Falah's picture
    - name: image
      dtype: image
    - name: instances
        - name: box
          sequence: float64
        - name: label
          dtype: int64
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 25165898.049
      num_examples: 1107
  download_size: 0
  dataset_size: 25165898.049
license: apache-2.0
  - object-detection
  - en
pretty_name: wheel_chair_detection
  - 1K<n<10K

Wheelchair Dataset for Object Detection

Dataset Information

The dataset_info file provides information about the wheelchair dataset designed for object detection. Here are the details:


  • image: Represents the images in the dataset.

    • Data type: image
  • instances: Represents the instances within each image. Each instance consists of a bounding box and a label.

    • Data type: list
    • Sub-features:
      • box: Bounding box coordinates for each instance.
        • Data type: float64
      • label: Label for each instance.
        • Data type: int64


  • Train: This split, named "train," contains a total of 1,107 examples.
    • Number of bytes: 25,165,898.049
    • Number of examples: 1,107

Dataset Size

  • Download size: 0 (no download required)
  • Dataset size: 25,165,898.049 bytes

Wheelchair Class Name

The dataset includes the following class names for object detection:

"labels": ClassLabel(names=["person", "wheel_chair", "not wheel chair"])

The class labels are defined as follows:

  • "person"
  • "wheel_chair"
  • "not wheel chair"

Object Detection Application (YOLOv Models)

You can utilize the dataset with YOLOv models for object detection tasks. The class labels for the models correspond to the defined class names mentioned above:

"labels": ClassLabel(names=["person", "wheel_chair", "not wheel chair"])

Make sure to follow the appropriate implementation guidelines and examples for YOLOv models to leverage this dataset effectively.

# Load the dataset
hf_dataset = load_dataset("your_dataset_name", split="train")
# Accessing image
image = hf_dataset[1]['image']
# Display the image
# Accessing label and bounding box coordinates
instances = hf_dataset[1]['instances']
for instance in instances:
    label = instance['label']
    box = instance['box']
    # Get the class name for the label
    class_name = hf_dataset.features['instances']['label'].int2str(label)
    print(f"Label: {class_name}")
    print(f"Bounding Box: {box}")


If you use this dataset in your research or any other work, please consider citing it as:

  author = {Falah.G.Salieh},
  title = {Wheelchair Dataset for Object Detection},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {Hugging Face},
  version = {1.0},
  location = {Online},
  url = {Falah/wheel-chair-images-annotation4object-detec}


Wheelchair Dataset for Object Detection Dataset is provided under the Apache-2.0 license.