<|description|>Pelmar's Lake Location Ah yes, Pelmar's Lake. Let us begin with how it is today. It is a relatively large lake, full of the wreckage of the old ship Pelmar, for which the lake gets its name, as well as many other ships that fought on the lake for Emperor Haldisfar's amusement. The Emperor once ruled most of this land, until the day of his death, right on the very lake itself. The reason he died, well, that is because of the ship Pelmar, who sunk the Emperors own ship, The Valiant, in a contest. Costing both ships their crew. You see, the Emperor had a fascination with ships, building them, sailing them, and destroying them. He made the lake with funds that he acquired in his war against leprechauns which lasted many years, till his armies were victorious. After the battle, he had his best engineers design and build the lake, with water coming in from the Descaren Sea which used to be bigger at the time. After it was filled up, they were still in need of a name, so, the Emperor decided to hold a contest. Anyone who wished to name the lake, may enter into the contest with their own ship and crew, the winner would be whichever ship was last floating on the lake. Over a hundred ships were entered, with the total number of crew from all ships being in the thousands, most of which belonged to the Emperor's own ships. Which leads us to the Pelmar. The Pelmar was a small ship, no bigger than two longboats tied end to end, and as about as wide as two lashed side by side. It was built, and crewed, by twelve men, Thomas Dunn, William Jones, Henry Hopk, Barry Tills, Hu Man, Wo Man, Gerry Gells, Lokar Betl, James Jameson, Bill Billson, Harry Hatg and Killar Narm. These men and women were completely unknown to anyone, and despite there being twelve names on the roster, on six were ever seen at one time. It was an entire year after the contest was announced that it finally took place, with the Emperor man in his own ship, and the Pelmar being manned by six people. After the contest started, the crew of the Pelmar suddenly doubled, and became much shorter. It turned out to be a trick! The crew of the Pepmar were none other, than King Kallar, Leader of the leprechauns and his most trusted bodyguards. Towards the end of their war, they escaped to take revenge later. Now was their time. As soon as they revealed themselves, they used their magic to set the Emperor's ship alight, as well as their own, and rammed each other, until on the final ram, both ships cracked in half and sunk to the bottom. With the Emperor dead, and no one willing to admit that a leprechaun had done it, The Great Civil War broke out. But, everyone decided that the lake should be named after the Pelmar, and so, Pelmar's Lake was born. And thus, a new era was born, as well as a lake. Pelmar's Lake Hard To Believe Tales by Lupus Krus.</s> <|message|>The Sleeper's Spine Mountains The Tower of Truths The Tower of Truths......rests on a small island in the center of Pelmar's Lake. The island is barren and rocky, except for a copse of conifer trees obscuring the entrance to the tower. Dark waves lap idly at the stony shore and you can see little ripples of Anomic Light far below the surface, the currents of arcane energy illuminating the depths. A few small sailboats are tied up at the dock. The lake is calm, reflecting the dark clouds overhead. The tower itself is of simple construction, with smooth lines and few adornments. It eclipses even King Alem's castle in height, making for an imposing structure. The architecture seems out of place compared to the other fortifications in the city and you get a sense that it is very old, ancient even. The chambers within are well stocked, and well lit. Ample workspace has been supplied. There are entire rooms devoted to storing empty scrolls, quills. Ink. Oh the endless ink. Wells of it. Literal wells of thick black ink pulled up with buckets. A vast library of empty tomes waiting to be filled can be found in the basement. Many branching stairways leading to the various chambers and floors can be found in the main hall. Atop one of these are the dormitories with a dozen small rooms, dimly lit with torches or candles... --- King Alem I There was a rumbling in the halls of the Relnish Keep. King Alem I was dozing quietly on his throne. His snoring was amplified by the vaulted ceilings and empty halls of the once-great throne room of his ancestors. Outside, a warm mist of rain had begun to fall and lightning could be seen streaking across the blackened sky to the north. It was spring, and the rainy season was ending and yet crops were not growing in the Relnish Heartland. Farmers sat idly waiting for something, anything to pop up out of their fields. Many of the farmers had simply gathered their families, packed what few goods they possessed and left for greener pastures. Curled up in his mighty throne, a king slept. "My Lord! Another one has arrived!" came a shrill voice from the darkness. King Alem awoke with a start. "What? Who? Bremen?" croaked the King, still groggy from his afternoon nap. Bremen approached the stone dais, and his aging king. "Yes my Lord! Bremen, your steward. Another scholar has arrived, this one from..." Sitting up suddenly, the king waved his arm in dismissal. "It doesn't matter where they are from Bremen! Get him to the Tower of Truths now! The work must be completed before....the....end...end comes..." Bremen sighed in boredom. "I would my lord, but they won't cross the lake to the tower. They have a fear of water I'm afraid. He is just sitting there on the dock. I'm not sure how long the ferryman will wait I'm..." The king roared, " Water be damned Bremen! Get him to the tower! TIE HIM IN A SACK if you need to!" The king slumped back in his throne after this outburst, deflated. Bremen coughed into his small pale hand nervously. "Yes, of course my lord." The king began rubbing his eyes again. "Stop..interrupting my nap Bremen...or...I'll....have you....I'll" The King drifted off into sleep once more. His crown hung crookedly on his head. Tufts of thin grey hair poked out from all direction. Bremen turned and walked out of the throne room without so much as a bow.</s> <|message|>The Red Queen "Hey, now. Quit your pushing!" yelled the the chained Deles to his guard. He, like a few of the scholars gathered at the docks, were not here of their own volition. His gaze had settled on a poor man who was shaking and muttering something about water. Poor sod, the Traveler thought to himself. Deles had heard of the Mad King's rounding of great minds some time ago; while flattered that he was one among many to be considered, he wasn't so pleased to be cattled about as he was. Had he wished to stay trapped in a single place, he would have spent the rest of his days with the Ulloy monks, not wandering about as joyously as he had been. Still, there was one thing that had been ascertained in his travels; the world was dying, so much was obvious even to the most uneducated of peasants. Yet their king was busy collecting great minds like they were pieces of art; not much of worth except to tell their myriad tales. Great leaders should be quelling their peoples' fears, not callously hoarding the current world's information. Or so the man believed. Deles knew he should have avoided this country; his last visit had played out just as terribly, yet was probably the exact reason as to why he was known. However, this was an unprecedented chance to gather vast swaths of knowledge in a microscopical amount of time, as well as to share what he knew with fellow scholars; even if they weren't his preferred audience. The Traveler sighed in resignation as he was pushed forward once more. It seemed fate had a cruel sense of humor to the man.</s>
<|message|>Pelmar's Lake Lupus looked around in wonder at what he was seeing. So many people were all gathered together by the King, for what, by many seemed to know, or at least wanted to share. Why he was here, he could only guess at. He was a nobody, just a traveling actor and storyteller. Maybe that's why the King wanted them all. To entertain him with stories and legends. "Or to kill us all so that only his words would be known." Lupus thought grimly to himself. He wouldn't be the first King to have done such a thing, but Lupus wasn't going to go down without so much as begging for mercy. That's right, he was a coward, but he was also a survivor. He saw a man talking to himself about water, and shook his head. Madmen were often killed by the ruling class, nobody likes a naysayer. But, there wasn't much to be done. Just wait and hope for the best. If worse came to worse, well, Lupus had talked his way out of worse spots. He had even convinced an angry husband to pay him for the service of having sex for his wife. How Lupus did that, he still didn't know, but he was convinced that a King would be easy compared to that pissed off husband.</s>
<|description|>Sayeeda Cyckali Nickname(Optional): June Bug Age: 33 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Sayeeda is a medium sized woman of middle eastern extraction. She has the wiry build of a swimmer or long distance runner. Her eyes are dark and almond shaped and focus slightly beyond the horizon most of the time. Sayeeda keeps her hair just longer than a buzz cut in order to facilitate wearing her helmet. She has a large tattoo of several owls in flight on her right shoulder. Sayeeda does have feminine curves but her breasts are on the smaller size of average and she does very little to emphasize her gender. Clothing: Camo pants and a tank top are her civilian dress. She wears a ceramic breastplate if she is expecting trouble and also has a commo helmet which she uses in battle and for technical tasks. Personality: Sayeeda is a former mercenary soldier and has a fairly relaxed view towards life. Anything and anyone not currently shooting at her is the second priority. She is very tightly wound when it comes to people doing what she expects them too in dangerous situations and she is extremely punctilious when it comes to fulfilling any sort of formal contract.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali The desert streaked by below them, the rock and sand seeming to glow gold under the bright moonlight. No one spoke so Sayeeda, figuring her ruse would gain her no more information, opened her eyes. "Where am I? Who are you?" she asked, making a show of tugging at her bonds. The turbaned man was gone, presumably off to do whatever task these men were compelling him to attempt. The city was already vanishing over the horizon. As far as she knew Neil was still back at their rented lodgings, unaware of what had transpired. The armored man, clearly an off worlder, sat beside her, while the local man was in the driver's seat head of them, separated by a sheet of transparent plastic on a metal frame. His skin was bronze from the sun though he had probably been born a paler shade, his head was bald with the recent application of a razor and he kept a goatee that was beginning to get out of control. It gave his already lean head an almost gaunt look. He wore a vest of woven carbon fibre which Junebug translated as 'light infantry' but which she knew probably just meant he was in a dangerous line of work. As kidnapping her certainly was. "My name is Canek,'' he said pleasantly, "and you are in an air car with me miss…" "I am Captain Cyckali, what the fuck am I doing here?" Canek relaxed slightly at the words as though she had passed some test she hadn't been aware off. "Well Captain, you saw me conducting some sensitive business with the Pasha's customs inspector. Given that man was about to soil himself before you showed up, I had to reassure him that you weren't going to be a problem." The man was infuriatingly calm, Junebug tugged at her restraints but they had done a professional job, she wasn't going to get loose of them easily. "Alright, so I'm not a problem, any chance of dropping me back at my ship? I really don't know or care about anything you have to talk with a customs inspector about." Canek looked regretful but shook his head. "Things are very sensitive right now," he said with a glance back towards the fading lights of the canyon city. "I heard some talk of selling me as a slave," she said, narrowing her eyes. "Ah not as unconscious as you made out, smart," Canek said with a sharks smile. "Well I could probably move you I suppose, your pretty enough but your a little old for a harem or a brothel, plus you look like the sort that would be more trouble than they are worth. I don't care if you slit the throat of some fat merchant but who wants the trouble getting back to them?" "Well you didn't kill me so you must have something in mind,"Sayeeda said arching an eyerow. The air car was circling now, there was a small canyon, barely a fissure in the rocky landscape, the vehicle began to drop towards it. They passed within 30 feet of the rock to where it opened out into a large cave. Inside of which men and women were moving around, some of them servicing vehicles, others operating modern communications equipment. There were several light attack vehicles and a heavier hovertank concealed by tarps and tie down. Canek pulled a knife from his belt and held it up before him. After a moment he sliced through her bonds. "Well Captain, if you can keep your mouth shut for a few days, I thought I'd offer you a job."</s> <|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Neil had made his way out of the smaller alleyways of the city easily enough, traversing through the crowds with a few requisitioned items. He wished it was sunny so he could place on these archaic sunglasses, but alas he'd have to wait until later. That wasn't the important part at the moment anyway. Neil vaulted over a small sandstone wall, one of the few that stood between him and the open desert. Briefly as he made his way through what he presumed to be people's backyards and private areas, he wondered if he should care that a few of the locals might possibly see a foreign young man trying to make it to the reputably dangerous desert as fast as he could, but he realized he didn't really care. On the last patch of wall he heard an indecipherable call that had to be someone complaining that he was on their property. He paid that no mind as well and simply made it to the sands. "Ok, haven't done this in awhile." he said, placing the hoverboard on the ground and stepping onto it, aligning his feet just right to fit into the placement grooves. "Alright, now I just need to..." He turned the power on, revving the engine up to 350 pounds of anti-grav pressure upon the sand, and stood up as the board began to hover. He immediately realized he was about to fall backwards and slam into the sand, but the nimble pilot caught himself. "Yeah that's right bitch." he said, stroking his ego by shit talking an inanimate object that he needed far more than it needed him. A subtle adjustment of the position of his hips and knees, and the board began to move forward as if riding a wave of air, picking up speed exponentially as Neil leaned forward, hands out and flat to keep himself balanced. If this was an enclosed area, he would be more careful, but the only thing he needed to watch out for here was the rolling dunes that were on the horizon. The ground was relatively flat, and it only took him a short amount of time to pick up the trail of the aircar. Minutes later, he found large collection of boulders that reached into the sky like a primitive sky scraper or mound, though judging by the way the earth curved inward, there must have been an entrance that led underground. He couldn't see the ripples of sand from the aircar's wake any longer either. "This must be the place." he said, leaning down to shut off the hoverboard. He felt weighted once more, though with a 180* maneuver he spun and landed deftly. The last thing he expected to see when he peeked in from the dark of the night was Junebug speaking to the one who kidnapped her, unbound. That...made no sense. A part of him wanted to step out now and start firing, but he held himself in check. His curiosity always getting the better of him.</s>
<|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Sayeeda peered around at the preparations that were underway. It was a small force but larger than any organized unit she had yet seen on Hahn. Certainly it had more firepower. Her interest was drawn naturally to the fighting vehicles and she ached to give them a once over. Instead she folded her arms across her chest. The proximity to military hardware made her miss her armor at a subconscious level. "So you are just offering jobs to random people who stumble into alleys?" she asked skeptically. Canek shook his head and tapped her shoulder. "Well I can still kill you or sell you into slavery if you prefer, but no I recognise the tatoo." Junebug glanced unconsciously to her right shoulder where three owls were depicted taking flight. The central bird was darker with the others and its eyes were slightly almond shaped like Junebug's own. The other owls were white and snowy grey. "I met a woman who had one just like it, well hers had the white owl centrally located," Canek went on, smiling slightly at Junebug's evident shock. "Kyra Ren she called herself, she was running a cavalry squadron on Payson's world, pulled me out of a few tight spots." Sayeeda stared into nothingness for a moment assailed by sudden images of the past. Kyra with her mouth open in a scream as she hosed a Shemite position with her plasma cannon. Kyra her blond locks trailing smoke as she stumbled out of her burning vehicle to catch Junebug's hand. The sound of her laugh as she tossed her last florin into the pot in some card game. "She told me the story one night when she had too much to drink," Canek's voice drew her back to the present. "Said there were three of you who had the same tat, the Owls of Minerva she said it was, whatever the fuck that means," Canek paused looking a little concerned. "Hey you still with me?" he asked. Junebug nodded her head, shaking of the reverie with obvious effort. "So I figure that even if your hauling freight now you know how to handle yourself. How about it?" he reached out his hand as if to shake hers. Above on the ridgeline Neil heard a soft clink of metal on stone. Glancing across the opening he could see the dark shapes of men wrapped in the cloth of desert nomads as the crept along the slight depressions worn in the rock by centuries of wind and blown grit. All of the men carried rifles and some had heavier weapons, shoulder mounted rockets or single discharge plasma lances, slong over their backs. They were focused on the opening in the rock and hadn't spotted the pilot. There were a score or more of them, each moving with the stealth and care of a man born to it.</s>
<|description|>Frankie A thoughtful and introspective individual who is still trying to process and understand the grim reality of their situation. Despite being in a high-stress environment filled with zombies, he shows signs of resilience and adaptability. He also appreciates the support and strength offered by his companion, Leon. His personality suggests that he values emotional connection and seeks moments of normalcy in an abnormal world.</s> <|description|>Leon A seasoned and experienced individual who has survived the onset of zombies in their world. His resilience and adaptability are evident in his ability to transition from being a regular police officer to joining a secret organization that hunts zombies. He exhibits a calm demeanor even when discussing grim topics related to their situation, suggesting maturity and composure. Additionally, he provides comfort and guidance for his companion Frankie, showcasing his nurturing side.</s> <|narrator|>Leon and Frankie are in a quiet restaurant, discussing their experiences with zombies. As they share a tender moment, Leon reveals that he is part of an organization that hunts zombies. He explains that he joined after witnessing the outbreak when he was 21. Frankie expresses his curiosity about different forms of zombies and recalls their first encounter with one together. He then mentions how grateful he is to have had Leon's support during those early days. They decide to put aside the heavy topics for a while and focus on enjoying each other's company by walking around the mall holding hands.</s> <|message|>Frankie Leon smirked as he noticed his grin. He kissed his temple. "Sounds good to me," he said softly, smiling gently. "I'm looking forward to seeing how well you can shoot." He ordered and followed Frankie. He sat down beside the other and looked at Frankie as the other looked around. He gently stroked his cheek with his finger. "What's on your mind?" He asked softly. He smiled at him softly.</s> <|message|>Leon "Just... what I know about zombies and how close we are to a takeover. Things like that. It's a lot to take in, and I'm a bit surprised I'm not freaking out more," he said, looking around. "Did you always know about these things?" he asked, starting to eat. He looked around some more at the happy couples who were minding their own business. He wondered if Leon even thought about this anymore.</s> <|message|>Frankie Leon looked at him as he spoke, smiling gently. "Soon you will get used to it," he said softly. "I did. I am one of the few survivors from when this all started. I was 21." He chuckled. "Never really thought I'd be an agent for a secret organization that hunts zombies. Just thought I'd be a policeman. Imagine my first day." He chuckled a bit. "There was a welcome Leon banner covered in blood and all my new coworkers were trying to chew off my face. Chris was one of my other coworkers then. I met his sister. Then Sherrie. She was just 10 years old and had to deal with seeing her dad turn into a mutated zombie. His shoulder turned into a giant eye."</s>
<|message|>Leon "So...there are different forms?" he asked, noticing that the ones they saw before didn't have any eyeballs on their shoulders. He thought about how freaked out he was just that first time. "I am glad you were at my side when my first zombie showed up. I would have been a total wreck," he said, placing his hand on Leon's hand. "You're much stronger and braver than I am," he added, thinking that Leon was the rock-solid stud he is today. He looked back at his food and started to eat again, sighing a bit as it did feel good to just relax and eat. "We need to just put that stuff on the back burner for the moment. I want to walk around the mall some more and just hold hands," he said, wanting to see Leon's smile and relax.</s>
<|description|>Krat Gyton Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human (Mandalorian) Appearance: Personality: Much towards himself, never knowing who he can trust. However, he has some kind of conscience, as he only takes on missions he considers good. He only does something really unethical if he finds the money worth it. Profession: Bounty hunter. Skills: Excellent pilot, efficient marksman. Abilities: His PCD makes him able to become temporarily invissible for the naked eye, and his jetpack makes him able to fly short distances, although even if he used them at the same time, the jetpack's propulsion would give away his position, and not only visually. Equipment: A PCD, a jetpack (black) and a E-17d sniper rifle, along with black Mandalorian armor, geared up with a whipcord launcher and a range finder on his helmet. He also owns a modified X-wing (except not being made of Lego xD) and a black and red R2 series astromech droid, called R2-D9, nicknamed 'Denying'. Brief Backstory: Born in a Mandalorian family, he left his tribe when young because he didn't want to follow the Resol'nare completely, specificly the part about following his leader, the Mand'alor. By leaving, he not only became a dar'manda, but also stopped following another part of Resol'nare, the one about contributing to his clan's welfare. He had no family anymore by that time, so he didn't break that one. He became a bounty hunter, and seemed to survive this way. He kept telling himself that he was still a real Mandalorian as long as he kept following at least half of the tenets of the Resol'nare. However, with already two down, he knew he was nearing the edge.</s> <|message|>Saku Rira Jedi Knight Saku Rira "Ah?" Saku looked up, lime green gaze falling upon the metallic form of the medical droid whom they had been assigned. He was a different model then she was used to, but by his programming he didn't seem like a bad sort as droids went. Still, his question right now wasn't anything she was remotely interested in. "I don't need anything like that, F7," she replied, folding her arms and leaning back in her seat. She didn't enjoy in indulging in sedatives or anything like that unless it was absolutely necessary for medical purposes. She knew some people needed medicines to calm medical disorders that resulted in excess nervousness... but she could calm herself via the Force, if she truly needed to. And she didn't feel she did, as annoying as this wait was. "... I'm just getting irritated about how long it's been taking to land. It feels like it's been four hours since we were told to prepare for landing." The Lac'li sighed, nestling her childish frame against the seat. At least that was relatively comfortable... Ah, she really should try and be calmer. Grandmaster Skywalker didn't teach to utterly suppress your emotions, but he did instruct his jedi to be in control of them. But it wasn't as if her annoyance here hurt anyone. And... gaah, it was so irritating having to wait! She wanted to ensure innocent people wouldn't be harmed, and verify just what Grandmaster Skywalker had felt. "... I know we have to be close, but it feels as if time's been standing still."</s> <|message|>F7-250 Emergency Response Droid F7-250 F7 hummed quietly in acknowledgement at Lac'li Saku's response, understanding that while it wished to fulfill its primary directive, it should not press aid when the recipient did not wish it and the outcome was not life-threatening. From what the Droid had gathered from Lac'li Saku's medical file and its brief interactions with the Jedi Knight, this state of unrest was generally the woman's default mode of operation. "I sympathize your distress, Lac'li Saku. The delay is extremely inefficient for your and the other Jedi's primary directives," the machine offered in as an empathetic a tone its vocalizer could manage, its large form assuming a crouched position near the Jedi. F7 had not often been given the chance to interact with Organics since its reactivation, and the few times it did were often just maintenance on its chassis. Perhaps interfacing this Organic would be able provide useful data regarding social interaction as well as helping it fulfill its primary directive of ensuring its masters' well-being. F7 quirked its large, stream-lined head at a slight angle, hoping to emulate Organic body-language so to better convey its meaning. "Lac'li Saku, scientific testing has revealed that entertainment aids in the passage of relative time. Would you like to engage in an activity in order to shorten your perception of time's passing?" The machine offered optimistically, its cobolt and silver form illuminating its surroundings with dim, blue light.</s> <|message|>Kara Tyrrhan It was a sight to behold, an angry Orryxian bashing her fists against the Ardent Liberty's pilot console. "I hate Hutt Space...", Kara cursed. They were drifting in front of the Huttese Golan III defence platform for four hours now and they were not let down to the Spaceport. After letting out a stream of expletives, Kara turned the comm-panel back on. "Commander, your urgency to land seemed suspicious to some Hutts, therefore we are going to scan your ship once more before you can proceed the the spaceport. We are very sorry for this inconvenience, but the Republic is not that welcome in Hutt Space." Kara sighed. "I understand. However, I will have to file a report to the Senate about this. They will not be happy about this delay." This was her final gamble, something she learned in one of her more... diplomatic missions. And it usually paid off. "The Senate? Oh... I am very sorry, we thought this was a warship and not an ambassador of the Senate. And we're sorry for not contacting you earlier." It always pays off to play the diplomat, Kara thought smiling a little. "You're assigned to landing bay 27, don't stray from your assigned course.", came another person from the orbital station. "Finally...", Kara muttered under her breath as she put the course into the computer, then she activated the comm once more. "Fighter pilots, we've received landing clearance, please proceed to dock with the Ardent Liberty." One thing Kara never understood about pilots was their decision to stay in their fighter cockpit, even when travelling through hyperspace. It was baffling to her. "well, then... Let's get to it." With these words Kara pushed any distracting thoughts into the back of her head, clearing her throat and activating the intercomm. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we've just gotten landing clearance. I'm very sorry for the delay. It seems the Hutts are not very fond of Republic ships appearing on their doorstep. Probably because they have something to hide. We're now posing as a diplomatic corps from the Senate, I don't know how this will complicate the mission, but they would not have let us dock otherwise. For questions, come to the bridge or wait until we have landed." Deciding it would be safer to do so, Kara deactivated the autopilot and the guidance system she had fed with the coordinates of the docking port displayed a row of green beacons on her HUD. Slowly and smoothly she eased the ship into the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa.</s>
<|message|>Krat Gyton Bounty Hunter Krat Gyton A black and red X-Wing flew towards Nar Shaddaa slowly. In it was a Mandalorian, wanting to get some credits. It was hard for him to get past the spaceborder control, as they thought he was with the Republic because he flew an X-Wing, but after he managed to convince them that he was a bounty hunter trying to find some 'smugglers who didn't pay their employers what they owed', they let him through. It was not a total lie though, he was trying to find some law breakers. However, he was more interested in the people at the secret meeting. He bet the Republic would pay a lot for some of them, and as he liked the way the Republic was handling it's government, he would help them. For now. He landed on the appointed landing spot, opened his cockpit and got out. "Denying, you stay at the fighter. I will be back soon." The R2 astrodroid started to complain with its bleeping. Krat sighed. "Look, Denying, I know you want to come with me and kick some butt, but this is a stealth mission with much climbing involved. I don't think you are able to do that though." One long, annoyed bleep came from the droid. "You know what, I'll make a deal with you: You stay at the fighter and I give you permission to aim at anyone who comes too close to it. I even allow you to shoot anyone who touches it. Do we have a deal?" The droid now sounded as happy as it could be, and started turning the turret at the bottom of the X-Wing around towards the people walking past the docks. "That's a good droid!" Krat said, then walked away from the fighter. It was time for him to get ready for the job.</s>
<|description|>Seraphim, or "Sera" for short Seraphim, the healing angel Gender: Female Age: Unknown, appears to be in her early twenties Appearance: Seraphim is very ghost-like or angel-like in Appearance, her skin, hair, and lips all a pale white. Her hair extends about a foot longer than her height of 5'4", so she tends to keep it in a loose braid with small wavy pieces framing her face. Her features are very soft and delicate, with a small button nose, lips, and smooth white eyebrows. Her eyes are the most colorful thing, bringing a bit of light blue to the pure pale. She has very long limbs and a thin body, making her appear taller than she is. In her hair she has clips with angel wings on them, mimicking the wings she grows when using her powers (seen at top.) These wings are ethereal and not actually physical, glowing a light blue with the core of her body where the soul stone is implanted. Sera also wears a necklace with the spirit stone of her fallen beloved to keep close to her. She often is dressed in a formal maid like outfit with the symbols of the Blood Rose Irregulars. Does not belong to me, I merely edited it. Bio: Unlike the others, Sera was not a fighter. In fact, you could barely say she is human. While traveling, the Blood Rose Irregulars stumbled upon a modest home in the woods. Hoping they could stay the night, they knocked but there was no answer. The lights were off, the plants around the home were dead and wilting, and inside there was complete silence. The group assumed it was abandoned, and entered. The rooms were empty, except for scattered books and scriptures on Black Magic strewn everywhere, thus making them have to pick around to get through. Each one of the papers had to do with recreating a human, some sort of mixture of necromancy upon a homunculus. In the last room, they stumbled upon Sera, kneeling naked beside a corpse of a man who she stared at with hollow confused eyes. His body was blackened and sucked of life, a common effect of a failed black magic spell. Sadly enough, Seraphim does not know of her own past. Her memories of her past life were wiped, so the Blood Rose Irregulars only could find out about her through texts found in the home. One, a diary entry of the magician, wrote: "My [torn name], I think I have found a way to bring you back! Your ill body will no longer keep your young self imprisoned in a bed, never to see the light. I've created a body for you, one of clay and earth. With this spell, I can bring you back to life, and you can live it fully without all the pains of sickness. I will see you soon, little one Destry." Without knowing her name, the group named her Seraphim, an apt name for her powers they soon would discover, and adopted her into the Blood Rose Irregulars as a helper. Fighting Style: Seraphim is not a fighter, but rather a healer. She is able to heal all of her allies, as well as put up protective shields to guard her fellows. However, this requires major amounts of concentration, thus she must stay in the back of the onslaught and be protected, because she can not defend herself. Equipment: Sera only has the clothes on her person and the necklace with the soul stone of her departed lover. She has no weapons, and really could not fight with one anyway. Skills/Abilities: * Insight a mental ability which grants the user the ability to "see." With their eyes closed, the user can see a vague image of everything around them, mostly just body heat signatures. This is mostly useful on the field, where one must keep track of everyone at one time. * Homunculus Creation is an ability which only homunculi possess. This allows them to be immune to certain status ailments such as poison, confusion, sleep, etc. It also gives them the ability that if say a limb is removed, it can be put back on simply by applying clay and allowing it to dry. When attacked, their skin will crack like a porcelain doll, thus meaning multiple attacks will cause them to shatter. * Healing can be separated into two sections: group or singular. The more people healed at one time, the more energy it requires. The user cannot revive a fallen ally, or wake one which has fainted. + A special skill that Sera has developed is named Angel's Feathers. Ethereal feathers rain from the sky, and bring back allies who are on even the brink of death. It heals all allies immediately and completely, and can even awake fainted ones. However, after using this power, Sera will collapse and can no longer use magic for at least a few hours. * Shielding is another magical skill which allows the user to put a magical shield up around one or two allies at a time. It is similar to having another layer of armor, increasing defenses against physical but mostly magical attacks. The shield will appear as a translucent coat over existing armor, and will reflect in the light but not weigh anything. + Her second special skill is Seraph's Wing, where the ethereal wings on her back grown and create a wall between allies and enemies. The wall cannot be penetrated by either side, and any attacks aimed at it will be reflected back. The wall does not last more than a minute or so, and after Seraphim will actually faint. Other Information: A homunculus made of clay and earth, her spirit stone is placed in her core. Seraphim is a sort of caretaker of helper of the group and usually stays back. 1. Listen to the GM(s), If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a mission feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC</s> <|message|>Alm Saito -=Adventure Zero - The Fall=- Our Story Begins in the Gatehouse City outside of Silver Moon Citadel. It is a cool Summer night and the Irregulars are getting some much needed rest after returning from the Dread Desert on a successful contract. Another Day or so and the Contact would arrive to pay for the artifact and then the Irregulars could set off for Home to take on another Mission. Alm lay in his bed at the Inn half asleep, his window open to let in the cool air and fill the room with the quiet meanderings of the city outside. But in the peace of night an odd sent made its way into the room Alm almost instantly shot up as the word "Orcs" left his mouth. In an instant Alm was up getting ready for battle and by the time the alarm bell started to ring he was already out the door of the Inn racing to meet the Orc's in combat. As for the Others their sleep would be interrupted by this bell which would put the entire city into a state of frenzy. Civilians made their way to the Gatehouse for protection while Knights funneled out of the gatehouse to aid and protect the civilians while they fled. As the rest of the Irregulars were stirred and got themselves ready they would be stopped by Jing before leaving the Inn. After they were all gathered, minus Alm, Jing started to give his orders. "Alright everyone from what Stephan was able to find out, the City is under attack by Orcs lots of them. And Although Alm is an Idiot for running off on his own... He has his heart in the right place. So were going to go assist the Knights in the evacuation of the civilians. Xia, Freir you two go find Alm and help him," "The Idiot is fighting in the western district, seems the orcs broke through the wall there" Stephan broke in for a moment. "Right, Volux, Arden, Sara, you three head to the East district and help out as you can. If they broke in on the west its only a matter of time until the same happens in the East." Jing continued. "As for Myself, Shion, and Gwen we will head north to the main gate and assist there. Now Stephan, I know you don't "work for free" so go take that artifact and find the buyer meet up with us in three days in the village of Blackrock, from there we will go over our options. Remember everyone we are not here to win a war today, we are just here to cover the escape of civilians. We will come back to win this war when we are actually getting paid for it." Jing joked for a second, "Stay safe and remember if we get separated regroup at Blackrock Village, do not retreat into the Citadel we will be worthless trapped in there." Jing gave the last bit of his speech before telling everyone to head out. As the Irregulars left the Inn they could see how bad things were going to get, Fires were already starting to spread near the Walls of the City and still a strong stream of panicked civilians were trying to force their way to the gatehouse. The sounds of Battle now echoed into the streets and although the Knights were holding of the Orc attack for now there was no telling how long it would last.</s> <|message|>Volux Volux sent a curt nod toward Jing, once again astounded by the leader's decisiveness and strength in dire situations. No matter how many times he fought alongside, no matter how difficult the situation, he always had a plan. Volux threw a quick glance towards Sera and Arden, but didn't take too much notice as to whether they followed him out of the inn. Before he'd even reached the door shouts of panic and the destructive cackle of flame eating buildings, stalls and people. Panicked people streamed down the streets, a tidal wave slowing the advance of Volux towards the Eastern District. The sounds of the dead and dying slowly fading behind him left a sickness in the depth of his stomach, and faces of others he hadnt managed to save flashed momentarily across his vision. Volux didn't like this feeling, it left him feeling helpless, knowing he could ease their suffering but at the same time not... No, Volux shook his head defiantly, you do not think like that. Think of the ones you could save; of their smiling faces and those of their families. His feet pounded almost as fast as his heart on the cobbled streets as he fought his way through the crowds. Thankfully, there seemed to be less people spilling out onto the streets, with the majority of civilians fleeing however some decided to arm themselves and brandish clumsily made instruments or old swords that had long ago seen their last maintenance. "[color=8dc73f][/color]Fools" he cursed quietly, urging each group of the impromptu militia to leave it to the professionals. Some headed his advice, others scoffed and were even insulted that someone around half their age was telling them what to do. Volux let out a deep sigh and moved on, "If only i had Jing's charasma" he muttered "how many more people could i save them? How many people could i save from themselves?"</s> <|message|>Freir (No last name given) Freir let a sigh escape under his breath as he got up and made from his table at the back of the inn. If there was one thing he had no patience for was to babysit the strong heroic types when they were way over their heads. They were amazing decoys, he gave them that. At the very least he was partnered with Xia, whose style he did admire when she wasn't trying to get daddy dearest's attention. The ninja theatrics were a tad exaggerated but he did like her pragmatism when it came to fight. He tightened his sword under his belt while walking past the captain's daughter. "Let's get going then, lady Sanada." He spoke while walking towards the door. "The quicker we bail out Alm, the quicker we can get everyone out of here." Despite uttering those words a small part inside he did feel excitement for knowing he was about to bash some of the Ogres. Covering his head with his cowl, Freir stepped outside the Inn, spinning on his heels to check if Xia was following behind him.</s>
<|message|>Seraphim, or "Sera" for short Nights like these were melancholy. The sweet, warm scent of a summer night was contradicted by the staple coolness of a desert's air when the sun had set. Seraphim, as usual, sat on the inner ledge of a window and stared out into the peaceful citadel with a blank smile on her face. Homunculi didn't require the necessities of a human. Food, drink, sleep... If she had wanted she could have taken part in such intricacies, but it was simply a waste. Who would want to sleep away such a gorgeous night such as this? As her dreamy blue eyes floated lazily along the little houses, something caught her attention. Was that... smoke? Yes, a small tendril of gray smoke curling its way into the gentle blackness of the sky. Perhaps a chimney? I don't remember ever seeing one atop the houses... Sera sat up straight on the ledge, a lump forming in her throat as the choking gray thickened. It wasn't long until the fire reached a visual height, and the sirens went off with a shocking blare. The clicks of her black heels echoed lightly off the walls as the pale girl ran as quickly as she could down the stairs and to the group, pinching the ends of her dress so it wouldn't get trapped under her hurried steps. Sera stood off to the indirect side of Jing as she always did, white gloved hands respectfully folded by her belt. She had expected to help the mercenaries out into the field, and perhaps be on healing duty for retrieved citizens. With her lack of personal defense or attacks, the "healing angel" usually wouldn't be in the thick of it. However... "Right, Volux, Arden, Sera, you three head to the East district and help out as you can." The homunculus nodded absent-mindedly along with his words, freezing after a bit of a delayed reaction of hearing her own name. The shocked face snapped towards the leader, mouth dropped in a wide "o" shape. M-me? Well, I know my healing is most likely needed, but won't I get in the way? It wasn't her decision. If Jing ordered it, then he must know what he is doing. Still, Sera was a bit worried. Volux had already raced out, and so Sera deftly lifted the ends of her dress once more and made her way after him. As expected, Jing has set it so that it was an effective strategy. Seraphim has her delicate hands clasped before her chest, translucent blue wings spread behind her and her spirit stone glowing bright in her core from the exertion. "There's one under the debri there. A child is stuck off to the right." As she continued to tell the other two where to retrieve the trapped citizens from her insight, Sera went to work Healing each one individually, before she pointed them off to the nearest way out of the citadel. This was working brilliantly thus far... then again, she really shouldn't have doubted the leader.</s>
<|description|>Faira Blodwen Race: Human Gender:  Female Age: 27 Faira is tall and broad, her body is covered in stretch marks like a cat's stripes, the result of her Bloodheat expanding her muscles spontaneously. Bio: Faira would love to tell people she lost her eye in battle, but she's no liar and the truth is it was injured in a shipwreck when she was small, and traveled aboard the merchant ship her father owned. She was pulled from the water near the shore of Dragon's Maw by a beastman named Erevan. He took Faira in, and taught her some of his ways. Faira got on well enough wit Erevan's natural born daughter, Arn, until they were teenagers. It was found that Faira had the same elemental affinity to Life magic as Erevan, and he took her on as an apprentice to learn his family's traditional magic. Arn, who took after her mother with Earth magic, was jealous of Faira for this, and stopped calling her a sister. Though generally thick skinned, Faira was devastated by this change, and soon left to go see the world of humans that she was born in, but could barely remember. The skills she learned in Dragon's Maw were best suited to combat, and she found work back in the Grand Empire as a mercenary. Personality quirks: Traits 1. When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way. 2. I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups. Ideals: I would rather die than betray a friend. Bond: Found Family. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Flaw: I fear I do not belong, despite my loyalty. Friends/Rivals: Erevan Blodwen, a beastman who rescued Faira when she was young, and raised her as a daughter. Arn Blodwen, Faira's adopted sister. They were close once, but Arn is jealous that Faira was able to learn family magic that Arn herself could not. Fighting Style: Southclaw. A ferocious style of swordplay, utilizing a bastard sword, sometimes accompanied by a large hunting knife. Rarely using a shield or heavy armor, it is weakest to ranged attacks that it is unable to block. Equipment: A bastard sword, a wicked curved knife, fairly basic studded leather armor. The knife is called Emberclaw, and has two small soulstones set on either side of the pommel. One is fire, the other earth. The spells carved into the blade will heat the metal white hot, while the earth magic preserves the blade's integrity, and prevents the heat from expanding beyond the guard. The spells activate at once, but the fire has four charges, while the earth only has three. It is activated by tasting the weirder's own blood. She won it in an arm wrestling contest with a captain she worked under once. Skills/Abilities: Bloodheat. A special skill learned from her adopted family, in which one floods their body with life magic, strengthening it temporarily. It can take an enormous toll on the bones and ligaments, but makes the user faster and stronger than before. It also causes a fever, hence the name, and is dangerous over long periods.</s> <|message|>Leonidas Lionheart Leonidas nodded back at the Duke following him into the office. "Yes we do have a lot to go over. Please give me a run down of what you know? Do we know how many we are up against? What are our defenses at the moment? Is there any weak points in the city we need to know about? How long will your supplies last?" Leonidas began questioning as soon as they were in the office attempting to get a grasp on the situation of the town. "As for Siegfried, yes he and his forces will hopefully arrive in two days. Have you received anything from the dwarves will they be able to help us?" Leonidas continued adding to the list of unanswered questions. ---- Western Gate The quiet of the morning is once again broken as a bell starts to ring form on top of the gate. "Here they come boys! everyone to your positions!" a guard yelled out from the gatehouse. The soldiers instantly jumped into action. preparing for the attack. from the top of the wall a group of what looked like 200 Goblins seemed to be poring out what must of been a cave entrance hidden by a hill. Guards on the walls readied their bows with very few having rifles waiting for the Goblins to get into range before opening fire.</s> <|message|>Balthazar Trevarthen The warlock simply nodded as he followed along. Buildings take damage during a siege-- this much was an inevitability. However, Balthazar was still surprised to see destruction done to parts of the keep itself. He had not seen any siege weapons on the way in, which left sabotage or magic as the cause of the destroyed war room. Goblins and Orcs rarely took up the arcane arts, but their shamans are known to have knowledge of the more primal magics. Still, it was a good thing that Duke Karstilli had survived; a city can survive the loss of a building, but the death of their leader is much more difficult, especially during a siege. As the Prince asked his questions, Balthazar reached into his coat pocket, retrieving the envelope that had been delivered to him. It had likely been opened at least once before in spite of the presence of the unbroken wax seal, but he was confident that the information was not compromised. Now in a secure location, the man opened the letter, reading the battle reports and placing the map on the desk whilst keeping the letter to him within the envelope itself. There would be time to read that later. Once he was done, he placed the reports on the desk for others to review, if they wished to. The papers on this desk would prove useful for both tactical and strategic analysis of the battle to come. There are three papers within Balthazar's report: two pages of information and a single large map. It is written in a simple Imperial cipher-- one that any Imperial officer or noble would understand at a glance. These reports detail the enemy's strength: roughly a thousand soldiers strong, comprised primarily of Goblins. Two hundred of the enemy forces are made up of proper Orc Warriors, who seem to make up the army's elite. There is also word of one or two Ogres, who likely serve as impromptu siege weaponry or shock troops. Their leader is Waruk Shieldbreaker, an Orc Warlord of little renown, who seems to be attacking in an attempt to grab power in the area, and to bring glory to his name... Due to the lack of ambition in his circle of officers, it is likely that with his death, the invading army will collapse. It is difficult to pin down their exact movements, due to their use of the local mountain cave systems to traverse the region. Curiously, they've managed to avoid both Dwarven and Human patrols thanks to this tactic. The attached map lists several cave openings that can be collapsed to prevent the arrival of further reinforcements or to funnel the enemy into a single bottleneck. It appears that the enemy has mostly been attacking from the north and that the city's cannons have been holding the enemy at bay, for now. "Our scouts once reported numbers between two hundred and a thousand, but my informants say it is the latter. We can expect at least a thousand enemy combatants." He starts. It could be rude for an advisor to speak before the lord of the house can, but not only was Balthazar himself was a lord, he was also the Prince's aide. His word was to be respected and taken under heavy consideration. "Eight hundred Goblins, two hundred Orcs, and perhaps an Ogre or two, lead by Waruk Shieldbreaker, an Orc Warlord of little renown." "In addition, they've been using the underground cave systems to travel. There appear to be several prime locations for us to cut off their supply lines, but we'll need more time before we act upon that." The spymaster looked up at Duke Karstilli, an eyebrow raised. "Can you corroborate this information? I must know if my accounts are still accurate." Of course, in spite of how well-informed Balthazar can be, Duke Karstilli was indeed the lord of the house. They would have to follow his lead and not the other way around, even if the Prince was here. Still, the warlock knew that the Duke was a man of reason, and was not a man with a hot temper. If the spymaster recalled correctly, the Duke was a man of honor who appreciated it when things were simple. A man of the people. Balthazar waited politely for the Duke to answer both the Prince's questions as well as his own.</s> <|message|>Rudolph Kestrell "Yes we do have a lot to go over. Please give me a run down of what you know? Do we know how many we are up against? What are our defenses at the moment? Is there any weak points in the city we need to know about? How long will your supplies last?" Leonidas began as soon as they entered the office. "As for Siegfried, yes he and his forces will hopefully arrive in two days. Have you received anything from the dwarves, will they be able to help us?" he continued. Then Balthazar spoke up soon after, "Our scouts once reported numbers between two hundred and a thousand, but my informants say it is the latter. We can expect at least a thousand enemy combatants." Balthazar reviewed his notes from the report before he continued, "Eight hundred Goblins, two hundred Orcs, and perhaps an Ogre or two, lead by Waruk Shieldbreaker, an Orc Warlord of little renown. In addition, they've been using the underground cave systems to travel. There appear to be several prime locations for us to cut off their supply lines, but we'll need more time before we act upon that." Balthazar looked up at the Duke from his report as he continue, "Can you corroborate this information? I must know if my accounts are still accurate." The Duke held up a hand before saying his piece, "Well Sir Balthazar, you certainly are well informed, as our reports say similar, though yours holds more detail.", he leaned on the desk to observe the map that Balthazar provided before looking up at the Prince. "And to answer your questions my Prince, the main areas to keep a watchful eye on, are the sewer drains. As they extend beyond the city walls." The Duke stood up and crossed his arms. "As for our defences, we have roughly four hundred of our infantry, and there is also the four cannons we recieved from the dwarves. They should be fine for use for now, but we did not have much in terms of ammunition to begin with." The Duke took a deep breath before he continued, his old weary body tiring already, "We would be better prepared, but unfortunately, these last few months have taken a toll. We have troops stationed at a couple of our watch forts further outward, and we think two may have fallen due to the orcs." he said stroking his bearded chin in thought. "We have indeed tried to contact the dwarves via carrier pigeon, but we have yet to recieve a reply. It is possible they themselves could be under threat of attack." The Duke paused for a moment. "Do you have any further information regarding this orc warlord you mentioned?" he asked Balthazar with curiosity. --------- As soon as the bell rang, Rudolph made his way up to the walls, to offer what help he could. Some rifle fire could be heard, but the majority of missles were from the bows. A few of the goblins in the assault were immediately killed from the first volley, but they were better prepared this time, as most of the arrows that hit, were blocked by their shields. However, the few shots from the rifles amongst them, blew through them with relative ease. "Keep knocking the bastards down!" yelled Captain Fenne as he walked along the wall observing the attack. Rudolph managed to get to the top of the wall just in time for the third volley. The goblins got to a certain point before stopping. "Bring the cannons 'round!" ordered the captain giving a signal with his hand. A soldier from amongst the ranged units shouted "Incoming!" as two large boulders were coming their way. "Take cover. Take cover!" ordered the captain before he hid himself behind one of the merlons. Rudolph himself hid behind one as soon as he saw the incoming projectiles. With a loud crash, one of the shots hit the side of the wall, causing a minor tremor. The other made a direct hit, killing some of the troop that took shelter. Rudolph was partially dazed by the impact, but thankfully was not in the impact zone itself. He then quickly gathered himself, "Are you alright Captain!?" he loudly asked as he staggered slightly across the broken wall using his halberd to keep him steady. There were some soldiers missing, possibly they were knocked off the wall back into the city. Others lay upon the path broken and bloodied. "Keep firing! Don't give 'em a breather!" yelled Rudolph as he went to investigate the whereabouts of the captain. He quickly found the man, buried under a mound of rubble. He then removed some of it to check if the man still lived. Captain Fenne seemed mostly dusted by the debris, despite clear minor wounds. Rudolph looked closer and noticed that the back of the mans head had been caved in. Rudolph looked down with eyes closed. Damn them!. Rudolph stood up and observed his surroundings. The ranged units were still doing their part, and trying their best at keeping the greenskins at bay. The cannoneers were still making their way over as the goblins renewed their assault against the walls. "Alright then." Rudolph said to himself. "Cannons! Get a move on!" he ordered, and they began hurrying more so with the help from other soldiers currently unoccupied with the defences. Here we go. he exhaled readying himself for the fight ahead.</s>
<|message|>Faira Blodwen Faira was disgruntledly tightening her armor back to its usual configuration, as she walked out of the main keeps courtyard to survey the city walls. She had decided to start with the north side, since it seemed to be under the heaviest attack. The guards here were found cleaning the cannons with practiced haste. There wasn't much to see beyond the walls, the fields in front were torn and muddy from days upon days of troops marching across it. She could see ruts where whatever seige engines the orcs employed had been dragged to the field. When the watch bell rang, Faira clutched the side of the wall and stared out for a moment, scanning the horizon before realizing that the attack was from a different point on the wall. "Gods' blood!" She cursed, turning on the spot and running along the wall to get to the assaulted point. An order to move the city's only four cannons traveled along the wall towards the northern outpost, and by this time she could see the forces amassed below. She stopped one of the messengers and showed him her royal insignia. "We don't need four cannons for a bunch of goblins. Bring one, and your crew with the best aim. Leave the others, each with a full crew. They might be feinting." She reached the western outpost on the wall, and found Rudolph already there. "I just came from the cannons, the crew shouldn't be far behind me," she peeked out from behind a merlon. "If the cannon can break that catapult, we may not even need to leave the wall."</s>
<|description|>Adrianne Valenthin Gender: Female Age: 24 Class: Sanctioned Psyker Psyker Power Divination & Telekinesis are her main fields of psychic talent, but she also possesses two other abilities such as Smite and Storm of Lightning, as well as a rudimentary form of mental communication. Does not possess any noteworthy healing abilities, and she is just as likely to send someone to the warp as she is to heal a minor scratch. Appearance: 5.8ft tall, pale skin and snow white hair. Sturdy and heavy frame, but still retains her feminine figure despite adhering to a strict physical training regime. The base of her outfit consist of a simple yet elastic skin tight jumpsuit in dark brown color that is capable of withstanding the vacuum of space as well as provide a decent protection against the elements, though offers little protection versus physical threats. Overlayed on top is a series of armaplas plates that form a chestguard, cuisses, knee-high boots, shoulderpads and gloves stretching back and up to her elbows where they form into a sharp point. They offer good locational protection, especially from the front, but leave her jumpsuit exposed in other places, particularly from her lower back and down to the back of her knees where her boots cover both sides of her ankles. The plates are polished to a light gray color, and almost look like silver. The surface is covered with a series of intricate design and artwork in typical imperial fashion, featuring numerous flutes and ridges across the plates, as well as a couple skull imprints. Above her armor she wears a satin blue silk cloak that hangs down from the back of her left shoulder, as well as a silk loincloth hanging from the front of her belt of similar color. Thrown sideways around her torso is a series of books and scrolls attached by chain. Running up along the spine of her chestguard is a refractor field generator built into the plate itself, taking form of a small generator emitting a series of horizontal, blue lights up along the back of the chestplate, and shaped much like a human skeletal spine. When activated, a faint, blue and almost invisible barrier appears around her figure. Her helmet is made out of the same material as that of her armor, and it takes the form of a gothic plated helmet, with a narrow but wide blue glass visor and a longer neck guard extending out behind her helmet. Two plastic tubes are attached to a rebreather device at the bottom mouth piece of her helmet, that stretch out on each side of her neck and down into a small, highly pressurized air tank built into the back of her chestguard. Her boots are magnetic, and her entire suit when worn enables her to survive in space, and also provides immunity to most chemical and biological attacks. She carries enough oxygen to last for almost an hour. Equipment: Main Weapon: Her primary weapon is a two handed power-weapon in the form of an oversized saber with a sleek blade and an extended handle which doubles as a psyker staff, and adorned with sigils, trinkets, technological gadgets and inscriptions. She often uses her weapon in conjunction with her telekinetic powers to amplify its destructive potential. "Scylla" [Custom-Built Handgun], .50 caliber, 7 round clip size x 3 carried. Ceremonial Dagger. In essence, just a normal albeit flashy dagger with an adorned handle. Typically only carried for show, but is sharp enough to slice through unprotected skin with ease, and small enough to be concealed without much problem. Refractor Field. Description under Appearance. Servo-Skull: Mostly used to store events, data, recordings and scrolls. Savior – Saved an influential nobleman by foreseeing his assassination, tossing him out of the way of the sniper's bullet with her telekinetic powers and into a big wedding cake instead. Guide – Saved a band of arbiters from the underworld of a hive world during an uprising by using her powers of divination to avoid the roaming mobs and gangs and reached safety without incident. Not a single shot was fired during their escape. Hates Surprises – Accidentally electrocuted and sent three of the arbiters she had saved above to the infirmary when they tried to surprise her with a party later. Being so used to foresee danger before it happens, she is prone to freaking out over minor surprises that eludes her farsight. Fireteam – During an Ork incursion, she helped a fireteam of six guardsmen hold off a much larger band of orks after their sergeant was injured through using her powers of divination to guide their fire, turning what had been originally green recruits into seemingly crack shots. Any Ork that left its cover was immediately put down from long range, and when they mounted a frenzied charge together, they didn't make it more than halfway across the field to the trenches before they were wiped out by precision fire. Warpstorm over Mordran V - Adrianne was assigned to aid the planetary imperial garrison with culling a lesser greenskin uprising, assisting local Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle forces with the purging when a warpstorm suddenly appeared over the otherwise peaceful colony world of Mordran V. Trapped on the planet, Adrianne found herself fighting for survival alongside her imperial guard as Chaos Ships appeared in orbit, and unleashed a ferocious invasion of the planet! Though the warpstorm only lasted for two weeks, by the time it had lifted, Mordran V had been transformed from a lush, promising garden world into a lifeless, daemon-infested hellscape, with most of its original population killed except for a few imperial strongholds that managed to weather the storm. Her experience from Mordran V would change Adrianne for ever. What had been a cautious girl that had stepped onto the planet would instead emerge a seemingly reckless with little to no restraint on her powers!</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin "How did you find it?" Adrianne turned to look towards the arbite at his question, the same man who had moments earlier just threatened her. She simply smiled while nodding towards the bag hanging under her servo-skull. "It was found in the manager's official office, in the clutches of a dead clerk who looked as though he had been in the process of retrieving the medallion from a reinforced safe in the office. At least, before what looked like one of the rioters had interfered. Death by cranial bludgeoning." She would explain with a neutral, slightly friendly as she tossed a quick glance over to the burning brothel behind them. Elements of the area's fire department had showed up in two heavy trucks, and were already beginning to try to get the fires under control with hoses and chemicals. Most of the rioters had scattered, the remainders mostly consisting of isolated onlookers who watched the burning building from a safe distance, whom in turn were watched by the ever watchful eyes of the arbites who still maintained their formation in case the dissidents were to return! "I am fairly sure the owner of the object was a psyker of some degree." Adrianne would finally speak as her head returned to look back at Stukov and Nurian. "Such an amulet is generally gifted to psychic servants of chaos to amplify their powers, but require a strong will to master. Because of this, they are often removed by the less-devoted followers of chaos when not in use, which could explain the absence of its psyker master." Adrianne explained, being no stranger to artifacts that could increase a wearer's connection to the warp, and thus their strength. Among the servants of chaos, it was often a favored gift. "It is not unlikely that this brothel may have acted like a safe house for the owner of the medallion. Because of its strong aura, I highly doubt that the owner could ever be ignorant of the nature of the medallion, and is thus complicit in storing forbidden artifacts."</s> <|message|>Zhevon Amoxa Zhevon looked around and checked on the status of everyone. The new arrival, Echo appeared to be fine, while his Mastiff only suffered minor damage. Stukov appeared less than healthy, but still alive, hopping through a window of the brothel. He made mention of a piece of debris that had nearly killed him, his armor saving him. "Thanks, I'm fine." Adrianne reported, getting up and dusting herself off. "Inquisitor, you shouldn't have... I mean, if we were to lose you, it would,- " She was interrupted by Stukov, saying that she had found something in the Brothel. Zhevon had an eyebrow raised, having nothing to say to Adrianne. The object she found was more concerning. When she pulled the medallion out, its singular eye fixated at the Inquisitor. Zhevon narrowed his eyes. He had seen his fair share of Chaos artifacts, and he was seen another like this one before, years ago, before he was an Inquisitor. The more they looked at each other the more Zhevon found his mind wandering, the Medallion casting its shadow over Zhevon, who was attempting to remember the shape and make of the artifact he had seen before. In seconds he Zhevon found himself thinking about thoughts and feelings he had cast aside for duty and training. When Adrianne covered the eye, Zhevon felt a pain in his chest, similar to a man losing his first love. But he knew better, and mentally thanked his Psyker. He cleared his throat quietly as Adrianne began to explain the medallions purpose. "Do you wish to hold it?" She asked, Zhevon shook his head, "I'd rather not. The last time I held an artifact like that, I found myself in a spot of trouble, to which even today I am feeling the effects of." The gears of his mind began to churn, when Aviza landed the Valkyrie and appeared. The instant she saw the metal object, she looked at Adrianne. "That artifact must be covered at all times or destroyed Adrainne. We may have just given ourselves away to the forces of Chaos Adrianne. If we have made such a mistake, this world will burn and countless lives and souls will be lost in their wake as they search for us." She turned to Zhevon, "We have to rid ourselves of this artifact as soon as possible, this simple medallion could quite literally cause untold amounts of death and suffering on a scale of which even generations of the yet unborn will cry out in anguish for all eternity." Zhevon rubbed the side of his helmet through his hood, "I know what these artifacts are capable of, but... If wha-" "Psyker witch!" Echo yelled out, now in a combat stance. Zhevon was prepared to explain that Adrianne was in his retinue, but Aviza was quicker. Essentially explaining what he was about to explain, albeit with an additional threat at the end of the explanation. Before Echo could could charge or stand down, Adrianne deescalated the situation. Placing the medallion in a containment bag and introducing herself. She then turned to Zhevon, "The newcomer's sensitivity towards warp touched artifacts is a good indication that he will make a viable addition to our Inquisitorial cohort. His piety will be useful for rooting out the followers of chaos on this world." Zhevon nodded in agreement, "Actually I was going to let him in because he has a maul. I've always wanted to try one of those." When Stukov spoke up about the possible leads that could be found by investigating the Brothel, Zhevon contacted Alpha. Who made him wait several minutes. Then he spoke into everyone's voxes, including the newcomers, Echo's vox. "Heard you guys had a new arrival, an Echo Nurian. Welcome to the team, don't die. Now then, I've been working on trying to dig up some intel on this brothel. Unfortunately the guy has covered his tracks very well, if there have been any tracks. Everything appears fairly normal, sales, marketing, whatever. Now the owner, a 'Tortus Abajian', does not exist. This Tortus character owns this brothel, and a few other miscellaneous stores. A small shop, a gift store, a few others. He also owns a medium sized factory producing and assembling boxed breakfast, lunch and dinners. I've had a few from this factory before, and they check out. 100% Imperium authorized food, no poisons, no nothing. I know because I'm not dead yet, and I've did a few blood tests when I found out. I'll have a map compiled and prepped for your guys' review when you get back to a safehouse. Now, I can only do so much at the front of a cogitator. Like Mr. Nurian said, I can pull up a list of workers and customers from the brothel and question them to see if we can get anything from that, while you guys check out these other places that this Tortus guy is owning." Zhevon nodded and spoke up after Alpha, "Since we're doing updates, I've made a few calls about our big Daemon problem. Right now there are three regiments of Guard fighting an Ork Waaagh on an Agriworld about two systems over. They're assisted by two companies of Space Marines, whom I've called over before we landed on here. The rest of their Chapter is en-route now, with an additional five regiments of Imperial Guard. Captain Horner called his old Battlefleet and convinced the Lord Admiral to move a battlegroup of ships closer to Friere II just in case." "Also thought you might want to know, Inquisitor Cattleya has arrived and is currently assisting Gregor in the north islands investigation. She sends her regards." Alpha added, "...Ah. Yeah, that too." Zhevon meekly replied, looking at the ground. He almost heard his grin. He cleared his throat, getting his more authoritative voice going, "Let's hit the factory first. Bigger target means bigger rewards, mount up!" He said, briskly walking to the Valkyrie and stepping onto it.</s>
<|message|>Adrianne Valenthin Adrianne let out a mental sigh at the mention of the Ork Waaagh on the nearby Agriworld, casually putting on her skeletal helmet as she followed the Inquisitor and the rest up the loading ramp of the Valkyrie. The Orks had been one of the major foes she had faced in the past, and she knew if there was one thing the Orks were good at; then it was causing trouble wherever they went. Though not master strategists by any stretch of the imagination, the Orks were nonetheless tenacious, numerous and notoriously difficult to ever stamp out effectively, and were usually at their most dangerous when ignored. "Hopefully they will just firebomb the whole Ork Waaagh before it ever can threaten the sector." Adrianne thought to herself, preferring to see the Orks destroyed from orbit before she ever had to face them herself. She had seen the Imperial Guard fight an Ork Waaagh in its early stages before, and she knew well enough that any conflict with the Orks usually ended up with a protracted and often very bloody conflict. It seemed that no matter how many the greenskins may have lost in a single day, they came back again even more excited the next day! "If the owner is gone, what's the reason for traveling to the factory?" Adrianne would then inquire, turning her attention to the rest of the crowd as they entered the valkyrie. "Do we suspect the factory to be a mere cover-up for some other illegal activity? Are we looking for notes, databanks or communication collections?"</s>
<|description|>Unknown, designated "Sorrow". Chapter: Unknown. Chapter Demeanour: Unknown. Personal Demeanour: The Astartes now known only as Sorrow is quite clearly haunted by his past and now seeks to redeem himself through serving the Deathwatch as a Black Shield. He has stripped his ancient power armor of all marks of his Chapter and leads an existence free from all of the pleasures in life. Outside of combat, Sorrow subjects himself to long hours of prayer, meditation and a grueling training regime that would make even most other Astartes balk at the prospect. He does not shy away from contact or conversation with the brothers of his Kill-team, but Sorrow absolutely refuses to speak about his origins, Chapter or true name. Other than that, he is polite and soft-spoken and very rarely speaks ill of a fellow Astartes. He is prone to moods of somberness and melancholy and declines any praise or compliments that might be directed his way, insisting that he is merely a tool for the Emperor's will and nothing more. In combat, Sorrow fights with total disregard for his own life, gladly sprinting into the line of fire to save a fallen brother or standing face-to-face with a heinous xenos monstrosity. An honorable death would be the easiest way to find absolution but Sorrow does recognize that it would have to be a good death, not a pointless one, so he is not entirely suicidal. One thing is certain; Sorrow will never wear the livery of his Chapter once more. Speciality: Tactical. Rank: Battle-Brother (Black Shield). Power Armour History: It is an entirely unremarkable suit of Mark VII power armor, the most common variant in use by the Astartes at the start of the 42nd millenium. Its fresh coat of black paint cannot obscure the fact that is dented, pitted and otherwise marred in many places but Sorrow refuses any repairs or replacement parts. It functions reasonably well, though the mechanism of the joint of his left elbow has a habit of jamming in the midst of combat. Sorrow has not divulged any of the armor's history, if he even knows it, but the fact that is Mark VII means that it is unlikely to be very old. Description: Beneath the plates of his power armor, Sorrow is a gruesome sight to behold. Most of the flesh of his face has been seared away, the remnants fused together beneath a shiny layer of fresh skin. Especially the left side of his lower jaw was severely disfigured to the point where the white bone is visible, and his (fortunately unharmed) eyes are surrounded by thick scar tissue. Sorrow refuses skin-grafts or reconstructive surgery as a matter of principle and considers the hideousness of his visage to be a poignant reminder of the sins he has come to repent for. His physique is neither short or tall for an Astartes and Sorrow is just as muscular as can be expected from the average Battle-Brother. As for his armor, the whole suit of Mark VII is deep black (save for the silver left pauldron), as is Deathwatch custom, but highly irregular is that this extends even to his right pauldron. That is normally reserved for the sacred heraldry of the Marine's Chapter, but Sorrow has struck that sigil from the pauldron and painted it entirely black. This Black Shield immediately sets him apart from the other members of his Kill-team at first glance. Skills: As a Tactical Marine, Sorrow possesses a flexible skillset. He hasn't specialized in any particular combat doctrine and is equally capable up close or at range, but he is outclassed in both styles by specialist Devastator Marines with heavy weapons or Assault Marines with chainswords. That said, Sorrow is a crack shot with the standard Astartes Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern bolter and Mark II Ragefire Pattern plasma rifle and is at his most dangerous from medium distance. He also knows how to drive and operate various Astartes land vehicles like Rhinos, Assault Bikes and Land Raiders. History: All that is known of Sorrow's history is the story he submitted to the Master of the Vigil when he arrived at the Deathwatch fortress. He came to them alone, the sole occupant of a limping freighter vessel, his damaged power armor sandblasted clean of any paint, revealing the gunmetal gray of the adamantium beneath. No Chapter sigil was present on his pauldrons, nor any markings of rank or specialization. All that he carried was a battered bolter and a single frak grenade. When asked for his name, the Astartes declined to provide one, and instead insisted he was no one. When asked for a Chapter, the Astartes once again refused to answer, claiming he belonged to no Chapter. Not anymore. When asked for his story, the Marine sat down and removed his helmet, revealing the horrifyingly scarred and twisted face beneath. He took a deep breath, and spoke. Once, not too long ago, the Astartes had belonged to a Chapter. It was a proud one, charged with an important task, and demanded the respect and reverence of the population of the Imperium they protected. One amongst their numbers fell prey to hubris, however, and resisted the will of the Imperium. When asked why, the Astartes refused to answer and remained as vague as possible. He said that they were all blinded by the lies and their own arrogance. To his disgust, the Astartes saw brother after brother turn away from the Emperor's light. The Astartes sitting before the Master of the Vigil said that he resisted, trying to undo the damage, but they would not listen. Eventually he and his brothers came to blows -- a terrible battle in which he nearly perished, the Astartes said, pointing to the wreckage of his face. He escaped aboard a space ship and became adrift for years, which is when he entered a Sus-an Membrane-induced stasis. Explorators woke him when the ship was found. The Astartes refused to clarify how long he had been in stasis, or indeed to provide any kind of timeframe for his story. The Astartes paused for a long time, the air of the dark chamber heavy with tension. The Astartes continued, saying he eventually learned that justice had been metered out to his Chapter, though he declined to go into details. He said that, with nowhere left to go, he would strip himself of his rank, name and Chapter and submit himself to the Emperor's service in the only way that was now left to him; the Deathwatch. Perhaps, he said, voice full of melancholy, he could find some atonement for the sins of his erstwhile brothers here. The Master of the Vigil nodded once, curtly, gave the Astartes a new designation out of respect for the warrior's tale, and promised him it would not be repeated to any other members of the Deathwatch. Now his Long Vigil begins as the anonymous Sorrow. Equipment and Armament: An old and heavily-used Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern bolter, frak & krak grenades, and combat knife. Miscellaneous: The secrets that Sorrow keeps have been submitted to our GM as part of this CS.</s> <|message|>Aldaric Felbane The Repentant strike cruiser of the Angels of Absolution fell through space with all due haste toward the outskirts of the Eye of Terror. One of the Imperial worlds in this unfortunate region of the galaxy had sent out a distress call. The wasn't an unusual event, for the Black Legion often threatened this zone. Several space marine chapters gave the routine response of a shift in their forces, redirecting ships to where they were needed, but it would be time yet before The Repentent arrived. It was going to be delayed. Word had been received from the chapter master that the Deathwatch would be claiming their chosen from the Angels of Absolution from aboard this very ship. Previously unannounced, the blackship belonging to the Deathwatch had just arrived. Both The Repentent and the blackship synchronized their flightpaths for boarding. Curious who it might be, Aldaric and the rest of the vetran and elite Angels gathered in their grand council hall aboard the strike cruiser for the brief and efficient ceremony. They all knew each other well. "Duty to the Deathwatch is duty equally important as any other, if not moreso. 'Tis a great honor, and nothing less, to join their ranks..." Aldaric listened in silence as orator tried his best to emphasize the nobility in joining the Deathwatch. But the fact was, they would be loosing someone this day, someone valuable, to an Ordo Militant created by the mortals of the Inquisition out of fear of some alien-originating and impending Armageddon. Whoever it was, that brother would never be seen again, never again be loyal to the causes of their chapter's glory, their primarch, or hunting the Fallen. As much as protecting humanity and defending the Imperium was the ultimate and mutual goal, to the Dark Angels and their subchapters, sacrificing one of their own's identity and fealty felt like a betrayal. "...3rd company master, Aldaric Felbane." Aldaric didn't move a muscle. Those next to him began to back away, clearing the path. They looked at him, saluted, brought up their fists... but there was no cheer. This was a death. Aldaric walked forward, obedient to the last. ---------------------------------------------------------- The pod containing the collected from the Angels of Absolution was righted and opened up. A moment passed, then the space marine inside violently reached up with a grasping hand, fingers curling around the throat of some dreamed beast directly in front of the opened capsule. Aldaric then relaxed, quickly getting it together as he fully came to consciousness. He stepped out of the capsule, naked, feeling the metal grating below him with his own feet. He saw the rest of the lineup beside him, a host of unrecognized faces, and he recalled events before his stasis sleep. His bionic eye gave him additional information on energy sources, heat, and distance to the very shadowed ceiling, then the Watch-Captain made his introduction, pointing out Sorrow. Two other space marines gave their names, before attention fell on Aldaric. He answered flatly, "I am brother Aldaric Felbane, former Master of the Angels of Absolution 3rd company." He paused briefly, reflecting on the confidence of Drascal and Victar, then he looked to Captain Roa and without explanation added, "I am ready." Standing naked on the grate without weapons or armor was undoubtedly a questionable state of readiness, yet this Aldaric was at attention. He seemed open to learning and ready to accept whatever training the Deathwatch might throw upon him.</s> <|message|>Corneo Cornelius From those aboard, no one could've been more reluctant to give up their equipment than Corneo from the Iron Champions. Even after he finally agreed to it, simply because no alternative was presented to him or the others, he kept outright grumbling about it to himself and anyone who happened to be close enough to hear it. He simply did not feel comfortable, and anyone and their mother could notice it one way or another. Either way, as a loyal space marine he did stop his grumbling, eventually, meaning that he went quiet a few moments before their stasis begun. Such a joyous ride it was going to be, he'd only have to close his eyes like this, see pleasant dreams about things getting crushed beneath his boots as he falls on them from high above, ready to..wake up. The pod opens and the disfigured marine steps out blinking and stretching his arms slightly, clenching his fingers into fists slightly before recalling his missing equipment and thus there was no need to grasp anything. His new, fellow chapter goes through instructions. Sorrow from unknown origins, Corbite from the Sons of Medusa, Ironnmarch from Harbingers, Felbane from the Angels of Absolution. He shouldn't be so surprised, he knew that Deathwatch works this way, or so they at least said and were right. It was his turn. "Corneu Cornelius of the Iron Champions!" he announces clearly and looks around the rest of the people present slowly before adding."An optimal situation would be that we would at least be reunited with our armor and helmets as soon as possible." he states and rubs his face slightly, trailing his fingers along the scars that were everywhere.</s> <|message|>Sirren Gadex The decision to give up Sirren Gadex to the Deathwatch had not been an easy one. When the inquisitorial order had come down to offer him up, both his company leadership and the senior members of the Sanguinary Priesthood had bickered relentlessly with the Chapter leadership. He was too valuable to the chapter to offer up to the Ordo Xenos, they had argued. Both his experience as a veteran and his status as a Sanguinary Priest were at a premium to the depleted chapter, and his loss would be a substantial blow. Still, their concerns had been overruled; given the Chapter's poor reputation with the Imperium at large, as well as their limited forces, they could not afford to come into conflict with a major order of the Inquisition. The tithe would have to be paid, as the potential consequences would be too great. Sirren had accepted this solemn duty without protest. It would be his duty, and at this point, duty was all he had left. Emotionally cold as ever, he had barely spoken to the inquisitorial retainers that had taken him aboard the Black Ship, and submitted to their demands without fuss. He looked forward to the relative calm of stasis, where his mind would not be plagued by the constant threat of the Flaw looming overhead. A peaceful rest was a rare luxury on Cretacia, though his blood would need purification upon his arrival at the Watch Fortress. He made a note to track down a fellow Son of Sanguinius upon his arrival, to procure a Blood Casket to this end. Upon arrival and being greeted by the Watch Captain appointed over him, Sirren again displayed no thoughts or emotions outwardly. He listened intently as the others that had arrived with him boasted their parent chapters and made a great fuss over what had been done with their weapons and armor. Not that Sirren himself did not wish for his equipment to be returned to him, but thought that voicing such concerns would be pointless. Despite their naivety he envied these young Marines; how easily their zeal came to them, and the comfort he suspected their duty gave them. Eventually eyes drew to Sirren, who introduced himself in a stark and rough voice, "Sirren Gadex, Sanguinary Priest, Flesh Tearers Second Company."</s>
<|message|>Unknown, designated "Sorrow". As the gathered Astartes announced their names, their titles and their chapters, the anonymous Astartes known as Sorrow couldn't help but feel a pang of loss. He had already been announced and there was precious little for him left to say -- how he would love to able to speak of his Chapter with the same pride as these men! Sorrow's eyes, hidden behind the featureless visage of his Mark VII helmet, fell on Draskal Corbite and the clenching of his augmented fist at the mention of the Red Corsairs. Such is the fate of traitors, Sorrow thought to himself. The rest of the introductions were more or less as expected. Seeing a Sanguinary Priest of the Flesh Tearers here was an interesting surprise, but other than that, Sorrow wasn't in the least surprised to hear the repeated calls to be reunited with their armor and weapons. Any Marine feels naked without their gear and Sorrow took a second to appreciate the armored plate already shrouding his form. Standing in line with his fellows, Sorrow still felt the need to express at least some form of acknowledgement. "Hail, brothers," was the greeting he settled on, and held his closed fist to his chest. Sorrow's voice was remarkably quiet, barely above a hushed whisper, but still managed to make itself clearly audible in the dark chamber. "It is an honor to serve with you all." He made no mention of his Chapter or the lack of its heraldry on his pauldron and, after a second's hesitation, dropped his fist to his side and stood at attention, making it clear he was done talking.</s>
<|description|>Shieldwing, the Warrior of House Brynback Pronouns: He/Him Playbook: The Warrior Colour: Imperial Red/Scarlet Look: Primarily a vibrant red color, with a pale yellow underbelly from jaw to tip of the tail, same color under the wings. Piercing green eyes with a black iris and red claws. Two white horns on the crown that reach straight backward and one very small one on the tip of his muzzle. Along the back are ridges that extend down to his back but not to the tail. For a more visual idea of the description, take the body of the first image, and then impose the body features of the second: the horns (though white instead of black), ridges stopping at the tail, underwings matching underbelly) Stats: Charm: +0 Courage: +2 Cunning: +0 Virtue: Bravery House & Obligation: Brynbak, the House of Steel: Destroy an unnatural menace born of Darkness. Moves: SCALES OF HONOUR: You have dedicated your life to the betterment of dragonkind. Choose one boon: [] A mark of lunar authority; take +1 ongoing to call upon the Moons. [X] A voice that penetrates the Darkness; take +1 ongoing to act despite danger in the face of the Darkness. [X] A lineage that commands respect; take +1 Charm (max +3). [] An heirloom from the War of Shadow; take +1 ongoing to stand up to a superior. [] A large and valuable hoard; take +1 ongoing to give into the Darkness. Mark a Shadow each time you conceal or hide one or more of your boons. When you advance your signature move, mark a new boon. Tell the DM which of your adventures has earned you such an honor. BATTLE PLAN: When you face an enemy in combat, roll +Courage. On a hit, you can ask the DM questions. Whenever you act on one of the DM's answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1: - Which enemy is most vulnerable to me? - Which enemy is the biggest threat? - What's my enemy's true position? - What's my enemy's mission or objective? On a miss, they catch you off guard. Take a -1 ongoing until you can assert your dominance or rally your allies. Advancement: Rawscale Drake (1 XP): You start with a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons. [] take another move from your playbook [] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3) [X] advance your signature move Winged Drake (0 XP): You still have a +0 bonus to calling upon the Moons. [] take another move from your playbook [] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3) [] advance your signature move Longtooth Dragon (0 XP): You now have a +1 bonus to calling upon the Moons. [] take another move from another playbook [] take +1 to any stat (maximum of +3) [] advance your signature move Bearded Dragon: You now have a +2 bonus to calling upon the Moons. [] take a ritual of your House [] advance your signature move Elder Dragon: You now have a +3 bonus to calling upon the Moons. [] your house dedicates a stronghold to you [] retire your character, arise as an Ancient or a Mystic Moons: - Liberty Moon - Spirit Moon - Stone Moon - Storm Moon - Void Moon Shadow Track: [] Anger - Lash out at a friend. - Break something valuable - Escalate a delicate situation [] Doubt - Question a friend's loyalty - Steal something valuable - Reject a tradition [] Shame - Blame a friend for your mistakes - Mock or belittle someone vulnerable - Seek isolation or solitude [] Fear - Hide something from your friends - Avoid a difficult task - Exaggerate the danger of the situation Shadowself: You are unstoppable, a hurricane whose might will singlehandedly shatter the Darkness. Adulare must be protected and no one else is strong enough to help you. Make sure the clutch knows you are the only one who can save Adulare. You are The Warrior. Return from your Shadowself when a friend convinces you to ask your Clutch for help. Fellowship: Fellwing has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem. Stargaze has recently joined your Clutch and you are training them in the art of combat and the importance of self defense. Take a Gem from them. Fellwing was there when you were most vulnerable. Explain how they helped you and give them a Friendship Gem.</s> <|message|>Skobeloff Skobeloff Skobeloff landed the same way he had spent the journey to the nameless, sinking island: In complete silence and with an inscrutable smile on his face, his eyes rarely straying from the clutch's bearded guide. Ever since he'd learned of their task and had met their leader for the duration of the assignment, the wheels in the young Trickster's head had been turning non-stop. Their business on this island wasn't the only mission that Skobeloff had today. He'd received an obligation from his superiors in Myndoth. An obligation to use his skills as a Trickster to swindle a secret away from someone to add to the House of Secrets' vast hoard of hidden knowledge. And with how Garrock had been acting towards the clutch so far, Skobeloff was already scheming up ways to trick a tidbit out of that bearded boor. Skobeloff studies Garrock. He rolls an 8* to figure out how he could get Garrock to give away a secret or vital piece of information. *Note: In my current drowsy state I forgot to add the +2.</s> <|message|>Stargaze Stargaze It was certainly strange. It wasn't just flying for as long as they have, but also the fact that their first mission as a clutch is taking them to her home! The place where she grew up. She was going to show her friends her home! She did feel a little uneasy around Garrock. He clearly didn't want to be around them either. He wanted to be alone... She was mostly silent as they made their way to the Tailbone Island. As soon as the island was in sight, Stargaze's mood brightened. Not even Garrock's sneer dampened it. Compared to whenever she had to land on another island for an event with other clutches, Stargaze's landing was a lot better than when a large crowd was watching her. Her landing did include her moving forwards and stumbling a bit, but she didn't hurt herself. After checking herself and realizing she's stable, she turns to face her friends and she speaks to them, showing a happier and excited side to herself, making small excited jumps while her scaled tail wagged happily "Guys! This is my home! Welcome, welcome! Sorry, there isn't any red carpet to roll out for you," She then notes the creature snapping its claws at the others, and she warns them, "Oh! Watch out for that one. Once it's claws catches you, it won't let go!" She learned that the hard way! She remembered sniffing that creature inquisitively when she was younger, only to have a claw latch painfully on her nose. It hurt, and Echo laughed as she helped remove the creature.</s>
<|message|>Shieldwing, the Warrior of Shieldwing had spent much of the trip concentrating on his gliding. It wasn't difficult to figure out that this older dragon that had been assigned to lead his clutch didn't like being in charge of them. Even though this "Garrock" wasn't a member of House Brynback, he knew that this could be an excellent opportunity to get on good terms with an older dragon from another House. Most of the ones he knew grew frustrated with his educational endeavors outside of his very combat-centric mindset. But this one didn't really know him very well. Which meant that if he performed well on this mission, then he could finally start making some progress and start proving himself. He'd have something he could really show off to his superiors in Brynback. However, he unfortunately got a little excited at the prospect of showing off his abilities when they were taking off. He had put too much into his original jump and glide and had tired himself out faster than the others in the process. On top of that, he had spent much of the flight looking over at Stargaze to make sure she was handling herself alright. After all, she was the smallest of the group and their newest member. He couldn't help but be concerned about what might happen if she would get caught up in a stray wind or something and get blown away. So he had spent extra time and effort to try to get closer to her, so that he could grab her if she needed it. And all of this while also, whenever their guardian was glancing back at them, making sure to maintain the outward appearance of a dragon who was confident and collected, ready to succeed in the mission at hand. After all, he wasn't going to be impressed if he saw the Brynback struggling or squirming awkwardly in the air to shift around. Because of these needless actions on his part, he felt himself growing tired somewhat quickly even though they were relying largely on the winds between the islands to keep themselves up without too much of a problem. However, when he turned his head to look at the others, nobody else had been showing any signs of the same. That wasn't good. Maybe he was dividing his efforts too much? Or maybe it was all the constant corrections his wings had to make to get him where he wanted to be. But it didn't matter. At this point, it was too late to do anything about it. His wings were growing tired and started to ache...but he maintained a brave face, making sure there was no outward sign that he was struggling. By the time they were closing in on the other shore, though, Shieldwing was starting to hang back ever so slightly. Finally, the older dragon turns to look back at them, and he focused his attention on him again. Oh, good. They were finally landing. He did his best to hide the relief from showing on his face. "Of course we can land, don't worry about us, flying is just second nature!" Shieldwing would call back. "We can handle ourselves!" He had spoken pretty quickly and without consulting the others first, but he was sure it was fine. He didn't recall any real accidents when learning to glide before, so why would it be a problem now? He intentionally shifted his wings to slow himself down; this put a bit more strain on them, but he wanted to make sure that Stargaze was going to be fine. He knew deep down that he should just trust her, but part of him was still concerned anyway, due in no small part to his role as her tutor for how to fight. However, once Stargaze had landed successfully and even began to cheerfully call out to the group, he smiled to himself. As it turned out, he'd been worried over nothing. Of course she was fine. And so, Shieldwing adjusted his wings once more, redirecting himself so that he could come down at last...only to suddenly realize that he was...falling faster than what he was used to. "Agh!" he cried out as he quickly raised his limbs, trying to make up for his faster rate of descent by using his stronger legs to brace himself from the impact with the powder shore beneath him. His claws collided roughly with the ground, kicking up a bunch of the powdered crystal "sand" as he practically slammed his body down on top of the shore...only for one of his claws to slip on a shell and caused his body to turn a bit. His momentum, however, did not care about his predicament, and he soon came tumbled a bit across the powdered crystal and finally came to a crashing stop as his chest struck the ground, and his belly fell to the sand a second later with a thud. "Ugh..." Shieldwing murmured, raising his head. He shook himself, causing shell fragments and crystal sand to fall from his head and get flung aside. Luckily, he'd tucked his wings to keep them from getting injured in the crash; a trick he'd learned from Brynback to avoid wing damage if he got thrown or smacked to the ground in a fight. But he was still somewhat disoriented as he looked up from his spot and soon realized that, directly in front of his face where he'd just come to a stop...was a small creature poking out of a shell, clicking claws raised in the air. He blinked and stared at it for the moment; it was actually kinda cute the way it was snapping at the air like that....</s>
<|description|>Naya of the Belladonna Tribe Distinguishing Marks: The palms of both of her hands are scarred from all the bloodletting she's had to do for various spells over the years. Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Witch Height: 5'7" Personality: Naya's time alone in the forest has not had a positive affect on her social skills, leaving her reclusive and with a tendency to get aggressive when surprised by strangers. That being said, she is also extraordinarily curious about everything from outside the forest and will sometimes follow travelers and hunters just to study them more closely. The witch also harbors a deep affection for animals and respects them more than people most of the time. Naya is very physically affectionate with those she cares about and can be overtly protective. She once put a curse on a man who kept pestering Meng so that every time he got within a quarter mile radius of the farmer he would break out in hideous hives. Living in the forest has also made her incredibly resourceful, but also less educated than most. Bio: Naya was born to the Belladonna clan on the western edge of the Semarian Forest. The young witch grew up not knowing who her biological mother was and was instead raised by the tribe mothers, as is custom to their race. She stayed here amongst the mossy lean-tos and the hemlock trees until she reached the age of thirteen, when she was required to take a year-long solo pilgrimage into the forest. It was meant to be a rite of passage that would awaken the magic in her bloodstream and mark her as a full-fledged witch. A miserable year came and went, with young Naya scrabbling to survive alongside the harsh creatures of the forest, but her magic never awoke. Needless to say, Naya was distraught. For as far back as she could remember, all she had ever wanted was to be able to do magic, but it seemed like that was impossible now. The teen could have returned to the clan and taken up a position fitting her magicless self, like watching after the children or cooking, but her shame was so great that she decided not to go back to her coven. After reaching this conclusion, Naya traveled to the southern edge of the forest, which was less inhabited due to its closer proximity to the unforgiving desert. Now fourteen and having lived in the forest for an entire year on her own, Naya was in bad shape. She was malnourished, her clothes in tatters, and food was becoming increasingly scarce. The youth didn't have high hopes for making it through the winter. This is when an old farmer, Feiyan Meng, happened upon the young girl at the edge of her property. Though hesitant at first to assist a witch, her conscious got the better of her and she ushered Naya back to her cottage, where she nursed the scrawny youth back to health. Meng and Naya formed a friendship based on gratitude and a mutual love of horticulture. The teen stayed on the farm through the winter, helping with the chores to earn her keep. One spring morning while she was pruning the roses, Naya cut herself on a thorn and a few drops of blood landed on a bud below. She was overcome with a huge sense of vertigo and fainted, coming to a few moments later to find that the bud was now fully flowered. Ecstatic that her magic had finally awoken, Naya once again set off on her own into the forest, this time to make a permanent home for herself where she could practice her craft. Naya set her sights on a grand old oak tree and began to work on making it her home. Eight years pass in relative peace and the young witch focuses on honing her magic, only interacting with other humans when she would stop by the farm to visit Meng. Her luck runs out when she returns from the old woman's house one afternoon to see a group of cloaked figures surrounding her home, using kerosene and torches to send the ancient tree up in smoke. Naya has no choice but to flee, heading on foot towards the desert wastes of the south. Skills: Adept Blood Magic User - Well versed in blood magic, but has no skills in more natural magics, like elemental. Adept at Survival Skills - She can light a fire, build a shelter, set a trap, and skin an animal like nobody's business! Adept Gardener - Even without using magic, Naya almost never has a problem getting something to grow. Important Possessions: Grimoire - Contains everything from minor spells like 'To Cure Split Ends' all the way to major ones like 'To Forcibly Bind a Heart'. Dagger - While plain, Naya always keeps the blade sharp. Usually has it on her person at all times. Relationships: Meng - The farmer that took her in when she was a girl. Naya used to visit her every week before she was chased from her home. She never told the old woman goodbye for fear that she would be attacked by the group that chased her out of the forest. Belladonna Tribe - Naya has not had contact with her coven for over twelve years, but still thinks of them as her family. She has no idea what has happened to them now.</s> <|message|>Naya of the Belladonna Tribe As Amon finishes answering her question about the ringmail, Ormuzhd starts down a particularly steep sand dune and Naya shrieks in terror, because it feels like she's going to fly right off the front of the beast. Amon is unyielding though, not budging an inch as they tilt forward at a drastic incline, her hands clutching at him in a vice grip. Once they've conquered the hill the great salamander slows down, much to the witch's relief. "Thank you, my friend," the brunette exhales quietly, loosening her grasp on the other man as they return to a less horrifying speed and acclivity. The man turns his head a little so she can hear him, explaining in his rumbling baritone, "We don't have covens in the traditional sense. Unlike everywhere else in the world mage-kind don't live hidden.......well that's the case if things are very intimate anyway, holding hands and the like isn't frowned upon, in high society it is encouraged'. "I think you misunderstand the word, 'coven'," she tells him, squinting against the brightness of the sun and the sand that whips past them. "It means, um, how do you say...," Naya trails of, her brow wrinkling in concentration. "...fa-family?" Naya continues, finally getting the word out. "Yes, family. I was born to the Belladonna tribe, but then I left them when my magic failed to come to me. They are still my coven though, even though I have not seen them in many years," She clarifies, letting her eyes slide close against the memories. "I had a human friend in my forest. She and I were a coven, or a family as they call it," the witch finishes, her voice going soft as she speaks about Meng and their little coven of two. "As for having children, that's a very private matter indeed......In the usual manner, no spells or anything." "That's strange," Naya admits after a moment, trying to wrap her head around the concept of binding herself to someone, a man no less, forever. "Witches don't do that either. Love is for your coven. When we want to have our babies, we just pick the strongest, most intelligent human man creature we can find and bed him," she tells him, blinking an eye open cautiously before shutting it just as quickly to keep the dust at bay. If she was being honest with herself, the witch was a little disappointed that there wasn't a spell for knitting a baby together in a woman's belly. It would have been fun to add it to her grimoire. "Do you have a bond-mate then, Amon?" He says something she can't make out over the wind, but then goes on to explain what will happen when the get to this City of White Marble. "Please take this," she finally hears him, cracking open her eyes to see that he's offering her the water again. "You'll need it more than me." Naya takes it and unscrews the top, taking a drink from it as carefully as possible so she doesn't spill any. Ormuzhd's lopping gait makes it harder than she had expected, but the brunette manages to not lose a single drop. "Thank you," Naya sighs, pressing the canteen back into his grasp. "Are there trees in your hom--erm--city?" she asks, closing her eyes again and tucking her face behind his back, using his shoulder as a shield against the sand.</s> <|message|>Amon'hotep Ysathar or Amon for short Just as before Amon waits for Naya to ask all her questions before responding to them, a peculiarity of speech to her he thought, but the norm to those used to high culture. 'Ahh, you view coven as family…' he paused for a moment having said this, running the thought through his mind. 'In the library of the Pesegae I read an old tome on mage-kind of foreign lands, it described covens as secret gatherings. It did not make mention of any familial ties between coven-kin. For us in the city we have families, usually they consist of a bonded Sorcerer and Sorceress and their children. There are exceptions though, for example we Pesegae Knights are all family, not necessarily by blood, but by purpose. The Luminarks are the same, they have a common purpose and swear themselves to one another just like we Knights do.' He stopped talking as Ormuzhd came to the crest of dune that had a slight but steady incline. Amon looked around him, noticing a trio of figures off in the distance, he turned Ormuzhd to face them and set off, maintaining the same pace as before so he could answer a few more of Naya's questions. 'As for having a bond mate, no I do not. Knights such as myself aren't permitted to take a bond mate until we have proven ourselves worthy. Those Knights that hold the title Corvidae, Raptora, Athenaen, Pavoni or Pyrae are allowed, but regular Knights such as myself are not. If I wish to attain one of those titles then I must prove myself in battle or study and there has yet to be a chance to do so. As for the trees of course there are, we have immense gardens and the roads are lined with plants and fountains to relieve the worst of the heat.' As he finished speaking he looked out at the horizon again, he observed the three figures. Now that he was closer he could see that they were carrying spears, he drew Ra'Kes from its place at his side, holding the reigns in his other hand. He turned to his shoulder to see that Naya has pressed herself in behind his shoulder to shield herself from the sand and the wind. 'Trouble up ahead, we're going to go fast, hold onto me and when we stop stay on Ormuzhd whatever happens don't intervene just stay on Ormuzhd' he instructed. Not waiting for a response he snapped Ormuzhd's reigns sharply and they shot forward at great speed. Ormuzhd skittered across the sand a cloud billowing up behind him as he shot forward, Amon leant forward as they shot forward holding Ra'Kes close against his leg. After a couple of minutes they arrived at the three figures, Ormuzhd slowed down as he closed in on the figures and Amon appraised each one of them. They wore dirty leather armour with dirty bedraggled robes draped over the top, they each had backpacks and carried a long bladed spear in their right hands. One of the figures wore a hood with a scarlet band tied around the top, it was evident that he was the leader of the men. 'Greetings wanderers' called Amon as Ormuzhd loped closer, Ra'Kes was tightly gripped in his hand and could be seen by the three men. As he called out the figure with the scarlet band turned to face him.</s>
<|message|>Naya of the Belladonna Tribe Naya was relieved to hear that there would be trees in this new place, but slightly confused about the concept of someone preventing someone else from taking a bond mate. 'What funny witches,' she thought to herself, grinning under her shroud. They had so many odd customs and rules, like where it was okay to touch someone or when it was alright to bind yourself to another, and on top of it all they picked this wasteland to make their home. The brunette didn't understand it at all, but she had to admit that she was curious about their culture. The sound of Amon pulling his weapon free jolts the witch from her thoughts, and then the sorcerer tells her, "Trouble up ahead, we're going to go fast, hold onto me and when we stop stay on Ormuzhd whatever happens don't intervene just stay on Ormuzhd." He warns right before Ormuzhd picks up his pace, carrying them at a breakneck speed towards some strangers in the distance. Naya doesn't take well to being told what to do, but she likes this strange desert warlock, so she concedes without much of a fight. "Alright, friend, I will stay on Ormuzhdt," she agrees, stumbling over the salamander's name a little less than earlier, but still adding an unnecessary 't' sound to the end of it. At this alarming new speed of travel they make it to the group in no time, and Naya fights hard not to reach for the dagger stowed away in her boot. They looked like human creatures, and while Amon said some could be trusted, Naya was generally leery of any of them who weren't Meng. "Greetings wanderers," her friend calls out, catching the attention of the scarlet hooded man. Naya's grip tightens around Amon even though Ormunzhd has come to a complete stop now. The witch catches sight of the hawk from earlier circling above them as this stranger takes them in. Naya feels a wave of protectiveness wash over her, which is silly since she hadn't know Amon for very long at all. But he seemed to know so many different things and the brunette wanted to learn as much as he could teach her about this strange world outside her forest. But she had told the other that she would just stay in the saddle so instead of reaching for her blade she settles on glaring at the newcomers, warning them not to try anything funny with her eyes.</s>
<|description|>Sekaulla Titles: Goddess of slaughter and carnage, bearer of endless thirst, embodiment of bloodshed, mother of war, red death, blood goddess, the flayed one, goddess of vampires, huntress of the damned, devourer of the wounded, life drinker. True name: Sekhmet Inspiration: A female blood god. Sekaulla is ever thirsty for the blood of the living. Her presence inspires horror and violence. She is seen as a manifestation of divine wrath, killing en mass, as on a battlefield. Sekaulla embodies the folly of war, killing all who engage in bloodshed, blood which she will in-essence devour. She is monstrous and feared, rather than motherly and comforting. Appearance: No one truly knows what Sekaulla looks like. She is usually merely a terrifying presence, like a force of nature, taking any form she wills out of the blood and carnage in an area. Rivulets of blood miraculously stream together to form a grotesque and dripping body, perhaps a fleshbeast, or once she manifested as a ill-defined swirling dragon of blood, able to fly high above the mortals below, inspiring terror for miles. To gods, she may appear as a usually faceless woman in red, which upon closer inspection is seen to be liquid blood. Symbols: A single drop of blood free-falling, flanked by two crescent moons facing away from each other. Portfolio: Blood Alignment: Neutral Evil Servitars: Vampires. Weapon: Sekaulla herself uses blood as her weapon, like hemokinesis, but she has magic as do all gods. Her priests wield sacred tontfas, but most of her champions use bloodmagic. Familiar: Wolves. Followers: Often vampires, but also many humans, and a smattering of other beings who may often find themselves favoring combat as a way of life. Warlike races will bless their weapons to allow the blood they shed to flow to her, least she become angry and favor the enemy. She gives magic to blood mages, has priests to sacrifice for her and direct her followers, and can summon powerful monsters made from blood and freshly dead body parts. Bio: Sekhmet was an original divine denizen of the underworld long before the clash of the gods. As one of the dark gods, she was at first unknown to those favored by the Creator above. Her influence was meek as they ruled amongst each other until the clash happened. The battle summoned her, fed her, and Sekhmet rose from the underworld, seeping in through the cracks between the planes of reality to engage in the slaughter herself. With each wound, each injury, and each drop of ichor spilt, her power grew, until she formed a colossal dragon of blood so enormous and powerful that she began swallowing lesser gods whole. Blind to alignment, making no distinction between sides, she devoured an endless red sea. Amid such bloodletting and carnage, she was neigh unstoppable, until finally the remaining gods realized their folly and ceased waring amongst themselves long enough to diminish her. When the blood stopped flowing, her power waned, and she fell with Darko back through the planes into the realm of banishment. Here, she consents to his dominion over the underworld and shares in his scheming.</s> <|message|>Darko Despair Deep within the Hallowed halls of the Tomb. A creature tasked with guarding the Forsaken tomb stomped and crashed it's way through the dark. Two pairs of red eyes came around the corner of a dark hall and spoke in a dark death like voice. "nalkriuk dareuk hap kigiji avomb" it spotted Calcifer and started to drool from both of its monstrous mouths. It's hands looked like that could crush boulders. It was obvious a creature of Darkos not by its appearance but but by its smell. It smelled like it was buried under a pile of a thousand foul smelling corpses. It wrapped one of those large hands around a pillar and snarled and one of the heads spoke in the same voice. "khe'uk avime ve ha agh ushk par naj-ri'uk maushat" it pressed on the pillar breaking it and hurtled the chunks at Calcifer</s> <|message|>Fregion "For myself no. For my brother Hal. I have scythe this is true. But for Hal and it is true. An unknown threat has brought down the guardians. Don't believe me then let me show you. I'm sure you remember the forsaken army. One of the tomb seals has already been broken." Fregion watched as Darko opened the portal and showed him the broken seal on the Forsaken Tomb. "Then this is more serious than I anticipated. The Forsaken Army must not be awakened. The only thing that worries me is the person who was able to do such things. Killing a Sanctum Guard AND unsealing one of those seals are feats that no mortal is capable of pulling off" he told Darko. Fregion breathed fire into the wall behind him and it crumbled into a pile of rubble. From within the rubble, a room filled with lava was revealed. In the center of the pool of lava was a patch of ground where the sword layed on. "Go on, take it. But if I find out you lied and took the sword for yourself and not to give it to Hal, I'll personally make it so you regret the day you lied to me," Fregion said while glaring at Darko. "I've decided to take arms against this foe as well so I'll be going over to the Sacred Mountains Inner Sanctum to see with my own eyes what has happened and act accordingly" he added and opened a portal that connected with the foot of the Sacred Mountain, before transforming himself to his human form and passing over to the mortal realm.</s> <|message|>Darko Despair Darko smiled and walked over to the sword heeding his words. "Trust me lord of fire. My word is what makes me so good at deals." he walked over and grasped the sword and lifted it up. He summoned a black cloth and wrapped it around the blade and looked at Fregion who had just left. Darko lifted his scythe and sliced open the fabric of the world and walked through it into the area Hal had mentioned to him. He placed the sword on the table and felt a call back to the underworld. He pulled out a large black quill and a parchment from his cloak and wrote on it. 'Hal, brother. I have retrieved your sword from fregion and left it here. Sealed in a barrier that to my memory you and I created. Only your touch shall break the seal and I must return to the underworld. My council summons. And I can't delay. I will bring word of my council to the meet. Sincerely Darko' he rolled up the scroll and left it on he sword and placed the barrier. Then vanished to the underworld and walked into a grand tower and looked around "Dead Council summons me here and I question it" The monster in the dark of the forsaken tomb roared at Calcifer and as it roared more glowing red eyes appeared in the dark of the tomb, then a stampede of dark horses ran passed Calcifer headed to the plagued forest and the rest of the land of blight that belonged to darko. They entered crypts and tombs and slammed into a pillar made of bone which started to give off a faint glow. Mist started to radiate off of the bone pillar then souls started to fly out of the pillars in each tomb and fly into the bones and corpses that were in the tombs and crypts. Bones started to climb out of the caskets and ghouls started to climb out of the ground. Carrying swords and shields and other sorts of weapons they started to march toward the location where the generals stood in wait. Waiting for their commander Chakan, The Champion of Darko, to arrive. The army marched by the Thousands they seemed to march from everywhere. From of the plagued lands to and from the frozen tundra of the to the Crim@Wraithblade6</s> <|message|>Sekaulla The blood ran over the stones and down the cracks until it came to pool at Calcifer's feet. He scooped it up into his hand, recognizing with ease the presence of the blood goddess. Through magic, the blood spoke in echos of whispers to Calcifer. "I see a thirst akin to my own in you, stranger. Darkness, vengeance, blood about to be spilt... god's blood! I sense a god in you, dark hearted one. I know you, yet I do not know you. It is the blood you have shed for me that remembers you. It tells me of you. Blood never lies." Out of a reddening cloud above, a massive snake-like red dragon of pliable, liquid form slowly descended before Calcifer. It was Sekaulla herself, present, emminating her lustful glory as she fixed her glowing eyes on him. "In chaos, I am sustained." The dragon suddenly lunged forth, and just as Calcifer thought the goddess would devouer him flat out, the gaping maw of fang and carnage brushed past him and snapped shut around the tomb guardian, devouring him whole. The guardian wouldn't be reporting to Darko anytime soon... or ever for that matter. Sekaula couldn't remember Calcifer, but she knew bloodlust when she saw it. The harold of carnage, former god of chaos, could give her much to drink before the end of all things.</s> <|message|>Sekaulla All the armies gathered as if hearing orders that sounded only for their ears. Atop a mighty nightmare, Chakan rode, more powerful than ever, a fearsome presence, dread in her wake. Vampires, skeletal behemoths, and every kind of wraith or ghost or undead monstrosity marched or floated alongside and behind her. Powerful deathknights and liches spiked the army at strategic locations. Glowing eyes and vaporous fumes adorned their mass. "Darko, god of death! I have returned, and I have gathered your forces as you have commanded. We stand eternally ready, devoted to your will."</s> <|message|>Darko Despair Darko, stood in the underworld before a Dead Council. They four stood there staring at him, the Blind Seer raised her hand and spoke faintly "You have come oh great lord, you honor us with your presence. But you know of the great danger that walks the world at this moment. Yet at the same time you know nothing of the Enemy that threatens. she sat in her chair elegantly. Darko looked at her and pondered her statement and was about to speak when the Head of the Council spoke "these games we know are not for you Lord Darko, but it is best you hear them. The threat you know of seems familiar but at the same time you hold no memory of. Darko looked at the head of the Council and spoke. "You right members of the Dead council. I need to heed the warnings and yes. This threat seems vaguely familiar. I do question it still. But what am I to do, my champion is ready for battle even as we speak, I have no clue where the blood goddess is and to make matters even more painful I have to make peace with my brother Hal. So you tell me. What is it that the threat is." The army marched behind Chakan. It marched without fear. Wraiths, Banshees, Ghosts and Undead Dragons flew in the air in the distance behind the marching army. Skeletons and ghouls with pikes, spears, and tridents marched with shields marched the front lines. Liches floated in the back of the front line. Behemoths and other undead giants pulled corpse launchers behind them. Death Knights rode close beside Chakan as her personal guard even though her immortality denies it. Darkos generals, marched, flew and floated by Chakan. The Death Shroud looked down at Chakan, and spoke in a raspy voice, "Would you like me to scout ahead, Champion of Death?"</s>
<|message|>Sekaulla "Yes Death Shroud. Scout ahead and tell me what this enemy is that our lord has called us forth. If Darko wants victory, his general must formulate an informed strategy. Go now. We will lie in wait."</s>
<|description|>CLAYTON SALT 47 YEARS OLD LEAD AUROR OF THE SANTA BARBRA DIVISION MICHAEL SANTANA 34 YEARS OLD AUROR ROWAN CHANG 36 YEARS OLD AUROR</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- Following in suit as Claire lead the way, Abram trailed behind obediently. If he was going to make any friends he was going to have to listen, at least that's what Clayton had ordered, Mike had teased, and Rowan had reassured. Abram was pretty giddy at the fact that his new partner was a woman his age, making it less of a headache when it came to real seniority. The wizard assumed that they both had the same amount of experience, which meant they were both on the same playing field, and that in turn meant a mutual respect. "Sounds like I'm the luckiest guy right now then." Abe said with a playful grin. As the two made their way to the train station Abram couldn't help but wonder what they were going to find at the crime scene. As a detective one could only pray that they would be able to find all the evidence they needed, making a case pretty cut and dry. But Abram knew that as an Auror, that wasn't the case, especially when the dark arts were involved. The trip itself wasn't going to be too long, by what Claire was telling Abram, but he figured he might as well get the lay of the land as most of the news he heard about the Los Angeles area was just from the case files the wizard had read. "Do you know if any dark witches, wizards, or even shops are within the scope of area the victims?" Abe asked, figuring it was better to talk about the case versus asking his newfound partner a personal question. He didn't want to seem like he was flirting too much and having her take it as harassment. Abram didn't need an internal investigation on him for misconduct.</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire led him into the train station, used to using the train by this point. It was the easiest and most discreet way to get around town other than walking, and she accidentally didn't mind taking a bit longer to get places. Swiping the card and pushing through the turnstile, she looked over at him and shook her head. "None with any track record this severe, especially against children. We looked into the nearby suspects while we were waiting for your team to get there; no signs of activity. Hell, there were a few of them that seemed legitimately horrified by what happened." She was surprised that he seemed to be case focused rather than personality focused. It wasn't that he seemed irresponsible or even a bad Auror, but he definitely seemed like a charmer. "people back at the office are talking to them more, trying to get alibis. A few people went out to the shops anywhere near the site to see whether there's anything they can find out, any customers they thought were suspicious." She leaned against the wall of the station, looking up at the sign to determine what the closest train would be. "the fact that there was children involved makes it worse." Stretching her arms out in front of him, she looked over. Her voice had been relatively quiet, their conversation meant to only be between the two of them. It would have been better to speak privately, just in case, but this was a dangerous disaster waiting to happen "are they putting you up in hotels while you're in town, or are you staying with the department? We didn't exactly cover where everybody was sleeping in the briefing." there was a good chance this handsome quasi-stranger was going to end up sleeping on her couch for a few days.</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "Damn," Abe swore. He was hoping that there would be some kind of lead they could go on, but of course, that would have made the case way too easy and life wasn't meant to be easy. It was good to hear that Claire's team was working diligently on the case and Abram knew that his team was working just as hard. Both teams wanted to figure out the case without any repercussions because no one wanted the magical world to be spilt into the non-magical world. "Yeah, I agree." The wizard said, wondering how the kids were going to be. Most No-Maj children could recover from attacks and threats of magic with time, but having death caused by magic was a whole new playground. Abram was happy that it wasn't as severe as they imagined though, with the children of course still living. As they waited for their train to arrive, the question of where they were going to spend the night was asked. Abram hadn't really thought about that, he figured Clayton would have Mike or Rowan get a few rooms at whatever hotel was close by, but once they got onto the case it was pretty heavy working nonstop. "I assume a hotel nearby your department, but if not we just might be crashing in the conference room." Abram said. "I suppose those chairs did look a little comfy." The young wizard smirked at the thought of Claire worrying about where he was going to sleep. Hell, he wouldn't have minded if she offered to let him sleep at her place. Abe figured it would be more fun than crashing at the office or the hotel. He knew they'd both enjoy a bit of company, especially after his mom and his aunt were trying to hook him up just earlier that day.</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER "those chairs are horrible. We all camped out on them for that trafficking case two years ago, and then we all took a week off for chiropractor visits." Claire said, smiling. "if they don't give you a place, you can come crash at my place. I've got a couch big enough for you." It wasn't uncommon to have Aurors crash on others couches, but they were rarely this close in age. It was a knee jerk reaction to invite him, but she blushed lightly, the tips of her ponytail turning pink without her realizing it. "I don't live that far from the office anyways, so it's easier that a lot of the hotels." That was at least true. She had been living in an auror supplied apartment, with the rent coming out of her paycheck, but once she had started to earn a little bit more money, she had moved into a No-Maj apartment outfitted with magical things. After a long day of work, it was nice to be able to come home and just discuss how the weather was or how cute the dogs in the neighborhood were. [color=color=mediumaquamarine] "I do live in a no-Maj complex though, so you'd have to be okay with that."[/color]</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "I might have to take you up on that offer." Abram said with a playful wink. "And I have no problems with No-Majes, magic kind of came into my life in my teen years, was oblivious to the fact that I was even a wizard until then too. But that's a story for another time." As the train pulled into the station, Abe being the gentleman he was offered out his hand for Claire to enter first. Sure, it was playful but it was more so for the fact that he didn't know where they were going. Los Angeles wasn't that far from his own home, but it was another world if you weren't a part of it as he didn't spend too much time in the city. The rest of the train ride was pretty smooth with the two talking about their day-to-days and whispering about little things on the case that they thought about or assumed; it was just nice for Abram to get out and mingle but also learn a few things from another Auror who was his age. Most had a lot of experience over him, but Claire was bringing in a new perspective, one that he did really feel interested in. Pulling into their assumed platform, Abram stood stretching his arms, as the train rested. "Now the trek to the crime scene begins, huh?"</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire accepted his help getting on the train with a little smile, laughing as he escorted her to their seat. The ride to their stop was quiet and enjoyable, with little exchanges back and forth about mundane things as well as case details that needed to be discussed. It was refreshing to have a new set of ears and eyes even though they had only just taken the case, and it didn't hurt that the new eyes and ears were attached to a rather pleasing face and charming personality. By the time they rolled into the stop she found herself wishing that the ride was just a bit longer. Getting up, she yawned and stretched her back out a bit, smiling over at him. "Just a casual walk to a crime scene." she confirmed, stepping off the train and onto the platform. "It's nor far from here."</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- Like Claire had said the walk to the crime scene wasn't far at all and on the very casual side. Continuing on their conversations from the train ride, the pair made it to the crime scene in a matter of minutes. Abe licked his lips as they neared the home of family. It shocked him that there weren't any real concrete witnesses as the house itself was in a well off neighborhood and also not too far from the train station. There were small crowds still around the house, with a few other Aurors still investigating off in the distance alongside No-Maj detectives. Once they were next to the yellow crime scene tape, Abram flashed his badge, notifying those around him that he had the right jurisdiction, but he waited for Claire as she was the lead this time around as it was still her turf. That's when the wizard figured that the next person who walked up to them was an Auror as he greeted Claire with a smile. "Claire Hannon," the man said with a low, husky voice. "I don't think a crime scene is a good place for a date." Abram grinned at the thought of him and Claire going out on a date, not that it couldn't be a possibility.</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER Claire was already in working mode when they approached the crime scene, showing her badge for a moment despite the aurors there already knowing who she was. She wasn't exactly the most unremarkable person despite her ability to blend in appearance wise, considering that she was small and had a tendency to forget what color her own hair was st any given moment. That was proven when a man walked up to her and commented on her apparent choice of partner. "you know me, I like to keep things interesting." she said lightly, keeping a pleasant tone to her voice despite the seriousness of the situation. Humor was the easiest way to deal with the job at this point; alcohol and drugs were dangerous and made the work harder, but humor seemed to help a surprising amount. "This is Abram from Santa Barbara, he had the unfortunate luck of being chosen to be my partner for the case. Anything that you can tell us about this that we didn't get in the written reports? We've been on the train also anything you sent in after noon we haven't read." she adjusted her ponytail, which had settled into a brown with blue tips.</s> <|message|>CLAYTON SALT --- "No news yet." The man said, forcing a hand out towards Abram. The Auror from Santa Barbara obliged at the courtesy the other man was showing, gripping his own hand into his with a smile. "Abram Fish, it's good to be working with you all." "I bet." He replied. "You can call me Kyle." "Kyle," Abe said with a nod, releasing his grip from the man. "You mind if we look around a bit? I want to get the feel of the scene, kind of put myself in their shoes." He waved his hands back and forth, letting out the awkward lion that was caged underneath the fresh and hungry one that was used to being out. Inside his head he gave himself a nice, face palm at his actions, but it was already too late to go back on it, and he chuckled nervously as Kyle agreed to his request. "Head on in then, I'm sure Claire can give you the run down once you guys get inside. Don't touch anything!" "Thanks, Kyle." Abe said as he inched closer towards the house, leaving Kyle behind by the tape. "Kyle's an interesting guy." Abram let out as they made their way into the house. There were burn marks around the house, with scratches and huge claw marks all around the walls and tables, surprising the wizard. "So we're dealing with more than just wizards then."</s> <|message|>ANNA WALKER "you'll get used to Kyle once you spend more time around him." Claire said with a little laugh as she ducked under the tape, finding Abram's awkwardness endearing rather than odd. It could be terrifying to be in a situation like this dealing with new people and god knows what. As she walked into the house, she let out a quiet string ofless than friendly words, instinctively reaching for her wand despite the fact that there wasn't any distinct and present danger. "If it is just wizards, then god help us all." She said, shaking her head. "they left this out of the reports...we might need someone from the creatures division to come out and see whether they know of something that could have done this, or at least helped do this." Instead of her wand, she just took out her phone, starting to take photos of the damage so she could show them to people and look at it later. "from the looks of this, those children were insanely lucky their memories are all that are gone." She said quietly, shaking her head. She had never seen a case like this, and she was honestly a little glad the children had their memories wiped so they wouldn't have to remember whatever had happened here. Looking over at Abram, she quirked an eyebrow a little bit. "Any ideas now that we're here? This is..." she trailed off, biting her lip as she thought about what could have Happened.</s>
<|message|>CLAYTON SALT "Honestly, I'm clueless." Abe replied honestly. He wasn't expecting monsters to be added into the equation, it was already going to be hard enough as they were up against dark witches and wizards, now mythical beasts too. The wizard stood silent as he gazed at the marks along the walls. The claw marks, including burn marks, it all had to be a XXXXX monster, something that Abram knew he wasn't ready to face. "Whatever we're dealing with now just made this case 100 percent more dangerous yet exciting in a way, but still super dangerous." A chill ran down his spine at the thought of a XXXXX monster, known for purely being wizard killers. It was strange though if dark wizards were able to tame them or at least use them for their benefit as most monsters identified by the Ministry as a category XXXXX were known to be impossible to domesticate or train. "We're dealing with professionals," Abe sighed. "You don't happen to have someone in your Creatures Division that owes you a favor do you?"</s>
<|description|>Abelard Fhundil Race: Koth Backstory: His parents labeled as pagans and heathens during one of the many inquisitions in the Kingdom of Aquilonia, Abelard was taken in swaddling clothes back to his mother's homeland of Koth. They grew up poor and in squalor, until Koth's secret alliance with Nemedia was discovered when Abelard was a young man. His father helped Koth by giving information of the homeland and gave them a decent living on the outerlying areas of Strabonus' Palace. One day when he was a young boy, Abelard exploring the palace grounds found a secret chamber in the catacombs where a priest was worshiping the God Asura. Instead of killing him, as the priest almost did, he took Abelard under his wing and taught him of dark secrets beyond the veil. In hushed whispers, he grew as a man of the Asuran faith, practicing what little sorcery he was able to as the years passed and various coups rose and fell. After his master was discovered as a traitor priest to the God Ishtar, he was executed while Alebard was on campaign with the army as a sergeant, a position gained by his father's loyalty. Once they came back, he discovered the execution and took what supplies and scribes he could and fled without a word, traveling from the wilderness of the Picts to Iranistan. Luckily, he received a tip from a prostitute on where an ancient tomb lay in the desert.</s> <|message|>Abelard Fhundil The other rogues would have loved to have taken her up on her challenge, but they had not been idle. Nor had the man named Fhundil, having only a second to watch her terrifying display before an assassin robed in rags made a leap at him, stabbing with his short sword. Abelard moved aside as if he had seen it from seconds before the attacker's initial movement. He angled his staff's butt to slip between the thief's legs, tripping him up. He hit the ground just as Abelard tapped his staff-head with the blunt side of his sword. A brass spike shot out of the staff's bottom, and Abelard used it to impale the downed man in the back. To the common eye, he looked vulnerable to the more cunning cutthroat that had circled behind with a kushite khopesh of bronze, but Abelard turned as if he expected him. His broadsword parried what would have been a fatal stroke as the priest himself stabbed at the man, cutting him in the side. The Iranistanian sliced and kicked out, doing whatever he could to regain his advantage. He hadn't counted on the swinging staff head that cracked his skull. He hadn't the time to realize he was dead until the broadsword was already through his body by its full length. Blood dribbled onto wretched sewer stone. Abelard withdrew his blade and stepped aside politely to let the corpse fall onto its face with a harsh crack of bone. He opened his eyes and saw the enemies still outnumbered them three to one, and so he held his staff aloft and raised it high as if he could reach the sun under the very streets of Kafir. Some God seemed to answer his call, as the central dias opened and light as pure as the very sun beamed out and blinded the attackers so powerfully, they felt as men who had never seen light in their life. They screeched and cried out, running in all directions, their morale broken as the two cut down what men they could reach with their swords. Blood flowed like running rain into the sewage as the docks became as silent as a tomb. Abelard approached Anya without fear or hesitation, though he perhaps cracked a small grin. Hard to tell behind his thick beard. "It seems Ibn-vakir sought to betray both of us. From what I can tell, his previous information on the treasure's location was credible. What demon or man got to him to have him wish for our deaths had pulled him into their claws after he had spoken to me. I seek the Opal of Vulkur. Will you travel with me?"</s> <|message|>Anya Sorensdaughter The sun rose over far of Kosala, spreading across the Iranistani steppe to reveal two riders forging their way north towards the distant white capped daggers of the Ilbar Mountains. In the spring snow melt from those mountains would rush downwards in mighty torrents, wending its way towards the sea in a network of shallow creeks and rocky gullies that for most of the rest of the year ran at but a trickle. Like all steppe-land it was the preserve of nomadic headers rather than farmers, with herdsmen moving their flocks of goats or horned sheep from water source to watercourse with the season. Dawn had bought a few smuts of smoke from neglected cook-fires but from horizon to horizon no soul could be seen save for the two riders. That wasn't to say they weren't here of course. The steppe looked flat to a new comer, but deep gullies and short canyons could be concealed by the waving grass and a traveler might pass within bow shot and never know it until an arrow plucked them from the saddle. The pair had set out from Kafir after midnight on fine roan horses which the Priest had purchased with coin which had impressed even Anya with its variety of denominations. The solution had been cleaner than her own plan of stealing the beasts, and as Abelard pointed out, lacked the problem of potential pursuit. As the Priest had said, the fact that Ibn-vakir had sent men to killed him argued for the veracity of his information, why else spend the hundred silver drachma to engage the Guild of Thieves to murder them? They had ridden as hard as they dared across such uncertain terrain, there was little doubt that news of the assassins failure would reach their paymasters in due time. They could hope it was carried by a horseman and not upon the wings of ravens or some other sorcery. Anya had made her name as a raider by riding hard and relentlessly and coming at her opponents unexpectedly. She saw little reason to change the habit of a lifetime now. They drove on towards the headwaters of the River Ashan where the faithless thief had bragged that he had seen the fable Opal, though hadn't dared risk its retrieval. How it had come to rest in such a land, so far from the northern glaciers of its birth was lost to the knowledge of men, though perhaps, not that of Gods. Of their purposes they spoke little. Anya was unsure of exactly why her companion sought the jewel, perhaps only as any man seeks a thing that is vaulable, and of her own quest she had spoken only evasively. The peace between them was yet uneasy. "Smoke!" Anya called as they cantered across a low shale bedded creek, their horses kicking up shimmering spray in the early morning sun. She pointed to a low dome of haze beyond a small hill more or less along their path. It was too significant to be a single cookfire.</s> <|message|>Abelard Fhundil Abelard reined in his roan, the beast whinnying lightly in the crisp morning air. Anya and he had been riding through the night with barely a word passing between them once they had mounted the horses. He found he believed her story and her virtue, however. Her manner against her assassins and they way she moved had a surety to it that spoke of honesty. Perhaps it was the soldier in him, or the still very earthly mind of his that led him to trust her motives. But he knew, somehow, Asura had not spoken of her. Her vision was correct, he saw a large pillar of smoke rising into the sky. It stood as a black line against the newly risen sun. Abelard dismounted, advising it was best they left their horses here tethered to what roots they could find. The two did so and drew their blades, creeping out of the creek-bed towards the signs of what Abelard knew to be their quarry, even if it were not what they truly sought. Advancing swiftly, they found a small rise that spoke of a sheer drop just before them. The two crouched and almost crawled toward the edge what seemed to be a large, dried waterway. Beneath them more than a score of men spoke and drank and ate a hearty breakfast, devouring the ribs of a great boar they had slaughtered likely the day before. Iranistanian Horse nomads with their scalemail cuirasses and their strange spiked helms wrapped in cloth, sallow skinned and stout builds grunting in their rugged tongue. They looked armed for war, their horses tied to a small copse of trees within earshot. The nomads had made two cookfires separate from Ibn-vakir and four Stygian giants. Head and shoulders taller than any nomad, the giants were armed with iron tipped spears and shields made of wood and bronze. Queer torques of Set lay on their bare chests, splattered with the grog they drank greedily beside their fire. Their belts were inlaid with gold and Ibn-vakir wore a similar belt and torque atop his rogueish garb. Abelard nearly surged upwards to curse Ibn-vakir to the Gods, but he held himself for what he saw next. Past the dried inlet was a structure, swept in style as the cloth atop the horsemen's helms. The opening was alien in design. Nearly perpendicular but many layered in stone, like the opening of a flower or the folds of a woman that so drove men mad. Abelard had seen sketches of such structures before in his studies that bespoke it a remnant of the Acheron Empire. It looked to have been rebuilt in an Iranistanian style and then buried in sand from some wild storm, only to have finally been revealed again. "We cannot take rash action," Abelard whispered to his fellow traveler. He spoke to himself just as much as the Northern woman. The priest likely seemed a coward to the fierce warrior, but his only goal was to keep the Opal out of wicked hands.</s> <|message|>Anya Sorensdaughter "These are Khaseem Bai's men," Anya muttered pointing to a red banner that fluttered from a spear that was thrust into the earth. The silken flag was emblazoned with a black lions head that almost seemed to snap and snarl as the wind worked the fabric. Khaseem Bai was a name much on the tongues of the Iristani. It was said that he had come down from the deserts beyond the Ilbar mountains after the tribes of that inhospitable waste had put aside their ancient blood feuds to drive the renegade from their sands. Since that time he had preyed on the caravans and herdsmen of the step, snatching up city-dwellers and ransoming them for supplies and silver. It was said, among the hokah dens and drinking houses of Kafir, that no blade had ever drawn blood from Khaseem Bai and that he was protected by black and malign spirits. It did not surprise Anya that it had been he who had sent assassin's to kill them after learning Ibn-vakir had sold the same goods three times. "If they know their footpads have failed they don't show it," Anya observed. Indeed, the mood in the camp was alert but the men did not seem alarmed. As she watched a paunchy man hauled a cauldron of soup from the fire and bawled something unintelligible from this distance. The various cut throats ambled towards him to take their mourning meal. "Strange, I don't see Khaseem Bai among them," Anya noticed, her keen eyes having finished their survey of the camp. "Indeed you do not," came a deep basso voice from behind them. Anya whirled her hand going to her blade but freezing as the point of a spear pressed against her throat. Two similar weapons were leveled at Abelard. The men holding them had the dark sun burned skin of desert tribesmen and the hooked noses and slightly slanted eyes of the lands beyond the Ilbar mountains. Their leader was a muscular man in a tunic of white silk. His eyes were dark and burned bright with intelligence and his face was handsome in a brooding way. His legs were covered with armor of tooled leather that gripped the side of a galloping horse so a man could use the short recurve bows in fashion in these parts. The thugs with him were dressed less finely, but Anya wagered all of them were veterans who had come south with Khaseem Bai. The must have snuck around them through some hidden ravine, though they had done so with so little sound that even Anya's razor keen senses had been deceived. "But do not worry," he said with a formal bow that would not have been out of place in the court of Aquilonia, "Khaseem Bai sees you."</s>
<|message|>Abelard Fhundil A strong east wind blew over the desolate earth as Abelard raised his hands in supplication, having dropped his sword and staff. The light of the newly risen sun glinted off the spearheads, their edges sharpened to pierce both flesh and mail. A cry of curious demand in Stygian rose behind them. The two were quickly relieved of their weapons and taken to the camp below to be surrounded by harsh lancers, ebony tribesmen of fierce strength, and towering thugs of stygian strain. Out of the crowd poked Ibn-vakir who was short enough to step through the legs of one of the giants. He spread a smile of teeth the color of mule piss save for the missing teeth so far not replaced with any wealth. Two of the nomads had brought forth a wooden chair covered in skins that Khaseem Bai reclined upon, sitting as arrogantly as if he were the newly crowned king of Iranistan. In one hand he held his spear while in the other he nipped at an apple unfamiliarly, the fruit a strange sight in this unforgiving land. No doubt a sign of his fortune and prestige. He must be drunk on his own power if he thought that would intimidate Abelard and particularly the warrioress Anya. Even though he attempted to keep earthly matters from his mind, Abelard fretted the imminent fear of death in equal measure to how the smell of the pork churned his stomach. "How strange to find such two foreign jackals." Ibn-vakir said. His smile spread like the plague with his mustached pulled along as well. "Better kill these two quickly, my lord. We cannot have word getting out on the location of the Opal." Abelard laughed suddenly, one of the first times he had shown any emotion since meeting Anya. He grinned as feircely as any cimmerian barbarian. "You little fool, Ibn-vakir. You did not think we would ever meet with your precious master, did you? Khaseem Bai you are called? This one had already given me the location of the Opal, and had promised to deliver the same to this one beside me. He then wished to join the winning side and lied to you, telling you we were already in pursuit of the prize. He wished for your assassins to silence us, so that you may never learned he attempted to buy your trust with deceit." Ibn-vakir paled, the grog in his stomach finally wearing off on his mind. Khaseem Bai's face, at ease before, was now a mask of fury and disgust. With a simple wave of his hand he had two of the giants grab Ibn-vakir the wretch. "No master! He lies!" The thief shrieked in terror as he was rooted into the ground. Almost ritualistically, and it likely was knowing Set's laws, one of the giants took his belt knife and cut open Ibn-vakir's stomach. Blood and bile and a putrid stench erupted from his torn open belly. The thief sank to his knees, eyes wide opened in death. Despite himself, Abelard found it satisfying. His claim had also been a bluff without divine intervention, but seeing as Khaseem Bai did not correct him, his bluff had been correct and the warlord's side of the claims were confirmed plausible.</s>
<|description|>Paulus Ordo Nobility:No Sex:Male Race:Armenian Age:21 Physical Description: A tall, handsome man standing at 6', Paulus has a strong body. He has average dark skin and a light layer of facial hair. His round face is dominated by a strong nose, and his green eyes sit under a full head of shaggy hair. Rank:Trooper Magic-Rank:NA Goals/Aspirations: Paulus has an obsession with order, and wishes to use his talents in the military to protect the land and lifestyle he loves. Personality: Paulus can hold his own in a conversation, only occasionally being seen as stubborn and overzealous about his world view if the topic turns that way. Paulus feels indebted to the nobility, a unique stance for a commoner. Deep down, Paulus cares for the welfare of his peers, but is a little annoyed when they don't see the nobility the same way he does. Paulus is a very focused individual and doesn't care much for drink or revelry. He also isn't very interested in finding a bride, believing one would only be a distraction. This makes Paulus a very diligent worker, and he often devotes the energy he would put into socializing or expressing himself into his work; whatever it may be. Backstory: Paulus's father fought in the twilight of the American revolution as one of Optimate's Dragoons. Unfortunately he lost his arm, but by the grace of the Almighty, he was able to return to his family alive and well. After returning home, a young, landed noble took pity on the brave soldier, and saw to it that he was well taken care of. His experiences in the new world left Paulus's father with a poor opinion of democracy, an opinion only cemented by the generosity of the nobleman. Paulus is the first and only child of his parents, and his father began to teach him from a young age that the structure and power of the Byzantine Empire was ordained by the Lord and to be protected with his life. Starting him at age seven, the families benefactor provided Paulus with a tutor who taught Paulus basic mathematics, science, literature, and combat. This lasted until Paulus was 15 and the Mamluk rebellion began. The conflict destabilized the noble that had kept a kind eye over their family for years, and he was unable to care for them any longer. Fortunately, Paulus was at an age to begin work, and his able body and work ethic found jobs to support his family, despite the hard times the community was experiencing. While he worked, his body maturing and growing strong, he mused that his troubles all stemmed from peasants in Cairo who were ungrateful to their noble masters and were foolish enough to revolt. (Ignorant that the rebellion was lead by nobility.) Paulus worked many jobs. A number of times he would attempt to become an apprentice, but no master was able to keep him long due to the lack of resources during the war. This ended up benefitting Paulus, as he was a hard worker and was able to learn bits and pieces from many trades. When he wasn't in contact with a craftsman, Paulus would take on work as a common laborer or a servant. Eventually, the rebellion came to a close and prospects began to look up for the family. Instead of being a happy time for the family, Paulus's father passed. Paulus took little time to grieve his father,though. He knew that was not what his father would have had his son be preoccupied with grief when he could be serving the nation. Instead, he entrusted his mother in the care of relatives and enlisted to become a member of the imperial army.</s> <|message|>Herakles Leventis Herakles Leventis Herakles tried to listen intently as he scanned the treeline, its depths looking ever more treacherous, but his thoughts were a mad jumble. Sweat gathered on his brow, threatening to sting at his eyes as it inched its way downward. The warm summer sun blazed, glistening off of the pooling blood already matting the steed's maple coat. He couldn't believe how much there was. Try as he might to look away, his eyes were fixed on the motionless form slumped before him. How foolish he was to have allowed himself to be lulled into this false sense of security. And his foolishness had now cost a man his life. The sounds of the river's splashing just behind him drew his focus away for but a moment. His eyes flitted from forest to river and back again as realization struck him like a runaway cart. Should they remain where they were, they'd be pinned without cover against a body of moving water that likely wasn't even passable. Yet he was sure a fate left to the coursing river was a better prospect than being gunned down in the open. No. That would not and could not happen. He wouldn't have another man die here on his account. There wasn't a moment to spare. They would need to act and act fast. Yet even as he tried to move, his feet stood frozen in place. Anxious thoughts plagued his mind as he fought to regain control over himself. How close was the enemy? Were they on horseback? Could the horses make it all the way back to town without first tiring? Would the enemy have thought to cut off their return, hoping instead to catch them beleaguered and fatigued on the road? This far from command, he had no one to ask for leadership. His word would be the final call. Yet even as he went to speak, fear caught his words as they tried to find flight and pulled them back into his gut. The words sat like a pile of stones in the pit of his stomach, heavy and laden with guilt. He could hear the pounding of his own heart, now racing faster than his flurrying thoughts. "Sir!" He finally heard the man, voice at a shout, yet it sounded distant. Hero had called him now for the third time as the other men looked on wide-eyed and mouths agape. All of them stood, shocked into silence, as pressure to do something —anything— grew all the more pressing. Morale was flagging drastically. His men were relying on him and he was failing them. Failing to think. Failing to speak. Failing to move.... Failing to do. The stakes in this moment were too high. Failure was not an option. It was either do or die for these daring dragoons. Slowly, but surely he felt his wits coming back to him. His breath began to steady, his legs to cooperate. Precious moments had already been wasted with inaction and the time to respond to the unfolding events was quickly ebbing away. He hazarded another glance at the thicket menacing before them, then turned to address his men, voice faltering slightly. "You're right, Hero.. There's little time. On me!" He shouted, a lump in his throat. "We're moving down the road back towards the garrison, but the moment you see me veer towards the forest, be quick to do the same. We'll dismount, tie up our horses, and lay in wait for our pursuers." His face was set in a steel-hard grimace, jaw clenched, trembling, eyes cast ahead. To stand and fight with the odds so thoroughly stacked against them would be utter madness. Yet it would hardly be less crazy to attempt to ride all the way back praying to go unmolested. No, they would have to take the fight back to the enemy in a show of force they couldn't possibly expect. He swallowed hard, spurring his ride into a gallop. Low to the ground, preying at the edge of the forest, and concealed behind shrubbery Herakles waited patiently. His eyes were peeled for the slightest movement, diligently glued to the roadway. He had two shots ready in his double-barreled carbine and his pistol drawn beside him. His men knelt in preparation, Costas and Barsenis just beside him, while Speros and Hero watched the forest behind them for a sign. The death of Danius weighed heavily on each man present, but some combination of a drive for revenge and —the stronger one still— to survive kept the men alert. There would be blood spilt for the blood lost, but more than that none among them wanted to find themself buried alongside him in the morrow.</s> <|message|>Theodoros Speros Θεόδωρος --- Αἰωνία ἡ μνήμη. ɪ ᴏ ɴ ɪ ᴀ ᴏ ʀ ᴍ ᴇ ᴍ ᴏ ʀ ʏ . --- His eyes were set on Cornet Levitus' commands, and as always, the Cornet was causing Theodoros to question his own actions. The closest Theodoros ever got to death was with that of his father. His father's passing had not affected Theodoros very much. There had been a sadness, but father had lasted longer than expected, having been older in his years when all of his children were born. Both of his brothers had felt a familiar sadness alongside him. His sister had not taken the passing well. She was the fainter hearted of the four Speros children. Despite living as a farm girl, Anekah was born with a staunch feminine charm and touch, unlike their mother. It was not something deemed efficient many of times with her frailty, but she married well and has since proven to be a dutiful and well-pleasing wife. Theodoros had experienced other prospects of death aside from that of his beloved father. However, he could not help but feel a similar callousness towards Danius' death. It had been a surprise, but the stoicism he was trying to uphold seemed to have not been swept away by the redemption towards a fallen comrade. If anything, he felt an uneasiness towards his lack of regard for his brother. His mind was pulling on thoughts and tying them into prayers. He counted each prayer like every four steps that Manga made. He was feeling something for the recently reposed, but the feeling was not quite accurate. He could say that his happiness was based solely on that of the Lord, but even in such a case, there should have been some respect due. The tears that had poured from Hero as he expressed concern had caused Theodoros to reach from his reigns and towards his saber -- not his prayer rope, still tucked in its usual spot. Theodoros knew he was being ridiculous, contemplating where his heart lie in the midst of a battle about to ensue. Quickly, he pegged the animosity of soul on his own fear of death. It is best to turn it into bravery then foolish doubt, he inquired within himself. The bellow of the Cornet tightened the reign of command over the men, and Theodoros was immediately pulled from his selfish delusion. Without Danius, they were a man short. All of the likelihood that had stood upon and within Danius had departed this world. The tragedy of his loss was written and would not be read in vain. In an instance of realization, the struggle broke the barriers of what he was supposed to feel; and the blessings of the gallop allowed the emotions weighing in Theodoros to run freely through the muscles of his horse; and in the moment, where Theodoros lay lowly next to Hero, the fumes of anticipation hung in the greenery. His mind was still running forwards. The maze of the battlefield was igniting smells and sounds that were new to Theodoros this time around, and he could not help but believe in his current position that he was making some sort of prostration to the death about to come.</s>
<|message|>Paulus Ordo It was as though Paulus had swallowed a firecracker. His stomach seemed fit to burst and the resolve had built over the weeks seemed to fizzle away in a miraculous show of sound and sparks. It was actually happening. He was going to war. The parade ground seemed to disappear. Hours seemed to past by as he absorbed the notion. In reality this was only a matter of second, and he regained awareness as orders began to be barked about preparations to be made. A week long voyage was just what Paulus needed. There was something soothing about the ocean, the way it rocked. Almost like cradle. As the ocean air filled his lungs, he would spend time on the deck mentally going over every maneuver, technique, and drill. Slowly, he regained his confidence. He was the son of a soldier going to feel his destiny. This was a time to rejoice, he knew his father was watching him, praying to the saints for his son's safety. Once on land Paulus was, not unpleasantly, surprised to find he would not be rushing into battle just yet. Of course, his relief did not stem from the fear of battle, but from the reassurance that he would have extra time to train and bond with his fellow Dragoons. At least, that's what he told himself. The scouting work was a nice distraction for Paulus. He was used to monotonous work, and was able to zone out and not worry about his fate. Occasionally he was practice maths in his head, or try to remember the words taught to him of great poets and philosophers. He was sure his accuracy in either subject was lacking. Nevertheless, it aided in calming him. Soon, he was forced to face his fears as he returned to Tomis. He found his bunks and sat there for a moment, his eyes glazed over. His mind was in sort of a zen state, and he did his best to push any thought out of his mind. Eventually fear did creep in, but he found himself more relaxed after that moment of meditation. There was no point in sitting there, though. He might as well combat his fear, and the best way to do that was to train. He left the barracks, and searched the citadel for someone who could show him the way.</s>
<|description|>Norvandell Lozenges Gender: Male Age: 63 Race: Devil Height: 6' 1" Weight: 128 lbs Backstory: Born at the lowest of the low on the streets, Norvandell fought his entire life to survive. Fortunately for him, he succeeded. He learned how to fight, how to steal, etc. After he grew up, he joined the military, where he was put through conditions similar to how he lived his childhood, but also quite different from his childhood. Nevertheless, he persevered, and quickly adapted to be at the top of everyone else, eventually achieving the rank of Captain. He and his comrades were then given a mission to slay the monstrous demon Lambdir, working with three other squads to take it down. It was a long and hard-fought battle, but Lambdir was finally defeated, though at a great cost of most of his comrades. Taking his spoils of war, Norvandell took them to a certain blacksmith connection of his, who began to work on creating a powerful weapon from it. It took 7 long years, but it was finally complete, and Norvandell retired from the army soon after. Since then, he's made a name for himself as one of the best mercenaries and fighters in his area. Abilities: -Flight: He's got wings, so of course he can fly, and is quite skilled at that. He can easily maneuver in the air to dodge attacks, or just to show off. His wings don't seem to flap or show any other sign that they actually do anything, though, but damaging them will affect Norvandell's flying capabilities. -Physical capabilities: Being a devil, Norvandell possesses strength, speed, and endurance superior to that of a regular human's. He can only lift a ton easily, 3 with effort, but his endurance and speed are far better. He is capable of moving up to 80 mph, 140 if he flies, and he can sustain such speeds for about a few hours before he shows signs of weariness. -Battle Hardened: having fought his way through life ever since childhood, he possesses a strong will and trained instincts that is necessary to win fights and survive battles. -Feast: By drinking blood and/or eating flesh, Norvandell rapidly regenerates his wounds and gains a surge of energy, fit for round 2 of a fight. How much is healed depends on how much is consumed, of course. -Demonfire and Pyrokinesis: Norvandell is quite adept at summoning and controlling flames, whether at a short distance, or in his hands. Either he summons a thin wall or short pillar, or he launches fireballs or streams of fire from his right hand. He is particularly adept at summoning his demonfire. His demonfire is black and green in color, and harder to extinguish than regular human fire, even through the use of water or lack of oxygen. Naturally, Norvandell is also extremely resistant, if not immune, to the extreme temperatures of fire. Equipment: -Claw of Labmihr: a blade created from a claw of the demon Labmihr, attached to a device made of a very durable yet very light metal. Due to the unique properties of the materials used, it took 7 years to finish the creation of this weapon. However, it is highly durable, and can cut through many substances as if cutting through paper. It also has the ability to absorb kinetic energy from an opponent's blows as well as magical attacks, and convert that into energy, which Norvandell can use to increase his own speed and strength. If he attempts to take in too much energy, however, his body will become much stronger, but will also be heavily taxed once the effect wears off, becoming weaker than even the average human. However, both the Claw and Norvandell cannot absorb an infinite amount of energy, and the Claw is capable of releasing energy obtained through heat and demonfire. The way the weapon is designed, however, also allows Norvandell to take advantage of said demonfire, as the flames only engulf the blade. Multiple mid-tier attacks (usually around 5-6) will fill up the blade quickly, and it seems as though there is a limit as to how much energy can be stored within the weapon. Once that limit is reached, the blade will cease to absorb energy until the blade is empty. -Blood Flask: a flask containing blood. The flask is enchanted to keep the blood fresh and tasty, so Norvandell receives the fullest effects upon consumption. The flask is also treated to endure various kinds of stress, so as to not lose any of that precious blood. Placed in a pocket above his heart, it makes for a good backup "armor" of sorts. Contains one swig, but it's enough to help him heal up to one life-threatening injury. -Knife: A simple, razor sharp knife. It is thin and about 4 inches long. Meant to be used as a back-up weapon, or even just a tool for various purposes such as lockpicking.</s> <|message|>Sirena Imogen Instant transportation was not something Imogen was accustomed to, and thus, upon arrival, her first reaction was a sharp intake in breath, a gasp of surprise at the sudden change in surroundings. The location itself was awe-inspiring enough. Every stone was polished, every column carved to intricate perfection, framing the beauty of nature in the background. No temple of her homeland could possibly have matched such luxury, such craftsmanship. The whole structure towered around her, intimidating, a constant reminder that Imogen was now part of something far greater than her own small wars and feuds. But in spite of her surprise, her anxiousness, she did not waver in the slightest. After that first gasp, that first moment of awe, there was nothing. Her mind snapped shut like a steel trap, her face becoming calm and collected as her eyes roved back and forth, taking in each of the others stood around her. In half an hour, she might have to kill any of them. Thus she would survey them carefully, searching for details and mannerisms, anything she might be able to use. Imogen herself was fairly unassuming. She wore simple blue robes, tied tightly around her for ease of movement, outlining her lithe upper body beneath the cloth. Her thick red hair and fierce eyes were certainly eye-catching- but in a room full of giants and winged men, she appeared rather mundane, as if a spectator had somehow wandered into the lobby. There was no aggression in her now. But the massive bundle of cloth floating behind her cast a threatening shadow, its form distorted by the edges of the many scabbards hidden within. Not all of the newcomers were as surprised as her. One, a lumbering mass of raw muscle who referred to himself as Gonad, was already strutting about as if he owned the place. Imogen glanced away, struggling not to blush. He was certainly impolite, but... one did not achieve that kind of muscle mass through a quiet life. But though this earned some degree of respect from her, she could not help but voice her disagreement with his words. "Brother Haste may be a valuable ally, but do not forget Sister Patience, O warrior." Her voice was quiet, but crystal clear, each syllable delivered with precise, formal diction.</s> <|message|>Drallinix Von Carstein Summoned slightly away from the others Drallinix stood in silence. The lich had no need for food, drink, or even breath so as he was summoned he merely stood watching and waiting. His head turned to the side taking in each of the combatants as he saw them. The lich made no sounds as he watched the others go about their business. His massive sword the Lichblade hung from his back in a scabbard, yet even so the blade emanated a feeling of cold to all around it. Drallinix crossed his arms before himself watching the others his right hand coming to rest on his left elbow as his left hand rested upon his right ribs. As Drallinix watched one of the other men in the room referring to himself as Gonad spoke and began to make crude motions and actions. Even as a lich Drallinix was royalty and this show of rudeness in front of himself and the women present disgusted him. Clearing his throat Drallinix spoke for the first time. "Show some etiquette and stop acting like a beast, lest you be slain like one" Drallinix's voice rang out. It was a cold voice, barely more than a whisper yet deep and firm. As he spoke the very air around him seemed to become colder as his amethyst gaze focused upon the other man. After his sentence Drallinix would remain silent simply standing as he watched the others. He picked up a goblet of wine and slowly sipped it, the alcohol having no effect on him, he merely did so for appearances. After all if his opponents thought him nothing more than a man all the better for him. As Drallinix sipped his wine he waited for the fights to begin or for his fight to be announced, whichever came first.</s> <|message|>Gonad Yaksplitter Gonad grunted in confusion, continuing his squats as he stared blankly at Drallinix. "Eticrotch? Not before has Gonad heard such word!" After several minutes of squatting he'd head back over to the buffet table for some of the good shit. Gonad snatched up two legs up mutton and doused them in mustard before placing them betwixt two pieces of toast. He then dipped the sandwich in a pickle jar, thus soaking the sandwich in brine. Lastly the brute coated the entire thing in a layer of ketchup and enjoyed it with a pint of mead. The bones in the mutton crunched loudly as he bit into them. That's protein right there. It was a shame there were no ape steaks though. Those were damn good.</s> <|message|>Nicoli Salvatore One moment Nicoli had been kneeling on a soft mat, fully garbed in his Veiled-One gear, the cowl of his cloak pulled low. The next he was kneeling in a splendid hall full of light and the presence of others, sounds and smells came to him, the voice of some creature explaining what was happening. Strangely, Nicoli didn't feel the anger he thought he would of. Rather a deep passion blossomed inside the normally cold man. It was far and between when the man known as D'Angelo had a true challenge. He rose from his kneeling position, pushing back his hood, and let his dark blue eyes survey the others that had been summoned around the table. He reached out and grabbed a vine of grapes as he slid his goggles over his eyes. He did not bother to pull his cloak about him, allowing the various weapons he wore to be seen. He turned a full circle and surveyed the rest of the area they were in. "Impressive. Our host is most gracious." He spoke to no one in particular, but he recognized that events such as this demanded a certain amount of etiquette. Which, apparently, the lumbering oaf pissing in trees clearly lacked. He clicked his tongue against his teeth, and went back to the food.</s> <|message|>Olukayode Masego Olu had a smile on his face as he was laying on his side, being fed berries by 2, ebony skinned beauties who's body was like that of a goddess. This was a common activity Olu was usually engaged in until that time of the day came when the special dance of the virgin was going to take place and Olu would be entertained with that of a young virgin girl dancing until she removed all of her clothing (Basically this was a strip show....but more happens :D ), only for Olu to take her virginity away after the dance, if Olu felt she was worthy for his loins. With the gyrating going on, Olu smiled, watching that ass move until he suddenly appeared in another location and heard a voice welcoming him and obviously others in the lobby. Summoned here? for his impressive combat ability? Olu thought for a moment about the fact that where he's from, he is the best warrior that no one could best, he is a Demi-god but since he was summoned with others, it was possible, Olu would finally have a challenge. Olu was still laying on his side while looking out at the grand scenery outside, wondering what kind of place this was. His attention was disturbed when the aroma of urine hit his nose along with the food that was near, making a terrible combination. He heard others speaking as two individuals, one who looked like dead warrior and another which is a young pretty woman, all who Olu was a little curious about. Olu heard another individual speaking to himself about the host. With this and everything else going on, Olu looked at Gonad, realizing this guy was musclebound baffoon but he looked about as tall as him. He wondered what abilities and skills this guy had as Olu started chuckling while laying there next to the fountain nonchalantly. He grabbed his long 6 and a half foot sword and stood up showing his 7'4 physique and the black skinned demi-god walked over to the table. Olu sighed "I was going to entertain myself by taking another young virgin's virginity but....I guess this will be of some entertainment for me as well Hmhmhmhmhahahha.." chuckling at the sight of the others and grabbing an apple.</s>
<|message|>Norvandell Lozenges Norvandell sighed as he ordered another drink from the bartender. Nothing was offering him a challenge as a mercenary these days. Most jobs he got were either weak demons terrorizing even weaker villages, or the occasional so-called shrine priestess trying to "cleanse" the area. A quick swipe with his blade was all it took nowadays to complete his contracts. The drink was finally made and slid across the counter to Norvandell, who caught it midway and began to chug it down. His usual drink invigorated him as always, but now it was starting to taste of dissatisfaction. He wished a challenge would come soon. Closing his eyes, he pondered what he was to do with his life. He grabbed some coins from his pocket and said, "Here, keep the change." as he dropped them onto the counter. When he heard the clinking of coins hitting the ground rather than the counter, however, he noticed something was amiss. He opened his eyes and found himself no longer at the bar, but at some sort of grand lobby. Sunlight filled the area, and there was food and drink aplenty. Before he could even begin to wonder what was going on, there came the announcement. Challengers? Battle City Council? Norvandell began looking around, noticing the other 7 individuals, most of which were male. Not paying any attention to the others making a fuss about themselves, he went over to the buffet table and picked an apple from the table. He gave it a quick sniff to attempt to detect any poison, then decided it was safe to eat and took a bite. Perfectly juicy and perfectly crunchy, just to his liking. Looking back at the others, he began to examine them more closely. If he was to gauge the situation, he was in a tournament with 7 other combatants, all of which were of equal or perhaps even greater strength than him. There were clearly some who were warriors, and one who could be defined as a rogue. A woman warrior was quite rare, even in his home, although to be fair, the more powerful women he knew tended to be witches. All in all, he did wish for a challenge. Perhaps he would get one from them.</s>
<|description|>Ymahr Shir. "I seek strength to protect, not to kill." Basics Race: Lah'na, a Lion specifically. Gender: Male. Age: 33. Additional Info Personality: At first glance, many would think that this feline is nothing but a cold brute without any goals, simply wandering for eternity. And while that may be partly true, Ymahr tends not to heed the whispers of strangers and let it get to him, for they are free to say what they want, so as long as they do not intrude in his mission. While definitely no has-been, he feels out of touch with many youths and adolescents that he feels he may as well be a senile old man, and while it does not bother him that much, it does bring back a painful memory of the past for him, something that he wishes not to ponder on. The lion is calm, tactical and collected. Preferring to think of a more logical or safer approach rather than facing danger head-on, his wisdom and intellect however becomes a double-edged sword when it begins to mix with his emotions and feelings. They clash like water and oil and often proves difficult for him to express as such. Rather than staying with groups, Ymahr finds peace in being alone, something that has stayed with him ever since he wandered. Due to his years of traversing the roads in his pursuit of strength, he comes off as an anti-social person as his time alone was most certainly not spent with many. Despite this, he is also shown to be well-meaning and selfless, he simply prefers not to show it often. He tends to cling to the past often, it is something that both drives him forward and pulls him towards his own downfall. Appearance: Ymahr is a tall, and athletically-built lion, something that stems from his various battles during his travels. His fur is mostly tawny-colored, with his chest-area and lower muzzle being mainly white, whereas his mane consists mostly of a dirty-yellow color. The lion's face is almost-always filled a stern expression, almost as if he is expressing slight irritation from his surroundings. His armor-if you could call it that-consists of a simple scarf adorned with a small trinket, a cloth belt and a simple pair of pants. On his right hand, he wields a gauntlet that is purely aesthetic. Height: 6'2". Weight: 190 lbs. Fight related Magic: Miracles. He has a strong preference towards defense instead of recovery. Class: Vagabond. Weapons/Items: A gold spear, and what little he considers as "armor". Strengths: Brute Strength - Even without his magic and spear, Ymahr is a formidable foe up close and is willing to use his bare hands to confront foes. Agile - Though not as dexterous as many of his kind, his speed is above average and he tends to incorporate it in his fights where his defense is one of his biggest enemies. Instinct - He may be an anti-social one, but those who manage to befriend this lion will find that he is willing to cross limits in order to protect those what little he calls "friends", even if it includes putting his life on the line just to ensure their survival and/or safety. Weaknesses: Solace in Solitude - Prefers to be alone, he is hesitant to rely on the aid of others unless it was a matter of life and death. Lion's Pride - In addition to the above, if he ever finds himself allying with another, Ymahr will often prioritize himself rather than his allies. He may heal and tend to their wounds once in a while but that would be about it, unless that person happens to be someone important to him that is. Sticks and Stones - Prone to taunting the enemy and can easily underestimate them just from their appearances. This doesn't apply to just enemies though, he calls them as he sees them, for better or worse. He does not to bear any ill will, but rather to bear witness the potential of his adversaries. Expose' - Tends not to use armor and cover himself up as it gets in the way of his dexterity. As a result, he is vulnerable to many attacks, both physical and magical. To remedy this, he tends to rely on casting barriers for defense or using some of his agility to safely dodge incoming attacks instead. Techniques: Ymahr prefers to confront enemies from a mid-to-close distance, using his spear to attack from a safe range with quick pokes and thrusts. He tends not to close-in on an enemy until he sees a viable opening, at which point he switches to a more aggressive fighting style that relies more on cornering the opponent and tiring them out with repeated stabs, even using fisticuffs if his spear would-somehow-be unavailable. He tends to alternate between a defensive and offensive style, depending on the situation. When it comes to using his magic in fighting however, he almost always tries to start every fight by casting a barrier on himself to lessen the damage he receives. As mentioned above, while he may be uncomfortable fighting with allies, that doesn't mean he won't be willing to spare a moment of his time to aid them however.</s> <|message|>Atlas Bentpine. As the innkeeper had served others before her, Atlas was able to do a little listening around the room. Well not purposely, but standing around doing nothing makes you look for something to do. The two beside her were having a questionable conversation that she tried her best not to pay attention to. Something staves and removing clothing? Um, anyway... Meanwhile, there was a curious little Shael the Tothum decided to attune her attention to. He was calling for someone to help, of course, with a slain wurm. I knew that whole mess would come back to bite me in the tail. Atlas thought, shuffling her hooves with mild apprehension. It would be the right thing to go back and help out, who knew what would happen if they left a dead monster carcass out there. The scales were sharp, someone could get hurt if they fell near it. Or most rather, it would attract more terrifying creatures that could harm the citizens of this city. Her freshly refilled drinks came to her, and she quickly dismissed herself, weighing the pros and cons of whether or not she and most likely not, Rykiar, should help strangers. Making her way back upstairs and in their bedroom, she placed the mugs on the bedside drawer, occupied in this internal struggle. She did just do her Beast form, and was pretty dang tired. Her meal did help regain some energy, so maybe should could just help carry the rest of the creature by foot if others helped. Flying did always take a lot out of her. Although, that butcher certainly did rip them off. That was probably grade A, recently kill wurm. They could have at least gotten a couple more hundred coins at least. Well, then again, she knew next to nothing about bargaining as much as Rykiar thinks she does. She usually ends up just eventually agreeing with whatever price the opposite party wants and she never had the energy to keep going. Hell, this was probably the longest she'd ever think over something. "Atlas? Hello in there? Please don't tell me you've fallen asleep with your eyes open. We're going to have to sleep in different rooms if you-" Atlas rolled her eyes, throwing a pillow at the mouse to quiet him. "Shush no. I just saw one of those guys that we stole the wurm from downstairs. He was asking for help to carry it back here." She could already see that Rykiar wasn't interested in hard labor, and neither was she. It was a lot coming from her, being the biggest lazybones there is. I mean, I guess I am bigger than most others, well unless they're a Rakonai or an Orius. Well I suppose it just depends on the person, there's always variation. "The whole thing is I'm a bit worried about the dead thing attracting more scary things, and said things attacking this cute town." This still didn't really change the Neth's mind. She looked around for some sort of motive. Atlas' eyes fell upon the last of the baked bread. She looked back up Rykiar and he's brow furrowed, daring her to do her worst. Faster than she's ever been, and fortunately faster than her mouse, the cow snatched up the bread. She held it up out of the much shorter Rykiar's reach, which was quite easy. "Oh no! Is this the last of that bread? The same bread we both agreed must have been made by angels?" She glanced down, waggling her own brow in playfulness. "I'm so full, but I guess a little bite will be no trouble." Atlas then slowly lowered the bread toward her mouth threateningly. "Alright! Alright! We'll go help them!" Atlas then of course handed him the mediocre at best bread with a grin. Helping others felt almost as good as sleeping for twelve hours, which she'll make sure to do as soon as they got back. Making their way back stairs, which she grew to hate the more she climbed them, She spotted the poor Shael who kept repeating his need for help. Atlas gave him a sheepish smile as well a little wave to get his attention. Rykiar obviously spoke for the two of them and did so. "We'd like to help!" He exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically, most likely swayed by the mention of pay. Now they'd have more spending money, which meant of course more food.</s> <|message|>Erion 'Letendre' Silverwind. Erion just stared a bit at the lion, and grumbles at what he said. He just looked angry a bit. "Calling me pathetic... Want to know why I don't tell people about my type of magic?! Yes I use necromancy, the soul aspect to be exact! I know that the tpye of magic dosen't define the person, but what they do with it! I should be the first to even know that with what happen to me in the past!" he says, walking forwards. "Ever had someone try to kill you at night, someone from your own party cause he though you were evil and were going to kill the group? Ever had people you believed to be friends just turn you in to a group of people that want to get rid of all type of necromancy, even the soul aspect?! I am sorry, but that is a good reason to not trust people with that information." he adds, then calming down a bit as he look at the lion, standing there. His spirit energy had been moving around him right now, visible, but it dissipated. "And you tell me that I am pathetic for doubting others! Ever had your own family end up killing your best friend cause he discovered a large scheme crime organization in your own family that you didn't even know about at all! And the irony here is that they used miracle magic, healing victims of their own scheme to get money!" he then adds, then calming down again as he looks at the lion. Erion didn't know how the lion would react to all this... but maybe it was best to come clean with him. Maybe it was best to tell him the reasons so that he understands why he was unsure about telling about his type of magic... and the fact that he didn't trust others "Sorry that I don't trust others, but with how many times I ended up with people not giving me any respect or even trying to kill me, as well as not even knowing who to trust or believe in anymore..." he then ends up saying, a small tear in his eye... but he cleans it off afterwards. Then... Jim showed up.... again... "Awww... cry baby gonna have a br..." he was able to say before Erion turned to him and then yelled. "SHUT UP JIM!" he says before using a large soul blast and pronouncing some necromancy words, banishing the spirit once again. "S.... sorry.... that dang spirit.... That... is my personal problem. I hear the spirits and everything they say.... but there is one that keep coming back and back and annoying me and... ugh.... I just want to get rid of that one. Even the other spirits want him gone... giving you an idea of how annoying he is..." he says, trying to cheer up a bit. He hoped that the lion would understand a bit more now. He didn't say though his real family name... but knowing how that scheme had been revealed before.... Letendre familly... If he heard about them... well... he would know they are now rotting in a dungeon now... That was a good reason why he didn't want to carry that cursed name with him... A new family name... one that he would stay with from now on.</s>
<|message|>Ymahr Shir. The lion was taken aback at the sudden aggressiveness of the fox before him, in that moment it was as if he wasn't the same person he knew earlier. The words coming out of his mouth were vitriolic but at the same time were tinged with grief and sorrow. Granted, the vulpine had been through a lot up until now, something that the lion was witnessing first-hand, truth be told it made him feel a bit uneasy and slightly guilty. Listening to Erion ramble about his past, the leonine man was reminded of his own. He avoided the gaze of the young man, looking forlornly at the ground as the fox was still talking, it was almost like he was being scolded for something he shouldn't have done. When it came to distrust, he was no stranger, in fact many people would be with the way the world is right now. The words of the fox eventually culminated with him talking about his family and how they killed his best friend, a very sensitive subject it would seem, and one for many. The lion was no exception to this and thoughts of his own family come back to him and he sighs, he does miss them a great deal, but coming back now would just...He shook his head, trying to abandon the thoughts and discarding them. The conversation ended with the fox with tears in his eyes. The pangs of guilt were taking over the lion, the one thing he didn't need right now was to deal a crying fox, he wasn't geared for these sort of things! "My...apologies." The lion was gritting his teeth and was trying to avoid eye-contact with the fox, all the while salving the pride he had just lost. Then again, it was through his own foolhardiness that he was in the predicament in the first place, so really it was his own fault. Right now there was little he could do to comfort the tearful young man, he might just make it worse. Deciding to risk it, the lion was about to say something to soothe the pain of the fox but...something interrupted their little conversation. Erion referred to him as a spirit, but from the looks of it, "pest" or "annoyance" might have made for better names. At the very least the tension had dissipated-somewhat, and the fox was looking better than before. The lion closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, trying to decide whether he should be the one to speak up this time or stay silent, lest he cause more trouble again. "He seems fond of you at the very least."</s>
<|description|>Matsuri Yanagi Age: 18 Personality: Sociable, Graceful, Determined, and Guarded Hobbies: Fashion, Fiction Novels, Boys Ambitions: She plans to see the world and live a quiet life after. She values the peace the town has provided, but has always yearned to see what is outside, but with full intention to come back and live life as a homemaker. Her dreams to travel and see the the world runs parallel to her desire to meet a partner for life and have a family, a dream of small wishes, but big in execution. Uncertainties: She fears the stagnation and complacency of life, effects resulting from the tragedies of death, and most of all being robbed of your own will. She also has a deep seated fear of dolls, and other uncanny valley inducing objects. Her level of spirituality is the direct answer to fear of stagnation, high on adaptation, average awareness, and abysmally low on strength. In application of her powers she shies away from the front lines, fashioning herself as a sniper/support of sorts using five spears she controls with her mind to attack from a distance.</s> <|message|>Hime Masami Chapter One: Death Lurks in the Shadows --- A warm gentle breeze blew through the trees. A few wooden wind chimes clunked together as the group of five students lingered near the dirt path that snaked into the dark unwelcoming forest in the hills of Tamashini Town. The five students had all agreed to meet near the edge of The Forest of Silence. In Tamashini, many myths revolved around the forest that surrounded the seaside mountain town that only few called home. Tamashini residents honor the forest for its fertile soil and active wildlife. The forest being so dense, it is nearly impossible to find one's way if they stray from the dirt path. A few people have gone missing in the forest and while it is where festivals are held, there is a deep-seated respect as well as fear for the forest. The people of Tamashini pay their respects open at the shrine which is kept clean by the elderly Genkai. Not much is known about the woman except she is known for her spiritual prowess. She moved into the shrine two years ago, in 1995, to manage its upkeep and the town does not see her often except during festivals. She is a recluse and viewed as highly mysterious. Due to her private life, many children consider her to be some kind of witch, able to commune with the dead or other spirits. The who idea of venturing into the eerily quiet forest had been that of Era Tsukino. While young for a high school senior, Era was well known for having bold ideas, wanting to enjoy as much of her life as possible. Sometimes her impulsive nature got her into trouble. Sometimes she'd have to climb to the top of a tree to get the right photograph which would result in a sprained ankle or fractures wrist but Era was never one shy away from an idea and often enough once the idea had been planted in her head, there was little to deter her. The Forest of Silence was not forbidden to anyone but it was a place no one often went into come nightfall. As the five lingered near the forest's only entrance, Era took a few steps back down the slope that lead to the town's row of homes and shops. No lights were on behind them but the moon, in its waning gibbous stage, provided her enough natural light to snap a picture of them preparing to go on a small quest. Era's camera was her most prized possession and she never left home without it, not wanting to miss out on a great photo here or there. The teenager's long flowing light brown hair gave her some warmth as the spring air was kept cool due to Tamashini's proximity to the ocean. She had on cream colored sweater and blue jeans, not wanting to get too dressed up for their outing. It was a little after midnight as the five stared into the quiet depths of the forest. "Okay looks like we're here. Let's go!" She pumped her right fist into the air. When she had voiced her idea after class hours ago, Era had been surprised to see who had shown interest. There was Hime Masami who was rather quiet and an A student. That said, Hime wasn't often the kind to break rules as she enjoyed having such a polite and proper image. That said, Era was happy to welcome the older student to their little romp in the woods. There was Isami Hironaka who was Era's age but like Hime, rather reserved and stuck to himself. There was Rikyu Kiyabu who was also her age who she wasn't surprised to see at the meeting spot. And lastly there was Matsuri Yanagi who was nice enough but still also a surprise. In all honesty Era expected to see someone like Bunko who was the class clown. Or even Sachi who was always the center of attention. That said, Era was hoping they could still have a fun night in the woods and maybe become better friends. "There is no need to yell. People are sleeping." Hime said quietly, her arms folded over her chest. Hime's presence surprised even herself. While they had all grown up with one another, they weren't necessarily close. Era had her own friends just as the others had their own niches in the town. Hime has promised herself as well as her parents that during her final year of school, she would do her best to branch out and become more social with her peers. That said, Hime had her doubts about going into the forest so late. Since she was a cautious soul, she did leave a note in her room if she happened to not come home in the morning, so that a search party could be formed and directed accordingly. Hime looked at the other four, hoping her note would be unnecessary but she did like to take precautions as needed. With everyone feeling tense, doubtful, or worried, it was time to get moving before one of them changed their mind. "Come on, the sooner we depart the sooner we'll be back home safe in our beds." Hime said as she began to walk into the forest. "Aw don't be in such a rush. There's no fun in that." Era whined lightly. Hime glanced to the younger classmate, "This being your idea, makes you somewhat responsible for our safety. You should take that seriously and make sure we all make it back." "Whaaat? I am not your babysitter! Guys, I am not liable for any harm that may befall you. We're all adults here," Somewhat. "so we all need to be careful. So watch your step and don't blame me if you fall and break your nose or something." Era laughed lightly as they walked along the dirt path, the moonlight that once gave the group light and guidance now became somewhat muddled due to the high trees. Hime looked around as she turned on her flashlight. She had the common sense to bring it along though it looked like Era had not. Hime had on a dark red long sleeve shirt. She had over that, a black vest and matching black linen pants to deal with the slightly warm but windy evening. Hime alternated her flashlight from left to right front of their path, making sure they followed it and did not somehow stray. Her choppy brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and she stuck to the middle of the pack while Era took the lead. "I think the shrine isn't far." Hime spoke up. While she had been to the shrine several times during holidays and festivals to pay her respects, it was harder to consider time and distance in the dark. Even though her focus was on the narrow path in front of them, her eyes couldn't help but catch glimpses of the various wildflowers that littered the forest. It seemed that even in darkness, they held such immense beauty. "Hold on guys." She couldn't help but call out to the others as she slowed down and turned her flashlight towards a collection of pink azaleas. "They look so different at night." She crouched down and brushed a finger along one of the silky flower petals. It was no secret that Hime had a passion in flowers and plants. Era stepped back and snapped a picture of Hime by the pool of flowers. Though she didn't think it would turn out well given the lack of lighting, she hoped it could be a nice memento for older girl. The group continued to walk, their pace slow. From time to time there would be the sound of cicadas or crickets. There seemed to be a wave of peace settling over the intimidating forest. The more she spent in the forest amoung the others, the less nervous Hime found herself. Perhaps there was something soothing about being surrounded by trees and flowers that made the brown haired teenager accept the moment for what it is, as opposed to what her worries were fabricating in her head. Hime focused on where she was and who she was with, not wanting to miss out on this spur of the moment adventure. "So...we've got break coming up. Any plans?" Hime asked the others. They would soon have three weeks off from school and she had to wonder if anyone was already planning how to spend their days of freedom.</s> <|message|>Rikyu Kiyabu Rikyu wasn't even sure what he was doing out here in the woods. His dad expected him to be up early tomorrow morning to help him with the nets before he went out on the water. Their boat was small, only a few tonnes, but it still took more than one person to get it ready in order to catch the dawn fishing. He should be at home sleeping. But Rikyu was never one for sleeping when others were out having adventures. He had dressed in a faded blue jean jacket with an old grey sweatshirt underneath. The night was warm, almost too warm for what Rikyu was wearing, but a cool breeze was blowing through the clusters of trees that lined the path they were all walking on. Hime Masami, Isami Hironaka, Matsuri Yanagi, and Era Tsukino. This whole late night walk to the forest shrine was her idea, he wasn't surprised, Era had something of an impulsive streak in her - much like himself. To tell the truth though, he didn't really know many of the others that well particularly, despite them all being in the same year. He supposed some of them were of the quieter and more academic lot of the class. No matter. Era and Hime argued about safety as they ventured further in. What was there to be scared about in the forest? The shrine wasn't that far, he swore he had been once or twice when he was a kid for festivals. It was weird though, being hemmed in and surrounded by trees like this. Rikyu never really spent much time up here in places like this he guessed. His life was orientated in the other direction for the most part. They stopped by a pool to look at some flowers, before moving on, when Hime asked them a question: "So...we've got break coming up. Any plans?" "I haven't decided yet. Gonna help dad with the Yellowbacks when they come into season, but other than that this summer is mine."</s>
<|message|>Matsuri Yanagi To say that Matsuri wasn't interested in the woods was an understatement. It was a mysterious place, unexplored and seemingly waiting for her to find out it's secret. She's always wanted to go, but never really had the proper motivation or time to go. Matsuri was also sane and had no intention of going to the woods alone. When the chance to go with a group of people from school popped up, she was crazy not to go. Excited at the prospect of finally going to the woods, Matsuri dressed for the occasion properly. Dark jeans, pink shirt tucked in, and a thick brown jacket to protect her form the cold. It was cute and functional, just how she liked it. She felt comfortable in the outfit, but not so much the rest of the group. Matsuri knew everyone by name and face, and knew them well enough, but she hung out in different circles than the other four. They've lived most of their lives in the town so there was a level of familiarity that Matsuri liked, but that didn't stop the slight tension in the air. It will dissipate on its own Matsuri figured. "So...we've got break coming up. Any plans?" Hime asked. Matsuri knew of the other girl, within the group they were the one's who's circles interacted with the most. That being said they were still far from being close friends. The first person to answer Hime was Rikyu, nice enough fellow from what Matsuri has seen and heard of him, but she kept her distance. He was known for being loud, but well-meaning so there was no ill will between the two of them. Matsuri liked his earnest qualities. "Hmmm" Matsuri pondered the questioned and thought about her summer. She hoped to visit some family members, but she could also not. More than likely family members will visit their house since they were the one's that lived near the ocean and had the biggest house. "Oh you know, busy busy, travel to the city, maybe visit some family outside of town, go to the beach every now and again." Truthfully she had no big concrete plans.</s>
<|description|>Vega Venetia Nickname: V.V Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Weapon: Partizan HK417 Video The weapon is Double Partizan Battle Rifle and referred to as DOPABRI. The weapon has three transformations. The first is Double Partzsan Mode (or Combined Mode) in which the rifle is inside the pole of the Partizan. Second is the Twin mode when the Partisan breaks in and can be dual wielded by her. Third is the Battle Rifle (HK417) mode one side of the Partizan retracts to form the stock for the Battle Rifle while other side of the Partizan sticks out of the rifle. (Like a bayonet.). The battle rifle has a holographic sight with magnifier for close and mid range shooting. Specialty: Vega main fighting role in VGNB is a close-quarters berserker by using her high attack output and agility. She utilizes her Partisan in combined mode or dual wielded mode to cut swaths through enemies. In conjunction with Crescere miei Viticci tendril melee capabilities, she can go ballistic on large groups of enemies similar to Gratia. Yet out of all her team members, she has the weakest defense out of all. She needs to take advantage of her high speed, high attack output and her semblance offensive based capabilities to protect her. The fact that her semblance provides no defensive capabilities makes means she has to rely on others to protect her and watch her back. She can fulfill the secondary role with DOPABRI battle-rifle mode as a long range shooter. With her semblance ability to attack enemies that come close to her while firing with her battle rifle. Crescere miei Viticci also makes her applicable for clandestine missions due to her semblance ability to take control of organisms. Semblance: Crescere miei Viticci Vega semblance represents her inner personality… It changes her body showing immediate growth of luminescent green tendrils throughout her body. Her eyes change to green and her hair to. Luminescent green Tendrils then grow from both from the veins from her hands. They are small at first, the tendrils growing passively and taking up miniscule amounts of Aura. Their growth can be sped by Vega using more aura. She can use these tendrils as a weapon, controlling them with her mind. She can stab, and cut opponents with her sharp Tendrils. It can grab hold of opponents for her to throw or grab hold of a certain body part to constrict. It is also useful as a climbing tool as the tendrils can be used to latch on to different objects. Her tendrils are stronger than the average tendril in nature yet can be severed requiring her to keep up tendril growth. They do not have to physically hurt the opponent as she can simply have the tendrils latch or hold onto the opponent. When it is latching, tendrils start growing passively into the Human or Faunus or Grimm target to prepare for control as her mind begins to seize her targets. Controlling an organism is daunting move for her as it requires heavy amounts of Aura for her to expel due to she has to grow her tendrils into the target and become physically inactive. The organism turns into beings controlled by Vega. Doing this negates her ability to fight against other opponents though can retract her tendrils from the organism due to the fact her eyes and ears are still active. It is a dangerous for her to do because several times she was almost consumed into darkness... Humans and Faunus can resist control by fighting back Vega's mind and if successful can cause a disruption in her mind causing temporary confusion and the most aggravating headache yet the tendrils in the opponent's body can die if the tendrils connecting to it are cut. Dust can her amplify her semblance. It requires Vega to ingest powdered dust while her semblance is active to achieve this effect and result in her vines, hair and eyes transforming depending on the element. Bruciando Viticcio (Red Dust) Her are tendrils amplified by fire that can burn opponents. When used while latching. It results in the opponent's body internally heating up or pretty much cooking itself to death. Fulmine Viticcio (Yellow Dust) The tendrils become electric and act as a tazer, electrifying opponents, and can be used as a mild tazer or can use it to electrocute her opponent when it used during latch. It has an increased piercing and cut effectiveness that leaves electric burn. Ombra Viticcio (Violet Dust) Ombra Viticcio turns her tendril temporarily into a shadowy tendril specifically used when Vega is trying to control an organism in secret. Ombra Viticcio perfectly integrates when used in dark places as it cannot be seen yet can be revealed when light is shined upon it. Voice: Her Voice Kinon (English Dub) from Gurren Lagann. (Kinon is featured for most of the video, you will hear her voice.) Personality: Vega has an extrovert personality which is slightly more dominant than her introverted side. She is optimistic, reflected by her upbeat, easy-going demeanor personality. She holds a solemn personality, differing from Gratia solemnity. It is reflected by a gracious, sincere and kind attitude towards others. Her kindness, happy personality should not be mistaken that she is gullible. In her soul, she holds a Pride that can be boisterous, a core aspect that she has held since she was a child. She holds a sincerely-sharp tongue only when she sees fit and uses it in conjunction with Napoli's mocking in combat to create the most aggravating dialogue for any opponent in combat. Vega is also a geek/nerd and is heavily interested in intellectual pursuits such as science, history and math. She has a deep love for video gaming and science fiction media. Wearing her smart glasses amplifies her geeky/nerdiness. As the team leader, she is also the one that holds together the team and constantly the mediator between Napoli and Gratia's bickering. Color and Emblem: WIP White (?) Emblem = WIP Appearance: Will repost in the future. An idea (face-wise) how she would look like. Picture 1 Picture 2 Her appearance will be drawn and will not reflect the text appearance. (WIP text appearance – Not the final appearance) A student from Haven, she wears the uniform except replaced the skirt with shorts and with the uniform unbuttoned wearing a white spaghetti strap. Smart-glasses (Like Google glass). Star Pendant. Knee high socks. Sneakers or Slip on shoes (?) Stands at 5 ft 3.</s> <|message|>Cian Kuze Cian | Vale Cian smiled as she nodded towards the man in thanks moving towards the mentioned cabinets to look for any that met to her standards. Say what you might about her being a tomboy or ungirly or anything like that one thing that must be kept in mind was that she was very very serious about her look and hair. Looking at the hair clips she found most of them decorated in one shape or another probably for fashion purposes more likely than not. While looking she decided to speak up "how much do these pins cost in order to channel dust? and how much for those that don't?" She asked as she laid her eyes on a three simple looking hair clips that were pure white in color simple they might be they fit her purpose of what she was looking for quite easily.</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz--Landfall Well, that was pretty pleasant. Now then! First things first: Find a bike place! Setting off with just as much gusto as any of the other departees, arguably more, he set off down the first street he saw, mentally going through a checklist in his head about what requirements he had in his choosing of his latest and greatest trusty steed. Preferably sturdy. Maybe a Basket in the front. The ability to ride double if necessary. Red? Red. That one was a no-brainer. Did he want one of those foldable ones? The balance between portability and durability was a delicate one, and considering his priorities, tendencies, and general riding style... Better to not risk something collapsing randomly on him. To his luck, just at the corner a bike rack greeted his lively gray eyes, accompanied by a small, almost hole-in-the-wall studio. A specialist! An artisan! A strong use of his newly acquired lien! Lady luck is smiling upon me today! He entered the store with boundless enthusiasm.</s> <|message|>Jack Orpheus Jack Orpheus | Vale - Armour Store "Ah yes, it starts at 50 lien, and ones that channel dust go for up to 150 or so, if you want to go into battle, the ones at 150 lien hold dust and activate to guard against attacks. They're like a helmet really, a very stylish helmet", the old man was ruffling through a few other papers, likely other orders and organizing them. "If you want to make a stronger one that can be used to attack too, that will have to be special order and approved", as in probably earn credits for those ones, but generally a stylish helmet sounded good. "That sounds neat, I wish this bit of hair could do that", he commented, referring to the one bright and dagger-like strand of hair on his head.</s> <|message|>Gratia Mindaro Gratia Mindaro - Vale The central business district of Vale was large, populated by towering skyscrapers and hundreds of stores, as well as even a market where merchants of all varieties, earning too little revenue or selling too irregularly to rent a commercial property, peddled their goods amongst the streets of the city. It was not too dissimilar from her own home, Gratia could note, though Mistral was less built-up, with a far more diverse spread of the modern and traditional. Still, both city-states could be positively bustling with people at peak hours. She moved through the immense crowds, squeezing through gaps and every opportunity with nary an apology. She was intent on visiting locations of interest, fucking idiots swarming at rush hour or not. Her sharp eyes scanned eveery building she passed, burning their location and speciality into memory. The likelhood of her actually bothering to visit them was basically zero, but knowing where things were could be useful. Even that weirdass club for crackheads she just passed by. Gratia turned a corner, detaching from the crowds on the main road. What she needed to find now was some form of shopping complex, some giant, gaudy testament to the woes of consumerism to serve as a central location for her explorations. They had more shit than God sometimes. Standing on the sidewalk, hands tucked into the pockets of her coat and headphones tightly covering her ears, the teenage Huntress exuded a sense of impassive boredom as she marched down the street.</s> <|message|>Robert Fallson "Exhibitionist?" Robert repeated. "What's an exhibitionist?" The boy began to mull the word over in his head, trying to guess the definition of the new word. "Well let's see, an exhibition is a public display of a skill or item, usually an art piece or something. The suffix '-ist' is used to denote a person who practices or is concerned with something. So an exhibitionist would have to be a person who presents things... Um, so what am I presenting?" he asked with a confused look on his face. That was when Robert realized that in the time it took him to figure out the definition of exhibitionist, Oswald had already left and was now replaced with the old buddy Abel. Well they probably hadn't been friends long to be considered 'old buddies', but that's beside the point. Forgetting how much clothing, or really lack there of, he was currently wearing, Robert greeted Abel as if nothing was wrong. It was too bad that Abel left almost right after Robert had noticed the guardian's presence. Turning back to Sapphire, Robert said, "Well thanks for the help anyway. Probably going go searching for someone from my team who can get me back in my room." He chose a random direction and began walking, unfortunately for him, completely missing the tiger-faunus and telepathic ferret that he has been searching for.</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz -- Joyride Black hair flowing in the breeze. The wind rushing against his face. The supremely content grin cast upon his visage. 15 minutes and 200 lien later, Luke Schwarz had obtained perhaps the finest bike he'd ever known. Metallic red paint, a sturdy suspension, the smoothest tires to ever grace the road or sidewalk... Perfect. Absolutely perfect! I couldn't have asked for a better vehicle if I was the richest man on earth! ... Well, maybe a car. But that's pushing it. Stopping at a crosswalk, he managed to remove himself from his adoration of his sweet new ride, the Road Racer Supreme, and plan his next move. That is, attempt to plan. It was too early for dinner, so that was out. What was the next thing on the list, again? He didn't have a real need to shop for anything else, considering he'd brought all his school supplies and such in when he first transferred, right before the mission... A weaponry shop caught his eye. He didn't need any upgrades yet as far as he knew, but... A little browsing couldn't hurt. Crossing the street with speed and smoothness unmatched by any lesser bike, he found a public rack nearby, activated the SmartLock, and, after a few moments of trepidation and suspicious glances at those around him, headed inside.</s>
<|message|>Vega Venetia Vega Venetia – VGNB – Vale – In front of the Armor Store It had been long day for Vega. She traveled to Vale by taking the airship early in the morning, taking a trip of nothing but sightseeing. She had a great deal of fun with it taking many scenic pictures to post on her Insta for her followers. Already her scenic photo of the different places of Vale attracted likes and follows on her page, only increasing her presence on social media. She had gotten tired though of all the walking she had to do, and try to bypass every guy and girl that tried to come on to her because of the summery outfit she wore. Vega found a bench in front of an armor store. This is a good place to relax. Taking a glance of the store and seeing the figures of students inside, she then crossed her legs and began passing the time with her phone. This usually meant looking at photos on Instagram checking Facebook and Twitter. While looking at her phone, she held a pensive look. Sarina Tala Dei – SC – Beacon – SC Dorm As for Sarina, well she was tired to. Yesterday she had to rearrange the entire bedroom to accommodate Clair and the two future team members, if they do arrive. Also she assisted VGNB in setting up their rooms, including the furniture that came from their home and was burned out. Sarina lied down on the couch in front of the television watching sit-coms, reality shows at a low volume, until she fell asleep while the television played in the background.</s>
<|description|>Kari (Kah-Ree) Sabaan (Say-Bahn) Age: 82 "Earth Years", would be considered somewhere in her late mid thirties if proportional to a human's lifespan. (Human's are awfully attached to their dead homeworld, still using its system to time for measurements and all.) Gender: Female Height: 6'5" Species: The Mynua are a native race of the planet the Human's call Hephaestus. Somewhere in between insect and human-like, the Mynua have three layers of skin. The outer layer, hard and plated, the mid layer, still rough and course, placed in areas between the plates of the outer layer so the Mynua can maneuver, and the inner layer, soft and fleshy, like a human's skin. The mid layer of skin only really applies to the center of the body, where all of the important organs are. The outer layer generates a dome over one's head, helpful against falling debris and shade from the sun. They have even created visors to further help protection against the sun. Over time, the Mynua have developed a single system of communication spread across the planet. Over the millions of years in which the species has slowly grown and evolved, it is the culmination of many different languages that the Mynua have used. The Mynua primarily live underground, underneath the hot surface of the planet, and where most, if not all of the water is located. While they are not barbaric, the Mynua live simple lives. While settlements have been established all over the planet, the Mynua are typically nomads, traveling from one settlement to the next. Settlements had leaders, as groups always did, and people played their parts with subjects they were best in. Everyone had a place to do something, no matter how ordinary or strange it may be. There was always a reason, even if it could not yet be understood. They trade and offer wisdom from other settlements, keeping everyone connected in a more analogue way than what can be accomplished with their technological advancements before the Human's came. Once the Humans arrived, it took a little for peace to be cemented between the two species. The Mynua firmly believed that there were beings further than what they could see, as well as believing in a pantheon of creators. Once communication was established between the two on a level that they could both understand, the Mynua allowed them to travel the surface. They did not take too kindly to having their planet being mined out, but allowed in on the conditions that the Mynua would be overseeing the operations, and change things as they needed to be changed. After a little compromise, things were easy between the two, even if they were not the best of friends with one another. The Mynua, like humans, use sirnames, but only in application to their settlement/clan/grouping. This means that their sirname can change more than once throughout their life. Those who do not live under a clan or grouping are known as "Kasha". This is both a grouping term for those on their own, and used is as any other sirname would be used. Role: Geologist. Affiliation: The Mynua species, Acionna Expedition Relationship Status: Single Appearance: Facts/Backstory: Kari grew up in the Sabaan settlement, in the northern part of the planet. The settlement itself was deeper underground than most, and was probably just as hot as the surface above. That was just how Kari liked it, though. She enjoyed spending hours looking at all of the different creatures and rocks around and above her, Not to mention her mother and father were not too keen on letting her up on the surface to talk to the Humans. As she grew older, she wandered further and further upwards, eventually finding the surface and the Humans that lived there. She talked to them. Her settlement was one of the last to not have direct contact with the Humans. She supposed it made sense. They weren't too keen on outsiders in the first place, and even if they were from beyond the surface, they would not always be welcomed with open arms. However, she took this chance to learn more about them. Time passed and she had eventually gotten the leader of her settlement, her own father, to talk directly with the humans. She didn't want to stop there, though. She wanted to prove that these outsiders were friendly, and could be trusted. It was about that time that she started looking for ways to push relations even further, by joining Human organizations. She went to the stars, learning about all of the other races she knew so very little about, and knew that this was her place. She belonged in the Final Frontier. Fact - Kari cannot whistle. Almost everyone else she knows can, but she has never been able to, no matter how hard she tried. Weapons: Tool Kit - Though the Mynua have strong claws for piercing rocks, there are a few things that she needs to help with her studies and finds. Dusts, pics of various materials for different uses, and small containers for storing delicate items in. Visor and Interface - Because of her lack of hands, using tools and computers can be quite difficult for any Mynua. However, a joint project between Humans and the Mynua have allowed them to better access everything that a human can. The visor now serves as a Heads-Up-Display, in addition to just protection from the sun, and small sensors have been place within the organic armor to allow Kari to use electronic devices, such as computers, vehicles, and other tools, while just moving her body and extra appendages to control them. This makes physical contact with devices obsolete, and very helpful to the Mynua in general. Skills: Bilingual - Kari is fluent in both Mynuan and the Earth English, and can translate between the two rather easily. Though sometimes she can become distracted and overwhelmed, using the other language when it has no place in the particular area. Geology - She had taken up the study of the ground underneath and above her when she was very little, having loved all of the different types of minerals and rocks around her. Humans had a refined section of study based on that of just rocks, and Kari fell in love. Her species has no official "degrees" or learning, but she has spent decades of her life learning about geology, Kari herself believing that she has a mastery over the subject.</s> <|message|>Kari (Kah-Ree) Sabaan (Say-Bahn) The more that Kari collected her samples, the more she found small groupings of the same things. Not uncommon at all. Simple stuff, from what she has studied back home and on the ship. However, it did remind her of her situation. It was her decision in the end, after all. She was the only Mynua from her settlement on the entire ship. There were only a handful that had the honor of being apart of the expedition. Her people weren't horribly Xenophobic, but they were not completely welcoming of new people. She really should talk to some people. She felt that she had collected enough samples. Her pincers were just maneuverable enough for her to place everything that she had chipped away so neatly and carefully into the little containers on the pouch attached to her waist. She could return to the ship and get to cracking on those rocks. She giggled to herself. Even after all of this time, she was still so young at heart. She still had a long way to go, though. Due to the nature of her species and how they lived, they could be alive for quite a long time. Kari needed to stop herself, though. She needed to go out and talk to the others. She had been a bit of a... A. Spider. The Brown one. The word escaped her. It didn't like people. She'd have to ask one of the Human crew members if they knew what it was. Bottom line, she didn't talk to the crew as much as she should have, especially as the Ambassador for the Mynua. Well, unofficial Ambassador. She needed to be friendly with the peoples. So many Kasha, she assumed. So many people away from their homes. Maybe she would find something in common with them, if she could only urge herself to actually go and talk to someone. She wanted to speak. She really did. The only thing she did, though was just stand around on two legs awkwardly, looking for someone to talk to. Maybe she could go back on the ship and find someone on the way to her lab. Maybe she could just take a minute to walk around and get to know some of the people that she would be talking to in the near future. For now, she just... sorta stood around, bouncing on her digitigrade legs. They were so thin, so bony and skinny. The mid layer of her skin practically didn't exist down there, other than where her legs bent, of course. It was a little weird, sometimes she was on her hands and legs, and sometimes just her legs. Human's didn't seem to do that. They didn't seem to be much for climbing through caves, though. She wanted to know more about them. But she was rambling, keeping herself from actually talking to people. Maybe those Zenohunts first. She just didn't know what to do!</s> <|message|>James Carson James Carson He listened with some interest, which was something odd, considering that his emotions were heavily suppressed. As soon as she asked him about himself, he thought for a moment if he was allowed to say everything that had transpired in his life, but in the end he shrugged and answered. "I was born on Hephaestus to a family of miners, I was abducted at an early age by some secret governmental organization that was bent on turning people into super-soldiers." he said, when he felt a small shock of pain, nothing he couldn't handle. "So they enhanced my strength, my mind, all of my senses and they even heavily suppressed my emotions so that I wouldn't feel fear in battle." he spoke, with the pain getting stronger each second he spoke about his past, even so, it was still way below his pain threshold to hurt him significantly. "They made more enhancements to my body while I was asleep so I do not know what they were... anyway, after a countless number of years, they decided to place me into this expedition, using their governmental positions to place me here as chief of security, though it is beyond my understanding why they would do so." As soon as he stopped speaking, the pain slowly started to subside. "Wait... why did you choose to come here if you had the luxury of choice to go wherever in military you wished?"</s> <|message|>Ruby Indigo Ruby Indigo Mentioned in this Post: - James Carson Interest sparked within Ruby as the chief of security spoke about being abducted and placed into a super-soldier program. She took mental notes as he went on to explain what the organisation did to him: From what she could recall, the files only described him as a normal soldier, nothing that special about him, even though there were some subnotes including suspicion about his capabilities. The suspicion seemed justified, Ruby could check some boxes when she had a moment. James then asked Ruby why she chose to come on the expedition. "Oh, you don't understand, I can go to any section or the military or remain a true intelligence person, but I have little leeway when it comes to deployment," she says.</s> <|message|>Aubrey Lochlan Mentioned: @Nevix "No, you're old, I'm wise. Never been called a saint before though," Lucia said with a smirk. "And you could've asked and used the dolly to do most of the hard work." She pushed off from the previously mentioned dolly she'd been leaning against and walked over with a cheshirelike grin. "I've got some time before making anymore deliveries, so how about a friendly game of poker? I'll try to go easy on you this time." She produced a deck of cards from one of the many pockets on her cargo pants and moved over to the table, starting to shuffle the deck. "So, excited to be on a new, possibly hostile planet?" She asked, now trying to make idle conversation as she began to deal. "Five card draw or Texas Hold'em?" --- Mentioned: @pyroman Aubrey hummed while she worked, finished with taking samples from the bush and moving on to find some other possibly food bearing plant. She found a tree and scowled for a moment as the looked up to what appeared to be something like a giant seed pod hanging in groupings of five. Well that wasn't good, she didn't have a ladder and there weren't any smaller trees near by. She was close to the Nepra though, maybe there was something she could use from the ship to help? She sighed and turned to start walking, pausing as she spotted Kari, grinning. "Kari, perfect!" She said happily and started over to the Mynua. "Hey there, having fun?" Aubrey asked with a friendly smile.</s> <|message|>Alden Terrem Alden continued to work with the computers, enhancing their network and bugstomping for errors. Normally, you wouldn't need to do such a thing, but with so many different systems and requirements, it was a must, especially on an alien world without easy access to the main Planetary network. "Just... a little... more" cooed the man softly, tweaking part of the software to run more efficiently on the power available "Gotcha" sighed Alden with relief. The systems were slightly slower, but they had less power draw on the other parts of their camp, keeping the barrier stable at all times. He would rather slow computers over a slow death any day.</s> <|message|>Thomas Dunn Thomas Dunn --- "Five card draw? I look like an amateur to you?" He said, cocking an eyebrow as he sat down in his chair, immediately tipping it back on two legs. He thought about the mechanic's earlier question. "Excited, eh? To be on a new planet? Maybe a little bit. Hostile? That's got me intrigued. If we're being frank, I miss the military, I miss danger." He smirked. "Or, at least, I'll miss it right up until some alien-thing is eating my kidneys." He got his cards and smiled. Pocket Jacks. There were, of course, three cards on the table, at the moment. A king, a four, and a six. The fourth card was another king. The corner of his mouth twitched into something resembling a smile. He didn't fold. He glared at the deck. Come on, you rat bastard! He mentally shouted at the cards. Give me a Jack. I need a Jack, or a king. Come on, come on, c'mon, comeoncomecomeon! It was a five. Thomas groaned, laying down his cards. "Two pair. Jacks and Kings." He said, dejectedly. "I was this close. Could have had a full house."</s>
<|message|>Kari (Kah-Ree) Sabaan (Say-Bahn) "Hey there, having fun?" She had been so mixed up in just standing around to notice that someone had been calling for attention. Kari looked to the Human who had addressed her. It was Audrey, resident biologist, who had some to her rescue. The visor that had once covered a great portion of her face slipping up and behind her, revealing a face quite similar to a Humans, but with angles as sharp as rocks. Kari smiled, her eyes yellow and reminiscent of a Human Cat's shining. "Very much so." She nodded. Her pincers clipped at the pouch at her side. "It's so exciting to be on an uncharted world. There's so much to find here!" She was a long way from home, but she was enjoying it. Aubrey, from Kari's memory, was also born on Hephaestus. However, due to their differing species, they probably had different memories of home. "It's a long way from Home. All of us together, we aren't Kasha, but we are wanderers on an unknown land."</s>
<|description|>Ro'lithe Slaavex Age: 103 Gender: Hermaphrodite Race: Human Height: 6'1 Weight: 110 Appearance: Equipment: Force Staff, Ro' wears gold plated armor over her breasts and a gold colored thong of sorts to cover his male and female genitalia, her two horns are gold armored as well as her spiney tail, knee high gold colored boots accompanied by elbow length gold armored gloves complete his attire. Powers: Doombolt- Bolts made of raw chaos energy are launched by the sorcerer against his enemies. Warptime- The sorcerer alters the flow of time around himself, allowing for attacks with supernatural precision. Wind of Chaos- The sorcerer calls forth the corruption from within his soul, unleashing a golden cloud of rapturous agony or a rain of hypnotic light. Pavane of Slaanesh- The Psyker utters the forbidden dances of Slaanesh, forcing his opponents to jerk and spasm until their bones break. Sensory Overload- The Psyker overloads the nervous and sensory systems of their enemies. Siren- The sorcerer assumes the form of someone to whom the enemy, out of love or admiration, would never cause harm. Beam of Slaanesh- The sorcerer unleashes a ray of rainbow colours that confuses and disorients the enemy. Touch of Slaanesh- A delicate caress by the sorcerer renders his enemies insensible and unable to defend themselves. She Who Thirsts- Having dealt a mortal blow to his enemy, the sorcerer rips out their very soul, causing fear in those around the unfortunate being. Teleportation- Allows the sorcerer to teleport short distances. Rank Among Chaos: Chaos Lord Bio: Ro'lithe is from the twin moon Slaadux, the larger of the two moons that orbit the gas planet Disktrit, whereas Disktrit is uninhabitable both its moons are considered paradise, Slaadux is a sandy satellite with warm blue coastal waters and purple trees. Slaadux is large in comparison to its twin Razaleft but both moons are incredibly small compared to the planet they orbit. Slaadux is inhabited by a large population of humans who look to Slaanesh as their god, they are best known for their sexual nature and are leaders in the gas trade. Ro'lithe discovered her Psyker abilities and heavily endulged herself in the carnal nature of her powers, killing a large portion of the planet and its inhabitants, what was left of the Slaanesh followers quickly allied themselves with her and worshiped her for nearness to the god they so loved. Her and her followers began corrupting the twin moon Razaleft and its few human occupants. Ro'lithe received attention from Slaanesh as he blessed her with a second gender, horns and a tale, moving her followers into an even deeper state of cultish carnage, Ro' releashed the Warp once more across her planet and its neighbor causing another wave of death and destruction and spurring the remainder of the population into a cultish frenzy, Ro' continued to build their loyalty until he was called to the crusade. Aligned: Slaanesh Retinue: Ro's cultist numbers on both twin moons center around four thousand, they were able to find and recruit five hundred psykers. The moons have</s> <|message|>Lord Ligarius, the Diseased. The Plague Terminator, Lord Ligarius was the next to respond, his voice heavily distorted and disturbing from the ravages of the diseases festering inside him. His voice was deep, yet menacing, and his wounds festered. Blood poured from various orifices, as did pus and other instruments of the Plague Lord. It took barely a glance to recognize whom he sided with; as he was firmly, and devoutly a follower of Nurgle. In his six centuries however, six centuries of wars, petty squabbles, and service furthering Grandfather Nurgle's cause, he had never met the Dark Apostle, nor had he ever set foot in the ship he now stood on. Having heard of tales about the Chaplain Erebus, he was at once honored to meet such an early follower of Chaos itself. However, just because he was honored, did not mean he bowed prostrate or even acknowledged the Dark Apostle, save for a reverent tilt of his head. When the man finished speaking, he turned his head to the Great Unclean Ones who always guided him, always appeared to him, even if the others never saw them;He turned and spoke to them. "Great Unclean Ones, you have heard the Chaplain Erebus speak. I would heed your advice, if you give it." "Follow him. Serve the Cause of Nurgle, and rip out the False Emperor's heart!" Grimegal was the first to speak, the most enthusiastic of the three. "Mmm, if it fits the cause, why not serve?" Bleaz, the second spoke, always the more apathetic of the bunch. "Rip the head off of the False Emperor, and claim it in the name of Grandfather Nurgle! Spread virulent disease across holy Terra and make the people cry out to the Grandfather for salvation only HE can provide!" Zaeleaz said, the most violent of the three, and the one to hold the most sway over the Plague Terminator. Their piece said, their voices faded into the background, and the Plague Terminator raised his head and raised his mace above his head. When he spoke, his deep voice boomed off of the walls, resounding with a kind of devotion only found within the forces of the Plague God. "Dark Chaplain Erebus! We, the Forces of the Plague God, will carve straight to holy Terra, and rip the head from the body, spreading disease to a dying empire. It will be done."</s> <|message|>Kallax The Divided Lord Ghroul's arrival was not a gentle one, heralded by the cry of the Headsman's Axe and Warpfire as he was pulled through the warp. The fires of his rage didn't die down until the closest cultist felt the teeth of his axe. Surrounded by the remains of an enemy that barely fought back killed his mood, bringing his fire back to ice. Giving a dismissive grunt, Ghroul left the meat to the scavengers and looked upon the being above him. "Erebus." he rasped through a ravaged Vox com, this wasn't the first time he had met the Dark Apostle. Lord Ghroul had seen the man several times throughout the Heresy, always by Horus' side and whispering secrets into his ear. At the time Ghroul couldn't appreciate the Architects methods, being a slave to the Butchers Nails as he was, but with clarity came appreciation. His scheming lead to many battles against the Corpse Emperor, none of which have matched the scale of the Battle for Terra. Back then he was behind the betrayer, Kharn, when the World Eaters broke through and the real slaughter began. What the Architect now offered, a chance of redemption for his fellow legion and honor for Khorne. Well, he wouldn't disappoint. When the Plague Lord spoke it ground against his frayed nerves, hitting every point and saying all the wrong words. Bringing the spiked end of his axe into the floor, Ghroul rasped [i]"Your rotton god will not claim the Corpse Emperors head plague worm, the skull throne will have his skull even if I have to pry it from his shoulders!"[i] His fist tightening around the haft in preparation for battle should the plague worm wish it.</s> <|message|>Captain Axe Captain Axe sat sharpening his skinning knife, it had been a few days since he had cleaned a skull for Khorne, and spilled blood in his name. The act of sharpening his knife was almost a religious experience for it was the tool used to please his god. As he slid the whetstone across the blade he felt an odd feeling in the pit of stomach. That old familiar pull he received as he was drawn to another place to shed blood and harvest skulls once more. Standing in the back of the room he listened to the large, bald man run his mouth. The details didn't matter to Axe, all he cared for was getting back into battle once more. His interest was piqued finally when the man said that they were there to cut a bloody swath to holy Terra. Finally a battle to fight once more. He drew his knife and kissed the blade, pledging once more to spill blood for Khorne and gather skulls to decorate his throne.</s> <|message|>Major Varl In the midst of the chaos on board this and every other vessel in the fleet, from gabbering sorcerers who mumbled incoheriently to themselves and shouted questionable statements at any who wandered too close, to the cowering and ravenous mutants who scrounged for food and really anything on board. And were not above killing or eating their fellows if their mood called for it. To large Chaos marines that thundered through the aged and creaking halls. Dispassionatly killing those who stood in their way. And yet in an odd display, for chaos worshippers especially was a large company of men. Each one wearing matching uniforms and helmets. Standing with ramrod straight postures and in drill perfect lines and columns in perfect silence. Any muttering or unsightly movements and twitches were long since beaten out of them by the corprals and sergeants who already walked down the ranks and dealt blows and slaps to them men in preperation for this announcement. Their boots were polished to a sheen and their rifles were well kept and carefully cleaned. Another stark contrat to the writhing masses that worrounded them. They stood out as possibly the only show of discipline and proper order in a sea of disharmony. And at the head of this odd little display was the masked figure of major Varl. His smooth and featureless face ebtrayed nothing of what he may have thought about the boldness of the dark apostle's statement. Or the claims he was making. He found that he was not as prone to mood swings and following the illusions of emotion as many followers of chaos seemed to be. He may not be in the imperial military anymore but he still valued their insistance on thinking tactically and making a strike only when you knew you either had all the cards in your favour or taking the chance was worth the risk. And right now he was debating how this little crusade would end. After twelve attempts all made by the same commanders one would think they would shift tactics and try to compensate for their obvious shortcomings. One would think anyway..... While he was happy to lead his men into combat and victory he was less enthusiastic about leading them straight to their doom. And one of the few things he learned after turning to chaos was that most of their commanders didn't always think in the grande scheme of things. They became overly focused on a single goal and outcome to the point where they all but dismissed thoughts and suggestions that it could not be achieved. And if ten thousand years of history and wars against the Emperor were to say anything it was that these plans never suceeded.... ever. Most cultists and even chaos marines only thought about their next kill, their next sexcapade or injection of some foreign substance. They rarely planned for the long term. And in the case of Tzeentchians they planned too far into the long term. All but dismissing any short term complications that often arose that threw their careful planning into immediate disarray. And then there was the back stabbing.... As an imperial soldier he always wondered why the arch-enemy fought amongst themselves so often. Entire battles and wars were won because Massed imperial columsn smashed straight into quarraling enemy forces as infighting ran rampant. And after joining them and fighting alongside them for the last sixty plus years he still didn't have an answer to that question. Often they were petty disagreements or worse, over no cause at all other than the servants of one god really dislike the servants of another. Or simply boredom. Hell he didn't even declare any extreme loyalties that would give cause for others to label him as an enemy but still he had at least a score of assassination attempts made against him in the last two years alone! And the Bribes!.... oh dark gods below the bribes politics and bribery. As it turned out well equipped companies of trained and disciplined soldiers were in high demand and frighteningly short supply. And many minor and major lords have already made bids for his loyalty or at least support. Offering him all manner of gifts and lies in the hopes of securing his support and arms if they made a coup or move against a rival. He suspected at least a few to try and usurp his position in some way and try to assume command over his men. He would need to be extra watchful while he was on board this ship of both his men and his enemies. But he would remain resolute and independant for as long as he could. A difficult task but one he was determined to suceed in. But for the immediate future he would need to make sure that his men were prepared and trained to add yet another battle honour to the hallowed standard and name of the marauders. And not sacrificed or cast aside for the over ambitious zeal of some insane chaos lord looking to rise beyond his station.</s> <|message|>Skumdog Gutgut Everybody on the ship took in the sight of the passing orks as if they were looking at a illusion or a mirage, this was the first time they had been released by Khorne and they were raring for a fight, but none stepped forward giving the orks a wide berth as if they were one of Nurgles own, the fact that orks following a chaos god was rare enough was just enough for them to be given that room but the sheer fact they were orks caused them to be avoided that much more. The orks walked into the room just as the conversation was dying they strode into the middle of the rooming regarding everyone around them. Then the biggest one spoke. "Gess Who? And if anyne is takin eads round ere eets us! Raaagh" The leader spoke and the two nobz that stood with him echoed his growl. The big one raised his hands and the nobz quieted down to a whimper as if afraid of the big ork. "We is going to take more eads becausz orks ar teh bestest!" The leader shouted, taking in everyone in the room the nobz echoing his "We ar teh bestest." Statement, but then a fist from the leader knocked one of the nobs to the ground effectively shutting them up. "And nun of you humies best git in deh way. WAAAAAGH" The Ork shouted and he let the nobz join him this time in his shout filling the ship with the sound of their warcry.</s>
<|message|>Ro'lithe Slaavex Ro'lithe moved out of the shadows, her long armor plated tail seemed to snake itself out of the wall as she glided elegantly forward, her bare hips swinging wide with each step as she passed the warrior named Captian Axe brushing her hand up his back side she let her purple eyes linger on his face as she passed him, the lust in her pupils made them glow a deep purple as she drug her gaze from his eyes. Leveling her large gold tipped horns she moved like liquid grace toward the group and to face Erebus, her body naked save for the meager gold plated bra and thong. Stopping just short of the bald legend Ro'lithe bowed deeply letting her long tail spiral outwards behind her and her long horns brush the floor before she straightened herself "the Chaos lord of Slaanesh is happy to partake in the death of the emperor, we are happy to strike the final killing blow and do what we like with his limp corpse" Ro'lithe's voice echoed through the room loud and landed upon listening ears like a lovers caress. Holding her staff by her side she gave a large mischievous smile before stalking back behind the group of gathered warriors.</s>
<|description|>Lavender (don't call me Lav!) James dumbledore Age Lavender turned 11 in April Appearance Lavender is tall, well built and rather strong but not very athletic. She usually wears her black hair in a pony tail. Her sparkly green eyes may look innocent, but do not let her appearance deceive you. Personality Lavender is an open, outgoing, friendly girl. Intelligent, quick witted and mischievous, Lavender does very well in school and takes pride in her academic achievements. Her playful manner ensures she always has plenty of friends who enjoy her company and sense of adventure. History Lavender is adopted. This is uncommon in the wizarding world, but there you have it. Her biological parents were considered strange, and didn't mingle with the townsfolk. When they were killed in a freak explosion that destroyed their house, leaving little baby Lavender completely unharmed amidst the rubble, nobody knew what to do with the girl. One of the first responders was an open minded young man. He and his wife had been trying for a baby for a long time. Rather than abandoning Lavender to the harsh reality of foster care and social services, he offered to take the little bundle of joy home, fully aware of the implications and the risk of having to give her up again. When no relatives appeared to claim the little rascal, her foster parents filed the adoption papers. They had fallen in love with the intelligent and mischievous little girl and quickly learned to deal with the strange things that always seemed to happen when Lavender was around. When the Headmistress of Hogwarts came to their house to explain to Lavender that she was a witch and that her biological parents had been magical folk as well (the explosion turned out to be a failed attempt at inventing a new potion or spell), a lot of things fell into place for the young girl. Lavender's parents fully support her going to Hogwarts and are thrilled to see all the marvels and wonders Diagon Alley and the magical world have to offer. BloodType Full blood. But having been raised by muggles means Lavender does not know whether this is relevant, or should be. Wand Willow, 10 1/4, with a core of Veela hair. Pet Intrigued by the idea of owl post, and eager to keep in touch without setting her apart from her peers, Lavender's parents bought her a barn owl in Diagon Alley. Lavender named her April, because, like her, the owl was born in that month.</s> <|message|>Callum Ilmore "Cal" @TheHangedMan Cal shook Charlyn's hand. "I hope we all become friends," Cal said smiling, before returning to his Yorkshire Puddings. He knew there was gonna be food. He knew there was gonna be lots of it. But this many Yorkshire pudding, it was beyond comparison. Nathan then spoke, "It's nice to meet all of you. I'm glad we'll have the whole first week off from classes to get to know each other. I'm Nathan by the way." He held his hand out to Karen who had been the most recent - besides Nathan himself - to introduce herself. "I know it's a bit early," Nathan continued, "But we're any of you thinking of trying out for the Quidditch team?"</s> <|message|>Charlyn Janel Avalon Charlyn turned to Karen and then back to Callum. "Hello, Karen. I am Charlyn. And hello Nathan. Man I am a bit overwhelmed right now. As for Quidditch, I was hoping I could try out. What about you? And what position would you try out for, if you'd try out?" Charlie reached over the table to grab herself a piece of pie and some vegetables. Great choice to put together... yeah. But she didn't really care right now, she ate her meal focused on the conversation she was having with all the new friends she had met. "It's cool having a week off to explore the whole grounds and a part of the castle. But I am also really excited for the lessons. Does anyone know when there are try outs? I guess that'll be announced, right?"</s> <|message|>Lavender (don't call me Lav!) James Startled into silence by the sound of the doors opening, Lavender fell in line and followed the headmistress into the great hall. She gazed in wonder at the magical ceiling, happy that she had something else to look at than the long tables full of students. They all looked so at home in the castle, looked like they belonged there. It made her happy as well as anxious. So she kept her eyes at the majestic magical ceiling. When her name was called, she walked forward and sat down on the stool, facing the other students. Suddenly, she heard a soft voice in her head, sounding quite confident about what to do with her. The applause which erupted after the hat belted out "Griffindor" made her feel even better. Lavender smiled as she walked down to the Gryffindor table and enjoyed the welcome she received from those sitting close to her. It was nice to belong somewhere, and it sure sounded like she'd found her place. She looked back and waved at Brynn before sitting down, a little sad that she wouldn't be seeing that bubbly girl a lot. She was relieved when Jay sat down next to her. A friendly face was nice. Not that the other faces around her weren't friendly. "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." she whispered to herself. She looked around the table and smiled at the faces looking back at her. She then followed their gazes back to the sorting ceremony and watched the others get sorted into their houses. She listened attently to McGonagal's speech, but wasn't sure she'd be able to remember it all straight away. She saw that most of the other students weren't paying attention and decided that it was unlikely this would be their only reminder. Her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when she heard McGonagal announce the feast. Instantly, all the empty plates on the table filled up with the most wonderful food Lavender had ever seen. It all looked and smelled wonderful. She hesitated for a second, but as everyone was digging in, she piled up her plate with everything that looked good. Between two bites she looked over at Jay and giggled "If we get food like this every night, I'll be too fat to ride a broomstick before this month is over! Then I'll never know if I could be any good at Quidditch!"</s> <|message|>Brynn Green Brynn wondered if she aught to feed Gregory anything when she remembered not only did she feed him before she'd even left For the train, he wasn't even in the great Hall. She'd left him saftly in his cage with the rest of her things, hopefully he'd be okay. Back in the conversation though. Brynn hadn't really caught most of what he said except for the last part. "Well, I know all about what I've read about magic. But I never really knew about magic until I got the letter for Hogwarts. I mean I read peoples minds sometimes and changed stuff into different stuff, but I think most wizard kids are like that, so yeah. What about you? " she said with confidence. She figured that her experience wasn't much different than anyone else's, though maybe magic born people had it a bit easier with magic knowledge and what not.</s> <|message|>Jaylon (Jay) Loxias Sarah Jay starts digging in and pauses to chuckle at lavender."same thoughts here" he digs back in. Jewel lifts her head up and seems to study the food before shaking her head. She was well fed and doesn't eat much to begun with. Jay consumes a lot of food then sits back and pats his stomach. "That was you are thinking of trying for quidditch as well?" He beams at her now more excited to have found someone interested in the same things as him. Especially in the same house. Maybe he did find a very good friend in lavender but really only time will tell.</s> <|message|>Karen Diana Irving McGrave @KahleenCuthald "It's nice to meet you, Nathan. And I hope so to." Karen shook Nathan's hand. "I'll admit that I am eager to get to know new people, but also equally eager for the lessons to start." When Nathan asked about trying out for the Quidditch team, and Charlyn asking about positions, Karen nodded and said: "Yes I have, actually. I was considering trying out as a Chaser or Seeker. I'm not really sure which, but I have a whole year to decide." Karen began picking out a serving of every morsel of food on the table. From the way she looked and acted, the amount of food she had on her plate was unexpected - it was almost enough for three people. Before digging in, she turned to Charlyn. "I think the tryouts are usually announced a week or two after the first day of classes, but it shouldn't matter to us yet. First years aren't allowed to participate, apparently."</s> <|message|>Callum Ilmore "Cal" @KahleenCuthald After shaking Karen's hand, and listened to her speak. Nathan nodded in agreement. "I think I'm going to try out for a chaser as well. I'm definitely not the build for a beater," he waved around his stock thin arms, "Don't have fast enough reflexes for a keeper, and I'm not fast enough on a broom for a seeker." "First Years aren't alowed to participate, apparently." Cal couldn't help but speak up. "Well, it's changed over the years. Ever since Harry Potter got on his team in first year, parents have been complaining. Now that McGonagal is in a much higher position, she can't afford to look bias, so, she just lets us play. I hope I'll get to be a seeker, just like my dad and my grandad, though, they were all seekers for Slytherin house."</s> <|message|>Bishop King (aka Shop. He isn't a fan of his nickname, so only certain people can use it.) Bishop shook his head as he replied, "I have the same amount of magic knowledge as a fossil enclosed in a glass case stuck in a muggle museum. In other words, all I know about it is that it's dangerous when used improperly, which will probably make me a little nervous around the Slytherin." He chuckled as Veil attempted to move a large piece of broccoli. "Not like I'm not already incredibly nervous around anyone here." By her actions, Bishop guessed that Veil had her fill of vegetables. He placed her back on his shoulder, her white fur a stark contrast to the black fabric. He pushed away the plate and nearly stood up, but he had no idea where he might've gone if he did.</s> <|message|>Brynn Green Brynn looked back over the food, there was still so much despite everyone having eaten so much. It pained her to see it all go to waste after growing up with so much less. She grabbed a few rolls just in case. "Yeah, everyone here seems really nice. I agree about the Slytherins a little. They didn't have to be such poor sports, booing when other houses got students. It's not like everyone can be in Slytherin," she paused, sitting up a little to see over everyone's head. Up at the head table was an array of teachers, each looking very experienced in magic. Then over at the other tables. Most of the older kids looked scary, especially Slytherin now that Bishop pointed it out. The people on the train came to mind too. "Hey, Bishop later on can you come with me to one of the magic classes. I wanna get a head start on magic. It seems like most kids had a head start. "</s> <|message|>Charlyn Janel Avalon Charlyn Jane Avalon (Ravenclaw) Charlie nodded in agreement. "As for what I know by now first years are allowed to try out. Although they obviously stand a smaller chance to get on the team duo to the older one's practice and experience. I don't believe any first year would get to be a beater. You need some arm strength for that and I don't think any 11 year old has that better than the older years. But a seeker, that could work. Being small helps. Fast and good balance." She nods. "That sounds makeable. Chaser might be makeable too. And keeper only with a really good reflection sense and broomstick control at the finest. We definitely have it harder than all the others at the try out." She smiled politely at her new friends. Then her gaze fell onto the Gryffingor table and to Lavender. She already missed the girl. But in her mind she made a big fat note to approach her as soon as possible and stay in close contacts. They would sure share some classes, she thought, so there she would always sit with her. A smile appeared as she watched Lavender. At least she was in a good house with good people - as from what she heard this is.</s> <|message|>Bishop King (aka Shop. He isn't a fan of his nickname, so only certain people can use it.) "Uh, sure. You'll have to show me where it is, since I didn't really get a chance to walk around," Bishop replied as he straightened himself. He felt that having his back straight made him look taller, a little more intimidating. He wasn't sure if it actually worked, but it kept him from slumping over. "Now that I think about it I'll probably need a map. This place his huge," the conversation he was having with Brynn showed Bishop that she wasn't as bubbly as he first made her out to be. Or maybe she only acted this way because she figured by the way he stood back in a crowd that she should tone down a bit. Now that he was actually talking to Brynn, Bishop thought that she would probably make a good friend if things with Karen didn't work out. He was only used to having two friends at most. He hoped that the rest of his house was at least half as nice as Brynn, otherwise he would avoid them like the plague. Bishop looked around as his mind continued working out the personalities of the other people at the table.</s>
<|message|>Lavender (don't call me Lav!) James "Dunno" Lavender shrugged. "I was never a star athlete, but that was mostly because I always tripped over my own feet. Shouldn't have that problem on a broomstick, right? Sounds like I'd be missing out on a lot of fun if I didn't at least try." Lavender was still determined to make the most out of her time here, and enjoy everything she could. "Worked for me!" the boy sitting next to Lavender blurted out. Several people laughed, and he soon joined in. "I'm Ashton, by the way. I guess with both feet on the ground I'm the clumsiest Griffindor since Longbottom, but I don't mind a little healthy competition. It's not a title I have my heart set on." Lavender giggled, as the rest of the group burst out laughing again. "It's a wonder nobody has been knocked off their brooms yet, right Ash?" They were a good-natured bunch, and Lavender couldn't help but feel included and welcome. She looked back at Jay and said "What about you, Jay? You up for a little healthy competition as well?" She finished her plate and grabbed another of those delicious rolls.</s>
<|description|>??? ALIAS('s): Darsby STATUS: Living SPECIES: Human? GENDER: Male? AGE: ??? HEIGHT: 5' 10" WEIGHT: ??? BUILD: Lean-Lanky-Thin RANK: ??? OCCUPATION: ??? BASIC PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He's attenuated, pale, entirely covered in various ebony tribal tattoos up to and including the neck, numerous lengthy blade-born scars, and holds lean muscle in quantity's just thick enough to not look emaciated. His hair and eyes are generally a somewhat luminescent rose pink, the X scar just above his right eye is of the same color. Said scar is the only piece of tissue with such an oddity. Darsby's scars cut through his numerous tattoos as if having occurred after getting ink-work done. BASIC PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: He's most easily related to an apathetic college student during finals week who's will to live was lost after discovering their GPA is ruined due to failed exams. BASIC ABILITY DESCRIPTION: He can hide his presence with alien cigarettes and teleport objects from one place to another, I guess? Maybe he can sense strange magics? BASIC HISTORY DESCRIPTION: Unidscovered PICTURE:</s> <|message|>Anora Rose Feldington. She's told it's a name that's been in her family for as long as anyone can remember. The protesting screech of the steering wheel drew Anora's attention back to Ahllasta. Anora inhaled at the sight of the woman. Apparently, she'd hit one heck of a nerve. Oh, crap! Violate eyes wide, she held her breath and pressed herself as close to the passenger door as she could. Misty particles fizzled into existence around her, in part from a conscious desire for a ready defense, and in part of their own accord. She glanced worriedly out the windshield. If Ahllasta went off the deep end this far up… Dan's voice interrupted her worrying. She glanced to him incredulously She'd felt only a shadow of Ahllasta's power. Watched her ruthlessly kill Darsby in the blink of an eye. Seen her turn brutally on her earlier companion on a whim. Yet Dan, who looked like even Anora had a chance at beating him in a weight-lifting contest, was more than enough to keep the beastly female in check, even now. And his countenance had shifted, as if the prospect of a fight was more in his comfort zone than making conversation. It made for an unnerving reminder that she knew practically nothing about who she traveled with. What kind of strength they each held. To top it off, she still wasn't sure if she should actually call them the good guys or not. 'You… wait!" Panic settled in her when Ahllasta reached for the window. She wasn't an expert, but she knew what happened if you opened a door in plane. She cringed, expecting the worst when the window rolled down. But instead of a devastating catastrophe, only a fresh, salty breeze filled the car. She gawked at Ahllasta as she crawled out the window easier than Anora would have thought possible. "Well… That just happened." She glanced up at the ceiling as the sounds of Ahllasta's movements settled. Who needs physics when you're in a flying car? She looked to Darsby, eager hope lighting her eyes as it seemed she was finally going to get some sort of full answer about Dan. When the other man interrupted, it took most of her willpower to not yell at him in frustration. She faced forward as the two spoke in the backseat. She glanced at the broken auto pilot button. Neither of the men seemed to be worried about it, but then, she had the feeling they could be on fire while bombs went off around them and still just shrug it off. She blinked and turned her head when Dan answered her last question. If you could even call it answering. She groaned and ran a hand down her face. His vague, roundabout responses threatened to give her a headache. Getting information from him was worse than asking her siblings how school went. If she was going to get any straight-forward answers, she had the feeling Ahllasta was her best bet. She seemed more… rebellious than the men. Which could prove useful. If she could manage to get the woman alone to talk to her without getting herself twisted into a pretzel in the process. She turned again in her seat to meet Dan's gaze. "I'm getting tired of you beating around the bush with all your half answers," she snapped, gesturing about in emphasis as she spoke. "If you're doing that because I'm new here, I'm not some terrified child who needs things sugar-coated. So out with it!" She slapped her hand down on the side of the driver's seat, using it to help turn her better to eye Dan. "What am I—what are we," she corrected, her voice and gaze firm, "going up against? Besides some god-like… whatever."</s> <|message|>??? An odd reaction occurs when the formula of Dan and Anora combines with noise and frustration; Dan calms down. The man's lips relax, his shoulders square and place their weight against the leather behind him, his eyes level against Anora's with an innocent peace typically found only in the ignorant. "Hmmm.-" He'd mutter, his lips pursing for a moment whilst his fingers cease to twiddle, curl, and writhe. "-Sure." "There's a force in the universe most closely related to what your people call 'magic'. Humanity has recently been adopting this energy on a larger scale despite general skepticism. This is mostly due to some of our reality's larger-scale threats manifesting here on Earth, resulting in a greater need for general policing and protection. I can smell one such threat on you, they're called 'bluth' I believe?" Dan relaxes further, grey eyes glazing over whilst his voice deepens in the confidence of fluid-speech. Somehow, being yelled-at or presented with hostility has a placation effect on his anxiety. Should Anora be observant, she'd notice her hand slamming on the console caused his eyes to briefly widen, then shortly after, narrow and relax along with the rest of his body. "I belong to a union of intergalactic guilds balanced by several government bodies. I'm contracted as a 'safety inspector' of sorts. I was told to investigate the appearance of what is predicted to be the emergence of a 'singularity-level' wizard: A single sentient entity with an affinity to wield magic on a scale of manipulating several solar systems simultaneously.-" Dan continues to speak in a rhythmic and semi-passionate fashion, the way a strange celebrity may speak on TV when tired and reciting a rehearsed monologue to advertise their latest film. "My second job is to make sure no less than thirty percent of all sentient life remains alive by the end of 'emergence'. I personally prefer most all of life remains the same for those involved, but, if I determine my strength to be inadequate, my methods won't matter since someone stronger will have to be called in. Who we're looking for is someone by the name of 'Pahn'. They've apparently been trapped on Earth for quite some time and have spent the past two billion years forging some kind of 'instrument'. The details after this get hazy as the specifics of events and their motives arent the specialty of our Seer's Guild and their predictions. Though, when it comes to an event actually occurring, their accuracy is infallible. Besides, you were pretty key in the predictions. Your face and name came up quite a bit, especially in the war." Dan would then release a deep sigh and lean further back against his seat to stare out the window. For the entirety of that monologue he may have been looking 'towards' Anora, but, you could hardly say he was looking 'at' her. Some part of him had closed off and become oddly mechanical, despite the presence of emotion. He was made cold in his ease of communication, sparing an equal amount of semi-passioned talk about colors and magic as he would about life and it's required 'percentage' of survival. His anxious self was confusing and harmless, his calmer side looked nearly-empty in its readiness to do anything necessary. The Earth below was now a bit closer. A skyline of man-made towers could be seen growing along a curvacious coast. Darsby continued to observe Anora and Dan as they spoke, he looked to be consumed by some rather severe thoughts throughout their talking. Thankfully, he had also thought to be quiet while others were talking.</s> <|message|>Anora Rose Feldington. She's told it's a name that's been in her family for as long as anyone can remember. Catching Dan's eyes widen at the show of her frustrations, Anora groaned inwardly. If he'd been nervous before, she feared her outburst would only make it worse. Her head had already begun to throb, deciding full-heartedly that now was a great time for a headache. Her stomach gnawed at her, demanding she feed it. She was in no mood to keep dealing with Dan's near indecipherable answers. She blinked, surprised, when the man instead relaxed, sinking back into his seat. Even his ever-wringing hands fell still. She eyed him, trying to figure him out. Did he actually prefer hostility? As if her action had been just the right prompt, for the first time, Dan responded in a way she understood without having to sift through his verbal fillers. For a moment, Anora could only stare, shocked at the drastic change in his tone and speech patterns. She grimaced at the reminder of the spidery blouth from the hospital. And, like Darsby, Dan apparently had a heightened sense of smell. She hadn't even touched the things, and he could smell them on her. Curious, she pulled the collar of her shirt up, making the chains clipped to the side jingle lightly, and sniffed at it. The only scent she picked up on was the faint hint of laundry detergent that had somehow survived this crazed day. Her attention snapped back to Dan as he continued. Her eyes narrowed at his practiced, mechanical tone. She met his gaze, and a shiver ran down her spine. It was almost like he'd been programmed, reverting to his default state with the right trigger. Before she could think much deeper on it, his words called for her full attention. Her violet eyes widened at the apparent strength of the being they were up against. "Several solar systems?" she hissed, but the gentle rush of the briny wind through Ahllasta's open window and Dan continuing drowned out her voice. She let out a quick, disbelieving breath at his 'second job.' Despite his words, there was a sickening brusqueness to it, like someone stating they'd prefer to have the whole cake, but would happily settle for just a slice. Only it was people he was talking about. Billions of them. But to him, it sounded like it was nothing but business. Her hand fisted against the seat. Sparks of purple and gold puffed to involuntary life around her fingers for a second as angry heat rose to her cheeks at Dan's relative indifference. It took her a moment to force herself to refocus on the man's words. "I what now?" Incredulous surprise pushed her anger aside for a moment. "In a [i]war?[i]" She huffed out a breath, turned around, and leaned heavily back into her seat. She looked down, gaze and jaw tense. "A war you expect to kill billions of people!" There was no way she would let that happen. Somehow, there had to be a way to avoid losing over half the people of the world. To avoid a war between an intergalactic invasion party and overpowered god-level wizard. A war she apparently had enough of a part in to get the attention of a bunch of psychics. Prophets. Whatever his blasted 'Seers Guild' was. She let out a dark, hysterical chortle at the thought as she reached for her open backpack at her feet. This whole thing had thrown 'insane' out the window long ago. She didn't think there even was an English adjective strong enough that would work for the situation. She pulled out another of dwindling supply of granola bars and started to open it. She glanced out the windshield just long enough to realize they were already approaching a coastline. She paused, staring out at the approaching civilization, the wrapper of her snack partially torn. Until now, she hadn't even noticed the shift in lighting, the subtle—and not so subtle—indications of entering a completely different time zone. The now morning sun glittered off of windows in the distance, turning the city into a spectral to behold. She shook her head lightly and ripped the granola bar open. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised they had made a fifteen-hour flight in a matter of maybe half an hour, give or take. "So what is it you plan on doing about Pahn, Monster Mash?" she snapped, returning to the issue at hand. She tossed the wrapper into her bag. "Figure out where he is, then call in an armada? Confront him yourself?"</s>
<|message|>??? Dan sighs, his eyes turning away from Anora to gaze out the window. He'd take a brief moment with himself despite others being around, allowing all questions to linger for a moment before snapping at them. He is relaxed, relaxed in the same way a bear may be as it lingers over a fish-populated river. "I'll observe and draw conclusions after I've put my eye on them. We're both trying to answer the same questions. I know that Earth is small compared to space, but, so is The Council. We get scared out there in the dark too..." Dan offers a sidelong glance before some unspoken thought trips him up and he begins to tense. His fingers pace slowly into themselves, gradually lacing into one another. His knees shrivel inwards. He spirals into anxiety as he did on arrival. Darsby, who'd been slowly relaxing more as the conversation carried on, began to inspect the tears in his baggy clothing. The tips of his fingers would glow a faint pink as he traces them over various scars and wounds, healing them instantly upon first touch. Something about Dan had frightened him, he'd worked past this after observing the man for some time. "My apologies for earlier.-" Darsby would suddenly say aloud whilst attentively working on his deformities. "-You never know what you're getting with these 'Celestial Wizards', the power and age make a dangerous combination at times. It's better to be polite." His last sentence would be said towards Anora as he finishes his work and slumps back into his seat. "You did good calming him down like that." Darsby looks towards Dan, who'd only half-heard the things spoken about him. The jittery man would nod and chuckle a bit before looking back out the window whilst gnawing at his nails. Darsby, the alien she'd arrived here with, looked markedly overwhelmed. He'd smile at Anora in a way that said they were both somehow on the same boat at this point. The horizon grew closer, Beijing's skyline quickly closing in. They were just about at whatever destination they'd been attempting to get to.</s>
<|description|>Folkmar of Raven Rock Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Orc Country of Origin: Miraheim Appearance: Personality: Folkmar is proud, if not a bit rigid. He generally wants the best for those around him, but it's usually a result of him wanting to work to the best of his ability. He has a strong sense of self worth, which leans into haughtiness on occasion, and an even stronger belief that his way of doing things is the right way. This isn't because he thinks he's naturally right, but because he strictly adheres to the ways of his clan, in which he sees great value. In his mind, everyone could do with acting a little more like an orc. This coincides with his strong devotion to Gor-Gashuur, the fearsome orc god, associated with brutality, murder, and conquest, as well as shaping the monsters that venerate it. History: Folkmar was raised knowing one thing. 'Strong' is good. Gor-Gashuur made them strong, and for that, he was worshiped. Folkmar was strong, and for that he was praised. His father was weak, and for that, he was never spoken of. His mother was strong because she cared for him, kept him from the humans until he was ready. However, he was never really ready. Not really. Due to his mixed blood, he aged slower than the orcs around him, so others had plenty of chances to stake their claims towards chiefdom before he was physically capable. Still, he felt his strength, considerable as it was, must be used for something. Then, one day, despite the warnings of the tribe, he looked to the humans. They didn't have the strength of Gor-Gashuur on their side. Their warriors couldn't do what he could. So, he decided to bring both to their aid, while following the teachings of his tribe, inspired by Gor-Gashuur. He would lend his strength, protect them, and bring them into his grip. However, in leaving the will of his tribe, he was to be considered as good as dead. As a parting gift, he was given a 'riding dog' (which is a large tusked wolf cultivated by orcs) and a tracking raven, and sent on his way. Weapon Preference: Lance, Warhammer Side: Mercenary</s> <|message|>Catskull Maclung He crossed the gangplank last, squinting in the sunlight. Too bright, too open, too populated. Catskull was wary. As he listened to the elf speak, he came to the decision to not attend the meeting. The others would take care of that. As the others followed the elf, Catskull dipped into the shadows between the encroaching trees and took his own route, scouting the general area and eavesdropping on any conversations he came across, studying the timing of the guards as they went about their rounds. If there was any shady business going on, Catskull bore a solid chance of finding out about it. It wasn't likely that the elves were actual enemies, but Catskull was well versed in the art of war. If you let your guard down once, you'll be liable to let it down again, and all it takes is one slip, one mistake, one poor choice. Placing yourself at the mercy of a host may seem mundane and common, but time and time again have legions been taken in by friendly deception and massacred by those they trusted. The strong fighters of old always placed themselves beyond the reach of their enemy, to provoke and wait for weaknesses. When a warrior stops moving, that is when he will most likely die.</s> <|message|>Sir Elric Orstein, High Dragoon to Lord Dunston Hawke Elric stepped off from the ship with his spear in one hand and his quiver with bow and arrows over his shoulder. He was ready to fight if the need arose, but made no outwardly aggressive moves. His people got along well with the elves. He had a second cousin who was a wealthy trader, and he had visited Miracia with him once a few years ago, even doing some business in Fornond, so he was somewhat familiar with the place. He gave a respectful nod to Estallir as the elf greeted them and prepared to follow the noble elf and his retinue.</s> <|message|>Varian Sigmund Sir Roland Grey - Fornond, Miracia As Estallir had said, the walk to his estate was a short one. His residence was by far the largest and most easily noticeable of all of the homes in Fornond. Rather it was more of a mansion among shacks, something that obviously didn't fit with the serene environment it was placed in. In fact, Roland felt that way about the man in general. Where the port town appeared more as a a hidden, peaceful gem, Estallir seemed bred for the city life, where he was probably daily pampered and spoiled, wearing the finest clothes the lands had to offer, and eating the rarest of delicacies. He seemed a connoisseur of all items of rich value. Roland did not doubt that even as they approached his estate. He glanced at his other fellow knights and noted the odd Catskull fellow had taken off from the group. He was likely sulking around, but chose not to accompany the main group to the estate, it seemed. The mansion was decorated with engraved silver and gold, with the front gate guarded by statues of bright, golden trees. All around was a fence thrice the size of any man, with sharp edges at the end to keep the unwanted away. Roland couldn't help but wonder from whom exactly they were hiding. The monks mentioned 'nefarious groups', if he recalled correctly. Was that the purpose of this secrecy? As Estallir led them inside, Roland found the interior of the mansion to be just as majestic as the outside, if not more so. Tapestries, paintings, and rare art were hung from the walls. The finest linen decorated the ceilings and windows, and suspended from the ceilings in each room were chandeliers, every one of intricate and unique design, and as Roland noted, none of them being the same. They were led from this room into an adjacent one on the side. Estallir motioned for the guards inside the home to depart from the room they now stood in, what appeared to be a library of sorts, where resided a collection of books and scrolls that, while did not quite match the magnificent one of the monks, did come close to its size and wealth of knowledge. Estallir walked over to the door which led to this room, and closed it shut, the knights all gathered inside. He locked it, and then wandered over to a desk which was located in the middle of the room. A few open books lay there, though he did not seem interested in them at the moment. The man stood behind the desk, hands clasped behind his back as he gazed upon each of the knights, examining their features in preparation of addressing them. "I will skip right to business. It is how I have always done things. Have any of ever heard of the... oh how you would say it in your tongue... The Dragon Stone?" Estallir asked as he made eye contact with each of the individuals before him. None immediately spoke up, so Estallir continued. "You might not have, it is known among the elves, but not quite so outside of here. Generations ago or so the stories are told, a young traveling wizard had come across a stone and gained immeasurable power. It was said he could create anything from nothing. An unnatural ability. And one scarcely known in our world. But then, miracles were appearing left and right. Suddenly, fields were overflowing with crops and the people were healthy. He was heralded as a savior, a hero. This wizard decided to continue his good work across Aerion and aided the people whenever he could, using his gifts as a charity. In his old age, he took an apprentice with the hopes his student would continue his good works." "Let me guess," Roland said. "He didn't." "How astute," Estallir glanced at Roland with a smile, but then shook his head, "But not the whole truth. At first the student was filled with great promise and served the aging hero with great enthusiasm. However, the powers he had learned and further amplified with the Dragon Stone corrupted the young apprentice. It seems not all power is to be used so brazenly as he did. And in his prideful recklessness and greed, he took the stone for himself. Using the stone, he created only the finest jewels and tapestries, for himself of course. He then began creating more. Not just objects, but horrifying monsters to do his bidding, monsters he had created, or in some cases, revived from death. Eventually, people began to fear what would become if the apprentice went unchecked. So the people rose up and challenged the man. Much blood was said to have been spilled, but he was defeated." Estallir concluded and glanced at the knights, noting some of their confusion with the tale. "To many, this story is a children's tale we tell our young ones to warn of the dangers of greed," Estallir explained. "To those old enough to remember, this is not a story. It is history." Estallir walked from around the table, grabbing a book on his way before continuing his story: "The freshly defeated apprentice was sealed away in an abandoned temple in these very mountains, just a tad to the north. The stone was sealed with him as it was believed to be too dangerous for lesser men to possess." "So what? What does the Dragon Stone have to do with anything?" Roland asked, irritated by what he believed to be a long-winded children's tale. The story had dragged on for long enough. "You must be Roland. I have heard about you. Well Sir Roland, it so happens that the Dragon Stone is in fact a shard of the Orb of Ardor," Estallir said with a grin, as he rose the book he was glancing at to reveal an artistic recreation of the Dragon Stone. It was a red shard, clearly broken off from a larger work. "The elves of Miracia are a peaceful peoples. Yet recently, our mountains have been cursed. Horrible atrocities have been occcuring recently. Terrible murders and slaughters... the things that have done these, I dare not even describe, for you would have to see for yourself to truly understand... and believe. But if you truly wish to claim the Dragon Stone, or the shard of the Orb of Ardor if you prefer, you will have to seek the temple, cleanse it, and defeat he who wields the stone. Do that and you will have not only the shard, but a legacy in the land of Miracia. Of that, I can promise."</s>
<|message|>Folkmar of Raven Rock The grey man scoffed a little bit, but seemingly out of mirth, instead of disgust. In truth, he was a bit incredulous. The raven squawked loudly, before hopping into the air, flying in a circle around the merchant's head, and wheeling back to perch on Folkmar's shoulder. The bird hunched forward, as if skeptical, but its facial structure made it seem somewhat satirical. Ignoring the bird's comedic antics, the grey man moved forward just a bit. "What way is that to speak to someone with whom you'll be fighting?" he remarked. The gesture to this angry man at the mention of archers, and his assertion to take point, seemed to cause Folkmar to become rather cross. His brow furrowed, and he sloped his shoulders forward. In his irritation, he quietly took his shield, and gripped it in his left hand, before giving it a shake to grant it visibility. "Sending some fancy-man to the front when you have an orc to do the job," he grumbled rather audibly, "If anyone can take getting shot by an arrow, it's me." And then there was the grand anticlimax. These bandits, simple as they may have been, were likely hiding. Cowards sunk in a hole under a crumbling wall. Folkmar spat at the ground. There was no strength in that. Even with a fight on the horizon, his mood was soured with the prospect of a challenge stripped away. "Then we'll just knock the walls down and be done with it," Folkmar remarked, coming astride his war dog, and offering the last of his now dry haunch from the night before to the steed, as the raven picked at the scraps that hung off its tusks. "Not going back on my word- already said I'd do it. But seems a waste of my talents to simply gut a group of cowering spineless gophers. Feel like you should have been more forthcoming with this information when passing out jobs I do, Varian the drunkard." The way sat and spoke, as well as the position of his hands, seemed to indicate that Folkmar was keen to ride off.</s>
<|description|>Ansgar Staudinger Death Korp Trooper Number: Trooper 17431 Appearance: Height: 5'6" Age: 27 Sex: Male Class: Death Korp Grenadier Equipment: - Type XIV Lasgun (Heavy) - Also known as a Hellgun or, more rarely, a Hotshot lasgun, the Type XIV (Heavy) is the standard issue weapon for all Grenadiers serving in Death Korp regiments. They are, at least by the Grenadiers themselves, intensely disliked due to perceived unreliability in the field during extended operations and a Krieger's general preference for the default Type XIV Lasgun (More commonly known outside of Krieg as the Lucian Pattern Lasgun). However, with the proper maintence that each Grenadier performs routinely, the weapon performs its intended role as a high power Lasgun, capable of punching through heavier armor and providing, on full auto, a withering rate of fire. The Type XIV (Heavy) utilizes a backpack unit to power it, and a Quick Recharge Generator included in the backpack unit is generally overtaxed, due to the design of the weapon and its power output. Ansgar, like many Grenadiers, would have preferred a Type XIV Lasgun over the Heavy variant, but as a Grenadier, he is required to carry it. - Grenadier Carapace Armor - Intended for deployment where the fighting is fiercest, Death Korps Grenadiers are equipped with heavy Carapace Armour that has been integrated into the standard Krieg kit. This comprises the Mark IX helmet, a rebreather facemask, three-piece shoulder guards, a chest plate with additional abdomen plates and shin and knee guards. All are made of Plasteel and reinforced with a layer of Ceramite for additional strength, heat resistance and weight reduction. The armor, coupled with uniform and Type XIV Lasgun (Heavy) makes a very heavy loadout, adding in the miscellaneous equipment they carry as well, however, the protection is vastly appreciated by the Grenadiers in general, due to their role as the leading edge in storming trenches and hostile emplacements, needing the protection to get close enough to do their jobs, not so much concerned with survival. - Explosives - As his former squads Demolitions expert, Ansgar carried the standard explosives load out alongside extra tools, for when the Engineers could not keep up with the assault but were preoccupied elsewhere. Besides several Frag and Krak grenades, Ansgar also has several demolition charges, rated for taking out hardened bunkers when put in place. Ansgar modified the charges so that, in a hurry, he can pull a detonation cable and heave the charge at a target, the normally delicate and precise procedure for arming the charges ditched in favor of emergency target removal. And, as a Krieg Engineer before he was assigned as a Grenadier, he has learned to build improvised explosives that served him well in the trenches when supplies on conventional explosives were running short, as well as utilize Chemical weapons safely. - Melee Gear - Ansgar carries two weapons for melee combat, one obligatory and the other actually used. The obligatory is his bayonet, which the Type XIV Lasgun (Heavy) lacks a mount for, another reason it remains unpopular among Grenadiers, and typically serves as much as a tool and last resort weapon than anything else. His actual go to is a Entrenching Tool, edges sharpened to allow him to carve through hostiles as well as bludgeon them, and retain the intended purpose of digging trenches and other necessary fighting positions. Notable Deeds: - Tyranid Assault on Thresis IV - Raised from birth to be a Death Korp Engineer, Ansgar Staudinger, or known by his Trooper designation 17431, will never state when he was sent to war, something that tends to bother people who ask that are outsiders to Krieg and their necessary methods of providing the Imperium the soldiers it needs. Assigned fresh to an Engineering Platoon, Ansgar would spend a great deal of time digging trenches and laying mines in the defense of a Shrine World, Thresis IV, directly in the path of a Tyranid Hive Fleet Splinter. The Tyranids, despite being vastly reduced in numbers compared to a true Hive Fleet, descended like mad locusts, slaughtering over 90% of the Death Korp forces deployed on the planet. Of that 10%, Ansgar Staudinger was one of the survivors, the only from his platoon, found near death after turning an entire trench line into a raging biochemical inferno, equal parts fire and chemical weapon that was effective on the Tyranids. Sharing the compound make up with other Death Korp Engineers, the biochemical fire was used to great extent to halt and drive back the Tyranids, making the then rookie Staudinger's trial by fire a literal, and resounding, success. - Nightmares Beneath Thrasis II - As part of the Thrasis campaign his regiment was assigned to, and the arrival of Tyranid complicating greatly, Ansgar Staudinger was deployed with a fresh Engineering platoon to assist in the breaking of a siege on Chaos held factories on the system's forge world, Thrasis II. Utilizing conventional tunneling and, when they detected they were almost at the entry point, Hades Breaching Drill, to punch into the Chaos held Foundry, Ansgar and his fellow Guardsmen stumbled into something straight out of the most feverish of a heretic's nightmares. The Warp had bled over into the belly of the foundry, with daemons and mutants in equal measures assaulting the woefully unprepared Krieg Guardsmen. However, they had a job to do, and they were able to hold their ground, keeping a secure tunnel long enough for support to arrive and push deep enough into the Chaos corrupted foundry, to the dark heart and plant enough explosives for the resulting explosion spotted from orbit. Whether it was the sheer amount of explosives put in place, or partially due to Chaos corruption was never decided. However, as one of the only survivors again by virtue of Luck or being Blessed, Ansgar was reassigned by a surviving Commissar to the Death Korp Grenadiers. - Hellscape of Thrasis I - Nearing the end of the Thrasis System Campaign, Ansgar found himself a freshly minted Grenadier, no longer an Engineer although he often worked closely with them during breaching actions against enemy defensive lines. However, upon touching down on Thrasis I, the Kriegers found something unlike anything anyone could be prepared for. The Foundry was merely a foretaste of what was to come, as planet spanning rituals had allowed the Warp to taint and corrupt great stretches of the planet, forcing Guard forces to struggle through conventional defenses one day, and make a mad dash through Daemon infested hellscapes that should not be the next. What Ansgar refuses to mention to a soul, due to an oath he was put under at the end of the conflict, was the arrival of Grey Knights, of the Emperor's most holy Ordos Malleus. Alongside Adeptus Sororitas support, which Ansgar learned to have a deep, healthy respect for, the combined arms forces stormed the capital of Thrasis I, a den of pure evil and corruption that made the rest of the planet look like a Shrine World in comparison. Once again, whether by luck or the Emperor's own intervention, Ansgar found himself as one of the only Grenadiers, and Krieger's period, to survive the assaults into the city, arriving at the Hall of Governing as it had been christened during Thrasis I's founding as a colony, only to find horrors so unspeakable even the Krieg born Grenadier refuses to speak of them now. But, between the Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle alongside his own humble contributions at that point, which mostly consisted of survival, Ansgar lived to see the end of the hellish campaign on Thrasis I. With literally no regiment to return to, and having become aware of the most secretive of Space Marine chapters, it was decided to induct him into the Inquisition, sending him to serve where needed most.</s> <|message|>Vala Sal Felere "Ohhh… so beside oversized poledancer, you are also master of bad puns?" Vala asked making a sarcastic grunt before tilting her head at the psyker who obviously seemed to demand an apology of all things! "You obviously have some problem because you've been trying to get on my nerve from the start… frankly I have no problem with your height or the fact you make height jokes on my expense. That's fine… I'm smaller than you and it's simply how it is, but… I will not stand to be treated like some disposable piece of furniture that you can lean on and then knock it about the place like it's doesn't matter…" "Receive an apology from me? Yeah right… I'd rather storm an infidel again than apologize in this case." The mercenary stated, not really feeling any fear whatsoever." Yeah… huh…" Vala was about to say something else when she noticed a bright source of light in the room. She turned her eyes only to make a questioning expression as the other psycker in the room seemed… on fire? She tilted her head, wondering what the other woman was doing right now. "Seriously? 'Cool things down…'?" The mecernary said, making a really unimpressed expression, a finger reaching to her temples to rub it." Please stop... your making my ears bleed... Couldn't you make the pun any worse? Hey poledancer, we seem to have someone who makes worse puns than you." She then sighed threw another look at the second psyker who seemed to want them to calm down. "You'd best remove that small ball of heat before the fire extinguishers kick in and you make everyone in the room wet to the bones…" She said finally cause if that happened, she may indeed shoot someone." Anyhow… I'm the one who should receive an apology for being knocked down by the very important psycker right there…"</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin " ... cool things down a little?" Adrianne would suddenly become aware of the third party in the conflict, mainly from a blast of heat that had just washed past her as if somebody had dropped an incendiary grenade in the room! Turning around, she would look down at Vala, then over at Marie, noticing the burning ball of plasma in her hand, the evaporating flames... and the slight tendrils of black smoke that seeped from her person after the little display. "I don't think you should play around with that thing on the bridge, because... " Adrianne began slowly, raising a cautious finger down towards Marie, before the sound of naked metal and flesh clanking against the floor behind her caught her attention. "Open fire source detected on bridge. Applying immediate safety measures, in accordance to Dash 502 Stratovious Alpha, stigmatis Echo." Suddenly sounded the robotic voice of a nearby bridge servitor trundling around behind Adrianne as it turned its pale face towards the trio, before it raised its arm and displayed an underslung emergency fire extinguisher, aimed directly at them... Adrianne merely stood there, her mouth open as if to say something, when suddenly a stream of white, fire-retardant foam flew in between Vala and Adrianne, aimed directly at the person holding the plasma ball! Namely, Marie, who was immediately covered in a thick layer of foam from the advancing servitor as it diligently went on its duty to save the surrounding consoles and electronics from the potential danger! "Firefight process complete. Summoning cleanup crew." The servitor continued in its robotic voice, before trundling off to work at one of the nearby consoles. Adrianne simply remained motionless next to Vala as she stared cautiously at the snow-man that now was Marie in front of them, covered from head to toe in fire retardant foam. After an awkward pause, Adrianne would eventually crack an innocent smile as she looked around at the rest of the crew. "I can confirm that the anti-fire protocols on this ship are working flawlessly... at least!"</s>
<|message|>Ansgar Staudinger Ansgar was not quite sure what he was expecting when being informed of his reassignment to an Inquisitorial retinue, there were many things he had in mind at the time. This? No, this was certainly not what he had been expecting when the psykers and mercenary started bickering among each other, over the idea of being used as an armrest. The Krieger got the idea that being short was annoying, at times, hell, everyone in this room was anywhere from slightly to a great deal taller than him, but that did not readily warrant this borderline open brawl between the members of the retinue. Thankfully, he had no intention on relying on them to provide back up to him at this point, or he would be dissapointed in their infighting. Guardsman he might be, a line of work that required teamwork between squadmates to survive and take out things bigger than them, but this would only end in disaster. The flagrant use of warp powers was probably going to attract attention too, especially among those cursed Chaos followers who channeled the warp for their dark Gods. If the fact he wasn't already aware of the pyromancer's psyker powers from before, the sudden outburst of flames would have gotten her shot. Several times. More like enough times to leave the remains unidentifiable. But he kept his weapon secure and not pointed at anyone, far enough away for the heat to not push him away further. He did eye an actuation lever for the room's fire control system, and had half a mind to pull it. The mercenary complained that she should tone it down before the extinguishers go off and soak them all to the bone. Well, most of them, Death Korp gear was designed for wet, abysmal trench conditions, among others, and can handle a lot before soaking the man wearing it to the bone. Of course, before he could act, a fire suppression Servitor rolled in and blasted the pyrokinetic in fire retardant chemicals, from the looks of it. Probably not something she would want to spend breathing in. Ansgar sighed, muted by his gasmask, and straightened up. "Well, that happened." No pointed comments, no jokes, out loud at least, as he would not stoop so low, no pun intended, on the given situation. He'd already almost jumped the gun once, which he thinks was fair to do given the situation, and if someone had to be the sane one that wasn't engaging in this madness, then Emperor damn them, he would have to be that serious presence. Or at least the one not engaged in the infighting and arguments that seemed to plague them already. He could only pray that they would get their act together if something went south and a real fight broke out. He didn't expect it, but he could pray. Glancing at the parties involved, he asked a question that had been bothering him, aimed at the psykers especially, but the concern would affect all of them in the grand scheme of things. "How do we intend to hide the presence of multiple psykers? Especially when they are very liberal with their displays and self importance."</s>
<|description|>Nora Anne Huxter Age: Was 23 when I was put in cryo for 15 years. I have been out of cryo for 2 years, so 25. Race: Human Job/Title: -Former Exploration & Military Pilot for the A.R.K. Space Station. -Current Sky Taxi driver -Free-lace fiction author is spare time (mostly fan fiction...) Skills: Pilot, aircraft mechanics, close quarters combat, air warcraft, navigation Hobbies: Writing, reading, long walks on the beach Likes: Fairytales! Talking with my family. Fresh foods. Dislikes: People telling me how to do my god damn job! Appearance: Dark hair that has natural white/silver streaks in it, but I keep them dyed fun colors. Hair is kept in braids at all times, typically two braids on my time and a french braid while working. Standing at 5'5" you wouldn't imagine I am very imposing, but with a resting bitch face and killer skills, I don't have a lot of strangers approaching me. Weird, I know. Uhh, my eyes are hazel. I'm sorry, how much detail do you really need on this application? Other: Fun fact! Due to the specific environmental conditions around the A.R.K., anyone born aboard has some amount of pigment loss. Most common is lack of pigmentation in the hair, but it has presented itself in some pretty unique ways. It is also speculated that it promotes the male gene, which is why the birth rate of natural born females is so low. A.R.K. has taken to growing them in artificial wombs withing the last 75 years. Backstory: Born to Hugo and Irene Huxter, third generation A.R.K. Mechanics (heavy duty and digital interfacing, respectively). Only daughter of four, my aptitude tests all pointed me to the pilot program. After completing my mandated and technical training I joined the A.R.K. Force, and took to it the way a bird is meant to. When I was twenty I began a long distance relationship with a man from Theonia who made me feel like the princess I always imagined I was. He told me fanciful stories of the beauty and preservation of Theonia, it's natural bounty. I fell in love, not only with him but with his home. A year later I started the process for my immigration to Theonia, ready to reintegrate into the Home Planet. He promised he would wait for my arrival, but I guess 15 years is too long to wait. When I came to a month before arrival, to allow for physiotherapy and integration, I found an electronic communication from him, only three years after I had departed, that he had moved on. He is now married with two children. The bastard. I mean, it's been 13 years for him, but it was fresh for me. I tried to branch out, but was called back to piloting in the position of a taxi service. I would say integration has been difficult up to this point, and I have missed a lot of milestones for my family and friends on the A.R.K. Which brings me to why I am applying to work for Blackwater Corp. As an exploration pilot. I believe that the beauty and preservation of this planet is my calling here, and I look forward to working with you. Thank you for considering my application, Nora A. Huxter</s> <|message|>Ruth Blackwater After listening to the driver's proposition of tagging along for another pick up and drop off, Ruth nodded in agreement. She was sure it wouldn't be too bad, and much less awkward than how she felt currently. Her mind wandered back to Kaarde for a moment. She had a natural curiosity about him, but also a professional one. If she was going to eventually be in charge, she would need to know who was good people and who wasn't. Ruth's thoughts were cut short though as the sound of glass breaking and rock smashing filled the cafe behind her. She turned her head slightly to try to look over her shoulder, but was quickly hit with pieces of rock and cement against her back and the side of her head, causing her temple down to her jaw to be torn open on the right side of her face. She was shoved forward and toward the ground at the impact, and the last thought to go through her mind was of her dad. After that was blackness. The blackness wasn't necessarily scary, but it wasn't exactly comforting. If this is what death was like, then Ruth was sure it could be much much worse. Though, she wasn't entirely sure that this was really death perse. She felt somewhat aware, though not conscious. Come on Ruth, you need to wake up she thought to herself. She struggled to get herself to open her eyes, and when she finally did, she realized the searing and throbbing pain in her face and head. The rest of her body felt fine, but stiff. She groaned slightly, trying to gather where she was, but it was still pretty dark. She could tell however that she was seated behind someone. Her thoughts shifted again to her dad, and an audible sob escaped her lips. She barely even noticed that the room they were in, was flying. Ruth tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, only to have the back of her hand smeared with blood. She could smell it as her arm shifted back down to her lap. She wondered how bad the injury was. It hurt, yes, but she wouldn't know until she could see herself. She felt the person move to be more in front of Ruth, and then the sound of a gun cocking filled the little room. "What happened? Where are we? And is my dad okay?" Ruth stammered, her throat tight with the threat of more tears.</s> <|message|>Talon Karde Talon had passed out before the individual addressing his wounds could finish. He had lost alot of blood and despite his fight or flight mechanics kicking in was not prepared for anything less than anti-grav in a sensory deprivation capsule. During the time he was blacked out he dreamt of soft white sand beaches and a lush jungle cruise. His dream state was awoken by a jolt to his sternum and the flash of lights until all went quiet again. He squinted his eyes open to discover that he was face down on the ground and had a mouthful of dirt. He used his one hand to push himself up to his feet and steadied himself on the disposal truck as he caught his breath. He looked up to see the driver fumbling to open a storage compartment. Talon tried to stumble towards the individual leaving a bloody streak on the side of the truck. His ears still ringing he saw the storage door open. The driver began talking and had his hands up but for what reason Talon did not know nor could understand. He slowly kept creeping towards the driver and began to get weaker. He reached for his belt and keyed several buttons on it for an emergency call to his home. He stumbled missing a step as the blood loss began to overtake him and he reached out to grab hold of the individual however he dove to the ground which put Talon on a collision course with the ground. He landed in front of the storage door with no arm to brace himself. The pain sent a shock through his body, but before he passed out once more he was able to see a lone figure rolling and then running away with what seemed inhuman speed.</s> <|message|>A-4433-CDNO (Arthur) Arthur stared at the handgun in Nora's hands. It was small but lethal and he was hard to miss at this range. He looked Nora in the eyes, raised his hands to be level with his ears, palms facing outwards as a sign of non aggression and started to speak. "Hello. There has been a terrible tragedy inside the Emerald Garden." "This recycling truck that you are sitting in drove through the shop front and plowed into the back wall destroying most of the building. Then two men entered the premises with laser rifles and started gunning down the survivors." He paused letting her take in this information before continuing. "I managed to save you and two others from the gunmen however the gentleman on the other side of the truck is in very serious condition and needs medical attention. The authorities will be here soon and it is imperative I do not get detained or questioned by them." "After your investigation by the cops if you and the other two would like to meet me at the Maxwin Bird Sanctuary I will do my best to answer your questions and further protect you from your assailants, as I do not believe they will be happy there are witnesses to their crimes." And just like that Arthur dove to the ground, landing flat on his chest and rolling under the truck to the other side trying to evade a potential gun shot. There was none as Arthur lept to his feet and started sprinting away from the truck and approaching sirens. It didn't take long before he disappeared into the forming crowd successfully escaping the survivors, and the local authorities.</s>
<|message|>Nora Anne Huxter The young man disappeared from view in the blink of an eye. Did he say the authorities are on their way? Shit. Nora hopped down from the container and felt her body complain as she made contact with the ground. She turned around and offered her hand to the young woman who was still in the container. "I don't know about your dad, but I promised to get you home. Everything else can wait. Come on." Nora extended her hand in an offer to help her down. The woman, Ruth, took the hand and climbed out. "Go climb in." Nora nods towards the front of the vehicle before making her way to the man laying on the ground. Under the blood, dirt, and missing arm, the man wore fancy clothes and seemed well-groomed. Nora crouched down beside him and felt for vitals. He needed medical attention, and the sooner the better. It looked as though some first response medical care had already been administered, but she wasn't sure it would hold up for very long. Nora glanced towards the vehicle. She couldn't stick around to deal with the authorities. As an immigrant, she couldn't afford any trouble. She also couldn't go back on her word to get the girl home. As a trained soldier, she couldn't bring herself to leave someone behind. And then there were the civilians that were beginning to gather... Fuck fuck FUCK fuck fuck-fuck. Another quick glance to the vehicle and her mind was made up. One deep breath and Nora began to collect the man. She draped him around her shoulders in an effort to distribute his weight easier, but pain shot through her senses. From midback up to her occipital, causing flashes of colorful lights to momentarily blind her. Another deep breath, which only caused more pain. Fine, shallow breathes it is. With deliberate steps, Nora brought the man to the passenger side. "Scoot over," Nora instructed the woman. Sliding the man off of her shoulder and into the passenger seat, "hold him upright." Nora slammed the bent door closed and rushed around to the driver's side. Where the cab attaches to the airship attachment is an emergency release mechanism. Can't go wrong with classics, I guess. How much longer do I have before first responders are on the scene? I need to go faster. Nora used her Personal Communications device to quickly override the safety measures and release the cab. Vaulting into the driver's side and engaging the Ground Delivery mech, Nora could feel the wheels engage. Starting the cab engine, she revved up and felt the front cab detached from the ship compartments. With the second rev the cab came free. "Okay, crew, hang on." The forward motion was off balance and clumsy, but it was forward movement nonetheless. In just a few moments they were off of the field and onto the streets. This is going to gather too much attention. We need cover. We need medical attention. Nora flicked her eyes to the right to see the young woman holding the man up and trying to stabilize him against the jerking motions of the vehicle. Another wave of regret overcame Nora for leaving her D.I.G. in the goddam airship. Where are we? On the side of the road up ahead is a big blue H sign. Perhaps Providence was real, after all. With a little bit of common sense and helpful road signs, Nora found the district's hospital. "Search his pockets for any identification, we're almost there." Turning into the ground level Emergency Intake entrance, Nora did a visual sweep of the area. Was there somewhere with the poorest visual coverage from surveillance? Medical professionals started to open the doors and bring out stretchers. Someone must have seen the vehicle and made assumptions. Nora came to a stop just short of where the medical professionals were. Shrugging off her uniform jacket, she handed it to the young woman. "I will drive you home in five minutes. Any more than five and you might need to find your own way. Put this on and wait outside the closest off duty skyship." Without waiting for a response Nora slid out and went around to confront the fast approaching crowd. Please let her be clever enough to get away before I open this door. "Help! I have a man who needs emergency attention!"</s>
<|description|>Huntsman Sheet | Please believe in me, as I will protect you to the end | Personality Poised, graceful, and with one hell of a resting bitch face, Fiona is a quiet girl who prefers to keep to herself. So long as she keeps her mouth closed, she can be mistaken for a cold if somewhat distant person. She has no issues offering her opinion on a matter, and is generally open minded, making her easy to talk to and she is open to talk to just about anyone should she be open to conversation. The few times she does choose to talk she tends to keep things short. Still, she has a surprisingly positive deposition with an optimistic view on nearly everything, and likes to look for the silver linings in even the worst situations. Despite her quiet and gentle nature, however, she seems to avoid opening up to people even though she likes it when people confide in her. Her tendency to keep people at a distance is somewhat contradictory, often confusing people, and she has a lot of trouble expressing her thoughts properly. Should she be crossed, she keeps her gentle demeanor, though becomes exceedingly passive aggressive. Her observational skills are astute and she weaponizes it when she's angry or annoyed, taking an odd delight in honing in on people's weaknesses, addressing them with a misleading smile. Appearance Standing at an average height of 5"5', Fiona is a girl with fair skin and long, white hair. Her big, blue eyes are her most noticeable feature, her heart shaped face giving her a youthful look. She has a fairly slim body type with few curves, a modest bust and hips, and willowy legs. She tends to move gracefully, her reactions composed. Even when caught off guard her mannerisms remain perfect. Her clothing leans towards simple colors that don't draw much attention. "I'll do my best." | N a m e: | Fiona Myrsina Schnee | Alias|Nickames|Titles: | n/a Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company Vacuan Sector | G e n d e r: | Female | A g e: | 17 | Kingdom of Origin: | Vacuo / Atlas | Race: | Human | History: | There isn't much in her life that Fiona would consider notable. She considered her life boring and often dreamed of meeting her knight in shining armor who would whisk her away to a better life, though reality liked to remind her that her fantasies remained strictly in her head. Still, she knew how to keep her head low and avoid attention--all she needed to do was make sure she never drew any unneeded attention. Of course, she couldn't even do that right, and the first and only time she had ever dared to speak up resulted in regret, making her wonder if it was even worth it. She was shipped over to Shade and told to that if she couldn't learn her place then she would need to make her own path. Despite multiple apologies, she was brushed off, the path of a huntress being the only thing she could take. | Semblance: | None Schnee Glyphs | Weapon and Fighting Style: | Crystal Dream [DBCU] A Dust Bolt Crossbow Umbrella built to her specifications. Fiona's style comes off as flashy, though she insists its the dust she uses. The constitution of her weapon is much stronger than it looks, its versatility playing into her ability to adapt. She is flexible in her range, albeit has leaned into keeping her enemies at a distance recently. | Strengths and Weakness: | ✓ Agile ✓ Composed ✓ Knowledgeable on different types of dust and its usages ✓ Can get dust at will at any time ✕ Low constitution ✕ Little experience fighting people ✕ Relies on dust for battles ✕ Questionable heritage | Greatest Fear/Fatal Flaw: | Passiveness. | Miscs : | TBA</s> <|message|>Huntsman Sheet --- So that was that, for now, Veloce, with a flick of his wrist, compacted his weapon into its portable state, and hooked it onto his belt, though it was out of sight now given the hooks were on the back of his trousers. Returning his hands to his coat pockets, the easy going smile remained faintly in place while Boss chattered on about evaluations and such. Shortstop got the worst of it, figuratively speaking, the man continuing to drill that whole teamwork angle of a, well, team of huntsman! Not much to be said for Snipes or himself though, apparently, then again he wasn't exactly in a position most of that back and forth to really get stuck in proper so he wasn't going to sweat it too much. Boss probably would have plenty to chatter on about as things progressed. Better teamplay but work was needed on aura enhancement. Right, that, though he offered a light shrug and remarked as a whole now that the man was done on the evaluation part of the spiel. "I suppose that means Shortstop needs to not take 'stepping stones to greatness' quite as literally in the future, eh?" Why'd they want to become Hunters? Well, now that was an interesting question and, despite his first gut instinct being 'lie through his teeth', of course Mr. Ego beat him to prattling on about power and something about the facts of life in this lovely waste they called home. Oh, and killing Grimm and seeing someplace that wasn't all sand all the time. Veloce grinned a bit at that remark, seems Mr. Ego really did double down on his general demeanor after all. Hated the idea of power coming from spiteful survival, but hated Grimm even more. Rather roundabout way of going 'gotta kick ALL the ass', but Veloce wasn't going to mince words about it. "What, you don't love what we have the most of? The fact its course, rough, and gets everywhere? Can't imagine not wanting to live with it all day!" "Now, as for me, normally this would be the part where I spin some bullshit fairy tale story about how I was bailed out from bandits at a young age by a huntsman passing through, mentoring while he was around, and following in his footsteps since in spite of the folks thinking it was a damn fool venture. That the old man of a Huntsman had gone and left some young buck starry eyed and eager to take on the world. But, since Boss said no fairy tales or bullshit, I regret to inform you its true. Got bailed out by a Huntsman and I intend to make good on that, and give the folks back home something to chew on instead of their own disbelief." Veloce, of course, made the whole thing sound ridiculous given his tone, doubly so given the fact that Auron had flat out said no bullshit or stories, but left just enough of a tone of bemusement that the other huntsman to be could find it unbelievable and he was just being a ridiculous Faunus making a mild mockery of the whole song and dance again. He shot Auron a loose grin, telling the honest truth in spite of his tone and general demeanor, and closed with one more remark. "Either way, this first day sure beats the hell out of that awful 'Introduce yourself and one interesting fact' song and dance, eh?"</s> <|message|>Huntsman Sheet Kohaku There was a level of satisfaction to be had as Kohaku's plan came to fruition—the wave on the right were unable to break through her earthen barrier, and countless of their number must have fallen to the torrent of flames that followed. Enough that it made them break and retreat back into the darkness from whence they came. That much surprised her; she had figured that the creatures of Grimm were mindless enough that they would have continued trying to charge through the barricade until she had burnt the last of them to ash. Disconcerting as their tactical awareness was, it was clear enough that her team had prevailed in the conflict as she scanned the left flank to see a similar state of withdraw. Of course, their trials weren't exactly over just because they had stemmed the tides of Beowolves. As dark miasma began leaking from the slumped corpses pinned against the roof and those beyond, Kohaku brought her scarf up to cover her nose and mouth. Their supervisor informed them of the dangers the substance posed if inhaled, and it spurred the Faunus into action. Another mechanical thunk came from her staff as she cycled through to another, as of yet unused canister and leveled it towards the encroaching fumes. A pale white glow encircled the projector at the tip of her weapon, and a strong gust of wind followed. She directed it first down the right passage, blowing away the wispy black fog in her immediate area before turning it down the left, allowing the gust to wash over her team mates harmlessly while also dispelling the remnants of their battle. Once she was content that it had been properly disposed of, she returned her staff to its resting position, rested against her shoulder to make balancing the unwieldy head most manageable. There wasn't exactly much to be said in this case, and so the girl chose to observe, watching as their instructor warily eyed the creeping tendrils that made the walls of the bunker their host. Staring at the vein-like flesh reminded her of the ill-fated Dust Devils and their complaints. Of sounds from within the ramparts. "We should avoid being too close to the walls as we go deeper." She suggested, although she couldn't well explain to them why. Nivea probably had a better idea than she did of whatever kept the men who once called this place home up at night. "Just in case."</s> <|message|>Personality --- This was Rio's first battle against the Grimm. No fantastical story or training dummy could have ever prepared him for the rush of adrenaline that he had felt just now. The tactics of teammates and his own quick trigger finger had seemingly won them the fight. No one was visibly hurt and, after inspecting himself for bite marks, he could include himself in that count. Yet, his heart was still racing even as the creatures in front of him started to dissolve from their fierce, monstrous figures into a shapeless ooze that looked like it belonged at the bottom of a saloon spit bucket. A sigh of relief would soon escape Rio's tensed body as it became clear that they had repelled the initial wave of Grimm but his fingers were still frozen in place as he gripped his weapon. Instead of easing his hold, his hands merely kept shaking even as he actively made an effort to relax. Soon enough, he had resorted to a few full breaths but this would come to a halt upon hearing Nivea's caution against the apparently toxic air. In his sudden panic, Rio instinctively covered his nose with his right forearm while rummaging through his pockets with his free hand for the kerchief that his mother prepares for his daily wardrobe. At least his vise on The Boatman's Due had loosen. Finally covering his mouth with his makeshift mask, Rio had to focus and inform his companions on the strict timetable that his Semblance had given him. "I'm all fer sticking away from walls but we need t' move if we wanna catch 'em." Protected by the thin strip of fabric and against the caution of their handler, Rio would take another deep breath to focus in on the runaway targets. A clayish rouge of energy would manifest and envelop itself around him as the distant pitter-patter of water droplets hitting the unlit distant ground of the abandoned bunker became as thunderous as a roaring river to the Huntsman-in-training. "My Semblance is tellin' me that they're less than a click away - I'll resume takin' point." Again, Rio's impatience would not wait for any possible objections from his team. They had a mission that needed to be accomplished and standing around this dark pit waiting to get ambushed again was not gonna get results. He would resume his earlier brisk pace once more, advancing towards the darkness in pursuit of the Grimm he managed to mark earlier.</s> <|message|>Huntsman Sheet Saffron Rupalfeather --- With the Grimm on the retreat, Saffron was satisfied that she had done an efficient job defending her side of the intersection - with Rio helping, of course. It definitely wasn't an easy battle, however; Whilst she had a little experience fighting the Grimm within primarily controlled training environments, the real thing definitely told her that despite how realistic the trainings had been at Signal they had definitely been holding back. The Signal Grimm had been fierce, but out in the real world, Grimm were ferocious. And whilst she was proud that she had managed to hold back the Grimm with her teammates, Saffron was also relieved about that fact. Hopefully things continued to be as successful as they were now. Saffron's eyes fixed upon a corpse of one of the fallen Grimm, observing the black smoke that was rising from it. Whilst it was interesting, the Faunus took care to follow Nivea's advice and try not to breathe in the smoke. Though, within a closed environment like this, Saffron wondered if it would soon become impossible to avoid doing so. She could see why Huntsmen would have such a problem clearing a nest, particularly in even more dangerous environments than this one. If they happened to get locked in by the degraded environment, either by collapse or mechanical failures in places such as this, she wondered what the consequences be, if it wasn't an ending of death. Taking a glance to Kohaku as she spoke, Saffron offered the girl a nod of agreement. "Good call," Saffron replies, shuffling herself to be more along the centreline of the room. She was, however, bothered by Rio's sudden wish to press on at speed - and slightly bothered by the fact that he was telling them that the Grimm were less than a click away. "Less than a kilometer? How big is bunker anyways?" She asks, starting to face Nivea, before reconsidering and turning back to the front. "Never mind, I don't want to know." She adds, starting to pursue Rio, mostly so that he wasn't running off on his own ahead of them.</s>
<|message|>Huntsman Sheet The return of silence wasn't exactly comforting--Fiona half expected something else to jump out at them if they dropped their guard for even a second. Fiona backed away from the black smoke, double-checking her ammo. She did her best to be as efficient as possible, but she'd be lying if she said she hadn't wasted a few shots. The Grimm moved faster than she anticipated; she wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. The last thing she wanted was to end up being a burden on the team. Or worse--she'd end up being the weak point. She was snapped out of her thoughts as a strong guest of wind blew away the smoke. Letting out a sigh of relief, she figured she should get her head back in the game. "Thank you, Kohaku," Fiona thanked her first and foremost. At least that was one less thing to worry about. Rio was eager to take point again, with his semblance revealing that there were, of course, more Grimm. She seemed to have the same thought as Saffron as the girl expressed curiosity on how big the bunker was. "Regardless of the distance, it's best to stay on guard," She decided to remind them, taking her spot after Saffron. "This bunker seems to have been built some time ago, so there should still be a distance before reaching the depths of where the Grimm would house themselves." After a brief pause of thought, she added, "Whatever Rio senses is likely a wandering group. Let's stay in formation as we proceed." </s>
<|description|>Rem Saurpelt Rem Saurpelt (Human form) (True form) I can assure you I'm not in the slightest bit sketchy Nickname(s): Remmy Gender: Female Age: 23 General Appearance: Differs slightly from the picture. Rem has a long, choppy bob the color of her fur and amber eyes. She has a slim, athletic build with toned arms and legs that help her move as a brisk pace in combat. KItsune's, however, are not known for their height, so she stands at a modest 5'4" in height. If discovered to be a kitsune and generally comfortable around her company, she will sport two fluffy orange and black ears on the top of her head, and a orange and while tail with black accents. Species: Kitsune About Species: A fox creature of legend, known to have shapeshifting abilities and a mischievous personalities, these creatures, like dragons, grow in power as they age. Each tail they grow is a sign of their power, only for them to die after growing their tenth tail. Most kitsune hide their true forms in favor of a human shape due to them having a bad rap for being seen as untrustworthy creatures with the ability of witchcraft. Weapon(s): Glaive- The favored weapon of her father, so it was the first thing e taught her how to use. Rem likes her glaive because it allows a safe distance between her and her opponent, typically making her get hit less. She can't do any fancy tricks with it or anything, but it's sturdy and does it's job well. Swords: As a defensive fighter, Rem uses a long sword in her left hand (her dominant hand) and a short sword with her right hand. The dual weapon stance allows her to act nimbly, disarm her opponents, and block. Though it is harder to catch an attack aimed at her ally with sword than with her long glaive, she can now easily duck in front of them with a much greater speed. Long bow: Though it's not her go-to weapon, Rem does carry a long bow. She hadn't used the weapon in a while since her gigs as a bodyguard had required her to stand IN FRONT of people rather than a distance behind them. However, she's far from rusty with it since her kitsune eyes are as accurate as an eagle when it comes to locking on to targets. Shield: She carries a simple wooden shield on her back to avoid getting stabbed there. Abilities: shapeshifting (it's not very powerful since she has only one tail, she can shift between a human and a fox with relative ease, but once she grows another tail, her fox form will be larger and more powerful), minor illusionary magic, and the ability to see through illusions (magic induced darkness, other shapeshifters, ect.) Reason: Short on cash, body guarding jobs haven't been paying as well as they used to. Brief Personality && Biography Description: Rem has an overall lax personality and an aloof disposition. She's not rude or anything, but you can tell she put up a wall, making her hard to read or connect to. There's a slightly mysterious air about her, and that cheesy smile she always has plastered on her face along with her carefree attitude makes people wonder if she's actually taking her job seriously or not. She has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and a rather defensive fighting style, opting to act as back up or defending wounded party members rather than charging up front and getting off big hits and glory. Rem had to move around a lot as kid, since every time her family would be discovered as kitsune, it would be near impossible to find business in that town. Her father adopted the career of a bodyguard while her mom settled into working as a merchant since she could lure customers in with her smooth talking and personable smile. Both her parents taught her the art of their trade so she could make it out in the world once she got old enough to leave home, so not only can she fight, but she knows her way around the market and get the best deals. Additional Information: Rem normally stays in her human form, but will reflexively shift into a fox if she feels absolute fear in order to make her self a smaller target that's far more nimble. If she feels comfortable around the company she's in, her fox ears and tail will show, but will disappear when strangers arrive. * Fried tofu is her favorite food. It is an absolute staple in the kitsune diet. * she hates green tea and is a big baby when it comes to eating bitter things. * she's allergic to bee stings, she can remain calm around honey and bumblebees, but any insect in the wasp family makes her hide behind anyone close to her. * She'll attempt to laugh like a regular human most the time, but when she's caught off-guard by a joke, her laugh becomes the raucous chittering noise foxes make when playing with each other (I think it's called gekkering).</s> <|message|>Rem Saurpelt Rem tentatively crept through the winding streets of the royal streets, squinting at her map. Normally she was quite good with directions, but the tall buildings and parallel streets gave her a feeling of vertigo, not to mention her "map" was just crudely scribbled to the back of her invite. A sudden noise made her ear flick up in the direction of it's source, and Rem thanked the Lord that both her hood was up and that there was no one around. It was odd though, she could have sworn it sounded like some sort of disagreement between humans when no one should be up yet. Letting her curiosity, Rem scooted through a thin alley-way to take a peek at what was making such a ruckus at such an early time. Once she was through, she saw that there were indeed people out and about. A bar that had just closed, perhaps? Getting a little closer, she looked back at her "map" and decided that this would probably work as a shortcut to her destination. It wasn't until she nearly passed the place by that she noticed a stray hand grab an apple and attempt to hide it. Rem quickly caught the girl's hand behind her back and leaned her face in close so she could whisper "ah ah, stealing isn't good, Miss; people worked hard to grow these apples. Besides, the man you took this from doesn't appear to be the forgiving type." She finished, pointing to who appeared to be the barkeep, a large balding man with a handlebar mustache and muttonchops, who looked like 250 lbs of solid muscle.</s> <|message|>Astiroth Astiroth reflected on his decisions as he neard the kingdom's capital city. He rode what looked like a red horse with devilish features. Along side him rode another. "You look disheartening. Is something wrong my lord?" The other demon asked. Astiroth turned his gaze toward the city and then to the other demon. "Masrith. You have served the line of demon Lords long before I was born. Am I doing the right thing?" Masrith let out a smirk. "Right and wrong are ideals that are specifies by an individual. What matters is that you are doing this for your people. I believe that is the right thing." Astiroth sighed. "I just want to ensure the safety of what is left of our people." Masrith looked down at the necklace Astiroth was wearing. "Are you aure that is a good idea? Personally, I hate it." Astiroth smirked. "It keeps my power in check. Their Kong's advisor suggested it. He said that demons were terrifying enough." Astiroth paused for a moment. "The conversation with that man was entertaining. The fear in his eyes was clearly visible." Astiroth neared what looked like a small hill. He noticed several people there. "That's where we are to meet." Astiroth hopped from his horse. Masrith reached for what looked like a sheathed sword. "Your sword my lord. May you find an adversary worthy of facing it." Astiroth grabbed the sword and placed the sheathe on his back. "Thank you. Let the demons know I will do what I can. Also not to fight, we are all we have in this world." Astiroth turned and walked toward the hill. His cloak cloak seemed to have a fluid movement that resembled fire. Astiroth approached Jenso and Polaris. "I am to assume you are part of the group as well?" His voice was deep and fear inspiring. Astiroth's devilish yellow eyes focused on two that stood before him.</s> <|message|>Artemis She froze, feeling part of her pride drop a little. She peered to the man the stranger mentioned- sure he was buff and a little intimidating, but she could have easily outran him or hide before it was noticed. But now she was caught. Artemis tossed the apple back into the barrel and slipped her wrist away from the stranger. After looking upon her, She regained her usual composure. Another one to play hero to stop me from my crimes. "Well then," she rolled her eyes. Artemis then spotted the map in the woman's hand and whisked it. Guessing through the words and locations, she started following its directions. This day did get better for her. Artemis motioned for the lady to follow her without paying attention to what the stranger would say. If this lady's going to where I need to go, might as well get to know her "Your name?" she continued, looking up and down from the map.</s> <|message|>Illistrianna Alderine With the darkness of the night quickly fading, the dawn of a new dawn arose from the horizon. It is with a quick prayer, hands held closely to her heart, that Illistrianna welcomed the harbinger of a new day. She had been up early this morning, a habit she had to take considering the adventure she was about to undertake. Moon Elves are nocturnal, for they celebrate and pray to their moon goddess, Luna. It was unknown to her if her kin was made this way, or if their devotion to night deity forged them this way. She was, however, convinced that they needed to be this way, for it was their duty to fight the evil lurking in the dark. The moon Priestess had made a rather small crude camp not too far from the city, but it was all she really needed to rest. She wasn't an individual of fancy tastes, and she was nervous about thinking of sleeping in town, she who was very accustomed to the wilderness of the forest. Illistrianna figured it would be better to have a clear mind before embarking on this new journey, before finding her comrades-to-be. At least that's what the King's agents told her. She had no idea where to look for, but it was told that when the time would come, they would be guided to the start of their mission. In the meantime, the elven maiden figured it would be nice to visit this city while she had the chance. In her past years of travelling, she had visited plenty of towns, but none could compare to the majestic sight standing not too far away from her camp. It had to be expected from the city where the king resides. She was quite curious as to how people live in such a town. Is it all cramped up in there? Is it just as lively as she was told? Are the people there being taken care of just as better as in villages? She had so much questions in her mind that she just realized now how she looked like some kind of country girl that knew very little of human civilization on a larger scale than villages. Packing her small tent, bedroll and blankets into her travelling bag, Illistrianna made her way cheerfully towards the city. As she was approaching the city's walls, she could hear to sound of the populace inhabiting this area. It lacked the peacefulness of her village at dawn. Were they preparing something special for today? Or was it always this lively in big cities even early in the morning? She couldn't wait to find out. With every step, the sister was approaching fast. From an outside point of view, one could mistake her for being in a hurry, but in fact, she was just anxious, and her walking pace was bordering a jog. She noticed faintly in the penumbra of the rising sun three individuals, standing on the outskirts of the capital. With a cheerful smile and bright enthusiasm, she waved a brief salute at the three men talking to each other. As Illistrianna approached the gates of Naviance's capital, she was greeted by two soldiers, gate guardians as they were. "Halt! By the laws of the city, none may enter the capital until the sun has risen. Go back now, and return later." The first guard said with high authority in his voice. "But… it is morning already! Don't you see the sun rising from the earth, far away?" Illistrianna answered, frustrated beyond belief to have her path cut off so abruptly. "Sorry little miss. We're just doing our job. We can't let strangers go in right now. Come back when the sun has risen up completely. You can wait at the inn just right down that road, take a meal and talk with the other travelers in the meantime." The second guard said, this one a bit more courteous and less aggressive in his tone compared to the other. Sighing, Illistrianna resigned from going inside the capital right now. These two looked so stubborn in their duties that she doubt she could make them change their mind. Were cities' guards all so stern and rigid like that? There was a lone tree on the very edge of town, near the road. The Moon Elf figured she might wait there until she could go in. She tossed her bag against the tree and sat against it, legs curled to her chest. She was annoyed by this turn of events, but at the same time, she could understand the guards' duties. They probably just can't let anyone enter so easily like that. It is the city where the King lives after all. Illistrianna sighed once again, softly, and reached out for her bag, blindly searching. Figuring that it was no good being is such a mental state, the priestess just decided to take it easy and watch the sunrise as she provided an apple from her bag. She really wondered what it was like inside the city though, and what was waiting for her.</s>
<|message|>Rem Saurpelt Rem didn't put up much of a struggle as the young woman yanked free from her hold, tossing the apple back where it belonged, luckily without alerting who she stole it from. The irritated grunt and roll of her eyes was a sign that she had wounded this young woman's pride. A career criminal, most likely she noted. Normally, Rem made a habit not to be so nosy, but she knew her mother would skin her hide if she ever found out her daughter allowed a street hoodlum to disrespect a fellow shopkeeper in trade. Lost in thought, she was off guard enough to allow the young thief to snatch the map from her hands. She opened her mouth to object before seeing the girl's eyes skim over the map in interest. Ah, I suppose she was hired too. Well, maybe a city-slicker like this sprout could read that thing better than I could...especially if she knows her way around this claustrophobic place. "Your name?" the young woman asked, catching Rem off guard. She supposed the young lady did know some manners...kind of. This girl began to remind her of some previous clients. "I'm Rem, protection for hire if you will."</s>
<|description|>Mark Westbrook Age: 18 Appearance: Years in the Academy: 4 Powers/Abilities: Mark has bonded with a strange sort of cybernetic symbiote. It allows him to manifest a suit of armor over his body, and convert his body parts into different weapons and tools. The trick, however, is that he needs to understand precisely how the augmentation is supposed to look and function, otherwise it contorts his body into rather painful forms. Fortunately, the symbiote seems to have a number of preset forms it has presented to Mark, giving him something to work with while he sorts out working his armor. Current presets include: Converting his arm into a Pulse Canon Ejecting "whip swords" from his wrists Back mounted Jetpack Bio: Born and raised in a small town in Indiana, Mark Westbrook took a serious interest in engineering at an early age. Wanting to use his talents to help people, he attempted to apply to the Avengers Academy at the age of 12. Unfortunately, his parents didn't think he was cut out for it, and didn't let him send his application. Not one to give up so easily, Mark instead started looking into opportunities to learn more advanced engineering from Stark Industries. While walking home from school at the age of 14, taking a roundabout route, he encountered a crashed armored truck. Not realizing the truck belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D., Mark ran over to try to help. While attempting to pull out the passengers, he made contact with a strange liquid that began to fuse with his body painfully. He passed out on the road, was found by a passing police officer, and brought home. Over the course of the week, Mark tried t hide the strange metallic appendages altering his body, but of course was found by a Shield recovery team. He learned from them that the metal liquid was some sort of mechanical symbiote they found in a crashed alien ship. When it was determined that the symbiote had permanently bonded to him, and was offered a choice. He could either be placed under constant supervision by Shield, or be enrolled into Avengers Academy. Mark chose the latter. After several.... painful incidents with his symbiote, he managed to learn about the presets in the memories of the symbiote. Finally able to make some progress, he quickly rose into the Advanced Training Program. Family/Relationships?: friends and family, romantic interests, etc. optional! Personality: Mark has the distinct disadvantage of being particularly shy. He doesn't tend to try to stand out too much, and is very quiet around people he doesn't know well. He only really interacts with people he knows particularly well, and even then doesn't say much. Of course, that's when he isn't talking about engineering. Mark is incredibly passionate about engineering, and can go on for longer then most would listen about it. However, when Mark manifests his armor, which he has named Euclid, its like he steps into a second personality too. He suddenly becomes more confident, and far less hesitant. He isn't sure if this is part of the symbiote, or if he just feels more comfortable with his powers active. Other: Mark has begun applying his lessons on engineering to symbiote, and works on thinking of new tools and weapons he can manifest.</s> <|message|>James Victor Rogers James watched the rocket fly upwards in the air, and then back down towards a group of people. He was about to run after it until a student in a suit caught it with some wires, holding on to the rocket as it tried its best to shake free. He knew who the kid was. Mark had been in the Advanced Training Program with him last year, and although he was a quiet, he was passionate on his projects and helping people. Then a new anchor appeared almost out of nowhere, with a large voice of annoyance. James shifted his gaze towards Nao. Nao was a mystery to James still. He knew that Mr. Stark wouldn't bring anyone with ill intentions to the academy, but the style of magic Nao used made James uneasy, and hard to fully trust. James looked back at the young boy who he had protected earlier. "You alright?" James asked him sincerely, noticing his shaking and paleness. He had never seen this person before, but something told him that although he was young, he had a lot to show everyone. "Everything's alright. We got this under control--" A blur ran by the two, and it only took a second to realize that Charlotte Rhodes ran through the crowd and attached herself to the rocket. James frowned when she said that it was going to blow. He wasn't much of a mechanical guy, but he would take her word for it. "Charlotte! Find its circuit board or whatever controls it, and aim it towards the door! Mark, Nao, when I say, let go, and she'll do her best to control it outside! Once outside, rip the circuits out, and let go! Anyone willing and able, once the thing explodes make sure no debris hits anyone!" James rushed through the crowd that was now either evacuating or trying to help. He once again raised his shield, but at the end of it a dark red energy force came to life. Not only was the shield made of a vibranium-steel alloy, this one had the ability to slice through almost anything like butter... And it split in two He didn't know what was in this rocket, if it really could explode, or if it was just something a kid made for a prank, but he wasn't going to find any of that stuff out the hard way. He split his shield in two, swinging the blade towards the door frame that held the two doors together, and then with one big kick, sent the piece of metal flying. Putting the two pieces back together, James stood in a defensive position just outside the now large opening. "Alright... Go!" as soon as the two let go the rocket and Charlotte came hurdling towards the door. Aiming his shield yet again, the rocket made contact with his shield with a Ting! and shooting it more upwards. He prayed that Charlotte had time to do what she had to, and soon enough she let go of the rocket. James didn't know if the parts that were coming towards Charlotte would allow flight just yet, but he had his hopes, but she was too close to the thing to get out of there safely! "Catch!" James yelled to her, throwing his shield as a disk towards her. The explosions wasn't the biggest thing, but it was impressive as hundreds of metal scraps erupted everywhere. The rocket was small enough to only produce debris as large as tennis balls, but they would still injure and hurt a lot. A piece of metal made contact with Jame's cheek, and he gasped in pain and shock as he turned and crouched with his back away from the explosion. Once he thought it was safe he stood and looked around. He could feel the large amounts of cuts and scrapes that made contact with his back, and cheek, but he knew that they were already healing... A crowd was already here to start with cleanup, and the Academy security burst into action, scanning the area for any serious injuries. Hopefully there wouldn't be. What a way to start the semester.</s> <|message|>Will Fleeter Will nodded, still not really sure what was going on. It all happened so fast, and he hadn't really processed it. It was clear that he had a long way to go to being one of the Next Avengers. Actually, he had no idea why they put a kid like him in the program. Sure, he had superhuman powers, but he couldn't be a hero... or at least he thought he couldn't. "Uh... I'm okay, thanks." He said, hiding his uncertainty behind a convincing forced smile. He took a step back, his hands in the pockets of his gray jacket. He bit into the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from asking the questions he wanted to ask, like what the hell just happened? He squirmed slightly in discomfort, realizing he still had to find a bathroom quick. Problem was, he didn't know his way around the campus at all. And there was no way in hell he was going to ask for help. "Well, thanks for saving me." He said, turning on his heel and starting to wlak out of the cafeteria.</s> <|message|>Charlotte "Peace Walker" Rhodes Charlotte may have exaggerated about the rocket being explosive, but there was no way to tell without opening it up. She didn't exactly have the time to piece it apart and see what kind of hardware it was packing, but she was going to assume the worst of it and refused to take chances on the people here. "COR, get the rest of the suit!" She commanded rather loudly. The repulsors on her hands were already primed and ready, the elbow thrusters and shoulder thrusters were keeping her steady. However, the rocket had launched forward, with the star spangled spartan taking charge and initiative. She knew the plan, and she hoped to god that the rest of her suit would be arriving before her body met the pavement in a pretty serious way. It took all of her strength to hold onto the rocket to guide it, but somehow they were able to pull it off. Still, her suit wasn't here, but Charlotte was keeping count and taking breaths. Both she and the rocket were taken outside, almost hitting so many walls as they went around, but Charlotte was being super extra careful to not make it explode. Once outside, she aimed the thruster down to the ground, shooting both herself and the rocket up. She could hear the rest of her armor flying in, and once she was sure it was going straight up, she let go of the rocket and let herself fall to the ground. Her armor swallowed her whole, right in the middle of the air. Before she had much time to register much else, there James was again, calling out to her. "Catch!" Part of his shield had flown up into her arms. She caught it with a bit of force, and swung it around to protect herself from the falling debris of the rocket, not that her armor wasn't protecting her anyway. One arm held onto the shield, the other, repulsor ready, had moved up and started to fire at as much debris as she could. The suit itself locked onto as many falling pieces as it could, and helped Charlotte fire away, hopefully keeping people from getting hit. She hovered down soon after, hitting the ground as softly as a suit of armor could. She had to admit, though. Her rifle in one hand, a shield in another, it wasn't a bad tactic that she could suggest to James later on. If he could split his shield like that more often, they could all get to working off of one another and keeping sharp. "I think this is yours?" Though it wasn't seen, Charlotte smiled at James, tossing his shield back to him. She wondered who had started the rocket in the first place. The academy was no stranger to strangeness, but this was a little much to secure everyone's first day jitters.</s> <|message|>Annabelle Boltagon Annabelle scratched her forearm, looking up at the marvelous architecture of the hall of heroes as Vix responded. Even if you didn't like the decor, you'd have to admit it was soundly built. It had to be what with the academy being such a hotspot for villain attacks. Annabelle always wondered how the academy would fare against an infiltration, after all with the dozens of applicants each year how would the academy be able to spot every villain masquerading as a hero just to get in to the academy? "Excited is an overstatement. I can't wait to get in on the real action, stuff gets boring around here quick." To the new student or outsider the academy would seem to be a dream school, with excitement every day and some of the best teachers on the face of the earth. But after 4 years of seeing events like the current rocket one she began to get bored with them. What she wanted most of all was to make a name for herself as a hero, and actually start helping people. Before she could get lost in her thoughts Vix began projecting the situation at the cafeteria in front of them. "Hm? Oh, Roger is such a boyscout" She sighed "As unhero-like as it is I prefer bad boys. Or girls for that matter." She said, staring into the hologram as if it was as normal as going to the cinema. "I dunno, this all seems kind of high octane for the first day. I just want to get classes over and done with for the day, settle in a little bit you know?"</s> <|message|>Vix Juice [Location: Hall of Heroes] Vix was watching as the boy scout, how Annabelle nicknamed him, was giving out orders on how to handle the situation. She studied how the other people followed his lead. The rocket soon flying out the room and with that out the picture of who ever was streaming it. She listened to the inhuman words, adding a few new observation to the file about her. She wanted action, to be a hero. Vix wasnt sure if she wanted action. She came here to fix herself. Once fixed she could be a hero... Does she want that? Even if she was build for it, she was build to be a daughter as well... if she was not efficient enough if she couldnt get fixed. Couldnt learn to control her powers...Than what? Not be a hero? She didnt share any of her thinking process. Instead she pushed it far away behind the more logical parts of herself. "I get what you mean." Vix commented about the settle in part. In truth that was one of the phrases that she didnt understood. It was simpler to confirm then question it. It was simple strange, and it reminded her of bird behaviour of making nest. A fresh clip played from how the rocket exploded outside. It didnt look like anyone got anything more serious. She blinked and the projection stopped, her eyes returning to their normal brown color. It was hard to pick the next sentence for Vix. "Having a preference is a good assistance to find the one. For the record, bad guys/girl and rule breakers in general are known to have a specific appeal. I myself have not decided what are mine preferences yet." Vix stretched her arms, shifting her position slightly. "But for today I am more interested in who will be our teachers."</s>
<|message|>Mark Westbrook Mark continued pulling back as hard as he could. Until someone else gave him a hand, he was the only thing keeping this thing from slamming into someone. Suddenly, he saw black tendrils shoot out of another student's fingers. "Thank you!" He called out. Now that he had help, he didn't have to pull back as hard, and could start to work out a plan. But before he could get much of an idea, a sudden thud into the rocket jerked him around for a moment. When he looked back at it, he saw Charlotte suddenly riding the rocket with about half of her armor on. If his eyes hadn't been replaced with the red optic sensor in the center of his "helmet", Mark would have blinked a few times in surprise. When James started calling out a strategy, Mark was surprised. Not that James was taking charge, but that he actually knew his name. Still at least somebody had a plan. He slowly positioned himself with Nao so that the rocket would go flying out the door towards James. Mark looked at Charlotte, and simply said, "Good luck. Don't let go." With that, he released his whips, allowing the rocket to take off. The moment the doorway was clear, he flew out through it. As he flew, he felt a strange scratching sensation at his wrists, as his whips retracted. Mark arrived outside just in time to see the shrapnel start to rain. "Euclid, give me targeting solutions," he called out. As he saw little reticles focus around the larger debris, his right arm shifted into his pulse canon. The liquid metal twisted his arm into a cylindrical looking gun with glowing energy contained in little orbs. He managed to take out about 5 larger metal shards before they began to impact the ground. Euclid's armor naturally protected him against those that did hit him. Mark softly landed, and Euclid drained away from his body, returning to its inactive state. "Everyone alright? That wasn't really day one material. Where did that even come from?"</s>
<|description|>Dren Rache Nickname: The Gentleman Mage Race: Human Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Slim and lanky, Dren has short grey hair in an unkempt style, usually hidden by his hat. His hands bear a number of small scars and burns from his alchemical work. His eyes are an emerald green. He also bears a number of small cuts on his chest and stomach from a number of alchemy accidents. Weight: 180lbs Height: 6'4 Frame: Slim and tall. Personality: Sly and smooth, Dren is something of a wordsmith and could talk a man into selling him everything he owns. Something of a manipulator, Dren tends to use another person's words against him. This can make him somewhat obnoxious. He holds himself in high standing and is very prideful, often acting posh or upper class despite the truth being anything but. Job: Alchemist Fighting Style: An amateurish boxing style, otherwise just wild scrapping. Weapons from strongest to weakest: Trice Majestos Cane: A black walking stick with a gold bottom and rounded orb at the top, emblazoned with three star symbols on the hilt. Whilst normally functioning as a walking stick, the cane also has potential as a magic catalyst and is Dren's primary form of defending himself. He supposedly made the cane himself and no-one has been able to prove him wrong yet. He also named it. Item stock: Dren keeps a healthy supply of support items from his travels and a few he whipped up himself across the lands and makes use of them in tough situations. He also keeps a light supply of grenades which he particularly enjoys the use of. Anelace: A slightly long silver dagger with a hand guard that Dren keeps at his belt. He rarely ever uses it, save for the occasional duel with a swordsman. He keeps it hidden under his cloak and his skills with it are lacking. Armors/Outfits: Red Hat: A large wide brimmed red hat with a white feather stuck into it. Dren uses it to cover his face and hide it. Red overcloak: A large red cloak that Dren wears over his other clothes. Once again, it's used to hide Dren's appearance and also acts as a nifty place to store his wares and items. It also looks pretty cool when blowing in the wind. Ragged robes: Beneath the cloak, Dren's clothes are not particularly special. They're functional and cover his form but they look shabby. He keeps them hidden at all times to keep up his appearance. White gloves: These cover Dren's hands at all times to avoid showing the few scars and burns he's received from his alchemical work. Familiar: Familiar: Royal Rat Vanguard Familiar Abilities: Grants Poison and Earth defense. Decreases fire resistance. Movement Type: Ground, walks and runs, can climb structures. Familiar Size: Tiny, very nimble and agile. Relic Weapons: Blowpipe styled cane with ivory rat head top. Relic Armors: Dren's red cloak and hat become battered and brown versions of themselves, seemingly crawling with rats. Trance: The Red Phantom Dren's limbs warp and extend outward, turning him wraithlike in appearance. His speed is doubled in this form, which assists in flinging his spells. His mind also becomes set on nothing but attack, losing all his intelligence. Pros: He wields strong black magic, though he relies on distraction tactics and befuddling his foes to win the day. He also keeps a helpful stock of items on him at all times. He is also highly intelligent, allowing him to think on the spot in tight situations. Cons: Dren has almost no physical forms of defending himself and in terms of physicality, is quite weak. Not to mention his reliance on items can leave him running out mid battle and his distraction tactics only tend to work against single opponents. Background: Originally born in Treno in Alexandria, Dren was born into a life of poverty in the slums of the city. He had to work hard to keep his family supported, taking whatever job he could get and working as much as he could. Whilst working, he discovered he had an eye for spotting compatible materials for unique concoctions, beginning his experimentation as an alchemist. When his parents passed away at the age of 15, Dren began stealing in order to further his new career, selling his concoctions and items wherever he could to make as much coin as he could. Once he finally had enough, he left the city to explore and sell his potentials somewhere else. He achieved moderate success and the recipes he learned helped him in a number of tricky spots. When he returned to Treno, he was desperate not to slip back into a life of poverty and knew he had to gain favour with the lords. So, he purchased his robe and hat, hid his hands in gloves and began grooming himself into a makeshift lord. He got better and better, hiding his poor appearance and currying favour with powerful individuals slowly but surely. His skills as a mage earned him the nickname "The Gentleman Mage" by his fellows, finally allowing his transformation into a member of the high class to be complete. At least, that's what it looked like.</s> <|message|>Hitori Ada sat on Hitori's Shoulder as Hitori smiled, "It seems you survived yet again my Friend, What were they like?" Hitori asked Ada who warbled the story to Hitori who just chuckled, "Well let's see if I can help make this one better. Also I think your Co-Worker thinks I'm just some Animal at best." Ada warbled something along the lines that Hitori might as well be and Hitori just smiled, Sticks and Stones after all. Just Sticks and Stones. Hitori walked toward Randy and observed Dren as he attended to the Fellow with Potions, Hitori wasn't sure what to think entirely. The Boy was clearly injured but he needed something more than a mere potion. Hitori crouched down and stared at Randy for a moment, his Gem glowed as he began to fully ascertain his condition. Hmmm...a Simple herb would have him feeling right as rain but Hitori didn't have a proper place to grow the herb so he would have to use the next best soil, himself. With a Sharp Talon he pierced his own flesh and planted a small seed, the area on his body began to glow a pale green as a long Vine snaked its way out of the Wound and began to grow a fleshy pod similar to a pepper in shape. Once the Vine had Properly fruited Hitori commanded the Vine to Leave his own Body and Offer the Fruit to Randy. "It may not be the prettiest of Fruits but it will help you back on your feet and have you right as Rain, Fix your Bones and Cleanse the Toxins from you it will. Please Eat it." Hitori politely asked as the Vine, walking on it's small slightly crimson Root-legs, Offered Randy the Fruit.</s> <|message|>Karnrad Allard Although Karn would rather get the hell out of the forest asap, with their now slow pace, it was probably better to head to the rest of the ship. In case a few of the others were still hanging around there for some currently unexplained reason. Hopefully none of the severe reasons. Some of them probably could help assist carry Randy or heal him. Karn would gladly admit she was a tough little shit. Strong and fast. But like it or not, she was still small. She didn't have some behemoth strength to carry someone like Randy over her shoulder. "Yeah, though ya know when I have someone on top of me, one of the things that are on the kinda 'no' list is being crushed to death. Too bad you're not a flying squirrel, you big lug. Squirrly, you owe me a carrying me around session after this." the blonde joked, though she kept pace, her shoulder didn't seem to agree with this action. Even though she hadn't put most of her comrade's weight on it. Finally, when they neared the ship, Karn picked up the familiar scents of non-monsters out to gobble them up. Most were the newcomers, alongside the Boss and Blank. Along with the crew. Go figure. She should of expected them to not listen and just head to the ship anyhow. It was fine though, complications and all. Mist probably got in the way of getaway route out of the forest. Still, as long as they were alright, that's all that mattered really. Entering inside the wreckage, Karn's ears perked, though were slightly trembling, twitching, shivering, despite how her face remained a calm stagnate which soon formed a calm familiar grin. "Oh good. We're all here in the ship wreckage. Fits in with the setting of being in the misty spooky forest." Karn said as she dismissed Hercule, letting the panther crossdresser and Blank take Randy. She stood straighter and rolled her shoulder, right ear flicking at the twinge of pain but otherwise ignored it. Glancing to the doll that had assisted guiding them, gently pat its head as the animate object hugged her. "Thanks bud." The feline humanoid said as her emerald eyes watched it return to the fox before her gaze snapped to her boss as she listened to her crewmate, Blank. Nose twitching at the scent of brandy, her eyes rolled as she walked over and lightly tapped the toe of her boot against the Boss's foot. "Geez Boss, here we all worried for you, and here you are on your ass and pigging out on our surviving stock of brandy. We can't stay here to sniff out truffles ya know." Karn said, mildly grinning with mild amusement before glancing over the crew and toward the princess. They still had to get twinkle toes to Lindblum. But the boss looked too exhausted and drunk to be much good now. Actually probably everyone was exhausted. Wandering around in the forest now wouldn't do much good in all their condition. Her shoulder hurt, and she was out of potions. Maybe some survived the crash, probably will have to scout. Her hand touched one of the pouches on her utility belt before her emerald gaze glanced outside. Still was dark, too early to take the medicine. It would help her injury, but it wasn't a good idea to get off schedule. So she took her hand away and crossed her arms over her chest. Eyes examining the shredded ship and clicked her tongue. The Prima Vista really was a wreck. Torn in half, and the one of the half's is buried in the muddy marsh of this forest.</s> <|message|>Wylde Westra Wylde helped Karn carry Randy over to the wrecked ship and when the injured crewmate was taken away by other people who were at the crash place, she let a sigh of relieve and looked around. Well this ship was not going to fly again... that's for sure, not with how it was torn in pieces. If it had only crashed they may have been able to patch it up, but with this amount of damage, there was just no way. The structure wouldn't be able to take the stress... the entire remains of the hulk probably were filled with small cracks and the like that were invisible for the naked eye, but weakening the entire structure. She knew that pretty well, for that was a thing to look in one's weapon. A small barely noticeble crack could lead to the entire blade shattering in the worst of moments. Ships weren't that different from the same principle. With that, while everyone else was doing their own thing, she pulled her rapier from it's sheath briefly and checked it's condition. It wasn't damaged... yet. Still she was going to have to have someone do some basic maintenance to it, the moment they get to a town with a blacksmith. Putting the blade back in the sheath, she walked to Karn. "So... what do we do now?" She asked, looking around." We cannot stay for too long inside this forest, has your boss decided on a course of action?" She asked.</s> <|message|>Bruno Randalph It seems while Randy was simply being carried around and placed around he was becoming more conscious of that fact. Also he was becoming more conscious of the fact that it seemed multiple people were worrying about his current health. Which was to a degree pleasing but honestly it was assumed that taking some time to lie down or be propped up against a wall or structure of some sort would be enough. Especially so if those potions were working, perhaps Randy simply needed a minute or two of standing around to tell. It seemed another began to approach Randy. Being stared at and observed again was oddly a bit worrying, did he look that bad? Was there something that he could not particularly point out that was wrong with him? It just seemed like his legs were weak at the moment to him and that he had some trouble with nausea earlier but neither of those things seemed something to be suspected considering the events that occurred. The following of seeing the other cut into themselves in order to plant a seed of some sort, was making it rather worse. The nausea definitely returned along with some light headiness. It was a mixture interesting to somewhat horrifying to see a vine appear out of the wound and a fruit come out of it. He had to make sure to cover his mouth with his right hand and have that arm wrap around the wrench to hold it. Randy rather tried to grab the fruit with his free left hand. Briefly amazed by the display of what was going on. It seemed rather rude to not accept it but eating it was something else entirely. Randy tried rather quickly gesturing with his right hand in a rather sloppy manner a thumbs up in acceptance, and holding up an index finger to suggest waiting before covering his mouth again. If he could Randy would rather try and sprawl out on the floor or ground for a moment to not be such a bother and to rather relax for a moment.</s>
<|message|>Dren Rache Seeing Hitori tend to the large red one, Dren stifled a slight feeling of unsettlement from his bizarre actions... after all, he had promised to understand that he had a certain way with things. Albeit an unnatural, freakish and slightly disgusting way of things. Besides, it could've been worse... not that he was trying to think of such things. He took a moment to look upon the newcomers to their little group. Amidst the mook faced workers he spied the two talkative ones, not to mention the ones that stood out like a black mage amongst white mages. The first, a blonde demihuman, feline judging by the ears. Gosh she was skinny as a rake, Dren thought. Not to mention how she was dressed... even he felt his rags beneath his mighty cloak were somewhat outclassed by it. It was hard to determine skill from one such as them... good things in small packages, he supposed. And this other, female once again, and dressed a little provocatively. He wouldn't hesitate to call her attractive, but could spy the thorns on this rose, not to mention that rapier she was keeping on her person. He felt the Anelace at his belt shudder in jealousy at the sight. If he ever needed to learn swordplay, this woman might well be worth asking... not that now was a good time, of course. What an odd pair the two of them made... still, it's not like this company would be getting any lighter any time soon. As little reason as he had to trust, he may as well make nice, so, he approached the newcomers. "Madams." he introduced himself formally. "It would we are stuck here for the time being, I doubt our 'boss' will want us moving whilst we have people unable to transport. So, I believe we will be getting comfortable." He removed his hat and bowed slightly. "Dren Rache, at your service." Once again, he'd pride himself on these manners til the day they got him punched in the face.</s>
<|description|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Nickname(Optional): Pfft, no. Age: 24 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: Of Average build with short dark hair, Neil isn't exactly the most unique specimen. He is fit but not noticeably so. He isn't big at all, but he is also not small. He has a face girls can find cute, but not exactly dreamy. Tanned skin and a ruddy complexion from all of the machine's he's worked on, coupled with the calluses on his hands gives him an experienced look despite the very youthful appearance he has. All in all, other than the twinkling of his eyes and the trademark grin, he is essentially average. He has dark eyes and very dark brown hair, enough to be considered black under most light. He's about 5'10 and 165 pounds. Clothing: He often wears baggy pants, mostly military cargo. He likes to wear single colored T-Shirts. Usually he wears red. Personality: Oh, now that is a question. To say Neil is eccentric is...well, that hits the nail on the head. Very good with hand-eye coordination, competent combatant, good engineer, and a daring pilot. But prone to sarcasm, snide remarks, unorthodox behavior, and just good old fashioned explosions. He's a born jokester, though behind his charming yet insufferable demeanor belies a certain intelligence, and to those he enjoys, he does tend to have a big heart.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Sayeeda luxuriated in a blue bathrobe of priceless silk enjoying the feel of the fabric as it slid over her skin. She sat back in the plush chair and lifted the sparkling cocktail she had retrieved from the automated bar which nestled discretely in a corner of the massive suite. Taya sat in a large marble hot tub in another corner in a bathing suit which was probably worth more than all the clothing Sayeeda had ever owned combined. The girl giggled at something she was viewing on a small hand held vidscreen she was holding. "We need to rescue royalty more often," Sayeeda commented as she sipped at the sour concoction. There was a knock at the door and a servant in gold and silver livery stepped in. Judging by the cut of clothing and the intricate braiding on his shoulders he was of somewhat higher rank than the ones Junebug had unceremoniously ejected from the suite fifteen minutes earlier. "Excuse me Captain," the man said in a cultured voice, "my staff inform me that you rejected the other suites we offered you, were they unsatisfactory in some way?" It was phrased as a question but his disapproval of the action could not have been clearer. "I'm sure they were great but we like this one," Sayeeda said closing her eyes and leaning back. "But there are three of you Captain. Surely three rooms would be..." Sayeeda sat up abrupty cutting the servant off with a sharp gesture. "I said we like this one," Junebug said her tone cooling markedly. Taya looked up from her vid screen with a look of concern on her face. "But there..." the servant began but Junebug held up a hand to shut him up. She gestured at the door and windows with quick jabs. "If we have one room I can keep my people together, we only have two entraces to cover and we are close enough to support each other. This room has the best fields of fire out of the three you showed us," she explained to the horrified butler. The servant revaled back and opened his mouth to object. "Out!" Junebug snapped. The servant hesitated, took a look at the set of her face and then fled through the vast doors of polished wood, jostling past Neil as he did so. "Find what you were looking for?" she asked in a much calmer tone. Taya giggled again and made a few quick key strokes. The massive vidscreen on the far wall lit up with a still image of Neil with is fingers in pistols, shades glinting dramatically. Below the picture hung the words: Dangerous Mystery Man Arrives with Prince. The screen divided to show a picture of Sayeeda glancing sideways - Prince Aiden's Secret Woman. The screen divided a third time to show a picture of Taya - Mysterious Foreign Princess Returns with Exiled Prince. Tabloid news presumably. "This place is just the best!"</s> <|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Neil stepped in, sidestepping the fleeing Butlers easily enough and giving them a glance of curiosity before turning around to see Taya and Sayeeda. He raised an eyebrow, and amused smile on his face. He had initially thought he'd be the one that took to the luxurious life the easiest, but it seemed they were all in need of a vacation. "Yep." He said, sauntering forward and hopping onto a lush, cushioned chair. He practically sank into the soft fabric. After he let out a groan of relaxation, stretching languidly, he collapsed and simply gazed at the ceiling. "Seems like our banquet's in three days." He said, and it was at a lazy wave of Sayeeda's hand for him to continue that he did. "We'll be expected to get decked out in fine clothing apparently and make a show of ourselves. Receive our commendations..." He let the words trail off. Once Taya was done in the hot tub, he'd probably partake. "I have nothing to wear." Taya lamented almost childishly, placing her arms above the side of the tub and resting her chin on them. Neil shifted within the cushions. "They said it's on their dime. Kinda nice of them if ya ask me. We might even get a few interviews beforehand. But that's just a theory..." Suddenly the vidcaster above them had Neil's face on it, wearing the same exact clothing he wore right at that moment. On the bottom left corner, its time was merely seven minutes ago. He had just finished bragging about his and his team's heroics as the screen was turned on. "It was all in a day's work, believe me." He said to the cameramen with an infectious smile, masquerading as a pompous actor. The microphone hovered by his mouth as the newsman continued with. "And what is this we hear about the Prince being interested in your female partner? This true?" Neil shrugged. "Hey, why don't you ask her? She's right over there." He pointed past the camera, for both the newsman and the camera to turn. Once it was established Junebug was indeed not there, the camera turned back around and Neil was merely a tiny dot in the distance, still sprinting.</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Junebug could not help but chuckle as various pundits began to dissect the footage, speculating wildly about their origins. In the space of a few minutes she saw Neil labeled as a commando, an assassin and a run away slave, apparently a misinterpretation of his tattoos. Similar speculation ran on about both of the women in the group, growing increasingly implausible as the level of excitement rose. "Don't these people have anything better to do?" Junebug asked in exasperation. Taya climbed from the hot tub, flesh steaming in the climate controlled air as she grabbed a towel and began to dry herself off. Junebug slid to her feet and shucked the silk robe before dropping completely naked into the hot tub, the bubbles Taya had deployed on the surface providing her a modicum of concealment. "Not really," Taya explained as she flopped onto the grotesquely large bed, and spread her arms and legs in a wide starshape. "Dar'monad is the focus for a small empire, fifteen or twenty planetary systems, most of the wealth comes here, enough that the people out there dont really have to work. Dar'monadi social custom dictates that the more important a noble is the larger a household he is required to maintain. Even the smallest lordings have chefs, poets, and artisans of all sorts. Most of the time they arent required to actually do anything just sort of hang around and be an ornament to their masters." Sayeeda blinked at the explanation. Mercenary service didn't take you many places where there was enough wealth that people could expect to live without need of work. Places like that only had one person who could pay for intergalactic mercenaries and those people were already in power. She shook her head in wry bemusement. Neil looked slightly dissapointed and she glanced down at the tub. "Hop in if you want we could fit a whole regiment," she invited, taking another sip of the cocktail and pushing the empty glass aside. "I wonder why Ranald is so uptight, dosen't seem like a knife in the back sort of place."</s> <|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." It was extremely comical for Taya to watch Neil look suddenly reproached at Sayeeda making it to the hot tub to indicate she was taking the next spot, only for him to button his lip when she revealed her naked backside. Neil gave a helpless shrug as if to say 'them's the breaks' before Sayeeda invited him in. She was right, it was a huge tub. "Nice." The pilot remarked, stripping off his shirt, shoes, and trousers, and then finally his boxers. "Oh damn..." he remarked as the hot water began filling up his pores and increasing the heat of his body. He sank in and simply enjoyed the moment. "Yeah, not sure..." Neil began, letting out a small groan within his closed mouth. "Back on Fortus, the government was always up to some crazy shit. It's why I joined the Ordo Sanctus. Well, one of the reasons anyway." He stretched is legs out after he made sure they weren't going to bump into Junebug's. "Why would this place be any different? High society always has some backstabbings. They got nothing else to do." "By the way I ordered some really good food." Neil said. He opened his eyes and saw Sayeeda looked accustomed to this life by her posture. He guessed even a hard fighter like her could appreciate the finer things. There was a knock at the door, and Neil called. "Come in!" The door opened, and he turned around expecting the food, only for Prince Amalric to be standing before him getting a good view of both Neil and Sayeeda naked in a hottub. "It's only somewhat what it looks like."</s> <|message|>Sayeeda Cyckali Taya snickered undiplomatically as the Prince froze for a second in shock, his eyes darting between Neil and Sayeeda. Diplomatic training provided since birth kicked in and he covered his momentary chagrin with a wan smile and stepped into the room, the door automatically swinging closed behind him. "Cultures vary a great deal between the stars," he said in as neutral tone as he could manage. Having shed his armor for the civilian setting the prince wore a jacket of spotless white silk with golden epaulets. The front of the coat was cut in such away to allow a line of golden buttons to run down the center of a zigzagging closure. Black pants with a red strip down one side and black boots, polished till they gleamed, completed the ensemble. So far as Junebug could tell he wasn't armed. "Why don't you join us?" Sayeeda asked gesturing towards the hot tub. Aiden's eyes cut to Neil before fixing on her again and he shook his head. Having spent the last decade in barracks living where there was no room for gender separation Junebug could master only an intellectual understanding of his discomfort. "The.. ahh rooms are to your liking I take it?" he managed awkwardly. Junebug nodded her approval. "Other than the staff bugging us to spread out into two more," she replied reaching out to grab an appetizing fruit from a platter nearby, the gesture would have exposed her if not for the film of bubbles clinging to her, before sinking back into the water. The Prince coughed politely and turned his back. Prude. "Yes... the mentioned you had security concerns?" "I do," Junebug responded, "Plus you know we spend most of our time in a cramped metal box anyway, this is four times the square-footage we have aboard the Highlander. For a moment the prince seemed at a loss for how to respond. "Mistress... that is Captain, I wonder if you might want come with me to discuss the ceremony in a few days, I could show you the city while we talk if you like." The words tumbled out a bit to rapidly to be entirely calm. Junebug glanced at Neil who shrugged. "Sure give us a minute to get dressed," she replied climbing from the tub and beginning to towel herself dry. THe prince seemed to wilt a little at the use of 'we' but Taya piped up immediately. "Actually Saydeeda, Neil and I probably better stay, he did order all that food afterall, wouldn't want it to get cold!" her voice was just a tad to sincere and Junebug gave her a sharp look. With the princes back still turned she winked at her captain and made a lewd thrust of her hips. Junebug threw the towel she had been using at the girl and started pulling on her undergarments. "Fine, give me a minute then."</s>
<|message|>Neil Edwards. Codename "Firestorm." Despite his slight reservations at what Taya was orchestrating, he couldn't help but laugh at her antics and hip thrusting. She was starting to take after him, he saw. "Yep, just don't be too long. We're getting Braman burgers," Neil explained, referring to the cattle that had descended from Holy Terra thousands of years ago. While they were nowhere close to extinct, old earth food was considered a delicacy and they had not spread too far across the galaxy to be a common meal. Neil stepped out of the hot tub as the Prince looked away. It was a polite gesture not to look, but Neil had to take it a step further. "Don't be jealous, Al." He said, unapolegetically inferring his dick size. Of course his conscience struck him a moment later, and he suddenly went quiet. He shouldn't let a very miniscule amount of fame sprinkled with a small amount of jealously have him take jabs and people who didn't deserve it. The Prince had been nothing but grateful and nice since they had met him. He felt that he should have a talk with the Prince and apologize to him at some point before the ceremony. Neil had no right to the jealousy anyway after eye-fucking and indeed totally fucking Quetzalli when he had the chance. He still said he'd see her again one day, but he didn't even know if that was possible. But honestly, it was deeper than that. Neil had never liked authority, which was the main reason he had joined the rebellion. He shouldn't thrust his prejudices on the Prince, who's been a swell guy. Neil toweled himself up, looking into the towel. "I know little buddy, but don't worry you'll get company soon. Calm down." He let out a 'whoo' at the cool air on his skin, and gave Sayeeda a 'good luck' wink as he exited into his quarters to change. After Sayeeda gave him the go ahead to turn around, the Prince gave a smile that was undeniably charming. "If you'd like to, we can take the causeway over the Dar'illian Strait. Trust me, it had quite the view." He was referring to the walkway above the city, connecting the two furthest palace wings together.</s>
<|description|>Alexei Stukov Age: 44 Class: Naval Senior Armsman Equipment: Light Carapace Armor - Stukov cannot afford to be weighed down in the tight, fast moving brawl of a boarding action, repelling or engaging in, so the only real piece of armor the Senior Armsman wears is a reinforced Carapace chestplate, which also includes his backpack of ammo and oxygen for his rebreathing kit, a model capable of sealing against loss of oxygen, although true void exposure won't make him last long, due to the sheer cold of the Void. Lucius pattern Mk 22c Shotgun - The shotgun of choice for Stukov, this eight round revolving magazine lets him slam through shells at a frightening rate, with a heavy cartridge that shreds through most enemies not wearing heavy, quality Carapace. And this assumes hits on any given armor's strong points. Like many shotguns, plenty of various ammo types exist for his shotgun, and while Stukov carries plenty of slug and buckshot, he carries a handful of Hellfire and blessed buckshot for handling Daemons in specific. Stukov has no problem using whatever ammo he can get his hands on, or issued for a given mission. Foehammer - Known by its more humble name the Shotgun Pistol, Stukov uses this as a backup when his larger, bulkier shotgun isn't an option. Unlike his Mk 22c, it is a single shot per load weapon that he usually loads with oversized slug. This is for the reason that if he needs to hit something a distance off, he doesn't need to waste time changing loads in his main gun, or his side arm. And if they are heavily armored, slug has a better chance to punch through than buckshot or most conventional ammo loads. Combat Knife - Not much to be said for Stukov's knife, it is a fairly standard issue, single edge blade with a point for stabbing as well as slashing. Pretty much a last resort when both his sidearm and main shotgun are of no use to him in a situation. Flash Grenades x2, Concussion Grenades x2 - Flash Grenades, true to their name, emit a blinding flash of light that blinds both organic and mechanical means of sight for a period of time, making them easy targets so long as they were not protected from the effects. Concussion grenades utilize a shockwave that, while it does little real damage to ship structure or hull, the sheer pressure of the shockwave and the din of noise ensures that, even if the pressure didn't kill a foe, they won't be hearing anytime soon. Against All Odds: When he was a rookie Armsman aboard his first Imperial Navy vessel, during a transit in the warp the Gellar fields failed and hordes of daemons poured into various breaches in the hull across the Cruiser. Whether it was divine intervention from the God Emperor himself, or sheer stubborn determination from the surviving crew, the Cruiser was able to emergency shift back into real space and drive the remaining daemons and their slaves out the airlocks and back into oblivion where they belonged. The Cruiser suffered over 75% causalities, and could barely limp to the nearest Imperial holding. Boots on the Ground: Rather than being left to sit around and wait for a new crew to be brought in, the Armsman Stukov was now reassigned to an Apocalypse Class Battleship, since she had recently seen vicious combat and had lost a fair number armsman, amongst other crew. One of his first assignments as part of the new crew was a shore party that was deployed to secure sensitive fleet records lost in a planet wide raid by Dark Eldar. Once again, most of his comrades were wiped out but he survived and personally hauled the reclaimed records back into orbit before the Orbital Bombardment vaporized all Dark Eldar that could be found. Close Quarters Chaos: Earning his rate as a Senior Armsman, and the right and occurrence of leading junior Armsman into battle gains those that would stand against the Imperial Navy and her vessels. So his first tasking was as part of a wave of Assault craft, specifically the Shark Assault Boat. Under heavy interceptor and bomber escorts most of the first wave of Assault Boats reached their targets, a miracle in and of itself. Heavy casualities were sustained as Stukov rallied any and all Imperials he could find and stormed the bridge of the craft. When challenged to a duel for control over the vessel, he shot the enemy captain cleanly, taking his head off as a fine mist. The following chaos as Stukov led his men back to the boats, leaving the enemy ship in chaos as it fought itself for control as several friendly Imperial vessels bombarded the craft into oblivion the moment its shields failed. Not one Step Further: The Battleship he was assigned to came under heavy fire and was badly damaged, suffering a force re-entry into the nearby plant and crashing down behind a long forgotten temple to the Emperor. After the survivors took refuge there, they had to hold out until either the Battleship's surviving engines could be overloaded, finishing the beast off beyond any salvage hope, or help arrived. With nowhere to run or hide, Stukov rallied the remaining combat capable men and women, armed them, and held out as long as possible, far longer than anyone short of even an Astartes could consider thanks to tactics and a desperation coupled with nothing to lose. The survivors were saved by passing Inquisitorial vessels, introducing Stukov to work with the Inquisition and, eventually, Inquisitor Caphus himself. Time with Inquisitor: Nearly ten years aboard his vessels, only recently tasked formally to his retinue. Appearance: 40K Knowledge Question: Erebus of the Word Bearers Legion</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin "Spoken like a true sister of battle." Adrianne nodded at Aviza with a small smile. The Sister certainly did not lack for any kind of idealism, and the way she spoke was almost as if her teachers and canoness had spoken directly through her. Picking up her staff and leaving the cockpit, Adrianne would head out into the loading bay of the valkyrie as they prepared to touch down. The moment the air-tight loading bay of the valkyrie opened, Adrianne would immediately grimace as the polluted air of the factory district washed in. Deciding to quickly put on her helmet with a click, she'd march out of the valkyrie at a casual pace with her staff in hand. Unlike Stukov and Aviza, the Psyker seemed remarkably calm about the whole thing, merely walking casually towards the door without making any obvious attempt at being stealthy or using cover. It was either an attitude of complete disregard for her surroundings or situation, or simply a sign that the Psyker was confident that no one was trailing their gun on them. "I thought this was supposed to be a garden world." Adrianne would comment as she turned to throw a disdainful look behind her mask towards the towering industrial complexes that surrounded them on all side, with black or chemical smoke belching out from massive iron or brick pipes that spewed forth all manners of pollutants from the belly of the numerous factories. The area was particularly darker than the rest of the areas they had been to on the planet, and a thick, acidic smoke hung over the district. "Even if they noticed us, Stukov, I'll send M4R1-A on aerial overwatch of the factory property. If anyone attempts to leave the perimeter, we'll know about it. And get a high-res footage of them as well... " Floating at her side would be M4R1-A, constantly scanning their surroundings and focusing its attention on the building ahead. The metallic bag with the medallion it had once carried had been left behind in the valkyrie. As they approached the door, Aviza would soon come running to catch up with them from behind; the battle sister having done her best to hide the oversized military vehicle in the busy industrial sector, hopefully without anyone having noticed her. "Where did you park the thing?" Adrianne would inquire, throwing a glance over at Aviza before the psyker raised her staff and pointed it at the metal door in front of them. Weaving her staff through the air in front of her, the thin, metallic sheath that made up the door would creak, before being lifted up in front of them to reveal the entrance to the factory.</s> <|message|>Zhevon Amoxa "Quiet right up until someone starts shooting at us. We also might want to avoid another hallway of statues, you know, considering the track record with those so far..." Stukov remarked just before the Valkyrie landed, "I don't believe they will nest in a factory, it is far too loud there, they enjoy quiet places." Zhevon replied, "Another type of daemon comes to mind, one that enjoys noise. But as long as the factory remains active, they should remain docile." As they were moving to the factory, with Stukov taking point, Adrianne commented about the sickly atmosphere of the industrial district. "They can't import everything, and some businesses make their profit on locally made or grown products." He reasoned, "Although they could have been more... Ecological." He looked up at the darkened sky, making out a sunrise in the distance. Stukov then spoke up. "So, for subtle, landing a Valkyrie and disembarking like a raid team was subtle, sure as sure. Hope the factory equipment was running, sharp ears might have heard otherwise." His voice came through the vox, "Even if they noticed us, Stukov, I'll send M4R1-A on aerial overwatch of the factory property. If anyone attempts to leave the perimeter, we'll know about it. And get a high-res footage of them as well... " Adrianne assured the Armsman, "Heavy trucks and shuttles go to and from this district all day and night, it would take a trained ear to distinguish Valkyrie engines from all of the noise." He added, "...And if there actually is such an ear, and we get ambushed, we know then that this mystery owner does not want to be bothered. Grounds for bothering him." Once they reached the Factory, they stacked up on a side door. Adrianne waved her staff over the entrance and unlocked it, opening it at the same time with her powers. Zhevon made a note of that. He put his hand on Stukov's shoulder and stepped forward, meaning to take over as pointman. As soon as the group stepped through the side entrance, a worker stepped around the corner and saw them. The mask wearing, apron clad worker froze. An awkward second passed. "Inspection." Zhevon said, breaking the silence. "I-Inspection?" The worker asked, confused, and wary. "Uh... Yes. The last factory I inspected turned out to be a ganger front. Better to be prepared, right?" Zhevon quickly made up. "Right. Uh... Do you need anything inspector?" Zhevon turned his head slightly and then looked back at the worker, "Is there anything strange about this factory that differs from the others?" The worker scratched his head, thinking, "Well, sometimes we get a notice that everyone will get a paid holiday, usually a day or two before the actual holiday. The factory is then manned by a skeleton crew, the machines put on half speed to ensure there are no accidents or malfunctions, and the skeleton crew is paid overtime for however many hours they put in. Today is one of those, usually we have some 50 workers in here, but right now there's about 10 of us." Zhevon looked to his retinue, then back to the worker, "May we walk around?" "Yes of course Inspector. I really need to use the restroom, excuse me. The rest of us are in the breakroom if you have any questions."</s>
<|message|>Alexei Stukov While the reassurances and precautions being taken by Smiles and Boss were, while appreciated, not going to lower his guard at all. If anything, he would be more on edge and guard than before. Sure, the servo skull was watching above and there was quite a few dangerous folks within the group, but it wouldn't hurt for him to be on guard. Might be able to catch the trouble well before it caught up to them, which would certainly be helpful, to put it mildly. Smiles went about opening the door, and before Stukov could put a boot to the door and clear the entryway, a hand on his shoulder signalled him to hold back, Boss heading in first instead. Not his preferred idea of entering the factory, considering how uncertain it was that there would be friendlies, hostiles, or even occupying the building at all. Keeping his silence, and out of sight of the worker as the two went back and forth, he resisted an urge to laugh. Inspectors, really? But it seemed to work, and once the worker moved on, Stukov walked in, rifle cradled in his arms. "Inspector, really Boss? If we are not the best armed inspection crew I have laid eyes upon, I could hardly say. Which way do you..." Stukov stopped talking, a rather painful pressure slamming into his head which brought a pained scowl to his face. He couldn't explain it, but it felt like it came from deep within the factory complex, and he turned towards that corridor, autogun half raised in the direction of the oncoming pressure wave. What he was unaware of was that most of the others would be unaware of the sudden wave of pressure and he began walking, almost forgetting to say anything to the others if it wasn't for the fact he nearly ran into Sis in the process, having to shift his course or bounce off the power armored woman. "Call me crazy, I got a bad feeling about this place. Reminds me too much of the last Cruiser I served on, so with all due respect Boss, I am taking point. Your life outweighs mine in worth. Can't have gangers ambushing you again." Call it the grim math of war, but an Inquisitor of experience and standing would far trump even one of his retinue members, and certainly if that member was just a senior armsman. The ganger comment was almost an afterthought, he had almost forgot about that little piece of the cover story that Boss had thrown in the man's face. Stukov couldn't explain where the path was taking them, but it sounded like they were heading for the source of the machinery noise, and he kept his autogun half raised, bayonet still affixed and ready for a sudden attack in melee. He was moving like one would have expected to see someone in a void ship, ready to grab onto the surroundings in an instance when the hull shattered, exposing void to crew and boarder alike. The pressure wave almost seemed like it had made him somewhat forget the fact he was indeed planetside, old habits brought back to life that he had shaken before landing. A rather curious shift, to be certain.</s>
<|description|>Layla "The Flower" Ginlio Gender: F Age: 11 House: Sorted into Gryffindor Pet: A barn owl called Tufty. Layla was gifted this by her mother (by continuous pestering) when she went got into Hogwarts. Strengths: -Quick to learn -Easy to make friends -High intellect -Amazing at playing Wizard Chess Weaknesses: -Can't take a joke -Doesn't like doing odd-jobs -Worries a lot -Grumpy when she wakes up Personality: * Inspirational * Imaginative * Arrogant * Geeky * Ambitious * Compassionate * Selfish History: Layla was born to a Muggle mother, and a wizard father -- therefore making her a half-blood. Her father died in a freak accident when she was nine, and her mother has been finding it hard to raise her ever since; cue the magic powers. Layla started having, well, "strange" things happen to her at the age of three. Her father had taken away her toy broomstick and she was extremely angry, so she hid in the garden. She was hiding so well, that when she looked down at herself all she saw was the grass! Obviously she had accidentally made herself invisible (her mother and father couldn't find her for hours!). This was followed by a short run-in with Professor McGonagall who was severely impressed that Layla had managed to do fairly advanced magic for her age. NPCs: N/A</s> <|message|>Caelum Liquin Sadria Quinn nodded as the students began to disperse, speaking to one another rather than to her. "Thank you for your attention today in class." She bowed her head politely. "I shall see you all again soon." Then she began to wander off down the hallway... Certainly not in the direction the students would go to get out of the dungeons.</s> <|message|>Nolan Archer The notes Nolan took were rather extensive. They were, in fact, probably more notes than anyone needed to take on their first day at Hogwarts. He didn't want to miss any important detail. Of course once he started doing relevant readings before class, he could pay better attention. His head was spinning already from the number of spells on that list that could be considered as "dark." He was pleased to see their lesson was over. It had been a long morning and he was looking forward to some food. It hadn't even been a full day and he was already starting to love Hogwarts food. While some students went up and talked to Professor Quinn, Nolan turned to Caelum who complimented him on his approach to the class. "Really they were just questions you have when you grow up with a bunch of brothers already at Hogwarts." He laughed. He was sure this morning had already used up everything he'd picked up in the last few years. "I don't know about cursing the teaching post though, but she wouldn't give us something impossible right? I mean, we're all first years. Even the ones who aren't Muggle-born have never used magic before." Caelum's various sketches did not escape his notice. They were... very good. He tensed for just an instant, but then smiled and pointed at them. "Those are pretty good. You can almost feel the spooky nothing behind the bars in the dark hallways." He laughed, glancing off to the side at the actual doorway. "Yeah, it's lunch. We should probably follow the crowd, cause I'll probably still get us lost." He gestured to the group of students headed out the door, as well as Professor Quinn, whose departure told him it was best to get moving. It seemed getting back to the Great Hall was much easier than finding their classroom had been. While the four tables remained, it seemed the houses tended to mix more at lunch than at breakfast and dinner. He probably should make more friends in his own house. He sniffed the air, enjoying the smell. "What do you think of the food here?" he asked turning to Caelum. "It's much better than the food at any other school I've been to."</s> <|message|>Charlotte Marie Springer Charlotte wrote down the list of spell types from the board, but didn't quite get how she was supposed to come up with something like how to invent a curse. She didn't know any magic yet, so making up her own didn't seem likely. She took her notes with a pencil in a spiral notebook, and she shoved the pencil back into the metal spiral as she closed it and got up to leave with the rest of the class. It seemed like she had only just sat down, but she had been late. She caught up to Layla on her way out as well, and waited and listened as she talked to the teacher about "unforgivable curses." She didn't know anything about that, but it was starting to seem like spell classifications were completely arbitrary. When the teacher and student went their separate ways, Charlotte caught up to Layla and walked beside her. "So what else do you know about spells?"</s> <|message|>Rozalia Éathliel Happy that Dani had agreed to join her, Roze's hair had taken a slightly brighter tinge, making a honey brown as they sat down at the tables of the Great Hall. The food was already laid out, platters upon platters of delicious food. Firstly grabbing a bread roll Roze smiled at Dani as she began buttering it. Roze found herself prone to nattering quite a lot when it came to meeting new people, but she would have to roll it back a lot in order for Dani to be able to answer with her whiteboard. She knew a small bit of sign language, due to one of her many cousins on her father's side being deaf; but it wasn't enough to be able to hold a conversation up. Making a mental note to send a letter to her father was some books to read up on the language, she speared some bacon from a nearby platter, putting it between the bread. "That was a pretty good first lesson, don't you think? Professor Quinn looks like a great teacher - a bit daunting though. I wouldn't really want her as our Head of House." She said, then paused with a frown. "Although, I suppose it's better than a senile ghost." They hadn't even met Professor Binns as of yet - being a ghost, he had had no reason to appear at the first feast. From what they'd heard from other students, he was useless, and probably the most boring teacher in the school. Fair to say, she wasn't exactly looking forward to their first History of Magic lesson. She'd probably do better teaching herself the subject, if all Binns was doing was reading from dusty old books for hours on end.</s> <|message|>Danielle Marie Carson Dani was rather glad that the benches that served as seating at the table in the Dining Hall were as tall as they were, despite the fact that her feet dangled a good distance off the ground, as that meant that she would be able to eat without sitting on her knees or a book or something. While Roze talked about her thoughts about how the class went and what she thought of Professor Quinn, Dani gathered some food onto her plate, avoiding some of the stranger-looking food items and focusing more on the things she recognized. Once she felt that she had gotten enough food to fill her up, which just happened to be far less than most of the others seemed to be eating due to her small size, Dani took the time to grab a marker from her bag and respond via her whiteboard, turning it so that Roze could read it without Dani having to hold it up. "I agree. She's good at teaching, but she's not the friendliest person around." After she had taken a few bites of her meal, namely some chicken and mashed potatoes, allowing Roze plenty of time to read her response, Dani took the whiteboard back and erased it before writing again. "Professor Quinn seemed to think of our House Head as rather air-headed too. It seems he had forgotten to meet with me about my condition. She wasn't pleased when she found out." Dani repeated the process of taking a few bites while allowing Roze to read the whiteboard again, taking it back after a few moments to clear it and write something else down. "What do you think of the assignment that Professor Quinn gave us? It seems like it would be pretty simple, but I'm clueless when it comes to magic, so I don't know."</s> <|message|>Layla "The Flower" Ginlio As Layla was walking away from Professor Quinn, red-headed Charlotte came up to her. "So what else do you know about spells?" Layla blushed as Charlotte asked about her knowledge and replied, "Well, I'd say I know quite a lot, but there is such a variety of spells out there. What do you think about this, say, 'assignment'?" As they talked, they walked towards the door. She looked around and she saw him (Ajax). Her mind kept flashing back to earlier that day, and her face flushed as she looked at him. Layla turned back to Charlotte with haste.</s> <|message|>Charlotte Marie Springer It was Charlotte's turn to flush, her face nearly matching her hair. "I don't know how to do this assignment!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "I mean, we have all year but... all she did was talk about what curses were, we have no idea how to even do them! How am I supposed to invent a new thing when I don't know any of the old ones?" She saw Layla's little double take to some guy that was also leaving the class. She didn't know what to make of it, but noted the boy's face and kept quiet.</s> <|message|>Ajax Leroufe-DeCroy Ajax saw as the girl he saw yesterday walked past him talking to another girl. His face turned red before looking down on the ground. 'Come on Ajax, deep breaths. You've done it many times before, why are you freaking out now.' In truth, the New Zealander didn't known what made him feel that way. From a distance, this girl (Layla) seemed normal, just an ordinary girl in a magic school. His jaw dropped. "I have the hots for a witch. Holy crap." A magic witch! Like abracadabra witch! Like shazam witch! Like "I am a fucking real witch" witch! He could imagine his friends in New Zealand giving the thumbs up and a "go ahead" smile. Ajax caught up to the girl, confidence in his eyes. "Hello there." He said politely in his thick New Zealand accent, now next to the girl he saw from yesterday. "I was wondering if any of you girls are from Gryffindor? If so, can I sit next to you guys, I'm a muggleborn so I don't really know anyone." He scratched his head, in his mind hoping for an answer. A positive one.</s> <|message|>Caelum Liquin "How many brothers do you have?" Caelum walked beside Nolan, following the crowd. "I'm an only child... I always wondered what it would be like." The small talk and friendly company made the gloomy dungeon and strange sights seem a little brighter. The girl was unaccustomed to dungeons and mildew. "I'm... I didn't know magic existed before my letter... Everything she said was absolute Latin to me!" Caelum dud not understand the irony of this statement, as she didn't know Latin either. When Nolan complimented her artwork she blushed ever so slightly. "Thank you... I was just doodling..." They reached the main dining hall in now time. She would attend any table Nolan sat at, she did not quite understand the importance of house divisions... Not yet anyway. "The food is... Very Good... filling." Both her parents were very health and image conscious. "Neither of my parents like to cook. Me and Mom always eat salads. With Dad we go to restaurants or pick up." Her fathers favorite restaurants were the ones that had earned several stars. Big plates, small portions, many courses, fancy sauces in intricate patterns. "I'll get used to it." She smiled. "There is... A lot to get used to here." She added quietly. ~~~~ Dani might hear a chuckle from the corner of her ears every so often. If she ever sought to turn and find the source of the laughter she would see nothing. The next time she glanced at her chalkboard to write... It would already have words written upon it! 'I smell of codfish and I love it!' Is what her chalkboard would say.</s> <|message|>Rozalia Éathliel Roze chewed on her bacon sandwich as she patiently read each of Dani's messages, chuckling at the inadvertent 'air-head' pun of their deceased Head of House. In regards to Dani's last question, Roze tilted her head upwards thoughtfully, looking at the enchanted ceiling of the hall. It was a crisp, clear blue - just like the weather outside. The warmth of summer still remained in air, but the cold autumn winds were slowly making themselves known in the mornings and evenings, chasing away the remainders of the summer sun. "I see what you mean; to someone who's new to this world, it would be quite hard. But I'm just glad we weren't assigned some massive essay - the horror stories that my brother's given me have made me have second thoughts about even coming." She said with another chuckle, looking back at Dani. "We can do it together, if you'd like. My Uncle's an Auror - I'm sure he can give us some pretty badass spells to write down." Finishing there, she continued eating while she allowed Dani to reply. However, as she glanced at her whiteboard, she dropped her sandwich in surprise at the writing that had appeared on it in an unfamiliar scrawl. "What the heck?" Roze looked at Dani in confusion.</s> <|message|>Charlotte Marie Springer The boy seemed to gather his courage and come over to Layla and Charlotte. He was a Gryffindor, and a muggleborn, and Charlotte was quite excited to hear that. "Oh!" she was jumping a little in her excitement, "I'm a Gryffindor, a muggle born too! You can sit with us... if it's alright with Layla. I'm Charlotte." She held a hand for him to shake.</s>
<|message|>Layla "The Flower" Ginlio "I mean, we have all year but... all she did was talk about what curses were, we have no idea how to even do them! How am I supposed to invent a new thing when I don't know any of the old ones?" "Well, I know some... Besides, it's not like inventing a new curse, just a way of cursing the position with curses already invented. Right...?" Then a boy walked over and stood next to her. "I was wondering if any of you girls are from Gryffindor? If so, can I sit next to you guys, I'm a muggleborn so I don't really know anyone." He said in a thick New Zealand accent. She liked his accent. Charlotte was the first to reply, "I'm a Gryffindor, a muggleborn too! You can sit with us... if it's alright with Layla. I'm Charlotte." "It's fine! Totally fine. I'm a Gryffindor too, although I believe I'm a half-blood?" Layla began muttering to herself, her thoughts trailing to the question at hand.</s>
<|description|>Mokuren Sabella Age:21 Gender: Female Race: Faunus (Fox) Weapon: Sarasagi: a highly unique blade in the fact that it doesn't transform into anything. Instead, there are two small ports in the guard, that shoot out the blood the blade collects and compresses in the hilt. The blood can be fired out one of two ways, in a thin needle, or in a thick sphere. The needle, at maximum compression (roughly 15 seconds) is shot at mach 1, and is useful for head-shotting small grim over large areas. The sphere flies much slower, but at maximum compression has enough force to knock a Ursa on it's ass. Specialty: Mokuren has a great deal of skill and technique with her sword, and is also highly agile in it's use. Her semblance gives her the ability to go all-out on the offensive front, and not give any thought to her defenses, allowing her to bounce seemlessly from target to target and cut them down. She can use the secondary feature to shoot at the enemy, but only uses it when she feels she needs to. Semblance: Mirror of Yata: This semblance gives Mokuren the ability to absorb and then reflect any attack that hits her, at the cost of physical exertion to use. A King Tut's strike would be more exhausting to reflect than a Beowulf's claw, for example. Personality: Mokuren is a very, guarded person. She hides her true self behind a barrier of mirth and eccentric action, but allows the truth to stream through when he feels she is alone, or truly trusts someone. This truth is a sad, broken creature trying to survive in the world it was thrown into after the death of her family, and is haunted by a dark past that she tries to hide from everyone. Color: Magnolia. Emblem: Uniquely, none. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Sapphire Rode Sapphire Rode - The Shelter Sapphire wanted to do something to help the animals she really did but at this point she didn't see the wisdom in letting them out. At least half of them were so heavily sedated that even if their cages were opened they'd more than likely continue to lie there. This reasoning was not shared by Abel however who after wiping a large amount of dog slobber from his face used the pointed end of his spear to shear the tops off most of the cages. With the ferocity of the swings Sapphire was shocked that he'd managed to avoid hitting any of the animals imprisoned here. It was needlessly excessive but Sapphire understood why Abel wanted these creatures free. Each one of them was wild and used to open spaces and freedom. Otherwise sedation wouldn't have been necessary, domestic pets while perhaps not happy about being kept in a cage wouldn't cause enough of a fuss to warrant sedatives. Besides should they run into something more than they could handle the animals could serve as a distraction what with the chaos the wakeful ones were making. Sapphire smiled slightly and unlocked a few of the cages allowing the animals that wanted to to run free. When Abel was finished his liberation mission he followed Sapphire's suggestion that they take a look at the lower levels. As they pushed through the doors to the stairwell a cold chill ran up Sapphire's spine. It wasn't anything specific just a very bad feeling that they were descending into something that did not welcome them. It was of course ridiculous, this was a Shelter for animals, whatever was in this place couldn't be more than they could handle and yet despite the fact that it was illogical Sapphire switched her semblance on just before they started down the stairs. It was a good thing too as the area was littered with security cameras. As long as she didn't alter the environment in any significant way even electronic surveillance would be unable to detect her. Sapphire's footfall was near silent, in fact unless someone was listening for her specifically they'd more than likely miss it altogether and that was without her semblance active. They encountered no resistance on the stairs or in the room below. This unsettled Sapphire far more than if the med lab had been full of Atlas Paladin Suits. The emptiness of the facility was far more threatening than any physical form could ever be. Sapphire was about to do a thorough search of the room when they heard sounds. Sapphire didn't shrink away from the room. With her semblance active there was no reason to avoid detection as long as she remained inconspicuous. Abel on the other hand was another story. He slipped past her into the shadows whispering that she should turn invisible and follow the two people that had entered the room. Sapphire smiled slightly, she'd never fully explained her semblance to her team. It seemed all of them were under the impression that her semblance was invisibility. Abel had advised her to use it without realizing that it was already on. He could only see her because he'd been there when she'd activated it and he was expecting her presence. Sapphire walked out into the room staying a good distance behind the man and woman that had marched into the room but within earshot so that nothing of there conversation would be missed. From the little that Sapphire had gleaned so far they were planning something. Making History was very rarely a good thing. The Faunus wars had made history, the great criminals had made history, and the Grimm had made history. Whatever this woman was referring to Sapphire couldn't help but feel that it was not as good a thing as those two seemed to think.</s> <|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro - The Shelter Smiling, Shiro was pleased with himself. It seems his on-the-fly-lies had worked and the boy agreed to help them. Watching as the boy approached a hidden entrance that he hadn't noticed, he blinked and tilted his head in curiosity. "Pokey?.." He thought to himself, wondering what exactly the boy meant by that. Shrugging, he dismissed the seemingly meaningless words and crawled up to the door. Slipping out his Scroll, he took a snapshot of the hidden door and pocketed it shortly after. Unlocking the door, Shiro carefully slipped inside and propped the door open for Gren's hulking frame to pass through. When Gren had approached, Shiro had already noticed him and was surprised the bear faunus cub hadn't noticed him the same. Before entering the room entirely, he took a moment to take in the new surroundings. As his eyes scanned the cabinets, his gaze lingered on the refrigerator. "This must be a kitchen or breakroom of some sort..." Thinking about it, he hadn't really eaten before the start of the mission, had he? It would be terribly embarrassing if his grumbling stomach gave him away during a critical moment. But, he didn't have the time for a snack as he had to follow after the eager bear cub. Eyes snapping to a corner of the room, Shiro swiftly ducked behind the nearest object. "Gren! Camera!" he sharply whispered. Noticing the camera, Shiro took out his Scroll once more and took a picture of it. Fingers rapidly tapping away, he sent his second report to the others on team. "From: Kuhaku Shiro To: Abel Fulgurate, Gren Orchid, Sapphire Rode Subject: Scout Report #2 Body: "The bear faunus cub agreed to assist us, Gren and I are following after him now. Keep an eye out for hidden entrances and security cameras. I'll be disabling cameras as I find them. I've attached two images." Attachments: Illusory Wall.img, Security Camera.img" Finishing, Shiro pocketed his Scroll and crawled under what he presumed to be the scope of the camera's sight. Standing and stretching himself, he grabbed the camera and ripped it from the wall. With his other hand, he tore every cable attached to it. Clumsily forcing the camera back into its place in the wall, he hoped that whoever may be monitoring it didn't notice his entry or the camera's sudden disconnection. Should someone decide to get a bite to eat, he also hoped that they wouldn't notice the slight damage to the inoperable camera. Looking to his left and right, he was alone in the room save for Gren following in after him. If the bear faunus cub had been in the room still, Shiro would've surely raised some alarms. Speaking of alarms, he wondered if the camera system was connected to some security system. He really hoped he hadn't tripped some silent/not-so-silent alarm. An uneasy look on his face, another bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. "O-oh well, what's done is done.." Looking to Gren, he turned and trotted down the stairs he had seen the cub and his lizard companion descend. The sounds his ears were detecting helped to instill a deep sense of dread within him. Something just didn't sit right with him about this place. "What was the mission objective again?" He asked himself, second guessing his team's purpose here.</s> <|message|>Cian Kuze Ciel Kuze - lost rabbit "I dont think that will really work for an alibi." Ciel whispered as she continued to search for the back room. Though he was right as soon as the chaos ended they would spot them quickly like white on rice or some other bad comparison. Still it was proving hard to locate the back room none of these rooms seemed to be it and she was not going to be busting through every door looking for it. That would only invite more trouble to them. With a soft sigh she turned to look at her fellow teammate "you have any idea where they might hide a back room Luke? she asked softly as she quickly ducked to avoid being spotted by a guard rushing through on the opposite side of them.</s> <|message|>Robert Fallson Outside the Dragon's Den The overconfident Antaeus crossed his arms and stood at a relaxed stance, reveling in Mokuren's 'compliments' as his massive ego was unable to see through her sarcasm. That's why he was completely off-guard when she lunged at him in an attack. The large bouncer knew he was too heavy to dodge out of the way in time, so he quickly reached behind his back and grabbed his weapon: a trident. The weapon, still in mid-transformation, clashed with Mokuren's sword. Antaeus deflected the strike enough to prevent it from cleaving him in half, but he was unable to prevent the sword from embedding itself into his side. "I shall drink from your skull!" he shouted in pain. The bouncer may have been 'immortal,' but he still felt pain. Lifting his now complete trident, he raised it above his head and stabbed downward at the huntress-in-training. Inside the Dragon's Den The students who were able to make it to the backroom now found themselves in a long hallway. There were several doors in the hallway, but all lead to mostly empty rooms. There was one exception though, a large metal door at the far end. Next to the door was a keypad to unlock it, but the code was currently unknown to the team. The sound of footsteps began to sound from the other side of the door that the students had entered from. The three teens had two options: hide in at least one of empty rooms and wait for the man coming toward them to pass or attack the man and interrogate him for the way inside of the safe-like door.</s> <|message|>Jack Orpheus Jack Orpheus | Back Area "Well, this has to be it... Right?", Jack muttered to himself, looking at the large metal door. Fortunately he didn't seem to run into any guards, so no one knew he was back here except his team. As he took a few steps towards the metal door, he heard it lurch as it appeared to be opening. He wanted to maintain the whole stealth thing, not to mention he wouldn't be able to open it anyway, there appeared to be a keypad, and a code was required to open the door, so he instead decided to hide in one of the empty side rooms and wait and listen. He kept one hand ready on one of his daggers, and stood behind the wall next to the door, so even if they walked in, they wouldn't see him immediately and he would have a chance of an advantageous action.</s>
<|message|>Mokuren Sabella This guy, was dumb. So dumb, in fact, that he didn't seem to understand Sarcasm. But, Mokuren had to admit, she was slightly impressed at the way he had drawn his Trident - and the uniqueness of the weapon amused her as well - in time to deflect her sword. It wasn't a total deflection, and Sarasagi managed to take a bit more of his blood from a rather nasty cut in his side. She wondered if he had to obey the rules of blood loss, and was inclined to agree, considering he still felt pain. But then he finished his trident and moved to stab her with it. The strangest thing happened then. Mokuren seemed to slightly maneuver herself so that her head was in the Trident's path, and then use her Semblance to reflect the blow. Then, she would pull out her blade and hope that a trident in the face was enough distraction to slip her sword into his crotch, and vertically bisect him, the sharp edge of Sarasagi ensuring she cut through flesh and bone until it cleanly popped out of the top of his skull. "Drinking from a person's skull is horribly inefficient. It pours out of their eye sockets whenever you try to fill it up for more than a mouthful" she told the bouncer.</s>
<|description|>Dmitriy "Dima" Tarasovich Ungern UPDATE: I think I'm done. Konrad, would you be willing to throw down some criticism and your thoughts on him so far? --- Gender: Male Age: 28 Nationality + Special Forces Origin: Russian, Alpha Group, FSB. Appearance: Dima uses his Gorka-4 Mountain Pattern Uniform when in mountainous, urban, or rocky terrains in conjunction with the Multicam pattern uniform for the most part identical to his NATO counterparts in most other environments. Rank: "Serzhánt" Sergeant (OR-5) Role: Breaching Specialist/Explosives Expert Weapon(s): (WIP) Heavily modified AK-105 -30 & 45 round 5.45x39 Magazines -Aimpoint T1 Miro RDS -Aimpoint 3x Magnifier on swinging mount -Cowitness Magpul Flip up BUIS -Gemtech Suppressor (With gear, readily available) -AN/PEQ-15 Laser aiming module AF1 Strike One Pistol (9mm) -17 round 9x19mm Magazines -Gemtech Suppressor -Laser/flashlight aiming module KBP Tula PP-2000 -30 round Magazines of 9x19 +P+ class 7N31 "Armor Piercing" Ammunition. -Aimpoint T1 Micro RDS (Low Mount) FN FNP 45 Tactical -15 Round .45 Magazines -Trijicon RMR -Osprey .45 Suppressor Mossberg 590A1 Breacher Configuration -14" Barrel with Breaching Muzzle Device -M4 style collapsible Magpul Stock -12 ga. frangible breaching rounds Brief Background: The beginning of Dima's military career began like so many other young men in the Federation. Once legal records showed he was now of age, he was sent the notice of conscription and like a good citizen reported to the nearest recruitment station for processing. In truth, Dima was still only 17 at his time of conscription, thanks to a careless mistake by a nurse during the documentation at his time of birth. Being listed as one year older than he was, Dima was inevitably the youngest recruit in his platoon and as such did everything he could to avoid standing out. Refusing to rise to the top or sink to the bottom however proved to be a double edged sword, landing him a spot in the now understaffed VDV. His time in airborne school became the second most significant change for Dima's military career. While going through supplementary explosives and MOUT training Dima began to draw attention to himself. His instructors found the young soldier to be the least intimidated by the prospect and practical application of explosives within the close confines of Urban combat and continued to train him as his enthusiasm and proficiency quickly grew. Training in the standard ranks of the Federation Armed forces, like many others world round, proved to be very cut and dry; basic in nature. What he didn't learn from his training, he soon learned under fire. Now hardly turning 18, Dima was thrown into the hellish fires of the Chechen conflict. Still considered raw, Dima soon found himself haggard and alone after an ill-fated combat jump into the outlaying city of Grozny. Before they had even touched their boots on ground his platoon alone had taken a staggering sixty percent dead or wounded. Upon his reunion with the scorched and muddy earth, the young soldier found his situation wasn't much improved. Finding the situation well out of hand, Dima immediately began finding his wounded brothers in arms in an attempt to pull them from the massacre happening on the ground. Dima's hours of crawling face first in the cold, thick, mud while under fire saved the lives of twelve. One of which was the Colonel of the entire Regiment. Casting off once more into the fray, Dima left a single able bodied medic and the remaining men in various states of incapacitation, he would soon learn to regret his hasty decision. Not more than half an hour of searching later, the Paratrooper failed to find any more survivors. Returning to the casualty collection point, Dima comes face to face with the horrors of an unchecked irregular war. A small group of Islamist fronted extremist Chechen separatists in the process of either slitting the throats of his wounded comrades, some already with their heads removed by long dull blades. There were no screams as the extremists unceremoniously rammed a knife into the last remaining man's neck. Something in Dima snapped at that moment. All fear of death was lost on him as he raised his rifle and flicked it from safe to auto. The distinctive chatter of a Kalashnikov tore through the small clearing as Dima let rip a short burst into his superior officer's executioner. The man's chest and neck exploded from the rear as his rounds exited their target. It took but a second for the rest of the Rebels to turn their weapons on him. Dima knew his end was inevitable. But, to his surprise, instead of being gunned down like a dog, the treeline to the far left of the clearing exploded in automatic fire. The short volley ripped the remaining men apart with frightening accuracy, a small four man team emerging from the brush only seconds after the bodies fell to the grass. Rushing to his quickly dying Colonel's side, the older man wordlessly reached into a pouch in his web gear and produced a small pistol from it, a PSM, which he thrust into the soldier's hands before finally fading into death. It was at this moment that Dima's career took it's most significant turn. Being the last surviving man in his platoon, Dima was whisked away by the Alpha group that had been pursuing that particular group of individuals in order to kill the very man Dima had gunned down. From then on, Dima was declared either dead or missing in action like the rest of his platoon, prompting the FSB to take him in without informing the Military of his survival. It was soon found out that he had a talent for the application of explosives in Urban environments. Quickly fostering this talent into a well honed set of skills, Dima gained experience through numerous high profile raids against insurgent compounds in Armenia. It was under these conditions that Dima flourished, raising to the rank of Sergeant then eventually leading his own three man raiding team through many successful attacks on high value targets. Following a successful collaborative raid conducted between the FSB and GRU to sting a black market transaction involving ICBM components and large amounts of Radioactive material, Dima was volunteered to Task Force Echo by the FSB in an attempt to foster improved relationships with Russia's NATO counterparts. Equipment: 4x RGO Defensive Fragmentation Grenades 4x RGN Offensive Fragmentation Grenades 6x Vzlet-M Stun Grenades Frames and poles to house and plant breaching charges and devices. Various amount of detcord, strip shaped charges, and plastic explosives are carried in his spacious pack. Alongside the explosive and ballistic methods of breaching, Dima has his Mechanical Breaching tool set that consist of a Sledge hammer, a "Hooligan" tool, and a pair of bold cutters. In addition to his breaching kits, Dima carries a VANT-VM Kevlar Ballistic shield. Tucked in a small pocket sewn on the inside of his plate carrier rests the 5.45x18 PSM pistol given to him by his Late Colonel while in the VDV. Tied down along the side of his pack is his old beat up 7.62x39 AMKS underfolder and two magazines in the event Dima finds himself without any other recourse.</s> <|message|>Aleksandra Alexeyevna "The She-Wolf" Volkov Aleksandra allowed herself an uncharacteristic giggle of joy as she free fell through the sky, spreading her arms out before tucking them back in as she fell into a spiraling dive. The wind howled past her face and tugged at her hair but she paid it no mind, stretching her arms out before ending the dive with a "roll" backwards. The military base down below looked so... small, like she could pinch it between her fingers. For a moment she remembered her childhood, when she would pretend to be a giant and step on trees - that was sort of what it was like whenever she flew or skydove. The ground was nearing, and she figured now was as good a time as any to deploy her parachute, yanking on the cord and touching down a few minutes later. "Well then," she grinned, "that was fun! Thanks for inviting me along, been a while since I got to jump out of a small metal tube hundreds if not thousands of meters off the ground with only a thin piece of fabric to stop me from splattering against the ground!" Her grin turned to a smirk as she put a hand on her waist. "Now, since I'm not a fan of barbecue, who else feels like joining me in looking for something to eat elsewhere?" She would go regardless of whether or not someone accompanied her, but it couldn't hurt to have someone else along for company, and besides - she'd never been in England before. She had no idea where to go.</s> <|message|>Theis Davidsen Theis watched his comrades partake in the camaraderie; these days off were always great, and Theis thoroughly enjoyed them. He looked up at the clear blue skies and saw the cargo plane flying overhead, and the eventual figures of the rest of his friends skydiving downwards. While Theis was trained in airborne operations, he always did prefer to keep his feet on the ground. The divers looked like bullets whizzing through the air and as their parachutes were deployed, they immediately changed to look like clouds floating down towards the earth. Theis had resigned himself to simply enjoy his own peace and quiet, and just have a nice calm day. One hand in his jeans pocket, and the other holding a bottle of beer, Theis had leaned back against a nearby tree and watched grill do its work. He had zoned out into blissfulness when Aleksandra touched down a short distance away. Her entrance brought him back to reality. Aleksandra had offered anyone to join in her quest for food, and while Theis didn't mind burgers and hotdogs, he never did have a chance to check out the country. Even if it would only be a small corner of the Britain, some was better than none. "I'm in, Alek. It would be nice to see what the UK has to offer." Theis downed the rest of his beer and strode up next to Aleksandra, "Anyone else," he asked.</s> <|message|>Jaroslav Svoboda Food was done, just what he was waiting for. He finished his coffee, got up and stepped closer to the BBQ, wondering what piece of human garbage cost the Briton a good chunk of his body. "This smells great, what's free?" he asked, pointing toward the grill. "And please tell me there's a lot of it." He made himself a burger and sat back down, observing the small figures in the sky, enjoying the food. It was nice of Crowstep to make some high-powered rounds for others, in case something had to be erased from this world again and there wasn't a pile of explosives handily available. Once again he had to chuckle at the thought of using the Somali's own explosives against themselves.</s> <|message|>Olivia "Empress" Yen Olivia had managed to take down the targets with near-inhuman speed. She snapped from target to target with a blink of an eye. One shot per kill. It was quick and professional, just the way she was trained to do. The female operator's leg had healed up considerably since the last time she had seen some physical activity. It wasn't 100% that was for sure, but she was able to be very mobile and quick. At 100% Olivia was deadlier, so every enemy she facex next probably would be considered lucky since they didn't have to deal with Olivia at full force. Her shooting was still on point, which was really nice. As she put her weapon down, she listened to Merlin comment on her sharp shooting skills. It was flattering coming from the illusive Merlin. As he would leave her be to practice more if she wanted to, Olivia nodded and reloaded her gun. Yes, the magazine still had rounds in it but a fresh magazine was a luxury that Olivia intended to enjoy. She continued to shoot away at the targetd up until she heard mention of food. Suddenly the SAS operator's stomach was growling to the point where she wasn't able to focus anymore. It was rather frustrating but everyone had to eat anyway. She had unloaded her ACR right after she had loaded it, just for safety reasons. This would be the first thing she would do with people other than Merlin so she wanted to make a good impression. BBQ was a favorite of Olivia's, but being the kind of person she was she would allow her teammates to have their share before she'd have hers.</s>
<|message|>Dmitriy "Dima" Tarasovich Ungern The humming and occasional rumbles of transport engines was a familiar and comfortable sound for the Russian. Growing up in the VDV had ingrained a sense of familiarity into his being that brought a smile to Dima's face. It was time. Looking around at all of those present, the demo specialist gave a wink and a smile to any who bothered to look his direction and make eye contact. Namely, Aleksandra, who even politely offered him dumplings as the occupants stood and readied themselves as the ramp dropped. "Я не знал, что можно приготовить!" Was the only reply he made before throwing up the universal 'OK' sign with his fingers. Once the green light pinged to life, they were off. Feeling his heart pound, the former paratrooper threw himself from the aircraft, hot on the heels of his comrades. Looking to his Altimeter, Dima made a mental note to pull his chute at around 600 meters. Glancing away, Dima came to realize that the rest of the crew had zipped far below him, much to his annoyance. Despite the fact that he was falling at upwards of 120 miles per hour, Dima couldn't help but think to himself. They had better leave me some food. Fueled by the thought of going without a meal, the Russian brought his legs closer together and his arms in towards his sides, turning the calm decent into a full on terminal velocity dive. I will get my damn dumplings! If the wind had been howling before, it was roaring now as the over eager man sailed past the Dane and American before stabilizing himself again in preparation to pull his chute. Ensuring that the other two were not anywhere directly above him, Dima glanced one last time at his Altimeter, down at the already landing Aleksandra, and then one more time above before pulling his chute. First, a moment akin to hovering hit before all at once the whole world jerked to a stop and continued on again, this time much slower. Looking up one last time made Dima finally realize that the intent had been for them all to link up mid-fall. Feeling a light heat rise to his cheeks, the Russian focused his attention back to the ground and his intended target. Searching for a moment before finding his countryman, he smiled while bringing the steerable parachute in for a smooth and graceful ass sliding across the grass. Having cut off the Master Sergeant, the FSB operative gave her a goofy but charming smile. "You're going to make me dumplings tonight, right?"</s>
<|description|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya "And I get up because it is the only thing I can do." --- --- Nickname: Rose, because it is a shorten version of his name and because of his occupation. Although Ambrose prefers if only close friends referred to him this way, as the nickname has been used in a mean-spirited manner many times Date of Birth: October 31st 1995 Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Relationship Status: Single Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Ethnicity: Biracial - white father and African American mother In Depth Appearance: Ambrose has a slender figure, and stands at a mere 5'5'' and has a sort of a baby face. However everything on him is a lean muscle, toned from years of track team and regular running. His skin is a tawny brown, with deep gold undertones. He doesn't have the best posture though, and is often slouched in attempt appear smaller and be less noticeable in general. Ambrose has a pair of deep hazel eyes, framed with dark thick lashes. His hair is a deep black with soft curls that rest on his forehead. His skin splattered with dark freckles, across his cheeks and back, and he has several small scars on his upper thighs as well as a couple deep, ugly scars on his torso. The young man has no tattoos, although he has a couple in mind he wants to get someday. But he does sport a small septum piercing, other then that, Ambrose is pretty bare in terms of body modifications. He tends to wear monotone clothes, mostly black and grey with only pastel colors like mint green occasionally. The clothing pieces are usually loose and comfortable, although Ambrose is always seen wearing his favorite pair of high tops sneakers. Hobbies: ◘ Painting ◘ Photography ◘ Film Reviewing ◘ Running in the early morning for exercise Magical Affinity: A new-comer to the magic scene, Ambrose is inexperienced and unsure of his abilities. But he is still a natural and a fast learner for the art. He seems to showing an affinity towards the natural and physical magics. Habits: ◘ Pulls all-nighters to finish a particular painting, messes up his sleep schedule for a week and barely functions on coffee the entire time ◘ Extremely fidgety, especially when anxious ◘ Doodling on every piece of paper he gets his hands on ◘ Smoking (Although this is a rare thing to witness as he only indulges when he is particularly stressed) Likes: ◘ Confusing art films ◘ Plants ◘ Dancing ◘ Rain and Thunderstorms ◘ Snails ◘ Indie/Alternative music Dislikes: ◘ Crowded Rooms ◘ High-pressure situations or high-expectations ◘ Airplanes/Airports ◘ Elitist Attitudes ◘ Bigotry in general ◘ People flaking on plans/promises. It's a real pet peeve of his Fears: ◘ Fear of heights ◘ Fear of tight/small spaces ◘ Fear of running into the law Personality: The first impression Ambrose makes on people, is a small guy who seems timid and socially uncomfortable. And this is true for the most part. Ambrose naturally shies away from the spot-light and likes instead to observe people from a distance (one of his favorite past times is people watching). He is a naturally anxious and cautious person, leading him to be un-trusting and suspicious of other people's motives. Most people who speak to him for the first time are met a with a guarded and tense conversation. Yet despite this Ambrose is more a follower and is easily pressured into activities he would't have otherwise done himself. He is truly a fish out of water in the academy life, an outsider, so he hasn't made any new friends yet. Because of his introversion, Ambrose is more focused on his own pursuits instead of relationships, like painting and photography. Both of which are passions he hopes to turn into a career someday. He is incredibly invested in the arts, but he is too afraid to quit his day job for a full-time career as an artist. He spends almost all of his free time painting, and has even had a couple successful art shows. Yet overall, Ambrose is still naive and unsure of how to further his skills and network successfully to make his break into the industry. Despite his initial prickly exterior, Ambrose is quite affectionate to the ones who have earned his trust. A little emotionally needy, he is eager to please those have captured his affections. Ambrose has the habit of putting others before him, often neglecting himself for days on end. Yet romantic partners of Ambrose are disappointed with someone who is afraid of both emotional intimacy and commitment. Ambrose also has an unexpected wild side, this is something he tries to hide the most as it has gotten him into many sticky situations. It really only comes out with drinking or anything else like that. When he is like this, he is more willing to take risks and tell people how he really feels. This is probably when he is at his funniest, sarcastic and even a bit flirty. Background: Ambrose grew up in a cramped apartment, in the inner city that was wracked with poverty and crime. It was a daily part of his environment, to be unsure of if he would get dinner, and if he would even be safe considering the criminal activity. An only child with neglectful parents with a father who took his anger out on his family and a mother who drowned her sorrows with alcohol. They weren't really completely evil people, but they shouldn't have been parents. Ambrose had to grow up on his own, and his only escape from reality was through the arts. But as he grew to adolescence, he became painfully aware of the expectations around him. To have a reliable job, to be tough and masculine, and so on. This, combined with involvement with the "bad kids", Ambrose fell down a slippery slope of petty crime. Eager to prove himself among his peers, the teenager began to deal drugs and even took part in a few (unarmed) robberies. He never had the intention to hurt people, and viewed it as a way to get cash for food and other basic essentials. But Ambrose also began nursing a drug addiction, thanks to easy access and pressure from his "friends". Ambrose barely graduated from high school, and with rapidly deteriorating health, he soon realized he needed to take a good hard look at himself. He was a shell of the person he used to be, malnourished and a lost purpose in life. Ambrose knew he didn't want this life, and he knew he didn't want this life. So one day, he just got up and left. He forced himself to go cold turkey, he forced himself to face horrible withdrawals and cut ties with everyone from his old life. To them, Ambrose was now dead. He moved to a small town in Michigan and landed a job in a entry-level position in a florist shop. The owner noticed his hard-work and eye for design and with training, Ambrose was promoted to a florist. He has now worked there for a year, and has also been sober for a year. Up to this point, Ambrose was ignorant of his abilities and of the magic world. His life seemed to be back on track until he was swept into the world by accidentally witnessing a magical act late one night. Bewildered, he was hauled off to Blackbrick academy to have his memory erased of the incident. At the mercy of the Magicians, Ambrose was given a test of his magic skill on a mere whim of the headmaster. To everyone's astonishment, he passed, demonstrating an innate ability just now awakened. With that, Ambrose was accepted into the college. Amrbose decided to attend, a promise of free higher education and access to an entire magical world was too good a deal to pass up. Ambrose is still unsure how to register everything that has happened, but he is excited for what the future holds. Miscellaneous: N/A</s> <|message|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya Ambrose tapped his foot impatiently as the phone rang, fidgeting with a stain on his pants. Finally a hesitant voice on the end called out a tentative "hello". Ambrose was silent for a moment, throat dry and his mind blank. But he regained his bearings and huffed, standing up to pace back and forth. "Er, hi. This is um Ambrose, from earlier today... Samantha gave me this number?" He said uncertainly, unsure if he even had the right person on the end of the line. "I was invited to the party tonight and well... I was wondering about it. Not sure where it is or even when it starts." Ambrose admitted with a huff, finally he stopped his babbling to wait for the reply with baited breath.</s> <|message|>Caleb J. Anderson Listening to Ambrose talk on the phone was interesting. He didn't want to interrupt him, he just wanted to hear him talk, but as he listened he could tell how uncertain Ambrose was with the entire experience. Caleb was an upperclassman and Ambrose was a freshman. It was easy to get overwhelmed with BlackBrick. There was so much to do, so much to learn and final exams were hell. Caleb recalled seeing the library at capacity when it came to final exams and remembered having to take his books to his room to study. He had to admit he wouldn't be where he is now in his experience with magic had it not been for the Headmaster taking an interest in his learning. Caleb was well versed with his use of spells and was still learning. There was a moment when he didn't hear anything come through the phone and figured Ambrose had finished talking. "Oh hey Ambrose, it's Caleb," Caleb said with a smile that he hoped Ambrose could hear in his tone, "yea Samantha does that a lot, but I'm glad you called. I'm always here to help," Caleb added remembering his promise to himself. He closed his eyes and exhaled lightly before continuing, "The party is tonight around 9 pm for the early goes or 10 if you wanna start late. It's off campus so you'd have to know how to travel or apparate. Traveling spells aren't that hard. I can show you if you want? If you don't want to go alone, just meet me and Sam in my dorm, room 702 in the upperclassman dorm at 7:30." Caleb stopped talking and wondered if he was being too forward or crossing too many lines. He waited patiently for a response from Ambrose.</s> <|message|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya Ambrose breathed a sigh of relief as he finally finished his blabbering. But he tensed up as Caleb's voice seeped through the phone. He had honestly expected the perky Samantha picking up. But honestly, he should have expected something like this. And for some reason the trickery didn't upset him like most situations would. It felt more like a favor. Ambrose listened carefully, taking in each detail that was heard through the receiver. The voice was silky, and felt like a smile was behind it. It sounded like he paused to sigh lightly, and a small shiver was sent down Ambrose's spine as he imagined Caleb, eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar. But failing to notice Caleb had finished his offer, Ambrose had remained silent for almost a full minute. "Oh! Um, yeah sounds good, I guess I'll see you then. Bye." He blurted and abruptly hung up the phone, panting. Why was he so flustered? Ambrose stood there by the fountain, pondering it before deciding that it didn't matter. Shaking the black curls out of his eyes, Ambrose started off towards his dorm. He wondered if he even had anything suitable for a party setting. [timeskip to 7:30?]</s> <|message|>Caleb J. Anderson 7:30 PM Monday - Time to Party! Time seemed to quicken its pace as Caleb lingered in the common room of the dormitory. He was excited. This was the first party of the semester and they were always worth the time. He had been practicing spells and studying lore through various books, but he hadn't expected time to fly by as he sat there maneuvering his hands and producing various charms. When his phone started beeping, he looked at it with a smirk. It was 7:30, the party would be starting in just an hour and a half. That meant he had to start getting ready soon. He already knew Sam would be knocking at his door by 8:30, but he didn't know what time Ambrose would show up, and he would rather not be in a compromising position when he arrived. Standing to his feet, he scurried off to his dorm. Stripping of his clothes he jumped into the shower and allowed the warm water to cascade over his nude form as he began to apply product to the sponge that Samantha got him for his birthday last year. It was amazing. It exfoliated the skin and left a slight glow. As he showered, he began to sing, allowing his voice to filter out of his room and into the hallway of the dormitory.</s>
<|message|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya He pulled the comb through his curls for the hundredth time, and again failing to make the hair atop his head any tidier looking. Finally he sighed and glared into the mirror, spending a few moments cursing his looks before he realized the time. "Oh shit!" He cursed to hmself as he hopped up out of his chair, gathering his phone and keys. He ignored the glance of disapproval from his roommate, pretending he didn't notice the glare. He had too much on his mind to worry about that. The clock clicked 7:30 PM as Ambrose came up upon the upperclassmen dorm. Voices could be heard from inside as Ambrose pushed in, making his way past crowds of older students conversing among themselves. They played little attention to the freshmen, only sparing one disinterested glance before turning back to their own business. Ambrose stepped up along the stairs, down the hallway before he stopped in front of the 702 dorm room. Faint singing could be heard drifting from inside, and against his better judgment Ambrose knocked before creaking the unlocked door open. He poked his head in before allowing himself fully inside the room. "Hello?" He called out softly, but was only answered the pattering of water from the bathroom. From which steam drifted from the cracks of the bathroom door. "This is Caleb's room right?"</s>
<|description|>Cassius Dennis "The Wandering Swordsman" Race: Human Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Clothing/Armor: Under his usual cloak, he wears light armor to provide some protection but not hinder his movement. His undershirt is usually chain mail, under his light armor. Weapons: Carries a long sword that carries a black and blue pattern on the hilt and the grip. The long sword can cut relatively well. Has a pouch that contains small throwing daggers. Alignment: Neutral Good Skills/Abilities: Being trained at a young age by his father, his proficiency over the sword is apparent, his sword prowess is so well known that people have dubbed him "The Wandering Swordsman" He almost has below average skill in other weapons, being no better than a trained soldier in anything but a sword. His attacks are all based on speed, as his father had always told him that speed triumphs strength. Stutter step: A movement that is very fast, it looks like a stutter blur. Final Hour: A technique taught by his father as a last-ditch effort, it augments his speed to a very high degree that he looks like a specter. After three minutes of use, Cassius will collapse for the rest of the day. Magic: N/A Backstory: Born under the Dennis household, whose name was renowned across the land as providing the swiftest swordsmen and swordswomen. Cassius is the son of the current head of the household and his wife. At the tender age of 12, his father had begun his harsh and strict training. His father had always instilled within Cassius that speed should be priority than strength as, "In theory, if you cannot get hit, then you can't lose." His training was rough and unloving, in contrast to his father's demeanor outside of training. For years, Cassius has had been trained by his father and his colleagues in the art of speed and the swords. It consisted of stamina, speed and sword exercises. The training usually lasted for 2/3rd's of the day with a break in between. He would also usually be forced to spar with opponents slightly stronger than him, so that he would be unhinged and get stronger day by day. After years of rigorous training, and at the age of 23, his father had told him to go travel and hone his skills, for he has nothing left to teach him. Thanking his father and receiving his blessings, he left and started to travel around the world, looking for strong swordsmen to hone his skills and as fate has it, he has come to Waeldeshore.</s> <|message|>Tirarian Smooth-Tongue As the lady pulled her hand towards her face, Tirarrian grabbed it. She hissed through her teeth, "Ooooh! That looks nasty!" I'm Xusin the lady said, though not to the Gnome. She seemed enamoured with the man. For the first time, Tirarrian appraised the man. He kept himself well, and clearly valued practicality over look, as his short hair and neat beard testified towards. Perhaps most notable of all was the man's scar, extending across his face and over his crippled eye. It almost gave him a quite threatening look if he tried. It was at this point another armoured man walked up, this one younger and with a cloak. "Would you people kindly point me to a nearby healer of some sort?" he said, wrapping up his arm Tirarrian stared wide eyed, before forcefully gesturing the Xusin's hand, and gesturing to the man's arm, hoping that said it all "What? Is there an epidemic of limb injuries in this place? Is it infectious? Should I be worried?"</s> <|message|>Edict, the Witch Hunter "Im Xusin." Xusin. Xusin. Edict's mind searched his years of study for the name. Again, he is too focused to notice ongoing events, completely not noticing the other man that approaches. "Xusin... Fallen Angel. Demon.", is what his brain told him. But... This woman before him... This is no demon. Demons are known to shape shift, but he cannot recall Xusin being a shape shifter. In fact, she's a lesser demon. She doesn't have enough power to show up in the physical world without help. Xusin... The fallen angel that was enamored with humanity. Explains why she is looking at him so dreamily. Why and how is she on earth though? Snapping back into reality he realizes that there is blood seemingly pouring out of at least two limbs. The Witch Hunter peers around and notices a sign: "Maria's Medicines and Sundries". That would probably work. He turns back towards Xusin. "M'lady, if you would be so kind as to follow me so that we can have that hand looked at.", Edict says, standing and offering his hand to Xusin. "Gnome, I suggest you coming along too. You would be a great help. And I suppose whoever the fuck that is", Edict gestures to the other man, "can come too." Edict does not know the reason for Xusin's appearance here but he does know that someone probably summoned her. He also doesn't know how she got in this current form. However, he plans to find out. @The Fated Fallen @Inertia</s> <|message|>Piper Duchamp Pim (Pip, Pimmy) Piper stared long and hard at the lint-covered, hairy piece of bread, letting a moment of silence beat between them. When she'd had enough time to gather her thoughts, she flicked her gaze between the child and food, and came to the realization that that bread was the most glorious gift she could ever have the privilege of receiving. Forget the fact that he was offering it to Joey. She leaned forward to snatch it from the boy's hand. Anything of Joey's was also hers. Her fingers thoughtlessly plucked at the bits of fuzz that clung to her breakfast, and when she was satisfied, she took a large bite, muttering something gleeful through a full mouth. "Joey." she swallowed her bite and cocked her head toward the child, "Boy's fed, yeh? Seems t'be likin' ye qui' a bit." initially oblivious of the woman watching her, "Got bread 'e jess carries 'roun'n th'like. Figgers 'e likes y'a lo'. Think s'the beads?" she wiggled her fingers in the air as if they were a cat batting the strands, "Figger s'gotta be'at." her gaze snapped back to the child. If he had bread, what else was he hiding in those pockets of his? She took another slow bite of the snack and accidentally spat a few flecks out of her mouth, "Laddie." she wiped a hand across her lips, "Y'talk a'tall?" and, at that moment while she was staring at the child, a figure past him stood out in the daylight. She watched Isabeau from her peripheral vision, betraying no acknowledgement of the woman's staring. The redhead brought herself to her full height again (which wasn't much to brag about) and gestured to Joey with the bread, "S'pose y'wanna go fer a walk. S'a nice day for it, aye?" The girl struggled to hide her sudden discomfort. She cast a glance about the street--a subtle way to determine if her gut instinct was right. It definitely felt like they were still being watched, "This little lad really likes ye. 'e know yer a sailor?" she gestured to the docks nearby, "Wanna show 'im yer shep?" It looked like the docks had mostly cleared out anyway. This was a prime opportunity.</s> <|message|>Joseph 'Joey' Mercer Joseph took to the offering without quite as much enthusiasm. He raised a hand but ultimately let it hang as he made out the bread's finer... Details. Did he really want to touch that? He couldn't let himself sink that low. There was a long, disturbed pause from the man-- Too long, as it turns out, as an all-too-familiar, all-too-grubby hand snatched the bread out of sight. He was used to that by now, but it didn't stop him from scoffing and shaking his head as he straightened back up. "You'll get sick." He warned absently as he folded his arms over his chest. They could do better than spoiled bread from a child, he just knew they could. He left the thought, begrudgingly, when his name was called, and he quirked a brow at Piper, all muffled words and stuffed cheeks. He'd learned to translate by now. "Foulin' bread, that's all it is. Lad's hardly carrying loaves fresh from the oven." He just had to correct her at first, before he drew his attention down to the bizarre little boy in the spotlight. He couldn't have much, could he? Joseph looked him up and down and twisted at a bead-adorned strand of hair. "Ha! Boy might just have quality tastes. ...Figure he would'a said somethin' by now. Hm. Lad with a broken voice, few things more tragic." He couldn't help but make light of it. Joseph glanced between the two before he settled on Piper and waggled his brows. He caught an odd glance, but thought little of it. Did something else just catch her eye? Hm. He found himself peering at Jason out of the corner of his eye. It was hard what to make of the silent boy. Was he a thief offering food as an apology, or was he just a little brain addled? How could you even tell with mutes? "A walk? What's--..." He could spot her unease from a mile off if he had to. He'd seen it too often. His lips twitched into a thin line and he peered suddenly over his shoulder. Quite the crowd, some more shiftily dressed than others. Even a woman all in dark leathers, he'd keep an eye on her. It all put him ill at ease, but he assured himself that they hadn't done anything wrong... At least today. "...My ship." He repeated shortly after her. Piper was in his gaze now, and a tinge of disappointment was evident in his expression. He knew what she was suggesting. Children. Had they come so low as to rifle through the pockets of children? He pursed his lips at her and shook his head faintly. He wanted a crate of cargo, not the contents of a boy's pockets. How could a man make his fortune on that? "...Grand idea." He let out after a pause. "But you get to keep an eye on our tight-lipped friend, y'don't want him running off." He clapped her on the shoulder as he took the front of the group, and with a spin on his heel he peered back at them. He gave that woman, Isabeau, in the distance a pausing glance. He told himself to wait to see if she followed. Piper's schemes were low, but all the worse if somebody caught them in the act. Hells, he couldn't imagine the shame. "...Show him real quick. Then we gotta' do what I told you about earlier." He relented with that, glancing between Piper and the boy. Without further delay, he jerked his head over his shoulder and turned with. Off he went en route to the docks, on the lookout for delightfully unattended cargo. @IcePezz @Strafe</s> <|message|>Xusin (pronounced Zoo-Zynn) - The Lost The general feel of the current conversation seemed that everybody wanted to make their way to the apothecary shop. Xusin's mind went to fear. Would the apothecary requir payment? She had no money of human currency yet though! She had fallen off the boat long before recieving payment for her swabbing. Thusly, Xusin's brain raked up a different thought, to save herself from a possibly expensive medical bill. "Arent you supposed to buy a lady a drink before inquiring her medical records?" Genius! A few minutes, maybe even a full hour in there and I can get back to the boat. It was a shame this man frightened her so. Xusin loved humans, but this one had such a pressing and assertive personality that it wa actually intimidating! She needed to find a way to free herself from his captivating effects long enough to thibk out what she needed to do. Then again... What did she need to do? She had long since run from Jaltheor, and didnt have a personal agenda to fullfill.. Sooo... "Id be glad to join you for one or two after the four of us go to the apothecary." Genius yet again. I just wont leave myself alone with him. With the four of us together, there ought not to be too much trouble... Hopefully. But... Xusin's pupiless eyes settled upon the newer man, whose name she didnt know, though it was impossible to tell she was looking at him. This brought to mind, she didnt know ANYBODY's names, accept of coarse edict, the... Hunter. Cold shivers ran down Xusin's spine as she thought of what he might hunt. My hand does sting a bit from the salt and all.</s> <|message|>Tirarian Smooth-Tongue Tirarrian stood up, which bought her up to the new man's waist "If we go into the bar I can get some alcohol to disinfect the wound. Correction; wounds. I'm no doctor, but I should be able to apply some bandages and clean the wounds." The Gnome looked towards the lady. "Can you walk?"</s>
<|message|>Cassius Dennis Being zoned out of the conversation of the three individuals. Cassius only knows that the viscous looking man had a mouth to him, the Gnome was a bit squeamish and the woman was an oddity. His arm started to bleed profusely again Deeper than I thought huh. The city gave of a feeling of closeness and Cassius could only smile at the rather homey feel. He even noticed a few just talking and teasing one another, Cassius had only been around people who distrusted and greed in their eyes, though he never really minded, it was a nice change of pace. Snapping out of his thoughts was the Gnome lady talked about disinfecting the wound with bottle, and with her asking the other lady if she could walk. "Oh, my name if any of you are wondering, my name is Dennis, Cassius Dennis. Nice to meet you." he said to them while doing a swift and rather deep bow. "I am just looking for worthy swordsman to test my skills."</s>
<|description|>Ser Tomas Rossric Titles: Knight/Ser Social rank: Nobleman/Bastard Job or societal position: He's been granted a few honours by his sister, even though people look down on him. Officially he's a knight, and must protect the kingdom. Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: See above. Personality: Witty. He often gets out of situations with his tongue and not his sword. He's not very good at fighting. He likes to have a lot of fun, drinking, gambling. He's very different from his sister, but still loves her. History: Tomas was born a bastard to the late Lord Rossric. He does not know who his mother is, but based on his looks she was probably a northerner unlike Amber's mother, an Athosi. She does not like him, unlike his sister, for she always thought her husband was faithful. She looks down on him and rarely speaks to him. Many of the other inhabitants of the Forklands also look down on him, though some don't care of his bastardice and some even hold him in higher regard for not being a "typical nobleman". After discovering he wasn't very good at fighting, his father decided to get him more interested in books and literature. Tomas often reads, writes and this has developed him into a smart man. He constantly uses his wit and charm to get what he wants, or get out of certain situations. Skills: Use of wit and intellect, knowledge. Can only use a sword and shield, badly. Moderately good at riding. Dreams and fears: He dreams of knowing who his mother is, and also being accepted by society despite his bastardice to be less lonely. Favored equipment: He usually wears a loose tunic. In battle he covers it with chainmail and a tabard with his sigil, but with a white stripe across it showing his illegitimacy. He carries a wooden shield with a similar slashed crest, and a standard-issue hand-and-a-half (or aptly named Bastard) sword. Extra: N/A</s> <|message|>Alethea The road north was growing colder with each passing day and night. Alethea despised the cold. It brought back memories of many long nights from years gone by that she had spent huddled and shivering against her sister's frame - the only source of warmth available to her - while she prayed to any of the gods generous enough to hear her plea, that they would both wake up the next morning. She would often pray for more food too. Alethea hadn't wanted to leave the relative safety and comfort of the Great City in the south. Pickings were far more favourable there than those of other regions and the rich had more money than sense. However, her recent high-profile heists had earned her a reputation - and a price on her head. While she was wary of bounty hunters and their ilk, it was other thieves that had ultimately been behind her decision to accept an offer from a nobleman to steal something up north. The thieves and con-artists of the Great City were very territorial and had not taken kindly to a newcomer stepping on their toes and taking what they viewed as their bounty and loot. People said there was honour among thieves, but Alethea knew that if you were to ask any real thief, they would tell you you were sorely mistaken. Traveling the Great Northern Road alone was too risky, Alethea had decided, especially now that winter was drawing in. While the south enjoyed a moderate winter, the north truly did battle with the elements. Furthermore, if she decided to only travel when she thought she could pass unnoticed all the way to the north, it would take her an age to reach her destination. Thus, the most practical and safest avenue open to her was to join the wagons belonging to various traders that were heading that way. Choices were slim given the time of year, but Alethea secured herself a spot on one of them. Well, two spots really as Baego, the young lad that had stuck to her side like an adhesive for the past few months had decided to join her on her sudden journey. The wagons were less than a days ride from the heart of the north, the home of the infamous Weades. Alethea had so far tried to limit her contact with members of the trading company. The men soon got the message that no, she would not be warming their beds along the way and mostly left her alone now. The few women traveling with the wagons did try to draw her into idle chatter, but this always made Alethea feel uncomfortable. Simply talking with people had always been difficult for the young woman. She was never sure on what she should say or how to act. In such circumstances, Baego was her hero. He had sensed her discomfort right from the get go and would step into conversations or even answer for her. Baego had no problem talking - in fact, there was rarely a time when he wasn't talking. Even in his sleep he would murmur. The thief pulled her cloak tighter around her thin frame as a rather strong gale started to pick up. She hadn't managed to purchase thicker clothing for herself or Baego before they had left the Great City and the pair was suffering for it. Though neither had come down with an illness, Alethea was thankful that on the morrow she would be able to buy something more substantial to ward off the chill in the air. In the coming days, Alethea knew she would be receiving more information from her current employer on where exactly she would be stealing from as the nobleman had been rather vague on that particular aspect of the heist, simply telling her he would reveal such things when he knew she was in the north. Alethea did not like accepting work when there were such matters concealed and unknown to her, but the excitement she felt over what she was about to steal had swayed her decision.</s> <|message|>Joakim Mirke Weade Joakim sat upon the throne for several more minutes, as some of the earls had not yet left and he didn't want to seem rude by leaving before them. They were talking to eachother while overlooking the strategic map on the large table in front of the throne, pointing at several holdings of their own, to the north where recent reports of barbaric woodspeople have surfaced, an old annoyance to the Weade that Joakims' father had thought dealt with. Apparently they hadn't been dealt with. After pointing at the north, their hands shifted south to the border of the Forklands and the Whitelands. The few things Joakim heard from them related to the trade resuming there after a road had become unaccesible due to a heavy storm. It's good that trade resumed, whatever small amount of trade passed through. After discussing all that they bowed for Joakim, whom nodded in return and made a small gesture with his hand, before they left. Joakim was about to follow suit and retire for the night, but it seemed ser Rolland had urgent news of some sorts. He walked towards Joakim with a Northerners stride, it seemed, and handed him the daily raven messages. An annoyed look becrept Joakims face, more so for the messages than ser Rolland, for he had already gotten plenty of messages. No doubt these were more letters of support in this time of mourning. Joakim shook his head, they were merely trying to rub the Weades' the right way for the most part as most of them paid no mind to Rikard unless they needed something. However a certain letter caught his eye, being sealed with the seal of an Athos man. Quickly he opened it, and read it carefully. It seemed Jovan Athos was on his way to the north, a dangerous escapade for anyone, and more so this plagued man. But he was welcome none the less. Joakim turned back to Rolland, throwing the other letters onto the table without paying them more mind. From his jackets' pocket he revealed a letter, marked with the sign of Harrighfield, meaning it must've been written by lord Perris himself. "A message from the Harrighfields," he spoke softly, to not allow anyone other than Rolland to hear. "he claims the right to sit on our throne, as according to him Gregar is not fit to rule. And more so, he claims that right by force. We are going to war, it seems. I want you to raise the guards, and double the patrols. There will be no tresspassers here tonight." Joakim gave him a serious, stern and strict look before rolling the letter back to a mere roll of paper, and stuffed it back in his jacket. What he didn't mention to Rolland was the chance for a peaceful solution, though Gregar would not like it, most likely. His hands went over to the table again, grabbing the pile of letters, before greeting Rolland with a nod and walking away to his chambers. He would probably have to spend a night writing the 'thank you' letters to everyone, and then the entire tomorrow to rewrite them, as his handwriting was rather sloppy. --- Gregar smiled at Amber, who seemed intent on mocking him as he did her. "Aye, that horse was a tough one." His head turned around the room once again, spotting amidst the crowd that had gathered a man he knew as Tomas, the bastard. The man had somewhat short hair and a small beard, with a pair of blue eyes that would make any woman swoon as soon as the next. Gregar had never really been interested in him, and usually talked to him only when he had to, but he was sure the boy was a fine man. A bastard, but a fine man. A hand went up as he waved at Tomas slightly, almost as if he was trying to be funny doing it. He noticed some others, amongst others a tradesman he knew to be.. less than trustworthy, but very rich. He hadn't understood why Amber had kept the tradesman turned noble around, but then again Gregar didn't understand the concept of wealth either. Some armed man stood around the tradesman, but Gregar paid him no mind, since he blent in with the environment rather easily. Besides Amber were the advisors, all looking the part with their fancy robes and clothes, and a devilous grin on their face, as if they were so happy to spend their days listening to commoners' pleas. Or perhaps they were happy because they could rub their grubby little hands all over the Rossrics' wealth. "However if you'd excuse me, I wish to rest and the road to my home is yet long. Perhaps you have a quarters for me, after which I can stay the rest of tomorrow, leaving in the evening? I'd reach the border before midnight, and after that it would be not much longer."</s>
<|message|>Ser Tomas Rossric Amber nodded. She beckoned to one of the guards next to her, the Captain of the Guard, the man she trusted most after Tomas. "Please find lodgings for our good friend Lord Gregar. I should think my father's chambers are in order," she said. She hoped he would not be modest and refuse. The truth was most of the other chambers were now full, the royal one being among the few empty ones. She had chosen to keep her old room, and her brother and Tomas both avoided the royal chambers, leaving it unused. No one seemed shock at offering the old Duke's chambers, as Gregar was a reknowned nobleman and fighter. Amber thought for a second, then added "We'd be glad to entertain you for the night and tomorrow. Will you dine with us in the hall?". She made a mental note to ask the cooks to prepare a feast tonight, in honour of their guest. A few bards could be in order. She'd have to find a maid to see to the seating, as well. The Guard Captain came back to stand next to the queen. The manservant he'd brought came next to Gregar, waiting for his answer before bringing him to his chambers.</s>
<|description|>Cynthia Krymore Age: 20 Gender: Female Weapons: Relies solely on counseled weaponry. i.e. Hidden blades, hidden pistols, throwing knives, wrist mounted crossbow, etc. Abilities/Strengths: Efficient, quick, agile, has an almost sixth sense level of awareness, resourceful, quick witted, and is an escape artist. Weaknesses: Likes to work alone, doesn't get along with people, is cold towards others(even allies), has a superiority complex, and is often viscious when killing. Short Bio: Cynthia use to be a part of a cruel street gang, terrorizing the city and killing innocent people for fun. Unfortunately for the gang, they attacked a small group of assassins and most of them were killed off. The assassins spared Cynthia however as they saw a lot of potential in her and eventually convinced here to join them. Whatever Else: Cynthia can sometimes get a little bloodthirsty, a side effect from her time with the gang, and will try attacking innocent civilians.</s> <|message|>Cynthia Krymore "Must I keep reminding you of The Creed you chose to live by Cynthia?" A man in dark robes slammed his hands down on the table infront of him and his voice became firm. "The tenets are clear and must be followed, not just for the safety and piece of the world, but also the safety of you and the brotherhood you willingly serve! I should have you killed for how many times you have broken the Creed! Do you even remember it?" "Of course I remember The Creed, Jason!" The young lady snapped back, "Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, hide in plain sight, and never compromise the Brotherhood. See, I can say it without even thinking about it." Jason let out a sigh, "Memorizing the words isn't enough, you have to live by it, breath by it, hell I want you to sneeze by the damn thing if you have to. This isn't a game Cynthia this is your life, it's our life. It the very reason the Brotherhood still exists today. We can't have you putting all of that in danger just because you think you're better than everybody." Cynthia huffed at the man, brushing her bangs out of her face, "Fine, what's the punishment this time?" The young lady crossed her arms in an impatient fashion. The Mentor, Jason, shook his head letting out another sigh, "You're not going to like this, C. But we are going to have to keep a closer eye on you, so we are going to partner you up with an assassin that's at your level." Just as Jason finished his sentence, Dimitri dropped down from the entrance, announcing his return. "Well speak of the devil and he shall appear." The man lifted his had and gestured to the boy to come closer, "Hey, Dimitri! I want you to meet your new partner, Cynthia. I believe you two haven't met yet." Cynthia's face morphed into an expression of both disbelief and anger, "You have to be kidding me right? You're teaming me up with someone? Worst of all with some loser like him?" She scoffed and shook her head, "I'd rather die at this point." Jason turned to the young lady, "It won't be as bad as you think, besides you both seem to be trouble makers so it should do both of you some good to have someone to watch your back."</s> <|message|>Dmitri Woods From above he could hear the familiar sound of a good scolding. He didn't want to be the next one to get scolded but by the time he had heard it, it was too late. His body was already falling through the opening of their hideout. Dimitri landed on his feet and crouched a bit to lessen the impact. When he stood up straight he was summoned by their boss in this city. Jason said something about meeting his new partner and Dimitri's eyes widened. "What the hell did I do?" He blurted out. "Er... I mean, it's not the middle of the night or anything and I didn't sneak out to fight Kai... UH. Hey Cynthia." At his last statement he grinned at her while pushing back his hood. His silver eyes glinted in the dim light. "For the record. I'm not a loser. I'm good at what I do and even better at... other things." Dimitri winked at her after looking her up and down.</s> <|message|>Cynthia Krymore Cynthia pretended to gag, "Please, put the hood back on your going to make me vomit." Her eyes turned to a death glare at the young boy. Jason sighed, raising a hand when immediately brought the two hoodlum's attention to him, "That's enough you too. Now you both have been somewhat of a pain to deal with lately, Cynthia you have murdered innocent civilians with out thinking and have openly pointed out you position to countless enemies, and you Dimitri, that is the 7th day in a row that you left to go after a mark with out consulting me and you have gone against orders to stay away from Kai. Now under normal circumstances, I should have you both publicly executed in front of the whole Brotherhood, but I have come up with a better plan that will not only keep you both protected, but also help you twi grow as assassins. From now on you two will be partners. You will not move or breath unless the other does as well. And if one of you breaks the Creed then you both get punished. Are we clear?" "At this point I'd rather the public execution... Is that still an option?" Cynthia asked in a half joking, half serious manner. "No," Jason said abruptly, "Now I have set up a room for the both of you. Since you two will not be allowed to anywhere without the other, I suggest you start getting to know eachother. Cause life will be much harder from now on if you can't get along." Cynthia scoffed and shot a glare at Dimitri, pointing at him firmly, "You try anything and I will end you." With that she walked past him, slamming her shoulder into his, and headed to her new living quarters.</s> <|message|>Dmitri Woods The only thing he could think, involving this girl he had never met was, wow she's a total bitch. He wondered what he had really done to deserve this punishment. Going after Kai and those other things aren't bad enough to have this THING put onto him. With a heavy sigh and a look of feigned desperation toward Jason he followed behind the bitchy girl who had intentionally bumped into him. Dimitri walked with his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. "This sucks" He said from behind the girl. "You may be cute but trust me I won't try anything. My rule is I don't screw any woman who is totally crazy. Leads to too much trouble." He moved out of the way in case she tried to turn around and kill him. "So. you like to kill innocents, huh? Sounds like something a cold, callus chick like you would do." His lips curved into a smirk. "I don't know why they don't just execute you. They've gone soft it seems."</s> <|message|>Cynthia Krymore "I don't know, being partnered with some full-of-himself loser like you? Doesn't seem too soft to me." Cynthia never even as much as glanced over at Dimitri as they made their way to their new living quarters. As she opened the door to the room, she scaned around, "Well this is a piece of shit." She sighed and brushed her bangs out of her face, "Well if I'm going to have to be stuck with you then we're going to have to lay out some ground rules. 1) Don't bother me.... Yeah, I guess that covers everything." She sat on one of the beds that sat on either side of the room and started unloading her gear onto a nearby table. By the time she was done, there was an almost unbelievable amout of hidden and easily concealable weaponry laid out on the table, most of which were still covered with her most recent kill's blood. After she set it all out, she took a rag from one of here pouches and started cleaning her gear.</s> <|message|>Dmitri Woods When they entered the room, Dimitri ran and plopped himself down on the bed to removed his weapons. First up was the bandoleer that held his stun grenades which he dropped on the floor without a care. Then he removed his kasari-gama, still soaked in the blood of his latest victims. He then removed his short sword from his back and his utility belt which held his smoke pellets. The last thing he removed were his wrist guards which held his hidden blades. After all this was done, he threw himself down on the bed and pulled the shabby blanket over himself. "Good night, lady." With a chuckle he rolled over away from her and closed his eyes. Letting himself drift off to sleep. He wasn't about to allow her to ruin the rest of his night.</s> <|message|>Cynthia Krymore Cynthia glared at the boy as he rolled over and finished cleaning her gear. After she was done, the young lady stretched a little and laid down grabbing one of her many throwing knifes and started to gently toss it up in the air. At this point she assumed that Dimitri was asleep, allowing her self to drop the whole superior act that she puts on and let out a small sigh. "Trust me kid, she spoke quietly knowing that Dimitri probably wouldn't be able to hear her, "Knowing the crazy me is bestter then knowing the real me." With one more toss of the knofe, Cynthia let it fly up and embed itself into the ceiling, then slowly rolling over to face the wall, she eventually fell asleep. It was about 4 in the morning when Cynthia was jolted awake from some horrific nightmare that she couldn't remember. Her days always seemed to start this way, waking up terrified with out even knowing why. Beats of sweat rolled down her face as she slowly calmed herself down, her breaths were short and shallow, but eventually began to lengthen as her heart beat slowed. After a minute or tow, when she could finally think clearly, Cynthia climbed out of bed, gathering her jacket and equipment and silently leaving the room, making sure she didn't wake Dimitri. The girl made her way up to the roof of the Assassins building, sitting on the edge and letting her feet dangle. She watched as people and vehicles slowly began to swarm the road below, unaware of both the assassin and the templar organizations. It made her dream sometimes that she had never found out about them, you know what they say, ignorance is bliss.</s> <|message|>Dmitri Woods He hardly dreamt. When he did it was just average weird shit, memories all jumbled together. Mostly memories of his past which, compared to others wasn't that bad. His family was still alive, he found out about them a while back and checked up on them from afar from time to time. They didn't even know he existed... Dimitri woke up slowly. He was never one for mornings and did NOT want to wake up. He looked over to where his new partner would have been sleeping but she wasn't there. "The hell? Where'd she go?" The young man hopped out of bed, snatching up his jacket and putting it on as he exited the room. The clock outside of the room let him know that it was Too-early-o'clock. UGHH. "This chick I swear." He climbed up and out of the sanctum and stood tall atop the rooftop. Then he spotted her. She was sitting on the roof, legs hanging off the edge. With a sigh he crossed his arms and began to speak. "Lovely isn't it? They all live their lives free of the burden we bear." Plopping down next to her he looked down at all the innocent people and cars passing by. "Sorta makes you wish you were one of them, doesn't it?"</s> <|message|>Cynthia Krymore Cynthia tried to hide her surprised jump when Dimitri started speaking. When he finished she huffed at him, "Why would I want to be like them?" Her voice didn't have her normal better-than-everybody tone, it almost sounded a bit forced. It seemed Dimitri's sudden appearance didn't give her the time she needed to switch back to her bitchy ways. Cynthia turned slightly so she was faced away from the boy who sitting next to her, "Besides don't act like we're friends, you don't know anything about me."</s> <|message|>Dmitri Woods "We must become 'friends' to become partners to become better assassins. or some shit like that." He told her. "Hate me all you want, I'm not going any where." Dimitri stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm not the greatest of guys, but I'm also not the worst, you're going to have to learn to live with me, sweetheart." With those final words he lept down into the bureau to go collect his things and get ready for the day's events. Normally he would have gotten up a lot later and he would have gone out on a mission alone to kill some corrupt target who may or may not have been assigned to him. But since he was stuck with Cynthia he decided he would stick around a while. What choice did he really have?</s>
<|message|>Cynthia Krymore Cynthia scoffed and spoke under her breath as he jumped down into the bureau, "I don't need to be BETTER." She shoke her head as she stood upfrom her spot on the roof, "But I guess he has a point, I'll just have to tolerate him till he either dies or Jason breaks us apart." She sighed as she dropped back into the building, "Guess it's time to get our first contract." Jason looked over and saw Cynthia approaching with her usually smug face, "I see you haven't ran away yet, so it couldn't be all that bad." "Key word there Jason, YET." "It'll get better, you just have to accept the fact that you two are stuck together." He chuckled a little to himself, as much as the partnership was meant to help the two assassins, he had to admit it was rather amusing. Once Cynthia was close enough, Jason handed her a paper, "This is all the information we have on your guy's targets." "Targets?" Cynthia looked a little confused, "How many are we actually talking about?" "It's a mafia group, you and Dimitri will be going after the head family, they've been causing some issues around the city and we need them eliminated before things get too out of hand." Cynthia shook her head, "Look I know I'm the best assassin you have, but two of us will not be enough to kill an entire mafia family." "Well then you an your partner better start working on a plan."</s>
<|description|>Adrian Nicholson Age: 20 Gender: Male Godly Parent: Agni, Hindu god of fire Brief description of godly parent: The Hindu minor god, Agni, is said to be a son of Dyaus and Prithivi; he is called the son of Brahma. An immortal considered a priest that rises before the dawn. He is represented as a red man, having three legs and seven arms, dark eyes, eyebrows and hair. He rides on a ram, and wears a poita (Brahmanical thread). Flames of fire issue from his mouth, and seven streams of glory radiate from his body. Adrian stands at a solid 6 feet. Tan skin, green eyes, and shoulder length black hair usually tied into a bun or ponytail. Facial hair is usually shaved, though he'll let a goatee grow out from time to time. He's usually wearing something very loose, very casual. Maybe a hoodie and basketball shorts, maybe a t-shirt and baggy jeans. If he's not walking around barefoot, then he's wearing flip-flops. Let's be honest, to the uninitiated, he looks like a bum. Skills/Powers/Weapons: Given his heavenly heritage, Adrian naturally possesses a control over flame. This includes conjuration, manipulation, and resilience. Alongside this remarkable ability, his body boasts feats of impressive speed and durability. Strengths/Weaknesses: Anyone can tell you, fire is as destructive as it is helpful. And Adrian has these...tendencies. An abundance of flame (say, a wildfire) is uncontrollable in the boy's eyes. Not only that, but such an abundance brings out a urge in him, to keep the flame alive, to help it flourish and spread. In these episodes of arson, he tends to take on a look closer resembling his father. A red skinned, seven armed form, with flames pouring from his lips. With an axe of flame in each hand, he mindlessly lays waste to everything in his vicinity. It was why he was at the Refuge, after all. He considered it a place to keep his abilities under control. He curses the existence of his godly parent and has no intention on practicing his religion, wishing he was never bestowed with such a "gift". Other: He keeps these negative urges at bay through meditation, and through general camaraderie and social interaction. He figures if he can keep these urges out of mind and out of body, he can keep them under control. As a result he tends to present himself as approachable and friendly.</s> <|message|>Michael Peterson "Normally I am, but like with God I have a righteous wrath when provoked and now I'm trying to refrain from resorting to violence when in these situation" Michael replied to Adrian as he bit into an apple and loved its taste. "I have to say that this apple is amazing, every one God's creations has purpose. I don't believe in the idea that somethings are more worthless than others, what you might need now may not be what you will need later" he said to them getting a little philosophical. He then heard Johnny offer them tea and accepted the demigod's offer. "I like a good tea, do either of you like coffee?" he asked the both of them as he took a sip of the tea.</s> <|message|>Adrian Nicholson Adrian nodded in thanks as he received his own cup of tea. It was milder than he anticipated, but it was appreciated nonetheless. He looked on and listened as Michael explained his particular ordeal. "Righteous fury, huh? Like a Templar? I guess explains the weird digs. The rules must be a bit more flexible for him." As he took another long sip, Michael did his some of his own rambling, a spiel that gave a bit of insight on the kind of regard he held his heavenly father in. "He's devoted, at least." It made him take a brief thought about his own father. But he was quick to wave the thought away. The least he thought about Agni, the better. "I like a good tea, do either of you like coffee?" Michael brought Adrian back to the present with a fairly trivial question. "Yeah, I'm down for either, really. Just depends on the time of day, for me..." As his reply trailed off, he helped himself to an orange, peeling it down slowly, as if in some form of introspection. "So uh...just wondering, but how fast does your uh, ghostly form travel? Like, from one place to another. Is it immediate, like teleportation? Or does it actually have to like, travel to its destination?" Adrian asked.</s> <|message|>Johnny Hisachi "Well then I shall be sure to thank the children of Yer Ana for you then. Her children do wonderful work with them." Johnny replied looking pleased at his guests enjoyment as he took a small tangerine and began to peel it. "I find personally I prefer my coffee with plenty of sugar to offset the bitterness of it. Other than that I like it well enough." He replied, eating a bit of the tangerine before putting it down to drink a sip of tea. "Perhaps, but some things have grown obsolete with time. Their significance more historical than practical. It doesn't make them less important, but it more means their limitations have been surpassed by something else and the old must find a new niche or bow to the flow of time."</s> <|message|>Simon Kilpela The light fluttered serenely through trees to light the interior of his cabin in a brilliant light, unfortunately casting itself upon his eyes, much to Simon's disgust. Can't a fella just sleep in forever? He mused groggily, staring out from the slits of his eyes at the view from his balcony. Quite the sight, and one Simon had been looking to snag since he first entered this camp, patiently waiting for the previous occupant to vacate before swooping in for the spoils. Shifting up his beds headboard, Simon stretched out into a sitting position, groaning in satisfaction as he waited for the fog of sleep to wear off. "Another day in paradise." He muttered to himself with a small grin, swiftly untangling himself from his sheets to walk over to his mini kitchen, immediately putting on the kettle to brew himself a coffee. With most of his morning rituals out of the way, Simon was eventually able to sit himself down with his drink, staring out over his balcony at the days activities. Some tended gardens while others played, and some extra lucky bastards were still asleep. Oh, how Simon envied them. From the corner of his eye he noticed Ephraim drilling the newbies again, silently frowning over his coffee as he strained to remember if his presence had been required, puffing up his cheeks with a sigh as he believed it wasn't healthy to dwell on such things as responsibility. Moments later had him giving his cup a quick rinse in the sink, until Simon felt that all too familiar feeling, hunger. That Johnny bloke usually knows how to rustle together some decent grub, I think I might pay him a visit. He processed internally, instinctively making his way to the grove as he thought on other things. "Morning lads." He said in greeting as made his way over, grunting as he folded uncomfortably in on his self to take a seat at the table.</s> <|message|>Michael Peterson "I'll be sure to serve you both sometime in the future, I brought some African coffee that's from Ethiopia and it's pretty good" he replied to them. Michael listened to Adrian ask about his Holy Ghost and how fast it traveled. "Well it can fly faster than a human can run, I'm not sure how fast it can really fly" he answered. Then a newcomer came into the grove and being polite Michael greeted him. "Good morning Simon, we're having fruits and tea, would you like some?" He asked Simon offering him an apple.</s> <|message|>Ephidel Ephraim cried out in pain as a monster got a lucky blow, its claws creating three deep gashes from left shoulder to right hip. Turning, he stabbed it through the chest and then cut its head off, but the wound was affecting him, and he was slower than normal. He almost didn't notice the monster coming up behind him, and just barely got his sword up in time to block. The beast attempted to use its superior weight to crush the demigod, but it never got the chance. Roots burst out of the ground, seeking out every single one of the monsters and wrapping around them, pulling them underground to their deaths. "We have to stop meeting like this." Another root wrapped around Ephraim gently, carrying him over to a young man wrapped in a purple cloak. Tsking in disapproval, the newcomer examined the slashes. "Hm. Not good." With one hand, he brought healing herbs to him and applied them deftly. "You are turning me into quite the capable wilderness healer. I suppose I should thank you for that." "Enough with the joking." Ephraim gritted out, trying to block out the pain as he spoke. "I get enough of it with the others. I don't need it with you, too, Ephidel." There was an undercurrent of amusement in his voice, however, and Ephidel chuckled. "I'm sure you do. Now hold still." After he finished applying the herbs, Ephidel ripped up the remains of Ephraim's shirt to use as bandages. That done, he stepped back and examined his work critically. "That will do for now." Turning, he made the root carrying Ephraim follow him back towards the Refuge. "You know, you really aren't giving a good example to the younger ones." "I needed to fight." Ephraim kept his answers short, trying not to cause himself any more pain. "No one to challenge. All were busy. Monsters need killing, anyway." "Yes, yes, spare me the spiel, I've heard it before." Ephidel glanced back at his almost-friend and smiled slightly, to show that he didn't really mean it. "Now hush, we're almost there, and I don't want to be seen."</s> <|message|>Rhodri Ceredigion Rhodri only chuckled, gently placing the younger child down onto the ground. It wasn't the first time someone had found themselves entranced by his appearance. His mother had been divinely beautiful after all, so it seemed like he had taken after her in that department. Though it was the first time such a young kid had done so. "Don't bite down too hard, mate," he cautioned, tapping Rayon on the head. "You'll start bleeding, and you're way too young to be kicking the bucket." He wasn't too sure on how old exactly the kid was though. Seven? Twelve? Somewhere in between? But no matter the age, he wasn't letting a child get hurt on his watch.</s> <|message|>Ephidel "Ah, there it is." Ephidel's lips curved upwards slightly in a pleased smirk. "The Refuge, and your favorite part of it, the healer's cabin." Ignoring Ephraim's muttering, he sent a root to tap on the door ahead of him. As the healer opened the door, Ephidel was just reaching it, with Ephraim in tow. "Ah, Jake. So glad you're here. Ephraim managed to get himself hurt again, rather badly." He had the roots carry the demigod into the cabin, lay him down on a bed, and then retreat, sinking back into the ground. "Of course he did." Jake shook his head and turned to Ephraim, undoing Ephidel's work to get a good look at the wounds. "Eesh. Even with godly healing, this will scar, Ephraim." "I know." Ephraim answered simply. The news was nothing new to him. Among all the demigods at the refuge, he was probably the one with the most scars, and had grown used to it. Sitting there on the bed, shirtless, he looked resigned. "Just give me the medicine." Ephidel leaned against the wall, watching. After Jake was finished with Ephraim, he would make his usual requests, which would most likely be granted. Right now, however, he just wanted to make sure that the person who was the closest he had to a friend would be alright.</s> <|message|>Adrian Nicholson "Heyy Sy, morning!" Adrian greeted alongside Michael, showing a grin as he joined the three at the table. "Ey, didja hear? Vicki got into some shit with Riley on the target range. She shot 'im in the foot!" He recapped to the finnish god's child, with no lack of enthusiasm. "Granted, in her defense, the dude dropped lil' Rayon from like, a hundred feet out of the air and called it "training". Talk about your normal Monday morning, eh?" He added, discarding his orange peels before helping himself to more fruit. Adrian usually wasn't the one to gossip, but with these sort of shenanigans occurring almost daily, sometimes he couldn't help but chat somebody up about it.</s> <|message|>Simon Kilpela Simon gave a quick wink and a nod of thanks as he took the offered apple, pocketing it for no particular reason as he turned to listen to Adrian, his hands working their way through the various assortments of fruit. Plucking up the most desirable ones his eye could find to them pop in his mouth or amass before him. "So what did old frost tips do after that?" He said through a mouthful of grapes, chuckling all the while. "Knowing him he probably claimed it had no effect, being a mortal weapon and all. You should hear the grief he gives me about using this." He added, patting the blade on his hip as his other hand snatched up a particularly juicy pear. Definitely nicking that for a lunch time snack. Although a potent magic user and enthusiast, not even Simon could get on the same level of appreciation for it as Riley, which showed in the passion he held for his sword work and lack of practice with his abilities, this mainly stemmed from his hate of the horrific aroma that seemed to emit from him upon its use.</s>
<|message|>Adrian Nicholson "Yeah! He tried to play it off, y'know, how he always does. Put the foot in a cast made of ice, and hobbled off." Adrian replied with a chuckle. "And Vicki's just like "what a bitch!", right? Classic Vicki, no filter, doesn't give a fuck." He sighed and shook his head. "He really wants us to take him seriously, but it's so hard, y'know? Like, he does his whispery grim voice, and tries to be imposing, but with the dyed hair and the noodle-y arms, sometimes he just makes me wonder if he's ever being serious or not." Adrian added, reaching for an apple of his own.</s>
<|description|>Light Alias(s): Light Age: 24 Affiliations: Heroes Factions: Reformists. Description: Light wears no costume, and fights in her civilian cloths if you can call them that. Light is a 5"5 tall female humanoid with cartoonish looking features including an overly large round head with no nose and very large eyes, fin-like ears, skinny biceps with large forearms and hands which have sharp fingers. She has a more exaggerated hourglass shape with large hips, with her legs ending in sharp points where her feet should be. She wears a blue and white sleeveless dress that has an M cut in the front to show her legs. She has pure white skin, short blue hair, and black eyes with orange iris'. Powers: Adaptive Total Regeneration: Light can regenerate from any injury except atomization, even supernatural ones such as having her soul split and the like. Additionally after regenerating from an injury, Light will gain resistance to that type of injury, her body changing texture to show what she is resistant to. This temporary resistance goes away after a couple of hours. Weakness: Light can't adapt to injuries caused by Iron or Silver. Contact with Iron causes a mild burning sensation while contact with Silver causes violent bursts of flame. These injuries can lead to atomization, causing Light to die and respawn at a random site after awhile with a bit of a memory loss depending on what she was killed by. Atomization without iron/silver does almost nothing while Iron does a little and Silver can do quite a bit. Naturally this psuedo immortality has made Light very careless in combat, at least when Silver isn't involved. Energy Siphon: Light passively steals energy from whatever she is touching. She can't control this effect at all, however the more damaged she is, the more energy she leeches from things. Weakness: Light can't siphon energy from objects made of Iron or Silver. Pocket Space: Light can store objects in a small pocket dimension under/behind her dress. Weakness: Light can't store objects made of Iron or Silver. Void Slip: Light can pull a hole out from under her dress, giving her a personal wormhole to any place within her sightlines. Weakness: Light can't place her exit hole on any objects made of Iron or Silver. Super Strength: Light has superhuman strength due to her Faye powers. Weakness: Light's strength is reduced when in contact with Iron and drastically reduced when in contact with Silver, or when hitting objects made of Iron or Silver. Skills: Light is familiar with quite a few things due to having to grow up alone on the streets, but doesn't have mastery over anything worth mentioning. She does learn quite fast however, when she isn't fooling around. Equipment: None, Light stores random things in her Pocket Space though. Ranking: A (Optional) Brief History: Light was an orphan that grew up on the streets of LA, making a living using her powers more for the entertainment of others than anything. One day the government took notice and took her in, Light being a big help with the downfall of Aperture. For the past few years the government has made Light into a pop star to try to foster better relationships with metas and non metas, while still using her unique powers to stop terrorists or the like.</s> <|message|>Clementine Mercer. Clementine Mercer --- "You remember the plan right?" The man beside her growled. His voice was like a gravel path on her ears. Harsh and imposing. Clementine nodded complacently and smiled as much as she dared without drawing more of his ire. Being the new gal in the group wasn't exactly easy. Especially when that group was an organized cadre of burglars and thieves. In the back of the delivery truck, they waited as they drove to their destination. Clementine's breath was caught in her throat every time they slowed down. Every moment was spent looking at the door and waiting for it to fly open and reveal the police just waiting for her. Waiting to take her away to jail. She shook every now and then, and her tongue felt heavy. Her skin was crawling with goosebumps and her heart beat hard. Her chest felt like it was going to collapse with how hard her heart was beating. The impatient snapping of the man beside her brought her back into the moment and away from her fears. "Okay, well if you remember, then tell me your part, Snow." Snow. The callsign she had picked for her. Because she was very pale. And because she was 'fragile'. She thought nothing of it at first, but now she could feel the bite that the name had intended to have. She stammered for a moment, brushing some of her ghostly-white hair out of her face and cuffing it behind her ear. "I... uh, I am running bags. That is all. I am a bagman. I don't talk. I don't act. I follow, I stay low and I carry the bags." The man looked at her as she read all this off, like a practiced speech. He was nodded slowly. She was right. Keep calm, keep quiet, carry bags. That was all she had to do. They had drilled that into her enough by now that she could remember. That and she had worked hard to get into this crew so quickly, on such short notice, that she would lose her mind if she forgot. "Good. You've remembered well. It'll be over before you know it and then we'll all be sitting pretty back by ourselves. Just a little bit richer." He smiled at that and looked to the others. They were smiling too. She didn't recognize them, they had already pulled on their masks, but there were six of them including herself and the man beside her. Small team for a small part of a bigger scheme. "We're not far out now," The man beside her, Woody, with the cowboy hat and ski-mask on, said with that same impatient tone, "We'll be there in just a bit longer, so make your last preparations." He stood for a moment to check his outfit and look over the others, holding an object out to Clementine without even looking at her. It was a handgun. What kind, she wasn't sure. It was boxy and black. That was all she knew. She had seen something like it in gangster and crime movies. She knew how to use a gun. Don't touch the trigger unless you want to shoot, point the loud end at the bad people. Simple enough. She took it slow and put it in the shoulder holster she was provided with, along with the two magazines that were already there strapped to her chest. Clementine sat in silence for most of the trip there, fiddling with her mask out of anxiousness. Her heart was in her throat and going strong when Woody came back and clasped a hand on her shoulder. "Stay low and stay close, Snow. We've just got to get in and get out. No troubles if we stick to the plan." She nodded once more and pulled her plain black ski-mask over her head. It was going to happen and it was going to happen soon. She was ready. Disneyland, here she comes.</s> <|message|>Aya Lynn Germain Aya Aya had floated through the past two days in a fog. She went to classes, did her work, clocked in at the bookstore, but not matter what she did or where she went, all she could see were her stars, dancing just past her eyes. She'd managed to not use her power for over a year before that incident with the knight. She'd been content to tiptoe around this city like a minefield, keeping her secret. But now someone knew. But he'd seemed like a good sort… the kind who would respect her secret. Besides, who was to say they'd ever meet again? As noticeable as he was in that armor, he wouldn't be difficult to avoid if she needed to. Empty reassurances circled her mind for two days straight, but she still jumped at every sound, still saw blood-splattered churches with lifeless bodies resting on the pews. She hadn't used her power once since the incident, but Aya still saw her stars. She was walking from the campus to the metro station so she could cross the city to her work. The street was oddly quiet today, the crowd thinner than usual, and Aya glanced around, nervous. Something had to be going on. But then she heard an odd, metallic-tinged voice echoing through the city. Someone was speaking into microphone, too far away for Aya to properly make out the words. At least, until she heard one word in particular: Metas. Despite her better judgement, Aya found herself moving towards the voice, and the closer she got the thicker the crowds became. She'd forgotten that Mayor Martinez was holding some sort of press conference on Metas after the massacre. Light, some big name Reformist was back in town, and people needed to feel secure. She saw what looked like a glowing cloud-bird before she saw the mayor's building, and the blatant display of power almost made her hesitate. It seemed to be putting the people around her on edge too, but Aya pushed on, beaconed by a morbid sort of curiosity. A giant projector screen was propped up before the steps of the office, showing the mayor inside, flanked by Light and who Aya assumed to be other Reformists. "And I have full faith," he went on, "That General Smoak and the Reformists, along with the Los Angeles Police Department, are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of this city and its people." A lukewarm applause sounded throughout the crowd, as reporters inside pushed forward to ask their questions. Aya just sunk further away, telling herself she needed to hurry up and get to work, but unable to move her feet.</s> <|message|>Aiko Fujiwara Aiko yelled at Eli as she was pulled away. The kids were okay but she wanted to be with Eli. "Hey Eli-san!. Eli!" She yelled over the roar of the crowsds having fun. She was suspecting something as the kids took her around the corner. But what would happen this is Disneyland, with first class security and attentive security people. What would happen? It was Aiko was thinking that she was punched in the face. At first she could not beleive it. Then another punch, and another. Aiko began to fight back she grabbed a girl near her and broke her left arm. A boy neaby had his knee kicked and turned the other direction with a sickening snap. Aiko bit one girl's ear, clawed at another boy, knocked out one girl. But these kids kept punhing her she fought as hard as she could but even the kids with broken limbs kept punching her there was one final punch. Aiko fell back and the world fell black. She had been able to try and take the memories of the kids. One would not even know who she was.</s>
<|message|>Light Lucas, one of the new metas to the Reformists, sorta made Light feel a bit uneasy with his constant flirting. She had only known him for the past couple days, but apparently his amorous knew no bounds if it related to anyone of the opposite gender. It was flattering in a way, due to Light looking cartoonish yet threatening due to her proportions and thus not really hit upon by many people. She would've found it charming, if Lucas didn't flirt with everyone constantly, plus his age didn't help much either. This lead to a pretty awkward limo ride with Lucas sitting next to Light, trying to hit on her on occasion, and her trying to push his attention elsewhere. When they got to the press conference near city hall, Light was happy to get out of the limo and made her way into the building much faster than was necessary, noticing the cloud above them and making a note to keep an eye on it. When she got inside the building, a greeter got her attention and lead her to the mayor, who shook her rather large hand vigorously with a smile on his face. "Glad you could make it Light. These past few days haven't been very good for public morale, so I hope the fact that having you back in the city should help matters." He said, guiding her to a seat.</s>
<|description|>Astrid Hamdottir/Rougish Astrid Age: Twenty-seven Brand: Mist Weapon/Rune: Compound bow. It itself lacks runes, but Astrid uses several different types of trick arrows with various runes that allow for explosive/incendiary arrows (her own mist brand); laser beams, shield arrows, flash arrows, light arrows (light runes); poison arrows, freezing arrows, and razor arrows (liquid runes). Non-magical twinned curved swords, about as long as one's forearm, the blades are designed to draw as much blood as possible and make wounds that are difficult to close without magical means thanks to well-honed edges. Non-magical throwing knives. It's honestly surprising how many she carries, seemingly pulling them out of nowhere. Faction: Ex-Old Path, now a freelancer that takes contracts with the White Teeth, Golden Boys, et cetera. Personality: Distant and reserved, the only emotions Astrid seems to display are those of negativity. Often appearing scornful and annoyed, few people realize that these emotions are more of a face than reality, although they were originally adopted from two things. First, her time in the Old Path taught her to eschew and deride the modernity of current day Kokotha, a feeling she often has difficultly setting aside despite enjoying many of the luxuries afforded to the modern citizen. Secondly, most people call her "Rougish Astrid," a name she highly dislikes due to her actual training as a scout. Background: With several years of training as a scout and ranger in the forces of the Old Path, Astrid eventually found herself wandering further and further from the Path, both literally and figuratively, as she saw more and more of the modern world. Eventually, she went AWOL, leaving the order to begin working as a freelancer and information gather that is usually under contract to the White Tooth Men or Golden Boys. Other: She still wears her own armour from her time in the Old Path, although it has been dyed and repainted. Its black and grey colour scheme offers a lot in the way of stealth. Dialogue colour</s> <|message|>Daud Jameson Daud Storm At Gregor's question about his previous encounter with Xenan, Daud smirked underneath his helmet, struggling to keep the massive stone slab erect and sturdy. "I kept on killing him until he stopped coming back!" He said, before shaking his head. "Alas, doesn't seem that quite worked out like I expected. But the cuffs, hmm..." Daud began to think, struggling against the onslaught of magic against his stone shield. The massive blast causing it to crumble, piece by piece, forced Daud to quickly decide on a strategy... before nodding, and shouting out. "Alright, the cuffs then! No time to waste!" Suddenly, he raised his foot and kicked into the stone wall, causing it to explode towards Xenan in a shower of shrapnel. It was partially an attack, but mostly a distraction. Within the cloud of stone shards, Daud leaped through, swinging his halberd at Xenan's neck. As he did so, he shouted to Mercury as well. "LASS! LIGHT HIM UP!"</s> <|message|>Astrid Hamdottir/Rougish Astrid "Yeh folks knock 'im down, an' I can get 'em on 'im." Duff had already tucked the cuffs away again, drawing his sabre to cut through the back of the hard light dome. It would easily yield to the Voidstone infused sword, the magic-hating material opening up a small exit just in case they needed it. As he cut, though, he kept the revolver in his left hand up and ready. The double action design meant he didn't have to manage the hammer, but he still had to keep half an eye out for any attacks. And so he did as he sliced through the makeshift prison their opponent threw up. Hopefully his colleagues would keep the arse off him; but you could never be so sure... And as a non-Caster... Duff didn't want to think about what that bastard might want to do to him. --- Astrid spun her blades in her hands, thinking, watching. Now why would she say something like that. Why would she bother giving away hints. Sure, Kordan's inferno didn't do anything to the desert, but it did lit the bitch up, even if only for a moment, and that's when it hit her. The bitch was hiding with light, but she was still a solid object. And this place was well and truly an illusion. She was one powerful Light Caster. Astrid put her plan in motion. Kordan's fire may have worked for an instant, but it didn't last long enough to reveal her for good. "Rocketman," she smirked, pointing her arms out to her sides, "you need more stamina." With that, she began to fill the room with mist. They couldn't see the bitch directly, no, but they could see where she was by where the mist wasn't. "Watch for movement dhrough dhe mist, Yoshimi! Sse cannot hide when dhere is nowhere to hide! Cowboy? A little help, please."</s> <|message|>Hazel Witchbane, PhD (I'm out. Good luck guys. Kordan's on autopilot)</s> <|message|>Yoshimi Sekenetsu Gregor/Xenan Alright, kid, I'm counting on you. I'm going to try and keep him from running away. He said, tapping his rifle. He was ready to teach Xenan he wasn't the only one skilled in this type of magic. Storm As Duff would cut away at the forcefield with his voidstone knife, he'd find it was starting to become thinning, due to another source. The light from the source field began to be drawn toward's Gregor's rifle. It wasn't easy to exert his own will over someone else's magic, but with the opening provided by Daud and the field weakened by Duff, Xenan's own will began to dwindle on it. Now! Daud! He said as he fired a blast from his fire at Xenan's legs. This attack not damaging, but instead created a thick, layered forcefield around his legs, rooting him to the ground. You're not running away! Queen worshipping trash! These Children... An insult to those who actually have faith in Kodo'Yim. Unable to run away or dodge, Xenan was caught off guard. The attack piercing his neck, would normally be fatal for even the strongest of Casters, yet was a mere inconvenience for the Elite. Those who make enemies of the Children make enemies of our Queen! Xenan shouted, more shards of light began to rain down on the field. While Gregor was doing his best to minimize the amount, it wasn't easy. Those who make enemies of the Queen are not welcomed in our world! --- @Ember Storm Keep your eyes peeled, guys. Yoshimi said, I'm changing the mode on my gauntlets. Don't stay in my path. She said, the metal of her gloves began to shift. Her right glove was practically glowing, mist beginning to extrude from it. As Yoshimi readied, there was a slight shift in the mist directly behind her.</s> <|message|>Johnny Conhager Johnny Conagher Storm "Roger that" was all Johnny managed as he kept his eyes peeled for a gap in the mist. Once he spotted it, he nearly raised his six shooter at it before realizing how likely it was that he could hit Yoshimi. Instead, Johnny just closed the gap with a quick combat roll and stabbed at the gap in the mist.</s> <|message|>Mercury Natalia Halynn, simply 'Merc' to those who know her Storm Damn, this bastard's persistent... At least they're slowing him down, which makes it just a bit easier for Mercury to prepare her technique to stun him. >"Those who make enemies of the Queen are not welcomed in our world!" Oh... Oh, fuck you! "It's not your world, asshole!" Now sufficiently furious at their adversary, she draws out a bolt of electricity, as though readying a staff for combat. It takes her a few short seconds to narrow her focus down among the rain of light bolts before hurling her lightning like a bolt from Zeus. It won't have great destructive power, that much she knows, but if this guy's anatomy is any sort of normal, it'll put him out of commission for a while. She's a good shot, but where her partners' efforts enough to keep him still?</s> <|message|>Astrid Hamdottir/Rougish Astrid Duff finished cutting the hole through Xenan's attempt at a prison. Now his colleagues could get out. It was then that he noticed the prison weakening itself, as Gregor executed control over their opponent's magic. Nice, the old soldier thought, turning to engage Xenan at a range most might not expect him. Moving faster than his limp might suggest, Duff closed the distance between him and Xenan, flanking with the big warrior Daud. He wasn't ignorant of the shards of light raining down; even with the resistance he had built up against magic, they'd hurt. The thick steel chestplate and vambraces he wore would stop most of the shards from hitting him, but the one or two that got through seared and stung as they cut into his arm and shoulder. It wouldn't be enough to stop him; and he suddenly popped up behind Xenan. "Nice trick," he grunted, bringing his Voidstone sabre up and going for one of the injuries Xenan was having difficultly healing. "Got a few of my own, though, eh?" --- As if she had formed straight from the Mist, Astrid was already flanking the movement with Johnny. "Good eyes, cowboy," she said, spinning her blades into the hole in the Mist. "Let us see how well sse hides when sse is bleeding!" Her blades were sharp and willing to cut. There was very little that would be able to stop them if their target wasn't armoured. Hopefully a bleeding bitch was easier to track, as they had to let Yoshimi get herself set up or this would end up in a shambles. Astrid didn't do shambles.</s> <|message|>Io Yoshimi/Galette @Ember Storm With the melee strikes from both Astrid, the elite was revealed. Steadily the illusion began to fade, crumbling around them. Bastards... The masked woman fell down, heavily wounded. You think you've won here? You can't stop our progress... Kill me or not, my death will not change our future victory. Yoshimi, still charging up an attack, stepped forward, Get away from her, she might have an explosive on her! If she tries to run I'll blast her. What did she mean by progress? Just what were they planning here, Yoshimi wondered. Astrid, you have that file don't you? What are the specific contents of it? Read it out. She said, still holding Galette up in case she tried anything cleaver. Gotthard... Is that why you came here? To find him? He's too far gone for any of you... Galette said with a quiet laugh, Poor man... Poor Old Path... Spent so long after the "traitor knight" they didn't expect the greater one right in front of their eyes. What are you talking about? I don't care about the Old Path! --- Gregor/Xenan The bolt hit dead on, electrocuting the supposed immortal. Going down on his knees, he acted as anyone would after taking such a powerful shock. Commenting on it, Gregor smirked Maybe immortal, but not invincible. We should hurry before Gustrag comes here as well. Get to his quarters. Storm On contact, the Voidstone blade would slice through Xenan's body like a knife through butter. His wound didn't even bleed like his previous ones. Rather his sound resembled crumbling stone, as if Xenan was a walking stature. While his wound was healing, it looked like it'd take far longer than the others. Steadily, the stony craggy appearance began to appear over the rest of his body. He had pushed himself too far as he did with his fight with Daud. Heh... So you got me. Crumbling away, Xenan shook his head, You're not getting out of here alive. In a few minutes, more of the Elite of the Children will be arriving here. Call it a bit of clean up. If you call this a victory, you have your head up your ass. Get whatever you're after here, very well, but how will you last against a whole squad of the Children's Elite? Xenan said, smirking, not once did his tone or expression convey one of defeat. As Gregor slowly began to realize the situation... He gasped, looking to the door to Gustrag's quarters. Guys we need to go! Bluffing or not!</s> <|message|>Johnny Conhager Johnny Conagher Storm At Yoshimi's instruction, Johnny backed away from their wounded foe, keeping his six shooter trained in case Galette tried anything funny. Just what in sam hell was she talking about, anyway? Was she one of these artificial amalgams? "Ah've got some of th' papers, Yosh. Astrid might too." With that, he searched around for where he'd stashed them away. As he searched around, it occurred to him to ask a question. "What d'you even mean by 'progress'? Progress towards what?"</s> <|message|>Mercury Natalia Halynn, simply 'Merc' to those who know her >"...a whole squad of the Children's Elites?" "Shit..." While Xenan himself went down against the four combatants with relative ease, a larger group of people with his magical prowess would prove a much more significant issue. She pumps magic through her legs, muscles tightening, spring-loaded to send her across the room as quickly as possible. With a powerful kick she closes the distance between herself and Gustrag's private quarters in a split second, her upper arm and shoulder turning black with her hardening technique to smash through the door. Key card be damned, they need to get in there now.</s>
<|message|>Astrid Hamdottir/Rougish Astrid Astrid pulled back alongside the cowboy as her Mist faded from the air around them, spinning her blades impatiently, just waiting for her opponent to reveal a bluff. "What do you mean about dhis 'greater one?' What purpose does it serve to break dhe Old Padh from within? Dhey are nearly obsolete." As Johnny replied about the papers, she nodded. "I have some, yes." Here was hoping there were answers somewhere... if not here, then with the other group, should they have survived their own fight. --- "Mercury, you an' Daud go grab the journal in Gustrag's room. Gregor, you an' me should cover 'em. We've got range on pretty much anythin' that might come through here." Duff said as he stowed his sabre and revolver and began reloading his rifle. "Hurry now, eh? We can be outta here before anyone else arrives." He grimaced in pain. His shoulder was probably bleeding something fierce. Once they were out, some bandages and painkillers would suffice until he could heal naturally. Hopefully this didn't fuck his shoulder up like that one Amalgamate did his leg all those years ago. "Go!"</s>
<|description|>Papyrus, The Great Monster Type: Skeleton Gender: "PAPYRUS." Occupation: "FORMER SENTRY OF SNOWDIN…BESTFRIEND AND BEST BROTHER!" Weapon?: "MY SPECIAL ATTACK IS STILL MISSING!" Armor?: "NYEH HEH HEH! SO YOU'VE NOTICED MY BATTLE BODY, HAVE YOU?" Magic (up to three): "BONE ATTACKS, AND MY FABLED BLUE ATTACK!" As well, Papyrus seems to have the greatest pull out game/control in regards to his attack power, being able to leave Frisk at 1HP. Personality: Papyrus is a kind and naive skeleton. Unlike his brother Sans, Papyrus works hard and is determined to always reach his goals (Which will never happen because he has no luck). When it comes to fighting, Papyrus is enthusiastic to show just how well lessons from Undyne are paying off, though he prefers to dazzle the humans with his crafty and well-built puzzles. Papyrus is always giving his all at being a good friend, and always takes his job seriously. Bio: Before the first Frisk incident, Papyrus lived with his brother Sans in the town of Snowdin, where the two worked as a sentries for the area. After the first Frisk incident, Papyrus became Frisk's absolute number one best friend, helping him with his journey and with making new friends. In fact, without Papyrus, Frisk never would have been able to beat Asriel...mostly because he tricked Undyne into becoming Frisk's friend, but that's all in the past! After the barrier Papyrus was given the task of guarding his friend Flowey's flower pot prison, a great honor bestowed upon him. Appearance: "I AM SO GREAT IN THIS PICTURE." ----- "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WOULD SMOOCH A GHOST! ...THOUGH, NEITHER GHOST NOR SKELETONS SUCH AS I HAVE LIPS, SO..."</s> <|message|>Skylar Underground Search Party-Ruins Skylar mentally face palmed herself at the fact that Aria had seen through her smile so easily. But she didn't let it fall as Aria introduced herself and explained what happened just as Papyrus (with Flowey), Celes, and David entered the room. She was glad that she was able to hear Aria, but she wasn't sure about the others. She watched as both Celes and David tried to use their healing magic on Aria to get her back to normal size. Aria remained at the same height, but both Celes and David would learn that their healing magic would need the help of the original caster in order to get Aria back to normal size. Before Skylar could answer Aria, Papyrus already spoke up and Skylar couldn't help but smile genuinely as Papyrus spoke and introduced everyone in the room to Aria. When Papyrus introduced her, Skylar waved hi to Aria, and she said "It's nice to meet you, Aria," She smiled widely as she held back another laugh as Papyrus became distracted by the dollhouse that was in the room. Welp, she knew what Sans was going to get Papyrus for the next holiday. She shook her head to answer Papyrus's question about humans being naturally tiny. However, her attention went to a sudden glow that was coming from Sans's other hand and she asked out loud in confusion "Huh?". It was the key. It was glowing a golden aura as it suddenly lifted itself out of Sans's hand and flew towards the door, back further into the Ruins, and towards the door, and possibly the rest of the group. Skylar stared after it with wide eyes and after snapping out of the surprised stupor, she shook her head and dashed after it, only to find that it had placed itself into the keyhole and opened the door. Skylar released a breath out of relief; At least they didn't have to try and catch the key. That would make for a very annoying puzzle. She walked back to the others back in the room with the dollhouse and she told them, "Well...the door's open. We can continue on," --- Surface Group Forest Annie didn't listen to the voice. Now whether she knew who was calling after her or not was not made clear, but she kept on running, stubbornly desperate in trying to reach the town. There weren't anymore low hanging branches that she could use to hit her pursuer, but she made do with whatever else she could pull out from her bag (marbles, smoke screen, and throwing a pair of socks behind her. Scandalous!). It wasn't long after she used the last item that she managed to reach the town. Town of Ebbott Annie dashed down the sidewalk, making sure to weave through the thinning crowd (and shoving past them if she had to). The sun was starting to set, and Annie made a sharp turn into an alleyway as soon as she could, trying to disappear into the darkness of said alleyway.</s> <|message|>Erion Letendre Erion saw the girl tired with all her might to escape. He didn't want to let her leave. He kept running, going as fast as he can, dodging branches and also jumping over anything she throw out of her bag. God those running exercises that his old fencing teacher gave him payed off. He kept running, until he got in the town of Ebbott. He knew he had to catch up to her real soon, or else he would lose her. Soon he saw her again as she shove people around to run away. He moved quickly, dodging people as he moved, soon seeing her move in a alleyway. He moved in to catch up to her. "Wait! I just want to talk! Please!" he yelled, really worried right now. He hoped he could convince her... maybe make her givea chance to monsters. At least get her to see that not all of them are bad, just that with everything that happened, some are less... used to being so close to humans. "I am alone, that monster that chased you was unconscious in the forest." he then adds. --- Celes smiled as she looked at Papyrus and chuckles softly at what he said, smiling. Well, he was... adorable she could say. Like a innocent child maybe. Pure of heart... but also... maybe gullible unfortunately. She looked at the flower a bit more. She would need to keep a close eye on it she guessed. Sure, it didn't do anything, but a flower doesn't just start to speak and such. There was something special about it. She just didn't know what to think about it. Maybe it was friendly, maybe it was not, she was not sure. Maybe if she did show friendship to it, it would be nice to her and others... maybe not. She just didn't know. So she walked forwards, smiling also that Sans found the key. Finally the group could move forwards. She hoped they would find Frisk soon.</s> <|message|>Chen Chen paced around out of boredom as everyone tried to solve the puzzle. This was such a waste of time, those girl monsters were going to pay. He would make sure of it. Someone got startled by his presence and he jumped in surprise as well. "Oh, sorry about that." 'He's on to me. They're all onto me.' His head swiveled over to Papyrus, who was in the middle of a riveting conversation with the fat skeleton and what appeared to be a tiny human. 'Except for him. I need to stick by him. Nobody is willing to upset him.' Chen walked over to Papyrus with a smile on his face and a greeting in store. And then a key flew past Chen's head, nearly smacking into his face. Chen turned around and followed the key to his destination and let out a genuinely happy grin. "Nice job guys! Now we can go in further!" Chen turned back to Papyrus and looked at him in admiration. 'One step closer to immortality. Your days are numbered Frisk. You're my key to the Boss Soul.'</s> <|message|>Sethlan Undyne was busy searching the dollhouse for an all-important solution to the puzzle and had gone up to her neck into the upper floor of the tiny house looking for it when Skylar announced that the door had been unlocked. "That door is open already?" Undyne said, disappointment apparent in her muffled voice. "Aww, I was hoping there would be a tiny piano in that tiny house. Why does no one respect the piano!? Fine, let's just nggah-" Undyne said then stuttered as she tried to stand up, only to find that she probably should not have tried to wedge her head inside that tiny window just a minute ago. Her fingers wedged in between her neck and the diminutive window pane, she tried a few times to free herself but to no avail. Her breathing becoming heavier and more desperate, Undyne's eyes darted from one side of the tiny room to the other, wondering who had dared to play this devious prank on her. No, not a prank. A trap. A most cunning trap. One might even say...a challenge? "You devious tiny house!" Undyne shouted loud enough to shake the roof of the dollhouse. "You may be cool and full of neat things, but if you think you can trap me like this....THEN I WILL STRIKE! YOU! DOWN! NGAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" *musical cue* With a tremendous shout Undyne brought both fists down on the roof and ripped her head from the window simultaneously, causing a tremendous shower of broken wood as she utterly destroyed the roof of the dollhouse in her escape. Pausing to utter a victorious laugh, she turned to the others in the group triumphantly, her good eye twitching and wood splinters tangled in her red hair. "THE DOOR IS OPEN, IT'S FRISK-SAVING TIME, NERDS! HYAAAA!" Thus with another triumphant shout, Undyne summoned one of her magic spears and barreled past the group, charging through the door to whatever was on the other side.</s> <|message|>David Smithee Neither my, nor Celes' magic worked on the newcomer, who introduced herself as Aria, and I came to the conclusion of "We're gonna need the twins to reverse this spell. Sorry, Aria, I guess I can't he-" my voice got cut off by the door opening, and Undyne shouting that it was Frisk-saving time. Before I bolted off like I assumed the rest would do, I remembered that odd note I found in the lever. I showed the note, which went on about a doctor, and how he's going to be a father soon to both Sans and Aria, wondering if either of them had any idea who wrote it, or why it was down here. 'Today was another busy day at the hospital, as usual. I am glad to say that Mrs. Hudson's operation went smoothly, and she now no longer suffers from knee pain. Her husband certainly seemed relieved, and I am glad that the operation was a success, with no complications. Other than that, I have done the usual check ups with my patients. I fear that Mr. Baskerville may have to come back in for another check up...he may have an infection. Annabelle just told me the most wonderful news today! I'm going to be a father! A father! I can hardly believe it! We're going to have a family! My hand is shaking as I continue to write this entry. I am not sure whether it is from my joy or my anxiety. Will I be a good father? Will I be able to raise my son/daughter properly? I suppose only time can tell...' "So... why do you think that note was HERE, of all places?" I finally asked the two. Of course, I was really just stalling to make sure Chen wasn't in the back of the group... as, again, that's the best time to backstab someone... and I'd rather this whole thing go through without anyone dying. Once the group answered, I slowly made my way to the next room, remembering that it should still have a dummy... that is, unless some monster actually brought it up to the surface for... whatever reason. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I stayed behind, I couldn't actually see what the next room had to offer, and since I wasn't as tall as Papyrus, or Undyne, I couldn't try to see over them without flying, which was something I didn't really want to do, given how low the ceiling was right now. I wonder if that dummy's still here... I've got a plan if it is. I thought as I tried my best to see what was in the room, though, again, the fact that everyone else was ahead of me, and several of them were taller, I couldn't tell whether I had to improvise, or if I could use the dummy for my future plans.</s>
<|message|>Papyrus, The Great The taller skeleton did not have time to be embarrassed at his incorrect assumptions about humans, as his eyes popped out of their sockets at Undyne's destruction of the tiny house…which was admittedly some form of clever trap, now that she had pointed such out…Papyrus took a moment to stare down sadly at the broken pieces scattered along the floor, "OH…WHAT A PITY THAT UNDYNE DESTROYED IT, EVEN IF IT WAS BUT A CLEVERLY DISGUISED TRAP!" Seeing the human boy smile at him admiringly, Papyrus returned with a innocuously friendly smile all his own, before reacting in surprise at Undyne's exclamation nearly a room away. The thing that came from his brother's hand, and the door unlocking…?! Taking a few steps along to follow with the rest of them, his eyes popping out of their sockets again, "OH MY GOD, SANS, YOU SOLVED A PUZZLE THAT ISN'T A BORING WORD SEARCH OR CROSSWORD…AND WITHOUT MY HELP! I'M SHOCKED, BUT ALSO INSANELY PROUD! IT WAS DUE TO MY, THE GREAT PAPYRUS', PROFOUND AND GREAT INFLUENCE THAT YOU HAVE BECOME TO GREAT IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME! OF COURSE, I KNEW YOU WERE CAPAPBLE OF SUCH A GREATNESS, I WAS JUST NOT EXPECTING SUCH SO SOON!" Eye going bit teary, he watched one in an almost admiring way all his own. Oh no, what if his brother got better at him with puzzles, would that mean he, the great Papyrus, would have to become the lazy one?! No, such a thing…! Shaking his skull, and noticing one of their fellow monster companions staring over at Flowey… Holding the flower pot, and subsequently the Flowey out before him, mitten set on his own chest-piece, "AH, I SEE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MY FLOWER POTTED FLOWER PRISONER, AND BY EXTENTION….THE GUARD TASKED WITH GUARDING HIM, WHICH IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS! IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW, AS I AM FULL OF HELPFUL INFORMATION THAT I AM NOT SHY WITH SHARING, AS SUCH VITAL PIECES OF INFORMATION THAT WOULD LIKELY NEED TO BE KNOWN IN ORDER FOR US ALL TO CONDUCT OURSELVES…!"</s>
<|description|>Sana Rawn Age: 31 Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Human Class: Marksman/Gypsy(Bard) Appearance/Clothing: Height: 5' 7" Weight: 125 lbs Hair color, texture, length, style: Dirty ash blonde with layers from ears to shoulders. Her hair is usually worn with shorter layers crimped and pulled back with a few loose strands around her face, the longer layers are curled under and left loose falling to her shoulders. Eye look, shape & color: Milk Chocolate with amber specks, round eyes with a slight slant at the outer corners. Skin Tone: Tanned with olive undertones. Body Type: Toned body over all with very defined arm muscles. Voice/Accent: Her voice has a tad deeper intonation than most women and is slightly raspy. Sana has a stunningly beautiful voice when she sings but it is something that she rarely does. Clothing: Warm Weather - She wears a very simple halter top made of tanned leather that tied around the back of her neck and is trimmed in a deep brown rawhide. She wears a matching shorts that is slit on each side of her thighs as to not to hinder her movements. Her boots are a soft suede material that come up to just below her knees and lace up the entire way, soft soles, no heels. She wears a sheer mantle that flows to the ground and is trimmed in the same material as her halter top, usually pulled over her arms to hide their definition. Moderate to Cold Weather – Outfit: Cloak: Gypsy Clothing - Skills: Agility, acrobatics, gymnastics, ambidextrous, riding, fletching; excellent marksman with a bow and skilled dagger thrower. Knows some close combat fighting, using her bow in a staff like manner. When weaponless Sana will use her knowledge of acrobatics and gymnastics, combined with her agility, to attack and defend herself. Natural Abilities: None - Human Magic/Spells: Sana knows many bard songs but is unaware of which ones she can actually cast. Below is a list of songs she has been able to cast successfully so far. Trust Me: Beauty From Pain - An inspire trust spell that is activated when she sings. Spell has a 75% chance of working on one target in the line of sight. Effect lasts 20 minutes - can cast once a day Courageous Heal: Everything Burns - A triple effect spell activated when she sings. It hits all allys in a fight. It heals up to moderate wounds, gives a +2 to attack hits and +2 to damage. Does not work on Sana and drains her terribly after casting. Plus to damage and to hit lasts 5 rounds. (Side effect is due to the nature of the spell it will make those that it hits feel more courageous during the casting.) - Can cast once every three days. Beacon: Flashlight - This song brings about a pillar of light that breaks through low light, darkness and obscured vision. (Such as mist, fog, smoke and rain). It has no special effect other than being able to be seen from up to a mile away no matter the level of light or density of obscurity. Cannot be seen through rock or stone but will follow a path until it reaches the sky if possible. The song itself will carry with the light and can be heard as far as the light can be seen. The light will continue as long as the song continues and fade once it stops. The end verse can continue to be repeated to last as long as the singer can sing. It can be cast once a day but if it is an extended version of the song it takes away from the next days ability. Each time it is extended, it takes another day to recharge it. Masquerade: Burn With Me - During the course of the song Sana is able to completely change the look and voice of herself and up to one more party member. The illusion is true even if touched and lasts 24 hours, it can be dispersed by break illusion spells or if the person it is cast on speaks the words "The Masquerade Is Over" - Can be cast once every 12 hours Winter Storm: Cold But I'm Still Here - This is currently Sanas only true attack spell. During casting the temperature of an area that spans out in a 60 foot radius around her will begin to cool down, the ground will frost over as well as other materials that normally would in such conditions. Using her hand movements she can direct up to five beams of ice from her palms during the song to strike opponents or other applications as she made need.(such as a wall of ice or to freeze a lake to be able to walk on) - she may contain her five beams to the end of the song and let it out as a single attack that will form a wall of ice three feet thick and ten feet high in a circle with a 30 foot diameter. Ice attacks will melt as normal for air temp. Wall will last until she stops singing as long as it isn't destroyed. (She may repeat the song until she cannot sing anymore to keep the wall up but may not do anything else but sing.) - can be cast once a week. Additional Information: Significant Other: Hugh Van Halder - Does not know where he is anymore Sister: Ramara Rawn - presumed dead Cousin: Ariana Rawn Sana is scarred now with a line from her right ear to her jaw on her face, small puncture scars on her right shoulder from a hound bite and a burn scar from the right side of her neck at her jaw line, that front side of her chest, down her arm to the elbow and her back to the bottom of her shoulder blade. Armor: An arm cuff that is enchanted with Barkskin. Weapons: She carried one small dagger that is used for cutting up meat before cooking for the most part though is works as a throwing dagger if need be. Nothing special about it, the blade is 6 inches of plain steel while the hilt is carved oak. Her other and main weapon is a Recurve Bow that was hand carved for her; she uses cedar arrows that resist warping. She possesses a Silver Dagger found in the chest of a Liches Layer as well as a second quiver of silver arrows provided to her by the Elven Army of Corellan Larethian. Possessions: Clothing, weapons, pack, dried fruits and meats, water skin, rope, fletching items, rags, needle, threads, horse, grooming items, tent, chain with her parents wedding bands on it that she wears around her neck. Personality: Sana in the past has been known to be rather quiet and untrusting, hard to get close to. She preferred to be left alone and detests asking for help; a very stubborn woman who preferred to do things alone than in a group. Though since meeting Hugh she has softened some and come to accept things. Now a days she doesn't mind the group setting so much but prefers to be alongside Hugh during most situations. She can be rather outspoken at times but has a good heart and tends to help people in need even without being asked. Handing over items that one may need without a word and just walking away. If she does get mad though she will lash out either verbally or physically and when a new comer approaching she will draw and stand ready to strike them down if provoked. History: She comes from a wandering band of gypsy that she left long ago for she refused to become what they wanted her to be. Another dancer and entertainer for the group. She was a tom boy growing up who preferred to spend time with a bow and arrow than a person. Though she never sought the way of her people she is very defensive of them and knows their ways. Skilled in song, dance, showmanship. Nothing traumatic happened during her childhood or growing up but being the typical teenager, hated what her parents wanted for her and in the end left those she knew for a world she wanted to know. After she reached maturity she decided to leave the home and family she knew and set out on her own. Over the years she has worked in various towns trading furs from animals she has killed on her journeys and worked mercenary from time to time as wars broke out, utilizing her skills as a marksman. During a journey through the desert when she was grouped with adventurers she met an older and kind hearted man by the name of Hugh whom she found herself drawn to. She was captured by a Lich and taken off to be sacrificed, if it had not been for Hugh she would have been slaughtered on the granite sacrificial tomb she was tied to. Though she has never out right stated that she loves him, it is more than evident in the way she acts around him and carries herself now. Sana traveled with Hugh for a long time. During an adventure she was snatched by a traveling fog that divided up her, as well as some others in the group she was adventuring with. When this happened, Hugh left the group but before Sana was taken. She is unaware of him walking away and has no idea why because of this. Since she was dropped off by the fog she had worked to get back with the adventuring party to find Hugh once again, thinking he is still with them. Previous Rp: Sands Of Blood, Cinder Sickness</s> <|message|>Fiona Fiona let a short "uh" escape her upon being offered the pipe, before she found herself reaching out to accept it, feeling for whatever reason that it would be rude to not accept. It was a habit of hers, really, being unable to politely refuse people that were trying to be kind. Taking the pipe, she puffed on it briefly, immediately revealing that she didn't make a habit of smoking by the way she coughed lightly, and then handed it back, a bit of an embarrassed smile in place on her lips. "Thank you," she managed, taking a moment to collect herself, and give his response some thought. This was difficult ground to be treading on, unsure what would be too far to assume, too far to say. But it was obvious enough to her that he was in some kind of pain, and Sana clearly was, too. Fiona didn't have much experience with relationships; none of hers thus far had lasted all that long, nor did they have much adventure involved, given the lack of it in village life. She didn't know if she could help, but she could try. "Well... she went through a lot yesterday. She told you, didn't she? After the fight with the Anti-Paladin?" Fiona didn't remember it perfectly, but she thought she'd seen the two of them converse after the fight. And they were together through the night, so surely he learned at some point what had happened to her. "I think it's understandable, given all that occurred, for her to be more preoccupied with other things than showing affection." Fiona had to figure that by now, however long they'd been together, that both knew that the other cared deeply, and didn't need constant acknowledgement and attention to prove that. "On top of everything, she's had leading this group dumped in her lap, and she's doing her best with that. Most people would've quit after what happened yesterday, but obviously Sana's not most people." Fiona gazed out ahead a moment, clearing a few strands of red hair from her face when the wind pushed them in the way. "My guess... she needed some time to think about things. And if it's not too bold to suggest, I think it would be wise for you to have a conversation with her when you two get a chance." She sighed softly. Discussing relationships wasn't really something she thought she'd be doing when she woke up that morning, but she did want to help. "You know... make sure she's okay. Talk about what you want to be doing. I'm just pretty sure that acting like everything's alright isn't going to make everything alright." Frankly, Fiona thought it was a bit selfish for him to be expecting acknowledgement and attention from Sana right now, when it was her world turned upside down yesterday. But she expected she didn't really have to say that.</s> <|message|>Illyd Dyill "It is cold out by the mountains, warm inside the fiery hearths and homes, and trees dominate all but the central plains, where the field is as unending as the blue sky," Derrix described contently, picturing it all in his head, and smelling the icy wind of the mountains that often pooled into the plains. "The biggest and strongest horses are born there, and their wit and intelligence is unmatched as far as I've seen." The man reached down and patted his white destrier, and the massive horse snorted in response, as if agreeing.</s> <|message|>Vaeri Dryearurdrenn Vaeri turned towards her right, facing Melvus again so she could face him when she replied to his many questions. "I was not told more, but I would imagine in place of left hand is a right one. As it stands, it is still a difficult thing to try hiding, if you were to attempt doing so." Vaeri took a few seconds to think about Melvus' own plight. "It does not sound familiar at all. I cannot even think of any religious tales about such an occurrence. If I were to guess about what happened, I would have to pin it on perhaps some outside arcane force. I have heard tales of arcane magic going awry in terrible ways. I am no scholar of such pursuits, so I may be showing my ignorance here."</s>
<|message|>Sana Rawn Sana smiled softly as she listened to Derrix describe his homeland, it sounded like it was a truly beautiful place but then again she had seen many stunning lands in her travels. What made the description so much deeper than what was on the surface of the words was how he spoke about it. There was a certain love that floated about when he talked about it, and it helped her to understand, even if only a bit, what it meant to have a homeland. It was something Sana had never had but she could understand the draw. Perhaps his homeland to him was like her love of song and music. It was just something that the heart could beat to. Whether it be to never ending fields or a single note held to be caught on the wind. Perhaps home within the soul, not within the mind. "It sounds lovely," she said in a kind voice. Even though Sana and Derrix hadn't spoken much about what was bothering her, the general conversation had been pleasant and it helped to put her more at ease. He was mysterious but underneath that mystery was a kindness. It was something she could appreciate. "And yes, your steed seems to be truly remarkable. Though I have to wonder if that is the horse or its master," she said as she looked over towards him. "Perhaps a bit of both," she added before glancing around and taking note of a path off the side of the road. "Hrm, I wonder," she muttered to herself as she pulled on the reins and steered Epona towards the forest. After a few minutes of following the path she stopped and her lips parted as a soft "wow," escaped her lips. There just beyond the sight of the road was a natural formed cave that seemed to be cut into the rock face not by wear of weather but formed by a single large oak that grew above two cliffs and its roots formed the top of the cave itself. The roots spanned over the top and grew down the side of the rock to the forest floor where they met a small pond of water at the base. The cave floor itself was covered with a bed of lush green clovers. "I think this will do for the evening," she said as she looked over towards Derrix. "What do you think?" she asked, wanting his input. The path was not as wide as the road but it was enough for the wagon to get through if they were careful and the cave opening was large enough for a nice sized camp beneath the roots of the tree.</s>
<|description|>Sierra Periculum, or just Serys. Appearance: --- --- Age: 24 Allegiance: Librarian History (Optional): Ever since Sierra was born, she always had a strange curiosity towards magic. She would spend every waking hour she could studying and trying to make sense of its complex design, but to no avail. Her parents worried that she had grown too distant and attached to the concepts that drove magic, but didn't want to stop her for fear of resentment in the future. Eventually, when she was old enough, Sierra was sent to the academy due to her constant study and impressive theories. But, as she continued through her school years, she began to question things. Why were there such basic elemental affinities in place when magic was such a complex and powerful thing? Why had no one gone to the length to question why such boundaries had been placed? Everything she thought of led her to Librarian, were she found that there were, surprisingly, others who shared her ideas and be beliefs. With that group of people, she has been working to create a new, more complex and structured magical theory that proves everything about the old affinities wrong. Personality: Sierra tends to lose her train of thought pretty easily, which makes her a difficult person to hold conversations with. This is especially difficult with the added fact that she tends to drop conversations she loses interest in (which tends to be most). As well, she will often go on and on about her research and theories to anyone crazy enough to stand around long enough for her to get a clear train of thought. She also secretly wants to rejoin with the Imperium after she finishes her theory, for hope that it will further improve the field of magic that can be researched with the Tomes. Tome (Color and Abilities): Sierras' Tome takes the normal form of a slate grey pocket watch, that inside has a strange pattern with odd symbols inside. This is the basis for her magical theory, as she believes this is the manifestation of the true magical elements and their properties, even if she doesn't understand it. This has been named the "Serys Geographam" but her friends in Librarian. The Tome also takes the form of a dull grey katana, which has an extremely sharp blade. The sharp edge is actually a set of extremely small razor blade that line the entirety of the point, and cause a strange sickness when someone is cut and the blade comes in contact with blood. The sickness takes effect immediately, with the victim becoming slightly light headed and their vision slightly blurry. After about 20 minutes, the person will find it hard to stand and their vision will be very fuzzy, not to mention they feel constantly nauseous. After about an hour, the victim will collapse into a state of unconsciousness, where the virus slowly picks away at the nerves of the person. After a couple of hours, the host will awaken, to find a strange black spot on either their arm or hand. Sierra has dubbed this the "Void Sickness" The final ability is that of Void Magic, a mysterious type of neutral energy that has unpredictable and volatile effects. This magic incorporates all forms of the Serys Geographam, and involves a basic form of such elements. A combination of 2 or more elements from the watch must be pressed, causing another to light up. After this, the final product of the pressed symbols will cause an unpredictable effect related to said final product (read other for more details of the watch). If the final product was electricity, it might charge an object with the sickening energy of the void, or it could cause a bolt of black lightning to strike from the sky. At this time, however, her magic and blade cannot summon without her being exposed to stress or being confronted in battle. Other: Sierra is a lesbian, and has a slight crush on one of her colleagues whom she admires. As well, she has no real idea what her magic can do, since she has only been in combat a few times and her magic only really manifests in times of distress of panic. The Serys Geographam is a pocket watch with a strange pattern imbedded where the watch face should be. This pattern represents a magical theory that completely overwrites the basic and simple elemental theories. At a random interval within a 6 year period, an event called the Geographam Moon occurs. At this time, the moon darkens to a point that can't be noticed, but is definitely there. At this time, the Geograpahm can change pattern to a completely different set of symbols. In the single time the event has occurred, the Geographam has not changed.</s> <|message|>Tori Tori Listening to Cecilia, Tori smiled condescendingly at her. Before ignoring her orders and returning to the map. "I'm from the Intelligence Division, not the Observer's. I have no obligation to follow any of your orders. The only reason I came is because it stupidity itself to disobey Yggdrasil or any of the guardians. If, however, Lord Nifilhiem had given me an order, his would take priority. I hope that I have made my standing with you clear" Then an explosion rang out and Cecilia ran off to check on the situation What an awful guard committing the holographic map of Arcadia to memory, Tori walked after the rushing girl seeing her get told the situation by a guardsman. Silently standing behind her Tori added intangibility to her invisibility and spoke "It is now obvious that the reason you joined the Observer Division was because you are far too stupid to ever make it in the Intelligence Division." walking past Cecilia, Tori turned and looked the Observer in the eye "What kind of guard are you? Rushing off towards an explosion, disregarding the important package you are carrying? Imbecile." walking back around Cecilia the scholar whispered in her ear "I would be more subtle in my insults, but I'm afraid with your limited mental capabilities that they would simply go over your head." Standing straight Tori, unseen and untouched, had her travelling cloak spread out behind her like wings and began to over above the Observer to look down on her "So tell me you mentally impaired Observer, what great new action will you take? Will you throw your charge down a well? Will you parade it about for all to see? I wait with bated breath to see what amazingly stupid action you will perform next!"</s> <|message|>Eleonor Infinitum Asgard "Blood washes blood... blood washes blood... blood... washes... B.L.O.O.D..." Eleonor mumbled the grim words from Vladimir as the chaos ensued around her. When the fresh blood of the prisoners Cyrin had slain touched her, Eleonor finally snapped back to reality, or... had she not? Blast of magic flew everywhere the demon knight besides her destroyed the scaffold, allowing most prisoners to try to run and people were dying left and right for no cause at all. Was this all within the Imperator's plans? It must have been, at least the possibility of it happening. If not the Imperator, then the Jester, Nifilheim, Yggdrasil, Midgard, one of them must have known of it and even then... they let it happen. How better it makes the Imperium? Isn't it the same as the time when they sent Eleonor's squad to their near deaths on Warovia? If that never happened this nightmare could have been avoided as well. And Fei... "Only blood can wash blood..." Eleonor whispered summoning her tome into existence. As she did so, the blood began to gather around her and levitate off the ground, forming numerous spear-like crimson spikes. "However, I'm not like them..." With that said Eleonor's stoic complexion returned and as she commanded her tome to shoot out the bloody lances that earned the Impaler his dreadful title, Eleonor was once again the Nemesis of the Imperium, the one who delivers judgment be it to men or the gods. The spears impaled both the fugitive prisoners, the demon knight and the insane doll, the wounds draining them rapidly of their very life blood. The humans died instantly, but the doll managed to jump away from the roof, not very much afflicted by the attack since she wasn't even alive in the first place. She made a break for it with a huge flare bomb that blinded all in the square for enough time for it to escape. If the demon was smart, he would catch the cue as well. As soon as the foes were dealt with, Eleonor raised her voice speaking with enough authority to break through the commotion "End this riot immediately and go back to your homes. I'm declaring a city wide curfew, whoever is found wandering the city streets from now until daybreak will be taken to prosecution. Those under my jurisdiction are commanded to spread the word around the city, the deadline for for the curfew is two hours from now. Dismissed." Eleonor then turned to Cyrin and said "I'm obliged to thank you , Cyrin Val. You have done your job maintaining order when even I have failed. But sure that this event will not go unrewarded." And finally, she went to fetch Fei's "body" only to find that it wasn't real, when she touched its skin and felt how it wasn't anything like her daughter's and under her clothes grotesque seam lines held the body together. Never before Eleonor felt so much relief and at the same time self-loathing, for believing in such a dirty trick, however, she still feared that Emilia could try something against Fei, o Eleonor went to the only one that could cover the whole city in an instant if he wanted to, Midgard, and asked them "Can you do me a favor, Midgard? My daughter is still out there and I fear that she might become a target for the Librarians. Can you send a couple of you to escort her back home? Also, if you find her friends, bring them as well, since they might be secondary targets. I will be in your debt." Cypher@Guilty Spark ※ ※ ※ Linea & Sienna "You should be more careful, you won't be able to detect the traps on this tunnel like that." Linea said to Meihou, and as if a testament of what she said, Meihou' tail was almost burned by a laser that came out of nowhere. The smell of charred hair being a little remainder that they were entering in the Imperator's own residence, treating this like a game would result in not so much healthy consequences. "Though, I guess it's to be expected. Now, watch this..." Sienna said as she produced a bag full of glass beads and threw then at the area with the laser trap, after tellng Meihou to stay away. A moment later, the laser began to shoot like crazy and be deflected by the beads, hitting the walls randomly until the whole trap had destroyed itself. Proceeding throught the tunnel, they faced a series of traps, but thanks to everyone's efforts they managed to overcome the deadly dungeon, getting to the heart of the palace's underground where a giant sinkhole bloked their path. A side walk around the dark pit was the only passage, but as soon as they came in... "Fff... When I thought that I have heard something coming from the sewers, I should have expected to find a group of rats." said the same old gentleman that reprimanded the soldiers of Jessi's squad a couple hours ago. "Now, how's it that I should deal with you?" He had a wicked grin under the lowered brim of his hat as is devising the best method to dealing with the quartet of invaders. "Well then..." The old man sighed as powerful mercury colored beams of concentrated magic shot from behind him, targeting eachh of their hearts, clearly, he wasn't going to go easy on them from the looks of it... "Damn, I never thought that we would run into oppositon here. This tunnel isn't even guarded normally." Sienna complained as she dove out of the path of her beam and to her sister's side. "Azzas!" Linea shouted drawing her rapier and using it to inscribe a rune in the stone before her, causing a wall of rockrise and block the attack launched at her. "Misjudged assumptions are hardly a novelty when they come from you, onee-sama." The young mage said, as she moed to cover her sister's back. "Well, I never heard you alerting us either, Linea." "Because, as long as we are together, we can overcome anything, even onee-sama's blunders." "You know what? Let's shut up and kick ass." "Likewise." With their discussion finished, the twins got ready for battle, just as the old man shot them all an amused grim, waiting to see how Sierra and Meihou would fare against the weak, but lethal attack. 42nd Gecko@Vocab</s> <|message|>I'm 美猴娘娘, or Měihóu Niángniang! Měihóu Niángniang "Wouldn't destroying the trap rather than simply evading it set off some kind of alarm? Or at least a call to a maintenance crew?" Měihóu was absentmindedly patting out her tail As the beams of magic were launched at each of them, Měihóu twirled her staff once, while leaping forward to the precipice, perilously close to the beam, "Hup." before she slammed her staff deep into the stone, angled forward, with one hand on the top of the staff. Suddenly, the staff began both widening and lengthening, Měihóu clinging onto it. The magic slammed into the staff, unable to penetrate further, as Měihóu was part of the way across the sinkhole. "MONKEY, GOOD SIR!" Měihóu tipped her suddenly existent top hat to the gentleman, which promptly popped back out of existence as she finished the gesture. She continued approaching him, the weight of her staff was slowly pulling the angle of her staff lower and lower, so that just as she reached him, she would be eye level with him.</s>
<|message|>Sierra Periculum, or just Serys. Sierra continued along the tunnel, following on with the... Rather eccentric woman and the two sisters. When Mei turned and put on a rather terrifying show, she couldn't help but laugh at how rediculous some members of the populous truly were. When the laser trap suddenly activated, however, she was greeted with a forbidding and truly frightening reality. She had forgotten for a while now, but she remembered that they were in fact infiltrating the Imperators own residence. Her eyes widened at the sudden realisation, and she sucked quite suddenly as a laser shot straight above her head from the refractive beads. When the trap deactivated, Sierra's heart was pounding. She had never been good with stressful situations, and that went double for ones where her life was in danger. They continued walking, and a strange old man appeared from the hall, talking about rats of some kind. Then he fired a series of magic blasts directed squarely at their hearts. That was, by far, the thing she needed to allow direct combat. She sidestepped the beam and grabbed the watch that dangled from a chain on her pocket. Then she did something completely unnatural, that if anybody who didn't know what it was saw it, they would be dumbfounded. Then, she moved the thumb away as all the buttons she pressed lit up in the exact order she pressed, only to all converge it the centre. She moved her left hand over the top of it and seemingly grabbed something straight from the air just above the watch. "Renal Ich Zen Fulloken" she chanted, the watch suddenly glowing white and vanishing from her hand. Then it appeared again, this time dangling from a chain on her left side, hanging from her front jacket pocket. In her right hand a great white light formed, melding into the shape of a katana. As it formed, it spread out from her hand and gained colour; a dull, shineless grey. Then she spoke, but this time instead of her normal, light and slightly nerdy voice, came a hard, yet still light, dark tone reflective of her weapon. "You know somethings are best left forgotten. Just like your body will be after I'm finished FLAYING YOU!" she yelled, directly at the man and beyond; to the Imperator herself.</s>
<|description|>Steppe Archer Age: 16 Race: Human Gender: Female Appearance: A bright eyed girl from the Steppes of the Northeastern highlands, she carries with her a brightness and optimism that would lead one to believe her a simple runaway girl with dreams of adventure. Her complexion is tanned from her time spent under the open sky, and she seems to be in a perpetual good mood, judging from her omnipresent smile. She is of a lithe build, and has a slightly bowlegged stance from her life spent riding on a horse. Her arms and legs are fairly toned and muscular for her frame, making her a lot stronger than your average girl from a farm. She is almost perpetually seen with her hair in a ratty mess, the only restraint to it being her hairband that keeps her bangs from blocking her vision entirely. Her outfit usually consists of a traditional tunic of the Steppe, with large sleeves that give her arms free movement, a black long skirt that has been ripped at the sides to allow her legs more freedom, and a pair of leather sandals. When adventuring, she wears a leather breastplate beneath her dress for added protection. Height: 5'7" Eye Color: Amber Hair Color: White Personality: A little ball of sunshine and happiness, there doesn't seem to be much in this life that can get the Steppe Archer down. She carries with her an almost infectious energy that brightens up the room, seemingly always in high spirits. Her optimism is matched by her keen observation skills. In just a few minutes, she can identify the people in a room at a glance, and tell how someone is feeling by their expression. Despite her perceptive nature, she herself is very blunt, and often unable to think before she speaks. It is not uncommon for something she says to come across as harsh due to her lack of common sense compared to most other people. Likes: Horses, Sweet Meats, and Flowers Dislikes: Enclosed spaces, Negative thinking, and Insects Hobbies: Leather working, Cooking, and Stargazing History: On the large rolling plains of the Northeastern Highlands, one is born, lives, and dies on the move. There is no pause available to the nomadic people, with each waking moment spent with focus being on procuring food, supplies, and, once those begin to run low, the focus shifts to uprooting the camps and moving elsewhere on the Steppe. Their society is organized by numerous small "tribes" that have banded together to form a Confederacy, overseen by a leader who rules for a period of ten years after a martial tournament is held between the greatest fighters of the tribes. Before she was born, her father was heralded as the mightiest man on the Steppe, unbested in archery, and a master of wrestling. On the second year after she was born, he was dethroned and retired to his previous life of being a hunter to provide. In the time she spent with her father, she would learn the art of the hunt, and come to grow into a young girl. Life would proceed as it did, the circle of life in an unending loop, marching onwards with the beat of the people who's lives were spent chasing life. It wasn't all bad, not in the slightest. The meat was plentiful, the hunt was thrilling, and the life lead was one far from purposeless. Eventually however, the decade-held tournament would be held, and with the rise of a new chief came new and bizarre laws. One of which being that a "bride" of each tribe was to be offered to his son, as if they were pieces of meat to be handed out. And quite unfortunately, she was "selected" as the delegated bride. Rather than accept some impish demand for her virtue and hand in marriage to some spineless whelp, she would instead flee the Steppe with her father and mother's blessings, figuring that she could eek out a living as a mercenary or adventurer. With no military willing to accept such a young girl despite her demonstrated skills, she was left with no avenue but to become an adventurer, arriving in Palisade town on the Frontier due to its closeness to home. Adventuring Rank: Porcelain Equipment: Nomad Bow: A composite recurve bow of Steppe Archer's own making, made out of horn, wood, and sinew. It is well used from the years that Steppe Archer has spent hunting. Due to its smaller overall size compared to a normal bow, it is ideal for shooting on horseback and while moving, while not sacrificing the power of a full bow. Nomad's Sword: A steel curved sword resembling a slightly less curved scimitar. Ideal for slashing things apart, or gliding past something with a slash. Has a large enough grip to be two-handed. Torchfire: A beautiful mature auburn colored horse that Steppe Archer rode into town on. Despite the fact that she isn't able to bring it on many adventures due to the danger, she still insists on keeping it stabled up in Palisade Town, just in case she needs it. She is Steppe Archer's pride and joy, and her greatest asset in battle on a more open plain. Skinning Knife: A small knife that's sharp enough to cut through flesh. Usually used by Steppe Archer to skin the beasts that she slays, in order to sell the pelts for a sizable sum. Steppe life taught her never to be wasteful. Steppe Ensemble: Steppe Archer's protective leather breastplate beneath her folk-style dress. Her clothes keep her cool in just about any climate, and the leather armor beneath provides enough protection to shield her from light damage. Porcelain Adventurer's Tag Skills: Horseback Riding: There are few that can match the riders of the Steppe when it comes to equestrian based combat, and as a proud Steppe child, Steppe Archer can ride with the best of them. Trap Setting/Disarming: Much of the Steppe's hunting is done using traps to catch prey. As such, Steppe Archer is proficient in finding the perfect spots to place traps, whether that be to aid her friends, or harm her foes. Handy Woman: On the Steppe, work is divided amongst the men and women equally. As such, Steppe Archer is skilled with physical labor, capable of many tasks that many in the realm would consider "men's" work.</s> <|message|>Steppe Archer Steppe Archer felt a sense of relief at the druid's words directed to her, feeling that...maybe, with their powers combined, this quest could be easily resolved without them needing any of these precautions. The nagging feeling in the back of her mind was sated. For now. She also puffed her cheeks out once the lizardman laid his head atop her head, feeling like now she was being treated like a child over her worries. "Okay..." she said, resigning that they all were going to be just fine. The time was now to descend into the shit-smelling depths of the sewers and slay every manner of beast they came across. Thus began the journey of... The Vermin Slayers ...Of course, nothing necessarily as grandiose as some man some fair time and distance away who made his life's work on goblinoid genocide. These were just rats and bugs. Steppe Archer would bring up the rear, peeking past Druid Girl to see the crossroads ahead of them, a club held in her hands. "I think we should go West, or whichever way has the shortest path to a dead end. If we get caught off from the exit by a separate swarm, we might be in trouble," she said, clearly on edge. "Where we find rat droppings, we're likely to find the roaches too, so be careful. Though, maybe we can get them to fight one another if we can get you to talk to the rats."</s> <|message|>Lizard Fighter Big Red glanced back at the guild girl at her comment. "If I went mercenary you'd lose a lot of business. Then your Guild Master would care about anothers words." He replied before vanishing out of the Guild and to the latrines. If he went mercenary he'd bring more of his clansmen out of the marshes and swamps to form a large band. Still he liked his group, a couple of spunky girls who were proficient in their fields. Although Little Puff...puffing her cheeks out made her seem just a little childish. Still he snagged a torch while putting away his weapons and shield. He wouldn't need those for big rats and bugs. A log would be useful for the bugs, just roll over them and let the weight do the actual work. The group went into the latrine and Big Red pulled the door open with a small flex of his considerable strength. "Breathe through your noses, you'll adapt quicker." He rumbled out as he inhaled. Yup, smelled like a swamp. Maybe a bit more sharp thanks to the urine. A strike of flint on steel and his torch was lit, which was a few quiet click clacks, giving them a good bubble of visibility. While he had been doing that Druid Girl spoke of her time down here. "How long ago was that venture? They shouldn't populate that quickly." He asked as he pulled out the old map of the sewers. It'd most likely be accurate for the most part, the town wasn't that old and the only inaccuracies should be where rats and such messed things up. The behemoth took into account what the girls said and requested. Glancing at the map he shrugged and handed it to Druid Girl. "West is fine by me. You read the map since I can hold anything in the front if you even need to put it away. Little Puff can handle the rear. He stated before starting to move. The torch in hand held high to offer more distance to their light. Although whenever they neared a corner he would scrape off the lichen and mold before using the piece of steel in his pouch to make a marker to indicate where they were coming from.</s> <|message|>Druid Girl Druid Girl shook her head at the nomad's proposal to get the rats and roaches to fight one another. "I can't actually command the animals I speak with to do anything. I can ask them for help or information, but telling them to do something that'll endanger their own lives... Well, I'm not advanced enough yet to fully order them around." She explained, scratching the back of her head and looking a bit dejected. Emphasized further by the girl kicking a small bit of stone into the nearby stream of nasty. "Still, I can at least handle talking any of them out of blocking our way if we need to run." She added, confidently puffing out her chest and putting on a big smile, full of determination. At Big Red's comments, and the newly invented nickname for their nomad archer-friend, Druid Girl stifled a laugh by covering her mouth with her hand. Little Puff? Now that was just adorable, and it fit the cute little archer perfectly too! She'd have to remember to try calling her female comrade that at a later time too, and hopefully get it to stick. It was a shame Lizzie-poo hadn't worked out with Big Red, but hey, you can't have everything. Reaching over and taking the map from the lizardman, Druid Girl would do her best to read the chicken-scratches and faded, or blurry, lines of their map. To tell the truth, it was almost more of a hassle to try and navigate with the damn thing rather than just venture forth without it! Heck, Big Red were leaving smart little markings wherever they went, so it wans't like they'd get lost anyway. But the former farm girl couldn't bring herself to saying that, so instead she kept directing the party - safe inbetween Big Red in the front and the Steppe Archer behind her. For a while they travelled west through a passage, then turned south for a bit, then west again. At another crossroad, they kept going west. Oddly, they didn't encounter any giant roaches or giant rats. A few regular sized rats, sure, but those fled as soon as they picked up on the trio's approach, squeaking in panic as they sktitered off to save their lives. "Strange... We should've encountered at least some critters by now." Druid Girl said, lowering the map for a bit and looking around. "And we haven't seen any bones either, so it's not like the roaches killed and ate all the rats, and if the rats had eaten the roaches, there should've been plenty of them around to get in our way." The nature-specialist summarized. Something was obviously strange, wrong or very much both of the above. Sssschhlooooooooorp~! "Huh?" A strange noise was heard in the distant dark of the tunnel just ahead of them. It was a bizarre, sloshy noise, like a mix of someone slamming a slab of fresh meat onto a counter while also pouring a large bucket of water into a sink. The noise also seemed to have a rhytm or pacing to it, sounding off then falling quiet for a little while, before giving off another slosh. It was a rather unpleasant noise to be sure though, and Druid Girl could feel the hairs on her neck stand on end. "W-what's that noise? It's... It's not a sound anything living down here should be making..." She said in an obviously nervous tone. At this point, she'd stuffed the map into her pouch and unhooked the sickle she kept on her hip. i]Sssschhlooooooooorp~! i]Sssschhlooooooooorp~![/i][/i] With another wave of wet, goopy sounds, whatever was making the bizarre noise was - undeniably - drawing closer. Druid Girl tried to peer past Big Red to try and see if she could spot the ... Whatever it was... But to no avail. The thing about torchlight and light in otherwise darkness as a rule was that you could see fairly well in your immediate vicinity, but seeing anything far away was as good as staring into pitch black ink. Still... The group didn't have to wait for long, for within seconds, the source of the sound finally came around the corner of a short corridor just ahead of them. "... What the heck is that thing?" Druid Girl said after a brief moment of staring, blinking and rubbing her eyes. She was looking at... Well... A goopy mass of sludge. Just... Sludge. It had no shape or form other than a collection of goo and gunk. It had a strange beige-green coloration, no eyes, no ears, no mouth, no limbs... It was like someone had taken a sheet, filled it with liquid and then made it semi-transparent. Whatever this thing was, it was clearly neither animal nor insect. But regardless of that, it seemed to be aware that there were some lifeforms nearby... And it was slowly advancing towards the group.</s>
<|message|>Steppe Archer " that thing!?" Steppe Archer asked, visibly confused at seeing that...thing, sloshing towards them slowly. It sounded vaguely like wet slop being poured over and over, or like mud being stepped on. The direction it was coming from was where the rats had been...and the rats hadn't come back this way. It was like a mass of disgusting liquid, seeming to know exactly where the group was. "I think we should go back...I don't know what that thing is, but I don't think we can stab something made of water to death." The pragmatic hunter in her deemed that a creature she knew nothing about was unbeatable, and with the lack of rats or roaches in this area, it was likely that this thing's territory was clean of them. "We can double back the other way, and try to find Rats and Roaches elsewhere."</s>
<|description|>Fury "There is a thin line between human and beast, and I'm right on top of it." ~ Fury Note: he actually has 2 yellow eyes, not 1 yellow 1 green. Project Number: Will be assigned after the character is finished Sex: Male Age: 18 Species: Bengal Tiger 30% Appearance Details Hair color: Orange/Black striped fur, blond hair on top of his head. Skin tone: White Scars: None Tattoos/Piercings: None Height/Weight: 1,90 meters / 80 kg Significant Markings: Pretty muscular built, orange fur with black stripes spread over his body and, a tail (about half a meter long), long, sharp white nails on both hands and feeth, yellow eyes, cat-like ears and sharp teeth. Abilities/Mutations Masculinity: Despite bengal tigers being just a little bigger than humans, they can be 2 to 3 times as heavy due their muscels. These muscels give Fury more strength then an average human, however not much more. His muscels make it also possible to run faster then the average human. Stripes and hair colour: Bengal tigers have stripes and orange and black hair color. Tail: Tigers have tails. The tail is mostly for remaining balance and steering at high speed, so even though it's agile, it's not very strong. Eyes: Fury's eyes are unusually yellow, but they are really useful for places with not much light. Cat-like ears: Even though really distinguishable, Fury can use these ears to hear the smallest noise in the area. He can also hear high pitched noises with them normal humans can't hear. Sharp nails: Like a real tiger, he has long sharp nails, which he mainly uses to 'attach' to running prey. Sharp teeth: Fury has sharp teeth, which is his main weapon. With his teeth he can easily rip flesh apart. Unstable Characteristics: Fury was deemed failed because his instincts were to say the least 'unstable'. A tiger can be highly aggressive against both prey and things he deems a threat to either himself or his territory, which is basicly everything that moves and is bigger then a mouse. This makes him not only stand out in public, but also makes him a rampaging killing machine if ever released in a busy area. Personality: Fury as an animal is highly aggressive against almost anything that breaths, except those things he knows he is not able to win from. However, as a human, he is actually very kind and caring. As the combination of both, with both hungering for flesh all the time and not wanting to hurt people, he is very distant, especially to people he likes. Get on his good side, and he shows more of his human side. Get on his bad side, and you are releasing the animal. Also, because he remained long outside of civilization, he mostly acts more animal then human at times (stuff like walking on 4 limbs and occasionally roaring instead of talking). Weaknesses Obvious animal features which are sometimes hard to hide, some high pitch noises can hurt his ears, but most of all: his aggressive nature makes it hard to interact with anyone or anything. Biography: Fury came up with his selfmade name when he was just a welp because of the aggressive nature of tigers, and the name seemed to fit him when he became older. He seemed to be aggressive to anything he could lay an eye upon: even a video of mouse made him get in attacking stance. Mainly for this reason he was kept away from others. It soon became clear, especially in simulations where he would walk among normal people and attacked everyone around him, that he wasn't fit for the project and was deemed failed. The days after his escape he knew he shouldn't go to civilization, for both his safety and that of the civilians, so he stayed in the wilds, feeding himself by hunting at wild animals. It was hard for him to stay out of sight, and reports of a big cat-like creature being spotted around the places he came weren't uncommon, however, by keeping on the move and staying as far away from humans as possible he was able to stay away from any confrontations, till now... Likes: Meat and Fish Dislikes: Vegatables, fruits and other 'herbivorous' food Crush(es): None Relationships: None Other: He has a weak spot behind his ears, and if scratched there he becomes a bit more docile, but just a bit.</s> <|message|>Hawkins, Victoria, Rose The wind was steady, but calm. Leaves rustled on their branches with the gusts before falling off. The forest was quiet as the sun hid behind the thick grey overcast coming off the Great Lakes. Beautiful fall colors were still somewhat vibrant in the woods.A lone whitetail with an eight point rack grazed in a small clearing until the call of a doe drew his attention. A few seconds passed as the buck stood there, looking off in the direction of the call. A shot rang out, and the deer fell immediately. Off in the distance, part of a tree moved. "Gotcha..." Victoria Hawkins, former Army Airborne, slung her dad's old M40A1 rifle over her shoulder and stepped out of her homemade hunting blind. She grabbed the large tarp and walked out to the clearing. One shot right through the heart. A quick, clean, ethical kill. Dad would be proud when she told him she nabbed her first buck on her own. He had given her his old rifle from his time in Vietnam to use to hunt, so that was the added bonus to that. She wrapped up the deer in the tarp to take out to her truck and get home. A nice display on the wall, and some good meat and hide too. The guys at the local gun club will be thrilled. In a half hour, she was home and ready to gut and clean the deer when she noticed she had gotten a call while she was out. She took out her cellphone and called the number back. A few rings, and the other person picked up. "Hey....yeah, it's me...what do you want............a job? Now? You know it's deer season, right? ...uh huh...yeah I know I'm still considered a probation, I don't care...look, what's in it for me that you have to drive me away from a perfectly good deer for? ......hunting? Did you even-....uhhhh I being paid well? ....oh wow, really? Shit....uhm....hmm...yeah, gimme a day to get some things settled at home and I'll be out......anything in particular I need to know right now? .......okay, I'll look at the files. Where should I meet you? ...road trip? Yeah, I know customs is a bitch and the TSA can go suck my dick if they want to try full body searches on me...yeah, fine...sure, we'll take it cross country. You know we'll catch hell from local police...alright, I'm trusting you on'll pick me up tomorrow?, I'm not canning the sarcasm. It's part of who I am....yes, I am a bitch. Thank you for noticing...alright, see you then." Victoria hung her phone up and went about calling the president of the gun club. They could put the deer meat to good use if she wasn't going to be able to use it. A quick exchange about them picking it up and that was that. Now, she went about packing for her first assignment as a contractor. She opened up her laptop and downloaded the case files from her email. Well, this was certainly interesting. Black-ink shit, definitely. Almost like one of those old "coming of age" movie scenarios that she hated. Ugh, well, at least this was the real world and there was little chance of that happening. Not only that, but if she was really to take this on, she wondered what exactly would needed to be packed. This was the most dangerous kind of game, and she needed to be on top of it. She with a mix of her usual hunting camouflage jacket and pants and her rifle, along with her SOG Fixation Bowie knife and M1911A1 sidearm. Extra gear would be stowed away with the company orderlies for her to get on call in case she needed it. With that all taken care of, she packed clothes and other equipment in her suitcases, being sure to not skimp on the scent-killer. This was going to be quite the mission, but at least she was being paid handsomely in return. With everything squared away and ready, she went about studying the files and keeping up on anything she needed to until tomorrow came and she was off on the hunt. Her ride arrived and departed in minutes as they packed and went. Victoria lit up a cigarette as they rode across the country. With any luck, she'd be back in time to get some more deer tags before the season was over.</s> <|message|>Kat Kat hid quietly in the trees over-looking the clearing, she was absolutely silent as she scanned around the clearing. Her swords were attached to her thighs alongside her pistol so as not to hamper her movement. She looked down at the clearing below she saw a large lumbering shape off to one side and watched it intently. She noted the immense strength the figure seemed to posses and made a mental note to be cautious of it, before returning her gaze to the clearing where she could see another project.</s>
<|message|>Fury Fury looked past the plants into the clearing. His anger was raised to a level he couldn't contain himself anymore. He stared straight at the woman who looked like an easy prey to him. In the back of his mind he knew to be careful as it was an experiment as well, but his animal side had too much influence right now. He waited for the right moment to strike, when suddenly another woman stepped into the clearing and started dancing with his prey. It looked like another experiment, and he was a bit confused, but that didn't matter, he just had an extra prey. He was about to go for it, when he heard something in the bushes at the edge of the clearing. It was another experiment, slowly walking towards the center. He looked familiar to him for some reason, but his instincts overruled his thoughts. This guy was taunting him, wanting him to fight. Well, he didn't know what he was in for. The Tiger-man jumped out of the cover of the plants. He was clearly angry, and on four legs, weaponised with claws, sharp teeth and eyes that almost literaly spit fire, he ran straight for the bear-man. At this moment, he didn't care about anything. His surroundings, his human side, it all didn't matter: He was totally focused on his target.</s>
<|description|>Kano Hargor Age: Unknown Element: Water / Darkness Personality: Centuries of life have a way of killing off emotions. Such can often be the unfortunate disposition of the headmaster. His attitude is often one of absolute authority over students, teachers, and even the surrounding villagers. Despite the sometimes oppressive atmosphere he displays, Kano is a passionate and gentle person who cares deeply about a students connection to their second soul. Gloomy can sometimes be a way of describing his meandering pace and absent minded mannerisms when classes are not in session. Though he can shift from a range of emotions, Kano is consistently seeking the special case students with exceptional or unique abilities, taking special preparations to groom them as future teachers or on rare occasions, his potential heir. "My life is long. But it is not eternal. Who will guide the next generation should I pass from this world?" History: How long had it been since that little boy with the broken arm cried into the river. How many days have passed since he was nearly killed by the hatred of our world. How quickly he came to power in an age unknown to us now. Kano Hargor was just a sniveling whelp, destined to cry out his frustrations over the petty squabbles for land and wealth that dominated his every waking moment. Those fools of the past ravaged forests for food and fuel, mountains for jewels and vanity, and polluted the waters with the dead. The trash of their passing. His rage fueled his ascension. A being who made peace with the cataclysmic forces of nature. Sworn to preserve it. To show others to preserve it. His powers found kinship with other like-minded individuals. These five individuals fought for a home they had not yet created. They Changed humanity and ushered in an age of peace. The children of the future born to a new world. Humans given the same powers he had. In the present times he looks upon his home with love in his heart and soul. The village had swelled, prospered, and created a harmony unique to it. No other culture mirrored the fruits of its communion to the primal energy and fury of nature itself. "I wish you could see it now one last time.. You are not forgotten, my sky flower. Your memory lives on in the heart of our home." Equipment: The only equipment he carries with him is an extremely aged leather bound book. Presumably a memento from his past life. Only his co-headmaster knows what is between the aged pieces of paper. ---</s> <|message|>Zeke Joubert Zeke was following a sunbeam. He'd woken up with his roommate still asleep and the picture he had drawn faded away. When he'd got the notice about classes only starting in the afternoon, he'd grabbed his camera and decided to go find something pretty. Then he'd remembered he had to change out of his pajamas first. So he was now wandering down the corridors of the main building. A funny song attracted his attention, and he looked down the corridor to the nurse's office. A girl was standing there, with her eyes shut and framed by the light from the office. Zeke picked his camera up and took a photo of the light in the passage. Then he walked down the corridor, his eye glued to the viewfinder, looking for a different angle. The light was interesting inside, after all. Perhaps he'd go wander around the grounds later. Stygian</s> <|message|>Kanako Nagasaki Kanako, you smell nice. Kanako's heart skipped a beat once she heard those words. She had to pause and rethink whether or not she had heard him right. But she perfectly knew what she heard was true, and now she could feel her face reddening as well. Jideh being this close to her certainly didn't help. "I think the fountain's up ahead. See where the trees thin out?" the boy suddenly said. She glanced at him and saw how he was blushing as well. Perhaps he had realized how embarrassing what he had just said. "Y-yeah, l-let's go!" Kanako quickly replied, wanting to change the subject just as badly as him. In the end however, they arrived too late, as the Headmaster had ended the night run before they could get there, signalled by the fog clearing up and the seniors coming out from the trees to show themselves to their juniors. Kanako didn't meet with the seniors that she had fought before however. Instead, she went straight back to her room, wanting to rest and forget that she had spent hours of her time on something so useless. She could feel her entire body aching. And once she got there, once again, she threw her entire body to her bed, only taking off her shoes. She slept soundly wearing her full uniform. --- The next day, she woke up almost at noon. The first thing she noticed was the notice under her door. So the classes would start after lunch. Perfect. She had an hour to clean up before heading to lunch. At lunch, she was fully refreshed. After taking a nice and long bath, she felt like she could do anything. She felt really energized and she ate a lot on lunch, more than her usual portion. After that, she immediately went to the appointed wind elementalist training grounds. Just like yesterday, she had to climb so many stairs to get to the rooftops. Halfway there however, she realized that her outfit wasn't exactly the optimal one for her training. She wore a similar school uniform skirt from yesterday, and it was as short, if not a little bit shorter. She just hoped that no perverts would try to peek at her underwear when she was manipulating her winds, because she was still not good enough to keep her skirt from rising up.</s> <|message|>Lyra Andor When Lyra opened her eyes, and blinked at the light, she knew for sure that she was dry and standing in a corridor. For a second there, she felt like she was still in the water, being tossed around by the waves. It was odd how the sensation wouldn't left her even now. There was a clicking sound, and after Lyra had found her footing again, she looked up and saw the boy with the camera. He seemed oddly fascinated by the corridor and the door behind her. Wait, was he taking a picture of her? What, without even saying hello? Is that rude? Lyra wasn't sure if it was rude. She'd done things like that and sometimes people say it's rude. Either way he didn't even seem to notice her and just went on his way down the corridor. "Hey!" Lyra called. She made her way down to him. "Hi! You're the light-painter! You're ... Sorry, what's your name again?" She glanced at the camera in his hand. A light-painter who also captures light! Interesting!</s> <|message|>Catherine Hargreaves Catherine woke up to the sound of her alarm thrashing through the inside of her skull. A flick of her wrist sent a forceful gust that pushed the clock off the nightstand to fall on the floor, quieting it. Disheveled and groggy, she sat up on the edge of her bed, her foot pushing into the glass on the floor, clinking against the bottle. Is this what her teaching career was going to be like? Pretending everything was fine in the morning, and drinking herself to sleep at night? She ran her fingers through her messy hair, and then pinched the bridge of her nose in a futile attempt to stop the throbbing pain. She had thought that Jordan's presence would give her just the right amount of the familiar to make her feel at home and at peace, not dredge up past regrets memories of a failed relationship. She couldn't let herself be a wreck every time she ran into him. She hoped that going forward, they'd both just put on their professional face, and treat each other with the right amount of cordiality and distance. She'd give the previous night's incident a pass, after all, it wasn't like he had meant for her to see the name on the gun, and it was the night run, so he was bound to get a little wild. She smirked to herself a little, remembering just how wild he could get. --- There was nothing like flying at top speed at high altitudes through the crisp morning air right after a steaming hot shower to clear away a nasty hangover. Though she was dressed in her usual professional white blouse and pencil skirt, she had let her hair flow free; she needed to let her hair dry, though the real reason was she just needed the feeling of being free and unshackled, unbound. Heading to the roof of the building to check if any intrepid wind students were seeking tutelage, she saw Kanako standing there, and gracefully floated down to her. "An eagerness to learn is an admirable trait, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a teacher," Catherine started.</s> <|message|>Felix Williams Felix Williams Location: A room Amsterdam The nights run had ended in a way that Felix assumed others would be jealous of from his point of view. Somehow in the course of a single day he had made an enemy of every student and likely every teacher at the school, sabotaged his living arrangement from the school itself, and seen a snow white angel with hands strong enough to reach the inferno of jumbled emotions that was his heart.. She cared for him. A part of his mind, a small piece of it, believed it to be pity or some other underlying emotion that made her do what she was doing.. yet after the episode with the kiss and her icy wrath blossoming in the nights run Felix had no reason not to believe that what she felt was the genuine start of a healthy relationship. Could he call it that? Both his parents had been in love once and yet they had drifted after just a few short years.. That nagging doubt in his mind refused to believe in his own feelings as genuine just yet. It was all so confusing. Yet there they had been. Sitting below the swaying branches of the trees with Dias soft and supple frame on his- Reality crashed back hard as Felix rose from his bed and swung at the demons of doubt and fear dancing before his sleep dazed eyes. Again his prominent and injured hand suffered for the reckless spirit inside him as it struck the hard stone wall with a hefty thud, eliciting a wince and a hiss as he sucked in his breathe before cradling the hand near his chest. Again Felix felt the restless furnace inside him swell as it fed on his confusion and fears. "Was it all a dream.." The words were little more than a whisper. Everything had gone so well yesterday that he'd half expected to wake up in his old room.. Instead he was greeted by a far more appreciated sight. "Dia." Thats right! The night run, the rooftop, it was real. We wandered back slowly and then.. together.. in bed.. we.. we.. A bright red flushed his face at the implications. The two of them had slept together, but had that been all? Thankfully he was still dirty and fully clothed so the moment of panic quickly passed. Even the renewed pain from his hand was drowned out by an unfamiliar feeling of warmth spreading through his body at just the thought of what they shared. Felix had fallen asleep with someone in his arms.. "I-I'm sorry. Did I oversleep? How are you feeling after last night."</s> <|message|>Dia Sidonia Dia - A Room --- Dia blinked lazily as she considered the question. "Well enough. Classes are cancelled until after lunch. So that means we're going to the infirmary once you get up fully. I'm not helping that hand enough, and I'll be damned if I let you keep making it worse," she murmured, a smile playing across her face. She stretched with a yawn, running fingers through her hair in an attempt to remove knots. "Will... Will you wait for me? I need to go to my room to get clean clothes and shower and deal with my hair and - " she cut herself off, her smile changing to one of apology. "Well, you know what I mean. I hope. Don't leave, please." Leaning over to kiss his forehead, Dia released a content sigh before grumbling nothings as she got up. At the door she paused one final time. "And Felix... Thanks for, uh, all the fun. For, um, being you. And for not... For not....fornottryinganything," she finished quickly turning red.</s>
<|message|>Kano Hargor The waters of the hot spring could see and hear everything that happened around them, given conciousness by the headmasters powerful melding. More than commubicating with the spirits and elementals of the water he absorbed them. To one of his kind it was like regaining something you lost such as a finger or a whole hand. In the water he felt the underlying happiness of the water. Clean, free of contamination or corruption, unbound and untamed. Without the elements using the knowledge of its handler they could not communicate, speech and emotion being rather foreign concepts, but now they hummed a wordless song of thanks into Kanos very soul. It was a delicate concept to balance human life and needs with the simplistic ways of the natural world. Humans needes to expand and grow but not at the cost of the world around them. At the academy they had learned to give and take freely, secure in a greater good between the two sides. The sensation of another strong spirit, this one attuned to the ground, stepped a single foot into the hotsprings. At once, the flowing awareness through the mass of water was collected into a singular portion of it across from Jorden. The discarded robes floating in the pool were manipulated by the waters flowing up and into it until it had become something resembling human. The upper portions were that of a living person, albeit made of the clear blue waters of the springs. A black stain, like ink, seeped from the chest and out to every inch of the forned body. Finally the bright azure glow of his eyes signaled Kanos full materialization. As expected he was rather blunt. "Yes, Jorden. I did. Shower before getting in here next time or," from pleasantly warm to bearly subzero temperatures the water shifted under the headmasters will before returning to the more pleasant and natural temperature. "As for I assume you refer to Felix. Push him too hard and the spirit in him coul still cause a teacher harm. Intentionally or not. I trust you will use discretion fitting for whatever trials are to come.." Thoughts of the night runs 'casualties of war' crossed his mind. There had been few injuries beyond bumps and scrapes, all of which promptly dealt with, but it made sense to be more diligent. As always Kano simply failed to remember what it was lile to be flesh an blood. They broke easily. Healed slowly.. "Bring one of the infirmary aids with you if you intend to get serious. Oh and, before someone else shows up, like one of the children," emphasis on the children part, "I suggest getting into proper swimwear. Nobody wants to see that." A call from the entrance confirmed his suspicions just few moments later. "See?" Algorithm "Please wait one moment. I am with another student at the moment." Kano called to ShiZhen. As Manilow dealt withhis wardrobe malfunction Kano dealt with his own. Fully materializing a 'body' and stepping onto the dry stones beside the pools. The waters pushed from its depths a frozen orb, steaming in the exposed air, that cracked where Kanos fingers touched. The frozen shards fell harnlessly to the floor revealing the book he treasured above all. Secured back onto his waist, and Manilow properly covered, he called to the student once more. "You may enter now."</s>
<|description|>Nelson Schor (find that reference) Known as: Nelson Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 36 Vocation: Lieutenant of the United World Space Corps, second in command of the Scythian Appearance: Personality: Vain is the word best describe the young yet upcoming Nelson. He is a man driven by the desire to be noticed and be praised. He loves to decorate his uniform with medals and epaulettes of the UWSC, in order to get everybody's attention, and will get irritated and angered if he does not receive enough credits for his achievements. He is easily flattered by praise and is very vain. Due to his young age, he was only 30 when he reached the rank of Lieutenant, he has a violent side to him, triggered when his irritation reached its climax. The violent mood swing and impulsiveness, in some occasions, has an effect on his judgement. But still, Nelson, in reality, actually deserves the rank of Lieutenant. Despite his arrogance, Nelson is a man with great confidence in his ability, and his decent knowledge about politics and tactics allowed him to achieve several victories for himself. That assertiveness can and had, several times, triggered Nelson to disobey direct orders whenever he felt they are unwise and can lead to disastrous results. Next to his rash personality is the calm and composed manner, in which he usually showed to his men. His orders are usually based on his soldier's needs, and love rather than authority. Because of this, he is widely regarded an effective leader, and his charisma often provides his men with considerable courage. History: Born in a family whose traditions are closely related to the military, Nelson quickly followed their footsteps soon after he turned seventeen. He joined the UWG Space Corps and served as a gunner onboard UWG Zaetron, a UWG light cruiser for 2 years before beginning his officer training. His first encounter with the Nomad was in 2789, when he was appointed Chief Petty Officer on the UWG De Loan, a heavy cruiser. There, he met commander Alexander Mahan, who befriended him after the battle, impressed by his leadership. The battle was very brutal, as casualties in the two were painfully high, but the victory belonged to Nelson and Alexander. Alexander was later promoted to captain and was assigned elsewhere, but maintained contact with Nelson. Nelson's first experience in a leading position affected him greatly, as his determination to continue in the military ranks was bolstered, and soon he achieved his first self-earned victory, at the Battle of Rantost in 2791, where he was appointed captain of the UWG light cruiser Arbenale. Soon before the battle commenced, he found himself at the weak rear of the UWG formation. Realizing the compromising position he was placed in, and that the Nomad would soon storm into where he was, Nelson purposely disobeyed orders to maintain formation and shifted his location, engaging the attacking vessels from a concealed position single-handedly. Casualties on the Arbenale were high, and Nelson suffered an injury to the right eye, but he managed to nullify the Nomad's attack, allowing the UWG fleet to counter attack and secure a win. Despite the victory, Nelson had disobeyed direct orders, and was officially reprimanded, but no punishments were given. He continued to steadily climb the career ladder until late 2802, when he had already reached the rank of Lieutenant. He, while serving as a captain on a UWG small sized battleship, suffered from a disease and fell seriously ill. He was dismissed and sent back home for treatment, and did not take part in the final battle between the UWG and the Nomad. After his illness subsided, Nelson reestablished contact with Alexander, who had risen to become a fleet admiral. Alexander used his influence in the UWSC to help him retain the ranks, but then appointed Nelson to a small, non-combat intended Cutter-class cargo transport for some unknown reasons directed from the Naval Intelligence. He was at first displeased with what Alexander had given him, given his ranks, but after he explained that the NI were the one who gave the order, not him, he couldn't continue the blame. Miscellaneous: Nelson is born a sickly person who is prone to suffer from diseases, which had caused him to miss the final battle with the Nomad. NPC: Alexander Mahan: A mysterious old friend to Nelson. He's one of the rare fleet admirals in the UWG Space Corps. Not much is known about him, but according to Nelson, Alexander is a highly professional leader, possessing a very calm yet calculative demeanor and has never once lost his temper. He is known for his significance in the resistance against the Nomad in the 27-year war. He helped Nelson after he fell ill, and assisted in his re-entry into the navy.</s> <|message|>Vokeera O'knuro Mel, Ro and the boys had shot out of Director Ogilvie's office as soon as the man had uttered his order. There was some sort of rioting at the unloading bay. They'd glimpsed fire and heard gun shots. "Group up!" Mel ordered once they exited the administration building and ran towards the space port. "Identify hostiles, subdue and restrain. No lethal force!" The boys and Ro nodded. Jack and BB separated and the two groups approached the landing bay in a flanking motion. The boys on the right and Mel and Vokeera on the left. People were rioting alright. A mob had formed. People were pushing and pulling, fighting, shouting and screaming. Parts of the landing bay were burning. A Veroxian was shouldering his way within the crowd trying to get to someone. The hostiles? "BB, try to get injured people to cover, tend to their wounds." Mel instructed the Lance Corporal. "Roger that, Searg." BB acknowledged and set about to follow the order. "I shall do the same." Vokeera stated near Mel as the other one in the group with medic training. The Noxaara crouched low and was about the leave cover when Mel pulled her forcefully back. "Don't push!" She stated simply, her eyes burning hot, her hand clutching Vokeera's wrist. "Roger." Ro acknowledged curtly and crawled away. "Jack, try to reach Chief Nero and see about a plan of action. We're sitting ducks with that sniper!" Ro heard Mel instruct over the comms while advancing towards a woman who's legs appeared shredded by the exploding Molotov. The Noxaara reached the woman who appeared to be unconscious. The Protector checked her vital sighs. The pulse was weak and thready, but present. Vokeera clasped her gently beneath the armpits and started pulling her carefully towards cover. "There's not much I can do for her. " Ro stated, positioning the injured woman behind their crate. On the other side of the landing bay Jack crawled low on the ground to where Chief Miranda Nero was also crouching, she appeared to be reporting the situation. To Ogilvie probably. Jack thought. The Chief than rushed over to the marine closest to her. Jack followed carefully. "We have backup on its way, but I don't think they can get here before they..." the chief motioned toward the human mass in front of them, "...tear us apart. If we lock ourselves inside the ship, it would give the rapid response more time to react, maybe the riot would even lose its momentum." Jack recoiled as a glass object landed about a meter behind them, shattering on impact. Fortunately, there was no fireball. "Unless you have a better idea. In that case, speak quickly." The Chief was telling the marine. Jach decided this was the moment to interject and quickly introduced himself to the Chief as well as their group, mentioning they had the Director's blessing to help. "So what's the plan, Chief?" He'd left his comms open for Ro, BB and Mel to hear the conversation.</s> <|message|>Hark Lauras (NPC mini post) "I-I don't know what to do!" Carsons stammered at the moons security chief, "The gunny is dead and our second in command is who-knows-where so just do whatever the hell needs to be done!" Carsons had never seen combat before and it was nothing like he was trained for. He couldn't even tell where the shots were coming from, the gunny was dead, and there was a sea of fighting people slowly approaching the Scythian. He felt a sturdy hand pull him around, "Get your head out of your ass and go help the loading crew that's still trapped in that sea of moon monkeys!" Carsons surveyed the the area looking for anyone that could use his assistance. He heard a loud crack as a bullet flew right past his head, he jumped off of the loading ramp and went prone. When he looked up he saw a young woman all curled up in a ball slightly rocking back and forth. By the looks of it she was part of the loading crew. 'The fuck is wrong with her?' Carsons thought to himself. He picked himself up and ran over to her and scooped her up and headed up the ramp. As he ran he noticed that every time there was a gunshot she would flinch and curl up tighter. Once he got her up into the Scythian's loading bay he brought her to the back and put her down. He took a knee next to her, "Are you okay?" @Silver Carrot</s> <|message|>Dalry Soumers @Elevation Dalry heard Miranda's warning to hide, but she couldn't move. She couldn't will her legs to get up. She might be able to open her eyes, but she didn't want to. She couldn't cope with this. With being thrown back into the chaos and gunfire. If she shut it out for long enough, it might die down, or put her out of her misery. She din't know which one she'd prefer, but she'd prefer both to having to face the chaos again. She felt herself getting lifted up, and gasped in relief, grabbing a tight hold of the soldier who'd just rescued her. When she was put down, she dared to open her eyes, and as soon as she saw it was safe, she sprang to her feet with poise and grace that nobody possessing should be fearing this situation that much, and she backed herself against the wall furthest from the entrance before nodding. She was breathing heavily, but less in a 'physically exerted herself' way and more in a 'panic attack' way. "I'm okay now. Just...that chaos and gunfire...I'm Dalry Soumers. Ex-UWLA. Corporal. I'm a First Contact survivor." She didn't need to elaborate what she'd had first contact with, or why that explained how she behaved the way she did. Any soldier who knew about the Nomad would understand.</s>
<|message|>Nelson Schor (find that reference) "Sir! You need to calm down! Firing on the crowds will do us more harm than goods!" Said the weapon officer on board the bridge of the Scythian, to the rash Nelson, who, still in his enraged fury, just ordered the crews to open fire. "I don't need to know that! They aren't civilians! They are our enemies! They killed our men!" Nelson shouted back to him, but was suddenly grabbed in the shoulder by him himself. "Sir! If you fire on the crowd you risk losing your entire career right here, right now! And your killer will still be there, sitting with his ass above his crossed feet peacefully! You will not get yourself a revenge like this! Wake up!" Despite how fiercely Nelson protested, the man kept holding on to him, gripping his shoulders tightly, until the Lieutenant calm down. The officer was being unusually calm and patient, as opposed to his impulsive superior. The reason was simple: he was a former subordinate of Nelson. He knew Nelson's rashness, his rage. Although not thorough, but still, he knew it. He saw his eyes. And then he knew that he couldn't afford to be impatient like him. He couldn't waste his entire career, his life to some rash and illogical decisions, nor he could afford to lose the Lieutenant as his superior. The universe would lose a Nelson. It took around a minute to calm the man down, as his shoulders began to loosen itself. The anger still lingered somewhere within him, but at the least, the man could gave a sigh of temporary relief, as he knew that he had led way for his real self to come out. His genius self. Nelson sighed as he clinched his forehead, releasing all his anger, trying to vaporize it into thin air, as he said. "Tell me officer. What are we provided with?" There it is. "Not much I'm afraid. We have three CIWS machine guns, and a bundle of navy personals, but almost half are recruits and do not have much experience." "That's already enough." Nelson turned to address the entire room. "All hands, man your stations. I want all well-trained personals to handle the guns. Watchers and navigators, keep a close eye on the surrounding buildings." "What are you trying to do sir?" Another officer asked, a middle-aged man. "I was targetted by a sniper. And as far as I know, there is one lurking out there, trying to fling shots on our butts the moment we stick it out of the ship. And we will not let him accomplish that goal" Nelson then walked to the observation area, where the situation was slowly unraveling in front of his eyes. He could see several shots coming from two large building not far from there. That was where those snipers were stationed in. Fools. They think that by staying there they will be totally safe? Such arrogance will be their grave mistake. "There" He pointed at the two buildings. "That abandoned building. In the crack of the chaos, we'll go straight for it." The line was directed at his officers, who looked at each other. "You mean taking off?" "They have given themselves to us already." Nelson said. "By appearing that we are retreating from the area, we can close in on them without them making a single move to counteract them." He then turned to voice himself into the radio, in a manner different from his original. "Attention all personals. Return to your station immediately. The ship will be taking off in 10 minutes."</s>
<|description|>Hadrian Amaranth Sev Alias: Dark Mage/ Dark Enchanter Gender: Male Build: Slender Eye Color: Poison Green Power: Dark magic= magic that controls and came from the dark. Also includes necromancy and etc. Neutral Magic= magic that do not need darkness or light elements/emotions. Also known as household magic. Heaven's Light= A support based light magic that stems from the need to protect and heal. Use to heal and protect the members of Fairy Tail with the help of the FT's mark. * only used when Fairy Tail is in dire peril. Parselmagic= the ability to control snakes and talk to them. Also includes healing magic. Enchanting= the ability to enchant things. Appearance: the cloak is black with green linings. Color and location of symbol: Emerald Green and at the chest Bio: Hadrian Amaranth Sev is a person of another world that was accidentally been sent to Earthland by being push into a gate that was used for execution. He was a former lord back in the other world and was trying to find a way to go back home by travelling into the new world he's been sent to. He is immortal and there's a speculation that the reason he came to Earthland was no accident. He's been there the first time the Fairy Tail guild was established. He became the shadow protector of the guild and for a time, was a spymaster for the magic council. Nowadays, he's a travelling hermit. Though he is immortal, he can still feel pain. There comes a time that he gave up on trying a way to go back home and tried different methods to kill himself but to no avail, he still can't die. He was saved to his depression by the founder of the Fairy Tail guild, Mavis. Even though he's immortal, his body is still human that's why he suffers from the ailment of forgetfulness. One thing is clear though, his fairy tail mark on his chest helps him remember and never forget to protect the Fairy Tail Guild from the shadows.</s> <|message|>Max Darkflame @Queentze@KatherinWinter Max saw another ghost creeping up behind him.He attached the ghost with his axe."Not so fast,Boy..."The ghost said."What the fuck"he said.The ghost started attacking Max when Max saw that he started yelling"Demon from Satans corner I summon you".The demon raised from the ground.As the ghost saw the demon he disapeared.Then he saw her"No ,its not you ,your not real"Max yelled."Max dont you remember me".Suddenly Max collapsed on the ground realeasing the most demonic scream anyone has ever heard.</s> <|message|>Griffin @Rusalka@Queentze Griffin hated the carriage ride. Not because the bumps that jarred him every other second but because the carriage was small enclosed and crowded. Three of his least favorite things in one. He gritted his teeth and looked out the window hoping that the ride wouldn't be long. He was grateful when they finally arrived at the town. He hurried out of the carriage and looked around? This was the town? How the hell had they had enough money for a guild request? Not that he cared about the money. He didn't. He was here to prove his skills and abilities. He looked around wondering if he would be able to see the ghost or if he would have to go into the shadows to see them. When Jocelyn screamed his name he spun around and threw on of his shadow knifes at the creature. If that didn't work then he work he would try going into the shadow realm and attacking.</s> <|message|>Donivan Morningstar @dragonslayer1@Rusalka The carriage ride was bumpy indeed. But he just went to the with the flow, trying to keep the conversation up and just moving with the carriage. When the sun started to disappear and the darkness rolled around, Donivan started to wonder were it had gone, and was about to ask why when Jocelyn announced they had arrived. The town was down right creepy, it made the lion with in him stir, that just meant that there was some bad mojo here. "Hey this place is a dump, like its worse than bad." he said to himself. He was behind Jocelyn as she started he chanting, when the ghost started to appear he went into full action. Four little kid ghost, grossly deformed in the faces and bodies, grabbed him from behind and threw him to the ground. "You little kids have some spunk don't you." He said as the jumped on top of him. His punches went straight through them so he decided to fight souls with souls. "I ask the King of the Jungle for power, lend me your strength LION!" A yellow golden, aura surrounded his body. He jumped up and slapped the kids off of him. The aura looked like someone had thrown a lion skin over him, the yellow skin had ears, a tail and claws, and Donivan's eyes always changed to that of the animal he had adopted. One of the kids jumped at him and he used the lion class and cut at its chest. It disappeared in a grey puff and he turned towards the others. "Time to party!"</s> <|message|>Moeasha Light Moeasha smiled and greeted the man. "Yes sir, we have dealt with the problem!" She gestured to the tied up trio of wizards, all looking soaked and weary. "Now, the payment?" Moeasha held out her hand, eagerly waiting the hard earned reward. Maybe I won't help the town after all, they were hardly hospitable, Moeasha thought to herself while mentally figuring out how to spend the cash.</s> <|message|>Azerus The man looked at Moeasha's out stretched hand strangely, he then pulled out an ornate abacus with shiny baubles and beads from a sack on the donkey. The different rows held beads of different sizes and colours. The ones at the top being the most prestigious, representing a higher sum of money. The whole thing was compounded with all manner of other clever trickery for maths astronomy and measuring. Tools Azerus had never seen before and probably never will again. The poshly gentleman releases his counting devise and it stays perfectly put, hovering sturdily in the air. With a few tinkering touches the dials and beads quickly scatter, sliding across the bars to one end or the other. There it was, their full sum payment represented as different shaped baubles sliding across a silver slider. It looked beautiful, one side heavily out weighing the other. "This was the deal I had with the shadow wolves, however it was not the deal I had with you..." A few of the smaller lower bar beads zip to the other end. "I don't owe you the frivolities of past relations." The man tilts his head examining his counting device, his top hat magicallybstaying put in its positioning on his head, defying gravity. "I am kind and understanding so I will cover the expenses to the town done by the trouble makers." He looks up with a kind smile. "But." His finger starts tapping against his strong smooth jaw line. Then stops. "There is the matter of the tavern wall." A mid sized bead darts away from the favouring side. "and the eight men you assaulted and injured, bones don't mend cheap you know." he gives Azerus a stern eye as even more baubles pile up on the other side. Azerus gave it a quick count. It was still a little more than double Moeasha's original job. That was until more beads started flying across. "Lastly there is the insurance pay for the shadow wolves you beat up, the extra travelling distance and security detail to reach fairytail (to deposit the funds), an extra gate tax and town inspection tax. " The lower bar small beads battered from one side to the other until they had all crossed over, then at once they all slammed back as one of the larger beads from the row above slid over in its place. This continued and was happening so quick the abacus became a blur of colour as it recalculated there payment. As it settled Azerus quickly counted the remaining beads on their side. Half of what Moeasha's first job would have been. "Your payment will be delivered to the guild." says the man as he puts away his counting device and gives a humble bow before retreating towards the town with his donkey. Azerus just shrugs his shoulders and looks to Moeasha.</s> <|message|>Moeasha Light At first, Moeasha's eyes lit up at the sight of such intricate design, her hands twitching with the desire to touch. As she realized what the device was and then watched as her total began going down, her face fell. By the end of the exchange Moeasha had on the most pitiful expression ever, shoulders slumping in defeat. She quietly murmured her thanks to the man, ever the polite one. She then tuned to Azerus, sighing forlornly. "My horoscope was quite incorrect after all. Shall we go fetch your horse and find a more hospitable town to lay ur heads for the night? Or perhaps camping out would be better." She then noted Azerus was still wrapped in her cloak. "We need to find you new clothing."</s> <|message|>Azerus At mention of his horse Azerus froze for a second, the recollection causing a faint expression of hidden guilt. But it passed on by. With a yawn Azerus looked up to the starry night sky. "Nice night for camping." he says with a soft smile. He looks down at Moeasha's cloak. "Ah, it can wait till were back at fairytail. These bumpkins probably couldn't fashion me anything decent anyway." with that he ensures the cloak is firmly wrapped around himself and not going anywhere.</s> <|message|>Moeasha Light "Then let us drop these three off at the village for them to deal with, and then go camp. Also I would like to know what the man meant by Shadow Wolves?" Moeasha motioned to their captives while she spoke, then walked over to the edge of the water. Bending down she submerged her leather pouch into the water to fill it, then capped it back up and hooked to the jewel belt of hers. The jewel ornaments she wore on both ears, waist, wrists, ankles, and neck surely showed her love of shiny things. Which was why she had tried so hard not to steal the man's abacus when he was showing it off right in front of the poor girl.</s> <|message|>Azerus "Oh those guys." Azerus exclaims as he scratches the back of his head. "Well, It's just a rival guild that didn't deserve the job. They always get better jobs then us and I know we could of handled it better... So I may have taken it from them." "Come to think about it they probably won't be happy about it." After that Azerus took care of transporting the trio to the town. There was a little resistance but nothing much. They were happy to claim their actions before everyone. It didn't take long for the townsfolk to gather around and a whole emotional scene ensued. Turns out the trio were all born and raised in the fishing town, forbidden to practise their magic they had to hide it from everyone or get bullied and picked on for being different. Some old friends, family members and lovers emerged from the crowd to apologise or chastise them about their actions. Some of the words broke through and the criminals broke down in tears. It was never clear what their exact punishment would be, it definitely included a hefty sum for all of the damages they caused. That alone would take a short lifetime to repay. Yet there was still so much they had need to talk about, but it was clear the trio would face their punishment head on and accept it.</s> <|message|>Moeasha Light Moeasha smiled, glad to have helped. She then began walked away, expecting Azerus to follow. "Well, maybe chose a mission from our guild, yes? Hopefully the mission I was planning to take is still available!" Moeasha waited for Azerus to retrieve his horse, ready to sleep for the night after all the activity and excitement.</s> <|message|>Azerus Azerus retrieved his coin pouch that was given to Moeasha earlier and headed off towards the stables. A little while later he caught back up to her, riding upon the back of that magnificent horse again. Azerus was wearing a new simple cheap outfit, he also had on a wide backpack filled with notable camping gear and blankets. Being so late (or early), Azerus was keen to use what little was left of the night to catch some shut eye. He set up camp shortly after exiting the town. Finding a nice little clearing just off the main road with a singular large tree providing additional shelter. Azerus returned the cloak, feeling he didn't need it and only wore it for her favour, he didn't feel the need to thank her for it. Regardless he did have a gift for her. A fancy corked bottle.</s>
<|message|>Hadrian Amaranth Sev Dark clouds gathered around the decrepit abandoned village. Sounds of fighting can be heard while lightning flash in the distance. A lone figure can be seen walking towards the ominous village. The figure wore a dark cloak with its hood covering the person's face. Poison green eyes flash and a whisper was muttered. "Fairy Tail huh..." The mysterious person was suddenly covered by mist and as soon as it came, it immediately dispersed leaving nothing behind.</s>
<|description|>STP3-CHMR Beta IV "VILKAS" Appearance: Vilkas has a very robotic body, lean and tall in structure, made of a black coloured alloy with white details. Her joints are different from the typical humanoid style to maximize mobility. The most human part of her is her face, which is mostly human minus the antenna. Combat Role: Close Combat - Light Data Center: Dostrex - North Equipment & Gear: ♦ Flight Gear - HTI GEAR delta VII Located in her legs, it uses magnetism and turbines to provide a levitation likeability to Vilkas. + SKL GEAR delta III Located in her wrists, these are auxiliary combustion booster facing, typically used to either gain speed in tandem with the use of HTI or to perform quick combat maneuvers. ♦ Armour - Light Alloy Plating Vilka's body is made of a light alloy that focuses as much on resistance as it does on flexibility. While a bludgeoning hit might break a robot to pieces, Vilkas' body is made so it will resist such impacts by dispersing the stress on the metal. The counter-side to this is the vulnerability to bladed weapons and less defence against heat/laser based weapons. ♦ Weapon - LNC "LAELAPS" I A spearhead weapon using the principles of ultra-resonance, using ultrasonic vibration and searing heat to brandish extreme cutting abilities. It is connected to her body by a flexible tail capable of both powering and manoeuvring it with precision. ♦ Weapon - INU-GM BLADE XV Located at the tip of her feet, this is another bladed weapon, unlike the lance, it is powered by micro-lasers refracting off a crystal core, as to generate less impact when used, as it is directly attached to Vilkas' body. Personality: In casual conversation, Vilkas comes off as someone with a contained personality, not exactly shy, but instead very soft-spoken and polite, typically only speaking if she feels it is necessary and avoiding showing too much emotion. However, when in battle, she is a much more focused person, not smiling berserk like some other warriors, but showcasing a level of coldness and rage that can be impressive when compared to her typical collected demeanour. Due to her background, Vilkas has a very soldier-like mindset. She judges herself by her usefulness to others and will rarely confront others unless she is comfortable with them, or extremely angered by their actions. She is not one to have ambitions or plans and often feels herself alienated from most 'commonplace' actions, thinking herself unfit to have things such as hobbies or general human behaviours. Background: Not everyone agrees with the order, that is no secret. A particular scientist believed that the order was too soft, she believed robot emancipation just led to softness, and it would be the creation of increasingly more powerful and mindless robots would lead to victory, she nicknamed that end-project Fenrir, a beast capable of swallowing even gods. Of course, it would take a long time to reach such ideal robots, she had to start small, and one of these small projects, a side project, in fact, was VILKAS. A failed project that didn't meet expectations, but was still functional enough for her to keep around, as a sort of 'maid' to her secret lab, often being berated or outright hurt by her 'master' As Dostrex became more crowded, it was only a matter of time before the order tracked down the scientist and her unethical practices, with no hope of combat victory, she opted to escape, but not before activating the self-destruction of the base and her 'projects', by luck her own device didn't act up, and upon the capture of the base, VILKAS was taken into the custody of the order, where she was reformed and repurposed as one of the robots fighting the swarm The battlefield stretched in front of Vilkas, multiple targets moving towards her group, in her mind, the warrior mapped the field, analyzing the behavior of each enemy. "Field map and enemy positions are now being sent over," she told in a cold tone to her squad leader, continuing to overlook the field until her sensors picked a noise. "Enemy detected, switching from data collection to engagement," she added before jumping away from where she was, as two of the brutish enemies pounced her. With her flexible boosters, she was able to evade enemies, her weapons heating up and preparing for the melee when... it all vanished, the combat simulation over. "No, no, no Vil. We have already made this clear, you should not engage enemies alone like this." a voice suddenly said, unplugging a cable from the robot's neck. "You need to follow the orders given." The robot looked up for a moment, though she lacked hormones as she was not biological, one could easily be fooled to think she was in an adrenaline rush. "R...Right. I am sorry, commander, I was just... foolish." the head of battle sometimes made her too aggressive in her thinking, that was a known issue. "May we run another simulation? I am sure my results will be up to the desired level this time..." "No. You have been doing this for hours, it is time for you to take a break, there are surely other things you want to do, right?" "Other... things?" she questioned in a low voice, she didn't understand why leisure breaks were nescessary, after all, she couldn't think of a single thing she wanted to do. She was just a combat robot after all...</s> <|message|>STP3-CHMR Beta IV "VILKAS" This situation... Vilkas was one to keep things simple and logical, emotional behaviour was seen to her as often foreign, but, this once, she found herself gritting her teeth ever so slightly. It brought back bad memories, though even worse than those memories was the realization she only had learned they were bad not too long ago. One just doesn't know how dark things really are until they see a glimpse of light. In such a situation she was caught by surprise by the sudden approach of her superior, her tail tensing up. "Ah! Ma'am! Yes, I am VILKAS." she said in a startled tone, a rare one for her, it took her a moment for her typical behaviour to return. "Not quite, it seems this mission won't deviate from my typical use in battles, outside of the change to the closed space the illegal laboratory will provide. Well... I do wonder a bit about the nature of these labs..." she vacillated for a moment. "No, I am sorry for my behaviour, it is not my place to wonder about non-vital aspects of the mission. I am ready for deployment." Now that she was done talking, she really took a moment to observe her superior's outfit. Vilkas really didn't understand fashion, it seemed, and the people who cared about clothing really seemed to have such unusual choices. For the robot who walked with her frame exposed, fancy jackets and hats were really alien, shark themed or not.</s> <|message|>MillAgros-TR-17 Hyouka MillAgros-TR-17 Hyouka Hyouka saluted upon meeting Hospitaller Gordian and listened to his instructions. Though she had wanted to work alongside the Knights, her intended foes were the alien swarm, rather than other robots. Still, orders were orders, and if piracy ravaged the planet, then they wouldn't be prepared if and when the Swarm returned. When Gordian finished up the briefing, Hyouka replied, "Absolutely, sir!" and turned her attention to the other robot. "Pleasure to meet you Camille." Hyouka extended a machine-gauntleted hand to shake. "I can teach you all about humans," Hyouka boasted, considering herself uniquely suited to such a task thanks to her particular upbringing.</s> <|message|>MillAgros-TR-17 Hyouka ~ @Stern Algorithm ~ Camille was rather taken aback by your display of confidence. However, she did take your hand to shake. "O-Okay." She shyly responded in a cute, little voice. You get a feeling that Camille was more than just unused to humans. ------ The caravan soon set off into the remote wilderness of Bladine. Among the planets of the Ark Sector, Bladine resembled Earth the most thanks to its smooth terraformation. The planet harbored a variety of temperatures, allowing all sorts of biomes to exist in the planet. From verdant forests to lush jungles, from wide deserts to arctic poles. All of this unclaimed land was once settled before, during the First Expansion, but then the Swarm arrived and the rest was history. Despite your offer to teach Camille about humans, she was quiet during the trip and asked no questions. Some of the accompanying Knights attempted to start a conversation with her but all that was yielded was smalltalk that ended as soon as it began. Right now, Camille was above the personnel carrier that you, her and a few Knights rode on. The transport was a boxy vehicle that traveled in tank treads with a single Arachnid Turret above for defense. Camille was currently above the carrier, watching the scenery of rolling grassy hills and the high mountain ranges in the horizon. You were told to check up on the shy robot and upon joining her, she was surprisingly the first to speak. It appeared she has finally mustered up the courage. "Miss Hyouka, right? You told me back in Sanginum that you can teach me about humans, right?" "How did you come to know so much about humans? Did you grow up with them? Did you have human parents? Err, I mean raised by humans?" --- ~ @CelesteEste ~ The woman let out a small chuckle. "I was told that you could be a bit rigid but come on, relax! You're allowed to know these things." She patted you in the back. A pat that felt more like a hard slap. "Anyway, all we got from the reports are that these scientists have ran off with some samples from Swarm aliens. It appears they've been doing this for quite a while now since they have secured labs and all." "But that's all about to change, isn't it Vilkas? Hahahaha!" Pointing her thumb at herself, she continued. "Also, you can call me Captain Cura. My full name's kind of weird. Pleasure meeting you!" ------ You and the strike force boarded some VTOL aircraft that took the force as close to the labs as possible. Seeing through the windows of the flying vehicle, you see the usual landscapes of Dostrex. Lifeless and scorched rocky terrain with the occasional river of lava from a leaking volcano or pit of molten rock. Upon disembarking from the aircraft, the searing temperatures of the planet quickly hit you. Fortunately, you and the strike force were robots and your mechanical bodies were built to withstand such scorching heat. At least for a while, lingering in these temperatures would soon bring damage to the circuitry and the smaller parts within several hours. And that's assuming you do not stray too close to any sources of lava. The strike force quickly found the labs, having made no effort to conceal themselves. The structures were mostly circular and white-colored, connected to each other through wide tunnels and tubes. The buildings were built on top of a narrow gorge with a river of lava a couple of kilometers below. The labs were well-lit with visible searchlights and camera monitors, powered by geothermal energy from the lava's heat. "Mmm, we're not really equipped to sneak our way in. We'll have to force our way in but that'll alert the scientists and allow them to escape." Cura lit up when she came up with a plan. "Aha! We can have half the strike force come knocking on the front door and distract the entire lab, then have the other half strike where the scientists are. They can also come up from behind for a rear attack should the lab defenses prove too tough." "So where will you be, Vilkas?" Captain Cura asked. "Gonna join me at the frontlines or directly for the scientists?"</s>
<|message|>STP3-CHMR Beta IV "VILKAS" "Rigid?" ironically, the comment would made Vilkas stiffer, as if her alloy had just lost all of its malleability, was she weird? Even a fellow robot was saying she needed to relax, and it wasn't only her as well. The change of topic did more to relax her than the call for her to ease up. "Swarm aliens? What could one even do with those that hasn't been done already. I can see why they became a priority target in comparison to the average rogue scientist. And for sure! We won't allow it." she tried to have some enthusiasm, as she had seen other robots show, but Cura did drown her with her overbearing confidence. "I...I-it's a pleasure to meet you too, Captain Cura...!" she would say in a shy manner. ----- Dostrex was Dostrex, it never changed. few places were beautiful on this planet's surface, and even then, it was a type of beauty you had to learn to enjoy. On the other side it did provide absurd amounts of materials and geothermal power, one of the two factors that made it so friendly to long term illegal bases. Vilkas would have been in the scouting group to search for the lab, but the operation barely lasted, the lab barely bothered to hide itself, Vilkas assumed it was because so few ships ever came to this accursed area. "Captain, my calculations make me believe that I will be better suited to go directly for the scientist. My superior speed is suited for this type of mission and if I do not superheat my tail it is actually useful for the non-lethal take down of target. Furthermore, with this environment, I believe they will try to escape through tunnels or vehicles, even the most armoured of robots can't survive the heat for long, so I will make sure to inform you if I spot their escape method."</s>
<|description|>Fio Appearance: Fio looks fairly similar to your standard Fomantis, with the exception of her head-bulb being white. She has a light green scarf that she's tied around her forehead, just under her foliage. "I hope I can make a difference somewhere, help people…all that good stuff!" --- Species: Fomantis Sex: Female Age: Adolescent Ability: Leaf Guard (Immune to Status Ailments during harsh sunlight) Moves: * Leafage * Fury Cutter * Aromatherapy (Egg Move) * Ingrain Guild Rank: Recruit Equipment: Fio currently has a bag only containing a bottle of water for emergency hydration. Personality: From just one conversation, one can see that Fio is a little ball of sunshine with legs, eager to help others and constantly upbeat. That isn't to say that she isn't capable of being sad, its more that she can be happy without reason as long as the sun shines. Her mood dampens a bit when it gets cloudy, making her something of a literal "fair-weather friend". She gives her all no matter her mood, just…don't be surprised if she's cranky when she can't see the sun. Bio: Fio would never see the land her mother was born in, as it had been completely leveled to the ground by the events of the Oblivion War. What had once been a verdant grove that would make any herbivore cry with joy was reduced to less than dust, made into a place with more sand than Savahara. Thus, the colony of Fomantis she came from lived out of the Vale of Twilight, stealing away what sunlight they could by venturing out and then returning to the cover of the vale by night in herds. While growing up in the Vale of Twilight was difficult in some aspects, Fio would often sneak off on her own to explore during the daily "sunning" trips, getting into trouble with her pack, and generally being a headache for her fellow easy-going Sickle-Grass Pokemon. She'd wind up facing consequences for her constant exploration however, as she was kidnapped by a Drapion in the Vale under the assumption that her unusual bulb meant she was some special breed of Fomantis who's leaves could fetch a huge sum. Whereas most stories had a dashing heroic figure swoop in to rescue the amateur explorer from her fate, it was more dumb luck that her leaves aren't on the market at the moment. You see, Drapion don't exactly have hands that are good at tying bags, so the Drapion's illicit cart of goods hit a rock, and that sent Fio flying from her sack and into the gutter. Now lost, hungry, and scared, the Fomantis would be found by Astram and Tempie and brought to the guild hall where, instead of filing a job request as they might have imagined, she asked to join on the spot. In essence…she's stupidly lucky to even be in Mandalay to begin with. Trivia: Text Color: 9ACD32 Despite being from a nocturnal species, Fio enjoys walking around during the daytime due to her life being spent in the Vale.</s> <|message|>Kick Songstream Hall, Main Hall/Mess Hall --- Kick clapped his hands together as Gale made his way back to the crowd. "Well, it was great meeting all of you. Ting, I've been to Dunescar, and it was pretty bad back then. I can't imagine what it's like now. Fio, I'll admit I've never gotten trapped in a bag before, but as far as making friends and rescuing pokemon go, this'll be a great place to start. And as for you Gale..." His head turned towards the little blue and yellow pokemon, and his demeanor momentarily softened as he resumed speaking. "I'm sorry to hear that. It's a story I've heard too many times these days. I hope you find who you're looking for." Kick's attention turned back to the crowd at large, his previously gloomy disposition disappearing just as quickly as it had arrived. "Now then, I do hope you're all holding on to something steady, because it turns out we may have yet another new recruit or two coming in. I'm just mainly waiting for a few things to be finalized, paperwork-wise. You know how it is. What should take a few hours ends up taking a whole week because permit this, approval that, yadda yadda yadda." He twirled his hand in a circle as to add emphasis. "Anyways, I do believe it's chow time boys and girls. Hector has prepared a fine selection of breakfast foods, as usual. " He raised an eyebrow and pointed a finger gun towards a Heracross in the back, who in turn gave a polite bow. "You all make sure to eat well, and as for our new recruits, come see me in my office afterwards, I'll have your first assignment there." Kick put his legs together, before putting his right hand to his head in a salute. "DISMISSED!" His authoritative voice boomed across the room. Ting flinched as Kick's voiced boomed. He didn't seem angry, just loud. He'd guessed all those years in the war just made him talk like that. But chow time? Did he mean breakfast? He hadn't eaten in a while, so food was near the top of his priorities. He followed the rest of the group down a nearby hallway, following a newfound scent of food. He looked towards the other two new recruits. At least they weren't bigger than him like everyone else here. Hopefully that bodes well. Finally arriving in the dining hall area, everyone immediately scattered in varying direction, some towards the back, some off to the side, some taking a hard turn right at the entrance, but they all seemed to be heading to different tables with varying foodstuffs on them. Some were loaded with pastries and tarts, others had fruits and juices, a few even had a variety of still sizzling meats on them. Ting looked around the room before he eventually settled on a small table that had a few omelets on it, and grabbing a seat there. Was he... supposed to take one and then leave? Was he supposed to grab what he wanted and then head to the big table in the center in the room? He couldn't really carry much by himself. And why were there seats here and at the other little tables? A tour would've been nice. He eventually noticed that many of the others had taken small amounts from one table to another, and sat there, and that the large one in the center was mostly unused. He saw a lone trapinch sitting there with a plate piled high with a bit of just about everything on in. How did he manage to carry all that? Ting looked back down at his plate with an omelet on it. It looked and smelled amazing. Fortunately, the table had some other things with it, namely some toast, jams, and water. Time to dig in! --- Interacting with/Mentioning: @Ammokkx(Gale), @The Irish Tree(Fio)</s> <|message|>Fio With introductions said and done, Fio was more than ready to get her grub on. ...Or rather, her drink. She was glad that even a great hero like Kick realized how scary being stuffed in a bag was, making Fio glad that someone had actually saved her from a bag. Bags in general were evil unless they were like, utility size. Or purses. But big burlap was a no-go. From the sound of it, they might even have more new friends later on, too! And then right at the end of him talking Fio just about bowled over from his voice, needing to flail her leaves back and forth to stabilize. But hey, who cared, food! And by food, Fio's brain meant: Water! Juice! And maybe some sort of sauce-based food because she didn't have teeth. Or...wait, did she have a mouth? She never really thought about it, but she sure must have one if she talked. All she usually ate all day was water, fruit juice, and good 'ol sunshine, so...who knew, honestly. Fio would loud up her four leaves with a drink in each, ranging from apple juice to water as she happily sipped in contentment. She'd take a seat by wherever Gale wound up, thinking that the gloomy looking Minum might just wind up eating by himself if he didn't have a friend nearby. "A conversation makes a friend, that's what...wait, who said that again? Me? I don't know...probably me," she thought, plopping down across from him. "Hi!" There was definitely a level of social ineptitude on the part of the Fomantis, since she didn't have a conversation starter beyond yelling a greeting and staring.</s> <|message|>Gale The dining hall sure was an impressive sight, with the food all lined up like it was. One would have to wonder where they got such an impressive assortment but, really, such musings are not as important as the growling of Gale's stomach. He waddled over to the fruits table, grabbing a couple of the berries for himself. He took a bite of a Wacan berry, his face lighting up a wee bit as he enjoys the sweet and slightly sour juice seeping out. Gale could eat just about anything, but fruits were always nice and sweet. Sweet things were the best. As he enjoyed his berry, Fio waddled up and plopped herself down straight ahead. She gave Gale an enthusiastic "Hi!" but didn't say much else. Gale blinked. With a half-eaten berry in his mouth, he replied with a muffled: "Hai fyo." and only then swallowed the food in his mouth. Gale looked about the room, noticing their fellow recruit by himself. Staring at an omelet- no, wait, he's actually eating it now. For a moment there, Ting looked more pitiful than Gale did up on stage just a little bit ago. The Minun looked at his new friend, then back to the Aron, then back again to Fio. "Do you..." he started, with a bit of hesitation. Gale shot a quick glance back to Ting. "...want to go talk to Ting?" Gale took a bite of an apple, staring at Fio for a few moments. "I'm going to go talk to Ting." With that stunning display of socializing out of the way, Gale rose from his seat, took the plate of delicious fruit with him and then shimmied his way over to the third recruit's table. Once there the Minun quickly realised he had about as much of a plan talking to Ting as Fio did to him. Gale shot the other recruit a glance, then picked up a piece of toast to munch on. The munching was there to help him think through his next move. Gale looked down at the assortment he'd carried over, picked something out and pondered it like one would ponder a mysterious orb. "Fing," Gale said with his mouth stuffed, then stretched out an Oran berry to the Aron. "Wan wan? (Want one?)"</s> <|message|>Kick Songstream Hall, Mess Hall --- The omelet was surprisingly good. The eggs were soft, and it had lots of flavor, so that was good enough for him. The other foods at the table were of little interest to him. Sweet things didn't sit too well with him, and toast seemed kind of boring, but at least bread was filling, so that's what he was used to eating. What he really wanted was some iron. From what he was told in Wude that was supposed to be an essential part of an Aron's diet to make their armor stronger. Maybe that's why his was so dull? Ting snapped back to reality as a voice next to him spoke. It was Gale, one of the new recruits. He was about as tall as he was, and was yellow and blue. He certainly didn't look like any Pokemon he had ever seen before. Most of the pokemon he'd seen were rock, ground, and steel types like himself. But with Narvac's more "lively" terrain, he's seen all sorts of strange pokemon wandering around. Even here, the only pokemon he actually recognized was the Trapinch and the Absol. Though the Absol seemed a lot different than the ones he was used to. The minun offered him an oran berry, with a mouthful of food. "Uhmm..." Ting swallowed the mouthful of omelet he had. "No thank you. Sweet things typically don't sit too well with me. I'm more accustomed to this kind of stuff." He looked down at his single, mostly eaten omelet and stray peice of toast. "But thanks for the offer. So, what do you think our first assignment will be? I bet it'll be something boring like a delivery across the city." In truth, something easy like that was what Ting was hoping for. A simple job, easy pay, and it would give him time to explore the city. He was tired of walking on trails and paths made of dirt and gravel. He ran across the odd small settlement here and there, but nowhere like this. A sprawling, living city. Almost like a glimpse into what the world might've been like before the war. He silently wondered if Kick's influence was what made this place how it was, or if it was such a big and populous place that it was able to resist total destruction. --- Interacting with/Mentioning: @Ammokkx(Gale), @The Irish Tree(Fio)</s>
<|message|>Fio Fio didn't have much reason to not bounce behind Gale as he walked, joining him in greeting Ting at the omelets table. Or rather, former omelets table since there were only a couple left. Thankfully, she was content to keep on sipping her last juice, carried like a little treasure with her leaves curled around it. She drank really fast, but that was mostly because she kind of just...lived off liquids and sunshine. "Hi!" Fio happily greeted Ting in the exact same way she greeted Gale, sipping on some juice right after. "Ooh, I like sweet things. If you ever don't want the ones you have, you can give them to me," she'd happily exclaim after hearing of Ting's dislike of sweets. Gale seemed like the sweet-loving type, so...maybe her and Gale could share! Regardless, Fio would take a seat across from Ting, happily kicking her little stubby legs to and fro as she finished her last drink. When the time came to discussing what they hoped their first guild assignment would be, Fio's eyes somehow got wider at the prospect. "Ooh, maybe we'll go and save some people from sacks!" ...She seemed really hung up on that as an act of heroism. But she also wouldn't mind delivering things like Ting was hoping. "Or maybe we'll go beat up some bad Pokemon...but...that might be a bit scary," she said, quivering a bit. She seemed to be stuck remembering something scary.</s>
<|description|>(Birth name) Aria Elizabeth Kingsley (Current name) Miyamoto D. Musashi Alias: The Red Eyed Swordsman, yes swordsMAN. This is due to the fact that her current first name Musashi is mostly used for males, causing people to assume she's male and this title was given to her before her bounty poster came up, but no one bothered to correct it. Age: 18 Position: Swordsman/Quartermaster as while she is primarily a Swordsman, she hates feeling useless outside the battlefield so she uses her higher education as a former World Noble to take care of finance and cut up whoever is getting too greedy. Bounty: 10,000,000 Appearance: Personality: Musashi tends to be a level headed figure inside and outside of battle and tends to be quite snarky, due to years of being in battle and years of travel tends to treat dangerous situations quite causally often joking about the weird and dangerous situations that she finds herself in. That being said she has a complete disregard for the law, either due to her World Noble birthright or just flat out hating the world government, she is moral in the fact that she won't kill or harm innocents, but just tends to break the law when she feels like it, meaning she'll nick all your stuff if she has the chance. She tends to have a taste for expensive objects, fortunately for the crew she is rather fair as the Quartermaster though rather stingy, giving everyone just enough for what they need and nothing more including herself. Though this causes her to fulfill her tastes illegally, which causes her trouble fairly often. She is rather competitive and a sore loser, though she doesn't use dirty tricks and is rather fair, especially in battle. She doesn't give up on a fight and refuses to stay down. Background: Musashi was born into Mariejois as Aria. At first she was the classic example of a World Noble being selfish and vain, until the age of 8 were her father got her a slave, a former cabin girl of the Red Blades Pirates who was about 2 years older than her. Of course the two immediately got off on the wrong foot, but after a year got to know each other. The Girl taught her about the life outside and the vast seas and her dreams of becoming the great pirate and living free as the wind. This girl was the first friend she had and she decided to do her first selfless act for the girl. When her father decided to go to Sabaody she convinced him to take her and her friend with her and once her father was properly distracted, she snuck off with her friend and set her free, she never saw her friend again, but she heard stories of a fearsome female pirate captain a seveal years after this event. Of course after she was gone the other members of her family scolded her for wasting what to them was a tool. This was the first time she realized that the world she was living in wasn't as bright as she once thought, after that to her the life she was living in was just a velvet lined prison. She wanted to be free she wanted to see that life, so she came up with a plan. An year had passed and she managed to grab the master key to the slave collar and freed the slaves hoping to travel with one of them in a pirate crew, however, contrary to the naive girl's beliefs the pirates weren't as nice as her friend has been and used her as a hostage and took her prisoner. They managed to steal a ship, but someone had snuck aboard their ship before they stole it. This man was Miyamoto D. Musashi, who was hiding in the cargo hold where Aria was being kept. They spent most of the time talking with each other, Aria explaining where she came from and Musashi explaining that he had came from Wano, to become the world's greatest swordsman. They continued for hours as to Aria, his company was the only thing keeping her from crying out in fear, however, voices began scream out from the upper deck, both of them not knowing why until the entire top deck was torn apart by one of the biggest sea kings in recorded history which drawfed the small trading ship that they were on. Aria grabbed a dagger that fell from the snake like sea king, no doubt from one of the pirates that the Goliath had eaten up and tried to defend herself, but what was a dagger going to do against a beast such as that, the beast lunged at her she closed her eyes waiting for what's to come, but it never did. When she opened her eyes the beast was split into two right down the middle with Musashi drawn his blade. While this was impressive this also caused the beast's dead to fall on the ship causing it to sink and both of them to become shipwrecked and washed up shore on some island she didn't know the name of. After that they started traveling together, with Musashi teaching her swordsmanship. They traveled for 3 years this is when she truly saw what the World Government was like, but what cemented her hate for the world government, was also end with the death of Musashi. It all started with a corrupt marine who challenged him to a battle of swordsmen, however, he had one of his subordinates take her hostage and when the duel was about to start he revealed to her master that he had taken Aria hostage. This shocked her master who turned his back on the Marine and threw a blade at the subordinate allowing her to escape, however, this left an opening to the marine's blade striking across the back and killing her master. She returned to find that they haven't given her master the courtesy to bury his body, just taking his swords from him. She and the villagers from the nearby town managed to bury her master. There she spent several hours carving a wooden from an oar using the dagger she has kept from the time that they had met, which she left the wooden as the grave marker, there she promised him that she'd take on his name, as she didn't like her own due to what she had seen and become the greatest swordsman. Abilities: Swordsmanship: Musashi while not a master swordsman is quite good with a sword and is currently about the level Zoro was at the beginning of story. She tends to use a dual sword style, though the style tends to be all over the place at times due to being a style she made herself in battle, though the basics were her master's and he didn't have time to pass on the more advanced techniques to her before he died. Physical strength, speed, and reaction speed: She built up quite a bit of each being easily able pick up and throw a grown man. She also has the reaction and speed to deflect a bullet with her sword. Endurance: She able to take a lot of punishment and able to get back up for more due to her personality and her promise to her master. Free running: She picked up this skill from her various dine and dashes. She is able to get to jump around and use the area around her to get to places. Hand to hand: She can fight without her blades, but this is more or less a final resort, so she's more or less just mediocre, good enough to deal with mooks not enough to take out the villain of the week with it. Higher education: As a former World Noble she had access to higher education and learned skills such as math which allows her to calculate most of the crew's spending and how to spend their money. Pickpocketing: She always had sticky fingers and after years of practice she got quite good at it. Weapons: Two katanas: A round disk guard, a black sheath, and a black pommel, they are more or less just regular old Katanas you can find anywhere. She just bought them from a random store in the West blue and that's about it with them, they don't have a grade or any sort of interesting backstory. Dagger: A dagger that she gained when she decided to escape from the Noble life, otherwise just a plain dagger. Double edged, wooden handle and a sliver cross guard. Techniques: I'll reveal them as they go, though currently she can't cut though steel, nor use Haki, nor can she do attacks like Rankyaku. Two Sword style: Desert Storm: She starts off low to the ground before spinning and rising upwards while slashing sending several foes flying. Trade Winds: Meant to deal with a group of enemies, she slashes person to person and uses the momentum from her swing to flow between them. Vortex Strike: She slash in an crop pattern leaving two gashes on the surface on a target before stabbing though the middle. One sword strike: Iaido: Eagle Strike: She puts her blade back in her sheath before drawing it and slashing down the foe. Iaido: Eagle Flight: An offshoot of Eagle Strike, but focused more on taking out groups of enemies then one target.</s> <|message|>(Birth name) Aria Elizabeth Kingsley (Current name) Miyamoto D. Musashi Musashi destroyed the tether and then jump backed to the other ship right before the spears hit. She looked towards the captain and his first mate, looking like she was going strangle both of them. "Oh, just what happens when you introduce a bunch of wanted criminals to a marine ship... Care to explain yourselves?" There was an unsaid "Or I cut you." Which both parties probably understood.</s> <|message|>Fell Rainer Rainer nodded at Abbygail, doing as told as he grabbed nearby ropes and tying up the older marine before hiding the marine behind a couple of crates and barrels, out of the way of fighting. Rainer looks over to the other marine ship to see Janet's spears raining down onto it. "Damn, that's gonna hurt." He mumbled</s> <|message|>Saki Masukita Saki was inside the barrels that Rainer put the marine by, fighting back a sneeze. Just after Rainer walked off, she let out a small sneeze. Kyy just smiled as he watched Janet sink the marine ship, still feeling a bit weak from the ocean. "Sorry about the tow guys. We saw marines and actwd."</s> <|message|>Abbygail Hennar "Traitors?" Mark said, eyebrow raised up in a white flag of surrender. "Who? Us?" He blinked again, but it was obvious the sleep in his eyes wasn't causing him to see things. The woman in red really just launched a barrage of spears onto the already sinking ship, which again, didn't do much, on account of the ship, already going down, like a dried sponge. The man's attention turned from the unwanted, and ultimately useless chaos towards the woman with the swords. When she spoke there was little doubt she intended violence. He couldn't tell if she'd enjoy said violence, but liking or not had nothing to do with the fact that she wasn't going to hesitate to use it as a means, possibly to an end. "Woah." He held up his hands in surrender, paused, realizing he was the only one, and then took a step back to elbow his first mate in the ribs, so as to point out he should be doing the same. "Woah there!" He tried not to bark, but failed miserably. "We didn't introduce anyone to anyone." He shook his head for emphasis. "All Tim and I did, was notice that marine ship over there, whose captained by a good, er, somewhat good, tenuously passable friend/ associate of mine." He motioned with his chin towards the sinking marine ship. "Got into contact with them, to see which way they were moving. Saw we were both going in the general direction, and I got the guy to hook his up to his tanker there. Figured it would save on fuel." A short pause, as the man took a moment to try and swallow, in the ever likely chance it would be his last chance to do it. "I didn't tell anyone marine about anything. When we went to break, you all looked dead, and the marines on board didn't have a reason to go looking through the private quarters. So it didn't same like you guys needed to be woken up and explained the situation in great detail." Lion The old man murmured a little as Rainer moved up behind some objects so he wouldn't be able to see what was going on. He was still out, but waking up wouldn't take as long as the pirates would've liked. Despite the man's advanced years, he was still tougher than most of the younger marines, and wouldn't stay down for long. Abbygail crossed her arms over her chest, took a deep breath, and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration as the spears rained down like exploding hale. "It's not going to hurt anyone." She sighed. "Everyone's off the boat." She put her free hand in a pocket and shook her head. "But if it'll get some of the pent up anger out of boomer, I say the needless act of destruction, is a win. Agreed?" "What was that?" Abbygail said, noticing the sneeze. Her eyes narrowed, and her blade appeared in her hand. "That wasn't like any old man's sneeze I've ever heard." Eyes narrowing further so they looked more like slits than orbs, the purple haired woman made her way towards the barrel. Still with his hands in the air, Mark shrugged. "These things happen, I guess, but, not to rain on anyone vengeance parade, it might be a good idea to let Tim and myself get to the wheel, on account of the fact that there's currently a marine ship sinking just a few yards away from us." He motioned wiht his chin. "It won't take the marines long before they call for help and get it. And trust me, you guys don't want to be around when help arrives."</s>
<|message|>(Birth name) Aria Elizabeth Kingsley (Current name) Miyamoto D. Musashi "Had no reason to know, my ass. Explain the last few hours. If you had at least left a fricking note we wouldn't have had to waste time raiding a worthless ship! No seriously, they barely had anything worth while!" On closer look Musahi had several bags tied to her belt. She somehow had the time to get her hands on some poor smucks' wallets. Musashi grumbled while walking away from them. It would appear that the captain and his first mate could keep their limbs... for now... "This was pretty much a filler part of a story... I hate filler parts of a story... I mean destroying a marine ship was fun, but I at least want something after taking out the disappointing fake..." Musashi then realized that this would actually effect her. "Oh, right! We just destroyed a Marine ship that means my bounty will be raised!" The swordswoman slammed down her fist on her palm in realization. They pretty much declared they were the enemies of the Marines, by attacking, so the ones that had bounties like Musashi would get it raised, while the ones who didn't might get a bounty placed on them. For Known criminal Musashi this was badge of honor, others might not. Well either way Musashi practically shouted out it out in the earshot of the others. The swordswoman started walking down to the front in a slightly better mood when her foot hit a naked tied up man. The difference in their strength caused the bound man to be sent reeling. "Oh, right you two." Musashi tilted her head and put her finger on her mouth, before yelling. "Hey Abbygail, about the two stripped Marines!? Should I cut them up or throw them over the side!?" There was a surprising lack of a merciful option, unless throwing them over the side meant with their clothes and unbound, but Musashi didn't seem so merciful.</s>
<|description|>Ni Rensa Ryou Age: 34 (Teacher) Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: The Eternity Key has three modes. The first is a simple, if fancy looking longsword, covered in circuitry and capable of being electrified. The second is a shotgun, and the third is a keyboard and holographic monitor that are able of interfacing with nearly any computer system–and hacking it. Course: Computer Science Semblance: Ryou is capable of causing "silence zones" at will. Each zone is a space around 10 feet in diameter in which no mechanical devices or Dust powered machines will work. Up to three can exist at once. Personality: Ryou is a quiet man who does not talk a lot. He expects his entire students to know how to operate a computer so he can teach them the "fun world" of computer science instead of teaching them how to open a program or write in a notepad which he finds boring. He really doesn't talk that much to people outside of his class and department, though he maintains a good relationship with the more technologically capable of his colleagues. Color: Neon Green. Emblem: A green power symbol on a black background. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Oswald Connoly Oswald Connolly- Dismissed When Headmaster Ozpin appeared and stormed into the infirmary, Oswald straightened out like a board. He knew the situation was FUBAR, but it took the normally aloof man's dead serious face to drive into him that they might be dealing with forces beyond their power. As Cobalt skittered off and Sapphire went to address their headmaster, Oswald frowned. He wasn't used to letting something like this go. It certainly didn't feel right, either. Perhaps he'd ask Sapphire for more information and request that his team be involved in any movements Ozpin was willing to make in regards to this event. The bubbling rage he'd felt earlier was still there, it was just much quieter now. Still, he knew that above all else, a calm head was needed. At least until other heads needed to be busted. Oswald would wait until he was given a target, but all bets were off as soon as his leash was dropped. Of all people, certainly a leader of one of the most powerful groups of humanity knew the consequences to letting loose the hounds of war. Grunting as he was left alone, Oswald made his way to Math class, ready to make a pointless attempt at the work they were being given. He was either going to fail out of Beacon, or just barely pass. At least he was a contender for high marks outside of the academic classes, right? Right.</s> <|message|>Robert Fallson Robert Fallson - Math Class Robert wasn't one for bragging, in fact he was quite modest, maybe too much so. When Eve asked him for his 'best feature,' it was a surprisingly difficult task for him. "Hmm... best feature. Best feature. Best feature," he said as he gave the question some serious thought. "Well there's... Uh... Maybe... No... Umm..." he continued. Finally, he came to a decision. "Well, I was chosen to be leader for some reason right? I guess it's my leadership abilities. Not wanting to just end the conversation there, Robert thought of a new topic to continue the conversation. "So Eve, what can you tell us about yourself and Delta. Knowing what my teammates are like certainly helps when trying to lead you all in combat. Wouldn't want to send someone with arachnophobia to fight a group of Broodlings." Not even Robert knew how helpful talking to Eve and getting to know his new team was. Without this distraction, his mind would certainly wander, and if that happened it wouldn't take long before he returned to thinking about his old team. Doing that wouldn't help anyone, it would only send Robert into a mood of depression and sorrow as he thought of all the other people in his life that he'd lost and could possibly never see again. At only the age of eighteen, he'd already lost more than most. No point on dwelling on it though.</s> <|message|>Abel Fulgurate Abel Fulgurate When Gren spoke, Abel listened. At least, he tried. The revelations that were coming to light were still bouncing around in the guardian's mind, making an attention-grabbing clamor. It would have been far easier to shut the outside world out for a little while to work over how he felt about the things that his teammates had shared with him, but as that would have been imprudent and discourteous, Abel did his best to listen. Sapphire, eh? As much as he disliked her right now, Abel would definitely be willing to give her another chance to redeem herself in her team's eyes. The problem lay in the question: would she? Did the haughty and condescending Miss Rode think it would be remotely worth her time to 'be shown' their 'quirks'? 'Befriending' didn't seem like it might lie within the realm of cold professionalism that Sapphire seemed to crave. Still, Abel would try. He was by nature something of a bitter man, to use Gren's words, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't try to improve. Plus, moral high ground was something that Abel always coveted. At least the mention of Swansong's solidarity in comparison to other teams resonated with Abel. He had noticed it too: the way people seemingly ceased to exist. Some, he knew, like team Jormungandr acted as transfers to other schools, just like Vignoble was to Beacon. Of course, it seemed odd that freshmen would be picked as transfers, but he'd heard of some Honors programs that did something along those lines. Still, the majority of the disappearances were unexplained, and they worried Abel deeply. What if something was out there, after all? It was a vindicating, if terrifying, thought. At least new people always seemed to appear. There is a little light of hope. Might as well do my best to keep it alight." The guardian lent his hand to the pact that Gren offered. It was crazy, but no matter. "Okay then. A robot, a psycho, and a cynical meathead. I guess we have what it takes to stick it out. Together it is then; nothing sucks more than being alone." Soon after, the three scuttled down to Math to wrap up the class. It wasn't long before Professor Fullbuster, still a little flustered from earlier, requested the students' work and assigned some homework to do that evening. Only a moment later came the bell, and Math class was history; History lay just ahead. -=-=- move to history class, a standard lecture hall, with the mercurial Professor Oobleck presiding Senior Class – Aura Control Compared to most of the classrooms within Beacon, not counting Vorosky's partially-destroyed hovel of a Survival room, Aura Control was a strange one. Crammed onto one corner were all the desks, including the teacher's, and the rest of the space closely resembled a bizarre gym. There were climbing walls, several flat areas at different elevations suspended by chains from the ceiling, a pool beneath steel ropes, balance beams, and monkey bars, a couple of sandbags on adjustable chains, and even a pit of spikes. Whether excitement or fear, the place certainly elicited strong emotion. In charge of Aura Control today were Ms. Rowan Iderson and Ms. Ether Vanhomrigh. Iderson was the first to address the present seniors. "Welcome to your first period of Aura Control! You might be asking yourself, is this Practice all over again? I know all about my aura, already! WRONG!" She bellowed. By now, having had her as a teacher for some class or another in previous years, most of the students were used to her general loudness and gruffness. That didn't mean that the force of her shouts didn't cause hair, scarves, and other such to get blown around, though. "Aura, obviously, looks like this." A glow appeared around her, deep brown in color. Just as quickly, it blinked out. "But that's not all aura can do. And I'm not talking about protection and healing. Some of you probably know this already, having discovered strange quirks about your aura in this fight or another, but until now you've been in the dark about it. Aura is not just a protective barrier, or a source from which semblance draws. It is a manifestation of your soul, and due to that, is COMPLETELY UNIQUE. Watch!" Iderson began to breath, deeply and rhythmically. Then, without interrupting her breathing, she struck the floor. A slight but visible wave of force, tinted the same color as Iderson's aura, spread into the ground. There was a sound from the corner of the room, and on the instructor's desk, a stress ball suddenly shot into the air, propelled a blast of brownish force, which looked oddly like dust. With very little ceremony, Iderson plucked a hair from her head, and breathed deeply once again. Suddenly, the hair stood totally rigid, and with adept precision she flung the hair at the ball, piercing it and spearing it into the ceiling. She smiled then. "Aura, ki, chakra, by whatever name it is a malleable force. That force can be controlled completely by a well-trained individual. What right now is a protective barrier around you can be moved freely. This is totally different from a semblance, and we will not be using those in this class. You may have noticed that my projected aura looked and sounded a little like soil. The reason is simple: when not used as a barrier, aura takes on a few characteristics unique to the individual. Those are tailored by your unconscious imagination. Your aura might take on the burning aspect of fire or electricity, or manifest in waves of cold. Condensing and releasing your aura to attack may make it seem like a gunshot is coming from your palm, or a blade shooting from your fingers. It's all very interesting, but today, the exercise is simple." "Aura can be used to attract or repel. Today we'll be working with the repelling aspect. I want you to split off into partners and attempt to do what I'm about to tell you. Focus your breathing and your mind, and condense your entire aura into a single point, smaller than a pencil's eraser. Find a position that suits you, and try and block your partner's attack with it. If you do it right, and aim it right, your partner will burst the condensed aura, momentarily absorbing some incompatible aura, causing them to stagger for a second or two, during which time you can move freely. One more time: condense, protect, stagger. This technique is called the Pinpoint Counter, and it's easy to learn but very tough to use in actual combat. Just try it. The 'burst' will also help establish your flavor of aura." She then demonstrated, with her aide Esther swinging at her with a hidden baton. Iderson held her hand in front of her face, palm in, and her aura focused into a point just in front of her middle knuckle. When the pinpoint of aura was broken, a shower of dust vomited forth along with an accompanying pwash sound, surrounding Ether as she reeled back helplessly. Midnight Squad – two hours later The four members of Midnight Squad, having by now fully recovered from their various injuries, were unexpected faced with a chiming noise from the walkie-talkies they'd been issued. The by now familiar yet still intriguing voice issued from them. "Reception confirmed. Alright, Midnight, your next task is in. Researcher Duchess has discovered that the grand-daughter of Vale's mayor will be vulnerable. And yes, we mean the mayor of the city Vale, not the ruler of the kingdom Vale, for which this city is the capitol. In forty-eight minutes the grand-daughter is visiting the Vale Hospital with her class to listen to a speech. Your assignment is this. All of you must reach the hospital before then. Two of you will find the office of the on-staff police, take down the officers non-lethally and in a stealth manner, and disguise yourselves in their uniforms. Both are male, so this is not an option for you, Violet. While the speech is in progress, one of you -we will provide a mask- will make a violent disturbance, destroying some things but not killing anyone. The 'police' will rush in and help the grand-daughter to 'safety', by which we mean a room on the first floor in which our operative Archon will be waiting. He will chloroform her and perform a quick operation. Afterward, she will be returned to her bus by Archon, posing as a friendly doctor. The last person must go elsewhere. In the VPD station is another operative of ours. His official designation is 'Baron' but most people call him 'Crimson'--Crimson Volk. He was arrested for trespassing right after a major operation, so he's not compromised or even heavily guarded, but the longer he stays the more at risk he'll be of being discovered. Break him out. We'll provide a mask that'll identify you as a member of a local gang, framing them for the breakout. If you see that you will require assistance, call your teammates. Everything we've mentioned giving to you is an a blue cardboard box by the warehouse door. We expect complete success from all of you. Pharaoh out."</s> <|message|>Cobalt Chideta Cobalt Chideta- History Class Cobalt put down his hand as the bell rang and he got out of his chair. He pushed it in, gathered up his stuff quickly, and left the room. He looked at Oswald before he left the room and motioned for Oswald to follow him. They had a few things to discuss regarding the team and where he stood within it.</s>
<|message|>Ni Rensa Ryou Amy nodded, the throbbing in her head finally receding, granting her enough control over her semblance to force it back down to its absolute minimum level. She pulled the headphones off of her head, muttering a pained "thank you", standing slowly, waiting for her feathers to go back down of their own accord-at the level of fluster she was, they'd likely just spring back up again if she smoothed them. "C-can we get someplace else or find something that'll actually block sound? I don't know what a migraine feels like but that was damn close..." She winced again, closing her eyes tightly. "Silence would be really, really nice right about now."</s>
<|description|>Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune Hōgan, Foremost General of the Minamoto Class: Saber Gender: Female Attribute: Human Era: 1159-1189 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Personality: Her flighty childhood days are over, replaced with years of war. However, a child of a tengu will always be a tengu, and thus she remains a playful and friendly individual to those she calls comrade. In war, however, the darker side of her becomes immediately apparent, as she becomes cold and calculating, thinking of her opponents not of "people" but more akin to "numbers she must deal with to achieve her objectives." Inhuman to the very end of her life, but she still loves just like anyone else. In essence, a nice big sister who's a bit off. Bio:…… Weapon: Yoshitsune was proficient with all the expected weapons of a samurai, from the bow to the staff to the blade. Thus, she has access to them, but prefers the blade to attack, as befitting of her class. Parameters: Strength: D Endurance: C Agility: A Mana: B Luck: B Class Skills: Magic Resistance: B Yoshitsune's resistance to magecraft and other such miracle working has increased more to more than usual due to her existence as a Saber. As she is at rank B, high thaumaturgy, rituals, and other such advanced magecraft have difficulty affecting her. Riding: A+ Yoshitsune's ability to ride was quite advanced, due to needing to play the games that tengu children did, and she was quite skilled in riding her own personal mount, Tayuguro. Her personal ability with animals gives her quite the advantage, although dragonkind remains beyond her reach. She is capable of using even Divine Beasts as her mount. Personal Skills: War Arts of the Minamoto Tengu: A The sum tutelage of the highest of the Tengu to Ushiwakamaru, from kyudo to kendo. It served her well throughout all her years, from slaying the demonic spider to defeating the bandit lord when she was but fifteen. However, when she matured and served under her brother Yoritomo, she needed more than just skills for heroic combat. As Yoshitsune, she learned how to properly be a leader of men, to know how wars were waged and not just duels. Together, these skills made her one of, if not the most acclaimed samurai in the Heian period, as they were forged under years of combat experience into something almost beyond humans. Provides bonus to close-combat power such as swordsmanship, archery and spearmanship, as well as Skills such as Military Tactics and Magic Resistance. It is possible to demonstrate skill at arms that chafes against the Class container system. Heavenly Child of the Tengu: A Protection from "something" on Mt. Kurama. A gift from learning under the greatest of the Tengu, honed under years of combat into something more than the sum of its parts. While in any other person, their minds would be twisted by such knowledge, what could such things do to a girl with a mind who was never shaped properly by humanity as a child? An abnormal channel in the brain that aligns one to an aspect of a war god, a boon (Crest) descending from that principle. Drawing upon this gift, she becomes more "War" than "human," or even "tengu." Perhaps it tapped into her family's patronage of Hachiman, but nevertheless, her skill in war was proven over and over in the breaking of the Taira. Use of this skill consumes mental energy, rather than magical energy. If it is overused, the qualification of Heroic Spirit may be lost. Flight of the Swallow: A Hearkening back into the days when she dueled Benkei and evaded his blows twice, Yoshitsune was always surefooted and quick to move. Her age has not decreased her ability in this, but rather, advanced it beyond measure. Refining her naturally light and swift body with a lifetime of training and experience, she has achieved a level of movement equivalent to the deepest secrets of Shugendou's Tengu Flight. With just the legs of a human, she has achieved the wings of a bird. Put into practice against her older brother's foes, she has leapt from the level of ability achievable from a prodigal warrior into something utterly supernatural. Noble Phantasms: Usumidori Heavenly Blade of the Minamoto Rank: D NP Type: Anti-Human (Or so she says) Range: 1-30 Maximum Number of Targets: 100 Naturally, as a Saber, Yoshitsune has a blade befitting of a legendary samurai of her era. A blade passed down the Minamoto clan for ages, it holds anti-Demonic properties, hearkening back to the days when demons were commonplace throughout the land of the rising sun, when Minamoto-no-Raikou and her legendary four retainers did combat against the monsters of the age such as the oni on Mount Ooe. While retaining its anti-Demonic properties, as the giant spider learned unfortunately, Yoshitsune wished to be ever swifter, ever stronger, ever more skilled, so that she could server her older brother even better. One by one was ever-so inefficient, so she sought to be able to slay a hundred men in but one slash. And so, she did. Bringing forth Usumidori's inherent abilities as a demon slaying blade, she releases a sonic attack unconsciously drawing upon her memories of the Tengu fan techniques she witnessed in childhood. In adulthood she has finally achieved her ambition of being able to cut down a hundred men in but one blow. When Yoshitsune fully draws upon her skill to cut, the resulting sword technique produces a spider-slaying vibration that can utterly break down anything it comes into contact with.</s> <|message|>Mirai Kurojishi --- Canal District - Drifting on the Winds Above --- Like silk on the wind Mirai floated daintily through the skies far above, swaying and swinging this way and that with the sudden gusts with little and less care to their machinations upon her. Down. Down. Slowly but certainly buildings rose up to meet her as she fell with all the gravity of a feather, until she alighted upon the top of an apartment complex and closed her umbrella- as though entirely planned, despite the seeming chaos of the skies. Still, she was far and away from the battle, too far, and it seemed that it would be over long before she arrived at this rate. Dearest Caster, I applaud your restraint, but mercy is wasted here it seems... Still, I understand full the tax upon your patience enacted by such busywork. These matters are beneath you so allow me to pamper you a a bit more. She spoke wordlessly through the shared connection between them as master and servant- as master and familiar. It was that same connection that she used now, as her eyes closed and his came into focus. The target of ire was identified readily, and already close to falling despite all of the great sage's mercy. Her course of action was laid out, a path to victory through him, from her, to send this dreadful excuse for a magus to hell. Her arms freed themselves of the kimono, all six, and like a blur they wove together with speed altogether obscene. A thousand precision crafted parts that approximated six human hands moved with an absolutely inhuman dexterity as signs arcane were expressed through their motion. "The Eighth Trigram, The Color Yellow. An Endless Field, Between Heaven and Hell, Where Man Walks Arrogant. Let their Footsteps Falter, Let their Legs Fail, Let their Bones feed the Worms. Open, Wider! Become Insatiable. Chew them to Dust. Swallow." The incantation itself was superfluous, as if saying what was already said. A focal aid to guide her hands as the magic they worked pried the very earth beneath Berserker's master open like a great pair of slavering jaws, to swallow her whole before she could even finish her feeble spell. The fact she could barely stand would certainly do her no favors. --- @Player 2@Floodtalon</s> <|message|>Honda Tadakatsu Eat your Burger, Honda Canal District, Arondissement 10, McDonald's ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lancer was amazed by the sheer strength displayed by his foe. He thought to himself could this be the one he was looking for? Given servant's aura and mannerisms he could surmise this was one of the Berserkers in the game. His skill that allowed him to open a dialogue would be useless here. Seeing the Berserker step into his guard he quickly hopped back out of her range and swiftly aimed a trio of strikes at her. He momentarily thought about retreating, but realised that his master would be left to contend with not only Berserker's master but the Berserker itself, which would spell demise for both of them. He had to keep this brute occupied for the time being. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile... Another Nosey Yank Basement, Somewhere in the Foreign District... A fanciful mane with bleach white locks stared pensively at a cauldron before him. He didn't possess much information on any of the other 'competitors' which gave him some unease. No matter, so long as he acted with caution and only took calculated risks he could weather the oncoming storm and new information would be available to him. He waved a hand over his cauldron, dissipating the scrying spell he was using and started to make his way to the first floor of the building he was in. He passed by what looked like a normal statue of an eagle and stepped outside, feeling the cool night air on his skin. "Come companion, let us survey the battlefield for ourselves..." He snapped his fingers and the eagle suddenly came to life, flying throught the air and landing on his arm. He smiled and gave the metallic bird a pet, however this construct was not the companion he was calling upon... @DostHou @floodtalon @King Cosmos</s> <|message|>Wynter Lobos Wynter Lobos Montmarte, moving towards the Business District --- Wynter followed Archer as they went through the business district towards the Opera House. As they passed through the open-air markets she spoke up. "... So... What all do you want to do, now that you're alive again? Things have obviously changed quite a bit from your era, plus we're in a totally different country... Oh! What should I call you, anyway? We should probably hide your class and of course your name is a no-go, so..."</s> <|message|>Ogier Hero of Patience Latin District, Northern Edge --- "Have I found anything yet? I've found a glorious city. I've found stout and good-hearted people. I've found buildings reminiscent of my own time, unlike the rectangles of smooth stone and steel which the Grail informed me of." A robust man materialized for a moment on a rooftop, his eyes scanning the surrounding terrain, and lingering for a spell on the tower that functioned as a beautiful sort of centrepiece for Paris. He conferred with his Master, who had elected to manage operations from her workshop, using their shared mental link. "But no, I've not found any Servants or Masters yet if that's what you mean." It irked this man that his orders forbade him from engaging in combat. Were that not the case, he could have simply let loose the full measure of his presence as a Servant and allowed some interesting person to come to him. Of course, Cleo was only being logical and playing her cards carefully. As her Servant, he wouldn't actually move against her wishes. Still, this man was no Assassin. His presence could be minimized to a point, but not concealed from those in his vicinity. It wouldn't align with his Master's desires, but an excited smile crept for a moment onto the hero's face. If he was attacked by someone too quick to escape from, he would have to defend himself. It wouldn't do for him to get killed without fighting back, or for Cleo to spend a command seal to get him out of trouble. Besides, observing the skills of fellow heroes was certainly no sour job or waste of time. "Don't worry. The night is still young, and I can cover a fair bit of ground. Reconnaissance isn't one of the things I'm renowned for, but have faith in this hero to carry out anything you command, Master." The man began to dematerialize, leaving a disturbance in the air like the slight pressure on a lake from a twig or insect that hasn't quite broken the surface tension. The last part to vanish was a head with an enthusiastic grin. A war of this size was sure to hold its share of joys and surprises for Ogier the Dane. Cosmos</s>
<|message|>Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune In Combat With Assassin==>En Route Back to Base My, my, how arrogant of her opponent to presume to lecture her using her own voice. A true samurai need not seek their own self-satisfaction, but rather, pursue the interests of their lord. What a weak accusation, for the threat was gone save for a few nuisances, and that achieved Yoshitsune's goals. Mm, perhaps her opponent was a sore loser? She blew through the practically harmless traps, her sheer speed and the winds at her command easily clearing the shrapnel and smoke, and her sword flicked once, two heads separated from their bodies. Efficiency was key, after all. Yoshitsune picked her Master up, and leapt high, going at a slow enough speed to not harm her master, guarding her with winds just in case, and launched her way towards a deserted area near enough to an entrance to the catacombs to walk to, but not give away their destination so easily. "I rather think you've had a little too much excitement tonight, Master. If it's not too presumptuous, I'd like to suggest scouting a bit more with your abilities before going out at night again personally," Saber spoke lightly. "Also, you look rather shaky on your feet, so you really quite ought to rest a bit. Wouldn't do to burn out on the first night on this conflict!"</s>
<|description|>Katya "Khat" Vis Starkweather Appearance: Vis stands at 6ft 4 inches tall and weighs 170Ibs, his figure would be classed as lanky though he has enough muscle mass to avoid that (but not enough to be called muscular), his skin is pale but not too pale, it is comparable to milk. He has snow white, pigmentless hair, courtesy of his father, which he generally has slicked back, the color of his right eye is a deep, electric blue, his left eye is a bright green (this one is blind as it was struck with a curse. He has a slim head with rounded features, not the sharp features of his elven father, though he does have the elven ears even though the left one is in tatters, hanging limpy to the side. On the lower left side of his face he is missing the skin and flesh of his jaw and lower cheek, exposing his gums and teeth, this occured from the same accident as the one that ruined his ear, a cross bolt that narrowly missed destroying his life, he covers up the facial scar with a black scarf. Race: Half-Elf Class: Rogue Main-Hand Weapon: Iron Rapier Off-Hand Weapon: Slim Iron Dagger Secondary Weapon: Knuckle Dusters Armor:  When he is not traveling or not engaged in anything that could end his life, he wears a white puffy shirt, with long sleeves and buttons down the front, as for legs he wears grey trousers and a pair of black leather boots, the scarf around his face doesn't go unless he's in private. When he is traveling however he does wear armor, a set of grey leather armor with azure highlights in the place of tassels and the odd leather plate, the armor has a fur neckline and full segmented leather arms and legs. He always has his sword by his side. Powers: Not Magically Inclined. Skills: He has turned the simple act of stealth into an art, having mastered the shadows and the ways to be at one with them; he can hide like no other, may it be active or in plain sight, if he doesn't want you to see him, he won't be seen. Another skill that he possesses is the ability to climb and scale natural and unnatural surfaces, though he much prefers to climb buildings and other structures because he feels more at ease with them. And the final skill of note is that he is streetwise, using his logic and intuition to find who, what or where he wants to find, he can build an interactive map of the city around him, using key figures and places as guides to finding things, picking up on things most wouldn't notice. Weaknesses: One of his major flaws is that, though he can dodge hits very well, he can only get hit a few times before he is down for the count. His slighter than average frame and and lack of heavy armor don't exactly help and his sword isn't the best for attacking heavily armored opponents. Another one of his flaws is that he's not precisely a people's person, it's not because he doesn't like to interact but because he feels that he can't do it due to his horrible lisping and bad temperament when people refer to the scarf that is constantly around his neck. On his left side he has sensory underload, he's completely blind and partially deaf, one caused by a witch's curse (the witch is now dead) and a crossbow bolt (like the witch, his assailant is dead), his inability to hear and see on the left side doesn't help when he's fighting in a croud or when he's trying to be perceptive (but he manages well). His cursed, green left eye glows in the dark, though this helps when he wants to see in the dark, projecting a cone of soft green light, when he is trying to hide, he needs to close it and cover it with a hand (he only has two and he'd rather have use of both). Personality: He has a rather quiet demeanor, not because he is shy but because he despises the way he sounds due to the hole in his mouth, though he still does prefer to listen because there is more to gain by doing so. He doesn't like arguments, usually finding a way to dodge them, usually elegantly but when that doesn't work he's not afraid to fight, though he usually doesn't raise his sword offensively. Vis is very fond of books, though his reading skills are weak he finds great pleasure in trying to desipher the ink; he is not the most intelligent, he can't tell you how magic works, or guess the mass of a brick by the light it reflects but he is crafty and cunning, able to put two and two together faster than most. Before he says things he tries to stop and thinks for a while to make sure what he's saying is right, he us cautious not wanting or willing to make mistakes if it will put him or the people he cares about in less then comfortable conditions. Background: He was the child of a human and an elf, his mother and father respectively. His mother was a baker's assistant in the kitchen of some duke who ran the area, she would go to the castle kitchen every morning at around dawn and returned every night after the sun had set, she wasn't happy with her job but the money was good so she stayed. However one autumn day she suddenly didn't dislike her job as much, there was a visit by a group of royal dignitaries, they must have been high up because they had a whole host of guards and courtiers with them, she knew because she had to back so much more bread and pastries but that is irrelevant. One evening she was taking some roles over to the dinner table where more were asked for, when she bumped into one of the guard, literally bumping into him and spilling all the roles onto the floor, however that wasn't on her mind at that moment, what was on her mind was the handsome elven guard she bumped into and likewise she was on his. That was the start of their romance, they spent evenings together and days eyeing eachother from across rooms and halls as they passed eachother, during this autumn Vis was conceived and by the time his father had to leave (he had to stay with the royal group because the winter had become too harsh to travel) he was born. However Vis had only seen his father by the time he was 6, he had to leave once the weather had cleared, which was a few days before Vis was born. He had made an instant connection with his father and visa versa, his father had decided to leave the employment of his former masters and become the head of guard of the duke's castle, with his baker's assistant wife. His father had taught him many things through his youth, primarly how to use a sword but other things as well, like how to skin a cat, however the one thing that he wasn't taught was how to read or write, he picked some of that up himself and it hasn't improved yet, most likely it's worse. By the time he was a young man, he started getting restless, wanting to go out and see the world instead of being an assisstant to an assisstant baker. His parents told him time and time again to reconsider but Vis was too stubborn, and his father noticed this stubbornness as his own, the elf allowed him to go under one condition, that he was to practice his reading and send them letters. Vis agreed, rather too quickly, forgetting that he was horrible at both reading and writing, so he set off and had many adventures, most of them ending badly, some of them ending horribly and abruptly with an injury. But he adventured on undeterred, half blind, hard at hearing and with a hole in his maw.  Other: Vis' Companion Age: 9 or 10 Appearance: Kat is a spindly girl of around 5'2", weighing not much more then a sack of flour. Her slim body boasts no fat and little muscle, though she is full enough to avoid the shape of her bones coming through her skin. She has fair skin, lightly dusted by the rays of the sun and with faded freckles peppered across her cheeks and nose. Her face is small and clustered around a small area, she has a small nose and wide lips that are naturally red, with a protruding chin and large ears to fram her head. Her hair is long and flat, rough to the touch and rolls to the small of her back, it is dull copper in color, with subdued tones of richer reds, browns and auburns. Her eyes hazel, though mostly green have flecks of brown, gold and blue in them. On her left hand, the pinky and the ring finger up to the middle are missing, her forearms are also speckled with black burn marks and small scars. Race: Human (Of the Ginger variety) Class: None, at the moment... Clothes: Kat where's on her head a tightly wrapped white linen bandana, it conceals everything above her hairline and ends at the back of her head with a tightly wound bun, all her hair is concealed; she often takes it off and uses it as a scarf though, when she is not working. On her body she wears a grey woolen poncho over a lime green tunic, covering her legs with a leather skirt that goes down to the base of her ankles; on her feet she wears black boots and instead od socks a pair of white leggings made of close fitting cotton. On her hands she wears fingerless gloves that are open at the top and secured around her wrist by a strap and a button. Weapon: Nothing (Vis' Dagger in due time) Skills: One of her skills is climbing, though she is fairly new to it, she can climb fairly well but at a slow pace compared to Vis, she often uses her skills at climbing to explore or hide from someone or thing. Another of her skills is that she knows how to cook, often sticking to recipes she knows but still willing to try something new, though most people would not really care about cooking, when on the road good cooking can make a long journey bearable. Hiding, a mixture of her small size and ability to be very quiet, she can become invisible, helped by the neutral color of her visible clothing. Weaknesses: She is completely illiterate, not even knowing how to write or read her name. This is a problem when it comes to bring on the road, as she can't read signs or maps. She reacts badly to critiscm or negative situations, often yelling and crying and being a roucus child. She can't keep her mouth shut and often talks at inopportune times, saying things she shouldn't say or at the wrong moment, often speaking her mind instead of keeping it there. Doesn't know how to control anger very well, often vents it as tears or yelling and punching. Personality: Kat is a rather brash individual, often blurting out and avoiding general manners like thanking people and asking politely, often being rather blunt and indifferent to people's opinions. When not at work at the bakery, she often finds herself getting into trouble, often finding her way into "adventures" that she shouldn't be partaking in. Though her attitude is rough, she has some kindness to her, not knowing when far is but understanding when too far is and realizing when to back off and when to approach with an (awkward) gentles hand. Kat is also a fairly curious person, often asking things she shouldn't and getting into situations that could otherwise be avoided with s level head, not saying she thick. She had the ability to pick things up quickly, it's just that she's not given the opportunity to try often.  Background: Kat was born in the spring, on the morning of last frost, her mother was a baker and her father a forester. From a young age, her parents struggled to get her affection and this struggle developed into a heated fight for Kat's heart. This ultimately tore the marriage apart, the end signaled by the father running off in the middle of the night and taking Kat with him. She was relatively calm with the situation and lived with her father, until he was killed by a bunch of thugs for not being able to pay back some debt. Her neighbors helped her get back to her mother,  and it appeared that all was smooth sailing, working at the bakery. That is until the attack...</s> <|message|>Alula Alula kept quiet, looking over at the group from behind Carver. Yes. She had found herself in quite a strange situation. Why had she agreed to go on some adventure with a bunch of strangers? She pulled the brim of her hat over her eyes, trying to concentrate. She could hear the punching man agreeing to let the other girl into the group. She was a strange one as well, but she radiated a compelling strength like no other. She took a step further behind Carver as the punching man approached her, as if taking cover behind the man. She muttered softly, her voice slurring and eyes glowing from beneath her hat. "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while." She felt a bit worried when the punching man came over and asked if anyone had any supplies or a destination in mind. The man was gathering people for some sort of adventure and didn't have a plan? She held back a sigh, knowing she would have to learn to trust the others around her. This would truly be a group effort, and as someone who survived on her own for so long she was afraid. Alula had a puzzled look on her face under her hat. Supplies? Why was she thinking of supplies? Did she have supplies? Does she even need to eat? A voice confirmed for her, yes you do eat occasionally. She blinked hazily, holding up her heavy coin purse. "I" She sounded confused.</s> <|message|>Carver Carver caught the woman's gaze and held it as she joined the group. Then she knew. He knew, she knew, he knew she knew, she knew he knew, and she had better know he knew she knew. Of course, that still left the matter of what exactly he knew, but that could come later. If the woman was aware that the Paladin knew what she was, perhaps she'd be on her best behavior. That'd be enough for now. Alula stepped behind him, as though concealing herself from the rest of the group. That fear wasn't ideal, but it was to be expected. The girl would be joining them - Carver was sure she'd come around to them later. "Ah. Supplies. Let's see!" Carver took his pack and began rooting around inside it. "I have... ten gold coins, not bad... this looks like a crust of bread... and, um, a rock." Carver tossed the stone out of his bag and slung it back over his shoulder, smiling sheepishly. "Uh... sorry, I won't be much help on that front. Sounds like Alula might, though. And I imagine that the traditional method of 'asking the barkeeper for rumours' has been ruled out?" The paladin grinned at his own jest and looked to his party for direction.</s>
<|message|>Katya "Khat" Vis raised his voice, "I belief thath we should pool thome coin to buy thupplies for all uf uth." they shouldn't be depending on individual supplies, some most likely didn't have any, Vis supposed, him only having 60 coins, a set of stag antlers and a child's enyclopedia. He took a long hard look at his group, casting green light on every member to scrutinize them, they had a paladin, a sword puncher, a gnome, a rather curvaceous woman and another woman who looked a bit out of it; he could tell that the adventure was going to be something. "Leth all chip in thome coin and buy rathions, things thath will latht a while. Green appleth, hard loafths of bread, dried meath." he had been on the road for a long time and understood what to bring and what not to bring, from personal experience of finding that all the food had rotted in his bag. "And wather thacks." Vis whinced internally, every time he lisped.</s>
<|description|>Raiya Mamushi Female Age 24 Appearance 5'6" Lean flexible athletic build Light skin (Japanese) Appears to have shoulder length jet black slightly spikey hair from the front. However her hair splits into parts, taking the longer half and tying it together at the neck into a downwards facing ponytail that reaches her middle back. Medium sized ahoge, more of angular/rigid spike shape, changes based on their mood/emotions. And electrical charge in battle. Dark drab blueish-gray/steel left eye. Yellow right eye with a slit shaped pupil. Eyebrow over her left eye has a slit break in it towards the outer middle. Irezumi tattoos: Right arm- Nagasode style sleeve tattoo extending down to her wrist. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a green snake with a red belly coiling down her arm with it's head ending at her outer wrist. Left arm- Shichibu style sleeve tattoo extending down to her middle forearm. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a blue snake with a yellow belly coiling up her arm with it's head resting on the front of her upper shoulder. Kanji for Mamushi 蝮 (pit viper) tattooed in black on the inner blank space of her forearm. Back- Her entire back is covered in large nara black ink clouds for a background. And a large tattoo of the giant 8 headed and tailed snake Yamata no Orochi, various flowers, and lightning bolts in the foreground. Slightly elongated fang canine teeth on the top and bottom as compared to normal people. Teeth are overall sharper. Ear piercings- Left: Two slim steel rings on their lobe. Helix cuff. Right: Circular silver stud on their lobe. Smaller steel cuff at the middle of the outer ear/lower helix. Black painted nails. Customized slightly oversized black leather asymmetrical moto jacket. Worn unzipped with belt hanging loose. Steel curb chain necklace that extends down to her chest. Medium sized silver upside down cross pendant. Zip-up black hoodie. Worn under her jacket with the hood laid over the jackets collar. Worn unzipped often with the sleeves pulled up to her elbows. Vintage oversized heavy metal band T-shirts, some with the sleeves cut off. Worn over fishnet shirt. (Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth) Long sleeve black fishnet shirt. Sleeve extends into a fishnet fingerless gloves on the left but is cut off at the wrist on the right. Silver signet ring on right middle finger with an upside down cross engraved in it. Mokume-gane Ouroboros shaped ring with pink jeweled eyes on left index finger. Steel cuban link chain bracelet on right wrist. Steel studded black leather belt. Steel chain hanging down at her right side. One end attached to a belt loop, the other to a pocket watch manadial. Worn/faded slim dark indigo Japanese selvage denim jeans. (Black or stonewash alt. colors) Black with white accents Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 running shoes. Black calf length open toe and heel socks. Secondary hairstyle reference (Somewhere in between the two) Close type of ponytail style reference Raiya specializes in destructive magic. She is a master of electrical spells, and ruinous spells. She has a great foundation in most all Catholic magics as well as some Japanese Zen Buddhist/Shinto magic. As with her fascination of Japan, she also has a great fascination with snakes and has developed snake themed fighting style and magic. Every so often she sheds her skin, this makes her immune to aging. With her magic powers, she also has the ability to control certain light metals. Raiya's parents, Japanese immigrants, owned a successful Japanese cuisine restaurant chain in New York City. Both parents died in a burglary gone wrong leaving Raiya orphaned in infancy. With a large mana constitution, Raiya was immediately adopted by the Catholic cathedral and put into mage training. Growing up in the New York Cathedral, she always shadowed Felix and thought of him as her older brother. Raiya was always proficient in magic, and her studies reflected that. Raiya achieved the rank Grand-Mage at the age of seventeen. At the age of twenty she was sent with two other grand-magi to investigate the sudden disappearance of a remote village in Italy. The village was razed, not so much as a 2x4 left standing upright. Investigating the trace of mana waves left by the spell she made her way to a nearby mountain where she found on a cliff-side the definite point of origin of the spell. Looking around the point of origin she found footprints. The foot prints looked exactly like the sole tread of a typical Catholic Magi officer. The level of destruction and the fact that the mana waves left by the spell accounted for only one spell, coupled with the footprint meant the evidence pointed toward an Arch-mage or higher to be the cause of the destruction. Once she returned to the Vatican, she provided the evidence in a council meeting. The council thanked her for the evidence provided but stated that they would be conducting the investigation from then on. Even though the council told her to no longer investigate this issue, Raiya continued the investigation on her own. Looking into the records of those who were gone the night of the destruction of the remote village, she narrowed it down to two, Arch-mage Thadeus and Arch-mage Felix. After obtaining this information, Raiya investigated both Thadues and Felix's living quarters. She discovered that Felix had never even worn his uniform boots, as he wore his own more comfortable combat boots. Thadeus, on the other hand, did not have any other pairs of footwear besides the ones on his feet, which were the uniform boots. Learning of this information but knowing the Vatican council would never listen to her, she approached Felix whom she knew was innocent. She told Felix all of the information she had obtained, but Felix brushed her aside saying that the Vatican was conducting their own investigation and to go against their demands to keep the investigation within their selected team would mean excommunication, even if the information was correct. Felix told her that he would not tell anyone about her own investigation, but pleaded with her to keep quiet about the issue until the Vatican completed their investigation. Raiya couldn't believe what she was hearing, that her cold hard evidence was being brushed aside because of protocol. But what's more, that the investigation team was comprised with Thadeus's brother as a member meant surely that Thadeus would never be convicted of this crime. All of this put into perspective Raiya's membership with the magi, and soon after she left the magi and Catholicism altogether. When she left two others left with her, the other two grand-magi that were on her initial investigation team with her. Soon after they left, they returned to NYC. Because the Vatican saw them as Apostates, they froze all their accounts and social security information, forcing them to make money through means less savory. Instead of falling into despair, Raiya and her two peers adopted the shady lifestyle altogether. Through their magic abilities, it wasn't long before they were running the biggest criminal organization in NYC. Raiya still resides to this day in NYC with the other two magi as her right hand women. Raiya is seemingly devoid of any positive emotion. Her normal demeanor could be described as aloof. She is seen as a hard nosed, unwavering leader. This makes her well respected by her subordinates in the gang she runs. Though, to those who know her well enough she can be lighthearted. She has a short temper and a low tolerance for annoyances. In her annoyed state she has no problem threatening her friends with one of her sushi knives she keeps in her inner coat pocket, or electrocuting them with her magic. She loves Japan, even though she wasn't raised there herself. Her fanaticism for Japan runs so deep that she has Japanese tattoos, and has even taught herself the language perfectly. She is an excellent chef and specializes in Japanese cuisine. Even though she isn't very sociable, the few friends she does have are kept close to her and she protects them.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Nemo listened to Felix's story, seemingly entertained by the exposition he gave as he looked around the room. He used the scenery to help him imagine the events of the past. "...Their decor makes me hungry." He stated before moving on and catching up with Raiya. She seemed to try to gather information often, and figured that if he ran his mouth too much she'd get irritated with him. Nemo rested his hands in his jacket pockets and continued to walk beside her a few feet away, doing some thinking of his own. What kind of thoughts ran through his head was something to think about in itself.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Once Nemo caught up with Raiya, the thought she'd filed away about Nemo's abnormal tone he had when explaining his self taught magicks resurfaced. The more I can learn about him, the easier it will be to figure a way out of our deal. Though, I don't suppose he'll just tell me if I ask him straight out. But, then again, stranger things have happened. And Nemo seems to be the king of abnormalities... "So earlier..." Raiya broke the silence, "When talking about how you learned your magic abilities, your tone changed slightly. It almost seemed somber. Why is that?" Raiya asking, trying not to sound too suspicious.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Nemo glanced over to Raiya after she spoke, rather blank at first, as if he was still trying to register her question properly and think of a response. He then let out a small snicker, his face turning to a more amused expression. "Quid pro quo... more Latin, it means something for something. I'll tell you something about myself if you tell me something about yourself." Nemo proposed. "Does that sound fair?" He asked. "Oh, and the uh, microphone, is gonna have to stay out of it, This is between me and you. That's what makes it fun." Nemo twirled his finger around his ear as he added his last condition.</s>
<|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya cringed at the thought of having to share any information with the man who duped her. But the price might be worth it, if she was able to obtain a slip up of information leading her to her freedom. She outwardly sighed a puff of air, and then pulled the mana crystal inlay from her ear and placed it back in the socket on the manadial. She then took out her flask once more and took a large swig before placing it back into her jacket. She was going to need it. "I'm sure you've been able to gather that I had been raised in the Arcanocracy, but left and became an apostate four years ago. Well, up until then, I really hadn't given much thought as to who my parents were. I didn't really need to, because my identity was solely based upon the Catholic Arcanocracy. Every person I met within that organization was a brother and a sister. We were mostly all orphans, with a few exceptions. Though, regardless of how you join the ranks, you are required to cut ties with your previous family, as your life is carried out solely in the confines of the organization. So, technically we were all orphans. And, really, to deny them, is to deny your family. So once I became an apostate, everything changed. My entire viewpoint of what family was changed. I went from believing family was those in closest proximity to you, to believing that the only true family you could have is a blood family. After I left the Arcanocracy, I decided to try and find out more about my parents. Of course, if you have genuine questions of your origins, the Arcanocracy is very open and ready to tell you everything they know about it. And everyone does become curious at one point in their life within the Church. And I was told about the Japanese heritage I had, and how my parents were killed in a car accident. So, after I left, the first thing I did was look into the reports. All the reports I could find online corroborated what I had been told by the Church. But, of course, with the circumstances that had lead to my apostasy being about a fellow member being corrupt, I learned to be a bit more skeptical. So, I used magic to break into the police station that had filed the report. I found all the evidence that had been sealed away. Which, in and of itself was odd. If the station had ruled it an accident, they would have had no need to keep a box of evidence. What I saw inside were nothing more than blood spattered clothing and the wallet and purse of my mother and father. At first glance, it just looked as though this is what they died in during the crash... But then I used manalysis... Through manalysis I saw protective Shinto runes covering both sets of clothing. Immediately I was in shock. I knew that it would make no sense for someone wearing these runes to die in a car crash. Those runes would have protected the users from any sort of kinetic damage received. Then I read the file. The file said it was ruled as a double homicide, a burglary gone wrong. I realized that all of the articles about this online had been changed to say it was a car crash, so if I had gotten curious and searched it, I would have found what the Arcanocracy had told me. So, not only had the Arcanocracy outright lied to me, but the chances were, they were the ones that killed my parents. That was the only conclusion I could come to. And so, to get better acquainted with my roots, I went to Japan for two, almost three years. I ended up becoming very familiar with the undergound there. It turns out all of the gangs, the yakuza, were all large syndicates of Talents. Once they saw my potential, they taught me Shinto magic, as well as some zen budhist magic as well. I mastered the magics in record time, and within the year at the Yamaguchi-gumi Yakuza organization, I rose to the rank of Wakagashira, (or First Lieutenant roughly in English.) Even though I had rose to such a rank, eventually I felt as though I was still missing something. And I knew if I didn't figure out who killed my parents, I'd never get that thing back. So I told my Oyabun, my boss, that I needed to go back to the United States, and use the Yakuza to get a foothold in the Underground in New York, in order to find exactly what happened. He agreed, and luckily at the time, he was looking to gain a foothold in the underground there as well. So sending me there as United States Yakuza branch leader seemed to be the best option. And there I started up the branch of the Yakuza known as Hebi-kai. I, of course, had duties to perform besides looking for information on my parents. Mostly, I handled all the United States domestic business. Trafficking drugs and prostitutes from the states to Japan. Securing business deals in the states. That kind of stuff. Little by little, I began to get information. That yes my parents were murdered, and it had to be by a powerful mage because they were notoriously powerful themselves. I was right on the cusp of getting a real large piece of evidence indicating who killed them, right before-" Raiya stopped herself. She didn't want to let Nemo know that he had impeded her investigation. If he knew, he would also know how urgently she wanted to leave. And how desperately she would claw at any possible way out. So she fabricated the final part of her story. "... Right before the lead died. I was investigating who killed the informant, by doing some dealings with a few gangsters in New York who might have known something when you showed up. But I know Tsukihi will follow up the leads, and I'll no doubt have a mountain of information when I get back." Raiya finished. "Now it's your turn." Raiya prodded.</s>
<|description|>Isaac Storm Age: 22 years old Appearance: Isaac is 6' tall and a wiry but muscular-tone 155lbs. He has bright blue eyes, messy blonde hair, a boyish face and a bright smile. Out on the road, you will usually find him wearing a plain tee shirt, maybe some combat armour strapped over, combat pants and hardy military grade boots. Often carries a backpack too. Above: Isaac aged 15 years old - Stood outside New Brooklyn settlement, posing for the camera Background: Isaac Storm was born Isaac Carson, in Vault 118. He'd always had a knack for getting into trouble, but one particular escapade had gotten him into so much trouble, it changed his life forever. You see, Vault 118 was deathly scared of the outside world, and believed New York to be completely poisoned by nuclear fallout. They had a strict rule that the vault door was never to be opened, and anyone who tried to do so would be sentenced to death by the overseer. When 11 year old Isaac snuck up to the main entrance of the vault and released the seal that'd been shut since the very bombs dropped, the Overseer commanded that Isaac pay with his life. His mother begged for her son's life, and she managed to negotiate one final option. Her and her son had to leave vault 118 for good. It was an option she did not relish, but with her son's life on the line, she took it. Luck was not on their side. Mother and son were not long out of the vault when they were hunted and set upon by a pack of wolves. Isaac's mother sacrificed herself to give her son a chance, screaming for him to run. And run he did. With tears in his eyes, and a nasty bite wound bloodying up his arm, he fled the scene. Moments later he ran into help in the form of a trade caravan, whose bodyguards were led by the boy back to his mother. But they moments too late. The wolves were slain and a hysterical young Isaac was taken to the nearest settlement, New Brooklyn, where the first words of Sheriff Luca burned themselves into the memory of Isaac and marked the man he was to become... "You're mother died so you could live, son. Make sure you live a good life, to pay her back." He would live a good life. He would save lives. He would become a wasteland hero. He would pay his mother back.</s> <|message|>Isaac Storm When she tapped Isaac on the shoulder and put a finger to her lips, Isaac gave a brisk nod, his breathing heavy because of the adrenaline. She started to sneak off and Isaac fired another shot off down the stairs before following her, trying to stay as quiet as possible. The injured raider at the bottom of the stairs fired more shots back, not realising that they were gone. The girl led him down a different stairwell, descending beyond the groundfloor and to the basement level parking lot. Perfect. As soon as she let go of his hand, Isaac changed his empty gun clip to a fresh one, all the while running after her. Out of the parking lot and into the dead streets, Isaac followed the route she was taking until he suddenly took the lead. He looked back to see why she had stopped, then halted himself to watch her go start looting a table for something that'd caught her eye. Looting at a time like this! "Really?" he asked breathlessly, once she caught back up. There was an exasperated smile on his face as they got back on the move. "Come on." They ran for another twenty minutes, taking a left turn here, a right corner there. On his left arm, Isaac wore two wrist-watches. One of them was like any other watch, it showed the time. The other was a compass. He used it to make sure that they were steadily heading south-west and deeper into New York. After the running, they walked for 5 minutes to catch their breath. After that, they were jogging. Isaac had to be sure that no one was following them. It was late. Luck was on their side that no animals, bugs or feral ghouls had crossed their path and attacked. They made a good distance between themselves and the raider town. Isaac began looking for a good, sturdy building to make camp - they needed to rest soon as the girl was exhausted, her breathing and wheezing sounding like she might collapse at any moment. "There," Isaac pointed 200 yards down the street to the big townhouse on the corner. It was three floors tall, its walls looked in tact, and the buildings around it were rubble, so the top floor would have a good view of the surrounding area. "We can rest up in that townhouse over there."</s> <|message|>Zara Singh Zara picked up the locket, rubbing it off on her tank top. Her eyes moved up to meet his for a moment. She sheepishly put it in one of her pockets before returning to him, unpausing their current task of escaping. 'At least he didn't leave me for dead.' Her thoughts spoke to her. After their running, her lungs hurt, her legs hurt and she felt like she would lay down right there and not get up for hours. She crouched as she rested her arms on her knees and began looking around at the buildings too. Her eyes did spy the one he had, but had crossed it off as she didn't feel like climbing again. Hearing that being his choice, she hung her head and groaned. "That one? Hope you plan on sleeping on the main floor cuz I can't make it up more stairs." She boldly assumed they were now traveling together, not just escaping the raiders then parting. She began the dragging walk toward the bulding of his choice, very much mimicking that of a teenager. She got inside the door and looked around. A dirty but still intact couch sat along one wall, the television across the room from it. "You can have the couch, since I made you leave behind the bedroll you had." Once again assuming they'd be on the main floor. --Meanwhile-- Back up had arrived to the hotel where their injured and fallen members were. One had stayed with the injured one to tend to wounds he had while the others began searching the hotel. "Second floor. They were last seen on the second floor." One of the female raiders barked out, taking lead on this scouting mission. She ran her hand along the wall freshly damaged from the bullets. Climbing the stairs up, she had her 10mm drawn and ready to go. Spotting the make shift camp, she headed over to it and put her hands right kn the burnt wood. Hot or not, she didn't care. "It's still fairly warm. I see one bedroll. The dirt hasn't been displaced by another." She pointed out to her fellow raiders. "I'm thinking the girl and one, possibly two others." "There is only one bedroll, so wouldn't that mean only one?" One of the newer members asked. Tasha rolled her eyes and looked at him. "One to sleep and one to guard. Never assume someone sleeping is alone. Not out here. Not in these lands." She growled at him as she tried to look for other hints.</s> <|message|>Isaac Storm Isaac felt bad for the girl. She was half-dead from exhaustion. They got inside, both stood at the door, Isaac silent as he tried to listen for movement inside the building. The place seemed empty. "You can have the couch, since I made you leave behind the bedroll you had." "What do you mean, doll?" he asked with a smirk. "We're going up. Top floor." He looked pointedly at the stairs and when he saw her reaction, his smirk turned to a full grin. "Don't worry, just two more sets of stairs and you can collapse in a heap until morning comes." He took the lead, doing a routine check on all three floors before finally setting his stuff down in the bedroom with the street view. He mentally acknowledged her offer of the couch. It was a nice gesture, but he wouldn't be sleeping tonight. No. Now, he was paranoid that trouble wasn't far behind. "This place has been lived in recently," he mused out loud, taking note of the oil lamps, the ruffled bed, the signs of discarded trash. But all supplies were missing. "Whoever it was, they're long gone by now." He switched on the three oil lamps in the room, brightening the place so that he could get his first clear look of the girl he was with. "Wow," he appraised. "Bit of a cutie pie, aren't ya." She was indeed cute. Her eyes were interesting, in particular. So sharp in shape, the two-tone hue making for a mystery. She was skinny, more malnourished than the average wastelander. Isaac guessed she'd been a prisoner of the raiders. And a prisoner for a while too. He didn't stare overly long, no more than a few seconds, before turning to leave the room. "There's a few snacks in that rucksack, if you're hungry. Water too." He set about securing the building; making sure the doors and windows on the ground floor were shut properly. He set up a rope from the third floor bathroom, tied securely to some piping and ready to throw out of the window and climb down, should they need to escape. Lastly, set up a tripwire at the front door, tied to a trigger of a small shrapnel grenade. Anyone trying to sneak in would be in for a nasty surprise. He made sure to let his new friend know about the trap downstairs when he returned, taking a seat by the window where he could keep an eye on the street below. Stretching and cracking his neck to one side, he light out a sigh and put his feet up on the broken radiator. "Name's Isaac," he finally introduced himself, his eyes on the street. "Isaac Storm. How'd you end up on the run?"</s> <|message|>Zara Singh Hearing his voice clearly for the first time, she couldn't help but give a slight brush. The deepness, the tone, even the accent seemed to be fitting of the stranger. His words though, top floor caused her whole body to slump where it stood. Mouth ajar as her eyes moved up the stairs to they disappeared on the next floor. He was mad, he had to be. Crazy mad, to think she would have the energy to go up to the top floor. Not to mention removing any real chances of escape if the raiders caught up to them. She figured they'd have lived if they had to vault out a second story window. Surely he was joking right? Nope, they ascended the stairs. Second story, third story. She pointed up "Don't want to see if they have an attic as well?" Her tone almost sarcastically rude. Following him into the chosen room, she blinked as the oil lamps came on and ruined what vision she had for the dark. She remained quiet as he sized her up, doing the same to him. He didn't look nearly as rough as the raiders she was usually around. "If you say so, though I feel I look a little grungy. You're actually quite easy on the eyes yourself." She smirked, moving to go look out the window. His mention of food and water did make her salivate but she wasn't about to go rooting through someone's rutsack. She almost lost a hand once or twice that way from said owner of the sacks. Been accused of stealing as well when there was nothing of value to steal. Nope, if he was intent on sharing, he'd have to get it out and hand it to her. When he finished setting up the traps, she moved to the bed so he could have the window unobstructed. She sat down on it, tucking her fingers under her legs, palms down. "Zara Singh is mine. I haven't Bern on the run long. In fact, it may surprise you, this is the first like.. hour or two I've been on the rub." She admitted to him, knowing full well he pegged her for a novice wastelander from the beginning. "I've lived in the raider base for thirteen years and just.. I can't do it anymore. I refuse to do it. So I left. Tonight they were celebrating a recent ambush, were all too drunk to care of their own noses."</s>
<|message|>Isaac Storm "I've lived in the raider base for thirteen years and just.. I can't do it anymore. I refuse to do it. So I left..." Isaac kept his gaze on the outside, mostly because he didn't want her to see the pity in his eyes. He couldn't imagine what she'd been through, all these years. Raider's weren't known for their mercy. Inside, Isaac cursed the people of the past, who went to nuclear war and gave birth to this hellhole. "...Tonight they were celebrating a recent ambush, were all too drunk to care of their own noses." "Good thinking," was his first words in reply to her sad story. Then he looked over at her. "But they cared enough to come after you. And they might still be out there. So we have to stay sharp until we're far enough away. Do you have anywhere you can go? What am I saying, of course you don't." The young man out a loud breath as tried to think, placing a thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose. Where was the nearest town from here? "Hmmm... I think Grasscroft isn't far from here. Straight west, if memory serves. We'll head in that direction tomorrow. See if we can't find you a place to live, kay." The girl really could use a break. She looked so drained, so skinny. "Hey, I said there was food n stuff in my bag. You sure you're not hungry?" Isaac got back to his feet and retrieved his rucksack, rifling through it before pulling out his water canteen and throwing it on the bed beside her. Then he brought a couple of ration snacks, tossing her a pack before opening one himself and sitting back down. This time he didn't put his feet up. He was sat facing her, leaning forward a little, intent on seeing her get something in her stomach. It was just some beef jerky and a pack of peanuts - good for a little bit of energy, in a pinch. "Don't be shy, I'm not gonna charge you," he quipped, popping a peanut into his mouth and giving her a reassuring smile.</s>
<|description|>Gin (pronounced 'Jin') Clan: Shima Title: Halfling Gender: Male Age: 15 Race: Half-Oni Weight: 90 lbs Height: 4'10" Appearance: Occupation: Blacksmith Notable Skills: His strength is unmatched by any human which only grows with his anger. He's fair good at running fast and climbing trees and rocky surfaces. Magical Abilities: Can use his spirit energy as an extension of his body to an extent. Using it to pick up stuff isn't something he's learned and using it too much drains him until he eats or sleeps again. Ki Techniques/powers: Manipulation of his own spirit and turning it into 'blue fire' energy, a trait shared with certain groups he tries to remove himself from. When he loses control of his temper his inner demon shows itself, advancing his features, increasing his strength and durability. Because of his Oni inheritance he has advanced healing, taking mere days over weeks to recover from injury. Weapons: "Lion's Tooth" as pictured. A folded steel sword he crafted himself. Other Gear: None. Personality: Gin is a small, gentle young man who remains loyal to those he befriends. He goofs off sometimes and be fairly playful but can become serious and focused when he needs to be. He may act pleasant and human most of the time, but he may lose himself to his Oni side and become vicious and difficult to control. Despite not making friends with people not enjoying his company he hides his frustrations well, making excuses that he would have no skill if they didn't make time ignoring him. Brief history: When he was a young boy he was found hiding in a tree by travellers, malnourished and filthy. The group saw what he was by his distinguishable pointed ears, red tint to parts of his skin and his red hair; however, they couldn't let a child die. It was thought best to take the child to someone to help teach him how to integrate himself into the human world and not with the brutish Onis, the best choice being the neutral Shima clan. With a family assigned to him, Gin found his niche in helping at the blacksmiths; however, the call for battle proved strong in Halfling Gin. He practised for many years in his spare time, learning the ways of the sword before crafting one himself to help balance his strength. Even if those around him didn't trust him because of his heritage he was determined to show he can help protect them from the growing aggressive climate Baji was falling under. When the sacred relics were stolen away from the Shima clan, Gin knew he had to help take them back. They needed his strength to retrieve them. He had the strength of three warriors, three which would benefit the Shima clan by remaining on their defences. Offering himself as one of the travellers to gather the relics, disregarding his age and background. Other: Gin doesn't take a family name; people who took him in were his carers, not his family. Raw meat can be a difficult trigger for him to handle, the smell and sight of it making it hard to control his voracious nature from his Oni heritage. He can eat more than the average human. The symbol on his clothes is the blacksmith's marking which is stamped on everything made there, on his blade it can be found on the hilt.</s> <|message|>Jiang Baji Things were starting to heat up and Baji was becoming more and more excited. Someone may have been waiting on them to arrive, even one was armed. The opportunity to meet their enemy, find out who's behalf they act on and deal a crushing blow to their operation if they truly were an enemy. Baji had hoped that these people were friendly though and able to help them all get further. He wasn't aware of any further aid being delivered after leaving so soon but it was a possibility. The Dog of Shima stretched out his arms and rolled his neck around in circles to loosen up his joints. This would be a group decision but he hoped everyone would see the opportunity ahead of them and move forward instead of going around to avoid conflict. Jiang Baji unsheathed his blade and pointed it forward to their destination. "We should move forward. If they are waiting on us so patiently then we should happily oblige them. If they are friends then great, if they are enemies then even better. We beat them up, ask for information and move forward on our journey. I suggest we approach peacefully though." He then went over towards Gin and nudged him in the shoulder with his elbow to get his attention. "Hey, do you mind staying near our guide as we move forward? He may need some protection if these guys are looking to hurt us."</s> <|message|>Kenji Takeda The group Kenji had been traveling with was certainly not the regular kind. Though then again, they needed to be special since they were on a special mission. Its specialness increased when Metou the old Tengu used some magic involving plopping an eye into her empty eye socket which transformed her into a younger version of herself. She told everyone not to pry which and so no one did despite raising the entire group's curiosity. Some time later, Jiang began a speech about taking other people's lives. Though he had a lot of good points, Kenji was sure that dealing death was more of a 'spur of the moment' thing than a well thought-out decision. If blood was to be shed, then it shall be shed though the Yang would prefer more peaceful outcomes, even if there was a war going on and much unrest was to be found in their journey. Soon, Takumi the guide warned of multiple presences ahead of them. They wore unusual clothing and they could be the thieves behind the robbery of the Shima Clan's artifacts. Jiang certainly wanted to meet them and suggested to do so. Kenji thought there was little reason not to. "Agreed but we should still be careful. We do not know who they are and they are expecting us."</s> <|message|>Yuudai Wakahisa Yuudai gave a curt nod to Takumi when he told her that they would be there rather soon, which was good because she was already getting hungry by this point. She did take note of the crows that their guide interacted with, clearly being connected with him in some way, though in what way she did not know. Still they apparently made for pretty good scouts given that they could relay news to their master, and it was lucky they that had done so, otherwise they may have been in real danger. "I agree, they are either our first lead or Ru knew we were coming, either way let us meet them" She was alright with Baji's little plan, after all it made sense and it was not like she saw the waiting group as any kind of threat, more so given that they were not even trying to hide. However she did not agree on one little thing "You coming Gin? We can be up front if you like." Taking her hands out of her pockets she started to move forward "You are free to stay back if you wish guide. If you want you can ask one of the others for protect as well." She was clearly not making her self a option for this as even now she was moving up, after all she was not one to waste other peoples or her own time.</s> <|message|>Tetsuya Ueno Tetsuya had no real idea how to move along with his search, only that he knew he had to. It stood to reason that someone in Ru had the information he was seeking, but actually coming across that person was going to be difficult. Stolen relics were hardly the things of common trade so anyone that had knowledge of it was probably less than reputable, and therefore most people wouldn't know of them. Its times like this he wouldn't mind having someone a little more... Knowledgeable of how the underground world worked, then perhaps he'd not be chasing ghosts. If he kept at it he was bound to stumble across something, but who knows how long that might take? When being quick about it was fair important he couldn't quite afford to wander about hoping to strike it lucky. In the not too far distance the young Neko began to pick up an awful lot of voices, and if he wasn't mistaken the clatter of steel against stone as well. Marching troops? It sounded rhythmic so that made sense, but why were there troops moving? Was it Ru's own or was it something else? He had no personal claim in the matter but he was curious, enough so that he began to follow the sounds to try and see what it was. The swathes of people gathered along a main road was show enough of where the spectacle was, and Tetsuya had to pick his way through the crowds in order to get eyes on just what was happening. He'd expected perhaps one of the local nobility was passing through, or if he were so fortunate perhaps Lady Ru herself. What he found on the other sides of the crowd, however, was far from pleasing. "Naji...?" Tetsuya whispered, frowning as he glanced over at the norimono. What was someone like her doing all the way out here? It was a bit odd that such an important person would show up like this, though he could hardly claim to know what went on between rulers. When the soldiers parted and the kitsune woman began to speak he couldn't help but feel a little war of what was happening. Just by nature he had to be cautious of strangers, it was basically required by his position as a guard to do so. While he may have no personal stake in Ru he did need these people's aid, and anything that might inhibit his search would be a problem. It would hardly work for him to ask them to leave, he wasn't nearly thick enough to even consider such a thing. But maybe their being here wasn't all bad, maybe he could work it to his advantage. If the future Empress was seeking an audience with Lady Ru, and indeed she was, she was all but guaranteed to get it. Should Tetsuya be able to join the convoy then he'd surely reach the palace, and perhaps even be permitted an audience as well. Unless he had some serious claim himself to enter the palace grounds he didn't think it likely he'd see the Lady himself; Shima's badge may hold some weight, but with brigands and bandits roaming one could never be completely certain someone was who they said they were. Tetsuya decided then if he was to get in touch with Lady Ru then this was his best chance. Seeing no other option he broke rank in the crowd, stepping out to the road to confront the kitsune woman. Naturally the guards and soldiers around the area immediately went to their weapons, to which he only responded by putting his hands up defensively, trying to show he meant no harm. "Relax, I'm not here to cause trouble, I only wish to make a request," Tetsuya explained, trying to sound far more authoritative than his youthful voice might allow. Relieved when the guards looked to ease up a bit he looked at the kitsune woman, smiling faintly before making a polite bow in her direction. "I'm seeking an audience with Lady Ru as well, on behalf of Lord Shima. If it's not too much trouble I'd like to join you and your Lady in visiting her." He didn't want to admit he was utterly lost and needed directions, there was a little bit of pride to be had after all.</s>
<|message|>Gin (pronounced 'Jin') Despite his worries that something might happen, Gin was feeling pretty prepared and willing to try and show he could still fight. If he was to be an adventurer then he was going to have to get serious. He was going to be the best Half-Oni there was, even if there was another one in their group. He would stand up to these people up ahead if they dared threatened his group, if he could keep trying to be brave about it. This was hard even for him when he was supposed to have all the confidence in the world given what he was and what he was supposed to do. Holding his head up high as he walked he couldn't help but gasp when Jiang nudged his shoulder, giving it a rub as he gave him an annoyed look before looking away. "What? I thought that would be something you would want to do". Feeling fairly confused about his decisions his eyes soon wandered away from Jiang before up to Yuudai, curious when she mentioned him by name. He didn't think she'd be comfortable with someone of his stature holding up the front along with her, given the fact she was of such a height difference that it'd probably look like a joke to their possible attackers. "What? You want me up front too?" he questioned her before smiling, showing off his sharp teeth, "I'm not going to stand back and let everything happen without me. I'm capable of protecting others!" Moving quickly to the front Gin held onto his cloak, keeping his strides fairly long so he could keep ahead of the others without falling behind his post.</s>
<|description|>R.I.S.C. Runan Isles Savior Corps --- Established in the wake of Westwel's destruction, the Runan Isles Savior Corps is by no means the most impressive program on Illun, but it's well-funded and well-run by a few survivors of Westwel's own Corps. Character Info Name – Besca Darroh Age – 35 Affiliation – R.I.S.C. Originally from Westwel, Besca Darroh has been around Saviors her entire life. Her grandfather had helped fell the Modir who would become "Dragon," and her father had headed Westwel's burgeoning Savior program. She met dozens of pilots, watched as their connection to the Modir ate away at their minds and bodies. Other nations treated their pilots like a resource to be burned through, kept at arm's length in all but public affairs. Besca, however, went out of her way to engage with Westwel's pilots and even piloting candidates, caring after them with a degree of humanity which was, frankly, missing in the programs of other nations. Her methods were derided as frivolous and naïve by her peers, but the pilots appreciated it, which, to her, was all that mattered. She lost many things in Westwel's fall; her home, her father, her friends, and no small piece of her faith in humanity, but ironically enough she didn't lose her job. When Runa took in her country's refugees, and subsequently acquired their first Savior, they came to the last living member of Westwel's program for help in founding their own. Nowadays, Besca doesn't often involve herself in the politics of the program. Technically speaking she isn't even chief of operations—a position occupied by the Runan government—but rather, her duties revolve around "pilot maintenance." While she hasn't lost her desire to make life easier for the pilots, she isn't nearly as incorrigibly optimistic or sunny as she once was. Character Info Name – Dahlia St. Senn Age – 18 Affiliation – R.I.S.C. Dahlia was a toddler when her home was destroyed by the Modir, spirited away from Westwel in the arms of a family friend. She spent the first fourteen years of her life in the quiet, lakeside town of Hovvi. She was, like many children, absolutely enthralled by the Saviors, so when she tested positive and was whisked away into orbit, Dahlia thought her dream had come true. She missed her friends, and her adoptive father, but this was her opportunity to do something important. This was her chance to help. She had no idea. Runa's Savior, Dragon, had not been phased by a single pilot until Dahlia entered the cockpit. With its potential finally unleashed, she was able to end invasions within minutes—which was crucial, because she couldn't remain connected for much longer than that before the giant's neural regeneration reached critical levels. Dahlia has become Runa's WMD, and as such, she actually doesn't pilot as much as she did before R.I.S.C. acquired its two other Saviors. Besca has become rather protective of her, not wanting to risk putting her in situations where she may be forced to over-exert herself, or risk being overtaken. Character Info Name – Hadrian Ghaust Age – 38 Affiliation – R.I.S.C. Hadrian Ghaust is Helburke personified. He is strong, unrelenting, stoic to a chilling degree, and utterly devastating in the cockpit. Ghaust is also a veteran pilot, having commanded the Savior Marrowman in service of the Helburken crown for 20 years, and despite a phasing speed so slow that he rarely deigns to use his magic at all, he was well on his way to becoming one of his country's most accomplished pilots. However, Ghaust's priority has always been the fight against the Modir, and Helburke's clamor for political power is something he viewed with silent disdain. To him, using Saviors to settle diplomatic disputes isn't just wasteful, it's shameful. So, when Helburke ordered him to bring Marrowman to bear against the newly-risen Runa's Dragon, he refused. When, then, he was given the ultimatum of going through with the duel or forfeiting his rank and position, he looked his general in the eye, ripped the pilot's medal from his collar, and left his home behind. Overnight Ghaust was made a Pariah in Helburke, and his home turned against him. He was forced to leave, and though several foreign programs sought him out, Ghaust denied them all, even passing up a pilot's seat in Eusero. Instead, he went straight to the burgeoning program in Runa, who was more than happy to take him. Character Info Name – Safie Calhan Age – 22 Affiliation – R.I.S.C. R.I.S.C.'s newest pilot, Safie has spent the past year earning her place at Dahlia and Ghaust's sides. Born and raised in Runa's largest city, Queenshand, Safie was one of countless starry-eyed youths who dreamed of the day she'd get to step inside the cockpit of a Savior. A positive connection-test put her on the path, but it was the months upon months of personal training, rigorous study, and nights spent running sims until dawn that pulled her ahead of the other aspirants. With a phase potential speed just above average, she was a perfect fit between Runa's other two pilots. While Dahlia has accrued something of a heroic mythos about her, she's often reclusive and hesitant to make many public appearances. Safie on the other hand loves to meet the people she's helping, be that with personal visits, answering fan-mail, or simply getting her hands dirty cleaning up after the messier invasions. Some see her approach as distinctly Euseran, but Safie didn't become a pilot for the attention, she became a pilot because it was the right thing to do. Character Info Name – Lucis Abroix Age – 25 Affiliation – Casoban, on loan to the R.I.S.C. Casoban's sole effort to save Westwel, while ultimately futile, planted the seeds of goodwill between it and Runa. Casoban has always lived in the influential shadows of Helburke and Eusero, but allied with Runa, the two manage a strong presence on the world stage. As a show of solidarity, Casoban has even begun sending a Savior of its own as backup to Runa's invasions. Enter: Lucis Abroix. Lucis is perhaps one of Casoban's most beloved pilots, despite having only a handful of deployments to his name. Handsome, personable, with a poetic flare and the voice of an angel, many people back home already consider him the face of Casoban's Savior program—a role he is more than happy to play. Lucis makes regular public appearances, seemingly never missing an opportunity to espouse his love for the beauty of the world, and his burning desire to protect it from the Modir.</s> <|message|>R.I.S.C. Dahlia joined her, panting, and showed no qualms about using the wall for support. She leaned back and slid down to a sit, peeling the helmet off her head. Hair was sweat-stuck to her face, she blew strands out of her mouth and took long draws from her own water bottle. It seemed like she was even more winded than Quinn was. Perhaps that shouldn't have come as such a surprise; Dragon wasn't a marathon Savior after all, it was a sprinter. "Good," she breathed hard between gulps. "You're getting quicker. S'good. Gotta watch the blindspot—if I hadn't caught you with that hook, I think you would've gotten me." These sessions had been good for Dahlia, too. Teaching was more difficult than she'd suspected it would be, harder than Besca or Ghaust made it look, and she was always anxious that she might explain something poorly, or unintentionally help foster bad habits. Her lessons weren't perfect, and were far more about instinct and reflex than anything else, but seeing Quinn improve so much in such a short time—especially with her particular background—gave her confidence. It also reminded her that one day, perhaps sooner than not, Quinn might have to put what she'd learned to use. That was much harder to square herself with, but she tried, if for nothing else than to make things for Quinn easier. There was enough stress in this job already. "We can call it for now, what are you feeling for lunch? Tohoki Grill? CB Danes? We could always grab whatever's in the mess, or something from the vending machines. Your call—I'm starved, I'll eat anything." It was true enough, but Dahlia and Besca had both been making efforts to give Quinn choices where they could. They kept the schedule as strict as the higher-ups commanded, but when it came to things like meals, or movie night, or even just what she did with her spare time, it was important that she felt she could choose. She got up off the ground, tossing her gloves and pads into the hamper. She gave her sister an expectant smile. "So? I'll text Besca once we're settled down."</s> <|message|>Quinnlash Loughvein Ah. They were done. God, she couldn't chug down the water fast enough. She pulled the helmet off, readjusting her eyepatch strap where it started to slip, and spiked it into the ground—not the most comfortable, was it?—before shaking her braid back to the center. Her chest was still heaving, sucking in long, deep breaths. Still, she couldn't help but huff out an almost scornful amused breath, which was about as far as she ever came to laughing these days. "Hah, you and I both know that's not true. I'm still a looong way from beating you." She took another long drink. "Definitely gettin' closer though. Almost tagged you with that last one." She was...mostly satisifed with how she'd done. That kick had strained her a little more than she wanted it to, though, and it wasn't even a particularly high one. She penciled in train flexibility more on her mental docket. One last pull from the bottle and she'd drained it, dropping it to the ground and knocking it into the wall with a gentle tap. She always tried to catch it with her foot, but it almost never worked. One day, she thought. "Your call." As always, being able to choose sent both a warm thrill and a cold shock down her spine. Being able to choose meant being able to choose wrong, after all, and the last thing she ever wanted to do was disappoint anyone, especially her new family. As time went on, though, the feeling was starting to drop, and making decisions was starting to come more easily to her. "Been craving some noodles," she said, tearing the last of the pads off and sending them after Dahlia's, "and we've been eating at Dane's a lot the past few days. You okay with Tohoki?" Walking over to the exit and wiping off her forehead, she fished her phone out of the little mesh pocket by the door and slid it into her own. She still marveled at the sleek little dark gray thing sometimes. She owned a phone. Quinnlash Loughvein owned a phone! A month ago she never would've dreamed of having one, and now she slid one into her sweatpants pocket every morning. It was didn't even seem real. Kicking out the improvised doorstop, she yanked the door open—it was getting easier every day—and stood in the frame, propping it open. "Lead the way, Deelie." It wasn't just to be polite. Something about leading people somewhere, she'd found, dropped a ball of anxiety into the pit of her stomach. She was trying to get better about it, she really was. But today, she just wanted to follow.</s>
<|message|>R.I.S.C. "Lead the way, Deelie." And Deelie did. She'd picked up early on how Quinn didn't much like spearheading things, which was, again, entirely reasonable. Her having picked the place was an accomplishment itself, so today, Dahlia would lead the way, hold the doors, bring them to their seats, and Quinn could breathe a bit easier. The garden commons were bustling. This month had seen RISC's numbers bolstered again, not quite to its strength before Hovvi, but enough that the Aerie didn't feel like a ghost station anymore. Those had been hard weeks; Dahlia would come here now and then, to sit under the center pastel and imagine herself under the shade of the woods near her home. It was so quiet. What crew had remained worked in tight shifts, only a few dozen were ever around, spread so thinly around that for a while the only faces she saw besides Besca and Quinn were Follen, and the janitorial staff. Now the tables and benches were full. The cafeteria on the floor below was packed, and Danes above sounded much the same. Tohoki Grill was a proper sit-down place, with an "outdoor" patio umbrellaed by scarlet tsubaki trees. Dahlia led the way inside. Lamps hung from the ceiling, their bulbs covered and set to flicker like dim candles. False windows were set into the wall, and behind them were digital screens that pushed artificial noonsun light through the slats. It smelled good in here. Like fresh fish and spices, and meat cooking on open fires through the wide-windowed kitchen. The head chef was a heavy-set and absurdly happy man from Tohoki, who made a point of putting extra servings on the plates of his skinnier customers. Quinn often found herself a lucky recipient. A waiter brought them to a corner booth, secluded but not isolated—Dahlia never sat them somewhere where they were entirely alone. They ordered their drinks, and took a third menu. Dahlia texted Besca where they'd settled. "So what're you feelin'? I might try the sake-saffron chicken—Besca says it was all she ate for a month once and she never got sick of it."</s>
<|description|>Raddum's NPCs totally didn't mispost here and just decide to make this useful or anything</s> <|message|>Andrew Shade Andrew walked out of his school building. He was nervous, even more so than normal. He knew the tournament was coming closer and he didn't know if he was up for it. There were going to be a lot of high skilled duelists there from around the globe. He was just a small, scared kid. What could he do there? As far as he knew, he was just their warm-up, and a bad one as well. They somehow got his eye on him, probably because of his recent successes. However, he was convinced he would fail there. He almost jumped when he heard the sound of his phone. Hastily he grabbed the phone out of his pocket, almost dropping it on the ground, and opening his inbox. It was a message from the tournament. They would pick him up and bring him to a boat so he could go to the tournament. And not a moment sooner, a black car showed up right in front of him. A man stepped out with a business suit and shades on. "Are you Andrew Shade?" He bluntly asked. Andrew answered stuttering "Y-y-yes?" The man kept staring at him from behind his shades. "I am here to bring you to the boat for the tournament. Are you ready?" Andrew looked towards his feet. "I-I d-on't know..." The man raised an eyebrow above his shades. "You don't know? If you aren't sure about going to the tournament in the first place, how do you expect to win?" He was right. There was no way Andrew could win. At least, so he thought. He clenched his fists next to his body, shaking. If I go, I will get laughed at for being so bad at it. I'm a failure... Suddenly, the voice was there again. You are no failure. You just don't know how to use your strength yet. If you give up now, that would mean you failed. Failed to see this strength. But if you go, I will be there to help you, and we will win this. Andrew stopped shaking. His stance changed from that of a scared little kid to that of a confident duelist. The driver looked at his watch. "Look kid, I don't have to time to wait for duelists who back out before it has even started..." "I'm not backing out." Andrew suddenly said in a deeper, with confidence filled voice. The driver got surprised by the sudden change of attitude. "I'm going to this tournament..." He said as he opened the door of the car. "... and I will win it."</s> <|message|>Megumi Takaki As the doorbell sounded, Megumi's mother looked at a nearby clock and said, "Is it time already? Oh, it is. It might be them!" As she went over to the door and opened it, there was a man in a suit waiting outside. "Hello, I'm with the tournament, here for a Megumi Takaki," he explained. The mother turned around and shouted, "Megumi, someone's here to pick you up for the tournament!" A moment later, Megumi appeared, carrying a backpack on her, as well as lugging a suitcase. Following her was Megumi's father, who had been helping her pack. "Just in time, too," he said. "We're going to miss you while you're gone!" Megumi's mother said as she hugged Megumi. "I'm still a bit worried about this, but it looks like there's no changing your mind. Go out there and win that tournament!" Megumi's father said, flashing her a smile and a thumbs up. "A million dollars will get you all set for college, that's for sure." "Mm," Megumi agreed with a nod. After putting her shoes on and making sure that she didn't forget anything, she said, "I'm going now," before following the driver to the black car parked right outside her house. Megumi watched from out the window as her parents gave a final farewell wave before the car drove off. The ride was fairly silent, and the driver did not seem inclined to begin a conversation. Seeing as there was little else to do, Megumi reached into her pack and pulled out a small plastic bag filled with four buns that had ham and cheese fillings. Popping one in her mouth, she closed her eyes as she savored the taste before chewing and swallowing. Taking out another, Megumi stared at it for a few seconds before offering it to the driver. "Do you want one?" she asked. The driver didn't even look at Megumi, focusing more on driving and merely responded with, "No thanks." Without another word, Megumi took a bite out of that bun.</s> <|message|>Yoshi Hiro "One million?!" "Yeah. I got an invitation today. I'm planning on joining with my heroes. It'll be a cinch." "Careful not to get too cocky. There'll be a lot of strong duelists out to get you. Still, I wonder what you could've done to get them to notice you?" "I've been playing a few matches here and there. My winning streak's at a good...20 right now?" "..." "Boss?" "Oh, it's nothing. You just sound less excited for this than I do. I figured you'd love to make more than minimum wage for once." "You kidding? I've got everything a guy could ask for. A million bucks doesn't make much of a difference to me." "You're acting weird today, that's for sure." "Whatever. Just thought I should let you know. See ya. Don't worry, I'll remember to give the shop a shout out when I win this tournament. Don't croak till then, old man." "Pff, arrogant as ever. Best of luck." Yo turned his phone off and checked to make sure all of the things he needed were in his bag. It was a bit dusty, yeah, but he had it since middle school and it still got the job done. He had an old-school duel disk Boss gave him as a gift for his 17th, as well as his deck, which was stuffed into a little black box for safe keeping. He would have to run it by Boss sometime soon, there were some new "Vision HERO" cards that piqued his interest. Other than that, he really just had the basics. Water bottles, candy bars, and a wad of bonus cash that Boss forced him to bring. Anything to keep him out of trouble, he said. "Little bro, now's our time to shine." He spoke to the little black box as he took out of the bag. "We'll kick their asses before they know it. I promise, got it?" He smiled warmly at the box before shoving it into his backpack and zipping it up. He spun the bag around onto his bag and made his way towards the door, hoping a certain someone was asleep in the living room. "Kid..." Yo paused as he gripped onto the door handle and replied without taking his hand off. "What?" "Just...uh, be safe okay?" His father borderline mumbled out, still clinging onto a beer and rotting away on his chair in front of the TV. Something about the way he said it got Yo's blood boiling. There wasn't a hint of malice to be found in his pathetic voice, but somehow, someway, it got Yo angry. So now he pretended to care, huh? "Whatever." Yo answered aggressively. He nearly broke their old door down when he slammed it out on his way out.</s>
<|message|>Raddum's NPCs Despite the issues some provided to their escorts, everyone had eventually found themselves aboard the ship that would take them to the tournament isle; The Super Sonic Bahamut Shark, or S.S.B.S if you were the lazy type. A truly marvelous and sleek vessel, obviously expensive and show-boating. Whoever had the chump change to throw a million dollars at the winner of a dueling tournament obviously had plenty more to spare if a ship such as this was their transport; Though it had reasons to be on the high end of technology aside from the flashy appearance: While certain duelists managed to be in the same general area, some didn't reside in the same place as the others; Specifically since the tournament had been not only searching for Japanese duelists, but for all nationalities. Because of this, the ship had to make multiple stops. Thankfully it took a lot less time than with any old boring seacraft; The Super Sonic Bahamut Shark had the capabilities to speed across the water without issue, traveling from location to location to pick up contestants regardless of location. Despite the costs, it was a major save on time; Something the tournament had plenty of regardless, but a pinch of readiness for the tournament to begin went a long way, and led to a speeding ship large enough to hold a hotel's worth of people. Nobody was really arguing with it, though... With the final stop completed after picking up the American contestants, the S.S.B.S sped off towards the seemingly endless waters. Heading for the island which the tournament would be held on, where only one contestant would be leaving with one million dollars; And the rest would simply get thanked for their efforts. It was tense among those who wanted the win; Knowing there were no second or third place prizes... The tournament clearly intended for everyone to go all out. If they decided to do so or not, was up to the individual. But now they entered a waiting phase as they headed off towards the island. Everyone had been called below deck and from their rooms to gather in the large dining hall below deck: The large amount of food of varied nations and cultures, as well as just about anything to drink you could ask for (At least if you're old enough). It was the first actual event that had happened since people started boarding, since all the contestants were now together. There was to soon be an announcement, though some might've not cared: They might have been here for the food, or to scope out the competition. Perhaps even try to make friends within the large group of people on board. Regardless of intentions, almost everybody on board was notably present. Aside from some crew, and perhaps a few particularly rebellious duelists. --- Itaki was at one of the tables, scoop in hand. He had been slowly progressing down the table taking everything he fancied; Mainly the seafood selection and some healthy side options. He notably had a secondary plate just for sweets, his sweet tooth being obvious as he had a slice of pie with whipped cream on top, with chocolate pudding poured over it, followed by a scoop of strawberry ice-cream being dunked on top, with three cherries crammed on there as well. Oddly enough he had two spoons in the sweet plate, but it wasn't anything to particularly note about him. Aside from the fact he was packing up food like a behemoth, he seemed approachable by those that were curious. He was one of the older-looking individuals on board, though not much a whole lot. Perhaps it was just a bit of maturity in his complexion? His facial expression completely tore away the idea of the man being mature, as he was way too excited by the food he was carrying to seem calm or collected in the slightest. Not to mention he had a dog head sticking out of his shirt. Shugo panted, excited as he stared at the meat on Itaki's plate. As Itaki finished scooping some steamed rice onto the side of his steak, he paused for a moment to readjust how he was holding his plates, to ensure he didn't drop them. He also took the time to pick off some meat and pop it into Shugo's mouth, much to his enjoyment. "I'll feed you plenty more~!" Itaki exclaimed, laughing to himself as the dog rubbed it's head against his chin, lovingly. If anything, the two appeared to be very happy together. Itaki came off as a man who was perhaps really good with animals... Or at least with his dog. The man turned and began to walk off, trying to find a place to chow down before the announcement started. Sadly a lot of these girls were too young for him; Though he kept his eye out in case a potential respectable woman appeared for him to dine with. A grin crossed his face at the thought; Though sadly he wasn't certain if women his age even played Duel Monsters. He hoped so, otherwise this trip would be slightly disappointing despite the fun he'd have... "Where would be a good place to sit..." Itaki pondered to himself, continuing along. --- Aside from the man with his dog, there were a few other duelists notably sitting and eating, or simply walking about as well... Current NPC's Open To Interaction</s>
<|description|>Raiya Mamushi Female Age 24 Appearance 5'6" Lean flexible athletic build Light skin (Japanese) Appears to have shoulder length jet black slightly spikey hair from the front. However her hair splits into parts, taking the longer half and tying it together at the neck into a downwards facing ponytail that reaches her middle back. Medium sized ahoge, more of angular/rigid spike shape, changes based on their mood/emotions. And electrical charge in battle. Dark drab blueish-gray/steel left eye. Yellow right eye with a slit shaped pupil. Eyebrow over her left eye has a slit break in it towards the outer middle. Irezumi tattoos: Right arm- Nagasode style sleeve tattoo extending down to her wrist. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a green snake with a red belly coiling down her arm with it's head ending at her outer wrist. Left arm- Shichibu style sleeve tattoo extending down to her middle forearm. Nara black wind bars for a background, with a blue snake with a yellow belly coiling up her arm with it's head resting on the front of her upper shoulder. Kanji for Mamushi 蝮 (pit viper) tattooed in black on the inner blank space of her forearm. Back- Her entire back is covered in large nara black ink clouds for a background. And a large tattoo of the giant 8 headed and tailed snake Yamata no Orochi, various flowers, and lightning bolts in the foreground. Slightly elongated fang canine teeth on the top and bottom as compared to normal people. Teeth are overall sharper. Ear piercings- Left: Two slim steel rings on their lobe. Helix cuff. Right: Circular silver stud on their lobe. Smaller steel cuff at the middle of the outer ear/lower helix. Black painted nails. Customized slightly oversized black leather asymmetrical moto jacket. Worn unzipped with belt hanging loose. Steel curb chain necklace that extends down to her chest. Medium sized silver upside down cross pendant. Zip-up black hoodie. Worn under her jacket with the hood laid over the jackets collar. Worn unzipped often with the sleeves pulled up to her elbows. Vintage oversized heavy metal band T-shirts, some with the sleeves cut off. Worn over fishnet shirt. (Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth) Long sleeve black fishnet shirt. Sleeve extends into a fishnet fingerless gloves on the left but is cut off at the wrist on the right. Silver signet ring on right middle finger with an upside down cross engraved in it. Mokume-gane Ouroboros shaped ring with pink jeweled eyes on left index finger. Steel cuban link chain bracelet on right wrist. Steel studded black leather belt. Steel chain hanging down at her right side. One end attached to a belt loop, the other to a pocket watch manadial. Worn/faded slim dark indigo Japanese selvage denim jeans. (Black or stonewash alt. colors) Black with white accents Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 running shoes. Black calf length open toe and heel socks. Secondary hairstyle reference (Somewhere in between the two) Close type of ponytail style reference Raiya specializes in destructive magic. She is a master of electrical spells, and ruinous spells. She has a great foundation in most all Catholic magics as well as some Japanese Zen Buddhist/Shinto magic. As with her fascination of Japan, she also has a great fascination with snakes and has developed snake themed fighting style and magic. Every so often she sheds her skin, this makes her immune to aging. With her magic powers, she also has the ability to control certain light metals. Raiya's parents, Japanese immigrants, owned a successful Japanese cuisine restaurant chain in New York City. Both parents died in a burglary gone wrong leaving Raiya orphaned in infancy. With a large mana constitution, Raiya was immediately adopted by the Catholic cathedral and put into mage training. Growing up in the New York Cathedral, she always shadowed Felix and thought of him as her older brother. Raiya was always proficient in magic, and her studies reflected that. Raiya achieved the rank Grand-Mage at the age of seventeen. At the age of twenty she was sent with two other grand-magi to investigate the sudden disappearance of a remote village in Italy. The village was razed, not so much as a 2x4 left standing upright. Investigating the trace of mana waves left by the spell she made her way to a nearby mountain where she found on a cliff-side the definite point of origin of the spell. Looking around the point of origin she found footprints. The foot prints looked exactly like the sole tread of a typical Catholic Magi officer. The level of destruction and the fact that the mana waves left by the spell accounted for only one spell, coupled with the footprint meant the evidence pointed toward an Arch-mage or higher to be the cause of the destruction. Once she returned to the Vatican, she provided the evidence in a council meeting. The council thanked her for the evidence provided but stated that they would be conducting the investigation from then on. Even though the council told her to no longer investigate this issue, Raiya continued the investigation on her own. Looking into the records of those who were gone the night of the destruction of the remote village, she narrowed it down to two, Arch-mage Thadeus and Arch-mage Felix. After obtaining this information, Raiya investigated both Thadues and Felix's living quarters. She discovered that Felix had never even worn his uniform boots, as he wore his own more comfortable combat boots. Thadeus, on the other hand, did not have any other pairs of footwear besides the ones on his feet, which were the uniform boots. Learning of this information but knowing the Vatican council would never listen to her, she approached Felix whom she knew was innocent. She told Felix all of the information she had obtained, but Felix brushed her aside saying that the Vatican was conducting their own investigation and to go against their demands to keep the investigation within their selected team would mean excommunication, even if the information was correct. Felix told her that he would not tell anyone about her own investigation, but pleaded with her to keep quiet about the issue until the Vatican completed their investigation. Raiya couldn't believe what she was hearing, that her cold hard evidence was being brushed aside because of protocol. But what's more, that the investigation team was comprised with Thadeus's brother as a member meant surely that Thadeus would never be convicted of this crime. All of this put into perspective Raiya's membership with the magi, and soon after she left the magi and Catholicism altogether. When she left two others left with her, the other two grand-magi that were on her initial investigation team with her. Soon after they left, they returned to NYC. Because the Vatican saw them as Apostates, they froze all their accounts and social security information, forcing them to make money through means less savory. Instead of falling into despair, Raiya and her two peers adopted the shady lifestyle altogether. Through their magic abilities, it wasn't long before they were running the biggest criminal organization in NYC. Raiya still resides to this day in NYC with the other two magi as her right hand women. Raiya is seemingly devoid of any positive emotion. Her normal demeanor could be described as aloof. She is seen as a hard nosed, unwavering leader. This makes her well respected by her subordinates in the gang she runs. Though, to those who know her well enough she can be lighthearted. She has a short temper and a low tolerance for annoyances. In her annoyed state she has no problem threatening her friends with one of her sushi knives she keeps in her inner coat pocket, or electrocuting them with her magic. She loves Japan, even though she wasn't raised there herself. Her fanaticism for Japan runs so deep that she has Japanese tattoos, and has even taught herself the language perfectly. She is an excellent chef and specializes in Japanese cuisine. Even though she isn't very sociable, the few friends she does have are kept close to her and she protects them.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi "Alright. fair enough." Raiya conceded, "How about this then. 12 rounds, using two guns. I'll use this 1911 and my USP and you use whatever revolvers you want. But they cannot be shot at the same time. We must both use our pistols one after the other. Manainventory is okay to use, but no akimbo." Raiya suggested --- Felix raised his right eyebrow. "This is good. Very good. You analyze the data you've obtained while I brief Zuri on what we've discovered so far. This is a lot to deal with right before starting a mission. However, it's better we figure this out now rather than risk something catastrophic happening in the future."</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley "I suppose that's acceptable." Nemo said as he holstered his short barreled black revolver and spawned his more standard sized silver colored colt. Nemo reached his hand out and used a basic spell to move one of the targets to the side of another, creating two targets for them at an identical distance away. "I have to warn you though Raiya, I'm not going to go easy on you." Nemo said, spinning his revolver idly and waiting for the signal to start.</s> <|message|>Travis McGrath Travis couldn't hide back the quizzical look directed at the Magi, "Having a sample will certainly help uncovering this curse or whatever it really is, however, its not guaranteed to tell us the full story. Honestly it is going to take time to dissect this snippet before coming up with a, practical, solution."</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Felix nodded, "I don't expect an instant miracle. Just do what you can before tomorrow's mission. I'll join you in the lab in a bit." Felix patted Travis on the shoulder before walking past him and stopping at the couch where Zuri was laying. Felix sat down on the wooden coffee table that was in front of the sofa Zuri was on so that he could level with her. "Well, how are you feeling, Zuri?" Travis asked. --- Raiya took in a breath, "Alright." She materialized a small firecracker that looked like a miniature stick of dynamite, the size of Raiya's pinky, which was fairly small. The wick, however, was large, about 10 inches. "We used these fireworks at festivals in Japan. I still have a few left over from a few years ago. It will serve as our start signal. I will also use my manadial to record this competition so we can analyze the results" Raiya grabbed the inlay crystal of the manadial and tossed it up in the air, instead of falling back down to the earth, it hovered in place about twelve feet above the ground, glowing blue. Raiya placed the firecracker in a small mound of soil so that it was stuck facing wick up. She snapped her fingers on the tip of the wick casting a small spark spell that ignited the wick. The spark trailed slowly along the wick with a hissing sound. Raiya readied herself, pistol in hand. After about 14 seconds the firework made a loud pop signifying the start of the competition. Immediately Raiya aimed at the target, firing as fast and consistently as possible. She counted each round, dropping the gun at the sixth round, immediately absorbing it into her mana inventory, trading it out for her USP. It took her an extra 1.8 seconds to retrieve her USP and aim it accurately. She unloaded six rounds, the pistol slide stuck open signifying it was empty. After all was said and done all her bullets hit the target within 12.4 seconds.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley With one his revolvers still in the holster, Nemo kept spinning his main gun until the firework blasted. Nemo abruptly stopped the spin and began to fan fire off all six shots into the target. Once it was empty, Nemo didn't despawn the gun back to his inventory, instead he tossed it high into the air like a juggling pin and drew his other pistol. Nemo proceeded to fan off the second gun's cylinder full of lead into the target as well before catching his first revolver before it hit the ground. The entire ordeal was completely in roughly three seconds. The speed which Nemo fired made the shots almost seem automatic, except for the small break as he drew his next gun. After Raiya was done, Nemo spun his silver gun back into it's holster and began to reload his main gun. He had no doubt won the competition, but strangely Nemo wasn't filled with the familiar sensation of accomplishment and pride that he usually felt. Nemo looked over to Raiya now, realizing why. He had always been an extremely competitive person, but in this instance he had really hoped she would win. If winning meant that she would have to lose it really left a bad taste in his mouth. "Well, it was a pretty good try, Raiya, but there's a reason my skills have been so highly valued in my time. I certainly paid for them myself as well." Nemo said. "But at least I know people don't call you Lightning Raiya for your gun-play now." Nemo added, putting a hand over his mouth to hold back a chuckle.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya's jaw dropped open as she witnessed the quick speed and accuracy of the shots fired by Nemo. After a moment of silence she bowed her head and held out her hand, spawning a white headband with an imperial japanese red rising sun in the center. She tied the headband around her forehead and knelt down on the ground, sitting down on her legs. She then held out her hand and spawned a traditional wakazashi short knife and pointed it towards her abdomen. "I should have known this would be the result... Well, Nemo, it has been a fun time. Saiyonara." She said as she began inching the blade closer to her abdomen.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Nemo smacked the blade out of Raiya's hands, emitting nervous laughter as he patted her on the back and removed the headband. "Hey, but on the bright side, I'm sure I can teach you how to carve off some seconds on that trigger finger of yours. Don't be so glum!" He assured. "However Raiya, a deal is a deal, winning means you'll have to do a favor for me." He noted. "I can think of a couple different ideas, how about I cash that in right now?" Nemo proposed, marking his face with a sly grin.</s>
<|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya picked up the dagger and the headband and stored them back in her inventory. Standing up, she gave an uncaring smile and shrugged. "Remember what I said, though. The favor has to be within reason. If it's too out there I still have the right to refuse." Raiya answered.</s>
<|description|>Royce Age: 29 Race: Human Sex: Male Skills: Survival, Sneak, Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Animal Husbandry Weapons & armor/clothing: 1x Mismatch of tribal and raider leathers as armor 1x Hunting Shotgun 1x Hunting Knife (Previous) Occupation(s): Caesar's Legion (former), Wanderer Faction (Minutemen, Institute, BOS, Railroad, None. Etc): None Backstory: Royce hails from the Hangdogs, a tribe located in northeastern Colorado near Denver, the tribe mostly kept to itself and with it's obsession with hounds, it was inevitable that Royce was trained to running with his own pack of wild dogs from the hordes that infest Denver. The worship of dogs was common among his tribe, seeing them as their spirit animals. Royce was 12 when the Legion tore through his tribe's encampment and enslaved them to become legionnaires. Royce spent the next 16 years within the legion forced into becoming a soldier against his will. It was 16 years of forced conflict that hardened him to the horrors of war and made him grow to resent his platoon's leader; little more than a slavemaster to his people. Little did Royce know that the life of the legion took its toll on his superior too. In the dead of night during a cold September, the slaver fled his camp eastwards. Royce didn't waste a second taking the brief chance given to him to flee east and chase the man down, hellbent on making him pay for the atrocities he has committed onto Royce's people and the ones who got in their way. After months of travel, Royce's hunt lead him to the commonwealth. It was there that he tracked his former slaver, who has picked up mercenary work for quick caps. With vengeance still driving him on, Royce made quick work of locating him and confronting him. The slavers current employer intervened, only to turn out to be an extra scalp on his belt. Without the fiendish drive of vengeance to spur Royce on in his travels he now wanders aimlessly, seeking a new purpose in this unfamiliar land. Appearance/Personality: Royce is a large man, withered by the never-ending wars raged by the trials that come with three decades of survival. Enslaved for more than half of his life to a ferocious army hellbent on ruin, Royce thrived as little more than a conscious weapon used against interlopers before his recent escape. If he ever had a name beyond this one, it has been long forgotten. The story of his youth is burnt into history through the scorch of flame and the spilling of blood on soil. Running with wild dogs by night and day, his dark skin is littered with grisly scarring from the jaws of hounds. Each one is received as a blessed penance, for his people worship these apex canines as deities. His body is unkempt and unshaven, with dark wiry hairs running over the bare patches of sinewy skin, halted only by aging scars and scattered lacerations. Like the hound, he is known for displaying the extremes of loyalty and ruthlessness. He is unforgiving to those who trespass him and persistent with his desires. His slavery has stripped his morals to bare bone through the years and alleviated him from much of the restrictions of fear, leaving him an intimidating opponent and deadly enemy. Though world-wise and experienced in many ways, he is oblivious to the sciences and technology, robbed of any means of education.</s> <|message|>Brandy Lee Brooks Brandy Brooks – Ace's Diner "Whoa, hold on a minute there. No one is going back up there yet. First of all you could've inquired before putting a sign on my roof. What if you had fallen? I've been meaning to reinforce it, and last thing I need is someone walking up there." Ace said as he stood next to Brandy and placed his hands on her shoulders. "No it won't." Steve replied as he took a slip of his coffee, "I don't know where you came Xiǎo gūniáng but I think you're forgetting were in an apocalyptic wasteland and sure things may be fairly "normal" and safe in towns like these but out there." Steve said as pointed to the wasteland "it's a fucking shithole; everyday people have to fight for their lives against raiders, mutants, hunger and all other sorts of wastelands horrors..." "I know that Steve, but to blatantly put it out there like that? Is that really necessary?" Brandy pointed towards the ceiling. "You might think drugs are bad but have you ever fought a super mutant? Killed someone for bottle of radiated piss? Or... beaten, starved and locked up in a bloody broom closet by your own fucking father for three days? Have you? HAVE YOU?" Steve asked as he stated directly at Brandy. Taking another slip of coffee Steve continued "For a small price I give people an escape from the karma overlords fucking hellhole that is the wasteland and allow them to indulge in their fantasies but No, you didn't think of that did you? Brandy backed up a bit, she folded her arms and with a smug attitude, "If you killed for a bottle of pee you're just dumb. I have actually…haven't. But I have seen people do those things, people that I've cared for and they didn't need drugs to escape because they're not like you. You are just a…a…JERK!! You take advantage of people when they're down and…" "Whoa, hold on a minute there. No one is going back up there yet. First of all you could've inquired before putting a sign on my roof. What if you had fallen? I've been meaning to reinforce it, and last thing I need is someone walking up there." Ace said as he stood next to Brandy and placed his hands on her shoulders, he kissed her cheek, "Now you need to calm down, okay? Frown lines don't suit that pretty face of yours. Don't worry I'm sure Steve and I will come to an understanding." Brandy relished in the moment enjoying Ace comforting her. "If he wants a sign, fine, I guess, but it needs to be somewhere else is what I'm saying. It shouldn't be the first thing you see when you come into town." Frieda entered the diner and stood back listening before interjecting, "Brandy, calm down a second," Frieda said gently, touching her friend on the arm. "What's going on? What's this about?" Brandy's arm shot out and pointed at Steve, "Steve put that horrible sign on top of Ace's diner without permission and it needs to go. He is carrying on about giving people an escape by doing drugs and having sex. Ace rubbed Brandy's shoulders; it was starting to calm her down when Steve spoke up again. "25% discount on all pleasure den services and products. I was gonna offer you that just to mention the den but I then though making a sign would be easier" Brandy's jaw dropped, she narrowed her eyes and pointed aggressively at Steve, "You listen here Steve. Ace doesn't need a stupid discount, he has me." She reached up and put her hand on top of his, "I can make him happier than your stupid drugs and girls, you can take that 25% discount and shove it up your…" Frieda gently steered Brandy away from Steve and Brandy saw a tall woman take seat, she had her the woman say something but Steve had her so angry she didn't quit catch what was said. "Well, Brandy, if Ace doesn't care, then there's not much you can do about it. Come on, let's go see Celeste. We can talk about this later, huh?" Frieda led Brandy towards the door. Brandy was shooting Steve down with her angry stare as she was escorted from the diner. Once outside Frieda lit a cigarette. "Honestly, if that creep wants to run his nest of disease and drugs, there's nothing any of us can really do about it. What we can do is maybe put him out of business. ...somehow." Frieda blew out some smoke and looked at Brandy, who appeared angry and appalled. "Wh -- no, NO, not like that. I mean, somehow run a counter business. Something like that," she rambled. "I don't have an idea exactly yet..." "I will talk to Barney, we can put him out of business, I like that. He doesn't need to hide behind Ace either, that guy is such a jerk. He thinks he can just do whatever he feels like and slowly kill people with his drugs." Brandy raised her hands in surrender, "You're right, we can come up with something later, Salem doesn't need that type of place. Or at the very least Steve should respect the people's opinion in town." They drew up to the double doors of the inn. Frieda tossed her cigarette butt over her shoulder and pulled one open, motioning for Brandy to enter. "After you." "Thank you," Brandy said as she walked into the reception area of Celeste's place. Celeste was standing behind the counter directly opposite the door with her head resting in her hand fiddling with a pencil and a blank stare, "Good morning Celeste," Brandy looked around, "This place is amazing." She caught a glimpse of a Mr. Handy floating about the hallway behind Celeste, her eyes widened, "That is fantastic and this place is HUGE!!"</s> <|message|>Rook Rook – Rook's Wall Something felt off about today. Rook had been out here for a while, but so far no one had wandered up this way at all. His mind combed through various possibilities, but then he just shrugged. The trader did have the right idea, the boat would bring in fish and shelled food, it would help to improve the economy of the town... But it also made them a target. Rook looked at the wall he had been working on. It was primitive, but it would work at the very least. Popping his neck, he started to lay the logs down in the front. Using the sea water, torn up cloth scraps, and old ropes, he would wrap the logs with the rope and pack the gaps in with mud. He had seen this done before, to the west, and it was made to make simple mud houses. The barrier was not that high, but he knew it was a start at very least. If they got attacked while he was working on the boat, they at least had a little bit of cover. Walking back to his shack, he knew the man was going to be arriving before long. Rook had gotten the cables off an old pre war construction device, as well as a number of pulleys, during his travels. These would come in handy as long as he had a place to hook them to. Docks usually had spots he could set them up at. Rook gathered all this up ans headed to the spot he was shown last night, where the boat was resting at. "Rook is here. Let's get boat pulled up so you can start working on it."</s>
<|message|>Royce Royce - Ace's Diner Royce came to a stop before the five long dead corpses on the road leading into Salem. He wasn't sure whether to take this as a bad omen, or to praise the town's security. It had obviously been several hours since the dearly departed found their grave, blow files already festering on their skin and the risen early morning sun practically boiling them on the pavement. After ensuring the dead had already been looted, he figured out that one of the people involved in the kerfuffle had managed to survive. Barely, judging by the brief splotches of blood that trickled their way in the direction of the town. Whether it was the victim or the perpetrator, that seemingly didn't matter anymore. Especially not to him. Trudging into town, the first thing to catch his attention was the big sign on top of what looked to be a diner. It took him some time, but he eventually made out the words on the sign to be "Pleasure Den". Maybe the five corpses outside of town had something to do with this building, who knew, a lot of people do a lot of stupid stuff for pleasure. Knowing exactly what kind of establishment a Pleasure Den could be, he made his way inside to converse with local company. After all, what Royce needed was a place to stay. He was new in town; in fact, he was new in the commonwealth altogether. It wasn't quite… like any past 'Pleasure Dens' he'd been in or heard of. Firstly there was a woman practically dying in one of the corner booths - luckily being seen to by a vault-dweller who he assumed had medical knowledge - and secondly there seemed to be a lack of dance poles. Now Royce was by no means an expert but had thought that all brothels follow the basic architectural themes. Overhearing the Doctor's request regarding help with moving the woman Royce didn't waste a moment and stepped his way towards the duo, voicing out a gruff "I'll help."</s>
<|description|>Daniel "Danny/Danno" Pope Age: 28 Gender: Male Rank: Sergeant Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian-American Physical Description: Daniel stands 6'2" and weighs in at about 195 lbs. His time in the military has given him quite a hard and toned frame as a result, which can be seen here. As a result of the sun that constantly beats down on Vietnam, Daniel has tanned slightly despite his ethnicity's stereotype of not tanning very easily. Skillset: Danny is capable of keeping a cool head in times of extreme stress, able to dictate orders rationally if needed to. He also has experience in recognizing NVA/VC strategies and being able to figure out a way to counter them if he needs to. He is trained as a rifleman. History: Daniel Pope was born in San Francisco, California on April 17th, 1939 to a nurse and a soon-to-be World War 2 veteran, who would be fighting against the Japanese during the Allied Powers' island-hopping stint. He had one older sister, and a younger brother that would come along within some time. After his dad came home from the war, he had a relatively normal upbringing, definitely filled with stories about his time in the war. As a result, Danny had been really particular towards the military. His dad was his hero growing up, and pretty much inspired his conscription into the military. As soon as he graduated high school, he immediately enlisted into the Army, where he was sent to boot camp. His enlistment allowed him some time in between for him to get acquainted with the military setting, base life and whatnot. Being on a base was also where he would meet his wife, Marie Thompson in 1960. With her, he would have a daughter born in 1961. However, in 1963 he received a letter that pretty much told him he would be going to Vietnam. The timing of the letter was rather unfortunate, as he had a second daughter along the way, but he knew his duty as a soldier. He had served two tours previously before coming to the 1st Cavalry, bringing along his expertise and familiarity with the operation of the Vietcong and NVA. Equipment: * M16A1 Assault Rifle * Colt M1911A1 * M1942 Machete * Gerber MkII Combat Knife * Standard-Issue Army Fatigues, Boots, Load Bearer, and Helmet * Backpack with god knows what inside. * Picture of his wife and two daughters as a personal effect * Fingerless gloves just in case he sweat too much for him to hold his gun properly</s> <|message|>Robert "Bobby D." Derricks Bobby laid off the pig while the rest of the squad rooted through the dead dink's shit. He heard the sarge say something about AK's and ammo and looked at his own supplies. "Shit," he said when he saw what was left. He wasn't down to nothing, but he couldn't be as free with the fire as he liked since there was no telling how many VC fucks lay between here and the next outpost of civilization. He and Buck would have to economize what was left and he would have to aim really carefully. "Don't fire until you see the whites of their motherfucking eyes," he said to himself before yelling to the others gathered around the dinks. "Hey, somebody get me one of their weapons. I lost my goddamn pistol when the Huey went down."</s> <|message|>Elijah Dodgers Dodge only spent a few more rounds, really only taking shots at confirmed targets. He knew ammo was going to be a premium, and it always went wayyyy too fast... especially in the bush... especially with Charlie sniffing around. When the element Sergeant Ryan had punched out to the side with opened up he doubled his rate of fire but only long enough to keep things nailed down. Finally, he clicked down on an empty chamber, the bolt kicked back and open. He'd known it was coming up. The last three shots had been tracers, sending golden rays of light over the heads of the dinks behind their cover. The cease fire order had come through just in time, and he took the moment to reload. "Reloading," he called to his buddies from behind the tree he'd been using for a shield. A press of a button ejected the mag and a new one was slapped in place. The old one was put back. Leave nothing behind, avoid leaving sign if he could, that was the thought. Standing up, he began to advance on the position of the downed VC fighters, watching the jungle floor for shine off of lines, matted places, and where he couldn't generally see the dirt. Besides tiger traps, there were punji traps and other dangers. Last thing he needed was for a cobra to latch onto his foot the minute he got cocky. Once the distance had been crossed safely he began checking over the bodies. He came up with 7.62 ammo in several mags, as well as picking up an AK which he function-checked quickly. Seeing as it was in good order, he took the heavier rifle and slung it, then stashed two extra mags. Soon after he began searching them for anything else that would be of use or would tell them anything. Intelligence they could use. Most of them had nothing but beans and rice, and extra bullets in the storage cord rolls. Reaching down he picked up another AK, pulling a hand grenade out, only to pull the pin, then working carefully, put the grenade under the rifle with the weapon holding the spoon in place. If it were disturbed or picked up, the VC would have another surprise.</s> <|message|>Anthony "Buck" Barnes Barnes was following orders, but he always took that extra second to place his shots. Sure, you could blast away in close quarters, but this was at a bit of range, and accuracy counted even with a shotgun. It wasn't sawed off and it had a limited spread. But he was there on the assault, the adrenaline surging through him; when he saw a Cong move, he swiveled and fired. Fire, rack, fire, rack, fire, rack. There was something solid and reassuring about the way the shotgun chambered shells. He wasn't sure if he killed anything, he wasn't looking to see if the rounds hit, because he was too busy avoiding enemy fire after letting a round off. That close, the Cong were taken off their feet, rattled by the intense sound of so many weapons firing at them, a withering amount of fire scything through the jungle foliage. Even if 5.56 and #4 buck weren't the most powerful of rounds, the volume of fire, and the accumulated noise were enough to put them off their movement; they'd caught them as they were trying to move and that was when any group was most vulnerable, as they tried to move to attack in one direction, only to be caught on the flank. They'd committed and were caught on the wrong foot. There was a momentary lull in the fighting, or maybe it was just plain over that damn fast, but Barnes was already in cover behind a tree stump and putting rounds into the magazine; he knew his supply was becoming limited, and that was a concern -- he didn't have a backup weapon. The yell for cease fire couldn't come soon enough, but then they moved forward to check the bodies. "Sarge, maybe we take the hats, blend in a bit. We can always get rid of them if friendlies get in the area, but right now it's our asses hangin' out in the goddamn breeze here." For his part, Barnes was grabbing a couple Cong grenades, and... "Well, I'll be a sonofabitch." Some of the Cong were armed with AK and SKS's, but one of them were carrying what sort of looked like a grease gun, but wasn't. Still, it was light and handy enough to carry with his shotgun, and there were a couple ammo pouches for it. Buck wasn't looking to be carrying a huge pack of looted equipment through the jungle. Mindful of Bobby's need, he stripped a revolver and a canteen off another dead Cong and found his way back, "Charlie's gun and charlie's water. Drink up, brotha," he told Bobby after he popped the cork and got some down his own throat. He was tempted to light a newport, but there probably wouldn't be time to smoke it anyway.</s> <|message|>Chris Hoffman The shout for ceasefire sounded far away, even in the barking voice of the Sarge, the sounds muffled in Chris' ringing ears. Giving his head a shake, he slowly rose, rifle still held tight in his hands. It was unreal, they had been unscathed in that hailstorm of bullets. He got to his feet, he had used up an entire magazine and half of another. That left three spares and hell of a lot of jungle between now and whenever they would reach the river and a possible LZ. He watched a few of the others strip weapons and ammo from the cluster of dead so he moved to join them. As he stepped over the log that had saved his ass, he heard a slight rustle and he snapped his head around. Among the underbrush he saw the sandaled foot of a VC pushing away, belly crawling from the scene. Chris glanced over but the Sarge was busy policing the bodies for ammo so he followed. Chris pointed his weapon at the wounded man, he could see the leg of the Cong's black pajamas were soaked in blood as the man rolled over. He was well fucked, the white glisten of bone protruding from the man's shin and the odd twist of the lower leg proved that. "Shit," the surfer muttered, pissed that he was still alive. They stared at each other, bright green eyes and dark slanted ones and Chris realized the man was more of a kid, probably about his age but it was hard to tell with the Vietnamese. He fingered the trigger of his M-16, thinking about Davis' orders to kill any wounded. This dude had to die, he thought, though it's not like he could run away with his leg broken in two. His hands trembled when he saw the guy reach up with his free hand toward his chest. Chris raised his gun but the VC shook his head and took out a chain that hung on his neck. "What?" he asked when the dying man jabbered at him in his sing song language. "Shut up, come on, man. I don't want to see that." Chris held the muzzle of the gun near the man's head as he held up a locket with a faded picture of a pretty girl, likely the dude's girlfriend and he thought of his girlfriend waiting back home. So this Chuck had a sweetheart, didn't they all? Gritting his teeth, he shook his head again, taking a deep breath as he put the muzzle of the rifle close. The wounded Cong reached up feebly as if his hand would stop the bullet. He could not leave him alive, broken leg or no. He could tell his backup where they went or maybe shoot at them. Who knew? Maybe he was the one that shot their chopper down and killed the pilots and crew, killed his buddies Jefferson and Anders. Chris had not allowed himself to think of them and he felt tears sting his eyes. Now was not the time. Glancing over the long grass he could hear the others getting ready to leave. He knew if he asked, the Sarge would do it for him but it was a coward's way out. And his dad at told him not to be a coward. For once he would do what his dad told him. "Fuck it," he breathed out, "Sorry, Charlie." Chris fired a single bullet into the man's forehead and he fell back, still clutching the photo. He left him there, picking up an AK 47 and two extra mags he found on another body. Rubbing his eyes under his glasses, he realized he had been crying and he flushed red with embarrassment. No one of the others seemed that upset. Chris covered it up, muttering about bark flying in his eyes as he rejoined them. Spotting Davis, he ducked his head, watching where he stepped, "Good to go, Sarge. Prick didn't get touched."</s>
<|message|>Daniel "Danny/Danno" Pope Daniel stuck close behind his local first sergeant, making sure he was close to cover and not out in the open where Charlie could easily tear him apart. They had to be quick, without attracting attention towards them. The element of surprise is what really drove the dagger into Charlie - no matter the firepower they had, nobody could prepare for the sudden onslaught of bullets. Nobody had the reaction time to react to such a thing, which was why it was practically shock and awe. The Charlie had it coming to them - and Daniel was eager to squeeze a magazine into a bunch of Charlie. After they moved close to the enemy, their sergeant took a moment to dictate what exactly the plan. The good thing was that the full-auto feature could finally be used on the M16A1 - the bad thing was that they couldn't really go willy-nilly. Now that he thought about the situation, it wasn't really that bad of a thing. Ammo was important, so being reckless was frowned upon. As soon as the gunner let loose and ripped apart a bunch of tangos with his machine gun, Daniel rose up from his position and proceeded to put 3-5 rounds of 5.56mm into every enemy he saw. The ensuing gunfire was deafening, but all he could see were Charlie dying and nobody around him falling. This was definitely a well executed tactic. As the order to cease fire was given, Daniel put down his rifle, and all he could see were a bunch of dead soldiers. Daniel exhaled as he proceeded toward them, reloading his M16A1 in the process. He was running low on magazines for the weapon, which meant he had to find a replacement weapon, fast. An AK would've done very well, and thus he stripped one from a fallen soldier, taking as many magazines as he could from them and stuffing them into his pouches. "Load up, guys! These AKs will last us a while!" He shouted, gesturing to a couple near his location.</s>
<|description|>Tiala A beautiful and seductive Twi'lek woman with generous breasts and headtails. She wears casual attire consisting of dark synthleather smuggling pants, boots, a jacket casually over her shoulders, and a white tank top that does little to conceal her ample bosom. Her golden-yellow eyes sparkle when she smiles brightly, which happens often as she uses her alluring charm to get out of sticky situations. She is cunning and resourceful in her dealings, using both her beauty and wit to navigate through the dangerous world of smuggling. Despite the challenges she faces, Tiala maintains an air of confidence that makes her both intimidating and intriguing.</s> <|description|>Official An young Imperial port official with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He wears a snapped black uniform that symbolizes his authority. He has an authoritative demeanor and is accustomed to giving orders. He has seen many similar situations before, yet he still finds himself drawn to Tiala's captivating beauty. His personality reveals a mix of curiosity, power, and lust. He uses his position to assert dominance and exploits the allure of Tiala for his own gratification.</s> <|narrator|>A beautiful and cunning Twi'lek woman named Tiala is bored in her cargo bay, waiting for her client to arrive with a shipment of illegal spice. Unexpectedly, an Imperial port official approaches her and accuses her of hiding spice onboard her XS Freighter. Instead of denying the allegation immediately, Tiala plays along by feigning innocence while subtly using her alluring charm to distract him. As she tries to convince him there must be a mistake, the officer grows increasingly confident in his suspicions and even gropes one of her generous breasts through her clothes. Despite being caught off guard by this intimate gesture, Tiala quickly recovers and agrees to let him conduct an "inspection" in hopes of defusing the situation without alerting any potential witnesses or causing unnecessary attention.</s> <|message|>Tiala Tiala was bored. Not that being bored was bad, of course! In a lot of ways, being bored was good. It meant no one was entering her cargo bay who wasn't supposed to be there. It meant no one was investigating hership, which had been in a few run-ins with the law. Most importantly, it meant no one was taking too close a look at the cargo containers she'd had unloaded. A brief check would show them to be full of very boring scrap metal. A more thorough check might find more exciting, but highly illegal, spice. So yes, boredom was good. Still... Tiala sighed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her bare blue arms over her chest. She was dressed casually, in her dark synthleather smuggling pants and boots, synthleather jacket casually over her shoulders, and white tank top beneath. The thin fabric of that top did little to conceal her generous breasts, full and firm, a hint of blue cleavage visible with the low neckline. Indeed, Tiala was a beautiful woman, even for a Twi'lek, a species already known for its beauty. Something she'd found to be both an advantage and a disadvantage... Tiala shook her head gently, her headtails waving back and forth. Ugh, when was the client going to show up, anyway? She needed to unload this spice and move on to the next job. She was going to need to do a lot more jobs if she ever wanted to pay off her debts. A frown settled on her pretty face, foot beginning to tap as she waited.</s> <|message|>Official As Tiala shifted on her feet, an Imperial port official approached her in the snapped black uniform that they all wore. Many ports had transitioned quite easily to Imperial rule and the extra taxes and tariffs on some goods had allowed port officials to become rich off of bribes to subvert them. This man was young, likely only in his mid twenties with short brown hair and hazel eyes. "Excuse me, are you the captain of that XS Freighter in Bay X2-05?" The man called out to her, his voice firm and commanding; it seemed like the man was used to giving orders. He stepped towards her, a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, he knew something. His eyes shifted to gaze at her cleavage before moving to look her straight in the eyes as he cleared his throat. "You're hiding some spice in that ship of yours. Don't bother trying to lie, I already have the proof." He stopped her denial upfront before she could even say anything as his eyes narrowed slightly, curious as to how she would react to this sudden news.</s> <|message|>Tiala Tiala's lips parted, then pressed together, then parted again. And here she'd just been thinking that things were boring... Her golden-yellow eyes briefly flickered to the side. If her contact was here, he could probably handle this. It was deeply annoying that he hadn't handled it ahead of time. If he'd shown up on time... Tiala looked back to the port official, headtails twitching, trying not to grit her teeth. That nerf-brain... After a moment, Tiala smiled brightly, her beautiful features lighting up. "Oh dear! Are you sure, officer?" She said, entirely disingenuously, doing her best to sound innocent. "I'm sure there must be some sort of mistake. I swear, I would never do anything illegal, truly!" As she spoke, Tiala clasped her hands in front of her chest, rocking back and forth in apparent distress. That this pressed her breasts together, deepening the impressive cleavage that she'd caught him looking at, was no coincidence. Fluttering her eyelashes, she looked up at him with a smile.</s> <|message|>Official As Tiala played the act of the innocent woman, the officer nearly scoffed, having seen this act so many times before; what was different with Tiala though when compared to so many others was she actually had the looks to pull it off. As she pushed her breasts together, his eyes wandered downward to her cleavage again as he licked his lips like a starved beast before clearing his throat, his eyes shifting back up to her own and his lips curling into a sly grin. "Well, I suppose there could be a mistake but I'm pretty certain it is your ship," he said, chuckling lowly as he stepped forward, reaching an arm out as his hand groped one of her lovely beasts through her white tank top. He could feel her soft skin molding beneath his strong and powerful digits under the cloth as he looked her in the eyes, a sparkle of lust apparent in his irises. "What do you say, ma'am?"</s>
<|message|>Tiala She shouldn't be surprised. Not really. And yet, Tiala couldn't help but gasp, her golden eyes widening, as the man reached out, his hand settling on her breast. This always seemed to happen to her. Well... such was the price of doing business. She could deal with it. Only... it was more than just dealing with it. Tiala gasped again as the man squeezed. The firmness of her breast yielded easily to his strong fingers, her generous orb moulding beneath his touch. She bit her lip gently, but there was no denying the little shock of pleasure that shot through her slender form. Even through the cloth, her breasts were sensitive... this too was something she was all too familiar with. Tiala took a deep breath, breasts rising and falling noticeably, making her shiver slightly as her flesh moved beneath his hand. "Ah... if you need to conduct a bit of an inspection..." Tiala bit her lip again, her face flushing a pretty purple "-I think I'd be alright with that."</s>
<|description|>Zara Greenwood Appearance: --- --- Alias & Nicknames: Zana Doo, Zee, Ra Age: 26 Place of Origin: Auckland, New Zealand --- --- Blood Status: Half Blood Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: Single --- --- Wand: Does not use a wand as Uagadou students are trained through hand gestures Education: Uagadou School of Magic Specialty: Legilimency and Astronomy Experience as a Regulator: 3 years --- --- Biography: Born in Auckland to a Muggle father and a magical mother, Zara was the youngest of six children (2 boys, 4 girls). Her father struggled to make ends meet especially when his wife, the children's mother, suddenly disappeared when Zara was only five years old. While her siblings were determined to locate their mother, Zara buried every emotion and thought within herself. She was known to just walk around talking to herself and giggling- her small neighborhood determined her to be quite mad. It surely helped that her older siblings were half bloods and had magic within them- otherwise Zara wouldn't have known what to do when things started to explode around her. It wasn't much longer after that when she received her dream token and was soon headed off to Uagadou School of Magic. As Zara aged, she could still be seen talking to herself and stealing glances at everyone near her. This was brought to the attention of the Headmaster as they feared the teenager was truly going insane due to the disappearance of her mother. It was later determined that she was a Legilimens and did not know how to not pry into others' minds. From then on, she was taught how to control the art and her personality soon blossomed. She began to not only divulge into the study of her skill, but she also loved studying Astronomy. Zara was obsessed with the idea that there were others out there quite unlike herself. Towards the end of school, Zara was a bubbly and fun-loving girl who loved to change her hair color every few days. It wasn't until one seemingly uneventful day visiting her family that she found herself walking through town, surrounded by a large group of protesters. What they were protesting, she couldn't even tell you. She had decided to use her skill in Legilimency to pass away her boredom- that was her worst mistake. She soon came upon the mind of a rather disturbed individual and flashes of her mother started to appear. Zara watched the memory of the strange man savagely and brutally killing her mother. Everything inside her snapped. She doesn't remember much from that day, only that she was found screaming in the square and was quickly taken away. She never spoke of what happened; in fact, she didn't really speak much after that day. Zara was returned to school where she barely managed to graduate as she just didn't apply herself. The professors did not know what to do with her. Until that is, when she was approached by members of the ORO. It was a promise of a new start- the promise of helping others who had been slain just as her mother had been. She had also secretly been harboring for revenge against the man, and hopes to one day locate him once more. Zara is still not quite right in the head as she tends to allow her mind to drift off, and has been known to take a peek or two into the mind's of others around her. --- --- Notes: *Claimed color is teal *Non registered animagus is an otter *Patronus is an orca *Boggart is the faceless man laughing as her mother screams *Obsessed with tattoos *Speaks English, Swahili, Bantu and Niuean *Has thick New Zealand accent Emoery Corrigan - "Seems very sad. And intriguing. And strangely has no sad memories even though everyone else is full of them. Definitely am keeping an eye on this one." Isadora Albescu Fuji - "The woman is absolutely ghostly- but charming. Reminds me of my sisters." Nichole Arminstance - "Nickie is a fun one and is always able to make me laugh." Florian Sabinov - "Tall, dark, and dangerous? What girl can't swoon after that?" Kieran McMillan - "Aww, a pup. Puppy pup pup. His fur can warm my toes any day of the week." Velvet Gertrude Moon - "Bunny! Aw, bunny. Sweet bunny. Nice girl. Definitely my go to for my clumsy ways of breaking things." Arthur Stone - "Those eyes." Sigh. "They remind of the crab nebula. All the browns and the greens..." Sigh. Natalia J.DeVito - "Girl is a major green thumb. Have you seen our gardens?" Athos Du Vallon - "Ah, he has the pet birds! I don't like birds. Weird with the wings. Flapping all the time." Felix Twycross - "Oh, he's a saint. Seriously. I had gashed my forehead open one day and it was gory and oozy and yeah- there's not even a scar! Wanna see?" Sebastian Montague - "Such a pretty man...But quiet. Very, very quiet. There's another galaxy beyond those eyes." The Caretaker - "Aww, he's such a sweetheart! I just wanna squeeze him all day." Richard Baar - "Gloves. Such an odd name. Who would name their child Gloves? Poor kid. Oh, that's not his real name? Really? You sure?" Tariq Moham Lerius - "He's too kind of a man to have such a confused soul. But, hey. Can never go wrong with a Russian!"</s> <|message|>THE CARETAKER --- --- --- --- "There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparell'd in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore;— Turn wheresoe'er I may, By night or day, The things which I have seen I now can see no more" He spoke in a whisper from the book on his lap, a single tear falling from his amber eye. He closed the book of poetry and placed it upon the desk in front of him. The Caretaker spent all of his days within the ancient walls of the Mysterium Domum or at least, all the days he could remember. What came before he did not know. At times, during these quite moments of deep reflection that his mind is full but only for a second. Like leaves in the wind, memories envelop him but as just as swiftly as they arrive they depart to places yonder, places that he cannot reach. Getting to his feet, the quiet man moved onwards, taking with him his cleaning brush. The evidence room was not his favourite room to clean but it was one that must be kept in perfect harmony lest the restless dead come a calling. The Caretaker entered with his brush and first made his way to a large mirror, wiping it down with the cloth from his pocket. Inside was not only his hideous reflection but the image of a family, a mother and two daughters, forever trapped. "Miss Myrtle you look ravishing today as always. I brought this for the girls" Reaching into his jacket, the Caretaker pulled out a YO-YO and threw it into the mirror where it soon appeared in the child's hand. "Miss DeVito brought it back from a trip. I hope they like it" He offered a broken smile, his hand coming up to touch his marble face in bashfulness, which soon turned to repulsion at his own visage. He turned away quickly. He turned his attention to a small wooden box, wrapped in chains. The dybbuk box was a hell of a case, he remembered Master Barr coming home covered in cuts, bruises and severe lesions after his battle with the demon trapped inside. It was lucky that Master Twycross was there or things would've gone terribly wrong. He ran his cloth around the edges, avoiding the chain of silver as he did so lest he suffer a terrible burn. Robert the Doll stared at the lonely man with his terrifying button eyes, sealed away in his glass case. He was filled to the brim with dark and terrible magic, a monster that forced children to murder for him. A truly haunting case which frayed the edges of even Master Stone. A child's imagination can be a terrible thing, especially when that child happens to be a wizard. Glancing at the Dungeons and Dragons board game that sat on a nearby pedestal, the Caretakers eyes were once again filled with tears. He did not remember that particular case or anything before it. The patchwork sheet that was his memory would not allow him to see prior to that day where he awoke in pain, in a pool of blood on a hill in Yorkshire. Fear and terror overwhelmed him, he gripped his brush tight as he hurried from the evidence room, slamming the door shut behind him. In another room he sat, the only room where he would find company on this day. He looked upon the faces on the wall, moving pictures of Regulators since passed. Thirty spaces had already been taken and with every face he looked upon, his heart would break all over again.</s> <|message|>Natalia Jade DeVito Interacting with: --- --- Natalia stepped aside, allowing Kieran to have his personal space again. The guy was such a hard nut to crack, regardless of how many times she tried to get him to loosen up a bit. But the fact of the matter is that it was in his nature to be detached, and changing a habit that old was simply next to impossible. Nonetheless, she would continue to strive for the unattainable, if only to show that she was still interested in working with him as much as the first day. "Couples it is," she responded with a look of approval. His ideas were always good, and today was no exception. Even though Natalia had been Kieran's mentor when he first joined their organization, he had brought with him his intelligence and quick wit, and that was something she couldn't help but admire. She then looked past her partner over at Felix, who was more than likely planning how him and his group they were going to make their approach. He was one of her older friends there, and even though she trusted him with her life, she had never really shared her past with him, nor anyone else for that matter. Natalia took quick a look around, noticing everyone was still working out how they were planning to advance forward with the case. It was always a good idea to get as much detail into the cover story as possible. "But can you please pretend to look happy that you're with me? Regardless of the fact that we're here purely out of concern due to these nasty rumors..." she added, shifting her weight as she crossed her arms with a smile. She was only anticipating the day that Kieran would find a new partner, but he hadn't changed his mind yet so her company probably wasn't all that bad.</s>
<|message|>Zara Greenwood As she continued to be stuck in the terror that was being intensified by the scream stuck in her throat, Zara barely registered Emory's arms around her. The panic soon gave way to the feeling of nausea as her body started to wean off the adrenaline rush and her thoughts became her own voice again. Her ears were ringing and dizziness soon overwhelmed her body as she heard the sound of the doors slamming. The smell of the clover however snapped her quickly into attention. She leaned slightly against Emory as he helped her to her feet. While she appreciated the help, she didn't like feeling vulnerable. She didn't want anyone, least of all him, to think she was crazy. Zara had enough people in her life leave on the very basis that she was mentally insane. She couldn't bear to have him think that as well. They were in a specialized group. They were on a mission to save lives. She had to be strong. The nausea however returned with a vengeance as the room moved. She slightly swayed on her feet as a feeling of immense dread and hatred drifted through her. Zara wasn't surprised when panic was added to the mix once the little girl ran into the room. Sticking out an arm, she propped her hand up against the nearby wall to steady herself. The woman took in a steadying breath before looking into the girl's mind. Her thoughts were clouded with even more panic and terror; Zara couldn't pinpoint what exactly the girl was scared of. Not hearing Vespa's mother, she clenched her free hand into a tight fist, allowing her nails to dig into her palm. She didn't want to search out for the woman's mind in case something bad had also happened to her. But, it was her job. She needed to do this. Reaching out with her mind, she searched for the mother. Once she realized she no longer could detect the woman in the house, she took a staggering breath. Zara not being able to search a person's mind only meant two things: that they were skilled in blocking a Legillimen, or they were dead. She had previously confirmed that the woman was most definitely a Muggle and had no knowledge of magic. Therefore, that only left one only option. With a shake of her head, she was about to pull back when something else tugged at her search. She started to pick up a mind that was filled with incredible vengeance; the thoughts seemed to ooze with loathing. There was only one thing the being wanted, and that was death. It seemed as though death fueled the walls of this house, and the being longed for more of it. Zara pulled back with a loud gasp and fell against the wall. Her eyes opened quickly and she looked around the room. They needed to get out of here, or they were all the next victims of this house and its demon. Her eyes glanced over at the girl before clearing her throat. She then looked to Emory with a small shake of her head before looking back towards the door. "We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here now. This is not a drill."</s>
<|description|>Slick Drake Slick Drake Basics Epithet: "Oilburn" Slick Race: Human Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Slick is 5'5 with green hair and green eyes, typically wears simple single color shirts along with a green jacket over it, black pants, fingerless gloves, and black boots when on deck. When fighting in enclosed quarters he wears a gas mask on top of all this so he doesn't inhale smog from his fires, otherwise he just keeps it clipped to the waist of his pants. Somewhat pale, has lots of burn scars on his hands. Position: Cook and Weapon Repairsman. Bounty: 5,000,000 Beris, wanted for Serial Arson Jolly Roger: A charred skull dripping oil with green flames surrounding it in a circle. Background Ambition: To find the gun and sword of Gol D. Roger. Likes:* Fire * Weapons * Cooking * Gol D Roger * Money Dislikes:* Marines * Wasting Food * Bees Quirks: Slick regularly obsesses over any new weapon he may come across, studying the weapon and taking notes immediately upon seeing it even if the user is in the middle talking. His unique laugh is "Kekekekekek!" Slick is also a bit of a kleptomaniac and will regularly steal stuff just to see if he can get away with it.he has actually built up a small hoard for himself. If he thinks something would be interesting to light on fire he will try to light that thing on fire with the matches he always carries with him. He also believes his fires are works of art. Personality: Slick is a pretty jovial guy, rarely in a bad mood unless something actually bad is happening. Tends to laze about when there's nothing important to be done or he'll go through his stash of stolen items to make sure everything is in good condition. He is afraid of drowning as most Devil Fruit users are, but his more prominent fear is of bees. If he sees a beehive or a swarm of bees he will likely go for his flamethrower immediately. Slick is also a very curious person, whether it be how flammable something is or how a device works. He likes helping people out but he won't go out of his way to help others if it's gonna be a long arduous task, not unless everyone else decides to. And the most important thing of all, Slick loves fire. He loves fire so much, fire is one of his favorite things ever really, which is why he always carries matches with him. History: Slick grew up on a small island in the South Blue, born to a pair of blacksmiths and repairmen. He was raised on learning how gun barrels were made and how to clean a cannon, basically everything a child should never know. One day when he was 6 a group of drunk pirates had come to his parents to have their guns and swords repaired after a hard battle with the Marines, when they left they forgot some of their treasure on the island, the most important one being a mysterious Devil Fruit they had planned on selling. Now Slick was a hungry 6 year old, not knowing how valuable it was he took a bite of it. It was absolutely disgusting, it tasted like gasoline (not that he knew what that was) but he had already taken a bite of it and he had been taught to never waste food so he swallowed it down like a champ. This was a horrible idea, for this was the Oiru Oiru Fruit, a Logia type Devil Fruit that turned you into an Oil man. Slick began to melt into a puddle of oil immediately, which was quite terrifying for a 6 year old. As he panicked and flailed his arms about he splashed highly flammable oil everywhere and knocked over a lantern, setting his home on fire. He struggled to maintain his human form and ran outside, his parents did not make it out with him. Orphaned at the age of 6 he was horribly traumatised by the whole incident, mentally locking away the ability to physically become oil so he could never kill someone close to him like he killed his parents. Instead he sought to control what killed them, fire. He spent the next 13 years of his life tinkering with various ideas and mastering the use of his powers in conjunction with fire, he also rebuilt his parents business and began repairing weapons for pirates. Over the years he became enamored by tales of Gol D Roger and his prowess in battle, some stories had him destroying entire armies with one placed bullet while others would make him out to be a master swordsman. Either way, Slick wanted these legendary weapons, he wanted to be just as strong as Gol D Roger was. but to do that he needed to get a hold of his weapons. So he set off on his journey at the age of 19. Combat Specialties Skills and Abilities: Talented repairsman in regards to all different types of weapons, is somewhat skilled in the art of inventing new weapons. Great cook, spent a lot of his life learning to cook for himself. Very fast and somewhat strong, he built up muscles from hammering metal. Devil Fruit: Oiru Oiru Fruit (Oil Oil Fruit): A Logia with the ability to let the user turn into oil and endlessly produce oil, Slick has currently mentally handicapped himself so he can only use it like a Paramecia. Haki: N/A Gear: Custom Flamethrower, built to be fueled directly by Slick even in the middle of combat. Fighting Style: Slick likes to stay away from his opponent and control the battlefield, either by covering it in oil or covering it in oil and the lighting said oil on fire. Techniques: Oil Oil Skate: Slick covers the bottom of his shoes in oil and skates around the battlefield at high speeds, leaving a trail of oil behind him as he does so. Oil Oil Getaway: Slick covers the ground in oil and then lights it on fire, leaving no way for the opponent to reach Slick as he runs away. Also applicable to deadly effect in sea battles, pouring oil into the ocean, waiting for the enemy ship to sail through the oil and then lighting it all on fire. Nakama Crewmate Name: Captain Boone - Slick only kinda respects Boone, sure he's the captain but he hasn't done anything quite memorable enough for him to be truly worth respect. They get along pretty well, but Slick doesn't quite respect Boone despite his status as captain. If it really came down to it, Slick would actually take his position in a heartbeat. He does enjoy his stories though and likes to ask several questions to get details. Caesar Inu - Caesar and Slick get along, mainly because Slick likes to talk about fire during his therapy sessions and Caesar appreciates that Slick knows how to relax unlike most members of the crew. Bonesword - Slick likes Bonesword for 3 reasons. One he can make a lot of flammable stuff which is super great, he can make ingredients for cooking which is nice, and he really wants to see how milk affects a living skeleton. Whenever someone is arguing about stuff with Bonesword he'll generally take Bonesword's side, something about the little dude is endearing to him. Lily Merrycure - Slick gets annoyed with her occasionally when she offers to take over cooking, but does his best to remember that she's just trying to help. He was talking about fire once and she mentioned lighting the fires in people's hearts, Slick took this a little too literally and now thinks she wants him to light people's hearts on fire. Not that he has a problem with that, he quite likes the idea. He finds it a little weird that she tries to mother him considering they're only two years apart, but he takes it in stride. He's very interested in her strange symbiote and wonders how flammable it is. Final note, Slick bugs her from time to time about creating more flammable oils and compounds for him to use. When she doesn't he will either back off for the day or just try and swipe some stuff from her to try and figure it out himself. He has caused more than one explosion on the ship. Feya - Slick hates hearing about the food pyramid so much, he occasionally sees the food pyramid chasing him in his nightmares. Slick tries to avoid her as much as humanly possible, not out of hate but out of pure unadulterated fear. No human should eat so much every single day. Occasionally he steals from her but after the 3rd time he found his door broken down and the protein powder gone he stopped. Now he just lays down oil in front of her door every now and then. Whenever she starts nagging Bonesword about working out he'll side with Bonesword, but is strangely silent when milk gets brought up. He really wants to see Bonesword drink milk. Dirk - Slick is kinda indifferent to Dirk, he recognizes the guy doesn't like him too much but doesn't mind. Dirk likes his cooking so he's alright in Slick's book.</s> <|message|>Feya Nelson Fitness Feya HAHAHAHA...No Interacting with:??? Fitness Feya braced for a handful of projectiles aimed at her direction. She opened her eyes briefly when she anticipated damage. She gritted her teeth when she saw the back of Krabbe's head. The fitness woman squinted her eyes and blew air through her nostrils. Taking a few steps back, she shook her head. "I am definitely not in debt to you. This is all your doing. Far as I know, you're cleaning up your own mess." Feya grabbed onto one of the railings on the ship. It was miracle part of the railing was intact despite the battle taking place. She held onto the steel bar and watched everything unfold. In a matter of seconds, Krabbe became reduced to an empty shell. His beloved crab fetish shattered during his brawl with one of his crazed subordinates. Feya attempted to stay focus on everything else. She then noticed the shrimp warrior act out a signature move. A spray of shrapnel cut through the air in an omnidirectional pattern. Feya tightened her grip on the bar, jumping over it she hoped to flee from the attack. As she pulled herself over the bar, some of the junk struck her in the back. As she descended into the waters, she grunted loudly and made a hard splash in the ocean.</s> <|message|>Wafer D. Kite Wafer D. Kite - Nakama inbound. A Kite Can't Fly on its Own! --- Kite felt his knees buckle when Lilliana left his side. This guy was strong. He'd thought himself powerful, but he needed more than this if he was gonna win. His eyes couldn't leave Saban, or he'd have noticed the help coming his way, the fiery landscape of the ship and the fact that it was no longer a battle of bounty hunters and pirates. This was a jumbo shrimp vs the world. Then, Caesar came to his aid. HELL YEAH DOG GUY! They pushed Saban back and managed to land two good hits on him. That's when Krabbe made his move. It was strange hoping for the man who'd been responsible for the loss of his crew to win, but given the course of this battle nothing was off the table anymore. "It's not over," He growled after Krabbe's attack. He'd won fights before. It was never that easy. And yet Krabbe was still captured, his armor and vice crushed. It served him right, and yet they were down man power. "Dammit... We've gotta hit him all at once," Kite said readying his wrenches. The crew of pirates didn't seem all that together, but by the way they were launching their attacks, they left him in awe. Just a little longer. He thought to himself. He was exhausted. He wasn't even sure... "Woah!" His eyes widened in shock and love at the sight of Lilliana's weapon. "That's so cool," The shipwright said before noticing the attack incoming from Saban. Lilliana could no doubt protect herself. The whole crew could. But that weapon really was amazing. Now wasn't the time for thinking or planning. He had to act. He ran forward and jumped. His foot pressed into the shoulder of one of Krabbe's crewmen. "Get down, you idiots," he shouted at the bounty hunter's men, though he was sure they wouldn't listen. This one though was kicked down into the ground. as he pushed himself high into the air. Saban had somehow gotten even stronger. This was it. The final push and last attack everyone here could possibly see. Kite took a deep breath and swung his arms, beginning to spin as he descended at high speed. He was aimed right at Saban. The plan was to get a good shot at his head, by slamming his wrenches into him using the momentum of his tornado like spin as he came down, combined with the full weight of his body. At the very least he hoped he could put the man off guard with a fierce blow from his wrenches, help keep him in place, or push him back into the line of fire coming towards him. Still, it was possible that he might not do anything. Saban might have just grabbed him from the air, crush him like Krabbe. Or maybe he'd catch his attention long enough for this crew to finish him off. Regardless, the young man was going down swinging.</s>
<|message|>Slick Drake It wasn't enough it wasn't enough it wasn't enough why wasn't he a skeleton yet, WHY ISN'T IT ENOUGH!? The mighty giant let loose with a massive handful of shrapnel in every direction, seeking to shred everyone like beef in a slaughterhouse. "I AM NOT A COW, COWS GO MOO AND I GO BOOM!" Slick tossed his hands forward and created a large shield of hardened oil, catching most of the shrapnel while the rest gave him minor cuts at best. "Oh my GOD MILK IS THE BEST!" Suddenly Slick's fire stopped as his head swung towards Bonesword's voice. "Milk is good for your bones Vinedagger, I told you so!" It seemed as if his rage was over, his madness no longer focused on destruction as it had been. A cannon burst out of the ground and Slick already knew what was going to happen. Shrimp man was going to do something dumb and block the cannon shot like a complete dumb head, he needed to be cooked why didn't he understand that and just let himself die? "Over here dinner, look at my art!" Slick formed a sticky ball of oil in his hands and tossed it at Saban's face, trying to blind him so everyone could attack all at once. But he wasn't content with just blocking his vision, he needed dinner to stop attacking as well. More and more balls of sticky oil were thrown at Saban, each one attempting to pin his arms to his side or keep him stuck in one spot. "I LOVE MY JOB!" Slick yelled with joy as he stopped flinging oil at Saban and let loose with his flamethrower once again.</s>
<|description|>Shimamaru Asahi * Age: 115 * Gender: Female * Race: Kitsune * Appearance: Beloved class president * Personality: On the surface, Asahi is a bright, cheerful, encouraging student that greets every situation with a warm, sunny smile and affectionate tone, coming across as the very picture of kindness and purity. What everyone doesn't realise however, is that this radiant gem of a girl is actually a conniving fox in the midst of bewitching the entire school into being her loving subjects and worshippers. Not forany real nefarious purposes or anything, she just really likes the attention. Because of this need to be noticed, Asahi is seen assisting or running all kinds of initiatives or events at school, which helpfully makes her seem that much more radiant to the masses. Despite her popularity with the students however, Asahi also loves pulling pranks and listening to the speculations as to the perpetrator all around her, seeing it as another form of reverence towards herself. She takes great pride in her ability to remain hidden in plain sight as she makes fools of the faculty, and sometimes fellow students. However, Asahi may be selfish and arrogant, but she certainly isn't malicious. Even if her intentions are far from noble, she isn't looking to seriously ruin any person's life, and would prefer not to get someone injured when she's just having fun. * Abilities: Asahi has an Affinity for illusions, allowing her to conjure both visual and auditory hallucinations. Although useful for creating brief distractions, at present she isn't able to fully manifest images that could withstand the most lackadaisical of examinations. She can also shapeshift between the form of a human, a fox, and a fluffy-tailed girl. Given her relatively young age for a kitsune, she is unable to alter the appearance of her human form as of yet. * Skills: A surprisingly capable person, Asahi is quite skilled at at a variety of tasks, domestic and practical. She has an eye for design, and can recognise someone's particular strengths and weaknesses for any given task quickly, and thus knows how to delegate tasks during class projects. Academically, she's above-average as well, even if her writing is surprisingly atrocious. * Equipment: Nothing you wouldn't find on a totally normal high-schooler. * Brief Backstory: Not long after reaching 100 years of age, the newly-born fox youkai ended up in the care of a middle-aged couple. Much like how one has no memories of when they were a baby, Asahi doesn't fully recall the exact details of how she came to be the couple's 'adopted daughter', but seems to be under the impression that she has hidden her real nature from them. In actuality, her 'parents' know full well she's a kitsune and have simply humoured her whenever she poorly tried to hide it from them. For the past eight years, she's simply been living as a human, steadily placing herself as someone for them to look up to. Her parents are pretty much the only two people she has no apparent disdain for. She's maintained the persona of a kind, wonderful saint of a person for a long time now, her facade completely unbreakable. ...Up until she met Tomoko and was soundly outsmarted. Now she's a begrudging member of her little club.</s> <|message|>Fukuyama Yuki (Fuyuko) Yuki looked uncomfortable standing outside of the hospital. Her ears twitched fitfully under her hood and it was obvious that she didn't want to be here. THey could have met the girl at school or at home. Why did it have to be at a hospital, why this hospital? She cast a disapproving look at Kaori in the nurses uniform. Well, it looked less to Yuki like a uniform and more like a costume that catered to certain tastes. With any luck perhaps they would never have to meet outside of a police station... or a school. Maybe Yuki could arrest her for public indecency? @Crusader Lord@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Rune_Alchemist</s> <|message|>Ibaraki Akari Akari was silently in agreement, albeit unknowingly, with Akari on the "why are we meeting her at a hospital?" concept. To the younger girl... well, hospitals just didn't make too much sense to her. It was definitely one of those "humans were squishy and vulnerable things"; she couldn't wrap her mind around needing an entire building to just... heal something. So why would you ever take even a handful of youkai to somewhere full of people even more vulnerable than normal... In one hand, the young oni had an umbrella almost the twin of Tomoko's, only it was actually an ordinary umbrella, and incongruously a plastic bag full of bottles of... water. Yes, water, Akari was only trying to stay hydrated. That's what she needed to remember to say if anyone asked her why she was carrying these. Though anyone that could smell her breath when she was drinking from another of the bottles with her free hand would have no trouble working out what was actually in them.</s> <|message|>Abe Sonoko Abe Sonoko --- A song of some kind almost seemed to be humming on Sonoko's lips, even as she walked up to the hospital with a fancy western-style umbrella twirling pleasantly in her fingers. Of course her glorious presence had been requested! Such was only fitting for a mage so refined, prepared, and hard working as herself. Though the method of leaving a letter in her locker had almost gone unnoticed...well, considering the habit of some others to use such a method to profess some form of feelings for her. Then again it wasn't exactly the time to be making and handing out chocolates, much less receiving them, so Tomoko had managed to catch her with that one. Even so, she was not one to take a missive and then not perform her duties with the utmost skill and grace-! A shudder then suddenly ran down the schoolgirl's spine, however, as she looked at three figures standing outside of the hospital. The familiar sensation of spidery hands seemed to crawl over her skin, especially her upper arms, as if from a long-unavoidable memory. Either way Sonoko let out a small sigh, before approaching the scanty nurse and Yuki and Akari and giving a lightly respectful but tasteful nod to them. "Any sight of Tomoko?" the Japanese girl asked, curious and casual...yet in a fashion confidently forward in her tone of voice. Daze@TheFake@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR@Rin</s> <|message|>Shimizu Kaori @TheFake@Crusader Lord@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR --- How boring~ A small pout formed on Kaori's lips as the other's that were currently present seemed entirely intent on being silent. The Oni was being the most boorish. She was quite certain she was drinking her weight in alcohol, though that'd be nothing out of the ordinary for an Oni, would it? At least she could take a small bit of joy in feeling Yuki visibly eye her up. Perhaps she'd have more fun meeting this 'patient' before Tomoko showed up? Certainly, yes, that sounded like a delightful idea- "Ah, Sono-chan." Kaori's eyes immediately lit up upon seeing the school girl, a playful grin forming just big enough to show her fangs. "Helllllo, darling. Tomoko isn't here yet, but that's fine. Lets me have a little snack or two, yes?~" Putting her previous idea of sneaking off to play with their new friend, Kaori turned her attention to the girl in front of her. She took a few slow steps towards the younger girl. "Come in, get out of the rain. Let me help you warm yourself up a bit before you catch a cold, fufu." A playful giggle as Kaori made another move towards the human girl.</s> <|message|>Suzuki Tomoko Chisaki was a good girl. She never disobeyed her parents, she did her best to make sure all her homework was done on time, she tried to make sure her fellow students were on track, and she was always interested in what her teacher had to say. So even she thought what she was doing now was out of character for herself. She was a primary school student, at only nine years old, with short black hair and glasses. And that made the fact that she was out by herself so late all the more unusual. But the fact was... It wasn't just one of her friends. Two of them, Sakura and Taro, had both disappeared. Up and vanished without a trace. No-one knew what happened to them. Not their parents. Not the police. There wasn't a single sign of anything. They weren't... they didn't seem to have died, or anything like that... it was just like they'd evaporated into thin air. Chisaki thought of herself as smart. She thought of herself as mature. And she was worried... she thought, maybe, it would be possible for her to find something out, something she could tell the police. So they could save her friends. So she'd snuck out at night. She knew her parents would be mad at her, but if it was for her friends' sake that was okay, right? At least that's what she'd thought at first. She'd originally intended to meet her other friends here... but they couldn't get away from their parents. So she was alone. It was dark. No-one was around. Chisaki couldn't help but be scared. She couldn't help but worry. But at the same time, if she could find anything, anything at all that would help the police find Sakura and Taro... It was worth being scared, right? And then she heard it, from the alleyway... "Chisaki-chan...?" Sakura! That was Sakura's voice! "Chisaki-san!" Taro too?! Excitement rose in the young girl's heart as she turned, immediately rushing into the alley. She'd found them! She'd found her friends! She- The alley was empty. She heard a sound from behind her, a long shadow fell over her, and- --- It was a dark, dreary, rainy day. Naturally, there were few people walking out and about, unless they desperately needed to be somewhere. And even if they did, most of them were taking public transit or personal vehicles. There wasn't anyone in their right mind who would willingly be out for a walk when it was raining heavily enough, and this certainly qualified. But regardless of that fact, there was one girl who seemed quite content to take a stroll right through the rain to her club's meeting place. Perplexing as this was, it became all the more unusual when she was observed more closely. She was a petite blonde girl, her age difficult to discern form her youthful features and short height. It was unlikely anyone would place her older then perhaps thirteen, and many would place her a year or so younger. If one were to ask her how she felt about such comments, it was unlikely they would hear anything particularly happy in response. In her right hand, she held a black cane. She didn't seem to need it to walk, and yet she was using it all the same. Speaking of her right hand... Her entire right arm was bandaged. Not a single piece of flesh could be seen underneath, the bandages extending up beneath her sleeve. Exactly why this was would be a complete mystery to most observers, as the range of movement that she exhibited with the limb indicated she was entirely uninjured. But, perhaps, the strangest thing was the fact that there was an umbrella beside her. No, she was not holding an umbrella. Many observers would simply assume that was the case, as it was impossible that an umbrella would simply float beside someone. But common sense could override the truth, in some cases. And to be fair, the umbrella was not simply floating beside her. It was being carried by a girl, taller then the blonde, in a stylized kimono. Only the blonde herself, and others versed in the supernatural, could see this fact. They could also see the lengthy tongue hanging from the umbrella, and its single large eye. Suzuki Tomoko, the intermediary between humans and youkai, had a club meeting to hold. And given the recent circumstances, it was going to be a particularly important one. Seven disappearances. Seven children, both boys and girls, had disappeared in the last month in the local area. That wasn't even considering disappearances across the entire city that could be tied to these incidents. Each time, there was absolutely no sign of them. It was as if they simply vanished into thin air. As she reached the club's meeting place, the door opened ahead of her courtesy of her companion. Indeed, she wasn't going to let this carry on any longer. She most certainly couldn't. What sort of self-respecting intermediary could possibly let children continue to up and disappear? This wasn't a regular human perpetrator, not when the disappearances happened so swiftly and so without any evidence. Tomoko was certain of that. No, the perpetrator had to be some sort of inhuman entity... But who? And why? These questions would have to be answered. But first... "Hello, everyone," began the blonde-haired girl brightly, "Today is the third meeting of the Miyama Occult Investigation club!" @TheHangedMan@RolePlayerRoxas@Crab Bane@Raineh Daze</s>
<|message|>Shimamaru Asahi Shimamaru Asahi had plenty of experience hiding her true feelings behind a kind, bright smile. certainly, she was confident no human could ever hope to discern her true feelings. Perhaps present company were slightly more perceptive, but surely they knew nothing of the sheer, unbridled annoyance that the blonde "honour student" felt at having to attend this meeting. "Here you are~" placing cups of tea before or nearby several club members, the smiling fox served the drink to everyone that wanted it, looking very much like a helpful girl, even though she was internally cursing out the one that brought them all together. Seriously, how did one as brilliant and intelligent as herself fall for such a simple trick!? Of course that little brat couldn't possibly have possessed any evidence of her harmless little prank! Pink was a way better colour for the principal's office anyway! Not that she could back out of joining Tomoko's club, anyway. As underhanded as the "persuasion" was, Asahi had still given her word to join, and promises weren't something you just broke on a whim! How could any human accept her as their fluffy overlord of fluffiness if she couldn't even keep her word?! No, she would play along for now, and show that intermediary up at some point! She could almost picture it now... Asahi was about to become lost in her daydreams when Tomoko herself arrived, startling the fox out of her reverie. Her smile became a tad more strained as she greeted the club leader, Good day, Suzuki-san. Would you like some tea?"</s>
<|description|>Teva Age: Day 3 Gender: Female Race: Goblin Appearance: Teva has the typical goblin physique one would expect from her race. Short and skinny yet quick on her feet, with a relatively large head to body ratio and over-exaggerated facial proportions. She has no hair on herself except her scalp, and she usually wears whatever rags she can salvage that can cover and protect her from the cold. Level: 1 Personality: Teva has a carefree attitude, always trying to just get along with others. She will help whenever and wherever she is needed, even for the little things, cause you know what they say: "It's the little things that matter." She is quite single-minded when it comes to her desires, and you bet once she sets a goal she will not stop until she has achieved it, no matter how long it takes. This, unfortunately, means that she can be prone to making bad or rushed decisions sometimes and can find herself in tricky situations. Nevertheless, even though she might not be one to overly think things before acting, the sheer energy she brings to the table cannot be underestimated one bit. Past Life: Teva was born to swim. Her parents, her peers and everyone on her immediate circle of contacts gave this answer whenever asked what was the best thing about her. Born in a small village off the coast of Sicily to two loving parents, she immediately found her calling in the form of swimming when she first laid her eyes upon the ocean. Whenever the weather was clear enough, one was bound to find Teva somewhere in the beach swimming. Thus, it is needless to say that when she grew up she pursued a career out of her love. She quickly became a rising star, and by age 15 she was a regional middle-school champion in three different categories, and 3 years later she conquered the national stage as a senior in high-school. After graduating, she studied sports science while also juggling with being an active member of Italy's Olympic swimming team. She was on track to obtain multiple gold medals, but the stars aligned to bring misfortune to her and her family. At age 25 she was the victim of a great white shark attack off the coast of California while on a visit to the US for a swimming exhibition. She survived, but her lower extremities did not. When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital bed, her legs amputated. Suddenly having lost her ability to walk, much less to swim, reduced her to a shell of her former self. She would not talk to her family nor her friends, and would barely touch her meals. She spent most of the time looking at the view of the ocean from the window to her hospital room, lamenting her fate. 15 days were all she could take before she dragged her body off the hospital bed and onto a wheelchair, unbeknownst to the nurses, and wheeled herself to the window from where she climbed and jumped. One of her last thoughts was how the weightlessness of falling reminded her so much of swimming, the thought of which brought a smile to her face. Talent(s):* Flexibility * Water Magic (Affinity) Skill(s): * Dark Eye (Passive) E-Rank * Absorption (Remaining Uses: 8) Inventory: --</s> <|message|>Aya Though both goblins lay prone by the body of the now-dead harvest sloth, they'd done it. Even so, between her sister getting hurt and the fear that lingered even after the fight, Aya couldn't feel good about their victory. What was more, the sisters were both paralysed, leaving them in a bad position to defend themselves against any further attacks. As her mind began trying to think up solutions to the current predicament Aya was distracted by something else, a feeling of sorrow that placed itself into Aya's mind, even through all of Aya's own panicked thoughts. Maybe it was better to describe it an awareness of a feeling, rather than a feeling in its own, there was a sort of disconnect as though Aya were only a spectator to the feeling. It wasn't until she heard Ragi start sobbing and crying apologies that Aya realised what it was she was sensing wasn't a part of her own mind, but her sisters. Aya had wanted to say something to help ease her sister's pain, but whenever she tried to say something the words failed to come out, blocked by her doubts that she could do anything to help and a fear that whatever she said would only serve to make things worse. It wasn't until Ragi's sobbing stopped and Aya felt her mind calm down a little several minutes later, that Aya was able to revise her mental image of her sister. Ragi was a genius no doubt, but she was still only a goblin, a brilliant and kind one, but a goblin nonetheless, yet somehow this revelation only caused her opinion of her sister to grow. Yes, Ragi could make mistakes and would do so as long as she continued to strive for the best possible outcomes, but if anyone could achieve those outcomes it was Ragi. The flaws Aya had noticed in Ragi's plan finally fell into place, the plan hadn't been flawless, but rather it had been the best possible plan they could hope for given the information Ragi had and the outcome she'd been trying to achieve. What kind of pressure that kind of responsibility must have put on her sister Aya couldn't begin to imagine. Aya's thoughts were once again cut short by another feeling, this time coming from insider herself. Hunger. It was far worse now after the battle, having gone from little more than an ever-present annoyance to something actively painful, an issue only made worse by her noticing the problem. Feeling the harvest sloth beneath her body Aya vaguely recalled her worries about it potentially being poisonous, but between her hunger and the goblin instincts screaming at her to eat, Aya had hardly even begun that chain of thought before her teeth had sunk into the harvest sloths flesh. It took all of what little restraint she had left to leave her sister half of the sloth alone, and there certainly wouldn't be enough left to feed Bug and Twig as well. Strangely enough, Aya had quickly begun to feel better after eating, the paralysation working its way out of her like a bad case of pins and needles at a noticeable rate. Was that an effect of eating the sloth? The moment she was well enough to stand she did so, grabbing her rock as she struggled to her feet and positioning herself to overlook her sleeping sister as she dropped back into thought. If she wanted to help her sister she'd need to have a plan. After a while, Aya's attention was drawn to a rattling sound, though even so it took her a moment to spot the source, the snakes flower-like body haveing made it hard to spot in the grass and allowing it to have slithered a little to close for comfort. Aya gripped her rock, though thinking about it she doubted she could hit the snake. For whatever reason Aya found herself more confident in her tree-climbing ability than she had been at the start of the day, so maybe there was a plan there? No, Aya wasn't strong enough to carry Ragi and that would mean abandoning their prey. There wasn't time to devise a trap and beyond probably being hard to hit Aya didn't really have a clue what to expect from the creature. The combination of camouflage and a deterrent might suggest that the snake wouldn't attack prey that it couldn't ambush, but Aya wasn't prepared to take that gamble, especially not after the sloth. The snake rattled again, threatening the goblins, and Aya on instinct responded in kind, bearing her teeth at it and letting out a soft hissing sound as if to warn the creature not to approach. A sudden awareness of Ragi's panic and fear suggested to Aya her sister had woken up, confirmed moments later by the sounds of her sister crawling backwards and calling for her. At least the paralysis had worn off. "It's okay, I'm over here sister. Maybe you should eat something? Um... just be careful there's another monster here...", Aya informed her sister, kicking herself as she realised that that last part probably wasn't the best thing to say to calm Ragi. It was a bad position, Ragi was afraid, Aya was afraid, there was an immediate threat of unknown capabilities and Aya had no time to think things through. The goblin began to giggle slightly as she grinned wide, her outwards demeanour in stark contrast to how badly she was freaking out inside. * Noticed the effects of Sisterly Bond. * Gave in to hunger and ate half the sloth. * Stood up and grabbed her rock once paralysation had worn off then waited around in thought for a bit. * Noticed the snake, threatened it shortly after. * Tried to calm Ragi, but didn't take her attention off the snake. Battle Rock: (Held) A rock with about as much heft to it as it could have while still allowing Aya to swing it one-handed. Goblin Garb: (Worn) A simple one-piece dress sized for a young goblin, it's made with only the most abysmal of craftsmanship and crappiest of cloth.</s> <|message|>Tik Tik @RC3 --- Tik managed to catch up to Rena after a fairly hasty and crude effort at tracking her by finding partial tracks and freshly broken twigs. He had some hope that he would be able to simply greet her and continue hunting, this time with a better spear. But, that hopping... long-toothed... shiny-skinned... Tik saw Rena successfully duck the attack from the frog. By the time the frog hit the ground, Tik had already started running. By the time Rena swung her club, Tik was only a couple strides from her back with his spear held in both hands. He kept Rena between him and the frog until the last moment to make sure that the frog would have trouble seeing him. He could also tell whether the frog dodged to the side or not. He was moving on reflex, too fast to think or plan. The frog would either dodge or die. If it dodged, then Tik would lunge around Rena and stab the frog as swiftly as his body would allow. The only sound he uttered was a throaty hiss as he made his move. --- - Tried to stay in the Fanged Tree Frog's blind spot while closing the distance. - Lunge with Horn Spear, adjusting for any evasive actions by the frog -Loin cloth -Small Rabbit Ear Pouch -Horn Tipped Spear ----- In Pouch----- -2 Battle-Scarred Horned Rabbit Collarbones</s>
<|message|>Teva The beast's cries of frustration entered entered Teva's ears as she ran away. She glanced back to see it having fallen down on the ground, flailing its arms about in rage. Tave cringed a little when she saw its arm almost hitting the unresponsive Kor that was lying on the ground a few steps away. She'd tried to wake him up after jumping off the beasts back, but Kor wouldn't budge at all. Teva then made the decision to run away, grabbing the beast's box and bag it'd thrown down the ground at the start of the fight. After some time her goblin body refused to take one more step. She'd slowed down considerably, but she'd also created a lot of distance between her and the orc. Teva scanned her surroundings with tired eyes, eventually spotting a hollow between some giant tree roots she could curl herself in. She crawled between the roots and immediately fell asleep. A very uncomfortable sleep, however, embraced her. The rush of adrenaline from the fight had washed away from her system, making her skinny limbs ache from the overexertion. Her body protested at the lack of food, her stomach letting out angry growls even in her sleep. After thirty minutes of questionable rest, the goblin woke up with a head full of muddled thoughts. She was thirsty, she was hungry, she was tired. She had to find something... Then a curious thought emerged in her mind, and Teva turned to look at the two things she had salvaged from the fight. Teva's dry mouth salivated at the thought of the orc and all that potential meat she'd run away from, but it had been impossible for four goblins to kill it, much less herself alone, even after having crippled its eyes. Teva removed those thoughts from her mind and returned to the box and pouch laying a next to her. She first picked up the box, shaking it a few times to test if she could hear anything from inside. She then tried to open it by biting and hitting it against the strong roots, but it wouldn't open. Mildly frustrated, she placed it aside and grabbed the small bag instead. This time a small, rope knot stood in her way that she easily unwound before peering inside curiously. Three small, opaque stones lay inside the bag, one of them giving off a faint, blue light. Teva pinched it between two fingers and pulled it out of the bag, bringing it closer. The moment she brought it out, the dark hollow she'd made her temporary shelter was illuminated by the light the stone emitted, but Teva didn't care about using it as a light source. On the contrary, something inside of her mind whispered to her to consume the weird stone, and her starving stomach agreed. Thus, without thinking about it too much, she popped the stone into her mouth and bit into it. What could possibly go wrong anyway? * Ran away from the battle * Found a empty hollow between tree roots and curled in * Slept for thirty minutes but woke up due to hunger * Tried to open the orc's box and failed * Opened the orc's bag and found some strange stones * One of them gave out blue light, and Teva being the genius she is, ate it * Torn crude blanket/clothes * Strange box * Strange pouch with two remaining opaque rocks</s>
<|description|>Kilian Darukk Alias - Ditto Age - 19 Sponsor - Superman Personality - mischievous, headstrong, stubborn Powers - alien Carggite ability to triplicate into three individuals with a telepathic link to one another and slightly increased physical attributes. Weaknesses - while stronger, faster, and more durable than most humans, Ditto can still be harmed by anything an average human would be. It should be noted his 'costume' is made from a cloth on Cargg similar to Kevlar.. Appearance - BRIEF Bio - Kilian recently crash landed on Earth while travelling the stars, in Metropolis no less, and shortly after began moonlighting as a superhero when Superman was away. A native of the planet Cargg, Superman was familiar with Ditto's alien heritage from his experience with the Legion of Superheroes from the 30th century. After meeting the hero in costume after a run-in with Parasite, the older Superman discovered out of costume he was living in homeless shelters while one of his duplicates performed on the street for pocket change. What's Changed - Ditto is back to being only a triplicate and his strength isn't as great as it once was. Notes - Ditto's symbol is Interlac for the letter d. Interlac is a common alphabet used by various planets in the neighboring space sectors, mostly for interplanetary trade and shipping. Sample Post - The purple skinned Parasite was too busy trying to eat one of the triplicates to realize the other two were spinging a trap. Without a living solar battery like Superman to drain, the monster was down to about the size of a skinny human with wrinkly prunish skin. The Carggite was strong, enough to bend weaker steel like that used to make the dumpsters in Metropolis. While one of the triplicates kept the monster's attention the other two quickly sprung their rap. Clark Kent managed to catch most of the fight. After hearing a woman in an alley scream 'Monster!' Clark began to change into Superman, dropping a hotdog he'd just bought from a street vendor. Before he even had his shirt unbuttoned and the glasses off he'd witnessed the young man from Cargg intervene with his x-ray vision. Superman knew if he went in now the villain would only grow stronger, and it was safer to stay at a distance. Soon enough a steel dumpster was a makeshift restraining unit for the Parasite and the triplicates were absorbed into the prime Ditto. Later in the evening Clark Kent was out for a walk and noticed something familiar about a homeless boy collecting change on the street. His instrument, something like a miniature guitar, was made from trash and discarded materials. The young man was wearing dark sunglasses but Clark could still see the boy's glowing yellow eyes behind them. It was the young hero from earlier. Or one of his triplicates. Clark approached the kid with money and whispered into his ear... "I can help you and your brothers... meet me at the top of the Daily Planet building at sundown..." Kent said to the boy under his breath. "If you know my secret you should know I haven't figured out this strange writing on your plane or why they don't use Interlac. What's a 'Daily Planet building'?" the young boy with long dark hair asked. Sometime after sundown... "What do you say Kilian?" the Man of Steel asked. "I'm in." Kilian responded. "What did the lower case d stand for on your shirt, Duplicate Boy?" Superman asked, obviously referring to Triplicate Girl/Duplicate Girl in the Legion of Superheroes from the future. "That sounds horrible... it stands for Ditto." the young hero said with a smirk ~KL~</s> <|message|>Sarah Donner A couple others had arrived. The one with the armor was interesting. There was a strange sense about her. While the angel couldn't pin down exactly what it was there was definitely a strange, almost counter aura about her. Magic was afoot. Not long after a orange skinned girl entered. Appearing unsure this one greeted them with a simple word. That was something she could work with. Stepping forward she offered a hard to shake. "Greetings. I am Guardian Angel." Probably best to keep it simple. Break the ice and keep it simple to start. Hopefully then she will open up. Some of the others could use to do the same, Sarah included. Some were leaving, having had their fill of the group it seemed. But the boom caused Angel to tense up. However some of the others seemed to have an idea of what it was and they didn't seem too worried about it. "What is happening below that would make such a sound?" Though she'd had a tour much of the technology was beyond her.</s> <|message|>Kilian Darukk Scourge, Guardian Angel, and Black Hood had all come down to the viewing room of the War Room area of the HQ. Inside two Dittos could be seen drawing the attention of Grundy away from civilian holo-droids while another got them to the designated safe zones in this particular program. Once the civilians were all taken care of, it was a three man tag team taking on the brute in the already wrecked battlefield. One of the Dittos dropped to one knee and cupped his hands together while another ran and propelled from the cupped hands into the air. The third Ditto got behind the legs of Grundy and crouched as the airborne Ditto landed a clothesline that took the behemoth off of his feet. The teamwork of the triplicate man was something to note, as Red Tornado had now found himself in the viewing room as well. "It would seem teamwork comes naturally to this young man." the Tornado commented in a monotone robotic voice that sounded something like Morgan Freeman's voice with auto-tune. After two Dittos landed several punches on the grounded Grundy the monster managed to bat one of the Dittos back with his free hand. The last Ditto, originally the one cupping his hands, leaped into the air with a piece of concrete debris weighing roughly three hundred pounds and came down on the pale powerhouse. The face of the holo-droid was cracked and the holographic 'skin' on the droid faded as did the damaged city block setting. The parts of the setting that were pieces of the room itself sunk back into the walks and floor of the War Room, a large hole closed in the floor, and the three men became one as Ditto wiped the sweat from his forehead and made his way to the exit. The windows became visible now upon getting closer to the exit and Ditto started to grin. "How'd I do, Red?" the Carggite asked. "You operated at 92% efficiency. Still room for improvement, however it is acceptable in the field. Good work." the Justice Leaguer stated. "So, anybody else gonna give it a go?" Ditto asked, "And by chance was there any of the barbecue left?" he continued stepping away with another smile heading back to the rest of HQ. ~KL~</s> <|message|>James Natchgale Scourge tilted his head as he watched, he wasn't used to using his abilities in combat, he had only used them to assist in rescues and his job. He still hadn't understands why Tornado had decided to sponcer him. Tornado patted his shoulder indicating that he should go. James shook his head, "I'll just wait for when we do team exorcizes, I'm not so good with the fighting and such." He stated stepping backward. He looked at the others a little embarrassed. He had never actually fought any crime. Sure he had practiced the use of his abilities but as a firefighter he never had to fight anyone, especially with his abilities.</s> <|message|>Dominic Miller Kid Rogue groaned in annoyance at the loud booming sound that echoed through the tower and rose to his feet. Pushing aside what he was working on, he made his back through their new headquarters towards wherever the sound had come from. The sound's source? The basement, or in other words, the war room. During his tour, this had been his favourite stop. The technology here was outstanding! Dominic smiled as he thought of all the possibilities that could come with weaponising this place! Fighting a supervillain? No biggie, all he had to do was materialise an army of hardened holographic Batmen. Unfortunately The Flash had refused to let his get his hands on the War Room's machinery so that dream would have to wait. He passed one of his teammates as he approached the room's doorway. He believed the guy to be some kind of alien, evident from the bright yellow bleepers the guy had for eyes. Deciding that it was probably a decent idea to start learning some names, he entered the viewing room just in time to hear Scourge state his weakness in combat. Dominic was about to make a snarky remark before his eyes landed upon ol' Tornado-Bot. Thinking it best not to insult Scourge in front of his sponsor, Kid Rogue instead flexed his muscles before volunteering himself. "I'll gladly have a go!" He declared loudly, heading towards the door leading to the simulation area. Eyeing the consoles he spotted what the image of Solomon Grundy and mentally gulped. Despite his arrogance, Dominic knew when he was outgunned! Unless he could the big guy down with just a few blasts from his grenades, Grundy here would most likely turn him into lunch. Putting on a fake smirk, he turned back to his teammates. "You guys want to come along?" He offered, eyeing both Guardian Angel and the hooded archer. "May as well try and work on some of that teamwork shit!"</s> <|message|>Sarah Donner The technology of the facility was well beyond her understanding. The way the room changed and seemed to make new environments was amazing. And there was a giant robot that looked like a zombie creature. Grundy aparently. This was going to be quite interesting. Scourge excused himself from trying a hand at the space below. However Kid Rogue wanted to spar against the automated contraction. Nodding Angel stepped up to Kid Rogue. "I would gladly join you. Pray tell what is your skill so we may better assist one another?" The idea of building comradery was a plan that she very much wished to accomplish. The only real way to build it was together at every opportunity.</s>
<|message|>Kilian Darukk "Excuse me young man," the robotic Red Tornado spoke up to Kid Rogue, "Watch your language. You are being sponsored by a member of the Justice League and should act mannerly and with respect." Tornado said getting right to the point on cussing and showing respect. "I believe, if you're ready to go, that I have an excellent simulation in mind." the robot continued. In a gust of red wind Tornado flew up the stairs to the control room above the much larger War Room and took to the controls. The setting faded into place as what appeared to be a mall. At least a dozen civilian holo-droids in panic mode were running around as a holo-droid of an injured Flash laid on the ground. The enemy was the magnetism manipulator Magenta. ~KL~</s>
<|description|>Andrew A tall student with dark hair and slightly tanned skin, giving him an attractive appearance. He's a quiet person but not shy as he has plenty of stories to tell when approached. His favorite subject is Herbology, and he enjoys studying in the Hufflepuff Common Room due to its warm ambiance created by the fireplace. He also seems friendly and approachable towards his fellow classmates like Maddie.</s> <|description|>Madison A half-blood student who transferred to Hogwarts after her first year at Ilvermorny. She was raised not knowing about magic until she started at Hogwarts and was sorted into the Hufflepuff house. Her father is in the muggle military and stationed in England, where Maddie continues her education. She has bright auburn hair, which she often keeps in a messy bun with some strands falling over her crystal blue eyes. She's very active, involved in Quidditch, running a small store selling various items not available in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley, and even started the school newspaper. Maddie is kind-hearted and values others' opinions while believing that there's good deep down in everyone.</s> <|narrator|>Andrew, a tall student with dark hair and slightly tanned skin, was working on his assignments in the Hufflepuff Common Room when he noticed Maddie, a half-blood student who transferred from Ilvermorny after her first year at Hogwarts. Her bright auburn hair and cheerful eyes always mesmerized him. He approached her as she sat down on one of the couches with her books and parchment. After introducing himself as Andy, he offered to help if needed before going back to his work.</s> <|message|>Andrew Andrew was a student in his Sixth Year. He was sorted into Hufflepuff. He was tall, with dark hair and slightly tanned skin. He was quiet but not shy, as he had plenty of stories to tell when people approached him. Andrew loved studying in the Common Room. The warm glow of the fireplace in the Hufflepuff Cellar just added to the ambiance and comfort. His favorite subject was Herbology. Their Common Room was perfect for the subject too, with plants surrounding the room that their Head of House brought in. He gathered his books and parchment of assignments and settled down on a warm, comfy seat.</s> <|message|>Madison Maddysin had always stuck out like a sore thumb. She was half blood but had been raised not knowing anything about magic and had also transferred to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny after her first year there. Her father was in the muggle military and after her first year having been completed in Ilvermorny, he was stationed to a base in England. When she started at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Hufflepuff bringing along her guinea pig. From her first day, Maddysin seemed to be the epitome of what one would expect from a Hufflepuff; she was kind to all (even those who did not return the favor), valued others opinions (even if she did not agree with them), and believed that there was some good deep down in everyone. It wasn't uncommon to see her standing up to bullies or studying in a variety of places. She was also very involved in school activities and even took over as Hufflepuff seeker after Cedric. Maddysin also had turned an old, abandoned classroom into a storefront (with the proper permission), where she sold things not available in Hogsmeade or even Diagon Alley in some cases. The store carried things like house pride thing, school necessities, various muggle things, and the school newspaper, another thing she started. When Maddysin first entered the common room, she was carrying her equipment in her sports bag. The bag itself was yellow and black with white and black straps. Hufflepuff Quidditch was printed on the side in glossy letters and her last name, Barnes, was under that. She had also added several patches to it; the Hufflepuff crest of course, an owl, a golden snitch, the seal for the American magical government, a small plastic pouch with her coin used the year prior for Dumbledores Army inside, and many others. She went into the girls dormitory before coming back out a few minutes later carrying a textbook, parchment, a quill, and an inkwell. She sat down and began working, her bright auburn hair pulled back into a messy bun with a few hairs not long enough to reach the back of her head falling over her crystal blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.</s> <|message|>Andrew Andrew saw Madison coming out of the Girls Dormitory as she stepped out to the Common Room with schoolwork. She sat down on one of the couches near him. He has seen her several times before and had talked to her briefly from time to time. Everytime he sees her, there was usually this warm feeling in him. Her bright auburn hair and cheerful eyes always mesmerized him. He admired how she was very active with Quidditch, excelling in her studies, and even found time to do other things such as her small store. He looked at her briefly before approaching her in her seat. "Hey there, Madison!" he started, "What are you studying?" he asked, looking at the textbooks that she brought with her.</s> <|message|>Madison "Hey, Andy," Maddie said, looking up to smile at him before returning her gaze back to the parchment. "I'm so used to just doing things in that class that I don't actually think about it anymore."</s>
<|message|>Andrew Andrew nodded and smiled at her. "Alright! Well, if you need help, feel free to ask me," he said before returning to his work and settling back into his seat.</s>
<|description|>Fuma Age: 18 Archon of:Fire Original art of Fuma. Feel free to ask questions, I'll have more art to post as the story progresses. Physical Attributes Apearance: Fuma is 5 foot 8 inches, a bit lanky despite his smallish stature. He is a bit younger than the others, but his countenance is a mystery. Fuma wears a mask with three black bars on his chin, and big double circles for his eyes. The white background remains blank, and the mask itself is extremely hard. No one is sure of it's material, but it never comes off. It's odd ways allow him to eat and breathe just fine, and it remains a mystery of how this is possible. Duma can even convey emotions through expression, as the mask's markings change with his facial gestures. (I'm an artist so I wouldn't mind posting some character sketches of him). Physical Strengths: He could easily lift Maya, but probably not Marcus. Despite his small build he can move quite fast. His pain threshold is inhumanly high, for some reason. Physical Weaknesses: Fuma is prone to having tight lungs, his chest burns if he runs too much. His speed doesn't lack power or skill, but accuracy tends to be a bit of a problem... His greatest weakness is probably how ticklish he is. Mental Attributes Personality: Fuma is your typical angsty teen. Lovable, frustrating, and most of all... strong willed. He likes to laugh off his pain with a joke and a brave smile, sacrificing his own feelings to keep those around him smiling and motivated. This of course can effectively work against him. One may feel as if they know him inside and out, only to find that he's a deeper mystery than before. Kids, right? His attachments to comrades do run deep however, despite what it may seem. Likes: Fuma likes cherries, puns, and flying any kind of aircraft within his reach. He likes to flirt, but it's just a front. He likes to be protected, but not so much that he can't return the favor. Dislikes: He doesn't like his orange hair, liars. He DESPISES anyone who mistreats others, so his sense of justice is delicate. He also dislikes being discriminated according to his age. Being useless, forgotten, or discarded. Phobias: Losing his mask. The majority of Fuma's frequent nightmares stem from his mask. It cracking, falling off, being taken, or simply disintegrating. His mask is like a safety wall, in many* ways. He also fears losing a comrade due to his own lack of strength. Fuma's personality leans very much toward self loathing, but he'll never tell you that. Background Fuma has lost his memory. He understands that he is different, but he isn't sure why. He prefers to brood on these questions at night when he should be sleeping, and in his dreams when his broken memories form into new unseen horrors. Fuma recognizes the violent murders of his parents, but the shadowy their of his childhood remains unknown, and he continues to ignore it. When he wasn't drowning in the void that amnesia brings, Fuma continued the ritual of maintaining his training and wearing his mask. Sometimes, he noticed, it refused come off against his will. This brought to life fragmented memories of his childhood, scratching and pulling at the mask... Without proper memory and timelines, it's hard to establish an effective background. I suppose one could assume that his background is what you see. His personality, his emotions, and his determination. Combat Information Typical form of combat: Being the archon of fire, Fuma can perform close and long range styles of combat. The personal nature of his style tend to leave vivid imprints on his mental health, being a youngster, so he prefers* long range. Preferred Team Role: Any sort of airstrike is welcome in Fuma's book, and he is impeccable backup. His ability to read a fight is innate. Weapon: Fuma carries a thick black sword, two-handed or single-handed. This sword is broad enough to act as a shield, but long enough to maintain grace and balance. The capabilities of the sword remain to be seen... Unique Equipment: Mask/Shadow Cloak (cloak is more of his angsty tendencies bubbling up)</s> <|message|>Fuma Rai's quick but controlled motions as she works in the kitchen allude to the many hours she has spent there. Many of her cohorts experience the same effects of the dankness that the planet brings. This ends up bringing the troubled and heavy souls to the kitchen, seeking some sort of distraction and a laugh. Rai herself understood this, so when she wasn't working, she found herself there. Some nights it was to ease her own discontentment and uneasiness at the evil dwelling within this dimension, others it was to give strength to her comrades. In some ways, it was a selfish tear at survival. When pressed to the surface of this planet comprised by sharp fragments of a scorched past, you can't rely on someone who has failed to thrive. They can't save you, no one will. On the other side of the situation, her actions are completely altruistic. When Rai could be sleeping, she is instead giving even more of her time to the fighters. A slight smile graces Rai's countenance. Looks like she really appreciated the drink... That harsh edge of hers finally calmed down. As Maya speaks, Rai listens to the repressed pain and shock that the strangely beautiful, white haired woman was hiding. Rai's gaze continues to soften, as Maya then reveals her curiosities. And mere curiosities they seemed, from a troubled and cold traveler. Rai's other worldly appearance and mixed air make her into a bit of an enigma, but in these moments, her ringing perception and intelligence dominate her presence. "Thank you for seeing passed Fuma, and for your compassion in regard to the situation we're all in. However, I do not think I've presented you with a reason to save face the way you are. If you're in some sort of trouble, you shouldn't feel compelled to handle it all on your own," Rai turns to Maya and looks nearly apologetic. Not pity, but something called empathy. After a few moments she responds to Maya's initial question. She looks down at her tinted hands and odd markings. "I'm rather easy to spot, aren't I. My story though? Funny you should ask. It's... nearly the same as Fuma's. My parents were murdered, but I don't remember it. I ended up here because as a child, I was blamed for their deaths. My appearance didn't help, "demon" and "witch" became common insults hurled my way. Without an advocate for my innocence in the world, I decided to leave. I feel like I'm meant for something good, despite my strange disposition. When I heard of Fuma's story and his rebellion, I wanted to join immediately. Before I could, he showed up at my sector himself. I've been here ever since then. Even though it's been a few years, he's been my only friend." As Rai recalls these events, it seems as though it may be the first time she's walked through them with someone else. Her countenance becomes introspective, as she double checks the order of which these things happened. "But... why are you looking for someone like that?"</s> <|message|>Enøch Kitø Enoch visibly bristled at the man's next words, and she pretended not to see the half a dozen sets of eyes that flickered to her. Why did she suddenly feel so very self-conscious? It could be the fact that this stranger, who fell from the sky in a dragon's skull and lived, had just announced that she had the blood of a God in her veins. "That's not possible." Enoch said, though her voice wasn't near as strong as she'd hoped it would be. "My mother was a member of the tribe, and my father was a a traveler." "And what kin do you speak of? You can't mean whatever God you claim relates to her, you said you weren't one." Aarav predictably pointed out. Pandu looked from Enoch to Aarav, then to the stranger, clearly uncertain. Little had been known about Enoch's sire, only that he showed up and drew himself to Leili, and left shortly after he'd impregnated the woman. He'd always found the entire situation odd. And it was not uncommon for the Gods to descend and shift the fates of the mortals. He looked back to Enoch, who was staring back at him as if waiting for him to stand up for her. When Pandu kept quiet, Enoch flushed red and crouched, wrapping her arms around her knees. Aarav seemed to grow red, as well, as he glanced back to the withdrawing Enoch, then rounded to face the stranger. "She's not some God's bastard! She's one of us. You have the wrong information. She's no diff—" "Aarav." Enoch rose to stand again, cutting off her companion. He turned around, looking cross. "Shut up." Looking crosser, still, and now shocked, Aarav gaped as Enoch turned around, walked up the dune, crossed over the peek, and kept walking, heading back for the village. "Wha-" Aarav gaped. "Enoch!" Mithi turned and followed Enoch, jogging to catch up to her. Aarav turned back around to glare at the stranger with the dragon head.</s> <|message|>Maya Lavandula With a piercing gaze, Maya leaned forward while listening intently to Rai's account, and like she expected, the details of the suspected Archon's life matched up perfectly with the cookie-cutter tragedy that was so familiar to Archons. Murdered parents? Check. Doesn't quite fit in? Check. Innate desire to achieve more? Check. Ding, ding, ding! Looks like we've got a winner. Sighing with relief, Maya straightened her posture and cleared her throat. "Rai, you are without a doubt the person I am looking for, and I'm looking for you because the universe needs you," Maya announced in earnest, "Before, you mentioned that I shouldn't feel compelled to handle my troubles on my own. Well, I'm not alone. There are others like me –like us– fighting side by side all for the same cause. There is a great evil out there, and this evil is the same malicious being that killed your parents. We're battling with all that we've got to extinguish this embodiment of death and terror in order to restore peace to the galaxies." Maya chuckled to herself while rubbing the bridge or her nose. She had forgotten how ridiculous this all sounded. Looking back to Rai, she continued, "What I am about to say is going to sound crazy, but please just hear me out. You are one of a select few descendants of a unique group of individuals called Archons. Many millennia ago, the Archons guarded over the universe as they preserved the natural order of things. One of your deceased parents was among these great and mighty beings, godlike in power and strength. Your genetic information is imbued with the same traits that belonged to your Archon relative, thus giving you the same remarkable capabilities." She exhaled sharply, struggling to convey the magnitude and complexity of the situation. "Uhh, well. It's easier to show than tell. See this mark here on my palm?" Maya inquired as she flexed her right hand towards Rai, revealing an ancient rune etched seamlessly into her skin. It glowed aquamarine against her tan flesh. "This strange marking indicates that I am an Archon. More specifically, it identifies me as Archonis Aquarius, the Archon of Water." She raised both her index fingers to Rai, motioning her to wait, before stepping towards the kitchen sink. Maya turned the faucet on, unleashing a gushing torrent. Maya flashed an excited grin before gently sweeping her hand through the air. A stream of water rose effortlessly out of the sink and floated elegantly into the air, following the path of Maya's hand. Like a music conductor directing an orchestra, the Water Archon guided the flowing ribbon of clear liquid around the room. After snaking it around Rai's head, she deposited it back into the sink where it sloshed down the drain. "It may not seem all that impressive, but give me an entire ocean or even the water in your veins, and I can raise hell," Maya shrugged, "Now, considering your background information seems sparse, I can't quite ascertain what your powers will be until they are activated. They are all elemental based, such as earth, fire, and water, but that's not important right now. In order to unlock your capabilities, you first have to acquire your Archon weapon. In doing so, not only will your powers begin to steadily take effect, but you too will receive a mark on your hand which will signify your element." Maya paused and rubbed the back of her neck. She hesitantly proceeded to ask, "Does any of this make sense?" Moment of truth…Hopefully she's not going to try to have that Fuma kid put me in a straitjacket.</s>
<|message|>Fuma Rai finds herself sitting in a chair, her mind racing to process this barrage of information. Frankly, it doesn't seem all that far-fetched. After all, she just unloaded her own legend of warring dimensions on Maya and expected her to understand immediately. Foreign and supernatural situations aren't all that uncommon in this particular world line. "That... was amazing, Maya. However, I don't think I can just abandon Fuma and galavant across the universe fighting evil... As romantic as that sounds, this is war. We aren't just fighting like spoiled children, the loss of this place could bring the collapse of the very universe you're fighting to save-... that can't be a coincidence." Rai covers her eyes and sighs, sensing she's saying too much. She couldn't possibly leave this place but... isn't that what she always thought she needed to do? To acquire a greater purpose? "I-I'm sorry... let me talk to Fuma about this. I need to see him." Why is she alone? Why me? What sort of power could possibly manifest in me? Is that why Fuma is so powerful? But Maya... She doesn't seem to like him so he surely isn't involved... She gets up from her seat and starts cleaning the kitchen again, but barely makes it through washing a single cup before passing out in the floor.</s>
<|description|>Itou Tenma Nickname: "Gensai the Muramasa" Age: 18 Eyes: Blue, red when using Septima Hair: Originally black, now permanently pale Description: This will be drawn. Country of Origin: Japan Condition: Adept Biography: Itou Tenma was a young Japanese boy, at a young age he was a studious child, and possessing a sharp and quick mind. He studied martial arts as well as academic pursuits as a good child of a comfortable family should, however when he awoke to his Adept powers, his father immediately disowned him, while his mother wept, and he soon found himself alone with few friends, as many of his friends had done very much the same. Having to drop out of Middle School due to this circumstance he wandered homeless for a year, travelling to the far south of Japan during this time, and soon he ran into others of his kind. They came together as a community and he finally got back into being able to study, but he was changed from his studious self, seeing no more point to be the good student he was, getting into many fights, and more feverishly pursuing his martial arts, starting to learn Kenjutsu, which he took to incredibly quickly. His skill as a fighter brought him to the attention of radical Adepts who offered him a place among them, he accepted, seeing this as a much better alternative to a normal life. From then on he has been from part of Japan to another for military espionage, and assassination. He quickly gained the title of "Gensai the Muramasa" due to his profound speed, capable of killing targets before their guards could even react, which is reminiscent of one of the Hitokiri of the Bakamatsu. It felt like a fitting title for a member of a rebellion. He was eventually stationed to the parts higher up their command, and placed in one of the main precursors to QUILL, an extremist group known as ARCHON (Adept Resistance Corp of Hope, Order, and Nationalization). As a person, Itou is highly cynical, his humor is dry, and he seems more mature than his age. Early in his career as an espionage agent for Adepts, he was driven much by his hatred for being robbed of his life, however he met his family again not long after, and is now driven by the desire to see a world for Adepts, at any cost. Whether or not it will be alongside humans, as he sees governments and large powers as their representative, is still up for debate. Though out of combat his eyes are still blue, one mission forced him to use his Septima for much longer than he was used to, putting so much stress on his body that it discoloured his hair too. Kudos Used: 1000 Remaining: 0 Gear: Lens- Left: Surgical Lens - Increases precision, allowing near-surgical strikes. (Crit+, Details+) Right: Seer Spec - Prevasion cost is cheaper. Ring: Traction Ring - Gives single-dash ability. Pendant: Geist Locket Mobility: [150] Run (25 Points) Jump (25 Points) Flip (25 Points) Wall Jump (25 Points) Dash (50 Points) Gear- [140] Super Sneaker (10 Points) Tactical Sidearm Handgun (20) Septimal Katana, Shakuryu (50) - A Septimal Katana forged from a simple katana by Itou's Septima. It's blade has become blood red, while keeping a black backing. It briefly glows when his Septima is in use. It seems to respond more strongly with his, giving it an unusual sharpness. Combat Suit (60 Points) Combat: [80] Small Blades Familiarity [Small] (5 Points) Katana Familiarity [Medium] (15 Points) Small Blades Training- Traditional [Small] (10 Points) Katana Training- Traditional [Medium] (25 Points) Handguns Familiarity- Firearm [Small] (10 Points) Handguns Training- Firearm [Small] (15 Points) Septima- Name: Muramasa Element: Slash [Simple Element, 100] Color: Sleek black with red lightning Powers- [225] Heaven's Pad [Shock 5] - A chargable slash that slashes the area immediately in front of Itou. Amount of slashes is increased based on charge time. Retribution [Shock 5] - Itou will take a stance for a brief moment, having a variation of three. All have similar results, that being a rapid backstep into short lunging slash in a single motion accompanied by a burst similar to Heaven's Pad. Phantom Twin [Shock 5] - This allows him to do an extra slash using his Septima. This basically allows him to fulfill the task of two people, letting him strike another enemy within sword's reach down while he cuts another with his own blade. It requires they be in front or to his flanks as the attack only reaches that area. This move also lets him extend combos in various ways. He can also simply make it mirror his attacks for heightened pressure. God's Grasp [Sphere 10] - Create a solid instance of Slash all around in a static fashion, able to trap melee attacks in a razor-sharp barrier. This can be used as a general shield as well but is much more effective as a parry tool. Judgement Cut [Sphere 10] - Seemingly distort a small area and cover it in slashes. Bladewind [Beam 50] - Itou is able to throw out a bladed beam with a swing of his sword, and is able to do this consecutively too. He is also able to charge it for a larger and more powerful strike, while ones uncharged have speed comparable to bullets. Shadow Cut [Self-Adjust, Prevasion, 75] - Itou upon being attacked can expend some EP to leave behind a mirage to absorb the strike in his place, essentially letting him use a substitution technique. This lets him easily mount a counter-attack to the unsuspecting attacker. Blade of the Phantom God [Tool/Self Adjust 75+25] - This requires a weapon, or immediately gives him a [Simple Weapon Katana], allowing him to use this to create a second weapon to use in combat. If imbued to an existing weapon, this allows him to slice through near anything for a short few strikes, the duration is increased with a Septima-Enhanced weapon. Build: Average SP: 3/3 Special Skills: [300] Offensive 1 (100 Points) Senshin no Tsurugi - A simple wide-area slash that deals heavy damage. Translated as Blade of the War God. "The blood-soaked sword The war-horn's echo The blade that cleanses the battlefield" Offensive 1 (100) Shinryuusoku Jinshi - An offensive skill that allows him to ride his Septima attacks, letting him move at breakneck speed while riding them. Translated as "Hasty Dragon God's Bladed Wings". "The winds of destruction, Sweeping all with it Into a vortex of annihilation" Recharge (100) Fuushin no Kisei - Uses raw Septimal energy to recharge EP. Translated as "Fervor of the Wind God".</s> <|message|>Joseph Leidner Noticing he could not catch all of the divers, Joseph turned his head to the side, such that the majority of what was not in his field of view was a wall on the side of the staircase he was on. He could not afford being surprise attacked from below, now that so many had stormed down there. This allowed Mr Leidner to spot the diver trying to punch him in the corner of his eye, with his instinctive response being to duck, while attempting to push the fist above his head using gravity slingshot. However, due to the nature of being in the corner of his eyes, quickly guessing the distance was nearly impossible in the short timespan. Should the diver's punch not connect, Joseph's momentum form pulling himself back into cover should carry him into the diver, essentially tackling them.</s> <|message|>Itou Tenma Gensai the Muramasa Cruise Ferry - Tiller House > Deck "Hmph. Dead...", and likely by the one who just leaped out the window. The fancily dressed figure now crumpled in a pathetic mess on the floor was likely the main leader of this pack. Well, that made the job easier for him. What were they looking for here...? As he examined the area, there were an incredible amount of Adepts on board this boat. Were these divers here for a simple Adept wipe...? No that can't be it. They didn't have any specialized anti-Adept gear on them. Was this just a robbery gone wrong? They took hostages, meaning that might've been it. Regardless, whatever it was, it was quickly looking like a waste of his time. He leaped out the tiller house after the wind Adept, everyone was heading back to deck. He swept past the Adept, catching a glimpse of his face as he passed. It seemed familiar, which was why looked in the first place, but it was of no concern right now as he sprinted straight at the remaining soldiers, awaiting their response. If they did not respond, he'll simply keep sprinting and cut them down with each step, and if they did, he would react accordingly.</s> <|message|>Lilith Lilith snarled and then she killed the man she had decided to interrogate. She was done playing games. Her wound hurt, and she was tired. She stood, limping around, staying behind cover. She checked to make sure there were no divers around, they annoyed her a lot.</s> <|message|>Itachi Tatsumaki "Tch, poor audience." Itachi stated dryly. Meanwhile, a new man had taken the stage, though he immediately surrendered. Turning around and seeing how this man looked, Itachi wasn't too surprised he wanted to surrender. Good thing the man did though, Itachi would almost have forgotten about the flunkies. Casually stepping beside the man Itachi sighed "Yeah, what this guy said..." He took a step in front of the man and flicked his wrists to present his palms empty. Little would they know Itach had tossed a triplet of storm bombs their way with that same motion. "--I'm afraid I can't quite agree with it." He said, and detonated the storm bombs. He drew the lead diver's harpoon and stepped closer to the divers. He simply rammed the back of the harpoon at the nearest diver's face. "Now, I'm going to give you guys the same choice I gave the dumbasses back in the captain's hut; either you get off, or I'll off you."</s> <|message|>Palav Gul The groups of divers still on deck trained their sights on the figure who appeared from the swirling blue portal. The call for surrender, however, had them relax their aim, if only for a moment. A moment later, and the rather finely dressed young Japanese man seemed to come to advocate for the scrawnier looking individual... only to have a vicious explosion of wind tear up the two nearest divers. As the wind Adept approached, one diver from each of the five circles of hostages began to open fire. However, as would be expected, they made no impact, as a wispy after image took all the shots. His attempt to bash one of the divers with the harpoon gun, however, didn't go so well, as his inexperience with it caused him to only knick the opponent's forehead, which brought a flurry of harpoons at him, thirteen lines buzzed as they uncoiled towards the wind Adept. The diver's fist swung out towards the right of his target, crashing into the back of his head. However, the man found himself thrown off balance by the follow through for some unknown reason as the meticulously placed gravity slingshot caused the diver to tumble down the stairs. Being so preoccupied by the man from the blue portal and the interluding wind Adept, most of the divers did not notice the man in black. Those who did had already fired their harpoons, and could only draw short diving knives. The albino woman would find not a diver around her, but a younger man with pink hair and bright green eyes- in a coat of a similar color to his hair- rushing past holding a spear. There was a mild wound on his shoulder, and a chain with what looked like a dog tag jingled at his neck. He didn't seem to see the woman, however, as he turned the corner and began to silently pursue the large group that had gone below decks. Despite the call that had been placed, there was no police presence as of yet.</s> <|message|>Gavin Prince Gavin Gavin was still in Overheat, and thus can't do anything but gasp as the Divers fired on Itachi. He wasn't going to able to use Septima for a while, as Overheat meant that he needed to rest to regain power. And of course, he didn't trust himself to actually use his assault rifle when there were hostages and an ally on board. Hiroki He would continue watching, then. And perhaps take out his smartphone and begin recording a video of these goons, just in case he would have to encounter them again...</s>
<|message|>Itou Tenma Gensai the Muramasa Cruise Ferry - Deck The soldier divers not noticing him in favor of the newly appearing adept who seemed a little beaten up was a fatal and even as far as rookie mistake. These guys were fearful of any adept it seems without regard for how one could be far more dangerous than another, like him. As their focus was diverted he easily closed the distance without any resistance, cutting down the first one he reached, a one-handed overhead slash, followed by a forward sideways step, spinning and slashing in a wide berth, taking down as many as possible in the second swing. The moment any of them would notice him it'd be too late as he'd have his sidearm out to shoot any of them that were out of his blade's reach.</s>
<|description|>Lilisette Gender: Female Pokémon: Kirlia Ability: Telepathy Moveset: Psychic Heal Pulse Magical Leaf Draining Kiss Backstory: To be revealed as the RP progresses.</s> <|message|>Lilisette Lilisette the Kirlia[Glyph's Guild - Glyph's Guild: Spare Room] Lord@Shiny Keldeo A smirk played across the Kirlia's lips when Devon commented on Draining Kiss. She was going to make a quip, but it seemed it wasn't the time. As Brick continued, she considered his words. The most important skill? Uhh... When the others weighed in, she thought about it further. An unsure frown crossed her visage. "Uhh... teamwork is probably pretty high up there. I guess courage isn't actually a skill. So a skill would be combat related? So something you improve... I... can't think of anything else. Actually... uh... precision? Maybe? I don't know."</s> <|message|>Lilisette Alodi the Delphox[Sandy Cave - F6] Making his way through the dungeon in a hurried fashion, the fleet-footed Delphox wasn't paying nearly as much attention as he likely should have been. This is not good. Moreta has left, and the others in Quicksand Caves are significantly more hostile than they should be. Worry furrowed the Delphox's brow as he rushed along, clutching what appeared to be an artifact in his paws. A strange flute with a sun emblem, specifically. Quicksand Cave's relic... Why would I have had a vision about it? Everything is unclear... It did not take the Fire-type very long to reach what appeared to be a bottleneck in the dungeon. In the room, a large Carracosta was beginning to stur. I hope whatever is agitating the residents of Quicksand Caves isn't causing issues here, either. If only I had a way to contact Moreta... I'm sure she would have an answer for me. As he passed by the Prototurtle Pokémon, it chomped down on the seed it had prepared before it. Not wanting to come off as a threat, the Delphox gave it no notice. Normally, it might have worked. However. Taking a bite of the Blast Seed, the Carracosta reeled, tears welling in its eyes. A few moments later, a heavy stream of fire erupted from its maw, aimed straight at the wandering Delphox. Being struck by the pseudo-Flamethrower, the Delphox recoiled in confusion. Stuffing the flute in his sleeve, he withdrew a stick from the other, pointing it menacingly at the ancient Pokémon. "I have not come here to—" [CARRACOSTA used HYDRO PUMP!] A torrent of water burst forth from the agitated Water-type's maw, catching the Delphox off-guard, sending him flying into the nearby wall. You leave me no choice. [ALODI used GRASS KNOT!] Holding up his wand, the Delphox made a few flicking motions with his wrist, when a blade of grass snaked its way from the ground beneath the Carracosta, wrapping around his foot. Taking a step forward after feeling something connect, the Pokémon then proceeded to face plant on the ground. "And now, for my finishing touch~" Waving his wand once more, a psychic-energy was emitted from it. [ALODI used HYPNOSIS!] The hypnotic energy was sufficient enough to drowse the Carracosta. Alodi hoped it would be enough to make his escape.</s> <|message|>Piper Piper the Skitty[Sandy Cave - F6] Skitty's eyes crinkled up with glee as she saw the tall fox sage walk into the room. It took all her will to keep herself from giggling with delight as she imagined what would happen next. Ooo... A Delphox... They always have something interesting on hand... Plus... They'll surely be knocked out in one shot... Watching silently, she turned her attention to the Carracosta who had woken up. It was almost time to put her plan into action. Yes yes yes... Come on... A couple more seco- Yes! With the ancient Pokemon having fired a powerful surge of water at the unsuspecting Fire-type, Piper burst from her cover, darting across the sandy floor with unnaturally quick speed. Nearing the briefly dazed Delphox, she leapt up and swiped at the artifact with her tail before landing gracefully on the ground. As the strange instrument dropped to the ground, she picked it up with her mouth and made a beeline for a small stash of Oran Berries that were gathered by the now enraged tortoise. Just a quick snack before I take my leave... She mused in her thoughts as she came to a sudden stop in front of the delectable blue pile of fruits. Dropping the instrument on the floor, she lowered her head and ravenously munched on a couple berries, leaving the ones making contact with the sand untouched. After finishing her brief snack, she picked the artifact back up with her mouth and broke into a sprint. From a glance over her shoulder, she noted that the Delphox was still up and gaining the upper hand. W-What? How is tha- Crap, I need to hurry... Shifting her focus to the room's exit, she picked up the speed and looked straight ahead until she was away from the combat which immediately ended after her departure as an effective wave of hypnotic energy put the Carracosta to sleep. Much to her joy, the next room was void of activity, empty with clusters of jagged sandstone spread out about the grainy terrain. With a sigh of relief, she opened her mouth to drop the artifact on the ground... only to find that it was no longer there. Her stomach suddenly dropped, a rare feeling of panic setting in her mind. This had never happened out of the few times she had successfully stolen from Delphoxes in the past. An item vanishing from thin air? It was possible... but she didn't know they were capable of doing it. "No no no... This-" Fearfully she glanced back to the previous room before moving to take cover behind a group of tall stones. Her heart pounded against her chest, her ears wide open as she listened for any signs of her being followed. Exhausted and drained by her high-energy robbery attempt, she couldn't find it in herself to press on and put more distance between her and the scene of the crime. This can't be happening... Maybe I'm just tired... Maybe I really did drop it in the middle of my esc- No... That... That's impossible... I'm not that clumsy. Shit... That means... Peeking out of her cover, she shot another glance at the opening leading to the previous room before ducking back down. She needed ten minutes to rest. All she could do was hope that she'd be left alone until then.</s> <|message|>Lilisette Alodi the Delphox[Sandy Cave - F6] With the Carracosta taken care of, Alodi went to put his wand back in his sleeve, only to notice the important artifact he had came for was gone. A thief...? In here? Hmmm, let's see... Ah! There she is. With fleet feet, the Delphox closed in on the Skitty. [ALODI used PSYCHIC! MAGICIAN WAS ACTIVATED!] The Psychic power gently wrapped around the Skitty, a hardly noticeable surge of energy. As the attack dissipated, so did the Skitty's loot. Now with the Sun Flute in hand, it was time for the Delphox to make his leave. Looking back up, it had appeared the thief had managed to take cover, or run off. However, his eyes caught a glimpse of pink as the Skitty tried to stealthily take another look. "Ah, there you are. I hope you realize that this flute is significantly more important that you could possibly know." Making his way over, he knelt before the Skitty, "I was hoping to ask my friend Moreta, but, since you're here, mayhaps you'll be more helpful. So then, have you noticed anything particularly strange around here?"</s> <|message|>Piper Piper the Skitty[Sandy Cave - F6] Piper gulped nervously as her eyes briefly met her victim's. Backing up against the cluster of rocks, she held her breath, hoping for the slim chance that he would just believe her to be a figment of his imagination. His voice sent shivers down her spine as she heard him address her. It was all over at this point. Maybe if she could talk him out of- A quick mental replay of his words eased her worries. He seemed civilized. Different from the dungeon Pokemon around here. As she thought of how to reply, she noticed him right in front of her. After a mini heart attack, she let out a deep sigh and looked up at him. Doing her best to sound polite, she cleared her throat and began to speak, her voice sweet and almost childish. "Well actually, I have noticed some... Her gaze would momentarily shift over to the Sun Flute in his hands, her desire to steal pulsing once more. He did say it was quite important... Maybe it would sell for- Shaking her head, she'd halt her devious mind and continue. "Sorry! I just was uh... trying to recall the details. Anyway, there has been this strange dark purplish Pokemon running about here... It walks around like you do, actually. With the two legs and all. I've seen it actually scaring the locals a couple of times... I mean, I thought I'd never see a frightened Blaziken before, but boy... that thing made it act like something else. It was quite the sight, probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen!" With that, she finished her response, bursting into a fit of giggles as she recalled the moment. After a couple seconds, she sighed and regained her composure, tilting her head curiously as she looked up at him. "Why did you wanna know?"</s> <|message|>Lilisette Alodi the Delphox[Sandy Cave - F6] Keeping an arm upon his sleeve, the Delphox watched the small thief carefully, knowing that what she really wanted was his flute. If it were of lesser importance, he'd care significantly less. However, as she began her reply, Alodi's brows furrowed with concern. She's telling the truth... That I can tell, but why? Why would there be such a frightening Pokémon here of all places? Only a choice few natives would even know about the Sun Flute... Picking himself up, the Delphox's gaze continued to linger upon the Skitty. "So, a dark purple Pokémon capable of even bringing a Blaziken to its knees? How disturbing..." Lingering concern played across his features, a small sigh escaping his maw. "As for why I wanted to know? I suppose telling you wouldn't hurt. As you may or may not know, those of my kind possess future sight. Of course, the power of such sight varies on the individual, and my precognitive powers are not nearly on the same level, as say Folio's Sol Sibyl. With that in mind, I saw something... rather odd. Not one of my typical predictions. It involved this Sun Flute, a strange fountain, and a small blue Pokémon." Averting his gaze, the Fire-types brows furrowed in thought for a moment before continuing, "I saw Folio Town's destruction. Or rather, near-destruction? However, it was saved by this blue Pokémon, and a larger Pokémon that I cannot even begin to describe." Checking to make sure the flute was still in his possession, he looked to the Skitty, "Is that explanation sufficient? Ah yes, I forgot the most important reason I asked about here in particular. I had a friend who lived in Quicksand Caves, the dungeon located just past here. She's nowhere to be found, and the few who dared speak to me informed me that she had left, but they would not explain why."</s> <|message|>Piper Piper the Skitty[Sandy Cave - F6] Piper looked up at the Delphox and appeared to listen to his words. Feigning complete interest, her thoughts wandered back to the ancient instrument in his hand. Oh... I wonder how much food that thing could buy me... So many Oran Berries... and Sitris Berries... Maybe even a Golden Apple or two... Mmm... She found herself licking her lips subconsciously, imagining the sweet delectable taste of such fruit while he explained something about predictions and Folio Town's destruction. Realizing that he was still speaking, she smoothly brought up a paw and wiped her mouth before bringing it behind her ear, transitioning her fantasizing into a grooming session to cover for her strange behavior. "Well... That sounds... interesting..." Rewinding his response a couple times in the back of her head, she caught herself up to speed with the details. After a short pause, she opened her mouth to continue, only to follow his hand movement as he checked for his flute. A cute mischievous smirk played on her lips as she stifled a giggle. "Don't worry... I don't even want it anymore." She reassured him, lying just a little bit. "Well, maybe she left after seeing that purple thing. I mean, it was just going off on the natives around here. Wait... If she left, why are you still looking around here?"</s>
<|message|>Lilisette Alodi the Delphox[Sandy Cave - F6] "...I assume that's why she left." Furrowing his brows, a worried sigh escaped his maw for a moment before his attention was back upon the Skitty. "As for why I'm here? Well, actually I am on my way out of here. I came from much deeper in, and given that I've retrieved this artifact, I was going to make my way to Folio. The Sol Sibyl likely would know what to do with this better than I would." Looking over the Skitty, his brows furrowed as he considered her situation. She seems hungry. I'm surprised she's survived in this dungeon for so long... Straightening himself, Alodi offered a hand to the Skitty. "I'm Alodi. If you'd like, you're welcome to accompany me. I'm certain staying here for much longer will only bring misfortune. I'm familiar with some of Folio's guildmembers, so I would be able to find lodging for both of us. Ah, and do not forget the food." With a wink he'd continue, "I hear that Troupe Relm is in town. I'm certain they'd be throwing quite the feast in their honor."</s>
<|description|>Sodalite Appearance: Gem: Sodalite Gem Location: back of left hand Emotional Strength:h Honesty/truth Emotional Weakness: disregard Weapon: Shovel/gauntlets Power: omilingualism/Vast Multilingualism - knows a wide variety of languages, and can translate and read them almost fluently. Reasonable Larkin for error for when she thinks, speaks, and writes in all different languages, making her a giant mess of different languages. Other: Her desire for the truth often leaves her indifferent towards things like safety and even whether or not if some things should be left uncovered. -Is a media nut -Overlord of useless information -MASSIVE hoarder</s> <|message|>Howlite Howlite watched the events from the passengers seat in the van wondering how to get back out of the van. "I have an idea" she thought to herself as she placed her lizard friend back on her head and felt it burrow its way into her hair before she picked up the bladed end of the axe and threw it out the window. After hearing it hit the ground with a satisfying clang she followed suit and tucked in as she rolled to a stop on the floor. The trip to wherever they currently were had been uneventful but the sound that had come from the vehicle had made up for it. When Howlite stood up she immediately walked over to her axe and picked it up, quickly putting it back over her shoulders she looked at everyone and chose to sir and watch to see if anything else happened. As she sat there she began to doze off as she relaxed.</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel got to her feet and started trying to help pick up the weapons Sodalite threw, still laughing a little bit. "Here, I'll help you, it's the least I can do after you were all such good sports." even though they really weren't that great of sports. "I don't know if slamming the door shut was such a good idea, Unfrein- I mean... hm." she decided she'd need a better name for Evenkite too. "That is, level-headed Evenkite, I'm pretty sure everybody is going to know something is going on now. And I'm fairly certain they heard you."</s> <|message|>BloodStone --6000 years ago, Home-World-- Bloodstone was hanging around a popular gem hangout with the Gem that he would be seen arguing with in the future. "Isn't it great, Yellow Diamond is promoting me to Commander. I'll be leading the armada in the next invasion, some place called Earth." Bloodstone then smiled, the first time he would ever be seen smiling in his life.</s> <|message|>Sodalite "I will, I will!" Sodalite whispered back to Evenkite. She felt the need to be secretive, despite the glaring fact that Aquamarine could most likely hear them through the walls of the vehicle. She began to pick up her weapons, and nodded in appreciation as Spinel began to pick them up as well. She was right, everyone inside was sure to hear thr ruckus outside, and would be out to investigate soon. Sodalite did her best to re-conceal her weapons, but the task was much more difficult as she had her gauntlets on. She had attempted to wiggle her arms out of them, but to no avail. There were no straps or anything that held it together, so she simply had to work with hiding her weapons again with the giant weapons attached to her hands.</s> <|message|>Aquamarine Aquamarine let her mind drift through the past as she listened to the music,not even moving as the car pulled to a stop. She wished to let the others exit first so she wouldn't be in the way and could help unload Emerald from the inside if needed. She felt the car jostle a bit as people began to unload, trying to count out the movements so she knew when to get out herself. Aqua's brows furrowed a bit as she started to here ruckus from the outside of the van which made her dark eye open, only to realize that she had not been as alert as she had thought, now practically alone in the vechile. She moved carefully to the door only to have it slam shut on her which made her slightly more confused. Instead, she crawled over the seat to the front now that Howlite was no longer there before taking the same path out the window. "What is going on out here?"</s> <|message|>Black Zircon Zircon blinked a couple times before straightening up and taking a deep breath, followed by a soft but quiet exhale of relief. Well then, that was quite the reaction wasn't it? Zircon collected herself slowly but quick enough. She thought back to what just happened, and lightly chuckled a bit. Hey, come on, that was kind of funny. Well, Zircon was laughing more at her own reaction. Only becasue it was unexpected. That and Spinel's spook itself of course. Zircon cleared her throat and picked up a couple weapons near her to help out. Out of reaction Zircon slightly jumped while quickly hiding the weapons along behind her back facing towards Aquamarine when she heard her voice. Zircon doesn't say anything and instead glances at Sodalite and Spinel with just her eyes. "Uhh.." she says almost under her breath. She couldn't think of what to say, at least not fast enough. So she kept silent for a short while.</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel walked up next to Zircon. "What she means is... we had a training exercise! I mean, we have to stay sharp if we're going to protect each other from more of those awful spiders, right? So I got the idea to see how prepared our team is for a ghost attack!" Spinel normally wasn't this cheerful but she was still happy from her successful spook.</s> <|message|>Aquamarine Aquamarine raised an eyebrow and a small smile on her lips before questioning,"Ah I see, so this all has nothing to do with having a little fun with the others? Maybe by scaring them? Or maybe it has to do with the fact of keeping me in the van so that I don't see concealed weapons? You all do realize I've been alive for a very long time, right? I am glad though that you all are having a good time and getting along." She was actually happily amused with the situation and the look on their faces. She laughed happily, not feeling this good in a long time and it felt good to laugh like this. She hadn't spoken before about the weapons, letting them have their security and hoping they wouldn't use them since she didn't want to hurt them by accident if defending herself.</s> <|message|>Howlite The way everyone was scrambling to pick up the weapons that had been scattered about in a confusion of some sort confused Howlite as she saw them attempting to hide them from the nice blue lady who had taken howlite's special way out of the van. Howlite picked up a small dagger and threw it at a rock but ran to pick it up when it bounced off and imbedded itself blade first into the ground, "I think I should stick with big weapons for now" she said to herself as she picked the dagger up before walked over to sodalite and placing it in her hands before walking off smiling brightly as she felt like she did a good thing and also because of her lizard friend crawling down onto her shoulder that wasn't occupied by the large axe. The way she saw their predicament currently was that there were mean people on their way to hurt them and that the group could protect themselves pretty well he but something was nagging her and she didn't know what is was but she dismissed the feeling as Howlite took a few swings of her axe and forgot what was troubling he mind.</s> <|message|>Sodalite Though she should have been fearful of knowing that Aquamarine was fully aware of her concealed weapons, Sodalite simply smiled as she picked up the last of her weapons. The older and taller blue Gem was amused by the recent happenings. They weren't getting along, per se, Sodalite almost mentioned, but she did acknowledge the fact that they were having a good time during the shenanigans. She was sharper than Sodalite had initially thought, and the thought of hiding the weapons from her was escaping her mind.</s> <|message|>Emerald Emerald walked back to the others, just being glad that he wasn't encased in stone anymore. He saw the sort of....mess, and wanted to know what was going on. "Uh..........what's all this?" "Why are there so many weapons?" He said, picking up a small sword from the ground. (One of the bigger weapons, considering the size of the Gems that were hiding them) "You do know we can summon our own weapons, right?"</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel had calmed down a little and said "Well, it was rather fun, for me at least. If it helps justify it, I have determined that our group could defend themselves from a ghost attack, but our teamwork leaves a good deal to be desired." she said to Aquamarine. She then turned to the others and said "Level-headed Evenkite, Weapon-savvy Sodalite, Sturdy Emerald, Unassuming Black, I apologize for not warning you first. I promise to not try to spook you specifically again unless you give me permission to or if it's irresistibly funny." she approached Sodalite and attempted to hand her the weapons she'd managed to gather.</s> <|message|>Amber The chuck of amber that was safely tucked in the grasp of the small Gem began to glow before a near blinding light engulfed the stone. The light began to grow and eventually started to take a familiar humanoid shape, though quite the large one. After a few moments the light faded away and standing there was the giant of a Gem Amber, a dazed look on his face. "Uh... What just happened?" He said as he looked around as if he was lost. "Where did those metal things go?" He said, still expecting to see the spider robots from before. He then looked down at himself and noticed that he had grown since before he was forced inside of his gem, now standing at seven feet tall. "And why did I go through a growth spurt?"</s> <|message|>Emerald Emerald turned towards the Gem as it began glowing, and as Amber appeared, Emerald stared at him for a second. "You got electrocuted by one of the spiderbots. Apparently it forced you into your Gem, and then we finished off the spiderbots. And then we ran away, and now we're here." Emerald had been preparing a brief explanation, he hadn't much to do after finishing the odd cube puzzle. "As for the growing....." Emerald shrugged. "I guess we change when we regenerate. Ask Aquamarine, she would know more about this than I do. Welcome back."</s> <|message|>Black Zircon Zircon slightly widened her eyes kind of somewhat surprised at Aquamarine's reaction. She slowly took the weapons away from behind her back and held them at her side before laughing lightly along for a couple seconds. Now that it was mentioned, it kind of does feel like a good time. Zircon looked to Spinel and then shrugged before responding, "It's all good," she accepted the apology easily. Her attention then turned to the glowing, legitimate gem as Amber had finally reformed. And holy crap, he got taller. "Eyyy welcome back," she said to Amber, just before Emerald explained what happened. "She did actually say earlier that you could come back a little different when you reformed..." Zircon slightly shrugged "Or something like that. That's just what I recall."</s> <|message|>Gilles Laurent First there had been Spinel's prank. Then there was the weapons everywhere. Not to forget the axe thrown out the window. After that, Aquamarine was out. And now Amber was back, dazed, taller and somehow quieter than before. By all means, she should be stunned. Overwhelmed. Maybe even slightly panicked. And yet, if Evenkite felt any of these things, they'dve passed quickly. Instead, of all things, she laughed. It had started off as a choked giggle, hardly audible to even the most sensitive of ears. She herself wasn't quite sure as to what caused it. Was it the result of Spinel's prank from earlier finally taking over? Relief that Amber was back? Or maybe Amber's confusion? The absurdity of the situation finally setting in? How casually they've begun to react to these things? A mixture of all the above? Whatever it was, it had caused her to laugh, a sound and sensation so alien to Evenkite that for a moment, she was stunned -scared even- of the sound of her own voice. Which, of course, realising how silly it was to think that way, noticing how strange it sounded to hear herself laugh, only caused her giggles to become laughs. Then she realised how the fact that she was laughing at all was strange, and her laughter grew into a full-out fit, causing her to double over. She laughed as she moved away from the door. She laughed as she began to pick up what was left of the weapons on the ground. She laughed as she held them out to Sodalite. She laughed as she tried to think of what to add to Spinel's story. She laughed as she tried to speak to Amber, and laughed even more when she found herself unable to form proper sentences due to her fit. In the end, all she could manage was, "Every-" she broke off into yet more laughter, an uncharacteristically goofy grin on her face, "Everything happened...!" And then her fit drowned out whatever was left of her words. Oh god, she was losing it, wasn't she? Time out, Eve. Time out. What's even wrong with you?</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel either left the weapons she'd gathered in Sodalite's hands or dropped them at her feet, whichever came first. She looked extremely proud of herself. This was probably the second happiest Spinel had ever been, the first being a few moments ago when she was rolling on the ground laughing. "Wooooooo, I spooked Grumpy Evenkite so badly she's been driven mad!" She then walked over to where Howlite was and said "Did you see the show, Obedient Gray? Aren't I a good spook?"</s>
<|message|>Sodalite Before Sodalite had a chance to say anything, even though it was unlikely that she actually would, Evenkite began to laugh quite hysterically. It startled Sodalite again, causing her to flinch and back away from the gem who had told her to bring the weapons in the first place. It scared her. Evenkite seemed a little paranoid from the start, but now she just seemed mad to Sodalite. Still, she kept quiet, the nice and peaceful moment broken by the gem's laughter.</s>
<|description|>Gonad Yaksplitter Title: The Lord of the Rising Sun Age: 34 Height: 7'2" Weight: 499 pounds Race: Human Class: Warrior Alignment: Chaotic Good Eye Color: Hazel Appearance: Pure unadulterated muscle. Lean muscle that ripples under his flesh like the waves of the ocean. He has muscles on his muscles. Feet Muscles. Finger muscles. Muscles in places that muscles should not be. A grisly body resembling tanned granite that might as well have been chistled by the gods. Bulging veins, thick and course. Tendons like steel cords. Fingers like blunt iron rods. Long, sinewy limbs crafted for naught but the deliverance of phenomenal destruction. Innumerable scars in all shapes and sizes coat his body. There are hundreds upon hundreds. Where the scars did not cover him, coarse manly hair thick and strong like steel wool does. A great dark gray beard speckled with the blood and bone flakes of his foes flows down his freakishly striated chest in thick, oily waves reminiscent of the River Styx. From it emanates the very stench of death and graverot, every bit as inescapable as his lurid glare. Within the primordial human's single eye burns an undying flame, sizzling hotter than the arse-winds of Satan himself. Weapons and Equipment: His body, occasionally a set of thick six kilo runite (a foreign metal of nigh-indestructible toughness) bracers and a pair of dragon gauntlets (a metal that is a tier above runite, also almost indestructible). He often wears the "Tzhaar-Kal-Ket" (, an incredibly rare and magical cloak bestowed upon those few in history who have triumphed over the brutal challenges of the volcano-dwelling Tzhaar. It is impervious to flame and incredibly durable. He also always keeps an enchanted "Inoculation Brace" ( on his ankle. Physical Abilities/Skills: Regarded in his home realm as the greatest martial artist and warrior to have ever lived, Gonad boasts tremendous dynamic and static strength as well as the primal grace and speed of a wild animal. He fights through experience and instinct, capable of reacting to attacks through muscle memory before he consciously registers them. Gonad is the supreme master of his own body, and can control its functions at will. He can enter into berserk states, constrict blood vessels to keep from losing fluids, and transmit senses other than sight through his visual cortex along with a plethora of other abilities. His tolerance for pain is complete and unyielding, and Gonad witholds a vast array of rare and lethal wisdom to the point of being said to know of over one-thousand ways to kill with his bare hands. (An example of Gonad's strength) Weaknesses: Gonad lacks ranged weapons and is completely devoid of any magical skill or energy. He is, as they say, a One Trick Pony. Background: Gonad is a legendary warrior who hails from the realm of Gielinor, a faraway land entrenched in fantasy and warfare. He has seen countless wars, killed countless enemies, made countless friends. To recount the barbarian's many adventures would be an exercise in futility, for the blood wrought odyssey of Gonad transcends time and experience. Though if requested, a Wikia link to said background shall be provided.</s> <|message|>Gonad Yaksplitter Gonad stood before the lake, staring gloomily down at the tasty fish darting to and fro before him. He had wandered out into the large expanse of vernal grass and trotted up to the water's edge, but dared to go no further. He was hungry but of all the luck, there was a large and very clear "NO FISHING" sign right there, complete with a picture of a fish crossed out in red. Even Gonad, with his immense ignorance of written and verbal languages, knew exactly what it meant. Sometimes life wasn't fair. The grisly barbarian glanced over his shoulder. It didn't seem like anyone was watching. He looked right and left. Perhaps nobody would notice... Gonad squatted down and thrust a hand into the crystalline waters, seizing a large catfish and hauling it up to take a bite. As sure as bears shat in outhouses, no representative of law enforcement would probably, maybe, perhaps be there to stop this fiendish act.</s> <|message|>Daniel of Columbia A cold wind blew through Wotan's Forest, and Daniel of Columbia was there. He adjusted the straps of his armor, tugged his scarf into place. He checked his pack absentmindedly, soaking in his surroundings, pressing his hands to the ironwood of a nearby tree. For the first time, the world was green, and when his attention snapped to eye level, he saw the reason he was here. A lake reflecting the sky was framed by towers of reflective glass, as if it were cloaked in sunlight. A figure glinted at the edge of the water, maybe not even a hundred meters from where Daniel was standing, sitting placidly yet radiating an edge of danger. Daniel strode forward from the forest, one hand at the hilt of his sword, the other holding his shield at front in case the target ahead proved to be the aggressive sort. As he made his way to the forest's edge, he noted that the figure ahead looked like some sort of supermutant, hulking and beastly, yet it appeared to be... fishing? Before Daniel made his move, he adjusted his shield on his arm, pulled a sticky octanitrocubane charge from his belt and stuck it to the back of his shield, primed it, and placed the detonator in his shield hand. He looked behind him, noting that the branches above were more or less within jumping distance, if the barbaric looking figure were to charge. His preperations set, Daniel looked forward to address the other with the manners befitting a knight. That's when he noticed the sign-- it clearly said no fishing. "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW!!"</s> <|message|>Gonad Yaksplitter Gonad whirled about, on his feet in an instant with the half-eaten fish cradled protectively in his arms like precious contraband, a comical look of guilt and surprise on his mug. "Hruh! Not fair it be for sea-meat not to be Gonad's when caught such Gonad did! Gonad share fishy with Fancy Shield Man if such Fancy Shield Man wish, gruh... But to Gonad now does such belong." Despite the huge man's monstrous appearance, he didn't appear to be the sort of common brute that considered violence a first resort.</s> <|message|>Daniel of Columbia Daniel paused at this, taken somewhat aback. A loud voice was standard operating procedure when he dealt with supermutants-- what usually came next was that it would foam at the mouth and charge in an enraged flail of limbs and concrete. This one seemed a bit more... receptive to law and order. Maybe it could be reasoned with. The knight strode forward confidently, until the barbarian's shadow loomed tall over him. "Very well, warrior." Daniel intoned, "I will not warn thee further. Return Ye bounty of yon lake, lest thee suffer for thine boldness." At this, he drew his sword, balancing the flat of his blade against the top of his shield. He braced himself against the grass, sliding his right foot behind his left and priming his muscles for movement. A cold wind blew through Wotan's Forest, it's trees ready to witness battle.</s> <|message|>Gonad Yaksplitter "Hruh... Defend rights of fish eating then, Gonad will. But after fight, share fishy with greedy Shieldy Man will Gonad do, for hungry does Shield Man look!" The barbarian dropped his fish and raised both hands up before his jaw, Peek A Boo style. Oddly enough, however, he didn't widen or change his stance. His single eye was stern and unblinking. The summer sun glinted off the bright blue metal of his large bracers, each one probably heavy enough to lend the force of a mace to his strikes. Chances are they were as light as paperweights to him as well. Gonad would advance upon the fellow, walking right up to him to get as close as possible. It was as if he didn't even notice that the knight had a shield! There was something off, something eerie about the big warrior. Something that suggested things weren't as they seemed...</s> <|message|>Daniel of Columbia "Ah, then you have no intention of surrender? Very well, warrior! Have at thee!" The fish was dropped, but the bulwark of muscle had prepared himself for combat. Daniel reacted accordingly. At the first sign that his opponent raised his gauntlets, Daniel moved like a rifle shot, darting to his opponent's blind side and lashing out with a sniper's precision. He slashed as he dashed past, slinging his blade outward to rake the last couple of inches underneath the towering warrior's ribs, before he landed, pounced, pivoted to get behind his opponent. Daniel of Columbia had met enough supermutants in his time to know that enemies with this body type could move faster than could realistically be expected, and so he pounced just far enough that the beast of a man would have to commit to an assault to punish Daniel's flanking maneuvers. That first strike was just a test-- as soon as the knight of D.C. made it around this wall of a man, he jumped up and thrust forward to bash the back of the barbarian's skull with his riot shield. Well meant or not, this brute had broken the law, and if he would not desist peacefully, than more than that could end up broken by the end of the afternoon!</s>
<|message|>Gonad Yaksplitter Though his left eye was indeed missing, Gonad made up for it in countless ways. Perfect spatial awareness, heightened hearing, decades of experience, the ability to transmit senses other than sight through his visual cortex... Ah but, he could also just turn his head. Gonad allowed Daniel to draw near to his left flank, but little else. He'd shift his weight to his left foot, bend his knees slightly, and take a rapid step in the knight's direction right before he slashed. Mayhaps Daniel had his shield in place, expecting the barbarian to block the sword with a bracer and retaliate with a strike. Nothing so crude. It would be as Gonad twisted his upper body towards Daniel, left hand flashing out not to block the blade but grab the outer side of the shield (on the knight's left) that the thing which had been off would become apparent. Yes, the hulking man had immense strength and weight. Such that he would attempt to jerk the shield with overwhelming vehemence into the path of the slash, possibly turning Daniel's entire body off course like how a model figurine's entire body is turned when you pull an arm. Yes, he had speed, but no more than Daniel had at the moment. No, the problem with the situation was that Gonad was also devilishly, deviously, terrifyingly smart. At the same time he tried to use the knight's own shield against him, Gonad would have also been quite particular (and subtle) about precisely where his size 24 left boot landed. Which would be upon Daniel's own left foot, intended to pin him in place and throw off his forward momentum, ruining balance and limiting defensive options. It might be easy to miss this trick, given how the knight had also the barbarian's upper body to watch. And even if the monstrous warrior missed that, he had yet another ulterior motive. Whilst twisting to wrench the passing man's shield into the path of his blade, Gonad's gnarly right hand, easily larger than a catcher's mitt, would shortly after dart forth like a viper to slap a lightning underhanded grip upon the knight's left bicep.</s>
<|description|>Jonathon Marlowe Archetype: Size Manipulator Alias: Gigas Age: 28 Powers: * Duplication - Marlowe can create 5 duplicates, of different size and strength. * Dupe Telepathy - Marlowe and his giant dupes are all connected telepathically. * Strength/Durability - With each duplicate the hero is granted more strength and durability. 6 ft - At normal height and weight, Marlowe can lift five tons and take small arms fire. 12 ft - The first dupe can lift 10 tons and take heavy arms fire. 18 ft - The second dupe can lift 15 tons, and take any gunfire with the addition of bladed weapons having no effect. 24 ft - 20 ton lift, same as before. 30 ft - 25 ton lift, same as before. 60 ft - 50 ton lift, same as before, just twice as big and powerful Weaknesses: * The more duplicates he makes, the less time they have to stick around. With all of his duplicates active, he has roughly five minutes to get everything he needs to done. The most strain comes from the last giant dupe. Without the largest dupe, Marlowe can keep them active for fifteen minutes. He generally just uses the first two or three duplicates. * Brute Force - anybody stronger than Marlowe could still get the best of him. * Telepathic Attacks - his mind is always vulnerable. If his concentration is broken he involuntarily reabsorbs his dupes. * Gas Bombs - Gas based weapons effect him like they would anyone. * Heat / Cold - Gigas can still be burned and suffer the same as anyone from extreme temperatures. * Eyesight - Flash grenades mess him up, he wears special golden contacts to help with being near sighted and to protect from the sun's rays. Bright lights are still a big weakness. Alignment: Hero, Agent of STRIKE Personality: honest, cautious, tactical, easy going, resourceful Appearance: BRIEF Bio: Marlowe was an Olympic level wrestler and sprint runner who later in life became a security guard for a hospital in New Athens for several years. Upon coming into contact with an alien and some strange substance on the edge of the hospital perimeter, Jon was somehow given the ability to make giant duplicates of himself. Shortly after STRIKE's mountain fortress HQ was set up in New Athens [two years ago], Jon was recruited into their rank and has trained with some of the best in hand to hand. A couple of his giant dupes actually helped with the recent renovations in the east wing of the HQ. Now with Liberty Son on the path to becoming the twisted Darkstar, STRIKE will recruit every hero it can in an attempt to take down one of the nation's most influential superhumans. And one of the first was Jon, now codenamed 'Gigas'. At this point in his career he's mostly trained with STRIKE agents and doesn't have any real in the field experience. He can't wait to remedy this. Storylines: * Out of the Shadows - Rumors of a giant man in the ranks are finally put to rest when Gigas is tasked with being among the superhumans to take down Liberty Son / Darkstar. * Assault on STRIKE - the mountain fortress is attacked... Notes: We need more supervillains. ~KL~</s> <|message|>Xi Xiu (习秀) May 3rd, 3:34 am, Downtown New Athens Gunrat and her accomplice, Jiao, had been searching the area for over an hour, with no sign of their target. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Gunrat leaned against a wall and put her fingers to her right ear. "Zhang", she grunted. "Yes ma'am?", a timid voice responded. "The damn thing got away. Any sign on police comms?" "Just the corpses she reanimated, ma'am, and it sounds like they've all been taken care of by now." "Alright", Xiu grumbled conclusively. "Guess we're heading home for the night. Tell the cops the area's clear, and they can start cleaning up." "Yes ma'am". With that, the two vigilantes made their way out of the building, and down an alley to Jiao's parked van. Hopping in, they began their drive back to HQ. Xiu crouched in the back and began undressing, checking over her body for damage. She found minor scrapes and scratches along her arms and shins, as well as a sizeable purple splotch under her left arm. With enough time, Xiu knew her ribs would heal on their own. Taking a quick look at her jacket, it was almost entirely undamaged. Clearly, most of the shock had been transferred straight into her. "Hey Jaio." she called to the driver "Wei shima?" the slender Chinese man responded. "Tell Qing to make the next jacket with thicker padding." "Wo hui." he confirmed. A few moments later, the van screeched to a halt in an inconspicuous garage, at the base of a weathered three-story building. Past the broken elevator, up the staircase to the third floor, Xiu entered the suite, brushed past Zhang with a lazy wave, and collapsed on her bed in the next room. May 3rd, 2:17 pm Xiu sat on the side of her bed, rag in one hand, an unloaded revolver in the other. The Ghoul had gotten blood on her gun, and she hoped to fully clean and re-oil it. As she scrubbed away, she heard Zhang shout from the other room. "Ma'am!" "What is it, Zhang?" she shouted back. "We've got another hit. NABC HQ! Police comms are going wild!" "Ghoul?" she inquired. "No ma'am. They're not sure what this is. Reports of civilians being flung through windows. Looks like they've already called the SWAT team." "Tian'a!" Gunrat exlaimed. "Jiao, start the van! We're moving!" From across the suite, Gunrat heard thumping as her driver bounded to the stairs. Putting her uniform on, holstering her pistols, and slinging her rifle across her shoulder, Xiu was out the door right behind Jiao. Across Town The van pulled into a junk-filled alley, just beneith a fire escape. Gunrat hopped from the roof of the van to the fire escape, and made her way up the building. Taking position at the top, across the street from the NABC building, Gunrat peered through her rifle's scope. Jiao stayed below, guarding the van, assault rifle in hand. Through the window she could see a great deal of commotion. Gunshots were going off right and left, and the lower floors were littered with bodies. "Any word on the target?" Gunrat asked. "Yes ma'am" Zhang responded through her earpiece. "Security footage shows blue hair, black clothes, mask covering her lower face." "And how is she surviving all these gunshots I'm hearing?" "Can't confirm, ma'am, but looks like psychokinetics of some sort." "Well," Gunrat whispered into her earpiece. "time to say hello." "Ma'am?" Gunrat locked her sights on a sprinkler head, protruding from the building's ceiling, just barely visible from her vantage point. At once, the offices of the NABC began showering themselves with water. "Zhang. I want you to cut the power to that building. Kill as much of the grid as you have to. I want my target to be wandering in the dark." "Yes ma'am."</s> <|message|>Chok-Lad Chok-Lad As Choklad was savagely devouring meats of all kinds he heard the sound of a Meat behind him and talking straight to him. Rather than turn around Choklad's face disappeared from his form and reappeared on his back. The chocolate beast stared down at the metal clad Meat just as it unsheathed it's bright claws. Choklad let out a loud roar as his mouth became inhumanly large, all the while grabbing more deli meats. Finally after his mighty roar Choklad leapt straight at his current advisory but immediately made an attempt to climb over Sentinel. He didn't want to pick a fight with the metal Meat and simply wanted to dine and dash so after he got near enough to hopefully scare of the Meat, he began to make a break for the sewers, unintentionally knocking another Meat standing just outside of the store to the ground. At this point all Choklad was worried about was getting home and back to Picasso to check and see if he had been eaten by rats or by any number of merciless creatures that lived down in the sewers with him and Choklad,</s> <|message|>Paul Bunyan Paul rubbed the back of his head, it was unlike him to ask for help but he was really hungry, if he had to fight again he may not have the energy due to lack of food. "Well, you see. I have no money, 'fraid that I have yet to come upon any kind of money. I also live in a box." Paul said giving a innocent looking smile. It felt a bit shameful to admit that the builder of america was in fact, poor and broke. His heart too pure to ask for anything except for when he really needed it. Also most people wouldn't hire him due to his fame and the fact that he was too big to fit in most doors. tales</s>
<|message|>Jonathon Marlowe May 3rd, 2:09 pm... Arkylius was in shock. Less than a minute had gone by since the man in the business suit who was in line behind him was targeted by a sniper and killed. The gunshot was silenced but the noise of the suppressed shot was louder in the ears of the Atlantian than of those around him. There was a continued ringing for what seemed like at least an hour, though in reality only a minute and a half had gone by now. If Ark could hear the panic and screaming of those around him he'd be more in panic mode as well. He'd never been sprayed by blood, only ever having seen it flow through the oceans and the currents like a red cloud. Reaper smirked as he watched the young man's reaction through his scope. "Well, looks like the new kids never been around much blood before." He adjusted himself for a better shot and lined up the sights of his scope over the young man's head. "It's a shame he won't have much longer to grow acquainted with it." He took in a deep breath, slowly exhaled through his nose and pressed the trigger again only to watch the young man disappear from his scope and have the bullet pierce through the hotdog vendor's cart and catch the older man selling them in the leg, dropping him to the ground screaming in agony. "Damn it!" He nearly yelled taking his eyes away from the scope to just barely see the young man running in the street. "You lucky little shit." He muttered as he placed the scope back to his eye to try and catch him in the scope again. "Were those surface dwellers killed for being close to me? Have I already made enemies on land?" Ark thought darting in between cars, walkers on the sidewalks, and the occasional bike messenger. Arkylius took a breather after running through a fountain towards the beach coast of the city. He ducked for cover behind another of the buildings that didn't go past five stories high. He tore off his horrible t-shirt and put his Atlantian gear back on in full, trashing the flowered bag he'd purchased earlier to carry everything. His attacker seemed to have the higher ground advantage, however once in his uniform the young Atlantian sent out a remote beacon to Jake the robotic snake currently in stealth mode in the Atlantic. Touching another button on his chest gear, Ark went invisible himself and leaped onto a nearby rooftop. The sixty-five feet long snake en route to his location. Reaper quickly acquired his target in the scope once again, watching as the young man darted between parked car and people on the sidewalks as he waited for his chance to take another shot. He pulled the trigger only to have the bullet land in the truck of a parked car. "Damn." He muttered as he started to mentally keep track of the remaining bullets left in the clip. Seven. He found the young man again on the sidewalk and fired again, once again missing, this shot landing in the shoulder of a woman in a red suit jacket that just exited a building. "Damn." Six. Everything just seemed to be in the boy's favor as every remaining shot missed the young man and would either hit another person, a parked car or simply embed themselves in the ground. And each time Reaper would curse and mentally note the remaining number of bullets left in the clip. "You have got to be kidding me," He said as the last round had been fired from the ten round clip, the last shot hitting the front wheel of a bike messenger's bike and sending him cartwheeling over the handlebars into the pavement. He continued watch as the young man ran through a fountain and disappear around the corner of a building. "So much for my luck, and I was having such a good day today." He muttered as he took apart the rifle and replaced the pieces back into his black duffle bag. ~KL~ / Aro</s>
<|description|>Ryan Monroe Part one: Information and Cosmetics Profession: History Professor Gender: Male Age: 32 Appearance: Sorry for the small picture, largest i could find that i thought fit the character Backstory: TBD Part 2: Skills and Equipment Skills: Knowledge on modern and medieval history, minor first aid training, minor training in the use of a small firearm such as a pistol, Knows a little something about leadership and discipline, Reader and watcher of a variety of books and films on a variety of topics including the zombie apocalypse, oh and a germaphobe. Starting Equipment: On him: Messenger bag, 1 book, cell phone, Pen and pencil with notebook, some student's papers (read:potential kindling), 1 bottle of water, some hygiene wipes (Yeah...) In apartment: Canned foods, bottles of water, more student's papers and books (great), General tools, among other things general to one's home such as duct tape Starting Weapons: In apartment: .38 Revolver with 6 .38 bullets , hammer, variety of kitchen knives Part three: Personality, Psychology and Physiology Bravery (1 – 10): 6 Psychological Stability (1 – 10): 7 Reaction Speed (1 - 10): 6 Physical Strength (1 - 10): 5 Constitution (1 - 10): 10 = 5 Party Control: Yes</s> <|message|>Norman Jayden Norman's eyes we're turning red, he didn't realize. He put on his ARI Glasses again, slipping on his glove. A big map popped in front of him, and a fake world appeared in front of him. The blood came under his ARI Glasses, he took off his ARI Glasses. Sighing to himself, he put them down, taking off his glove. He was paranoid, crazy he didn't know what to do. He was so crazed out, blood came out of his eyes. He started to move around, ruining his stability, he took a dose of his triptocane drug. He fell into his chair, sighing in relief.</s> <|message|>Erik Wright His hopes raised a little with the firework of explosions outside the apartment, but quickly faded when the makeshift defense that he had just made was quickly approached by the horde inside. The previous one fell quickly; this was the last one before the entire level, which a good amount of people were on, would be swarmed. "Uh... might need a little help here!" He called down the hallway as he swung a crowbar at the first of them, with a sickening smack. He swung again, but the next zombie, by some stroke of luck, pulled the crowbar right out of his hand and almost had him beinding into the face of one of the monstrocities, which was quickly being backed up by what he could see to be a minimum of ten more. He pushed himself back and went into the room besides him, pulling out a rather flimsy broom, and in his other hand pulling out the gun. He didn't want to waste ammo if he didn't have to... but considering a small assortment of tables and chairs were blocking the landing, there wasn't too many options until the others arrived to give a little help.</s> <|message|>Tyson Matthews. Tyson was still searching for useful stuffs inside his apartment unit. More explosions and gunshots can be heard coming from the sky above the apartment. Tyson gathered a bag of stuffs and put it on a sofa, and walked near to the window beside his bed to check out the situation outside. He saw a helicopter, firing towards the lower level of the apartment. But it was not a good time to stop and enjoy the view of a metal bird shooting at the zombies, Tyson need to leave this place as fast as possible. Tyson grabbed his equipment and was about to leave the bedroom, but he heard noises from the living room. He hold the knife he took earlier firmly in his right hand, preparing to face the unknown lurking in the living room. "Uh... might need a little help here!" After Tyson heard the shout, he moved towards the living room silently. He saw a guy with a crowbar fighting off the zombies. The door was not locked, that explained how they got inside. "Hey! Watch Out!" Tyson ran towards a zombie and stabbed it with the knife in his right hand. But it was probably not a good idea to go near the front door now, as more zombies started to appear outside the front door of his apartment unit.</s> <|message|>Nicholas Grayeson The sounds of the creatures below his position started growing louder, immediately followed by the sounds of furniture breaking and shuffling of rushed footsteps. Moving his way to the railing and peering over the ledge, Nicholas watched as a group of corpses made their way over his makeshift barricade. All the good the attack helicopter managed on the outside of the apartment building, amplified the inside's horrors to turn into frenzied monsters. The sounds of a struggle from two of the survivors caught wind in Grayeson's ears and he made his way down the staircase to help. In one of the nearby rooms, he watched as a few of the creatures drunkenly made their way inside the open doorway and were slowly followed by their "friends." Slinging his rifle behind him and snapping it in place, Nicholas drew his combat knife and made his way quickly to the oncoming horde. A few caught his scent and turned their attention towards him instead of the peoplw inside the room the others went into; allowing whoever was inside, some time to deal with those in the room. A forward kick to the chest of the nearest one, Grayeson watched as the creature to fell back into it's fellow monsters. This would cause all of them fall in a bowling pin fashion and back down the stairs they were trying to scale. Without skipping a beat, Nicholas turned his attention to the one on his right, which was slowly making its way towards him with its foul-smelling mouth wide open. Reaching up and grabbing the creature by the throat, he slammed it into the nearby wall and "inserted" his blade through its temple. When the corpse finally went limp, he let go off the body and threw a quick elbow to the face of the monster encroaching behind him; causing it to stumble backwards some. Following up with a side kick, Grayeson watched as the creature fell off the railing and into a group of corpses below him. With the monsters having trouble recovering from their snapped limps from their tumbles down the stairwell, he checked to ensure there were no more immediate threats and turned back towards the open room. "Hopefully whoever is in there is still alive... otherwise this would've been pointless." he told himself, stabbing the area connecting the spinal cord and skull of a lone creature as he entered the room. As another creature started turning its attention to him, he moved just in time to side step out of the way of its open jaws. Throwing a hammerfist into the creature's chest, simultaneously sweeping the back of its knee; Nicholas dropped the corpse on the ground with a hard thud. Without skipping a beat, he put his knee into the monster's chest and "punched" his knife through its temple. Removing his blade, he spun around and swept the leg of the nearest creature to him. Rolling on the floor and next to the grounded monster, he slammed his knife through the nose of the creature and watched it also go limp. Rolling backwards and on to his feet into a combat stance, he took into account there was one monster left and it was the police officer and someone else he was actually helping out. Knowing the policeman could handle at least one, he also notice he had drawn his sidearm and was pointing it towards the remaining corpse. Reaching up and motioning for the "hush" action, Nicholas prayed he took what he was trying to get at to end the monster's existence. Turning back to the situation outside the room, Grayeson made his way back out the room and watched as more of the monsters were starting to gain momentum up the stairs. Taking a deep breath and wiping off he sweat from his brow, he readied himself for another fight in the fray.</s> <|message|>Han Su Ying (Sue) Han Su Ying (Sue) --- Three Towers Apartment Complex, Second Floor Stairwell With the explosions and what seems to be a barrage of machine-gun fire going on the outer vicinity of the apartments, Sue breathed a sigh of relief as the horde bearing down onto them would no longer be a problem. However, the undead in the lobby still posed a threat - to which she decided that she needed to be ready if it all goes to hell, not to mention the sudden power outage had turned everything dark. As her eyes began to accustom to the darkness, she peeked down the stairwell. With the silhouettes barely visible, she was relieved to know that the undead were still attempting to breach the makeshift blockade. Quickly, she left the group and climbed up the stairs. Most of the survivors that fled the lobby apparently had all returned to their rooms, doors visible through the stairwell were all closed shut with barely a soul lingering outside. She contemplated for a second if she should follow suit as she climbed another level up onto the fourth floor. No problems yet, to which she then continued to the fifth. Silently but with a decent pace, she huddled over to her apartment unit; Room 505. She opened the doors which was left unlocked earlier and closed it shut, never giving a thought if anything or anyone entered at all. Considering that the doors were not open in the first place, she figured no one tried to. With a quick flip on the lock assuring that no one - dead or alive would be able to enter, she felt a temporary relief as she let out a sigh. --- Three Towers Apartment Complex, Unit 505 Now, to stay or pack up? Sue began to weigh her options as she stood with the door behind her back; survive alone within her apartment unit and hopefully wait for the return of her housemate - however unlikely it was, or work together with the other tenants who were feverishly trying to survive. After about a minute of consideration, she chose the latter. Pacing towards her room, she then reached for her trusty slingbag with her other hand swiftly on her favorite sketchbook; the first few pages filled with random doodles, as she stuffed it into her slingbag without a second thought. "Good for when I'm bored I suppose, Zombie Apocalypses portrayed in pop culture were never really exciting business," she mused to herself while she grabbed her pencil case, filled with an assortment of pens, pen-nibs, pencils and a tiny ink bottle. She then turned over to her work desk and quickly pulled the drawers out, revealing an assortment of trinkets and doodads. Her eyes jumped from item to item, to which it finally laid upon a spectacle case. "I'll need a spare in case...Quite blind without these..." she mused to herself before grabbing her pair of less fashionable spare spectacles neatly rested in a spectacle case. She left the room and paced towards the kitchen area. Quickly, she opened up all the cabinets and drawers revealing a mixture of random Asian condiments and cooking utensils. She grabbed a few packets of instant noodles, her private-use water tumbler in the fridge and finally a Chinese chopper, the Asian all-in-one cooking knife. Looking at herself in the reflection, she resembled a Hong Kong triad member or a crazy lady off to kill debtors - to which she gave a quick chuckle. She gave herself another minute to think if she needed to grab anything else, then headed back to the door - Chinese chopper on her strong arm. She breathed in and calmed herself a little, as she unlocked her unit door and slowly pulled it open before taking a peek at the hallway - playing it a little safe.</s>
<|message|>Ryan Monroe Three Towers Apartment Complex, 4th floor, 2nd room. A few minutes earlier After collecting himself and his thoughts. Ryan glanced down the short hallway that opened up into the main living room and open kitchen of his apartment unit. To his left, a closed door which he knew led into the bathroom. Further along and on the right, were two doors into two bedrooms, one his own, the other a spare. Should probably get that room converted into something, perhaps have the wall knocked in and have a master size bedroom, sounds good. His thoughts absently wandered as he cautiously, step after step made his way along the hallway. He would be a liar if he said he wasn't a little on edge right now, the thought that maybe something had somehow found a way into the apartment, was at the forefront of his mind now. Opening each door as he passed, he'd quickly peer in as he continued, next he found himself in the rather large, when compared with the hallway anyway main room of his apartment. Nothing... nothing at all Then hellfire rocked the earth, an explosion flared from the window but disappeared as quickly as it had come. "The fuck..." Ryan rushed towards the windows set along the outer wall of his apartment, he saw an attack helicopter, defiantly military from the looks of it. But his eyes didn't linger on it for long when he saw the destruction it had caused on the street below. Corpses littered the street outside the apartment. Ryan saw it all, the burnt husks of bodies, the stench of burnt flesh and the few that survived, now crawling along the pavement, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. At this moment, Ryan didn't know what to feel, how could he? But this was also a sign, the military was still here meaning there was a chance, a chance for something, he just had to survive until then... Three Towers Apartment Complex, 4th floor, 2nd room. Present Just have to survive... Turning to his apartment and away from the violent and bloody scene behind him on the streets. He was in full survival mode now. He moved around the apartment quickly and with purpose, he plugged the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and bath with a plug before turning each cold water tap on, sending torrents forth of water into the tubs. After all, he didn't know when the water would stop and he best have it now than never. There was a moment when the taps stopped sending forth their soon to be valuable nectar. He remembered that the apartment units in the tower were all connected to the same water supply, and with him using so much water at once would probably disrupt the supply to other apartments albeit temporarily. Waiting until each sink or bath was close to over spilling before he turned their respective taps off. He took a step back and reflected on the last few minutes, unaware of the worsening chaos below, he knew he had to get back down there though, help in someway. Now to find that gun...</s>
<|description|>Al Valkanos Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Al's taller than average, with decent muscle tone, but his long body makes him look leaner. His hair is a messy, unkempt mop of muddy brown hair, and his facial features are surprisingly soft. Albeit, he's usually got a bruise or bandage marring them. His dress style is pretty comfy; he mostly wears loose fitting traveler pants and tightly belted boots, with a wool sweater and dingy hooded longcoat up top. His right hand and lower arm is wrapped in bandages for better wrist support and also so he doesn't lose his grip. On his back he typically keeps one to four large greatswords, of varied make, kept in a sling. He made a necklace out of a a beast's fang, and wears it as a lucky charm. Weapons/Belongings: Al's weapon of choice is the greatsword, and he's currently carrying four of them. If one breaks or gets tossed, he has a handy backup. These particular ones are made of steel, but he's not picky when it comes to replacements. Additionally, he has a wallet containing a small amount of money and a hunting knife on his belt, and a rucksack containing rations, a flint, a bottle of extraordinarily strong liquor, a torch, and a length of rope tied to a rock. Magic PHYSICAL SKILLS: Al is strong - much stronger than his frame would even suggest; he spent his youth wrestling animals for fun, when he wasn't toiling away with hard labor. He's durable to boot, and has a frighteningly high pain tolerance. One can only wonder how many concussions he's received. Naturally, his self-taught fighting style takes advantage of this, and focuses on Al throwing his momentum around to deliver maximum impact haymakers. Drop kicks are common, as are wild punches, suplexes, and throwing whatever's handy, up to and including the enemy. Additionally, Al carries around several greatswords, since he finds their length and mass are good for slinging around. Also he thinks they're cool. Personality: Al is by all means a kind, well-meaning person, with an understanding of the importance of friendship. He just happens to have a wild streak, and that streak just happens to be rather good at hitting stuff really hard. He's not so much caught up in a balance between right and wrong as he is between right and fun. This poor impulse control, combined with a poor danger sense, inevitably means he's often the first to dive into a dangerous area or do something stupid for fun. It's great in a dangerous line of work, though. Short History: It's not precise to say Al's forgotten his past due to amnesia. It is, however, accurate to say he's forgotten where it is. However, when growing up, he was always considered a strong boy, even in a rural community where the pastime was wrestling wild animals. Al, however, couldn't be content living a life of mostly farming and whiling away the hours on the porch. He was the sort of child who liked to wander. One day, the year he became a man, he wandered a bit too far, and ever since then has gotten increasingly lost. Determined not to let that get him down, the then fifteen year old began a new life, the life of an adventurer, sellsword, and treasure hunter. As of late, Al's heard rumor of some strange happenings going on in the north. In his line of work, that's a business opportunity. Not one to scorn the idea of magic, he'd rather see it as a potential job offer. Even if nobody payed him to go there, they might be interested in any loot he brought back. And so, the swordsman trekked into the harsh tundra, ready to meet with any challenge the unknown might throw his way.</s> <|message|>Sage Marcs Sage followed the group as she watched the people of the marketplace. The everyday hustle and bustle of the merchants was a welcome sight after her trek here from the last town. She couldn't wait to get back here and see what this diverse bunch had to offer. Even if she didn't have much to spend. Vulture's Roost's normal activity was comforting. ~How did such a vicious man come to be their leader?~ she found herself wondering. Having lived in Southern Gris for the last 5 years and loving to travel like she did, Sage found it hard to believe she had not visited this place sooner. Not that it was anything spectacular. Only that it was one of the very few places she had yet to see. When the guard spoke she was reminded once again of Lord Cross's reputation. She wasn't disrespectful though and normally would have no reason to worry about losing her head. However, this was Alec Cross. She might "offend" him without ever knowing it. Sage vowed to keep quiet and thus hopefully depart with her head, and all other body parts, safely intact.</s> <|message|>Galant Whisperwind Galant carried himself with a mix of confidence and grace as the guards began to lead the way into Vulture's Roost. His boots barely made a sound in the snow, as that was how light he was on his feet, not to mention he was used to walking on it. It hadn't changed in the past few months since he had been here, so the scholar was a bit more familiar with everything than the others must have been. He saw the faces peeking out of windows as they walked past the houses, and he simply smiled at them. Unless somebody attacked him, he was perfectly harmless. There was no way he was going to go around starting fights in Lord Cross' territory. The scholar was a little less familiar with the market than he was the residential area. He didn't have to supplies quite as often as he went through the other area. But he still knew his way around a little bit. He wondered briefly if any of the others were any good at haggling, he was, but the merchants here could be pretty stubborn when it came to their goods. At least when dealing with travelers. They were always fair with the residents of Vulture's Roost. Sometimes not even Galant's smooth voice could get them to lower their prices for him, and trading for knowledge didn't work with these folks. Galant was kind of looking forward to seeing Lord Cross again. The man most certainly was interesting. While the rumors of the man may have been true, there was always more than one side to someone. Galant huffed when the guard leading them mentioned the bastards from the south. "This bastard from the south has met Lord Cross before and knows that the rumors don't do him justice." He said in a slightly scolding tone. Galant wasn't worried about losing his head in the slightest though. As long as he didn't do anything to purposely offend Lord Cross, he would be fine. It worked the first time and it would work again.</s> <|message|>Elizabeth Tosli Noah turned his eyes towards Ira, still following along with the group. "You're right. I'm sure it will be fine." The boy pointed back towards the marketplace behind them. "I mean, the people here seem reasonably happy, right? So he can't be all that bad." He kept walking, falling silent for a moment. Evidently, the boy was fashioning some sort of explanation for his feelings on the matter. His eyes glanced to Elizabeth for a moment before he continued. "People say lots of bad things about other people... But sometimes people are wrong, y'know? You never know how someone really is until you meet them for yourself. That's how I look at it anyway." The boy smiled, and continued following the group as the neared the castle. The guard leading the group spoke up at Galant's reply. "I wasn't trying to direct that towards you, scholar, but you know how it is down there. You mention the Roost and the southerners don't know when to shut up. That's why we don't get many visitors. Not that it bothers me any." As the guard was making his reply, the group reached the gate of the castle. The building, like most of the city, was nearly entirely constructed of stone bricks. Its grey walls seemed nigh impenetrable, especially in conjunction with the heavy iron doors that creaked open as they arrived. Red banners emblazoned with the image of a great black bird flew from every battlement, a reminder of the castle's owner. As they passed through the gates, they were greeted by a large courtyard paved with granite. On one end of the courtyard, soldiers drilled, paying no attention to the group as they entered. The castle itself was quite large, housing the city's barracks, armory, great hall, and library, as well as the lord's personal residence. The guard led them up to another set of iron doors, these notably smaller. "Welcome to the Great Hall. Lord Cross is waiting inside." The guard pushed the great doors open, beckoning the party to follow. Elizabeth crossed the threshold into the room, taking a moment to adjust to the darker lighting. As the rest of the party entered, the woman stopped for a moment to take in the entire room. It was somewhat dark, despite rows of windows on either side. A long rectangular table carved from ash lay in the room's center, with a number of seats place around it. On the table sat a rather generous amount of food and drink, illuminated by a row of iron candlesticks. At the end of the room was a great throne. A man sat upon the throne, his bright pink eyes drawn to the party as they entered. His flesh was rather pale, though not the snow white that most Grisians bore. His head was covered in thick black hair, nearly reaching his shoulders. A few streaks of grey stood out amongst the inky mane. He was dressed entirely in black, with a great mantle of black feathers wrapped about his shoulders. The man had a well groomed beard, and might have appeared somewhat handsome, were it not for two great x-shaped scars on his cheeks. An empty chair sat next to the man, and behind him and to his left, in a smaller seat, sat a young girl. The girl, who couldn't have been older than twelve, had brilliant red hair, carefully braided and hanging over her shoulder. Her skin was as pale as the moon, standing in stark contrast to the black dress, also decorated with feathers, that she wore. For a moment, Elizabeth pondered who the girl could be, until she noted a pair of curious pink eyes watching them. A daughter? On either side of the throne stood a pair of gargantuan figures, covered from head to toe in armor and standing nearly nine feet in height. Their helmets, unlike the other soldiers of Vulture's Roost, were rounded, with their visors molded to look like human faces. Both figures held great weapons, one a massive two handed sword, the other a warhammer of gargantuan proportions. With their stillness, one might have misidentified these titans as statues, but as the doors to the Great Hall closed, Lord Cross rose from his seat, and his guardians both fell into a kneeling position. Dazed, Noah murmured out a question that he, and everyone in the room already had the answer to. "Are those... really... giants?" Alec stepped down from his throne, his cloak flapping slightly as he approached them. His eyes scanned down the line with vague interest, stopping for a moment at Galant. "Ah, the scholar. I wondered if... no, when, you would get involved in this." He glanced down the row again, his eyes were piercing, as if he was staring into a person's very mind. "Greetings, all of you. Sit, eat, we have a great deal to discuss." The man's voice, though he was seemingly welcoming them, lacked any sort of warmth. It was difficult to say it conveyed any sort of emotion. As he spoke, the glint of gold could be seen within his mouth, likely replacements for broken teeth. He motioned toward the table, and the array of food upon it. Alec stood in silence for a moment, waiting for everyone to take their seats. The giants still knelt, completely still in their positions, though with the speed at which they had reacted to their lord rising, it was likely they could break their act at any time. The young girl still sat in her chair, watching curiously as the spectacle before her unfolded. After everyone had sat down at the table, Alec strode over to its head, his boots clacking against the marble floor in the uncomfortable silence. He stood at the head of the table, again peering through his guests, before finally speaking. "A man, a professor, or so I'm told, writes a book. A few months later, drawn by the fanciful descriptions in this book, would-be adventurers begin showing up at my door. Some come alone, others bring small groups, and each of them give me a number of reasons that they wish to pass through my city and head North." The man's voice had a strange smoothness to it that somehow made his words soothing and unnerving at the same time. "In the past few months, more and more adventurers have knocked at my door, all of them heading North, all of them enthralled by this professor, Tikkis I believe his name was, and his tale of some ancient temple." He paused for a moment, again looking over his guests. Elizabeth's stomach tightened. So, they weren't the first to come here. Not even close by the sound of things. Before she had come to terms with this fact, however, Alec continued. "All of these adventurers, many of them seemingly well prepared, have passed through my city. There were mercenaries, travelers, explorers... Would you like to know how many have come back through?" A small smile crossed the Lord's face, exposing a pair of golden canines. "Not one. I haven't heard a word from any of them. Now, another group of adventurers comes before me." His eyes went down the line. "A scholar, a child, a cripple, a man with far too many swords..." His eyes stopped on the brothers for a moment, and then moved on to Lexine. "A pair... no, perhaps a trio, of professionals, and..." His eyes came to rest on Sage. "Hmm... not quite a professional, unless my eyes deceive me. Maybe someone with a bit to prove?" He chuckled softly. It was a laugh lacking any sort of mirth. "And I'm certain all of you intend to survive this journey. If the last few have been any indication, however, you will likely die." He made the statement as if it were a matter of fact. "But, on the off chance that luck does happen to shine on you... I have a request. If you do happen to find this temple, that is, if it even exists... I'd like to know about it. I have no interest in any artifacts, or, if this enigmatic professor is to be believed... 'gods' within this temple, but if the professor's ramblings prove to be even somewhat accurate, there will likely be quite a few more knocking at my gates. Very few will risk life and limb to chase fables, but if there is money to be made, all the world will turn their eyes towards the North. As the last settlement before the Wastes, those people will have to pass through my gates. You can see why I would like a bit of warning before a horde of gold-hungry dogs come barking at my door." He paused again, glancing around the party. "Should you agree to such a small request, I will grant you all the supplies you might need, as well as all the information I have about the Wastes. It seems a fair trade, no?" Alec crossed his arms, awaiting a response from the party before him.</s>
<|message|>Al Valkanos "I'll have you know that these swords break a lot, thank you very much." Al interjected, thrusting his hand aside. "A lot." he repeated, his face growing serious. "Also, they're bigger than throwing knives. Also, they're cool. Why would you have one cool thing when you could have three? Answer me that, mister man. And for the record, we don't need you-" this sentence was cut off by a loud grumbling. "We need your charity. I'll check out the weird stuff for you for free food. Deal?"</s>
<|description|>Roman A confident and charming individual, with a strong sense of self-preservation. He's witty and has a flair for the dramatic, often using his words to manipulate or distract others from his true intentions. Physically, he is well-dressed and stylish, always maintaining an air of elegance around him. He's also quite narcissistic and enjoys being the center of attention. Despite his flamboyant exterior, Roman Torchwick possesses an analytical mind and a sharp strategic acumen.</s> <|description|>Neo A skilled and resourceful young woman who exudes confidence and determination. She is physically fit and agile, capable of handling various weapons and combat situations with ease. Her attire often includes a pink umbrella, suggesting a playful or whimsical side to her personality. She also has a deviant smile that she reserves for special moments, hinting at a mischievous streak in her character. Despite her tough exterior, Neo harbors deep loyalty and affection for Roman Torchwick, indicating a sentimental or emotional aspect to her nature.</s> <|narrator|>In the story, Roman Torchwick and his subordinate Neo escape from Ironwood's prison ship with the help of an airship called the Bullhead. As they make their way towards freedom, they are confronted by a White Witch named Winter, who is aligned with Atlesian military. Despite her best efforts, Winter is unable to stop them due to the timely intervention of Ironwood himself. With General's wrath upon them, Roman decides that it would be prudent to speed away as soon as possible. He instructs the pilot to take them as far away from the ship as possible while he and Neo engage in some intimate moments of relaxation and satisfaction---a reward for their successful escape.</s> <|message|>Roman Roman hummed to himself as he relaxed in the darkness of his prison cell, stretched out on the bunk that was definitely not long enough. Beneath his feet he could feel the hum in the deck, from the engines which kept this ship flying and not crashing into the ground like a sack full of bricks. Light filtered in from the door, not a lot, but enough that he could barely make out things. There wasn't much else in here, just a place to use the bathroom, and that was it. This, this was his existence now. Roman Torchwick rested, he ate, and he was interrogated. He'd counted the bolts in the cell already, and badly wished that he had his top hat, Melodic Cudgel, or even just a cigar. But for some reason, Ironwood didn't feel like giving him such luxuries. So he'd had to stick it out and wait for an opportunity to get the hell out of here. Oh, he knew that Cinder had some sort of master plan, but a guy could only take so much of it before he got tired. Still, even if he did get out it wouldn't be easy. There was a bunch of people and who knew how many robots between him and a way off the ship, to say nothing of the stuff he needed to get back from Ironwood as well. So it was not a simple task, that much was obvious. But if anyone could handle it, then it would be Torchwick. He wasn't called a Master Thief for nothing. For now though, he relaxed, kept his strength up, and waited for an opportunity. If he could make it past their interrogations, then he'd be doing fine today. And that was all that mattered to him.</s> <|message|>Neo After bugging her about it for a while, Cinder had told her, in a nasty tone, that if she wanted him out then she'd have to do herself. She snarled at her. She didn't have to deal with her. As far as Neo was concerned, she didn't work for her. Well, she did, but she was mainly ordered around by her beloved Torchwick. She stormed off with her umbrella and grabbed one of the pilots and dragged him to one of the ships, pointing to it for him to get in. He replied with confusion and nervousness. She pushed him inside and put in a few coordinates. After nodding, he sat down and lifted up, flying off into the sky. Once they arrived where Torchwick was held, sirens alarmed. Neo nodded at the pilot before falling gracefully into the air. Once she landed, ten guards immediately started firing at her. Neo whipped her strawberry pink and chocolate brown hair and walked towards them, dodging every pulse of energy shot her way. There was one that came directly to her face. She turned deploying her pink umbrella behind her. With a grin on her face, she ran towards the guard and fought them twelve to one. She continued her way toward where Torchwick was held. Two more guards were patrolling down the hallway. They readied their guns and ordered her to halt. She didn't respond; she sprinted towards them then slid, knocking them to the ground. One of the gaurds grabbed for her. She grabbed his wrist twisting it, then slamming his head to the ground. Retreiving the security card from his belt, she continued down the hallway before reaching the cell room. She swiped the card. The door lifted open and Neo continued to Torchwick's cell, looking at him through the glass. She gave him a cute smile and waved before opening the door and backing up to let him out.</s> <|message|>Roman An eye blinked open as Roman heard the noise out from behind his cell, the fighting that seemed to be going on at the moment, and which was rapidly drawing nearer. That earned him a grin, since it could only really mean one thing. It was about time someone got around to rescuing him, and he had the feeling that he knew who it would be. So he rose to his feet and brushed himself off, ready for what was to come. And it was soon confirmed as the door slid open, revealing Neo standing there, looking quite pleased with herself for having fought her way here from wherever she had landed the ship. He was impressed, but really she had to be used to that by now. Certainly she was the most competent and effective of his subordinates. So he would just be glad that she was here to help spring him. "It's a good thing you showed up when you did," Roman said nonchalantly as he stepped past Neo and into the hallway, breathing in the sweet scent of freedom. "Another ten minutes and I was about to break out myself." A lie, but he had an image to keep up. Neo would understand. It was part of his appeal and roguish charms after all. With that said, he looked both ways before he began moving at a quick walk, gesturing for Neo to follow while alert for possible attacks by guards responding to the breakout. "Come on," he said with a hint of impatience. "I need to get my stuff back." He could hardly call it a successful breakout without his things, and he was not leaving without Melodic Cudgel. She'd just have to deal with the guards along the way until he could get a weapon himself. But it would be fine, he was sure of it.</s> <|message|>Neo She smiled up at him, showing almost a two feet difference in height, an expression that showed joy. He was her favorite person. She followed him quietly, rolling her eyes at the obvious lie he had told, amused. She let him lead the way, as she had no idea where to go. She kept an eye on the corners of the hallway. As they closed in on another corner, she boosted forward to get ahead, clear. She waited for him to lead the way again. She felt a hand touch her shoulder and immediately she threw her weapon back, causing a grunt of pain. She spun around and kicked the soldier in the head. Still standing, she withdrew the blade from within her umbrella and pierced the man's stomach, letting him fall to the floor. She turned to face Roman then shrugging her shoulders and waved for him to continue.</s> <|message|>Roman Roman led the way with a quick step, retracing the route that he had followed when he first got here, to the evidence room or the armories and such. He was in a hurry, and all he needed to know was that he was going the right way. They didn't have a lot of time, that was for sure, and he wouldn't give Ironwood the chance to catch him again. He grinned as Neo stepped ahead to clear the way, just in time to quickly, efficiently, and ruthlessly take down some guards that were responding to the alarms. That was the sort of thing that he liked to see, the skill that emphasized Neo as his most effective of subordinates. He knew he had made a good choice when picking her up. "Good job," he complimented her before moving on. At last they made it, though it was guarded at the moment by two guards. They seemed to be alert, and Roman pulled back around the corner before they could see him. "Two guards," he told Neo. "We get rid of them, get inside, get my stuff, then get out." It was a simply plan, and he readied himself to move when the opportunity came. He was so close that he could practically taste it.</s> <|message|>Neo As Neo followed Roman, she cleaned the bloody blade with her pink handkerchief before sticking it back into her back pocket. She hated a blood-stained blade, but she couldn't afford to get her clothes dirty. Sticking close to Roman, she watched every turn they made, ready to parry any attack thrown their way. Hurry, she thought. There was no doubt everyone on the ship was heading towards them. If they were caught, Neo could easily escape by disappearing before they had a chance to imprison her. She wouldn't dare leave him behind. As she stayed behind him, following his direction, she bumped into him before stepping back so that he could pull back. He didn't have to say anything; Neo grabbed his shoulder and pulled him behind her, gently. She stepped from around the corner and stood there. The guards aimed and ordered her to surrender. She responded only by making a specific motion with her umbrella in hand, activating her semblance. This instigated the guard and they opened fire. Though it was too late. Neo was, in an instant, above both of them, leaving behind an illusion of herself which shattered like glass on impact. Landing on one guard's shoulders, she made him fall to the ground. She extended her umbrella, just in time as the other guard had begun to fire. Kicking her leg up, she knocked the man's gun from his grip. The spinning of her opposite leg sent him unconscious. Grabbing the security card from his belt, she handed it to Torchwick and watched the corridors.</s> <|message|>Roman Roman watched from his place behind the corner as Neo went to work, quickly removing the guards as they tried to stop her. It was more of what he liked to see, and he wore a grin as she returned with the key card. "You are spoiling me rotten," he told her as he took the key card, resisting the urge to pat her on the head or something like that. Really, with her around how was he supposed to get any work in? But he wasn't complaining as he ran forward, past the guards, and to the waiting door. Once there he swiped the keycard as needed, and waited for the door to slide open. Once it had, he stepped into the waiting armory, eagerly looking forward to this. "Ah, there you are," he said as he walked over to the place for evidence, retrieving his cane. He looked it over and gave it an experimental twirl, confirming that Ironwood's people hadn't done anything to it. This place was loaded with other weapons and guns, but he ignored most of that in favor of his hat, which he put back on his head, and Melodic Cudgel. Well, he grabbed a bit of Dust too, but that was to be expected. Just some compensation for the inconvenience, that was all. With it in hand, he walked back outside and nodded to Neo. "Alright, let's go," he said, striding off down the hall and towards the nearest exit. He had his stuff, and now it was time to bust this joint. He could already smell that cigar,and was looking forward to freedom.</s> <|message|>Neo She smiled happily at Torchwick's amusement. She continued to keep an eye out for anyone else coming their way while he was gathering his belongings. Neo could hear the sound of an entire squad of troops marching their way from the left. Neo guessed at least twenty. Not hard to deal with but risky enough to get caught. Once he got his things, Neo pointed them towards another direction. She closed the door behind them and followed him from behind. They both took out a few guards on their way back to the ship. Halfway there, Neo blinked her multi-colored eyes at a figure which stood down the hall, blocking their exit. Dressed in solid white, with white hair, and wielding a rapier. "Stop now!" she spoke formally and confidently. "Surrender or there will be consequences!" she demanded, flourishing her rapier. Neo stood beside Torchwick, umbrella in hand and her finger on the trigger. She grinned at her with a tilted head. She glanced at Roman before extending her umbrella and making a few shots, giving Roman the chance to advance if he planned too.</s> <|message|>Roman The two proceeded along at a run now that Roman had his stuff back, any guards in the way easily removed, if not by Neo then by himself. It was nice to be back in the game, fighting and giving as much as he got. Sure, he wasn't a combat specialist, but he could handle himself. Those kids had definitely seen as much. At this point it was just a matter of getting to the exit and making their escape from this place before they could come down in force. Before they could escape though, they ran across a figure dressed in white, some woman with a rapier who was aligned with the Atlesian military. And judging by how she was dressed compared to everyone else here, and his own sense of intuition, he had the feeling that she wasn't just a normal soldier. Well, this was the only way out, so he didn't have a choice. "Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances," Roman replied, twirling his cane. "The food here is terrible." With that, the fight began, Neo firing off a few shots to let him advance forward. So he did, hurrying ahead before taking cover, firing off a few shots with Melodic Cudgel. Time to get this over with then, now, before they could be cut off and then captured again. Wouldn't that just be a wonderful end to all of this?</s> <|message|>Neo The white warrior took her stance dodging every shot Neo sent her way. As soon as Torchwick advanced, firing the rounds from his cane, the woman held up her weapon, creating a white symbol behind her, causing herself to fly forward. Her semblance, Neo thought. Neo knew then, that this woman was related to the little brat from the tain, who also could do the same ability. As the woman came towards Neo, who was out in the open, blade pointed towards her. Neo parried. She made another attack immediately after. Again Neo blocked before throwing a couple of strikes with her closed umbrella. Though every strike she threw, the woman had blocked as well. It looked like a stalemate. Neo thought it was time for a little mix up. She grinned at her which seemed to make her opponent angry. Neo jumped back, baiting her opponent to come after her. Falling for her trick, the woman dashed forward once more shattering another illusion. The real Neo disappeared, now standing behind her. No longer blocking their way, Torchwick and Neo had a clear path to the exit where their pilot was waiting. Just after, another man approached. He stood tall and equipped with attire that told he wasn't of low rank. "Torchwick!!" He yelled in anger.</s> <|message|>Roman Roman figured out what Neo did at much the same time, though it was more because he'd seen more of that annoying brat than even she had. Well, that was just how things went. They would have to do their best, which Neo did as she moved to engage their current opponent in close range, just like he had taught her. Or rather, as he liked to think that he had done. But he would admit that his own impact might be a bit inflated. So he watched and waited, until Neo's trick went into effect, dodging the woman and giving them a clear shot for the hangar bay. "Alright, let's go," he said to Neo as they ran for it. He knew when to cut his losses, and getting out was more important than simply beating this lady. He was not going to waste this opportunity, and he was definitely not going back to jail. Before they could make it out though, Ironwood appeared, as Roman had expected that he might. Still, that wasn't about to stop him in his tracks, not if he could help it. "Sorry General, much as I'd like to stick around, I think I'll take my leave," he called back. "I'll end you a card or something." Bringing up Melodic Cudgel, he fired at Ironwood as he moved for the Bullhead, not stopping for anything. Time to get out, while they had the chance.</s> <|message|>Neo Neo sprinted beside Roman as they headed towards their escape. "Winter" Ironwood yelled. The woman stated after them again. Neo turned back for Roman to continue. She planned to catch up though needing to slow her down. She opened her umbrella, automatically blocking every attack of the white witch. Somehow the women broke through her defense and thrust her rapier from beside her. Neo, who was extremely flexible, extended her leg directly upwards, kicking Winter's weapon, making it stick into the roof. The look on Winter's face, Neo wanted to laugh. Winter switched to hand-to-hand combat, though clearly she wasn't mean for it. She threw one punch and Neo grabbed hold of her, flipping over her then using that momentum to send her flying against the roof and fall to the ground. Ironwood started towards her. She gave him a salute, twirling her umbrella in such a motion and disappeared, and in an instant she was standing in the Bullhead as it flew off. Watching Ironwood burst through the door as they flew off.</s> <|message|>Roman Roman fired as he ran, tossing down a bit of Dust to aid in his escape as Neo kept Ironwood and his flunkie from interfering. That was the sort of thing he liked to see, and he resolved to show her his gratitude later, when they had time to do so. But for now he merely ran, taking advantage of the opening it gave as he hopped aboard the waiting Bullhead, unmolested thus far. "Go," he called to the pilot, who obeyed without question, the airship lifting up as it prepared to leave. Still, he didn't close the door, the right decision to make as Neo appeared inside the Bullhead, as if she had been there the entire time. "See you later General," he called with a wave and a grin as he stood at the middle of the vessel. "We should do it again sometime." Not really, but he couldn't resist the parting jab. With that said, he closed the door, sitting down as evasive action began and they made their way away from the vessel that he had been held on. "Get us somewhere far away from that thing," he instructed the pilot before looking over to Neo. "I suppose I should thank you as well. You're the only one who could do something like that and pull it off, and I'm glad for it. I was getting dusty in that cell."</s> <|message|>Neo She watched closely as Ironwood closed the door behind them. She loved instigating situations like this; it was fun. Once the door closed, the sound of rushing wind was muffled. She watched Torchwick take a seat before examining her handkerchief that was stained with the guard's dark violet blood, making sure it would be washable. She wasn't sure. She looked over to Torchwick when he spoke to her. She walked over to him and leaned over just to run her finger down his chest, giving him a deviant smile. Even though she didn't speak, she was sure Torchwick knew she understood. She stood back up and looked over to an empty seat in the back before sitting on Torchwick's lap facing towards him. Looking down at him, she leaned forward to kiss him. After being separated from him for a while, she thought it was far past due for a kiss.</s> <|message|>Roman Torchwick's grin only swelled as Neo stepped over to run a finger along his chest. Well then, that was hardly subtle, and he had an idea of what she had in mind. With them separated for so long, he did wonder how she had handled her own affections for him. But it probably didn't matter. They were together again, and that was all that mattered. So he rested comfortably, and was hardly surprised as he felt the weight alight upon his lap, Neo poised and leaning in for a kiss. It was an action that he reciprocated, leaning forward so that their lips could meet in the kiss that she wanted. It really had been too long, and he did not bother to hold back either, as he reached over to take a hold of her waist. And if anyone else in the Bullhead, say, the pilot, felt like saying something, they kept it to themselves. Just as they should.</s> <|message|>Neo She gave a jolt as Torchwick had taken hold of her waist, not used to being touched in such a way. It had been a while. She felt complete. The main reason she had come to rescue him, the only reason. She was eager for him and wanted him to prove how much he felt same. He pushed forward, lightly biting his bottom lip. He dropped her weapon on the ground, wrapping his arms around her neck. She broke the kiss, pulling back to stare into his eyes for a moment. She gave him another deviant smile, reaching down below just to grab at his junk, his pants in the way. She was showing how hungry she was. She knew she would have to wait a bit, but she was a real tease and loved to do it to him.</s> <|message|>Roman Torchwick didn't react as Neo wrapped her arms around his neck, expecting as much as he responded to her touch. The devious smile though, that was just as alluring as one might expect, and he was always a sucker for that sort of thing. The grab earned a shudder on his part, just as she had to know that it would. He was aware of how much she liked to do that sort of thing, but he would give it a pass. Instead he rolled his eyes at the same time, indicating his feelings. "Neo, please tell me you didn't break me out of jail just because you got horny," he said in a deadpan tone, sighing before rubbing the bridge of his nose in mock sincerity. "Really, what am I going to do with you?"</s> <|message|>Neo She was just adoring the physical contact of whom she loved. She searched for any sign of desire in his eyes. Though thus far couldn't find any. She leaned back a little, aggravated. Her lips pursed, she crossed her arms and stared at him, disappointed. She had been a good girl, keeping her loyalty strictly to him. Though she knew when to stop and refrained from continuing any further. Neo raised an open hand gesturing to him that it was part of the reason. She might have been feeling a bit needy, though she also couldn't stand the thought of him staying there, alone, any than he had. When Torchwick asked what to do with her, she shrugged her shoulder, giving him an expression that told him it was obvious what he could do with her, too. She raised up off of his lap, and took a seat next to him, grabbing her umbrella that started to roll on the floor.</s> <|message|>Roman Somehow, Roman wasn't surprised to find that his question hadn't been too far off when it came to an answer. That was just how her mind worked, even if it wasn't the full reasoning either. But he wouldn't hold it against her, not when it got such results. And he would admit that he did enjoy it as well. Master Thief as he was, he wasn't exactly lacking when it came to the clamor for attention, but Neo was one of those people who could more easily grab it than others. She definitely used that. Still, he had to sigh a bit in turn as she shot him a disapproving look, indicating that she wasn't pleased with the reception that she had been getting. "When we get back," he told her then, as she sat down next to him. "I'm still not ruling out the possibility of getting shot down by scrambling Atlesian military aircraft. Once he was sure that they were home free, then he'd loosen up a bit.</s> <|message|>Neo She understood. It may have been unprofessional to try and seduce him. She couldn't help it. She was alone, without the one person she wanted to please. She rolled her eyes, remaining quiet, something she always did. Neo thought for a minute. Something wasn't right. The possibility of getting shot down lingered in her mind, thinking it was suspicious that they hadn't been hit already. Roman was the most wanted criminal in Remnant. He had just escaped and yet a couple of guards and one trained fighter was all they had to offer? Neo wasn't buying it. She stood up slowly, walking over to the pilot to check the radar. It was clean. She mashed a button opening the large side door. "Hey!" the pilot yelled. Ignoring him, she stood on the edge, looking behind them, 3,000 feet in the air, the wind trying hard to push her off balance. Squinting her eyes, at first she couldn't see anything. Then she could make out faint glare of another aircraft behind them. She looked back at Roman. Gesturing him that something was up.</s>
<|message|>Roman Roman took the time to relax, eyeing Neo as she rose to go do whatever it was that she was going to do while he went back to wishing that he had that cigar. It would be nice right about now, so he could relieve some of the stress from escaping from prison and getting away from Ironwood and his groupies. He wasn't above living the good life when he wanted to. But there seemed to be a problem as Neo slid open the side door, sending wind whipping through the thing, and Roma had to grab for his hat lest it be blown away in the rush of air. "May I ask what you're doing?" Roman said, nearly yelling at this point if only so Neo could hear him trying to speak more than anything else. He caught the gesture though, leaning out to see that there was a plane coming up behind them. "I suggest you step on it," he yelled to the pilot. "We appear to have made the good General a bit angry, and I'd like to make it home in one piece if you don't mind."</s>
<|description|>Crispin Clean Age: 17 Appearance: Bio/Summary: Crispin was born to a noble house that had fallen on very rough times due to a generational honour that slowly ate away at the family's prosperity. Noblesse Oblige. It is those two words that represent so much that dictated much of Crispin's early life. He must take care of those from a lower station no matter how much personal hardship it would cause him or his family to suffer. Crispin naturally saw this as self-destructive and simply had to look at the past generations whom had allowed the family wealth and wellbeing to be feasted upon by what Crispin grew to see as parasites and would swear he could feel himself being eaten away at in his own home. Still as any noble should, Clean didn't speak up nor dis he complain to his family. He silently accepted his family's choice and he simply chose to not be a part of it any longer. Changing his last name to Clean, cutting all ties to his family as his old name faded. With his Clean break, Crispin relied upon his personal skills to enter the Cadenza Imperial Military Academy and began his quest for personal gain and a respectable life. And in regards to his family 'tradition' with Noblesse Oblige? Crispin refuses to let such an obligation to serve imposed by those in the past shackle him. If he provides a service, he will be compensated. Obligation and tradition isn't something you can eat, so he can't live off of it. Vessel: In its Dormant state, Crispin's Vessel, Dumah, takes the appearance of a red business tie. By simply removing the tie, the fabric unfurls into a rapier with a basket hilt. The blade is crimson matching his tie in colour and the basket hilt is gold. Abilities: Crispin's Dumah possesses the ability of "Silence". When the ability is activated, within a 50 meter radius of him no sound is made, not from clashing weapons, not from the wind, nothing. The longer Silence is used the more world loses its lustre, colours slowly fade as it is in effect potentially resulting in a monochrome world within his boundaries, as if the quiet pollutes the world into becoming a silent film. Equipment: Crispin carries a small array of throwing knives with which he practices diligently and at his hip he has a parrying dagger to pair with Dumah in its rapier form. Trivia/Other: Crispin hates mess. A mess means that he isn't in control of either himself or the situation, either scenario being greatly frustrating. Crispin isn't so pathetic as to become catatonic or anything so drastic at such a situation, but the messier he is the more likely it is for him to act recklessly and for his temper to show where he can become downright vicious.</s> <|message|>Leon Brandeau Leon Brandeau It turned out Gradon was in better shape than Leon had expected, which was just fine by him. He was a little concerned by how Leblanc was carrying him, however, but that ended up being moot when Gradon suddenly jolted awake, seemingly no worse for wear. Leon was disturbed by the turn the conversation took upon his revival though; he wasn't much for innuendo, and he could only guess that Leblanc had something filthy on the mind as she spoke. Whatever was going on with them, Leon wanted no part of it. He would leave Leblanc, Esther and Gradon to do whatever it was they were talking about. Of more interest to him was the arrival of their Captain. Her arrival came with the even more shocking discovery that Viola was her sister. "Who's that, Leon?" Anton asked him as he returned from rebuking his comrades. "That's our Captain. She came with us to the fort." Leon told him. "Oh, so she was there for the ghosts and s-" "Yes." Leon quickly cut him off. "She was. Don't mention it again." He still couldn't believe Tzi had blabbed about that so casually. Now even Anton knew about the strange events of their patrol. He didn't expect it to matter that Anton knew, but goodness knew they shouldn't have told anyone. Upon the tolling of the bells, Anton told him, "That's the signal that the review is beginning. But they weren't supposed to arrive until later..." "Is this going to be a problem?" Leon asked him. There had been so much chaos since their arrival, he imagined it would have a poor impact on the fort's appearance. "Maybe. But chances are it could just be some half-arsed officer who doesn't care too much. Still, try to look sharp." Anton's semi carefree attitude towards it all ended up being poorly considered, as the Imperial Princess of all people appeared to be the one leading the review. Anton hastily stood at attention and saluted her as she arrived, with Leon following suit. She announced indirectly that they would all be lodged in Orello village to get them out of the fort's way before leaving to further inspect the fort. With her gone, Leon relaxed, though Anton was less so. "Bloody hell. We didn't know it was going to be the princess showing up. Look, I should probably go help and try to salvage this mess. You have fun vacationing in the village, eh Leon?" He gave Leon a final pat on the shoulder before leaving in a hurry, with Leon waving him goodbye. He felt bad for him, knowing he was probably going to have a hell of a time with this review, but he was still dwelling on the sudden arrival of the princess. He wondered why such an important person would be sent to review a fort. He would have thought that a review like this would only be important if they were expecting Orello to be ready for a war. Leon hoped that was just his imagination going wild, but he was still certain there had to be a reason for this visit, especially since nobody seemed to know Ires was the one coming. Approaching their Captain, Leon spoke to her. "Um, Captain, if I might ask; did you know anything about this?" He had already suspected she might have known about the review, though he wasn't a hundred percent certain. However, given he knew as well as anyone that Ires was a student of Cadenza until recently, he wondered if it wasn't possible she knew it was her that was coming here too. It was just idle speculation on his part, however, and he would have to take his Captain's word for it.</s> <|message|>Szeren — Fort Orello — Szeren walked into the fort behind the Princess, still unable to shake the feeling that this duty had been a punishment for missing the departure with the rest of the group. It hadn't felt like a punishment and she had no idea why the other cadets had been singled out either. But the feeling still persisted, even though the delay had been anything but her fault. It was likely that it was simply a matter of convenience. The fort was about what she had expected for something so remote although the Princess didn't seem to have gotten a good first impression. There wasn't the relief of having finally reached a destination, sleeping on the road did little to bother her as grass and dirt were still an improvement over cold stone cobbles. There was also the fact that it seemed that they were moving along again anyway. Most of the other cadets she knew by sight, if not by name. And the Captain... anyone who attended the academy would know her. Without any new orders she stood just inside the gate to see who might take action first. "I guess we're moving on again already."</s> <|message|>Esther von Degraff Esther von Degraff --- Esther returned to the group just in time before the Princess made her appearance. She did not expect her appearance at all, so when she first saw her, she froze in place for quite some time before saluting her nervously. Oh, how she was glad that she didn't catch her in her previous state of undress. She couldn't imagine standing in front of her wearing that semi see-through night gown, showing her her undergarments in all their glory. She would probably punish her for that even, for a lewd act unbecoming for a soldier of the Empire. Esther, like the other Cadets, had seen her before in their times in the Academy. She always admired her, with how graceful and composed she was. She thought she exemplified the perfect noble woman, something that she wanted to become. When the Princess declared for them to spend a night in the village, with all expenses paid by her, she was terribly surprised. She didn't expect her to come here and give them a vacation, albeit a short one. She couldn't help but smile looking at the commander's reaction to the announcement. Serves him right, she thought inside her heart. "T-thank you, Your Majesty!" she said to the princess, retightening her salute posture to the point that it looked somewhat ridiculous. Her ladylike look really wasn't suited for doing a spartan soldier act after all.</s> <|message|>Althea "Beaky" Clemmons. Also responds to cries of "MEDIC!" She was busy attempting to fix the man, Farris's blow had managed to dislocate his knee, when the princess arrived in the room and so was a little late on the whole saluting thing, what with her facing the wrong way initially, and so only noticed when the wounded man himself saluted. She spun round and after she managed to recover from the shock of turning around and finding royalty standing in the door frame and gave an awkward salute from her kneeling position next to her patient. She was surprised as everyone else that they were getting leave while the fort they were in was getting it's royal inspection. Maybe they just wanted rid of the anomalies so they could review the fort in its normal state, or the princess, who had been a student at Academy she remembered, was bias towards her fellow magic users and also wanted something to rub in the face of the Commander who had tried to blame them for the state of affairs. At any rate, after the princess left Althea forcibly rammed the mans knee back into its socket using her gauntlet and then stood and joined the others. The man himself quickly fled and left the Cadets and Aquarians on the own in the mess hall. "I'll go get ze others I guess, I need to check on Gradon anyway." She was a little unsure if she wanted to be outside the fort right now, what with the hostile column heading their way. She briefly wondered if this was some weird elaborate preemptive flanking maneuver disguised as an outing to fool spies or something, though that was probably her tired mind making conspiracy theories where none existed. She went and found Gradon and Ferris, telling them that the princes was here and that they were going on a trip outside the walls to the town. She also checked on Gradon's injuries but fortunately they did not seem serious, some light bruising for which she prescribed the same treatments as she had to Viola.</s> <|message|>Tzi Ti'amtum @KoL TZI TI'AMTUM "Don't think the Cap'll mind too much," answered the tall young man with a shrug. "But yeah, that was a was a real freaky adventure we went on." Gradon was already waking up, which was a solid thing to know; even though he wasn't pretty tight with the other guy, it was always good to know that they had made it through a rest day without anybody getting stuck in a hospital bed. He remembered how bad those out-of-ring fights could get back before he joined up with Cadenza; boy, they were pretty fun, but the cleanup could get a bit messy. This time around, it looked like only a few folks had gotten hurt. Leblanc's methods were really effective against stuff similar to bar brawls, weren't they? Any further thoughts Tzi might've had were interrupted by the arrival of the Captain. And the fact that the Viola girl they'd helped out was their boss' little sister. That explained the physical similarities, actually. The uniforms were really similar too. "Sisters, huh?" he mused out loud. "Explains that sorta knightly elegance thing you both got going on. But man, I have to put the shirt on?" His last words were accompanied by a grumble, but it was clear that despite his distaste for doing so, he was still going to comply with the recommendation. The talk of a review, and the sound of those bells - when coupled together, that obviously meant that there was a bigwig coming, and the bigwigs were in charge of letting him fight stuff, so it was best not to disrespect them too much. "I'll be back in a jiffy," Tzi said casually, heading off to grab his shirt. Of course, by the time he returned, his prominent chest now covered by a simple white shirt (although he was still donning his familiar mantle), the princess was standing there. Which he didn't expect at all. The pieces fell in place - this was the surprise the captain was talking about. Royalty coming along on that review? Consider me surprised, Cap! Despite his late arrival, he immediately stood at attention, shuffling over behind his fellow cadets. Biggest of bigwigs was here, after all.</s>
<|message|>Crispin Clean Watching the sergeant slink off... disdain, contempt and disgust simply filled Clean, making him feel anything but. Straightening his tie and grimacing he seriously considered stabbing the sergeant in the back, but that would simply get messy. Probably a court marshaling, being discharged before even getting beyond being a cadet and then executed. Letting himself simmer in his disgust, Clean clenched his teeth and a vein in his neck bulged. As he imagined the head fly off the sergeant's shoulders... he could swear he saw the mismatched girl bending out of the way almost as if she were made from rubber. Hmm... a suppose a strong opponent is something hard to get out of your head, flexibility like that... how should I deal with it? he got stuck in his own head fighting a ghost... a memory... it was maddening. Before falling into a state Clean stalked off ignoring those around him, even the one that was the whole reason for him intervening. This whole place is filthy. Watching dust settle and moving into the mess hall, Clean saw the aftermath of Leblanc's intervention. It looked rather standard for her, either a bruised body or ego for everyone but her. Then there was a tone of voice. Imperious. Brooking no argument. A tone he knew well, it's nobility. Even in his head the word dripped with vitriol. Inherited positions led to complacency. It's easy to look down and give orders if you have laurels to rest on. To prevent an outburst, Clean pivoted on his heel and leaned against the wall outside and listened in. Hmph, look at me letting personal bias cloud my judgement. shaking his head is deprecation, Clean listened to the marching orders given by her majesty. The village. It caused conflicting emotions, he hated this fort, but he also hated that nobility was kicking out not only him, but also the wounded from Arcadia, forcing the burden on the local population. Still, nobility aren't the class mere cadets or even a captain can disobey without good reason. Entering the room Clean pointedly ignored the princess and saluted his captain. "Cadet Crispin Clean will gather what supplies we have left and will attempt to assist the Arcadian troops in finding proper accommodations within the village proper for their wounded."</s>
<|description|>Sophia Lemongrass * Age: 19 * Gender: Female * Race: Harpy * Class: Nun * Appearance: Sophia's most obvious trait is that... well, she's got feathery wings, white flecked with grey rather than the normal darker tone. She is also small, even for a harpy, and it wouldn't be unfair to tell her to cut down on the sweets a bit. Her hair matches her feathers, and is far too long for someone with no hands to take care of it by themselves. As for what she wears: it was presumably patterned after a normal, red-and-gold (what other colours would you expect from a sun goddess?) habit, but it's been shortened a bit--and naturally, given its relatively simple construction aside from the trim, it has enormous arm holes. Predictably, Sophia's eyes are blue. * Personality: Having spent most of her time hanging around with books or doing religious things, Sophia is rather shy and not too good at socialising with people. She's got strong morals, however, and won't refuse to help someone in need. She's also an enormous glutton, and even manages to overcome her own race's tendency to not gain weight through the sheer amount she'll eat if able. Pretty good nun otherwise, though. * Brief Backstory: With her great-grandmother having been the last person in her family to live outside a city, Sophia's rather more civil than many harpies, and wouldn't ever have the first clue how to go about living in the mountains, though with all her recent male ancestors being Nem, she'd have a bit more luck at surviving in a desert. Oddly enough, despite their race, her mother and grandmother both worship Reon, and Sophia chose to join the church when she was younger. Given that dungeons are dangerous places, and she's a pretty skilled healer, she was sent out with someone she remembers from her schooldays on their current mission. * Equipment: In case her magic fails, Sophia has a normal first aid kit... not that she can use it at all, but it's still useful to have it around. * Abilities: Not just a nun, Sophia is something of a scholar, as well as being trained in various positive magics--particularly the art of healing, but also magical barriers that can act as an extra layer of armour, or temporarily letting someone push their body past its normal limits (though she insists that they let her fix things after the fight). She's pretty knowledgeable about theology and history. What she lacks is good survival skills, due to never having lived outside of civilisation. She also has a stubborn inability to acknowledge that she's actually pretty badly shortsighted. Which is an even bigger problem than normal when you can fly, since everything you can navigate by is kind of hard to see...</s> <|message|>Liliane Gage Liliane had noticed that her yell hadn't gone unheard. The rather small paladin had called her (and possibly a few others) over. Liliane took one step forward and heard another shout by one of the tiny paladin's companion. The second yell was unexpected. "Aye?" Liliane yelled back to him, wondering why he knew that she was a treasure hunter. Liliane, with tree nuts in hand, walked over to the mini-paladin's table. Liliane then noticed that the small competition between the soldier lady and man who looked like an average warrior had spiralled into someone's arm being gnarled. Luckily, the arm appeared to be tended to by a foreign person. Liliane stood there, amazed that so many events could happen at a bar in less than 8 minutes.</s> <|message|>Al Valkanos Al nodded at the doctor's words. He understood that alcohol was good. A trained medical professional only confirmed that it could cure outside injuries, not just inside ones. The swordsman immediately bought a very large, very strong bottle of whiskey, slipping it inside his bag. "I think it's like a tomb or something. I knew some guys that cleared out the upper floors the other month; they made out with some decent loot. It's got like traps and stuff, but if you're looking for cash we can head towards the lower floors." he explained to the dog girl. Or was it a fox girl? Al made a mental note to ask after he'd secured a paycheck. "Yeah, I'll join. It'll be an adventure!" he told Marc, emphasizing 'adventure' by pounding his fist into his hand, as the mental note was buried under thoughts like 'That tail is rather fluffy' and 'I hope Haldric's tomb doesn't have terribly many snakes'.</s> <|message|>Sergeant Cristine Wykes "A-adventure!" Sergeant Wykes waved about in a dizzy fashion. "Okay miss Paladin. I'll join you." Sergeant Wykes offered, looking down at her arm. She tried moving her arm, but the act was met with more pain than anything else. In other words, the splint was effective. The knight attempted to pick at her arm a little bit. She wondered what it would be like should she have an itch- not that it mattered quite yet. Sergeant Wykes attempted to reach to her back, untying the knot right off her neck as she moved the arm a little bit out to stretch. "Oh... it's all better" Cristine giggled in drunken confusion. She hiccuped again and began shadowboxing at the air. "Thanks bird lady"</s> <|message|>Tanya Palayen Tanya cleared her throat. Good, the soldier woman was healed, and everything seemed to have quite nicely quieted down. And indeed, there were many who seemed rather interested in what she had to say. Even the drunken woman, who would hopefully sober up before they got going. Tanya was not to keen on taking a drunk into a dungeon, especially for a mission as important as this. To be fair, the lack of exposure to the deepest point of Haldric's Prison-Castle meant she was not sure exactly what evil lurked there, but regardless bringing someone who was drunk seemed a poor idea. However, some people sobered up quickly, a fact that Tanya was glad for in any situation. "The Prison-Castle of the Mad King Haldric is not too far from here," she began, "And within it, a terrible evil lies. There is a reason goblins are drawn to it and it's filled with mindless undead. There's something at the bottom. Something acting as a beacon to foul creatures like that. As a Paladin of Reon, it is my duty to eradicate evil such as this. However, many of my usual allies are unable to accompany me. With two exceptions." She paused for a moment, glancing from Sophia to the Mayonite Paladin and back. "That is why I have come to this... Tanya paused for a moment. She hated taverns. "... Wonderful place. In order to gather a party to reach the final floor of the Prison-Castle and slay the darkness there. I will only take a small amount of wealth for the Church, all else may be divided between each of you." Indeed, Tanya certainly did not want for wealth. "Sophia, our scholar and nun, will inform you more of the Prison-Castle."</s> <|message|>Fieri "Diamond-Tail" Angharad Not a sound was made as Fieri's leathery tail slithered along the confines of Haldric's Prison-Castle. The halls ahead, barren and looted long ago, were dimly lit by still-burning torches helpfully placed by the castle's previous plunderers. The gloomy light emitted by the torches playfully flickered along the floor, revealing conspicuously missing tiles. On closer inspection, the tiles appeared to be pressure plates long-ago uprooted, their mechanic innards looted and sold. A brief splash of inspiration struck Fieri-- the forester said something about this castle being filled with traps. All I need to do it loot them, and I'll be rich! An evil glint shone in Fieri's eye, as a whole range of mercantile opportunities opened themselves to her. Fieri slithered on. The nondescript, winding walls of the Prison-Castle gradually began to reveal more and more of their creator's personal tastes. Though the castle's ancient traps had been made almost obnoxiously conspicuous through either previous adventurers' markings or their mechanisms obvious absence, they were becoming alarmingly common. Every few yards, another shattered or removed pressure plate would cross her view. Whatever the Prison-Castle's previous occupants did, it was clear that they had to do it carefully. The sheer density of traps on this floor spoke volumes of the Mad King's paranoia. Fieri, harrowed but unwilling to turn back, occupied herself by brainstorming. Fieri, being an entrepreneur, knew that she couldn't earn any customers by simply offering services, she would have to offer goods as well. A proof of concept could go a long way to ensure that she would be worth the money she wanted from them. To do that, she would need to Artifice. To Artifice, she needed ideas. It was at that point that Fieri activated a cleverly-hidden spike trap. In retrospect, Fieri probably shouldn't have been thinking so hard on what enchantments would be useful, especially given where she was. It was only thanks to dumb luck and the misfortune of a previous adventurer that Fieri avoided impalement. Instead of meeting hard, rusty steel at the end of a spike, Fieri was instead struck with the corpse of a leather-clad humanoid, rotted far beyond the point of recognizability. For a moment, Fieri was dumbstruck. Then, like a bloated float rising from the depths, Fieri emitted an animal noise, mindless and pained. What started as an idiot's croak grew quickly into a shrill scream, and Fieri flung herself backwards until her back slammed into the wall. Fieri, overcome with panic, curled up into the fetal position, and began sobbing hysterically.</s> <|message|>Al Valkanos "Kill a demon, loot the treasure. I know the deal." Al gave a large smile at the paladin, adjusting his sword sling. "It's nothing I don't already do on a regular basis anyways. Heck, I even know the way from here." he said, opening the large tavern doors, letting in a fresh draft of air from outside. "I think it's time we blow this scene. Get everybody and the stuff together." he said, stepping outside.</s> <|message|>Sergeant Cristine Wykes "Alright guy who broke my arm. I guess I'm gonna follow you until I get my revenge. WOOHOO!" Cristine spun around drunkenly. She felt herslf to make sure nothing was missing, unscrewing the pommel on her sword, then twisting it back to make sure it was tight. "Buh-bye" she waved the tavern before opening the door and stepping through, leaving the door open to let in the draft. Sergeant Wykes unhinged her horse and got on. It seemed that while her mental status was off, she still had some level of coordination. In fact, it was not the first time Sergeant Wykes had rode a horse drunk. "Weeheehee!"</s> <|message|>Haruka "Haru" Taiyo Both the big guy and the purple child explained to her about this castle, but Haruka still didn't quite understand. What she wanted to know was why Haldric was so angry, but no one seemed intent on answering. Perhaps nobody knew. Perhaps she would have to find out herself. Also, she guessed that there was evil and money there too. If Haruka knew anything, it was that evil was bad and that she needed more money. Thus, it was decided. Haruka excitedly rushed out of the tavern behind the big guy and the drunk woman, who was fine now somehow. Either Westerners were also amazing at healing, or else Haruka's skills have become so fantastic that she could mend a broken arm completely in minutes. Either way, it was fascinating to her. She still didn't quite know what was going on, but everyone was really excited and that made her excited too. "OK," she cried out, "3, 2, 1, let us travel now to our destination!"</s> <|message|>Marc Ferrus Well three people had just left, leaving only the treasure hunter lookalike and the robed man. This would not do! "I had better follow them!" Marc promptly declared. "They have no idea the danger and excitement that awaits them! I'll fill them in on the way! I hope to see you there once we reach the dungeon Lady Tanya, Miss Sophia!" And like that he was out the door, pursuing Al, Wykes and the strange fox lady. Still unarmed and unarmored. "Wait, wait!" he called after the departing trio. "Before you leave, I must gather my equipment! It is at the orphanage, see. I have been staying with them, as they will be receiving my share of the reward!" Once again, Marc Ferrus was daft enough to try and explain everything to everyone at every time.</s>
<|message|>Sophia Lemongrass It was rather frustrating to the small harpy that, with everything that was going on, nobody even paused to stay around or listen--not even the person whose arm had just been healed. In Sophia's knowledge, it was generally not a good idea to walk out without knowing if you were in top form. The only warning would be to not stress her arm until tomorrow in case it broke all over again but it was definitely worth knowing if you were that rough. At least being on the go made explanations considerably easier to hear... though it seemed doubtful that people were listening properly after leaving before they got the chance to hear. "As you probably know, Mad-King Haldric was once King Grigori Fel Haldric II, ruler of Telrun. The longer his reign went on, the more paranoid he grew, and the castle's original construction reflects this. Even trusted servants fell under suspicion, and the traps and danger either drove everyone off or killed them. "The last we know is that the king, still wealthy, sought to become undead or otherwise achieve immortality and his kingdom, with no line of succession was absorbed into Velt about nine hundred years ago. "Though the castle has decayed since then, many attempts have been made to enter, but the most successful were investigating what had happened to cause his kingdom's collapse. Those that survived managed to record important information, as have more recent adventurers. "The front entrance isn't worth considering for most, due to a trapped lock and a pit trap. The mindless undead that have survived are likely to be unusually tough for something with no intelligence, since their ranks are from the castle's original inhabitants. Even with bare instincts, soldiers with nine hundred years' experience are dangerous. "Unfortunately, due to numerous recent attempts indicating the state of decay, the original plans are only useful as a guideline. Former pathways are blocked off, and even with many of the traps broken, some continue to be a hazard despite no longer working as intended. "Finally, nobody has reached the bottom two layers since the castle was inhabited by the living. When we reach the bottom levels, everyone should be as careful as possible." That was it for the harpy's knowledge, at least that which could be applied without some sort of idea where in the castle they could possibly be.</s>
<|description|>Kai Asakura Age: 16 Occupation: High School Student Appearance: Personality: Kai is an odd contradiction of personality traits which could be described as samurai delinquent. While he is a delinquent and has rough mannerisms, he is now very calm, collected, and disciplined, coming off much older than his age. Background: Kai Asakura was born as the heir to the Asakura dojo, a dojo that teaches a martial arts style known as "The Way That Qwells the Seas and Silences the Storm." The Asakura dojo was a very strict and traditional dojo, which caused Kai to fall into delinquency during middle school and used his martial arts prowess to terrorize anyone in his way. Though one day he saw a classmate being bullied by another student, normally he would have just ignored it and moved on, though the bullying student had pissed him off earlier, so Kai punched him out. Turns out the other student was being bullied over his hobby of Gunpla Battle and his Gunpla smashed to pieces by the bullying student. Kai gave a bit of his curiosity towards the now broken plastic model, which caused the bullied to reveal that he was quite a blabbermouth and rapidly talked about Gunpla and the Gundam series which cause Kai to be caught up in the student's pace and caused him to be dragged over to Team Alexander, a competitive Gunpla team. There he was introduced to Team Alexander's leader and 1st pilot, who introduced him to Gunpla battle and convinced the now more interested Kai to join up with Team Alexander. With his skills as a martial artist translating rather well to Gunpla Battle, he became the team's 3rd pilot. It was in Team Alexander that Kai truly enjoyed himself and the three-man team gained some fame as they won several local tournaments and grew from 3 members to 6. The leader had even lofter ideas and they joined the regional tournament, where everything would fall apart. They had won the tournament and it was there that they caught the eye of a Global level team, who was looking for new talents from the regional to the national level. They contacted Team Alexander with an offer to raise the team to even greater heights, though this came with a condition, Team Alexander would be absorbed into the other team. The Team was split, on one side there were the ones who wanted to have a quick ride up to the Global level, on the other side there were the ones who didn't want the team to lose its identity and autonomy and those who wanted to stop as they thought winning regionals was good enough. They all collectively decided to settle it with a Gunpla battle, it would be between Kai who would represent the side that wanted to reject the offer and the leader who would represent the side that wanted to accept. They had a battle and Kai lost, however, it was quickly discovered that the leader had hacked into the Gunpla Battle system beforehand and cheated. The team was furious, it was decided by all members that the fairest way to decide was with a match, but the leader decided to ignore that all for the sake of their greed. This act caused the team to break apart and Team Alexander was dissolved, with every member going their separate ways. Since then he's been mostly a sort of Gunpla Wanderer, whispered quietly in some back alley arcade as a sort of Gunpla Reaper that would tear apart your Gunpla using only rentals and straight builds. Piloting Ability: (10 Max) - Battle sense: 5 - Perception: 4 - Mechanical knowledge: 1 Other Skills, Abilities, and Resources: Kai is an excellent pilot, however, he has very little experience with Gundam and Gunpla building as such he doesn't have a "Main Gunpla" starting out, due to it current being damaged and he didn't have the means to repair it. Name: TA-X-413 Turn-XCEED Gundam Model: Turn-X Stats: 28 -Power: 8 -Defense: 5 -Mobility: 8 -Energy Output: 7 Description: A unit built for Kai and Souji Kiryu's masterpiece, The Turn-XCEED is a heavily modified Turn-X redesigned for close quarter combat, made with the design concept to exceed and defeat a million Gunpla, the main builder Souji poured everything he had into making this unit. It's main system is the XCEED system, an upgraded RG system. When it detects Assimilation is being used the XCEED Absorber will go into overdrive and gather Particles from around and into the frame of the Gundam significantly increasing it's performance. When using this system, the vent on it's head will emit excess energy to prevent it from overheating, creating a luminescent plume. Turn-XCEED being based on the Turn-X, it still retains the ability to split and have the individual parts be maneuvered around, as well as the I-field and it's regeneration ability. It also can transform into 3 other forms, a butterfly like Mobile Armor by switching it's legs and arms for high aerial maneuverability, switching the side parts of the Abdomen Weapons platform it can transform into a scorpion like mobile armor for underwater combat, and by switching the Abdomen parts with it's legs it can turn into a beetle like shelling mode. XCEED Absorber: The butterfly shaped X on its chest is an upgraded Power Absorber using Sei's absorb system, which allows it to absorb beams and convert beams into energy when they disperse against the I-field. Twin Fusion Crushers: Gauntlets attached to both arms of the Gunpla. These are slimed down versions of the Fusion and Manipulator redesigned to resemble the God Gundam's finger protectors and have . They can be used like the original manipulator allowing them to fire beams, create a beam saber and use the "Shining Finger." The only part that was removed was the Grappling wire, which has been replaced with the ability to generate a beam cloth for use in grappling. Mega Particle Cannons: Like the Turn-X the Turn-XCEED is equipped with Mega Particle Cannons throughout its body, it can use it's I-field to curve the beams for a more focused barrage. The Ones equipped on it's Leg and feet can link up to form a beam blade between them for kicking attacks. Gigant Cannons: More powerful Particle Cannons equipped in the back of the legs, they can also create a very powerful beam saber for a kick strike. Variable Beam Vulcans: Beam Guns Equipped to the head at the V fin, giving the head some offensive capabilities. It is able to change between vulcans for soft targets and a focused beam for hard targets. "Tengoku and Chikyu" Butterfly Blades: A pair of Liberta Swords which can either coat themselves in Moonlight Butterfly Nanomachines or Ionized energy to disable opponents. It also uses technology from the Turns to overcome the weaknesses of the Shinguru blade technology, it uses Nanomachines to quickly reset the edge and an I-field movement system to deal with the weight and allows it to be used as bits. They can be attached to each other handle to handle, which compresses and increases the power of the Moonlight Butterfly cladding. "Luna and Sol" Butterfly Rifle: A pair of revolver style short barreled rifles with Shinguru blades down the handles, the handguns have three firing settings, a bullet made from compressed Nano Skin, a blast of nanomachines, or an Ionized blast for disabling, all of which are accelerated using I-fields. The Shinguru blades also use Turn technology to overcome their weaknesses, while it can't clad itself, this allows it to be used as bits and move around. The weapons can be combined together to create a bow like weapon. Ballistic Magnum: Team Alexander's signature weapons. It's a solid shot magnum with an Armor Schneider attached under the barrel. The Armor Scheider can be fired like a ballistic knife and then detonated. It is stored in the main section of the Abdomen Weapon Platform. Abdomen Weapon Platform: Made of three parts all on smaller arms attached to the waist of the Turn-XCEED the central part contains another I field generator and can be used as a shield, while the left and right parts have more standardised Fusion and Manipulators for combat wires included. These parts also have sections to hold Luna and Sol and Tengoku and Chikyu. The blades of the held weapons can also be emitted to create a crab like claw. Moonlight Butterfly: Uses Nanomachines to create butterfly-like wings that can break down man made materials into sand.</s> <|message|>Blade Heero Lion@Double Blade was fighting the close fight, but once the canon fired, blade moved out the way just in time, but then after that the Snow White shut down completely as Blade sighed and leaned into the chair blade gave himself a face palm and sighed heavily and said," sorry Hanako we worked hella hard on her and she got badly damaged, sorr I couldn't keep her out of getting damaged, and she held out good for me even with the structural kink," he looks around as he then spoke to him and looked at the snow white you did good, me and Hanako will fix you up." He smiled a bit. He looks at the others and offered a smile and sighed as he grabbed snow white and stood up stretching he was happy they won but a bit disappointed the fact that he couldn't keep snow white from getting damaged</s> <|message|>Seiten, Ryoichi Kishimoto Arcade, Local Tournament. Lion @Dezuel - Devils Cry His defeat was on repeat in his head, flickering vividly and insufferably slow. Baelstrom was dying on him, flashing screens burned orange. He didn't have time to read them, not that he needed too. In a nut shell the Baelstrom was maimed; it was missing a foot, an eye, a shield, and a horn. Its paint was all but gone, all that remained was the beaten black frame of the demonic Gundam; its grappling claw open with dark intentions. Though that wasn't the worst of it. The WARS he had experienced had left the gunpla battered inside and out. Its limbs were becoming stiff and unwieldly with the resistance of his controls. Ryoichi poured strength into his arms and hands. The exertion he was throwing into the battle paid the price for his still fluid movements. It was in their last skirmish that he understood just how outnumbered he was. In a flash that golden gunpla had defeated the others while simultaneously, somehow, managing to operated the flagship. Stuck between surviving the onslaught of the white Wing Gundam or destroying the flagship; Ryoichi decided to disengage the white Wing Gundam. From there everything went from confidence, to fear, to acceptance, to anger, and then to joy... Sweat fell from Ryoichi's face and arms. And for a long moment he refused to raise his head. He had seen the dark frame falling apart as the stadium shut down. Seen the right side of the Baelstrom pluck away at the joints. That was rough and yet exhilarating too. Before, he had wanted nothing more than a strong Gunpla Fighter to stand against him. Now, after experiencing all that WARS had to offer, a flame had reawakened inside him. And if nothing else, he was grateful to his opponents for that. The roar of the crowd was a muffled sound compared to the voices of Team Imagine Victory. He felt exhaustion lay over his eyelids as he stood up straight and gathered the Baelstrom's parts. With a gentle hand he placed the pieces in his plastic bag and carried it close to his chest. He plucked his glasses from his pockets to hide the true toll the match had on him. It was annoying and maddening but he had always been good about playing the buffoon. "Char-chan!" he called aloud once he reached Charmaine. "I lost my match. Can you tell I'm heartbroken right now?" He choked off his next words seeing one of the guys of Team Imagine Victory walking over. He straightened himself and placed his hands on Charmaine's wheelchair. Through closed lips he quickly whispered, "Stay cool, I could probably take him in a fight." Throughout Naoki's card peddling, Ryoichi held back laughter until the "Old Man" comment reached his ears. Fortunately he was okay with Naoki's vibe, so he simply smiled. He took the card with two fingers and looked back at the boy. "Sure thing, Kid. Though my fee might've just rocketed up a bit."</s>
<|message|>Kai Asakura Kai took the Turn- XCEED of the table. Once again he didn't really feel anything about the victory. They were the stronger fighters, that's all that mattered. Though he had to wonder if his words had gotten through. Kai looked down at his partner. "Ya satisfied?" He whispered to it, before smirking and putting it back into the lacquer box and sealing it up once again. Kai looked up once again, this time to a stage further away and with a quiet voice that was drowned out by the crowd, he made a vow. "Akira. I'm coming for ya. When I do we'll settle this."</s>
<|description|>Grikgar (Grik) Seeker Rank (If applicable): Unggoy Ultra Species: Unggoy Appearance: Grikgar Grik stands 5'8" a little taller than the average Unggoy and weighs 275 lbs. he has a bit more muscle mass packed onto him than others. Wearing the typical white combat harness with the unusual forked tank signifying his rise through the ranks of special operations. Normally he will always be wearing his helmet as it does have a built in speaker so others can hear him better. Skills: Given his advanced training, Grik is an Explosives and Artillery Expert both with human and covenant ordnance but prefers covenant. He even has an exceptional understanding with disarming explosives and is a great linguist. Being able to understand all of the covenant languages as well as speak most. Even going as far to learn a few human languages and Huragok sign language. Aside from that Grik is a natural born climber and is adept at repairing most equipment. Preferred Weapons/Equipment: Main Weapon - T-58 LAAW, Fuel Rod Cannon Secondary Weapons - Dual T-54D DEP, Plasma Pistol's Back Up weapon - ODST Combat Knife Primary Explosives - 4x Type-1 Antipersonnel grenade, Plasma Grenade Secondary Explosives - 4x Covenant Plasma Charge. Equipment - Unggoy Ultra Combat Harness with helmet, Active Camouflage, Light Personal Shield (Experimental). Background: Grikgar was picked up at a young age and put straight into military service. Born on high charity in 2545 he almost immediately was put in a leadership position due to him not fleeing from combat during training like many others of his kind. This trait was picked up on by the Sangheili that were training his batch of hatching's. Because of his unwillingness to flee and being rather fascinated with all things that went Boom, he was given additional training. Unggoy don't have last names or at least didn't in the covenant, instead he took the last name from the ship he was tasked out to, Seeker. The Seeker of Truth or just "the Seeker" is a CAS-class assault carrier and flagship for the Fleet of Particular Justice. To him it was an honorable position one he took great pride in. he soon found himself in multiple conflicts through multiple worlds in their purge of the humans. Showing again and again how well he could use his skills as an effective Unggoy leader verses small groups of armed humans military or otherwise. With a rather high success rate and low mortality rate for his squads he was yet again promoted and given more training. Grik would use what free time he had to talk and learn from the other races that would listen to him, even going as far as learning human languages to better understand their music he enjoyed so much. Soon he found himself receiving training to join up with the special operations Unggoy only a few months before the Fleet would hit their next target, Reach. The battle for Reach was long and bloody the casualty rate for his squad was rather high giving him the chance for promotions. In return he was able to show his superiors his ability with the fuel rod cannon and the explosives training he received to great effect. Being able to take out emplacements and fortified structures with well-placed shots and explosives with little oversight or orders to do so. Showing once again his fearlessness and proficiency with artillery weapons. After the battle of reach and his continued service aboard "The Seeker" led him to the most glorious moment of his short life. The ability to gaze upon instillation 04. He didn't see much combat wise during that fight, his team always seemed to be sent to retrieve something but never really engaged in combat other than against the sentinels of the ring. His team was still on "The Seeker of Truth" when the ship master ordered the retreat from the ring and subsequently survived the destruction of the ring, only hearing rumors of monsters and demons from the badly shaken crew members that returned. Grikgar returned with the ship to High Charity and his team was ultimately transferred to "The Reverence" a CPV-class heavy destroyer. The Unggoy participated in many smaller strike missions aboard the destroyer. Then everything began to change, political upheaval and a civil war that spanned the entire covenant. After that some of the Sangheili that he had fought alongside in many battles had been killed, he joined alongside them to fight with them. After the end of the war Grikgar was tired, he was almost ten years old now. Most Unggoy would barely make it past their 5th birthday. Still, it would seem that his dedication and loyalty would pay off in the end. The new hierarchy of the swords of Sanghelios hand picked him among only a handful of other Unggoy to receive the rank of Ultra with one Unggoy by the name of Stolt given the rank of Ranger and put in command of Sangheili Rangers. Grikgar is unsure why he was given this rank and why he was eventually sent to a human / covenant team. Politics was never his strong suit, he's just doing what he is told.</s> <|message|>Lucas Ryker Spartan Lucas Ryker Making the medic the Team Lead...alright, well, seen stranger things in my life. Lucas hadn't spoken again over the course of the briefing, choosing instead to absorb the information about the mission and only whistling quietly when Shih gave them a holographic look at the sheer size of Sarcophagus. The SPARTAN-IV had been on several missions both inside and on the surface of that Forerunner dome and it always amazed him that they'd pulled off getting it built before originally firing the rings. With the briefing finishing shortly after, and after reassurances that the Flood weren't present within the installation, which Ryker wasn't sure if he believed or not, the team was dismissed with the naming of Aviza as Fire Team Leader. He had no reason to delay heading to the Falcon other than to let the Mgalekgolo get on first. The Pelican ride was quiet, as no one yet wanted to break the social ice, but then he couldn't say he was surprised. Aviza was likely mentally preparing herself to be in charge in the upcoming mission, the other two Spartans likely SPARTAN-IIIs and weren't keen on conversation anyways and the former Black Ops operative wanted nothing to do with the pair of ONI spooks unless he absolutely had to, he'd left ONI for valid reasons and he wasn't about to answer questions about his past with the Office of Naval Intelligence from people who didn't need to know. So while they were in transit between the landing pad the Pelican had started on and the UNSC Chorus of Thunder, he simply enjoyed the view. He had decided that he would learn the most about their Swords allies once they had all settled in on the Heavy Cruiser and were able to get some training together in. [i]Actually...they had the module installed already, so maybe we CAN get some training in, perhaps some one on one custom games or something. At the very least, I'm gonna run some combat sims, keep acclimating to this dagger that a Spec Ops Sangheili had given him after a few missions together. Her name was Comi'Masam, one of the leaders for a Swords of Sangheilios Spec Ops squad operating in another part of the Arm of Orion. His previous fire team, Regis, had worked in tandem with them for several months shutting down a series of Covenant Remnant operations and cells. During that time, she'd helped him improve his skill as an assassin and with the twin energy daggers he used and before he'd left, had gifted him a more traditional energy dagger to aid in completing his missions with Aegis team. While romantic attraction wasn't his cup of tea, the Sangheili female had earned his trust in a way no one since he'd joined ONI had and he considered her a close friend. When Spartan Ops had asked for recommendations for Aegis from his previous post, they had been somewhat surprised that her name was the one he'd put forwards. When asked why he didn't put forwards other members from Regis Team, his answer had been simple. "These are war vets who fought the Covenant for nearly two decades before the War ended. Most of them could barely stand the Spec Ops team and that was a series of joint operations. Asking them to have to take orders from one of them on occasion?" SPARTAN Ops had let the issue lie and said they'd talk with the Swords. As he felt the Pelican begin to settle down on the hangar deck aboard the Chorus, the SPARTAN-IV flexed his wrist experimentally, igniting the blade of the dagger. "Never get tired of that..." He gave a couple of small swings and thrusts with it before he deactivated it and looked around as the loading ramp lowered. Aviza was first off and headed to the Mess Hall, leaving an open invitation for the others to join her if they wished, but Lucas was sticking to his plan. "Right, well, you have fun with that Fire Team Leader. I'm heading to the War Games module, get some training in before the mission starts. Gotta get adjusted to some newer equipment and it never hurts to stay sharp."</s> <|message|>Vael 'Virisusai Vael 'Virisusai --- Vael took a brief moment to review his map of the ship. It was detailed to the extent that it showed him the path to each place he would need to go as a passenger. The cruiser was of comparable size to a CCS-class battlecruiser, though somewhat smaller. Regardless, he doubted he would have need to see most of it. Briefly, Vael considered simply waiting in the quarters he had been given until they arrived. Provided what the Captain had said was true, everything that he was bringing with him was already in his quarters, aside from his weapons. He had multiple sets of armor with him, including the one he was wearing, another environmentally-sealed combat harness, and another that he kept for…sentimental reasons. Checking over his equipment was an option, but ultimately, he felt that the time he had could be used more productively. These "War Games" did have Vael's interest. From what he understood, they could simulate combat situations with surprising accuracy. He was skeptical that it could truly compare to battle itself, but he could see its value in training. Several of the others seemed to intend to use the simulator while they could, but while Vael did want to see his team in combat, he decided that it was important that he take some time to speak with Spartan Aviza. She was the Fireteam Leader for their mission, but they were both leaders of this team, and it was their responsibility to ensure they guided their team efficiently. Vael gave a brief glance to Spartan Ryker. He appeared to have integrated an energy dagger into his armor. The Humans had began integrating reverse-engineered Covenant technology into their own, though in this case, it appeared to be an energy dagger taken from a Sangheili harness and integrated into his own. While Sangheili did place special importance on the energy sword, a simple dagger did not carry the same cultural weight. Though, it was his opinion that the Spartan embarrassed himself by swinging it around like a child playing with a knife. In any case, Vael put away his data pad and followed after Aviza. He remained wordless at first, but did eventually turn his head down towards her as he walked alongside her. "We should speak about our team, Spartan. I fear it shall be to our detriment that we will not have the chance to train sufficiently as a unit before this mission."</s>
<|message|>Grikgar (Grik) Seeker Grikgar /Grik/ Seeker // Unggoy Ultra // Demolitions and Artillery // Hearing the good news that it was unlikely that he would have to face off against any of the parasite relived him. Did that mean that he still didn't have to worry? Not really but at least he could relax a little. It would seem the first phase of their mission would be recon then move into search and destroy with the possibility of all out combat with the brutes. Grikgar could only hope he could get the opportunity to rally the other Unggoy with the brutes to fight against them. Still if they didn't, he had no problem killing all of them. The captain and the others seemed rather interested and in a hurry to get off planet. He couldn't blame them really he was also excited to get back into the thick of it. Boarding the pelican and finding an uncomfortable spot next to the Spartan that called himself Ben. A rather bumpy and quiet ride for the most part, Grikgar was happily bobbing his head from side to side listening to some human music he was sure was loud enough to be heard through his helmet. Grik didn't care, this whole experience was exciting to him. It wasn't too much longer and they had landed, the Spartan Aviza was the first off the pelican but didn't seem to be in as much of a hurry as the other two humans. He was unsure exactly why they were with them but o well, humans are weird. A simple map of the ship displayed briefly on his visor with a small point that marked where he was and another that marked his room. The design of the ship was strange and the exterior of the ship matched the interior, all these human ships lacked color and design. Every ship in the former covenant was a work of art in shape and color. However, he figured it was a luxury the humans couldn't afford. The female Spartan spoke up again, something about a mess hall and food. Food was definitely something he could get behind. He was unsure of the mess hall though, "Why do Spartans eat in a messy hall?" he asked not really speaking to anyone in general. The Unggoy almost happily waddling slowly behind his commander as he followed them out of the pelican and down the corridor towards the messy hall.</s>
<|description|>Newlyn Age: 2.3 years old Looks: Position in Pack: Is healer a good position? If not then he'll just be a hunter Personality(Just a general idea of what you're character is like): He takes everything a little too seriously. He cares about all members of the pack equally and would die for all of them. He can be very blunt and rude but he is also kind and considerate. He's still new to this whole "healer" thing, so he still messes up from time to time</s> <|message|>Amber "Hm," Amber mumbled. She turned and walked in a few circles before lying down. She lowered her head and gave the ground a few more sniffs as if to find a scent she hadn't noticed before. Failing that, she simply rested her head onto her paws and waited. After a moment, she heard someone approaching close by. She lifted her head. "Alkah? What are you doing here?"</s> <|message|>Klondike "Yes, Alkah, weren't you supposed to be... never mind. We could use some help. I see you have made a kill already. Is there more where that came from? The herd could use the meat" Klondike replied.</s> <|message|>Alkah He shrugged dismissively, although he was clearly delighted to be recognized for the small start. "It was the only one I found, and I think a hawk dropped it. But I smelled many dens. The problem is getting them out." He tilted his head and thought a moment, then dropped the mouse in front of Klondike's feet.</s> <|message|>Amber Amber stared at the rat as it fell at Klondike's feet. It wasn't much, but she began to realized how very hungry she was starting to feel. She quickly jumped to her feet. "Where are the dens? We can think of some way to lure them out!" She stopped and silently cursed to herself. She had forgotten about Lila. Amber wouldn't feel good about running off after some rats and leaving Lila behind. "Wait," Amber started, "No... Lila. Probably shouldn't."</s> <|message|>Klondike "A mouse? Really? That's not very..." he paused, not wanting to give offense. "It must have been hard to catch that little one, wasn't it? Thanks."</s> <|message|>Alkah He shook his head, his ears falling back slightly. "It was dying when I found it. Dropped by a hawk." He then turned his head to Amber. "If you follow my scent backward, you should be able to catch the dens' scent. I'll look for Lila if you'd like."</s> <|message|>Amber "Oh, no. That's fine," Amber mumbled. "She's fine. She should be back any moment now." She paused for a while, staring intently at seemingly nothing. She was thinking hard in reality. She wasn't sure if she should go after the rat dens or wait for Lila first. After a while, she made up her mind. It would only take a minute, and it shouldn't be too far away, right? "I'm getting a snack," Amber announced suddenly. She walked past Alkah and started following his scent back to the rat den.</s> <|message|>Klondike Klondike followed Amber, keeping a sharp vigil. He wasn't sure why, but he had felt very protective of her as of late. He didn't think anything of it, though. He just wanted to keep a fellow member of the pack safe. Yeah, that was it.</s> <|message|>Amber Amber stopped when she felt Klondike following her. She turned around and looked at him curiously. "Are you going to hunt rats with me?" She asked, half jokingly. She looked back at the direction Alkah had come from and continued walking. "We'd better try to be quick about it. Don't want Lila coming back before we're done."</s> <|message|>Klondike "Yeah, let's just get it over with" Klondike replied, putting his nose to the ground and sniffing.</s> <|message|>Amber Amber kept her head low and followed Alkah's trail. It wasn't long before a second scent started appearing. She recognized it; the rats were nearby. The smell got stronger and stronger until—She stared at the rat that was only a few feet away. They stared each other down for approximately ten seconds before Amber lunged. She charged after the rat who squeaked in fear and ran. The rat nearly made it to a hole in the ground, but Amber's larger size was too big of an advantage. She caught up to it quickly and clamped down her jaws on the rat. Amber turned and faced Klondike happily. She cheerfully said something past the rat in her mouth. She then tightened her jaw and immediately killed the rat by breaking its spine. She turned away and wandered around the tiny clearing she had wandered into. She examined the ground, looking for the rest of the rat dens while she chewed and gnawed at the rat still held in her jaw.</s> <|message|>Klondike Klondike dashed over to the spot where Amber had killed the rat and he found several others. The silver wolf dashed after them, paws outstretched and fangs bared. Killing a big one with a single bit of his powerful jaws, he wondered if hunting rats was proper for a wolf. Such actions reminded him of his cubhood, when killing a rodent was a real accomplishment. Then his dismissed those notions. Meat was meat, and a rat would fill his stomach as well as anything else. Besides, he knew very well that he could not afford to be picky, even in the spring. "Good find, Amber!"</s> <|message|>Lila Lila slinked her way closer to the source of the scent. It was one she had smelled before, but it was a long time ago when she was younger and was just starting to hunt with the patrols. Plus the scent had been old but the patrol leader had told them that it was humans and humans always brought trouble with them. There was a twig snap and Lila instantly dropped to her belly, flattening to the ground as she heard some more sounds. She hesitantly poked her head up and narrowed her eyes, seeing a group of them with those fur shelters. She turned tail and ran back to where she left Klondike and Amber, fixing a glare on the spot where they were SUPPOSED to have stayed. She put her nose to the ground and followed their scents, finding them easily. "I thought I said to stay put," She said to the pair.</s> <|message|>Klondike "I'm glad to see you too" Klondike replied. "Seriously though, we were worried for you. Have you found the source of that smell?" he sniffed the air and detected that horrible smell again, even as he could not place the source of it. "You don't think it has anything to do with humans or something, do you Lila?"</s> <|message|>Amber Amber cheerfully started chasing the rats as well. She definitely felt like a cub again, but she didn't mind. It felt wonderful to have fun like this once in a while. She grabbed one of the fatter ones and tossed it up in the air. She stood on her rear legs and smoothly caught the rat in her jaws and crushed its skull. She landed back on all fours lightly and finished devouring the rat. "I thought I said to stay put," She heard Lila's voice. Amber cringed. Her ears flattened and her tail tucked between her legs. She had not expected Lila back so soon. They must have spent a lot more time chasing rats than she had expected. She slowly turned around and faced Lila. "Sorry..." She mumbled, blood messily dribbling out of her mouth. She sat back and decided to let Klondike talk to her.</s> <|message|>Lila "We need to get back to the dens, there are humans in these woods and Postremo needs to know. And for the record, when the patrol leader says stay put, it means stay put," Lila said, scolding the pair. She wasn't normally so serious, but humans were a very serious matter. "Ian and Jackie must be out hunting still, hopefully they'll return soon with something bigger but gather what rats you killed and haven't eaten yet and bring them along."</s> <|message|>Klondike "Alright. We'll get them. If humans are around, rats may be the only thing we get to eat for a while" he ran back to the rat nest, and picked up another one that had been killed. He had heard of humans and from the stories, they sounded terrible. Once, they had been powerful, capable of shattering the Earth and sky. But whatever they did to break the world broke them as well.</s> <|message|>Amber Amber quietly picked up one of the dead rats that hadn't been eaten yet. Humans... Once the top predators, but they were still extremely dangerous. She shivered at the thought of the pack being found. She greatly regretted that the whole pack might only eat rats for the next few days. In fact, it might be much longer than that. Perhaps just maybe she'd be able to find something bigger later if Ian and Jackie didn't. "Hey," Amber spoke up, "Alkah's still around isn't he? Does he know?"</s> <|message|>Lila "Wait, Alkah is out here? On his own? Forget what I said, you two head back, I'll go and find him," Lila said, turning and raising her nose into the air before sniffing at the ground. "No detours. I mean it, just head straight back." She found the trail and took off at a run, hopefully Alkah wasn't too far away.</s> <|message|>Postremo Postremo had came out of a bush and walked up to Lila and asked, "What did you say I couldn't hear what you guys were talking about, I was watching Amber and Klondike to observe them for a bit." Postremo could of sworn he heard Lila talk about humans and got a bit worried.</s> <|message|>Misty Misty followed Postremo as he came out of the brush, not at all pleased to hear that there was humans about. Just when it looked like things were going to get easier for the pack too.</s> <|message|>Lila Lila stopped as she heard Postremo behind her and turned back. "Amber picked the scent up not to far from here, I investigated and there is a small group not far from here setting up their shelters by the meadow and now I've learned that Alkah is out hunting on his own, he doesn't know there's danger," She said.</s> <|message|>Postremo Postremo knew there others that went out hunting as well which don't know that humans are near. "Okay I need you and Misty to go back to the pack while I go out and find the others quickly, and please don't worry I'll be back with the others safely." Postremo said to them. He couldn't believe that he has to deal with humans, he thought they all disappeared but he was wrong, there were more.</s> <|message|>Misty Misty wasn't happy about being told to go back to the pack while Postremo went out to search for their missing members, but she knew that she had to do whatever was best for the pack, and Postremo always had the pack's best interests in mind. She turned to Lila. "Are you ready to go?" she asked the other she-wolf.</s> <|message|>Amber Amber sighed and, tightly holding onto the rat she had, followed instructions and started making her way back to their den. "Come on, Klondike," She mumbled dejectedly. There had to be something they could do. Humans were the top predators, sure, but they lost their power. They were weak now. She just knew if the pack coordinated, they would be able to easily defeat the human survivors. Amber tilted her head. She was getting ahead of herself. She wasn't even allowed to go with the others yet. She was being told to return to the den like a cub. She lifted her lip angrily but made no noise as she headed back to the clearing.</s> <|message|>Lila Lila nodded her head in acknowledgement, padding over to Misty. "I'm ready, maybe we can find a couple of rabbits on our way back," She said, starting for home.</s> <|message|>Misty Misty nodded, feeling her stomach growl again at the mention of food. She then followed Lila back towards the rest of the pack and the dens. She sniffed the ground, and stopped when she spotted a rabbit in the grass up ahead. She got down low and then charged and ran the rabbit down before it had a chance to make its escape. She picked the dead rabbit up in her jaws and started walking again.</s> <|message|>Renzo Renzo headed for the entrance of the pack's home. They weren't much wolves left and as a pack wolf, he must protect the camp while the hunting parties were out. His ears, eyes and nose were all alert, trying to spot something that seemed out of the ordinary. There weren't even much noise besides the wind, the leaves rustling against it and some birds. Other small animals tend to scamper away once they know that there is a pack of wolves that has made their home in one place. He smelled a single rodent, a vole, nearby. His stomach suddenly growled. "Better eat something then..." He muttered to himself as he dropped to the ground and slowly approached where he had smelled the vole. Once he spotted it, he sprinted towards it and caught it. It was quite plump. He picked it up and headed for the entrance once more and began to eat. He waited for the hunting parties to get back.</s> <|message|>Lila Lila saw Misty going for a rabbit and sat down to wait while she made the kill. "Good job," She said, standing and walking again. "Fish will be swimming up the rivers and creeks soon so if we absolutely had to, we could catch fish but we would also be competing with the bears." The bears were actually a preferred neighbor over the tigers, they generally ambled about to eat the berries and small mammals and then the fish when they migrated for spawning.</s>
<|message|>Newlyn Newlyne pecked at the frozen stream near his den. "Come on," he whined. "It's spring, you should be melting already!" A fish scurried under the surface, cause him to scratch at the ice with more oersistance. All he had eaten for the past few months were rats and the occasional small elk, and he was really starting to crave more.</s>
<|description|>Meirie Leran Age: 2320 Class: Warrior – Berserker Description: Meirie is a 2.30m tall draenei woman, with pale blue skin, shoulder length light brown messy hair and a pair of slightly curved horns pointing backwards. She has youthful face like most women of her race and looks around 25 years old at most in human standards. She is quite beautiful, but always has a strange air of sadness around her. Additionally on her skin could be seen a number of different scars, mostly left by war wounds. Years prior when she took part in the fighting in Outland and Northrend, Meirie was always dressed in her full red plate armor, dual wielding a pair of 2 handed swords. Now her usual clothing consists of a big loose blouse that she wears without much thought, a pair of short pants, and a pair of metal leg guards. Biography: Meirie's story is long, but the most important part of it starts around the time when the orcs were being corrupted by the demons, slowly pushed towards wiping out the draenei. The draenei were not prepared for what was to happen and Meirie was one of them. One day by complete chance when she was exploring the wilds, she stumbled upon a strange gathering of orcs. Assuming that something was going on and they may need help, she approached, but it turned out she stumbled right into the hands of a warlock gathering. To her horror, realizing what was going on, she tried to fight and escape to warn her people, but she was not armed enough to fight such great numbers. She was an incredible warrior, but she was only armed with a spear at the time. Eventually she got captured and dragged away to some tower where they locked her up. Following her capture, she was put through countless experiments and torture, as her captors didn't even consider her a living being. She had no idea for how long she was captured, for the constant tortures and drugs and whatever else the warlocks wanted, kept her in almost constant state of confusion. Eventually in her daze, she overheard some of the warlocks talking about her worst nightmares, they planned to lead the orc tribes towards the purge of all draenei. After that event, Meirie pulled all her willpower, trying to figure out an escape attempt that will allow her to warn her people. The only good opportunity was when she was being tortured. Following her plan the next day, when she was taken out from her cell for the daily fun of the warlocks, she put her scheme into motion. Her captors liked to hang her by the chain on her arms on a hook attached to the ceiling. As she was hung there, they began cutting at her skin with grotesque blades, so serrated that there was no way the wounds will heal normally. In a rush of power, fueled by desperation and pain, she managed to violently jump from her position and unhook herself from the ceiling. In a single terrifying for the warlocks moment, she snapped their necks before they can react and jumped out the window of hte tower into the river outside. In the next few days, she struggled to crawl back to the nearest draenei settlement, but by the time she managed it was already too late. In the end she never had the chance to warn them after all. It all had happened way before she overheard the warlocks. At that time her confused mind had took that they were talking about events to come, while they were actually recalling what already transpired. The thing she arrived at was the aftereffects of a genocide. Her homevillage was burned to the ground, nothing left alive. With trembling feet she crept to her home, where she found 3 charred bodies. Her family... her people... there was nothing left. In her mind the warrior had failed them. She somehow managed to pull together again, for she was convinced there was no way all her people were dead. With tears on her face, she slowly walked away from her destroyed home, Through the wilderness she walked, her eyes barely open as she struggled against her own dying body. Meirie had no idea where she was going, she only knew she had to continue to move, to find something... someone... Eventually when she was at the end of her strength and her legs finally gave away, she saw the most horrible sight of them all. Even from the great distance it was posible to clearly see the long blue road... leading to a huge stone gateway. Her heart froze in that one moment, for she understood why the road was blue... it was the corpses of countless draenei. In that one moment her mind could no longer take it and she simply broke. Her body lossing it's final strength and she crumbled onto the ground. She was soon after found by draenei survivors who were fleeing away and she was taken with them. But she never really recovered after that day. She would simply lay there, sleeping and even the most powerful healers of the draenei couldn't do anything to aid her mind. They healed the wounds on her body, but she never woke up. She slept through the following years until the crash of the Exodar in Azeroth. At first her body was weak from all the years of sleep she went through, but she slowly regained her strenght as she took part in the unfolding events in this new world. Still deeply wounded by the events of the past, she never really spoke much, but she had changed. Now possessing an intense hatred for orcs, the once calm warrior had become a fierce berserker. Leaving behind the spear, she once again picked up the sword as a weapon, but now wielding a pair of two handed ones, wearing full plate armor, she waged a crazed battle against all enemy she met. She took part in the worst fighting again as the legion started to invade through the dark portal, and then again in Northrend against the Lichking, but nothing really led her to find peace with her past. After the fall of the scourge she simply left everything. Leaving behind her armor and swords in Exodar, she vanished into the world. Where no one knew her. Eventually she made her way to Stormwind, where she started living a humble life. She became a warrior trainer, the wage was mininal, but with a few odd jobs here and there, it was about enough for a rent in an inn and to get herself wasted every night in a cheap tavern somewhere. Her existance in Stormwind caused quite a few gossips for the normal humans who rarely came in contact with other races besides the adventurers who appeared every now and then, wondered what exactly she was doing there. Many couldn't really understand why would someone like her live the way she is. She didn't really have much friends if any and she was constantly broke, having to loan money from others every now and then. Even warriors with whom she once fought side by side couldn't recognize her as they passed each other in the streets of Stormwind.</s> <|message|>Rithrynn Syn'Dial "I have the feeling this involves the death knight again. That's why I said to kill her… " Vashi would giggle softly at the statement from the Draenei, who at that point already looked quite antsy. Raising one finger, she would gently place it on top of Mei's lips as she looked her in the eyes with a smile. "You mean the Death Knight you beat so badly who'll probably spend the remainder of the week in bed? I don't think she's going anywhere, hihi." Vashi laughed softly. "These are probably just the kind of antics that are so usual for my sisters. They get really rowdy during parties, being all oh-so-badass-warriors, a point they apparently have to prove to everyone they meet, including themselves." Vashi snickered softly at the last comment, remembering the chaos that usually accompanied any party thrown by her warband. There was always something she found amusing by her sisters throwing themselves at each other, like a constant feud that never seemed to end, partly thanks to big egos and copious amounts of alcohol combined! Raising her head slightly, Vashi would suddenly give Mei a kiss on the cheek and hug closer around the Draenei. "Let's go upstairs and leave my sisters to their little contests, they are probably just comparing boob sizes or something and one of them is a sore loser. Leaving them alone is probably best. They are after all big, capable warriors of the goddess." She winked at Vashi. " ... I mean, what could possibly ever go wrong?" * "Ofhhhh! Oaaaaah!" The first bright green haired elf, Lelili, who was wearing the cloak and the minimalistic binds, let out a painful groan as all the air was pushed out of her lungs as she was just rammed by the Draenei, and catapulted across the room, flying not-so-very gracefully over Kathlin and Silje before crashing into a wall painting on the other side with a loud crash! The second pale haired elf, Valia, wearing nothing other than the show-off belt, found herself in the meantime in the middle of doing a barrel roll as her legs had been swiped out from under her, before she would promptly crash down into the ground on her back with a heavy thud, the tiny elf Luci letting out a quick yelp as she jumped to the side just in time to avoid ending up under her friend! "Owwwhh!" "Girls, this is embarrassing! Are you even Sentinels? It's just one Draenei!" Luci called out, scolding the poor combat performance of her sisters. "Get off your fat butts and... " " ... " " ... butts." Luci, having turned around to point up at the Draenei in front of her, was completely stunned by what she saw when she looked up. For above her, casting a shadow down at her, Luci could see the huge, purple and jiggly butt of Naliyah, and coming right behind it, the even more massive butt of Malizia that even somehow dwarfed that of her large mistress's, Serphia! The massive Draenei had just thrown herself backwards in a free fall, with Luci right in the path. The tiny sentinel simply stared up in disbelief, before the inevitable finally happened, as Malizia's slammed down onto the ground with her huge butt, the tiny Sentinel disappearing from sight as she was promptly shoved right up the Draenei's wide rear as it hit the ground with a heavy boom! *BOOM* " ... " "I'm not done with you, you thief!" Naliyah's voice sounded as she pink haired elf had gotten off her bum and leapt back onto the back Draenei now sitting down, trying to wrestle the large Draenei around as she wrapped her legs around her torso!</s> <|message|>Sharon Daerin'Lei "How is the interrogation going, Mister Dal'dieb?" *Sigh* Sharon let out an audible sigh at the question, initially not even wanting to answer Kathlin, before eventually motioning towards the chaotic fight in the middle. "Not yet decided... but I think we'll win." The High Elf said, rolling his eyes as Sentinel Valia and Lelili were thrown around like ragdolls. Looking back at Kathlin, he would put on a reassuring tone. " ... we still have two elves left!" For one moment, Malizia had been feeling the thrill of battle filling up inside of her, but that focus would suddenly be changed as she slammed down onto the ground, and she felt the beautiful sentinel, Luci, just shoved up her butt, a wondrous sensation that was amplified a thousand times by the strange attraction she felt towards the precious little elf! Rather than getting up and continuing the fight, the Draenei just sat there on the floor, her face turning into one of joy as she just enjoyed the sensation. Placing one hand on the fallen Valia, leaning on her for both support and to prevent her from getting up, and completely ignoring Naliyah as she was riding her back, Malizia began instead to just wriggle her butt happily around on the ground, giving Luci all the assistance she could ever need in going further up. The sensation from Luci had completely defeated Malizia's lust for battle, as the Draenei leaned her head back in just pure pleasure instead. In that moment, the Death Knight gave little indication of wanting to flee or even try move from the spot, simply enjoying every second of it. Sharon, after an initial awkward pause, would slowly turn towards Kathlin, eventually throwing the girl a slight smirk as he motioned towards the Draenei who at that point seemed very... pacified. "See? I knew our Night Elven friends could handle it."</s>
<|message|>Meirie Leran "That's the one..." Mei replied with a sigh, feeling the finger on her lips. It felt strangely alright for her to be in this situation. She spend so many years secluding herself away from people, behind the walls around her heart to keep from pain, and this night elf seemed to cause cracks through those walls with such an ease." Deathknights are dangerously enduring... never underestimate one until he/she's been utterly destroyed. "Well... we warriors tend to get overly prideful about our skills and strength..." Mei nodded in agreement and started to carry the mage in the opposite direction of the source of the chaotic sounds of 'battle'." I barely remember what happened the last time I was present a warband party. It was sometime after we took down Arthas... I remember the party starting... and the next thing I remember is a week later, I'm halfnaked on a beach... halfway across Northrend... I think one of my companions from back then teleported me for laughs..." The draenei then tripped when the night elf mage actually kissed her on the cheek. It came as a little bit of a surprise, but considering they had already kissed proper it wasn't much of a change." Alright... Hold on tight then." Meirie stated as she made another full dash up the stairs towards the upper floor. They might as well get fully out the way of the chaotic night elves. Melizia would be a problem if she escaped, but Mei now knew the death knight was around so she could track her down if she had to. "Okey... I'm pretty sure the area over there is occupied..." She said, nodding to the direction of the study where they were earlier along with the captain and Rithrynn." Still this mansion isn't mine... it should be that high elf's, so I'm feelign somewhat uncomfortable just making myself at home around his home like we are best buddies... I wonder if there is a place somewhere around where we can get some rest without being disturbed and preferably not blow/kicked/punched/thrown/charged in the meantime..." Meirie said, looking around, wondering." Can't you just trace the place you pulled me from and teleport us to my tavern room?"</s>
<|description|>Joseph Leidner Age: 19 Eyes: grey blue Hair: dark brown, smooth Joseph is rather slender, with pale skin and a face that for the most part does not stand out. Country of Origin: Germany Condition: Adept Joseph was born into the Leidner family, who own a small company – not big enough to make them rich. However, with the success of Sumeragi Group, their company is no longer doing well. His affinity for mathematics and logic was discovered early on, as he absorbed information on those topics like a sponge, quickly moving ahead of his classmates, but never skipping a grade as what he has in mathematics he lacked in language. Translation wasn't his problem, but interpretation, specifically reading between the lines. While in school Joseph witnessed another kid get bullied because they were an adept, so when he discovered his own septima, he decided to keep it secret from everyone, only using it if necessary or on his own in private. Developing a rather calculating personality over the years, Joseph decided it might be a good idea to help his family's business by either finding or creating a niche, in which they can outcompete the Sumeragi Group. For that purpose, he is currently on a vacation in the city, that houses the Sumeragi Group's headquarters, trying himself at industrial espionage, without the goal of stealing technology. To aid him with that, he was given a ring from the family heirloom, which, as Joseph found out by chance while wearing it, can interact with septima. Lens: none Ring: Fallen's Call [on adepts that can fly or drift upwards using their septima, free falling while not using their septima will recharge their EP by half as much as they would need to fly or drift back up to where their free fall begun] (family heirloom) Pendant: none Run (25 Points) Jump (25 Points) Fly [Gear or Septima Fueled.] (200 Points) Battle Shoe [A soft shoe which makes little noise, but causes tripping in a double dash.] (10 Points) Name: Gravimetron Element: Gravity [Reality Manipulating Power] (500 Points) Color: dark red Powers:* Gravity Slingshot [Element Generation: Blast(20 points)]- uses gravity to quickly fling an object, ally or enemy in a specific direction(usually at a target or wall/floor/ceiling). On impact both the flung and hit objects take damage based on their velocities. * Gravity Conveyor [Element Generation: Sphere(10 points)]- Changes gravity in a small sphere to point in a direction of choice with a strength of up to 5G. This will curve the trajectories of any objects, projectiles, allies or enemies passing through it. Once the sphere is created it will remain static until it ceases to exist. * Gravity Alter [Element Generation: Field(100 point)]- changes gravity to x*normal for the whole battlefield, with x being limited between -5 and 5. If this causes an enemy, ally or object to fall into the ceiling or floor with sufficient velocity, they take damage. * Event Shield [Element Generation: Field(100 points)]- a major alteration of gravity creating a non-spherical event horizon, that shields from anything trying to pass through it, as the velocity required to escape it exceeds the speed of light. Can be circumvented by moving around it instead of through it. Cannot be sustained for a prolonged time. * Event Trap [Element Generation: Sphere(10 points)]- a major alteration of gravity trapping a target within an event horizon generated around it. The target or anything within the sphere cannot exit the sphere by moving. This includes light. Cannot be sustained for a prolonged time. Build: Average SP: 2/2 (-100 points) Special Skills:* Tidal Shredder [Damage in a geometric area(100 points)]- Uses tidal forces from a non-constant gravitational field to deal significant damage to any object within an area. Anything destroyed this way is ripped into multiple smaller objects. "A mass beyond compare / Pulling in and out / Ripped apart by the tide! Tidal Shredder!"</s> <|message|>Joseph Leidner The shockwave of the explosion pushed Joseph forward, however he was able to regain his balance using the sudden change in momentum caused by the boat crashing onto shore. The only immedeate danger was the fire, he decided to take a bit to recharge his EP, which had gotten a bit low. That Sumeragi forces would be arriving soon was both a curse and a blessing. They were his target, so he should get as close as possible, however Joseph had to remain able to get away too. As such, Joseph began looking for a place where he could safely watch the events to be unfold, preferably a high vantage point, such as the roof of a skyscraper, if one was sufficiently close. In any case, staying on the wreck would not do him any good, so he pulled his luggage towards him with his septima, after he let his EP charge a bit. While once more focussing on regaining EP, such that he could safely fly onto the roof of the trainstation, above the people trying to evacuate, Joseph noticed someone was taking pictures of the people present. He didn't like being photographed without being asked first, although now his objective also meant he should avoid being photographed, so he used his septima to move his suitcases in the way, such that his picture could not be taken. Half a second later, he was ready to take off, and thus ascended, softly landing on the rooftop of the trainstation, while his suitcases still covered him from the view of the camera. Once on the roof, Joseph continued looking for safe lookout points. If he found one, he would move to it; if he found none, he would continue recharging his EP and then fly towards his hotel on the quickest route possible.</s> <|message|>Palav Gul At that moment, a dull droning of an engine cut over the noise as cinders began to glow at the impact of the train station. From above, six figures dropped from the aircraft, sliding down cables. With a loud crash, they burst through the glass skylight at the far end of the station. Five figures in white skin-tight uniforms with black visored masks with bright red armor pads deftly landed upon the tile floor. Following that, a large slam could be heard, as a middle aged man in a similar uniform, piloting a machine with mounted guns on its arms, and supported in much the same way as a roll cage, landed among the middle of them. "Anyone with a weapon is a suspect," the man barked, "Secure hostiles, then affirm the safety of civilians! Sumeragi Active Security Force C: Move out!"</s> <|message|>Itachi Tatsumaki As the soldiers entered the scene, Itachi sighed. "Guess I wasn't in time, huh? Too bad I can't do anything here. They practically own this place." Dejected, Itachi threw up his arms, in proper surrender this time. Still, he couldn't help but whistle as the man barked his orders. Easily said, easily done, Itachi's sharp whistle soon pierced the air. Speaking loudly, yet nervously, sounding similar to a fresh recruit in the army, Itachi yelled "Um, sir, the assailants have already left, it's just citizens now. Carefully placing himself between Hiroki, Gavin and the soldiers, he whispered between his teeth "Go on squirt, beat it, get outta here. I'll hold them off." Turning his attention back to the soldiers, Itachi smiled and chimed "It's a lovely day, isn't it? The sun is shining, birds are singing...</s> <|message|>Hiroki Hibiya Gavin had holstered his weapon, and taken Hiroki's wrist, allowing the boy to use his Reversal powers to heal the Navy SEAL by touch. He then, after seeing Itachi try and hold off the soldiers, would tell the boy: "" And the both of them, with Hiroki unsure about what was happening, would begin to sprint, sprint in the other direction of the Sumeragi forces. Running as fast as they can, Hiroki barely noticed his smartphone beeping. Nevertheless, when they had passed a block, he would, against Gavin's wishes, take it out, and say: "Hello? Is this extraction? If so, help us!"</s> <|message|>Tadashi Moritomi Tadashi Moritomi//the_C0rsair Boardwalk --- Tadashi restrained a relieved/exasperated sigh as his target answered his phone. He'd hate to have to try and hack the PA system at this range. In milliseconds, Tadashi entered his "Business Mode." It was time to work. "All right, Sparky, I'm gonna level with you. You're in a bad situation right now. Fortunately for you, your dad and your boss hired me to get you out of it. And no one's better at that than me. But you're gonna have to listen to everything I have to say, or you're done for, and I'm out of a job. Got it? Good." said Tadashi, not waiting for a response as he moved a few drones into position. "Look up. You see that drone above you?" he said, hoping the kid would notice the mechanical stingray floating some meters above his head. "That's your motherfucking North Star. You keep an eye on that and you do not stop following it until I say you're safe. Got it? Great. Cover your ears, by the way- I'm about to get loud." With that, two other stingray-shaped drones sailed over the Adepts' heads in the opposite direction, hatches opening in their bellies, and dropping something out of them. A split-second before they hit the ground, the flashbangs exploded, blinding and disorienting anyone without the proper shielding measures in place. One could only hope it was enough... Bee</s> <|message|>Gavin Prince "I echo the guy's orders!" Gavin shouted to Hiroki as the two kept running, following the drone to the destination pre-arranged by Tadashi and the members of MALTA. Hiroki then said as the duo began to navigate the streets and alleyways, occasionally using Gavin's portals to skip dead ends and other obstacles: "I think I now know why Sumeragi are going to chase us. They're enforcing the law, aren't they? And I'm technically part of an illegal organization." "Yes," Gavin nodded. "And they will not go easy on you even if you're a kid. Anyway, how much do you know of Sumeragi?" "Not much; Dad and The Wizard say they're not to be trusted, but we have other conflicts to intervene in, and The Wizard says that he has a plan to 'take care' of Sumeragi -" Hiroki was pulled through a portal by Gavin as they avoided another dead end; they can hear the sounds of people chasing them now. "Well," spoke Gavin, "let's just say that I have a mission, straight from the CIA itself, with vague parameters, but with Sumeragi seen as a threat." "Cool!" spoke Hiroki as it seemed to them they were nearing the destination...</s> <|message|>Joseph Leidner When the law enforcement dropped in, Joseph was on the other side of the roof of the trainstation. With none of the law enforcement landing on the roof, but simply dropping through, he guessed he was not spotted yet, giving him a bit of time to recharge even more. A bit later Mr. Leidner heard the flashbang grenades going off, however as he was on the roof, he could not see who had thrown them, but was also protected from the bright flash. Regardless who threw them, it meant the situation either already has or will shortly escalate, which would be bad for him in any case. Thus, Joseph began to hop from roof to roof towards his hotel using his ability to fly, emphasizing speed on the first few hops to get to a relatively safe distance. The flashbangs from another direction should also provide enough of a distraction. If he was sure his escape was not noticed, he would stop after a couple of hops to look back and observe the scene unfold.</s> <|message|>Palav Gul As most of the effected civilians evacuated, and still some others boarded their train as though nothing had happened, there was a flash and a puff of smoke, followed by a loud sound from the dock. The armored leader pointed towards it, gesturing to two of the operatives. They began to head towards the crash site, ready to investigate the explosion and to make sure no civilians were hurt. All seemed to be going well, when suddenly- "Sir!" one of the operatives called out, pointing past the tracks, where they saw a man jumping incredibly far. "Bag him!" the leader called, and with that, his subortinate shouldered what looked like a rocket launcher, and fired it, only to release a rather rapid heavy duty net instead. The net sailed at the flying man, set to make its mark.</s> <|message|>Lilith Lilith stood limping out, her sword sheathed on her hip and her gun holstered. She stood watching the scene unfold before her. She frowned and took out her sidearm, ready to fire. She walked and was ready to fight some more. She got to the outside and she jumped down, grunting as she hit her injured leg. She hoped to slip by unnoticed.</s>
<|message|>Joseph Leidner The net flew through the air; unobstructed and on target. Joseph hadn't been able to notice it in time, and was thus unable to dodge it. As the net began to close after hitting his back, the weights on its corners came into Joseph's field of view. Should they come sufficiently close to another, their rotational inertia would tangle up the net, preventing an easy escape from it. However the net had no properties that interact with septima, so Joseph could simply use his frequently used gravity slingshot to push them apart before it was too late, which he successfully did. This resulting in the net simply falling off his back shortly before he landed on the target roof, on which Joseph immedeatly took cover. Since it would take a bit for the ground forces to get to the roof, only the VTOL in which the forces arrived presented an immedeate threat. To prepare a bit for its arrival, Joseph opened one of his suitcases to find and take out a set of boules he originally brought for entertainment. He didn't expect them to do much against the hull of the VTOL, however they should be able to wreak havoc inside its engines, if he could get them there. Besides, some long-range projectiles are better than none.</s>
<|description|>Shizuka Otonashi Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: "Which one of us is the mask?" Arcana: Temperance Personality: On the surface, Shizuka may be the stereotypical "ojou-sama" (young mistress), from her formal speech to her delicate mannerisms with a blend of shy and soft spoken side, but do not let that deceive you as the class dismissal bell rings and Shizuka's part time hour begins, the counterpart she created for herself, Shizu-chan, takes the spotlight with her lively demeanor, friendly smiles, and undying passion of being an otaku. Equipment/Skills: Twirling Baton (Cosplay prop, can be upgraded to Rod weapons) Sewing, professional make up, baton twirling, which were all gained from her experience with cosplay. Background: Being a balanced student with an appropriate amount of intellect and proper physical fitness, one would say Shizuka is an average high schooler if it weren't for the fact that her family was of a higher class compared to that of an average student. Like most children coming from a wealthy family, Shizuka was left alone most of the time, with the exception of servants, by her parents in their mansion with no one to play or interact with. Not necessarily neglected, but she didn't mind either way as she was an obedient child and she understood that both her parents were flooded with work which needed to be taken care of. This is why she sought out a hobby to preoccupy herself with. Flipping through the channels as a curious child, she abruptly stopped when an animated female character on the screen magically transforms, with all the colorful lights and sparkles, and shouts, "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!" Eyes widened in amazement, Shizuka could not take her gaze away from the television screen while her thoughts were of how exciting whatever this was and how she wanted to become like them, hues of hair she's never seen before, costumes of different variety and color, and the dynamic personalities each one had. Years had passed since then, but her love and excitement for anime never wavered. What remained though was her calm, delicate nature she presented towards her fellow classmates, friends, and parents. Her passion for anime (and now manga) was to not leave the four corners of her room. Shizuka would occasionally show hints of interest when her classmates discussed about them but no one, and she means NO ONE, should ever find out about how "otaku" she was. Keeping all of this within her had limits and before she was about to breakdown, someone on the hallway of the school uttered the word, "cosplay". It took quite awhile for her to learn the meaning and to take enough courage to disguise herself in the colorful costumes and hair she once saw years ago, to find people of similar interests without them ever finding out her true self. With the positive reactions given by the people she has met, Shizuka continued to create more disguises by her own hands, to the point where she landed at her current part time job at the cosplay cafe as Shizu-chan, the persona she presented to the people of the otaku world. Persona: Inari Ōkami Appearance: Illustrated by: Sho Minazuki Abilities: Twin Slash - 2 light Slash attacks. (1 enemy) Tarukaja - Increases 1 ally's Attack. Tarunda - Decreases 1 foe's Attack.</s> <|message|>The Compendium ??? 6/7/2015 - Monday @Vulkan TRACK: Aria of the Soul As their vision returned to them, they beheld a long dining room. The first thing they would notice is the decor, blue all over, in different tasteful shades and high class furnishings. Paintings along the wall depicting some rather specific events. In front of them on the table was a carving depicting a particular number and card, for Jun, it was "The Devil", while for Katsuro, it was "The Justice". As they looked down they noticed that their clothes were different too. Katsuro wore a simple suit under a dark blue hood with gold trimmings and a side cape, while Jun wore a three piece suit, fully done up in proper. "Welcome, to the Velvet Room", they heard a voice, they looked to the end of the table to see a man with a long nose and wide, piercing eyes. It was certainly a strange person they were looking at. "A place between mind and matter, dream, and reality. I, am Igor, only those who have signed a contract may enter this place, and it appears we've finally filled every seat at this table too", they looked around to the other seats. It was true, every other table had a silhouette sitting at it, but some of them were recognizable. "And this is Henrietta, she will be helping you along your journey", he motioned to the long haired woman next to him. "Now then... You have drawn, the Devil Arcana. Impulse and sin are nothing new to you, but impulse and sin no matter the reason, is still a mere distraction. It appears you have overcome this and come to realize what you truly want", he began. "And now... You, have drawn, the Justice Arcana. One must seek guidance amidst a time of crisis, for a long time you have gone into disarray, as there was no one you could refer to, but that will have changed now, perhaps these new friends you have made, will be there to fill the gap", it was a personal topic, but more importantly... How did this man know about all this? When either would try and ask, they would find no voice left their mouth. "For now...", Igor clicked his fingers and Henrietta left, shortly to return with two keys on a cushion, that she would begin to walk around the table and hand to both Jun and Katsuro. "These are keys you may use to access this room again, you will return here later of your own accord, or of requirement, but until then... Farewell", and with that, they lost consciousness.</s> <|message|>Shirohane, Kotori Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Royal Suite Main Room | Sunday, July 5 2015 In the opening wrought by Akane's assault, Sato managed to deliver the decisive blow - his arrow loosened the large Shadow's grip on its sword further yet and the follow-up wind blast finally struck it clean out of its hand. With the knights stunned from the heavy bombardement, everyone was quick to realise that this was their opportunity - and thus all attention was focused on the main opponent. Momentarily unable to strike back, the attacks poured in from all sides - magical and physical, the Shadow came under heavy fire until it was reeling. It attempted to fight back even as its princess was slain, a certain distress audible even through its twisted voice - until a choice arrow fired by Sato finally breaking its desperate defense - and making the fatal opening which allowed him get a clean hit with Chronos' wind magic. He seized the opportunity to lay down a final follow-up together with his Persona to put the Shadow down for good. Kotori, meanwhile, kept an eye out throughout it all - ever wary for any would-be surprises from either the Shadow or its knights - but also doing what she could to aid the assault with her Kikuri-Hime's help, lending her lightning strikes to the assault. It was only when the Shadow finally began to flicker and disperse that Kotori gave a sigh of relief - and the fatigue of the fight made itself known in full, even as the armour surrounding the knights began to dissolve in flakes and gave way to the unconscious prisoners therein. Kotori took a moment to catch her breath - even as she felt the almost familiar uncomfortable feeling as the shadow, now in its original form, began to speak. As ever, it unashamedly spoke of the feelings that had been suppressed and locked away - a look at another person's inner thought which was no doubt embarassing for them, but also for Kotori who still didn't know how to balance wanting to help the conflicted kidnapees and also respecting their privacy in such moments. As such, there was little choice but to listen though - even as Jun stepped out from the protective circle that had been formed around her by the party and confronted her shadow. Kotori didn't recognise the girl - at best, she was vaguely familiar much in the vein of other schoolmates whom she might have seen but never talked to before. Much like the times before, she couldn't help but feel some measure of worry about what might happen if Jun didn't accept this turn of events and denied her other side - but much to Kotori's relief, this did not come to pass. Instead, Jun acknowledged that, though she may not like it, she was acting in a manner that she herself no longer knew the real reason for - and instead chose to live her life according to her own choices and on her own merits. A small smile came across Kotori's face at those words - which in turn marked the transformation of the shadow; a bright light cast across the entire room as a new figure took its place: Mordred, Jun's persona. The girl turned to face the group, evidently full of questions about what had just happened - but those would have to be answered at a later time as the tell-tale signs of fatigue made themselves known; forcing Jun to sit herself down lest she fall - which immediately preceded the loss of consciousness. Though she'd seen this pattern repeat several times now, Kotori still couldn't help but worry that everything was alright; even as everyone else started to get ready to leave the mirror world behind with Jun being carried and headed for the hospital. Having used the brief exchange as an opportunity to catch her breath, Kotori accompanied the others - at least until everyone went their separate ways from the warehouse that marked their entrance to the mirror realm. It would be with no small amount of relief that Kotori arrived arrive at home - both knowing that another kidnapping victim was safe but also to be able to lay down to rest; even if it didn't last too long before she recalled that the finals were coming up soon and she still had some studying to do for the day. Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, July 6 2015 - Morning This time around, it seemed that the usual rumour mill surrounding the kidnappings was quite a bit quieter - which didn't come as too much of a surprise, seeing as the events had occured over the weekend and thus couldn't cause quite as much of a commotion as some of the previous incidents when the victims didn't show up for class. Still, Kotori still heard her fair share of stories being murmured on her way to her classroom - and not few of them were quite clearly being told as second-hand accounts or worse, seeing as there would have to have been at least a dozen kidnappings all over town for all the things she heard to be true. Stymying the usual spread too were the not upcoming finals which hung over the whole school - some seemed to have already given up hope, others were just putting things off until whilst Kotori couldn't help but feel the usual pre-exam worries, even before the immediate tests began. In fact, she felt even more thereof as she had to regretfully decline multiple requests from other students that she helped them study - between her own studying, helping out at home, occasional forays into the mirror world and club meetings, she wouldn't have much of a reliable schedule; not even taking into account the fact that just imagining herself somehow trying to teach others made her nervous at the prospect. Taking her seat in the classroom toward the front, Kotori gave a small sigh - but this time because she had inadvertantly reminded herself of the Agriculture Club meeting that was to take place later today. Whilst the colourful sight of the many flowers was always welcome, the same could not be said for the strange mood that hung between her fellow members, Shizuka and Matthew. Both seeing them as they were and also not knowing whether or how to help would do ittle to raise her mood for the rest of the day - which she already wasn't looking forward to, as she'd have to be paying a visit to the hospital later.</s>
<|message|>Shizuka Otonashi Shizuka Otonashi || Agriculture Club Garden (Courtyard) || July 6 MON: After School Shizuka simply stared at the saplings she was watering, deep in thought all the while. Not only was she unable to continue with the venturing into the depths of the dungeon, she had to ask Matt, the upperclassman, to take her place in the dungeon party. While the student felt awfully guilty for having someone else be in danger in her place, Shizuka wondered if she could be of any use to the team in the future. "I must have been given these powers for a reason... It's only right to assist people in need with them...!" Lips parted to release a sigh. There was something else clouding her mind and it was the reason she would only visit the garden and not the actual agriculture club room nowadays. Matthew Harvester. In an attempt to recollect her thoughts of that fateful day, to why they were in such a state, Shizuka wondered if she were the one in wrong. Did she really do this for his sake? Was it some kind of repentance? Maybe she just didn't feel worthy of him anymore after her inner thoughts were revealed. But even then... wasn't Matt willing to accept her then? Shaking her head off of those thoughts, the freshman proceeded to put on a pair of gardening gloves to pull out the weeds which had taken residence along the plot of land. It felt like it was just yesterday when the club members worked on this garden when it was freshly plowed for the club. Then there were times where the upperclassman would find the younger student here, just to help her take care of their plants. Smiling thoughtfully at the fondful memories, a teardrop ran along her cheek. "Huh...?" Before it went out of control, Shizuka wiped away the tears with the gloved hand, unknowingly smudging soil upon her cheek slightly. Shizuka admitted, with tears as proof of this, she dearly missed the carefree days she had with Matthew.</s>
<|description|>N/A; Samus's Gunship / Starship; "Hunter IV" Home Universe/Name of Franchise: Metroid-Series Ship Class: Hunter-Class Gunship Role: Personal Vehicle; Fighter-Support; Stealth Size: - 9.144 Meters Long - 6.096 Meters Wide - 2.4384 Meters High - 136 Tons Armament/Complement: - Twin Power Beam Turrets: Primary arsenal when dealing with low-armored/low-leveled threats. - Retractable Rear-Mounted Plasma Beam Cannon: Heavy-Cannon designed for combating rear-trailing opponents. - Grapple Beam: Used to tether onto cargo, hold onto sturdy surfaces, and even act as a miniature tractor beam against fighter ships. - Ship Missile Launchers: Concussive weapon used to take down armored threats, as well as used when commencing bombing runs. -Remote-Controlled AI: Samus can remotely command her ship to come to her exact location if possible. Location must be big enough to fit her ship through and not obstructed by anything that could damage it. - Cloaking Device (Newly Added): Recently added, the cloaking device allows Samus' gunship to temporarily become undetectable from other vessels. This takes up a lot of energy so it's used sparingly. Unique Technology: - Adv. Recharging Station: Stores a special pod that allows to recharge Samus's suit after a long day of combat. Takes several hours for it to fully recharge. - Ammunition Microfactory: A small dimension utilized in the production of ammo for Samus' plasma cannon. Strangely it doesn't refill the ship's missile supplies, meaning that Samus would have to find suitable weaponry or modify existing missiles to refill her ship. - Sophisticated Hologram Computer: Samus' gunship is built with a sophisticated computer which stores mission data. - Hyperdrive: Allows Samus' ship to jump from one star system to the next in minutes. History of the Ship: As Samus Aran's most reliable companion when traveling across the stars, this unnamed Hunter-Class gunship has served the famed bounty hunter since the very beginning. From tracking down vile criminals to combating the vile space pirates, it's the perfect vessel for a bounty hunter to do her job. While this ship in particular is not the first of her kind that Samus flew - this being her fourth incarnation to be exact - her design remained largely the same throughout, being that the front looks much like the bounty hunter's own helmet. Each incarnation however had been upgraded significantly to prevent the ship from being neutralized once again from enemy forces (a fate befitted with two of her previous vessels), mostly in the form of additional weaponry, shielding, and other gadgets and add-ons. As of her most recent mission prior to her finding herself in a galaxy far, far away, Samus had merged all of her weaponry and armor from previous models onto the same classic ship design, as well as adding a new ability to the ship - a cloaking device. Crew Size: 1 Owner: Samus Aran</s> <|message|>Blathriin-Va. --- --- The Blathriin-Va --- --- Location: Blathriin-Va - Bridge. Star Date: Unknown. Communications: N/A. Yiithren, Kurqruik, and Strevrols had all returned to the Va safely, whereupon they each returned to their respective posts, well sort of. Strevrols had actually stalked back to his post, if such a word could even be used to describe the angry shuffling motion his tentacles made as he headed back to the ships engine room, completely ignoring everyone else around him, Yiithren especially, though no one else besides the captain seemed to take notice. The ship continued operating regardless of their little bout on the Resurgence, however, exactly as it was supposed to. The data from the meeting had been scanned, logged, and translated. Lathoor had already plotted out a jump based on the most recent communications called out by Cathere, and the respective crew members had already been placed into the neural harvesters. Everything was ready. Then three ships and several secret communications from Supreme Commander Erthos later found Yiithren and his crew floating, in near total silence, across from the hulking forms of the three Venator class ships that had just dropped in from Hyperspace. No one said or did anything as the craft slowly moved towards them. They did not fire. Did not engage, even with the clear shots they did have on the larger craft. The crew of the Va simply held their breath... And waited.</s> <|message|>SSV Glasgow The Glasgow Travis wove his way back through the halls of the ship, to the hangar bay. The gathered soldiers seemed relieved to see them back again, and piled back into the shuttle without a word. As the shuttle left, and headed back to The Glasgow they spoke among themselves about what they talked about, saw, and their thoughts on the matter splitting the data they got from their omni-tools among each other before dispersing it back to the ship. They had a map, they had everything they would need perhaps their next goal would be to find resources in this universe, to keep the ship operational he'd have to pass that along to the science crews when he got back to the command chair. They were barely back aboard their ship before a message was relayed through to them from The Daedalus. They were heading for somewhere called the transitory mists, and it didn't look like they would have much of a choice but to follow them through if they wanted a ride. He'd have to make a habit of asking The Resurgence's commanding officer for them to install that engine sooner, rather than later. Especially if they were to branch out for resources to keep the ship, and some of the crew running. "Follow in behind The Daedalus, stay on her ass if you have to, she's our ticket out of this sector." He said, after opening a quick com to his navigation's officers, he received a ping to his system in reply, and made his way through The Glasgow glad to be back in familiar territory. He barely made it back onto the bridge before his communications officer turned, and spoke to him. "Sir we currently had three ships enter our sector of space, they are very similar looking to The Resurgence. They say they are with The Empire." Before he could question whether or not it was an ambush set up by The Resurgence set him up he sent a quick message asking for anyone to jam communications reassuring him that it wasn't a trap, not that an enemy would share star data with them, even if this was a trap. He sent a private communication across their ragtag little fleet. "It might take us a moment but i'm sure we can interrupt their communications, it would just take time for our systems to learn how to interface with yours. But this might sound a little crazy, but I want on one of their ships. We can get the tech needed to travel around not only now, but also get some much needed data on how this Empire operates if you do no wish to join in, then you do not have to contribute the man power. But either way these ships need to go dark, so nobody knows who we are yet." He spoke quickly, reaffirming what Jason had said earlier, that they couldn't know who they are. With another communication this time throughout the ship he set all crews to battle stations, and set 3 boarding teams to their shuttles. They'd get what they needed on that ship with, or without the other fleets offering assistance. But for now all he could do was wait, and stand ready for combat, just like the old days, and boy did it feel good to be useful again.</s>
<|message|>N/A; Samus's Gunship / Starship; "Hunter IV" *<:Location:_Onboard_Resurgence:>* *<:Directive:_Board_Gunship_Ready_For_Deployment:>* Mentions: --- --- Bold as her response may be, Samus had to admit that Jerus was right. Or right in the tense that he knows more about his own universe compared to her. If her chozo armor wasn't going to fit in this universe without a proper explanation, then she'll have to improvise her suit's origins. She'll have come back to that. Now with the bounty hunter gone, Samus was now on her own once more. The next thing to do now is to check on her ship's repair status, which had been active as soon as she docked onto the Resurgence. As she made her way to the hangar, she could see the bustling hangar filled with clones patrolling the area, while the engineers were working on the docked starships. Samus noted the different kinds of fighter vessels, from the triangular-looking red-and-grey vessels to larger red-and-white multi-seated fighters, and all alongside yellow y-wing-shaped ships of some kind. At least this ship looks to be rather prepared for any future engagements, but there weren't too terribly many of them. Looks like the Resurgence will have to reserve their ships until they can find a way to make more or steal ships from the enemy. After she looked around, the bounty hunter quickly made her way to her docked ship. A repair group were still working on the gunship's engines, with sparks splattering from the blowtorches alongside the sound of mechanical adjustments. Samus would approach one of the engineers and announce her presence. "Status report?" she asked directly towards the closet clone to her. The scruffy-looking man opened his visor and lifted his gaze to see the hulking armored figure standing over him. "Your engines had been banged up pretty hard, mam." he sighed, "Obviously we don't have the exact parts from where you came from, but we'll install the closest things to them. They're close enough anyways." "And when will she be ready?" Samus asked again. "Uhh, give us another hour." the engineer replied as he flipped his visor back on again, "We'll notify ya when she's ready - we're working as fast as we can." Suddenly, the whole hangar was glowing bright red as alarms proceeded to blare through the vessel. Samus could hear Commander Jason over the comms alerting everyone about the incoming threat. Samus growled to herself as she looks on at her unfinished baby. Looks like the enemy has indeed found them first, and whats worse, her ship isn't ready to go into combat. She cursed to herself as she watched the rest of the clones getting ready to man the defenses. As she walked around, a squad of clones ran straight across her as one of the lieutenant barked at them to get going. "Move it troops! On the double!" the sergeant barked as he pointed to the hangar bays. As the last of his squad made it through, he turned around to see Samus just idly standing in the midst of the chaos. He gave a frustrated sigh before turning towards the armored figure. "Sir!" the lieutenant called out as he approached Samus, "What are you doing just idling around?! Prepare for combat now!" Samus glared towards the trooper before pointing to her unfinished ship. The lieutenant, already being annoyed enough, looked back and called up for further orders. "Then you're coming with me to the gunships, soldier!" the clone barked again as he threw his thumb over his shoulder, "We'll be issuing a boarding raid on the enemy ships. And YOU look like the perfect unit for the job! Now follow me!" Now forced to join the republic boarding party, Samus was forced to follow the clone lieutenant to his LAAT. As they boarded, the 6'3" bounty hunter could be seen sticking out like a sore thumb in front of the shorter, black-and-red, clone troopers. As soon as they boarded, another announcement could be heard from the comms. With that, she was forced to wait alongside the rest of the troopers as they ready to start the boarding protocol...</s>
<|description|>Nathan James Hunter Nathan James Hunter --- --- --- --- Gender: Male Age: 25 Place of Birth: Originally from Los Angeles, Nathan has been all over the world. He goes wherever the security firm he works for sends him and he is currently in Buckhead, working as a bodyguard for a wealthy client. Sexuality: Nate identifies as heterosexual but he's not entirely against the idea of being in a relationship with a man. He just hasn't found one he's interested in that way. Relationship Status: Single but there's no shortage of women in his life. He's just not one for committed relationships. Occupation: Bodyguard. Power: Self Duplication – Nate can make exact physical copies of himself. These duplicates are aware that they're not real but retain a certain amount of autonomy. They are compelled to follow orders from the original but how they go about this is entirely up to them. Duplicates generally think, act and feel exactly like the original but occasionally one will display a different personality. This is rare however. There's no hive mind between Nate and the duplicates but, when they are reabsorbed, he gains all of their memories and knowledge learned since their creation. Nate can comfortably make up to ten duplicates (although usually only creates three or four) but is capable of making far more. The problem is that after around ten, the duplicates become progressively less intelligent, less reliable and potentially even dangerous. Each duplicate is capable of making another duplicate but the rule of ten still applies. Any more than ten duplicates in the world, regardless of who created them, and they become gradually less intelligent. If a duplicate is ever knocked unconscious or killed, they aren't immediately reabsorbed into the original. Nate has to be within a certain distance to call back his duplicates and the further they travel away, the weaker their empathic connection with the original becomes. Cost of powers use: The cost of Nate's powers comes in the form of his slow but gradual decent into insanity. Nate will eventually become less stable as a result of splitting his mind over and over again. Nate redefines split-personality and it's not entirely impossible that one of those rare but distinctive other personalities may take hold of the original. --- --- --- --- Appearance: With blonde hair, green eyes and a flawless complexion, Nate is a very good looking young man. He stands at about 6ft tall with a body that has been toned by years of military training. His hair is light and when not cropped close to his head, a rare occurrence, it tends to form loose curls. Nate is always clean shaven and well presented. His style of dress tends to be smart casual when not working but when he is working, he usually sports a suit. Skills: * Strength and Athleticism - With years of military training, Nate is a very physically capable individual. He is well conditioned and able to run, jump, climb etc. far better than a civilian. He can fight with the best of them and is trained in a number of different styles. * Mechanics and hacking – Nate has always had an affinity for machines in whatever form they take. He's hardly the most intelligent person ever but he can repair an engine and break into a someone's computer with surprising ease. * Battlefield medicine – Nate comes from an entire family of doctors so he's learned a thing or two. He put this knowledge to good use in the military where he was a trained field medic. He's no doctor but he knows how to stitch up a wound. * Piloting - A skill he learned while seeking thrills. He's probably not the safest pilot but he hasn't crashed a plane...yet. Personality: Nate, at first glance, seems like the average jock. He can come across as obnoxious and loud. He's not afraid to say what's on his mind and frequently does just that to the point of being rude. But he is surprisingly intelligent and tends to plot and plan just about everything unless he's in the thick of the action in which case he generally goes with his gut. Actually thinking under pressure is not something he does. He just reacts unless he has time to stand back and take things in. He has an alarming tendency to find dangerous situations and he couldn't be more thrilled about that. Nate lives for excitement and adventure and if it doesn't come his way, he'll actively go out and find it. There is generally always a smile (or at least a smirk) plastered on Nate's face, even if he's feeling terrible inside. He's a joker and always has some smart ass comment about everything. Despite his tendency to be an ass, Nate can also be a very caring person to those he considers a friend or, to a lesser extent, those he sees as just generally good people. He doesn't meet a lot of those people though. History: Nathan lived a pretty normal and predictable early life. High school football star, homecoming king, relatively decent grades. But then he joined the military and normal and predictable went out the window. His mother, father, brother and sister were all doctors and everyone expected Nathan to follow in their footsteps. Nathan had other ideas. He wanted action and excitement. He got plenty of that. After basic training, Nate found his way into a special operations team where he was the youngest member but he quickly earned a reputation as a capable and talented operative. Nate was sent to multiple parts of the world. Iraq, Afghanistan, Detroit, Somalia. It seemed like everywhere their was danger, Nathan James Hunter would show up. And he loved every minute of it. The excitement, the danger. Living by the skin of your teeth. Nate loved it and then he [REDACTED] and was drummed out of the military. It was all over. The excitement, the adventure, the foreign women with the massive bazongas. It was all gone. And Nate was lost. What was he supposed to do now? All that training and living life on the edge. And now there was none of it. Nate spent some time travelling on his own, seeking out adventure. He learned how to fly a plane and how to fall out of that plane without dying. He used his considerable fighting skills as a professional fighter. He even tried his hand at bounty hunting for a time until he fell into his current profession of bodyguard. He literally fell into it. But that's a story for another time. Joining a security firm, Nate found himself being hired out to various clients to protect them. It was a line of work he proved talented at and he stuck with it longer than anything since leaving the military. Some of the gigs can be boring and there's a lot of charity functions like the one he currently finds himself attending in Buckhead but people don't generally hire bodyguards unless there's at least some threat of danger. And if Nate's around, that danger will probably find him. He wouldn't have it any other way. --- --- --- ---</s> <|message|>Nathan James Hunter Watching Eli go, Nate felt like it was both a blessing and a curse all at once. On the one hand, he felt much more relaxed when the unpredictable redneck wasn't around but in the other hand, he knew that this place was about 30% less safe with him gone. It seemed it was up to Nate and Eric to make sure everyone else stayed safe. He waved at Eli ad he went and said with a smile "Bye. Have a good time. Call me that again and I'll murder you in your sleep." It wasn't long before he heard the sound of car doors slamming and turned to see Brooks and Abigail tear ass away from the mine. He watched them go with a look of complete disinterest. He didn't really blame them for leaving. They hadn't exactly been made to feel welcome but practically every member of the group had been held at gunpoint at one point or another. It was practically an initiation. Vin seemed a lot more annoyed by the whole situation though. Nate wondered if Vin, or anyone for that matter, would be so upset if he left. When Vin asked where JJ was, Nate looked slightly annoyed by the question and complained "How the hell should I know? I'm not her keeper...anymore." He moved away from Vin then and towards the entrance to the mine where he yelled "Eric! Get out here!"</s> <|message|>Jennifer "JJ" Jureau "Eric! Get out here!" Jennifer snapped out of it, immediately returning to the real world as Nate's voiced boomed from the entrance. She hadn't heard any gunshots, and as she got to her feet she only hoped that the rest of the group wasn't in any sort of trouble. Eric had all the guns, and calling him outside could mean that someone was thinking about getting violent. Once Jennifer stepped outside though, she saw just a handful of people from the group, none of them appearing to be the least bit hostile towards one another. "Nate, Vin, what's going on?" The moment she laid eyes on Vincent, Jennifer couldn't help but become a bit concerned to be in his presence. She was well aware of the fact that he'd only hurt her in her dreams, but she also knew that his dreams weren't any less violent, and in a world were superpowers were now a reality, maybe she should be paranoid around him. For a moment, she thought about breaking off whatever relationship they had going on, but she had to be smart about it. Ending things too quickly could set off alarms. On the other hand, he had been nothing but kind and understanding to her, taking her feelings into consideration and respecting her enough to avoid crossing any boundaries, so maybe she shouldn't jump the gun, not just yet, regardless of whatever crazy shit they'd all been through. "Is everything okay?"</s> <|message|>Vincent "Vin" TreVayne "Nate, have I told you recently that I hate you?" Vin couldn't help but smirk at the offhanded comment, which made him feel less upset by the fact that Eli was becoming more of a pain in the ass than Nate. He couldn't help but feel responsible -slightly- for Abigail & Brooks sudden departure, as though he could have done more to convince them to stay, but maybe they didn't belong. Did any of the group really belong here? Vin looked over at Christy, who kept her dog Jack close by her side at all times, although he couldn't blame her. Not out in this part of the country where any protection was better than nothing. Although for the short time that he'd held the pistol dropped by Brooks earlier, he didn't feel all that much safer. But he was never much for guns, especially guns held by psychopaths. His attention immediately snapped to Jennifer's voice calling out to him and Nate from the mine's entrance. There she was. Disheveled expression, frazzled hair, dirt and soot covered clothing, and yet still managed to look as good as the day he'd met her. Perhaps not the same floral and coconut scent he'd become accustomed to, but none of the group had properly bathed in a few days and Jennifer most likely smelled the least repulsive. Either way, he was happy to see her face, and that fact that she was unharmed. "Well hey, what's up sunshine?" He quickly mocked a debonair expression, if for no other reason than to break up the weird and dark shit that had transpired only moments ago. But her countenance seemed to take on a grim tone as she gazed at Vin for what had felt like an eternity to him. His own smile seemed to fade as well, returning her stare with a slight tilt of his head and arch of an eyebrow as though he were mentally asking the question: What the hell is wrong with you? Her question then brought him back to his current mindset, shaking off the weird feeling he got from her. "Eh…yeah, we're fine out here, I think. Nate? Are we fine?"</s>
<|message|>Nathan James Hunter Nate gave Vin a 'fuck you' smile as Vin commented that he hated him. He didn't much care but he had a feeling Vin liked him more than anyone else in the group did. It was an odd thought that the person who liked you the most still hated you. It was almost enough to make a person cry. A less awesome person. He gave both Vin and JJ a weary look of vague annoyance as he watched their exchange. He wished they'd just get on with it already. Being stuck in the middle of a will-they-wont-they rom-com was ruining the fun of his adrenaline fuelled badass spy adventure. "Thoughts like that are why you have no friends." he heard a voice in his head say. "I have lots of friends!" he thought back at the voice. "Name one." "...Michaels." "Hates you." "Eli." "Hates you." "Bobby." "Dead. You killed him." "Jake." "Dog." "Steve the unicorn." "Imaginary. Doesn't count." "...Fuck you." "Nate? Are we fine?" Nate snapped out of his own thoughts as he heard Vin ask him a question. "Well I'm fine." he replied "But you're liable to take a shotgun to the face at any minute." He didn't wait around for a response to that. Instead, he wondered into the mouth of the mineshaft and again yelled "Eric!" "Stop yelling!" came Eric's response as he wandered up, rubbing his temple. "In fact stop talking. Stop even thinking." "I wish." replied Nate with a low voice. "I need one of your guns." Eric looked confused and slightly annoyed by that comment and asked "Why?" "Because I want to set up a perimeter and it's harder to do that with the stupid shotgun Opie gave me than it would with a rifle." "No offence" said Eric "but why would I give another gun to someone who's just as likely to shoot me with it as he is the bad guys?" "That's a valid point, kid." admitted Nate. "But what do you think is going to happen if you don't give me the gun?" He then thought really hard at Eric. Eric paused for a moment before thrusting one of the rifles at Nate. "Just take the stupid thing." he complained. "Thank you." said Nate before turning back around towards the others. As he did, a clone split off from him which in turn spawned another, which spawned another and so on until there were five of them. A veritable conga line if obnoxious. Each of the clones spawned with a duplicate rifle. All except the fifth one, who looked down at his empty hands and said "Awwww." The fourth turned around and in a chipper voice, said to him "Don't worry, buddy. You can still provide moral support for the rest of us." Five looked at Four with an annoyed expression and said "Shut up, Donut." before barging past him. Nate turned to Vin and JJ and as he passed them, he said "Don't go anywhere while I'm gone." He and his clones spread out and began heading into the woods but one shouted over his shoulder "You know I'll find you" Four was the last to leave and he flashed the others a genuinely friendly smile before he left. Eventually though, they were all out of sight, leaving JJ and Vin to babysit the kids. Or, more accurately, leaving Christi and Eric to babysit the adults.</s>
<|description|>Yeshua Horowitz Appearance: Age: 15 Personality: Yeshua is far from outgoing in his nature. He is not quiet and quite parsimonious with his beliefs, almost to the point beyond reason. He values and observes a much bigger picture than some people realise, often letting him feel detached or pity those who he spends time with. He is quick to judge and often feels no guilt, but takes a keen responsibility for other people's problems, that can lead him to be viewed as either extremely polite or extremely irresponsible. The boy has many opinions which he isn't afraid of sharing, and if Yeshua feels he has been treated unjustly, will not stand for it. Motive to live: To change his inert feeling that humanity cannot be more than just mindless apes. Background: Yeshua (born Joshua) was the child of Otto Horowitz, a mildly famous biologist working in the most prestigious parts of the most rich system. His mother was never mentioned to him and without someone to care for him in the home, he often spent his time alone or on the wild webs of the internet. In his father's absence, the boy grew up without influences and soon grew suspicious of him. At the age of 11, he felt the repercussions of the war when his father kept coming home from work less frequently and even more tired. He was pushed to the edge, and Joshua felt it. Taken away from his father, the boy lived in the countryside of the harsh mountains with his grandmother. Away from society, the boy could read and write, and so he did for as long as he could. His grandmother was fond of him but held back by her principles. When he wanted to leave her and find his father, no help was given. Joshua knew he could not leave in such an isolated area and did not want to live his entire life as a farmer, as his grandmother was. He grew skeptical. He could see the convoys of military transports passing through the mountains, knowing times grew more desperate every hour. His grandmother, parent to not his father, but his mother, gave him the King James Bible and with it, in his adolescence, he studied with as much determination his father had. The wild swathes of books that had been laid out for him was not simply a mere collection by his elder; it was a gift from his father. How else could he teach Joshua the wonders of the universe? In the middle of the night he sneaked out, only 14. The cold of the mountainside was nothing to him, as he was determined to find his father and ask him all the questions had developed in his mind. Making his way to the small village of Ungarbt, Joshua realised that he was so lost. Trying to solve these problems by himself was too difficult for him, so he went to the local police station. This is when the news struck him; his grandmother had died of a heart attack after realising he was gone. Without any relatives and still no idea where his father was, he was sent to the one of the further-out planets, near the brewing battlefront against the Cruxi. This family was a branch of modern Judaism (they called themselves Torahts) and he learnt so much from them. It was amazing to see things from a different point of view in a different planet. His questions became more fruitful but in turn his family became to spite him, with his constant criticism that undermined their faith. In the evacuation of the planet after it was attacked, Joshua lost contact with his family in the chaos, panicking and afraid. Hiding in a hospital building, the Cruxi drew closer. A Framework of extreme calibre attacked and saved him from the aliens, allowing him to escape onto a shuttle. This change of heart (and name), and later learning his foster family was nowhere to be seen, drove him to apply to the Framework programme. Maybe this time he could find the answers he seaked; what it meant to be human, alive and breathing. Notable Deaths: He fears his father is dead, as long as his grandmother, his foster family and his mother. Other things: His eyesight requires eyesight but he is clearly against it, as he thinks he can survive without the need of degrading technology. He wears contacts. Framewerk Code Name: Anzû Appearance: Signature Weapon System: A large, high accuracy rifle that can shoot rather quickly, deal heavy amounts of damage but takes a long time to reload and has to be inserted manually. It energises its large, alloy slugs in a MAC chamber before firing them, piercing almost anything. Secondary Weapon System: Two powerful flamethrowers are on each hand. Armor Type: The frame is rather light but has some powerful armoured plates at the front protecting its limbs; on the back and at its joints it is rather exposed, while the actual plates are a shining white and covered in a protecting layer of synthesized plastic. Special Ability: TBA Synch Rate: 91%</s> <|message|>Mai "Seven" Twilight As the pilots were mingling and talking, one girl had sat quietly in a chair at the far corner of the room. Not interacting. Not saying a word to show her presence. Keeping her eyes closed as if asleep. She merely was either truly asleep, processing whatever information she had studied or perhaps was merely waiting for the call to suit up. Regardless, she just continued to sit there...until. "All personnel, prepare for the start of Operation: Mock Battle. Cadets, your plugsuits are in the changing rooms next to the Framewerk hangars. Suit up, prepare for deployment, and wait for further instructions. System checkups and communications are permitted." On that announcement, her eyes opened. Standing up at attention, she merely walked out of the briefing hall like the other pilots and made her way to the womens changing room area. Again, she said not a word as she put on her plugsuit. She then made her way out to the frameworks hangar where she approached her framework: Model Code "R-1" but codenamed "Setsuka". For this pilot, she knew that she would be fighting three battles like she aways knew...with her enemies...herself...and her framework's combat system. ...remember seven...on the battlefield, a warrior must always remain detached...emotions will get you killed at the worst possible time... Be it an actual mission or even a simple mock battle or training, Mai would always remember one of many harsh lessons like the one she just remembered from her old frameworks division. Granted, even she had once thought that they were harsh but she also admitted that SOME of the things she was taught held truth. But that's not what her new superiors wanted. They wanted teamwork, synching with pilots and anything to show that she was more than just a one-man army killing machine. And she also knew that going through this battle solo would be suiside even for her. She WAS listening to the other pilots talk back in the briefing room but she wondered how long the alliances would last before one idiot decided to shoot his/her teammate in the back. After all, there can be only one winner. But to do this to determine a "leader"? Much like the other pilots, she had also mentally questioned that. But her superiors had made her mission crystal clear to her...there can be only one victor. As she approached, the engineers and scientists assigned to her mech waved as she approached. All of them simply saluted and some even gave her a thumbs up as if to say her machine was ready. She returned the salute before she hopped onto a mobile lift. The operator then raised her up to the cockpit near the chest where Mai entered and promptly closed when she was seated. Putting on her special black helmit, she then started up her machine. As Mai did the routine systems check, comm's check and the usual stuff, she then closed her eyes as the system began to run what one of her scientists dubbed a "synhro test check". When it was finished, she observed the information on her main screen. "...current synchro rate...seventy perfect...inefficient for T-link combat system...", Mai droned into her comm line. "It happens Seven but like in the past, once the battle starts, it'll raise up due to your concentrative focus. You'll just have to use basic hand-to-hand tatic's if necessary but use your magnums when you see opportunities. In other words, the usual", the scientist on her team replied. "...understood sir...standing by...", Mai replied. Switching from a private comm link to an open one, she decided to see if any of the other pilots would be using it to communicate with each other.</s> <|message|>Miles Vayne Miles found himself looking at Lora longer than the other pilots, he didnt know why this was and he didnt have time to think about it. He quickly made his way to the locker room, wanting to get this vetting stage over with so he could face some real opponents. On the way into room he brushed shoulders with Stukov as he walked past him, and shot him a frosty glance. Be sure to keep the lone wolf away from the sheep, fearless leader... Miles said in a low growl and walked on into the chamber, acknowledging Mai properly for the first time , she was like a ghost, a natural stealth machine, and fairly intriguing. Miles didnt get a chance to size her up in the earlier debate but he remembered a brief flash of her Framewerk from his computer. The design was a little garish for his taste but it seemed to be competent machine at the very least. Miles siletly wondered if her quiet behavior was hiding an immense amount of skill. Upon taking the jumpsuit out of the locker, Miles spat in disgust, it looked like a fetish uniform, and not even a stylish one. He grimaced as he climbed into it, but kept his his shorts and vest on underneath. On the way to the hangar he noticed Elora, Mai and Lora in their form fitting pilot suits, Miles shook his head and did his best to keep his mind focused on his on true love, The Black Komodo. Upon entering his beautiful beast of a machine he quickly took his pilot outfit off and relaxed in his drivers seat in his vest and shorts, if he was going to fight, he needed to be comfortable. Blue and green lights illuminated the cockpit as his on board computer whirred on. Miles turned his radio mic on to all the other Framewerks, and turned off all auto scanning and targeting assist functions, and changed his window monitor to a 360 view of the immediate area around him. Miles not only had to be comfortable in his own skin but make sure that his Komodo was fighting raw, no help or special aid just his eyes on the enemy and his natural instincts. Just in that moment his intercom came on, it was Lora, she contact him and Yeshua about the danger of Stukov's Daemon and how it needed to be dealt with first. Miles knew he wasn't the most popular but he also knew everybody listened when he mentioned the Caliburn and Daemon being the strongest and most dangerous Framewerks out there, outside of his own Komodo of course. Miles thought for a moment before speaking. Lora, Yeshua, I don't plan on turning my weapons on either of you, I have my own targets. Be wary of the other teams though. One of the pilots has a crush and is determined to protect his new infatuation at all costs. That is all. Miles, closed the audio and opened his intercom to another pilot, one he wanted to address for a while. Ramirez, I have no personal quarrel with you, but before the end of this battle I'm going to make you wish you never brought that pathetic excuse for a machine into this battle. I'm going to beat you, and its going to be very embarrassing. Miles felt good saying that, his disgust for the Rose framewerk wasnt leaving his mind. His last message was for the pilot he had no chance to speak to before. Mai Twilight, My name is Miles Vayne, I look forward to seeing how you and Setsuka perform in this battle, you may interpret that however you want, good luck. With all the messages he wanted to send now sent, he grabbed his battle wheel and took a deep breath, keeping in mind as many of the capabilities and dangers of the other pilots as possible. His arms felt light and his feet heavy on the pedals. Game on.</s>
<|message|>Yeshua Horowitz Miles' offer would go unnoticed. Nothing would change the affairs now, Yeshua thought. Solidifying the concrete nature of his thoughts, it sank to the bottom of his heart, swimming in a sea of sludge. His head softly rest against the back of his chair and his feet delicately placed on the pylon underneath the table, supporting it. Was this a canteen? thought Yeshua, wondering if he would ever return here. If he did, this seat would be his. He would be able to tell, since there was a rather large mark on the lower seat. It was like someone had scratched it beforehand, which bothered him even more. Were they the first, and why were -- "All personnel, prepare for the start of Operation: Mock Battle. Cadets, your plugsuits are in the changing rooms next to the Framewerk hangars. Suit up, prepare for deployment, and wait for further instructions. System checkups and communications are permitted." It was that time, then. Hypothetical statements would have to wait. Now, he had to deal hundreds of millions worth of damage to other people's frameworks. How poetic, the boy thought. Leaping himself from the shackles of the chair, he strolled past the door, taking in the surroundings with very little idea where he was going. Vents to his left and right trickled air from the outside like cracks in a seamless glass pane. Slipping into one of the combat suits, it felt tight and, to be honest, rather uncomfortable. He wouldn't want anyone else to see his almost naked for. It was like stepping into a womb for Yeshua; naked and afraid, but with the sheer excitement to see the outside world. Stepping into the cockpit, the panels around him refracted and he could see every single one, with each having its purpose. The Anzu was outfitted to be deadly and powerful, nothing more or nothing less. The high-powered rifle, at least thirty feet long, had enough power to puncture most types of armour if used properly. It was going to be down to not the machine, but Yeshua himself. The framework was named after the Old Bible creature, apparent in Mesopotamian Myth as the god of the Sky. A beautiful metaphor for these machines that hopefully would one day save humanity. One of the panels lit up, displaying lines of information that ran straight past him. A somewhat familiar voice rang through the cockpit. Lora's offer was kind and made sense, which is the exact reason Yeshua refused. "Lora, did you know Goliath was a man only around seven feet tall, but probably never lived as he was just a metaphor to inspire rebellion against the Romans? Trust me, the Deamon is nothing to be feared of, much like the Cruxi. Expect combat. Even with me or Miles. Let's try and keep out of each other's way. With that swift response Yeshua flicked off the communications switch, shutting down one of the many panels in his library. He was somewhat satisfied, even if he did just doom himself. The Anzu was swift and strong, he would be safe. It was so strong in fact, he was surprised this technology hadn't enslaved the rest of humanity by now. How could people so young have so much power? Are we really the captors of Gods? Is there a God? Yeshua pondered for far too long. Why would he send me here? To die?</s>
<|description|>Taya Celest Turner Taya Turner Nickname: She prefers her full first name, but her family likes to call her Tay. It's taking some getting used to being called by her surname. Let alone Agent Turner. Age on File: 24 Appeared Age: Often hears around 19. And that she "looks rather young to be an agent." General Appearance: Taya stands at around 5-feet, 7-inches tall, and weighs around 130 lbs, depending on the day. She has a fairly pleasant, lean face. Artificial dark blond streaks highlight her otherwise brown hair, which she has cut just long enough to successfully tie up in a ponytail to keep it out of her way. She has hazel eyes that appear to shift from greenish-gray to golden brown. She is also relatively tan from spending a good deal of time outside in the sun, especially from frequent physical training outdoors. Distinguishing Marks: She has a tattoo of an elegant crescent moon draped with gold chains on her right shoulder. A series of purple and red roses bloom across the bottom curve of the crescent. Its placement allows it to be fairly easily covered by a simple t-shirt if need be. The design is from a drawing her dad drew up for her on a card he gave her when she graduated high school. A few months before the man died in a car accident. Clothes Wear: When on the job, she wears simple business casual clothes, with dark pants and typically neutral colored shirts. However, she wears more comfortable shoes than what's standard for that particular attire, making sure to be ready for anything. Off the job, she wears whatever she finds comfortable for that day, from shorts and a tang top to jeans and a hoodie. Accessories: Besides a belt for her gun, maybe the occasional set of earrings when she remembers she has the holes for them. Weapons: Standard issue 9mm Glock. Skills: She's fairly agile, well-trained in self-defense, and proficient at shooting. Personality: Taya is a bubbly, kind girl who is typically good with people. Though she's often been told that the job would eat someone like her alive, she never lost heart, and proved herself time and again both through her schooling and in both the written and physical fitness tests required to enter the FBI. She can be serious when she needs to be, but often gets overly passionate about things. She is determined to do her part in keeping people safe, no matter the cost to her. She still has the temperament and spark of a hopeful youth in her eyes, and a bit of a bounce in her step she often tries to hide to avoid looking as fresh out of the academy as she actually is. Opinion on the Werewolves: There's no way she'd outright admit it, especially to her new partner, but the apparent reveal about werewolves being more than monsters from legend equally excites and frightens her. She wants to be a believer, but since she hasn't actually seen the wolves for herself to know that it was real and not a hoax, she keeps a fair dose of skepticism about her. Though, of course, that was until getting the assignment to keep an eye on one William Grant, an advocate for the supposed werewolves. After all, what kind of agent would she be if she believed every little tale she heard? Ticks and Tags: She often mutters to herself or otherwise makes some kind of noise when she think's she's alone and it's a little too quiet. Tends to tap her chin or tug at her ear while thinking. Family: Parents: Isabel Turner, Johnathan Turner (deceased). Siblings: Owen Turner, age 20, currently a local police officer in his current town. Sophia Turner, age 14, with no desire to go into law enforcement. FBI Rank: Newbie field agent. Though, she has to admit, she's still a bit in shock about that. For some reason, the well-known Eli Archer, a.k.a. the Undertaker, decided to request her as his newest field partner. Though she'd like to think it has to do with receiving top scores in nearly every aspect of her exams and he saw potential in her, she has the suspicion it has more to do with him needing someone not so, well, cold to deal with other people, and she simply got lucky. Which, with the apparent rumor he's rather superstitious, she can't help but wonder if he's hoping that "beginner's luck" will follow her and rub off on him in turn.</s> <|message|>Taya Celest Turner Official introductions complete, Taya released William's hand with a nod. "I'd prefer to have done this at the office," Eli answered William's questions through an almost growling sigh. "Fewer civilians." His gaze followed a few oblivious passersby, eyes narrowing slightly. Taya spared her partner a glance. "But," she drew out the word as she looked back to William, "I know a good diner near here. Usually not too busy this time of day," she added, looking to Eli, "with a back room they'd probably let us use, so we could talk in private." She turned her head back to William. "And good food, if you're hungry." Eli sighed. "Very well." He gestured with a gloved hand for her to lead the way. Taya nodded, then headed toward a side road leading from the square. She walked quickly through the streets, eager to get out of the chill of the day. Eli followed, his posture and dour expression a ward against small talk. Various shops lined the street. Displays in storefront windows added an extra splash of color between winter's monochromes and the rust-colored bricks of the building strip. She paused just long enough to open a door beneath a weathered sign reading, "The Flying Cow." A bell decked in holly jingled as she entered. Behind her, Eli eyed the sign's cartoon of a winged purple cow crammed between sandwich fixings and burger buns. Frowning and brows raised skeptically, he followed Taya inside. The aroma of fries and cooking meat filled the warm blast of air inside the diner. Taya took a deep breath, enjoying the smell she hoped would drown out Archer's herbal scent for a while. As she had promised, only a handful of people occupied the mismatched chairs and purple upholstered booths. A few paintings drawn by local artists hung from the beige walls. A man in his early twenties stepped out from the kitchen, his shock of hair so red it had to be dyed. A waitress with a tray piled with drinks and plates of food balanced in her hands followed him out. "Taya!" The man's face lit up with a smile as he looked to her. "It's been a while, doll—" his term of endearment cut off, turning into an awkward clearing of his throat as he noticed Eli behind her. "Er…" "Hey, Alex," she answered, unphased as she stepped toward the counter. "Think we could use your party room for a while?" She nodded to where one of the back walls gave way to a folding door. He blinked and looked back to Taya. "Yeah. Yeah, sure!" His smile returned a bit tentatively. He quickly gathered three menus from behind the counter. Alex cast Taya a curious, knowing glance, but said nothing as he led the way into the back room. He placed the menus on the table in front of three of the nearest chairs. "Luce'll be in shortly to take your order." With a last glance to Taya, silently warning her to expect questions the next time he saw her, Alex left, sliding the door shut behind himself.</s> <|message|>William Grant The briefest of smiles flickered across William's face at the mention of being hungry, as if The idea we're connected to some sort of private joke. Werewolves were usually always hungry to one extent or another. Higher metabolism, the wolf's need to be active driving them to regularly exercise, both probably played a factor. And if there were injuries to heal... Well, he'd inform both agents of the need to keep a wounded werewolf properly fed if and when the situation ever arose. Stepping to a nearby trash can as Agent Turner started off towards The diner she had in mind, William dropped his nearly empty cup inside before taking up the rear position of the group. He didn't mind being in the back, it gave him the opportunity to observe both of his companions freely as well as keep an eye on their surroundings. Unoffended by Agent Archer's obvious standoffishness, William focused that much more of his attention on those passing by, his nostrils subtly flaring as he took in scents. Luckily, despite Eli's heavy aroma, he was able to pick out details of those they passed. Amid the smells of various soaps, wet fabric, body odor, and food, a distinctive scent consisting of a musk and spice mixture caught William's attention, his head automatically turning a fraction towards the other werewolf. Their eyes met for a moment, a subtle inclining of heads in acknowledgment passing between them, before the other had gone by. Glancing back towards the FBI agents to see if either had noticed his brief encounter, he found his attention immediately focusing on Taya as she pulled open the door to what looked to be a burger joint. The smell of french fries, cooking oil, hamburgers, and Greece enveloping him as William followed the two agents into The diner with only a brief lifting of one eyebrow for the unusual mascot, he instinctively cast his gaze around the interior, mentally taking note of who was there. Taking a deep breath through his nose, he reassured himself of the absence of anyone other than humans before waiting politely for Taya to make her request of her friend. With permission to use the semi private party room secured, he followed after the redhead and paused just inside the door way to get another look around. As The man eventually left, he step towards the table, pulling out one of the chairs and gesturing in an invitation for Taya to sit, tucking the chair in after her. He then circled the table, settling into one of the chairs facing the doorway while simultaneously shrugging out of his coat and draping it over the back of his chair. Reaching up, he pulled off his hat at last, revealing slightly wavy chestnut hair cut short with a soft crackling of static that made him grimace briefly. Flattening what he could of his slightly disheveled hair, William dropped the hat onto the floor next to him without a second glance before picking up his menu and scanning over it. After only a moment of the three of them being alone, the promised waitress appeared, dark brown hair pulled back away from her face, a smile already in place upon her lips. Stepping up to the table, she pulled out a small notebook and pen, clicking the latter and glancing between each face. "Welcome to 'The Flying Cow!' My name is Lucy and I'll be happy to serve you this afternoon. I can start you off with some drinks, unless everyone knows what they would like," she said in a cheerful tone, automatically looking towards William before shifting her gaze instead to Taya when William looked pointedly in the agent's direction.</s>
<|message|>Taya Celest Turner Taya glanced around the large room, double checking they were, indeed, alone. Tables meant for four were shoved together near the back to create a single, long table. A couple others like the one the trio were assigned to strategically dotted the area around it. Purple trim decorated the walls and more paintings supporting local artists hung in satisfying, even intervals. Shelves lined the top of the room, displaying a slew of bovine knickknacks. A door labeled, "Emergency Exit," created the only other exit to the room. Eli, his natural scowl tugging downward slightly, let out a slight sigh and chose a seat that would let him keep both doors and his companions in sight. He sat his briefcase down, leaning it against the legs of one of the chairs, then shrugged out of his overcoat. He straightened his black tie against his gray suit jacket then took his seat. Taya gave William a smile in thanks as the man pulled out a chair for her. She mimicked her male companions in removing her coat, draped it across the back of her chair, and sat. A moment of silence fell between them as Taya glanced through the menu, already knowing what she wanted, while Eli examined it with a sharp, condescending eyebrow raised. When the waitress entered, Taya placed her menu down. When the other woman's gaze turned to her at William's insistence, recognition flashed in her eyes. "Hey, Luce!" Taya offered, fidgeting with the edge of the menu. "I'll take the daily special. Side of fries. With a coke." "Sure thing!" Lucy beamed, pulling out a notepad and pen. She quickly wrote the order down, then turned to Eli. "For you, sir?" "Just a cup of tea," he ordered coolly. He held the menu out to her to take, not really looking at her. "Mint." Lucy jotted it down with an enthusiastic nod. If his tone bothered her, she didn't let it show. She took his and Taya's menus, tucked them under her arm, then looked back to William, awaiting his order. Once received, she left with the reassurance she'd "get those drinks right out," then left the trio alone once more. As soon as the door shut behind her, Eli bent toward his briefcase. "I trust you've been briefed on the current situation, Mr. Grant?" he intoned. The gentle click of the locks on his briefcase springing open rose from beside his chair. Taya suppressed a sigh. Straight to business, then. Eli placed a classification folder on the table in front of him. The FBI's logo stood out on the front of the brownish folder. Though thinner than the one Taya had been browsing through, she was confident she knew its contents. Eli rested a hand on the folder and looked to William for his answer, the agent's thin, spindly pointer finger tapping on it lightly.</s>
<|description|>Renaldo "Moth" Piper Abstract: Obsessive Financomancer, Math Genius, and All-Around Dork Detail: One of the most famous accounting firms in the city, "Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Brown, LLC.", has been personally selected by the queen to oversee the astronomical flow of funding towards the eternal expansion of the great wall which surrounds Periphery. The four big names themselves sit in their palatial offices, pressing a few keys where necessary, but for field work (or what those in the business refer to as "bitch work"), they send Renaldo. Renaldo is fresh out of school and knows how incredibly lucky he is to be interning at CMYB, an organization his instructors gushed about while making it absolutely clear that he had no chance of ever working for them. Joke's on them. Renaldo was hand-picked by the four named partners themselves; he believes it's because of his incredible intelligence and tenacity. He plans to make it big someday. He's going to be the fifth named partner, he's sure of it! He just needs to remember where he put his enchanted calculator. Appearance: Five-foot-two and stick thin with freckles, large perfect white teeth, and messy blonde hair he tries to push back in the latest style. He wears inexpensive "tech-specs," a pair of cybernetically enhanced glasses, both to correct his extreme myopia and provide a quick link to the files and data processors at the main branch. The slightest bit of physical exertion, and his cheap Mechro-Accountant 1000 suit is covered in sweat. Various keyboards and touchscreens run across both suit arms. Magical Inventory: The only item of his that is enchanted is his calculator. On his first day as an intern it arrived at his cubicle wrapped in plain brown paper, an unusual and unexpected gift straight from Lady Cyan herself. Renaldo's calculator includes one sigil in its memory, a Sigil of Stamina.</s> <|message|>Liam Carter Liam Carter As Liam helped Emmitt with the rivets, He heard the first when he heard the first noise. Instantly leaving whatever he was doing and looking at the place the sound originated from. Well that can't be good ca- Liam was cut off by the sound of the lighting strike. Liam had worked the wall multiple times on a rainy day, and was pretty much used to the sound of lighting but this felt…wrong. This all felt very wrong to him. There was no sign that there would be a lightning storm today. That's when he took real notice of the illumination of the electricity that essentially turned the blue skied morning to something that resembled what heaven looked like in story books. For that one second Liam just stared, ignoring whatever anyone else was saying or doing all he did was…stare. Liam honestly could not comprehend the sheer beauty of what he saw… As he stared at what seemed to be heaven's sky his bubble of silence was pierced by the what sounded like a really large egg being cracked. Liam was really not going to take notice of it until the sky cracked in two… His look of admiration for beauty quickly turned to horror as he saw the south side of the city suddenly be submerged into darkness. It was at that moment he got knocked back into the harsh reality he lived as the situation was going from bad to worse. Almost everyone started running in every single direction. Liam's focus instantly shifted from staring at the sky to getting his equipment and getting the hell off this wall. Liam made a dash for a nearby storeroom where he kept all his things safely tucked away in the corner. Once he got to the storeroom he immediately put his greatcoat along with the holster that had his pepperbox rifle and his sheathed sword. Once he got all his things together Liam ran out as fast as he can. As he did he heard the crackling of lightning yet again, only this time it was accompanied by a cry as Liam noticed that the lightning had struck one of the workers close to him turning him to stone and leaving a small purple crystal in front of the person. Liam wanted to help that man, but he knew that if he did he would probably end up being turned to stone himself so he continued running. Whilst running he saw Dazz on top of the building block. Liam instantly changed his course and ran towards her. DAZZ WATCH OUT THE LI- Liam's words were drowned out as he saw a streak of electricity touch her, turning her to stone. NO!!! Liam shouted as he started running even faster, reaching what he thought was her stone corpse. As he did he noticed the old man he waved at previously had jumped into a nearby trolley. Liam looked back at him and then at Dazz again. Not only was this thing turning people to stone, but the one person Liam actually thought of as a friend was among them. I will come back for you, if you are even still in there. Was all he said before he jumped into the trolley along with everyone else. Just as he jumped he turned back once more to look at Dazz only to see what looked like grit approaching from the forest behind her. We got to move now, the grit are charging the wall. He said to the other as he landed in the trolley.</s> <|message|>Vincent David DeMoore Vincent chuckled a bit and grabbed her hand and with her assistance hopped onto his feet. He hopped on his feet a few beats to get his blood flowing. "Alright." The Grit. The fearsome enemy of humanity, and they were all that was left of the city. "You, me, and maybe a half-dozen people up here. Who knows down there." He glanced over towards the trolley. "Trolley works." He hoped. Something caught his eye that he barely noticed before, but this time it stuck out a bit more. A pink glowing stone floated before the chest of Randy. He tilted his head with a curious expression on his face and snatched the stone out of the air. "Randy," he stated with a slightly joking tone. "I didn't know your soul was pink." He inspected the stone as he made his way towards the trolley as Kat suggested. He wracked his brain trying to remember if there was any mention of some magic like this on Rune Magic that he may have been taught during the classes Father put him through. Whether he wanted to or not, it wasn't like he could forget the information he picked up from the intensive classes. He paused as he made it up to the trolley, not paying any attention to the others headed for it. If everyone had turned to stone with the exception of everyone right now on the wall. That meant he was free of Father. Free of this prison of a city. Grit or no. He was free. This put an involuntary smile on his face. He began to wonder what it would be like running through the streets of Periphery without any rules or restrictions put on him by Father or the Law. That could be a reality. Could be.</s> <|message|>"Old" Otto "This wall should hold for a bit," he managed to choke out. Otto put his foot on the hatch opposite the wall's summit, and heaved his way to the trolley's roof. The gears for the pulley system were rusted. It looked as if they hadn't been maintained (or even noticed) since the trolley was put into service. "Figures.." He pulled the gear assembly upwards on it's hinge and rigged it onto the same thick cable the motor was attached to. The motor smelled of burnt windings and showed visible signs it had lost the fight against lightning. It would take a minute or two to break through the motor and detach it from the cable, hence holding the trolley in place. "Young man,"he looked towards Liam. "...pull the brake lever. It's right there, by your leg. Give it a hard tug. We don't want this piece of scrap falling to the earth when I get this motor detached!" He leaned down and hollered at two other fellows--Florence and Ethan--hoping for one of them to have the wherewithal to take lead,"If we have stragglers nearby, they should be here with us. And one of you lend me a strong back to get this damned thing off!! The motor was all but was one strong tug from biting the dust and enabling the trolley's crew to wind itself down 25 meters to the next landing.</s> <|message|>Ethan Morrfield Ethan looked up at the old man, who had shouted about helping him. Ethan looked at Florence, the thrill-seeker. Ethan nodded, "You get the others, I'll fix this bloody thing." Ethan crossed the trolley to the man int he hood, and nudged him aside. He planted both his feet, grabbed the old motor, and yanked. The metal gave a hideous wrenching sound, and then tore off. Ethan grinned as the Trolley wobbled, now free of its main anchoring. Ethan looked around, nervous now. He could hear the Grit now, rumbling towards the wall, all kinds of hideous sounds. He gritted his teeth and bellowed up. "WE GOTTA GO GUYS!" He saw the others running towards the trolley. The two men inside the trolley looked incredibly nervous. He frowned. "Alright, if they don't get here soon, we gotta go. I know we shouldn't leave them, but if we wait, we all die." He looked out over the city. "And maybe there's still somebody alive down there who can fix this."</s>
<|message|>Renaldo "Moth" Piper The world pulsated and roared around Moth. The sound came to him from a great distance, a dull throb from somewhere out of focus. All he could see was an inky black, like an ocean that never saw sunlight. Sounds coalesced around him, the rhythmic shouts and screams of people scattering around him. He opened his eyes. Light assaulted him and made him groan. At least, he thought he groaned. It was hard to tell if he was even still alive, or if his soul was experiencing things apart from his body. Ah, okay, yes he was alive. There was pain. A lot of it. Shapes appeared next, slowly running together into tangible forms and colors. Moth peeled himself off the ground and pushed himself to his elbows and looked around. Behind him, a statue he hadn't noticed before was pointing over the Wall and had its mouth open in mid-shout. The foreman. Forewoman. "Wh...wh..." An explosion of light and sound flashed in his mind. Moth remembered. A tremendous light had shot to the sky from somewhere out in the fields. The woman shouted something to her workers, and then there was a sound like thunder and it all went black. "MWAAP MWOORP MWAP MURRP MAARP!" He tried to shake the ringing from his ears as he jerkily pulled himself to his feet. There was too much noise, too much sound and roaring and banging and... Okay, THAT he heard. Moth raised his head and looked around, some things still out of focus. The sky to the south was black. There was no twilight inbetween, just an abrupt break from day to night, directly overhead. Head still pounding, the world still swimming around him, Moth turned and walked unsteadily to the light, towards the sounds of shouting.</s>
<|description|>Natori Abe Natori is relatively short standing at a mere 4'8" tall and weighs about 93lbs. On his wait on the left and right are two small guards taking on the appearance of smaller versions of the one held by Gaara, as per Shukaku's advice. These sand gourds are made of and contain special chakra infused sand. Age: 12 Village of birth: Sunagakure (The VIllage Hidden in the Sand) Ninja rank: Genin Clan: n/a Bloodline Limit/Summoning contract: Magnet Release Tailed beast: One-Tailed Beast AKA Shukaku Elemental affinity: Wind Release & Earth Release Specialty: Natori's specialties include defense and mid-range combat through the use of ninjutsu and taijutsu though he usually doesn't get into physical combat if it can be avoided. Background: Unlike many Jinchuriki Natori hadn't had the tailed beast sealed into him at birth. Actually, he wouldn't receive the Shukaku until he was roughly 9 years old. Natori was born into a relatively unknown family in the sand village. His parents were hard workers, and they did there best to keep him sheltered, clothed and fed. There life was simple, but they did well. Natori grew up normally, He was happy. He was naively kind and innocent. But that wouldn't last. He remembers it quite vividly. A rogue ninja had infiltrated the villager. He wasn't anyone especially important or powerful, but he was a rogue ninja all the same. It had seemed that he had actually acquired some good intel and was looking for a way out of the village. He had been spotted. There was an alert in the village. Natori had never expected the man to come into his parents shop. He'd demanded that they hide him. When his parents refused, the man grabbed natori's mother. Natori was only about 4 years old at the time. Due to this he displayed a rather unnerving lack of fear when he charged the man who held his dear mother captive. However, the was in vain. The man easily swung knocking Natori to the side. He'd likely have been killed next had his father not acted. This act would lead to the death of not only his father, but his mother as well. Natori watched it all and knew he was next. At least he should have been. The was when one of the village ninja arrived, quickly dispatching the rogue ninja. However, he was too little too little. The rogue ninja had orphaned Natori and put a heavy amount of fear and distrust in him. He nearly freaked out when the ninja attempted to help him. Within a few hours Natori was the subject of a meeting between the ninja and the current Kazekage at the time. In all honesty the ninja wasn't quite sure what to do. The Kazekage had no greater plans. Up until this point there had yet to be a problem like this in quite some time. Natori was shaking. He was worried, scared, and a number of other negative emotions. He half expected to be left to fend for himself. It might have been likely had they been in a time of war, but they weren't. This was probably a large part of the reason that the Kazekage offered to take the young man in. It wasn't like he had much to gain or lose. He already had one child who was about 11, but he and his wife had considered another. The problem there was they could not, much to their dismay, and to a small extent the dismay of their current child who wished for a younger sibling. With that there was little more to discuss. Natori went home with the Kazekage and so his new life began. Within the course of the next few years Natori would begin to get used to his new life. Dealing with the loss of his real parents was tough, but he couldn't say he wasn't loved. However, he was a lot less trusting of those around him. He half expected to be betrayed or hurt by nearly half the people he met. Still in this time he also managed to show a knack for ninja skills. He was pretty damn good in the academy too. He was exceptionally skilled. It was a wonder why his parents hadn't enrolled him earlier. By the time he was 8 he was already a genin in the sand. The kazekage, his adoptive father, was especially intrigued. This was probably one of the reasons he chose Natori as the host for the Shukaku. Essentially, the Shukaku agreed to this choice because he had a better chance of convincing this young man who'd experienced loss to do as he said in his plight to take control away from the humans. Though this thought train had significantly weakened over the years as did his hatred for the species. In the time between the sealing and now Natori has gained a fair bit of control over over some of the abilities granted to him. He hides a fair bit of resentment towards his "father" for sticking him with the tailed beast seeing it as a chance to push the burden onto the son who did not share his blood. He bares no grudge towards his older brother or surrogate mother. Still now that he can contain the beast and more or less control his basic abilities he has been sent to the Leaf with his brother as his primary escort and little to no chance of accidentally losing control as most village leaders would worry about. Especially when the tailed beast in question is the Shukaku. Crush (because why not): Nobody as of now. Equipment: Natori's belongings include; - Clothing - Money - Bandages - Shuriken - Kunai - twin sand gourds Jutsu List: Natori is skilled in the use of the basic ninja techniques taught to all young ninja while in the academy. Some notable include, the transformation technique or the clone technique. However, some techniques unique to him include: * Wind Release: Great Breakthrough - This is a relatively simple technique that creates a sudden gust of wind, but its scale varies greatly depending on the user. * Armor of Sand - Using this technique, Natori can cover himself in a compacted layer of sand, providing an additional defence should his Shield of Sand fail. Though quite effective, maintaining the armour requires a large amount of chakra and stamina. Furthermore, it is nowhere as resilient as the Shield of Sand, since it easily breaks away upon impact, indicating that the sole purpose of the armour is to absorb impact channelled onto Natori's body during battle. Another weakness is the additional weight of the sand which leads to decreased levels of speed and mobility. * Sand Clone - This technique is used to create clones in the shape of himself or others using sand as a medium. The clone's form can be changed instantly into sand, and the enemy's body can be trapped. * Sand Coffin - With his ability to control sand, Natori encases his opponents in a large amount of the special chakra-infused sand kept inside his gourds, immobilising them. It can be used to suffocate an opponent or in preparation for the Sand Burial. * Sand Burial - After wrapping an opponent with sand with either Sand Coffin or Sand Shower, Natori will cause the sand to implode and crush whatever is within it. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick that there isn't even time for the victim to feel any pain. The pressure also produces a sizeable fountain of blood. Natori can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows him to either break bones or completely liquefy an opponent. * Shield of Sand - A technique that is unique to Natori. Whenever Natori is about to be harmed, a shield of sand will automatically surround and protect him. The sand will react regardless of Natori's will, even protecting him from self-inflicted injuries. Natori can also change the shape of the shield and its density, to increase both speed and defence. * Sand bullet - Natori forms a small sphere made of sand and compresses it to increase its hardness. The sphere can strike opponents with such speed and force that it knocks them unconscious. He can also change its trajectory, to strike down multiple targets. * Sand Shower - After clotting together sand into countless small lumps, Natori uses them to attack an enemy from every direction. Because all the sand lumps are controlled by chakra, it is possible to commence an attack without any blind spots. * Desert Suspension - It is a trick where Natori uses the chakra-enhanced sand to support his own weight and float in mid-air and to use as a method of transportation if needed. By increasing the size of the platform Natori can transport others along with him or even grant someone else their own platform of sand to fly on. It is a technique that takes relatively little chakra. Other: I'm sure I'll think of something, but nothing as of right now.</s> <|message|>Natori Abe Natori was calm the first time Ryu approached him. Though he had remained utterly silent. The reason wasn't rudeness. It had just seemed his sparring session hadn't quite finished. So he waited. He was thinking. What could he say? What could he do? How much should he divulge? He was a little unsure overall to be quite honest. He still didn't even know if he could trust anyone. Even IF he could trust them, who would he actually like? He sighed. This wasn't his idea of a good time, nor would it ever be. Still he couldn't dwell on the subject much longer as the shaking ground and opening waterfall brought him back to his senses. The sparring had finished and the young man from before was back. Well, he could at least introduce himself as they walked into the cave. Or maybe it was a tunnel... Oh well... Point was that he could do as Ryu said. "My name is Natori. Natori Abe." He spoke in a rather calm, if somewhat monotone, voice. He was at a calm pace choosing not to stick to the walls. They could have been lined with traps. Even if they weren't he and his sand could defend more easily in the wider area. Though if Ryu had kept close, he'd likely have protected him too. He had no reason to trust these people, but he also had no reason to let them die if they went south. They could be bad, or good. Only time would tell. "As you can probably tell, I'm from Sunagakure. And as one might suspect of the Village Hidden in the Sand, I possess the one-tail beast. Though from what I've heard he prefers his name, Shukaku." He sighed. He had no real basis if that was his actual name or not, nor did he know if the beast preferred it. After all, he'd never actually had any contact with him. He only had information from stories. Still, once again he was pulled from his thoughts as they neared the end of the tunnel. It was much more than he'd expected. The instructors, the temple. It was rather overwhelming, though it didn't show. This could turn out to be much more interesting then he'd though. Especially, since he could possibly learn more here than he could anywhere else in the ninja world.</s> <|message|>Ryu Kaguya "Nice to meet you Natori, I hope we can get along in the days to come." Ryu nodded with a grin, before looking at the other Uchiha girl, the younger sister, Momotan is what he believed the elder called her. "Oi, Momotan wasn't it, come on lets get some training in." He shouted back, before marching confidently through the entrance and to the tunnel, giving a quick glance to all the instructors. They all seemed rather skiled, if their posture and presence was anything to go by, and he couldn't wait to get started. he made sure to seal his blade back up, as he didn't like having it out when he didn't need it. While it was cool that the blade stayed heated, it made the thing a walking fire hazard, and very dangerous to lug around in the open.</s>
<|message|>Natori Abe Natori nodded calmly. "I hope so too. Not only as Jinchuriki but as ally shinobi." He said as he briefly turned his attention to Ryu, taking note of the sword before returning his gaze to the instructors. He was curious as to what they might say. He wanted to know if they would be beginning today. Would the training start on a strict basis right off the bat or would they be allowed time to settle in for the day. Either way he would be prepared. He wasn't so sure all of the other Jinchuriki would be prepared however,. Still he did have higher hopes for everyone then he might lead on if he were questioned on his thoughts. He also understood that things likely wouldn't go exactly as he may wish they would in the near nor far future. Hopefully, he could get used to the change from his original "habitat" of sorts.</s>
<|description|>Leonidas Lionheart Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: 5'8" 150 lbs tanned skin, athletic build, Shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes Bio: Born Prince to the Empire of Man Leonidas' path in life was set from the start. Every aspect seemed to be laid out before him with little choice of his own. As a boy he was subject to lots of classes and teachings on world powers, political treaties, and anything else that a prince would need to know. After he was assigned his guardian Siegfried Leonidas was given the first glimpse of a choice in his life. The young prince opted to take that choice if only to get away from his classes even for a little bit. That choice you might ask was to become a Paladin of the Silver flame like Siegfried. The Prince knew the tenets of the Silver Flame already but took to the religion in times of hardships and used his belief to strengthen himself. Leonidas became a fine young squire under Siegfried excelling in his training. After Years of service within the Order of the Silver Flame it was decided that it was time for Leonidas to leave the capital and see the land that would one day become his to rule. Given orders to investigate recent reports of orc and goblin attacks up north he has assembled a small army and marched onward looking to see to the safety of his people. Personality quirks: Traits - I can stare down a hell hound without flinching. , I don't like to sit idle. Ideal - Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me. Bond – My honor is my life. Flaw – My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning. Friends/Rivals: Siegfried Lightbringer – Human Male, Leonidas' Mentor and Friend Lyndis Helmsguard – Human Female, Childhood Friend Fighting Style: Leonidas is a Paladin through and through, Blending Martial Prowess with Light Magic in combat. Equipment: Weapons – Warhammer, Longsword Armor – Full Plate with chainmail underlay Other – Waterskin, Holy Symbol of the Silver Flame, Pouch with 5 days rations, Skills/Abilities: Silver Tongue – Born a natural leader Leonidas uses his natural charisma to persuade others to see his way. Martial Prowess – Leonidas never skipped a day of Martial training and took the lessons to heart. He is a good fighter on the battlefield and hard to match. Light Magic – As a follower of the Silver Flame Leonidas has tempered himself in the use of Light Magic. Holy Smite: Leonidas' weapon glows with radiant light bringing down Holy Wrath against his foes. Lay on hands: By the divine power of the Silver Flame Leonidas can heal others with a touch of his hand. Aura of Light: Leonidas' presence bolsters his allies increasing their moral and protecting them from fear.</s> <|message|>Merik Roak Merik Roak --- The enemy was in full retreat their chief dropped some foul liquid and ran in the chaos. Merik was quick to close his nostrils but kept going in his primal state. Few goblins escaped him his rage still burning and his teeth still chomping black blood dripped from his jaws and covered the front of his armor. Finally the beast could breath as the cloud dissipated. His deep breaths helped to calm him down as the few stragglers were either killed or ran off back to the forest. Slowly the large lizard sat down on the stone wall his head easily able to see over it. The soldiers cheered and the goblins disappeared. Triumph slowly turned to exhaustion and dreary quiet. The humans now had their dead to take care of even Merik still had a couple jobs to do. Slowly he stood and stretched, the injured were being cared for or taken away and the able began to pick up bodies and debris. The goblin bodies were unceremoniously thrown off the wall while the humans were lined up along the sides of the streets. Merik knew that the humans took special care of their dead and he knew to be respectful of it. Even if to him what was dead was dead and the spirit was gone leaving just meat and personal effects. The Lizard folk retrieved his sword from the wall making his way down towards where one of the large stones had landed nearby. The area it hit was damaged but he was able to roll the stone up to the gate and leave it against it. He only did this with one more stone as a way to help brace the door. Either out of fear, exhaustion, or respect he no longer heard the men whisper about him they simply made way for him. It was an effect he had seen happen to many other humans who doubted him then fought alongside him. Action and honor spoke volumes more than some royal sigil ever could, as Acrius would say, seeing is believing. Merik still didn't quite understand what was meant by it but was able to grasp the basics. He lingered for a little while longer at the gate to assist with moving fallen debris or move the wounded. Only calling out to his friend after most of the dust had settled and the sounds of distant fighting turned to silence. "Ruduf, Merik go check rest of wall. Merik see you again later." With a wave the Lizard trotted off down the wall looking for any trouble along the way. He might have been tired, sore, and he was sure that at least some of this blood was his but he kept going. with a full belly he showed off his immense stamina and desire to continue the fight. As he jogged off toward the south end of the town.</s> <|message|>Drana Turash Drana smiled the entire fight. She was a cleric that constantly met the battlefield with an open mind. While she was not happy for the death that surrounded her, it was an involuntary action that had been picked up among the fields of dead that were often trying to kill the living. She did not realise that she was smiling. The only escalation she had seen was Manald's savagery upon tangling himself with a troll. She made a note to find him later and make sure that he was not hurt. Drana felt eyes fall on her as Acrius introduced her to the prince. 'So this is the man I have heard so much about.' Drana's demeanor was unchanged by her fatigue. Blood covered her clothing in a red and black mess that sullied her holy garments and fair skin. Her staff remained pristine, absent of any sign it had been on the battlefield. "Prince Leonidas," Drana did not bow, but she instead inclined her head slightly. "It is an honor to meet you on the field of battle as an ally." The drain on her stamina was catching up with her, and she wanted to inform the prince of who she was and where she came from faded quickly. Hunger gnawed at her belly and sleep called her by name. Drana felt the subtle pull of her domain's magic as her two knights, Gordon and Stephan, wished to return to the world she was in. Drana straightened herself in front of Leonidas. "I have fought with Acrius beneath the city and here on its walls. I am the Sacred Order's Cleric of the Dead." She used a full title, unsure if the prince knew the weight that it carried. In truth, Drana did not understand the weight it carried herself. "Forgive me, but I must find my knights. I will meet you for a proper introduction in the war room after I-" She hesitated, briefly forgetting that most people assumed her clerical art to be necromancy. With quick thinking, she feigned being tired. Her smile softened with embarrassment and she laughed awkwardly. "I need a nap after this." She said with her usual informal candor. She needed to find a quiet place to bring her knights back from the aether. With a second dip of her head Drana turned and started for the path down the wall. She needed to 'find' Gordon and Stephan before she returned to the war room. She needed their help to explain why she was here, as well as who she really is. Though more than that, she feared for her own skin without their protection. She was too tired to realize just what she had done.</s> <|message|>Leonidas Lionheart Leonidas stayed on the battlements directing the men until the goblin forces were out of range. It was only after their retreat that Leonidas would let himself rest a little. He took a little time to check his wound from earlier making sure he didn't end up opening it again since his bit of patch up healing. "I should of really payed more attention when they were teaching us those healing magics instead of just how to use magic to hurt others more..." he thought to himself as Acrius came up to him with a woman whom Leonidas had never seen before. Although she was introduced as a Cleric she moved with an air of nobility which in itself was a bit of an oddity many born into a noble house wouldn't adopt the practices of a Cleric willingly. Even the way she greeted the prince was reminiscent of the way many nobles had in the past so he assumed she must have some noble blood and greeted her in kind, "The Honor was mine Lady Drana, due to your help our young Acrius was able to quickly fell that troll." He said to her with a grin complimenting her help, although he knew full well Acrius could of used his own magic to light the arrow he wasn't going to bring it up now especially seeing the shape she was in currently. After mentioning her knights that were lost in the sewers Leonidas gave his dismissal letting the cleric go on her way and even offered Acrius as a guard to her until she found her knights if she wanted or needed. After that Leonidas would return to the war room with Zatana following behind. "I don't know if I'm ready for the chew out from Balthazar about getting injured, even if it is just a little scratch... You want to talk to him first?" He said to Zatana in a joking matter as they walked back to the Keep. As the day went on there were more waves of attacks, nothing nearly on the scale of the morning's attack and after giving the members of the Royal guard an adequate amount to rest they were cycled to the points of battle to help keep the balance in the defender's favor. All in all by the end of the day men were tired and worn out moral was good because of the victories but wavering as it seemed these orc and goblins had unending numbers. The fear and unease was what plagued Leonidas and Balthazar the most so the two decided to work out a deal with the Duke. It wasn't long until what was normally the trade square was abuzz with life, Leonidas and Balthazar were able to convince the Duke to roll out the fine wine and ale he had been storing in the keep and open it up as a means to thank and celebrate with the men. The commotion had also brought out some of the food merchants and even common folk and amidst this siege there was a celebration within the city. Leonidas sat at a table among the guards with an ale in his hand. Although he wasn't in his full battle regalia he still wore a light suit of armor as "you could never be to careful" or so Balthazar had told him while Leonidas' arm was being patched up. But he drank with his men on this night not above them as their prince but with them as a warrior. The square itself had been quickly decorated and aside from the impromptu bar that had been set up multiple food stands had also made their way around the square providing food and drink to any who wanted to partake. Naysein had found herself a few competent musicians and was using her talents to provide song for the party singing tales of heroism and bravery lightening the mood.</s> <|message|>Rudolph Kestrell Following the clean upon the walls, Rudolph would soon enough help out with the moving of the dead, dying and wounded, despite being relieved of his position on the wall to go and get rest. He noticed the big lizardman leave the battlements, and gave a simple wave and nod toward him. A couple of hours pass before Rudolph accepts his fatigue, and gives in. Along the way to the barracks, he bumped into Fullar, who apparently had been wounded during the siege. "Hey Rudolph." the man nodded somewhat disgruntled. "They finally got you eh?" Rudolph replied, somewhat teasing. "A bit of armour would of helped ya." he followed smirking. "You know I fight better without it." Fullar scoffed. Rudolph chuckled and gave the man a pat on the back, "Just be careful you silly bastard." he finished before turning to continue onward. Fullar simply waved him off as he did. Rudolph managed to get some rest, but decided he'd join the festivities, he could do with a break. The event itself, albeit last minute and cobbled together, was actually fun. A rare side of Rudolph came out at occasions like this, where instead of his usual grumpy exterior, he is now open and welcoming. Some of the soldiers that knew of him and his reputation were taken aback by his sudden change of persona. He spent much of the time sharing stories and jovial banter. Though Rudolph had finally relaxed, he was partly still on edge. He occasionally looked around him and watched as people went about their business. He was expecting there to be some sort of orc surprise attack, or something else entirely that he had to watch out for.</s>
<|message|>Leonidas Lionheart -=Somewhere inside the walls of Bergkoff=- A group of 9 hooded individuals gather on an empty side street. "Alright everyone has there targets correct?" One of the individuals said to the group and a second spoke up. "Why are we helping orcs? What is the master thinking." A second spoke up and was quickly hushed. "Don't question the master's wishes just do your job." The first snapped back. "Alright if no one has any real question then move out." A third spoke up. And the group quickly broke up into four groups. Two groups of two took to the roofs heading to their targets while the remaining 5 individuals broke into a group of 2 and a group of 3 each moving in different direction through the city.</s>
<|description|>Constance 'Connie' Blendin Nickname: Connie Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: Connie has the power of being completely and utterly normal compared to most of her schoolyard peers. In that Connie, despite the circumstances of her birth, appears to simply be a normal teenage human attending what she assumed to be a private school that she got accepted into due to nepotism above anything else. If the ability to be normal is a power, she's got it. If being able to gossip and socialize with peers is a power, yeah that's her power as well. Maybe her power is going shopping or popping down to a cafe for a drink. Maybe she's just a regular human and is fine with that. Weakness: Numbers, as in mathematics. Connie has no ability to understand math beyond the basic multiplication tables up to about ten, and even then she gets a bit wonky once six comes into question. "Six times six? Isn't it...I only have five fingers! Six times six...if five times six is fifty six then six times six is sixty six!" That she is so bad with numbers is often why she doesn't realize when she's being overcharged at a store or is given incorrect change. "It was ten dollars, here's a twenty, I think I get five back, right?" Being a pescetarian she also has a weakness when it comes to meat that isn't fish, in that seeing it can make her nauseous and eating it is enough to make her run to the bathroom and be sick. Which really makes things difficult, considering the eating habits of her family and friends. Being a normal girl, she's also prone to being affected by magical influences, having no defenses for them. But surely her friends wouldn't think of using their powers on her, right!? Skills: Despite her awful math skills, Connie is quite good with languages and words, being fluent in three languages thanks to being forced to study them from a young age. English, French, and oddly enough Latin - that was requested by her mother for some odd reason, the French was due to her father. She's got a flair for the dramatic, having spend most of her time under the shadow of dear mother and being groomed for a life under spotlights, so when a performance rolls around she is good at slipping into the role she has been cast for. But perhaps the greatest skill she has is being able to drink a cup of coffee while it is still piping hot from the machine. Does this mean her power is super taste buds!? Hobbies: Being a fan of the arts makes drama a hobby of hers, and not just plays and live performances but films as well. She likes to host movie nights in her room for fellow film aficionados, but so far that's mostly just been her watching a movie on her computer while munching on a small bag of lightly salted popcorn. Costume design, or rather fashion design in general; Connie likes making outfits when she has the time and material, which is increasingly rare as school picks up. She once played a card game but found it hard to understand since it involved numbers so games are not something she understands. Connie also has an interest in watching live events, including concerts and sports - though when it comes to sports she's just as likely to stand around and ask questions as she is to watch and try to learn for herself. "What happens when the white ball goes over the fence? Why did they get three points with the orange ball but last time they got two?" Background: Connie, by all accounts, should've been like other students at Orean, in that she should've had some sort of magical ability. Her father is from France, a former politician who went into early retirement and fell in love, or lust as she would call it, with a beautiful woman named Angelique. The two had their fair share of trysts that resulted in Connie's birth. What Connie has yet to figure out is that her mother is a bit of a seductress by way of having succubi powers. She thought it odd that her father was grey haired and fragile looking while her mother was constantly youthful, but she dismissed it as simply being the power of love. Each time Angelique and Connie's father were together, it drained more and more of his life, until he looked to be a geriatric when he was only middle aged. Angelique had thought to make Connie into something of her heir before realizing that Connie took more after her father than her mother. Still, despite the disappointment, Angelique still cared for Connie on the hopes that one day she would develop latent abilities. Angelique was employed at Orean and it was at the suggestion of her mother that Connie applied and eventually got into the school to study under its language arts and drama programs. Connie takes to the performance arts because her mother was once an actress - though not in the sort of movies Connie has ever seen. In many ways, Connie is just trying to make her mother proud in whatever ways she can, not knowing that by doing so she's limiting herself to chasing after a shadow that she didn't even know she was under. Theme song: Girls on Film The Mother We Share Clubs:Drama Club Dreams: Well mostly she has recurring dreams involving oceans. But she's not a dream analyst.</s> <|message|>Ion Hinotoru ATTENTION ALL!! A young girl on the podium shouted; she knew that this would be a good year. For her students and workers fate will work their ways. Her voice was loud as she spoke on the mic to everyone waiting outside the school before a new year will begin. Before the school year will begin she would always say something first before everything starts even though it was very cheesy but that how it usually went. "A new year is about to start. For better or for worse it will all change us. We cannot let fear trample us down. I know some of you are new and some of you are old, so don't fear…fate will lead you. Nothing meaningless happens here, it all happened for a reason so please before I bore you more with this peppy talk, aim sure you want tan meet new people and that such but..." She raised her hand and shouted with all of her might. "Welcome to Orean Cause! For today will be a free day for all of you to have fun! Met some new friends and teachers! Later there will be a party for everyone! It will be at the school courtyard! So I hope all of you can join!" Loud party poppers popped out confetti at the entrance of the school. The headmaster left quietly like she vanished out of no where. Some student cheered for a new year as for some grew weary with the headmaster's words. They knew that the headmistress was a bit... bi polar when it comes to things and they are unsure with her true words. Will fate really guide those souls? Or will it guide them somewhere else? right now its all up to them... -------------- Bride Bride watched as everyone at the entrance went there ways and began talking to other people or maybe their friends. He looked alone as he had no one. This was his first day here and no wonder why he looked so alone, he wished to make a friend but it was hard for him. He didn't want to be used again but he wanted companionship. He was holding a small book, a light romance novel and though of reading it since he got no one else to talk to and he was shy to talk to anyone at first. There was a bench and a nice oak tree beside it, he walked there and noticed he was getting some looks by other students. Some even winked at the boy, he knew he looked like a girl and he would even blush with a simple wink given to him so he had to blush right there. Bride sat down on the wooden bench and began to read the book he brought. Right then and there he looked so peacefully and calm, almost really looking like a bride.</s> <|message|>Rei Nobuko Rei walked outside. She stayed away from large groups of people. She walked quickly and quietly, heading to a nice tree. There was a bench beside the tree and a young girl was reading there. Rei ignored the girl and sat down,leaning her back against the tree. She pulled out a tablet and turned it on. There were hardly any apps on it. Just the necessities and one that Rei used for writing. Rei opened up her current book and began to write. She had already started writing the book a while ago and it was coming along great. Rei hummed slightly as she wrote, becoming absorbed in her work. A small part of her wondered what a person's reaction would be if they saw what she was writing. Rei was a pretty popular mystery and horror author, though thankfully she used a pen name, so hopeful her identity wouldn't be discovered, but that meant that Rei could write some pretty scary stuff.</s> <|message|>Jack Risastor Örninn Jack Jack stood on the outskirts of the massive group. He'd been surprised at the headmistress's age...then remembered that probably at least half the people around him were like him - inhuman in some respect. That headmistress could be older than the planet for all he knew. It wouldn't do to underestimate these people. He examined the mass again; some people were physically distinctive, like him - though no one was really as tall as he stood. Some had odd hair or eyes, maybe other characteristics...but all were dangerous after a fashion. Some even acted like him, skirting the outsides of the group. He noticed a couple of girls sitting on a bench outside, avoiding the group. He wondered idly who they were, before settling his duffle bag across his back. He had at least two years of education here. He had to find out who his benefactor was, and become a good worker so he could support himself. It was going to be a busy life at this school. Hamlin Hamlin stood near the podium with most of the other teachers. The headmistress was as bubbly as ever, he noted, smiling. She was one of a distinguished group whom he considered not to need his protection. Of course, he offered it anyway. He knew no different way. He scanned the crowd. There were some promising looking individuals this year; tall ones, strong ones, skinny ones, strange ones...Hamlin smiled to himself as he fingered his flute. He had a feeling that these students were going to be so much fun...</s>
<|message|>Constance 'Connie' Blendin It was hard for Connie to peg down one emotion she was feeling at the moment. On the one hand, there was the natural excitement that came with a new school year and all the new possibilities it brought. On the other, last year at Orean Cause wasn't exactly memorable for her, try as she wanted she just never seemed to make any friends and more than one of her teachers yelled at her - not her fault that they taught math in a way that was far too complicated to understand. And if that wasn't bad enough, she didn't even get to perform in the school play because she missed the audition to take a math test she had failed. Math. Always out to get her. But Connie was determined not to let the failures of last school year keep her down, and this year she came prepared. As she listened to the speech with eyes wide and smile never fading, she nodded along to the words. There was going to be a party later, but Connie had additional plans for something to do instead of, or at least after, the party. In her hands was a stack of papers, hand made and copied, with big, blocky words on them: CONNIE BLENDIN'S FIRST MOVIE NIGHT OF THE YEAR! With the students free to mingle, Connie set off, walking along the main grounds, stopping and handing out the fliers to any interested student. "Movie night! After tonight's party! All are welcome! Bring a snack! Bring a blanket! Bring anything you want!" Connie was eager to hand them out and even more eager at the possibility of someone attending. She was not looking forward to repeating the mistakes of last year.</s>
<|description|>Torrent, formerly Rain Theme: Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy Gender: Female Species: Lessereurm Appearance: Green with blue mixed in. She looked like a fantasy version of a skink lizard, her head being more bony with scaly outcrops along her snout and over the ridges on her eyes. Though she had no back legs, her front limbs had become somewhat longer and stronger. While she didn't have true thumbs, her claws had been reduced to three digits, two of which were longer and the third of which was shorter, thicker, and set at an angle to the others. It was a bit like a human's hand making a constant "Spock-hand" by holding the index-middle and pinky-ring fingers in pairs and curling the thumb. The joints of these "fingers" and the natural curl of her claws gave her a stronger grip that she could feel even as she began to pull herself along the ground--she would be able to pull, or to scoop and dig, quite fast if she felt so inclined. She was roughly twice as long as her previous form, though not so heavy-set throughout her body. As her tail instinctively lashed behind her, she would likely feel confident that she could easily contort herself in a variety of shapes. Goals: Rain has only a few major goals: -Follow any instructions from the mysterious Demon King -Make the most of this second chance, no matter the cost -Become the King's favorite, at any cost (selfish reasons, really) Past Life: There were few things more important to Rain in her short life than secrecy, alertness, and speed. She was not stronger than most, she was not at healthy as most, but with those three key factors helped to keep her alive and ahead in the dirty streets of an unnamed slum deep in the heart of Detroit. Born to teen parents who didn't want her, it was a life of hardship from the start. She looked to her parents and was left wanting, before being abandoned at the age of six. She was a street urchin with a lack of trust and a thirst for better. She scraped by, year after year, by honing these skills and not being afraid to be ruthless with the other filth left in the gutter, the gangs and the deranged. Her life, however, was cut short by someone just a bit smarter and faster than she was, who happened to slip a knife between her ribs at the age of 16. Given a second chance, she's going to do it right this time. Transformations: Fanged Lizard -- Lesserwurm Inventory:</s> <|message|>Asteria Asteria --- --- After the bloodingfly – and really, that thing was a fly of all things? – was hit by her rock, Asteria stayed where she was, still, silent, crouched low to the ground as she had been. She observed the insect and Ed in turns, to find an opportunity where she could deal a better attack. Mother rat had leaped at it once, but was driven away by the stinger. So, either they'd have to break that off somehow or attack it in a way that prevented the bloodingfly from being able to sting them. There was also the alternative of risking a sting and killing it in that moment, but based on the insect's description, that would be incredibly risky. Asteria kept watching as the insect dove at Ed, stinger pointed at him, while Ed called out to it. He was ready to keep its attention on him, then. Asteria creeped closer, until she was within leaping distance of both the insect and Ed, and got ready for a jump. She crouched as low as she could, tensed all muscles, building power in every single fibre of her being, until the right moment. Then, when the insect was entirely focused on Ed, its trajectory set to attack him, Asteria released all the energy she'd been able to store, shooting off in a manner similar to a coiled spring, only she had more weight behind her, and had added some of her own force by pushing off the ground as she jumped. She flew at the insect, claws and teeth ready to grab onto any part of the insect, bring it down, and claw and bite into it, specifically targeting its wings.</s> <|message|>Danny @Zeroth Despite the uneasy feeling caused by the taboo Danny didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that the human face was probably Jason, given that the only other reincarnated Slime he knew was Asura. The whole not able to interact physically thing was a major downside because if it was Jason he wanted to learn Stone Shot from him. When he saw the flash of light in the distance he decided that he had more urgent things to worry about, hoping that still being within hearing distance of Trent's work on the barrier he was far away enough that it wouldn't be taken as a sign of hostility he sat down on crossed legs. "I'm gonna take a break and recover my mana, please don't wander of." He said looking in what he hoped was the direction of the invisible Slime. As he had many times before he began meditating. During his mediation he got an idea and as soon his MP was back to full he recharged the Source Crystal Shard and held it in front of his eyes. Unlike the last times though he tried to keep charging it as he used it to make sure it wouldn't run out of power while at the time trying to use his Monster Analysis II through it. Abilities: * Mana Orb I and II * Lesser Force II * Levitation * Monster Analysis II * Meditate I * Mana Shape I * Aqua Sphere I * Magic Analysis I! * Mana Dart I * Blunt Resistance I * Focus I * Faster I * Plant Analysis I Wisp > (Immature) Poltergeist Inventory: Source Crystal Shard x1, used</s> <|message|>Digbie Yondir --- "That's a BIG SLIME!" Digbie commented as he staggered back a little. It looked like it easily dwarfed the entire party from that far away, and he hadn't seen what the orange slime could do compared to the other slimes that the group had come across. He was definitely afraid of what was in front of him, thats for sure, though he was pretty sure he had the ability to check it this time... oh wait, Monster Analysis! Digbie squinted his eyes and looked at the monster, using {Monster Analysis}, {Material Analysis}, and {Magical Analysis} all at the same time to decipher what this slime in front of the party could do to hurt the group. Before he knew what he was even going to do, he found his hands clenching shut. He wasn't going to let this thing hurt his friends, that's for dang sure. Torrent had almost died twice, it seemed, and he wasn't about to let anyone else come that close to dying again. The goblin stood straight up, outstretched his arms to his side in a perpendicular fashion, then slowly tipped backwards until he fell onto his back. From there, he used {Earth Vein} to start regenerating his magical supply. He had to be prepared for what the Slime had, and as it stood he was low on MP, so recovering some was pretty much a necessity at this point. "Get ready guys! I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be easy!" Monster, Magical, and Material Analysis. T-Posing to assert dominance. Falling over to make full contact with the ground for Earth Vein. --- + {Use Light Equipment] + {Use Medium Equipment} + {Tremor Sense - Tier III} + {Soil Manipulation - Tier II} + {Stone Shot - Tier II} + {Stronger - Tier I} + {Taboo - Tier I} + {Job System - 0th Tier - Skirmisher} + {Sacred Ground - Tier I} + {Rock Spire - Tier II} + {Earth Affinity - Tier I} + {Earth Vein - Tier II} + {Monster Analysis - Tier I} + {Material Analysis - Tier I} + {Plant Analysis - Tier I} + {Magic Analysis - Tier I} + {Mana Orb - Tier I} + {Mana Affinity - Tier I} + {Meditate - Tier I} + {Overwork - Tier I} + {Spell Chant - Tier I} + {Shield - Tier II} + {Fortify - Tier I} + {Mental Resistance - Tier I} + {Sensory Resistance - Tier I} + {Analysis} + {Earth Wall - Tier I} <EQUIPPED - HEAD> Blessed White Yill Flower <EQUIPPED - HAND> Curved Rock TM + <Ratskin Pack TM > - <Woodland Pick TM > - EMPTY (x6)</s> <|message|>Ashlyn Irving ~Temporary Campsite~ Throat Pouch: - x1 Mana Crystal - x5 Nothing Rawhide Backpack - x5 Nothing --- Thankfully it paid off learning Tremor Sense. Within moments it seemed like Digbie, Torrent, and Oberon had found her. Excellent. None of this food was going to go to waste and she could, perhaps, spend some time tinkering with these ingredients - but there was something else. Something not her own tremor sense or Digbie's vibrations that were there. Something moving towards them at fairly high speed. Turning her head in the direction of the tremors, she had to agree with Digbie. That was indeed, a 'big' slime. "Don't let it touch my stuff!" Ash shouted, doing the same as Digbie and using her Monster Analysis, Magical Analysis, and then tested out 'Mana Sense'. This thing wasn't likely magical, but it didn't hurt to be sure so they weren't on the receiving end of any nasty surprises. And what was Digbie doing? She hadn't a clue but she wasn't gonna let this Slime get anywhere near her loot. Leaping between her loot and the orange slime, Ash lobbed several doses of Venom Shot towards the creature, trying to get out as many as fast as she could in as little amount of time as possible before dodging out of its path at the last second. If she could get it poisoned, that would make this just a bit easier.</s> <|message|>Jacob "Oh, do I need a new name? How about Oberon?" Leach After leaving the camp Oberon had been able to find the others simply enough, all of them in fact, looking a little worse for wear but otherwise unhurt and in one piece. Their reunion was interrupted however as a rather large orange Slime crested a rise and began to roll towards them; it took a moment for the sight to register, so unexpected was it in his mind to see a Slime outside of the setting of a cave that he couldn't quite process it at first. When Digbie called out it snapped him out of his reverie and he took to the air again to prepare for combat. It was larger than any he had seen back in the cave, which either meant it was stronger than any of the Slimes he had seen so far or it was a different kind of slime entirely; he used Monster and Magic Analysis on it to determine which of the two it was, then used Magic Analysis again to learn about its elemental weaknesses. Ash attacked first, calling out something about not letting it touch her stuff before firing off a glob of something at the slime and dodging out of its way. "Your stuff?" Looking towards the area Ash seemed to be guarding, Oberon saw a collection of various parts and pieces of what might once have been one of the Rubber Frogs native to the area, at least judging by the long tongue and skin he could see with his Keen Sight. Turning back to the Giant Slime, the Sprite considered how best to fight the creature. Blunt attacks likely wouldn't work, since he didn't expect surface level damage to do much to something like this; they would need to pierce its membrane to do any serious damage. However narrow, piercing attacks like his Mana Dart probably wouldn't work either; any hole they made would heal too quickly and this thing didn't exactly have internal organs that could be damaged. Making his decision, Oberon flew off to the side, away from the others, and began to call and wave his arms to get the Slime's attention. Whether or not it worked he would prepare and fire a Mana Slice at the creature, firing it directly at the Slime's centre with the intention of slicing it open with the wide crescent blade of magic. Used "Monster Analysis" and "Magic Analysis" on Orange Slime Used "Magic Analysis" again on Orange Slime Attempted to get Orange Slime's attention Cast "Mana Slice" on Orange Slime @Gardevoiran@Zeroth@Old Amsterdam</s>
<|message|>Torrent, formerly Rain Torrent was looking at the stuff Ash had found (won? It almost looked like one of those frogs splayed open?), before the two with Tremor Sense turned and reacted. In an instant, Torrent had activated Scale Shift to the forest floor beneath her, Muffle III, and used her Monster and Magic analysis skills as she moved in a bit of a half-circle on an interception path with the slime. She watched as Ash fired off some venom shots, asking them to keep it away from her stash, while Oberon attempted to distract the slime from the air. She moved in quietly, quickly, trying to remain hidden until she knew what this thing could do. She didn't want a repeat of the Flak Beetle.</s>
<|description|>Abigail L.(Lillian) Natas Age: 22 Gender: Female Personality: Abigail is extremely stubborn, and hates when people tell her what she can or cannot do. Unless she's close to someone she comes off as cold or aloof, but when she truly cares she'll put herself in harm's way to protect others at a moment's notice. Due to a sheltered upbringing she has trouble relating to others, and opening up has always been a problem. Also thanks to her younger days she's relatively ignorant of the world and wants to see everything that was denied to her when was younger. She's crazy over women with long raven wing hair, and has no idea how to talk with them. Devil Fruit: Strengths-The Dendo-Dendo(Zap-Zap) Fruit Gives the user the ability to generate and fire red electricity from their body as well as manipulate all electrical fields, and electromagnetism from the surrounding area. Weaknesses- *The Dendo-Dendo Devil fruit is affected by standard Devil Fruit Weaknesses. *Since the Devil Fruit's power is mainly electricity, it is powerless against insulators like glass, plastic, rubber, and wood. *Due to the complexity of her devil fruit Abigail's control over her power is minimal and so far she's only capable of manipulating the electrical energy her body produces. Techniques- Dendo-Dendo Snake Abigail holds up her left hand and lets lose a blast of electricity. Dendo-Dendo Python Abigail puts two hands together and lets loose a massive blast of electricity. It's several times more powerful than the Dendo-Dendo Snake, and drains her after use. Dendo-Dendo Rattle Snake Abigail infuses something she's touching with electrical energy which causes bodily harm on contact. She usually uses this ability with her sword. Dendo-Dendo Porcupine Abigail releases a burst of electricity that shoots out from all over her body with sparks travelling up to a foot away.</s> <|message|>Abigail L.(Lillian) Natas "Last marine?" Abigail blinked. The adrenaline from her attacking her crew mate's killer was still flooding her system. She looked around and finally noticed the man, still face down on the dirt, looking like a child, at least the back of his head had taken on a child like appearance to her, but that was probably something else. She decided not to question it. "Still here?" She muttered. "Should probably kill you, but you didn't stab me in the back when you had your chance and I don't want to live with the guilt of being as a cowardly assassin as the rest of your group." She gave him a hard whack with the flat side of her blade and the man's unconscious body relaxed. Abigail watched him for a moment to make sure he wasn't faking being out like a light and when she felt comfortable he wouldn't get back up turned her attention to the remainder of her pirate mates. "That's done." She seethed her weapon. "So what's the plan? I know we're going to go after the rest of the marines but what's the best way to go about that?" She put her hands on her hips and looked down at the base. "I hate to say this, but maybe the best way is a three way approach? I'll play the role of a distraction and you two could take different routes into the base and...." A short pause. "Well, that's just my idea."</s> <|message|>Asus Pires Actually Abi that is not too different than what I was planning, with the exception that I was thinking of using larger numbers. A forty-seven way approach if you will. Asus knew that releasing all of his remaining "combat hornets" would be risky since it meant he only had a few left,the twenty-five he never sent into dangerous situations so that they could repopulate if necessary. But they should be able to find the Marine captain and be harder to spot than the pirates. Of course any hornets that failed to spot their target would take a long time to return but he was certain that Abigail and Zypha would be able to protect him for a while. So he gave the forty-seven hornets to look for a man wearing a Marine Captain's coat and to return to him immediately once they found their target or after thirty minutes had passed. --- Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 47/50, dead hornets 3/50</s> <|message|>Lenny As the hornets made their way to the Navy Base, they saw a few trees nearby the base. It looked like a rectangular cube of concrete. The entrance gate was shut, with Navy flags nearby to indicate that it was indeed a Navy base. As the hornets looked around the building, they would see several small windows on the sides. There was nothing at the back of the base. As the hornets looked through the windows, they saw the room which the pirates would enter first if they were to go through the main entrance, which was mostly empty. A small room. Further ahead was a small metal door which was shut, not appearing very sturdy. At the windows at the far ends, on both the left and right sides of the building, they would be able to see two large rooms. They both appeared to be empty and looking exactly the same. There were two doors in both rooms, one at the beginning of the room and one at the end. These doors seemed to be made out of a different metal then the first door that the hornets had seen in the room at the entrance to the base. The bees that attempted to go to the roof of the Navy base were met by a rain of bullets. Fortunately, none of them were hit. There were 5 marines atop the roof near the entrance, accompanied by two cannons. One on their left side and one on their right. They also had a small wall in front of them to take cover behind. It seemed that, without Asus's hornets, they could have ambushed the pirates and possibly caught them off guard. "Oi, remember what Yami said! If there's hornets around, that means the Hornet devil fruit guy should be, too! Keep a lookout!" A marine shouted. It seemed that the only way into the base was to go through the main entrance. There was no sign of Yami and his officers. Of course, it was possible that there were more rooms within the base, as the bees only had sight on some rooms on the sides of the building. After Asus's hornets informed Asus, he informed the rest of the crew of the layout of the base. It was clear what needed to be done. If they wanted to get in, they had to get through the main entrance. Of course, the gate was shut, but perhaps there was a way to get past.</s> <|message|>Asus Pires Asus was surprised how fast his scouts returned but he wasn't gonna complain. "..... and that is all the info I have, nothing about the captain unfortunately. So does anyone ha an idea about how to actually get in?"If he was honest the Hornet Human would still prefer to just run, but that wasn't an option so the crew had no choice but to go on the offensive. However if he had to fight he was glad he had at least both Zypha and Abigail with him, not only because they were both good fighters but he might get the chance to impress them both. --- Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 0/50, dead hornets 3/50</s> <|message|>Zypha Celtus "I have to admit the base has some decent defenses. Only one reliable way in and two cannons on top to attack invaders." Zypha bit her lip as she thought about the best way to get inside. It was unfortunate but there seemed to be no way to sneak in, also the cannons would prove bothersome. She considered asking if Asus could just use his hornets to take out the marines on the roof but they were no doubt already on the lookout for the insects and any loses to their forces could prove fatal. It wouldn't be that hard to bust through the entrance if there were not those marines and cannons on the rooftop. Quickly she considered the layout and what was around. There were a few trees near the base, they would be the key to figuring this out. She quickly spotted the closest tree to the base, located on the right side. It was a little too far from the building but if she could manipulate the marines she just might be able to find a way on top. "Alright guys, here is my horrible idea. Asus those idiots will no doubt be spooked by just the sight of your little buggers. If you can just have a few of them buzzing around it could help serve as a distraction. They don't have to do anything, just be seen. Abi," she said, shorting her name just cause. "When you see an opening go for that main entrance and force your way inside. Meanwhile I will be heading for that tree over there and grabbing their attention. If I play my cards right it should be a simple task to trick them into giving me the stepping stone I need to reach the top and take care of our Navy friends." Even if her plan worked as the only member who had a chance, that wasn't an insect anyway, of reaching the roof thanks to her weapon, it would be a 1v5 battle. Still they had to be cocky sitting all prettily on top of the base like that which would work to her advantage, in the end it was up to her skill and wit. As for the other crew members they would have to enter the base as quickly as possible to bring the fight inside so they wouldn't be able to spare any reinforcements up top. "Once I begin the assault you guys have to move quickly or we'll fail for sure. You think you have the guts to do something this stupid?"</s> <|message|>Asus Pires Asus had to agree that Zypha's plan sounded good, but he didn't like that she had to go up against five enemies at once. He did have an idea to help her, but that simply wasn't an option considering the height of the roof. "It"s probably our best plan, but I would feel a lot better if we had a surefire way to deal with those marines up there. Too bad the roof is too high for me throw one of my Tama's otherwise I might have been able to distract one of them. Well at the very least they weren't going to go in blind and the marines did waste a lot of their bullets, though on the other hand they would be expected so staying unnoticed would be impossible. --- Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 0/50, dead hornets 3/50</s> <|message|>Abigail L.(Lillian) Natas "Sounds good to me." Abigail poked the down marine with her foot just to make sure he wasn't going to get up and bash her head in when she wasn't looking. After a few seconds of his body staying sprawled out limp she was satisfied and nodded to herself. She arched an eyebrow and tilted her head down at the fallen foe. "I wonder." She squatted down and started panting the guy down. "Maybe he has keys for the door? It would suck if everything went perfect for us and we had to stop at the door, or maybe its like you said, easy to bust through. Never can tell but its better safe than sorry." The redheaded woman stood up and looked at what was left of the crew. "Since nobody has any better ideas I say we get to this. The longer we wait the better the odds will be in the marines favor since they've got numerical advantage. Really, you could argue the only reason we haven't been killed yet is because they got spooked and ran for cover. Any moment they could realize just how dumb it is for them to stay in that base and come storming out for us." She shrugged and started moving towards the marine's compound. "Since I don't want to stand here waiting for one of those marines to get the bright idea to start sniping us from here, let's hurry up and do this."</s> <|message|>Zypha Celtus Zypha smirked, gave a nod to both crewmembers and Bee-lined for the tree. To make sure she seemed like she could be an actual threat she took out the pistol, carrying it like she intended to find a good spot to strike from. As she made her way toward the base of the tree she made sure to zig-zag quite a bit to avoid any bullets that came her way, she certainly couldn't afford a bullet wound before getting on top of the roof. "I'll give ya numbskulls to the count of 10 to give up or we're gonna storm your base and show ye what your insides look like! 10! 9!..." She started the countdown as she raced toward the tree. At the count of 4 she managed to position herself behind the base of the tree. Now it was all up to her skill, if she could judge the exact timing of the cannon barrage she would jump up, race toward the top of the tree as it started to fall toward the base, and make the best impression of a daredevil, acrobatic ninja she could to get on top. She made sure to at least let the pistol peek out from behind the tree so the marines knew she was right there at the bottom, an easy target for a cannon. "3! 2!-"</s> <|message|>Asus Pires Asus knew his hornets weren't gonna be useful when it came to taking down the Marines, the roof was too high to throw anything on and letting them hover out of sight wouldn't work due to the noise. Still they might help in making it impossible for one of the non cannoneers to hit her which was better than nothing, even if it was unlikely they would reach in time to make a difference. "Bachi Bachi no Kamen." He sent out ten hornets without to blind one of the Marines not working of the cannon. After all even if they couldn't reach they might still make for a decent distraction especially of one of the rooftop sitters saw what happened the first time he used it. --- Total number of hornets in Asus' body is 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50, hornets currently in use 10/50, dead hornets 3/50</s>
<|message|>Abigail L.(Lillian) Natas Abigail waited for the Asus to let his hornets fly before moving. She hurried over to the opposite side of the building Asus was. She couldn't get a good shot at the marines but she didn't need to. All she had to do was make sure they couldn't get a cannon shot at Zypha. "Okay. Here's the best distraction I can do." Her body glowed with red archs of electricity that slithered around her like millions of quick little snakes. "Dendo-Dendo Snake." She muttered as she raised her hand and let loose an arc of red lightning over the roof. She probably won't hit anything, actually she was almost guaranteed not to do any damage, but at least the marines wouldn't be quick to their feet, even if they heard the hornets, because then they'd be jumping right into enough power to fry the average human being.</s>
<|description|>Col Ward Reign: Kingdom Come Age: 19 Ethnicity: Caucasian Occupation: Squire Appearance: Col is a young man with physique that can be described as a swimmer's build; wider shoulders and more narrow hips. He stands at 5'10 with toned muscle. His complexion is white though he can tan in the sun. He has brown hair and eyes. Col sports multiple scars across his forearms, chest with the most prominent being across his face. Background: Col was born to a merchant family in the city of Milborne to Nichol and Eda. He grew up swinging wooden swords with the other children. He was enraptured hearing about the songs and tales of the minstrels and bards of the taverns. Even when his father forbade him from going there, so he could learn the family trade, he found ways to sneak there anyway. Col did not want to be a merchant, but wanted to become like one of the knights of renown. Heroic and chivalrous. Nichol saw his son's desire, but his birth forbade him from entering any kind of knightly office. That all changed one day at the age of 15 for Col. He woke up early to practice with his dull sword in the woods outside of the city. As they practiced a man rode on horseback at a breakneck pace towards the city. He was wearing a chain mail hauberk and had a sword at his side. He clutched his side as if he were injured. Col hid behind a tree and watched as three armed assailants rode up behind the first man. They wore scarves around their faces with clubs and other budget weapons. Col knew them to be bandits. Exiles of the towns and cities. They had no government except their own primitive societies. The man rode past Col as the three gained on him. If Col didn't act quickly, the rider would most likely be overtaken. Fear gripped him and kept Col from moving. He wanted to do something, anything to help. This was his chance! He had to help this man, or die trying. He would not be stuck as a merchant's son. He would be something more. A spark ignited inside him. A slight push. Just enough to get him to leap out from the tree. The riders were surprised to see a young man with a sword ambush them. Without thinking, Col swung his sword hard as the first rider rode past him. The masked bandit met the blunt weapon to the chest and almost toppled off his horse. His stirrups barely kept him in the saddle as he hunched over in pain. Col's practice had paid off. Unfortunately, he didn't know much about the ways of combat, just enough to swing a weapon really hard. The other two riders ran right at him as he tried to hide behind the tree. But before he got a chance, Col was clubbed in the head by the second rider. He yelled out and fell to the ground as everything went black. The last thing he saw was two men dismounting and walking up to him, weapons in their hands and hatred in their eyes. When Col came to, he was in a bed by a fireplace. A man was sitting in a chair nearby, tending to the flames. It was hard to tell but it appeared like it was getting dark from how little light was shining through the window. Col's head was wrapped in bandages and he had a horrible headache. The man turned out to be the rider who was fleeing the bandits earlier. His name was Rolfe Nash. He was a knight of the local lord Bryce and had been scouting the forest with his squire. His squire did not make it. They were ambushed by the bandits and Rolfe had barely gotten as far as he did before Col had intervened. Sir Rolfe had turned after seeing Col's bravery and engaged the two bandits in combat. Unfortunately, not before they had slashed Col's face with knives and beat him into a bloody pulp. Rolfe had managed to cut one of the men down as the bandit was distracted with Col. The other attempted to flee, seeing as he was the only one left standing. Rolfe let him escape and tended to Col's wounds. As for the other bandit, Rolfe tied him up and carried him and Col into Milborne on his horse. Col had been in a local inn, recovering from his grievous injuries. His face was horribly scarred. Those bandits hadn't intended to kill him, just to make him disfigured. His head throbbed with a concussion. Sir Rolfe looked on Col with a sense of awe. He asked him questions when Col was ready to speak about himself. Col told him everything about his upbringing and background. His desire to become a knight and do heroic acts. Rolfe listened intently without saying a word. Finally, he gave Col the offer of joining him as his very own squire. The act was unprecedented within the region. Only men born of knightly descend could become knights. Rolfe saw something in Col and was willing to break the rules to bring him under his wing. The nasty scars never truly healed, but Col considered them a badge of honor for the sake of becoming a knight. His parents were hesitant at first, but eventually allowed young Col to be Rolfe's squire in training. Over the next 4 years he served Rolfe well. He aided him on missions, learned many different forms of combat, riding, jousting and archery. He was no expert in any one area, but was solid in several. Rolfe was also a learned man and taught Col about the intricacies of philosophy, theology and politics. A knight was meant to be more then a dumb warrior, but a man of many intellectual talents as well. These were Col's most glorious days yet, doing what he loved for a man worthy of respect. At the age of 19, Rolfe and Col were out on a mission for lord Bryce. They were scouting a neighboring countryside for potential disturbances when they were attacked by the largest wolves they had ever seen. They came suddenly with little warning. Their teeth tore through Rolfe's mount before they had time to react. They went down as Rolfe drew his sword. Col turned and drew his as well doing his best to cut down the beasts. Rolfe's horse was bleeding and ran off into the countryside away from danger. Surprisingly, the wolves did not give chase. Their attention was fixated on Rolfe. Col charged swinging his sword at them, but they paid him little mind. They avoided his movements and snarled at his mount. The horse was terrified of the wolves and tried to run off. Rolfe ordered Col to escape as he swung at a wolf. Col was adamant to stay by Rolfe's side. However, at his master's continued commands, he bitterly did as he was told riding off. Once again, the wolves did not give chase. The last thing he saw was Rolfe's shining sword and a pack of wolves lunging at him. When Col arrived in Milborne, he told lord Bryce what had happened. Bryce ordered a hunting party to go forth and find Rolfe as well as these giant wolves. In the meantime, Col was to sit tight and recollect himself. The only reason he was even allowed to be a squire was at Rolfe's insistence. Even with Col's experience, his future was uncertain. There were many stuck in their old hierarchies, for better or worse. Col sincerely hoped Rolfe had somehow managed to survive. Whatever the case, he intended to find out. Personality Demeanor: Col is a man of unstoppable drive and will. He goes for his dreams with abandonment, even to his own peril. He cares for others and in courageous fashion, will fight for them willingly. If he feels stuck or trapped in any way, physically or otherwise, he does everything in his power to get out. He hates rigid hierarchies and wishes they would be replaced. He has a love for philosophy, enjoying the inner parts of things and ideas that others easily overlook Likes: -Philosophy. -Combat/Swordplay. -Learning new things. -Knights - Honor/Courage/Justice -Battles. -Reading. Dislikes: -Rigid, stale systems. -His scars. -Tedious, repetitive tasks. -Criminals. -Public events. -Following orders without any reasoning. Skills: Combat: Col is well practiced on many different skills of combat. Swordplay, archery, horseback riding, and others. He is not amazing in any, but is proficient in all of them. Knowledge: Due to Rolfe's emphasis on learning, Col has learned how to learn. Reading, philosophy, politics and current events are things he is pretty knowledgeable in. Courage: Col has an almost otherworldly ability to push past fear. He is able to perform even under great pressure and pain. Dreams: Col dreams of one day becoming a knight of valor and renown. He wants to make a difference in the world and rid it of criminals and things that would harm others. To do that, he must utilize skill in combat. But he also realizes that knowledge is very powerful. Protecting order may come at the edge of a sword, but keeping that order comes at the end of a pen. Relations: Rolfe Nash: Rolfe is perhaps the most important person in Col's life. He has taught Col essentially everything he knows and is the reason Col was able to live part of his dream and become a squire in the first place. Col is determined to find Rolfe, dead or alive, no matter how difficult Merlin: Merlin is a gift from Rolfe and treated accordingly. The horse perhaps the most valuable of Col's possessions and the two have been together since Col became a squire, they are quite used to each other and work well together. Lord Bryce: Well Col doesn't know Lord Bryce very well, as a squire he is subservient and knowledgeable about his lord. In addition Lord Bryce allowed Rolfe to make Col a squire in the first place, so he too is responsible for some of Col's good fortune. Nichol: Col's father. Although the two of them didn't quite see eye to eye on what Col wanted, when Rolfe offered for Col to be his squire his father permitted it. Col respects his father despite their differences. Eda: Col's mother. Though not the most outspoken person in Col's life, she is still his mother. Sometimes, knowing that someone out there loves and supports you no matter what can make all the difference in the world. Gear and Goods: Col owns a set of chain mail hauberk, a leather helmet, a quality longsword, bow & arrows, and other bits of makeshift leather armor across his arms and legs. He also owns a horse named Merlin. Unknown:</s> <|message|>Marque of Bourdeaux Marque de Bourdeaux --- Marque roused himself awake as he heard the howls in the distance. Never a heavy sleeper, he still struggled to come to his waking senses all the same. What could cause such a racket? He was unsure, though he'd heard stories. Stories which were never pleasant. The actor quickly gathered his belongings as his first thoughts turned to flight, but such discourse was unreasonable at this time. Though he was able bodied and could flee, the man who led them through these woods was not, and to run no doubt meant a death sentence for poor Lorenzo. Marque steeled his thoughts. Many a battle he had mocked on stage, but never truly had his life been in danger for a true skirmish. Today that would change, for he had no intention of leaving behind a lame man to die. Owning nothing worthy of battle, Marque took hold of a small log from the fire, one end still smoldering in ember. Hopefully it would do. * cases of makeup * Couple masks * Two sets of clothes * A wig * Bag of coins * "Proof" of affiliation to House Bryce * Backpack * 1 days trail rations * Outdoor blanket * Flask of water * Burning Stick</s> <|message|>Lorenzo of Windor Lorenzo of Windor- Three different cloaks. One black, one brown, and one lavender (not including a white one on currently) - Trusty Bow - Quiver of Arrows, approximating twenty-five. - A thick red blanket made by his mother. - Two bones. (One chewed a fair bit) - The best beef jerky he had. (4/6 meals remaining) - Flask of mysterious beverage. - Flask of water. - 20 meters of fine quality rope. - A modestly-wealthy sum of gold. --- Lorenzo awoke to a worried Martyrdom licking his face, the young man pushing the dog away gently before looking into his eyes. "What seems to be troubling you at this hour?" the man asked his companion before hearing the faint sound of wolves in the distance. Looking around at the others around the dim fire, Lorenzo saw the Marque visibly shook up at the ruckus, and attempted to stand up to try and calm down the performer. He then realized that he couldn't walk still, so it wasn't a dream. The man looked over to Col, who was in a defensive stance and prepared to defend the group of men, before the trainer simply chuckled. "Swords and fire are no use against these wolves, friends," Lorenzo started. "They hunt in packs. You'll take but one down before the rest will attack." Pulling himself up onto the log he was leaning against, Lorenzo pulled out his bag and began to rummage through it as he watched the forest. "If you quell the mighty beasts, there won't be any need to defend from them." It was then Lorenzo pulled out Martyrdom's other bone (one that was left untouched by the dog), and prepared to throw it. Martyrdom looked at his master with excitement and prepared to leap for the bone, but his hopes were cut short at the snap of two fingers from Lorenzo. "No, boy. You still have yours." Lorenzo pointed towards the chewed-up bone to the side as Martyrdom trotted over to it and began gnawing on it. "I suggest that you two lower your weapons and retrieve something these wolves will find favorable."</s>
<|message|>Col Ward Col felt a shiver go down his spine that was part fear, part anticipation. A chance for revenge perhaps, but also a chance to die. His sword was in his hand without thinking and he let out a shout to wake the others, having discarded the notion that whatever was out there would pass them by. Marque was the first to react, quickly grabbing a burning log from the fire and holding it in front of himself defensively, to Col's approval. For a lord he was quick to pick up a weapon, crude though it may be. Lorenzo was awake as well. "I'm glad you find this amusing, perhaps you have no use of fear, not having much to live for, but others are not so fortunate." His words were biting, the cripple's lackadaisical approach a far contrast to what Col deemed the appropriate response to the situation. Perhaps in the arms of someone with no legs swords and fire were useless, but Col would much rather prefer them than not, and the fact that civilization existed served to prove his point had merit: otherwise man would have fallen to beast long ago. He doubted that the animals would be so easily pacified as Lorenzo seemed to think, but he was willing to give it a try regardless. Still holding his sword in one hand and keeping his buckler close by, Col rummaged through his pack with one hand, finding some strips of meat that made up his rations and hurling them into the night. -Leather armor -Short-sword -Buckler -Merlin -Merlin saddle, etc -2 days worth of rations -Half full Water flask</s>
<|description|>Elizabeth Darling Age: 24 Previous Occupation: Independent Contractor (Exotic Dancing) Brief Personality/History: Elizabeth tends to have extreme shifts in her moods. Though often irritable, she can also be overly enthusiastic and happy. Most of the time she is impulsive and reckless; she doesn't think about the long term consequences of her actions so long as it makes her feel better in the moment. In her mind, the world revolves around her and the only other person she might love more than herself is her son. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to see him as he lives elsewhere with his father. Name: Tyler Age: 35 Previous Occupation: Lawyer Brief Personality/History: ??? Name: Ava Age: 30 Previous Occupation: Secretary Brief Personality/History: A quiet woman, she escaped the lobby with Elizabeth and Tyler in the office building when it all began. It wasn't long after she died a horrific death in front of Elizabeth, Erin, and Dallen that more than likely traumatized them.</s> <|message|>Elizabeth Darling Before Ethan could get them out, the soldiers who'd locked them up had come back for them. Elizabeth scowled at them and while she had many things she wanted to say to them, she kept quiet for the time being; she had a feeling their threat wasn't one to be taken lightly. The man appeared to be overly excited about the prospect of explaining this to them via visual aides to the point Elizabeth had to roll her eyes; he acted more like a child than Erin did. Afraid to move very far from her original spot, she could see that she took to standing close to Ethan. The girl was practically his shadow for now. Disgusted as she looked over at Private Cole, he was exactly the type of person she'd always hated. She'd become accustomed to assholes like him whenever she was with her ex. He wasn't American. In fact, he'd been with the British Armed Forces. His four year enlistment contract had ended a months before they'd met. As difficult and tumultuous as their relationship had been, it was thanks to him and his teachings that she was able to survive right now—and she only hoped that he was out there keeping their son safe as well. Elizabeth's mouth fell open at the revelation. Even with them telling her their motives behind everything, she still couldn't understand why it mattered so much to them. What did it matter that the President was shutting them down? Was this a matter of greed and job security? A bunch of elitist nationalistic assholes that just wanted to see the rest of the world destroyed for no other reason? This was evil. There was no other word to describe it. Staring at the screen when Tyler's picture showed up, she tried not to show any emotion. Even though she hadn't liked the guy, he was a jerk, that didn't mean she wanted anything bad to happen to him. He'd helped even when he didn't have to, like when he'd gone with them to save Erin. She glanced down at the little girl who looked horrified to see the man's image on the screen. She remembered him too. The image changed to a picture of his corpse and Erin squeaked, covering her mouth and looking away. Elizabeth clinched her fist so tight that she could feel her fingernails digging into the palms of her hands. "This whole thing is bullshit," Elizabeth finally snapped. "It's all pointless! You're just a bunch of power hungry egomaniacs on a power trip." Held back only by the pastor from doing something she'd regret, she glared at the General as he walked by her. Even if she didn't really know the person he'd picked, she'd never spoken to him before, Elizabeth was livid at the thought of anyone dying. "You son of a bitch-" she yelled, moving to lunge forward. The soldiers descended on them all as she kicked and thrashed against them, plunging her teeth into the soft spot on his hand as he forced her back into the small cage. Even when the lights were off and they had been sitting in the dark calming down after what they'd just seen, she was still fuming. "We need to get the hell out of here," she said, even if she didn't need to. "Lizzy," Erin said, her voice shaking. It was obvious she was scared, but what surprised Elizabeth more was what she said next. "Don't make them mad." She was worried that she might provoke them into doing something to her next. She hadn't meant to scare her with her outburst. "I'm sorry, sweetie," she told her. "It's just...what they're doing is wrong. I couldn't stay quiet." Frowning with a grimace as she realized that probably wasn't a good apology, Erin was quiet as she seemed to contemplate what she'd said and take it to heart. She only hoped that the girl didn't hate her for speaking her mind—even if it meant she might get in trouble for it. Not knowing how long it had been since their last visit, it was Private Cole who came back into the room this time with a couple other goons. One of the soldiers tapped on the cages, barking and mocking them as they passed by, before arriving at Elizabeth's cage. "This one," he said, a lecherous grin on his face that made her stomach churn. "No," she stated, shirking back in her small cage, but they reached in to grab her by her feet and dragged her out. "No!" she yelled, trying to fight them off, but they were too strong. They dragged her through their comrade's blood streaking the floor and staining her clothes. Her desperate pleas for them to let her go echoed through the hallway until they'd finally had enough and, to make sure she was quiet, knocked her out.</s> <|message|>Dallen Larson "Larson and Nelson. know, Nelson and Larson...?" Riley said with a sly grin. "What about...Larson and associates?" Dallen replied, he couldn't hold his laugh in. "Nelson and Larson it is," Riley said, ignoring everything Dallen had said. The two of them were both in fine freshly tailored suits, looking into the blank office space they had just purchased to start their firm. It was not only the beginning of a successful lawfirm partnership, but it was the also the beginning of a great friendship. Dallen popped open the bottle of champagne and poured them both glasses. "You think we'll make it?" Riley asked in a serious tone. He was confident in both of their abilities when it came to understanding justice and the legal system, yet nothing was ever certain. "I know we will," Dallen said and clinked glasses with him. "We're survivors." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Day: Day 6 Dallen stared blankly as the general smashed his best friends face into the cold floor. His brains were scattered, pieces still left remaining in the room. The room went dark again. Ethan immediately began working on his lockpick, while Dallen remained motonless, his eyes starting to tear. It felt to him as if the silence lasted forever, but then a click sound and a sigh from Ethan. "I got it unlocked," he said, the kid was clearly good at thievery. "Lets get the fuck outta here!" "No, they're watching the hallway and that's the only way out," Briggs said. "We have to wait until the timing is right, when there's less of them. We have to be quiet." "What?" Blake spoke up from his cell. "What if the timing is never right? What if they kill us all like that, one by one. Someone new tomorrow, I don't wanna go out like that! I mean, what have we got to lose?" "Blake, you got Lucy and Gwen killed," Dallen stated. "If we get out of this, I'm going to kill you." Blake immediately became silent. "Briggs is right, we wait." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 7 None of them slept well. Dallen dozed off for a moment or two, but to him it felt like he was awake the entire night. All he could think about was his daughter, and how he had failed her. Her voice rang into his head over and over again, her cries from when she was shot. His thoughts started to overlap reality for him. Dallen looked out onto the cold, dark floor and saw his daughter's dead corpse lying next to the bits and pieces of Riley's skull that still remained in the room. They were both dead, yet she still stood before him as if she were still alive. He wiped his eyes and smacked his head, and when he looked back toward her, she was gone. Was this even a reality anymore? Steven had thrown up in his cell, and that smell mixed with the flesh of Riley brought a reeking disgustful taste in his mouth. Suddenly the lights flashed back on and the military rouges came back into the room. This time there were only three of them, led by private Cole. He quickly picked Elizabeth and they took her out of sight and down the hall. Dallen gave Ethan a nod and he quickly went back to work at opening the locks. ..... Private Cole was the type of man who always wanted to do whatever he wanted, and this was finally his opportunity. Only a week in to the apocalypse and he was already planning on ruling others. His wife had left him several months ago, his sons hated him. All he knew was to take what he wanted, and forget everything else. At this moment, he wanted Elizabeth. "Watch the halls until I'm done," Cole told the men with him, he was holding an unconscious Elizabeth over his shoulder. "What about us?" one of them asked. "What about you?" Cole said, his tone quickly intimidated the others. Cole had a reputation for cruelty, even in the military. "Watch the halls until I'm done, that's a mother fucking order soldier!" "Yes, sir." Private Cole went into the next room. There were large generators making enough noise to mask the surrounding area. He set Elizabeth down on the cold flooring and started to removed his shirt. ........ With the cages open, the seven of them quickly made their ways to the exit, leading to the hall. Dallen grabbed one of Ethan's lockpick's firm into a fist, nodding his head that he was ready. Briggs gave a nod back, knowing that none of them had much else for a choice. The door swung open and Dallen rushed out, he tackled the nearest soldier and stuck the pick as far deep into the man's throat as he could manage. The dying man gurgled on his own blood as Dallen kept prying the pick deeper, while also holding his dead weight and dropping him to the floor. It was the first person Dallen had ever killed, and yet it came so naturally. It was all about survival now. Briggs picked up the man's shotgun, giving Dallen his handgun. Kenjen got the knife stored in the dead man's boot. "Why don't I get a weapon!?" Leroy Book whispered. "I'm a man of God, but I know how to shoot mother fuckers. I wasn't always a pastor, you know." Kenjen gave the pastor his tactical knife. "My man." Briggs peered down the next hall, pointing up two fingers to let them know there were two enemies. With a quick sigh, Briggs turned the corner and opened fire. A few rapid shots from the shotgun easily mowed the soldiers down. The sound was masked from the large generator noise, except private Cole heard everything. The private turned toward and away from an awaking Elizabeth, his knife holstered at his belt and his gun aimed at the door. "What the fuck was that?" Cole shouted. "We need him alive" Kenjen said, speaking softly to the others. They had the door surrounded, ready to burst in and save Elizabeth. "He can get us out of here." Private Cole fired a few shots through the door to keep them back. For the moment he forgot about Elizabeth, as his back was turned to her. Erin came peeking around the corner, her curious eyes watching the hallway stalemate. Dallen held his hand up to halt the others from entering, not sure if Elizabeth was dead or alive.</s>
<|message|>Elizabeth Darling It was hard to focus on whatever was happening around her with the overwhelming splitting headache she felt at first. Feeling the pressure of something pressing down on top of her, she groaned as she tried to fight through the cloudy haze fogging her mind to shove the weight away. There was resistance as she could barely make out a voice. The weight suddenly lifting, Elizabeth caressed her throbbing head with one hand while struggling to sit up. She could feel the blood dried on the side of her face. Vision slowly starting to focus, she became more aware of her surroundings almost wishing that she hadn't when she saw the disheveled state of both her and the man in front of her. Not wanting to think about what might have happened while she was unconscious or what would have happened if the conflict in the hall hadn't momentarily distracted Private Cole, Elizabeth couldn't help where her mind wandered and found herself fueled by a careless rage. The woman yelled, shrieking as she managed to pick herself off the ground and charged directly towards him, her fingernails digging into his flesh so deep and tearing his skin as she dragged them down. He yelled, slinging her off of him and throwing her against the wall like a ragdoll followed by a misogynistic string of profanity. In his arrogance he ignored Elizabeth's presence, even when she threatened him by saying, "I'm going to kill you," and tried to examine the injuries she'd left on his shoulders dragging down his back. His underestimation of her working in her favor, it gave Elizabeth the precious few seconds she needed for her gaze to survey her surroundings. Eyes landing on a long blunt object in the corner, she ran to pick it up. Private Cole aimed the gun at her commanding that she put it down. Taking the risk of getting shot, a decision he hadn't expected her to make, he fired at the last second and clipped her shoulder. The adrenaline numbing the pain for now, she managed to take the swing and hit him in the jaw causing a dent in the metal. Both of them dropping their weapons on impact, they clattered against the floor. Both of them went scrambling for the gun at the same time. Hearing the scuffle on the other side of the door, Erin closed an eye trying to peak through one of the holes left by one of the bullets. She could see Elizabeth and Private Cole on the floor. Though the woman was putting up a fight, the man was stronger and managed to pin her down beneath him. "Hurry!" she yelled to the others with a frantic wave to usher them on. "Lizzy, we're coming!" The sound of Erin's voice catching her attention, Elizabeth's gaze flickered towards the door. Her defense down for a few brief seconds, he took advantage of this to overpower her. Feeling his strong hands grip around her neck, she tried to pry his hands away and gasp for air that wasn't coming. There was a panic in her eyes as she thought for a moment his sinister face snarling down at her would be the last thing she ever saw. Suddenly able to gasp for air in her burning lungs, she coughed as she rolled over onto her side. Erin knelt beside her, hugging her in her arms. It looked like she was about to cry. Elizabeth hadn't seen what happened, but she noticed the splintered broken door and the others in the room squaring off against Private Cole. Lifting a shaking arm, she enveloped Erin in her arms. "It's okay," she said, her voice wavering slightly. She could see the doubt and concern on Erin's face and she wondered if lying to her was the best thing—because nothing was okay anymore.</s>
<|description|>Trog Beastial, savage, twisted, and powerful would be good descriptive words for Trog's appearance. His body is not proportioned regularly, having an incredibly large torso with overly large and strong arms while his legs are thicker than the norm but also shorter and more squat, forcing him into a stomping gait that he needs to consciously mind to suppress. His skin is tough and leathery but appears to be stretched around his body rather than being something that grew naturally, never mind the green tint that has taken over. However the most horrifying thing about his appearance is the sheer size of the boy as he stands at 6'0 and nearly twice as wide as a man, though he would be taller if his back hadn't forced him to slouch so much. Trog dresses himself in whatever he can get his hands on; potato bags, old sheets, bandages, and all manner of miscellaneous fabrics that can be sewed together into rudimentary clothing. Age: 15 Gender: Male Background: As is well known throughout the lands the city of Castalia is a hub for scientific, technological, and arcane development with a reputation for lax morals when it comes to human experimentation. Trog came about as a result of a group of scientists interested in creating soldiers more capable at crushing their enemies and guarding their secrets. So began a process of selective breeding, magical bombardment of the fetus, and the invasion of toxic spirits into their minds as they grew. Unsurprisingly many of the children didn't survive this treatment and the ones who did were born twisted, but incredibly promising. Then there was the Midwife, a woman who had seen much in her time with these scientists but decided that what was going on was far too wrong to justify and spirited away with an infant Trog. She journeyed for many days before catching wind of a rumor of an Orphanage of sorts under the guardianship of a powerful man. Soon enough she was at the Orphanage's door and made her case before Old Man Fritz, leaving Trog into his care once she was certain he was a good enough man. She left soon after in an attempt to shake off any would be pursuers who came looking for their missing asset. As far as Trog knows he's always been there and was just a heavily Tainted child, though there have been moments of doubt. While they have faded over the years the effects of the experiments still affect Trog to this day, like the uncontrollable anger that seeps its way into his thoughts and the way knowledge that doesn't pertain to hurting things seems to roll. However, despite all this, Trog tries to do right by those he's grown up to. He helps in the ways he can, tries to be as friendly as his emotions let him, and truly looks up to Old Man Fritz not unlike how a child would view their father. Equipment: -Tusk, a massive blade that appears to be the love child of a meat cleaver and a machete. Crafted from leftover scrap iron and a cannibalized belt, while appearing crude the blade is actually fairly functional and highlights the craftsman' pragmatism. -Blacksmith Apprentice Tools, hammers and tongs of various sizes all kept in a leather apron. Level: 1 Attribute: Force Skills: -Natural Blacksmith, While he has a long way to go to becoming a master blacksmith Trog is a complete natural to the trade, taking to it as naturally as breathing. -Cunning, While by no means a smart man to dismiss him as an idiot would be a grave error in judgement. Trog is always watching, thinking, and calculating in his own way on how to solve any given problem, though to be fair most of his solutions are to just smash someone into the dirt. Just don't count on it always being the case. -Sneaky, Despite his large size and twisted body Trog is an adept at moving about "All sneaky like." and remaining hidden from view which has lead to many a startled yelps when the giant that wasn't there a second ago suddenly is behind them. Affinity: Fire Gift: -Frenzy, when aggression is in the air and blood begins to spill Trog begins to get... itchy. He begins to breath hard, he begins to twitch erratically, and he begins to "see red" as crimson flames burst from his eye sockets. Then the real fun starts as his strength is doubled, his pain tolerance skyrockets, and he's filled with an unstoppable urge to crush, cut, and stab at those he views as a threat. Oddly enough he isn't in control of this Gift and it only activates when Trog is hurt enough, becomes suitably enraged, or he feels something important to him is going to be lost.</s> <|message|>Thames After having left the orphanage, Thames had quickly realized that he was, again, alone. At least, as much as one could be on the island. After all, he could still hear the other children talking to one another, becoming a whole group, discussing who would take charge. The amount of cohesion they had was bizarre. He always felt the other children being too obnoxious to be capable of team work. At least, not at the level of gears. Though, there was nothing to Thames that could match the intricacies of gears grinding against one another, the simply motion driving all sorts of different machinery, all the cogs working together to perform a single task, or perhaps multiple depending on their design with endless possibilities, unhindered by personal goals or ambitions, hopes, dreams, fear, politics, religion. Thames thought to leave before anybody had caught him outside, though a part of him felt that the others didn't really care much for him. He didn't care- he didn't need them anyways. Then, just as luck would have it, he heard the fluttering of wings. Such a sound, wasn't uncommon. He was used to those who could fly, having lived with winged individuals at the orphanage. Thames looked upward to see a familiar face, and scowled. "What do you want bird brain? Leave me alone. I don't have any bread today." He shooed Dodo away.</s> <|message|>Dodo "Mrrro." chirruped Dodo as she a tad closer Thames. She extended out her head and poked Thames near the shoulder with her horn. After finishing this gesture she turned towards the orphanage and chirped, "Ppprrruu." Following this was another poke by the horn but instead turning to face the surrounding area of Dirt Town. "Pprruuu." Vocalizing these chirps Dodo proceeded to walk around Thames and stand off to the side. Of course chances were that Thames probably didn't even have the slightest inkling of what Dodo could've chirped out. Too many wanted to just go about using 'ape speak'; which Dodo did not feel inclined indulging others in. After all she had spent her life with pigeons and alley cats; their language was perfectly serviceable. Beyond those small bits of what could've possibly been construed as dialogue, there was little to nothing else that Dodo said. She simply looked around on ground level for anything she might've missed from the higher elevation. After a bit more looking around Dodo began pecking at the dirt below with her head.</s> <|message|>Argo Swooping down from the clouds as evening fell came cheerful Argo, returning from a long day's scavenging. In the crook of one arm she carried a large paper bag, handling it carefully as she touched down in front of the orphanage. Argo stepped off her broom and allowed it to hover silently behind her as she always did, and strolled past her friends. How nice of them to wait outside, just for her! "Hello, Dodo! Hello, Thames!" Argo waved with her free hand, nearly dropped the bag, and quickly stepped forward to catch it with her knee. Safe! Argo made a mental note not to wave at anyone else until she put it down. She walked up the wide marble stairs into the orphanage, nudging the doors open with her shoulder. The hall was mostly deserted, save for lots of the bigger children playing house. There was only a small lots, though. Usually there was a big lots before bedtime. Argo waved to them, too, and the bag tipped precariously over, only stopped by a crumbling decorative pillar Argo had nearly walked into. She cocked her head to look at them as she righted the bag. "Hello, friends! Is today a special day?" Without waiting for an answer, because she was sure someone would tell her sometime, she walked back to Uncle Fritz's room, kicking the door open. For some reason, there was a really big lots of friends here. Maybe more than she could count on her fingers and toes together! Her broom, oriented sideways, got stuck against the door frame as she entered. "Hello, friends! Hello, Uncle Fritz!", she chirped cheerfully, "Guess what I found today!" Without waiting for an answer, she dug around in the bag and retrieved... Something. It was a lumpy, half-burnt disk of pie crust, a crack in the top revealing a strange, brownish-grey mush that was currently leaking out all over Argo's hand. The whole assembly smelled positively foul. "Ta-daaaaaa! It's an oyster-and-asparagus-and-beet pie! The lady with the big boobs from the red light district told me it makes men last for a really really long time! Could you believe they were throwing it out, when it's only a day old?" Argo noticed, finally, that her other friends were crying. Maybe they were sad that only Uncle Fritz got to have a pie? "Don't worry: Your friend Argo brought enough for everyone! Once Uncle Fritz eats, we can all have dinner together, okay?" She looked over to the small boy mumbling to himself in the corner as she tried to navigate the horde of orphans without spilling anything. "Luca, make sure to be a good boy and share your juice with Uncle Fritz, okay?"</s>
<|message|>Trog The fact that Trog was distressed was no secret, in fact there were few people more plain with their feelings in the whole room as Old Man Fritz lay on his deathbed. It was just so wrong to see the once strong and capable man reduced to... this and it left Trog in a twitching mess, his hands clenching and unclenching wildly while he fidgeted towards the back of the group. He'd step a hole into the flooring at the rate he stepped side to side, the itch to move about stoked by his inability to move freely in the restricted space. It was all just happening too fast for Trog to keep up with, he had just gotten back from the blacksmith and still smeared with soot when Mary ushered everyone in. The tension in the air was suffocating as Trog strained to hear the Old Man through the sniffles of younglings and the growing din between his ears. It was hard to hear the old man, and he was sure he missed most of it, but Trog didn't care as he saw the man who raised and protected him breath his last. It was too much for the boy to handle as he huffed once, breathed deep, and huffed again before violently shaking his head in a vain effort to calm himself down. Trog was going to lose it. He stomped out of the room, his boots echoing loudly within the Orphanage as he pushed through anyone in his way. Faces blurred away as his eyes hyperfocused on the front door, memories of Old Man Fritz scolding him for causing a ruckus flooding into his head. The heavy doors were slammed open as he made a beeline for the back of the Orphanage, where the firewood was kept and chopped. With each stomp more and more memories can charging through, some were bad but most were good and with every single one the tightness in his chest worsened. Naturally his first solution was to thump it away with a meaty fist and, when that endeavor yielded few results, switched to a grief and frustration filled whine. Finally, in what felt like forever, Trog rounded the corner and found himself in face to face with a familiar sight, the chopping block. Old Man Fritz' words came flooding in again, repeating the same phrase to himself he always did when he needed to blow off some steam. "Listen, Trog, I can't have you throwing another tantrum like that again. Most of the other kids aren't as strong as you are and if you throw your weight around casually you will hurt them. Just, whenever you get that itch I want you to come back here and pour all that anger onto these logs. Do you understand?" Trog shook his head once again, more violently this time, as he tried to physically expel the memories from his skull. With quick, practiced movements he set up a log and grabbed the axe, the weathered wood finding familiarity in his hands. With a single swing he split the log in two as he channeled all his fury into blow. Then he set up another log and repeated the process, more fury in this blow than the last. Then again, and again, and again, each blow more powerful and spiteful. It was the Logs fault that Old Man Fritz was dead and Trog was going to make them pay. On the seventh log the support stump couldn't handle it and split along with the log set utop it, an act that finally set him off. A crimson red inferno burst forth from Trog's eye sockets as his anger got the better of him and he let out a loud, bestial howl as he struck at the pile of logs. The blow set them scattering across the ground, the impact freeing them of their stack and costing Trog his grip on the axe. It was of little consequence as he began to dig into the pile, grabbing whole logs and chucking them behind him as if he was digging into the chest of a massive beast. Slowly he came back to reality, his savage grunts and roars becoming replaced by near silent keens and sniffles as his fury was swallowed by grief. Trog knew somewhere in that lizard brain of his that none of this was going to bring the Old Man back, and that tore his heart to pieces. He tucked into himself, large arms pulling his knees close to his chest and his head downcast, staring halfhearted daggers at the pile of firewood he had made. His silence was only punctuated by the occasional sniffle, tears streaking through his soot covered face as smoke danced away from his eyes.</s>