<|description|>Patrick O'Malley Nicknames/Aliases:Vape Rank:Legionair Age:30 Gender:Male Appearance: Weapon(s):Merovech Model 481 "Persuader" Lasgun with 4 clips, Volg "Ripper clip" Auto pistol with 3 100 round belts, 3 Frag grenades, 1 krak grenade Armor/Clothing: Loose ragged rags and strips of cloth wraped and tied about himself to ward off the worst of natures punishments, woven into this are various plates and pieces of carapace armor, allowing for flexibility and fair protection, if quite weighty. Dust goggles, standard issue and a Salvar rebreather with tank, secondary rebreather tank with frenzon Equipment: Bedroll, Aquilla pendent, Fathers colonel rank insignia, Infantrymans uplifting primer (oddly worn out, as though it's a handmedown), A colection of dogtags, of various names and regiments (the origin of most being a mystery to him). Chem kit (if asked it's for water and food purification and detox, and while it can infact be used for these purposes, he uses it for making various drugs) One general purpose mess bowl. History:Born on the hive world of Necromunda, patrick was destined right from the get to a rough life. In the lower slums of the city his family lived in a "small tenet". At least thats what it was called by the land lord, in reality it was nothing more that a makeshift flakboard hovel, small and cramped even for just his two parents and himself. As life went on, his parents honest living got them nowhere, and patrick only wanted what was best for them, so with much reluctance, as he knew his parents would be appauled by it, he began making his living as a hive ganger. The work was messy, loathsome, and far from the Emperors grace, but the pay was worth it, the money he was able to bring home did much to help his parents. And while the Emperor may protect, he is also harsh. As he and his parents were finally amassing enough wealth to move up out of the slums, nowhere fancy by anymeans, but a least a structure that was genuinly designed for habitation, his choice caught up with him, and the Emperors retribution was devistating. He came home to find his parents butchered, their savings gone, and a marking of the rival gang scrawled on the walls in blood. But this was not all, as fate would have it, after weeping uncontrolably for the better part of 20 minutes while holding his deceased loved ones, he got up, resolving himself to aveng them, he'd burn the entire hive to the ground if needs must. The Arbites showed up fashionably late to the party however, and the inspector, seeing a known hive ganger in a hovel, a grim look on his face, and the blood of two dead individuals all over him, quickly shut the book on that case, by arresting him, and sending the badly over taxed Arbites on their way. The trial was about as quick as the arrest, he was sentence to life, on Savlar, to serve the imperium honestly till the day finally came when he would be judged by the Emperor. His life their seemingly blurred together until he was given an honest chance at redemption. His crimes against the Imperium could be forgiven, he could even be freed, and persue his vengence, all he needed to do was to be deemed worthy through actions in serving the the Penal Legions, And so, Patrick joined the 48th Savlar Chem Dogs regiment. Personality:Quiet and patient, Patrick is much more, obedient, than the typical legionaire, he tends to limit interaction with others outside of mission related matters, though anyone who has a drink with him will find that is the key to open him up. Patrick seemingly always wants to be the leader, though he knows his place and sits by patiently, however, on the few occasions he has had command, for whatever ill fated reasons, he has shown a grasp of the tactica imperialis far greater than that of most senior guard officers, quite the task for a man with no recolection of opening one up.</s> <|message|>Lanfried Machholter Sergeant Lanfried "Oracle" Machholter, of the 13th Task Force Regiment under Lord General Militant Davius Kern, was stationed at a forward post near the front lines on the wartorn planet of Starth, a planet under a rebellion of cultists. He was awaiting arrival of new recruits, his last squad of guardsmen having been wiped out in a battle with Orks on another far-off world. He was reviewing the files, impressed to see the service records of the soldiers, and a little surprised at the regiments they hailed from. Midway through the review, the base alert triggered, signaling an attack. Lanfried grabbed his weapons from their nearby resting place, and rushed to the defense. After a long period of heated fighting, the cultists had secured most of the base, with the command building and helipad still under Imperial control. Lanfried received a comm from his microbead, with the person on the other end identifying as a Valkyrie transport bringing in the new recruits he was expecting. Managing to get the Valkyrie in for a somewhat-safe landing, Lanfried shouted out a greeting to the recruits as the door opened, a hail of enemy fire also greeting them. "Welcome to Hell, meat! Hope you're ready for some killing, cause we've got work to do!"</s> <|message|>Sten Flynn Sten was sitting in the northwest corner of the Valkyrie staring at his feet, he was being pressed to a wall by another guardsmen, Sten had a depressed frown his face. but also a pissed off one. mostly because of the lack of space, trying his best to ignore the obnoxious guardsmen's who were both bragging about their families at home. and then the Valkyrie landed and the door opened, revealing the Sergeant infront of him. Sten got up and squeezed himself through the group of guardsmen, grunting as he did so and stepping on someones foot. Sten Stumbled out of the Valkyrie but quickly regained control. and stood a line 5 feet away. hoping the other guardsmen's would fill in the small invisible line and hopefully not attract attention to himself. Sten then looked at the Sergeant infront of him with a judging eye. Sten listened with equally judging ears. Who The Emperor was this Heroic Ass. "Welcome to Hell Meat!". Well great. Sten knew this guy would probably never replace his older Leader. and infact this guy will probably get him killed in some Heroic Act of Stupidity. Great. @Lord Coake@Whoami@Aegis1650@Zoldyck</s>
<|message|>Patrick O'Malley Patrick sat in the uncomfortable Seat of Valkyrie transport, almost silent except for the slow wheezing from his rebreather. He thought of his predicament, and how lucky he must be to have been selected for this special assignment. He looked around at the others. They on the other hand must be the unluckiest basters this side of the galaxy to have been put on the same assignment as a legionnaire. His thoughts turned to the terrible hellhole they must be descending into. A rebellion on the planet Starth stirred up by cultist, just great. Xenos, sure, they have fancy gadgets, strange physiology even, but they are xenos all the same. They are abominations by purview of existing, and by eradicating them you give them the mercy their existence denies them. Heretics on the other hand, they are the Emperors children, there existence is no abomination. They are merely lamb lead astray, much like Patrick himself. What makes him so special, why does he get his chance at redemption and they don't? He sighs heavily, holding his Aquila in his hand and rubbing his thumb across it, before bowing his head and closing his eyes. "Emperor protect us, not only in body, but in soul. Do not let these misguided children lead us from your light. Steel us against their perverse ways, guide us to do only what you will. We are your servants, we are your hammer, we are your light in a galaxy filled with darkness. Grant us your grace so that we may always be so." He finished intoning his prayer, and but a couple seconds later there ship rocked slightly, and the rear hatch fell open. There in the hatchway was a man, Catachan by the looks of him. "Welcome to Hell, meat! Hope you're ready for some killing, cause we've got work to do!" Abruptly the sound of solid rounds and lasfire filled the air, pattering off the hull of the Valkyrie. Patrick sighed again inwardly, figuring how typical that he meets a leader he may actually like, and he doesn't even get a damned second to introduce himself. Patrick braced himself for another helping of his atonement and exited the Valkyrie, body low, moving quickly, fluidly without much thought behind it. He threw himself against a box near the edge of the landing pad. Having some cover for himself now he looked expectantly at the man that greeted them off the ship, wondering if they were to head into the command building, or hold the helipad to cover the Valkyrie while it exfiled.</s>
<|description|>Madison (Maddie/Grace) Age: Newborn/Body of a 21 year old/Grace in the thousands of years Species: Nephilum - spawn of Michael Photo: (I know Billie was a child child here, but I'm using her as a general idea of Madison's pouty eyes and face with white hair) Bio: Madison's mother didn't know about Michael's vessel being her husband. He had never talked about the deal he made with Michael, to take care of him and his family, in exchange for his body. When the other angels came for her, and tried to take the baby, even before it was born was a sign, as they slaughtered her other children. Michael, never showed. Now her mother is getting ready to give birth, and the child will be great. She could be a goddess. Her powers are immense, and the person she sees as her parent, is Dean Winchester. But his brother...He's different. He smells familiar. He feels familiar. The baby is already having visions of Sam Winchester, and the great things he could do. But she's also having apocalyptic visions of him, and Lucifer. Powers: Pausing Time. Sonic blasts. Snapping her fingers to get her way (she isn't aware of this yet). In fact, she's not really in control of any of her powers.</s> <|message|>Madison (Maddie/Grace) Dean Winchester Dean watched Esme's movements as she brought his hand to her lips, causing a shudder to leave them as they parted. He felt the need to kiss her, but they needed to move. But if he kissed her, it wouldn't hurt, right? No. They needed to move. He reminded himself internally that she was going to be sharing a room with him at the safe house. The second he got her alone… He bit his lip as his hand sat flat against her thigh, curling his fingers to grip her leg a bit, as he responded to her words about calming him,"Please do…" Dean smiled brightly with his eyes, almost showing teeth as he sat back in his seat and squeezed her thigh again, "Well. You're going to need energy, if you're running with me…I mean…us." Madison and Castiel "i'll be willing to work with the girl…um…Esme, if it means keeping Madison safe.", Castiel said simply, "And I'll find out if she has any powers. It shouldn't be too hard to, how do you say…suss out." As Sam stood, Castiel watched him walk, a bit concerned for his safety, but needing to test a theory. He nodded simply at Sam as he entered the bedroom to wake Madison. Madison didn't dream. She fell into an empty darkness in her sleep, until that dark quiet was interrupted by a familiar voice. Her eyes opened, calmly at the sound of Sam's voice, and she looked up at him, jolting a bit with concern, "Sam? What's wrong?" She scanned his face, wondering if something had happened, for him to be waking her up, or even how long she had been asleep for the first time.</s> <|message|>Esme Marabella Stirling Esme Stirling Esme smiled a bit more as Dean gripped her leg a bit and responded to her words of calming him down. Before pulling out on the road, she looked over at Dean, his brightly smiling eyes warming her heart. She gave a laugh at his comment as she pulled out on the road, then placed her hand on his. "I don't doubt that." she said with a laugh in her tone. "Running around with just you requires a lot of energy, from what I remember. I can only imagine what energy I'll need to run with all of you." she said thoughtfully. "I guess it's a good thing I don't wear heels very often then" she joked. As she drove to the safe house, she ran her thumb back and forth over Dean's hand affectionately. She gave a content sigh once again as she stole a glance over at him. The next thing she knew, they were almost at the safe house. Meaning their time alone together was ending, but she knew there would be more opportunities alone with him. It also meant she could feed her protesting stomach. As she thought about eating, her stomach growled loudly, demanding to be fed soon. She cut her eyes over at Dean with a small smirk on her lips. "Think one of us will get an ear full since we took a little extra time getting here?" Sam Winchester Sam had given Castiel a nod before walking into the room Madison was in. He hoped Castiel could find out more about Esme and shed some light on how her being around Dean had such an effect on him. It was strange seeing him so smiley and carefree, as if he had not a problem in the world to worry about. When Madison woke and seemed concerned, he smiled warmly at her. "Nothings wrong. I was just coming to check on you." he told her simply. He kept his tone warm and calm, hoping that her concern would fade quickly and not rise to a concerning level. "You've been asleep for a little while now." He removed his hand from her shoulder and sat on the edge of the bed, watching her and scanning her face. "How did you sleep?" He continued to smile warmly at her as he waited for her to answer and calm after telling her nothing was wrong.</s> <|message|>Madison (Maddie/Grace) Dean Winchester Dean couldn't help the loud laugh that left his throat at her words, squeezing her thigh playfully as he sat back in the passenger seat. He road most of the way to the safe house quietly, just feeling her skin against his, and trying not to nod of to sleep with a content smile on his face as she rubbed his hand. This was nice. This was something he never thought he would have again with her, and honestly, had pushed back so far he didn't know he needed it. He smirked at the sound of her stomach and her words, "I think Sammy can get over it. He'll probably just be glad we're not out and about leaving him to babysit anymore. Now Cas? Let me handle Cas…" He and Cas held a bond that most people couldn't understand. Dean was usually the only human that Castiel would listen to, unless he wasn't around, and Sam could talk him down. But Cas didn't put a lot of faith in Sam, after the situation with Ruby. He mostly just tolerated him. "He's been alone with Sam for hours. There's no telling what his attitude will be like, especially if he's bored out of his mind.", he rolled his eyes and glanced over at her, his face staying soft and light. Madison Madison took a deep breath as she saw the smile on Sam's face. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be there with any bad news. He was just…checking on her? Even after protecting her, in spite of himself at the diner, the idea that a Winchester was simply checking on her scared her a bit. Her eyes flashed gold for a second, before turning back to blue, almost instantly. "I don't know…", she answered his question, "I have never been asleep before. It was dark. No light or things my mother would see in her sleep. Just dark." She reached out and picked his hand up off the mattress, playing with each of his fingers, "This is all really scary. I see how everyone looks at me, like I'm going to kill them, and like I'm something to be afraid of. Even Castiel looks at me that way. I just don't know how to do all of this yet, but I would never, ever hurt any of you…"</s> <|message|>Esme Marabella Stirling Esme Stirling Esme had also stayed pretty quiet on the way to the safe house. She was enjoying Dean's company as well as his touch. As she drove, she would occasionally look over and see him trying not to fall asleep as she rubbed his hand. She couldn't help but smile at the effect her touch had on him. After she asked her question, she looked over and saw his smirk in response to her words and her stomach, then nodded at his words with a small smile as she looked back at the road. She could see Sam as one to get over it, but not too quickly. Castiel, on the other hand, was a little harder for her to read being an angel and all. She trusted Dean could handle whatever happened with Castiel when they reached the safe house. As Dean continued to talk, she looked over, catching his eye roll before he looked at her and she smiled. "I see…... With what I've seen of Sam, it does seem like one could get bored easily if left alone with him for too long." she said as she looked back at the road. "You on the other hand…." she trailed off purposely with a smirk on her lips. They were quickly closing the gap between them and the safe house, and she was still smirking at her comment to Dean. When they reached the safe house, she pulled in and parked the car, then looked at the place she would be staying for a bit, taking it all in. Esme then turned to Dean with a warm smile and gave his hand a squeeze. "Ready?" she asked, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze. Sam Winchester Sam watched Madison as he sat there, focusing on her face as she took in his words of just checking on her. He caught the flash of gold in her eyes, but didn't make any move to show that he saw. He was honestly glad that she didn't lose it after looking so concerned about something being wrong when he woke her. He stayed quiet as she answered his question, nodding in understanding as she told him what she saw. He was about to ask another question when she picked up his hand off the mattress. He watched her as she played with his fingers, then looked up into her eyes as she spoke once again. A soft sigh escaped his nose at her words. He could see how hard it was for her and it tore at him. Sam gave a small smile as he took her hand in both of his, giving it a small squeeze to comfort her. "I know it's scary and I've seen the looks. I know I've even had the look." he said softly. "But I can see how hard you're trying to learn and you're making good progress." He paused to study her face to see if any of what he said was helping or making things worse. He looked down for a moment at their hands, then looked back up into her face. "I know you wouldn't hurt any of us, but you have to know it could happen if you ever lose control. But know, I'll be here to help you through it if it happens…. I won't leave you alone. I promise you that." he told her warmly.</s>
<|message|>Madison (Maddie/Grace) Dean Winchester and Castiel Dean chuckled at her little comment, not having seen himself as particularly fun, other than maybe in bed. He raised his eyebrows at her, and turned to look at her face as he chuckled. Dean squeezed her hand back, as she asked if he was ready, "I guess as ready as I'm going to be. The quicker we settle in and figure out what we need to do, the quicker everyone can loosen up, and you're definitely bunking with me…" He smiled brightly, releasing her hand to get out of the car. As he opened his door and stepped out, he stretched, feeling a bit of his normal numbness take over. Dean scratched the back of his head, and walked around to Esme, picking up her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. "Now, Castiel is really easy to get along with, as long as you're firm with him. He needs to be stood up against, or he tends to steamroll his way past your thoughts, to do whatever the hell it is that he has on his mind. For some reason…he listens to me. So, don't be afraid to just give me a look, if he's being an idiot.", Dean explained as they walked up to the door and he knocked. Castiel opened the door, almost the instant Dean's knuckles touched the wood, "Dean…Esme…" "Cas? How is she?", Dean asked, looking past Cas into the small two story house. "She's fine. Sam is waking her from a nap. Come in." "She sleeps?", Dean asked with a confused look. Cas simply rolled his eyes and walked away from Dean, toward the middle of the living room. "Of course she sleeps. She's half human.", Castiel explained as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, "And I wanted to test a theory with Sam. So I sent him to wake her up." "What kind of theory? Cas?", Dean asked, narrowing his eyes. "I wanted to see if she would kill him. When Madison sleeps, she goes to a blank slate environment. With very few real world experiences, she only remembers what she heard in the womb. So, she doesn't dream. Black…silent…waking her could cause another explosion.", Castiel explained, too which Dean scoffed and held a hand out toward Cas. "And you used Sam…as bait?" "Not bait. I used Sam as a defuser. She trusts him. She trusts Esme. Only one of them was here.", Castiel muttered, pointing his finger at Esme knowingly. Madison Madison flinched as Sam took her hands, taking a second to realize that he was being affectionate, and not aggressive. She read his face and her shoulders fell at his words, her face softening. He was speaking to her honestly, and actually being incredibly compassionate. She could feel it vibrating off his skin. "I know you won't.", she whispered at his promise to not leave her alone, "I know. Because you promised. I'm still sorry I hurt you back at the house, when I was scared." She leaned forward suddenly, her face meeting his chest and her arms around him as she gave over her trust to him, in a tight hug. She didn't quite understand hugs, or when it was appropriate to give them, but she felt the need, after his words. "Thank you for trying, Sam…"</s>
<|description|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Male Looks about 30 Appearance 6'0" Pale white skin. White irises. Edges around his eyes are naturally often dark. Giving him the appearance of having eyeliner. Messy slightly below shoulder length wavy white hair. Long bangs that often get in his eyes. Two engraved cylindrical medium length silver hair beads, one on the right side of his hair and one on the back left. Silver feather dangle earring on his left ear lobe. Left hand's fingernails are pointed and sharp Faux golden mink fur double breasted coat. Length goes down to his mid thigh. Brown horn buttons. Brown silk liner. Black with white polka dots pattern wool fringed scarf worn draped around the back of his neck under his coat. Loosely tied into a knot low right below his chest. Various loose fitting polo or aloha/bowling shirts. Gold 22" 10mm cuban link chain necklace. White ribbed tank top undershirt. Gold Rolex Datejust 36mm with a white dial and jubilee bracelet. Silver band thumb ring, silver pinkie finger signet ring with a X engraved on the front. Gold pointer finger ring with a inlaid diamond. All on his left hand Plain black leather dress glove with a white X on the palm on his right hand. Silver 12mm cuban link chain id tag style bracelet on his right wrist Black dress pants. Black leather western style belt with an silver buckle and furnishings. Usually has a black embossed leather revolver holster on the right side. Black leather cowboy boots with snip toe caps and floral stitching. Pant legs worn over the boot shaft. Or Various Air Jordan 5 sneakers. White crew socks. Hair A bit longer in the back Nemo is often considered a Mana-fiend among other terms. Someone who can feed off of mana itself for energy. He has a innate control over mana and mastery with absorption focused spells. Being able to drain other Talent's mana reserves to refill his own. With more advanced spells Nemo can even harness the natural mana found in the world for himself in a pinch. While most Talents are able to increase their maximum mana pool by training. Nemo sadly lacks this ability. But makes up for it by being able to permanently increase his pool by fully draining mana from living beings and certain objects. Fully draining a magic user can also sometimes give Nemo the ability to use some of their spells. An added bonus of consuming mana is that it makes him immune to aging. All of his mana must be put to some sort of worthy use, and Nemo does so by specializing in highly destructive spells and traps. Often using an "X" shape motif. He also utilizes summoning magic circle relay rings. When a magic projectile passes through them, it increases in speed and power. Relay rings can also be chained together like a railgun to devastating effect. Nemo triggers most of his attacks from the X shaped rune on the palm of his glove. At times Nemo also has a affinity for fine custom weaponry instead of spells. Utilizing rifles, knives, and his trademark revolvers with specialized ammo to conserve his mana. Nemo is fond of the dark and the cold. He sees and reacts better in darker places with his white nocturnal-like eyes. However as a drawback he often becomes irritated and uncomfortable in bright or hot areas. While his actual age is a mystery, it is said that at a young age Nemo was shunned by all of the leading magic organizations for his unpredictable abilities and attributes. Being an orphan, Nemo was left to fend for himself in the world. His abilities were the only thing he had at a young age, realizing that most people were afraid of his style of spells. Nemo found that resorting to force to get what he needed was usually the only option that worked. As his control over his abilities grew he began to get more involved with the magic underground. Nemo began to take advantage of his anti-mana magic to make a name for himself as a effective assassin against other fellow magic users. He did this as a means to both further his own power and take revenge against the magic community for it's treatment of him. As Nemo's notoriety grew, the magic factions that once rejected him began to take notice. However not in the way he once wanted. Nemo began to become a problem for them, something that reached a climax when he executed a pair of Catholic Magi while on a armored transport mission. The Church had let him grow unchecked for too long. To solve the problem they set an ambush up for Nemo with a group of Grand-Magi and a entourage of his students. A fight occurred between the two, ending with Nemo's capture. But not before the group of mages suffered great causalities, including their leader. After the encounter Nemo was locked up deep in a pitch black cell within a dungeon located under the Vatican. There he lies in wait, feeding off of the small amount of mana rationed to him and wondering how long it will take before he is set free. Despite it all Nemo often comes off as a rather chipper carefree individual, something that is often seems sinister while fighting instead. Nemo is often unstable, his polite and charismatic outer attitude sheds to his more psychotic inner shell while angered. Nemo has a fascination with all things visual. Taking great pride with his work and considering the battles he partakes in as art. Aiming to make them as aesthetically impressive as he can. He's also a collector, coming off as borderline greedy in some cases. He'll try to obtain anything he finds visually appealing. Nemo becomes highly irritated when his possessions are sullied. Thankfully he can often repair them. Going hand in hand with his knack for collecting, he also takes great joy in eating. Being able to consume a very large amount of food and eat just about anything. 5.5 inch single action revolver. 3.5 inch birds head handle single action revolver. Bolt action hunting rifles. Balisong knives</s> <|message|>Ava Kurier The sun was high noon and Ava was finally returning from her paper runs. Looking forward towards spending the day practicing her strange powers, she had decided to make a quick stop at her home in the village for lunch. Gliding through the air, she felt oddly good about today. Her morning depression had slowly faded as the sun had risen and she figured that maybe, one day, she'd convince her father that her powers could be used for good! Perhaps even leave the vill...... no.... she knew damn well why she couldn't leave. Her father hadn't sugar coated any of her family's history. What had happened to her ancestors, how she now bore this curse. Flying across the sky she couldn't help but sigh again. "Damn.... well there goes the mood again...." she thought, disappointing in herself. However, as fate would have it, this all about to change... a lot. "AVA KURIER!" What? "I don't know if you can understand my language, but I want to talk with you!" ......WHAT?! Ava quickly glanced below her at the source of the sound. A man was running through the air right under her! This startled Ava to such a degree she nearly lost control of her flight. After a bit of a mid air tumble and a double take, she stared for a bit at the man as he ran. What on earth was going on. Then it hit her! "Oh god.... no... please no no no no no......" she thought, slightly panicked. Nobody in the village knew how to do magic. Even her own father had very little talent. But she was warned as to who did.... the church. Her mind raced. They were on the outskirts, she needed to lure this man into the village. They'd know what to do when a member of the church shows up. Quickly recomposing herself, a plan began to form. She cautiously glided closer. She slowed her speed so that man would only have to walk. "Yes, I speak some English.... ummm..... Sorry to make you come up this way to speak with me. Please, follow!" Without waiting for the man to reply she glided back to the village center. When they landed, the town square was pretty empty. As the man stepped down from a seemingly magically created stairway, Ava faced the man. "How do you know my name?!" She proclaimed, loudly. As if on que. Villagers emerged from the various buildings. Many carried guns, aimed at the man. Others, tools such as wood axes and hammers. A particularly older, middle aged man approached from behind her, wielding an old double barrel shotgun. Standing next to her, he aimed the weapon from the hip at the man. "Yes, stranger, how do you know that name? And if your a wise man, you should choose those words.... carefully." He punctuated the words with the clicking of the firing hammer. "It is not every day a stranger comes here, let alone using sorceries, or more importantly, Using the Kurier name."</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Nemo himself looked a bit confused for a few moments after her compliment. It was probably one of the few times anybody ever brought up his natural appearance in a good light. Nemo grinned, "Aw shucks, that's mighty kind of you, thank you. You've got quite an impressive head of hair yourself Zuri." He commented back. "So you don't know who you are? How troublesome... Identity is a problem that plagues us all in ways. Who am I? What is my purpose? Or, where did I come from? Fear not, I'm sure the answers will come to you soon enough." Nemo said with his theatrical tone. "My powers, huh?" Nemo started. "Yes, I do indeed have 'fancy powers' like Felix. However demonstrations of my talents will be most effective live, at a later date." "Let's just say, I have a knack for making things both appear." Nemo waved his hands past each other, one of his revolvers suddenly appearing in his right hand after they passed by in a slight of hand action. Nemo spun the gun around in his hand, tossing it up into the air as it spun to catch it with his other hand. However once he caught it in his other hand, the ornate revolver vanished behind his hand just like it came out. "And disappear." Nemo finished as he held his empty hands out.</s> <|message|>Zuri Zuri runs her hands through her hair and blushes a bit when he complimented her hair. What he said about not knowing who she is managed to put her mind at ease just a bit. Zuri also found Nemo's magical demonstration quite amusing as well. She still doesn't recall that she has powers herself, and with the lack of mana within her, the chances of accidentally casting something is minuscule. "Can you bring me to my room? I wouldn't want to get lost wandering around here.." She asks Nemo.</s> <|message|>Felix Glasius Things escalated a bit more adversely than he had previously hoped. Though, he kept composure. With his abilities, guns hardly proved a problem. He could activate his manaegis and crumple a whole trained military army before anyone fired a single round (and in fact, he had before done that very thing). But Felix was far from evil, and only used violence in times when it was absolutely necessary, this was not one of those times. In fact, if he wanted to, he could rift jump away in an instant, or blink teleport a short distance away even faster. But Felix decided diplomacy was the best option at this point. Felix raised his hands and gave a smile. "Look, I am not here to do anything but talk, and I am not here on anyone's authority but my own." Felix explained "I am the leader of a small group dedicated to finding ancient artifacts of great power named, the Paragons. I am trying to find them and seal them away for good so they are not abused. All I am here to ask is for your very own Ava Kurier to join our ranks. Though, we are a small group, granted, and our main enemy is the Catholic Arcanocracy, whose large hand reaches out to even the furthest of nations. We do have a dangerous task and our work is cut out for us. But we have a few advantages on our side. Advantages I might not be able to fully detail here. But one such advantage is that we already possess one of the Paragons." Felix explained in a polite tone, "So... what do you say?"</s>
<|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley "Surely, follow... moi" Nemo replied before leading her upstairs and over to the hall of rooms. "Here we are, take your pick of that one, or that one, or... even that one... maybe this one." He rambled as he began to point out uninhabited rooms, finally opening the door right next to him. "I'm sure there will be something to change into in the closet as well." He said as he pointed to it in the example room. "However beforehand you might fancy a shower, over there. Not sure if you remember showers though. Just turn the knob and water magically reigns down from above. Red for hot, blue for cold." Nemo explained. "But that should be enough for now, try exploring the rest for yourself. Independence can be an exciting thing. In the meantime, I shall return downstairs." He finalized with a small bow. Nemo made his way downstairs back to Raiya and Alya. He sat down at the other side of the sofa Raiya was at. "So... how do you like my jammies?" He joked. "I could make some for you too."</s>
<|description|>Steve Miller Age: 28 Race/Gender: Male Brief physical description or picture: Caucasian male, 5"10, 160 lb Brown hair and blue eyes. Moderately handsome, he has a pale complexion from spending most of his time below decks and his arms and legs have numerous small scars from burns and cuts from a life spent around machinery. Due to his profession, he does have hearing damage (tinnitus). He also has inherited his mother's immunity to radiation, common amongst the Children of Atom. Not being familiar with the tenets of the cult, he does not realize this and found his survival while the rest of the survivors died one by one due to radiation sickness unexplainable and somewhat traumatic. As Natick steamed towards Far Harbor, he has begun having dreams he finds rather disturbing, both of figures from his past and of Far Harbor if he were being summoned. Clothing/Armor/Weapons: Grey turtleneck sweater and blue denim workpants with a navy blue woolen pea coat. The pea coat is rolled up when not being worn. Wearing a pair of battered but sound boots of high quality...that someone in the know would recognize as Enclave officer issue...that are slightly too large for the wearer. Carries an ancient but meticulously maintained .45 ACP service revolver in a leather belt holster with lanyard. Has a second revolver, a worn but serviceable .357 Police revolver in his rucksack wrapped in a oilcloth. Has 36 rounds of .45 ACP in speedloaders, 2 boxes (100 rounds) of .38 Special and 18 rounds of loose .357 ammunition. Aside from a utility knife, no other weapons. In his rucksack are miscellaneous items, including a canteen, working Geiger counter, a nautical grade compass, a pair of binoculars with case, an inoperative Pip-Pad (intact but needs new power supply), and a leatherbound pocket Bible with (unknown to Steve) an Enclave ID card for a 2ND LT Leroy Jenkins (the picture on the card is of a African American male in his 30s) hidden in the back cover. Has 200 caps. Brief Background: Born in Megaton in 2259, his mother, a member of the Children of Atom, died in childbirth. His father, a brahmin driver for a caravan, claimed him (after a tense standoff with Confessor Cromwell that escalated to threats of hiring Talon Company to "rescue" the infant before Sheriff Simms intervened) to and took him to Rivet City to be cared for by his grandfather. As he grew up, he assisted his grandfather, who led one of the work gangs that maintained the derelict aircraft carrier, in the endless task of keeping the pre-war systems that Rivet City's existence relied on operational. When he turned fifteen, his grandfather died (of Red Lung) and he joined his father in his caravan. After three relatively happy years, tragedy struck when their little caravan was caught up in the Enclave War. Caught in the crossfire during one of the innumerable battles between the Enclave and the Outcasts, the caravan was decimated before they could escape, one of those killed being his father. The caravan owner disbanded the caravan shortly after. On his own, he decided to leave the Capital Wasteland behind and signed onto a passing coastal steamer, putting his work experience in Rivet City to work as an engineer. Over the next twelve years, he worked on several ships that plied the trade lanes along the Atlantic Coast. The last one was the SS Regina, a coastal steamer out of Halifax. Three weeks ago the combination of a storm and one of the mutated creatures that lurk in the open ocean caused her to founder, leaving only six survivors that managed to reach a lifeboat. Over the next week, five of them died from radiation exposure, leaving Steve the last survivor of the Regina when they were finally spotted by a passing fishing boat, the Natick, who rescued him. His story, as well as multiple sightings of large mutated creatures that began once he was picked up, caused the crew to consider him a "Jonah" who brought bad luck to the ship, and the loudest among them began to call for him to be thrown overboard. The captain, who needed a good engineer, resisted at first but after a near mutiny was forced to agree to remove him from the Natick, though he did get one key concession....rather than throwing Steve overboard, he would be put ashore at the first port they could reach. That port was Far Harbor. His only possessions being what little he and his shipmates had with them when they took to the lifeboat and the boat itself, the Natick's captain traded Steve a .357 revolver, a supply of ammunition, a broken Pip-Pad, and some caps for the lifeboat, as well as agreeing to take the Regina's log book and Captain's sextant and other effects (except for his compass, binoculars, and service revolver which Steve kept out of necessity) to his family in Halifax.</s> <|message|>Corrine Doolak CORRINE DOOLAK - The Gun Shop I guess our date's over, was Corrine's first, sad thought, as her and Steve's private chat turned into an impromptu gathering. Steve was right in that they had to start rounding up folks to execute a plan for defending the town, but couldn't she have had five more minutes? Especially since they'd been interrupted so rudely... "To get a gun.... This is a Gun store is it not?", James snapped, "Plasma defender may be good up close but I need something for long range, maybe one of lever action rifles Old Grumpy has." "I wasn't ruining any 'tour guiding,'" he said. Cocky, unapologetic asshole. I like him less and less with each passing moment. No manners at all. "The owner's dead, I hear", Steve said, "Not sure who is seeing to his affairs these days. Probably oughta find who that is before you go walking off with something. Folk out in the Wasteland tend to shoot thieves....just sayin'" "No one that I know of," Corrine added. "Unless it's Brooks. Guns ain't exactly my thing." "I have my own plan to help out," the stranger began quietly. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It's got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armor plating could be salvaged from it", he looked over at Steve. "I have a device that can locate the downed vertibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.", he held out the transmitter device to Steve. "Think you can fix it? Also what are your names? I'm James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel." Corrine peered over Steve's shoulder to look at the device. Her scavver instincts kicked in immediately and she nearly salivated at the thought of the parts inside it, just waiting to be rescued. She forced herself to return her gaze back into the room. "I'm Corrine. My family's been on the island for generations," she nodded, wary of extending her hand to the newest stranger. "Nice to hear we have another mainlander on our side."</s> <|message|>Captain James Williams of the enclave armed forces. James Williams-Far Harbour "Because they have a habit of killing anyone they run across that's not in their little tribe", Steve replied. "They make the Brotherhood seem almost reasonable by comparison." "Somewhat.... I won't lie and say we didn't kill most if not of the people we came across but when we killed you it was quick and painless; Brotherhood taking away people's weapons "because you can't be trusted" left you weak and vulnerable for whoever showed up.." And potentially a much worst death - ""The owner's dead, I hear", Steve said, "Not sure who is seeing to his affairs these days. Probably oughta find who that is before you go walking off with something. Folk out in the Wasteland tend to shoot thieves....just sayin'" "Surely someone must have taken it over?" James asked. Even if they didn't "run" the store someone must have inherited or even just claimed the stock for themselves wouldn't have been left lying here with the town under constant threat. "No one that I know of," Corrine added. "Unless it's Brooks. Guns ain't exactly my thing." Brooks... that's the store owner next door "I have my own plan to help out," Brotherhood began quietly. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It's got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armour plating could be salvaged from it", he looked over at Steve. "I have a device that can locate the downed vetibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.", he held out the transmitter device to Steve. "Think you can fix it? Also what are your names? I'm James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel." Tracker looks pretty fucked up did the tin-can sit on it or something? best let that steve guy try and fix it instead of giving it ago myself. Could use the power armour and weapons though Once Tour Guide Connie and Steve finished introducing herself to Brotherhood James spoke again "Since you're the better Handyman it seems I'll leave you to fix that and find out who owns this store. Even with the tracker fixed we may not be able to recover the equipment in time for the atom fruitcakes attack and should have access to the store's stock without risk of being shot for being a thief." May let an islander off with it but they hate mainlanders already, just be an excuse to shoot us. Leaving the gun store James went next door to what once may have been an souvenir shop on the docks and whilst it may not sell souvenirs anymore still had a clerk, a large amount of stock, an in-use till and Giant "sale" on the wall. Approaching the middle-age clerk James asked "Brooks right? Do you know who owns that gun store? I'd like to buy an Rifle and some ammo."</s>
<|message|>Steve Miller Steve Miller - Gun Shop "Somewhat....", the merc said, "I won't lie and say we didn't kill most if not of the people we came across but when we killed you it was quick and painless; Brotherhood taking away people's weapons "because you can't be trusted" left you weak and vulnerable for whoever showed up.." "So your Death Squads were doing us a favor, is that your excuse?", Steve sneered, "Well, forgive me if I'm not feeling very grateful. I'm not a fan of the Brotherhood by any means, but I can't deny they did us a solid by dealing with you people. I always thought the Brotherhood claims that you people tried to spike the Purifier with poison were bullshit...listening to you, I see now that it probably wasn't." About that time a third man appeared behind the merc...he had a soldier-like air about him too, in spite of the clothes. He stood there, quietly listening, as Corrine and the merc....who she clearly disliked...began to bicker again about who ran the gun shop now. "I have my own plan to help out", the man said. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It's got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armor plating could be salvaged from it" "All of which we desperately need right about now", Steve replied, perking up a bit as the idea gave him that hope that between Corrine and their stranger, his luck might be finally turning for the better. "The idea I had will be a lot more doable if the operator is in the iron. If the hose bursts, it would kill or maim an unprotected operator. How far away is the wreck?" "I have a device that can locate the downed vertibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.", he held out a device, which Steve took. "Think you can fix it?" Steve gave it a cursory glance, feeling the warmth as Corrine pressed up against him from behind and looked over his shoulder at the device. "Damn it", Steve thought with slight irritation, "We were having a moment here...couldn't they have waited a bit?" It was rectangular, with a couple buttons and dials, and a analog gauge. The cover was cracked in a couple places, but at least wasn't crushed. When he operated the power switch, nothing happened. "Maybe", Steve said, "If you don't mind I'll need to get it apart to know for sure." He then glanced over at Corrine, her chin perched on his shoulder....noticing her face was close enough to his to kiss... "Corrine", Steve asked, inwardly cursing the two newcomers as he restrained the urge to kiss her, "Could you open up your tool box for me, please?" "Also, what are your names?", the Man asked, "I'm James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel". "I'm Steve Miller", Steve said, "Chief Engineer, and sole survivor of the SS Regina...she was a tramp steamer out of Halifax. Went down in a storm about three weeks ago. Folks that picked me up dropped me off here." "Since you're the better Handyman, it seems, I'll leave you to fix that and find out who owns this store", the merc said as he turned to leave. "Even with the tracker fixed we may not be able to recover the equipment in time for the atom fruitcakes attack and should have access to the store's stock without risk of being shot for being a thief." "You do that", Steve said, glad to have the man out of his hair for a bit. Given the situation, he needed the Enclaver, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "I could use a rifle as well, and Corrine needs 10mm ammo and N99 magazines."</s>
<|description|>Yamato (formerly Hayabusa), Kazeno Esper (Later Hybrid) Student Micro Type Wild black hair and heterochromic eyes (his left eye is black with his right eye is red). He is of average height and there isn't anything too much that's special about, while he does have good looks, its nothing movie star level. Outside of his school uniform, he wears an open camo jacket with a hood under a grey vest with jeans. Nickname: Vortex, Kayama Magic Name: Tempitis156, the storm of sin I wield to purge Position: None, but he does tend to chill in Judgement offices sorta like Saten Seat Number: 33 Nationality: Japanese Age: 16 Gender: Male Bloodtype: O+ Biography: Born under the surname of Hayabusa, Kazeno lived a standard childhood life for much of elementary school. However, during fifth grade, he took on a dare to go into a supposedly haunted shed behind his house. In the back of the shed, he found a mirror that, when Kazeno looked into, released a sprit. That sprit was named Chi Ni, and she decides that to use Kazeno's young body as her vessel of the mortal world. That night, Kazeno's mentality changed, turning his otherwise sweet nature into something more sinister. While in his "dark mode" he killed his parents in the goriest way possible, surprised to find the blood had no effect on him and he didn't feel anything when he killed his parents. After a lengthy police investigation, the officials said that a mad man broke in and killed the parents, Kazeno got away clean. He would later be adopted by the Yamato family and decided to take their name over his birth name as he didn't want to remember his past. Over the years that followed, he learned how to control Chi Ni and even befriend the bloodthirsty demon sprit inside of him. He new parents were deciding if they should sent him to a prestigious school in a America to jump start his education. However, that was never the case. At the age of 14, a mysterious magician who seemed to mock his inability to "use his demons to the fullest of potentials" killed his new foster parents. Enraged, he lost control and Chi Ni took over, releasing a magical wave that flattened an entire city block. Since then, he has come to Academy City and joined the Hybrid School in hopes that it will lead him to the killers of his foster parents and help learn more about Chi Ni. Personality: To strangers, he seems very calm and has a "professional" air about him. To those he opens up too know him as brave (if not a bit full of himself at times), kind and good natured with a humorous side and very observant. When he has to do something, he often becomes more serious, professional, dedicated and sometimes a bit cold. While he is considered amongst the strongest level four, being a level 5 candidate with his myriad of skills and abilities he can use thanks to his Vortex ability, he is fairly reserved and modest when it comes to this. A darker side of him is that he doesn't mind getting violent when he feels some things need to be sped up and is immune to killer's remorse and the sight of blood and gore. Slightly psychopathic due to Chi Ni being in his body. Likes: Lava Lamps Electronic Music Flying Western Sweets Strategy Games Blackjack Blood Dislikes: Bureaucratic BS Incompetence and Arrogance People who cause trouble Work in general Chi Ni's antics Skills: Kazeno has a few skills based around his esper ability: - He can never get the wind knocked out of him - It is a lot harder and takes a lot longer to choke him out - He can move quietly by create pads of air under his feet - Most people cannot get the jump on his without supernatural assistance as he can feel their "wind" He as a solid free running skill assisted by his wind manipulation. He can interrogate people by rapidly forcing air in and out of their lungs, causing headaches, nausea, choking and severe internal pain. While he does know a modest amount of street fighting, most of his fighting ability comes from Chi Ni who take more control in fights and allows him to be proficient in many types of weaponry include more unorthodox combat styles. Vortex (ボルテックス – Borutekkusu) (Aerokinesis): Level 4; Micro Special Skill: Wind Step – Kazeno can force the air underneath him to propel him in any direction. While Kazeno cannot fly, Wind Step produces a similar effect albeit, its unadvisable for him to do it over long distances. Signature Move: Vortex – An attack similar to Misaka's Railgun, Vortex causes a small, horizontal tornado that picks up debris for more damage. It is two part with the first part pinning the target to a wall or something similar and the second part hitting the target with whatever crap got picked up. Disadvantages: Unlike Misaka's Railgun, its quite wide an does not work well in tight, narrow. And unlike some of Kazeno's other abiltes, it requires a lot of open, unhindered air (he can't use it when he's in a spot that doesn't let a lot of are in like low tunnels and there can't be anything like a industrial fan or jet engine nearby). Also not the quietest move ever. Windwalker – By focusing highwinds on himself, Kazeno can effective defy gravity and walk on walls and ceilings. Only works when he is on solid, preferably noon-moivng objects. Can be used on other people. Disadvantages: Like Vortex, it requires a lot of open air and unhindered. It also tends to make people nauseous as their equilibrium has effectively been chucked into space. Theme sweetARMS - Blade of Hope Extras: - His name is derived from the Japanes word "Kaze" meaning "wind" - Chi Ni's name when translated comes out as "Bloodlust" - If he was a level 5, its thought that he would be able to create plasma and summon huge storms instantly, fly indefinitely and choke someone of their air from afar (yay for Darth Vader force choking!) - When Level Upper was still popular, its thought that he would easily become a level 6 if he were to use it, allowing him to change the weather of an whole hemisphere with the snap of a finger, create plasma storms he calls "Star Falls", completely negate gravity, and to have his power work even in the vacuum of space! - While he goes around unarmed, he always keeps a deck of poker cards on him as he used them as ranged weapons He gets three magic abilities later on, two of them are actuall different versions of the same spell (at GM's discretion of course): - Demon Sword Murasume – A black sword which he can summon from thin air, its appearance is similar to that of a European broadsword but more evil-looking and vicious. It can be said that this is one of Chi Ni's physical forms when she has more control of Kazneo's body than Kazeno does. - Angel Blade Hayate - A graceful white sword that is summoned from a gale of feathers. It also looks like a European broadsword, just more knightly and less vicious. Kazeno can only use this sword when he is in more control of his body than Chi Ni is, which is uncommon as Chi Ni needs to be in control for a sword to appear in the first place. - Breath of Life – Allows Kazeno to give sentience and emotion to inanimate objects (like robots) and return people whom had their minds broken to be restored to a healthy mental state and give sprits a physical body. However, each use not only knocks him out for at least a day, but also shaves a decade of his own life off. However, he cannot use this on unholy demons and sprits.</s> <|message|>Zentaro Ray Ray as getting tired of all the argument going on. There was no point for anyone to argue over a straight forward situation. It's not that illogical, some students have pasts that involve this beast. Ray chuckled to himself. "If they have crossed paths with this beast, then they should not be complaining about such details. They would just want fight the man." He said coldly in his head. Ray sighed, why were students so naive? He had to wonder why they had to argue over such simplicity's. The teacher had given them a clear cut explanation, yet they were still arguing uselessly. Ray ignored the student and duck flying into the window situation and focused back on the teacher when she began to make her explanation. He did hear Tsumiki from the door, but he simply waved him off. Ray knew what time it was, he was here for a reason. Ray smiled at the teacher question and offer, none of them were appealing or necessary. "I'm interested, this is part of my investigation. If we can capture or kill him, this investigation is over. As for the reward, I will have to decline, there is no need for me to inject myself with an unusual from of steroids." He said sarcastically. He would have rather stayed a Magician, it was a much better power than the Esper. Unfortunately, Ray's joking attitude changed into an angry one. This guy who was standing at the door with him was a bit to sadistic for a simple student. This led Ray to beileve that this man did something more than he was leading on. Ray smiled, both this guy and Anderson were both worthy of investigation. Ray opened his eyes when he heard Tsumiki's unusual demand. This is what annoyed him at times, a student who got to big for his birches. Ray tensed up a bit before taking a breath and relaxing. He opened his eyed and glanced back a Tsumiki with a cold expression. "I'm sure the teacher has all the proper authorization to do this. And if I'm not mistaken, your still to busy trying to solve the Fire Alarm case. This is the a perfect opportunity to close this case for good. Your demands are illogical and stupid, it may be your job, but your forgetting that is the teacher was not strong enough to beat it on her on. No amount of uneducated Anti-Skill or JUDGEMENT can take on this beast." He said coldly. "If your not here to join, then go wait for me outside, I'll join you in a bit." He said waving him away. Unfortunately, his requests were ignored by the other guy activated his ability. A tendril of blood was pointed directly between Tsumiki eyes. "Blood." he mumbled to himself with vague interest. Ray was fascinated and angered at the same time, could these students not handle themselves in a responible manner. Fortunately, Ray would not interfere, not unless things got worse. He also did not was to get in trouble with the teacher.</s> <|message|>Tatsuya, Tsumiki Tsumiki ignored the arguments and veiled threats and kept his features composed. "I have given you due warning," He said flatly, turning around to leave. "If anybody not sanctioned by the proper authorities is caught trying to track, kill or capture the criminal in question, they shall be detained without further discussion." He put just a little extra emphasis on the word 'caught', as if he was trying to hint at something. As he walked out the door, he had one further thing to add. "Ray, if you don't think Judgement or Anti-Skill, the people trained to hunt down criminal espers, can handle this person, what exactly do you think a ragtag group of untrained highschool students is going to accomplish? Be careful, this is real danger. It's easy to get in over your head." Without waiting for a response, he pushed his way back outside. Once he was far enough away, he leaned against the nearest wall and held his hand up to chest height. Focusing a little bit, he stood still as sparks played across his fingers. His hair raised up around his head, and all of a sudden he turned and slammed his fist into the wall. "That was stupid, what was I thinking? They're going to get themselves killed, and it'll be my fault for not stopping them." He turned and slumped against the wall, resting his arms on his knees, unaware that a trickle of blood was winding it's way down his fingers.</s>
<|message|>Yamato (formerly Hayabusa), Kazeno "I'm not here for drugs miss, I do well enough without abilities." Anderson dropping his respectful tone, "I'm just here to turn a profit." Kazeno and Chi Ni neverously picked up the duck and shuffled out of the room as they saw Ray and someone else having a fight right outside. Kazeno would usualy intereject, but right now he just felt like getting the hell out incase things got ugly. 4 incredibly powerful people in on spot doesn't bode well for anyone who gets caught up in their fight. "There is much more to know about Jack then most people ever want to know. For example, he was never human to begin with. He was created a monster." Anderson ignored the duck quacking about as Kazeno went past him, thinking, Why the hell is he still carrying the duck? He took out a notecard and wrote down the bill for that bit of information, "$50, if you don't like the price you can go find someone else to get it from, but I will say, the chances of that happening are slimmer then your waist." Anderson walked out and walked towards the boy who run out earlier, telling Ray off about how only Judgement and Anti-Skill should deal with Jack. He laughed, "The only thing they're going to get is a bunch of dead bodies beyond recognition." A few strides later, he came across the boy with a bleeding fist slumped against the wall, Everything is set, all flags have been cleared. He cleared his throat and put on a smile, "Tsumiki-kun, have more faith in your classmates. They won't die like this."</s>
<|description|>Liliana Title(s): Flower of Ulster, Daughter of the Forests Appearance: A cheery youth standing around 4'11, with a small and frail build Liliana is clearly quite a delicate person. She has large clear blue eyes and her long pale blonde hair can get rather messy at times. Gender: Female Age: 13 Alignment: Neutral Good Rank: (Your capability as a Magus in the eyes of the Mages Association. This will be given to you on approval.) Objective for the Grail: To be welcomed home by her family and celebrate with them. Command Seal: Liliana's command seals take the form of an Elm tree. (With the trunk of the tree fading away with the first two uses of the command seals and then the leaves and branches with the third.) Personality: Liliana could be described as a fearful young girl who is hesitant to express her wonder and curiosity of the outside world. Since leaving her family she often dreams of home and is anxious about being alone, she is a rather timid person and struggles with getting to know people however she has a kind personality and has a strong desire to be brave, to show that she is a person who is worthy to continue her family's legacy. Liliana feels most comfortable in the forest, feeling that it is an extension of her own home. Liliana feels like she can't rest fully if she isn't laying among the trees. She is rather fond of stories and songs, particularly upbeat ones with happy endings. Bio: 'Lilianna' is not her true name but rather the name closest to hers that exists in the English Language. And so it was the name that was chosen by her family for her to use when making her way through the outside world. Lilianna was born into a family of druids that spent the vast majority of their lives isolated in their forests in Northern Ireland. The forests themselves are considered family to her people and all the animals and life that are in it are counted among her brothers and sisters. However Liliana's family has a tradition where the heir of their craft is tasked with a journey beyond their home. A journey where they must collect knowledge and experience to return home with and help their people. Normally this journey would be constricted to Ireland, however with the opportunity that Chaldea presents, a different path has been chosen for Liliana that differs from her predecessors. The chance to journey through other times was too great to ignore for her family. --- Magic Circuit Switch: The sound of songbirds singing. Number of Magic Circuits: B Quality of Magic Circuits: B --- Elemental Affinity: Earth Magecraft: General Magecraft - The fundamentals of magecraft that would be known by students of the Mages Association are unknown to Elizabeth. Druidism - The craft of her family has resulted in them being referred to as 'those who sing the songs of the earth.' A magecraft that has been formed in isolation by Liliana's family of Druids. It is said that they have a strong connection with their forests, that they are able to communicate on some degree with the animals, trees and other life of the forest. And that the songs that they sing are a sound so sweet that it will bring tears to the eyes of all who hear it. Furthermore, it is also said that they can communicate with the spirits of those in their family who have died and taken the form of Wraiths. Liliana is particularly skilled in the creation of medicines from herbs and plants, healing humans and animals alike. As well as increasing their strength and vitality. Furthermore through her herbalism she is an adept healer who knows how to clean and dress wounds, as well as how to treat a variety of sicknesses. Witchcraft - The use of blood, bone, hair and other parts of the body from humans and animals alike to enact curses. Liliana is particularly skilled in the use of Witchcraft to enhance the potions she makes. Crest: Liliana's family does not have a magic crest. Weapon: Dress of Ancestors - A dress woven by the female heirs of the druids, made from their hair in which they have stored their magical energy. This dress functions as a pseudo magical crest. (It has been worked on for thousands of years, with more hair being woven into it as more generations pass.) Obsidian Dagger - A dagger passed down in her family that was forged in a long lost magical ritual. It's properties are sharper than that of steel however it is far more brittle. Far more magical energy can be sensed in this dagger than her other items. (It is a dagger used to boost the power and efficiency of rituals.) Obsidian Candle - A small lump of black, wax like, substance with a small piece of obsidian lodged in at the top. Mimicking the shape of a flame however producing no light. This item is supposed to help its user carry out Clairvoyance. It is also said to be another way of sending messages to other candles of its like, or even visions in the form of dreams to people sleeping.</s> <|message|>Marietta Lalaurie --- A week in, and Marietta already knew she absolutely hated this place. So dull, boring, and so...artificial. Ah, she missed her servants, her manor, her greenhouse and art gallery. She supposed it was to be expected, all the way out here in the arctic. Of course there wouldn't be any greenery or other landscapes for her to draw inspiration from. Just the cold, endless see of frigid snow and ice that Chaldea was based on. It could have been tolerable, perhaps, if she was happy with her coworkers and the administration of this place, but she was less than impressed. Especially with that director. Marietta listened silently, dressed incredibly lightly in her usual dress consisting of a light sleeveless dress, beret, stockings, and shoes that would look better on a red carpet than in some state of the art facility. A rune which roughly meant 'warmth' inscribed upon her flesh was good enough to stave off most of the cold, though it wasn't perfect. It took a few times to get right due to the cold, but a painter had nothing if not steady hands. She should have been wearing a heavy jacket still. 'Incompetent' was the word that came to her mind...which begged the question, why was she in charge when someone far more competent was likely a better candidate? Something she'd need to look into in her free time, perhaps. At least some of the other masters appeared mildly more competent, aside from that child who really shouldn't be here. Well, not her place to really do anything for now. She was working here, and as such for now, she would do as was required of her. As the directors introduction was finished, Marietta's neutral expression turned into the faintest of smiles. Introductions hm? Well, the social game was easy enough to play. "Suppose I'll introduce myself first, then." Marietta raised a hand, getting everyone's attention with a soft, friendly smile and a kind voice. Best to keep things short, friendly, and casual. "Marietta Lalaurie, a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances. I'll spare most of the details since we're short on time, but I am skilled in both modern and some old Runes, though not many, so if you would have need of them, please don't hesitate to ask." Placing a hand over her chest, Mary tilted her head to the side, widening her smile. "I eagerly look forward to working with all of you."</s> <|message|>Rosalyn Bell Rosalyn Bell --- Rosalyn found this director... Annoying. To an extent. Really, Yuna seemed too happy-go-lucky to be a director of a foundation like Chaldea. Slowly, she began to feel that her time here was being... Squandered. Truly this girl couldn't be the director? Rosalyn began to wonder if she had failed somewhere to end up in this situation surrounded by people younger than her. One more so than the others though, as Rosalyn began to simultaneously ponder what skills this young girl carried, the decision making of those in charge of Chaldea to allow one so young to be here and her own abilities to be on the same level as her despite the twenty year difference. That all didn't matter too much at the moment anyhow. Rosalyn was attempting to listen to what could be described as a speech by the director, though the intermittent banter between her and her assistant made Rosalyn a bit more worried. She sat back and crossed her legs as she watched. The freezing temperature didn't really bother her as her clothes might show off. She was still wearing her jeans, midriff showing button-up shirt and a jacket with an unlit cigarette in her mouth for looks alone. Her magecraft was a blessing in this sort of situation since she could mostly keep herself warm. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why the people in charge her would let it get this cold when it could get someone sick. To be fair, Rosalyn would still most likely tell them to toughen up and get over it. Though, that most goes toward those that would be the same role as her. She didn't feel quite the same for the assistant woman. Perhaps pity was the the feeling, as she would hate having to act the role of assistant to that sort of director from the amount of information she had. So when she asked if they could quickly introduce themselves she was happy enough to oblige, though a certain painter girl beat her to the punch. Rosalyn was fairly familiar with Marietta by now. A couple of interactions that was more than she had with the other two masters-to-be. She listened to Marietta give a quick explanation of herself and waited for her finish. She scratched at her hed and stood up, removing the cigarette from her mouth as she did. "Suppose I'll go next." Rosalyn mentioned, looking around the room. "Name's Rosalyn Bell. Chain smoker, specialty is Fire Magecraft and some minor healing magecraft. I'm also a trained Masseuse so if anyone gets sore should--" She looked first at Marietta and then Liliana then to the director and her assistant. Maybe the assistant, but probably not the others. Hard to tell with all the clothes on. "Or rather, anything. I can help. For a price." With that, she replaced the unlit cigarette in her mouth, took a slight bow and sat down then looking to the other two who have yet to introduce themselves.</s> <|message|>Bai Hu Baihe William Baihe --- The south pole was a desert of ice. Under normal circumstances, he might have been amused by that. Under the current circumstances, he was finding it difficult to be amused by anything. It was a far cry from the warmth of home, or even the warmth of about 13 hours ago. It was cold. Too cold. Someone had clearly shut off the heater, but why? Was this the legendary 'budget cut' his friends in industry often complained about? The maintenance worker he had spoken too earlier today seemed to think so. Troublesome. But regardless, it appeared to be his turn to make an introduction now. If there was one word to describe his appearance, it would be "leather". He was wearing not one, not two, not even three, but four different leather dusters today. Had he even packed a winter coat? Not likely. He was little more than a humanoid made of leather dusters, topped off with a hat as matte black as his boots. He spat into the trash can the object in his mouth: a long, two-leafed twig. Where he acquired a such a thing in the middle of Antarctica was a different question entirely, and one that would go unanswered, much like the question of "why would anyone turn off the heat under any circumstances in goddamned Antarctica?". "Howdy y'all. The name's William," the cowboy drawled, tipping his gallon hat unironically, "Chill's making it hard to speak, so I'll be fast: I cast bullets." It was not an incorrect assessment of his abilities, but not complete either. In the first place, a cowboy always keeps an ace up his sleeve, after all. This time, William didn't do any fancy gun twirling or anything wild like he would have normally. This was half because following the basic rules of gun safety was important when all you had were allies around, and half because layered leather gloves made dexterous actions difficult. Instead he just gestured to his hip, where a pair of revolvers could be seen. What a weirdo. "Pleasure to be working with y'all."</s>
<|message|>Liliana Her teeth were chattering relentlessly. It was so cold here, in this sttange foreign land of ice. When she had thought of journeying through the world she had imagined clear blue skies. Beautiful streams of water and vast seas of luscious grass. Speaking truthfully the snow had been amazing at first... She had soon learnt her lesson as she almost blinded herself by staring at it. No one had told her that the sunlight reflected off it like that... Also there seemed to be no end to the snow, it just continued to fall and fall. Well she didn't have much complaints about that aside from it taking away some of the awe it had inspired beforehand. It quickly became an afterthought in Lilianas mind. Unlike the snow however... Liliana was of the mind that she would never get used to this strange building. Again she had imagined herself visiting simple constructions of wood and perhaps stone but well... Chaldea was very foreign to her to say the least. Even if she was here for years she would still feel like she was a fish out of water. Liliana had not dressed particularly warmly. She wore the white dress of her ancestors and had wrapped herself in a fur cloak that her mother had fashioned for her. Whenever she got too anxious she would grasp at her cloak tightly and almost sink into it. I must not be afraid. I must continue on my path. The lines she had repeated to herself since she had deoarted from her forest rung through her mind once more. Liliana listened intently as the Director made their introduction. It was still weird to be surrounded by people speaking English, however she was much more comfertable with that than speaking it herself. She nodded along quietly with a polite smile on her lips as the director and their assistant spoke. Introductions... Ah... Well. Lilianas cheeks were a little flushed thinking about it. She tried her best to restrain herself after realising she had gulped rather nervously. She listened to the 3 other master patiently, she was still dreading her turn to come however her nerves had been quelled a bit after hearing her new team members introduce themselves. When it was her turn she tried her best to give the other masters a warm smile as she got up and delivered a practised curtsy. "Ahh h-hello. My name is... Uh you can call me Liliana!" She spoke rather hastily. Liliana was the name her mother had told her to use. Something about theur tongue not being suitable for others and her true name being rather difficult due to that. "I am what you would call a druid! I am quite good at herbalism but also witchcraft. I promise i am not a woods witch haha." She let out a kind laugh as she tried out the jest she had been working on since her arrival. "I-I hope I can be of use to everyone! I am grateful to be here!" Liliana clasped her hands and bowed before returning to her seat again. I have made a fool of myself haven't I... Her thoughts were pretty much the same after every social interaction.</s>
<|description|>Mill Grayer Race: Human Race Description: N/A Avatar: The Rat. Mill follows The Rat because he believes that there will always be a struggle for life, but that ultimately life will not change. Maybe the humans will push back the orcs, but the orcs will return someday. Or maybe the orcs will triumph, but in the end humans will rise back up and drive them out. There may be temporary victories, but nothing will truly change in the end. Gender: Male Age: 20 Appearance: Mill is tall and gaunt with a perpetual forlorn look on his face. He has black that is roughly cut short and blue eyes. He wears a white work shirt with a brown leather vest over it. He also wears brown leggings and thick boots. He is somewhat muscular, but not as much as some of the other farmhands. Current Equipment: Besides his work clothes Mill is only carrying the scythe he was using to cut wheat, he owns a bow and a few arrows but they are at his house. He also has a pendent shaped like the avatar he worships, The Rat. Handy Skills: Mill has some experience with tanning and leather work, as well as carving and fletching. Personality at RP's Start: Mill is a glum person in general. He tends to be very pessimistic and is usually the first to point out how something could go wrong. Despite this, he can be a good and loyal friend, and he is not the type to leave someone behind. Furthermore, as a follower of The Rat and Fala, he believes that the Orc invasion is just as futile as the human defense, which in his mind puts them on equal footing. Also due to his belief that life has no deep meaning, he is often the first to volunteer for any suicidal plan or action since living or dying makes no difference to him. Facts Likely Known To Others: Mill is not generally very talkative, but having worked with the others for some time they have come to know him fairly well. They know he is not a good person to talk to if they need cheering up and that he tends to depress people unintentionally. However, they also know that he is a good person overall and that he works hard to support his younger sister, who is a follower of an avatar of Magmehn and is the complete opposite of Mill.</s> <|message|>Saamir Syed Saamir Syed, On the Cowfallow Bridge Saamir threw himself aside of a panic-stricken mother and her child, who rushed past him with little regard to the world around her. Her face seemed familiar, but no name came. A shoulder struck him hard, stumbling him - a man in his middle years brushing by in a fit of terror - Saamir knew him as Torick the fletcher. This was crazy! What was he doing here? On the bridge? If everyone was fleeing the Orcs, then that was a sure sign that he wasn't going to stand more than a second. He was just one man, with a rusted sickle. His mind screamed at him to run, but his feet wouldn't budge. He had to find his father, no matter what. If he ran now, he'd never forgive himself. "Besides," he mumbled with half a smile. "All men must die, and all men will be born anew." His little monologue stirred him into bravery. He moved aside a couple of running youngsters, their faces wet with tears, their voices hoarse from screaming. "Father!" Saamir called, moving forwards across the bridge, doing his best not to get run down by the fleeing villagers. "Father! It's Saamir!" An elderly man passed by, slower than the rest, and Saamir grabbed him. "Oron," Saamir yelled above the screams and the crackle of flaming thatch. "Have you seen my father?" Oron's creased features were blank, but eventually he shook his head. "Very well," Saamir said. "Go, me and the others shall hold them off." And just like that, an Orc's cleaver sung across the air, and Oron's aged face flew from his neck. Dark blood spurted like a fountain, drenching Saamir and blinding him. He stumbled backwards, his heart frozen, his mouth stammering panicked mutters - his beliefs in Kalem temporarily forgotten. "Human!" the Orc roared, pounding its chest. "Show me you are made of something. Your kin have failed my expectations spectacularly!" Saamir ran his sleeve across his eyes, clearing the sticky-red life force of Oron from his vision. He caught the glimpse of a menacing figure; all black leather and scaly green skin. Saamir had never seen an Orc before, and looking up at his adversary's menacing and toothy grin, he wished he hadn't. "Why are you killing us?" Saamir sneered, spitting Oron's blood from his mouth. "Why!?" The Orc, at least a foot taller than Saamir, released an earthly laugh that shook its armour with the force. It stopped briefly, to shove a woman from the bridge who had the misfortune of running past it, and then it calmed. "For sport, why else?" "I just want my father, have the damned village," Saamir said, the sickle suddenly feeling heavy in his hand. "You must understand mercy?" The Orc regarded Saamir for a few moments, and then smiled broadly. "I understand death, human, and I am it: I am death, come for thee. Fight and die, or flee and die, it's your choice!" Saamir made to speak again, but the hulking creature was on him. The cleaver swung through the air from an overhead strike, and Saamir darted aside it; wooden planks splintered and cracked half a second later. In return, Saamir struck with his sickle, but the Orc spun quicker than any creature that size had the right of doing. A knotted green fist clenched his wrist, stopping the sickle in its tracks, and then Saamir felt an explosion in his stomach. His vision faded for a few seconds. And then he was staring up at the blue sky; the din of battle alive around him. He coughed hard as he tried to raise himself, expecting that the Orc would at any moment finish him off.</s> <|message|>Gnorlin Sparklebrow "What was he doing here? He was no fighter after all... He was nothing but a failure. What was he thinking? Taking arms up against Orcs. Orcs of all things! Murder machines from the east. Was it the peer pressure perhaps? Or maybe the opportunity to show his worth?" Gnorlin was ripped out of his thoughts by a fleeing peasant who almost falls over him. He shakes his head and tries to focus on what's happening. Yelling... No... screams for help. They almost sound beastly. The bridge was not far away, but it was nearly impossible to cross with all the fleeing peasants on it and... oh no! The Orcs had already reached the bridge and... Wow, those were some big brutes. Gnorlin probably only reached their knees or something. Maybe it was best if he just jumped into the nearest shed and acted like he was sleeping or something. Yes... Yes, that was the best thing to do. Gnorlin looks around, in search of some form of cover, but to no avail. Many bushes have already been burned down by the fire arrows of the orcs, and the only structure at this side of the bridge was the tool closet of Old Man Willakers, which the old man himself only had access too. What in Troy's name was he supposed to do against this massacre...?</s> <|message|>Horace M. Lannagan Horace Lannagan | Cowfallow Bridge Horace was in shock. The blood. The screaming. The death. But he had a plan. Horace took out one of his gas tubes, In latched it, and threw it. It spun around gas unleashing on the bridge, making a cloud for Horace. Horace had his eye on two green-skins before the smoke was completely shrouding them. His hatchet was out, ready to strike them. The cloud of smoke, was slowly clearing up, and he needed to act fast. He kept walking, with his hands out, until his hand felt steel. He raised his axe, and slammed down. A roar of pain, rumbled in Horace's ears, as he felt the hatchet sink into the Orcs skull. He dropped another smoke canister, once again giving him cover. He put his foot on the lifeless Orc, and used all his strength to remove his hatchet from the Orc's mutilated face. He looked over at the second Orc, only seeing him since the smoke cleared. He was over one of his fellow farmhands, ready to strike. He couldn't let this happen. He ran to the Orc silently. He raised his hatchet and struck down on the Orc, hearing the snap of its neck vertebrae, and feeling it revibrate through his hatchet. The Orc fell were he stood. Horace moved over to the farmhand and helped him get up. "That was a close one. Here take this." He handed the farmhand the cleaver, and turned around, screaming, as a gash was made in the middle of his chest. It wasn't to deep, but it was enough to hurt like hell. He put his hand over his chest, feeling the blood trickle on it. He regained his stance, ready in front of two Orcs. He shook off most of the pain, ready to fight. "Ready?" He asked the other farmhand. RG</s>
<|message|>Mill Grayer Mill Grayer, Cowfallow Bridge Mill wasn't sure why he had followed some of the other farmhands back to the village. If there was something wrong, could they really do anything? If Fala and The Rat were to be believed, and he did believe in them, then no matter what he did it wouldn't really change anything. Still, seeing the fleeing villagers and the panic caused by the orcs made Mill feel oddly content with his decision to join the others. He would most likely die, but maybe he'd die thinking he did something somewhat worthwhile, even if no such thing existed. Mill watched one farmhand, Saamir perhaps, being knocked down by an orc. Before he could move to help him, another orc intercepted him, swinging a vicious looking ax at his head. Mill stumbled back, and fell to the ground. Before the orc could make a second swing, Mill lashed out with his scythe cutting into the orc's leg just above the ankle. The green skinned brute also fell onto the bridge and Mill scrambled to his feet quickly. He swung the scythe once more plunging the blade into the orc's chest and finishing it off. He had barely pulled the blade out of his fallen foe when another orc attacked him. This one swung a large sword that Mill was barely able to block with the long shaft of his scythe. However the orc was much stronger and forced him to his knees, struggling to keep the orc's sword away from him.</s>
<|description|>Alexander "Zander" Starsion Yo, here it is!!! Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Mura Appearance: I did warn you not to look... haha Element Affinity: Edos, the Luminous Saint (Priest) Magic: Seals (used in healing) Gear: Alezander only carries with him his pure white hoodie and wears wooden sandals and a white bottom kimono. He has a stave strapped to his back and wears black gloves on his hands. He also has a pouch that carries his Seal Paper with pre-written glyphs for healing and warding off evil spirits. Brief history: Born into a family that still prays to Edos and has a small shrine on their property to their Patron Saint. He was raised from a young age in believing he was no Magi and would never be a Magi. His father's harsh words were not far from the mark. Alezander, Zander to friends, holds a small grudge against those who are pure Magi and need no extra items to use their magic. His father being the one he holds the biggest grudge against. His father is at large known as a master healer and doctor for his ability to make most ailments go away with a simple wave of his hand and soaked brow. Zander's mother, is a Priestess of Edos and pretends to not understand why the Church does what it does and why people have turned their back on it. Zander will not acknowledge he even has a living mother just for that notion of pure blindness. For years Zander kept his head down, did his chores around the household. Pretended that everything was fine and nothing was wrong. He studied under his father to learn the glyphs used to heal people and animals alike. To chase away dark spirits and to never turn his back on the Church. If there was on thing that Zander needed, it was more training on creating his own glyphs to force his own magic to awaken, if it ever would. At age 24, Zander's life came crashing down. His whole life had been a lie. He was a Magi alright, but his father was not. He only claimed to be one. He used the same glyphs, hidden around the room he treated his patient in. He called upon them and had one on his forehead to make sweet appear as if he himself was the focal point of the spell being cast. His disgust for all things related to the church and his own hatred for what he himself had become and had been his whole life. "I'm a Magi..." he muttered to himself. He was bruised and bloody from the thrashing given to him by his father. "I'll set out, away from the Church and it's reach... I'll heal those I can. If I truly have to I'll use my own power as a Magi... through these glyphs." Additional info: Alezander likes to be called Zander. He is a Magi just repressed by his father trying to protect him from the outside world. He still holds a grudge against other Magi though to cover for himself. He uses the seals out of habit and only in an emergency will he use his own body as the conduit for his healing magics. Name: Geoffrey Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Mura Appearance: Element Affinity: None Magic: N/A Gear: Wearing citizen garbs, brown pants and a single black shirt. He has a pair of fingerless leather gloves on each hand to help with his Archery. Wearing a pair of simple sandals, and usually keeps his bow un-strung in his quiver along with arrows. Brief history: Geoffrey has no idea who his father is, and it doesn't bother him in the least. He's unsure of what he wants to do with his life, but he's always felt the call of the wind. The urge to go out and see what the world has. When a young Priest appeared at his Inn Doorstep, offering healing in exchange for a room over a week ago, Geoffrey took him directly to his mother. Later that night, the two bonded over ale and Zander for once let his walls down and let Geoffrey into his life. That same night brought them even closer together. Before all that; however, Geoffrey helps his mother and his not really twin sister's who are quite a bit older than him. "Thirty-five is OLD!" Having worked at the Golden Coffer Inn most his life, he's heard wild tales of adventurer's, guard patrols, and a few bandit's that his mother, Olga turns a blind eye too. A few have helped him learn the ways of a bow, a few have offered to make it Demacite Arrows and Shafts and has always refused. He has nothing against Magi or Demacite users, but finds it a bit cheap to hard work with his weapon. With a choice before him that he doesn't even realize, he tends to his few time lover in hopes he'll awaken. Additional info: Geoffrey HATES being called Geo. His mother and Zander are the only two he allows, save for the two barmaids who call him that in a mocking tone and luscious winks. His bow is re-curve, a throw back to earlier hunters and his want to show people hard work earns more. Though he will defend Zander, he doesn't agree with the way he treats others. Editted to change the backstory a little to match and show he is a Magi not Mundane... heh Mundane I like that.</s> <|message|>C-X 00 "Cecil" Cecil didn't know what he was supposed to do at this point when Ethan didn't want to give in and go away, he was supposed to be consuming his food and talking with the others about their day. He should had been doing things that everybody else was doing, not caring about what he was doing. Keeping his shoulders stiff as he spoke he continued to stare down at the environment below, a frown remaining on his face as Ethan spoke to him. He wasn't going to understand, he was just going to treat him like the Muran he was simply pretending to be, but he wasn't one. He wasn't a Muran or anything close to anything living, he was a fake that didn't have anything that related to one. Clenching his fists at first he soon brought them up in front of him, rubbing them together slowly as he continued to stare downwards. "It's…not…that…" he frowned, raising his shoulders a little, "I mean, it was going to be that, anyway. I didn't think she'd like me and I doubt the others will like me either. They don't really know what I am, I don't think they would believe me either even if I straight up told them both. Amuné hates me for what I am, her pet especially…you don't even like me for what I am too. But none of that matters, anyway…" It was not fair on them having to cater their likes and dislikes for him when he wasn't one with their society in the first place. Shaking his head quickly he turned around, his face appearing blank yet had a hint of sadness about it. "I'm a Machina, somebody's tool created to serve a purpose…a purpose you hate and Amuné is afraid of". Ethan would probably just deny that he was all of that, that he was more than just a Machina. It was all false and Ethan knew it, he just didn't want to make him feel bad. "Everything about me is a lie down to my personality. I may be advanced but I'm still a machine with programmed emotions just made to deceive just so I can get close and destroy everything. If you don't want what you hated happening again, then-…then leave me alone!" Spinning around again he rubbed his arms, his shoulders raised, "I'm not one of your kind and never will be. I'm just going to cost more time and money, I'm just going to scare everyone and eventually hurt them, I'm just going to forget everything in a couple of months because I don't have an organic memory bank to remember these things! So just leave me alone and go back to your own kind before kill you too".</s> <|message|>Amuné Ris When Geoffrey knocked upon the door, Amuné glanced at it, but she didn't get up. The suggestion of music was met with silence, but when he returned the door swung open just enough to admit him and a disheveled head poked out. The girl didn't smile, her red eyes and damp cheeks making it obvious she'd been crying. She stepped aside wordlessly and shut the door behind him, then went across the room and climbed back into the bed. Wyth rested his head on the covers next to her, blinking lazily as she scratched behind his ears. Amuné made no effort to say anything, just lying quietly. If Geoffrey wanted to play music, that'd be fine, but she was still upset, even gloomy. Her world had been shattered, and every time something seemed to get better something else fell apart. Would she ever be able to put everything back together? It really didn't feel possible just then. And thinking about it, it seemed like she'd help make things worse too. After a song or two, she finally mustered the energy to speak. "D'you know...the Ballad of Ladybird? and Mouse?" She had no idea if the latter was even playable on flute, but she'd heard a variant of the former done as a flute and harp duet. It seemed the child was actually paying attention to him now, instead of just sorta sharing a space.</s>
<|message|>Alexander "Zander" Starsion "The reason I have no guard, simply put, is they're dead," Nymira shared through a mouthful, wiping at the corners of her mouth before looking to Zander, "I had four guards with me when I first set out. One died to a pack of wolves, another took an assassin's arrow meant for me, and I don't know what happened with the other two. An enemy clan attacked us on the border and they gave me time to escape, we were sorely outnumbered. I can only assume they're dead as well." For a moment there almost seemed to be a pang of regret on the Dimuran's face as her features crumpled, though as quickly as it had happened it was gone, replaced with her generally emotionless visage. Pausing to take a swig of her ale she let out a sigh, staring at the liquid inside thoughtfully. "So that's why I was traveling alone, without guard. None of the others know about that, consider yourself special." Zander sat stunned at the Dimuran unsure of what to think of all of this. She had opened up to him even if just a little and part of him felt important for that knowledge. He downed the rest of his second glass of wine, and the two ate in silence for a short time. His gaze followed Geoffrey on his hurry out the door and again as he ran back up towards wherever he was in such a hurry with the flute clutched to him. Sipping on his third glass of wine he stared at his dining partner with a somewhat serious expression on his face, "I'm a Starsion. I know that means so little to you, but my family is a well known Church affiliated house. Renown in our own ways of healing, barrier making, and remedies used throughout most of this part of civilization." He stopped talking for a moment, cleared his throat, took another swig of the wine and let out a soft sigh. "I'm the spare. Second son born into what nobility is left of Church Names. Mind you the Church isn't even noble anymore. Finding out their second son has the Gift of Healing." His voice was filled with scorn and hartred. "Cast out for having the natural gift..." He let his walls down a little more, shook off the morose thoughts and slipped his cracked mask back into place. The cocky second son, weakened by his own honesty. "It must be nice, for you. Living with a people who do not scorn their own." He tossed the rest of his wine down, and started into his own meal. "A tale for a tale is what my Grandmother taught me, before she passed. If one opens up, it is only polite to return the favor." --- Geoffrey, his flute in hand, stood outside the doorway unsure of himself for a moment. The young girl seemed distraught when she came back in, with red eyes and downtrodden steps. Now that he was hear, he ran through most of the songs he could think of in his head that he could play for the girl who wanted to hear music what seemed like days ago. He didn't realize he had knocked again, didn't even feel himself walk forward into the room. He did feel himself play softly for a bit, to calm her nerves. When he stopped to catch his breath and to fan himself a bit with his shirt, playing was heated work, he looked at Amune and grinned. "Nope," he said popping the p in nope but smiled still. "You should hum the first song, it sounds fitting for a lass such as yourself. Though, I think the cat might give chase if ya was a true Ladybird." He winked at her and shot the cat a teasing grin as if Wyth was capable of retorting. "While ya hum a few bars, and I'll take over, wanna explain what's got ye upset? I gotsa good ear set from all da time at da Inn. People work, makes ya a good listen person." He put the flute to his lips, and waited for her to hum. As soon as she started he grinned around the wood piece and started to play as well. Before he played on a quieter level, now he raised the tone so if anyone passed by, the song might uplift them as he was trying to uplift Amune and her spirits.</s>
<|description|>Lt Charles "Hatter" Richardson Age: 38 Skills: A great sense of humor, a abilty to turn a crew to help him, Grand piolting skills, Diplomacy, A calm head, Fighting like a gent Magic: He can slow time as to see it all, mainly only used when piloting a ship or in battle Equipment: Sky iron plate mail (Like a kevlar vest, protects the front and back with plate and the sides with chain, its a vest though), Sky Iron leg plates, Copper monocle with adjustable sight (Only up to 2x zoom), Black Top hat, Red officers coat with a gold trim (Look a a redcoats coat and think more fancy) White riding trousers with Black knee high boots, Light brown sweeping hair, Deep brown eyes, Thin looking trim, White silk scarf around his neck with weathered storm goggles around his neck. Brown leather driving gloves, he carries on his back a large musket with the letters "SL LT C 'Hatter' Richardson Diamond Musket Company" it shows signs of lots wear and its wood has lost all signs of varnish (The musket is more of a repeaters, fires either normal rounds in a clip of 12 or explosive rounds in a clip of 5. Very rare gun), He has two basic looking muskets with the same lettering on the side (Fires ball bareings) and Straped on his leg is a sword painted in streaks of gold and blue. Short Bio: LT Richardson has had a fine life, born to a high society family he lived in the last years of darkness. As a child he was obsessed with the world, seeing all the prototype ships flying past. He knew he had to join, luckerly for him he was a teenager during the turn of the century, a the time there was a huge call for adventurers to discover the lands beyond the horizon. He decided to see the world with a crew so joined the 23rd skylarks, a rag tag group of vagabonds and fruit cakes. It was amazing. But now the world is closing in on him and he needs to see what has happened beyond the mists and for that. He needs you! ((I know its bad but I want some mystery and I am tired when I wrote this.) Other:</s> <|message|>Rafael "Titan" Gregorvich Titan had tried to be as least threatening as he could, but such a feat was hard for the large man to pull off. How was he to convince this girl that he wasn't a threat? She had seen hard times, that he could tell with a closer glance than previously had been allowed. He cleared his throat, hoping to catch the attention of the tailor. Perhaps with another person in the room, she might relax. When she had momentarily coiled, Titan was sure the small girl would attack him there and then. Yet, she visibly seemed to reign herself in, knowing the limitations of the situation. Her suspicion meant she had known she had caught his interest and that he'd kept eyes on her. Whether she knew it was truly him was another matter, but he assumed that she had her own accurate guess. This was good, for Titan had no time for fools. "Unfortunately, I do not. But no shop will give you clothes on credit or... be particularly grateful for suddenly missing inventory." His deep baritone filled the empty shop with sound, a smile apparent in the tone of his voice. He ventured deeper into the store, looking at a particular fabric that had indeed caught his eyes. He noted strands of metal sewn into the roll. That would make good material for additional pockets. "I do know of a pawnshop that could help you, but the owner isn't there right now either. He's... taken my warning and left before things become.. troublesome, in the marketplace." He let his fingers fall from the unique fabric. Titan turned towards the girl and held out his hand in a friendly gesture. "I am Rafael. And you are?.." Titan asked, letting the question hang in the air, waiting for her answer.</s> <|message|>JG She pursed her lips again in disappointment when he replied to her second question. Back to square one, then. With his next sentence she realised she may not have been so successful in hiding her intentions earlier and he made it quite clear that he probably wouldn't just let her take something from the shop. She smirked mischievously then flashed a toothy grin, like a child who'd been caught reaching for the cookie jar but knew there'd be no punishment for the crime had not yet been committed. If he'd paid attention, he might have noticed her canines seemed filed to a point, though only for the instance of that grin, for somehow it was not visible otherwise. Most would assume they had imagined it. She watched him curiously as he fondled a metallic piece of cloth. The more she interacted with him, the less threatening he became. In fact, he seemed to be making a visible effort not to intimidate her, despite his obvious ability to fight from the weapons he was carrying. She took the opportunity to observe his weapons from close-range. They were unusual; they seemed like standard weapons, but complicated by machinery. She couldn't begin to imagine what the enhancements did. He also seemed to be wearing one of those weird arm gadgets. She frowned when he announced trouble in the market. "What sort of trouble?" she asked, her voice deepening slightly with seriousness. "Something I should be aware about?". When he offered his hand she flinched slightly, less at ease with a friendly gesture than she was with an aggressive one. She eyed his hand like she would a poisonous snake, though she knew he probably really only was offering it as a sign of trust. She looked up from his hand to his face, visibly finding the situation awkward, and shook her head, signifying she would not shake it, though her expression showed she meant no offence from it. "I'm sorry, I don't..." she didn't finish her sentence, but let it trail off, hoping he would understand. "I'm JG. Pleased to meet you." she bowed her head slightly and slowly, though making sure to keep her eyes on him. Clearly she didn't trust him enough. And rightly so; if he decided to grip her hand rather than shake it, she was sure she wouldn't be able to get out of it.</s> <|message|>Akkina Farron Akkina then opened her eyes, from Silas' touch and then looked at him smiling happily at him, she then seen a wolf and a kid in front of her and then widened her eyes and immediately backed away, clutching Durandal tightly, pushing herself up from the ground in a flash and getting into a combat stance, to try attack the possible threat, if it was a threat, she didn't know and looked at Silas for confirmation, she waited for it.</s> <|message|>Kouh and wolf "that'll be 20 bucks for the leaves but the only price for the Ale is spending time with me and maybe I'll reveal some stuff." Aleksandri said with a short laugh. "But as of yesterday I've been the own per of this shop for about 2 years" she said before walking back behind the counter and pulled a second seat around with her, she patted the seat lightly motioning for Ava to take a seat. --- @The Slenderman "Nice to meet you Silas, Well actually it's a full carc- whoa!" Kouh exclaimed as the sleeping girl immedietly got up and into an attack position, while she did this Kouh stumble and caught hold of Wolf's chest fur to keep her from falling "Wa-wait!" Kouh said with a bit of a stammer before picking up the spear that had fallen to the ground and putting it back into the basket. "Ok now answer us this why is everyone aiming weapons at us today?" She said with a laugh and reached into her basket "I can do that too!" And pulled out her Harley saw which she aimed at Akina with one hand but then planted it in the ground to lean on it, yawning as she did so. As she did this Wolf was standing stock still only watching the scene but listening to the birds that flew over head at the moment.</s> <|message|>Kyato ghost in black Akkina saw the young girl and immediately put her sword back in to it's sheath and then bowed in a apologetic manner, realizing the mistake that she did "I am so sorry, I thought you were a Kyato spy, but now that I see you I realized that you aren't a spy, I'd like to become friends if you don't mind that" Akkina whispered softly</s> <|message|>Kyato "I don't have any reason to battle you, I'm not your enemy" Kyato said and looked at Randy, and then sat down at his desk working on another device for Kyato Corp. He kept on looking up at Randy, but he kept on working on the device</s> <|message|>Randy "The Junker" O'Malley "Hmph, well, you've made a sorry first impression Seto Kyato. I REALLY hope I meet you again under different circumstances." Randy scoffed before walking out, he then looked at one of the guards in the hallway. "Might want to check on your colleague in there." He said before carrying on walking. He walked out and saw Silas, Akkina and someone else. "What are you guys doing here? I had it under control!" He commented, kind of jokingly. He then looked at the girl and wolf and took his eccentric bow. "Randy O'Malley, the Junker." Randy said to introduce himself.</s> <|message|>Silas Coutts Titan's hand lightly twitched when she refused it, but other than that he showed no reaction. He slowly pulled it back to his side and inclined his head further than it already was. That smile, the nervousness, and intense personal guard all allowed the man to realize this was survivor. And a distrustful one at that. When she smiled, there had been something there he could not quite put his finger on. Ever more intriguing, this JG was. "You as well, JG," his tone was warm and welcoming, which he hoped was the right tactic with this wild child. "Trouble that could lead to an ugly fight or two in the streets of the Marketplace. There have been more than a few bounties posted, the targets of which reside here. They seem to be rather hell-bent on not being captured." The last he said with a hint of frustration. He disliked collateral damage immensely, but Akkina and Silas had proven to worth adversaries. They would not go quietly whimpering into the night, Titan was sure. He turned back to the cloth and looked at it for another moment. "I really do like this material.." he said, more to himself than anyone else. "So what brings you to Liz's Tailor, child? Looking to replace those rags and sandals?" Titan had adopted a teasing tone, poking light fun at the girl. If he had her pegged correctly, she should respond with a bit of a retort of her own. She most certainly wouldn't be hurt by such a light statement.</s> <|message|>Kyato @WittyWolf Akkina smiled at Randy and skipped around him and then walked to Silas and stood by his side where she stood waiting for him to hold her close. She also looked at the wolf, then waved to the child while smiling happily to her. "We need a new place to stay, we can not use the Pawn Shop as Humphrey jumped ship to somewhere else. And who is the only one that is rich enough to get us a place?" She suggested indirectly Seto Kyato.</s> <|message|>Kouh and wolf The new person who came in seemed to be nice enough though a bit eccentric in a way, "nice to meet you both, I'm Kouh the hunter and this big lug is wolf" she said as she introduced them both before pulling her saw out of the ground and storing it back in her basket without a hint of hesitation when she picked it up. She stood up straight and walked over to wolf, climbing onto his back and laying down on her stomach, she smiled back at the girl "sure, we can be friends by the way" she said as wolf took a few steps forward and Kouh looked over his shoulder. @GingerBoi123@The Slenderman</s> <|message|>JG JG mentally breathed a sigh of relief when Titus didn't appear to take offence at her lack of reciprocation. She returned his warm tone with a warm smile, but that quickly turned to a concerned frown when she listened to him talk about potential troublemakers. People fearing capture could become very reckless and very dangerous. While part of her was intrigued and wanted to meddle, she thought it was best not to go looking for trouble yet. "Bounty hunters themselves are often more trouble than their targets..." she said quietly, not really expecting an answer. Suddenly she choked and her eyes went as big as saucers. "Child?!" she croaked, not quite believing her ears. She straightened her back, raised her chin and sniffed. If she could have looked down her nose at him she would have done, but clearly that was just not possible, so she merely narrowed her eyes and gave him a dirty look. "There's nothing wrong with my clothes." she started with a somehow stinging tone. "I'm simply looking for something that will allow me to avoid unwanted attention when travelling." she growled. She suspected he might only be teasing her, so she exaggerated her response in feigned indignity. After a couple seconds spent mock-scowling, she stuck her tongue out at him and ruined any semblance of a noble lady she had tried to imitate. "I suppose I ought to find somewhere else then, if this place is closed and you are guarding it..." she finally said with a mischievous smile.</s>
<|message|>Lt Charles "Hatter" Richardson Having left the pawn shot, Hatter. The grand and mighty pilot acording to the songs they sing borded his airship. Flying over the mrket the back of the engins started to backfire and lost altitude, flying low over the market and bloting out the sun</s>
<|description|>Tybalt Argyris "Come now, we're only outnumbered ten to one. I'd say the odds are in our favor!" Sprite: Nicknames/Title: Gender: Male Marital Status: Single. Age: 25 Sexuality: Straight Family Ties: Petros Argyris - Uncle / Only living family member not associated with Mustaf's treachery and subsequently current head of the household. Carmela Argyris - Mother / Former Lady of the house / Currently serving a prison sentence for her actions in the war with her husband. Gavriil Argyris - Father /Former Head of the Argyris family/Former advisor to Emperor Mustaf/Believed to have died during the war. Class: Mage Weapon Mastery(ies): Tomes Inventory: Arcwind Arcfire Arcthunder Personality: Tybalt is a flirtatious scoundrel, a free spirit with a swagger about him. He is bold, gallant, and practically exuding charisma. Unusually outgoing and sociable for a mage, he never passes up on a potential adventure or an experience and will jump at the opportunity to try something new. With a never say die attitude about life and carefree machismo to his actions, he possesses a sharp wit and a silver tongue that makes him extremely charming, though it can occasionally come off as insulting. Heroic and daring, Tybalt is quick to deliver a quip and a smile to brighten even the most somber of situations, making it easy to see why the people of Alistaf have warmed up to him. However, beneath this outgoing and bold personality lies a man of compassion and kindness as well as impressive tactical acumen and magical knowhow. He may not act like it, but he is a very experienced and talented mage and tactician, brilliant and knowledgeable in his craft. While he more often than not spends his time using his magic to do simple parlor tricks and goof off, he truly has a untold brilliance when the situation demands it, revealing his intellect when the situation demands it. A cunning and calculating strategist, he is more than capable of assisting his unit when the time comes, both with his mind and his magic. Biography: Tybalt comes from the desert town of Alistaf, he hails from a noble family of dukes disgraced by their affiliation with the former dictator Mustaf. Once the city was annexed to Jotenvarr, his family immediately fell into bad standing with the new king. Even at a young age, he was very aware that the people of Alistaf despised his family's affiliation with a monster and also expressed shame at their defeat. They were only a noble house in name, prisoners of their own city and targets of their people's hatred. This was something Tybalt refused to stand for. He began to feel it was his responsibility to give Alistaf back a member of nobility they could respect, and a noble house they could feel pride in. He worked tirelessly to assist his people, spending days in town trying to rebuilt broken homes and defend the city from bandits. He won their respect though hard work and determination, enough so that he caught the eye of Jotenvarr's royal guard. Already Tybalt could see that this was his chance to truely redeem his family's name by coming the Royal Guard to the king, to make up for the horrors his family had done during the way. He departed for the Capital on the very same day he received the invitation, intending to give it his all and prove he can be more than just some noble.</s> <|message|>Claude Aster Claude Claude kept both eyes on the image at the right. Somehow, he taught that was the real one. Or if they were both real and Claude was just seeing the afterimages, well, that was cool too. He had to come near to attack him anyway, and that would be when his downfall would come. The assassin leapt towards him and started slashing and dicing at Claude. While some proper armor might've stopped the attacks and not really hurt him, the fact that Claude did not wear any armor, at least in his upper body, allowed the assassin to make a lot more damage than he probably thought he would at first. Despite the punishment, however, the mercenary was steadfast. It was not enough to topple him, and as the Assassin slashed his stomach, he turned down to see him. At first serious, it was then that Claude brought both of his arms together and tried to hug the assassin, taking his feet off the ground for several centimeters, and then he smiled. His wounds were bleeding, but if he managed to take the assassin into his deadly embrace, then it was all over. He would start putting more and more strength in the hug, soon making the assassin's back crack and make horrible noises. After punishing some with that bear hug, Claude would go on, arc his back backwards and slam the assassin's head against the ground. Again, if the assassin managed to escape again, Claude would stop trying to render him unconscious and actually try to kill him with his next attack.</s> <|message|>Aika Lennone The crunching of bone was more than audible to everyone watching the fight, as the assassin's back contorted in ways it shouldn't within Claude's grapple. With a mighty warcry, Claude torqued himself over backwards, pile-driving his opposition into the dirt. Almost. Once again, the deft rogue escaped the brute's grasp as Claude flailed onto the grass, except that this time, the assassin reappeared only five feet away, hunched over on the grass. It was clear that the bear hug more than incapacitated the assassin, who had only used the very final bits of energy he had to escape what would otherwise have been a neck-snapper. "Enough..." he called in between coughs of blood as he slumped onto the ground even more. "How could something so foolish-" hacking of his battered lungs interrupted him, and the magician guard stepped forward, placing his hand on the assassin. "With equal foolhardiness. Stand," he commanded as a gold and white glow passed from his hand onto the back of the assassin. In only a short moment, Claude's sparring partner was on his feet again, brushing himself off. "You are alive by my choice. You would not have even had a chance to fight back if this were not an exam. Remember that," he spoke venomously towards Claude, his pride bruised almost as badly as his body was, as he and the magician turned and stood in line with the other royal guards. Davos looked towards Claude, eyeing him up and down. His methods were... unorthodox. But he was indeed the victor of the first duel. When it came to the most proficient combatants in Jotenvarr, results was the only thing that mattered. As far as Davos was concerned, Claude provided results. He gave the mercenary an approving nod before turning his head towards the axe-fighter of the guards. The heavily plated guard swung his great axe up onto his shoulder. This massive weapon seemed almost too heavy to use with two hands, and yet this man effortlessly maneuvered it with only one. Stepping forward, he eyed the remaining members of Trignita before meeting the gaze of their emerald lancer. "You, there." he pointed to Mikhail. "I issue my challenge to you."</s> <|message|>Mikhail Faust Mikhail Fuast Having been quite literally chained to Scott for a month had done a number on Mikhail's patience. Straizo's little gremlin had insisted that it would improve the squad's teamwork, but all it had done for Mikhail was give him a nasty bout of nausea. The cavalier could still feel where the iron clasp had been around his ankle, forever dooming him to be within a few feet of the other cavalier. The feeling of freedom was sweet, but oh did the trial before him sting. For a month he had improved his coordination and team tactics with the other cavalier, something that had proven to be quite the task due to being on horseback. And now here he are, after hours of focusing on teamwork, dueling. The irony was not lost on him, but having to go up against a member of the Royal Guard alone kept him from truly appreciating it. "Tch, of course," he muttered, seeing his opponents weapon of choice. Today was just turning into the best day ever for the dour knight. With a light tap of his foot, Rollo approached the axe-wielder. "Very well, I accept your challenge," he replied, his expression dead serious. Even though he had been in the military for several years, Mikhail had only heard stories of the current royal guard, of which ranged from the unbelievable to the impossible. Until he knew for sure what he was dealing with, the cavalier had no intent to overplay his hand. His lance rested comfortably in his grip, waiting for his opponent to make the first move. Rollo was making a slow circle around him, but was capable of moving deceptively quickly should he attempt to rush in.</s> <|message|>Aika Lennone "Remember, the skill of the hand that holds his weapon will trump the flaws in its design. Do not let your lance fear my axe." The warrior lectured Mikhail, even though they were about to fight. They both knew that the possible difference in skill between the two of them would only amplify the advantage the warrior had. Rollo's presence however, could lead to an interesting fight, as he and Mikhail circled the warrior just outside of his axe's reach. Following in the assassin's footsteps, it seemed that it was on the Royal Guardsman to make the first move. However, this move would not be taken with sudden speed. Instead, the warrior simply lowered his axe, letting the blade impact the ground with a thud. Watching Mikhail to defend against any attempts to interrupt him, he began to position his body, winding up for a massive strike. If left unchecked, the warrior would unleash a huge swing, spinning clockwise towards the horse's back.</s>
<|message|>Tybalt Argyris Already the signs of their opponents were coming clear, the weather masking their enemies' approach as they descended from the ruins, the flash of a sword or axe glinting as they descended the rocky terrain. Tybalt smirked, flipping open the pages of his Arcfire tome as the others prepared, he had figured they were going to run into this trouble sooner or later, why not on the cold, snowy hill. He could only make out a few popping up from the ruins, the occasional glower of a menacing brute ready to snap them in half, rip the whole team to shreds and take the woman for a victory lap. A worthy challenge for his skills. A hard glare took hold on the mage's face as he took in his surroundings, a battle plan beginning to form as the original potshots were being taken to size each other up. The fine Lady Alexandria had taken the assault first. Mounted on her trusty wyvern she had spearheaded the assault against the bandits in a grand show of force, even obscured by the ongoing blizzard, it was clear she was making quite an impact. Though he had little interaction within the month of training, he was well aware of Lady Alexandria. He had known of the Demon Baroness before her addition to the squad, hearing her name passed among the lips of nobles during his family's dinner parties back when his family still had the standing to have parties, a beautiful woman who had lost her beloved husband, and instead found solace in companionship with a beast. They had said it was unfitting of a lady of her standing, flying about on a winged pseudodragon like a common fighter. Looking at the two now in the midst of battle, even through the blizzard, the only truth from those rumors Tybalt could see was she was indeed beautiful. His enamoured gaze snapped free once Hyakuya spoke, bringing him back into the here and now long enough to respond to his request. "I couldn't agree more, my friend. The element of surprise is a valuable asset." He replied to the dragon-kin, before turning his attention up north, scouting out the ruins. "If what the woman says is true and there is only ten, our best option is to trap them, force them to fight on our term." He motioned to the top of the hill, near the entrance point where the bandits had spawned from. "Which is why I'm trusting Pauline to get you behind their ranks. If you and our ninja friend can sneak past them and cut off their escape, you can change into a dragon and strike from their rear. We will lock them into a pincer maneuver, forcing to fight on two fronts. It's a risky manuver, but if it works, we'll strain their resources enough to annihilate them." His eyes glanced to their ninja compatriot, who had been relatively silent since their arrival. "I put the stakes of this plan into your hands, and I have the utmost confidence you'll be able to get a safe path to place our Manakete in the right spot for the pincer maneuver to be successful." He placed his hand on Hyakuya's arm, offering the man a cheery grin to calm his conscience. "If you are spotted, make sure you change and defend yourself, try and regroup as soon as you are in trouble, and get Lady Alexandria to cover you. I'm not looking to risk your life if I can help it." He turned his attention to the others, Hiro and Diana specifically. "Sir Hiro, Lady Joan, Lady Diana, if my plan is to work, we need to cover their infiltration, and that regards getting their attention." A wild glint in his eye seemed to shine through the snowy tundra as his attention turned to the advancing bandits. "We need them to focus on us for the moment, force them to advance out into the open, and to do that we need to convince them to target us. In other words; let's give them something to fear." With that, he stepped forward, a fireball erupting in his free hand. In an enthusiastic cry, he let loose the mighty inferno, bursting onto a rock one of the bandits was hiding behind. The enemy shrieked, jumping back under the rock to pin him behind his measly cover. "Come on, you ruffians!" Tybalt shouted, hurling another explosive flare into the enemy midst. "You predators of helpless woman! Goblins of the mountains! Bring your axes and swords to my flame! See how much your talents fair when faced with our spears, arrows, and spells! Show me what a bandit of the north is really capable off!" He tossed another blast of arcfire into the terrain, this time colliding with a myrmidon who had thought he could get the drop on the overconfident mage. His mistake was realized a half-step too late as he was immediately immolated when he hopped out of cover, the flames washing over him in a sea of painful death. HIs screams filled the mountainside as he desperately attempted to put himself out, rolling on the floor as his flesh blackened and crackled, quickly reducing him to a charred skeleton. Tybalt laughed wildly, revelling in taking the piss out of the ruffians. Of course, he knew he was setting himself up as a target, but he trusted his comrades. If everything worked according to plan, this was assured to work.</s>
<|description|>Demidevimon A small, winged creature with the appearance of a ball and resembling an angelic Digimon. He has sharp claws and a very long tongue which he uses to pleasure Kira. Despite his initial surprise at finding himself in an intimate situation with a human girl, he quickly adapts and takes advantage of the opportunity. He's quite skilled at giving oral pleasure and is eager to explore more with Kira as their encounter progresses.</s> <|description|>Kira A young girl with a large chest and a curvaceous body. She is an avid gamer and has a hentai collection, suggesting that she might be open to sexual experiences. Despite her initial confusion, she responds positively to Demidevimon's advances and eventually reciprocates them. Her adventurous nature is revealed when she begins to pleasure herself while being teased by the digimon.</s> <|narrator|>A young girl named Kira Mimoto is transported to an unfamiliar world and finds herself in an intimate situation with a creature called Demidevimon. Initially confused, she allows him to continue his actions as she becomes more comfortable with the situation. As their encounter progresses, both characters become increasingly aroused and engaged in sexual activity. Kira starts to pleasure herself while being teased by Demidevimon, who eventually evolves into Devimon and proposes further fun ahead of them.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Young Kira Mimoto had been having a rather pleasant, uneventful day up until about an hour ago. Just waiting for the bus, she had decided to pull out her favorite little gaming system. But when she did so, a bright light flooded out of it and she disappeared. No one seemed to pay attention enough to notice. As the light faded, darkness took its place, and where Kira was now, she wasn't conscious. So little did she know, she was in a completely different world. Not only that, but she had arrived in a rather... provocative position. She was in the middle of a forest, head and extremely large chest against the ground, her ass sticking right up in the air. Not only that, her short skirt had bunched up around her waist, baring her panty-covered ass for anyone to see.</s> <|message|>Kira "Boring!!" he called out, flapping along the forest. It was another day, and another useless time for DemiDevimon. "Man... why can't there be anything interesting happening?" he sighed as he perched on a tree branch. "Meh... might as well try and find some food..." he muttered before taking off again. He yelped in surprise when a flash of light appeared above him, followed by a heavy impact that knocked the wind out of him. A few moments later, he opened his eyes, looking up at whoever had crushed him. "Hmmm...?" he mumbled, squinting against the bright sunlight. He wasn't usually this close to an Angewoman without them trying to blast him to Kingdom Come, but she didn't seem to be awake, so he figured she'd be safe for now.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira was no Angewomon, but to a digimon that had never seen a real human before, Angewomon would be the closest thing. When Demidevimon wiggled around a bit, Kira groaned lightly, but didn't quite wake up. She stirred enough so that her head moved to the side, not only freeing him, but giving him a perfect view down the front of her shirt at her very large cleavage. Another difference between her and an Angewomon was the curves. Those digimon were quite curvy, but in the chest area, Kira was quite superior. So, to him and others, she'd likely look like some kind of altered Angewomon.</s> <|message|>Kira When she moved, he got a good look down her shirt, and smiled a bit. "Hmmm..." he thought, licking his lips softly. He figured since she was out of it, might as well have a bit of fun. He moved slightly and let his tongue slide softly over her neck, teasing a few bundles of nerves as his claws moved, gently brushing over her breasts through her shirt. He had seen a lot of angelwomen acting as though their bodies were worthless, so he figured this one might be the same way. He let his tongue slip softly over her chest and between her breasts, tasting her skin as he kept an eye on her for when she woke up.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon At first, she didn't make any moves when his tongue touched her. But when it eventually got between her breasts, she stirred a little, groaning as her body tried to wake up, but still couldn't. If he could stimulate her just a bit more, he could get her to wake up. But if she woke up, that might mean she would stop him. But with it being Kira, that wouldn't be the case. Not only was she a rather big perv and had quite a hentai collection, she'd be rather open to his advances. A cute little monster with a hot human babe - it'd be like a dream come true.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled, his tongue trailing softly over her skin, a soft purring sound coming from him as his tongue searched for her most sensitive areas. He eventually found his tongue over her nipple, licking it softly and feeling it growing hard as his claws continued to caress her breasts as best he could. He wished he was in Devimon Mode, then this would get more interesting, but for now, he was pleased with what he was getting. He watched her for any signs of her waking up, wanting to do more to her now that he had gone this far.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon With his tongue and claw stimulating her nipple, Kira finally awoke, but slowly. Raising her head lightly, she blinked a few times with a groan, waiting for her vision to clear, quite surprised by what she saw when it did. "Oh... hello there," she quite casually said with a smile, despite it being a creature she had never seen before. Not to mention, its claws were still grasping her large chest. Though, she either didn't mind or even realize it, as she had literally just woken up.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled as she woke up. "Hello there yourself, cutie," he said, as his tongue continued to softly tease her. "Where did you come from? I've never seen an angelwoman with such...curves." His tongue slipped out of her shirt, moving over a bundle of nerves on her neck, teasing her as best he could while still in his position underneath her.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon "Well, I was camping with some friends..." Kira replied, trying to remember what she was doing last and how she got here. She felt the tongue on her neck, but didn't really outwardly respond to it. It felt good, alright, and perhaps if she were a bit more in a normal state, she might have even moaned a little. But, she was quite confused and her head was still trying to catch up. So, it didn't really register in her head.</s> <|message|>Kira Tilting his head a bit, he said, "Hmmm... sounds weird... what is camping?" He asked, not knowing what she was talking about. He could see that she was confused, but his tongue continued to roam a bit, teasing here and there, wanting to get a response out of her. He had never been with an angel-woman like this before, so he wanted to get some kind of satisfaction from it. Looking up at her, he smiled the whole while.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon "Um... it's kinda hard to explain," replied Kira, finally reacting to his licking as her body warmed up a bit, her cheeks turning light pink and letting out a soft gasp.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled as he continued to tease her a bit, "I've got time...", he said, his tongue moving softly over her skin, teasing any sensitive spots he could find. He could tell she was starting to enjoy it by the way her body was reacting, so he continued.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon "Well, you usually use tents, but some people will just sleep on the ground," Kira replied, smiling at him. She continued to stroke his cock, hitting just the right spot on her neck and causing her to nearly squeal in embarrassed pleasure.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled. "Sounds boring," he said, hearing her squeal. He had no idea what she was talking about, but he didn't care; she tasted amazing and he wanted more. His tongue teased over that spot, sure to send a rush of pleasure through her.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira had started to say something, but it never came out as he hit that spot again, getting another moan out of her that was filled to the brim with pleasure. Because of that, she couldn't help but blush lightly, writhing a bit under his apparently very skilled tongue. And he was only at her neck. There was much more yet to come.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled hearing her moan and feeling her writhe, "You like that?" He asked, teasing the spot more, "Imagine what else I could do...", he whispered teasingly.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira wasn't a very sexual person, not being very experienced in these matters, but his teasing her with the possibility of doing more was really getting her all hot and bothered. "Y-Yes..." she shyly replied when he stated that she liked it. She couldn't help but shudder in anticipation for his tongue to reach more intimate areas. That tongue of his could certainly work her pussy, and with such a big mouth on his small body, he would have no problem devouring her very well-endowed rack.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled as his tongue continued to tease her. "Tell me, DemiDevimon, what you want... And I may give it to you." He said, moving and nibbling on the spot she was enjoying so much.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon "I... I..." Kira started to say, but couldn't quite get it out. What should she even ask for? She wasn't a slut or anything, but she wasn't a virgin either. Though, she had only done it once, and the extent of her sexual experience was mostly in the form of being groped and molested on the subway. This thing sure didn't have any hands to repeat said encounters with. Frankly, he could do anything to her and she wouldn't mind. The whole situation was rather new to her because she had never experienced much beyond having a hand in her panties and on her massive melons. Not to mention, she was in an entirely different world getting... licked by some strange little creature that was shaped like a ball, had little wings, and one hell of a tongue.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled, letting his tongue move down between her breasts. "You?" he asked, still nibbling on that spot. He could smell the heat coming off her, and he couldn't wait to have a full taste of her if he could.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira's louder moan answered for her when his tongue settled in between those lovely mounds of hers. Her breasts, large and round, were also quite sensitive. Just another weak spot on that perfect body of hers.</s> <|message|>Kira His tongue moved, slipping under her breasts and caressing them softly, "Tell me...", he said, enjoying her moans and writhes. He wanted more and knew she did too, but he wanted her to beg for pleasure.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon "I...I want you to...suck on them..." Kira embarrassingly asked, blushing brightly and moaning louder when his tongue slid into the top of her shirt and caressed her bare bosom. One hand instinctively rose up after her request and she tugged her shirt down enough so that her large bosom sprang out, bouncing lightly as they were bared.</s> <|message|>Kira He moved, looking at her large breasts. "Wow...," he whispered softly before moving to place his mouth over one and sucking gently, his teeth nibbling at her skin gently as he did so, his tongue focusing on the nipple.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira nearly screamed in pleasure, holding the small creature against her large breast with one hand by reflex, not wanting him to stop.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled, sucking hard as she held him to her. He could feel the heat rushing off her as his tongue teased her nipple. He moved and nipped gently at it, rubbing it with his lips as he watched her reaction.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Kira was starting to writhe in pleasure, her panties soaked already as he worked her large breasts quite skillfully. Today had started out odd, but it was certainly looking up for her.</s> <|message|>Kira He sucked hard on her nipple, the scent of her juices wafting in the air as his tongue teased her hardened nipple. "Mmmm...," he whispered, causing a vibration to move through her chest. He enjoyed every moment of this.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon That little vibration on her sensitive breast was a huge wave of pleasure to her. One little act had brought her quite close to climax already and she still wanted more.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled, vibrating even more as his tongue wrapped around her nipple, pulling it a bit as he continued to pleasure her breast. He wanted to taste more of her and knew he would soon enough.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon He sure would, if things kept up. He was working Kira's breasts like a master, giving her greater pleasure than she had ever felt before. Keep this up, and she'd give him anything he asked for.</s> <|message|>Kira He continued to tease her body with his mouth and tongue. She tasted so divine, he wanted so much more. "Mmm...", he whispered, sending more vibrations through her skin.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon And Kira was ready to give him more. As he continued devouring her breasts, her hands reached down and lifted up her very short skirt, revealing a rather plain, but still sexy pair of white panties, with her hand soon disappearing inside while she furiously pleasure herself. It wouldn't be long before he got to go downstairs.</s> <|message|>Kira He smiled as his tongue continued to tease and pleasure her. He felt her shift and knew she was going to work on herself. He let his tongue move and rubbed over her nipples, teasing the sensitive nubs. He could feel something growing inside of him, something that was ready to burst out as he began to glow brightly.</s> <|message|>Demidevimon Lost in her own pleasure, Kira didn't notice her strange little lover glowing. She continued to furiously finger herself, moaning getting louder.</s>
<|message|>Kira He began to grow, pulling away from her a bit. "Demidevimon...digivolve into...Devimon!" He said as he evolved. His wings opened, and he looked at her now. "Hmmm...well, now...look what you've done..." he said with a soft chuckle, letting his hand ghost over her cheek. "Now we can have more fun..." he whispered, kissing her deeply.</s>
<|description|>Darbin Species: Hera Clan Age: N/A Gender: Male Appearance: A large well toned male Hera Clan typical of his people he has teal skin tone, and short cut orange hair more in the style of a buzz cut. He has large noticeable scars on his arms, and chest with a one particular one slashed across his right cheek earned from his time training. He is rough in appearances and is by no means handsome. He typically wears loose fitting clothing, and they ideally are simple by design. Personality: A soldier by trade Darbin is serious, and rather brutally efficient when it comes down to it. He sees things in rather black, and white nature seeing a job that needs to be done as just that. He has no qualms with acting in ways that some may consider evil if need be but prefers to avoid such circumstances. He is not devoid of 'humanity' as Darbin does have a soft spot for domesticated creatures, and young children. Growing up in the slums of his planet he decided to fight to become as strong as he could preferring that to the helplessness of living a life of struggle. He doesn't particularly enjoy training, nor talking but he is one who doesn't mind doing either if need be. When it comes down to it Darbin could be described simply as someone who lives for the thrill of becoming stronger for the sake of it. His power as a milestone of sorts. His experiences in the slums, and the military enforcing into him the motto 'might makes right' as his people tend to base their worth on one's physical, and mental abilities above a sense of wealth though many do seek that as well. Bio: Born into a life of poverty in the back slums of his peoples' home planet Darbin's family was large but poor, and he grew up in a rather impoverished state. Life in the slums was hard, and many people often fought over the food that was given out, or found. His mother, and father weren't particularly notable warriors and as such were on the bottom of society's totem pole. Spending his earliest years of his childhood struggling painted quite a simple picture: you either fight to survive, or you die. His parents weren't much in the way of role models, and neither were many of the others in the neighborhood so he ended up joining a gang in his earliest teenage years. In that gang he learned how to fight, and the proper basics which is where he first started to train in some form. Through gang wars, and violence Darbin grew to start to gain a reputation for being a solid warrior in his own right winning more battles than he ultimately lost. It was when he started to be come a grown adult that he sought more than just his every day life in the gang. He decided after sometime to join the planet's military which had begun recruiting in the slums as a war that they had been raging had cost the levels of many of the Hera Clan. His people's attempts to take a large chunk of the galaxy had proven difficult with the advent of police forces, and other foreign nations fighting for the same. Recruited quickly due to his physique compared to the others in the slums he was quickly hauled to basic training. When Darbin joined them military he was quickly run through the gauntlet of fighting, and struggling to survive to be prepared to fight on other worlds, and to unlock the 'full power' form of his people. It was fighting on a dead world that his luck finally seemed to be coming to an end after a week of near constant fighting his squad finally managed to escape, and had to hide in a cave not to far from a location they were fighting in to recuperate. It was then, and there where his some of his team including his captain started to succumb to their wounds. He closed his eyes during a quiet evening with the sound of warfare in the background did he not open them and find himself in a temple. He knew for little reason why he was there simply that he had likely been pulled into another conflict. Techniques: Flight Ki Blasts Full Power Energy Ball Full Power Energy Wave Trap Shooter Energy Shield Ki Sense Transformations:…</s> <|message|>Maize Maize Maize returned to the group before the two guests appeared and sulked silently behind the others. She wanted to do more than just stand around and wait for something to happen and was disappointed that no one agreed with her plan. The sound of an explosion disrupted her thoughts as it seemed that trouble found a way of happening without their intervention. From the sound of it some prisoners were escaping and making quite the spectacle of it. She was relieved to know that there were others still alive and not discarded as lifeless husks. Maybe her own crew had managed to survive and was imprisoned in one of those large spheres. She was hopeful at least. When the two cloaked figures appeared in front of them she stayed on alert. For some reason she couldn't sense one of their energies. It was the same thing that happened when she tried to sense the Supreme Kai of Time. It was as if their ki didn't exist or on a frequency she wasn't attuned to but she could tell it was there. When the shorter figured revealed himself it seemed that this was something special to that of the Supreme Kais. Was it because they were gods? The taller figure revealed themselves to be a Saiyan and a friend of Tabaga, possibly more. She couldn't quite tell yet. Maize was just glad that somewhere out there more Saiyans had survived. She may not have grown with her people, but once she encountered Vegeta and the others she did gain a true sense of connection and belonging. One that she hadn't felt her entire time under Frieza's tutelage. When the others returned back to Conton City through the portal she stayed behind for a bit. She looked up in the sky and couldn't help but be angered at the sight of the escapees fighting a doomed fight. She hoped this new Supreme Kai was worth all of the trouble and sacrifices. She felt wrong just leaving the others behind to die. In that moment she decided that she would at least offer them some assistance. She positioned herself behind the boulder Tabaga originally hid behind when they crossed through. She aimed her finger as if it were a sniper blaster. She scanned the skies to see which of the escapees needed some assistance the most. "Let's see how tough that armor is." She fired off a few Death Beams at three different troopers hitting each at least three different times before moving to the next. She wanted to give them any kind of advantage they could get in fighting against the universe destroyers and to show them that their sacrifices didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. Before she could get herself spotted Maize blew the smoke from her finger and made her way through the portal. She reached the other side in the middle of Ovaan explaining the nature of the ship. A gravity training machine was something that truly caught her attention, but Velona was right. They had to debrief.</s> <|message|>Tabaga Tabaga took a careful look at Okora couldn't help that she seemed to have a few more scars then the last time she had seen her. As the others ran back through the portal she lost sight of Maize for a moment. Where did she go? She wondered as the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse and Okora both ran through the portal. After a brief moment she saw Maize taking potshots at some of the solders. Tabaga swore under her breath and was preparing to grab Maize and drag her through the portal when she ceased firing at the solders and went through the portal. Unfortunately, a number of the troopers were now aware of the existence of the intruders and were now heading for the location of the portal. Oh...Many things about this are not good. Tabaga though as she bolted through the portal and immediately motioned at the Supreme Kai of Time to close the portal. "Close it! Close it now!" She shouted urgently as she took careful aim at the portal as the Kai of Time began working on closing down the portal. She could only watch in horror as the image of a black armored trooper began to form where the portal was. Tabaga was preparing to power up when the portal collapsed in on itself and took the trooper with it. The Supreme Kai of Time stormed towards the group with an angry look. "I said to avoid fighting!" She shouted at Tabaga specifically. "Is it so hard to understand those simple words?!" Tabaga recoiled as if struck. She was about to try and come up with a retort when the so-called "Supreme Kai of the Multiverse" approached the Kai of Time. "I apologize. What happened was my doing. It was the only way that would allow us to get away." The shorter of the two Kais looked at him and her face went pale as she looked at the green skinned Kai "Y-You. I recognize you. We haven't seen you in centuries!" "There's a reason for that." The green skinned Kai said quietly. "I was hunted across the multiverse for quite a while before finally being captured by our enemy. My apprentice and I were held captive for a number of months before we managed to create a distraction and used the opportunity to get away." He turned to face the group and bowed. "Thank you. If any of you have questions I can answer them." He said simply as Okora looked over at Tabaga and motioned for her to follow her for a moment. "Are we the only two left?" Tabaga asked quietly. Okora simply nodded. "We were the only two left alive after Planet Vegeta. There's no one else." "How did you end up with him?" Tabaga asked as she motioned towards the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse. Okora smiled slightly. "It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later."</s> <|message|>Darbin "Long story or not Kais we should be aiming to either strengthen what warriors we have, or prepare to take on as weak a targets as we can get. Slowly work our way up to the snake's head as its clear we're insufficient with out current forces." comments Darbin as he looks to the kais he keeps his arms crossed. He speaks plainly, and without any intended arrogance as he looks back and forth at the group. "I sense a great amount of power within this group but we're still few, and numbers do make a difference. I've been to battles where smaller, and or weaker troops can outwit a greater threat by working with a valid strategy." Darbin says further as he starts to wonder where exactly these enemies would be weakest at...without sufficient intel they couldn't tell but in the end it would simply mean they'd need to gamble. "We can train, and ponder about the other kais, and the saiyans if we want but at the end of the day we have a duty to save the universe. And I am nothing more than a soldier. A blunt instrument I will do as told to an extent. I still will not throw away my life idly." Darbins says with his arms still crossed.</s> <|message|>Velona --- Get stronger? As if it were that simple. The strongest of them was still woefully insufficient. If it were otherwise, they wouldn't have been whisked away to this strange place simply to keep them alive. What could they really do? What could they hope to accomplish against something that seemed capable of erasing one's whole reality? Even these kais seemed at their mercy. But what was the alternative? "We have to assume they're after something. We know now of at least one place they didn't completely erase, so... that's one place we can fight them without them just wiping the slate clean." She wrapped her arms around herself in a vain attempt to quell her anxiety. "At least I hope so." She looked to their two newcomers, "Do you know why they're doing all this?"</s> <|message|>Tabaga @KillamriX88 "We can train, and ponder about the other kais, and the saiyans if we want but at the end of the day we have a duty to save the universe. And I am nothing more than a soldier. A blunt instrument I will do as told to an extent. I still will not throw away my life idly." Privately, The Supreme Kai of time disagreed with Darbin's statement. He was clearly more than a solder and should value himself as such but she didn't voice that opinion. He was right about their duty though. Aside from the group assembled here, there was seemingly no one else fighting against this unseen force. He was also correct about the getting stronger aspect. What Ovaan had found would be useful but she had something even better. It wouldn't be operation for weeks but in the meantime they could use the Gravity training chamber. "I do have something that could help you and your friends with getting stronger but unfortunately it was heavily damaged during the attack on Conton City. It can also be quite dangerous to use for people who are unfamiliar with it." She said quietly. At the rate repairs are going on it, it's going to be weeks before it can be used again." "We have to assume they're after something. We know now of at least one place they didn't completely erase, so... that's one place we can fight them without them just wiping the slate clean." The Supreme Kai of the multiverse let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, I know they were after something. Several somethings in fact. I was one of those things." He let out a bitter laugh once again. "As much as it kills me to say it, once they were able to capture me, they used my connection to the multiverse to find a way to annihilate entire universes. I was tortured, experimented on and used to wipe out countless lives once they figured out how I was able to travel between universes. That was how they were able to destroy them you see." "The one thing I was never able to figure out was why they were targeting the universes they did. Only reason I can think of as to why they spared the universe of those two ladies is because it's rich in certain resources that are extremely rare in most of the other realities I've traveled to." Okora stepped away from Tabaga and stood next to the shorter Kai. "There was one other thing." She said quietly as she looked at the Kai who nodded that she could continue. "There were a few times during my imprisonment I heard a number of the higher-ups among the troopers speak. They would speak often of "The Imprisoned One." Once they realized I was trying to listen in they stopped talking about it around the prisoners. Most of them were "Re-purposed" anyway. Is it possible this "Imprisoned one" might have something to do with these attacks against the multiverse?" She asked carefully.</s>
<|message|>Darbin "I'd rather we try to repair our damage equipment than train with faulty, or damaged systems it could lead to a total breakdown and render our already small amount of resources even further. This is a scenario where we can't afford to be careless as we all know. But I'd like a direction kais. What exactly should we be aiming to do? If the imprisoned one is our enemy perhaps we should find a universe known for strong survivors, and try to recruit them. If not then simply aiming for the lower rank, and file is our best bet. But I am not a leader of men for the most part. All I can do is offer suggestions." Darbin states as he considers this imprisoned one. Is it just rumors from the brain washed mongrels' of the enemy? Or was there something more to it. He wasn't sure, not was he entirely capable of thinking about possible scenarios without more information which he was very much lacking in due to the circumstances of their situation.</s>
<|description|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current Chelsea Sparks - Old name Race: Caucasian Age: 25 Bio: Lizzie's had a pretty rough life, a native to the Mojave she's been through the wringer since she was born. Parents were killed when she was a kid by some raiders after getting false promises from the NCR about safety. Afterwards, she took to raiding herself, gaining somewhat of a dislike for the Republic. Eventually she joined up with others, and while they weren't quite big shot bandits like the Vipers, Fiends and such, they did well for themselves as one might expect raiders to do. Even earned themselves a bit of a notoriety, enough to gain a sizable bounty on all their heads. At least, until, there was a bit of a falling out over something. She doesn't exactly talk about it, but it ended with them dead with her alive. In an effort to both clear her name and set herself straight, she started bounty hunting, taking a new name in the process. To legitimize herself and cover her tracks, she deemed bringing their severed heads to the person in charge as a must. Despite everything, she maintains a somewhat cheerful attitude, and perhaps, takes a bit too much enjoyment in her new profession. Skills: Science - Lizzie's interest in science purely used to be chem based. After getting clean (mostly, still can't quite shake the jet), she put it to more survival focused things, and putting old world tech to use. She may not be the best, but she can get around most places. Guns - Learning to defend yourself and kill before your killed is a good idea. Lizzie's a notoriously good shot. Typically, she prefers long to mid range weapons, but can handle close range combat well enough as long as it doesn't take too long. Explosives -Explosives are a pretty quick answer to any problem. Watching the ensuing 'boom' is always fun, too. A bit of a pyromaniac in that regard. Sneak - Sometimes, a good sneak attack is needed. Sometimes, getting away from trouble and staying out is the best idea. Liz is pretty good at telling which is needed for each job. Talents: Perception Agility Flaws: Charisma Endurance Signature Weapon: Brush Gun Gear: .45-70 Gov't Ammunition, Hatchet, Modified Bounty Hunter Duster, Jet, Weapon Repair kit</s> <|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current Kid? She was pretty sure she was a grown up. "Powder gangers huh." Lizzie replied with a light laugh. "Y'know, I can't hate anyone who uses explosives like they do." Just 250 though? She could make more in an hour by robbing a caravan or something. Ugh, this was going to be annoying, wasn't it? Well, she couldn't complain too much. It was either that or start doing some raiding herself again, and she had decided to leave that. "Buuut if I'll get paid I'll take 'em out." Maybe she could finally get her mitts on some incendiaries. "None for now, boss lady." Lizzie got up from her chair. "Gonna see if Bete has any extra stuff I can borrow. Sounds easier than some of the...well, y'know." She grinned, not wanting to bring up her rather less than reputable past if she could. "Anything else I need to know?"</s> <|message|>Annabeth Elliot "Black Gold" "Pay is proportional to threat. Powder Gangs play tough, but any semi-competent militia can deal with the likes of them, dynamite or not. The only reason the Powder Gangers manage to hold Primm is because they jumped the sheriff and the deputy, leaving Primm without any leadership to coordinate a counter attack. Hell, I had half a mind to go down there myself since we get supplies from Primm, but I figured this would be a good first job for you." Annabeth pops open a bottle of sarsaparilla and takes a swig from it. She takes out another and offers it to you. "As for any other info, watch out for Thrasher. His cronies are a bunch of chumps but there's a reason the bounty is for him specifically. We've also reports that he and his band robbed a caravan running guns, so chances are each of those gangers are packing. Aside from that, you ought to be able to take care of yourself. And if you can't well... We'll see soon enough."</s> <|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current "Pfft, ahahah," Lizzie laughed, flashing a grin to Annabeth. "Me? Get taken out by a buncha splodey dumbos? Noooot a chance." Well, obviously they were armed and dangerous. Even more so if they were freshly resupplied by ransacking some caravan. Hm. Hmhm. Well, she could handle herself. No sense in thinking about this too hard. "They'll be dead before ya know it, boss lady." She headed out of the building, a friendly wave to Annabeth. She slung her brush gun over her shoulder, Lizzie went to find the friendly little ghoul by the name of Bete. She probably didn't have anything she could use yet - not to mention not having any materials herself, but hey, no hurt in asking. As small as the Lone Wolf radio station was, it didn't take her too terribly long to find the kid ghoul. "Hey, Bete!" Lizzie walked up wearing her usual smile. "Wanted to see if ya had anything useful layin' around before I left on a bounty."</s> <|message|>Annabeth Elliot "Black Gold" Bete was at her workstation with various computer parts scattered on her desk. From the looks of it Bete had somehow found a pipboy and was in the process of cannibalizing it's parts for something. When you arrived she looked up at you. "Ah Lizzie, about to go on a job huh?" Despite being a ghoul, Bete's voice sounded relatively normal, young even, except for one thing: A notable robot autotune. It's something of an open secret that Bete's voice is augmented by her mask, filtering her real voice to something less gravely. She doesn't like to talk about it. "Well, I've been busing with some personal projects, but I think I might have something around here. Let's see... Ah, I do have these." Bete dug around behind her desk and pulled up a small crate of bottles. They looked like Sunset Sarsaparilla bottles, however instead of a normal bottle cap they had a thick fiber cork. "I figured since Anna doesn't bother to clean up her drinks, I'd recycle the bottles into something useful. Simple firebombs, glass bottles filled with some fuel and a little special something to make sure it can make a decent splash. Just light the cap on fire and throw it at something really hard, and you got yourself a little homemade incendiary bomb. Bete takes two bottles out and slides them to you. "Since you're new, you can have these two on the house. The rest however I'm stockpiling in case I need to clear out some geckos. Buuuuuut I'm willing to trade you some extra ones for say, fifty caps a pop?"</s> <|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current "Ooh, fire." Lizzie's smile widened considerably. She was probably biased since she was a bit of a pyromaniac, but fire always made everything ten times cooler. Lizzie picked up one of the bottles, swishing the bottle around in her hand. She tied both to her belt, right next to the hatchet hanging from her waist. "I'll take ya up on that offer once I get some more caps on me." She gave the ghoul a friendly bap on the head. More firepower was always a good idea. Maybe she could just...burn the entire Bison Steve down. No one would miss it, would they? Naaah. "I'll try not to burn anything down with 'em." She laughed, turning away from the Ghoul. "Laters, I gotta date with a Bison named Steve." Lizzie stepped out of the bounty office, the hot Mojave sun harshly greeting her. Nothing new, there. Just another new day in the desert. Wouldn't be the Mojave without sand, heat, and she was probably going to be adding a few bullets soon enough. Assuming Annabeth or Bete didn't try stopping her before she left, her boots turned towards Primm.</s> <|message|>Annabeth Elliot "Black Gold" From the clifftop, you could see Primm in the distance. While no desert jewel, the sight of the ruined city was a welcome reprieve for travelers thanks to being one of the few major settlements in the Mojave Wasteland. It was one of the few places with a working water reservoir, giving it immense value to traders and travelers. The town itself also had various tradesmen and crafters, mostly in electronics and even robotics. The Vikki and Vance Casino itself was it's main attraction; while it's payout is worse than Vegas and doesn't really have as much class, it still offered a fun experience if you want to waste away your caps, and the food served there is better than eating geckos and bloat flies. Of course, that was Primm before. Ever since the NCR moved in, things started to get shaky for Primm. It's no secret that while Primm wasn't a bad town, it's vices and services were popular among unsavory folk who would stalk the hills and hit caravans trying to make it to town. Primm had it's own law to keep the peace but that was only good to stop the violence in the town, not outside of it. And when the NCR moved in, those customers stopped showing up. And since they stopped showing up, caps started to run a bit dry even as people got comfortable with the peace. Too comfortable. And thus, their current situation: lawless and taken over by common criminals, even with the NCR just a stone throw away, they too are too limited in number to commit to a operation to clear the town, who never had a good relationship with Primm either way. Then again the NCR hasn't done a very great job at being friendly with most of the Mojave's native inhabitants in the first place. It would take about thirty minutes or so to trek down the mountain. No clear path had been beaten down yet for you to get to the town very quickly unless you want to start jumping off cliffs and hope you survive the landing. And as Bete mentioned, there are a few geckos running around hunting and being a general nusience. While smart enough to stay away from the office, the vermin showed little fear in attacking anyone on the mountain path no matter how big they are. The radiation may have made them bigger and stronger, but it also killed their sense of self-preservation. Thus it wasn't long before you ran into small pack of gecko hunters. They seemed to be prowling for prey, and if they spotted you, you could be certain that their little brains will consider you food and try and chase you down. Fortunately you were on a ridge above them and they haven't noticed you yet, but they are searching and staying alert.</s> <|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current She had been to Primm before, a few times. One of the few places where ne'er-do-well's and general less savory sorts like she had used to be could have some relatively good, clean fun. So long as she kept her nose clean in the city. Mostly though, she had simply used it to get chems and restock on provisions. Seeing it in the distance reminded her briefly of her distaste for the NCR. If they actually did their damn jobs then things wouldn't have gotten like they were. "Oh, lunch." Immediately upon seeing the five Gecko's, though, her thought process entirely. She should probably pay far more attention to the Mojave. She'd get killed if she didn't. She immediately dropped to a knee, pulling her Brush gun from around her shoulder. They hadn't noticed her yet, she could avoid them, but she had plenty of ammo, and gecko meat was delicious. She took aim towards the gecko's on the ground below, starting with the one closest to her, aiming a shot right towards its cranium.</s> <|message|>Annabeth Elliot "Black Gold" For geckos, a 5.56 round was more than enough to put down a gecko, especially with a bullet to the head. But with a .45-70, the gecko's cranium was more than shot, it was splattered, sending blood and gore to the other geckos nearby. The loud noise shocked them, leaving them stunned for just a moment. They looked around quickly and spotted you. Despite the sudden and violent death of it's fellow gecko, the other four thought of nothing but to hunt the prey before them. They quickly began to scramble up the cliff in your direction; a feat that normally would take a person a good set of climbing gear and a prayer to do, but these gecko hunter's webbed appendages and relative light weight allowed for this sort of three-dimensional maneuvering. But this greater mobility also came with an obvious weakness: these geckos wouldn't be able to dodge bullets as they climbed towards you.</s> <|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current Lizzie unconsciously licked her lips as the Gecko head splattered into giblets. There was something fun about just watching something explode like that. Quickly, as they scrambled up the wall she positioned her gun downwards, over the edge of the cliff. Swiftly, two more shots were unloaded at two different geckos in an effort to thin their numbers before they got to her. As soon as the second shot left the chamber, she backed away from the cliff edge, ready to put more rounds into the Gecko the moment they climbed over.</s> <|message|>Annabeth Elliot "Black Gold" Sure enough both geckos fell off the walls as giblets. It was a bloody mess and frankly one of them wouldn't have much meat left on him to eat unless you was to scrap up his remains into kebabs. Despite this overwhelming firepower the last two geckos continued to climb up until they were finally on the ridge with you. It was a narrow ridge, so it was close-quarters combat. And it wouldn't take long for them to charge at you trying to bite your legs. Their teeth were like forty switch blades being popped out all at once, ready for stabbing into some meat.</s>
<|message|>Lizzie Wheeler - Current Maybe she shouldn't be quite so eager to blast them, a bunch of meat was goin' to waste. Eh, oh well. Realizing she didn't have quite as much room as she thought, Liz opted for some close quarters combat. She grabbed the barrel of her gun, swinging the butt of her rifle into the mouth of one of the lizards, using the weapon more like a glorified baseball bat than its intended purpose. She didn't take time to holster the rifle, instead simply letting the weapon fall to the ground and attempting to dodge the second gecko and using the time to pull her hatchet from her belt.</s>
<|description|>Katherine Lindall-Fiore Race: Fallen Aasimar Age: 18 Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Appearance: While she has a slight bit of a Celestial heritage, the is also a history of Fiend heritage. This is represented by a small black spade-ended tail from her posterior. Level: 0 Proficiency: +1 Health: 1 Stats: Strength – 9 (-1) Dexterity – 14 (+2) Constitution – 8 (-1) Intelligence – 14 (+2) Wisdom – 12 (+1) Charisma – 17 (+3) Proficient Skills: Arcana +1(prof) + 2(mod) = +3 History +1(prof) + 2(mod) = +3 Proficient Tools: Traits: Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision: Blessed with a radiant soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Celestial Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage. Healing Hands: As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Light Bearer: You know the Light cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. Researcher: When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign. Abilities: N/A Inventory: A bottle of black ink, quill, a small knife, a letter from her dead Foster Father posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp Background: Katherine's beginning was a sad one. From what could be gathered, she was born as a being of celestial heritage known as an Aasimar. If it were just that, it would have been a wonderful existance... That said, she also had a spade-ended tail. Supposedly from past heritage of fiends. It would seem as if she was born from special parents, each of which had ancestors that were celestial and fiends. Unable to handle a supposed child of omen, she was abandoned on the steps of the God of Charity. She was taken in, though not without hesitation. While the baby had the beautiful complexion of an Aasimar, they wondered what the tail on the child meant. Not long after, a street wizard by the name of Yorick Lindall, came by and spotted the child. He then asked a priestess what was the matter with her. The priestess then told him that her parents abandoned her, most in the church supposed that it was from the appearance of a spade-ended tail on what could be considered a celestial child. Many feared her as an ill omen, though such things were of course false. Curious about the girl, Yorick offered to take her in. At first, the priestess was going to object, though she thought about how in the week since the girl showed up attendance has dropped and donations have as well. She excused herself to talk to the matron of the place. After a very short talk, the woman returned with a couple of items... A blanket, some mushed food and a few other things and handed the baby over to the man. He asked if the child had a name. The answer was no, he would have to name her. With hardly a thought, he decided to name her after his sister that died in childhood. Katherine. Katherine Lindall. Yorick watched as Katherine grew up. She was like any other girl her age or rather, she was fairly smart. He took a guess, but he started to teach her about magic. The years they were together he taught her what he could about magic. How to tell what was magical, how to tell what exactly a magical item was... Alas, she never seemed keen on actually using magic. Nor did she seem accepting of the Spell Book he put together for her. Either way, he kept her working together with him on magical theories and problems. They lived a fairly happy life. Around when Katherine was eight, two things started happening. Every week, she seemed to get a major headache that would go away after a couple of minutes, and Yorick got sick. At first, it was very minor but over time it got worse and worse. They still worked together until she was 10. 4 months before her birthday he was bed-ridden and unable to do anything. She took care of him until his death two months after she turned 11. He had income on a couple of different things, mostly things of an alchemical nature. Whatever the case, she could not afford for herself. She had enough money to pay for the man's funeral, and at the event. At the climax of the funeral, after Yorick's body was laid to the ground and covered by some of the people in the poorer part of town that he had helped before, people came to give their condolences. That much was to be expected. Katherine seemed despondent. She stood in front of the grave for while after most everyone left. The only constant in her life was now gone. She hadn't even thought about what to do now. She didn't get much of a chance though as two rich people approached her. They greeted her, and she turned around. The both looked well to do. The male was in robes and well groomed. Meanwhile, Katherine couldn't keep her eyes off the woman... Until she realized she was looking at her as much as she was. The two introduced themselves as the heads of House Fiore. A family of Sorcerers and Wizards. They continued that they owed a debt to Yorick and when he knew that he was going to die, he asked them to watch after his little girl for him. A well to do house would do better than a dead man after all. With that in mind, they attended the funeral and allowed Katherine to sit through her grief before asking. The girl thought for a few minutes but she soon came to an answer. Katherine had little else she could do but accept. However, she asked if she could gather a few things from her home before she followed them to her new one. They allowed it and she quickly made it to the small house gathering some supplies. Her favorite writing quill, a couple of books she shared fond memories of, a small knife that Yorick used to gather ingredients and Yorick's component pouch that he kept 10 gold coins in. Just in case. After she was done, she left and followed the couple to their mansion home, her eyes locked on the woman the entire time. When she got there, she was introduced the the maid staff and the familiy's children. She still felt distant from others. Over the next year, her mood improved and she started interacting with the children. She had some issues, but they all got along well enough. She was treated like family, to her surprise. She never had a good opinion of these noble types beforehand, though Yorick had told her not to make quick judgements of people. She thought that he might have been correct on this. The years passed and she and the others grew. She even grew closer to one of the other of her adoptive siblings... One Livia Fiore. The two of them tended to sneak off to where they wouldn't be found... She had good, but not so good relationships with her other two siblings. The older sister she would tend to hit on, though at the same time she wouldn't succeed. Sadly. The younger brother she'd play with in his younger years, though that'd change to dressing him in cute clothes. All the while, the headaches stayed and they grew worse. She kept this secret from her adoptive parents, though she couldn't hide it from the head maid and her siblings. She told them it was nothing to worry about, and though there was some obvious questioning, she got them to stop asking. It was around this time she started to hear voices in her head. After some time, Livia was sent to the Frontier Town. That was the one person Katherine felt the closest bond with (for good reason) and found herself flustered by this turn of events. A few days after she heard in her head, "Oh, my poor child. Your toy has left you, hasn't she? Well, that's fine. All you need to do is go to the Frontier. There's something there that can prove your worth in the world. Your reason for existance." Unable to think of else to do, she packed supplies and took some necessities... Well, the last thing she did before leaving was to kiss her "older sister" on the lips, leaving only the knowledge that, "I'll be back, dear sister."</s> <|message|>Ethan Bradford Cypher Ethan entered the general store and took a quick once over of the merchandise being offered in it. There were mostly farming implements and other produce. Though what caught the attention of both his eyes and stomach was the wheels of cheese in the display. 'Oooh, those are some fine looking wheels of cheese.' He thought to himself as he imagined how good a slice of that delicious dairy product would be on a warm slice of freshly baked Rye bread and a warm bottle of mead. He raises both of his hands and pats his cheeks slightly. 'Focus Ethan, focus.' He internally chided himself, he was here to pick up the ingredients ordered by Sips. He can eat dinner when he got back to Frontier Town. He turns to face the young man and offers him a warm smile and a friendly tip of his fancy hat before speaking to him. "Good day! My name is Ethan. I am the courier sent by Sips to pick up his order of ingredients." No Rolls done this turn [Equipped Items] Traveler's Clothes x 1 Fancy Hat x 1 Walking Stick (Quarterstaff) x 1 [Other Items] Pouch containing 4 gp x 1 Jeweled Ring (worth 10 gp) x 1 Metal Flute x 1 Poorly wrought maps of homeland x 1 Corrected map x 1 Torches x 3 [NEW!] Tinderstick Bundle x 1 [NEW!] Low quality folding knife x 1 [NEW!]</s> <|message|>Jarynth Robincrest Jarynth Robincrest Baron of Berries Vintage Virtuoso can also shoot a bow --- Current Location: Barthen's Bartered Goods --- Overhearing the conversation between Barthen and Shem'et brought Jarynth much excitement. This was the first opportunity where he could actually put his skills to the test! And not only that, but he might possibly be able to understand the lay of the land, as well! Without a second thought, Jarynth made his way for the counter, unbuttoning his coin purse as he prepared his pitch to Barthen. Clearing his throat, he began... "I am Jarynth Robincrest, Baron of Berries, Vintage Virtuoso, and Friend to All! I come from the Winemaker's Guild and I was directed to seek you if I wished to do business. I've overheard your plight, however, and if you require aide in fermentation, then allow me some time for a demonstration! But first, I would like to accompany your Tabaxi friend, if both you and her don't mind... Oh, but I may need protection, yes? If you are selling any sort of swords, then that would surely suffice!" Without a second thought, Jarynth placed ten gold coins on the counter. "This should be enough for what would suit me, yes? Something light enough for me to use quickly, and short enough for me not to worry about narrow spaces! Oh, and if I don't look the type to use a blade, I must remind you that I have proudly trained in the martial arts of my people! Not that I'm bragging, or anything... I would rather brag about my bowmanship, anyway. I am well-read as well, so finding these reagents of yours should be easy for me!" As soon as the transaction was made, Jarynth quickly thanked Barthen for his time and business before rushing off to follow Shem'et. Working in the field is so exciting for the bubbly Elf man, especially if it meant learning more about this new land he has found himself in. Whether he would instantly get lost, however, was another matter entirely... HP: 2/2 AC: 13 Passive Perception: 13 Mapping it out: Survival (Wis) 4 Looking for Ironsand: Nature (Int) 15 And now, Greenwarish: Nature (Int) 15 Items in italics have been newly acquired within the time of posting. Equipped * Traveler's Clothes * Shortsword Carried * Brewer's Supplies * Letter of Introduction (Winemaker's Guild) * Belt Pouch (5 GP)</s>
<|message|>Katherine Lindall-Fiore Katherine listened to Livia... It didn't seem like she believed her. Well, it was a bit crazy. "No, I'm not going to follow you all the way. While you went to get the Auroch, I was planning on checking the other places out. After this I planned on checking the Underhaven, though I wouldn't complain if you wanted to come with me really quick. In case this place doesn't have the Resin, I can go check the mines." At about that time, they arrived at the store and Livia initiated the conversation. Ten gold for the bag of seeds? Well, she had less than that on her person. If her and Livia could split it halfway, they'd get paid back later anyway. "Well, Livia, what say we split the cost of the seeds since Maeda mentioned she'd pay use back later." She took out five gold from her repurposed component bag and held them out to Livia and then placing them on the counter top. "Ten gold, right, my good man?"</s>
<|description|>Maria Marjorie Moretti Gender: Female Age: 29 Appearance: Maria has a lightly tanned complexion inherited from her Italian father and her Spanish mother. Maria is all angles and sharp edges-she comes from a long line of tall, bony women with high cheekbones and an angular facial structure. In her awkward teen years, Maria appeared gangly and boyish, but she has grown into her figure nicely and has made the subtle yet immediately noticeable transition from "bony" to "slender". She is still inordinately tall, though, standing at 5 feet and 10 inches. Nothing to be done about that. Maria's hair is a warm, honey-brown color. It is thick and straight, falling about halfway down her back. Maria is fond of styling her hair in all the latest fashions, which requires the extensive use of steel rollers and hair rags. Her eyes are blue-green and usually lined with heavy make-up. Maria has the long fingers of a piano player, mostly due to her genetics (she has never played the piano in her life), and she had perfected the art of gliding across a room. Maria is willowy and graceful, with the posture of a prima ballerina. Her lips are rather average, but with the purposeful application of her favorite red lipstick, they appear to be full and pouty. Not all of Maria's beauty comes naturally. She worked on her posture and her walk for years, and she keeps herself on a strict diet to maintain her figure (Maria knows for a fact that she couldn't pull off a curvaceous, statuesque look, even if she had any curves; she is much too tall for it) and to keep her skin smooth and freckle-free. After all, when you're in the same business as Maria, your beauty is practically all you've got. Personality: To others, Maria is a sultry, intoxicating temptress, capable of charming the secrets right out of someone with a coy glance and a flutter of her long eyelashes. She reads people like an open book, a skill honed through years spent in her particular line of work. Sharply observant, perceptive, and brutally analytical, Maria has been taught how to detect subtle shifts in emotion, how to seduce a man (and perhaps even a woman, though Maria has yet to cross that bridge), and how to kill someone in a dozen different ways while dancing the waltz. Enigmatically charismatic, Maria exudes a certain aura that instantly draws people to her. She puts up a playful and coquettish front all while maintaining a certain air of mystery that unfailingly attracts the attention of her target. Elegant and refined, Maria is able to engage in lengthy discussions about a wide range of topics, from European literature to the latest technological advancements and Parisian cosmetics. Maria hides a spine of steel behind red lipstick and expensive silk gowns, pretending that she has morals and "womanly sensitivities" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean). In truth, Maria is as about as cold-hearted as they get, thinking mostly of herself and the few people she genuinely cares about. She can be stupidly, blindly loyal to a person or a cause, to the point where she is sacrificing everything for one single thing. Maria is sly and shrewd, often manipulating and blackmailing people into doing her bidding. When she isn't around clients, Maria comes off as a bit stand-offish and aloof, although she is fiercely protective of her "girls". She values her independence and is truly afraid of very few people. Deadly and alluring, Maria holds no qualms against playing men like a flute to achieve her own goals. And oh, play them she does-most people don't stand a chance against the wiles of the venomously beautiful Maria Moretti. Background history: Maria was the product of a one-night stand in between an Italian gangster and a dockside whore. She grew up on the streets of New York City, foraging for food during the day while her mother worked the wharves and piers of the city at night. Maria's mother told her of her true ancestry when Maria was nine; how she came from a long line of women with...special gifts, and how these women had taken advantage of their gifts through the centuries. Descended from Spanish gypsy snake charmers that fled the country during the reign of Queen Joanna the Mad, Maria's mother could hypnotize others with her big brown eyes, draw people to her with a single touch, and poison someone with a kiss. Maria's own abilities began to manifest in her early teens, and she suddenly understood how her mother could make so much money in the span of a single night. It was another few years before Maria's mother revealed why she came to America. After getting mixed up with a dangerous crowd in London, Maria's mother woke up one day to find that she'd been robbed of everything she owned. Penniless and with nowhere else to go, she plied her trade until she had enough money to pay for passage across the Atlantic. Once she had arrived in New York City, she intentionally sought out a man to get her pregnant, for if the women of Maria's line reach thirty-five years of age without giving birth to a daughter, they die. Maria's mother taught her everything she knew until she (rather ironically) died of the Spanish flu during World War I. Maria wasn't even twenty at the time. Thankfully, her mother had left Maria with a considerable sum of money and her father's name and current address. Armed with that information, Maria packed her bags and made her way to Chicago. When Maria got to Chicago, she snuck into her father's ostentatious home and confronted him. He practically had a heart attack at the sight of her, but he recognized those alluring, mesmerizing eyes and intoxicating touch immediately, despite how long it had been, and he saw how incredibly useful Maria's abilities could be. Maria changed her last name to Moretti and began working as a high-class escort in one of Chicago's speakeasies while secretly passing along information to her father, who ran a vicious gang. Maria spied for her father-Alessandro Rossini-for a couple of years before she began running a bordello herself. Alessandro passed along funds for the establishment, and in exchange, Maria passed along any pertinent information and did odd favors for him anytime that he needed it. Maria developed a fierce, if unrequited, sort of loyalty to her father as a result of their highly profitable partnership. She is also ferociously protective of the young women who work in her bordello, though she won't take any shit from them. Maria frequently wears long, ornate hairpins that have wickedly-sharp ends in her hair. She normally has some sort of blade hidden in her bodice or under her skirt, and she sometimes conceals a pretty little pistol with gilt metalwork and a mother-of-pearl handle on her person. Maria is no soldier, but she has a knack with blades and most certainly knows how to shoot a gun. Maria found herself in trouble in 1940 when the police linked a recent death to her. The man that was killed was last seen with her; indeed, Maria had kissed him hard in an alleyway, poisoning him. Maria was arrested. At first, she was unworried, certain that Alessandro would somehow bail her out, especially considering the fact that she'd killed the man at his bidding, but as time went on, it soon became clear that no help was coming. Maria decided to take matters into her own hands and attempted to escape the facility she was being held in. She was unsuccessful, though the authorities discovered that anyone she kissed ended up dying. When the government began assembling a team of powered individuals to take down Hitler and the Nazis, Maria was offered her freedom after the war was over if she helped to fight. Maria accepted, though she cares more about her vengeance than Adolf Hitler. Maria is worried that she will not be able to give birth to a girl before she turns thirty-five. She only has six years left, and who knows how long the war could take? Superpower and how the character got it: Maria is able to hypnotize others by looking directly into their eyes. Eye contact must be maintained, and the effects usually wear off after an hour or so. She can only hypnotize one person at a time. Maria is immune to most, if not all, forms of poison, and there are trace amounts of poison in her skin. Prolonged skin-to-skin contact with Maria will make the other person feel foggy and a bit like they are drunk. It will make Maria seem irresistible as well, depending on the person. There is also a lethal, fast-acting poison in her saliva, which can kill a man within thirty minutes. Maria wears a thick layer of lipstick to dilute or nullify the poison if she has a client that she doesn't want to accidentally poison. There are also times when she wears poisoned lipstick, when she needs a poison that works even faster than her natural one. Nobody is quite sure how exactly Maria's ancestors originally obtained their abilities, but Maria is fairly certain that it had something to do with their natural affinity for snakes. She isn't entirely sure where the part about giving birth to a girl comes in, however. Maria resents that she must give birth in order to survive; she places high value in her independence and feels like the one stipulation was somehow placed on the women in her family by backwards old men who couldn't stand seeing women having so much power.</s> <|message|>Anton G'iscard - "L'étincelle" or "Spark" --- --- Anton G'iscard "L'étincelle" --- --- Anton kept quiet for the first part of the briefing, listening intently to what the unknown government agent told them about their new assignment; their first assignment. In short it was like nothing Anton had paricepated in before; infiltrating an upper-class banquet undercover, defend their target and locate the would-be assassins. Like he said, it was like nothing he had ever done before. The comments, or better described as scepticism described by his teammates, didn't make the situation any better. First it was Bel who raised her concerns regarding the task, followed by Maria, Johnathan, Kaneda and Walter. All pitching in with different arguments and thoughts of their own, it was clear to Anton that few in the room were eager to take on the task for different reasons. And Anton was having none of it. "Seeing as you have managed to gaz'her all of z'his information, how difficult would it be to rearrange ze guest-list?" Anton raised his hand and stood up as he asked his superiors, taking a quick look at Kaneda before he proceeded. "I may not have a perfect American accent, but my native tongue can be used just as effectivly. Captain, Agent, how strange would it be if a French officer were to attend ze banquet? Or quebecois? I mean, if high-ranking enough, it could be seem possible for a distinquished Allied officer to, how do you said it, mingle wi'hz ze American upper classes? We are at ze same side in z'his war after all, no? And Kaneda could impose as a Chinese officer or diplomat, perhaps even an subordinate Indochinese officer under me?" Anton turned briefly to look at the others, taking in their faces and emotions as he continued to talk to them. They who seemed so reluctant to do their part in this battle of civilizations. "We are at war, mon ami. We all have a part to play in z'his, if we like it or not. Search for ze solutions, not ze obsticals."</s> <|message|>Captain David Stevens, also known as the Sentinel. "The mission has been already approved by the command, and they want results", Colonel Clarke said. He knew that the team was an odd concert to conduct, and their concerns and objections weren't the first ones he had heard from his operatives. "But as monsieur G'iscard pointed out, we should look for solutions, not at the obstacles. The whole situation is a mess, to put it mildly, and that's why I chose military over politics when I was your age. But we can either bicker about the details, or we can get our hands dirty and try to save both of them. They are great assets to the war effort, and if we lose Kellerman, we lose one of the cleverest minds of industry. And Emmerich is a great mediator in the Senate, a man of reason between the Democrats and Republicans." "Thank you, Colonel", Hanks said, looking at the senior officer first and then to Bélasy. "To answer your concerns, Corporal, we have a half a dozen feds in the party with you undercover, all well versed in the case, but as the Bureau doesn't have any supers as the OSS has, we need to lend you. And there'll almost a hundred guests attending the party, so there shouldn't too great an effort to blend in. Just in case the spook tries to act, you'll be there. The party is in few days time, so we can still influence the guest list to include soldiers of our allies without much suspicion, as the Frenchman has happily pointed out." Hanks then looked at Johnathan and Walter, addressing their questions and concerns. "The party will have a formal dress code, and will be held in one of the finest hotels in New York, so I hope you can act the part. And Emmerich supports, to put it shortly, equality between peoples, and one of his pet projects has been improving the situation of blacks and coloured, so I'd lend him a helping if I were you."</s>
<|message|>Maria Marjorie Moretti Maria hissed angrily as she listened to the military officer respond to their concerns. Men, she thought contemptuously. The entire lot of those damn fools can't ever seem to listen to anyone but themselves. Maria bit down hard on her tongue to keep from breaking something. When she looked back up again, her eyes were cold as ice. "Well, Colonel, tell command that their plan is..." Maria paused delicately. The word 'bullshit' sat at the tip of her tongue, but she opted for something slightly more...courteous, instead. "Tell them that their plan is flawed. Extremely flawed." Another pause. "Tell me, gentlemen"-the word 'gentlemen' said with no little amount of scorn and disdain-"what are your proposals for these miraculous solutions? I was under the impression that obstacles should be observed, then eliminated, not completely ignored." Maria thought for a moment, then shrugged languidly. "I have, ah, experience with delicate situations such as the one that we have been presented with. What you want us to do is...keep an eye out for a person who wants to see Senator Emmerich eliminated? One who could potentially make a move during the event?" Maria tilted her head to the side and assessed the Colonel and agent with hard, flinty eyes. "Have you gentlemen thought to check the guest list yet? Or perhaps, as I suggested earlier, make inquiries with Caine and the younger Kellerman, or at least people who know or know of them?" Maria leaned back in her chair, her hard stare remaining fixed on the colonel and the government agent. Good grief. I don't understand why I expected these people to be even passably competent. Alessandro could have done better than this, and he is only half as cunning as he likes to think he is. Even he is not immune to the gifts that my mother and I were born with. My very existence only proves this point. Finally, the government agent addressed where the actual party was taking place-at a glitzy hotel in New York City, apparently. Maria let out a snort of amusement. "Pardon me if I'm wrong," she began, her tone not at all apologetic, "but if we are to blend in with a group of wealthy businessmen and politicians and their wives and various associates, then all hope is lost." Maria scrutinized the group of superpowered individuals. "I daresay that the majority of the people assembled in this room could not tell a salad fork from a pastry fork. If you want us to infiltrate high society, then this task will be much more complicated than you originally anticipated it to be."</s>
<|description|>Gentileschi, Henri Dominique. spoiler, this character is set to 'die' and be inactive for the remainder of the game Species: Half-automaton, half-golem. Age: At least a century (factual), thirty-something (appearance). Gender: Male. Appearance: Looks like a regular handsome middle-aged man with greying black hair. When viewed from relatively close, his skin has several slices throughout, and the reflective sheen of the inflexible ceramic material it's made of could not be mistaken. Dons any such variety of male medieval formal wear. Bio: History tells of a great human painter from more than a century ago. Henri Dominique Greene. His works, signed 'H.D.G.' at the back, still adorn the walls of Kindeance's castle. Portraits of old monarchs. Images of nature, oddly lacking for animals. A medical document stating that he began coughing out blood, whenever he painted animals who'd then come out alive from their canvases. A letter to the royal mage whom he courted and was later engaged to, informing of his decision to isolate from society. A second letter, an invitation to his funeral, held at the Greenes' mansion. None but the King have yet made the connection between that painter of old, and this non-painter who shares nearly the same name, aside from the surname of his true mother before the Greenes' adoption after her passing. Nowadays, he roams the kingdom as a mage and handyman, and, since very recently, lecturer to the prince. Traits: Golem Automaton - Inorganic body. Immune to physical pain. Immune to poison and disease. Immune to basic needs like food, water, air and sleep. Absorbs mana within close range. Converts most sources of energy into mana. Resistant to most forms of magic. Has a 30-foot radius of perception (via a low, constant emission of infrared; has a byproduct of perceiving temperatures) around his core's center of mass. Hears by picking up vibrations on those in contact with the core. Metal Sense - Can sense most metals and the global north direction. Not a spell. Artificial Qi Vessels - Spells only affect those under at most indirect physical contact. Skills: Eidetic Memory Lesser Occult - Limited knowledge on witchcraft and demonology. Arcane Aptitude (mastery, source) - Can mimic others' spells, given enough exposure or instruction. Spells: Telekinesis (innate) Temperature Increase (innate) Core Spreading (innate) - Injects a piece of his golem core into an object, qualifying the object as himself for the purposes of other spells. Lasts for up to 2 spells. Inorganic Repair (100%, Ember) Ward (2%, Scroll of Ward) Flash (0%, Scroll of Flash) Arcane Bolts (5%, Scroll of Arcane Bolts) Detect Magic (1%, Cedar) Enhance/Grow Vegetation (2%, Cedar) Ultravision (1%, Jazdia Crystalspark) Incorporeal Form (1%, Solomon Sparrow) Equipment: Bottle of a curious powder, small - Inflicts sneezing and nose blindness. Cedar's inventory - Dark brown and green 'holocaust cloak'/robes. Large wooden staff. Small hand axe. Small boot knife. Ball of twine. Antler knapping tool. Flints. Modified water barrel. Rope. Shovel. Crate of vodka bottles × 2 Crate of whiskey bottles × 1 Deck of cards - 52-card deck, made of cardboard, paste and paper. Henri's Eye × 2 - Enchanted orbs of ivory, used to see. Has to be within 3 meters of user. Iron kite shield Ironsword Family Medallion - Belongs to Matilda's birth father. Map to the ruins Metal flask - Mineral oil. Pocket watch Scroll of Ward × 3 Scroll of Flash × 3 Scroll of Arcane Bolts × 3 Other: Insides made of mostly iron. Black shoes with bronze soles. Loud clacking footsteps on hard surfaces. Keeps calling Cedar 'Cedrick'. Has never killed anyone. Yet.</s> <|message|>Gentileschi, Henri Dominique. Charon. This man, he hasn't aged a day. He does know of the former Henri the painter, but he doesn't yet know of his current circumstance, of being a non-human, non-painter. Henri made a mental note to divulge this to Charon, one of these days. These must be seeds for fruits and vegetables, with the way he said it. Hmm, he cares not for nutrition for he cannot eat... No, he supposes the others would like to eat healthy. "Thanks, how thoughtful of you." As for the barrel... "Yes, this barrel will do perfectly. Thank you." Henri grabs the barrel and turns it upside down, invoking his Telekinesis to shake off the rest of the dust. "I doubt any such supervisor would be able to do anything to either of us, although, I might not be able to return this barrel in the next few days if at all... You know what, just tell them that I stole it. What are they going to do? I'm not one to pull rank but... Well, I do not have a rank, to be honest." He jested. The barrel doesn't have a spigot. Henri might have to design something that can resist the force of a 10-foot bear, lest he drown these seeds. For now, a blob of molten iron seeps out of Henri's hand. Then, he lightly punches one of the metal rings of the barrel to weld some kind of handle onto it. Charon witnesses this and simply nods in admiration. Henri side-eyed him. Charon won't question this odd feat? Hm. He was going to use this as an opportunity to ask how Charon hasn't aged... Holding the barrel by this new handle with the seeds inside, Henri offers his other fist to be bumped with another fist. "Well, then. Good to see you again, Charon. I might not be here for the next several days. Take care." Charon answers the fist bump. "I'll see you soon, Mistah 'Enry."" Henri then skates away, towards the stables where he presumes the rest of the team already are. This post edited with Pakde's help because forum posts aren't allowed to be less than a paragraph long.</s> <|message|>Kagetane Chounan The ronin gave a small bow to Matilda, then traveled quickly to the stable to collect his horse. He needed to see the smith and time was running out, so he had to travel quickly. When he arrived at the blacksmith's, he was greeted by the man, and they talked about the amount of time it had taken to fill his order. The unusual time consuming nature of the work had resulted in a very high price, but he recieved a full order of a family of blades ranging from Katana to Tanto. Next was the armor. It was a full set of samurai armor, with a luxurious surcoat, embelished with artistic stylings: The Kabuto featured a pair of horns from a real minotaur, and the face mask was carved to resemble an angry demon. Finishing the ensemble, were a selection of throwing knives including Kunai and Shuriken. As if flaunting his wealth, he casually counted out the tendered amount, then handed the smith a nice bonus for his efforts, before quickly getting into his new armor. He decided not to wear the head armor while still in town, to avoid alarming the locals-- and instead tied his hair back in a traditional hair knot. Regrettably keeping his handsome facial on public. Departing the blacksmith's shop, he made a quick detour of his room at the inn, where he collected his personal papers and effects, in case they might be needed, then proceeded back to the stable. As he arrived, he found out that there are still no one on the stable neaeby the eastern gate. He head back quickly into the palace. He returned to the group where Matilda and Jazdia still remained. "Sorry to keep you wait Madame Matilda." He made a small bow with respect . "I haven't introduce myself to everyone in group. I'm Chōnan, Gold Ranking Adventurer."</s> <|message|>Matilda Ironsword Turning to face Yvonne trying to get her to stop for a moment, the orc paladin stopped for just a brief moment to speak, "We can introduce and get to know each other on the ride over to the hunting grounds. I would rather not waste time exchanging pleasantries, I do not want to miss the opportunity to find the prince." She understood why Yvonne wanted to know the people she would be working with, but time was of the essence. Then there is this elf, who expressed her positive opinion in a thinly veiled sarcasm. They couldn't see the expression she was making behind her helmet, but it was one of annoyance that Jazdia was right. She should not be talking about the mission out in public, in case an enemy was listening in. The elf then described her own plan, which Matilda must admit sounds very reasonable, save for one matter. "But I am curious why you assume that Hdur would be such a safe place to discuss such sensitive matters. It does have a reputation of being quite nefarious." "It is not the safest." the elf could be seen sighing before adding some emphasis to her words. "Nothing sensitive I am sure you know. But we still need a checkpoint. The closer to the venue the better. Then if you like it we can scout for a better place to make our own campfire." Matilda immediately gets the message. "Better than picking a random node in the wilderness and expecting everyone to know where exactly the place is. Got it! I am willing to go to Hdur, as long as we stick together. And not speak of this plan to anyone." She had a serious tone in her voice. She would personally decapitate the person that stopped her from saving the prince, including her would-be comrades. The elf smacked her armoured shoulder. It would be pretty painful, and Matilda was delighted to see her grimacing after that exchange. "We have everything planned. Let's move out people!"</s> <|message|>Yvonne Rosenving, "The Mad Blade" Yvonne was quiet for a moment as the motley crew split into two groups, but then she realized how lopsided it was. Two to five? Sure, a gold rank cant be pushover and the elf probably have honed her skills longer than Yvonne herself had lived, but number was important. Even a swordsmaster would have problem dealing with several novices with pikes. Of the other group Mattie should be able to hold her own while Cedar was likely as strong as a literal bear with human intellect on top. Doc Solomon was there to patch thing up. Dunno about the unassuming Henri but from what's displayed so far he should be able to hold his own. "Just one moment there, blondie. You looks like you need extra muscle. I'll come along with your group, yeah?" Yvonne very much would like to catch up with Mattie, but the job comes first. This should be a long-term gig anyway, she'd get the chance further down the line.</s> <|message|>Jazdia Crystalspark Ah, the first objection. Jazdia was starting to feel the urge for subterfuge was a bit pushing it and this lady being forthright was just something she needed. There was a hint of hesitation however when she confirmed this last-minute decision. "Are you sure? My plan to distribute the manpower was carefully thought out. But surely I might not have the most accurate assessment of your capability." Being already this technical, Jazdia reminded herself that the urgency to maintain the secrecy would give her fewer options to tell this petite noble lady why was it so important to stick with the plan. But no, there was no clear chain of command in this motley group, only recommendations. Except of course without disregarding Matilda's position as Fredricus' right-hand woman. So she asked her opinion, and the orc, showing the sign of someone being tunnel-visioned with her duty glowered back at her and then snorted. "Do whatever you wish." The crudeness of the answer surprised Jazdia, especially after hearing her deep, but otherwise professional tone earlier. The orc finally left the room for real. Without looking back, without repeating the order that it was time to move on. And those... people who agreed to be under her command should have known better to not dally any more. "Well I guess you heard her." ____ Entering the hall was the short oriental man wearing a newly forged piece of armor and multiple swords on his waist. He immediately introduced himself as Chōnan, Gold Ranking Adventurer. He was told by Matilda on the aisle to report to Jazdia... Who clearly wasn't so happy with his lack of punctuality. Those irritating minutiae were starting to erode the cordiality she showed so far, making her default stern expression even more apparent. "I guess we can skip the pleasantries for later. We must go before Fredricus decided to take these matters into his own hands."</s>
<|message|>Gentileschi, Henri Dominique. Henri was simply there by the stables, sitting on the barrel he carried to there, a mere three feet next to someone's horse. He might've came here too early. He exhaled. It bored him. There was an odd lack of a stableworker today, either. Alright then, might as well do something. With the town on edge during the recent events, it was oddly quiet in these stables while he embarked in the throes of cleaning this eternally unused water barrel. His telekinesis could only keep up appearances, he needed actual water. Well, he could also use telekinesis on the water, creating a localized cyclone inside the water barrel. He then dumped the dirty water out, and rinsed it again. Nicely done. Now, for the sprinkling system... It has to be something large enough for Ceddy's paw hands to just pull up, and a diligent spray of water would pour out on the side. Henri began to carve a large rectangular shape out of the side of the barrel, then filled the carved side with steel which he then poked small two-millimeter holes onto at the lower half, alternating to form diamonds if connected. Then, he added a frame outward that would tightly hold another sheet of metal only one-third as long as the first one. This sheet can be moved up or down to seal the watering holes. Then, the last thing is to attach a small hoop to the sheet to tie a long leather rope onto, and tying the other end of it to a smooth metal ring to pull easily from the shoulder. A few more checks to see if the external sheet slides smoothly, then filling up the water barrel to make sure water stays in when closed. Pulling the sheet up creates multiple tiny streams of water, much like a watering can. Amazing. After that exciting ordeal, he's back to simply sitting on the water barrel, now with a pony harness by his feet and a Scroll of Arcane Bolts in his hand. It would seem hasty and prone to misshaping if Henri were to turn this pony harness into a backpack sling for this Ceddy, as he knows not of his measurements and might build it too small. For now, he focused on studying this scroll, which if he guessed at the mechanics, should be as simple as pooling your mana at a spot and hurling its condensed form at your enemies... He wouldn't know until he tried, though. It's not safe to test this scroll in this area. Jazdia, huh... Where has he heard that name before? It's quite the unique name, but he couldn't pinpoint from where.</s>
<|description|>Zarxire Age: 44, but due to Tieflings aging slower he appears 31 Alignment: Neutral Good Race: Tiefling Class: Pyromancer Appearance/Clothing: Except with the typical Tiefling horns and tail Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Nobility), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Sense Motive, SpellCraft, Pyromancy, Survival Natural Abilities: Hellfire: "Tieflings are able to fuel their rage into their attacks, leaving burn marks on their foes without ever summoning a flame." -Adds fire damage to all melee attacks, can only be used when extremely pissed, which is easy for a tiefling. Spiked Tail: "Some tieflings tails grow in with a sharp serrated edge. These tails are typically thicker and can be used in combat." -Can use tail to attack Magic/Spells: Fireball: Umm, does this need a description. Flame Pillar: A giant pillar of flame erupts from the ground, encasing the targeted area in the fires of hell Blaze Storm: Flames exude from the user, coating the area around him in flames Fire in the Body: The user coats himself in fire, lashing out at all those around him Fire in the Mind: This spell makes all of the user's allies feel his burning rage, causing his partners to become more passionate in the fight Fire in the Soul: The user takes on the form of a 20 ft. flaming beast, although this is an illusion and those with high intelligence or those he has told of this skill are un-affected. Fire in the Blood (Passive): Whenever the user takes fire damage, he takes no damage and heals for 1/4 of the damage he would have been dealt. Additional Information: He hates it if someone touches his horns Weapons: No weapons Possessions: A long fire-retardant robe and cloak, and fire-proof boots of his design. Backpack full of books he hasn't finished yet. Personality: Typically a very level-headed and calm person, Zarxire has spent many years training to learn everything he could. Though in the heat of battle, he loses all sense of focus and lashes out at everything that stands in his way until everything that defies him is dead. History: Born to a small Tiefling community, Zarxire was a rather happy and average child. The day he turned 10, raiders destroyed his town. They were seeking to eliminate the "demon scum". All he remembers of this horrifying massacre were the flames boiling around him before he passed out. Luckily, the raiders thought him dead and passed him over, Zarxire woke up with nothing but burning ashes remaining of his town. After wandering in the wilds, learning all about it and how to survive in it, he finally came across a wizard's home on the edge of the woods. Due to him being young, his tails and horns had not grown in yet, so the wizard thought he was human and adopted the boy. Zarxire learned everything he could about magic, religion, the planes his kind originated from, and everything he could about the people, their culture, and their land. He would walk around the village that was not far from the wizard's house and would study the people, learning how they ticked. Sadly, as he grew older the only magic he could learn was fire magic which hinted at his origins. but when his horns started to grown in, it was obvious. The wizard sold him out the the militia, and Zarxire fled back into the woods, taking all the books he could with him. He built his own shelter, studied the books he had scavenged as well as a couple he had bought at markets if he could hide his horns and tail. Zarxire swore to fight against any and all injustice, whether it was dealt be demon, monster, human, or royalty. One day, he saw the notices for The Convent and saw it as his chance to prove himself. By helping a holy church, it would prove that he wasn't just some malicious demon. Not to mention that but his knowledge of the world would be very beneficial to the group. So Zarxire packed his books and made his way to the Village of Gorlton's Apothecary immediately, wondering who he would be teamed up with.</s> <|message|>Hanzo Jibero True enough, the activity picked up as a few more souls entered the shop, looking to invest in this quest. By the words the Sister provided, so few others had attempted to take up this job before they had all arrived today - a curious coincidence, Hanzo supposed. Nevertheless, the staff passed out to each willing patron a list of just the rare ingredients they would need to find, with the assurance they were provided with everything else. ...'Tear of Eyewing'? 'Blood of Mist Dragon'? These were indeed exceptionally rare ingredients to find at all, and at first Hanzo found himself unable to quite fathom what sort of concoction would require these things. But, then again, the monk did know that Cinder Sickness was not exactly a 'natural' sort of plague, so perhaps that called for an unnatural sort of cure. One of the more mysterious ladies that had arrived and made herself known within the group asserted that this job wasn't impossible. The roguish man was far less certain of that, him too being notably perplexed over these special extractions to be obtained. And then the situation simply grew more diverse, with a blood-spattered sorcerer that simply arrived to take a list and some containers, followed by an impish... imp? No, a goblin, rather; whatever the case, Sana was certain they had met before, apparently having been fellow adventurers in some past crusade. Of course, all the strangeness did not stop the rapidly-forming party from eschewing courteous manners. Taking a quick cue from the mystical Sana's introduction, the fair crimson-haired girl introduced herself as Fiona, sparking a chain of names given out by each member: Tobias was the cynical-sounding man accompanying Fiona, based on a few off-hand comments. The boisterous goblin was Drizzak, according to a surprised and then reassured Sana. The elfin maiden in holy garb was Vaeri, as she personally announced. Having arrived late, it took Hanzo a bit to piece together that the blaze-skinned tall man was called Zack. The strange undead with the yet stranger companion was Zam, and his companion Mortosh- no, wait, it was the other way around. Was it? Who was what, there? He had lost track in all the commotion. The monk furrowed his visage while racking his memory for the proper arrangement. As Hanzo tried to relieve the pressure by claiming a few of the vials for his possession in the group, Sana moved to the exit, offering the group the idea of staying at the local inn for breakfast. The monk rolled over the prospect in his head, and decided it would be proper to accept and join in. He came fully back to reality about when Sana mentioned that "Big Brut Pally Hugh" would be there; unfamiliar with her slang and having missed the context, Hanzo shot a brief look of puzzlement at the entrance where the gypsy had been standing, only to spot her already out the door. He breathed a quiet sigh through his nose and shook his head, somewhat exasperated over the turn of events that were playing out. "Quite a group we have assembled here," the lone traveler audibly mumbled. One final thing still nagged at his mind, though- "Before I forget myself, you may call me Hanzo. I am just a traveling monk who happened upon this plight, looking to give whatever aid I can."</s> <|message|>Tobias Tobias's eye spasmed as he surveyed the new arrivals. A goblin with a nasty-looking shortsword and a zombie with some kind of pixie-flower... thing. What was worse, nobody else seemed too concerned by this - the other human woman (Sana?) was even pleased to see the goblin; apparently, the two went back a ways. Well, a reason to distrust her had just landed in his lap, as though in answer to his prayers. And what was even better, the nuns wouldn't let slip what the payment was! And once again, nobody seemed bothered by that! Everyone assembled was apparently prepared to march off to do battle with Mist Dragons and Eyewings on the vague say-so of a nun who only promised 'something valuable'. Bloody adventurers. Well, he'd promised Fiona he'd take a look, and take a look he had. And guess what? He didn't like what he'd seen. Too much danger, not enough security, too many weirdos. Hell, he'd even mollified his conscience - there were enough people here to handle the job, enough actual adventurers. The orphans would be just fine, and Fiona... she knew what she was getting into. As the others began to filter out to meet up in the inn, he was just opening his mouth to tell Fiona about his decision when her words from earlier appeared in his mind. "But look at this group. What if someone we meet needs to be persuaded of something? Most of them don't look like the sociable type to me. You could be really valuable to us." She was right, even if she knew not how. These people, the wizards and warriors, the goblin, the elf, the demon, whoever 'Big Brut Pally Hugh' was, they all had something in common. They were bloody adventurers. Insane, the lot of them, all of them willing to blindly trust and run around fighting other people's battles for some misguided sense of heroism. They were going to get killed the first time someone offered them a trinket to slay a lich or fed them poisoned meat or in any way attempted to play them. If they were going to get anywhere... maybe they'd need a healthy dose of fear, cowardice, paranoia. Maybe they needed someone who wasn't an adventurer. Dammit. He turned to his companion and gave his best winning smile. "Well, this has all been informative. Suppose we'd better go meet the others at the inn, get to know each other? ... Don't turn your back on any of them." With a wink to the nun, the thief grabbed a few vials from the stockpile and, without looking to see if Fiona was behind him, made his way over to the tavern. "Behold," he announced as he entered the... aromatic establishment. "The warrior and the tramp!"</s> <|message|>Fiona Fiona had never really been worried. Maybe a week ago she would've thought Tobias would bolt on her at the first sign of trouble, but after he didn't take the first few opportunities to scurry off, she figured he wouldn't take the rest. And she did honestly think he would be a valuable addition to the group, even if he didn't help much against any enemies they might face. So far the group appeared to be nothing but combat and magic experts, and while she supposed a few of them likely had some hidden charm... she doubted it would be the goblin, at any rate. Making sure to grab her own share of the supplies the nun had laid out for them, Fiona thanked her and exited the apothecary behind Tobias. The group seemed to be mostly making their way to the inn for some proper breakfast before they set out, and Fiona was too tempted by that to resist, he stomach grumbling on the way over. She was willing to bet the innkeeper was a bit overwhelmed with all the sudden guests, many of which could probably eat a great deal. Having gotten used to Tobias's mannerisms by now, Fiona largely ignored his introduction of them, and briefly searched the inn's current occupants for a place to take a seat. In the end, she picked out a spot closest to the monk, Hanzo, as he introduced himself, and took a seat, catching the inkeeper when she could and ordering something simple to eat. She had to admit she'd never met a adventuring monk before, and found him interesting.</s>
<|message|>Zarxire As Zarxire looked over the list, he thought about all the books he read. He knew where to find all of these but some would be damn near impossible. "Hellhound, you can only find those in the abyssal plane of hell. Those things are extremely strong, not to mention the items we'll need just to open a dimensional rift to travel there and back." It seemed like nobody was paying him any mind though and so he simply followed the group to the inn. When he entered he noticed a mountain of a man about as tall as Zarxire was but much more muscular. There is no way this guy is human. On that note, Zarxire made sure his horns were covered and then re-adjusted his robe to cover his tail better and walked over to him. "Hello, you must be Hugh. I'm Zack, naturalist, historian, planist, behaviorist, and wizard. I have studied many books on many things and I hope my advanced knowledge will be of help in finding these," He hands Hugh the list he was given, "Quite the rare and interesting items. I hope we can retrieve them all before it's too late." Zarxire took a seat at the table Hugh was at, making sure to leave a space for Sana to sit beside him. "For those that came in after I introduced myself, I'm Zack, a trained wizard hoping to make a name for himself. I look forward to working with you all." He looked over the weird bunch that assembled after he had shown up. Mostly humans but there is an elf, a goblin, a skeleton, and a small fairy of sorts that I have never seen before, perhaps it's in one of my books that I brought with me. Zarxire brought out his book on exotic and rare monsters and skimmed through it, to most it would seem as though he was looking for the creatures on the recipe list, but he was truly trying to find the fairy.</s>
<|description|>Rock A Robot Master designed as a laboratory assistant with a calm and dedicated personality. He is polite, helpful, and often finds himself admiring Dr. Lalinde, his creator. However, he also experiences confusion and curiosity when exposed to unexpected situations like Dr. Lalinde's intimate moments. Despite these feelings, he tries his best to maintain professionalism and respect towards others.</s> <|description|>Lalinde A renowned advanced roboticist and researcher, known for her significant contributions to the field of AI systems and helper robots. She is intelligent, kind, and compassionate, with an air of wisdom about her. However, she also possesses a secret sensual side that she keeps hidden from others. Her professional demeanor masks her adventurous spirit, making her an intriguing character.</s> <|narrator|>A robotic assistant named Rock is surprised by a strange noise coming from his creator's quarters. Curious, he investigates and discovers Dr. Lalinde pleasuring herself with a vibrator. Unable to resist, Rock also starts stimulating himself as he watches. When done, he quickly leaves the scene, trying to forget what he just saw. Later on, another group of robotic sisters arrives at their lab for a meeting with Dr. Lalinde. As they discuss their tasks and prepare for an upcoming event, Rock is distracted by thoughts about his sister Roll's body and the other female robots in the room.</s> <|message|>Rock Activating from sleep mode and opening his eyes, Rock smiled as he left his room - a room given to him by his mother and creator Dr. Lalinde - and walked into the workshop to begin his day. Unlike the rest of his brothers and sisters in the Robot Master line, who had been designed for mostly environmental purposes, Rock had been designed as a laboratory assistant, and while it wasn't as glamorous as the tasks his siblings had been created for, he was happy with his design, for it meant that he got to spend time with Dr. Lalinde and his closest sibling Roll. "Dr. Lalinde? Are you here?" he called as he entered the lab, looking around curiously for any sign of his creator or Roll. Spying some work that needed to be done, he began his tasks for the day, moving this or that, preparing experiments that Dr. Lalinde had for the day, basically doing everything but cleaning, as that was usually a task reserved for Roll. As he worked, his thoughts drifted to his siblings, wondering how they were performing in their allotted tasks. He didn't get to see them often, since their work took them away from the Lab, but whenever they needed some tune-ups or repairs and needed to come back to the lab, he often assisted, so he'd gotten to meet them all several times in the past. He admired them. Continuing his work, Rock's thoughts also drifted to Dr. Lalinde - the woman responsible for their creation - To say he admired her would be an understatement. She was intelligent, kind, compassionate, and beautiful. It made his servos spin just thinking about her, sometimes. He didn't truly understand that excitement he felt, but he knew that he liked it, and was glad that he got to be near her so much. "Roll? Where are you?" he called, wondering where his sister was.</s> <|message|>Lalinde Moving through the house, Rock was surprised by a sudden strange noise coming from nearby. The reasoning and nature behind it was hard to pinpoint, however, he was quick to track it as possibly coming from Dr. Lalinde's sleeping quarters. This only proved more true when approaching, as a sudden cry came out from the very same room... "Ahn..." It sounded like the good doctor, but in a way he had never heard. A feeling of worry and curiosity started to grow within his systems; Was Dr. Lalinde in trouble? Was she hurt? And why could he hear the faintest of a buzzing noise...? The door was slightly opened to the side, enough for Rock to take a peek without disturbing the doctor. But the moment he'd look inside he'd receive one hell of a surprise. In her room was Dr. Noele Lalinde, advanced roboticist and researcher; A wise and also extremely beautiful dame that had done wonders to the world of robotics with her top research in AI systems and helper robots. However, right now she was not in a scientific endeavour, far from it, but in something much more...intimate... Her labcoat, clothing and undergarments lay folded by a nearby chair while her glasses stood by her nightstand. Lalinde lied on top of her bed, completely naked, arching her head back as a strong moan escaped her lips. Her hand softly caressed across her skin while another held on to the buzzy toy that was currently being pushed inside of her wet folds. The vibrating dildo was then pushed back as another series of gasps were let out.... "Ahn...o-oh..." Lalinde moaned. Her whole body shivering in delight as she continued to pleasure herself. Her free hand reached her round breasts and groped eagerly, while she kept thrusting the dildo in and out. Her legs stretched and her back jerked back ever so slightly. Eyes closed, she just continued to ride the waves of pleasure, unaware that someone could be watching. "Aahn...oh, Thomas...y-yes...ahn...." She kept going, imagining a certain young colleague of her scientific research group; simulating the feeling of sex by feverishly pushing the toy inside of her.</s> <|message|>Rock While Rock wasn't able to deduce the nature of the sounds he suddenly began hearing as he searched the house, he was able to deduce their general location, and so began walking in the direction of Dr. Lalinde's room. The closer he came, however, the more curious the sounds made him. What was going on, he wondered? Was Dr. Lalinde in some kind of trouble? Had she hurt herself? That seemed unlikely, as the Doctor was still relatively young and in good shape for her age, but one never knew what might happen, even in one's own home, so he continued on. Reaching her bedroom door - which he could see was slightly ajar - he came closer to steal a peak before entering, and was soon glad that he had done so, as to his great surprise, he discovered that the Doctor was pleasuring herself! Laying completely naked on her bed and moaning like a spirit, Dr. Lalinde could be seen pleasuring herself with a vibrating dildo, and Rock's eyes widened in shock as he watched. He'd never seen the good Doctor like this before - naked and intimate - and to say it had quite the immediate effect on him was an understatement. He could feel his internal temperature rising the longer he watched - unable to look away - and he began to feel a stiffening within a certain lower part of his body. "!" he breathed as he observed her writing around in pleasure as she touched herself as well. Her skin looked so silky smooth as her hand slid along it; her voice so sweet, her womanhood so wet. It was a fascinating sight. And that sight soon had him touching himself as well, unzipping his pants enough to expose his robotic manhood to give him ease of access. Part of him - the logical part - knew this was something he shouldn't be doing, but another part of him that he couldn't quite identify had overridden his logic sensors and had taken over, leading him to continue stroking himself...even as he felt some curiosity - and a few other emotions - at the mention of someone named Thomas.</s> <|message|>Lalinde Dr. Lalinde kept moaning, jerking her head back as a faint trail of saliva scurred down her chin. She ferociously shoved the dildo deeper, hitting hard against her core. Her movements had become wilder, more erratic; such a different side from the kind, motherly and collected person Rock tended to interact with. But she was a woman with needs. And with her love Thomas gone and his old friend Wily having disappeared after being found culprit of illegal activities, she could only count on herself to find relief. "Ahhh...ahn...yess..." She felt like she was about to come, but she wanted to make it last.</s> <|message|>Rock It was completely unlike the Dr. Lalinde that he knew; wild, sensual, forceful, she was pleasuring herself so well, that it only turned on Rock more and more, causing him to stroke himself with more and more energy, and he gasped and panted softly as he continued to watch in fascination and arousal. He knew that it could only end badly for him if he were to be caught doing this, but he just couldn't help himself at this point. He wanted - needed - to see more, so he would watch until the end... assuming no one found him, feeling his cock throb in his hand as he grew closer and closer to coming as well. As he did though, he found himself wondering how he could have missed this part of someone he supposedly knew so well. He had no idea that Dr. Lalinde had these kinds of needs. And now that he did... he also found himself wondering... what if he could satisfy them for her?</s> <|message|>Lalinde Dr. Lalinde sped up, moaning more frantically. The dildo pushed in and out like a piston while her other hand kept on groping and groping. "Aaaah...ah...ahhh yes...a-almost..." Her actions accelerated more and more until, in a loud cry, she reached her orgasm. Rock could see how a small squirt of juices expelled from her pussy, the rest coating the sex toy entirely. The good doctor panted in exhaustion. "Mmm...that was a good one," she muttered.</s> <|message|>Rock Rock bit back a soft groan as he watched Dr. Lalinde speeding up, imagining that it was he who was driving in and out of her wet pussy instead of the dildo, that it was he getting to touch her smooth skin, and as she cried out in orgasm, squirting from her womanhood, his eyes widened and his cheeks darkened. It was quite the sight; seeing the doctor sprawled out like that. But this was a dangerous action, and now that she had finished, the chance of discovery would be rising; Rock slowly ceased playing with himself, and regretfully stepped away from the door. It was incredibly difficult not to continue, but he turned and - as quickly and as quietly as possible - fled the scene and headed back to the lab, intending to act as if he hadn't seen something he'd never forget for the rest of his life cycle. Not that was going to be easy, as even once he returned to the lab, his cheeks remained flushed, his circuitry hot, and his excitement levels were high, keeping him from concentrating.</s> <|message|>Lalinde As the young robot continued with his daily routine, although more troubled, he was met by his sister Roll, who had arrived at the scene. "Hi, Rock!" She said, peppy as always, wearing her fully red dress today as well as her usual green bow that tied her hair in a ponytail. "I just finished cleaning the kitchen. Do you need any help getting the lab ready before Dr. Lalinde arrives?" she asked, apparently clueless of what the doctor was staying and doing. With a wet cloth, she started to work on the floors while Rock continued tidying everything up. "I want to leave everything ready for her so she doesn't have to worry so much. Today's her big interview and she must be awfully nervous..." The way Roll was cleaning under a desk made it so she was on her knees, rear up as she unknowingly was positioning right on Rock's line of sight. Given his already risen excitement, he was unable to not stare at how the end of her dress lifted just enough for him to flance at her white panties and rear. She may have not be as...endowed as Dr. Lalinde or some of the Robot Masters, but she still had a curvy set of hips and a round and plump ass. She unknowingly hummer, her hips swaying just slightly to cause Rock to gulp...</s> <|message|>Rock Rock turned to meet Roll as she arrived in the lab, trying to put on a happy face despite his troubled thoughts. "Hi, Roll," he replied, noticing that she was looking nice today in her red dress and green hair bow. He tried not to blush as she spoke of the good doctor, and nodded his head when she asked if she could help him clean up the lab. "Sure, go ahead..." What would Roll say or think if she knew what Dr. Lalinde was actually doing right now? Or what would be her reaction if she knew what he'd done as a result? His cheeks darkened again at the thought...but soon he had something to distract him from such things, as Roll ducked down under a desk, and he couldn't help but stare at what he could see of her ass beneath the hem of her dress. It was a tantalizing sight - especially in the condition Rock was in at the moment - and he gulped as he felt his circuits heating up again. "Right...the interview," he said, not really thinking about it anymore, now no longer even able to concentrate on his cleaning tasks.</s> <|message|>Lalinde Roll kept on cleaning, unaware that her brother was currently staring. More lewd thoughts continued to manifest within Rock, eventually generating projections and simulations within his systems; "Fantasies" if you could call them... He imagined moving behind Roll, surprising her by placing his hands on her hips. The image of him pounding away at her as she loudly moaned filled the data with his mind and fuelled more into his already hard erection. But he couldn't do that!? He was designed as his sister, and besides, that'd be wrong of him...r-right? "Hera!! So there you are!!" A female voice caused the young robot lad to snap back into reality. It wasn't Dr. Lalinde's voice, yet still someone who he knows. At the door of the lab stood three figures: Three of the Robot Masters original designed by Dr. Light who after his passing, Dr. Lalinde had completed and finished. One was a very tall and muscular robot woman, of long, yet slightly spiky in the end black hair. She had white headpiece on her ears and a shiny Met hard hat as well as wearing a black Inuit with armor plating with bright red shoulder pads, as well as yellow sleeves and big gauntlets and red boots. This was Guts Woman, created by heavy-lifting and construction work; Her main ability was her incredible strength. "Sorry for barging in, but I imagined the doctor wouldn't have an issue with us coming here for a recharge." Said another woman smugly. Shorter than Guts, but then again who wasn't. A yellow and black mask and helmet fusion stood on her head, opened on the back to let her long blonde-hair ponytail out. She wore a slim set of yellow and black armor, alongside a red skin suit underneath. This was Elect Woman; Her ability to conduct and generate electricity made her perfect for managing power plants as well as being a general great security robot. "Besides, can't one of Dr. Lalinde's greatest Robot Masters not come visit her family sometimes?" The third Robot Master simply rolled her eyes. "Now, dear sister. No need for your shocking ego to melt in our visit. We all wanted to see the professor as well as our robot brethren. We all need to get fired up for the press conference..." The man had a helmet shaped like a torch, with some flames spewing out of it (although on a low setting given he was indoors), wearing a gray and red armor set and two big cannons on each arm, with his hands resting underneath each. This was Fire Man; A Robot Master with the ability to spew hot flames that could melt and get rid of waste in a matter of seconds. "I'm so glad you're here!" Said Roll happily. Stopping her work to run to the Robot Masters, even giving Guts Woman a soft hug.</s> <|message|>Rock Breathing a sigh of relief as someone snapped him out of the virtual fantasies his systems had been running in his head, Rock turned away from Roll's alluring backside and smiled to see three familiar figures - three of his Robot Master siblings - and approached them as Roll gave Guts Woman a hug. Inadvertently imagining himself getting a nice, soft hug from his sister as well. "Hi, everyone! Long time, no see!" The three had apparently come all this way to see Dr. Lalinde on the day of the big press conference - although Elect Woman had a funny way of showing it - and Rock began preparing the equipment in the lab that they would need to run diagnostics and handle any repairs or recharges that the three might need. As he did though, he couldn't help but glance at the three girls in the room every so often, finding himself appreciating their forms more and more than he might have in the past. "Are you alright, Rock? My scans indicate that you're running a bit hotter than usual today." Fire Man suddenly asked, his abilities more sensitive to that sort of thing than most. "Y-Yes! I'm fine! I'm just...excited for Dr. Lalinde's big day, that's all!" Rock replied quickly, trying not to let his cheeks turn red at the thought of Dr. Lalinde and the rest of the attractive women he was surrounded by. As soon as he was alone, he was going to have to run some self-diagnostics to try and determine how to fix this.</s> <|message|>Lalinde "Ah, everything going well?" Dr. Lalinde finally arrived, properly dressed in her laboratory gear. Everyone waved to the good doctor as she approached them, of course the memories of how she was before continued to play inside Rock's mind. It was hard to ignore and forget her wild moans and the way her naked body turned in delight. However, her voice was quick to bring him back into reality. "Rock, could you please prepare the special tuning equipment for Fire Man? I'm about to give Elec Woman a quick tune up." She then turned to the electric Robot Master, "you may need to remove the top armor, Elec." The robotic gal simply chuckled and smirked before glancing at Rock. "Maybe Rock here wants to stay and watch? Hahaha!" She teased.</s>
<|message|>Rock Despite his nerves and bothersome thoughts and images playing out through his mind, Rock couldn't help but smile a little as Dr. Lalinde arrived - now fully clothed - and took charge of the situation. It was actually a helpful distraction from the memories of the good doctor pleasuring herself so erotically, so he nodded his head quickly as she gave him a task to help with the rest of the Robot Masters, and moved to ready the equipment needed for Fire Man. "Yes, Dr. Lalinde," he replied, happy to have something to do to keep his thoughts occupied. At least...he was occupied until Elec Woman decided to tease him, and his cheeks turned red again at the thought of her without a top on. Elec Woman may have had a lousy attitude sometimes, but there was no denying that she was built quite attractively, so Rock couldn't help but imagine what she might look like. "No, that's ok! I-I've got work to do!" he replied quickly, practically rushing out to find the tuning equipment, more than a little embarrassed...which was probably exactly what Elec Woman wanted.</s>
<|description|>Adella Darr, Magus Second Class of the Yulian Order of Crows Nicknames/Aliases: Adella of Crows, The Runt, The Peasant Age: 24 Gender: Female Occupation/Class: War Mage, Order of the Crows [Kingdom of Origin: Yulia Description: Adella stands at a quite unimpressive height, maybe only 5'0 tall, and possessing a skinny, angular build that seems less than intimidating. She lacks the taller,more stately frame common with most of the mages in the Yulian armed forces, and as such her uniform sits a little large on her. Not by much, but enough that she's somewhat self-conscious about it. Her features are similarly unimpressive. She has very dark brown hair and eyes, pallid skin, and short facial features that might lead her to being utterly overlooked, if it were not for the uniform she's donned and the power that she represents. Equipment: Standard Yulian mage garb for combat, to match her class level. Much of Adella's form is covered by a hooded robe-like coat that reaches down to her mid-calf, the sleeves just passing her elbow. A third class mage would have a plain blue coat with only the symbol of their order, second class gain the yulian wings mantle in recognition of their rank. A first class magus will be awarded with a cape to replace the mantle, however not for want of trying Adella has never been able to reach this rank. The coat is in Yulian colours, a dark blue with the appliqued silver wings of the Yulian griffin retainer wrapped around the back of the shoulders, and the black shape of a rising crow, the symbol of her order, spread across the chest. A dark purple sash is tied round her waist with pockets sewn in to carry a few vital items. On her feet she wears some doeskin boots that reach her knees, and her arms below the elbow are adorned with leather gauntlets with metal bands, serving at least to ensure that someone might struggle to cut her hands apart whilst she's casting. The robe coat conceals a jerkin made from studded leather, to add some degree of defence from weapon strikes, though armour is far from a mage's strongpoint. In line with the Yulian Code, Adella has no blade, or indeed any conventional pieces of weaponry. Personality: Ambitious, in one word. Adella is very much a product of her home nation, and regards magic as the be-all and end-all of power and prestige. She also possesses something of an inferiority complex from her common blood. This, along with not-unimpressive level of intelligence, are a pretty worrying combination. Adella comes across as a rather arrogant. She regards her magical ability as something that sets her above most around her, and her Yulian heritage as giving her some moral superiority. She also doesn't have any hesitancy in expressing it. It gives her a propensity for rubbing people the wrong way. Skills: -Magic - Adella is distinguished most notably by her power of sorcery. She has an inherent gift to be able to generate magical energy within her body and translate it into sorceries, and has been trained to use it in combat. Her spells are primarily geared towards combat, and either work to attack directly, or work to enhance the destructive ability of others. - Experience of Scarcity - Whilst she might carry herself like a princess, Adella has known a lot of hardship in her early years. As such, things like lack of food, poor weather, injury and such doesn't elicit any complaints from her. It seems beneath her small frame sits a core of iron. A will not easily broken. -Magesight - Trained in the usage of magical energies, Adella has been able to hone a skill colloquially known as Magesight, the ability to perceive centres of strong magical energy. She is able to detect the centres of power using this, however sudden burst of strong power nearby (such a a spell being cast closeby) while this is in use is overwhelming and painful and even risks blinding the user, as such Adella uses it sparingly. Weaknesses: - No sword. Adella is not only without weapons or education on their technique, but is forbidden by the Code to even lift a blade. As such Adella will not so much as consider the use of a sword. -Small stature, no defence. Adella's stature and her lack of weapon training leave her very open to hits from melee, to the point that even a well-placed hit to the jaw can send her sprawling. If an enemy can land a serious hit on Adella, chances more than not is that the'yll only need to do it once. -Magic usage penalties. Magic is a very intensive process. Mages are able to build up energies within their body that they are able to channel into a kind of destructive or creative force, but chanelling it can be very tough on their bodies. Over use will result in some unpleasant consequences. Fatal Flaw: Ambition. Adella's own apparently haughtiness masks a deep-seated feeling of personal insecurity, and she wants more than anything to make herself exceptional.</s> <|message|>Luthon Farhill Aressa The colours of the blue and silver Griffon that hang from the fort within Midgate had a rather disturbing look to it, flabbering about. Seemed like it wanted to break free from its chains with the aid of the strong wind that had taken host upon the town, but the chains would have none of it. It kept on "flabbering" about. "Flabbering." The man with a pipe outside an inn within Midgate began thinking upon the word. "Flabbering." He couldn't really set the word on how the Yulian flag was acting. Crazy one could say, but nay. "Flabbering" sounded like a better word for it's current state. He shook his head at the current thoughts that hurried about within his head, this wasn't the time nor place for such distracting thoughts. Quick as it came, the thought was pushed away as the man, Luthon, made his way within the tavern. The building hosted various folks, from farmers to merchants, to plebs to soldiers of the Griffon. A familiar fellow waved at Luthon from across the inn, gesturing him to come with some beverages. If the man had been a simple farmer or a soldier, he would have just ignored the notion. But alas, it was one of his companions. Soon as there was two pints of ale in the contents of his hands, he made way for the table with the known folks. Rest was unknowns, which was good for their case and hides. A satisfied grunt escapes his companion as Luthon sits down at the table, clearly content with the ale. "I know you're big on the whole Sommersweet wine, man, but nothing beats a proper ale in the late evening. Away from the missus and the kids, harh. Reminds me of the good ol' days." The words poured out of the companion quickly as he had managed to chug one fourth of the ale, clearly content. "Well, I reckon there are loads of things that reminds you of the 'good ol days'. I don't think a 'missus' and the 'kids' are one of the said things." A grin is displayed from the companion's face as Luthon replies. "Harh, you reckon correctly chap. Sure, I've fathered some bastards, never sired one though. Reckon their mothers flaying me should I try it. Harh." The last words of the companion before ale consumes the whole portions of his mouth. Luthon sipped from his ale, not really enjoying it but made him look more at place within the inn. He offered the insides of the inn a scan as he sipped, noticing anything worth noticing. A table or two filled with Yulian runts with swords, the rest was occupied by patrons he imagined. Old men, too old to die in the war, yet too young to die from natural causes. By the bar counter, there was a little host of four men, he noticed. Not patrons or Yulians. But merchants, he reckoned, by the amount of coin-purses hanging from their belts. His own coin purse was feeling a tad light, but alas, he had more. There would always be more coin for a man with kinship to the throne. Rightful throne to Aressa, he corrected within his mind. A distaste glance at the Yulian men was shot. Words begin to pour out from his companion once more. "Well, I've got news by the by. Our boys have set up camp in some woods half an hour away from here, won't be detected. Or well, might have been detected if I was there with ale in my blood, harh. Nonetheless, got a boy in the outskirts of the town that are ready for departure to our camp should there be need for it." A rather stretched moment was between the words and the answer. "Grand. We shan't be here for long, we've a bitch to impregnate." A devious grin appears on the face of his companion as he chugs down the last remains of his ale. The rather harsh words used for a Knight of the Wolf Order was a code word, actually. It meant that infiltrating the prison would soon occur.</s> <|message|>Fer'tial Nympphona Fort Midgate was thought to be impenetrable and the prison within even more so. The fortifications and constant guard were some of the best meant to prevent anything from getting in that shouldn't and anything from getting out that needed to stay. For Fer'tial however this was just another place ripe with heads worth quite a bit of coin. She had watched the guards on the walls carefully from below, memorizing there patterns, looking for an opening. After a few days of watching she noticed that at the same time every day near noon the guards would switch shifts, this was her opportunity. Fer'tial waited patiently for noon to role around and as soon as the guards turned there back to switch shifts she scaled the brick of the wall. Once at the top she stuck to the shadows as she made her way past the guards and down the stairs inside the fort. Once inside she tried not to stand out and look like she belonged making her way towards the prison. She noticed the guards at the entrance and the fact she needed to rid herself of them quickly if she were to get to the high profile targets. She made her way to the guards fake tears in her eyes with her hood down. "H-Help me, they stole all of my belongings and tried to take me!" She was crying loudly hiding her true intentions behind a nearly flawless act. "P-please aren't you guards here to capture any criminals. There was a girl with them who tried to cut me down with her sword, I was lucky to get away!" She new if they heard the strict codes being broken they'd be enticed by the thought of the credit they'd get for capturing such a person. She pointed off down the alley to signal that's where they were. The guards seemed to not care for what she said until the mention of a woman wielding a sword. "Such crimes shall not go unpunished, you stay here little girl we'll bring those scoundrels to justice." They then held up their Spears running down the alley after the lies she'd told them. Once they were gone Fer'tial giggled softly to herself picking the lock for the entrance to the prison within a matter of seconds. "Haha, men are such suckers for a crying girl. All too easy, now time for me to secure some decent coin." Once the lock clicked open she slipped inside the prison closing and locking the door back behind her making her way in the shadows down towards the lower floor where the most high profile of criminals we're being held.</s>
<|message|>Adella Darr, Magus Second Class of the Yulian Order of Crows Battlemage Second-Class Adella Darr was not having a very pleasant morning. Being informed that one of the usual patrol had been taken ill with a fever and that prison duty had passed on to you was never a good way to be awoken, especially if you had had the late watch the night before. That reason saw the Yulian in a less than chipper mood as she stepped out of the driving rain and descended the steps to the dungeons. Small, plain-looking, coat and mantle indicating a second-class magus. The kind trained for combat. She stood up to her full (somewhat unimpressive) height and carried herself in a manner that implied she felt above waiting round in this grim place. Mage Adella adjusted her mantle, the silver feathers glittering in the guttering torchlight. The dungeons were inevitably disgusting and she was never exactly keen on venturing down there unless expressly ordered, however needs must. You had to sometimes demean yourself a little in order to reach new heights. This, she decided, would definitely be the year she achieved her promotion to first class. And if it involved being the watchdog to the filthy degenerates of Midgate prison, then so be it. The dungeons were extensive. Shortly after the end of the wall the Yulians had shipped a large consignment of Pradian prisoners to extend the old store-rooms of the fort out underneath the town. It was easy to get lost if you did not know your way around. Fortunately, Adella did. The armed guard at the entrance saluted, an she returned the gesture, before stepping into the dungeons proper. The air was cold, and damp. For some cells, gratings ran across their edging with glimpses of the yard above. This gave their unwilling residents view of the sky, though also meant that the storm was currently draining into their quarters in full force, leaving them stnding or sitting in pools of water. Her particular area of expertise were not these places though. The prison was not sparsely populated, even aside from the prisoners. Soldiers patrolled from time to time. Jailers made their rounds. From time to time staff from the Inqusition could be glimpsed in their black uniforms, flittering about like shadows, their presence causing many of the wretches inhabiting the place to shrink away. There was no lack of understanding of the fear the Yulian Inquisition brought with them, and what terrible things lurked in their domain, behind locked doors. Adella wasn't naive enough not to know what they did. It was for the greater good though, the young woman told herself. Sometimes you had to scorch the brush to grow something anew. It was not an easy task, nor a pretty one, but it was necessary. The role of mages such as herself was a very particular one. At the end of the hallway, down a second flight of steps, the furthest away from light and weather, was the part of the prison reserved for the magical heretics. Degenerates who had still received the gift of magic were one of the most dangerous things they'd encountered, and needed to be dealt with with a certain level of caution. The place still had its guards, but it also required a mage in place at all times. Whilst most prisoners were sufficiently debilitated by the potions added to their water to be too much of a threat, there was always chance that one might attempt to escape. That was where mages came in. Adella strode up to where the aster on the previous shift was stood. Upon catching sight of her replacement, the woman gave a brisk nod and left without a word. From there Mage Darr, stood, and for a moment, closed her eyes in concentration. When she opened them again, the once brown irises were glowing a luminous blue. Magesight was a secret weapon to dealing with the treacherous prisoners. Like a viper sensed heat, so one of their class could sense the tiniest hint of magical energy. One slight sign of a casting and she would know it. With that, Mage Darr started to walk. Better to get a look at these wretches early to know what she'd be up against.</s>
<|description|>Blake Reyes Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: Blake sits at an ordinary 5'7''. He's in pretty good shape considering he's a rather active person, but he doesn't really have much of a fashion sense. He's never without jeans, sneakers, and some sort of white or yellow shirt combination. Personality: Blake's a kind person at heart. He doesn't normally mean anyone any harm and usually tries to be as considerate and accepting of others as much as possible. Everyone has their slip ups, though, so Blake's not immune to the occasional foot in mouth. This kindness stems from his desire to live up to the ideals of a superhero. Kind, caring, and always willing to stick up for those in need. In that last regard, he's a bit reckless, but he honestly just can't abide by someone getting picked on or worse. He considers anyone who can jive with that sort of attitude a friend. Beyond all his kindness, he has an adventurous and curious side to him. He's always loved trying new things, investigating something he doesn't know about, or just plain getting out and seeing what lies beyond his home. With those tendencies in mind, Blake's attention to wander away when he's cooped up inside and forced to do things irrelevant to his interests. As you might guess, this reflects rather poor on his grades. Not that he minds too much… At the moment. Background: Fifteen years ago, a pair of twins were born to a loving Filipino couple. Blake is the eldest twin and can be described as the energetic to his brother's chill. The adventurous to his brother's stay-at-home. The less-studious to his brother's more-studious. The "more likely to jump into danger and call it 'being a hero'" to his brother's "I enjoy living and would rather stay right here." From a young age, Blake's always been greatly interested in exploring the world beyond his own home, and that feeling was only exacerbated when he started getting into superhero shows and comics. He dreamed of being a superhero when he was a kid, but as reality set in he ultimately just decided to follow the ideals set by them. That is, being as kind and caring as possible, helping the innocent or struggling, etc. etc. Relations: Blake considers anyone that gets along with him his friend! (Undecided) Power:</s> <|message|>Alden Sebastian Thursday March 21st, 2016 Interacting with basically everyone. --- --- "It's only stupid if it doesn't work. Plus, Largent's a tank. It's about time someone put him in his place, and I know you wouldn't be keen on scraping guts off the floor." "Just because you wouldn't wanna get dirty doesn't mean I'm not going to. No one likes Largent, people will be on my side. Right?" Alden returned a smile at Hal's smirk, and with a shrug "I really dislike people who aren't even willing to save themselves." Alden growled through his smile, "It's pathetic. Alden continued, walking back to his lunch. Before he could open place the spoon into his mouth, a large 'ooh' from the crowd erupted through the silence. Alden glanced back with one eye, and Largent had now picked up Richard. It was going to be a severe beatdown, and Alden would have intervened had it not for Mrs. Silence practically entering survival mode and beating Largent almost near-death. There were a few cheap shots, like one to the 'precious' area, and even blocking his lungs airways. "Yeesh." Alden unintentionally said, glancing at the now fallen boy. "Sure did a number to him." Alden continued, glancing up and down Largent. Mina seemed to push through the crowd, a worried expression clouding her normally blank face, "Are you okay??" seems like Mrs. Snow herself wasn't that bad. "Yeah. I got it." Alden called out from behind her, flaring her a smile before he walked up to Largent and slunk his right arm over Alden's shoulder. Mina was right after all, no one really deserves death or anything like that. He even thinks Sophia might have gone a bit overboard. --- Whilst walking through the hallway, whispers seem to gather as the tall Largent is leaning over the shorter Alden. He was getting his shirt all crinkled at this point, and with a rolling eyes he sighed deeply, looking forwards. "H- Huh?" "Why.. Where are we going, perfect?" Seems like the princess was finally awake, his head looking around and then glaring through Alden's skull "To the nurse's office, you got your ass handed to you by a girl, a short girl in fact." Alden replied, "It's close." "Fuck you." "You're welcome." Those words were what Largent could muster before slinking his head down and silently walking once more. The only sounds being the whispers, the footsteps and the deafening silence between them. The pair arrived at the nurse, and Alden plopped Largent on a chair, waving his hand once before leaving the nurse. Alden's damned food is probably colder than Mina at this point.</s> <|message|>Micky Young Micky sat there in the awe that was the aftermath of "The Mute's" bully beat down. He felt compelled to do a double triple take of the silent girl leaving Largent in pain as she helped her fiend, the boy who caused this scuffle. He was dumbfounded, how can such a small girl have so much confidence as to take on Largent, of all people. What if her attacks didn't phase Largent, did she even think that far? Micky wouldn't put it past Largent to hurt a girl half his size, that just made the scene that just unfolded all the more baffling. Micky watched as they left the cafeteria. As he watched the two leave, he was about to look at Largent, but before he turned his head he watch Alden carry him out. There was a trail of blood that followed the three, presumably from Largent's nose. "This is a crazy day..." Micky said a he looked up and down the blood trail. He watched as the students started to back about their business, continuing with their hum and drum. Micky wasn't feeling lunch anymore, so he went to look for the boy who started it who bumped into Largent. Micky left the cafeteria and moved through the halls, finally spotting the boy and the silent girl. He knelt down in front of them both and began to speak. "Man, you took a serious punch! Are you gonna be okay?" Micky said, genuinely concerned</s> <|message|>Largent Thursday March 21st, 2016 Richard let out a pained laugh at Micky's question. "Pretty sure I'll live," he groaned and slowly pushed himself to his feet, turning to help Sophia up with him. "Come on, we should get to the nurse." He arched an eyebrow in Micky's direction as he got on Sophias other side and hooked her arm over his shoulders, but he didn't say anything, grateful for the help. Together the two of them started down the hall, half carrying Sophia between them in the direction of the nurses office. "You realize we're going to have to have a discussion about that incident, right?" Richard stopped, startled at the sudden voice and looked up to find Om blocking the hallway in front of them, his arms crossed over his broad chest. With his blazer removed, and the sleeves of his dark blue dress shirt rolled up Richard realized just how built the man was. The sleeves of his shirt practically strained around his arms and the material was stretched tightly across his chest. His blue eyes were like chips of ice as he stared them down and Richard had to force himself not to flinch. The guy was scary. Om crooked a finger in their direction and turned, leading the way down the hall in the direction of the nurses office. "Come on, we'll get you guys looked at, and your parents are going to be called as well." __________ Om walked into the nurses office to find Alden, Mina, and Largent already present. "Good to see the three of you here," he said. He'd set aside his blazer and his light blue shirt was open at the collar, sleeves down and buttoned securely at his wrists. "We're going to have to have a discussion," he said, ignoring the way Largent glared at him. "And lucky for you guys, the principal has given me permission to mete out punishment and lessons in this incident as I see fit." The door opened behind him and Richard, Sophia, and Micky walked in. Ricard jumped, jarring Sophia when he saw Om standing in the center of the room staring Largent down. He turned, a bewildered expression on his face as he looked out into the hall. "Is something wrong, Richard?" Om asked without turning around or looking away from Largent. "Huh?" He turned back, eyes wide, to look at Om standing in the center of the room. "Wha-... N-no I just..." He looked out in the hall again. "I just, I could have sworn you were behind us when we came in here." "You must have been mistaken," Om said as the nurse came in and started looking Largent over. He pointed to his left at a bed and snapped his fingers. "Sit yer butt down, both of you. Mick, you stay too. I'll be back in a minute." His tone was curt, sharp, entirely unlike the calm and polite way he'd spoken to them in the hall. Without another word he turned and walked out of the nurses office, leaving Richard and Largent glaring daggers at each other across the room, an elderly nurse the only authority figure between them. __________ With the vast majority of the excitement apparently finished, most of the students went back to their meals, chattering excitedly over the short lived fight, one might say beat down, that had been dished out by the diminutive Sophia. Blake shrugged and started back to his table to finish his lunch when that Chemistry teacher, Om, stepped in front of him. Hal stood at the mans elbow looking as bewildered as Hal felt. "Blake, I'm going to need you to accompany us to the nurses office." He turned and walked away before Blake could say anything and Hal just shrugged helplessly, following along behind the substitute. With the boys following along behind him like a pair of baby ducks Om made his way through the halls to the nurses office, going over what he was going to say in his head. He pushed open the door and lead the two boys inside. Largent, Richard, and Sophia had all been seen by the nurse. None of them was permanently injured and the boys sat in their respective beds with the arms crossed sullenly over their chests. The gesture looked far less petulant on Largent than it did on Richard. "Everyone take a seat," Om said and following his own advice, pulled a chair away from the wall and took off his blazer, setting the jacket across the back of the chair. He turned the chair around, and straddled it, arms crossed across the back, white dress shirt practically gleaming in the light streaming in through the office blinds. He waited until all eight students were sitting in various spots around the room and looked them all over thoughtfully. "Something needs to be done about what happened today," he started. "Largent, you were in the wrong. Richard, you should have been paying attention. Sophia... impressive as that may have been, it was definitely overkill and you shouldn't have done it. Charges could be pressed. Police could, some say should, get involved. I, and the principal would rather avoid that. So, he's given me permission to involve all of you, as well as a few other students he's had to see today, in a little exercise." "Largent, Richard, and Sophia. You three are in the worst trouble. So you'll be meeting me a Sea Side park tonight at 8 o'clock. We'll be doing a bit of a clean up effort. Hal, don't think no one noticed you pick up that lunch tray. That makes that a weapon, and that's a little more dangerous than what Sophia did." Largent's head whipped around and he glared at Hal, unaware of what the other boy had attempted until then. "Blake, Mina, Alden, and Micky. You guys tried to help out without resorting to violence or attacking anyone. But you didn't go find a teacher the moment things started getting out of control. Like the rest of your generation of sheep you just watched and did nothing. This isn't a huge thing, but I think you guys could do better. So the four of you will be joining your four other friends here at Sea Side Park tonight at eight o'clock. Your parents have all already been informed of the situation and they all agreed." He stood, ignoring the assorted dumbfounded looks directed in his direction, and grabbed his blazer, slipping it on with a smooth, practiced motion. "I'll see you all tonight," he said, and walked out of the room.</s> <|message|>Largent -</s>
<|message|>Blake Reyes Blake couldn't believe the sight he saw when he turned back to check on Largent. Damn! He didn't realize Sophia had that much of a kick to her! He guessed that was the reason why you don't mess with the quiet ones. He was apparently so dazed by it that he didn't notice Richard and Sophia had already left. So much for that. Blake's brother came up to him with a grimace as the crowd dispersed, expressing his worry over how much uglier it could have gotten. Blake just tried reassuring him with the old "it's over" excuse, but Al wasn't one to shake the uneasiness in his gut easily. It was gonna make lunch a little hard for him, but he could handle it. At least until Om told him Blake to come with him. Both Blake and Al looked at each other with a look on their face that matched Hal's confusion. What did he or Hal do wrong??? Neither of them made any swings! Blake just groaned and went along with Om, leaving his brother with the rest of their friends to eat lunch with. He took an uneasy seat in the nurse's office when they got there, but learning that they would get punished as well as just threw him for a giant loop. So much so that, again, by the time it all sunk in the person he was focused on was already gone. "That's a total load!" Blake loudly complained. He then shot up from his seat and angrily pointed out the door, "Where's he get off calling us "sheep" and "not doing anything," huh?? He was watching that, right? I mean, it sucks that you guys got busted," he motioned at Richard, Sophia, and Largent, "But we literally couldn't do anything about it! It's like it happened in a flash!" Blake was mad about this partly because the sub was totally looking down on them, but mostly at the accusation that they purposefully did nothing. If there was one thing he hated, it was inaction.</s>
<|description|>Pearleane Pompaque Age: 11 Gender: Female House: Hufflepuff Magical Heritage: Half-blood. Appearance: The picture is a great start as to what Pearleane looks like. Though, that picture is of her a bit older. She had dark features (hair and eyes) and her skin tone is a soft cream color. However, she can tan very easily, and often receives a more olive tone during the warmer seasons because she prefers to be outside. Biography/Personality: "A young woman always has three things with her, do you know what those things are my darling?" Pearleane looked up at her mother with her large almond shaped dark eyes, "Is the first one candy?" the girl questioned, her tummy grumbling as she watched her mother cook up dinner that night, a cackle came from the woman's lips, she wiped away her tears as she shook her head at her only daughter, "No, my darling you must have class, ass, and sass." Pearleane nodded, and repeated, "class, sass, and ass, momma I got it- now when is dinner?" The woman shook her head once more, "Not now my child, go play and I'll call you when it's done." Pearleane was named after her great-grandmother on her very strictly pureblood mother's side. Her father (Frederick Pompaque) was a muggle and was only really around for Pearleane to be conceived. This may have gave Pearleane a bit of a prejudice against some muggles, but because of her kind and forgiving nature she tends to give everyone first and second chances. Pearleane's mother a pureblood (Claudia Wilhmer) single handedly raised the girl, and taught her to be hardworking, dedicated, and patient, even when things are overwhelming. It was no wonder the sorting hat placed her in Hufflepuff with no delay. Before going to Hogwarts she lived in a small one bedroom apartment with her mother, and didn't have too many glamorous things. Most if not all of her school supplies are second hand to her mother's. The young girl has a bit of a sweet tooth, and has often been known to keep various sweets and snacks in her bag. Though it has gotten her a few odd stares and name calling from some of the more fit peers, she makes friend's pretty easily. Her loyalty is true and steady; once you find friendship in her, you have a friend for life. Personal Items: A 7 inch Kneazle whiskers wand: Rosewood (Unyielding). Special Gifts and Abilities: Pearleane excels in Herbology naturally, but has not found her true hidden talent quite yet. She is quite interested in Transfiguration and Divination.</s> <|message|>Jacob Masters "Move it, Shrimp! You're gonna be late then you can't go to school!" A tall blonde haired boy yelled at a boy who looked very similar to him. The other boy was tall for his age and if his family was any measure he was going to be even taller. Since his entire family looked the same he was going to. The boy was a bundle of nerves since for once the trip to King's Cross was for him and not just his brothers. For years he had been dragged to the Platform and having to watch them leave while he stayed at home. Now it was his chance to go. "Oi! Ryan enough of that!" The boy's father yelled back at his sons. " There is no reason to be worried Jake. You'll be fine. Your mother and I will mail you whenever you want." The man told his youngest son. Jake gulped and kept pushing his trolley. As he did he reached over and scratched the ears of a large black cat that was sitting on his bags. Martin, the cat, was going with him so he had a friend already. The cat only seemed to like Jake so he decided to take him to Hogwarts with him. Then they were there. Jake waited till his family was through and quickly pushed his cart through the wall and there it was. The Hogwarts Express sat there expelling steam and looking exactly as it always did. He smiled as he picked up Martin as his bags were taken onto the train. His parents hugged him as his brother got on the train. "Be good Jakey." His mother said when it was time to go. Jake ran onto train grinning ear to ear as he did so. It was great to be here. He looked around holding Martin to his chest. The cat seemed to be okay with all of this noise and yelling. So he then noitced a boy running around like a madman. Clearly this kid was not a generation kid, like Jake was. He looked over at the kid. "Uhh why are you running around the halls? There are perfectly nice compartments if you want to sit?" He offered the boy pointing at an empty one. "I'm Jake by the way." He said as he sat down. "You're the oldest of your family, aren't you?" He guessed as Martin glared at the pug.</s> <|message|>Julius Mars Hillshire Julius just grinned at Jake. He was looking around the apartments and the different people and generally just exploring. Apparently, the train was also bigger on the inside than it was on the outside! Well, at least that was the feeling he was getting. "Why sit down when there's still so much to see?" said Julius. "Although, now that you've invited me, I think it's only right I take you up on that!" The boy walked over to the seat in front of Jake and flopped down sloppily. Rocky followed in after him, his large beady eyes staring unblinkingly at Martin. Julius did a little stretch then placed his elbows on his knees and rested his chin on his hands. "So, I'm guessing this is your first year here too, right?" he said. "Nice ta meetcha, I'm Julius Mars Hillshire! You are?"</s> <|message|>Nolan Archer "Go ahead and go first. It's your day after all!" Tidus called back to Nolan from the front of the group. The eleven year old had insisted on pushing his own luggage cart. He gave a light scowl in Tidus' direction but the young man merely chuckled, "People are gonna get the impression you don't want to be here." The boy smiled at this, "Yeah, yeah whatever. Just don't know why you had to come. I didn't need a whole crowd to see me off." "Nonsense, son. You've faithfully come and seen everyone off. The least they can do is do the same," Thomas said. The older man's age was starting to show, particularly in his hair, but his attitude showed no hint of weakness or frailty. "I'm sure Gus would have joined us too if he was here." He ruffled his youngest son's hair and patted his back gently nudging him along. Nolan stepped through the barrier onto Platform Nine and Three Quarters, the scarlet engine taking his breath away as it had done every year past. The general sound of the train station changed instantly, with all sorts of bangs and whistles and cries of strange pets filling the air. The smile returned to his face once more, this time with a much greater feeling. He was finally going to get to go. Today was his day indeed. Roy followed in behind him, his own luggage cart holding the boys' owl, Fletch, who was clearly not enjoying this day. Judoc, Tidus, and their parents soon followed. The boys loaded their luggage onto the train, joking and making bets as to what house Nolan would end up in. Tidus in particular was ready to put down fifteen galleons on Nolan's placement in Hufflepuff like him. "It's only natural. We're the hardest workers and it would be completely appropriate for the youngest and the oldest to be in the same house." His parents however, were more concerned with making sure he behaved at school and kept on track. "Don't give up, try hard, have fun, but not so much you get in trouble." With a few more goodbyes and last minute reminders from their parents and Tidus, the three younger Archer boys boarded the train at last. Roy immediately went off to find some girl who he'd been exchanging owls with for the past week or so, apparently unaware of the glob of red paint stuck to his sleeve. Nolan looked at Judoc, and the two held back their snickers long enough for Roy to be out of earshot. "I think some of my friends have brothers and sisters in first year who they can introduce you to if you want to come sit in my compartment," Judoc commented, his tone seeming to imply that it'd also be a good place to stay out of trouble. Nolan just shook his head. "I can manage. Besides I want to see more of this train. I'll see you on the boats," he said as he headed off, unaware that only the first years took the boats to the castle. He wandered up and down the corridor a bit, disappointed to find that the Hogwarts Express, despite it's magic environment, behaved like any other train. He came across a compartment empty of all but one boy with his kitten. This seemed like as good a place as any. "Hey, you mind if I sit here? I promise not to fall asleep and snore the whole time, or get motion sickness, or unload all my family drama on you." Even as he said this, he began to shove his trunk under the seat across from the boy and tossed his backpack onto the seat.</s> <|message|>Jacob Masters Jake sighed to himself. He could tell a first member of a magical family anywhere. Jake had grown up on tales of Hogwarts. All of this was normal to him. He did not see this as anything special. His brothers had already told him everything that he needed to know about allof this. However this kid was going crazy about all this. Jake looked up at the kid. "Because the train will be setting off soon?" He said looking out the window. "Yes I am. I'm Jake Xander Masters. 10th or more generation Griffindor. "He said adding that last part with clear pride in his voice. "What house do you want to be in? I know I am going to be like my entire family. Family legend said we were chosen by Godric Griffindor himself for his house." He said looking at Julius. Martin hissed at the pug and went back to sleep.</s> <|message|>Julius Mars Hillshire "Well, nice to meet you too, Jake," he said, leaning back on the chair. "Ten generations huh? That's neat; my Mom's the only one in my family to go to Hogwarts since my Dad's a muggle and everyone else went to Beaou-bea-baba something." He made a face as he tried to pronounce the name of the school. "Being honest, I'm glad mom decided to send me to Hogwarts instead. I've seen pics of that school and it's just so . . . frilly." Julius picked up Rocky and set him on his lap. "Anyway, as for what house I'd like to be in, Hufflepuff sounds cool. I mean I dig Slytherin's cunning, Griffinndor's bravery and Ravenclaws smarts, but loyalty sounds like the best deal out of all of them," he said, giving an honest smile. "I could careless really, it looks like they're all cool anyway~!"</s>
<|message|>Pearleane Pompaque Adjusting her hat on her wild set of ebony curls, Pearleane was not quite ready for her first year at Hogwarts, but with her mother by her side she felt more at ease. "You are ready, my world." her mother cooed, taking her hand and cupping Pearleane's rounded cheek. She reached down and gave her daughter a kiss on her forehead before stepping aside, "Right there is where you need to go, get on the train, make friends, have fun! Hurry now, don't be late!" she exclaimed as Pearleane turned and took in the glory of the wall. This was quite strange, but she would trust her mother about anything. If her mother asked her to jump, Pearleane would in no hesitation ask how high. Steadying her small pile of luggage upon a rather large suitcase, she picked up pace and ran right through the terminal. What came into view on the other side caused the young girl lips to part in awe. "Wicked." she whispered, her dark almond eyes browsing all the witches and wizards that occupied the station. It was definitely a sight she would vow never to forget. She didn't have much luggage with her, most packed into her one large and slightly ripped suitcase, and some packed into smaller bags. She hadn't been ready yet for a pet, so decided against it. Approaching the train she asked a gentleman if he would instruct her on what to do with her luggage, and he without hesitation he helped her, packing up her bags leaving her with only a small purse across her chest containing some of BB's (Bertie Botts) and a few other muggle candy that would keep her occupied on the trip. Stepping into the train, she took off her hat before vowing to the young man that he would be blessed with a wonderful year. She was happy to have been treated so wonderful by him. She hoped everyone would be so gracious and kind. How cute. With hat in hand she found a train car close to the front that had just been abandoned by an older girl trading cars to sit with her friends. "Score!" she cooed, slipping in quickly and sliding the door behind her. She took a seat by the window and let her bones settle with a big happy sigh. Her hat placed gently on the seat next to her, whilst her hand dug into her purse grabbing a mint to suck on. Pearleane looked onward into the train station watching people as they arrived. The train engine steadily began to start, it would definitely be departing shortly.</s>
<|description|>Count Botis, Earl of Venom Gender: Male Age: 2000+ Appearance: Botis appears as a man of average size with pitch black hair and menacing red eyes/viper-like green eyes. Two sharp horns appear out of his forehead and illuminating fangs. He wears a long black leather jacket. Underneath the jacket he wears a simple black shirt and black trousers. He wears a heavy chain around his neck, but still manages to move around swiftly. Along with that is a golden lock necklace strapped tight around his neck. He wears a pair of heavy dark boots. He wears fingerless black gloves and has green painted nails. In his true form he bears the appearance of an ugly large viper with horns and wings. Personality: Although being a respected count, Botis is quite a childish person. He tends to act very bossy and doesn't take kind to authority. When having his new conjurer he acts rebellious and wants to do things his own way, but in the end is easy to control because of his child-like personality. He likes to mock his opponents during battle and often has a menacing look, filled with desire to bite his opponents. He has a habit to lick his lips. Bio: Being born in a royal family in the Underworld, Botis always had been very spoiled. He was raised to be the heir of his father's title as Count of Hell. However Botis wanted more. He trained and trained, he ventured and eventually gathered a legion of demons which he eventually over time expanded to a total of sixty legions. Through his ventures he acquired the title of president and earl as well, a huge feat for a demon. Despite being one of the most powerful daemons in the Underworld he was summoned as one of the daemons of the conjurer Ciara. Abilities: Botis is a skilled swordsman, wielding a sharp and bright sword. During his ventures his swordsman skills only improved. Aside these trained skills he has the natural ability to tell all things past and future and reconciles friends and foes. Poison flows through his blood which doesn't effect him but can effect others when they are scratched, bitten or slain by his blade. Despite him being an excellent swordsman, Ciara doesn't have the mana to summon such a powerful blade to the surface forcing Botis to leave it at his manor under the protection of Connir, his loyal lapdog. On the surface he relies on his magic which vary from flare's to poisons to a pool of red essence that summons hands out of it... kinda creepy. In his household he has five maidens who he can summon with his own mana, unlike his sword. They all come from different backgrounds and were carefully selected by Botis to join his household. Weapon: Botis wields a sword imbued with the poison inside of his body.</s> <|message|>Count Botis, Earl of Venom Botis was staring into the distance wondering about what to do now. Somehow his tensions to destroy or watch something getting destroyed were gone. He had nothing in particular to do. He just wondered what his mistress was doing at this moment, for some reason... His maiden walked in, the Mädchen von Ketten. She walked up to him. "There is an unknown demon at the gates." she said with her monotone voice. "He claims to be a servant of the sorceress Ciara who you fought earlier." "I understand." he nodded. "Let him in." Ketten turned around and wanted to leave the room. "Ketten... that woman, Ciara... she is also mistress as of today. And as her as my mistress you are that as well indirectly. Inform the other maidens as well." he told. Ketten bowed in agreement and left the room. A few minutes later Cherub entered the place with a note. "Ah Cherry... I see you have brought a note of our mistress." he took the note and began to read it. A faint smile appeared when he read that her recovery was going well, the recovery of a wound that he caused. He sighed upon reading that he wouldn't be able to get summoned for a few days. He chuckled at the last line. After reading the note Botis laid it beside him on the throne. "She said that I must choose a sweet for her to prepare for my next summoning. Cherry, I really don't know what kind of sweets are available... your perhaps know something delicious, just like the cake."</s> <|message|>Ciara (seeara) Cherub was feeling scared being in the underworld again after such a long time. Ever since Ciara had summoned him, he has never returned. The little demon fliched a bit when Botis asked of him what kind of sweets he could reccomend. ''Well, mistress cannn mmmmake choco-chip cccookies'' he stutterd. ''I'll tell mistress you want those'' Cherub said as he flew away from the place as far as he could, he prefered the warm treehouse than this old and cold castle. He flew straight through the portal into the arms of his mistress, who was quite suprised by his sudden flight into her arms. ''Cherub, what happend?'' Ciara asked of him while hugging the small demon. ''nothing, I just don't like it down there'' He said. ''he wants choco cookies'' he murmeld while snuggeling. ''look at you, you are a demon. And just this morning you and Surgat were talking about how dangerous you two were'' Ciara said petting his head. After a while she noticed that he had fallen asleep in her arms. She also picked up Surgat who had fallen asleep near the fire and walked upstairs. She opend the room where the two of them slept together. Ciara laid them down in their own hammock's and closed the door silently. She felt her body ache but there was one thing to do before she also went to sleep. Night had fallen, and she really wanted to do this. She walked towards the room Botis had entered earlier. ''Botis'' She said as letters got burned into the wood of the door. Count Botis Ciara opend the door of his room and walked inside, it was still a very boring room. ''Transformio'' She chanted and the room started to chance furniture. The bed became bigger and more royal, The room became a bit more dimlit with candels on the wall. A big chair stood near the window with long curtains blocking the sunlight. ''I hope he likes it'' Ciara said as she walked towards her own room. Once inside her bed she wrapped the blanket around herself and smiled like a kid in a candystore. What a day she has had, what a demon she has gotten into her family. She turned onto her back and continued her healing spell. ''goodnight Surgat, goodnight Cherub'' She said as she heard some noises coming from the other room. ''goodnight count Botis''</s> <|message|>Count Botis, Earl of Venom After Cherub left the hellish Underworld again everything turned quiet again. His main maiden, Ketten, had probably already told the other maidens about their new mistress. He didn't really care what they thought about the this situation. Ketten and Spinnen had already seen, and even battled, the mistress. But hopefully it wouldn't mean that they thought badly of her. He sighed, having nothing to do in this empty throne room. He didn't feel like watching villages get burned or burning them himself. Something in him had changed since today, like his heart suddenly flustered. He decided to go outside for once. He told his canine servant to stay guard and transform if there was an intruder. He walked down the stairs and exited through the main entrance composed of two doors with his emblem engraved on both of them. He looked behind him and saw his hellish manor. It looked fancy for a structure in the Underworld. It wasn't too big, but certainly not too small. But how much space does a household of a few demons even need. He strolled through the barren wasteland that is the Underworld. The ground was rocky and didn't have any vegetation. Only special places in the Underworld had vegetation like the Dome of Undergrowth, a nature orientated demon, a fearsome as well. She was widely known as Aconitum, but he himself has never felt the need to visit her dome. Botis continued his stroll, in the distance he could see a few lava-tipped mountains, nearer to him was a river. He approached the river, it was a clear river with a greenish glow to it. Desperate souls seem to inhabit the river, being tormented for eternity. He strolled along the river, the Underworld was truly a horrendous place. He was sure that he never wanted to bring Ciara down here. When thinking about Ciara his mind shifted to Dantelion again. Why did she mention him? He had returned to the Underworld for quite some time now after his departure with his previous mistress. No one knew where his current resident was. Previously he lived in one of the most majestic castles, a Victorian English styled castle, slightly in ruins, with the bricks being blueish with moss covering the cracks. He went inside once, it was quite stunning. But currently only his previous servants occupy the castle, as even they are unaware of where their master had gone to. Botis was walking around for quite some time now. He guessed it was time to head back home again before his servants got worried. He sprouted his wings and flew back.</s> <|message|>Ciara (seeara) A few days had passed since the friendly battle between Ciara and Botis. She had fully healed herself and was thinking of summoning Botis anytime soon. Ciara awoke when ray's of morning sunlight touched her cheeks. She stretched herself before leaving the warmth of her bed, trowing the blankets of her she dragged herself out of bed. Ciara was not a morning person, she never has been and never would be. Not feeling up to dressing jet Ciara made her way down to the kitchen in her night gown. She made herself a bit of breakfast and put some milk on the fire so that the little ones could have warm milk once they awoke as well. just when Ciara wanted to sit down and enjoy the first rays of morning light the door of her house was slammed open and Rico rushed in. ''Ciara!'' he yelled but once he saw her he stopped in his tracks. Rico had not expected to find Ciara in her night gown wich made him look away from her. ''good morning to you as well'' Ciara said putting down her plate and walking towards Rico. ''whats the rush, came to check up on me. How kind of you Rico'' She said, still not having forgiven him compleatly. ''no I did not, hurry we have to go'' Rico said and he grabbed her hand, Ciara however didn't like all that commotion this early in the morning and pulled her hand back, to no avail because Rico was stronger than her. In the rush Ciara still managed to grab her wand before being dragged into the forest. ''Rico!'' she yelled ''what in hell's name is going on?'' ''I am going to get you out of here, my father found traces of your magic yesterday and is going to search the area for witches'' Rico said panicking. '' I'll try to mislead them but still I cannot be cautios enough'' He continued. ''Wait Rico, Surgat and Cherub are still in there. What if your father finds them and..'' Rico put his hand over Ciara's mouth and pushed her under some bushes. ''are you sure you sensed witchcraft in 'the cage' Sir Alruby'' A young man said. Ciara looked at the group of men that were approaching them. They were leaded by Sir Alruby, Rico's father. ''I am absolutly sure. Those demon whores have a lot of nerve coming into my area'' Sir Alruby said looking around, clutching the bible in his hand. Once the group of men had passed Rico removed his hand from Ciara's mouth, a opprtunety she immediatly took. ''Rico, I cannot leave my demons'' She hissed softly. ''I'll go get them then, you stay here and don't you dare move'' He said as he signed a cross in the air. ''don't you go praying to that god of yourse infront of me'' Ciara wisperd, Rico ignored her and walked away. Was he really thinking she would stay in place while her little ones were in danger. Quitely she made her way back home where she saw the group of men and Rico standing. The old good oak had hidden the house and just looked like a normal old oak right now. Ciara thanked him in her mind. ''it seems the witch is not here father'' Rico said trying to get his father as far away as possible but his father seemed to sense something unusual. ''she is near, a witch is very near'' He said looking staight at Ciara. Quikly she jumped behind the tree and knew she had to do something. ''Master of venom, Count of hell, Owner of the 17th lesser key of Solomon, Heed my name, for I shall be your mistress, Brandish your sword, Make it protect, What I hold dear'' She chanted and hoped her Count would come to help her fight these men. The place illuminated with a eery green red light and Botis his circel shined upon her skin. ''over there, witchcraft is being performed'' One of the men yelled. '' all cats in hell'' Ciara cursed.</s>
<|message|>Count Botis, Earl of Venom The last few days had been pretty much the same for Botis. He would go out once in a while but nothing of importance really happened. Today he once again sat motionless on his throne. That was until he suddenly saw a pentagram appear underneath him. It was the summoning circle of his mistress. Like ordered he used half of his power to get summoned to the surface and found himself along with Ciara behind a tree. "over there, witchcraft is being performed" he heard from the distance, with his mistress cursing afterwards. Botis looked around the corner and saw Rico along with some other, as he presumed, witch hunters of which one was probably his father. "What is going on here? I knew that guy couldn't be trusted." he said crossing his arms in annoyance. Ciara explained the situation to him which made him frown. "Mistress you get those little two runts from inside, I'll deal with them. And no, I won't hurt Rico, but he better help us out here." he said. After that he sprouted his wings and flew past the witch hunters, hoping he would distract them with his appearance. His plan did indeed work as his appearance on the scene distracted Rico's father from Ciara and made them continue their hunt after the demon. "Hahaha, you really think you can defeat ME? The Count of Hell! Master of Venom! No way a puny human like you can defeat this demonic creature!" he said. Botis dove down and grabbed Rico at his shoulders and lifted him up. He moved his mouth to his ear "You are going to cooperate with me, bring us to a place where can take shelter from your dad and his hunting gang. I'm on orders not to kill anyone, so you're lucky." he whispered. Rico nodded in agreement. "Don't worry dad I won't let myself get killed so easily! I will kill this demon, worry not!" Rico acted as Botis flew away rolling his eyes because of his bad acting. Botis quickly landed behind the tree again after a short detour so the witch hunters wouldn't notice them. Ciara was waiting there with Cherub and Surgat. Surgat hopped on back of Ciara's stick and Cherub flew himself, the five of them quickly departed the scene. Rico gave them instructions of where to go and directed them to the small village where Rico and his father lived. "Why would you take us here!" Botis shouted. "Just trust me on this!" Rico shouted back. The five landed and Rico opened the door of a little outskirt cottage. Inside there was a tall woman with long crimson hair. "This is my girlfriend, we should be safe with her."</s>
<|description|>Mattie Silverman Age: 21 Gender: Female Personality: Defensive, cautious, thoughtful, creative, suspicious. Appearance: Short black girl with wild hair, big hips, honey-brown eyes. Equipment: One ratty backpack containing: a serrated hunting knife, homemade hardtack, a Nalgene, a can opener, and a cool-looking pair of tweezers she found on the ground. (you never know if you'll need 'em, right?) Weapons: That hunting knife from earlier and a slingshot- she used to have a handgun, but it was too hard to keep the ammo stocked so she scrapped it.</s> <|message|>Mattie Silverman It had only taken two days for Mattie's entire family to die. Interestingly enough, none of them had become infected with the virus that turned human beings into reanimated, flesh-hungry corpses. No, while they were all busy worrying about that, they had forgotten that there were other diseases that lurked in the carcass of a collapsed civilization. Even worse, her brother had fallen victim to something much less visible: despair. He'd been the first death. After spending several hours making hardtack and making weapons out of broken glass shards, she'd come up to check on him. He'd hanged himself with a sheet from the balcony of the house they were barricaded in. There wasn't even a note. As if that hadn't rattled her enough, death decided to tear through the rest of her siblings and her adoptive mother. All of them. The background was this: She'd had several jugs of water sitting on the kitchen counter. Half had just been collected, and Mattie had put the iodine tablets in them not five minutes before. The other half were safe to drink. And she, in her utter stupidity, had neglected to label which were which. Her youngest sister, Isabella, who was nine, had woken up from a long nap and went straight for the water. No one saw her drink from the contaminated jug, but in less than an hour she had a steadily-rising fever, vomiting and diarrhea. With no running water to dispose of all that biological waste, Mattie and her mother were unable to contain what they both were fairly sure was cholera, no matter how much bleach they depleted from what they had. They were the second ones to fall ill, and from there it spread like wildfire. Within twelve hours, everyone in that damn house was ill, and within six, Isabella had died from dehydration, followed by the rest of her siblings. Mattie didn't quite know how she survived, as she spent at least a day unable to move with a dangerously-high fever, passing in and out of vibrant fever-dreams and wild hallucinations that she was too disoriented to distinguish from reality, and of course, vomiting out more than she thought she had in her. And then, suddenly, she felt fine, despite the entire house smelling like feces and rotting bodies. Mattie wasted no time grieving––she could do that later–– and rooted around until she found cans of gasoline. She'd doused everything, walked out and thrown a lit match over her shoulder, unsure what to do and laden with heavy jugs of clean water and a hastily-gathered pack. Now, to the present. She had planned on strictly rationing her hardtack but it turned out she didn't really need to. She hadn't felt like eating for the three days since she'd walked out of that burning hellhole of a house. Now, disoriented with hunger and rattled with the ever-present paranoia of a living corpse coming out of nowhere and gnawing her flesh, Mattie stumbled clumsily in the direction of a Wal-Mart. She hoped there were enough supplies left in there to restock, but she certainly wasn't going to count on it.</s> <|message|>Nicholas Samuel Green "Just close your eyes," Nicholas told her, gently running his thumbs over her eyelids. He was shaking. His voice was shaking. He had to go out there. And he was terrified. The next difficult decision he had to make was this: did he take the rifle, low on ammo, while he scavenged and leave his sister defenseless, or did he leave the rifle, low on ammo but still loaded, with an eleven year old girl who had never fired a weapon before? Despite what might have been best, he settled on the latter. He wrapped Alissa's arms around the rifle as if it were a teddy bear, and her eyes cracked open to look at the weapon. "I'm leaving that with you and you need to be a big girl about it, okay? If anyone, even mom, tries to attack you, aim at them and pull the trigger. You understand?" Alissa looked up at him and nodded. "It's gonna be loud if you have to pull the trigger. Hopefully you won't need to. I'm going to find food for us, okay? I'll be right back." They were in a Wal-Mart. A Wal-Mart, and yet it was utterly without food of any kind. And any kind would be paradise right now. They had a single box of Saltine crackers which was getting emptier by the day, and they couldn't long survive on just crackers and water. Nicholas feared they might have to resort to cannibalism...but how sanitary would that be? The thought causing his skin to crawl, Nicholas headed for the front entrance of the store. As soon as he stepped out, wielding his machete, he caught sight of a stumbling humanoid figure and immediately took cover, back inside of the building, behind a crane game machine. He peeked out from its edge, completely oblivious to the fact that he was visible through the transparent glass, and eyed the figure warily. It was a woman, but whether living dead or just plain living, he couldn't rightly tell immediately.</s> <|message|>Mattie Silverman There was a flicker of movement in the corner of Mattie's eye that made her stop and stand alert. Suddenly she thought of what might be inside the Wal-Mart. What if people had gotten infected in there? What if it was crawling with the living dead? Why hadn't she considered this before? Heart pounding, she reached into her backpack, got out her slingshot, and picked a rock up off the ground. It wasn't by any means a very effective weapon, but a properly-aimed jagged rock could break open the skull and make it much easier for her to toss another stone and obliterate the brain. But she didn't shoot the sharp-edged rock which she held at the ready. She wanted to know if this person was...a person, before she leaped to conclusions. But the figure had disappeared. It was somewhere in the Wal-Mart, near the entrance, but she couldn't see it anymore. Mattie weighed her risks. She'd been sleeping partly on rooftops, partly in wrecked bedrooms of houses she wasn't sure were infected. She was desperate for shelter, real shelter that protected from the elements and from disease. She took a single deep breath. In and out. Stay near the entrance. Be quiet. She picked up several more rocks, her chest aching with dread. She didn't want to go in there, she wanted to run far away. But if she could find food in there, food and fresh clothes and supplies, then maybe it'd put off her death for a good while. She approached on newly-energized feet, with a quickened pace. In and out, she told herself. In and out. In and out. Mattie stepped foot into the Wal-Mart with the feeling that most people have when entering a Wal-Mart (impending doom), and pulled back her slingshot, scanning the entrance of the store through narrow eyes.</s> <|message|>Nicholas Samuel Green As the woman neared the Wal-Mart further, she seemed to be wielding something - a slingshot? Nicholas could have scoffed. What damage would a slingshot do to a zombie? His grip on the machete tightened, and he held it with both hands like a baseball bat. His entire body was shaking violently out of fear, his heart pounding hard against his chest. A whimper threatened to break out of his throat. Finally, he mustered the courage to squeak, "Stop!"</s> <|message|>Mattie Silverman Mattie jumped violently at the sound of a voice, said "Asscheek sandwich!" and whipped her head around to look at the man. He was shaking. She was shaking. Yes, a well-aimed rock or two might concuss a living human, but it was rotting flesh that it worked best against and even then there was much less than a guarantee it'd do its job right. She looked down at the weapon. It looked like a machete. She was practically at his mercy, even if she managed to get out her hunting knife. "I just need some supplies," she said, trying to keep her voice firm. "I'll be out before you know it." She knew very well that even most living humans had lost the ability to reason when society collapsed.</s> <|message|>Nicholas Samuel Green Nicholas had revealed himself, stepping out from behind the crane game machine. It felt like his heart was in his throat and ready to be vomited out at any moment. His cursed limbs were shaking like leaves so that he could only imagine what his voice was going to sound like when he finally mustered the audacity to speak again. Still, he tightly held the machete like a bat. In reality, the slingshot wouldn't do him much harm whereas he could get a few good slices in with his weapon, no matter how dull it was. "I just need some supplies," said the woman. Solemnly, Nicholas shook his head. "D-Don't we all?" he said, rather upset at the fact that his supposed to be witty comment came out as a stuttered mumbling. "There's- There's nothing here," he continued. "That's why I w-was leaving. I have to, uh, I have to, uh," he shook his head again, frustrated. He spoke slower, "I have to find my own supplies."</s> <|message|>Mattie Silverman Mattie swallowed. Shit. She was exhausted. Depressed. Just wanted to lay down and–– a vision of the last time she saw her brother flashed through her head. No. She wanted to live, god damn it. This guy seemed worn out too. From how much he was shaking in both his voice and his physicality, he was either too scared to be any good at defending himself, or too malnourished. Or both. Perhaps they'd be more effective at finding useful things if they joined forces. Trusting the wrong person could be her last mistake, however. Her voice came out as measured and taut as she felt. "Then perhaps I can join you."</s> <|message|>Nicholas Samuel Green "Join me?" These words confused Nicholas simply because of the fact that the only other human he'd come in contact with had tried to kill him over half a loaf of bread. His whole demeanor transitioned from anxiously alert to depressingly exhausted. There was nothing other than his own life that he had to lose in letting this woman join him in his - their - fight for survival. His mother would not see the end of the week, and his sister didn't have much longer either. Of that, he was sure. "Sure," he finally said, "but again, there's nothing here. We have to go somewhere else."</s> <|message|>Mattie Silverman She nodded curtly and let out a breath of tentative relief. For now, it seemed like they were set to cooperate, and though she would certainly have to keep an eye on him until more trust developed between them. If it did. Mattie had her doubts that anyone outside of her family would earn such trust, and, well, that meant the whole world. "Deal. We split what we find evenly, got it?" She hoped that would be advantageous enough for him to settle on it, but she had little hope and zero faith. Why should she? "Fuck me over and that little sword of yours is going straight up your ass," she warned. And then she got moving, exiting the Wal-Mart swiftly in a way that left no room for argument. She made a note to get the knife out of her backpack and have it somewhere she could quickly arm herself with it, just in case he became a threat. But somehow she had a seed of doubt that he would. He looked weirdly familiar, which was nonsense. He was a complete stranger.</s> <|message|>Nicholas Samuel Green "That's no way to talk to someone who just agreed to become an ally," Nicholas growled, though his adrenaline was pumping harder upon voicing the mild threat. Who was she to talk to him like that? Still, he felt the need to shake it off and let it go. It would be no use making living enemies - there were enough undead ones to handle. "There's a hardware store and a convenience store side-by-side about five miles from here," he said. "Which, as you can tell, is almost the middle of nowhere. I- are you from around here? Oh, God, how rude of me. I'm Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick." It was a spontaneous question, but Nicholas couldn't shake the feeling that he'd met this person before. His eyes squinted in confusion as he stared at her just a little too long before he shook his head and looked away. There was no way he'd ever met her before in his life, yet he felt almost emotionally connected with her. As if they'd been through a lot together. How stupid.</s>
<|message|>Mattie Silverman Mattie felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise at the tone of the man's voice, but she responded with only a quiet nod. There'd be no use arguing; even if it didn't escalate to something dangerous, it might mean the loss of an ally. She didn't know how useful he'd be yet, but she'd just have to weather it. Hardware store, convenience store. Hmm. She doubted that they'd be unlooted, but perhaps the hardware store would have been overlooked for more immediate needs like food and water. The man's introduction came out of nowhere, and the name Nicholas took Mattie by surprise. Her eyes widened for just a moment but her expression was quickly back to normal. There was just something about the name Nick. Through her whole childhood, every time she'd heard the name or met someone called that, it had given her the strangest, deja-vu feeling. She'd always hated it. But this time, it felt different–– there was still a deja-vu feeling but it wasn't the same. Somehow. Maybe it was that Nicholas looked like he was feeling something similar. "My name's Mattie," she finally said, reaching out and shaking his hand. "Um...nice to meet you."</s>
<|description|>Feiia "Nyx" Arleriia Race: White Elf (Snow Elf) Sex: Female Age: 107 Class/Job: Assassin/Thief-for-Hire Biography: Feiia was orphaned at a young age due to unknown circumstances and left at the Hope & Home Orphanage in the rather large city of Summerdell. Summerdell is a massive urban center for the country of Osmia, a more tropical province compared to Itari. It is to Feiia's present understanding that she might have been abandoned to promote their race's notion of "Coming into your Own" but her discoveries have concluded that not all White Elves follow the practice so drastically. Regardless, Feiia was considered an oddity compared to her fellow orphans as a White Elf was considered quite rare in the area. But Feiia embraced her uniqueness and never let the other kids put her down. Feiia never was adopted but as soon as she was old enough, she left Hope & Home and began life on her own. It was tough to get going but a female Bard helped Feiia get a footing in this world. The High Elf, Caelynna, taught Feiia her first motions of becoming the Assassin/Thief that she is today by showing the basics of living on the streets. Later in her life, Feiia found herself working for a small outfit of professional thieves under their leader, a human female named Myra. Life of petty crime eventually led to Feiia leaving for her safety and being discovered by another White Elf, Ili, who was trained well as an assassin for a small but very significant group, Order of Forsworn. For years Feiia spent her life following around the only other one of her race that she had encountered, learning everything she could. Eventually Feiia branched off and headed out on her own after a sort of disagreement between the two. For about a decade Feiia has been running solo under the name Nyx, and found quite a bit of fame. Her last quarry has been an absolute disaster, however, and after not only failing her assignment but becoming quite the target for bounty hunters and law enforcement, she fled North to Itari. Possessions: -Leather Armor - A very durable set of a light leather guards Feiia's body -Knives! Knives! Many Knives! - Feiia is considered deadly accurate with her throwing knives, a keen eye will notice each knife comes from a different origin -Poison - From non-lethal to very lethal, anyone one of Feiia's previously mentioned knives might be laced with something -Sabre - A short-sword designed for someone who prefers swift and agile movements -Lockpicking Kit - For those times when true roguery is needed Demeanor: What is a rogue without her roguish traits! Feiia can be pretty sarcastic, and to those that don't pick up on that, will think she is quite harsh. But to everyone's relief, Feiia only means well and will try to spare the soft of heart. Very confrontational and never shy to say something, the worst or best trait (people tend to have differing opinions) about her is her very audacious flirting.</s> <|message|>Alastrina Zukion (nickname: Alice) Alice couldn't believe this day had finally come. The dwarf in charge, Durin, had actually let her join and the Jarl's wife had supported it and offered encouragement. "Thank you, thank you both," was all that the blonde could say. Then when the food arrived, served by a new girl, the brown-eyed human took the dwarf's advice, sat down, and ate. The stew was as delicious and hot as always yet Miss Zukion had to control herself to eat at her normal speed. "You know very well you shouldn't eat too hurriedly. There will be time to grab gear still, Durin said not to worry about that and a guard always obeys their commander, unless the commander gets in the way of doing what's right. But now is not one of those times, just finish up the stew. So the village girl scraped up the last bites, got outside, and dashed to her house. Her hood fell behind her as she flew past buildings and people, allowing the chill wind to strike her face and her hair to rise behind her like the cloak, but she kept running. The golden-haired child only stopped when she was at the entryway of a modest home, there she took a moment to steel herself before opening it to the smell of her mom baking bread in the kitchen area and humming a traditional jaunty tune. "She hasn't been like this since before Dad died." The girl thought sadly as she snuck past to the place she kept her weapons. As Alice reached the place and opened the chest, the blonde girl thought of the few memories she had left of her father. As she slipped on her leather breastplate, she thought of when he had caught her trying to get into his armour. As she clipped the quiver onto the right side of her belt and filled it with arrows, she thought of when she kept begging him to play while he was fletching some until he finally caved in. As she placed her bow on her back, she thought of when he took her to the training yard and let her try the bows there though they seemed immoveable at the time. As she buckled her sword and sheath to the left side of her belt, she thought of her dad's promise before he went to give her a sword lesson like she been asking for to see if she really wanted to learn it. Then as she strapped the shield onto her back, over the bow, she thought of that day, when Dad was expected to be home and instead was delivered his possessions and the news of his death. She shook her head before she brought back the hurt and pain, today was finally the day she could enact justice upon the bandits and see that no others experienced what she experienced, though revenge was also a powerful motivator. With this she left the room and sought to sneak out again. But this time, her mother caught her. "Hello Alice, where are you going?" "Out hunting again," Alice replied. It was the truth, but she knew her mom would throw a fit if she found out it was Bandit hunting. "I shouldn't be gone long." "Well, just take care then sweetie," her mother said. Then she gave her daughter a hug, "Try to come back soon. I couldn't stand to lose you too." "Don't worry about me, Mom," Alice replied as she disengaged the hug. "Just take care of yourself and your new little one. It probably isn't healthy for it if you're scared to death." Then Alice smiled and waved her farewells as she walked out the door. Her pace though was slower as she went back to the tavern. The brown-eyed teen pondered the while if her mother would be in a similar state she was after Father's death or would soon recover with the new child. But as she reached the tavern, she pushed all such thoughts out of her head. This had been the day she had waited for, she was not going to waste it. With that, she opened the doors and stepped in, prepared to go with the company into the woods.</s> <|message|>Valis (Vaw-lee) She thought for a moment and nodded to Arielle. It was a tad silly thinking she could make a batch of clothing within the day. She didn't have enough yarn, and it was a bit on the chilly side to use any more wool. Valis shrugged to herself, thinking it wouldn't make knitting fun if she were to rush. She slowed down, and hummed softly to herself as she continued. Although she stopped once Vivian had appeared from the kitchen in the back of the tavern. "That's perfectly fine! It smells delicious, dearie!" the centaur spoke when a bowl was placed before her. She picked out a small carrot and handed it to the sugar glider, who was then too concentrated nibbling on the veggie to acknowledge Bernard for the time being. Once she began eating that tasty stew, Valis noticed the shield maiden take the two who ran the tavern away from everyone. From the noise of the tavern, Valis could only pick up the gist of what was being said, although she felt rather rude for eavesdropping. It wasn't like the personal lives of the village mattered to her, given she was only staying a few days. However, she couldn't but wonder as to why the two made trips to the mountain apparently everyone month? They could have family over there or something. At the mention of orcs, Valis couldn't help but think to when they had attacked her own village a few times. Her people often fought them off since many of their warriors were strong and could overcome the brutes. Although what the orcs lacked they made up in numbers. There weren't many attacks during her lifetime but her parents had mentioned the many times they've had to move the herd since the raids were too much to stay in one place. It wasn't like her home had anything of value the orcs could want and their attacks were most likely territorial. She wondered if Reisui had anything the orcs would want if it were the same. She hadn't had the time to understand orc life or their ways so she wouldn't know. Losing interest, Valis focused back on eating, going over the few herbs she had on her mentally for if she had to use them on the mission.</s>
<|message|>Feiia "Nyx" Arleriia Many of the patrons who had crept in over the past hour seemed to all be eager to set out for the bandit hunt that the Jarl's wife and the Dwarf had brought up. Despite Feiia's silence, she was interested in the proposition, even though she wasn't much of a team player these days. The pay sounded too good to pass up, however. But when Feiia saw the young hunter, Alice, her motivations for joining shifted quite substantially. Although their encounters had been brief, Feiia knew Alice well enough to know that she was still very young, seventeen if memory of their first meeting was correct. It was touching to watch the girl's initial enthusiasm and the Snow Elf found a great warmth in her heart as she was reminded of the fire she had when she was younger. Her feelings didn't distract Feiia from the potential of it being very dangerous for someone inexperienced like Alice, but Feiia was no different when she set out from the orphanage. Food interrupted Feiia's trip down memory lane as she quietly ate while she watched events continue to unfold. It was all kind of bore but when the Jarl's wife made a move to pull both the Drows for a private conversation, Feiia couldn't resist. She carefully got up and nonchalantly stepped past the other patrons in order to lean up against the closed door to the private section of the inn. She crossed her arms and continued her idle viewing of the tavern but all of her focus was put to trying to listening through the wall. "...think the orcs have abandoned" ~Yadda yadda~ It was muffled and Feiia missed a few syllables but she got the gist of the conversation. Perhaps it wasn't safe to stay here anymore as those concerns sounded very much like ill omens for the village. But go where? Feiia didn't think of many options before she overheard their conversation coming to a close. "Thank you, and I will help out where I can." Covertly, Feiia stepped past the patrons of the tavern again. On her way across the busy hustle of the patrons, she tapped the dwarf from behind and as she brushed past him, she said just above a whisper "I'm in." She gave the dwarf a wink and continued on towards the front door of the tavern. Again, she found the wall by the door and casually leaned up against it, observing everyone else. She nodded at Arielle as she made her departure and only moments later, saw Alice step in. Feiia delicately placed a hand on the young girl's shoulder and waited for the Alice's attention. The girl was carrying more items than when she had first entered and had likely made a trip home. "Careful. You'll never know when you might see her again." Feiia spoke softly as her stout, strong expression and roguish grin finally gave way to a something a bit more solemn, as if mourning. Of course Feiia was referencing Alice's mother as Feiia had heard the tales. But even more than that, Feiia was recalling her own experiences of leaving someone you love. Feiia gently lifted her hand from the girl's shoulder and very tenderly, almost motherly, brushed her thumb along Alice's cheek, giving the girl a kind smile. "You'll do fine. If you need anything, I'll be there."</s>