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Glaciers form when accumulating snow compresses into firn and eventually turns into ice. In some cases, perennial snow accumulates on the ground and lasts all year. This makes a snowfield and not a glacier since it is a thin accumulation of snow. Snow and glacial ice actually have a fair amount of void space (porosity) that traps air. As the snow settles, compacts, and bonds with underlying snow, the amount of void space diminishes. When the snow gets buried by more snow, it compacts into granular firn (or névé) with less air and it begins to resemble ice more than snow. Continual burial, compression, and recrystallization make the firn denser and more ice-like. Eventually, the accumulated snow turns fully to ice, however, small air pockets remain trapped in the ice and form a record of the past atmosphere. As the ice accumulates, it begins to flow downward under its own weight. An early study of glacier movement conducted in 1948 on the Jungfraufirn Glacier in the Alps installed hollow vertical rods in the ice and measured the tilt over two years. The study found that the top part was fairly rigid and the bottom part flowed internally. A P-T diagram of ice shows that ice actually melts under pressure (one of the unique properties of water) so ice at the base of a typical glacier is actually melting. About half of the overall glacial movement was from sliding on a film of meltwater along the bedrock surface and a half from internal flow . These studies show that the ice near the surface (about the upper 165 feet [50 meters] depending on location, temperature, and flow rate) is rigid and brittle . This upper zone is the brittle zone, the portion of the ice in which ice breaks when it moves to form large cracks along the top of a glacier called crevasses. These crevasses can be covered and hidden by a snow bridge and thus are a hazard for glacier travelers. Below the brittle zone, there is so much weight of the overlying ice (typically exceeding 100 kilopascals-approximately 100,000 times atmospheric pressure) that it no longer breaks when force is applied to it but rather it bends or flows. This is the plastic zone and, within this zone, the ice flows. The plastic zone represents the great majority of the ice of a glacier and often contains a fair amount of sediment from as large as boulders and as small as silt and clay which act as grinding agents. The bottom of the plastic zone slides and grinds across the bedrock surface and represents the zone of erosion. 3. Gerrard, J. A. F., Perutz, M. F. & Roch, A. Measurement of the velocity distribution along a vertical line through a glacier. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 213, 546–558 (1952).
The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was a United States federal law enacted during the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era that guaranteed African Americans equal access to public accommodations and public transportation. The Act came less than a decade after the Civil Rights Act of 1866 had taken the nation’s first steps towards civil and social equality for black Americans after the Civil War. The law read, in part: “… all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement; subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law, and applicable alike to citizens of every race and color, regardless of any previous condition of servitude.” The law also prohibited the exclusion of any otherwise qualified citizen from jury duty because of their race and provided that lawsuits brought under the law must be tried in the federal courts, rather than state courts. The law was passed by the 43rd United States Congress on February 4, 1875, and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1875. Parts of the law were later ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases of 1883. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was one of the main pieces of Reconstruction legislation passed by Congress after the Civil War. Other laws enacted included the Civil Rights Act of 1866, four Reconstruction Acts enacted in 1867 and 1868, and three Reconstruction Enforcement Acts in 1870 and 1871.
Setting and developing ground rules for speaking and listening The teacher defines 'ground rules' as 'the conventions which language users employ to carry on particular kinds of conversations' (Mercer 2000). Teachers sometimes assume that pupils will know how to operate in different talk contexts such as small group discussions or interviews. However, it is usually best to assume that they don't and to explain and devise a set of ground rules for particular speaking and listening contexts and activities. Working with a partner, look at the golden rules for talk and golden rules for listening. - Agree on the six that you think are the essential ground rules, three for talking and three for listening. - Put your rules in order of importance. - You may wish to design your own customised poster for use in your school. - Attached are examples of posters displaying ground rules for talk and listening in the classroom. - With a colleague, discuss how you or teachers could use one of these posters with one of the classes you support.
This lesson focuses on students making decisions about what tools to apply to solve different problems related to quadratic expressions and equations. It is also intended to build awareness of the form an answer will take in order to help students make sense of the kind of problem they are solving. At the time of this lesson, students are nearing the end of a unit on quadratics in their Algebra classes. In that unit, they have developed tools for factoring expressions and solving quadratic equations using the zero product property and the Quadratic Formula, often guided by the question, “How can I make a quick sketch of this parabola?” Students have applied their new tools to find the x- and y-intercepts and vertex of parabolas in order to make those sketches. This lesson was intended to give students an opportunity to look at different kinds of problems side by side and determine the tools that would be most useful to solve those problems. Prior to the lesson, students had demonstrated some uncertainty about which tool to apply to different problems, or in some cases how to identify the kind of answer they were seeking. Student focus had been on correctly applying a tool such as factoring completely or solving using the quadratic formula, rather than on looking at a problem and deciding how to begin. The activities in this lesson were intended to allow students to focus on this kind of decision-making. Taught by: Barbara Shreve, San Lorenzo High School, San Lorenzo Unified School District, San Leandro, California - Functions: Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models
On July 16, 1787, a plan proposed by Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut’s delegates to the Constitutional Convention, established a two-house legislature. The Great Compromise, or Connecticut Compromise as it is often called, proposed a solution to the heated debate between larger and smaller states over their representation in the newly proposed Senate. The larger states believed that representation should be based proportionally on the contribution each state made to the nation’s finances and defense, and the smaller states believed that the only fair plan was one of equal representation. The compromise proposed by Sherman and Ellsworth provided for a dual system of representation. In the House of Representatives each state’s number of seats would be in proportion to population. In the Senate, all states would have the same number of seats. Amendments to the compromise based representation in the House on total white population and three-fifths of the black population. On July 16, 1787, the convention adopted the Great Compromise by a one-vote margin.
In this lesson, you will learn more about the atom's basic structure and the positive and negative charges of its subparticles. This lesson lays the groundwork for further study of static and current electricity by focusing on the idea of positive and negative charges at the atomic level. Explore the following Web pages to understand more about the structure and characteristics of atoms. - Structure of Matter: Read Intro and Atoms. - All About Atoms: This resource has only a couple of pages to it. You can click on a particle to learn more about it. As you explore the Web pages, answer these questions on your Introducing Atoms student sheet. Be prepared to discuss your answers with the class. - What makes the elements in the Periodic Table different? - What is the name for the center of the atom containing the protons and neutrons? - What kinds of electrical charges do protons, electrons, and neutrons have? - What does it mean if an entire atom has a neutral charge?Describe the movement of the electrons. - What can happen to the atomic particles when you rub two objects together? - What happens to an object that loses electrons? - What happens to an object that gains electrons? - What happens to an object with a positive charge and an object with a negative charge? - What causes the particles of the atom to stay together? This esheet is a part of the Static Electricity 1: Introducing Atoms lesson.
When there is not enough of one reactant in a chemical reaction, the reaction stops abruptly. To figure out the amount of product produced, it must be determined reactant will limit the chemical reaction (the limiting reagent) and which reactant is in excess (the excess reagent). One way of finding the limiting reagent is by calculating the amount of product that can be formed by each reactant; the one that produces less product is the limiting reagent. The following scenario illustrates the significance of limiting reagents. In order to assemble a car, 4 tires and 2 headlights are needed (among other things). In this example, imagine that the tires and headlights are reactants while the car is the product formed from the reaction of 4 tires and 2 headlights. If you have 20 tires and 14 headlights, how many cars can be made? With 20 tires, 5 cars can be produced because there are 4 tires to a car. With 14 headlights, 7 cars can be built (each car needs 2 headlights). Although more cars can be made from the headlights available, only 5 full cars are possible because of the limited number of tires available. In this case, the headlights are in excess. Because the number of cars formed by 20 tires is less than number of cars produced by 14 headlights, the tires are the limiting reagent (they limit the full completion of the reaction, in which all of the reactants are used up). This scenario is illustrated below: 4 Tires + 2 Headlights = 1 Car Figure 1: The synthesis reaction of making a car. Images used from Wikipedia with permission. The initial condition is that there must be 4 tires to 2 headlights. The reactants must thus occur in that ratio; otherwise, one will limit the reaction. There are 20 tires and 14 headlights, so there are two ways of looking at this problem. For 20 tires, 10 headlights are required, whereas for 14 headlights, 28 tires are required. Because there are not enough tires (20 tires is less than the 28 required), tires are the limiting “reactant.” The limiting reagent is the reactant that is completely used up in a reaction, and thus determines when the reaction stops. From the reaction stoichiometry, the exact amount of reactant needed to react with another element can be calculated. If the reactants are not mixed in the correct stoichiometric proportions (as indicated by the balanced chemical equation), then one of the reactants will be entirely consumed while another will be left over. The limiting reagent is the one that is totally consumed; it limits the reaction from continuing because there is none left to react with the in-excess reactant. There are two ways to determine the limiting reagent. One method is to find and compare the mole ratio of the reactants used in the reaction (approach 1). Another way is to calculate the grams of products produced from the given quantities of reactants; the reactant that produces the smallest amount of product is the limiting reagent (approach 2). How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 1 Find the limiting reagent by looking at the number of moles of each reactant. - Determine the balanced chemical equation for the chemical reaction. - Convert all given information into moles (most likely, through the use of molar mass as a conversion factor). - Calculate the mole ratio from the given information. Compare the calculated ratio to the actual ratio. - Use the amount of limiting reactant to calculate the amount of product produced. - If necessary, calculate how much is left in excess of the non-limiting reagent. How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 2 Find the limiting reagent by calculating and comparing the amount of product each reactant will produce. - Balance the chemical equation for the chemical reaction. - Convert the given information into moles. - Use stoichiometry for each individual reactant to find the mass of product produced. - The reactant that produces a lesser amount of product is the limiting reagent. - The reactant that produces a larger amount of product is the excess reagent. - To find the amount of remaining excess reactant, subtract the mass of excess reagent consumed from the total mass of excess reagent given.
Why do this problem? requires careful thought about the way the water level in a vessel changes when water is added at a constant rate. Through analysing the key features of a graph, students can figure out the shape of the vessel it represents. The first part involves working out volumes. The key is to realise that the cross-sectional area is proportional to the volume and then to work out the areas. There are obvious 'easy' candidates for this and some harder letters. There are various ways in which the areas of the cross sections of the vessels can be 'rearranged' to form rectangles. Students could work on finding the areas in small groups and then feed back to the rest of the class, sharing their approaches for finding the trickier areas. To work out which letter the graph corresponds to, ask for suggestions for a 'story' relating the height-chart diagram to a vessel filling up. For example, what happens to the water level at the horizontal parts of the graph? What could be happening to account for this? Once the class have identified the correct vessel for the graph, they could work on producing graphs for the other letters. Students could check each other's work by seeing if they can match the graphs with the vessels. Small groups of students could also design some other letters in the same way and draw the resulting graphs, perhaps producing a card-matching activity to challenge other groups. The results could contribute to a classroom display. What could be happening at the horizontal parts of the What can you work out from the steepness of the lines on the Would the graphs change if the holes were moved, or if water was poured into both holes where available? The final part of the M graph should be a curve rather than a straight line. Can students justify why the graphs for V, A, and S will also contain curves? Can students work out the functions which describe any of these curved parts? Start by working on the letters without diagonal lines and work out how quickly they will fill up.
IN May 1772 Lord Mansfield’s judgment in the Somersett’s Case emancipated a slave in England resulting in the launch of the movement that helped abolish slavery. The case ruled that slaves could not be transported out of England against their will, but did not actually abolish slavery in England. In 1807, Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which outlawed the slave trade but not slavery itself. This legislation imposed fines that did little to deter slave trade participants. Efforts intensified to abolish slavery. A mechanism was put in place to ensure the end of slavery and it is referred to as compensated emancipation. What is worth noting is that it was the owner who had been enriched by slave labour who got handsome compensation. The slaves were given nothing. This involved the person who was recognised as the owner of a slave being compensated monetarily or by a period of labour also known as apprenticeship for releasing the slave. This succeeded in many countries but proved unpopular in the pre-Civil War Southern United States. The British Empire enacted a policy of compensated Emancipation for its colonies in 1833 followed by Denmark, France in 1848 and the Netherlands in 1863. Most South American and Caribbean nations emancipated slavery through compensated schemes in the 1850s and 1860s while Brazil passed a plan for gradual compensated emancipation in 1871, and Cuba followed in 1880 after having enacted freedom of birth a decade earlier. In 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act which made the purchase or ownership of slaves illegal within the British Empire was passed. The Act provided for payments to slave owners. Several factors led to the Act’s passage. Britain’s economy was in flux at the time and as a new system of international commerce emerged, its slaveholding Caribbean colonies which were largely focused on sugar production could no longer compete with larger plantation economies such as those of Cuba and Brazil. Merchants began to demand an end to the monopolies on the British market held by the Caribbean colonies and pushed instead for free trade. The persistent struggles of enslaved Africans and a growing fear of slave uprisings among plantation owners were another major factor. The Act resulted only in a partial liberation as it only emancipated children under the age of six while others were to be retained by their former owners for four to six years as apprentices. The amount of money to be spent on the payments was set at 20 million pounds. Under the terms of the Act, the British Government raised 20 million pounds to pay out for the loss of slaves as business assets to the registered owners of free slaves. In 1833, 20 million pounds amounted to 40 percent of the Treasury’s annual income or approximately five percent of the British’s Gross Domestic Product. To finance the payments, the British government had to take on a 15 million pound loan, finalised on August 3, 1835 with banker Nathan Mayer Rothschild and his brother-in-law Moses Montefiore. The money was not paid back until 2015. Half of the money went to slave owning families in the Caribbean and Africa, while the other half went to absentee owners living in Britain. The names listed in the returns for slave owner payments show that ownership was spread over many hundreds of British families, many of them of high social standing. For example, Henry Phillpotts (then the Bishop of Exeter) with three others as trustees and executors of the will of John Ward, the First Earl of Dudley was paid 12 700 pounds for 665 slaves in the West Indies while Henry Lascelles, the Second Earl of Harewood ,received 26 309 pounds for 2 554 slaves on six plantations. However, none of the money was sent to slave holders in British North America. Those who had been enslaved did not receive any compensation. The Act also made Canada a free territory for enslaved American blacks. Thousands of fugitive slaves and free blacks subsequently arrived on Canadian soil between 1834 and the early 1860s. In the United States, the regulation of slavery was predominantly a state function. Northern states followed a course of gradual emancipation. Only in the district of Columbia, which fell under direct Federal auspices was compensated emancipation enacted. On April 16, 1862 President Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act. The law prohibited slavery in the district forcing 900-odd slaveholders to free their slaves with the government paying owners an average of about US$300 for each. In 1863 state legislation towards compensated emancipation in Maryland failed to pass as did an attempt to include it in a newly written Missouri constitution. Other nations and empires that ended slavery through some form of compensated emancipation included Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Danish colonies, Netherlands, Ecuador, French Colonial Empire, Mexico, Central America, Paraguay, Peru, Spanish Empire, Sweden, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Books for Students Making Books: A Step-by Step Guide to Your Own Publishing Gillian Chapman and Pam Robson Millbrook Press, 1991. In creating their own books, students will use fractions to measure, divide paper into equal parts, and add and subtract fractions. The Basics of Music (The Young Musician Series, Vol. 1) Word House, 1992. Explains the musical notation system for the student to understand whole and quarter notes, clefs, and other musical fractions. Cities Then and Now This illustrated history of famous cities around the world describes how they were planned, with plastic overlays showing ancient and modern locations of buildings. Benchmark Books, 1996. An introduction to the study of fractions that features games, riddles, and puzzles. Gloucester Press, 1991. A collection of colorful games and puzzles to help students use functions and formulas for fractions. Three Out of Four Like Spaghetti: Data and Fraction Dale Seymour Publications, 1995. The study of fractions developed at TERC from their Investigations in Number, Data and Space series. Books for Families This photo-essay shows two boys dividing food into smaller pieces. Recipes for the family to enjoy are in the back. Holiday House, 1994. A picture book about a fraction lesson at school and the application of the learned concepts at home. Good for students to use as the basis for sharing what they know with their families. Fractions and Decimals EDC Publications, 1994. This book of fun and colorful problems encourages practice with fractions and decimals. Reference Books for Teachers A Collection of Math Lessons: from Grade 3 through 6 Addison Wesley Longman, 1992. Inspiring and practical classroom-tested ideas for problem solving lessons integrate many learning standards. Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the 1990s edited by Thomas J. Cooney and Christian R. Hirsch National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1990. This 1990 yearbook features a chapter on effective models for teaching and learning that addresses cooperative grouping, problem posing, writing in mathematics, and motivating students. The Case for Constructivist Classrooms Jacqueline Grennon Brooks and Martin G. Brooks Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1993. The fourth chapter, entitled "Posing Problems of Emerging Relevance to Students," offers ways that teachers can encourage depth of understanding. Math World Literature One Day in the Tropical Rain Forest Jean Craighead George Amazon: A Young Reader's Look at the Last Frontier Caroline House, 1991 Count Your Way Through Brazil Carolrhoda Books, 1996 Pedro Fools the Gringo and Other Tales of a Latin American Trickster Maria Cristina Brusca and Tona Wilson Henry Holt, 1995 The Legend of El Dorado Beatriz Vidal, adapted by Nancy Van Laan Alfred A. Knopf, 1991 Mathematics Center | Math Central | Education Place | Copyright © 1998 Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions of Use.
Earth has two important carbon cycles. One is the biological one, wherein living organisms — mostly plants — consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make their tissues, and then, after they die, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere when they decay over a period of years or decades. A small proportion of this biological-cycle carbon becomes buried in sedimentary rocks: during the slow formation of coal, as tiny fragments and molecules in organic-rich shale, and as the shells and other parts of marine organisms in limestone. This then becomes part of the geological carbon cycle, a cycle that actually involves a majority of Earth’s carbon, but one that operates only very slowly. The geological carbon cycle is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5.20. The various steps in the process (not necessarily in this order) are as follows: |a:||Organic matter from plants is stored in peat, coal, and permafrost for thousands to millions of years.| |b:||Weathering of silicate minerals converts atmospheric carbon dioxide to dissolved bicarbonate, which is stored in the oceans for thousands to tens of thousands of years.| |c:||Dissolved carbon is converted by marine organisms to calcite, which is stored in carbonate rocks for tens to hundreds of millions of years.| |d:||Carbon compounds are stored in sediments for tens to hundreds of millions of years; some end up in petroleum deposits.| |e:||Carbon-bearing sediments are transferred to the mantle, where the carbon may be stored for tens of millions to billions of years.| |f:||During volcanic eruptions, carbon dioxide is released back to the atmosphere, where it is stored for years to decades.| During much of Earth’s history, the geological carbon cycle has been balanced, with carbon being released by volcanism at approximately the same rate that it is stored by the other processes. Under these conditions, the climate remains relatively stable. During some periods of Earth’s history, that balance has been upset. This can happen during prolonged periods of greater than average volcanism. One example is the eruption of the Siberian Traps at around 250 Ma, which appears to have led to strong climate warming over a few million years. A carbon imbalance is also associated with significant mountain-building events. For example, the Himalayan Range was formed between about 40 and 10 Ma and over that time period — and still today — the rate of weathering on Earth has been enhanced because those mountains are so high and the range is so extensive. The weathering of these rocks — most importantly the hydrolysis of feldspar — has resulted in consumption of atmospheric carbon dioxide and transfer of the carbon to the oceans and to ocean-floor carbonate minerals. The steady drop in carbon dioxide levels over the past 40 million years, which led to the Pleistocene glaciations, is partly attributable to the formation of the Himalayan Range. Another, non-geological form of carbon-cycle imbalance is happening today on a very rapid time scale. We are in the process of extracting vast volumes of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) that was stored in rocks over the past several hundred million years, and converting these fuels to energy and carbon dioxide. By doing so, we are changing the climate faster than has ever happened in the past.
A hypothesis test evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement is best supported by the sample data. These two statements are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. Hypothesis tests are not 100% accurate because they use a random sample to draw conclusions about entire populations. When you perform a hypothesis test, there are two types of errors related to drawing an incorrect conclusion. - Type I error: The rejects a null hypothesis that is true. You can think of this as a false positive. - Type II error: The test fails to reject a null hypothesis that is false. You can think of this as a false negative. A test result is statistically significant when the sample statistic is unusual enough relative to the null hypothesis that you can reject the null hypothesis for the entire population. “Unusual enough” in a hypothesis test is defined by how unlikely the effect observed in your sample is if the null hypothesis is true. If your sample data provide sufficient evidence, you can reject the null hypothesis for the entire population. Your data favor the alternative hypothesis.« Back to Glossary Index
Nevada Science Standards P.12.B Students understand the interactions between force and motion. Next Generation Science Standards HS-PS2-b Use mathematical expressions to support the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system. Pay special attention to definitions of acceleration, speed, and velocity. Read Chapter 12.1 Forces Outline the reading in your Science Notebook & include major points and diagrams/tables. You should focus on the following essential questions: -How do forces affect the motion of an object -What are the four main types of friction -How do gravity and air resistance affect a falling object -In what direction does Earth's gravity act -Why does a projectile follow a curved path Source: Prentice Hall Physical Science - Concepts in Action
Lesson planning guide & lesson plans Here we will provide two kinds of aids to teachers wanting to implement “imaginative literacy.” We will include examples of lesson plans appropriate for immediate use, but—following the Chinese adage about providing a fish or a method of fishing—we will also include examples of how one might go about planning a lesson or unit on literacy that will take advantage of the ways we have described for engaging students’ imaginations and emotions in learning. You will find two kinds of planning guides or frameworks on the linked pages. The first is suitable for younger children, up to around age 6, and then another that is suitable for students up to teen years. In addition, there are two kinds of framework for each age-group. One is a more formal kind that will lead you step by step through the process of designing your own lesson or unit. The second is a more informal sketching-in kind of framework. A lot of teachers have told us they prefer to begin with the informal “circular” framework. After some time, of course, you will be able to leave these frameworks behind and plan more informally. The frameworks are useful initially, though, to allow you to become familiar with what may be a somewhat different way of thinking about both planning and teaching. The lesson plans we have compiled here include some of those you may have been led to from the “cognitive tools” pages, but also some others. We have organized them in general in terms of the age-ranges they are designed for. Concluding words about planning in education A routine part of the pre-service education of nearly all teachers today is learning how to plan lessons and units of study—for teaching literacy no less than for any subject area. Most commonly, the teachers are instructed to begin this planning by stating their objectives for the lesson or unit; what do they aim to achieve? They are also taught methods for organizing the materials in order to effectively present the particular content to their students, directed always by their objectives. This general scheme of planning was devised in detail by Ralph Tyler in the late 1940s (Tyler, 1949), and was derived, according to the Tanners, from the earlier work of John Dewey (Tanner & Tanner, 1980). It obviously makes sense to have clear objectives for one’s teaching. But these strategies for planning teaching were derived initially from the procedures used in industrial processes for producing washing machines and automobiles (Callaghan, 1962). (Design the final product—one’s objective; organize the assembly line to construct the product bit by bit—one’s methods; arrange supplies of the materials along the line—one’s content; and do testing to ensure that the product functions as planned—one’s evaluation.) These strategies represent one of the earlier and subtler influences of the corporate and industrial world into education. While there is obviously nothing wrong with planning procedures that help teachers organize and teach curriculum material more efficiently, there is a problem if those procedures fail to take into account something vital about education. One of the differences between producing knowledge in students and producing washing machines and automobiles in factories is that the knowledge becomes a part of the living mind of the student. It becomes tied into the meanings the student then brings to make sense of the world and of their experience. Crucially, it becomes tied into their emotional and imaginative lives. If we want to design and plan teaching in such a way that the emotions and imagination of the student are engaged, then we might be wise to consider an alternative approach that puts these features in their proper, prominent, place. Let’s begin looking at some of the cognitive tools pre-literate students use so that we can find alternative categories for planning teaching, and out of which we can construct planning frameworks to help with the job.
Subject: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) Lesson Length: 30 - 45 mins Grade Level: 5, 6, 7 Standards / Framework: Brief Description: Students will use comic scenarios to discuss whether or not the characters are showing integrity. Know Before You Start: Students should understand what integrity is and the components of living with integrity. - As a class or in small groups ask students to discuss the following questions: - When do you know something is right or wrong? - How did you learn what is right or wrong? - What if no one is looking? Do you still have to do the right thing? - Let students share their thoughts. Then explain the activity. Read and discuss the sample comic. Are the students in each panel showing integrity? Why or why not? How would you have handled the situation? This activity also works as a small group or independent pen and paper activity. - Have students create their own three-panel comic showing themselves in a situation where they acted with integrity. - Have students share their comics with a partner or in groups. Have students journal about why always exhibiting integrity is challenging. Explain why living in integrity is beneficial. - Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature. Provide sentence frames for students. Print comic panels for student discussion.
A-level Physics (Advancing Physics)/Resonance Resonance occurs when an oscillating system is driven (made to oscillate from an outside source) at a frequency which is the same as its own natural frequency. All oscillating systems require some form of an elastic force and a mass e.g. a mass at the end of a spring. All oscillators have a natural frequency. If you have a mass on a spring, and give it an amplitude, it will resonate at a frequency: This frequency is independent of the amplitude you give the oscillator to start with. It is the natural frequency of the oscillator. If you keep giving the oscillator amplitude at this frequency, it will not change the frequency of the oscillation. But, you are still doing work. This energy must go somewhere. The only place it can go is into additional kinetic and gravitational potential energy in the oscillation. If you force an oscillation at its resonant frequency, you add significantly to its amplitude. Put simply, resonance occurs when the driving frequency of an oscillation matches the natural frequency, giving rise to large amplitudes. If you were to force an oscillation at a range of frequencies, and measure the amplitude at each, the graph would look something like the following: There are many types of oscillators, and so practically everything has a resonant frequency. This can be used, or can result in damage if the resonant frequency is not known. Instead of doing questions this time, read the following articles on Wikipedia about these different types: Resonance in Water Molecules (Microwave Ovens) "No Highway" - a novel with a plot that uses things suspiciously similar to resonance.
Functions are relations that derive one output for each input, or one y-value for any x-value inserted into the equation. For example, the equations y = x + 3 and y = x2 - 1 are functions because every x-value produces a different y-value. In graphical terms, a function is a relation where the first numbers in the ordered pair have one and only one value as its second number, the other part of the ordered pair. Examining Ordered Pairs An ordered pair is a point on an x-y coordinate graph with an x and y-value. For example, (2, -2) is an ordered pair with 2 as the x-value and -2 as the y-value. When given a set of ordered pairs, ensure that no x-value has more than one y-value paired to it. When given the set of ordered pairs [(2, -2), (4, -5), (6, -8), (2, 0)], you know that this is not a function because an x-value -- in this case -- 2, has more than one y-value. However, this set of ordered pairs [(-2, 4), (-1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4)] is a function because a y-value is allowed to have more than one corresponding x-value. Solving for Y It is relatively easy to determine whether an equation is a function by solving for y. When you are given an equation and a specific value for x, there should only be one corresponding y-value for that x-value. For example, y = x + 1 is a function because y will always be one greater than x. Equations with exponents can also be functions. For example, y = x2 - 1 is a function; although x-values of 1 and -1 give the same y-value (0), that is the only possible y-value for each of those x-values. However, y2 = x + 5 is not a function; if you assume that x = 4, then y2 = 4 + 5 = 9. y2 = 9 has two possible answers (3 and -3). Vertical Line Test Determining whether a relation is a function on a graph is relatively easy by using the vertical line test. If a vertical line crosses the relation on the graph only once in all locations, the relation is a function. However, if a vertical line crosses the relation more than once, the relation is not a function. Using the vertical line test, all lines except for vertical lines are functions. Circles, squares and other closed shapes are not functions, but parabolic and exponential curves are functions. Using an Input-Output Chart An input-output chart displays the output, or result, for each input, or original value. Any input-output chart where an input has two or more different outputs is not a function. For example, if you see the number 6 in two different input spaces, and the output is 3 in one case and 9 in another, the relation is not a function. However, if two different inputs have the same output, it is still possible that the relation is a function, especially if squared numbers are involved.
Topic: Making good book choices Standards: ELACC2RL10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Essential Question: How do readers make the best book choices for themselves? Duration: about 1 hour Materials: anchor chart-Way We Choose Books Overview or notes pertaining to lesson: Students learn how to make the best independent book choices for themselves. Mini Lesson: Yesterday we learned what thoughtful readers do, so today we are going to talk about how a thoughtful reader chooses a good book. Hold up some books-some that look fun and interesting, and some that aren’t as nice to look at. Ask students to think about how they choose books and which of these books they might choose and why. Turn and talk. Then share some ideas. Start to make an anchor chart for Ways We Choose Books: inviting cover, interesting title, pictures/illustrations, familiar characters, familiar author, friend recommendation, topic we enjoy. As you write each idea on the chart, hold up the example books that fit the category to show students why we might choose that book over another. Show students your classroom library and how it is organized. Ask students to think about how they might approach your classroom library to find a book that they would like. Turn and talk; share some ideas. Model how you would go the shelf and think aloud while making a good book choice. Guided Practice: Allow a few students to practice/model and discuss. Independent Practice: Send students to their seats to read. Call a group over at a time to make a good book choice from your classroom library. Discuss with individual students while they do this. Closing: Review ways we choose books, and have students share which criteria they used today to choose their books.
1. Have students choose a fear they have. It can be of anything: fear of flying, fear of bugs, fear of the dark, etc. 2. Create and design a superhero to battle that fear. Superhero should be standing straight up from head to toe in the center of your paper. (This is so "we" the viewer can have a full view of their costume) Questions to ask yourself when creating a superhero: ----Does he/she have powers, if so what kind? ----Do they use technology to fight fear, if so what kind? ----Does their costume aid them in fighting fear? 3. Next on a separate sheet of drawing paper draw your hero fighting your fear. Include a full background where the battle takes place. 4. On a sheet of notebook paper lists some facts about your hero and give them a backstory. Include at least the following: ----City of Operation. ----How and why they fight fear. ***EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT*** For extra credit have student create a comicbook cover for their superhero. Have students pair up in groups to create more heroes. Visual Arts Standard 1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes [K-4] Students use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories [K-4] Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner [5-8] Students intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experiences and ideas Visual Arts Standard 2: Using knowledge of structures and functions [K-4] Students use visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas [5-8] Students select and use the qualities of structures and functions of art to improve communication of their ideas You must be logged in to keep, like, or comment on this resource.
Inequalities involve expressions and/ or numbers that are not equal. They commonly use the symbols below to show that one is greater or lesser than another. > means Greater Than < means Less Than ≥ means Greater Than Or Equal To ≤ means Less Than Or Equal To A helpful way to remember what each symbol means is to look at the size of each side. As shown below, the value that is on the larger side is greater and the value on the smaller side is less. Inequalities can be represented on a number line as shown in the inequalities below: x > 4 x < 7 x ≥ 3 Note: the open circle above a number means it is not included as part of the solution to the inequality while the solid circle means that it is. The examples below how inequalities can represent a range of solutions with an upper and lower limit. 1 < x < 5 4 ≤ x < 9 The worksheet below allows for practice with showing inequalities on number lines. The same inequality logic can be used with more complex expressions. The examples below show this |The sum of 4 and a number times 5 is greater than 24||4 + 5x > 24| |A number multiplied by 6 minus 3 is less than 9||6x - 3 < 9| |20 minus 5 times a number is less than or equal to 10||20 - 5x ≤ 10| |6 times a number plus 8 is greater than or equal to 32||6x + 8 ≥ 32| |Sam needs at least $500 for his holiday. He has already saved $150. He has 7 months until his holiday. What is the minimum he must save each month?| |We will use "x" to represent the unknown minimum that Sam must save each month. The amount he already has saved plus what he must save in each of the 7 months must be greater than or equal to 500.||150 + 7x ≥ 500| |Subtract 150 from both sides of the inequality||150 - 150 + 7x ≥ 500 - 150| |Divide both sides by 7||7x ÷ 7 ≥ 350 ÷ 7| |Each month Sam must save $50 or more||x ≥ 50| Try the problems on this inequalities and word problems worksheet for practice.
History Of Emancipation Proclamation One of the factors that influenced the candidature of Abraham Lincoln for the post of the President was the issue of slavery. The Republicans decided upon him as the most eligible candidate in 1860 owing to his moderate viewpoint on slavery. Although Lincoln condemned this inhuman act, he was also well aware of the fact that the sudden abolishing of slavery would result in a chaotic situation within the country. Therefore, during the initial phase of his tenure as the President, he attempted to bring about gradual alterations in the scenario, thereby paving way for complete emancipation. He even recommended that slaves that were liberated from bondage were at liberty to live in Central America. Once the Civil War commenced in 1861, Lincoln was under extreme pressure to declare the eradication of slavery by the African-American and white abolitionists. However, he was doubtful of acting forcefully on this issue as he feared the disaffiliation of the 4 of the border States. Lincoln obviously did not want any more states to join the Confederacy. Although Lincoln did try to decline opinions that suggested the abolishment of slavery as a strategic move to win the Civil War rather than real concern on the issue; most of the slaves could clearly link the two issues. During the Civil War, several slaves crossed and joined hands with the Union and many even enrolled themselves as part of the military. This certainly strengthened the stance of the Union in the Civil War. However, very soon the federal government was subjected to extreme pressure from the slaves, who were no more ready to wait for the declaration of abolishing slavery. This led to the implementation of the Confiscation Act in August of 1861 but even this act was not completely transparent. Despite the announcement of surrendering the property of the Confederates, this act did not grant freedom to the slaves. In fact, the ambiguity on the subject of the escaped slaves resulted in each Union military commander drawing his own conclusion. The confusion was sorted by the implementation of the second Confiscation Act announced in 1862. As per this act, freedom was granted to slaves of those owners who were rebelling against the government of the US. This act gradually paved way for the Emancipation Proclamation. With the mounting of immense pressure Lincoln was compelled to put forth the first segment of the Emancipation Proclamation to the members of the cabinet in July 1862. The same was publicly announced in September of the same year. This declaration came as a warning to the confederate states to put a stop to their rebellious attitude; else slavery would be abolished in their states. With the release of the second part of the proclamation on January 1, 1863, Lincoln true to his word did exactly what he had declared in the prior part of Emancipation Proclamation. More Articles :
Locations on Earth can be specified using a spherical coordinate system. The geographic (“earth-mapping”) coordinate system is aligned with the spin axis of the Earth. It defines two angles measured from the center of the Earth. One angle, called the Latitude, measures the angle between any point and the Equator. The other angle, called the Longitude, measures the angle along the Equator from an arbitrary point on the Earth (Greenwich, England is the accepted zero-longitude point in most modern societies). By combining these two angles, any location on Earth can be specified. For example, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) has a latitude of 39.3 degrees North, and a longitude of 76.6 degrees West. So, a vector drawn from the center of the Earth to a point 39.3 degrees above the Equator and 76.6 degrees west of Greenwich, England will pass through Baltimore. The Equator is obviously an important part of this coordinate system; it represents the zeropoint of the latitude angle, and the halfway point between the poles. The Equator is the Fundamental Plane of the geographic coordinate system. All Spherical Coordinate Systems define such a Fundamental Plane. Lines of constant Latitude are called Parallels. They trace circles on the surface of the Earth, but the only parallel that is a Great Circle is the Equator (Latitude=0 degrees). Lines of constant Longitude are called Meridians. The Meridian passing through Greenwich is the Prime Meridian (longitude=0 degrees). Unlike Parallels, all Meridians are great circles, and Meridians are not parallel: they intersect at the north and south poles. What is the longitude of the North Pole? Its latitude is 90 degrees North. This is a trick question. The Longitude is meaningless at the north pole (and the south pole too). It has all longitudes at the same time.
Consider a decimal number with digits a b c. We can write abc as Similarly, in the binary system a number with digits a b c can be written as Each digit is known as a bit and can take on only two values: 0 or 1. The left most bit is the highest-order bit and represents the most significant bit (MSB), while the lowest-order bit is the least significant bit (LSB). Conversion from binary to decimal can be done using a set of rules, but it is much easier to use a calculator or tables (table 7.1). Table 7.1: Decimal, binary, hexadecimal and octal equivalents. The eight octal numbers are represented with the symbols , while the 16 hexadecimal numbers use . In the octal system a number with digits a b c can be written as while one in the hexadecimal system is written as A binary number is converted to octal by grouping the bits in groups of three, and converted to hexadecimal by grouping the bits in groups of four. Octal to hexadecimal conversion, or visa versa, is most easily performed by first converting to binary. Example: Convert the binary number 1001 1110 to hexadecimal and to decimal. Example: Convert the octal number to hexadecimal. Example: Convert the number 146 to binary by repeated subtraction of the largest power of 2 contained in the remaining number. Example: Devise a method similar to that used in the previous problem and convert 785 to hexadecimal by subtracting powers of 16.
Making our Voices Heard: Vote Raise awareness of the importance of freedom of speech and the opportunity to voice one's opinion without fear of reprisal, as principles basic to a democracy. The learners investigate ways to have a positive influence in encouraging eligible voters to make their voices heard at the polls during elections. The learner will: - articulate the importance of freedom of speech and voicing one's opinions during election season--ultimately by voting - explore possible reasons for poor voter turnout. - explore ways to influence and encourage eligible voters in the community to voice their opinions at the polls. - articulate an understanding of the importance of participating in the elections process as a way to promote the common good in their school, community, state, and nation. Write a one or two sentence reflection after service or learning using at least three of the following prompts: - I learned how to… - I changed my mind about… - I was feeling… - I thought …. - I was hoping that… - I became convinced of… Dr. Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream Speech Wake Up Everybody video by Babyface Voter turnout statistics from the United States Election Project http://www.electproject.org/home/voter-turnout/voter-turnout-data Play a recording of key parts of Dr. Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream Speech and/or watch the music video “Wake Up Everybody" by Babyface. Encourage youth to listen carefully, and write down key words about the value of taking action for the good of all. Ask youth to share what they wrote and capture their ideas on the display board. Discuss what they heard and what it challenged them to think and do, and discuss why they think that. Discuss what it means to be heard. In what settings do youth feel their voice is heard? In what settings do they feel they don't have a voice. What can be done to increase one's influence (not just in voting, but in other life situations)? Highlight the fundamental concept of freedom of speech and voicing one's opinion without fear of reprisal. Discuss how this is supposed to be accomplished in our electoral system and why voting is so important to the democratic form of government. Discuss how participating in the election process is something we can do as a responsible citizen and why it is so important that everyone who is eligible take advantage of the opportunity to participate in this process. Have youth make predictions of the percentage of eligible voters nationwide who actually made sure their voices were heard in the last National Election. Look it up from the United States Election Project http://www.electproject.org/home/voter-turnout/voter-turnout-data Ask the learners to offer their opinions as to why this percentage might be so low. Share data regarding the percentages for their local area, town, city, and/or state's voter turnout. (Teacher Note: State-level info data can be obtained from the United States Election Project which also links to the states' Secretaries of State data at the district level. Your local county or township clerk's office can help with data at the precinct level. Talk about what is needed, based on all the data, to address this problem. What are ways they could promote better voter turnout in their community/state? Brainstorm and discuss ideas, then follow through to take action. Here is one simple idea: https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/get-out-vote Take action to encourage adults to vote. Strand PHIL.II Philanthropy and Civil Society Standard PCS 05. Philanthropy and Government Benchmark HS.11 Discuss why organizations in the civil society sector work to protect minority voices. Benchmark HS.12 Explain why private action is important to the protection of minority voices. Benchmark HS.2 Discuss civic virtue and its role in democracy.
Last Updated on Decision making is one of the most important concepts of computer programming. As the name suggests “Decision Making” , we means to state that we will be making certain decisions to carry out different operations. These decisions making strategies are same as we come across in our daily life. But here we will be using these decision making strategies by using syntax and semantics provided by the language. In this, programs should be able to make logical (true/false) decisions based on the condition they are in. Every program has one or few problems to solve, depending on the nature of the problems, important decisions have to be made in order to solve those particular problems. Decision making structures require that the programmer specify one or more conditions to be evaluated or tested by the program, along with a statement or statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be true, and optionally, other statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be false. Following is the general from of a typical decision making structure found in most of the programming languages: C programming language assumes any non-zero and non-null values as true and if it is either zero or null then it is assumed as false value. C programming language provides following types of decision making statements. |if statement||An if statement consists of a boolean expression followed by one or more statements.| |if…else statement||An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the boolean expression is false.| |nested if statements||You can use one if or else if statement inside another if or else if statement(s).| |switch statement||A switch statement allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values.| |nested switch statements||You can use one swicth statement inside another switch statement(s).| The ? : Operator: We have covered conditional operator ? : in previous chapter which can be used to replace if…else statements. It has the following general form: Exp1 ? Exp2 : Exp3; Where Exp1, Exp2, and Exp3 are expressions. Notice the use and placement of the colon. The value of a ? expression is determined like this: Exp1 is evaluated. If it is true, then Exp2 is evaluated and becomes the value of the entire ? expression. If Exp1 is false, then Exp3 is evaluated and its value becomes the value of the expression. - MongoDB Operators Tutorial – What are Different Operators Available? - October 5, 2019 - MongoDB Projection Tutorial : Return Specific Fields From Query - March 9, 2019 - MongoDB Index Tutorial – Create Index & MongoDB Index Types - July 6, 2018
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Algebra Groups of Numbers. Ways of Showing Things in Algebra. Properties and Elements. Exponents and Powers. Square Roots and Cube Roots. Zero, FOO, and Divisibility. Chapter 2: Signed Numbers. Introducing Signed Numbers. Adding Balloons and Sandbags. Subtracting Balloons and Sandbags. Understanding Number Lines. Adding Signed Numbers. Subtracting Signed Numbers. Minus Sign before Parentheses. Letter Carrier Stories to Illustrate Multiplication. Multiplying Signed Numbers. Dividing Signed Numbers. Chapter 3: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. The Concept of Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Signed Fractions. Multiplying and Dividing Signed Fractions. Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers. Simplifying Complex Fractions. Changing Decimals to Fractions. What Are Percents? Finding a Percent of a Number. Understanding Scientific Notation. Chapter 4: Variables, Terms, and Simple Equations. Constants and Variables. Coefficients and Factors. Solving One-Variable Equations. Adding and Subtracting Variables. Changing Repeating Decimals to Fractions. Solving Equations Using Multiple Steps. Multiplying and Dividing Variables. Chapter 5: Axioms, Ratios, Proportions, and Sets. Axioms of Equality. Defining and Creating Ratios. Chapter 6: Monomials, Binomials, and Systems of Equations. Creating Systems of Simultaneous Equations. Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution. Chapter 7: Polynomials and Factoring. Chapter 8: Cartesian Coordinates. Finding the Slope and Intercepts. Graphing Linear Equations by Slope and Intercept. Finding the Equation of a Line. Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form. Graphing Systems of Equations. Chapter 9: Inequalities and Absolute Value. Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line. Solving Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting. Solving Inequalities by Multiplying and Dividing. Understanding Absolute Value. Inequalities and Half-Planes. Chapter 10: Algebraic Fractions. Introducing Algebraic Fractions. Simplifying Algebraic Fractions. Multiplying Algebraic Fractions. Dividing Algebraic Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions. Chapter 11: Roots and Radicals. Operations with Square Roots. Chapter 12: Quadratic Equations. Standard Quadratic Equation Form. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring. Solving Quadratics by Completing the Square. Solving Quadratic Equations by Formula. Chapter 13: Algebraic Word Problems. Techniques for Translating Problems into Equations. Types of Problems.
The nutrition labels on food packages guide healthy food choices. They also inspire hands-on math activities for the classroom. Using the food labels can demonstrate real-life applications for basic math skills, making them more relevant for students. Gather empty food containers from your own kitchen or ask parents and fellow teachers to bring packages for you. Nutrition labels provide information to create math-based word problems. The word problems you write depend on the grade level and types of operations the kids are learning. Use the nutrition data to construct the problems. A sample word problem for a cracker box label is, "Sarah ate 2 cups of the crackers for her snack. What percentage of her daily fat content did she consume?" The students need to look at the serving size to determine how many servings 2 cups would make. They use that information to determine how much fat is consumed and what percentage that would constitute. Daily Menu Calculations Create a daily menu based on the food labels you have on hand. The kids use the food labels to calculate the person's total fat, calories, carbohydrates, protein and sodium for the day. You can also include other nutrients on the label if desired. Have the kids compare the totals to the daily recommended amounts to determine if the person's diet was healthy or unhealthy. Give all students the same menu or make different ones and let each student present his findings. Total Package Calculations Nutrition labels contain the information for individual servings. Have the kids calculate the total amount of fat, calories, carbohydrates, protein and sodium in the package. Measure out one serving according to the package. On many foods, particularly junk food, the serving size is smaller than what the average person would consume while munching. Have the kids calculate what two or three servings would be -- if they think the serving size is less than they would normally consume. This engages the math skills and makes kids think about serving size and how much they are consuming when they eat more than the recommended amount. This activity works well in small groups. Each group needs nutrition labels for similar products. In lower grades, stick with only two different products. For older kids, give them up to five labels to compare. For example, you might give a group beverage labels such as milk, juice, soda, coffee and tea. The kids make a chart with the nutrition information for each item. Have them compare the different foods in the group to determine which one is healthiest and which one is least healthy. - Igor Dimovski/iStock/Getty Images
The requirement that has to be met for a balloon to be able to rise in outside air is that the density of the air inside of the balloon be less than the density outside of the balloon. However, in order for the balloon to not collapse the air inside it must exert enough pressure on the walls of the balloon to remain inflated. The formula for buoyant force is F(b) = (displaced fluid density)x(gravity acceleration)x(displaced volume) When applied specifically to balloons the outside air is considered to be the liquid the balloon is submerged in and the gas (inside air) volume is the displaced volume that must F (b) = (air density)x(9.81 m/sec2)x(volume of the gas filled balloon) Another way to understand buoyant force in the context of hot air balloons is that the total force on the balloon=buoyant force – weight of the balloon. Since weight is mass multiplied by acceleration due to gravity, the formula is: F(b)=B-w or F(b)=B-m(9.81 m/sec2) Air particles must work against the force of gravity to float in the first place, so it is the air pressure that is greater beneath objects that pushes the air particles upwards. The force of gravity is stronger than buoyant force so it requires air that is lighter than the air around it to be light enough to float. Therefore, for something to rise it must be less dense than the equal volume of air it is displacing. Air pressure, however, must be equal so that the balloon is not crushed. To do this the air particles must be bouncing around and putting pressure on the walls of the balloon. If there were generally just fewer particles then the pressure would not be equal because the particles would not bounce off the walls as often as the outside air that has more particles. This is where the heat difference comes into play. With increased temperature the particles have higher kinetic energy and travel faster, making up for the smaller
Body waves travel in three dimensions and can move through the interior of the Earth. The first type of body wave is called the primary wave or pressure wave, and is commonly referred to as P-waves. This type of seismic body wave travels at the greatest velocity through the ground. As a longitudinal compressional waveform, P-waves move in the same way as sound waves. As they spread out, they alternately push (compress) and pull (expand) the ground as they move through it. P-waves are able to travel through both solid rock and liquid material, such as volcanic magma or oceans. They travel at velocities ranging from 1,600–8,000 m/s, depending on the material they’re moving through. Because of their speed, they are the first type of wave to be felt and to register on a seismograph during an earthquake. The second type of body wave is called the secondary wave, shear wave or shaking wave, and is commonly referred to as S-waves. S-waves are a transverse waveform that shears the ground sideways at right angles to the direction of travel. S-waves have different effects on the ground surface depending on their polarisation and direction of travel. Horizontally polarised S-waves will move the ground from side to side (left and right) relative to the direction they’re moving. Vertically polarised S-waves will move the ground up and down relative to the direction of travel. It is not possible to shear or twist a liquid, so S-waves cannot propagate through bodies of water, such as oceans and lakes. S-waves are typically 40 percent slower than P-waves in any given material and have velocities ranging from approximately 900–4,500 m/s. These waves are the second to register on a seismograph during an earthquake. Despite their slower speed, S-waves are often more destructive than P-waves because they can have larger amplitudes and can cause greater levels of ground shaking. The actual speed of P-waves and S-waves depends on the density and elastic properties of the rocks and soil materials through which they pass. As P-waves and S-waves move through layers of rock in the Earth’s crust, they are also reflected or refracted at the interfaces between different types of material. When this occurs, some of the energy of one wave type is converted into waves of the other type. For example, when a P-wave travels upwards and strikes the underside of a layer of alluvium-type soil, part of its energy will continue upwards through the material as a P-wave. Part will convert into S-waves that also begin to propagate upwards through the alluvium. Some energy is also reflected back downwards in the form of P-waves and S-waves.
- Do not confuse with angular frequency The unit for angular velocity is rad/s. In physics, the angular velocity is a vector quantity (more precisely, a pseudovector) which specifies the angular speed, and axis about which an object is rotating. The SI unit of angular velocity is radians per second, although it may be measured in other units such as degrees per second, degrees per hour, etc. When measured in cycles or rotations per unit time (e.g. revolutions per minute), it is often called the rotational velocity and its magnitude the rotational speed. Angular velocity is usually represented by the symbol omega (Ω or ω). The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, in a direction which is usually specified by the right hand rule. The angular velocity of a particle The angular velocity of a particle in a 2-dimensional plane is the easiest to understand. As shown in the figure on the right (typically expressing the angular measures φ and θ in radians), if we draw a line from the origin (O) to the particle (P), then the velocity vector (v) of the particle will have a component along the radius (radial component, v∥) and a component perpendicular to the radius (tangential component, v⟂). A radial motion produces no rotation of the particle (relative to the origin), so for purposes of finding the angular velocity the parallel (radial) component can be ignored. Therefore, the rotation is completely produced by the tangential motion (like that of a particle moving along a circumference), and the angular velocity is completely determined by the perpendicular (tangential) component. It can be seen that the rate of change of the angular position of the particle is related to the tangential velocity by: , the angle between vectors v∥ , or equivalently as the angle between vectors r Combining the above two equations and defining the angular velocity as ω=dφ/dt yields:
Free geometry worksheets and activities This geometry section will help your child to become familiar with the basic concepts of planes, spaces, points, lines, the x-y-z coordinate system, angles, circle geometry, perimeters, area, and volume. Note: Each of the sub-sections listed below includes a listing of related geometry worksheets for practice with the concepts. Join today and get premium math worksheets to cover any topic you need to teach. Practice with almost 100 geometry, each with optional answer sheet. Define geometry terms. e.g. those associated with lines, angles, triangles, etc. View a listing of common geometry formulas. e.g. for calculating circumference, area, and volume. Shapes and Figures See descriptions and illustrations of various 2D Shapes. e.g. polygons, triangles, parallelograms. View illustrations of common 3D shapes such as pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, etc. Discover the properties of special types of quadrilaterals including the Rhombus and the Kite. Lines and Angles Take a foundation lesson on angles that illustrates how angle measurement is related to parts of a circular rotation. Learn how to use a protractor to measure angles and draw angles. Calculate unknown angles by adding and subtracting adjacent angles. Explore the relationships between supplementary, corresponding, and alternate angles Find "missing angles" by using the relationships between angles formed by various shapes. Try the lesson on lines of symmetry with activities and worksheets to develop and understanding of symmetry. Area and Volume Calculate area of different shapes and learn about of the various associated units of measurement. Use formulas to calculate the volume of rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Discover how nets are used to help understand and calculate the surface area of 3D shapes. Congruence, Similarity & Transformations Get started with transformations with a lesson on congruence of triangles and other shapes. Understand the concept of similarity with triangles and other similar shapes. Take a lesson on transformations including translations, rotations, and reflections.
Lesson Objectives:- An overview of comets - Why do comets have tails? - Where do comets come from? As we learned previously, rocky planetesimals are called asteroids, and ice-rich planetesimals are comets. Just as Ceres is a large asteroid, Pluto and other large objects of the Kuiper belt are essentially large comets. The vast majority of comets are at the outer reaches of our solar system, far from the Sun, and on the surface, they look similar to asteroids. Instead of being made out of rock, however, they are basically chunks of ice mixed with rocky dust and some other chemicals. That is why comets can be compared to "dirty snowballs." Far out in space, a comet is basically just an ice ball. It is only if a comet comes in closer to the Sun that it develops the tail that we normally associate with comets. When the comet starts accelerating towards the inner solar system, closer to the Sun, then this ice ball becomes the 'nucleus' of the comet. As its surface temperature increases, ices begin to vaporize into gas and dust is also released, forming the dusty atmosphere around the nucleus called a 'coma'. There are two tails on a comet. The plasma tail is made up of ionized gas that is pushed outward by the solar wind. That is why the plasma tail extends directly away from the Sun. The dust tail consists of dust-size particles that the comet leaves behind and curve back in the direction the comet came from. Larger particles, from the size of a grain of sand to a pebble, may also be ejected from comets. When Earth crosses a comet's orbit, these particles enter our atmosphere causing meteor showers. There are two reservoirs of comets in the distant outer solar system. They are the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud. We cannot see these reservoirs of comets since they are so far away, but their existence has been determined by tracing the orbits of observed comets that have reached our inner solar system and figuring out which direction they came from. The comets in the Kuiper belt are the leftover planetesimals that originated on the outer edges of where the planets formed, beyond the orbit of Neptune. Since they formed so far away, they were most unaffected by the gravity of the jovian planets and were able to maintain their original ecliptic plane and orbital direction as the planets. The comets of the Oort cloud, however, may have actually formed much closer -- in between the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Due to collisions or close gravitational encounters with the jovian planets, they were flung off at high speed to end up at the outer limits of the solar system.
Activities to try at home: - Play dice games with your child e.g. Snakes and Ladders. - Talk about house numbers, car number plates etc. Challenge your child to identify the numbers and say which is one more and one less than the ones they see. - Use toys or other items to practise practical addition and subtraction. Demonstrate counting on (addition) and counting back (subtraction). Challenge your child to see if they can write the appropriate number sentence. - Go on a 2D and 3D shape hunt around the house and ask your child to describe their properties. Encourage them to use the correct language such as 'sides', 'corners' and 'vertices'. - Build models and create patterns using junk modelling and discuss the shapes used. - Compare size, weight and capacity. Encourage your child to use words like 'longer', 'shorter', 'heavier', 'lighter', 'full' and 'empty'. Create opportunities for comparison. Below are some resources that may be of use to you.
Reactor Theory (Neutron Characteristics) NUCLEAR CROSS SECTIONS AND NEUTRON FLUX Macroscopic cross sections for neutron reactions with materials determine the probability of one neutron undergoing a specific reaction per centimeter of travel through that material. If one wants to determine how many reactions will actually occur, it is necessary to know how many neutrons are traveling through the material and how many centimeters they travel each second. It is convenient to consider the number of neutrons existing in one cubic centimeter at any one instant and the total distance they travel each second while in that cubic centimeter. The number of neutrons existing in a cm of material at any instant is called neutron density and is represented by the symbol n with units of neutrons/cm . The total distance these neutrons can travel each second will be determined by their velocity. A good way of defining neutron flux (1 ) is to consider it to be the total path length covered by all neutrons in one cubic centimeter during one second. Mathematically, this is the equation neutron flux (neutrons/cm -sec) neutron density (neutrons/cm )3 neutron velocity (cm/sec) The term neutron flux in some applications (for example, cross section measurement) is used as parallel beams of neutrons traveling in a single direction. The intensity (I) of a neutron beam is the product of the neutron density times the average neutron velocity. The directional beam intensity is equal to the number of neutrons per unit area and time (neutrons/cm -sec) falling on a surface perpendicular to the direction of the beam. One can think of the neutron flux in a reactor as being comprised of many neutron beams traveling in various directions. Then, the neutron flux becomes the scalar sum of these directional flux intensities (added as numbers and not vectors), that is, 1 = I + I + I +...I . Since the atoms in a reactor do not interact preferentially with neutrons from any particular direction, all of these directional beams contribute to the total rate of reaction. In reality, at a given point within a reactor, neutrons will be traveling in all directions.
“The Lonely Scarecrow” by Tim Preston and Maggie Kneen is a story full of colorful, descriptive language. Use this word sort as a group lesson or as individual practice to sort some of the nouns, verbs and adjectives found in the book. Recommended Grade Level(s): First, Second, Third Organization is key to completing this worksheet. To help students, several strategies can be used. - Prompt student(s) to work on one column at a time. For example, start with the noun column. Cover the other columns with a piece of paper. Then, look at each word and determine if it is a noun. If so, have student write it in the noun column. Next, mark through the word so it is not used again and then continue to the next word. Do this for each column. - Have student(s) write each word on an index card. Then, sort the words by putting them in stacks or columns based on what category they are in (noun, verb, adjective). Next, the words can be written in the table on the worksheet. - For each word, have student(s) put the letter “n”, “v” or “a” beside it based on what type of word it is. Once complete, the words can be written in the table. - For students who have difficulty remembering what a noun, verb or adjective is, provide definitions for each. Examples can also be given as well as patterns that help students identify the words (e.g. colors are adjectives because they describe, words that have had -ed added to them are verbs, etc.).
Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Human Rights and Refugees: To Be a Refugee Teaching Tools, 27 June 2007 LESSON 2: Spot the Refugee – Part 2 Ask the students to explain what a refugee is. Draw out the elements of the definition by questioning around the class. The students should open the Lego poster fully and read the supplied information quietly by themselves. Comprehension and discussion questions Ask the students to write answers to the following questions in their notebooks. - What is the one difference between refugees and you and me? - What events do you think could have happened to cause a person to flee and leave everything behind? - What types of experience might refugees endure during their flight? - How would you feel if you were a refugee who had to leave your home, family and possessions behind and live in another country? - Find the term 'open mind'. What does it mean? Why does UNHCR ask that people keep an open mind and a smile of welcome? Discuss the answers to these questions around the class. Refer to the concept of discrimination. At this point, you may wish to use some of the materials in the lesson module in Geography for Ages 9-11, which explain the reasons why people become refugees. - Lesson 1: How Does It Feel – Part 1 - Lesson 3: How Does It Feel – Part 1 - Lesson 4: How Does It Feel – Part 2 - Back to Lesson Plans
How to Use the Python range() Function In this tutorial, you will learn what Python's range function does and how to use it. In Python, range() is a built-in function that starts with a given number and returns a sequence of numbers up to a given number. Typically, the range function is used in conjunction with a FOR loop statement to loop through a block of code. Python range() Function Syntax The syntax of the range() function is as follows: range(start, stop [, step]) - The start argument is an integer value that is the starting point of the sequence. If not specified, it defaults to 0. - The stop argument is the integer value produced by the range function, up to and including this number. - The step argument is the difference between each number in the sequence. If not specified, it defaults to 1. In the first syntax, range() returns the sequence of numbers up to and including the stop number. For example, range(10) returns the sequence of numbers from 0 to 9. In the second syntax, the step argument is optional and defaults to 1 if not specified. Now let's look at an example: The step argument is omitted, and defaults to 1. range(2,10) produces the following sequence of numbers: = 2, 2 + 1, 2 + 2, 2 + 3, 2 + 4, 2 + 5, 2 + 6, 2 + 7 =2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Next, let's look at another example: Here, since the step argument of is 2, the range() function produces a sequence of numbers like this: =2, 2 + 2, 2 + 4, 2 + 6 =2, 4, 6, 8 Using range() in a FOR loop statement This section shows how to use the range() function in a FOR loop statement. The following sample program shows an example of looping through a code block using the Range() function and a FOR loop statement: - sum = 0; - for i in range(10): - sum += i - print("The total is ", sum) The above program computes the sum of all the numbers in the sequence produced by range(10). The output of the above program is as follows: = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 The following program shows another example of using the range() function in a FOR loop statement: - for i in range(2, 10, 3): - print("The value of i is ", i) As you can see, all three arguments are used here. The output is as follows: The value of i is 2 The value of i is 5 The value of i is 8 In this tutorial, you learned what Python's range() function does and how to use it. Range() is a built-in function that generates a sequence of numbers. It is typically used in conjunction with a FOR loop statement to loop through a code block.
The purpose of this series of workbooks is to make a better writer. Grammar, taught in isolation, does not improve writing skills. Grammar taught with skills connected to application can and will dramatically improve a student�s abilities in writing. Each workbook is easy to use with lessons that walk the student through the skill to an independent application level. Unit One: What Is A Sentence? Students will learn to identify a correct sentence and be able to identify what kind of sentence it is. The two key parts of a sentence, the subject and the predicate, are explored with simple subjects and predicates, compound subjects and predicates, and complete subjects and predicates. Unit Two: Capitalization and Punctuation Students will better understand the use of capitalization with proper nouns and proper adjectives, the first words in sentences, and how to properly capitalize in outlines and titles. With punctuation, the student will be able to use the correct form of punctuation in the many ways it is presented in sentences and questions. Unit Three: Understanding Nouns and Pronouns Students will learn the difference between common and proper nouns. They will better understand the correct usage of singular, plural and nouns of possession. Pronouns and antecedents are clearly explained and applied along with subject, object, possessive, indefinite pronouns. Unit Four: Verbs Students will learn to use the many forms of verbs and the rules that apply to regular and irregular verbs. Students will use action verbs, state of being verbs, and linking verbs in sentences and paragraphs. Unit Five: Adverbs and Adjectives Students will learn what adverbs and adjectives are and how to identify and apply them correctly in sentences. Students will learn the rule for double negatives. When using adjectives, the students will work with article and demonstrative adjectives, and making comparison with adjectives.
Math Practice Online > free > lessons > Florida > 1st grade > Number Comparison If your child needs math practice, click here. For comparing two numbers. Determine if the first number is greater than, less than, or equal to the other number. This topic aligns to the following state standards Grade 2: Num 1. Compares and orders whole numbers to 1000 or more using concrete materials, drawings, number lines, and symbols (<, =, >). Grade 2: Num 2. Compares two or more numbers, to 1000 or more, and identifies which number is more than, equal to, or less than the other number. Grade 2: Alg 2. Solves a variety of number sentences with equalities and inequalities (using the symbols >, =, <). Grade 3: Num 1. Uses language and symbols (>, <, =) to compare the relative size of numbers in the same form. Grade 3: Num 2. Compares and orders whole numbers through hundred thousands or more, using concrete materials, number lines, drawings, and numerals. Grade 4: Num 1. Uses language and symbols (>, <, =) to compare numbers in the same form and in two different forms such as _ < 1. Grade 5: Num 1. Uses symbols (>, <, =) to compare numbers in the same and different forms such as 0.5 < 3/4. Grade 9: Num 2. understands the relative size of integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers Copyright Accurate Learning Systems Corporation 2008. MathScore is a registered trademark.
Proper Nouns Worksheet This proper nouns worksheet is designed for the 5-6 years children when they are first introduced to the nouns. When the children begin with the grammar lessons, understanding nouns is the first thing. There are a plethora of lessons and worksheets for understanding nouns. What are Proper Nouns? A proper noun is a noun that is used to name a particular person, place, thing, and more. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence - The first month is January. - We are going to Mumbai tomorrow. - Her name is Camilla The worksheet would help the child understand different proper nouns and how to differentiate between names, things, and places. How to Practice the Proper Nouns Worksheet? A proper noun begins with a capital letter and to understand this let the child find the proper noun in the sentence and then rewrite it where the proper noun would begin with a capital letter - We are going to paris tomorrow. Rewrite it as- We are going to Paris tomorrow As a proper noun can be a name of any place, thing, or person hence differentiating between them is also a task. Circling each proper noun with the right color code will help the child understand the task better. Rewriting those words in the right column will also let them comprehend the right kind of proper nouns. Download and practice with the proper noun worksheet while watching the video referred to in the worksheet to better understand the concept of a proper nouns and common nouns. Helps the child learn and practice the application of rule 4 of capitalizationView Worksheet
DNA replication of Eukaryotes (cells with nucleus) occurs stepwise. Each step needs different enzymes. The DNA replication steps can be broken down as: 1. A notch is made by DNA gyrase. This looks like a bubble under a microscope, called Replication Bubble. Cracking up the hydrogen bonds in the double helix is the vital step and it occurs where more A-T bases exist. As there are only 2 H bonds between them as compared to C-G bases, it takes less energy to break. 2. Enzyme helicase uncoils the double stranded twisted DNA. Bases in the DNA get exposed. 3. Single stranded binding proteins (SSB) connect to each strand temporarily to hold the strands apart. 4. DNA polymerase stroll down the strand making freely available nucleotides (RNA primers) to combine with the exposed bases. This is done by base-pairing rule (ATTCGGC). To join the DNA nucleotides, RNA nucleotides are the primers. 5. DNA Polymerase depends on the template of original DNA strand to make new matching strand. There is difference in the elongation processes of the 2 templates. DNA polymerase can read the template only in 3-5 direction (meaning it begins from the 3' end of the template and reads the nucleotides to the 5' end of the template) and produces the matching strand in 5-3 direction as opposite ends attract each other to make antiparallel strands in the future double helix. Replicated strand on this template is in continuous form and is called leading strand while the other one is in discontinuous form and called the lagging strand. As DNA Polymerase cant read in 5-3 direction, so it has to jump back and forth to read and let the RNA primers to attach. This jumping of the DNA Polymerase back and forth causes breaks in the replicated chain making small parts of DNA. They are named as Okazaki fragments (a Japanese researcher discovered them). 6. The DNA Polymerase and DNA Ligase plug these breaks. Now each new double helix has one old and one new strand. The replicated DNA in new cells is said to be semi-conservative, as it has 50% of the original genetic matter from its parent but they have the exact DNA characteristics as of their parent cell. 7. There is a repair mechanism for checking the errors in the new strands and correcting them. Wrong nucleotides are replaced by nucleases (enzymes) and the DNA Polymerase combines the breaks. 8. New copies curl up themselves by design. DNA Replication Steps for prokaryote cells are almost similar with some minor differences.
A reading comprehension worksheet for students to learn about muscles.Sugerencia de uso 1. Download the file and make copies for students (2pages) 2. Tell students they are going to read about how to have healthy muscles. 3. Review what the main function of muscles is. You may ask students to use the suggested activity (drawing they did in the previous session to go with the video) where they labeled 13 muscles. 4. Distribute the reading and read with students the first two paragraphs. 5. Offer help with vocabulary. 6. Ask students to continue reading in pairs the rest of the reading. 7. Invite students to answer the questions and monitor the activity. 8. Finally, ask pairs of students to share their answers with the class. Compartir MED en classroom:
By any measure, the Andes mountains are very, very big. Running for some 8,900 kilometers (5,530 miles) through South America, they reach up to 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) in height and stretch up to 700 kilometers (435 miles) in width. But how did the range grow to this gigantic scale? Plate tectonics – the movement of great slabs of Earth’s crust across the planet – can create mountain ridges as slower sections are forced up by faster moving regions. Though the concept is simple in theory, tracking the speed of tectonic movements across timescales shorter than 10 to 15 million years in duration is tricky for geologists. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen used a recently developed method to get a more detailed look at the movement of the South American plate that formed the Andes. They identified a 13 percent slowdown in parts of the plate around 10 to 14 million years ago, and a 20 percent slowdown 5 to 9 million years ago – enough to explain some of the features we see today. “In the periods up until the two slowdowns, the plate immediately to the west, the Nazca Plate, plowed into the mountains and compressed them, causing them to grow taller,” says geologist Valentina Espinoza from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. “This result could indicate that part of the preexistent range acted as a brake on both the Nazca and the South American plate. As the plates slowed down their speed, the mountains instead grew wider.” The technique used in the study starts with absolute plate movement (APM), the movement of plates in terms of fixed points on Earth. APM is mostly determined through the study of volcanic activity in the crust, where trails of magma tell geologists how the plates have shifted. Then there’s relative plate movement (RPM), the movement of plates in relation to each other. This is calculated using a broader range of clues, including magnetization data embedded in the ocean floor signifying rock movement, and offers higher resolution (smaller timescale) data than APM. To determine the rate of movement in the South American plate, the geologists used the high-resolution RPM data to estimate APM via some detailed math. By validating predicted data with geological data that we are sure of, the method enables experts to know much more about the interactions between tectonic plates. “This method can be used for all plates, as long as high-resolution data is available,” says geologist Giampiero Iaffaldano, from the University of Copenhagen. “My hope is that such methods will be used to refine historic models of tectonic plates and thereby improve the chance of reconstructing geological phenomena that remain unclear to us.” The team also considered the question of why these two significant slowdowns happened in the first place. While a few million years is a long time to us, it’s a virtual eye-blink in geological time scales. One possibility is convection currents in the mantle changed, shifting different densities of material around. It’s also possible that a phenomenon called delamination was responsible, where significant parts of a plate sink lower into the mantle. Both events would’ve had knock-on effects that influenced the rate of the plate’s movement. Further research and more data is going to be needed to know for sure, and the new method of analysis will help with that. Even as one question is (perhaps) answered, there are plenty more to work through. “If this explanation is the right one, it tells us a lot about how this huge mountain range came to be,” says Espinoza. “But there is still plenty that we don’t know. Why did it get so big? At what speed did it form? How does the mountain range sustain itself? And will it eventually collapse?” The research has been published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Bullying in schools is a widespread problem that may negatively impact children’ academic performance and general well-being. It is our duty as educators to promote a secure and welcoming learning environment. We will discuss the effects of bullying and preventative steps to stop it in the classroom. Recognizing the Effects of Bullying: Bullying may take many different forms, such as physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying. Its effects go beyond the present circumstance, including the victims’ general involvement in school, academic achievement, and emotional health. Educators can better understand the significance of addressing and avoiding bullying in the classroom by realizing the seriousness of it. Ways to Address Bullying Create an Open Dialogue: Promote an atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their experiences in order to promote open communication. Provide frequent forums for students to voice their worries and emotions, such as in-class talks, one-on-one conversations, or suggestion boxes with no names attached. Put in Place a thorough Anti-Bullying Policy: Create a thorough anti-bullying policy that spells out the penalties for engaging in bullying conduct. Make sure parents and kids are informed about this policy, stressing the school’s dedication to fostering a secure and encouraging learning environment. Educate Students and Staff: Bring attention to the many types of bullying and how they affect people. Organize training sessions and seminars for staff and students to improve their comprehension of bullying behaviors, the fallout from them, and the value of cultivating respect and empathy. Encourage compassion and inclusion: Include teachings and exercises that encourage compassion, inclusion, and empathy. Emphasize the importance of treating everyone with respect and dignity while inspiring kids to cherish and celebrate diversity. Bullying events can be prevented by cultivating an empathetic society. Preventative Actions to Avoid Bullying Positive Classroom Culture: From the start of the school year, create a welcoming and happy classroom environment. Define clear standards for conduct, place a strong emphasis on teamwork, and recognize accomplishments. There is less chance of bullying when pupils have a feeling of community. Peer Support Programs: To foster relationships among students, put in place peer support programs like buddy networks and mentorship. Peer support increases a student’s likelihood of reporting bullying incidents and seeking help when necessary. Digital Literacy Education: Include instruction on digital literacy in the curriculum to combat cyberbullying. Instruct pupils on appropriate conduct on the internet, the consequences of their words and deeds on social media, and the value of respecting the virtual borders of others. Frequent observation and Intervention: Remain alert by keeping a close eye on student interactions and acting quickly to resolve any possible problems. Prevent confrontations from getting worse by getting involved, and assist both the offender and the victim to promote understanding and change in behavior. In conclusion, parents, kids, and teachers must work together to address and prevent bullying in the classroom. All children may benefit from a secure and supportive learning environment that we provide by encouraging open communication, putting successful techniques into practice, and creating a positive and inclusive culture. By working together, we can end bullying and make sure that each and every kid has a sense of worth and respect.
Main heading uses Calibri 48, in standard dark blue ALL CONNECT KS2 PROGRAMME Grammar Languages at KS2 I wonder how this new language works? Languages at KS2 I wonder how this new language works? Grammar What does it mean to you? grammar rules How does this new language work? conjugation of verbs exercises and drills Time for Activity Language Learner Characteristics Programme of study for KS2 understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English. What should I teach and when? Introduce grammar when: an opportunity presents itself it is age-appropriate it links with areas of English curriculum it provides a chance for challenge Key question How can we best integrate grammar teaching into language learning at KS2? Time for Activity Understanding gender Introducing concept of gender Can children hear the difference between feminine/masculine form of definite/indefinite article (the, a/an)? Can children pronounce the different articles clearly? Can children see the difference? The Four Friends Joining in! Focus on gender le cheval le mouton le lapin la souris Activities to help understanding of gender Write it down Find your partner Roll the dice Write the number Slow reveal Ready for a challenge? cheval, n.m. horse lapin, n.m. rabbit mouton, n.m. sheep souris, n.f. mouse More than one! Virtually There http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ymm8z (German) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01vzml5 (Spanish) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01sxkbj (French) Next steps Adjectives Word order in English, French, Spanish and German Human sentences Make a phrase Focus on German why do the colours change? Key question How else can we use the Four Friends resource to introduce/reinforce grammar Moving on Definite article/indefinite article Plurals Question forms Forming the negative Position of adjectives Agreement of adjectives AP1 and STA derive PTK via any method, e.g. 4-way handshake AP1 and STA derive GTK in usual way AS constructs PMK2 = TLS-PRF(MasterKey, PMK1, AP2-MAC-Addr, STA-MAC-Addr) AS sends PMK2 to AP2 Steps 7 and 8 performed for each AP... The East Maui Watershed Partnership is an organized effort between six public and private landowners and the county of Maui who are working together to protect the 100,000-acre (4,047 hectares)core of this critical watershed. The East Maui Watershed Partnership represents... What was Riding the Rails. People were forced off farms due to lack of work. (Ganzel)They heard of work miles away but could not pay for train rides. They would jump onto freight trains illegally and ride the train until... In 632 Bakr was named Caliph. Arab Conquest Abu Bakr was able to suppress political and religious uprisings, uniting the Muslim world. The Quran permitted fair, defensive warfare as Jihad, "struggle in the way of God". At Yarmuk, in 636,... Sign & Date Rep. Sign & ID# Rep did not use "Correct Approach" Prospect is "Negative"!!!! ACN to ACN FREE CALLING! ... Show prospect the Customer Web Portal www.myacn.com Customer Acquisition Tips on a SUCCESSFUL VoIP/Video Phone Demo: If the... GCSE French - using a variety of structures. How to make basic sentences more interesting. A*. ... When you compare feminine or plural nouns you must make sure the adjectives agree. PIRE QUE . ... J'aimerais faire du ski nautiquemais... Use Case Modeling Tips Make sure that each use case describes a significant chunk of system usage that is understandable by both domain experts and programmers When defining use cases in text, use nouns and verbs accurately and consistently to... Ready to download the document? Go ahead and hit continue!
In the Linear Equations quizzes you practised solving equations using algebra. This GCSE Maths quiz should help you understand the link between the algebra and the geometry of the straight line. When a straight line is plotted on an x-y grid there are two key features that we can obtain, which will allow us to write down the equation of the straight line. This equation is the rule that connects the x- and the y-values. The first feature is the gradient, which is a measure of how steep the line is. Recall that the gradient is ‘change in height over change in distance’. To calculate the gradient, plot two points on the line that pass directly through the crosshairs of the grid. Form a right-angled triangle, then count how many units up or down – this is change in height – and how many units left or right, which is change in distance. Then you need to decide if it is positive (goes up from left to right) or negative (goes down from left to right). Gradient is denoted using the letter m. The other feature is the y-axis intercept. This is the number on the y-axis (vertical) that the line passes through, and is represented using the letter c. You obtain the equation of the line by substituting the values for m and c into the general equation of the straight line, y = mx + c. The equation of horizontal and vertical lines often catches people out. On a horizontal line, the y-value of any point is the same. This means the equation is of the form y = …. The same logic applies to a vertical line – the x-value of any point on the line will be the same, so its equation is x = ….
exponents & roots factors, factoring, & prime numbers fractions, decimals & ratio & proportion In grades 6-8, students explore the difference between complementary and mutually exclusive events, and learn to use appropriate terminology to describe them. Students also learn to employ proportionality and a basic understanding of probability to explore notions of chance, make predictions, observe outcomes, and test conjectures about the results of experiments and simulations, using methods such as organized lists, tree diagrams, and area models to compute probabilities for simple compound events. Middle School Problems of the Week that require some knowledge of probability are listed below. They address the NCTM Data Analysis and Probability Standard for Grades 6-8. For background information elsewhere on our site, explore Middle School Probability and Statistics in the Ask Dr. Math archives; and see Probability and Probability in the Real World from the Dr. Math FAQ. For relevant sites on the Web, browse and search Probability in our Internet Mathematics Library; to find middle-school sites, go to the bottom of the page, set the searcher for middle school (6-8), and press the Search button. Access to these problems requires a Membership. Home || The Math Library || Quick Reference || Search || Help
Reading is a gateway skill. It opens the door to all other learning. Reading is the processing of information. It requires the student to develop a capacity for conceptual thinking - an ability to think about the nature and significance of things. Reading builds language skills. By becoming more familiar with language through reading, students build a rich vocabulary and an ability to express themselves clearly and creatively. Reading builds better thinking strategies. Deciphering words, sentences, themes and meaning; concentrating, conceptualizing and visualizing--all these elements of reading are strategies to expand a student's ability to think. Reading is active and disciplined. Students learn to choose what they read and when they read, and they learn to discipline themselves to concentrate on the written word. What You Can Do to Encourage Reading Use the library. Make sure everyone in your family has a library card. Help children learn how to use the library's resources: card catalogs, computer systems, best-seller sections, etc. Visit regularly-as often as you go to the grocery store. Read every day. Make it a habit to set aside time each day for everyone to read-books, magazines, newspapers, or letters. You can even begin by reading television listings, then discussing what you watch and why. Talk about what you are reading. Children need to see adults reading frequently. They also need to know the benefits of reading. Talk to your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, even young neighbors about what you're reading. Tell them how much you have enjoyed it, what you have learned, and how you have been inspired. Ask about summer reading materials. Schools and libraries often provide summer reading lists that highlight excellent books which are readily available, popular, and consistent with grade-level reading skills. Call your school or library for information. Make reading materials a part of your home. Buy books at bookstores and tag sales. Borrow books from the library and from friends. Subscribe to newspapers and magazines. Then read, read, read!
Understanding the parts of speech is a vital foundation skill for more advanced grammar concepts. Nouns, because of their role as subject or object, are particularly important. Identifying common and proper nouns comes naturally to some students, but for others it is more of a struggle. Remind your students regularly that common nouns are general and proper nouns are specific. Young students may understand the concept most easily if you describe proper nouns as names. Write a list of nouns on the board, including common nouns and people's names. Remind your students that a noun is a person, place or thing and explain that some nouns begin with a capital letter and others with a lower-case letter. Tell them that the lower-case nouns are called common nouns and the capitalized nouns are called proper nouns. Ask your students if they notice anything that the proper nouns on the board have in common. Guide them to the response that they are all names. Tell your students that proper nouns are names of people, places or things. Begin adding proper nouns to the board, this time using place names, the name of your school, holiday names and so forth. Ask students whether these are names as well. If they say no, explain that they are not people's names, but they are still names of specific things. Demonstrate the difference between a specific, proper noun and a general, common noun by writing the word "country" on one side of the board and "France" opposite it. Point out that "country" could be any country, while "France" is a specific name. Add more examples, such as comparing "day" with "Monday," "holiday" with "Thanksgiving," "river" with "Mississippi River," and "teacher" with your own name. Hand out a list of common and proper nouns, none of them capitalized. Have students capitalize the proper nouns. Discuss the difficult ones as a class when students have finished. - Make a board display with a list of confusing common and proper nouns, so students can refer to it for in-class writing until they memorize the rules. Include the seasons as common nouns and the distinction between a job description and a title. For example, include the word "principal" as a common noun and the name of your school's principal as a proper noun. - Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Parts of Speech All languages are made up of words, each of which has a specific function, a part to play, in creating the sentences in that language. We call these functions the parts of speech. The eight parts of speech in English are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. **Note: Remember, the part of speech depends entirely upon how the word functions—how it is used—not upon any quality within the word itself. So when we try to determine what part of speech a specific word may be, we must look at it within a context. For example, the word book can be a noun, an adjective, or a verb, depending upon how it is used in relation to other words. Ex. Jon Jones is a reputable book dealer. (In this sentence, book is an adjective because its function is to describe the noun dealer.) Ex. That book has the most beautiful hand-tooled leather cover I have ever seen. (In this case, book is a noun because its function is to name the thing that is the subject of the sentence.) Ex. Did you book my tickets for the trip? (Here, the word book is a verb because its function is to name an action taken in the sentence.) At this point it is probably a good idea to give brief descriptions of what the parts of speech do. We can also group them according to their basic purposes. First let’s talk about that group whose purpose is to name or identify: nouns, pronouns, and verbs. This group forms the core of every sentence and every language--and probably the core of every thought. Noun: A word used to name a person, place, thing or idea. Pronoun: A word used to stand in for or take the place of a noun. Verb: A word used to name an action or a state of existence. The next group’s purpose is to describe or qualify. Adjective: A word used to describe or qualify a noun or pronoun. Adverb: A word used to describe or qualify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. The remaining parts of speech cannot be grouped as they have distinctive purposes. Preposition: A word used to show how a noun or pronoun is related to some other word in the sentence. Conjunction: A word used to join words or groups of words and to indicate their relative importance. Interjection: A word used to express emotion, often indicating some excitement.
This warm-up activity should be completed in pairs. While students are working, I will circulate around the room and work with students who I observed to be having difficulty solving literal equations in yesterday's lesson. As students are finishing, I will select students to post solution on the board so they can be discussed with the entire class. During this section of the lesson, I will use the Literal_Inequalities_Launch presentation to guide a class discussion. I let students try this series of questions with their partner. Students will have to make a plan for solving this inequality and determine if their plan makes sense. I will encourage students to consider whether they can begin by solving the inequality in the same way they would solve an equation. Part 2 will allow students to connect this abstract concept (solving a literal inequality) to a more concrete concept of plugging in values. Part 3 will pull everything together for students showing them that the solutions are the same. Teaching Point: I encourage my students to continue to justify their steps when solving an inequality. When you discuss the question as a class, revisit the properties from solving inequalities such as if a<b then a + c < b + c. In slides 3-5, I will really push my students to reason abstractly about inequalities. The idea that the value of the inequality can change based on the relative values of the variables is important. Some students will struggle with this concept because of the abstract nature (e.g. a>b). If students are struggling you can always have them plug in real values to see how the solution works out. For this task I will have students do a around Question 1. If necessary, I will go back to the idea of solving the inequality -2x > 8 without dividing by a negative number (add 2x to both sides first). This will help students remember why the inequality reverses directions when dividing or multiplying by a negative number. I usually give my students a few minutes to think about this next question but we usually end up going over it as a class. When students are working, listen for good starter ideas and then go back to these students during the whole-class discussion. The idea of conditions (example a > b or a < b) will be important during the practice portion of the lesson. With this in mind, make sure you are guiding students towards understanding about why these conditions are important. This question will lead into the practice portion of the lesson. Have students attempt this problem with their partner. Remind them that the solution can be found in two different ways (dividing by a first, or distributing the a) Have two students show the two different methods on the board so that the class can see an example of the method that they did not try.** **As an alternative you could also have all students solve the inequality using both methods and then show that when the numbers are substituted in the solution is the same. I have students work in pairs on Literal_Inequalities_Practice. Students should be discussing and comparing solutions. Students should also be able to validate their solutions to the various inequalities. Some of this validation is built in to the questions such as in 3b and 3c. This practice assignment continues to challenge students with their abstract reasoning. The first three questions require students to practice with solving and justifying their steps. They will also need to reason about how certain values within the inequality effect the overall solution. In questions 4-8, students will continue to investigate how the conditions given of the relative size of variables within the inequality determine the overall solution. This Closing Activity requires students to put the ideas from the practice into their own words. In order to solve the inequality correctly the relationship between r and b needs to be known. Students will be describing how this relationship between r and b will effect the solution. Most students will focus on the cases where either r > b or r < b, however, some may discuss r = b. As students are writing, try to eavesdrop on their thoughts. If time permits, let students turn and talk with their partner about what they wrote and then have a class share-out trying to get students who had particularly interesting ideas to share their thoughts (MP3).
In the wake of the Civil War, three amendments were added to the U.S. Constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery (1865), the Fourteenth Amendment made freed slaves citizens of the United States and the state wherein they lived (1868), and the Fifteenth Amendment gave the vote to men of any race (1870). During this time, the nation struggled with what role four million newly freed slaves would assume in American life. With the triumph of the Radical Republicans in Congress, the Constitution was amended to grant full citizenship to former slaves and promise them equal treatment under the law, a promise that took more than a century to fulfill. Of the Civil War Amendments, the Fourteenth Amendment had the most far-reaching effect on the meaning of the Constitution. It conferred both national and state citizenship upon birth, thereby protecting the legal status of the newly freed slaves. Eventually, the amendment would be interpreted to apply most provisions in the Bill of Rights to the states as well as the national government. And finally, the Fourteenth Amendment introduced the ideal of equality to the Constitution for the first time, promising “equal protection of the laws.” A key feature of the Fourteenth Amendment was that it directly prohibited certain actions by the states. It also gave Congress the power to enforce the amendment through legislation. The Fourteenth Amendment represented a great expansion of the power of the national government over the states. It has been cited in more Supreme Court cases than any other part of the Constitution. In fact, it made possible a new Constitution—one that protected rights throughout the nation and upheld equality as a constitutional value. Equality content written by Linda R. Monk, Constitutional scholar |Dred Scott v. Sandford||Citizenship & Privileges Clauses||Due Process, Equal Protection & Disenfranchisement|
Exponents is the power or degree to a given variable or number. The exponent can be any real number. There are many different properties of the exponents in algebra which help in solving many types of question having exponents. Mentioned below are some properties of exponents. Multiplication rule: am * an = a(m+n) (Here the base is the same value a) Division rule: am / an = a(m-n) (Here the base is the same value a) Power of a power: (am)n = amn Example 1: Find the value of x in the equation 3(x+2) = 27. Solution: Here the given equation is 3(x+2) = 27. We need to simplify the 27 further. The number 27 can be written as 27 = 3* 3 * 3 So, 27 = 33 Now we get 3(x+2) = 33. Since the base number is 3 we can equate the exponents. X + 2 = 3 (subtracting 2 on both sides.) X = 3 – 2. Hence the value of x = 1. Example 2: Find the x in the equation 102 = 1/100. Solution: Here the given equation is 102 = 1/100. The fraction, 1/100 = 100-1. We need to simplify 100 here further. The number 100 can be written as 100 = 10* 10 So, 100 = 102 Now we get 10(x) = (102)-1. Using the power of power rule. 10(x) = (10-2) Since the base number is 10 we can equate the exponents. Hence the value of x = -2.
Why do this problem? This is a tough problem , ideal for learners who relish the challenge of working with large and difficult numbers. However, using interlocking cubes to create models of the situation will help children form mental images of cube numbers. It will be necessary to have a large supply of cubes available for this activity, although allow pupils to decide for themselves whether they make use of them. You could start by describing just a single yellow cube covered in a single layer of red cubes. Ask learners about the number of red cubes that would be needed and invite them to think on their own, then chat with a partner before sharing ideas. You may want to have a model already made to show the group after they have had chance to decide on the number. Pose a few other questions like this, perhaps asking the group to imagine a few layers, one at a time. Then you can pose the question itself. You may find it useful to print off and hand out copies of this sheet which contains the problem. It may be appropriate to ask pairs or small groups to work together on the challenge and then invite them to create a poster outlining how they approached the task. These could be displayed and time given in the plenary for all pupils to view them. Have you found out how many cubes are needed to cover the single cube? Have you remembered that there are only "up to 1000 of each colour"? What is the cube root of 1000? How does this help you? What size cubes are possible if the maximum number of cubes in one colour is 1000? Assuming enough cubes are available, this could be done practically. Calculators may also be helpful.
Because most programs define and gather some sort of data, and then do something useful with it, it helps to classify different types of data. The first data type we’ll look at is the string. Strings are quite simple at first glance, but you can use them in many different ways. A string is simply a series of characters. Anything inside quotes is considered a string in Python, and you can use single or double quotes around your strings like this: "This is a string." 'This is also a string.' This flexibility allows you to use quotes and apostrophes within your strings: 'I told my friend, "Python is my favorite language!"' "The language 'Python' is named after Monty Python, not the snake." "One of Python's strengths is its diverse and supportive community." Let’s explore some of the ways you can use strings. Changing Case in a String with Methods One of the simplest tasks you can do with strings is change the case of the words in a string. Look at the following code, and try to determine what’s happening: name = "ada lovelace" print(name.title()) Save this file as name.py, and then run it. You should see this output: In this example, the lowercase string “ada lovelace” is stored in the variable name. The method title() appears after the variable in the print() statement. A method is an action that Python can perform on a piece of data. The dot (.) after name in name.title() tells Python to make the title() method act on the variable name. Every method is followed by a set of parentheses, because methods often need additional information to do their work. That information is provided inside the parentheses. The title() function doesn’t need any additional information, so its parentheses are empty.title() displays each word in titlecase, where each word begins with a capital letter. This is useful because you’ll often want to think of a name as a piece of information. For example, you might want your program to recognize the input values Ada, ADA, and ada as the same name, and display all of them as Ada. Several other useful methods are available for dealing with case as well. For example, you can change a string to all uppercase or all lowercase letters like this: name = "Ada Lovelace" print(name.upper()) print(name.lower()) This will display the following: ADA LOVELACE ada lovelace The lower() method is particularly useful for storing data. Many times you won’t want to trust the capitalization that your users provide, so you’ll convert strings to lowercase before storing them. Then when you want to display the information, you’ll use the case that makes the most sense for each string. This article is an excerpt from A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming by Eric Matthes Reproduced with permission from No Starch Press
Physlets run in a Java-enabled browser on the latest Windows & Mac operating systems. If Physlets do not run, click here for help on updating Java and setting Java security. Exploration 24.2: Symmetry and Using Gauss's Law Please wait for the animation to completely load. Gauss's Law is always true: Φ = ∫surface E · dA = qenclosed/ε0, but it isn't always useful for finding the electric field, which is what we are usually interested in. This should not be too surprising, because to find E, using an equation like ∫surface E · dA = qenclosed/ε0, E has to be able to come out of the integral, and for that to happen, E needs to be constant on a surface. This is where symmetry comes in. Gauss's law is only useful for calculating electric fields when the symmetry is such that you can construct a Gaussian surface so that the electric field is constant over the surface, and the angle between the electric field and the normal to the Gaussian surface does not vary over the surface (position is given in meters and electric field strength is given in newtons/coulonb). In practice, this means that you pick a Gaussian surface with the same symmetry as the charge distribution. Restart. Consider a sphere around a point charge. The blue test charge shows the direction of the electric field. There is also a vector pointing in the direction of the surface normal to the sphere. - By moving the surface normal vector on the sphere and putting the test charge at three different points on the surface, find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ (set dA = 1) at these three points (read the electric field values in the yellow text box). Are they the same? Why or why not? Now, put a box around the same point charge. The test charge now shows the direction of the electric field, and the smallest angle between the vector and a vertical axis is shown (in degrees). The red vector points in the direction of the surface normal to the box (two sides show). - By moving the surface normal vectors on the box and putting the test charge at three different points on the top surface, find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ (set dA = 1) at these three points. Are they the same? Why or why not? - In the context of your answers above, why is the sphere a better choice for using Gauss's law than the box? Let's try another charge configuration. Put a sphere around a charged plate (assume the gray circles you see are long rods of charge that extend into and out of the screen to create a charged plate that you see in cross section). - Would the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ be the same at any three points on the Gaussian surface? - Explain, then, why you would not want to use a sphere for this configuration. Now, put a box around a charged plate (assume the points you see are long rods of charge that extend into and out of the screen to create a charged plate that you see in cross section). - Find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ at three points on the top. Are they essentially the same? - What about E · dA = E dA cosθ on the sides? For the plate, using a box as a Gaussian surface means that E · dA = E dA cosθ is a constant for each section (top, bottom, and sides) and the electric field is a constant on the surface. This means you can write: ∫surface E · dA = E ∫surface dA = EA (for the surfaces where the flux is nonzero). - Knowing that the charge per unit area on the big plate is σ, use Gauss's law to show that the expression for the electric field above or below a charged plate is E = σ/2ε0 and the direction of the electric field is away from the plate for a positively charged plate. In your textbook you will probably also see an expression that says that the electric field is σ/ε0 above or below the charged sheet. This holds true for conductors where σ is the charge/area on the top surface and there is the same amount of charge/area on the bottom surface (there is no net charge inside a conductor). Exploration authored by Anne J. Cox. Script authored by Wolfgang Christian and modified by Anne J. Cox.
Understand that spoken, visual and written forms of language are different modes of communication with different features and their use varies according to the audience, purpose, context and cultural background (ACELA1460) Explore culturally specific greetings and expressions of politeness in the languages of the school community including local (and neighbouring) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. For example compare common greetings used in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages such as ‘Where are you from?’ ‘Where are you going?’ Consider different expressions of politeness and how they are different in every culture. E.g. explore the many different words for extended family relationships and respect terms used in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages etc. The importance today of an historical site of cultural or spiritual significance; for example, a community building, a landmark, a war memorial (ACHHK045) Identify, in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, local sites, places and landscapes of significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (for example engraving sites, rock paintings, natural sites or features such as rock shelters, creeks or mountains as well as special meeting and hunting places or town camps) Learn the local Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander names for places and add them to local area maps. Identify and compare features of objects from the past and present (ACHHS051) Identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander place and street names in the local community and determine their origin and meaning (for example Teralba Park in Everton Park as well as Sorry Day plaques at Teralba Park, Everton Park, West End ; historical events such as Deadman’s Creek etc) The impact of changing technology on people’s lives (at home and in the ways they worked, travelled, communicated, and played in the past)(ACHHK046) Research traditional toys used by different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and (where available and appropriate) learn their language names. For example Arrernte children learn to play string games so they can remember stories they have been told. Learn some traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander games and their language names in different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages (see Traditional Indigenous Games: Yulunga resource as an example) The definition of places as parts of the Earth’s surface that have been given meaning by people, and how places can be defined at a variety of scales (ACHGK010) Investigate the names and meanings of local features and places given by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and groups. The ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain special connections to particular Country/Place(ACHGK011) Explore how some people have special connections to many Countries through, for example, marriage, birth, residence and chosen or forced movement. Explore the names of these countries and their languages. Find out about the connections of local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples with the land, sea and animals of their place and learn some of the language names for these important parts of culture. Explore local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander seasons, learn the names given to them and identify how they differ from the European season we have adopted: summer, autumn, winter, spring. Invite local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to share stories, knowledge’s and language about country in terms of the seasons in the local area. Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features (ACMMG044) Identify specific locations and features important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the local area. Locate them on maps and learn their names in language. Consider how familiar locations and features can be represented by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and groups in a range of ways e.g. through art, story, dance etc. Earth’s resources, including water, are used in a variety of ways (ACSSU032) Research Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures expertise and language around finding and conserving water supplies, as well as their knowledge of construction of irrigation systems for their crops People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) Find out about the diverse ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and language groups use science to meet their needs, including food supply, environmental sustainability over generations, their knowledge and ability to allow the land to ‘farm’ to suit their needs. Consider how we can continue to learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through culture and language to care for our environment.
If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources for Khan Academy. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Using a number line, let's learn how we measure segments. Before learning any new concept (mathematical or otherwise), it's important we learn and use a common language and label concepts consistently. In this example of measuring a line segment, the numbers span across the positive and negative. Remember, line segments and points are the foundations of geometry, so this is an important concept. Let's take line segments a little further. How do we know if line segments are congruent? Let's watch this example of counting points to see if they have the exact same length.
The Great Migration was caused by a host of factors that contributed to the movement of African Americans from the South to the North, creating sizeable communities in the North. Some of these reasons explain the movement out of the South; others refer to the attractions of the North. In any case, the Migration proved a “watershed” in African American history because of the geographic relocation and associated social changes. The factors leading African Americans to leave the South were mainly economic disempowerment and discrimination that former slaves had to endure in the original places of their settlement in the US. Suffering under oppressive Jim Crow laws, African Americans did not see a future for themselves on southern lands. For sharecroppers, economic misfortune was exacerbated by the Boll Weevil infestation that invaded southern lands in the early 20th century. The plight of African American farmers was aggravated by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. The factors that attracted them in the North were equally compelling. In the post-war economic expansion, industrial production in Northern states was booming, requiring constant addition of new labor. These opportunities could no longer effectively be filled by European migrants as their stream waned in the aftermath of the bloody war. The government also blockaded the stream of migrants with tougher anti-immigration legislation. However, the supply of African American hands was large, and these people could effectively fill in vacancies offered to them by the growing industrial manufacturing, and especially in military industries. Expansion did not only mean job creation in the industrial sector – its growth was fuelling vacation of jobs in services and other areas that were quickly filled by incoming migrants. Migrating African Americans also hoped that the North, lacking the traditions of Black Codes and Ku Klux Clan would prove a more pleasant place to live in. The Great Migration had a variety of consequences both for the African American population and the rest of the nation. For migrating workers, the move presented new challenging opportunities that gave them many advantages as compared to their former condition in the South. Earning higher wages, they now had access to many aspects of life from which they had been barred by their oppressed condition. New educational opportunities unfolded for the children. The community as a whole gained access to new horizons that also precipitated cultural rebirth. A manifestation can be the Harlem Renaissance that created a string of cultural leaders among Afro-Americans. The entrance of African Americans into the industrial workforce in combination with their departure from the South opened to many businessmen the importance of black labor. In the South, “business men and planters soon found out that it was impossible to treat the Negro as a serf and began to deal with him as an actual employee entitled to his share of the returns from his labor” (Wikipedia, 2006). The attitude toward black farm workers soon became more humane, and they were regarded as entitled to part of the income they could bring the employer. In the North, African Americans for the first time became a significant factor in economic life. This made them a factor in politics too and inspired politicians to give them more rights. In consequence of the Great Migration and the need for African American workers, “in 1943 President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which banned racial discrimination in the workplace in all industries involved in the war effort and paved the way for the American civil rights movement” (Wikipedia, 2006). In general, the Great Migration proved a serious change for the Black Community. Creating strong African American communities in the North, it also opened to people way toward good education and better-paid jobs. In essence, it provided impetus for the development of the community and paved the way toward greater involvement in American society. Wikipedia. (2006). Great Migration. Retrieved from June 21, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Great_Migration_(African_American)Sample Essay of College paper
Post-Civil War Southern Society After the Civil War ended in 1865, the U.S. government embarked on a plan called Reconstruction to rebuild the South and reunite the nation. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877. During Reconstruction, the southern states set up new governments and revised their constitutions. All of the former Confederate states were readmitted to the Union by 1870, but many northern Republicans objected to the efforts made by the legislatures of southern states to restrict the freedoms of African Americans. Reconstruction governments, however, founded new social programs and organizations, such as public school systems. Southern states also spent a great deal of money repairing their infrastructure—railroads, bridges, and public buildings—which had been destroyed during the war. At first, African Americans were optimistic about their futures. In 1866, Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment, which extended equal citizenship to African Americans, and a few years later, passed the Fifteenth Amendment, which guaranteed that the right to vote could not be denied because of race. African Americans took an active part in government, serving as delegates at state constitutional conventions and in Reconstruction legislatures. Despite this greater equality, as early as 1866, southern states began passing Black Codes, which were laws that greatly limited the freedom of African Americans. Many African Americans were also still tied to the land through the system of sharecropping, by which a sharecropper worked a parcel of land in return for a share of the crop. Under this system, most African-American sharecroppers (as well as white sharecroppers) remained in poverty. African Americans had few economic opportunities to better their lives. Many were also threatened by the Ku Klux Klan, which opposed African Americans obtaining civil rights and used violence to discourage them. By the late 1800s, many African Americans felt the New South was beginning to look very much like the Old South. As Democrats regained control of southern state governments, they began to overturn the Reconstruction reforms. For instance, they devised methods of keeping African Americans from voting by implementing poll taxes and literacy tests. Southern states also passed Jim Crow laws, which called for the segregation of African Americans. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that the standard of ‘‘separate but equal’’ facilities did not violate the... (The entire section is 1024 words.)
On this day in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signs a bill creating the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Known as the Freedmen's Bureau, this federal agency oversaw the difficult transition of African Americans from slavery to freedom. The Freedmen's Bureau, born out of abolitionist concern for freed slaves, was headed by Union General Oliver O. Howard for the entire seven years of its existence. The bureau was given power to dispense relief to both white and black refugees in the South, provide medical care and education, and redistribute "abandoned" lands to former slaves. The latter task was probably the most effective measure to ensure the prosperity and security of the freedmen, but it was also extremely difficult to enact. Many factors stymied the bureau's work. White Southerners were very hostile to the Yankee bureau members, and even more hostile to the freed slaves. Terror organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan targeted both blacks and whites and intimidated those trying to help them. The bureau lacked the necessary funds and personnel to carry out its programs, and the lenient policies of President Andrew Johnson's administration encouraged resistance. Most of the land confiscated from Confederates was eventually restored to the original owners, so there was little opportunity for black land ownership. Although the Freedmen's Bureau was not able to provide long-term protection for blacks, nor did it ensure any real measure of equality, it did signal the introduction of the federal government into issues of social welfare and labor relations.
Suggested Grade Level Suggested Subject Matter |2||Citizenship||English/Language Arts/Social Studies| • Define the word citizenship. • Discover what someone does when they are a good citizen • Determine what qualities make a good citizen Teacher will read I am a Good Citizen by Mary Ann Hoffman. A student will summarize the book for the class. Students will discuss their understanding of citizenship based on the story. As a class come up with a class definition for citizenship. Write the class definition of citizenship on the board. Small Group Activity: In small groups, students will discuss the five themes of citizenship. Using the scenario cards, one student will read the card to the group and lead the discussion. Teachers can come up with their own scenario cards to meet the needs for citizenship and responsibility in the classroom. In groups, the students will complete the activity sheet determining the qualities of citizenship and qualities showing lack of citizenship. Students will write cards and letters to thank service members. Students will send them to Operation Gratitude. They will be delivered to deployed troops, new recruits, veterans, and wounded heroes. Add a heart to the class Observation of discussion, class participation and completion of tasks Disney's Citizen Kid Series Watch the different videos about the kids. Have students write a summary or list of the ways each kid was a good citizen. Brainstorm ways they can show and recognize good citizenship in class and in school. Create a circle map or written class definition of the core value citizenship to add to our class medal. I am a Good Citizen by Mary Ann Hoffman Quote on the focus core value “We are extremely lucky to live in a nation where dreams for our lives can be fulfilled.” - Melvin E. Biddle, Army-World War II “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” – Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh
Exploring the Right to a Trial by Jury Trial by jury is one of many key concepts of American's freedoms assured by the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. A jury is a group of persons selected by law to determine a verdict in a court case. Generally, juries consist of six to twelve citizens, and their purpose is to ensure the justice system gives each person or entity a fair trial. In most cases, the power of government cannot take away an individual's rights unless he or she is found guilty by a jury. True democracy would not be complete without trial by jury. Under the sixth and seventh amendments to the U.S. constitution, citizens have the right to a trial by a jury of their peers in most criminal and civil cases. The selection of a jury requires a number of steps. - The court draws up a list of prospective jurors (often from a list of voter registrants or driver's license holders) - The court then cuts the list by disqualifying jurors who don't meet the requirements. A juror must: - be a US citizen - live in the judicial district - not be facing or convicted of a felony - have a competent use of the English language - From the list of qualified people, the court calls a random selection to report for jury duty. - The potential jurors wait to be called in for a trial. - When a trial is ready to be heard, groups of jurors, more than the required amount, are sent to the court room. - One by one these potential jurors are asked a series of questions to determine if either attorney wants them as a juror. - The attorneys select 612 juries they feel are impartial peers to sit and listen to the evidence in the case to determine the innocence or guilt of the accused person. In this lesson, students will explore the importance of fair trials and the difficulties inherent in maintaining impartiality in a trial by jury system. In small groups, students will discuss key concepts of our judicial system. Then they will determine if our system is fair and impartial. In this lesson, students: - Define key terms related to courts and juries - Explain the importance of the rights American citizens have when on trial - Explain the purpose and importance of juries - Determine the difficulties inherent in keeping trials impartial - Discussion Placards (folded in half to stand on tables/desks) - Discuss with students the following questions: - What is a jury? - Why do we have trial by jury? - What do jurors do? - How are you selected to serve on a jury? Have students watch news shows and court programs, read the newspaper, and browse websites to look for evidence of the ideas presented in this lesson: trial by jury, the rights of the accused, search warrants, etc. They should then write a summary of their findings and share them with the class.Watch this vodcast or listen to this podcast with your students to learn more about the importance of trial by jury. This lesson was written by Allison Straker, Vancouver, WA, and Andy Rodgers, Parker, CO.
In this Section: In this section, we learn about the circle. Everyone has seen a circle before at some point. A circle is officially defined as the set of all points in a plane that lie a fixed distance from the center. The fixed distance is known as the radius. In most cases, we are presented with our circle in center - radius form: (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2. When we have an equation in this format (center-radius form), we can quickly graph the circle by plotting the center (h,k) and then moving by the amount of the radius up, down, left, and right. We will then draw a smooth curve through these four points. In more challenging examples, we are not given the equation of the circle in standard form. When this occurs, we can complete the square to obtain the center - radius form. Then we can identify the center/radius, and quickly graph the circle.
Base pairs are pairs of nucleotides joined with a hydrogen bond found in DNA and RNA. This genetic material is typically double-stranded, with a structure which resembles a ladder, and each set of base pairs making up a single rung of the ladder. Base pairs have a number of interesting properties which make them topics of interest, and understanding how base pairs work is important to many geneticists. The nucleotides which make up DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). In RNA, the thymine is replaced with uracil (U). Together, these small chemical compounds make up the genetic code of an organism, with their arrangement coding for the production of a number of proteins. Adenine can only bond with thymine, and cystosine can only bond with guanine. This means, for example, that when a strand of DNA is examined, if there's a A on one end of a rung, a T must be on the other. Adenine and guanine are both types of molecules known as purines, while thymine and cytosine are pyrimidines. Purines are larger, with a structure which prohibits two of them from fitting on one rung of the ladder, while pyrimidines are too small. This means that adenine cannot become a base pair with guanine, and thymine cannot be in a base pair with cytosine. One might reasonably ask why the purine adenine couldn't bond with the pyrimidine cytosine, and why thymine cannot bond with guanine. The answer has to do with the molecular structure of these compounds; adenine cannot form a hydrogen bond with cytosine, just as thymine cannot form a hydrogen bond with guanine. These properties dictate the fundamental arrangement of base pairs, with the compound on one end of the rung dictating which compound will lie on the other side. It takes numerous sets of base pairs to make up a single gene, and any given strand of DNA can contain numerous genes in addition to sections of what is known as “non-coding DNA,” DNA which does not appear to have any function. The human genome contains an estimated three billion base pairs, which explains why it took so long to successfully sequence the human genome, and understanding the arrangement of base pairs doesn't help people understand where specific genes lie, and what those genes do. In a way, base pairs could be considered the alphabet which is used to write the book of the genetic code.
To begin this module, students will generate equivalent expressions using the fact that addition and multiplication can be done in any order with any grouping and will extend this understanding to subtraction (adding the inverse) and division (multiplying by the multiplicative inverse) (7.EE.A.1). They extend the properties of operations with numbers (learned in earlier grades) and recognize how the same properties hold true for letters that represent numbers. Knowledge of rational number operations from Module 2 is demonstrated as students collect like terms containing both positive and negative integers. An area model is used as a tool for students to rewrite products as sums and sums as products and can provide a visual representation leading students to recognize the repeated use of the distributive property in factoring and expanding linear expressions (7.EE.A.1). Students examine situations where more than one form of an expression may be used to represent the same context, and they see how looking at each form can bring a new perspective (and thus deeper understanding) to the problem. Students recognize and use the identity properties and the existence of inverses to efficiently write equivalent expressions in standard form (2x + (-2x) + 3 = 0 + 3 = 3)(7.EE.A.2). By the end of the topic, students have the opportunity to practice Module 2 work on operations with rational numbers (7.NS.A.1, 7.NS.A.2) as they collect like terms with rational number coefficients (7.EE.A.1).
Save The Earth: Recycle Students will be able to describe the concept of recycling and identify items that can be recycled. Introduction (5 minutes) - Tell your students that today they will be learning about recycling. - Ask your students why they think recycling is important. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (20 minutes) - Explain to your students that recycling is a process. - Explain that we recycle to save the earth by reusing our waste to limit our dependence on Earth's resources. - Explain to your students that recycling occurs in three steps. The first step is to collect and sort goods. Ask your students if they have a recycling bin at home. Ask your students what some items are that they put in the recycling bin. Record the answers on the board. - Tell your students that the second step in recycling is manufacturing. Explain to your students that once the objects are collected and sorted, they are used to create new objects! - Tell your students that the final step in recycling is selling! Tell your students that once the objects are manufactured, they are sold in stores. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (30 minutes) - Give your student the Create An Item worksheet to create an item out of a recyclable item. - Ask each student to pick one item that they would like to create from the Create An Item worksheet. - Give your students the appropriate materials to create the item they picked. Independent Working Time (10 minutes) - Ask your students to write the three steps of the recycling process. - Ask your students to provide an example for each step using the object they created during guided practice. - An example could be, I collected a bottle. I used the bottle to create a vase. I would sell the item to people looking to decorate their houses. - Enrichment: Ask your students to create a board game using the Recycling: Create A Board Game worksheet. - Support: Ask your students to play the board game created by the advanced students. Assessment (5 minutes) - Ask your students to write down five objects that they can recycle on notebook paper. Review and Closing (20 minutes) - Put a recycling bin in the middle of the class. - Ask each student to bring an item to the middle that could be recycled. - Have each student do a "show and tell" for their item. They should show the class the item they brought and tell the class some items that could be created using their recyclable item.
Copyright © University of Cambridge. All rights reserved. 'Amy's Dominoes' printed from http://nrich.maths.org/ Why do this problem? requires learners to understand the numbering system on dominoes and use this to solve a problem. Learners will need to use addition, subtraction and multiplication as well as logical reasoning. If you have an interactive whiteboard, you may find our Dominoes Environment useful for this problem. You could start by giving the whole group sets of dominoes to sort out in pairs or alternatively, if the children are already familiar with dominoes ask questions such as "How many domino pieces have four spots on them altogether?" and "How many domino pieces have five spots on them?" Children could then work in pairs on the actual problem with a real set of dominoes or use the dominoes on this sheet which will need to be cut up. In a plenary, children could discuss not only the solution, but what information they needed to have to work it out and what calculations they had to do along the way. There will be several different approaches which will not only help other children but also inform you about their thinking. How many dominoes are there in a complete set? So how many are missing in Amy's set? How many lots of six spots are there in a set of dominoes? How many is that altogether? How many spots are there altogether in a complete set of dominoes? You could ask some follow-up questions, such as: If Amy had not $104$, but $140$ spots could you have found a solution? Is there just one possible answer or more? What was the fewest number of spots that could have been on the dominoes if four of them were missing? What could have been the greatest number of spots on a set that was missing four pieces? Some learners may also like to explore a "double nine" set of dominoes which can be found on this sheet. Children could sort a real set of dominoes by first taking all the blanks and arranging those systematically, and then all the 'ones' (except the blank/one which will be in use) and then all the 'twos' (except those already in use), and so on. Some children might find it easier to attempt Domino Sets
Capacitance is a measure of the amount of electric charge separated for a given electric potential (V). If equal and opposite charges are put on the conductors of a capacitor (a device consisting of two conductors closely separated by an insulating medium), then the capacitance (C) is given by C = Q/V where Q is the charge on one of the plates. The SI unit of capacitance is the farad. This is much larger than the capacitance of most capacitors found in electronic circuits, so that in practice the units commonly used are the millifarad (mF), microfarad (μF), nanofarad (nF), and picofarad (pF). Separation versus storage of charge Often capacitance is said to be a measure of the ability of a capacitor to store charge. In fact, a charged capacitor has zero net charge. The process of "charging" a capacitor involves putting a charge Q on one conductor and -Q on the other. Therefore, it's more accurate to say that there has been a separation of charge, brought about by the movement of charge from one conductor to the other. The capacitance of a solitary object, such as an isolated sphere, is determined by considering the other conductor to be an infinite sphere surrounding it. The object is given charge by moving charge from the infinite sphere, which acts as an infinite charge reservoir ("ground"). The potential of the object is the potential between the object and the infinite sphere. Capacitance depends only on the geometry of the capacitor's physical structure and the relative permittivity (εr ) of the material medium in which the capacitor's electric field exists. The size of the capacitor's capacitance is the same whatever the charge and potential (assuming the dielectric constant doesn't change). This is true even if the charge on both conductors is reduced to zero. If a capacitor with charge on its conductors has a capacitance of, say, 2 μF, then its capacitance is also 2 μF when the conductors have no charge. Capacitance is directly proportional to the area A of either conductor and indirectly proportional to the distance d between the conductors. In the case, of a parallel-plate capacitor: C = εr A / 4πd. Energy of a charged conductor The operation of assembling upon a conductor a group of charges that mutually repel one another requires work and therefore results in the production of potential energy. It is customary to say that this potential energy is possessed by the charged conductor itself although, it may be more correct to picture the energy as stored in the field surrounding the conductor. The amount of this stored energy can be calculated by considering the charging operation as a piecemeal affair in which the final charge is built up of small increments. Let us suppose that at some stage during this operation the conductor has a total charge Q'. Its potential is then V' = Q'/C' (1) Since equation (1) represents the work involved in bringing a unit charge to the surface of the Q'-charged conductor, that required to deposit an increment of charge dQ' is dW = V'dQ' = Q'dQ'/C (2) The total work to attain the final charge Q is Work = CV 2/2 Work = QV/2
This game helps students to understand the process of adding fractions with like and unlike denominators. Players quickly learn to look at the unshaded parts of target fractions to see what they need to make a sum of 1. After a while, players may start to “think in twelfths” because all fractions in the game can be renamed with 12 as a denominator. Using a common denominator is particularly useful for finding ways to make a sum of 1 using two or three bars. In this lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-3, students use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn what fractions are and how they are used. Students also use hands-on materials to explore fraction amounts in a cooperative learning activity. This lesson plan is aligned to Common Core State Standards. See more » In this lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students use BrainPOP resources to explore a variety of strategies for addition with fractions. Students will use physical and virtual models (including an online interactive game) to demonstrate an understanding of how to add fractions. This lesson plan is aligned to Common Core State Standards. See more » Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a number line diagram. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole. Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Examples: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 ; 3/8 = 1/8 + 2/8 ; 2 1/8 = 1 + 1 + 1/8 = 8/8 + 8/8 + 1/8. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.) Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.
The elements of a paragraph This activity helps students identify the elements of a paragraph and learn how to write a paragraph. The materials required are envelopes containing individual sentences, a tape and sheets of paper.The paragraphs can be taken from books or written by the teacher and are arranged in a series of individual sentences using a large font. Students learn the elements of a good paragraph. - Divide students into groups of four. - Give each group an envelope containing sentences. - Students work to place the paragraph in the correct order and tape the sentences in place on a sheet of paper. - Students identify the elements of a paragraph, namely, topic sentence(TS), supporting details(SD), concluding sentence(CS). - Call on one group to read the paragraph to the others. Have all students who created the same paragraph raise their hands. - Have other groups share their paragraphs if they are different. - Allow students to discuss the order and decide which order is best. It is possible to have more than one answer. - Let students decide if the meaning of the paragraph changes with the order. - Each group is given a topic and writes their own paragraph using the TS, SD and CS approach. - Students share and critique paragraphs. - Write topics on the board and allow students to choose one. - Students individually write a paragraph. - Peer correction using a checklist.
|Home | Teacher | Parents | Glossary | About Us| Our decimal system of numbers lets us write numbers as large or as small as we want, using a secret weapon called the decimal point. In our number system, digits can be placed to the left and right of a decimal point, to indicate numbers greater than one or less than one. The decimal point helps us to keep track of where the "ones" place is. It's placed just to the right of the ones place. As we move right from the decimal point, each number place is divided by 10. We can read the decimal number 127.578 as "one hundred twenty seven and five hundred seventy-eight thousandths". But in daily life, we'd usually read it as "one hundred twenty seven point five seven eight." Here is another way we could write this number: the part to the right of the decimal point, five hundred seventy-eight thousandths, can be written as a fraction: 578 over 1000. However, you will hardly ever see a decimal number written like this. Why do you think this is? You can see that our decimal code is a very handy and quick way to write a number of any size! Here's how to write these numbers in decimal form: hundred twenty-one and seven tenths x 10) + (3 x 1) + (1 x 1/10) + (5 x 1/100) hundred forty-eight thousandths hundred and forty-eight thousandths Hint #1: Remember to read the decimal point as "and" -- notice in the last two problems what a difference that makes! Hint #2: When writing a decimal number that is less than 1, a zero is normally used in the ones place: 0.526 not .526 |Homework Help | Pre-Algebra | Numbers||Email this page to a friend|
Lesson 5 of 8 Objective: SWBAT create and solve multiplcation problems with models and word problems. While students are developing an understanding of multiplication and what it means to have equal groups students will create models to match the numbers they roll and write a word problem that matches the model (MP4). I want to create and write some great multiplication problems today, and I want you guys to do it with me! Today, I have a dice that goes from 0-6 and I’m going to roll it twice. I got 3 and 4. Now, as I record my numbers I’m going to need to use them for multiplication, so who can tell me what we are really creating when we’re multiplying (equal groups). Great. I can either make 3 groups of 4 or 4 groups of 3, which should I make? I have students help me place small blocks (any manipulative tool will work) onto my storyboard. Now comes the fun part! What type of problem can I create that matches this picture? Because each storyboard is different, students will have a variety of ‘backgrounds’ for creating their word problems. Each of you will have a bag of math tools on your table to share and 1 yellow dice for each of you. As you roll your 2 numbers, you may use them in whichever order you would like and your problems may be as creative as you want. If I roll and 6 and a 4, I can make a problem for 4x6 or 6x4. Turn and talk to your partner about what might look differently between those 2 problems, even though they use the same numbers. What needs to match in your work today? Here I expect students to respond that our model and our word problem needs to match. I think it is important for students to see how they can create models to understand multiplication. As they develop a conceptual understanding on this concept, I find it helpful to use concrete objects and pictures for students to show their work. \ Some free resources for storyboard are: I loved reading your exciting and funny word problems today! What does a multiplication problem represent? Why is that important? I want to continue to reinforce to students that multiplication involves equal groups, and that a visual model helps us create and solve problems. As students begin to build their confidence and understanding on the concept we will be introducing other ways to create and solve problems.
Be sure your students know what a contraction actually is. The word, "contract" meas to make something smaller - and that is exactly what a contraction does. Explain the the apostrophe takes the place of the letters that disappear when two words are made into a contraction. It also helps make sure they know that the first word doesn't change. Consider making a poster for the wall showing common contractions and their two-word partners. Try making large letter cards for students to hold (and also an apostrophe card). Have students come to the front of the room and give them each a letter to display two words to be made into a contraction, such as "DID NOT." Give another student the apostrophe card. Then choose a director. the director's job is to remove students(s) who are not needed and add the apostrophe in the correct place to form the contraction. Try with several different words. Play Contraction Action: Make pairs of cards with contractions and the matching two-words. Distribute cards to students randomly. Then say, "Contraction Action!" and let them find their contraction partners.Once they are paired, they hold their cards up together to make little tent. When everyone has found his or her partner, start a new round by having kids move about the room switching cards with each other as they go by each other so that kids have switched their cards several times before you say, "Contraction Action!" again. Have students go on a Contraction Hunt. This can be done around the classroom or at desks using a book. Students write down every contraction they find along with the two-word version. Here is another idea about doing "contraction surgery." The post also includes a contraction song. Contractions practice is perfect for centers. Here are some ideas: - Contraction Concentration - Write contractions and their corresponding two-words on cards and have students put them face down and then try to match them as they play. - Any kind of matching game - ice cream cones and scoops, polar bears and Ice bergs, top and bottom halves of hearts etc. Contractions on one half, two word phrases on the other. After they match them, they can write them on an answer sheet and/or use the contractions in sentences. - You can also use Contraction Task Cards...and of course I have some if you would like to take a look: Do you have ideas to add? Please share with a comment.
Fractions - adding fractions and learning equivalence! Help your students better understand fractions with this hands-on activity! Students will receive fraction pieces that are color-coded, and that they carefully cut to size. They are essentially creating their own manipulatives to handle and use. With this activity, students will: - get a better understanding of how fractions are part of a whole - visualize and manipulate how fractions are equivalent - have examples of how to add fractions This requires prep time to copy worksheets to color construction paper or regular paper, but so worth the valuable learning! Includes 6 templates for you to prepare that show 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, and 1/12 fraction sizes (instructions included). Also includes three template choices (plus one color visual) as guides for your students. 1000 Numbers, Worksheets Galore! Multiples and Factor for Multiplication: The Ultimate Number Line Fact Family House Craftivity - Multiplication & Division Be the first to know about my freebies, sales and new products. Go to the Main Page TPT: MsEducator Main Page and click the green star to become a follower. Earn TPT credit for future purchases. Simply use the Provide Feedback button to give a quick rating and provide comment. I would LOVE to hear from you!
Download free 90-day trial versions of the most popular TI software and handheld emulators. Check out TI Rover activities that put math, science and coding in motion. Customize your summit experience with sessions on math, STEM, coding and more. In this activity, students will explore absolute value inequalities graphically, numerically, and algebraically. They will rewrite absolute value inequalities as compound inequalities without absolute value, then solve them. This activity is intended to be an introductory exploration into solving absolute value inequalities through graphing. The method of graphing is compared to the method used for finding the solution to an absolute value equation (graphing both sides and finding the intersection points). They are given the definition and graphical examples of disjunction and conjunction. A teacher demonstration may be required for students to fully understand the difference between the two terms. Students will first write the inequality as a conjunction or disjunction and then solve for x. They will then graph the left side and the right side using the Text tool and then find the intersection points. The dotted or solid lines will tell students if the intersection points are included or not included in the solution. © Copyright 1995-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Spectroscopy is one of the most useful tools of modern astronomy. With it we can identify the atomic and molecular composition of celestial objects, we can measure the relative motions of stars, and we can observe the expansion of the cosmos. While early spectroscopes used prisms to break light into a spectrum, modern telescopic spectroscopes generally use a device known as a diffraction grating. A prism is able to separate light into colors due to the fact that different colors bend at different angles when passing through a material. You might remember this effect as the cause of chromatic aberration in telescopic lenses. A diffraction grating uses the the wavelength of the light itself to create a spectrum. Since light has properties of a wave, it spreads out in all directions from a source, just as ripples caused by dropping a stone in a pond. Just as water waves can interfere and overlap, so can light waves. The resulting effect that we see is due to the sum of all the light waves. A diffraction grating is a fine grating of reflective surfaces, kind of like a reflective picket fence (but tiny). When light strikes the diffraction grating, it is reflected from each different grating. The light from each of those reflections spreads out in all directions, and they all interfere and overlap each other. Because of the spacing of these gratings, different wavelengths of light are favored at different angles. At each different angle of reflection we see a different wavelength. There is a specific mathematical relation between the angle of reflection and the wavelength, so with a good diffraction grating we can get a very precise measure of the wavelength. This makes it possible to make precision measurements of starlight and compare them to measurements done in the lab. From this we can determine the properties of stars and galaxies.
Computer simulated images show views of the night sky as seen from positions close to the horizon of a black hole. The descent towards a black hole is recorded with three cameras: No. 1 is looking forwards, i.e., straight into the black hole, No. 2 is directed sideways and No. 3 is looking backwards in the direction exactly opposite to No. 1. Each camera has a horizontal opening angle of 90 degrees so that together they give a panoramic view over 270 degrees of their surroundings. The images are taken while the cameras are at rest with respect to the black hole. They are labelled with the Schwarzschild radial coordinate, r, of the camera position which is given in units of the Schwarzschild radius, rs, of the black hole. The optical effects depend on the ratio r/rs only. To keep a camera at a constant radial coordinate it must be accelerated. The required acceleration, a, is noted along with the position and is expressed in terms of the gravitational acceleration at sea level on earth, g. It is calculated for a 10 solar mass black hole. It is possible to have the same optical effects with a much smaller acceleration; this simply requires a much more massive black hole. In order to remain at r=1.005 rs with an acceleration of merely 1 g, the black hole would have to have 20 trillion (20 million millions) solar masses, i.e. about 10 million times the mass of the black hole in the center of the Galaxy. NOTE: When a camera that sits close to a black hole receives radiation emitted by a faraway star, this radiation is blueshifted. I.e. the visible radiation recorded by the camera was originally emitted in the infrared. This gravitational change in wavelength exceeds 10% for r smaller than 5 Schwarzschild radii. A more realistic impression of the night sky as seen from nearby a black hole thus requires the use of infrared all-sky images which are then blue-shifted and intensity-scaled in the appropriate way. |r = 100 rs, a = 15 million g| |r = 20 rs, a = 400 million g| |r = 4.5 rs, a = 9 billion (9000 million) g| |r = 2.5 rs, a = 30 billion g| |r = 1.5 rs (photon sphere), a = 100 billion g| |r = 1.2 rs, a = 250 billion g| |r = 1.05 rs, a = 650 billion g| |r = 1.005 rs, a = 2000 billion g| Click on an image for a higher resolution version (640 x 512, 20 to 90 kB). Diagrams of photon paths near a black hole illustrate how the images shown above are formed. 1. Light deflection near a black hole - overview 2. Multiple images 3. "Engulfed" by a black hole while still outside the event horizon The images and diagrams may be used for non-commercial purposes provided credit is given to the author and the institutions concerned: Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Golm, and Theoretische Astrophysik, Universität Tübingen These images use Axel Mellinger's All-Sky Milky-Way Panorama, see http://home.arcor-online.de/axel.mellinger/allsky.html. Contact: Would you like to be notified of new contributions or to send us a message? Survey: How do you use this site and how would you like it to develop?
Year 4 Maths Number – Fractions (including decimals) Children begin to connect hundredths to tenths and place value and decimal measure. They extend the use of the number line to connect fractions, numbers and measures. By understanding the relationship between non-unit fractions and multiplication and division of quantities, they make connections between fractions of a length, of a shape and as a representation of one whole or set of quantities. Children understand factors and multiples to and become fluent through a variety of increasingly complex problems beyond one whole. Practise counting using simple fractions and decimals, both forwards and backwards. Children learn decimal notation and the terminology associated with it, including in the context of measure. They make comparisons and order decimal amounts and quantities that are expressed to the same number of decimal places. They should be able to represent numbers with one or two decimal places in several ways, such as on number lines.
For thousands of years, humans observed the stars with nothing but our own eyes. But eyes can only get us so far, and to see all the way to the ends of the universe we needed to invent some tools. The tools we use are, of course, telescopes. But how exactly do telescopes let us see distant stars and galaxies? BBC Earth Lab's Greg Foot explains: All telescopes do two important things: They make images appear bigger, and they make images appear brighter. The second piece is arguably more important than the first, because all the magnification in the world won't do you any good if your target is too faint. For this reason, all telescopes are mostly just large light-collecting devices. The first telescopes were refracting telescopes that used a series of lenses to bend a larger amount of light toward the eye. But lenses are large and bulky, and so as telescopes grew increasingly larger they left lenses behind and shifted to mirrors. The reflecting telescope, first built by Isaac Newton, used a large mirror instead of a lens to collect and focus light. Mirrors can be built much larger than lenses, which means reflecting telescopes are far more powerful. In recent decades, scientists have also been building telescopes to measure more than just visible light. Large collections of antennas—such as at the Very Large Array in the U.S. and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array in Chile—can detect radio waves from the beginning of the universe, and the Spitzer Space Telescope in orbit and the Subaru telescope pictured above can measure infrared heat signatures from stars and galaxies. NASA's Chandra and Fermi observatories are designed to capture some of the most energetic particles in the universe, x-rays and gamma rays. These highly advanced telescopes can use computer algorithms and lasers to be as accurate as possible, and the size of our modern telescopes would be unfathomable to Newton. But they all still work in basically the same way, as little more than giant collectors of starlight. Source: BBC Earth Lab
Teaching the Underground Railroad provides teachers with rewarding opportunities for student discovery and engagement. American antebellum society was divided along a variety of social, economic, political, and geographic lines. The network to freedom that developed into the Underground Railroad proffers instances in the curriculum to bring forth conflict and tension as well as courageous biographies and divisive politics. This link is designed to provide useful curricular materials to assist you in teaching the history of the Underground Railroad and anti-slavery activities. Teaching students about the Underground Railroad provides rich instructional opportunities to engage students in discussions about core democratic values. By exploring the people, places, events, communities, and sites which were involved in the Underground Railroad, students can gain a greater appreciation for the pursuit of freedom made by antebellum Americans of various races and ethnicities. Within the lesson plans are essential questions, activities, and assessments that measure students’ understanding of the Underground Railroad. Other resources include glossaries and vocabulary lists, required resources, and suggested supplemental materials. Lesson plans are divided into four categories: lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school, and high school. Also, be sure to visit the links on the Research page within this website to locate a variety of external links to additional Underground Railroad lesson plans. Top Image: The Underground Railroad, 1893 (oil on canvas), Webber, Charles T. (1825-1911) / Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, USA / Subscription Fund Purchase / The Bridgeman Art Library Bottom Image: Rogers Fund, 1942
Lessons that Teach Kids to Write Introductions that Are Clear and Compelling Writing A-Z Openings Skill Lessons teach students how to effectively write introductions to their original compositions. Effective openings for compositions capture a reader's attention. Openings, which set the tone for a piece of writing, include action, description, facts, questions, or other elements depending on the text type of the writing. Why Use Openings Lessons Strong openings hook the reader early by painting vivid pictures for readers or clearly identifying the topic for the reader. Fiction or nonfiction writing can feature a variety of approaches to openings, and each developmental level has different expectations for what makes an opening effective. How to Use Openings Lessons Use Openings Skill Lessons in either fiction or nonfiction text types. Lesson plans can be used for additional support to revise a piece of writing from a Process Writing Lesson or anytime an appropriate text type is written. Support resources at each of the four developmental writing levels—beginning, early developing, developing, and fluent—accompany each skills lesson. Students practice openings before applying them in other writing.
This activity starts with a problem to solve: Determine the number of cans in a stack, 30 rows high. Students use a range of visual and numerical representations of similar, related problems to build an understanding of associated algebraic formulas that can be used to solve this problem. The focus of the activity is on developing algebraic formulas with a fundamental understanding of their structure and therefore a deeper understanding of their meaning. Explore the connection between algebraic and graphical representations of relations such as simple quadratics, circles and exponentials using digital technology as appropriate - ACMNA239. About the Lesson The number of cans in a stack can be calculated using a relatively simple formula (quadratic), however building the formula using a range of strategies with corresponding visual aids is a much more powerful learning experience. Problem solving strategies such as “breaking the problem down into smaller parts” are employed to help students see how the algebraic expressions are formed. Tackling the problem from different angles helps students understand the different algebraic representations of the same formula. See Also - Number Sums Extensions
This GCSE Geography quiz takes a look at land features on Ordnance Survey maps. A map is a representation of part of the surface of the Earth and cartographers have developed many different ways of representing landscape features. Some of these are human made like villages, quarries and power lines, whilst others are natural - valleys, spurs, rivers etc. A lot of these features can be recognised from the symbols used to represent them but to spot others, you need to look closely at the contour lines. To recognise a valley, the contour lines form a pattern that is either a V shape or a U shape. Next, you need to look at the heights represented by the contour lines. If they get lower as you move away from the closed part of the V or U, then you have a valley. If there is a blue line running down the valley, it contains a stream, otherwise, you have a dry valley. Spurs have the same pattern of contour lines as valleys, so this can make things a little tricky. To recognise a spur, look at the closed part of the V or U shape. If the altitude represented by the contour lines is lower towards the closed point of the V or U, then you have a spur. Any streams marked on the spur will leave down the sides and not along its length as a spur is high ground and water will always flow to a low point. As well as recognising landscape features from an OS map, you could also be asked to identify their characteristics. You need to look closely for any clues, for example, a valley may have a cliff marked along one or both sides or there may be a coniferous woodland there. The closeness of the contour lines can help you as well - the closer they are together, the steeper the slope. Also, if a valley for example has a very wide and flat shape, the V or the U shape of the contour lines will be more difficult to see. With practice, you can soon become used to these ideas. You can apply the same ideas to hills too. Look carefully at the contour lines that you are presented with in order to determine the shape and steepness of a hill. If the contours are a series of concentric circles or oval shapes, the hill will have uniform slopes all around. Most hills though will have parts that are steeper than others, noted where the contour lines are closer together than in other parts of the hill. If there are two hills together, the contours will show a col (saddle).
Lots of real life situations can be modelled as a straight line, and if you are studying GCSE subjects as diverse as Physics, Business Studies, Geography or Engineering you are more than likely to come across it in one form or another! Support your success in other subjects by acing this GCSE Maths quiz! You should be familiar with the format for the general equation of the straight line (y = mx + c) and the information you can obtain from it (gradient and y-intercept). If you are a bit unsure, try the Straight Line (F) quiz first. What can you do with that information? If you are told a second line is parallel to it, this implies they have the same gradient. If the second line has the same y-intercept, then the c value is the same. But what if the information you are given isn’t so straightforward? What if you know the gradient and the coordinates of a point it passes through, but this point isn’t on the y-axis? A good understanding of the link between the algebra and the geometry will help you solve these types of problems. Let the coordinates of the point it passes through be (x1, y1). Substitute these, along with the gradient, into the general equation y - y1 = m(x - x1). Multiply out the brackets and tidy up. You may be given even less information, such as only being told two points it passes through. In this case you firstly need to calculate the gradient (change in y over change in x), then use the previous technique with one of the points. Equations may be given in the format ax + by = c. This is useful if you want to find both the x- and y-intercepts, but you will need to rearrange it to identify the gradient.
Inclusion is the process of allowing all children the opportunity to fully participate in regular classroom activities regardless of disability, race, or other characteristics (Inclusion, 2004). Integration on the other hand is the “incorporation of disparate ethnic or religious elements of the population into a unified society, providing equality of opportunity for all members of that society” (Integration, 2004). The basic philosophy behind inclusion and integration is the bringing together of students with different characteristics or attributes into a shared educational setting. Inclusion and integration can benefit children and youths with special needs and those who do not have special needs. The most common types of special needs students are those that are physically or mentally handicapped, students of colors, and gifted students. A special need student is likely to benefit from inclusion and integration since it can develop his or her educational, emotional, social, and communication skills because of increased interaction with peers, both with other special need students and with regular students. Special needs students will feel the sense of belongingness since they are able to interact, make friends, and do the same activities done by regular students. Students who do not have special needs can also benefit from inclusion and integration. Regular students can learn to understand individual differences, that every person has is own strengths and weaknesses. It can also teach regular students to develop their compassion and tolerance to other students. The benefits of inclusion and integration need to be recognized not only by teachers and parents but by the whole community as well. The support of the parents and community is essential for inclusion and integration to be successful. It is also important for educators to have an extensive training and experience to had better understand the individual needs and abilities of each type of students. Inclusion (2004). Encarta reference library 2004. Microsoft Corporation Integration (2004). Encarta reference library 2004. Microsoft Corporationa
Achondrites are a very diverse goup of meteorites representing a wide range of developmental processes in the solar system. Some have crystallization ages rivalling those of chondrites, but they are generally at least a few million years younger than chondrites and represent metamorphically altered material. Most achondrites are “differentiated.” They represent the crust or upper mantle of ‘differentiated’ bodies. Differentiation is the process that occurs in larger planet(oid)-sized bodies, in which the heavier elements, due to gravity, settle to the deep interior of the body. This leads to the formation of a core that is made primarily of iron and nickel, two of the more common heavy elements present in the solar system. What allows these elements to move? Leading theories at the moment suggest that there are three major ways in which these larger bodies became heated and melted enough for ‘differentiation’ to occur. 1. The first is melting due to gravity; given a large enough body, the interior of it will melt due to heat and pressure. 2. The second way a body can be heated enough to facilitate differentiation is via impacts; a lot of kinetic energy gets released when big bodies collide at high velocities, and it is usually released primarily in the form of heat. 3. The third hypothesized means for melting a large body centers on the decay of radioactive elements. Back when the solar system was young, there were higher concentrations of shorter-lived radionuclides around. They were created in the supernova that led to the formation of our sun/solar system. Because so much time has passed, the radioactive isotopes with shorter half-lives (that release more energy in less time, esp. in the form of heat) have mostly decayed away by now. Isotopes like Aluminum-26 no longer exist in any quantity in our solar system today. But it and other isotopes were likely responsible for much of the heating necessary to equilibrate chondrites and melt parent bodies enough to facilitate the fractionation of metals and silicates. Differentiated achondrites are particularly interesting because they represent crustal samples of large bodies that, in many cases, no longer exist, to our knowledge. Meteorites like Ibitira and Pasamonte came from large planetesimals with basaltic crusts and iron cores. But since they don’t agree chemically with what we know of the four existing inner planets, they must have come from large bodies that have been destroyed or removed from our solar system. Some experts claim that the HED group of differentiated meteorites come from the asteroid 4-Vesta, based primarily upon spectral data. While this is possible, spectral similarities reflect only bulk chemical composition, and there are numerous chemically similar basaltic meteorites that are generally accepted to be from at least several parent bodies. Mb and other isotopic data that suggest that IIIAB irons (core material), mesosiderites (mostly mantle material), and main group pallasites (core-mantle material) are genetically related; the HED parent body was probably completely fragmented by a collision sometime in the fairly distant past. In my opinion, the folks who ran some recent missions wanted to share some conclusive results — and collectors want their meteorites to come from particular astronomical bodies, so the assumption that HEDs are from Vesta has propagated. It’s a good working hypothesis that has merit, but has yet to be proven. Compare to the following photo: They look similar because they formed under similar conditions – one in space and one on Earth. Planetary meteorites (from the Moon and Mars) are also differentiated achondrites. Some have hypothesized that angrites, aubrites, and a few other odd achondrites could have come from the planet Mercury (generally, a given researcher will claim only one at a time). None of these claims has been proven, but these kinds of ideas are often supported by a number of prominent researchers. Others refute these claims, and debate is ongoing. Primitive achondrites consist of chondritic material that has been melted, but was not “differentiated.” Many consider them to be ‘melted chondrites,’ because they are in some cases chemically and isotopically similar to existing chondrite groups. In other words, they’re likely chondrites that have been melted and extensively recrystallized.
Using a variety of instruments, geologists have measured the directions and rates of plate movement at the surface of the Earth. They have found that plates move in three basic ways. In some places, two plates move apart from each other; this is called a diverging plate boundary. Elsewhere two plates move together; this is a converging plate boundary. Finally plates can also slide past each other horizontally. This is called a transform plate boundary. All of the plates move slowly. Their speeds vary from a few millimeters per year to a maximum of 15 centimeters per year. On average, the plates move about as fast as human fingernails grow. Volcanoes and earthquakes help define the boundaries between the plates. Earthquakes occur at all three types of boundaries. Because the plates are rigid, they tend to stick together, even though they are constantly moving. When the strength of the rocks at the plate boundary is exceeded, they move rapidly, "catching up" with the rest of the plates. We feel this release of energy as an earthquake. At diverging plate boundaries, earthquakes occur as the plates pull away from each other. Volcanoes form between the plates, as magma rises upward from the underlying mantle. Two situations are possible at converging plate boundaries. First, only earthquakes occur when two plates collide (obduct), building a mountain range. Second, both volcanoes and earthquakes form where one plate sinks under the other, instead of colliding. This process is called subduction. Transform plate boundaries commonly have only earthquakes. Review the interior structure of the Earth with the class. Make sure that they also understand that the plates are composed of the crust and uppermost mantle - the lithosphere. In Exercise I below, the students will draw the basic internal structure of the Earth. In Exercise II, the students will simulate plate motions at each type of plate boundary. Have the students imagine that they are "Mother or Father Earth," who are feeling the pain of the moving Earth. As they move the sand or clay, have them try to capture the slowness of movements in the real Earth. We use clay and sand to represent the many types of rocks that make up the plates, as well as the Earth's surface. Here are some guidelines for Exercise II: The slower the students do this exercise the better their results will be. They will form parallel "mountains" by compressing and sliding the sand or clay. At transform boundaries, mostly earthquakes are produced; any mountains will be very small. Diverging plate motion is difficult to show. Make sure that you use a tub of sand that is large enough for the students to be able to move their hands in it. If done slowly, the students will realize that you cannot pull the earth apart without the "tear" replacing itself with "lava," here represented by sand. Diverging plate boundaries thus produce both earthquakes and Converging plates will produce mountain chains. In this case, you will get earthquakes. Conclude with the class that plate motions are associated with earthquakes and volcanoes. Explain that scientists (geologists) use plate tectonics to explain the movement of the Earth's crust. Illustrate the three different crust movements on the chalkboard and a wall map to point out some of the boundaries. Transform: clay: cracks in clay, sand: valleys and hill; model of San Francisco area, San Andreas Fault Diverging: forms mountains, volcanoes; example Iceland Converging: clay forms mountains and valleys that are parallel; sand forms same structural form; example: parts of California's Conclusion: (1) B; (2) A, B, C; (3) B
Spelling at Pinders Primary School In line with the National Curriculum for English, we believe that children need to use new words in context, they need to understand what the words mean and how to spell them. Each week pupils will have spellings to learn: How can you help? Below are some are some useful tools and strategies to help your child increase their written vocabulary. Help your child to learn to use and understand new words. Encourage your child to use new words in their spoken vocabulary so that they become confident to use them in their written work. Encourage your child to explain to you any patterns and spelling rules they have identified. Encourage your child to investigate spelling rules and word roots. Look – Say – Cover – Say – Write – Check is a way to help you with your spellings. If you follow these easy steps, then you will improve your spelling in no time! Step 1: Choosing the words Choose 4 to 8 words from this week’s spelling list. Choose words that you will use in your written or topic work. Make sure that you understand the meaning of the words. Step 2: Learning the words. Aim to spend about 5 minutes each day practising. Check how you did. If you got it right, fantastic! If you made a mistake look at the correct spelling and see if you can work out a way to remember the bit that you got wrong. Write the word again. Try to use the words in your normal writing in class to help you practise too. Give yourself a challenge to use the words at school and at home.
The universe is about 13.7 billion years old and has expanded since its beginning at the Big Bang. Because distant objects appear to be receding as the universe expands, the light from them is “stretched” out, altering its wavelength to the red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This “redshift” can be measured for every object in deep space. The more distant the object, the greater its redshift. The relationship between distance and redshift was first described by Edwin Hubble in 1929 and remains fundamental to our understanding of the expanding universe. Light from distant objects has been traveling towards the Earth for billions of years. In other words, we see distant objects as they appeared when the light left them. It is therefore possible to use telescopes to peer into the past. As astronomers have observed to ever more distant objects, it became possible to see into the very early stages of the universe. At the very edge of the observable universe, it is possible to detect electromagnetic radiation in all direction. This cosmic microwave background radiation is the leftover energy from the Big Bang and the origins of our universe. This background radiation is literally the “echo” of the Big Bang. This illustration shows the cosmic background radiation as measured by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). This spacecraft was launched in 2001 into a halo orbit around the L2 libration point beyond Earth’s orbit. The cosmic background radiation was emitted about 13.7 billion years ago in the aftermath of the Big Bang, and has been stretched to the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum by the expansion of the universe. The colors indicate the intensity of the background radiation, which can be measured as temperatures barely above absolute zero. Reds signify temperatures about 0.0002 degrees Kelvin higher than blue areas. These differences reflect the “clumping” of matter that would later occur in the early history of the universe. This 360-degree view of the night sky has been mapped to a flat surface in the same way a global map of Earth is projected to a sheet of paper. The chart above shows the Local Group of galaxies. This gathering of galaxies is bound together by their mutual gravitational attraction. The largest two galaxies in the Local Group are the Milky Way and Andromeda. These two galaxies are approaching each other. About three billion years in the future they may merge to form a new, larger galaxy. Each galaxy is shown here about three times its actual size. This chart above shows data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey indicating the distribution of galaxies in the universe. The Local Group is at the center of this diagram, but it is too small to be visible at this scale. Dots show the density of galaxies, each consisting of hundreds of billions of stars. The positions were determined by measuring the redshift of each galaxy and their angular position. As we peer into greater distances, we are in effect seeing back in time. Telescopes do not show deep space objects as they are – they show objects as they were billions of years ago. Because of this, representations that attempt to show the entire universe need to incorporate time as well as space. As we look out in space, and back in time, vast distances can be referred to as a “lookback time.” This chart shows data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Close to the center, small dots show the density of galaxies. Beyond a lookback time of about 5 billion years, most of the dots represent quasars instead of galaxies. Quasars, or “quasi-stellar” objects, are likely the cores of energetic galaxies. The objects were much more plentiful in the early universe and emitted enormous amounts of radiation. Due to their distance only their energetic emissions are visible. At the very edge of what is visible, we can detect the cosmic microwave background. Roger Launius is a senior curator in the Space History Division of the National Air and Space Museum.
In math, you have four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Addition means putting two numbers together to make a larger one. Before you set out on this journey, you’ll need to know a few important words and symbols and exactly what they mean. - Addends: These are the numbers you’re adding together. - Sum: This is the number you get when you combine your addends. You could also call it your total or how many you have altogether. - Plus (+): Plus simply means you’re adding something. It’s shown by the + sign when it’s written down. - Equals (=): This is another word for “is” or “amounts to”, and it comes after your addends to let everyone know the answer is nearby. - Numeral: This is just another way of saying “number”. With those terms and meanings all close by to help you remember them, let’s get started. We’ll use the same numbers, or numerals, in our first few examples just to make things a little easier. First of all, we’ll do a regular number sentence. 2 + 3 = 5 When you start off with 2 cookies and someone gives you 3 more, you have 5 altogether. In this sentence, 2 and 3 are your addends, and 5 is your sum. If you’d like to use real cookies to see the process in action, feel free to do so; just remember if you eat one, you’re heading into a whole different type of operation! Instead of using objects, you could also use a number line to help you in your addition quest. Like you’ve probably guessed, a number line is just a line with marks and numbers. Here’s a sample: Use your pencil to make a dot on your starting point, which would be your first addend, the number 2. Then, bounce over 3 spaces to the right because that’s how many you’re adding, and you’ll land on your sum of 5. You can also reverse your addends and still get the same total. No matter which numbers show up in your addition problems, you’ll always mark your first addend on the number line and move to the right as many spaces as your second addend tells you. Once you get the hang of simpler problems like these, you can move on to addition using two-digit numbers. You’ll still be adding two numbers together to make a bigger one, but the process is a little more difficult and you’ll need a longer number line or a lot more cookies. These problems are easier to do if you stand your number sentence on its side, so to speak. In the world of math, this is called column addition. When you use column addition, it’s important to have your numbers lined up in the right way, like this: If you’ll notice, in column addition, the equal sign is replaced by a line, but they mean the same thing. In problems like these, you’re adding the right-side column first: 2 + 3. Since their sum is 5, 5 goes directly beneath them below the “equals” line. Then, you’ll add the left-hand column: 1 + 1. The sum of these two is 2, so it makes its home to the left of the 5. Voila: 12 plus 13 is 25 altogether! You’re doing great so far, but the trick to mastering any talent is practice. You can make up your own problems to help build your skills; at the same time, some great websites have plenty of ready-made practice addition problems just waiting for you, like: - Doctor Genius - Math is Fun You’ll also find all kinds of fun and helpful addition games at: Be sure to keep practicing, and let these online resources help you along the way as you venture into place value, adding larger numbers, subtraction, multiplication, division and beyond!
Give guidance to local educators as they teach with the standards and create related assessments. Educators in local school districts choose their own curriculum. That means they plan the instruction and select the teaching techniques, textbooks and other materials for their students that will help them gain the knowledge and skills called for in Ohio’s Learning Standards. For example, one English language arts standard calls for students to be able to read stories or books and then show understanding of key ideas and details. As students gain this ability, they learn how to make connections, draw comparisons and derive meaning from what they have read. As they develop their curricula, local school districts select which books their students will read to build these language arts skills. Teams of teachers across the state helped develop model curricula and other related tools. State law does not mandate that school districts use these guides. But, by doing so, educators will find more in-depth descriptions explaining what the standards mean that will help them develop local curricula and instructional plans. Explore Model Curricula Last Modified: 5/31/2019 12:27:00 PM
This Geometry 3D Shapes: Euler's Theorem interactive also includes: How do you get a theorem named after you? Euler knows what it takes! The third lesson of five asks pupils to use an interactive activity to compare the faces, vertices, and edges of seven different three-dimensional solids. They use their data to look for patterns and develop formulas. - Have pupils complete the exploration activity and take a picture of their final results to turn in - If Internet access is an issue, provide a paper copy of the table and project the visuals to complete as a group - Individuals need laptops with Internet access - Gives learners a visual reference to help count faces, vertices, and edges - Provides immediate feedback
Researchers from the University of Bristol announced that they have discovered the secrets to shoot evolution. Their findings indicate that plants half a billion years ago had a budding mechanism for shoot development when they first emerged on land. The study points to genes responsible for how plants from 450 million years ago were able to delay reproduction and grow shoots, leaves, and buds. This evolution involves a switch that allowed plants to shift new cells downwards from the shoot tips. Several modern developmental and genetic techniques were used to investigate the swollen reproductive structures of mosses located at the tips of their small stems. Moss was selected as it embodies the starting point of plant evolution. It was found that mosses are raised upwards by new cells formed in the middle of the stem. Further investigation found that similar genes are responsible for elongating the moss' stems. These findings lead the researchers to conclude that there was a pre-existing genetic network in emerging plants that was remodeled to allow shoot systems to arise in plant evolution. This also suggests that radiation of shooting forms may have been triggered by a change in timing and location of gene activity. The new information can help scientists understand better how genes control plant shape, which can lead to future research on improving the characteristics and yield of crops. (Source: Crop Biotech Update, International Service for Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications. www.isaaa.org)
The order in which the verb tenses are introduced can make the structure of the English Language easier for the students to understand. Whereas pre-teen and early teen children learn a language by listening and repeating what they hear, without any need to think about grammar, this facility seems to fade as everyone gets older. The older a student is the more he or she will want to analyze the structure or learn using rules. This article suggests ideas and provides activities for introducing tenses to beginners. If a program starts by teaching the simple present tense only, and if the students are only given activities or exercises that include the present tense, then it will become clear to them. At the point that they are secure with the present, then the past tense can be introduced . The introduction of each tense should be followed by many oral activities and written exercises. What Kind of Activities Should Follow the Introduction of a New Tense? ORAL QUESTIONS that the teacher asks the whole class, are the best way to begin. They allow the teacher to see where the students are having difficulties and to provide the help they need. It’s usual for many of the students to have the same problem. SMALL GROUPS allows students to ask each other the questions provided and help one another with the answers. It also gives them a time to practice speaking English. ROLE-PLAYS help the students to move into real life situations. These may be about making introductions or perhaps ordering in a restaurant. Role-plays can be carefully written using a controlled number of tenses. Try the activities below with your Beginners SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY Free Download ESL Activities
Conjunctions Worksheets to Help With Sentence Construction Conjunctions, simply stated, are joiners – words that take two separate clauses and join them into one sentence. Our conjunctions worksheets are designed to help kids understand simple conjunctions like “and” and “but,” and how they work in sentence construction.Sometimes, this can be hard for a kid to understand, but with the use of a good teaching aid, it can be made easier. Our worksheets make use of text and graphics in ways that are extremely effective in helping kids learn how conjunctions work. Worksheets to Practice and Perform Understanding conjunctions isn’t just about learning how to use them to join clauses. It’s also important that kids know how to break down sentences into individual clauses that can actually be sentences in and of themselves. We know that kids learn visually, so we’ve designed our worksheets to employ fun, colorful illustrations that help kids grasp key concepts. When they can “see” concepts like “the dog AND the cat,” they begin to understand how conjunctions work. Our worksheets use illustrations that kids can relate to, and they facilitate learning by asking them to fill in the conjunction between two brightly colored illustrations. Some exercises are more text-based, asking kids to remove the conjunction and create two separate sentences. As an example, “Wake up Sam and get him ready for school” becomes “Wake up Sam. Get him ready for school.” Examples are always ones that kids can understand. Our worksheets are printer-friendly, so you can use them as often as your child needs. They can do the exercises repeatedly, taking all the time that they need in order to understand how conjunctions work – after all, practice makes perfect. The vocabulary skills kids will learn with our conjunction worksheets will build skills that will help them to succeed in the higher grades.
Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length). When a Line Bends...A Shape Begins is a great book to use to introduce 2-dimensional shapes. The students will be introduced to all of the basic 2-dimensional shapes and learn about the attributes of a triangle. Two-dimensional shape and three-dimensional shapes are related! Students will use play dough to see how the two kinds of shapes are related. Students will also be able to differentiate between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. An important Common Core standard for kindergarten is comparing and identifying characteristics of shapes. This hands-on lesson will help students develop your students' understanding of 3D shapes and the plane shapes that compose them.
November 30, 2012 What is inclusive education? Inclusive education means that all students, including children with disabilities, are taught in regular classrooms alongside other children of their own age without disabilities. It means that children with disabilities are provided with the same learning opportunities as children without disabilities. They go to the same schools, are in the same classrooms, and are involved in the same activities and exercises (academic and social) as children without disabilities. Inclusive education provides the basis for the social, emotional and intellectual development of children with disabilities; ensuring development to the child’s fullest potential and ensuring that they develop the skills that will require in their lifetimes. The Canadian Association for Community Living describes inclusive education as “children go to their community or neighbourhood school and receive instruction in a regular class setting with non-disabled peers who are the same age. This approach is the only way we can provide education to a diverse population in a way that respects the complex fabric of our society in the 21st century. Inclusion is now a Canadian value that needs to be practiced in our schools” (CACL). Inclusive education brings together all students of the same age group in one classroom (regardless of disability). It provides students with learning opportunities in a supportive learning environment, helping to ensure that children with disabilities reach their full potential. Inclusive education is about ensuring that each and every student receives a quality education regardless of their disability (this could be extended to age, gender, race, etc. and not simply disabilities) (Porter, 2008). It builds on the strengths of all students; maximizing their potential and providing the same learning opportunities without discrimination. Inclusive education is based on the...
When we put air into a balloon, it expands. When we let the air out, it contracts. Picture this analogy when you think about what a contraction is in English. A contraction is word that is a shortened form of two words put together. Can and not go together to make the contraction can’t. Do and not go together to make the contraction don’t. We take two words, take some letters out, put in an apostrophe, and then make them contract into one smaller word. Using contractions in your writing often sounds more natural, especially if you are writing dialogue and want the conversation to sound real. Listen to the differences between these two sentences. We cannot go to the store today because we did not behave. We can’t go to the store today because we didn’t behave. You can also use contractions to add some variety to your writing. We can’t go to the store today because we didn’t behave. I cannot wait to go tomorrow. Kids often find online practice to be a fun way to learn and reinforce these skills. There are plenty of learning tools online that can be used to supplement what children learn in school. Elementary contraction games are just one way to become more familiar with using contractions, and kids might even look forward to homework!
A-level Physics (Advancing Physics)/Resonance Resonance occurs when an oscillating system is driven (made to oscillate from an outside source) at a frequency which is the same as its own natural frequency. All oscillating systems require some form of an elastic force and a mass e.g. a mass at the end of a spring. All oscillators have a natural frequency. If you have a mass on a spring, and give it an amplitude, it will resonate at a frequency: This frequency is independent of the amplitude you give the oscillator to start with. It is the natural frequency of the oscillator. If you keep giving the oscillator amplitude at this frequency, it will not change the frequency of the oscillation. But, you are still doing work. This energy must go somewhere. The only place it can go is into additional kinetic and gravitational potential energy in the oscillation. If you force an oscillation at its resonant frequency, you add significantly to its amplitude. Put simply, resonance occurs when the driving frequency of an oscillation matches the natural frequency, giving rise to large amplitudes. If you were to force an oscillation at a range of frequencies, and measure the amplitude at each, the graph would look something like the following: There are many types of oscillators, and so practically everything has a resonant frequency. This can be used, or can result in damage if the resonant frequency is not known. Instead of doing questions this time, read the following articles on Wikipedia about these different types: Resonance in Water Molecules (Microwave Ovens) "No Highway" - a novel with a plot that uses things suspiciously similar to resonance.