Death for revealing her thoughts and glowered at Hiraga for the comments. Then she moved on to go sit on a bench.</s> <|message|>Luclie (pronounced Lu-clee) Favaro. He prefers to be called Luke. Luclie: a chance encounter Luke looked up as a motorcycle pulled off a little bit ahead of him. The woman flipped her visor up and called to him, saying she would give him a ride to the exit. He hesitated a moment, unsure of whether he should trust her - but she looked genuine. He glanced over his shoulder, briefly considering going into the forest to find his helmet, but that would take time that he didn't have. It was gone forever now. He ran to the bike and hopped on. "Thanks," he muttered. "Do you have an extra - nevermind. Just don't kill me, I got a kid at home." He didn't mean to sound harsh or ungrateful, but his tone reflected the anger he still felt after the crash. As they cruised along, Luke looked around, trying to place where they were. The exit spit them out onto a nearly deserted road, with few businesses lining either side and no clue as to their geographic location. He sighed. The chances of a bus coming out here were slim... but as far as he could see, it was the only option he had. Then the woman pulled into a gas station. She made a comment about him being dumb for crashing - no fucking way, I had no idea that crashing was a bad idea. Luke clenched his fists. "Pretty dumb of the trucking company to hire someone who can't fucking drive. I got run off the road, it wasn't my fault." Maybe it was pride, or maybe that anger was bubbling up again, but he couldn't stop from defending himself. He took a deep breath as she mentioned a phone. "Good idea. I'll go check." The words came through gritted teeth. He ran into the gas station and slapped his hands on the counter to get the cashier's attention. "Bus schedule - do you have one?" He was demanding and rushed, and he did nothing to try and soften his words. The teenager behind the counter shook his head, unsure of what to make of the man. The kid opened his mouth to say something, but Luke didn't wait to hear it. He glanced out the window to the woman who had picked him up. The last thing he wanted was for her to leave without him. He stormed out of the gas station as the kid called after him that the nearest bus terminal was almost an hour away. Luke slowed a little as he approached the woman, trying to appear more friendly. "So, listen. Let me thank you for your help." He pointed in the direction they came from and forced a smile. "We passed a greasy spoon a little bit that way, let me buy you lunch." It wasn't ideal: he knew he needed to find the source of the bell fast, but this place was the middle of nowhere. Even if he wanted to call someone to find him, Phoenix was just too far away - it would take a full day, at least, for someone to drive out. And he couldn't wait that long. With luck, he could sweet talk this woman into helping him at least get to the nearest Greyhound... or find someone else at the diner who would. Besides, he realized, he'd eaten nothing since starting his journey the day before. He was running on caffeine and fumes... and the caffeine was starting to wear off. A few cups of coffee and a hot meal would help him recharge enough to keep going.</s> <|message|>Cyl'Nyarlith ~Cyl~ @Lord Zee --- Cyl simply smiled at Amos' tone. If there was one thing that their siblings should know by now, it's that the youngest God did not care one bit about anything other than their own amusement. As such, the resentment in Amos' tone when she was greeted was dismissed. At the mention of them being out of practice though, Cyl sighed. Out of practice? No no, the world had simply fallen into disrepair in their absence. The realms of magic had been unmaintained and unlooked after. Oh, certainly, they were still functioning, but they could feel them. The astral realms were grinding. Slowly. Their eyes were obscured as if viewing things from underwater. "Ah, ah," Cyl raised a finger and waggled it in front of Amos. "Out of practice? Me? Never. I live and breathe arcane energies, Amos. Being cut off from them was almost like living a life breathing stale, rotten air with every breath. It will come naturally. One just has too..." He made a fist with their hand as if he was trying to grab something unseen. "...try reaching for it. Unfortunately, without my or the scholars' presence, it seems the old places have fallen into disrepair." They took a few steps back from Amos, rubbing one of her eyes and closing the other. "My eyes are tired and blind from years of disuse, to be sure, but that will be something quickly rectified." Another spell though? They could. Quite easily, so. Using the energies lightning up this place with heaven's unlocking it would offer them a fair bit more control and more accuracy with the traveling. That said, there was no guarantee that there would be another place they could 'jump' too so to speak. Might end up jettosining them across the stars to some distant planet. "Hmm...I could brother dearest," She playfully smirked, already having decided to do so anyway to sate her own curiosity, but she wanted a question answered first. "I could send us traveling through the back realms of the world and toss us upon the bell and likely our other siblings gathered." She paused for a moment, looking at the palm of her hand before looking over to Amos. "But I am curious. What do you intend to do with Desious when we arrive?" Cyl didn't know he was there for certain, but the only one with access to the Bell was Death himself. There was also the issue of the human. Jumping him again so soon might have adverse effects on him...though he supposed he could now give them a little gift, of sorts.</s> <|message|>Zencrux Stjerne and Zencrux: Welcome to our Home.... Don't touch anything. With the arrival of Vetra, and her resulting rant, Zencrux just growls, frowning at her. It's Stjerne's turn to grab his arm and hold him back. "She's not worth it, Zen, just let her be." He's uninterested in the whole affair, but if these gods can't get along they'll have a big problem. Zencrux crosses his large arms and silently glares down at Vetra. Stjerne looks towards Hiraga, a cold expression on the usual jovial god. "Your realm? If mother and father were here they'd disagree. I don't care that you are the protector of Earth, that doesn't mean you own it. What help have you given the humans during our absence? I have yet to see any. Now, everyone just keep still so I can get us out of here. You guys wonder why I hated being with you in Heaven." Stjerne sighs, scrolling along the globe of Aetherius and tapping a spot. Overhead the aurora spun, forming a prefect circle and descended upon the group. "Zen, make sure we aren't blasted of the top of the building, please. I don't want to accidentally kill the demigod. At Zencrux's nod, the air seemed to still around them, obeying his silent command. The aurora at this point had touched the ground and with a soft audible poof, the others found themselves in Seattle. Clouds could be seen all around and Stjerne headed towards a door leading inside. The penthouse was rather luxurious. Wood paneling covered the walls and it was obvious Stjerne's handiwork was present with how pleasing to the eyes it all was. Zencrux took the lead, heading to the large lounge room, if the massive, half floor room could be called that. The southeastern half was sectioned off with a glass window, showing a meeting room of sorts. In the lounge room, a bar was set up in the northwest corner stocked with all kinds of drinks. in the middle, offset to the west a bit was a fake fireplace/heater. A massive TV was mounted on it, facing east. The floor was covered in hardwood and at the seating areas, rugs. The staircase they came from led further down into the building and another was seen next to the bar leading up. A man in a tailored suit stood by in the meeting room. He nodded at Zencrux as he entered the room. "Do you require assistance, my lord?" The man asked politely. "Prepare enough rooms for our guests, should they wish to stay. After that, make sure we are not disturbed. Have David and Ayako run the business end. I also want news on any new developments of the usual kind. As he talked he made his way to the head of the table in the meeting room to grab his tablet and walked out to the lounge area. Stjerne went to the bar to grab a drink before meeting his lover in the main seating area. Zencrux took the massive leather seating chair and sighed. "Welcome to our home. Took a few decades to get it, but this is actually our first home. We own the upper ten floors of this building and converted it as we saw fit. Stjerne decorated the place. Don't break my stuff.'</s>
<|message|>Fiala Fiala: just the cat's pajamas Fiala smiled warmly as she shook Kayla's hand. She felt somehow more at ease - likely the demigod's power, she thought. It was relaxing, and sort of nice to feel so calm while surrounded by the angriest of her family. Then Kayla made her comment, and Fiala laughed freely. "You're probably right. Not the worst thing I've ever lost." She glanced at her stolen watch and laughed again. "Yeah, he's definitely my ex by now." Turning her attention back to the group, she finally lit her cigarette, just in time to hear Stjerne announce that they were leaving. She looked up and saw the aura form and slowly surround them. Puff, puff. Fiala was grateful when they landed outside of their destination, not putting her in the position of having to pollute the air inside the building. She hung toward the back of the group as they entered, smoking to her heart's content but not finishing the cigarette, and scraping it out on the bottom of her boot before entering. Fiala raised an eyebrow as they entered the penthouse. It was huge, and she couldn't help but wonder how much a place like this cost. She paused as she looked around, and smirked when she saw the bar. She followed Sjerne, and pulled up the nearest seat as he grabbed himself a drink. Crossing her ankles and lifting an arm, she threw her head back and closed her eyes. "I'll have a gin rickey, my good sir," she announced in a Transatlantic accent, "and don't skimp on the hootch. I'm out on parole, ya see, and I'm lookin' to get zozzled tonight." She laughed at herself. The twenties were a fun time. Although she clearly wasn't taking herself seriously, her ears were pricked up toward the rest of the group. This meeting was still important, and as much as she wanted to screw around, she knew she needed to pay attention.</s>
<|description|>??? ALIAS('s): Darsby STATUS: Living SPECIES: Human? GENDER: Male? AGE: ??? HEIGHT: 5' 10" WEIGHT: ??? BUILD: Lean-Lanky-Thin RANK: ??? OCCUPATION: ??? BASIC PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He's attenuated, pale, entirely covered in various ebony tribal tattoos up to and including the neck, numerous lengthy blade-born scars, and holds lean muscle in quantity's just thick enough to not look emaciated. His hair and eyes are generally a somewhat luminescent rose pink, the X scar just above his right eye is of the same color. Said scar is the only piece of tissue with such an oddity. Darsby's scars cut through his numerous tattoos as if having occurred after getting ink-work done. BASIC PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: He's most easily related to an apathetic college student during finals week who's will to live was lost after discovering their GPA is ruined due to failed exams. BASIC ABILITY DESCRIPTION: He can hide his presence with alien cigarettes and teleport objects from one place to another, I guess? Maybe he can sense strange magics? BASIC HISTORY DESCRIPTION: Unidscovered PICTURE:</s> <|message|>??? Dan nodded inconsistently with Anora for most of her statements with a twinge of guilt overcoming his exhaustedly anxious composure. His lower lip obtains a few reddish marks after some intensive nibbling whilst his hands knot themselves atop thin knees. His head tilts downwards with a sigh as if he were bowing to an apology. Our "monster's" head moves back into what he displays as 'awkward eye-contact' range shortly after the young woman finishes speaking. "Monster Mash?" Dan would squeak, sounding more as a mouse than a man whilst Anora listed many references which only pushed him further into confusion. He took several seconds to blink in blank disparity before visibly shaking the confusion from himself with a few squints and bodily tremors. "I-I-I, I think I misspoke.. Your aggressive mindset is sort of, at least, like, a bit my own fault here. I used the word, uhm, conquer? It's more like an 'indoctrination'..-" His open palms gesture with honesty and gentle dismay whilst he speaks. An inept description of things is left to this small, confused, individual as opposed to the other strange and distant creatures riding in our reinforced car down the open freeway. "We, uhm, I mean, The Council, takes in planets full of sentient life with the capacity to produce what we call 'regal wizards', who are, like, really rare from this worlds standpoint... Roughly, I think, one for every billion people? You aren't one! I mean, not at present... Well, anyways, uh...-" Dan gets lost in thought, tapping his chin with a pause in open-handed gestures before sparking to life with further elaboration. "-uh... Right! So with these, uhm, these worlds, we perform free trade of resources and information, but, your issue is, uhm, we end up giving things up equally to everyone. Most of the, uh, the-uh.. like, political groups? Yeah, political groups on your planet don't like the idea of someone much bigger looking over them. Or that bigger person being their main source of information which is as available to them as it is to their enemy... if that makes sense? I've noticed that humans don't become friends overnight unless the one feeding them turns out to be their mutual enemy... Which we aren't worried about! Because, like, there aren't that many of you? But, even so, we don't like, want anyone to die for dopey reasons." Dan takes a moment to rub his temples, eyes closed, mumbling something like a list. He seems to be making sure he's not forgetting anything major. "Oh! Pahn! Right, so we don't know that much about Pahn. They seem to be one person, but, we aren't sure? All we know is that they're capable enough to vaporize this world if something doesn't go their way. Wich is an issue, when we, like, don't want anyone dying because of us? So we're trying to find him before we throw wide-range magics on this planet that are standard for every world under our jurisdiction. We don't know if he'll react in a bad way, which could, y'know, like, kill off everyone you know?" Dan kind of shrugs and makes a weird squeaking sound as his shoulders slide quickly upward to perform the overt gesture of, 'who knows?'. Dan slides back into his seat a bit before hunching over, using one finger to pick at the other one's nail. The man sits like this for a few seconds before looking up again. "Oh yeah! Darsby was supposed to handle things quietly, but, uh, we got some new information that kind of demanded someone, uhm, someone like me?" One hand loosely pulls at his collar as if he were in danger of sweating when speaking of himself or Darsby in any context. If the subject matter of their conversation were different, you'd easily take him for some neurotic passerby living a simple life of many anxieties and a general lack-of-sleep. Darsby appeared relatively unaffected until the end where he bowed a bit as if out of embarrassment towards Anora. His eyes gazed at her with level emotions of serious disposition as he typically seemed to do. Those eyes glimmer with the faint essence of some otherworldly thought, yet, before it could pull her in, Darsby would look away. Ahllasta, in contrast, seemed to shift from afraid and distressed to deeply annoyed. Any talk of politics or equality seemed to claw at her patience immensely. Someone as ferocious as she could be expected to care very little for general bureaucracy. Yet, perhaps, she was pestered for other reasons?</s> <|message|>Anora Rose Feldington. She's told it's a name that's been in her family for as long as anyone can remember. Anora couldn't hide a smirk at Dan's reaction to her nickname for him. Something about none of them understanding her references was somehow both irritating and satisfying: with all the confusion they'd caused her, the least she could do was return it, even if in a way that didn't much matter. She almost snorted when Dan tried to amend his choice of wording. Because that'd go over so much better. Fully facing front again, she slowly broke off a piece of the open energy bar. She listened to him carefully. Her head turned slightly toward him to interrupt him with a quick, surprised, "'At present?'" She shook her head, refocusing on Dan's explanations. She popped the bit of almond-dotted, chocolate-laced granola into her mouth. She hardly tasted it as she chewed. Dan's words did nothing to help his cause of convincing Anora their intentions were solely good. She'd seen one too many movies where people sugar-coated their missions, and knew all to well from experience that words often prove sweeter than practice. As her dad always said, 'If your gut says there's something off, listen to it. It's probably right.' And hers was telling her just that. It all sounded too… cultish. Too vague, with too many ways their true intentions could be interpreted. Too close to sounding more like they wanted to use the planet to kidnap these 'regal wizards' for their own personal use. She prickled at his statement about their numbers vs. Earth's in the event of an uprising. So Pahn, it seemed, was really the only thing standing in their way, the only thing whoever Dan, Darsby, and Ahllasta worked for feared. She inhaled slowly, struggling to maintain an outward calm. She glanced back at Dan when he switched to mumbling to himself, his words too low for her to make out. Dan, it seemed, was observant, but not explicitly familiar with how humanity worked. Whether he picked up on her thoughts because of mind reading, some sort of empathic ability, or good ol' intuition, she couldn't say. Regardless of the how, he was quicker at it than Darsby. And the high possibility of the former two was unnerving. An incredulous look crossed her face at how nonchalantly the man mentioned the potential outcome of Pahn killing off everyone she knew. Her grip on the energy bar tightened slightly. For someone who claimed he and his organization didn't want to see anyone hurt, he didn't exactly show any emotion over the prospect of lost lives. So, basically, they could die either at the hands of Pahn, or in the ensuing mass chaos of beings from outer space popping up around the world and trying to force their ways on everyone. Not to mention the world having whatever these 'wide-range magics' were put over it. Whatever he meant, she didn't like the sound of it. And it wouldn't be just her loved ones who suffered. That Pahn hadn't already vaporized the planet was a good sign, though. At least enough to possibly mean he—they—whichever didn't necessarily want Earth destroyed. Just that the power was there. When Dan stopped speaking, her gaze stayed on the energy bar. She spared Darsby's actions scarcely half a glance in acknowledgement. Yet, Ahllasta's reactions beside her caught her attention. Rather, the exact topics that warranted them. If Anora didn't know any better, she'd say Ahllasta didn't much care for the way Dan and his superiors did things. Curiosity about what, exactly, Ahllasta had done to warrant being sent to Earth as a punishment itched on her tongue. "What 'new information' came up to get you involved, then?" She picked off another piece of the energy bar. "And how is it I have a 'contract' with Pahn, anyway? I've never even met him... er, them." She mushed the bit of granola into a roundish shape. "And you didn't actually answer my other questions," she added irately. "Who is it, exactly, you're working for," she looked up through the windshield at the street rushing by, "and where are we going?"</s>
<|message|>??? Dan shirked away as he consistently did with Anora's abrasive state, he didn't appear to entirely understand or appreciate her current mindset as something he could grow accustomed to. He sputtered into speaking with anxiety against the waves of ever-angered questions. "Th-th-they, uhm, well, like, the people I do jobs for, they said that Pahn was creating some sort of super-weapon here. They needed to send someone who could, y'know, like, actually neutralize it if he turns out to be hostile...-" He scratches at the back of his head before jamming his thumbs inside white-knuckled palms that pace with force against his thighs. "-I mean, the people who asked me to come here, not, like, my bosses necessarily, but, uhm, the ones who thought I could benefit from a trip here, they, uh, they call themselves 'The Council'. They're a sort of, uh, a network of wizards set up to guarantee all forms of non-hostile trade in the universe at large... W-we also, like-! Y'know, we come together if there's some sort of big threat, or whatever..." Dan shivers visibly due to whatever combination of exhaustion and stress may be coiling its vicious body around his maladjusted mind. *Cough-cough, Whe-heeze!* Dan coughs and wheezes for a few short moments, his shoulders rattling like the legs of a chair getting ready to give under too much weight. Quickly, he finished coughing and came back to slouching as he tends to with both hands either anxiously pacing his thighs or gesticulating gently towards Anora. "W-well Darsby, here, he will be helping with direction. I mean, you didn't exactly, interact with Pahn, but, uhm, we believe a distant ancestor of yours was one of his creations, err, associates?" Dan scratches at his head with the ending of that last statement/question. During the aforementioned fit of coughing, Darsby performed a fast and nearly undetectable action. The man leaned towards Anora at incredibly fast speeds, and, without permission, tapped his finger against the small wound on her arm. There was a miniscule drop of blood atop Darsby's finger as he leaned back into his seat, having finished that entire movement in under a second. Somehow, her arm wouldn't hurt any more than it already had, and no bandage or scab had been opened. Darsby breaths a small cloud of greyish smoke into his lap, this cloud evaporates once it had reached about the size of a small jewelry box. What is left in its wake is a small black cube. Darsby touches the blood against its top surface, the box then morphs and shifts its shape into that of a sphere with very small, rough looking details tapering its surface. Eventually, blues and greens and greys fill this orb with creamy hues. After about three or four seconds, it was clear that this globe was turning into a small replica of Earth with Darsby keeping his finger locked against its upper side. He eventually retracted his finger from the top, the strange object shrinking all at once with a thin silver chord attached to it to form what looks to be a necklace. "Wear this please." Darsby would say to Anora without flinching as if everything that had just happened was what everyone should have expected. His consistently deadpan features would do nothing to alight our young woman of what it is that had just specifically occurred. "Yes, uhm, this Quenz-Box should, uh, it should let you know, sort of, empathically, which way we need to be going." Dan blushes at Darsby while he gestures towards the small necklace with Earth as it's jewel. The clouds and oceans appeared to be moving in real-time atop its faintly reflective surface. Ahllasta continued to display annoyance at the puttering descriptions of Dan. Perhaps it was just this man that rubbed her raw; perhaps it was the subject matter. Regardless, her lower lip wasn't likely to survive the gnawing of those ferociously sharp canines. Should Anora touch the necklace, she'd hear a strange breeze. Winds and cawing birds would fill her ears, drops of water gently touching upon leaves and the scent of grass accompanied by thoughts of fruit would fill her mind. These thoughts and images wouldn't occupy her entire mind; it's as if her consciousness were a house and someone had flipped on the TV in a room near the one she was occupying. This TV would display distant images of what looked to be some rainforest with vast plains and tall mountains. Strangely, these images blurrily collided with the thoughts of some Chinese or perhaps Japanese city, in all of its concrete wonder shooting as towers into the sky. She would feel some compulsion to continue down this road they were driving on with an eventual inkling to turn right at some point.</s>
<|description|>Sena Age: 18 Gender: Female Granted Type: Chosen Style: Fire Personality: quiet, has trouble speaking her mind. She instead expresses her self with her artwork. She enjoys her time alone, but is better off with a little human interaction and when she finds someone she gets close to, Sena can get physically clingy. Notable Physical Features: A decorative amber-to-deep red ombre monarch butterfly between her shoulder blades on her back. Abilities: Pyrokinesis Enhanced Senses and Agility Heat Resistance Backstory/Bio: As a child, Sena didn't precisely get along with anyone and vice versa. She was teased and made fun of for sticking her nose in a book all the time but never minds the thoughts of others about her; though she is self conscious for other reasons. She was much loved, spoiled and coddled by her mother being the only child. The relationship between herself and her parents is not rocky. They kept her entertained.</s> <|message|>Akia Thakrar "Yup! Ask us for help whenever you need it! Actually, I don't know much about The Cottage, so I can't help you on that, but we can be friends," Akia said. Damn it. You've only been here an hour, at the most, than Sena. Who are you to act all leader-like? Akia had noticed Sena being a little shy, but she assumed she will loosen up over time. "I'm not sure where you will sleep, though... Are you okay with sleeping by yourself? I would invite you to our room, but I'm not sure if Shiro would be okay with it... It's also a double room, so you might be a little squished," Akia rambled, turning to Shiro as she spoke. Akia's head perked up when she heard Alex's announcement. I wonder what he means by 'change of plans'. Are we not going to eat at all? I hope not. I'm starving!</s> <|message|>Sena Sena nods, looking from Akia to Shiro with a grateful smile. There seem to be plenty of friendly faces around here and for that Sena was thankful. Little to no words have been exchanged when Akia started to babble on about her residence. She only nodded in responds to the question. Sena would rather pour hot oil on her foot than to share a room with someone else; she was a person who valued her privacy. When the intercom buzzed on followed by a voice, Sena's attention was averted. Six? Change of plans? She glanced at her watch. Over thirty five minutes left before then. She was more worried about what to do for the time being. Maybe try to find my room? she suggested to herself and wordlessly slipped out of company to explore a bit while she went looking for her room.</s> <|message|>Bastard Bob Dinner plans were changed, wonderful. Probably someone had a food allergy or just the new girl being a snob. Roberto didn't really care which it was. He continued to tread the ground's perimeter, barefoot. His shoes sat on the porch where he'd left them after the first circuit. He liked the feel of the earth beneath his toes. That was his heritage, at least on his sire'd side. He didn't know much about his mother's side, whoever she was, she hadn't wanted him any more than his dad had. But she was different, he could do things his "family" couldn't. They didn't like that, which made it a point of pride for Bob, anything they hated he'd come to cherish in some form or fashion, if only to spite his elders. If they think I owe them anything, they're wrong, and if they want me dead, see if I care, it's not like I have a life anyway. My only real joy any more is pissing them off. What would piss them off most here? I could burn the cottage... They'd just have another one built, to insignificant. Osik... Do I really have to do this? Well, it's not like I'm going to just find an army standing around waiting for orders. I may as well make the most of what I can here. One thing I will not do is emulate my sire, I will thwart him in particular at every chance I get. That decided, Roberto checked his watch, and figured he had time to left to write a short postcard to the ever doting Mumsy. What possessed her to love him, Bob never could figure out, but she did, and she was the only one who ever had or ever would as far as he could tell. He grabbed his shoes and slipped in the back door, pulling out a post card and pen, he dashed off a few short lines, that weren't wrong, but didn't really say anything either. The cottage was nice, he had a room to himself, his window had a nice view, the others seemed like nice campers, etc. He put a stamp on it, and addressed it, before sticking it in his back pocket. He'd put it in the mail bin on his way to dinner in about five minutes. He checked his bag, grabbed a pair sandals, and slipped them on. He'd unpack the rest later. He stepped outside, and made his way to the dining room, dropping off his postcard on the way. He fully expected the mail would be censored, which would be amusing, since he never told Mumsy anything anyway. Bob knew if told her the truth she would just get herself killed trying to stand up for him and then he really would be alone in the world. So he didn't, he played nice and wore a thick mask, it'd come in real handy for the next few weeks. Bob stepped into the dining room at 1753, (5:53pm) and found a wall to lean against while waiting for further instructions. He noticed he couldn't smell dinner... that was odd.</s> <|message|>Alexander Shepard Checking his watch and meeting up in the kitchen he saw Roberto waiting. "We're going to be we are going to make a brief trip into the city." Maybe he should have left without them. No. They were specific with their instructions: 'The bastard child is not to be left in the cottage without a staff member'. Apparently he had a tendency for property destruction. Hopefully they were going to hire new support staff soon. Pressing the buzzer again he yelled. "5 minutes!"</s> <|message|>Shiro Fujima @Ally610@Tracyarmav Pretty much as soon as Alex had told them all to get to the kitchen by 6 Shiro had excused herself from the group, not noticing that Sena had done the same. She figured she should unpack now so she didn't have to do it later. Despite the odd tracksuit she was currently wearing Shiro did actually have normal clothes, they were rather plain but normal clothes they indeed were. Deciding to change for the time being she slipped on a blue t-shirt and some jeans followed by sneakers. Again, plain outfit was plain, but what did you really expect from her? She didn't take her gloves off however, for all she knew they were going to have to fight for their food or something so she kept them on. After changing and unpacking she heard Alex tell them they only had 5 minutes left, running and nearly tripping down the stairs she stumbled into the kitchen, catching herself on the door frame. "Shiro ready!" She declared, her happy expression turning slightly confused as she didn't see nor smell food. "Where food?" She asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion.</s> <|message|>Sena Sena had found her room, finally at peace and was able to hear herself think. She bit her lower lip and started organizing her things in the drawers, and on the well made bed. She took out a photograph, placing it on her desk. In it, was a middle-aged red headed woman, who was smiling brightly, her hair already graying and beside her a man with his arm around the woman's shoulder with the same bright smile. What stood out in the photograph was a light brown-haired boy with blue eyes and herself with a darker shade of the bright red hair that she had at the moment, riding on the boy's back with their eyes closed and their cheeks pink from running. The boys eyes were blue and whenever Sena looked into them, it was like looking deep into the ocean with the golden sunlight reflecting against the surface. It was hard to recall the last time her childhood friend smiled. The voice just outside interrupted her train of thought and startled her to jump. She quickly places the still-life memory on the desk and peeked her head out of her door with an inquisitive gaze. Five minutes? Might as well start heading to the kitchen now. She grabs onto a stuffed bunny, holding it close to her chest before slipping out and closing the door behind her. She might as well move on with her own life and not dwell in the past; no matter how complicated it has been. Sena walked into the kitchen with the little stuffed animal still held close to her chest, her head peeking into the kitchen before quietly slipping in. She kept her gaze onto the floor and well away from the group of people.</s> <|message|>Akia Thakrar @Shikaru@gravity22@Tracyarmav Akia sat on the chair that she was originally sitting on during Alex's talk. Everyone had left to do their own thing, but Akia didn't see what to do. My clothes are fine, I will change at night. It won't take long to unpack. 3 minutes at the most. She massaged her right arm unconsciously, or rather, half of her right arm. There was a stump where the elbow should be. She really wasn't thinking of anything When the buzz sounded, reminding Akia that dinner was in five minutes. She wiped the tears off her face that had rolled down without any reason. She jogged to the kitchen where everyone seemed to be waiting. What she found peculiar was that there was no food on the table. "So, what's up?"</s> <|message|>Bastard Bob @Shikaru@hyperbunny@Ally610 Roberto stood upright, pushing himself off the wall, as the last inhabitant of the cabin, that he knew of, arrived. That's all of us then. Why... you know what? I don't care, if she wanted to eat dinner with her bunny, it won't bother me any. Clapping his hands to gather everyone's attention, Bob announces the situation to everyone and decides to push some things. He slides his hands back into his pockets as he speaks. "Field trip, apparently we get a dinner on the town. Any special requests for where in town we eat tonight?"</s> <|message|>Sena @Ally610@Shikaru@gravity22 Sena glanced around the room, seeing if anyone had anything to say. Well, either way she would stay quiet and just watch the scene unfold before her. Words had always been of little use in her opinion. She only shrugged in reply, not really wanting anything in particular. She pressed her back against the wall, waiting for someone else to speak up and just stared at her stuffed bunny which was a worn down, it's fur no longer fuzzy from being hugged and squished. Sena had always used it as her security blanket, and dragged the thing around everywhere. Ever since she got it for a gift, she never left home without it.</s> <|message|>Akia Thakrar @Tracyarmav@Shikaru@gravity22 "I want Chinese takeout!" Ally said, after a pause of silence, "I feel like chicken and noodles today." She looked around the room for reactions. Oh no! Had I offered something nobody wanted? I should really be careful next time if I get asked for my opinion. Akia only saw Sena staring at her stuffed bunny. It looked pretty worn out, so she guessed that there was some meaning behind it. Nobody will judge me if I wear the necklace pendant, right? It's pretty big, so it could catch everyone's attention, and I don't want to show tears while telling the story behind it... Oh well, they should respect my privacy!</s> <|message|>Shiro Fujima @Ally610@hyperbunny@gravity22 Shiro waited for the rest to either speak up about their food choices, or in Sena's case not speak up. She thought for a few minutes, Chinese food DID sound pretty appealing. Then again, they asked them for whatever they wanted, right...? While, Chinese food sounded good..Shiro had other ideas. "Shiro wants chocolate cake!" She shouted happily with a goofy grin on her face. "And Chinese food!" She added. Because, why not both?</s> <|message|>Bastard Bob @Shikaru@hyperbunny@Ally610 Roberto nodded and thought about the options, since Alex wasn't interrupting Bob decided this was pseudo permission to go have fun on the town, though he knew any sour consequences would land squarely on his own shoulders. He shrugged and decided it would be best to take the ferry across. If they went quickly they could get there in time to catch the 6:00 ferry from the Island, though they'd have to watch the time or get stuck on the mainland after the last ferry, which left at 8:30, had set out. That would leave them about two hours to see to dinner. Nodding he announces the next step of the plan, and then starts on his way, half expecting Alex to stop him. "Alright, there's a van out front, by the supply shed, let's load up and head out. Chinese food and chocolate cake will be our fare tonight, we'd better enjoy it while it lasts." Roberto jumped into the driver's seat, and started the van. He'd seen the keys hanging in the hall by Alex's office and stopped to grab them on the way out. Alex apparently had something else to deal with, so Bob would get to bring him something on the return trip. Bob waited for the others pile in and turned the radio on, or tired to, turns out the radio doesn't work. Oh well, at least it had started and wouldn't give them any trouble getting to and around town.</s> <|message|>Akia Thakrar @Tracyarmav@hyperbunny@gravity22 Chocolate cake? Hmm... Interesting mix.. Who cares?! When you're hungry, you eat! Akia studied everyone's faces. Roberto seemed to be thinking, and everyone else had their poker faces on. "I'm sure I'll enjoy it! I haven't had chocolate cake since..." since Mom passed away. Tears rushed towards her eyes, but she blinked them away quickly, "since last year." Akia jumped onto the van, taking the back seat to let somebody else take shotgun, because she knew everyone's favorite spot was the passenger seat. She quickly strapped on her seat belt, not wanting to meet the same fate as her father. A single tear rolled down her cheek and she swiped it away with her hand. She turned her head to face the window so no one would be able to see her. How am I going to control these emotions if everything will remind me of something sad? Get it together, Akia. You can do it. Do it for your parents' death.</s>
<|message|>Sena With a quiet hum of agreement, Sena follows the rest of the group close behind, taking a seat at the very back, pressing her side up against the other window seat. She gently brushes the matted fur of her stuffed bunny down while buckling her seat belt with her other arm, "All buckled up," she mumbles and even smiled a little. Sena pressed her lips against the little bunny's head, a curtain of red head falling in front of her face as she waits for everyone else to board the van.</s>
<|description|>Abel Fulgurate Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: The Ampere, a unique polearm with a wide, flat blade rather than a spearhead along with a gray steel pole. It has both range and lethality, keeping most melee fighters at a range safe for Abel but devastating to them with a tempered steel point, as well as channeling Abel's natural aura far better than he can do by himself (Inside the the Ampere's pole is a thick mesh of silver and copper wire). The Ampere has a single alternate mode that splits the wide blade into four parts and reverses their direction, creating a vaguely mace shape. In this mode, the Ampere can release bolts of lightening that travel impressive distances instantly. Specialty: Abel fits best into the role of guardian, fittingly enough. His size, range, and defensive characteristics make him good at intercepting danger coming for his teammates, and he can certainly throw his strength around at close range, armed or not. Using his lightening bolts, he is able to paralyze if not flash-fry a single opponent at long range. Semblance: Surge - This ability allows him to project electricity that can manipulate the Ampere at short range without touching it and summon it back to his hand when disarmed, as well as channel electricity to shock anything the weapon touches. By using Surge to rotate his staff quickly at very close range, he can create a sort of shield. When he focuses his power sufficiently through the Ampere in staff mode, he is able to fire a bolt of lightening that takes several minutes to recharge. Personality: Abel is proud and gruff, very serious and totally without humor. For someone who appreciates the creativity and technique of both weapons and battle so thoroughly, he ironically is without creativity. Instead, he tend to go about his business by the book, a principled young man of habit and routine with little to no capability to think outside the box. While he is dependable, he is not flexible, and can respond to bullying, injustice, or even plain teasing with sudden anger. While not antisocial, he sticks with only a few friends at any given time, concentrating on strong bonds rather than many bonds. He loathes popular culture and those who overtly subscribe to it. The Grimm mask he carries makes him upset and angry, more at himself than anything else, but as it reminds him of his brother he cannot let it go. Deep down, Abel is a severe defeatist. Color: Azure Emblem: An azure lightening bolt, naturally. Appearance: When reading, he is forced to put on glasses.</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz -- Creative Mission-Based Title Buoying her own odds? Well, I gue-- "Okay, now you're just being mean!" he replied to her next jab indignantly, disconnecting a cable with some authority. "What kind of guy do you take me for, I have a right to defend myself!" After all, he wasn't a doormat who would let himself be rolled over by anyone who wanted to make fun of him so easily. "You were the one saying you were trying to put me in more danger anyway, trying to weigh down my odds." He continued in their verbal sparring session, his hands grasping the battery firmly and pulling up. "If you said you were trying to help yourself and not hinder me, I wouldn't have snapped. If that's the case, then I'll apologize. But--" he grunted, sentence interrupted by exertion as they dislodged the battery. "You can't say one thing and mean the opposite, and expect me to get it. That's unfair." Why's she so intent on making me admit it, anyway? This feels like a police confession coercion. Don't I have the right against self-incrimination? I plead the Fifth! "Let's get this thing back, the less time we spend out in the open, the better."</s> <|message|>Grane Blauer Grane Blauer While stealth ops were probably his forte, Grane had to say he disagreed at the moment that they should go stealth, let alone split up. Yes, they may have only one person who could really take damage, but he'd rather take that than the odds of stealthily infiltrating in with no comms. Too much could go wrong. If one half got utterly wiped out, the other half would probably be screwed. The surviving half probably wouldn't even know the other half had been wiped out. Grane doubted any of them knew how to make smoke signals, even more so under combat, and using a heliograph system didn't really seem to be an option. While Grane had hardly fought against grimm, the sound of a noisy helicopter was sure to get their attention as well. The grimm would most likely be riled up from the deafening sounds of helicopter rotors. The way Grane saw it- His team was like an airborne unit at the moment. They had similar objectives- take a point with limited firepower and wait for reinforcements. The entire point of an airborne unit was to surprise the enemy in their own backyard, and wipe out opposition before they could mass together and eventually wipe out the smaller force, or at least delay them long enough for reinforcements to arrive. "Robert, while I'm down to do this mission sneaky beaky like, we just don't have the comms to pull off a successful stealth raid. Yes, we could go in blind and hope nothing goes wrong, but it could. Waiting to grab some radios inside of the fort is not much of a safety net in my opinion, when we don't even know there are working radios there. I would suggest the most direct approach and drop into the middle of the fort. It might disorient the Grimm for a bit, long enough for us to take the base. We can get Delta into a elevated position where he can pick off the rest of the grimm assaulting our position, while we radio for help and hold the fort on the ground. Splitting up our forces with no comms for the first half of the op is not appealing to me. If something happens in that time period, the mission is FUBAR." Grane meant no disrespect, but he felt he needed to give some input before they all agreed on a half baked plan at best. "That being said, if you feel like stealth is the best opinion, I will respect your choice of strategy." Grane wasn't really interested in the leadership position, nor did he want to start any drama with this new team. If Robert wanted to go ahead with this, fine, he'd follow orders. Didn't mean he had to agree or like them though.</s> <|message|>Benjamin Lloyd Benjamin Lloyd "Got you." Bastille's leader answered Amy, taking a few steps to the right to cover the cardinal points left open by Luke and Amy. Shotguns up and at the ready, carefully sweeping across the extent of his domain in clear, calm pans. He could dimly hear their faint bickering, and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Normally it would have been funny. Right now he was too on edge. It was easy to understand, though. It was their way of relieving stress. Keeping cool and collected. He couldn't begrudge them that. But he really wished they'd pick up the pace.</s> <|message|>Krysanthe Krysthane - Patrol Mission Krysthane shrugged in response to Skyra's suggestoin, "Well alright if you think that's best. First though unless somebody has a better idea Sepia made friends with some guys that hang out at a local cafe and I was thinking of stopping by there to see if they know anything. Any better ideas?" She asked the group not expecting anything more. She looked at her yellow clothing and vibrant red scarf, guess she would be hard pressed to blend in with anyone. Eh, points for style right? Besides, people would want to avoid them if they looked like a gang or group of detectives or something. Given no other suggestions she would head off towards the Cat Nap, checking her map every so often.</s>
<|message|>Abel Fulgurate In a sudden fit of genius, Abel discerned the exact purpose of the earplugs the moment Sapphire handed them to him. Actually, since the first time the Siren's mention crossed his ears, he'd hurried to use his scroll to look up any available information on the Grimm in question, so by now he hosted a pretty clear idea of what the sound-oriented monsters could do. The abilities he read about chilled him ever so slightly; if everything that shone on the little screen before him constituted hard fact, the Sirens could not only sing to entice but also mimic human voices perfectly. Holding the earplugs in his hands, and bereft of any worry that the girl's earbuds might be too small, he resolved to not allow the team to split up. When thrust into a position to actually enforce this, just a few moments later, Abel tripped over his tongue. The news of Sapphire's aquaphobia struck him as a major problem, of course, but only did her relegation of the guardian to backup leader truly floor him. Never in his life had Abel either been explicitly given or wanted to take a position of great responsibility. After all, his strength was his strong suit. In the realms of quick thinking, adaptability, planning, and coordination, practically anyone was more fit than he in his mind. Furthermore, it seemed that by doing this, Sapphire neglected to consider an aspect of his fighting style that a maritime mission would utterly flummox. He listened sagely to Gren's reply, nodding along for the most part but inwardly making a list of things to raise objection to—it was important to have one's thoughts in order. Once the orc finished, Abel drained his tea, folded his arms and commenced responding. "Yeah. Sight'll be real important if we can't hear." Despite the guardian's lack of enthusiasm for a leadership role, he seemingly let slip the caveat that Sapphire needed to be incapacitated first before he start fulfilling it. Holding a finger to his chin in the very image of inspiring contemplation, he continued, "From the pictures I saw when I looked it up, the thing looks like a big slug with a bunch of different horns on its head. If anything, it's as sluggish in water as on land, and sound travels better through air, right? Might not even have to swim. Which, uh, would be good, because there's a couple issues with me and water. I'm a good swimmer, but in full clothes and this armor, not as much, and then there's my semblance. Surge has, like, two modes: finesse, and ka-blam. One won't do anything, the other will fry everything in a fifty-foot radius in water, us too. Plus...wouldn't it really suck to try and open my eyes in salt water? Hm. Funny that the cat's the best with water, huh?" His eyes went wide. "Wait, that's not racist, is it?" When Swansong arrived, Abel silently followed everyone else, paying a rapt and near-military attention to Captain McDougall. His patient ear absorbed every tidbit of exposition the sheriff could offer. At the end, the guardian gave a respectful nod and declared, "Yes, sir. We'll keep in touch." For the second time that day, Abel crossed his arms and entered the realm of deep thought. "A cave. Well, we know where to start." He cast an azure glance at Gren. "I dunno if we need to talk to the locals. If there were any big Grimm around, the sheriff would already know. The old lady never even saw the thing. Seems simple to me: go to cave, find thing, fillet thing." An epitome washed over him, and Abel stepped back, drawing a curtain of impassiveness over whatever enthusiasm or involvement his face held. "But, um, I'm not the actual leader. So whatever." Brewing Storm Already, despite the only setbacks being an uncooperatively offline door terminal and the faint, fleeting suggestion of a discreet adversary, the atmosphere grew slowly but steadily more tense. By now, only a blithe fool might expect that the Outlands Distillery held anything remotely pleasant for them. Off to the side of the complex's main entrance lay a smaller building adjoining the main lot, whose large and legible but clearly weather-corroded sign identified it as the vehicle depot. Of course, with the main trucks and other utility vehicles outside, one might image this particular structure to be holding something more important or delicate within. Vague outlines could be seen inside a breakable-looking window, and to an especially keen eye, there lurked the outlines of a localized generator within, just enough to get the depot's doors and lights working for a few minutes. Of course, Amy's acute senses didn't have just a murky interior to concentrate on. A persistent tapping stimulated her hearing, though its source turned out to be annoyingly hard to pinpoint—at first it seemed as if it came from above, then from an all-terrain truck parked near the giant garage door, then the tank resting against the distillery's exterior. Every so often, in fact, it might even appear as if several of these places emanated the tapping simultaneously, if she wasn't too busy playfully bantering with Lucas, at least. A lucky minute later, the car battery lay on top of the terminal, conjoined to it by a mercifully all-purpose capable, and power flowed through the immediate system. While not nearly enough to budge the massive door, the setup -as engineered by Cian and Lorena- worked admirably to unseal the normal entrance. With this task complete, the terminal no longer posed as an object of interesting. That is, until a buzzing noise came from the inlaid microphone, punctuated by the flash of a very pressable 'answer' button just beside it. Either the ladies' work with the system left its communication feature malfunctioning, or someone was trying to contact the Beacon teams. Defend the Caravan Unequivocally focused on obliterating the caravan vehicle, the Death Stalker did not at all anticipate an attack from above, particularly one aimed at one of its two visible weak points. A shrill, bloodcurdling squeal filled the air as four of the monster's red eyes burst like water balloons, scattering viscous blood and an inky black fluid across its immaculate white mask. Instinctively reacting to the incoming threat, the scorpion aimed its stinger at Sterling, who -unable to change direction midair- faced an abrupt and most likely traumatic skewering. Before the stinger could even come close to piercing the senior's ego, however, Estellise fell like a bladed comet onto its back, driving her blade into the gap between mask and carapace with tremendous force. The Death Stalker croaked and lashed its tail wildly, clearly dying. The less reactive members of team Jessant, unfortunately, fared less admirably than their comrades. The Tutankhamen standing atop the caravan vehicle, distracted from its prey by the noise and wind disturbances of the airship, looked up to see Jorie falling just a little too close. Snarling, it held still for a moment before launching into a vicious spin, its tail mere miliseconds away from batting the poor faunus across the wasteland. Sarina, meanwhile, fell afoul of a rogue air current and drifted away from the group. Rather than in a position to immediately start defending the caravan, she plopped right into a quintet of Nightmares, all equally eager to cave her internal organs in with merciless, rock-hard hooves.</s>
<|description|>Suzumi Kalashnikov <Agent Profile - CLASSIFIED> Code Name: Hellshock Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance Image by Hetza Hellshock Psychological Profile Suzumi is stable and focused but lacks peripheral vision. While she does not go out of her way to cause collateral damage, nor does she hesitate even when lives are on the line. Repeated tests have indicated this is not the result of bloodlust or adrenaline - merely a lack of concern for others wellbeing. Suzumi has also shown anger problems but despite some documented verbal abuse does seem to have it managed. Despite appearances she can be friendly. She also flip-flops between optimism and cynicism depending on her mood. Specialty: Assault Skill Appraisal Basic Firearms <S> Advanced Firearms <S> Explosives <A> Close Quarters Combat <B> Physical Training <A> Languages <C> Suzumi's grades in most other subjects were at the absolute bare minimum for passing. Bloodline: Mikhail Kalashnikov - The lead wind blows Suzumi's unique talent is a passive one but effective nonetheless; firearms she wields seem to never run empty, jam or overheat. Personal History Suzumi is half-Japanese but was born and raised in her father's native Russia. Unlike her father, a gunsmith overshadowed by his forefathers, Suzumi had more of an interest in firing guns rather than making them. Most of her time was spent hunting in the woods or firing at whatever target she could make. Something about firearms spoke to the artist inside her. Suzumi's father died while she was still young. He'd had untreated cancer. With no living relatives everything he owned fell to her. Unwilling to inherit the family business she left her homeland and enrolled in Task Force One's academy, hearing of it in rumours as a place of training. More than anything else Suzumi wanted to continue using her weapons. Although her knowledge was severely lacking in most respects her natural skill with firearms guaranteed her a placement - especially once they discovered her ability. The Academy proved to be a challenge for Suzumi. She'd had no education outside of Russian and basic Japanese languages. As such she struggled in every aspect that didn't involve shooting. Her temper didn't help as it only made misunderstandings worse. After discovering her Bloodline the Academy provided her with extra tutoring and classes to help her catch up; an opportunity like this was not something to let slide by. In the end Suzumi managed to pass the most basic tests in her subjects, although she suspected they fudged the results in her hacking test. Computers were foreign and annoying. She was slightly shocked to see her first assignment come so quickly. Suzumi was added to the roster of "Division Six". She decided 6 was indeed an auspicious number and confirmed her placement on the team. Weaponry Changes on a mission to mission basis; typically a shotgun or assault rifle, a combat knife, and two pistols - one using tranquillizer darts and the other live ammunition. She wears a pistol during her free time. Other relevant information Suzumi likes to smoke, although never in a fight She is a native Russian speaker but is fluent in Japanese and English</s> <|message|>Ellis Williams After a few more seconds, he swallowed the coffee scorching his throat and took a deep breath. He waved off Nellie, and took a moment to recollect himself. "Fine, I'm fine," he managed to croak, coughing a few times. Not only did the coffee nearly burn off his tongue, it went down the wrong way and was currently incinerating his lungs. If only there was someone here that could manipulate heat, he'd probably give up half his money to get them to cool his dumbass off. But, as it was, he merely stood straight, poured the other half of his coffee down the nearest sink, and told Nellie, "Thank you for the concern, but I'm fine. Coffee's just a bit too hot, is all." Finally, the team leader began to speak, so Ellis quieted down and listened intently. He was a bit disappointed in the job he was given, but what could one do? It was the easy job for the infiltrators, the guys that didn't go out on the front lines to fight. Except Khan, who was most likely there to keep the rest of them from getting shot, or to be a sort of tank. He might have a gun, but one doesn't ignore the charging bull, even if there is a sniper behind it. Regardless of his personal observations, he thanked Arynn for the earpiece, stuffed it into his ear, and prayed to God that it wouldn't deafen him when everyone started chatting in the middle of the mission, because it was bound to happen at some point. He'd need to ask if there was a volume control on it. Caught on the blindside, Ellis jumped a little when Victor appeared next to him. He was a little busy in his daydreams and thoughts to have noticed someone walking up to him. Once Victor was done introducing himself, Ellis gave him a firm handshake and said, "Name's Ellis, Williams, or Bloodhound, whichever you prefer. And the only thing I can think of to get the cars to where they won't run is to disable the battery or slash the tires. We'll have to ask Aces over there about it before we go, I suppose. Don't want to have to buy new tires or batteries. Stuff's expensive." He cleared his throat when Victor mentioned killing, and commented, "Then I'll have to leave that to you. I'm a tracker, not a fighter. Gun's for show, mostly." Speaking of guns, one of the two nuts showed up to give him a piece of advice on the whole thing. Joy of joys. He listened, rather patiently, to him about the gun, and finally just ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Fine, you wanna take a go at it, here it is." Ellis took out the pistol, held it by the barrel, and held the grip out towards Murphy.</s> <|message|>"Deuce" Marlowe Well that was certainly interesting, Deuce mused to himself after watching Aimee burst out of her shell. The Lezzad wasn't too surprised truth be told, he vaguely recalled Aimee from his Academy Days, though not as well as she appeared to recall him. Then again the Lezzad had left the Academy a year or so back so the fact that he didn't entirely remember her wasn't too surprising. He had only made a few friends during his Academy years and none of them had been assigned to this team. It was at that moment the Team Leader stood up once more, it appeared he was done hitting on the Russian Butei for now. Deuce payed careful attention as the leader went over the plan, it wasn't the most complex plan but then again their leader wasn't exactly in charge because of his strategic prowess. Besides, assaulting some low ranking thugs didn't exactly require an overly complicated plan. Simplicity was probably the best policy for this particular mission. Speaking of the mission, it seemed he'd be partnered with Nadia, the one with a Bloodline quite similar to his own. Deuce made sure to raise a hand in greeting when he noticed Nadia's own wave. Well calling it a wave might be a bit of a stretch but it was the thought that counted right? Still, from what he had seen in her dossier, Deuce did note that her skill set was a decent compliment to his own. It would be a nice test run to see how well he would be able to work with the rest of this team. Then there was the actual mission he had been tasked with. Taking care of the SUVs wouldn't be too difficult, he didn't work on his bike just for show after all, he knew a few tricks when it came to dealing with troublesome engines. He may not have been as proficient as his fellow Logi, but disabling was a lot easier than fixing. The Armory also shouldn't be too difficult, his partner Nadia seemed well suited to the task and Deuce was pretty sure that she'd be able to handle that job all by herself. The final step was the Kitchen, getting in and out was bound to be another easy task. All in all the mission shouldn't be too difficult. More interesting however was the image of their "client" so to speak. Deuce was probably one of the few members who recognized him on site, he knew a few contacts working under the man and had heard some nasty stuff. Not exactly the kind of man that Deuce enjoyed working under, if contracts like this continued Deuce was positive he'd start having some second thoughts. There was also the fact that Sinclair worked for a rival mob which could lead to some awkward exchanges. Deuce was fine with working for criminals but only if they possessed some semblance of a moral compass, Don Falcone didn't strike him as such a man. Reluctantly Deuce excepted an ear piece, the man preferred more low tech approaches and having something stuck in his ear wasn't exactly his idea of enjoyable. Still, he had signed up for this job for now he'd have to play by their rules. "Thank you Miss Zech," Deuce replied as he struggled a moment to put the device in his ear. "Well Miss Khan, looks like the two of us will be working together for this mission. I'm looking forward to it." Then, turning to respond to the queries of Victor and Ellis, Deuce offered his own insight into the matter. "I've got a few low tech options available, there's a few fuses under the hood that can be pulled, spark plugs, fuel pump, that sort of thing, really most of the stuff you unplug can stop the car from starting and it's not too hard to fix. Of course if you're feeling particularly low tech, we could just jam something into the key hole, break off another key for instance," Deuce shrugged, "I may not be a Logi, but I've broken my share of vehicles, you don't always need a fancy EMP or other high tech gizmos."</s>
<|message|>Suzumi Kalashnikov As he spoke Suzumi took the weapons out of her dufflebag, lay them on the table and disassembled them. One by one she put them back together, careful to clean and oil each piece as necessary. Close quarters, shotgun was a good choice. An M4 would also have been good, perhaps even better, but she did not have time to return to her hotel room. A pity. The plan was pretty solid, she thought as she finished up on her sidearm. At least her part was. She liked it when it was fairly simple. The more complicated you made it, the bigger chance something would go awry. She put on her body armour, which had filled the rest of her bag. Resistant vest and protectors for her joints. And her mask. He did say discreet. Master Exploder explained her gadgetry as Suzumi did this. As far as Suzumi was concerned the ear-piece acted as a communicator. Master Exploder would be taking care of it's other capabilities. Suzumi usually didn't speak much while she was preparing and today wasn't an exception. There was something profound and relaxing to her about gearing up. It was as if she were finding her muse, the spark that lit the fires of her life. That this was the first true operation she was taking part in only made the feeling deeper. This was to be her first masterpiece. After all, combat was her canvas and Suzumi was an artist. She was ready.</s>
<|description|>Gradon Giltwith "Please allow me to strike you down." ✠ G R A D O N G I L T W I T H ✠ Height: 170 cm ⛨ Weight: 77 kg ⛨ Age: 19 Years A G E 19 Years A P P E A R A N C E — "Isn't it wonderful the Empire allows customized uniforms!" Gradon takes pride in his standard outfit, which he feels is the most effective in both combat and leisure. Of course, there are times when the sun beats down and it does get stuffy wearing that coat everywhere. When that happens, he just tries to smile and sweat it out. It's had mixed results so far. S U M M A R Y — "What's a….Kirito?" Gradon's history is nothing too spectacular. Simply put, he wanted to be a hunter who slayed monsters and protect people. Though he tended to lean more towards traditional knight mannerisms and customs, it did not deter his want to help people and thus began this career as a student of Cadenza Imperial Military Academy. Beforehand, his family told him constantly that one must hone their body at all costs to become a strong warrior of the Empire. Gradon took this literally, eager to train his fighting skills day and night to the point where he could be considered a prodigy in the field of combat. Unfortunately, this has made his social skills suffer tremendously to the point where the simplest of things can stump Gradon if it's not connected to fighting in some way. Like trying to open a door. Because of his appearance and efficiency in fighting, he's been given the nickname of "Not-Kirito". It's a shame he doesn't really know what that means nor does he fully understand the reference all too well, but he's more than happy to learn. As an eager student, he's always tried to be open-minded of many things and become an overall nice guy. Often however this kindness dips into nativity and just lack of common sense. But such is the life of a student. V E S S E L — "This is the Legacy of the Empire." Gradon's Vessel is named Round Table, taking the shape of a dark purple bracelet located on his right wrist. The bracelet itself is intricately designed to look like a snake consuming its own tail; the universal sign of Ouroboros. When in its active state, Round Table takes the form of a single-edged greatsword. A B I L I T I E S — "Thank you for allowing me to attack." ⛨ Rebuttal: By successfully parrying or blocking an oncoming attack, Round Table can then inflict the same amount of damage or force right back at the enemy almost instantly. However, this ability can only work when defending against physical close-combat attacks, such as sword strikes. If one were to carelessly slash at a defensive Gradon, a cut of similar proportion would immediately present itself on the enemy. Unfortunately, this unique power reverts Gradon's fighting style to retain more defensive capabilities than offensive ones, forcing him to rely solely on counterattacks to fully utilize it. E Q U I P M E N T — "Better safe than sorry." Aside from Round Table, Gradon likes to always carry around his coat. He was warned from an early age about the disasters a proper cold could bring about to the human body and that doctrine has stuck with for all nineteen years of his life. Unless he's forced to wash the thing, it's not likely he'll give the coat up. ✠ T H E M E ✠</s> <|message|>Zarin Malthain Zarin Malthain Location: Ruins --- Reluctantly following Diana to his squadmate, Zarin knew immediately what was about to happen when they entered to see Chen holding a bouquet of flowers. "Oh for the love of…" Zarin muttered rolling his eyes while Chen put on his 'charming' display. "Don't be too flattered." He said as the confetti settled to the ground, "He does this with every dame we run into." With the end of that spectacle, Diana offered the party some snacks while she explained why the wildlife had been acting up. Normally Zarin would have declined, but seeing as he had to escape a prison and fight a giant monster all without breakfast, he was happy to have anything that even resembled food. Walking over he grabbed one of the roasted fish from the basket and took a large bite right off the top. Before he could take a second one, however, Diana said something that made him drop the fish and forget about his hunger altogether. Something he had waited nearly his whole life to hear. "The truth is that... I'm a dragon... Funny, ehehehe?" "What? You can't be serious, Dragons are nothing but legends." "Hold on there, princess." Zarin butted in with a new found interest on the subject at hand. "It may sound crazy to you, but there are some people who like to believe in such legends." He stated holding up his arm so his dragon tattoo was clearly visible. "But as for her being one, there's only one way to prove it." He said turning to Diana, as well as grabbing Chen's head to push him over while he was still on one knee. "Show us. Change into your true form."</s> <|message|>Egwene Egwene Song Knights? Is that what those people call us? Egwene was puzzled over Diana's words. The terms Diana used sounded familiar, but Egwene found it hard to remember the last time she had heard something like the Goddess of Strife. Cannon fodder? Sure, that Dissonance thing isn't a fight difficult enough to cause casualities, but to call something like that a fodder would show that she is on another level. And she clearly isn't bragging... She followed them, knowing that it wouldn't be wise to go on Diana's bad side, however their strengths & numbers. Dragon, that makes sense. That was beyond any of the possible scenarios Egwene had thought of, and this sounded like the wildest, and the worst. Those stuffs of Legends, she heard tales of dragons turning thick elven forests into deserts in a single night. Dragonfire hot enough to shake the earths and render everything into ashes. She is certain that Diana is telling the truth, from the manner she says it. But, she wasn't sure on how much of those fables were just childrens' stories. "Surely you didn't breathe out any fire while asleep, didn't you?" Egwene asked half-sarcastically. Looking around to see if there're any trees nearby, and if there are, it would be wise to stay clear off them. Because in front of a dragon, anything that can burn, will burn...</s> <|message|>Crispin Clean Crispin Clean As the beast dissolved into a pool of bloody darkness, Clean doubted his pinning of the foot had any significant effect on this outcome, but was pleased nonetheless. Seeing the glimmering silver of his parrying dagger stabbed into the ground, Clean leaned down to pick it up as the eldritch sheet music played the last of its notes and burned into nothingness. Looking to his abandoned jacket Clean ignored the alert nature of everyone else as he picked up the tatters he once called clothes. Gagging at the thought of putting the thing back on, Clean simply tore of a clean-ish patch of fabric and tossed the rest to the wayside. Dismissing his vessel, Clean tied the red tie around his neck while looking up at the girl who introduced herself as Diana and called the beast just defeated a banshee. A fitting name. It's shrieks had a piercing note to them. As the leaders of the group discussed with the new arrival, Clean wiped his parrying dagger with a razor focus and the clean fabric scrap he salvaged, swearing her could see, smell and even hear the oozing darkness of the vanquished beast staining it. Absentmindedly following the group as he worked, the change of scenery to what looked like were once clergy quarters had his eyes brighten and look for silver polish or something the holy people would have used to clean their artifacts. Nothing catching his eye, Clean considered asking their new host if she had anything like that he heard Diana claim to be a dragon and Ires' subsequent skepticism. "Dragons are creatures of legend and to be frank I feel Lady Diana acts rather human when compared to the legends. Lady Diana lacks the arrogance stereotypical of dragons, acting rather... human for lack of a better term. She also lacks a commanding presence, as I understand it a dragon would not be easily mistaken for something else. If this is a lair it lacks traditional valuables, although by the same token I suppose a dragon wouldn't lead a troupe of mere humans to its treasure trove. Still, if Lady Diana were truly a dragon would she have allowed anyone to disturb her place of rest? I know I merely speak of legends, but certain things pass into legend for a reason. So, Lady Diana, please forgive that I share the Princess' skepticism."</s> <|message|>Leblanc "Lucky" Ferris Leblanc Farris [[ Location : Enemy Encampment]] Through excessive use of explosive and violence the cadets had proven themselves the capable soldiers of the Imperium Leblanc knew them to be and slayed the monster with nary a wound to show for it. There was no grace to their actions but their was none to be found in their adversary. However, that they came out unscathed did not leave her any less furious with the actions of the erstwhile cadet whose barrage of explosives could have easily harmed the melee combatants. She found it something of a miracle her own gambit didn't leave her pockmarked with shrapnel, but the battle was behind them and the rush of adrenaline was quickly fading. Leblanc exhaled the tension from her body as she alighted upon the ground and made to approach Regina with a calmness belying the dire need to bury her talon somewhere in the cadet's rib cage, only for her efforts to be curtailed with a new arrival. It took only a moment to discern this Diana woman wasn't intending to be a threat, and after enhancing her olfactory sense of smell Regina could tell she was as pervaded by the scents of this land to be considered a local as opposed to a mercenary from the south like the ones butchered around them. Setting aside discipline, the group opted to follow this woman and came to take shelter in the sturdy construction of an old temple, worn beyond recognition as far as what little interest Leblanc would afford it could tell. In short, timid order, Diana endeavored to enlighten them as to her perspective on events, and in kind the Cadets replied with various murmurs of disbelief or agreement. Ires was skeptical, no doubt her more developed education playing a role in preconceived knowledge of what is and isn't possible. "This Diana woman, regardless of whether or not her vernacular is accurate, is at least informed about the local goings on in the region. If she isn't speaking from ignorance, then she is either doing so for her own personal satisfaction, or it is the truth. None of this changes that we were sent on a mission for a reason Diana claims to be the cause of." Leblanc intoned in a dull fashion, counter to the enthusiasm or bravado of some of the more peculiar Cadets they'd re-united with. "It looks to me this is now a simple matter of diplomacy or violence. It doesn't matter if Diana transforms, only that she ceases 'napping' if it disturbs our borders."</s> <|message|>The Codex --- --- "Woah there! Are you guys sure that you want to see that?" Diana replied quite nonchalantly to the heated advances of the Cadets, especially Chen's. "I mean, a girl is supposed to like being flattered. I don't see why that's so bad. Actually, I think that he... looks kinda like a puppy. Yeah, a wide-eyed cute puppy," she replied to Zarin, when he warned her about his womanizer peer while petting Chen's head with her tail. Either way, the Cadets seemed eager to see her words validated, which only left an option for Diana. "I suppose that you won't buy it if I do just an arm, right?" She said, letting out a chuckle before continuing, "In that case, we will have to get to the entrance. I kinda can't do it in such a cramped space." A few moments later, back at the temple's entrance, Diana looked at the Cadets with a vivid blush lighting her face. Something was troubling her. The reason of such distress became apparent when she began to remove her armor, followed by a motion to take out her dress. "I know that you guys wanna see if I'm not tricking you or not. But... could at least not stare too much now?" she asked. Even though a pair of translucent draconian wings safeguarded her modesty as well as they could, Diana's bare form looked even smaller than before. She wasn't displaying any exaggerated bashfulness, yet wasn't that comfortable with being looked at, at least not like this. "Ok, here we go. Try not to get too awed, right?" Diana said as her body became enveloped in a warm radiance, not unlike that of the sun itself as it changed to a more draconian shape and grew larger and larger. The whole transformation didn't take more than a few seconds; once it was done, a massive —almost one hundred meters long— golden dragon was staring right at them, though eyes that looked like orbs of liquid radiance. "So, what do you say... really amazing, huh? I mean, it's not everyday that you get to see something like this, right?" Diana's voice asked, coming right from the humongous monster's maw. ---</s>
<|message|>Gradon Giltwith ✠ G R A D O N G I L T W I T H ✠ ⛨ Current Location: The Ruins ⛨ With their group moving further into Diana's home, more and more pieces of the puzzle were being put together. What Gradon was expecting for an answer was not the case because Diana had dropped some pretty important news. The boy had to blink and think for a second. It had been this girl that had been the disturbance in the forest? Not the Banshee? But how? Well apparently, Diana was a dragon and that wasn't just bluff. He didn't outright claim this as false like Ires had nor was he as eager to see the transformation as some of his peers. As always, Leblanc seemed to be the only one with common sense on the mind, making Gradon frown. Dragon or not, Diana was claiming to be the cause for their mission. They would need to negotiate avoiding more problems in the future. Before any of this could be validated, Diana was already leading them back outside. It seemed she had some dragon arrogance if she really felt the need to prove herself. Still, it was a sight to behold and Gradon watched with equal amazement from his comrades as Diana stripped and turned into a golden lizard with wings. A dragon, real and breathing right before them; so she was the cause for their mission. "Miss Diana? With all due respect, there's still the matter of what to do about this. We were sent to destroy the creature disturbing the wildlife here and, well, you seem nice enough where we can just discuss something," Gradon said, hoping his voice could reach the dragon's ears. "Would you mind changing back so we can do just that?"</s>
<|description|>Fukui Yoshiko (Was her name) Currently goes by: Kasumii Age: 15 Appearance: Wish: "I wish … I never existed." Soul Gem Color: Clear/Transparent Powers: Her main power involves making things either exist, or not exist. This comes in many shapes and forms. Her own existence is something she can completely remove, her magic, her presence, her body, her soul gem, memories of her, everything about herself. When Kasumii erases herself, she becomes something like a mist, something invisible and intangible. She cannot interact with others or do anything in this state, only observe. Her powers extend to things outside of herself, such as weapons, objects, events, powers and, previously people. It has drawbacks, however. She can only remove the existence of events that she has witnessed, or objects in her vicinity. Removal of these things can have dire consequences when handled inappropriately. She has erased the existence of her own power to erase people, having witnessed the horrors that can occur. The scale of what is erased corrupts her soul gem almost exponentially. Kasumii's other powers include the ability to create a decoy version of herself and memory manipulation. The decoy can act and do as she wishes. It cannot use her powers, but has her physical capabilities. Her memory manipulation works side by side her existence removal, if she removes the existence of something from one's memory, she can manipulate associated memories. When erasing objects, weapons or powers, they still appear to her, in a separate realm. They can continue moving as they normally do, and she can bring them back into existence. Weapon: A kunai (Does not have just a single kunai, can bring out very many kunais) Personality: The silent type who normally doesn't say much. Kasumii's outward personality is that of an introvert, keeping to herself, and not talking much. It is not that she wants to be alone, it is just that she does not interact with others much. She rarely ever engages another person in conversation. Kasumii, however, does keep distance. She tries to prevent forming close bonds. It is not that she does not want to, but, is afraid to. Anyone who gets close to her seems to suffer in some way or another. She does not know what she can do for them, and struggles with this, so she keeps her distance. In reality, Kasumii is a very nice girl, protective and understanding. She cares deeply for others and does not want others to be hurt. If she could, she would be friendly and a bit more engaging, however, she has stopped herself from doing this. Bio: Kasumii was given the name Yoshiko from her parents, written with the characters luck and child. They thought she would bring them good fortune, however, they were wrong. Ever since then, everything went to hell for them. They struggled to survive, to live and to feed her. Eventually, she was old enough to go to school, and she tried to make friends. At first everyone was nice to her, but eventually, those that got close to her suffered. They got ill, broke their bones, got bad grades, and many more things. "I am a curse. A mistake to this world. No matter what I do, I hurt others." She would say. She thought this with all her heart. One day, the contractor appeared. That was when she made her wish, and her world changed. Her parents, their lives, were so much better, those she had considered her friends had lived better lives. With that, she was satisfied, her life never existed, no-one knew her, she did not matter. For them, she felt happy. With that her body ceased to exist, but the contractor still spoke to her, he had a mission for her. From then on, she was a magical girl, who did not exist, who appeared and disappeared, without anyone knowing, even other magical girls. Travelling to many, many cities. Theme: Shadows Dance in the Darkness Other: * Her physical and defensive capabilities are much lower than other magical girls. Thus she is vulnerable and has a hard time with fighting as her attacks are generally weak. * Her style is more of an assassin, thus she does not consider what she does fighting. Kasumii, in her own opinion, cannot fight. She can kill, but not fight. * Catchphrase – "You cannot kill what does not exist." * Kasumii likes to click to bring things back into existence. She does not need to do this, but has chosen to. It also acts as a signal to any allies. * She found someone who thought it was better not to exist like her once, she tried to give them that chance, but the results changed so many lives for the worse. Kasumii brought the person back into existence, telling her of the change. The person did not think it was true, and still wanted to erase themselves, and thus took their own life. Kasumii did not want this to happen again, and decided to stop intervening with other people, and removed her own ability to erase people's existence. * Kasumii belonged to a group once. They all became close friends, but her misfortune aura made them suffer. Not being able to stand it anymore, she once more removed her existence, erasing herself from their memories and thus deciding she cannot get close to anyone emotionally. * Usually stays in a misty form, only appearing when necessary * If she were to die, all memories of her existence would be removed from everyone (as to fully comply with her wish)</s> <|message|>Akame Natsuko "Inverted Rainbow?" Akame didn't want to feel like she was being glanced over, but the Contractor usually told her of these things and she had to stare at Yuna incredulously for a moment. Not that she didn't believe her friend since she knew Yuna would never joke about their business as Magical Girls. Whatever it was, it probably had something to do with the supposed Primordial nest, which made Akame question all the more why the Contractor did not approach her first. "I suppose I can gather everyone now but don't expect many to show up Yuna. Like I said, most of us have actual school to attend and I hope that whatever this is about is worth it," Akame said, trying to not let her irritation show in her voice. Quickly, she sent out a message to all of the girls she knew didn't go to school first. That had to be Amara, Elise, and Izumi. She motioned for Rose to contact Kasumii since they had a better understanding of each other. She saved the others, Miyako, Nanako, and Chiyo for last, telling them that they would relay any information they would miss if they couldn't make it. "Right then. Lead the way Yuna."</s> <|message|>Rose Elizabeth Andrews Rose nodded in acknowledgement when Akame told her to contact Kasumii. Rose did not take it as an order from her superior. Rose was just the most logical to invite the girl. Rose took a few steps away from the group then held her soul gem up like a mic as she called out to Kasumii, "Good morning, Ms. Kasumii, this is Rea. I cannot seem to pinpoint where you are, so i hope you can hear this. Please come to the high school. There is going to be a meeting of magical girls in order to deal with what we spoke about last night. Please make haste but don't exhaust yourself." Rose then called out to Elise, "Elise, Stop playing around and come to a meeting at the school. We have gotten some information that we need to share. I know you are not into girly things but we will be discussing something called the Inverted Rainbow. Make haste." Rose knew she did not need to invite Elise, but she felt responsible for Elise. Once finished, She hid her soul gem again and followed Akame and Yuna to the meeting place. @Ariamis</s> <|message|>Fukui Yoshiko (Was her name) In the silent library, Kasumii was silently reading. However, she could not focus on the book in front of her. The information from yesterday, the lack of a soul gem being found. Tracing her memories, there was no track of a soul gem on any of the girls. Are they targeting soul gems? Why? What use do they have for them? Additionally, they are targeting corrupt ones from the looks of it. That would explain why there are two methods. If they are already corrupt and vulnerable, and if they are "clean" and ready to fight, they would go about it differently. Am I missing something else? Am I even on the right track? I wonder what Yuna thinks about this. Kasumii thought before Rose had sent her a message via soul gem. Holding up her own she simply replied, "Okay.", putting it back and getting up from her seat. She had to replace the book she was reading before she could leave. Guess I might be able to ask her sooner than I thought Kasumii thought, as she started to disappear, in a corner of the library where no-one was around. As a mist, she moved close to the school. She could identify it due to the magical girls signatures. Forming a physical form once again, she started to make her way to the front gates of the high school. Unsure of where she was meant to meet the girls, she decided to wait for them at the front gate.</s> <|message|>Elise Augermann High up on the tree snoozed Elise when she was messaged by Akame, and she woke up rubbing her eyes. She wasn't the type to sit still for long periods of time, and would either get herself occupied with stuff to do or take a nap. The message was followed up by another, this rime coming from Rose. She basically said the same stuff, but mentioned an Inverted Rainbow. Well that sounds strange. Does it only come in black, white and gray? Does the pot of gold appear at the beginning of it? How can it be inverted if it's light splitting from air moisture? Eh, must be more stupid magic bullshit the furball's come up with. She yawned while stretching her arms out, and looked down from the tree. She spotted Kasumii by the school gates, seemingly lost. It was quite funny to watch for a while, and she did, but then she remembered how Rose wanted her to come immediately. She guessed Kasumii was also in the party list based on what the two of them agreed on yesterday. She hopped off the tree and made a flip for fun, landing right next to the quiet girl. "Are you lost, Cloaky? Here, let me show you something awesome." She grabbed the girl's arm, checked where the other girls decided to have their meeting using magic sense, and then teleported the two of them right to the spot. "WHAZAAA!" Elise greeted the others with tongue flaying out in a classy fashion. She then raised Kasumii's hand. "May I present to you: fresh meat, ready for serving! Bon appetit!"</s> <|message|>Yuna Yukino Miyako's School... "So, you mean you really are a magical girl, Miyako-chan?" Sora asked just to get a final confirmation to her doubts, however the Contractor intervened before Miyako could answer the question "You'll have time to ask this again later, Hitomi Sora. Right now, Miyako Komatsu must go to an important meeting to discuss the Inverted Rainbow with the other magical girls currently in this city." "As for you, Miyako Komatsu... if you want to learn more about the Inverted Rainbow you should meet with your peers. They're about to begin a discussion on this matter right now. By the way, there's only thirty three hours, fifty four minutes and seventeen seconds left before it happens, it's better if you decide what to do quickly!" The Contractor then hopped of Miyako's shoulder and disappeared amidst the crowd of incoming students. The Senior's School... "Very well, then. Follow me." Yuana said as she went behind a three and transformed before running away with her crazy speed, eventually stopping to let the others catch up until they arrived at the roof of the highest building in the city "This will be the best place to discuss it." At exactly this moment: Yuna smiled at the sight of Elise "Good to see you again, Scarlet. I was starting to get worried after you disappeared yesterday. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you after last night." However, it was the other girl that Elise brought with her that intrigued Yuna the most, thought the frost magical didn't said anything, merely acknowledging Elise's introduction of her with a nod. However, she kept staring at Kasumii with an expression that almost said "Do I know you of somewhere?" Just as she turned to the other magical girls. However, just as they were about to start the meeting, each magical girl felt her soul gem throb and begin to shine in each of their specific magic colors. This of course was the sign of something that all of them knew all too well "Primordials, just now?" Yuna said, but she gasped in surprise at the the realization of the truth once she focused her mind on the creatures' locations "That can't be... how come there are so many of them at once?" True to Yuna's surprise, soon the other girls would notice. There were too many Primordials, in fact at least one for each magical girl in the city and all of them were pretty far for one another. Also, from the looks of it, their number would only go up if left unchecked. "We will talk later, now let's deal with this." Yuna said as she run towards one of the locations with the speed of an incoming blizzard, leaving the others behind.</s>
<|message|>Fukui Yoshiko (Was her name) As Kasumii was waiting, she looked up, into a tree, feeling the presence of Elise from yesterday. She watched as she flipped out of the tree and landed next to her. "Are you lost, Cloaky? Here, let me show you something awesome." Kasumii did not reply. Cloaky? What kind of nickname is that I don't even wear a cloak. she retorted mentally, as Elise grabbed her hand. She figured what Elise was going to do, so just went with the flow, letting her teleport them to where the other magical girls were. When they appeared, Elise raised Kasumii's hand, and greeted the others with a tongue flaying out in a classy fashion "WHAZAAA! May I present to you: fresh meat, ready for serving! Bon appetit!" But as she raised Kasumii's hand, Kasumii erased just her hand from existence, and brought it back a quick moment later. Therefore, Elise raised her own hand, as she presented herself as fresh meat. It was a poor, tasteless joke in Kasumii's opinion, so she let Elise become the joke. In front of them, the other magical girls. Kasumii looked at Rose, Akame and Yuna. The seniors of the group. She wanted a private word with Yuna first, but it seems there won't be a chance to. As the meeting was about to start, a throb of her soul gem. Her soul gem shined, but there was no light, as it was a clear shine. It was odd, but one could tell it was shining. "Primordials, just now?" Yuna said, but she gasped in surprise at the the realization of the truth once she focused her mind on the creatures' locations "That can't be... how come there are so many of them at once?" The number of primordials, it was just .... unnatural. Could it be ... that the primordials are actually being controlled in some way? That could explain why there are so many here. If this was ... the nest as they say, maybe there is a mother, someone controlling them ... a thought passes by Kasumii, but she did not voice it. It was more important to deal with the primordials. "We will talk later, now let's deal with this." Yuna said as she run towards one of the locations with the speed of an incoming blizzard, leaving the others behind. Kasumii nodded, and changed into her magical girl form. She started to make her way to a primordial that was in a location near where Yuna was heading. Perhaps there would be a chance for a small private conversation if she could make quick work of the primordial.</s>
<|description|>Kaze Rin Hero Name: Lord Dragon Appearance: One of the first things noticed about Kaze is his immense size. He stood at an intimidating eight feet tall and looking like a professional weight lifter without steroids. Or as some people liked to say "He's built like a brickhouse." Normally after they hit him once and they hurt themselves. Covering his body is a natural armor, surprisingly malleable plates and scales that seemed to harden on impacts. Attached to his shoulders are a pair of giant pseudo-wings with terrifying claws at the joint that act like a second pair of hands. Lastly he has a long tail that's strangely agile and prehensile. His coloration is interesting. His "underbelly" is a royal purple, along with the membrane of his wings, while the rest of his body is jet black like space. His eyes glow slightly and are a deep crimson. His horns, spikes, claws, and teeth are all completely white despite his age. Lastly if you see the inside of his mouth it glows a dangerous looking green right down into his core. Kaze doesn't really wear normal clothing. Instead he has a long kilt that's dark red with a golden boarder. Holding it up is a steel band that's a foot wide and three inches thick with a massive ruby in the clasp holding it closed. Age: 15 Class: 1-A Quirk: Dragon Body: A Mutant Type Quirk, Kaze has the appearance of a humanoid draconic being. Scales coat his body, his fingers and toes end in claws, he has pseudo-wings on his back, and a long and surprisingly prehensile tail protruding from his backside. The 'Dragon Body' seems to be a myriad of other types of quirks stuffed into one body. The animalistic strength being one, high endurance being another. But unlike mythical dragons, Kaze does not have an elemental breath attack. Just an overall huge boost to his own physical capabilities, and he can glide. His wings too immature to actually allow flight. Strengths: * Peak Human: On a physical level, he is at peak human capabilities in nearly all aspects. He's above peak when it comes to his strength * Iron Body: His scales aren't just for show, they offer a great deal of protection. Their shape, their tiny size, and the patterns all make him incredibly tough when it comes to slashing and piercing styled attacks. His dense muscles also help reduce heavier impact damage. * Combat: When it comes to fighting he's exceptionally good at it. Thanks to his animalistic make-up he fights in a way that is very hard to predict, especially with added limbs thrown into the mix. Weaknesses: * Heavy: He is incredibly heavy, weight almost one thousand pounds, this makes him slower than normal and harder to maneuver when charging, or when being controlled in some manner. * Cold Blood: Given his reptilian nature, the cold will make him hibernate and eventually die if exposed for long periods of time. * Under-thinking: He doesn't always think things completely through, acting mostly on instinct or just gut feelings. Obviously not the greatest thing, but not the worst thing, a hero can do. Personality: Unlike what Kaze's gung-ho body looks like, his personality is very laid back. Preferring to lounge and watch others instead of actually doing things with others. Maybe it was because of his reptilian nature, watching and being a lethargic behemoth. Although when he does interact, it's in almost a deadpan manner and incredibly blunt. The draconic boy never sugar-coated what he was saying. This lack of tact didn't earn him many friends. Despite his supposed laziness, he does get riled up. It's also very easy to do so, a lazy giant with a short fuse isn't very good. This probably ties into his animalistic tendencies, at the hint of aggression or provocation he returns it in force and forcing adults to restrain him. History/Bio: Kaze comes from a decent line of draconic women mating with quirked males. He's a strong result of these quirks melding into a singular stronger quirk. This of course led him to being the lazy teen he is now, never having to really work for anything that others did. Strength? He had that in spades, his muscle structure huge and powerful. Reflexes? His reptilian nature covered it. Endurance? He could go for hours and tank powerful hits. He learned that after a bull decided to slam into him at ten years old. His lack of a work ethic bugged him honestly, but then again he couldn't figure out a way to really work himself. Everything felt so...easy when it came to physical activities. He could have worked on his temperament. But his parents weren't exactly helpful in that and the teachers of his old schools just settled on restraining the volatile teen. After thinking of ways to help himself, and potentially help others, he settled on looking into Hero stuff. Sure there were a few hotheads, but for the most part they didn't seem to get riled up to much. He didn't have too high of an expectation of himself, who ever heard of a lazy hero?</s> <|message|>Elizabeth "Lizzy" Apparently Lizzy's other classmates were a bit... apathetic? Well, the dragon boy in the back sure looked it. But a few of the other students had fire in them like Lizzy did. Although that one trying to get first in the sports tournament... Lizzy didn't have much time to think about it though as he was the last student to stand up and make his declaration, and when he was done the teacher started to usher everyone outside for an aptitude test. Lizzy listened as the teacher explained the first test, a plate punching bag sort of thing to determine strength. As the teacher explained how it could measure both emitter type things and physical strength Lizzy had to debate with herself a bit to decide what would be better. She concluded that since she used her lasers more than punching things, thats what she'd do. Seeing an opportunity to go first, Lizzy jumped up and down, waving her hand at the teacher. "Oh, oh, I'll go first, I'll go first!" Since she was outside, her weight only rumbled the area a little bit as she jumped. "Hard as I can right? Ok!" Lizzy said as she approached the plate, getting clarifiaction from the teacher. Standing back a bit, she opened up her arm to reveal her laser cannon. With a short charge up, as she gathered energy, Lizzy fired a large pink beam at the plate as she used her more powerful Super Beam Cannon. It was far more destructive than her normal beams, but drained her core energy to use. The beam hit true, the destructive power of her beam causing an explosion as it hit the plate due to its high energy levels. As she finished her beam, Lizzy's body drooped for a few seconds before she booted back up and made her way back to the group. "Hehe, beat that!" Lizzy said triumphantly. Sadly no one cheered her on, so her beam wasn't as strong as it could've been, but no one knew that bit about how she worked so it made sense.</s> <|message|>Akeno Kudo Not every student bothered to say something and not all the ones that did stayed standing as she had, which made her wish she had sat back down when she'd had the chance; it hadn't been a conscious decision to remain on her feet but as soon as the second student stood up with her, the robot-like girl Lizzy, it felt too awkward to sit down by herself again. Of those who had chosen to speak, most gave the expected response of wanting to be a hero so it was the ones who said something different that stood out. The dragon, Kaze, barely seemed to want to be here, barely interested in what was going on and barely awake; it was a surprise that he had even bothered to say anything at all. His demeanour bothered Akeno for reasons she didn't want to dwell on right now. The male student with white hair and the face mask, a mask that was apparently covering up a mutation that gave him large crooked fangs and a wide mouth, wanted to become a hero because he wanted to change perceptions about people with unsightly mutations; Akeno could respect a motivation like that and she felt a little kinship with someone who felt limited or marginalised because of their Quirk. The last person to speak also gave a unique answer, a short male who looked plain compared to some of the others who simply wanted to place first in the sports festival; it felt… underwhelming for someone to set their sights on something that would take place a few weeks or months from now and no further, but maybe he just didn't feel the need to say anything else for now? Either way, he had a feel to him that made Akeno pay some attention to words. Since no one else seemed forthcoming the teacher moved on to the next task of the day and of course he was making fun of her for starting the trend of staying standing. Resisting the urge to sigh, Akeno followed Suika-sensei out of the classroom; things were already off to a bad start if this was the kind of first impression she was making. The physical exam might be a way for her to turn things around; if they were anything like what she had to do in middle school then she was confident that she wouldn't completely embarrass herself a second time. The class was taken to a field outside of the school and since there was only one thing out there it was plain to see where they were heading. Akeno was a little confused at the lack of equipment at first and as Suika-sensei explained everything it only made her frown more, confusion turning to concern as it became clear that this exam consisted of only one test. All they had to do was hit the plate as hard as they could with whatever they wanted to use; it was a simple test, so simple in fact that Akeno wasn't sure how their teacher was going to use the results to form their curriculum. It wasn't a great test for Akeno, for example, whose Quirk would fail to make much of an impact on the plate at all and although she could probably get a better result from just hitting it, that wasn't a great showcase of her abilities. Before she could think on it much longer, Lizzy stepped forward to be the first to demonstrate her Quirk. Akeno probably shouldn't have been that surprised to see that the robot-like girl had a laser cannon in her arm, but it was still shocking to see the powerful beam the girl fired at the plate, setting a standard that would no doubt be hard to meet for the rest of them. Not bothering to suppress her sigh this time, Akeno resigned herself to giving a thoroughly unimpressive performance as she prepared herself to step forward. She removed her uniform jacket and neatly folded up before dropping it at her feet, telling herself it was better to get things over with rather than delay them; if she was going to be outshone by all the other student's then at least she wouldn't be the last thing people remembered about this exam. There was only so much to make the restrictive school uniform easier to move around in but she undid the bow at her neck and loosened her collar before stepping out in front of the class. "I'll go next." Standing in front of the plate Akeno took up a basic karate stance, her left leg leading and her body turned away from the device. She inhaled, pushing away all distractions as she focused on the feel of her body and on her movements; she should probably have stretched first, but it wouldn't make much of a difference now. As quick as a flash Akeno turned the heel of her leading foot forward and spun on the ball of her left foot, raising her right foot off of the ground and turning to look over her shoulder as she brought her leg around and extended it; her foot slammed into the plate with a dull thud as she completed the spinning back kick, the sound it produced decidedly less impressive than an explosion but still not something you'd want to be hit with. Lowering her leg Akeno dropped out of the stance and walked back to the rest of the class without further comment, picking up her jacket and she began to fix her uniform.</s>
<|message|>Kaze Rin Kaze's eyes opened fully when the dinosaur teacher asked them to rise. Slowly he got to his feet, his joints creaking like great steel girders before he cracked his spine by leaning backwards. A physical exam? Damn, and here he was hoping to hide what he could do for a bit longer. The students filed out of the classroom and down the halls to get to the fields. Kaze obviously bringing up the rear with measured steps that were as quiet as he could make them. When they got outside he shielded his eyes for a moment and it seemed he perked up a little from the heat of the sun. But not much, he was a lazy ass through and through. His eyes went to some sort of contraption, a plate attached to chains, which was probably attached to some sort of scale. This...seemed like an inadequate test for those without strength based capabilities. Kyou told them that they should go all out in a single blow on it, which earned a raised eyebrow from him. The robot girl, Lizzy, went first. Instead of hitting it she fired a damned laser at it. "What kind of measurement is the thing using?" He questioned as the...girl? Stepped back to let someone else go. Another girl stepped up and performed a spinning back kick before moving away. Apparently her Quirk didn't enhance her destructive power? Or was she holding out like he had planned to. But he had to go all out to get the proper teaching it seemed. The others seemed to have gotten cold feet, none of them stepping up after the first explosive display, then the second ordinary one. Sighing, and giving off a slight growl, he went forward. "Hard as I can, huh...?" He questioned aloud as he stopped in front of the plate. Rolling a shoulder he widened his stance and stepped back with one of his feet. His bulky arm rose up, drawing back as the muscles of his body began to ripple and tighten. His great mitt turned into a fist just as the leather armband he had on his left bicep snapped with a crack before his arm shot forward as he stepped in to put more power into the blow. A cloud of dust billowed out in front of him as the plate was driven away from his haymaker, or telephone punch. The chains groaned as the frame skid back several feet from him, nearly toppling over. If it had been a solid target, no chains to displace some of the force, the target may have wound up across the field entirely. Flicking his hand he turned towards Kyou for a moment before going back into the crowd of students.</s>
<|description|>Gren Orchid Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Boar Faunas Equipment: Annabeth - A massive Weapon with the combined traits of multiple heavy weapons, packing as much firepower that could be carried by Gren. The main component is an eleven barrel Gatling Gun capable of spewing out a storm of bullets to fill the air with lead. Attached below of the main barrels is a Rocket Launcher loaded using a revolver mechanism, allowing six rockets to be shot before it needs reloading. And next to that is a flame thrower that defaults to a napalm base substance, however it can be augmented with dust crystals to give different or enhanced effects. In addition to the ranged capabilities of Annabeth, she's equipped with what appears to be a large Axe underneath the main guns. However with a simple trigger pull, the axe comes to life and reveal that it's actually a chainsaw. While in its chainsaw mode, dust can be used to empower Annabeth's strikes. Hunter Armor - Gren often dons what appears to be a simple yet heavy suit of alloyed steel armor to protect him from harm even should his aura go down. However there's more to the suit than meets the eye: Located on the calves, back, chest, shoulders, and thighs are powerful rocket thrusters. These thrusters assist Gren's mobility, allowing him to mentally command them to push his body in directions he needs to go that he normally could not move quickly enough on his own. They give enough force to give him substantial speed in short bursts, allowing him to dodge attacks in split seconds. Additionally, as these thrusters are highly effective engines, they are also equally powerful weapons for any for who's too close to the various ports located around Gren's armor. He can adjust the direction and output of each port as needed. Cybernetics - Gren is almost entirely cybernetic, with only parts of his brain, his liver, spinal cord, and heart being organic. And even those parts are further augmented or reinforced with cybernetics. The rest of Gren's body utilizes bulky but powerful synthetic muscles with an armored and padded skeletal frame to further increase Gren's natural toughness. In addition to a more durable frame Gren has gadgets built into his head to provide a variety of utility. Gren has the ability to perceive perfectly on darkness, emulating his original darkvision. He is also capable of utilizing an OS entirely in his mind, allowing him to emulate the functions of a cell phone and personal computer without additional hardware. He can access the internet, make phone calls, bring up a GPS, write word documents, watch videos, and even record up to eighty hours worth of images and sounds. Specialty: Gren is a tough guy, but he's more of a meat shield than a bonefide tank. He draws fire from foes by being the biggest and easiest threat to hit (Though perhaps not to damage), as well as ensuring that his foes cannot escape from him. Gren's primarily role is the heavy weapon specialist, dropping a payload of fire and death upon tough enemies and fortified structures in order to complete the mission. Gren is capable of one-on-one combat, however do expect a lot of collateral damage regardless how easy or difficult the fight becomes. Semblance: Friction - Malakaus can control the level of Friction he's putting onto an object or objects that touch him. This allows him to do such things as slide across rough terrain, walk on walls and water, and more importantly, keep himself rooted when he's using his weapon. He can extend his Friction to other thing's he's touching to an extent. He also capable of imparting a set Friction level to objects or targets he touches even if they leave his range, however this effect only lasts for five minutes. Afterwards they resume their original Friction levels. Personality: While his weapon makes him seem rather blood thirsty and he likes a good fight, Gren has learned to not try to violently kill everything and found new hobbies, like picking up his mother's interest in flowers and herbalism and cooking. Because sometimes Gren get's hungry, and he likes to eat tasty things. Gren see's himself as a sort of protector/apex predator who reserves the right to enforce his authority on others, but worries about people's well-being first and his authority second. He can get very sadden when he thinks that he did something wrong, or simply didn't do something enough. He cares about things under his protection a lot, even when they don't need his protection or what his concern. In a fight he can lose himself easily and once he gets going he's hard to stop. He likes tinkering and has a natural ability to put together ramshackle machinery that by all rights shouldn't be working. Gren has a problem dealing with authority however; as previously mentioned he has a tendency to throw his own weight around even if he isn't the one in charge. While he can follow directions easy enough, he's just as capable of taking over an operation without even considering how it would undermine the efforts of everyone else involved. Color: A vibrant verdant color like that you'd see in a grassy field one summer's day. Emblem: Like his surname, Gren's emblem is an orchid. The petals appear more axe-shaped however. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Abel Fulgurate Abel Fulgurate - Dorm Once Abel's surprise at Shiro's unexpected entry and removal of clothes had worn off, he maintained a level of confusion about the same as Sapphire. All he could offer in response to her question was a bemused shrug. The thought flashed through his mind: without his usual armor on, shrugging proved to be a much more enjoyable feat. He made the resolve, then and there, to try and do it more often when unencumbered. "Don't know. But I doubt he would. Only two places to swim on campus, Port's probably got another Megaladeus in one and the other's a sheer drop off the airdocks." The wheels in the guardian's head began to turn. Where and why exactly would a cat faunus go swimming? On the edge of his mind, the semblance of an idea took place, but try as he might he could not recall the details. "Must have lost something before traveling recently," he decided at last. "Don't know what though." A dubious glance shot Sapphire's way. "You goin' to Gren's party thing? Also, I had no idea you were in here. Um..." On the off chance she hadn't noticed, he elected to not mention that he'd released a quiet flatus about a chapter back in his book. Hey, he'd thought he was alone. "Your power, I guess."</s> <|message|>Gratia Mindaro Gratia Mindaro - VGNB Dorms The ballpoint pen clicked shut with a resounding sense of finality. It paused against the surface of her notebook, almost frozen in the moment. Gratia looked back up, her onyx eyes once again staring at Luke Schwarz' face. She was watching him, studying the twitching of his muscles, her impassive gaze resting upon him for several long seconds. "That will be the end of this phase of the experiment then," she said, voice still as flat and emotionless as it had been before. Bringing about positive emotions in other people was far more difficult than its antithesis, and Gratia Mindaro could not care less for expending such effort on such a trivial matter. It was beneath her to bother, and the experiment itself was not so urgent that she would fucking try and cheer or amuse Schwarz just so his hair could do a loop-de-loop that defied common sense. Her results had already lived up to her expectations so far, and any further observations were not necessarily required. Good science however, would only occur if she followed up on it. And she refused to do lackluster work. That meant she would have to continue her observations of Luke Schwarz at a better time, but it wasn't as if the Mistralese girl had anything better to fucking do.</s> <|message|>Vega Venetia Vega Venetia – VGNB Dorms Vega opened the door into her Dorm, when she came upon the sight of Gratia…and then two other individuals, one she did not know of, one of them with a piece of his hair standing upwards. She took a glance at the Otter Faunus, as this was Bianca replacement…respectable but common clothing to Vega tastes. Perhaps this Mistral faunus was a member of the lower class but she knew not to open up with questions and remarks like that only until they reveal who they truly were. Her anger towards Gratia when she upstanded her in an entire class had died down, she was still annoyed by her though but relaxed herself by discarding all thoughts of cheese man and Ms. Gracious upstanding her. "So what's up" as she said it to everyone in her dorm, with a calm friendly demeanor.</s> <|message|>The Phantom Sangue Naga - BASL Dorm The day went on as the time for excitement faded temporarily. Sangue sat still on her bed, reading through a letter she received not too long ago. The Grimm Studies class eventually ended well enough for her to leave without injuries. Although she did help someone out, she came to a realization that she needed to think a bit more wisely before jumping straight into a risky situation. Perhaps listening to her comrades would get her on a very smooth road to improvement. "..." The red-haired woman carefully put the letter away as she lay on her bed, her eyes slightly shut. She ended up wearing a new sarashi because the one she had used earlier became very worn-out.</s> <|message|>Benjamin Lloyd Benjamin Lloyd (BASL Dorm) Sangue read her letter, Lauren flipped her coin, and Amy was fighting her way through the daze of painkillers. The fourth bed in the room, unlike any of the others, was covered with a chaotic mass of blankets. The mass hadn't been there that morning. It had somehow grown up over the course of the day, coming into existence almost completely unnoticed when no one else had been in the room. A bottle of acetaminophen and a half-empty glass of water stood on the nightstand next to it, but otherwise, the region was completely still. BASL's captain had not been seen for an hour or two, either, but any connection that might have had to the aberrant blanket growth was unexplored. Until, of course, after Lauren's most recent coin flip effort the mass shifted. The entire mound seemed to scoot across the mattress towards the nightstand, slowly and painstakingly. A single appendage slipped its way out of the mound, reached into the nightstand drawer, and rummaged around. As soon as it had laid hand on what it wanted, apparently a small energy drink, it retreated back into the mound. All was, once again, still. Until a few minutes later when Benjamin Lloyd finally poked his head out from the cocoon and blinked slowly, surveying the room. Another blink, and the captain idly brushed a few stray groups of hair back into place. Another, and he set the empty can on his nightstand. He stared at each teammate in turn, then sat up, slowly casting off the remnants of his lair. "S'been a long day." The team captain yawned and stretched. "Whatever we do, and wherever we go, we should make sure there's food. Skipped dinner. Pharmacy might not be bad. Think Amy and I used half the painkillers in the room." "Anyone got any big ideas for the night?"</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz -- VGNB Dorms "So am I free to go, or--" he cautiously began, before cutting off as the door opened behind him. This place was certainly getting crowded... Tilting his head back to look at the stranger, both eyes now uncovered by hair, he examined the arrival. It was yet another girl walking into the room, with brown hair, piercing green eyes, glasses (altogether gave off a pretty cute bookish vibe), and... Er, well... He squinted, hoping it to just be the odd angle his head was at messing with his perception, or something similar. No additional effect. Half-turning in the seat and righting his head once more, he found that the transition from position-to-position was ultimately unhelpful in making sense of what exactly he saw. Green. She's wearing... something green. All that aside, though, he still raised a hand in polite greeting, and favoring the woman with a small, friendly smile. Interrogate me "Uh, Hi there. I'm Luke, from JCML. Miss Mindaro's got me over to ask me a few questions. I take it you're the only member of Vignobility I haven't met yet?" Or was she also the subject of study, this time in regards to fashion statements as opposed to hairstyle? Instead of saying this or even allowing it to show upon his features, though, he kept quiet and respectful for the time being. No matter how weird things may have been upon first glance, he didn't even have a fraction of the story behind it. She could have lost a bet, or something, after all. That experiment theory couldn't be right, anyways, based solely upon the new arrival's demeanor. She wouldn't be acting quite so casual if that were the case. Right? He wasn't the only one who would be perturbed by the thought of the arctic young woman of VGNB conducting experiments in regards to things such as clothes or hair. He couldn't be.</s>
<|message|>Gren Orchid Another new arrival in the form of Ebon showed up at the gathering. Was he here for the party or other reasons? Gren wasn't certain. When asked for what was going on Gren gave him the short. "Shiro and some others are going to dive into the lake to find some daggers. Want to help?" Gren wasn't certain if Ebon was the type to care about such things. He seemed to be fairly aloof, almost like Sapphire. He just imagined a funny situation were the two were introduced, simply stating their name, glaring at one another, and then leaving. They'd later be found hanging out in aggressive silence. His fantasies aside Gren was debating to himself if he should help as well. Without his rebreather Gren had to admit he wouldn't be able to swim for long, and there was also the matter of the fact that he swims with the grace and speed of a scuttled ship. The best he could do really was perhaps help Shiro back up the cliff if he found the daggers, but who knows how long that would take. Gren still needed to host this party. Turning to Ebon Gren clapped his hands together and bowed his head towards the other hunter. "I'd hate to have to ask you this, but could you please help my friends out? I'm afraid that I can't swim, but I want to make sure they're okay! I'll understand if you don't want to take the risk yourselves, but I'll accept your help in whatever form you can provide it." Though not quite begging yet, Gren felt like the only way he could compensate Shiro for not actively helping himself is sending as many people as he can.</s>
<|description|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail Age: 17 Heritage: The son of Hatter Madrail. Ghent's mother was murdered a few years after he was born. Adoptive parents: Frederick and Elise Preston. Elise was the first to find Hatter's son; she was astonished to discover him in the woods near their home, disoriented and impossibly lost. Appearance: Thick, medium length black hair. The style is unpredictable, but the layers sometimes give it an unruly appearance. His bangs fall in front of his eyes, which are blue in color and have a sharp, piercing quality to them. The rest of his features are dark and seem to contrast against his paler-than-should-be skin. He has a lithe build and currently stands at 5'9", but has about a year left to grow. Distinguishing Marks: A few light freckles running across the bridge of his nose. A more noticeable one is underneath his left eye. He has a small scar underneath his jaw. Clothes Wear: Whatever's comfortable. He usually wears hoodies, jeans, worn out sneakers, and three quarter/graphic t-shirts. Abilities: Strength and magic, both inherited from his race. As far as magic goes, Ghent was completely unaware of the ability until Drust and Elayra came to earth. Understandably, he is inexperienced but has the potential to become better with practice. Weapons: A staff, given to him on page 13. Personality: It's no secret that Ghent can be a pain. He isn't malicious, but he enjoys pushing the buttons of others in order to get a reaction out of them. His sarcasm usually lands him in trouble, but his past experiences haven't been enough for him to keep his mouth shut. Despite his immaturity, he has a good heart. Ghent has lazy tendencies, but can be hard working with proper motivation. Major Positive Traits: Compassionate. Empathetic. Hardworking (sometimes). Major Negative Traits: Sarcastic. Cocky. Klutz. Impulsive. Awkward. Weaknesses: At times, Ghent doubts himself and his abilities. The fear of failure usually prevents him from achieving success. Having lived in two worlds, he struggles with deciding where he belongs and where his loyalties lie. Ticks and Tags: Ticks: Fidgets a lot, often with the drawstrings of his hoodies. When he's faced with a situation he can't wrap his mind around, he will pace and/or mumble to himself until he can make sense of what's happening. Tags: "Cut me some slack!" "Great." "Wait, what?" Fears: Ghosts. Failure. Being unable to return home. Wonderland in general. Short Bio: Ghent's story could have been a tragic one, had he not been found. He was discovered in a forest as a toddler, and later adopted by the very family that took him in. For much of his childhood, Ghent lived in the comforts of a small farmhouse in the country. Life was serene, quiet, and good. He grew up happy and healthy, with a mother who doted on him and a dedicated, hardworking father. Things changed when they moved. Seeking better employment, Mr. Preston uprooted his family to the city, which is where they remained for the years that followed. The city posed many differences and challenges, but Ghent learned to adapt and knew his way around. Unfortunately, street smarts didn't help much in school. As Ghent grew older, the nightmares and flashbacks became more frequent. Different events or images would trigger a memory, many of which involved Elayra and Drust. The memories confused and frightened Ghent. He never forgot Wonderland, but he learned to stop talking about it after his parents sought him professional help. It was something his mother made the mistake of telling her longtime friend, Mrs. Saxon. News spread and rumors started. High school proved to be Ghent's biggest obstacle. He became an easy target for jokes and ridicule, and his grades began to suffer for it. Motivated by money and the desire to help his family financially, he began to take on odd jobs. His fifth job turned out to be his favorite: a part-time shift at Frank's Book Barn. Even there, Ghent wasn't free from Wonderland. Flashbacks would hit him at the most inconvenient times…and they didn't cease until became reunited with two important faces from his past. Other Important Characters Name: Henry Age: 14 Appearance: Henry is thin, wiry, with no muscle tone whatsoever. He makes an effort to look neat, but his untamed shock of ginger hair betrays him by looking a mess and his freckles are out of control. When reading, he wears thick black glasses over his large, brown eyes that give him an owlish appearance. Clothes wear: Henry wears an odd mix of clothing. Most of his clothes are hand-me-downs from previous cousins, including Ghent. When his options are limited, he can be found wearing faded graphic t-shirts (he favors Disney ones) and jeans that have been rolled up at the cuffs in order to fit. Personality: Despite a rocky home life, Henry remains optimistic, but he has a sensitive side that results in him crying at the drop of a hat. Although he has a sweet, childlike innocence about him, he isn't foolish. He's remarkably intelligent and has a great love for reading and learning. Because of his OCD, Henry is always cleaning and organizing, and likes to keep busy in order to make himself useful. His desire for perfect order can be a little overwhelming at times, but he means no ill intent and has great respect for his family and friends. Bio: Henry is an only child who never longed for the company of a sibling. Growing up in the country, he had plenty of family and cousins to spend his time with. The families all lived quite close in the rural area, including the Preston family. Even as a toddler, Henry was fascinated by Ghent and seemed to gravitate towards him, viewing him as an older brother figure. To the delight of their parents, the three year age gap and a difference in personality didn't prevent the two boys from getting along. After the Preston family moved to the city, Henry was heartbroken. The families kept in touch when possible, making multiple visits during the holidays. The visits lessened over the years, but Henry took it upon himself to keep in touch through any means possible. To Elise's delight (and to Frederick and Ghent's dismay) Henry has been known to leave long rambling phone messages, sends more texts than a teenage girl, and writes letters so long, they need to be mailed in multiple envelopes. Henry is the only one Ghent continued to trust with his few memories of Wonderland. Their efforts to uncover the mystery were admirable, but brought nothing but disappointment and wild theories. Eventually, a disgruntled Ghent gave up, but Henry continued to search for the truth behind his cousin's past.</s> <|message|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail "So...what's up with the weapons?" Ghent was already second guessing his willingness to trust them so early on. Meeting two strangers armed to the teeth was more than unnerving, especially now that he was loaded with cash. "Are you ninjas or something?" As ridiculous as the question was, Ghent was serious. This would explain for their weaponry and the disappearing act. The streetlights aided Ghent in leading them out of the park, though he wondered if sticking to the shadows would have been a better idea. What if the cops pulled up? Shuddering at the thought, Ghent lead them East, confident that this route was best. The rain left sizable puddles in various places, and they helped to highlight the overabundance of potholes on the street. For the majority of the walk, Ghent stared at them shamelessly, silently marveling over the fact that they were real. Having only been three at the time, Ghent's memories of Drust were vague at best, but his face had brought a jolt of familiarity to him. Understandably, Elayra had changed the most, but her hair remained the same color, and her hair was something Ghent had never forgotten. "You guys are really paranoid, aren't you?" If that wasn't the pot calling the kettle black. "Look around, not a soul in sight. We can talk on the way, if you want." Ghent hadn't said so out loud, but he was leading them to his former place of employment. The bookstore had been closed for a few hours, and Ghent still had the spare key in the pocket of his jeans. "I can't get over this." Ghent rubbed the back of his neck, then looked at Elayra to observe her for the hundredth time. "I mean. I used to dream of you," he felt himself die a little at his own awkwardness. "N-not of you -- just -- you were in my dreams, and I could never decide if you two were real or not. My parents took me to a shrink." Ghent glanced to Drust, as he was addressing his former question. "That's why I got sent to detention. Kids at school found out, we fought, and I got punished."</s> <|message|>Elayra (ee-LAY-ruh) Alane Heart Elayra trailed just beside and slightly behind Ghent as they headed toward the well-lit sidewalk, Drust just behind her towering over the teenagers. She glanced to the shadows cowering behind the streetlights, questioning Ghent's choice of traveling in plain sight, but the boy knew this world far better than her; if he thought it best to travel beneath the light, then it was potentially wiser to trust his instincts on the matter. After all, even the lighting here was of a foreign creation. When they reached the pools of artificial light, Drust pulled the hood back over his head as Ghent inquired about their weapons. "Ninjas?" Elayra asked, unfamiliar with the term. She shook her head, and instead answered his first question, a hand resting on the hilt of her saber. "Have you a better way of hunting or defending yourself, if not with weapons?" Though ever conscious of Ghent's gaze on her and Drust, Elayra constantly scanned their surroundings. Her grip on the sword hilt tightened with every unusual sound, Drust flinching and twitching behind her as he, too, watched for trouble lurking in the darkness beyond the streetlights. She snorted when Ghent pointed out their paranoia. "I'd call it more a method to survival." "Look around, not a soul in sight. We can talk on the way, if you want." "The things you see and the things that are, are not always one in the same," Drust offered stiffly. "We can talk. But about what should be limited in the open. She would have had plenty of time to send any number of scouts here by now," he finished, his tone dangerously dark. Elayra quickly turned to look at him better, trying to see his eyes beneath his hood. "That's not your fault, Drust. And even if she has sent any," she followed Drust's lead of not saying the Sorceress' title. A malicious smile perked up a corner of the girl's lips and glittered in her gray eyes as she continued, "they'll be nothing but stains on the ground by the time we're done with them." "And to think, I was worried you lacked confidence in your abilities." Drust gave an exasperated sigh. "Don't get cocky." Fairly confident Drust was okay for the time being, Elayra looked to Ghent when he spoke again. "I mean. I used to dream of you." Elayra's brows rose in mild amusement, the expression intensifying as he stuttered to explain himself. "What's a shrink?" she asked as Ghent glanced to Drust. "You were detained for fighting, then," Drust said, a mix of relief and disapproval in his voice. "Interesting. Were you proven the better combatant?"</s>
<|message|>Ghent ("GEHENT") Vincent Madrail "Never mind." Ghent was starting to realize how different their lives were. What kind of world didn't have ninjas? "First of all, I don't hunt. Second...weapons are usually against the law. If I needed to defend myself, I'd use my fists." Now that he'd gotten a look at Elayra's weaponry, Ghent couldn't help but wonder if her scar had come from a fight rather than an accident. Their Wonderland must have been very different from the film. "The things you see and the things that are, are not always one in the same." "Um. Okay." Ghent raised an eyebrow, but he didn't make a sarcastic reply as he may have normally. Did they come from Wonderland or a spaceship? Their conversation was undeniably strange, and he felt out of the loop. Nothing was making sense. "She?" Ghent wasn't on the same page, he wasn't even in the same book. Their cryptic discussion and talk of stains on the ground was downright disturbing. Elayra was starting to sound less like a ninja and more like an assassin. "Uh, yes. For fighting." Ghent didn't bother looking to Drust; the hood hid his features. Even without it, Ghent doubted he could have read him. "Well, I did win." There was a hint of pride in his response as he cut through the alley near the photography studio. "Fighting isn't allowed, though." After the maze of alleyways had been conquered, Ghent stopped at a blue door covered with graffiti. Aside from the moon, the alley had been denied of any light. This had often proved a nuisance when locking up after hours. "A shrink is a person your parents take you to if they think you're crazy." Ghent was halfway joking, but he felt the description to be an accurate one. "You lie in a chair and they ask you a lot of questions. After that, they decide what's wrong with you." Once the key granted them access, Ghent moved his hand along the inner wall until he hit the light switch. The storage room was sizable, albeit untidy. Shelving units lined the walls, and on the opposite side there were cardboard boxes full of product yet to be sold. Thanks to the lack of windows, Ghent believed this the perfect place to have their meeting. Should someone pass the shop, they would have never known of the trio concealed behind the walls. "Make yourselves at home." Ghent invited them inside, though he left the door unlocked. If things started to go south, he wanted a chance to escape.</s>
<|description|>Harold Bjornson Alias: Juppy Age: 26 Gender: Male Disposition: Cheerful, humorous, get 'er done! He's the kind that stays 'in character', the one that loves laughing and provides something to either laugh at or tell to shut up, every time. And, while being that guy that you could pour your heart out to and get it in return- he's got a real heart of gold- he acknowledges the shittiness of the world, and gladly takes a paycheck to shoot it up. A morally right, honorable guy. Harold is a man who has seen all manner of people, tried all manner of food, and has been beaten up by a great many people- so he's since then figured that every, regardless of nation, has just as good as bad, and it just depends on how they use it. He's a bit of an unforgiving guy, though, because he believes that if you do wrong, you decided to do it, and that's a great offense to him. He's well aware that some people are more violent, or will curse more- but act wrong and he'll not forget. History: A native Sodroyan, he's a blend of everyone from all over the world, his household being a great big multistyled house that expanded with the family- which now numbers in the dozens, in an oddly chaotic but routine lifestyle of sharing and caring. Amid lots of screaming. Many questioned his reasons of going into fighting- quite simply, he didn't want to get beaten up on, and he had a talent for information- for command and control. He served in the military, joining up as soon as possible, and quickly found himself as a tactician and planner, an adviser to the more experienced officers. After the bureaucratic bullshit tired him, Harold quit the military, resigning within a week all of a sudden, and going out to buy a really nice mech- and started suiting it up when he realized that he didn't have all the funds. And so he joined the Preying Panthers. ("Hehehe, the Pee-Pee. Sounds friggin odd, but I got my hope!") Appearance: 5' 11", 185 lbs., green eyes, brown hair, brown/red beard. As muscly as a casual laborer is, but not thug-like or hulking. Other: Does the history need to be written out beforehand or can I make it up as I go? Whatwith the "past doesn't matter, this is your new family" and all. Name: Jupiter Grounded (ACS-3G Zaruga) Manufacturer: Cradle Dynamics Height: 4.1 meters Weight: 5230 kg Armor: 20 mm durasteel alloy Speed (Walk): 65 kph Speed (Skate): 91.6 kph Sensor range: 5 km Communication range: 25 km Operating range: 600 km Extra Systems: ECM suite, laser target designator Power: 130 Weight: 80 Armaments: (50 weight free; 10+24+2+5= 41 of 50 weight used) - 1x Autocannon - GPR21 - 1x Bazooka - ATB140 "Bully" - 1x Anti-infantry - MG27 - 1x C3 Imaging Suit - 1x EVF "Chameleon" Active Camouflage UNEQUIPED: - 2x AT Missile - MGR-2A - 1x Autocannon - AFC-40/L Money: First mission stats: $+400,000 completion payment $-132,000 for ATB140 and GPR21 and C3 and EVF $+59,000 previous balance Total: $+337,000 Beginning: $+600,000 starter payment $-541,000 for Zaruga, 2x MGR-2A, 1x AFC40L, and MG27 Total: $+59,000</s> <|message|>Cecilia Lang Samigina - War Room - 0600 hours Richard Bentz thumbed through the pilot profiles on his datapad, giving each one last look over before the candidates filed into the room. They were a diverse collection, hailing from Sardonia, Sodorya and Emarra, just to name a few. One way or another, they had found the Preying Panthers, or rather, the Preying Panthers found them. They'd soon find out whether they had the chops to be Panther material. The former captain gave his adjutant a dry smile, setting the pad down and asking, "What do you think, Cecilia? You're going to have a larger team to manage now. I trust you to be able to handle them all." "They haven't passed the evaluation yet," she scoffed, taking the pad from him and cradling it in her arm. "But don't you think this was a risky idea? Using this job as a test? What happens if they're not up to snuff and botch it?" "They'd better not botch it, that's four million creds on the line!" Bentz laughed. "Using an actual op as an evaluation is the best way to measure their usefulness. If they're any good, they'll be able to handle it. Think of it like on-the-job training." Cecilia's shoulders slumped a little as she heaved a sigh from her nose. "And if they can't handle their weight, I'll have to whip them into shape for you." "Of course; that's what I pay you for!" Bentz looked down at his watch and jabbed a thumb at the door to the meeting room. "I think it's about that time." His adjutant turned on her heel and put a hand to the panel on the wall, sliding the door open with a hiss. On the other side, the handful of newcomers, along with some Panther veterans, sat in a small waiting area. "Take a seat," she said flatly, directing them to the chairs that were lined around the room. The pilots entered, and Bentz watched them file in, matching the profiles he'd just read to the faces. He had high hopes for this crew; the Panthers needed the additional manpower after attrition had taken its toll over the years. With a larger and more diverse team, there were more opportunities to find suitable missions. Once they'd all been seated, Cecilia reverted back to her position at Richard's side. "Good morning. I'm Richard Bentz, as many of you already know, and I'm the CO of the Preying Panthers. For those of you who are new to the unit, this is the third year of the Panthers' existence, and we're already ranked very highly on the charts. I expect only the best from each of you, and hope that, if hired, you maintain the unit's good reputation." Bentz flashed a small controller at the wall, bringing up a screen displaying a GPS-like map of major roadways. "For those of us who are already Panthers, this will be a mission just like any other. For the new guys, this is your evaluation to see if you have what it takes to join the unit. There's a lot of money riding on this op, if it's any extra incentive. Cradle Dynamics has requested that we intercept a Paloka Industries shipping convoy, passing between New Lundregen to Kent." Bentz highlighted the route on the map with a laser and continued, "I don't know what's inside, but it's not a concern of mine, nor is it yours. All we've been told is the cargo is very valuable to Cradle and it is imperative we secure it. Given the importance of the cargo, it's bound to be guarded. You're free to engage the security force, but do not damage the cargo." As Richard wrapped up the briefing, the screen displayed stills of delivery vehicles with Paloka Industries' logo, presumably the target convoy. "We're heading out in an hour," Cecilia informed the pilots. "Until then, make any preparations to your FRAMEs and be ready to move. Any questions?"</s> <|message|>Jason Smith Jason sits in the waiting area somewhat removed from the other pilots studying specifications and blueprints of his own FRAME trying to work out what aftermarket modifications to do to it. he needed cash to fund the mods, but he enjoyed how the FRAMEs worked. What he enjoyed more was the amount of damage one could do. while he was studying someone announced that they where allowed in, he follows the rest of the pilots and finds his chair. Jason sits listening to the briefing and mulling over the details. while he wasn't a grizzled veteran or anything FRAME combat wasn't foreign to him either. he liked the idea of a trial by fire, it fit his particular idiom. Jason didn't know anything about the Panthers Reputation but neither did he especially care, simply he wanted to make some cash and build a real war machine. "We're heading out in an hour," Cecilia informed the pilots. "Until then, make any preparations to your FRAMEs and be ready to move. Any questions?" Jason asked in a neutral tone "is this a payed test?"</s> <|message|>Elaine Morgan Elaine had settled lightly on one of the chairs in the room at the prompting of the Panthers' CO. She was familiar with Bentz and his aide from previous missions, and so far everything seemed straight-forward. Scuttlebutt had said that a group of new bodies were joining the unit, and she was quietly relieved to see it was true. The Panthers had been under-strength for a while, getting things back into working order would be good for everyone involved. The orange-haired slip of a woman studied the illuminated map with a practiced eye and absorbed the information, flicking her gaze between various points as Bentz explained the situation to them all. The nuts-and-bolts of the op were, as things went, one of the more straight-forward tasks she'd heard of, and that was something to be glad about. A few more specifics wouldn't hurt though, she reasoned. One of the new pilots opened up with a question, and she listened for the answer, before speaking up herself. "Do we have any information on the numbers and strength of the security forces?" she asked, her strong accent distinctive in the quiet of the room, burring on the 'r's' in her sentence and a slight smile of familiarity directed toward Cecilia as she asked. "I'd like to know what we're up against as much as possible before we head in, and I make any adjustments I need".</s> <|message|>Edward "Phantom" Johanson Edward was leaning on a wall of the waiting area looking over others who were there, his look lingering on one member he saw who was looking over something seemingly intent. While he was waiting he took one last look at his metal plate looking it over before putting it away again somewhat nervous of his first deployment on an evaluation mission in the Panther's ranks. Not long after, it was announce they were to come into the briefing. He took his seat and paid close attention to the briefing. During the briefing he was already looking over the enemy strength and a little curiosity sparked of what could be in there for it to be guarded like that but he let go of that thought as it was not for him to be concerned over. He was determined to have this cargo secured along a place on the Panthers crew. "We're heading out in an hour," Cecilia informed the pilots. "Until then, make any preparations to your FRAMEs and be ready to move. Any questions?" He had none at the moment but he made a point of listening to the questions through.</s>
<|message|>Harold Bjornson Harold "Juppy" Benson sat in the middle of the room, unusually quiet- he wanted to get a read on everyone else before he started talking. He didn't want to accidentally piss someone off to the point where they knocked his nose off, after all. Well, he thought to himself, he was only unusually quiet because HE knew that he usually wouldn't shut up, so it's really hard for anyone else to know that he's being unusual. Which meant that his first impression was that of a quiet loser who sat in the middle of the room. Therefore! He must make sure they are all well aware of his personality. He opened his mouth, but was interrupted by the door opening, and their stern XO. His jaw, of course, remained open, and he just stared at her for a moment, before closing his mouth with an audible *clop*! He heaved myself up from his chair in, perhaps, an overly exaggerated fashion, and then followed the rest of the recruits and vets into the next room, where they took another seat. He dropped into his with, again, a somewhat exaggerated fashion. And yet, he was all ears- he listened attentively, and asked away as soon as the other two had finished. "I hope you'll allow me to get some more extensive command-and-control modules with a more specialized mech, soon, because I'm not much of a front line fighter. Not out of lack of skill, I'm just better at pointing out where things are goin' south, you know? And I don't mean command and control as me being in control, but rather me being the one that points out that there's a small horde heading towards one of our guys, and letting everyone know if enemy reinforcements are coming or anything. I'd be the spotter for airstrikes, you know? The one who watches the map and keeps everyone up to date, relays orders, request new ones. Tactical is my thing, and I suppose I see that you want to see if my fighting skills are good and trustworthy and- okay yeah I'll shut up now. Sorry mates." He had leaned forward throughout his little dialogue, getting more and more into it, but when he cut himself off, he dropped back into it, taking a deep little breath.</s>
<|description|>Mari Marisaya Njalsdottir || 20 || Female Race Half-Elf (Silvari and Norgardian) Appearance Mari's undoubtedly a little small for a fighter, but moves with the grace and poise of someone who has had thorough training, if not a great deal of experience. She can easily pass for human even if her auburn red hair isn't covering her lightly pointed ears. Her eyes are a bright sea blue-green, and she typically gives off the look of someone still full of life and energy. She wears light armor, mostly embossed and studded leather that's probably more decorative than it is protective, with a minimum of cobbled-together plate. It's in Mari's interest to stay lightly geared, considering how often she finds herself on open water. Personality Mari is fierce, bold, and passionate, and a genuinely good woman at heart. She feels she has a great deal to make up for from her youth, and believes fully that the Daughters of Rán are her way to redemption. When working Mari is serious, focused, and efficient, and though at times self-doubt can slow her down, she has enough courage to forge ahead even when she suspects she might fail. Recently she has found meaning and purpose in helping others, and will gladly take up a worthy cause even at risk to her own safety or fortune. In quieter moments, Mari is fully capable of relaxing, unwinding, and sharing a drink and stories. She's not secretive about her past or her feelings, and finds that she connects with and empathizes easily with others. The Ninth Daughter of Rán --- Background~Aspiring Mercenary Priestess ~Lower Class, Criminal Background ~Daughter of a runaway Silvari noblewoman and a Norgardian smuggler HistoryMari has romantic origins, the result of a runaway Silvari girl fleeing an arranged marriage and a Norgardian smuggler that left his own homeland behind. She grew up in the Sea of Swords, and there the romance ended. Life as the daughter of a common smuggler was hardly easy, especially one like her father, who found himself in debt to powerful individuals. At twelve Mari found herself working to help pay off those debts, mostly to a criminal and pirate lord, an Izyrian named Ihsan. She worked for him and his crews, hopping islands and pickpocketing, thieving, spying, and eavesdropping. As she grew, she graduated to more direct assistance, and took some part in piracy and raids. It was all she knew at first, and Mari was talented and adventurous, albeit unsatisfied with the way her life was going. Everything changed at 18, when she was caught stealing from a woman named Asherah, First of the Daughters of Rán, a small but respected and even feared group of women sellswords. Often known by other names such as Sisters of the Sea or Witches of the Waves or simply the Sirens, the Daughters belonged to the clever and cunning sea-goddess Rán. The gifts she granted her Nine Daughters were not always extraordinary, but it was believed that the presence of a Daughter aboard a ship could well be the difference between a smooth voyage and a death at the hands of a passing leviathan or vicious storm. When Asherah unexpectedly took a liking to Mari, she felt the Goddess had guided them together. Rán's Daughters always numbered Nine, but recently one had passed, opening a place for Mari if she wanted it. Even knowing she'd be leaving her father on his own, not to mention making an enemy of Ihsan by betraying him, Mari accepted, and began two years of hard training with her new sisters, who protected her while she prepared to join their ranks. She learned slowly and with many mistakes, but learned all the same. The Daughters of Rán offered her a new way forward, one where she could be a better person, while still finding the adventure her heart desired. Now at the end of her training, Mari faces a rite of passage: venture into the Blackwood, alone, and make her way into the forgotten places with Rán's guidance, to find her hidden temple, a place supposedly only accessible to the Nine Daughters. There she will pray and accept the gifts the Goddess offers, seizing the power she feels she needs to fully make amends for her past. MotivationMari must find the Hidden Temple of Rán, hidden somewhere in the Blackwood, and complete her initiation into the Daughters of Rán. After that, she can follow where the waters take her, and sell her sword and skills to those she feels need it most. Witch of the Waves | | | | SkillsMari is a former thief attempting to remake herself as a proper warrior. Her abilities are spread thin between combat, knowledge, and underhanded skills. Combat [1/1]~Sword and Shield [1] ~Daggers [1] Intelligence [1/1]~Literacy [1] ~Religion [1] ~Geography [1] Charisma [1/1]~Diplomacy [2] Health [1/1]~Cold Resistance [1] Faculties [1/1]~Resolve [1] ~Perception [1] Agility [1/1]~Pick Pocket [1] ~Lockpick [1] ~Balance [1] ~Swimming [2] Mysticism [0/3] --- Equipment~One handed sword ~Wooden round shield ~Two small daggers ~Leather and partial plate armor ~Stitched hide and linen clothes ~Prayer bead necklaces with symbols of Rán Money~1 Royal ~18 Lordlings ~40 Commons Languages~Northern Tongue ~Grim Northern ~Bits and pieces of many other tongues | | |</s> <|message|>Kyiriniae'aea Kyiriniae'aea sagged with relief as the human mage stepped through the portal. She didn't much like humans, they could be powerful but their short roach like lives made them unpredictable and grasping. Still, given her other companions were literal cannibals, she supposed she could tolerate the arrival of so useful a pawn. "I did," she admitted, smiling winsomely and stepping forward, holding out her hand like a human noble so that the mage could take it and kiss it in the proscribed fashion. She made a gesture that encompassed room. "We are in a place called the Blackwood," she explained, taking a step back and gesturing to one of the chairs by the table in her newly cleaned study. The chaos had been put to right and she even had taken the time to properly set up the alchemical equipment in the corner. The tower still didn't quite look lived in, but it no longer resembled the ruin it had when she had first come in. "I'm afraid it was something of a desperation move," she confessed, her lip quivering ever so slightly to convey fear and vulnerability as she took her own seat. She badly wished she had some wine, but that would have to wait, instead she offered the human some of the roasted boar that her servants had brought her. "I am Kyiriniae'aea, though you may call me Kyra," she introduced herself. She chewed on the end of one of her long blonde locks for a moment before continuing. "I am afraid I have been cursed by a Warlock," she admitted, "and if you were willing to aid me, I would be forever in your debt."</s> <|message|>Emilio Virtoli Today was a reminder of why Emilio did not have a particular love of hilly countries. Truly it was an omen of bad business if the man had to get out of his cart and push it himself. Though perhaps it also spoke of necessity for other goods, as the stubborn would persist or unprepared fools would be in need of wares or in want of luxury. Those thoughts kept running through his mind repetition as he assessed the land idly for its goods and what needs he could meet. That was at least until they would finally be able to peer above the 'final' hill and see human form again after their hours of journey. The Dre Costan would work quickly to dust himself off. There was no time to change into more formal wear but he would be presentable for sure. Fixing his hair back and putting on a confident smile. By their way of dress it would have to be impossible to mistake them as anything other than the Knights of the Skull. A hand would pat his ass's head as he'd stride ahead. Cutting the sizable distance slowly as he spoke with a voice that would certainly reach the men. "Gentlemen, what a sight for our weary eyes! Straight from Varian's Crossing we've come here searching for Olderin's Refuge. I believe none could mistake you as anything other than its protectors." There was a certainty to his words. Strange one might think for being new travelers of Blackwood. "Any warnings, expectations, news you would wish to impart?" He'd ask as he kept his approach slow and closing the gap, cart behind. @POOHEAD189</s> <|message|>Name Ithaca blinked, turning to look behind her when the Draconic thing halted speaking, grunting in acknowledgment. Mari suddenly realized he was a Drogator, rumored to be a dying people. Other than a few stories of their ferocity in combat and some vague legends of them being from another world, she wouldn't know much. It was likely just surprising to see one in person. Unnverving likely. So much like a Dragon of legend, and yet somewhat similar to a man in a very eerie fashion. "Ah, you kept your word!" Ithaca said, clearly joking about being surprised. "I'm glad to see you up and about, and less smelly." She almost looked like she was going to pinch the bridge of her nose playfully, but decided to take a sip of the drink Mari got her instead. She had her priorities straight. It was clear she had already had a few, hence her stoic demeanor giving way to cutting loose a bit. "Allow me to introduce you. Kane, I would like you to meet Mari." She said, turning around on the stool to present them both to one another. "A very brave woman I met just today on the road. Mari, this is Kane. One of the most honorable fellows I've ever met. He seems tough, but throw a chicken breast and he'll chase after it like a dog." Mari heard a very threatening growl from the Drogator. It actually vibrated the wood beneath their feet. However, a moment to reflect would reveal it was actually chuckling. A few of the patrons, including a commoner couple clearly on a date gave small yelps of surprise. Comically, the girl looked at the guy she was with when she realized his voice sounded just like hers and he nearly fell out of his chair. One might not blame him but in the Blackwood, bravery was a virtue. "It is an honor to meet you." Kane said, bowing how he could in such armor. "What brings you to such a place?" "I was going to ask her that myself." Ithaca remarked, her chest facing the crowd and her elbows behind her, resting on the wood of the bar.</s> <|message|>Name The mad, squealing bray of the beast behind him was almost more haunting than it's very real charge not a minute earlier. Torsten's side bit at him with a stabbing pain that simultaneously ached like he had not felt in months. But it was nothing he couldn't handle, as long as he kept his posture at a certain level. Luckily for him, the forest allowed him to move hidden behind brush and gloom. Unfortunately, it also allowed other creatures to potentially do the same. The forests of Norgard were primordial and vast, and Torsten would not feel so unused to such thick woodland. The very roots of the towering trees ripped and shaped the very earth beneath his feet, making much of the ground uneven and misshapen, and the rest would be covered in bushes or thick grass that quieted the footsteps of whatever walked upon them. What was strange wasn't the thickness of the forest, but the dim lighting. Even a forest as great as this with such a large canopy above would have more sunlight cutting into the darkness. Doing his best not to stumble, Torsten would almost not see the sudden drop in the underbrush before it reached the front half of his leading foot. Likely to his surprise and horror, he would notice the drop was actually a footprint. A footprint as large as his torso and very humanoid in shape. Small roots and vines jutted out of the now softened earth below, as if gasping for air from whence they were pressed. Luckily (in a fashion), the accompanying war cry Torsten heard next didn't sound like it came from whatever Jotun or strange forest creature. It was a piercing scream that carried bloodlust wherever it echoed, spreading across what bits of the foliage it could. Judging by the echo, it likely came from the south. The birds springing to life and fluttering away mostly came from that direction as well. When the forest spoke, one need only listen.</s>
<|message|>Mari Mari had to force herself not to stare at the Drogator in fascination. It took her a moment to realize what he was. No doubt Kane was used to stares; his armor alone was enough to provoke gawking, to say nothing of the being encased inside it. He seemed friendly enough, if a little terrifying. She would hate to see how he looked as an enemy. She was mid-drink of her ale when Kane chuckled, and Mari nearly spat out a mouthful, but managed to contain herself, holding the back of her hand to her lips until she was sure she wasn't going to be an embarrassment. "Brave, or perhaps just stupid," she said, smiling broadly. "I serve Rán, the sea goddess. I'm on a pilgrimage to one of her oldest temples, here in the Blackwood. I'm to become her Ninth Daughter. If I can survive the rite of passage, that is." There was a chance they'd heard of the Daughters, if Ithaca and Kane were as well-traveled as they looked. The eldest of them had much fame in the Sea of Swords and even beyond, and while Mari had no legend to speak of yet, the name of the little group carried some weight. Perhaps not here, though. As far as Mari knew, the last time a Daughter of Rán entered the Blackwood was over twenty years ago, when the Eighth passed her initiation. "Thing is," she continued, "it's said that only Daughters of Rán can find and enter the temple, so I'm not sure if anyone here can help me." A few of the Daughters Mari had spoken with suspected that the temple actually moved somehow, and that old, powerful magic protected it from curious eyes and those that the Widow didn't care for. If she couldn't pick up on any lead, Mari felt she'd have to simply set out on her own, and hope the Goddess guided her.</s>
<|description|>Kyouma Sakamoto Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: A relatively lax individual, Kyouma is usually the 'straight man' in a group, especially one in Academy City. He finds the day-to-day insanity of how the town works quite baffling, but at the same time also quite interesting... Which often leads to him accidentally sticking his nose somewhere it shouldn't be. He isn't keen on playing many video games or watching TV, since both of those bombard his eyes with too much light to mess around with; instead, he's often in the library sitting down with a nice book or two. He's a relatively friendly individual at that, but he doesn't take well to things that are 'so crazy they just might work' and all that. Level: 4 Power: Photon Focus By manipulating the motion and refraction/reflection of photons, Kyouma is able to bend light as he wishes. Other than basic applications, such as turning an area pitch-black or blindingly bright or even creating illusions, Kyouma is also able to focus photons into a stream as a laser or view far distances/ through things like dense fog. Due to his power not being offensively-based, he can only fire maybe one or two lasers at a time. His sight-based ability also acts like glasses for him most of the time, so honing in on things from afar usually takes a lot more effort and focus. On the downside, though, if his ability is nullified he's as blind as a bat. History: Kyouma found himself either incredibly lucky or incredibly UNlucky, finding himself transferred straight into Nagatenjouki Academy for his second year of high school; used to the peace that his old high school had offered him, the insanity that was this school gave him instead threw him off in more ways than one. Though the school itself was famous for producing both regulars and ESPers (the prime example of the latter being the Number One), the way the school conducted itself was all over the place. The curriculum was scattered and erratic, which made it hard for him to keep up half the time. In fact, in order to keep up with the classes Kyouma would often have to study on his own, which drained away from his remaining free time. It wasn't exactly the most efficient of methods, it was better than nothing. Now, if only he could actually get to do things outside of his dorm...</s> <|message|>Shirai Kuroko Tomorrow (Sunday) Shirai Kuroko Despite the lack of school due to the time of day, Tokiwadai's inexplicably strict clothing requirements--much the same as they had over the summer--meant not being able to wear anything other than the uniform itself. Though sometimes grateful because it stopped her onee-sama from wearing any of the embarrassing things that she would otherwise be bound to pick, an inability to dress nicely for Misaka was rather frustrating... Today, with the weather being unusually nice for the season, they had ended up once again in the plaza, buying crepes from what had to be one of the most relentlessly optimistic businessmen in the city, though perhaps he had branched out into selling food more suited for the current weather than sweets. Not something that Kuroko knew for certain... after an incident, onee-sama had been rather 'insistent' that she be nowhere near the purchase. Which meant that, with Mikoto being the one buying, she was currently sat close to the road on her own.</s> <|message|>Misaka Mikoto Misaka Mikoto It was hard to say why crepes would get sold this time of year. But it was a remarkably nice day and it wasn't as if crepes somehow stopped being sweet just because of the time of year. So there was certainly no reason to pass them up. Handing over the money for both her crepe and one for Kuroko(after all, Kuroko was both her friend and someone prone to potentially tampering food if it was going to Mikoto with 'computer parts', so there were multiple reasons to handle all this herself), Mikoto took both in her hands. They were nice and warm in the packaging, and the Electric Princess of Tokiwadai was quick to return to her friend nearby. "Oi, Kuroko," she called, "I've got the crepes."</s> <|message|>Murakawa Torako "Ah... that was the worse." Nothing came out of the alleys save some stray cats. Cute but some of them were vicious. Still cute though. Having abandoned the idea of searching through alleys for some variant of the Level Upper yesterday, she wore instead her usual Nagaten uniform, having her own activities to do in the school. Torako walked slowly through the street, taking her time getting to the school. After all, taking down old posters and putting up new ones wasn't exactly a job deciding the fate of the world. "Ugh... why'd I even volunteer to help the student council?" Originally she had thought to gain a few extra points for being such a good volunteer, but the way the council worked the volunteers was tiring to say the least. Ah such a pain. Tora caught the sight of two Tokiwadai students as she walked, her smile twitching slightly. Tokiwadai... So full of themselves and their powers, all of them level 3 or higher. She pulled out a small coin, and took a deep breath. Perhaps she could use her own abilities to set up a good prank. Amplify. That was what her power was classified as. Its use was to amplify cause or effect to double its value, though her current limitation was that she needed to actually be touching anything she wanted to amplify. Perhaps amplify the effect of a her strength pushing down a knife so she could cut vegetables easier, or amplifying her exerted force on a jar lid to open it easier. And while she can amplify the magnitude of an Esper's power to double, doing so was rather dangerous. People amplified with her abilities did not feel any different, making it very dangerous when they use their powers normally. Tora and her friend burning off all their clothes weren't a joke after all; if her friend didn't catch herself in time, both of them could have been dead by now. Thinking hard for a moment, she eventually gave a sigh and laughed to herself. Tora can't really think of a good prank to do with her ability. Perhaps it was just as well; she'd make them regret their hubris in another way. Tora can't think of a way right now, but she was sure it would come. Hopefully. Giving up the idea of a prank, she cheerfully flipped the coin, as she started walking again. And fumbled majestically as she tripped, flipping the coin forwards fully amped in her surprise, the coin smashing through one of the crepes the girl was holding. "Ah." Tora started sweating profusely. "That.. I.. this is not..."</s> <|message|>Shirai Kuroko Shirai Kuroko 'Moving', for an extremely limited amount of actual movement and a lot more mental arithmetic, to collect the delicious treat from her onee-sama's hands almost got Kuroko blasted with an unusually high speed coin, her sudden position change putting her only slightly offset from the money's trajectory. Though splattered with cream and other bits of filling, the teleporter didn't react at first, temporarily stunned over the loss of what part of her had been instantly treating as a treasured gift (for all that she waas going to completely devour it) until her mind hit on a far happier coincidence: there was now only one dessert yet two people to eat it. "This must be fate's way of showing we should share, onee-sama," the girl said far-too-brightly, before getting a far more lecherous grin and looking down at the mess splattered across her chest, "Unless you want to eat the other crepe off Kuroko"</s> <|message|>Misaka Mikoto Misaka Mikoto Mikoto held the crepe out as Kuroko teleported towards her... and then only briefly detected the approaching metal before the coin went clear through the crepe and splattered cream and filling everywhere. Well, mostly onto Kuroko. For a few moments, Mikoto stood bewildered as she held the sad, destroyed remains of the tasty snack in one hand, her own crepe totally unharmed. Her eyes went from the ruined crepe to the direction of the coin, ultimately falling upon what appeared to be the girl who had tossed it looking rather shocked herself. Had it been an accident? It seemed unlikely given how targeted the coin appeared, but... Mikoto sighed. "Did you trip or something? Jeez, the chances of something like that..." she complained, unsure of just how much she could blame the older girl. It did seem like an accident, and so when she spoke her tone was disappointed rather than angry. "It's not like I can go up and ask for another one..." Though... maybe it was intentional? That coin had hit awfully hard... "Sorry Kuroko..." she began, before glancing at the other girl, "Did you-" Mikoto cut herself off when she saw that expression on Kuroko's face. Share? Oh no, she knew exactly how her twintailed roommate would take something like that! Sharing food with Kuroko would lead only to perversion! And.. and even worse eat... eating the crepe off of her body?! Flustered at the embarrassing, perverted suggestions, electricity crackled around the Third-Ranked Level Five's head. "Suggesting... something so perverted... you...!"</s> <|message|>Hibiki Fukushima It was finally Sunday, all homework he had to do was already done, all of his duties for now were complete, Hibiki had the rest of the day free, what meant one more day wandering around the city, to watch and portray what he saw. He looked around his dorm, while the rest of it was tidy, the living room was a complete mess, there were canvases all around painted or not, along with ink of the most different colors and some brushes on the ground. He should probably stay and organize all of that, but he decided to have some fun on his way that day. Some time later he found himself walking around the Furiai Plaza, next to the Crepe Rablm where he saw the famous Misaka Mikoto, the 3rd level 5 of Academy City, the Railgun, along with a friend, his thoughts were "It isn't everyday you see a level 5.", and so he grabbed his sketch book, picked a seat at a bench and started transcripting the scene to the paper with some amazing detail. He was there, drawing in silence, almost invisible to the people around, when the tragic episode of the coin happened, he wanted to laugh, but kept that inside his head, the poor Kuroko had lost her food, he actually wanted to buy another one for them but he was too shy for that and didn't want to look like a creep, well the least he could do was to grab some napkins for them. Hibiki stood up directing himself to the Crepe Rablm, asking for the napkins urgently, after getting them, he walked to their table, he wasn't sure about how to approach them actually. The boy walked towards with the napkins on one hand and his sketchbook under his arm. Without a single word, he handed them out to Kuroko while lowering his head, being too nervous to interact with someone he didn't know very well.</s> <|message|>Annette Delauney Annette sighed as she relaxed on the balcony of her room, looking out over part of Academy City as the sun shone down overhead. It was a pleasant day with all things taken into consideration, and one that she wished she could enjoy more of. Sadly she couldn't, with too many things to do later on and not enough time to do them. but such was life, and she had resolved to enjoy this while it lasted. It wasn't even that big a deal anyway. Just a charity ball for some group or other that she had to attend as a result of her social position. She'd gone to plenty before, so she knew what to expect, how to talk to the various people, and acquit herself in a manner befitting someone like herself. For now though she relaxed, taking in the sounds of the city whilst ignoring her roommate in the process. She was very good at that sort of thing, and even moreso since she began living here in Academy City. Not that Chloe was a problem, persay, but they didn't exactly see eye to eye, either in terms of beliefs or in personality. It was best just to ignore her at this point. A quick check made sure that she didn't have any messages, which she didn't, before she got back to resting in the chair she'd set up, head tilted back to bask in the sun. She could have gone somewhere else, but didn't feel in the mood for it. She'd be traveling enough later. It did occur to her that she'd need to check her clothes and make sure she had something suitable to wear, but there was no hurry for that. She had to keep up appearances, and that meant doing things even like this. And even more at the social function, where there would be a lot of people watching. There were plenty of expectations, but it was fine. With herself and her powers, she could handle them. So for now, she'd waste the day away. The hard work could come later.</s>
<|message|>Kyouma Sakamoto Kyouma groaned as he woke up, hit neck sore from accidentally falling asleep at his desk. He had spent the entirety of yesterday hunting down information and digging up whatever documentation about that urban legend that he had access to online. Granted, it was mostly cross-referencing cases from multiple sources and seeing what was common about each scenario before picking out the outliers, but in the end it seemed like it was still just that- a rumor. Though it did seem that what Torako said held true- that every incident occurred in the alleyways or something of the sort- it also seemed to be that none of the locations coincided with one another. He'd have to keep that information away from her for sure; there were already so many incidents, and if she was to know about this there was no telling what she might do in her own carelessness. The research did also give him a bit more information, though. The bias was heavily in favor of the lower end of the Level spectrum in terms of who was victimized, but that was probably because they went to actively search out the source of the incident... And with the current spectrum of students having a majority in that, it's no wonder that the data seemed biased. But it seemed that some other Level 4s had hunted this down as well (probably out of greed) but failed to gain anything from it or even be affected by whatever was causing this. That was both reassuring and troublesome; if he stuck close to Torako, it was likely that he could prevent the incident, but that also meant that he couldn't continue investigating any further on his own. It'd also make him look like a total creeper, but details. "Geh... I should really stop sleeping at my desk, though..." he complained as he cracked his neck and got out of his seat before changing his clothes and taking the leftover steak out of his fridge. Tossing it in the microwave, Kyouma glanced out the window and noticed Torako down below, (accidentally?) destroying the crepe of a Tokiwadai girl passing her by. The subsequent crackling electricity around her immediately gave away her identity to him, causing Kyouma to immediately rush out the door and fly down the steps to the ground floor. "H-Hey, don't fly off the handle---!" he shouted as he burst out of the dorm building, a drop or two of sweat running down his forehead.</s>
<|description|>Sayeeda Cyckali Nickname(Optional): June Bug Age: 33 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Sayeeda is a medium sized woman of middle eastern extraction. She has the wiry build of a swimmer or long distance runner. Her eyes are dark and almond shaped and focus slightly beyond the horizon most of the time. Sayeeda keeps her hair just longer than a buzz cut in order to facilitate wearing her helmet. She has a large tattoo of several owls in flight on her right shoulder. Sayeeda does have feminine curves but her breasts are on the smaller size of average and she does very little to emphasize her gender. Clothing: Camo pants and a tank top are her civilian dress. She wears a ceramic breastplate if she is expecting trouble and also has a commo helmet which she uses in battle and for technical tasks. Personality: Sayeeda is a former mercenary soldier and has a fairly relaxed view towards life. Anything and anyone not currently shooting at her is the second priority. She is very tightly wound when it comes to people doing what she expects them too in dangerous situations and she is extremely punctilious when it comes to fulfilling any sort of formal contract.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Sayeeda fled down the alleyway between the warehouses, clattering down a spiraling staircase that led to another level. They slowed to a brisk walk as they crossed a busier hab floor. The gunfire on the level above was only faintly audible from here, and somehat indistinct over the noise of functioning industrial machinery. A few people gave them a look, but quickly turned away when they saw Sayeeda's still smoking pistol. "Negative on the assist, there was a bit of a complication but it might work to our advantage, focus on the cryopods but pick up the pace if you can. We are going to lift soonest. Six out." Sayeeda concluded closing the comm circuit. "Who who were those men?" Taya asked, her voice distant and shocked. The girl wasn't resisting but Junebug had to virtually shove her along to keep her moving in the right direction. "Mercenaries, maybe the Duke's or more likely one of the other nobles looking to snatch you to use you as leverage," she replied. That would make the most sense the conspirators who had drawn the aliens here needed all the leverage they could get to put the fix soley on Cho-Lan who had seemingly been the most overtly involved. "I think I killed one," Taya mumbled. Sayeeda remembered the girls panicy unaimed fire. "Only if we had a miracle on our side," Junebug said, her voice neutral. Twenty minutes later they were aboard the Highlander and Sayeeda was running through the preflight checks as quickly as she could with Lonney's help. "Neil what is the hold up?"</s> <|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." "You know, I think they might be on to me." Neil remarked to himself as he crashed through the gateway that received workers and shipments from the outer stations of the facility. The small gate made of thin poles exploded from Neil's hauler, the mecha moving faster than any legal speed for a mech that size. Luckily, the workmen didn't really have any forewarning of a charging hauler, and were a bit too dumbstruck and scrambled to really react in time to bring a swift pursuit. He slowed once around the next corner, trying to do his best to stomp casually as he made his way into the storage facility. Only problem was, he needed to actually pry open Taya's container. He hadn't gotten the key or the code. He guessed Taya was so done with this planet she cared very little for leaving a mess behind, but it didn't make it any easier for him. He found the correct block at least. C045, on the third level. Neil took the lift up. The storage areas were large cubes, attached to one another along wide lanes. It seemed like a parody of a utilitarian suburban neighborhood. The lift let out a blast of air from the pistons, and he was drawn up to the third level, opening to reveal the lane that led right to the storage area. He let out a breath, realizing this was going to be a tricky situation, and he stabbed the fork of the Hauler under the door, lifting it up inch by inch to reveal the three Cryotubes. Needless to say, the alarm went off. "Yeah yeah yeah." Red flashes and obnoxious honks echoed across the facility. Just as he was slipping the Cryotubes into his claws, the lift down the hall lowered. Neil turned his head, raising an eyebrow. It took less than 20 seconds for the lift to begin going back up, and upon it were four security officers with submachine guns, fully outfitted with flak vests and communicators. "Hold it!" The lead man cried as one of his partners behind him began to murmur into his comm, and Neil knew he couldn't afford to wait for their backup. He turned his Hauler, the Cryotubes a buffer in front of him. Luckily, there weren't many spaces within the cockpit either for bullets to enter. He was fairly safe from small arms fire unless they got lucky themselves. "I said hold it! Drop the Cryotubes, now!" "Oh you mean these Cryotubes right here?" Neil replied like a whip, and shoved one of the tubes forward. It slid off the Hauler's claws and spun slowly down the lane, going about 30 km if he had to guess. The men let off a few rounds, one bullet ricocheting off Neil's Hauler, but the others going wide. They scrambled to get out of the way of the Cryotube. One guardtripping over himself, having to be yanked out of the way by his partner before he was flattened. It has been a ruse however, as Neil had moved his Hauler expertly, charging down the lane behind the Cryotube and lifting it up again once the lift area was clear. Casually he bumped one of the recovering men with a claw, knocking him into another storage cube's doorway with a resounding 'thud.' "Neil what is the hold up?" Sayeeda asked on the comm. She would hear gunfire as the other men did their best to collect themselves, unloading their weapons on the Hauler as the lift carried Neil down toward the first floor. The bullets glanced off the Hauler's visor and cockpit, save one. Neil let out a cry of pain when one bullet punched into the meat of his side. He thought it wasn't a fatal wound, or even something to worry about if he got it bandaged. But he already felt the warm blood seeping down his hip, and the cold feeling of an open wound in the air. It wasn't like he'd never been shot before, however, and through force of will he moved the Hauler the last mile to the hanger bay. Other than a few confused men and women trying to get out of his way, the coast was clear. "Yeah, had a small complication." He said, sounding somewhat tired. "Nothing I can't handle." Lonney opened the back Hanger, and the Hauler's feet gripped the Xarconian steel of the ramp as it balanced the three Cryotubes, moving up one step at a time. Neil felt like it took an eternity, but in reality it was less than a minute before he dropped the three workable (but scraped) Cryotubes into the loading bay. The Hauler's hatch would open, and he painfully climbed out as quickly as he could, hitting the ground in an agile, but less than smooth landing, and making his way to the Cockpit. "Aight, let's take this baby for a ride." He said breathlessly to Junebug. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and there would be the odd droplet of blood down the cockpit access corridor. But he gave off a feral determination with the look in his eyes. "Ready Lonney?" He called as he flipped a few switches. "Aye, First Mate Neil sir!" The AI replied, Neil glad Sayeeda had powered up the engines. All he had to do was lift her up and take the landing gear off, switching the pilot to manual and flipping on the sublight engines to be used very shortly. "Let's get the hell out of here," he said, turning on the throttle.</s>
<|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali The Highlander lifted smoothly into the air and up towards the open sky. Sayeeda watched through the view screen as the plasma thrusters bathed the piles of offloaded coffee, flaming it to ruined ash. She had managed to reload about a quarter of the original quantity, with the aid of the exosuit Neil had made for her, but without steevedores, salvaging the rest was a bust. She supposed she would have to settle for making it out of here alive. Almost immediately the comm circuit began to sqwak with demands to put down and threats that the airspace was closed. Junebug didn't respond manually but she keyed the automated codes that Cho-Lan had given them as well as those the Duke's people had provided for the civilian evac, figuring that the confusion would cover them. "I've locked out the main missile batteries," Taya stated from the third, and usually empty, command seat. Junebug turned on her gimbling seat to regard the girl with surprise. In the excitement of the departure she had almost forgotten about her. "What? How?" Sayeeda demanded incredulously. Simultaneously with the question she bought up a copy of Taya's terminal in a twenty five percent section of her own holo screen. Tabulated data of some kind, obviously to do with the comm system, but unintelligible to Sayeeda scrolled past. "I used the microwave transmitor to send the code for a training drone to the sensor head. It switched the program from active to simulation. They can still get a solution on us but if they try to fire all they will get is a simulation complete screen," the girl explained, beaming with pride. "That's insane," Sayeeda countered,"even equipment on this dustbowl cant be that easy to spoof." Her eyes ran over the text, she wasn't a signals expert but it seemed to bear out some of what the girl was saying. "There is a way to deactivate the simulator switch over, but it is usually performed during set up and testing. I don't think my fathers men are that thorough." Sayeeda supposed that was true and she was about to ask the girl just how the hell she knew how to do it in the first place when the Highlander shook violently. "Ta aer be a shakin!" Lonney chimed in, unhelpfully. Sayeeda changed the feed to show the direction pick up from the source of the sound. Long white tracers of water vapor had ripped through the sky moments before, shaking the air with their passage. "Are they shooting at us?!" Taya asked, clearly worried her clever fix hand't worked. "No," Sayeeda replied, shaking her head. Another few clicks changed the feed to a magnified view behind them, over the hab in the far distance, dirty flashes could bee seen on a distant ridge, too far away for the crumps of impact to reach them. "Its outgoing, the bugs must be making their first probe on the city and whatever arty the Duke has is opening up." She looked grimly at the display. "The invasion is starting for real."</s>
<|description|>Makarid Ristachev "This country belongs to me. Now, more than ever it did whilst I was president. The abstract concepts of morality no longer bind me, and the man who has nothing to fear is the most powerful of all." Criminal Nickname: The Hanged Man Preferred Name: Makarid Year Born: 2043 Age when Incarcerated: 47 Crime Committed: Drugs trafficking/Production, Manslaughter, numerous war crimes, high treason Personality: Cold and ruthless, Makarid has no qualms about breaking a few necks to speed things along. He has a certain predatory grace to him, and conducts himself with the deadly charisma of a jungle cat. His poker face is unparalleled, and it is almost impossible to tell when he's lying. He holds himself well, and his exterior is one of class and traditional values. Brief History: Born whilst the world was still pulling itself from the ashes of a time of war and terrorism, Makarid was raised in a small UN encampment just outside of Moscow, which the organization was using to spearhead its reclamation of Eastern Europe. Resources were scarce, and the surrounding area was ripe with crime and debauchery. Makarid's first job was working in a krokodil den, where he would aid in the production and packaging of the lethal substance, under the watchful eye of a man known as Uncle Ortov. Using the money raised from working in the drug den, Makarid managed to put himself through higher education; purchasing his own books and equipment to aid in his study of law and politics. In the post-terrorist phase, the Prime imposed government in Russia was one of a capitalist nature, which did not sit well with many traditionalists, Makarid included. Joining one of the many socialist parties, Makarid used his cunning to rise through the ranks and gain a larger following for the movement, exercising exclusively peaceful means so as not to provoke the wrath of the UN. After several years of campaigning, Makarid Ristachev became President of the Russian Federation, ushering in a traditional communist government. Ristachev's shady dealings and practices made him a source of constant criticism from the Western World, but his entrepreneurial mindset brought nothing but wealth and prominence to the Federation. Eventually Makarid's dark schemes were brought to light, and a Prime-backed revolution swept the country. The Kremlin was stormed, and Makarid himself was strung up from a lamppost, left for dead. It was then that he earned the moniker 'Hanged Man'. A few of Makarid's loyalists retrieved his corpse, and managed to repair his broken neck with hyper-advanced technology, and get his brain back into a functional state. Much debate exists as to what exactly happened whilst Makarid teetered on the verge of death, but the ex-President would claim to have received some sort of vision from his innermost self, telling him that humanity as a whole was a lost cause, and that he would be better served looking out for his own interests. Many would write off this vision as his oxygen-starved brain sending him into a dream-like state, but Makarid would go on to live by the words imparted to him in his vision. Makarid and his followers spent the next few years committing all manner of horrendous crimes, purely for their own personal gain. Abandoning morality completely, they stole and murdered their way across the country, until they were eventually apprehended, and Makarid was locked away in the Apox Centre.</s> <|message|>Georgia Newlyn "Do we look friendly to you?" Georgia shrugged. She wanted to come closer, but the blonde next to the red woman seemed reckless and an ally of her's. "Do any of us look friendly?" She replied. Everyone she'd seen in here so far, corpses included, looked like fight dogs, bred and born to tear each other apart. "Not always," the red woman said. "But I can be, if you don't do anything stupid like attack somebody." Georgia grimaced slightly. She may have a shit IQ, but she still had common sense. "No ma'am. My momma taught me better than that." In truth, she did. When your head is in the lion's jaws, you pet it, her mother's words echoed in her head. Suddenly their eyes shifted to someone behind her. "Umm... Could I... Could I be of any help?" Georgia resisted immediately turning to see who stood behind her, but she new the red woman would squeeze that trigger before she even had time to blink. She slowly turned to look at the newcomer, an awkward looking boy-man who seemed too not criminal. More playing dungeons and dragons in his basement or talking lore about his favorite fantasy book in a book club. He wasn't a fight dog. He was a newborn puppy, it's eyes still shut. The thought normally would've made Georgia smile, but she didn't feel too obliged with a gun pointed at her. The group beckoned the boy-man to help them. Georgia wanted to scuff at it, but the boy-man seemed sincere in his demeanor. The red and the rebel took positions to watch other their group's back, particularly keeping their eyes fixated on Georgia and the entrance. Shit. She hadn't thought about that. More might be coming soon. She turned her back away from the mouth of the Apox, turning her back to the forest but keeping her eyes on the entrance at the group. She glanced at the skyline. Still no reinforcements. "Oh, and... The name's Christine, by the way," the red woman said. She murmured something softer to rebel. The empty skyline set Georgia on edge, but she stayed put. "Look," she stated. "Helicopters and dogs and tanks are going to be coming for us soon if we don't get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go stumbling into these woods alone and afraid with dogs coming after me."</s> <|message|>Mairo Hemi Munro Slowly, too slowly for his liking, darkness and shadow gave way to more illuminated areas of the Apox - areas that would no doubt be occupied for that very reason by further threats. Hemi had already had to crack a few skulls (and femurs and necks and limbs...) to reach the corridor through which he now wove, squatting and leaping, swinging and stepping, his head as much on a swivel as was possible and his ears kept metaphorically as open as he could get them; from time-to-time he would mutter to himself in his native tongue, humming a well-known folk song even as he fractured the skull of a wounded inmate - the woman apparently convicted for murder of her own children - trapped beneath a fallen piece of debris, and with little to no chance of ever getting free. "We must have fallen from orbit," he mused silently, only the sound of his own movement and gruff breathing interrupting his thoughts, "the entire station, hundreds of convicted criminals..." without realising it, his blood-stained mouth twisted into a sneering grin, "truly this is a battleground worthy of only the greatest!" Images of tattooed Maori warriors and kilted Highlanders began to flash through his mind, pictures and illustrations from his childhood books, barked instructions from his martial arts instructors joining them and giving him cause to remember the last MMA session he had ever had; it had been in a small club in Auckland, one of his bullies thinking himself the better man...until Hemi had nearly killed the older boy. Booted feet moved swiftly over blood-slicked metal, one huge hand hefting a fallen piece of a supporting girder out of his path, muscles straining and his expression changing to one of annoyance - this was all taking too long! He wanted out, now! Wait...there...a beam of light emanating from what could only be the outside world, an opening torn into the side of the fallen station and...was that people talking?! What idiots would be standing around this close to the station, having a nice conversation over a bloody cup of tea, waiting to die? There was only one way to find out. Gripping the steel piping a little tighter, yet keeping his arm relaxed and his body ready - like some big cat stalking its prey - he half-crouched and moved as close to the wall as he could. With steps as soft as one could get in a pair of prison boots, so not all that softly, he got as close to the entrance as he could and, with one long intake and expulsion of breath, strode boldly into the light of day. The sight that greeted him almost sent him into fits of laughter, even as he nearly walked into the back of some bumbling blonde child, slipping to the so-called man's rear left, close to the exterior of the wreckage, and eyeing the group warily; from what he could tell there was around six of them, one certainly shot through the head - his blood and brain matter still leaking into the lush grass, something Hemi took in along with the trees, all of which reminded him of home - another man looking pained and being attended by a blonde woman, another woman looking quite uneasy in possession of a firearm but more than willing to use it. There were others, but all-in-all it looked as if none of them really knew what the Hell they were doing...although he could see that the woman tending to the 'wounded' man most certainly knew her way around a medical kit. "Helicopters and dogs and tanks are going to be coming for us soon if we don't get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go stumbling into these woods alone and afraid with dogs coming after me." "What," he half-barked, announcing his presence to the group, if it was not already known, "the fuck are you talking about?" It was a question mostly directed at the woman who was apparently shitting herself at the prospect of unseen enemies, "this station fell out the fucking sky, crashed into wherever we are, an you think they'll come an get us soon?" He wiped a shoulder of his torn suit, gesturing with the pipe in his hand as he spoke, trying not to crack into a bout of mirth, "nah, they'd have been here already, if they're coming at all." Taking a step nearer to the group, the weedy blonde to front right, the rest of the group before him, he looked to each of them before spitting a gobbet of phlegm from his crusted mouth, "the fuck is this anyway?! You all having a little barbeque here, a little picnic or somethin? Staff meeting perhaps?" Now he did laugh, the laugh of someone who was genuinely happy and thought the entire situation hilarious, "good thing you've got a gun though," his eyes took on a much more serious expression, even as his lips continued to smile, "if you stand about much longer, you're gonna fuckin' need it."</s>
<|message|>Makarid Ristachev "Fuck, you're one tough son of a bitch," The bearded stranger observed with what seemed to be a blurred mixture of horror and admiration, a look he'd grown used to during his time as President. "Listen, I would hardly qualify as a doctor but I don't need a PhD to say that you're in rough shape. I-I can help you out of here, just agree not to do anything stupid. Okay?" "Anything stupid…" Ristachev wheezed through a mouthful of hot blood "You mean like get stabbed in the face?" He forced a smirk, before coughing up a wad of worryingly dark fluid. The Hangedman stumbled slightly, but his sheer determination and iron will triumphed over the pain that wracked his body. Agony was tearing through every fibre of his being in an tsunami of fire, but Ristachev would be damned to whatever hell awaited men such as he before letting a flesh wound stop him. "I'm not known for accepting help from s-strangers," he rasped "but it's that or b-bleed out." Ristachev's voice was shaky and unsure, and his harsh Russian accent was unmistakable, even amidst all the stammering and blood. He just about managed a light shrug, the makeshift bandages around his wound soaked red "Give it your best shot." Ristachev paused, considering the situation for a moment. If he admitted weakness, even at a time such as this, he was signing his own death warrant. He had become President because he understood Russia, and the bloody nature of the East. He knew that to admit weakness was to invite chaos, and that was the principle upon which he had ruled. Was he a monster? Perhaps. But in the real world, monsters are the ones who're left standing when the curtain falls. "U-understand this; If you attempt anything disingenuous, my wounds will seem trivial next to those you'll suffer."</s>
<|description|>Sara "Rabbit" Hayakawa Team Position: Skirmisher Age: 21 Gender: Female Year at Ace Academy: 2nd Year Appearance: Standing in a 5'2"(157cm) and weighing in at approximately 120lbs, Sara is easily the smallest one on the team. Her face is pale and round, and she has clear, clean skin, with a pair of round, pouty lips and a button nose. Her eyes are a light green, and her bright pink hair is in a bob, though is typically kept out of her face with a clip when she's piloting. Her frame is small, but lithe and its clear she keeps in shape. She keeps up with fashion trends, and often wears clothes from sponsors. Personality: A bit of a wallflower, Sara is in general fairly quiet and soft spoken, preferring to stay in the background, though she tends to be more playful and outgoing around her friends. Highly intelligent and perceptive, Sara has an eye for detail and can notice things others miss, and can be surprisingly insightful. Friendly and amicable, Sara's demeanor is generally cheerful, and though she is quiet, she is neither meek nor timid, and her displays of anger and determination can be surprising. Biography: The oldest of two, Sara was born to a rather poor family. The daughter of an auto-shop mechanic and a nurse, Sara and her brother Sam spent most of their childhood without their parents- not because of lack of love or care- quite the opposite in fact, but their father often came home exhausted, and their mother worked the night shift at the local hospital almost more than she worked the day shift. Sara was discovered to be quite brilliant at a young age, and with her wallflower tendencies, she tended to go by unnoticed, while her brother often got into scraps in the school yard. While in high school, Sara and her brother got part time jobs at their father's auto-shop learning the ins and outs of machinery and vehicles while they progressed through school. The auto-shop worked primarily on cars, though other vehicles like GEARs weren't an uncommon sight. Both siblings showed an aptitude for this- though it was notable that Sara had much more fun driving the vehicles than actually fixing them, and occasionally got in trouble for taking fixed cars out for joyrides- her brother in tow and covering for her in the off chance they got caught. Joyriding with GEARs was a bit more difficult, and though Sara and her brother both expressed an interest in GEARs, they never got the chance to drive one until their father bought a GEAR to do lifting and loading work around the auto-shop. Immediately falling in love with the machine, Sara convinced her father to teach her how to use it, and by the time her senior year of high school rolled around, she was the one in the shop teaching other mechanics how to use it. A local talent scout spotted her one day while he was getting one of his teams' GEARs fixed, and offered her a chance to prove herself. Going to a private facility, Sara took a GEAR through its paces and thoroughly impressed the talent scout, who in turn linked her up to several GEAR developers. Sara graduated her local highschool with a scholarship for the esteemed ACE Academy, and was immediately picked up by sponsors during her first year. During her first year of school at ACE Academy, Sara was largely out of the competitive scene, preferring to watch from the sidelines, instead she worked jobs for various manufacturers, testing out new models of GEARs before they went on the market. Currently sponsored by Lockheed Martin Aerospace, and Heckler and Koch subsidiary: Coaxed Arms, Sara, at the coercion of her brother, an engineering student at ACE Academy, has decided to enter the competitive scene. She joined up with Celestial Star, a team actively looking for new members. --- Combat Section Strengths: Sara is quick witted, with a quick reaction time and excellent spacial awareness, allowing her to weave through combat with ease. She primarily engages in close to medium close range, using a combination of melee weapons and firearms. As a test pilot for many major companies prior to her joining the competitive scene, she has extensive knowledge on a wide variety of GEAR models, likely having tested prototypes of them at one point. Weaknesses: Her aim isn't poor, but the nature of her machine and her equipment makes her less viable past mid-ranged combat. She also has a tendency to push her machine extremely hard, leading to longer downtime as it undergoes repairs. She doesn't like shot-calling, and relies on others for decision making. Neutral Values: GEAR maintenance and tuning. --- Gear Section: Gear Designation: Lockheed Martin Aerospace. V-A143 'Valkyrie II' Custom The Valkyrie II is a high performance GEAR designed by the American based company Lockheed Martin. Developed for combat use on futuristic battlefields, the Valkyrie series GEAR is designed as a replacement for the aging Einherjar series of GEAR. An excellent, well rounded machine with low development and operational cost, the Valkyrie series, unlike the more expensive Einherjar is meant to combine combat efficiency as well as affordability. While the Valkyrie was designed for general purpose use, and can adapt to various environments by using various equipment setups, the Valkyrie II was developed to be lighter, and more agile, with higher top speeds and unparalleled maneuverability. Unlike the baseline Valkyrie, the Valkyrie II sports thrusters on its back, as well as feet, knees, shoulders, and ankles, with mirco thrusters popping out of the sides of its legs and forearms, allowing it to turn on a dime. To protect its pilot, the Valkyrie II uses a G-Cockpit, specially designed to absorb G-Forces and maintain equilibrium during high G maneuvers. As a result, the Valkyrie II is considerably less armored than the Valkyrie, and relies on shields and maneuverability to make up the difference. The Valkyrie II is also considerably more expensive than the baseline Valkyrie, and has only just left the testing phase. Sara's sponsored Valkyrie II is primarily painted white, with a few purple accents on it. The legs are black and often have the logos of various sponsors on them. Nicknames: White Hare Weapon(s): A large, re-imagining of a medieval lance, the AX90 is a multi-part pile bunker consisting of three main parts. The primary part is the lance head itself, which consists of a superdense alloy tip connected to a large chemical charge- though the competition grade version replaces the dense alloy tip with a tip that crushes and folds over on itself, with a powerful directed EMP charge that immobilizes the affected part, simulating the lance strike. The lance head then attaches Lance Gauntlet, which connects to the forearm and hand of the Valkyrie, immobilizing and stabilizing it. Attached to the lance gauntlet and the Valkyrie's hand is a Micro Type-4 Energy Cannon, a submachine variant of the Type-3 laser machinegun. The Type-4 is a lightweight assault weapon that can be held in a single hand and fires medium bore energy rounds. The Type-4 fires at a rate of 900 rounds per minute, and has a semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic fire modes. If needed, the Lance Gauntlet can be ejected from the GEAR, without removing the lasergun portion. A spare lance head is often stored on the thigh. On the left arm of the Valkyrie is an EMP Claw- attached to a spool of cable on the Valkyrie's left forearm, the claw can be launched with the intention of grappling to a GEAR's leg or arm to temporarily immobilize it, either setting up teammates, or Sara herself for a finishing blow. The outer edges of the claw also act as energy projectors, allowing the claw to be used as a melee weapon in a pinch. Base Parameters: Strength: C Endurance: D *Armor Quality: D *Shield Quality: A Agility: A Energy Level: B Long Range Quality: D Short Range Quality: B</s> <|message|>Kiril Gurevich Gurevich stared at Bill for a few long, silent moments, as if conveying the longest and slowest surprise in the world. "So this is how the big leagues are." He said, almost to himself. With a deft motion, his long hand snatched the roster sheet from Bill and he wiggled his eyebrows at the tall girl who seemed to put obvious effort into ignoring him. "I appreciate your honesty, Bill, and can already see we can work together quite well." He turned to the others. "As for the roster, I am the support you are looking for. One of the best ways I found to prevent the opposing team from reacting to our plan would be to introduce enough controlled chaos into the arena. The Ogre excels at this." There were undertones of pride to his voice, yet for some reason none of the present students felt challenged in any way. "I have broken my fast and am prepared to start immediately." With this, the young man turned to the others, with an expectant gaze.</s> <|message|>Ian Laudat "I've got no problem with that plan, Atlas. I mean it's only natural we do a few trial runs before we get our score." Ian said, he didn't know how much longer he could keep himself going, but another hour or so wouldn't be too impossible...he hoped anyway. This Kiril guy though, Ian didn't like the way he spoke. Obviously he didn't seem malicious, but he gave off the vibe that a 'mad scientist' type of character would in an anime. Even the way he spoke just rubbed Ian the wrong way. Of course, Ian could just be imagining things. He was tired after all, maybe this guy was perfectly normal and his mind was just playing tricks. Then again, it seemed like Rio wasn't digging Kiril either. Ian ordered a cup of coffee. A bit of caffeine would do wonders, even if he didn't really like the stuff the lounge carried. With a few sips of the still piping hot coffee, he felt a bit better. burning one's tongue was also a pretty good way to rouse them...if a bit unpleasant. At this point he wondered if this team would work together properly. It seemed like a mashup of random, and very incompatible, personalities.</s> <|message|>Rio Hamasaki Rio was starting to regret the entire situation more by the second, seeing as her new team leader had made a fool of himself in public. She honestly wondered if she was better off cancelling this entire idea, but her pride wouldn't allow it. She wasn't planning on turning tail and running just because she felt slightly uncomfortable. Rio still didn't pay any mind to Gurevich and instead watched Laudat walk over the bar to grab himself a cup of coffee. It was something she regretted, as it was an incredibly dull sight. "I suppose I can shave off a bit of time," Rio spoke. Her head was still turned away when she said it, but it whipped back towards them as soon as she was finished. "Shouldn't we get at least a little acquainted with each other's GEARs and form a general strategy, however? Jumping straight into combat, even against a machine, seems a little... reckless." she chimed in. Considering how aggressive the team is, going in blind would be the mechanical equivalent of suicide. Or at least that's how Rio sees it. For all she knows their all-mighty 'leader' might be intent on ranking last this year.</s>
<|message|>Sara "Rabbit" Hayakawa Sara giggled as Atlas went about giving his speech. It was fairly melodramatic, and there could be something said about a man named Atlas putting the weight of the team on his shoulders, but Sara let it slide for now. She wasn't the only one that noticed, because all around them other students were gawking, giggling, snorting or some combination of the three. Regardless, Sara supposed it was the leader-ly thing to do. This was all fairly new to Sara- she had done combat maneuvers before, but generally it was in a 1x1 or 1xMutliple scenario with her relying on nothing but her own skills and the capabilities of her test unit. Working with a team was going to be an interesting challenge, and Yasumi seemingly agreeing with her noted that they lacked any serious defensive units. Sara shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Well you know what they say, the best defense is a good offense." Not the exact wording of the saying, with joking logic of course. "No one will shoot at you, if there's no one to shoot at you." Bill expressed his desire to jump into the practice sims and everyone else seemed open to the idea, so Sara merely nodded in agreement. Hamasaki expressed her interest in getting to know everone's GEAR and strategy, and the tech-nerd in Sara's soul immediately jumped with excitement- she loved the idea of getting a look at different GEARs, and ACE academy pilots had a habit of customizing their machines.</s>
<|description|>Devin MAIN CHARACTER Tattoo Age: 448 Species: Vampire ---</s> <|message|>Devin He had failed, he had failed to keep his wife alive, he had failed at having control as a youngling, he had filed to keep away from Avina which could have kept her from having to leave her pack. And now once he had failed, failed to keep the woman he had a connection with after so long safe. He barely heard Violet say his name as she walked down the stairs, he looked over at her from the corner of his eye as she struggled to breathe, yet another thing he had failed at, being a sire. These were the words that played over and over again in his panicked head as the garlic from outside blocked all of his sense of smell to the point he had to stop breathing. I failed, I failed. This was the reason Devin was the reason he was never meant to be a leader. When truly panicked he could only think of himself as foolish, and weak, and a failure even if the problem was not his doing. He didn't hear Avina come down the stairs over his own thoughts nor even notice her coming up to him, until she moved to stand between him and the door. His face had been blank and guarded, though of course she had been about to see the panic in his eyes through the mask. He started to flinch away slightly as she lifted her arms, only to stop himself, so she could cup his face in her hands. Right they were safe in here, they were safe. There was iron on the doors to keep the wolves out. There was ash at the windows, and under the carpet, on the step to keep vampires out. The eyes craved above the doors and windows would keep hags or witches from forcing their way in. And Logan was locked away safe. They were safe! He let his eyes close taking a deep breath before returning the kiss which Avina was placing on his lips. Violet stopping her painful breathing behind him, as he opened his eyes to once more looking at Avina his eyes no longer black but staying a dark gray. Devin was actually starting to calm down and think straight again before Jessie spoke from upstairs. At first he didn't move from where he stood by the door to go upstairs, it wasn't until he heard the word spell his eyes darkened. Moving to the bottom of the stairs he let out a loud hiss which reached the top at the time he did standing next to Avina. He had missed the smell of blood until he moved away from the door. Now he could see it and smell it, not that he knew the symbol was outside made with garlic. When Avina took a step forward as the smell of her magic hit him, it was almost as sickly sweet as the other vampires smelt to him only ten times stronger. His hand reached out to take ahold of Avina's arm pulling her back towards him as Jessie spoke of her magic. "Be careful Avina." He said darkly his black eyes not leaving Jessie, or whoever was standing in front of them. Did these wolves not know anything?! No Avina seemed almost as confused as the others were, did they not know about hags? He had thought werewolves were around before the witches made vampires, why it the world would they not know about witches? Jessie saying his name made Devin look back over at the witch frowning. That hadn't been the reason he had planted the garlic to help her, and her thanks didn't make him feel any better! Instead it made him feel worse. "Shut up, hag. That was not my intent." He hissed at her angrily, for the first time there was a woman in front of him that he would have be willing to kill. As Avina grabbed his hand he looked back down at her frowning, a clearly angry look still on his face. How could she not know what was going on? She was older than him. His hand returned the grip of hers before pulling her behind him. He knew a lot about witches, he hated them, but knew a lot about them and the farther he could get Avina from her the better. His eyes ran over the red head now in front of them for a moment, before she turned around. Devin looked over at Brice as he talked about the woman being the Marrok's mate, a look of confusion flashed on his face, why would a witch being mating with wolves. "How the hell did you get in my home filthy hag?! The eyes should have kept you and your witchcraft out."</s> <|message|>Avina Avina allowed herself to be pulled behind Devin since he seemed to have encountered witches before. Though she took a small step to the side so that she could still see what was going on. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Brian grabbing Violet by the arm and pushing her up the stairs while the witch still had her back turned. Unashamedly terrified, Keil followed the little vampire up the stairs in order to hide as well. Brian then stood at the bottom of the stairs with his arms crossed. Avina looked back at the red-haired woman just as she turned around and Brian claimed that she was the Marrok's mate. Since when did the Marrok have a mate? And why didn't all wolves know that their ultimate leader was mated to a witch? Jessie gestured to the windows and the eyes carved into them. "These things? I have been around longer than they have." She ran her thumb over one of the eyes and left a bright red burn mark appeared across the symbol. "They do not affect me. It was a nice try though." Jessie turned around and laughed at the two less bodies in the room. "Trying to protect your own?" She asked with a shake of her head. "Not to worry, I am only here for Avina and Devin. You can go hide too, Brian." Brian growled at her as his eyes started to shift colors. "Don't Brian." Avina warned, she wasn't sure what they were up against and out right attacking was not going to help. "Yes, Brian, don't. I could snap your neck before you made two steps." Jessie looked back at Avina and Devin and smiled. "Awe! Look, Romeo is trying to protect his little Juliet." She pointed her finger at Devin and he instantly lifted into the air only to land roughly against the wall only to be pinned there. "Devin!" Avina started to run towards him but Brian grabbed her arm to stop her. "Devin!" She called again even though she didn't try to pull away. "Let him go!" "I will, in a minute but first I have to tell him a secret." Jessie leaned into whisper in Devin's ear even though she knew Avina could hear her clearly. "Let me let you in on a little secret, Romeo. In the end, you die." She said with a laugh. "And you do not need to protect Avina. A mother would never hurt her only daughter." "What are you talking about?" Avina cried. "I buried my mother before I turned into a werewolf!" Avina looked over at Brian who was looking between the witch and Avina. "Did your mother have your bright red hair, Avina? Or did you get it from your father?" Jessie asked. "Neither, but.." Avina looked down at her hair then back at Jessie. "That's right, you come from a long line of powerful witches. If only you had allowed your body to naturally change into a wolf, my darling." Avina could feel herself sliding across the floor with no control of her own movement. "If that fiancé of yours had never bite you, you would have been a fantastic off breed! A witch naturally turned into a werewolf, you would have been the best of both of us!" Avina tried to pull her head away from the woman's hand that was resting on her cheek but she found that she couldn't move. "How could I have been a natural wolf? All of us are bitten that is the only way!" She said with little conviction. She had a feeling she knew who Jessie thought her father was. "Put it together little one. How could you be a natural born wolf?" Avina looked over at Devin who was still being held against the wall with magic. She couldn't say it out loud. It was impossible. There was no way this crazy woman in front of her was her mother! And there was no way that the…. She stopped herself before she could finish that thought. "Avina, think about it. You were one of the only women who ever survived the change! That is because you were born to be who you are. And why do you think you were able to work your way through your pack? What woman do you know that has as much dominance in her blood as you do? You inherited your strength and will from your father, and you fierce personality from me. The perfect offspring!" Avina screamed and pushed herself out of the other red-headed woman's magic. She stumbled back breathing hard. "Let him go!" She growled as she pointed at Devin. He fell to the floor with a flick of the witch's hand. Avina ran over to him and kneeled down beside him. "Are you okay?" She asked softly.</s>
<|message|>Devin Devin cursed himself in his head as Jessie rubbed her thumb over the symbol leaving a red burn over it. He had never thought of the idea that a witches age would throw off the effect. Still he stood in front of Avina trying to protect her, the best he could. He knew there wasn't much he could do without getting close to Jessie and Devin knew that as soon as he moved she would know what he was doing and attack before she could get to her. So instead he stood in front of her, hoping that if the witch did attack, he would take most of the pain. Devin's eyes looked towards the stairs as she mentioned protecting the others. Despite the fact that he and Brice didn't get off on a good start, he was happy that Avina stopped him from attacking. He had seen what witches could do, but clearly Avina hadn't. He truly didn't want her to see it first hand, he wished the eye would have worked so she wouldn't have to see it either. Devin didn't have time to react before Jessie pointed a finger at him, before he was picked up into the air and thrown roughly against the wall. The magic that pinned him there felt like a ton of bricks sitting on his chest holding him in place, the pain making him have to stop breathing to ease it. Although it wasn't the first time he had been pinned to the wall by a witch, the feeling wasn't something one could get used too. His eyes looked from Avina who had been screaming his name afraid, to Jessie as she leaned up to whisper in his ear loudly, her words would have made him shiver down his spine. His eyes looked at Avina again for a moment, because actually in the end both Romeo and Juliet die. "Why don't you let me go lass, and we'll see what is faster. Me or your magic." He whispered softly back in her ear, eyes turning red and voice gravely trying to charm his way loose. Before she said something about Avina being her daughter, even he hadn't been expecting her to say something like that, the look of shock appearing on his face before he could even hide it. If it had been anyone else she was talking about he likely would have made some kind of sarcastic comment, but at the moment unlike Avina he was actually speechless. Devin watched quietly to the conversion between the two red heads frowning. Because now that he was looking for it they did look like they could be mother and daughter. Which meant that Avina could have been a witch, and for a moment Devin couldn't help but feel discussed by the idea that he had drank hag blood. Until he reminded himself that it was Avina, and in that case it wouldn't have mattered to him. He let out a hiss as Jessie pulled Avina over to her, struggling against the magic that held him to the wall. It didn't matter to him that Jessie might have been Avina's mother, or that she seemed almost happy maybe proud way she was talking to her. The witch was still using her magic against his wolf, he needed to be able to protect her! If he could just get away from this wall! His closed tightly using all of his strength trying to break the hold. So while he was listening to the conversion between the two of them, and actually glad to hear that Avina wasn't a hag because she had been bitten, he hadn't seen her looking over to him. Her scream was so loud that it likely could be heard from the outside, if he wasn't held still Devin would have likely even flinched at the sound, his eyes shoot open to see her stumble back, a look of panic in his eyes. What had the witch done? Did she do something to hurt Avina? Cast a spell on her? It didn't even enter his mind that she pulled out of Jessie's magic, it wasn't something he had seen done before. His body hit the wooden floor roughly as the witch flicked her wrist letting him go as Avina had growled for her to, making him groan a bit, breath coming out quickly even enough he didn't need it. Not only from the impact of the floor but the pressure disappearing from the magic, even his arms and legs felt a bit weaker from struggling uselessly against the magic. He couldn't help flinch a bit as he heard Avina run up to him, Devin's eyes looking up at her as she knelt beside him asking if he was okay. Oh sure he had only just been pinned against the wall by some crazy hag that was her mother, he was just wonderful! His eyes softened a bit as he nodded looking back down at the floor. "I'm fine, that isn't the first time." Devin answered softly as he started to pull himself slowly off of the floor. His eyes looking up as Jessie left, good he didn't want that discussing witch in his house! The smell of her magic smelling up his home! Once the witch had left and he had pushed himself up off the ground, his eyes looked up the stairs Brice was still standing at the bottom of before muttering thanks. Even if he didn't like Brice, he had protected his youngling by forcing her upstairs. His eyes then went to Avina, his hand going to her face where Jessie had hold Avina with her magic, his fingers over her cheek softly as if afraid that even her touch had hurt her. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?' He asked before removing his hand when she said she wasn't, seeing Violet come down the stairs and stand behind Brice wanting to come back down. " What are we going to do Avina?" He whispered softly so that only she would be able to hear the panic in his voice, because for the first time, he had no idea what they were going to do.</s>
<|description|>Valerie Winter Age: 24 Physical Appearance: Valerie's appearance seems very well put-together, almost embodying her background of nobility with a soft delicateness offset by steadiness, confidence, and inner strength. She has fair, unblemished skin, pale blue eyes, and long, dark brown hair most often secured in a low bun with a moderate amount of loose strands flitting about her face. Her height is a few inches on the tall side, and her physical build is slim and lithe, with subtle muscling visible where her clothing hugs her body. Obviously not a powerhouse of strength, but capable and in excellent condition. Armor/Clothing: Her light-weight gear functions well enough with her style of combat and of fashion, and indeed, she finds the blend of noble elegance with mercenary ruggedness somewhat appealing, and some part of her even desires to stand out clearly from common sellswords. The high quality tailoring and craftsmanship speaks volumes about her history, or at least gives away that she wears clothes and gear more expensive than a common mercenary and adventurer just starting out should be able to afford. Starting with her upper body, Valerie wears a long-sleeved and thin undershirt close fit to the point of a second skin. Over this she wears some actual protection, in the form of a light but sturdy leather breastplate to protect her heart and lungs. It was custom tailored for her and fits extremely well, secured around her neck and lower back. It cuts off just below her ribs, sacrificing some protection for the sake of full flexibility and range of motion. Her leggings are closely fitted and comfortable linen, with some extra layering of leather around her thighs, hips, and waist to better protect her upper legs. Buckled loosely around her waist is her sword belt, as well as a decorative sash of dark blue silk with golden floral patterns. The sash flutters down from her right hip, partially concealing the hilt of the long, thin dagger sheathed there. Her boots are made of soft leather, designed more to be comfortable than tough, and are buckled below the knee, and again at the ankles. Under her clothing she wears a pendant with the snowflake emblem of her family, secured on a very thin golden chain. Weapons: Valerie's primary weapon is a thin, extremely sharp sword, most suited for dueling engagements but functional enough in other styles. It packs a surprising bite, given how quickly Valerie can strike with it, either thrusting or slashing, and can pierce many armor types. It's not a fragile weapon, either, and can block or parry incoming strikes if she needs to. Valerie can wield it with either hand (technically right handed, but she's very ambidextrous) or with both for added strength. Her sidearm is a long, thin knife at her right hip, which she can wield in either direction front or back, but will only do so in the event that she is somehow disarmed of her sword. Combat Overview: Speed, decisiveness, grace, and fluidity define Valerie's style. She's very well trained in the use of her weapon, and knows well how to make the most of situations with skillful deflections that turn blows aside rather than stopping them cold, and open up holes in her opponent's defenses for her to exploit. Her offense is swift and precise, and rarely forces her to overextend on the attack and expose vulnerabilities. On the defensive, Valerie is light-footed and agile, able to dodge most attacks lacking swiftness, while parrying attacks strong in speed but lesser in strength. And while she prefers single combat, she's both swift and aware enough to handle multiple enemies of lesser skill simultaneously. At full strength, Valerie is a deadly enemy to fight, with the speed and precision to turn small mistakes from her opponents into lethal ones. She still has significant weaknesses to overcome, most stemming from her overall lack of actual experience in battle as opposed to rigorous training. Underhanded tactics can catch her off guard, and fighting hand to hand or grappling are both particular weaknesses of hers. Her physical endurance has not often been tested, and her choice of extremely light armor doesn't help much when she ends up getting hit. Despite her determination, she can only endure a limited number of wounds. Personality: On the outside Valerie is quiet, calm, composed, an excellent picture of nobility. Inwardly she feels very passionately about causes she puts herself behind, something that can sometimes show in the heat of a conflict. She's quite sociable and kind with the majority of those she encounters, and tends to be both understanding and forgiving of others. She does, however, retain some aspects of her upbringing, and is just a touch vain. Her morals are quite strong, and indeed drive her to do things that have little benefit for her to offset the risk. She believes the position of power she was born into gave her a responsibility to help those beneath her, rather than a right to rule over them. History: Valerie is the third child of four of the wealthy and powerful Winter family of the kingdom of Ardennia, and the only daughter. While not in line to rule the kingdom, her family watched over a large swath of diverse land with farms, towns, forests, rivers, and small mountains. Her kingdom, however, had an expansionist king with dreams of conquering their northern neighbor and expanding his domain. After years of military swelling and building of tension, war was declared following a loosely conceived insult against them, likely fabricated for an excuse to attack. The Winter family was called, and answered. Valerie and her brothers had been trained among other things in the art of war, and were to serve as commanders of varying levels in the army. Valerie, however, refused the call, bringing some shame upon her family and soon forcing her to leave her home. She traveled far from her kingdom's borders, using her honed skills with the sword to pay her way in adventuring, which she took to naturally. Her experience thus far is limited, but it has served to build up her confidence, and reassure her that she made the correct choice in leaving her home behind.</s> <|message|>Valerie Winter The jerky came as a welcome distraction while Valerie waited for the pain to subside, even if she wasn't particularly hungry. The conversation was much for the same purpose, although she was curious. She'd just come suddenly much closer to an angry wyvern than she'd ever wanted to, and she still felt a bit jittery from the adrenaline. "Two years well spent, if you ask me," she said, putting away the cloth. "We probably wouldn't have escaped so well back there without it." Valerie didn't envision any kind of magical training in her own future, but she supposed it would be foolish to rule it out. For the moment she had enough to learn. She laughed a little at Markus's comment about his lack of a life beyond mercenary work. "Well, we'll have to work on that when we get back." After a few more minutes of rest they started moving again, delving through the thickening forest. It was a bright day, with the sun thankfully piercing through the trees above them. Valerie imagined it would be easy enough to get lost in here without the proper guidance. "What do you think that smoke we saw came from?" she asked. She figured that would be their first target, assuming they had no more unfortunate encounters with winged creatures.</s> <|message|>Markus Flintbrook He was glad to hear his hard work on learning some spells was appreciated, especially by a fellow mercenary. Often time he felt like a very poor wizard rather than a Swordmage in earnest. He knew differently though, and this Swordmage couldn't hide his grin at her remark on when they got back. One more reason why I want to live through this. Though honestly, he was quite excited for what lay before them. He was pragmatic, and he'd like to think he wasn't stupid, but there was a reason he took on this job. No one forced him into it, and it seemed Valerie felt the same way. A passionate sense of adventure and excitement, and knowing by the end of the day that they had survived great odds. "I'm not sure. Orcs probably." he said to her question, as they began again. "There aren't any people out here... Save mainly some bandits." His last remark was an afterthought, but he realized that very well might be a truth. They trudged through the ever thickening forest. Branches and leaves making a ubiquitous and oddly shaped roof that shielded them from the majority of the sun. Somehow, it was not so cold in the forest as it should have been, as if the air was thick enough to leave some residual heat for itself. He'd heard tales of deep wilderness like this one, many from his Elven tutor. In the far woods, you could be beglamoured by Nymphs, assailed by Centaurs, meet beasts the size of townhouses, or Elves that were not as forgiving or as accustomed to civilization as his old master. It seemed their next obstacle wouldn't be nearly as fantastic as these, but dangerous if left unchecked, nevertheless. The two young sellswords first heard a chittering and a barking laughter. Markus held his hand out just in case Valerie had not heard it yet so she would stop to listen, but she probably had. Better to be safe than sorry. Goblins. The Swordmage crouched, unsheathing his sword as quietly as he could and making his way to the closest bush that was toward the noise. He knelt down and peered through the brush, and he was quite glad he had not been humming an Elven tune a bit ago or they would have been discovered. At first it was hard to see them with all of this green, for their skin was a sickly and mottled moss green. They were barely waist height and thin, with elongated ears and noses. Their eyes were filled with malice and a cruel cunning, however. Their hands gripped spears and jagged scimitars, and they chatting among each other in what looked like a small meeting. There were 7 of them in all, it seemed, standing at the center of the next clearing. Two of them prodded each other with their devilish fingers at the side of the meeting, clearly on opposing sides of whatever was going on.</s> <|message|>Valerie Winter Valerie would gladly take on bandits at the moment, if it meant avoiding another run-in with a wyvern. Of course, the reality of it was that they would probably run into them both, considering the poor luck they'd started out with. And any bandits surviving out here would no doubt be of a tougher stock than the kind Valerie had dealt with in the past. She kept close as they moved through the forest, the thickening foliage providing her with yet another obstacle should a fight come about. Valerie still needed a great deal of practice maneuvering in these sorts of environments to be able to do it efficiently, or quietly. With focus at least she could avoid snapping every wayward branch and crunching every pile of fallen leaves. It would have to do. The sound of the goblins reached her ears easily enough, as the mood on their walk had been far more tense than when they started out, with good reason. She crouched beside Markus, finding an opening in the brush big enough to see through and observe the foe. The goblins were hardly as imposing as orcs, but they had a significant numbers advantage, and those wicked spears and blades could wound or kill easily enough. Valerie didn't much like the idea of attacking them head on. She supposed they could go around, but their odds of sneaking by didn't seem too favorable either. "Can we manipulate them somehow?" she asked, whispered as quietly as she could. "Turn them on one another, to whittle them down?" They didn't seem to like each other too much, from what she could tell, and they were obviously prone to violence. How to stir up a fight between them, she didn't know. Maybe just waiting would do the trick. "Whatever you want to do, I'm with you. I'll follow your lead."</s> <|message|>Markus Flintbrook Markus heard Valerie's suggestion, and began to attempt to figure a way they could do that. His mind whirled with possibilities, but at the end he decided that he wouldn't be able to think of anything on the fly. He shook his head. "Whatever you want to do, I'm with you. I'll follow your lead." she said. He gave her a nod, his eyes steeled. He leaned in even closer, giving a whisper. His gaze had not left the Goblins. "I think the best shot we have is to maximize the element of surprise." he told her, his words barely audible. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and this time looked her in the eyes. "When I give the word, attack the Goblins on the right. They've no armor. Thrust quickly, and you can have two dead before the third realizes what's happened. I'll go left." He waited for her to confirm, and then he looked back at the diminutive creatures before them. He squeezed her shoulder one last time, before his hand slipped off and grabbed the sheath of his sword for a two handed grip. Past the bushes, they prodded one another with words and fingers. Chittering and barking at one another in their cruel and alien language. Markus had learned a bit of Orc, but most of the Goblin language eluded him. They spoke too quickly and used too many guttural squeaks to be coherent to him. Just that second, one of the Goblins poked another a bit too hard. The other did not take too kindly to that and slapped him. It would be comical if the two sellswords weren't about to jump into the fray. Suddenly, the slapped Goblin tackled the other. The other Goblins gathered around to watch and screech, waving their weapons about and threatening to join in. "Now."</s>
<|message|>Valerie Winter Making good use of surprise did seem like their best bet. Inflict greater wounds than they could recover from before they could react at all. And speed was among Valerie's strongest attributes. She nodded back, grateful for the squeeze on her shoulder. Even against goblins charging into battle was no easy task, but it helped when she was alongside someone she trusted. Three on the right for her, the other four for him. It was hardly the time to squabble over numbers, and she had to admit she had more confidence in Markus than she did in herself. She studied the three, the first armed with dual daggers, the second a scimitar that a human could've wielded with one hand, but held in two here, and the last with a spear and small wooden shield. Valerie slowly closed her fingers around the hilt of her blade, and waited for Markus to give the word. "Now." She moved ahead without hesitation, drawing her sword with a ring of steel and rushing at the goblins on the right of the group. They turned and stared in shock for a moment, and that was all Valerie needed to end the first of them, removing his head with a clean slice before she stepped forward to attack the next. They were swift to react, and the second already had his guard up for her when she made her attack. He was not a skilled opponent, though, and a few quick moves opened up his flank for Valerie to plunge her sword into, ending him. The spear wielding goblin had enough time to line up an attack before Valerie could properly align herself after discarding the second foe. A thrust of the spear came at her, and had she been a moment slower it would have skewered her through the midsection. Instead, she managed to turn it aside just in time. The goblin was surprised at her quick reactions, and failed to get his own shield up in time for her counter. Valerie's thrust might've done the same skewering to a human opponent, but against the goblin her blade pierced through his throat. The creature slowly fell backwards off of her sword, where he lay still.</s>
<|description|>Valerie Winter Age: 24 Physical Appearance: Valerie's appearance seems very well put-together, almost embodying her background of nobility with a soft delicateness offset by steadiness, confidence, and inner strength. She has fair, unblemished skin, pale blue eyes, and long, dark brown hair most often secured in a low bun with a moderate amount of loose strands flitting about her face. Her height is a few inches on the tall side, and her physical build is slim and lithe, with subtle muscling visible where her clothing hugs her body. Obviously not a powerhouse of strength, but capable and in excellent condition. Armor/Clothing: Her light-weight gear functions well enough with her style of combat and of fashion, and indeed, she finds the blend of noble elegance with mercenary ruggedness somewhat appealing, and some part of her even desires to stand out clearly from common sellswords. The high quality tailoring and craftsmanship speaks volumes about her history, or at least gives away that she wears clothes and gear more expensive than a common mercenary and adventurer just starting out should be able to afford. Starting with her upper body, Valerie wears a long-sleeved and thin undershirt close fit to the point of a second skin. Over this she wears some actual protection, in the form of a light but sturdy leather breastplate to protect her heart and lungs. It was custom tailored for her and fits extremely well, secured around her neck and lower back. It cuts off just below her ribs, sacrificing some protection for the sake of full flexibility and range of motion. Her leggings are closely fitted and comfortable linen, with some extra layering of leather around her thighs, hips, and waist to better protect her upper legs. Buckled loosely around her waist is her sword belt, as well as a decorative sash of dark blue silk with golden floral patterns. The sash flutters down from her right hip, partially concealing the hilt of the long, thin dagger sheathed there. Her boots are made of soft leather, designed more to be comfortable than tough, and are buckled below the knee, and again at the ankles. Under her clothing she wears a pendant with the snowflake emblem of her family, secured on a very thin golden chain. Weapons: Valerie's primary weapon is a thin, extremely sharp sword, most suited for dueling engagements but functional enough in other styles. It packs a surprising bite, given how quickly Valerie can strike with it, either thrusting or slashing, and can pierce many armor types. It's not a fragile weapon, either, and can block or parry incoming strikes if she needs to. Valerie can wield it with either hand (technically right handed, but she's very ambidextrous) or with both for added strength. Her sidearm is a long, thin knife at her right hip, which she can wield in either direction front or back, but will only do so in the event that she is somehow disarmed of her sword. Combat Overview: Speed, decisiveness, grace, and fluidity define Valerie's style. She's very well trained in the use of her weapon, and knows well how to make the most of situations with skillful deflections that turn blows aside rather than stopping them cold, and open up holes in her opponent's defenses for her to exploit. Her offense is swift and precise, and rarely forces her to overextend on the attack and expose vulnerabilities. On the defensive, Valerie is light-footed and agile, able to dodge most attacks lacking swiftness, while parrying attacks strong in speed but lesser in strength. And while she prefers single combat, she's both swift and aware enough to handle multiple enemies of lesser skill simultaneously. At full strength, Valerie is a deadly enemy to fight, with the speed and precision to turn small mistakes from her opponents into lethal ones. She still has significant weaknesses to overcome, most stemming from her overall lack of actual experience in battle as opposed to rigorous training. Underhanded tactics can catch her off guard, and fighting hand to hand or grappling are both particular weaknesses of hers. Her physical endurance has not often been tested, and her choice of extremely light armor doesn't help much when she ends up getting hit. Despite her determination, she can only endure a limited number of wounds. Personality: On the outside Valerie is quiet, calm, composed, an excellent picture of nobility. Inwardly she feels very passionately about causes she puts herself behind, something that can sometimes show in the heat of a conflict. She's quite sociable and kind with the majority of those she encounters, and tends to be both understanding and forgiving of others. She does, however, retain some aspects of her upbringing, and is just a touch vain. Her morals are quite strong, and indeed drive her to do things that have little benefit for her to offset the risk. She believes the position of power she was born into gave her a responsibility to help those beneath her, rather than a right to rule over them. History: Valerie is the third child of four of the wealthy and powerful Winter family of the kingdom of Ardennia, and the only daughter. While not in line to rule the kingdom, her family watched over a large swath of diverse land with farms, towns, forests, rivers, and small mountains. Her kingdom, however, had an expansionist king with dreams of conquering their northern neighbor and expanding his domain. After years of military swelling and building of tension, war was declared following a loosely conceived insult against them, likely fabricated for an excuse to attack. The Winter family was called, and answered. Valerie and her brothers had been trained among other things in the art of war, and were to serve as commanders of varying levels in the army. Valerie, however, refused the call, bringing some shame upon her family and soon forcing her to leave her home. She traveled far from her kingdom's borders, using her honed skills with the sword to pay her way in adventuring, which she took to naturally. Her experience thus far is limited, but it has served to build up her confidence, and reassure her that she made the correct choice in leaving her home behind.</s> <|message|>Valerie Winter It was a meager shelter for the night, but Valerie felt it was more than adequate. She was very tired from the day's travel and fights, and she knew she'd be sore tomorrow. They would have no choice but to press on, and a good amount of rest would help with that. She dropped down behind Markus after he gave the all clear, and began work on getting the fire all set up while he cleared a hole for the smoke. "Steamed ham sounds like a feast right now," she told him. She was famished, her belly grumbling in dissatisfaction every now and then. It seemed to be setting in more now that she could finally relax, and the smell of cooking dinner wafted up to her nose. Valerie distracted herself by removing her gear and getting it in order, starting by unbuckling her sword belt and setting her blade and dagger down next to her bedroll and pack. She untied her breastplate and pulled it away, briefly checking herself for any injuries she hadn't noticed before, but thankfully she found nothing. She could only hope she'd be so lucky in the days to come. Setting her armor aside as she sat down, she couldn't help but smile at the compliment from Markus, her cheeks flushing slightly red as she gazed into the fire. "Thanks. Though I think we probably shouldn't start keeping score on the times we save each other's lives." Though it was a joke, and Valerie did feel content with how well she'd done, the fight with the ogre had still been a near disaster, in large part she felt due to the ineffectiveness of her flank attack. Still, it was good enough to give Markus an opening. "We've made a good team so far." It was then she noticed him wince beside her, and saw the small wound on his side. She wasn't able to stop herself from appearing concerned. "Let me take a look at that?" It was in a difficult spot for him to treat, likely the reason he hadn't noticed it until just now. It wasn't serious, but it would be unwise to leave untended. Once she had a few of her medical supplies Valerie settled down on her knees beside him. "Hold your shirt up." She began cleaning and tending to the wound. She was no healer or doctor, but any adventurer hoping to live more than a few weeks on the road needed to know how to treat minor wounds like this. Valerie brushed a strand of hair from her face, focusing. "Have you ever been seriously injured before? On a job, or otherwise?"</s> <|message|>Markus Flintbrook "Thanks. Though I think we probably shouldn't start keeping score on the times we save each other's lives." He gave a grin that showed his teeth at the jest, and realized she was right. They really were a good team. Markus wasn't used to such a thing, as much he tried to appear that way around her. He'd known hard fighting women before, and he'd known those a bit less experienced than he (though not much, judging by his mere 4 years as a sellsword), but he'd always been in a larger, looser group. One where you could easily close yourself from others, yet you were also apart of something bigger than yourself. It was different for him to be out here with only one partner, especially a woman like this. Alike him in more than a few ways, competent, but... he felt like she looked to him too. He knew she could take care of herself, and in fact she impressed him in a lot of ways. However, he felt a certain sense of duty as the more experienced one. Briefly, he wondered if he was up to this. It was quite an odd thing, hitting it off with a girl so quickly, and then suddenly becoming her comrade in arms, and perhaps even a mentor of sorts, though he used the term loosely. "Let me take a look at that?" she asked, and his reverie fled when he heard her voice. "Oh, yeah." he breathed, lifting his shirt up. It was his turn to blush despite himself, and he was glad his lifted shirt covered the lower part of his face. He nodded, giving a self depreciating chuckle. "Yes." he admitted to her question. "I remember when I was a boy, and my older brother accidentally loosed his bow in my direction. He didn't know I was coming out of the woods, and it hit me in the chest. If that was a war bow and not a hunting bow, I might have died just there. the battle I spoke of before. The only one I was in, I...a sword ran through my side. The other side-" he explained. "I'd only been fighting for half an hour, though I suppose many good men died after a minute. I lay there and heard the battle around me as I bled." He cleared his throat, and shook his head of the dark thoughts. "Luckily, a priest patched me up once the battle was over. He had magic, and I could walk without help a week later." He sucked in his breath from a jabbing pain as she worked on his wound, though it was her job and he didn't protest. "Thank you, Val." he said breathlessly as the wound was patched up. @Luminosity</s> <|message|>Valerie Winter "I can't imagine what that must have been like," Valerie said as she worked on the wound. She tried to imagine it, too, but of course it wouldn't compare to a real experience. To be so badly wounded as to be unable to move, in the chaos and horror of a battle... she nearly shuddered. All of her own experiences with bloodshed had been on such a smaller scale, and even the bloody skirmish she'd been involved in the day before had been over so fast. There was hardly any time for the mind to process it. "I think it's safe to say I've been lucky in that regard, at least so far." She half smiled at a memory. "Worst I can claim is falling from my horse as a child, the first time I lost control. Broke my arm and two ribs." It certainly hadn't been funny to her at the time; maybe it was the feeling of simpler times that brought the smile to her face. "There wasn't much bleeding involved there... just an excess of crying. There, all done." The cut wasn't really worthy of being stitched up, nor was it bleeding severely, but it was at least cleaned and bandaged adequately now. She scooted back a bit and lay back on her bedroll, staring up at the protective canopy of vines and settling her hands atop her belly. Very few of her friends had called her Val back home, and none of her family, but she didn't mind. It was probably a better name for a mercenary woman, after all. Her stomach rumbled, and she sighed. "Ugh. The food about ready?"</s> <|message|>Markus Flintbrook "It's pretty sobering," he admitted, gazing into the fire as she finished cleaning the last bit of his wound. "But I'm glad it happened, to be honest. Difficulties make me who I am, no matter how terrible they were at the time." He spoke with a solemness that belied his age, making him seem that much older just from the memory of that single experience. He grunted when she was done, and nodded. His face lit up at the prospect of food. "Let me check." he breathed, leaning forward and then making it to his feet before opening the bubbling pot. "You know falling off a horse is still pretty dangerous. I've known someone who fell off and couldn't walk after. It's quite the fall." After sticking a bit of the ham with his cleaned dagger, he realized it was indeed ready. "Yup. I'll grab you some." It took less than a minute for them both to have a fair sized bit of ham, though due to being out in the wild they didn't necessarily have silverware or plates, but he handed her half of the meal stuck on one of his throwing daggers. Markus winked at her in good spirits at how odd it was, handing it over, before taking a big bite out of his own slice. It wasn't much, but it had a bit of seasoning and the main thing about it was it filled their bellies. Once Markus was finished, he took a large swig of his water jug and was just about to burp when he realized Valerie was right there with him. It was a bit awkward for him to slam his palm on his mouth at the last moment as his mind caught up with him, but he patted his chest with his fist and grunted. "Sorry."</s>
<|message|>Valerie Winter Valerie wasn't sure what that kind of experience would do to her, how it would compare to how Markus had changed. If she could survive it at all, of course. Her fortitude was not of the same caliber that Markus had built his up to... but maybe it was things like that that made it so. She had no desire to test it, of course, but considering her line of work and her willingness to take risks, she wondered if it wasn't simply a matter of time. Sobering, indeed. But the food was ready to take her mind off of it, and Valerie sat up to eat. She took the throwing knife from Markus with a mock daintiness, as though she was being treated to some kind of delicacy in her family's dining hall. She snickered lightly, and took a bite. Delicacy it was not, but it was far more nourishing than any treat she'd had growing up, and she found she appreciated it quite a bit more. When they were both full and satisfied Valerie's sleepiness began to creep in, and she eventually toppled back over onto her bedroll, untying her hair and yawning. The yawn turned into a stifled giggle halfway through as Markus held back a burp. "No, go right ahead," she laughed. "Just keep it down. We don't have any leftovers to share with orcs and goblins, after all."</s>
<|description|>Adrianne Valenthin Gender: Female Age: 24 Class: Sanctioned Psyker Psyker Power Divination & Telekinesis are her main fields of psychic talent, but she also possesses two other abilities such as Smite and Storm of Lightning, as well as a rudimentary form of mental communication. Does not possess any noteworthy healing abilities, and she is just as likely to send someone to the warp as she is to heal a minor scratch. Appearance: 5.8ft tall, pale skin and snow white hair. Sturdy and heavy frame, but still retains her feminine figure despite adhering to a strict physical training regime. The base of her outfit consist of a simple yet elastic skin tight jumpsuit in dark brown color that is capable of withstanding the vacuum of space as well as provide a decent protection against the elements, though offers little protection versus physical threats. Overlayed on top is a series of armaplas plates that form a chestguard, cuisses, knee-high boots, shoulderpads and gloves stretching back and up to her elbows where they form into a sharp point. They offer good locational protection, especially from the front, but leave her jumpsuit exposed in other places, particularly from her lower back and down to the back of her knees where her boots cover both sides of her ankles. The plates are polished to a light gray color, and almost look like silver. The surface is covered with a series of intricate design and artwork in typical imperial fashion, featuring numerous flutes and ridges across the plates, as well as a couple skull imprints. Above her armor she wears a satin blue silk cloak that hangs down from the back of her left shoulder, as well as a silk loincloth hanging from the front of her belt of similar color. Thrown sideways around her torso is a series of books and scrolls attached by chain. Running up along the spine of her chestguard is a refractor field generator built into the plate itself, taking form of a small generator emitting a series of horizontal, blue lights up along the back of the chestplate, and shaped much like a human skeletal spine. When activated, a faint, blue and almost invisible barrier appears around her figure. Her helmet is made out of the same material as that of her armor, and it takes the form of a gothic plated helmet, with a narrow but wide blue glass visor and a longer neck guard extending out behind her helmet. Two plastic tubes are attached to a rebreather device at the bottom mouth piece of her helmet, that stretch out on each side of her neck and down into a small, highly pressurized air tank built into the back of her chestguard. Her boots are magnetic, and her entire suit when worn enables her to survive in space, and also provides immunity to most chemical and biological attacks. She carries enough oxygen to last for almost an hour. Equipment: Main Weapon: Her primary weapon is a two handed power-weapon in the form of an oversized saber with a sleek blade and an extended handle which doubles as a psyker staff, and adorned with sigils, trinkets, technological gadgets and inscriptions. She often uses her weapon in conjunction with her telekinetic powers to amplify its destructive potential. "Scylla" [Custom-Built Handgun], .50 caliber, 7 round clip size x 3 carried. Ceremonial Dagger. In essence, just a normal albeit flashy dagger with an adorned handle. Typically only carried for show, but is sharp enough to slice through unprotected skin with ease, and small enough to be concealed without much problem. Refractor Field. Description under Appearance. Servo-Skull: Mostly used to store events, data, recordings and scrolls. Savior – Saved an influential nobleman by foreseeing his assassination, tossing him out of the way of the sniper's bullet with her telekinetic powers and into a big wedding cake instead. Guide – Saved a band of arbiters from the underworld of a hive world during an uprising by using her powers of divination to avoid the roaming mobs and gangs and reached safety without incident. Not a single shot was fired during their escape. Hates Surprises – Accidentally electrocuted and sent three of the arbiters she had saved above to the infirmary when they tried to surprise her with a party later. Being so used to foresee danger before it happens, she is prone to freaking out over minor surprises that eludes her farsight. Fireteam – During an Ork incursion, she helped a fireteam of six guardsmen hold off a much larger band of orks after their sergeant was injured through using her powers of divination to guide their fire, turning what had been originally green recruits into seemingly crack shots. Any Ork that left its cover was immediately put down from long range, and when they mounted a frenzied charge together, they didn't make it more than halfway across the field to the trenches before they were wiped out by precision fire. Warpstorm over Mordran V - Adrianne was assigned to aid the planetary imperial garrison with culling a lesser greenskin uprising, assisting local Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle forces with the purging when a warpstorm suddenly appeared over the otherwise peaceful colony world of Mordran V. Trapped on the planet, Adrianne found herself fighting for survival alongside her imperial guard as Chaos Ships appeared in orbit, and unleashed a ferocious invasion of the planet! Though the warpstorm only lasted for two weeks, by the time it had lifted, Mordran V had been transformed from a lush, promising garden world into a lifeless, daemon-infested hellscape, with most of its original population killed except for a few imperial strongholds that managed to weather the storm. Her experience from Mordran V would change Adrianne for ever. What had been a cautious girl that had stepped onto the planet would instead emerge a seemingly reckless with little to no restraint on her powers!</s> <|message|>Captain William Horner Zhevon watched as the Psyker brought up images of the location, keeping silent as she observed the buildings. After she examined the holopics, she spoke up. "I believe we have found our city. Once we are on the ground and closer to the source, I should be better able to scry its exact location." "Good, we'll depart shortly." He replied, gathering his stuff, noting that Stukov had just arrived. "If I may ask, Inquisitor... why the mask?" She asked. Zhevon looked up at her, finding that she was eyeballing his helmet, realizing that to all of them, it was essentially a mask, since his hood was concealing the rest of it. He narrowed his eyes and thought about his answer, mostly thinking back to whomever else had asked him about his helmet. Not many did, an atmosphere of slight tension was felt, as many of the bridge crew, the Captain included turned to face them, wanting to know the answer as well. It was Stukov who had broken this tension. "When you have a moment, Inquisitor, I have a question to ask in private. A few, really." Inquisitor Zhevon looked to the man, who was standing next to Adrianne. "Ah, excellent timing." He said to Stukov, in his usual cheerful demeanor. He looked over to the Captain of his Blackship, "Captain Horner, may we use your personal quarters for a small chat?" The Captain spoke up, "Of course Inquisitor, just don't touch the brandy." "Excellent. Come on then." He said to Stukov, walking over to the door leading to the Captains Quarters. The door slid open automatically, "And to answer your question, Psyker Valenthin, I am headless." He joked, before stepping into the Captains Quarters.</s> <|message|>Alexei Stukov Stukov noted the tension he had cut from his entry, and would put that in an ask later position, he had other, more pressing concerns to ask about for now. The captain quarters he had followed the Inquisitor into were fairly humble, with a few items of comfort vice necessity, but such was to be expected from any Imperial Captain, far as he had dealt with. Then again, all he had gone off prior to this entry into the Captain's state room was the salvage work he had done after crashing or doing clean up post Gellar Field failure. Neither of which he had any interest in living through again. But neither of these incidents were either here or there, so he focused on the present as he calmly took a position near the desk, arms linked behind his back as he stood vice sitting down, facing the Inquisitor directly. At the beginning of his career he would never have ever even imagined being face to face with an Inquisitor, let alone asking questions of one, but a lot had changed, and he spoke plainly as soon as the door sealed. "Thank you for your time, Inquisitor, I will be brief as possible so time is not wasted." "Firstly, and this stems from prior experience, I am concerned about ship security. Every vessel I have served on, barring this one until recently, has had secrets that no security crew could keep track of. This has led to the failure of Gellar Fields, in the case of a Cruiser, that led to over 75% crew causalities. And the second time the complete loss of an Apocalypse Class Battleship. So my question is, and I doubt I will get any details or even a real answer, does your armory contain the means to cause this ship to be destroyed or lost to the warp?" Stukov didn't really expect to get an answer out of that one, but he felt it necessary to ask. Even if he was not formally a part of the ship's crew anymore, having been reassigned as such, his mindset was still on security. And that meant asking questions that might not be pleasant or even, in other circumstances, any of his business. But he asked anyways, and kept it direct. "Secondly, and still pertaining to security, how are we intending to mask so many soldiers in an investigative operation? They tend to not be the most subtle sort, and I do indeed speak for my own skill set as well. As well as the comment you made on the call being put out to more than just yourself during the brief, are we expecting to run into other members of the Inquisition, and should we expect conflict in that regard?" Still professional and all business on the matter, and it was unlikely any of it seemed like it had been necessary to request a private setting to ask the questions. Stukov was saving that question for last. He really was hoping the man had not put the items there of his own volition, even if that meant someone had ignored an Inquisitorial warning plate. But that did lead, in his mind's train of thought, to his last question, pausing long enough to almost let the Inquisitor begin answering the first two questions. "Lastly, and on a rather different note, and this is not intended to question your personal life choices, why does your personal wardrobe contain a set of black woman's undergarments? Contained in what I believe was a shoebox?"</s>
<|message|>Adrianne Valenthin "And to answer your question, Psyker Valenthin, I am headless." Adrianna would raise an eyebrow at the Inquisitor's reply, her face taking on a quizzical shape as if the psyker was ever so slightly dazzled and befuddled by Zhevon's comment. She maintained the odd gaze until Zhevon together with Stukov had stepped into the Captain's quarters, and the door slid shut behind the two. "What a strange man." If anything, the role of inquisitor seemed to attract the type of eccentric personalities, to say the least. But regardless of what she had heard, she would soon return her mind to the task at hand. They had yet to make planetfall, and it would be prudent for her to be present at the hangar before the inquisitor ever made it there. Thus, with her servo-skull following closely behind her, Adrianne began to make her way down from the bridge and towards the hangar B-12. But not without first visiting one of the ship's lonely kiosks that sat alone in the maze of corridors that was the ship's interior, where she requisitioned a bottle of sparkly vanilla and licorice flavored soda that she brought with her. After even more walking, including some elevator rides, she would finally appear in hangar b-12. It was a hangar further in the back of the ship that consisted mostly of transport vessels. The room was wide and open, with a massive inquisitorial banner hanging from the main wall in the room. But despite the room's grandeur, it was rather empty of people; with only the occasional tired, overworked engineer walking about and trying to direct the literally brainless servitors. Stepping into the hangar, Adrianne's eyes scanned her surroundings for a place to sit. But after having observed no clean place to sit, the ground being covered by grime and dirt, and any nearby crate being oily and dirty; she decided to improvise. Leaning back, she suddenly sat down cross-legged in the middle of the air, mystically hovering over the ground with the help of her telekinetic powers in a rather leisurely fashion. She had no idea how long she might have to wait, so she might as well get as comfortable as she could! Leaning back, she uncorked her soda bottle and began to drink from it, all the while watching the handlful of workers scurry about in the hangar. Her servo skull floated besides her, and began scanning for any news or radio channels from the planet below, shuffling through everything from advertisements, voice-novels, podcasts and music channels.</s>
<|description|>Kuhaku Shiro Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus (White-Tiger based) Weapon: Kladenets & Perun A Charge-Blade and Axe-Shield combination weapon. The two weapons have the unique ability of fusing into a single, larger weapon. Taking the form of a giant axe for a more powerful, albeit slower, combat style. The sword becomes the shaft of the axe with the shield becoming the axe's head. Internally, his weapons house a hidden firing mechanism that allow him to load Dust Ammunition. With loaded ammunition he can unleash destructive, close-ranged, explosive blasts. Speciality: Though he doesn't necessarily fall into a single, defined role he primarily engages close-ranged combat, but can act as a defensive off-hand tank with his shield and utilizing his Semblance, provide a supportive role. With his shield, he can skillfully defend and attack at the same time with his sword at extremely close ranges. Sheathing his sword into his shield, he can then switch to a defensive position to guard himself or his teammates. As part of his versatile and adaptive nature, his shield has a bladed edge and short punch-spike at its base that allows his shield to double as a weapon. Hidden within his shield is a speed-loader that can quickly reload his sword with a full magazine of Dust Ammunition in the event of an emergency. Combining his sword and shield together to from his Great Axe, he trades speed and defense for a purely offensive style of combat. With his giant Axe he can use his impressive strength to cleave, crush, and smash through large groups of enemies at once. Though his attacks with his Axe are much slower and in wide arcs, the sheer brute power of the weight of the axe and its slightly increased melee range makes it a fearsome weapon in Kuhaku's hands. In either its sword or axe form, Kuhaku can load special Dust Ammunition to either 'Burn' or 'Fire'. 'Burning' a round, he can propel himself short distances for a powerful and quick strike. 'Firing' a round unleashes an explosive blast in a small area in front of himself. His explosive dust attacks all require ammunition and as such, he wears a belt with Dust Shotshells on them. Semblance: The King's Voice - With the sound of his roar, he can temporarily remove mental limiters on he and his teammates' minds. Allowing them to fight with enhanced senses and bolstered physical capability for a few minutes at a time. For his enemies, the sound of his roar has the opposite effect. Muddling their senses to reduce their effectiveness and confusing them. However, his Semblance comes to him at a cost. The more often he utilizes his Semblance, side effects start to appear though only in himself. The side effects can range anywhere from headaches, impaired senses, seizures, temporary memory loss or permanent memory loss. Not only coming with side effects, there are certain conditions to his Semblance in order for it to be completely effective, if at all. Whenever he prepares to utilize his Semblance, his golden eyes turn a burning, glowing blue. With black 'stripes' appearing on his 'fur', face, and arms. His stripes and eyes can also act as a timer, fading as the effects of his Semblance wears off. Personality: Having been orphaned at a very young age, Kuhaku never had a home to call his own. As such, he primarily lived in orphanages, moving to a new one every so often. Growing up having never known his own family, he was constantly abused and subjected to prejudice due to his race. Though due to his strong will and good heart, he never held the abuse he went through against Humankind and overcame his rough upbringing. He endured humankind's irrational hatred and treatment of his own kin. Desiring to prove to others that the Faunus were not the 'beasts' and 'animals' most humans labeled his kind as, he enrolled in Signal as soon as he was able to. He believes that his enrollment to become a future Hunter as a way of demonstrating that Faunus and Humans can coexist and work together peacefully. He one day wishes to become a legendary Hunter to end the Grimm threat and prevent any future generations from ever having to go through what he did, having lost his family. As part of his good-hearted nature, you'll always see him in a generally bright and happy mood. Kind and polite to all who meet him, he treats most everyone with the same level of warmth and respect akin to that of a close, long-time friend. Outgoing, loud, energetic and enthusiastic are just a few characteristics to describe him. As a result of his tough childhood he has a deep understanding of other people's hardships and pain, granting him a strong sense of empathy. Quick to trust others and make friends, Kuhaku doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, despite what other ignorant humans might think. Color: Sky-Blue Emblem: Appearance: [All rights reserved to Nitroplus for the character image. Credit goes to Lugubrious for the Emblem!]</s> <|message|>Shuai Taidan (帥 太丹) Shuai Taidan - Airship "Maybe you've seen me in the biannual Vytal Festival," replied the ponytailed young Hunter with a smile. He was already taking a shine to the newest member of Team KNVS; after all, she was, to him at least, radiating in a general confidence and positivity, and that was always a commendable thing! "I do like to be memorable." However, the sudden lurching of the most recent addition to their team still caught him by surprise, and it was with a sudden "eh?!" that he found himself knocked off-balance by the ragdolly girl, gas mask sliding off his head and onto the floor of their ornithopter with a quiet thud. Ah, the perils that lay within the act of travelling through the air; they were numerous in their dangers, and as an avid flier himself, Shuai Taidan knew very well what could so easily plague him in his mimicry of the creatures of the sky, especially when there were others nearby. It was not particularly problematic, per se, but it was always a thing that he needed to concern himself over! "That's not a problem at all!" he said, chipper mood fading not a single bit! After all, it was a problem that was very easily rectified, as an ethereal arm immediately unfurled from his back, slipping through the air to grab the fallen mask. Slowly and surely, it retracted, placing the mask back upon his head, though now, in a more ... secure manner. "Flying's hard when you're tired." The manifestation wriggled around to face Noëlle, a ghostly arm that seemed to be gazing in the direction of the girl's chocolates. "Ooh, it's been a while since I had that kind. Last time I went to Mistral was ages ago. Thanks, Noëlle." The arm stretched out once more, plucking a single bar from her hand and retreating back towards Taidan's face. A second arm promptly unfurled from his back as well, the ethereal manifestation moving to unwrap the chocolate bar, before dropping it into the fire-loving Hunter's open mouth. Such was his tendency to utilise his semblance for even the most mundane of matters!</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz --Oh Okay "So death by strangulation, then." he concluded, as Amy saw fit to do the proposed job for him with her eyesight. It's different from choking. Namely-- A good choke is much more secure. And doesn't mess around with trying to see fear in the eyes. Truthfully, though, he did wish he hadn't forgotten she could do that. It would have made for much less of a foot-in-mouth moment on his end, where he'd suddenly found himself suggesting the typical unnaturally bold idea that you'd normally hear come out of someone else's mouth. Even Jack had his head on straighter from the eyes of a contextless third person, albeit with one minor detail astray... "I didn't mean the survivors, that's too far wherever they may be. What I meant was the old man right in front of us. There's no way I'd expect anyone here to scout that far ahead on their own. Myself included. Even I'm not that suicidal." he clarified stonily. "I was really just suggesting I take a short walk ahead to figure him out, not even leaving eyesight. It's a moot point now, considering somebody has the aforementioned eyesight to get the job done without me straying. Thanks, Amy."</s> <|message|>Krysanthe Krysthane - Patrol Mission Krysthane giggled a little at seeing Ebon warm up to the kittens, far more so than he had any of them. She would defiantly have to hold that against him later, maybe blackmail him. Then she winced at Skyra's rather... displeased reaction to the place. "Come on Skyra it isn't that bad, we'll only be here for a bit anyway." Krysthane pleaded. At least 3/4 of the team liked the place and so far that was the best result on anything they'd done together, which admittedly wasn't much. She turned at Sepia's question and thought about it briefly, "Yeah, I'm fairly certain there was some sort of graffiti here earlier. I'm sure the boys know about it." she said confidently as she also stepped into the cafe, two little kittens somehow making their way into her golden hair and periodically peeking out.. As soon as they entered she looked around for either the group of boys they had talked to earlier or the store owner.</s> <|message|>Gren Orchid Patrol Mission As Team Kiss entered the tea house, it was sparsly populated, aside from the many cats and a few old people drinking their tea in peace. Before Krysthane could find anyone, one of them found her. [b]"Krysthane! Welcome back!"[/color] It was the leader of the gang, though he didn't look as silly as he did before. He was wearing a fairly simple looking waiter's outfit, with the logo of the Cat Nap emblazoned on his breast pocket. Seemed like he was working right now. The young man went over to Krysthane, quite excited, which riled up the kittens. They all moved towards Krysthane, even the ones playing with Ebon, and began to paw at her legs and tried to play with her. "Long time no see! I thought you'd forgotten about me. I'd understand though, it's been a very hectic around here lately. I see you've brought your friends. Your team from Beacon? What brings you around these parts?" @Ryonara@SevenStormStyle@Pyrodash888 Capture The Fort As our heroes debated their attack strategy, there was a loud noise nearby. It wasn't long before a couple of Beowulfs, twelve in total, arrived looking for the scent of human and faunas flesh. They haven't quite found the team yet, but they were aware they were somewhere around here. They stayed close to one another and made sure to watch each others backs: If one was taken out the entire pack would know. One Beowulf, obviously the alpha considering his size and additional spiky bits, stayed at the front and was getting closer to Team Redingote. A quiet snarled escaped his throat, perhaps communicating to his pack that he had found the hunters. Who@Jedly@Nytem4re@Awesomoman64</s> <|message|>Robert Fallson Robert Fallson - Capture the Fort As Robert saw the pack of Beowolves exit from the treeline, he quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid detection. Peeking around the side, the red haired boy could see the Alpha Beowulf snarl at a scent it had caught. "Well Grane, looks like you got your wish anyhow," Robert said quietly under his breath. As the pack got nearer to the tree he had hidden behind, Robert made the decision to climb upward. The likelihood of the team getting out of this without alerting the whole pack was basically nonexistent, but the team leader wasn't sure how prepared the others were for a fight. If he could give them more time to prepare themselves by not giving their position away, maybe they could turn this into a successful ambush. Finally settling on one of the many branches above, Robert transformed his weapons to their blade mode as he kept his eye on the Alpha. If he or someone else was detected he hoped to cut off the pack's leader and send them into disarray, increasing their chances for success exponentially.</s>
<|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro - Trawl Shiro blinked, his gold eyes carefully looking over the map that lay in front of him and his team. His ears twitching every now and then as he multi-tasked between listening to what was being said, examining the terrain of the area, and formulating his own thoughts. So far, he agreed with Gren. Official reports never held all the details. Sometimes when you personally interviewed someone, they may come to remember a very small trivial detail that could make a world of difference. That, and Shiro wanted to visit the sites where people supposedly went missing. Even with the passage of time and the ocean eroding away the land, it never hurt to see if his Faunus senses could detect something that the townspeople couldn't. Speaking of which, that brought up a question in Shiro's mind. Or rather a few questions. Looking up from the map and at Captain McDougall, he frowned slightly. "Ah, sir? Captain McDougall? Do you know what's the census of Faunus you have within the population? Do you have any Faunus on your police team here?" Looking at his teammates, he continued. "What I'm thinking is maybe visiting each site with a partner to see if I can find something that you all can't. Interviewing the locals doesn't seem like a bad idea either." He made a motion with his hands. "It wouldn't hurt at all to spend a little time to try and gather a complete informed picture before we make any plans. The last time we tried to do a mission without all the facts...Well..." He shook his head. "It doesn't make any sense to me. You all have been living here for some time in relative peace. Why would these Sirens appear now so suddenly and start luring away your people? Grimm are beasts. If they were luring them away to consume them, then why haven't we discovered any remains or things like that? Why would they steal them away instead of picking them off right there with hardly a trail left behind?" Shiro again looked to each of his teammates. "It doesn't hurt to have a healthy sense of curiosity."</s>
<|description|>Yalu 'Suumko Rank (If applicable): Major (Swords of Sanghelios) Species: Sangheili Appearance: Standing at 252 cm (8'3") and keeping his brown eyes to himself most of the time, Yalu is the model of any Sangheili soldier. His average grey complexion only conforms him further. Without his armour, he barely sports a somewhat wide chest and mandibles to give him an individual appearance. His combat harness at least allowed the expression of his lineage; a refurbished assault pattern harness he brought out from family storage shortly after The Great Betrayal ensued. Skills: Close to medium range combat, vehicular combat, and just about any situation requiring improvised solutions under pressure. Not the strongest or most resilient, but fast of body and mind. Preferred Weapons/Equipment: - Type-57 Carbine [T-57 C] or Needle Rifle [T-31 Needle Rifle], though any good marksman's weapon will do - Concussion Rifle [T50 DER/H] - A Brace of Plasma Grenades [T1 Antipersonnel Grenades] - Wrist-mounted energy dagger - Whatever else is at hand Background: Yalu began his career from an unassuming life on Sanghelios, indoctrinated like many of his peers into the Covenant dogma and piped into its military training. It quickly became clear that he was a fast fighter and a faster learner. Merit in training carried him into promising early missions for his masters. He distinguished himself enough to earn respect -- a reliable soldier with strong initiative, a level head in a crisis, and always looking out for his team mates. His superiors saw enough potential in him to present fitting challenges, but he generally fell short in one key aspect. His kill count was low for a soldier of his capabilities. He was promoted to major only when most at his cohort and skill level were already each majors for at least three years, and he never earned the right to carry a sword. Those Yalu worked alongside could not begrudge any lack of skill or courage. He knew when to strike and was a fantastic shot in amongst any firefight, not to mention no one could recount a time he seemed to panic or give any indication of retreat. When the time for slaughter came, he simply feigned advance when everyone else rushed forward to take scalps for personal glory. Superior officers spoke with him about his reticence, but there was always an excuse or a dodge he had. They most eventually tolerated his behaviour as a lack of ambition. That was until he was assigned to an Ultra with a deep seated bloodlust during the Human-Covenant war. Yalu faced the most dangerous months of his life in that time, as he was thrown into mission after mission with the tacit (and sometimes clearly stated) objective of killing as many as possible. It was in this time that he grew resentful and empty. He might have lost himself completely as he justified the missions as a path to the Great Journey. Then the prophets stole away everything. The Sangheili were replaced by the Jiralhanae and the truth came out about the Halo rings' purpose. Yalu's commanding Ultra tossed aside any notion that the prophets were in the wrong as if there was hope on the other side for any of them. Yalu, with the support of the soldiers around him, called the Ultra out, accusing him of dishonourably feasting on blood rather than granting mercy to worthy opponents. The Ultra drew an energy sword and a duel followed. Yalu won out by taking a cheap strike at his opponent's jaw to shed one drop of blood, before claiming it was the only honour he had to spill. The Ultra lost his temper and fell into all of Yalu's traps until he collapsed into a battered heap, beaten to within an inch of his life by the butt of Yalu's carbine. In one more act of mercy, Yalu obliged the Ultra's next order to end his life to cover his shame. Thankfully, Yalu was not the only one resentful of their position and betrayal by the prophets. The battlegroup agreed to find and defect to the separatists. Once again, Yalu fought for a cause in a way he could agree with. After the war, Yalu's body count was still abnormally low. While respected by his peers, his new leaders resented his lacking approach to his personal honour and glory. The prospect of Aegis Team was the perfect way to dispose of Yalu while still providing a top notch fighter with a cooperative spirit to joint operations.</s> <|message|>Vael 'Virisusai Vael 'Virisusai and UNSC AI SHI 1203-8 --- Like most of the others, Vael first prioritized heading to the armory to equip himself for the mission ahead. It would still be hours before they were set to begin, but he wanted to ensure he would be ready at a moment's notice. He could manage the changes to his team, though his impression of the new Human was not particularly positive. Most Humans were not like the Spartans, who were strong, capable warriors even by Sangheili standards. The average Human was…variable. During his time in the war, he had seen excesses of both cowardice and courage from Human warriors. Sometimes, they would flee like Unggoy as their will was broken, and at other points, they would fight against overwhelming odds to the last breath against superior foes, and sometimes even attain victory. Only time would tell how this Human would compare. Vael was not a normal member of the ship's crew, but he did not attract near as much attention as the Humans undoubtedly would, aside from the fact that the crew he passed tended to quiet down from their conversations when he was near. As a high ranking officer, that was not a fact he found strange. He only heard parts of conversations between a few Unggoy on the way to the armory, but even though he heard them perfectly clearly, he found what they said to be as incomprehensible as it was irrelevant. All of the team's equipment had been transferred to the ship, and Vael quickly found the crate containing it after he arrived. Given the mission parameters, he did not intend to arm himself differently from his standard preference. An energy sword, plasma rifle, and his carbine would be sufficient for what they would be facing. For his armor's equipment, active camouflage would be the most useful for the first objective of dealing with the anti-air cannon. After that, they would be returning to the ship, so there would be a chance for the team to adjust their loadouts for the assault. Vael was surprised when the hologram of the Human AI, Shih, appeared at the end of a table near to him, at the center of the room. Evidently, it had been given approval to interface with at least some part of the ship. Vael was not sure that he approved, but it was not his decision. "I believe there is something I should inform you and your team about." Shih announced to Vael as soon as she appeared. Vael turned his head back and spoke calmly. "Very well. You may speak, construct." "Right…if you bring your attention to those crates over there, there is some new equipment that has been approved for Aegis team's use. It took a lot of…debate, but there are weapons and equipment recovered from Prometheans that both UNSC personnel, and your people, can you. I may have to do some work to interface the armor abilities with your harness, but I have been told it can be done. The modules are adaptable." Shih explained. The concession to allow Vael and his team to use the Promethean equipment could have been seen as an offering of trust, through Vael doubted ONI would be so kind. Likely, it was a decision driven by circumstance and practicality. Jul 'Mdama's forces were still working with Prometheans after the campaign on Requiem, so it seemed likely that the Swords of Sanghelios would be able to recover Forerunner equipment just as easily. Sharing it with Aegis team now simply allowed them to seem more cooperative. Opening up the crates, Vael did find a variety of options available. Promethean enhanced visual sensors, hardlight shields, and autosentries were all available, as well as a small variety of Promethean weapons. There were multiple boltshots, suppressors, and grenades, two lightrifles, as well as a single scattershot, binary rifle, and incineration cannon. They were all powerful weapons, but ammo availability would be a limitation. If one chose to use one of the weapons, they would only have a single spare reload.</s> <|message|>Tar 'Mdalak There was no time to waste for any of the crew aboard the Magnificent Defiance. So normal activity quickly resumed once Tar had removed herself from the situation, with dozens of orderlies and droids transporting cargo to be stowed in the various holds. Unfortunately, Tar was intent on striding right through their operating space as she brooded on the task at hand and the unexpected help she was receiving. Some of it welcome, some of it not. Suddenly, a platform containing tightly bound crates whooshed down the ramp of a Pelican to be collected by one of the automated hangar grabbers. It appeared on one side of Tar's peripheral vision and she quickly turned to face it. She seized the platform in mid-swing and transferred the energy through her stance, tipped it over and away from her. The servos whined as the platform attempted to right itself, but Tar offered no apology. She carried on through to the armoury, deep in thought. There weren't many alternatives to murdering Uztel, if she got her hands on him. If by some miracle she could convince the Keep to recognise her as rightful successor while he still lived, she could banish him from Brissekh. But there was always the chance he could plot her death from afar. That wouldn't do at all! Tar stalked into the armoury with potential plans and speeches circulating in her head. Her blades will have been packed up and sent to her quarters along with her other effects. She'd need to go and get those before deployment. An armourer on the ship she'd travelled with Silent Shadow on had developed a special mount for both handles on the small of her back, which meant she could carry more weapons and gear in the field. Tar made the most of it, clipping four Spike Grenades to her belly. After pondering it for a little while, she followed up by stowing a Carbine and a Storm Rifle on her back and a Mauler on each thigh. She stared longingly at some of the ammo vests on display, but none would fit around her torso and armour. She also watched some of the other UNSC troops attaching front holsters to their chests. The Humans had inferior armour, but their ingenuity and resourcefulness was still impressive. Her attention was diverted by Aegis team's leader talking to one of the machines. Some interesting objects caught her eye in the crate they were examining. She walked over. "Forerunner weapons?" She asked. She didn't know much about them.</s> <|message|>Yalu 'Suumko Yalu 'Suumko Mention of the Forerunner weapons made Yalu crack an eye open. From where he sat, now properly armoured on a bench trying to put his mind at peace, he could just see into the crate. How the ancient weapons shone in his vision. Yalu stood up and removed the enclosing helmet of his red assault harness to approach. Behind him were his selection of weapons: plasma grenades, concussion rifle, and a replacement needle rifle taken in lieu of his previous plasma carbine. One of them might not come with him this time. "So fine and elegant these artifacts are," he said. "Had I laid eyes on such things before the betrayal, having used the Prophets' imitations for so long, I might have noticed their arrogance sooner." He reached carefully for the scattershot. It reassembled in his grip to form its true shape. He curled his mandibles in quiet delight. "Shih, tell me more about this one, if you please."</s> <|message|>Comi'Masam Spartan Lucas Ryker From one side of the armory, where Ryker was going over his DMR and making sure the pieces of gear that were shipped to ship ahead of him were still in good order. At the same time, he was talking with Comi'Masam about the team and it's members. Or at least the ones who'd been put back on the team. A quick review of their roster revealed that one SPARTAN-III and the Mgalekgolo both weren't recalled to Aegis, but that was a risk that came with a joint team. As he finished running a cleaning swab down the barrel when he overheard the conversation between Shih and Commander Vael. Finishing the barrel swab, he quickly replaces the parts and approaches, spotting the crate and the goodies inside as he approached. "Had a couple of buddies who served on Requiem, newer SPARTAN-IVs. They had limited chance to use the weaponry, but one of them got real good with with that Hard Light Shield module. Read the intel reports on the Promethean vision, so I'll be snagging one of those if no one has complaints." Comi'Masam Securing her SRS99 on her harness as well as her pistol and specially designed energy sword on her thighs respectively before joining the others at the crate and glancing in. A smile crossed her face as she picked up one of the modules. "Hardlight Shield, excellent for pushing up corridors and providing mobile, if temporary, cover in an open battlefield. Definitely my preferred module when an op goes south." Appraising the weapons, she shakes her head. "I don't much care for the Forerunner weaponry, lacks the power of a good plasma rifle or human assault rifle."</s> <|message|>Vael 'Virisusai UNSC AI SHI 1203-8 --- Right when requested, Shih's avatar appeared next to Yalu as he observed the alien weapon in his hands. "This weapon has been officially designated as the Z-180 Close Combat Rifle/Asymmetric Engagement Mitigator. Common vernacular identifies it as the 'Scattershot'. It is a close-to-medium range weapon which fulfills a similar combat role to the UNSC's M45 Tactical Shotgun. Based on our testing, it appears to fire a spread of hard light projectiles created from energy cells loaded through a breach-loading mechanism. It has a capacity of five energy cells and, like many Forerunner weapons, is capable of completely disintegrating the bodies of living beings, most likely for the purpose of denying them as assets to the Flood. The individual projectiles can ricochet off of hard surfaces and possess limited tracking capabilities. A single shot at close range can defeat any known armor system." She explained. The weapon was not loaded at the moment, but there were a total of ten cells available, and she had instructions available for anyone who chose to take Forerunner equipment.</s>
<|message|>Yalu 'Suumko For a moment, Yalu was lost in the mystery of the scattershot's design and mechanics, turning it in his hands and looking down its sights. He almost forgot it was a weapon. Shih's explanation gave him the details he needed to know, but he hoped to learn more about this technology later. "Thank you, construct," Yalu nodded to the avatar before taking up the ten shots he would be limited to during the mission. He somehow expected them to be heavier. Some of the others were not so convinced. Yalu gave a grunt. "Suit yourselves. This weapon shall suit many roles. Especially at our destination. I may count on those shields you found to make better use of it, too." He held the scattershot aside and perused the rest of the crate. The autosentry caught his eye. He picked one of the modules out and went back to the bench to read through its operation. The concussion rifle would be left in the armoury for this mission. The keep no doubt had a few to use in the field should he need to find one.</s>
<|description|>James Dauntly Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexual preference: Hetero Human or werewolf: Werewolf Pack member or loner: Loner Pack name: None Pack position: None, but would be towards the bottom. Appearance (picture or written description): James stands at 6 feet in human form. He has dark hair and ice blue eyes, and as a wolf his fur is silver/black. Strengths (at least 3): Adapts easily to difficult situations willingly obeys his superiors when he finds them worthy Excellent hunter and very patient Weaknesses (at least 3): Although easy going, when James finds something he wants he stops at nothing to have it. Sometimes when rejected this can take an emotional toll on him. Would rather have someone push him around than to start a fight. Hasn't much experience with pack life. Personality: James is a go with the flow kind of fellow. Kind and considerate he seeks to do good for others before himself. He respects his superiors and listens very well to orders, as long as he sees the superior in question a good leader to follow. When something is wrong, he does not question the reasons and reacts quickly. James doesn't like to challenge authority, much less other people. He prefers to let them shove him aside and is very much content with wherever he is placed. He listens to the females and does not question their orders or needs unless necessary. Due to his mother being abused by her husband in the past he is very protective of females and gets incredibly hostile whenever one is doubted or threatened. These are some of the rare occurrences when James gets angry. History: James lived alone in a city located not far from Odessa; owning a small apartment and working a low paying job. He was content with his life. His average life was interrupted one day however, when he stumbled across one of the citie's resident werewolves. The wolf, a rather aggressive male, was angered by his discovery and attacked James. It was by pure luck and a mistake on the wolf's part that James escaped alive. Nothing could have prepared him for the pain that came with his wound. Eventually, James survived the changing. Surprisingly however, being a wolf didn't alter his lifestyle for quite some time……almost months. Because of his easy personality he could control his animal side easily; so he chose to remain in the city. Almost nothing had changed. ……..until he started to grow curious of his second half. James started to discover the things that came with being a werewolf…..the advantages, and the curses. When he heard about the curse and the danger that awaited him should he not find a mate, he was worried. Leaving his apartment he searched the city, and when that wasn't successful, he began traveling the countryside. It was slow….but eventually James stumbled across the Odessa pack. Time was running out, and this was one of his last chances to find his mate.</s> <|message|>Valerie Levania Naachreen The woman had followed the others into the kitchen, her feet bare and quiet on the hardwood floor, her steps making little to no sound though the Lupa was always one who was noticed when she entered the room, especially with her bright pink hair. She walked up to the same counter as the others, finding a place not too far away from the injured boy though she couldn't clean his face very well if he was eating so much. She could hear the loud sounds of the others eating and she flashed those around her a small smile though she had not yet forgotten what she had touched in the other room, what none of them had seen yet. "Thank you Acacia." The Lupa spoke again, quiet and mild mannered as she always was when she lifted the box up onto the counter in front of her and motioned for the boy to come closer to her. She could reach the boy from where she sat and did so, taking a cloth with rubbing alcohol on it and touching it to his face while he ate. The Lupa herself wasn't very hungry and didn't plan on eating today unless she had too. By the time she scented her mate again before he'd entered the room, his voice booming loudly in the room that was bustling with new activity so early in the morning, she had finished cleaning the boys wound though she had not bandaged it for fear of him getting stickiness all over it so soon and for the fact that he wouldn't need it now. She moved, carefully repacking her bag while she waited for her mate to either come to her, or start speaking to the pack as she had assumed he would. He was always such a busy man, though tonight, hopefully would be more relaxing for him after they had resolved this little bit or the ordeal. She turned on the stool she sat on, quietly listening to her mate talk until he was done and she heard the clipboard hit the counter. It didn't take long until she heard people writing on it and she blinked, turning her pale eyes on Markus as if she was watching him; she was in a way, all of her senses trained on him as he moved. "Markus. . . " She started, choosing her words carefully. She swallowed and licked her bottom lip as she thought, her brow furrowing as she thought. "May I go with you?"</s> <|message|>Lucas Adam Mason Marrec "Hmm, not much would hopefully be needed. But if you find a screwdriver, Phillips head, a nice sized stone with a flat bottom and some rags. Feel free to leave them within reach of wherever we are keeping them, if you happen to come across them that is. And thank you my friend, for leading me back." Marrec didn't offer surprise at the odd response, only acknowledging the thanks with a nod and then a sheepish, "Of course, Emil." He watched as Emil went to the door, thinking about the tools to collect. Heading to the nearby shed that was home to the landscaping tools and most other useful things, Marrec stepped inside and approached the massive tool cabinet. He quickly found the Phillips screwdriver and a handful of rags, only to stash them in his pockets. Marrec hesitated, unsure about the stone bit, since snow covered the grounds and any gardening and decorative work that utilized stones were well buried. A light bulb went off as Marrec remembered there was a stash of old landscaping junk stashed in the far back from a previous Lupa's attempts to spruce up the house. He struggled his way to the rear of the shed and found bags of loam, seeds, walkway lights, and --- rocks! Digging through what happened to seem like mostly pebbles, Marrec found a decent sized one, but didn't think it particularly flat. He searched for several more minutes, but wasn't particularly satisified with any of the options. Shrugging, the enforcer left the shed and went inside to find some food before returning to the Ulfric, only to find the Ulfric in the kitchen, with the majority of the in-house pack and some extra bodies. Marrec was in time to catch his own role guarding the Ulfric while in town, unlike Sasha who would have to lead patrol. A broad grin stretched across Marrec's face as he looked at Sasha, a deep laugh rumbling from his chest as he caught her glaring at the sign-up sheet and wondering who she would get struck with. In her defense, Marrec had never enjoyed leading patrol – there always seemed to be that one werewolf who got lost, injured themselves, or tried to be a hero and go off on their own, which inevitably led to them being lost and injured. "Okay. I'll need to get prepared, then," Marrec said, thinking of a couple concealable weapons he wanted on hand. Turning around, the man went to find the armory. Sam Sam watched as people began to converge on the sign-up sheet, nudging curls of orange peels further onto the counter so they couldn't fall to the ground. She eyed the quickly depleting stack of french toast, not sure if she was hungry enough to try for them. Her attention turned to James when his voice brushed against her mind like velvet fur. "Do you think the Ulfric would mind if I helped out?" "Doubt it," she responded aloud, smooth voice carrying across the babble of the other werewolves without raising in volume. Her eyes turned to glimpse Marrec before returning to James' figure as he approached the sign-up sheet. Popping an orange wedge into her mouth, Sam stood up and followed him, placing half of the orange on her seat as a form of dibs. Weaving around the bodies, she caught up to James and watched his indecision. Shifting her body so that she crowded him a couple inches to the side, Sam grabbed a pen and scrawled her name under Sacred grounds duty. She had failed to save them, so she would instead help prepare them for their next stage as a packmember – as the Munin. Shifting the angle of her head so that she was peering at James from mere inches away, Sam raised an eyebrow at him and offered the pen. At the same time, she removed another orange wedge from the rest in her left hand and ate it, a smile curling the corner of her mouth. Once he had taken the pen, Sam would turn and head back to her seat to fetch the remainder of her orange and settle back into her chair to wait until everyone had picked their chore. Sasha Sasha lifted her head at the mention of her name, refraining from sighing in exasperation. She watched the werewolves move forward to pick a job, frowning as she tried to discover who was choosing to work under her. Her scowl deepened as she saw Marrec laughing at her, only to fade away until her face was pleasantly blank. She noticed North hiding near the kitchen's entrance and raised her hand high to capture the girl's attention, not bothering to try to yell across all the noise.</s> <|message|>Markus Skarsgard The chair was nice and comfortable a bit away from the commotion of the kitchen. In front of him was a notepad and his pen danced across it writing down different things to pick up in town. He took a deep breath and looked up as some thoughts raced through his head. 'two dead family members, two known hunters we are setting free… Rituals to take place. My Lupa seems to be discouraged but I am not sure what to do. I just have so much to do...' he lays the pen down just as he writes down toilet paper. Then just who he was thinking about was stepping behind him. Markus lifted his head to look up at Val and raised a brow at her. "You want to go to town?" A single hand came up to rub his bearded face before he turns his head to look back down. "I thought you might lead in the setting up of the Sacred Grounds since you will be leading the rituals tonight. I think it is time for such. For you to act as a priestess to our pack." He picks up the pen and taps it on the paper a few more times leaving black dots dancing across the white background. He chews on the pen for a minute then before speaking again. "Though if you rather go to town I will take you." He pushes up out of the chair and turns to face her then gives her a light kiss on the forehead before walking off and heading towards the armory himself. As he steps into the room he sees Marrec and takes a deep breath. "After all these years as Ulfric, you'd think it would get better.." He walks over to the shelf where he kept his ammunition and looks across the bullets. He always carried silver rounds in his trips to town. Ejecting the magazine from his pistol he began loading it with the silver hollow points and slid it back into the pistol and slammed a round into the chamber. He then filled a second magazine and slide it into his pants waist along with his pistol. "Got a inventory of what ammunitions we need to fill up on in town?"</s> <|message|>Ryan Thompson Ryan looked at Markus as he entered the room, not turning his head though since Valerie was still trying to clean the wound on his head. 'Family'? So they're all related? Oh no. What if Ace is that dude's sister or something and he's like her overprotective big brother? That's why he told me to stop hitting on her. Or worse, what if they're all his family because this a huge ass harem? Maybe Ace is one of his many wives or something. Oh man, he's totally going to shoot me. Well, I've dug myself this deep. Nowhere else to go, but down. Ryan continued eating the meal in front of him, only half-listening now that he knew that the speech the bearded man was giving wasn't directed at him. Hmm? Did he say 'sacred ground'? Is this some kinda religious nut job church? Or maybe it's a cult? Maybe they're all cannibals! Maybe they're going to eat us! No, they're returning us to town. Besides, why would they eat French toast if they eat people? Unless they eat people and bread! Or maybe this isn't really bread. It's people! Soylent Green is people! Soylent Green is people! Ryan looked down at the now empty breakfast plate in front of him. He had eaten all three slices that he had grabbed earlier. Then William approached him with another plate of the so-called "breakfast" and passed it to him. "N-no thanks, I'm full," Ryan said, for he had now lost his appetite. Ryan snapped out of his thoughts about people eating people as he saw Ace get up and head to the clipboard. He was now filled with overwhelming curiosity about what she had signed up for. Ryan continued sitting in his seat waiting for her to return before asking her the question on his mind. "Hey Ace, what'd you sign up for?"</s>
<|message|>James Dauntly At the sound of Sam's words "Doubt it" in his ears James made up his mind. Said woman walked to his side and he felt her very nearly press up against him as she studied the clipboard. It didn't bother him much; his attention locked on the page and only shifting when a slender hand reached out to scribble a name onto the sheet. Tilting his head he raised his eyesight to the figure next to him. Sam gave him a small smile, which he returned quickly. For a moment he had realized just how close she chose to stand beside him..... Shaking his head free of such thoughts James took the pen from Sam's grasp and paused a moment. Then, he made a low sigh and put his name down on the list. James Dauntley- Sacred Grounds After writing his name the man's gaze lifted to see the Ulfric a little ways away from the crowd. The man seemed busy; talking to whom James assumed was his Lupa..... Dropping the pen down next to the clipboard James smiled one last time to Sam and turned on his heels before walking back to the kitchen bar. Sitting into a chair he grabbed a piece of French toast from the plate on the counter and bit into it quietly; mind jumbled with different thoughts....</s>