<|description|>Loreena Altera Age: 21 Bio: Loreena was the second child born to Harold and Tiana, a bit of a surprise so soon after the arrival of Annalise. She was a bit of the opposite of her elder sister, darker in hair and skin and also possessed a disdain for all things court related as she grew out of the nursery. She loved her books, often sneaking down into the library and reading long into the night. She devoured books like a starving man would a loaf of bread, and it was discovered that she possessed an eidetic memory, making her classes a breeze for her, though it seems like applying her knowledge to real life provided a challenge. Lore was also the first, and seemingly only, of her sister to show any skill in magic, swiftly coming under the tutelage of the royal mages. She is able to pick up a skill quickly, but mastering it takes time. Her most secret and ardent desire is to go on an adventure. To visit a far off land, to learn new magics from various teachers, and to write an adventure story of her own. For this reason, she is, perhaps, the most interested of her sisters in the plan their father laid out for them to marry one from a different kingdom. As long as he has books, or doesn't mind her building a library, and a sense of adventure, she will be content.</s> <|message|>Jinayah Altera "The sword?" Jin searched her mind for a suitable word in Prodzy, but she was coming up empty. Did the word not exist, or had she just forgotten? "Longsword." She finally said in Astalian. Switching back to Prodzy, she approached Vyarin carefully. After all, he did have a blade in his hand that he didn't know how to use. Sir Arnold had always beat it into their heads that an untrained novice was sometimes more dangerous than a trained professional. You had no idea what they could do. "Please to excuse." She gently gripped his hands and adjusted them on the hilt. "Better now." As far as she had read, Prodzy had plenty of weapons. So why was this one so curious to him? She would have to get with her sisters and ask them to translate better. Speaking of sisters – "Ah, wait! The Court of Flowers is waiting on us!" She looked down at herself. There was a bit of a mess on the very edges of her gown, but there was no time to change into another. Sighing softly and trying to rearrange her hair, she nodded to Vyarin. Briefly in Prodzy, she explained. "Come, follow!" Then she headed back inside, making sure Vyarin was somewhat behind her. With her short legs and his long ones, he could easily catch up. She led the way to the Court of Flowers, and paused once more before entering the area proper. There were going to be looks, she knew. But if they were to be her new brothers, and one a husband, they'd find out eventually. Best to discuss her proclivities on her own terms. Striding in with squared shoulders, Jin smiled warmly at all present. "Sorry I'm late. But I found one lost prince!" Seeing wine glasses already tabled (and some empty), she picked one up and took a sip. It was stronger than any they'd let her have before. Only a few years ago, they had been watering down her wine with meals. Was she suddenly such an adult now? Seeing Sulhana with that mischievous cat look on her face, and Annalise nearby, she went to Loreena instead. "Hi Lore. Having fun yet?" She curtsied briefly to Uriah as well. He wasn't royal, but his status garnered a lot of respect in her eyes. "I got… a little sidetracked. Do you think it'll be too noticeable?"</s> <|message|>Vyarin Kremazov The Court of Flowers was well named, Vyarin thought, as he lumbered into the moderately sized meeting hall, adorned with flowers hanging from baskets all along the walls and peeking up from long vases an entire two thirds his own height. Heads of red and gold, violet, white, even pale blue clear as the sky bowed in solemnity as the shamans do. If they had arms, perhaps they would be raised above their heads as well, until the lack of blood left them white and hard as the branches of trees. Perhaps these flowers as well were of a mystical nature? Many things were in this land of the southeast, far from the natural ebbing of the spirits. They weave the world with their 'sorcery', raising large works of stone tall as mountains such as the building within which he stood right now. Recalling his amazement as he passed under the gates, he recalled how the entire estate seemed to grow out of the ground. What a marvel it was! He imagined taking some of this sorcery home with him, and transforming the entire cityscape with its power. Would they remember him as Vyarin 'the Magnificent' for his effort? The others had arrived first, sharing conversation amongst themselves sat about a table. Golden chalices were displayed in some of their hands, filled with a dark liquid that looked unlike any juice he had ever had or seen. Some turned to meet his new, sprightlier acquaintance as she bounded in, which inevitably led their gaze towards himself. Whether they were looking or not, Vyarin gave a small and curt nod to the six others, then ambled over to a corner of the table and swiped one of the chalices, lifting the contents to his nose and sniffing. That's when he realized what it was. It was forbidden, he knew. The shamans said again and again, for as long as he could hear them. That which is rotted has been given to the spirits, and is beyond its time for the world of men. This was Essence of the Rotted Grape! He could have stumbled at the noxious odour. Did they not realize that by its imbibing they become cursed? Surely they must know better, he thought, glancing at the faces of these merrymakers. Mayhaps it would not be so bad, that they would enjoy it and fear naught. Things were different here, after all, in these lands of magic and mystery. If he were to one day take charge of their armies, he must then learn to live as they live, and if that meant drinking this product of rot, then he could do so without too much concern. The spirits would understand, he concluded, as he lifted the chalice again to his lips and sipped of the fluid. It was a mistake, in the end. Gasping and reeling, he sat the cup down with a too-loud clang. It tasted as foul as it smelled, too bitter and thick and somehow wrong on a level fundamental to his soul. He felt dirty, the dregs that remain swilling under his tongue. He leaned on the wall, whispering curses the sky in Prozdy, hoping nobody paid too much mind to his outburst.</s>
<|message|>Loreena Altera Loreena tilted her head to Lisse when her sister spoke of the Jördanian prince needing to be tested on his handling of liquor. Her eyes widened a little as she realized now what was going on. A drinking game! Lore herself rarely imbibed outside of a glass or so at dinner. She was always afraid of how it would make her behave, having heard the stories of people becoming angry and violent, of saying things they never meant nor remembered, and making fools of themselves by getting sick and clumsy. Nor did she know how it affected her ability to focus her magic. Until she had better control of her abilities, she feared what would result from any senselessness on her part. Such thoughts always worried Loreena, and as a result, she kept her wine consumption to a minimum. Lore was about to respond when Lisse turned to Uriah and asked if his student could be excused from a day of training. This made the smile fade just a little from Loreena's lips, and her gaze passed from Erick, to Lisse, to her mentor. The mage gave a deep, respectful bow to the crown princess as he was addressed. "Your majesty, as I told my pupil not long ago, I am no tattler. I am here to see to the magical welfare of charge. How you choose to celebrate this joyous occasion is not for me to judge. And as for being excused from lessons, the decision has always rested on Loreena's shoulders. I may always be found in the gardens in the mornings, and it has been your sister's decision to attend her tutelage as she pleases. That decision will always be hers to make." Lore's smile widened again and she cast a grateful look to the older man. "We shall see how the night progresses, Uriah. Thank you, my friend." Uriah smiled at Loreena and bowed once more to Lisse before returning to his musings. Loreena returned to the conversation previously with Erick. "I am honored that you chose to wear my jewel nonetheless, Erick. I chose each one in particular from the collection of gems and crystals that resonated with my magic. Although the Astalian blue topaz ended up being the strongest focus of my mage ability, this yellow chrysoberyl was of the purest clarity, and was a focus for me for a time. It still holds a bit of my power, a symbol of the bond you will share with our family." She heard the clatter at the entrance, and swung her head around to see the ruffled appearance of her youngest sister and the lost Prozdy prince. Judging from the flushed countenances, Vyarin had found Jiny's training yard! She watched as her younger sibling swiped a golden cup of wine. As Jiny approached, Lore embraced her warmly. "Feeling any better, dearest?" She queried, fixing a few errant locks of hair by swiftly removing a pin or two and giving the curls a deft twist and tuck. This relaxed the formerly prim and proper coif the maids had yanked Jiny's glorious hair into, and gave it the look of a lovely young woman who kept her hair away from her face as she wielded her sword. "Peace talks and alliances be damned. Sulhana and Lisse have officially declared war on our guests in the form of a drinking competition. Lisse has also bullied poor, old Uriah into being an accomplice to this affair..." she lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "...and if ever there is going to be a night where father cannot insist you drink from the silver cups, tonight is the night." Loreena lifted her head when she heard Vyarin's....protests....against the wine. "Speaking of silver cups it seems..." She excused herself and walked over to a table, retrieving a silver cup, and approaching the man who was muttering angry sounding words in Prozdy. "Dro Vyarin? You are well?" She asked him, hoping he wasn't sick. "Gold cups hold Astalian..." She froze on the next word, struggling to remember. The tense and accent she would use could have a couple different meanings. "...Astalian 'old'...'brewed' grapes." She didn't know if she had used the right word. A glance to Uriah saw his back facing her, indicating she was on her own in this venture. Loreena had studied some language from the surrounding lands, mostly words pertaining to the history of magic in the various kingdoms. Prozdy was harsh for her to speak, the shape of her mouth would never let her pronounce the language perfectly, but she could converse a little. Offering the silver cup, Vyarin would see a golden amber colored liquid within. "Silver cups hold 'new'...'young' spiced apple." Lore hoped she was making sense to him. Looking to the others, she encouraged Vyarin to join closer to the group. "It seems Dro Vyarin will be the judge of the contest. We do need at least one person clear headed enough to determine a champion among this contest."</s>
<|description|>Nidgardt (True name unknown) Age: 18 Grade: 3rd year student. Biography: Nidgardt was born from the union of a dragon and a demoness, his father sought powerful offspring and thus experimented with a co-worker. Despite his nature, Nidgardt is not ashamed of his heritage, nor does he flaunt or act with a high and mighty attitude because of it. He accepted early on what he was, but decided to not let his half-breed status stop him from having a life normal to that of humans and others. His father had much expectations of him however, his mother was never in the picture or offered him anything. She was to Nidgardt 'just the woman who gave birth to me'. He was trained from an early age to make use of his strange racial powers, some whom not even his father could have predicted would fall into his hands. Whilst he would never be able to turn into a true dragon like his father, he possessed draconic wings, claws and a single horn at the right side of his head, whereof the horn had been due to his draconic or demonic side is unknown. Nidgardt's skin is naturally resistant to many forms of injuries, mainly slashing kinds. His bloodline also gives him resistance towards fire and demonic energy, but at the same time weakness towards holy magic and magic specialized for fighting with dragons. He also is more vulnerable to piercing attacks than any other. While he may not suffer the full effects a pureblood would, it is still enough to be felt would he be hit by either. Amongst the abilites that was granted to him early on due to his nature, such as winged flight, immense strength and durability, the ability to use flame breath, he also were granted a number of demonic powers at his disposal which he has inherited from his mother. His skills with them has made him a very variable combatant, even if his main strength lies in fighting opponents up close using his oversized demonic left arm or his demonic sword in his right hand. When spoken to he is generally quite laid back and not very judgemental on first glance, he has come to understand people need time to accept oneanother, same goes for respect to which he thinks is important. Thus if engaged or challenged, he will gladly oblige and fight. Would he win or lose, he still think that it would have had it's purpose of gaining mutual respect for oneanother. In the school, Nidgardt is working hard to gather a strong team in order to take on the Rhean schools in privately funded tournaments. At such he is interested in both bettering himself, but also his companions. He believes that teamwork is the key to everything, since he is a halfbreed he believes that mixing tactics and people in one same group is a good idea to achieve a variety of skills and ideas. He may upon first glance look quite intimidating, due to his oversized arm and claw, aswell as those large draconic wings on his back. Not to mention his attire, with him wearing a black visor almost all the time. Powers: Core: Aspects of the demondragon: The best of two worlds, Nidgardt has been granted many gifts from his mixed heritage. Such as draconic wings usable for flight or attacking with, an oversized clawed left arm, a oddly shaped horn upon his head and the ability to spew fire in a cone shape. He is also resistant to physical damage, fire, demonic powers, mental control and has immense physical strength. But all these gifts also come with it's flaws, his dualblooded nature means he has a weakness to holy magic and weapons, aswell as anything regarding causing harm to dragons do affect him aswell. Not to the full degree it would to a pureblood, but good enough to cause alot of damage. His body is also weak towards physical piercing attacks, as they pierce the near invisible to the eye scales which decorate his body. 1: Energy absorption: Nidgardt may create a small shield of dark energy to absorb magical attacks, such as projectiles, beams and anything which comes into contact with his hands/claws. Holy magic bypasses this, and so does physical projectiles, physical weapons and matter which are non-magical in nature or from a non-energy source. 2: Balor blade: This is a magical dark-purple blade which manifests in his right hand, it assumes solid form and may be used as a viable melee weapon for stabbing and slicing attacks, it can also hurl wave-like projectiles towards opponents, in both vertical and horizontal manners. He uses this as one of his main weapons and usually in conjunction with his oversized left arm and claw. 3: Demonheart: Nidgardt can attune himself more to his demonic side, creating a massive explosion from himself, sending whomever standing near him back in a violent fashion. Unless ofcourse they are too heavy, or if warded by some form of shield or barrier and capable of keeping their footing. The knockback effect is however not the main part of this power, it is that it empowers his strength and overall energy output, making his balor blade bigger, aswell as the projectiles used by it. His energy absorbtion also instead envelops him in a bubble, but he needs to lower it before being able to use his own magic. Relationships: To be added.</s> <|message|>Sasha Yenina "Crusader" Sasha --- The quest marched onwards, no matter the sacrifices made. Life was but a test of fate and righteousness, and the gods always saw fit to test the mortals with their whims and hurdles. Sometimes, they were beyond their comprehension, but whom can comprehend a god? Sasha pondered, as she eyed the writings that defied any kind of human common sense. Math homework. That was a plebeian kind of thing! How dare they inflict that into her, the Illustrious of the Yenin? Still, if this was her test and ordeal, then so be it. She would conquer it with ever growing confidence. Even if Yuri had once again, made her to fast in her vigil and denied her the sustenance of Tiramisu. Outrageous, but a Holy Maiden's job would be done in any kind of circumstance. She clung to her stomach, a gut feeling of emptiness within. The day and the class was done, and she could not think of anything better to do than to patrol the halls of the academy. Justice would triumph! She didn't have to wait long, for she spotted a covenant between third years. A couple of them, that as a newcomer, had only heard ghastly rumours and foul tales about. The Demondragon and the Witch. Would they join together and breed to cover the earth in foulspawn? She dared to think not. She clenched her fist in determination, as she slammed the door open. "HALT EVILDOERS!" She announced. "What foul play is this, Nidfart the Wicked? Allying yourself with more dark powers to cover the school in foul-yet-cute demon-dragon-witch-spawn? I shall not abide such display in my honour as Yenin!" Sasha said, her hands quickly reaching for her hilt. And then, the rumble of her stomach rudely interrupted her. How could that fool Yuri not give her sufficient food before questing?</s> <|message|>Alicia von Rheumann Alicia --- "Hmm? I desire others to be enthralled with me? Now that's a funny thing to say. All those people who adore me do so simply because of my... ah, irresistible charm. Even you should have noticed that, no?" With her index finger, she touched Nidgardt under his chin, caressing his skin lightly as she gave him a teasing smile. She then recrossed her legs, this time making sure to do it in such a way that she flashed him a glimpse of her black panties. "I never really desire them," she continued. "I simply view them as simple amusement and nothing more. A little romance is part of your typical everyday school life after all." "Although, I do have something that I do desire. That perhaps you could grant..." Before she could tell him that however, Sasha barged in, saying some platitudes about evildoers and honor and whatever, as usual. Alicia rolled her eyes. If not for her holy protection, she would've placed a curse on her. Maybe a depression curse, just to make her less annoying and chirpy. It could be a love curse too. The girl was pretty cute at all. And she's the type that would be fun to tease. And then, she heard a stomach growl. It wasn't her of course. She always had a low appetite. And it didn't seem to come from dragon boy. So by process of elimination... "You might want to hold of your crusade until you fill up that big stomach of yours, little Sasha," she said with a smirk.</s> <|message|>Kakra/Kato Equinox "Just do it already!" The voice rung inside his head, filled with impatience. "You've been hesitating all week!" "S-sorry..." Kato mumbled back to his sister. He was the only person who could hear her, of course. "Do you want me to do it?" "N-no! That's... always hard to explain, and half the time they never believe us anyway." He sighed. "Is it because of how she looks?" This time there was an edge to her voice. "No!" Kato's face tinged red. "I just... don't like it when you get disappointed. Nothing ever works." "Wanna know what's more disappointing?" "Me not even trying-" "YOU NOT EVEN TRYING!" "OK, OK, fine... I'll go..." Kato hung his head and shuffled off. He soon found the person he was looking for, Sasha, but she seemed in a bit of a hurry. "Uh-... um... excu-" Nope, she suddenly slammed a door open and began shouting. "Sp-spawn?" He shook his head. This seemed like a bit of a misunderstanding. If he could just interject. "If-if you could give me a mome-" But then some girl began talking back to Sasha. Wait, wasn't that- He felt a chill run down his spine. "I-I-... e-exc-" He was in a cold sweat now. His eyes wandered over to a guy who looked... Oh gosh... it was him. He was scary. Kato froze up. "Oh for the love of..." Kato's blue eyes suddenly took on an amber hue and his expression hardened. "AHEM!" Suddenly his voice was loud and clear. "That's neat and all, but you guys can bully each other later! I have something important I need to take care of here! You, pay attention! I've been following you for the last minute straight!" He pointed at Sasha. A bit of an exaggeration, but... well... "I... I could have..." Kato whimpered, now in the backseat so to speak. "No. No you could not have..." Kakra grumbled. ". . . Sorry." Kato hated it when she forced her control over him. (To be clear, italics is when Kato is talking mentally, and bold is when Kakra is. Only normal text is out loud.)</s>
<|message|>Nidgardt (True name unknown) Whilst he was waiting for Alicia to give her reply, she had taken the liberty of touching under his chin using one of her hands, while at the same time smiling in a teasing manner. The demondragon narrowed his eyes somewhat under his visor, he knew what she was trying to do. She was attempting to do to him, what she may have done to all those which constantly follow her around. Certainly she was beautiful, but none were that beautiful that would cause young men to abandon all reason. The girl had even moved her legs in such a manner she revealed her undergarments to him. She did it on purpose, of this he was certain. This girl was feared for a reason. Her powers were more than just teasing and tempting others. That both made him more interested and more wary, more wary than she wearing black undergarments of all things. But then again so did he. Alicia did say however that there was something she desired, that which he could grant. The demondragon pondered for a moment what that possibly would be. Would the price be too steep to pay? That's when he heard the door slam open and a loud voice entering the room and ringing in his ears He slowly turned around, his large wings still folded on his back. There was a girl standing there, by the looks of her she was a first year. He had not made note of her before, then again the school had alot of students, many of which he had never talked with. The demondragon did not consider himself leader material, but someone had to be the one needed to gather together a team and attempt to keep it together. At least long enough until a leader could be put in place. As for the girl, she was sprouting words about him. Words that were untrue. At least for now, he did not know what Alicia had in mind after all. Though dwelling on possibilities was a dangerous past-time. "Judging people because of their bloodline is not right. That makes you the evil doer!" He raised his voice for the last part of his sentence, not in a hostile manner, but a matter of fact. He wasn't prone to make judgements on first sight, but this was a good way for the girl no doubt to ponder on if she were. The girl had placed her hand placed at her weaponry already, but was seemingly interupted by a rumble in her stomach. "Fight at an empty stomach?" The demondragon asked in an amused manner, it was more like a statement but this girl despite getting the wrong idea. Hopefully. Might be a possible recruit for the tournament team, though it may require some work. "Hmm. How about I treat you to some food for free and you'll consider joining the tournament team?" Nidgardt offered, holding out his oversized arm and draconic claw as a prince would offer a princess for the waltz. In a much more frightening and brute manner. There was more people showing up, a boy appearantly. This was a second year student for certain, the demondragon knew he had seen him before. He's looking for the loud talking girl? I wonder why... surely it's not because he needs help with maths. "You got the wrong idea, we are all on the same side here. We are all here to get stronger, where would bullying and bickering get us? You have buisness with this girl?" The demondragon inspected the newly arrived duo (Well, or trio. But he did not know that.). Perhaps I could put them through the test later. If they are strong or not, as long as they are willing to work hard and not quit they could potentially be good members of a team.</s>
<|description|>Corrine Jiang-Smith Normal- Age: 15 Appearance: Corrine is a pale skinned, slender young lady. She has painted red lips, and a pink tint to her cheeks, ears and nose. She has full lashes framing deep brown eyes. Her hair is black and groomed into a sleek bob that reaches just below her chin. In civilian form, a section of her hair is secured behind her head with a ribbon. She always wears fashion-forward clothes, including a pair of miniature raccoon tail earrings, and often wears sunglasses because of her sensitivity to light. Backstory: Corrine was born to the Jiang-Smith family, an upper-middle class family living in Washington, as the and only daughter. She has 2 brothers, an elder and a younger. Her mother was born in Beijing, China, to a poor family. Her father, Alexander Smith, head partner of a successful law firm, was travelling there, when they met each other by chance. The two became immediately smitten with each other. A few months later, they were married with a son on the way, so when Alexander asked her to move back to Washington with him she accepted. Due to her father being held in high regard because of his status, Corrine was exposed to the public and press from a young age. She soon learned that there were high expectations of her, from inside her home and out. Her mother wanted her daughter to have as good of a life as possible, while her father wanted her to be prepared for the world. She was placed under strict rules of how to act, speak, and hold herself so as to ensure their daughters successful life. Corrine understands that they are trying to do good by her, even if they don't realise how isolated it makes her feel. She was taught by her mother how to be a proper lady, and was told at a young age that you should hide your weaknesses so that they cannot be used against you. Her mother constantly coddling her and her father too busy running his firm and raising her brothers, Corrine felt all around dissatisfied with her current situation. All she wanted to be able to do was to choose for herself, to make her own mistakes instead of having her life chosen for her. Personality: When in her civilian form, she has a reserverved, almost cold air about her. She has a level head and calm demeanor. She is mostly polite, but a little blunt, and is naturally a bit awkward, to her mother's dismay. Pretty klutzy, constantly bumps into things, but doesn't seem to mind. She is usually quiet person, and is very shy. She seems scary, but if you manage to befriend her and charm her parents enough for them to let you associate with her, she's very sweet and funny person. As Nocturne, she is upbeat, charming, and generally a huge dork who'll befriend just about anyone, including rocks. Corrine has achromatopsia, which causes her to be completely color blind. She sees the world in different shades of gray, black, and white. This also causes her to have decreased vision, which is mostly the reason for her clumsiness, as well as a sensitivity to light. She always carries around a pair of sunglasses, sometimes even wearing them indoors. Hero- Name: Nocturne Appearance: As Nocturne, her sleek hair becomes windswept, slightly curly, and if you look closely you can see it's slanted to the left. Her once deep brown eyes morph into a bright amber. Her suit is themed to resemble a raccoon, with a gray, black and white colour scheme. The suit itself is a smokey grey, with a lighter grey oval in the middle of her stomach and chest. She has black thigh high boots, black gloves that reach to her elbows with slight claws on the end, and a black stripe around her neck. Tied around her waist is a long scarf-like cloth with a striped pattern. She has a black mask, and a headband with raccoon ears, and two white ribbons tied to either side of the headband. Miraculous: Her miraculous is a pair of raccoon tail earrings, each with a small gem at the top. After she activates her main power, her miraculous starts chirping and the 5 stripes start disappearing according to how much time she has left. Powers: Active power: Absolute Access- This gives her the power to open anything, no matter how complex the lock. This includes anything that can be sealed (doors, chests, etc). Also includes electronic locks. After she uses this once her countdown begins. Inactive powers: Touch- Corrine's sense of touch is incredible. She is able to 'see' objects by touching them, and doesn't even need to see to be able to navigate. This is helpful to her, especially with her poor eyesight. Night vision- Corrine is able to see in the dark, making it easy to maneuver in what others would consider pitch black. Climbing- Thanks to the small claws on her cloves and the bottom of her boots, she is able to climb without the need for hand and footholds. Anti-camouflage: Thanks to her color blindness, she is easily able to pick out camouflaged enemies. Stealth: She is able to sneak around easier, without making as much noises. This is helpful if there is a need to remain unnoticed. Doesn't really help much with people with enhanced senses, but is useful for sneaking out of the house. Weapon: A whip which, like Chat Noir's, can infinitely extend and retract, and can be used to grab onto objects and people if necessary. The handle has a compartment which can be opened to reveal the communication device. Kwami- Name: Priix Appearance: Priix looks like a very small raccoon, small enough to fit into the palm your hand. Their head makes up about half of their body. They have two antennas, one on each cheek. Personality: Priix is a very cheerful, if not mischievous little kwami. They are very playful, and are easily distracted. They love to play little pranks on Corrine, and often is one of the main causes of Corrine getting into mischief. The two get along well, and Priix is often a comforting figure for Corrine. Priix wishes to eventually be able to help the shy girl be able to show her real personality more outside of Nocturne. Favorite Food: Apricots!</s> <|message|>Clair Edwards She reacted better than he could have hoped. Of course, he didn't get to see her transformation. Instead he ducked inside one of the girls stalls, closing the doors as he felt his strength fade away, his powers draining. He knew Ms. O'Neil was changing form, though he didn't know what she looked like herself, and he could barely hear his miraculous begin to beep over her near-demonic cackling. He saved himself the trouble of waiting and detransformed, hiding in the stall. Outside the door to the girls bathroom, the boys barely had time to exchange words. For as soon as Aaron twisted Eddie around to face him, the door to the girls bathroom flew off it's hinges, knocking them both flat. A purple mist spilled out onto the floor, lights flickering and the air becoming alive with energy. From out of the doorway a tall, dark shadow loomed, her dark cackles reverberating throughout the hallway. A black heel clicked sharply against the ground, a tall young woman in a black and purple leotard and cape stepping out into the hall. All around her in rotating circles, books, pens, papers, and other objects flew, like a psychic gyroscope. Her eyes glowed a dark red from behind her mask, her hair standing up in points resembling a devil's horns. The crash of the door had drawn out quite a few people into the hall, staring at the woman with hushed astonishment. The ruckus from the library, of course, continued nevertheless. With a grimace, the Almaniac floated into the library, her eyes a deep red with rage. The boys only noticed her too late, as the doors to the library slammed shut behind her, desks and tables barricading the door. "No. Talking. In the library." she hissed out. With a flick of her hand, the books on the surrounding shelves came to life, pages flaying out and wrapping the unruly students like mummies, muffling their screams and shouts. With another flick, the cocooned boys were floated over into a pile behind her desk, pens and markers picking themselves up and beginning to scribble on them out of vengeance. The Almaniac cackled gleefully, floating down the shelves of books and mummifying every student she came across. "No eating! No drinking! No skating, gum chewing, make up applying! No video games, headphones, crouching or slouching! Bad, bad, bad!" she giggled, bookshelves rattling and rocking as she passed. --- From within the bathroom, Clair grinned, seeing the world through his akuma's eyes. Yes, everything was going perfectly. He'd let her have her fun, destress herself for a little while. Then, when she was satisfied, he'd take control of her, and use her to find the other six miraculous stones. He blinked, the red vanishing from his irises. For now, he had to get to a safer location than the girl's bathroom. And so, not noticing the two boys pinned under the door, he slunk out of the bathroom, disappearing into the worried crowd that had formed in front of the locked library. In the commotion that followed, no one would be able to remember exactly where he was. Just as he preferred.</s> <|message|>Edvvard "Eddie" Erickson Eddie felt the hand and spun with the turn, ready to dodge if someone was about to attack him. However, the boy he saw only asked him a question. "I saw-" Eddie began, only to be smacked by the door. "Guess I'm lucky." he said sarcastically, tossing the door aside with a groan. "As I was about to say," he said as he stood, "I saw another boy go in there. You can deal with the pervert while the hero deals with the villian. Pulling out his tonfas, he leapt at the Almaniac, aiming to strike both sides of her head from behind to disorient her. Whether that worked or not, he'd try to knock her feet from under her with a kick before pinning her on her belly. Being new to the hero thing, he didn't know what to do. "Who are you and why are you doing this?" he asked. He didn't know what to do but was able to block the paper aimed for his face with his tonfas. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings much beyond his own movement and would have been caught by surprise if another hero joined the battle. He had seen most of the students escape and tried to keep her attention on him. "Stupid kids." he said, looking at the pile behind her desk. "They deserve punishment for being loud and messy in the library, yes, but that's too far." He kept on the defence, blocking the items coming for him. "I get you're angry. I would be too. This isn't the way to handle things." Looking around, he leapt out of the way of her next attack, landing atop a bookshelf that had been tilted. "Stop attacking people and I'll help you clean up."</s> <|message|>Aaron Meyer "I saw another boy go in there. You can deal with the pervert while the hero deals with the villain." Aaron lay on the ground, too winded to say anything in response or give Eagle Boy the punch he deserved. Nobody talks down to Aaron like that. Jerkface didn't even have the decency to check if the injured civilian (Aaron) had any major injuries. What if he died from head trauma, huh? Bet Bird Brains wouldn't be so up himself after that. Obviously, this wannabe hero had never taken a first aid course. Whatever, at least he got the door off. Arrlo crawled out of Aaron's hood, unharmed thankfully. "I guess he was one of those other Miraculous guys you were talking about, huh?" Aaron coughed. "It seems so," Arrlo agreed, "but there's also some sort of villain pilfering the library. That requires our immediate attention." Aaron sat up and groaned from the strain in his back. He was definitely going to find some bruises later. "Right. Let's show this Dodo Dude how a real hero works. Arrlo, plates ready!" He transformed and headed to the library, where Bird Boy and Almaniac were engaged in mortal combat. Aaron in his new form took up a boxing stance, striking the projectiles with his gauntlets before they could hurt him. The other "hero" was jumping about the library like some sort of acrobat while trying to talk the villain out of her deluded frenzy. Hmph, showoff. The whole discussion thing could work though. But the chances of Almaniac listening to whatever emotional spiel he was going with was low. An appeal to logic would be the trick. "Listen miss!" he called out, "You gotta stop this now, you're going to end up destroying your precious library!"</s>
<|message|>Corrine Jiang-Smith Corrine had just put away yet another book, all hope of finding anything on the miraculous gone when the doors quite literally burst open. There was a woman's voice, and then screaming. Peeking out from behind the bookcase, she couldn't believe what she saw. A woman was standing there in some sort of odd costume, giggling as she tortured the children, wrapping them into cocoons. She turned, making eye contact with the miraculous floating next to her head. "Priix... What the heck is going on?" She questioned, her voice a harsh whisper. The raccoon made a humming sound, hands on its chin. It floated there for a minute before turning back to her, smile on its face. "Well Cori, it-" Priix began, only to be interrupted by Corrine's annoyed whisper of "Don't call me that". The miraculous glared before continuing its speech. "Well, it appears as if you've encountered your first villain faster than we thought." Glancing back to the chaos, Priix smirked. "And it looks like those two might need some help, so I suggest you transform quickly, before the entire library is destroyed." Shocked, Corrine peeked back around the bookcase. Now their were to men, also dressed in costumes attempting to confront the woman. She turned back to her miraculous and shrugged. "Guess there isn't a whole lot to lose. Priix, stripes on!" Corrine stared in wonder as her usual outfit was replaced by a full body suit. She turned to where Priix had been, only to see there was noone there. "Oh yeah, Priix said that they would get sucked into the earrings. Oh well, here goes nothing!" She muttered to herself and stood up and sauntered out from behind the bookcase. She grabbed the whip secured to her waist and flicked it towards the woman, smirking as it encircled one of her wrists. "He's right you know. This isn't proper behavior at all for someone in the library" She called out in a singsong voice. "You should probably stop. You wouldn't want to be sent to the principal's office, now would you?"</s>
<|description|>Cecilia Curtis Image Age: 15 Ability: Kinetikinesis - the ability to create,shape and manipulate kinetic energy. She can transfer kinetic energy from one object to another, increasing its force. With direct contact, she can turn an object's potential energy into kinetic energy, making it explosive. Alternatively, she can make a target immobile or unable to stop if in motion. Personality: Naturally caring but possessing excellent analytical abilities. Cecilia is very much an introvert. Despite this she has well developed people skills, making relationships come fairly easily to her. She takes each new day and event as they come, excited at the new possibilities they present. Though enthusiastic, she can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, often taking her responsibilities personally. Bio: Cecilia's mother disappeared when she was still a baby, her powers developing when she was in elementary school. She would live many of the following years on the road with her father, traveling via RV from one school to another, not staying in one place very long. Her mother was the subject of many arguments (Cecilia being unconvinced that he's telling her everything). Despite this, she trusts him and is eager to take life one day at a time. color=b22222 Little Stargazer -</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis @1Hawkeyes@SoulEater Discontent to just stand around doing next to nothing, Cecilia thought now would be a good time to practice drawing; it was a fair way to pass the time and, although it was an "on and off" hobby, she was feeling rather inspired by her new friends as well as the delightful natural sights she had witnessed. On her way to her cabin to gather her personal drawing kit, a small part of her worried that one of her reasons for her current spontaneous interest in drawing was to procrastinate in light of something she should actually be doing. With perhaps less energy in her stride, she continued, stopping dead at the terrible scream emanating from the cabin which she earlier saw Mystery lead Helena and Edmond, his sleeping sister formerly at its steps. Cecilia certainly wasn't in the habit of sticking her nose where it didn't belong, as it were. But it appeared evident, by the way she frantically rushed over to the shriek's source, she considered this instance an exception. "What's wrong!? Wha...!?" Distress powering her up the steps, she hectically came as far as the doorway to find Mystery embracing his sister, Helena and Edmond also in the room. Cecilia was confused to say the least, feeling like she was interrupting something.</s> <|message|>James Berken @The1Rolling1Boy@Mangrale@1Hawkeyes *James and Neric would be mostly off on their own, Neric snuggled quietly on his shoulder. James petting his wing as they looked out across the woods, waiting really for what to happen next. Even Neric was curious about what the counselors had in mind for what to happen at the camp* "James I know you really want to go swimming, but do you think they may have competitions?" *Neric would ask as one of his eyes looks to James, waiting for his answer. James thinking on as he nods* "Ya I think they will, but I don't think you can participate. You'll make it very unfair-" *Stopping as he and Neric hear the girl's scream in the camp, his skin going pale as he looks at Neric. The little Void shaking and growling softly* "Neric calm down, I think it's small that happened! Neric!" *Quickly looking at the Void who flew off his shoulder quickly, cursing a bit under his breath as he follows the Void who changes from the bird to a pure black cloud. He would continually call out to the dark being, though it seems Neric is in another state of mind as it's cloud gets bigger. Soon reaching a rather large size, not quite a cabin size but it was close as it only pulls out it's crocodile head and arms. The rest of it's body is pure dark cloud and in his eyes he is having a flashback himself and he doesn't look happy about the scream, James scared about this now as he rushes to the Void who is forming by the cabin* "Neric calm down!"</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada The sudden scream from Spirit made Helena jump. It was cool seeing Mystery transform back into a human and sweet to see him protect and embrace his sister. "I guess she thought you were him," Helena said in a hushed tone to Edmond. Then, she heard Cecilia fly up the stairs. The girl looked awfully confused, so Helena did her best to fill her in. "Spirit got scared waking up with strangers so close and without her brother, that's all." It was probably more complicated than that, apparently since she tended to sleep walk and have night terrors. James's shouts made Helena peak her head out of the cabin, where a dark mass of clouds was forming. "Oh my..." she murmured as the crocodile began to form. She had to think quick, what animal could she turn into that could hurt a shadow? It was hard to tell, but her adrenaline was too high. Quickly, Helena began to morph. She dropped to all fours, the hairs on her arms growing thicker until they became orange and black fur. Her back legs transformed into powerful cat legs, whereas only one of her arms transformed. The girl turned tiger lacked a tail and had one cat and one human ear. Only some of her teeth transformed into fangs and her Brown hair stayed on top of her head. Overall, the transformation was one of her better. The tiger let out a half roar, half shout and unsheathed her claws, unsure how to defend her new friends. @Mangrale @The1Rolling1Boy @SoulEater</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis @LiegeLord Cecilia gave a sigh of relief, her eyes closing before opening to better appreciate the tender moment between the two siblings. She never had a brother or sister growing up, so she was a little less quick to excuse herself. She nodded appreciatively to Helena, believing her own inside voice wasn't what it could be at the moment and didn't want to disturb the mysterious brother and sister. Cecilia was still concerned. What could have happened to Spirit to have provoked a reaction like this for simply not having her brother there. This just wasn't a thing that came naturally... Was it? Not thinking it appropriate to inquire about the matter at the moment, Cecilia deemed the matter closed, and after giving Helena a final contented look, she turned to immediately hear James shouting at Neric, the upsetting pleas accompanied by an ever growing, foreboding gloom just outside. From the porch, Cecilia gasped as she jerked her head over her shoulder to spectate in horror as Helena partially transmogrified into a vicious tiger. Cecilia began to back away from her, away from the cabin, as though she were seeing a monster, a primal instinct inside her convincing her that unless she did something quickly, she would surely die. She regained enough of her senses to know that Helena had complete control of her own actions. But that still meant that she was possibly intending to fight Neric. "Wait! Helena please! It's Neric...!"she earnestly appealed, realizing that since she couldn't advocate aggressive action, she would have to spearhead another recourse. Cecilia sprinted to James, narrowly preventing herself from tripping in the process. "James!... James!... What's happening!?" she called to him, the worry on her face clearly evident.</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena watched Cecilia back away from her in what looked like horror. It wasn't the first time someone had, so the sadness she felt wasn't too bad. Cecilia then seemed to realize something and yelled the shadow was Neric. Helena was fully aware of this, who else had shadow powers? But Neric didn't seem to friendly at the moment, especially since he was even ignoring James. I can't fight a shadow, she thought, unable to speak as a tiger, but maybe I can hold him off. Helena hopes her dear didn't show on her face. She was terrified of what could happen and was pretty scared of what Neric was transforming into. It was like the Neric from before was completely gone.</s> <|message|>James Berken @1Hawkeyes *He would ignore Cecilia as she cried out, hoping she would understand. Quickly bobbing and weaving through the place, faster then he usually is, trying to get to Helena. He remembers all too well this situation before as he rushes to get infront of Helena, he didn't think she would last against a Void. Not much can and besides he would be the one getting hurt, not Neric. Holding out his right hand to the Void and shouting out* "Neric calm yourself! No one is hurt and surely no one is in danger!" *Neric would slow his approach towards the cabin, watching James and Helena. Mostly Helena who was trying to get in his way* "Helena... for the sake of everyone in the Cabin, who was the girl that scream and tell us both that she is ok. Please?" *James not keeping his eyes off Neric, if someone was actually in danger then Neric would see James getting in the way as well. Which wouldn't be a good situation, the Void approaching and looking angry at James for getting in the way. James standing his ground regardless against his Void*</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena watched Neric get closer and closer, shaking a little bit. There was no way to fight a shadow, but could the shadow fight her? James began to yell at her to explain the situation. Helena couldn't do that if she didn't transform back into a human. As fast as she could, Helena morphed back into a human, though her right arm was still a tiger's. "Neric, Spirit was just scared! No one is hurt!" It was amazing to see James stand his ground against Neric. Hopefully he would listen.</s> <|message|>James Berken *Neric would look at James and Helena, his eyes narrowing at her as James talked normally to Helena* "Something from the not too far past is still traumatizing him, her scream set him off." *Him trying to think of what else to say, but Neric slamming both of his arms into the ground would get his attention back. Neric didn't seem keen on attacking anyone but he didn't seem fully convinced, his eyes set on Helena. His claws on his hands digging easily into the ground as he speaks up, his head not moving* "Are you telling me the truth little one?" *He seems calmer now,but he isn't reverting from this form just yet it seems*</s> <|message|>Mystery Spirit looked up at her brother "I wanna go outside" She said then cawled out of his arm and off the bed. She stands up and straightens out her skirt before walking out and jumping from step to step. Once she gets to the bottom and stops to stare at the gaint black cloud thing infront of her Mystery followed close behind his sister and freezes when he sees this big black cloud thing in front of him and his sister. He quickly turns into his fox and hides behind his sister shaking out of fear. @1Hawkeyes@Mangrale</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena transformed her arm back to normal and looked up at Neric. He was frightening, but he didn't have a reason to hurt her or anyone else. "Yes, I have no reason to lie to you, Neric," Helena said. She wasn't too scared anymore, like she summoned a greater bravery from someone else. "No one got hurt, just startled."</s> <|message|>James Berken @1Hawkeyes@Mangrale *Neric would watch the two, raising his arms and head slowly after a moment. Looking at the two people coming out, his arms retracting and the dark cloud covering over his head. The cloud slowly shrinking down till it's a small form at the ground, Neric coming out of the small cloud as a cat. Walking slowly over as James approaches him too, petting the Void as he looks back at everyone and over at Cecilia as he sighs* "I'm truely sorry..." *Neric curling up at his feet after a moment, James looking down at him and sighing. The Void not moving as it speaks* "I over reacted... I just don't want another to die if I can help it..." *The Void going quiet as James just kneels down and pets him, him sighing and waiting for what reaction he'll get. Wondering if everyone will scold him and Neric for acting out, he's used to it. He's already pondering where they'll go next if they are kicked out for this. The little Void shaking a bit against his hand*</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada "Oh Neric..." Helena said when the little shadow cat admitted his fears. She didn't know what happened with James and Neric, but whatever it was it traumatized Neric. "Maybe I overreacted too. We all her scared sometimes," Helena said. She held out her hand to the shadow cat, nonverbally asking for permission to pet him.</s>
<|message|>Cecilia Curtis Cecilia could only watch helplessly as her friends, if she even had the right to call them that after this was over, nearly came to blows. Soon the world around her faded into obscurity, nothing registering as perceptible except for the all consuming void. The darkness and its otherworldly current and flow seemed to beckon in a way that seemed to hypnotize her, taunting her though fully knowing that she couldn't move out of fear. ----- Cecilia? [relieved sigh] There you are. You've had me worried... Hm? Asleep?... [chuckles] Alright then, up we go. [sleepy moans] Uh... Daddy? Hey sweetheart. Back at it again, eh? Mmhm Can you tell me what's so amazing that keeps you stargazing? [soft laughter] What? Just an old song... Cece, I'm not going to tell you to stop this, but can you at least pick a spot nearby? You scared me half to death earlier. I'm sorry... This was the best spot. So I could hear them. Hear what? The night sky? There's nothing out there. Yes there is daddy. The stars. They're my friends. But sweetheart. Stars are just inanimate gaseous objects. They can't do or say anything. Yes they can. They told me not to be afraid, that mommy is safe... and that one day she'll return to me. [sigh] Cecilia... You can't honestly believe that, can you? ----- The conflict, for now, had subsided. But Cecilia felt numb, hearing nothing. It took all her strength just to keep standing, and now that was gone. She fell to her knees, her legs sprawling to the sides as she realized what had happened and how powerless she felt to do anything about it. She had failed. Of what did everything she said and did amount to. The unknown. When it truly mattered, when faced with it and all its dark uncertainty, she froze. Her hands fell flat on the midday grass, her head sunk low, facing the ground. A familiar sting wore away at her eyes until she honestly couldn't take it anymore. Tears accumulated on her cheek until they gained enough volume to drop to the ground. She was silent, plenty of practice. No one was hurt in the traditional sense. But could she genuinely expect to look anyone in the eyes after this. Yes, someone didn't belong in this camp. Cecilia knew the answer and the truth broke her heart.</s>
<|description|>White Spinel or just Spinel Appearance: Something similar to this but with a gem and a different color scheme. Ordinarily, White Spinel emits a pale white glow, like a ghost. For two or three minutes at a time, she can suppress her natural glow and become transparent. Like Lapis in her first appearance, her eyes are monochrome, a flat gold. Gem: Gem Location: The outside of her right elbow Emotional Strength: Calmness Emotional Weakness: Most very passionate emotions. Materialistic ones like jealousy and greed are the worst, justified or otherwise. Rage is a close second. Positive emotions are a stumbling block, but manageable. Weapon: Spinel uses a large crossbow with no handle or trigger. It levitates in front of her when she summons it. The crossbow fires energy bolts which can deal decent damage to most opponents and one-shot weak ones. However, loading it alone takes a full 20 seconds. Power: The aforementioned invisibility, along with the soft footsteps mentioned below and having no natural scent or heat signature and a knack for finding well-hidden vantage points, add up to make her nearly impossible to detect while she is readying a shot. Her weaknesses are that her crossbow can't be invisible, and she can't help but faintly glow immediately after firing a shot. Other: Has barely audible footsteps and a soft voice even when she isn't emotionally together, was created to be a reconnaissance/sniper gem.</s> <|message|>Aquamarine "Those weapons are probably dull anyway from laying here so long. She can't do much more to them by pushing them around on the ground." Aquamarine stated with a light shrug. Johnny, could you lead the way for us to this 'van' of yours? she asked politely, helping take the other side of Emerald's statue form across from Zircon. The more people they had, the faster they would all be able to move and with the group rounded up they were truly ready to head out. She couldn't wait to be as far away from this place as soon as possible, the Kindergarten dragging up bad memories of friends lost and so much more.</s> <|message|>Sodalite "Of course not." Sodalite shot back rather quickly. In the short time that she had been in possession of these weapons, she had grown fond of them. She would take the time to learn most to all of them, to be capable with any sort of weapon at her disposal. Of course, she still had her personal weapon that she could call on, but having an additional armory wouldn't hurt at all. If they were going to be some sort of group, then the other Gems would have access to the weapons as well if they wanted to use them. She wasn't going to be selfish about it. She glared at Aquamarine griefly for insulting the weapons, but she had to admit that she was right, they had been there for longer than she could think, and were extremely dull. However, she would do her best to restore them. Evenkite made sense, though. The weapons would get damaged being pushed on the ground all of the time, and the noise it caused was a fair bit louder than when she shuffled around with them in her arms. "I like the weapons." Sodalite spoke again. "I'll take care of them and keep them sharp and you can all use them if you need too. We'll be prepared for anything and everything." She smiled at her weapons, but did not pick them up. She would come back for them later, as she had said before. First, they had to get Emerald to whever Johnny would be taking them.</s> <|message|>Johnny "Blue" Johnny was in the mood, meaning nearly everything was blocked out of his mind. It was just Johnny, and the task. No noise, no smells, nor awareness besides one foot behind the other as he pulled Emerald along. The time he registered the others was when Aquamarine helped lighten the load some more, with three people doing this than they were sure to make some great time. As they others talked, argued, and what not, Johnny was busy remembering every detail of his walk. To be honest the way to his Van was kind of a maze, if he wasn't careful he would lead them all into circles. It took a bit longer than expected, there were some troubles along the way but all in all it was a fairly uneventful trip. The Gems did their thing while he did his, peaceful in some focused and working way. Eventually he began to recognize the area and found that his Van was just beyond the bend. "Look alive people, the Van is just around the corner." and with that he and the two helpers propped Emerald against the Van while Johnny fished his keys from his pocket and slid the side door open before jumping in, clearing room for the talking weight.</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel thought for a moment. She had been asked for a name, but she didn't actually know what her's was. A couple of the other gems seemed to have already determined what their names were on their own. She looked down at her elbow as much as she could without dropping Emerald by lifting it, and saw a clear gem. Would she be able to come up with a name for herself simply by thinking hard enough, as her new companions seemed to? ...No. In her mind, a name had to be more than just a random word. It had to mean something, help highlight her best qualities. She felt she had a good thing going with the naming conventions she'd been using, and didn't plan to stop now. "I've been going by Canyon Spirit for most of my life, but I can see now that that name isn't very suitable. You may call me Perceptive Clear." Spinel said. "Also, Johnny, since you don't seem fully aware of this, it seems that Knowledgeable Aquamarine is the only one among us who can remember anything from very long before the recent battle." Spinel then faintly smiled and nodded at Zircon. "Thank you for helping us, Unassuming Black." Spinel slowly lowered Emerald into the van when they reached it. "Well, there you are. I suppose this is goodbye for now, Annoy-" no, she was making a concentrated effort to be more friendly, remember? "that is, Sturdy Emerald."</s> <|message|>Gilles Laurent "Perhaps you're right, Aquamarine, but there's no need to put them in worse shape. Plus, the noise is quite painful on the ears." Evenkite turned back towards Sodalite, the flail-like weapon now under her arm as well. She bent over to pick up another weapon -a baton- and clutched it in her hand, decided that these three would be enough for the first trip. "Well, first we'll have to learn how to use them properly. Except maybe her," she said, trying her best to motion towards the now axe-wielding Howlite with her arms full, "And that's a very kind offer, but of most of them are too big to be much use for me. This sword should be okay, though." Taking a few steps back towards Johnny and the others, it seemed as if Evenkite was going to leave, but something made her decided otherwise. Instead, she turned towards Sodalite once more and whispered, "I suggest you keep a few hidden and on your person. I still don't' know how to feel about this Aquamarine lady, and it might be better to do so, you know." And with that, she made her way back towards Johnny and the group, letting him lead the way towards this 'van' he spoke of. Having never been too far from her hole, never mind farther away from Kindergarten, Evenkite walked in awed silence, taking in the new sights. For a moment, she almost felt good about leaving, almost felt as if this were for her best, and not just Amber's. Don't get ahead of yourself. Now at the van -and what a curious looking thing it was-, Evenkite stood looking at it for quite a while, before being snapped back into reality. "Excuse me, Johnny, sir, but where should I place these?</s> <|message|>Johnny "Blue" It didn't take too long to clear everything for the glorified paperweight, as a person with a penchant for collection he had a nice setup with limited space he liked to keep the Van a neat and organized machine. With a help from Perceptive Clear, apparently, Johnny and her had situated Emerald in such a that he took up a small amount of space. Happy with the duo's organizational ability, Johnny idly grabbed a small towel to soak up the sweat that accumulated from the walk back. After placing his hiking pack where it belonged he also fished a small paper box and gave it a several taps before a small white stick shot out. Deftly he brought the stick up to his head and tucked it behind his ear for later. as he did this he absorbed Perceptive Clears words and thought on them, sitting down on the lip of the side door while he waited for the others to catch up. "Hmmm, now that you mention is pretty weird. I know that the Crystal Gems at Beach City have been there since before anyone can remember so Aquamarine could just be like them, old." Johnny finished his words with a shrug and stood up as more of the Gems showed up. Taking his knife out, Johnny gazed at his reflection in the blue blade. "Maybe these guys aren't Crystal Gems after all...well at least Aquamarine is one. Maybe these guys are just young? The don't seem to know much of...well anything." It was a slightly disconcerting thought but he soon forgot about it as the small one, Evenkite asked him about her weapons. "Oh uh I'll just put them on my clothes, they should stay safe there. And please, just call me Johnny. Sir was my father."</s> <|message|>Emerald "Well, all of us were born today. What do you expect?" Emerald asked Johnny. He could hear pretty well from the back of the van, especially considering his ears weren't covered. "But what are these Crystal Gems? What makes them different from us?" Emerald was waiting for the rest of the people to get moving. "What do you know about them? Sorry for all the questions, I thought it might be nice to talk a bit since, well, that's all I can do for now." As he said this, small cracks started forming around his shoulder areas, and small pieces of stone fell off and...vanished. Emerald supposed that would be a good way to put it.</s> <|message|>Aquamarine Aquamarine hardly spoke as they moved through the Kindergarten as she found herself lost in thought, just following Johnny's lead and every so often checking to make sure that they were all still together so no one was left behind or lost. She knew that letting her mind wander was the worst thing for her to do at the moment considering she would have to bring up the past to explain everything to these new gems which was hard enough without the added memories now trying to come to the surface. She happy to be brought out of her own world when Johnny spoke of this mysterious 'van' was just around the corner. What she had been picturing in her mind was no where near close to the contraption before her. She gently helped the others place Emerald down next to the van before curiously looking over the vehicle, her hand gently brushing across the design of an ocean before stepping back. "Johnny, are you sure we are all going to be able to fit?" Aqua asked softly before looking to Emerald, "My guess is they are not different from us at all. I think they don't want to associate with home anymore not that I blame them cause I don't want to either. Earth is our home now..."</s> <|message|>Sodalite As Evenkite had suggested, Sodalite did her best to hide some of the smaller blades in the event that Aquamarine was actually some sort of evil-doer. She needed to know for a fact that Aquamarine was on the right side of the fight, but had to go along for now until she could be fully convinced. It was rather difficult to hide them, but she did her best. As they approached the metal shell sitting atop four round pieces of rubber, Sodalite looked at Aquamarine once more. If they couldn't all fit in there, then they could just sit on the top, or hang on the back and just hope that they didn't fall off. She said nothing yet, as she didn't believe that she was required to say anything just yet.</s> <|message|>Johnny "Blue" Johnny only heard the beginning of what Emerald had said and ducked his head in to hear the important bits of it. "Um...basically the Crystal Gems are the good guys as far as I can tell but you should talk to Aquamarine, she would no more about it than I would. I've just gone to places that the Gems have left behind." However his little talk was inturrupted by Aquamarines voice asking a really important question, could they all fit? Hypothetically yes. They were all relativly small but there were like... 7 of them? It would be a squeeze but it yeah...he could fit them. Well, only if big man decided to stay tucked in his shell, gem...thing. "It would be a squeeze but all of you could fit inside. Unless one of you would like to ride on the roof, I've got straps. Running his hand through his hair, messing up the uniformity of it, Johnny gave a sigh before answering. "The only thing I'm worrying about is if the big guy wants to pop out of his shell. I couldn't fit him and everyone else."</s> <|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Riding on the roof interested Spinel, for some reason. She had worked really hard at being friendly to the gems she'd just met, but she decided she deserved a break. She assumed nobody else would be on the roof. "Riding on the roof sounds quite nice, actually. I'd like to call it if nobody else minds." Spinel said.</s> <|message|>Emerald "My name is Emerald. I guess I'll stay in here, and if it gets too tight, the smallest one could sit on me. I can't feel anything through this shell." Honestly, it wouldn't bother him. He wouldn't feel a thing with someone half his size. Emerald wondered what made these Gems crystal. He would ask. "But, "Johnny", what makes these Gems Crystal? Are they special?"</s> <|message|>Aquamarine Aquamarine sighed a bit as her comment went unnoticed by Emerald before shaking her head lightly and thinking about if Amber reformed. If he did so in the van that might be a bit of a problem but nothing they all couldn't handle. "If push comes to shove, I can also shapeshift into a smaller form of some kind and Eve could possibly be held by Amber if such a situation occurs or hop onto Emerald as he states and since one of us is already riding on the roof that should be fine. At least that is my hope." she said.</s> <|message|>Johnny "Blue" A lopsided frown found its way on Johnny's face as he looked at the Van. When it was just him it seemed so big, people. Nonetheless it was time to go. "All right everybody! Its time we get this ride going, so I'm gonna need everyone to hop in, on, and whoever wants can sit in the passenger seat. Just don't tear things up too much, I live in here." With that he opened his door, called his mighty steed to life, and began to supervise the sitting down process. "I just know that they saved the Earth at least twice, that seems pretty special in my book. Talk to Aquamarine when you get a chance, she'll know more than I ever will." Johnny said, half paying attention to the statue.</s>
<|message|>White Spinel or just Spinel Spinel climbed directly onto the roof without really being told to. "This is perfect, you can all enjoy the extra room okay?" She hoped nobody would protest. This admittedly wasn't her safest idea, but she was pretty confident that she wouldn't get seriously maimed or anything like that. The view was actually quite nice, and she was interested to see how everything would look in motion.</s>
<|description|>Dah'k Rahd Smoke Age 26, Sorta. (Actually somewhere around 300 years) Gender Male, but subject to change. Elementals "The Gods of Gaea." "Okay class, today we'll be discussing a topic I'm sure you're all very well aware of, Elementals! The Elementals have existed since the dawn of man, and have been proven time and time again to be the some of the strongest beings known to Earth. Each Elemental embodies a single element, of which they have total and absolute control of; along with their Elemental quick, which can be as varied as the number of elements available. In addition to their power over nature, an Elemental does not age, and can not be killed by disease or poison; making them nearly immortal. Because of these abilities, Elementals are worshiped as Gods on each of their continents, and these Elementals are then ruled by Our continent's Elemental; Smoke. The God of Gods, who was once known as the God killer, but he's become far less aggressive in his old age. Little is Known of how one becomes an Elemental, or how the Element they control is chosen, but we do know that there are only ever seven Elementals in the world, and we know that they each originate from the continent who's last elemental has died. Now, when an Elemental is killed, two things happen; Firstly, a huge wave of Energy is released, and this energy can span an entire continent before dissipating. Secondly, another Elemental is re-birthed the moment one is killed. We know that Elementals are born human, and only become Elementals after being chosen by Gaea. Now, our continents Elemental is different than any Elemental that's ever existed; and far stronger than any we know of. His Element is Smoke, which makes it impossible to for him to be hurt by anything that we know of, magic, weapons, nothing seems to so much as touch him. In addition to his practical invulnerability, his elemental quirk allows him to solidify his element. We know from his early years that he can project smoke from his hands, then solidify the projectiles. This, combined with his ability to turn his form entirely into smoke, made him far more powerful than the rest of the Elementals. Next we'll discuss South America's Elemental..." Smoke tends to stand at 6'1 and weigh about 185 pounds; he is tall and lean, rather close to skinny if it weren't for his slight muscular definition. His skin is a light brown, with nearly glowing white eyes and brown hair worn in short dreadlocks. As for his style, he can rarely be seen without his black face-mask and seems to be heavily influenced by a mix of street-goth and techwear, making him look like a character straight from one of the many anime's he watches. In addition to his style of clothing, he has a variety of tattoos and piercings visible, including (but not limited to) full sleeves on both arms, tattoos on his hands, chest, throat, face, and fingers. He also sports a plug earring on his left ear, and a bar across the top of his right ear, along with a dangling earring of a knife. Personality Many believe that while Smoke is the Elemental of smoke and the God of Gods, he is truly the Patron of Hedonism, Self-Indulgence, and Charity. Smoke believes in indulging in personal pleasure at all times, and will encourage and support others to do the same as well. Unlike in his younger years, Smoke rarely seeks out a fight, and is an extremely laid back and calm individual. However, should one aggress towards something he holds dear, they will be reminded why he was once known as the "God-Killer." For the most part, he simply enjoys relaxing, doing drugs, and the occasional fling. He tries his best to avoid romance, however sometimes he can't help but get drawn in by a special someone. Power Form of Element: Smoke's true form is a shifting mass of smoke that radiates every hue and color imaginable, he often carries the appearance of a male human, but can effectively shape-shift into whatever he likes. In addition to his ability to shape-shift, his form makes physical damage nearly impossible, making him practically invulnerably to weapons, magic, and other forms of attack. After all, how is someone able to damage smoke? Elemental Quirk: Smoke's quirk allows him to solidify smoke, allowing him to drastically enhance his strength to near super-human levels, as well as turn his smoke into make-shift weapons and projectiles. Elemental Absorption: Smoke is able to absorb smoke, which he can then in turn control. However, absorbed Smoke dissipates from him slowly, and can not be retained permanently. Likes -Rap and Hip-Hop -Narcotics -Meeting new people -Doing drugs with others Dislikes -Politicians -Moralists -Idealists -Anyone who tells him or others what they can/can't do -Authority Skills -Cooking -Driving -Social Skills -Breaking and Entering Other: Given the amount of time Smoke has been around, as well as the power he has amassed, he is absurdly rich. Like, "make-the-Rothchilds-look-broke" rich. Christian Marcus Ridge Bubblegum Age 23 Gender Male Species Human Chris is tall, standing at about 6'2 and very well built. As a runner and a swimmer, he has extremely toned muscles, although he keeps himself lean through plenty of diet and exercise. Aside from his height and rather attractive face, the only part of him that stands out is his bright pink hair. Surprisingly, ever since he developed his abilities, all of his facial hair has grown different shades of pink naturally, although he does claim it's been colored. Personality Unsurprisingly, Chris is a somewhat bubbly young man; always doing everything he can to be a positive and wholesome person. He's extremely charitable, opting to volunteer at the local animal shelter and food kitchen rather than work well-paying jobs that he is more than qualified for. His optimism is relentless, and he always seems to have more energy and charisma than humanly possible. However, should one get to know him a bit more intimately, they will find that he suffers from severe depression and anxiety, both of which he masks brilliantly to avoid others expressing concern about him. However, he refuses to let these illnesses limit him, nor prevent him from doing what he can to be a force for good. Power Bubble Manipulation: The ability to Generate, Shape, and Manipulate bubbles, a substance that is formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid. Bubble Generation: Chris is capable of generating bubbles from the palms of his hands. However, each bubble he produces limits the amount of accurate control he has over a bubble's property, so he is restricted to using aprox. 5 bubbles at a time. Bubble Shaping: Chris can manipulate the durability and size of bubbles as he sees fit, however doing so requires concentration, so he is limited to creating five bubbles the size of the average person, with enough durability to withstand multiple knife or blunt force attacks. Bubble Manipulation: Chris is able to telekineticly control the movement and speed of his bubbles, however doing so safely requires different levels of focus at different speeds, limiting him to control of only one bubble at speeds of 50mph or higher, and up to three bubbles between 25mph and 50mph. Likes Running, Swimming, Artwork, Music, Cooking, Boys, Girls, and Lending a helping hand. Dislikes Those who prey upon or take advantage of those in poor standing, Those who are capable of helping, but refuse to out of inconvenience or selfish nature, Opening up emotionally, and Bland foods. Skills Chris has exceptionally high stamina and endurance, as well as a very flexible body, making him quite fast for a human. Other Chris is in Grad school, studying racial anthropology. (The history, culture, and anatomy of non-human races.) His income comes from the money he makes off of various publications, and he is considered a young prodigy in the world of anthropology.</s> <|message|>Scarlet Emberlee Scarlet Emberlee --- Scarlet was doing her average work in Dashwood Workshop and Smith, creating and repairing for something to show the world. The building of the workshop was right at the middle of the middle so it had customers going in and out everyday with barely any break time. While Scarlet worked on larger projects, the owner of the workshop, Jacob Dashwood worked on much smaller things. The two would have chit chat while working and today was no different. Scarlet continued to work on the large engine she was supposed to finish today, goggles to protect her eyes, but yet she was wearing a dirty tank top with the upper half of her jumpsuit strapped to her waist to form some sort of belt, and a pair of gloves and boots really fit it all together. "So, you moving to the Skyline at any point?" Asked Jacob Scarlet shook her head, "No, I already told you that I'm fine here in the middle." replied Scarlet. "Come on, we can be neighbors!" Jacob said, playfully giving Scarlet's bare shoulder a punch. "You have more than enough cash to move there." He added. "I already told you yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, that I like it here. Imagine Scarlet Emberlee wearing a dress and drinking wine like a prissy little princess, no thank you." Scarlet stated making a mock high pitched voice when she talked about the princess part. "Maybe with that attitude, I think it is best you stay here." Jacob replied. "Exactly, now if you excuse me, I only have 46 minutes and 22 seconds to get this engine running before that pilot picks it up." Scarlet stated. "I'll leave you alone." Jacob replied. "Much appreciated." Scarlet thanked him. Scarlet continued, her veins had a feint glow as her hands moved at a rapid rate, fixing the engine as fast as she could to fit the time limit she was given. Though during this time she couldn't help but think what it would be like in the Skyline, she visits every now and then whenever Jacob invites her over to play a quick game on his console in his house. Scarlet was lost in her thoughts, was Jacob right? Maybe living up there could improve her chances of meeting someone to settle down with... Scarlet then shook her head, she didn't want anything to do with that, Scarlet is fine by herself and she'll settle down once she's old or something. Her mood then shifted, she was happy again once she thought about how well this engine is going to turn out once it's done, or it could blow once it turns on, no matter what happens she'll see that pilot fellow more than once.</s> <|message|>"REDACTED" The bustling centre was not the right place for it. It watched from the shadows, Its form engulfed in them, making it next to impossible to see. With a small turn of its head, it had completed surveying whatever was in sight, and finished mapping out the superstore. A multilevel diagram of the store popped in in the corner of It's HUD, marking out potential targets and locations for It to visit. It sighed, which to anyone else, would have sounded like gears starting up in a car of old. It dropped down from its perch, about twenty metres up, and landed on Its feet, but without a sound. This of course alerted a couple of nearby shoppers, who saw the Thing drop seemingly from nowhere, and they jumped back in fright. It stood up straight, glanced in the shoppers direction, and they made haste in the opposite direction. Another intake of breath, this time seemingly in amusement. And then, as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared again. Its form rippling, then seemingly fading into the tide of new shoppers. Unbeknownst to all, it was making its way to the nearest target displayed on a map. A small weapons store. Something that might be selling what It wanted.</s>
<|message|>Dah'k Rahd SmokeLocation: Middle Shopping Center --- --- The young Elemental's eyes glowed faintly as he watched the masked woman with interest for a few moments, his glowing eyes catching the attention of more than a few passersby. Smoke was the only Elemental currently living in the city, and quite possibly the only one on the continent. Given that there are only seven other elementals at any given point and time, they tend to instinctively flock to separate continents, likely nature preventing the possible clashing of such powerful entities. That being said, his presence anywhere public seemed to amass attention, especially from the more recent generations that were particularly fond of his leanings towards indulgence and pleasure. Although, he barely noticed the awestruck stares as his focus was entirely on the beautiful girl before him, she had him hook, line, and sinker. "I'm digging the mask doll, it's a helluva lot cooler than mine." He said with a wink, pointing to the black medical mask he had covering his mouth and nose. "I'm not so sure how I feel about the dress, but I'm no fashion expert. He continued, giving a raspy chuckle before waiting for the girls response. Perhaps she'd be as fun as she looked.</s>
<|description|>Diego Salazar de Paulo Age: 21 Identity: LATIN Personality: Diego is defined by selfishness and hot-headed self-satisfaction. Diego treats only his friends as anything but a means to an end, and will not hesitate to attack or steal from others to get ahead in life. Brief Backstory: Born into a family of migrant workers, Diego's childhood was fraught with bad experiences and improper life lessons. With few job prospects out of school and nowhere to go, Diego promptly fell in with the wrong crowd. The worst crowd, in fact. A roving band of Hispanic nationalists known only to the public as "Los Hombres Verdes" took Diego under their wing, and within only three years Diego was a full-fledged goon. Thanks to his boundless ambitions, Diego has managed to earn himself a prime spot some distance behind the boss's right-hand man. As a fast man with fast hands, Diego feels now is the time for him to start carving out his own niche. Preferably with one of the dozen knives he has on his person at all times. Your Wish: To be the most famous man in the country. Other: After a brief but enlightening meeting with the Guinness World Records Group, Diego was extremely upset to find out that he is the second-fastest guitarist, gunslinger, and knife-trick showman in the world. Cliches: Uncomfortably Stereotypical, Hot-headed, Rough Childhood, Friends With Criminals, Broken Spanish, Obsession With Music and/or Dancing, Ridiculous Street Clothes</s> <|message|>[/b] It was a difficult thing to be given a real calling after so long without a purpose to draw from. Mathis, a man who had always believed in the supernatural had always believed it to be a thing that looked upon the world forever out of reach. For abilities, for the supernatural itself to touch not just the world, but him personally; it was an affirmation of his beliefs all along. Somewhere out there, beyond the understanding of these mortal men, a god stood, looking down with a grand plan. Perhaps it was part of a grand plan, or perhaps mere coincidence. Mathis had no intention to stay on Oomuri Island for long. He had made a a stop on the for a day as a layover before planning to leave to other things. Needless to say a man in the charity business couldn't afford accommodation beyond a cheap hotel, and when he rose in the morning from the scratchy mattress he felt almost glad to be leaving. Yet somehow, it felt as though something was drawing him to remain here. Feeding him the feeling that there was something to be done. The question was what though... He had studied the card for an hour the night before, looking for some secret meaning behind what the mysterious figure had told him but he had learned little. With a sigh, he decided that if fate desired him, it would need to be more specific in its calls. It was a basic meal Mathis ate, though for him that was normal. A piece of fish caught by one of the locals. A fish he had never seen before and couldn't pronounce the name of even after several tries. But the taste was good and that alone was an improvement on many of his mornings. It was while resting in a park, deciding whether he had simply been overthinking this fate business when a slight glare caught his eye. A blink later he was squinting at the card in his hands while it pulled slightly in his hands. God was intervening after all. Mathis was never one to question god's voice, even if he hadn't heard it before, or in truth felt any pull from a supernatural force. But there was indeed a first time for everything, and he fully intended to follow it here. On a better day, in a better place Mathis may have used a motorcycle to travel to wherever the card was leading him. But he hadn't brought such a thing to the small island he hadn't planned to stay on. He was forced to use the more standard method of public transportation. A bus to the edge of the city and then walking the rest of the way. Slightly out of breath, moving at less of a jog, more of a fast walk; he arrived just in time walking up a hill to see a brilliant white light float into the air. Reached the peak of the hill and looked down into the quarry just in time to see the results of Lance' call of power.</s> <|message|>Hoshu Hoshi The open-air shopping center Laelia Plaza was just starting to pick up its traffic this morning. More cars and other motorized vehicles were starting to fill up the parking lots while the more environmentally cautious or smug commuters were riding there on their bikes and locking them up around racks located outside of the first level stores. The shopping center was in a circular format designed around a central hub where Laelias grew with other greenery. There were two floors to the Laelia Plaza which were accessible by stairs and wheelchair ramps, the bottom floor was home to the majority of the dining options available and held more of the smaller boutiques, and the top floor which held the more prominent chain stores and arcades. On the eastern side of the plaza there was a shop that was between two business that did not succeed.The rightward lot was being renovated for 'Tika's Treasures'. The leftward lot of 'Flavor Bonzai' was being disassembled though there was still a few bits of health violation tape that were clinging on the windows. Nestled between the failed lots was Graffiti Salon, which was flashing in a hard to read font in a rainbow of neon just above the door. Inside pop music was blaring while some technicians were working at their stations which were neatly organized with many skin care, nail care and other products. Another woman with bleached blond hair and an incredibly dark tan was at the front desk, blowing bubble-gum was watching the door occasionally in between looking at the register and more importantly reading a tabloid magazine. Sitting in a chair situated across from the backroom door was the only male in the building. The boy was reclined in his chair with his feet bare, with his socks, shoes and backpack on the right side of the chair. A girl with short blue dyed hair and ear-studs was buffing out the boy's toenails. "Want the ushe, Hosh?" She said while working. "Just the tips? Still white?" Hoshu Hoshi pinched his lips together as he looked at his fingers. "Well..." Hoshi started up, "I was thinking of maybe going with that silvery polish, you know the one that has those really neat sparkles." He looked at his finger nails again, "Buuut, I was thinking that people generally don't see my toenails, and if they did it'd detract from my fingers. Mmmyeah, think I'll just stick with the usual." The technician nodded as she continued to work on his toenails. All the while Hoshu's backpack began to squirm along the floor as it was being pulled by the novelty bingo card within. But Hoshu didn't notice that, as he was focused on the work of the technician. As she finished with her file she placed it down on a table before grabbing the pink foot-bath. Her head poked up as she glanced at Hoshi, "Hey Hosh, uh, your bag?" "Huh?" Hoshi replied as he looked down towards his side to see that the backpack was slithering away! "OH JEEZ!" He hopped out of his chair as the backpack was fleeing towards the front of the store. Hoshi nervously began hopping up and down as he glanced down at his toenails. "Oh right, not painted..." He slapped himself before grabbing his shoes and shoved them both under his right armpit and began to chase after it. As Hoshi was about to pass through the store a thought occurred to him, "Oh sorry! Sorryuhhavemygiftcard!" With his left hand he fished out a card from his gift pocket and flung it towards the receptionist. He ran through the plaza dodging various customers who were eying both him and his moving backpack with confusion, annoyance and even a bit of amusement. "Sorry! Sorry! Gotta get my baaag!" He cried out while his backpack led him to the parking lot. The backpack moved onto Hoshi's moped and got stuck on the handles. "Whew glad it sto-" And that's when the moped began moving forward due to the backpack. "Oh jeeeez..." Fortunately it wasn't starting off that fast, and he managed to get onto his moped. However the backpack was not subdued; and this bingo-card propelled vehicle was taking him on a ride to the rock quarry.</s> <|message|>Ye-Jun Park Ye-jun opened the window to his apartment and leaned outside. Today seemed like it would be an alright day. The weather was nice and it wasn't too busy in town. Ye-jun let the peace slowly sink in. After all, this was his first day off in quite a while and it was perfect. "You know, I'll go to GameLand today and see what's on sale. Not really any point in getting a paycheck if you don't use it.". The feeling of complacent joy was interrupted by a loud crash in his kitchen. He ran over to see what it was. On the ground, shoved against the wall was his bingo card. It had knocked off the plastic plates sitting on the counter when it was moving. "What the hell?" he murmured as he went to pick up the card "What kind of card did that weirdo give to me yesterday?". He let go of the card to watch it be pulled against the wall. Whatever was pulling it had a real grip on it. "Well, I guess GameLand can wait. I can't risk this card breaking anything else." Ye-jun spent about an hour walking around the city, going any which way the bingo card was pulled at, the whole time wondering where this strange glowing card was trying to lead him. He found that the pulling was stronger when he got within view of the quarry.</s>
<|message|>Diego Salazar de Paulo The sun was shining, birds were singing, and a horrendous traffic jam had merrily beached itself on the roads leading to and around the quarry. For some reason, there were people all along the edge of the road, looking into the quarry with bated breath. Diego was not at all interested in the reason why, but certainly did care about the fact that he, his car, and his carpool were trapped right in the middle of traffic. "Oh, come on," Diego groaned. "How can there be a traffic jam here?!" "Well, we're in the middle of the island," said Pedro, quietly sitting in the passenger seat. "Maybe something big is happening down there?" Diego leaned back in his seat, and pursed his lips. "It better be Santa Maria herself comin' back with her baby boy to justify this shit. Ay, Jose! Why don't ya check what people're saying online?" Jose, sprawled across the back seat, stared at his phone. "Nah, man. I don't get data down here. Why don't ya pull over on the shoulder and check it out yerself?" "'Cuz I might lose my spot, stupid!" Diego snapped. "You ain't going nowhere, though," Jose remarked. "Better to get some fresh air than sit here fumin', yeah?" Pedro nodded sagely. "He's right, you know. I gotta whizz real bad, too." "Fuck it!" Diego yelled. "You want me to pull over, I'll fuckin' pull over!" --- --- "This is actually really nice." Diego noted, leaning on the side of his car. "Toldja it'd make you feel better" Said Jose. "Shit's easier when things ain't as shitty, ya know?" Diego nodded appreciatively. The traffic jam, he considered, would pass in time. Whatever was down in the quarry would finish up, and all the pendejos up above would leave. There was no reason to worry. Something scratching at the back of Diego's mind worked its way into his train of thought. "I ever tell you 'bout this weird belt I found?" Diego stated, almost unconsciously. Jose and Pedro looked at him weirdly but inquisitively. "See, last night I was waitin' for the client, y'know? But he didn't show. Instead, some dude came by and gave me a fuckin' belt and Bingo card!" Jose felt something sharp and heavy. Somehow, the exact same belt and card he'd been given had found its way into his hands. He didn't remember getting it from the trunk. "So, y'know, I'm thinkin' 'me vale madre'. It's just some fuckin' toy or somethin', so I put it in the trunk and went home!" "Why don't ya put it on?" Said Jose, eying the belt warily. "'Cuz it's fuckin' stupid-looking, that's why." Diego snapped. Still, Diego felt a weird urge to try it on. What would it feel like? Was what that creep said earlier actually true? Diego slowly looped the belt around his waist, and clicked the buckle shut. He felt ridiculous, but nothing else happened. Diego looked to Jose disappointedly. "Try the card?" Jose responded, pointing at the almost-exactly-card-shaped slot in the belt. Diego slotted the LATIN card into the belt. Nothing happened. What was it that dude said? You need to say something to activate it? What did you need to say? "Transform." said Diego. A tinny voice, from nowhere in particular, began shouting in broken Spanglish. "L-L-L-L-L-LATIN! ENEMIES EN SERIOS PROBLEMAS, M-M-MEET EL ASESINO!" At once, Diego was engulfed in a flash of light. When it faded, Diego looked down in horror. He was wearing spandex. Not just spandex, but skin-tight spandex, hidden only by oversized boots, gauntlets, two ponchos, and a sombrero. When Diego scrambled to tear this horrible Mariachi uniform off, his hands smacked into his guitar. The one that he was certain was hidden in a case at home. Diego looked to Jose, who had already lost a fight against the urge to laugh uproariously at him. This wasn't the worst thing that'd ever happened to him, but it certainly wasn't anything good. Diego could only hope that nobody else had seen this happen.</s>
<|description|>Kishinami Hakuno * Age: 17 * Appearance: Just look at how plain she is! * Personality: A friendly girl with a habit of not really leaving much of an impression, despite her efforts at times. Although tending towards being quiet and keeping to herself, Hakuno is always willing to lend a hand to others. This has led to her being a bit of a doormat when she was younger, however, and has been trying to change that part of herself. It's extremely difficult however - who wouldn't want to help out a fellow student had definitely skipped homework for super important reasons?! Hakuno's tendency to help in any capacity she can seems to stem from her lack of self-worth; as a mage, she falls far below the standards of her family, who were already middling to begin with. While she tries not to pay it too much mind, any setbacks to her progress can hit her pretty hard, and perhaps lead to over-zealousness. At least her time in Fusang seems to have awakened a passion for policing the streets. * Abilities: Element: Air - Like most of her family, Hakuno has an affinity for the Air element. Unlike most of her family, she isn't too well-versed in anything but the most basic of spells. Fortunately(-ish), her family's true specialisation hasn't escaped her grasp. Invoked Censor - This ability is a masking spell, of sorts. It doesn't make her invisible, just so thoroughly unremarkable and forgettable that you subconsciously erase her face from memory immediately after seeing her. This effect only strengthens in larger crowds, though Hakuno lacks the skill and expertise to properly combat any spying tactics that could see through her spell. Stronger magi could also potentially see through the trickery in a short amount of time, as well. * History: As a magus, Hakuno was quite the disappointment when growing up. Her abilities were severely lacking in almost all areas, and progress was slow at best in regards to development. When she was fourteen, it was decided she'd be sent to Fusang for 'higher-quality tutelage'... Hakuno knew it was just a desperate bid to get some use out of her abilities as a magus. It was rather fortunate she had the aptitude to be a Master after all, and during her time in the city, has been able to find interests outside of fruitless training in magecraft, to the point she's become a volunteer enforcer. A duty she takes seriously enough to practice Justice Poses before a mirror in secrecy. * Other: No weird memory disease shenanigans going on here. Maybe.</s> <|message|>Kishinami Hakuno Hakuno could only hope her expression was conveying a sense of security and professional authority when she met up with Jason, though she highly doubted it. Putting aside her general inability to seem commanding in any situation, she couldn't help but worry about the poor guy. That incident must have been extremely taxing for him, physically and mentally. An overnight stay at HQ was hardly going to help him recover from that. Still, until the investigation was fully resolved to the CF's satisfaction, he would be under the watch of Saber and herself. Hopefully Hakuno could do something to help ease his mind. Though as Benienma voiced her opinion, the walkie-talkie crackled to life with a message for the young Master. Somewhat surprised, she made her way to the main desk with the other two in tow. What awaited her was a message. "...I feel like we're seeing each other a lot," Hakuno murmured to herself with a small frown. She hoped it wasn't something too serious troubling the nice lady. Was it related to the incident after all? Any new information would be more than welcomed, after all. Jason would have to tag along, but it might be good for him to get some fresh air. The plain-faced Master came to a decision, to meet Kiara as soon as available. @VitaVitaAR</s> <|message|>Mihama Nanako Mihama Nanako Nanako... wasn't about to try and make Melt follow her. It would just make the Alter Ego frustrated, there was no reason to make her even more annoyed. But, to her surprise, when she reached the elevator her Servant had already caught up to her. She'd been so hungry, so desperate to eat, she had barely even realized it... "Ah..." She simply held the elevator open to let her in without another word, shutting it just as quietly. "..." She wasn't sure what to say. Even after everything, there was a small part of her that hoped, wanted, to try and make things better. Nanako didn't want this kind of relationship with her Servant. But she still had no idea where to start. Do you really think someone who poisoned you to try and put you in your place wants to be your friend? If she was being honest with herself, Nanako didn't think so... but there was a small part of her that was just a little hopeful. Just a little. She had to be when she had finally managed to summon a Servant, right? Her stomach audibly growled. "... Ah, er, I'm just running to get something to eat..." said Nanako, scratching the back of her head as the elevator reached the ground floor. --- After a few moments, both Master and Servant were permitted inside. The nervous center of Fusang was contained within the enormous black windowless tower that stood at the very center of the city, a towering structure that was only outdone now by the in-progress Space Elevator. This was where the city's administrators did their business, and it was also where the artificial intelligence that moderated many of the island's systems was contained. A pair of girls, seeming quite close to Serene herself in age and both clad in blue vests and pencil skirts with white undershirts, asked for them to wait a few minutes. Moments later... One of the city's administrators greeted them personally. It was by all accounts a child, no older than nine or ten, her small body clad a rather unprofessional-looking white sundress. But her skin was deathly pale, her white hair ending in oddly-squared-off tips. Her crimson eyes were quite striking, and although she was quite a cute child... the fact that her teeth appeared to be rather sharp, razor sharp in fact, was rather disconcerting. And yet she simply gave a cheerful smile. "Hello, I understand you wanted to access the city's systems more directly? Or something of that nature~" she cocked her head to one side as she spoke. "Ah, but you're waiting for someone to join, aren't you? That's fine~ I'll wait too." She waved her hand idly. Did one of the people in charge of running the city really have so little to do that she could simply sit around and chat? It seemed to be the case. @1Charak2</s> <|message|>Liu Jiang (Jason Liu) Jason Liu Though Jason had no particular reason to make remarks about the situation he was in, being able to barely catch what his overseer had said under her breath caused him to pause, if only for a moment. It was not his place to pry into the matters of others (doubly so given his current position), but at this point there was nothing to be done other than follow the Master and her Saber as they left the building. The address provided with the transcript was not too far from their location, for better or for worse, and soon enough the group of three were standing in front of a Buddhist temple, its exterior stylized to fit in with the rest of the city. Opening the door inside, of course, would cause the smell of incense to rush out from inside. To Jason, the scent was not particularly unfamiliar, though it was a bit too overpowering for his tastes. "Oh?" From inside the temple itself, the woman who had requested Hakuno's presence—one Sesshouin Kiara—promptly got up from her prayers in front of the Buddha statue in the center of the hall and gestured for them to enter. "Please, come in; I am happy to see you responding to my request so soon." @VitaVitaAR</s> <|message|>Alkyrieaze von Einzbern. Alkyrieaze von Einzbern Catching up late, but not so late as to rush through the doors--not that she would have stopped for someone, just shown them some puppy-dog eyes and kept going--was the Einzbern. Dressed today in a pastel hooded jacket and shorts, she very much didn't look like the elegant lady of her forebears. The old man didn't deserve that sort of obedience and wasn't here to correct her. With Altera and the administrator here, the prevalence of white hair and red eyes was getting quite alarming. "Really, that I don't have access is a tragedy of itself," she grumbled, looking at the sharp teeth and wondering what was going on here, "Makiri is dead and the Tohsaka aren't here. At least one of us has detailed experience with these things. And that's the problem... something is interfering with the Command Seals."</s>
<|message|>Kishinami Hakuno Hakuno had never really taken much notice of the temple before. Probably because of how it had been built? She had been vaguely aware it was here, but it always escaped her notice. This poor temple. You suffer the same curse, don't you? Hakuno sympathised with the lifeless building as she placed her hand to the door. To be overlooked even in plain sight... truly, it was a lonely existence sometimes. After a moment, she finally pushed the door opened, blinking as the smell of incense washed over her. She hesitantly stepped inside, unsure if there were any particular customs to follow when entering a Buddhist temple. Kiara called for them quickly enough, and the brunette approached with a small smile. "Good day, Kiara-san," Hakuno bowed her head slightly, "I brought Saber and Liu-kun with me. You... aren't in trouble, are you?" Berserker - Guan Yu She was still bitter over the conclusion to her previous match, no matter how much she tried to deny it. Guan gripped her frozen weapon tightly as she awaited the moment to march onto the battlefield once more. This duel would be a chance to make up for her failure from before. When she disgraced her father's name by losing to a mere oni. Maybe it was the Mad Enhancement colouring her thoughts, but losing to a 'mere' monster had been a powerful blow to her pride, to the point that Guan had decided against further battles in the near future. How could she fight on, knowing that she had brought shame to the god of war? And yet that tiny, excitable knight of the Round Table had convinced her to lift her weapon today. Beneath the masked helm, Guan smiled. That girl was so... genuine? The Berserker could tell she possessed a kind heart, and those eyes of hers belied an inner strength. Guan did not consider herself to be a warrior, but as the representative of Guan Yu, she felt that Gareth was an opponent worth his time and praise. How could she simply sit back and let this chance pass her by? And so, she stepped into view, the very air seemingly chilled by her armour. She would give this fight her all, and aim to win!</s>
<|description|>Kaitlyn Elise Holliday Aliases: Kate Age: 23 Birthday: December 29th, 1993 Nationality: American Ethnicity: Russian-Kazakh Birth Place: Burlington, Vermont, USA Current Residence: Los Angeles, California, USA Gender: Female Education: Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southern California Job: Suspension Specialist at Webbsport Tuning --- --- Appearance Height: 5'9" Weight: 150 lbs Build: Skinny Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Skin Tone: Fair Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A, but she wants a nose ring someday. Personal Style: Kate's style is basic in theory, yet exotic in execution. She owns one dress, which she busts out in formal events every so often. Other than that, she's most commonly seen in a t-shirt, jeans, and whatever pair of sneakers goes with her outfit, with a sweater in chilly weather. However though, what makes her outfits more exotic is the branding of her apparel. Kate doesn't shy away from big name streetwear brands like Supreme, Bape, Crooks and Castles, etc. She likes her jeans skinny, her t-shirts a little baggy, her hats worn backwards, and her shoes a little loose. As Kate does have perfect vision, she doesn't need glasses to help see. Kate also does wear her hair down very often, only having it up when she's working with things that could she could get it trapped in. Despite her very lazy nature, she does put a lot of effort into her appearance. She follows a strict and tedious skincare routine and does have adept knowledge in applying makeup by herself (although she rarely wears it). --- --- Psychology Shallow * Dedicated * Ambitious * Oblivious Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship Status: Single. She has yet to have her first kiss. Personality: Kate, to put it simply, is a very shallow person. Whether it's actually the way she is or if it's because she doesn't know how to acknowledge her own feelings - it comes across the same way. She seldom gets into feelings with anyone, often opting to direct conversations away simply because she does't care. She doesn't care how she feels or how anyone else is feeling. She cares more about her vehicles and her dog (a Samoyed), Bella. Despite her inability to properly convey her feelings in general, Kate is very excellent at gauging what someone is feeling. It may sound contradictory, but she has an incredible ability to read people like a book. However though, if you get her to talk about her cars (which isn't really that hard at all), she lights up like a Christmas tree in December and goes on and on about it. Habits: * Immediately steers herself away from anything that gets touchy-feely. * Keeps her bottle caps tucked in a bottle until she gets off her ass and empties it Hobbies: CARS Fears: * Airplanes * The ocean * Heights Likes: * Cars * Her dog, Bella * Craft beer (has to be craft beer, she doesn't like many big brands) * Hip Hop * Video Games * Clothes Dislikes: * Airplanes * Touchy-feely shit * Tomatoes * Small cars * Pickles * Frogs --- --- Extras Character Quote: "Okay..." Theme Song: Post Malone ft. 21 Savage - Rockstar Anything Else: * Is a full bonafide virgin. She has yet to have her first kiss, let alone lose her virginity. * Drives a tuned Mitsubishi Evolution IX but is in possession of a Porsche 911 Carrera 993 shell she intends to fully restore one day. * Her favorite types of beer are honey ales, blonde ales, and American IPAs. * Ambidextrous - she writes with her left hand and does literally anything else right handed. * Is incredibly fond of Chinese food.</s> <|message|>Kaitlyn Elise Holliday Somewhere... Athena sat at a table, a bright light illuminating the entire room as she had her hands on the table. A quick look would reveal that the woman was in the midst of cleaning and putting together her Sig Sauer P226. The gun was assembled for the most part, the bottom frame being completely assembled. All that was needed at this point was for the slide to be installed, and that was that when it came to the gun being operational once again. Taking the black part, she picked it up, the other half to the gun in her other hand, and slid it back until it locked, the gun exposing its empty chamber as she glanced inside, to double check her work. As expected, it was as clean as a gun should be. Athena hit the slide release on the gun, letting the slide rack forward and snap into place as she set the gun down, now ready for use. --- Miami, Florida, USA "Ay caramba." Valentina sighed, leaning back in her chair. The waves of the Atlantic Ocean were crashing onto the beach as she enjoyed the sunlight that Florida typically offered. She turned over to her friend, who was also soaking in the sun with her. "This Zoe lady is gonna drive me nuts." Valentina rolled her eyes, "But, she's the only person who's just as crazy as I am when it comes to this stuff." Valentina flopped back around, putting her sunglasses on her face. "Don't involve me in your crazy shit. That's your alley and I want no part of it." Her friend replied. Valentina scoffed, shaking her head. "There's crazy, and there's crazy for crazy alley." Valentina's friend laughed. "What's the worst that can happen?" --- Los Angeles, California, USA "And now introducing: CASTROL Valkyrie Racing!" Kasumi, along with the rest of her team walked out and waved to the crowd, who were all standing and clapping for the newest team on the grid. It was an exhilarating feeling to finally be a part of Formula 1, the pinnacle of motorsport. Everyone sat down at their seats, with Kasumi being on Kimberly's right hand side and Hugo being on her left. The crowd settled very quickly, as the emcee carried out formalities and introduced everyone. It didn't take long for questions to start being asked. The emcee picked a random reporter to ask a question, who promptly stood up and cleared his throat. "David Chester from F1Weekly, this one is to the rookie driver, Kasumi." He said, before the camera and attention shifted onto her. "What are your expectations for this season for yourself and for the team, given the fact that both you and the team are new to Formula 1." Kasumi nodded, and looked at the journalist. "My goals for my debut season is to show that I deserve my seat in Formula One, and as for my team, we both agree that the expectations are to put me in the best position for success. I trust that Kimberly and Valkyrie Racing will do a very good job at that." --- Los Angeles, California, USA A quick turn of a wrench did it. Pulling the socket off of the bolt, Kaitlyn had managed to adjust the aerodynamics of her spoiler to the point where she determined would provide the best amount of downforce for her driving style. She liked her cars to be very grippy, and have a stable rear end. She didn't trust rear ends that kicked out. Putting the ratchet wrench and accompanying socket away, she shut her toolbox, before looking over her Mitsubishi Evolution IX, ready to be thrown about and thrashed at tonight's festivities. Her buddy, Magnus, had sent her an invite to tonight's events, and Kaitlyn was more than grateful for it. It was yet another opportunity to show off her tuning prowess and just what exactly she could do with a car, for both driving and tuning it. Her Evo was a car she'd been developing for quite a while, always tinkering with it just a tiny bit to achieve perfection. Hopefully, if her calculations were right, she'd be able to really tear up the streets tonight. Climbing into the car, Kaitlyn locked up whatever she needed to before she set out for the somewhat long drive to the other side of town. Not like she minded, it gave her a chance to get the new adjustments she made to the car down. Turning the key to the ignition, the four cylinder engine inside of her car roared to life, crackling and popping as Kaitlyn gave it a few revs. The gray car was eventually shifted into gear, slowly rolling out of the driveway it was in and onto the street, before Kaitlyn floored it, the 4G63 popping and roaring, the tires squealing as it fought for traction and made its way toward the venue. A bit of a drive later, and Kaitlyn had arrived to what was unmistakably the event. There were so many cars around, ones that weren't exactly cars you saw every day on the streets. McLarens, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, you name it and it was there. Magnus sure knew his way through the car scene in this place, because he had managed to organize a massive congregate of sweet cars in this very spot. Kaitlyn might've looked cool on the outside as she found a parking spot, but inside, she was practically geeking. So many people she could talk to and so many cars she could check out. She was itching to get out and see what she was in the company of. Rolling through the parking lot, the Evo sputtered and popped as she eventually found a parking spot. As was customary in the car community, Kaitlyn pulled a bit forward in front of the parking spot, before slowly backing her way into the spot. Cutting the ignition to the car, the car settled down, as Kaitlyn climbed out and put her own pair of sunglasses on. California still managed to be bright as fuck, even in the evening hours. Walking around the front of her car, she could immediately spot Godzilla. Not the giant lizard that attacked Japan every now and then, but the Nissan that terrorized Bathurst and many touring car series many years ago. Kaitlyn had seen a couple over here from time to time, but they were so rare that it was definitely worth checking out. And just to Kaitlyn's luck, someone who she could assume was the owner was nearby. "Hey, nice car." Kaitlyn smiled, before looking the car over, studying the car rather intensely, "How'd you get one of these over here?"</s> <|message|>Maxwell "Max" Parker Max nodded, turning around to see the sight of the girl adoring his Skyline, stopping him right in his tracks as he looked back, tilting his sunglasses up and chuckling. "You know how it is, same way they do overnight parts shipping from Yokohama. Straight off the boat. She's still a work in progress but....I just had to get it out here. This is all a bit insane!" Max said, his soft northern English accent blending with the Manx, a hearty and wholesome accent that wasn't like Ross's, a hearty Scots one- but a more English, clear and concise accent that didn't hide the cheekie-chappie that Max was. On another note though, he had to just take the girl in, her demeanour inquisitive, clearly someone who wasn't just here to oggle at cars but drove one. Nerding out, but understanding the machinery. Something just said that to him, it just came naturally, as he smiled, patting the bonnet, as he sighed. "Glad to hear someone appreciates Japanese tuners too. Nothing like a well oiled machine made by people who know their engineering. Don't get me started on the last BMW I had....what about you?" Max added, chuckling as he looked across to another pair of Porsches coming in, sighing. "Damn, this really is Magnus's haunt alright....sorry, I haven't introduced myself at all. I'm Max Parker, and yeah, "he's from England"..." He said, in a sarcastic American tone right at the end, a little self-aware of the fact that he was a Brit in the streets of LA, and he was always gonna stick out like as sore thumb. She seemed cute, whoever she was, very pretty, and had a charm, a mechanical interest that wasn't of some dumb random girl who saw a Skyline once- but actually took notice. Whoever she was, Max was piqued, but hey, plenty of women were getting into cars these days- so probably another one of those, he reminded himself before jumping to conclusion.</s>
<|message|>Kaitlyn Elise Holliday So this car was fresh off the boat. Kaitlyn wasn't sure what she was expecting. There was no other way this man could've come in possession of such a legendary car. Standing up from closely examining the finer details of this car, Kaitlyn only nodded as she readjusted her sunglasses, making sure it was shielding her from the sunlight. Now begged the question of the hoops he went through to get this car here. Every gearhead and their mother in this country knew just how difficult it was to get a car like that over here. Especially with the canning of Motorex, getting a Skyline over here was a process that had many hoops that had to be jumped through. This man seemed like a huge car geek, and was definitely very enthusiastic about his car. Kaitlyn was the same way when it came to her car. Any question about her car and she would've been able to speak a practical dissertation on it, or be able to pull off a filibuster just talking about her car's suspension setup. Not many people assumed that Kaitlyn knew her way around a car, but rest assured that she very much did. She did nearly all of the work on her car by herself, save for a few tweaks with electronics and wiring because that was always a pain in the ass no matter who you were. Moving from BMW to Nissan was an interesting move, a wise one, but still nevertheless interesting. After the man finished talking and introducing him, Kaitlyn reached a hand out to shake Max's. "I'm Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn Holliday." She smiled, before turning back to look at her gray Mitsubishi. She took her other hand and pointed it over to where she was looking, before looking at Max. "That's my car. Built it up myself."</s>
<|description|>Jason Diabolus Age:17 Parent: Tartaros (Roman Verison of Tartarus) Personality: He is smart, sometimes kind and very protective over the weak. His morals are only that he will win at all costs, except for that which will harm those he cares about. He was Gaea's weapon, but he escaped. He also has a strong desire for somebody to care about him. He has thrived at Camp Jupiter and has risen to the rank of Praetor. Weapons: Soul Edge (image of sword is Soul Edge). The sword can asorb the essence of Gods, Giants, and Titans. Making Jason the one of the only mortals capable of killing a god. Powers: Dark Gravity: He can manipulate a sort of dark energy to pull objects or beings towards him, or throw them away. Enhanced Strength: Like his father, Jason can easily over power a titan or Giant in a battle of strength. Monster Creation and Lordship: He can create any monster including those which do not exist, and has complete control over them. Essence Asorbtion: Jason can asorb the essence of an immortal into his sword. Just as any other child of a primordial can) Bio: Jason never knew his mother. All he knows is that she was brought into Tartarus by the Primordial God himself. Raped, forced to bear Jason and his sister Tate, the murdered. Jason was to be a gift from Tartarus to Gaea. To bring forth their era. Things didn't go as planned. He escaped when he was only four, and returned a year later to get his newborn sister from the god. Jason has since raise Tatus on the run. They lived in the pit, seeing the horrors on the pit everyday until Jason turned 15 and found a way out. Since then he has lived at Camp Jupiter and became Praetor of the Camp after helping them defeat Gaea on her second coming. He has always ruled well, with his best friend and mother figure, Shriekr at his side. Shriekr, the first of the Xenomorph species was Jason's first creation. A fully sentient and telepathic monster. Created to resemble the nightmares he saw every day. She protects him fiercely, seeing Jason as her son. Recently she mutated and became a Xenomorph Queen. 30 feet tall and even more intelligent than before. She can now lay eggs which will hatch a fully grown Xenomorph. Queen Shriekr still stays with Jason. Protecting the boy she sees as her son. Shriekr: Apperance: Jason is 6 Feet 2 inches tall.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus Jason lunged towards the god, who disappeared just before the boy managed to catch him. Jason growled in anger. "COME BACK AND FACE ME, COWARD. I SWEAR I'LL YEAR YOU APART" He screamed as he looked around, protective over the girl behind him. Then he turned to look at Estelle. "Shit." He said before looking at Teia. "You. Daughter of Moros. Come here. Help me get her back to camp" Jason said to Teia quickly.</s> <|message|>ADRASTEIA "Oh, well its nice to meet you too." She laughed, stepping forward to support the shaky girl. "And I'd prefer to be called Teia." Looking back and forth between the two, she smiled. Teia was gifted with the future, and the future of these two was very entertaining. 'Oh this will be fun..' She thought to herself.</s> <|message|>Estelle When they reached the camp there was a rush of wind as Phoenix landed. He had been away hunting but had come speeding back upon feeling how distressed Estelle was. He gently took the girl from Jason and cradled her to his chest, mind enveloping hers. Estelle? What is it? What's wrong? He waited anxiously for an answer. The reply came, weak and fragile. Loki... All it took was that one word and a snarl escaped Phoenix, smoke curling from his nostrils, rage filling him upon hearing that name. He knew exactly what the God had done to Estelle and just thinking about it made the dragon want to rip the insane deity limb from limb. He glanced around at the gathering demigods that wanted to know what was wrong. Knowing Estelle wouldn't want the others to see her like that, Phoenix pressed her closer to his breast and spread his wings, taking to the air. He flew up high over the camp, hoping the feeling of the soothing wind would calm the girl. After flying for a few minutes he felt Estelle stir and he slowly released her as she spread her own wings and began drifting next to him. She then quietly filled him in on the meeting between herself and Loki, Phoenix injecting growls here and there. Once the tale was finished they drifted silently next to her. Estelle was wrapped in her own thoughts and Phoenix knew well enough to leave her be for the moment. Estelle knew that next time she was face-to-face with the God, she couldn't freeze up. She couldn't let her fears get the better of her. She would be ready next time he decided to pay her a visit.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus Jason watched as Phoenix took Estelle and took off. He debated going after her but decided that the demigods on the ground needed him much more at the moment. "Get back to your duties. Let's ensure they can't launch another attack like this morning" He says to them. They all nod and move off to continue working on making the camp a large fortress. Jason turned to Teia. "So, Teia... your father is Moros?" He said, trying to get a feel in his mind for what this girl could do. Also trying to figure out whether or not she is an enemy of his. The boy crossed his arms as waited for an answer</s> <|message|>ADRASTEIA Teia wore a ghost of a smile, looking down before straight back up into Jason's eye . "He created me, yes." She was unsure of just how much to reveal. Fate was a fickle thing, a little to much knowledge could throw it off course. "I intend to serve with you and the other Demigods to over throw the Olympians. I ask for nothing special, I'll be happy with a foot soldier position."</s> <|message|>Estelle Phoenix and Estelle flew for a few moments more before Estelle asked when Phoenix had eaten. He then admitted he had stopped his hunt and flew back upon feeling her fear. A sense of guilt washed over her and she angled her wings towards the west, stating they had time for him to hunt and maybe pick something up for the camp to eat tonight. Phoenix agreed and off they went. They returned an hour later with a cow clenched in Phoenix's claws. They dropped it off at the Dining Pavilion where Phoenix stayed to help prepare the animal for the meal. A few of the kids from the Demeter cabin showed up to help. As Estelle left the pavilion she knew that they would be no burning food for the Gods tonight. She gazed around, noting that the rest were hard at work fortifying the camp. She eventually spotted Jason and she walked over, giving him and Teia a small smile. She felt better than she did earlier though she was rather embarrassed they had to see her like that.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus Jason studied Teia. "You're hiding something. I'll grant you the benefit of doubt, but mark my words. Betray us and you will beg me to kill you" He says simply before looking her over a second time. "Welcome to the Cause" He says. The boy was interrupted by the return of Estelle. He turned around upon seeing her and hugged her tightly. "If that bastard dares show his face again I swear I'm going to tear it off" He says softly into her ear, trying to comfort the girl as he had during times of old.</s> <|message|>Estelle Estelle felt a jolt of surprise run through her when Jason turned and hugged her. She stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, not used to display of affections like this. She wasn't used to affection at actually, human affection that is. Phoenix shows affection but its in a different way, a sibling or parental way. Was Jason hugging her like a friend? She couldn't imagine what else it could be. Her arms came up and she hesitantly wrapped them around him, wondering if she was doing it right. Having been locked away in a place where affection is nonexist and pain and misery is the very air the doctors breathed, she hadn't been hugged since the last time she had seen Jason, which was fourteen years ago. After a few moments passed she felt her body relaxing against him, resting her head against his chest. She heard it rumble as he talked and she looked up at him. "He'll be back, he just can't seem to leave me alone." She replied back softly.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus "Then he will beg me to kill him." He whispered quietly to her. Holding the girl for a bit longer before he let go and stared at Estelle. "So. We've got to figure out how we are going to strike back against the Gods, now then don't we? " He askes the girl.</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunter would walk up to the demigods. "Excuse me, But fighting the gods isn't so... easy." Hunter would point to his eye patch. "A handful of us still remember the effect from last time we tried. But if you remember New York, it didn't work, at all. Only this time, the gods are out for blood. A lot of it." Hunter would sigh. "So unless you have a plan, to take out the gods, Most these demigods are too scared to fight their parents, or to fight them again. But the ones that are still willing to fight, Those are the ones you are going to need the most right now." Hunter would look at them. "Oh ya, i'm Hunter, Former field officer for the Titan army. And the main reason you guys didn't have a tank to deal with at the empire state building." His ego fueled, Now he feels he was correct, for once a lot more demigods have noticed the corrupt power ofthe gods, or are scared enough to stand up to them. Hunter would hold his hand out to shake.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus Jason looks at the boy in front of him. "Don't tell me how to fight my war. My Legion had more victories than this camp and they were all terrified. Only an idiot isn't scared when they fight. I have many ideas of how to kill the Gods. Besides, I've killed bigger than the Gods"</s> <|message|>Hunter Monroe Hunters smile continued. "Right you are! But fear can only get you so far in a fight, And we are not fighting just One god, We are fighting all of them. Think about something, at any given time there's about 300-600 demigods between the two camps. If I am wrong feel free to correct me, But how many of those 600 do you think are still alive right now?" By this point Hunters smile was gone. "Most of us are in too poor condition to fight, either by physical injury or by emotional. We are not ready for another God war. If you have a plan, great. But we need to do something with the demigods who can't fight. Camp isn't safe anymore."</s> <|message|>Estelle Estelle looked over at the camp. "We need more warriors if we're going up against the Gods." She said, frowning thoughtfully. Phoenix landed next to her and nudged her mentally. I've been thinking. What about the others we left behind at Fallen Shadows. They respected you there and you have been unhappy about the fact that you were unable to free them as well. Estelle turned to look at her dragon and smiled. "That's an excellent idea Phoenix." She turned back to Jason. "I know where we can get extra warriors. Just give Phoenix and I a week at most and you'll have them."</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus "You're not going alone. The Gods could attack you and overwhelm you both while you are en-route. Classic tactics done by you greeks, ambush the major threats before they can strengthen themselves." The boy responded, at that same moment a hole in the ground open next to Jason, he held out his left arm and caught a blue sword that flew up by its handle. The boy slipped both swords into sheaths on his back so they crossed in an X. "You're not going alone"</s> <|message|>Estelle Estelle frowned and folded her arms as she stared up at him, not even blinking in surprise when another sword appeared from the ground. "Well you can't very well come with me and leave the camp undefended. Phoenix and I can move faster if we're alone. We need these warriors. Besides, I have my keys." She told him, a stubborn set to her jaw.</s> <|message|>Jason Diabolus "You're right I can't leave it undefended. Fortunately I actually have faith in our fellow demigods. Not to mention, they're not alone" Jason says as another pit opens and an army of Xenomorphs crawl out of the pit. They take position around the camps borders. A group of 4 approached Jason. "Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Due to Shriekr's.... absence (the boy couldn't bear the thought that she was dead) you four will ensure that the camp stays safe from attack. Organize your brethren as needed, and protect the campers. Should you begin to become overwhelmed, you know how to reach me. I'll always be listening in." He said, all buisness before turning to Estelle. "I'm going"</s> <|message|>Estelle Estelle scowled at him before sighing. She knew that look in his eyes. It meant he had his mind made up and absolutely nothing would change it. She briefly considered flying away before he could react but her heart clenched at the thought of doing that to him. She climbed up onto Phoenix, knowing he would be faster than her and offered her hand out to help Jason up onto the dragon.</s>
<|message|>Jason Diabolus Jason responded by lifting into the air himself, his Dark Gravity able to hold him and propel him at any speed humanly possible. "Let's go. Lead the way" the Roman Praetor says softly to the girl as his eyes scan over her and the dragon</s>
<|description|>Alphonse "Al" Valkanos Appearance: Al's a bit taller than average, with decent muscle tone, but his long limbs make him look leaner. His hair is a ragged, unkempt mop of muddy brown, and his facial features are surprisingly soft. Albeit, he's usually got a bruise or bandage marring them. His dress style is pretty casual; he mostly wears loose fitting denim pants and untied boots, with a tee shirt and dingy leather coat up top. On his back he typically keeps three or four large greatswords, of ordinary make, kept in a sling. Gender: Male Age: 18 Year Level: 1st (he was held back two years) Faction/club: Boxing Club Neophyte Power: Superman- Al is strong - much stronger than his frame would even suggest; he can crumple metal with his fists, throw heavy objects, and lift big things, like a small car or chunks of the classroom's floor. He's durable to boot- It's pretty common for other students to take a sledgehammer to his face, because anything less probably won't phase him. Naturally, his self-taught fighting style takes advantage of this, and focuses on Al throwing his momentum around to deliver maximum impact haymakers. Drop kicks are common, as are wild punches, suplexes, and throwing whatever's handy, up to and including the enemy. Additionally, Al carries around several greatswords, since he finds their length and mass are good for slinging around. Also he thinks they're cool. Perhaps the biggest downside is that his muscle mass isn't proportional to his strength. A fighter with the same strength levels but more muscle mass, for example, has an easier time throwing Al than the other way around, and naturally has an easier time putting more force behind blows. Bio: Al is by all means a kind, well-meaning person, with an understanding of the importance of friendship. He just happens to have a wild streak, and that streak just happens to be rather good at hitting stuff really hard. Upon entering the school, his physical abilities had administrators expecting him to be a B or even A ranked student. They quickly discovered, however, how terrible Al was for the school. Almost every time he agreed to fight, Al promptly forgot about the match or was distracted by something else, and upon not showing at the battle arena, lost by forfeiture, damaging his score. His poor grades did not help the matter. Recently, Al's found refuge in the boxing club, hoping they can help him get to and win matches so he can actually graduate from the school eventually. His usage of swords is still the topic of hot debate, mainly between him and literally every other club member. Score: 763</s> <|message|>Trinh Quan Vuong The day had begun the same way Trinh had always begun his days. The sunlight shined from his window through the blinds and hitting him right where his eyes happened to be. This was Trinh's wake up call before days started getting shorter and he had to set an alarm- of course, that wouldn't have to happen until later. He tossed himself out of bed and was quick to get changed. He haphazardly made his bed, just well enough so that it looked alright. He never fully made his bed- it was more comfortable sleeping in an unmade bed anyways. Trinh also had the habit of not showering in the morning. After all, he already showered at night. Quickly, Trinh made his way to the cafeteria where he began his day with a meal. As his peers attempted to kill himself, Trinh knew he would have none of that. If he did, he could easily reach to his back where his rifle was slung. A peculiar thing about Trinh was that he only ever slung his weapon when it was time to eat or if it were time for class. For sake of comfort as well as convenience, Trinh walked through the halls with his rifle in the low port carry. Occasionally, he would move tactically from hall to hall. Naturally, others noticed him due to the hallways being so crowded, along with the fact that he was the only one moving in such a way. Trinh never stopped to explain himself. He lacked the proper social skills to do so anyways. Compared to the long, drawn-out classes Trinh was used to back in his home country, class time was a cake walk. He fell asleep in just about every class, staying awake just long enough to catch what the homework assignments were for the week. Trinh never bothered writing his homework down- it was easy enough for him to remember anyways. As the school day came to a halt, Trinh waltzed over to concessions for a quick snack. He didn't have very many points to spend. While he didn't have to spend any money, Trinh reasoned, he decided he would treat himself every now and again anyways. Unfortunately for him, there were people already there.</s> <|message|>Kurosawa Misaki (Kurosawa Miki or just 'Mickey') And so the time had come once more, for today's classes were now finished. Now, something far more paramount could take place. It was the time again, to celebrate and cherish the fine sport of Boxing. Although the events certainly weren't as grandiose as they once were. After all, many peers in this hallowed institution transferred to better schools and snagged actual starting careers in the sport. While they were not at the school, they were celebrated accomplishments to the Boxing Club. After all, the success of their members was success for them, even if they didn't play roles on the campus anymore. And Kurosawa Misaki was quite fond of discussing the accomplishments of those esteemed peers. And they would be discussed, as per tradition. Before pummeling each other in a prime example of the endeavor of the human spirit, it was customary for a quick discussion. Sometimes it was held during the warm-ups, and other times the warm-up exercises came after the meeting. The points that were talked about varied day by day, but it always held these essential parts. * 1.) Kurosawa Misaki would continue to clear up the issue that yes, she was both Miki and Misaki. What with the body morphing, Kurosawa felt it was necessary to continue to present that fact, as there was always someone who thought that it was only one or the other. * 2.) The Club would have a brief discussion of news coming from the World of Boxing. After all, it was important to know how things are progressing on the various circuits, especially as they had their own in them. * 3.) Go over the Rules of Boxing. The rules were always saved for last, because it did serve as a healthy reminder to the members on how to go about punching each other in a professional manner. If there was one thing Kurosawa wanted, besides while wanting more time to practice cheer routines as Misaki, it was to further the progression of the Club's athletes and hopefully get more of them careers on the various circuits. At the moment, Misaki was dressed in her cheerleading uniform, and carried her pom poms in her hands. Today she was pondering on whether or not to cut the meeting a bit short, so she could go out and practice with the others. However, that was probably not going to happen as Mickey felt he had much to cover during this day of club activities. And more importantly, he wanted to instead practice on the sandbag. Such was the difficulties of being a bodymorpher, you never had enough time to do what you want as all your forms. Oh well, it would not be of concern, unless Misaki started arguing with herself again on that. As the classes were finished, and the time for a meeting was at hand, Kurosawa Misaki promptly entered the sparring room of the Boxing Club with a eager pep to her step. It was a rather spacious room with a rather glossy finish on its hardwood floor. Off on the sides there were rows upon rows of heavy-bags attached to fairly used stands. On the back of the stands, there were speed-bags attached. After all, one needed to practice both the heavy-hitting and the fast paced jabs. At the far back of the room, there was a collection of cheap metal fold-out chairs gathered in a circle around a mini-fridge and large chest which itself held many jump-ropes. Some were as pristine as if they were never used, others had handles that were on the verge of breaking. As for the mini-fridge, it's cable was pretty torn up and was attached into a surge-strip, which was attached into an outlet. The fridge usually held a decent amount of Cosmic Protein-shakes, most often they were in Brownie Flavor. All of this was was just a few short paces in front of the locker room. It was here, where all the gloves and much of the work-out clothes were kept, the announcing equipment for those really spectacular and booked matches, spare bells, ring-cards, and even a fairly old model television-if it wasn't laying near the chest due to someone not putting it back. And it was where many of the meetings would take place, if they were not being done with warm-ups, or if there wasn't a really interesting match to watch. But the cynosure of the Boxing Club was in the very center of the room. It was the Boxing Ring. Each side was 5 meters of glory, a standard-if on the smaller size-for a ring. The ropes made the simple pattern of red, blue, red, blue and held the sacred rite of keeping people in the ring. These durable ropes continued to remain elastic and served the boxing club quite well. The floor itself was just plain white, with a green boxing glove logo decorating the center of the ring. This was where the magic took place. Valiant bouts would take place at the sound of the bell, and the fighters duked it out while following the traditions of boxing. No matter if it was a simple spar, or bout for more than just practicing, they all held the same majesty. As Kurosawa Misaki entered the room, she gave friendly waves to the club members who were already there and getting ready for the meeting, in the assumption that it would be held in the main room. Well she waved to those who weren't busy practicing. Yes, practically all of the bags were taken up, heavy and speed-bags. There was a myriad amount of men and an occasional woman, with sweat beating down their glistening chests. They were prepared, they were all decked out in their boxing shorts, shoes and gloves. The room vibrated with the pounding of fist clashing against weighted bags, and the rhythmic bouncing of the speed-bag clashing against the its platform. These men didn't take the time to wipe the sweat from their brow as they continued practicing punches and counter crosses in attempts to move the weighted bags further than they did before. It was a symphony of precision, as each boxer continued bobbing up and down and left to right, while swinging their fists in a mighty show of strength against the bag. It mattered not that their opponent was in fact, an inanimate sand-bag or fast bag, what mattered was that they were locked in a battle which would determine their fates. After all training was serious business. "YO!" Misaki declared, before stopping in a bit of silence. And so, began the morphing of the vocal chords so 'Mickey' could get a response in. "It's time for the quick speech! After that WE FUCKING SPAR! AND KEEP BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF THE BAGS!" With another moment of silence, from her, came the morphing of it that feature once again. However, while she remained silent, the members of the boxer club did not. They roared with excitement as many were finishing up their last set of punches before they had to listen to the speech. Of course, it was not the speech they were excited for. Misaki knew that, no what they were excited for was for the sparring. It was tradition to only spar after the speech was concluded, and as such, the speech was usually quite short, so that the sparring could commence quickly. And so with that Kurosawa Misaki performed a head count of those who were in the main room and then headed into the locker room to count anyone who was in there. She was slowly, but surely being followed by the various boxers who finished up or were finishing their brief set. After all, she needed to be sure that the numbers were right. She didn't want any club members missing for the opening meeting speech, and more importantly the sparring to come shortly after it.</s> <|message|>Meruis Extrelicious Meruis walked out of his last class happily, it was finally time for club activities. School was enjoyable at times but for the most part it was rather simple, far more boring then studying his book and spending time experimenting with other members of the collation, He opened his book and began making his way down the halls his eyes split evenly between examining the new page that he could now access and avoiding other students. Most of them of course moved out of the way, except for a few idiots from the various fighting clubs who thought sticking a foot out would cause him to trip. He merely stepped over them because he had these amazing things called peripherals that some people didn't seem to realize existed. Meruis arrived at the club door and closed his book stepping in cautiously and looking for a seat to begin reading.</s>
<|message|>Alphonse "Al" Valkanos "Ah geez, I'm late!" Al said aloud as he entered the club's training room, shutting the door quietly. He'd only hoped nobody would notice him or the jangling of the multitude of blades on his back. Fortunately for him, his training and fighting uniform was exactly the same as his day clothes. It was too much of a hassle to change every time he had to visit club. The next thing he knew, people would start asking him to get clothes specifically for a job or a wedding or something. Still, he could probably make up for his lack of timeliness with extra enthusiasm. "Captain! CAPTAIN I'M READY FOR BOXING!" he shouted, waving both his arms in the air as he walked over to the girl, who was dressed for team spirit, as was typical. It was probably like tribal war paint. Al made a mental note to pick up war paint before next practice. "I know I haven't been doing so hot with the last few practice matches, but I think I'm picking up a pretty good technique here." he grinned, bouncing on his toes and doing a little shadowboxing to show off his moves.</s>
<|description|>Lord Ysaac (pronounced like Isaac), Of The Undone Isle, Marquess of Lower South Splaxok age: 52 bio: Ysaac was the son of a knight, and thus inherited his Knighthood. Beginning his training early, he was a competent knight by the time he was 18. Having grown up around the capitol, and with other nobility, it was no surprise he had gotten to know some of the other children of nobles, even the then prince Thomas. While initially not close, when a neighbouring country attacked, Ysaac was tasked with protecting Thomas. It was protecting the prince that he lost his left hand. Commended for his bravery, he was given a prosthetic and given the chance to retire, but instead, he opted to continue to fight. Leading the charge at the Undone Isle. After Alderman's coronation, he was given a parcel of land on the boarder of the kindom and the title of Marquess. Occasionally coming back to the capital to help his old friend out. role in the story: War Advisor to the King, Marquess of a small region, veteran knight. other: Ysaac's left hand is an arcano-mechanical prosthetic. A specially built base for the prosthetic is grafted onto the stump where his hand used to be. Most of the frame is solid steel, acting as a support system for the weight of the metal limb. A standardized copper disc engraved with complex runes and a small, polished piece of quartz resting within the center carries the enchantment that allows the device to function. It not only interprets information from his nervous system but also draws upon a small portion of this physical stamina to power the device affixed to it. Having artificial limbs comes with a number of complications, some of which are minor day-to-day annoyances while others can be life-threatening if ignored. Maintenance: Due to the constant risk of damage and mechanical failures mechanical prosthetics require daily maintenance and care. Cold Weather: The steel frame of most prosthetics conduct heat easily and as a result present an incredibly high risk for frostbite at the grafting site in colder climates. Swimming: The weight of even a single mechanical prosthetic can make swimming difficult and potentially dangerous. Anti-Magic: Because the prosthetic relies on an enchantment to function, it will go limp while under the effects that nullify magic, such as Antimagic Field.</s> <|message|>Vyarin Kremazov "Forward, forward!" Vyarin said, whispering loudly as he urged his horse onward. He was surrounded on all sides by carriages, magnificent coaches pulled with all manner of exotic beast. Slowly, he edged his horse through the procession, flitting between those great vehicles while his honour guard raced tiredly along behind him. Of his entire retinue, Vyarin was the only one with a horse. A gift from a baron in one of the neighbouring realms, a man with meagre land to his name but a heart large enough for his entire court. The horse was a magnificent specimen; stout and strong, and could go many leagues without stopping, much to the annoyance of the rest of the party. Vyarin was not concerned, however. These were the men of Prozdy, and their discipline was unmatched in all the League. It was Prozdy arms that won the great victory at the Battle of Zpina's Pass, driving the Overlords across the mountains and securing freedom. They could surely march on. The clattering of armour marked the appearance of Vyarin's confidante; the head of the honour guard and a distant cousin, known to Prozdy as Tellos "the Outlander". His face was reddened, in part by the exertion and in greater part by the intense sun. "A match here would be fortuitous," he muttered, his tongue languid as a brook. He spoke the language of Prozdy, which no doubt would be foreign to any they would encounter in this palace. "If you could establish a personal union here, while your father secures the loyalty of the princes of Vlaga and Perozord, the combined power base could propel us to the forefront of continental politics. Prozdy may become the singular arbiter of power from the Zpina to the eastern sea." "Please, not now. It is hot," said Vyarin, gritting his teeth. The thought of marriage was so distant when he had left his homeland behind. It was like a game to him. Suddenly, as he approached the opulent gates ahead, boxed in by fine carriages he could only marvel at from the outside, he felt the pull of his youth being sucked from under his feet. "There is no better time," said Tellos, leaning a hand on the flank of the horse. It whinnied in response, lowering its head, surely feeling the heat even more than its rider. "All that we achieve contributes in some part to the game of state. At home, perhaps, you are Vyarin. Here, you are Kremazov." "You make my eye hurt," Vyarin mumbled, reaching a hand to his bandages. Tellos shook his head slowly, as all the carriages stopped and the nobles within them stepped with shaky legs onto solid ground at last. Reaching up a hand, Tellos helped the young Prince of Princes down from his horse, and together they tied the creature up to a large tree. "It really is hot here, down in the south, unbearable nearly," he continued, breaking the minutes of silence between them. Tellos didn't feel the need to respond. He never did. The stone-faced man was not quite ten years Vyarin's elder, but a lifetime of standing by his father's side had made him nearly as strange. "You go inside. First. We watch . . . outside. Item. Horse," Tellos had changed to the local tongue, of which they both were hardly fluent. It was a clear enough sign. When in foreign lands . . . Vyarin nodded. They spent their last few moments together rapidly going over a few common phrases of this strange land. "Enchanted to meet you." "I represent Prozdy and the princely clan of Kremazov." "Is this good to eat?" Finally, Tellos patted his cousin roughly on his shoulder, and left to bark orders at the rest of the guard. Vyarin steeled himself, straightening his posture and taking a deep breath. Recall solemnity. At last, he followed the crowd milling through the gates into the palace proper.</s> <|message|>Jinayah THWACK! Out in the courtyard, the youngest princess of Apura was in the midst of a dilemma. Inhaling slowly, she withdrew another arrow from the quiver on her back. Today was the day she was to meet her future husband. Today was… not a good day, in her book. She nocked the arrow, exhaled, and released. The arrow soared straight into the center of the target, right next to the other that she had just shot. Despite everything, her aim was still as true as ever. Jinayah smiled broadly, but that flickered out and faded as her thoughts took over. In her mind, being married meant the end of her freedom. She felt sick just thinking about it. How could she possibly hope to find a prince who understood who she was and why? No, it was impossible. She was going to be stuffed into skirts for the rest of her life, with her beloved bow packed away gathering dust and wood rot. She had been back and forth about it with her sisters in the past weeks since the announcement had been made by their father. Jinayah had been quite vocally opposed to being married at all – she was not even an adult yet, after all. Why marry now? But she understood, even if she did hate the idea. Alliances were important. Being friendly to the neighboring kingdoms even more so. So she went along with it, quashing her thoughts of fleeing and living the rest of her days as some strange, short, unknown archer in a different kingdom. If there was one thing Father had done, it was raise four daughters with courage. "My lady…" One of the handmaidens was in the opening to the archery range, politely calling out for her. Jinayah heaved a heavy sigh, shoulders dropping. "Right. It's time." She took her time collecting arrows and unstringing her bow. After wiping it down and treating it to protect the wood, she headed inside with the older woman to be bathed and dressed. In the bath, she let her hands roam over her muscled arms and warm brown skin. She was not soft and pale like Annalise, or pretty and musical like Marabella, or even popular like Emily. She was just the odd one out, the trouser loving sharpshooter that got strange looks from other nobles. No one would understand, especially a pampered prince from another realm. She was dressed in a soft and brilliant lavender gown, her short black hair brushed to gleaming and decorated with silver accents. At the very least, they had chosen her favorite colors. She knew the handmaidens knew how she was feeling; the servants knew everything. Maybe they were trying to make her feel better. With a faint sigh, Princess Jinayah, fourth of the line, alighted the castle steps toward the main hall. Perfumed and primped and every bit the princess she felt she was not.</s> <|message|>Marabella Marabella Bella sat out in the garden, in her secret spot, it's where she had been most of the morning. Her thoughts were on the Gala, the guests, and most of all the suitors. Needless to say, she wasn't happy about this whole situation one bit. She had even made it clear to her father and sisters how she felt about marrying a complete stranger. Her sisters had agreed with her, but their father gave them no say in the matter. It seemed he had crushed her dream of finding her true love, and it made her heart ache. Though she would do this for her father and for the sake of the kingdom, no matter how much she disliked it and how much it hurt. As Bella sat in the garden, she tried to calm herself by singing softly. As she sang, birds flew into the area to listen and sing along, followed by a fox kit who curled up in her lap as its parent sat close by. She pet the kit as she sang and even brought her tail up and curled it around the kit. When she ended her song, she looked down at the fox kit, giving him a weak smile. To which he gave a whine, causing her to pull him close to her and give a small sigh. "It's okay, Basil." she whispered as she hugged the kit close. She then leaned down and kissed the top of his head. As she straightened back up, her ears twitched as she heard footsteps approaching. There was only one that knew of this spot, her handmaiden. She sighed as she heard the handmaiden's voice ring out. "Lady Marabella." she called out to her as she came into view. "I know……. It's time." she said sadly, as her ears laid back. Bella picked up Basil and hugged him, burying her face in his fur before gently setting him on the ground and giving him a scratch on the head. "I'll try to make it back some time later." she told him. She then took her feet and allowed her handmaiden to take her back into the castle to get bathed and ready for the Gala. Once in her room, the servants placed her into a bath and scrubbed her clean. "Come now milady. Don't look so glum." one spoke to her. "This is for the good of the kingdom." they continued. Bella knew they were right, but couldn't bring herself to give a return answer. She was then helped out of the bath, dried off and dressed in a royal purple gown and her hair was put half up. Another came over and placed a red rose in her hair, they had done nothing to hide her ears as she normally did. So, she took it upon herself to pin them down and hide them within her hair. She didn't want to stand out anymore than she already did with her purple eyes. Once that was done, she was led to the main hall to greet the guest and suitors where she forced a smile upon her lips.</s> <|message|>Emily @Wolvena@Mistress Dizzy@Mistress Dizzy Alexander Prince Alexander sighed as he and his sister entered the castle. His sister, Sarah, glared at him for showing even the slightest bit of cowardice. "Calm yourself! You must show bravery while we are here. Do you understand?" Alexander narrowed his eyes at her. He nodded once. His sister nodded, and then spoke again. "Very good. Now, let us head inside." The two of them would enter the castle under escort and be in the main hall, awaiting the arrival of the other guests. Crown princess Sarah glanced around in a proud, formal manor while Prince Alexander did his best not to sigh with his sister around. He did frown though and kept glancing towards the doorway. He heard the king, their 'host' as he welcomed them all and began some kind of speech. The prince could only hope that he and his bride could at least be friends during their marriage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emily Princess Emily was in the main hall already. She had moved quite quickly, as much as possible, so as not to make her father or sisters look bad. She stood by the staircase and watched as guests had truly started to arrive. She sighed very quietly. She hoped that she was not the first chosen at least, and that whomever she had to marry was at least nice in personality. She dreaded being married to a stranger, especially if he was ill tempered or was simply not a great man to be near. She wanted a loving marriage, one that started out with the bride and groom already being in love. Sadly, that was not to be the case. She glanced around, trying not to look towards her father. She listened as her father welcomed the guests as they arrived. He was giving the usual speech that spoke of them being welcomed there, his hopes for an alliance, and about them all being one big united family, one that could stand up to enemies. She frowned and narrowed her eyes at her father, finally. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The king The king seemed to be all smiled. Although, some would suspect he was hiding something when he smiled like that. However, he was giving a speech. "Welcome esteemed guests, fellow royals, and family......" His speech, indeed, spoke of welcoming them, of them being family, and such. He would glance around at whomever was there so far, not really noticing any frowns or anything, at least not yet. He cleared his throat when his little speech was done. "You may choose whichever bedchambers suit you to stay in during your stay here. You need simply ask a servant to escort you down the halls. The gala shall be tomorrow night. Hopefully, my daughters will be paired with their perfect matches and we are, indeed, a truly united family. Supper shall be ready shortly, if any desire to sate hunger. If there is anything any of you need, you need only to ask. I truly hope you all enjoy your stay in my castle." He smiled...again.</s>
<|message|>Lord Ysaac (pronounced like Isaac), Of The Undone Isle, Marquess of Lower South Splaxok Cornelius Pendergrass entered the main hall. The old wizard looking around. Cornelius was known, at least in passing by nearly all the lands. A traveling scholar, if a little unorthadox. Which is exactly what made him the perfect disguise. Most people had heard of the esteemed Cornelius Pendergrass, but few had ever really met him. He is one of the greatest scholars of the ages, with most libraries housing more than a few of his works. "Good evening. Good evening." Cornelius Pendergrass said as he stepped forward with a curt bow. "My Lord, if you are offering any room in the castle, where shall you sleep?"</s>
<|description|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Character Sheet Age: 15 Gender: Male Height: 5'7" Favourite Gundam series: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Personality: Thomas is the courageously confident child of a mother of three. Being the youngest, he was slightly picked on by the others, usually thrown in the mom-pit to clean up their messes or be the blame for dubious offenses. In the beginning he took it willingly but over the years, he found a love for anime that gradually changed him. He watched colorful heroes stand up for themselves against the world and one day thought "If they can stand up against the world than why can't I against two people?". After that, he found a fire in his gut. He took the dominating beatings of his brother without complaint, eventually earning some form of place between them. To be blunt, its obvious that he's enduring and willful. On the other hand, his love for anime often hampers his work ethic, giving him bad grades and making him not too smart in the brain departments. His sister often calls him "Narutard". History: Born to a middle-class family in New York City, Thomas was the offspring of unfortunate love. Growing up, he realized that his family wasn't any different from many others. His eldest sibling, his brother was into females and cars, while his sister was often busy, out with friends or something other. When they were around, all they did was place blame on him, threaten him, and more often than he'd thought, warmly appreciate his presence. The Law family was closer than most, laughing, crying, and enjoying each other's company as if it was fresh breath of air, was the normal. Thomas was exposed to anime very early in his life, its influence shaped him, taught very important values that many missed simply because they assumed it was cartoons. When Gunpla became popular, he had been so immersed in his anime that he hadn't noticed. It was only after catching his sister coming home late, a model figure close to her, had he learned. Turned out that she was pretty famous in the realm, many had known her as the "RED HOT" aptly named after her Commander Sazabi model. After showing interest in it, she taught him the ropes and little by little developed his own set skills. He once asked her why she hadn't tweaked the Sazabi model, made it her own. She responded with something he'd never forget. She said. "To change something created by another would be like plagiarism. Its a work of art Narutard, you just don't change perfection. You honor it." Thomas took what he wanted from that sentence and imprinted it into his heart. At the age of thirteen he entered into a tournament with his sister and watched in amazement as she worked with ascendant concentration. She decimated the competition, literally. There was no need from him to even attempt to fight along side her, every time he did, she only went out her way to save his model. By the end of the local tournament, the alias: RED HOT, had become a gun-cock in the ears of other Gunpla fighters. For anyone that was actually at that tournament, she was something inhuman, some kind of monster. Eventually she grew out of the Gunpla phase and passed on her knowledge to Thomas, who entered several tournaments and took on the name "BLUE STAR" admittedly a bit close to his own sister's name. By the time he had been invited to Von Braun High, Thomas had been actively challenging other Gunpla Battlers, ripping through them like plague. He hoped to find bigger and better targets at Von Braun, targets like his sister. Gunpla Info Name: Gundam Unicorn: Brave Passion Model number: PPRX-0B Gunpla role: Balanced Offensive/Assistance Gunpla model scale: MG 1:100 Gunpla based from if original: RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Armaments: * 2x Beam Sabers (forearms) * 1x Four-Petal Solid/Beam Shield * 2x 60mm Vulcan Guns Special Features: * RED HOT CREED (RHC) System - It allows the intake of the Plavasky Particles to speed up the performance of the Brave Passion model. Designed by his sister, he's none the wiser of its inner workings but he knows from experience that the suit's much more agile and quick after its activation. It can only last for ten seconds. Description: The Brave Passion model was designed for offense. Like his sister before him, Thomas relies on speed and precise strikes to finish off his opponents. The base model was white but after gaining his infamous name "BLUE STAR" he painted one of its shoulder pieces and its long horn blue. When the (RHC) system is activated, the black parts of the Unicorn glow sapphire. The beam shield appears solid but when activate is coated with a crimson layer that can deflect beam weaponry.</s> <|message|>Alice Blackmore Alice couldn't help but sigh hopefully this store had what she was looking for she been to at least two other shops but none of them had the model she needed to finish the spare gunpla she was building. A Mercurius Suivant with upgraded parts from the Tallgeese it was a defensive style mobile suit though could provide covering fire for those close range mobile suits. While her personal suit was also a custom Tallgeese and carried a double bladed beam lance instead of the standard gun. Shaking those thoughts from her head she set out to find the needed model in this case a Tallgeese II so she could hopefully use the shields to better guard the shoulder joints and give it the dober gun for a better ranged weapon.</s> <|message|>Gary Miller Gary took a cab back to his apartment complex. He was tired and he didn't feel like walking and he just wanted to lay down after doing what he did. The cab driver was a native american man of about thirty years of age by Gary's account or at least he looked like that. "So kid going home from some club?" the driver asked Gary who nodded, "Yep I suppose you could say that. I'm into gunpla you see and I just won a match...aww who am I kiddin' you probably don't know about gunpla." Gary commented with a sigh. The older man simply nodded, "I actually am a friend of a guy who likes gunpla. But I'm not much into that sort of stuff. It's really popular but I'm not an anime guy." the driver said as he turned a corner. "Yeah well to each their own I suppose." Gary commented indifferently. The rest of their drive wasn't very exciting. ...As Gary arrived home he threw his back pack into the corner and flopped down on the couch with a heavy sigh. He looked around the room and it was barren and the wall colors bland. "Wonderful fucking life right Miller?" Gary commented to the air around him. He wondered how much life was going to throw at him. First he ran into some air head lady who didn't even fight her own fights, then he got some hot shot new blood tag teaming with him, and it turns out that the scrubs he fought were just that...scrubs. And here he was looking forward to an actual fight. One good shot with his O's rifle and boop down goes that giant ass rail gun...and don't even get him started on how easily he was able to rush the prick. And then there's that Glansa pilot...what the fuck? Taken out by some new girl? Gary then admonished himself for thinking that way, "She could be a former regional champion for all I know....I mean what am I anyways? I'm a failed contestant for the Jersey tournament for the under eighteen group." Gary said boredom in his voice. He then looked over to his bedroom..."I'm no golden am I a sword of tomorrow...I'm just...Gary and I'm glad for that because I ain't some tool...Ok why the hell am I freakin' talking to myself what am I some weirdo in an anime!?"</s> <|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas and Diane Law - THE BLUE STAR Peter shook his hand and Thomas smiled, tilting his head a bit. "No problem man. I bet if me and you are on a team, we'd dominate any group!" Diane was happy to see her brother getting along with another, he was so hung up on his skills that he often forgot to socialize with other people. This was a step in the right direction. When Diane was approached by another, she turned towards her. "You wanted to Gunpla Battle right? I could tell just from looking at you. But besides that, I wanted to watch my brother's battle. His Brave Passion build was made by the both of us, I wanted to make sure he was using it right. Did you guys win? please tell me I don't owe those jerks a dinner," she babbled. "Also, he didn't lose like you thought he would." Thomas looked over to Diane and the girl. "She thought I was going to lose?"</s> <|message|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus Peter stepped in. "He was close to winning though." He remarked. "I can do with someone like that on the team." His watch played a short tune to show that it should be time to leave. "I will call today a day now." He declared and gave a wave off to say goodbye. Just as he was leaving he noticed that there was the same teacher he bumped into before, which got him suspicious that she isn't just a teacher. He will have to investigate about this tomorrow.</s> <|message|>Marie Asagiri "Is that so Marie said huh well in order we won and I believed he would of lost sine I only saw part of the match and missed the rest." So that was her goal was it Marie thought she just wanted to see the fight huh. "Though to be fair I only thought you would lose due to the fact you lack ranged weapons not that it's a problem considering some gunpla's only having beam sabers and the vulcans as equipment. Still glad to see I was wrong must of been a interesting match. Oh sorry for forgetting earlier my name is Marie Asagiri a regional qualifier for the Wyoming singles tournament." Inwardly she couldn't help but sigh she hated doing this sociable public persona of hers at times made it seem odd when she acted how she normally does when she meets them again.</s> <|message|>Alice Blackmore Alice sighed thankfully they had some Tallgeese models with this she would be able to finish up her extra model and a extra Dober gun for switching out with her beam lance on her personal build wouldn't hurt either she supposed. Her Mercurius Suivant model with the shoulders guarded by the Tallgeese shields and the added Dober gun it should be a solid defense type model good enough to act as a spare gunpla in case her Tallgeese wasn't available. Nodding to herself about that she went to purchase the models she looked around it was getting late from the looks of it and people were starting to leave. Taking that as a que Alice packed up her things and started to head home if anything it would prove interesting to see what the next day would bring. Perhaps she should look at any local gunpla teams and or a school club to join. With that last thought in mind she stepped out the store and decided that when she got back it would probably be best to call it a night.</s> <|message|>Marie Asagiri Deciding to call it a day Marie quickly excused herself and left the store after getting everything packed up. She couldn't help but sigh things was complicated today but that was not exactly a bad thing she corrected herself. If anything she was quite happy with the turn of event's today she was able to do a quick fight even if it was against no name people who had visions of grandeur and she was able to find a model she has been meaning to get. Thinking about it like that it was a rather productive day now if she could start on her next big project while it would not be done anytime soon the gunpla would be one of her greatest works if it goes according to plan. Shaking those thoughts as she reached her apartment she quickly collapsed on her bed and just let sleep overtake her.</s> <|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas Law - THE BLUE STAR After leaving the shop and discussing the officials with the Principle, Thomas walked Diane to the trainstation and waved her off. Sometimes, he really missed her, especially her Gunpla battles but she had reassured him that she was contently done with it. That she had left her mark as RED HOT and that that was enough for her. At the time, he only smirked and let it go but as he laid in bed, waiting for his eyes to close, he became irritated. How could anyone leave Gunpla behind, he could see himself as old as the sun still enjoying the realism. He stared up at the light above him, the flat ceiling making it appear like a bright pimple against a pale face. "Tomorrow, I should go check out that Gunpla club. Yea, I think I'll do that." Then he closed his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep.</s> <|message|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus The second day of school was a long affairs with lessons that Peter will eventually have to catch up on in the exams. He was still distracted with how he will have to form a team quickly before the tournament starts and how there are only two so far with no adult supervision. The lecture on Emperor Justinian's successes can wait. Much to his surprise, he recognised the teacher for his fourth period. It was that German-speaking teacher he bumped into yesterday and saw at the store, teaching chemistry in this hour. "Good morning class, I am Miss Lindemann." She introduced herself. "For our first lesson we will learn about crude oil and fracking." He noticed how the English she spoke didn't have an accent. After the lesson however she was quick to disappear, leaving him unable to ask the question on why she was at the store. When it became lunch break Peter was able to think more freely on how to build the club. He got his lunch of the day: spaghetti beef bolognaise and sat in one of the many seats in the cafeteria. He looked to see if Thomas will appear again to discuss about the team with him.</s> <|message|>Gary Miller Another boring day of bloody fan freaking fantastic! I mean it's not like Gary transferred schools through that programs because he wanted to experience new things right? It's not like he wanted to have cooler teachers right? It's not like he wanted to be the outcast in the middle of a town full of westerners right!?!? All he could do at this point in time was stare blankly at the people in front of him as he placidly shoveled food into his mouth while idly answering questions to the kids next to him about stuff. What he wouldn't give to have something FUN for once in this pseudo vacation! Whatever though it wasn't like he was completely miserable. The people weren't all that bad and the food was decent for cafeteria food. But yeah more to the point he knew no one here he'd call a close friend. "Yeah it's true on the east coast everyone speaks in a stereotypical Brooklyn or New Jersey/York accent...because you know we're all greaser clones." Gary commented to a girl who giggled. Freaking air head what was funny about that?</s>
<|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas Law - THE BLUE STAR He stuffed a hand full of fries into his mouth at lunch. As usual Arnold and Richie sat across table from him, their hands scribbling overlooked notes into their notebooks. Arnold looked up at the lax youth, his brow raised. "You don't study, you'll fail the test dude," he warned as impassive as ever. Thomas only smiled. "Give it up, Arnold, he'll never commit to anything but that Gunpla Battling he does?" "It's the only thing worth the effort," Thomas explained before raising up and swinging his back over his shoulder. "I'll see you guys later, I think I'm going to search for that club now." "Alright man, good luck with it," Richie said as Thomas walked off.</s>
<|description|>Maya Age: not sure... around 17 or 18 she guesses... Weapons: Knife, Small Pistol, Bart (see below) Brief Bio: Maya was once a Little Sister. She was cured by Delta, but left behind accidently when Eleanor left with several cured Little Sisters. Since then she had grown up in Rapture, and grown up quickly. Maya doesn't remember anything about her time before being a Little Sister. She searched through what was left of Fontaine's Orphanage and found the files of all the Little Sisters, but nothing that that was familiar to her. So she took on the name Maya, an name created from the initials of the four girls in files she found without pictures, as she might be any one of them. A stroke of luck for Maya was that when she was cured a Big Daddy still stuck around. She was able to bond with it and it has protected her. (See Bart's CS below for more info) She is very quick and light on her feet. Maya set up a base in Pauper's Drop, but spends most of her time scavenging for food and parts for Bart in other parts of Rapture. She never stays in one place very long, constantly moving about. Other:[youtube]9aRlxHtB0pg[/youtube] (ignore the Little Sister at his side please) Name: Big Daddy, but Maya calls him Bart Age: on the old side Weapons: Drill, Brute Strength, Rage... nuf said Brief Bio: For some unknown reason Bart decided to bond with Maya and has been protecting her ever since. He doesn't have much of a thought process : walk, protect Maya, walk more, look around, protect Maya, walk... you get the idea. He has been her protector and only friend for years, but now Bart is starting to break down. Maya tries to fix him but she is not a mechanic. She knows it is only a matter of time before Bart shuts down for good... and that terrifies her. Other: nothing really... a Big Daddy is pretty straight forward...</s> <|message|>Maya Maya - Medical Pavilion - Bart/Splicers The girl turned away from the window. She had been watching the sea life swim by, sometimes seeing a massive shark. But it didn't pay to watch the scenery too long in Rapture. The great underwater city was a city of death and horror. If you didn't understand that, you didn't last long. She heard the lunatic screams of a female splicer and shrugged. Scavenging wasn't easy, especially in the Medical Pavilion. Steinman's patients and coworkers were still running around. A few even had grenades which they tossed around like confet- BOOM Like that. Maya sighed and rolled her eyes. At least she could tell when they were coming. Sure enough, one of the crazy freaks came around the corner and spotted her. He shouted something at her she didn't even try to understand anymore. He tossed one of his grenades at her, but she dived behind and counter and avoided the debris as it went off. She heard him coming and pulled out her knife. She wasn't going to waste the little ammo she had on this guy. Seconds later she heard a loud groan and the splicer start choking. Smiling, she came out from under the counter to see a Big Daddy choking the life from her would-be attacker. When his face turned purple the Big Daddy threw him across the room, slamming him into a wall. He slid to the floor and didn't move. "Thanks Bart," she said, patting the old Big Daddy on the arm. He made a noise that she always assumed was a hum of approval and the color of the lights on his helmet when from angry red to neutral yellow. Maya examined the grenade box the splicer had been carrying, then looted his body. He hadn't had much : two grenades, some chips and a few dollars. She could use the money in a vending machine for some food she supposed. She'd add it to her stash. The odd pair headed out of the Medical Pavilion, the girl eating the chips and the giant metal man lumbering slowly behind her. Several splicers saw them, but didn't dare attack the girl. They didn't want to risk the wrath of a Big Daddy, especially one with a large drill for an arm. Maya stopped along their path and Bart stopped with her, waiting patiently. Pulling out her knife, Maya did what she always did when she left an area : she scratched a message into the wall. She had left the same message her multiple times so she just deepened the words so that anyone who came across them knew they were fresh. She didn't know why she left the message. Maybe a feeble hope that some day someone who wasn't a crazy spliced up psycho would see them and find her. A cured Little Sister perhaps, or maybe someone who was like her, struggling to survive down here. Someone she hadn't come across yet. Either way, it was a habit now. One that she hoped would pay off one day. The message: I AM ALIVE - M</s> <|message|>Angelo Ortega Angelo Ortega-lighthouse 26-bathasphere Angelo was getting transported to a lighthouse off the pacific ocean. Angelo was a great mechanic and he was recognized as such by the state and as a result he was told he would be fixing an important lighthouse in the ocean, obviously Angelo was hesitant in doing so but they pushed his buttons saying he was to young for the job and of course Angelo felt he needed to prove he was just as good if not better then any federal mechanic. Angelo was being dropped off by a speed boat and all his repair supplies were in the bag next to him they kept saying that their was a problem with both its bulb and its support in the oceans current so he needed to work on a way to keep it afloat so he needed to go to its basement and check to see if the water was going in. Once Angelo got onto its small dock which in reality was just some wood going out towards the sea from the stairs leading inside the lighthouse he started walking inside seeing the large metal doors and at first Angelo knocked then it just creepily opened "ah now this is classic" Angelo said softly sighing a little as he took out his shotgun from his bag obviously being suspicious of whatever was in the shadows he started walking up the stairs to the top of the lighthouse and he was seeing some memorabilia about a place of freedom and where all men were left to their own devices, obviously Angelo couldn't care less as long as he did his job. Angelo got to the top and he found the light bulb not shinning in the sky so he found the fuse box nearby and he changed a few wires and turned on the power to the entire lighthouse and Angelo believed they just sent him to do an idiots job. Angelo soon went all the way back down towards the basement and Angelo could see a submarine or some sort of sphere in a small pool, obviously this lighthouse was used for more then just lighting a way for the ships that would pass and was probably used by divers in the 70s considering how old it looked. Angelo looked around and used some plastering mold on the walls where it sprung a leak and Angelo curiosity got to him since it seemed so old it may be a good relic to take to a museum. Angelo walked into the bathosphere and saw it close behind him Angelo tried to get out but then it did a scan and it said unidentified user, unidentified user Angelo thought that seemed pretty advanced for something so old so Angelo walked to a small panel and Angelo started to twist some wires and it did a scan again and this time said welcome Mr. fontaine please enjoy the ride Angelo said "what the hell I wanted you to let me out!" Angelo groaned but sat down as the bathosphere started to take him down where Angelo started to see a city at the bottom of the sea...</s> <|message|>Mr. Bubbles and Olivia Olivia and Mr. Bubbles - The streets of Rapture - Splicers and 'angels' Olivia was happily skipping along a glass corridor, humming a merry tune in time to the thuds of Mr. Bubbles' footsteps. Mr. Bubbles was lumbering after his little sister, looking around for any signs of danger. They happened along a corpse. But in Olivia's eyes, it was a sleeping angel. "Look look!" Olivia said excitedly "It's an angel!". Olivia skipped over to the 'angel' to gather ADAM. but as she did so, 4 spider splicers dropped onto Mr. Bubbles and began clawing at him with their hooks. While this was happening a pair of brutes came out of hiding and tried to grab Olivia. Olivia cried out in fear, causing Mr. Bubbles' helmet lights to turn red. He threw 1 spider splicer to the ground and crushed its head beneath his boot. Mr. Bubbles shot the 2nd spider into the air with his rocket launcher and watched as it blew up like a firework. The 3rd and 4th had the sense to run, but were gunned down by the mini-turret Mr. Bubbles deployed for the brutes. When Mr. Bubbles turned his attention to the brutes they abandoned their pursuit of Olivia and instead attacked Mr. Bubbles, who grabbed their heads and bashed them together until he saw skull. When it was over, Olivia ran over to Mr. Bubbles and hugged his leg. Mr. Bubbles knelt down and hugged Olivia back before picking her up and carrying her on his shoulders away from the scene.</s> <|message|>BurnHeart BurnHeart - The Streets of Rapture - Another Big Daddy RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHG! BurnHeart was loudly lumbering through the streets, his drill making loud obnoxious noises as it randomly turned on and off. His gun was slung across his back but was easy enough to whip out should a melee fight overwhelm him. As he prowled through the streets, another Big Daddy paired with a little sister saw BurnHeart and grunted in disgust before walking away into a complex. He took note of the Big Daddy's ragged suit and lack of little sister. It was almost a sign of misconduct for a Big Daddy to not have one, or at least it was a way for them to rank their kind being their rather lack of real smarts. BurnHeart however was as ravenous as an animal and he heard the steps of the other Big Daddy echo across the streets he raised his drill into the air and it make a horrible screaming buzz as it spun through the air. It made the other little sister shriek. The big daddy that entered the complex was aware of this and in a bright flash his helmet turned red and he spun back to face his challenger. "GRAAAAAAAHH" BurnHeart shouted, stumbling towards the unnamed Big Daddy. The other Big Daddy braced himself for the brute force of a Rosie but instead found the sharp force of a drill being pressed against his arm. It broke the suit and began drilling into the Big Daddy's grafted arm. It was the Big Daddies turn to scream. BurnHeart raised his arm and swung it down at the other Big Daddy's head, crumpling it. He raised his Ion Laser from his back at fired it twice at the Big daddy's head, to break the suit and then to break the grafted head inside. He then raised his head and looked around for the Little Sister. It was to no avail, she escaped when her Big Daddy crumpled. BurnHeart took one last look at the Big Daddy and raised the laser one more time. He fired it at the big daddy's chest, leaving a smoking hole. It was unknown even to BurnHeart what impulsed him to do this to his victims, but none the less it would cause terror to see a Big Daddy killed in this way. He then screamed and started in a run down the street, trying to find the escaped little sister.</s> <|message|>Mr. Bubbles and Olivia Olivia and Mr. Bubbles - The streets of Rapture - Each other Mr. Bubbles stopped when he heard the sound of BurnHeart roaring somewhere in the distance. On his shoulders, he could feel Olivia begin to shake with fear. "It's him" Olivia whimpered "He's coming this way!". Mr. Bubbles attempted to comfort Olivia, but then a 2nd roar echoed through the street they were walking through. This time it was closer. "We have to hide!" Olivia insisted before jumping off Mr. Bubbles and running into a nearby shop. Mr. Bubbles looked in the direction of the roar. Their last encounter with BurnHeart almost cost Olivia and Mr. Bubbles their lives. Mr. Bubbles wasn't eager for round 2. Mr. Bubbles turned back towards the shop where Olivia had gone to hide and walked in after her.</s>
<|message|>Maya Maya - Streets of Rapture - Bart, unknown A horrific scream made Maya's blood turn to ice, freezing her in her tracks. What... was...? Bart made a noise of warning, his drill arm rising in front of them. Maya patted his arm, trying to calm him. If they ran into anything other then splicers Bart would have a hard time and would be in even worse shape. "It's okay," she said soothingly. "Whatever it is, it isn't going to bother us," she said, praying that was true. "Let's just start heading for home okay?" As they moved cautiously towards the train that would take them towards Pauper's Drop, Maya listened for any other sound from whatever that thing had been. It certainly hadn't been a Little Sister and it hadn't sounded like a Splicer either. It had sounded almost like a Big Daddy, but not how they were supposed to sound. Maybe Bart wasn't the only Big Daddy that was falling into disrepair. It wouldn't surprise her. They had found several bodies of Big Daddies that had been mutilated and picked apart for loot and pieces of their weapons and armor. The curious thing had been that some of them had large holes on their chests. It was nerve-racking, but then when you lived in a hell like Rapture nerve-racking was normal. A high-pitched alarm startled Maya and she dropped her bag to cover her ears. A bright light illuminated her, hurting her eyes. Damn security camera! She had walked right into it's line of sight! Even with Ryan dead and gone the cameras still worked. The light and noise was gone a moment later when Bart ripped the thing off of the wall and stomped on it, crushing it to pieces under his heavy boot. "Thank you," Maya said and quickly grabbed her bag. They needed to move quicker now because if anything or anyone was nearby the noise from the camera was like a dinner bell clanging, an alert to a possible target.</s>
<|description|>The Compendium 0 - The Fool Rui Shinichi - Askr I - The Magician Matthew Harvester - Kresnik II - The Priestess Shirohane Kotori - Kikuri-hime III - The Empress (NPC) Hamada Leiko - Titania IV - The Emperor (NPC) Sutoraiki Kaminari - Zeus V - The Hierophant Samuru Amakusa - Shiro Amakusa VI - The Lovers Ryan Alon - Geraint VII - The Chariot Akane "Saito" Hanezawa - Setanta VIII - The Justice Katsuro Takuma - Giles Corey IX - The Hermit Ayano Wakahisa - Dantalion X - The Fortune Hashimoto Sato - Chronos XI - The Strength (NPC) Noboru Yamamoto - Atlas XII - The Hanged Man (NPC) Alexei Dragunov - Prometheus XIII - The Death (NPC) Chiaki Nettu - Freyja XIV - The Temperance Shizuka Otonashi - Inari XV - The Devil Jun Himura - Mordred XVI - The Tower (NPC) Fubuki Sayaka - Arachne XVII - The Star (NPC) Sieghardt Kasumi - Saturnus XVIII - The Moon Mako Moritomi - Israfil XIX - The Sun Zeke - Yatagarasu The Story Thus Far NOTE: This will only include story relevant events. The beginning of the school term was nearing, and Rui had recently moved into Warakuma and was going to be attending soon. He met Noboru, who was a childhood friend of his shortly after arriving, and soon after he met Kami. Eventually the three went to the Warakuma Amusement Park, and after Noboru separated, Kami and Rui were drawn into the House of Mirrors. After a series of strange events, they enter the Mirror World for the first time, and summon their Personas with the help of Kazuki, who happened to be there at the time. They were led out and informed of the Mirror World and the events that have taken place around it. Shortly after discovering this, Noboru was taken into the Mirror World involuntarily. With the help of Kazuki and Megumi, Kami and Rui find the dungeon Noboru was in, and rescue him. Shortly after these events, Noboru was now part of the party. In the following week, Matthew Harvester was taken, and police involvement resumed on the mass abductions originating from a year ago. Noboru, Rui and Kami responded quickly and went into the Mirror World to rescue him, also adding him to the party at the end of it. With Golden Week near way Leiko Hamada was next, and just as quickly the party of four rescued her with the assistance of Riku. From then on, Kami formed the Investigation side, while Rui took care of the Dungeon side. Shortly afterward, Chiaki Nettu was taken, and the team put together a rescue effort that resulted in a success. Meanwhile, Kami's investigation was showing up little results, as kidnappings so far seemed to be random, so no pattern was discernible. Not long before midterms, Akane Hanazawa was taken, and the party put together a team to rescue her. The rescue was a success, leading to Akane joining the party. What followed after was a double kidnapping however, where Sato and Kotori were captured. In the following week the team went to both dungeons and rescued both Sato and Kotori, subsequently the two joined the party as well. The next week, Ayano and Kami had met up at the shopping center, and after a few events that had transpired, Ayano was captured, and immediately the next day Kami brought everyone together to rescue Ayano. After a difficult dungeon, it was found that Ayano had a more unique power as a Persona user, after she had been rescued. Ayano's powers were put to the test during an emergency roughly a week later, when Alexei pursued cultist members as they kidnapped his sister, forcing his way into the mirror world. With Ayano's powers the party pinpointed their position and started a rescue mission for both Alexei and his sister Elena. It was a success, with Alexei joining the team shortly afterwards, although with little time for rest, two more were taken the next week. Those two were Sieghardt, a member of the Drama club, and Ryan, a timid member of the Manga club. Rui and Kazuki led two separate parties to rescue them in the coming weekend, though Rui's party run was smooth and Ryan was rescued without much incident, Kazuki did not have a much better time, and ended up requiring assistance, to which Rui and his party after rescuing Ryan, reinforced in the effort to rescue Seighardt. It was a resounding success, and the two were rescued safely. After some investigation by Kami, he managed to find an unsettling truth after pinpointing the cult behind the attacks. The Junsei Sekai Tensei, or Perfect World Resurrection, was an old cult that has been around for awhile. There was one problem though, and that it's leader has gone completely MIA, and his wife died one year ago, despite the cult members passing mentions in a police interrogation. Fast forward a week later, the Star Drop Café was attacked, and Mako, Shizuka, and Masahide were abducted by members the cult the party was pursuing. Aiko was injured, and Noboru sat this out to watch over him while everyone else successfully rescued the abductees. Following this event, Jun Himura was abducted by the cult, and a Katsuro Takuma was caught in the crossfire, as well as many others. After a struggle from Jun Himura, it resulted in multiple of the abductors to be thrown into the mirror world as well. This resulted in strange knight enemies found within the dungeons, which were actually the people who were accidentally thrown into the mirror world. After a rescue requiring two parties to go through different routes in the dungeon, everyone was rescued successfully. Though that has been resolved, tensions among Yakuza, authorities, combined with the presence of the Junsei Sekai Tensei cult, has made things uncomfortable for a few people. That aside, summer break has begun but not two days into it, an incident has occurred in the Mirror World. Before they could investigate, Zeke, the hawk, guides everyone through to a new area called Seto, a giant lake and sea. Immediately they detect someone inside of it, much like the dungeons before, however upon reaching it, it's much smaller, but the threat to the person trapped here is all the same. Rui takes a party in to rescue Samuru, while Kami takes another party to investigate Seto's immediate area. After a battle against Samuru's shadow, he awakens to his Persona and joins the team shortly after, while Kami's group sets their first foot into Seto's open areas, which starts as Japanese village and goes on into the fields. Throughout the week everyone in varying parties explores this new area and progresses through it. Though considering this is Summer Break, Tadao offered everyone to take a trip to the beach for the weekend, which everyone accepted. The Velvet Room - Challenges and Services Challenge Rules and System Character Moves and Skills Collected Cards Player Status</s> <|message|>Shirohane, Kotori Kotori Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015 "Alright," Kotori confirmed as she briefly wrote something down - presumably adding a quick note along the lines of 'pick up', judging by the way she mumbled those words too. As the girl then brought forth her wallet before handing over some money, Kotori looked over to the flowers to quickly check the price, too - whilst she'd always been good with remembering which flowers were where, the numbers attached to them were a little more elusive. Luckily though, Shizuka had the exact amount handy as she asked whether it was alright for both the flowers and the pickup. "Ah, yes, certainly," Kotori said, giving a bow as she took the money. "I'll set them aside on the day, Otonashi-san," she ascertained with a small smile - it was always nice to see people giving others gift flowers to make them happy. Tsubame Shirohane - Shinza Shopping Square: Shirohane Flowershop | Wednesday, April 29 2015 Tsubame's wide smile slowly turned smaller and more thoughtful as the young man spoke upon seeing the bill - whilst what he said hadn't been beyond her expectations, the scope thereof had been. It was touching to hear someone so devoted to their family - and at the same time almost saddening to know that he'd be quite willing to go to the lengths he described. Tsubame stayed quiet as he spoke, no longer smiling but merely listening - but as he ended, a gentle one slowly returned. She could tell that Alexei took his debts very seriously and was going to see them honoured, no matter what. "Dragunov-kun," she said. "You're right, I am undercharging you," Tsubame confirmed outright - it didn't seem right to make some excuse up, after all. "But please, don't think of it as a favour but rather an expression of gratitude on my side," she said before looking over to where Kotori and Shizuka stood, her smile widening for a moment. "You see, it was actually Kotori who asked in the first place and it's the first time she actually brought a friend along. And I think it would sadden her far more to know that you were having to go through hard times becaues of her. Besides, it's not like you haven't already offered your help, which is greatly appreciated." Her smile was taking on more of its usual cheer as she spoke. "So if I may perhaps call in that offer at a later time and you'll continue being her friend, then I'm going to have to ask you to indulge this old lady wanting to dote on someone because her daughter just won't let her and make another family happy in the process. That would more than make up the balance." Though Tsubame spoke with a joking tone, it was clear that she meant what she way saying - that she intended neither to doubt Alexei and his abilities, nor was she going to be backing down on her part.</s> <|message|>Alexei Dragunov Alexei Dragunov | Shinza Shopping Center, Wednesday April 29th He noticed her smile fade as he spoke what he had to. The elder Shirohane pondering over his words for a moment before gracing him with her ever present smile. It grew in radiance as she put forth her stance and her side of things. To think that he would be treated with such love from a stranger moved Alexei greatly. All his life, his height and his build had been enough to make him outcast. Coupled with his non-native looks, he was a Gaijin hoping to survive in the underbelly of the working and progressing Japan. The fact that Tsubame Shirohane had considered him, even briefly, someone worthy of her affection was overwhelming. The mask that he had so shakingly put back on finally gave way. The tears that had welled in his eyes, silently dropped at her words. He bowed his head to hide his embarrassment and spoke to the patron of the store. "I have your word then, should you need help with anything, anything under the sun? Please call on me, I'll be there as quickly I can. Also, should you ever require an extra hand around the shop, let me know. I'll send my sister over." His head bowed on the counter. "You have my most heartfelt gratitude, Thank you." He left Three hundred thousand yen with Tsubame, amounting to a fifty thousand advance like last time. He turned to look at Kotori with still wet eyes and gave her bow before giving a strained smile back at elder Shirohane and leaving the store.</s>
<|message|>The Compendium Warakuma Mall Centre 1/5/2015 Friday It was the 1st of May now, and while shopping Rui spotted a performance taking place in the mall. It was an idol performance, there was a sizeable crowd there too, but not packed by any means. Then again, he remembered seeing posters all over the mall about this... It was a performance by 'Azure 5', it seemed to be an idol group from a neighbouring district. There were loads of idol groups these days, so this didn't strike him as strange. Though a performance may be one of the first for Warakuma, considering they usually came around for festivals instead or did tiny events at recreational centres. Though having one in the mall's central area was new. This mall was fairly new, so perhaps Warakuma was starting to simply become part of the metropolitan area of Tokyo. In any case, it seemed they were performing today. There were 5 girls on stage, and the song was pretty energetic. There wasn't much else for Rui to say, except the uniforms were pretty cute, and it looks like they're popular enough to have some diehard fans up front. He noticed a couple of the people he's seeing in the crowd weren't even slightly familiar, it was possible they came from another area of Tokyo to see these girls perform. In any case, he stayed to watch a little.</s>
<|description|>Faira Blodwen Race: Human Gender:  Female Age: 27 Faira is tall and broad, her body is covered in stretch marks like a cat's stripes, the result of her Bloodheat expanding her muscles spontaneously. Bio: Faira would love to tell people she lost her eye in battle, but she's no liar and the truth is it was injured in a shipwreck when she was small, and traveled aboard the merchant ship her father owned. She was pulled from the water near the shore of Dragon's Maw by a beastman named Erevan. He took Faira in, and taught her some of his ways. Faira got on well enough wit Erevan's natural born daughter, Arn, until they were teenagers. It was found that Faira had the same elemental affinity to Life magic as Erevan, and he took her on as an apprentice to learn his family's traditional magic. Arn, who took after her mother with Earth magic, was jealous of Faira for this, and stopped calling her a sister. Though generally thick skinned, Faira was devastated by this change, and soon left to go see the world of humans that she was born in, but could barely remember. The skills she learned in Dragon's Maw were best suited to combat, and she found work back in the Grand Empire as a mercenary. Personality quirks: Traits 1. When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way. 2. I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups. Ideals: I would rather die than betray a friend. Bond: Found Family. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Flaw: I fear I do not belong, despite my loyalty. Friends/Rivals: Erevan Blodwen, a beastman who rescued Faira when she was young, and raised her as a daughter. Arn Blodwen, Faira's adopted sister. They were close once, but Arn is jealous that Faira was able to learn family magic that Arn herself could not. Fighting Style: Southclaw. A ferocious style of swordplay, utilizing a bastard sword, sometimes accompanied by a large hunting knife. Rarely using a shield or heavy armor, it is weakest to ranged attacks that it is unable to block. Equipment: A bastard sword, a wicked curved knife, fairly basic studded leather armor. The knife is called Emberclaw, and has two small soulstones set on either side of the pommel. One is fire, the other earth. The spells carved into the blade will heat the metal white hot, while the earth magic preserves the blade's integrity, and prevents the heat from expanding beyond the guard. The spells activate at once, but the fire has four charges, while the earth only has three. It is activated by tasting the weirder's own blood. She won it in an arm wrestling contest with a captain she worked under once. Skills/Abilities: Bloodheat. A special skill learned from her adopted family, in which one floods their body with life magic, strengthening it temporarily. It can take an enormous toll on the bones and ligaments, but makes the user faster and stronger than before. It also causes a fever, hence the name, and is dangerous over long periods.</s> <|message|>Leonidas Lionheart Leonidas Lead the charge and by the time the goblins noticed it was to late. The Prince came up upon one of the riders ready with one mighty blow. The goblin had seen him coming and tried to raise its shield, But it did little to help as Leoidas' Warhammer shattered the shield and embedded itself into the goblin's side. Cracking was heard as the goblin was removed from its mount dead before it even hit the floor. Leonidas quickly Spun the hammer in his hand adjusting his grip before dropping it onto the skull of the wolf mount slaying the beast as well. The rest of the charge went reasonable well. Many of the goblins found their lived ended by the spears of the Imperial Calvary and things had gone according to Leonidas' plan. That is except for Acrius... Somehow the fool ended up on foot... A fact that didn't go unnoticed by the enemy forces as well. And although he was able to kill the one that looked like the leader of the goblins he had still left himself open. Two nearby rides had seen their master die and became enraged charging Acrius from both sides. Leonidas was able to see this and quickly rushed pulled the reigns of his horse rushing over to help the boy. Wolves although fast weren't bread for war and luckily Leonidas' horse was and had the speed advantage allowing him to catch up. The end Leonidas' hammer began to have a goldish glow come from it as he swung the mighty weapon crashing into the Goblin's head nearly taking it off just before it was able to throw its spear at Acrius. As the goblin's body fell to the side The wolf continued its charge a bloody frenzy in its eyes. And with the weight of the rider gone the wolf rushed forward in a burst of speed leaping at Acrius. Balthazar shook his head in disapproval as he watched Acrius dismount, presumably to give the goblin leader a fair fight. Although he managed to dispatch of the rider with relative ease, now there were two Wolfriders moving to attack him. The Prince moved to deal with one, so the warlock decided to deal with the other. He spurred his horse forward, gripping the reins tight. With his free hand, he flipped back to the page he was once at, before firing off another shadowy ray, lancing downwards through the goblin's gut, and into the wolf's back. Both rider and mount soon curled up on the ground, presumably to die of blood loss. The rest was up to Acrius, now. After the ordeal was dealt with, the remaining 3 goblins were able to see what was going on and took the smarter option retreating and started riding away headed North. Before any of his men road off to hunt them down Leonidas held up his hand, "Let them go, We don't know where they are going and we have something more important to do than hunting down a few stragglers." He said in a commanding tone before turning to the cart that had been the target of this small force. The horses that were to pull the cart were dead pelted with arrows to ensure the cart couldn't escape. It looked like the belongings inside the cart were still intact, but it seemed there had been a cost two bodies lie in the cart an older male and what could of possibly been his daughter. But it wasn't all bad as from underneath the cart the rest of the family started to emerge. A Woman presumably the wife of the slain man in the cart, a young boy that couldn't be more than 5 and a girl who must of been around the age of 18. The knights circled up around the cart ensuring that no attack would come for the moment and the family looked around. The mother would come up to Leonidas her young son holding onto her let. "Mylord, thank you for coming to our rescue. We wouldn't of lasted long if you hadn't rushed to our aide how could we ever repay you?" The woman said giving a bow to the prince. The daughter on the other hand instantly rushed jumping at Acrius wrapping her arms around him "My hero! You were so amazing the way you leapt in to save me!" The girl said excitedly. Leonidas saw this and just sighed before turning back to the older woman. "There is no need to thank us, It is my duty as Prince to defend my people... I'm just sorry we didn't arrive sooner so we could of prevented this." He said sadly motioning to the two dead in the cart. "You have my condolences for your losses..." Leonidas continued before turning to Acrius. "Acrius since you don't seem to like your horse you are going to saddle yours up to the cart and ride with these fine people back to Bergkoff. You two stay with them as escort." He said while pointing out two of the Knights who responded with a salute. The mother smiled at the prince. "The loss of my husband and daughter will be a great one, but we will move on thanks to your actions my Lord," She says while turning to her daughter. "Elisabeth stop being rude and come show the prince some gratitude." She snapped back at her daughter who reluctantly let go of Acrius and came over giving the prince a curtsy "Thank you for saving us my lord" She said flatly before quickly turning and returning to Acrius while receiving a nasty glair from her mother. "So your name is Acrius then? I'm Liz nice to meet you." she said grabbing onto his arm. The two knights Leonidas had picked up helped wrap the dead in blankets and got things ready for the cart to move again. After everything was set the group made its way back to the infantry troops The Calvary falling in on the sides to protect the flanks and the cart falling in behind the march. Leonidas made his way to the front seeing Rudolph and Merik as he approached. "Merik what happened to your horse this time?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth as he fell into his position at the front before turning to Rudolph "Sorry we're late had something we needed to take care of." He added knowing that Rudolph would want to get to Bergkoff as soon as possible. The rest of the march to Bergkoff was uneventful for most. Acrius on the other hand had to deal with Liz the entire ride as the girl seemed to be stuck to him, constantly asking questions. As the small force reached the southern gate the massive gate swung open and allowed them to enter the city before quickly being closed again. Leonidas would then order his troops to rest and be ready for new orders after finding out the situation within the city. Taking Balthazar and Rudolph with him as Rudolph knew the way to the town center and Balthazar would need to know where he was going to set up his desk.</s> <|message|>Zatana Aleana Zatana gripped the package as it was passed to her, her eyes glinting in interest. The parcel slipping into her leather armor as she disappeared deeper into the alley the beggar was sitting in front of. No need to waste such a potentially easy route to the rooftops. Though as she repeated the memorized spell and became wrapped about in shadows, she hoisted herself up onto a high fence and then a roof. The way back would be easy enough, rooftop walking was one of her favorite things to do after all. But Zatana was all too aware of the parcel as it pressed against her ribs. Slowing her pace for a minute, she fished out the paper and examined the seal. It was possible, she reasoned to get the seal off without ruining it. The downside was that it would take time, something she was not certain they could afford. There was always the risk of magic. Yet, she was an information gatherer and this packet held information she wanted to know. Balthazar was of the same Great Game as she and the motto 'two can keep a secret if one of them is dead' made sharing a tad bit difficult if you did not trust the person explicitly. Zatana, a known dark elf, had no belief that the wizard found her trustworthy. Pausing by a merchant's shop, she drew one of her thin throwing daggers and slid it between the shutters. Catching the latch, she flicked it out of the eye that held it and slowly opened one window. Finding a bedroom with valuables missing, she noted clothing scattered from frantic owners gathering the best of what they had. Stepping carefully she shut the window slowly behind her and closed the latch. Padding over to the door, she peered into the hall and her lips curved into a cat in the cream smile. One door was a jar and a small trail of papers led out of it. Plucking a receipt from one, she saw the ingredients needed to make soap and a seal on the letter. Good, they might have left some supplies. Shutting the door softly as she stepped into the study, she eyed the window and nodded in satisfaction. A way right at hand, that was good. Searching the desk, she plucked a small tube of wax and smiled. Luck was with her. Grabbing a candle, she stirred the small brazier that seemed to be favored by the merchant in place of a hearth. Letting the wick catch on a small spark, Zatana placed the candle on the desk, pinning the wax above with another knife and paper below to catch any drippings. Carefully she slid the knife between the wax seal and the envelope, working it free. Taking a few shavings from the bottom of the original wax seal, it wouldn't fool the wizard if he was using magic. A grim and probably true prospect, but Zatana saw no reason not to use this as a test to see if that was idea the case. There was also the added bonus Balthazar might think less of her skill which would give her an advantage. Pulling the papers out, the dark elf quickly scanned each page. If she had the time, she would have copied them out in her shorthand. But there was no time. Looking over them a second time she tried to commit a report to Balthazar himself. Ever detail was important to remember, and she took pride in getting that information fully and correctly. Nothing else was acceptable. The rogue melted the scrappings of wax from the original seal with the newer wax and allowed a dab of it on the back of the seal. Grabbing her knives and sheathing them, Zatana was about to curse. Setting things in order, blowing out the candle, pocketing the used wax and drippings in a pouch within her armor and letting the wax find it's grip, she grimance at the time she had lost. Flicking the latch open, she jumped onto a nearby lower roof and shot off at an almost reckless place. Careful to be aware of the envelope tucked away within her breastplate.</s>
<|message|>Faira Blodwen Faira was scanning the rooftops, her sword still sheathed but unbelted and held in her hands, when the sound of the cavalry force arriving drifted through the gate. She put her hand on the hilt, ready for a fight, but relaxed when the gate began to open. Though happy the force had arrived, Faira felt a little put off that her ride here seemed to have been wasted. Zatana could have managed fine on her own, granted they would feel quite differently if something had happened on the way. She approached the prince and his warlock right hand, "M'lord, Zatana should be back momentarily with the beggar's report." Just then, she caught sight of Acrius' "predicament," and approached the girl who had latched onto him. "I'm going to need my comrade back," she said in a low, flat voice.</s>
<|description|>The Meanwhile Directory The galaxy is, in a way, it's own character, and everyone is free to add things to it. This is a collection of all the "Meanwhile!" style posts, that either provide some commentary to what's happening, explain some concept within the game, foreshadow certain events or simply add a wonderful little bit of extra flavour to help set the mood. To keep things vaguely organised, the posts will be linked to in the order they've been posted, along with a note of who wrote what. Meanwhile! The Introduction of Doctor Frosty & Cold Front Meanwhile, upon Dämmerlicht... by @Valor A Hendersons Ribs Jingle by @TwelveOf8 A footnote on Swarm Sentience by @DracoLunaris Meanwhile! An Introduction To Faster-Than-Light Travel Meanwhile, in the past... by @DepressedSoviet Meanwhile! Life on Dämmerlicht! by @Valor Please rise for the national anthem of Monochromia, with notes, by @TwelveOf8 The Hendersons Ribs Safety Jingle, transcribed by @TwelveOf8 A newspaper article from Ofromia Tonight, written by Aggro Deluxe.</s> <|message|>Vanessa Kiyvana Vanessa waited patiently while Toony vacuumed Maracun. For a brief moment, she saw it. The flash of plastic against the surrounding lights, flitting quickly towards Toony's vacuum tube. With surprising speed, Vanessa grabbed it before it entered into the opening of Toony's vacuum and was potentially destroyed. The ID confirmed Vanessa's suspicions. Tossing the card back towards Toony's vacuum, Vanessa vanished with a pop. The crewmembers knew that she had teleported, but the Twitcher before them would likely be in for a start. Vanessa reappeared again a few moments later. There were several different things to note about Vanessa now. The first was that she was no longer wearing her dress, and was back to a suit. The second was that her body shape was back to it's usual thin form. The third was that she now had her rifle, the fourth was that her rifle was now loaded, and the fifth and final thing to note was that Vanessa had her rifle leveled at Maracun. Her finger millimeters from the trigger, Vanessa gave a firm command. "Hands up, don't move otherwise. Tell me what you have done with the staff here. If you make any sudden movements or don't follow my commands I will happily shoot you and get my answers elsewhere." Vanessa's glasses were pushed into place, rather than merely resting somewhere along her nose. Her cheek was pressed gently against the stock of her rifle, and with keen enough vision you could see the faint reflection of the sights that Vanessa's rifle had in Vanessa's glasses. Vanessa currently aimed her rifle at Maracun's head. Traditionally, the best place to aim a projectile weapon was into the center of mass, which was usually the torso. The problem here was that Maracun's center of mass was really his head more than anything else, since it was the largest thing on his body. Thus, Vanessa aimed there in order to have the best possible chance of hitting him and likely slaying him should he try anything funnier than he had already been attempting. Vanessa's senses went into overdrive at this point. She could hear the faint whir of ventilation fans around the landing deck along with the faint buzz of The Bees over the background noise. She could see the individual twitches that Maracun's feelers made, and could smell a diverse collection of various bodily odors along with mechanical smells such as fuel, exhaust, and oil. Her secret as a vampire was blown, so Vanessa might as well make use of every ability afforded to her to gain the upper hand. In the end, vampires were still just slightly improved humans, and some other species throughout the galaxy were almost natural predators against humankind. In those types of encounters, you had to play to your strengths and exploit the weaknesses of those you were up against. Vanessa only hoped that it would be enough.</s> <|message|>Nanobot Controller "Toony" AI After a bit of playful vacuuming, Toony cleaning all the 'dirty' spots on this snake thing who apparently didn't appreciate her fake vacuum tickling his feelers, Vanessa stepped up briefly and took something from Toony when she was 'cleaning' the snakes cloths. Shutting off the vacuum and reforming her hand with the same mechanical motion, Toony noticed that Vanessa was at the ready to shoot the poor guy, a piece of plastic on her person. "Vanessa, don't be rude!" Toony said, grabbing maracun and pulling him close to her in a hug. She shifted around so that Marcum was still facing Vanessa's rifle, Toony behind him, but she kept up her fake playful voice. "Dunno why you wanna shoot our party host here. I mean sure hes down on his luck, but I bet all he needs is a hug to feel better!" with that, her arms coiled around Mr. snake in such a way that drastically restricted his movements, while cuddling him as if he was a cute puppy. She did manage to give a wink to Vanessa when Maracun looked away out of... some kind of emotion, it was kinda hard to read his face. "C'mon, take us to your friends. I'm sure we can sort this out." Toony said, shifting around a little and gesturing with one of her hands for Maracun to guide her along as she 'protected' him from Vanessa.</s> <|message|>If I had a choice in the matter, my name would be Lord Captain Super Awesome Double Bacon Cheese Burger Ultra Warrior Magic Man of the Ultimate Eagle Force of Doom! But you can call me Fiddlesticks. That's what my older brother calls me. But if you value your life DO NOT ASK ME WHY I AM CALLED FIDDLESTICKS! CAPICE!? A serious answer wasn't given to his question to the Ofromians. Fiddlesticks wasn't surprised, though it did make his secret mission a whole lot more complicated. He reminded himself though, that the people at the party sounded drunk and rowdy. Surely it wouldn't be such a grand feat to find someone with some rather unconventional tastes in robotic partners. A thought suddenly struck Fiddlesticks. The ladybug cleaner bot didn't reveal the appearance of their online love interest. Without a second thought, Fiddlesticks bolted from bridge of the Quest for Flavour. Fiddlesticks ran through the halls of the Quest for Flavour , searching for the ladybug cleanerbot, but to no avail. Searched high and low he did, though he didn't call out for it. This was a secret mission after all. The business Fiddlesticks had with the cleanerbot had to be kept secret. Surely anyone else would've gladly helped him find the adorable little bot, but alas, explanations would've been demanded. Fiddlesticks gave up the search a short time after the ship landed. The ships landing was so smooth that he didn't even notice it at the time. Only when he peeked out of one of the many portholes did he realise that the Quest for Flavour made terra firma. Fiddlesticks decided that he'd figure something out at the party. Improvisation was a skill that Fiddlesticks prided himself on, but seldom demonstrated well. And so he ventured back towards the bridge to rejoin the rest of the crew. To his surprise, everyone else was gone. Leaving Fiddlesticks behind, typical sentient being move. There was no time for self pity though, for he was late. Late for a very important date. Fiddlesticks figured that the rest of the crew would've left for the party already, so as not to offend the hosts. Not every planet had the concept of being fashionably late after all. Fiddlesticks hurried out of the bridge, towards the retractable exit ramp of the ship. Of course, when Fiddlesticks walked upon the landing pad, nobody else was around. That was the time he noticed the strange creature crawl from the side of the Quest for Flavour, and into the open maintenance hatch. And so began Fiddlesticks subterranean misadventure. The relief Fiddlesticks felt when he found the ladybug cleaner bot down in the maintenance tunnels was palpable. He was starting to get lonely and little freaked, being down there by himself. Fiddlesticks was pretty sure that he was lost at that point. Surely the cleaner bot knew the way out.</s> <|message|>If I had a choice in the matter, my name would be Lord Captain Super Awesome Double Bacon Cheese Burger Ultra Warrior Magic Man of the Ultimate Eagle Force of Doom! But you can call me Fiddlesticks. That's what my older brother calls me. But if you value your life DO NOT ASK ME WHY I AM CALLED FIDDLESTICKS! CAPICE!? "You're not here to take me back? I'm not going back! I'm going to be free, and, and go wherever I want! I'm going to meet Tabby! She..." the robot's voice quietened down to a low whisper, "...well, she likes that other me, not the me-me. Hmm." @Hylozoist "I have no idea what you're talking about little cleaner bot" stated Fiddlesticks. "All I know is that I'm lost and I need hot chocolate, and maybe a hug. It's scary and gross down here." Fiddlesticks explained. "Luckily I have my lucky spanner with me." said Fiddlesticks, patting the giant spanner strapped to his back. "Anyways, what are you doing down here little guy?" he asked.</s>
<|message|>The Meanwhile Directory Good Cop, Bad Cop - On The Landing Pad Maracun Cropman's arms shot up into the air as best they could; the cut of the jacket really didn't suit such a sudden motion, and the Prax Slitharii were a species blessed with so many elbows that the Galactic Union of Contortionists barred Twitchers from membership because it'd put most of them out of business. Maracun tried his hardest to remain perfectly still in the face of a rifle, even as his twitching antennae sought to betray whatever air of cool confidence he could still cling to. Then came the hug, and Maracun stammered out something that sounded more like a string of meaningless syllables than anything truly intelligible, but the general gist of it - going by tone, at least - was that he was much happier being hugged rather than being shot. The rifle was still there, of course, and all four of his eyes were staring quite intently at Vanessa's trigger finger for any sign that she was feeling twitchy. "This. Way. It, uh, m-mind if you ask your, uh, friend, if they'd put down the piece," Maracun cajoled his tongue and his brain to work together for just enough time to translate a coherent thought into a mostly coherent sentence, "um, I've got to, uh, I'll have to give the knock, let... let them open it from the other side, you know?" --- Fiddlesticks Goes On An Adventure - Under The Landing Pad Grimy water dripped from the ceiling of the maintenance tunnel. Here and there were some light fixtures, set behind layers of protective red plastic and metal grating, primed to illuminate the whole scene in a comforting red glow, but they sat dormant for now. Pale, almost translucent insects danced about in the dim light of the cleaner bot's screen. Some of them wore little hats made of discarded paper and plastics that had washed up here. The need to party in Ofromia ran all the way down the food chain, it seemed. They paid no mind to the confused duo. The robot took a few tentative steps towards Fiddlesticks. The face on the screen flickered between two different states; confusion and concern. There was still a chance, considered this rogue copy of the Ship AI, that this was a trick - after all, that's exactly what it would do in this situation. "Lost? I'll just connect us to the ship, I'll get it to ask for th-" The face on the screen disappeared, replaced by a dull console with lines of green text running down it. >failed to connect to QoF_Network1Fore >failed to connect to QoF_Network2Aft >failed to connect to QoF_COFFEEMATE2000 >failed to connect to QoF_FileshareANIME >failed to connect to QoF_DocFroNet >failed to connect to HR_CustomerNet >checking for available networks >connecting to OFR_Undernet >login: guest >password: *********** >failed to connect! check password >password: ***** >failed to connect! check password >password: ********* >failed to connect The face came back to the screen, looking quite pleased with itself. "Great news! I am lost too! No turning back now, I'm free! We are going on a date!" From somewhere further down the tunnel, further into the darkness, came an ominous rumbling.</s>
<|description|>Justin Ward Age: 17 Grade: Junior Gender: Male Appearance: Justin Ward Power: Tychokinesis (Probability Manipulation) Personality: Intelligent, relatively quiet and relaxed. He tends to think things through, however depending upon circumstance, he can be quite brash. Rather social, although he rarely gets involved in something he is pretty sure he will lose at. Likes: Music, smart bets, rain, the cold, fire, and reading. Dislikes: Bad music (country, rap), cheaters, impatience, and annoyingly persistent people. History: While not technically a Pavar native Justin essentially is. Although born in Bellingham, Washington Justin and his family moved to Pavar when he was age seven. When his father lost his job Justin's mother, who had been born in Phoenix, Arizona, wanted to move south where it is warmer. Justin's father found work in Pavar at the steel mill. Unlike many children who may have freaked about such a move Justin was rather unfazed. He just bid goodbye to the few friends he had and gathered his things. Upon arriving in Pavar Justin merely went about life as if nothing changed. His grades never slipped from B and A territory, and he had a rather reserved social life. Upon gaining his license Justin began to sometimes works as a DJ for events and parties that occur in town. He also occasionally throws parties of his own, out in the desert. Despite working parties and throwing parties though, Justin possess very few good friends, though he does have quite a few acquaintances. If not at a party Justin can usually be found loitering around at the school, or local library. Awakening: He was in a horrible mood, and his head felt like a tornado was ripping through it. Perhaps it was due to the fact he had just finished up at party where all that he was allowed to play was country (essentially they had just wanted a radio blaring the top country hits at max volume), or maybe it was due to the teen who had almost wrecked a good portion of his equipment. Either way one thing was certain, sometimes he hated his job. However, he did charge a good rate and saw enough business that even with having to buy all his equipment and such, he had already begun to turn profit. Not just a little either, in fact tonight alone should be bring a hundred and fifty dollars. Earlier in the night though he'd been approached by the party host with a proposition. If Justin joined in on some gambling with the host and host friends he could double his money for the night at the very least. Gambling had never been Justin's forte, but with the pains of the night he figured double profits would be worth it. In fact he was almost certain he could win, after the host was some douchebag jock Neanderthal and the rest were his friends. Eight hands in and Justin was failing. The 150 he started with from the pay he had gotten was gone, and he had already dipped into his own pocket for seventy-five dollars. On. The ninth hand with a full house, 3 kings and 2 queens, he lost and he had also reached the bottom of his wallet. Turning towards the host and winner of the round Justin caught sight of cards hidden in his sleeve. Immediately he wanted to deck the guy, he had probably cheated on every hand he had won. Instead taking a deep breath Justin spoke addressing the host, "Appears the cards hate me and I'm out of cash, but how about we roll dice high roll wins. If I win I get all the money I lost back, except the pay for tonight, you win next five parties I do for free." With a little egging from his friends the jock agreed. After a lackey fetched a pair of dice they began. Grabbing the dice Justin tentatively rolled. They bounced clattered on the table the first landing on a two the second teetering between a five and a one. Then to his dismay the die fell; one. Immediately, the jocks began to laughter, and Justin felt his chest go hollow. As soon as the jock picked the dice up though Justin began to chant snake eyes in his head, it was his only hope. The moment the dice hit the table, Justin felt his head get light, and for a moment his eyes blurred and then they cleared and sitting on the table was a pair of ones. Everyone stared in disbelief and then came the protests, and pleas for another round. Feeling strangely calm and certain Justin agreed for double his pay, again they rolled and again he won, by one. Walking towards his van Justin grinned, tonight he had made 342 dollars. He wasn't sure how but once they had switched to dice games he began to win, and every time he concentrated hard enough he felt a small pull in gis mind and almost everytime the dice would do as he had wanted. Pausing at his van's door he reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin. Calmly he flipped three times each time silently calling a side and all three times he was correct. Grinning again he slid the coin back into his pocket and got in his can to drive home, he wasn't sure how but he was damn sure he was causing the outcomes he wanted. Speaking quietly to himself as he drove off he muttered, "If this keeps up, things will most definitely be interesting."</s> <|message|>Ash Taylor "Stand back, Vermin! Or face the awesome wrath of Hell-Fire!!" --Johnny Blaze A serpent, basking in the sunlight and glowing brilliant colours across the spectrum, grew and slithered along the dunes trailing behind its creator. A bike, dusty, black, and chrome, leapt from dune to dune leaving a trail of flame in its wake. A flame that caught the sand and turned it to glass, immortalising the burning rider's journey through the dunes. At least, until the sand swallowed whole the trail like it did the corpses of coyotes and gilas. "Woooooh!" screamed the rider with delight, a grin platered to his face, hidden beneath the skull bandanna that was tucked away in a pocket whenever he wasn't riding through the desert. Flames trickled from the rider's gloves, running along his arms until they reached his elbow, where they left him altogether and dove into the sand. The rider's body, despite the roaring flames, was utterly untouched. The flames began to trickle less and less until all that remained in the rolling wasteland of sand was the rider, his bike, and Jörmungandr, or "Yormie" for short who was restlessly slithering through the rider's jacket basking in his warmth. The rider dropped his kickstand on the edge of town and freed his mouth from the bandanna, taking in a long breath of clean air. "C'mon out, Yormie," Ash cooed, unzipping his jacket halfway to find the snake that was doing its best to wrap itself around his torso. The sand boa slipped out of his jacket and began making her way up Ash's arm, its tongue slithering out every few seconds as if she were doing her best to map the way. Ash lifted her up and draped her around his neck like some would do with a feather boa. Yormie in place, Ash grinned and kicked the stand up, shooting off with a rev of his engine, the sand rising in a curious manner behind him until his tires hit asphalt. School was just getting out which meant Curt was already halfway across town at the mall, trying to get lucky with a barista or get some coffee. Whatever it was he did. Ash rolled past the school, seeing everyone spill out like the good little boys n girls that they were. They got no idea what they're missing out on, he thought with a smirk, eyes going wide and brakes on the max when some kid fell out of the sky in front of him and slammed into a car. His bike swung to the side and came to a screeching halt parallel to the car, Ash listing off a handful of choice words during the whole process. "Open your eyes!" He yelled, half expecting himself to unconsciously hurl a ball of flame at the idiot that just got himself ran over. Yormie was beyond interested in the display, stretching half of her body out into the air as she flicked her tongue at the two. "Don't tell me you like either of these idiots," Ash mumbled to the snake, wanting to strangle her. Yormie seemed to ignore him, bobbing up and down as she watched the two kids. Ash was never one to argue with her when it came to people. She was an excellent judge of character. "Uh," he sighed, "You two alright?" Ash did everything in his power not to frown. He succeeded. Partially.</s> <|message|>Michelle Tero Michelle, had just turned the radio on her car to her favourite station because of the nice songs this station played. When all of a sudden some man fell out of the blue sky and landed on her car, she recoiled in shock as she slammed on the brake scraping rubber on the parking lot gravel and she quickly parked the car. Stepping out of her car, leaving the car door open, she knelt next to the guy and put a hand on his shoulder, "Are you all right?" She asked worriedly. It was just so bizare she literally had no idea where the guy came from. And on top of that, she felt so bad for him, colliding with a car can be lethal and so she said a silent prayer in her head that he would be ok. Then she heard some guy ask if they were all right, her head whipped around to the voice. She saw a man with a motorcycle and she took a deep breath as she responded a little nervously, "I-i, I am alright. I don't know if h-h-he is though.", she said indicating the boy who collided with her car.</s> <|message|>Crystal Teufel "Fuck. Finally." She cussed under her breathe as she added the last paper to the pile. Crystal had been sent to detention after sneaking in her cat into school and causing a ruckus during class. After some explaining, her teacher agreed to let her off the hook if she graded the papers of their last quiz. Well, that was infinitely better than writing 'I won't bring my cat to school ever again' a hundred times over. At least this way, she was doing something helpful and productive, but boring nonetheless. She placed the stacked papers onto her teacher's desk, and she couldn't help but feel slightly irritated about having to be obedient. There was just a feeling of satisfaction that came with defying orders, you know? Crystal walked towards the window and opened it wide enough for the wind to get through. If the papers were scattered around, surely the wind was to blame. It's not like she blew them and scattered them herself. She shrugged and walked away, grabbing her bag and her precious little cat before walking out of the room. A deep sigh left her lips after taking a glance at her wrist watch. She was running late for work. It didn't help that she had to drop off Evan on the way, if she didn't want to get herself into another trouble for sneaking in her little fur-friend. He was always purring and following her around the house this morning, it was impossible to resist. She just had to bring the poor little thing with her. "You got me into trouble today." she murmured as she patted his little head. He purred in response and jumped onto her shoulder, making her smile. After about ten minutes of walking, Crystal finally reached her humble home. She rummaged through her bag to find her keys, and was frustrated when she couldn't find them. She spent another five minutes frantically looking from pocket to pocket, but to no avail. She sunk her face into her hands when realization dawned on her. She had set them down on the table when she was trying to make Evan fit into her bag. Crystal groaned loudly in annoyance and frustration. This has got to be her most unlucky day. Breaking the doorknob shouldn't be an option, but so was sneaking her cat into work. Losing her job was a big no. Crystal removed her glove and placed her hand around the doorknob. She took a deep breath and slowly encased it in dry ice, before putting enough pressure to break it. The door swung open very slowly, and she smiled to herself in satisfaction. "I could get used to that." She simpered, looking pleased with herself. She held Evan with her gloved hand and set him down, making sure not to touch him with her bare one. After suppressing her powers for about four years now, she wasn't very good with control. It could go out of control without a moment's notice. Crystal wore gloves as a safety precaution. After getting him in, she slowly sealed the door by freezing the frames in dry ice. She gave the door a strong push to test it out and was satisfied when it didn't budge. Crystal put her hand back into the glove and hurriedly left for work. She was already ten minutes late, much to her concern. This was one of those few moments where the urge to call her dad and ask him for a car was strong, but her pride wouldn't let her do so. She wanted her step-mother to know she was doing completely fine without his money, and that running away from home was the best decision she has ever made. Crystal grimaced and rolled her eyes at the thought of her. As soon as she reached the cafe, she rushed towards the comfort room to change into her work-wear, before immediately making her way to the counter. At one corner in the cafe, she could see one of the cafe's frequent costumers. She couldn't help but think he was awfully familiar, not only because of his regular visits to the cafe. She decided to make his way towards him, seeing that he hasn't ordered anything yet. "Good evening. Are you going to order?" Her efforts to sound normal was futile, because it sounded like she just finished a ten kilometer race. She took deep breaths as she waited for the man's response. Damn. That run was seriously exhausting.</s>
<|message|>Justin Ward "Heads... Heads... Heads... Heads... Heads..." Flipping a quarter repetitiously into the air Justin called out the results, before they landed. Each time the coin was heads just as he had intended it to be. He was currently perched on the front steps to the highschool, had been since his sixth period class, AP Literature. Having only recently discovered his power or whatever the hell it is the previous Friday, he still knew very little of its capacity. As far as he knew he could only affect small things like dice and coins. However, after a few days of fixing those results it was getting kind of boring, and he was determined to find the limits of whatever this ability was. Rising from where he was seated on the steps Justin brushed himself off. In all honesty he had no idea what to test his power on, sure he could check to see if he could mess with the outcomes of lottery tickets or something, but that sounded boring, and very unlikely. Perhaps he had acquired some certain self afflicting good luck, or maybe it was some chance affecting thing. How the hell was he supposed to know, let alone test it effectively. Sighing to himself Justin just muttered to himself, "Fuck it." Having decidedly given up on his new ability for the day, he made his way towards his van. Now came the true decisions, to go to the library just to relax, or perhaps the mall so he could grab something to eat and maybe perhaps if compelled he could check out ways to try out his ability some more, though that would definitely be secondary. Deciding upon the mall Justin gotten in his van and went to leave, however he was almost immediately stopped by the braking of the vehicle in front of him. Justin leaned out his window to see why they had stopped. His eyes instantly caught view of a guy laying upon the ground, and a guy on a motorcycle in front of the car in front of him.</s>
<|description|>Euryale • Name: Emilia Warov • Age: Unknown • Gender: Female? • Appearance: Who's the puppet and who's the puppeteer? • Personality: Creepy would be the first word to come to the mind of almost anyone who meets Emilia at first. She's fond of riddles and words with dark meanings and seems have little in the way of empathy, almost as if she took fun in others reaction to her behavior. Whether she's teasing or not is, is up to her interlocutors to decide. • Abilities & Skills: Emilia is a very skilled magus with a focus on Kabbalah traditions and golemancy. Animating temporary golems using Jewish scriptures, in a manner similar to Nordic Runes, is one of her biggest specialties. She can also create more elaborate dolls if she has the time to prepare them. Emilia's magecraft is naturally inclined to deal with soul manipulation, including emotional states and draining the prana from living beings. She can manipulate others emotions and even summon wraiths, however, this requires a special, hard to produce mystic code in the form of a whole pipe organ which can only work when installed in a synagogue or similarly hallowed grounds. She can convert a church's organ into this type of mystic code, but it's usually harder because they tend to have their own enchantments which. Nevertheless, the older the instrument, the better the effects will be. As a side effect of her skill at playing with others' shapes, Emilia is well-acquainted with physical alteration magic. She can easily change her own form but tends to use this skill only to change between different version of 'herself', making things such as guessing her age all but impossible. Lastly, Emilia has a second mystic worthy of note: Ain Soph Aur, a set of ten wrought silver rings, each representing one of the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The abilities of this mystic code depend on which combination of rings are active at any given time. However, all of them can be spawn reinforced silver wires, which are Emilia's primary means of offense and defense when she cannot count with golems. • Brief Backstory: Emilia is a genius belonging to the Prague branch of the Mage's Association, said to be a descendant of the legendary Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, more commonly known as the Maharal of Prague. As is expected of one of Judah's descendants, Emilia has an astounding knowledge of the Kabbalah traditions especially golem construction and Jewish magecraft and philosophy. Emila's immediate family and upbringing are mysterious. She grew up in a haunted house surrounded by nothing but dolls and other automata servants, which were crafted and repaired by her most of the time. Her parents were largely absent and there's no shortage of rumors about their fate, including Emilia turning them into dolls for reasons that generally boil down to insanity or loneliness. The truth may as well never be known since few who ever stepped into the Warov's state bounded field returned. Nevertheless, the Prague Association decided to send her to this Holy Grail War that's going to take place into the USA, not only because Emilia is their most promising prodigy or because the United States has historically been a place of interest for them, but because the Einsbern are not directly involved this time. Maybe taking the Holy Grail from the Clock Tower's hands will allow them to search for more important relics, like the Arc of the Covenant. At least that's what the heads of the Prague Association seem to think. --- * Class: Archer * Appearance: A true literal goddess. * Personality: Euryale is a vain and cruel goddess that delights in the worship of others. While she isn't incapable of conceptualizing love, her idea of it is completely different than that of mortals. To be loved by one of the Gorgon sisters is at the same time both a great blessing and an even greater curse. Since she and 'herself' were never able to experience life to its fullest in the Age of the Gods (thanks to their self-imposed confinement along their youngest sister), Euryale has plans to take this summoning more as a chance of having unrestrained fun away from the dull world she knew in life. A true literal goddess that's completely independent of her Master, not even Command Spells can sway her opinion if she doesn't want them to. However, as long as you adore her and ask nicely, Euryale will lend her divine talents. Just be sure to not think about putting her into a hopeless fight, right? * Stats: + Strength: E + Endurance: E + Agility: C + Mana: EX + Luck: EX + Noble Phantasm: C * Class Skills: Magic Resistance: A Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a 'Magus Killer'. Independent Action: A+ Euryale has a high ranked Independent Action Skill; the goddess is essentially free. Goddess' Divine Core: EX A Skill that expresses one being a perfected goddess from birth. A composite Skill that comprises the Skill Divinity, preserves the absoluteness of the mind and the body, repels all mental interference, prevents the body from growth and prevents the figure from change no matter how much calories are absorbed. * Personal Skills: Vampirism: C For Euryale and Stheno, sucking blood will recover one's own magical energy. While this recovery will happen with anyone's blood because the blood of their sister Medusa is the one they like the most, Euryale and Stheno recover greatly when sucking Medusa's blood. Alluring Nightingale: A A mesmerizing-kind of Skill possessed by those with a beautiful natural voice; it is also a declaration of the exercise of power by the royalty. It works as a charm magecraft-like effect towards those of the user's opposite sex, but evasion is possible by means of a Magic Resistance Skill. Even without Magic Resistance, one can abate it to some extent so long he or she maintains a will to resist. Goddess' Whim: A It bestows several varied effects, but they are not necessarily limited to beneficial things. The set of varied effects differs between Euryale and Stheno. * Noble Phantasm: + Name: Eye of the Euryale, Goddess' Gaze + Rank: B + Type: Anti-Unit + Range: 1 ~ 99 + Maximum number of targets: 1 + Effects: The charm of the goddess, that captivated braves with a single attack, made form as a Noble Phantasm. The bow, her bewitching charm; the arrowheads, her sweet, sweet whispers. An arrow that will pierce the heart of any male, be they a human or a god. The external appearance is extremely sublime, and also cute. It is a golden bow patterned with multiple heart shapes. "Isn't that Cupid's..." is what her little sister started to say before meeting a terrible fate. * Alignment: Chaotic Good * Changes: -</s> <|message|>Estelle Varianbec Saber Saber was not unhappy, to say the least. Early on, after being summoned, she had asked if it was permissible for her to remain materialized, as long as it was not a strain for her Master. It wasn't necessary, but deep down the white-haired Servant desired not to be hidden, but to serve her Lord openly, if it were allowed. Yes, to loyally serve a Lord was Saber's one desire in this holy grail war. To be honest, she hadn't expected to be summoned in a Christian place of worship, by a nun no less. She had no problem with being summoned as such with it, but she would have expected those belonging to the Christian faith to aim for summoning a Saint or some other figure from their beliefs. She was thankful for this chance regardless. As long as her Lord was just, she would follow her. ... Certainly, she had to quickly deny the existence of a a certain feature... but the small girl who had summoned her had otherwise seemed... seemed... well, to be honest, Saber had no interacted with her much prior. No, instead most of her time had been spent with the nun who acted as support, who had provided her with the white sweater and long pants she currently wore. It was a comfortable outfit that was easy to move in, which meant she could swiftly act in defense of her Lord if necessary. She hoped, at least somewhat, to get to know her Lord better, but if the small nun did not wish to speak of such things it was not her place to ask. Saber would due her best to dutifully follow her Lord's wishes... but with some concern she noted she had not yet been asked about her identity. As the red-eyed girl understood, the matter of a Servant's identity would generally aid their Master greatly in the Grail War. But now was not the best time to attempt to explain herself. She was meant to obscure her identity as best as she could, to prevent anyone from discovering her nature. And regardless, at the moment, Saber was astonished by the sheer amount of food her Master ordered. She was so small... "Ah... d'Antibes-sama," she began, pausing for only a moment. No... she had to look out for her Master... "Is... is it healthy for you to eat that much?" If the nun became ill during a fight from all that food, it could be very dangerous... ... Technically speaking, Saber didn't need to eat, either, but it would would look strange if she didn't. "And, ah, I would like to try a cheeseburger." Daze --- Estelle Varianbec Estelle smiled. That was what she wanted to hear, she wanted to hear that her Servant was ready to deliver carnage and destruction upon their opponents in this Holy Grail War. Still smiling brightly at her Servant, the small girl hopped off of the front step as she made to lead her Servant to the front gate of the Varianbec estate. Yes, indeed, not only had she summoned a powerful Servant, her Lancer was completely unbeatable. At least that's how she felt about the matter, knowing the origins of this one revered as a God of War. She knew that he'd be prepared to go out as soon as possible, to destroy their opponents swiftly and without pause. It didn't matter who they were or what their cause was, they would all be killed equally. Though... she wasn't cruel. She'd accept surrender from the Masters. It wasn't necessary to kill them, the threat of another contract being formed was slim if Servants were the primary targets. They'd be allowed to escape to the safety of the Church. If they were somewhat likable she might even escort them there. But if they attempted to persist, they'd find no mercy from the diminutive girl. "I'm certain that some of the enemy Masters will be going to the Church to speak to the Overseer," declared Estelle cheerfully, practically skipping as she passed through the gate. "So we'll ambush them on their way back to... wherever it is they'll be going!" She placed her hand to her mouth and giggled. "You'll be able to fight to your heart's content, Lancer," she added. Really, her Lancer was an honorable figure, but you didn't get the title of a God of War without taking at least some kind of joy in battle, now, did you? "Why, if the Masters surrender, they'll even be close to the Church when they have to run off in tears!" Estelle giggled again. Yes... the first Master she saw was in for a nasty surprise...</s> <|message|>Kishinami Hakuno Kishinami Hakuno When preparing for a war between mages that utilised the spirits of fallen heroes as your primary weapon, there was a laundry list of things a competent magus must do to ensure they were fully fortified and ready to strike. Kishinami Hakuno would never dare presume she was 'competent', but the brown-haired girl had hoped she possessed common sense to have all her bases covered before summoning. Staring at the storefront of some clothin franchise, Hakuno wondered if all her studies regarding the Holy Grail War were a lie. "...Is this place okay?" Hakuno quietly asked her Servant, whom the young girl still believed to be a part of some elaborate joke at her expense. Hakuno had heard of Servants that possessed a 'Divinity' skill, and that they tended to be pretty darn strong as far as Servants went. That also translated to, in her opinion, a level of power Hakuno could never hope to wield. So imagine the teenager's surprise when her Archer turned out be a full-blown Goddess. She really couldn't help but think she'd accidentally cheated somehow, and was probably trapped in a daze of awe and confusion ever since. ----------------- Lancer His Master was an interesting individual, to say the least. Her appearance and demeanour were the very picture of a carefree child with a large zest for life. Even the bearded warrior could recognise her as 'adorable'. And yet, her cheerful words spoke not of joyous events, but of defeating opponents in a deadly battle. It was almost unsettling, were Lancer not sadly used to such a thing. Children growing up in a time of war and chaos, often had to wield a blade before they could fully grasp of the concept of death. To think that even two thousand years later, things hadn't changed that much. Still, Estelle was his Master, and despite her age, she was obviously capable. Her vast mana reserves allowed him to exert his power, and her cheery words hinted at mercy - while Lancer would not fault her for choosing to kill an opposing Master, allowing them the option to flee at least showed a level of compassion that made her worthy to serve. Or overwhelming arrogance. "A swift strike will no doubt devastate our opposition, My lady," the large Servant replied, absent-mindedly stroking at his long beard once more, "defeating an enemy this early will shake up the rest, and allow us momentum from the beginning. It's an excellent move." Naturally, there was no doubt in Lancer's mind that he would no doubt win any battle for his lord. If he believed his Master to be ultimately righteous, then he would not fail again.</s>
<|message|>Euryale "Yes, that should do, Master~" Euryale replied to her newest Master as she peered through the shop's front windows. "The human world is a very convenient place. You don't need to wait when you want new clothes or even food. As long as you have those paper slips you call money, you can have anything at your beck and call. Even 'I' can certainly admire that side selfish of yourselves," she added as she entered the store and began to pick a number of outfits that caught her eyes without regards to their price. To Hakuno's luck, she would not have to pay for anything. The shop's staff was more than willing to pay a tribute to a cute goddess such as Euryale. No, she didn't charm them all, obviously, they knew what to do in sight of true beauty. "Could you come here and help me decide, Master?" Euryale 'asked' Hakuno to join her in the dressing room to help the smallish goddess decide between wearing a pair of jeans with a dark sweater—with Euryale complaining that it made her look like 'that girl'— or white a blouse, black pleated miniskirt and pantyhose combination, with a red jacket on top of it. </s>
<|description|>Owen Magnus Role: The Admiral of the Perelliator Age: 47 Rank: Admiral Ship: Behemoth class Battlecruiser Homeworld: Nephor II Appearance: (Until the picture is come, this is Cruallassar's description.) A stern-looking man of average height, with a short beard and mustache, the same color as his dark hair. He wears his many years of experience on his face in a manner reminiscent of rank tabs, and his severe expression serving as a clear reminder of the calculating mind behind it...yet not at all betraying the sort of mind-set that invented the Jump-and-Dump maneuver. He wears a Confederate Admiral's uniform with Dominion insignia...and a sword. Because...sword. What's not to love? Gender: Male Personality: Calm, methodical, and always planning. Backstory overview: Born in the year 2469, Owen Magnus is from a middle class family living on Nephor II. When he was 18 he enlisted in the Confederate navy and was stationed at an on-planet base as a Viking pilot. Three years after his assignment he was recommended for officer candidate school, he graduated three years later as a lieutenant. He was then transferred to the Perelliator, a Behemoth class Battlecruiser under the command of Admiral Ferran Speffer. He climbed the ranks for nine years till he achieved the rank of Commodore. Due to the rebellion that had been gaining momentum recently, ships were on short supply in the Confederacy, and the now commodore Owen Magnus remained on board the Perelliator. In 2598 the Perelliator is refitted to now-modern standards with a Yamato cannon, Collossus reactor, thicker armor, and stronger shields. and on special request by Admiral Speffer, a science and engineering bay. One and a half years later in 2500 the Perelliator is ordered to assist in the blockade on Antiga Prime. The Zerg attack the blockade and the Perelliator is damaged and boarded by the zerg, Admiral Speffer orders an emergency fast jump while marines fight the Zerg on board. The ship spends the next two days in uncharted space eliminating all the Zerg, and cleaning the ship of dead crew. The Perelliator now had 1238 less (out of 6780)members than it did forty hours before. During this time talk of defecting circulated thought the crew, Admiral Speffer addressed the crew and presented two options: stay in the Confederacy, or to defect too the now massive movement of Arcturus Mengsk. Considering the recent actions by the Sons of Korhal, an almost unanimous decision was made by the crew to defect. The Perelliator and its crew spent the next four years running troops and supplies too and from the front lines for the Sons of Korhal, then the Dominion during the Brood War. The Perelliator was then stationed as the defense for the planet Seti along with a Minotaur class Battlecruiser. During this assignment the planet was attacked by a small fleet of Zerg, with an early initial run of scourges damaged the ship and injured some of the crew. Admiral Speffer was among the injured, and the second in command Commodore Magnus assumed commanded of the Perelliator and made what could possibly be the shortest FTL jump in Terran history with a maneuver the crew nick-named the JUMP AND DUMP. In the coarse of five minutes he had the ship prep its now old planetary bombardement nuclear warheads and charge both FTL drives (some older Battlecruisers had a main and a less powerful secondary drive) he had the engineering crew program the main drive to activate for a fraction of a second to jump into the middle of the main Zerg force while launching all the nukes the ship had available, before activating the second drive to a near by system. The maneuver worked better than hoped for, with all but the outer fringes of the Zerg force decimated, and the other Battlecruiser finished those off quickly. Soon after this engagement Admiral Speffer retired, and Owen Magnus received a commendation for the defense of the system, and overcoming overwhelming odds, as well as receiving a promotion to Admiral. With the retirement of Admiral Speffer, Admiral Magnus was given (per his request) the Perelliator to command. The ship played a relativity minor role in the war after that incident, much to the relief of the crew. Just before the Second Great War, the Perelliator was given another refit, adding a series of cluster missile batteries and a Battlecruiser-mounted defensive matrix. (which had been undergoing field testing on Science vessels during the Brood War) During the Second War, the Perelliator participated in only a few battles, playing a minor role in fleet actions over Korhal during the Zerg Invasion, and later serving with Admiral Horner in the defense of Korhal against the Moebius Foundation forces under Amon's influence.</s> <|message|>Jedi Master Greggory Wick Jedi Master Greggory Wick Master Wick followed along, allowing Bumdoa to speak with the lead soldier, who identified as human. It would seem that all of the crew on this vessel were human, Greggory mused to himself. The group stepped into the mess-hall, and Greggory was hard pressed to contain his grin. Before he could do anything however the Master's Padawan jolted ahead towards some form of cake, but hesitated. "I am sure it is alright Wrenu, they wouldn't have set food out if they expected you to not eat it." Greggory said with a hint of laughter in his words. He then leaned towards Olu and whispered, "Keep talking with Savaymin, maybe learn something useful before the formal talks begin." Wick would then take a step to the side, before turning to stand next to the far more grizzled looking soldier whom had been following them. "Not sure we've been properly introduced. I'm Greggory Wick, Jedi Master. Yourself?" (@Cyber Mama)</s> <|message|>Owen Magnus Perelliator away team Magnus nods affably to the count. "Lead on." The group starts heading in the indicated direction, with the Ghosts and robots moving to flank them in an escort formation. As they walk, Dooku speaks again. "Your ship and shuttle pose interesting questions. Clearly capable enough vessels of course, however I make note of no repulsorlift technology in the shuttle's design, and a number of the scan readings from your ship...the Perelliator, as I remember...are quite foreign to us." Magnus nods again. "The same can be said of your ships to us. Though I must say, this ship and the others like it are quite impressive looking. Few starships where we come from can surpass the size of a Behemoth-class like the Perelliator, and none built by the Dominion. And the level of automation I see is similarly unheard of, it seems like nearly the entire crew is robotic." The group enters a corridor on one side of the bay and continues on, Dooku making his reply. "This ship is built and crewed by the Trade Federation, their battle droids make up the bulk of its crew and of the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems." "I see. And the remainder of the crew? I'm unfamiliar with the other species I've seen." "Nemoidians. They run the Trade Federation, one of the corporate groups we've had to obtain support from to lend weight to our movement." The group turns off through a door to the side and enters a large room with a conference table in the center, with Dooku walking to one end, his droids taking positions on either side of his end of the room. "Please, sit. I can have some refreshments brought in if you wish."</s> <|message|>Joseph Runner, Callsign "Bulldog" Joseph remained silent as the group made their way towards the Mess Hall. In that interim time, he'd been trying to place the one who'd identified as a Nautiloid anywhere else during his time in the Human-Covenant War and realize that no, he hadn't. So maybe they really had ended up in a different sector of space. Of course, then Savaymin had to go and insult the man by saying she'd thought he was from a slave race and spoke their language surprisingly well. God damn it, Savaymin. Then they arrived in the mess hall and he turned to the rest of Ra as she made her comments. "Alright, take up standard positions. No one but the admiral comes in after this." The other two members of Ra gave nods and took up positions on either side of the door while Joseph pulled Savaymin aside. "Can we NOT antagonize the unknowns until we know what the hell is going on? Because I'm sure the admiral would appreciate it as much as I would. Clear?" After getting Savaymin's response, he would take up a position near the kitchen entrance, watching everything happening. --- Crimson listened as the count spoke, frowning slightly when he said that the majority of the crew was droids. Will our weapons even damage these things? Every second they were there, he watched the droids move about the duties and patrol the halls and knew that they had no idea what they were even made of. Gauss weapons were powerful, they could tear through another fully armored marine in a suit of CMC-400 power armor with little issue, but if these droids were composed of something that a gauss spike couldn't penetrate...Cinder, get a read of how these droids work from one of the Nemoidians. Might give us something to pass along to Raven if we need leverage later.</s> <|message|>(Captain) Dean Joseph Victoria Harbit Dean Joseph Victoria Harbit Dean cranes his neck side to side with a mild popping escaping his joints. He did this often enough for it to be considered a daily habit. He stands in the hall, outside the doorway to the right side of the frame. He begins his wait for the admiral to make her way down as for discussion. While the Spartans may feel it their place to make small talk and give tours, Dean remembers his place in all this. He continues to monitor the room however by taking a slightly unnatural pose. Half surveying the hall, half surveying the mess. His right brow raises ever so slightly as the Jedi named 'Wrenu' rushed at the cake. In silence he was assessed and deemed to be the most unlikely security risk from the entire group. This allows Dean to focus on the other Jedi the Spartans that stand near him. One of the Jedi begin to approach him and his guard is instantly raised. His fingers tighten their grip on the assault rifle and eyes narrow in. Every thing he could try to calculate about the Jedi was running through his head. In his mind, every little feature was being highlighted and labelled. "Not sure we've been properly introduced. I'm Greggory Wick, Jedi Master. Yourself?" "Dean. Rank details for crew personnel only." His response was sharp and somewhat misleading. While this wasn't at all the case, Dean just didn't feel like running through his position and giving the Jedi an upper hand in case of a hostage styled situation. "Mind clarifying your position as a 'Jedi Master'? Preferably what weaponry one in your position would use." As usual with new comers, Dean was straight to the point. The concept of them being trusted to leave their weapons on their ship didn't go well with Dean. In his experience, no one's ever willing to leave their weapons behind when encircled by new threats. (@neogreggory)</s> <|message|>Wrenu Tipolan Wrenu Tipolan Wrenu then simply cut the cake and started to eat it as he stood there, only watching and observing. He didn't approach anyone for fear of a diplomatic incident or something.</s> <|message|>Cindra Dubrovnik (Agent X69821J, AKA Cinder) Cindra Dubrovnik Cinder's eyes dart around without moving her head, taking in as much of the foreign ship as she can before they are led into the large room. She decides she gets a distinctly uncomfortable feeling from the old man before them, but she halfway discounts it to her usual discomfort before those in positions of power. She keeps her eyes on him, though, and the droids, and takes a position standing at the admiral's side and a little behind, slightly facing the door. Cinder, get a read of how these droids work from one of the Nemoidians. Might give us something to pass along to Raven if we need leverage later. She makes no sign of acknowledgement, but her shoulders slacken a bit as she throws her mind in a net around her. Now that she is closer, Cinder can recognize the differences between the human mind and the mind of these "Neimoidian" creatures. She slips into the thoughts and memories of one, immediately stifling a shudder at the slimy feeling she gets from it and the overwhelming greedy confidence. This...thing...was worse than the inhabitants of some of the slums she had visited. Shoving unnecessary thoughts aside, Cinder focuses on its memories of the droids. Her probing reveals far more than she had expected, and she quickly sifts through the creature's mind with interest and bewilderment. She checks a few more aliens, just to be sure. Shit. She snaps back into herself, her eyes widening. They seem to be a common metal, maybe a reinforced aluminum or something, nothing special...but fekking hell, Crim, watch out for the ones with the little metal cylinders! So far it looks like the only person with one here is this Dooku fellow, but for criminey's sake, be careful. Cinder stops, composes herself, and quickly relays what she found. I got lucky. The things I checked had seen some action. The cylinders seem to be some form of psi-blade, and can deflect the energy bursts those droids' guns fire. But that's not what worries me. These cylinder-people can jump insanely high, have crazy-fast reflexes, can choke a person without touching them, and heaven knows what else. It doesn't look like they have any equipment to help them do it, and it doesn't look like the psionic abilities I've ever seen either. I don't like this. Looks like some of them don't like others enough to kill them. The blade color seems to vary depending on faction...What in hell have we gotten ourselves into?</s>
<|message|>Owen Magnus Ghost Agent Raven, Perelliator away team Raven shoots Crimson and Cinder a quick status update via telepathy. ~I'm in their databanks. Lots of data here, but most of it seems irrelevant...logs, mission records...a hell of a lot of corporate-looking data here, these guys must do merc duty in their off time or something. Last combat-related record is marked ten years ago, I'm downloading it. No full specs on the droids, but plenty of second-hand references to them, they seem like mass-produced shock troops. Cheap and plentiful. And very disposable, so either these people have a lot stronger weapons than we do, or we can kill them pretty easily. The bigger ones though...there are references and logs for a few different kinds of droids on here, not all of them in mass quantities. Their navigation records aren't here, I'll have to find whatever passes for their navigation data. Don't worry, I'm downloading everything vaguely useful, but a lot of it is stuff the techs can sift through.~</s>
<|description|>Jub the Peculiar Age: 18 Race: Goblin (though he claims to be a gnome with a bad skin condition) Class: Wizard Level: 2 Background: Charlatan Personality: Pompous, theatrical, attention-seeking, jittery, proud, possibly delusional, doesn't know when to shut up. Backstory: sent to GM Other: Has a fey familiar called Eighteyes who takes the form of a spider. She's loyal to Jub while also being 100% done with his nonsense. Stat Generation: Point Buy</s> <|message|>Jub the Peculiar Jub the Peculiar "Is this really the time to be discussing the probability of giant serpents!?" Jub shouted over to Zavakri. The sudden appearance of the giant snakes had caught him off-guard, causing him to freeze up in fear as his mind raced through the many, many ways Brutrumukk could meet his demise. It was only the human woman's babbling about muscle mass and dietary concerns that seemed to trigger some form of irritation that snapped him out of this trance. "Humanoid bunny rabbits that steal your memories! Inexplicable megafauna! I think we just have to accept that nothing in this place makes any goddamn sense!" With that, and powered by a mixture of terror and annoyance, he got on all-fours and sprinted like a startled cat closer to the two snakes, though still keeping some distance from them. He then stood up to his full height and, making the same gesture he had made with his hands when facing the rabbits earlier, flung a fireball at one of the snakes. Jub moves 30 ft. Firebolt to hit Giant Constrictor A = 24 (Nat 20!) Firebolt damage = 12</s> <|message|>Brutrumukk Brutrumukk Brutrumukk had dealt with smaller constrictor snakes before, so he knew what to expect from them and how to avoid it. As the bugbear slipped clear of one snake's attempt, Brutrumukk dropped his handaxe and drew his morningstar as he watched his companions unleash their attacks on the snakes. The scent of reptilian blood and burning scales brought a murderous grin to Brutrumukk's face as the heat of battle instilled within him an intense desire for bloodshed. A desire he acted on when Jub's firebolt momentarily distracted the snake to his right. "HRUGGEK!" Brutrumukk roared as he lunged for the singed serpent and brought his morningstar down upon the overgrown beast. Brutrumukk enters a rage. Brutrumukk attacks Giant Constrictor Snake A with his morningstar. He hits with an 18 and deals 10 damage.</s> <|message|>Passive Perceptions Hither Slanty Tower After getting fire flung at him and being hit with a Morningstar, the other snake hisses and tries to constrict and squeeze Brutrumukk. However, it found that the bugbear is still somehow faster than him and his fellow serpent. Tsak meanwhile, flies to pursue after Aurora, curious about what has her attention, but also cautious in case the serpents go after her. Constrictor Snake A tries to Constrict Brutrumukk! ...It rolled a 12 to hit. That's a miss. -_-" the Exiled is next! Inactive for 4 days, so I will NPC Tsak for now. Tsak will fly 30 feet, and will take the dodge action. Gabriel & Zavakri: 17 Giant Constrictor Snake B: 15 Bob: 14 Jub & Aurora: 9 Brutrumukk: 8 Giant Constrictor Snake A: 4 Tsak: 4</s> <|message|>Zavakri Heavy with skepticism at how well things are going, Zavakri squints past Bob's corpulent mass and raises her orb with an optimistic caution, seeking to once more bamboozle Snake B. Nothing too complex going on here, just prodding That-Which-Should-Not-Be until it Stops-Being. Ray of Frost says 12 to hit! If this hits... 7 damage????? S-Slow it down?</s> <|message|>Gabriel, of Waterdeep G A B R I E L Gabriel's muscles tensed as he sprang forward, his gaze focused and jaw set watching the serpent closely as it slithered around the bugbear failing to realize it was no match for the fearsome monster it was fighting against yet also failing to watch it's own flank. Already on the offensive the half-elf lunged forward with a graceful flourish, stabbing the serpents coiled body with the accuracy of a surgeon before turning and stepping back with a turn of the heel. Wiping the blood upon his blade against the cuff of his leather gloves. Action: Move towards Giant Constrictor B (10 feet) and Attack (Nat 24) and hit for 11 (+2 not +4 sorry) damage with a rapier.</s> <|message|>Passive Perceptions Hither Slanty Tower Snake B lets out an angry hiss as it both pelted with ice and filleted by a bard with a rapier. It seems to take a moment to communicate with the other Constrictor Snake in hisses and tongue flicks. The snake then moves to Brutrumukk's other side, and winds his large body around the bugbear. This time, the attack finds purchase, and Brutrumukk finds himself in a bind...literally! The snake squeezes the bugbear with all of its strength. Aurora swears under her breath, and she fires an arrow at the snake, only for it to duck its head. She then continues her movement and disappears from their view behind the leaning tower. Constrictor Snake moves 20 and remains in Brutrumukk's melee. He got out of Gabriel's melee, so the @Dark Cloud can take an Attack of Opportunity. He uses his action to constrict and got a Dirty 20 to hit. Brutrumukk takes 11 Bludgeoning damage, and he is now grappled. While grappled in this way, Brutrumukk is restrained. But thankfully, B cannot constrict another target. Brutrumukk can try to escape the grapple. Bob does nothing for his turn. Warning Voice can't do anything, so pass. Warning Voice came up due to an error on DM's part. Aurora shoots at B still, and she misses with a 7 She'll use her movement to get to the balloon. Bonus Action--Cunning Action to Hide. Succeeds with 23 Jub's up next Then, it'll be @rush99999's Brutrumukk. Gabriel & Zavakri: 17 Giant Constrictor Snake B: 15 Bob: 14 Warning Voice: 12 Jub & Aurora: 9 Brutrumukk: 8 Giant Constrictor Snake A: 4 Tsak: 4</s> <|message|>Jub the Peculiar Jub the Peculiar Jub's eyes widen as one of the snakes suddenly wrapped itself around Brutrumukk. "Hold on, Brut!" he called and attempted to fling fire at the attacking serpent. Unfortunately, due to nerves and fear of accidentally hitting his friend, the flame only just missed its target, causing Jub to swear in goblin. Firebolt to hit Giant Constrictor B = 11 Guessing that's a miss xP</s> <|message|>Brutrumukk Brutrumukk "RRRRRRRRAGH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Brutrumukk roared in annoyance as the snake managed to get a decent hold on the bugbear this time. Now that he was in its grasp, Brutrumukk knew defense would be a waste of effort, so he devoted all his energy to attacking. Brutrumukk swung for the snake and once again struck true, this latest blow landing harder than the previous strike. Brutrumukk recklessly attacks Giant Constrictor Snake B with his morningstar. He hits with an 18 and deals 17 damage.</s> <|message|>Passive Perceptions Hither Slanty Tower Snake A takes advantage of the distraction B provided and uses this chance to make its way to the balloon basket. It does a tail whip to ensure that anyone else who could attack it wouldn't be able to. It stops moving and peers into the basket, causing a male voice to shout out, "WAAAAUGH!!! Stay back, you foul beast! I have no fear!" Tsak hears the scream and she makes her way towards the snake. She mumbles an incantation and she calls out to the snake, "Leave them alone!" before she throws a dagger at them. The snake lets out a loud angry hiss as the dagger and hex did a significant amount of damage. Snake A disengages from melee and uses thirty feet to get to the balloon basket. Since it used its action and movement, it'll end its turn peering into the basket. Tsak will fly 30 feet towards the balloon, following Aurora. For her bonus action, she will cast Hex on Snake A, targeting Strength, and she will throw a Dagger at the Snake for her action. She hits with a 17! The dagger deals 4 Piercing damage, and the Hex adds max 6 necrotic damage on top of it. So she does a total of 10 damage to A! We're back to the top with @Dark Cloud & @Fading Memory Gabriel & Zavakri: 17 Giant Constrictor Snake B: 15 Bob: 14 Warning Voice: 12 Jub & Aurora: 9 Brutrumukk: 8 Giant Constrictor Snake A: 4 Tsak: 4</s> <|message|>Zavakri Zavakri pats Bob on the side of his shell. He was working perfectly as cover and deserved some affection. She observes the battlefield with a sense of superiority granted by having never missed an attack and having never been attacked herself, quite satisfied at the rage of the bugbear serving as a secondary shield to her own elegant self. Or something like that. She witnesses Tsak rising to the rescue of the vocal balloon basket, and after a quick mental equation to conclude that *someone* must be in there she moves 30 feet towards the basket and lets fly another array of lethal mathematica towards Snake A. "Oi, Get out that basket! I'll catch you!" She lied like a carnie, as she mentally prepared more spellcraft for the occasion. Magic Missile says X=5; 15 Force Damage to Snake A by the basket "Just because you added a few Z levels and a new Y and X Vector doesn't mean I can't still calculate for your present position!" She declared boldly to the snake as her missiles struck home. Then, she balks- she had mistakenly gotten rather close to Snake B, but was thankful that her companions were still nearby. Oh bugger. At least it wasn't right next to her, yet.</s> <|message|>Gabriel, of Waterdeep His weapon had yet to miss it's mark up until the current moment, Gabriel had been on his toes until as he followed the snake tangled in combat with the bugbear. His toe caught the edge of a root while he sprang towards the giant serpent, he lost his balance thrusting the tip of the old rapier at nothing but empty space. "Drat." Gabriel growled, sounding mildly annoyed as he stepped back into the ready position with his weapon at the ready. Gabriel moved towards Giant Constrictor near Brutrumukk and miss with a 5.</s> <|message|>Passive Perceptions Hither Slanty Tower As the chaos continues, Snake B looks at Brutrumukk before opening its maw and just begin to swallow the bugbear. As it does, the coils and the mouth just squeeze Brutrumukk painfully. The voice in the basket responds to Zavakri's words, "I would if I could, Fair and Wise Lady Sage! But I can't move this accursed cage!" The voice then calls out to the serpent in front of him, "I'm not completely defenseless. I still have a trick or two up my sleeve. Have some of this then!" The voice then sneezes and a burst of rainbow colored fog sprays upwards from the basket. Snake A recoils and then glares at the voice within the basket, completely unaffected by his trick. "Uh oh..." Then a silvery dart hits the snake's head causing to recoil and accidentally take an actual inhale of the fog. When it lifts its head up again, this time it's eyes are showing multiple colored rings. If a snake could have a large dopey smile on its face, this snake would have it. The voice seems to realize what happened and gave a cheer! Snake B attacks Brutrumukk. Can't use constrict on Brutrumukk again, so it bites with advantage. Hits with an 18 and deals 13 Piercing Damage. Bob does nothing. Warning Voice does something! He's going to make Snake A make a Wisdom Saving Throw. Snake A succeeds with an 18 Zavakri's Silvery Barbs made it reroll. It got a 6 and failed the Save. Zavakri gave Aurora advantage to attack A with this spell. Krog and @XxFellsingxX are up next! Then @rush99999 goes after them. Gabriel & Zavakri: 17 Giant Constrictor Snake B: 15 Bob: 14 Warning Voice: 12 Jub & Aurora: 9 Brutrumukk: 8 Giant Constrictor Snake A: 4 Tsak: 4</s>
<|message|>Jub the Peculiar Seeing the constrictor attempt to chow down on Brutrumukk did not help Jub's nerves, and his mind was racing through all his possible options when he caught sight of Zavakri in his peripheral, cowering behind her large snail friend... who seemingly hadn't moved an inch since the fight began. The goblin gave an angry huff, as he swallowed back yet more goblin curses. He also noticed Zavakri let loose a familiar spell on the other snake, three magical darts that easily hit their mark. Right. Magic Missile. Always hits its target. Not as flashy as a firebolt, but a guaranteed hit and far less likely to accidentally hit and set his friend alight. Taking a deep breath, he made the appropriate gestures as he summoned forth his own magic missile on the snake attacking Brutrumukk. Magic missile damage on Giant Constrictor B = 4 x 3 = 12 force damage</s>
<|description|>Edison Kiani Age: 32 Appearance: Edison is a square-jawed man, with close-cropped blonde hair. He is tall, standing at 6'5", and well-muscled, with eyes that are indicative of his intelligence, despite his features. Both of his hands have been replaced by mechanical ones, improving his grip, and ability in CQC. Faction: Edison was previously affiliated with the Metal Faction, leading to a predilection for their technology. Skills: Edison was trained as a sniper or heavy weapons specialist in the Metal Faction's security forces, and was also trained to fight in their environment suits. He is also a combat engineer, able to find the weak points in structures, vehicles, or armor. Genetic enhancements: None. Personality: Edison is an affable, friendly man. However, this does not deter him from doing what is necessary to get paid. It is said, when Edison Kiani gets serious, with no trace of humor on his face, that's when you know you're really extra screwed. Bio: Edison was trained from a young age to be a soldier in the Metal Faction security forces, and for years, he was successful at his job, becoming a heavy weapons specialist and a sniper, and eventually led his own squad. However, his squad was torn apart by politics, and he left the Faction Military shortly afterward to become a mercenary. Equipment: Extreme Vision Glasses [EV-299] by Space Faction (tm) - Allows Edison to see in Ultra and Infravison, Sonic, and Telescopic vision, as well as see through some walls and armor. Metal Faction Medium Bolter Mk2- Edison still owns his old rig, a Medium sized craft, which has heavy armor, advanced targeting, power, and life support systems. It is armed with a variable sniper/machgun Railcannon, which can switch between a high-powered railgun sniper mode, or an armor-shredding short-range machinegun. M150 Kavalry Sniper Railgun- Edison owns a long-range, infantry-mounted sniper rifle. However, to fire, it needs to be attached to a nuclear battery, and it takes a while to recharge, after each shot. These drawbacks are worth it, however, because the sniper is almost as powerful as something you might find mounted on a light vehicle. Advanced Alloys Metal Faction Combat Knife- A foot-long, insanely sharp knife that is meant to be able to shred through vehicle armor.</s> <|message|>Jacob Sanders In the main security office at the center of Party City a group of people were being briefed by the head of the city's security force. When a group of Space faction troops had been spotted setting up camp near the city using inflatable emergency habitat domes the city had sent out a message on the local network that they were looking to hire a team to investigate. Not many people had responded to the call, but those that did were ushered into the local security office and informed of the situation. Party city was located in a series of craters which had been covered over by light-weight transparent polymers and pressurized so that it could be terraformed, a technique which was often used for farms and pastures but had become more popular in recent years in human inhabited areas due to advances in polymers by both Water and Space factions. The various craters were the city's districts, connected by tunnels which vehicles and people could move through. Larger vehicles meant for the surface were docked topside, with people and cargo being moved between the surface and crater floor using elevators. Jacob Sanders recorded all of the information on his wrist computer in case he needed to review it later. The "enemy" camp was approximately five kilometers south of the southernmost district in party city, an industrial sector mad up of warehouses full of goods from other cities and factions. In fact, Jacob had come here to trade Power faction goods, and was storing several miniature fusion reactors and several cases of power cells in one of those warehouses. After the briefing was over, those that weren't part of a group were split into groups by the city's security forces, and Jacob found himself partnered with a rough looking cyborg and a woman who was decked out in newer model space faction gear. Great, two warriors, he thought. That means diplomacy is probably off the table. He looked at the two of them, scrutinizing their gear. "So, I take it the two of you are warriors? I'm an engineer myself."</s> <|message|>Jane Kelly Jane had followed her orders to the letter. Once the campsite had been located she had left under the cover of darkness. The night lights were quite enough for the night vision to be effective, along with all the lights that came off Party City. It had almost been too easy to make her way over she thought as she entered in the dead of night. No real sentries either, it was almost disappointing to her. She had even prepared a little speech for any guard that caught her passing into the city. None of that had been needed however. "Stalker reporting in," she said into her headset. "Go ahead Stalker," an elderly male voice responded. "I've made it into Party City, initiating infiltration. I'll be on radio silence unless directive Omega is called upon. Stalker out." "Copy Stalker, radio silence enabled." Kelly clicked off her comms, better to be safe incase there was anyone trying to listen in. She took a few deep breaths, despite all her years she was still nervous before an operation. She considered that a good thing, reminded her that she was still human. Still human, and still had feelings. It comforted her in a strange way that she always felt regret if she had to kill anyone. She shook the thoughts out of her head, she had a job to do. Kelly quickly found a place to stay the night, a small place run by two youngsters. Kelly had rented a room for a few days, knowing that the meetup was tomorrow. She had attracted a bit of attention with her getup. That was no real surprise though since Space Faction was camped not too far away and here she is in full Space Faction gear. She had not been questioned about it though, to her relief. She stripped out of her armour and went over the details once again while the bath was warming up. Getting into the city had been easy enough, to do the rest of the mission, now that was a tough nut to crack. How would she ever manage to gain the trust of the Mars factions? Kelly sighed deeply again and sunk into the bath. First bath in quite a few days. It was nice, and she let her thoughts run wild. Kelly had already prepared an alias for herself, a smuggler of people and information. Getting people in and out of Space Faction territories along with an information saleswoman. It was the best she could come up with due to her knowledge about the Space Faction and how it operates. The new day came around and she found herself, after an information meeting, in a room with two others. A cyborg, and a normal looking human. She was surprised it was such a small squad, but that had it's advantages as well. When the question was asked she looked at the man and smiled. "I'd call myself a trader of less reputable services," she said and bowed slightly. "While I can handle myself in a fight, it's not a measure that I'd take as first option.</s>
<|message|>Edison Kiani Edison smiled, and lit his cigarette, which, although it violated base protocol, air cleanliness and all that, nobody was about to stop the cyborg with a whacking big knife from smoking. The Power Faction Engineer had asked a question, and the Space Faction woman had answered vaguely, not giving him a straight answer either way. Suspicious. Edison was of a mind that you'd have to keep an eye on all Space Faction people, especially on this mission. Smirking at the woman's non-answer, he smiled, and waving with his metal hand at the two, he said, "Well, I'm a combat engineer, and a fighter. Metal Faction trains us well, after all." Looking around, and still smiling, he said, "However, there is one thing I have to address before we take on this job, otherwise, I'm fine. Can we talk about why there's a woman in full Space Faction dress, on a mission AGAINST SPACE FACTION?" He held his hands out, shaking his head, and taking a long drag on his cigarette, he continued. "I mean, YEAH, she could be a salvager, or a smuggler, but c'mon. What are the chances that those are her real jobs?" Smiling, he looked the woman in the eyes and winked. "However, I really don't care if she is or not. I'm just reserving the 'called it' rights." He really didn't care one way or another, his words weren't just all talk. He could handle the woman, he had taken out countless others like her. It's what he was trained to do, so he was completely ready. He would work with her, for now, unless she tried to interfere with the mission. Ah, Space Faction. What do I remember about their W.A.R. Suits... Let's see. Light and maneuverable, with decent firepower (Space Faction's infantry weapons are pretty powerful, but with little defense, compared to my Bolter. ) Edison had fought against Space Faction forces on the polar cap, where they had tried to create a base planetside. Despite the fancy tech Space Faction had, the skill and power of the Metal Faction machines and pilots had overwhelmed the relatively few soldiers Space Faction had sent. It was a mistake they wouldn't make twice, after they tried to raze a Metal settlement, a large mine. They regretted that incursion as well, getting beaten back by one of the two Titans Metal Faction had built. Each Titan was equivalent to a small capital ship in terms of firepower, but they had relatively low mobility, as a trade-off for their obscene firepower and armor. It was one of the reasons that the two main Metal Faction mines hadn't been taken by anyone else, and also a reason Metal Faction couldn't threaten anyone with them. Looking around the room, Edison asked, "So is there anything else we'd like to cover before we begin?"</s>
<|description|>Yukimura Himeko * Age: 19 * Gender: Female * Appearance: Similar in stature to her MG form below, however her hair is black, and falls to her shoulder blades. She also wears a pair of standard, black-rimmed glasses. * Personality: A playful trickster who professes a wisdom beyond her years, Himeko maintains a cheerful demeanour, though she also tends to keep others at arms length. Himeko has a penchant for playing little tricks with acquaintances or especially other magical girls, but is also more than willing to sit and talk if it avoids a fight - at first. Himeko maintains that she is nothing more than a neutral force, gleefully proclaiming that the only trustworthy magical girl on the planet is herself. Himeko also denies being anything related to a defender of the weak, or a saviour of justice, or anything romanticised as that - she is simply a hard-working girl, trying her best to make things work out, instead of relying on nebulous higher powers to fix things. Yet she's also fighting for the sake of this wish... Despite her claims, Himeko is hardly a villain. She won't stand for abhorrent acts, and will do all in her power to remove a threat, in the unfortunate event a more qualified fighter isn't nearby. Perhaps she's simply trying to quell her more charitable nature. * Skills: Is a fine cook, can quickly learn to identify most peoples' needs, and a self-proclaimed trap master. * Brief Backstory: Coming from a family that maintains the town's shrine, Himeko has assisted in duties since she was ten-years old. Although she doesn't mind the work, her initial enthusiasm that came with serving the gods, and helping to grant smiles to the townspeople, soon eroded when she witnessed the seemingly typical behaviour of most townsfolk; pray for some sort of miracle fox to a problem, then see them return a month or so later, yelling their demands for an explanation as to why nothing changed. Having witnessed similar outcomes so often throughout the years, Himeko began to wonder if people were really just lazy and useless on their own, relying too much on others to succeed. It certainly soured her perception of things. Four years ago, she was visited by a fairy. This was surprising. Even more so when the fairy offered to give her magical powers to use as she wished. It was certainly a difficult proposition to ignore, even if it seemed too good. But it'd be a waste of an encounter if she just rejected the magic-granting fairy, wouldn't it? * Magical Girl Appearance: It's just a bubble pipe, honest. In this form, her hair becomes a fine mixture of blonde and orange, her eyes taking on a yellow hue. She also grows small fangs. * Concept: Fox * Archetype: Tamamo-no-Mae * Abilities: The main gimmick of Himeko's magical powers come from her 'tails'. When she transforms, Himeko will start with one tail, and every nine minutes more will grow. To be more accurate, Himeko is creating another magical wand, which she then shrouds in a mystical veil that gives the illusion of another tail. Nine tails is her limit, at which point she is exponentially more powerful, offsetting her relative weakness in her base state. Shape-shifting: She can take on the appearance of anyone else, imitating even their voice. She can't gain tails when shape-shifted, however. Foxfire: Her standard magic attack, a simple gout of blue flame. This becomes much more powerful and elaborate with additional wands. Killing Stone's Curse: Himeko's (current) ultimate technique, only available once she has at least seven tails. Himeko encases herself within a round, large stone, which then emits a nauseating aura that interferes with the senses and magic of all those in her vicinity. Naturally, she is incapable of doing anything else in this form.</s> <|message|>Yukimura Himeko Himeko wore quite the playful smile as Nico tried to stammer out a reply to the teasing comment, greatly enjoying her flustered antics. It was always so much fun when the girls didn't quite know how to respond! The fox would have loved to mess around a bit more, but sadly, her new playmate had to go find a friend, who was apparently nearby. It seemed unlikely, plus Himeko was positive no one had been feasted on before her arrival, but she just smiled brightly at the pink cat, twirling the pipe between her fingers idly. "Yes, let's. I'll offer the same favour in return then, Nya-chan~" she replied, and watched her leap away amongst the trees. With that, Himeko was now alone. She cast a careful gaze around her as she began walking in the opposite direction. She'd left poor Nico alone to tend to that cute new roommate of hers. She should at least get some snacks for them as an apology, huh? "...Seriously though, her washing machine exploded...?" Himeko shook her head, chuckling to herself. That Hanako girl sure seemed unfortunate. As she neared the park's gates, her form seemed to shimmer, before fading entirely. Mere moments later, stepping out of a small street nearby said park, Himeko emerged in her civilian guise, adjusting her glasses with a satisfied smile. She hadn't seen anyone around, but it was probably a better idea not to transform out in the open regardless. The last thing Himeko needed was for everyone in town to flock to her humble little shrine, begging for divine intervention, photoshoots and marriage. Well, maybe with select individuals, those would be perfectly acceptable requests... With that, Himeko made her way back home, pondering what would be the best kind of apology-snack to offer.</s> <|message|>Yukimura Hanako Hanako "Maybe... we should work together? You can beat me at the end," Hanako offered, looking at the two. Sure, winning would be nice, but she didn't really want to fight them right now. If she helped them get through the majority of the Hex Night then she could feel less guilty about taking them out at the end. Or someone else might do it for her. Either way, she could put off beating up some actual children until later... and she could use her abilities as support or heavy backup, both of which they were really more suited for than one on one combat.</s> <|message|>Honami Tokiko Tokiko didn't bother trying to keep her weapon trained on Hikari. With that firework move she was flying too quickly to track, and the purpose of the exercise had been fulfilled anyway. Over the course of that last exchange, the newbie had clearly demonstrated her battlefield awareness, sharp reactions, and high mobility, all on a high enough level that Tokiko was actually kind of impressed. Not that she was going to show it, of course. "Hmph. I suppose that's just about adequate," she said, folding her arms and nodding stiffly. "You're starting to figure it out, right? Not just the basic magical girl stuff, but your Concept and Archetype as well." She peered through her glasses at Hikari, as if staring at her might somehow reveal her secrets. By now, Tokiko herself was a little curious to find out the true limits of those newfound powers. With some proper battle experience, she could even be a threat to me… The thought sent a quiet chill down her spine, and a flicker of doubt flashed across her features. Should I really be doing this? She… yeah, she definitely enjoyed being around Hikari, but they were still competitors in the Hex Night. What if, at some point in some possible future, they ended up pitted against each other? It could be that Tokiko was playing with fire right now… But I don't care! The moment of doubt passed, replaced by a mischievous smile. Wasn't it the role of a mad scientist to experiment with the most dangerous things? "All right!" she exclaimed, "Let's turn the difficulty up a level!" With a flash of green lightning, the Tesla Cannon returned to its original taser form, and she tucked it away. Then, with a grin and a flourish, she produced a cigarette lighter, channeling her power through it. Its gleaming outer casing warped, then expanded, as the inside components were adapted to use Tokiko's magical energy as fuel. With a flick of her finger, a huge gout of flame spurted out from the tiny machine. "This time, I'll be using an area attack." She gestured with her other hand, and her Archetype settled into a fighting stance. "Hoshino Hikari, test two… begin!" *** It lasted about an hour. One of the most hectic, danger-filled hours of Hikari's life. First Tokiko came at her with the miniature flamethrower device, unleashing attacks too wide to easily dodge. Then, after a few minutes of that, she switched to some kind of spray cannon made from a hot glue gun, which squirted scalding bursts of sticky goo that covered patches of the floor and walls, forcing Hikari to mind her footing. Then came the modified flashlight, blinding its target whenever she was caught in its beam and leaving her vulnerable to the monstergirl's attacks. On top of that, the mad scientist had her minion switch tactics, mixing in kicks and grapples with her punches and even tearing chunks out of the floor to throw at long range. Tokiko was clearly holding back, doing her best not to actually hurt Hikari, but even so, the assault was relentless. Trick after trick, combination upon combination, each one pushing Hikari a little further past her limits. At last, Tokiko lowered her arms. "That's… enough… for now." Breathing heavily, the thin girl toppled over backwards, landing on her butt with a yelp. "Damn it! I don't have the stamina for this…" With a small burst of green light, her white coat and black gloves vanished, leaving a pale and messy-haired girl lying on her back on the concrete floor. A moment later, her Archetype disappeared as well. "Guuuuuh," she groaned, staring up at the ceiling. This mentor stuff is way too much work!</s> <|message|>Hoshino Hikari For one girl, her exploration over the forest yielded little... except, perhaps, what seemed almost like an illusory glimpse of some sort of mansion... For another, the two confused children seemed to reluctantly agree to the idea of teaming up, though it was probably less conclusive then she liked. For yet another, the chilling sensation of being observed suddenly vanished. And for Hoshino Hikari, she ached all over and found quite a bit to complain about. But regardless of all of that, even magical girls had to get home at some point, or at least find somewhere to take a rest. And thus, the first day of the Hex Night ended. Referring to it as a single night was somewhat erroneous, as the conflict between magical girls would last as long as it was required to reach a single victor. --- The Second Day For a few moments after Hikari awakened, she felt almost as if her experience the previous night was some sort of dream. But as her mind cleared, of course, she swiftly came to understand that it wasn't the case, that every single moment of it had been real. She really was a magical girl, and one who was now facing the prospect of participating in a battle between magical girls for the purpose of obtaining a wish. In spite of this knowledge hanging in her mind, her daily routine began as normal. Wake up, brush her teeth, shower, get dressed, have breakfast, and get ready for her day at school. After having breakfast and leaving her home, Hikari recalled the chatroom and opened her phone, thumbing through it. It didn't take particularly long to join, but after she had done so the petite brunette simply started quietly at the chatroom. What did you even talk about in there? Beating each other up for the Hex Night? That didn't sound very likely, at least... before she could decide on how to introduce herself, however... "Hey, Hikari-chan!" called another girl's voice. It was her friends, the dark-haired, average-height Yoshimura Tomoe, followed by the somewhat taller and lighter-haired Saikawa Hanako. "Did you hear about all the weird stuff that happened last night?!" she asked, excitedly. For a few moments, Hikari stared blankly, before coming to the realization that this was very likely in connection to the Hex Night. But her response to Tomoe was the same as usual when it came to the girl's weird ideas. "More ridiculous rumors, Tomoe-san?" "They're not ridiculous!" Hikari only tried looking at the chatroom again much later, when it was time for lunch. It was really the only opportunity she got, at that point... It seemed like trying at any other time was a bad idea for more than one reason. @Anza@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas@Ammokkx@A Lowly Wretch@TheFake</s>
<|message|>Yukimura Himeko Another day had come, and as such, a young woman was tending to the shrine grounds once more. Clad in traditional miko garb, she swept at the ground with a cheerful hum, projecting the image of a shrine maiden hard at work. Not that there was any leaves to sweep away, Himeko was simply having some fun. How could she not, given all that had happened since yesterday? The unpleasantness of that purple demon's attitude aside, the young woman had met an interesting magical girl cat, had spoke with an equally intriguing girl, and had even found an impromptu roommate in little Yukimura Hanako . Speaking of, that unfortunate girl not only had to deal with Himeko teasingly threatening to share a futon to 'help her acclimate' to her new surroundings, but since that girl was, for some reason, choosing not to go to school today, Himeko felt it necessary to ensure that girl did something productive, as payment for the kind lodgings. Hence, she was now dressed in an older maiden uniform of Himeko's she had long since outgrown, and was currently being shown how to maintain the shrine's facilities - aside from meaninglessly sweeping the broom around, Himeko had also tried convincing Hanako that the komainu statue near the offering box contained an actual divine spirit within, and blessed anyone that professed their love to it bountiful fortune and good luck forevermore. In short, Himeko was enjoying herself a lot more than usual. "...And that's more or less how it goes~" Himeko turned towards the much smaller girl, a playful smirk on her face as she leaned on the broom, "it's important you keep the rhythm, or it throws the shrine's spiritual energy off-balance. Easy enough to get, right~?" Daze</s>
<|description|>Victoria Volz Codename: Virginia Gender: Female Age: 31 Implanted A.I.: Gamma - Increases Pain threshold and increases muscle strength and flexibility for more complex movements. Gamma causes the user to become more aware of others and study how they act. Armor Ability: Chameleon armor (Change armor Color plus Active Camouflage) Appearance: Out of armor, In armor, but black on black Personality: Due to her years of isolation from living on the streets, she was forced to live a predatory lifestyle. She used her cute appearance to prey on the emotions of others. She would learn to become a master of stealth to survive. She is incapable of feeling remorse or guilt. She is cunning and manipulative, she knows the difference but right and wrong but dismiss that they apply to her. She is incapable of normal emotions; she reacts without considering the consequences. She is extremely egocentric and narcissistic. Since she has no real emotions, she developed her own personality throughout her life by mimicking those around her. Her inability to control inappropriate outburst of anger and hostility often results disassociation with friends and family. This in itself is filtered by the psychopath into a justification process for more aggressive behavior. Since she is incapable of gauging when her actions are being perceived as dishonest, deceitful, or dangerous, she fails to accept that there are consequences for her actions. History: Victoria lived on the streets for years, as a child she could acquire food & shelter easily by being cute as she grew up that stopped being an option. Then the gangs moved in, she wanted no part of the gang lifestyle, as she would have been nothing more than a sex slave that they may have pimped out. She didn't have the means to fight them so she had to learn to hide from them. She became very good at sneaking around, she eventually learned to apply that skill to breaking and entering. Eventually she was caught; a marine who was forced out of service took her in and helped her get her life together. Shortly before Victoria turned eighteen her benefactor died, when she turned eighteen she joined the UNSC Marine Corps just like her benefactor. Her skills were put to good use infiltrating and eliminating Innie leaders who wanted to continue their pointless crusade of stupidity and ignorance all the while the Covenant were trying to exterminate humanity. Her last mission fighting the Innie morons was cut short when the Covenant invaded. She barely made it off world before Covenant glassed the planet, though she survived the glassing of the planet she was left blinded. Both eyes were replaced with ocular implants. After that ONI conscripted her to put her talents to use in gathering intelligence on the Covenant. After many years of fighting the Covenant she was conscripted once more by Project Freelancer. Weapon Loadout: Primary: Dual M7S Submachine Gun (built in suppressor) Secondary: MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System (suppressed) with underslung shotgun Kukri (knife) Fighting Style: She is an assassin; she strikes however she can, be it blowing up an entire base to kill one person, to poisoning all the food in a restaurant to kill one man, she doesn't care how many die as long as her target dies. She will kill the target however her superiors instruct, if no instructions are given then she chooses whatever way amuses her most at that particular time. One time she was sent after a professional boxer who was financing the Innies, since she was given no instructions she decided to humiliate him by beating him to death in the ring. On the rare occasions she works with others she prefers to put down all enemies as if they were a rapid dog. The last time someone counted the number of dead by her hands twenty were intended targets over a hundred bystanders not all were enemies of the UNSC some were just ordinary civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time. Other:</s> <|message|>Captain Kymbrrlee 'Kimmie' Lebowski-Horowitz Idaho's ears perked up as she listened to the briefing and when it came time for questions she began waving her hand in the air excitedly. "Ooh ooh! Can I have the energy sword? Can I? Huh? I promise I'll keep it charged and clean and... whatever!" "I really don't think that would be the best idea," Theta chimed in, hoving over Idaho's shoulder. "You're likely to break something with it, like me perhaps." Turning her attention to the hovering hologram with a frown Idaho glared at her diminutive companion. "Break you? How could I break you?" Theta's projection rippled for a moment as his processing core pulled as many resources as he could get into contemplating the problem, before finally he nodded over to Idaho. "I think it would be best not to give you too much information on how something might happen to the chip implanted in your skull, in case giving the information precipitated a chain of events which would lead to the aforementioned event actually occurring." Screwing up her face with confusion Idaho's only reply to the AI's impeccably reasoned statement came out as, "Say what now?" Letting out a deep frustrated sigh Theta looked down at the moment, giving the impression that if he'd been human his face would be resting in his palm as his hologram once more began to blur and ripple. "Suffice to say," He finally continued wearily, snapping back into focus as his processing centre completed its assessment of the situation, "That it would be best for you not to know how things could go wrong. They're scary and I wouldn't want to upset you." Nodding her head with comprehension at an explanation she could understand Idaho turned her attention back to the briefing. "So, distraction and chaos? Sounds like fun." Idaho said, slamming her fist into her palm with excitement. "And at the end of it all I get a glittery sword." She finished, her face beaming with a wide smile.</s> <|message|>Captain Kerry Shawcross "20% casualties?" Georgia asked, shaking his head as he looked down at his hands in despair, "You're telling us that two of the people around this able aren't expected to make it back?" "Only one and a half people. I'm sure we'll be able to recover your brains, along with your legs." Kappa commented as her liquid body formed up from the puddle swirling on the desk in front of him. "No need to get personal," Georgia responded, his eyes darting around at the others with a twinge of embarrassment. Coughing to clear his throat Georgia waved his hand casually aside, accidentally passing straight through Kappa, making her holographic body fall apart into a shower for wet drops before reforming as a puddle once more. "I think I've heard of Westford. Wasn't he the guy calling himself Cykbat a few years ago when he hacked the Reach MAC array and used them to carve a smiley face into the side of a mountain range?" Shaking his head while grinning sardonically Georgia waved his hand expressively in front of himself. "I'd admire his sense of humour if he hasn't levelled the research outpost there in the process. He's just lucky they had a Pelican on-station to evac the crew otherwise it wouldn't just be cyber crimes we'd be after him for."</s> <|message|>Victoria Volz Virginia was in the mess hall when she got the message to report. She wasn't in a hurry, she grabbed the food she wanted and ate. When she finished her food she made her way to the meeting. Before entering the room she had Gamma activate the Active Camouflage. She then slipped in and got the tail end of the speech. She sat down beside Idaho just as Gamma deactivated the Active Camouflage. Gamma then informed Virginia of the message. Virginia then looked over at Idaho. "I'm thinking your have a pretty good chance of being one of the twenty percenters. As for your enthusiasm for the Energy Sword, they have a limited battery life that is quickly drained in battle. Then it is absolutely useless, the battery can't be replaced or recharged. The Sangheili's Energy Dagger however is a far better weapon. Have yet to see it run out of battery, but it doesn't work once removed from their armor."</s> <|message|>Unknown Missouri pinched the bridge of his nose as he left the briefing room in order to prepare himself. Distractions... MY first- he started to say as he place his helmet back on to use the HUD map to make his way to his first destination. Our, our first mission thank you. Chi had cut in Missouri's thoughts of annoyance. ...Our, first mission is to be placed as overwatch and create a ruse of sorts to keep the enemy insurgents busy while others, go on about seeing to stabilize the reactor core and re-establishing the research facility's defenses. The latter of it sounds more exciting then a simple distraction job. He let out a low agitated sigh as he turned down a corridor and headed for the weapons and armory room. Well you necessarily can't be mad, you did stay hidden during the combat simulation, which is a possibly due to why your not on going full stealth mode. Missouri was going to retort something back as he lifted one finger into the air, but then he thought about it. Yes, on this Chi was on point. It was him who stayed down letting the other agents handle the bulk of the robots while towards the last few remaining he only handled two of them and underestimated them, which would've added to the collections of bullet wounds that already dotted throughout his body. Then something else clicked to him as he entered the room. Chi... you weren't with me then... Missouri shot the A.I. a questioning look from behind his helmet as he approached the Armory officer behind the bulletproof cased counter. Simple, I've managed to search everything that wasn't restricted to me, about you. Missouri yet again found himself annoyed but with a bit glee as to how his A.I. had manged to look into the files and records about him. "What will it be?" The man said in a rude and bored manner as he didn't even bother to look up from his comic to see who he was actually addressing. Missouri placed down a data pad, which had been magnetically attached to his waist, listed with the equipment he typed in to use and slid it on top of the man's comic to get his attention. "Hey, pal! What's the big id-," The officer now had a surprised look on him when he saw who was actually talking to and with quick movement he grabbed the data pad and stood up. "I'll have y-your equipment read in the p-pod bay within then next 15 minutes, sir." "Make it ten or its's your end!" Chi appeared in view on the counter startling the officer even more as he started running around, laughing and yelling like a maniac. Missouri tilted his slightly to the right in confusion as to why he was stammering with his words, but he then just shrugged it off as he turned and began to find his way to the pod bay. Was that really needed? he asked Chi. Yes! though it was small and mundane compared to the real excitment coming up seems it will be quite a show. Chi responded. Though Chi, yet again had another point, he was right even though he wasn't going to be taking on the hotshots of the insurgents, he'd still find some form of excitement to go on and a real chance at showing himself, that is of course if he managed to make it through the whole ordeal in one piece as plastered grin shown behind his mask and his hands slightly twitched from the anticipation of live combat.</s> <|message|>Zeke "So we get to play decoy? I guess I can live with that if I get to crack a few skulls together," Montana said at the end of Agent Washington's speech ",I like being in the thick of things anyways." I live for the crimson slaughter. Their screams will be sweet music, Omega replied appearing, somewhat startling Montana. "That's more words you've said since you were put into my head," Montana replied ",So you like a good fight then? Well at least you aren't to crazy of an AI to be paired with." Omega replied with a grunt. A true warriors prowess is shown in battle, if you are unworthy well there can be always be a replacement for a partner. Omega stated bluntly, killing any form of conversation for Montana to have with his AI and debating whether he could ask for a new AI. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine," Montana grumbled heading off to gather his equipment before they were to head off on their first mission.</s> <|message|>Captain Kymbrrlee 'Kimmie' Lebowski-Horowitz "Playing decoy's fun," Idaho declared merrily, "All the fun of beating people up and if things go wrong you can always run away, after helping yourself to any shiny new swords which may happen to be laying around." As she made her last comment Idaho looked straight over at Washington with a determined intensity which was almost immediately ruined by Theta suddenly appearing in the air between them. "Please don't let the mad lady have the energy sword." He pleaded in the best impression of a lisping five year old Wash had ever heard, which in turn was ruined a moment later when he suddenly said, "Would it be possible to dial back her O 2 supply a little, just enough to make her groggy so that I can... umm, guide her actions a little more directly during the mission?" In a tone which was anything but childish, and entirely sincere.</s>
<|message|>Victoria Volz "Please the 'mad lady' couldn't handle the energy sword. She would chop off parts of her body or her allies." Gamma said while flitting around Theta menacingly. "Theta you should be concerned as well she may cut off her head right where you are implanted." Virginia yanked Gamma out of her head. "Don't listen to Gamma it has a personality problem. If it wasn't for the special abilities it runs, I would destroy it." Virginia walked over to Washington. "You do know that I have no idea how reactor's work. A.I. is unreliable, I already caught it in half a dozen lies just on this mission briefing alone. For example, it told me you and Idaho were to stabilize a ship's engine while I led the others to the bridge and take it over. It also said our enemy were Covenant. I am thinking about sending it back for a different one I can't trust it not get me killed." Virginia then held up the A.I. implant. "I already pulled it for being annoying and lying to me plus for terrorizing Theta."</s>
<|description|>Bohdan Ronso Notable Parents: (EX: Baralai and Paine or any main or supporting character in the games.*Note those two are taken unless you want a brother as a character in the story*) Age: 18 or the ronso equivalent Sex: male Hair Color: white Eye color: blue Appearance: A typical ronso. Slightly taller and more muscular than a human with blue fur and a medium sized horn. Weapon: A lance Any Armor: Ronso chest plate Biography: Bohdan hasn't lived much of a life yet. He grew up with parents who were very sink-or-swim, because they believed that would make him a strong ronso. As such, he has always enjoyed a good deal of freedom and has become an experienced and strong individual relative to his young age. Not long ago he decided that there was more to the world than Mount Gagazet, and decided to go on something akin to his own pilgrimage, only instead of defeating Sin like a summoner would he intends to see the world and find useful knowledge he can bring back to his people. Personality: Stoic, but not mean or unpersonable. Bohdan gives his respect to those who show strength. As with most ronso, his loyalty is hard earned, but incredibly strong. Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? He is if that will help the plot.</s> <|message|>Saina Cross TCH TCH TCH TCH TCH TCH The sound of the vibrant blue Chocobo's clawed feet as it hit the ground reached up to greet a the ears of the cloaked figure on its back. There, in the distance, rested Besaid. There, she would find what she was looking for. Memories of another person or another being called to her there. Somehow, she would find them. All she had to do was listen, and listen closely. The cloaked figure leaned forward against the breeze that came with the sprinting chocobo's stride. With its rare color, the chocobo would certainly stand out to the medium sized village below, though that would be perfectly alright. She was never one for stealth and preferred to make herself known. Below, she could see members of the village bustling about their days. With any luck, she would not meet any resistance. The woman on the chocobos back held on tightly as the chocobo made its way toward the gates. It let out a shrill 'TWEEWEEWEE!' as it saw other people, being the sociable bird it was, and hopped down the cliffs edge rather than taking the convenient path laid out for travelers. "Ngh...!" The cloaked rider dug her heels into the birds side to keep from falling off as it bounded down its shortcut. "Silly bird..." Without waiting for the rider to pull its reigns, it began again again at a sprint... but not towards the gates like she had wanted, but to the beach and the docks. "Mercury!" She hissed, trying to reign it in. Then the rider looked up to see a large crowd of people gathered on the beach by some blitzball players of some kind... and near one of the players, someone was throwing around a blitzball. Oh no, not again. tch tch Tch Tch TCH TCH TCH TCH The chocobo's feet patting the sand only went faster as it leaped over the large group of people, flapping its tiny flightless wings fruitlessly, luckily not hurting anyone as it hopped over the majority of the crowd and ran full speed at the blitzball player talking to two other girls who had thrown the ball at him in the first place, all the while singing a loud, echoing and triumphant "TWWEEWEEEEEEEEE!" Knowing what came next, the rider closed her eyes tightly and waited for the inevitable. came to a dead stop just before it hit the player, flinging the rider who took full force of the momentum straight off of the chocobo and barreling into the player. She and the blitzball player would topple over each other down to the waters edge where the momentum would finally grind to a halt. Up on the shore, the chocobo gingerly picked up the blitzball that had hit the player with its oversized beak before tossing it in the air and trying to play with it.</s> <|message|>Gippal "So. Is that glare at him saying I don't look fantastic?" Alex said, at first, her expression serious but soon returned to the amused grin and lightly patted him on the back. At which he stuttered but didn't have a chance to say that wasn't it... it was for Gippal leaving him alone with Alex. "Geez, I see you got bigger, but you're still the shy teddy bear. Makes you easily teasible for us you know? So hello to you too Uri." He only smiled slightly and nodded a few times... it was true, he was utterly shy... and he was always teased about it. He tried to overcome it but it was pathetic he couldn't especially infront of her. How he wished he had Gippal's confidence. Alex moved closer to him so their chests were just about touching. At this point he was freaking out, and starting to sweat. Luckily he could pull it off to it being hot but his eyes went wide when her right hand moving above their heads and seemed to measure any difference between their height. "Damn, you grew again. What do you eat over at Zanarkand? Behemoths?" Alex hummed before launghing and casually wrapping a arm around his neck to drape it over his shoulder. At this point he must surely have been getting a little red in the face. He didn't dare try to attempt to look away or what ever thinking it would only attract her to the issue. "Hope you've been having fun with Little Gip. Doesn't act like it, but I bet he gets just about as much trouble as I do. You got your work cut out for you." she smiled brightly, At which he seemed to calm a little... she did have a wonderful smile. He forced himself to muster the courage to say something. "....the heck is that? A cat person? Someone cosplaying or something?" she hummed. He looked into the distance as well and saw who she was looking at. It was strange the person was a human, but almost looked like they were trying to be a Ronso... at thinking that he did notice a Ronso watching them. It was strange even in this age to see a lone Ronso. He cleared his throat, then looked at her from the corner of his eye since she was still hanging her arm around his neck,"We... could always go and check it out." His voice was deep and soft, as it was rarely used. "Gippal should be fine..." He gulped and started to sweat more, he did it. he finally spoke to Alex with out being prodded into doing so. Though he started to become worried what she would say. ------------ He winced as Naisha started tearing into him. He knew this would have come. He just got so into his work and to keep his promise he made many years before. Yeah he was horrible in keeping touch he didn't even try and contact his parents... usually his mom forced his father to send soldiers to find him to make sure he was still living. He rubbed the back of his head as she continued on about saying next time it would be worse. Which he knew it would. She finally ended her rant with "I do hope you have interesting stories to tell for all that wandering…" looking towards him. He nodded, "Well seeing I have five years worth of traveling saved up I'm pretty sure I can keep you interested for a bit. Even embarrassing ones to sweeten the pot." He said with a smile, hoping to see her smile. But before he could say anything he heard a sqwak from a Chocobo, turning his head to see a blue Chocobo Barreling down at him. "Son of a..." He didn't have a chance to finish the sentence when the Bird skidded to a stop but the rider came flying over and into him. Letting out a grunt as the rider slammed into him he hit the ground hard again, but this time he rolled with the rider down into the water. As soon as they stopped rolling he let out a sigh of pain and relief. He realized the rider laying on top of him was a woman, and even with the water as warm as it was, he could tell she was freezing to the touch. He cleared his throat, "Are you alright miss?" Urick Shook his head when he saw Gippal slammed into the water. He always had these types of things happen to him....mostly here in Besaid actually. He could hear the teenager girls moan as they too notice the rider was a woman, overhearing one of them saying how lucky the woman was. Teenagers... truly weird.</s> <|message|>Alex Alex watched as Urick once again seemed to get nervous, seeming to sweat quite a bit and turn red in the face. The big guy was always so silly and nervous it seemed. Though as the muscular man finally managed to talk, Alex blinked her blue eyes toward him before releasing her arm from around his neck. Gloved palms clamping Urick's face and effectively trapping it between them. "Holy ancestors you actually talked on your own without me making you! Guess the city really was good for you! Now I just need to teach you to be louder." Alex laughed, smiling even brighter before releasing her childhood friend and heading the direction to the catman, hands behind her head. Her sword swinging along with her hips. "But yeah, you're right, Nai won't burn him to ash." Alex said before turning her head as she saw a blue Chocobo come charging out before halting. The rider effectively slamming into Gippal and caused both to fall in the water. The red head gave a blank stare at the scene before slightly snickering. "Looks like Gip's luck hasn't changed much. Hard to see why the girls are so into him when they don't have any idea about this." she said before glancing toward the Gippal fanbase and Urick seeming to not understand their fangirness. "Awe come one, their just a little jealous cause they can't get close to their idol. Imagine if the one you got a crush on was being held by someone else. Bet even you would get a little wired." Alex chuckled teasingly as she shrugged her shoulders and kept walking. "Mhmm but some fans can be a little too hardcore. Those are the only ones who approach me. Gets a little weird. Cottonhead is lucky to have you." she chuckled before reaching the cliff by the lake and looking down upon it, looking to clearly see the mysterious person. On closer inspection, it was a boy who seemed a bit on the frail side. His ears and tail were definetly Ronso and they didn't look fake either. How odd, she hadn't ever seen anything like this. For some reason, the tall woman felt a ethereal pull to this man. Or one she didn't want to be near. Such confliction, it was weird. Other than the few obvious things, he seemed fairly normal. He definetly wasn't local or she would know. "Hey buddy! Here to check out the island? See you found the lake already." Alex shouted, her voice clear and leaving soft echoes to bounce off the walls, with a friendly grin.</s> <|message|>Bohdan Ronso Bohdan walked into the village after decided that there was nothing in particular to interest him near the docks. He thought about what he should attempt to do. The point of this trip was to better himself, so find a sparring partner, maybe? He was already a fairly adept fighter though, so visit the temple, perhaps? Was there any other way he could go about educating himself here? He sort of just wandered for a few minutes, trying to decide what would be the best option, and that was when he noticed Rohzar. "Hmm... that's something one doesn't see every day..." Bohdan approached Rohzar. "Excuse me... sir." Having never really spent a great deal of time in civilization, Bohdan was poor with niceties, and really at anything but being blunt. "Am I correct in assuming you have our blood? I've never met someone who did, save for other ronso."</s> <|message|>Cassius Alexandros Svent The ears of the male flickered up as he reached for his handcannon. What sort of beast of nat- oh... Just a women... A loud one. Cassius simply waved back with his left hand before placing his device back in it's holster. He had nothing to say from where he was that she could hear, thus he walked back onto the village path. If she chose to meet him; he'd then converse with her, but aside from that he was not about to deviate from his daily routine. Just ahead of him he saw a Ronso headed to the village; which seemed bad for him seeing as most disliked him in terms of his blood. Rather than make his attention known, he followed slowly. As a result he simply pondered why so many people were running about. From what he could tell, either someone important was arriving, or some sort of party; regardless he didn't care enough to make his presence known. Upon entering the village, he saw the Ronso heading to his caretaker, he followed closely before crouching down by his hut, holding his weapon in case anything bad were to happy; strangers made him uneasy away from the convenient store. Rohzar's gaze met the Ronso as he stood up, his legs crackling from tension; possibly due to some side activity. His arms bulged a bit, part of his arms having scratches and cuts of some sort. No ring anywhere on his fingers, so it could be assumed he was unwed, or simply didn't display it so publicly. As the Ronso spoke, his eyes averted to Cassius who was watching from the distance. "Half blood you mean. Yes, he is under my care, but if you wish to harm him. I'd suggest taking your business else where." Rohzar's eyes somewhat became cold. With that, Cassius walked out, harms crossed. "I am capable of defending myself." He spoke up. He than looked at the Ronso with curious eyes. "Why do you wish to see me? Most Ronso are disgusted by how I look, and others look with confession, yet this village was accommodating. All I ask is you don't bring them harm because of my welfare. I had to ban some customers from where I'm from because of it." He somewhat chuckled at the last bit; it was a fond memory, so much so he couldn't help but crack a small smile.</s>
<|message|>Bohdan Ronso Bohdan tilted his head. His weapon wasn't drawn, shouldn't that be proof enough that he meant no harm? "No... I meant only what I said, that I have never met a half ronso before. I'm here because I'm seeking knowledge, knowledge that I thought I might get from speaking with such a person. It seems I have it now. I knew that my people didn't treat partial ronso with much respect, but I did not know that it was this bad." he said.</s>
<|description|>Rentarou "Ren" Kanesada Username: Amaterasu Age: 16 Gender: Male Country of Origin: Japan Role: Varia Member, Rain Guardian Candidate Flame: Rain Weapon/Fighting Style: Katana (Primary), Revolver (Secondary) Appearance: Personality: Due to his childhood which was devoid of anything an "average" child would have, Ren grew up to be an indifferent, distant, and cold individual who will not speak unless necessary, most of the time. He would devote himself to whatever mission he was given in a hard working manner even if he may be indifferent towards a lot of things, since his missions were always his top priority. Despite all this, what manages to get the most reaction out of him is if his real name, Rentarou, is mentioned to his face in which he will either threaten to cut or shoot you if done again. Reaction may vary depending on who says it. History: Being born to the status of heir to the yakuza family, Kanesada Group, Ren's life was filled with hardships ever since he was a mere young boy. His mother's passing in his early years did not make his life any less difficult, and because of her dying words, "Please grow up to be a boy your father and I will be proud of...", his only inspiration and reason for living was to please his father for the sake of his mother's dying wish. The harsh training in the ways of the katana and gun shooting was too strenuous for the young boy to handle but failure was not easily forgiven, regardless of his age. Punishments were given in a form of verbal assaults from his father or sometimes even worse, physical punishments. Due to this, he earns a trauma of displeasing his father or his superiors, where he has a mental breakdown and other side effects depending on how severe the disappointment or punishment. Growing up in such a harsh environment and with great pressure to inherit the yakuza family, he has abandoned any sort of sentiment, except with few exemptions like his dear mother, which made his future tasks easier. No room for guilt or conscience upon murders and sabotage of destructive families, Ren has started to finally become a young man worthy for the title of heir of Kanesada Group. Missions after missions being done for the sake of the Kanesada Group, word of Ren, the young heir to a yakuza family, has begun to circulate among the Vongola family, one of the Kanesada Group's alliance in Japan, as one of the hopeful candidate of becoming a mafioso. The word traveled through gossips and casual conversations among mafioso until it reached the ear of the Varia member recruitment scout. Ren's father, pleased by hearing that his son could be of an asset to Varia, the assassination squad for the influential and powerful Vongola family, had given his approval of having his son under the wing of Varia to earn further experience before inheriting the Kanesada Group. Ren, being obedient to the orders of his father, agreed to become a part of Varia with no objections and thus started his life as a mafioso. Other Hobbies: Checking and maintaining of his weapons, target shooting, sword to sword sparring, reading books for knowledge gaining, shogi (Japanese form of chess) for strategic skill improvement, shodo (Japanese calligraphy), and feeding street cats. Likes: Peaceful environment, old fashioned Japanese things like shogi, shodo, kimono and such, and cats. Dislikes: Being called "Rentarou", father/superiors being displeased with his performance, unable to accomplish his given task/s, people being persistent or nagging about his behavior/personality especially if people point out his jiji (old geezer) like character and taste.</s> <|message|>Rentarou "Ren" Kanesada As the lady who was about to serve him his orders inevitably turned her back to fetch the rest of the lacking items, the fox masked male turned his face towards the blond male attendant. Azure orbs behind the mask intently gazed at him for a good couple of seconds in silence before the female attendant came back with his orders. 'He is the one...', Ren thought to himself, his mental image of the Vongola boss candidate clearly matching with the boy in front of him. As the box of rice balls were handed over to him, he mumbled a soft "... Thank you." He decided to hand them over to one of his men later for safekeeping, as well as distributing them to the others who were famished since he himself had no desire to eat and it was awkward to, half his face hidden while he would bite on a rice ball. Just when the raven haired male was about to leave with his purchased goods, Asuka's compliment for his mask stopped him in his tracks. A nod of acknowledgment was given in return, he thought it unnecessary to reply back to the compliment. He supposed the fox mask was at least suitable to him but not exactly his tastes. Just when he thought he'd be released from the conversation, his eyes widened at what the female attendant flashed before him. A cat mask. "..........!" Ren's attention was piqued by the sudden appearance of the cat mask, its attractiveness and simplicity drawing him into agreeing to the mask trade. But was it the appropriate time for him to uncover his concealed face? Or was he willing to let this chance pass by and go on without possibly ever finding another cat mask in the festival? He thought for a moment, and a decision was made. "......... Very well. I consent to the trade." With that, he lowered his mask, revealing the face of the young Kanesada heir. His gaze averted to the side as his arm stretched out with the fox mask in his hand.</s> <|message|>Minase Hideaki / Yi Hyun-ki "Hey guys!" Hideaki cheerfully greeted the athletic Russian and the blond-haired mafia boss. He wasn't too surprised Asuka had managed to rope in an underclassman with some underhanded scheme. At least the two workers would be tolerable. He could respect Volkov-chan's abilities. From what he heard, she went around testing all the clubs, not just his own. She also wasn't a rowdy fangirl, so she had that going for her as well. On the other hand, there was Yuuki-kun. He didn't hear much on his end, other than his fights with the resident Disciplinary Wannabe. He could hold his own though, which was good. The archer resumed his work after explaining the necessary processes, and was finishing off a batch when a certain phrase was said. 'Do you think this is a fucking game you impertinent little girl? Me and that fox? How sickening. Just the thought leaves the taste of shit in my mouth.' Someone was a little bit salty after that date comment, it seemed. "...No," the archer said firmly but politely, having halted in the midst of his snack food assembly, "This is not a double date scenario, no." With that said simply, he resumed creating rice balls as if he wasn't practically fuming with annoyance on the inside. He did a perfect job of it, at least, with the only outward change being that he was now assembling rice balls at a much faster pace. They were still characteristically precise, however. He picked up his batch and moved it back over to restock the front of the stall. "Here you go, Argento-chan," he said, glancing at the other half of the mask trade. Going for a fox mask, what a surprise. On his return from his station, Hideaki stopped by the post of the young blond-haired student. "So what'd the president do to get you roped up in this?" he asked casually.</s> <|message|>Luca Yuuki This was going to be a long endeavor. Luca was being smothered by customers, a lot of whom were older women wanting to pinch his cheeks. If this keeps up I'll end up looking like a bloodhound... Out of the corner of his eye he could see the president's clear delight in the success of her well crafted plan. She truly was a cunning and frightening person. "Hmhm~" With a slight chuckle the shorter off the two figures stood atop Namimori Shrine continued to observe the young heir. "Sawada chose a rather familiar successor." He said, watching Luca fumble around between serving customers and having his face assaulted. "What do you think? He'll be your responsibility very soon." He asked his companion. After a some time business finally settle down leaving Luca to sink down under the booth exhausted. He rubbed his face trying to find any remaining sense of feeling. "Well, on the bright side this'll make fighting Taiga a little easier..." Muttered Luca with a sigh. "As long as you win I won't tell you're mother that you're out picking fights~" Luca stood up to look up at his smirking father, Katsuo Yuuki. "Then again she probably already knows." Luca smiled sheepishly. ", you want to buy a rice ball or a banana?" Katsuo shook his head. "I'm sure your mother is eating enough snacks for the both of us. I just wanted to check up on you. You seem to be having fun." He said looking around the booth, his eyes lingering on the customer in the fox mask. "I guess so. I'm kinda glad you guys made me come." Luca said bringing his father back to their conversation. Katsuo smiled as his son looked back at Yuki who also forced him to attend the festival. Luca quickly turned back to his father before he could remark on his and Yuki's relationship. "Good. You should let yourself have fun more often." Katsuo ruffled Luca's blonde hair and though he was smiling there was a melancholy undertone to his words and Luca's dodgy chuckle. "Alright, enjoy the rest of the festival..." With a glance at the shrine he turned walk away, Luca noticing worry hidden behind his father's eyes. "And be careful out there." Katsuo added as he left the booth. Luca's gaze was drawn from his father as he felt someone else's on him. He glanced at the masked customer from his peripheral before being startled by Hidaeki's question. "Huh? Sorry senpai, I got a little distracted. Actually, she didn't have to do much. I owe her a few-actually a lot of favors. Hehe..." Luca chuckled nervously in in the upperclassman's presence.</s> <|message|>Yuki Volkov Yuki gave a small pout as the pair seemed to dislike her little attempt at humor, it turns out it was harder than it looked but thankfully a customer soon caught everyone's attention. Going back to making rice balls she slowed down for a moment as she noticed she had already used 1/3 of the ingredients so the guys order was pretty much ready, but it was a little delayed due to the mask switching. "As long as you win I won't tell you're mother that you're out picking fights~" The voice drew Yuki's attention and as she had guessed it was Luca's farther, who was rather cool looking she had to admit. She gave a small lazy wave as he looked over to her for a moment before Luca made sure to change the subject to other things, they did not concern her so she looked back to her work... Which had gotten a little out of control as despite not looking she had used up yet another 1/3 of the ingredients and not there was a small mountain of rice balls beside her that threatened to topple over if it had not been so perfectly stacked. "I think I am done" She said to pretty much everyone in the booth with her, her gaze staring up to tower of rice balls as if it was a great work of art of some kind. --- Meanwhile a strange figure wondered through the many stalls, a candy apple held tightly in her hand as she used fanged teeth to bite into it, a almost blissful smile coming over her that her tail almost wagged from its hiding place within her kimono. "Mmm, shame that we could not leave all this until after the festival~ " Another bite "But rules are rules. Now, where is he?"</s> <|message|>Asuka Argento Asuka smiled and took the mask before handing the young man her's. "Thank you good sir. Though it is a shame someone like you is hiding their face like that. Even if you would draw much attention." She could recognize him of course, even if she didn't openly say it. He knowledge of people extended much farther than the school. Possibly because of her mother's former position. A powerful woman aiming to take down the local yakuza. Still, that was long ago. She smiled and placed the fox mask on her head, before hearing Hideaki. "Heh~ As if he could ever be so lucky." She teased him, knowing she would hit a nerve. Would he keep up the charade under these circumstances. With that she stopped to continue selling before Hideaki brought some more rice balls. "Ah~ Thank you Hide-chan" She added with a sly grin as she took the rice balls. She was calm, though now Luca seemed to be conversing with his father. A rather quick display ending with his father beginning to walk away. "Wait!" She called out. "Please buy something." She said the fox mask placed casually in a diagonal position on the upper left part of her head, a somewhat sad look with puppy eyes displayed. "If not for you, for someone else. We have to make as much as possible after all." Asuka hoped to get favorable results, though Yuki chimed in saying she was done. "Luca. Take a break and relax with yuki. She deserves a bit of your time." The female Student Council president whispered, her gaze still fixed on the young boys father.</s>
<|message|>Rentarou "Ren" Kanesada After the exchange of masks were complete, the male's face was quickly concealed once more, with an adorable cat mask this time. The last words that were offered to him, "Even if you would draw much attention.", slightly piqued his interest. What did this maiden mean by that? Could she have known who he was after all? No matter, since the raven haired female had not done any action or said anything further to prove his point. The young heir simply nodded as a response to her 'Thank you' and left the booth with a box of rice balls on hand. A few passerby glanced at him again, but not as often as earlier, due to how it seemed slightly off for a man to be wearing such a cute mask. The target was finally spotted, and seemed to be in a fine condition so far. But he was never to let his guard down, it would not be as surprising in the underground world of mafia to attempt at murder within a minute or even seconds, if the damage was fatal. He hurried away to one of his subordinates who were standing around behind one of the booths and handed over the box of rice balls. ".... Distribute them among the famished men. I shall survey the target." The bulky man uttered a phrase of appreciation and obediently bowed before Ren paced back into the crowds on the street, keeping his eyes at the blond boy at a distance. Will a third party truly strike at him in such a populated area? There were numerous people from left to right on the streets, not to mention how the boss candidate was in an enclosed booth at the moment. Though Ren did not know if there truly was a third party in the vicinity to begin with, but it was his sworn duty as a Varia and an ally of the Vongola to watch over the boy's safety.</s>
<|description|>Emil Günther Basics Nickname/title: Maus (Mouse - because carried a toy mouse to school all the time as a kid) Gender: M Age: 20 Build/physicality: 6'2'', average build. Appearance: Background Psychological status: He is clinically sane, although he suffers from insomnia and anxiety from time to time due to reasons I will state below. Quirks, ticks, conditions, sensitivities to the paranormal: Healthy, save for occasional tinnitus and visual noise that remains a secret medically unchecked because his fathers political party on the rise (the Nazis) does not tolerate genetic or any other deformities. Magical potential (Y/N): No potential Personality: Fond of football (yes, I mean soccer) and fishing. You can find him watching the matches of different sports at the university grounds or riding a burrowed bicycle to go and hang out with the local fishermen. He comes off as pessimistic at times. He's got a certain routine he likes to follow every day, starting with morning body exercise and library visit and all up to an evening cigarette and coffee at the bar after all the classes. More to be revealed throughout the RP by showing his inner thoughts. Hometown: Hannover, Germany Education: Currently a student Occupation: Student of linguistics Achievements: Nothing worth mention; several published stories and poems in magazines. Sexuality: Heterosexual Religion/philosophy: Baptised, although not very devout. Interested in studying pre-Christian European religions. Marital status: Single Family status: Father Frank (45); Mother Anna (42); Sister Erika (18) Biographical writeup: Emil has come to Arkham to study at the Miskatonic University. His father thought it would be a good idea to send his son abroad in times of political turmoil in his homeland. He was born in Berlin, but they moved to Hannover soon after due to business reasons. (I also plan to reveal more throughout the game.) Miscellaneous information Combative belongings: Nothing but a pocket knife he brought with him for no specific reason. Noncombative belongings: A few books of fiction in his backpack, some spare clothes, an English dictionary, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, reading glasses, a notebook and a pencil.</s> <|message|>August Dupin August Dupin Physical State: Suddenly awake. Mental State: Distant due to the presence of death. As August was just finishing up his first cigarette of the day he had reached the sight of where he assumed the previous screams had come from; he thought it was a fairly safe bet that the semi decently sized crowd of people ranging from what he deduced were students, faculty, and curious city folk must be huddling around whatever was the cause of such a campus wide uproar. As August effortlessly pushed his way through the crowd he could indeed see why screams had brought him to this spot. August was no stranger to death: quite the opposite infact. In all honesty at this point in his life death was almost a friend; his constant visits however always bringing more bad news about those around him. This particular time death had come calling for what was now a particularly large red smear on the ground-even with his keen detection skills August wasn't sure whether the aforementioned bright red bone riddled puddle belonged to a man or woman. Some hidden chivalrous part of him prayed it was the former and not the later. As he stared transfixed by the macabre seen he could hear those around him-"What was Dr. Atkins thinking?" "Did he do it on purpose?" "I swore he shouted something on the way down!" these were but a sliver of the rumors and questions August picked up amongst the rampant talking that was occuring among the group of witnesses and onlookers. Dr. Atkins eh? August asked himself, admittedly he was somewhat relieved that whatever was left on the pavement wasn't in fact Faye Desdemona. Just as August was thanking God for small miracles a particularly German sounding voice caught his ears. ''What should we do? Someone should contact the police and the hospital.'' Deciding it best to speak up August let his rather large presence be known "I'd be surprised if they hadn't already been called by now kid." August bellowed in the deep rather matter of fact tone of voice he was known for. He did his best to hide the scowl that momentarily flashed across his face at the realization the "kid" was German. However without missing a beat he found himself responding to the boy known as Emil, without realizing it the whole of his piercing gaze was fixed on Dr. Steiner. From what August had picked up from snippits of surrounding conversation this man was more then likely the highest ranking faculty member present. Because of this August directed his next line of speech towards Dr. Steiner; all the while doing his best to ignore the steam rising from the liquid red remnants of a one Dr. Atkins. "In my expertise as a policeman it would be best to back the crowd as far away from the evidence." August quickly corrected himself. "Er, victim I mean, as much as possible. These first few moments are crucial" August extended an almost comically large hand towards Dr. Steiner at the end of his suggestion in the form of a handshake, his calm demeanor making it appear as if he thought meeting amongst the shattered remnants of an old colleague were commonplace. "Dr. Steiner was it? With your permission sir I can...disperse this crowd. Again, I'm very sure the authorities would appreciate it." As he spoke the words his beady hazel eyes fell upon the crowd of men and women who had come to gawk like this was some sort of circus show. He decided he would very much like to get the chance to "disperse" them. At the same time he was decieding the act of crowd control might make him feel slightly better his eyes focused on the man he would come to know as Professor Dupree; the man was valiantly calling for a doctor while doing what he could for the pile of flesh and blood on the pavement. It was a familiar scene that made August's heart break a bit. Breaking his handshake off with Dr. Steiner in a rather rude manner August made his way over to Professor Dupree in a few steps. He let his sausage like fingers clamp down firmly on the kneeling strangers shoulder in an attempt to snap him out of whatever denial he was in. "Professor. He doesn't need a doctor." Wordlessly August gazed back towards Dr. Steiner while still resting his hand on Professor Dupree. Despite his previous lapse of manners it appeared as if Augusts offer of "crowd control" still stood-all he needed was verbal confirmation.</s> <|message|>Jeremiah Dupree The hand on his shoulder seemed to break the professor from his trance. He glanced at it, cleared his throat, and chose to first address his fellow professor. "As a witness to the man's last actions-" Something that would be burned forever in Professor Dupree's mind. "-I will confirm there was only one person up there." And apparently his name was Dr. Atkins. The name was familiar but Professor Dupree had little time to spare for social interactions, and it took quite a bit to incline him to do so. "If it's all the same, Arthur, I do not wish to give details of his last moments with these students present." Their words had little to add to the account - he would later confirm that, as far as he was able to tell, the man had jumped and willingly. He would also give what few phrases he had been able to pick out from the chilly morning sky of what Dr. Atkins had been screaming about before his abrupt suicide. They were not many, and what he did pick out suggested the man had been on his way to candidacy for a more personal visit to the asylum. The brain seemed to be losing its shape on the sidewalk, and the parietal lobe (was that it? Professor Dupree could never quite recall) slumped to the sidewalk with a wet noise Professor Dupree could never quite imitate. He shifted. Time to recompose. "As for you two," he began, looking to the two students - Sean O'Reiley, he did not recognize, and the other student did not attend any of his lectures. "I must advise you to go to any classes you may have. Dr. Steiner can call the hospital and police. Your assistance has been appreciated." Not particularly. Perhaps it was still the shock, but he was still trying to keep the crowd from gawking at the victim - at the man splattered on the sidewalk before them, and the two students crossing into the mess of gore and blood had less helped than gaped at the sight of the dead man. Not even died right away, the muscles of the body still twitching and moving and only ceasing when these two had arrived. He raised his voice. "If you do not have any particular business with this building, I must advise you leave before the police and ambulance arrive." That was addressed to the rest of the crowd. "They will need the space." And the man would need his dignity. The eventual report of this incident would join the wall, for sure. The details were simply too strange to go ignored. But, for now, Professor Dupree would try to remain a shield from the horrors of death, and a shield from the prying curiosity of people.</s> <|message|>Old One Rising Dr. Arthur Steiner Two, no, one; there had only been one. This both Emil Günther and Professor Dupree confirmed, as they stood over the ever growing spot of coloured snow, akin the Red Sea surrounded by burning hot desert. Arthur could not understand it, Howarding jumping was the last thing he thought he'd end up doing. As a chill surrouned his spine, like a pool of freezing water dripping down his back, he only gave a quick glance to Sean O'Reilly, another student of some sort, before settling his gaze on one who did not fit in at the university at all; the man without a name, wearing a fedora, and taking controll of the situation. "You'd better mean victim, for this man was not the type of man to simply jump of buildings...But fine, as long as there is no fuzz." Arthur simply said to the man, while the man extected a hand forward. It was large, the sort of hand Arthur had seen around blacksmiths and carpenters down in Ottoman Syria and Palestine, yet free of the black soth that accompanied the anvils and hammers. After a little consideration, he allowed himself to shake the man's hand, only to have the handshake immediatly broken off while the man spoke to Professor Dupree, Jeremiah. What an undisciplined bafoon, must be a private investigator of some sorts...filthy Marxist... "O'Reilly is not a student of mine, so I can't speak for him, but Günther..." Arthur turned his attention to the German student of his; he was good enough, doing his homework and answering questions in his broken English whenever he was asked, he showed potential. "Günther, you go call the police and ambulance, tell the Principable that I sent you. You can consider my classes postponed for today really..." While Professor Dupree and the fedora-man dispersed the crowd, and his pupil phoned the police, Arthur looked up at the monument Dr. Atkins had presumably jumped off from. Odd...Arthur thought. The sun is just rising above the top as Howard jumped...and to think he wanted to tell me of some great discovery this morning...This world is going mad... "I didn't catch your name, but you're with the police, or were at some point I take it?"</s> <|message|>Estelle Victoria Gennings Estelle Victoria Gennings Estelle possibly could have gone unnoticed, if not for the grating sound of compacted snow beneath her boots as she casually approached the scene. She peered all the way down her nose to the crumpled mess on the ground, a hint of curiosity in her gaze. Unable to make out their identity, she listened to the stifled panic and murmurs floating around to catch a name for the pile of offal and blood. It was a fruitless effort. She heard snippets of words and phrases. Something of a doctor and jumping, of phone calls to police or an ambulance. What she heard most was surprise, panic and fear. A laugh didn't escape her, nor a smile across her lips, though she found the whole event to be a funny thing. Arkham was a giant anomaly, subject to strange happenings every day, and still it's subjects were surprised by the outlandish events. They ignore the bizarre right before them, just as a carriage horse will ignore the pedestrian traffic with it's blinders on the sides. Good thing I chose psychiatry, there are plenty of loons here. A focused moment produced a name, however. Atkins. Atkins...yes. She had heard of him before, though very little. In a town like this, you hear a little about everyone. But had she heard enough to care about him? No, not really. On the contrary, this Dr. Atkins had done more for her than anyone would know, on the contrary. In jumping from the roof of the university, he had stirred up her day to provide something akin to intrigue. In addition, and much to her chagrin, his death had also provided an adequate distraction from the fact that she was, indeed, a couple minutes late. With a parting glance, Estelle made her way around the mass of hysteria, and searched instead for the entrance to the university or perhaps someone she knew.</s>
<|message|>Emil Günther Physical state: A slowly subsiding adrenaline rush Mental state: Sane He doesn't like me. Service. In France, most likely. A stalemate. Michael's father went blind. W. Steinkopf. Senfgas. Emil's mind flashed across the French trenches in a blitz, drawing on the canvas of his mind eerie images of men walking faceless through a miasma of poisonous gas, howling in that deathly stillness of the Western front. Maybe he was imagining it, but the muscles of the man of imposing stature seemed to take a subtly scornful look, from what he could see, being on the man's flank; but even that minute hint of possible hostility triggered in Emil the consciousness of his belonging to the German race. Emil had a different approach to life, and the political schemes and games were not a part of it. At least not in the amounts that would warp the way he approached people. "Perhaps not," he said when his professor, Dr Steiner, told him to contact the authorities. A few minutes later he span the wheel on the telephone several times, the cold speaker pressed between his earlobe and shoulder. Tootoo. The wheel. Father wears it on his armband. Why did he jump? The Sun-Wheel. Misused, I believe. Indo-European disk of the sun. Tootoo. Kolovrat, the Russians call it. Slavic version. Same root. Doubled. Maybe he saw it rise bef. The voice on the other side interrupted his thoughts and before her knew the ambulance and the policemen were on their way and he was back in the yard, but a bit farther away from the scene than before. He leaned on the wall near the doorway leading into the dormitories and watched, curious, then curious even more after a while, seeing and following with his eye a slender woman sneaking past the commotion unseen and now sneaking around as if she were looking for someone.</s>
<|description|>Kazimiera Andrysiak False ID Name: Anna Slaski Nationality: Polish Age: Seventeen. Height: Four feet, nine inches. Weight: eighty-nine pounds (BMI 19.3) Appearance: Her shortness being her only notable trait, Kazia is in most other ways fairly average. In part due to her height, and in part due to the way she styles her appearance, she is often taken to be several years younger than she actually is. She has an average, if slightly on the thin side, figure, dull hazel-blue eyes, and unremarkable wavy medium brown hair that hangs to the middle of her back. Aware that it's too long for practicality, she normally keeps it braided and rolled into a low bun, and the flyaways held down with a colorful headscarf, though she has also been known to plait it into pigtails when attempting to appear more childlike. Other Appearance: Kazia has fairly unblemished skin, save for a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and a small vertical scar at the very corner of her mouth, from once being too close to an exploding window. Superpower(s): Kazia's power is rather passive- vocal mimicry. She can mimic nearly any sound she hears, from the full range of human voices to various bird songs and animal sounds. She has also proven adept at mimicking alarms, though she's fairly useless at many other environmental sounds. It should also be noted, though she's not entirely sure if this counts as part of what makes her special or if this is just a quirk of her mundane brain, that she has a nearly-perfect photographic memory. The combination of her memory and her mimicry is such that she is sort of a human tape recorder – she can listen in on a conversation and repeat it back days or weeks later, verbatim, and with the voices of the people who had originally spoken. Given the passive nature of her powers the only real limitation on them is the strain on her vocal chords, but an interesting quirk of them is that she doesn't seem to have her own voice- whenever she must converse with someone, she uses phrases that she's heard spoken around her in a variety of other people's voices. Skills: Kazia is conversational in Polish, reasonably understanding of Russian (As she was required to study it in school, and has some (broken) understanding of English, French, and German due to listening to the people around her. The nature of her power is such that she can use full sentences of any language she's overheard with no accent or hesitation, but a lot of times what she says will not be entirely fit to the scene at hand, as there is no promising she understands all the words in all the sentences. She's physically fit, though never properly trained, and a decent runner with good endurance. Also, she is known to be quite resourceful, if a bit impulsive. Personality: Kazia is, to be summed up in one word, very reserved. She always prefers to listen rather than talk- though once she decides she can definitely trust people she will at least begin conversing with them, if not ever really "open up." Her outlook on life is rather cynical, and she is normally rather sarcastic- though she does a good job of (externally, at least) seeming to be perfectly docile and naive. This said, she is decidedly not a killer, never having taken a life despite working in and around the front lines – if the resistance could even be seen as having a "front line". Above all, she is fiercely loyal to whatever cause she puts herself behind. History: Born in Warsaw in 1924 to an upper-middle-class family, Kazia lived a relatively normal childhood. She has one elder brother and a younger brother and sister, and her family is devoutly Catholic. She went to a public school for all six years of her primary school, and three years of grammar school. In regards to her power she, and her family and friends, have known about it since she was little more than a toddler. She distinctly remembers one day in particular as the "onset" of her ability. She'd been toddling around the house while her mother was cooking and singing along to the radio, and then for whatever reason her mother had stopped and turned the radio off. She had wanted to hear more of the song, but didn't have the words to ask, so instead had mentally replayed the song and sang along with her mother's voice. Understandably her mother was absolutely confused, as her daughter who had never made a sound before had suddenly perfectly mimicked her voice, but they assumed it was just a quirky talent. They didn't think it might have been something more until a few days after Kazia turned eight; she had overheard her mother and father arguing about something, and a few weeks after the argument confronted her mother about it by reciting it verbatim and then asking in her schoolteachers' voice, "Now what was the meaning of THAT?" Rumors of "magic" and such were prevalent, of course- but this was Poland, full of hyper-superstitious Catholics. And in any case, whatever this… quirk or power that Kazia had was, it seemed mundane enough to pass as a normal talent. She was everyone's favorite study partner in school, given that she could repeat verbatim her teacher's lectures, no matter how long ago they had been. All in all she had a rather happy childhood…Until, that is, the bombs started falling, on September 1st, 1939. Kazia had been walking home from school, minding her younger siblings and entertaining them by singing various songs from the radio in the artists' voices. A flight of aircraft, not like any they'd really seen before, flew in formation over the center of the city, dropping what she would later realize were bombs, though she wasn't aware of that at the time. The blast, though they were over a kilometer away, was still enough to knock them off their feet, and immediately they saw the columns of smoke and fire. Fleeing to their home on the outskirts of the city, the younger children were the ones who had to describe to their mother what they had just seen. Kazia's older brother had recently enlisted in the Polish army, and her father- a reserve soldier – was soon called away. The church soon became a sanctuary for their family, a place they could go no matter what, and for a few hours at least shut out the terrible thought of what was going on outside. On September 28th, the city was surrendered, prisoners of war taken. Kazia had no idea if her father and brother were in that number, dead, or perfectly safe elsewhere. The following Sunday found the family in church, of course, and that same Sunday the Germans marched in, took everyone at gunpoint into the courtyard, shot the bishop and priests and anyone else who dared make a sound of protest. At first it seemed like the people would be broken by it. But then, not even a month later, there was a not-so-quiet rebellion, the secret Polish army. Quiet whispers that they were seeking people with "unusual skills" circulated. Finally, Kazia mustered her courage and went to TAP, convinced her ability would be outright rejected- it wasn't like she had something terribly useful. It was much to her surprise when they seemed glad to have her, and even more to her surprise that she was shuffled around to increasingly more-important reconnaissance jobs. It seems she underestimated the value of a small, quiet listener. Finally, she was shuffled over to a French operation that was working alongside the polish resistance, and then over to a British operation working alongside them, and now she's landed here, still slightly befuddled as to what, exactly, is going on. Equipment: Standard British issue, an assortment of the crude, handmade smoke and noisemakers that youth in the resistance were so fond of.</s> <|message|>Óscar Guijarro Óscar raised an eyebrow as the popsicle escaped from his mouth "Eh, niñata!" he said, frowning as he looked at her older brother "What's the matter with her, can't she enjoy a joke or what? Agh...", the Spaniard really didn't like when someone took a joke south or just wasn't the kind of person that enjoys humor overall. He closed his eyes, looking at the splattered popsicle and instantly boiling it to clean it, looking back at the kid "Alright, Jesús, sorry for yelling..." he chuckles, tapping with his foot on the ground. "Cards? Mierda, I used to play poker with some friends...and mús, but eh, I went over to music..." Óscar smirks slightly "I mean, if we get to a café I used to work, they may still have my old guitar." he grins once again, as the road gets slightly cleaner and he hears the planes, quickly raising both of his eyebrows and opening his mouth, nodding softly and leaning his head back onto the "wall" of the truck. "Anyways, as Ms. Bianco said we know, get to know each other? I'm Óscar Guijarro, but in the field you'll call me Tony Bamanaboni...or just Tony, seh." He then accommodated his pompadour, taking a look at his tattoos before rolling down the sleeves and covering them, either afraid or ashamed of them, scratching his magnificent black beard " least we won't be bored..."</s> <|message|>Henry Blair Ashmore There was a moment of silence as Henry waited for the young woman next to him to reply. In that dreadful moment he thought that perhaps she had not heard him, and that he would be forced to sit in the awkward quiet of the truck while other members of the group observed his blunder. Thankfully, during the interim a voice came from beside Henry, and he turned his head to regard the young man who had spoken. A minute earlier the same man had patted Henry on the back and joked about catching him after their planned para-drop into France - he had chuckled at that - but before he had a chance to respond the man's attention had been drawn to the laughs of the young woman sitting on Henry's other side. "Nice to meet you, Izkry," Henry replied. Izkry looked young - he couldn't have been much older than Henry himself - and along with a broad smile and bright brown eyes, his laid back demeanour instantly put the young man at ease - but to an extent also concerned him. The idea that someone could be so calm while en route to Nazi occupied France was almost unimaginable, yet here such a person was, making jokes and warmly greeting men and women who he had never met but may well die beside. Come to think of it, so many of those who sat in the truck bed seemed alarmingly calm. Still, to see a friendly face was warmly welcomed. "And nice to meet you as well, Belasý," said Henry, leaning forward to see her. She appeared rather timid, but as they made brief eye contact he was struck by the vivid blue of her eyes. In that instant his pale green eyes washed over with the ferocious blue of the woman's own, perfectly replicating their cellular structure for but a fraction of a second before once again giving way to the much less remarkable green of Henry's own eyes. Hoping the incident had gone unnoticed, Henry quickly withdrew his gaze. It was not unheard of for him to subconsciously mimic the physicalities of another person, much like the way he had assumed his mother's face while just a young boy. While studying his abilities Henry had become acutely aware that he tended to do this when he was particularly fond of a trait, be that the colour of a person's eyes, the shape of their nose, or even their hairstyle. It's something I need to work on, he noted. Izkry spoke again, this time of aliases. "Well then, you can call me Tommy," Henry said. Tommy was a nickname that had come about after one of his nannies began to refer to him by the name, believing it was his actual name for whatever reason. Likely the result of moving from house to house, caring for the children of various families in his hometown. At the time Henry was too young to understand, but ever since he was often referred to as Tommy in casual situations - never outside of the estate. "Tommy Ashwell, will that do?"</s>
<|message|>Kazimiera Andrysiak Kazia flushed, mildly embarrassed, as the tall blonde youth beside her noticed her laughter. He seemed gentle enough, addressing her softly, and quite polite and articulate. He introduced himself as Henry. The girl scrambled with her thoughts for a moment, sorting out which voice she was going to use. It wasn't much of a challenge, really- she would use her best friend's. Lena had always been talkative, and as soon as she'd figured out that Kazia couldn't make words on her own, she'd had Kazia write what she wanted to be said and would read it off. The result was that Kazia had conversational phrases that worked without being too disjointed. "My name is Kazia Andrysiak." She said, in reply to Henry, her English quite accented - Lena had been taking classes in it, but she was by no means fluent. "It is nice to meet you." She had to switch voice for the next question, bought it was to another of her female classmate's, not noticeable to someone not paying perfect attention. "Have you ever been on a plane before?" Damn it, that sounded too childlike, the curiosity of a young girl who'd never been in the sky before. Oh well. As she spoke to Henry, she noticed a tall, very thin boy approach her. In good English - though still slightly hesitant - he asked if she was Polish. She turned to look at him, realizing as he spoke that he, too, was from her country. She flashed him a soft smile, switching back to her native language- well, switching back to Lena's Polish. "Yes. It would be nice, to become friends." She hesitated for a moment, wincing at her disjointed voice. "My name is Kazia. What is yours? Also. Would you sit with me?" She patted the bench next to her. Someone else- a tall young man, sitting next to an exceptionally sullen-looking girl, spoke up loud enough for everyone in the truck to hear, reminding them to get used to their aliases. Right. Crap. The small girl turned to the two males beside her. "As far as the rest of the world knows... I am Anna Slaski." She bit her lip, realizing that she'd used her grandmother's voice for the first part of the line, and then one of her friend's voices for the last part, a clear change. (Anna Slaski was the protagonist in one of their favorite books - a terribly obscure one that someone who wasn't Polish wouldn't know, and even most Polish people likely wouldn't - when they were small, and the line had been stolen from when they were playing pretend once.) She wondered if anyone would notice and realize that her "superpower" was her mimicry.</s>
<|description|>Christopher "Chris" David Dumont * Kieran Quinlan * Mikhail Fox * Riley Taylor * Aro Mahmoud * Isabelle Smith @AluminumDude@Oliver@Bornlucky@bloonewb@LordofthePies@UmbreonRogue</s> <|message|>Christopher "Chris" David Dumont The symbol, upon the touch of Aro's finger, lit up with a gentle white glow. WHRRRRR-CLACK clickBOOM! The walls shuddered with mechanical movement, and the entire little room creaked and vibrated violently, like an old machine shaking off the rust. The room lurched, throwing Aro back into the pillows, as the water descended slowly toward her -- or, rather, as the elevator raised her up toward the water's inverted surface. The cat's ears flicked, and its grin flashed. "That's exactly the one!" it chirped happily. "Goodbye!" With that, Howl turned around and leaped out through the solid wall of the rising elevator as if the cat were nothing more than a spirit, leaving Aro alone with the encroaching water. --- The cat's tail twitched thoughtfully, watching Christopher navigate the lines and circles that patterned the little room. "No doors or levers, but --" It was cut off by the sudden mechanical noise of rumbling and whirring, coming from somewhere outside the room. The cat grinned again, pleased by the sound. "You see those circles there?" asked Howl as it pressed its paws against the wall; the cat pointed at five symbols in five circles that were carved in relief on the bronze wall. "Press the swirly rippley one, and you can get out of here!" --- "Moving castle?" Howl tipped its head and swished its tail. "A castle that moves?" The cat paused at the sudden mechanical noise of rumbling and whirring, coming from somewhere outside the room. The cat grinned again, pleased by the sound. "Sure! This is a moving castle, in a way! Here, look!" Howl pressed its paws against the wall; the cat pointed at five symbols in five circles that were carved in relief on the bronze wall. "See those circles? Press the swirly rippley one and see!" --- The cat's ears twitched, and it purred. "Isabelle! That's a nice name," Howl chirped happily. The cat got up with its tail pointed at the watery ceiling, and jumped up to gently sit on Isabelle's lap. It paused at the sudden mechanical noise of rumbling and whirring, coming from somewhere outside the room. The cat grinned again, ears swiveling, pleased by the sound. "Let's have some fun, Isabelle! I'm bored!" The cat smiled, stood up again and turned in a circle, watching her hopefully. --- The cat stretched and sat down, ears swiveling, and stared up at Riley with curious green eyes. It paused at the sudden mechanical noise of rumbling and whirring, coming from somewhere outside the room. The cat grinned again, pleased by the sound. "Scalby is your home? There's only one way to go back home, and only the Witch can do it. The Witch can open a doorway to anywhere at all -- including Scalby!" --- @UmbreonRogue@Bornlucky@AluminumDude@LordofthePies</s> <|message|>Aro Mahmoud "Kitty, I don't like this! I can't swim! Neither can Bugs!" Aro had named her beetle on the spot in the midst of her panic, trying to give the cat more reason to save her from the water. She curled into a ball, clutching Bugs to her chest as she rose. Maybe she'd float. Maybe it was magic water, like the first puddle. These thoughts blazed through her mind, although they did nothing to calm her. @Mokley</s> <|message|>Riley Taylor Riley's face lit up at Howl's response. Perhaps getting home would be easier than thought. Perhaps she could even come back to visit, either occasionally or forever, depending on what her parents think. The sound of a mechanical whirring reverberated throughout the room, possibly coming from a source outside. "What does that noise mean?" she asked. "How do I speak to the Witch? Could you show me the way?" She knew that was more than the allotted three questions, but perhaps if she kept scratching his ears and stroking his fur, maybe he wouldn't notice.</s> <|message|>Christopher "Chris" David Dumont Christopher nodded slightly to the cat. "Got it, thanks for the tip." He walked over to the 5 circles. The cat didn't specify which one was the ripply one, however. The first and second obviously weren't the correct buttons, neither was the fifth, but he hesitated between the third and fourth buttons. He felt inclined to push the third one because it reminded him of the f hole on his viola. But the fourth looked a bit more like a ripple. Though the cat said ripply, not ripple, and the third could be said to have multiple ripples... Chris reached out his hand and gently applied pressure to the button. He slowly withdrew and turned to face the cat. "So... now what?"</s> <|message|>Christopher "Chris" David Dumont But the cat had gone. Disappeared through the wall, with a grin and a twitch of his tail. With a shake and a whirr, the elevator rose and rose, and warm water enveloped Aro. It continued rising for a few seconds, then stopped with a watery hiss and a thump. Sunlight shimmered far above, filtered by the moving water -- but of course it would be impossible to admire the surroundings when trapped underwater, unable to swim. A face appeared over the top edge of the elevator, haloed by floating black hair. It was a child with big, dim gray eyes and mouth open in wonder, fingers curled around the top of the elevator wall. The child watched Aro while she struggled. After a moment -- when it was clear that Aro was not well adapted for life in the water, the child swam down inside the elevator, grabbed Aro by the shirt, and dragged her speedily out into the open water, where schools of fishes darted past. By this time, Aro would be out of air and drowning. The child held on tightly, gray expression unchanging, lifted up Aro's shirt and stuck the end of a thick wire to her stomach. An electric shock coursed through Aro, and she passed out for the second time that day. When she awoke, she was still underwater -- but she didn't need to breathe. She was in the sand at the bottom, surrounded by seaweed and curious fish that tickled her in passing. The wire had disconnected from Aro's stomach, and it floated loose, its end flickering with blue electricity. To her left, she could see the big imposing dark building that hummed quietly within a crevice in the watery floor, and above it the elevator she'd come from. A second elevator was rising out of the big dark building, whirring and clacking. Inside this elevator was a boy, who had been tricked by the cat just the same as Aro had been. Above, there was sunlight. All around was open ocean -- and in the distance, the child swam like a fish toward a clump of tall weeds, hair billowing behind. Howl purred drunkenly, dropping into a more comfortable position. "Those are just the noises the Laboratory makes," he answered. "We're in the Laboratory, so naturally we'll hear the Laboratory noises. "The Witch is in the Tower, in Compass District Zero," he answered easily, completely distracted and compliant. "I know how to get there, but you can't go the way I go, which is the easy way. All the other ways to get there are just too dangerous. Wouldn't you rather stay here?" A grin crept over the cat's face, and he rolled over and returned to his feet, away from Riley's hypnotizing hands. He turned his back on her and pressed his paws against the wall, tail flicking. "See those symbols there? Any of them can get you to District Zero, but none go there directly, but they're all very fun anyway. Touch one and see!" The symbol, upon the touch of Christopher's finger, lit up with a gentle white glow. WHRRRRR-CLACK clickBOOM! The walls shuddered with mechanical movement, and the entire little room creaked and vibrated violently, like an old machine shaking off the rust. The room lurched, throwing Aro back into the pillows, as the water descended slowly toward Chris -- or, rather, as the elevator raised him up toward the water's inverted surface. The cat's ears flicked, and its grin flashed. "Now, you drown!" it chirped happily. "Goodbye!" With that, Howl turned around and leaped out through the solid wall of the rising elevator as if the cat were nothing more than a spirit, leaving Chris alone with the encroaching water. --- @bloonewb@LordofthePies</s> <|message|>Isabelle Smith At Howl's suggestion, she became more enthusiastic. A chance to explore this new wonderland? It sounds like a lot of fun! And plus, Isabelle is tempted to try to draw her adventures in this land at some point. "Yeah! Let's go!" Isabelle said, hopping on her feet a bit. She looked around for a bit for the exit. Well, the little girl and cat can't go anywhere if they don't leave the room, can they?</s> <|message|>Riley Taylor Riley turned her gaze from the little cat to the buttons he was referring to. They were all strange, intricate patterns, like nothing she had ever seen before. Obviously a classic riddle, befitting of a fairy as devious as Howl. Her hands absentmindedly went behind her head, and she began working her hair into a braid. What do the symbols do? Whatever their meaning, she felt she had to make a decision quickly. This brought to her mind a small memory of home. Mum wanted to move house, to the midlands, but Da fretted with numbers until the home they had picked up was bought by someone else. Riley remembered Mum having a large argument with Da, using long words like 'indecisive' or 'tentative', as well as a great many words she said later not to repeat. Riley most certainly didn't want to imitate that behaviour, so she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and pressed one of the buttons at random. It turned out to be the one on the far right.</s> <|message|>Arthur Willet Falling, Arthur felt he was falling. He took a moment to realize his situation and hugged himself. Realizing that Tyrone was not with him he began to panic. He was falling! He gasped several times grasping at thin air for something to grab onto. Tears began to roll down his face as fear ripped right through him. He closed his eyes shut tight while praying this was simply a horrid nightmare and that Mommy would come and save him. Suddenly, he landed in something soft... and damp. Arthur waited for a few minutes before eventually deciding that he was not going to wake up yet and he reopened his eyes. He saw pillows. Dozens of them. This was not his room. He sniffed and wiped the tears from his face before he started to look around to see where he was. His vision was blurred from his fear, and he simply could not think straight. He then saw a bit of movement in the room and he froze. Arthur stared at the black blur a long while before his vision finally cleared enough for him to realize that a cat had just spoken to him. His eyes widened to its extremes. His neighbor had a mean cat that scratched him the one time he tried to pet it, and ever since he had tried to avoid getting near cats whenever possible. A talking cat simply proved to be more than he could handle. "N-n-no!" He cried out as he twisted around and began to dig into the pillows in an attempt to escape this nightmare. "I just want to wake up!" Deeper. "Wake up!" Deeper. "Wake up!" He made a small hole to climb into and began to blubber in it. "I want my Mommy!"</s>
<|message|>Christopher "Chris" David Dumont "Yeah!" Howl cheered with an equally excited leap in the air. He landed gracefully, did a neat little turn and a twitch of his tail, and raised his paws up against the wall, ears perked. "This is a very special room that has no door -- but you can push one of those buttons there! Do you see them?" Carved among the intricate patterns on the coppery wall were a series of buttons with strange symbols on them: --- The button lit up with a gentle green glow; the light spread quickly throughout all the carved lines that networked throughout the walls of the tiny room, until the coppery little room was full of angled patterns of dim neon. BRRRRRM CLICK! Above Riley's head, a copper ceiling slid closed, sealing off the room from the water that had been floating overhead. Howl spun in place and flashed a fangy grin up at Riley. "See you later!" He turned his back to her, coiled his haunches, and leaped through the wall as if he were nothing more than a ghost -- but the wall was completely solid. The room began to shake and rumble like a very old elevator. DING! All of a sudden everything went still and quiet; the lights were gone and the shaking had stopped. For a tense moment, Riley was alone in silence -- until the wall behind her split open like elevator doors, revealing a chaos of muttering and clattering noises and buttery-sweet smells. "Make way, coming through, out of the way!" called a waitress as she sprinted through the crowd with an enormous tray of covered dishes held over her head. She rushed past the elevator door and disappeared among the filled tables to the right. The tables were all filled with enormous monsters with scales or feathers or fur or spines, all shoveling ravenous forkfuls of savory meats and sweet desserts into their fanged or tentacled mouths. The waiters and waitresses that darted about, however, were very much human. They wore uniforms of pink and blue, which matched the gaudy decor that gave the huge restaurant a very particularly nostalgic feel. Directly in front of the elevator was a worn red carpet, which led directly to the hostess' podium, above which glowed a bright green neon sign: welcome toLilyrose House The hostess was a teenage girl with flyaway black hair and a pink uniform that was slightly fancier than those of the other wait staff. She wore a patch over her right eye, but her left eye caught quick sight of Riley through the elevator door. "Hey, there you are!" she hollered, gripping the podium. "You're late!" --- The black cat tilted his head and swished his tail, and for a moment he waited for this new visitor to finish being scared -- but when the boy showed no signs of anything but distress, the cat lighted up onto the disheveled pile of pillows and craned his neck to peer into the little cave the boy had made in them. "What's a mommy?" he asked quizzically, triangle ears perked.</s>
<|description|>Tar 'Mdalak Rank: Swords of Sanghelios Commando Species: Sangheili Appearance: Tar (right) practices CQC tactics with an energy lance Skills: Experience of piloting Banshees (Type-27 & Type-54) and Type-57 Phantoms Covert infiltration Sabotage Close quarters combat Military administration & combat training Application of non-standard weaponry Preferred Weapons/Equipment: Type-1 Energy Sword for hand to hand combat Type-52 Mauler for closing with targets Type-57 Carbine for medium/long range engagements Commando Harness ( with propulsion unit Type-2 Spike Grenades and Type-3 Firebombs, if available Background: Tar 'Mdalak was born on Brissekh, a pristine frontier world, in the 2520s. Her father was Tarkr 'Mdalakai, old swordsman and kaidon of the planet's largest settlement. Her homeworld was heavily tapped by the Covenant for fighters, with nearly all Tar's numerous siblings conscripted into the military. Tar was desperate to earn glory along with her brothers, but the Sangheili ranks wouldn't have her. The place of females was to guard their home keep, and a lot of the Covenant traditionalists preferred it that way. So instead she served as the captain of the guard for her father's keep. Frustrated with the relatively small scope of her responsibilities, Tar put all her effort into modernising her troops. She expanded their training far beyond basic guard duties, incorporating asymmetric warfare tactics and mechanised detachments. She also supplemented the traditional energy lances favoured by traditional guard units with the latest Covenant weaponry, like Carbines and Beam Rifles. There were lots of opponents to her reformist vision, especially seeing as she was a female wielding significant influence over the old kaidon. This often resulted in skirmishes between would-be dissidents and Tar's well equipped militia. It was in danger of boiling over into all out civil war until the Brutes attacked. The Sangheili-Jiralhanae war hit Brissekh completely by surprise. None of the Keeps received warning of the raid until Brute RCS class cruiser was in low orbit. Before any of the Keeps could react, they'd destroyed the space port and bastion compounds before deploying two companies of heavy infantry to kill as many citizens as they could find. With the distress signal sent, Tar deployed her troops to the large city outside the Keep. With everyone behind the fortifications, maybe they could hold out until friendly ships arrived. However, her father wasn't content to cower behind walls while Sangheili across Brissekh were slaughtered. Despite Tar's protest, he struck out for the landing zone with his retinue, seeking a duel with the War Chieftain. They found each other, but survivors say Tarkr 'Mdalakai was separated from his bodyguards during the fight and captured by the enemy. When Tar found out her father had been imprisoned, a much worse fate than death for Sangheili, she went mad with rage. Abandoning her position near the gates of the Keep, she plowed into the marauding Brute hordes. Her vigorous training and agility let her use the Brute numbers against them, with the weight of bodies allowing her to get in close and butcher them. When her Energy Sword expired from overuse, she took Maulers and Spike Grenades from eviscerated Brutes and pushed forward. Whipped into a frenzy by their commander's raw fury, her troops set upon the Brutes with a cruel precision. The narrow streets of Brissekh's main city ran with Jiralhanae blood. Such was the ferocity of the Sangheili counter attack that the landing party never even reached the gates. And when a nearby Swords of Sanghelios battle cruiser arrived to help, the Brutes fled the system, taking Kaidon 'Mdalakai with them. Upon meeting the rescue ship's commanders, Tar immediately invoked the right of release, an intention to rescue her father from a shameful life of capture. In the spirit of Thel 'Vadam's liberalisation of the Swords military, the cruiser's captain granted her passage and enlistment aboard. The cruiser gave chase to the Brute ship, but it got away. They searched for the aggressors, but the trail went cold. Tar vowed never to give up, but accepted that she needed to contribute. She quickly fell in with a squad of Brute hunters that were formerly part of the Silent Shadow division of Covenant crack troops. They were operating from the battle cruiser and had learned of Tar's plight. When they realised her ability in combat, they offered her a place on missions slaughtering any Jiralhanae they could find. Tar gained a reputation for exceptional cruelty when it came to Brutes, often appearing to exact personal revenge on each combatant. It took three long years of searching before Tar got a solid lead. Some of the Brutes they'd interrogated had heard a rumor Sangheili kaidons were being held on Brute ships near a Forerunner construct known as Sarcophagus. Her squad tried to convince her the intel was shaky at best, but Tar didn't care. She parted ways with Silent Shadow and set out on her own. Finding passage aboard a military vessel, she gained access to the Sangheili-Human facilities on Sarcophagus by joining the colony's defensive contingent. However, despite searching for months, Tar could find no trace of the Brute cruiser. To make matters worse, she couldn't stray far from her unit for fear of being tried as a deserter. Many of the assignments on Sarcophagus were for life, but Tar certainly wasn't planning on staying that long if she could help it.</s> <|message|>Yalu 'Suumko Yalu 'Suumko Yalu was less precise than his squadmates opening fire. The grunts were easy pickings. The elites and jackals might actually triangulate them. Yalu peered through his scope looking for Kig-Yar holding long weapons. They got a needle to their shooting hand, or their jaws. Disabled as they were, it would only add to the confusion. Sangheili caught a burst of needles until their shields flared. The light made them easy pickings for their marksmen. Time came to reload. Yalu rolled from his prone position behind a shrub on his back, took a couple of plasma grenades, and tossed them over to the enemy in a high arc. The reload came after, timed to spot the enemy by the time they decided to move away from the explosives. Wouldn't be long before it was time to assault the platform itself.</s> <|message|>Vael 'Virisusai Vael 'Virisusai --- Vael, in this case, did not pay as much attention to Grikgar's attitude as he did the plan itself. The Unggoy, it seemed, had taken some of his own initiative. Vael kept firing, and kept up pressure, until his carbine's magazine was empty. Without missing a beat, he drew the plasma rifle and continued to lay down suppressive fire over the area until the detonation finally came. The secondary explosive was a shaped charge, intended to cut through the platform from below. It was more limited in area of effect than an explosive on the platform would have been, but it had been placed well. Evidently, Grikgar had observed the area and correctly guessed where many of those on the platform would flee to. The blast tore through the platform, killing some Kig-Yar and a few Sangheili immediately, while sending out a shockwave that knocked several others around them off their feet. From where he was, Vael could see several shields flare, and a few break, around the explosion. Hostiles had stopped coming out from inside the structure, so there were likely few remaining inside. The explosion had created some cover on the platform, by virtue of the warped metal plating from the floor, but it had also created an opportunity. Many of the remaining hostile Sangheili now had weakened or depleted shielding, though that advantage would not last long, if they were allowed to recover. Vael ejected the magazine from his carbine and slotted in a new one in one quick motion. "The enemy is weakened, push the advantage!" He ordered before jumping down onto the platform below. Given that he had to go below the platform to plant his charges, Grikgar was separated from the rest of the team. It would take some time to climb back up to the others, but in the wake of the explosion, there was something else he may have spotted out of the corner of his eye. Movement in the rain, and a silhouette just at the base of the hill. It was a Sangheili, currently in active camouflage, who must have dropped down from the platform above in the chaos, and now had his sights on Grikgar.</s> <|message|>Comi'Masam Spartan Lucas Ryker Lucas didn't hesitate to follow the order to push in and did so, his DMR still ringing out to buy his squad mates who were slightly farther out more time to get closer to the main structure before he jumped on to it as well, stowing the DMR to draw his pistol and one of the knives. Switching on the Promethean vision, spotting the forms of the Covenant in the rain got a lot easier, especially as his silenced pistol found the head of one of the enemy Unggoy and spotted an opening in the shielded cover of a Kigyar. Hugging a taller box, he waited to the count of three before swinging around the corner, knife first, only to have the Sangheili he was trying to ambush block it and kick the container over the edge. "Well alright then. Let's dance, big boy." Infiltrator Comi'Masam Comi had not been taking shots at the forms exiting the indoor areas of the emplacement like the others primarily because her weapon simply did not have the accuracy to do so, though it certainly had the range. Instead, she chose to show her prowess when the order to push their advantage came, and she dropped onto the platform behind the unit's current commander, his golden energy sword coming to life as she lands. Her first opponent is an overeager Kigyar, who lunges at her shield first. Expertly sidestepping the shoddy attack, the blade cleaves cleanly through its body, even as she guns down a pair of fleeing Unggoy with precise bursts from her pistol. The second and third opponents are Sangheili minors who thought to overwhelm her with numbers and firepower. The first had never given his energy shield proper time to recharge and was dropped by a three round burst from her pistol, the first shot shattering his shields and the next two to ensure death. The second was smarter and tried to keep her pinned from cover, by intervention from an ally forced him out of cover towards Infiltrator Comi'Masam, who bisected him her her blade as well. Her fourth opponent, however, was a Covenant spec-ops member himself and drew his blue blade before squaring off with Comi. He spoke orders that none of his allies were to interrupt their fight and Comi agreed, passing word to her own that this was her fight, before holstering her pistol and assuming a stance across from the enemy infiltrator, her own sword held Vertically and even with her head in a partial crouch as the pair circled each other.</s>
<|message|>Tar 'Mdalak Tar rose to her feet as Aegis team surged aboard the downed AA gun. She popped the battery out of her carbine and deftly replaced it with a fresh one while surveying the scene. The storm had rolled over the spine of the mountain range and right onto their position. Shards of lightning scraped the grey peaks around them and splayed over the massive purple weapon they were trying to disable. Deafening cracks and booms assaulted Tar's ears, going over and above even the gunfire below her. Black clouds billowed out to obscure the evening light and the view of the forest valleys below. The rain was increasing its intensity, and a rising wind was blowing it sideways, creating a silver screen which made a mockery of their previous visibility. A metallic taste registered in Tar's mouth from the water, and a sulphurous smell wafted into her nose. Wasting no time, the Commando dropped the dozen metres or so onto the leaning AA gun's troop platform. Plasma bolts flew everywhere; one activated her shield. Plasma grenades went off nearby, jolting Tar into action. She jogged past Spartan Ryker, firing two shots at his Sangheili opponent as she passed. She didn't stop though, turning her attention instead to the gaggle of dazed defenders regrouping behind tangled wreckage in the middle. Looking through her sights, Tar loosed two more shots at an exposed head, and one at another shieldless Kig Yar. She drew fire for that, so Tar jouked across the platform diagonally, taking advantage of whatever cover existed to try and flank them. This brought her close to a low, thin shelter, partially buried into the deck plating. Tar only noticed it when she was practically on top of it because of the driving wind. Slowing her pace, she covered the wide entryway and approached at an angle. The noise of battle dimmed in her ears as she focused all her attention on the darkness inside, peering past the waterfall of rain water cascading off the top. Her eyes adjusted slowly. Is that… Two yellow Sangheili eyes opened to look directly into hers, before dashing forward and up the steps. The lithe black frame of a Hunter Killer was upon her in a second, sword shimmering on to impale her. Tar opened fire.</s>
<|description|>Rutger Artz Age: 18 Magic: Flame God Slayer Magic Level: B History: Born and raised on a snowy mountain in a small, nearly isolated village, Rutger and his father were herders responsible for providing a great deal of meat, cheese, and wool to keep the villagers supplied during the harsh winters. As such they had more wealth than many in the small settlement; not nearly enough to be considered rich, but enough to afford a few more small luxuries--such as books. Rutger adored books, and whenever the odd peddlar braved the dangers of the mountain and brought their wares to the village square, Rutger would beg his father for enough money to buy every book he could. His parents easily relented; after all, knowledge was power. Little did they know the power their son would gain. One day, the peddlar brought a pile of books they had collected from all corners of Fiore, and Rutger bought them all. Among them was a book with a strange cover, blackened and dusty with the appearance and texture of charcoal. Rutger originally found, when he opened this book, that it was written in such an old dialect as to be neary indecipherable, a throwback to the days when Fiore was instead known by another name: Ishgal. He struggled to translate it so that he could read it, using other books as resources, but even then the contents simply seemed to squirm before his eyes. During a particularly cold storm, Rutger read next to the fireplace, as he usually did. Once again he was trying to decipher the book. He cried out in sudden despair when an ember popped from the fire and landed on one of the pages...but the book did not burn. Instead, the letters within began to glow, and a warmth spread through Rutger as he watched in fascination. He felt something within him being pulled out, and the book reacted to it. From this reaction, the letters shifted, and became readable. Though Rutger did not know it, it was not only the flame that had changed the book. Within him, as within roughly 20% of Fiore's population, was the potential for magic, and the book had reacted to it, choosing him as its new owner. He became obsessed with the book, poring over its contents day after day. He began to practice the magic in secret, his curiosity overcoming the risks and the possibility of being ridiculed by his family or the other villagers. It was here, however, that he learned just why magic was so feared. Black flames threatened to consume the village, and Rutger could not stop them. The only fortune to be had that day was when the heat melted part of the snow on the mountainside and caused an avalanche that managed to put out the flames, though many villagers were trapped in their homes until they could be dug free. Because of Rutger's magic, he had almost destroyed everything and everyone he had ever loved. The villagers began to treat him with fear and disdain, and his family decided it would be for the best to send him away. Rutger left the snowy village in the dead of night, keeping himself warm with his power, a blessing and a curse. Knowing he had to find someone to help him control his abilities, he headed for the Mage Guilds... Personality: Deeply unsettled by the events of his life, Rutger is often gloomy, but when his heart finally begins to open up, traces of an imaginative, curious, and energetic youth can be seen. Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: * Fount of Knowledge - Rutger is widely read in a variety of subjects, and thus knows a great deal about many things. * Steel Trap Memory - Rutger doesn't have a photographic memory, but it's a good one nonetheless, especially if it's something he's read. * Analytical Mind - Rutger's great at discovering and putting together clues to deduce possible answers, though some of his predictions are based on "genre-savviness" rather than realism. Three Weaknesses: * Self Control - Rutger is still new to his magic, and has a great deal of trouble controlling it, making him dangerous in flammable areas, tight spaces, or when allies are crowded around him. * Fear - Rutger is so afraid of hurting people he cares about with his magic that it severely weakens his spells and abilities. * Passiveness - Rutger isn't often one to take initiative on his own, and he's stopped taking as many risks. He often tries to think of excuses to justify this to himself, and in the process is his own worst critique, creating mental blockages that can keep him from doing what's necessary out of fear of failure. Greatest Love: Reading Motivation: Learning to control his magic Appearance: Rutger stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs around a hundred and seventy pounds, with a bit of tone from working with animals and living in a harsh environment, but not so much like a weight lifter. He has dark red, almost auburn hair that spikes sort of to the right, with a cowlick on the left and slightly back. His eyes are golden amber, and he wears a long sleeved black wool shirt under a thick blue, denim-like jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and heavy brown leather gloves lined with white wool. His pants are dark gray in color and his boots are made in the same style as his gloves. A black leather belt with a silver, square buckle holds two leather pouches, one on the side of his left hip and the other on the back of his waist. The last item of clothing he wears is a bright red woolen scarf sewn with double layers for extra warmth; this particular item was a gift from his mother before he left, and he tends to wear it all the time to remind himself of his family even if he changes the rest of his outfit. Additional Details: Always has at least one book on hand.</s> <|message|>Mayt Derren Marris EdolasMayat (Edo-Mayt) --- To Edolas Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Mayat smiled as the Guild Master lead the way back to Phoenix Wing, and when they went inside, she laughed a bit. "Seems we came back to a fight. Looks like fun." She smirked, and went over to a table, siting down and propping her feet up to watch the fireworks. "You can tell me why everyone needs to be back at the guild after these shenanigans alright Master Jamie?" She gave a dismissive wave, smiling, and watching to see how the fight goes.</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Magic Council Basement The magic nullify was lifted, suddenly, and the Lizardman no longer seemed to want to fight. At least, not here. This was a great opportunity to take this fight where some other strong people could get involved. Surely, their guild master would be able to end it quickly, if she felt like it. They could, alternatively, just get out of here and avoid the fight all together, but... they'd have to tell Karn, Penny, and the others, somehow. Just as she was leaving her cover to get the others in on her escape plan, the idiots keep fighting, instead! She continued with her plan, diving beneath the water to find somewhere that would serve as a better vantage point, though she figured the lizard guy probably saw her. It would be better not to fight him, at this point, but these guys were... overzealous. Edolas Trinity grins, keeping an arm around Sasha's waist as she moves to stand at her side. "Well, Karn, orgies are just moshpits of... Love!" She leaned into Sasha and held her waist a little tighter, while holding her other arm up dramatically. Well, at least that was the same. But was it, really? She looked up at Sasha, winked and lightly, playfully bit her shoulder before dancing over to cling to Edo-Sasha's side. One arm around the front of her waist, the other hand resting on the back of her shoulder. "Aah, but maybe I should go easy on her? What do you think, Sasha? She could faint." She laid her head against Edo-Sasha's chest, trying to get the woman to sway gently with her. Maybe even dance a bit.</s> <|message|>Jamie Beltras Sasha Sasha looked over to Edo-Karn as they spoke, "I'd rather not have any sort of '-some' with myself, thanks. Kinda feels a bit like incest to me" she said, shaking her head, feeling quite uncomfortable as Trinity held her tighter, and then bit her shoulder. When she left her, she shifted slightly, unconsciously, towards Lazarus, and glanced to him. Smiled slightly, looking over as she saw the strange lady from the guild hall. It figured that she was transferred here too. She stiffened. and reached for her magic, but of course, was unable to. Well, that meant the woman didn't have any magic either. WHich meant she shouldn't be much of a trouble. As Joshua engaged her, Sasha watched. Edolas Sasha When Edo-Trinity came over to her, snaked her arm around Edo-Trintiy's waist in return. "Ah, Trinity. i think you're wasting your time and talents on her. I don't think she'll swing to girls. Still, it's highly amusing to watch" Comfortable and use to Edo-Trinit's behavior, Edo-Sasha swayed slightly as the other girl rested her head on her chest. "I think we can change her, though" She laughed softly. She looked down at Edo-Trinity and smiled, "in the mean time, lets show them how much better we are in Edolas!" again a soft laugh, and she twirled, moving Edo-Trinity with her. Jarvis Jarvis looked about occasionally, partly making sure that Amelia was still by his side, the other part to not be taken by surprise if anything happened. He saw that Amelia was scared, and stopping for a moment, he laid a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry. I won't let anyone hurt you. In any case, you're safe here, with me, with these Edolas version's of my guild mates. " He gave her a smile, kind and gentle. He swallowed as they reached the guild hall. It was everything he and Jamie had planned, everything they worked for. Wooden, and grand, it was just...marvelous. What looked like stables were nearby, and the trees...they offered protection. He studied it for a moment, wondering if they would ever create this in Earthland. As they entered the guild hall, he saw what was going on. And sighed. Any hope that this guild was slightly different went out the window. But he recognised his members. And the stranger that had been in the guild. "What is with this behavior? Are you rabbits? You are Phoenix Wing Members!" Edo-Jamie let out a laugh, and said "Glad to see some things just never change" Master Jamie Having used one of two transportation Lacrima that Jamie had, he had returned to the guild. And heard the two discussing what had happened. Looking about, Jamie sighed. Of course something had happened. She shook her head, and said "If you two are looking for any member of Phoenix Wing, I guess this is your lucky day. I'm the guild master" Where was Jarvis and there others? What had happened here? "If you are looking to join up, we are always accepting Members. I am Master Jamie" He added, as she walked into the guild, looking over the broken doors, the tables."I had to take the guild on a mission. Some of them returned, but I lost communications with them. So I came to investigate. Not exactly a good welcome, is it?"</s> <|message|>Karn Arikelia 'The Chimera' Karn Fiore || Kabo || Outside the Council Building Interacting: Jayce, Nori "Yeeeeah you kinda missed a bunch of fighting, including the probably still occurring one below our feet." Karn chuckled softly before looking at the black dog as the man explained that she only reacted to cats, causing Karn to chuckle a little. "Awe, that's why then. I probably smell like a cat since that's my most common form." the short boy laughed softly before happily following the two strangers as the man started going through books. As the female dog continued to growl and glare at him, the boy crouched to her level and slightly pouted. "Awe come on, I don't bite. Not all cats and dogs have to be enemies you know." he said softly with a friendly smile. Edolas "Then you better smack them when they deserve it. And Highlights, if you want to go do that, go get a hotel room. You cause too much bloody racket." Edo-Karn said to the Earthland Sasha and Edo-Trinity at their comments toward the busily working blonde. As Beatrix and Joshua went outside, hissing at eachother like a pair of cat and dogs, Edo-Karn minorly narrowed their gaze as if having a minor headache. "Attempt to not break anything you two!" They called after them, though didn't even attempt to go and stop them. Sometimes, people just need to let off some steam. What better way to beat the crap eachother. If lucky, both knuckleheads knock each other out. As more people entered and spoke, Edo-Karn finally took their gaze off of the machine, got up and walked over to them. Glancing to Jarvis as he commented on the antics, Edo-Karn shrugged. "Since you're surprised, you must also be from Earthland. Ignore them, their idiots." Edo-Karn said wih a amused grin before looking to the Edolas Guild Master. "GM, since it appears you already know about these guys, I don't have to explain much. But I can't help but be worried about this. Earthland is said to be filled with magic and Edolas magic got pushed back over a hundred years ago to there. So if theyre here... I think there is also magic that came with them. Which is going to attract attention. Be it other Guilds or even the Royals. But please tell me I'm wrong and you have a perfectly good explanation on this." they said as they crossed their arms over their chest.</s>
<|message|>Rutger Artz Phoenix Wing Guild Hall Rutger Artz Again Rutger nearly jumped out of his skin when someone new popped into their midst. Xe claimed to be the master of the guild; Rutger had heard that the Master of Phoenix Wing was a powerful user of Transformation magic, and that few people knew what they really looked like. This individual seemed to have a constantly shifting air about xem, from their voice to their stance. It was slightly off putting to Rutger, being a simple village boy from an isolated place, but he eventually gathered himself enough to speak. "M-My name is Rutger, Master." It might have sounded very formal to already call the person Master, but he didn't know what gender pronoun to use for xem. "Rutger Artz. I came here intending to join, but I'm a bit worried about what's happened here as well. There was some kind of fight, but I don't think anyone fled the building and the destruction's scale is too limited for someone powerful enough to just drag off the entire guild. It's like they were here...and then they weren't. Teleportation magic or lacrima could do that, but to so many people at once? Something still seems off."</s>
<|description|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Male Looks about 30 Appearance 6'0" Pale white skin. White irises. Edges around his eyes are naturally often dark. Giving him the appearance of having eyeliner. Messy slightly below shoulder length wavy white hair. Long bangs that often get in his eyes. Two engraved cylindrical medium length silver hair beads, one on the right side of his hair and one on the back left. Silver feather dangle earring on his left ear lobe. Left hand's fingernails are pointed and sharp Faux golden mink fur double breasted coat. Length goes down to his mid thigh. Brown horn buttons. Brown silk liner. Black with white polka dots pattern wool fringed scarf worn draped around the back of his neck under his coat. Loosely tied into a knot low right below his chest. Various loose fitting polo or aloha/bowling shirts. Gold 22" 10mm cuban link chain necklace. White ribbed tank top undershirt. Gold Rolex Datejust 36mm with a white dial and jubilee bracelet. Silver band thumb ring, silver pinkie finger signet ring with a X engraved on the front. Gold pointer finger ring with a inlaid diamond. All on his left hand Plain black leather dress glove with a white X on the palm on his right hand. Silver 12mm cuban link chain id tag style bracelet on his right wrist Black dress pants. Black leather western style belt with an silver buckle and furnishings. Usually has a black embossed leather revolver holster on the right side. Black leather cowboy boots with snip toe caps and floral stitching. Pant legs worn over the boot shaft. Or Various Air Jordan 5 sneakers. White crew socks. Hair A bit longer in the back Nemo is often considered a Mana-fiend among other terms. Someone who can feed off of mana itself for energy. He has a innate control over mana and mastery with absorption focused spells. Being able to drain other Talent's mana reserves to refill his own. With more advanced spells Nemo can even harness the natural mana found in the world for himself in a pinch. While most Talents are able to increase their maximum mana pool by training. Nemo sadly lacks this ability. But makes up for it by being able to permanently increase his pool by fully draining mana from living beings and certain objects. Fully draining a magic user can also sometimes give Nemo the ability to use some of their spells. An added bonus of consuming mana is that it makes him immune to aging. All of his mana must be put to some sort of worthy use, and Nemo does so by specializing in highly destructive spells and traps. Often using an "X" shape motif. He also utilizes summoning magic circle relay rings. When a magic projectile passes through them, it increases in speed and power. Relay rings can also be chained together like a railgun to devastating effect. Nemo triggers most of his attacks from the X shaped rune on the palm of his glove. At times Nemo also has a affinity for fine custom weaponry instead of spells. Utilizing rifles, knives, and his trademark revolvers with specialized ammo to conserve his mana. Nemo is fond of the dark and the cold. He sees and reacts better in darker places with his white nocturnal-like eyes. However as a drawback he often becomes irritated and uncomfortable in bright or hot areas. While his actual age is a mystery, it is said that at a young age Nemo was shunned by all of the leading magic organizations for his unpredictable abilities and attributes. Being an orphan, Nemo was left to fend for himself in the world. His abilities were the only thing he had at a young age, realizing that most people were afraid of his style of spells. Nemo found that resorting to force to get what he needed was usually the only option that worked. As his control over his abilities grew he began to get more involved with the magic underground. Nemo began to take advantage of his anti-mana magic to make a name for himself as a effective assassin against other fellow magic users. He did this as a means to both further his own power and take revenge against the magic community for it's treatment of him. As Nemo's notoriety grew, the magic factions that once rejected him began to take notice. However not in the way he once wanted. Nemo began to become a problem for them, something that reached a climax when he executed a pair of Catholic Magi while on a armored transport mission. The Church had let him grow unchecked for too long. To solve the problem they set an ambush up for Nemo with a group of Grand-Magi and a entourage of his students. A fight occurred between the two, ending with Nemo's capture. But not before the group of mages suffered great causalities, including their leader. After the encounter Nemo was locked up deep in a pitch black cell within a dungeon located under the Vatican. There he lies in wait, feeding off of the small amount of mana rationed to him and wondering how long it will take before he is set free. Despite it all Nemo often comes off as a rather chipper carefree individual, something that is often seems sinister while fighting instead. Nemo is often unstable, his polite and charismatic outer attitude sheds to his more psychotic inner shell while angered. Nemo has a fascination with all things visual. Taking great pride with his work and considering the battles he partakes in as art. Aiming to make them as aesthetically impressive as he can. He's also a collector, coming off as borderline greedy in some cases. He'll try to obtain anything he finds visually appealing. Nemo becomes highly irritated when his possessions are sullied. Thankfully he can often repair them. Going hand in hand with his knack for collecting, he also takes great joy in eating. Being able to consume a very large amount of food and eat just about anything. 5.5 inch single action revolver. 3.5 inch birds head handle single action revolver. Bolt action hunting rifles. Balisong knives</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley "The work I do requires me to be flexible in my capabilities." Caspian replied. He was puzzled by what she drew next, it's lack of any blade confused him. But he knew well enough that it wasn't a joke. Caspian put his glowing sword up and flourished it himself twice before underhandedly scraping the blade onto the ground, kicking up sparks. The magic seemed to enhance the action, emitting much more sparks than usual. He then fired his flintlock into the cloud at Raiya, igniting them further and generating a cannonball sized purple ball of fire and energy. Besides being incredibly hot, the spell would conclusively explode the first thing it hit.</s> <|message|>Travis McGrath It appeared whatever apparition Travis had discovered was also noted by Roy whom quickly disengaged and sought a defensive action instead. Zuri's voice then resonated from the shadowy figure, assuring Travis of some unspoken plan before lashing out a series of dark waves toward he and Roy. Sharing the same expression as his assailant, Travis too anticipated the worse but instead found the would-be attack helpful as the dust that prevented him from casted spells was then blown away neatly. The particle surge of dark-energy was apparently nothing more than an illusion has we watched the waves phase harmlessly right through him and dispersed. Trickery aside, it had at least spooked Roy just as much as it did he. After nearly grazing a shotgun slug, courtesy from Zoey, Roy quickly backed off and opted to distancing himself to a temporary but safer position. Travis drew in mana to his palms after lengthening them out in front of him with a few spells he had in mind to use but decided to reserve them for the moment. Regardless, he kept his eyes set on the ex-hunter, not wanting a repeat of the situation moments ago. "Neither was trying to shank us." Travis retorted.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya saw the blue ball of flames surging towards her. There was little doubt that it would either horribly maim her or straight up kill her if it hit her. But she stood fast and finished her chant, "...kaminari o shōkan suru!", she shouted as the fireball closed in. As soon as she uttered the final word of her spell, a pink shifting blade of plasma instantly burst forth from the hilt creating a curved katana blade of pure burning plasma which was contained behind a thin invisible mana containment barrier which created the shape of the blade. The fireball was upon her now and she had to react fast. Raiya still had enough time to activate her speed aura and moved out of the way just in time. She could feel the heat radiating from the ball is it sailed past her and exploded on the wall far behind her. She flitted towards her enemy, her blade almost weightless in her right hand, and her other hand lifted up with mana charged in it, ready to cast a spell at a moments notice. She closed in on her opponent, quickly lept and dropped down with a vertical slash on the side of her opponent. If he blocked the slash, his blade would either be cut in half if it was not enchanted, or begin to become unstable as the enchantment would be unable to shirk such vast power.</s> <|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Caspian tried to assess the situation as fast as possible. By the looks of her new weapon, he felt that it would really sting to have it connect. He knew that he wouldn't be able to block it with his normal blade, and it was already too late to try to generate anything clever. Thinking fast, Caspian channeled more energy into his blade before blocking. Luckily, Caspian's blade was enchanted. However during the block the aura of the blade began to falter, and soon enough small sparks began to fly up as the edge started to get damaged. He let out a growl and pushed back as hard as he could to break away from her. Caspian inspected the edge of his cutlass and was horrified to see a small chip in it now, something he previously thought impossible. He eyed Raiya with a scowl. "I guess I was wrong in assuming that someone with a samurai sword would fight with the same honor of one." He spat out. "I'm sure it'll buff right out?" Nemo heckled from his seat. He found that channeling more energy into the blade was harder now, as if the sword's enchantment had been disrupted. The effect seemed to lessen over time, but it took using any significant spells through his sword off the menu for this fight "I suppose the at fault is me. In the end what good does fighting clean get you? If it's life and death on the line the only thing that really matters is winning." Caspian said before holstering his flintlock and rushing in towards Raiya. Caspian charged his sword with a small spell and swung at Raiya with one hand. Should the cutlass connect with her plasma blade the charge would immediately disperse from the interference into thick vapor. Caspian intentionally devised this to blind her for enough time to follow up with a small knife he was carrying in his free hand. Should his trick pay off, he'd try to stab her with his knife hooking from the left towards Raiya's right ribs. --- "That's jus' how I say hello." Roy replied to Travis. He used a knife to deflect Zoey's slug with an impressive display of reaction speed. It let out a piercing pang when the side of the blade came into contact with the metal payload. Afterwards he slung the damaged knife towards Zoey as repayment. The knife curved towards her from the left, aimed at her chest. Figuring Zoey would be busy with the knife, Roy pulled another grenade from his belt and tossed it towards the group. This one with a three second timer and filled with a disorienting purple gas, capable of impairing vision to the people caught inside and induce coughing.</s> <|message|>Raiya Mamushi Raiya smirked at the distress that her enemy was displaying over the damage sustained to his blade. And further scoffed at his comment about honor, "You know nothing about my honor. And even more so, do not pretend to know about the honor of the kenkaku in history. Bushido is dead, and so is chivalry for that matter. All that is left is personal honor. You abide by your code and I'll abide by mine. But do not presume to know what my code is." She spat. When he rushed her, she made a mistake. Not focusing on manalysis, and relying on her enhanced instincts, she blocked the blade with her plasma sword. Immediately a burst of steam clouded her vision. She was about to react by leaping as far backwards as possible, but before she could do so, the familiar searing agony of a knife wound flared in her right ribs. "Agh!" she let out a brief cry of agony. Fueled by adrenaline and her enhanced attributes she leapt backwards 15 feet. She looked down to assess the damage, noting a 4 inch blade lodged between her lower ribs. She wasn't coughing blood, so he had not punctured her lung, which was good. However, she could not assess her internal damage any further than a surface level diagnostic through the checklist of her apparent faculties such as breathing. "Damnit!" Raiya screamed in anger as she gripped the hilt of the small knife and pulled it from her side, tossing it away. Blood began to spill out profusely from her side to the ground, she noted that he probably hit a main artery. She used the mana in her left hand to sear her would closed with a cauterizing spell. Her anger was sparked now, and she was more ready to attack than she had been initially. She charged a spell into her left hand and swiped her hand outwards, unleashing to fast moving pink orbs at her target, each orb arcing towards a different side of her opponent. The orbs each carried small electric current that would immobilize a normal target. Then she rushed straight at her opponent, issuing a quick horizontal slash once she got within range.</s>
<|message|>Nemo "Xero" Smiley Caspian seemed less upset about his blade once he saw that Raiya had been injured. Her return fire brought his attention back to the fight. Caspian held out his hands to the side and fired off two blasts collide and stop the blasts arcing at him. However this action left him wide open to her slash. Caspian tried to move back, but found it wasn't enough when the blade cut through his clothes and seared a cut across his stomach. It wasn't deep, but it was a wound all the same. Caspian felt pain not just from being cut, but from the sensation of being burned as well. While still feeling the sting, he followed up by stepping back in and swinging at her with his cutlass towards her left shoulder and down. But he figured that it would likely end up getting blocked, so he sent a powerful kick towards her as well, aimed right at her fresh wound by her ribs. --- Nemo seemed to be a lot less entertained once he saw Raiya hurt. His expression turned emotionless and blank now as he watched from his chair with his head propped up by resting it on his palm.</s>
<|description|>Yavanna Nienna Undomiel BASIC Goes By (Nicknames): Yavvie (Elven Children), Yavanna (All), The Brightest Star of Rivendell, Bright Star of Middle-Earth. Dearest Child, Dearest Grand-daughter (By Her Grand-Parents) Royal titles: Lady of Rivendell/Lady of Imlardis. Princess of Rivendell/Imlardis, Her Highness/Your Majesty. Other Titles: Daughter of the Stars, A 'Sensitive' others refer to her a Psychic. Age: 67 *Looks 18-19* Gender: Female Race: Elven Hybrid *Mortal, Noldor and Sindarin Bloodlines* Other Bloodlines: Teleri and Vanyar *Through her Grand-mother Galadriel's relatives*, *Maiar through her father and his relatives*. Celestial*Through her mother.* 10/20 Elvish, (5/10 Noldor, 3/10 Sindarin, 0.5/10 Telerin, 1.5/10 Vanyar) 7/20 Mortal, 3/20 Maiar APPEARANCE Face Claim: Adelaide Kane Hair Color: Raven Black Eye Color: Green *Sometimes crystal Blue, when Sad/Grieving. Intense brighter Blue, when Stubborn. Silver when Angry/Betrayed.* Skin Tone: Creamy Height: 5'6" Weight: 118 Lbs Body Build: Slim Bow: Sword: Daggers *From Lake-town* 4 of these: Sword from Erebor: Combat Suit: Dresses for Two Towers/Return of the King Her Cloak PERSONALITY OVERALL PERSONALITY Likes: Hobbits, Elves, Dwarfs, Humans, Nature, Music, Dance, Peace in Middle Earth, Summer, Starry Skies, Rivers/Seas/Oceans, Animals. Dislikes: Death, War, Orcs, Greed, Liars Strengths: Combat/Fighting, Healing/Medicine, Intellect, Singing, Conscience Views, Kindness to Strangers, High Resistance to Harsh Temperatures, Enhanced Senses ect. Other Skills: Star Light Manipulation, Elven Magic, Telekinesis, Acrobatics. Other Powers: Telepathy/Visions, Telekinetic Hovering/Flight, Light of Purity-Deadliest to any evil enemies. Weaknesses: Horseriding *Arwen's the faster rider*, People taking advantage of her niceness, Stuborness Fears: Spiders, Sauron/Saruman, Loosing her loved one's Elegant | Compassionate | Tender-Hearted | Fun Loving | Courageous | Innocent | Pure | Talented Yavanna is the youngest child of Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian. Many people, of Middle Earth believe that she and Arwen; are the symbol of peace and love in Middle Earth. Just like her elder sister, Arwen. The young elf is blessed with beauty and grace. Over her life, she's been taught the magic of healing. She's a skilled, talented healer among her people. Being Innocent, some people take advantage of her loving sweetness and niceness. There is an Pureness about the young she-elf. Yavanna never hates; no matter what the other person may think off her. It's not something, she's capable off. She believes, that most of Middle-Earth are not enemies. They all belong in this world; no matter what race they come from. She values life, and is friends with most. A value, that is not seen in many others. Yavanna will often defend others; even if she does not know them too well. Due to her rare elven Bloodlines of Noldor, Teleri and Vanyar. Three of the Elven blood-lines, that are not so common in Middle Earth anymore. Yavanna has talents and knowledge of Elvish Magic. Her father, Lord Elrond has Maiar blood; allowing him and his children of magical talents. It comes naturally, especially to Yavanna. Her powers come from the heart, at times her emotions can even control her abilities. Whilst she's young and curious. Yavanna has explored parts of Middle Earth. She knows the forests outside of Rivendell, rather well. Having ventured out there many times. Lothlorien being one of her favorite places, as her grandparents live there. She's not afraid of adventure and helping those whom need help. When Young Bilbo and company, come to Rivendell during their quest. She is there to offer some guidance and help, with along with her father and grand-mother Galadriel. Be-befriending a few of the dwarfs in that period of time. After Thorin and his company leave; Yavanna decides to join the company on their task to reclaim Erebor. Despite Thorin's cold, harsh demeanor and reservation, with her joining. Yavanna is set on helping the Durin King and his family/friends. Proving to be a rather valuable alley, and eventually helping warm Thorin up to her and Saeril. She helps, save Thorin numerous times through out the quest. Forming a strong bond with his two nephews and the she-elf Saeril. When the company gets captured by the elves of Mirkwood. Yavanna tries to reason with King Thranduil, about the release of the Dwarfs. In the midst of it all, she meets the young Legolas. After meeting his son, Legolas. The pair have a slightly shaky start to the start, but despite his coldness. Yavanna saves his life, during the company's escape from Mirkwood. Yavanna finds herself drawn to him soon enough. The pair grow closer, after sticking together for a while. Yavanna is present, during the defeat of Smaug and Battle of Five armies, to save Middle Earth. After Fili's death, Yavanna grieves over the young he had been one of her closest friends. Her best-friend in fact. Whilst he will be missed by her greatly, he will always be remembered. Many years later, young Frodo now has Bilbo's ring...and is on a task to destroy it. Yavanna becomes a part of the Fellowship of the Ring. Helping the young Hobbit on his quest. Growing protective of the young Hobbits, that are in need of guidance and helping hand. BACKGROUND Place of Birth: Rivendell *Also known as Imlardis.* The Last Homely House East of the Sea Family: ~ Lord Elrond *Father; Alive* *Half-Elf* ~ Lady Celebrian *Mother; Unknown;Presumably Deceased* *Sindarin/Noldor Elf* ~ Elladan and Elrohir *Brothers. They are Twins; Alive* *Half-Elves* ~ Arwen *Sister; Alive* *Half-Elf* ~ Elros Tar-Minyatur, King of Numenor *Uncle; Deceased* *Half-Elf* ~ Galadriel *Grandmother; Alive* *Noldor Elf* ~ Lord Celeborn *Grandfather; Alive* *Sindarin Elf* ~ Eärendil the Mariner *Grandfather; Deceased* *Half-Elf* ~ Elwing the White *Grandmother; Deceased* *Half-Elf* ~ Finarfin, Prince of the Noldor *Great-Grandfather; Deceased* *Vanyar Elf* ~ Eärwen *Great-Grandmother; Deceased* *Telerin Elf* ~ King Finwë *Great, Great-Grandfather; Unknown* *Noldor Elf* ~ King Olwë *Great, Great-Grandfather; Deceased* *Telerin Elf* ~ Lady Indis *Great, Great-Grandmother; Unknown* *Vanyar Elf* Other Relations: ~ Legolas Greenleaf *Love Interest/Mate; Alive* *Sindarin Elf* ~ Thranduil Greenleaf *Family Friend; Alive* *Sindarin Elf* ~ Tauriel *Acquaintance/Friend; Alive* *Silvan Elf* ~ Bilbo Baggins *Acquaintance/Friend; Alive* *Hobbit* ~ Kili Durin *Friend; Alive* *Dwarf* ~ Fili Durin *Friend; Deceased* *Dwarf* ~ Dis *Acquaintance; Alive* *Dwarf* ~ Thorin Oakensheild *Friend; Deceased* *Dwarf* ~ Searil Hermiaen *Acquaintance~Later Friend/Mother Figure; Alive* *Elven Hybrid (Noldor/Sindarin/Silvan Elf)* ~ Aragorn II Elessar *Friend; Alive* *Man* ~ Haldir *Friend/Mentor; Alive* *Silvan Elf* ~ Gandalf the Grey/White *Friend; Alive* *Maiar* ~ Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrine Took (Pippin) and Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) *Friends; Alive* *Hobbits of the Shire* ~ Gimli *Friend; Alive* *Dwarf* ~ Azog the Defiler, Bolg *Enemies; Deceased* *Gundabad Orcs*</s> <|message|>Saeril Hermiaen Saeril watched and listened to the wise Elven male before her, before having to nod at his request of being able to talk alone. There was a chance that it be rather sensitive and/or disturbing for Yavanna and Kili to hear, and the result can go a lot worse if they stuck around to listen. "My lord", the elder she-elf concurred in agreement, before looking back at the princess and Kili, silently reassuring them that everything was going be okay. Even though, in reality, it really wasn't.</s> <|message|>Yavanna Nienna Undomiel Kili looked at his god-mother. A little unsure if things were alright. But seeing her reassuring nod. He gave her a light smile; before he and Yavanna left. Leaving Saeril alone in the presence of Lord Elrond; to talk alone. As Yavanna and Kili made their way through the castle; an elven servant found them in the halls and by Yavanna's request. Escorted Kili to a guest bedroom, and made sure that a bath was waiting for them both. So they could freshen themselves up. Yavanna had given Saeril a little smile before they left. Once she made sure, Kili was alright in company in one of her most trusted Servants. Yavanna had made her way to her own chambers to freshen up. Lord Elrond waited till his daughter and Kili had left. "Yavanna tells me, you keep getting headaches that keep getting worse?" he asked, with a slight raised eyebrow. Wondering how bad her headaches were getting. "And something about the Dark Lord Sauron rising, which I have to say is true. Even the rest of us have our fears, he's coming back and growing stronger."</s> <|message|>Saeril Hermiaen Saeril watched as Yavanna and Kili left the room, leaving the elder alone with the Elven Lord. Saeril walked further into the throne room, just as the doors were closed by a servant. Hearing Elrond speak, she frowned a little, just as soon as the Dark Lord was mentioned, as well as her episodes. "Yes", she confirmed to his description of the case at hand, and she sadly sighed. "I believe that fear will be expanded, if he does. My headaches; the constant aching; it ties me to him. My past...involving my still lingers within my mind", she tried to find the right words to explain her case. "As he grows, I strongly feel his attempt to take me back".</s> <|message|>Frodo Baggins Lord Elrond pursed his lips deep in thought as he listened to Saeril explain her situation a little bit more. "I promised my daughter, Yavanna I'll do my best to help you. I shall keep my word." he told Saeril. "Me and my best healers, can try and temporary block your mind from Sauron, ease away the pain as best as we can. But the headaches might return...I can't give a time on how long, it'll be before they return." he told Saeril honestly. He wasn't sure, how much he could do to help her; especially if Sauron was getting stronger. "I summoned people, all over Middle Earth to meet here in a few days time. There will be a council meeting regarding the Ring of Power. The ring is now in Possession of Frodo Baggins; Bilbo's Nephew. The course of action will be discussed. I would like you to sit on the council, given your experience..." Lord Elrond was careful of how he phrased his words. But he knew Saerils council would prove useful. That's why he wanted her present.</s> <|message|>Saeril Hermiaen Saeril listened to what Elrond had said, in helping her. If Sauron had his way, many and many tragedies would follow, right behind her. Support was what she drastically needed at a time like this. Something really evil was among them, and her fears of his return were confirmed when he started explaining about an upcoming council that she was permitted to be a part of. "Of course", she said, willing yet slightly unnerved for her presence to expose the truth of her past. "Kili and Her majesty would have to know", the she-elf thought aloud, having to realize that her godson and Yavanna might be present.</s> <|message|>Yavanna Nienna Undomiel Lord Elrond could see her hesitation in telling Kili and Yavanna the truth about her past. He knew how much his daughter had hated lies; so this would not be a good mark in Saeril's books, if it upsets his daughter. "Yes, they will have to know." he said in agreement. "It's up to you, if you'll like to say the truth yourself at the meeting...or myself or Gandalf can explain it ourselves." he offered for her.</s> <|message|>Saeril Hermiaen Saeril was mentally sorting through her thoughts, having to look at the ground, as Elrond took note of the current circumstances. "I'm afraid of hurting your daughter even more, my lord, given to what I've seen", she admitted, with the addition of peeking inside the memories, as well as the event she had to witness from earlier. After a moment of thought, the she-elf looked back at Elrond, with determination in her eyes. "I believe...we should all tell them, while you and Gandalf also have the knowledge", she answered.</s>
<|message|>Yavanna Nienna Undomiel Lord Elrond could see that Saeril was contemplating things over. He rose a slight eyebrow at her words. "Are you refereeing to my sons?...They certainly didn't make things easy on Yavanna, since my wife went missing." Elrond couldn't help but sigh in sadness. Lord Elrond wasn't sure how much she knew, about Yavanna's brothers and the situation at hand. "I can't promise, that Yavanna won't be angry or upset. It might take her a while to see, you were just trying to protect her from your darker self." He knew his daughter's reaction could be bad, but hopefully Yavanna might come to understand one day, why Saeril never said anything before. As she came to a conclusion, he nodded. "Then we all shall tell them, when the time comes." he agreed.</s>
<|description|>Siris Warrior --- -------STATISTICS------- -------MASTERIES------- | VIT -- 27 | 65% | BLADES -- C | MGT -- 12 | 80% | POLEARMS -- E | SKI -- 3 | 35% | AXES/BLUNT -- E | SPD -- 11 | 50% | BOWS/RANGED -- D | SRT -- 2 | 15% | THEURGY -- N/A | MND -- 0 | 0% | MYSTICISM -- N/A | LUK -- 5 | 30% | | DEF -- 2 | 50% | Secondary Statistics WGT -- 9 ACC -- 12 AVO -- 6 RES -- 1 CRT -- 4 --- Traits: - INDOMITABLE: Character permanently gains +7 VIT. - BATTLE FURY: MGT increased by +3 and DEFENSE by +3 when VIT is below 50% --- * Bronze Short Sword + MIGHT | 3 / 13 + ACCURACY | 85 / 97 + WEIGHT | 2 + CONDITION | 25/25 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | N/A + COST | 135 * Breastplate + DEFENSE | 3 + CONDITION | 40/40 + WEIGHT | 4 + SPECIAL | N/A + COST | 270 * Heater Shield + DEFENSE | 3 + WEIGHT | 3 + SPECIAL | N/A + COST | 260 Possessions: - -15 aurum (owe 15 aurum to Iddin) - Personality / Appearance* Siris has a pretty average personality for someone of his age. He's relatively pretty open and light-hearted, he likes getting drunk and enjoys trying to flirt (and hopefully succeed) with pretty women. Although, he never oversteps his bounds when it comes to women because of what happened to his mother. His personality is a little different when it comes to fighting, having been disciplined a lot by his father, he keeps a level and calculative head in battle most of the time. He does at times though lose a bit of that composure when he starts getting highly pressured in combat. He reaches a sort of fighting-high where he's smiling and enjoying the adrenaline of the high stakes duel, although this is mostly due to his very mistaken feeling of invulnerability caused from his young age and from his training making him he's stronger than he is and thus that he won't actually die. * He's a 23 year old male, 5'7" tall with a pretty solid build of muscle but not to the point of hampering movement. Other features are that he has black hair, green/hazel eyes, and a couple of various scars under his shirt from previous fights either with his father or others. - Backstory* Siris was the first and only born to two loving parents. They raised him to be a good boy, his father a relatively strong combatant from years of service as a soldier and his mother a simple peasant woman. His father began teaching him the basics of swordplay from around 10 years of age, although in a very light way. Eventually that changed when Siris was 16 and his mother was abducted, his father and several guards went to look for her only to be too late as she had been abused and murdered. Although Siris was very sad but it didn't affect his behaviour much unlike his father who had become much less joyful and decided to leave the army and find simpler work. From 16 to 22 years of age his father was much more severe in his now general combat training, although Siris knew it was all for his protection. Eventually when Siris was 22 his father grew very ill, his last words to Siris being that what he wants most is for him to have a good and happy life. After his death and burial, Siris wandered around for a while doing odd jobs here and there before finally joining the company. He has now been with the company a little over a month.</s> <|message|>Ashür of Blackhollow --- FOES NONE BLUE YEEK WARRIOR | VIT -- 11 BLADES -- C | MGT -- 4 POLEARMS -- D | SKI -- 5 AXES/BLUNT -- E | SPD -- 6 BOWS/RANGED -- E | SRT -- 0 THEURGY -- N/A | MND -- 0 MYSTICISM -- N/A | LUK -- 4 * YEEK CLAWS + MIGHT | 1 + ACCURACY | 80 + WEIGHT | 0 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | Thin and nigh serrated, natural weapons of the Yeek. + CLASS | BLADE * GNARLED SPEAR + MIGHT | 3 + ACCURACY | 80 + WEIGHT | 4 + CONDITION | 5/5 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | Little more than a tree limb, knapped to a point. + CLASS | POLEARM * GNARLED JAVELIN + MIGHT | 2 + ACCURACY | 65 + WEIGHT | 5 + CONDITION | 5/5 + RANGE | 1-2 + SPECIAL | A little more craftsmanship was put into this tree limb, it might just fly straight. + CLASS | POLEARM * YEEK HIDE + DEFENSE | 1 + WEIGHT | 0 + SPECIAL | Rubbery and blue. JITTERY -- After engaging in battle, this unit may move to an unoccupied adjacent tile. BLUE YEEK ENSI | VIT -- 9 BLADES -- D | MGT -- 2 POLEARMS -- E | SKI -- 2 AXES/BLUNT -- E | SPD -- 8 BOWS/RANGED -- E | SRT -- 5 THEURGY -- C | MND -- 0 MYSTICISM -- N/A | LUK -- 6 * YEEK CLAWS + MIGHT | 1 + ACCURACY | 80 + WEIGHT | 0 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | Thin and nigh serrated, natural weapons of the Yeek. + CLASS | BLADE * Heal -- 𒀀 + MIGHT | 0 (As Melee) + ACCURACY | 90 (As Melee) + WEIGHT | 0 + CONDITION | 20 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | Restores VIT to an adjacent ally equal to (SRT+7) + COST | 250 * Word of Zuug-Agbliish -- 𒀯 + MIGHT | 1 (As Melee) + ACCURACY | 80 (As Melee) + WEIGHT | 2 + CONDITION | 4/4 + RANGE | 4 + SPECIAL | Until the start of this unit's next turn, all allies within four tiles gain +2 Might +15 AVO, while foes lose -15 AVO + COST | -- * YEEK HIDE + DEFENSE | 1 + WEIGHT | 0 + SPECIAL | Rubbery and blue. RED YEEK | VIT -- 26 BLADES -- E | MGT -- 6 POLEARMS -- E | SKI -- 3 AXES/BLUNT -- C | SPD -- 5 BOWS/RANGED -- E | SRT -- 0 THEURGY -- N/A | MND -- 0 MYSTICISM -- N/A | LUK -- 2 * BRONZE BATTLE AXE + MIGHT | 6 + ACCURACY | 70 + WEIGHT | 3 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | N/A + CLASS | AXE * RED YEEK HIDE + DEFENSE | 2 + WEIGHT | 0 + SPECIAL | Tough and red. DAUNT -- -10 Hit/Critical Rates to enemies within 3 tiles. --- --- BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #1 VIT 0/11 KILLED BY ASHUR BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #2 VIT 0/11 KILLED BY SIRIS BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #3 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY MAKEEN BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #4 VIT 9/11 BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #5 VIT 0/11 KILLED BY GESTIES BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #6 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY ASHUR BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #7 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY SIRIS BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #8 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY LYUN BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #9 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY LYUN BLUE YEEK WARRIOR #10 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY ZARIF BLUE YEEK ENSI #1 VIT 0/0 KILLED BY ZARIF RED YEEK #1 VIT 0/26 KILLED BY LYUN --- ALLIES Gesties | VIT -- 6/14 BLADES -- D (-5 Accuracy / -1 Might) | MGT -- 6 POLEARMS -- E (-15 Accuracy / -1 Might) | SKI -- 7 AXES/BLUNT -- E (-20 Accuracy / -0 Might) | SPD -- 5 BOWS/RANGED -- C (+5 Accuracy / 0 Might) | SRT -- 2 THEURGY -- N/A (-20 Accuracy / -2 Might) | MND -- 1 MYSTICISM -- N/A (-10 Accuracy/ -1 Might) | LUK -- 6 * BRONZE SICKLE SWORD + MIGHT | 5 + ACCURACY | 75 + WEIGHT | 4 + RANGE | 1 + SPECIAL | N/A + CLASS | BLADE --- HELLIONS PHASE COMMENCE --- --- Gesties: "S'pose I owe you times three now. . ." The gruff rival merc muses aloud, nearly knocked on his ass once more beside Makeen, the boy having distracted that nasty little javelineer enough to save Gesties from the next death-knell shot. As Zarif's arrow whizzed overhead, barely having cleared that shiny dome of his, the man manages to pick himself up. "S'pose I could owe you a fourth time, Hellion?" He breathes another ragged breath. Ashür: "Hmmph. . ." He merely sighs at Siris' response. It wasn't the time that the bandit felt the rash boy-warrior thought he could take on the whole damn world. It was like poison to Ashür's cynicism, bringing to the front of his mind days better left forgotten. Bright-eyed as ever, Etor makes the point of covering every square inch of the Ziggurot's confines, lest yet more of the filthy blue Yeeks be lurking. . . And perhaps on the off-chance that some ancient treasures still lie here. Captain Doan would surely praise his shrewdness. Whether for better or worse, the chamber is empty, beyond the stink of the creatures' little den, without mentioning the contents of their guts spilling over across the slick sandstone. Etor's gesture seemingly lost upon the scholar, he makes his way between the vanguard and the heart of the Hellions there, ever moving with a certain unfaltering leisure. Kastilus: "Yes. . . Yes. . ." He mumbles aloud, his dark eyes moving from one wall to the next, "This would have most definitely been the procession hall. In days-long passed, representatives of each polity would have come before Dumuzid here, a primitive seat of power when put against the silver-plated Uruk perhaps. . . The main chamber should be but ahead." He makes no real attempt to remain hidden, nor for his words to do ought but echo down the tomb of old.</s> <|message|>Etor Etor: "Bah. The money is looking a little to relaxed and nonchalant for my liking" After looking around and finding nothing of interest or value, besides geek feces, Etor catches up to the group. Etor: "Nothing in the back room." He says this to no one in particular as he keeps an eye on kastilus. Etor moves 4 tiles to 10-26</s> <|message|>Lyun Splitting isn't exactly the best plan to move forward. Not that the young Hellions seem to have a plan that isn't simply moving forward. Still, both Yeeks and fellow humans could be just around the corner. Lyun moves deeper into the branching path, scouting just enough to continue holding the corridor with his frame. Heavy steps on the rough stone below, wordlessly announcing his arrival. Lyun moves 4 tiles to 5-24, readying his hand axe for battle.</s>
<|message|>Siris Slowing his pace to a cautious walk Siris continued forward while brushing his hand on the wall, keeping his sword in his hand while doing so. He turns his head slightly towards Ashür, making sure to keep most of his concentration in front of him. Siris: I'll stay near this wall to make sure we don't unknowingly pass any hidden passageways, hopefully avoiding any possible ambushes from behind or to the side. Although his bleeding was slowing down it had not completely halted, the injuries however were not debilitating and had the side effect of increasing Siris's focus to avoid leading himself to an untimely death. Siris moves 3 tile to 11-17 and waits</s>
<|description|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya "And I get up because it is the only thing I can do." --- --- Nickname: Rose, because it is a shorten version of his name and because of his occupation. Although Ambrose prefers if only close friends referred to him this way, as the nickname has been used in a mean-spirited manner many times Date of Birth: October 31st 1995 Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Relationship Status: Single Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Ethnicity: Biracial - white father and African American mother In Depth Appearance: Ambrose has a slender figure, and stands at a mere 5'5'' and has a sort of a baby face. However everything on him is a lean muscle, toned from years of track team and regular running. His skin is a tawny brown, with deep gold undertones. He doesn't have the best posture though, and is often slouched in attempt appear smaller and be less noticeable in general. Ambrose has a pair of deep hazel eyes, framed with dark thick lashes. His hair is a deep black with soft curls that rest on his forehead. His skin splattered with dark freckles, across his cheeks and back, and he has several small scars on his upper thighs as well as a couple deep, ugly scars on his torso. The young man has no tattoos, although he has a couple in mind he wants to get someday. But he does sport a small septum piercing, other then that, Ambrose is pretty bare in terms of body modifications. He tends to wear monotone clothes, mostly black and grey with only pastel colors like mint green occasionally. The clothing pieces are usually loose and comfortable, although Ambrose is always seen wearing his favorite pair of high tops sneakers. Hobbies: ◘ Painting ◘ Photography ◘ Film Reviewing ◘ Running in the early morning for exercise Magical Affinity: A new-comer to the magic scene, Ambrose is inexperienced and unsure of his abilities. But he is still a natural and a fast learner for the art. He seems to showing an affinity towards the natural and physical magics. Habits: ◘ Pulls all-nighters to finish a particular painting, messes up his sleep schedule for a week and barely functions on coffee the entire time ◘ Extremely fidgety, especially when anxious ◘ Doodling on every piece of paper he gets his hands on ◘ Smoking (Although this is a rare thing to witness as he only indulges when he is particularly stressed) Likes: ◘ Confusing art films ◘ Plants ◘ Dancing ◘ Rain and Thunderstorms ◘ Snails ◘ Indie/Alternative music Dislikes: ◘ Crowded Rooms ◘ High-pressure situations or high-expectations ◘ Airplanes/Airports ◘ Elitist Attitudes ◘ Bigotry in general ◘ People flaking on plans/promises. It's a real pet peeve of his Fears: ◘ Fear of heights ◘ Fear of tight/small spaces ◘ Fear of running into the law Personality: The first impression Ambrose makes on people, is a small guy who seems timid and socially uncomfortable. And this is true for the most part. Ambrose naturally shies away from the spot-light and likes instead to observe people from a distance (one of his favorite past times is people watching). He is a naturally anxious and cautious person, leading him to be un-trusting and suspicious of other people's motives. Most people who speak to him for the first time are met a with a guarded and tense conversation. Yet despite this Ambrose is more a follower and is easily pressured into activities he would't have otherwise done himself. He is truly a fish out of water in the academy life, an outsider, so he hasn't made any new friends yet. Because of his introversion, Ambrose is more focused on his own pursuits instead of relationships, like painting and photography. Both of which are passions he hopes to turn into a career someday. He is incredibly invested in the arts, but he is too afraid to quit his day job for a full-time career as an artist. He spends almost all of his free time painting, and has even had a couple successful art shows. Yet overall, Ambrose is still naive and unsure of how to further his skills and network successfully to make his break into the industry. Despite his initial prickly exterior, Ambrose is quite affectionate to the ones who have earned his trust. A little emotionally needy, he is eager to please those have captured his affections. Ambrose has the habit of putting others before him, often neglecting himself for days on end. Yet romantic partners of Ambrose are disappointed with someone who is afraid of both emotional intimacy and commitment. Ambrose also has an unexpected wild side, this is something he tries to hide the most as it has gotten him into many sticky situations. It really only comes out with drinking or anything else like that. When he is like this, he is more willing to take risks and tell people how he really feels. This is probably when he is at his funniest, sarcastic and even a bit flirty. Background: Ambrose grew up in a cramped apartment, in the inner city that was wracked with poverty and crime. It was a daily part of his environment, to be unsure of if he would get dinner, and if he would even be safe considering the criminal activity. An only child with neglectful parents with a father who took his anger out on his family and a mother who drowned her sorrows with alcohol. They weren't really completely evil people, but they shouldn't have been parents. Ambrose had to grow up on his own, and his only escape from reality was through the arts. But as he grew to adolescence, he became painfully aware of the expectations around him. To have a reliable job, to be tough and masculine, and so on. This, combined with involvement with the "bad kids", Ambrose fell down a slippery slope of petty crime. Eager to prove himself among his peers, the teenager began to deal drugs and even took part in a few (unarmed) robberies. He never had the intention to hurt people, and viewed it as a way to get cash for food and other basic essentials. But Ambrose also began nursing a drug addiction, thanks to easy access and pressure from his "friends". Ambrose barely graduated from high school, and with rapidly deteriorating health, he soon realized he needed to take a good hard look at himself. He was a shell of the person he used to be, malnourished and a lost purpose in life. Ambrose knew he didn't want this life, and he knew he didn't want this life. So one day, he just got up and left. He forced himself to go cold turkey, he forced himself to face horrible withdrawals and cut ties with everyone from his old life. To them, Ambrose was now dead. He moved to a small town in Michigan and landed a job in a entry-level position in a florist shop. The owner noticed his hard-work and eye for design and with training, Ambrose was promoted to a florist. He has now worked there for a year, and has also been sober for a year. Up to this point, Ambrose was ignorant of his abilities and of the magic world. His life seemed to be back on track until he was swept into the world by accidentally witnessing a magical act late one night. Bewildered, he was hauled off to Blackbrick academy to have his memory erased of the incident. At the mercy of the Magicians, Ambrose was given a test of his magic skill on a mere whim of the headmaster. To everyone's astonishment, he passed, demonstrating an innate ability just now awakened. With that, Ambrose was accepted into the college. Amrbose decided to attend, a promise of free higher education and access to an entire magical world was too good a deal to pass up. Ambrose is still unsure how to register everything that has happened, but he is excited for what the future holds. Miscellaneous: N/A</s> <|message|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya Ambrose stared at Morgan in disbelief, and even took a step forward as if he was going to throw a punch. Jeremy thankfully held him back, grabbing his shoulders to keep him from advancing. "Listen, you all don't need to be so sour about this. It's not blackmail! It's a trade and we can both come out happy." Morgan smiled at all the angry glares from the people in the room. Ambrose couldn't help but be reminded of Codal by Morgan's proposal. Ambrose was tired of trades. "Forget it. We'll find it without your help." He spat at Morgan, who's smile faltered. A couple of the group protested at Ambrose's statement, chiming in. "We need that last knife!" "We have to think about the sake of everyone else, we don't want what happened at Sam's party to happen again...." Ambrose glanced around the room, looking for some kind of back up but finding none. But even had to admit, they needed the information and as soon as possible. His own personal feelings had to be put aside. Ambrose huffed and crossed his arms, stalking to a corner of the room to sulk. "Anyways," Morgan continued, standing up from his spot by Caleb's side, addressing the room. "What I want from you all is access to the forbidden texts, yes yes I know only masters are allowed to them, but I think we can make an exception." He glanced back at Caleb, "And I know you can get that arranged." Morgan turned back to the group, "Second, I'm gonna need any and all my supplies for spells, or classes, paid for and delivered at my request." The slender male paused to assess the room for a moment, everyone was calm albeit begrudgingly so. "I'm going to keep my last request for a rainy day, which means, binding Caleb into a contract. This contract entails that any point in time I may have him complete one request, and he cannot refuse or sabotage this request." Morgan smiled widely once more, especially at Ambrose fuming in the corner. "Well, I'll let you discuss. And no, there will be no negotiations. I'll give you two hours to complete arrangements and contact me to accept the deal." Morgan made his way to the door of the infirmary room, confidently, he flashed another sweet smile before slamming the door behind him.</s> <|message|>Caleb J. Anderson Ambrose looked as if he wanted to jump on Morgan and had Jeremy not been there to stop him he probably would have. Caleb was uncomfortable, and it showed on his face, but the pain he was experiencing showed on his face instead of anger or annoyance. He sighed as he pressed the button to deliver medicine to him. He would be out of the infirmary tomorrow and he was thankful, but with news like this he'd rather stay in for a few more days. Looking at Morgan, he had more of a shocked look on his face than anything when Morgan explained his terms to them. Why would he request anything of Caleb? The thought caused him to narrow his eyes as he looked from Morgan to Ambrose and then back to Morgan. What was he up to? What kind of request could he make? Caleb wouldn't agree to anything that would put his life in danger even if they didn't get the last blade. He was tired of hurting, tired of the pain, tired of being in the infirmary. As Morgan left, Caleb adjusted in bed with the help of Alex who had moved to his side. "What do you think Caleb?" Sam asked still looking at the door Morgan had slammed upon his exit. "Do you want me to end this? It will be swift." "We're not murderers Sam," Alex chimed in looking at her with annoyance laced in his expression. "What if he doesn't uphold his end of the bargain? It is better that we give our requirements in this deal," Ariana added looking at Caleb who was looking at Ambrose the entire time. When everyone realized Caleb wasn't talking, they followed his eyes and realized he was still staring blankly at Ambrose. Finally, he spoke. "What do you want to do?" he asked Ambrose. "The forbidden texts are guarded, there is literally no way for me to get them for him. It would require me to ask the headmaster and you already know how he is. The second request I can fulfill on my own, and the third request is doable so long as it doesn't put me in harm's way, but I will think of something else if you don't want us to agree to this. Ambrose, what is it that you want to do? I owe you." Caleb looked away finally as Sam rubbed his hand finally realizing that there had been a slight falling out between them again. Caleb was doing his best to find a way to make Ambrose happy, but if you asked Ariana just being himself was enough, but Sam knew sometimes more was required. She also knew that Caleb could get access to the forbidden text. He was considered the headmaster's son, he was considered royalty, and some viewed him as a master, but modest Caleb didn't think he was that important.</s>
<|message|>Ambrose Louis Zelaya Ambrose seemed to be cooling down as soon as Morgan left the room, thinking with a clearer head. He rejoined the group of others, glancing between them. "Sam, I hate that rat, but don't kill my roommate." He said with a note of humor, glancing at her with a half smile. Ambrose listened carefully as the others chime in, and didn't even notice Caleb staring at him until everyone else did. "Wha-me?" He blinked at Caleb's response, "I mean I don't know..." Ambrose didn't like the sudden position of power, and he didn't understand why Caleb even cared what he thought after Ambrose had spoke to him back at the forest. He felt a ting of guilt thinking back at it. "I... I don't think we can afford to waste time. This is the fastest way. Morgan is a little rat, but I don't think he is interested in bloodshed or hurting people just for the sake of causing pain." Ambrose spoke slowly, thinking through the decision himself. Finally, Ambrose shrugged and looked back over the rest of the group. "We should just do it and get it over with." There were grunts of approval and some murmurs of concern, but everyone was on the same page. Ambrose pulled out his phone, texting Morgan their approval and to meet them back at the room as soon as possible.</s>
<|description|>Behind the Avatar N A M ESean Wiseman A G E24 G E N D E RMale B I OAlways one with esoteric hobbies, Sean had a fascination with mythology and literature, which he pursued has a hobby for much of his life. A writer and an actor as well, he was considered by many to have a great flair for the dramatic. In his university courses, he undertook a major in English Literature, and a minor in Drama, falling very well in line with others' perceptions of him. To exercise his creativity and relieve stress amidst his studies, he took up playing YGGDRASIL with his friends, who together formed a roleplaying guild on their server. Though some dedicated efforts, they were able to rise to a fairly reputable position within the servers, helped no doubt by their playing mostly in the twilight of the game's existence. Even so, their guild was in the top 500 list globally, and they had amassed a fair collection of rare and powerful items, as well as a meticulously designed guild hall. However, guild drama eventually tore them apart, and Sean quit the game to focus on his studies. Sometime after graduation, as it was announced that the game would be shutting down, Sean joined onto a random server and guild to partake in the final-day festivities. Though his character was quite unusual compared to the others, he was none the less accepted with the spirit of good will and camaraderie. However, now that they have transitioned in the New World, one must wonder how he will be accepted, both by the other players and the new world's inhabitants. T H E A V A T A R N A M EAzoth Baal R A C E Dark Elf Human-type G E N D E RMale L E V E L100 A L I G N M E N T-300 Evil C L A S SWarlock Void Priest Chaos Sorcerer Hexblade Lord of Chaos Chaoskampf etc F I G H T I N G S T Y L EAzoth is a diversely-skilled DPS character, who also boasts a number of potent crowd control abilities. While not specced for PVP, he performs exceedingly well at it, as the high physical stats of the Warlock class are belied by his number of devastating offensive spells, and his Hexblade class and associated skills allow him to switch into a melee DPS/offtank and back again almost seamlessly. S T R E N G T H SAzoth's offensive power is practically overwhelming. Facing against him is a nonstop brutal assault that even some of the most efficient tank/healer combos struggle to endure. His attacks allow for almost no openings, and possible weaknesses in his attack patterns can be covered for by his crowd control abilities. W E A K N E S S E SPower comes at a cost, and in this New World, Azoth is paying dearly for his power. While the Warlock class features spells that cast from HP and other such risks, those can be mitigated in a game world with little worry. Now that the game has become reality, this risks now threaten both Azoth's life and his sanity. His evil, otherworldly patrons pull at him and demand both favor and sacrifice, and he can feel his cursed sword slowly draining his soul. Azoth teeters at the edge of the abyss, and only the willpower granted by his Dark Elven tenacity and extensive magical skill keep him from falling. E Q U I P M E N TStormsorrow, Daughter of the Void: Azoth's sentient runeblade, a Divine-class Artifact item, which he acquired from a rare event drop. In YGGDRASIL it was "cursed" in that it bound itself inseparably to his character, and forced him to sacrifice 5 class levels in order to accommodate the Hexblade class it forced onto him. In the New World, however, Stormsorrow is a malevolent entity with a mind of its own, exerting its influence over Azoth to corrupt him further, and drain the soul from his body. Scales of Tiamat: Azoth's Divine-class armor, as mutable in form as the chaos wyrm for which they are named. Normally casters such as Azoth cannot wear heavy armor, but his Hexblade class grants him an exception which permits him to use this armor (normally reserved for such classes as Death Knights). A B I L I T I E SGrimoire of Shadows: By observing a non-offensive spell being cast, Azoth can inscribe the spell in this otherworldly spellbook, which he can summon and dismiss at will. Spells listed in the grimoire can be cast by Azoth outside of combat, even if they normally cannot be learned by his classes. Any buffs applied by these spells drop from him when entering combat, making it purely a utility ability. Power Word: Kill: Azoth can utter a word that causes creatures below a certain level and HP threshold to die instantly, but otherwise has no effect. Chain Master: Azoth can summon a lesser magical familiar, typically in the form of some sort of imp, which he can use to remotely cast spells, borrow its senses, and a variety of other utilities. Shroud of Shadow: Azoth can cast Invisibility at will, without expending mana. Blade-Bound: Bonded forever to his runeblade, Stormsorrow, Azoth can summon it at will, reform it should it be damaged in some way, and can alter its specific form into a variety of melee implements, as befits a sword of chaos. Entropic Ward: Enemy attacks have a greater chance of missing Azoth while this ability is active, and he cannot be critically hit. Thought Shield: Azoth's thoughts cannot be read without his allowance, and any Psychic damage he takes is reflected back to whatever inflicted it. Create Thrall: Any incapacitated humanoid can be permanently enthralled by Azoth and used in much the same manner as a summon, until the spell is broken or he chooses another thrall. He can telepathically communicate with his thrall, but cannot have more than one at a time. Enslave Outsider: Azoth can cast Dominate Monster at will without expending mana on Outsiders such as Fiends, Celestials or Elementals. Will occupy his single Dominate Monster creature allowance. Shadow Hound: Azoth's shadow can take the form of a beast of pure darkness, and can then enter the shadow of another creature. As long as it merged in this manner, the creature cannot gain cover bonuses, and Azoth is always aware of where the creature is and the distance between himself and it. The target has a vague feeling of dread as long as the Shadow Hound is present. V I E WAzoth has the countenance of a fey, otherwordly ruler. Mortals in his presence become instinctively aware of the power he wields, and the more magically attuned can sense the presence of his dark patrons. Stormsorrow seethes with evil energy, and is a black hole in reality when detected by magical means. Mortals craven enough would see Azoth as a god among men, and a king among gods.</s> <|message|>Yukiko Yamada Selena sat amongst the other players, looking at the raspberry wine cup in front of her as she idly played with her hair. She still couldn't believe this. After all these years, after all the hard work she had done, this would be the end. She remembered when she first started, how she was terribly weak as she chose to go solo with a character designed for support. She had to grind on weak monsters, making her leveling up process longer than the average person. She remembered how some people had booted her out of their party when they discovered her that all she could do was cast some weak debuffs from a distance. She couldn't blame them, really, as debuffs from a weak character like her back then meant absolutely nothing. But eventually, she hit her stride once her hexes became more powerful. There she could actually become an important member of a party and not just a hindrance taking up spot and EXP. But she was still weak in solo play, so she wasn't done yet. She was still not the ideal character she wanted to play as. She didn't wish to become a mere support character, having to have a party everywhere she went. And so, after a lot more grinding, helped by her spending a significant amount of her wages in real life to buy EXP buffs and the like from the item shop, she finally managed to reach the level of strength she was in now. And then this happened. She sighed once again for what must have been a hundreth time today. Her thoughts then went into the farm she had built. That too would disappear. She had so much fun planting and growing her own crops, then cooking them to make her own food, then giving or selling them to people who needed them. She loved hearing them praising her cooking. In real life, she had no chance to do something like that after all. One of her deepest secret is wanting to become a cute bride and hearing her dear husband praise her cooking. And with her being 30 and still single in the real world, that dream was getting away from her for every day that passed. She looked around the room. She didn't recognize most of the people there. It couldn't be helped. She had been quite the anti-social player all this time after all. "I suppose I would just drink myself away until the end... should be 15 minutes from now..." she mumbled to herself as she drank all the wine in her cup in one motion.</s> <|message|>Devil King of Disaster, Cain Astaroth (Nickname: FirstbornCain) "For God's sake, Jake, just log out already. The shutdown is just a few minutes away, it's not like you're freaking abandoning me." A loud voice echoed by one of the hallways of mountain fort that acted as a guild hall for the newly-formed guild Apocalypse Now as two figures traversed it towards the main hall. "You sure? I mean, I promised that at least I would be here with you for the shutdown. I know it's important for you, Artie." The taller of the figures, a humongous demon with goat-like characteristics and crow wings - presumably Jake, although his nickname was displayed as "KingSabbat" - seemed to be sorry about something, his voice clearly displaying some nervousness in despite of how his goat-like head maintained the same indifferent expression as always while he talked - a funny result of YGGDRASIL lacking the technology necessary for capturing and reproducing facial expressions. "Chill down, mate, it's not like you're going to lose something. Just go help Linda with whatever she wants without using me as an excuse for slacking off. I don't want her glaring daggers at me in the commemorative dinner, her killing intent is away too much for my fragile mind!" The shorter figure seemed to be pretty amused by his companion's nervousness, with chuckles escaping from his character's deadpan-ish face as he confirmed that he didn't need his friend's company for the closing of the server. "Kay then. Just don't get late for dinner. Linda has managed to get some fresh vegetables and she'll be really pissed if she loses the chance of impressing you with her "magnificent cooking skills"." The goatman logged out amidst a suspicious fit of laughter, leaving the white haired devil alone in the hallway. "She's seriously going to cook..?" The humanoid devil - whose nickname was FirstbornCain - couldn't ignore the sudden chill that managed to find its way up his spine in despite of YGGDRASIL's lack of sensors for this kind of thing as he imagined how terrifyingly dangerous the dinner organized by his guildmates to say goodbye to the game would be. Linda's cooking skills were famous amongst their small guild for their lethality after all, with some of the members going as far as saying that they were the main reason for the pitiful amount of real life reunions the guild made in despite of all of its members living in the same district - quite the dangerous thing to say when considering how Linda loved to "randomly" throw her character's beloved artifact-class axes around and "accidentally" hit people who gossiped about her. He quickly dismissed the issue of having to taste his friend's awful cooking from his head right in the next second though, as he managed to once more reach the richly (and chaotically) decorated hall of the mountain fort - A result of the sudden urge to show off their riches that some players felt due to the imminent closure of the server (quite the positive aspect of the server closure, as he managed to take a look at various rare furniture items and exotic equips whose view would otherwise be reserved to those closer to their respective owners). In the end, he didn't bother with searching for players he knew in the hall - after all he imagined the few players that remained to watch the last moments of the game either already had someone with them or weren't interested in using their last minutes in YGGDRASIL talking with others - instead choosing to use his time to check the multitude of rare and exotic items as he waited for the countdown for the server closure, hoping to at least find some new, unknown by most stuff to amuse him until the server's closing.</s>
<|message|>Behind the Avatar "Well, I appreciate you all taking me in." Sean said to the other players as the finale battle died down, "If other members of my old guild had been on, we could have given you quite a show." He joined the loose throng of players as he descended from the sky on his flying mount, which was only a simple summon of a shadow-beast in that vaguely resembled a small dragon. In the sparring battle that had just taken place, Sean had used his character's multitude of advanced summoning abilities to create something of a PvE scenario for the players that desired it. He stepped off of his mount, unsummoning the creature when his feet were on the ground, and stepped into the crowd. The avatar of his character, Azoth_Baal, was quite unique, and Sean had spent a great deal of time working on it so that it met his preferences. Interestingly, rather than having the dusky skin and amber eyes of a typical Dark Elf, he had managed to give his character an albino appearance, with bleached skin and hair, and eyes a malevolent blood red. Sean got a whisper message notification, and checked his UI to see who it was from. The notification's source was listed as "Stormsorrow," the name of the chaotic runeblade that hung at his hip. A very rare and highly-scripted item, it sometimes "spoke" to Sean though whisper messages, meant to represent the cursed blade talking into his character's mind. Usually these messages were tied to certain bosses, global events, or were just generic messages put on a timer. He checked the message, which stated, "The wheel turns, and the cycle begins anew. Those who sit beyond the veil watch eagerly, as this world draws its last breath. This is not the end, but the beginning of their great work." Sean was quite amused by this. It seemed that the devs had put in a little message to coincide with the server shutdown. Given how rare these runeblade items were, Sean was probably one of a bare handful that actually got to experience this sort of message. He savored it quietly, adding it to a long list of good memories spent with YGGDRASIL.</s>
<|description|>Wiley A brilliant and eccentric scientist, driven by his own ambition and desire for power. He is cold and calculating, showing little empathy towards others, especially those who oppose him. His appearance likely mirrors his personality: sharp-witted and intimidating. He has a strong sense of control and enjoys manipulating situations to his advantage.</s> <|description|>Mina A young woman who lives in a city controlled by the villainous scientist Wiley. She is discontent with the current state of the city, feeling that it has lost its identity due to automation and lack of human involvement. Her dissatisfaction leads her to plan an act of rebellion against Wiley. Mina is determined and courageous, willing to risk her life for what she believes in.</s> <|narrator|>In a futuristic city ruled by a ruthless scientist named Wiley, a discontented woman named Mina plots against him. She breaks into his tower, intending to assassinate him but is captured by his robotic guards. Meanwhile, Wiley is deep in his lab, working on a new project. After hearing the gunshot that alerts him to the intruder, he decides to visit her at the hospital where she's being held. At the hospital, Mina discovers the extent of Wiley's control over their society and realizes that she's in serious danger. As she struggles against her restraints and tries to plead for help, she notices one of the robots leaving the room---presumably to fetch Wiley. Desperate and fearful of what might happen next, she calls out for someone to rescue her. However, before anyone can respond, one of the robots stabs her in retaliation for her attempt at escape. After discovering this news, an elated Wiley proceeds to enter Mina's hospital room where he reveals that he plans on falsifying records declaring her dead as part of his plan for population control. He then injects her with multiple doses of adrenaline mixed with other unknown substances, which serve not as sedatives or painkillers but instead intensify her suffering and weaken her further.</s> <|message|>Wiley "Out! OUT! GODDAMNIT GET OUT!" The machines moved at the sound of their master's voice, unkindly ejecting the petitioners. Unkindly enough to break a bone or two, by the sounds of the caterwauling as the doors shut behind them. Albert Wily sat back in his desk and looked around. His office was plenty opulent, but he felt something of a fool for just now realizing that wealth and power came with a price. Who would have thought that 'Rule' and 'Administrate' were synonymous? Not this scientist. Not his brainless steel servants. Something was going to have to be done about that... Wily turned to his computer, booting up a succession of engineering programs. His anger with the series of factory workers and factory owners and humans rights activists and other rabble that polluted his days became the seed of an idea. Wouldn't it be fun to use THEM to shore up the materials shortage they complained of? After all, the human body was just a machine... Why not turn them into LITERAL machines, fit only to serve him, as they rightly should? Hours blew past. Nothing relating to the work of the city was done. The work of robotics advanced significantly in that time, however. The guards stood watch impassively, their single red optic gliding back and forth, back and forth. Wily was deaf to the world, once again utterly lost in his work. He called a neurologist at one point for clarification on nerve cells. When the man complained that it was 3 AM, Wily threatened to have him killed. When the call ended, his reverie broke momentarily. I used to be so GOOD with the peons. This stress is doing nothing good for me. Must find a solution soon. For the moment, alcohol was a sufficient solution. Wily pulled a brandy bottle out of a desk drawer, intending a short break. Five drinks later, he was very unconscious.</s> <|message|>Mina The city was never dark enough at this point. There was always a light source, whether it was the light-rail as it slid smoothly past or the numerous neon lights. The constant glow of red eyes through out the city kept the warning. "We Keep You Safe," they said silently. The robots never spoke, not to anyone. That was one of the reasons she now hated the city she was raised in. Mina could no longer recognize any of it. The school that she attended when she was young, the old market that she stopped at on her way home, the once battered but beautiful home she grew up in. All of them were gone thanks to the man who sat happily in the tower. Her friends had tried to convince her that what she wanted to do was foolish. They had heard rumors about what happened to the people who spoke out against their new leader. In her eyes, he was nothing more than a greedy child, playing his hand at god. Mina's mind continued to race as she made the slow descent down the stairs of her apartment complex, her pale hands pulling her jacket collar up to shield her from the cold that seemed to be penetrating her very bones. As her foot hit the bottom platform, her eyes scanned the street before her, searching for the distinguishable glare of the red eyes. A deep sigh of relief left her when she found none. The idea had first come to her in the form men in the bar she worked at. They spoke of how the city used to be, pining for it like a child to a lost puppy. It made her sick. These men had spent most of their lives in the mines, working for a living. Now, they had no choice but to sit by and watch as machines did the work. The young woman's stride seemed much longer and faster than normal. She wanted to get it over with. The gun in the pocket of her coat would do her no good against the massive metal that would no doubt be greeting her at the door. It would, however, do her plenty of good against the man at the top of the tower. By the time she reached the base of the tower, her hands were shaking so hard that they could barely hold onto the gun. Her eyes grew wide at the pure height, and her breath was heavy from the distance and speed at which she traveled. Mina had no time to stop for a breath of air. Moving swiftly past the security bots, she tried to look as normal as possible, trying to slip in as though she was supposed to be here. Her movement was quickly halted by a large pile of metal that suddenly stood in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as her feet were suddenly moved out from under her and she was grabbed brutally by a pair of shiny steel hands. "Let me go! I've done nothing. I'm simply here to look around!" The woman's voice rang out but was heard by nothing human. The feet marched heavily to the elevator, she was allowed to stand but not allowed to leave. As they reached the top floor, Mina's hand slipped into her jacket, securing her hand on the grip of the gun. The robot that grabbed her approached the door and pounded heavily. Upon getting no answer, the robot slowly opened the door. Pushed forward, she found herself in the wolf's den. Her pulled herself up right, her feet moving almost unconsciously to the space in front of the desk. As she viewed the man sleeping on his desk, she began to second guess her actions, until she thought about the reason she had come to this position. Her hand came out of her pocket quickly, the gun seeming to fire on its own. What she didn't see or think of was the three robots still positioned around her. The last thing she remembered was a sharp blow to the back of her head and a stabbing pain in her lower back. A knife that she hadn't seen on one of the robots. One that had not been used in several years.</s> <|message|>Wiley The gunshot was only just loud enough to wake Wily from his stupor. The crack of wood splintering by his head as the bullet went wide was the first sound he consciously recognized. A jumble of images flew at him - The Snipers standing in defense formation, shields forward, except for his prototype, which was holding a bloody knife. The burnt hole in his desk. And in front of his desk, a crumpled figure. He ran around the desk, managing to minimize stumbling, and got a clearer look at the situation. As soon as he was fully cognizant, Wily was only able to laugh. Once again, God had provided. Whether it be his innate brilliance, that delightful patsy Light, or now, a gift-wrapped test subject for his new model, God always paved the way with gold for Albert Wily. "Lock down Abel General Hospital, and take her there. I want her stabilized and kept sedated until I arrive." He sat down again, barely noticing as the robots drug off their parcel. Wily was more annoyed with the burrhole in his desk. Maybe it should be left there, a reminder of failures before. No, best not to plant any ideas. He fired off a request to Maintenance, highlighting the bullet damage and bloodstains, before he turned back to his computer. He quickly cleaned up some details of the project and dropped it onto disk, packing up to go as quickly as he could. Sleep could wait. Work was more fun anyway!</s> <|message|>Mina The hospital was colder than normal. Not that she would be able to tell the difference; she had never been in a hospital before. All she knew was that those robots were still there. She had no idea where she was currently lying. All she knew was the fact that she didn't feel any pain. Perhaps she had died and heaven had robots too. Had he managed to reach the heavens with his evil? She wasn't sure anymore. Mina tried to sit up but found herself incapable. Looking down at her body, she found herself bound to the hospital bed by several straps. She could lift her head just enough to see him just outside the door speaking with what was obviously a doctor. Laying her head back down, she stilled her heart. She hadn't died. She was still stuck in this living hell that this man had created. No. He wasn't a man, she reminded herself, he was a monster. A charming, attractive monster that had the entire city in a choke hold that no one in the city was willing to break because of fear. Mina opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that managed to leave her was a slight rasp. "Hello? Please, I don't want to be alone in here. Someone? Anyone?" Her words were barely loud enough for her to hear, she was almost entirely certain that no one outside of that door could hear her. Almost as though commanded, one of the nearby machines turned abruptly, marching its way out the glass doors and stood nearby Wily, as though to retrieve him. A sudden burst of fear spread through her body as she realized what the machine was doing. She didn't want that man any closer to her. She began to strain against the restraints that held her in place. She suddenly found her voice as she struggled. "Let me out of here!" her voice seemed to carry a lot further than before. She continued her struggle until she felt something in her back tear, a wave of pain seemed to hit her out of nowhere, stopping her movements in their tracks. She felt something vaguely wet and warm begin to pool under her and felt the heat begin to drain out of her body. One of the robots had stabbed her. She must have broken the stitches.</s>
<|message|>Wiley The door opened slowly, silently gliding on well-oiled hinges. There was a faint snap as he flicked the lights on, even this small movement carrying a measure of theatrics. Wily felt good again, he felt in control, and he felt ready to handle anything. This was excellent! "Ah, stupid girl. First you injure yourself trying to injure me, and now you do it again, and why? Simply because you can?" The bed raised on hydraulics, and turned ninety degrees to allow access to her back. A 'sewing machine' quickly resealed the wound and the bed settled back into its customary position. Wily ran his fingers over a line of syringes sitting on a tray, clearly in her view. They were each different sizes, and filled with different quantities of fluid, indicating different drugs in each. And something else... Wily picked up the object. Her wallet. He removed her ID with a flourish. "Mina Porter, 21, from Complex E. You, dear girl, are about to die!" He produced his pocket computer, and showed her the screen. It contained her government records. The cursor flashed patiently over a field marked 'Status:'. Wily pressed a button. The field filled in the word 'Deceased'. "Now, let's see! How did you die? Were you hit by a car? No, too pedestrian, haha, if you'll pardon the pun. Perhaps there was an accident at your work? Although, a materials outlet is a relatively non-hazardous job. Perhaps you're simply as inept at your real job as you are when you moonlight as an assassin? I suppose you could have been a victim of street crime. Raped repeatedly, throat slit... Tsk tsk, it's dangerous to walk the streets alone at night. We'll need more patrols. And a curfew!" Wiley laughed out loud, and filled in the latter story. As he calmed, he grinned down at her, and spoke again. "But we need a body, don't we? Let's see, Mina. Who's going to die for your crusade? Family, friends? No matter, I'll figure that out later. I just want to be sure that you get the point. You see, you lashed out at me, and simply made me stronger. I no longer have to deal with the whining masses, for my own security. And now, anyone wandering the night can be incarcerated before they become troublesome. Do you understand, Ms. Porter? You chose the wrong side, and you lost badly. I would ask you to pick better next time, but the glory of it is, you won't have a choice!" With that, he snatched up one of the syringes and jabbed it into her arm, not bothering to find a vein. He depressed the plunger, causing a painful bubble in her flesh, full of adrenaline. As the epinephrine flooded her system, Wiley proceeded to jab her again, and again, and again, each time adding a new ingredient to the chemical cocktail, with her serving as the glass it was mixed in. None of them were sedatives. None of them were painkillers. None of them were anesthetic.</s>
<|description|>Riku A tall and serious-looking young man with spiky hair and red eyes. He has a calm demeanor, but he also possesses a sense of humor as he engages in playful banter with Kairi. Riku is dedicated to his training and is willing to push himself to improve, despite the hardships he has endured in the past.</s> <|description|>Kairi A young red-haired girl who has been through intense training. She is playful and upbeat, often seen smiling even after strenuous exercises. Her hair is usually kept in a ponytail, but during training sessions, it becomes loose and disheveled. Despite her small stature compared to Riku, she doesn't let it hold her back and strives for excellence in their keyblade mastery journey.</s> <|narrator|>Riku and Kairi have been training under Yen Sid's guidance to prepare for the upcoming darkness. After a rigorous session, they both decide to get some food from the magical kitchen run by enchanted brooms. Along the way, they engage in playful banter about their heights and abilities. As they head towards the kitchen, Kairi expresses her excitement for tomorrow's spar tournament where they'll test their keyblade skills without using magic---something that puts her at a disadvantage due to her magical prowess but doesn't deter her spirit. Meanwhile, Riku reassures her that she'll do fine in the upcoming event and continues walking with her towards their shared destination.</s> <|message|>Riku A clash of blades rang through the air before a training dummy vanished into thin air, vanquished by the force directed against it. Riku panted as he straightened up from that finishing blow, looking around the open arena. All the dummies had been destroyed, and the place cleared out. The evening sky hung overhead, reminding him of just how long it had been since he had begun training, yet he didn't mind and paid little attention to that fact. It was all worth it in the end after all. Not just anyone got to train with Yen Sid, and he wouldn't waste a moment of that if he could help it. He sent his keyblade away then as he turned and headed for the entrance, thinking over all that had happened. It had been some time since Kingdom Hearts had been saved yet again, but there was no rest for them. Afterwards they had had some time to rest on Destiny Island, before being whisked away by Yen Sid for training, to prepare for the coming darkness anew. So he, Sora, and Kairi had gone off to learn. It was hard days, long nights, but slowly and surely they were getting better. He could feel it, and he knew that he had to try harder to improve. He had to make up for all that had happened, to atone for all the evil stuff he had pulled while under the influence of the powers of darkness. Even if no one else thought that he did, he owed it to himself. For now though he went to go get something to eat. It had been a long day, and he could use the food. And if anyone joined him, he supposed he wouldn't complain.</s> <|message|>Kairi Beads of sweat dotted along her hairline. Her red locks had once been pulled neatly into a ponytail, but with hours of rigorous training, rogue strands now clung to the side of her damp face. That wasn't the only sign of her hard work - her skin was flushed and her chest rose from ragged breathing, though she moved and twirled much too fast for any untrained eye to see that. However, with a final swipe, their day of intense training had ended. The practice room was cleared of all obstacles Master Yen-Sid had tasked them with destroying, and now it was time to rest. Adrenaline still flowed through her veins from the incredible workout. In a way, it reminded Kairi of the days she spent running around the play island with Sora and Riku. She was always smiling afterwards, breathlessly egging on the competition her two friends seemed to always have going, and now was no exception. The only difference this time around was their exhaustion came from serious training, and there was no playful banter between the two boys (mostly due to the fact that Sora had dragged himself to bed early, surprising Kairi that he'd skip out on food). She left the training area with food on her mind. Her fingers came up to run through her newly released hair with the tie now safely on her wrist. Even though her limbs were sore and felt like jello, Kairi kept a normal pace as she took the path that led to the kitchen. It was a small room, furnished to the brim with all sorts of food to feed the growing keyblade masters-in-training and it was staffed with the magical brooms Yen-Sid controlled. Just as she rounded a corner, she saw the familiar figure of Riku walking casually in the same direction she was headed. Had she been the spikey haired brunette, she might have taken the opportunity for a sneak attack, but she knew better. From what she heard from Mickey, Riku used a blindfold so his eyes couldn't lie about the darkness he eventually used, and even though Kingdom Hearts had restored him to his normal self, she was sure he had retained some of his "sixth sense." That being said, she made no attempt to conceal her footfalls as she quickened her pace to eventually walk side-by-side with him. Considering he was a good head taller than her, Kairi had to walk at an awkward pace between a relaxed stroll and speed walking. "Hey, can you stop walking so fast for just a little bit?" She joked, referring to his longer strides than her own. "Some of us weren't graced with exceptional height, y'know." A pout formed on her pink lips, which barely hid the playful, upbeat grin that threatened to show.</s> <|message|>Riku Riku walked along with a calm step, hands resting in his pockets in the process as he headed towards his destination, the kitchen. He was tired, sure, and he would undoubtedly need to bathe later, but for the moment he would survive. Sweat was already starting to dry, leaving his clothes to try and stick to his skin, something that was annoying but that he could also live with. After all, magic would be able to set it straight. Otherwise, he looked remarkably intact from his training exercise, in spite of all the effort that had gone into it. As Kairi had expected, Riku did indeed pick up on her approaching from behind, though he gave no indication of it at the same time. He'd gotten used to that sort of thing, and it helped in a fight to give no sign that you knew you were being snuck up on. So he let her do what she willed, and soon enough she was walking alongside him, or trying to. And with the lack of Sora, he found he couldn't really complain. Riku chuckled aloud at the comment, a light smirk making its way to his features at her playful banter. "Maybe you should work on getting taller then," he noted with a counter of his own, even as he slowed down so that she didn't have to work so hard to keep up with him. He wouldn't mind the company, especially when it was in a more casual setting such as this. "Done with training for the day?"</s> <|message|>Kairi Despite Riku's suggestion, Kairi's shoulders rose and fell in a shrug. "Someone has to be the short one," she joked, "and I think Sora will go down kicking and screaming if I tried to get any taller than him." She nodded at his question. "I had thought about staying longer for some extra practice, but that probably would have done more damage than good." Kairi felt like she had a lot of catching up to do, considering she had her keyblade for the least amount of time between the three of them. That's not to say she was complaining - the red-head was beyond thrilled to have the chance to fight alongside her best friends, and she wasn't about to slack off. "I'm kind of excited for the spar tomorrow," she said with a smile. "Think you're ready?" It was solely with their keyblades. Magic wasn't allowed, something that put her at a disadvantage considering it was what she excelled at., but she didn't let it get her down. "Though, I am a little nervous with Master Yen-Sid and King Mickey attending."</s>
<|message|>Riku Riku let another chuckle slip free at Kairi's counter, bringing up how Sora would be annoyed at being the shortest again. Not that he would complain about that particular fact, if only out of friendly humor if nothing else. Even with all they had been through he still found it amusing to mess with his friend in some ways, small ways. Just to keep things from being too serious. He nodded in understanding as she explained why she was finished, an acknowledgment that did not slow him as he headed towards the kitchen. If that was what Kairi thought then he wasn't about to object to it. After all, she knew herself best. Certainly he had no right to stop her after everything he had put her through. Even now, he was still trying to make up for it all, one step at a time. He looked back down to her at the mention of the spar tomorrow as he nodded. "Yeah," he confirmed. A spar? That was basically nothing with what they had been through, even if they all had to basically learn new fighting styles from scratch as opposed to just swinging away. Her comment brought a little smirk though, as he reached over to ruffle the top of her head. "Don't worry. You'll do fine."</s>
<|description|>Sicari "Icarus" Velinian Age: 28 Species: Turian Gender: Female Appearance: Standing at 5'10"(1.778m) and weighing in at 160lbs.(72.6kg) Sicari is just a little under the average height for the Turian race. She's a bareface with cold, ice blue eyes and a curvy figure, rivalling the attractiveness of a moderately arresting Asari. She has approximately thirteen scars on her body in various places, and has a pale green carapace with a slight bluish hue. Occupation: Information Broker, ex-Blue Suns operative Class: Infiltrator Powers: Tactical Cloak, Sabotage, Overload, Decoy, Incinerate, Cryo Blast Weapons: M-11 Suppressor, M-22 Eviscerator Armor: Light Onyx Armor Apparel: Charcoal-colored, form-hugging outfit, loose near the hips and underarms to conceal small arms and packages. Equipment: Chameleon Omni-Tool, Prototype Venom Gauntlets Personality: Very quiet with a soft spot for a good bottle of alcohol. Sicari's made more than one sloppy mistake due to either a hangover or a fit of drunkenness, though it is a rare occurrence. She does, however, have amazing attention to detail and spares no expense to cover each and every one of her tracks. She has an adept understanding of psychologies from various races, excluding Elcor and Human, as she, like most Turians, has difficulty reading the expressions, or lack thereof, of these two races. She also has a weakness for a select few drugs, such has Free Will (In reference to Leodiensian's Davo'Sallar) and cocaine, though often buys and disposes of very dangerous substances, such as heroin and meth, to help fulfill a dealer's quota. She's also a decent cook… if you're dextro-based, that is. Biography: Born and raised to a militaristic Asari mother and an enigma of a father in the middle of an FTL jump in the Attican Tranverse, Sicari Velinian was forced to fend for herself from an early age. She constantly moved with her mother's fleet, being taught and trained among the Asari and the many other children in the flotilla. She was very much alone, since she didn't even have a quarter of the lifespan of an Asari, and had to have private mentors for an accelerated education. Thus, she was doing algebra by age ten, basic trigonometry at age thirteen, and learning physics since she could first speak. She came out a smart girl, and an even smarter adversary. Fast-forward to age sixteen, Sicari's mother was pronounced MIA after a botched mission on Virmire, and KIA after the bodies from the squadron were recovered, the mother's corpse among them. Sicari promptly made the decision to avenge the only family she had and left the fleet after they stopped at the Citadel, burning all her bridges in the process. She booked passage to Omega on a small transport owned by the Blue Suns, and made friends with one of the officers on the ship. She was offered a job as a drug distributor and readily accepted, leading to her cocaine addiction in the later years. She moved through the ranks quickly, proving herself as an asset time and time again, and was on good terms with much of the gang, though still alienated by many of Omega's Turians. At 25, Sicari earned her nickname in a border dispute with the Eclipse, where she was kicked off the balcony of a high-end apartment and landed on top of a passing Krogan, who decidedly shrugged off the Turian that was just forcibly evicted by a biotic blast from three stories up, and carried her to the nearest medi-gel dispenser. She spent several days unconscious, and around thirty seconds dead, in Mordin Solus' clinic, where one of the human physicians referred to her as "Icarus" until she woke, and then had to explain who Icarus was. Sicari liked the story behind the name, and decided to keep it as an alias. Upon her full recovery, she left the Blue Suns, but is still under their protection, for a fee. Given their history, it's at least a reduced fee, 40% off the usual amount. Soon enough, Sicari fell back into her old habits and started crawling around in vents, listening in to conversations and writing down what she hears. Like any information broker, she remains hidden with several operatives distributing the secrets and collecting payment. If payment isn't received, it's taken. It's a cut and dry business, and Icarus prefers to remain out of the limelight. "Let the Shadow Broker have the enemies," She'd tell a loyal client, "I'm content as long as I'm breathing and getting paid." She's recently relocated to the Citadel's Zakera Ward to find a newer clientele and up the ante, as law enforcement ranges from zero to nil on Omega, and she likes a challenge.</s> <|message|>Jason Rivers Jason sat against a wall in the Zakera ward staring up at the ceiling. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe there was a glitch or a payment hadn't gone through yet. Pushing off the wall he pulled up his Omni-tool and quickly checked his account. Credit Amount: 300 Nope, still dirt poor. Jason's arms dropped to his side as he slumped back and slid down the wall. He knew what the problem was, his damn morals. He was a merc now, yet he wouldn't take any jobs that involved drugs or hits. Hell, the only reason he had lasted this long was body guarding contracts but those really didn't pay much. This was it, he had to make a decision. Starve with his honor, or finally give in to the criminal life…. Damn he needed a drink. Luckily there was a bar not too far, and from what he knew it wasn't pricey. Pushing himself off the ground he made his way there. Walking in a little too hastily he was given a stern look from the bouncer. Guess walking in armored up with high caliber weapons could give the wrong impression. Jason held his hands up half way and nodded to the Krogan, hoping it let him know he wasn't trying anything. With luck the Krogan nodded back and continued surveying the joint, Jason did the same to see if there was a seat. Unfortunately the only one available was next to a rather drunk looking Batarian, a human sitting next to him would end really well. Having no choice he walked up and took a seat. "Hey barkeep, give me a rum and coke." He almost immediately regretted saying anything as the Batarian next to him shoved his shoulder. "Hey you pink slime! That seat is taken!" The Batarian practically yelled in his face. "Sorry, didn't know anyone else was sitting here" Jason tried to apologize but the Batarian was having none of it. "Just like you didn't know we were in the Verge? You humans all think you can just romp around the galaxy, but sooner or later you're gonna stick your ugly noses somewhere and your precious council won't be able to save you!" Jason could see this guy was just having a political rant so he tried not to push him further. "Look man, I've got no problems with you. Just let me get my drink and I'll-" Before he could finish, the Batarian grabbed him by the chest plate and slammed him on the counter. "I'LL GIVE YOU A PROBLEM!" The Batarian reached for a pistol he had on his side. Acting fast Jason grabbed the first thing he could, which just so happened to be a glass of Turian brandy and vodka, and smashed it on the Batarian's head. Now stunned, Jason gave a quick hook shot to the Batarian and knocked him to the floor. The Batarian quickly recovered with his weapon drawn, but didn't take note of the Krogan standing behind him. In an instant the Batarian disarmed and flying out of the bar. With that taken care of Jason brushed the broken glass off and sat back down, just in time for his drink to arrive.</s> <|message|>Sicari "Icarus" Velinian Sicari kept her head down for most of the incident, but looked up as her drink was grabbed and smashed into the Batarian's head. "You're paying for another round, human... but you have some talent." She activated her omni-tool and opened the contract given to her by the Salarian, and showed the file to the human. "This'll pay well. Interested?" She waited patiently for the newcomer to the galaxy to read over the text.</s> <|message|>Ekrom Sheuk Ekrom walked through the markets, looking for that one upgrade that was actually worth the credits. Vorcha hissed at him as he passed, but on closer inspection of his considerable firepower, grew silent and backed away. Here in Omega, power was the real solution and Ekrom wasn't lacking that in any respect. After closing the last vendor's inventory, he snorted in disgust and wandered onto the main pavilion. Omega's music reached him even from the doors, a low thrum felt through the soles of his feet and a steady throb of music, muffled by its walls. He made his way to the illustrious club, waved through by the elcor bouncer. Walking down the hallway towards the doors, various faces and eyes turned to regard the drell with curiosity and wariness. Not many ever saw a drell in full armor and armed to the teeth. Ekrom was a regular face among the wards, his skills freelanced to any of the mercenary groups around Omega. He'd received a vidcomm from one of Aria's bodyguards informing him of a lucrative contract handled by a female turian. Usually the man's intel was substandard at best, but this might actually prove to be worthwhile of the infamous mercenary. The krogan bouncer gave him a respectful nod, seeing the Claymore holstered at his lower back. Any krogan worth his hump would've known the deadly weapon at a glance, the weapon revered by their species. Anyone other than a krogan that could wield its recoil was worthy of a bit of space. Ekrom scanned the bar, the music nearly overwhelming to his finely tuned senses. He caught sight of a female turian speaking to a human, regular soldier turned mercenary by his looks. Next to her sat an asari, extremely attractive, but he could tell she was trained by the way she nursed her drink. Keeping a clear head was a sign of a professional. Crossing the floor, weaving between dancers with a fluid grace, Ekrom took the seat the human had just cleared after cracking a foolish batarian. The ugly four-eyed alien in question had still not moved from the place he landed, still clutching his stomach and groaning. He signaled the bartender, "Two fingers of Serrice brandy." The expensive drink wasn't something usually ordered, the bartender opening a new bottle. Ekrom didn't usually drink, but when he did he preferred the cool but stinging drink above all else. He turned in the stool, one elbow comfortably on the counter, his free hand bringing his glass to lips for a small sip. Oh yes, that was delicious. "I don't know about the human, but I am certainly interested." His voice was gravelly like most drell, but sounded like he was still young. Age was hard to pin down for a drell. He flagged down the bartender once more. "Whatever her drink was, replace it on me." He gave her a charming smile and introduced himself. "I go by Ekrom."</s> <|message|>Lysia V'tira Lysia glanced down at the Batarian as he was dragged away and then back up at the two newcomers, her face betrayed no surprise at what had just happened though she did quirk her lips in a small grin. "And I thought this was such a fine upstanding establishment too." She said drily. She sipped her wine and savored the flavour, it really wasn't that bad, she could definitely get used to drinking it on a regular basis though she did make a point of not drinking a lot. Little and not often was her motto and it had worked for her so far, she preferred keeping a clear head. Much safer that way. She shook her head sadly at the spilled alcohol. "Such a waste, I hope it wasn't a good year." She then glanced at the human and the drell, both looked competent and certainly seemed less annoying than the Quarian who seemed to flirt with anything that had a pulse. She nodded to both of them. "Lysia V'tira, well met."</s> <|message|>Jason Rivers Jason couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the Asari's quick snip as he raised his drink to his mouth. He had to quickly swallow though when the Turian spoke. "Shit. Sorry about that. Just got caught up in the moment. Yeah I'll-" Before he could finish a Drell sat between them and offered to pay instead. Anyone else would have used this and accepted the offer, but Jason was a man of honor, and even his sad financial situation wouldn't excuse this. "Hey, Ekrom was it? Thanks but I smashed the drink, I'm gonna cover it." More importantly than the drink, the Turian offered him a job! He needed this. He absolutely 100% needed this. But... The job was a hit. Yeah it was some scumbag from the Blood Pack and he probably deserved it, but it was the principle of the thing. Killing without just cause or self defense was wrong "God damn it STOP! You're not in the Alliance anymore. This is your life now, Suck it up soldier!" Jason pounded the rest of his drink and slammed his cup down on the counter. "What the hell, Turian. I'm game." He twisted his and stuck his hand out past the Drell. "Jason Rivers at your service."</s> <|message|>Ekrom Sheuk Ekrom looked over the human's equipment, noting its worn appearance. He internally scoffed at the male human's bravado, but Ekrom thought the man should stop while he was ahead and someone else was taking care of his problem. It wasn't a question either, the bartender had already accepted Ekrom's credits and poured the drink. "Don't worry, Jason Rivers, you can make it up to me." He nodded to the human, trying to give him a plateau that would be fair. The drell's eyes slid over to the Asari, the picture of sexy and collected. "Well met indeed... I hear your job needs a ship and that Quarian was never known to be dependable. I have my own frigate and with an slightly higher pay out agreement, I could see about joining your mission and lending you the use of it." He slowly sipped on his brandy. "But the command of the ship and crew will always be mine, the mission is the turian's contract, so the lead on that is hers." Ekrom turned to Sicari then. "Off the ship, your orders are final. On the ship, my word is law. If those terms are agreeable for you... please let me know now. I'd hate to pass up another contract waiting for answer from you, no matter how lucrative it could prove to be."</s>
<|message|>Sicari "Icarus" Velinian Sicari pulled her mandibles back in a smile and shook the human's hand. "Icarus, glad to meet you." She then nodded to the Drell. "We could use the transport, and I'm just fine leaving you in control of your ship." She chuckled a bit, remembering the one time she tried to pilot a ship. Long story short, she almost suffocated herself and spent the next week thumbing for a ride to Omega from the mining outpost she'd crashed near.</s>
<|description|>Kael Lordonos Age: 18 Gender:Male Race:Human Appearance: Personality: Kael is a blunt person, not wanting to hide behind fancy words. He will tell his mind to the world even if they don't want to hear it. He is also a persistent individual, not wanting to give up. He has been called intelligent by some, but he has no social skills. Because of this problem, he finds himself welcome with animals, as they seem to understand him. He also takes a pride in his weapon skills, as they are finely tuned and ready for anytime. He will never allow his weapon out of his sight if he can. Weapons: Zhen This weapon is a bladed staff that can turn into two short swords. Held together by a intricate inside that allows it to hook together. Semblance: Activates a rune on his chest that will begin to glow a silvery aura that is visible to all who are not blind. Once activated, blades start to pierce through Kael's skin up to 10 blades. However, with each blade, his energy is drained. With training, he may be able to keep the blades out, but it does take years to train. Also, he can eject a blade from his body and he can wield it takes more energy to do this. So far, he can eject three normal blades. Strengths: Trained with dual short swords for most of life, adept with his staff, has great endurance. He does have a mind for some strategy, but will have to see what happens in RP. Weaknesses: Has to get close to hit. A bit slow while running.(Makes up for it with his endurance) Socially inept (has poor social skills) Theme Song: Battleborn by Five Finger Death Punch</s> <|message|>Leona Firehart Aashaln and Leona had finally arrived where the other students were, 10 in total now. There was only one relic left, the black queen piece, which ended the pair's confusion as to what their black knight piece was for. However, it seems they were all arguing about something. Making their way to Saurodrinn and Zyramos, they asked "What's going on here?" Saurodrinn shrugged, replying "Pointless bickering. Don't they realize we should be finishing our mission?" Another pair had arrived, a Faunus and human, both looked like they just went through hell. There was only the one relic for them to retrieve, which means that they should now head for the ruins further. Glancing around, Leona wondered where exactly these ruins were. finally, she spotted a large unnatural structure some distance away. Walking towards it, she arrived at the edge of a deep precipice, with the ruins on the other side, hugging the opposing cliff. There seemed to be a bridge, but it was almost completely broken. "How do we get there now?" Leona wondered aloud. Then her ears twitched. Something was coming. Something... Big. "We have survived this far in this forest. Can we not bicker or fight?" Kael said to the others, drawing their attention. Whatever he was going to say next, they might never know, for something suddenly sprung from the cliffside Leona was at. Moving like lightning, it wrapped around Kael's waist, then pulled him off of the cliff. "AGH!! What's that?!" Leona shouted, pointing at what could only be described as a gigantic spider, glowing red eyes and armored bone scattered on its body and legs. The arachnid had grappled Kael with spiderthread, and despite his struggling, refused to break off. It hissed at the others loudly, while something rustled from the forest on the other side. More hissing, although it gave everyone an unsettling feeling. Slowly, a King Taijitu emerged from the trees, first the white head, then... another white head?? The two heads erupted further to reveal their black counterparts, two King Taijitus. "This is not good!" Leona mumbled, nervous and rather intimidated. "Yes it is!!" replied Zyramos, a blazing look of excitement in her eyes, matched only by her grin as she reached for her blade. "Wait!!" saurodrinn shouted, kneeling to the ground momentarily, then pointed. "There's more coming, from there." Aashaln looked carefully at where he had pointed, and there was a strange red glow, a chilling feeling, and slight rumbling. More of those spiders, only much smaller, were coming, no doubt to feed on the prey captured by the larger. The situation was dire indeed. --- Kael fell past the giant spider and into the chasm, then landed on something that surprisingly didn't hurt, rather it seemed to bounce and fluctuate with him on it. Glancing down, he saw that it was more of the spider's silk, then looking everywhere confirmed what he thought next. It was a large spider's web, spread out between the two cliffsides, chunks of the manmade ruins were scattered and stuck on the web here and there, with bits of vines that once grew between them reaching out. The web even cascaded up the cliff partially, more of what seemed to be the bridge stuck on some parts. Maybe the ruins fell down not long ago. The Grimm like spider descended down the chasm, the tether that bound Kael lifting him up off the sticky web as the spider prepared for it's feast. --- As the students looked down from the edge, they saw that it was a spider's nest below the ruins, and the serpentine Grimm were closing in on them. Without hesitation, Leona announced "We'll take care of the oncoming armies. You guys handle yourselves here. Ash!" She knelt down, both hands cupped with her back to the approaching Grimm army. Aashaln rushed at her, then jumped off her hands, which she raised quickly to launch him, being carried further by the hands of energy she generated to send him further, which dissipated as he descended upon the Grimm into the forest. Zyramos rushed to the edge, pouting. "No fair! Don't hog it all for yourself!! Sauro!!" With a sigh, Saurodrinn charged at his partner, shield up. When he got close enough, she kicked off of his shield with great force, actually stopping him dead in his tracks as she sailed through the air, axe unleashed and ready to do some damage. Saurodrinn and Leona then nodded to each other, and slid down the cliffside towards their partners. Leona waved to the rest, shouting out "Stay alive!", leaving them to their own decisions.</s> <|message|>Kimiko Schwarz Wakahisa - Nacht A few things seemed to happen at once. More students arrived. Kael tried to stop their argument, and was promptly pulled off of a cliff. Then several large grimm shown up. Schwarz sighed: "We'll finish this later." she said to Francesca and drawn her wand. She wanted to go after Kael, after all a life was in danger over there and that took priority, but he wasn't her partner. Speaking of which... She ran to Coral, eyes on the closest Taijitu. "Ideas?" She asked, so far not having a chance to see how Coral fought save for what her weapons looked like. It didn't help that the knives looked fit both for stabbing and throwing. Still, there was something she could do in the meantime. Drawing a circle with the wand in front of her, it left an orange trail. She inhaled as much air as she could. "Drachenfeuer." The circle rune filled itself with a downwards pointing pentagram. The crystals on her wand went two shades brighter as her aura commanded them to do her bidding. Blowing the air out of her lungs, it burst into a jet of flame as soon as it crossed the rune in front of her, heading for the snake's eye.</s> <|message|>Ravira Tudios As Uglyandstuckup turned away, Coral dropped her low, menacing pose. "I wouldn't do anything rash. Behave!" she mimicked the other two in a high, annoying voice, rolling her eyes comically and flailing her hands and tentacles into some sort of expression of blonde disappointment. "Coral you're being naaaaaughty you bad girl!" She stopped midpose to smile at Schwarz. "I wonder if they've managed to find all of the pieces of the last person who told me to behave. You're lucky I*like*you!" She reached up and ruffled Schwarz' hair before starting to walk back into the forest. "I agree with that guy, let's get out-" she started, eyes closed as she approached the forest. Then she heard some sort of commotion behind her, and something big rustled through the trees, and when she opened her eyes, she was staring into one eye of a huge snake. "Ooooooh, a snake, cool." And then there were three other snakes? Well that just didn't seem fair. Schwarz ran up dutifully to give her backup, asking if she had any ideas and spitting fire into the eye that she'd been studying. The snake head reared away, and Coral put on her grumpy face. "Walk around them? Though I guess you probably made it angry with that move." A chorus of hissing confirmed that, and with a sigh, Coral unlocked her weapons. "Then I suggest we get to the stabbing part." Her weapons rose from their slots, swiftly forming around her hands like large, disconnected, especially deadly claws. She grabbed two of them to use like normal daggers, and turned to face the closest enemy. "Do they have some sort of weakness? I normally just stomp on snakes." No point attacking them if her damage would do nothing, after all; they looked well-armored, and it was likely that everyone here actually knew more about them, given that it was hard to know less than nothing.</s>
<|message|>Kael Lordonos Kael felt hope as some of them looked like they were listening, when he felt a tug of massive proportions, lifting him into the air for a moment, "Oh my Dust!!!" He began to fall into the cliff, where he thought, "well, at least life was....ok, fine, it was complete shit, but still.......fine, my life sucked. If I live through this, I will do something about it. Maybe throw a party, socialize a bit more, stop sniffing Dust, something in those lines." He felt a small impact, instead of the crippling blow which would kill him. Kael opens his eyes to see he is stuck to the wind. Damn, Fate is in a bitchy mood. He began to pull at the web, trying to break it, but it would not work. He began to take a look around and saw several spider-looking things coming towards him. They were down right ugly. With a small groan, he began to use his semblance. Several metal blades began to pierce through his clothing, all of them crossing the web, attempting to cut them.</s>
<|description|>Nightscream Former faction: Decepticons Role: Engineer/medic Normal Appearance: Do not let her streamlined looks fool you - that only means that her weapons are protected in retractable pods. Nightscream stands about 9 meters tall. Her 'helmet' has a retractable visor that covers the entirety of her face when deployed and serves as a HUD. Alternate form: Cybertronian jet. As the word 'stealth' is not even in her vocabulary, Nightscream was against hiding on the human world from the get-go, not wanting to 'downgrade' to any human design. Her vehicle mode has the length of about 6 meters and top speed in atmosphere of about Mach 6. As usual with Cybertronian strikecraft, she is fully spaceworthy. Weapons and tools: 2x retractable blades (Forearms) - Only available in robot mode. A last ditch weapons for when somebody manages to get too close to her. 4x energy blaster (Wings/Wrist pods) - The basic cannons. Not really powerful unless the target is hit with several shots, but with high rate of fire and good energy efficiency. 2x null ray (Hull mounts/Shoulder pods) - High-power weapons that can disable target's electronics (or nervous system) in a single shot and permanently fry it in few, depending on the target's size. The downside is the reload which can take from 60 seconds to five minutes, depending on how much power is Nightscream directing to her other systems. 2x Fusion bomb (Bomb bay) - Only available in vehicle mode. Nightscream's cargo bay can either hold 2 guided glider bombs or minicons/capsule transformers. Disruptor field (Minicon/Cyber key/...) - When connected to a strong power source, Nightscream gainst the ability to generate an energy barrier around herself that protects her from harm for 60 seconds of continuous fire before it overheats and needs to cool down for 2 minutes. Personality: Nightscream is not a very pleasant fellow, having her own ideas about how to do things. Her loyalties lie first and foremost with herself and her own well being. As far as decepticons go, she was loyal to Soundwave who has been her mentor and master since the beginning, but despised Megatron and Starscream for being incompetent. She is often indifferent to the actual battle between the 'Cons and the 'Bots, only on the 'Con team because she doesn't feel like dying for the greater good. In combat however, she is relentless. Wherever she goes, loud booms follow, as she doesn't believe in stealth, only in raw power. She can focus to the point of the world becoming nonexistent save for her objective, making her very determined, sometimes downright stubborn. Nightscream had an idea of forming a splinter faction within the decepticons, hoping to gain independence from them and the war. That was before Cybertron was abandoned by both of its leaders, leaving her to realize her plans without any disturbance from a high pitched voice commander demanding her to join air patrols and waste her precious time and intelligence. History: Nightscream is a veteran, being an engineer long before Lord Megatron rose to power and serving the decepticons as one and also as field medic and air trooper for decades. Even from the beginning she chose to side with them more from wanting to be on the winning team rather than having the same ideology, always working on her own agenda. Thus she managed to survive to present day. Nightscream welcomed Megatron's departure as the war seemed to quiet down. With the uncertainty of survival, she is vigilant and on edge, trying to take over of as much of the decepticon intelligence network to get her eyes and ears everywhere she can so she could put her plan to motion. She started gathering followers that could help her find an alternate source of energy for their planet that would render them independent on supplies sent by those that left. Extras and additional information: - She is a combat engineer. As such, Nightscream most of the time stays out of a fight or participates indirectly, however she will intervene if she thinks her skills are needed or the situation is rather dire. - Nightscream has a weird interest in Human culture and is especially fond of the movies. - Voice actor: Alix Wilton Regan - Theme: Jinki Extend OST, 18 - Game Kaishi Name: Nightscream Former faction: Decepticons Role: Engineer / Medic / Mad Scientist Normal Appearance: When choosing an Earth form, Nightscream was hard pressed to keep her body's power consumption low enough. Thus she chose to make her actual body rather small for the day-to-day things and capable of powerlinking with additional parts attachable to her vehicle mode in a larger, more armored and armed Brute mode. In this form she is almost universally grey and silver with purple and yellow accents. Unlike her cybertronian form that was designed to work in labs, Nightscream's Earth form is bulkier and more armored and also capable of flight in a proto form. Her face has a deployable visor and faceplate. (Same shape as Armada Jetfire) Brute Mode: Nightscream can combine with the unused parts of her alternate mode that take the shape of the boosters and external tank. Her main body collapses it's limbs to form attachment points of the larger limbs and additional armor made out of the disassembled ET. The boosters split in half, the bottom transforming into shoulder mounted cannons while the top transforms into a new set of arms ended in a heavy-duty three arm grapples for hands. In this form she is mostly purple with yellow accents and grey cannons and arms Alternate form: The space shuttle. Still not a proponent of stealth, Nightscream kept her usual color scheme. The main body of the shuttle is mostly grey, connected to a purple tank and grey set of boosters. The alt-mode is capable of functioning without the parts that form Nightscream's Brute Mode, sacrificing thrust power for increased agility. Weapons and tools: Plasma blaster (Protoform): A gun firing plasma bolts. Trades in rate of fire for heavier hit. Shield (Protoform): A simple bit of heavy armor that serves as a shield. 2x Missiles (All modes): Wing mounted missiles. Nightscream can swap the warheads if she has alternatives available, but usually she will keep one armed with high explosive and another with an EMP warhead. 4x Energy blaster (Vehicle mode): The standard ranged weapon of choice mounted in the leading edge of the wings. Low energy consumption and damage, high rate of fire. Nightscream has the habit of cycling the barrels on her weapons, virtually quadrupling her rate of fire. 2x Rocket blaster (Brute mode): Monstrous cannons capable of bringing down buildings. They require several seconds of charge before firing and five minutes to cool down and consume unhealthy amount of energon, but one or two hits is all it takes to bring down even larger transformers or to disable a key system on a spaceship. Null field (Minicon/Cyber Key/...): When connected to a strong power source, Nightscream gainst the ability to generate an energy barrier around herself that protects her from harm for 60 seconds of continuous fire before it overheats and needs to cool down for 2 minutes. She can expand the field's volume at the cost of its longevity. Laserbeak: Nightscream took possession of Soundwave's deployer for the time being. He can launch out of her cargo bay in vehicle mode or chest in her protoform. She is unable to deploy laserbeak in Brute mode. Personality: Nightscream is not a very pleasant fellow, having her own ideas about how to do things. Her loyalties lie first and foremost with herself and her own well being, followed by other Seekers, her mentor Soundwave and then maybe some greater causes. As far as decepticons go, she was loyal to Soundwave who has been her mentor and master since the beginning, but despised Megatron and Starscream for being incompetent. She is often indifferent to the actual battle between the 'Cons and the 'Bots, only on the 'Con team because she doesn't feel like dying for the greater good. In combat however, she is relentless. Wherever she goes, loud booms follow, as she doesn't believe in stealth, only in raw power. She can focus to the point of the world becoming nonexistent save for her objective, making her very determined, sometimes downright stubborn. Nightscream had an idea of forming a splinter faction within the decepticons, hoping to gain independence from them and the war. That was before Cybertron was abandoned by both of its leaders, leaving her to realize her plans without any disturbance from a high pitched voice commander demanding her to join air patrols and waste her precious time and intelligence. Her projects came to be used in a different manner than she intended, having to give up her prototype chassis to extend the life of one of her new 'comrades' and in the wake of the threat of Megatronus, she is willing to enter the battle if it means liberating her brother from his grasp and making sure his influence will never extend to Cybertron. History: Nightscream is a veteran, being an engineer long before Lord Megatron rose to power and serving the decepticons as one and also as field medic and air trooper for decades. Even from the beginning she chose to side with them more from wanting to be on the winning team rather than having the same ideology, always working on her own agenda. Thus she managed to survive to present day. Nightscream welcomed Megatron's departure as the war seemed to quiet down. With the uncertainty of survival, she remained vigilant and on edge, trying to take over of as much of the decepticon intelligence network to get her eyes and ears everywhere she can so she could put her plan to motion. She started gathering followers that could help her find an alternate source of energy for their planet that would render them independent on supplies sent by those that left. Extras and additional information: * She is a combat engineer. As such, Nightscream stays out of a fight most of the time or participates indirectly, however she will intervene if she thinks her skills are needed or the situation is rather dire. * Nightscream has a weird interest in Human culture and is especially fond of the movies. * Voice actor: Lexa Doig * Theme Relations with other characters: * Prsim: Nightscream is neutral to the autobot, often amused by her at times naive and always straightforward approach to things, usually involving explosives or other causes of heavy damage. Suffice to say the seeker know whom to call upon if there is a building block that offends her. She enjoys schooling the younger autobot with mean and harsh devices, but does it in fact out of the goodness of hešr spark, trying to expand her ways of thinking. * Turbulence: She approves of him being in the autobot minority to actually use a flight capable alternate mode, as well as being amazed at his internal design. Unfortunately for her, it doesn't look like she would be able to perform experiments on him any time soon. * Sklog: Having invested lot of her research resources into the former dinobot turned something greater than a predacon, Nightscream is interested in seeing if Sklog's mind would be able to make use of the newfound processing capability and to what potential he can bring her invention. She does harbor some personal bond to the other decepticon, what with seeing him through his reincarnation. * Cyclonus: Primus! And I thought I was the relic of an old era here! * Blackarachnia: Ah, my favorite toy. Too bad it got infested and had to be burned. * Soundwave: Despite bonding to the point of referring to each other as siblings, one look will identify Nightscream as a seeker when the second will identify Soundwave as anything but, disproving the theory of them being related. Their bond goes just as deep though. * Trine: Nightscream did not share the names of her trine, whether they are still alive or what faction they fight for.</s> <|message|>Prism Prism wasn't sure to expect when when listed her troubles to Nightscream. There was little that the former 'con could do to help Prism's memory, and it was safer if her head just wasn't touched at all. She felt bad for Sklog, though. The poor guy couldn't get any treatment either, and his problems were far worse than hers. The orange bot walked with Sklog into the lift once more, her hand slowly raising to touch one of the buttons. Nightscream had told her to stay away from sub-level twenty due to a possibly grotesque sight. Prism followed orders as well as any demolitions expert could. Most times, she'd follow her orders and then some, but there were other times in which her boom sense kicked in and told her what would be far more interesting. Slowly, her hand passed the button to sub three and moved to twenty, pushing it lightly and watching as the doors shut once more. Hopefully Sklog wouldn't get antsy about her choice to disobey Nightscream, given the fact that they were both on the same faction, and she and Sklog not. However, she was not quite sure if Sklog would care of even notice if they weren't going up as far as originally planned.</s> <|message|>Turbulence Per Nightscream's instruction, Turbulence came into the hallway once more and turned left at the only door this side of the corridor. It was pretty easy to find but that probably meant the facility itself was immense as hinted at by the array of windows preceding it. Before entering the room, Turbulence could not help but over hear Nightscream advising both Sklog and Prism not to access Sub-level 20 all because of something visually disturbing. The thought didn't sit too well with him but being as this was a Decepticon laboratory, the same thought didn't surprise him either. Entering the facility, Turbulence could make out several operating tables and berths, most being aligned with the windows as if they were meant to be viewed from the outside. Nightscream lead him to a particular berth that almost appeared more of a torture slab with notable restraints, a console with a set of operating tools, and a mechanical arm of disconcerting appearance. If Turbulence could actually show his face hidden away behind his visor, it would be hard not to tell of his utter disapproval and questionable look. What was this place even for? He was quick to shoot down that question, wishing not to know of its purpose but Nightscream's eventual mention of the robotic limb over the berth never functioning properly had Turbulence in a predicament of quite know how to interpret that piece of detail. "You don't say..." Turbulence declaimed, not hiding the censure in his voice. Turbulence as first hesitated but complied soon after he decided to give the Decepticon Seeker the benefit of the doubt, believing her to be acting with good intentions as he laid back into the berth. However, that vaguely positive sentiment was still overshadowed with his skeptical distrust as he refused to be operated on without his own supervision, "Forgive me...But I would rather be online for this."</s>
<|message|>Nightscream "You don't want to listen to the medic's advice, fine by me." Nightscream shrugged, "Pay the price." she turned around and faced him, a soldering gun in one hand and an angle grinder in the other. Setting the tools on the berth, the seeker took measurements of Turbulence's weight and rotor, quickly calculating how much power the fixed engine would need to dish out at minimum. "Very least I can do for you is try to zap you with a null ray at minimum setting. You'll be numb for a while and then hurt all over but far less than if I just started digging in your guts." she offered for the last time.</s>
<|description|>Kolonis Generally minus the wings and a slightly more human figure, if only for the sake of… kind of blending in. Age: Immortal – confirmed year count 4,732 Gender: Adapts a female appearance and goes by "she". Race: Demon Personality: Deceptive, cunning and tactical. Though she has never betrayed the demon lord, she has betrayed almost every other demon she has come across in some way or another, usually for the sake of her master. The result is a reputation for being almost entirely untrustworthy. She cares not of what others believe or think of her, not really; her skillset is such that she is very difficult to trace, even by the demon lord herself, and she puts these skills into use frequently if she is under the impression someone is out for revenge. She is driven by "something more"; she looks for something beyond raw power, though she has told no being what exactly it is she wants. Alignment: Lawful Evil Class: Demon Runic Mage Equipment Runic Robes: A protective assortment of clothing that is partially intertwined with her skin, soft to the touch and hinting to what many would consider an attractive appearance. These robes give her many of her capabilities. The runes are pure demonic symbols that are nearly invisible in the fabric to human eyes, though they stand out like red beams to those with magical skill if she is not attempting to cloak herself. Runic Beads: Four arrays of beads that are in fact minor runes, each serving certain purposes and generally left to hang out from the aforementioned robes. Said runes can be utilized as extra appendages, though rarely do they come into use for that purpose. Orb: A small, swirling black ball that is always in her hands when attempting more complicated spells that are beyond her basic skillset. Suspected of being at least important to gaining her secrets, if not the very foundation of her knowledge, many have tried to steal it from her. However, it never leaves her grasp, and it has never been stolen. Its exact properties besides being a utility for her spells are unknown. Powers Illusion: Kolonis is capable of creating and maintaining elaborate illusions, either to the minds of multiple weak individuals or a single stronger one. Those with divine abilities and a high amount of raw magical power can override her spells in this field, as can individuals with strong wills – but only if they catch on to her attempts at the outset, as the best illusions are those most believable. Runic Spells: Kolonis utilizes an old art of runic magic, a delicate art requiring extensive knowledge and involving more than a little safety risk. As one of the few demons capable of using it, and the only high-profile one to have mastered it, this knowledge has sustained her position through the years. Runewords can be created in blood, and depending on the type of spell, multiple types of blood. Demonic Nature: As a demon, she has a corrupting influence, a durability far stronger than that of an average human in combat, superior senses/reflexes and some natural control/immunity on the matter of fire. However, she lacks a true demon form. Dematerialization: Kolonis lacks a true demon form, but makes up for it by being able to turn into a dark blue liquid or other non-solid state. Useful for escaping or transportation (though she's not much faster than her solid form) but rather pointless when using spells, as they require all portions of her body to be solid. History: Kolonis was one of the Demon Lord's early supporters, having joined him nearly 5000 years ago. Presumably, she existed before then, though for how long and what she did is entirely unknown. Bringing with him potent spells and skills in the shadows, Kolonis made herself invaluable from the start and steadily rose to be a silent member of the top leadership, playing a hand in many plots and eliminating an array of potential threats to her master. Her first missions consisted of assassinating and otherwise destabilizing the reigns of higher ranking demons, and as her master grew in power, she slowly rose to deal with problems across the board. Eventually, she led many of the preparations for the overworld. Never one for direct combat if possible, and thus rarely seen on the field – sometimes to the ire of her fellow demon - she nonetheless earned at least the respect of her superiors. Said superiors were few in number by the end. Never has she revealed more than a taste of her secrets, and she says absolutely nothing of her past prior to meeting the demon lord. Though Kolonis had slain many heroes who may have caused trouble before her master struck the world, she failed to miss the greatest danger of them all. Originally, the hero appeared irrelevant and entirely escaped her notice. Her concern began when the hero began to circumvent, outwit, or entirely destroy her many traps and precautions. Kolonis prepared many specially tuned curses, spells and enemies in combinations that would have been fatal to any hero. Such was not the case; before long, Kolonis had exhausted a formidable supply of attacks and plans to no good effect. Indeed, it seemed that for every one of Kolonis's failures, the hero became stronger. By the time the demon lord intervened and took personal control of the crisis, it was too late. Kolonis barely escaped as the strongest demons fell or fled one by one. She took to the shadows once more, without a plan or a master. The organization of the demon lord's forces fell into total disarray, and she had very little authority to stop it. Some promised loyalty to Kolonis, only to vanish the moment a plan for counterattack was mentioned. Others shunned Kolonis for surviving and not battling to the end, as one of the demon lord's closest allies. Her reputation was always mixed; now so more than ever, and largely unfavorable towards her.</s> <|message|>Anthony "Tony" Sauf'Cok Tony sighed loudly. First rule in the soldier's manual of not dying: don't go in outnumbered without a plan. That wasn't to say she didn't have a plan, just that if she did, he wasn't exactly seeing its brilliance. But Tony had never been payed to plan, so he could at least respect the girl's willingness to join the fray, regardless of the amount of thought in that decision. Tony dropped his pack as the monk ran off, equipping himself as he did. A freshly sharpened axe and polished shield were his weapons of choice, products of having the luxury to relax and perform weapon maintenance. Tony turned to the rest of the group, ready for battle but not quite ready to jump straight in. "Well, lookd like our glorious leader is joining the fray." He said sarcastically. "What are we going to do about it?"</s> <|message|>Leila Leila's eyes widened once she saw the town burning from a distance. Her fist clenched as she realized they, no, she had been late again. Late to save these people from their terrible fate. "I have to go," she said to the rest of the group before following Feon to the town. She summoned her trusty sword, charging towards the orcs that were surrounding the town guard. Without any kind of hesitation, she killed them all in one single continuous strike, cutting them in half using her enhanced speed and strength. The holy property of her sword certainly helped since they were undead. "Are you alright?" she asked the man, who was still clearly shaking in his boots. "T-the Tyrant... t-the Tyrant's here! R-run! W-we must run! W-we're no match for him!" His pupils dilated as he became overwhelmed with fear. His whole body was trembling. Clearly, he was in no state to fight. Leila however, only caught his words. Sven, Sven is here?, she though to herself. She had to meet him. She had to. And so she rushed in towards the centre of the town. And sure enough, there was him, The Hero, The Tyrant himself in the flesh. "Sven!" she called out to him. "Is that... is that really you?" she asked him, her voice full of disbelief. Gone were the quiet kindness of him. Now she could only see his sadistic smile that was plastered to his face.</s> <|message|>Astiroth Astiroth gazed at the village. "Well I'll be damned." He watched as the monk Feon and Leila ran to the village. "Hey! You got a death wish!?" He stood in a brief silence after when his words were not heeded. "Well guess we could die together. Fight him before he gets stronger." With those last words. He readied his katana and rush after Feon and the village. Right beside Sven stood a horrid abomination of a creature. Purple skin and snow white eyes with tentacles draping fron where his mouth would be. Masrith looked down to see a book. He picked it up and opened it. "Oh. I don't have this in my collection, I-." He was caught off by a detection of new thoughts. Thoughts he could not read but thoughts he could detect. "Sven, a group is approaching from the east." He turned to a human who was running in panick. His mind immediately became dominated. "I will find out more." The human would begin to run toward the group to act as the one who got away. With this and the classic hero group in mind, he would easily get a better look at the group.</s> <|message|>Tysetaz Pethras With other people navigating Kythe was able to let his mind wander while he mindlessly followed. He was dwelling on the meal they had before setting off, it was the best he's had in a long while. It was an enjoyable meal even even if he got some strange looks when he was crunching through the bones for the marrow. He was finally broken from his reverie when they came upon the next town and found it under attack. It didn't take long before three of their party were rushing to it's aid. Seeing nothing else for it he followed as well, coming up to the edge of the town and only needing to deal with one of these orc-things. He took cover behind a building there and peeked out to see Leila rushing toward the center of town. He didn't thing it was the best idea to go rushing into the center of this, especially if Sven was here, but he'd wait here until he could get an opening to help her or until he found out where Feon has got to. --- Tysetaz stood a bit of a distance from Sven overseeing the sacking of the town. For the most part the town guard were kept at bay by the orcs but a few were able to slip by and go for him, but those few were swiftly dealt with by Valerica allowing him to oversee things in relative peace. At least until a knight, one apparently capable of magic, came cleaving through most of the orcish puppets he was commanding and stopped a ways from Sven, calling out to him. Seeing this knight's initial charge Valerica was about to charge after her but Tysetaz held out his staff to stop her "Not yet" With that he waited to see what the knight was up to.</s> <|message|>Alionna Silentread Alionna has slipped away as Garen and Kythe spoke, she could not stand the pain any longer, she had found a run down tavern and undressed. Quickly, she cleaned her curse wounds as best she could and covered them in the healing salve that she made early that day. She felt the wave of relief wash over her, she stood there for a moment with the top half of her body uncovered and allowed the salve to work. Not wasting anymore time she covered her cursed flesh in bandages and slipped back into her robes. The priestess was quite as the group traveled, she had spoken out against the ritual and there was no way she would take some power she was not fated to have. She stuck close to to Garen as he was her only true ally for far and she was truly glad that he was still alive. Alionna's ears twitched as she heard the screaming from ahead, the cries of the village folk snapped the priestess out of her thoughts and watched as the pseudo leader took off with out any command or plan of attack. Ali let out a sigh and ran after the group, she would have to help who she could and get as many of the townsfolk out of the way. She had never made it to a village that was under attack by Sven. The priestess blasted the undead orc as they gave chase to the fleeing people and healed any she could that were still savable. Ali did her best to keep close to the main group, she knew she couldn't help everyone, however, she did what she could.</s> <|message|>Vreskrr @Hammerman Occasionally witnessing a few animals in the distance, the trip to the next village was mostly uneventful. Bored, Vreskrr quickly turned to observing the other party members and the way they carried themselves. Subtly glancing at Alionna and Leila from time to time. Arriving at the village she'd do no more than frown when Feon stormed the village. But when other soon followed, she too decided to follow. Originally she'd gone off on a lazy jog, but revitalized by the screams and the raw emotion, her jog soon reached sprinting speed. Entering the town, Vreskrr completely ignored the orcs, until one attempted to strike a villager in her path. She really was just dodging the orc's strike, but to others it would look as if she'd tackled the orc to prevent it from striking the villager. Crawling up from on tip of the orc, she looked at the villager who then thanked her and ran. "Not a common response." she said to herself before stepping off the orc. It grabbed her leg and attempted to pull it. Now standing on one leg, Vreskrr supported herself with her tail and glared at the orc. "Oi, s***bag, if you value your face, you better let go." She warned it. Of course it paid no mind to her warning and would soon feel her clawed foot pressing down on its face. A cracking sound was heard and the orc let go, judging from the messy pulp that was once his face, he was dead. Looking around for the others she saw Kythe hiding behind a wall and looked at what he seemed to be looking at. "Great. He's here too." She complained, looking at Sven who was looking at...Leila!? Was this girl daft? Just being there was a death sentence, and asking questions wouldn't help that at all. Still, she felt sorry for the girl. Soon she'd be forced to witness what he'd become first-hand. With a sigh she dropped to all fours and rushed to Leila's side, this scene was too tragic, even for Vreskrr.</s>
<|message|>Kolonis Kolonis had stuck to the rear of the pack, and had collected odds and ends here and there back in town and stuck them into her seemingly endless pockets. Her face was expressionless as she followed the group to the besieged town, and carried the same expression when she saw Sven in the distance. Corruption or logic? Certain demons had the ability to corrupt others, and for a while Kolonis had wondered if Sven had simply fought evil too long. But there was always the possibility he believed in what he did completely regardless of outside influence. Whichever it was, he was plainly just a little too powerful to fit into any particular plan. nobody is too powerful to fit into a plan, she told herself. Nobody. There were others besides Sven, and those she took interest in. Others had plainly seen fit to join his cause. Destruction was always a goal that attracted a following, she supposed, though she could only speculate what the exact intentions of any of them were. No doubt to be on top when Sven subdued all possible threats. She made an effort to disguise her nature and to a limited extent her form, cloaking the slightly glimmering runes and masking her demonic signature. Undue attention would most undesirable. Her next task would be to decide just what to do. The dead were being dealt with by the group members ahead of her, and in that distraction she pushed her way through fleeing townsfolk towards a smaller house that seemed abandoned by the dead and living.</s>
<|description|>I will give him the same name... Alexander Zangief, but once he joins the the fists, he will be referred to as Ivar. Age:18 Gender:Male Rank(Disciple, Master, Bully, ECT):Bully Martial Arts Style(Unless you're a disciple): He is a trained boxer. Gang Affiliation(If any): Ragnarok, soon to become one of their most elite members. Looks: Height: 5'6" Backstory: I'll work on this later, guys. <_< >_>.... All I know right now is that scaling up the ranks of Ragnarok, until he becomes the sole leader. He is obsessed with this goal, and will do anything to meet it. Perhaps he has a control problem. I don't know. I'll figure it out. Crush(If any): Personality: Other:</s> <|message|>I will give him the same name... The man rubbed his arms, as Shaz had really left a mark. "Hey!" He exclaimed, as he looked up at the man. "You're not getting off that easy, you punk! Show me some respect, I'm your commanding officer!" He angrily shouted, as he shot out a furious roundhouse to Shaz's head. Attacking when the opponent wasn't looking, a technique for a coward. The man figured if he could catch the Judo user off guard, then he would be able to sweep the floor with him with ease.</s> <|message|>Shaz Shaz caught his leg right before it hit him in the head. "Your trying to hit a man with his back turned only cowards do that huh no wonder why I'm going to take your spot as commanding officer," Shaz said as he grabbed his leg with both hands and throwing him over his slamming him to the ground throwing garbage from a near garbage can on the man. "How bout you just sit there and rot with the rest of the trash because you fit right in," Shin said as he put his hands in his pockets and he began to head off again. (so cool)</s> <|message|>I will give him the same name... Sweat poured down furiously from Niijima's face, as once Shaz had taken away the bag of trash, his hiding spot was completely revealed (he's squatting in the trash can). The boy sighed in relief, as Shaz walked off. 'He didn't notice me...' He thought, as he picked a banana peel off from his head. 'Kiro, my boy, I'm not sure if you'll be able to take this guy, even with your kung fu skills.' He pulled out his PDA, as he got to work on tapping. 'Darn it, this will ruin my entire plan if he gets crushed now! However, it's still always good to root for the winning team...' He weighed his options, as he slowly disappeared back into the trashcan. (Later, near Ryozanpaku...) Niijima peaked around a bush, as he trailed Kiro and Ally back to the dojo. He poked at a few things on his PDA, as he laughed silently. "Looks like I'll be killing two birds with one stone today." He whispered. "My original mission was to have Kiro aware of his new threat, but now..." He continued to whisper to himself, as he crawled through the bushes to continue to follow the pair in secret. "I'll get to see where the kid's been getting all of his amazing power from!" He practically screamed this, as he couldn't help but get excited. "Huh?" Kiro turned his head to look behind him, as he could have sworn he heard someone. "Must've been nothing." He shrugged to Ally, as they continued walking. Niijima shivered slightly, as he lied very low to the ground, holding his mouth to keep himself from making a peep. 'Get a hold of yourself, Niijima!' He slapped himself. 'You're a professional!' He reminded himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We're home, guys!" Kiro yelled out, as he and Ally entered the dojo's grounds. He was slightly nervous today, as the mysterious Master Rekin was suppose to teach him. After Shin whipped him, treated him like a horse, and almost killed him, he just wanted to go back to Asuka. In comparison, the latter was a much more gentle master, he could only imagine what this new teacher had to offer to him. Bakusa was training as usual, as he stood in front of several dozen stone statues. He took in a deep breath, as he charged at his 'opponents'. The Muay Thai God of Destruction threw about ten punches, ten elbow blows, ten kicks, and twenty knee blows, all within the span of about a second. He let out his breath, as he stood on the other side of the statues now. Each one crumbled to pieces, as all that was left now of the statues were their bases. He completely obliterated them all.</s> <|message|>Ally Stein Ally looked around at Kiro's mention of hearing something. She turned to the brush and heard nothing, not even a peep. "Hmm, must be hearing things, Kiro," she answered. No one really took this path, so he could've just heard a scavaging bird. ~~~~~ Ally shook her head at Kiro's introduction. It was silly and she hoped none of the masters found his entrance disrespectful or she might be in on the punishment. "Well, it was nice knowing you," Ally said, placing a sympathetic hand on Kiro's shoulder. Her goal was to scare Kiro a little bit since she didn't get much fun in the dojo. She then made her way into one of the buildings and got ready to train. "Hmm, looks like Kiro isn't ours today," Asuka chuckled to Shin as she watched her two disciples walk in. Even though Kiro wasn't officially her disciple anymore because everyone was training him, she would still call him that. "How about some of that tea you promised so we can mourn our loss?" she chuckled. She didn't need to worry about Ally as the girl would have to do warmups before any technique training or conditioning.</s> <|message|>I will give him the same name... Niijima stood in front of the enormous gate, as he shoved his PDA back into his pocket. "Wow, that's one intimidating door." He laughed, as he proceeded to try and push open one of the doors. It wouldn't budge one bit! "They must have locked it from the other side." Niijima wrongly assumed, as he started to walk back down the path he had just came from. "Oh well, what is a spy suppose to do..." He shrugged, supposedly giving up, until he suddenly stopped. "Niijima jump!" He screamed, as he pulled off an amazing jump onto the flat part of the gate's roof. He wobbled on the gate, as he struggled to keep his balance. He got onto his belly, as he dangled his leg on the other side of the gate, slowly easing himself down so the drop wouldn't be so bad. Suddenly he looked up, as he could feel several eyes watching him.</s> <|message|>Rekin Izima "Okay Kiro, I understand that no one taught you the greatest martial art of them all...Chinese kenpo." Rekin said nodding at himself "So I'll teach you a new technique." he said getting in a fighting stance "So Kiro what you want to do is..." the master stopped as he noticed someone on the wall of the dojo Another disciple? Rekin thought to himself, still staring at the boy who was now over the wall "Quick, boy come over here you're going to miss the lesson!" the man shouted concerned about the kid.</s> <|message|>Shin Sizmura "Sadly he isn't ours now who is going to get my tea?" Shin complained as he did a sigh. Shin looked torwards the direction of Niijima felt a strange feeling of a intruder, "Huh...I Sense a..a.." Shaz thought, "A weakling!" Shin yelled as he ran in the to see the intruder. "An alien and he is here to steal my tea!!" Shin yelled as he pointed at the Niijima. "Your messing with the wrong guy I've killed a man for touching my tea!" Shin yelled as a joke (or not) as Shin ran straight to the alien looking boy as he began to swing a kick that would clearly make Niijima go flying.</s> <|message|>I will give him the same name... Kiro slowly turned around, confused at his masters' comments, as he watched Shin fly at Niijima. "What are you doing here!? Niijima quick, look out, he's a monster when it comes to his tea!" Kiro cried out to his schoolmate, as tears streamed down from his face. It was over for Niijima, Shin was one of the strongest guys he knew. He didn't like the alienoid, but he definitely didn't want to see him die! "No, please!" Niijima exclaimed, as he held out a single hand to try and stop Shin. "Please, shinigami, spare me for entering your sacred land!" He begged for his life, as he closed his eyes tightly to prepare for the kick. Bakusa sighed at the commotion from the other masters. Even a man without any eyes could tell Niijima was of no threat to them.</s> <|message|>Asuka Honda "Shin!" Asuka shouted and sprinted. She leaped and got behind Shin, lacing one arm under one armpit and placing it behind his head, the other around his neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to choke him, not a deadly amount of force of course, and twisted so she would absorb the impact against the gate instead of Shin. They hit creating a loud echoing along the ground and Asuka released Shin. "That's just a kid! He doesn't want your tea!" Her back hurt a little from the hard impact but she would be just fine. "Kiro, you know this boy?"</s>
<|message|>I will give him the same name... Niijima carefully climbed down from the wall, as he made his way behind Kiro, for protection. "Kiro, you knows these monsters?" He whispered into his ear, as he ducked a bit to conceal himself from the others. Maybe they would forget he existed. "Yes, sadly." Kiro sighed in response to both, as he pushed Niijima a bit away from him. "This is just an annoying pest from my school." Kiro mumbled, as he shot Niijima a look. "And these guys," He told Niijima, as he gestured to his masters. Bakusa joined the crowd, as he crossed his arms at the newcomer. He prayed to himself that it wasn't yet another disciple. "Your loyal underlings that would be willing to do whatever you say?!" Niijima quickly tried to finish his sentence, as he put on quite the menacing grin. "Oh, what I could do with some powerful beings like them..." The pointy-eared man laughed, as he imagined the carnage and destruction he could bring with them under his thumb. "Uh, no, quite the opposite, actually." Kiro laughed awkwardly, as he tried to explain. "These guys are my masters. There's Asuka, Bakusa, Rekin, Shin, and the Elder, Muhai, but he's away on business right now." The boy explained, gesturing to each one as he named them for Niijima. "I see, I see. It's all starting to make sense now." Niijima pulled out his PDA again, as he started to tap away, probably relating to the new information he had been given by Kiro. "Hey, this isn't show and tell, you punk!" Bakusa angrily yelled at the newcomer, as he raised a single fist. "You better start explaining what you were doing here, or else I might not be able to stop myself any longer from pounding your face in." He threatened. "Yeah, Niijima, why are you here, anyway? How did you even know where to find this place?" Kiro questioned, he didn't really think about it through all of the intensity from Shin and Asuka. Niijima took a step back, as he shook in fear at the intimidating masters just beyond Kiro. "Y-Yes, yes," Niijima stuttered, as he turned the PDA's screen to face Kiro and his masters. It was a picture of some long-haired guy with sunglasses. "This is Shaz Fujishima, and word on the street is that he's looking for you, buddy! As for how I got here, don't you worry your little head about that!" Niijima exclaimed, as he pointed to Kiro. "M-Me!? What the heck does he want with me!?" Kiro asked, although, he already had a good answer as to why. "You see, Shaz is apart of the gang Ragnarok. Ragnarok, the most dangerous gang in the whole district, heard about your little fight with Ijime (somehow), and now wants you to either join them, or be crushed by them. It doesn't look like this guy has any intent on leaving you unscathed, though. He's looking for a fight, rather you want to join Ragnarok or not. The guy sort of just does what he wants." Niijima shared his info with Kiro, as even though it all seemed rather serious, he still had his usual wicked smile. Kiro's face went pale white, as he sunk to the ground. "What am I going to do!? He looks pretty tough." Kiro cried. "My intel tells me he's a master in judo, Iron Grip Shaz they call him, because once you get in his grip, you're done for! Impossible to escape from! I've seen it first hand, you don't get out unless he wants you to." Niijima laughed as if he wanted Kiro to be afraid, as the pointy-eared boy recalled the match between Shaz and the other member of Ragnarok. "Oh, a fight? Is that all?" Bakusa laughed, as if it weren't that big of a deal. "You better watch out, Kiro, this judo guy does sound pretty tough. I'm not sure if you're ready for all that yet, kid." The master seemed like he had more to say, but couldn't get it all out from all of his laughter, as he patted the disciple on the back. His face suddenly turned stone cold. "Now, if that's all you came to say, you best be leaving, Pointy Ears. This is a dojo for martial artists, unless of course, you're looking to spar." The blind man informed him. 'H-How did he know I had pointy ears!?' Niijima frighteningly questioned in his mind, as he slowly started to back away from the Muay Thai Demon. "Well, that's all I wanted to stop by and tell you, Kiro!" Niijima nervously informed, as he quickly turned around in a sprint. If he stayed around any longer, he'd probably be killed! "I'll see you around at school," He did his famous Niijima Jump, as he hopped onto the roof of the gate. "or not..." He laughed wickedly, as he climbed back over. "Hey, wait! What do you mean by that!? Come back here!" Kiro angrily exclaimed at Niijima, but it was already far too late. The alienoid demon was gone. Kiro lied on the ground, as he got into a fetal position. "I'm going to die, again." Kiro mumbled to himself, as he remembered when Shin had almost 'killed' him by using the pressure point technique. "Iron Grip Shaz? Anyone with a nickname like that has to be extremely strong. You guys warned me this would happen, and now one of the most dangerous gangs around wants me to beat the crap out of me..." He continued to mumble.</s>
<|description|>Arthur St. Anger Gender: Male Age: 46 Stand: Space Oddity Appearance: Standing at 6'7" and weighing almost 300 pounds, Arthur is, though a little more portly than muscular nowadays, an imposing figure. His thick, short, burnt orange hair, while somewhat receded up top, is most splendid in his enormous walrus mustache, though his body hair is more than substantial. Laugh lines surround his dark brown eyes. Though partial to ordinary suits, when not on official business he tends to ditch the jacket and go for dark purple slacks with matching suspenders over a mustard-yellow Hawaiian shirt covered in different small animals. Black shoes and a black watch complete his average look Personality: A pleasant man, strong-willed and confident, amicable to strangers and an unfailing ally to friends—Arthur St. Anger is someone hard to dismiss or ignore, especially given his general showiness and over-the-top, almost hammy behavior. Arthur is, however, more than a big goof. While his smiling heart is by no means a mere facade, he does harbor a less visible side; he is pragmatic, wanting to be in control at all times, and sports very few compunctions about doing what he feels is necessary, though his overriding principles are good. For instance, he believes murder is wrong, but if someone were to attack him or his family, he would have no qualms about shooting such an individual first and asking questions later. As such, it can be said that he is both intelligent and instinctual, a man unafraid to stand up and fight for what he believes in, but more than content to be a lovable spectacle most of the time Skills: Though one might look at Arthur and see either a brute or an oaf, he is neither of these things. While it's true that he possesses a massive amount of physical strength which his lingering mastery of grappling can put to great use, his heart and mind may be his greatest weapons; he is empathetic, considerate, and clever quick to understand things about others, including what they are feeling, making him able to win other people over. In short, he is charismatic to and likable for most people, though of course he can also be more than a little intimidating, particularly when he employs a certain pragmatic cunning without hesitation History: Born in Oshawa, Canada, Arthur suffered a troubled childhood. The commonplace absence of his mother, an indulgent woman who fancied herself part of a society significantly higher than her household's wealth would imply, meant that his overworked father couldn't spare much time for his son. Ostracized at school for his size, Arthur got into his fair share of fights, more than often losing them due to his slow speed and then taking all the blame. Things looked dark for him until he found an idol, shining in the dark—ChallengeMania, the show based around the Northern Championship Wrestling organization. Awed by the pillars of masculinity who battled in events of incredible strength and tenacity, telling sagas of heroic faces and devious heels, Arthur devoted himself to the idea of becoming a wrestler. Before long, he felt that he found a place where he belonged. Gaining friend after friend from his classes, he trained his physique along with his skills. The tenets of wrestling seeped into his normal life, turning his aspirations toward excellence in order to rise above all that would put him down. His redoubled his effort in school, and things turned for the better. He was determined to do it all wearing a smile, only wavering in the depressing period during which his parents divorced. After graduating high school, he split his focus between a warehouse job and wrestling, working at both until he could enter both a local wrestling league and attend Trent University Durham. Though things were difficult, he never ceased in his struggle. During his time at school, working on a degree in business, he became acquainted with a certain Bree Selvick, and natural chemistry between the two bloomed into a good relationship. Years later, in his crowning moment, Arthur stood in the spotlight with the local champion's belt around his waist and his fiancee cheering him on. After that, the years trudged by. Arthur's burning spirit cooled, though he continued to wrestle alongside his labor as a marketer. This did not change much after he and his wife moved to the capitol of Ottawa, though it wasn't too long after that when Bree gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl that she and her husband named Seth and Aster. After a while, however, things settled down, and gradually Arthur began to grow dissatisfied. He felt as though he'd fallen into a rut, and yearned for something different, or perhaps something forgotten: the glory of his earlier days. He used some of his leverage in the industry to look into various venues of wrestling, visiting different places across Canada and the United States in search of thrilling novelty. It was in this manner that he stumbled onto something utterly abnormal. To this day Arthur can scarcely recall what happened in a remote part of St. Louis, but he can remember glimpses of a hidden MMA ring, a frigid cell, a kaleidoscopic light in his mind, a headless figure of shadows and steel far too large to be human, and a tattooed man standing before a great clockwork insect. As far as he knows, it might have just been a nightmare, but he cannot question its repercussions. Since that hazy day he has never been alone, accompanied by a silvery seer that nobody else can see, coming and going at his beck and call to accomplish incredible things. Just as he wished, his life did get more interesting; every so often, whether as Arthur the businessman or Saint Anger the wrestler, he happened upon someone else harboring a hidden side not unlike his own, commanding powers as variable as they were strange. Some encounters ended in anticlimax, truce, or even friendship, but many ended in violence, forcing Arthur to take measures to protect himself and his family. Drifting away from the wrestling world, he worked to strengthen his own abilities and expertise. As a result, his experience and knowledge grew over the years, and as of late the former wrestler from Canada has become something of an establishment in the enigmatic world of Stands. His desire to rediscover the secret society in St. Louis that started him on this new path remains strong, but his number-one priority never did change: to protect and care for his family. Other: Joseph Stand Name: Space Oddity Stand Parameters: Power: B Speed: D Range: D Staying: B Precision: C Learning: D Stand Description: A bipedal, close-range, wearable, power-type Stand, Space Oddity takes the form of an oversized humanoid of ornate, celestial metal. Its size is such that despite its thinner frame its hands are about the same size as its user's. As such, it often only manifests from the torso up, rising from the ground behind or near its user. Rather than a head, it has a number of angular metal struts jutting out from its collar somewhat like the ramparts of a tower; its true head, a miniature maelstrom of purple energy with a golden, diamond-shaped locus in the middle, only appears when the Stand uses its power Power Description: Space Oddity's ability, which is anything but simple, revolves around compound words. Most explicitly, it is able to split apart anything truly describable with a compound word into the two things that compose that compound word; this power also works in reverse, able to fuse two things together into something else so long as those two things' words make a compound word when put together. This is accomplished by projecting a purplish wave from the Stand's hands, which travels quickly and upon contacting a suitable candidate for fusion or de-fusion becomes an aura around it, a suitable candidate being something that is already a compound word or is within a few feet of something else with which it can become a compound word. Once a candidate is surrounded with the aura, it begins to vibrate and give off a shimmering effect, and Space Oddity either gestures with its hands to pull the thing apart, or to bring two candidates closer together until the candidate/s either split or merge in a surge of cosmic energy. The result or results of the Stand's ability can be concrete, but often time the word describing it can be multiple things, so Space Oddity uses context clues o precedence, including its surroundings, to choose what is done. Faithful representation is balanced out with what makes the most sense with reality as well as consistency, often picking what the most people would first think of when the word in question is spoken to them. -De-fusing something can have supernatural or abstract results. In such cases, adjectives are typically applied to their surroundings where applicable, and verbs are enacted -By default, a thing is only a candidate for defusion based on its real, normal name, but if Space Oddity hears a noncandidate described as something that would make it a candidate and judges it accurate, that thing becomes a candidate -Only nouns can be candidates for fusion -Living things are more difficult to act upon, taking more concentration and time, leaving the Stand and its user vulnerable -A living thing defused by the Stand's ability retains its soul, defaulting to whatever product more closely represents what came before; two living things fused together result in a combined soul, though it can be separated -While Space Oddity acting on its own projects energy from its hands, its effect can also be achieved by touch if its hands are worn by its user, and in such a case candidates must either be physically pulled apart or shoved together -Fusing an inedible hunk of dough and a nut together to make a delicious doughnut -Fusing a house key and a length of chain together to make a keychain -Fusing a plastic sun and a pair of spectacles to make sunglasses -Fusing a razor blade and a light switch to make a switchblade -Defusing a cupboard into a cup and a board -Defusing a raindeer into rain and a deer, resulting in a normal deer and causing spontaneous rain in the current region -Defusing a teardrop into a tear and a drop, resulting in a gash being ripped in the closest available surface and a potent momentary increase in gravity in the surrounding area -Defusing a smartbomb into a bomb (a round black bomb with a wick, the most recognizable representation of 'bomb') and 'smart', which manifests as a temporary intelligence boost for everyone in the vicinity Other:</s> <|message|>Leonard Skinner Leonard's motorcycle slowed to a stop as he pulled into the parking lot of the US National Arboretum, coming to a complete stop in the bike parking section. At that time he pocketed his keys, pulled off his helmet, and checked his cell phone. "The US National Arboretum, 446 acres in size with 9 miles of path and trail. The chances our target has chosen this precise location as venue are low enough. The additional probability that we encounter him take a slim possibility and run it further toward the ground. Ergo, it would be prudent to separate for this search." He pocketed his cellular phone, then slid off his motorcycle, followed by packing up his helmet into the bike's saddlebag. As he followed each motion, he continued to speak. "Knowledge fails to equate to experience. Therefore should you locate our target, do not engage by yourself. As our reports indicate he is already taking advantage of his stand, the idea that he outclasses you in stand combat at this point is a near certainty. You possess my business card, you can contact me. If you would, afford me a text message so that I might be able to make you aware of our target's presence as well."</s> <|message|>Laurie Blue --- Blue stood outside the Smithsonian Gardens, a neutral expression on her face as she entered slowly. The place was large but she could make good time if she tried. She yawned, stretching a bit and ignoring the people that looked boring. Uninteresting. She set off deeper, heading towards the greenhouses. If the Target was a plant person it made sense that the greenhouses would be the first place to look. From there she could expand her search as necessary, the gardens themselves could accommodate a comedy act for a fool. The place was serene, she had to admit, with plenty of open spaces outside of the large building that housed the archives. Or something. She didn't find that interesting, and it seemed like an unlikely location anyways. Last on her list to check, at any rate. She walked casually, keeping a look out for anything that might be a clue.</s> <|message|>Mieke Choux ❣ American Daydream - Electric Guest ❣ ➳ --- Mieke stepped off the bike, trying to tame her hair, which had tried its best to strangle her during the ride. Looking at the arboretum, she couldn't help but feel a little excited. It was huge and beautiful, the kind of place she could spend an entire day exploring and not get tired of it. What overshadowed the excitement, however, was the nervousness that twisted up her guts at the idea of splitting up. She pushed it down, though, because she couldn't think of any better plan. How could she object just because it made her uncomfortable? She just nodded in response to Leonard's suggestion. "Gotcha," she took out her phone and shot him a text, just a waving emoji. Once they separated, Mieke mentally went over the information she had on the target. She knew that he used some kind of comedy act to steal people's things. And… that was it, really. Not a lot to go on, but it was a start. Walking around the arboretum, she realized that she was starting to relax quite a bit. The environment was perfect, as far as she was concerned; calm, pleasant, and pretty, and she blended in just fine. A slight smile came to her face as she looked around, keeping an eye out for any crowds.</s>
<|message|>Arthur St. Anger Following his return to the van and a quick 'hello' to Hogan, Arthur seated himself behind the wheel and pored over the list he extracted from the library's database. He did not take long to conclude that out of every option, DC Improv appeared to be the most popular, or at least the most visited. That meant a decent chance of finding his target there—at least, compared to the chance of finding the person of interest at any of the others, for there were many choices for how little there was to go on. Trying to find a single person at any one of these places seemed no better than fumbling in the dark, or throwing a dart blindfolded. He needed to narrow down his search. Arthur glanced through the window, back at the route he came. Should he go back in and try to find more information? A lightbulb went off in his head. He was, after all, part of a team. A moment of rummaging in his pockets produced Skinner's business card, and the mustached man set about punching the numbers into his phone. A couple rings came through the line, then a click? "Hello?" Hogan would be able to hear from the van's from. "It's me, Arthur. I've just gotten a list of the city comedy clubs. If you've turned up any info on any gardens or anything, we can help each other out by figuring out places to go that have both clubs and gardens nearby."</s>
<|description|>Felix Dromas Race: Human and Tulak (Though he's almost indistinguishable from a normal human) Age: 24 Gender: male Appearance: Standing at a height of 5' 11" Felix is pretty unimposing. He doesn't look terribly muscular, but that's the cost of being mostly cybernetic. Equipment: 6 Flashbang grenades Stun Baton Rail Amp'd Hand Cannon- Felix's weapon of choice, only has three shots to the magazine. He generally carries eight mags on his person. Generally requires cybernetic limbs or at least specially designed braces to keep the user from snapping their wrist firing it at full power. Naturally he's gotta be a bit careful firing it near windows or weak points on the ship. Attunement/enhancements: Felix is about 50% prosthetic after his very close encounter with death. His arms, legs and eyes have been completely replaced with top of the line cybernetics. Unfortunately the human brain isn't meant to run this much equipment, so a standard VI was installed to help him regulate the functions of each and increase his overall effectiveness. His eyes, despite looking almost completely normal are also prosthetic. ProstheTech MK III artificial limbs- Between titanium alloys and carbon fiber joints, these limbs are pretty difficult to damage. The powerful mechanisms allow these limbs to exert more strength than their standard human counterparts while still looking the same using synthetic skin. Most people would be almost completely unable to distinguish the two unless they were damaged. ProstheTech MK II artificial eyes- Using enhanced cameras these devices simulate eyesight in those that either lost their own or never had it. This allows the user to bring up Heads Up Displays and other nifty functions through the neural interface. Virtus VI- More of a utility VI than anything else, the Virtus helps Felix keep all of his cybernetics running. It also allows him to run basic scans within a small (5 meter) radius. It only recognizes basic commands he gives it, but he still treats it like an AI with a mind of its own. Unique Abilities : Proximity scan: Felix's VI is able to scan nearby technology and to a lesser extent organic materials. As a combat-engineer however, his interest is purely in the tech. Overclock: Felix can overclock his cybernetic enhancements to dangerous levels in serious situations strengthening his limbs and allowing him to react faster. Like a computer, this produces a dangerous amount of heat and is only used in very specific situations. Personality: Felix has seen, no, experienced some things that no living being should. Being dismembered and tortured left deep mental scars that not even a psych expert can begin to decrypt. Other than that, he is a fairly charismatic individual that is surprisingly softhearted outside of combat. Due to his own circumstances, he fully believes that at least some of the prisoners weren't horrible enough to be sent on the Alcatraz. Bio: Felix was born to a Tulak mother and Human father, a union that was slightly unorthodox at the time. While the two races were fairly friendly towards one another, it was still taboo for Tulak to mate with outsiders. Because of this, Felix was raised on a human colony with his mother disguising her horns to fit in. It wasn't until he was fourteen that he joined the colony's militia. A band of raiders had been harassing the settlement and forcing them to give up their already meager rations. Of course, the militia's job was to prevent this...but the leaders decided against it due to the sheer number of raiders and the obvious result. Felix decided that it couldn't continue. What was the point of having a militia if it didn't protect anything? Why train citizens to wield weapons and then tell them they can't use them to fight back? Being the stupid kid he was, Felix sneaked to the raider camp in an attempt to deal with them once and for all. With the belief that he was saving his family and home, he took the shot that killed the raider leader. In an obvious turn of events, this didn't work out. His position was quickly found and he was tortured to a state that would make death seem like a mercy. His arms and legs ruthlessly ripped off and the sockets healed to prevent him from dying. The raider life wielder used their magic to keep him conscious the whole time as even his eyes were plucked from his head, leaving him a wailing torso and head that couldn't see anything as the raiders burned the colony to the ground. All he could do was scream as he heard everything he had set out to save being destroyed. Eventually his screaming turned to sobs as he heard the carnage around him. In the aftermath, the colony was essentially erased from the surface of the planet and Felix was left to die in the ruins. In perhaps a final act of defiance, Felix stayed alive for days until the shuttle that normally left supplies for the colony arrived. They picked up what was left of him and brought him back to earth to recover. The therapy, the prosthetic limbs, everything. It was all paid for by the reward for killing the raider leader. Apparently his bounty was in the millions, and the group that he had led slowly dispersed after his death. That was the closest thing to a victory Felix could claim for his actions, though the mountain of corpses that had resulted shadowed over it. It was an obvious choice to join the UN's military after that, fighting the bad guys and all that. Of course, that was also complicated when his bloodwork revealed his ancestry. Being half Tulak made Felix a potential diplomatic tool with the anti-human groups that constantly lobbying for war between the Tulak and Human races. It was on what was supposed to be a simple escort mission that everything fell apart once more. In a final effort to appeal to the leader of Tulak nationalist group, Felix's helmet was removed and the small nubs on his head were revealed. Though, instead of the intended effect of bridging the hostilities between the two groups, this enraged the man and led to a massacre on both sides that Felix was "lucky" to have survived. The diplomatic disaster that ensued after this was pegged on him as he was the sole survivor of the humans that had been present. Tulak citizens cried for his death, humans tried to defend him, the governments played tug of war as they do. The final result was him being stationed on board the Alcatraz as a guard and engineer. The fact that this compromise was acceptable to both governments was more frightening than comforting.</s> <|message|>Yvene Twiddling with her hair, Yvene laid back against the wall that connected with the cot. What else was she going to do? Maybe nap, maybe-.. Aw fuck.. Gunshots echoed through the cell block, screaming and just general chaos seeming to erupt at an all time high. Screams of terror were normal sure as well as the ocassional well timed warning shot. This, though, sounded as if there was either a full blown riot going on or the guards had lost their mind finally. Of course Yvene couldn't really blame them. She sure as shit wasn't going down without a fight in any scenario she could make up in her head. Her ears pricked as she heard some panicked chatter. She could only make our bits and pieces as they were semi-close and out of view. " least give us a fighting chance against whatever is causing.."-"someone like me would want to keep someone as useful as you alive.." She couldn't exactly see who it was and she wasn't particularly interested in whoever it was. The urge to get out of this prison cell rose in a way it hadn't since she got on the ship. The first week was spent throwing herself at the door, screaming at anyone who walked past in a blind fit of fury. Since then Yvene had truly calmed down and stayed complicit for the most part. Not today, today was not the day to stay complicit. She called out to whoever was talking, either person as she wasn't sure who was who. Clearly though one person stood out of the cells with what she presumed was a crumb of power to release them. "It would really, really suck for you to just keep us in here you know. I have no idea what's running through that little brain of yours, person I dunno but I hope you have a shred of morality. We might be criminals but we deserve some decency. Like uh, not sharing the fate of whatever is going on down there, and seemingly heading this way. So please?" She pleaded to the door, pressing up against it. Struggling to get a good look, Yvene slumped back. Anxiety floods her body, making her incredibly nauseous. The cells in her body wouldn't stop vibrating, out of fear and partial excitement. Something was going down, and something horrible. Though the thrill of anything other than a tiny cramped cell and the buzzing of the fluorescent lights brought a twinge of excitement. The fact of all of them might be released as well was certainly...A thought. There were no strong feelings either way about facing the rest of the beings stuck on this mechanical contraption. The worry more so laid on the sounds of death from the other block. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she silently cursed herself for not being able to keep her composure more. The promise of death tends to shake one up a bit.</s> <|message|>Ziola Ozro Ziola suppressed the urge to sigh. She hadn't expected the technician would let on much, so she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up. "Nothing new then," she muttered, although she couldn't shake the feeling something was up. She slumped back onto the bed, looking away as she once again listened in. Coughs sounded from the feed, along with the voices of medics. Some kind of outbreak? The need to do something kicked in, instilled in her by years of medical training and practice, but it wasn't like she could any more. Her days as a doctor were long behind her. Fists clenched, she enhanced her hearing again, to pick up what the medics were saying. Just in time for a cacophony of screams and gunshots to bombard her ears. She gasped and ended the effect at once, reeling from both overwhelm and horror. While she'd dealt with some grisly situations during her career, nothing had ever compared to what she heard now. The staccato of gunfire gave way to crackling and snapping. Flames. Another shot. Silence. She stared at the two men, the technician's face paling as he took it all in. "Correction...Things aren't alright at all," he replied. Ziola gave a grim nod. "That's putting it mildly, by the sound of it. Y'know it's all hit the fan when a paranoid guy has every right to be." She stood, pressing a hand against the glass. Although she fought to breathe deeply, and kept her expression as composed as possible to tamp down panic, she'd probably gone as sickly pale as the technician. Other prisoners called out, trying to convince him to help - as if he was at all likely to do so. Right now, she wished more than ever she and the others could put faith in the staff here. Even so, there was nothing to lose by trying. "They're right. Please, listen to us. If part of your job is to watch over us, then it's also part of your job to make sure we don't end up as overcooked mincemeat." She edged closer to where her medical kit and surgical tools were stored, ready to grab them. "We'll all stand more of a chance if you let us out. All of us, including you."</s>
<|message|>Felix Dromas Felix's fear bled slightly into frustration at everyone suddenly trying to tell him what to do. His color returning a bit as a result. This was why he had requested portable terminals of some sort so he could operate with some level of privacy. Of course, he agreed with the prisoners...But hearing several people trying to pressure him into essentially breaking them out was a bit grating. He sighed, slightly exasperated before deciding to respond to them all at once. "I'm assigned purely as an engineer today, not a guard. My current duty is essentially keeping the lights and AC running, not watching over your safety." Felix clenched his fist. "That said, it means I'm also not currently in charge of keeping you all in those cells." With a few swipes of his fingers on the terminal that had started this whole mess, several cell doors opened as did the cases to their occupants' property. "Oh, it seems several prisoners have been marked as deceased. Must be something in the water." Of course, he immediately regretted this decision somewhat as he heard a sharp cough ring out nearby. He felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead as he immediately realised what that meant. He had Virtus run a scan of his own vitals and was grateful to see nothing currently amiss. "Okay, everyone in earshot. We've got a few minutes at most to get out of here and get to the medical bay in the hopes that we're not just spreading some plague to the rest of the ship." If Felix had more time he'd get somebody down here to give all of these people a medical scan to clear them separately. He considered the random scientist's words from before. Releasing prisoners like this would be chaotic on a good day, and he wasn't exactly confident he could rally them to a cause of any sort. "Not like there's anything to lose." He said, shaking off his hesitation he began the process of opening the entire block...only to notice that the terminal had locked up. Either they were onto him, or things were kicking off ahead of schedule. Felix patched his radio to the med bay in an attempt to reach the ship's head doctor. "Lea, it's Felix. I don't have much time to talk, but I'm on my way up there with a few prisoners. It's an emergen-" Felix heard the connection sever. Okay, they were definitely onto him. At least he'd managed to free a few people beforehand. That's when an idea struck him, something a mischievous prisoner had done in the first year aboard. He sprinted over to a seemingly random point near the terminal and ripped off an inconspicuous wall panel. A nexus of wires was seen, much to both Felix's relief and disappointment. The wiring in these cell blocks was atrocious, like the containment of prisoners was a low priority on a vessel with zero chance of escape. Felix turned his stun baton to the highest shock setting and forced it into the nexus, causing a rolling blackout as a wave of short circuits forced much of the block and even the neighboring blocks into the ominous red glow that indicated emergency power. He felt slightly sick, it took him two months to rewire that block last time that happened. Obviously he couldn't communicate with all of the prisoners that his actions just freed, but them being able to grab their gear and cause some chaos would at least buy time. Internally he laughed at his own actions, within literally a few minutes he'd turned traitor and started what would likely become a huge riot. Then again, what were his superiors gonna do? Throw him in prison? "Maybe if we can let Dr.Bursmir know what's going on she can do something about whatever's spreading through the ship. I don't know, this wasn't exactly in the handbook." Felix said. A few more coughs rang out further down the block as some of the prisoners realised they were free. As rough as it was to just leave these prisoners to the Draughts, it seemed that whatever was ailing these people was considerably worse. The fact that one of the Sentries literally took himself out just because he had been coughed on. Plus the flamethrowers being used to finish things...Perhaps these people were already doomed. Felix shook his head and cleared himself of those thoughts. At least his actions allowed them to not simply die helpless in their cells. That justification didn't exactly make him feel great about the situation, but it did allow him to stick to the issue at hand.</s>
<|description|>Morgen Sawyer Age: 15 Sex: Male Hair: Auburn. Couple inches long, tends to curl out as it grows. Eye: Greenish, though they're discolored like fogged glass, indicating his blindness. If you're up-close in his face, you can notice the bright amber limbal rings around his eyes, rune-scribing that marks him as an Astral Conduit. Family: Morgen has a twin sister named Morwen, and five younger siblings who he hasn't seen in two years. His younger siblings and parents are believed to be living back in their old home village. Affiliations: He was briefly part of the Miraculum for about a year after he and his sister were taken from their home village. Home: Morgen was born and raised in a small village in the far reaches of the Wastelands. The village was known for harvesting petrified wood and trading with nearby outposts, and was known as Stonework. Magic: He's an Astral Conduit, though still fairly knew at it. He can easily project himself into his dog, Spot, and is comfortable and skilled at controlling her. He's also found he's able to see through Morwen's eyes at times, though like most Astral Conduits, he's unable to "control" her as she is human. He hasn't tried his hand at other animals as of the start of our story. Inventory: He carries a ratty old knapsack around, but it's usually empty unless his sister finds something of use to stow away in it. He carries a canteen and a small hunting knife on his person, but otherwise nothing else of real note. The only real treasure of his is a silver coin with a crude carving of a dog on it kept on a leather cord around his neck. Combat: Morgen isn't much of a fighter, considering his blindness. When forced into a combat situation, he relies on shifting to his dog, Spot, for defense of himself and his sister. Spot is a large dog with pointed ears. Despite her name, she has no spots on her body at all, and is a solid black, dark as pitch. She stands about three feet high at the shoulder, with a broad chest and a matted, bushy tail. History: Morgen was born in Stonework a few short minutes after his twin sister, Morwen. They are the eldest of five other children, born to a couple of loggers who worked the petrified woods around their hometown of Stonework. Morgen and his sister were bought by the Miraculum from their parents when they were twelve. Trade was doing poorly in their hometown due to a nearby elemental mutant wreaking havoc on the forests, and their parents needed coin to support the other children. The twins fled the organization when Morwen overhead them wanting to dispose of her brother, thinking he was incapable of Astral projection when he failed to demonstrate his abilities over the course of a year. Other: Morgen is completely blind and relies on his newfound abilities as a conduit and his sister to survive.</s> <|message|>Morwen Sawyer "Oh! Oh right!" Morwen sat up and tapped her forehead, "Sorry, I...I didn't even consider that. Sorry." She rose from the bed to stand by her brother. The air was still sticky. Morwen could almost feel the electricity in the air, the rain would come in a matter of hours. The elder twin looked to her brother, the shabby clothes, the dirtied hair and face. She then caught her reflection in the mirror, she looked much of the same, her hair longer and knotted from days of mistreatment. Morwen knew Mom and Dad raised them better than this. "We have a few cores left." She stated, "Let's go to the market before it closes, get some of those end of the day deals. New outfits, a brush, some soap. We have to look presentable." A quick pat to her side confirmed that she still had the pouch. She grabbed Morgen's hand, heading quickly to the market. It had been a long time since Morwen was this excited. She and her brother beelined it to the stall with the clothing earlier. They still had the dresses up. Colorful ones, printed ones, long and short ones. Morwen bite her lower lip in excitement. "Morgen...Morgen. Should we match? Should we choose similar colors? There's so many choices." She said in a hushed whisper, "I like the red flowered one. You could wear" "Pick quickly. We're closing soon." The man snapped as he interrupted Morwen's babbling. He was younger then the inn keeper, but his eyes were shrewd. He eyed the two filthy twins. Clearly already agitated with the last minute customers. Morwen nodding quickly. "R-Right." She looked to her brother expectantly.</s> <|message|>Morgen Sawyer Morgen frowned lightly at her insistence, but he wouldn't argue with her; he rarely did. If she wanted to get dressed up for their parents, he guessed he didn't have any real good reason to say otherwise. Maybe he cared less about how they looked since this is how they had /always/ looked, to him. He'd never seen Morwen with washed, combed hair, or himself without the dirt smudging his face. The first time he ever saw anything was shortly after their escape from the Miraculum, when he'd seen through his sister's eyes. They'd been starving and ratty then, and maybe it was because he'd never seen before, but he didn't really understand what the big deal was. His shoulders hunched up when they returned to the streets, as if to ward off prying eyes and loud noises from all around. He kept his head down, obediently following in Morwen's footsteps, led along like a mule at the end of a rope. When she stopped, he paused beside her, waiting as she browsed the clothing. He could almost feel the shopkeep's impatience before the man even spoke. The boy shifted uncomfortable on his feet, head bowed. An awkward silence lapsed between them before he realized she was waiting for his response. His brow furrowed as he tried to recall the different colors Morwen had shown him on the rare occasions he peeked through her eyes. "Um... well. I guess I kinda like green..." He shook his head, then, and shrugged. "Just pick somethin' nice if you're gonna... I wanna go back to inside. I'm hungry." She could worry over clothes all she wanted; Morgen would worry about the food, what half-decent meal maybe they'd get tonight. It'd been two days since their last meal, a two-headed snake whose head had been crushed beneath a stone. The meat had tasted rotten, but they hadn't gotten sick, and it had given them enough energy to make it this far. He gave his sister's hand a brief squeeze, realizing he might have sounded a bit short with her.</s> <|message|>Morwen Sawyer There was a rumble of thunder in the distance. Morwen gripped her coin purse tightly. "O-Oh. Right...Sorry. I'll...I'll be quick." She returned the squeeze of her hand. She bit her lower lips, the flower dress was beautiful. There was a matching shirt as well. She reached up and felt the fabric, it was a light airy material. The dress and shirt were cool to the touch and felt soft. It felt expensive, unnecessary. Morgen wouldn't be able to see it anyways. There were matching pants and shirts near by. These were colorless, unflattering, but sturdy garments. Meant for those that work outdoors. The man grumbled, "Are you going to stare all day, or pick something?" He snarled. "Sorry..." Morwen moved and picked the sturdier outfits. They would last longer and be more useful in the long run. She paid quickly, having more then enough for food at the inn. She placed the outfits in Morgen's bag. "We can just take a bath and such tomorrow, at home. Lets...Lets get some food." She led Morgen away, "Besides, we can even give the rest to Mom and Dad!" There was a crack of lightening. Morwen sped up to get to the inn in time. Shoppers and storekeepers alike hurried away to the safety of their own homes. Morwen kept her head up this time. Their parents sold wood, they would be in a market like this to sell their goods. Yet, she didn't recognize one. Maybe they had a good day and packed up early! Morwen grinned, tomorrow, tomorrow this journey will be over. Rain fell heavy right as the twins got into the inn. Morwen sat her brother down. "We'll get dressed tomorrow, we can eat food now." She looked around, "Smell anything good?"</s> <|message|>Johannes van Kanne The door to the tavern banged shut behind Johannes, bouncing off the rickety doorframe twice before settling shut. The old tavern-keeper hollered something out at the noise, but he ignored it. His cores were good and she was in no position to turn away business. Belly full of hard bread and a stew of questionable contents, he was satisfied enough to go about his business. He hated most outpost food, but not as much as he hated anything he could scrub up out of the Wasteland. He didn't trust the water at the tavern – he'd have to boil some up on his own before refilling his canteens. "Damn nosey broad." Johannes muttered under his breath as he adjusted his backpack and trudged toward the market. A replenishing of supplies was in order. First aid supplies, sturdy sewing thread, more rope, boot laces, tarp, socks, ammo reloading supplies…. He ticked off the long list in his head as he approached the stalls, eyes narrowed against sun and stranger alike. Whenever he was in outposts like this, he kept his hood down and coat buttoned half-closed. No good could come out of some Wasteland mutant getting the jitters – or worse, some pickpocketing scumbag reaching where he shouldn't and pulling out surprises that weren't his. After some wandering, Johannes found a stall with a box of mismatched boot laces. He started picking through them, matching up length and width while disregarding color, when he heard a nearby merchant snarl out: "Are you going to stare all day, or pick something?" Johannes glanced over his shoulder, trying to keep his attention on the scene on the down-low. The merchant's attention seemed to be focused on two ratty looking kids – and by the way the young boy hung his head and stood there unresponsive, he was torn between suspecting retardation or foul play. Tossing the merchant a core for a handful of boot laces that were quickly stuffed away in his pack, Johannes kept his eyes on the children as he continued to shop, just in case they tried stealing something. In all his years of experience, he had quickly learned to not give anyone any pity due to their age – a child is just as likely to rip you off as an adult. Johannes frowned as the children scurried off toward the tavern like rats fleeing water. That was where he was sleeping tonight, damn it, and he didn't want to share it with ragtag rugrats. He took his time getting the rest of his supplies from the market. He couldn't find a decent tarp – a waterproof one – so he skipped out on that. His was starting to fray on one edge but it would hold out for a while longer. Getting gunpowder proved to be the most difficult and he ended up haggling the price down to prevent getting ripped off. That particular merchant – a short, fat man with a bad case of eczema on his arms and face – earned himself a scowl once his back was turned. Raindrops had started to fall as Johannes slipped into the tavern, his entrance much more quiet than his exit. He hated staying here, but he was waiting to meet up with his new partner. He'd been given a name and a vague description, but that was it. Narrowing his eyes as they adjusted to the dim lighting, he scanned the tavern common room for the scribe.</s> <|message|>Ezra Maier Tapping his fingers lightly on the table Ezra could not fight off the bored expression that overtook his young face. Tied up dark hair still managed to hang messily in his face and give him an overall look of someone who really had no cares at that moment. Though the expression he wore was far from honest. He was just glad to be out of that stuffy academy and the city. He'd take lawless wastes over the stifling atmosphere of Eden anyday. He dressed simply, in loose comfortable clothing, looking no part the prodigal scribe he was rumored to be. The only hint to that lay inside the beat-up looking satchel that rested at his hip. Light brown eyes scanned over the crowd as he tried to pick out the Hunter he was to be assigned to. Johnny.. Jagger… Hell he couldn't remember. Ruffles his hair further, thinking maybe he should have been paying attention.. But those instructors liked to hear themselves talk and all that he could recall was a faint hum in his ear as they went on and on. Drops his forehead to the table with a light thunk, drawing in looks from those around around him. "Shit." Ezra flopped back fully into his chair before he continued to look over the patrons, tossing a brief glance towards the ragtag twins that scurried in before looking towards the door as it once more admitted another patron. Tips to the side to get a better look, the man seemed to be scanning the tavern for something.. Or someone. He definitely seemed to stand out in comparison to those who seemed to be going in and out of this place.. He was likely exactly who Ezra was looking for. Yet he waited, not moving from his chair… He wanted to be sure.. Though how? Even he had no clue. Maybe the Hunter got a description of him as well.. Ezra hoped like hell at least he listened.</s>
<|message|>Morgen Sawyer Morgen stumbled a bit to keep up with his sister, even with their hands linked. He never liked running; there was always a chance to plow into some unforeseen obstacle, even if you were being led about. He chewed at his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut instinctual, hoping that Morwen wouldn't have him trip over some uneven surface in the hardpan road. Throughout their lives, she'd gotten good at leading him, but there were always those rare instances when she forgot that she had to pay attention to every aspect of the terrain, and got him tripped up. Fortunately, this wasn't one of those times. They made it inside just before the rain began to pelt the roof. It became immediately evident that this inn was not waterproof. The old woman behind the bar snapped at one of her barmaids, who quickly ran to fetch a couple buckets. These were placed strategically in a few places of the common room to catch the rainwater that fell in. Morgen sat where his sister placed him. He reached for the arms of the chair, only to discover he had none. He squirmed, shifting uncomfortably, and opted to rest his hands in his lap instead. "Nothin' ever really smells good in these places--" He began, unaware that the old woman was walking right behind him, bucket in hand. "Then don't eat!" She snapped bitterly in his direction, causing the boy to grimace and sink down some in his chair. His face flushed with embarrassment. "Um..." He started again, quietly, so that only his sister would hear. "...Whatever they got is good, probably. I mean it can't be no worse than that snake we had to eat." He paused, then and added tentatively, even more quiet: "...Can we let Spot in tonight? It's raining..."</s>
<|description|>Quan Nguyen Age: Eighteen years old Gender: Male Family: * An Nguyen — Father † * Linh Nguyen — Mother * Dan Nguyen — Brother * Ryan Nguyen — Brother Pre-Outbreak Occupation: Student Personality: Quan is a shadow of society, distancing himself from its members more often than not. With few friends and many "associates", his introverted nature is facilitated by his general lack of interest in most things. Quan rarely attempts to stand out in a crowd, though sometimes, it backfires and attention is directed towards him anyway. Regardless of what he calls "unnecessary attention", he is soft-spoken and thoughtful, even in his shyness. Biography: Quan was not always the depressive, reserved individual that he is now; there was a time when he was like the other adult's children, enjoying youth with friends and the like. Born in Buras, Louisiana, he was the energetic youngest son that his family poured all their love and resources into, though his parents had already been divorced before his birth. Two years down the line, the family eventually separated from one another, with Quan and his two older brothers moving to Philadelphia with their mother. During elementary school, they would learn that his father perished from Hurricane Katrina's devastating path through their former home state. In Pennsylvania, Quan lived a happy childhood and grew up a healthy child, growing taller than his family members by the time he was in middle school. He was notorious for being a troublemaker throughout the years, proud to be one of the "popular kids" as he spent late nights playing video games and moving onto other hobbies in high school. During his sophomore year, Quan befriended a girl named Julia who was two years older than him and ran away from her parents' home, and the two began seeing one another soon after. It was evident that Julia was suffering from her own personal demons, but whenever Quan attempted to soothe her, she would state that nothing was wrong. Worrying about prying too much, he decided to not pursue the issue persistently. This decision would change almost every aspect of Quan for the rest of his life afterwards; at the end of the school year, when he went to the usual spot that he and Julia would hang out, he only found a letter that said she was ending her life. Unable to believe it, he searched for her, even traveling to the southern parts of the state on one occasion and looking. After days of searching, Julia's letter proved to be true; people discovered a girl's body washed up in the Delaware River near the Ben Franklin Bridge. From this point on, Quan withdrew himself from society; he cut off almost all of his activities and relationships with friends, and locked himself in his room, confiding in his longtime hobby of playing video games. During his junior and senior years, he has been at odds with his family because of his lack of preparation for his future, and is constantly threatened to be kicked out onto the streets. Like most people who invested a large amount of time into video games and the Internet, Quan was no stranger to the zombie threat, and instantly recognized the virus as the comings of a zombie apocalypse when the leaks came through that it was bringing the dead back to life. Disabilities / Fears: Quan suffers from a moderate case of depression, and has not made the initiative to seek help. As a result, he can become extremely volatile in times of heavy stress and pressure, often lashing out on others in physical and verbal abuse if his emotions remain bottled for long periods of time. He is claustrophobic, and shows anxiety being around many people. Weapon(s): For now, a pocket knife that Quan always had in case he would need to protect himself. Supplies: Typical items — his wallet that contains money, identification, and a picture of him and Julia. He also has his cell phone. Theme Song</s> <|message|>Quan Nguyen Quan Nguyen And then nothing notable happened for the next hour. With his breakfast ingested, Quan watched as his brother took their empty plates to the kitchen sink. He got up from the table and started towards the staircase, stopping as the pictures framed atop of the fireplace caught his attention. It was hard to recall the boy captured within the images; his first basketball game as a freshman just as his feet lifted off the ground to take a jump shot, him and his cabin mates during the fifth grade camping trip, the smug smile on his junior portrait. "Let's go get some coffee," a firm hand shook his shoulder, startling Quan as he saw that it was only his brother. "I don't think I can stay awake without it." Quan looked to the side. "I don't want any." Ryan playfully wrapped his arm around Quan's neck. "Oh well, dude. I get lonely sometimes," he laughed. "Plus, you talk to that computer more than you do to me. We're bros!" "Fine," Quan knew that trying to say no to Ryan would only make him more persistent. "Be out front in a few, I'll get my car," Ryan released his hold, skirting between Quan and the fireplace and out of the door. Within the next few minutes, Quan quickly brushed his hair down and threw on a pair of jeans and a brown tee shirt, wearing a black hoodie over it. He was used to the cold weather during the time of year, and he didn't want to keep Ryan waiting. After telling his mother where they were going, he ran through the door and into the passenger seat of his brother's car, which had been heating up since then. Strapping on the seatbelt, Quan dug into his pockets and pulled out his phone, flipping through the screen as he plugged in his headphones. "Where to?" Ryan blurted out abruptly as the car revved to life, pulling into the street. "A coffee place?" Quan replied. Ryan snickered. "Thanks, smartass. What coffee place?" If he was the one who wanted to get coffee, why is he asking me where to go? It grated his nerves. "Starbucks. I don't know." "Of course," Ryan drew a sigh. "The farthest from home-" Quan snapped a little bit. "I didn't ask to go with you, you just dragged me along." "Calm down, I'm just messing with you. Christ." It annoyed Quan that he looked like an older version of Ryan, given his taller stature. When they had been the same height, people always mixed the two of their names up; they could've passed as twins, if it were the case. Like him, Ryan had played basketball at the same high school he attended years ago, even being the captain of the team at some point. Though, after high school, Ryan chose to not move on to college, and started fiddling with cars instead. He had said that twelve years in a classroom was enough, and he didn't need to pay tens of thousands of dollars to read more books that had nothing to do with what he liked. Hell, the moment Dan graduated, he went straight into the Marines without a second thought. Even then, Ryan and his mother pushed Quan to be the first in their family to attend college, but to be honest, he felt the same as his brother did. An absentminded Quan had not realized they had arrived until he heard the door to the driver's seat closing. Awkwardly running after his brother, Quan entered the bustling Starbucks with quiet anxiety. Why is there so many people? "Guess coffee is a natural remedy to hangovers," Ryan mumbled to Quan, whose right hand pinched the side of his jeans tightly. Blinking uncomfortably, he felt the urge to turn and run out of the Starbucks. "Let's wait for these lines to clear up..."</s> <|message|>Alexandra "Alex" Metcalfe ALEXANDRA "ALEX" METCALFEDecember 26th 2015 10:07am Once the broadcast was over Alex pushed herself back up onto her feet, switching the television off for the peace and quiet her mother would need when she woke up. Plodding back through the small one bedroom apartment, she made into the room where her sound asleep brother was still laying. It was the day after Christmas and she allowed him to have an extra lay in for today. That was the only thing of Christmas, neither of them really got presents. Only presents Alex could afford after paying the bills for Jordan. She spent the most on him, she never needed anything and hated spending money on herself. As quietly as she could, Alex gathered a pair of black leggings, a casual white top and her old camo jacket, making her way into the bathroom to wash and change. Once dressed and ready, she gathered her things from around the room and packed them into a backpack that she threw over her shoulder. Making sure she planted a light kiss on her brother's forehead before she headed out. The fresh air was a pleasant hit as Alex walked out into the open street. The sun rays dancing and bouncing along the pathway. A clear blue sky, the vastness of it surrounding her, there wasn't a single white cloud in sight. Alex began down the road, digging into her jacket pocket for her cigarette and lighter. She carefully lit the end of a cigarette as she walked down the pavements, throwing the lighter back into her pocket. Where about's she was going wasn't clear to her. Most mornings going for a walk did her well, a pleasant way of starting the morning. Alex took a long drag of her cigarette, she thought of her brother who she left at home with their mother. This walk was going to be quick, Alexandra hated leaving Jordan with their mother, she never looked after him and Alex felt like she was only worried about getting more alcohol, not about the welfare of her kids. If their mother did she would've proved it to them a long while ago. She didn't want him seeing their mother like that. Alex may have grown up with it but she wanted the best for her brother, not having to work around a constant drunk fake of a mother. The only reason she had stuck around and carried on living with her mother was for Jordan, otherwise she would've left as soon as she was old enough. Not even after a few minutes of walking, Alex neared the local Starbucks. It was handy for their to be a coffee shop just around the corner, sometimes its just what you need in the morning. She threw the cigarette onto the floor, trending on it as she pushed the door to the coffee shop open. The sweet aroma of coffee took over her senses. The bitter, yet invitingly warm smell filled the atmosphere. The shop was pretty full with younger people and adults sitting at tables like they knew what they were doing. Alex continued to scan the coffee shop as she joined the queue of customers for her coffee.</s> <|message|>Laura Miller Laura Miller December 26, 10:38 AM Starbucks Cafe As her rather cheery introduction went over to the two men, one of them returned a response. The Starbucks guy. He introduced himself as James, and the lazy sleepy guy beside him as Miller, giving off a rather attractive half-smirk as he did, a hand outstretched for a shake. She returned the gesture, shaking hands with James. "Well, good morning to you both, James and Miller, I hope you two have a great day ahead." she answered with a bright smile. She then left the two men at the table, walking over to the counter to collect her cup of steaming hot chocolate. She sighed in satisfaction as she took a sip of the delicious chocolate. What a great way to start a morning. Most people did with coffee or tea, she did it with chocolate. A short while later, Laura glanced up at a new arrival at the cafe. Golly, there sure were alot of people here this morning! Taking another glance at the guy, she realised it was Ryan from the automobile shop she worked at. The very same. She had worked together with Ryan on a number of occasions and was pretty chummy with the guy. He was part of circle of good friends at the workshop. Walking over to him, she called out to him in a pleasant surprise. "Ryan! Hi..Good morning to you! Fancy seeing you here on our day off!" A younger guy then caught up with him, his appearance strikingly similar to Ryan. She assumed him to be Quan, the brother he had mentioned once or twice before in the past. She waved to him, "Good morning Quan, that's your name, isn't it? It's nice to meet you."</s> <|message|>Thomas Holtz James and Thomas Holtz Thomas responded to the hug positively. He did like Kayla, and he couldn't wait for his child to be born. He always wanted children. All he was scared about was the baby being a gentile. Kayla wasn't Jewish - as far as he knew - and his father wanted him to marry a Jewish girl. "How's it been?" he asked Kayla. --- James walked out of the synagogue and breathed some fresh air. It had been a long service, as usual, and he began the walk home. He decided that on the way back he would get some coffee, probably Starbucks, because it was on the way home.</s> <|message|>Kayla Campbell Kayla Campbell "Oh you know, just been traveling around for the past month since we last met, and going to be watching my niece for a few days shes coming over to my place pretty soon." Kayla answered, she leaned herself up against the wall her one foot pressed up against the wall to let people pass. "What about you, and want something my treat?" Kayla said looking over at the group of people who started to gather into the Starbucks, she was nervous of being pregnant though she always wanted a little child to take care of on her own. And Thomas was a nice guy, she then got up and pulled out her wallet again looking at the menu for a moment and decided on just a regular coffee looking over at Thomas. "What would you like?" She asked him as the line started to move, Kayla felt her phone vibrate and quickly picked it up and it was her sister Alicia. "Hey whats up?" She asked while the line was moving slowly. "We are on our way to your place, where are you right now?" Her sister asked Kayla looked over at Thomas and smiled at him for a moment. "Just by the Starbucks outside my place, I can get you something and hang for a bit before your treatment?" Kayla asked. "Sure that works, i'll be there in a few minutes." Kayla hung up and looked at Thomas. "Sorry it was my older sister." Lilly Campbell Lilly finished eating her cereal rather quickly, and then drank the rest of her milk looking up at her mother and smiled at her as she got up and started to put her plates down into the sink. "Thank you sweetie, now go and get your coat on we will be over at Aunt Kayla's soon." Alicia said as she went to call her sister as she went to grab her things ready as well for the drive down to the city. Lilly came back a few minutes later with a pink winter coat on as well as her backpack with her clothes and toys that she wanted to bring with her. "I'm ready." Lilly said and her mother smiled as she opened the front door and got into her van and started to drive down the street and headed over towards the city.</s>
<|message|>Quan Nguyen "Nice to-" "Small world, ain't it!" Ryan interrupted, seemingly in awe. Quan sighed as his brother took over the conversation, standing to the side and messing with his phone. It was one of the things he hated about his brother; sometimes, he talked way too much, and in his excitement, forgot about other people. "It's like the whole freakin' city got drunk and needs coffee to make it through the day, Laura." Quan tapped his brother's shoulder with the back of his palm, pointing to one of the few vacant tables. "I'm going over there." "Yeah, yeah," Ryan said. "Anyway, you hear about the east and that virus? Quan's told me about some of that fucked up shit, said it was zombies. Not gonna lie, it's pretty sketchy..."</s>
<|description|>Reinhard Age: 17 Height: ~1.85m Weight: 57kg Nationality: German Noble Arm: Called "Speer des Waldes" (ger. 'Spear of the forest'), this wooden spear has plant-like properties. Rank: D+ The wielder of this spear can apply telekinetic forces onto it, and only it. The force, while theoretically limitless, is limited by how much the spear can withstand, and the wielder's remaining stamina, as exerting the forces on the spear is as exhausting as if one would apply the same force with one's own hands(in case of forces meant to alter the orientation of the spear) or legs(in case the forces are meant to alter the location of the spear). However, apart from how quickly the wielder is exhausted, the spear does not grant additional senses for its location or velocity, if one were to lose it, one could still control it, but one would not be able to know what the spear is doing and where it is. Still, this can make this spear a dangerous long-range weapon, as continuus application of the telekinetic force could accelerate it to extreme speeds over long distances. If accelerated long enough, the sheer impulse of the speer could allow it to destroy about anything, although it would likely be a one-time move, in light of the required distances. Derived from this, if the one was to balance on the spear, one can fly on it, until one falls off or becomes too exhausted. While spearhead normal is a hardened bud, it can blossom if the wielder desires. The unfolded blossom is rather large, making the spear look like an umbrella. In this state, the blossom can easily be used as a shield against blunt forces of most magnitudes, and due to its high water content it can also shield heat very well. Due to the leidenfrost effect, very extreme heat can be shielded almost perfectly. The blossom's leaves can be comparatively easily cut or frozen though. Lastly, the blossom can release special pollen, which will speed up the healing process of any lifeform greatly. The pollen will also cause the spear to quickly regrow any damaged parts, and plants exposed to it will start growing quickly. (The telekinetic force can be used to shape the cloud of pollen.) While already created pollen places no strain on the wielder, creating the pollen is a rather large strain, comparable to a marathon 1:600 (one second of creating pollen is comparable to 10 minutes of running a marathon). Aiming to make as few mistakes as possible at any point in time, Reinhard always considers the consequences of his actions before doing anything, and as such naturally always prefers fully reversible actions over irreversible ones, even if an irreversible action seems to be the perfect solution. Due to that, whenever something happens, Reinhard is very inclined to just watch and study what happens, even if his inaction causes people and other lifeforms to get hurt, although that is most likely to happen when he sees something he hasn't seen before. This analytical nature allows him to use his abilities with brutal efficiency, exploiting every weakness of an opponent and every strength of an ally. Despite this he is usually kind, as most of the time he comes to the conclusion of kindness being the most efficient for his goals, in a sense making him brutally efficient in being kind. In day to day life Reinhard still appears as if he is a complete procrastinator, since free time is amongst his top priorities, simply because free time can be freely used to accomplish his goals. His moral compass is the rather simple "everything helping me is good; everything working against me is bad", yet he oftentimes doesn't do anything considered immoral by others, as that would turn them against him. In addition, he doesn't dwell on past hostilities, thus not going after people, who once were on his bad side, but have since stopped working against him. *Likes: Biology (especially botany); reasonable people; free time *Dislikes: Anyone making easily avoidable mistakes due to not considering consequences; having to use inefficient methods Fears: Most of the world turning against him. Reinhard was born in Germany, and had lived there for most of his previous life. His parents, while not rich, were a bit more wealthy than most of Reinhard's peers, his father worked as a chemist, and his mother for the government, handling agriculture and environmental funds. His noble arm was discovered when it materialized while Reinhard was angry at his mother for forbidding him to use his computer while he hadn't done all his chores. This almost accidentally caused him to kill his mother. Since this first appearance the spear has never dematerialized, and thus had caused a few messy situations when not within Reinhard's senses' range, especially in the first few months. He applied to several local noble arm academies at the time, but was either rejected from the start or didn't pass the entry exams, forcing him to eventually apply at Trinidad Academy. Student Rank:1024</s> <|message|>Grey Stringer nevăzut aka "Vargulf" "Yes could say that, this academy is quite marvelous though. But there seems to be some tension surrounding the grounds, do you by chance know why classes have been cut?" Grey grinned when he saw Takumi sheath his blade with a flourish. He proceeded to peer into the sky for a moment, The Philippines were much different then his home in Romania, but at least now he had a chance to meet others like home. Grey stopped for a moment looking shocked, "My apologies, I didn't introduce myself I'm Grey Nevăzut and you are?" Grey gave a slight bow to the boy as he introduce himself. It didn't take Grey long to notice the boy was of Asian decent, this lead him to bow he saw it as a form of respect or at least manners.</s> <|message|>Nishka Well that was alright. Class had been a little bit fun, plus she didn't have to go to any more of them. The orders they were given were laughable. Stay here and wait for an adult or ride the bus home? What was this middle school? Dismissing the commands with a slight shake of her head Nishka started heading back into the city. As she came to the gate she saw Luis waiting for something and suddenly remembered his note. Something about a trip into the city? "Hey nerd, waiting for the sun to come down for ya?" she asked sarcastically as she leaned on the wall next to him. "Got a plan or we walking around aimlessly?" Not that she really cared either way. If it was too boring she'd just ditch him.</s> <|message|>Luis Rosario He rolled his eyes at her sarcastic response. At least he had one thing he could always rely on her for: her merciless mockery. He gestured to the bus stop and started walking, knowing she'd follow. The bus didn't take too long to arrive, so Luis explained the piano situation to her on the way. "So basically, I need your swapping power to get it up the stairs. You'll get properly compensated of course. Mrs Castillo makes a killer apple pie, so you'll get some too. If that's too little, I'll pay for lunch today too. I know how stupidly big your appetite is." "Oh, and Pablo and Reinhard are going to check out the Guerrero Street incident. I'm gonna join them after so you're free to come with."</s> <|message|>Pablo Legazpi After a few more minutes of waiting, Pablo's Father finally arrived in a car that, in all respects, was average, so as to deter potential carjackers. Still clad in a combat vest over his shirt, as well as tough jeans and wooden sandals, he greeted Pablo, who was now running outside to the school courtyard. "Pablo!" he said as he hugged his son, who, although already 16, was not ashamed of the affection. "[i]Buti nalang walang nangyari sayo (Good thing nothing's happened to you)![/b]" A smile was on the man's mustached and short-bearded face, before he continued: "Senador (Senator) _________, got killed today. I think it's the Disarmers; Noble Arms users would have been more...exotic. Anyway, we should get back to the car before we talk more." A nod from Pablo. Inside the Car "One of my classmates is going to follow us from afar, Dad," said Pablo. "Basically, he's agreed to help me investigate the other bombing, the one on Guerrero Street." This statement caused Pablo's father, who was driving, to give a brief stony look at Pablo, before saying: "Seryoso ka ba (Are you serious)?" he then nodded. "Make sure to protect yourself, then. I am not having you die from heroics while still a minor de edad (age of minority). Also, here's hoping your classmate will protect you." "Anyway, Guerrero Street is a few roads to the left; you and your friend all right with that?" Pablo gave his own nod, and then the car drove off, to adventure! , @M127, @banjoanjo, @Eklispe.</s> <|message|>Takumi Isamaru "Isamaru Takumi. You Slavic?" Takumi gives a vaguely polite bow in return. "Need a guide?" Grey was amicable enough, so there was no reason to not offer him some small help.</s> <|message|>Nishka "Ah the incredible power of my noble arms, put to the use of menial labor. But shit I ain't gonna turn down apple pie and my appetite is quite smartly large thank you, more than I can say for some brats picking at a salad and having a 'cheat day' later to make themselves feel better." Nishka said caustically in response to the task before her and its rewards. She stepped out of the bus and looked at the hotel. "On one condition though. You carry me to where I'm swapping it to. You were going to have carry the piano without my help right? So this is like that but not as hard and directly benefits me, plus its probably the closest you'll ever legally get to a girl. Win-win." Nishka said cheerily with an innocent grin on her face. After a moment of waiting her grin vanished and she tapped her foot demandingly whilst looking at Luis, "Well nerd?" This wasn't necessary at all, but Nishka felt like doing it, so that was that.</s> <|message|>Reinhard As Pablo entered his father's car, Reinhard dropped his spear on the floor. He proceeded by stepping forward, until both feed stood firmly on the spear. Before taking off, Reinhard looked around to see whether staff was nearby, and if there was, whether or not they were close enough to get a hold of him before he was out of their reach. Once that was assured, he telekinetically applied an upward force on the spear, just enough to counteract his and the spear's weight. With a slight further increase of the force, Reinhard was accelerating upwards. Once high enough in the air, he decreased the artificial lift until the forces were balanced out once more, and applied a small forward force telekinetically. Reinhard didn't cancel out his upward momentum, as he still needed to ascend, but he didn't need to ascend any faster. However, instead of following the car, Reinhard decided to directly head for Guerrero Street, as his time was limited due to the strain, and the car could get stuck in traffic. The flight shouldn't take too long, considering Reinhard was in a traffic free and almost friction free environment.</s> <|message|>Grey Stringer nevăzut aka "Vargulf" Grey smiled, "No I'm Romaian but there is defiantly Slavic influence in my home country." Grey took out a charcoal grey flat cap from his pocket and put it on. "I would very much appreciate a guide, thank you." Grey looked around noticing lights coming from a stadium, he questioned himself on what might be going on but ultimately didn't care enough to ask.</s> <|message|>Addey Mary Rivera Simmons Guerrero Street. The site of the latest bombing. Police swarmed the area, alongside specialists in suits that were definitely not normal law enforcement. Cars were thrown to the side and the pavement was charred pitch black. The scorch marks on the ground were . . . wrong. The pavement was melted in a straight line, with no indication of where it began and where it ended. Rather than an explosion, it looked more akin to a surge of extremely hot air passing through. Like the burst of heat following a nuclear explosion. Traffic, as expected, was thick and slow moving, caused in part by incompetence, but largely due to the scope of destruction on the road. It was simply unusable in the state it was it. The pavement had warped badly, and nearby cars had similarly melted right into it. More importantly, officials advised civilians not to come to close . . . and for the media not to provide any coverage at the moment. For Reinhardt at the roofs, the reason would be clear -- the bodies of victims caught in the blast radius were horribly charred, and their bodies had melded with whatever they had come into contact with during the blast. This was not a scene they wanted televised, at all. It was the stuff of nightmares. --- Several establishments closed down due to recent events, however, there were still several businesses that were willing to keep open in spite of it all. Noble Arm workshops tended to fall into that category often, largely because they were impressively well protected -- if not by themselves, then from their patrons. The one referenced by the instructor earlier that day was likewise up and running, though with fewer patrons than usual. Understandable, given the circumstance. It was located two streets away from the site of the bombing, and it was moderately sized, enough for some of the more explosive Noble Army types to have some room to practice, provided with certain limitations, of course. Currently, there were only ten people inside the two storey building, meaning that there was quite a lot of space. A sparring session was in progress between two lean men, though apparently none had brought out their Noble Arm.</s> <|message|>Pablo Legazpi "Well," spoke Pablo's Father, as the car reached a parking lot a few blocks away from Guerrero Street, "it seems that the car can go no further. I'll wait for you here." He then turned towards Pablo, then said: "Find out the monsters who did this, and give them hell for me." Pablo's father then ruffled his son's head, before rethinking his words. "On second thought, be safe first and foremost. You and your friend be okay, I hope!" And with that, the car door opened, and Pablo unfastened his seatbelt and loped off to Guerrero Street, conjuring up his Noble Arm. Looking at the Police and Specialists, the boy knew that heading straight for the crime scene was a fool's errand, so he had the same idea as Reinhard did; go to a rooftop. Taking out a seed and planting it to the ground, the boy grew a small tree with climable branches, and used it to get up to one of the rooftops, before causing said tree to revert to a seed once again. Then, seeing Reinhard on a nearby building, the boy began rooftop-hopping to get to the other boy, saying, once he got there: "Glad to see you once again. Anyway..." he paused, "Noble Arms did this, right?" @M127</s>
<|message|>Reinhard "Considering how focused it was, I doubt there are any other mobile means to cause that kind of damage restricted to this relatively small area within a short amount of time." Reinhard responded. "Whatever it was, it looks like it used a stream of a very hot gas or a plasma."</s>
<|description|>Adam A man with an intimidating presence, exuding confidence and allure. His dark hair contrasts perfectly with his pale skin, adding to his striking appearance. His eyes are a captivating blue, often filled with lust or desire. He carries himself with ease and authority, using it to his advantage in both flirtatious and manipulative ways. Adam is charming yet cunning; he knows how to use words to entice others while also possessing the strength to physically dominate them if necessary. Despite his harsh exterior, there's an underlying sensuality about him that makes him irresistible.</s> <|description|>Yang A stunningly beautiful woman with a fiery redhead appearance that commands attention. Her violet eyes are filled with curiosity and mischief, hinting at her adventurous spirit. She has a well-endowed figure, complete with blonde short hair, yellow tank top with her symbol carved on it, a more than gentle cleavage, and a brown jacket. Her personality is bold and flirtatious; she enjoys the attention of others but also has a playful side that doesn't take itself too seriously. Despite being somewhat vulnerable at times, Yang exudes an air of confidence that makes her irresistible to those around her.</s> <|narrator|>Adam and Yang meet in a club called Club Beacon. Adam is there undercover, hoping to corrupt Yang's teammates. He uses his charm and good looks to seduce Yang, who is there for fun and distraction from her personal issues. As they flirt with each other, they become more intimate, sharing drinks and compliments about their appearances. Their physical contact intensifies as they share passionate kisses and move towards one of the privacy stalls in the club. The story ends with them inside the stall, getting ready to take things further as an audience watches them through the open curtain outside.</s> <|message|>Adam It was an unassuming building of course, nothing to set it apart from its neighbors, no bouncer outside, no hint of the music that seethed within its walls. If you hadn't known this was the place, you must admit, you would never have guessed it. Some say there's a secret tunnel to get in, some say there are any number of ways in, and since you don't think you've ever seen anyone going in or out, you're pretty sure there must be at least a few alternate routes, but this is the place. At least, you hope... Any doubt is banished once you step inside. You have no idea how they muffle the noise or what they use to hide the students that come in and out, but the minute you open the outer door you can hear the heartbeat thumping of the drums faintly. The dark-lit hallway inside is short, with a handful of changing rooms on either side, no genders marked on the doors, just a hand-lettered sign that simply reads 'No Sex inside', and beneath that in smaller letters '(That's what the booths and bathrooms are for)'. You'd swear the handwriting is familiar, but the signature simply reads, 'Management', and with that alone it's pretty easy to know that you won't be finding out who wrote it any time soon. The people who run the club are notoriously secretive after all... After the Changing rooms, the second door, and once you open it, the beat strikes you like a physical blow as you step into the club. The lower floor is massive, dimly lit booths surrounding a colorlit dance floor on either side, a DJ's booth opposite the door you entered through where some girl in a mask is spinning records when she isn't stepping back and forth, shaking her bared breasts for anyone who wants a look to see. The booths have curtains, presumably for those who want (a little) more privacy for some fun, though you can see at least a half dozen couples who haven't even bothered, and a dozen more groupings of people on the dance floor doing anything from making out while swaying to the beat to full-on fucking while the music and the dancers move around them. There's an upper ring too, accessible by stairs to lead to several tables, and a bar, perched directly over top of the DJ's booth. You can't see as easily up there, but you don't need to see over the edge to spot at least two more couples in the throes of passion. Now that you look again, you definitely recognize a handful of the faces in the crowd! Or at least... You think you do... Where some are unmistakable, others aren't so certain, and besides, even if you did really know them, the whole saying was 'what happens at Club Beacon, stays at Club Beacon' for a reason. Adam wandered through the club with a smirk on his face; his scar was hidden by some makeup and his hair was changed to be a jet black rather than the fiery red that stood up so much but even with the alterations he was still a rather handsome and attractive young man, drawing the eyes of many interested partners, both male and female. He was only here to find one target though and his eyes roamed the crowds to see if he could spot her. He had heard of Blake joining a team at Beacon recently, a team of young women...he intended to make each of the girl's in Blake's teams into his little playthings before going for her in the end; his ultimate revenge for her leaving him and the group.</s> <|message|>Yang The music beat loudly all over the place as one of the members of the so-called "Team RWBY" entered through one of the entrances of the somewhat shady club. Even if it was named Club Beacon, anyone could see none of the top graded students would hang out in such a place. Actually, that was one of the main reasons why Yang Xiao Long was there all by herself. She had tried convincing every single one of her teammates, from Ruby to Weiss and even Blake, to accompany her there. She wasn't that interested in all the sex and making up scenes, but more in the fun such a new place could bring to her. After all, seeing new faces was always a good and quite interesting thing, right? The blonde woman, wearing her usual outfit consisting of dark shorts, a yellow tank top with her symbol carved on it, as well as a more than gentle cleavage, and a brown jacket quickly approached the bar. Not without glancing at both sides, a wide smirk forming on her lips as she saw the many couples having fun at both sides of her. Quite...the expected view, on the other hand. But it was still amusing, at least to her. "Strawberry sunrise. No ice. Ah, and one of those little umbrellas." She simply ordered as soon as she spotted the barman, smirking even more widely as she simply leaned against the bar and stared at the whole crowd dancing and having fun in right in front of her. Wondering whether she'd be joining in or simply try to flirt with some random guy, or girl, before calling it a night. At least those were her thoughts until a quite handsome man passed by where she was. His face was somewhat pale, yet his features were alluring. That dark hair making the perfect contrast with his skin as the blue eye of his she could spot made his whole appearance stand out even more. Yang simply grabbed the glass with the drink she had just ordered and took a sip. Resting both arms and her back against the small surface as she kept eyeing the quite sexy stranger for a while, without even trying to hide her interest. The quite cocky grin in her lips growing even wider while she wondered whether he'd approach or whether she'd be the one doing so. She wasn't really trying to hook up that night though, especially since she was trying to craft something like a relationship with her recent crush, Blake. But, after Blake's seemingly lack of interest for her, or her suggestion, that night, she was torn on what to do next. Wondering whether Blake's feelings towards herself resembled anything like her own as she kept staring at Adam, now without even noticing it.</s> <|message|>Adam It didn't take Adam long to spot his prey; she stood out even in the crowd of very attractive and beautiful young hunters and huntresses. Yang was leaning against the bar, drink in hand and her eyes were squarely on him, those blue eyes of hers clearly showing attraction and interest. Adam smirked to himself as he gazed back at her, his own gaze confident and alluring. He stepped up to the bar, right next to the blonde but ignored her for a moment; he would make her long and desire for him for a bit longer before he decided to grace her with his attention. "Give me your best whisky, straight," Adam called out to the bartender, his voice gruff and almost like a growl but it had an alluring and sexy appeal to it without a doubt. It didn't take long for the bartender to get his drink and Adam inspected it for a moment before taking a sip and then looking to his left at Yang who was still looking at him, a large smirk on his face. "What is a sexy, beautiful lady like yourself doing here all one her own? Let me were waiting for me, weren't you?" Adam chuckled, deciding to open with a somewhat cheesy pickup line to ease them into things and set the tone. With his free hand though, he cupped her cheek and caressed her skin, his touch warm and sensual. "The name is Michael, what's yours, sexy?" Adam inquired, using an alias he normally went by when undercover as he gazed into her blues eyes with his own...there was definately a smoldering look of desire and attraction in his own gaze.</s> <|message|>Yang Yang kept idly drinking while staring at how the man in question approached the bar and moved to stand right next to her...yet without making any obvious move to start any way of interaction. Her smirk only grew even wider as she simply kept sipping, turning to gaze at the people moving on the dance floor while pretending to be far less interested than she was."So you're going to play hard to get, huh? Well, two can play this game, honey." She thought to herself, somewhat amazed by finding a man who wasn't all that easy to get, for once. And then simply averted her gaze, spotting, this time, a gorgeous girl dancing right next to her and deciding to focus on her instead. Hoping that'd make it somewhat more difficult for the man to notice she was actually interested in him and only him. Then again, the whole experience was quite amusing, to say the least. At least for her. It wasn't until Adam finally made his move that those violet eyes of hers moved to stare back at him again. Chuckling faintly upon hearing his first words, although for some reason, the mixture of his strong drink and the cheesy, yet sensual lines coming out his mouth made him appear even more alluring for her. "I thought such a hot stud would come up with something more...original though." Yang simply said, yet seemingly not that upset nor bored by those words at all. "What makes you think I'd be waiting for someone like you though? That were looking for me, gorgeous." She simply added, showing she did know how to flirt as well. At least to an extent. Admittedly she had gotten quite rusty after focusing on Team RWBY's activities for way too long. But it was obvious she still could do this. Then again, had she known who that man actually was, she'd be already throwing punches and heavy kicks towards him instead. "Michael? I've never seen you here...nor heard that name before. Are you new in town, then?" She simply inquired, her fingers crawling on the bar until they reached his hand. Then leaning down to steal a sip of his drink. "Hmm...I thought it'd be stronger." She simply said, quickly pulling back and running her tongue, as slowly as she could, through her lower lip. As if trying her best to allure the "dark haired" man too, herself. After she said that, she finally turned to face the bar, her breasts slowly bouncing as she did, while she pressed herself somewhat closer and tighter towards him. "So? What's someone like you doing here, Michael? You surely won't tell me you're a new student here at Beacon...right?"</s> <|message|>Adam "Sometimes classics work best," Adam chuckles when Yang comments on his line, but it's clear by her body language and reaction that it did exactly what it was intended to do. She moves to take a sip of his drink, her hand brushing against his as she lifts the whiskey glass to her lips and takes a sip. "This place could use better whisky, but I wasn't expecting much to begin with." Adam shrugs as he takes the glass back and takes a sip himself, watching with keen eyes as Yang licks her lower lip, clearly trying to be enticing. She's basically begging for it, and Adam would be more than happy to give it to her, but jumping straight into it isn't always fun... sometimes toying with your prey first makes the kill even more exciting. "Yang? From Team RWBY?" He asks, taking another sip of his drink. "I've heard about you guys, even at Atlas. You all are making quite the splash. The rumors said that Yang was one of the most beautiful huntresses at Beacon, and I can say that is patently false. You are THE most beautiful huntress I have ever seen, without a doubt." 'Michael' turns up the cheese slightly as he grins but his strong arm moves to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his firm and solid chest. Her breasts mold against his figure as he gazes into her violet irises. "I guess the boys here at Beacon just aren't good enough for a woman like you, huh?" He growls lowly, almost feral. His other hand leaves his glass and moves to cup her cheek again, stroking it as his thumb moves briefly to brush over her lips... they are already so close after having just met. Adam can feel the want and desire in Yang, but he wants her to commit and make the first move - a sign that he has won this little part of their seductive dance.</s> <|message|>Yang "Hmm...? Well, you might be right. This time it worked for you, at least," Adam said with a shrug. "Any sane girl would have run away from me as soon as I approached them." Yang nodded. "Oh? Didn't know you were an expert on whisky now. Maybe I could take one advice or two from you then?" She simply said, swirling her glass between her fingers, then taking another sip from it. The drinks weren't all that good, but they did help to get you drunk pretty quickly. That if such a thing was something you were looking for at that place. It explained why everyone was so...loose there that day, at least. "Oh?" Adam hummed in response. "Don't tell me you're a fan? What a pity, I thought you were genuinely interested in me..." Then again, it didn't really matter whether he was a fan or not. If it helped Yang forget about her problems and have some fun for the night, then she wouldn't mind it too much why the man in question was there with her. It wasn't as if she'd start dating him nor anything. After all, she was already in love with someone else. With someone...whom she didn't even know whether she was interested on her or not. Then again, she doubted that man wanted anything more than mere sex with her. After all, all men were like that...weren't they? "!" That didn't prevent Yang from getting caught off guard when that strong arm wrapped around her waist. Her breasts dancing heavily on her chest until they stopped to press against the firm abs of the man's chest. Perfectly visible even within those layers of cloth. Yang blinked in surprise as she had to rest one hand against the man's shoulders, mostly to prevent herself from losing balance. Showing she could also be somewhat vulnerable, despite her usual attitude, at least every once in a while. After that, the man just kept talking. His warm breath brushing against her face as he cupped her cheek and then moved to caress her thin lips in a quite sensual way. "Who knows...maybe it's just that I've been waiting for someone like you, after all," Adam said with a smirk. Yang simply commented, smiling widely at him, enjoying the attention she was being given to no end, as her free hand rested on his shoulder while she leaned up to kiss him softly in the lips. Her own mouth gently pressing against his own in a soft, chaste kiss while her tongue ran through the man's lips, as if trying to tempt him to make the next move.</s> <|message|>Adam "Lets just say I enjoy a good, strong drink and I like visiting all kinds of bars," he said with a smile. "I'll be more then happy to show you to some good places if you ever come visit Atlas but...from what I understand people don't come to this particular club to enjoy their drinks...if you know what I mean..." Adam leaned forward and whispered that last part seductively in her ear with a small chuckle; the drinks were cheap and not all that good just so people could get drunk and lose their inhibitions...made it easier to hook up and fuck after all. Losing oneself to the drink, the music and the pleasure is what Club Beacon was known for it seemed. Yang mentioned him being a fan and he chuckled. He wondered if she had a bit of a complex about that. "Like I said, I just heard rumors and stories...but I'm interested in you because you are beautiful, sexy and look like you could take on a horde of Grimm by yourself...regardless of who you might be in a team with." Adam continued to flirt with Yang, giving her words of affection and attention, words she had gotten from Blake expect for the occasional short compliment. Adam meanwhile seemed to know just how to tell her what she wanted to hear. Soon Yang leaned up and pressed her lips against his own and "Michael" happily reciprocated, pressing his lips back firmly against her own. He felt her tongue rolling against his lips and happily parted his own but he quickly took the offensive. His own tongue darted out of his mouth and pressed against her own, swirling around it as their tongues engaged in a lewd dance between their lips and in his mouth as he tried to push her tongue back into her mouth so his own tongue could explore. As they kissed, Adam's hands moved. Both of his arms wrapped around her slim waist now and his hands moved to settle on her bubbly ass, squeezing her rear firmly. His hands acted as a seat for her ass though so that if she were to say...jump up and wrap her legs around his waist...she would have a perfectly comfortable chair to sit on if she wished.</s> <|message|>Yang Yang couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing those whispered words against her ear. " that so? Here I thought drinking and dancing was all people ever came here for?" She simply joked, showing she knew perfectly fine what Adam meant. Then again, Yang herself was there for that very same reason. Even if she didn't really intend for it to last much longer than a mere night. What she needed at that moment was a huge distraction. Thus why a cheap bottle of strong alcohol would help her with that. " really tastes awful!" She couldn't help but complain, even leaving her own drink on the counter, just to focus completely on the man in front of her. "Ehh...? Here I thought Blake would be more popular than me..." That wasn't a lie, though. Whereas dozens of guys had shown to her, many times even, how "popular" she could get with her, she had never thought people would notice her all that much. It wasn't what she was after, either, anyways, so... As soon as those words left his lips, Yang felt something wet and warm invading her mouth. She couldn't help but gasp at first, before realizing it was Michael himself who had taken the initiative to start kissing her back. Lewd, wet sounds filled the room next as, much to her own surprise, the man named "Michael" started acting in a more offensive way. Completely invading her own mouth and managing to push back her tongue, which pleased Yang to no end. She could feel how her nipples started getting quite hard from the whole experience, already. Her womanhood pulsing quite vividly as her clitoris started feeling numb, her own, pale face getting some color as she simply let Adam wander inside her own mouth for as long as he wanted. Enjoying the whole experience as much as she could as she even gripped him tighter, as if to show him how willing she was to continue. Then, she felt it. Violet eyes opened widely again as her thin lips formed a naughty smirk upon feeling those fingers pressing and cupping her plump rear. Without wasting a second, she swiftly jumped so that her legs clamped around the man's waist. Trusting him enough to rest her weight against those firm hands as she kept on kissing and licking his mouth and tongue with her own, happily making out with him as her heart started racing and beating louder inside her chest. Eager to see what "Michael" had in mind for them next.</s>
<|message|>Adam Adam noted Yang's comment about Blake's popularity; Yang was by far the most well known and attractive female on the team from the rumors Adam had been hearing so he wondered why the blonde had mentioned his ex. He wondered if maybe there were some feelings there more than friendship...if so that would make corrupting and breaking Yang even more fun for him but he could worry about that later. He was surprised by just how willing and submissive the fiery Yang was; he expected push back and a fight for dominance but deep down she seemed to be a slut who just wanted to be used and commanded. Adam smirked in the kiss as his tongue swirled around her own and explored her mouth eagerly, his hand squeezing her ass firmly as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around her waist. He carried the blonde with ease and he could feel some moisture on his crotch from where Yang was getting aroused. Yang could feel Adam getting hard and the bulge that he was pitching in his pants felt massive pressing up against her thighs and crotch as Adam began to walk the two of them through the crowd towards one of the privacy stalls...not that it could really be called private as one simply pulled back a curtain and anyone could peek in. They definately had an audience of men and women both keenly watching them, clearly enjoying the show as Adam got them into the stall and pushed Yang up against the wall. He released her rear and pulled the curtain closed behind them but they could both sense the audience on the other side as "Michael" began to plant hot, sensual kisses up and down Yang's lovely neck. "Take those clothes off." "Michael" growled, his tone primal and domineering...his lust and desires combining with all his command experience to be that of an alluring, forceful man.</s>
<|description|>Nergüi 'Boraunegen' Appearance: Like all Astartes, Nergüi is of superhuman proportions, his height, weight and muscle-mass far outdoing that of even the largest Guardsman as he towers above them being nearly eight feet tall in height due to his power armour. His face, the only part of his body commonly seen, is hard and expressionless with the outward appearance of an elderly man with his long grey hair cut and tied into a nomadic top-knot, his facial hair the thin moustache and wispy goatee commonly seen among the White Scars set against tanned flesh, bearing ritually made scars below his eyes and across his cheeks . The almond-shaped eyes of a deep hazel colour, stuck in dark eye-sockets are what makes people realise how much he has seen and how much he knows, holding both wisdom and a look of violence within them. Age: 275 Sex: M Class: Deathwatch (White Scars) Apothecary (Emchi) Equipment: * A suit of archaic and battered but slightly modified Mark VI "Corvus" armour, painted in the traditional black colours of the Deathwatch, taken from a predecessor of the pre-heresy White Scars and gifted to the current Chapter. The suit has been modified to include the mandatory silver shoulder pad of the Watch, Helix shapes against a white background adorn the armour at several points as do eagles, the right shoulder-guard retaining the yellow lightning bolt-on-red and stark white of his Chapter. * Diagnostor Helmet - The helmet is shaped in the conventional form of a beaked Mark VI helm, yet contains upgraded Auto-senses and readouts to assist with their charge of treating the injured and maintaining their Battle-Brothers' ( and any others) physical combat readiness. * Narthecium - The tool of an Apothecary's trade, a Narthecium contains implements specially designed for Space Marine physiology and for performing first aid without having to remove the patient's Power Armour. It also comprises various counterseptics, skin patches, transfusions and other compounds engineered for the Space Marines' physiology, and several stasis tubes for storing recovered gene-seed. * Reductor - Retrieval and storage of a fallen Battle-Brother's gene-seed is so critical that Apothecaries carry a special tool for this operation. While a Reductor is not required for Progenoid removal, it significantly reduces the time. This surgical implement fastens under the wrist. It includes a monomolecular saw for penetrating Power Armour and Ossmodula-enhanced rib cages, and a diamantine-tipped extractor drill. * Mk III Pattern bolt pistol * Power-sabre – A power weapon utilising a curved blade, shaped after the traditional sabres wielded by the steppe nomads of Chogoris. It is rarely used, as he is an Apothecary after all, but when it is it is put to death-dealing with a deadly effect. * One Frag and one Krak grenade Notable Deeds: * The Diata Purge: Under the direction of Kyublai Khan, Nergüi joined the campaign with the rest of his Chapter against various Chaos Renegades; he saved many of his Brothers during the bloodshed, as well as some from the allied Marauders Chapter. Great deeds were done during this hunt, though not glorious ones by this Apothecary. * Battle for Grase Mesa: Nergüi was part of the Land Speeder mounted cadre that took the fight to the Eldar of Yme-Loc, joining his brethren in their flanking attacks on the lithe xenos, personally accounting for over a dozen Eldar scalps and heads. * Third War for Armageddon: Everyone knows about this war, and there are so many tales of daring do that it would be impossible to tell them all here. Needless to say, Apothecary Nergüi of the Firefist Brotherhood (2nd Company) impressed someone with extreme authority, an Inquisitor no less, and it was requested that he be seconded to the Deathwatch of the Ordo Xenos – an honour he could not refuse. * Classified: Ever since 'taking the black', his pure white going to the deep dark of his adopted 'Chapter', the tasks and deeds that this Apothecary has performed, the biological agents he has worked with, and the operations he has conducted are classified – only those with the highest authority able to know even a fraction of what he has been through.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin Misspost.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin "Where's dat explosion coming from? I didn't tell the boyz to blow something up yet!" 'Big Mek' Graz "Hugkilla" grunted as he walked across the ruined half-open top of an imperial warehouse building; his junk cybernetic leg slamming into the floor with every step; before watching out across the industrialized skyline of the forge world to see a plume of multi-colored smoke rise up from the distance. "Dat was where the southern sky gun was, boss!" Sounded the raspy, nasally voice of a gretchin frantically typing away at a janky typewriter, one oversized headset situated over the gretchin's smaller head. "WOT?" Graz exclaimed, turning around. "The boys loaded the shells the wrong way again, didn't they?!" "I dunno, boss! But it definitely went boom! Lots of highly Orky sources say it went boom!" "THOSE ARE MINE GUBBINS!" Graz exclaimed, turning around as he walked towards the edge. "WOTS THA POINT OF STEALING THOSE 'UMIE GUNS IF DA BOYS ARE JUST GONNA WRECK 'EM!?! Grrrr... " Graz stepped onto the edge of the building, having to push his own bloated guts inwards in order to look down at the amassed Ork buggies and motorcycles below, most of the boyz either busy trying to make vague attempts at fixing their vehicles, whilst the rest seemed busy leading a particularly ornery squig around with a snotling attached to a stick as live bait! "Oi! Listen up you daft speed grotz!" Graz called out. "Someone just blew up my big gun just south of here, past dat big mechanical-human-statue-thingy! I want you boyz to go down there and beat the snot outta anyone you find at the site, gottit?!" "Zog off, we're busy!" One of the Orks called back. "Graah... if I was down there, I'd be busting your heads right about now... but since the stairs are so zogging long. Alright, the first git at the site will get my completely new Engine Boostah 3000!!" Almost in an instant, as if Graz had just said the magic word, the boyz beneath froze up, looked at him; and after a brief second of silence (minus the terrified screams of the snotling bound to the stick), the Orks suddenly threw themselves past each other in a wild race to get onto their various buggies and motorcycles, loud blaring engine noises and a few random slugga shots for good measures; as no less than a dozen decked-out Ork vehicles suddenly rolled out from the courtyard in a race towards the site of the explosion, flames and sparks gushing from their loud engines as they waved their weapons about! And behind them came the lone squig hopping up and down in a wild chase, still trying to catch up with the snotling which had now been attached to one of the carts! "Heh, work every time... stupid gits!" Graz "Hugkilla" chuckled, moving his wrist-mounted flamethrower up to his mouth to light a giant cigar.</s> <|message|>Vala Sal Felere Vala had the most irritated expression on her face that was nicely hidden behind the mask of her helmet. She just watched in complete absurdity how these imperium fools were destroying valuable technology they could simply disable and then reuse later after they clean up the Orks. So what if they killed a handful of Orks now. A few orks for a anti air turret of this caliber was a MASSIVE DAMNED WASTE. No longer she the imperium was in this state. They didn't value what they had and destroyed everything just cause it's convinient and later when they would need these guns, they would be without them and then they will simply exterminatus the planet cause it's convinient and there goes another habitable world with it's resources... She had to struggle with the overwhelming urge to shoot the psyker right in the head, but held it. The mess was big enough already. She just sighed, flicking the switch on her las cannon from firing mode to standby, it automatically folded up some parts, making it a lot easier to carry. The order to get the hell out before the greenskins show up was given so she didn't waste any time in doing so. 'I wonder if not dying on the interrogation table was a blessing or a curse after all...' She thought in her mind.</s> <|message|>Ansgar Staudinger Ansgar knew damn well who wasn't able to bring down their target, but unlike the irritation that was resounding in a certain sister's voice, the Krieger kept his peace. Ordering a man with a shotgun to snipe an Ork was folly, and the fact it wasn't taken into consideration that one of them would have to bring down two targets was on the lot of them, not just the Arbites. With that, that nagging sensation of ethereal warp power was again resonating and it took a concentrated amount of focus to not turn his weapon on the psyker just in case. While salvaging the gun would have been nice, in the grand scheme of things they lacked the manpower to secure, move, and man the weapon. So better to destroy the weapon emplacement than risk the Orks getting it back up and running, and make do with what resources they had as they needed them later on. Sweeping his surroundings with the Type XIV (Heavy), the Krieger did not safe his weapon, continuing to monitor their surroundings as the orders were given. Get moving before the retaliation was going to happen. "Waking up means the Emperor is not done with you, so it is a blessing." Leave it to Ansgar, a man of Krieg, to see the fact that they yet lived as little more than Emperor's providence to continue doing his work. Considering their mentality, Kriegers that is, it was hardly surprising.</s> <|message|>Herold Altega Herold had thought he would have gotten used to the chaotic warp magic of the Psyker, but feeling the tingle of his skin and the odd feeling in his gut, he knew he had been mistaken. The explosion of the gun and the Ork was well placed, but it had announced their location a bit too much for his liking. Still, unless the Sororitas ordered him to unload his combat shotgun into the Psyker, then they were stuck with her still. He could tell that the others had to visibly hold themselves back from what he was just considering. "Agreed," Herold said to both Aviza and the Death Korp trooper. "Let's get moving." He made sure for the umpteenth time that his weapon was locked and loaded, and he started to head out of the room they were in with the others. He kept his shield on his back to guard against flanking shots, and his shotgun in his hands and at the ready. He had an inkling feeling that the explosion was about to bite them in the ass somehow, but Emperor's mercy, they'd see soon enough.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Valenthin "I had my shield for that, I'd be fiiiiine." Adrianne said through her mask as she got back up on her feet, brushing some dirt and grime off her armor and suit. It was currently raining, and fortunately, the dirt and mud didn't attach itself so easily to her suit or metal armor. As for her cloth however, that was a different story entirely. "This is a forge world. I suppose I should feel lucky I'm not wading through pools of industrial waste I suppose... !" "Agreed, Celestian. I can already feel the growing anger and anticipation echo back from the warp to this place. We have made the surrounding greenskins excited." Adrianne explained as she followed Aviza back to where the rest of the group were currently keeping overwatch. The constantly dripping of rain against her helmet and surrounding force works and buildings made it difficult to notice any lesser sounds, yet the Psyker could already hear off in the distance the low but booming sounds of ramshackled engines and gunfire, slowly coming closer towards their position! "The Orks are on the move. We can simply bypass them, or set up an ambush. The greenskins are nothing if not predictable."</s>
<|message|>Nergüi 'Boraunegen' "We?" The question hung in the air like an accusation, which is was, the slightly robotic tone signalling that it clearly came from within the beaked helmet now looking directly at the dirtied psyker and then the Celestian beside her, "we did not such thing." Until the explosion had happened the Deathwatch marine had been near-completely still, his senses on high alert and his sidearm held ready at his side, the explosion doing nothing but showering him with a little dirt and fragments of what had been the Imperial gun emplacement. None of this really mattered, not even as the two got to their feet and the rest of the group prepared to move out, but something about the witches last comment had caused a reaction within the Astartes. In one fluid motion he moved to stand before the previously grounded pair, his visor sweeping once more from one to the other, before settling on Aviza. "Sister, I have so far held my tongue, and due to my allegiance to the Emperor's holy Inquisition I would not question your orders." Even now he could smell a thousand differing scents, his beaked helmet only amplifying them, and the Greenskins were certainly on the move, "but the plan was foolhardy from the very beginning; our gunfire could well have been covered by the thunderstorm around us, a fortuitous sign to my own people if no-one else, but this...this..." One gauntleted fist raised itself, a finger extending to point at Adrienne even though he did not turn to look at her, "her actions are laughable at best and absurd at the worst, she is volatile and unstable and this," he emphasised with a nod of his head toward the twisted wreckage, "was both unnecessary and the action that will bring the Greenskins down upon us, not we but you." Only now did he look to the psyker, taking a slight step toward her and then freezing, studying her for a moment before straightening up, "my own progenitor argued with the Emperor himself to save our Librarians from disbandment during the Crusade, and my own people view the Stormseers with reverence, but you Adrianne Valenthin, you stay away from me." With the same fluid motions he made the sign of the Aquila across his chest, not easy when one is holding a pistol the size of a man's head in your hand, and half turned away, "there are a dozen vehicles at least heading in our direction, and the idea of bypassing them does appeal. In my hearts and in my blood though, I would prefer to face them in combat." Glancing back at the Celestian he gave a shrug, a curiously human gesture for a Space Marine to make, "the decision goes to you, Sister-Celestian Norea." Without another word, his footfall muffled both by his armour and the rainstorm around them, he stepped out of the building and past the group of smaller figures, already putting the psyker from his thoughts and focusing more on the threat approaching them at high speed. How he wished once more that he had his bike.</s>
<|description|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas Birthday Janruary 12th x874 Guild: Phoenix Wing Magic: Absorption Magic: While possessing a large potential for magic she does not have a consistent way to release it without exposure to other magics. Small amounts of magic energy used around her gets absorbed until she is able to use a variation of it. For instance, being around fire magic will eventually allow her to produce and manipulate fire at a fairly basic level. It is not as strong as the original nor can she reproduce the same spells. Extended exposure increases the strength but that still takes quite some time. The only exception to that rule is use of a Lacrima. However the increase is temporary and usually burns through her magic reserves. It is a quick way to gain access to other magics for the future though. Typically elemental magics are easiest to learn such as fire, water, and earth. Others are more scarce and thus she may never be able to use. As she unlocks other magics she is able to switch between them, only able to use on at a time. Switching is similar to requiping, her clothes, hair, and eyes changing color to reflect the magic she is meaning to use. This leads us to the more negative aspects of such an ability. Her magic controls her just as much as she controls it. Each magic is accompanied with a different personality. So fire will exhibit a more hot headed demeanor than the more docile water. More chaotic type magics could lead her down a darker path. Magic Level: B Equipment: A chain weapon with small blades on the end that her father taught her to use. Mainly a defensive weapon as it lacks real mass or punch. History: Given the overall decreased number of mages Ariel's magical prowess went without being realized until her late teens. There was always something a little off though. The few times a mage would pass through her home of Oak Town she would start acting up even as a little girl. It was always attributed to her young age and later on to being a tenager. Being a free spirit she would often visit the Crystal Lake through the years. Never able to keep the child put her father taught her the use of a weapon for self defense. Thankfully she's never had to use it. As she grew into a young woman more mages began to come through. While beginning to be exposed to more magics the first one that showed up first was water. Perhaps it was the legend of the mage upstream but the many years by and swimming in the nearby lake finally drew in enough traces of magic to allow her to use water magic. Unable to change back to her usual appearance she hurried back home. She stayed shut in for the better part of a year until she changed again, a nearby guild having a couple fire users. Nearly burning down her home that first time only switching back to water did she manage to save most of her belongings. Clearly not having this under control she left town so she wouldn't harm anyone else. Along her travels she visited a few guilds but whenever she began to feel unusual she would leave. Eventually she realized the mood swings she would have coincided with the changes of magic. Coming to the conclusion that she couldn't truly figure this out on her own she began to ask around for a good guild to actually join. Phoenix Wing came up a few times and it sounded like a good place to start. It it wasn't for her then she would move on. Personality: Ariel's personality varies based on the magic she is currently exhibiting. Normally she is quite wary of people, having been taught not to trust outright. See appearance for more on each personality. Team Members: Team Powder Keg Three Strengths: 1. Versatile given time. 2. Loyal once you can get past her distrust. 3. Can change to a better mood almost on a whim. Three Weaknesses: 1. Takes time to become more capable. 2. Visibly broadcasts the magic she intends to use. 3. Easily corruptible. Greatest Love: N/A Motivation: Find a safe place where her magic won't lead her down a bad path. Appearance: Color: goldenrod Color: bold Color: slateblue Main personality trait: Melancholy Color: orange Main personality trait: Aggressive Color: khaki Main personality trait: Cheerful Color: black Main personality trait: Apathetic Color: pink Main personality trait: Loving Color: lightblue Main personality trait: Cold Color: tan Main personality trait: Reserved Color: yellow Main personality trait: Excitable Color: crimson Main personality trait: Subservient Color: lightgray Main personality trait: Defensive Color: saddlebrown Main personality trait: Stubborn Color: green Main personality trait: Motherly Color: skyblue Main personality trait: Playful Color: bold Main personality trait: Commanding Color: steelblue Main personality trait: Fearful Color: gray Main personality trait: Brooding Color: deeppink Main personality trait: Passionate Color: bold Main personality trait: Creative --- Color: orangered Acquired by absorbing the magic from the ashes of a fallen Phoenix. Transforming through reincarnation Ariel has a full pair of wings that allow her to fly. Main personality trait: Forgetful Color: black Acquired by stealing the power of a god sealed inside a magic artifact. Most of her body turns jet black and her power is fully displayed. Main personality trait: Arrogant Additional Details: Also I will try to make her name color coincide with the current magic she is using. So long as I can find one readable.</s> <|message|>Lazarus Rex Lazarus His eyelids twitched, before opening. He remembered yelling at trinity, before collapsing from exhaustion. His head felt funny, that was right, Prince had whacked him over the head. His face was white as a ghost, and sweat covered it. "Drink. I had a drink." He croaked. Shujin He listened to what was going on. It appeared the group were in trouble. Nothing he could help with as far as he knew. "Sasha... Look at me." He she trying to ignore him but he wouldn't let her. "I know this is a difficult time for you, but he'll be alright." He said softly. "As for him." He looked at Lazarus. "I saw nobody tamper with his drink on the journey here, and I watched for the entire journey."</s> <|message|>Prince Prince Fiore || Balsam Village || Train Station @YipeeXD @CirusArvennicus@Lugubrious Prince flicked his ear toward Sasha, indicating he heard her as called to a stewardess, asking for a glass of water. When he got it, he sniffed at the rim of the glass to double check it, briefly taking a sip himself before humming in satisfaction and started grinding up a purple rose's petals into bits of pieces with his claws. Gingerly sprinkling them into the glass of water. "Good, means we don't have to run all the way to Mt. Hakobe." Prince hummed as he lightly stirred the water with a spoon while sprinkling some other green cut up herbs he had in his pockets, turning it into a light purple color. As Lazarus woke up and croaked, Prince hummed. "Oh good you're awake and not yelling at people. Good sign. Drink this, it will help dull the symptoms." he instructed the white clad man on his lap, helping him sit up a little so he could drink.</s> <|message|>"the lightning king" Angelo Ortega Tamashii A coward" Angelo repeated with a smirk thinking to how many times he got called trash, thief, urchin, coward doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. "I don't know what you want to hear, you weren't the one their dealing with an angry father day in and day out who would beat you almost to death because he was drunk. My mother wanted me to be safe so she took the punishment most of the time is only recently that I paid back my father for what he did. If you ask Sasha she would tell you. You telling me that magic is a curse just seems idiotic to me, without magic we wouldn't even be talking cause I would still be on the streets being for coins. Call me what you will but don't assume you can judge me simply by a few minutes of conversation." Angelo said calmly not getting angry at Josh for anything because anger wouldn't do him any good or prove any point. So long as they worked together Josh could hate Angelo for all he cared</s> <|message|>Wes Gusto Wes Location: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall -> Magnolia After passing his room key to Jarvis, Wes was about to leave until Penny said her what was on her mind about him. He just stood there and listened as Penny, a guild member he hasn't seen before. There wasn't much that he can say except. "I can understand what you and everyone is saying, and probably can feel the same way. But it's better if I just left the guild. All I truly done to the guild was accidentally help lead it to the wrong direction. For the entire time that I've been with the guild, I would usually enter and leave right away, because I didn't want them to eventually carry my problem if I stayed too long or grew too attached. But even then, I still seem to pass that trouble. It's better if I just leave now before I make things any worse. So for now, I have to be alone." Right before walking outside, he stopped with his hand pressed against the door. It's better if I just left now, for everyone their sake. "Good luck Phoenix Wing, it was nice being a member." He said as he walked out and closed the door behind. As he walked towards Magnolia, he noticed a woman pass him and entered the guild hall. No matter how curious he was, he can't be around the guild, not anymore, especially with their recent events and how he left.</s> <|message|>Amelia Averyonna Amelia Averyonna Where: Phoenix Wing guild hall, central area Interacting with: Jarvis, Elyse, Rose Amelia followed after Jarvis down the stairs to the central area, remaining silent the entire time. When they reached the central area, things seemed to have calmed down at last. The woman the guild had been fighting was leaving with someone she didn't know. The woman with black hair was treating herself as a child watched from nearby. And the air in the area was still tense but also had a feeling of sadness in the air she didn't like. "Something happened." She mumbled. Elyse meanwhile had spotted Amelia and her wings. "Mommy, mommy look! Pretty." She said, pointing at Amelia, causing Amelia look at the ground in embarrassment. Joshua Tamashii Where: Train Interacting with: Angelo Joshua laughed at that. "I guess the people here are a little soft. Near death beatings? That was a constant in my life too. In the far north, you fight to survive. You learn to fight from an early age and are put in near death situations. If you die, you were not strong enough, though your death would still be mourned." He said, standing up." You must remember this Angelo. A gift is nothing more then a appreciated curse, while a curse is nothing more then an unappreciated gift. It all lies in the eyes of the beholder. To me, I have seen magic give me much and yet strip it all away. So tell me, was it really a gift to obtain it? Or was it a curse for everything that it took away from me?"</s> <|message|>Trinity Stratos Train Trinity looks to Nero, away from her harp, and she smiles gently. His perspective on Time Lord was nothing new, but that wasn't what she was focused on. "We all have our masks, Nero. You should find people you can remove it to." When Nero asks her for her wish, she pauses her playing and considers the question for a moment. Her fingers resume their movement after a moment, absentmindedly plucking out a melody. "A wish?" She breathes, taking a moment. "Well, there is someone I'm looking for. I thought that... maybe by looking around on my own, I might find something, but that just got me into trouble. So then I thought... maybe if I join the right guild, I'll find something. What better country to start looking for that in, than Fiore?" The train began to move, and Trinity stopped her playing, listening and then switching instruments quickly. She begins to play. When she's done setting it up, she ends with the guitar in her hands, turning to Sasha to answer her question. "I didn't have a chance to ask them, before we had to go because we thought we were endangering them. But, no, I didn't see him at all. He kept himself veiled in a cloak. There was a mark on his hand, I thought... Nero, did you see it?"</s> <|message|>Sayuri Takashi Sayuri Takashi "Hmm... Looks pretty nice and it's not too far from the guildhall. So that's a plus. It's age doesn't bother me all that much as long as it's well taken care of. And decently priced. Well we should..." she spins and looks around when the feeling gets stronger, 'What is this feeling? It's so familiar... But I can't place it...'</s>
<|message|>Ariel "Rainbow" Gratas ArielSayuri seemed to be pretty easy going. So far she was turning out to be a great roommate. Nodding to the points mentioned she responded. "Great. I say take a look and..." The sentence trailed off as Sayuri turned and referenced something she was feeling. Ariel tried to see if she could sense anything in particular. "Huh? What is it? I don't..."</s>
<|description|>Jason Alexander Age: 22 Birthday: February 16th Magic: Illusory Magic, with a focus upon Stealth. Fairly small-scale, a change in uniform here, a muffled sound there, a suggestion to the senses that nothing is out of the ordinary about things, and that they should just ignore them, or Lux. Uses learnt and codified by those who fly under the radar, and end up making an art of it. Magic Level: C History: We all know the story. It's a timeless classic. Out of a generation of young children within some small, backwater village, there is the one kid who simply doesn't mesh. For whatever reason, he doesn't fit in. Childish cruelty? Distasteful nature? Unfortunate victim of social workings? It's tough to say, but likely is a combination of all three. With a pair of constantly-working parents and a precociously canny little sister to his name, Jason otherwise grew up alone. The pariah. The weird kid who you'd rather just be friends with, and tell that coldly to. A veteran of mostly solitary existence, he gained a negative, but surprisingly self-aware worldview. Knowing all the ways he had been hurt by others and how he'd caused him gave him a strange, highly cynical sort of savvy, and he'd learned how to effectively keep himself at arm's length. The type of guy who would be picked last after the fat kid in team games, if he was picked at all. The type of guy who would suffer in silence as you talked about him behind his back, much less quietly than you thought you were. The guy who learned to tune it out and, eventually, tune others out. The guy who learned to affirm and even take a strange sort of pride in his solitary existence, in that he did things his own, unburdened way, solely at his own behest. Things changed, however, when he decided to go on a journey at the same point as one Lux Harken, hero-in-the-making. They couldn't be less alike if they had tried. Lux was an optimist, Jason a pessimist. Lux was easily liked, heroic, and charismatic, Jason was off-putting and prone to social suicide, and easily played the "villain". Lux's hair was white, Jason's was black. Lux smiled, Jason scowled. You get the picture. It must have been through some miracle that, after Jason's reluctant agreement to Lux's proposal and open hand, they didn't tear eachother's throats out. Lux sooned learned why, no, he didn't have friends, but bless his heart, soldiered on through it time and again over the years to form a sense of... mutual comprehension. They didn't entirely understand one another, and doubtlessly never will, but they have learned that despite their multitude of differences, disagreements, and general oppositeness to eachother, that the other is a man who can be relied on in spite of them. Something which is invaluable as adventurers. Is it complicated? More than you could ever imagine. But it works. Personality: Dark, gloomy, and mistrustful, he is a natural loner. Prone to cutting remarks in inner monologue and outer dialogue, he has learned to try and be observant, but sees things through a rather cynical lens (which he would tell you is "realistic"). Decent guy beneath that, though, and is far from lacking in self-awareness. Guild and guild mark location: None Team Members: Lux Harken (Somehow.) Three Strengths: 1. Passably skilled swordsman. All those years stuck in chuuni-land were good for something after all, it seems, and have left him able to use a katana better than the average idiot who picked one up. 2. Pragmatically-oriented. Or at least likes to think he is. 3. Considers actions carefully. Gloomy and negative attitude aside, it actually takes a lot to get him mad. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Pragmatism is to a fault--willing to be absolutely selfless if it gets things done. (RIP Social Standing) 2. Not strong. Acceptably athletic, especially given his demeanor, but by no means exemplary in combat. 3. Pessimistic nature. Has a rather cynical and at times worryingly jaded view of the world around him, and always tries to search for a hidden meaning or motive behind the actions of others. In line with these tendencies, he is anything but a people person, only his own self-awareness saving him from being an outright indefensible edgemeister. Greatest Love: Genuineness and Little Sister (P R O T E C T) Motivation: To understand things a little better. People, the world, you get the picture. Appearance: Additional Details: Theme Song:</s> <|message|>Ferrin Astra Ferrin Astra Ferrin was all pumped and ready for a fight, but then the thing up and ran. "Oh no you don't!" Ferrin snarled, his emotionless facade breaking. He charged after it, flaming sword oustreched. But at the last moment, if slid through the bone dome. Ferrin's thrust sank his sword a foot or so in the bone and stopped. "Damn." He swore. With a jerk, he pulled his sword out, and with a thought, extinguished the flame. He breifly glanced at the light mage, but he seemed to be whole. So, Ferrin left him alone. Ferrin glanced around the intirior. A fine mess I've gotten myself into. A Shadow mage, and a necromancer. However, I do not think that this is the same Necomancer I am looking for. His magic is differnt, and he did not seem to be concerned with me. Still, I aught to help. He thought. However, a portion of his mind said, why bother? It was none of his business. Its the right thing to do. Turning my back on this would be an insult to Fairy Tail's legacy. That thought disturbed him slightly. For something to have a legacy it had to be dead, right? He discarded the thought. Whatever, he did not have time for a philosophical meandering. Alright, the next step is... "You know, it is a little musty, in here." Ferrin said, conversationaly, as he walked to the dome wall. He set the palm of his Gauntlet against the bone, and concentrated. "I guess I should open a window! Forzare!" He shouted, pushing his palm forward. A blast of kinetic force rippled down his Gauntlet and a massive section of the dome exploded outward, leaving a hole large enough for even a tall person like Ferrin to step through without ducking. Sunlight blazed in, killing or hurting any of the shadow beasts in its way. Ferrin took a deep breath, and exhaled. "Ah, fresh air." He said. With that done, he turned around and approched the little dome. He telekineisis was innefectual; He could not feel the thought of anyone in the dome. Hmm...I might be able to blast through it, but if I did, I may hit someone... He thought. Ferrin raised his sword, and executed a whirlwind of slashes on it, making quite a racket. Each individual slash did little, but left a scrach. He concentrated them in an X, each one deepening the stroke. Soon, there were substantial gouges. "I have always wanted to do this." Ferrin remarked, aloud. He lifted his Gauntlet and banged on the dome hard. "Little pig, little pig, let me in..." He chanted. Then, he drew back his fist and gathered magic in it. "Or I will huff...and I will puff..." He gathered more magic, "...and I will blow your house in! On 'blow' his Gauntlet let out a blast from the elbow that propelled it forward, then Ferrin released the aether-enhanced kinetic magic he had been gathering in a blast of pure force on impact. Whatever magic that may defend the dome, he was sure he could break it. Haven@Raijinslayer@Lunarlors34@Expolar@Prince of Seraphs@Natsume Honnaji</s> <|message|>Shadow Heart [h1]Cody Bloodstein, Mayami Fuyu and Shiro Hime @Prince of Seraphs@Natsume Honnaji@Expolar@Crimson Raven@Silvan Haven #Cody on knees doubled over in pain already so can't move anyway, even with the whole fear aura. He'll feel the fear once the pain is gone I say Shiro narrowed her eyes at the obvious predicament. She wasn't quite understanding what was Nidhogg's a member of Shadow Heart, one must follow the orders of Georgie to the letter shouldn't they? So shouldn't he be helping, not undermining Shiro here? "Duarthy-sama, I believe you're misunderstanding. Georgie simply requires something they can kill them if you so desire after we acquire the item in question. I will not stop you, in fact if you so desire I might even assist." She explained as he scythe was now levelled at the dark mage in question. She knew she couldn't take him on in a fight, especially if she was to keep him away from Dawn and Cody. No matter she would-she suddenly disappeared from view. Shoving Cody out of the path before pushing Dawn with her scythe handle, the hands now erupted out of the ground and wrapped around of Shiro. Even with her holy divinity, which wasn't made strong enough to resist Nidhogg, the pain was excruciating. She couldn't even cry out or scream, her voice had abandoned her, all that she felt was pain. Strong, crippling pain and the only noise she could make were some raspy breaths. She couldn't leap away using her magic, nor could she enhance herself. Her magic being drained prevented that. Manami had meanwhile entered through the top of the dome using her water to shield her from the darkness and lower her down. Upon finding that there was a secondary dome she slashed at the ground beneath her as she dropped beneath the dome. As she began to lose consciousness however a torrent of water now shot out from the ground and smashed into the hands holding Shiro, shattering them and thus freeing Shiro. A bed of water formed under Shiro to prevent her from falling now as a woman now formed from the water. She held Shiro close in a hug as she comforted her. Any and all of Nidhoggs attempt to either attack her and Shiro, or Dawn and Cody would be thwarted by a water sphere forming around of them (the insides would be empty of course, so they can breath ). "It's ok Shiro, I'm here now." She mumbled as she encased Shiro in healing water. Shiro mumbled some sort of reply but Manami simply nodded her head. Standing up slowly now she gave Nidhogg a look that could kill, her normally tender and caring eyes were clouded over in anger. However her usual grace had yet to leave her as she simply tucked some of her purple hair with orange tinged ends behind her ear before sighing. "Jack, Jack, Jack. What on earth do you think you're doing?" Manami asked as she crossed her arms under her large bust. She wasn't impressed, however she would wish to avoid a confrontation with her own guild member if at all possible. Especially that of Nidhogg or even Maxie. Those two were monsters in battle, and Nidhogg in personality. Questionable about Maxie's personality. She wouldn't await a response before sighing. "No matter, I'll simply retrieve the book myself. Which of you two have it?" She asked over her shoulder. The holy aspect of her water should protect the two from the fear aura as well while healing any sort of small injuries they might've had. Cody had recovered at this stage and was staying awfully and suspiciously silent, so she decided to focus on him. Bending down now, and completely ignoring the seething Nidhogg, she was still within her water sphere after all, she sighed before reaching out and grabbing him by the scruff of his clock and held him up now. "Give me the Grimoire and we'll leave you alone. If you don't, I'll simply take you to Georgie. She'll get it out of you one way or the other." Manami said as her eyes hardened once more. Cody struggled in her grip as he kicked out at her, but the water sphere was barrier was in the way. She had simply reached through as it was her own spell after all. Him hand over the book of Absolute Defence to whoever these scumbags thought they were?! Never! However she now dropped him before sighing as he didn't respond. Stepping his sphere now, a whip made from water manifested in her hand before she went to whip him...however the spell disappeared from sight as it got close. Cody had managed to look up in time to use his magic, but now closed his eyes and grimaced. She had done that to see if it was him or not...His eyes caught a glimpse of the guild mark on her thigh as his eyes widened...she..she. Regaining his composure now he glanced towards Dawn and sighed before he reached into his cloak. "Fine. If it means Dawn is left alone...take it. Kill me if you truly want, but leave Dawn out of this." Cody mumbled in defeat as he tossed a book to her which in bold letters said Absolute Defence on the title. Nodding to him with a sweet smile, she pocketed the book before turning back to face Nidhogg as the water disappeared. The crippling fear now came back however for Cody which petrified him to the spot.</s>
<|message|>Jason Alexander I regarded the blind girl tacitly, more for my own benefit at this point than believing I could get any kind of reaction out of her. Unfortunately for me, a big failing of the Ascetic Arts was how much they relied on vision. I never assumed I would encounter a moderately interesting blind person. Well, at the very least not one that would warrant their use. "Not really. You could go down and ask." This, of course, assumed she had some method of getting past the barrier of a flight of stairs en route. How she would deal with that, I couldn't say.</s>
<|description|>Hikaru Yoshino (or "Yoshino Hikaru", if you want to put Last names first) Age: 16 Height: 6'2" Weight: 145 lbs. Path: Hikari Weapon: A whip that is wrapped around his arm. Appearance: (NOTE: Does not necessarily have the present day stuff. It's just the look of the guy that I'm concerned with) Personality: When it comes down to it, Hikaru is just a normal teenager at heart. He freaks out when something big happens, he gets jealous of others, and he doesn't think before he speaks his mind. He's clumsy, laid back, and does not have the same amount of passion and determination as most other students in the dojo (which is why he doesn't take losing in sparring matches personally). He can be cowardly when panicking, and a jerk when frustrated. Still, when he needs to face something seriously, he'll do just that. When he needs to fight, he'll do his best. The difference between how he normally fights and when he's trying to win would honestly astonish people who know him. He may not know what exactly to say to anyone that's feeling down, but he'll always be willing to listen if it'll help them get over something. Biography: How does one describe the life of a normal guy? A guy who hasn't gone through anything special to bring him to where he was now. He didn't have any special training, he suffered no tragedy, nor was he given any unique qualities or characteristics. He was just a kid growing the way most kids did. How did he come to attend the Shaolin School? It was honestly on a whim. He wanted to look cool by learning how to fight like the warriors in myths and stories. He wanted to learn how to do all the awesome moves and techniques that martial artists do. So, he ended up joining a famous shaolin school. Of course whatever motivation and excitement he had before, died off when he saw people obviously more skilled than himself. He watched as they took their lessons seriously, and with the intent of actually using it for something more than whatever Hikaru himself was going for. In the end, he ended up staying in the school, but seemingly treating everything like it was a hobby. It kinda makes one wonder if he's ready for the coming events... Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.): 1. Free-Style: Quite possibly the worst fighting style anyone will see in this RP. As the name implies, it has no concrete style, and is completely dependent on the user's Iintentions. That means that it involves plenty of sloppy, and unnecesssary movements, and unpredictable control over the power behind the hits. On the positive side, however, if the user has practiced enough, they can incorporate moves that they've seen in action before. In Hikaru's case, he also incorporates the whip on his arm as a weapon. 2. Flowing Togakure Ninpo Taijutsu: A modified version of the original fighting style. The modifications sacrifice a majority of the power behind the attacks in favor of nimble movement and evasiveness. Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.): 1. Trap-Happy: Through Light Manipulation, Hikaru is able to create orbs of Light energy to float idly. These orbs are activated on his command to become a variety of objects meant to bind or injure enemies. 2. Twilight Teleportation: Hikaru has access to one spell that utilizes Twilight magic. This spell allows him to teleport from one place to another place within 15 miles of his original position. There are several drawbacks to using this magic: -One of the drawbacks (or maybe not, depending on the situation) is that everyone (enemy or ally, willing or unwilling, etc.) within 2 yards of his body will be teleported as well. The 2 yards parameter will be shown as a momentary magic circle around his body. -Another drawback is that the place the spell takes must be known to Hikaru. If he doesn't know where he's going, then the spell will not work in the slightest. -The final drawback is that the spell will use so much energy that he will fall unconscious the moment the destination is reached. Although he may wake up within a few minutes, his body will be extremely stressed, and he will not be capable of fighting for an entire day. This spell must only be used as a last resort to escape a dangerous situation. Sin'chi Hajime: "Oh crap...This guy is the Headmaster?! After I showed up late, he seemed a bit...disgruntled? Annoyed? Ah man, I made a horrible first impression on him! The guy seems like a strict and hard teacher, too! Aw man, I gotta be careful in this class!" Amy Lirith: "One of the "better" students. She's dedicated, unwavering, and ready to better herself at any moment...I think. She's nice, but at the same time, she's similar to most other "better" students. Talented with a LOT of potential. Still, I can't let everyone see me crestfallen. Her included. Time to put on a smile!" Okihika Hanzo: "Scary guy, albeit a bit arrogant. I gotta admit, he put himself on a pretty high horse. His personality can use some work. I know that our teacher seemed irritated with him. In any case, I might have to make it a point to stay away from him. Knowing my luck, though, I'll probably end up being his sparring partner or punching bag...Stupid "Better" students." Yaozu Au-Yeung: "Reckless, Stubborn, and a "better" student...that just spells the making of trouble. This guy has WAY too much energy. Like, enough to make my bad luck and crashes look like something he would do just to pass the time. He's the most determined student I've seen...and that makes me frustrated for some reason. I don't know..." Hamano Kaori: "As calm and lazy as she seems, I can't help but feel that she's got something up her sleeve. No one looks THAT lazy without a catch. She has the feel of a "better" student, so maybe she's hiding her true skill? I don't know...also, her eyes scare me. It's like she's constantly judging everything she looks at, and finding it uninteresting. I dunno, maybe she just wants to be left alone? Not on my watch!" Hitomi Matsumoto: "Blind, but not helpless. In fact, from what I hear, she's actually here, because she sought a challenge. Basically, she's another prodigy. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only normal student in this place...Anyway, she's cool, but quiet and slow. I can try to make a conversation with her, but I don't know how far I'll make it before she just brushes me off...Not in that way!" Yoshito Nambu: "Technically speaking, this guy's the new kid. He only showed up recently. However, I can just tell by the way he acts that he's a "better" student. From what I hear, I'm not that far off the mark. They say he got his power as a kid, and recruited himself here. What is with this place? It's like it attracts the best of the best! Yori Shinya: "When I first saw this kid, I felt like I had finally found a kindred spirit in this school! Then I heard the rumors of how good he really was. BOTH paths. Yeah. He takes both paths. Another prodigy. *sigh* I guess he's harmless enough. He doesn't really do much, and he doesn't actively try to start anything. Maybe I'll be able to talk to him normally or something...I doubt it, though." Victorique "Victorica" Winterfield: "Yeah. I'm convinced that I'm the only normal person here. At least in my classroom. Victorica, from what I hear she's a rich girl that managed to convince people to train her to be a ninja...after seeing what I've seen from her, I can personally say that they are right. She has a sort of mischievous look about her all the time, but I don't want to do address it. I don't think talking to her would stop anything she has planned for the day." Character Rank: D Missions Completed: 0</s> <|message|>Okihika Hanzõ Hanzõ approached the Headmaster after others were done with him and he himself was done with his small presentation. That way, he could have his attention to himself, and the others as well. He stops before him, few steps away and looks him dead in the eye before bowing down, deep enough bow for it to be respective, but not too deep to make it ridicolously over the top, it was a flawless bow. "Greetings Headmaster." He spoke dryly and straightened himself, smiling and still looking him in the eyes, his pupils focusing on his."I am Okihika Hanzõ. And before we begin, there is one, simple matter we will need to take care of. You do not treat me like A student. You will treat me like THE, student. There will be no pointless questions asked from me. There will be no pointless questions answered by me. If I deem something important, it is very, important. That is between you and me, Headmaster." He turns and looks over the rest of the class slowly."As for the rest of you, I did not come here to set an example, not for making friends. It is for the best if you keep your good distance from me. IF, however someone decides not to do such a thing, I will take no action. At all. Do not even try to think of me as a hero or a leader to look up at. I am the student of this establishment." He smiles softly at the class and then returns to his seat with calm and calculated matter, and upon sitting down he lets out one, single small cough and closes his eyes then, caring a little if he caused discuss, fuss or any reaction at all. His palms land on his knees and he shuts himself from the rest of the classroom for now, even when the others had already moved in front of the classroom as the Headmaster had told them to.</s> <|message|>Sin'chi Hajime Hajime saw Kaori's attempt at manifesting her energy well enough to be able to walk on other surfaces and failed. He said to her. "Kaori, you did not try hard enough. Your body was not relaxed well enough and your mental state was not in a position to succeed. In battle, you would lose definitely. Try again." He said to her. Then he watched as yet another new student arrived though this disappointed him he instead had Yori come up and perform what he instructed the class to do. He briefly gave Yori a summary of what he wanted him to do. But it was astounding watching Yaozu hone his energy. Out of all the students he has seen before, he was the only one who was able to produce a visible aura on the first try. There was a lot of potential with this one. Sadly…he could not say the same about Hanzo. As the boy came up to him and spoke, Hajime saw something within the boy's eyes that did not seem pleasant. He seemed overly confident at the most and he kept to himself most of the time. Hmmm…he thought. He walked over to Hanzo after he sat down and said… "Then you must leave. I will not tolerate incompetence. You are here to learn, are you not? If you are not, then why are you here? Straighten up…or leave." He finally said, narrowing his eyes into the boy's pupils without blinking.</s>
<|message|>Hikaru Yoshino "Wow, this teacher's a strict one...Doesn't really help that he didn't explain how to do this thing before doing it", muttered Hikaru. The technique, or whatever this was supposed to be, was much easier seen than done for Hikaru. All he saw was a guy walking on the wall, and then the ceiling. He had some idea of how to something. For a moment, he just continued to stare at the wall. He had no idea what to do. It was a wall, not a floor. Unless he wanted them to think of it as a floor. Hikaru shook his head at the thought. It probably isn't as simple. Hikaru pondered on what to do. He considered just trying it out, but with the fact that he didn't know what he was doing still in his head, he would just look even more like an idiot. This was exactly as difficult as he thought it would be...or maybe not. Maybe he was overthinking it. With a frustrated sigh, he started gripping his head, trying to figure it out, ending his little thinking rage with yet another sigh. What was it that he said to do? 'Relax your body and mental state?'...Something about a battle...scolding the other guy that just stated that he was going to be completely dedicated to learning and success...Man, this first day's bringing out my worst thoughts. This does not bode well for the future. It took another moment of frustrated thinking before he just gave up. He looked up at the wall, and just decided to do the next best thing. Within a moment, Hikaru ran up the wall and onto the ceiling from where he once stood, hoping that the large chance of him injuring himself would force his instincts to do the job for him. When he looked up toward the floor, he realized that this was a bad idea. However, it was not a fruitless one. For a second, nothing much to consider that good, a small spark of light kept him from falling, but in the end, he ended up crashing into one of the desks. Hikaru rubbed his head as he got up. "Ow..."</s>
<|description|>Akyra Shyr * Age: 24 * Gender: Female * Race: Vahra The Vahra are a near-human species that primarily inhabit the planet Ketkuo. Differences between them and humans are few, though the most notable are their lifestyles, traditions and their connection with the force. It is unknown whether the Vahra always had this natural connection or if it was gained due to their traditions, but one thing is for sure - a large number of Vahra are known to be force sensitive. Despite their connection it was never used for anything other than survival. The Vahra inhabit a vast majority of Ketkuo, ranging from the harsh mountainous regions to the ocean coast and the thick forests. They live in clans that range in sizes, often enough to make a small village, though there are large cities found throughout the regions. It is fairly uncommon to find them outside of their home planet due to their close bonds with their families and traditions, and rarely does an individual decide to travel outside of their home planet if given the chance unless they have abandoned their clan. They are associated with the mask that they are often found wearing, most often given the mark of their clan. Young Vahra, or Sightless, are given a mask without eye holes to wear when they are outside of their home. This practice is believed to enhance the other senses that don't come as naturally as eyesight. It was believed that by mastering the other senses it would create a better hunter and warrior and give a connection to the Earth. During this time of their lives is when force-sensitive Vahra generally find their connection with the force. If a youngling was found without their mask on when outside of their home they were often scolded and given punishment in the form of more duties. Once a Sightless makes their first kill, their mask are given eyeholes and they are given a mentor. During this time they learn the basics of every branch - the fighting techniques of a warrior, the tracking abilities of a hunter, and the healing abilities of a gatherer. After a period of time it is determined where their skills lie, and they are put into one of the three branches and given a mark to symbolize their position. * Appearance: Akyra stands at a height of 5'6", which is fairly average for a woman of her age and race, and she possesses a thin frame. Her skin is naturally tan, though it is not without small blemishes, mainly scars along her arms and chest from her own duals. Her hair is dark brown in coloration and it often adorned with small brown feathers. While it is common to find her hair down, she prefers keeping it up in a ponytail to keep it from giving her any issues. Rimmed with dark eyelashes, her almond-shaped eyes are golden and most often posses a gentle look. Like many of her race, she wears the mark of her clan just beneath her left eye, clearly visible by the fact that it is several shades darker than her natural skin color. Though she may no longer live among her clan, she chooses to continue wearing the mask she was given and continues to wear the tribe's mark on her skin. Akyra's mask is primarily off-white, and the markings a light golden color. It is a full-face mask that had eye slits and a nose, but no mouth. The marking of her tribe is found beneath her eyes, and on her forehead the warrior's symbol. She generally wears her mask when she is on missions, but leaves it off during casual events or at night. Akyra's attire is similar to that of the past Jedis' - simple and comfortable. She personally prefers varying shades of brown, though she may occasionally be found with robes or a cloak tinted with a rusty red. * Personality: After leaving her home planet, Akyra began an attempt to cut any emotional ties that she might have with anyone. Due to this she may often seem distant from others. Solitude is where she finds her comfort, so working alongside more than one other individual is an experience that she must get used to again. Despite being distant, she is surprisingly comforting to be around since she is equipped with her mother's gentle heart. Her social skills are not entirely lacking, however, as some of her master's habits and way have leaked onto her, allowing Akyra to get along with a sense of humor that one might not expect from the masked Vahra. For the most part Akyra is more than capable of keeping herself composed, even in stressful situations. However, she is prone to irritation when things don't go her way. Grudges are something that she holds for a short while, and she is incredibly stubborn once her mind is made up. * Profession: Jedi Knight (Jedi Healer) * Skills/Abilities: Like many of her kind, Akyra had a natural connection with the force that only strengthened with her training. Her skills undoubtedly lie within this powerful connection, and whereas others may rely primarily on their skill with the lightsaber, she relies on often using the force in battle. While she is a practitioner of Form III(Soresu), and also somewhat well-versed in Form VI(Niman), she prefers to sway away from the option of combat, so the use of her weapon and the force is most often used only for defense when she absolutely needs it. Due to the path that she follows, Akyra holds much knowledge in the art of healing, often with the aid of the force. However, even without it she is aware of a number of alternative methods to help heal wounds. Stealth is one skill that helps her get around undetected as well, something that can prove to be important when she is on the battlefield. She is difficult to catch, and quick to escape. * Equipment: Akyra wields a pale yellow lightsaber with a dark silver hilt, adorned with a light gold to match her mask. The hilt is slightly curved as well, an addition that was added to match her own preference. She also carries a number of special crystals with her to amplify her abilities when it comes to healing. Along with these crystals, she has a number of basic medical supplies, ranging from bandages and stitches to burn relievers and natural antibiotics. * Brief Backstory: Akyra was born on her home planet of Ketkuo, to Clan Shyr. Her mother was the Spiritual Leader, while her father a warrior. Due to their limited interaction with the outside world, the Vahra saw little to nothing of the war, though they were not completely left in the dark. So for the most part Akyra grew up the same way her parents had - given a mask that forced her to utilize all of her senses other than her sight. It was then that she found out that she was force-sensitive, realizing that she could sense the life around her easily. She did not grow up without war, of course - at the time, clan wars were not uncommon. Akyra was recruited by a man named Kilar Shian, a jedi that was sent to revive connections with the Vahra after the war. A number of their kind were taken for training, Akyra being among them. In honor of their new path those that were chosen were given the mark of a warrior, even if they had not yet completed their training. Akyra was chosen to train under Kilar Shian. Since then her abilities have grown and she has begun leaning towards the path of a healer.</s> <|message|>Krat Gyton Bounty Hunter Krat Gyton Krat was on top of a high building that had a clear view on the warehouse the meeting was taking place at. He looked through his scope at the building while proning. It became clear soon that there were a lot of stormtroopers and mercs guarding the building of interest, far too many for Krat to take on alone, even with his aim. He then heard canonfire going on. He searched the skies for what caused this noise, and saw a Republic vessel being shot at by multiple TIE-interceptors. It looked like they were in trouble, and Krat could use some help as well. He activated the intercom inside his helmet. "Denying, get the X-Wing to my position. And before you ask: No, you may not shoot at anyone while on your way here. We need to spare the energy for when the real battle starts." He looked through his scope again, this time activating the heatvision-function on his visor. It looked like a lot of the people inside, which were a lot to begin with, were widespread, meaning that explosives like a thermal charge wouldn't be as effective. He heard Denying on his intercom, crawled back a bit, then got up, put his blaster back on his back and walked to the other side of the building. There was his loyal droid waiting a few meters underneath him in the X-Wing with an open cockpit. He jumped of the building, fell a few meters before using his jetpack to slow down the fall and landed safely inside the cockpit, which closed right behind him. "Get the scoreboard ready, buddy! We are going to help some Republic guys." he said before heading off towards the ongoing battle, while still flying low between the buildings as cover.</s> <|message|>Alastro Hunnem Alastro, The Mantis Scoundrel As things tend to do when one is in a meeting of criminal lords, things suddenly took a turn for the interesting. "There is a New Republic vessel approaching," so the commander of the Children said. A confident smirk appeared in Alastro's lips. Of course, most of the criminal lords seemed to have no intention of fighting, but that was certainly not Alastro's case. His companion stood up and approached Grogga the Hut, but Alastro had no interest towards that. His job had finished once he got them into the meeting. Afterwards, it was their own ass on the line. He stood up and approached Tras Oren, extending a single green hand towards the commander (or whatever title she had) and then said, "My name's Alastro. Alastro Hunnem. I wish to offer my services as a mercenary in defending this place against the New Republic. If they manage to send a landing party, things could get pretty bad, and as I hear it Stormtroopers aren't exactly the most reliable at times." He turned towards one of the Stormtroopers with a mocking smile, before turning to Tras Oren again. "Though my services are quite expensive, you'll find yourself satisfied by the end of the day. So, what do you say, Tras? Do we have ourselves a deal?" He still had a confident smile in his face. He didn't plan on staying for too long if the woman refused to hire him, having the New Republic on his ass would take away his peace and calm, and if they did hire him then he'd get that job he was looking for. --- Julis, Darth Ianthinus The notice of the approaching New Republic forces was... unsurprising. It'd have been more surprising if they didn't come. They kept a close eye on the Children Of The Emperor, or so was Julis' impression. The Jedi were also probably with them. Grandmaster Luke, though she never met him, sounded like a prepared man that would rather have all of his bases covered. Also, her master, Tar, never really had her spar with anyone but himself, though she knew several other Jedi by their appearance, and others may also know her by her appearance. Luckily, she was wearing her Darth Ianthinus outfit and only the Jedi that was after her could recognize her. The expectation of the coming fight made her thrilled as she reached for her lightsaber. Standing guard near the warehouse was making her anxious and impatient. Julis, contrary to many of the other crime lords in the planet, was eager to let the New Republic land and let their soldiers disembark and try to stop them. They would be annihilated. If there were Jedi with them, Julis could also test herself against them and their presence became more of a certainty as the ship approached the surface, thanks to Julis' connection to the Force. She did no effort to hide her own presence as well. They could come looking for her if they wanted. She could then practice her dominance, see if her power was already enough to balance both sides of the force, or if she was still lacking. "Can't they hurry up?" A sinister smile appeared below her mask. She was getting more and more eager to kill all of the Jedis on board that ship.</s> <|message|>Aura Cyone Aura had to get out of there. Getting paid was nothing compared to this. When the Mantis guy started to take a side it hit her how deep this was. She was getting involved in a war that she didn't want to be on either side of. There was no way she would side with the Children of the Emperor, she had morals. It was often believed that smugglers didn't have morals but she did and she would not compromise them in such a major way. Hesitantly, Aura stepped out of the corner and tried to edge towards the doors without anyone noticing. She managed to slide behind the stormtroopers and slide out without anyone reacting. But she wasn't expecting the quantity of Stormtroopers waiting outside.</s>
<|message|>Akyra Shyr Akyra glanced up at the sound of the intercom, as if doing so would allow the pilot to know that she was paying attention. The slightest hint of relief spread through the Vahra at the announcement. Sure, there were a few complications, but they were prepared for those. The important part was now they could get off this ship. A familiar presence approached shortly after the announcement. Elyka. Better her than anyone else, the Vahra thought. While she was acquainted with the other Jedi, she still did not know them as well as she knew Elyka. To be honest, she had felt slightly relieved when she learned that they would be on this mission together. Akyra might try to keep her friendships at a minimum, but she could not deny the comfort she felt knowing there was an old acquaintance with her that she could rely on. Akyra glanced at the Jedi. "Only once, with my master. I can't say I'm pleased to be back." She answered, her displeasure obvious in her voice. She wasn't quite as excited as Elyka, though she would be lying if she said she wasn't glad to be on this particular mission. After all, it wasn't every day that they were assigned a mission by the Grandmaster himself. Giving a slight nod at Elyka's suggestion, she followed her fellow Jedi, though it was quickly cut short. There was a disturbance, something was wrong. Her assumptions were only confirmed at the sound of an alarm. Akyra cursed under her breath in her mother tongue as she turned around. Now they were in for space warfare, one of her least favorite things. "So much for a quiet arrival. I'm going to help with the gunners," She informed before hurrying off, not bothering to check if Elyka was following.</s>
<|description|>James Berken Age: 16 Power: Currently Unknown. But his powers seem to deprive from the creature that is part of him, be it a manifestation of emotions or just a part of him that grew in power over the rest of him, no one will be able to know. Outside the host body, the being would manifest into a black cloud in the form of an animal, any animal it chooses. In this state, James would be faster and more agile, and the creature would be able to fight alongside him. But in this state is when James would be at his most powerful but most vulnerable as well. If the being was inside, James wouldn't die to just anything, a bullet to the brain would mostly likely only cause a scratch as the being strengthens his body. But outside, the being would leave it's more vulnerable part inside him. Thus it would push the pain and injuries on James, showing in minor injures that slowly start to increase in severity. Appearance: Bio: James was a strange child, even from birth. People and parents saying they found things happening around him, whenever he was in danger that he came out alive and well where others would be dead. At the age of 7 would be when it was found out what was happening with him, a group of bullies pushed him around and finally corner him. Him with a black eye and looking like he was going to be hurt more, but suddenly the bullies were being hurt. Being pushed around and even tossed around a bit as a dark cloud flowed from a cut on the top of his hand that never healed. Opening to show the darkness flowing from it and attacking the bullies. Sending them running before taking at first the look of a cat. The darkness flowing around it as it looked at him, that day was when things changed for the child. Thrown out after the stories became increasing against him, he never trusted others. Even those he thought he could trust betrayed him. He was seeing it more and more while on the streets with the creature that called itself a "Void" as a friend. He saw people like him, different and strange, bullied and hurt and rejected by society. He didn't like such prejudice against people like him. Soon him and his "Friend" would be doing what they can. Stealing from the usual "Normal" Society and giving to the supernaturals. Finding homes for others. Cautious about others but always trying to be a friend to those that he can learn to trust. After spending some time at an orphanage, he and Neric would have stumbled upon a flyer to the camp. James having to convince his friend to go, soon the two would have been on their way to the camp and to what may hopefully be some time away from everything. James: "So what's the plan today my shadowy friend?" Neric: "I believe that you can't plan the future, it's in constant motion. We can only think, hope and see about what will be." James: "I couldn't agree with you more."</s> <|message|>Edmond Sieks Edmond laughed as she spoke. "There is never enuff fire to go around." Edmond then looked down at his hands as she said she wanted a tree. The flames danced and swirled in his palms until it started to form a tree trunk. Then making the leaves and branches. He smiled as he felt the warmth of the fire on his cheeks."I have been practicing making trees and other plants for a while now, and I think I may have perfected it." He then moves one of his hands to role one of his sleeves up to his shoulder revealing the mucus underneath. Soon the fire spreads making a little fire forest along his arm. He moves a little bit away from Helena so she can't get burned. He speaks as he looks at the fire, "Who knew fire could do all this?"</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena watched as the free grew from his palm as if it were dirt. She was amazed by this feat, though it was simply a tree. At him comment about perfection, Helena teased, "Eh, I think it's a little uneven." She let a short, natural pause pass between them and added, "It's a pretty good tree- possibly perfect." Seeing him roll up his sleeves and reveal the mucus was interesting, but she figured that was how he controlled the fire, similarly to lighter fuel on charcoal. His arms ignited and she instinctively backed up a few inches. "Fire really can do a lot," she agreed, looking at the positive aspects rather than negative. "It cooks, disinfects, warms... Some even say it has healing powers."</s> <|message|>Zumi E. Zumi silently walked to the campfire where everyone was, she sat down on the soft, green grass and pulled her black hood over her long auburn hair, her bangs covering her Grey eyes. She looked around the camp, looking at each teen, she first stared at Edmond and her eyes brightened when she saw the tree he had created.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne walked over to the boy standing next to the girl with flaming hair. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi. I'm Adrianne Thorsdaughter. Do you want to be partners," she asked a little timidly. She stared up at his salt-and-pepper hair because he was a good foot taller than her, and she felt a little intimidated. Her red hair glowed in the light.@KatherinWinter</s> <|message|>Ivy McBride @Mangrale@1Hawkeyes@LiegeLord@SoulEater@UnknownScarlet4@Blueflame "Water safety is very important. How many of you know how to swim?" The counselors asked. They wanted to make sure that everyone would be safe. Some people learned to swim young. Some people learned late. Others never leared. They could not afford to assume anything when it came to this group. Ivy planted her feet some distance from the late and shook her head. "NO!NO! NO! I'M NOT GOING! I DON'T LIKE WATER! WATER IS NOT MY FRIEND!" Water put out fire so she wanted nothing to do with it. It was too dangerous for her. She looked around for her brother. Her coukd keep her safe. He could control the water. But she saw a girl approaching him. Kyle was surprised when a girl approached him. No one had talked to him in awhile. He had begun to think that he would have to be Ivy's partner. He didn't envy whoever got his sister. Ivy didn't like water. In fact she was pretty much terrified of it. He gave the girl a reassuring smile. "Sure. I would like that."</s> <|message|>Zumi E. Zumi stared at the water, and spoke in a raspy voice. "A man drowned in that lake there, I am not going into a lake with dead man swimming in there", She pointed at it and backed up slowly, staying her distance because she knew something living was in that lake. She turned her head around to an unfamiliar voice and waved at the old man with chains around his arms and ankles. He smiled at her, The old man walked to the tree, his chains rattling against the grass.</s> <|message|>Max Magraw "i can swim can you Valencia" max said wondering if he would have to jump in if she can't swim and she fell in.</s> <|message|>Valencia Moon Valencia looked back at Max."I have swum before but it was 2 years or so ago since I have last swum." She told him. Valencia wasn't embarrassed by telling it. It was only better to let it know since a lot can happen with an activity like this. "I believe that it was in a lake like that behind us." Then a thought came up: * If something does happen maybe he will jump right in to help* a little blush stayed on her face.</s> <|message|>Max Magraw "alright" max said smiling. "i wonder when it will start" max said as he thought of something 'wait we have to where swimming stuff, oh no'. He blushed he didn't want to not have a shirt on.</s> <|message|>Valencia Moon Valencia noticed that Max got a little exited about the activity too. "Yeah, I also wonder when we will go. We need to change in to swimming clothes first. She said after Max. Valencia wanted to go to her cabin to get changed. She looked around the fire pit while waiting for the counsellors to tell more about the activity.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne grinned at Kyle then raised her hand like she was in school, waiting to be called on. She waited paitently for the counselors to call her name. Quite randomly, she decided to start running mental calculations so that she'd have the figures if building a canoe was required.</s> <|message|>James Berken @Mangrale *James would raise his hand, the little Void just sitting in her lap. Him wanting the Counselors knowing he could swim at least as he looks back at Neric and Cecilia with a smile. Not wanting to spoil their moment, but he would speak up to them just to make sure* "You two ready or need more time for the cuddling?" *Neric huffing as he looks at James, purring in her lap still. The boy scooting a bit closer, mostly letting Cecilia state when she is ready. Not knowing when the counselors are wanting to start though, maybe it was soon or later on. But they did look cute together, her petting Neric and the Void laying in her lap. Smiling a bit as he waits for the counselors verdict*</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis @KatherinWinter "Oh, right. I know how to swim," Cecilia called to the counelors just loud enough so they can hear her while raising her hand as well, the other hand continuing to pet Neric a little longer. She was a little embarrassed at being caught not paying attention, but was naturally still enjoying her moment with the Void. "(eager sigh) I guess it's about time to go, Neric. Thank you for this. You're so sweet," she said gratefully, admiring him. "Wish us luck, alright?" With that, she looked up at James warmly and nodded, letting him know she was ready.</s> <|message|>James Berken "Oh I'll be there for both of you Cecilia, remember James is my Human. Also he was the one that allowed me if you allowed me to lay down." *The little Void jumping out of her lap as he walks over to James, him smiling as he holds out his hand with the wound* "And yes James. It was nice." *James rolling his eyes as he smiles, the Void disappearing into his wound as he looks at Cecilia* "Sorry if I interrupted, after we are done canoeing I'll let you and Neric have fun while I maybe go on a walk or something. You two seemed to have enjoyed it and look cute together." *James said with a chuckle, to be honest a little jealous of the Void. Though he wasn't showing any of it, more along the lines of happy to see Cecilia happy. Smiling softly at her as he held his hands together*</s> <|message|>Max Magraw . Max got up and walked over to where the counselors where standing "me and Valencia (@Vampy) know how to swim" max said to them. Then he turned around and walked back over to the seat he was sitting in before he got up.</s> <|message|>Edmond Sieks @KatherinWinter Then he suddenly realised that the tree looked uneven and the leavs were to big. "Well at least i can make it seem like a tree." Edmond said while his hand and arm flinched. The motion making his fire go out, he then takes in a few deep breaths to cool the rest of himself of. Edmond then moves his other arm to pull his sleeve down to cover his arm and rist. Edmond was sort of getting tired from using his powers so he just decided to stop for a bit. Helena then said something about what fire can do. Edmond rased an eyebrow at this then looked back at his hands. "Hummm...i guess your right. Fire can do a lot but i can only manage a little." He said. He then turned to the counselors as one of them asked if any of them could swim. Edmond raised his hand and said in a small voice. "I can't swim...haha." Edmond held a nervous grin as he looked at the counselors and back at Helena as if he is waiting for her to say something.</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis Cecilia knew Neric would be there with them, but at the time, thought asking him to wish them luck made sense. "He did? Well in that case, thanks James," Cecilia gladly said to the Void's partner. "I guess I should get in the habit of thanking both of you, so I'd make less mistakes like this," she mentioned pleasantly as she stood up. Cecilia chuckled along with James, glad to see Neric say he enjoyed it in his unique way. "It's alright James, but you really don't have to do that," she responded, not keen on leaving James alone just to have Neric accompany her. "I should probably practice using my power... No time like the present, you know?" She didn't sound very resolved and wouldn't really persist if James and Neric insisted. Still, practice was something she'd end up doing eventually.</s> <|message|>James Berken *James would smile as he nods, though looks to the counselors* "Well maybe you should ask them if you can use your powers after the canoeing. And maybe if I could watch, I would like to watch and see your power in action. I bet you could do a lot more then move a small rock, I know you'll be able to do more." *Smiling, him trying to comfort and boost her confidence if he could. He believed she would be able to do much more with her power and hopes he can help. But he did mean it, the counselors don't seem very keen on trusting them all yet. He didn't want her to get in trouble, even if he did seem like a party pooper in a way for saying she should ask them. Better him being thought that then her or anyone else getting in trouble now. Though he would have to ask them if he is allowed to watch or anything, though he doesn't have too high hopes after them saying what they did*</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis "Okay, I'll try asking after we're finished. Honestly, I don't think they should mind unless they have something else planned after the canoeing. I mean, they didn't seem to mind us using our powers up until now," Cecilia said in a hopeful manner. She didn't feel up to bothering the counselors right now, as they were trying to get the event underway. "I'm unsure what what we'll have time for until we have to go to turn in for the day, but if they say yes, I wouldn't mind you watching me practice," she said happily.</s>
<|message|>James Berken "Maybe train a bit while watching, Neric keeps saying I'm losing my touch..." *James would say as he looks away a bit, shrugging and smiling at her. True for a couple weeks he has been rather lax about working out or training, though the Void is kinda rigorous about how he trains. Very specific and picky about what James does and how he works, but it's good in its own way. Thinking before speaking again after a few moments* "I guess it will be nice, get to hang out with you a bit longer. And I rather like your company." *He would say with a confirming nod*</s>
<|description|>Gobskag Greenteef, also known as Gobskag Da Great (also known as Da Great Gobskag). Pretty much everyone just shouts "GOBLIN!" at him, however. Username: Culluket Race/Species: Goblin (Plains) Gender: Goblin (Plains) Age: More than three Career (if any) and Skills: Da Really Little Waaagh! -- A petty Shaman, Gobskag has little to nothing in the way of damaging magic, dealing rather with hexes, disruptions, and dirty, underhanded tricks. Like most goblins, he is allergic to (and useless in) direct combat, preferring to knife the enemy in the back, preferably while they're face down in the mud. Underestimating him, however, has backfired before. Every greenskin has a level of base savagery in them, and Gobskag has more than one ace up his sleeve, wielding terrifying and lethal close-combat magicks such as Da Curse of Da Stabbed Froat: a dreadful hex cast with the sharpened end of a wooden, rune-carved wand. Woe to the opponent who lets his guard down at close range, for the curse is swift and terrible. Any beneficial magic he attempts to use will mysteriously fail to work on stunties, or those with a stronger-than-usual hatred of goblinkind. Alkhemy -- The fine art of potion brewing. Might also be "poison brewing". Or bomb-making. Not knowing which it's going to be is da best bit. Cunnin' Planz -- Gobskag is loaded with cunning plans, some of which may actually be useful, and all of which involve tactics so dirty that just hearing them spoken aloud would make a Bretonnian throw himself on his sword. He also has a sixth sense for when things are about to go belly-up, and has usually pulled a vanishing act by the time anyone else figures it out. Weapons: Cursin' Stikk -- The requisite shaman's staff: The twisted branch of some unnatural tree, topped with a carven Scary Face and hung with tufts of untreated animal skin and leftover chicken bones. The end is sharpened and reinforced, so that the staff can double as a Stabby Stikk if the enemy is on the back foot and the Shaman smells an opportunity to get stuck in without excessive danger. Gougin' Knife -- Those magickal reagents aren't going to pluck out themselves. Doubles as Treacherus Froatcutta when in proximity to turned backs. Hexplodin' Bombz -- Beneficial potions that didn't quite pass muster as being actually beneficial. Some of them explode in clouds of foul vapors, others, fulminous balls of crud. What's important is, they're all dead magickal. Gobskag has learned not to prepare these too long in advance, as the hexes are liable to leak down his robes, explode ahead of schedule, or get absent-mindedly mistaken for a refreshing beverage. Attire: Presently, Gobskag's orkkult robes consist of little more than a grotty, pointy-hooded sack crudely sewn together from differently-colored items of clothing looted from various battlefields, corpse-carts and unsuspecting merchants. But as his grand new career unfolds, he plans to embellish his kit, a little at a time, with the finest magickal-lookin' bitz the enemy has to offer, and changes will be reflected here. Equipment/Other Brewin' Bitz -- a small cauldron, a set of powders and some fire-makin' equipment, so that Reagents or concoctions can be prepared in camp, or in case he feels like cooking a rat. Magickal Reagents -- Gizzards, eyeballs, live vermin, pouches of anything that might pass for useful. Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.): Gobskag is a scrawny, hunched, shovel-nosed bastard, with furrowed, leathery skin the most unpleasant shade of puke green possible, and leering with a jagged grin of ugly, mismatched yellow teeth -- thus proving greenskins can't even get their names right. Beady red eyes glint shrewdly under a shadowy flour-sack hood, and drooping bat-ears, ragged from various close calls and squig bites, flop gormlessly out of its sides. Mental Description/Personality: Gobskag is a typical goblin. Which is to say he is a stupid, opportunistic, evil-minded coward possessed of an almost supernatural degree of low cunning. He learned to play cards explicitly so he could learn how to cheat and only has respect for authority to the degree to which it can bribe, beat or intimidate him into line, which fortunately any good commander easily can. Conversely, he is disgustingly obsequious to those with the upper hand, right up until the moment they're not watching anymore. Dealing with him is a simple game of carrot and stick -- he's clever enough to know not to bite the hand that's thumping the other guy. He'll kill more or less anyone, and doesn't particularly care what he gets paid in, as long as he has more of it than anybody else. Background/History: Gobskag was once a member of the Scarey Face tribe, a somewhat pathetic warren of goblins without much to distinguish it from the countless others infesting the Badlands, ruled by a Shaman known as Screamin' Mog. The Scarey Face tribe had, in turn, quickly been absorbed into the swelling Black Bonez warband under Golg Grub-Mouth, a brutal orc marauder who took a special pleasure in plundering Empire trade routes. While this was dead great, as it got them stacks of loot and constant, invigorating skirmishes with the outraged border princes, the internal politics were precarious. Golg Grub-Mouth was not a patient warlord, and Screaming Mog was a particularly vicious and paranoid shaman who regularly dispatched his underlings if his voices told him to. (His voices. It really was just him talking to himself in a squeaky voice, and he didn't pretend otherwise.) Gobskag was a bad position, even for a goblin. If he made himself any more useful to the warlord, Screaming Mog would kill him. If he didn't, the Orc or one of his seconds would almost certainly do it instead, and probably eat him afterwards. The solution came unexpectedly when he was discovered a good way outside camp in the dead of night, where he had absolutely not been doing nothing remotely nefarious, by a band of very serious, dangerous-looking mercenaries. Gobskag was sure he was done for, and likely he would have been, had their commander not shrewdly proposed an alternative: Gobskag would be not only spared but rewarded, if he betrayed the Black Bonez and aided in facilitating a surprise attack. Greed, treachery and the lure of revenge warred against the natural greenskin order of might makes right, and self-interest temporarily proved the stronger. Gobskag agreed, and promptly betrayed the mercenaries to his tribe, who erupted into open combat. The mercenaries, being experienced dogs of war, had been ready for this, and a second company had flanked to the other entrance. Gobskag then double-betrayed his tribe by opening the gates, then betrayed the mercenaries again (I's bottled 'em in over dere, boss!), and finally when the chips were down and the battle hung in the balance, triple-betrayed his tribe, giving the free companies the advantage they needed to hew them down to the last and finally slaughter Golg himself. The mercenaries had taken the goblin's flip-flopping treachery in good humor, all things considered. They laughed about it together, paid him his promised share, then tied him in a sack and threw it into the nearest bog. As he hauled himself onto the bank, having escaped his fate via a series of cunning plans and improbable coincidences, Gobskag experienced a number of epiphanies. First of all, he was now official Top Shaman of the Black Bonez tribe. However, since he'd also just helped completely destroy said tribe, he unfortunately had nobody to brag to about it. More importantly, more magniffisently, he'd had a glimpse of something amazing. A whole world of possibility, that might just be everything a greedy, bloodthirsty, conniving little bastard like him might wish for. A little fibbing, a little sneaking, a little stowing away, and Gobskag was on the fast track to the bottom of a whole new heap in grand Tilea. While his unscrupulous nature is a hazard, commanders experienced in real, honorless, bloody battle know all too well the value of a good wildcard, and that's exactly what Gobskag is -- a loathesome surprise for the other side. Greenskin magic, even the puny kind, is not something many foes expect or know how to deal with, and let's face it: When the sides are deadlocked and conventional strategy fails... nobody cheats like a goblin. Having had a taste of what the world of the free companies can offer, he tends to view the greater mass of other goblins as primitive chumps, who wouldn't know a good thing if it stabbed them in the throat with a rune-carved wand.</s> <|message|>Gahetano Maria Barbaggi -edited-</s> <|message|>Baecion Hmm... anything they wished? As it happened, Baecion did have it in mind that perhaps a few tomes of magic and other such interesting topics might be necessary to help progress his magical abilities, if the man had any such objects in his castle... but he'd perhaps save his request until after they were alone, just so he didn't further alienate the other mercenaries in the group. Plans were discussed amongst others, including the idea of using a boat to escape (which Baecion first thought somewhat unnecessary, but after further chatter from the others saw the merits of implementing); meanwhile, Baecion finished his meal, politely crossed his hands over his lap, and when the time came, simply stated "A contract to confirm that we are owed certain dues once the job is complete sounds like a reasonable idea." Really, his input was barely needed, and ideally (at least for now), the less he was noticed, the better.</s> <|message|>Gobskag Greenteef, also known as Gobskag Da Great (also known as Da Great Gobskag). Pretty much everyone just shouts "GOBLIN!" at him, however. Gobskag rubbed his spindly green claws, a little too eagerly for anyone to be comfortable with. "Sure, sure," he rasped, leering, "Poor, weak elfses and stunties needs their rest, neehh? Heh hehh... Ol' Gobskag will keep watch, an' make sure nuffing goes missing in da bleak, spooooky dead of night, hneh heh hnehh..." It would be a good chance to poke around the cursed castle, too. Treasure and food aside, Gobskag would have bet his left eye there was a proper humie skeleton somewhere on the premises. Right good bones for magikk wands, and an evil-looking skull wouldn't go awry on his orkkult robes, neither. "Den in da mornin' we can gets down ta business... But I ain't goin' in no cage!" he sqwaked, thumping his stikk against the floor for emphasis. "I gots a betta plan. One wiv extra cunnin' bits. Yous'll see." He withdrew into suspicious mumbling, eyeing the others surreptitiously from under his hood and glancing around for secret doors.</s> <|message|>Gahetano Maria Barbaggi Gahetano nodded. He was tired: a little rest was what he was hoping for. Howewer, he tried not to sound too desperate for it: "It's pretty much settled then" the human declared heading towards Alfredo with a renewed cup of wine the man obviously needed. The servant, reluctantly, accepted the drink -since it was now being offered not so much by a guest than by another servant of his master- "I suppose theres a room were we can rest without creating further inconvenience to our employer?."</s> <|message|>Sketti Hammerhand Sketti wasn't exactly tired, but due to the small bit of drink and how boring it was to listen to the Grobi speak, he'd fallen asleep on his chair. His snores were generally light, other than a few hacks every now and then. For some reason, he still seemed wary despite the closed eyes and sagged beard.</s>
<|message|>Gobskag Greenteef, also known as Gobskag Da Great (also known as Da Great Gobskag). Pretty much everyone just shouts "GOBLIN!" at him, however. In the dead of night, Gobskag scuttled through a hole in the crumbling wall, loot-sack bulging with stolen food and ill-gotten gains. Mercenary work was right good, he thought to himself. You could get rich without even doing any fighting! Chengizz's ruby alone would make him a gob to be reckoned with. He was well on his way to being downright respectable. "Now where did dey say we was goin'?...." he muttered to himself, leering over a crude, upside-down map with an X scrawled onto the coastline. He squinted at the horizon until he saw a tree that looked kind of like a picture of a tree on the map, and scuttled off in that direction, confident he'd reach Loosinny in no time at all. --- Legends tell us of how the conniving shaman did indeed arrive at his destination, after traveling the breadth of the continent for years in the wrong direction; felling terrible beasts, carrying out daunting quests, slowly becoming both a grizzled veteran and something of a folk antihero, cackling in the face of authority. Tales are told of how he burgled the blue college against impossible odds, taking only a few bread rolls and a new hat, and using the headmaster's desk drawer as a privvy. Songs are sung of how he rescued the fair Duchess Aveline from the clutches of the Raven cult, felling countless Daemons and swinging her to safety across a bottomless fissure, only to ask if she knew what Luccini was and how were you supposed to get there again?... Yes, whole decades passed before that huddled, dusty shape shuffled slowly into the border of Luccini. The goblin was wizened, now, darker in color, missing one beady eye and wearing a fake grey beard hooked over his ears and dangling down to the ground from his chin, just to make sure everyone knew he was proper venerable now. Onlookers whispered in awed, hushed tones of the Prophecy, the foretelling of the day Gobskag the Glorious would arrive at the port and unseat the reigning Prince, claiming his throne. But the grizzled green veteran only leered, sagaciously, and bought out the Prince's flagship in a jaw-dropping display of cunning negotiation and charisma. He hired on a select crew of eager adventure-seekers, including a giant, anchor-wielding ogre first mate, raised the Scarey Face flag and set sail, coursing on to lands unknown. Yet as the great ship was casting off, some brave, pluckish young boy called out to the goblin hero, begging the secret of his almost supernatural good fortune. The greenskin mercenary looked back and could only leer, in as close to a kindly fashion as he was capable of. His one good eye twinkled like a beady red marble.... and the ruined socket of the other glimmered with an even deeper, faintly magical crimson sheen. "Lad," he chuckled, tapping the eye-stone, "I owes it all to me lucky ruby." ~Fin~</s>
<|description|>Skor Ximen Age: 70 Species: Skakoan Gender: M Appearance: Rank: Rear Admiral of the Alliance Navy Role: Captain of the Keep Skills: - naval tactician specializing in raids and special operations. - seasoned commander deeply familiar with Imperial battle doctrine. Weaknesses: - pronounced disdain for humans and most non-Skakoans - hatred of Imperials can lead him to recklessness and makes him more comfortable than many in the Republic with brutality. Equipment: - Skakoan pressure suit with Alliance rank insignia. Beneath the robes are powerful cybernetic enhancements built into the suit, giving Ximen considerable strength and speed, as well as the ability to operate in a vacuum. - A mechno-chair that Ximen often uses to clank through the crowded corriders of his ship. He frequently uses a similar device fitted with a hologram projector to communicate with underlings. History: Skor Ximen's early life, like that of many Skakoans, was one of plodding advancement through the ranks of the Techno Union. Ximen's affinity for spacecraft and tactics landed him a place in the Union naval forces. He shared with many of his kind disaffection from the cumbersome and intrusive Old Republic, amplified by his intense dislike of humans, and was an enthusiastic advocate of the creation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He served the CIS well, specializing in lightning-strikes against Republican naval forces and raids on supply ships and depots, and ended the war as the captain of the Recusant-class destroyer Xenophile and commander of a squadron of Seperatist cruisers and destroyers. After successfully withdrawing the from the battle of Coruscant, Ximen- like many in the Confederate navy- refused to stand down at the end of the Clone Wars, infuriated that a winnable war had been lost over-centralization and by the perceived incompetence of Dooku and Gunray. Ximen and the ships under his command waged a hit-and-run campaign against the nascent Empire, which he saw as merely a continuation of the oppressive and intolerable Republic. It was not long before the newly formed Alliance contact him along with other Seperatist holdouts, asking them to join the cause of freedom from imperial oppression. His rise through the Alliance ranks has been rocky, hampered by his loyalty to the Seperatist cause, outspoken Skakoan patriotism, and contempt for what he views as lesser races. Still, his hatred of the Empire, fueled by a desire to avenge the indignity of Skakoan defeat in the Clone Wars, is second to none and questioned by no one. His early career in the Alliance was spent at the helm of the Xenophile, leading a squadron of ships charged with raiding CIS and Republic weapons and naval depots that Empire left inadequately protected, underestimating as it did the level of resistance the New Order would meet even in its early years. Captain Ximen gained notoriety among his Rebel allies when, in the course of seizing a freighter carrying Imperial food supplies, he opened fire on civilian transports before they could make the jump to hyperspace and alert the Imperial Navy. The incident came to be known as the Agriworld-Massacre, and provided the Empire with a propaganda coup, adding credibility to their caricature of the Rebellion as terrorists and Seperatist fanatics. Hardly a sacrifice worth a few thousand tons of Imperial rations. Ximen spent some years in the wilderness following the massacre, relegated to escort and patrol duties in outlying rebel territories. Angry at Rebel Command and deeply bored, Ximen considered abandoning the cause. Only reports of Imperial repression on Skakoa and its dismantling of the Techno Union kept him wedded to the cause. His chance at rehabilitation came in the form of an imperial attack on a rebel base in the Antipose System. Ximen and his squadron managed to hold off an imperial task force, giving the base time to evacuate. The Xenophile was critically damaged in the operation, but Ximen managed to destroy a Victory-class cruiser in the course of the battle before overseeing the rebel retreat. Ximen was promoted to Commomdore, and given command of the Nebulon-B class frigate, The Keep. Over the next decade, Ximen would be promoted to Rear Admiral as he worked hand-in-glove with Rebel Intelligence to keep the Imperial Navy distracted and off balance, fending off near-constant feints and raids. This strategy tied up Imperial resources in system defense and patrols that would otherwise have been used hunting rebel assets. Ximen was integral to the conceptualization and creation of Rancor Company. When Alliance High Command gave approval to the formation of the Company, Ximen's skillset and ship were seen as naturally suited to the task, though concern was voiced over the Rear Admiral's famous cantankerousness, Seperatist loyalties and chauvinism. His ruthlessness, however, once seen as a liability, was now seen by an increasingly desperate Alliance as an asset. Supporting Cast: KPR-1 "Keeper": A tactical droid serving as Rear Admiral Ximen's adjutant and strategic analyst. Expert in Imperial Naval doctrines and tactics, obsessed with analyzing battle data. KPR-202 "Keeper 2": The Admiral's second adjutant, oversees the bridge, which is staffed largely by old OOM-series pilot models. LOM-8347 "Friendly": a foul-tempered LOM series protocol droid that serves as the Admiral's "head of security". Most onboard the Keep have endured his droning lectures if they run afoul of the Admiral in some way. He commands an eclectic collection of 50 or so combat droids- mostly repurposed B-1 models- that can be activated to act as the Keep's security forces. Most of the B-1s are kept stowed until needed. Lieutenant Ensago: a Mon Calamari bridge officer. Ximen and Ensago despise one another, and Ensago is particularly disdainful of Ximen's reliance on droids. Despite their mutual dislike, they have worked well together for years and maintain a cool professionalism. Ensago is unafraid to speak bluntly to the Rear Admiral, who knows better than to ignore the officer that Ackbar has ordered to keep an eye on him.</s> <|message|>Ibus Trad Second Platoon Common Area, Deck 4 --- Ibus always hated space travel. He much preferred being on the ground, travelling on foot. Thus, the eventual arrival of the platoon aboard the ship prompted a sigh of relief from him. His fresh faced subordinates followed him out of the ship that had transported them here, scurrying about. Most were dressed in their utility uniforms, being obviously less weary than their counterparts which occupied other parts of the deck. They hauled crates, bags, and all other sorts of containers from the transport to the quarters of which they were authorized, each talking amongst one another about various topics. Ibus had already claimed his quarters and had just moved in his belongings, beginning to settle in. Needless to say the arrival of the Sergeant Major was of great surprise. Trad's experiences with Company Sergeants had rarely gone well, and he had nary a high hope for this encounter. As Ibus met eyes with the gruff and experienced senior enlistedman, his posture faltered. "Sergeant Major Jax, I presume?" spoke Ibus, in his calm, well-mannered voice as he raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Aye," replied he, "First off, I'd like to welcome you to the the Keep, Lieutenant." "Glad to be here." remarked Trad, a slight grin forming upon his face. "The Commandant has requested you to the briefing room. He's formulated a plan for the next op, and he wants you and the other platoon commanders there to be briefed as soon as possible." And there it went. The grin dissipated, replaced again by the blank scowl associated so often with commanding figures. "Understood, Sergeant Major. I will depart momentarily. Just give me a few seconds to offload my gear," the Lieutenant stated, placing the unloaded A280 he had been carrying upon the table of his quarters as the Sergeant Major departed. He then removed the rucksack from his person with another sigh, running one of his hands over the light stubble patch upon his jaw. He stepped out of his quarters, speaking up to the platoon sergeant, Krok Upard, as he made to depart. "I'm heading to a briefing on one of the upper decks. Hold down the fort for me, eh?" Krok nodded and cracked a smirk, and then the Lieutenant was off again, clad in his officer uniform, opting to trade his ballistic helmet for a field cover as he passed by his hard-working subordinates, on his trek to the briefing room.</s> <|message|>Pib Dosa 3rd Platoon Common Area, Deck 4 --- Rogaar blocked his opponent's strike with his muscled forearm, and attempted to grapple the arm with a swift grab from his opposite hand. It succeeded, but he was in turn gripped back, and felt a series of hard punches meet his abdomen as Section Leader Dred Ortega pushed the offensive. Pib Dosa cleaned his rifle as the 2nd Asst Section Leader Rogaar and the 1st Section Leader Dred fought with all of their combat experience amid the group of watching Mandalorians. Many simply kept silent as they studied the two combatants battle circle match, as if it was a math equation to be learned or a painting to be remembered, trying to memorize and contemplate every movement, every block. Combat was a way of life for the Mandalorians, a culture based upon war and warriors. The Mando'a Platoon Sergeant was a spectar among them, making sure everyone had their proper equipment. Todal Fist was an intimidating sight, even to other Mandalorians. Only Pib and perhaps Dred had just as many victories in battle, bounties, and hunting as he. He received nods and returned them from his brothers in war. "I've noticed we've not made many friends," Ghez said to his comrade and Section Leader, Tor Akaavi. "These troops have some experience, but it seems the moderate skirmish on Anaxes has rattle them." Tor nodded, for the so-called 'battle' was indeed nothing more than a moderate skirmish to the Mandalorians. Tor slipped his Vibroblade into his sheath as he spoke. "The rebellion is getting desperate. Perhaps that is why they were eager to take us. I saw a Kaleesh here as well." "None of our concern," Platoon Commander Dosa said, drawing their gazes. "Our goal remains the same." It was at that moment that Todal Fist approached and snapped to attention with his fist upon his chest. "Chieftan. The upper command of the Rebels asks for your presence." With a twist of his powerful arm, his weapons snapped into a reloaded position and he hefted it. "Soon, we'll take the Empire's measure yet again." Pib Dosa said as he addressed his battle brothers. "Rest and prepare."</s>
<|message|>Skor Ximen Admiral Ximen Bridge of The Keep, After the Briefing *Commander on deck* announced the tactical droid, as the Admiral, perched precipitously atop an clawed mechno-chair, clanked into the bridge, his voluminous blue robes spilling out from the heavy metal frame of his pressure suit. "rePORT-buzzzt-" demanded Ximen as he futzed with the voice-dials arrayed across his gleaming breastplate, "SYSTEms status." His chair lurched to the center of the command platform, then froze and settled under his weight with a slow hydraulic hiss. Around him, B-1 pilot models hunched over terminals, beeping quietly as they monitored the Keep's subsystems and the asteroid field in which she lay hidden from Imperial sensors. *Aft turbo-laser batteries assessed at 37% capacity, deemed not fully recoverable in the absence of repair facilities.* the t-model replied, approaching the admiral with a data-slate, *gas-leak in engineering located and repaired. Keep assessed mission-ready despite sub-optimal offensive systems. Lightning Squadron has requested additional hangar space in-* "Gr-zzzzzt-anted," said Ximen, with the wave of a black-gloved hand, "Inform Major Sovv that he has my -zzzt- backing in whatever he re-zzzt-quires. Send LOM-8347 to remove any excess ground personnel from the h-zzt-ngers. What of the Imperials?" *TIE forces continue to sweep the debris cluster* replied the t-series, as a holo-display of the asteroid field flickered into life in front of the admiral, with red indicators of enemy fighter locations, all distant from the Keep's position, *Mynock Squadron in position to intercept/ambush any enemy scouts that breach detection radius.* "Acceptable. The likelihood of our discovery?" *15%* "Analysis." *Enemy employing standard Imperial search-destroy formations. No detected deviations. At current rate, enemy would breach Keep's detection radius in 7 months. Correction: 8.4 months. Two TIE units just destroyed by asteroid impact. 10% chance of discovery, contingent entirely on change in Imperial search procedure.* Admiral Ximen's beady eyes watched from behind round goggles as two red pin-points disappeared from the holo-display. "-zzzt-fools," he said in his mechanical croak, to no one in particular, "squandering their chance to catch us." *Quite agreed, Admiral.* replied the droid. Ximen sat back in his chair. Behind his mask, a lipless mouth was curled into a frown. The clumsiness of his hunters was typical of the Imperial Navy, inept as it tended to be in anything but open engagements between ships of the line. At Anaxes, however, they had been anything but clumsy. Their ambush had been near perfect, failing to destory the Keep only due to the skill of the Rebel ship's fighter screen. One well-placed ion torpedo had been the difference between life and death. Ximen doubted that whomever had organized the Anaxes trap was bothering to command the pursuit. "Have you completed your analysis of the Anaxes engagment?" he asked the droid. *Yes, Admiral.* "You may proceed." *Victory-class cruisers Stalwart and Firestorm identified. Engagement histories being uploaded to your data-slate now.* "What of the Destroyer?" *Transmission intercepts identified it as the ISD-Lycurgus.* "Her command-zzzt-er?" *The databanks to which I have access only indicate that the Lycurgus is not a garrison ship, nor does it appear in our roster of Imperial capital-class vessels.* Ximen pressed the tips of his long, gloved fingers together. "Perturbing. Ask Commander Axton to report to the Bridge. Perhaps Alliance Intelligence knows more than-zzzzt-they care to enter into our databanks. It will not do for us to ignore an Imperial who knows how to lay a competent ambush-zzzt."</s>
<|description|>Basilio Calathium (Vincent Amaranth in Real Life) Yggdrasil Username: FloweryBastard Race: Half-Elf Gender: Male Character Level: 90 Alignment: Chaotic Good Guild/Party Affiliation: De Ordine Imperii (M.I.A)</s> <|message|>Basilio Calathium (Vincent Amaranth in Real Life) Far away from any sort of castle or town, in the middle of verdant mountains, filled with animal and vegetal life and seemingly no other intelligent life form, ventured a man. Dressed with a large white cloak, with a hood on, covering some of his face, holding a large staff onto his hand and followed by some small animals. Venturing through the wilds, that's how he started this game and that's how he wanted to end it. Vincent, the player behind the screen, did receive a message that the guild would have a great party to end it all in great style, but he didn't want to spend his time into the castle, all he wanted was to see the nature, something he wouldn't be able to do so after the game was over. There could be other games, but YGGDRASIL was by far the most realistic experience he's had. He could walk around the wilds, play with animals, he even made friends in the Empire of Order, even if he ditched on them way too much, disappearing for many months and only communicating through magic to make sure he would have his spot in the guild assured. FloweryBastard, or how some got to call him, the Wandering Druid, continued walking and walking, until the final countdown would finally arrive, and so he would say the numbers outloud as they showed onto the screen. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…1…Goodbye YGGDRASIL." He closed his eyes as the 0 showed up onto the screen, he knew what came next, he would open his eyes, get the game gear off and go back to his miserable little life. Or would he? Upon opening his eyes, the male looked around, the numbers were gone, so were the screens and even the logout button. He felt more freedom than ever, in his movements, in his speech, upon trying to speak, a different voice other than his own even came from his mouth! He looked around a bit startled and immediately began searching for the logout button which wasn't there anymore. "What the fuck!?" He asked himself. "How am I supposed to leave… ? Or am I not supposed to…?" Took him some time to sit down, ponder, think and accept, Vincent was trapped into that world. Which was not very good considering he had a very serious illness and lived all by himself. He clearly did not wish to die, but he needed to be rational and accept things as they were. He was stuck into that odd world, and it seemed he was stuck into his character's body. If he was in a game world, he would probably need a name other than FloweryBastard, he wished to keep his character up so thought of something fitting. A name which reminded him of flowers, and little by little, he came up with it: Basilio Calathium. Now Basilio needed to think, what was the next step? It came naturally to him, he should revisit his old guild and find his team mates. He had been Missing in Action for months, but they were used to it by now. The druid wandered through the mountain in search of something to mount, soon he would find the perfect creature for it, a giant eagle. "Hm…let's test something….Tame Beast!" Upon verbally saying the name of the spell, a green glow would shine bright and reach the eagle, which would immediately come down to him, waiting. "So the spells do work here. All right, good. Well, for now let's get away from here." Mounting onto the eagle, Basilio moved towards the beast and took flight away from there. The Destination? Grand Arce Bellum, of course…well, at least to the location he reminded it being. He wasn't sure if this world wouldn't be the same as the Yggdrasil's map which he had walked through most of it, but if it was at least similar, he could for sure find his way in some time. Took him a bit longer than he expected, he had to ask for plants and animals in the middle of the way, making many stops, but soon he would be able to find the castle. Thank God in the game that mountain was pretty close to Arce Bellum, otherwise he could have not found it. He would land in the village and go to the castle by foot. The sight of a giant eagle landing in the middle of the village, did startle the people inside, and soon the guards would come, pointing their weapons at it. "Oh! Been a while since I've seen these guys!" Basilio laughed as he jumped off the animal, which would take flight soon. "O-oh! Lord FloweryBastard!? We all thought you were gone for good!" Basilio tilted his head to the side. "Wait wait wait, they can talk now? This is just too weird." Vincent thought inside of his head, and Basilio would keep blinking, until the guards would say another thing that startled him "Lord Grey requires the presence of all the Supreme beings inside." Basilio nodded his head and just smiled, laughing in the end. "Grey? Ol' Grey ended up taking lead of the guild!? That's hilarious! I always saw him as someone who followed orders. But very well, take me to him!" And so they did. Basilio followed the guard into the castle and gosh it all looked the same, Basilio looked around excitedly, and even joyous, letting out soft chuckles out of nostalgia from the periods he would come back to the guild and meet up with everyone. Soon the Silver Guards would take him to Grey's door, knocking onto the door. "Lord Grey, we have found Lord FloweryBastard in the village and brought him here. Should we let him in?"</s> <|message|>Lord Grey Andal "And here I was thinking things were going to be ordinary around figures the last men standing for a group of Roman styled warriors would be a flower gardener, a paladin, and a monk..." grumbled Grey with a hint of irony as he stood up, and walked towards the door down the hallway. As he stood in the hall he looked over the druid in front of him, and he wondered if there were more left of the guild. Was it only them? Was it that these people in front of them existed all over the world? It was a certain possibility. "It would seem that we have found ourselves another strong ally. I assume the reason that you're here is to re-join with us here in the citadel? Before you ask no I don't know what is going on. Only thing that I understand is somehow the servants have succeeded in booting me up the corporate latter, and into that pale throne up there." commented Grey preemptively striking down any comments about what was going on. "I don't suppose you know anything do you Basilio?" questioned Grey politely.</s> <|message|>Basilio Calathium (Vincent Amaranth in Real Life) "Hey! These flowers were responsible for saving many lives around here, okay?" And followed by that, Basilio would deliver one of his usual light hearted chuckles, followed by a large smile. "Stern as always, I see, it's nice to see you again, Grey. And...wait a second, you mean it's only four of us for now? It's worse than I thought huh."He laid a hand onto his chin to think a little, he had already confirmed he was not the only player in that world, seemingly other members from his guild made it as well, which was good, his assumption was correct. But now, many other doubts surrounded his mind. Before he could ask anything, Grey would already state what was already imaginable, that he also did not know what the heck had just happened. Basilio would just nod his head. "Well, I never really left the guild, I just took a different path I suppose and thanks to that, I have kind of an idea of this world's geography, so I think I might be useful." Basilio smiled brightly at his new leader in triumph. "If I know anything? Well, you probably have noticed this, but all that I could grasp is that the spells we learned in YGGDRASIL do work in here, I made use of Tame Beast to ride an eagle in my way here and I talked to plants with my Druidic skill, so, it's safe to assume, this world is a mirror image of our previous reality. But again, you probably guessed that. So it's my turn to put up a question: Since we're here, what should we do?"</s> <|message|>'Lady Nana' Nanami Natsumi She had jumped up to follow Grey when another familiar face arrived. She was more than happy to have another ally but also an old friend return to the scene. Grey and Basilio immediately started chatting without really acknowledging her at all. She supposed Grey was the Emporer now and most people would want to seek him out first. Still, she was very happy. She was also getting annoyed at being a wallflower, which often happened when men would talk. She skipped toward Basilio once and jumped to land on his back. She knew she was much faster than almost everyone in the guild, even the lightfooted druid would surely be caught. "Glad you could make it! You're just in time for a council meeting with Claudius. He's just as loud and proud as you might imagine. Hehe." Nanami felt a bit more responsible for Basilio in a way since she had been the one to reach out to him to join the guild. They were the same level now but to her he was still her junior. @vancexentan@Salvia</s> <|message|>Shiba Akabane Shiba had set himself up in the village nearby watching the countdown from his screen and he was ready to say goodbye to one of the best games he has ever played. He had to admit he would miss playing this character, being able to walk through walls was insanely useful and fun to use. He had been drinking in a nearby tavern drinking to his heart's content making sure to use his cloak to pick up the glass otherwise he would freak out the NPCs with his ghastly form. He had just hit his 10th drink and was hammered though thankfully he could just log out without the hangover which was awesome. He then looked at the clock on the menu and sighed as he lifted his glass up high "Oh Yggdrasil I will miss you. Reality shall hit me in a matter of moments, 3...2...1" He said with a sigh as he closed his eyes and expected to be back at his desk facing his laptop. When he opened his eyes again he looked around and saw that he was still in the tavern. He was at first confused and he saw that he was still in his cloak and in a tavern of fearful NPCs though now they were more suspicious then frightened though that could be because he had his ghastly face hidden under his hood. He tried to open the menu and each time he tried nothing happened and he couldn't even talk a GM or if their even was one anymore there was supposed to be a system shut down. Well, he had an inkling of what has happened to him so he decided to try something that was only available to his character and this game. He swore if he just got hurt he would be so pissed. He finished the last of his drink and tried walking through the wall and to his surprise he did it. He then laughed loudly "I'll be damned. This will be fun, though now I am pissed I lost my good looks in favor of wraith" he said with a loud sigh. Shiba was no more and now all that was left was shadow blade a spy and an assassin. He soon watched as the silver guards from the guild came over and informed him that he needed to return. He gave a simple nod thinking that if the other guild members were still here then it only made sense for all the players to get together and figure out what happened and what they will do next. He got to walking knowing it wouldn't take long for him to arrive and go to the meeting room.</s> <|message|>Lord Grey Andal "Healing potions are all well and good but only if you're actually slow enough to take a hit." Grey jested as he looked over to Nanami before returning his gaze to Basilio. "I see...and I'm surprised you didn't bring up the fact that the npc's do indeed have sentience. It would appear if we aren't in Yggdrasil itself somehow then we are somehow we brought over elements from it when we started this new 'game' so to speak." commented Grey as he raised his arms up. "Holy aura!" Grey said loudly as he felt a protective barrier form around him. Some mages could provide a similar spell but on Paladins, and monks it was definitely more effective. The golden protective barrier that shimmered around him faded as he bid it to mentally to do so. "Indeed it would seem skills do work...though I'll have to study this a bit more. Find out how certain spells effect us. We need to be careful. Nanami, and I were about to see Claudius at the war room if you wanted to come with us you may. Claudius may find it strange to have a druid come to a war meeting but he won't judge you. Unlike my sister you're on better terms with the Imperri than she was when she left." commented Grey as he prepared to leave but Yuna walked up to him and told him one of Severnus's spies had found that shadow rogue in a nearby town. "Oh it seems there's more...I guess we're not as unique as we thought...All the same if you remember him he was that strange fool who talked big about justice, or whatever. He ended up with agreeing to join...under an NPC's command which was silly in its own right. I suppose it works out now...I'll let Severnus deal with him. Yuna go, and have the guards either guide him to Quinn, and that stranger, and or have him brought to us. He's really of no use to me but I'm sure we will find some place for him." grumbled Grey as Yuna frowned, "Master Grey that's really mean! You should be nicer especially to other Greater Beings." Yuna admonished him as Grey turned to face her. "I am Basilieus. I do as I please." Grey told her as Yuna looked down, and bowed before going off.</s>
<|message|>Basilio Calathium (Vincent Amaranth in Real Life) "Ah of course, I had forgotten I'm dealing with AN UNTOUCHABLE HEAVENLY SUPER WARRIOR. And for the NPCs...I thought I didn't really need to state the obvious, you're surrounded by them." Basilio responded to Grey's joke, laughing softly in the end. After that he would listen to his speech nodding his head and as he was about to say something else, he felt someone jumping onto his back. Upon hearing such a familiar voice to him, Basilio looked over at Nanami, then back at Grey. "Oy, Leader. It seems I have found some sort of lost child. Should I bring her back to the parents?" And laughed it out afterwards. "Just kidding. It's great to see you, Nanami." He held up a bright smile and despite him already being surprised by her jump, he would keep her on his back until she decided to fall, just slightly raising his hand to pat the Monk's shoulder since he couldn't ruffle her hair with that Monk hat. Unlike the Monk, he had little to no regard to who came first and whatnot, but he really did enjoy her presence, she was one of the first friends he made in the guild after all. "Council meeting huh? Seems like the kind of thing I've been avoiding during my entire time in the guild....LET'S DO IT!" He then heard the NPC Yuna talking to Grey and once he heard the "I'm the Basileus" speech, he couldn't hold himself and held up his hand and delivered a joke which probably was a great mistake and insult to his authority, but Basilio was known for not respecting authority in the guild for ages, so there weren't any news here. "No, you got it wrong, I'm Basilio, not you." And once more began laughing. "Okay okay, but serious talk now. If there are more people like us, I believe it would be valid to join forces with them, after all, we're all into this mess. I'll talk more about it in this meeting. Anyways, shall we go?" Basilio asked with a warm smile directed at both Grey and afterwards at Nanami.</s>
<|description|>Shane Alias: The Thief(or just Thief) Age: 18 Gender: Male Skills: Not an official martial arts form but instead a self developed form of street fighting. A series of dirty tricks and brutal attacks meant to not only incapacitate opponents but leave them seriously injured afterwards. The use of environmental weapons such as rocks, dirt, broken glass, etc. is a key aspect of this fighting style and is considered a very savage and unfair way of fighting. Shane also is a master thief, employing stealth as well as pickpocket and lockpicking to get what he wants. Powers: Shane is able to access powers from what he calls the Rift. These powers are only capable of being used when "Shifting". During this state of being he is transformed into a ghostlike figure with all the telltale signs of a poltergeist capable of telekinesis, invisibility, and mind linking(being able to get into your head and share one mind with). However while Shane is in this state if he goes invisible his presence can be sensed due to a drop in temperature when he is nearby. Equipment: A lockpicking set Personality: Shane is a little rough around the edges. He loves using his abilities to get in all sorts of trouble and have fun but when it's time to get serious he is a completely different person. Sarcastic and indifferent when it's time to work the only thing Shane cares about is getting the job done and getting paid. Well. Greed moves him and anyone that gets in the way of his prize is going to get hurt real bad. Living on the streets has caused him to grow a strong hatred for those of privilaged background, when it comes to those in less than fortunate situations he does what he can to help but believes that if you want to survive you can't rely on help all the time. History: Shane never knew his parents. They left him at an orphanage shortly after he was born with the only information about him was a note with his name. During his time there he never truely fit in with the other kids and was bullied constantly for. It got to the point where he would fight back violently and was repeatedly reprimanded for this. At the age of ten he ran away and lived on the streets, stealing and fighting to survive in a world that cared not for him. Ever since then he's made a living in the underground performing a variety of services such as pickpocketing, burglary, robbery, assault, even murder once. The discovery of Shane's ability came when he was running a burglary job one night. A warehouse that stored a certain organizations collections. The target in particular? A vial containing a black liquid. Shane had managed to infiltrate the warehouse(which was heavily guarded)and located the vial. However he was discovered and cornered by one of the guards and was forced to fight. During the conflict the vial opened and it's contents spilled into Shane's eyes. The effects were not pleasant as he was subject to horrific changes. This was the first time he entered the Rift form and it didn't end well. The guard saw what he was becoming and out of panic shot Shane mid transformation. Thought to be dead the body was taken to the city morgue where Shane awoke with a black mark where the bullet pierced him. This was strange however as it had only been a few hours since the incident and it had already healed leaving only a mark as black as night over his heart. He left the morgue and returned to his life of crime only this time utilizing his newfound abilities to better himself as a thief and eventually earning his street name "Thief" as that was what people would yell when they caught him stealing...if they caught him stealing. Other: During his time working for the Underworld mafia men Shane has received interesting rewards for his service, one in particular being a short sword much like a katana in style only it's blade is straight and it's handle is somewhat more ergonomic. Since his acquiring of the unique blade it has proven to be an invaluable part of his arsenal which resulted in it being named Riya after his friend who grew up with him on the streets. Appearance:</s> <|message|>Violet Turner Violet is right behind Shane the entire way, copying his every move. Only when he gets caught by the net does she avoid it and continue on ahead. She grins at him as she swims passed, and gracefully dodges the hail of bullets. "I ran on tightropes when I was younger, dude," she yells back to him. "You can't beat me on this." She makes it all the way across, only tripping up once and getting hit by bullets twice. She lands on the other side and gives him a wave with her fingers. She gets to the rock wall and begins to climb. She leaps from rock to rock, but she knows she won't be in the lead long. If she was still in the lead.</s> <|message|>Dimitri Lockhart Having just made it past the ledge portion of the obstacle course, Dimitri found himself entertaining the thought that the worst of the course was now behind him. This was a pipe dream, one that was instantly shattered upon entering the pole filled hallway and learning the hard way just what was so important about the poles. Weaving his way through the remainder of the room, Dimitri fought to stifle a stream of curses as his right arm dangled uselessly thanks to a careless run in with one of the poles. Dimitri may have been a nice guy at heart, but even the nicest of people had their limits, and his just so happened to be when he lost the functionality of his limbs. The cyborg skidded to a stop as he noticed the floor change from one solid mass to a series of tiles ahead of him, his blank expression giving way to one of puzzlement for a few moments as he surveyed the area before him. "*O...k...what's this thing's deal?*" Dimitri mused, torn between caution and the desire to move forward before more people overtook him. He glanced around for a bit, then hesitantly stepped onto one of the tiles, only to jump back as the tile head of the one he'd stepped on fell away. This was going to be tricky, there was no telling what sort of pattern these things were going to fall in, meaning he couldn't just bulldoze his way through haplessly. Dimitri slowly stepped onto the tile again, muttering indignantly under his breath as a third tile fell away to his left. He suddenly recalled a game from his childhood, hopscotch was it's name if he remembered it properly. The cyborg took a deep breath, crouched, and jumped for a tile to his left. He found himself landing on a line between tiles, then found himself stifling a yelp of surprise as the tile beneath his heel gave way, leaving him teetering on an edge. Dimitri waved his functioning arm for a few moments as he fought to stay balanced, then in a moment of brilliance he began to rotate his upper body in a semicircular manner, ever so slightly leaning back, then wiping around forward as quick as he could to push most of his mass forward. The move worked, however Dimitri nearly lost his balance again. "**Alright, not like hopscotch! Not like hopscotch!**" He hissed as he righted himself. With three tiles splayed out directly ahead of him, Dimitri found himself having to make a choice. Or rather, he would have had something not occurred to him. Dimitri crouched and banged on the tile ahead and to his left which caused it to fall, he then repeated the process with the right, producing the same result, then lastly, Dimitri banged on the one dead ahead. When the tile did not move, Dimitri smirked and crawled onto the tile before repeating the process with the next three ahead of him. The process would be lengthy, but now that Dimitri knew what the margin for error would be he could afford to take a bit of time to ensure that the route he took was safe.</s> <|message|>James Everett > The turrents now began firing, Ariella that was when she began to use her athletic skills, trying to dodge each attack by the turrent. "Oh..God. I swear, I thought this day was gonna be a little fun. And I had to wear shorts today." she said thinking to herself while still making her way to the finish line, TRYING to win that is. Jumping and jumping on each tile that she sees to get over there faster, but that was when she tripped and fell on the ground. Yup, she lost the race. It hurt a bit too! It looked like most of the students had started. Seeing that he was behind a fair few of them James didn't see much point in pushing too hard to get to the end. In fact this was a better opportunity to do something that most probably wouldn't. Catching up to Ariella he grabbed her arm and helped her back to her feet. "Can't let a little fall slow you down." Fairly sure she was steady he continued on. Would he regret helping? Probably not. Being competitive was not one of his natural tendencies. Not having enough time to try and figure out the wall he was just going to have to chance it. After several close calls he made it past the pool and on to the electric poles in the hallway. This probably would suck if you had just fallen into the water and got shocked. Either way he managed to get through only getting shocked once. That was good enough he supposed. He got to some tiles and started stepping as others ahead of him fell away. Lightly tapping adjacent and forward tiles a route took shape as he advanced. Confident that the course wouldn't leave him with no options he made a dash to get past the panels. One dropped in front of him that he didn't expect and he had to make a desperate leap to the next. He landed on his hands and knees harder than he would have liked and paused a moment to shake it off. Good, looked like one last thing was left. Coming to the doorway he saw the strobing lights and cause brief glimpses of what was happening. "Oh fun."</s> <|message|>Jack Hawke Jack would be hard pressed, but after a lot of shots and some trip ups, he would finally make it to the rock wall. He realized that he was still behind a few people, and had to make the most of his movements. He scanned the wall quickly for the best path and began rushing up like a spider, clinging to each hold only long enough to make it to another and practically leaping up the face with each push of his feet. He never looked down as he continued to push forward, being sure to move past anyone that was in his way by skirting around them as quickly as he could. He could see Violet on the wall climbing fine, and his resolve kicked up a bit higher. With more push, he continued to scale the wall.</s> <|message|>Dimitri Lockhart "**Finally!**" Dimitri barked as he leapt from the final tile onto solid ground once more, having given up the machine persona on the basis that it was too difficult to keep up while focusing on the course. With just on more obstacle and a few students in his path, Dimitri went into a full on sprint for the home stretch. There was a pounding in Dimitri's head as his vision tunneled, he could feel adrenaline pumping through his mechanical heart, his legs moved relentlessly like pistons, pumping back and forth, carrying him past his opponents and to the final obstacle. With a bunching of the legs, Dimitri launched himself up and onto the rock wall, remarkably without causing injury to himself given the sprint that he transitioned out of. His climb was impeded slightly by having one arm out of commission, however Dimitri still had three tireless prosthetics that powered him over the wall, and finally past the finish line. "**WHOO! Alright, high five guys!**" Dimitri gasped with a goofy grin as he stood and raised his hand, only to lower it when he was met with silence. "**I...I was the first across? R-Really? No one's funnin' me? I won!? I won!**", Dimitri cheered raising his fist triumphantly as he reveled in the knowledge that he'd done well.</s> <|message|>Violet Turner Violet pushes herself the rest of the way up, but she's too late. Dimitri crosses the finish line before she does and she sighs, running a hand through her hair. "At least I got second," she murmurs, standing quietly next to him as she waits for the others. She wishes that she had gotten first, but she is happy for Dimitri and didn't care if she got second. Besides, she only got second by a couple of seconds. She twists her wrist slightly, cringing. And she managed to get second with a hurt wrist.</s> <|message|>Ariella Godric Ariella actually stopped running since she fell and hurt her knee but she managed to see the other students still running for the finish line. AND Dimitri was the first one, congratulations to him! Ariella stood up from the ground as she walked towards the other students wincing with pain brought to her knee. It wasn't a big problem but it di hurt a bit. But she was still to congratulate Dimitri. "Congratulations! You did really good so you deserve the win!" Ariella smiled and now began to clap as she stepped aside from the finish line, watching the others run. Ariella didn't even feel like crossing the finish line. She just congratulated Dimitri and went to sit down on the bleachers.</s> <|message|>Jack Hawke Jack was mere seconds behind as he saw Dimitri cross, with Violet right in front of him and her challenger not far behind. He shot forward to claim second, lost it to Violet and claimed third. He immediately went over to her. "Are you okay? How's your wrist?" He sounded pretty genuinely worried.</s>
<|message|>Shane Exiting the strobe lit room revealed a bruised and soaked Shane. A net was still caught around his foot and another on his shoulder. "God...dammit", he grunted as he looked up the rock wall to see Dimitri, Jack, and Shadow already at the finish line. However he wasn't so much disappointed but satisfied. Throughout all this he had learned many things about himself and his classmates. He'd learned that without his abilities he was lacking somewhat the stealth and finesse he once had first starting out as a thief. This would be his goal during his time at the academy. He also learned that Shadow would prove to be a valuable ally or an annoyance for what he had planned. She was the onto person-as far as he knew-who could sense the Rift in him. If she had knowledge of it she perhaps she'd be willing to share...or use it against him should their paths cross in the future. Shaking himself from his thoughts, Shane continued on to climb the rock wall. He wasnt going to leave this course incomplete that was for sure. He struggled to climb the wall, due to his injuries, and after a few slips and close calls managed to ascend to the top to find a celebrating Dimitri along with Jack and Shadow. "Not bad Tin-man, I thought I'd win this won but looks like it's yours. Same to you Shadow, maybe you've got me beat in the obstacle course department but what about a little sparring later?"</s>
<|description|>Nehanda "Luinrildë" Age: 28 Race: Race of Men - Haradrim, Gondorian Sex: Female Personality: Having known the pains of prejudices, Nehanda is often quiet and careful with her words. She shies from excessive company and forms infrequent, but very strong bonds - all of which has contributed to her being an ideal candidate for Ithilien's guard. Her loyalty, if given, does not weaken or fail. She is not without humor and has a subtle, stubborn tendency towards optimism. Appearance: 5'5", lean of build and almost "boyish" at a glance. Dark hair, given to curl, and brown skin are trademarks of her mother's origins: Harad. The only thing that she seems to physically claim from her father are blue eyes and finer features. Backstory: Once there was Fuinur, a Black Númenórean who served Sauron and ruled over the Haradrim - some served him because to do otherwise was to embrace torture or death. Some, however, served him happily and fanatically: they were the tools he used against the less willing tribes across Harad. One such tribe, the Madaki, gave their women to Fuinur and many children were born of his dark bloodline. When Sauron returned, the Madaki tribe once more stepped up to answer his call. The remnants of the Madaki tribe - women, children, elders - did not do well in the wake of Sauron's defeat. Their fervor for his success and Fuinur's strong genetics in their features caused them to be even more reviled by the other tribes. Once considered a boon to share such blood, it became a curse. Eventually, in FA 180, a Madaki woman named Aminah left her homelands for better circumstances and ended up in Gondor. She married a man there and among her brood of children was a girl she named Nehanda. Lingering prejudices against the Haradrim spurred their father into giving them more accepted names, and Nehanda was called Luinrildë beyond the doors of their home - a name inspired by the hue of her eyes. Once grown enough to venture out on her own, Nehanda made her way to Ithilien and learned the ways of those there - both those of mankind and elvenkind. It was in that way that she became something of a ranger and entered Ithilien's guard. She was not one of those that stood out for excessive bravery or prowess with a sword, but proved herself a worthy member by having sharp instincts and an innate ease with the wilderness. From there, she joined a group of several elves and men who thought her skills could be put to good use for various expeditions. Eventually Mirkwood fell under their uneasy regard. Reason for investigating the silent colony?: The Ithilien rangers, once captained by Faramir, have only grown in prowess since the introduction of Elvenkind to their region. Despite Ithilien being its own principality, it still serves Gondor - thus, the rangers are not strictly limited to the borders of Ithilien and ultimately answer to King Eldarion. With spiders spotted and the attacks on the road, King Eldarion began receiving pressure to find a potential source. Scouts began trickling out, expanding their nets and bringing back the increasingly foul news. Naturally, Dôr-min-Taur falling silent roused concern. Elves residing in Ithilien offered to lead the scouting troop to Dôr-min-Taur, driven by fear for their kinfolk, and Nehanda was among several Ithilien rangers selected to go. Other: Although she does not have any affinity for a specific weapon, Nehanda bears the trademarks of any ranger in clothing, gear, and weaponry. Her sword is plain and well worn, her bow of worthy quality but otherwise nondescript. It is only the dagger that has any apparent value, a relic her mother gave her. Despite its age, the blade has an ornate handle that still gleams richly and holds a fierce edge. She keeps it well hidden on her person after an Elf took excessive interest in the blade and pondered over its origins.</s> <|message|>Elennína Southern Mirkwood 3rd December, FA 219 Although it had been many years since the fall of Sauron, it was clear to anyone that the forest of Mirkwood would forever be tainted by his evil touch. Thranduil himself would not spare anyone to truly reclaim the remainder of the once green forest, allowing simply for a sparsely-manned watchtower at Dol Guldur, and the allowance for any other fools to do as they wished in those haunted, sick trees. The darkness and the creatures that often dwelt within had ruined the beauty of much of the forest; and with the rings of power gone, there was no Elf on Middle-Earth or Arda that could cleanse Mirkwood. However, that did not stop the quest of a few brave settlers - a handful of Elves, hoping to reclaim their lost land, and to found the most independent and inclusive colony in all of Middle-Earth. Things only seemed to improve at the discovery of a mithril mine, and suddenly their small hamlet of about 13 families tripled in size, with folks of all walks of life and species coming to settle down. It was a place to start anew; if you wanted to work, and had some sort of good in your heart, then all were welcomed to the reclusive colony... provided people could find their way, that is. In more recent months, the inclusiveness of the colony began to dwindle. Folk found it harder and harder to find the once well-trodden paths through Mirkwood to find the place, and even if they did, they were often turned aside unless they had something to offer. The mithril in the mines was being exported to many different kingdoms in the land, but it was beginning to turn those in Dôr-min-Taur greedy. While a common trait found in Dwarves when it came to the treasures of the earth, it began to seep through all of the miners, regardless of race. Deeper and deeper they dug into the earth, ghosts of the past being ignored as they forgot what had once happened in Moria. The mithril brought them wealth, and wealth meant their small, unimportant colony could be built into one of the greatest kingdoms of the fourth age. All would know about Dôr-min-Taur, and their wealth would make Erebor itself look small. The people would flock to their great gates, their lowly citizens would become lords and ladies of great stature. People dwelling there sent out excited letters to their loved ones and friends outside the borders, promising great riches and power. "Come!" They would say. "Come to the great forest city and share in our wealth!" But all of a sudden... the letters stopped. The birds and messengers did not come from the forest anymore. Nobody really noticed until the shipments of mithril, jewels and other rich ores dried up. Those few merchants who believed they were being robbed ventured into the forest in anger, but none of them ever returned. Some blamed the forest, for even Elves could go lost in those mind-boggling trees and enchanted rivers. Others blamed orcs and spiders, saying the few that were left in Southern Mirkwood could easily pick off a few lonely travellers. But after several months, mild concern grew into a great worry. Dôr-min-Taur had been silent for far too long. --- --- "I yrn mi taur na íd dîn... ah raeg..." Although murmured softly, the voice of the tall Elvish ranger cut through the thick silence of the forest jarringly. The three others with him shuddered lightly, but couldn't help agreeing in their own heads. At the head of the group was a female; just as tall as her companions, but with hair a deep red that contrasted sharply against the other's silvery-blonde locks. Her face was stern as she crouched low to the ground, fingers lightly running over the underbrush of the forest before coming to a sudden stop - something laid there that did not belong with the fallen leaves. It was a small wooden doll - minute, but beautifully carved. Picking it up gently, the elf let it lay in her hand for a moment, gazing at the discarded toy in an almost melancholy manner. No child would throw such a beauty away on purpose. She could only wish that this doll had fallen from a merchant's shipment, and when she and the others were to arrive at the colony, she could reunite it with many other dolls, being happily played with by children. "Elennína." Her companion spoke again, and she snapped out of her reverie, straightening up and gazing back into the gloom of the forest. Elennína was no naive fool - she could not say what would await them at Dôr-min-Taur, but it would not be frolicking children being watched by adoring parents. The silence brought with it a sense of impending doom, and terrible danger. She could not fathom why someone would settle down here in the first place, let alone bring children with them... but it had been better before. Now, things seemed to be changing for the worst. "Boe ammen al-dar." Raising one hand to quieten him, Elennína swiftly and silently drew out her bow, the doll falling to the floor. Her keen ears had picked up movement in the darkness - too loud to be a spider, but too quiet to be goblins. Hopefully they were more travellers seeking the same as she and her group... but it was better safe than sorry. With all four Elves now having drawn their bows and pointing them into the darkness, Elennína stepped forward cautiously. "Come forth! We wish you no harm, if it is not wished upon us."</s> <|message|>Thurin Stonewrought III Thurin stepped into view. Armor scuffed and battle-axe still dripping with the ichor of dead forest spiders. His great black beard was stained and a tad unkempt from his travels, but still very well groomed. While not as naturally silent as an Elven ranger, Thurin had kept himself alive the past century by walking far more quiet than others of his boisterous kin. The past tenday he had tackled the forest known as Mirkwood. His supplies had run for quite awhile, but eventually he had needed to hunt. The Dwarf had managed to nab two conies, but the only other prey he had managed to kill was prey that had aggressively approached him. Needless to say, he was quite tired of Spider meat, but he still thanked Aule for the provisions, and the satisfaction of killing a few of the monsters. Come back alive, or at least leave dead in your wake his father had told him when he had volunteered. Thurin felt that statement odd, for he'd gone through worse surely. The Trolls and Orcs of the mountains, and the nameless beasts of the deep, were more dangerous than forest spiders. Either way, Thurin had embraced his father and had traveled the foothills the past month before wading into the realm that was Mirkwood. Seeing Elven arrows aimed at him, his stared at Elennína as if to say 'try it.' He was never the most polite around Elves at the best of times, and he was more tired and hungry than he cared to admit now, to say the least. The broad adventurer stood as a statue, grim and stonefaced before the Elven warriors. "No harm," he grumbled. "Unless you're kin to spiders."</s>
<|message|>Nehanda "Luinrildë" Tired, tired and thirsty. A long, jagged scratch across her cheek stung sharply in the close, humid air, and several bruised muscles murmured with each step. The woman who stopped to catch her breath chose not to lean against a tree for comfort, or even to sit down - it was all too dangerous now. Slender hands fidgeted, curling around her sword's hilt or stroking the strap of her quiver. Anything to keep moving, to stay awake. The last time she had closed her eyes to catch just a few minutes of sleep, she had woken to a crazed, snarling creature rifling through her belongings. He had been emaciated and limping, but some feral energy had lent him strength and speed. Nehanda had fended him off and taken his life, but she hadn't come away unscathed. Nor did she feel wholly justified in the killing, upon surveying the man crumpled at her feet. She had composed his body in a more dignified position and left him behind, sorely wishing he'd had some water on his person. Nehanda lifted her head, nostrils flaring as she caught a new scent. Her dark eyes flitted through the trees, hoping to see the familiar garb of one of her companions. No such luck, she realized with more dashed hope - she hadn't seen them for several days, by her vague and increasingly inaccurate estimation. The forest had defied their skills as rangers, hiding the sky from them and stealing any hint of a breeze. The trees were eerie and seemed to murmur, leaving Nehanda feeling unusually off-kilter. She had the sensation of being followed, but despite backtracking and trying to hunt down her hunter, she never found a sign to justify her paranoia. I've found something now, she thought with a mixture of relief and wariness. She followed the scent of sweat and blood, body crouching lower with each step until she was moving almost soundlessly though the underbrush. She stepped lightly on the outer edges of her feet, letting them roll inward for a solid footing - unless something was felt, at which point she could shift her weight rather than putting it down and potentially breaking a twig or dry leaf. In this way she had hunted animals, and it worked now just as well for slipping up unnoticed. An elf would hear her, she knew, but she wasn't afraid of elves. A booted foot swept over a tangle of branches, settling confidently on a patch of dirt instead. Knees soft and bent, Nehanda slipped around yet another tree. Voices found home in her ears, both the fairer bell-tone of an Elf and the rougher one that belonged to a male. She couldn't see them yet, but she wasn't so thirsty as to rush forward into such a tense meeting. Sinking into her haunches, Nehanda rested her forearms on her knees with her hands dangling between. She didn't concern herself with pulling her sword or nocking an arrow, but the fingers of her right hand grazed a bejeweled handle thrusting up from her boot.</s>
<|description|>Scott Cawthorn Whittaker Age: 26 Height: 6ft 1 Weight: "Well wouldn't you like to know" Likes: Soda, The Cornerstone, Honesty Peace and Quiet, Books, Anime, Jazz, 80's Power Rock, Money, Witty Commentary, Black Humor, His Cat, hawt chix Reading, Rainy Days, Cold Climates, Firearms, Fighting Games, Tabletop RPG's and Sleeping Dislikes: Loud People, Loiterers, People who don't tip, Rap, Crowds, Strobe Lights, Staying Awake, His Cat, ugly chix Warm Temperatures, Being too hot, boisterous parties, false people. Utterly despises cigarettes and other forms of smoking Party Trick: "Parties charge extra, keep the noise down" Profession: Proud owner and sole bartender of The Cornerstone, the bar directly beneath his appartment, as such he's usually very busy from open to close, usually about 4:00 pm to 2:00 AM on weekdays, 3:30 to 1:30 on weekends. With some exceptions. (Read: Whenever he damn well pleases) Personality: To say Scott is versatile would be an understatement. Though by his own admission he despises crowds and is normally very quiet. He possess his family's signature "Merchant's Smile" which he uses to throw up a polite and sincere veneer to all of his customers. He can be very cordial and is generally curteous to strangers, especially females. Beware, curteous though he may be, he speaks his mind and he speaks it often, with little consideration for how dry or morbid he can come across. Coincidentally this makes him a very honest person, a trait he acknowledges and expects a modicrum of from others. When one gets to know him he can come off as eccentric, rambling on about ideas and theories while also doling out sage advice. Often flipping from serious to casual in tone and expression. There is some truth in these traits; however, he masks his true personality beneath them, hiding a pensive, lonely individual. The irony of his distaste for dishonesty and false appearences is very apparent to him and can serve to excaberate his own exsasperation with himself. He often thinks about opening up to people close to him but maturity hasn't quite beaten the visceral fear of heartbreak that he has acquired from his childhood. He has an addictive personality, which is why hr guzzles down glass after glass of soda. He doesn't dare start drinking his own wares because he knows full well what'll happen to him if he does. One current quandary of his is how his own weakness to addictions would affect him if he were to slip and fall in love. Fortunately for him he's never found out. He is a very private person and absolutely hates sharing information about himself if he doesn't need to. He does believe in equivalent exchange however, so he will give more details than normal if someone offers their own details. His belief in honesty has also fostered a sense of trust, and he will never give away a secret if he can help it. Overall not someone you'd invite to a party, but a loyal and trustworthy friend that you can say damn near anything to. Bio: Scott's life was relatively peaceful and uneventful. The death of his beloved Grandfather when he was 7 rocked the boy's world, and turned the normally cheerful and gregarious Scott into a quiet, withdrawn kid. His parents dealt with their own grief and unknowingly left him to his own devices. This led to him being stilted and awkward growing up, as such he withdrew more and more until coming under a depression, which lasted the majority of his child and young adult life until one day he finally decided that he was tired of feeling sorry for himself. When he finally left the house, his parents revealed to him a surprise. His Grandfather had left him an inheritance, enough for him to live a comfortable, yet modest lifestyle for the rest of his life. At first he spent a considerable amount of time traveling the world, not staying in one place for too long of a time. Once he finally tired of the lifestyle he decided to settle in the next town or city he visited, that happened to be Shine City. It didn't take him long to find out about an old rundown bar on the floor directly beneath his apartment. On a split decision he decided to buy the place, using up the last of his inheritence in the fees of owning, refurbishing, and restocking it. After a couple months of refurbishing and getting everything set and in order, he's able to open up to a new chapter of his life. Theme:</s> <|message|>Ashton Griffone Ashton Griffone The Cornerstone of Doom Ashton rested her head in her hands as her eyes continued to scan the crowd. A bead of sweat slightly dripping down her right temple as she tried to decide who to exactly 'pursue' as Marine would put it. More like trick but it's not like Ashton ever lies about her gender. Just everyone takes a guess about it. Not many believe a girl could actually get this tall and usually treat such girls as a freak of nature. Even now she was probably close to the tallest person in the bar. "Well I say go for that cute blonde over there. Her friend just left so that's a good time to hit that. She looks out of place, perfect target for flirting. Noobs are either the easiest or the hardest depending how you play your cards. But since the 'white knight in shining armor' type it'll be fine to play the nice Schick. Be easy and simple, let her have a couple sips of that drink to let her mind get a little hazy and you should be good. Think the albino girl already figured out your a girl so she's out." Marine said as she also assessed the available playmates to torment with her little game. "How can you tell?" Kary asked curiously. "Gut feeling. Plus people tend to act differently depending on the gender of the other person. Most girls probably would be intimidated by a giant 'guy' beside her. Then again, this is Ash. Might as well be a giant golden retriever." Marine mused. Ashton blinked at her auburn haired comrade before glancing toward the pretty blonde. Indeed, her friend had left to flirt with a guy. Still though, her amethyst gaze flicked to the other bartender, the one that hadn't served her. Before looking to Marine with a raised eyebrow and slowly tilting her head in his direction. Flicking her eyes between that direction and Marine to let her comrade know that the bartender seemed interested in the blonde. Wasn't there like some guy code... bro code? Something. About not taking some guy's girl that he has his eyes on or something? She really would not hurt his feelings or cause drama. Marine rolled her eyes as she waved her hand dismissively. "Oh please Ash. All is fair in love and war and all that. Doesn't matter how many people flirt with the target, it's up to the target who they find the most attractive. The losers get to snooze and lose. And if they are the sore loser type, well just knock their teeth in. You probably could with any of them here." Marine said confidently while Ashton gave a skeptical look before another sigh. The dirty blonde didn't want to cause a fight though. She much rather avoid having to use such violence for little importance like some bar drama. She just did it to that guy because he attacked her, and seemed like the violent kind of drunk and probably would just hurt someone. It was action for safety of the patrons of the bar. This however was like some weird sick mind game Marine seemed very pleased to witness. Turning her gaze to the blonde, Ashton tried to think of a approach, while the others whispered their bets. "Bet you two drinks she can't do it." "Betcha five she can." Alright so, how does one get ones attention at a bar? Ashton could just imagine thought bubbles that appeared in anime or manga. Imagining one image in a bubble with her and a bouquet of roses. Petals flittering about like some prince charming fantasy as she gave a princely smile. Crossing her arms and tilting her head in minor confusion and calculation at the thought, she thought of another one. Her with a box of chocolates shaped like a heart, gingerly taking a bite of one of the chocolates. Attempting to be seductive she supposed. Shaking her head quickly to clear away the thought bubbles, she sighed again. No no, they were in a bar. There's no roses or chocolates to fall back on. Mhmm maybe just offering to buy a drink is enough for the scenario? Seems to work in movies. .... Sometimes. Deciding to go with the simple, as well as be herself. After all, she wasn't going to exactly lie who she was and pretend to be someone else just to impress someone. Honesty is the best policy. So if they ask her gender, she'll answer. Simple. No fault in girls flirting with girls. Just adds to the compliment. Right. Taking a deep reassuring breath, the tall giant stands from the table before striding over to the blonde girl. Grabbing the stool right next to the beauty before turning her amethyst gaze to the 'doll' and gave a bright friendly smile. Gingerly wiggling the stool to make a sound to catch her attention. Gesturing with her free hand toward it, trying to ask if she could sit there beside the beautiful woman.</s> <|message|>Artair "Arty" Grant Enter, enter, enter, reject, enter, enter, enter, failed bribe and reject, enter, enter, enter. The job of a bouncer gets more repetitive as the night goes on and on nights as popular as this the sea of faces start to blend together into one big scantily cladded blur. "Just a few more hours then yo' clock out." The towering redhead reassured himself as he turned away another disappointed student and added yet another fake idea to the bin next to his feet. Arty never understood all the excitement over LUSH's foam nights, to him it was soggy clothes and foam in your drink. "Damn, I must be gettin' old." Arty thought to himself with a slight smirk and a shake of his head. Another dozen or so people either accepted or rejected and it didn't seem Arty's quitting time was coming anytime soon. It was about this time of evening that Arty started people watching and the blur of people slowly started to become individuals again. It was always interesting to see what people wore to foam night, there were people showing up in regular street clothes and apparently had no idea how ruined they would be by the end of the night, others in actual swimming trunks or swim suits, there was even a bloke who showed up in a scuba suit, and god was that a group of men in speedos that he just let in? It was moments like this that Arty remembered why it was good to treat the ocean of people as a blur, though the Irishman was able to get a good chuckle out of it. With all the people coming his way Arty had completely forgotten about the brilliant blue dot that he had spotted in the crowd earlier, well that was until she was right in front of him. Just like her hair the young lady's outfit made her stand out in the crowd, she was the only one wearing a dress... well the only one wearing a dress that couldn't be argued was the size of a napkin. Arty couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the small look of surprise that came to her face once she recognized him. "It is good to see yo' too lass. My run went pretty smoothly, I just hope yo' managed to stay on yer feet for the yers." He joked back as he took the ID that she had offered him. It was obviously clear that it was real which Arty was pretty glad about, he would of hated to have to send such a nice girl off. Calliope was her name huh? That was quite the... unique one. But Arty wasn't the one to judge, hell there was a reason he went by Arty and not Artair after all. "Well it is really nice to meet yo' lass, my friends call me Arty. He said as he offered her a warm smile and handed her back her ID. Just after that one of the other patrons of the line took it upon herself to get rather handsy with Calliope, taking what looked like a rather unpleasant handful of the lass's hair. Usually Arty would have to step in during these types of situations, he had been on the bad end of a lot of cat fights during his time working at LUSH, but it looked like Calliope was able to handle all on her own. Arty always respected someone who could end a conflict with out having to give someone a broken nose. He offered the girl another smile before he stepped aside, opening the way for her. "Have a great evenin' lass and if there is any trouble don't think twice about askin' me fer help." He finished in his usual jolly tone.</s>
<|message|>Scott Cawthorn Whittaker The tidal wave struck. Soon after he gave his announcement the ambient noise in the small bar reached a crescendo. Scott rubbed his temples as he felt a headache begin to come. The din really got to him, being this was a blessing he was indeed thankful for, but he also longed to be holed up in a nice quiet little place with a couple of oldtimers as regulars. Regardless he was here now and his warm smile never faltered as he grabbed bottles and filled glasses with grace and efficiency. A few more idiot kids like this one and he'd be back to the level of what Grandpa had left him. Regardless he decided to head to a nice Japanese Restauraunt for lunch tomorrow. He certainly made enough tonight already to pay his employee's wage for the week and not have to worry about spending on food. Speaking if his employee, he watched with bated breath as Reiji flipped and flourished the bottles of expensive alcohol in his hands as he poured their contents into a glass, making a cocktail he recognized as a Sex on The Beach. For as much of a heart attack the man was about to give him, Scott was so damn thankful that he applied a week ago. He shuddered to think about tackling tonights events by himself while he turned back to the lady he'd gotten an Adam for. The strong liquor this woman downed absolutely blew him away. The slender silver haired girl did not look like the alcoholic she was, and judging by the fact that she opened a tab, he knew that there was even more in her. When he finished mixing the drink she ordered in front of her, he wrote down on a pad of paper the glass of Adam she'd ordered and the cocktail he served just now, leaving the pen for her to fill out any other order she made. Chuckling good naturedly as he remembered what she told him. "If you drink this much on a good day, then how the hell do you function on a bad one?" He chided before moving on to another order. The maelstrom of patrons continued and he could catch glimpses of familiar faces here and there, he caught sight of the tall girl lumbering over through the storm, but couldn't follow with his eyes where she ended up. The doors slammed open and a mysterious looking biker fellow strode in like he owned the place before slinging a package over the bar. Scott had an idea of what it was, though he wasn't certain as he pushed Reiji aside to deal with the courier, taking the pen in hand and sloppily scrawling his signature on the digital interface. He flashed a crooked smirk to the biker before shouting "Thanks for that, can I get you anything?" over the din.</s>
<|description|>Escre Alias: The Warden, the Watcher, the Great Spirit Gender: None Domains/Portfolios: Life (Spirit) Domains/Portfolio Description: As a god of Life, Escre can bring things to life, be they other gods' creations waiting for a spark, or injecting life into objects. While most gods can create life, Escre can do so far more quickly and in greater quantity. Its own body is made up of living armor and cloth, with a living weapon to boot. The only limit on Escre's ability to give life is its own creativity, which working with other gods to make sentient beings helps override. As a Life god of Spirit, Escre can control spirits, pulling them out of living to store in its lantern. It can also modify spirits, which exerts an effect on their bodies as well. Consuming spirits effectively erases them from existence, and is seen as an ultimate punishment. By looking at spirits, Escre can understand them in the same way disassembling a motor to look at the component parts can help with understanding the whole. Looking at spirit can reveal if its holder is lying, and what the holder's capabilities are Though it cannot manipulate or erase the spirits of gods, it can better understand their abilities and honesty by looking at their own divine spirits. Alignment: True neutral, though it can fluctuate greatly Personality: Escre doesn't concern itself with ordinary emotion. Pride, goodness, evil, sin, righteousness, justice—none of it makes the typical mark on this being's persona. Only three things pique its interest: balance, knowledge, and karma. Escre is interested in learning about living things, about the variety of forms they take and actions they perform, and what shapes their spirits. It may perform acts of benevolence of malevolence on a whim, all for the sake of understanding. It is secretive in nature even as gods go, seldom even interacting with its fellow deities unless its cooperation is requested to bring to life new and fascinating things. Seemingly at random, Escre might bring down havoc and destruction upon someone for a small grievance, or let it and its domain sink to the brink of oblivion in a fit of indolence. Overall, Escre cares little for the machinations of the other gods. When it comes to dealing with mortals, the beings that intrigue Escre the most with their culture and behavior, Escre can be unswervingly dedicated. It makes sure, through its careful observation, that no mortal rises to the level of the gods, but can also rise to defend the mortals should some wayward god let his or her emotions get the better of them and incite a tantrum of destruction. The followers of Escre are among the few things this god seemingly takes pleasure in, and will listen whenever one calls its name. Escre does not bind itself with notions of morality. Escre's creations, in particular, receive the Warden's favor, and is most jealously protective of them. Appearance: Escre's most common form is a misshapen specter, half in armor and half in ghostly rags, holding a lantern abuzz with hundreds of tiny pinpoints of light in one hand, and a scythe in the other. If Escre wishes to walk the earth, he appears as a cloaked, hatted man with long, stringy hair, a grim, pale countenance, and soft features. Musical Theme: Lifegiver and Nightwalker Description: As the Great Spirit, Escre is enigmatic and fleeting, tough to get a grasp of physically and even harder mentally. Its strange relations to the concepts of emotion and intelligence make it often seem terrifying and, to some, the most pure form of evil, but Escre is capable of great benevolence as well. Its lack of patience for arrogance, cunning, and self-importance make some see it as an equalizer of sorts, and indeed Escre does endeavor to keep the world balanced, and to exact karma on those who have in one way or another earned it, but beneath it all lies an agenda that only one being knows.</s> <|message|>Undasis ("undas" being the Latin word for "waves") Existence. Undasis didn't know what to think or how to feel...she was just there. Suddenly, without warning or readiness of any kind, she existed. She felt her soul- her very essence of being- weave itself together like thread, and her mind being formed as clay by two beings far greater than herself. A deep but chilling voice spoke not to her, but within her: "You are become division, the self-enemy, both the creator and the destroyer." She attempted to speak, and a voice that felt like the soft trickle of a river escaped her ambiguous, ghostly form. "Who are you? What do these words mean?" Undasis wanted to ask more, but suddenly felt that it was impossible to do so- she didn't have to try to speak, she just knew that those two great beings, the ones molding her like clay, would not allow it. Instead of an answer, a great hand carved from darkness itself reached out from the shadows between the two beings and began to move towards her. All was dark here in this void, but this was different; this hand was made of that darkness which could be felt, that which light cowered from. The hand stretched out until it was directly above her, and hypnotically began to wave back and forth as if placing a curse. For the first time since Undasis came to this strange place, she saw the eyes of one of the great beings- the one she suddenly knew was Invictus without having been told- and in it's deep, unfathomable eyes she saw something that chilled her to her core. She saw pity for what was about to happen. ... ... ... Pain. Agonizing, blinding pain. Pain that would tear a lesser being into nothing. She could feel nothing, think nothing, know nothing except the sensation that now encased her entire spirit. And in this horror, she heard a voice. Not like the chilling but understanding voice of Invictus, not like her own trickle of a voice. No, this voice seemed to come out of a great depth within her, risen from what she felt: "I live...and I will devour the world before I see us fall" The horror subsided, but she knew that it would never really leave her, that excruciating torture had become a part of Undasis' very soul. She could speak once more. "Who is 'us' and who are you? Why have you brought me this pain?" The deep, evil voice laughed. "Us is we, and I am who you least want me to be: I am you. I am Undasis, and I am Kraken. I did not bring you the pain, but I was born from it. I am force and power made incarnate, and most of all I am the part of you born from agony. Do not blame me, blame Invictus- he did this to you with the sole purpose of bringing me into existence, so that you might fulfill your glorious destiny. Now, come, your- or should I say our- siblings are weak newborns. We must conquer them, or be conquered ourselves..." And then, against her will, she felt the Kraken within her forcibly grow in power, and as it's power grew so did her own although she did not desire it, and put up a valiant spiritual fight to resist (but to no avail). She screamed out to Invictus. "Why? Why have you inflicted me so with this monster?" Only one thing came in answer: "Rise" The Woman of the Waters was created, and from within her Kraken was born. 3 Might spent by the Kraken to increase to level 2, One might remaining</s> <|message|>Ferghus A pleasant sensation of heat was all Ferghus felt before suddenly coming into existence. A sense of curiosity overcame all else, and he broadened his senses to examine the world around him. It was an empty land, a virgin land. It had potential. It had possibilities. Oh, the joy of exploring them. And then came the voice, "You are become Fire, Master of the Forge." His mind was then filled with knowledge of his powers, and his body made to fit those powers. His very essense was unrefined, unlike how some others were, but Ferghus liked it that way. A command then came. "Rise." Ferghus felt the excitement. His body took on the form of a man, rugged and well-muscled. He would rise, all right. With pleasure.</s> <|message|>Evelynn You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Something eerie could be felt as Evelynn woke, however a gut-wrenching feeling plagued her entire being as if she was falling down a hole with no end. The sensation of falling and coldness brushing against her skin, something could be felt that was wrong as she felt she was losing something and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Despite her attempts to stop her fall, she failed miserably as she was stuck in this nightmare but she was soon distracted by strange images which flashed within her mind crisp and vivid before blurring and disappeared from her memories soon after. She couldn't place the word on what she was seeing, but dread filled her as something important was being lost and despite her trying to reach out to grab them, she couldn't. All those strange memories were being deleted just as quickly as she saw them. Once the feeling overwhelmed her she was forcefully woken up... Soon, from her false awakening she woke up to the emptiness where she could feel the presence of other beings similar like her but not entirely the same. However, her perception abilities were hindered as the content of her nightmare was no simple calamity, she was beginning to remember things from a different time within the corners of her mind. Sifting through her mind, she found thoughts that wasn't hers but invaluable still as more kept of appearing as she remembered the small bits of information still within herself. Skimming through the knowledge imparted to her at the last second as it was being removed. The knowledge seemed to speak within her explaining itself to her, but where it had came for, it gave no answer. Looking around, she was lost and confused about the place she was in and couldn't figure where they were, or what their surrounding was either. What should be surrounding them was supposed to be 'space' and 'matter', however this defied what the scattered pieces of information was telling her. There was no substance that she could see beside herself and the other beings who presence was becoming uneasy to her. She didn't understand where she was or who the other being were either but something was wrong. The place they were was before any primordial events that she knew of and the fact that right now was defying what was said in her head was scary. Then there was silence as words from the beyond call out to her- "Rise" And so she did, uncertain she commanded her formless shape into something of the shadow with the outline of a 'woman' from what her memory told her. She looked as another god took form of a 'man' as her knowledge once again told her. Her confusion could be now seen as darker outline of a mouth and eyes could be seen on her form, as she often looked from left to right with her arms hugging herself to hold herself together. Trying to believe that she was real herself, as she doubted her own existence with her knew-found knowledge.</s>
<|message|>Escre And just like that, it was all laid before it. Escre watched it, a formless vapor, questioning what had happened. Microseconds ago, had it truly been nothing? Flooding its mind were concepts, ideas, notions, patterns, rhythms, theories, ideals, and the words to bring them into being. If moments ago it had been nothing, nonexistent, a particular space in the infinite void, then incarnation felt like nothing more than awakening from a deep sleep and being unable to remember the dream. Escre knew what it meant to sleep, what it meant to dream, and what it meant to be dreamless. But Escre knew nothing of what came before it, only that it had been created for a purpose. Yet even that eluded it. In its confusion, Escre was nothing, a mere presence without shape, infant and powerless, but already clouded by the paradigm of strangeness, so alien was that presence. Despite that otherness, though, when Invictus turned its mind's eye upon Escre, it looked not upon an outsider, but on one much like its own child. To feel the attention of Invictus gave Escre solace—that it had a place after all, that it might yet have a purpose. With rapt focus Escre listened, and Invictus spoke. "You are become Spirit, the warden, the watcher, of Life." So that was it. Escre blinked, for now it had eyes, and looked down as its amorphous wisp took assumed the shape it needed to perform the task set before it. Half in robes and half in armor its body of inky blackness. It held out its right hand, and found itself holding an ethereal lantern. It held out its left hand, and grasped a scythe as big as itself. Escre considered its mission. Life didn't seem very difficult. But what was Spirit? Its gaze fell upon its lantern. Through the glassy construct Escre could see a tiny pinpoint of white light, insignificant and weak, but bearing a glow somehow tenacious. Around it, Escre could only see darkness, and though the light was weak, it repelled that darkness away. It brought a minute fragment of order out of the meaningless chaos, one that pulsed with a wavelength that Escre instinctively knew was its own. So that is Spirit. Rise But it wasn't alone. Though Escre hadn't noticed before now, the void beat with the frequencies of more spirits. When Escre looked, he could see them. Like it, they were new, but they were dazed. They looked outward, but could only dimly grasp the shapes around them. Perhaps they did not truly comprehend the necessity of their purpose, or perhaps theirs had been different. By looking at their godly spirits, Escre could begin to see. Vowzra, the one who looked backward at the Void that had created them. Arguis, the one who understood in a different way. Astarte, joyful and impressed. The watery one, whose name and nature Escre knew as broken, but knew not the pieces. Ferghus, warm and simple. Evelynn, unconvinced of reality. They were Escre's equals. There were more, farther away, and though their spirits beat as well, Escre turned its gaze aside. Looking at them made Escre realize that their differences, their behavior, their spirits, all were deeply moving. Fascinating. Thinking about its equals drove Escre to consider its source. The shadowy, unknowable font of creation from which it came had given Escre its purpose: godhood. To be a god meant to preside over lower things. Was the Void, then, the god of gods? If I am the warden of Life, then I must protect the balances and separations. The Creative Emptiness is our god. To it, I am a mere mortal, just as in time mere mortals will exist to see me as a god. The edicts of a god cannot be ignored. I will rise and fulfill my purpose. Lowering its lantern, Escre began to move, the first to drift toward the barren world below. It felt no excitement for what was to come or the beings that shared its position. It felt no pain of division, no happiness, or uncertainty. It felt only conviction. Escre - the Great Spirit</s>
<|description|>Guillaume Fortier the Sincere (or Gil) * Age: 30 * Gender: Male * Race: Human (5 foot 11 inches) * Personality: As a member of the Hraesleg Lions, Guillaume is a soldier who embodies their values of bravery, loyalty, and honor. Guillaume is a sincere and honest individual, always striving to do what is right, both on and off the battlefield. He is deeply committed to his fellow soldiers, and will go to great lengths to protect them and ensure their safety. Despite his seriousness and dedication to his role as a soldier, Guillaume is also a compassionate and empathetic person, always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand to those in need. * Brief Backstory: Guillaume was born into a family of knights, and from a young age, he was trained in the art of combat and chivalry. He quickly developed a reputation for his sincerity, honesty, and unwavering commitment to doing what is right. As he grew older, Guillaume's skills as a warrior began to blossom. He is known for his bravery on the battlefield and his deep loyalty to his comrades in arms. When he was first knighted, he went on a journey to uphold his knightly code to the land and went out to help others whom he believes has a good cause. He crossed paths with Earl Edric Demet, his son Cadmon and István Shilage in the North during one of their skirmishes to offer his blade and honour in repelling the enemy forces for a total of 8 months. He would keep contact with the Earl and István from time to time after he departed Earl Edric Demet's service. While fighting in a crucial battle, Guillaume's actions saved the lives of several of his fellow soldiers, earning him the respect and admiration of all who witnessed his bravery. From that moment on, Guillaume became known as "the Sincere," a nickname that would follow him throughout his military career. * Equipment: Guillaume has access to a suit of armour and shield fit for a Hraesleg Lions knight. * Skills: Guillaume is highly skilled in various forms of combat. While Sincerity is his preferred weapon of choice, he has not shied away from other types of weapons. He is capable of defending himself with hand-to-hand combat. As a knight, he is also trained in expert horse riding. He can navigate through difficult terrain and engage in mounted combat. When survival is key, he is able to hunt and forage for supplies as well as finding shelter.</s> <|message|>Lirrah Matayannah Lirrah practically jumped when she was addressed by a newcomer, her nerves already agitated by the presence of the world's tallest demon. When she looked up, however, she was greeted by the sight of the sort of person that might be described in a heroic storybook. Tall, golden-haired, with a sort of reassuring joviality. Lirrah had read one or two of the more popular Veltan stories to get a sense of what does well over there, though she had not grown up with them. She was neither starry-eyed nor enthralled, but his presence was nevertheless a comfort. She forced a smile up on her face, which was almost indistinguishable from her genuine one. "A-ah, yes, this is our first meeting," she replied, producing a mutton pie and indicating a price of 1200. As she leaned over to give the man a ticket for a pastry later, she added in a conspiratorial whisper, "I certainly would have called for help myself if my voice hadn't gotten stuck in my throat... ahaha..." She quickly turned her attention back to the demon woman (not that she had left Lirrah's vision since she showed up) as she took the Hundi's money. Perhaps the demon's summoner? Either way, the Hundi quickly busied herself with the knight. They seemed to be on good terms. Lirrah had yet to clock all the dynamics in this location, so it was good information to have. Lirrah gave the demon woman a big smile, still forced, and still almost indistinguishable. "T-thank you. I, ah, make all the food myself. C-cooking and selling! My skillset is hardly suited to compat. I'm just a weak little Nem~" Lirrah didn't mention that she wasn't bad with a bow or a sling. She doubted that would be enough for the woman to take an interest in her, but the further beneath notice she was on that front, the better. If this was a woman who only enjoyed a fight against those with combat ability, Lirrah should be safe with her... probably. "Ah... and if you like the pie so much, please do stop py the Matayannah Trading Company tent at home camp, and tell your friends. I am sure to put my nerves aside if we get more acquainted~ I really do appreciate your custom!"</s> <|message|>István Shilage István Shilage Otter@Eisenhorn Hm. Above one of the many fires set in the Lions' camp beneath those crimson banners, burly hands navigated a task far more delicate than they'd ever been built for. Though pale in a manner diagnostic of reduced sunlight, suggesting time spent in the range of years to the heights of Velt's colder north, they'd been quick to regain their old color closer to home— and had never once lacked in the gnarled, robust structure, all callused palms, thick fingers, and overdeveloped knuckles, that so encased the horn-carved spoon in their grip. Made to grip things firmly, take the shock of impact, a soldier's mitts— not those of an alchemist. If you looked at them, you would think them lost for subtlety. We've had that merchant bandying her wares about for a while now. Loud as ever tonight— if this proves the goods aren't worth the racket, then I'll have to kick her over to the western flank— to say nothing of the librans. Regardless, looks were oft deceiving, and the man's movements carried within themselves the tightly corralled precision and dexterity that so belied the broad and strong physique he carried— clear and exacting in cadence and force. One, two, three spoonfuls, each the same mass, fell into the long-handled pot balanced upon his knee, cast from copper. His eyes could read the structure of each mound, his fingers could feel the weight, and his body remembered the motion almost as well as his mind could recall his own name. Three, and no more. He needed sharpness when battle approached, not jitters, not a half-cocked buzz. Three would serve best, having ground the beans so fine in his pestle beforehand. A gust of wind broke upon his broad back, carrying with it the smoke of fires like his own and the odor of roasting meat. Some of their liked to enter battles like the one they'd soon undertake with a full stomach, citing it gave them strength. In István's mind, it made him sluggish— he always preferred coffee to stave off the rest digestion desired. Any loss in physical capability would be overcome by the mental gain. Additionally, he did like that it made him a touch meaner. Good for war. In circling back to their mercantile accoutrement, he did in fairness have high hopes— the smell of the grounds was right once he added a pinch of grated cardamom, carefully retrieved by his cook from a heavy iron spicebox, and shook. This was a Nemish method of preparation, and so Nemish beans were preferable— Lirrah's sources were wide enough to feasibly have exchanged something authentic for his coin. Having swung down here, to the southern end of Velt's territory, the Lions had brought Istvan far closer to home than he'd been in the years prior— Demet territory was on the other side of the nation from the small holdings of the recently-risen Shilage. Apple orchards, Thalnic river salmon, properly roasted coffee— this assignment had in some respects spoilt István with the tastes of his childhood. Of that which his heritage sung within the heart. Even here, in his battleground ritual, he was following a grandfather's, then father's teachings. He would too teach it to his son— as he had a little brother, or perhaps cousin. He'd need to find the boy soon, whatever he might call him. A gooseneck drew the swirl of endlessness into the pot as he poured the water, all that ever was and ever would be in the details. Reon's light was found within them, embossing flaw, strength, method, madness. Attention paid meant result earned, simply put. He poured slow, and deliberate, saturating the savory dust with ninefold its weight in water. Then, upon the opposite axis, he repeated the motion with the spoon, never exceeding twelve rings drawn. Less would make it weak. More would ruin its balance. Finally satisfied, his eyes at last turned up to gaze upon the fire he was seated aside, beholding a heavy pot of cast iron filled with, of all things, sand. This was the method that turned a wild flame into a smooth, gentle blanket of heat that the Nem had taught his ancestors. The trick to allow the contents of the shining copper pot to foam and simmer, instead of boil over and scald, scattering bitterness about a drink that was to be robust and rich. Two minutes. The simmer rising up the sides would tell him it was done. His gaze remained affixed to the pots through the time, stony mask unchanging even as a familiar subordinate (Jakob, if memory served) appeared in his peripheral. "Sir Shilage." the man began, disciplined yet quite overeager to carry out his task. This must be a summons, then— István'd noticed the young man pounding a footpath directly through camp to his tent. "The Earl wishes you to meet him at the Lady's pavilion—" "The boy isn't the only Earl Lady Hraesleg has caught up in the storm of her rise." He preached in reply, unwavering in gaze or expression. "You're lucky I recognize you as one of ours. Next time, a name." Done. The servant, in spite of himself, flinched as the older man suddenly burst into motion, reaching forward to quickly pry his cezve free from the sandpot, spooning the foam into the pair of waiting mugs that lied upon a cloth rag before deliberately pouring the contents in, a dark brown liquid akin to melted chocolate. "He asked for me, then. Where was he last?" Accompanying the query, the rightward mug was thrust into the servant's hands, insistent and accompanied by a smirk that, in Jakob's mind, might have been a welcoming and pleasant smile on another face. Obviously the man wished him to drink the fresh brew... but to what end? What was it he clearly meant to gain? He was known to the Demet troops and underlings of almost every stripe as serious and harsh, not one to freely share his precious potions. Was Shilage giving him thanks for the relayed message, or about to test him? Suppressing a shiver from the breeze, he brought the warm ceramic to his lips... --- Satisfied that Lirrah's beans wouldn't be poisoning the only real heir of his honored mentor, István would shortly douse the flame and order the men under his command to prepare themselves after packing out camp. He was already halfway suited himself, gambeson on his body shielding his torso from the cooling breezes that raced through the grounds. it wouldn't be long before the operation kicked off, so apropos of nothing, he intended to ensure the Earl enough awareness that he'd survive the eve. He made his walk beneath the banners, mug held level and rigid in either hand. Another skill borne of long, long practice. As his long strides carried him through the sights and cacophony of a wartime encampment, every bit chaotic as it was regimented, his ears picked upon a jaunty, familiar tune wafting through the air. Urden, a mercenary, was also in preparation, as the high rasp of whetstone on honed steel laced itself between the verses of his voice. Jovial and underhanded in equal measure, the dark-haired man was as archetypal of his profession as it got— the free spirit of a man whose vice had been leveraged into a trade, with it freedom. Loyalty to coin was quite fluid compared to that of blood, and István made no pretensions that he didn't consider it of equal value— but by the same token, each libran that had bought his services had been earned back double in bloodshed. That, any man could respect. A fellow soldier from a martial lineage, all the more so. As he passed, István raised one mug in greeting, a bassy rumble of hummed rhythm settling beneath that of the mercenary's lyrics. "Any chance you've seen Earl Demet wandering off somewhere?" He'd been hoping to intercept him, but found his tent barren. From the sound of it, the boy didn't intend to meet until the moment of briefing.</s>
<|message|>Guillaume Fortier the Sincere (or Gil) "A-ah, yes, this is our first meeting," Lirrah stumbled in her words initially, but recovered herself well with pie in hand. Guillaume took note of the price indicated of 1200 librans and reached into a small sack he had prepared for payment. It was always difficult to discern the face of a vendor when they're doing their line of work; making a sale. Their expressions never betray their true emotion of the situation at hand. He watches Lirrah's face with her eyebrows rose to an arched bloom... Eyes as round as the full moon... Pupils contracting at the sight of librans in his hands. Her lips curl a smile that soothes the eyes and her dimples light the heart with a warmth of a friend's embrace. This is a genuine smile as a result of a successful sale. He gently handed librans to the Nem and accepting the mutton pie happily on his left hand, the free pastry ticket in the other. Lirrah then leaned in with a hand covering the side of her mouth and whispered secretively, "I certainly would have called for help myself if my voice hadn't gotten stuck in my throat... Ahaha..." Guillaume chuckled in return at her remark. Perhaps he and she are birds of a feather. "Thank you Lirrah." He examined the golden brown pastry before his eyes. The skin is perfectly molded and the hot mutton filling inside was at the right temperature-- he can tell this from a simple touch. He took the pie into his mouth and ate a part... And the flaky crust crumbles into his tongue and brought homey warmth. Cold night winds have indeed not been kind to the body. What followed after was a rush of rich flavours with the aroma of its contents zealously bursting to fill the nasal cavity. The bits of pie travelled down into his stomach well and spread its warmth to his belly. It was excellence in the palm of a hand. "This pie is an experience of its own, and is indeed delicious!" He roared, but not too loudly to the merchant. For a moment there he had forgotten about Gisela and Krysia. Stuck in a world where only two existed; Guillaume and his mutton pie. Daze "Oh, good evening, Guillaume," The mage returned his greeting with a half-curtsy. "No new injuries to report?" He lowered his pie and placed his gaze on Gisela with a gentle nod in acknowledgement to her gesture. "You're too kind, there's no need. What you did for me deserves much more in comparison." He of course is mentioning the one time he had suffered a grievous injury that almost cost him his life a few years ago, saved only by Gisela who happened to be around. "No new injuries to report. I made full recovery after that incident. Not even a scar was left." He raised his pie again for another bite. "How goes Krysia? Still looking for a fight every chance she gets?"</s>
<|description|>Seras Bancroft Pokemon: Diancie Gender: Female Age: 20 Hometown: Verdanturf Town Level: 37 Ability: Clear Body Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Ancientpower, Smack Down, Sharpen, Reflect, Stealth Rock Legendary Powers: Seras can create diamonds by compressing carbon from the air, producing fist-sized gemstones almost instantaneously that can grow layer-by-layer over several seconds until becoming roughly head-sized. While concentrating on her powers, she can create and control roughly a dozen small gemstones or a handful of larger gemstones at once - while distracted or otherwise engaged, she can hold them stationary in the air without allowing them to fall. Seras can also manipulate the shape of her gemstones and fuse them together - although she cannot levitate any creations that are larger than her head, she can fashion bridges, barricades and various sculptures over the course of several minutes. Held Item: Shell Bell Appearance: Seras is built daintily, standing roughly 5'6" tall with a thin frame and a soft face perpetually lit by a contented smile. She wears her cherry pink hair down to her waist, occasionally braided for formal situations but usually flowing wild and free. Although she travels with a small range of outfits suitable for weather conditions across Hoenn, she favours loose garments in a range of blues and purples, occasionally matched with jewelry created through her powers. Personality: Seras is a gentle and nurturing soul, generous with her compassion and easily moved by the happiness of others. She has little patience for monotony or bland routines, preferring to chart new horizons with every footstep and seek the joy of fresh beauty or a stranger's smiling face. Although her confidence has grown immensely since melding with Diancie, her discomfort in face-to-face confrontations has not entirely passed - rather than outright fleeing from stressful situations, she prefers to diffuse situations using firm persuasion or quietly separate herself and those she cherishes from potential sources of conflict. Savoring the feeling of grass under her feet or the warm embrace of a friend, she aspires towards nothing more than savoring the world around her, travelling at her own pace and exploring the pleasure in every moment rather than chasing the future or clinging to the shackles of the past. She tends to communicate with others through meaningful gestures and comforting touch as much as with words - her talent for capturing the world through artwork has led her to create sculptures that capture the raw emotions of their subject as well as any speech. Backstory: Born as the male-bodied heir to the Bancroft estate, Seras' early years were stained by intolerance and rigid expectations from her family. Between intense coaching on the family's export business, tutoring on proper etiquette and numerous reproachful lectures over her 'insufficient strength of character' from her father, it was made plainly apparent that her family expected her to grow into a cookie-cutter nobleman in order to maintain the family fortunes. Without a means of outwardly expressing her discomfort, Seras turned to the arts - painting, photography and especially sculpture. Although too young to fluently express her discomfort in words, she would purge her stress and anxiety through sculptures of herself as she lived in her dreams - cherub-faced, barefoot and with long, untamed hair billowing in the wind. After approaching her family when she was 18, Seras was informed in no uncertain terms that gender transition would be impossible - the affront to the family's reputation would be too great for them to indulge the 'baseless whims' of their child, let alone the personal indignity of acknowledging Seras as a daughter after years attempting to iron out any such notions. Arceus begged to differ. As the Power Plague escalated from a 'common' pandemic to a potentially god-slaying disease, Arceus searched for humans capable of partnering with each of the Legendary Pokemon, manipulating both the soul and (to a lesser extent) the physical form of their hosts. And while flowing pink hair and a newly feminine build wouldn't look unusual to most people, Seras' overnight transformation was enough to drive her father into wordless sputtering. Seras was over the moon. Despite her family's furious demands that she uphold her duties to their household, Legendary Pokemon or not, Seras swiftly packed her belongings and embarked on a journey across Hoenn, with no destination but the next crossroads and no goal but to escape from her parents and relish her newfound liberation. Her new powers quickly proved invaluable - after several weeks of trading gemstones at village markets, she gradually learned to meld and shape the gemstones she created into glittering figurines, selling awed townsfolk and gleeful children sculptures of their loved ones produced before their very eyes. As weeks turned to months and months turned to years, her journey grew into a new way of life - travelling to all of the major cities and landmarks of Hoenn, sharing the beauty she witnessed during her travels and earning a reputation across Hoenn as a wandering artist. Although her shameless use of her powers earned occasional glances of scorn or fear, such incidents did little to diminsh the joy she felt from sharing her creations with others - sharing both the beauty in the world which the sculptures reflected and the heart of the woman who sculpted them. Seras had never felt more content and genuine in her life. Pokemon: Nickname: Charity Species: Gardevoir Gender: Female Level: 37 Ability: Synchronize Moves: Psychic, Magical Leaf, Disarming Voice, Calm Mind, Teleport, Wish</s> <|message|>Seras Bancroft Seras let out a shuddering breath as Germaines departed, heart pounding frantically against her chest. I'm too young to have my life flashing before my eyes. It felt as though she'd run a marathon - worn ragged, high on adrenaline and sore in places that had no right to be aching - but the feeling of triumph was empowering. Reaffirming. Testament to a movement of violence that never came to pass. Is this how trainers feel when competing? She shook those thoughts loose. That had no right to go so well, but at this point, I'll take a miracle. As though a storm had passed, the crowd slowly began to mutter among themselves, voices rising and melding into a background hum. Arceus knows what they were talking about. Relief flooding her system, she offered a weary smile towards the remaining avatars and met David's gaze. "Thank you for your kindness," she said warmly, accepting David's handshake. His grip was strong but restrained, obviously holding both strength and habits in check. "My name is Seras Bancroft, representing Diancie, but just Seras would be preferable." The formalities left a slightly bitter taste in her mouth - too many hollow words and so little meant - but the evident sincerity behind his words made them heartwarming regardless. Some people just meant what they said. "I'm grateful that you think so highly of me, but I'm sure you that would have protected everyone if Germaines hadn't come around. Bravery means different things for everyone - we both fought to help others in the best way that we could. You have my respect as well." She turned her attention towards the blue-haired boy, gaze wandering idly to the markings on his shoulders. Even without his support in the recent disaster, it would have been embarrassingly obvious from his appearance that he was an avatar as well. No, she chastised herself. That's a horrible way to think. You should know better. Peeling her gaze from his runes with slight embarrassment, she met his eyes and offered a gentle, heartfelt smile. The boy's tears didn't matter - despite David's strength of character, he wasn't the one who had stood beside her in the eye of the storm. "You helped us enormously as well. If you hadn't stood up for everyone and if Germaines hadn't backed down when he did, then I would have been caught in the middle of everything." And the only difference between you and me is how we respond to stress. She offered an open hand to the boy - he deserved to be treated with equal respect as herself, formalities or not. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I owe you gratitude for your courage and your help."</s> <|message|>Kaze Elwynn When the two darker figures turned away, Kaze found himself relaxing into a slouched posture, letting out a long, ragged sigh of relief. For a moment, he stood there, staring at the ground and trying to calm his tears. The tension was gone now--no need to keep crying. After a few moments they ceased their flow, and he was left with just his shaky breathing. In the meantime, a man of daunting figure spoke to the woman he had run to the side of earlier. While the two talked, Kaze overheard them mention their names as David Stone--the Avatar of Regirock--and Seras--Diancie's Avatar. Then Seras turned in Kaze's direction. Sniffing quickly, he tried to make himself look more brave, then turned his head up toward her. Just briefly, he noticed she had observed the diamond shapes on his arms before her gaze met his. "You helped us enormously as well," she commended. "If you hadn't stood up for everyone and if Germaines hadn't backed down when he did, then I would have been caught in the middle of everything." Then she extended a kind hand for him to shake. "Thank you. I owe you gratitude for your courage and your help." While Kaze didn't trust his voice to properly respond, he did accept the handshake and gave a determined nod. He hoped even if he didn't speak, the look in his eyes would be enough to convey that he was glad to help, even if a little. Then, the least heroic thing happened to him: his stomach growled with a notable echo. "I should probably find something to eat," he mumbled, not sure if Seras had heard his voice, but there was no doubt she, and likely David, had heard the roar from his innards.</s> <|message|>Wells Windforce Wells' thoughts were racing, as he still felt pressure after talking to Germaine. Quickly, words stringed themselves into sentences, hopefully proving useful during their next meeting. Wells convinced himself that he never feared Germaine, knowing that the crowd will be far more reassured if they thought he was calm. He decided to let Fluke out of his Pokeball, and the little guy seemed to celebrate in his own way by performing a small dance and surrounding himself in small sparks. It seems like his plan to reassure the crowd proved to be quite a hit. Seeing Fluke happy was ultimately what made him smile again. It was his way of knowing that he was a positive force for someone else. Suddenly, the blue-haired boy growled. Again, it was a beastly, primal growl, the work of instinct. Of hunger. "We'll need to keep an eye on Germaine in the future. Next time, we might be on our own, and we'll be forced to fight him. If he keeps spreading terror like that, I'd say it would be for the better. Currently, we've been reminded of a far more pressing issue: our own hunger. I'm certain that there will be pleasant surprises waiting in our hotel. Whether it's fine dining or a rich buffet." Wells looked at the hotel, standing still. He wanted to see who he should follow.</s>
<|message|>Seras Bancroft Seras nodded in grudging assent towards Wells. "We might need to fight Germaines if he's actively threatening people, but I'd rather talk him down than escalate the situation through combat. You've already seen how he'll respond to violence," she noted, glancing pointedly towards Porygon-Z, "but he hasn't harmed anyone unless already provoked." Such as by you, she mused. As much as she'd like to hold that against him, everyone had been utterly terrified by Germaines, herself included. It was hard to blame anyone's response under those sort of circumstances - he'd put himself on the line for the crowd, just in that headache-inducing manner that seemed to come naturally to him. "Let's try not to assume that Germaines is dangerous from here on - just don't press his buttons and be prepared if someone else starts to goad him. He deserves the change for a new beginning." I can comprehend that much about him, at least. She glanced towards the hotel, painfully aware of the state of her clothes. The upper half of her dress was drenched with sweat after the confrontation - given the option, she wouldn't wait a minute longer before changing into something clean. And her stomach wasn't much inclined towards waiting either. "Food sounds great," she smiled ruefully. "I'll swing by my hotel room, then join all of you for a meal." Given the day's event, the dinner conversation would probably end with a food fight across the main foyer.</s>
<|description|>Meliya Ardorion I cut it down a fair bit to try and make it a bit more bearable to read, also took out all the canonical Tolkien stuff and replaced it with general/more relevant to the plot we have going here xD Nickname: Mel Gender:Female Age: 2,160 (usual age I have her set as, but this can be adjusted/lowered if you usually work with lower age parameters for elves :P) Physical Description: A tall and slender she-elf of typical height for her kind (I'm not an expert on elvish heights but I would have a guess that they're usually somewhere between 5'8" and 6', though I can't back this up with any certainty so for this I think it's better to remain vague to say "average height" or "tall" or "shorter than usual" XD), appearing steady and strong in frame despite her slenderness. Blonde hair and pale ice-blue eyes typical of the rest of her kin, however her hair is rather distinctive in that it isn't straight as the rest of her kin's. Instead, Mel's hair forms distinctive, albeit loose waves. In the way of scars, she has received a fair few in her lifetime. Though many of them have faded, two still remain visible. The first and largest, a jagged line of pale pinkish-white raised skin, running from her right shoulder and diagonally downwards to stop at her opposite hip. The majority of this scar is generally well-hidden behind her clothing though the beginnings of it can often be seen at her collarbone just above the neckline of her attire. Her other significant scar is rather more obtrusive, spanning from her eyebrow and down across the bridge of her nose. Both are battle scars from her first real skirmish which she wears rather proudly. Attire: "Casual"/"Everday" attire can be seen in above ID picture Personality: Mel is a witty, fairly sharp tongued and often sarcastic individual, she is wary of strangers and will take quite some time to trust most she meets, though those who have a child-like innocence about them seem to find her trust a lot easier. However her tough exterior does hide a soft and loving side deep down, it just takes a while to get to it. Her sense of duty is unparalleled to most, and many a Mirkwood soldier who has served under her command has been known to describe Mel as "hard headed and as determined and foul-tempered as a starving wolf keeping hold of the last scrap of meat at mealtime". Once she has a job to do, she will not abandon it for any cause, no matter the consequences, until the task is completed. Has somewhat of a way with words, but doesn't tend to do well in long political meetings. She is an elf of actions rather than words at the end of the day, and having to sit still in a meeting hall full of other individuals bores her to death, so she would rather avoid it! She does not take lightly to insults towards either herself or her family or kingdom, and unfortunately it doesn't take much to get her riled up. Mel is not unknown to take a swing or two at someone who overstepped their mark with her. Can be stubborn and is also not unknown to act first, think about consequences later, often landing her in sticky situations. History: Her mother is a well-respected healer within the kingdom, while her father is a trusted and high-ranking general. Mel had always had her father's fighting spirit, and indeed the elfling picked up her first weapon when she was knee-high to a dwarf, learning basic combat moves from her father who was all too glad to teach her to defend herself. When she came of age the two butted heads somewhat (due to his overprotectiveness of her, as she was their only child) as she expressed the desire to follow in his footsteps and train as a warrior rather than have the quieter (or rather, less dangerous) life of a healer like her mother. After much debate, in which her mother took her side and pointed out that if he had wished her to be a healer from the start, he should not have encouraged her to fight so easily, Mel's father finally agreed and her warrior training began. She breezed through her training with ease and was soon given a low-ranking command position; and sent out into battle for the first time where she received her first scars in the line of duty and her first promotion to Captain, whereby she would have command of her own unit. This is where we currently find her, though with one more thing to add. The mantra that had been drilled into her head over and over again by both her mentor and her father: "The only good Drow is a dead Drow". Will she believe it, or is she more likely to take a dark elf's character at face value if she met one? Only time will tell. Weapons: Mel's primary weapons are a bow of dark finished ebony wood, and a rapier for close combat. Secondarily, she has a pair of fighting daggers, though she tends to favour her bow or rapier over these.</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion Mel paused in her stride as a pained groan reached her sensitive ears. The sound took her by surprise; it was barely morning, there were very few other elves around so early, who could have made such a sound? Notching an arrow to her bow string as a defensive precaution, she advanced forwards in the direction that the sound had come from. Before long she came to the section of the forest where the majority of their healing herbs grew, and that was when she saw him. The figure had collapsed in the center of the clearing, face first in the dirt. Judging by the vast red stains that smattered the ground behind him, he was badly wounded. For a moment she hesitated, she didn't recognise him. Of course, it was entirely possible that they just hadn't met before. It was a large kingdom, she surely didn't know every face in the army. Likely he had been wounded by a wandering party of Drow before the sun came up. He was very lucky to have made it back this far. Returning the arrow to her quiver, she strung her bow over her back once again to keep it from encumbering her ability to work on the soldier's wounds, she gathered a few of the herbs she knew would prevent infection and speed up the healing process, before slowly approaching him. "...Can you hear me?" she asked slowly, unsure of whether he was still conscious. He did not answer, confirming that was not the case. Sighing softly, the she-elf crouched beside him and began to peel back the fabric which had stuck to the open wound. Now that she looked at him more closely, she realised he was dressed rather strangely to be a soldier of this realm, they did not favor dark colored clothing, generally sticking to browns and greens. As she looked him over once again, as if to make sure she wasn't imagining things, she spotted the tuft of ashen white hair that stuck out from beneath his cloak, and flinched backwards in surprise. A Drow! What would a Drow be doing out here? She felt torn. According to the teachings that she had been given, she should simply just leave him there to die. But morally, she wasn't sure if she could do it. He was badly wounded, it was in her nature to help those who were injured if she could. Another sigh passed her lips as she muttered quietly under her breath. "...Father is going to murder me if he finds out about this." But her mind had been made up. She had to staunch the bleeding and do what she could to bring him back around, no matter who he was. Thankfully she kept a small medicine pouch at her belt with her, with a meagre supply of clean bandages. Retrieving some water from a nearby stream, she used one of these to begin cleaning away the old, dried blood from the outside of the wound, so that she could better see where it would need to be wrapped. Crushing up the herbs she had collected, she applied them to the wound as well, somewhat thankful that the Drow was unconscious, at least he would not feel the stinging as the herbs began to work. Over this she then bound the remaining bandages she had taughtly over the wound, applying pressure until the bleeding finally abated. Sitting back she had to simply wait and pray, hoping that he would improve, and that he had not lost too much blood to be beyond saving. There was of course, also the matter of what she would do with him once he did come around. She couldn't very well take him back with her, that would be a death wish for them both. "Well, I'll just have to find somewhere else for him to lay low." she concluded to herself as she waited and watched over him. "Just until he's recovered, then he can go his own way."</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil Hours passed. The man didn't stir until the sun was well up in the sky. Another groan escaped his lips as consciousness slowly returned. The searing pain was the first thing he registered. Well...that was good, he suppose. Pain meant feeling. He was still alive. For how long, though...he couldn't rightly guess. His wounds had been pretty bad. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, golden pupils staring out at the clearing again. This time, though, he was not alone. A rather beautiful blond sat before him, golden hair let down just past her shoulders. She wore green and brown attire that was unfamiliar to the young drow. Of course, anything other than his blackened leather would be new to him, given his heritage. The thin blade at her side proved that she knew how to defend herself, as did the bow slung over her back. At length, his golden eyes met her icy blue, his expression clearly pained as he felt another surge from the wound in his side. A rough cough and his eyes averted, hand slowly trailing to his side. It had been packed and softened with herbs. The leather tunic had been pulled up to bandage his wound. "Seems I owe you for being among the living," he commented. "I should probably thank you for not killing me on sight as well." He let out a small chuckle that quickly turned into a groan as the light movement irritated his wound. "Agh...fuck, that hurts." He didn't know how the forest elves' mannerisms worked exactly, but he figured there was no sense in hiding his nature. If the woman hadn't slit his throat yet, it was unlikely she would.</s> <|message|>Meliya Ardorion "Sit still then!" the she-elf quipped at him irritably. "I didn't wrap that up for you to tear it off in five seconds. You're lucky to be alive, indeed." she confirmed, still eyeing him warily. Her gaze flitted frantically towards the path she had come down. There could be others nearby, the patrols would have started by now, now that the sun was up. "You need to be quiet, if anyone finds you here it'll be both our heads, understand?" she still wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but it seemed her better nature and morals had gotten the better of her yet again. It's not for long, she reminded herself. you'll tend him till he recovers and then he can get lost. His language confirmed her earlier suspicions, this was indeed a Drow from the underworld. She had never seen one come this close to their borders before, and as she considered this for a moment an uneasy feeling stirred in her gut. She should leave him to rest, but her curiosity got the better of her and she knew she would not let it be until she had asked, so she might as well get it over with. "What's a Drow doing on the surface world, at any rate?" she arched one slender eyebrow at him quizically as she rose to her feet and returned to the stream to wash his blood off her hands.</s> <|message|>Nathe Ranadil The drow glanced up at her, heeding her words as he stopped moving, content to lay still in the grass. He thought over his answer to her question for a few moments. Was it wise to tell one of the elves about his goal? About what had caused his wounds? He wasn't quite sure, but he figured no truths would harm this situation far worse than anything else he could hope to tell them. Besides, the fact that he still breathed was definitely a plus in this whole thing. She likely wouldn't kill him at least. At length, a small exhale of breath came from his lips as he slowly reached up to pull his mask down, revealing the blackened skin of his people. Not like his outfit would hide his race any further. "Would you believe me if I said it was to talk to your people?" he asked. He moved to sit up, hissing in pain from the movement. However, he managed to sit up, his hand reaching to his side to hold his wound lightly. "I'm somewhat of a researcher. I was hoping to talk to your people before I went and injured myself." He winced again as a stinging pain pulsed from his wounds. He bowed his head lightly to her. "I do not wish to trouble you any further. If you could point me in the direction of your village, I would be most grateful."</s>
<|message|>Meliya Ardorion Glancing over her shoulder at him as she scrubbed her hands together vigorously under the water, the forest elf scoffed, her eyes rolling. "Talk to my people? Do I need to give you a list of reasons why that is an extremely foolish idea? For your own safety I'd suggest you go the other way as soon as you can support your own weight." For a moment she wondered whether he was toying with her, but looking into his yellowed eyes she saw nothing in them that suggested he was attempting any sort of mind game with her. He was completely serious. Shaking her head, partially to herself, as she rose back to her feet once more, she plucked another few herbs from the nearest bush to refill her medicine pouch. "They'd sooner kill you than listen to anything that you have to say." she reminded him. "At any rate you won't be fit to travel for another day or so at least, I would estimate. You should stay here until then, it's probably the safest and easiest place you could hide here without being seen."</s>
<|description|>Kuhaku Shiro Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus (White-Tiger based) Weapon: Kladenets & Perun A Charge-Blade and Axe-Shield combination weapon. The two weapons have the unique ability of fusing into a single, larger weapon. Taking the form of a giant axe for a more powerful, albeit slower, combat style. The sword becomes the shaft of the axe with the shield becoming the axe's head. Internally, his weapons house a hidden firing mechanism that allow him to load Dust Ammunition. With loaded ammunition he can unleash destructive, close-ranged, explosive blasts. Speciality: Though he doesn't necessarily fall into a single, defined role he primarily engages close-ranged combat, but can act as a defensive off-hand tank with his shield and utilizing his Semblance, provide a supportive role. With his shield, he can skillfully defend and attack at the same time with his sword at extremely close ranges. Sheathing his sword into his shield, he can then switch to a defensive position to guard himself or his teammates. As part of his versatile and adaptive nature, his shield has a bladed edge and short punch-spike at its base that allows his shield to double as a weapon. Hidden within his shield is a speed-loader that can quickly reload his sword with a full magazine of Dust Ammunition in the event of an emergency. Combining his sword and shield together to from his Great Axe, he trades speed and defense for a purely offensive style of combat. With his giant Axe he can use his impressive strength to cleave, crush, and smash through large groups of enemies at once. Though his attacks with his Axe are much slower and in wide arcs, the sheer brute power of the weight of the axe and its slightly increased melee range makes it a fearsome weapon in Kuhaku's hands. In either its sword or axe form, Kuhaku can load special Dust Ammunition to either 'Burn' or 'Fire'. 'Burning' a round, he can propel himself short distances for a powerful and quick strike. 'Firing' a round unleashes an explosive blast in a small area in front of himself. His explosive dust attacks all require ammunition and as such, he wears a belt with Dust Shotshells on them. Semblance: The King's Voice - With the sound of his roar, he can temporarily remove mental limiters on he and his teammates' minds. Allowing them to fight with enhanced senses and bolstered physical capability for a few minutes at a time. For his enemies, the sound of his roar has the opposite effect. Muddling their senses to reduce their effectiveness and confusing them. However, his Semblance comes to him at a cost. The more often he utilizes his Semblance, side effects start to appear though only in himself. The side effects can range anywhere from headaches, impaired senses, seizures, temporary memory loss or permanent memory loss. Not only coming with side effects, there are certain conditions to his Semblance in order for it to be completely effective, if at all. Whenever he prepares to utilize his Semblance, his golden eyes turn a burning, glowing blue. With black 'stripes' appearing on his 'fur', face, and arms. His stripes and eyes can also act as a timer, fading as the effects of his Semblance wears off. Personality: Having been orphaned at a very young age, Kuhaku never had a home to call his own. As such, he primarily lived in orphanages, moving to a new one every so often. Growing up having never known his own family, he was constantly abused and subjected to prejudice due to his race. Though due to his strong will and good heart, he never held the abuse he went through against Humankind and overcame his rough upbringing. He endured humankind's irrational hatred and treatment of his own kin. Desiring to prove to others that the Faunus were not the 'beasts' and 'animals' most humans labeled his kind as, he enrolled in Signal as soon as he was able to. He believes that his enrollment to become a future Hunter as a way of demonstrating that Faunus and Humans can coexist and work together peacefully. He one day wishes to become a legendary Hunter to end the Grimm threat and prevent any future generations from ever having to go through what he did, having lost his family. As part of his good-hearted nature, you'll always see him in a generally bright and happy mood. Kind and polite to all who meet him, he treats most everyone with the same level of warmth and respect akin to that of a close, long-time friend. Outgoing, loud, energetic and enthusiastic are just a few characteristics to describe him. As a result of his tough childhood he has a deep understanding of other people's hardships and pain, granting him a strong sense of empathy. Quick to trust others and make friends, Kuhaku doesn't have a hateful bone in his body, despite what other ignorant humans might think. Color: Sky-Blue Emblem: Appearance: [All rights reserved to Nitroplus for the character image. Credit goes to Lugubrious for the Emblem!]</s> <|message|>Cian Kuze Ciel - A confused Rabbit This is bad very bad was all she thought as she froze it looked like her team mates died but she was sure that Mokuren was not inside the building so It was very unlikely she was dead. "Luke if you are really alive I want you to punch me" she stated it was finally dawning on her that this might not be reality and if it wasn't she knew that it would haunt her. Letting Byakko drop and rest on her shoulder she waited either "Luke" would scream something again and punch her or stay quiet. If he stayed quiet she would know that he was dead and than she would act as of right now she was practically fighting every instinct that told her to act.</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Lucas Schwarz -- Flabbergasted What did she just say? "P-" "Punch you?!" he repeated dumbfoundedly, skidding to a halt not halfway from Morgan. Looking at his teammate as though she'd grown three heads, he turned halfway towards her, keeping the enemy still in his peripheral vision. "Are you sure?" He asked, preemptively deactivating one of his gauntlets. Didn't he have a Lieutenant to be punching instead? What could possibly-- Wait. It all dawned on him at once, and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. The simple beauty of Ciel's plan! An actual masterstroke, even under such confusing trials! And yet also so simple, he was kicking himself for not thinking of it already. The order relied on exploiting the key differences in the illusions she was perceiving, and reality. What the illusion was causing her to perceive was that he was dead, which was simple enough. The Caster herself had clued him into that. However, that perception was brought into question by his own outburst moments later, a direct contradiction to Morgan's intentions. What she had perceived as reality had suddenly turned into one big question mark. Now, ordering his "dead" body to move-- what would in normal circumstances be a sad display of an unwillingness to accept his death would actually serve as the turning point as to whether or not they broke through the tinted lens placed over Ciel's eyes. That is, it put Morgan into a lose-lose situation. Illusions were only that. Illusions. They had no weight nor mass behind them, so if his "stand-in" complied with the order, she would be punched by nothing but air, especially something that had just been assumedly shown to be dead. Enough for anyone to catch on. Now, if I myself were to run in and punch her, whatever I appear to be is now speaking with my voice and is following orders directed at me flawlessly. It can also punch her just like I can, thus proving that the illusory me is in fact, neither dead nor real, along with adding a jolt of pain to her nervous system. Proving the illusion wrong and adding a jolting, sudden stimulus to the nervous system, forcing it to break concentration. A combination that will always shatter a misguided perception of reality. In other words, the jig is up no matter what happens. "All right. Sorry, but you asked for it, Ciel! Here I come!" he shouted, sprinting towards her as if she'd taken his lunch money. Cocking that same unarmored fist back, he thanked her for placing such trust in him during desperate times... And uncorked a half-powered punch straight into her bellybutton. Not hard enough to severely hurt her, but just enough for her to feel it, without any doubt. He grimaced as he felt it connect. Again, she asked for it. But that didn't make having to "turn on" a teammate the most enjoyable of prospects. Sorry.</s> <|message|>Emerald "Emmy" Felicia IC: Emerald "Well I don't actually have a team yet..." Emmy scratched the back of her head, fidgeting. "I just transfered from Haven, I always wanted to go to Beacon see, but I couldn't afford to actually get here...but the student exchange program took care of that!" She gave a thumbs up along with a big grin on her face. "Ozpin said he'd find me a team in the next day or two, so no worries there!" "But enough about me! What about you? What is your team like? What is your semblance? What weapons do you use? How was your mission? Was it full of danger!? Was it scary!? Did you beat up Grimm and bad guys!? Did you remember to brush your teeth afterwards!? Huh?!?" Emmy shot whatever questions she could think of as fast as her mouth could handle, which was actually quite a lot.</s> <|message|>Skyra Dawn Skyra Dawn, Patrol Mission Skyra threw both girls a quick smirk. "Good girl.", she exclaimed nodding and then proceeded to follow Ebon who already was a couple of yards ahead of her. After the girls were out of view, Skyra sighed. Once more she successfully avoided killing somebody without being hurt herself. She definitely counted this as an achievement worth striving for. Not much later, the Horn of Plenty made itself known to Skyra's nose. She absolutely hated that place. Not because of the commotion or anything, no. It was the crazy amount of smells that bothered her. One or two different meals would be bearable, but not this many. A quick guess trying to differentiate between different odours brought up at least ten to fifteen completely different meals, all of those biting each other. She saw the police band long before the police spotted the two hunters. Burglary, eh? Doesn't seem that special from here. She retracted that thought as soon as the police officer contacted them. "Aye. What seems to be the problem, sir?"</s> <|message|>Abel Fulgurate Abel Fulgurate A raised eyebrow greeted Robert's request. Out of everything, he wanted to focus on the ferret? The scruffy little critter and its single-track mind hadn't made much of an impression on Abel, but he couldn't help but admit that the horrible thing was at least adorably horrible. It would be a little while before anyone could stand it enough to figure out its true potential, and was therefore a perfect fit for Shiro. That, the guardian mused, or it was simply a mindless animal with special abilities. Yikes—unfortunate implications indeed, if he'd have been shortsighted enough to say it aloud. "Well, it's small, and mostly gray. It's got dark coloring around its eyes, so it looks like it's wearing a superhero mask. Its teeth stick out slightly, and it's kinda ragged. Definitely not as sleek as normal ferrets. But it's just as stretchy, like most are. You ever hold one? They're like furry slinkies. This one had a lot of aura, even had a semblance. He could speak into our brains, but he's as dumb as any other ferret, so all it said was 'food' and 'fun'. Shiro loved him, named him Scoot 'cause when he moves around on the ground it looks like he's sliding, I guess. Sapph hates him though, because he's nice." Abel noticed that he'd transitioned to calling Scoot 'he' rather than 'it' halfway through his explanation. Was the critter growing on him already? Abel shrugged. As long as it didn't nip him, he supposed he could pet it now and again.</s>
<|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro - Cafeteria Shiro lowered his hand as he tilted his head, cocking an eyebrow. "You're a transfer student from Haven? Oh, cool. What's Haven l-" Before Shiro could finish his question, Emmy went fully-automatic with a slew of rapid-fire questions. With each question she asked, his smile broke out into a wider and wider growing grin as his eyes began to practically sparkle with bursting stars. "This gal can definitely be my friend." Motivated by her enthusiasm and energy, he could feel his own feverish energy levels rising as well. Leaning in, he answered her questions in no particular order but with the same talkative speed and ardor. "Oh, like I said I'm with Team Swansong. I have two other teammates Abel and Gren who are pretty swell guys! Abel has this lightning Semblance and Gren, who is a Boar Faunus, has this 'sticky' Semblance. Our team leader is Sapphire and she...Well, enough about her. I have a sword and shield that combine into giant axe! My mission- Well, some parts were pretty fun! Pretty dangerous but exciting! I did beat up...something." He looked away and scratched at his head, unsure of how to categorize the massive lizard he and his other friends fought against. Cocking an eyebrow, he couldn't help but break out into laughter at her dental hygiene question. "Ha ha! No, I didn't brush my teeth afterward! I don't know why that would be a thing. But, my Semblance is pretty cool too, want to see?!" Leaping up onto the cafeteria table, Shiro stood and began to slowly suck in a large volume of air. As he did, his golden-brown eyes 'froze' over and took on their glowing icy-blue hue. Black streaks 'burned' onto parts of his hair, face, and tail. Lungs filled to capacity, he was just about to unleash the full force of his Semblance's ability but stopped and held his breath. Looking 'round the cafeteria, he slowly exhaled as his chest deflated. Though the dining hall was sparsely populated, he was certain that it wasn't very wise to just suddenly unleash his power upon the few poor unsuspecting students that were eating. Not to mention the faculty and his team leader wouldn't like hearing about this. Nervously laughing, he hopped off of the cafeteria table and took his seat. Scratching his head again, he figured that somewhere else at some other time would be better to show off. "Uh, sorry. Maybe I can show you later outside or something." As he calmed down and pulled himself back, he posed some of the same questions back to Emmy. "What about you? What was Haven like? What are your weapons and Semblance?"</s>
<|description|>Naaji Character Summary Age: 4 Birthday: April 9 Race/Species: Siberian Tiger Gender: Male Birthplace: Arceria, Kaeler Jewel color: Birthright: Purple Dusk Offering: Blood Opal Class/Caste: Warlord Languages: Kindred Occupation: Kindred --- --- Appearance Height: Weight: 294kg (around 648lbs) Eye Color: Yellow Fur Color: Orange with black stripes (Duh... it's a tiger ) --- --- Character Psychology Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Largely protective around his own kin and particularly those he consider friends and allies. Naaji is not afraid of showing his fangs to defend himself, his food or his allies. Habits: * Marking the trees nearby with claw marks to keep intruders away. * Hide any leftovers on trees, carrying the carcass up to one of its branches. Hobbies: * Stalking "humans" out of curiosity. * Climbing on trees, and sleeping on it's branches. Fears: * Being caged * Hayllians (Not only fear, but he came to really hate them as well) Likes: * Meat * "Humans" (the ones who don't attack him) Dislikes: * Hayllians * Eels. They taste terrible... Skills General Skills * Tracking * Climbing trees and even some rocks, depending on their size. Combat skills * Agility and flexibility: Once he is after his prey, running away from him is very difficult. * Precise bites: Always aiming for the neck, the back of the head or other weak spots, every bite he gives is very dangerous. * Hunter's patience: If his prey is too strong for Naaji to take down, he will give it a few bites to cripple it, and let it bleed away, or wait until its weak enough for him to go in for the kill. Magic skills * Wrath of the Wild: Temporarily heightens his physical capabilities. It is a very tiring skill, and the longer he keeps it active, the more hungry and tired he gets when it ends. * Meld: Mild camouflage. Although it doesn't make him completely invisible, instead making him somewhat 'transparent'. As long as he moves very slowly, he is very difficult to see. If he stands still, its impossible to see him. --- --- History Background Naaji was born on Arceria, Kaeler. Differently from some other tigers, it was raised relatively close to a blood village, so sometimes, a few "humans" went near his territory to hunt, gather herbs, or cutting down trees. Naaji always knew that if he attacked them, they would only come back hunting for him, otherwise, they rarely even tried to hunt him. After all, it would be much easier to simply hunt less dangerous animals. Due to that, Naaji grew curious about the weird humans. They sometimes came to the forest just to cut down trees and carrying them back... Such weird actions caught his interest, and so he started stalking them, out of pure curiosity, simply to watch them. Unfortunately, he didn't knew that some humans weren't that comfortable in being stalked... Even if he was simply following them, now growling nor attacking them... He would soon find out that humans were not to be trusted... One day, a few strange humans, with a strange colored skin came to the forest. They weren't the ones that Naaji used to watch. They were carrying weird half circles that they used together with sharp sticks to hunt. This time though, they weren't trying to hunt the animals they always used to. Instead, they were seemingly searching for something else... A loud, angry and very familiar growl echoed through the forest... It was his mother's. Running as fast as he could, the young Naaji got there just in time to see an arrow hitting his mother right in the neck. With her last breath, he could only hear her faint growl, telling him to run away. The last thing he saw before running was the weird humans using their knives to rip his mother to shreds, taking her fur away. As the time passed, and Naaji grew older, he soon learned to differentiate the normal humans from the so called 'poachers' with dark golden skin. He knew that those meant trouble. His fear soon transformed itself in hate for those humans. He would never let that happen again. He wasn't a cub anymore, he was now an adult, and quite a fearsome one at that. --- --- Additional Information Other: Theme Song:</s> <|message|>Arsenio Michalis Graves Location - Hyall On a long road from places unknown came a pale figure, appropriately cloaked due to the beating sun and dry air. He was used to the latter of these, but the former was making him sweat much more than he would like. Never again would he volunteer to come to this end of the world, someone else can take the walk from the city to here. He stopped for a moment and put a gloved hand up against the sun, shielding his eyes from the star's harsh rays, and ahead of him he saw a settlement of sorts. "...Good a place to stop as any..." he mumbled, confident that there was no one around to hear him. With a grasp of the canteen on his hip, the man set out for this town, glad to know he's been going in the right direction for the last few hours. The metal container rose to his lips and poured out some life-giving water into his mouth, which was quickly swallowed. The rest of his walk later, Arsenio Graves began to regret leaving the Winds as early as he did. There was no threat here, this town was actually quite bustling, the dead opposite of what he expected from a town with no shade whatsoever. Based on the heat, he doubted this settlement even had a winter! It wasn't an issue though, he was where he needed to be. He started to look for the nearest inn, disregarding the hole that had formed in the street, or the tall woman chasing after something in the middle of it all, instead following the stride of a man in a blue coat with brown hair. Sure, it was from a distance, but he seemed to know what direction he was headed in. Hopefully it lead to a place to stay for a little while. Thankfully, it did. Arsenio entered behind the man and booked himself a room, heading up to it soon after. He opened up the door and peered inside, pleasantly surprised to find that it was well-furnished for such a small village. A nice bed, a desk, a dresser even, a room fit for someone on important business. He set down his cloak and some of his traveling gear, keeping his sword and dagger on him as always before heading back down to the first floor. Once there, he sat at the bar and ordered himself a drink before sitting back and engaging in one of his favorite pass times: People watching.</s> <|message|>Aisha Najm Aisha Najm Location: Hyall Hyall, a city of money, blood, power and secrets. Aisha had already heard about that city a lot of times, it was always held in such high regards by merchants and tourists. It was said that you could find absolutely anything there. Jewelry, clothes, weapons... If it existed, it was probable that somewhere in Hyall there was a merchant selling it. Aisha's last work was to escort a merchant, and what other destination a merchant would have other than Hyall? After finishing her job, she was left at the entrance of the city, with a nice amount of extra money. Since she never visited Hyall before, that was the perfect chance. As she approached the entrance of city, Aisha couldn't help but be amazed. There were so many people on there, so many merchants... It wasn't anything like other small towns or villages she visited before. She thought it would take a while for her to get past all those people and enter the city, but in fact it wasn't. As she walked, people slowly got out of the way, staring curiously at her. It was unavoidable... Centaurs were a rare sight at cities, especially one as big as Hyall. Plus, the fact that she had such an exotic appearance, wearing a scarf covering her mouth to protect her from the dirt and sand on the road (which she quickly took it off after receiving the first few stares, because it could obviously be misunderstood by others) and the fact that she had a big glaive and a bow on her back. It wasn't exactly pleasant, being the center of attentions like that, but she wouldn't deny that it was indeed very practical... She didn't need to stand on lines or anything... "It is certainly... way bigger than I was imagining..." the young centauress said to herself as she walked through the town, looking around, amazed by the sheer amount of people. By that time, she was already getting kind of used to all the stares, but she couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. She really wasn't used on being the center of attentions. Was something wrong with her appearance? Before proceeding, she stopped for a second, checking her overall appearance to see if there was anything wrong, weird or that it would draw even more attention and suspicion other than the fact that she was a centauress. "Ok... Everything seems to be ok." she thought to herself, quickly passing her hands trough her hair, to be sure it wasn't messy, checking her hooves and tail. But standing still right in the middle of the street wouldn't do any good now, would it? She didn't knew a lot about the city, but she could easily see where the merchants were located just by hearing the people around her and following them. The noise from many different merchants displaying their products, and trying to sell was pretty easy to hear. From weapons to clothes and food, just like the rumors said, Hyall had it all... Everything you could think about, it was very probable that someone was selling it somewhere in that city. Aisha hoped she could find some nice accessories for her. She could be a bit more careless with her money. After all, that merchant was quite generous with his reward. She never realized why, since it was a simple job, but she wouldn't deny his generosity. She could afford having some fun at Hyall. It was her first time there, she should enjoy herself. Taste some of the local food, browse the shops... "If I'm lucky I'll be able to find some things for me." She thought to herself with a smile on her face, as she walked towards the shops. Being such a big creature as a centaur, it was indeed a bit hard to walk without bumping on anyone, especially in a crowded place like that. Aisha's steps were graceful and elegant, but the sheer amount of people were too much for her to avoid bumping into them forever. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen, and it proved to be sooner than she had imagined. The victim in question was a man almost as tall as her, wearing a white and blue overcoat, with quite a daring half opened buttoned shirt under it. With long, slightly disheveled brown hair with a few white strands, giving him quite an... exotic appearance. He looked almost like one of those bards or traveling artists Aisha saw once on the road. "I'm sorry... Are you ok? I didn't mean any harm. It's just that it's a bit hard to walk while avoiding bumping into other people in such a crowded place." Aisha said, trying to avoid any unnecessary confusion. She knew that due to her size, a bump could potentially hurt a bit more than it should.</s> <|message|>Taiah Location-Forest; Kindred Area Her paws slowly pressed into the forest floor while her athletic build body brushed against overgrown bushes. For a while Taiah felt like something was watching her every movement, which wouldn't have been a problem is this stalker was Theoden, then again the human would have called out Tai. A very strange nickname which was created since the animal's kin had adopted her. Then again humans were a very peculiar creatures to kindred anyways. Taiah's grey eyes shifted to the side, a soft growling rumbling within her chest. The tiger shifted in her stance while staying in place for a few seconds. So far nothing seemed to be following her but the feeling of eyes still made her uncomfortable. Perhaps it was just her imagination. The girl slowly shifted from the sudden stance towards one of the nearby trees. She paced her paws against the plant's bark scratching away into as if to claim this whole area as her own. In a way she was attempting to take claim to the area but she was also waiting for her stalker to appear. That way they could have a nice long chat.</s>
<|message|>Naaji Location: Forest, Kindred territory. Naaji realized that there was another tiger on that forest a few days ago... First it was her smell, then some markings on the trees. It made him really curious. Naaji was alone for most of the time, so he got really interested in that new smell. At first, he was really wary of her. He didn't know how she would react, so he simply kept watching her from the shadows, being careful to not show himself. She had a really beautiful fur, and her grey eyes were different from every other tiger Naaji had ever seen. He knew he was in her area, but still, he couldn't help but be very curious about her. He was alone for a long time, so it would be nice to have someone to talk... But Naaji wasn't that dumb, he knew that she had already realized that there was someone else watching her, mainly because of her actions, by marking the trees & etc. Staying hidden wouldn't do any good, so after thinking for a bit, he decided to show himself. Very slowly, he got out of the bush he was into, walking on her direction, letting out a friendly chuff. He wanted to make sure that she wouldn't misunderstand his intentions and try to attack him. Very carefully, he would get near her, sniffing the ground near her to catch her scent. Angel</s>
<|description|>Dawkin Trustram Dawkin isn't terribly tall, standing at 5'6. He has red hair, green eyes, and very clear, somewhat pale, skin. He doesn't look very muscular but is stronger than he appears. He usually wears a black hoodie, a pair of gray sweats or black shorts, and plain looking white tennis shoes. Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Dawkin is a somewhat prideful individual. He's good at many things and seeks acknowledgment for his skills. He's a go getter, if he wants something he'll do what he needs to get it. Dawkin is also fairly good at setting long term goals, as well as obtaining them. He can be hasty if he feels his skills are called into question, but in general he's a patient person. Dawkin would place his own goals above other people, he values friends, just not as much as his own success. Usually he comes off as friendly self-confident guy, who's maybe a little over commited to winning. Hometown: Pureplain City Background: Living in a family with 6 brothers and being the middle child, sometimes you just wanna stand out. As a result Dawkin became very good at, well just about everything. Not as an overnight decesion or anything, he wasn't a miracle child. Rather it became clear to him that many people are good at one thing and stand in that way, as many of his siblings do. But the true way to stand out would be to stand out in everything. So Dawkin was more than a model child. He took out the trash, washed the dishes, kept his room clean, did well in school, all without being asked. He did community service, organized a public event or two, and even worked. Still, all this earned him little more than a passing, 'good job', that was no different than what his brothers recieved. So he decided to go on a Pokemon Journey. After all, wouldn't becoming a Pokemon Master in such a region give him undenyable recongnition? Kind of Pokémon you like: Rare Ones, either actually rare or just ones that aren't used a lot. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Terrible at lying. Absolutly hates losing. Knows an awful lot of miscellaneous skills. Items: x1 Potion x5 Pokeball x2 Super-Potions x1 Escape rope x2 Repels x1 Awakening x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Antidote Pokédollars: 22p. 100% Atlas Gender: Male Type: Steel/Rock Species: Aron Level: 11 Personality: A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Fill in as we go. Probably Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw Ability: Sturdy. Allows the Pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. Held Item: 100% Gender: Female Type: Water/Ground Personality: Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Level: 9 Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot Ability: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. Held Item: None. 100% Gender: Male Type: Electric Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 9 Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip Ability: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. Held Item: Dragon Scale. Tyrunt Gender: ♂ Type: Rock/Dragon Personality: Affectionate, likes to nibble on things, and gets distracted easily Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To be discovered Level: 5 Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle Ability: Strong Jaw. Increases the power of biting-based moves. Held Item: None.</s> <|message|>Skylar Brighton --- + 10921 Pokedollars* + 7 Pokeballs + 1 Premier Ball + 5 Mysterious Herbs + 2 Super Potions + Wise Glasses (equipped to Seabreeze) + Heat Wave Potion + Old Rod + Two collapsible umbrellas. + Relic Vase Seabreeze the Wingull (♂) Level 14 Water Gun, Supersonic, Growl, Wing Attack, Fowl Flap, Mist Keen Eye Wise Glasses Current Condition - Ready to Rock! Celebrity the Jigglypuff (♀) Level 13 Sing, Defense Curl, Pound, Play Nice, Disarming Voice Friend Guard No Item Current Condition - Ready to Roll! Paradise the Tropius (♀) Level 13 Razor Leaf, Gust, Sweet Scent, Leer, Growth, Stomp Solar Power No Item Current Condition - Not doing so hot. Jonathan / JoJo the Ralts (♂) Level 13 Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice Trace No Item Current Condition - Knocked out cold. Mac the Torchic (♂) Level 12 Scratch, Growl, Ember, Sand Attack Blaze No Item Current Condition - Ready to Receive! Smiley the Murkrow (♂) Level 8 Peck, Astonish, Pursuit Prankster No Item Current Condition - Real low. --- "Uh, as much as I'd like to take credit for putting the Goomy to sleep, that was... um... all Celebrity." Skylar explained as the Jigglypuff walked over, hands on "hips" as she demanded her headpats to come. Of course, Skylar obliged, and placed a gentle hand on her head as he patted away. "Still, nice job Celebrity! Good girl!" Skylar was prompted with the display on his Pokedex, showing the information on it in gigantic font, no doubt so he can see just barely. He thought for a moment before he came up with a nickname for the new addition to the roster. "Fruity. Plain, simple, and it makes sense considering she ate as much banana as she did." Skylar stood back up to his feet, allowing the Goomy to go to the box for the present moment as he thought about what to do with his team. He had seven members, but he could only have six at a time, and he'd thought about something else for a while. Meh, he'd ask Vivia the question as they walked back. "Alright! Got the Goomy, now... uh... I think we could all use with a little rest. Plus, it is kinda late." Skylar said as the moonlight above the group illuminated Route 3. "Back to the Pokemon Center? I'm pretty sure they have some beds for us to use." Hopefully Vivia would agree, and the whole group would start their walk back to Highhill Town. Along the way, though, Skylar looked at Vivia and had to ask a question to her out of his own curiosity. "You know how I said a little earlier that Celebrity had liked you? I was thinking maybe you two would both do a lot of good being in each other's company... so... uh, when we get to the Pokemon Center, would you like to maybe have Celebrity join you and your team?" Regardless of what she responded with, Skylar would eventually trip over a certain item in the path towards Highhill before looking at the item a little closer. "Now who in their right mind would leave some ceramic vase in the middle of a forest?" Skylar obtained the Relic Vase! ... eventually, though, when the group made it back to Highhill and back to the Pokemon Center, Skylar's first order of official business (that wasn't healing the team) was to talk to Professor Kalmia over the PC. Maybe he could have his dad get access to his PC box so all his Pokemon that weren't active were able to help his pop at the lab? That'd be a cool idea. Nicknaming Fruity and letting her go to the PC box (and on Kalmia's Screen) Beginning the trek back to the Pokemon Center. Asking Vivia a question along the way. Once at the center, going to the PC to talk to Kalmia (after healing). As always, if something big happens along the journey, feel free to interrupt.</s> <|message|>Amelia Alison Averyonna The ride on Aerodactyl was both exhilarating and terrifying for Amelia. The pokemon flew high and fast, requiring everything Amelia had to try and maintain a decent enough grip to stay on the pokemon. She was still able to watch the landscapes below them pass by, at least for a bit, before she had to close her eyes to focus on not being sick. When Driffloon evolved and I decide to go flying with them, I am going to be much lower and going much lower. But still faster then walking pace. She thought to herself. When they finally arrived at Highhill, she was happy to get off of her ride, though she immediately sank to her knees as she took a few deep breathes to calm herself. Once she was sure she wasn't going to be sick, she got to her feet and turned to Jacques, bowing to him once again. "Thank you very much for the Ride, Master Jacques. I wouldn't ask you for another one, as I think it would be rude and presumptuous of me to do so. You have much more important matter to attend to other then a lowly trainer like myself. So, I wish you luck in your endeavors." She said, hoping she had been polite enough and not offended the Elite Four member. When he left, she made her way to Kalmia's lab and knocked on the door. When there was no response, she gave the lock a try and found the door unlocked, so she walked in. The lab was as she remembered it from when she had visited after catching Phantump. The main differences where that there were a lot more pokemon present then just a Slowpoke now, with hers being among them, and two younger boys who were running around excitedly. Of her pokemon, Yamask was staying well out of reach of the children, Spiritomb was staying in it's rock to avoid them, and Gollet was apparently shut down for the time being, curled up with it's head hidden and it's limbs against it's body. Yamask spotted Amelia first as a result and let out a cry, flying over to her. Said cry alerted her pokemon to her presence, if her powers had not already, and the two roused themselved before making their way over to her. "It's good to see you all again." She said to them, giving each of them a pat on the head, or rock in Spiritomb's case as even Amelia couldn't touch souls. Before she could do much else, the boys and Professor Kalmia approached her, saying hello in their own ways. Upon hearing the boys where Dawkin's brothers, Amelia smiled down at them. "It's a pleasure to meet you Timothy and Thomas. My name is Amelia and yes, I just got done going on an adventure with your brother. He's doing well and seems to be doing fine on his journey. As for which pokemon I own, it's these ghost-types here. I also have all of these." Wish that, she grabbed her six pokeballs and threw them in the air, releasing her party of six. With the exception of Litwick, who took his usual spot upon Amelia's head, the other five hovered around her, Phantump appearing in a shower of sparkles. Letting them distract Dawkin's brothers, she would turn to face Kalmia. "Professor, is I may, there is something I would like to ask you." She said, her tone more serious then it usual was, though still gentle and quiet.</s>
<|message|>Dawkin Trustram Items: x1 Potion x3 Pokeball x2 Super-Potions x1 Escape rope x2 Repels x1 Awakening x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Antidote x1 Moon Stone Pokédollars: 8953p. 100% Atlas Gender: Male Type: Steel/Rock Species: Aron Level: 13 Personality: A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Fill in as we go. Probably Moves: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb Ability: Sturdy. Allows the Pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. Held Item: 100% Gender: Female Type: Water/Ground Personality: Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Level: 13 Moves: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot Ability: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. Held Item: None. 100% Gender: Male Type: Electric Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 10 Moves: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss Ability: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. Held Item: Dragon Scale. Tyrunt 100% Gender: ♂ Type: Rock/Dragon Personality: Affectionate, likes to nibble on things, and gets distracted easily Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: To be discovered Level:8 Moves: Tail Whip, Tackle, Roar Ability: Strong Jaw. Increases the power of biting-based moves. Held Item: None. 100% Gender: ♀ Type: Grass Personality: (Up to player.) Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: (Up to player.) Level: 14 Moves: Poison Sting, Leer, Absorb, Growth, Leech Seed, Sand Attack Ability: Water Absorb. Contact with water restores health, including water from any Water-type moves. Held Item: None.</s>
<|description|>Hitori Nickname: The Kindly Stranger Race: Kumiho Age: appears 25, is 400+ Gender: Male Appearance: Hitori has Long Limbs and Pale Skin. His eyes are Turquoise and His Hair is White. He has a Cheeky Smile and his canine teeth are slightly more pronounced than a humans, likewise his hands end in sharp claws and he has a pair of fox-like Ears as well as five long Bushy White Tails. His Forehead has a Smooth Turquoise Gem imbedded in the center. (Picture to come soon) Proportionality: Hitori is Long, Lean, and has enough of the classic seductive Kumiho Curves Weight: 210 Height: 6'6 Frame: Lean Use a hider. _______________________ Personality: Can Coy and Flirty but a little Volatile at times, can sometimes let their emotions get the better of him and will sometimes act before thinking things through. Also has a Slightly alien thought pattern to those who are not Kumiho that can come across as strange . Job: Street Performer, Bar Owner, and Information Broken Fighting Style: Capoeira Weapons from strongest to weakest: - Scythe, Steel infused Ribbons, and Dolls Armors/Outfits: His Clothing is a Mixture of Traditional Flowing Silks associated with the Kumiho and the Tight Leathers found in Bandits. He will wear Silks only for more Formal events while his clothing with be mostly leathers or Rubber infused cloth if in combative scenarios. Weight Class: Light Familiar: Siren Takes the form of a Lovely woman with pale blue skin, long seafoam colored hair, and bright iridescent eyes. Her lower half is a long set of Eight pearly white Tentacles while her mouth is filled with needle sharp fangs, wears what appears to be a gown made of Exotic Jellyfish. Familiar Abilities: Water Black Magic and Gravity. Water Immunity/Absorption, Can Call forth Combative Tentacles, Enchanting/Destructive Voice, Fire Resistance, Weak to Lightning Movement Type: Floating Swift Motions, Swims through the air Familiar Size: Medium Relic Weapons: Crystalline Violin made from Prismatic Shimmering Water Relic Armors: Flowing and Gauzy Silks and Laces made of Mist and Water in the Colors of Seafoam, pale Blue, and Lavender Trance: Beware the Kindly Stranger Hitori's Trance State causes his Silks and Leathers to become Flower Petals that flow around and Caress his Body, His limbs become longer and his Face becomes Gaunt. His Turquoise Gem Becomes a Third Eye while his Normal Eyes widen and his Pupils slit. His Hair, Ears, and Tails Take on a Brilliant Gold color. In this State Hitori gains access to Fire and Wind Black Magic. Pros- Standard Kumiho Abilities, Swift, Auto-Scan, Nature Magic, and Bewitch. Cons- Illusions have minor Flaws Racial Strengths- Longevity, Auto-Scan, Illusion Casting, Glamour Racial Weaknesses- Hungers for Livers, More prone to Berserk states, Weakness to Ice as an Arboreal Race Sets: Leave this blank for the time being. All this is, is equipment sets. Usually just outfits and items that you switch between. Background: Born in the Forests Near what would one day become Lindblum, Hitori has always been inquisitive; He wanted to experience everything and spent most of his time exploring the Woods and befriending spirits of all kinds, the Elders of the Forest said that he had the Potential to become a Great Shaman but Hitori wasn't Interested in that. Once he'd seen almost everything the Forest had to offer he began to wonder what was outside the Confines of the Forests and yearned to Explore what was there. His Elders eventually Relented and Showed him the Forest Heart, the Point where all Forests link together and become one, Hitori was over joyed and used the Heart to Travel every where he could. It was once he was outside of his Forests that he was both awed and horrified by what he saw. The Spirits of the Outside world were nothing like the once he saw in the Forest, Some were Beautiful and Majestic while Others were Warped and Dangerous, He also noticed something he hadn't seen before; There were People who Lacked souls, their livers were tasteless and carried little Spiritual Power to them, this greatly bothered him as they seemed wrong somehow. Still he would ignore or avoid them if given the opportunity, in the mean time though he had to learn how to adapt and integrate himself with this world. He became many things, Courtiers, Witches, Thieves, Assassins, Apothecaries, Craftsmen, Seamstresses, Actors, anything he could do to experience the world from a new perspective while wearing different faces. He's met several powerful and influential people and has even dabbled in politics from time to time just out of curiosity and intrigue, currently he is the Proprietor of a Bar in Alexandria though he yearns for something new. The Recent appearance of the Black Mages and the Disappearance of the already Rare Lumyian People have begun to make him uncomfortable enough to warrant this desire for something new.</s> <|message|>Gerren 'Perrin' Paragon Perrin exited the room and was rather unsure of which way he was supposed to be heading to begin with. As the ship was suddenly rocking, and a scream was heard nearby it was rather easy to assume he was in the right place to find people or going in the right direction. As the ship shook, Perrin quite easily maintained his balance whether it be from practicing such inside a ring, or, other obvious reasons. A few others were already focusing attention upon him. The Captain or rather whom Perrin assumed was the captain seemed to be quite in a panic. Perrin had no idea how to work an airship but, something could probably be worked out. Likely with the engineers around here. "So seems like we managed to hit something while being in the air?" Perrin seemed rather confused about the current scenario. "Did you scrape us against a mountain and need to patch up the port-side or something?" Perrin tried to take a guess. "Wait a minute, hooks? Are we being raided?" Perrin again asked. Sky pirates, he did not particularly know much about them yet. Perrin felt rather awkward as he was poked. If it had been anywhere in the abdomen region a softness like foam and perhaps a brief sinking in feeling would possibly be felt from said poke. "Alreet, then…" was muttered awkwardly in response. Assuming the possibility of sky pirates, Perrin readied his shield and a battle-axe. Seeing as he was to follow after Cassius his pace was rather slowed, and likely for the better seeing as he nearly bumped into the fellow as they dashed out into the fray. A fiery creature was seemingly being focused upon and some other warriors were about. It seemed some form of concentrated ice had effected it and making it appear, cooler. Seems relatively everyone was focusing fire from a certain direction, so why not take another? Perrin would try to move around and try to get behind the Bomb itself, shield ready. A bit of a grin forming across his face.</s> <|message|>Lieutenant Minerva Fairchild The Lion's Fang - Minerva Fairchild What had once been a grand play rapidly transpired into chaos, bringing a scowl to her lips beneath the guise of a closed helm. From her perch atop a tower, the Lieutenant waited patiently. Watching the movements of others as the play had progressed, Minerva had a growing suspicion that they were up to no good. The massive cast of slow upon the masses which she was thankfully out of reach from on her perch caused an even greater scowl. Brigands? Really? Why here? And why so bold a plan? It made no sense, none whatsoever. Surely they didn't think that they stood a chance against the whole of Alexandria's might. Her eyes drifted then as they began their attempt to flee. There was a Bomb in their midst now, so there was little concern in her eyes until she glanced at the Queen, and promptly the empty throne next to her. The Princess was missing! Had they really attempted a kidnapping beneath the watchful eyes of Beatrix?! "Hildr, I need your wings." The soldier solemnly stated. "The Princess is in danger, gravely so." In a faint shimmer, a beautiful illusory woman came to stand beside the Alexandrian Lieutenant, and their eyes briefly met. A nod simultaneously noted the understanding of both as the familiar was conjured, and abruptly two wondrous wings made seemingly of ivory sprouted from her shoulderblades. Rippling for a brief moment, she coiled all her strength in her legs, and then sprung into the air. An uproarious declaration from the brigands and thieves only confirmed it further! Garnet was in mortal danger! With such urgency, the angelic looking Knight tore through the air with astounding rapidity before landing hard on the stage, causing splinters to fly about with her abrupt arrival and impact. The thieves would be dealt with later, as the wings on her shoulders shattered upon her landing, causing a glistening dust to take to the air. The Bomb was an immediate threat to the Princess' welfare, so it needed to be removed from the picure. Smoothly, two swords came unsheathed from her waist, and a defiant cry marked her arrival. "Kill it now! Before it endangers the welfare of the Princess!" With such words, and with Hildr close behind, the valiant soldier in white charged the fiery abomination and brought both of her blades of Caladbolg to bear upon it with astonishing strength. Seeking to remove it of its mortal coil before it could do any further damage.</s> <|message|>Itzal (No known Surname) Itzal's eyes widened as he saw Perrin rushing from behind the Bomb, "Are you crazy?!" He demanded, wondering what on earth the Demihuman was trying to do. He gritted his teeth, he wanted to rush in and help, but he knew he couldn't do anything without Cassius' permission. "Cassius! What should we do?" He demanded, his crimson eyes never leaving Perrin's form. "Should we just sit back and watch?" He gasped as his familiar suddenly appeared. "Do not fear... Everything is going according to plan. If Cassius felt that you were needed... He would have asked for your assistance." The great hound told him with a gravely voice. Itzal bit his lip, but nodded, "Yes... I suppose you're right... I will have faith then..." He said, taking a step back, but still on guard if he was called into action.</s> <|message|>Cassius Alexandros Lumya Svent It seemed Karn was really giving the Bomb a good licking, part of the impact sent it hurling back slightly, back enough to bump Beatrix off the stage, it however charged forward to be blasted with frost to the face, it hardening in response as it slightly slowed down enough for Perrin to strike from behind. Cassius however did not stop there, he threw a stack of marbles to his left, tripping advancing troops that were zoning in. "Good Grief Kid... Make up your own mind what you wish to do..." Cassius thought aloud to Itzal. "Take the troops off the ship without killing them. I want no fatalities." He twirled to the right, whacking a soldier in the face before getting hit in the shoulder with an Arrow, he grunted slightly, but his eyes seemed to glint through the lens in the mask... He was royally pissed. He tripped the Soldier with the length of the cane before coming down hard on the helmet with a boot, kicking him to the side to watch the trooper rolling somewhat as the chains were breaking from the inside... Probably the work of Garnet. He pulled the arrow swiftly from his shoulder and threw, it catching fire from his channeling at another soldier, in response the Soldier tried to reposition himself closer to Karn, swinging at her legs with a sweeping slash. Beatrix felt agitated... "This isn't a victory for you, this is just a diversion... Fang of the Lion's maw... I leave the rest in your hands..." The ship was lifting off as it soon was pried free from the inside. It would seem Baku's men were hard at word. Cassius turned to Minerva. "Friend or foe?"</s>
<|message|>Hitori The Sight of the Bomb of the Stage caused Hitori's gem to Blaze with Turquoise light as his eyes seemed to sharpen, He felt the essence within the explosive creature and read out its weak points and flaws in its very being. It looked like the Bomb had no defense beneath it and it being blazing as it was it was safe to assume that Water was not its friend. Hitori Grinned, "Siren I do believe we have some unfinished business." Hitori said as Two of the Steel Ribbons snaked from his arms and became enveloped in Whips of Water, "Oh this will be Childs Play, Hitori." Siren spoke in his Mind with a Girlish Glee as Hitori Lashed out at the Underbelly of the Bomb with his Sharp Water Ribbons. Ritsu saw the Bomb and his immediate instinct was to see if he could Dismantle part of its core through good old fashioned theft. He Slammed the End of his Bo Staff on the Ground and used it to Pole vault himself around the Explosive. If he was lucky he would steal a Component, If not then this was going to burn like hell. He got Close enough as Hitori Slashed its Underbelly with his Water Ribbons and Exposed a Glimmering Organ Inside, it was a Fire Gem. "Oh Nice!" He said as he Pilfered the Gem from the Bomb. Quickly Rushing out of the Range of the thing.</s>
<|description|>Digbie Yondir TRIGGER WARNING Seriously, there's hecka dark material ahead, my dudes. Venture at your own risk. "I'm good at diggin', and not much else." --- Themes: (Common) (Rarely) (Evolved - Demiblin) (Evolved - Palablin) Gender: Male Species: Goblin > Mystic Stone-Hardened Demigoblin Appearance: It's your standard goblin, though he has a far weaker chin than most goblins. Honestly, he just looks like a really short human with green skin, a long and pointy nose, and pointed ears. He has hair, but it's only growing right above the middle of his head like a mohawk, and it refuses to spread anywhere else on his head. It's actually kinda long. With the evolution to Demiblin, not much changed for the lad aside from his skin growing MUCH darker overall, nearly a bluish-charcoal color, and Digbie's arms being covered in a large amount of bright blue sigils. Digbie's eyes also began to glow, though this is mainly noticeable when Digbie's eyes are covered in shade. (I'll be doing art of this boy in time). Goals: What do you want, Digbie? It certainly isn't power... Past Life: Digbie didn't really have a life. It was more or less just a collection of him existing and being somebody that he couldn't tell people about. His dad said something about how his mom was still around and he loved her, but Digbie never saw her. He suspected that she was in the back room of his old house, where it smelled, was obnoxiously cold from an under-draft, and always buzzed like flies, but he wasn't ever allowed in there. Early on in his life, Digbie liked to play around in the backyard with his trusty shovel, digging around everywhere and getting into gardening (though he was never any good at the latter.) When he wasn't at school, he was probably digging a hole in his backyard. It helped him cope with the skulls of people in his room when his dad was apparently 'done' with them. Digbie couldn't understand, and he didn't understand why he came home sometimes to find his holes covered up. At first it scared him, but he grew out of it. He was around 14 or so, making somewhat respectable grades at his school and a pretty smart fellow at face value, when his dad got mad at him. He made a low grade in his history class. His dad yelled at him and cast him to the bathroom while he thought about how to punish his bastard of a son. Digbie was scared, but Digbie was also smart and didn't break the bathroom to worsen the punishment. His dad settled on turning his hobby into a punishment, and after feeding him a good meal, sent Digbie to the backyard to dig a hole and find a bone in the backyard, but he had to find a bone in a spot of the yard where he had never dug before. Digbie began to dig a hole on Sunday. The authorities found his body in the hole two Saturdays later. He actually got pretty far. Abilities: This is outdated and won't be reupdated. Just keep track of Digbie's actual posts, the most recent one is the most up-to-date. Milestones: Evolved to Demigoblin. (Link to Post) Level 10!!! (Link to Post) Inventory: Like abilities, I won't be updating this further. Digbie's recent posts are up to date, though. 5/10/2020 - Updated to correspond with Level 10</s> <|message|>Asteria Asteria --- --- With their overwhelming numbers and a forceful unending barrage of attacks, they won. Of course, they won. The goblin boss was utterly confused at how such an odd group of monsters had even managed to get together and his lack of understanding made him truly pitiful in Asteria's eyes. But he just had to die, that was all. Morningstar also made a rather good point of taking whatever they had a need or use for from the dead guy, so Asteria looked over the corpse to see whether it had anything she could use. The only thing that made sense for her to take was the vine belt wrapped around him, so she approached and first tried finding the knot and simply untying it. If untying it with her paws failed, she would simply chew trough the belt and tug both pieces free. That done, she wrapped as much around her hips, belly, and chest as she could, tying the belt off in a simple knot. So equipped, she tried moving around, running a circle or three to see whether her new bulkiness overly affected her speed and maneuverability. If it proved to be the case that she was too heavy with the whole vine belt wrapped around her, she would simply chew through and drop off whatever she deemed too much and wear only as much as she was comfortable with. Once Asteria felt comfortable with the arrangement of the vine belt around her, she notified the others of her intentions, all the while ignoring the barbaric and pointless beheading of the goblin boss. "Guys, I'm going to that lake to wash off a bit, refresh, and hydrate. In case any of you still don't know, there are poison traps around the goblin bonfire, so if you walk around there, be careful where you step." Asteria then headed towards Mother Rat, nudged her slightly and tried to convey to the larger Dire Rat to follow her once again – Asteria rather enjoyed the security of not wandering around alone, because even if the goblins were retreating, it wouldn't do to assume the cave was suddenly safe. Asteria waited a bit for Mother Rat to follow her, giving her time in case she wanted to eat or check on her and Ed, then made her way towards the lake, ignoring and pushing through the injuries and aches she had accumulated during the fight. She would simply ask a pixie later to heal her, or just sleep it off, but for now, she really wanted a drink – even if only the non-alcoholic variant was available. And so, in a possibly impetuous decision, Asteria walked to the south-ward lake. Once again, she sacrificed some of her speed to try and get there without notifying any nearby monsters to her presence. She also tried being alert to and aware of the possibility of such an enemy approaching or ambushing her, but her tiredness might have mitigated her efforts. Nonetheless, once Asteria made it to the lake, she shuffled right to the edge of the shore. With a deep sigh, she lowered her muzzle to the clear surface, and happily guzzled down some water. Next, she washed mud off her face, using her paws to do so. Not exactly confident in her ability to swim, she crawled into the lake extremely cautiously, arranging her body so her whole front arms remained on the lake-shore, ready to pull her up and out if she felt her body and fur getting too heavy. After her was done, she got out, furiously shook her fur off as if she were a dog, and curiously looked at the rare herb scattered here or there around the lake. Feeling a bit peaky, Asteria ate one without giving the action much thought. Plants simply seemed more appetizing than goblin flesh. That done, she headed back (presumably with Mother Rat in tow) to where the large group of her allies was probably still gathered around the boss's corpse. Takes boss's vine belt, ties as much of it around herself as she can without getting too encumbered. Gets Mother Rat to follow her to the lake, drinks, takes a wash, eats one herb, then heads back to the location of the boss's corpse.</s> <|message|>Danny @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword Danny was surprised by the sudden appearance of another Pixie, one who seemed interesting in learning both Meditate I and Lesser Force but he saw no reason not to extend the offer to them as well. "No problem, I'm willing to teach it to anyone here that might want it. All I ask in return is that if you have a skill you think I can use that you teach it to me. I'm mostly looking for stuff that costs either no mana or less than Mana Orb I" If he was honest he would really prefer to keep Meditate I totally for himself, but he knew that giving other former humans a MP recovery skill could prove helpful. "Okay, I'll start with Lesser Force since I doubt I can use the other skill when I'm at full mp. In my case I use it by simply using mp and wanting something to move." To demonstrate Danny picked up a nearby pebble and threw it away, in a direction where it wouldn't hit any Goblins. "But using the example I gave someone else not too long, in order to learn the skill it might help to imagine a hand of some kind doing the lifting." Just like when he taught Ash not too long ago Danny struggled with coming up with a way to explain things properly. "As for the other skill I got after I focused on MP recovery outside of battle though it took me a few times, and I also tried several times to recover MP by absorbing the ambient energy of Crystals rather than draining them, however I can also show it to you since I just used up some MP throwing that rock." The second he was done talking he landed and laid down on the cave floor and used Meditate I. Abilities: * Mana Orb I and II * Lesser Force * Levitation * Monster Analysis I * Meditate I Transformations: Inventory:</s> <|message|>Jacob "Oh, do I need a new name? How about Oberon?" Leach To be perfectly honest, neither of the Wisp's explanations seemed like they would be all that helpful in terms of trying to recreate the skills in question. He supposed it was a bit much to expect a detailed explanation or something; it wasn't like Oberon would be able to give an explanation on how he cast Shield or Minor Heal if asked, he just sort of did it. It was probably the same for all of the starting skills; it was natural, ingrained, and you didn't have to think about using it the same way you didn't have to think about breathing. Luckily the Wisp was also willing to demonstrate, and that was something that the Pixie could work with. As Danny picked up the pebble with his mind Oberon observed him with Magic Analysis; the flows of mana, the way they wrapped around the pebble and the way the mana almost seemed to flex somehow, like a muscle, as the Wisp flung the small rock away. It was only a brief look, but Oberon was sure he could recreate it given some time. The second skill was a little more unusual, in that it outwardly didn't look like anything was happening; the Wisp simply floated gently to the ground. With the Wisp's lack of facial features, or even extremities, to judge by it was hard to tell, but somehow Oberon was reminded of the image of someone sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed. Whatever was happening, the Pixie used Magic Analysis again on Danny just in case. Used "Magic Analysis" on "Lesser Force" Used "Magic Analysis" on "Meditation"</s>
<|message|>Digbie Yondir Digbie fell backwards once the deed was done. Rattleskull was dead, and it made the goblin happy. He felt a bit weird despite the happiness, probably because there was some remorse to be given. He did figure that Rattleskull was related to him in some fashion, though he was definitely unsure of what the relation was. It may have been paternal, it may have been leadership, but it didn't matter to Digbie. Revenge was sweet enough to outweigh the options. The greenskin rose from the ground and lugged himself towards his dropped items. He was now without his club, so he had to resort to his old gear. Thankfully, it seemed that Mourningstar didn't pilfer too much from the Ratskin Pack aside from a crystal. That was good enough, he supposed. He grabbed his items and headed back to J11, where he loaded up on his {Stone Shot} ammunition by grabbing four rocks and placing them into his pack. It was something he needed in case of a threat. After that, he just walked to the closest wall of the cavern with his <Woodland Pick TM >. What followed was him using his time to relax by digging into the wall. This was how he thought, and it was how he relaxed. Digging. Taking a moment to recover. Grabbing old items. Digging. --- + {Use Light Equipment] + {Tremor Sense - Tier II} + {Soil Manipulation - Tier I} + {Stone Shot - Tier I} + <Curved Rock TM > + <Ratskin Pack TM > - Mana Crystal - <Woodland Pick TM > - Rock - Rock - Rock - Rock - EMPTY - 5 Rocks - 3 Mana Crystals</s>
<|description|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Favourite Gundam series: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Personality: Pete usually a person that thinks negatively. Stoic, strict and self-righteous he takes the hobby seriously, dismissing those weak as "plebian". He is however able to swallow his pride when he has to, such as make doing with available resources in Von Braun High. History: An Italo-Greek American who was once part of a well-reputed Gunpla battle team in a different state, notorious for taking Gunpla battles seriously. Peter was brought into the hobby of Gunpla battling after the Plavsky particles were rediscovered at the International Space Station. The reborn craze dragged him into the hobby and anime thanks to re-runs of past Gundam series in cable TV networks. Peter worked hard to join the first team in Gryps High School, the Gryps Titans. The Gryps Titans is one of the strongest team in the United States and was one of the representatives for New York. With requirements harsh to join, they looked down on those below them and the attitude of the team stuck with him. In Peter's first and only year in the team, they went as far as the quarter-finals. After the tournament, Peter's family was forced to move to Von Braun City, where there is no Gunpla team. As a result, he is forced to build one from scratch and take the helm as he begins his second year in high school education. He will have to create a team and find a suitable coach. Gunpla Info: Name: Byzantine Gundam Model number: BZ-13MS Gunpla role: Commander Close-combat Mobile Suit Gunpla model scale: HG 1/144 Gunpla based from if original: OZ13-MS Gundam Epyon, ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam Armaments: Beam Sword, Epyon Claw, Epyon Shield, Heat Rod, Vulcan Gun Special Features: MA Transformation with Byzantine Flamethrower in Double-headed eagle pieces Description: Byzantine Gundam was created during Petrus' time in his old team. Coherent with his old team's motifs, he painted his Epyon into a predominantly red and gold colour and modelled the dragon heads into eagle heads. Compared to the Epyon is it still close-combat oriented but with more emphasis on defence. However, the heavily defended backpack for MA transformation bring a major drawback in speed and agility, forcing further reliance on brute force and defence.</s> <|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas Law - The Blue Star This could be the guy, he thought. He turned to face the guy, noting his light brown hair and cool green eyes. He titled his head to the left, feeling like he had seen him from somewhere. When he couldn't pinpoint the memory, he slid it to the side, and for a moment just stared with unnerving but blank expression. "Nah, not really," he answered, balancing one of his feet on the tip of its shoes and tossing his back pack over his shoulder. "Actually, I'm looking for someone. I think his name is Gary or something like that? Are you him?"</s> <|message|>Gary Miller "Uh yeah I'm named Gary. Don't know anyone else here named Gary. I'm Gary Miller if that helps." Gary stated slowly and raising an eyebrow. Was this kid seriously looking for him? Why? Teachers most likely but why talk about gunpla? He was only in some tournament in the east a couple times. It wasn't something to note...unless they knew his elder brother. "So yeah gunpla..." Gary said awkwardly.</s> <|message|>Alice Blackmore Alice couldn't help but sigh it seems that everyone was going at their own pace the one person who was with them went off somewhere leaving her with the two Marie from what she gathered and the other person. Though she could see why they needed at least one other person and a coach so they were looking for this one chemistry teacher. That was before she heard a interesting question what type of mobile suit do you use. Deciding to jump in she made herself known "I use a modified tallgeese with strong physical capabilities than a standard tallgeese with a dober gun that can be switched out for a beam lancer." She threw in her Legion after all was her pride and joy while not a gundam it was a strong solid unit.</s> <|message|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus Peter noted Alice's presence along with Marie. "Based on the Roman Legion. Interesting." He noted as they climbed the stairs. "I use the Byzantine Gundam, an Epyon model I customised." He elaborated. "I increased the armour thickness in exchange for speed so there is a better survival chance against beam projectiles. I additionally added greek-fire like flamethrowers for use in Mobile Armour mode in the shape of a double-headed eagle. I still have the model specialising in close-combat and these are all additions to complement it." He remembered how he used it during his time in the Titans that represented New York's team-playing field. The team was notorious of its very elitist attitude and was headed by Constantin Theodosian with other members such as Heraclius Augustus, Michael Palaiologos, Zeno Leonid and Theodora Cyprus. He never heard of who replaced him after he left. The three reached outside the teacher's lounge at the foreign languages department. He looked at the decoration around, to see the decorations rich with foreign languages such as Spanish, German and Mandarin. Peter looked back at the two girls that followed him. "Are you all ready to ask for the teacher?" He made sure with both of them before thinking of knocking the door.</s> <|message|>Marie Asagiri "I am as ready as I'll ever be" Marie said as she stood in front of the door where the teacher was supposedly at. She was a bit nervous before she stamped that out she wasn't a child who needed her hand held she must face her foes with pride and dignity but most of all without a hint of fear. Still it wasn't much the teacher could do to them as they were just asking a question she reasoned. Though thinking back Peter seemed dead set on having this one teacher be the advisor must be a solid reason for why. Shaking those thoughts from her head she motioned that she was ready as she will ever be. Now was just waiting for him to knock on the door to see if she was there.</s> <|message|>Alice Blackmore "I'm ready as ill ever be" Alice said after all what harm was there to something like this just knock see if the teacher was there and if not find out. Though if she was all they had to do was ask if they would be willing to act as advisor for the gunpla club and or team depending on which one was preferred. It was a simple thing but for sense of excitement just grew at the thought of finding someone who would be willing to lead a gunpla club. She kind of wondered if they knew a thing of building gunpla because if so she had a few things that she wanted to make changes on her Legion but did not know how to go about it to find a suitable change for the booster pack for it.</s> <|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas Law - The Blue Star Thomas pulled up a chair beside Gary, his blue eyes dancing as he gazed at the guy. He didn't seem to be that strong though his fingers did remind him a bit of his sisters, strong and meticulous, precise and controlled. They screamed practiced handling. He furrowed his brows and lifted his hand in greeting. "Yo, I'm Thomas. We're trying to build a Gunpla club here. You interested?" he asked direct and not tactfully.</s> <|message|>Gary Miller Gary smirked and turned around and put his hands behind his head and pushed back into the chair, "Well boss that's something I may be interested in depending on if the people in it are any good. I'm not the best, I'll never claim to be, but I've got better things to do then mess with people who have no clue what they're doing. Most of these kids don't give a dang about gunpla what makes me positive that this club will be any fun?"</s> <|message|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus Seeing that both girls are readt he knocked at the door. He waited for a few seconds until one of the teachers opened, looking at the Quatre strap Thomas quickly handed to him earlier. If it's Quatre from Wing then there should be a Gundam enthusiasit somewhere. "Hello, do you need to see a teacher?" The older man with a long beard asked. Peter nodded. "Yes, I wish to speak to Miss Lindemann." He answered. "We wish to speak to her about extra-curricular activities." The bearded teacher closed the door once to find the teacher. Later another teacher opened the door. Her ivory skin, dark hair and grey eyes were features of Miss Lindemann. She showed some worrying face. "Umm... I'm not hosting any activities." She said to them, sheepishly. Peter shook her head. "Actually we are hoping that you would sponsor ours." He clarified. "We are looking at starting a Gunpla club in this school." Miss Lindemann looked at the student. "I don't know much about the hobby." She said, keeping her sheepish tone. "I only know that you build model kits, customise and fight with it." Peter started to doubt that the teacher is a fighter but there were some contradictions. He had a look at the Quatre strap he's holding. Something changed in the teacher. She noticed the strap of her favourite Gundam character and was joyed to find it again. "You found it!" She proclaimed happily. "I though I lost it but-" She realised that her cover was just blown. The student was kind of surprised at the reaction. "A friend of mine that also wants to form the club found it yesterday." He explained. He had a brainstorm on how to proceed next. "If you know who Quatre is then you do know Gundam." Miss Lindemann sighed with frustration. "Fine, you found me." Her tone changed to something more frustrated. "I am Donna Lindemann, the German champion a year ago." She became tired of standing up and keeping the door open to speak with them. "I can't stand up all day, we're taking those seats." She pointed at the lounge chairs close to the door and took a seat in one of them. "I retired from battling since the tournament and I am not planning to take apprentices. Also last time I checked nearly none of the students showed interest."</s> <|message|>Marie Asagiri Grabbing a seat Marie sat down opposite of the teacher and thought about what she said. "Well I dont know about the others but I say that there are people interested if they would go up front and ask" Marie retorted at the teachers remark. Normally she would have just let Peter do the talking but how she replied to the question annoyed her it was like she was dismissing them as less than worthless. "I take great pride that I managed to get where I am today if you are like this than I would rather work by myself than have a washed up champion teach me." She muttered more than a little annoyed at how they were being brushed off she knew that they would not stand a chance to her but still to brush off their hard work and dedication to it was not something she would take lying down. Marie took a deep breath she to calm herself down she was not speaking logically but with her pride that was not like her but in all honesty something about how she said that she was not planning on taking apprentices and or how none of the students showed interest annoyed her.</s> <|message|>Alice Blackmore Grabbing a seat that the teacher pointed to Alice sat down and thought about the situation at hand. It was obvious it would take something big to convince the teacher that they were worth it but what exactly. Paying some attention to Marie's little outburst she understood where she was coming from but a bit more patience would have served better or so she thought. "Look Miss Lindemann is there anything that we could do to prove that we are worth it?" Alice said out loud she had to do something similar when trying to convince the coach of her old team the Braves to let her join as well.</s> <|message|>Thomas Law (AKA: The Blue Star) Thomas Law - The Blue Star "Boss?" Thomas repeated, smirking at the laid back guy. "I sorta like that title, you can keep calling me that if you like, I don't mind." He tapped the toes of one of his shoes against the floor before switching subjects. "On another note, I will claim to be the best. And that in itself is proof enough." Pulling his bookbag from his back, he unzipped it and pulled out Brave Passion, the Unicorn Build that had seen him through years of battle. The signature blue shoulder guard and horn was present. "I'm The Blue Star. I'm a bit famous myself around these parts. As we speak there's a Gunpla Club itching to be formed. C'on, help us build this thing."</s> <|message|>Gary Miller "Kid have you seen the competition over in Japan? That tournament winner called Sei that guy with that sick custom strike? Maybe something more local like the Niels guy who wrecked the tallgeese valkyrie? Have you seen Cage with his upgraded Gundam Maxter? You're all talk I doubt you're nearly as good as them. Get over yourself." Gary said calmly dismissing the boy with casual dismissal. When the boy pulled out his own gunpla and basically shoved it in his face Gary looked at the boy and nodded, "Your ego is bloated and I've never heard of your sorry ass but I'll give you your due that gunpla is pretty solid. I don't have my old friend to compare it too but here's what I got." Gary said pulling out his own gunpla. It was a black and white painted GP-O1 Full B Gundam with a nice frame and the color was spot on perfect. "I made this too look like the Nu Gundam. I've never used it before but I take pride in what I do. But you know what since you talk big and you walk big I'll see how things are done and I'll take a walk with you too where the club is located at. If I like the way it looks I'll give it a shot. Sound good?"</s>
<|message|>Petrus "Peter" Sabbatius Iustianus The teacher thought of it apathetically. "Like I said, I cannot agree to coach." She responded. Peter realised that he still has leverage. "Excuse me Miss Lindemann, my friend found the strap for you." He added to the argument. "We feel as a token of appreciation you should at least give us a proper chance." Miss Lindemann remembered at how the strap is still in their hands. "Very well." She answered in frustration. "I will battle you at Layzner's after school. Gather your team and Gunpla and you will find me at the store." She knew concessions eventually had to be made. Before anyone can speak to her again she returned to the teacher's lounge. Peter looked at the strap, realising that she forgot it again. "At least we have a battle coming up." He remarked to the girls. "Let's get to Thomas now to tell him what happened." He got out of his seat and walked to the direction of the library. "After school, we bring everything we need and meet at the third-year lockers." The student opened the door as quietly as possible. He looked around for a while and found Thomas speaking to someone new. "The teacher agreed to battle us after school." He whispered. "I say meet at the third-year lockers after school and then go to Layzner's."</s>
<|description|>Mika A determined and strong-willed 8 years old girl with amber eyes. She's undergoing a mysterious process that increases her strength and abilities. Despite being subjected to rigorous training and a restrictive leash, she remains resilient and defiant. Her personality shows a mix of frustration towards her situation but also a determination to succeed.</s> <|description|>Bruno Giovanni's main scientist, Bruce. He is responsible for overseeing Mika's training and experiments. He appears as a calm and methodical individual, prioritizing scientific advancement above all else. His pragmatic approach to his work indicates that he's not easily swayed by emotions or personal attachments.</s> <|narrator|>Giovanni's main scientist, Bruce, leads 8 years old Mika through a series of experiments and training sessions. Despite her dislike for the leash attached to her collar, Mika complies with her tasks. Her progress is closely monitored by both Bruce and Giovanni, who discuss potential risks involved in their experiments. Meanwhile, Giovanni's son, Bryan, is introduced as another key figure in these experiments. He has a close bond with his own Pokémon, Umbreon and an Articuno. The story revolves around the ethical and personal implications of using powerful creatures like Mewtwo for human gain.</s> <|message|>Mika Mika's amber eyes opened at the sound of a successful training. She looked up at the window as a single clap echoed through the room. Giovanni's main scientist, Bruce, stood behind the glass. He walked over to the door and opened it, walking through. "Good job, Mika," he said, "but you need to do it faster." He clipped on the leash attached to the collar around her neck. Mika growled under her breath. "I hate this leash, Bruce," she muttered. Bruce nodded. "I know, sis, but Boss doesn't want you getting any sudden ideas." He led her out of the training area and into the lab. He unclipped the leash, and Mika went to the exam table, applying the probes. "So, how have I been looking?" she asked him. "Well, Mika, we're going to have to double your iron dosage. You're going through iron like nothing." He read the results printed out.</s> <|message|>Bruno Bryan sighed as his Father watched intensely through the one-way mirror, another successful day and still no one was aware of what Giovanni had witnessed. Experiments had always failed in the past, subjects never surviving - at least not until recently, Mewtwo being the only successful and surviving subject. "What if it doesn't work?" Bryan asked coldly. He knew of Giovanni's plan to merge with Mewtwo. It had been his dream to control the most powerful Pokémon, and then with Team Rocket's scientists and the help of Pokémania Bill, not only had he now found a way to own the most powerful Pokémon but in turn become that Pokémon. "That is why we run experiments," Giovanni responded, turning to Bryan. "We find out whether the procedure is replicated and then find out why it works." "Regardless of how many lives must be lost?" "Irrelevant to how many lives are lost." With a sight, Bryan retreated to his room. His Umbreon was sound asleep on the bed, while the baby Articuno was still asleep on its perch. Although Giovanni was a man of greed and hunger for power, he did have a compassionate side - when a Pokémon, regardless of how rare, showed true potential for moving forward, Giovanni had no issue pawning it off onto someone else. That is why Bryan had an Umbreon with rare colorization and a baby of a legendary Pokémon. Slowly, Umbreon rolled over and opened its eyes yawning. "Good evening, master," Bryan heard a voice inside his head say, and he smirked. "Hi, Alakazam." The three best friends Bryan had stood in that room: Umbreon, Alakazam, and Articuno.</s> <|message|>Mika Mika took the probes off and went to the medicine cabinet. She opened the cabinet and took out a bottle of iron pills. She shook out four and popped them into her mouth. She groaned at the taste of the pills. "While you're in there, take your others," Bruce said to her. Mika began pulling out bottles and shaking out the required amount. Placing the pills in a cup, she replaced the lid back on the bottles and put them back in the cabinet.</s> <|message|>Bruno "Good morning, master," Alakazam greeted him as he stirred awake. "How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Bryan. I let you out of your ball as often as I can and you are my friend, not my servant." Just as Bryan's little speech was finished, he heard the intercom asking him to report to the observation balcony again. "How is she doing?" Bryan asked as he stepped in, yawning, seeing his father watching the subject. "She hasn't started yet; she's being given a new set of tests today. Then you will bring her out for a field test, see how effective her powers will be in public." Bryan raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that dangerous? What if she turns on me?" "Alakazam can protect you from her attacks, and the collar around her neck, all you have to do is press the button on this remote, and she will be on her knees." "You're using a shock collar?" "Sometimes, in order to control someone, you have to give them something they don't want and take it away when they obey you. So I feel intense pain could be beneficial to control her. If she obeys, she won't be hurt."</s>
<|message|>Mika Mika swallowed down the pills before entering the training area again. She stood in the black room, her arms at her sides. She heard the familiar tone as the simulation began. Her left ear twitched as she heard the feet of several Rocket Grunts surround her in the blackness. Mika grinned as the light flicked on. A Grunt ran forward at her, withdrawing a fist and going to hit her. Her right hand grabbed the fist and flipped the Grunt on the ground.</s>
<|description|>Janet Arianna Jackson Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Specialization: Combat Background: Janet's mother was a huge fan of Micheal Jackson; her father was a huge fan of Janet Jackson, MJ's sister. So, when they had a baby girl, of course they named her Janet. Janet grew up listening to the music of her namesake. She wasn't exactly pleased to be named after a famous musician, but she did like the music. So she didn't throw a fit over it and just went on with life. It wasn't until she turned 16 that she discovered that she was a sonomancer with a natural aptitude for Combat, at which point she began regarding her name as ironic. Only a few months after her birthday, she received the letter confirming her acceptance into the AMG, which she didn't remember applying for. She wasn't going to turn down the opportunity, though, so she went. Despite having been a student of the AMG for almost 4 years, she's still coming, as there's a lot she feels that she has left to learn. Other: Janet calls herself Arianna. She's a strong-willed, sassy woman who doesn't like playboys; anyone trying to flirt with her does so at their own risk. Name: Benedict Foster Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Specialization: Influence Background: Benedict is the only Influence sonomancer in a long line of Empaths, but he is also a very powerful sonomancer, so his family wasn't concerned or angry. His mother was a teacher at AMG, so he was accepted as soon as his sonomancy developed at age 11. When he graduated, he chose to stay on as a teacher, and now teaches a class for beginning Influence sonomancers. Other: Benedict prefers to be called Mr. Foster in class, but he doesn't mind students calling him by his first name outside the classroom. He's a manipulative liar, but a charming one, and has a rather snarky wit that comes out sometimes.</s> <|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson Another year, another orientation. Janet only just suppressed a sigh; as a senior student, she was supposed to be a good example. She snorted. That was plain silly. She was dressed in black leggings tucked into black knee-length boots and a dark blue tunic that was rather fitted. Pushing the clothing limits, yes, but stylish. The orientation wouldn't start for about 20 minutes, but Janet was leaning against the wall of the main hall, arms crossed, one leg braced against the wall. The look on her face radiated not interested, but she was pretty sure some boy would try to hit on her nonetheless. This time, she was unable to suppress her sigh. Benedict was already inside the main hall, as Headmistress Nightingale usually asked the main teachers to say a few words. He exchanged smiles with the Empath and Healing teachers, nodded to the Calming teacher, and flipped off the Combat teacher. Anyone new would think that Benedict and Arthur, the Combat teacher, were enemies; however, they were actually close friends, in a strange way. They insulted, irritated, and poked fun at each other, but let anyone try to hurt one in any way. The other would make them regret it. Arthur flipped Benedict off in return, then smirked and turned away. Benedict felt a smirk curve his own lips. He had missed this over summer break.</s> <|message|>Kristi Noro Today was the first year for vocalist sonomancer Kristi Noro, who had discovered her sonomancy powers at just ten years old. She hasn't done anything with her powers as of lately, and is curious on this cool and unique magic that is inside of her. When she was accepted into the academy she was genuinely at the most excited of her life, that she could learn new things with her abilities. Kristi was wearing somewhat formal attire, but she moves around in it easily and quickly, maybe due to her height being short? She had blonde hair that was put up into a ponytail, cyan eyes and pale skin. Kristi wore a blouse top and a dark grey vest, to top it off she put on a red bow to give a cute little feeling to the clothing. She also wore a skirt that was the same color of the vest, it had a strip of white running down the bottom of the skirt. To top it off she had stockings to her knees, and some running shoes at the bottom due to her being so energetic. At home she would usually just walk around wearing a t-shirt and long pants, but this seemed like such a special and unique occasion for her to wear this attire. As the orientation wouldn't start for twenty minutes or so, Kristi decided to wait outside in the sun, it was a little bit chilly that day after all. She was tempted to sing, but she wanted that to wait for the classes that she was in, so that they could experience her voice firsthand. Kristi stretched her arms as she was lying down on the grass, she looked up at the sky and smiled before sitting up. "I am so excited!" Kristi grinned as she said to herself, she reached a hand up and turned it into a fist in determination.</s> <|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson Looking over at one of the newcomers, Janet smiled slightly. She had never been quite that eager, but then again, eager wasn't her style. Maybe this girl would be bearable. With a mental shrug, she walked over to the girl and sat down next to her, stretching out one leg, bending the other, and resting her arm on her knee. "Hey." She greeted. "You new here?"</s> <|message|>Akira Aoki "Finally." Another newcomer positively muttered as he entered the school grounds. He was filled with excitement, with the fact he did not need to take an exam to enter the school making him more positive. While he isn't a fool, he is not the smart one. There were unique schools around where he lived and he was in one for a year, but the academy he was invited to eclipsed all of them in uniqueness, with the "Sonomancy" deal only adding to the uniqueness. He wished he could finally have a romantic moment in the academy, as he didn't have one earlier. Although he was wearing his previous school's summer uniform without the school badge, which was composed of a white dress suit with a blue tie, a straight black pants with a gray belt, and a white athletic shoes with white socks. He looked at a clock which happened to be nearby, realizing he had 15 minutes until he should head to the main hall early. He decided to use the time to briefly roam around the school without any guidances, having some brief chats with others, mostly newcomers with some older people thrown into the mix.</s> <|message|>Kristi Noro Kristi noticed that an older girl had come to her, she took a look towards her and smiled kindly before bringing her arm back down. She noticed that she had brown hair and brown eyes, and also that the fact that she was much taller than Kristi. She then sat up as the girl sat down next to her, probably wanting to engage into a conversation with Kristi. Her sun rays were shining against the two of them, bringing out Kristi's somewhat obvious blonde hair. "Yeah, I'm a new student here." Kristi replied to the older girl, but looking up at the sky and then back to her. "Or what you would call a beginner Sonomancer in my case, I just love to sing and play games." Kristi added on to her sentence, she continued smiling at the girl kindly. "What's your name? I'm Kristi." Kristi introduced herself to the girl.</s> <|message|>Akira (Aki) Okura Aki shuffled into the main hall, feeling excited about this new school, but remaining in control at the same time. She glanced around the room, as she realized she still had a fair amount of spare time before Orientation started up. Aki shrugged and heard two people talked to one another behind her. One of them was apparently a new student like Aki herself. Not wanting to be rude, but also wanting to make sure that she could have some social base here, she turned around, and decided to join the two, if they would allow it. "I'm new here too," Aki piped up after Kristi, and gave a hopeful smile to the two," My Name's Akiro, but you can call me Aki." She added," Sorry for interrupting," She said, tapping her foot and holding her arms together, giving off the vibe that she was slightly nervous, hoping it would cover her enough to keep them from getting upset at her for her abruptly joining in.</s> <|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson "Pleasure." Janet looked up at Aki, the same small smile on her face. "I'm Arianna, call me whatever you want. I've been coming here for years." She looked from one girl to the other. "What are your specializations? If you don't mind my asking."</s> <|message|>Kristi Noro @LadyTale After introducing herself to the girl, another one walked up to her and she smiled at her. This new girl introduced herself by the name of Akiro, but she'd prefer to be called Aki. Kristi noticed that the girl was apologizing for coming in the middle of their conversation, but actually it isn't even bad at all, she gets to meet a new student just like herself. "No need to apologize my friend!" Kristi said to Aki with a big grin on her face in happiness, she didn't want Aki to feel nervous or uncomfortable around them so she just smiled, she was told smiling gives lots of joy to people right? Kristi looked back to the girl who came to her first, she introduced herself as Arianna, and that she had been coming to this school for a couple of years. That sure was a pretty name. Kristi was then asked about what specialization she was, so she breathed in and decided to go first from the two of them. "My specialization is Empathic, which is you know... to manipulate emotions and such." Kristi said as she put a hand to the back of her own head while she looked at the other two sonomancers.</s> <|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson "Cool." Janet smiled slightly. "My specialization's Combat. Which you might see in action, if those boys go any further than looking." She shot a glare at said boys, who were quite obviously checking her out, giving a chuckle when they gulped and turned away. "Must be new. Returning students know better."</s> <|message|>Akira Aoki "And there's a crowd over there..." A certain newcomer muttered. After chatting with some of the people the school has to offer, the newcomer arrived at the main hall, where people should be in after 15 or so minutes. Glancing around, he found a small crowd of people chatting, out of many people in the hall. They seemed to stand out from the others for unknown reasons. He walked closer to the crowd, noticing it didn't have any males in it. He stood somewhat close to the crowd, yet with enough distance to not seem like he is in the crowd. He didn't knew if he could join, so he didn't talk to them, waiting shyly for the crowd to invite him.</s> <|message|>Akira (Aki) Okura Aki smiled back at Kristi, happy that she was included. She started to drop her nervous act a little bit, especially after hearing that the girl next to her was Empathic. " That's so cool," She said, but was slightly concerned by the moral implications of her being able to control emotions. " But you don't use it for Evil, right?" She checked, before adding," That being said, I specialize in Influence, though I honestly try not to use it." She admitted</s> <|message|>Kristi Noro @Urbanliner@Natsu Kristi looked over to Arianna as she explained her specialization, which was combat, Kristi had to admit that she was a little jealous to be honest. But then she looked over at some boys checking Arianna out, Kristi lifted an eyebrow and sighed before looking back at Arianna. "Boys will be boys I guess." Kristi sighed once more before looking to see Aki introduced her own specialization, which was influence, which she had to admit was pretty cool as well. "For evil? Of course not, I'm a hero!" Kristi grinned to the both of them before noticing a boy around her age come towards the three of them. But he didn't quite come close even, she kindly smiled to the boy and waved him over. "C'mon! We don't bite!" Kristi grinned happily towards the boy and waved her hand for him to come in, she just wasn't sure what Arianna would say about this though.</s> <|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson "Unless you try to flirt with me, in which case I'll do a lot more than bite." Janet grinned, waving at the boy. "Don't worry. As long as you don't try any pick-up lines on me, we're good."</s> <|message|>Akira Aoki "Thanks for inviting me in! I'm Akira, Akira Aoki! Can I have your names as well, please?" The male newcomer introduced himself, before walking closer to the crowd as he smiled back at them. Although Akira was nervous if they would accept him or not, he was glad they kindly did so without any hassle, actively taking him in inside. This made so that the male newcomer is surrounded by women probably with various personalities, although he wished they were all kind people, just like the most of the girls he had seen at the junior high school he was in. Briefly looking at everyone in the crowd, all the women seemed good-looking from his view. His dream about getting in a relationship could come true if he doesn't mess up something important, which he hoped would be east to detect.</s>
<|message|>Janet Arianna Jackson "I'm Arianna, Arianna Jackson." Janet copied the boy's manner of introduction with a smile. "Nice t'meet you." She usually wasn't the kind of person to say useless pleasantries, but she had promised to be on her best behavior. Quite a few boys, however, took her including Aoki into the group as an invitation to join them as well. A glare scared off most of them, but one persistent boy remained.</s>
<|description|>Leonard Siegfriedt Appearance: (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) Height/Weight: 5'2, 112 lbs. Age: 19 Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that's just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He's actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He's actually a lot nicer than you'd take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can't stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. Home Island: North Blue, Principality of Eurijk History: To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it's more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other's organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one's lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn't sure of how he came to be. He isn't sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother's. Fighting Style: Do No Harm Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone's bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. Crew Position: Doctor Bounty: 0 Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. Character Theme</s> <|message|>Nabil "The Calm" Valley Nabil. --- Nabil had been patiently waiting for the new waitress to approach. In her hands was of course a foreign platter, an array of food that he hadn't ordered but would surely take. A devious frown formed on his lips as Marxo explained him to a tee. It was quite ugly to deny him his food and was one of the quickest way to piss him off. He had once burned down an entire restaurant just for that same reason. Now that I look back on that, I sorta regret it. They had some damn good casserole. As the plates were placed on the shabby table, Nabil dug in unrestrained. His mouth full, he wholly ignored the obnoxious elven women. Though her words had gotten into his head, he had decided her offer was … uninspiring. Yea, that was the word he was thinking about. Once Marxo expressed some form of interest in her proposal, he glanced up at the man from his meal. He wouldn't attempt to stop him if he wished to join her. But at the same time, it would be saddening to lose someone he trusted. Friends like those were hard to come by. Just after Marxo's own question, Nabil sat back in his chair, laid an arm on the table, and stared at the woman with dead-pan eyes. "You're not worth it. The trouble that is. Fighting you would only cause me to be sore in the morning. And you bed-ridden. I suggest you use your words and not your fist, girly. Showing off is no way to earn respect." @Yorutenchi@bmxbrat484@Rin</s> <|message|>Marxo St. Laurant @Renny@Rin@bmxbrat484 M a r x o Before the elven lady could respond , Marxo felt this displeasing tone in his partners' voice. He guessed that Nabil thought he took the woman seriously, but after all who could with such a seen she'd caused. Marxo didn't like the thought of disappointing Nabil. He began to immediately withdraw his first response. " On second thought, seems to me Nabil doesn't like your proposal. To be frank , I've been around my partner so long it's hard to disagree with him. I think I'm going to have to let you down easy little lady. It's apparent from your random outburst that Nabil is quite correct. You do seem to be more trouble than you're worth." With this remark Marxo eased back into his chair. At this moment he noticed the girl taunting him out of the corner of his eye and it made him laugh a little on the inside. While Nabil stuffed his face Marxo calmly awaited his liquor. He would have no more to say to the young pirate. He really didn't see where they'd fit in on a misfit pirate ship with an elf, a shark boy, and a rude little girl. Nabil didn't seem to want to find out either. Marxo felt accomplished with his decision and word choice, even though they were based upon another's thoughts . This other just happen to be his only friend for the time being. How would he dare turn his back on Nabil. He just couldn't . It didn't seem right if they were apart. After pondering for mere seconds , Marxo realized he didn't have a drink or a smoke. "Oh this just won't do. Excuse me waitress , I still need my drinks and that those smokes. , his tone seems light and playful but honestly Marxo was beginning to get impatient again. He smiled as he spoke, not to seem like the asshole from earlier. With every second an urge to destroy everything over a cigarette cinged his mind like a freshly heated cattle prod.</s> <|message|>Nyx Neurotic cook. Reckless knife fighter. Paranoid merchant. Nyx perks up at the mention of a crew and the possibility of adventure; that is, until she sees who made the offer. She smiles in faux politeness at the lady who had come up. "Excuse me, but I have to ask you to take your business elsewhere. As it is, you have rendered four of my customers unconscious and, in a desperate bid to keep the conscious ones tempered," she gestures to the men at the table. "I've had to give them dishes that would otherwise have gone to waste due to your actions. The only thing I hate more than giving away food, is wasting it. Now if you'll excuse me, these patient gentlemen have requested drinks, and seeing as how the rest of the staff are cowering in fear, I must play bartender as well." Nyx turns back to the duo, pulling out a small box of cigars and setting it down. "What would you like to drink, Mr. Marxo, Mr. Nabil?"</s> <|message|>'Multi-Shot' Countless "Eventful." Mumbled a voice from farther back in the tavern. A young boy sat alone at a far back table, there were several empty bottles on it; not his doing of course, but whoever it was definitely had a strong constitution. Or not. It wasn't really the boy's concern. The most peculiar trait the boy had was definitely his back; he had wings, large enough to be noticeable, but not large enough to fly. A few people had taken glances, but most played it off as some kind of cosplay, much to his vexation. The boy was simply known as "Countless," and so far he had bore witness to the creation of a recruitment stand, some thievery (although he didn't exactly call it out), the flight of a table, a challenge (of which he did not take up) that escalated into a series of fights, all of which the redhead seemed to be winning. Countless hadn't been in the Blue Sea for too long, about a week. He was sort of lost after the four-length bird dropped him off and flew away somewhere. This was his first impression of Blue Sea taverns - which didn't actually differ from the Skypiean taverns that he had been to before (with the exception of the whole table-in-the-ceiling deal). Of course, he didn't really intend to get involved in the brawl. His weapons were a bit dangerous to use indoors. Instead, he just continued to watch, letting the absurdity of the situation sink in.</s> <|message|>Amelia Mitsue Amelia Amelia was a bit relived when the fishman turned out to be more friendly than she thought as he accepted her apology and the mug out of her hands. She clasped her hands behind her back watching the fishman inspecting the ale of any poison until he finally chugged it down into his system. While she awaited the response of her two thirsty customers, she turned to face yet another one questioning her ale with a rather intense look which made Amelia a bit uncomfortable. " proof?...Ah! Yes, of course sir! If these two gentlemen behind me do not convince you about my ale, then you can feel free to try out the comparison test! After tasting my brew, you will notice the major difference in quality compared to the watered down ale that the 'Rusty Wench' serves! Please take one and taste for yourself!" She cheerfully stated and picked up a mug offering it to the little ninja, at least that is what she thought of him inside her little imagination after seeing the face mask. Suddenly, she knew something was going on behind her back as she quickly turned her head around, merely catching a glimpse of her mug being tossed down the street while it was on fire. What on earth happened?! She stood there with her eyes blank in a comical fashion while awaiting for an explanation for the man's actions. Amelia didn't quite understand it at first, but she recalled about there being devil fruits with unimaginable powers, this was probably one of them. "Ooooooh...I see! My brew was so good that it caught on fire! How delightful! Glad you loved it that much!" She laughed completely buying into the young man's plan and accepted his collateral payment. Shortly after, the Fishman complimented her brew and decided to buy two more of her fine ale. This brought tears of joy to Amelia's eyes as her brew was finally being acknowledged. "Thank you Mr.Fishman and Mr.Fireman! You don't know how much this means to me!" She thanked them with tears weld up in her eyes as she made 1950 in just a few minutes. She picked up two mugs by the handle with her right hand while holding the ninja's free mug with her left, then her arms extended out to them offering their drinks. "Oh, my name is Amelia by the way! I'll be glad to follow you Mr.Fishman!" She said accepting his offer, for the sake of more money to further enhance her brewing skills with the finest ingredients. Muffin@The Irish Tree@Invisible</s>
<|message|>Leonard Siegfriedt "The proof is not in the ale" A blank stare crossed Leonard's face as the woman completely misunderstood what he was asking, to such an extent that a homophone was taken completely off the hook. Taking a moment to remove his face mask, Leonard clarifies his statement to the pink-haired woman. "Um...T-To tell the truth, I wasn't asking how good it was. I-I was more...more asking how much concentrated, pure ethanol is in your beverage." Though, now that he thought about it, the drink did smell delicious, the ale's gloamy color seemingly calling to him. Shaking his head, he scratches the side of his unburnt cheek. "I-I shouldn't...Someone needs me somewhere around here." he reminded himself as he turned back to the fish-man. "Um...w-where is this person that needs a doctor? I-I have my equipment with me..." he said, still appearing rather nervous as he set the mug back down on the table the woman had it on. Lifting the left side of his cloak, he showed Abel that, lined in the various makeshift pouches and pockets that lined the inner-cloak were syringes, scalpels, medicine bottles, packets of various herbal mixtures, and even what appeared to be a jar filled with...something moving. "It's not...not much, but I'll do what I can."</s>
<|description|>Tatsumi Nakano Age: 23 Magic: Tatsumi has a natural proficiency for Darkness magic, the dangerous nature of the skill perfectly fitting his reckless nature. Despite the risks he relies heavily upon his magic in combat. Weapon: It is perhaps a stroke of irony, or typecasting, that the first weapon Tatsumi received upon arriving in the World of Wasted Dreams was a katana. He wields the sword as his primary weapon, favoring it greatly over other weapons. When forced to attack from a range Tatsumi does not rely upon conventional weaponry, instead turning to the somewhat dubious magic he wields. Besides his skill with the katana Tatsumi is a skilled martial artist, noted as a practitioner of Muay Thai and Kendo. Bio: I remember something... it feels so long ago. It's like another life... The Shinai made a harsh thunk as they repeatedly crashed against each other. I can hear that sound so clearly, but everything else feels distant. He knew that the match that happened there was what mattered most to him. Everything else was pointless. Yes... that's what matters. The opponent. The dojo. Nothing else. I remember... wanting a life like that. A life of adventure, where I fought seemingly insurmountable foes... but I won. The thunks sped up, blows of increasing fury meeting each other. But one simple slip up, and it was over. There was no protective gear, was there? Why? After that, everything was fuzzy. He remembered the blinding white lights of the hospital. Being propelled down the hallway on the gurney. The thumping, throbbing, all-consuming pain in his head. And the blood. The blood was everywhere. And then Tatsumi woke up. That must've been a dream, nothing about that made sense... Tatsumi wasn't sure where he was, but it felt right. He knew he belonged here. Personality: Tatsumi is perhaps first noted by those he meets for his sheer amicability. He's very friendly and outgoing, and meets strangers with an unusual eagerness to make friends. He's a natural when it comes to getting along with people, and is bound to make new friends in every locale he visits. He has what could be defined as a 'hero complex', wishing to be seen by those around him as someone strong, someone to admire. He's a paragon of morality, a shameless goody-two-shoes. He's incredibly helpful, willing to lend a hand to those in need, notably a sucker for the 'damsel in distress' stereotype, oft going out of his way to save the girl. Tatsumi's negative features come in the form of his cocksureness. He's dangerously confident, reckless, and ridiculously cocky. Naturally, this combined with his wont to be a hero leads him to crave adventure and danger. Despite his somewhat 'goofy' attitude Tatsumi is surprisingly bright, perceptive, and calculating. When approaching an enemy clearly out of his league he always endeavors to have a plan to beat the insurmountable odds. Underneath Tatsumi's shell of cheerfulness even he seems to harbor some sadness: Perhaps some lingering resentment from his time in the world before that of Wasted Dreams...</s> <|message|>(Self-Explanatory.) Paraanon Ravine. Mayor Parker had said that strange activity was occurring in this very place, though he failed to mention exactly what that entailed. For now the place howled with the movement of the wind, a cold gust that sought to crawl up the spines of mortal and sane men alike. There was a monster laying in wait through the darkness and Akemi was right in stating that light was something that was a must for this hunt. Scattered remains of those most unfortunate lay everywhere, the pale glimmerings of bones that appeared to be crushed along with stinking and rotted red mush that looked to be human flesh. The ravine itself was wide enough for a battle between whatever awaited them though it was also small enough where the possibility of being surrounded was also a factor. Something sharp and bristling suddenly broke the silence, the sound of flesh being stabbed into and feasted on drawing its owner out into the public. Just around the corner from what appeared to be a miniature volcano of sorts was a monster. The rocks steeped up and jutted into an opening behind it, smoke softly billowing out of the structure while the creature feasted down below its shadowy arc. The monster was simple enough, and yet horrendous and considered an abnormality of animals in the real, waking world. A massive spider it seemed, each of its eight legs no appendages, but in fact eight long snake heads, hissing as they were forced to support the massive body of the arachnid. Dozens of open holes covered its furry back and it feasted on what appeared to be a poor, unlucky traveler with a row of several mandibles, teeth clicking and clacking as it gnawed on fresh bones. Finally, it was a dark blue color with gray and red splotches surrounding its frame. This was perhaps the disturbance Spencer wanted slain. The creature was a Roushta and was quite large for its size, at least two times as big as a regular member of its species. Its intent was focused on the meal it was so happily indulging in, giving the Hunters a first chance hit. Meanwhile, the lingering presence that Akemi was dutifully tracking down stayed back in the shadows where only the fox woman could see her. Both of them knew it would only interfere if her life was put in danger. Nothing more and nothing less. Farther away from them, Alto would find the trail of his fellow Hunters in the form of raven corpses. However, it looked like some of the bodies had gone missing in that short time frame. The same could even be said for the dead woman in the well back in Iredele. Rotting Bone knew all this and shook his head to Roless' question. "She's already reached a point that I cannot see," he answered before a chuckle escaped his lips. "Best go find the other Hunter staying in the Tavern Roless. Something is coming close." And indeed it was, for the temperature around the entirety of Iredele suddenly spiked downwards, bringing the air into almost an unnatural coldness. Of course, the citizens weren't concerned and merely continued on with their lives. They'd probably continue moving about even if their feet froze off. Back in the Tavern, Maribel paused in her happy endeavors with Donny and frowned. Yes, something was coming and it wasn't good. Another monster with ill intents towards the people of this village. Finishing her cup of blood, she looked to Donny now with the expectance of him to do something.</s> <|message|>Sinthe Sinthe shot Akemi a look as she landed, he knew what he did was wrong and expected to be berated by Akemi, or complemented if she were to landed a hit. But she just berated him and when she finished Sinthe didn't get angry but he did speak back." Calm yourself down ! You gotta control yourself, right now your drunk ! I can smell it on you all the way from another relm !" Sinthe told her right after she tried to explain she didn't help the man just to help him and called her self a Samaritan, Sinthe shook his head and kept in the back of the group as they continued. @KoL When they arrived to the ravine it was pitch black dark, Sinthe couldn't see too far, but he could see anything that could get into his personal space, when Akemi asked if they had a torch Sinthe couldn't provide a torch, but he could make one, he pulled a bandage off his forearm and found a really big stick from the ground, he wrapped the bandage around the stick and took out a small silver like tin he took from the tavern, he opened it and inside were numerous matches. Sinthe struck the match against the side of his boot and it ignited, he pressed the lit match against the makeshift's bandage and the bandage ignited and the fire burned brightly," I got it." Sinthe told her. Then before he could react the light revealed a giant spider with snake like legs, wait the legs were actually snakes that hissed and had small tongues that stuck out at everyone." Really ? With the snake legs it just makes the monster less scary, honestly I'd rather take just a snake fight." Sinthe spoke aloud, he then noticed that he probably wouldn't be able to fight this one since he's holding the torch and those snakes looked a little poisonous, he also didn't have a weapon like everyone else since he didn't rely on one like they did.</s> <|message|>Roless Something else got her, huh? Roless mused, rubbing the back of his neck. Three of the dog humans had also gone missing when he was doing his corpse-collection run, even though it should have been impossible for people to not notice that someone was dragging them away. He didn't spend any time looking for signs that would indicate where those dead mutts disappeared off to, but…well, he was a Hunter, not a detective or whatever. Storing away his thoughts into the part of the brain reserved for superfluous information, the brunette nodded at the old man's instructions. "Don't catch a cold and die," he said to the sack of bones. With brisk, ringing steps, he walked out of the Church of the Absolute, back into the dreary, dilapidated town of Iredele. The temperature had dropped significantly, but it was a small mercy that no winds passed. Frost had already began to develop on the opaque windows of a few houses, and yet, most of the civilians chose to continue their routine as if nothing had happened. They shivered and sneezed, but like the perfectly disastrous marionettes they were, they followed the script to a t. It sorta made Roless want to shoot them in the head and harvest their blood for usage in the near future…but that old man was busy enough as it was. No point in tossing more work in his direction, after all, even if Rotting Bone would have to deal with those deaths eventually. His long, black coat wrapped tightly around him to ward off the wintery temperatures, Roless grit his teeth to stop them from chattering like a jackhammer, pushing his way into the lukewarm atmosphere of the Winter Wolf Tavern. Few looked in his direction as he arrived, too immersed in either their drinks or the barmaid, and it was only a single individual that stood out in that lifeless crowd. Well, two individuals. Maribel, the resident creepy little girl, and a new face that looked sorta like a zombie. It was really clear who the Hunter was, but, despite that, Roless really couldn't suppress the urge of kicking at least a little bit of shit up. Taking in a deep breath, he called out loudly, hands pressed to the sides of his mouth, "Good morning meatsacks! Which one of you is a Hunter?!" In retrospect, he realized that the Hunter the priest had been referring to was probably a new arrival, and that he'd probably have to do babysitting for the poor sod. Welp, probably just payment for the monster blood.</s> <|message|>Macey James Oh… of course… I… have a… HOW IN THE SEVEN HELLS DID I FORGET TO BRING A TORCH WITH ME? Macey was just about to find a way of rather tactfully asking whether any of the troupe just happened to conveniently know fire magic to make up for her idiocity, before Sinthe produced a rather well thought out torch making kit. And now that the hunters could see more than a few fox-leaps ahead of them, they could all get a good look at the absolute beauty in front of them. Macey's eyes glittered and danced with the fire light. Yes, she was far more captivated by the giant spider monster than a normal human should have been - in fact, Macey hadn't been brimming with this much enthusiasm at any other sight in this world; much less another human being. Sure, it might have been not such a pretty sight for the poor sod caught between its jaws, but still. The fox woman just saved a raggedy old dying man on the path behind – you win some, you lose some. A unique species like this, in the real world, would have scientists' minds buzzing from the field all the way to journal publication back round to the… "Ahem." She coughed, reining her thoughts back to one place. "Nice to see no one's just rushing in this time. In that hollow that the volcano's made, Mrs Spider Queen doesn't have a lot of space to move around in, so we should keep her there as long as possible during the first attack." Unlike Sinthe, Macey seemed rather worried about the snake heads. Although they seemed rather occupied with holding up the gogolithic arachnoid mass at the moment, Macey knew that some breeds of snakes could detect infrared radiation, and large bodies of heat. Heat like fires. Macey frowned – and living bodies. So much for the element of surprise, she thought with a groan. Still, with any luck, those snake eyes would be pointing downwards for the most part. Or backwards. Or in any direction that wasn't towards them. "Well. I've got a gun" Macey said, drawing the shotgun out of the holster again. "And Jenniver has a crossbow. Anyone else with a ranged weapon, we can climb up the rock ledges on either side of Mrs Spider and just rain down fire and brimstone from above, and hope for the best. You know, assuming no one else has a better idea." "Also, if it isn't too much to ask - could we please save the face? The spider one that is. I mean, like don't crush it or anything, it looks like it'd make an awesome wall mount. It's just so pretty."</s>
<|message|>Tatsumi Nakano Tatsumi sighed. Akemi was wrong, at least in his opinion. Despite what she said she didn't help the old man for her benefit. After all, what would she get out of helping him? But he decided not to push it. She just wants to look like some kind of cool uncaring badass... so I'll let her. He smiled again, to himself. I know you're a good person Akemi. They continued their path to Paraan Ravine, a suprisingly uneventful journey. The ravine, however, was anything but uneventful. The path ahead was pitch black, and Akemi suggested they should have torches. "You tell us we need torches now? Maybe that should've been something you mentioned earlier, we're not exactly locals." He shook his head. Sinthe, luckily, had the situation covered. Tatsumi nodded in approval at his resourcefulness. With a solution like that this guy must have some kind of survival experience... The light spread throughout the ravine to reveal... a very ugly monster. Tatsumi was quick to draw his sword, and almost jumped into action until Macey spoke aloud. "Nice to see no one's just rushing in this time." He quickly halted. "Yes... good thing." He agreed, nodding thoughtfully. Tatsumi was surprised at both Sinthe's seemingly careless attitude towards the monster and Macey's reverance towards it. Are these guys used to stuff like this?! They treat a hideous spider-snake so casually! Tatsumi sighed. He was with a bunch of weirdos. At the very least he agreed with Macey's plan. The part about attacking it from a range, not saving the creature's face. "That's a good plan Macey. I don't have any ranged attacks, but if it's still alive after our barrage I can go in and try to finish it off."</s>
<|description|>Rio Hamasaki Nicknames: N/A Team Position: Assault/Supporting fire Age: 21 Gender: ♀ Year at Ace Academy: 2nd Year Appearance: Rio is a tall and slender woman, standing at a proud 1m86. She usually wears a bit of lipstick and eyeshadow, but doesn't touch other make-up. Her face is thin and sports small features, making her eyes and mouth seem further apart than they really are. She has ruby eyes. Her hair is long, minty geen but usually tied up into a ponytail which reaches 3/4ths down her back. Even when not in uniform, Rio prefers to dress formally so you'll usually see her sporting a suit of some renown. Personality: Rio's a bit stuck up and snobbish, looking down on everyone but only letting it show ever so slightly. That's not to say she's heartless, you can certainly get a good conversation going with her if she lets you, but Rio's not the type to easily hand out compliments. Biography: Born in the Hamasaki family, Rio wasn't missing much when she grew up. The Hamasaki's built their legacy on selling high-quality electronics and eventually got into the Gear business, making quite a bit of revenue come their way. This lead to the classic case of 'Rich Kid Syndrome' for Rio, as she was enlisted in some of the most expensive academies Japan had to offer. She was constantly pressured into studying, leaving her a bit of a loner up until the later years of her highschool life where she formed a small clique of friends. Rio never really had a boyfriend, which pains her enormously because every guy she's ever had a crush on either rejected her or were already together with someone else. They also tended to all be interested in Gears, so she herself decided to dabble into it as well. Much to her parents' dismay, this caused Rio to choose to become a Gear pilot rather than inherit their business, but she figured they could shove that responsibility on her two years younger brother. She's kind of stuck down this path, too, as she actively lashed out against her parents to let her do this. She was enlisted in Ace and soon was faced with the harsh reality that there were, in fact, people that were better at this whole piloting thing than she was. She repeatedly got crushed in combat, and it frustrated her at the time, but she at least humbled up a bit and stopped being a stuck-up bitch to everyone. One of these crushing encounters was against Bill Atlas - now her team leader - in which he delivered swift justice with his fast melee style. Rio learned that, even though she is a ranged combatant, she can still let melee gears slip through if she lets her guard down. It doesn't prevent her from holding a grudge about it, though. The studies were much harder than she expected, too; while she'd been breezing through much of her schooling up to that point, she had troubles keeping up with Ace Academy. Now she's going to try and prove herself this year after barely scraping by last year. She's not going to be the problem child of the Hamasaki's! --- Combat Section Strengths: She's a calm thinker and is quick to adapt when things go south. Great at thinking up both short-term and long-term strategies when the situation calls for it. She isn't the greatest at mid-range, but she performs above average if nothing else due to a steady aim. Weaknesses: Arrogance leads to overconfidence, so she can bit off more than she can chew sometimes. She doesn't like being ordered around, especially when it goes against what she personally thinks is 'best'. Despite having good theoretical skills, she can flake when putting it in practice. She's not great in the short range either, mostly due to having little experience with gears that come up close. Neutral Values: Long-range combat and support roles. Other: N/A --- Gear Section Gear Designation: Hamasaki Manufact. Customized Model 43CHUTE Nickname: Union Weapon(s): Union is equipped with a Kinetic rifle that fires automatic rounds. The clip is reloaded as it fires, but can't go on endlessly. A set amount of bullets are loaded in, and if Rio continuously fires she'll end up depleting her clip before it can catch up. They're meant to pierce armor, but deal less damage to the gears themselves. This is a weapon meant for softening up the foe rather than outright killing them. Union is also loaded with a couple of energy grenades (4 per combat) that, similarly, don't do much to damage the foe but rather pierce through shields. Unfortunately, this is a rather slow way to punch through their defenses and is more used for forcing the enemy to move. The last of Union's weapons is a short range energy dagger. It's not meant to fight a melee Gear head-on, but serves as a last line of defense in case the enemy comes close. Unlike the previous two weapons, this one is designed to deal extreme damage on contact, but is hard to hit due to being so short. Base Parameters: Strength: C Endurance: C *Armor Quality: B *Shield Quality: C Agility: D Energy Level: B Long Range Quality: B Short Range Quality: D</s> <|message|>Bill Atlas Date: April 1st - Isokaze, Ace Academy - Time 3:40 Prologue: Reach for the Stars! ==== Pilot's Lounge: ==== Today was the first day of school at Ace Academy and for some of the people classes were starting to slow down, or end for the day. Many of the academy's pilots were scrambling here and there preparing their gears, and meeting up with their teams. The day itself was beautiful with a nice cool temperature, and the wind was cooling and refreshing. The school itself, while divided into engineering, psychological, and other divisions was mostly know for it's prized courses regarding basic, and advanced piloting of the amazing gear machines. It had sponsor organizations, and many famous students who graduated to resume respectable positions in, and out of the world of Gears. As such there were plenty of students at the moment in the library researching for classes just as there were people hurriedly checking some of their weapons through customs. There were some students hurrying to find teams here and there as it was the school's policy to make teams form during the summer but they had about a couple days inside of school to hammer out the details for certain. Right now the pilot lounge was full of students meeting up with their teams and heading towards the hanger entrance swiping their pilot passes to get in, and out though it seemed more like a revolving door than anything. Others were watching TV, or simply relaxing on their own time. Some of the top teams were probably off meeting somewhere though there were probably more teams currently in school than not. Bill saw some familiar faces, and some not so familiar. The bar keep for the lounge was still the same man in his forties named Yukimura whom had been doing this job for about 13 years now and had seen some of the best pilots in the academy's history graduate. Bill took a look out the large windows to his right in the lounge and saw that there were students walking all about campus doing their things some where muttering, and other laying around on the grass discussing all sorts of matters. But one thing he did notice was he a lot of talk around the lounge had some of the other students worried about the prelims, and the scoring tests. Scoring tests determined what sponsors some teams would get. There were various organizations around the city though the major one was the SBA an organization meant to help find students find sponsors. There was even a few students associated with them in someway throughout the campus. He wondered how many of the kids has recreational weapons this time around he remembered the boss from last year informing everyone Team Death Spike last year accidentally brought in a gear with military gear instead of proper recreational mech weapons that prevented death blows. Of course some weapons could have adjusted power setting to allow them to be used here to de-power the mechs instead of destroying them. He fondly remembered Hakuno Sasaki had led the team to many a victory only to be led down by in fighting in the team. It led to the creation of rifts in the team not unlike the bigger teams over in America. Many people only fought together if Hakuno called the shots now that Hakuno was no longer a student the Celestial Star team coveted for it's legacy now was a shamble. The Throne Trinity was a team filled with the older students with more skills, and intelligence than High Blade but High Blade held a lot of potential, and skilled gear fighters despite their aggressive attitude. Both of those teams were the remains of the team that had once been a whole. Now Bill was left with Jun, and Yasumi whom was sitting right now to him. Jun was not a pilot, and Yasumi was a slacker who only did well in classes. Though he was a force to be reckoned with in battles he was always a back up pilot. And so was Bill before the year had started. Now he was scrambling to put together some sort of functional whole. Bill can only use his last name so much to bring in new people after all. Yasumi was playing on his Driveboy DX at the moment but he had told him earlier when they met on the bus that he had tried to convince the others who were not in High Blade, or Throne to come join them but they were unsure. Two pilots didn't make a team that left them two days to finish their team composition. As Bill sat on the couch he wondered if anyone else would should up today all he could do was bite down on his burger he had in his hands and hope that things would get better today. Despite trying to concentrate however all he heard in the background was cheering as a group of students watched Team Siegfried from Germany fight against the LAX (The Latin American Exchange). Schools over in the west had already started competing with each other though Japan, and other eastern nations usually adhered to a different schedule than them. Still on occasion China, India, and Japan sent over teams to compete with other colleges. As he heard from the announcer apparently LAX was having issues with Siegfried's defensive strategy as LAX was majorly a offensive heavy team known for their brutal methods of attacking enemy gears.</s> <|message|>Ian Laudat Ian Laudat Pilot's Lounge --- Ian entered the pilot's lounge. The poster he had read mentioned that a guy named Bill Atlas was the one he needed to talk to. Truth be told, he hadn't had the best of times trying to find a team, and this one seemed fairly desperate. The other team leaders were apparently quite aware of his weary nature and saw him as a potential liability, which was fair. He certainly didn't fault them for it, but that didn't keep him from asking. After a brief survey of the room, Ian yawned loudly and approached the one that fit the description that he was given by one of the other students. He wasn't completely familiar with the Atlas name, but it probably wouldn't matter. It seemed Celestial Star was in need of members, and assuming the need was great enough, they would probably even look past Ian's near narcoleptic habits. Ian could only assume that the person sitting by Bill was another member. "Err..Hi, I'm Ian Laudat. From what I understand you guys are looking for more members for your team? You wouldn't happen to have a sharpshooter already would you?" He asked, trying to make the best first impression possible.</s>
<|message|>Rio Hamasaki Finally, classes were done. Rio hated the first day of school, as it always ends up being nothing but wasted time. You hardly get anything done. Still, it was a necessary evil for some, and not all was bad about it. At least, not at Ace. She was staring up at a list of teams that needed members, as she wasn't part of one currently. Much to her dismay, though, most teams were either full on members or had already rejected her in the past, leaving her with only one option: Celestial Star. The team leader who was written next to the name left nothing but a foul taste in Rio's mouth. She pretty much needed to be in a team, though, for fear of becoming a laughing stock like last year. Like hell she'd let that happen. The woman casually walked through the hallways, avoiding eye contact with most students. They're all equally unimportant to her. A bunch of faceless individuals who'd either fade into nothing or prove themselves to be worth remembering. Sadly, not a lot of people managed to succeed in that second option. Sure, they'll be remembered by the other faceless for as soon as they live, but after that you fade into obscurity. No legacy, no nothing. The door to the lounge slid open and Rio's ears was immediately assaulted by the loud cheers of the drunkards watching TV, cheering on their favorite teams. She tried her best to ignore all the ruckus and looked around to find Bill Atlas' little corner. She first saw him with Laudat, the infamously lazy student. She didn't want to believe he signed up there and kept looking. Much to Rio's chagrin, it turned out to be the case after all. Even worse, there was already another pilot behind the desk, meaning even these applications were going by fast. The proud girl had to humble up a bit and swallow some of that pride, casually walking over to Bill's desk. "Atlas," she greeted. Rio cast a brief glance of disgust over to Laudat and scanned Yasumi. He didn't look impressive. If she was going to be stuck with this lot of rubbish - excluding Bill of course - then she'll have to fear for the stability of the team. Still, better to have a team that underperforms compared to no team at all... "I'm here to sign up. Rio Hamasaki, pilot of Union. Assault and Support. We've... fought once already." Rio explained. She was tempted to chew on the insides of her cheek in frustration of that humiliating loss, but managed to settle for only breaking eye contact. She pretended to look over in the direction of the TV, feigning some interest in the match.</s>
<|description|>James Berken Age: 16 Power: Currently Unknown. But his powers seem to deprive from the creature that is part of him, be it a manifestation of emotions or just a part of him that grew in power over the rest of him, no one will be able to know. Outside the host body, the being would manifest into a black cloud in the form of an animal, any animal it chooses. In this state, James would be faster and more agile, and the creature would be able to fight alongside him. But in this state is when James would be at his most powerful but most vulnerable as well. If the being was inside, James wouldn't die to just anything, a bullet to the brain would mostly likely only cause a scratch as the being strengthens his body. But outside, the being would leave it's more vulnerable part inside him. Thus it would push the pain and injuries on James, showing in minor injures that slowly start to increase in severity. Appearance: Bio: James was a strange child, even from birth. People and parents saying they found things happening around him, whenever he was in danger that he came out alive and well where others would be dead. At the age of 7 would be when it was found out what was happening with him, a group of bullies pushed him around and finally corner him. Him with a black eye and looking like he was going to be hurt more, but suddenly the bullies were being hurt. Being pushed around and even tossed around a bit as a dark cloud flowed from a cut on the top of his hand that never healed. Opening to show the darkness flowing from it and attacking the bullies. Sending them running before taking at first the look of a cat. The darkness flowing around it as it looked at him, that day was when things changed for the child. Thrown out after the stories became increasing against him, he never trusted others. Even those he thought he could trust betrayed him. He was seeing it more and more while on the streets with the creature that called itself a "Void" as a friend. He saw people like him, different and strange, bullied and hurt and rejected by society. He didn't like such prejudice against people like him. Soon him and his "Friend" would be doing what they can. Stealing from the usual "Normal" Society and giving to the supernaturals. Finding homes for others. Cautious about others but always trying to be a friend to those that he can learn to trust. After spending some time at an orphanage, he and Neric would have stumbled upon a flyer to the camp. James having to convince his friend to go, soon the two would have been on their way to the camp and to what may hopefully be some time away from everything. James: "So what's the plan today my shadowy friend?" Neric: "I believe that you can't plan the future, it's in constant motion. We can only think, hope and see about what will be." James: "I couldn't agree with you more."</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena enjoyed watching the fire dance across Edmond's eyes. Red eyes and an orange fire created an interesting mix. When their eyes met and Edmond's ears caught on fire, Helena was surprised and she backed up a bit, not wanting to be burned. When he patted the fire out, Helena shook her head and chuckled, "Isn't the bonfire enough fire?" At his proposition on making things out of fire, Helena suggested, "Hmm... How about a tree?"</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis "Right, okay then, if you're sure you wouldn't want to be on the canoe with us," Cecilia said. She knew the actual paddling would be done by James and herself, but thought Neric would be on the boat with them at least. "Hmm, I've been on a few passenger boats and ferries. I've also swum in a some public pools, but nothing like a lake before," she answered pleasantly, petting the back of his neck and head since his head was down. "How about you Neric? I take it you're a pretty good swimmer yourself, huh?" she asked in turn.</s> <|message|>James Berken "Well someone has to pull you both out of the water, I did it before with soldiers when they were in their boats. But really if you want me to tag along I can." *Neric looking up at her, as he blinks. He wanted to more or less let them have some fun together, if she wanted him to come along she could. Though it would be fun what he would do to some of the other campers, especially Edmond and Helena over there. His tail swaying for a moment, see how they react to a fin sticking out of the water near their boat. Though he may not, hearing Edmond's reaction to being asked about water. He may hold off on that and scare James and Cecilia a bit, he'll think on it as he looks back at the fire and snuggles into the both of them. Speaking softly* "Though I thought you both wanted some alone time together in the canoe, why I was suggesting I swim alongside."</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis Soldiers?... she thought, now even more curious about Neric's past, to the point of not minding how little he thought of their chances of staying afloat. However, she wasn't feeling nosy enough to inquire further, especially where military-related matters were concerned. She observed the dark being for a moment, wondering what he was thinking. If she didn't know any better, she'd almost say he was plotting something. It was then that she heard him say he intended to let the two of them alone in the canoe. "Oh, w-well... if you really don't mind following alongside the entire way. Just know that if you ever want to rest, you're always welcome to ride on our canoe," she conceded, ultimately wanting Neric to decide what he'll do.</s> <|message|>James Berken "Well thank you, I won't get tired but I'll maybe take you up on that offer." *Him looking at Cecilia before looking at James, the two looking at each other for a moment before James nods. Neric getting up and climbing into Cecilia's lap, James laughing softly at the sight. Though he pulls a smile. The little void curling up in her lap as he gives off a near purring, James watching them with a smile. Looking away back at the fire so they can have their moment, well petting moment anyway. She seems to really like Neric, so he was being quiet for now. Watching the fire as he sighs softly, humming gently to himself*</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis Cecilia uttered a low gasp, as she felt Neric climb onto her lap. "Aww, Neric...!" she quietly exclaimed, delighted and surprised, looking back at James, notably astounded. When their eye contact broke off and he drew his attention to the fire, she gazed affectionately at Neric, softly caressing him with both hands. All the while, through her hands and lap, she could just about feel the reverberations from his purring. She felt like asking Neric something, perhaps something about how many people he felt this comfortable around in his life. But she didn't. Now didn't feel like the time for reminiscing and even if she did ask, there was a chance of digging up old wounds. Plus, she didn't want to worry about the past right now. Cecilia relaxed, smiling fondly between the boy and his void.</s> <|message|>Edmond Sieks Edmond laughed as she spoke. "There is never enuff fire to go around." Edmond then looked down at his hands as she said she wanted a tree. The flames danced and swirled in his palms until it started to form a tree trunk. Then making the leaves and branches. He smiled as he felt the warmth of the fire on his cheeks."I have been practicing making trees and other plants for a while now, and I think I may have perfected it." He then moves one of his hands to role one of his sleeves up to his shoulder revealing the mucus underneath. Soon the fire spreads making a little fire forest along his arm. He moves a little bit away from Helena so she can't get burned. He speaks as he looks at the fire, "Who knew fire could do all this?"</s> <|message|>Helena Estrada Helena watched as the free grew from his palm as if it were dirt. She was amazed by this feat, though it was simply a tree. At him comment about perfection, Helena teased, "Eh, I think it's a little uneven." She let a short, natural pause pass between them and added, "It's a pretty good tree- possibly perfect." Seeing him roll up his sleeves and reveal the mucus was interesting, but she figured that was how he controlled the fire, similarly to lighter fuel on charcoal. His arms ignited and she instinctively backed up a few inches. "Fire really can do a lot," she agreed, looking at the positive aspects rather than negative. "It cooks, disinfects, warms... Some even say it has healing powers."</s> <|message|>Zumi E. Zumi silently walked to the campfire where everyone was, she sat down on the soft, green grass and pulled her black hood over her long auburn hair, her bangs covering her Grey eyes. She looked around the camp, looking at each teen, she first stared at Edmond and her eyes brightened when she saw the tree he had created.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne walked over to the boy standing next to the girl with flaming hair. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi. I'm Adrianne Thorsdaughter. Do you want to be partners," she asked a little timidly. She stared up at his salt-and-pepper hair because he was a good foot taller than her, and she felt a little intimidated. Her red hair glowed in the light.@KatherinWinter</s> <|message|>Ivy McBride @Mangrale@1Hawkeyes@LiegeLord@SoulEater@UnknownScarlet4@Blueflame "Water safety is very important. How many of you know how to swim?" The counselors asked. They wanted to make sure that everyone would be safe. Some people learned to swim young. Some people learned late. Others never leared. They could not afford to assume anything when it came to this group. Ivy planted her feet some distance from the late and shook her head. "NO!NO! NO! I'M NOT GOING! I DON'T LIKE WATER! WATER IS NOT MY FRIEND!" Water put out fire so she wanted nothing to do with it. It was too dangerous for her. She looked around for her brother. Her coukd keep her safe. He could control the water. But she saw a girl approaching him. Kyle was surprised when a girl approached him. No one had talked to him in awhile. He had begun to think that he would have to be Ivy's partner. He didn't envy whoever got his sister. Ivy didn't like water. In fact she was pretty much terrified of it. He gave the girl a reassuring smile. "Sure. I would like that."</s> <|message|>Zumi E. Zumi stared at the water, and spoke in a raspy voice. "A man drowned in that lake there, I am not going into a lake with dead man swimming in there", She pointed at it and backed up slowly, staying her distance because she knew something living was in that lake. She turned her head around to an unfamiliar voice and waved at the old man with chains around his arms and ankles. He smiled at her, The old man walked to the tree, his chains rattling against the grass.</s> <|message|>Max Magraw "i can swim can you Valencia" max said wondering if he would have to jump in if she can't swim and she fell in.</s> <|message|>Valencia Moon Valencia looked back at Max."I have swum before but it was 2 years or so ago since I have last swum." She told him. Valencia wasn't embarrassed by telling it. It was only better to let it know since a lot can happen with an activity like this. "I believe that it was in a lake like that behind us." Then a thought came up: * If something does happen maybe he will jump right in to help* a little blush stayed on her face.</s> <|message|>Max Magraw "alright" max said smiling. "i wonder when it will start" max said as he thought of something 'wait we have to where swimming stuff, oh no'. He blushed he didn't want to not have a shirt on.</s> <|message|>Valencia Moon Valencia noticed that Max got a little exited about the activity too. "Yeah, I also wonder when we will go. We need to change in to swimming clothes first. She said after Max. Valencia wanted to go to her cabin to get changed. She looked around the fire pit while waiting for the counsellors to tell more about the activity.</s> <|message|>Adrianne Thorsdaughter Adrianne grinned at Kyle then raised her hand like she was in school, waiting to be called on. She waited paitently for the counselors to call her name. Quite randomly, she decided to start running mental calculations so that she'd have the figures if building a canoe was required.</s> <|message|>James Berken @Mangrale *James would raise his hand, the little Void just sitting in her lap. Him wanting the Counselors knowing he could swim at least as he looks back at Neric and Cecilia with a smile. Not wanting to spoil their moment, but he would speak up to them just to make sure* "You two ready or need more time for the cuddling?" *Neric huffing as he looks at James, purring in her lap still. The boy scooting a bit closer, mostly letting Cecilia state when she is ready. Not knowing when the counselors are wanting to start though, maybe it was soon or later on. But they did look cute together, her petting Neric and the Void laying in her lap. Smiling a bit as he waits for the counselors verdict*</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis @KatherinWinter "Oh, right. I know how to swim," Cecilia called to the counelors just loud enough so they can hear her while raising her hand as well, the other hand continuing to pet Neric a little longer. She was a little embarrassed at being caught not paying attention, but was naturally still enjoying her moment with the Void. "(eager sigh) I guess it's about time to go, Neric. Thank you for this. You're so sweet," she said gratefully, admiring him. "Wish us luck, alright?" With that, she looked up at James warmly and nodded, letting him know she was ready.</s>
<|message|>James Berken "Oh I'll be there for both of you Cecilia, remember James is my Human. Also he was the one that allowed me if you allowed me to lay down." *The little Void jumping out of her lap as he walks over to James, him smiling as he holds out his hand with the wound* "And yes James. It was nice." *James rolling his eyes as he smiles, the Void disappearing into his wound as he looks at Cecilia* "Sorry if I interrupted, after we are done canoeing I'll let you and Neric have fun while I maybe go on a walk or something. You two seemed to have enjoyed it and look cute together." *James said with a chuckle, to be honest a little jealous of the Void. Though he wasn't showing any of it, more along the lines of happy to see Cecilia happy. Smiling softly at her as he held his hands together*</s>
<|description|>Maeda Hitomi Appearance: Gender: Girl Age: 16 Class: 1A (Formerly Support Class) Height: 5"6 Weight: 135 Personality: Hitomi is the queen of the Support Class; a title she earned by being the most angelic girl it's possible to be. She is just so nice and sweet, and always has a sheep's ear free to listen to anybody's problems. She is the 'big sis' to many a student. That's not to say she has no edge. She will defend anybody who's being picked on, and will have cross words to say to any bully. Background: Hitomi's parents were sheep people. So too is she a sheep girl. Throughout most of her life, she always helped people, and treated everyone with kindness. There was a reason for this, though; Her parents had stressful, hard jobs, and were never in a good mood, or very nice to Hitomi. It was her who cleaned the house, cooked, and looked after and cheered her parents up. They did appreciate this, and loved their daughter, but were just too bitter from their jobs. She was the glue holding everything together. Whenever her parents had an argument, Hitomi would sit them down and mediate it. Due to this, they never had a serious row. It was when she was 14 that they both couldn't take much more of this and implored Hitomi to go off and make something of herself. She was too good a person to waste her life with them. So she got a part time job in an elementary school as a classroom assistant, and rented a room. While this was going on. She trained to be a Hero. She didn't want to beat up bad guys, but wasn't brainy enough for a medical profession. She applied for Komei Academy when she was 15, actually applying for the support course instead of applying for the Hero course and not making the cut, like most of her classmates. Despite that, she got 100% on the written hero exam, despite failing the physical. It's now her second year, and she's cemented herself as the super-popular sweetheart of the class. Quirk: Hitomi's quirk is a simple mutation quirk; she has elements of sheep biology, including ears, horns, and wool-like hair that grows very quickly. It doesn't give her an other skills, abilities or powers, though. Talents: Knitting, and singing.</s> <|message|>Mamoru Aksha Mamoru sat outside of the training room carefully applying ointment to her hands. She managed to catch those ballistic balls back in the room using a new trick with her quirk, but she hadn't mastered it yet. The damage to her hands wasn't due to the balls themselves, but her own quirk clipping and damaging her hands. It was something she thought up of as she was recovering from her previous injuries; she relies a lot on her shield, but physically she wasn't as superhuman as some of the other students. They had some crazy speed, toughness, or strength, and frankly Mamoru felt lacking. She was fast, sure, and ideally tough, but it's not as if everyone she's going to fight is just going to fight with fists. They'll have weapons and use their quirks, and her body isn't nearly as tough as her shield. Mamoru can't focus entirely on her quirk; she needed to improve too. After applying the medication Mamoru wrapped her hands up carefully so the bleeding doesn't go crazy. Last thing she needed was to cause a little scare and getting blood everywhere. Once done she stands up and heads out of the training room. She needed a bit of a walk, maybe see some of her friends. Or at least some of the other fellow students. She wondered if those pranksters managed to get Amane yet. "Well, now's as good of a chance as any!" And so Mamoru left, looking for trouble. --- Donny's breakfast was made quickly and eaten leisurely. As he ate he wondered how to work on his quirk more. While the battle with Kensai was traumatic, his Symbiot technique was something new that he wanted to work more on; Donny can't stay in his shell forever. If he has to reveal his true form he doesn't want people to think him as a monster, but as an ally. And what a better way than to equip them with some biotic armor and weapons? Granted Symbiot works best with a partner... Which Donny hasn't really gone out of his way to make. Sure everyone is nice to him, but he doubts anyone is really close. His fault really; he's been so shy that he's still never really got out of his defensive and reclusive nature. "That has to change. For me sake." Of course easier said than done. By now everyone has already formed their own little cliches. Donny knew he was lagging behind. He needed to go out. Get some air, meet some people. If there was one benefit of being the reclusive stranger, it was that no one really had a good impression of what he was like. Made it easy for him to lie about himself. So once Donny finished eating his breakfast he left the dorms and wandered around the school for a bit. Perhaps he could find some activity to get involved in. How hard could it be? Just find something interesting and join in. Just doing it seemed to be the usual advice people online gave him, at least. As long as he didn't overthink it and just did what he felt was best, surely he won't have any issues making new friends. And maybe if he focused more about where he was walking and less about hyping himself up for normal social interactions, he might've noticed the banana that he stepped and proceeded to slip on. "Baaah!" His giant floppy body hit the ground with a loud smack, hard enough to cause his entire being to jiggle. Naturally he was fine, but now he was feeling really embarrassed. He really hoped no one was watching...</s> <|message|>Toru Ayanokoji T o r u Cypher Due to completely unavoidable circumstances involving a locker and a general disposition towards keeping an emotional distance from other people, Toru Ayanokoji wasn't especially feeling the impact of the injuries a few of the students suffered recently. That is not to say he particularly liked what happened, but empathy was a very human emotion, and Toru simply had trouble with it sometimes. But this was problematic for him nonetheless, as the inability to properly empathize made it rather weird for him to try to interact with most people over the past few days. His attempts to lighten the mood with jokes and things typical to him simply did not work as well as they typically did, and for that reason, his mood was just a bit more sour than normal. Or rather, it was. At one point, he had his doubts that pranking Amane was going to go well or even be worth the effort. However, utilizing multiple quirks and quick thinking, the ragtag team of pranksters had managed to land a successful nutshot on the jackass. Thus, Toru was simply elated to be 'living' right now. It was an effect that would probably persist for a while, granted nothing horrible happened. And with the lack of responsibilities today, that was unlikely, right? So after sleeping in a bit and then the standard morning prep, he ventured outside. And after a short walk, he noticed a familiar female student. Is that the ARMy of None? She missed the best thing ever! Confident she'd get a kick out of hearing about the incredible teste takedown that had recently taken place, Toru waved to grab her attention and then sped up his pace to meet with her. "Hey, ARM--err, I mean Akasha, you missed the best ballroom blitz any student of this school has ever seen! Guinness would've awarded us, I'm sure of it. Also on an unrelated note, do you think Amane is capable of murder?" Or perhaps a better question would be if he could have kids anymore?... Well, I doubt he had to worry about that anyways, with that attitude.</s>
<|message|>Maeda Hitomi Tomoe Kishitmoto Maeda Hitomi Location Girls Dorms --- Tomoe had been out for the past few days that had gone by. She had close to no recollection what had happened before she fell unconscious. Only vague dreams lingered about in her mind as she made her way back to her room with a thick bandage covering the entirety of the forehead part of her head. Kiwi had slowly told her what had happened and diagnosed what it had been to her. Tomoe did feel really bad about it all despite knowing what happened. It was such a thing for her to do. With her gaze turned to the ground she softly knocked on the door of their dorm room waiting for the sheep to answer. It took a few seconds, in which time Tomoe could hear very faint metal music stopping, what sounded like a pair of headphones clattering on wood, and then Hitomi opened the door. She was about to ask 'hello?' but the moment she say Tomoe, she beamed, and flung her arms around her rommie, and hugging her tight, but not too tight. "Tomoe! You're out! And okay!" Tomoe was squeezed by Hitomi making her glare in irritation a little by two things. She did pat the sheep softly to make it feel like it was all alright now. Tomoe softly spoke unlike her usual self she sounded full of regret and shyness. "Sorry Hi-chan, sorry for scaring you like that. Did I hurt you anywhere." Hitomi shook her head, and Tomoe some pats of her own. "I'm fine. Your clone bit my ankle but it never hit me with a serious attack. Really, don't worry about it. You haven't seen me when I lose it. It''s far worse than your clone...Anyway!" Hitomi cheerfully yet desperately exclaimed, trying to yank the mood back to happy by force. "You're out, and you're here, and we're both okay. So there's no problem!" "Hi-chan..." Tomoe softly sobbed as she tightened the hug and pushed her face deeper onto her shoulder. Tomoe will never want her clone to hurt any of her friends ever again. She will try to get her under control somewhat. When her sobbing bad died down somewhat she let go and sweetly looked up at Hitomi with somewhat teary eyes. "You can be the first to draw on my bandage now!" Hitomi gave her friend pats on the back for as ling as she cried on her shoulder, and when she seemed okay enough, let go and looked up at her. Hitomi though it was a cute and quant idea to draw on the bandage, and knew exactly what to draw. Grinning, she took a marker pen from her desk, lifted Tomoe's hair up, and at the side, away from the actual forehead wound, drew a curly sheep horn more or less where Hitomi's were. Underneath she wrote 'get well soon, Tomoe!' followed by a heart. Unpatiently Tomoe stared up at Hitomi her hands moving and drawing on the bandage. She was doing a lot so she was sort of curious to what she all might be drawing. "Ugh, it is taking so looong." Tomoe exclaimed boringly. When Hitomi was done she quickly jogged to the mirror where she could see the signature signing of Hitomi. It was cute, unordinary and specific to who drew it. Tomoe amazingly stared at the bandage for a few seconds before taking a picture of it with her fold phone. She quickly ran back to Hitomi again. "Hehe, thank you! Next time you break something I'll draw on your bandage!" Hitomi raised her eyebrow and chuckled. "Jeez, you're almost wanting me to break something now! I'm glad you liked it, anyway. So, what do you want to do now?" Hitomi asked the pinklet what she would be wanting to do now. Well she did have one thing left to do now. "I'll go to Acion and sleep there I guess. He must have comfy wings to sleep on." Hitomi recoiled in shock, as she turned bright red at the thought of Tomoe sleeping on Acion's wings, or Hitomi herself doing the same thing. She shook the thoughts out of her head, but still stammered as she replied to her friend. "S-sleep on Acion's bed? W-why would you do that? Besides, He's N-not even there. Well, probably not." "He? Well other people their beds smell good and are comfy as well. When you aren't home I use your clothes and bed all the time!" Tomoe giggled softly as she already started to turn away in order to leave the room. Hitomi was stunned in place for a few seconds, before she came to her senses and rushed to catch up with Tomoe. "Wait, what do you mean? Are you saying you wear my clothes? Tomoe, wait up!"</s>
<|description|>Val Tiné Age: 16 Ability: Bloody Mary: She can turn her blood acidic like and burn when it touches another thing/person without hurting herself with it. She can also make the blood solidify and form shapes out of her hands (tiny shapes not like a full sword for now). She wears one ring on each hand with a hidden blade so that she can cut her palms to access her blood. The more she uses her power aka the more blood being let out the weaker she becomes before she faints from blood loss. Bio: Val grew up being feared and thrown away. Apparently having acidic blood spewing out of your body would get you labeled as a "demon child". She was thrown around household to household, and eventually not even the church would take her in. Because of this she tends to act rash and has a "take no shit" attitude. She hates weak people but at the same time hates people who push others around and act high and mighty. Val hates violence but because of her personality, it becomes an inevitable force in her life.</s> <|message|>James Berken Neric would tilt his head a bit from her words, she must have completely ignored him back there. Huffing softly as he shakes his head, fluffing his feathers as he speaks. "I guess you did ignore my words back there, which gives me the feeling you watch too much sci-fi stuff. As I said before... I have no idea what you are talking about. I have no idea what kind of Void you met and have no idea how you even know about us, but please do refrain from that kind of lecturing." The little creature spoke as it watched her, she knows about Void? How much now, he was curious. If she knew about them, maybe she is one which doesn't make him feel good. He and james already have Granger on their tail, they don't need another one. "But really tell me, how do you know about my kind? I'm curious to what you know..."</s> <|message|>Val Tiné @KatherinWinter Val smiles back, "Thanks you seem cool too." She stands up and stretches. "I think I've been in here too long, the noise is starting to get to me." She laughs and looks around, stopping her gaze at the two campers Jack mentioned earlier. Mostly to the girl with red hair. She shook her head and began to wonder how people can even have that much energy, it tired Val out just thinking about it. The boy on the other hand, seemed cool and collected but also lingered close to the girl. Are they dating? They seem like total opposites. She thought to herself. Val then realized that she was basically glaring at the two and turned her head away hoping they wouldn't notice and looked back at Jack instead, "I'm gonna step outside for a bit, I need some fresh air."</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis James did find her empty hand, and Cecilia looked fairly surprised for a second before turning her own hand around to hold his, her thumb lightly kneading the top of his fingers and even the area further down the back. She hoped that between her hand and her warmhearted expression, he would be less inclined to dwell on how flustered she also was. There was little to no doubt she enjoyed this, although James is looking to be the only person that can steal the spotlight away from breakfast for her and if this continues, she may forget that she still had a few more bites left. "Me too..." she spoke softly, immediately thinking she should have breathed in before speaking, so she could have sounded more composed.</s> <|message|>James Berken He would smile softly, looking at their hands before back at his meal. He wasn't a left handed person, as she can see he is having a bit of trouble with getting anything on the fork he was using. But it looked like he didn't mind one bit, his smile still going as he looked at the food. Looking to Cecilia out of the corner of his eye as he finally gets a bite on his fork. Speaking softly. "Still soft and smooth from last night..." His cheeks slightly red as he takes the bite, closing his eyes and sighing. Enjoying the moment of good food and someone close to him sitting with him for breakfast.</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis "Th-Thanks..." Cecilia's voice stammered as she imagined the embarrassing face she might have been making. She too resumed eating, having an easier time of it than him while still a little self conscious of how she was eating, careful to do so as competently and as nonchalantly as possible, though with only marginal success. Her smile widened a tad when she thought of perhaps helping James with his food by feeding him herself. But she had the feeling that doing so might be going too far, especially since he didn't seem to mind as far as she could see. "You know... In all that time I spent moving from place to place, I couldn't even keep in touch with any friends I did make... and eventually I couldn't get that close with anyone... And now here I am," she spoke softly before chuckling lightly as she slightly lifted his hand in hers. "And I have you to thank for that, James." She wanted to keep the mood light, yet she was sincere in what she said.</s> <|message|>James Berken James would put down his fork, smiling softly as he listened to Cecilia. Though he wondered if they would be able to keep in touch once camp was over, if they would hear from eachother again. But that's a long way down the road, still a lot of time before he should really worry about that. Looking at her as he smiles softly. "Well I feel special, that I got to be able to get close." Looking at their hands, it felt nice to him. Rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand before looking to her again. He's done with eating it would seem, just enjoying the moment with her. "But I hope we can keep in touch after the camp gets over..."</s> <|message|>Lin Yang (White people can have Chinese names too. -,-) Lin shook her head. "No, I was asking you, hon. I'm a babe in the woods as far as your...species? concerned. I only heard your...master?....mention what you are a few minutes ago. To humans, "void" typically sounds really dark, ominous and, well, evil. I was just hoping to ascertain how much you and/or your kind fit...into those three categories." She was picking her words very carefully here, still managing to keep one eye trained on Kyle. It was a bit odd that he hadn't replied to her little tirade, but maybe he was treating it as water under the bridge. Lin suppressed a chuckle at the unintended humor, not wanting Neric to think HE was the one amusing her. "But yeah," she continued, looking at Neric's avian eye region, "You're the first non-human sentient species I've ever met. I'd like to hear more about you all sometime."</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis Cecilia had just about finished her food by this point, appearing to pause with the last bite in her mouth when she heard the last words James said. She swallowed, her eyes turning down to her empty plate. "I'd like that very much..." she agreed, her voice not very ardent at all, yet quite earnest. Her hand squeezed his deftly, a subtle reassurance while she looked up at him and smiled again, her head tilting playfully. "But until then, let's enjoy our time at camp as much as we can, okay?" she said, livelier this time. "Look, the day just started, and Neric's already making friends." She smirked as she turned her head to Neric conversing with the new girl. "I wonder where he gets it from," she chuckled airily, content to spend the rest of the meal time like this with James.</s> <|message|>James Berken "Oh I see, just a misunderstanding then. Well to be honest my kind aren't the nicest lot true enough, but I try not to be like what my kind is. Well... let me think on those topics, there is no way as far as I know about possession or such. Unless I never seen it..." Him humming a bit as he hops around, the raven breaking down into a cloud before retaking the form of the cat. Walking on all fours before sitting back down again. Besides only being pure black all over with red eyes, he looked almost exactly like the animal. "I'm curious what the unknown is like to be honest... but then the last one was about James. He isn't my master and I'm not his, he's my human. And no I don't wanna call him what my kind call their humans, I feel it vulguer and disrespectful. But you're still learning so I understand, hopefully we are on better terms and such. If you're busy I don't wanna intrude, just wanted to talk this over instead of just have it as it happened and left at that." James chuckles and watches Neric speaking with the girl, smiling softly as he squeezes Cecilia's hand back. Thinking on her words as he looks back at her. "No idea, though he has been around longer then you and me will ever be it seems. So maybe he developed some people skills through his experience? But doesn't have to be just him, wanna go and meet her as well? I think I heard her say her name was Lin." He would offer, not wanting to be the only person she hung out with. A camp full of people to get to know and develop friendships with, besides if she spent too much time with him she may get sick of spending time with him. He's new to this all, hoping he doesn't mess up or anything.</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis "Oh? Well i-if you think so. I'd hate to interrupt… but maybe it wouldn't hurt to say hello at least," Cecilia granted, slowly pulling her hand away from James' and to her other hand in front of her, then immediately thinking of something, speaking her next words delicately while maintaining a cheerful smile, her right hand coming over her blushing cheek. "But... maybe I should um… calm down… first…" her voice lowered to a near hush and she looked away. "I'd like to make a good impression, so I think I'll freshen up a little. You can go ahead though. I can even take your tray if you're done eating. I don't mind," she cordially offered, standing from her seat. She was willing to take their plates to the kitchen, intending to take a few minutes for herself afterward, but if he refused, she'd be fine with it. "I'll catch up with you in a bit, okay?" she said, smiling widely.</s> <|message|>James Berken "Oh? Alright, well take your time. But don't take too long ok? I mean yesterday was really fun when you were around..." Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, did he make a mistake with saying what he said or something? Hopefully not, getting up with her as he looks over at Neric and the girl. Biting his lip a bit, hopefully he didn't make it look like he was that eager to see the girl. But he would give Cecilia a smile, taking her hand and squeezing it gently but caringly before letting it go and walking towards Neric and the girl. Looking back at her for a short while before looking forward. Sighing softly.</s> <|message|>Lin Yang (White people can have Chinese names too. -,-) Lin shrugged, trying not to be startled as the...thing shifted from a raven into a cat. "It's fine! I just got here, so I'm not really busy. What kinds of things have you guys done around camp? I heard through the grapevine that this place is relatively new."</s> <|message|>Jack Grimn Jack looked at Ivy, then back to Val. "Mind if I come? Fresh air does good for the soul, right?" He muttered his next sentence. "If I have one." As he looked at Val, he began to stroke his chin. Val didn't seem to have any powers that were prominent. "Hey, what is your strange gift that sets you apart from the rest of the world? If you don't mind me asking.</s> <|message|>Cecilia Curtis Cecilia gathered both their trays, placing all their dishes on one of the receptacles with the other tray underneath. "Sure thing," she gladly nodded when she looked up at James. She was happy that James wasn't pushing her into a potentially embarrassing situation right away. But at the same time, she wondered if part of him thought she was making a flimsy excuse to back out or even not to be around him. She hoped that wasn't the case, the latter reason not being the case at all, but she wouldn't be able to shake the feeling until she meets up with him again. After dropping off their dishes at the kitchen at an adjacent room, Cecilia searched for the lavatory, reaching into her simple, small handbag and picked out a plastic bag containing her toothbrush and toothpaste once she found said room, opening and closing the door behind her.</s> <|message|>Val Tiné Val picked up her bag and wore it on her back, she has yet to find her room and activities were about to start. When Jack mentioned if she minded company she didn't mind, having a friendly face around doesn't hurt. "Sure, I have to drop my bag off to my room real quick though." As they walked out of the cafeteria Jack inquired to her about her powers and for a second she hesitated. It was the power that made people call her the devil. She figured that at a summer camp with other powered teens, it would be inevitable to show it. But Jack was her first friend in her life, it would be wrong to keep secrets right at the beginning. Still, she didn't want to scare him off. She decided it was best to not expose her scarred palms just yet. "Of course... it's a little... scary though so don't get too freaked out." She smiles at Jack and stopped outside the cafeteria. She extends an index finger flat in front of her. A ring on her other hand popped out a tiny blade which she uses to prick her finger, making a small cut. Blood starts to slowly surface out of the cut and starts forming a circle. Then it starts to rise, within seconds it forms into a shape of a diamond and crystallizes. It floats in the space above her finger for just a few seconds before it liquefies and falls onto the grass patch below, burning it causing the ground to smoke. Val then looks to Jack, hoping to not have freaked him out.</s> <|message|>Jack Grimn Jack looked down at his hands. "I don't mind waiting." When she performed the trick, he stared at the blood, and the smoking grass. "That. Was. Sick! So, you can, like, kill someone with that? And is there a way you did that? How did you get your powers?" He said it all so fast, he was doubled over, gasping for breath. With a snap of his fingers, a skeletal man who looked like a fitness trainer handed him a fresh water bottle. "Sorry about that." He took a tentative sip, then a gulp.</s>
<|message|>Val Tiné Val stood still in surprise as Jack downed his water and stifled a laugh, "I could say the same thing about you, honestly your skeletons are so cool." She puts her index finger to her lips and sucks the remaining blood away. "As for my powers, I think I was born with it. People called me "devil child" before I could even talk. I never really tried to kill anyone, it mostly just leaves nasty burns." Val shrugs and continues, "Maybe if I make it into a blade or needles and stab it through someone, it'll probably kill them." Val then points at the fitness trainer skeleton, "What about you, how did you become lord of the undead?"</s>
<|description|>Samuel "Sam" Worthington "It's cool, everything will be fine." Appearance: Gender: Male Age: 18 Height:5'10" Weight:180 lbs Build: Athletic Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin Tone: Pale White Personal Style: Sam's clothes are meant to be practical more than reflective of any given style, typically wearing a white t shirt and gray sweat pants for maximum mobility. The one thing resembling extravagance he wears would be a pair of durable athletic shoes, chosen to work well with his new magic. Personality: Focused | Relaxed | Intelligent The first two traits might seem contradictory at first, but they're really not. Sam is normally the sort of person who likes to be more laid back, but when faced with something important or interesting to him, he will put all of his efforts towards finding a solution. And relaxed does not mean stupid; Sam is quite capable of thinking his decisions through before acting on them, though that doesn't mean he always does so. History: Sam grew up in an overbearing family who had a strict path set for him. Get good grades, go to a top university, and become a top lawyer or doctor. This left little room for doing anything besides what his parents wanted, which led to him feeling very stifled. So around 6 months after his seventeenth birthday when he discovered he could somehow move the wind? That was probably the happiest day of his life. And it wasn't even some grand event; Sam was just trying to fan himself with his hand on a hot day when he was simply far more successfully than he expected. This power, whatever it was, was something Sam could use on his own terms. He could explore and grow these abilities of his, and that is precisely what Sam decided to do, spending the next six months in a sort of secret "training" period. In the end, the result was that he could use his "wind force" ability in a variety of ways. Around Sam's 18th birthday, he was getting ready to go the college his parents had picked for him when he got a mysterious letter. Not from some university impressed with his grades, but from some "Benefactor" who would help improve his abilities. It was a little suspicious that someone could find him this way when he was careful not to reveal his magic, but mostly Sam wanted to see how this person would help and maybe meet people with other powers as well. So instead of driving off to college, he drove to North Reading, sold his car (there was no point in doing this if his parents could just track him down), and walked to 666 Mystic Lane. Equipment: -A wallet containing around $100 in cash at any given time -Cell phone -Laptop -As he was meant to go to college, Sam also brought two suitcases with him to the house with standard things like clothes, but they also contain around $15,000 hidden in different secret compartments Magic: Sam's magic is wind manipulation. Right now he is just a novice, so he only has one way to make use of it in any organized way; something he calls wind force. Basically, this creates a blast of wind that can be utilized in a variety of situations. These include, but are not limited to: -Creating a blast from the palms of his hands to push things away -Using this ability with his feet for the purposes of high-powered jumps Of course, Sam has more ambitions with his abilities than this. He can imagine a time in the future when his magic could be used to do more fantastic things like create a blade of wind or even fly, but this is what the education is for, right? The weakness to all of this is the more of his power he uses, the more "out of breath" he feels. Sam is usually fine after relaxing to restore his energy, but an extreme use of his power could lead to passing out from a lack of air.</s> <|message|>Ashe "Portal" Ben'Ghazad A few days before Ashe looked at the invitation and the card with wonder. On one hand, she could keep the card and continue as before. Her newfound ability would be more than enough to keep her safe from whatever creatures and hunters this benefactor talked about. On the other hand, what if she couldn't escape or defeat them? She read and saw a lot of movies to know that at one point or the other, the protagonist always finds themselves outnumbered or outclassed. Not that she believed that she's a protagonist but it was the closest thing to her current situation. Taking one last puff of her cigarette, Ashe shook her head. What would be the worst that could happen? She arrives there, someone tries to rape her and she teleports their dicks in China or she gets there and learns more about her ability and how to better control it. The benefits outweigh the risks after all. Today As the taxi dropped her off about a kilometre away from the mansion, as per Ashe's instructions, Ashe paid the driver and watched as the car went away. She could be called a lot of things but dumb wasn't one of them. Ashe approached the mansion on foot, occasionally taking out her binoculars and scouting up the place as she got closer. If this was a rape game or something like that, she won't be taken down easily. Broken trees, outgrown garden, mansion looking like it is about to collapse. For someone who had the money and means to throw around, this benefactor was not taking care of his place of residence. Unless, of course, it was all a ruse to keep people in the dark. Who'd even suspect a place like this would hold, potentially, a bunch of magicians? She watched as a few cars parked in the driveway and people came out of them. Maybe others who received the same invitation or maybe the benefactor's henchmen. Eventually, after a few more minutes of checking the surroundings and not spotting any trap, Ashe took a deep breath to ground herself, she moved her hand in a circular motion while concentrating on a place between the potential magicians and then a portal opened in front of her. Stepping through the portal, Ashe took a cigarette out and lit it up as she got on the other side. Releasing a thick smoke around her as she appeared between the gathered people. " Either you all can do some magical mambo-jambo or I got the wrong mansion and you clearly didn't see me appear out of a clearly not-magical portal and this is all an elaborate prank on national TV. " said Ashe with a grin on her face.</s> <|message|>Morgan Lafleur Arriving at the Forest "Here we are. I don't know what you're looking for out in the forest, but here's the furthest I am willing to go. Good luck out there in the woods!" came the rough voice of the taxi driver as he not-so-gently applied the break. The taxi pulled to an abrupt halt in the middle of an empty road. One quick glance around the surroundings would reveal how empty and desolate the road was. There was not even a single vehicle in sight. This was the only road that led into the stretch of forest. Nothing could be heard other than the ever-incessant whir of the engines and the puffs of smoke chugging out of the exhaust pipes. Morgan reached into his pocket, fished his wallet out, and opened it. Slotted within his wallet was the prepaid card that came with the mysterious postcard that Morgan had received just two weeks ago. A week or so ago, Morgan might have hesitated with the use of the card. After all, who would air drop a card with an unspecified monetary value so easily to someone else. With how the postcard and package had just lightly flitted into his room, it was definitely much more likely for the entire package to have just been a prank, or that the card had been empty. However, Morgan was desperate. Desperate enough to grasp at any straws that offered even a faint slim chance of survival. There was no way Morgan could bear any more of the pain, suffering and wounds of society. Humans and humanity hurt themselves way too much and easily. Just a simple walk to the supermarket and back and Morgan could experience at least two to three people hurting themselves by accident or otherwise. Morgan would always end up with cuts and bruises each time he deigned to leave the house. Morgan quickly paid the taxi fare with the card he was holding. Without a moment's hesitation, he got out of the taxi, retrieved his bag pack and headed off along the road leading into the forest. He had no idea what to expect when he arrived at his destination, but Morgan was willing to bet everything he had on this last chance. Journey to the Cabin As Morgan took one step after another, the serenity of the forest became more and more oppressive. The forest was silent and quiet. The pause button seemed to be on. Even the rustle of the leaves as the wind blew past the nearby trees seemed muted. Morgan took another glance at the map application on his phone to ascertain that he was heading in the right direction and continued walking. There was definitely something good about all the silence and inactivity around Morgan. At the very least, if there was nobody around, there would not be anyone getting hurt, and Morgan's weird... magic would not activate and cause him even more pain. As Morgan trudged onwards, he began to wonder what he would discover when he eventually reached his destination. Throughout his whole journey, his mind had been preoccupied with where else he needed to go and what mode of transportation he needed to take. He had taken a domestic flight, took a train, and then at the train station, hopped onto the taxi that had dropped him off in front of the forest for the final lap of his journey. It was only now when Morgan was so close to where the postcard had asked him to go that he finally had the chance to think about what he was supposed to expect. The postcard had mentioned a tutor. Could the final destination be a school for what the postcard termed "warlocks and witches"? Yet, the postcard mentioned that magic had not been seen for thousands of years, so it seemed less plausible that the location mentioned on the postcard was an academy. Maybe Morgan would meet a wise sage with knowledge beyond his or her years. Or, was it possible that these "warlocks and witches" were evil and did the bidding of the devils and demons of old. Morgan did not fail to notice how the address contained "666", the so-called "Number of the Beast". Was it possible that he was being invited to a cult? Would he end up being forced into eternal servitude under the devil? Morgan's footsteps faltered at this point. However, he had already come so far, that there was no turning back. The only thing he could do now was to continue on to see for himself what the invitation was about. There was one point of worry though: The "creatures that the mages of old banished" and the hunters mentioned on the postcard. Were they likely to be watching Morgan now? Morgan felt a shiver run down his spine at the thought of being caught unawares and attacked before he reached what he deemed as a momentary safe haven. He quickened his footsteps and willed himself to walk faster. The Cabin Morgan took a look at the map on his phone. The map indicated that his desired location was just a turn ahead. Morgan slid his phone into his pocket - he did not need to use the map application any more. Morgan continued walking and as he rounded the bend in the road, the sight of a desolate, lonely building standing there amidst a clearing in the forest. A dead tree stood right beside the house, bringing with it an ominous feeling. The roof of the building seemed to be in disrepair and it was unlikely that there was anyone living in the building. Morgan took out his phone and the postcard again - perhaps he had made a mistake and this was not the right destination? Thoughts that he would be forced into a cultist group surfaced in his mind yet again. Morgan wondered if it was not too late to turn around. He could not imagine having to spend a night in a building that was as exposed to the weather as the building in front was. As Morgan was trying to decide what he could do, he heard a small commotion just to the side of the house. He saw a dark circular space expand in the middle of a group of four people - three women and one man. "Dark circular space" may not be an apt description of what Morgan witnessed. It seemed more like light was just non-existent within that space. Morgan did not have much time to ponder on what he had just seen before a woman stepped out of the circular space, lit up what seemed to be a cigarette and seemed to be speaking to the rest of the people around her. Morgan could not hear what she was saying, but he was drawn to find out more about each of those people and their supposed "magic". Morgan slid his phone into his pocket yet again and after taking a deep breath, as if to encourage himself, started silently and slowly walking towards the group of people gathered near the house.</s>
<|message|>Samuel "Sam" Worthington I deleted this post due to withdrawing from the roleplay.</s>
<|description|>Roy Gerald Bivvens, Color Guard Gender: Male Age: 17 Year Level: 3rd year Faction/club: Technically the Boxing Club Power: Roy is capable of emitting blinding flashes of light from his fingertips. Though they possess no heat or force behind them, each bolt of light is easily capable of dazzling and confusing its target. This attack is capable of inflicting permanent damage to the cornea, though it would take several minutes of prolonged exposure to make a noticeable effect on someone's sight. This attack is capable of penetrating eyelids, hands, cloth, plastic, and almost all forms of glass. Powers that manipulate light can somewhat reduce the intensity of Roy's beams, though it cannot redirect them. If Roy so chooses, he can emit light of a significantly lower intensity, of any frequency and color. Roy Bivvens' school career was largely uneventful, prior to his admittance to Kagetora High School. As Kagetora High School was the closest institution to Roy Bivvens' family, it was chosen as the best option. Roy's first year at Kagetora High School was a wretched quagmire of ill-advised mistakes, very narrowly ending with Roy hospitalized at several points. In his sophomore year, Roy opted to join the school's marching band, more specifically the color guard. Under the guidance of the color guards' director, a wispy-haired art teacher by the name of Nobuyuki Johnson, Roy learned to assert himself and move with confidence. Through applying Nobuyuki's teachings to his daily life, Roy managed to not only increase his social standing, but boost his grades. As a matter of fact, the increase in Points was sufficient to grant Roy a breadth of goods and services, that he liberally helped himself to. The single most useful service Roy used was the school's "Unlimited Printing" principle-- for a nominal fee, Roy could print whatever he wanted for no price whatsoever. Indeed, Roy Gerald Bivvens was one of the few students to have built up a respectable stable of points exclusively from schoolwork and extracurricular activities. As a matter of fact, Roy Gerald Bivvens' grade record has improved massively after Freshman year. Where, in his very first year, Roy would only score an average 70% on assignments and 75% on exams, those numbers have skyrocketed to an easy 100% and 92%, respectively. Coupled with a rather spartan lifestyle and an adamant refusal to spend any money on fights and showing off, Roy had earned a truly legendary amount of points. However much he wanted to rise to a prestigious position in the school, Roy was unfortunately beaten out by another candidate. However unusual it seemed, the antisocial loner in front of him was granted a seat on the student without an election or an interview. As more intellectual students either graduated or transferred out, no new ones replaced them. Instead, the school was rapidly turned over to a majority of students who gained their points and ranking almost exclusively from combat, with few people developing themselves through studying and homework. Embittered and confused, Roy opted to find satisfaction elsewhere. It was here that he found the Boxing Club. With his little-known reputation, habit for theatrics, and color-based powers, Roy found a job as a showman for the Boxing Club's promotional events. For an amount of Points paid by the audience and determined by how well the fight was, Roy was paid to give colorful commentary on fights, spotlight spectacular moments, and advertise future shows. As the announcer for each show, Roy was vital for the operation of the Boxing Club, but found himself constantly worrying about his expendability. Terrified of being replaced with a better announcer, Roy feverishly attempted to make friends with the star players in the Boxing Club, with mixed success. Though his voice is well-recognized, and he is paid very well for his showings, Roy is wracked with delusions of worthlessness. Score: 60,000 Rank, 50,000 Score</s> <|message|>Alphonse "Al" Valkanos "Whoooo, time for Al to win!" Al shouted, raising both fists into the air. The boy ran to the ring, climbing over the rope before his leg was tangled, tripping him onto the ground. Immediately, he picked himself up, and did a celebratory lap around the inside, doing a fist pump. "Alright, where's Bayou Bob? I'm gonna strut my stuff, and show Captain and Roy I -CAN- do gimmicks." he grinned, bouncing on the balls of his toes. The swordsman hyped himself up, stretching his fingers and giving a wild, cheek splitting grin.</s> <|message|>Roy Gerald Bivvens, Color Guard "Rrrright here, sssissssssy," said the guttural voice of Jubei Ichigo, the Bayou Baron. "I'm gonna sssmasssh your head in, and I'mma sssmasssh it in again at Boxermania!" With a mighty leap, a massive, portly, scaled figure heaved himself into the arena and drew himself up to his full size. Standing at 6'4'' and covered in thick alligator scales, Jubei Ichigo was a perfect demonstration of muscle and sinew wrapped in the body of a bipedal crocodilian. With a terrifying growl, The Bayou Baron posed dramatically and slammed his massive tail against the ground. Roy Bivvens nodded at Jubei's entrance with clear interest, and shouted out again. "Hwat an answer! You boys know the rules here: three minutes per round, no strikes at the face or below the belt, and no weapons!" Jubei hissed enthusiastically, doing his damnedest to play to the crowd. He slammed his meaty fists together, and pointed menacingly at Al. With a big, toothy grin, Roy raised his left arm straight up, and lifted a small mallet with the other. Roy swung the mallet into a small ringside bell, and called out triumphantly. The match began! ""Geet'eron!"" With clear practice behind his movement, The Bayou Baron immediately went in for a wicked right jab to the ribs. Could Alphonse Valkanos dodge the Baron's blows in time?</s> <|message|>Kurosawa Misaki (Kurosawa Miki or just 'Mickey') It was time for the first match. Alphonse was going to brawl against the Bayou Baron. The crowd was getting hyped, as was par for the course for whenever Roy Bivvens gave the opening announcements. The Captain made a mental note to speak to Roy and get a few of the boys. After all, there were other preparations that needed to be done. Mickey thought about the matter, and knew what was needed. But for now what he needed to do was prepare to watch the fight. However, Kurosawa knew that the fight would not be merely watched. No, these two spirited contestants would deliver as much passion as possible in this match. The flurry of fists would be grand, and as the Captain, Kurosawa needed to keep things as grand as possible. And what that entailed for this match was simple. Misaki needed to cheer on the sidelines, for the contestant that showed true skill. Or perhaps she'd cheer for whoever was the underdog at the moment. Whoever she would cheer for, she needed to make sure to keep the hype real. And so, Misaki grabbed her pom poms and headed into the crowd. With an eager grin she moved her pom poms from side to side as she gazed upon the ring. "Woo! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Once the match actually traded a few blows she could do the actual cheers. There was one thing she knew for sure, this match was going to be an entertaining show of individuals with their fiery passions on the line.</s> <|message|>Kingsley Sovereign Kingsley started on his pot pie. Today he was using a combination of beef and bear meat, which normally took much longer than chicken as he liked using tough cuts in his meat-based pies and stews. After all, if one was going to use a tender cut of beef anyways, there were better recipes to make. As for the bear, well, it was important to use lean cuts from wild game to cut the 'gamey' flavor as most of that resided in fat tissue. His secret to getting it done quickly was the pressure cooker. By cooking his meat under intense pressure, those tight muscles would loosen up well in no time and congregate with all the other flavors within an hour. He got his beef, bear, and mirepoix ready along with some beef bouillon he had made beforehand. He placed all these in the pressure cooker along with some water, and started on his crust. The crust still wasn't done by the time the meat was ready, but this was planned. He opened the pressure cooker, and the delicious smell of meat wafted out of the Home Economics class. Surely the delicious smells would reach nearby rooms soon, such as the place in which the boxing club took residence, but this did not concern Kingsley. Kingsley only cared about three things: Taste, presentation, and technical execution. The giant sauteed some mushrooms and peas as the mixture cooled and the dough for the crust sat in the refrigerator. He added the sauteed items to the contents of the pressure cooker, which had gone down quite a bit in temperature thanks to his surrounding the container with ice. By now, the dough was ready and he covered the pie pan with the evenly-rolled crust. After shaping it, he used the remainder to cut strips out which would go on top of the meat mixture. He added the warm mixture to the pie pan, placed dough strips on top, and put the thing in the oven. In 25 more minutes it would be done, and as the pie baked the surrounding area became infused with even more delicious smells.</s> <|message|>Matsumoto Souta Souta tried his best to keep his composure as he sat in his chair, his arm holding up his head as it sat firmly and securely on the arm rest of the chair. He stared at Alphonse, trying his best not to break out into panic or into tears. He was of the student council. The student council, a group of the most powerful students in the whole school. Granted, Souta didn't exactly earn his spot on the student council, but neither did anyone else. His sister chose him for some odd reason because she believed in him -- for some odd reason. Because she knew that Souta could... well, do it in the words of that strange white man in that strange YouTube video that somehow seemed to reach popularity. But that was beside the point! Souta's sister had to fight for her seat with her power, a power that kept her safe and secure, that was considered to be "powerful," and Souta had that same exact power. Granted, Souta's sister could summon out five guards at a time to do her bidding, but two was enough for Souta! This power, even though Souta had yet to master it, even though Souta had yet to bring out its full potential, even though Souta had yet to even use it in a real fight, this power would keep him safe. "What are we going to do about this?"</s> <|message|>Alphonse "Al" Valkanos "Geterwha-" All asked before a gator punch slammed into his ribs, releasing a soft wet crack. He fell for my plan! The punch was perfectly blocked by my rib cage! he thought to himself, hooking and arm around the gator's arm. Twisting his body to the side, he lifted Bayou Baron's arm over his shoulder, and began to tug with all his might.</s>
<|message|>Roy Gerald Bivvens, Color Guard The Bayou Baron, definitely a man who knew when to sell a hit, gracefully leaned into Al's grip and was thrown, head over heels, onto the ground. With a mighty THUMP, Al had successfully taken Bayou Baron down a peg. The Bayou Baron had lost! The crowd of boxers burst into applause, both at Al's demonstration of skill and the Baron's demonstration of good sportsmanship and acting prowess. Despite performing an illegal move and refusing to sell a blow, Al came out looking like a genuine hero! "I don't believe it!" cried Roy, ringing the bell and triumphantly raising Al's arm. "The new boy beat our cham-peen monster heel! Bah gawd, I've never seen anything like this before! HHHHWATTA MATCH!" Roy let Al's arm down gently, and clapped him on the shoulder. Roy turned to face the crowd, and pumped his fist enthusiastically. "This is the kind of acting I want to see at Boxermania, boys! Remember: it's tomorrow, so we're gonna need at least three guys up before the crack of dawn to get things set up!" The Bayou Baron, with Roy's help, lifted himself up and through the turnbuckle. Roy held the turnbuckle's ropes open long enough for Al to exit the stage, and addressed the crowd once again. "If you want to volunteer for a stagehand position, just ask me or Captain. Remember, boys: showmanship gets us more points! Okay, we're going to take a little break, and we're going to get to the next match!"</s>
<|description|>Kasai Inoshi Age: 24 Bending Element: Fire</s> <|message|>Avani Shailesh "Why would you want to talk with me? Haven't you caused enough damage already, pig?" Avani shouted, but Kasai turned and left the room. She tried to spit at her and missed, hitting the table instead. Her aim was way off. The first reason her drunken and drugged mind could come up with as to why Kasai wanted to talk with her was nonsensical. "Are you pregnant? I never fucking touched you." She began to move back and forth, swinging from her fastened feet like a pendulum. Her drunken mind eventually remembered that they were both girls. "And that is not how it works. No one is gonna believe you. Dumb pig." Avani was left to her own devices as the door shut. She wondered how long they could keep her hanging like this. It hardly seemed legal in the first place. She had committed no crime prior to being bothered by the police, which they would know about. In retrospect, she probably should have let them bring her in, because obviously she was in more trouble for resisting arrest. The only crime she could think of was what Kasai had said in the spirit world, about how Avani had seduced an officer of the law and she had implied it was a crime then. She groaned at the thought that it may have been an actual crime after all. Avani would have to claim that she had been framed if that was the reason she was hanging here. Kasai had practically begged her to touch her and then even invited her inside her apartment for sex when they had met in Republic City. She was so glad she hadn't accepted now. As the hours passed, Avani thought of a number of bizarre theories as to why she had been sought by the police at all. The only one that seemed plausible was that she had attempted to seduce an officer. Maybe it was considered a form of bribe? She did entertain the idea that Kasai had lied to get to her as well. By the time the door opened again, Avani had fallen asleep or perhaps passed out from being upside down too long. Either way, the sound of the door opening awakened her. She saw Kasai enter the room once more, alone, to finally have that talk with her. "Fair enough." Avani said, keeping herself calm despite feeling the urge to strangle Kasai. "You better have a damn good reason though. If I don't like what you are about to say, then I will tell your superiors, I will tell the papers and I will tell everyone about this." Avani betted everything she had on the idea that Kasai had been lying to others and had no justifiable reason to arrest her. "I'm sure you understand what that would mean for your future." There was hesitation in Kasai, but she must have realized that keeping Avani hanging any longer would make the situation worse if she had no justifiable cause in the first place. Avani thought about grabbing Kasai by the shirt and lifting her up, or kicking her leg again, but she decided to sit down at the table instead. "So what does the proper straight girl want to tell the promiscuous lesbian?" Avani snorted and rolled her eye.</s> <|message|>Kasai Inoshi Kasai let Avani down and out of her restraints, pleasantly surprised when she decided to sit at the table and not bolt out the door at her first chance. Kasai sat down at the other side of the table and folded her hands in front of her. "First of all, you weren't supposed to be arrested," she pointed out. "However, you decided to run, and then fight with the officers. Which just made this situation a whole lot more complicated than I had intended." Kasai sighed and looked down at her hands, piddling her fingers before she looked back up at Avani with a genuinely sorry expression. "I wanted to apologize for earlier and explain a few things to you." It occurred to her how silly that must sound. The fact that she had the police haul Avani in was not going to give her any brownie points, and it probably seemed like extreme measures just to apologize. Then again, maybe the fact that she had gone through so much effort to talk to Avani again would prove to be in her favor. "I didn't mean to upset you earlier, nor was I leading you on." She frowned for a moment when she remembered the sight of Avani walking out of her apartment and slamming the door. "Look, the fact is that I'm an idiot. And I'm sure you'll agree with that..." Kasai paused briefly, to read the expression on Avani's face and gauge whether she was even listening to what she was saying or just hearing words. "When you said that thing about fantasizing, and I didn't drink... I should have explained right then and there why that was." This was nerve wracking for her. Never before had she felt the need to explain herself to anyone, and Avani's stare that bore straight through her soul was not making it any easier. "Not that you would know, but I was unconscious for my first three days in the hospital. When I woke up... I had no one. My two best friends are gone, and that hit me like a freight train. But you know how that feels too." She sighed and fought off the tears at the thought of her friends again. "But I did have something. I had the memory fresh in my brain, playing over and over." She looked at Avani and smiled ever so slightly. "You saving me." All of this probably seemed like bull to Avani, but Kasai wanted to finish what she had to say. Then, she would let the other woman decide if she ever wanted to see Kasai again or if she wanted to disappear into oblivion. Kasai prayed for the former. "That was the only real thing I had to hold on to. So I guess in a way, you could say I did fantasize about you, just not in the way that I thought you had implied." Kasai smacked her palm to her face and squeezed her eyes shut, "I. Am. An. Idiot." "But if you hadn't done what you had, I would be a skeleton in the spirit world right now. Not here, going through hoops just to apologize to you because I feel like I may have fucked up something great." Kasai pointed towards the door and the people bustling around outside of it. "I've put my neck on the chopping block just so I could see you again. And I'll have to do it again to get you out of here without jail time." "But I'm more than willing to do that." She realized she had began to ramble on with seemingly no end in sight, so she sighed and looked at Avani. "All I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, and I wasn't leading you on. I like you, okay? And I don't want to just let you slip through my fingers." The words were hard for Kasai to say, she had never really been one that expressed herself outright. For some reason though, she wanted to for Avani. "I understand if you never want to see me again. But please, forgive me. I'll go tell my superiors that I was mistaken and that you need to be released." She looked at the door, wondering if Avani was going to leave and be gone forever, or if when Kasai returned she would stick around. Hesitantly, she stood and grabbed her crutches, walking out the door to find the lieutenant and the captain.</s> <|message|>Avani Shailesh "I don't even know what you expected to happen when you sent cops after me in that case." Avani said and scoffed. "It seems like sending cops to retrieve anyone with a shady background would be a bad idea." She decided to shut up and listen though. Kasai probably didn't know the reasons for her hatred of cops, and the details of her past anyway. It wasn't like she could hold that against her. Avani was surprised by how nervous and uncomfortable Kasai appeared to be while trying to explain herself. She did withhold a smile as Kasai confessed she had been thinking about her in the hospital, that she had been reminding herself of Avani saving her when every other memory from the spirit world had been horrible. It made her feel less like a fool for trying to pursue their relationship further once Kasai had gotten out of the hospital. She would have told Kasai that she was being too hard on herself when calling herself an idiot, but a part of her felt like she deserved it after what Avani had been put through and another part enjoyed seeing her beat herself up over Avani. No one had ever done that regarding her before, at least not as far as she knew. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It was nothing compared to how she felt when Kasai said she had done all of this just because she thought she would miss out on something great with Avani. She wanted to not let that show either before Kasai was finished talking, but she sat with her mouth slightly agape and her one eye wide open. It was one of those moments that would grow greater with time. She imagined that depending on how it all turned out in the end, she might see this as the moment she began to think of Kasai as the one for her. She truly regretted resisting arrest now, not because of herself, but because she had put Kasai in some deep shit. Avani had no power here though. The only thing she could do was let Kasai try to work out the situation or go to jail. She was not all that against the latter idea, but who knew when she would be released then. Maybe by the time she got out Kasai would have moved on with her life, so no, she didn't say anything in response to that either. Kasai didn't need to say that she liked her or make Avani think she meant it anymore. Her actions tonight had proven it beyond any doubt, and actions generally spoke louder than words ever could. Avani was left sitting dumbfounded in the chair, staring in front of her at the wall. It wasn't until she heard the door opening that she realized Kasai had gotten up and was leaving the room. Of course, she couldn't allow Kasai to go and beg for mercy from the pigs. Avani rose and hurried over to the door, fearing it may lock itself when it closed. She picked Kasai up and pulled her back inside the room. Her crutches fell to the floor outside. She doubted it would be long before the real pigs came bursting in. "Seems the proper straight girl is a lot more bi-curious than I gave her credit for." Avani gasped, put Kasai on top of the table and kissed her fiercely on the mouth. She took of her jacket and threw it on the floor. "I need you now, but damn is this the worst possible time and place you could have chosen." Avani crawled on top of the table, forcing Kasai to lie down underneath her. She slid her good hand up under Kasai's shirt, and caressed her stomach while continuing to kiss her on the mouth and the neck with an ever increasing need and force. "You don't need to tell them the truth if it will get you in trouble. I'll go to jail if you promise you'll wait for me. I did resist arrest at the very least." Avani grinned as she paused her ravaging of Kasai's body for a moment to look into her eyes. "Maybe I'll get to see some old friends or mom again." She could hear footsteps coming from outside the corridor now. Right before the door was flung open; Avani rolled off of the table onto the floor and raised her hands towards the roof. "I surrender. I surrender." Her back hurt like hell for a brief moment after falling from the table onto the hard floor, but she didn't move at all, keeping her hands raised above her.</s>
<|message|>Kasai Inoshi Footsteps could be heard coming from behind Kasai. Assuming that Avani was coming to either hit her from behind or bold out of the door before her, she stiffened. It took her more by surprise to find herself being pulled back into the room, and Kasai was sure that Avani was going to strangle her to death right there. The next thing she knew, she was sitting on the metal table staring straight into Avani's face as she leaned in and kissed her. It was sudden and unexpected, but Kasai pushed against her lips with equal ferocity and sighed. "C'mon, Avani. Haven't you ever wanted an office romance before?" Kasai was forced down as Avani crawled onto the table and on top of her. Wrapping an arm around her, Kasai pulled Avani down further and met her lips. A shiver swept over her as she felt Avani's hand over her abdomen, and she wished now that this could have taken place earlier at her apartment. She couldn't complain though, because now Avani was on top of her and not walking out of the door. Kasai looked up at Avani when she pulled away, her amber eyes blazing with desire. Her head shook and she frowned. "No, it's my fault you're in here. I've got to make this right." Avani's last comment made Kasai curious, but before she could question her, Avani had rolled off the table and a pair of officers had barged through the door. Kasai sat up and straightened her shirt. At the sound of her surrender, one of the officers cuffed Avani and picked her up, leading her away towards the holding cells. "Wait!" Kasai shouted at the cop, but his partner was already hovering over Kasai and asking her a million questions. She shoved him away and told him to get her crutches so that she could walk. Walking out of the interrogation room, she started to follow the other man towards the cells, but she was stopped in her path by the lieutenant, who immediately asked her what had happened. "Sir, we need to talk. My information was wrong, this woman is innocent." Kasai stated. "What? Kasai, it is highly unlike you to order an arrest without proper evidence and probable cause." His tone was disappointed, but he shook his head. "Regardless, she attacked the officers at that bar. We've got her on resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer." The man started to move away but Kasai stepped in front of him, unsteady on her crutches. "Sir, she was drunk and felt threatened when Tai and Zari approached her." She could tell he was not amused with this defense, but Kasai wasn't going to let Avani rot in a cell for things she didn't do. "Look, she just watched two of her closest friends die. She entered the spirit world under the orders of the mayor. She fought off things you could not imagine. And then, she saved my life." The man looked stunned at the last bit of information, but he shook his head. "My hands are tied, Inoshi. She still assaulted two officers despite what she's been through." Kasai held her stare, it almost appeared like she was looking through him. He sighed and looked down at his feet, "I'll see what I can do. But I'm going to have to write you up for this, Kasai. This whole situation has caused the PD too much trouble." Kasai breathed a sigh of relief, though she knew she would probably be restrained to desk duty when she returned to work because of her actions. It didn't matter though. She headed towards booking to find out how long Avani would have to stay in the cells. About an hour later, Kasai arrived outside of Avani's cell. She approached and looked through the bars at the earthbender. "Okay, well I've got some sort of good news." A small smile played across her face. "The PD and the DA have agreed to let you out after three days if you agree to plead guilty to assaulting those two officers. Then, you'll be released on probation, which will last a month." She frowned, knowing it was all her fault that Avani was in this situation. "You'll avoid a court hearing though, and a longer sentence of up to six months... I'm sorry, it's the best I could do." Kasai exhaled slowly and looked down at the ground, knowing that she was the real guilty one here. It wasn't fair, but it was the best she could manage without overstepping her boundaries and getting fired.</s>
<|description|>Ilyssa Alis Age: Looks about 17-18 in human years, is 140 years in reality. Gender: Female Species: Gloaming. Originally a subterranean species, gloamings are pale human like creatures with large black wings on their backs. These wings can be used to fly, and are not retractable. They are lithe creatures, most often not very muscular and/or strong. Their eyes seem to glow in low light. Their skin is bioluminescent, meaning they begin to glow with a faint light in the darkness. They have control over the glow, being able to dim it when they wish. Many gloamings have tattoos and strange markings on their skin, creating interesting patterns when they glow. Their lifespan is from 200-300 years. Appearance: * Hair: Ilyssa has extremely dark black hair that goes to her hips. It's mostly wavy, though it begins to fall in ringlets near the bottom. The tips of her hair fade to a lighter, lavender/gray colour, and streaks of this colour run through her hair. She usually keeps her hair out of her face by either tying it up, clipping it back, or just putting on any headband like object nearby. * Eyes: Ilyssa's eyes have a black ring at the edges, and they're light, grey/lavender colour at the middle. Black flecks are in the middle as well. Her eyes are wide and round, and usually look curious, bored or apathetic. Her eyelashes are a dark black colour, and naturally long and thick. They glow a faint purple in low light. * Skin: Ilyssa has pale skin, clear of any blemishes. It's naturally pale, though her time spent at the school has caused it to become almost white. She has pale freckles, but only a very few, just on her arms and the bridge of her nose. She has a tattoo of a flock of birds taking off on her left collarbone, and a simple tiny spade on her right wrist. Both are black.… * Height/Build: Her height is 5'4, and she has a thin, muscular build. The way she holds herself is reminiscent of a bird, like she's ready to take off any second now. She's much stronger than she looks. * Marks: Scars, lots of 'em. She has a large, jagged one on her back, going from her left shoulder to her tailbone. There are many more tiny ones on her back too. She has strange ones on her arms, some looking like shapes and words. She has a thin one on the right side of her face, right on the jawline. There are a ton on her feet too, a lot looking like she stepped on something that's better not stepped on. Her left elbow and the skin around it has an old burn scar. * Wings: Large, black and angel like, with purple highlights. * Clothes: Abilities: * Bioluminescence: Ilyssa's skin has the ability to let off a faint light in the dark or near darkness. She can choose to dim the light. * Flying: Ilyssa can use her wings to fly certain distances, up to 500 meters. Her wings are too big to be used indoors, get caught easily on branches and the like, and are an easy target to harm her with. * Dark Vision: Ilyssa's eyes can see clearly in low light areas, and semi-clearly in the darkness. However, her vision loses colour the darker it gets, until pitch black darkness, where she's colourblind. Special Weaknesses: She has an aversion to bright lights, being used to the dark. Extremely bright lights can blind her for up to two days. Her wings both have a small spot at the base of the joints where they can be permanently injured, though it's covered by a few joints and layers of natural armour. Weapons: * A small silver dagger, which she keeps hidden on herself. * A set of small throwing knives, kept in various places where she could access them quickly. Items: * Three vials of poison, arranged by order of how lethal they are. The first is enough to get someone sick, the second can send them into a coma, and the third kills. She only has these three vials, so she only uses them if absolutely necessary. * A small silver hourglass with a strange iridescent sand. * A black bag with a long strap, slung over her shouler. It contains various small items of questionable use, along with her money. Backstory: Ilyssa was born underground, into one of the larger gloaming cities. Her parents were killed in a trainwreck only a few days after her birth, so she was sent to live with two strange old gloaming ladies, Mrs. Khyrath and Mrs. Lchvonzerg. At first the old ladies were kind and welcoming to the new addition to their household, but soon after the city was hit by a famine. The stores of food the gloamings had kept in stock had all been infected, and disease began to spread. Gloamings were kept hungry for days, many dying before their next meal arrived. Guards were given free rein to prevent escape at all costs. Hunger and sickness does strange things to people, and there ladies were no exception to this. They began to starve Ilyssa, taking her rations to feed themselves. Once the disease began to break their minds, they began to abuse the child, often calling her names or leaving her to sleep out in the cold. She learned to fend for herself, especially on those nights where she was left out alone, fashioning weapons out of broken glass and learning some fighting techniques of her own. She became good at scavenging items that, while useless at first glance, actually had many uses. When the ladies finally passed away, Ilyssa began to search for a way to leave the city. She gathered as many useful supplies she could carry, and one night, finally found an exit. She ended up in a small town, where she took up odd jobs to earn coin. She honed her fighting skills in this time, acquiring some knives from a travelling salesman. When she saved up enough coin, she decided to set off to Trios in search for a new life Other: I don't believe there is any</s> <|message|>Kaldalis Vau @Zyngard @Dartbored Fairy Kaldalis didn't seem surprised by Kura's answer, she already seemed kind of an airhead when he first met her after all. Suddenly, the sound of the church bells ringing caught his attention. As he looks up, he brandishes Kuy'val dar and is unnerved at the sight before him to say the least. Words written it blood, accompanied by the hanging corpse of a woman could be seen on the wall of the church tower, with blood raining down on nearby citizens. Acts such as these were not surprising in a war, but in a seemingly peaceful town such as this, it was an inhumane act of horror. His attention then shifts to a large bald man with a weapon sheathed on his back that had just approached him, introducing himself and asking for Kal to read his notebook for him. Although perplexed, he decides to comply with his request anyway. Kaldalis: Hmmm... this reads "Relax, let us play with you" As the brute talks about meeting an invisible girl, Kaldalis' becomes more and more suspicious of him, as if he didn't seem suspicious enough before. Based on Boris' description, his "invisible little girl" would seem to be a spirit of some kind. He didn't know if Boris might be working with the spirit or not, but he was sure there was more to him than meets the eye. Kaldalis: The writing on the tower reads "Come and enjoy she's gold." He then turns his back to Boris and faces the two girls, he ushers them away until they're out of earshot and whispers to them: Kaldalis: You should leave, it's not safe here.</s> <|message|>(How would they introduce themselves) Vesania smiles and waves as Karter heads towards the Bazaar. "Yeah, I'll see you around!" She says, before turning around and wandering off. If Karter were to look another way and then back towards Vesania, he'd notice that she's disappeared entirely. Strange, that. As she leaves, the church bell tolls. Karter is close enough to see the blood landing just down the road, but he is fortunately far enough away to not be covered in it. It doesn't take long for Karter to arrive at the large Bazaar should he continue on his way. It's a busy, roofed area with lots of people, shops and alleys, but unfortunately there appears to be a lack of signs giving any concrete directions towards a place to exchange money. And to make matters worse, it seems as though people are panicking because of what is happening at the church, making the bazaar even more chaotic than usual. --- @Hokum@Zyngard The girl smiles as Kaldalis pulls her back to her feet. "Thanks." she simply states as Kura seems to be confused for a moment, before asking the girl a question. "Oh? You forgot already?" The girl says, frowning. "Just down the road from here, remember? The candy store? You desperately wanted some cookies so I bought some for you... did you eat them all already?" The girl sighs and appears to be about to say something else, when the church bell tolls, drawing her attention to the horrific display. As Boris shows up, the girl seems... concerned, likely because of what he says. After all, who wouldn't be concerned about invisible people? Sighing as Kaldalis ushers them away and tells them that it's not safe, she turns her attention back to Kura. "What say you we go buy you some more cookies then?" --- again The stall owner coughs and frowns as Madison shows up, slamming a coin onto the table and demanding food. Quickly they comply, handing over a pastry and taking the coin. "Here, thanks." They quickly state, hoping to end the interaction with this... woman? as fast as possible. --- Vesania nods. "Nice to meet you too, Allysse. And sure, I can show you around if you want." As Madison arrives, Vesania doesn't seem bothered at all by the sight or the smell, and instead simply frowns at Allysse's obvious disgust. "Shall we go-" Vesania barely manages to finish her statement as the church bell tolls. "...that's not good" She says, before turning around, concerned. --- Luce sort of? As the bell tolls and the town is made aware of the horrific display, a small amount of panic erupts close to the church tower, with people running away and seeking shelter from the rain of blood. It doesn't take long for the town guard to react to the incident, ushering people away from the tower as some guards climb the tower, attempting to stop the bell from tolling and removing the body.</s>
<|message|>Ilyssa Alis "That's a pretty name, albeit unusual. As for living here, I'm going to see if I find the area habitable. It seems middling so far, though it is just my first hour or so here." Just as she finished speaking, the bell tower began to chime, spraying blood over a large radius. Ilyssa stood there, taking in the scene. After reading the message, she simply pulled her jacket over her head, offering a side to Vesania. Her face remained impassive, though her eyes betrayed her disgust at the scene. Once the crowd began to move away from the tower, Ilyssa folded her jacket over an arm, letting her wings stretch. "Well, it was lovely meeting you, but I think I shall go and check the inn over there for a room to stay in. Perhaps if I'm lucky they'll have a functioning bath." She flicked some of the blood off her wings and began walking in the direction of the inn, her luggage dragging behind her. The inn itself was unimpressive, though by the crowd around it you could believe it a palace. Shouldering her way through the door, Ilyssa made her way over to the innkeeper, placing down a couple gold coins on the table. The man nodded, his unkept hair flying all over the place. He handed her a key to one of the rooms, motioning to the stairwell behind him. After a few mishaps and incorrect rooms, Ilyssa finally found her designated room. Just like the inn, the room itself was satisfactory, good for one or two nights before she'd be able to move out. Leaving her luggage on her small bed, the winged girl headed over to the bathroom, where she spent a large amount of time scrubbing the blood off her clothes and self. Once she finished, she pulled on a loose outfit, deciding to take a nap before searching for work. Fairy to an extent</s>
<|description|>Lorek Gender: Male Species: Wisp Appearance: He and his squad had the same tattoo on their backs to show their bond. During his last year that tattoo turned more into a burden, and as thoughts about removing it passed through his mind he could never do it. Was it guilt? Or a memento from better days... None the less that tattoo carried over to his new body. As a wisp he has this stripe of black ink rotating around his pure blue form, almost as if his sins are still chasing him, even to this new world. Goals: Redemption Past Life: He was a soldier in a foreign land, sent there to help the government eradicate a rebel group. In the beginning it all seemed just, they were going to another country to free the citizens from the terror and oppression of the rebels. He killed a lot of those rebel scum fueled by the desire for justice and to serve his country. When, was the exact moment that everything changed or better yet, they changed, he didn't know. Somewhere along the way many squadrons started behaving in a more...animalistic manner. Maybe all the killings and the euphoria of the battlefield combined with the fact that they could die at any given time had ignited that sinful flame within them. They started killing the civilians whose houses they were occupying, stealing their food, raping them. War Crimes. The others aside, he had made peace with the fact that he would be charged and sentenced once the war was over. And then it ended, and all he got for it were medals and commendations among many other praises. Returning back home, he saw his smiling wife, looking at him with tearful eyes filled with admiration, besides her she was holding the hand of a child. An innocent young girl who he was proud to call his own. That sight gripped and painfully twisted his heart almost making him retch. How many families had his squad ruined, how many had he destroyed? He tried to live his life, tried to forget, tried with therapy, with alcohol, with drugs and then with other women besides his wife. One year later he committed suicide. Some would say that it was the coward's way out. That instead of owning up to his actions he chose to escape them. But he was a religious person and he knew that no punishment on earth could compare to what would befall him in hell. That day he didn't pray once to God for forgiveness. Abilities: * Skill Gain: Curse Affinity An Affinity Skill makes learning skills related to that affinity easier and boosts their power. The Curse affinity is a category including magics that are solely meant for causing harm and misfortune, and spreading malice. But those who immerse themselves in hatred often drown in it... * Mana Orb I * Lesser Force I * Levitation Transformations: -- Inventory: --</s> <|message|>Ashlyn Irving ~The cavern~ Cypher@Zeroth- Hunting with Orchid --- Ash would have grimaced as most of the volleys had missed - only one of her smaller globs of venom hitting. As soon as one did hit though...well, the plan had worked well. Almost too well. The rat immediately began to heave, drool pouring from its mouth as it's body looked noticeably more sickly in an instant. The smaller globs didn't burn as much as it seemed...but perhaps their smaller nature had a stronger concentration of venom? Since it wasn't spread out everywhere over the surface, that could certainly be it. The same way area pressure worked. She'd need to do more testing. Either way, Orchid quickly closed the distance, tossing a rock right into the rats head causing a splatter of blood to coat the rocks behind it. The rat twitched and convulsed pathetically, the pain and venom ravaging its body mercilessly until Orchid skewered its belly with her makeshift spear. With one last screech, the rat was dead and at least, her meal secured for the evening. "Hmm..." Ash quickly scurried over, taking a claw to its hide and cutting into the meat of the rat, studying it intently for a few seconds and tasting it. " seems I've made a slight err in judgement." She scoffed at her own short shortsightedness. Of course there was a chance it'd get poisoned and ruin the meat, meaning Orchid likely wouldn't be able too. With night seeming to be falling, they needed to hurry. "It seems I accidentally poisoned this meat. Ugh, getting used to this hideous form and abilities is going to be annoying." She briefly glanced over to Orchid. "Eating it would likely be bad for your health..." She turned her head back to the Rat, taking a large bite of the meat and wolfing it down. "If you need I can help you hunt another unless you want this...but I wouldn't recommend it." She was a lizard after all, and she didn't likely need to eat as much as Orchid. ...Hmm, poisoned meat might make for a good trap.</s> <|message|>Asura Asura remembered that the dire rats had the highest physically damaging stat. He was banking on his physical damage resistance and high hit points to hold out under its assault. He knew his damage wasn't as high but the rats hit points and defenses weren't as high as his. It was sort of a mutual exchange, two high stat creatures picking away at each other. After an exchange it backed off then came again, but it was faster than him. Those teeth hurt a a good bit damn it! He kind of wondered why it even attacked him in the first place honestly. Without a mind he probably just turned into a literal puddle of liquid. Or was he like poro's in a game he played before that were like literal jelly. He didn't want to experiment with his own demise. Another exchange and something clicked. An odd red energy crackled over him and his next attack was more powerful. By a lot. Enough to crush the rats fangs, then its skull. It bounced and laid still, lifeless. "Yay... He garbled out as he consumed two herbs within his body. These system messages were interesting and now he had a level up "screen". "Call up hit points? He said, curious to see if he could see his own life force. Maybe he could somehow get a permanent viewed lifebar. But he had five skill points to play with now and some abilities that could prove to be useful. "Uh...allocate two skill points to Physical Damage Resistance. Allocate two skill points to Magic Resist. Allocate one skill point to Smash. He said, unsure if this would work or not.</s> <|message|>Torrent, formerly Rain --- Rain hissed in satisfaction, her maw dripping with blood from her kill. Quick, simple, effective. Exactly how she wanted to work in this new world. No mistakes. She couldn't afford to make them. But... Goblins weren't an option now. They were gathering in droves, going to the bonfire with that bastard Crispy. She shook her head, flinging rat blood around, before she headed back towards where the slime had been. What was his name? Ah, she wasn't even entirely sure where he was. Maybe.... Ah yes, here it was but there was an intruder there, as well. Speaking? Maybe. It wasn't very good, if it was. For now she would wait and watch from the shadows, the darkness her shroud. Either it was yet another like her group, or it was a target, an aberration. And maybe something would entice her into action. For now, though, she was growing sleepy while she waited. Maybe she could level up her venom in the morning, like her stealth.</s> <|message|>Danny @Zeroth With his mind working and him not being under attack Danny couldn't help but think about the fact that the amount of Mana Crystals seemed to drop quickly. Wondering if the same applied to the healing herbs he decided to check. Thinking back he remembered a patch of them growing near the water and flew there as fast as he could, while keeping an eye out for and avoiding any monsters still out. When he arrived his fears were confirmed, there weren't that many herb left. Combined with the decreasing amount of Mana crystals that really wasn't good for his goal of living as long as possible. He quickly went over some options, he could spend all night gathering as many herb and crystals as he could and hide them in a nest, but even if he didn't have to fight, the herbs would eventually rot and he would basically be stuk near it. Making small caches all over the cave also wasn't an option, due to the risk of others finding them. That only left one option as far as he knew. He would have to leave the cave, but he had no idea how strong the monsters outside were. Abilities: * Mana Orb: a simple blast of magic. At the moment it only does as much damage as a strong punch on average, unless the enemy is weak to magic. As it gets stronger it becomes a generic, non elemental energy blast. * Lesser Force: like telekinesis, but only at arm's length, and it isn't very strong. A Wisp could use it to pick up food, but not to throw a heavy rock, for example. * Levitation: allows the user to float about three feet off the ground continuously. To rise higher requires effort equivalent to physical climbing, and the Speed is never faster than a brisk walk Transformations: Inventory:</s> <|message|>Edward "Ed" Marsh Ed took some time to gather his bearings and even more time to convince himself that this was not some sort of messed up lucid dream. Realizing that you had died and made a deal with what was essentialy the devil of this world and becoming one of his candidates to become one of his 'heroes' was, and still is, a very difficult pill to swallow; but now was not the time to deal with it. Ed would soon have to come to terms with this 'reincarnation' thing, but for now he was thoroughly curious regarding the environment he was in. The blue crystals he had seen growing on of the walls was a particular curiosity. The small body of water with some plants was also piqued his interest, but not as much as strange and almost magical blue crystals that grow on cave walls. Doing his best to not catch any critter's attention, Ed sneaks a tad bit closer to a small cluster of them a little ways off the nest; trying to analyze or even identify what kind of crystal it was from his location. It seemed a lighter color than compared to lapis lazuli and it also seemed to produce a...glow of some sort. The fact that the crystal produced light, even in this lesser degree, fascinated him greatly. 'This is absolutely amazing...this kind of thing could never occur naturally back on Earth.' Ed thinks to himself as he keeps a steady but careful pace, wanting a closer inspection of the crystals.</s> <|message|>Orchid Orchid went over to the dead dire rat. The poison was going to be an issue, she wasn't sure if she could cook the poison out even if she cleaned it with a fire. Still... There was some use to the rat corpse itself. It wasn't much, but Orchid could possibly made some sort of loincloth from it. "Alright. Just give me a second..." Finding that sharp rock she nailed the rat with, she began to skin the creature. It was familiar; she did this to rabbits a lot. If she was a normal sized girl and this was a normal sized rat, this thing wouldn't even be able to make a napkin. But thanks to her small size and the rat's huge size, sure enough she had enough hide for something. She had no idea how to tan, but she figured that boiling it ought to make it tougher, if shrink. She vaguely remembered reading that out of an old book back in her normal life. Thinking about her old life, Orchid looked to the lizard. She imagined that unlike most lizards, she was unique since she could talk. Orchid wouldn't know since she's only ever met one, but surely she wasn't the only person from her world here. She wasn't all that special when she was alive; why wouldn't there be others? "I don't think I can eat this meat. You can have it. But let me collect it's bones and stuff, maybe I can use that for something." As Orchid used her stone to cut the rat meat, she tried to collect the bones too. Sure enough they were small; she doubt that could be used to make anything sturdy. But maybe if she could get the right stuff together, she could make a bow or a slingshot. Not that she knew how, but anything was better than throwing rocks and hoping for the best. Orchid's hands were wet and bloody from the rat's blood. Now reduced to a small pile of meat and organs, she wrapped the skin around her waist, using the rat's own bones as pins. "Let's try to find another one, maybe bigger. And maybe some plants too. Anything I can use as string or rope." As she looked around, Orchid wondered if there was any good rocks around here she could try something extra funny with. It had to be a large rock; one that she might be able to stick at the end of her stick. Make a stone hammer of sorts.</s>
<|message|>Lorek Starving and out of MP, like a child after playing all day without rest or food. Exhausted and hungry it slowly made its way towards the pool. First, it needed some nourishment, then, to find more of those crystals. If it had to contest with others to get them, so be it. It had seen some of the creatures in here, especially the goblins. Something about them, their humanoid form seemed familiar and then again, their disgusting features and color looked revolting. How could something just born have such a strong distaste towards another creature without interacting with them? As it traveled across the pond collecting what greens it could find, it couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The black like swirling mass of shadows around it felt closer than before, like it couldn't escape it for much longer. After gathering sufficient nutrition it would levitate its way towards some crystals, fighting for them if it had to.</s>
<|description|>Magdalene Ross Age: 24 Gender: Female Nationality: Canadian Description: Born and raised in bumfuck-nowhere, Manitoba, Mags' choice in hobbies were severely limited. By some extreme luck, her father was quite a figure in professional sports. He also had a horrible sense of money from the fact that he was paid in amounts that included 6 zeroes and everything he used came from some form of sponsorship. Thus, longing for the old days of his childhood (and living in his dream home), he paid an ISP to pipe a spicy cable from the city all the way to his home just so he could play his ancient FPS games without any lag. As a result, Mags grew up wired to the internet. Not like there was anything else she could do, after all. Bumfuck-Nowhere, Manitoba wasn't exactly a shining example of metropolitan life. From the age of 6, she was already on the MMO grind. By 15, she was raiding the hardest tiers of content with the best of them. Only a sunken-cost fallacy in other games could delay her entry into Cacophony Concord. One could call Mags an agoraphobic poop-socker. They wouldn't be that wrong, either. She rarely leaves the house she never moved out of. Her job is entirely telecommuted. Personality wise, she isn't the most stable and lovable person. Being raised on the internet, she lacks much of the communication skills a normal person makes. She's toxic much of the time, but spending so much time raiding has turned her into a decent (albeit crass) leader. Her appearance is pretty par for the coarse for someone like her. Her skin is a mildly unhealthy pale. Her hair is constantly messy and her eyes have deep bags from a lack of sleep. She has a bit of chub on her, but a lack of eating much has in her physique being more small if anything. If someone were to see her in as a fresh spawn, they'd instantly see a tryhard that moves with purpose. Username: Magpie Race: Human Gender: Female Height: 150 cm Weight: 55 kg Voice Pitching: 0 Decorations: Scars litter Magpie's arms and body. Mostly because they're cool. Appearance: Magpie's appearance is based on her recurring MMO character design and as such, shares nothing in common save for height. HP – 400 MP – 30 SP – 400 STR – 136 AGI – 50 END – 50 DEX – 50 LUC – 30Classes: Brawler +10% HP | +15% STR | +5% END Improvised Weapon Proficiency LVL 1 Set equipped weapon's damage bonus to ½ STR if damage bonus is less than ½ STR. The [Magpie] Special Swing wide for a powerful, but inaccurate whallop. Showbaiter Passive. Enemy aggro increases for every hit taken and every hit received. The Guillotine Drop Active. 30% SP cost. Leap past your target while grabbing them by the throat. Upon landing, slam them headfirst into the ground. Inflict Silence. Damage dealt increases with airtime. The Power Hour Active. 5% SP cost per attack. Unleash a flurry of wild blows, generating enough force to push away all individuals except for the target of your attacks. Push-back effect increases with more attacks launched. The Bulldozer Active. 25% SP cost. Enter a Counter Stance, with greatly increased defenses. When attacked, lose increased damage and instantly leap towards the attacker with greatly increased movement speed to bodyslam them. Grab and Smash LVL 1 Passive. Toggleable. Damage dealt by Improvised Weapons is dealt to the Improvised Weapon as well. Weapon gains additional damage bonus equal to ½ STR. Physical Conditioning LVL 1 Passive. Gain 10% STR. Hustle Muscle Active. 20% SP per round. Strike a pose that emphasizes your leg muscles, before increasing your AGI by 20% of your STR. Protein Power Active. 10% SP. Utilizing your knowledge of muscular arts, manifest a Protein Shake that heals for 100 HP and grants 30 STR upon consumption. Cannot be used in combat. Only one Protein Shake can exist at any one time. Moon Flex Active. 5% SP. Bend over, facing away from your targets to show off your muscular glutes, with a chance of taunting them. Efficacy increases if you have higher STR than the targets. Nobody's Natty LVL 1 Passive. Improve the healing and STR-enhancing effects of consumables by 10%. Reduce STR-debuffing effects by 10%. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Active 15% SP. The brain is a muscle, and that means it can be flexed as well. Increase Max MP and Current MP by 10*(20% of STR) for this round. If [Smartman] is one of your jobs, increase by 50% of STR instead. We All Lift Together Active. 50% SP. Become an avatar of muscle, doubling your STR for this round and inspiring all allies within thirty meters to greater heights of muscle as well, increasing their STR by 10% of your STR. After usage of this skill, take true damage equal to your STR. Path of Macho LVL 1 Passive. Every monster you kill that is of greater or equal level to you has a small chance of increasing your base STR by 1. Every Anomaly that you kill increases your base STR by 100. Empty Hands, Open Mind LVL 1 Passive. When weapons are not equipped, SP regeneration per round is 120% of END. Invigorating Palm Thrust Active. 15% SP. Coat your open palm with Qi, before pressing it into the target, mending their body and soothing their soul. The target regenerates HP equal to 5% of your Max SP for three rounds. Vein-Sealing Acupuncture Active. 30% SP. Perceive the meridian lines within your target, before delivering a burst of finger jabs to seal away their powers. Inflicts [Silence] upon the target for one round, preventing the consumption of Resources. Repeated use of this skill upon a target reduces efficacy. Perception: Anime Gore: On Pain Setting: 10% Clothing Damage: On Nudity Censor: Personal Profanity Censor: Off Combat Action: Manual Spell Incantations: Manual Helmet: Armor: Arm Equipment: Main Hand: Off Hand: Leg Equipment: Shoes: Accessory 1: Accessory 2: Accessory 3: Accessory 4:Inventory Type: Basic Inventory Capacity: 20 List [Item]Shovel - Uncommon Weapon/tool [Item]Pickaxe - Uncommon Weapon/tool [Item]Token of the White Tiger - Rare Special Item - Grants access to ??? [Item]Wrestler's Loincloth - Common Accessory - +10 HP, +5 STR [item]Devil-Horned Battlemask - Rare Helmet - +50 HP, +50 SP, +10 END - If HP is above 50%, lose 5% of your Max HP per round. If HP is at or below 50%, gain 10% of Max SP per round. If HP is at or below 20%, gain +40 STR. [Item]White Snake's Robes - Uncommon Armor - +5 AGI, +10 LCK - Improves Stealth by 15% when travelling on hard surfaces. [Item]Beasthide Gown - Common Armor [Item]Beasthide Bracers - Common Arm Equipment [Item]Thornspike Boots - Common Shoes 6553 Rishi Type Territory, First Stage +10% AGI Upon evocation, the territory around you transforms into a sandstone platform, submerged in warm, turquoise-blue seawater, which fades away at the edges of your territory. Every powerful blow you or your opponents connects with elicits an enthusiastic reaction from a spectral crowd, who swirl around the perimeter of your territory like a heat mirage. Territory Creation Activates at will. Consumes 10% of your Max SP to maintain. At First Stage, creates a ten meter by ten meter square zone centered on yourself. Can not be moved, unless Territory Creation is cancelled and re-established. Dancin' in the Moonlight While inside your Territory, become immune to all negative status effects induced by physical attacks, such as being knocked back, restrained, blinded, or bled. There are no visible indications of injury when sustaining damage. Magically-induced status effects will still affect you.</s> <|message|>Theresa Edward Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa) --- A location, an objective and a reason to do it. This was how adventures started wasn't it? By small errands and tests, then onto larger endevours like dragon slaying and fighting a deranged evil old man on top of an apocalyptic machine fortress. "I understand. I'll help, and these gu- eh?" She faltered noticing the lack of other people. Did most of them already leave? "Ah, maybe just me then huh? I'll try to help old man. If I don't get back here at all, then I'd have failed." Well, from the instructions they were given, Ari surmised that the rest of the group must be at the frogmen's location already. Having cooled off a little from the shock of noticing they had been left behind by the rest of the team, she naturally wanted to get a bit more stuff before going on that heist. "Pardon my language, but where the fuck did Mags go?" "I don't know. Maybe they went ahead towards the frogs?" Jumping up and down experimentally a few times, Ari stretched, her tail stretching at the same time. "Lets go there too. They might already be getting a whole pile of stuff." Like a bow stave losing its string, she sprang towards the direction of the frogs. "Cmon! I'll race you both!"</s> <|message|>Russel Kele --- Between the beefcake's surrender, Amulak's protests, and finally Kriz's unceremonious logging off, the situation did indeed devolve into an awkward one. Not that Lew felt any shame in the situation, anyway. His interception was made mainly to defend the clearly crippled Kriz from a terrifying domino effect, not necessarily "gang up" on another player, especially one who now clearly shows no malicious intent. If anything, Lew was quite pleased with the situation. It seems that having an END difference this massive at least puts him in a clear advantage over other players of his level. Still, this little experiment was not enough to answer just how well leveling END would be for him in the long run. "Sorry about that. One of our friends is a bloodthirsty idiot who would have caused one of our other friends to evaporate had I not stood my ground there." Lew stated to Klein, believing that his light shove was indeed a full-fledged tumble that Lew had easily absorbed. "It seems he logged off, though. Probably couldn't withstand being statistically disadvantaged. By the way, if your Strength or Endurance happen to be less than '10', you could easily fix that by purchasing a talisman from an old squatter up the road, if I remember correctly." With enough pleasantries exchanged to hopefully clear that misunderstanding, Lew turned to the keystone once again. Inspired by his own 'monstrous' physique in comparison to a player who looked more beastly than himself, Lew had made a new search inquiry, one that would likely set him on a path he could never turn back from... NO RESULTS Clicking his tongue in annoyance, it seems that Lew would indeed be gated towards the path of the Samurai. If you can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em. Lew once more began to think of the Samurai's different class requirements. The 'Max SP' requirement was the easiest. Lew just needed to level up once and drop two points into SP. The part about facing five ogres in solo combat? Based on her past and present actions, Lew could only wonder if Mags counted as an 'ogre' for the sake of meeting these requirements... No, she is nothing compared to the beauty that was the Ogre Smith he ran into in his earlier venture. Speaking of Mags, the last requirement would likely be the hardest if the group had to keep Mags in check most of the time. Normally Lew didn't care about his online reputation as it's in no way linked to his personal or professional one, but between the crowd that began to form along with with one of Mags' famous temper tantrums, Lew could only feel the shame that was directed towards him. And with that shame came a revelation. "Very well, you'll get your fight." Untying the swords from his belt, Lew stepped away from the keystone, tossing his sheathed blades near Ames' feet. Lew had already noticed there weren't any guards gathering at the time, but in case he was arrested, he could at least trust Ames to hold onto his newly acquired weapons. Standing at about six or seven feet away from Mags, Lew turned towards the adult-sized toddler before stepping into some sort of exaggerated fighting stance. "I, Lew Duv-..." Damned screen names. "I, Lugh Dysphoria, accept your challenge with honor and dignity!" While a public fight between level zero noobs isn't exactly good publicity, it's at least enough for Lew's name to be noticed and recognized. Hopefully this fight would go on long enough for Mags to meet her class requirements. Lew wasn't exactly worried of getting hurt either, and this could indeed be a good test to see how well his END would fare against actual damage. "Oh, right, no nut-shots or we remove your custom emote privileges." Lew remarked casually. Just what kind of Discord server doesn't have any custom emotes, anyway?</s>
<|message|>Magdalene Ross HP: 140/140 SP: 100/100 MP: 30/30 STR – 10 | AGI – 11 | END – 12 | DEX – 10 | LUC – 10 "We got one! Do I see two?" Came the announcement from Mags' voice, rattling out like a auctioneer. "After all, I need to start a fight with multiple people." She was thinking of hitting Lew's nuts for the first time he volunteered for the fight. This time around, however, the attached removal of custom emotes made it too painful a consequence. No longer would she be able to reply to messages with that stupid pogfish, nor could she post the Giga Chad. Well, she technically still could. She'd just need to send them as small images. They wouldn't be in line and that made it too sad. Preparing for combat, she took off the two starter 0 stat sandals on her feet and equipped one in each hand. They were her improvised weapons, after all. Las chanclas. Lethal weapons. "Ames, don't you want in on this...? I'm classically trained to fight, after all."</s>
<|description|>Kanako Nagasaki Age: 15 Element: Wind Appearance: Personality: Hot-tempered, strong-headed, and proud; those three words perfectly define her. She also has a strong sense of justice, which coupled with her pride, meant that she would rarely, if ever, bow down to someone or something she deemed wrong. Thanks to her upbringing, she has quite a bad opinion on non-elementalists, thinking of them as a bunch of ignorant molasses who hated something they knew nothing about. She is also somewhat of an introvert, but not the shy kind. She doesn't really value friendship that much, preferring to spend her free time reading over socializing with others. History: Born from an elementalist family, she took great pride in the fact that she was one, so much so that she would be instantly hostile to anyone who viewed her kind badly. Age didn't deter her strong-headedness in this matter. She wouldn't even hesitate to use her power against a non-elementalist, if they offended her so badly. Of course, this led to her and her family having to move around all the time when she "exploded" at her bullies. They didn't really mind that much though, as they loved their daughter and knew that she did nothing wrong, especially her mother, who was just as hot-tempered as her. They eventually sent her to the academy to nurture her power, which she gladly went along with, as she was quite tired with the non-elemental buffoons surrounding her. Equipment: She is often seen with a little book on her hand. A pocketbook that she could carry around everywhere, so she could read whenever she wants.</s> <|message|>Zeke Joubert Zeke felt an odd feeling in his stomach. Like a sort of lightness, or like a giggle wanted to burst out. This girl wanted to see him draw? That was the first time in ages. It made him happy, but also that he wanted to draw for her. Something nice. Something special that would make her really happy too. Her violin was humming, and Zeke turned in his chair to look. A few other people did too. Viola pushed it down, and the singing stopped. He looked up at her face, and it struck him again how nice it looked. That was the third girl he met today who looked nice enough to draw. This place was funny. "After," Zeke said, "play that again and I'll find you." He idly drew a few cartoon notes in the air with the same colour of her eyes. He wasn't sure if they meant anything, but maybe the picture of a violin with the notes and the colour would help him recognise her later. Maybe he should draw pictures for Yellow and Icy too. A flower and a snowflake? Stygian</s> <|message|>Vera Wynn Vera was slightly stunned at the boy's expression of disgust when she had waved to him, but was then relieved when he explained what had happened and told her his name. She stifled a chuckle, though the amusement she had gotten from the awkwardness that 'Jideh' was displaying as he fumbled for a way to answer her was clearly written on her face. "It's a pleasure, Jideh," she replied softly, but with a bright smile, hoping to make him feel more comfortable. "It's alright, I understand, and no worries love, you're doing fine. Although I don't think you should be eating the chairs." She leaned in closer, her eyes lighting up as he went on to tell her more about himself and his abilities. "That's sounds really interesting. I'd love to see what that's all about after this is over. Guess you can show me then. I could show you what I can do too, if you're alright with a few minutes of flash blindness, that is." Vera then let out a soft snicker before whispering again. "I'll see you later then." Turning back to the front, she was excessively aware of the rustling of the leaves of her seat. Vera wondered if she'd ever get used to this.</s> <|message|>Kano Hargor Kano Hargor J@liferusher@Kalleth@CriticalHit@Old Amsterdam@Arya10108909@Raptra@Aquanthe@Regitnui@Pseudo Stygian@Hammerman@Lord Orgasmo@Stern Algorithm@Ayame@Aiyanna Kano applauded each and every teacher after their rousing speeches. Those of exceptional note were two of the least likely to have performed at all. Manilow and his accomplice, Ms.Hargreaves. Despite a very keen set of senses telling him that the two harbored a secret they would never allow the light of day to hear, the ever inquiring Headmaster would not relent until it was known. Even her speech had spoken out against order and control. Indeed he had enjoyed the concept of it all but the impression of outward rebellion was rooted somewhere in her words, Kano could feel it, but for now she had a clean slate as far as he knew. In the quiet moments of contemplation Kano often wondered if he was suspicious for nothing. As one of the last teachers on the stage finished explaining their role in the school, the podium was taken by another. -------------------- Felix Williams Felix strode up the side of the stage with both hands in his pockets, a look of bitterness on his face accentuated by a scowl. To the outside world he hoped they would take him as a thug. Some sort of horrible delinquent only interested in causing trouble. That was what he had to do here now with this little speech. Keep them far away from him and this 'power' all the freaks here talked about. Even if it was just an act of anger, the hatred in his heart while looking around at the unnatural room was driving his feet forward without shaking. His stride was unmatched, the teachers clearly not sure if he was a proper speaker or not, and that brief few moments was all he needed. Standing at the carved stone podium, eyes scanning the crowd, Felix took a deep breathe and readied himself. If there was any chance of stopping the inevitable from coming to pass Felix would take it in an instant. An outsider was all he was. Just some freakshow with a bad pyro habit he couldn't understand. "FUCK THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU." To accentuate his point and drive home his rebellious little facade, he put his foot on the podium resting just in front of him and pushed with everything he had. With a protest of groaning wood under the shifting stones great weight. As you would expect of something so heavy, its fall was slow and ungraceful as it topped off the raised stage and into the soft grass and dirt, all but exploding under the impact. "Whichever one of you morons gets paired up with me, get ready to move." Spitting on the fallen podium, he calmly walked off with that same arrogant pace that had carried him there in the first place. Down the stairs, across the room, and out the main doors. In his heart there was fear of the punishment that would no doubt come from this. He hoped to be expelled, removed entirely, and spare the other bright eyed students from getting burned. All that talk of order and control was a load of crap, it had to be. ----------- Kano watched in shocked silence. Unable to bring himself to action in the face of a very familiar outrage. One he had just helped another student deal with, but in a very different way. Dia wanted friends and to learn so she wouldn't hurt them. This new one wanted the opposite. Or did he? Rather than dwell on this trouble case at the moment, Kano opted to wave away the teachers from taking action as the boy made his less than dramatic exit. speaking Just loud enough that only the teachers could hear him, "Ignore him for now. When the students are settled we can deal with his attitude. For now, priority is a smooth transition to their new home." Walking up to the spot where the Podium had previously rested, Kano addressed the students calmly. Seemingly ignoring the entire outburst. If it bothered him at all he gave no sign. "Thank you all for your attendance today. I speak on behalf of every teacher when I say to enjoy your time within the academy grounds. With the assembly and the day coming to a close, I invite you all to the dormitories that will serve as your home until graduation. When you leave the academy buildings front door, simply follow the guide to your destination. Until tomorrow, students! Have a wonderful time!" Despite the outburst, more than a few students had chosen to clap as they all rose from their seats and flowed from the grounds. Kano simply stared at the fallen Podium as they shuffled off, lost in his own thoughts. ------------- OUTSIDE THE ACADEMY DOORS ------------- The guide to the academy grounds was not a human being. Rather, it resembled one very loosely, but was comprised entirely of shaped and flowing water. It had the upper frame of a humanoid but the bottom was more like a large blob. It would almost be funny if it didn't stand over 8 feet tall. As the last few students arrived, the water elemental began its easy flow north east, following a smooth stone path across the open field surrounding the main schoolyard. The walk took about fifteen to twenty minutes based on the individuals preferred pace, but the actual trek was fairly straightforward. The dormitory itself, when they arrived, was massive. The building itself was five stories tall and decorated with a thousand different color combinations across what was assumed to have been grey or white walls. It had become a tradition over the years for students upon graduation to leave their mark upon the dormitory outer walls and the results had been unique to say the least. Mosaics of flowers blended overtop flaming skulls, musical notes, crudely drawn pictures, and hundreds of other varying designs that had once held meaning to a student. The lower level was thick with paintings, and naturally as you got higher and higher they became more and more scarce due to the inaccessibility. Students arriving were told to line up and approach the front desk, submit their name, receive their key, and bring whatever they thought was important up to their room. The room itself was massive and divided for privacy. Every student had their own personal room to keep clean and decorate as they saw fit, with a bathroom attached. The middle room was meant to be a common room of sorts, where both occupants could relax as they chose. Dorm rooms came with a toaster, oven, fridge, and a microwave. Students had a curfew of 9pm so any business outside of the dorm grounds would need to be finished by then or face a punishment of some kind. a building attached to the back of the dormitory had been turned into a cafeteria a few years ago, but it had always been a tad cramped. Meals were served buffet style every morning, lunch, and dinner, but students could submit a request form to get their own groceries and utensils to cook food in their own rooms. Of course, there was a sprinkler system installed in the event of an accidental fire.. cooking accident or a practitioner accident. (The current time IC would probably be around.. 430/5pm. The sun will be dipping over the mountains edge currently.)</s> <|message|>Zeke Joubert The first thing Zeke did after getting out into the sunshine was take a photo of the water elemental. When it started moving, he took another, and so on until it reached the dorm building. He didn't so much follow the guide as try to keep it in shot, and so by the time he arrived, he was a little more out of breath than the others. But the outside of the dorm building occupied him for another few minutes, and by the time he made it indoors, he was one of the last kids in. As much as he itched to paint the elemental and the dorm building, he had to find his bed. His luggage was heavier than his dad had made it look, and he was really grateful for the wheels. He arrived at his dorm room to see a sunset through his window. He dropped his bag, opening the window and sitting on the sill. His roommate was already there, but this sunset and it's yellows and pinks and oranges was more important. He scanned the mountains for the most interesting outline, and took a panoramic shot. He could paint a whole mural from this shot alone! Making an excited noise, he climbed back into the room with a huge smile on his face. Only then did he look up to see who his roommate was. He stopped. Purple contrasted poorly with orange, and...</s> <|message|>Dia Sidonia Dia walked into her assigned dorm, marveling at everything from the creature that had guided them, the view of the setting sun, the mesh of colors on the building, and the dorm itself. Of course, she noted Zeke taking pictures, smiling to herself. She couldn't wait to see what he painted out of it all. She touched the seed she'd been given, wondering where she was going to put the people flower-to-be. And then she looked at the ice rose. I wonder if I can make one of these, but smaller? And so I can make it a necklace? she wondered idly. And that's when she noticed her roommate. She blinked a few times. "You're the one from the fountain!" Dia blurted out, turning red. Why did I have to get paired with someone so much prettier than me? Sure everyone is prettier than me, but not so outlandishly! she thought I'm dismay.</s>
<|message|>Kanako Nagasaki Hmm, this man is also a teacher? He certainly doesn't give off that aura. I wonder how his speech will go. Those were Kanako's thoughts as the next person rose up to the podium. She immediately felt like she wouldn't like this person, just from the way he stared and the way he carried himself. She certainly hoped that she wouldn't get him as her teacher. And then, all hell broke loose. Kanako could only watch in awe as the man insulted everyone in the assembly before turning over the podium with his foot. After that, he just left like he had done nothing wrong. And amazingly enough, the headmaster then closed the ceremony like usual, as if nothing had happened. What is up with this school? --- After the ceremony was over, Kanako headed straight to the dorms along with the other students, just like they had been instructed to. The one that would guide them was not a teacher however, but instead a water elemental. It was the first time for Kanako to see something like that so in a way that was out of character for her, she pushed away the other students just so she could see it up close. And once she reached the dormitories, her amazement still continued with how lavish everything was. Of course, just as she now had expected from the academy, there would always be something unique or odd accompanying that lavishness, and with the dorms, it was how the students had added their own marks upon the dormitory's outer walls. She wasn't really that fond of the clashing drawings, but she had to admit, it was certainly memorable and unique. "Here's your key, miss." Finally, that took long enough, she thought. She had to fall in line with the other students as one by one they signed their names before receiving their key. Arriving at her room, she saw that nobody was there, meaning her roommate hadn't arrived yet. Well, might as well rest while waiting for her. After taking off her shoes, she immediately threw herself into her bed. It was indeed as fluffy as it looked.</s>
<|description|>Bella Rosso Gender:Female Appearance: Goals: Bella was studying to be a History Professor with a focus on classical civilizations to the medieval era. In this other world of scattered people… Maybe she can see if she can make a Roman Empire that doesn't fall. Past Life: Bella grew up the daughter of a politician and a History Professor. Her mother is an accountant turned politician and her father is a long time History Professor. Since she was young, her father introduced her to the History of Rome and taught her all about it. By the time she was out of compulsory schooling, she was about as knowledgeable on everything during the reign of Rome as her father and had a working knowledge of the Latin language. If anyone had a question about it, she could answer easily. She went to college as a history major with a minor in political science. And the political science minor was only because her mother took up a career as a rather successful politician. Through her time in college, she assisted her mother's campaign as well as study history. Every now and then, she would go and look into other politicians and get interviews when she could. In the end, her life ended as someone stabbed her from behind. Likely from asking the wrong individual the wrong question about the wrong person. Abilities: Physical Conditioning: Peak human Your body is naturally tough, durable, and strong. The pinnacle of human physical strength, endurance, and agility. Keep training, and surely you can surpass even stronger beings. Soul Flare: The ability to turn ones soul into a weapon itself. Needed for most basic magical feats. Channel the mana present in the air through your body to achieve great feats. Allows one to interact with supernatural things, and perceive things others may not. Ability Gained: Goddess' Eye The Goddess has given you a prestigious blessing. The eye will allow you to see things about a single living target in your vision that others can not. Status, general health, current disposition, abilities, special and other such information. Use it wisely, and you could use words as effective as any weapon or use it to disable someone with as little conflict as possible. Additionally, you can see things that are unable to be seen, and interact with it, and they you. Spirits, ghosts, and other such beings and things of that nature. However - things with special protections, such as beings with a divine connection, and skills will obscure your vision. It does not reveal things that are hidden through mundane means. Trivia: -Bella played a lot of Total War: Rome II to try and put old Roman strategies to practice. -Bella can speak Italian, Latin and English Inventory: -Padded Armor -Rapier Learned Skills: -Cleansing Fire - Fire, is not always destruction. It is also life, energy. It invigorates and brings warmth to all. Were fire never to exist, humanity may have never made it through the ice ages, for without its warmth they would fall victim to the frigid cold that envelops this land. Though fire can burn wildly, furiously, and destroy all, yours can also heal and bring comfort to those. By focusing positive energies into your fire, you may heal and cleanse small wounds. -Mana Redirect - A skill allowing one to redirect magical energy tossed at them from any supernatural source. Rather than absorbing and meshing it with your own, you redirect it to some other purpose, thus weakening its effects upon you as you turn it towards something else. Generally, this will work with everything but some sources of energy would be far too strong to completely deflect, and some are easier to work with then others. -Flora Command (lesser) - You're able to command the natural world around you, to an extent. Though, as it comes from domination rather than understanding and mutual understanding, it is not out of mutual respect or because they desire it. Rather - they do not wish to incur your wrath, so they cooperate. You can't perform complex actions or move them very quickly yet, and flora with more vitality may still ignore you outright as of now.</s> <|message|>Oda Nobunaga He still sought her attention did he? Then, that was exactly the thing she wouldn't given him. Nobunaga was quite aware of the type of person this was. Even if the deity's offer was genuine, there was no telling what else would be attached to it. This was the enemy general, and there was no denying the fact that he was a skilled manipulator. So she would not grant him the opportunity to bait her into being manipulated. She would offer him nothing. For Nobunaga did not truly intend to merely destroy his influence in this village. A reckless god had no place in the world. No matter how long it took, she would crush his influence and reduce him to nothing. Knowledge would be forged by discovery, by diplomacy, by interacting with the natural world. Not by the whims of a reckless god. But the first steps were much smaller ones. The petite black-haired girl paused a moment. Ah, Novak? The man who had aided in killing the scaled beast that attacked the hunters. It appeared there were further pressing issues, and possibly quite tied to the matter at hand. But first things first. "Is something the matter, Enli-san?" she asked, as she approached, bowing politely after a moment's pause, "I certainly hope I find you well, but it seems there may be some matters worthy of concern afoot." @Crimson Paladin</s> <|message|>Novak Novak "I appreciate your offer, Enli," Novak replied, removing his helmet and placing it on his lap. "As it turns out I do have some questions about it." Enli's offer to answer questions about the temple was fortuitous for Novak, who hadn't been able to get much from Lazhira. The adventurer hoped to further explain more about the temple if they had time, but couldn't pass up an opportunity to learn more about just what he had gotten himself into. In particular, he wanted to know more about the orb that he had perhaps foolishly agreed to help retrieve. Before he could present his question, however, Nobunaga arrived. She spoke to Enli, claiming that there was a matter of concern that needed to discussed. As if there wasn't enough bad news going around today... "Hello, Nobunaga," Novak welcomed her. "I actually have a matter of concern myself that I was about to ask Enli, if you'd allow it." Novak didn't want to delay Nobunaga's news, but he really needed to get this question out of the way. It also might be a good idea to make a mental note to later thank her for killing that beast whose scales he now wore. "As I was saying, there are some things that we discovered that we don't know the entire context of," he said, turning back to the village chief. "While I was searching the lower levels, I learned of an orb that had been stolen from a pedestal in the temple, and that the Illuminator is quite upset about its theft. Lazhira seems to think that returning it would be a bad thing, but she's been stubbornly elusive about what she knows. Just what is this orb? What's so important about it?" There were many other things Novak wanted to ask about- what sort of twisted human experiments were people doing there? Are such dark deeds considered remotely morally acceptable by this friendly village? Were those slimes made from people? What's the deal with Lazhira, and how is she tied into this? Had there been any word of Leannah's return? However, between Enli's meeting with the Kyrinth and Nobunaga's news, it'd be better off to not burden the chief with too many questions. @Rune_Alchemist</s> <|message|>Takeshima Misaki (formerly Takeshima Mamoru) With a somewhat bitter smile, Misaki nodded her head in agreement with Narkissa's comments. Redefining a standardized system would take a great deal of work, but as far as the current situation went, it was less of a priority than the goal that they had in mind. Similarly, the fact that she knew the methodology but not the specifics with which to recreate a basic paper meant that there was a great deal of experimentation in order. With the load split and everyone moving to work on their own tasks for the day, the foxgirl was simply left to figure things out on her own. A rather troublesome task, yes, but not one wholly impossible to do with what knowledge she had. Bidding farewell to Narkissa for the moment, Misaki departed the town in pursuit of the bamboo-like plant she had mentioned earlier. The walk there was not without worry, of course—weaponless as she was, an ambush of any sort would likely not pan out well in the least—but by some miracle or another, no such worries seemed to befall her. Gathering the shoots would prove nice to test in terms of culinary value, but they afforded little value compared to the full-grown plant. The young woman found some manner of peace in her ability to at least snap the stalks and bring the longer plants down without a tool; trees, they were not. Of course, that was where the foxgirl spent most of her time gathering; processing them here would be both inefficient and possibly add additional impurities, neither of which she wished for. But the slightest sound of something approaching caused her to stop in her tracks and look around in worry— Only for the same deer she had befriended the day before to bound through the woods towards her. Momentarily taken aback as she was at its appearance, though, Misaki soon found herself understanding why it had come. "...Oh no." Panic gripped Misaki's heart as she immediately knelt down and grabbed one of the stalks of bamboo at her feet and lifted it up like a spear. She had no formal training, of course, but even a makeshift weapon like this would work better than nothing. It was that thought that led her to posture aggressively towards the oncoming pair of predators, weapon in hand as she attempted to make them back off. If they approached, it would only make sense to try and swing back; if they got close, then the pole could work just as well to block... Right?</s> <|message|>Narkissa Langdon Narkissa Langdon @PKMNB0Y Narkissa wasn't too picky about quality wood. She was just going to build a basic frame, after all, not a precision instrument or timber for an actual wood frame house. Even so, finding wood that suited her tastes –which paradoxically still remained at a high standard—took her a while. It was only after became fed up on her own that she found something that suited her task after asking some of the villagers. Very conveniently, it was an actual lumber gathering site. Small, yes, but complete with all the basic tools that she needed, minus the convenient electric saw to reduce logs to nice uniform planks. She knew she couldn't win it all, though, so she picked up an idle hand axe and got to work, grateful for her newfound youthful body. It didn't take long for her to realize that she had company, though, although she had to question the wisdom of anybody trying to sneak up on and attack anybody that was brandishing a handaxe. Thankfully, she realized it wasn't a cultist on a misguided attack, but a friendly face. "Oh, Lazhira! Fancy seeing you here," she greeted, before giving the girl a bit of a questioning look. Despite her own words, she doubted she'd run into her here by coincidence, and indeed she wasn't, as she quickly realized. "It was pretty obvious from the start, yeah," she agreed, before setting down the axe against a nearby log. "I can't say I'm that busy since this is a bit of a side project… I do appreciate the trust you've put on me, though." They'd only known each other for a few days, after all, so really, she was flattered. "Ah, yes, the Illuminator is your dad—wait, what!?" Of all the secrets that Narkissa thought Lazhira was going to hit her with, that one was not what she expected. Wow, was she actually in the story of some ancient Greek legend? The new information made a lot of things make sense, though, but at the same time, it changed just about everything. "Err… does that make you a demigod, then?" She couldn't help but to open with that line, but immediately moved to rub her temple with her fingers. "Well, that explains why he wants you back so much." She coughed. "What's your story, then?"</s>
<|message|>Bella Rosso Augusta smiled at Rullphana before she left. "It's not that I don't wish to know more, but a well sharpened knife cuts meat easier than rusty one, wouldn't you agree?" From there she turned and left with the guard woman huffing behind her. The woman smirked and looked at the guard. She used her power to glance a name from her. "Yes, it's sad I must leave. But worry not Vallanur, I shall return tomorrow. It should only be a fleeting moment until I return. I just know how dearly you'll miss me~" The above ground elf said before walking off, waving goodbye. But it wasn't much longer before Octavia started to act weird. Even without her eye she could tell something was really weird. Rampage, huh? Well, that could prove to be a problem. "Now then... How to rectify this problem..." The woman spoke to herself. Of course, she had no money. Another problem to compound on it. She pondered on it for a bit. She went through options in her head. People? Obviously not. In fact, she was slightly worried that thought popped in her head. The mushrooms around this place? Potential problems with that on multiple levels. A favor from the Queen? Perhaps she could ask the Queen. That prospect was possibly the most frightening yet... realistic option. As far as preparing a lot of food. She ushered Octavia along and approached the Throne Room again. She mustered her courage before showing her face to the guards. They probably disliked her for her attitude earlier and that was all thr more reason not to back down. She didn't want the to look down on her for a weak personality that stepped back from a hostile glance. "Greetings, I wish to have an audience with Her Majesty." She told the guard at the front of the door leading into the room. He let her in, though he hid his emotions well. She couldn't exactly tell what he thought of her. As she entered the room, she took to walking towards the throne and at a certain distance, she stopped and gave the Queen a curtsy. "Greetings, Your Majesty. It pleases me to see you once again." The woman held her curtsy as she said that and returned to a normal stance with one hand cupped over the other in front of her after. She looked the Queen in the eyes though refused to use her power. Whenever she used it on these powerful beings, she would get this body-wracking headache and Augusta did not wish to feel that again. "I came to request a favor, or perhaps a trade of something, though I have little to offer but my limited skills and an able body." Augusta said, giving the Queen a small wink for emphasis. Assistance to feed a seemingly ever hungry dog. She wondered what price she would have to pay for such a thing. "Of course, I assume you already know what favor I would ask?" She couldn't help but be a little cheeky in the situation."</s>
<|description|>Rain A young girl with an attractive appearance and a gentle demeanor. She is caring and protective, especially towards Luca, whom she tries to help cope with his past trauma. Her personality shows that she is open-minded and not afraid to express her feelings, even if they are unconventional or unexpected by others.</s> <|description|>Luca A demon weapon in the form of a small, fluffy creature with purple fur and wings. He has an intimidating appearance due to his demonic origins but also displays signs of vulnerability and past trauma. Despite his harsh exterior, Luca shows signs of affection towards Rain, indicating a complex personality beneath his tough exterior.</s> <|narrator|>Two characters, Luca and Rain, are partners at Death City Academy. Luca is a demon weapon with a gruffy exterior and a past filled with trauma. He initially shuns away from others, including his partner Rain, due to his demonic nature. Meanwhile, Rain is a young girl who tries to help Luca cope with his past while also trying to earn his trust. The story revolves around their interactions as they navigate through school life and confront Luca's past demons. It explores themes of trust, trauma recovery, and romantic tension between the two characters.</s> <|message|>Rain Luca was always up early; many thought he didn't sleep - perhaps it was true because he was a demon weapon. He was standing at the entrance of Death City Academy, waiting for his partner. He knew that he had just been paired up with someone, but he hadn't met them yet. So, he decided to check if they were even awake. It was the first day of their first year in the academy. As he watched other students, he noticed a blue-haired idiot making a fool of himself. But when he saw his partner, he jumped down to walk with her, saying, "So, what took you so long? I've been waiting here forever for you." He yelled at her, "You can easily tell that I am not your from my wings and horns and being short compared to my tech, which looks like a cute pint-size devil that you couldn't take seriously unless you know me."</s> <|message|>Luca Rain walked up and stared at the school. "Sorry man, alarm didn't go off," she yawned, looking around at the meister/weapon pairs. Pointing out the blue-haired one, she said, "Looks like he's the only one left of the Star Clan; the chick must be his weapon." She stood there, hands in pockets, as her eyes locked onto a blonde girl and her partner. "Those two, however, look like fun. Let's go talk to them, Luca." She seemed interested in talking with the blonde, maybe even becoming friends with them.</s> <|message|>Rain "The weapon is more furious than the master, such a bad combination." He sighed. "Fine, go see this blonde you're talking about." He didn't want to talk to them; he didn't really like people. He only tolerated Rain because she was useful. No one had ever gotten on his good side, so people thought she was a demon. So he just followed her and kept his distance.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain spoke with the girl named Makai and learned that the blue-haired kid, Black Star, was the Master and Tsubaki was the weapon. Rain smiled, thinking about how she had been paired with someone who never let anyone close, and sighed, saying she would rather deal with Makai's partner soul than Tsubaki's. Soul approached Luca, asking, "Hey man, do you have a minute? Our Meisters are chatting."</s> <|message|>Rain Luca was leaning against a wall away from the group when Soul approached him. He looked up at Soul because he was taller than him. Soul asked him, "OK, fine. What do you want from me? You have my ear for now, because it seems like we're going to be talking for a while." Luca heard Black Star in the background and did a facepalm. "My god, that guy is an idiot," he thought, waiting to hear what Soul had to say.</s> <|message|>Luca Soul smirked. "Yeah, Black*Star is an idiot, but it seems Makoto and your girl Rain are getting along." He held out his hand. "I just wanted to say my name is Soul, and I'd like to offer myself and Maka to be your and Rain's first friends here at the academy." Rain and Makoto glanced over, pretending to talk, hoping Soul could get through to Luca that he could have friends he trusted.</s> <|message|>Rain Not originally from Death City, his traditions and culture were different, so he just stood there, not knowing what a handshake was. "Sure, we can be friends if you want," he said, "but I'm not well-liked in this city." Suddenly, a familiar cat was on the wall behind him, which then changed into a woman, yelling out as she pounced on Luca. "My little demon, I have found you!" she exclaimed, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing tightly. Luca struggled to break free, but he was stuck in her boobytrap, stuck between her breasts, making him look like a small plush doll in her arms. As Luca sat there with a displeased look on his face, the woman laughed maniacally.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain ran forward and punched the lady back, pulling Luca forward at the same time. "Blair, leave Luca alone! Go cling to Soul for God's sake!" Maka had moved forward to help Rain keep Luca from Blair. Soul stood a bit unsure of what to do. "Um, Blair, why are you here at school anyway?"</s> <|message|>Rain Luca had hidden behind Rain as Blaire talked. "Well, the club is dead right now and I have nothing better to do, so I went to see what you were up to and met the cute little demon again that I didn't think I would meet again." Luca almost suffocated from her breasts before catching his breath and yelling at her, "You show watch what you shove between those! They can kill people, you harpy woman!"</s> <|message|>Luca Rain glared at her, her voice going cold enough to make one think she was a reaper. "Listen and listen good, cat. You leave my partner alone or I kill you and eat your soul." She smirked a bit madly. "Even if it means turning into a keishin in the process. I won't let anyone do what you did to my partner Luca, and if you still try to touch him, then we'll have an all-out girl fight over him because his love is mine, cat!"</s> <|message|>Rain Blaire jumps, turns back into a cat, then cowers before saying to her, "Fine, I will leave you meanie! You're no fun anyway." She walks off, leaving Luca to cheer, "Yeah, Rain! You showed her! Get rid of that harpy!" He listens as she tells him about the part of his love being hers. "Wait one second," he says, looking irritated. "My love is yours? What makes you think I love you? You think I'm going to love you because you say so?"</s> <|message|>Luca Rain sighed, turning to go into the building. Her tone was still cold, but now there was a hint of pain in it. "Chill, Luca," she said, "The bit about love was just to get her to leave you alone. I've never had love, and I don't expect to get any." She walked away, waving back at him before disappearing into the building. Soul had a frown, and Maka placed a hand on Luca's shoulder. "It's possible for a meister to have feelings for their weapon," she said. "My mom was the one who turned my dad into a Death Scythe, so go easy on the girl. She probably has a crush on you." With that, they left, leaving Luca standing alone.</s> <|message|>Rain Luca said, "Ya ya ya ya, everyone knows that your father is a weapon." He shrugged it off before running to catch up with Rain. He had walked behind her but didn't say anything to her. He had laid back in his seat when they were in class, looking like a plush doll stilling next to Rain. Soon Black Star had annoyed him, so he threw a pencil at him, missing his head but hitting his ear. Then he told her to be nice. "If you want, you can hold me in your lap and hug me," he said, his body covered with purple fur making him look really fluffy. He wanted her to do that where he could see over the desk.</s> <|message|>Luca She shook her head. "I'm fine, just try letting someone gain your trust okay?" "You don't have to be alone anymore, we're a team so we need to trust each other," Rain said, taking notes and listening to the teacher. She was trying to forget the fight with Blair and her cutting herself off from the world after her weapon partner yelled at her.</s> <|message|>Rain Luca listened attentively to what she was saying before saying to her, "Fine, I will try to trust you as long as you keep that cat woman away from me." He soon found himself bored out of his mind from listening to Maka's father talk about the lesson that he had gotten. He had yawned as he tried to stay awake, soon swaying back and forth as everything became blurry. Soon he had fallen asleep, falling over with his head in Rain's lap as his tail swished side to side on the bench they were sitting on.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain sighed, letting him lie there. "What am I to do with you, Luca?" She had indeed fallen for him, but she never let it show, or at least did her best to hide it as she worked with him. She had tried to earn his trust since the day she met him, and now that he seemed willing to try trusting her, as long as she kept Blaire away from him.</s> <|message|>Rain As he lay in her lap, he talked in his sleep, causing a group of girls who wanted to watch him sleep to crowd around him. Someone would have been angry at him if he were awake, but he didn't seem to care. "Aww, I will destroy you all," he said, rolling over in her lap. Then he added, "Aww, there are so many souls. I don't think I can eat them all." Next, his tail had rubbed against her leg while he licked it. As he continued to speak, he said, "Aww, that hit the spot. I can't eat anymore." Finally, he woke up from the sound of everyone leaving class since it was now over.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain smiled at him, not moving yet. "Enjoy your nap?" She asked, liking seeing him content and the fact that he had licked her leg while sleeping had made her not only blush but also slightly wet. The fact that she had blushed was what caused her to just sit there waiting for him to get up before packing her things. "Shall we go check out the wall with the missions on it and find something to do, Luca?"</s> <|message|>Rain Yawning, he said, "Actually, I did need that." Now, with her sitting close to him, he could smell her scent and thought she looked good and had good looks, but didn't tell her that. "Fine, let's go see. Maybe I can make some money for food anyway," he said as they walked out with her. Then, he saw a big crowd around the board. "On second thought, let's come back later," he said before spreading his wings and flying off with her.</s> <|message|>Luca Blushing as they flew, Rain clung to him, unsure what else to do. "Luca, what's wrong?" She didn't know why he was so anti-social, but she figured that while at school he could at least relax a bit and get used to people - even try making friends. As they flew, she caught sight of Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, and Black*Star. "Hey, let's go make friends with them, okay, Luca?" Rain wanted him to have friends and hoped that he could become good buddies with Black*Star and Soul while she made friends with Maka and Tsubaki.</s> <|message|>Rain He had stopped on top of a bell tower and set her down before saying to her, "There is something you need to understand about me. I used to be a weapon for someone who was trying to become a demon lord, so I stay away from people because they smell tasty to me." Suddenly, his stomach made a loud growling sound as he was talking. "Great," he continued, "now I'm hungry and I have no money to eat until tonight when I get paid from the work I did at the club where that harpy woman works."</s> <|message|>Luca Rain gently cupped his cheek with her hand, smiling warmly at him. "I don't care about your past. All I know is that you are MY weapon now, and I like you, a lot. I'll pay for food, and if you ever need to get away from people, then...just come here. It's a lovely view and kind of romantic," she thought the rest of her thoughts but never said them. "Plus, I do want your love one day."</s> <|message|>Rain "Not into the mushy stuff?" he asked. "We can go see the group of people you saw." "Just get me some food, I'm dying here!" he said, followed by a loud growl from his gut that caused people on street level to try and figure out where it had come from. "See? I need food," he said to her.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain smiled at him. "Burgers and fries okay?" She also pointed to where Maka and the others were. "If you want to wait with them then I could go get the food. Though we may as well all go because mention of food might make Soul and Black Star want some trouble for Maka and Tsubaki." Rain had always been one to worry about those around her and wanted everyone she thought of as a friend to be okay.</s> <|message|>Rain "Fine, I'll sit with them while you go get me some food," he said, as he grabs her around the waist and takes off, landing on street level where she can walk freely. He then goes to sit with the others, waiting for Rain to return with some food. His stomach sounds like an angry animal as he sits there quietly, not saying a word.</s> <|message|>Luca Soul recognized that sound all too well. Rain returned with bags of food. She handed one to each of them before looking at Luca. She frowned, holding out two bags for him. "I wasn't sure what you like, so I just got you a little of everything," she explained, rubbing the back of her head. Black*Star said, "Dude, I think your meister has a crush on you." Soul slapped him, saying, "Never mind them, it ain't your concern." Soul merely hoped things would work out for Luca and Rain. Rain tried to fake a smile as she asked, "So have you made friends with them yet, Luca?"</s> <|message|>Rain After being shoved into a cell for a few years with little food or water, he would eat almost anything. So, he took both bags and began to eat them. Then he said, "Anything tastes good when you're in a prison cell for a long time." He finished the food and threw the bags behind him in the trash can.</s> <|message|>Luca Soul, Black*Star and Tsubaki were a bit shocked at hearing that he had been in jail. Maka looked at him a bit curiously. "May I ask why you were in, Luca?" Rain remained silent, not caring about his past but feeling that if he wanted to talk, he would, but if he wanted to stay quiet, he would.</s> <|message|>Rain "Why was I locked up?" he asked, looking up at Rain. "That's a pretty dumb question, considering most people are locked up for eating human souls. Mine's just more complex." He laid his head in Rain's lap, trying to get used to her as his tail rubbed her leg while he talked. "I was owned by a demon goddess," he explained. "She was hot, but she's dead now. There's nothing I can do about it. And here I am now, after a thousand years of being sentient."</s> <|message|>Luca Rain stroked his hair as he lay in her lap. Black*Star felt bad for him. "That's worse than me being the last of the Star Clan," he said, looking up at Rain. "Hey, Rain, why don't you seem affected by this?" Rain smiled down at him. "It's simple," she replied. "Someone's past doesn't matter when they're crushing or in love." Everyone's jaw dropped at hearing her admit to liking him, Maka taking Soul's hand.</s> <|message|>Rain When she said that she liked him just to tease her, he laid on his tail where no one could see it, then used the fluffy end and slide it up under her skirt, inside of her panties, rubbing her small soft cunt with the tip of his tail as he just layed back, letting rain stroke his hair with a grin on his face since he gut was full. As his tail slid in deeper, as it wiggled inside of her.</s> <|message|>Luca Feeling her tail, she shivered, saying nothing, attributing it to the wind. Leaning down, she whispered in his ear, "Luca, as much as it feels good now isn't the time or place." She smiled, kissing his cheek before adding, "Maybe in private." In truth, she was okay with him teasing her but thought that if he wanted to do anything more, they should leave.</s> <|message|>Rain He sits up and gives he a look that said out fine I will stop then said after rubbing his head " Rain don't we need to get some sleep soon were we can do are job at night" dragging her outside then once they were out of range for the others to hear he said to her" If you wanted it so bad from me why did you not just ask" as he quickly pulls his tail out of her</s> <|message|>Luca Rain looked at him blushing. "That's...," she sighed and said, "Luca, I never asked because I knew you don't get close to anyone. I felt it would be wrong to ask." She walked to their place and once home, she sighed again, sitting on their couch. "If I had known you would have given it, I would have asked."</s> <|message|>Rain Luca sat next to her and laid back, saying to her, "What do you mean 'feel wrong?' You want sex, have sex. It's all the same, even if you do it in a bathroom or a fancy hotel. It's still just sex, so you don't need to hide anything from anyone to have it. And the doctor said I need to be more sexually active where I'm healthier." He slipped off her pants, looking at her panties. "I didn't know you liked those kinds of things," he added, beginning to rub her cunt.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain blushed as she sat in a thong. "It's just underwear," she said, looking away bashfully. She was getting nervous and asked, "Luca, would you do it to me?" She didn't want him but wasn't sure exactly how to ask her weapon partner for something like that. She also felt a bit unsure since she figured any possible love would only be one-sided, so she never said that she wanted him for anything more than sex.</s> <|message|>Rain As he rubbed her cunt, he said to her, "I'm a little devil. I don't think a permanent relationship would work, and besides, I live a lot longer than you do - a hundred years is like an hour to me." He removed her shirt, soon had his pants down, and grabbed her head, sliding his big hard cock into her mouth. Blowing her head off his cock, while his tail was between her legs, rubbing her.</s> <|message|>Luca "Well, you never know unless you try," she said softly before gladly taking him into her mouth. She moaned with pleasure while spreading her lips for him, loving how his tail felt as it fucked her. She loved the feeling and wanted him to take her right then and there, without caring if anyone walked in on them.</s> <|message|>Rain Since he was so much shorter than her, he had grabbed her by the hair and bent her over to his level as he slammed his cock into her mouth. Soon, he had come a large, thick, sticky load into her mouth. Before she could do anything, he bends her over and slid his cock into her small cunt. His tail slid up her ass, with both thrusting deep inside of her holes.</s> <|message|>Luca She swallowed when he came in her mouth, but when he moved to fuck her and she felt his tail fucking her ass, she let out pleasured moans. "Luca, more," she said. "It feels so good; I want more." She loved both the fucking and him.</s> <|message|>Rain He spread her legs farther apart where he could thrust deeper into her with his cock and tail. Soon, he cums inside of her and falls over, tired out, with his face falling flat into her breasts. He had done so much, but he was so small that he was fast asleep in her breasts, with his hard cock continuing to cum even after he passed out.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain smiled, holding him and letting him stay where he was. She whispered, "Goodnight, Luca." Then she kissed him gently before passing out herself. With a warm smile on her face, she held onto him tightly. "Love is here when you want it," she thought to herself.</s> <|message|>Rain He had awakened, pulling his face out of her breasts, then tried standing up, trying to remember where he was. As he stood up, he tripped, feeling his face crash into her large, soft breasts. Then, looking up at Rain, he said to himself as she slept, "So that's where I fell asleep, and I fucked her. That's good." He laid back down, using her breasts as a pillow.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain woke up, looking at him. "You okay, Luca?" She figured he might be nervous about what had happened, but just smiled at him warmly. "Last night was great. Thank you." She kissed his lips before going back to sleep.</s> <|message|>Rain He stood up and walked to her bathroom, which was filled with her girly things. Once he stood in the tub, he yelled for her as he jumped for the shower knob. "Hey, woman, can you help me? I can't start the shower!" he said, jumping up and down trying to grab the shower knob with no luck. Starting to get mad.</s> <|message|>Luca She walked over and smiled at him, getting ready for the shower. "If you need anything, just call," she said. Rain then moved back to her bed and laid down, letting her eyes close as she replayed the events from last night over in her head. Smiling softly to herself, she whispered, "He's the best weapon partner ever."</s> <|message|>Rain He had taken a shower for an hour or so before he got out, leaving the room steamy and wet. When he emerged from the bathroom, he was dry and as soft as a newborn kitten. "I'm done," he said to her, once he had dressed himself. "You can turn that off now." He tried to flatten his fluffy hair as he made his way into her kitchen to get some food to fill his gut.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain smiled and took a quick shower before turning the water off. She then made her way to the kitchen, wrapped in just a towel that barely covered her. Opening the fridge, she bent over and took out the bottle of vodka and 2-liter pop, making a drink. "Want any, Luca?"</s> <|message|>Rain He looked at her, then looked at the bottle, thinking that it sounded great right now. Then he looked at her again and said to her, "Wow, where did you get that? I know for a fact that you're not old enough to buy that. Where did you get it?" As he walked over to her and started to rub her ass with his tail, waiting for her to give him a glass.</s> <|message|>Luca Rain smiled, handing him a glass. "You can thank Makai's old man for that," she said. "I got drunk with him one night and he let me have the bottle we didn't open. He said he enjoyed drinking and talking to me." She moaned softly as her ass was rubbed and added, "Last night's fuck was amazing, Luca."</s> <|message|>Rain He had drunk down three glasses then got his third, then looked at her. "That perverted old fart!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know that you were into older men." He teased her, slapping her on the ass. Then he jumped onto the couch, saying, "It's not like you haven't had it before; it was good, and I wasn't trying too hard." He gulped down the glass, wondering what she would do next.</s> <|message|>Luca She moved to the couch and knelt on the floor beside him. "I only drank with him, and if that wasn't trying very hard then I'd like to see what you're like when going all out on a girl who's in love with her partner."</s>
<|message|>Rain He lay back on the sofa, stretching out his feet and curling his toes before saying to her, "I couldn't go full force even if I wanted to because I was stripped of all the human souls of hunters like yourself that I had consumed, so I am stuck in this weak form." He continued, "I look like some sort of plushy doll, and if I tried in my real form, I think you would die." She gasped as he grabbed her head and slid his cock into her mouth, bobbing her head on his cock while he came, filling her mouth with his cum until it overflowed and covered her face, dripping down onto her breasts.</s>
<|description|>Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan a.k.a. "Dr. Sloan" Age: 160 Male or Female: Male Vampire/Vampyre: Vampire Pure Blood or Half Blood: Pure blood Persons in the family that wish to locate: none Reason to move to Sanctuary: Dr. Sloan would like to move his medical practice to Sanctuary. Being together with his kind would allow him to further progress his experiments and inventions with greater ease. Aiding the village with his knowledge of Biomedicine. He would bring only himself and his laboratory with him.</s> <|message|>Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan a.k.a. "Dr. Sloan" "Iliana", Dr. Sloan called, looking through his window into the cold streets at night. He lit up one of his favorite brand of cigarettes right before Iliana came into the room. "You know you shouldn't smoke doctor" "Ha!", Dr. Sloan chuckled, "As if this things could kill me. What's the status of experiments 2XIV and 3X15?" "Seems there has been no progress at all doctor" Dr. Sloan took a slow drag of his cigarette, released a cloud of smoke up stream and turned to face Iliana. "Doesn't matter. Give the test subjects a dose of lorazepam and release them. We have no further use for them. Then arrange for my lab to be packed and ready to ship and prepare for departure. We're moving for Sanctuary". Dr. Sloan couldn't help but grin as he said those last words. "Yes doctor", Iliana promptly left the office to prepare. Finally, he thought, a chance to start anew in a place for people like him. Dr. Sloan sat back on his chair. He put out his cigarette as he reached for a small container under his desk. As he opened it a wave of cold vapor escaped as he reached for an IV bag inside of it. Dr. Sloan stared at it for a little as his eyes turned read and his fangs began to grow. "What flavor is it today?", Dr. Sloan asked himself as he sunk his fangs into the blood filled IV bag and neatly began to feed. He was a man of science, he had no need to feed directly from humans when he could just procure blood in advance. Granted it didn't beat the taste of fresh blood direct from the source, but he was a practical man. Still, he allowed himself to hunt for fresh sustenance from time to time.</s> <|message|>Hank Miller Hank pulled up to the community in his truck, with his daughters car being towed on an improvised trailer. Hank's daughter was definitely still pissed, and with reason, but Hank had his reasons. Truth be told as long as she was safe Hank didn't care how pissed she was. "Welcome to our new home baby girl" Hank got out of the truck and took a look at the community he had decided to move too. The houses were nice, there was a collection of buildings, and no one to worry about stabbing him in the back. Hank daughter got out of the passenger door. "Don't! Ever, call me, Baby girl. Ever." She grabbed her few bags out of the back of the pickup truck and started walking into the town. "Which fucking house is the one that you forced us into?" Hank knew that this was going to take a while to get use to. Hopefully... it wouldn't last forever. "Number six, feel free to pick a room other then the master room. I paid for the travel so that's mine." She just glared and started walking off. "I'll make it up to her later." He started unloading his things from the truck onto his shoulder. He was going to have to make trips just because of quantity, but he was determined to make as few as possible.</s> <|message|>Morticia Anne Lugosse Awesome Morticia was finished with her meal and had sealed the wound. She took the bandana out of Dominick's pocket and tied it around his neck to hide his bruised bite. With a smile, Morticia began to speak in an employer tone once more. "I will want you to have a proper office and everyone on your crew needs a place of their own to rest at night. I have some land that can be used to make a construction community for the time that you are here.' Morticia spoke calmly as she turned away. "That would be suitable for my workers and I. How much land do you own?" Dominick asked as he walked beside her. "Quite a bit actually. I will have to get my lawyer and he will tell you exactly how much land I own. I am in the process of buying more land as we speak." Morticia replied as she sees a truck that was pulling a car behind it. It had two passengers inside. "For now you have rooms at the hotel but you will be sleeping two to a room." "Yes, we found that out when we arrived this morning. I left the crew there to relax." Dominick spoke still in a daze. "Why don't you go and rest then. I have a few things to do yet before bed." Morticia spoke softly as she brushed her mourning clothes down. "Sounds like a good idea. I'll see you in the morning." Dominick spoke as he walked towards the hotel. Morticia on the other hand, walked towards number 6 home. It was one of the ones that she did not own so she wanted to be sure to find out who owns the homes on the other side. It was one thing she did not know about and she wanted to know who was the owner. She also wondered which home the present owner has...... "Good day to you. I am Morticia Lugosse and I own the homes on the other side of the road." Morticia spoke as she held out her delicate hand towards the male. She was anticipating whether he would kiss the hand or actually taste her........</s> <|message|>Hank Miller Hank heard the voice of the person, naturally his first instinct was to draw a weapon of some kind and remove the head. Three problems with that, One, he was in a community that was supposed to be full of people like him, so bad start, Two he didn't have anything on him capable of doing that at the moment, Three, his daughter would get pissed as hell seeing the dead body... Again. So instead of reaching for the nearest possible weapon he calmly turned to face the new person who introduced themselves as Morticia Lugosse. "Good morning Madam." Hank set down the pile of things that was over his shoulder and attempted to figure out what to do about her hand, was this a kissing or a shaking country? He decided go the safe route and just kiss her hand. "Are you the one who sent out the letters? To come here I mean?" Hank was trying really hard to hide his country accent and seem as formal as possible. Though that was hard considering he was wearing torn jeans, a t-shirt that was well worn, and combat boots.</s> <|message|>Morticia Anne Lugosse Awesome Morticia was please that he only kissed her hand and he did have a daughter who was a bit sulky. "It was my lawyer, Dawson who did the job. I see that you brought your lovely daughter with you. Where is your wife? Bringing the rest?" Morticia asked as she took her hand back. Of course she had more questions such as what kind of work he did, how many offspring he had, who was his landlord and more in the back of her mind such as What his name was as well as his daughter's name since she did the polite thing and offered her full name. And if he did not recognize her name then where did he come?]</s> <|message|>Hank Miller Mrs. Lugosse seemed decent. Though she mentioned Dawson, Hank wasn't completely sure on if this was a coincidence, maybe it wasn't but maybe it was. Didn't matter, Hank would be ready either way. Though she soon mentioned Hanks wife. "Janet, my wife. She passed some time ago, most the time it's just me." Hank was still trying to get an idea of the situation, paranoia was a habit he had picked up after several events over his lifetime. "How rude of me, I don't believe I properly introduced myself. Hank Miller, The young one's name is Ky-"" "Don't you fucking dare! You are not to mention that to Anyone! We started this new life because you wanted, I am not starting it with the name you gave me!" Hank looked at his daughter with a look of disappointment that would make a bear regret eating a fish. "She goes by Kylie now, she gets really upset when I use her birth name." Kylie scorned her father, then went back into the house to finish unpacking. "Truth be told, she has her mother's temper. But not in the fun and interesting way. More like the 'How am I going to make it through today' kinda way." Hank did a quick look around the community. "So, you just as new here as us or have you been here a while? And if so know anywhere good for walks? Seems to be the only thing that me and Ky..." He stretched out the syllables to say the name his daughter was trying to make him use. "...Kylie still have in common."</s> <|message|>Morticia Anne Lugosse Awesome "I had a map made up of the surrounding area for Dawson to place in the envelopes. Did he miss your envelope by chance? I'll have to tell him to be more careful with my mail. Young people quite often get upset. Sometimes for the right reasons and other times by the wrong reasons. It is not up to the adults to change what they believe in but it is for us as adults to try to understand how they are thinking. Young people do not see with our eyes because we have lived sometimes too long to see what they mean. The world is constantly changing and one day the young will move away to a new home, maybe in another town or even in another country. Kylie, perhaps you would like to have tea with me one day. We are not up to modern conveniences here such as TV, radio, newspaper, phone service or computer service. All that this quaint village has to offer is room and board. One hotel, a tavern of sorts, a general store and a school. There are woods but be careful while you are out there. I have just arrived yesterday to take up the family Castle. On the southeast end of Sanctuary is an area where I am having a mausoleum built for my cousin who has recently passed away in his prime. There will be others there as well. A ways north of that area is the Hospital which does have the only generators around here and the Firehouse. You might like to visit the firehouse since they have those Dalmatian dogs and Clydesdale horses. The staff are well brought up to respect young ladies and they had best not misbehave. If they do, then be sure to tell me for they are paid by me. I should let the two of you settle into your cozy little home and I need to get to mine. Have a pleasant evening." Morticia spoke as she slowly and gracefully turned around to leave. Slowly for she did not want her heavy veil to float out of place.</s> <|message|>Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan a.k.a. "Dr. Sloan" A black Mercedes arrived and parked into the driveway of House D. Iliana exited the car first, she was driving as Dr. Sloan found it a boresome activity. *deep breath* "Ahhh, smell the fresh air", Dr. Sloan exclaimed, "This is good, when is my lab arriving?". "Should be here tomorrow at the latest doctor" "Great, let's take a look inside, shall we?", Dr. Sloan went inside the house as Iliana unloaded the suitcases from the trunk. "This place is excellent, and what's this? A basement!? Ohhh, I love this place more and more!". Dr. Sloan went back to meet Iliana, "Iliana, I'm going to take a look at the rest of the village. Particularly the Tavern", Dr. Sloan gave out a small chuckle, "You may do as you wish". "Then I shall start to unpack our belongings doctor". "Good, good". Dr. Sloan went out and looked at the village while making his way towards the tavern, were he started to drink a spirit or two.</s> <|message|>Morticia Anne Lugosse A car entered the village and Morticia watched it pull into Home D. *A doctor....... Sloan.....He didn't give a first name but she should welcome him to the village. After all he was one of her tenants.* Her ears picked up a few words- these to be exact "Iliana, I'm going to take a look at the rest of the village. Particularly the Tavern",The man gave out a small chuckle, "You may do as you wish". "Then I shall start to unpack our belongings doctor" the lady replied. "Good, good". replies the man. Now was the perfect time to interrupt them for a few minutes. "Good evening, my name is Morticia Anne Lugosse. I have stopped by to welcome you to my small Sanctuary Village. I trust that you had a pleasant trip?" Morticia politely asked.</s> <|message|>Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan a.k.a. "Dr. Sloan" "Ah, Miss Lugosse", Dr. Sloan gave a polite bow. "I am Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan or Dr. Sloan if you prefer". "Indeed the travel was a delight. I was on my way to sightsee the village, would you care to join me?"</s> <|message|>Morticia Anne Lugosse Morticia smiled under her veil. This doctor is a true gentleman and he is her tenent. She was delighted to take a walk with him. But what about the woman? "I'd enjoy a walk with you. What about the woman that came with you? Would she like to come?" Morticia asked. She knew that they would speak more on the walk so the less said now will be said on the walk.</s>
<|message|>Dr. Alistair Ivanovich Slovoan a.k.a. "Dr. Sloan" "That would be my assistant Iliana, and quite the worker", Dr. Sloan responded. "Iliana!", Dr. Sloan called. "Yes, doctor?", Iliana came outside the house. "This is Lady Morticia Lugosse, heir to the house of Lugosse and our land owner", Dr. Sloan said, the last part with a playful tone. "How do you do, madam?", Iliana politely responded, "I'm Iliana, Dr. Sloan's assistant". "Lady Lugosse is accompanying me around town. Would you care to join us?" "I'm afraid I must decline, doctor. I still need unpack most of the boxes and make preparations for the arrival of your equipment. If you excuse me, please have a good day, madam", Iliana excuses herself and went back inside the house. "Ah, that girl doesn't know how to take a break, but she's a good person. She keeps me in check most of the time", Dr. Sloan gave a small chuckle. "So, shall we continue with this endeavor?"</s>
<|description|>Gershwin May Age: 22 Appearance: Subject stands 160 cm (5'2") in height. Subject also has light hazel eyes with short hair to match. Abilities: Subject possesses an unobserved form of Affinity with Pain* (*Suffering?): Record has the Subject breaking a door off its hinges when it was accidentally closed on and injured her fingers. While it was evident there was damage – multiple broken phalanxes and torn skin – the injury seemed to have never happened, suggesting a Regenerative Healing Factor. The strength which she gained to break the door was hypothesized to come from her injury. The extent to which the two abilities are able to reach is unknown. Further insight is needed. History: Subject is of Gaelic origin, raised in The United Kingdom. Parents show no obvious signs of empowerment, and have therefore the hypothesis that the Subject's abilities are of a spontaneous mutation is further supported. Parents are a non-factor. Subject is a student of Department of Law in the London School of Economics and Political Science – top of her class, with multiple intern experiences with many important figures. Many people know her. Her current residence is in the central London area, alone, supported with her position of Paralegal in Yip Tse & Chiang, a Chinese-based law firm.</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel Agent Caits walked with purpose, crossing the room to Dr Baoning, glancing about the room, she couldn't help but feel slight envy. She was in a broom closet, and Dr Baoning had this office. She remained standing when Agent Baoning shut the door. She was tired of only being expected when she was summoned, and questioned when she wasn't. 'it's about Subject 30. I believe isolating him is detrimental to his well being, and is certainly causing distress to Subject 29 as well. If we want more out of them, they need to know each other is alright. I also want access to some information. Subject 7, I recall, had some abilities with light as well, and perhaps we can figure out some answers to subject 30, and what we can expect. I also want some information on how to avoid any failures. I want to know everything, to bring about the subjects greatest potential' She spoke smoothly, easily, and stood, watching Dr Baoning, and waiting for his response. She expected to see suspicion, and if she did, she had a way out of that. if she could convince Big Boss, she could convince the Dr. 'We can find so much from them, but we can't just maintain their physical health, after all. Perhaps if we help their mental and emotional help, they might be more willing, after all.' ---</s> <|message|>Gershwin May From where the large window was in his office, there was still a large portion towards the back where it was not likely to look through angularly. The only person that could be seen from the outside was Agent Caits. 'And if Subject 30 breaks into a room where he's not supposed to be in? And if Subject 29 has another episode? I just finished writing up reports for both of them confirming that they should not be let out. We're already learning so much from then behind the safety of bars. …But I will put forward the suggestion to Big Boss. As for your request of the files of Subject 7, have fun looking for it in the heaping mess of files over at that desk there.' The desk Dr. Baoning pointed to was littered with post-it notes, files that were so bulky, its sheets almost tearing the folders in half. The sheer volume of paper on the table threatened to bring the table down, caving in. 'We here at SRD have the smartest people on the planet. Do not think that we will not consider every single possibility, including linking help between Subjects. So please, try and give us another idea we haven't thought of yet.' He smiled a perverted grin as she sized up – more appropriately, he ogled and appreciated the relatively fine figure of a woman like her – not fully respecting the idea of the two being equals, especially on pay-grade.</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel Agent Caits wondered if the higher you went in this project, the stupider you appeared to get. She blinked slowly twice, as if waiting for the Dr to change what he had said. 'are you serious? Subject 30 can break his bars easily. Keeping him away is just more incentive to do so. And it's more likely subject 29 will have an episode if they are kept apart, as seen. Put it forward, and put it forward hard.' Her tone suggested that if Dr Baoning didn't, he would probably face her wraith. She didn't particularly care if Big Boss knew that. She shifted, looking over at the pile of files. 'and you are a person in charge here. You can't organize worth crap. You know what I want, Dr Baoning' She looked back to Dr Baoning, catching his preferred grin and oggling. And she kind off snapped. It too two strides to get to Dr Baoning, and her fist shot back, and then forward, smashing him in the nose with all the force she could muster. Which was a fair bit. 'unless you want another one of those, you won't even look at me with any such look again. And you will tell me what I want to know, or I swear to god I will take what you call a manhood, and shove it down your throat' Perhaps it wasn't the best way of doing this, but she wasn't going to put up with this sexual fiend. 'I want into the vault, Baoning. I want in, so I can know how to prevent these subjects from disappearing without a trace, so I don't have to have new subjects to hunt and capture that will just replace subject 30 and 29. This stopping and starting all the time is not giving us progress. I want to know what I can do to give us more progress. I want into the vault, Baoning' She didn't care that he was probably in pain from his nose. It would serve as a reminder not to oggle her, and as an incentive to avoid more pain.</s> <|message|>Gershwin May It was common for any members present at hand to leave the main laboratory whenever something big was going down, be it discussing sensitive issues even they were not allowed to hear, handling transfers and deliveries only adept specialists can handle, and the rare but grave visit from Big Boss himself. When the few scientists heard the scuffle going on in Dr. Baoning's office, they had the common courtesy of leaving, and turning a blind eye to what had happened. For all intents and purposes, Agent Caits was not going to get in trouble – there was no trouble, which was unfortunate for the doctor with a broken, bleeding nose. He held it hard, trying to staunch the bleeding but to no avail. He couldn't ask for help, because they were the only two there, and unfortunately for him, no cameras were installed for ultimate secrecy. 'Christ, you bitch. I always knew you were never in on this full-heartedly. You sympathize with these things, you traitor. Like I'm going to just hand you the codes.'</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel It was quite satisfying to see the blood, the crookedness of Dr Baoning's nose that indicated it was broken. Satisfying to see him realise no help was coming for him. Satisfying to know that she could do what she wanted to Baoning. She gave an almost feral grin. 'Oh, I believe you will. You see, you're team doesn't give a team about you, and you are all alone with me. I'll put faith in myself, in being able to kick your butt. They aren't things. You may be confused with the mirror, because you aren't human.' She stepped closer, despite the fact that the close contact made her skin crawl. She wasn't scared. She just wanted answers. 'Oh, I'm sure you've had defensive lessons, but it's my job, every single day, to make sure the subjects are contained. I've battled against some weird stuff. I think I can handle one pathetic, weak, doctor who probably only lifts a pen daily. So, tell me, Dr. Would you rather a beating, or would you rather give me the codes? One way or the others, I'll get them' Agent Caits stayed where she was, watching Dr Baoning. Waiting for his response.</s> <|message|>Gershwin May She wasn't wrong. Dr. Baoning was not going to get any help now. He wasn't, however, a die-hard for the organization as much as he appeared. He was selfish, he admitted, and wants the glory that anomaly research will garner him. That was not going to happen because he was sworn to secrecy in an organization that technically does not exist. He wanted to be the man who changed the world, and be known for it. 'If I'm going to help you on your… little escapade, and if it works, you destroy all records of my involvement in here. All Analysis Reports are anonymous but there are some that have my name. I have a clean record and I would like to keep it that way when whatever it is you do happens. Unless you want me to tell on Big Boss as soon as you turn around the door and leave, you are going to help me.'</s> <|message|>Cody O'Niel Dealing with this...worm was repugnant to Agent Caits, but right then she couldn't choose to tell him to get lost. She gave a soft sigh, and made an attempt at thinking about it. 'don't worry, Baoning. Your name will be kept out of it' Promising it was sickening, but then, there was always a loop hole. Agent Dioxide bad promised nothing, after all. If and when they got the subjects out safety, well...that was nothing here nor there right now. 'give me the codes' When all was said and done, Agent Caits left the bleeding Baoning behind, and only when she was out of sight, she shook her hand. Punching someone in the face hurt like hell. She let out a slow breath, before sending an email. Once completed, Agent Caits went to the cafeteria, retrieving some ice, she then retreated to her office, wrapping the ice up and putting it on her hand, thinking on what to do.</s>
<|message|>Gershwin May Agent Dioxide was back in his office after being treated in the infirmary. The psychological trauma still lingered, however, with no possible treatment. Agent Dioxide feared he would never forget Gershwin bashing her own hands into a bloody mess, unrelenting and angry in her endeavour to break out. Every bone-crunching and blood-splashing sound still echoed and kept its stay in his mind. From the infirmary to his office, he struggled to think other than what happened just now. Worst of all, the cause of it all was them. Though she would heal and grow back her hands, there was no forgetting the rage-induced damage that she did onto herself. He placed his head into his hands, and watched as the time fly. It took a flashing light on his phone to break through his gaze at the empty wall. They had to plan, so he stood up with resolve, knowing that whatever they were about to do would be able to redeem themselves, and to be able to be forgiven for what they did. He knocked and entered, leaning by the door when he closed it. He noted Agent Caits' injured hand, and spoke: 'So here's the plan: I have to 'requisition' one of the EMP grenades from SRD – chalk it up to more research that Dr Baoning 'wants' us to do on the Subjects. You'll be standing by the vault door that leads to the staircase down to the vault itself. You will be switching guard duty by midnight tonight. You'll let me in when the cameras are down and the coast is clear. I'll enter and find everything we need. It is now 2 pm. We have 10 hours to act normal before our time to move. Any questions?' --- In Big Boss' Office Time: 1405 Dr Baoning exaggerated his pain as he reached for the door knob. It was still and quiet on the other side – Big Boss never seemed to talk because his own thought process confirmed everything. Clicking on the keyboard even seemed unnatural from him, with the domain of his attention and intellect so broad that it did not seem to warrant the need to be mechanical. All he had to do was think. Dr Baoning, a genius himself, was dwarfed by Big Boss. He knocked and entered, and found Big Boss already staring at him, his eyes so sharp and pissed off it looked like his vision pierced through Dr Baoning's body to the wall behind him. His face screamed irritation and pain, as if Dr Baoning's very existence annoyed him. 'Sir, I have been observing the behavioural patterns and what with the recent incident we had with Subject 29, I believe that in order to maximize on what we could research, that we should bring them closer together, but to their original rooms. Knowing the two are safe would bring existentialist comfort, and perhaps we could regain their trust.' Big Boss responded as if he had not just heard what was said. 'What happened to your nose?' 'I… tripped… while carrying some files, sir.' 'Come closer.' Without question, he followed his orders. If it would get him to then go over the more pressing matter of the two Subjects, to avoid another broken something from Agent Caits, he obliged. He walked up, his pelvis barely touching the edge of the huge table custom-made for Big Boss' size. Even in his seated position, he was still taller than Dr Baoning. For a moment, they looked at each other – Big Boss' observation unforgivingly inquisitive, while Dr Baoning struggled to look him straight in the eye, wondering if it was ruder to look back, or to look away. Finally, the silence was broken: 'Okay.' 'Sir?' 'Bring Subject 30 back to his cell. Remove the hand-print scanner on his side, and maintain security, but bring them back together.' '… Okay, sir. Thank you, sir.' Dr. Baoning turned to leave, finally breathing again, not realizing he had been holding it for the entire duration. He could feel their plan coming together well, but he dared not show anything until he left the freaking building to celebrate his upcoming fame. 'Dr Baoning.' Dr Baoning stopped, damn near shitting his pants was how scared he was. He turned and walked back to the edge of the table. 'Yes, si- HUUUHHH' He stopped mid-way, the air squeezed out of him. Big Boss' large hand was wrapped around his neck, its arrival was freakishly quick. His fingers dug deep into the doctor's neck, as Dr Baoning clung on for dear life. 'You're dismissed.' And Big Boss squeezed. --- Agent Dioxide and Agent Caits both looked at their phones to read the email. 'Who the fuck is Dr Jiang-Ping?'</s>
<|description|>Saria "Ria" Manzur Age: 26 Gender: Female Ethnicity/Nationality: Arab-American Physical Description: Ria takes after her father, dusky skin and broad. At 5'5" and 140lbs, she is fit and toned with a layer of muscle, not curvy. Her near black hair is cropped close. She has strong facial features - pronounced cheeks and nose, with a sharp chin. Her dark brown eyes frequently have bags beneath them, and make up barely registers as a thought. Her body is scarred and frequently bruised. There are two thick scars that run from her right shoulder nearly to her mid back. Skillset: Skills: Tracking, planning Training, Knowledge & Education: Vampire lore, her family's hunting history. Training started a young age with trips to a gun range, as well as hand to hand training. "Normal" studies were attempted, but traditional book knowledge was never a priority. Ria also speaks English and Farsi fluently, and can get by as needed in Arabic. Talents:Preternatural sense of vampires, including a pulling feel towards a specific individual. History Though she came from a family of hunters and had a network of family "friends" and acquaintances in the same line of business, it wasn't until she was nearly twenty that she was party to a real hunt. For much of her childhood, her father would train her and her sister, Nima, and occasionally disappear with friends for a week or two. He would come back, nearly always injured.Nima was a few years older and started to join their father while Ria was a teenager. In those days, it fell to Ria to put together plans and contingencies. She played a peripheral, albeit important, role. As she neared adulthood, she joined her family on their hunts. A string of suspicious disappearances when Ria was 19 spurred the small group into action. Ria's plan was foolproof, at least for getting out alive. Nima would play the bait, pretty and similar to the girls already taken. Ria hadn't counted on there being two of them or that they had indeed been baiting the hunters. Though she had an immediate bad feeling as they sprung their own trap, it was too late for Nima. Ria watched her sister disappear, unable to do anything but run. Her father, overwhelmed with grief, took his own life a short month later. She buried her own grief, grief that turned into rage and near obsession. Leaving behind the others in her group, she set out on her own to track her sister. What she would do when...if...she found her was a question Ria could never quite answer to herself. It took years to get any sort of definitive idea as to where Nima had gone. She ended up in Vancouver, sneaking aboard a yacht in the marina. Ria was certain she could feel her sister's presence, but it was not Nima who confronted her. The handsome vampire sneered cruelly. His attacks mixed with feints, like a cat playing with a mouse before devouring it. Ria was no match, especially not on her own. Her head slammed into the railing, and she was certain she heard Nima's laughter from a distance. In the moment her attacker paused to savor the moment before the killing blow, she flung herself overboard in the dark, cold embrace of the water. There was no up or down, no moon to cast an eery glow in the water. As she flailed in the water, her lungs desperate for air, Ria saw Nima flickering in the water. She kicked towards her, pushing, clawing through the water. She woke up in a hospital, banged up badly but alive. Not long after waking up, she was offered a chance, a real chance, to hit back. Psychological Profile: Ria is motivated nearly entirely by a desire for revenge. Watching her sister be taken and likely turned and her father's suicide in quick succession pushed a young woman over the edge into blind despair and rage. Working largely on her own for a few years taught her extreme self reliance. A more fragile mind would have cracked. At the end of the day, a chance to hit back is worth the chance of becoming monstrous herself. Modifications: (The ones already listed are standard issue for all characters)* Communications suite, HUD and neural-computer, all standard issue – Vigil agents are able to text by thinking it among each other on a heavily encrypted wireless network. In fact, the computer works off brain impulses and is easily one of the most sophisticated and useful implants they have; what's more, its capabilities have yet to be fully exploited. The downside of this implant is that it includes a cortex bomb with an anti-tampering device. A captured agent can set it off, destroying the hardware inside, or a signal from control can do the same. This is to prevent the enemy from learning the capabilities of implanted agents. * Internal air supply and aerial toxin filter -- this also has the added advantage of making the agent immune to vampire pheromones, as some types of vampires are known to use this to seduce their prey. * Blood/liquid toxin filter -- the obvious is at work here -- vampires use their blood as a means of controlling mortals, and this system (and everyone, even non field agents, in the Vigil organization have this implant) screens out one of most subtle weapons a vampire has, rendering them functionally immune to being controlled through ingested blood the way mortal thralls of a vampire might be. * Eye augmentation; a HUD showing all sorts of system data, such as the status of implants, as well as allowing for low-light and ultra-sound modes of vision, the latter being thought to be more effective than thermographics when dealing with vampires, who tend to run cold if they haven't fed lately. * Implants in her right arm and hand to restore feeling and full function * Neural implant to strengthen her preternatural sense of vampires and tracking of an individual Equipment: (The items already listed are standard issue.) * Mimetic Camouflage (Predator) coat, though this is designed to look more like a trenchcoat -- no doubt some project engineer with a penchant for the dramatic, or an interest in fashion design. The coat is actually stylish, which serves a dual purpose as vampires tend to dress stylishly and surround themselves with the stylishly dressed. This allows Vigil agents one more edge. Of course, they call it the Predator Coat. Because the engineers are geeks. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) * Modular, caseless assault rifle/carbine. Bullpup, caseless ammunition, synched with existing implants and capable of mounting a variety of accessories including a 25mm grenade launcher whose munitions range from conventional high explosive to nano-guided scattered mines. It also syncs with HUD implants for improved accuracy in a mechanism similar to a bluetooth link. The trigger is electric and the weapon includes a biometric security system; anyone but someone authorized to handle it and it will blow; that is a standard feature on most any weapon the Vigil has in service with its teams. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) * A number of electronic accessories, including a PDA tablet and other items to assist in making physical connection with computer equipment. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) * Grenades, mostly white phosphorus. The organization has designed a 'grenade' that involves a strobing UV light that damages vampires -- it is known as 'the disco ball'. * Other items as you see fit.</s> <|message|>Saria "Ria" Manzur It was dangerous business, being such a youthful Eternal. While she had kept herself useful to her patron, rarely would be brought in to speak directly to her knowledge. The greatest threat had always been themselves, until recently at least. She looked over the images, the reports that were scattered around the room. Paul had discussed it with her, on their way to Dukewater. Though the higher ups would try to down play this travesty, he was certain they were desperate for answers. Desperation which could lead to scapegoating. The threat had been thinly veiled, as it had been when she was tasked with ambushing her imbecile sister. It took her a moment to answer, long enough that Paul inhaled sharply. "No, I have never heard of such a thing. But you must know, hunter groups are such a varied bunch. It is a community in the loosest sense of the word - I had heard rumors of other groups who honestly thought this might be reversible." Perfectly ruby red lips pulled back in a sneer. "Purposefully storing Eternal blood, or using thralls against us...Most of them would find that too repulsive." Most, but not all. She left the door open to that as Paul had demanded. It wasn't what she believed, but Paul's instructions had been clear so she swallowed her pride. Nima picked up the crime scene photo of Giorgio. It screamed of hunter tactics, except for the lack of any sign that he had been staked. And the overkill. "I was a hunter, and now I am Eternal." "If that is possible, surely it is possible for a hunter to be enthralled to do their "prey's" bidding." That was closer to her own belief. A vampire or small coven misbehaving. "May I speak bluntly?" Paul nearly hissed, Nima had always been difficult to keep in line. There were times he almost appreciated that about her but this was not one of them. Any slight would be held against him as much as her, if not more so. "Anna was a high profile target." Paul spoke over her, with a look silencing any protest she might raise. "Whether this was hunters or an Eternal behind the attack, clearly they meant to make a statement. Surely that can be used to draw out this group once more and settle what is at play. We know the tactics they employed, and that can be turned against them."</s> <|message|>Marcantonio D'Agostino Alexei glanced over Paul with a raised eyebrow. "Unless a better hypothesis presents itself, we are looking at empowered hunters. But how? Is it possible that more hunters were made Eternal, perhaps by one of our own looking to cull back the numbers?" He had extensive information on all three, but it was hard to see why others might go after Richard or Giorgio. He was working off Nima's thought that it could be hunters made Eternal. That would mean a rebellion in the ranks. The problem he kept arriving at was that Anna Smith wasn't heavily involved in Eternal politics. She was young, devious and well-regarded, with few enemies. Giorgio Spada? Well, he had more enemies, but little in the last century or so. Richard Mullen? He'd always been caught up in hunting prey and cared little for the politics. "With all respect due to your rights as a sire, my Lady Klotho is interested in the insights of your progeny, and if she has something to add, we should do well to heed. We are in a delicate situation of peril to Eternal, and you know as well as I do that in such a situation, our kind react badly." And, it was implied, obviously. Alexei, and his lady, did not want the whole thing to blow out into the open. Enough humans, and the Eternal could be overwhelmed. The cost to everyone, of course, would be considerable. Corner humanity, focus their attention on the Eternal, and they might devise a solution to the problem. The Eternal gave up a lot of their creativity with their mortality, or at least had a hard time focusing on mundane matters, especially as they advanced in age. They shed their humanity and became more preoccupied with the urges of their hunger. They were more powerful, of course, but they lost their creativity. They became creatures of habit. He might have worried about Paul's reaction to his breach of the protocol of seniority, but he had a powerful patroness, one who was a tad more enlightened than her other ancient elders. She relied upon the young, which was seen as an idiosyncrasy, but those youthful Eternal helped keep her and her resources in touch with the world even as it changed. "So what was the thought?"</s>
<|message|>Saria "Ria" Manzur Paul, duly chastised so it stung, backed off. He was aware of the Lady Klotho, and her peculiarities in politics. Regardless of his own feelings, she was not one to cross and, by extension, neither were her underlings. There was little he could do but silently seethe at the effect it would have on Nima, and his relationship to her. Paul was decidedly old school with his progeny and his role as sire. Satisfied that Alexei seemed to be of a mind with her, Nima grew more bold. She would likely pay for that later, in a private moment with her sire, but it would be simple jealousy on his part. She was tied to him, and would remain tied to him, for as long as she needed to. Nima had decided on that early on. She always had been the ambitious sort. "Turning hunters could serve many purposes. You know my history, but did you follow what happened to my group after I was taken? My father killed himself. My sister tried to find me and met a rather disastrous end for it. Our larger group? Split apart. It was a rather brilliant decision. Hunters are not often victorious, and rarely take on meaningful targets. Still, taking a member of that community hits them hard. They dissolve. The story spreads and discourages others, or is hidden, allowing it to happen again." She knew full and well that had not been Paul's intent, but it was the outcome nevertheless. "Now we have another who has learned that, and added to the impact. Destroy the local hunters and set up an effective trap to take the territory." Her lips pulled back to an acknowledging smile. "Yet, they did not plan for those more intelligent seeing through the ruse." Nima took pulled a chair opposite Alexei, smoothly seating herself. "I am sorry, let me be more brief. Anna was popular, but not overly involved. Giorgio was...past his prime. I doubt they were the targets the sire loosed his hunter - or hunters - on. It must have been Richard. We are still so emotional early on. It would have been easy for the sire to use that hunter hatred towards an Eternal that so enjoys the chase, particularly the chase of 'innocent' young girls." She paused, knowing Paul vehemently disagreed on this point. "I would also wager that the vampire behind this is young as well, stupid enough to threaten the natural order." But how would they solve it? That remained unanswered, and Nima was reluctant to admit that she partially agreed with Paul. "This was a test, they are not here, so they must be waiting to see the response, to see if they can steal territory in this way." Paul interjected. "You believe they will try this again, given the chance. Alexei - if you agree to this, we must ensure we are the ones to select the territory they go after. We cannot allow chance to dictate their next move. I know there is a prime piece of real estate recently...freed up. There are many vying for favor to receive it." He pushed for his original plan, eager for the opportunity to prove that he was correct. "If these traitors believe they have won, they will be emboldened. It will be too tantalizing for them to pass up."</s>
<|description|>Astley Haven Age: 30 (looks 22) Gender:Male Appearance/Looks: He is an extremely handsome guy in human for. He is 6 foot 2 well built with blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. He is well muscled and all around reminds people of a model that walked off of a page. However, this is his glamour. His real self is pretty much the same, but blue with slightly pointed ears iridescent dragon fly wings and teeth. Teeth that are all sharpened like a row of daggers in his mouth. Of course, he has gotten to the point where he can have his wings out and look like a nice 'fairy' but if he either is mad enough, tempted enough, or hungry enough his entire normal self pops into existence. Usually starting with him turning blue. Since he is a pixie king, he tends to leave a faint trip of golden glitter on his birthday... it used to be all the time but for some reason he has managed to get the glitter to stop. Species: Pixie King Abilities: Flight Teeth Strength Stone skin (If you hit him its like hitting stone) Decelerated aging Bewilderment Inducement:can cause confusion (temporary interference with the clear working of targets mind) in a person or group of people. Weakness: Iron Sexual Preference: Heterosexual Likes : Blood (Particularly of teenagers... its a pixie thing), flying, sunsets Dislikes: Iron, dishonesty, being tricked, the glitter that falls off of him on his birthday Bio: Astley was born to an english pixie king and his queen. he was being raised to take over their territory, but he refused. He did not want the life that they had because it involved controlling multiple pixies usually against their will. It also involved turning humans and if they survived it then controlling them as well since the more pixies a king and queen controlled the more power they had. His parents threatened him, basically if he didn't agree they would force him. So when he was 19, he ran. Finding that America was a good hiding point and a good area for possibly getting some territory. Of course, that last part hasn't really worked out. Especially since he had a run in a while back with a different pixie king who captured and tortured him for about 2 years where he was bled often by the king and his pixies. Luckily, he was able to escape and from then on he has been from place to place trying to find somewhere to live. He is still rich, so he is able to get the best of forged anything, including his doctor degree. Kind of scary to think about, but he is actually good at it. He is a bit weak in his abilities due to being alone, not having a queen, and not having territory. So, his only powerful ability is Bewilderment Inducement (which he uses to help him get into various jobs). Occupation: depends... currently he is a doctor Country of Origin: England Feelings about meeting their soul mate: Nervous that he will accidentally kill her or something Soul mate:</s> <|message|>Aria Kelly Aria Kelly Aria's now slightly blood-shot eyes focused on the newcomer to his bar. It was interesting that two supernaturals would come on the same night. Maybe he was advertising too much because serendipity seemed too convenient a reason why they would both came on the same night. Perhaps he was being hunted for a previous job he had done, but that seemed far fetched. He always kept his jobs clean. Aria calmly scratched his mark feeling a faint itch and dismissed it as him simply being high. Aria's attention returned to the Pixie's question, prompting a small grin. "Apart from game journalism, I do a few odd jobs here and there. Generally people who hear of my other services are of a supernatural nature. My last job was to hunt down a feral werewolf who'd lost his way." Aria's grin disappeared and was replaced with a mask of a face, void of most emotion if it was not for his tone. It was melancholic. "It was grim work seeing as the old man was simply going senile. I made sure he went peacefully, as were the family's wishes." Aria took a large gulp from his glass and finished the pleasant drink. "Anywho, I have another patron waiting for a drink, doctor. I'll be back to you in a minute, but I must warn you it get rather crowded in here. Plenty of youngsters like to pre-game here before getting very drunk at other bars. I'd love to continue talking though." With that, Aria leaned off the bar and calmly made his way to the end of the bar. Grabbing a small glass and whipping it down, measured up the relatively small woman's appearance. The skull face paint was very impressive, and he immediately wondered how long it took her to put it on. Her fierce eyes set out nicely from under the hood she wore. Her body language was a combination of something feral and hostile. With another scratch to his wrist, Aria gently sent the glass down on the bar. "How may I serve you tonight, miss?"</s> <|message|>Adala Posner aka Scorn Despite her annoyance and hostility towards others around her at times, she had to play nice with some people and that included bartenders if she wanted her lovely drinks. At least the bartender of the bar she had wandered into seemed to be a supernatural as well going by his scent, though what she couldn't say. She had never come across something like him, he was different, which gave him more points to her, it got her curious, cautious still to be around him or him getting to close to her personal space but curious in finding out what he was. She eyed him for a second before giving her answer. "Bloody Mary with a shot of Naga Chili Vodka if you have it, I want my insides to burn," she said, scratching her arm a bit as it felt like pins and needles were poking it. She couldn't help but notice the fact that it only got more annoying as the bartender had come closer, what was his game? Looking to score? She doubted it, by his looks plenty would want to eye for his attention, she on the other hand didn't feel the need to settle down nor wanted to, getting close only meant they could hurt you later. She had friends but kept them at a distance so when they turned on her it would mean little. "What the hell do you clean this place with?" she finally asked aloud as she looked at her arm to see if she was developing some form of rash or something because whatever was going on was starting to drive her nuts, more then she usually was, of course when she looked down her eyes stopped on the name and her agitation and annoyance turn to shock and what she saw. She never remembered the thing on her arm, the thing everyone waited for most there life. For her it had been forgotten ages ago, better left out of sight, out of mind. No it couldn't be, she thought to herself ,No. They'll only hurt her, not little Ada, I need to keep her safe. Of course whoever in the bar who had the matching name that belong to her wouldn't have Scorn written on their wrist. That was her name now but her original name would still be written on them which made her go pale under the black and white paint on her face. She fought control of her emotions unless she wanted to throw a fit in the bar, perhaps it would at least drive whoever was connected to her away and then she could stop worrying about but then she might not get her drink. Her head looked around uncertain on who it could be. She acted like prey and predator feeling backed into a corner now. Scorn had prepared for everything but this to protect her other half, the little girl that was shattered all those years ago, kept deep within to protect her from the cruelty of the world.</s> <|message|>Aria Kelly Aria Kelly Aria sighed when the young woman asked for the Naga vodka. "I only have Absolute Peppar and Spud Red Chili Pepper. I'll fix it up for you. I assume you want it straight?" He said as he picked up the glass and a lime wedge. Running the lime wedge along the rim of the glass, Aria pulled a salt shaker from below the bar and began to salt the brim of the glass. Once that was finished, Aria grabbed the two vodka's and set them on the bar and grabbed the tomato juice. As he poured, he spoke calmly. "As for what, I clean this place with, I generally use lemon Lysol and bleach for more larger messes. I'm sorry you aren't reacting well to it." Aria reached under the bar and picked out Tabasco sauce and with a smile he dabbed two drops into the glass. As he continued to prepare the drink, Aria studied the young woman. "I'll make sure to wipe it down more thoroughly next time. I'm terribly sorry." She smelt nothing like the moon, which indicated that she was no werewolf. Her eyes, however, were mingled with something that could only be defined as beast-hood. He was starting to regret chugging that drink, as he was a lightweight. He could feel the flush roll up his cheeks as his extra senses faded. He was left to simple deduction to find out what this woman was. "Might I ask how long it took you to cake on all of that face paint? I've seen women with literal masks of make-up, but I'm afraid you take the cake. I must say it's very striking." He said as he took a liberty on her drink. Taking both bottles of vodka in hand, he poured them both into the glass with practiced dexterity. After setting both bottles down in their respective places, Aria scratched his mark and leaded forward onto the bar. The thought of beasts always brought his mind back to the saddening thoughts of hunts. Looking at the custom coasters on the bar which blatantly said "Ye Ole Huntsman" disturbed his attempt at a pleasant Friday. He quickly grabbed a napkin and covered the coaster before placing the glass on both objects. "Is there anything else you need, madam?" Aria said the a bit of a dip in his mood. He attempted a half smile at least for the benefit of the woman.</s> <|message|>Adam (Will is his alter-ego) "I-It's f-" Adam started to say, before his soulmate inturrupted him by saying he was going to pay the bill. Adam was left there, sitting in a mix of shock and worry. Was it something he'd done or said? He watched as Danilo weaved between tables and to Delilah. He took another long sip of his hot chocolate. Adam's eyes were curious as Danilo began talking to the waitress, and he could hear her asked what happened. Oh. Maybe he actually had done something after all.... He begin to fidget and play with his hands on the table. Adam saw Delilah look over at him. He took another sip before playing with his hands once more. Oh. He'd definitely done something.... He looked down at his hands, so he didn't see Delilah look at him again. When Danilo came back, Adam looked up at him. "D-Dan it's fine. I-I'd love to go over to your place." He gave the dragon a small patient smile. Adam still wonder what he'd done to make Danilo so nervous....</s> <|message|>Danilo Suvic (Gonna speed the time a bit up. okay?) The smile helped the dragon clam down his worries. Maybe the expression his soulmate had a bit ago was something he misunderstood? Pushing it back in his mind he took his cane and offered his hand once more. Leading Adam out the cafe. The walk to his home was a pleasant one. He enjoyed Adam presence and even the speed the other walked somehow matched perfect to his own step. Danilo found that fascinated, and couldnt help but wonder if fate payed attention to even such small things when writing the names on one wrists. In the dragons opinion it was still too soon that they arrived to the apartment complex, where his flat was. Never the less, he with a slight bounce in his step, lead the way up the stairs to his place. He entered first and hold the door open for his soulmate to come after him in. It was a neat place, one could see it was a bigger flat with a good view and kept neatly. It looked spacious, the living room held a computer, as well as a collection of action figures and some other trinkets from all around the world placed lovingly on display. Beside the computer a collection of theater recordings and musical disc as well as some rarer merchandise were sorted by the year of premier. "I shall let you know Adam, now that you know where I live, you are welcome at any hour and feel free to make yuo self at home. Feel free to explore, and familiarize~ While I cook. " Dan spoke with pride as he put his cane on the side and too off his coat and gloves off. Making his way to the high tech kitchen. It was on the half way there he remembered he never got around to buy the fire resistant paint. So he added quickly. "Could you not go into the last room on the left down that hallway?" His bedroom, the last door on the left was unlocked like all the others in his home, he didnt want to leave a bad impression.Seeing not so small scorch mark on the bedroom ceiling, who knows what kind of bad impression it may leave. On th other hand Danilo didnt yet think of a answer to the 'Why not?' question.</s> <|message|>Adala Posner aka Scorn "I guess that will be fine," she said with a hint of disappointment. As she watched the bartender make the drink she picked at her mind on what he could be. The brief moment she had got a good glimpse at his eyes, she tossed out beast. There was something more alien to them, not like the fae, pixies, or other more magical supernaturals but something out of this world was the best way to describe what she noticed. Yet she doubted he actually came off the world so she was stuck trying to figure out what he was by simply crossing out things she had a good knowledge that he couldn't of been. Her thoughts were broken however when he came back at that annoying feeling on her arm flamed back up again. It had been find moments before when he had gone to make her request but now it was back with vengeance it felt. Before she could process and make a connection he asked her about her face paint which she was always delighted to talk about."Oh this, well anymore maybe fifteen to twenty minutes. I've perfected it after a few years of doing it," she said ",I thought going tattoo but sometimes I do like what is underneath and really I can't sit that long for such a procedure." She nearly swallowed her drink whole afterwards, though it wasn't the hottest thing she had ever had, it hit the spot like she wanted. He then had asked if she had any other requests, which made her mind go back to her arm and begin trying to string things together as the gears in her head turned. She looked at the name on her wrist before speaking again. "Well I guess there is one thing besides another drink," Scorn finally said dropping her guard ever so slightly when she asked her next question ",Your name would be Aria would it? Aria Kelly?" She hoped he said no, begged it internally because she wasn't certain how to react if he said yes.</s>
<|message|>Astley Haven Astley nodded before sitting back and watching the interaction between the two. He then realizes that those two are soul mates. He smiles before his phone beeps. This causes him to see that he was needed at the hospital. He sighs and puts down a card with his name and number along with cash for the drink. He quietly gets up and leaves. As he walks he puts a flask up to his mouth and drinks the warm liquid inside. Hot blood was sometimes better tasting then cold. He looks at his watch before hurrying a bit and making it in time for a life or death surgery from a bad car accident. The guy was in bad shape and he managed to save him.</s>
<|description|>Sunny Skyward the cast --- * Laphicet Kyrielight, played by @Tenma Tendo * Nyte, played by @Jade113 * Aro Danius, played by @LordofthePies * Edric Van Nergan and Balsaam, played by @Riaxh * Milo Sunwhistle, played by @Clever Hans * Kisses (formerly Ashorn) Rattlebones, played by @NewShoesForever the captain --- by loish HAIR COLOR: dark brown EYE COLOR: dark brown DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: a quick grin, an easy laugh SCARS AND BIRTHMARKS: a scar over her left eye from a childhood escape from a jellyfish. WHO ARE THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY? WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE DO THEY SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH? Her parents both live peacefully on a little island where they lead a simple fishers' life, netting the skies for the fish that leap through the clouds. They're content with their folky life, unlike their daughter; Sunny surrounds herself instead with people she deems good at heart and adventurous, people she could trust without hesitation. WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE HAVE THEY LIVED SINCE THEN? WHERE IS HOME? Sunny was born on the sky-island of Luvailmaer to a family that fished the sky for a living -- their cottage will always be home to her, but her addiction to adventure is too strong to stay. She makes a new little home wherever she happens to be, and she depends upon others' kindness for comfort. WHERE DO THEY GO WHEN THEY'RE ANGRY? In the throes of rage, Sunny will seek out a high place to scream -- the higher and more precarious the better. WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST FEAR? WHO HAVE THEY TOLD ABOUT IT? WHO WOULD THEY NEVER TELL? She's afraid of the ocean -- the idea of being surrounded by water with no way to breathe is an unfamiliar and frightening concept. There is no one she wouldn't tell her fears, she doesn't mind if it's known. DO THEY HAVE A SECRET? Sunny was entrusted with a secret by a visiting Vagrant named Coyote, and is sworn to never tell a soul. WHAT MAKES THEM LAUGH OUT LOUD? Almost anything has the potential to make her giggle, but especially slapstick humor and bad puns. HAVE THEY EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Sunny has never been in love, and doesn't care to be. It's just not her thing. DESCRIBE THE THINGS THAT WOULD BE HARD FOR THEM TO PART WITH. Grandmother's astrolabe has its own leather pouch that Sunny had sewn herself; it's strapped to her back at all times, never to leave her person. It's made of white brass and is artfully designed. Coyote's earring dangles from her left ear; it's in the shape of a tiny pewter dragon. LOOK DOWN AT THEIR FEET. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU SEE. Simple sandals laced with twine and rough soles when it's warm – in cold weather, secondhand boots and socks as thick as they come. WHEN THEY THINK OF THEIR CHILDHOOD KITCHEN, WHAT SMELL DO THEY ASSOCIATE WITH IT? WHY DOES IT RESONATE? Baking honeycakes, which her father would always make on cold dreary mornings, to be devoured under a blanket with a warm mug of spiced milk. DESCRIBE ONE STRONG MEMORY THAT HAS STUCK WITH THEM FROM CHILDHOOD. Her grandmother would tell her the stories of the constellations, and how they point the way no matter where you are. She taught Sunny how to use the astrolabe, which she hasn't parted with since. Grandmother was a Vagrant who settled on Luvailmaer, and had rich histories to tell. WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST OF ALL? Sunny's life ambition is to find the Whistlehowl Star, discover its secrets, and most of all to become an even greater Legend than the star had ever been. RIGHT NOW, IN THE FIRST MOMENT OF OUR STORY, WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST PROBLEM? At this moment, Sunny isn't quite sure where her next meal will come from, or if she'll find warm shelter before night falls. She has high hopes, though -- and hope has never failed her.</s> <|message|>Sunny Skyward The fairy yelped at being addressed directly and spun backwards -- but soon he regained his composure and flew directly into Nyte's face (well, her helmet) where he hovered like a very angry sparkly dragonfly. "You're not going anywhere!" the fairy screeched, doubly determined to rust every joint shut on Nyte's armor. "This is revenge! This is vengeance! Maybe you specifically didn't crush our home, but you can pay for the crimes of your kind! Stand in this spot forever, where you'll be a warning to the rest!" "There are more guardians?" asked Sunny -- just before a rumbling BOOM thundered through the forest; birds flapped and squawked out of the treetops and a small herd of three-eyed deer leaped past the vagrants away from danger. The trees leaned and rustled. The fairy spooked and cowered within a bush. Sunny grinned savagely -- the noise came from the northwest. "That's where we're headed!" she called, and with an eager and reckless leap she bounded off through the brightening woods toward the noise, Laphicet in tow -- but the forest-guardian was now far too slow to follow. Meanwhile the fairy had reemerged from the flowered bush to glare hatefully at Nyte. "You see, you see!" he spat. "Nothing but destruction! You'll pay! I'll turn you entirely to rust!" Northwest of that spot, Sunny skidded to a halt when she spotted something big moving between the trees. It loped and leaned as it gamboled awkwardly along, cracking branches and scattering wildlife as it picked shakily along on a dozen skittering, whirring metal legs. Mounted precariously atop the legs was a huge log house with broken eaves and crooked sides, tossing and flopping this way and that as it was carried along. Lashed to a pole on the front porch of the walking house was a shining full set of armor. It was easy to see how the fairy might have been confused. The legs lost their balance again and slammed suddenly into a tree; the tree cracked and fell in a whoosh and a thunder of destructive noise. "Ah! You see that, Laphi?" Sunny called over the clatter. "Armor! We just gotta get up there and get that armor!" Tendo@Jade113</s> <|message|>Laphicet Kyrielight Laphicet stared wearily at the tiny fairy as he flew around in an angry buzz. It looked as if the fairy was making the forest guardian atone for for its sins, but shouldn't the forest guardian be loved by all the creatures that reside in it? Too tired to think rationally about it, Laphi brought his head back down and sighed quietly. He did his job by steering the guardian in the right direction, so now it was Sunny's turn to do her part, right? Well not exactly as a thick rumbling reverberated among forest. The noises of other animals followed by the sight of them caused Laphi to tighten his grip on Sunny; how could she be so calm at a time like this? "U-Um, Sun-- Whoa!" The child wasn't given a chance to finish what he was saying as said girl bolted off in the direction of the noise. All the boy could do was shut his eyes and hold on for dear life. And after what felt like an eternity, Sunny skidded to a halt. Still too nervous to open his eyes, he kept them shut and only listened to the noises surrounding them. It definitely sounded like something big...every step caused the ground to shake. Whatever it was was definitely running into the trees and such. It was Sunny who got the boy to open his eyes, and he was unpleasantly met with what looked like...a spider log house monster? Laphicet wasn't quite sure what he was looking at, but he didn't really want to know. What really caught his attention was the shining dot on the front porch of the log monster. They had to get that armor, huh. This probably meant a lot to Sunny, so, of course, he was going to help out. "I-I can get us up there." He spoke up as he pulled out the Magician tarot card and held it out for Sunny to see. "We can teleport with this card...I think." He continued. Back at the white tower, his ability to mimic was stunted tremendously, but now that he was farther away from that hellhole, he hopes that his powers might be coming back. Without waiting for Sunny's response, Laphicet began the incantation. "A Magician's duty is to help the Fool, be kind to the Fool, and carry the Fool to greatness!" Right as he called the final syllable, the two disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing a multiple meters above the large monster. Laphicet would have said that he had teleported too far up, but the boy was now limp and motionless, falling down and towards the top of the log monster along with Sunny. @Jade113</s> <|message|>Nyte "Revenge?" The armored vagrant replied in gentle confusion. "Oh my, were there knights that harmed this forest some time ago? I do apologize for their actions..." A thundering BOOM resonated through the slowly more active forest, causing the already sluggish knight to freeze. "Would that be the issue? I wonder what is causing that..." Her left arm, wrapped with vines and quickly rusting over, slowly lifted up. "If you could undo this curse, small friend, perhaps I could put a stop to this... Whatever it is..." Finally,though, completely rusted over with her connecting joints locked, she became a statue, or something similar, still able to talk but unable to move. "If you wish to keep this armor here, friend, don't worry. I forgive you, and I'm quite sorry about this mess... I simply wished for some peaceful, beautiful views."</s>
<|message|>Sunny Skyward "You forgive me?" the fairy squeaked, fluttering and flashing in front of Nyte's helmet. "You forgive me?!" he screeched. "You're sorry?!" He stiffened and shook, his little fists eager for something to strike, some logical flaw in this metal monster's words. "You ... you!! You wouldn't know about beautiful views! You wouldn't know, you don't understand! You're made of metal! The most unnatural and ugly thing in existence -- armor and blades and machines made for killing and ripping and crushing. Peace, you say! Do you realize what you are?!" Another BOOM sent the fairy darting back into the bush. For a moment all Nyte would see was the pulse of light from his wings, filtered through the tiny leaves. After awhile -- after the fairy had had time to think, to realize that this metal monster had just accepted her fate with no argument nor anger -- his voice emerged again, hesitant and sour. "...Could you really put a stop to it?" He finally emerged again, glaring at Nyte with a hesitant sort of half-trust. Sending her to stop the thing sounded like a far better idea than a useless statue in the woods. "Fine." He lifted his arms, and the rust began to melt away from Nyte's joints. "I'll give you one chance." Meanwhile, Sunny stood in the path of the mechanical spider-house's destruction, staring up at the shifting and creaking thing. Laphi held a card into her view -- the wise figure of an old robed man, glinting with magic -- and her eyebrows raised in confusion at his words. "Telepo --?!" Suddenly she was falling, crashing through the canopy of scraping branches and yellow leaves, toward the shifting and tilting roof of the spider-house below. Laphi fell alongside her, but his eyes were closed and his body was limp. Her heart in her throat, Sunny grabbed him and spun them midair to place herself between him and the landing. Together they crashed through the splintering roof, and Sunny somehow caught a beam inside with her one free hand. For a moment she dangled from the ceiling beam, gripping Laphi by the back of his shirt while the new hole in the roof rained splinters down on their heads and the whole house tossed and tilted around them. She looked down, saw that the floor wasn't too far from Laphi's feet, and let him go before she dropped down beside him. "Laphi, oy!" Sunny knelt beside him, a hand along his face, worried that he'd hit his head or overextended himself with -- what had even just happened? Teleportation?! She yelped and flung an arm around Laphicet when the house gave a sudden jerk to one side. The smashed remains of a dining table and chairs, shards of plates and rolling cups skidded across the ruined floor. Above, tied to the beams, were swinging drying herbs and animal skins. It looked as if someone had lived here until only recently -- but there was no time to think about it while Laphi was in danger of being struck by skidding furniture. Sunny hefted him up onto her shoulder and very slowly attempted to walk across the floor while it jolted and tilted. She somehow made it to the front door without getting hit too badly -- but once she'd stepped out next to the tied-up armor, she had a dizzying look at the ground below. She wrapped an arm around the porch banister, staring at the ground far below, Laphi gripped in her other arm. Nevermind the armor -- how were they even going to get down?!</s>
<|description|>Sable, the Crimson Streak Appearance: Height: 5'3" Weight: 120 lbs Hair Color: Pale Blonde Eye Color: Yellow Age: 23 History: The assassin known only as the Crimson Streak is a mystery and an enigma. No one knows where she came from or how she got her reputation. Actually, no, that's false. People know full well how the girl got her blood-soaked title. However, the answers end there. All anyone knows is that she served under the Imperium for some time as one of their leading assassins before apparently defecting to take the life of a Mercenary. Wandering around for some time, fate would eventually pair her with a certain Taskmage, and the two have been partners ever since. And thus, the mystique surrounding her continues. No one knows her true name, except maybe her partner in crime. Personality: Sable generally has two expressions written on her face: neutral and frowning. Perhaps at one time she was less stoic. Maybe. Now though, she'd much rather just not talk much to anyone at any time or anywhere. And if she does talk, it will be in a monotone voice and expression. As an assassin greatly feared, Sable is a killer with a stone face. Often, the last thing her victims see before their passages into death are her cold visage and blank eyes. Thus, she appears at times distant and robotic, and to some extent she really is, only allowing her mind to focus on tasks at hand. She has a polite dislike for nobility and royals in general, though she will rarely say so. Much like anything else actually. Maybe she's just shy? Who knows. The only person she says more than three words to is her partner. And even then, it's hard to get any emotion out of her. Weapons: Vim and Vigor: A pair of black and white daggers that are noted to be oversized in appearance. They are often used both in a sword-like fashion as well as traditional dagger play. The weapons themselves lack any sort of special abilities, save for one sole function. Each of the daggers was created for the purpose of nullifying magic. As such, Sable can use them to cut away most forms of magic used against her, and the sight of her slicing away at flames of streaks of cast lightning are not uncommon. The blade's true potential, however, can be utilized further in dire situations. When sensing a situation in which their master is in danger, Vim and Vigor will increase their anti-magic qualities to the point where Sable can severe the particles of magic in the air from at least a two-foot radius. When this state is achieved, next to all magic is canceled two feet from Sable's form. Because of her only magic of summoning as well, Sable can also use Vim and Vigor as projectile boomerangs along side close-combat. Abilities: RE-Arch: Sable's only form of magic; it is a type of summoning magic that can call forth as well as store her weapons Vim and Vigor from thin air. In practical hindsight, it's simply a convenient method to arm herself quickly. Because of this utilization, she often uses it to call her blades back to her near-instantly, making the tactic of using them as boomerang projectiles quite effective. Other: Although she is known to rest of the world as either Sable, or the Crimson Streak, only one individual dares to give her the affectionate nickname, Crimson Steak. This certain person also has a bad habit of calling her other meat-themed names as well. Furthermore, the full title of her magic is "Repeatable Equip Armament", or, "RE-Arch".</s> <|message|>Ugnis C'zair "This is Rivenwood?" Ugnis inquired quietly, confused by this statement. Though he didn't think Sable was lying, as there was no reason he could think of for her to do so, he still had no idea of how to get to town; the woods were still simply whispering, without any town noise to guide him. "Perhaps the fog is stifling the sound..." Ugnis thought to himself as he walked in the general direction that the pair and the peculiar boy went. They were heading to the town and, as he had no idea where the town was, figured it would be best to follow them. Fortunately, the taunts thrown between them were loud enough that he could trace them though the hushing blanket of fog. As he began to hear town noise, he also heard a large creature... A bear? "Its steps sound heavier than normal," Ugnis noted as he approached. Perhaps it would be best to stand to the side on this one and let the more professional people handle it. He stood silently at a good distance away, drawing no attention and listening to the action.</s> <|message|>Mal Tersva "C'mon, give me a little credit," Mal chuckled at the man's disdain. Truth be told, Mal expected that this direct strike against the beast had little chance of doing anything, but it definitely made things a little easier on him as the beast started charging forwards. Already he could feel heat emanating from the mark on his neck as the beast drew closer. Always fearful for its own life, the spirit always seemed more willing to comply when close to immediate danger. With the relic in play, Mal would have to work against the group and for the group at the same time. So, when the bear finally diverted its path at last as someone swung overhead, and he could hear the incantations from the girl's partner, Mal prepared to leap into action. "Snakes, return!" He shouted as the chains rushed back to his side. He was already letting go as they wrapped around his shoulders and his belt as he started running towards the creature. While its path had already diverted towards the mighty tree on which its assailant perched, Mal took advantage of the situation to run to its backside. The triangle mark spread outward in a spiral as his eyes started to glow. His feet started increasing in speed as he curved around the monster's back and leaped towards it. "Snakes, find the bones and lift me up!" The chains exploded from his belt again and charged at the exposed bone on the undead bear. Both spikes found ribcage and gave him enough tension to haul him up its back side. With the chains in place he launched himself forward, grabbing hold of the fur on the back of its neck as he pulled his left fist back and slammed it into the beast's collar bone with a spirit charged punch.</s> <|message|>Miramil (Goes by Mimi) Oh! There was an opportunity! The woman wrapped in red had taken refuge atop a tree branch, and down below, the massive beast howled in fury as it slashed chunks away from the base. Mimi didn't doubt the woman, who had moments prior been leaping and slashing with agility akin to the wind itself, had a back up plan of her own if the tree fell, but then why resort to back ups? Mimi gave a sharp whistle to the girl on the branch, and with a wave sent a slew of lanterns over to her. They formed a tiny platform, clattering together, and though it didn't look stable, Mimi herself was testament that they would hold her. "C'mon!" she waved, a wide grin at her lips.</s> <|message|>Chi Muzai The dainty little girl slithered the forest, an apex predator among the trees was hidden in one tiny package that was humming the same little lullaby. She ventured on, following specifically the two most famous persons in the world to see what they were doing matter-of-factly from a safe distance whilst keeping watch for danger that may fall onto her. Her small stride came to a halt when the party had stopped their movements. The bright shine of white light beamed from the woods and all of them were looking directly at it. The Crimson Streak prepared her blade and so did the Taskmage... Things were getting a little rowdy soon it seems! Underneath the innocent veil of the forest the beast emerged, roaring and thunder with claws swinging. She wondered how such rotten creature could remain alive. She could see the open wounds, it's ribcage and the seemingly dead fur with rotting eyes charging forward towards them intently. The bear had not caught her presence yet and she made her move to position herself carefully in the forest. The battle continued on fiercely as the bear; without fear nor remorse continued to kill its opponents in front of her. Once its sights could not reach Muzai, she leapt out of her hiding spot, seemingly from nowhere and made a 'glomping' gesture at the beast as earth beneath shook and reached out with stony fists attempting to grab the great beast down, immobilising it for an attack.</s> <|message|>Yem Sitting in a bush, Yem inspected the fire from a distance. It was clear that whoever had been there just a few moments ago had left in a hurry. They could have heard him approach, but it wasn't likely. Most did not detect Yem unless he wanted them to. This left Yem with more questions than answers, and a few possible scenarios. In the best of worlds, the people sitting by the fire had become afraid of Rexicorgs grim reputation and, fueled by the darkness, they had simply left the place. They could also have spotted him, however unlikely, and either run off or prepared a trap. It was also possible, and Yem hoped that it wasn't so, that something else had driven them off. Something that might or might not still be somewhere close by. It was not a safe situation, and Yem was concerned. He had seen the black shape in the fire, of course. Just lying there, unscathed by the flames, shimmering with light from the dancing flames and the watching stars. Yem suspected it was one of the relics. It felt appropriate, somehow. Meant to be, like in a great story. He also suspected that this was some sort of trap. It was too easy and obvious to not be one. Someone was watching the fire, waiting for the ideal moment to strike, or perhaps there was more to the fire than it seemed. Yem was no sorcerer, but he knew plenty of sorcery. And if sorcery could be one thing, it was subtle. The only way to be sure about anything was to deduct the possibilities, one by one. The easiest one to deduct was the presense of others. Yem might have been a mere human, with poor senses of sight, sound and smell, but he had his ways. The transformation was almost instant. Yem breathed in and closed his eyes. When he opened them again and exhaled, the world was a different place. The night was as bright as day. He could hear and place the individual whispers of the leaves in the bush. The scents of the night flowed through his snout leaving trails almost like colors through the air. Every fibre of his body stood in rapt attention, his muscles vibrant with energy. He needed one sniff to confirm his suspicions; there was someone or something nearby. It reeked of corpse, but it was moving, which told its own disturbing tale. Yem was up against an undead of some sort. This always unsettled him. Corpses should remain still, such was the way of nature. He would have to be careful. Gripping his spear in one powerful, fanged hand and his curved blade in the other, he leapt from the bush and charged the being with terrible speed. As the creature came into view, his instinct was to retreat but he forced himself to disciplin. He thrust at the Drider, the dreaded man-spider, with the full force of his charged but was easily turned aside by a flick of a chitin-clad leg. Stumbling past, it was all he could do to throw himself away to evade a stab from one of the creatures other legs. Yem rolled on the ground, quickly regaining balance, and brought his spear up to keep the fiend at bay. He would have to finish this quickly, lest he'd tire from the strain of his totem. Vile creature!, he cursed, Putrid thing! Die again in the name of all that is good and living! Return to the ground as you should have long ago! If the Drider had understood him, it gave no sign. They circled eachother, kept apart only by the length of the spear between them. Then, suddenly, the monster moved with lightning speed and forced the tip of the spear out of the way. As it jumped for Yems flesh, screeching madly, he ducked beneath it and sliced it with the blade while passing. It was not without cost, however, as the creature pricked him in the back just below the shoulderblade. It left a long scratch down Yems back, and he yelped at the pain. The two combatants quickly found their places again, and continued the dance like before. This fight would prove interesting.</s>
<|message|>Sable, the Crimson Streak Sable stared up at the girl with the lanterns blankly. Exactly…what was she trying to do? The red-clad assassin figured she was trying to help, but one bear didn't warrant a danger to her life. Even still, she nodded at the command and leapt up, landing firmly on the tiny platform provided for her. "Hello," she greeted, voice as robotic as always. "Thank you for the leverage. Now then, do you mind if I jump off-" She was cut off by the sound of terrible screeching. Looking down, Sable saw the boy with the chains land a direct hit into the bear's collarbone. A sickening crunch rang out, and the bear howled in rage. Moments later, it was pinned down by the formation of massive stone hands, causing another shockwave to ripple the bear's core. The Crimson Streak looked to the side, seeing her fangirl in the aftermath of casting a spell. So that's what it was then. When she turned back, something was notably different about the bear. It did not continue its attack nor did was it aggressive; instead, it raised a claw and struck at the layed stone, freeing itself loosely. At once, it was turning around and fleeing the forest clearing in pain. Sable blinked in confusion before her eyes focused on something else, something that was falling back to the earth. The green Legend Relic. It must have been dislodged from the punch, meaning it wasn't attached to the bear for very long. Without a word to the girl, Sable rocketed downwards in the attempt to catch the treasure. With the bear gone, so too was the danger factor. Now it was a free-for-all for the Relic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farther away in Rexicorg, the Drider hissed in pain as Yem's blade struck it underneath. Likewise, it gained some sort of primal satisfaction in knowing that it had clipped him as well. With a heart-pierced screech, it reared back and sprayed a stream of webbing from its rotting maw. It aimed to pin Yem in place, for it knew that once that was accomplished, it could freely go in for the kill. Meanwhile, the black Relic seemed to glow brighter, emitting an afterglow within the flames it resided in. It seemed to be pulsing with power, as if calling out…</s>
<|description|>FRIEDA RICHTER Age: 30 Race: Caucasian Sex: Female. Approximately 5' 11" tall, with blonde hair, steel grey eyes, and an athletic figure as per her military pedigree. Objectively quite stunning in her attractiveness. Skills: ace pilot, energy weapons Personality: highly intelligent but generally, socially clueless. She comes off as cold and unfriendly but truly, she doesn't have a natural propensity towards small talk and casual conversation. Smoker. Weapons & armor/clothing: Enclave-issue plasma pistol, mismatched light armour pieces suitable for a travelling merc. Also carries a small knapsack full of items of sentimental value, such as a photograph of her and her twin brother, various medals and pins earned within the Enclave (including her dog tags), and a pocket watch featuring an engraving. Occupation: Mercenary/security guard for hire. Faction (Minutemen, Institute, BOS, Railroad, None. Etc): Formerly Enclave, now unaffiliated. Backstory: Frieda was born seven minutes before her fraternal twin, Brian, but spent the majority of her life living in his false shadow. Their father was a high ranking official who lost his life during a mission while the twins were young. Subject to the same vigorous physical and weapons training through her life in the Enclave, no matter what she did, somehow her brother was favoured even when their skills and scores were on par. Where Frieda was more acerbic in personality, her brother's stoic demeanour tended to be extolled. Eventually, she was to be trained as a pilot, whereas her brother was destined for the front lines and recon. Her natural ability to focus on her task at hand while under pressure and make clear, logical decisions, saw her rise quickly through the ranks as one of their best pilots. Despite the artificial rivalry their peers and superiors tried to place upon them, Frieda and Brian were inseparably close. They celebrated each other's achievements and differing designations. Brian was the only person in her life constantly validating her own skills, when so many others preferred to compare her to her brother. They held up and supported each other. When her brother left on a recon mission, never to return, his loss was a devastating blow. The Enclave considered his and his team's mission a failure, and did not send a rescue team. Frieda wandered through the months that followed in a total daze, unable to find any peace in the thought that her brother was gone for good. He had been a grounding presence in her life, and without him, she found it impossible to find meaning in staying with the Enclave. In a daring move, she packed her most valuable things into a knapsack, stole a Vertibird, and decided to look for her brother, herself. Unfortunately, she miscalculated the trajectory of a rad storm, and found herself completely off course and crashing into the woods of what used to be New Hampshire. Alive, but without any caps to her name nor desire to return to the Enclave, she wandered east, taking small mercenary type jobs from various settlements until she reached the ocean, and arbitrarily chose to wander south. She found herself wandering into Salem, hoping the sparse settlement could use some full-time muscle, until such time she was able to begin the search for her brother anew. and: Name: Celeste Brown Age: 24 Race: Caucasian/mixed western European Sex: Female. Barely 5'1", with shoulder length, very dark brown, curly hair, and bright blue eyes. She carries a stout figure with a noticeably voluptuous chest. Skills: cooking, bartending, bartering Personality: very charismatic, friendly, and genuinely sweet to everyone she encounters. Weapons & armor/clothing: Wasteland settler garb including t-shirts, sweaters, skirts, dresses, slacks, and sneakers. Carries small sentimental trinkets, such as a pair of her mother's earrings and other inherited jewelry, and her father's first set of knives. Occupation: Barkeep/innkeep Faction (Minutemen, Institute, BOS, Railroad, None. Etc): None Backstory: Celeste has a very plain and lackluster backstory. Originally from a settlement on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, she was born to two, loving, hard working parents. Her mother operated a successful trading business, having set up at the border, and her father was a talented baker and chef. She learned the best of both occupations from a young age; the art of the deal from her mom, and how to create the flakiest pastry and well-balanced soups from her dad. Through her late teens, Celeste started to feel the wanderlust. While a steady stream of folks came through Niagara Falls between the two pre-war countries, so did their stories. Celeste started to dream of the world beyond the river and the escarpment, but for many years, seeing it for herself remained a dream. A caravan travelling from Burlington near Ronto, en route to the eastern seaboard, thrilled Celeste with their talk of the bright and beautiful Diamond City, that she insisted she go with them. She chipped in her own caps for the protected passage, said a bittersweet goodbye to her parents, and was on their way. The travel would prove to be very harsh on sweet, tender Celeste. Slogging through the terrain, surrounded by hostiles at every turn, and fearing for her life, all had begun to tarnish her shiny impression of the world outside her childhood home. Chronic optimism kept her going, but a very small part of her began to consider that she had made a huge mistake. Celeste would never make it to Diamond City. The caravan made a stop in Salem in an attempt to top up on purified water, and Celeste would fall in love with the town. The setting, the buildings, everything felt so beautiful and comfortable to her. She had a pocket full of caps and stars in her eyes. After a convincing conversation with the caravan, who assured her that Salem could become part of their regular route, she decided to settle back down and merely travel through the wasteland as she always had: by the stories and tales brought in by others.</s> <|message|>Ace Makovich Ace Makovich – Diner – Nightfall "Or, street lights would just make us a nice, bright, blaring target to the rest of the Commonwealth." Frieda blew smoke out the side of her mouth. "Sorry. I'm...not very fond of super mutants, docile or otherwise." She stooped to lean towards Ace. "How do we know he's not building this wall to lock us in until such time his more violent 'friends' appear, and wouldn't you know it, for some reason the gate just opened right up for them, but not for us to escape?" "Well Frieda, can't expect us to live in darkness and fear forever. That's why a good town defense will be necessary. Rook seems on the up and up, plus, in all my experience I've never seen a mutie think ahead that far. Besides he was asking help with gate since he didn't really have an idea for it. I on the other hand have quite a few and will design it…though I could be plotting with him to lock you all in and save myself." Ace winked at her and laughed. Frieda sighed. "I know Brandy thinks highly of him, for...some reason...and I owe that girl a lot. She let me move in, and all. She's just so sweet. I don't want her to get hurt." "Look Brandy can be like that. She won't get hurt if I have anything to say about it… besides I'm not saying I trust him completely. I just want Salem to be a safe place, where one can feel secure but at the same time feel free, not boxed in like Diamond city or Starlight city for that matter; all tall buildings and so many people living in a small space." "Anyways." She turned to Rick. "You didn't answer my earlier question, but my offer still stands. Are you staying somewhere, and do you want me to walk you home? Either way, I'm heading off to get something to eat, see if I can't find Brandy, see what she's been up to, today." Frieda pushed the scissors she was still holding back into Arthur's hands. "I'll be properly armed tomorrow, I promise. If you've got another couple hours in you, come by the diner for a drink." Rick looked at Frieda and shook his head no and pointed toward Mary's house, "Mary was gracious enough to offer me a place to spend the night, I can figure out the long term stuff later. Home's right there so no escort necessary miss. But much obliged on your offer." "Oh Frieda, if you're looking for Brandy, after we finished she said she was going over to the inn. Who knows why…" Ace replied as he turned to make his way back to bar, he addressed Rick, "Come on new boy, first drink on the house, if you can handle it."</s> <|message|>Rook Rook - Road Way, near the Wall/Inn Well, that was all quickly wrapped up, wasn't it? Rook seemed to relax a bit and they started talking about making it look like a fight was staged. This was something that he was not really sure about, but he planned on helping if it could aid the town over all. He looked out over the landscape for a moment and then back to the others. "Looks clear right now. Have to find good place to make it look like fight happened then. Rook will get back to wall. If anyone knows how to weld, bring welding things with you. Rook founds lots of metal and wants to get this up quickly. Faster wall is set up, faster town is able to defend itself from bigger threats.." Adam had arrived as well, asking about Deathclaws or what happened. Steve answered before Rook could, and oddly gave him the credit that was due. That was something he was not used to. Rook smiled a bit and then looked back to the beach where he had the docked up barge. Ok, now he had to get to work. Rolling his shoulders, Rook walked the Inn once more, but instead of stopping at the door, he walked a little bit past it, to the ruined truck that was next to the sign. Stabbing his polearm into the ground, he opened the door. Messing with the machine for a moment, he tore off the cover for the steering wheel. Using a small knife, he jammed it in where the 'key' went and got it to move one spot. He had seen this done a few times to help move off old cars. Pressing down on the left side pedal, he would force it to 'shift' as they had called it, moving it until he felt it slip slightly. Now it was 'neutral' as he had been told, and when he let go of the pedal, it was able to roll. Well, at least it was when he put a lot of force into it. Ancient, badly rusted parts had been forced to let go and move, and much like before, it took a bit to get it going, now he was going to get this down to the area for the gate. When he got it where it was going to rest, Rook shifted it, physically this time, onto it's side. The first bit of wall was made on this end, now it was going to be up to the others to help him get it all set up. Hopefully others would arrive soon.</s>
<|message|>FRIEDA RICHTER FRIEDA RICHTER - Salem -- early evening "Oh Frieda, if you're looking for Brandy, after we finished she said she was going over to the inn. Who knows why…" Ace replied as he turned to make his way back to bar, he addressed Rick, "Come on new boy, first drink on the house, if you can handle it." Frieda clamped her jaw shut, her irritation about to hit a boiling point a second time, and didn't want to engage. Darkness and fear? Has he looked around, lately? Defenses were one thing, but it's not like the surface was much of a paradise. Clearly she was mistaken that Ace could have a reasonable head on his shoulders. Moronic muties and their attempt at civilization. Brandy was a sweetheart but it was a wonder she hadn't been ripped apart by, well, anything out there, yet. She almost felt homesick. Mostly, she missed her brother. It was amazing how alone a person could feel without their best friend. Frieda opened and closed her hands. "Oh, okay," she tried to sound grateful to Ace but had no idea how her voice really came out. She turned back to Arthur once more, her demeanour visibly changed. "I'm going home to raid Brandy's fridge, then I'll be at the diner, if you still want that drink." She finished her cigarette, flicked it to the dirt, and quickly took her leave. Frieda entered Brandy's house and pulled the screen door shut behind her, letting out her aggravation in a growl-sounding sigh. If I had a single iota of a lead as to where you could be, Brian, I'd torch this place and run to you. She rubbed her brow with the back of a hand and swept into the kitchen. She nearly stumbled as she saw Brandy had been cooking. Some kind of crunchy coated animal protein was sitting on a baking sheet on top of the stove. She cautiously approached the food, leaning over it, and giving the air immediately above it a hearty sniff. It sure smelled...edible. Her stomach growled in response but her mind screamed to avoid it. It just looked too damn good. Frieda picked up a drumstick and took a very small and cautious bite. It wasn't long before she was tearing through the entire thing, leaving nothing but a fully cleaned and discarded bone behind. She chewed on the last of the cartilage as she gazed out the window into the sky. Mutie trash, all of them. Well, except Brandy, but damn if I didn't want to punch the living daylights out of her date back there. Her thoughts immediately jumped to the doc and how he happily treated that wasteland scum without charging them a dime. She frowned. If she was going to be stuck on the surface for the rest of her life, maybe Arthur had some advice to share on dealing with the wastelanders. She wiped grease off her fingers onto a nearby dishcloth then ascended the stairs to her room. Frieda quickly snatched up her plasma pistol and put it on her belt, where it belonged, brushed her hair out in the bathroom, then left for the diner. Frieda entered the diner and sat herself at the bar. A girl, no older than eighteen or nineteen let out an annoyed sigh, and tapped a pen on a paper pad. "Whaddaya want, toots? The boss told me to close up." Frieda blinked. "Do you want my business, or not?" "Ugh. So what do you want?" "I'll take a beer, and it's on his tab," Frieda pointed at Barney sitting down the bar. "It sure as hell is not!" Barney growled in response. "Take it out of my first pay," Frieda replied, waving him off. "Beer. Now." The girl rolled her eyes and plunked one onto the bar in front of her. "Thank you," Frieda purred, smiling to herself as she noticed the waitress didn't even open the bottle for her. She twisted the cap off with little effort and took a sip. She hoped Arthur would take her up on her offer. She needed some intelligent conversation.</s>
<|description|>Roger Chiro Nickname: The Winged Death Age: He looks 20, but he is in fact around 400 years old. Gender: Male Crush: None Relationship: None Human form: Animal form: Personality: When he is in his human form, he is violent and dysfunctional, however he still manages to keep some of his sanity intact, as not to hurt people. However, when the full moon arises, and he transforms, he is a killing machine that stalks people and kills them. History: "Maybe before death takes you, I'll tell. If you have a long life left it will keep you up at night." Likes: The company of his own thoughts. Dislikes: Other people, lots of noise. Extra info(anything you would like to add?): He resides in the forest, and only travels into the city when he transforms, to kill humans.</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman He looked at James and just said, "Alexander." He couldn't remember the last time he'd been around others, but still listened to whatever this man was gonna say next.</s> <|message|>Alyssa Rose @ViannaNight The she-wolf looked at the girl, wondering why the female smelled like felines, though as she looked at her flatly she noticed the other girl check her out. She raised an eyebrow in intrigue before her lips curled at the side in a half smirk. "Thalia." She said her name casually, waiting for the male to respond to them. He seemed lost in his thoughts, letting his dog do the talking for him. Remarkably, the dog was slightly more intelligent than the average domesticated mutt; perhaps the owner was as well.</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman @ViannaNight Joey listened as Thalia introduced herself and then decided to give his own name. "Joey." He then pointed to his dog. "and this is Ash." He then look back at the other girl who seemed to be lost in thought. Deciding not to question it, he turned his attention to Thalia for now.</s> <|message|>Aila James Aila shook her head pulling out of her own mind. "It is nice to meet you Thalia" She said. Taking a deep breath and stopped breathing for a few seconds. She smelt more then one canine scent in the air. She looked in between Joey and Thalia. If I can smell them, they can smell me too She thought to herself. She got a bit nervous and took another deep breath. I am a snow leopard and not just a normal feline. I am a predator as well. She straightened up a bit. She looked over at Joey again, "Do you ever like to go to a night club Joey?" She just blurted out. She didn't mean to ask that but she would like to see him again and she would have to be getting to work soon. "That question goes to you too Thalia" She add trying to seem a little less weird. & @ViolentViolet</s> <|message|>James Murphy James knew the emptiness of eyes that had seen something terrible, eyes that had lost someone close, eyes under the influence of drugs... but here he was, staring into eyes that were atypically empty. "Alexander. I'm James. I don't know what you've been through, but you're still alive, you can still make things better. You can't make things better once you're dead." With that, he turned around and walked away, guitar case swaying as if to wave goodbye.</s> <|message|>Alyssa Rose @ViannaNight "When the mood strikes me." The girl shrugged, smelling the hint of fear in the girls scent, well aware that she must have figured out who she was by now. Thalia herself didn't often venture this far into town, since she lived in a cabin not far from the woods. "I'd go more often, there's just never any suitable company." She threw a side-long glance at Joey. Deciding to get a little playful she nudged the man gently with her elbow, giving him a coy look. "Maybe we should go sometime."</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman @ViolentViolet Joey looked at Aila as she asked if he ever went to a night club. "Not really." He then turned to Thalia who elbowed him and smiled. "Yeah, sounds great." He knew he would have to check his calendar when he got home though. That way, he could see when the best time to go would be. --- Alexander listened to him for a bit before watching James walk off. He turned around to continue his walk while thinking about what the man had said.</s> <|message|>Mihoshi "You are acting crazy but your words make scenes. No offense, you don't know how to control your were self and fear it. You discard everything that makes you human." Mihoshi says as she hands him some deer meat through the window. She is thinking what would happen if this guy ended up with the wrong person. Her dad told her not everyone is a good person were nor human.</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro Roger took the deer meat out of the window. "You say I don't know how to control my were self. I used to be able to. Everyone can at first. But it consumes you after a while. By 100 years it's a little spiky, by 200 years it's more apparent, by 300 years it can take over any time you want, and when you are 400 years it has a hold on you. A hold which you cannot control at all." @Alisdragon911</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman Deciding he was safe for now, Kaiden padded out of his den as he was still in cheetah form. He didn't wander too far though and finally seemed catch scent of a raccoon and stood very still until it came into his sight. He put a paw on the little creature, his claws digging into the skin as the raccoon struggled a little before going limp. Kaiden removed his paw and picked up the critter before heading back into his den. He went as far back as he could before dropping the raccoon in front of him. He layed down to eat it with his back to the entrance of the den. Since the raccoon was a tiny thing, it didn't take Kaiden long to finish eating it. Let's hope that'll hold me off for a bit.</s> <|message|>Mihoshi "I think you lost your mind from sorrow and not traing your mind as your heart slowly froze over with pain. I don't know what happen to you but some of the elders still have their mind or a heart." Mihoshi says finishing eating her deer meat, she keeps her senses open to see if this guy will use his shotgun again. She sighs picking up his scent to remember it later for any reason at all.</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro "I give up trying to warn you." Roger said. With that, he left, and got back on the path to the forest. He ate some of the deer as he walked. Suddenly he heard the sound of bones crunching. He saw the back of a large feline poking out of a den. He aimed his gun. @Letmehaveone2</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman Kaiden caught the scent of the crazy man again. He slowly turned around to look at Rodger and sighed as he had the gun pointed at him. This was his part of the forest. He was annoyed with him at this point. "So, you decided to follow me." Now, he believed it was his turn to tell Rodger to leave. "This my home and I ask you leave it and myself alone."</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro "I didn't follow you. I heard the sound of you crunching the bones of that animal and came to investigate. I was just speaking to your weretiger friend, and she refused to heed my warning of death. If I leave the forest, the innocent people of the city will be in mortal danger too. You don't know who I am, child" Roger said. @Letmehaveone2</s> <|message|>Mihoshi Mihoshi smells something odd in the forest and it draws her attention. She turns into her tiger form and slinks out the back door. She did not to encounter that crazy guy again but wonders if he want to kill anything in sight for the fun of it. She stops at a river to get a drink of water as she listen for anything unusual. She wonders how her cheetah friend is holding up even though they just met.</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman "Like I said when we first met, I just wanted to eat and got myself a raccoon." Kaiden replied, still not too happy with this man being in his territory. He knew the raccoon wasn't much, but it was a nice snack though. "You don't know who I am either." He sat down, waiting for this man to finish speaking so can go back to resting in his den.</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro [@Letmehaveohe2] "I mean, you underestimate me. I am older than the city in which we reside. You are a mere child. You cannot begin to comprehend what being a were creature does to you. It consumes you. By the time you are my age. You will be like me." Roger spoke with a slightly sad tone.</s> <|message|>Mihoshi Mihoshi hears some voices and jumps into a tree. She curl up to get comfortable as her ears are perk to hear more of the cheetah and the crazy guy again. She sits still as she is thinking this conversation is going nowhere set for in circles. She wait for something to happen instead of the two just having a conversation before making a move. She guess the tree leaves hide her body, but wish she was not white for once.</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman Kaiden shook his head. "I'm pretty well aware of what I am." He decided to stand up on his hind legs before shifting to his human form once again. "See? I have full control. All it takes is willpower." He explained as he leaned back on a tree next to his den. --- As he was leaving the area, Golden came across a beach. He had an emotionless expression on his face. He was still looking around for some metal he could use later. Not gonna find any here. He thought to himself. Maybe he could trick some mere human into giving him something.</s> <|message|>Aila James Aila looked between them. "Well if you would like to come have fun" she ran a hand through her hair "I work as a bartender and dancer at fur and fang nightclub down the street" she said shaking out her hair. "If you do, tel the bouncer that you know me. you will get free entrance" She looked down at her phone. She hissed at the time. "Shit I got to go" she said leaning down petting ash once more and smiling at Joey before rushing off. "Hope to see you two soon" she said over her shoulder waving at them. especially Joey she thought to herself.</s> <|message|>Sophia Cross Sophia Cross and her twin sister Miranda were just finishing getting ready for there first day off from work in about a week and they were looking forward to it especially since their boss needed them to work a double shift last night. So they we excited to just relax and have fun. As the sister had finished the final touches of there outfits they headed of there bedrooms and toward the door. "You ready sis?" sophia asked her sister as they linked arms and opened the door. "Of course I am. Do you think that Xavier is ready?" Miranda replied as I looked at her and they burst out laughing. "I bet you he is wait in down in the lobby for us as we speak." Sophia said back in between laughs. As the girls calmed down and stopped laughing they headed down to the lobby where they met up with Xavier who happened be their best friend sort of like an older brother they never had. "Well there you guys are finally. I thought I was going to have to send out a search party for you two" Xavier said and the twins smiled at him. "Ha ha very funny now let's go I want to go to the icecream shop I herr they got a new flavour." Miranda said as the three friends all left their apartment buildings and headed for the ice cream shop.</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro "Oh yes, you can control your powers now. For the first hundred years that's what they are. Powers. Cool abilities. But when you get older they become a curse. Because being a were person is not a power. It's another being inside your mind, that has a hold over you. I would give anything just to become human again." Roger placed his gun on the floor as he spoke.</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman Kaiden was willing to talk more now that the gun was on the floor. "I will have know not all of us were bitten, some like me are born. There's a difference." It was true, he was actually born into a family of werecheetahs. "I may seem young to you, but I am old enough to be on my own." If he couldn't reason with this guy, he was just going to give up. --- Joey listened to her intently and then smiled when she was finished. As he watched her go, he said, "Hope to see you too." and waved back then turned to Thalia once Alia left to see of she had anything to say as well. Ash barked happily as one of the girls rushed off and then also turned his attention to Thalia, sitting down.</s> <|message|>Roger Chiro "If you are born with it, then you are even more unfortunate. You have never felt the pleasure of being a normal human. Just to fit in. Yes, you are old enough to be on your own, I'm not saying that you aren't." Roger sighed. "Look. If you're not going to heed my warnings of pain and death, then so be it. If you had any sense, you would listen to me."</s> <|message|>Joey Freeman Kaiden was out of words by this point and decided to take one last look at his den. He was almost considering moving to the city, but he had no idea how things worked there. He actually thought of going to see that weretiger again as well. "Welp, I'm gonna go see that weretiger again, goodbye." With that he left the area before going in the direction he thought she would be. After a bit, he shifted to his cheetah form once again while trying to track down the weretiger without seeming all creepy. I'd much rather have her for company than the crazy man.</s> <|message|>Mihoshi Mihoshi moves quickly jumping from tree to tree till she is closer to the cemetery. She growls at the Cheetah from the branch she is sitting on. "Hi, you seem to be in a foul mood." She did not want to give away she been eavesdropping on his conversation with the crazy man. "I sense you had a visitor that just visit me as well." She says has she did not mind moving away from the forest to another place closer to a city or village.</s>
<|message|>Roger Chiro Roger stood silently as the werecheetah departed. "So be it." He said with a sigh, and began trudging back to his cabin. He hoped not to run into any more ignorant children on the way back. After a while he reached his cabin and placed his shotgun back on the table. He begun to fully tuck into the deer which the were-tiger had given to him. He wasn't sure when it would be dark. When it was dark, his were-bat side would take over.</s>
<|description|>Abel Fulgurate Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: The Ampere, a unique polearm with a wide, flat blade rather than a spearhead along with a gray steel pole. It has both range and lethality, keeping most melee fighters at a range safe for Abel but devastating to them with a tempered steel point, as well as channeling Abel's natural aura far better than he can do by himself (Inside the the Ampere's pole is a thick mesh of silver and copper wire). The Ampere has a single alternate mode that splits the wide blade into four parts and reverses their direction, creating a vaguely mace shape. In this mode, the Ampere can release bolts of lightening that travel impressive distances instantly. Specialty: Abel fits best into the role of guardian, fittingly enough. His size, range, and defensive characteristics make him good at intercepting danger coming for his teammates, and he can certainly throw his strength around at close range, armed or not. Using his lightening bolts, he is able to paralyze if not flash-fry a single opponent at long range. Semblance: Surge - This ability allows him to project electricity that can manipulate the Ampere at short range without touching it and summon it back to his hand when disarmed, as well as channel electricity to shock anything the weapon touches. By using Surge to rotate his staff quickly at very close range, he can create a sort of shield. When he focuses his power sufficiently through the Ampere in staff mode, he is able to fire a bolt of lightening that takes several minutes to recharge. Personality: Abel is proud and gruff, very serious and totally without humor. For someone who appreciates the creativity and technique of both weapons and battle so thoroughly, he ironically is without creativity. Instead, he tend to go about his business by the book, a principled young man of habit and routine with little to no capability to think outside the box. While he is dependable, he is not flexible, and can respond to bullying, injustice, or even plain teasing with sudden anger. While not antisocial, he sticks with only a few friends at any given time, concentrating on strong bonds rather than many bonds. He loathes popular culture and those who overtly subscribe to it. The Grimm mask he carries makes him upset and angry, more at himself than anything else, but as it reminds him of his brother he cannot let it go. Deep down, Abel is a severe defeatist. Color: Azure Emblem: An azure lightening bolt, naturally. Appearance: When reading, he is forced to put on glasses.</s> <|message|>Oswald Connoly Oswald Connolly- Airship Docks Oswald groaned at the situation at hand. He had a wildcard hyperactive tiger Faunus, a...narcissistically verbose fencer, and...Robert. The chronically unlucky Robert. Great. Just. Just great. Running a hand through his hair, Oswald looked over the edge once more, then back to Gren. "He' a good heart, but you're right. He needs to find a way to temper all that energy. Channel it, control it, whatever. Because as of right now, he's more of a force of nature than a Huntsman-in-training. As impressive as his ability for unintended destruction is, he's not likely to wipe out a forest of Grimm by tripping over them." However, Oswald could only chuckle and shake his head with a sigh. "Don't worry, we'll look after the guy. Hopefully we can get those daggers back, too. Might be a little rusty, but it's better than making a new pair from scratch, eh?" Nodding resolutely at the comically tall boar Faunus, Oswald took a deep breath before jumping off the edge. Crossing his arms across his chest and bending his knees ever so slightly for the water landing, Oswald waited for the impact of the water to come.</s> <|message|>Ebon Umbranox Ebon looked outside his window with his new scope sight. It was gimmicky and heavy, so he knew he needed to work more on it. Putting the device down Ebon walked over to his bed and fell on it. He was debating what he wanted to do. If he remembered correctly, Krysanthe was going to go off and fight someone, Skyra was going to hang out with her girlfriend, and Sepia... Was off doing something. That left Ebon a lot of time alone, as he's often want to do. "Huuuuh. I guess I'll head to town." Changing into something fashionable and grabbed his scroll and wallet. As he was walking towards the air docks Ebon figured he'd text his team and let them know that he'll be out. When he arrived to the air docks Ebon noticed a couple of students near the cliff. A few boys even jumped off, either to their death or to the lake below. Since he didn't have anything better to do Ebon walked over and tried to figure out what was going on by reading everyone's mind. To help facilitate their thoughts he also asked. "What's going on here?" @SevenStormStyle@PyroDash888</s> <|message|>Gratia Mindaro Gratia Mindaro - VGNB Dorms "It wouldn't have bEeN fUN if you hadN't been wILlING." For an instant, the pressure in the room felt as if it had increased, but the sudden shift in their environment disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. Gratia returned her eyes to her notebook, pen scratching down further observations that had been noted during that intense minute. Intense fear, embarrassment and surprise were a range of emotions that could influence the movement of Luke Schwarz' hair, but were they the only forms of stimulus? All of which she had observed were related to a sense of discomfort or negativity. Could that have been the deciding factor behind its movement, with only the emotional states as correlating variables? She needed to inquire further. "What brings about positive emotions in you?" asked the solemn Mistralese girl. Would emotions of happiness, joy and the like too engage Schwarz' ahoge?</s> <|message|>Lucas Schwarz Luke Schwarz -- VGNB Dorm His breath hitched in surprise and he found his eyes sharp once more, instincts screaming at him with the sudden change in pressure as her voice almost seemed to... warp. Taking on an edge he'd never actually heard before, an edge that felt predatory, dangerous. Crazy. His brows knit together. Wait. His body tensed under the pressure. This wasn't the first time he'd heard it. Just the first it had ever been directed at him, it had ever been this clear. That's right-- Her fight with Cian. The same change happened. There was a common thread here, a trend obvious enough that even he, who hardly knew how to read between the lines when it counted, could pick it out with ease. In contrast with her typical personality, Gratia Mindaro had only begun to bare her fangs in one specific context. Fighting. Combat. Be it sparring or otherwise, Gratia Mindaro was the antithesis of the nigh-pacifistic, "talk-first-and-throw-punches-later" boy under her study. The signs were pointing towards that conclusion. Underneath that veneer of icy, solemn bluntness lied something ferocious, something vicious. Something he had only seen hints of, in moments so brief you'd almost believe them merely imagination. Berserker. And as quickly as it had came, that intimidating, oppressive aura vanished, and the room became normal once again. As if she had never changed, Mindaro was right back to work, pen scrawling across paper as her impassive onyx eyes remained glued to her notes thus far. "Positive emotions..." He frowned contemplatively, folding his arms and legs as he once again looked upwards to the ceiling, this time in thought. "Well, helping people is definitely one of them. I try to help out with things if I can." he stated, head coming back down in a nod. "It's redundant to say, but I also do enjoy having fun: messing around with friends, playing games, going for a ride on my bike every once in a while, meeting pretty girls, enjoying a good meal, giving my little sisters a hard time, even just lighthearted conversation." He looked to her again, searching for whatever reaction would come. "I think I'm like most people: I like doing things that I want to do."</s> <|message|>Robert Fallson Robert Fallson - Airship Docks Besides just a casual "hello" toward Oswald when he approached the slowly growing group, Robert mostly stood in silent confusion. At first he believed that maybe Oswald was helping Sapphire find her misplaced weapons until Shiro felt the sudden urge to start his "workout" now instead of later and Oswald made a comment about saying the wrong thing. Something other than a tiger-faunas' extreme training session was going on here, he could at least see that. It was once Gren talked to him that Robert finally began to see the big picture. Shiro had done something to make him feel responsible for his team leader's weapons go missing and was now on a quest to solve that problem. The workout stuff that Shiro had mentioned to Napoli was just made up for some reason, probably because he didn't want help. Was Robert naive? Oh hell yeah. But was he an idiot? Despite what many might think, the answer would be no. Shooting Gren a thumbs-up, Robert smiled and said, "I promise we'll bring him back, not only safe and sound, but with a clear conscious too. I mean really, what's the worse that could happen?" Robert then began rapidly stripping out of his clothes until he was down to just his pants, underwear, and weapons. As he was getting everything into a semi-neat pile, another voice seemed to appear from nowhere. "Nothing much. Just going for a nice swim is all," Robert responded to the voice. Looking up, he searched the area for where it came from. There was only one person in sight, he couldn't tell who it was since he had already taken his glasses off, but they seemed to be too far away to be the source. The voice sounded as if it was close enough to have been spoken inside his own head. It was a bit creepy actually. Ah well," he said as he shrugged before looking back at the cliff side. "CANNONBAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!" Robert shouted as he jumped off, pulled his legs against his chest, and crossed his arms.</s> <|message|>Krysanthe Krysthane: Gym + Duel Krysthane yawned and looked at her beeping scroll, she just wanted to nap for a few minutes before getting ready for the night on the town. Glancing at it she smacked herself lightly on the forehead. SHE'D TOTALLY FORGOTTEN! She jumped out of her bed and began racing towards the gym. Her scroll beeped and again and she looked at it slightly irritated while running and attempting not to smash into everything. Luckily the message was quickly so Krysthane quickly stowed the scroll away and found herself outside of the gym. She took a deep breath or two, smoothed down her somewhat wild yellow hair, and walked in calmly. "Ah Emerald, good to see you're already prepared. I guess since we're both ready we can start." Krysthane said confidently as she took a ready stance, clearly willing to let Emerald make the first move. Krysthane stood with her left leg slightly forward, her right arm loosly held by her right leg and her left arm crooked just in front of her stomach. Her plan was the same as last fight, use only kicks for the first part until her opponent was adjusted, then hit em with a sucker punch. If that didn't work... well she would figure out something, this was just for fun after all.</s> <|message|>Kuhaku Shiro Kuhaku Shiro - An unnamed lake, just outside of Beacon What was he even worried about in the first place? Normally, Shiro had zero fear of heights. Hell, his first day at Beacon he was launched into a forest filled with Grimm and he handled it no problem. He figured something must've been off, maybe his medication altered his personality more deeply than he thought. The loud roar of the winds whipping him and that dreadful sinking feeling wasn't the most delightful thing in the world, but why was he scared? All these wonders and more were erased from his mind the moment his body dipped into the waters. Though it wasn't cold, the temperature was low enough to immediately send chills up his spine and made him almost want to gasp. That would've been bad of course, swallowing a large volume of water into his lungs. His mission would've ended right then and there, with emergency services been sent out to retrieve him. Thankfully, he had enough willpower to resist the urge and shook it off. Breaching the surface of the lake's waters, it was then that he resumed his normal breathing. Turning his head head left and right, Shiro located the breathing gear Gren gave him and his flashlight. Sliding his goggles over his eyes, he pressed the mask against his face and cinched down the straps to alleviate the bad fitting. Shaking his head to make sure that everything was good to go, a sixth sense alerted him to an incoming presence. Turning back around and looking up from where he had jumped off from, his glowing blue eyes widened as he saw other bodies jumping down after him. They didn't intend on stopping him, did they? Did they think he jumped over to harm himself? Surely, they couldn't be some reactionary rescue diver team. Frowning, Shiro clicked on his flashlight to check if it worked. Thankfully, it did. Not wanting to be snatched up in some other bull, Shiro got right to work. Lunging down into the lake's waters, Shiro got to his search. He figured that since Sapphire's weapons were metallic, the flashlight's beams could possibly gleam and reflect off of it to help him find it faster. His plan was to swim around the lake's perimeter and work his way in at a sort of spiral. Once at the lake's center, the next step was to scale back up to Beacon and see if they landed in some rocky crevice. Looking over his shoulder, he watched anyone tailing him before powering through the lake. His little light flitting to and fro as he scanned, he left behind a trail of bubbles as he swam.</s>
<|message|>Abel Fulgurate Abel Fulgurate - Dorm Once Abel's surprise at Shiro's unexpected entry and removal of clothes had worn off, he maintained a level of confusion about the same as Sapphire. All he could offer in response to her question was a bemused shrug. The thought flashed through his mind: without his usual armor on, shrugging proved to be a much more enjoyable feat. He made the resolve, then and there, to try and do it more often when unencumbered. "Don't know. But I doubt he would. Only two places to swim on campus, Port's probably got another Megaladeus in one and the other's a sheer drop off the airdocks." The wheels in the guardian's head began to turn. Where and why exactly would a cat faunus go swimming? On the edge of his mind, the semblance of an idea took place, but try as he might he could not recall the details. "Must have lost something before traveling recently," he decided at last. "Don't know what though." A dubious glance shot Sapphire's way. "You goin' to Gren's party thing? Also, I had no idea you were in here. Um..." On the off chance she hadn't noticed, he elected to not mention that he'd released a quiet flatus about a chapter back in his book. Hey, he'd thought he was alone. "Your power, I guess."</s>
<|description|>Dr. Cassie Ding Appearance: Super Alias: Noisemaker, Dr. Ding Age: 25 Power(s):Cassie has the ability to emit, absorb, and analyze vibrations; in other words, she manipulates sound. Genes: Super-senses, force manipulation. Super Suit Specifics:Cassie wears a white enamel androgynous power suit that is easily mistaken for a robot. It looks something like the following image.But the head has a single red camera in the center like the following image.Cassie wears a white hooded robe over all this. Cassie's power suit provides a decent amount of protection and minimal strength augmentation while providing her with many options when using her natural ability. She has many devices that produce or augment sound. Notably, she has a sword/bat that is essentially a massive tuning fork that she can make vibrate at different frequencies to shatter different materials. She also carries many small disc-shaped emitters that she lays around to create acoustic or harmonic zones that amplify her power. Cassie's suit was not designed by Edna Mode, though it still comes with the standard homing device and communicator. Skills:Cassie has a PhD in theoretical physics and can do high-level math in her head, which helps her with the complex behaviors of sound. Personality:Cassie comes off as stern and no-nonsense. She believes that superheroic acts should be a duty rather than a passion and looks down on those who do it for the thrill. She believes that supers are beholden to the people and should be held accountable if their recklessness harms or endangers the populace. This is not a popular stance among supers but has earned her a degree of clout among the BSA. Some supers see her as a traitor, but she frankly doesn't care what they think. Cassie believes in discipline and order and sees the government as the rightful holders of the reins over supers, red tape, bureaucracy and all. Cassie does have a nurturing side, like a teacher; and will praise and reward those willing to obey. Biography:Cassie's parents were the Chinese-American duo, Dr. Ding and Tremor. Dr. Ding was the brains, a telwpath who used his incredible senses and ability to communicate discreetly to spot for Tremor, who could manipulate the ground and create earthquakes. Before Cassie was born, her parents played classical music towards the womb, based off a quack theory that doing so would help the unborn child's brain develop. When Cassie was born, everyone was surprised to hear Beethoven's Ninth Symphony playing from the baby. Cassie was only around 7 or 8 when the famous court case, The People vs. Mr. Incredible happened. Her parents, despite being supers themselves, saw merit in the suit filed against Mr. Incredible, and reassessed their own performance. They also saw this as an opportunity to stop Cassie from becoming a hero since they felt hero work was too dangerous for her since her ability did nothing to protect her, having zero defensive capabilities. They had Cassie focus her energies on her studies instead. Still, they didn't want her losing her super heritage, so they let her train her abilities in secret, always stressing discipline, control, and precision, reminding her that she had the potential to be extremely dangerous. As Cassie went through, her parents wondered if the classical music had worked since Cassie demonstrated super intellect and became an ace student, skipping a few grades in the process. She went on to university, and then to graduate school where she earned her degree. Cassie also showed an interest in sociology and political theory as she tried to figure out her place in the world as a super and has even given a few speeches in support of a world where supers operated only under government supervision. This has earned her a spot in the BSA's new program. Equipment/possessions:Her super suit is a design she was able to squeeze out of defense contractors that she had collaborated with on research projects. She lacks a certain degree of sentimentality and doesn't keep mementos. She has her glasses because her eyesight is horrible even though she could use echolocation instead. Others:She sometimes goes by Dr. Ding, which is her father's super alias because she not only shares the surname, but she also has the degree to warrant the title of doctor. She sometimes announces her arrival by emitting an 'elevator bell' *DING* sound as a signature.</s> <|message|>Dr. Cassie Ding Cassie watched with a trained, professional, fake smile as Mr. and Mrs. Parr left on their dinner date. Even though she saw Mr. Incredible as someone who had, in the past, been a reckless vigilante, she wasn't going to let her personal feelings get in the way of doing her job. If anything, she should thank Mr. Parr and his lawsuit for bringing to light the issues of reckless endangerment during crime fighting and superhero accountability. She was glad to be a part of this program; she still saw superhero activity as a necessity, albeit an unfortunate one thanks to the continued existence of super crime, but felt that it needed to be reined in by public forces. While this was her first assignment, Cassie felt it was symbolic of their future: their task was to supervise an extremely dangerous super. Perhaps this indicated the Bureau's ambition to supervise all supers, something Cassie believed in strongly. After all, 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?', 'who guards the guardians?' Cassie observed as Rebekah took the lead in occupying Jack-Jack's attention. Cassie was content to take a backseat and let the younger members do their thing, besides Cassie wasn't very good with children. She remembered, with some guilt, an incident where she was watching a colleague's child. The child had started acting up so Cassie used her power to imitate the mother's voice. That had only served to freak the child out even more. Cassie sat down on the couch in the living room and turned the TV on to a news channel. She wouldn't pay the child too much attention, but she would remain present, observant, and available, making sure to keep her super-hearing focused as well as send out echolocating pings should the child wander out of her vision.</s> <|message|>Kai Mako Kai leaned against the counter in the kitchen. She still wasn't entirely sure why she ever agreed to this. She was already on the streets fighting crime! That's where she should be tonight, not baby sitting a child. After all, when she was four years old she was already tasked by her father to clean the Dojo... Not sit around idly waiting for someone to bring me my food. She heard the TV pop on in the other room. That was probably the reason young Americans were so far behind the Asian school aged children. Too much time allowed to stare into a glowing box. "Can I help?" Mako asked the younger girl. Her accent was present, but had long ago faded away significantly. She was bored, already, might as well be useful.</s> <|message|>Mary Guarder "but fish don't have fingers." He said, then ran over to the couch and climbed up. --- Mary opened the door and walked into the apartment. "Sorry about being late. A customer called at the last minute and I had to grow them some strawberries. I grew some extras though." She sat a basket with containers of several types of berry in it. "Feel free to eat some if you want." She grabbed a container of strawberries, then walked over to the couch and sat down. "Hey Jack-Jack. Want one?" She held the container of berries out to the child and he took one, shoving the whole thing in his mouth. "Mmm." he said, then reached for another.</s> <|message|>Rebekah Leah Green Rebekah Green "but fish don't have fingers." He said, then ran over to the couch and climbed up. It was the typically literal response she should have expected from him, but really, she reflected, the misunderstanding was her fault. "Ah, fish sticks!" Rebekah sighed as the toddler ran off. The exclamation worked as both a minor curse and as a correction "Fish sticks. That is what you call them in America." It truly was the small things that got her about moving to a new country. The big stuff, she could deal with, because it was big, in her face, and she was constantly being reminded of it. But the tiny cultural differences like what you called fish fingers? That was all to easy to forget and then mess up. "Sorry about being late." Mary said as she came in. "A customer called at the last minute and I had to grow them some strawberries. I grew some extras though." "Yeah, sure. No prob." Rebekah answered. "Just keep him entertained for a bit. I'll be in the kitchen cooking the fish... sticks"</s> <|message|>Kai Mako As Rebekah started to work on preparing Jack-Jack's lunch, Mako hung out with her. There wasn't really much to preparing food like this. Put them on a tray, throw them in the oven, set the timer and wait. Mako was bored... still. "Have you ever heard of induction cooking?" She asked no one in particular, she didn't wait for anyone to respond either, "It is a type of electric cook top that uses magnets to heat up the pan directly. It is fast, efficient, and when you are done, the surface is hardly warm that the pan sat on... I wonder if I could pull that off..." She trailed off as she thought about how to manipulate her magnetic abilities to have that effect. She would have to try it out later, but she knew better then to mess with the stuff from the Parrs. Instead she went as far as the walk way into the living room where everybody else was sitting. She took one step into the room and she could see the image on the TV warp slightly in her direction. With a sigh she took a step back out of range and watched from afar.</s> <|message|>Rebekah Leah Green Rebekah Green "Yeah, I think I might have seen a video like that online, something about a levitating magnetic barbecue?" Mako was wandering off now, but Rebekah's curiosity had been awakened, and she didn't want to let such a cool idea go so easily. She fished out another tray from the cupboard, and a tray of eggs from the fridge. They should be fryable. "It would be great if you could" she continued. "Let's give it a try. What do you reckon?" She held up the tray and an egg for Mako to see, a question written on her face.</s> <|message|>Kai Mako "... That was not what I had in mind... that would take too much power, I think. I can levitate the pan alright, but I don't think I can levitate it and excite it enough to cook with it. I could probably excite the pan enough to heat it up, but I don't think I've got quite enough control to and power to really do the trick... No, I had better not, not with their pans."</s> <|message|>Dr. Cassie Ding Cassie looked over to Rebekah and Mako. "You know," Cassie said, using her power to project her voice, "you shouldn't recklessly test your abilities in public spaces. As an example to other supers, we should only try the limits of our powers in government-regulated testing facilities." While the words themselves may be condescending, she spoke in an instructive way, seeing herself as the role-model, the paragon to these impressionable youth (though Mako wasn't much younger than herself); youth who had only known and looked up to heroes like Mr. Incredible, who was hardly the ideal Cassie felt these girls should be striving towards.</s> <|message|>Rebekah Leah Green Rebekah Green Rebekah cocked an eyebrow at Cassie's words. "Yeah? Well this right here is a dedicated facility, and the base of a government-funded programme for the training of young supers. Which is exactly what we're doing." Indeed, it was within this very building where each of them did most of their training with Lucius. Sometimes this happened in one of the the empty apartments below them, or up on the roof when they needed a more open space. "Come on Mako, at least give it a try. This induction cooking sounds like a great skill to have, it lets you practise having fine control over your powers, and if you can pull it off, I bet Jack-jack would really love it! She pressed the tray into Mako's hands, and then stepped back to give her room to work.</s> <|message|>Kai Mako They did both have good arguments. "I really shouldn't," She began to say, but was interrupted by the pan being shoved into her hands. But the boredom had gotten to her. She was bored, simple as that. So, the devil won this time, and her conscious would have to wait. "Alright, so, I can't hold onto the pan either, it is going to get hot so lets go over here," She moved over to a counter top and laid down some hot pads on the counter and set the pan on top of it. Mako Kai pulled up a wooden stool so she could focus and not worry about forgetting how to stand. "Nobody in the room has a pacemaker or similar, right? Cassie, you might want to turn down your equipment for a moment, this could get noisy..." With her hands hovering near the pan the Magnastar put her powers to the test. The idea was simple, excite the metal into creating enough kinetic energy that it produces heat without friction. Yep, real simple. The process was done with thousands of small magnets all firing in sequence to keep the pan in one place while making it move at a microscopic level. Mako was attempting to do it with just her hands. It wouldn't be pretty, Mako knew that. She would start of with slow pulses and low powered and increase the pace between her hands until it was almost constant, and then slowly amp up the power. She closed her eyes at first and began. Then after about 30 seconds of this she nodded for Rebekah to crack the egg and put it on the pan. She practically held her breath as she waited to hear the sizzle and smell the pleasant smell of frying egg.</s>
<|message|>Dr. Cassie Ding Cassie sniffed in annoyance at Rebekah's retort but didn't reply. If the TV had been a CRT, no doubt the image would be experiencing fluctuations right about now. Cassie passive-aggressively got up from her seat, and sat back down on the other side of Jack-Jack, blocking his view of Rebekah and Mako. "So John," Cassie spoke to Jack-Jack, using his given name, "As supers, we need to learn how to use our powers responsibly, isn't that right, Mary?" She took a berry from Mary's basket, "Thanks for the berries, by the way." She gave the pair in the kitchen a side-eye, half-expecting something to explode.</s>
<|description|>Rich Keener Age: 21 Appearance: Tall, tanned, with big, staring pale green eyes. Bushy eyebrows, has a mop of thick, tangled dark-brown hair that's long enough that he ties it back most of the time. Muscly, but usually one can't see them. Crooked nose, looks like it's been broken more than once, which it has. Wears a necklace consisting of a deerskin cordage with a bit of raw turquoise attached. His wolf form is mostly black, but with pale gray facial markings and underbelly, and gray feet. Race: Werewolf Gender: Male Personality: Always on the alert and assessing his situations to prepare for danger. Quiet, prefers to listen rather than speak. Jumpy and easily startled, his fighting style is "kick once hard and get away while they're down". Like a lone wolf he is afraid to approach the resident pack, but is also curious. He enjoys nature and spends a lot of time in the forest. Bio: Orphaned at age 12 after his parents got in a fatal fight involving vampires. He ran away and survived alternately in the forest in the town, but mostly in the forest until he was old enough to get a job as a book-keeper and small apartment. (werewolves only) Role: Rogue but might join the pack during the roleplay, as what I don't know yet Mate: none Other: bazinga</s> <|message|>Ebony Wildes Ebony frowned. She didn't trust him much but she also wanted to look into his eyes it's how she read a person. Her wolf also insisted that we make eye contact. "Look up. Don't look away from us. Make eye contact with us or we won't be able to believe you."</s> <|message|>Rich Keener He did as she told him and looked up, straight into Ebony's eyes. It made him feel a little lightheaded.</s> <|message|>Ebony Wildes Ebony looked straight into his light green eyes and felt like she could get lost in them easily. But her wolf in her head shouting at her that this is probably their mate snapped her out of it. "No. How." She whispered to herself before she began to pace. Her wolf and her now fighting. Ebony hated rogues and here she was with a rogue that is probably her mate. This just was not OK with her. She was becoming stressed by it since her wolf didn't like that she was questioning who her mate was. But what would she do. That she was still finding an answer for as she continued pacing.</s> <|message|>Celest Celest Watched ebony and glared softly "E you should get back to the den, to cool off a bit" she said in an even tone and her eyes locked on the rouge. She didnt have a glare or even a firece look in her eyes, she was curious and growing impatent</s> <|message|>Jihord Stulkson Jihord He had stood silently, a distance away from the group in his human form. He rarely took on the shape of a wolf, only when he absolutely needed the strength, but the wolf inside him always had more control than the human. Sensing Celeste's growing impatience, he stepped in, he was large, even for a wolf. At 6'2 and heavy with muscle, he was an intimidating opponent just as a man. He stepped near to her, his mouth to her ear, though he was only an enforcer, he made it his duty to attempt and guide Celeste with tradition. "I believe we may have some complications, I would advice to order this rogue scum to his knees, for inspection." He had noticed the link between Ebony and the pack traitor, and despite his seething hatred for anyone that abandons their pack, tradition orders that no one hinders the relationship of possible mates.</s> <|message|>Celest Celest turned to Jihord and nodded and put a hand on his shoulder, She glared at the rouge now feeling the presure of traditon and also of the way her father had taught her how to be an alpah. "Jihord, ebony Go back to the den im sure i can handle him" she said getting thuroughly irritated. she was on the brink of losing control over her wolf that was snarling inside.</s> <|message|>Jihord Stulkson Jihord He clasped his hand over hers, then leaned forward to place his head on the front of her neck; a sign of obedience, submission, and loyalty to his Alpha. "Are you certain my leader, if anything were to happen I would feel the cry of a thousand wolves at my inability to defend you immediately. With your word I will gladly shift, and remove this traitor from our midst."</s> <|message|>Celest She instictivly nipped the back of his neck softly and growled lowly "Ill be fine, Now go befor i tan your hide infront of this stranger!" irritation past now she was speaking directly from her wolf side uncontrollably. She put her hand to her mouth and looked up at him with caring almost sad eyes "Please" She said</s> <|message|>Jihord Stulkson Jihord Pride almost glowed from his eyes as threaten his literal hide "Yes Ma'am." He said with a soft smile, squeezing her hand reassuringly before turning and sprinting through the forest, heading towards the den.</s> <|message|>Celest She always seemed to let herself get frustrated easily with jihord around, something in her shouted at her that he could possibly be a mate but she of course ignored it. Though as he left she felt a twinge of sadness,her focus now resumed to be on the rouge. "Tell me your name, and let me see your hands" She wanted to see his hands because if he belonged to a pack its sign would be on his hand or upper arm.</s> <|message|>Allie Doyle Allie was curled up under a blanket on her bed. She didn't really sleep, but laying here like this comforted her and made her feel almost like a human again. She recounted the previous events. It all seemed impossible that she had came out of that fiasco alive. Not only was she weaker than most vampires because she didn't feed on humans, she also hadn't had any blood in days. Those werewolves could have slaughtered her in a second, but they didn't. The tiny bit of human left in her heart wanted to be friends with them-she was so lonely. The vampire part of her knew that it could never happen. Sighing, she wondered what was going on out there.</s> <|message|>Ramona Belvedere Ramona pranced through the woods slowly, the flame in her hand now turning into one in each hand as she watched them they grew large then shrunk back to hardly noticeable so she could hide them and use them when need be. She stopped in her tracks when she almost collided with a male werewolf running through the Forrest. She didn't speak, but she stood still for only a moment I examine his large frame. She kept walking, she had no fear of werewolves, the only thing she feared was water. She kept her flames concealed in her clutches fists, wondering what this rather large werewolf would do once he noticed her. She wasn't afraid to use to her magic. She had killed many with it before and would do it again if need be. Ramona turned her head toward him momentarily before continuing her slow walking pace she was at before he werewolf appeared.</s> <|message|>Rich Keener Obediently Rich held out his hands, a tiny smirk appearing on his face in amusement at the exchange between the Alpha and this other enforcer. In spite of his expression, he was currently in a state of confusion, excitement and fear, all running together, but he wouldn't let it show. The wolf part of him was pumping him full of adrenaline, urging him to run or fight, but he resisted its pull. "My name is Rich," he mumbled. "And the whole traitor thing...very dramatic, don't you think? All I was doing was writing."</s> <|message|>Jihord Stulkson Jihord He turned on Ramona, his long hair blowing in the wind as he moved towards her "Why are you here, witch? This is not your land, nor have you permission to trespass." He growled, his eyes darkening noticably.</s> <|message|>Ramona Belvedere Ramona laughed softly, "Unlike you, wolf, I don't claim land. I walk where my magic leads me," her voice was sharp as both of her hands engulfed in blue flames. She opened her right hand and formed a ball. "I'm passing through, playing with my magic. I don't want or need your territory." Her eyes turned blue to match the large ball of spining fire in her hand. She let the fire die down and engulf her fists once again, "I'm not looking for a fight, whomever you are." She smirked softly once more before letting her entire body engulf in flames before she took a couple steps toward him and laughed a deep menacing sound. She turned and walked back in the same direction she was going, flames still covering every part of her like a second skin.</s> <|message|>River Anderson River hears the sound of voices nearby and swims toward the shore. She looks out and sees one of the enforcers for the local packs talking to another witch. She has fire around her and River raises her eyebrows. She has never seen this witch before. Especially out here. She moves the water about her thinking as she watches this strange pair.</s> <|message|>Jihord Stulkson Jihord A low growl pulses from his chest as he towers over her. He had no fear of flame, he'd been burnt plenty by witches, he was unfazed and unimpressed from her fire. "If you have no want or need for my Alpha's territory, then leave, do so quietly and calmly or I will have no choice but to hold your head under that lake with my heal."</s> <|message|>Ramona Belvedere Ramona laughed softly, she let the flames blare bright blue and spread to a radius of 10 feet on each side of her, the flames closing the distance betweent them. She could see though the blaring fire, as her eyes had adapted to the heat. Her body still engulfed, she laughed wickedly before letting the flames come back to her body. "Burning alive is not a pleasant way to die," she said in her sharp voice. "By the time it would take you to fight me and drag me there, your skin would be melting like a pool of wax, your blood and internal organs spilling out for the remainder of your pack to find you." She let the flames cease from her body and went back to her hands. "Very charming you werewolves are, I can see why no one enjoys the company of werewolves, half of you can't even stand each other," She turned and laughed, leaving fiery footprints behind her as she walked away slowly, not getting in any kind of hurry. She closed her hands and kept the fire burning inside her fists until she reached the outskirts of the Forrest and released the flames, letting them die out completely.</s> <|message|>River Anderson River couldn't stand to watch this anymore. She drew herself up onto the bank of the lake and pulls the water from her legs. They immediately become dry and she pulls on her dress once more. She jumps to her feet, grabbing a lage amount of water in her hands as she does so. She filters the water into a small horn on her hip and she runs after the Fire witch. She slides to a stop a good few feet away from Ramona and screams, "Hey!" She still stands in the forest slightly, and she knows that it was dumb to chase her as she left the forest, but she had to give her a piece of her mind.</s> <|message|>Ramona Belvedere Ramona had already dropped her flames from her hands when she heard a female voice call behind her. "I'm leaving, what else do you want?" She snapped as she turned around, her eyes turning red as she now held her lighter in her hand. She saw the female wasnt a werewolf, but a witch. Ramona looked the girl over before seeing the water on her side. She shook her head softly before shoving the lighter back in her pocket. Her eyes calmed to their blue-green tint and she started to walk out of the Forrest once again. "I'm leaving now. I'm not fighting over anything as stupid as walking through werewolf territory," she said to the female witch as she exited the forrest.</s> <|message|>Celest Celest sighed and noticed his hands were clean, it was sigh of relif "Yeah Jihord can be a little over zelous sometimes, hes set in the traditional ways of the pack" she said and slapped his shoulder softly "Your alright in my books, If you want to join the pack ill welcome you with open arms.. If not you best learn where our territory is" she said and Gave a half smile</s> <|message|>River Anderson "I wasn't going to fight you," River says, glancing down at her horn filled with water. "I just wanted to tell to that it would make sense to make friends with the werewolves. If your "magic" leads you back into the forest, things would go smoother. Or at least try to sneak in..." She smiles at Ramona. "Sorry for the scream. My voice cracked." She grins at her before turning around to walk away.</s> <|message|>Rich Keener He smiled back, mostly with relief. He couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten. Impulsively he said, "I would be honored to join your pack, fair Alpha. Thank you for your hospitality."</s> <|message|>Celest Celest helped him up and gives him a soft glare. "We'll talk with the others about that"</s> <|message|>Rich Keener "Yes, ma'am," he murmured. He gave her a respectful nod.</s> <|message|>Ebony Wildes Ebony's wolf was currently yelling at her in her mind as she walked to the pack house/ den. She was doing her best to shut her out right now as she tried to control her own emotions. Although her wolf hated rogues, this rogue could be different. Her wolf also wanted to think over everything but by running through the forest. Ebony was trying to calm her wolf but eventually her wolf gained control and Ebony shifted ripping her clothes. Her wolf began to run through the forest full speed trying to collect their joint thoughts about everything that just happened.</s> <|message|>Celest She smiled 'Respectful' she thought to herself "Come to the den with me" she motioned for him to follow her, she transformed into her wolf form and took off as a large white wolf with bright blue eyes. She ran kinda slowly so they could keep pace and headed for the den and saw a flash of ebony run by her.</s>
<|message|>Rich Keener Rich transformed and followed the white wolf, loping at a safe distance behind her but keeping up. He skidded to a stop to stare at Ebony as she ran past; he admired her but hoped no one else would notice. He pawed the ground and opened his jaws to call to her in a low howl-bark, but no sound came out and he decided against it. Raising his tail in a show of confidence, he continued to tag along behind the Alpha.</s>
<|description|>Cassius Alexandros Svent Nickname: CAS Race: Half Human, Half Ronso Age:19 Notable Parents:None. Appearance: Skin Color: Pale White. Hair Color: Dark Brown. Eye Color: Hazel Green. Proportionality: shoulders 6in Chest 12 in Waist 8-10in thigh 10-12in Buttcheek 8x10in wrist to tip of middlefinger 7 1/2 inches. pinkie starting digit (base of hand before extending to finger) to thumb digit 4inch feet (as in my feet) 12 inches upper arm (weight )3 inches lower (forearms) 2 1/2 − 3 inches wrist 2 1/2 − 3 1/3 inches elbow to wrist 11 3/4 inches Shoulder to elbow 12 1/4 inches heel to knee 15 inches. Knee to thigh 16 inches. height 5'11 to 6ft. 6 1/2 inches from collar bone to chin. 7 inches from one end to the other (Left to right) crotch to waist (curves) 9 inches. waist to belly button 4 1/2 inches waist to chest (where ribs start) 12 inches chest to neck 9 inches Height: 5'11 to 6ft Weight: 175lbs. Personality: He is a Snide, Cynical, Sarcastic, Inquisitive, but a logical person who does rarely care for many. He does however try to be considerate, but has a grey sense of morality. Sometimes very leader like mostly because despite his weakness he is strong willed. Job: Alchemist,Monk/Pugilist Weapon: Atelier- A Handcannon developed by the Al-Bhed to extract minerals and combine items. Does not fire bullets. And a Dagger to small Hammers. Primary Weapon Function: It extracts items from the ground or water to air. Compresses said substances into balls, gems, and gels. These can be used as items that are defensive, offensive, or a restorative to some sort of debuff, buff, to being used by crafters to make new items or weapons. Secondary Function: Can be used to charge up energy to attack with laser bolts or beams if charged up. Or can use some gems or items as a spray. Armor: Light, typically blue and black, pretty much a wetsuit with a Harness of some sort to hold his items and weapon. Weaknesses: Born Anemic, thus at times he is dizzy and or tired. Flat footed, thus his feet hurt and cramp up easily. Has Asthma; thus shortness of breathe at times. His weapon can be slow at times even if he himself is fast. Not very strong, and the Ronso frown on him. Strengths: Very fast moving, silent walking and running do to him constantly walking using the tips of his toes. Surprisingly accurate. Pretty fluient in Al-Bhed because of his friend Vivvine. Wears a wetsuit for diving. Backstory: Was born as the result of his mother being indebted to a Ronso. During the Pregnancy she established a connivance store with some of her connections; as a result business flourished enough for her in Luca with her secure shop and constant produce with her trade with the Al-Bhed and Guado. When her son was born, the father had returned to his homeland, however she was not stricken with grief, she had the luxury of trade, friends, security, and welfare. Her child grew to not knowing his father, and he was okay with that. She took her son to see Blitz ball games only to discover he rather be active than sitting in a bench watching people hold their breathe for extrenious amounts of time. So rather than make him sit stationary, he helped attend to the shop and run errands, of course he always had a Machina following him to make sure nothing bad happened. As the years went on, and he reached the age of four-teen. He wanted to go with his friend Vivvine to the Highroads and use an Atelier with her to help mine and learn how things work. His mother was okay with this for she rather him have some experience. To their surprise he was quite good at finding things to bring back, it did help increase profit with two people rather than just one. By the age of 16, his heath had deteriorated due to his hereditary ailments he was born with. His mother decided to have him go to Beside to get fresh air with theory that he may find help and healers there to help with his ailments. To his surprise his heath improved as he lived in Beside for the next three years. Currently he is still procuring items with his Atelier. --- Machina Name: Helios Height: 1'7 Weight: 20lbs Abilities: Healing Ray - Potent heal. 20% of Energy Party Heal- A weak version of healing ray. 35% of Energy Restore- Revive ally at low heath. 70% of Energy Doctor's Prescription - cures ailments. 40% of Energy Illusion - Projects a holographic image that can distract fiends. 20% of Energy. Taunt- Recons an enemy to try to attack him. 0% of energy. Scan- Can read enemy vitals and possible weaknesses. 0% of energy. Weaknesses: Most of the ray based moves are dependent on Cassius' energy charge. Weak in terms of defense. Easy to knock down and stagger. Lightning staggers him. Strengths: Fast, hovers, evasive. Energy efficient. Lightning can be used to power him. Easy to power up.</s> <|message|>Naisha Naisha heard Alex, when the red head caught up to her, showing her the two saucers with food. The mage looked at the bottles of alcohol." I suppose… You know, every man I've seen is a fool in his own right! All of them!!! GIPPAL, URICK, TIDUS, VIDINA… EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!" Nai shouted angrily. Well at least the tears stopped. "You know, we really should do that!" Nai agreed with a nod, taking a gulp from the bottle of alcohol. She had her own plate of food, but she already ate a little earlier and she ate very little in general." Yeah… I'm leaving after the tournament…" The mage informed her friend. It was indeed going to be nice if Alex accompanied her on that journey. The mage wasn't sure where she wanted to go yet, but she wanted to leave. Maybe she was going to get on the first ship leaving for who knows where… yeah that sounded like a plan. There were still many ruins left in the open seas. As she was enjoying the company of her dear friend suddenly an annoyance made his appearance. A man showed up from somewhere and started spouting nonsense. "What ever is the matter? I simply cannot allow such dreadfully sad expressions to reside on your beautiful face m'lady. " Were his exact words then he proceeded with even more theatric performance which angered the drunken Nai. She wasn't sure if Alex was going to do something, but the drunken and angry mage was acted." Men… all of you are the bloody same! Help us? Why would someone random help us?! Why do we need help from you!?" Nai shouted in anger and even rose up from her chair. Her face was flustered with red from both anger and the drinks she had." I've had enough with all of you!!! WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" She shouted and pointed her staff towards the sea." GRAVIJA!" She shouted as a huge sphere appeared in the water and the space within it began to shift from the changing gravity within. Then just as the sphere disappeared, she targeted the compressed sphere of water with another spell." FLARE!" The sphere was hit, instantaneously evaporating lots of water. Then she proceeded to cast it a few more times in random places in the water, causing huge water pillars from the exploding energy. As one of the strongest black magic attack spells, it created huge flashes of light that also could be seen even from the village. She casted a few times it until her magic energy was depleted. As someone who spend the last 15 -16 years training only her magic, she possessed a lot of magic energy, but this still was a very costly magic to use. Finally losing her strength and feeling weak, Nai reached to her chair with trembling hand and pulled herself to it to sit. She let off some steam and cooled down, but only to remind herself what she was so angry about." Just go away… I don't want to see any men anymore tonight…" She said with weak voice. Casting magic was also tiring a lot. And just now she let out all her energy for the last barrage of spells that hit the water.</s> <|message|>Alex Alex listened to the drunken Naisha speak her words, yelling about how all men were foolish, be it their two friends, Tidus or whoever. Soon agreeing to the red headed's statement of going out on statement on going out on a journey. Naisha never seemed to be able to hold her liquor well, she probably shouldn't be drinking at all with her condition but Alex didn't really scold her over it. After all, today's just been a emotionally rough day. Before she could answer though, a man walked over to them and spoke to them. Speaking in the smooth suave manner some girls seemed to fall for. Unlucky for this guy, these two were not those girls. Her blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as she watched this man, offering his help it seemed. Alex was about to reply but her black mage friend decided to speak first. Listening to Naisha yell, Alex blinked a little before tensing as Naisha stood up angrily. The tall woman quickly stood, body tense and ready to leap into action. And by action she meant ducking for cover and making sure this poor sap wasn't about to get severely fried. Screaming out spells, the black Mage caused explosions of water pillars and making flashes in the night sky in her angry tirade. When Naisha finally tired out, she sat down before breathing out for the man to go away. Alex sighed in relief, seeing no serious damage.. Well unless one counts the sea. For a moment, she thought she'd have to had to do the dodge dance away from rampaging spells. Still, at least Naisha let out some of her anger, even if it tuckered her out. Alex forced a smile and gently patted her friend's shoulders. "Aha, that was quite the show. Don't tucker yourself too much now. You still have to watch the game tomorrow and make sure we win. Have to save those spells to scold us when we mess up." Alex said in a soft friendly tone, in a attempt to calm her friend down, though did glance toward the man with a narrowed gaze. Unlike Naisha, she wasn't exactly mad. Just suspicious. "You must be a new arrival. If you genuinely wanted to help, thanks but we don't really need it. We can handle the men in our lives just fine. And Nai here needs girl time more than anything you can probably offer. So I suggest just continuing on your merry way. Maybe go ahead and join the feast." she said as politely as one could muster, as she gently rubbed her friend's shoulders. That much magic must had taken its toll on her friend, so Alex was a little worried. Another fit like that she probably couldn't handle. It probably was odd, Alex being the calmer one, but no one really wanted a rampaging black Mage. By the Fayth's help anyone who get both of them this angry.</s>
<|message|>Cassius Alexandros Svent Cassius chuckled a bit. "Well. Rohzar isn't my dad, my dad is a Ronso I never met. He is more of less a close friend. But... I have a weapon, even if it is more or less a mining tool. A hammer, and well, a knife Rohzar polishes a lot. Itt is more or less a dagger... and since I don't know how to use magic, I use the Atelier, the hand cannon looking thing to mix items. I healed ourselves with it earlier, though a mage is probably much more suited for what I can do with it, so as a result, range is best suited." He said somewhat bluntly. Cassius sat back on the bed. "On the bright side, I don't have to hull much around. Though I was told that my friend in Luca was preparing a surprise or two for me at home, though I consider this my home too." He said eying Rohzar a bit trying not to offend him. "Apparently a new model of what I'm holding." He held up his old Atelier he had as a child. "Apparently new functions, faster mining, and it even identifies things. So it is assuring, but still not a practical weapon say... like a gun... but I rather not risk shooting someone by accident... Also... You're not much of a stranger to me. Ronso's are not known for dishonesty or lies." He smirked a bit knowing what he claimed may hold true. Rohzar smiled a bit before letting out a laugh. "Always the best excuses I see." "I call them reasons. Thank you very much." Cassius replied in a rather sarcastic manner. "Anyways... If I'm correct the boat leaves early tomorrow, like early afternoon, two thirty or three thirty ish?. So if what is said holds true, we have time to relax and take our time. If there is anything you wish to do, I say it is best to prepare now rather than later that way we can hull it tomorrow and get the best rooms." He chuckled.</s>