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19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote (1920) The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest. Beginning in the mid-19th century, several generations of woman suffrage supporters lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change of the Constitution. Few early supporters lived to see final victory in 1920. Beginning in the 1800s, women organized, petitioned, and picketed to win the right to vote, but it took them decades to accomplish their purpose. Between 1878, when the amendment was first introduced in Congress, and August 18, 1920, when it was ratified, champions of voting rights for women worked tirelessly, but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state—nine western states adopted woman suffrage legislation by 1912. Others challenged male-only voting laws in the courts. Militant suffragists used tactics such as parades, silent vigils, and hunger strikes. Often supporters met fierce resistance. Opponents heckled, jailed, and sometimes physically abused them. By 1916, almost all of the major suffrage organizations were united behind the goal of a constitutional amendment. When New York adopted woman suffrage in 1917 and President Wilson changed his position to support an amendment in 1918, the political balance began to shift. On May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and 2 weeks later, the Senate followed. When Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final hurdle of obtaining the agreement of three-fourths of the states. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification on August 26, 1920, changing the face of the American electorate forever. For more information, visit the National Archives’ Digital Classroom Teaching With Documents Lesson Plan: Woman Suffrage and the 19th Amendment.
As we approach the Shakespearean tragedy, we are going to not only study the dramatic terms utilized, but also the ways in which characters are persuaded. The essential question, “What makes a person persuasive?” will lead us through the reading of Julius Caesar when looking at the actions of all of the characters. We will discuss their use of ethos, logos, and pathos to persuade others, and we will also look at each character’s understanding of his audience. While we will study and practice persuasive techniques in advertising, writing, and speech, we will also focus on the audience’s perception of the persuader through the question, “When should we follow the guidance of others and when should we follow our own conscience?” As young adults, it is important for students to consider the process of decision-making and the weight of decisions. Hopefully, the students will come away from this unit with an appreciation for Shakespeare and an understanding of Julius Caesar. However, they should also be able to use the persuasive techniques used throughout the play in the classroom and in their own lives. Finally, as effective persuaders, the students should also be more conscious decision makers. Erlich, Devon, "Julius Caesar: The Power of Persuasion [10th grade]" (2010). Understanding by Design: Complete Collection. Paper 130. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Learn something new every day More Info... by email Nerve cells have a negative electrical charge across their plasma membranes, known as the resting potential. The plasma membrane is a thin boundary layer that encloses the nerve cell, and the resting potential exists because the inside of the cell is negatively charged compared with the outside. When a neurotransmitter, a chemical that carries signals between nerve cells, arrives at the membrane, or the membrane is disturbed mechanically, the charge across the membrane changes, becoming more positive. This change is known as depolarization and, if it reaches a certain level, what is called an action potential results, where an electrical impulse is transmitted along the nerve. Following an action potential, the membrane is repolarized, becoming negatively charged again and restoring the resting potential. The resting potential of nerve cell membranes is created by unequal concentrations of positively charged sodium ions and potassium ions on each side of the membrane. There is more potassium inside the cell and more sodium outside the cell. The reason for this is a sodium-potassium pump situated in the cell membrane, which actively moves sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. There are channels in the membrane through which sodium and potassium ions can travel, but when the membrane is at rest the sodium channels are shut and only some of the potassium channels are open. Sodium ions are forced to remain outside the cell, while some potassium ions escape from the cell to join them through the open channels. The net result is that more positively charged ions end up outside the cell than inside, and this creates the negative charge across the membrane, known as the resting potential, which is necessary if neuron depolarization is to occur. For an action potential to take place, first the nerve cell has to be stimulated by being stretched or by the arrival of a neurotransmitter. A depolarizing effect then occurs because sodium channels open up and allow sodium into the cell, increasing the number of positively charged ions inside and making the electrical potential across the membrane more positive. Once depolarization reaches a threshold level many sodium channels open at once and an action potential occurs, where complete membrane depolarization suddenly takes place, with depolarization also passing along the nerve cell in a wave. Following depolarization, repolarization occurs after a brief interval known as the refractory period. During that period any further stimulus applied to the cell has no effect. The refractory period lasts for only a fraction of a second, allowing a nerve to fire many times in the space of one second. Repolarization involves potassium ions moving out of the cell first, before sodium is actively pumped out. Once the membrane potential has reached the necessary negative charge, the resting potential is achieved and the nerve is ready to fire again. One of our editors will review your suggestion and make changes if warranted. Note that depending on the number of suggestions we receive, this can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Thank you for helping to improve wiseGEEK!
Although the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment ended slavery, at the end of the Civil War people still had a lot of questions about what would happen to those who only recently gained their freedom. Along with the 13th and 15th Amendments – collectively known as the “Reconstruction Amendments” – the 14th Amendment widely expanded the rights of former slaves in the United States. The authors of the amendment took care to ensure that those civil rights would remain protected, forbidding states from denying anyone “life, liberty or property, without due process of law” or the “equal protection of the laws.” Commonly referenced by that second phrase, the 14th Amendment has played a key role in many important Supreme Court cases that have shaped the past two centuries. Brown v. Board of Education (1954), for example, struck down the “separate but equal” doctrine – which structured the Jim Crow south – because it violated the “equal protection” clause of the 14th Amendment. Based on cases against segregated schools in Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia and Delaware, Brown challenged the widely enforced Jim Crow laws that, here, limited black children’s access to the same quality education that their white peers experienced. The court ruled that, even if the schools had access to the same tangible factors (like pencils, science lab equipment, or teachers), the act of separation itself was an act of discrimination that violated the 14th Amendment. The amendment was a milestone in the history of abolition and civil rights in the United States and has continued to protect people from discrimination throughout the decades. Because of the 14th Amendment, our Constitution upholds the idea that “all” – not just white males – “are created equal”. Learn more about the 14th amendment in From Slavery to Freedom, located on the third floor.
Using figures of speech requires understanding how to relate different ideas and make comparisons. Mastering the concepts allows students to become both better readers and writers. There are numerous games and activities you can use to engage your students' interest and teach concepts such as simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and hyperbole. Divide students into groups of four to six. Begin by providing an opening line or theme for a poem and instruct students that they must take turns creating each line of the poem and must use one or more figures of speech in each line. At the end of each line they should indicate the figure of speech used. For example: "The bird flew like an arrow across the burning cold. (simile, oxymoron)" Judge the best poems — provide the winners with award ribbons and display their work on the board. Adapt the idea of MadLibs to only use figures of speech. Break students in small groups of two to four and provide them with a story with blanks; instruct them to fill in the spaces with the indicated figure of speech. Use a timer and provide a small prize for the group who can complete the story first. At the end, students should be allowed to share their stories and discuss their choices. For example, you might give them something like this: "Joe hopped (simile) down the hill. He met Jill who (hyperbole). The two of them loved to go to the park where (personification)." Students might answer: "Joe hopped (like a frog) down the hill. He met Jill who (carried a ton of apples). The two of them loved to go to the park where (the trees whispered and danced in the breeze)." Sentence Strip Game Create a series of sentences using various figures of speech, and a series of cards with the names of the figures of speech, such as metaphor and simile. Split the class into two teams and give them each a set of strips and cards. Using a timer, have the students place the sentence strips on the white board and match them with the correct cards. The team that matches all of the sentences to the correct cards in the shortest time wins. Use tape to attach the cards and strips, or if you want to reuse them later, laminate the strips and add magnetic tape on the back. Create a set of cards with the words metaphor, simile, personification, oxymoron and hyperbole. Shuffle the cards and place them face down, then gather the students into a circle and explain that they will take turns making up a silly story one sentence at a time. Begin the story by saying something like, “Suddenly…” As the students tell the story, periodically hold up a figure of speech card. The student must then use the figure of speech indicated by the card in her sentence. Continue until everyone has a turn. Ball Toss Review Write review questions from your figure of speech lessons on note cards with the answers on the back of the cards. Give each student one or two review questions. Using a soft Nerf-type ball instruct the students to toss the ball to one another and ask their questions. For example, one card might read, “Give the definition of a simile.” The student then tosses the ball to one of his classmates, who then tries to answer. If he answers correctly he gets to throw the ball to the next student. If the student cannot answer the question, the first student chooses a different student. If that student cannot answer the question, the teacher should provide the answer and make a note that students may require more instruction.
If you have tried the Number Lines and Solution Sets quiz you will be familiar with the idea of a horizontal number line, which can be used to define the position relative to zero. But what if we want to add in a second dimension, like on a map? Not only do we want know how far east or west of a central point something is, we also want to know how far north or south it is. To do this we introduce a second number line, at right angles to the first. These two lines, called AXES, cross each other at zero. This point is known as the ORIGIN. See how well you can work your way around a pair of axes in this GCSE Maths quiz. We use COORDINATES to define a position relative to the origin. These are written inside brackets, and are separated by a comma. The first number indicates the distance from the origin in the x-direction (horizontally), and the second number is the distance from the origin in the y-direction (vertically). Just as on a standard number line, a negative value indicates left or below the origin. The axes form four distinct areas, known as QUADRANTS. When you first started working with coordinates you would have had only positive values of x and y, and so would have been working in the first quadrant only. Continue in an anticlockwise direction to name the second, third and fourth. Just as in so many other areas of maths, it’s a good idea to sketch out the situation when you are solving problems involving coordinates.
In this tutorial, you will learn- Python print() function The print() function in Python is used to print a specified message on the screen. The print command in Python prints strings or objects which are converted to a string while printing on a screen. More often then not you require to Print strings in your coding construct. Here is how to print statement in Python 3: To print the Welcome to Guru99, use the Python print statement as follows: print ("Welcome to Guru99") Welcome to Guru99 In Python 2, same example will look like print "Welcome to Guru99" If you want to print the name of five countries, you can write: print("USA") print("Canada") print("Germany") print("France") print("Japan") USA Canada Germany France Japan Sometimes you need to print one blank line in your Python program. Following is an example to perform this task using Python print format. Let us print 8 blank lines. You can type: print (8 * "\n") Here is the code print ("Welcome to Guru99") print (8 * "\n") print ("Welcome to Guru99") Welcome to Guru99 Welcome to Guru99 By default, print function in Python ends with a newline. This function comes with a parameter called ‘end.’ The default value of this parameter is ‘\n,’ i.e., the new line character. You can end a print statement with any character or string using this parameter. This is available in only in Python 3+ print ("Welcome to", end = ' ') print ("Guru99", end = '!') Welcome to Guru99! # ends the output with ‘@.’ print("Python" , end = '@')
This resource contains: 1. A 50-slide PowerPoint lesson on the silent letters 'k' and 'g' when followed by 'n' - kn and gn digraphs. 2. An accompanying set of 12 differentiated worksheets to help pupils learn how to read and spell words containing the digraphs 'kn' and 'gn'. In the PowerPoint pupils are introduced to most of the common words containing these two silent letters. Tasks include reading and spelling some of the words. More English Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide. How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step by Step Guide
In Python, not is a logical operator that evaluates to True if the expression used with it is False. This operator is used along with the if statement, called if not statements. In this article, we will learn more about this in detail. If not statements Let us look at this block of code – x = 7 if not x: print("This is True") else: print("This is False") This is False In this example, the variable x is assigned the value of 7. The expression, not x can mean True or False. Numeric zero (0), empty value or a None object assigned to a variable are all considered False, or True in Python. As x here is True, not x makes it False. Hence, the Else part of the code is executed. Similarly, if the value of x would have been 0, the output would have been This is True. today='Raining' if not today=='Raining': print('You don’t need an umbrella') else: print('You need an umbrella') You need an umbrella Here, today==’Raining’ evaluates to True. But the If not statement turns this into False, and thus the Else part of the code is executed.
Books for Students Making Books: A Step-by Step Guide to Your Own Publishing Gillian Chapman and Pam Robson Millbrook Press, 1991. In creating their own books, students will use fractions to measure, divide paper into equal parts, and add and subtract fractions. The Basics of Music (The Young Musician Series, Vol. 1) Word House, 1992. Explains the musical notation system for the student to understand whole and quarter notes, clefs, and other musical fractions. Cities Then and Now This illustrated history of famous cities around the world describes how they were planned, with plastic overlays showing ancient and modern locations of buildings. Benchmark Books, 1996. An introduction to the study of fractions that features games, riddles, and puzzles. Gloucester Press, 1991. A collection of colorful games and puzzles to help students use functions and formulas for fractions. Three Out of Four Like Spaghetti: Data and Fraction Dale Seymour Publications, 1995. The study of fractions developed at TERC from their Investigations in Number, Data and Space series. Books for Families This photo-essay shows two boys dividing food into smaller pieces. Recipes for the family to enjoy are in the back. Holiday House, 1994. A picture book about a fraction lesson at school and the application of the learned concepts at home. Good for students to use as the basis for sharing what they know with their families. Fractions and Decimals EDC Publications, 1994. This book of fun and colorful problems encourages practice with fractions and decimals. Reference Books for Teachers A Collection of Math Lessons: from Grade 3 through 6 Addison Wesley Longman, 1992. Inspiring and practical classroom-tested ideas for problem solving lessons integrate many learning standards. Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the 1990s edited by Thomas J. Cooney and Christian R. Hirsch National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1990. This 1990 yearbook features a chapter on effective models for teaching and learning that addresses cooperative grouping, problem posing, writing in mathematics, and motivating students. The Case for Constructivist Classrooms Jacqueline Grennon Brooks and Martin G. Brooks Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1993. The fourth chapter, entitled "Posing Problems of Emerging Relevance to Students," offers ways that teachers can encourage depth of understanding. Math World Literature One Day in the Tropical Rain Forest Jean Craighead George Amazon: A Young Reader's Look at the Last Frontier Caroline House, 1991 Count Your Way Through Brazil Carolrhoda Books, 1996 Pedro Fools the Gringo and Other Tales of a Latin American Trickster Maria Cristina Brusca and Tona Wilson Henry Holt, 1995 The Legend of El Dorado Beatriz Vidal, adapted by Nancy Van Laan Alfred A. Knopf, 1991 Mathematics Center | Math Central | Education Place | Copyright © 1998 Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions of Use.
What is the Question? Students will be able to determine if a sentence is interrogative or not. Introduction (5 minutes) - Explain to your students that they will learn about interrogative sentences, which end with question marks and ask questions. - Ask your students to come up with any example sentences. For example, where are they going? They are going to the mall. They are shopping. - Write these sentences on the board. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (5 minutes) - Ask for some volunteers to identify the types of sentences on the board. - Focusing on the interrogative questions, explain why interrogative questions require a question mark. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (15 minutes) - Have your students write two to three additional interrogative sentences on their own pieces of paper. - Ask for volunteers to raise their hands and share their interrogative sentences. - Have other students answer their questions, demonstrating that interrogative sentences can generally be answered. - As the sentences are being shared aloud by the class, write a few down on the board. Independent Working Time (10 minutes) - Ask the students to write seven to ten interrogative sentences. - Have students ask partners their interrogative sentences and write down the answers. - Enrichment: Give students example sentences that do not already have ending punctuation. Have them identify which sentences are interrogative. You can have them justify their answers by having them write why they believe the sentence is interrogative or not. - Support: Observe and monitor these students more closely. Help your students write a few interrogative sentences to start, and gradually letting them write a few on their own. Assessment (5 minutes) - Walk around and observe the students as they work on completing the assignment. - Monitor the students as they work, and make sure the sentences are done correctly. Review and Closing (5 minutes) - Ask for volunteers to share their sentences with the rest of the class. - As the sentences are shared aloud, ask the rest of the class if the sentences are interrogative or not.
Playing Games with Simple Conditions In this unit, students will explore how to program loops and develop an understanding for when to use each type of loop as they create different games. Students will experience how to effectively utilize loops which includes thinking about setting variables and conditions in their loops. Students will utilize pseudocode to support creating algorithms and code comments to document their programs. Controlling Motion with Tilt Explore writing conditional statements in Python using the motion sensor Create a robotic hand to move bricks using conditional statements Charting Game Decisions Learn to create flowcharts Guess Which Color Create a game using the color sensors Investigate using conditional statements with loops. Apply using conditional statements to keeping score in a game Students will create and program their own table top game.
Differentiation is a way of teaching; it’s not a program or package of worksheets. It asks teachers to know their students well so they can provide each one with experiences and tasks that will improve learning. Differentiating instruction means that you observe and understand the differences and similarities among students and use this information to plan instruction. Below is a list of some key principles that form the foundation of differentiating instruction. Teachers continually assess to identify students’ strengths and areas of need so they can meet students where they are and help them move forward. The students we teach have diverse levels of expertise and experience with reading, writing, thinking, problem solving, and speaking. Ongoing assessments enable teachers to develop differentiated lessons that meet every students’ needs. Students collaborate in pairs and small groups whose membership changes as needed. Learning in groups enables students to engage in meaningful discussions and to observe and learn from one another. The focus in classrooms that differentiate instruction is on issues and concepts rather than “the book” or the chapter. This encourages all students to explore big ideas and expand their understanding of key concepts. Teachers offer students choice in their reading and writing experiences and in the tasks and projects they complete. By negotiating with students, teachers can create motivating assignments that meet students’ diverse needs and varied interests.
The most extraordinary political development in the years before the Civil War was the rise of American democracy. Whereas the founders envisioned the United States as a republic, not a democracy, and had placed safeguards such as the Electoral College in the 1787 Constitution to prevent simple majority rule, the early 1820s saw many Americans embracing majority rule and rejecting old forms of deference that were based on elite ideas of virtue, learning, and family lineage. A new breed of politicians learned to harness the magic of the many by appealing to the resentments, fears, and passions of ordinary citizens to win elections. The charismatic Andrew Jackson gained a reputation as a fighter and defender of American expansion, emerging as the quintessential figure leading the rise of American democracy. In the image above (Figure 10.1), crowds flock to the White House to celebrate his inauguration as president. While earlier inaugurations had been reserved for Washington’s political elite, Jackson’s was an event for the people, so much so that the pushing throngs caused thousands of dollars of damage to White House property. Characteristics of modern American democracy, including the turbulent nature of majority rule, first appeared during the Age of Jackson. Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
It’s a simple rule: When multiplying two numbers, if the signs are the same, the product is positive, if the signs are different, the product is negative. But why does it work? In the spirit of Khan Academy’s new and improved video, here is a lesson, in a context familiar to students, that builds upon the Distributive Property, multiplying by zero, sums of opposites, and substitution, in order to explain why the rule works. Have students answer the following questions: 1) You are going to a new restaurant with your family. Tonight’s special is $7 for any dinner on the menu. Dessert is not included and costs $2 for each item ordered. If there are five people in your family, and each orders dinner and dessert, how much will the meal cost (ignore tax and tips)? 2) The waiter brings you your bill. You pay it. What is your balance now for the meal? 3) If you decide to eat at home instead tonight, what will your cost be for dinner from the restaurant? Invite a student to share their strategy for question 1. Then ask if anyone solved the problem differently. Typically, some students will add to get the total cost of the dinner first and then multiply by 5 people, while others will first multiply to find the cost of 5 dinners and 5 desserts and then add. Discuss how this is an application of the Distributive Property. Use an array to show that, when multiplying two numbers, you can decompose one of the factors in any way and you still have the same number of total items no matter how you break them up. Practice this by challenging students to mentally calcuate, for example, 6 x 45, by decomposing 45 and writing 6 x (45) = 6 x (40 + 5) = (6 x 40) + (6 x 5) = 240 + 30 = 270. Next use question 2 to review that opposites sum to zero. The situation can be described by writing – 45 + 45 = 0, and you owe zero dollars after you pay. Use question 3 to discuss that multiplying by zero yields a product of zero. The meal costs $9 but zero people purchase it, so 9 x 0 = 0 cost for the restaurant meal. Also, since 9 x 0 and 0 are equal, we can just say 0 instead of 9 x 0. Finally, use these concepts to show how the rules for multiplication can be generated: We know that any number times zero equals zero. So, for example, 5 x 0 = 0 We also know that opposites sum to zero. So we can replace the factor of zero with any sum of opposites: 5 x (-3 + 3) = 0 By the Distributive Property, this can be rewritten as (5 x -3) + (5 x 3) = 0 Evaluating 5 x 3: (5 x -3) + 15 = 0 And since we know that opposites sum to zero, then the addend (5 x -3) has to be equal to the opposite of 15, or -15. Since we could have used any pair of opposites, our procedure is general, works for all numbers, and therefore the rule that a positive times a negative is negative must always hold true. Next, try -5 x 0 = 0 Repeating the steps from above, first substitute a sum of opposites for zero: -5 x (-3 + 3) = 0 Distributing, (-5 x -3) + (-5 x 3) = 0 We saw before that -5 x 3 = -15 so substitute (-5 x -3) + -15 = 0 Since the addends sum to zero, -5 x -3 has to be the opposite of -15 or positive 15 and, since we can generalize with any pair of opposites, we have shown that the product of negatives must always be positive.
- Level 1: Learning the meaning. Although this may be the lowest DOK level, familiarity with definitions provides fluency in thought. It’s easier to help students make connections between words when they already have a sense of the meaning. - Level 2: Creating deeper connections. Students need to understand the different connotations of words and how certain words are more appropriate in certain situations. For example, consider the pair of words “harbinger” and “omen.” They have similar definitions, but “omen” is certainly darker. To appropriately use these two words in their own communication, students need to understand these differences of connotations. - Level 3: Using new words orally and in writing. If students can use vocabulary words appropriately in their own writing and speaking, the likelihood of retention is far greater. Practical examples of using edtech to successfully teach vocabularyIn each level, I use playful activities that make vocabulary learning more engaging for my students. Below are a couple of activities that I use for each of these levels. Level 1 ActivitiesThe internet abounds with programs that teach level 1 knowledge of vocabulary words, but here are some ways you can help students rise to higher echelons of vocabulary mastery. PearDeck’s Flashcard Factory: Available in the FREE version of PearDeck, the Flashcard Factory pairs up students to create flashcards for vocabulary words assigned by the teacher. One student writes a definition or example of the word, and the other student draws an image to correlate. At the end of the activity, the teacher reveals the completed flashcards to the entire class. With the class input, teachers can approve or delete flashcards. Finally, the flashcards can be exported to Quizlet for students to study on their own. Not only are students learning the definitions, but they’re talking through the meanings with a partner and using drawing to cement their knowledge. Quizlet Live: In this popular activity from Quizlet, students are divided into groups of three or four. Each student on the team then sees 3-4 vocabulary words on their screen — words that they alone are responsible for since no one else on the team has these words. The entire team is then presented with a definition, and the team needs to communicate to decide who has the correct word. If they miss, the team score resets to zero. Quizlet Live emphasizes conversation and collaboration while it helps students learn definitions to vocabulary words. Level 2 ActivitiesOnce students have some knowledge of the basic definitions, it’s time to guide them to a deeper understanding of the words. Students make connections with images and identify the connotations related to words. Consider using or modifying these activities: Padlet Vocab Gallery: Students find real life images and gifs to represent vocabulary words in a Padlet Vocab Gallery. I set up a Padlet page by making a column for each vocabulary word; I follow this up by adding a few examples to demonstrate what I want students to do: 1) find an image that demonstrates that word and 2) explain it using the vocabulary word. Not only does this help students make connections with the word, but it’s a great formative assessment for spotting where students aren’t fully grasping the subtle meanings of words or where they’re struggling with correct usage. Read more: 3 Teachers that are crushing assessments with ed-tech |Word type||Noun||Noun||Verb||Verb||Noun & verb||Adjective| |Short definition||A short true story||A hardship||A compliment||To imitate; to be like someone||To try hard to achieve a goal||Hard working & detailed| |Related to PE class||A humorous story the coach told||Trying to run a mile without stopping||Coach telling you good work in weight lifting||Adopting the training routine of a top runner||Striving to run a mile under six minutes||Tracking your speed improvements in the mile| |Related to Thoreau's Walden||Thoreau writes anecdotes about ants||Thoreau must often deal with adversity of weather||Walden should be commended for surviving in the forest alone||Some people emulate Thoreau and live off the grid today||Thoreau endeavored to raise his own food||Thoreau was diligent about writing regularly|
After its independence in August 1947, India faced huge challenges. Some of the major challenges are as follows: After partition, 8 million refugees had come from Pakistan. Rehabilitation of these refugees was a big challenge. There were about 500 hundred princely states; which needed to be assimilated into the country. The huge population of India was divided along caste and communal lines. The country had always been a diverse one with numerous cultures. The economy was totally dependent on agriculture; which was dependent on the monsoon. A large number of factory workers were poor and were living in slums. The nation was in abject poverty. The Constituent Assembly was formed by elected representatives. It held its deliberations between December 1946 and November 1949 to draw a constitution for the new nation. The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26 January 1950. Voting Rights: Universal adult franchise was adopted by the Constitution and it was one of the remarkable features of the Constitution. In other countries, it had taken years of struggle to ensure universal adult franchise. Thus, the Constitution makers gave political equality to all citizens of India. Equality: Another feature of the Constitution was the guarantee of equality before the law; regardless of caste or religious affiliations. While some leaders proposed to build the nation on Hindu ideals, Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to build a secular state. Reservations for Underprivileged: Special privileges were given for the poorest and most disadvantaged Indians. The dalits and the tribals had faced oppression since ages. They were given reservation in government jobs and educational institutions so that they could improve their socioeconomic status. Reservation for these classes was also given in the Parliament and state legislatures.
Your student will use the 5 Ws and an H to expand the sentences. How does a writer start to build a sentence? The easiest way is to begin with the subject and the predicate. They are the fundamental building blocks of a sentence, just as drywall and studs are for a house. From there a writer may add words, phrases, and clauses to enhance the meaning. Our sentence building worksheets below are intended to help your student write clear and correct sentences. They are free for home or class use. To download the PDF or to view more details, simply click on the title. Your youngster will go in search of the missing subject in this complete sentence worksheet. Your student will add verbs to the subjects to make a complete sentence. In this worksheet, your student will identify the complete sentences. Here’s a visual worksheet for students learning to write simple sentences. Your youngster can make sentences using these colorful noun and verb cards. No need to wear a hard hat with this sentence construction worksheet! Your youngster can combine words from a noun list and a verb list to make a sentence. In this worksheet your student will add prepositional phrases to sentences. It’s time to fix the run-ons and sentence fragments! Your youngster will add one or two prepositional phrases to a sentence in this worksheet.
I want to talk about equations. The equation has an equal sign where one side is equal to another side. A really good way to give an example of equations is with a scale. The scale has one side equal to another. Next Lesson: Solving an Equation Using Four Basic Operations The transcript of the video. If they’re not equal the scales are going to show that and they will kind of tilt like that. So here’s an example. I’ve got this red ball. Plus three little blue blocks on one side. and 5 little blue blocks on the other side. You can see the scale is balanced. Which means this side’s weight is equal to the weight of that side. That’s why it’s balanced. Now I want to figure out how much is that red ball’s weight. Well, one thing I could do if I took these blocks away. if I did that to one side then all of a sudden there would be no balance. So that would go up. So if I take 3 blocks away on one side I also need to take 3 blocks away on the other side. If I’m trying to find exactly what the red ball weighs is I have to get the red ball balance with something on this side That would tell me how much it weighs. Now I’ve got the red ball all by itself. Well, the red ball is equal to 2 of those blue blocks. That’s exactly what we’re doing with solving equations. We’re basically trying to get the variable alone on one side equal to something on the other side. And when we achieve that then we basically have found our solution. Go for example 2Solve x -2= 6 Solving an equation just means finding the solution. So I’m trying to find a solution that would make this equation true. What value of x would make this equation true? Now it’s going to be pretty simple. And the problem is that the beginning will be pretty simple. A lot of them you’ll be able to figure out just on your own using mental math. But that’s not the point. The point is to learn the process so that when it gets more difficult when you have very difficult equations to solve, you already know what to do. You know the steps to take to get your solution. Follow the steps, learn how to solve these equations with easy ones, so that when it gets more difficult, you’ll know what to do. So again the goal. Think of the scale problem. The goal: I was trying to get the red ball all by itself Everything else on the other side and have it equal. Same thing here. I need to get the variable alone. That’s the goal one when solving equations. Right now, x is subtracted by 2. When you get subtraction I will use the inverse operation. The opposite of subtraction is an addition. So if I add 2 to that minus 2 all will go away. Those are subtraction and addition or are inverse operations or opposites in operations. So they would cancel each other out. They would become 0 and we’re are just left with x. So if I add 2 that goes away and I have X alone but remember on a scale problem when I took two blocks away from one side if I just did that it will become unbalanced. The most important thing with so many equations is that anything I do to one side I do the exact same thing to the other side of the equal sign. So when I took two blocks away from here I also took two blocks away from here so that it stayed balanced. Same thing here. If I add 2 on one side, I have to add two on another side So those go away. And I have my solution All I have to do is substitute it. You should never miss an equation. So, it’s my final solution. [/su_spoiler]
Alternating current usually called as ac current is which changes it’s amplitude periodically with time basically it’s a sinusoidal wave which represent ac current but not in case of direct current or dc. AC current have both +ve and -ve amplitude. Quantifying Alternating Current: To fully describing a ac current we require a number of terms. A cycle is part of waveform which does not repeat itself above figure have 3.5 cycles part above from zero line called +ve cycle and half-cycle is called alternation. The time required to complete one cycle is called period an ac current cover one cycle in about 0.25 s. The number of cycles per second called 1 frequency and it is equal to reciprocal of time. The unit of f = 1 / t frequency is hertz (Hz). We can specify amplitude in different ways and these things are very important for basics. The value from reference point to max point is called peak value it can be +ve or -ve. The value from max +ve point to max -ve point is called peak-to-peak value or it is twice of peak value Vp-p=2 Vp is 0.637 times of peak voltage Vav = 0.637 Vp The most important way of specifying the amount of alternating current by stating it’s effective or rms value. The effective is the value that produces the same heat in a resistive circuit as a direct current of the same value. The Sine Wave: There are following things which define sine wave. Induced Voltage and Current: When a conductor cuts across magnetic flux it produces voltage this voltage cause current to flow if there is complete circuit. The induced voltage is amount of flux cut by conductor per unit time and it is determined by following 1. The speed of conductor 2. The flux density 3. The angle at which the conductor crosses the magnetic flux Producing Sine Wave: 1. When conductor is parallel to magnetic flux then no voltage induce. 2. When conductor starts moving small amount of voltage induces because few flux lines are passing through conductor so sine wive start forming. 3. When conductor is perpendicular to flux then sine wave got its peak value and flux is maximum. 4. Then again flux starts decreasing and now it’s amplitude is negative and we know that no current is induced when polarity is negative hence one cycle complete. To determine direction of induced current we use Fleming’s Left Hand Rule Capacitance and Inductance -Power in AC Circuits
The formula "mass = density x volume" is a variation on the density formula: density = mass ÷ volume. As long as two of the variables are known, the third can be calculated by rearranging the equation. In order to calculate mass, it is necessary to divide both sides of the density equation by volume. For example, to find the mass of a liter of milk, it is first necessary to know the density of the milk. If the density is 1.03 g/mL, then according to the equation, the mass of one liter of milk is 1.030 kilograms. Mass is often confused with weight, although they are two different things. Mass is an unchanging quality of an object. Relativistic mass, however, can increase when an object approaches light speed. It is a measurement of the amount of matter the object has. When a physicist discusses the mass of an object, he or she is is talking about the number of particles in the object, not how much they weigh. Weight, on the other hand, is the force of gravity pulling on a mass. The SI unit of mass, as determined by the International System of Units, is the kilogram. Density is how much mass there is in a given amount of a material. An object of higher density will weigh more than an object of lower density, even if the objects are the same size.Learn more about Measurements
Students participate in an activity to explore number lines. The are assigned specific numbers, and get into the correct order when music plays. Next, they have to make numbers with their bodies by cooperating in a small group. 3rd - 5th Math 3 Views 22 Downloads Micro-Geography of the Number Line Young mathematicians dive into the number line to discover decimals and how the numbers infinitely get smaller in between. They click the zoom button a few times and learn that the number line doesn't just stop at integers. Includes a... 5th - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable Solve Ratio Problems Using Double Number Lines Organization is the best way to make sure that ratios are set up correctly to be proportional. This video reviews how to solve ratio problems with addition and multiplication, shown in more detail in the prior two videos of this series,... 4 mins 5th - 8th Math CCSS: Designed Extend a Fraction Using a Number Line Add depth to your class' understanding of fractions with video seven of this nine-part series. Building on prior experience representing fractions on number lines, young mathematicians learn to identify and extend patterns involving the... 5 mins 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed Solve Subtraction Problems: Using Number Line Number lines are great visual tools that can be used to teach a wide range of math topics. The final video of this series models how to use number lines when solving subtraction problems using the counting up strategy. Pause the video... 4 mins 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed Use a Number Line to Generate Equivalent Fractions Add to the toolbox of young mathematicians by teaching them to compare fractions using number lines. The final video in this series models the process for labeling and comparing fractions on number lines with multiple supporting... 5 mins 2nd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed
Signed November 11, 1620 The Mayflower Compact was the first formal framework of government established in what is now the United States of America. The concept of “just and equal laws for the general good” was embodied in the document, which was signed on board the Mayflower shortly after it arrived in Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod. The Pilgrims intended to settle in northern Virginia but instead made landfall far north of that. An argument broke out among the 102 passengers when the Mayflower dropped anchor. Several of the Pilgrims on board argued that since the Cape Cod area was outside their intended destination (land controlled by the King), English laws did not apply. The Pilgrim leaders thus drafted the Mayflower Compact to establish basic order in their new land. The document was a formal attempt to establish a legally binding self-governing body. A century later, another group of men were united by self-evident truths that “all men are created equal” and they wrote a document that began with the words “We the People” – the United States Constitution.
Welcome to this Unit on Effective Decision Making The Skills of Making Effective Decisions enable one to take rational actions based on adequate information weighing alternatives and appreciating consequences of choices made.These skills are: - Creative Thinking - Critical Thinking - Problem Solving |The objectives of the session are; - Explain the meaning of the term decision making. - Identify types of decisions - Differentiate between creative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving - Explore situations that require decision making - Explain the steps of decision making process Meaning of Decision It is a choice that one makes between two or more possible options. One will need to make more and more decision as he/she goes through life. Some of these decision will affect him/her the rest of his/her lives. Decision making is the process of making a decision Types of decision (i) impulsive (without thinking) (ii) rational involves reasoning This is the ability to analyse and evaluate ideas or issues objectively. It is an attempt to understand what really constitutes the problem. It also means analyzing the problem and what may have caused it to emerge. Critical thinking is an important skill when people want to make choices which involve taking risks such as: - Subjects they choose at school - Unfriendly situations - The friends they make - The careers they choose - Unfriendly situations - The business they choose among others Creative thinking: It is the ability of coming up with new ideas of doing things once the problem is understood and analysed as to its cause and its components.This involves looking for solutions. One may come up with various options.It is required by people so that they can make appropriate responses depending on the issue at hand. Decision making: This involves weighing each option. It goes back to critical thinking around each option. In weighing the options it is necessary to look at each possibility in the light of the following: - Options foregone/discarded - Possible combination of options - Outcomes for foregoing/discarding options - Outcomes of chosen options - Positive or negative outcomes of the chosen options Decision making then means taking the best options out of all the possible options. The steps in decision making process Factors that influence decision making - Information on the subject matter - Personality type - Social cultural factors - Personal and other significant expectations - Peer pressure - Degree of challenges - Personal goals and ambitions It is the ability to come up with workable solutions to different problematic situations It involves appreciating the nature of the problem by analyzing the causes and looking for possible solutions. This enables the individual to take the best alternative in whatever problem situations one is confronted with. NB Problem solving requires the application of all the other skills discussed in this unit. Evaluating factors that influence decision making:Participants to brainstorm and evaluate factors that influence decision making. Always think twice before you make your decision and think about your action and consequences. - Flip charts - LCD Projector, laptop/White board/ chalk board - Mark pens, chalk - Manila papers - Flash cards
The heat produced by geothermal energy is created by the interaction between the molten mantle of the Earth and the Earth's crust. When this heat breaks through the crust it erupts in the form of steam, water geysers or lava.Continue Reading When the Earth was formed, a large amount of energy was released. This energy is responsible for the tightly bound molecules of iron and nickel that form the Earth's core. This inner core is surrounded by a liquid outer core made of the same elements, which extends for about 1,410 miles. The outer core is surrounded by another liquid layer called the mantle, which extends to about 1,790 miles. This mantle has an average temperature of about 3,300 degrees Fahrenheit. The Earth's crust was formed by the cooling of the topmost layers of this mantle. All the land on earth and the ocean floor consists of this crust. Geothermal energy is produced by the interaction of the crust with the heat of the molten mantle under it. This intense heat sometimes breaks through the thin parts of the crust. These become known as hot spots. Hot spots on dry land release the heat through lava in volcanic eruptions. When the mantle's heat comes into contact with water in oceans, lakes or rivers, it causes geothermal hot springs or geysers of boiling water or steam. Sometimes minute cracks in the Earth's crust can cause water in lakes and springs to be continually heated by geothermal energy.Learn more about Environmental Science
|Lesson 7||Floating-point numbers| |Objective||Explain what a floating-point number is. | Floating-point Numbers in Computer Science To represent real numbers such as 1/3, PI, -1.23 * 1035, and -2.6 * 10-28, most computers use IEEE Standard 754 floating-point numbers . Using this representation, a real number is expressed as the product of a binary number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 2 (called the mantissa) multiplied by 2 raised to a binary number exponent. In practice, it is very unlikely that you will ever need to look at the binary form for the floating-point representation of a real number, so we will just take a quick look at one example to give you the general idea. Single precision floating-point representation uses 32 bits. 1 bit is used for the sign bit, 8 bits are used for the exponent, and 23 bits are used for the mantissa. Here's the 32-bit floating-point representation of the real number 1/3. Floating-point number: Used to represent a real number on a computer. The sign bit is 0, indicating that this is a positive number. The exponent is the binary representation of the decimal number 125. To obtain the actual exponent we subtract 127, to obtain -2. This exponent bias allows the range of the exponent to be from -127 to 128. Finally, the mantissa represents the binary number Note that the leading 1 of the mantissa is implied, to provide an additional digit of precision. The decimal value of the mantissa is: 20 + 2-2 + 2-4 + 2-6 + ... + 2-22 = 1 + 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/64 + ... + 1/2097152 This is approximately 1.3333333 and thus, 1/3 is represented, using 32-bit floating-point representation, as approximately 1.3333333 * or 1.3333333 * 1/4. What's most important to remember about floating-point representation is that it allows you to represent a tremendous range of real numbers, but with limited precision. Single precision (32-bit) floating-point numbers are accurate to about 7 decimal digits, and double precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers are accurate to about 17 decimal digits. We have covered how a computer stores numbers. Next we will consider how text is stored.
Permutations and Combinations for Probability Videos and lessons to help High School students learn how to use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems. - Define n! as the product: n! (n 1)! 3! 2! 1. - Understand that a permutation is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list and calculate probabilities using the permutation formula P(n,r) = n! (n 1)! (n (r 1)) = n!/(n r). - Understand that a combination is the number of ways to choose r items from a set of n elements and calculate probabilities using the combination formula C(n,r) = P(n,r)/r! = n!/[(n r)! Common Core: HSS-CP.B.9 Core (Statistics & Probability) Factorials and Permutations. Permutations and Factorials This video explains how to write permutations in terms of Permutations and Combinations - word problems. Probability -- Combinations and Permutations Definition of the fundamental counting principle and permutations, solving for permutation, solving for permutations with repetition, definition of combinations, solving for the number of different combination, solving for the number of different combinations of Probability with Combinations and Permutations. Probability Involving Permutations and Combinations. Rotate to landscape screen format on a mobile phone or small tablet to use the Mathway widget, a free math problem solver that answers your questions with step-by-step explanations. You can use the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice Algebra or other math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
Parts of the whole Skill: Basic fractions How many parts are shaded? How many parts in all? Using shading, this math worksheet helps your child understand fractions as parts of a whole. Skill: Understanding greater than and less than Which fraction is bigger? In series of pairs, your child will circle the larger fraction or mixed number in this math worksheet. Skill: Fractions of shapes Fill in the blanks! This math worksheet will give your child practice identifying fractions of shapes and filling in the missing numbers in fractions. Fractions of shapes Skill: Learning equal parts Just a part of the whole Your third grader will shade in parts of rectangles and circles in this coloring math worksheet to match a given fraction amount. Shaded shapes — 3rd grade fractions Skill: Beginning fractions How many circles? How many are shaded? What is the fraction amount? This math worksheet helps your child conceptualize fractions using shaded and unshaded versions of well known shapes like triangles and circles.
This is a great activity to get students writing sentences with correct verb forms that move them towards more complex sentences. In addition, students need to demonstrate that they know what the verbs mean as well as the correct form of the verb in order to complete each activity. Begin each activity with click e that will reveal the verbs (infinitives) and one or two question words. At this point students see six subjects and six infinitives, each numbered 1 through 6. A second click reveals three number combinations. The first number is the subject and the second number is the verb. Students then have one minute (the triangle disappears to show time passing) to write three sentences that include the subject, the correct form of the verb and the additional information based on the question word(s). When one minute has passed the verbs are covered. The next screen shows the three sentences that students should have written so that they can check their work. The second half of the sentence is an example as students will have different endings. This activity can be created for any language in Powerpoint format by using the animation tools. Download a template HERE. You can also download full activities here: - Spanish Regular Verbs in the Present Tense - Spanish Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense - Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs in the Present Tense - Spanish Regular Preterit - Spanish Imperfect - French Regular Verbs in the Present Tense - French Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense - French Spelling and Accent-Changing Verbs in the Present Tense - French Passe Compose with Avoir - French Imperfect - Additional French and Spanish Activities
Explore patterns, properties and relationships and propose a general statement involving numbers or shapes; identify examples for which the statement is true or false Find the correct number in a sequence. Lots of choice over level, count forwards or back, count in whole numbers, multiples of 10, multiples of 100, decimals and fractions. |Sequences Fractions and Decimals|| Count on and back in decimal steps and fractions. Identify and continue sequences involving shape, colour and numbers. |Fractions Shape Sequences|| Recognise and continue the sequences involving fractions, shapes and colours. Lots of control over level including unit fractions and improper fractions. Extend children by choosing harder levels which require extending the sequence by finding general rules. |Numbers on a Carroll Diagram - Missing Labels|| Drag the correct labels onto the Carroll diagram. A great game to encourage reasoning about the properties of numbers. Works really well as a mental starter. An incredibly versatile teaching tool. You can change the start number and change the step size, then try and find the hidden number. Choose from several difficulty levels. Ask the children to discuss the different methods they could use to find the missing number. Can be used to explore sequences (including negative numbers and decimals), multiplication tables, as well as reasoning about numbers. |Sorting 3D Shapes on a Venn Diagram|| Use a Venn diagram to sort a variety of 3D shapes according to their properties, including: whether they are pyramids or prisms, the number of faces, edges and vertices and whether they have a curved surface. |ITP Number Grid|| View full screen in your browser. This ITP generates a 100 square. Choose a colour or the grey mask. You can then click on individual cells to hide or highlight them in different colours, and by clicking on the box at the left-hand foot of the grid and using the pointers you can hide or highlight rows and columns. The prime numbers and multiples can also be highlighted. This resource is freely available to download from the archived Primary Framework site.
Typical action verbs include laugh, walk, smile, scream, sleep, cry, eat, run, text, wash, write and draw. These words denote an action done or being done by a subject to an object in a sentence. Most verbs that imply an action done fall under this category.Continue Reading Action verbs can be categorized into two types: transitive and intransitive. Transitive action verbs show the definitive object for which or on which the action is performed. In a sentence with a transitive action verb, the action being done has a definite recipient. For example, "Michael is washing the plates." Here, the object ''plates'' receive the action "washing." On the other hand, intransitive action verbs describe an action done to a general or non-specific object. Intransitive action verbs can be described as being vague, since they do not point or show the particular object receiving the action. For instance, looking at the first sentence, removing the objects ''plates'' from the sentence would change the category in which the action verb would be placed. Only writing, "Michael is washing" would make the verb intransitive. This is because there isn't a specified recipient of the action ''washing'' in the sentence. Generally, all action verbs define the action performed by a subject on an object in writing or speech. These type of verbs are also used to describe the subjects that most often are the nouns in sentences.Learn more about Education
Start a 10-Day Free Trial to Unlock the Full Review Why Lesson Planet? Find quality lesson planning resources, fast! Share & remix collections to collaborate. Organize your curriculum with collections. Easy! Have time to be more creative & energetic with your students! Math: Number Systems Young scholars examine other number systems, particularly the binary number system. They discover how to convert from decimal to other base systems. Students analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using the coded decimals. 3 Views 3 Downloads Systems of Equations and Inequalities This is a comprehensive lesson on creating and solving equations and systems of equations and inequalities. Problems range from basic linear equations to more complex systems of equations and inequalities based on a real-world examples.... 8th - 12th Math CCSS: Adaptable Relationships Between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations and Their Graphs Graphing all kinds of situations in one and two variables is the focus of this detailed unit of daily lessons, teaching notes, and assessments. Learners start with piece-wise functions and work their way through setting up and solving... 6th - 10th Math CCSS: Designed Solution Sets to Equations with Two Variables Can an equation have an infinite number of solutions? Allow your class to discover the relationship between the input and output variables in a two-variable equation. Class members explore the concept through tables and graphs and... 9th - 10th Math CCSS: Designed
An angle measures the amount of turn Names of Angles As the Angle Increases, the Name Changes: |Type of Angle||Description| |Acute Angle||an angle that is less than 90°| |Right Angle||an angle that is 90° exactly| |Obtuse Angle||an angle that is greater than 90° but less than 180° |Straight Angle||an angle that is 180° exactly| |Reflex Angle||an angle that is greater than 180°| Try It Yourself: In One Diagram This diagram might make it easier to remember: Also: Acute, Obtuse and Reflex are in alphabetical order. Also: the letter "A" has an acute angle. Be Careful What You Measure This is an Obtuse Angle And this is a Reflex Angle But the lines are the same ... so when naming the angles make sure Positive and Negative Angles When measuring from a line: - a positive angle goes counterclockwise (opposite direction that clocks go) - a negative angle goes clockwise Parts of an Angle The corner point of an angle is called the vertex And the two straight sides are called arms The angle is the amount of turn between each arm. How to Label Angles There are two main ways to label angles: 1. give the angle a name, usually a lower-case letter like a or b, or sometimes a Greek letter like α (alpha) or θ (theta) 2. or by the three letters on the shape that define the angle, with the middle letter being where the angle actually is (its vertex). Example angle "a" is "BAC", and angle "θ" is "BCD"
These addition books are a simple way to introduce addition to 10 and using different addition strategies to students. Using mini books, students solve the problem and glue the correct answer. Includes 5 different sets of books: -Using pictures to solve an addition problems -Using a tens frame to solve addition -Using tally marks to solve addition -Drawing pictures to solve an addition problem -Using a number line to solve addition -Solve addition problems -Writing a number sentence to match a picture Using these books, students are able to focus on just one problem at a time, so it isn't as overwhelming when introducing addition. Included are two choices for copying. The first set can be cut in advance for students class sets. The second version can be cut by students and they can assemble their own books. You may also like: •Addition and Subtraction Printables
Understanding how to fight a fire requires knowledge of fire behavior and the chemistry of fire. This includes understanding how fires start, what can fuel a fire, how fires act in different environments and what procedures can keep a fire from spreading. Here’s a quick introduction to get you started: Fire Science Terms and Definitions Fire is a by-product of a rapid combustion reaction. Combustion is the self-sustaining process of rapid oxidation of a fuel, which produces heat and light. Flammable or Explosive Limits The percentage of a substance (vapor) in air that will burn once it is ignited. The minimum temperature when a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapors to form an ignitable mixture. The minimum temperature to which a fuel in air must be heated to start self-sustained combustion without a separate ignition source. Heat tends to flow from a hot substance to a cold substance. The colder of two bodies in contact will absorb heat until both objects are at the same temperature. Heat can travel throughout a burning building by three methods: conduction, convection and radiation. The method by which heat is transferred via direct contact or a conduit. The transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid. For example, warm air in a building will rise to the upper floors. Radiation occurs when heat travels via waves through the air, such as when the sun warms the Earth by radiating (or emanating) heat. Watch FDNY Conduct a Fire Science Test Phases of Fire 1. Incipient Phase: The start of a fire, which begins with ignition. 2. Rollover Phase: Occurs when combustible gases begin to accumulate at the ceiling level. (This is why you are instructed to go low when trying to escape a fire.) 3. Steady-State Burning Phase: Once there is sufficient oxygen and fuel for the fire to grow and spread, the fire has reached the Steady-State Burning Phase. Temperatures during this phase can reach 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit. When flames “flashover” an entire area as heat builds up from the fire itself. 5. Hot Smoldering Phase: When flames die down and burning is reduced to glowing embers. Dense smoke and gasses are the greatest danger at this time. Backdraft occurs if improper ventilation allows additional oxygen to be presented during the Steady-State Burning Phase or Hot Smoldering Phase, causing an increase in combustion. This scenario is the most hazardous condition a Firefighter can face. Classification of Fires A) Class A fires involve wood, cloth, paper, rubber and many plastics. These fires can typically be put out with water or foam. B) Class B fires involve flammable and combustible liquids, and/or gases such as gasoline, paint, alcohol and related substances. These fires are best managed by smothering the flames to remove the oxygen source or by removing the fuel source. C) Class C fires involve live electrical equipment. The safest approach is to unplug or otherwise de-energize the source of the fire and treat it as Class A or B depending on what is burning. D) Class D fires involve combustible metals and must be extinguished using specialized fire control agents. Ready to learn more about fire science? Download the FDNY Probie Manual and read Chapter Two. Also, be sure to sign up now for exclusive information on how to launch a Firefighter career.
This chapter comprises the expressions like ab where 'a' is called the base and 'b' is called the exponent. The exponent of a number tells us how many times we can use the number in a multiplication. This is the fundamental law of exponents. You will also learn some other laws of exponent, which is a must in order to understand the chapter properly, Product Law says that the exponent of a number tells us how many times we can use the number in a multiplication. In such a form, ax * ay = ax+y Where a, x and y all are natural numbers. The base here should be the same in both quantities. Quotient Law says that in order to divide two numbers with the help of the same base by subtracting the exponents from the same base, we have to subtract the power in the denominator from the power in the numerator. In such a form, xy÷ xz=xy-z where x, y and z all are natural numbers, and the base should be the same in both quantities. Power Law says that if a number raises a power to a power, we have to multiply the exponents. In such a form, The chapter will further deal with the power of quotients and the power of products.
There is strong evidence for two types of black holes: stellar black holes with masses of a dozen or so Suns, and supermassive black holes with masses of many millions of Suns. Stellar black holes are formed as a natural consequence of the evolution of massive stars. The origin of supermassive black holes is a mystery. They are found only in the centers of galaxies. It is not known whether they formed in the initial collapse of the gas cloud that formed the galaxy, or from the gradual growth of a stellar mass black hole, or from the merger of a centrally located cluster of black holes, or by some other mechanism. The mass of a stellar black hole can be deduced by observing the orbital acceleration of a star as it orbits its unseen companion. Likewise, the mass of a supermassive black hole can be determined by using the orbital acceleration of gas clouds swirling around the central black hole. When orbital acceleration cannot be used to establish the mass of a black hole, astronomers can place a lower limit on its mass by measuring the X-ray luminosity due to matter falling into a black hole. The pressure of the outflowing X-rays must be less than the pull of the black hole's gravity on the inflowing matter. This technique was used to estimate the mass of a black hole discovered in a dense star cluster about 600 light years from the center of the galaxy M82. Astronomers found that the mass of the black hole must be greater than 500 Suns. This is much more massive than known stellar black holes, and much smaller than supermassive black holes, so it is called a "mid-mass" black hole. Astrophysicists had come to believe that galactic centers were the only places where conditions were right for the formation and growth of large or very large black holes. The discovery of a large, mid-mass black hole located away from the galaxy's center, shows that somehow large black holes can also form in dense star clusters. Current possible explanations for the formation of mid-mass black holes include the mergers of scores of stellar black holes, or the collapse of a superstar. Another possibility is that the X-rays produced by infall into the black hole are beamed toward the Earth. This would reduce the overall output of X-rays from the source, and reduce the mass needed to overcome the pressure of the outflowing X-rays to a value consistent with stellar mass black holes.
illustrative mathematicsIllustrated Standards Count to 100 by ones and by tens. (see illustrations) Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1). Write numbers from 0 to 20. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. Count to answer “how many?” Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies. Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals. Fluently add and subtract within 5. Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes.
Scientists once thought that the intensity of the movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates determined how high a mountain could soar. But new research shows that it’s actually the efficiency with which colder climates erode mountains that limits their height, according to a recent study published in Nature. The force of the tectonic plates pushing upwards, along with the strength of the Earth’s crust underneath the mountain and the force of erosion, all factor into a mountain’s height. All of the world’s highest ranges have strong underlying crust, but until now it wasn’t clear whether the world’s tallest peaks were dominated by strong uplift or minimal erosion. Using satellite images… researchers mapped all the major mountain ranges between 60° north and 60° south, plotting their land surface area against elevation [New Scientist]. They used a computer model to explore the effects of glacial erosion on these mountain ranges, and also looked at how each range’s latitude compared with its average snowline, or the point at which no significant amount of ice or snow accumulates on a mountain. The study found that the location of a mountain’s snowline corresponds to the height of the mountain; in fact, a mountain peak rarely lies more than 1,500 meters, or a little less than 5,000 feet, above the snowline. In addition, when the snowline on mountains starts lower down… erosion takes place at lower altitudes. At cold locations far from the equator… erosion by snow and ice easily matched any growth due to the Earth’s plates crunching together [Guardian]. And closer to the equator, snowlines are higher due to warmer weather. Overall, then, at locations near the equator, erosion cuts down less on a mountain’s height than it does nearer to the poles. For that reason, equatorial ranges are generally taller than polar ones. “Erosion processes are more effective above the snowline where glacial erosion dominates”[New Scientist], says co-author Vivi Pedersen. Below the snowline, rocks and rivers provide the main source of erosion, but these factors don’t break down mountains as efficiently as ice and snow. 80beats: In a Russian Mountain Range, Unknown Forces Made Perfect “Quasicrystals” 80beats: More Dust Storms = Faster Snowmelt in the Rockies, Less Water This Summer 80beats: Radar Reveals Antarctica’s Secret Landscape, Hidden Beneath Miles of Ice Image: flickr / Syeefa Jay
Objective: Compare sets informally using more, less, and fewer. Kindergarten Mathematics Module 3, Topic F, Lesson 21 Resources may contain links to sites external to the EngageNY.org website. These sites may not be within the jurisdiction of NYSED and in such cases NYSED is not responsible for its content. Common Core Learning Standards |K.CC.6||Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the...| |K.CC.7||Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.| |K.MD.2||Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more...|
|YOUR AD HERE| |You are HERE >> Mathematics > Grade 5| By Lisa Williams January 27, 2002 decimals: How to figure out which is greater: One book I have says that when comparing decimals with different names, change them to decimals having the same name. To state this in Mississippian English, make sure all the decimals have the same amount of numbers after (or to the right of) the decimal point. You do this by adding zero's to the end of the decimals if necessary. Look to the examples below. Another thing I find helpful is to either say the names of the decimals or write out their names as I have in the examples. It makes no sense at all to me if I called these decimals: 0.09 zero point zero nine Instead be sure to use their place value names 0.09 is nine-hundredths Add zero's to make all the decimals have the same place value name. In Mississippian English you are changing them all to thousandths since that is the lowest place value of the decimals given. All of them now have 3 numbers after the decimal point. 0.09 becomes 0.090 or SO you have 0.09 becomes 0.090 or Now you can plainly see which is least and which is greatest. If I added more than one zero to 0.09 making it 0.0900 then this decimal would read 900 ten-thousandths because the last zero was in the 10,000th's place. You could keep going and add still more zero's 0.090000 making this read 90,000 millionths. Compare these decimals to find the larger one. Remember that the decimal must have the same amount of numbers after the decimal point, thereby having the same place value name BEFORE you can compare them correctly. Which is larger? Now you can either say which is greater 0.50 (50 hundredths) or 0.51 (51 hundredths) by saying their names to yourself or you can line up the decimals and tell at a glance which is greater. I personally prefer the lining them up and adding zero's method but my oldest daughter used both till she got it figured out. 7.) 0.453 or 0.4506 8.) 1.16 or 1.6 9.) 0.29 or 0.229 10.) 3.5 or 3.49 11.) Write in order from smallest to largest: b._______ c.________ d.________ e. ________ f.__________ 7.) 0.453 or 0.4506 0.453 is bigger 8.) 1.16 or 1.6 1.6 is bigger 9.) 0.29 or 0.229 0.29 is bigger 10.) 3.5 or 3.49 3.5 is bigger Line up your decimal places first Your smallest decimal place is thousandths so you change them all to thousandths. Now you can see that they go in this order: a) 0.025 b) 0.25 c) 0.67 d) 0.829 e) 1.32 f) 1.67 Legal & Privacy Notices
Presentation on theme: "This lesson defines what a proof is and shows how to write a proof for a given hypothesis and conclusions."— Presentation transcript: This lesson defines what a proof is and shows how to write a proof for a given hypothesis and conclusions. You will be able to identify the postulates, axioms, and theorems that justify the statements in a proof. You will be able to use a theorem to solve problems. Theorem: A cat has nine tails. Proof: No cat has eight tails. A cat has one tail more than no cat. Therefore, a cat has nine tails. Proof – A series of true statements leading to a desired conclusion Theorem – A statement that can be proven true Given – Specified Prove – To show that a conclusion is true If Angles are vertical angles, then their measures are equal. To start a proof, clearly state what is given and is to prove. Given or hypothesis: “angles are vertical” Conclusion: “their measures are equal” Next, draw a picture of the given. a b c l d m a and d are vertical angles c and b are vertical angles To Prove: m a = m d m c = m b Work in 2 columns. You are now ready. Statement Lines l & m intersect to form vertical angles a & d m a + m b = 180 o m d + m b = 180 o Proof 1.Given 2. a & b are adjacent on m and are supplementary 3. b and d are adjacent on l and are supplementary m a + m b = m b + m d m a = m d 4)Axiom I, substitution and steps 2 & 3 5)Axiom 3, if equals are subtracted from equals, the differences are equal
A video tutorial for how to draw Lewis Structures in five steps. The video covers the basic Lewis structures you'll see in an introductory chemistry class. The five steps are: 1. Find the total valence electrons for the molecule. 2. Put the least electronegative atom in the center. Note: Hydrogen (H) always goes outside. 3. Put two electrons between atoms to form a chemical bond. 4. Complete octets on outside atoms. 5. If central atom does not have an octet, move electrons from outer atoms to form double or triple bonds. Get more practice at www.thegeoexchange.org/chemistry/bonding Lewis Structures are important to learn because they help us predict: - the shape of a molecule. - how the molecule might react with other molecules. - the physical properties of the molecule (like boiling point, surface tension, etc.). Drawing done in Adobe Illustrator and captured with Camtasia Studio on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Audio recording using a Yeti Blue microphone.
Number 2 in a series of posts dedicated to playful exploration of math concepts, incorporating visual arts, experimentation, discussion, collaboration, and above all fun! This activity can take any length appropriate for your classroom/lesson, from a 10-minute warm-up to an extended 1-hour exercise. Recommended for Grades 2-4 • Collaborative conversations o making statements and providing supporting ideas and details o taking turns o listening and responding to statements from peers • Designing multiple approaches and interpretations of the same topic • Geometric concepts o shape qualities: angles, edges/sides, corners/vertices, size o names and definitions of shapes With students working in groups of 4-6, ask them to answer the question: “What’s a square plus a triangle?” You may hear responses similar to these: • I don’t know. • What do you mean? • I don’t get it? If confusion reigns too uncomfortably (bwahahahaha!) break down the question into its parts: • What’s a square? • What’s a triangle? • What happens when you put them together? Allow students to be confused. Breathe. Try not to lead students toward any pre-conceived answers. Have groups discuss the question and encourage them to explain their confusion and ask questions to better “get it.” • Do you want us to show you? • In a drawing? • With numbers? Allow groups to come up with present their answers in any form, such as drawings, multi-person shapes, number sentences, or? Next, have students explain their answers or interpretations of other group’s answers, using prompts such as: • “Our answer is ____________ because..” • “I think they chose/made their answer because..” Encourage multiple explanations of the same answer. Ask others to add to explanations by pointing out additional details through words and pictures. Cut construction papers of different colors into squares and triangles of different sizes. Triangles can also vary by side length (equilateral, isosceles, and scalene) and angles (right, obtuse, and acute). What complex (or compound) shape can be created by combining 1 square and 1 triangle? Students draw additional answers, different than those made with pre-cut shapes. Ask students to create a tree. A robot wearing a hat. A house. A compound shape containing 3 triangles. A unique shape, different than all others in the class? • Is there only one correct answer to the question? Why/why not? • Was any answer wrong? Why/why not? • How was this activity a math activity?
Our Third Unit is all about our feelings and how to express them both in the context of our daily lives and in the context of plays and stories! Central Idea: We can express our experiences and feelings in different ways. Life themes: Appreciation (鑑賞 ) and Production (創作) Communication Skills: Non-verbal Communication Communication Skills: Humor Communication Skills: Listening: listening and responding Spirit: Playfulness and Confidence Summary – テーマ概要 In this unit we will be looking at verbal and non-verbal communication (Form 特性・構造), signs or indicators that describe feelings (Function 機能・役割), and stories that evoke different feelings (Perspective 視点・観点). It will be an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. Resulting in the learners feeling empowered and confident enough to create their own narratives and perform them for others. By gaining the vocabulary to express their feelings, especially feelings that are relevant to their daily lives both in and out of preschool, we hope that the learners feel more confident in using their words to express themselves and what they’re feeling, and by understanding their own feelings they’ll gain a greater empathy for others in the process.
Subject: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) Lesson Length: 30 - 45 mins Grade Level: 5, 6, 7 Standards / Framework: Brief Description: Students will use comic scenarios to discuss if the characters are showing integrity or not. Know Before You Start: Knowing what integrity is and the components of living with integrity will be helpful. Hook: As a class or in small groups ask students to discuss the following questions: - When do you know something is right or wrong? - How did you learn what is right or wrong? - What if no one is looking? Do you still have to do the right thing? Let students share their thoughts. Then explain the activity. Read and discuss the sample comic. Are the students in each panel showing integrity? Why or why not? How would you have handled the situation? This activity works as a small group or independent pen and paper activity as well. - Have students create their own three-panel comic showing themselves in a situation where they acted with integrity. Have students journal about why always exhibiting integrity is challenging. Explain why living in integrity is beneficial. Provide sentence frames for students. Print comic panels for student discussion.
Print Awareness During Read Alouds Prior to reading any story aloud - Introduce the story by stating the title, then the author's name and asking students, "What does an author do?" (Students should respond, "Writes the story."). - State the illustrator's name and ask, "What does an illustrator do?" (Students should respond, "Draws the pictures."). - Hold up the book and say, "This is the front of the book, (turn it sideways and state) and this is the spine." Turn the book to the back cover and state, "This is the back of the book." Then ask, "Do we begin reading from the front or the back of the book?" (Students should respond, "From the front."). - "Let's look at the picture on the front." - Hold up the book with the front cover facing the students. Ask: "What do you think will happen in this story? Remember, I want you to answer using complete sentences." Before the reading - Select vocabulary words from the story that you need to discuss prior to reading the story. Write them on sentence strips or on the board. Discuss the words with students. - Please note the use of open-ended questions that will require the students to give responses that extend beyond Yes/No answers. Remember to use open-ended questions as you read the story and in your discussion after the reading. - Encourage students to draw upon what they know about the words from their personal lives. For example, if the word is the verb fish, perhaps some of the children have gone on fishing trips with their parents. Encourage a brief telling of personal stories. Their personal stories allow students to make connections with the text. During the reading - Briefly discuss the pictures on each page after reading that page. - Encourage students to guess/predict what will happen next. After the reading - Ask students to tell you if they liked the story and why. Encourage responses in complete sentences. "I liked it when the little girl rescued her friends because it showed that girls can be heroes."
So far in the integer division series, we have tackled the following ideas: - Whole Number Division and the Two Types of Division: Quotative and Partitive - Division of Integers: Negative Divided By a Negative - Division of Integers: Negative Divided By a Positive If you have yet to view those posts, you should definitely go back prior to moving on to ensure that you are ready to grasp our last step in the Division of Integers Series: Positive Number Divided By a Negative Number. In this video, we will address the division of a positive dividend by a negative divisor first using partitive (or fair share) division, then quotative (or measured) division. The viewer will also be prompted to pause the video and try one their own using concrete manipualtives and/or visuals. See the instructional guide below aimed to help teachers and/or parents use this activity with their own students/children. Visual Prompt #1: Partitive Division In the video above, we start with dividing a negative by a negative through partitive division: 8 ÷ (-2) = ___ 8 divided into -2 groups gives a result of ___ per group So, let’s have the viewer model concretely and/or visually the following: We can approach this using a set or linear model where we are spatially splitting the quantity into 2 equal “negatively charged” groups and counting the number of objects in each group. We can think of this as repeated subtraction if we were to fair share 1 object at a time or 2 objects at a time, up to a quantity that a student is comfortable to subitize quickly for distributing equally to the two groups. Visual Prompt #2: Quotative Division Now we move on to approaching the same problem from a partitive division perspective: 8 ÷ (-2) = ____ 8 divided into groups of -2 gives a result of ____ groups. The problem we run into here is that we want to determine how many groups of -2 we can create from 8. This is a problem because we can’t make any groups of -2 (or so it may seem). If we determine first how many groups of +2 we can make (4 in total), we can negate the negative of each group by using negatively charged groups: So instead of having 4 positively charged groups of +2, we can express those groups as 4 negatively charged groups of -2. In other words, we have: -4 groups of -2 Other possible representations and strategies: Consider determining how many groups of +2 we can “remove” since division represents repeated subtraction. Once we find out how many groups of +2 we can remove, we can then express those groupings negatively to create negative values in the groups: We can also think about how many groups of -2 we can “add” to get to 0: Since repeated addition is the opposite operation of repeated subtraction, we can then take those groups and “subtract” them by negating the groupings: Visual Prompt #3: Your Turn! Pause the video and let the viewer apply their knowledge of positive number divided by a negative number using partitive division in the following visual prompt: 10 ÷ (-5) = ___ 10 divided into -5 groups gives a result of ___ per group Allow time for the viewer to engage in the partitive division before showing the remainder of the video animation or the following still image. Again, we must note that we want to determine the value of the quantity that will be shared amongst 5 negatively charged groups or -5 groups. By fair sharing 10 across the -5 groups, we see that each group will contain 2 negatives or -2. How about approaching the same problem using quotative division: 10 ÷ (-5) = ___ 10 divided into groups of -5 gives a result of ___ groups By using our conceptual understanding built through the previous visual prompts, we can now recognize that since there are 0 groups of -5 we can create from the +10 given, we must use negatively charged groups. Since I can create 2 groups of +5, I know I can also represent those same two groups as -2 groups of -5. There you have it! Understanding integer division conceptually through concrete and visual representations. In my classroom, I’d have students using coloured tiles or linking cubes to physically manipulate the materials to fully conceptualize this very important idea that often is approached using only rules and procedures. Did you use this in your classroom or at home? How’d it go? Post in the comments! Thanks for sticking around! Math IS Visual. Let’s teach it that way.
Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project 1. Select a Topic See the list of projects and read What Makes a Good Project?. Remember a Science Fair Project is a test you do to find an answer to a question, not just showing what you know about something. 2. Gather Background Information Gather information about your topic from books, magazines, the Internet, people and companies. Keep notes about where you got your info 3. Scientific Method State the Purpose of your experiment - What are you trying to Select a variable (something you will change/vary) that will help you find your answer. State your Hypothesis - your guess about what the answer will Decide on and describe how you will change the thing you selected. Decide on and describe how you will measure your results. 4. Run Controlled Experiment and Record Data Do the experiment as described above. Keep notes in one place. Write down everything you can think of, you might need it later. 5. Graphs and Charts What happened? Answer that question, then put the results in graphs and charts. 6. Construct an Exhibit or Display It has to be neat, but it does NOT have to be typed. Make it fun, but be sure people can understand what you did. Show that you used the Scientific Method. 7. Write a short Report Tell the story of your project - tell what you did and exactly how you did it. Include a page that shows where you gathered background information. It can be 2 pages or even more. Paper Guidelines to help you out. 8. Practice Presentation to Judges Practice explaining your project to someone (parent, friend, grandparent, etc.) This will help you be calm on Science Fair Day. The judges are very nice and will be interested in what you did and what you learned. 9. Come to the Fair and have fun! See you there! This page written by Yvonne Karsten - Parent and Science Fair Coordinator at Kennedy Elementary School 1994-1996.
How Are Earthquakes Measured? by AMNH on Thanks to the scale at which they take place, natural disasters can be challenging to measure. Consider earthquakes: you can’t ask how high an earthquake is, or quantify the weight of tectonic plates shifting against one another. What seismologists try to do instead is to measure the energy released by a quake, which you can learn all about at the Museum’s Nature’s Fury exhibit. Efforts to detect earthquakes stretch back thousands of years. In 132 CE, Chinese polymath Zhang Heng crafted what is thought to be the first seismic instrument, a bronze vase-shaped device with eight tubes, corresponding to direction points on a compass, protruding from it. When the vase detected an earthquake, the ball would drop from the appropriate tube into a container below, indicating the direction of the quake. Contemporary reports indicate this primitive seismoscope could detect quakes hundreds of miles away, though later attempts to replicate the device couldn’t reproduce this degree of accuracy. Fast-forward to the 20th century. Most Americans are familiar with the Richter scale, which was developed by seismologist Charles Richter in 1935 at the California Institute of Technology. This scale is based on the largest shock wave recorded by a seismograph 100 km from the earthquake epicenter (the point on Earth’s surface directly above the rupture). Initially devised only to compare the strength of moderate quakes along the San Andreas fault in southern California, the Richter scale was eventually generalized to measure earthquakes all over the world. The Richter scale is logarithmic, with each step up the scale marking a tenfold increase in quake strength—a 4.0 quake on the Richter scale is, for instance, releases 10 times the energy of a 3.0 earthquake. The problem was that for large quakes—over 7.0 on the scale—the Richter scale was less reliable. In 1979, as geologists developed more accurate techniques for measuring energy release, a new scale replaced the Richter: the moment magnitude, or MW scale, which seeks to measure the energy released by the earthquake. It’s also a logarithmic scale and comparable to Richter for small and medium quakes—a 5.0 on the Richter scale, for example, is also about a 5.0 MW quake—but better-suited to measuring large quakes. No matter what scale is used, quakes are detected using devices called seismographs, which measure ground motion and produce images showing how these vibrations travel over time. The magnitude of a quake determines how it is classified by organizations such as the U.S. Geological Survey, from “micro” quakes—the smallest that can be felt by humans—to “great” quakes, which can cause devastation over huge areas.
Operators are the foundation of any programming language. Thus, the functionality of Perl programming language is incomplete without the use of operators. A user can define operators as symbols that help to perform specific mathematical and logical computations on operands. String are scalar variables and start with ($) sign in Perl. The String is defined by user within a single quote (‘) or double quote (“) . There are different types of string operators in Perl, as follows: - Concatenation Operator (.) - Repetition Operator (x) - Auto-increment Operator (++) Perl strings are concatenated with a Dot(.) symbol. The Dot(.) sign is used instead of (+) sign in Perl. This operator takes two scalars variables as operands and combines them in a single scalar variable. Both scalars i.e left and right will convert into a single string. String After Concatenation = GeeksforGeeks Repetition Operator (x) The x operator accepts a string on its left-hand side and a number on its right-hand side. It will return the string on the left-hand side repeated as many times as the value on the right-hand side. The repetition depends on the user’s input number. "String" x number_of_times GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks GeeksforGeeks Note: Possible cases while using the Repetition Operator (x) in String as follows: - $string xnumber : Gives Output - $string x number : Gives Output - $stringxnumber : Gives Error(where no space between string and x) - $stringx number : Gives Error(where no space between string and x) Important Point to Remember: Both the Concatenation and Repetition operator can be used with assignment(=) operator as follows: - Concatenation Assignment Operator (.=) - Repetition Assignment Operator (x=) Auto-increment Operator (++) This operator can also apply to strings. It is a unary operator thats why it will only take a single operand as string. The last character of the operand(i.e string) will increment by one using the ASCII values of characters. The important point to remember about ++ operator that if the string ends with ‘z or”Z’ then the result of ++ operator will be ‘a’ or ‘A’ respectively but the letter to the left of it will also increment by one as well. After ++ : AYZ Again After ++ : AZA - Perl | Useful String Operators - Perl | Operators | Set - 2 - Perl | Operators | Set - 1 - Perl | Operators in Regular Expression - Perl | File Test Operators - Perl | Useful String functions - Perl | Extract IP Address from a String using Regex - Perl | String functions (length, lc, uc, index, rindex) - Perl | Automatic String to Number Conversion or Casting - Perl | Basic Syntax of a Perl Program - Perl vs C/C++ - Use of print() and say() in Perl - Perl | le operator - Perl | ge operator - Perl | cos() Function If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using contribute.geeksforgeeks.org or mail your article to firstname.lastname@example.org. See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. Please Improve this article if you find anything incorrect by clicking on the "Improve Article" button below.
Because most programs define and gather some sort of data, and then do something useful with it, it helps to classify different types of data. The first data type we’ll look at is the string. Strings are quite simple at first glance, but you can use them in many different ways. A string is simply a series of characters. Anything inside quotes is considered a string in Python, and you can use single or double quotes around your strings like this: "This is a string." 'This is also a string.' This flexibility allows you to use quotes and apostrophes within your strings: 'I told my friend, "Python is my favorite language!"' "The language 'Python' is named after Monty Python, not the snake." "One of Python's strengths is its diverse and supportive community." Let’s explore some of the ways you can use strings. Changing Case in a String with Methods One of the simplest tasks you can do with strings is change the case of the words in a string. Look at the following code, and try to determine what’s happening: name = "ada lovelace" print(name.title()) Save this file as name.py, and then run it. You should see this output: In this example, the lowercase string “ada lovelace” is stored in the variable name. The method title() appears after the variable in the print() statement. A method is an action that Python can perform on a piece of data. The dot (.) after name in name.title() tells Python to make the title() method act on the variable name. Every method is followed by a set of parentheses, because methods often need additional information to do their work. That information is provided inside the parentheses. The title() function doesn’t need any additional information, so its parentheses are empty.title() displays each word in titlecase, where each word begins with a capital letter. This is useful because you’ll often want to think of a name as a piece of information. For example, you might want your program to recognize the input values Ada, ADA, and ada as the same name, and display all of them as Ada. Several other useful methods are available for dealing with case as well. For example, you can change a string to all uppercase or all lowercase letters like this: name = "Ada Lovelace" print(name.upper()) print(name.lower()) This will display the following: ADA LOVELACE ada lovelace The lower() method is particularly useful for storing data. Many times you won’t want to trust the capitalization that your users provide, so you’ll convert strings to lowercase before storing them. Then when you want to display the information, you’ll use the case that makes the most sense for each string. This article is an excerpt from A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming by Eric Matthes Reproduced with permission from No Starch Press
1. There are two basic types of LITHOSPHERE: continental and oceanic. CONTINENTAL lithosphere has a low density because it is made of relatively light-weight minerals. OCEANIC lithosphere is denser than continental lithosphere because it is composed of heavier minerals. A plate may be made up entirely of oceanic or continental lithosphere, but most are partly oceanic and partly continental. 2.Beneath the lithospheric plates lies the ASTHENOSPHERE, a layer of the mantle composed of denser semi-solid rock. Because the plates are less dense than the asthenosphere beneath them, they are floating on top of the asthenosphere. 3.Deep within the asthenosphere the pressure and temperature are so high that the rock can soften and partly melt. The softened but dense rock can flow very slowly (think of Silly Putty) over geologic time. Where temperature instabilities exist near the core/mantle boundary, slowly moving convection currents may form within the semi-solid asthenosphere. 4.Once formed, convection currents bring hot material from deeper within the mantle up toward the surface. 5.As they rise and approach the surface, convection currents diverge at the base of the lithosphere. The diverging currents exert a weak tension or “pull” on the solid plate above it. Tension and high heat flow weakens the floating, solid plate, causing it to break apart. The two sides of the now-split plate then move away from each other, forming a DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY. 6.The space between these diverging plates is filled with molten rocks (magma) from below. Contact with seawater cools the magma, which quickly solidifies, forming new oceanic lithosphere. This continuous process, operating over millions of years, builds a chain of submarine volcanoes and rift valleys called a MID-OCEAN RIDGE or an OCEANIC SPREADING RIDGE. 8.As the oceanic plate moves farther and farther away from the active, hot spreading ridge, it gradually cools down. The colder the plate gets, the denser (“heavier”) it becomes. Eventually, the edge of the plate that is farthest from the spreading ridges cools so much that it becomes denser than the asthenosphere beneath it. 9.As you know, denser materials sink, and that’s exactly what happens to the oceanic plate—it starts to sink into the asthenosphere! Where one plate sinks beneath another a subduction zone forms. 10.The sinking lead edge of the oceanic plate actually “pulls” the rest of the plate behind it—evidence suggests this is the main driving force of subduction. Geologists are not sure how deep the oceanic plate sinks before it begins to melt and lose its identity as a rigid slab, but we do know that it remains solid far beyond depths of 100 km beneath the Earth’s surface. 11.Subduction zones are one type of CONVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY, the type of plate boundary that forms where two plates are moving toward one another. Notice that although the cool oceanic plate is sinking, the cool but less dense continental plate floats like a cork on top of the denser asthenosphere. 12.When the subducting oceanic plate sinks deep below the Earth’s surface, the great temperature and pressure at depth cause the fluids to “sweat” from the sinking plate. The fluids sweated out percolate upward, helping to locally melt the overlying solid mantle above the subducting plate to form pockets of liquid rock (magma). 13.The newly generated molten mantle (magma) is less dense than the surrounding rock, so it rises toward the surface. Most of the magma cools and solidifies as large bodies of plutonic (intrusive) rocks far below the Earth’s surface. These large bodies, when later exposed by erosion, commonly form cores of many great mountain ranges that are created along the subduction zones where the plates converge. 14.Some of the molten rock may reach the Earth’s surface to erupt as the pent-up gas pressure in the magma is suddenly released, forming volcanic (extrusive) rocks. Over time, lava and ash erupted each time magma reaches the surface will accumulate—layer upon layer—to construct volcanic mountain ranges and plateaus, such as the Cascade Range and the Columbia River Plateau (Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.).
This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on how commas are used to add extra information in a sentence. In total there are three slides: Slide 1 - Definition of how commas can be used to include extra information in a sentence with examples.Examples include the extra information in the middle and at the end of a sentence. Slide 2 - Eight sentences where the commas are missing. The children need to copy the sentences out putting the commas in the correct place. Slide 3 - Ten partially completed sentences where the extra information is given and the children need to complete the sentences. The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard. It is also extremely good value for money, providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity! The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
Mathematics Common Core Standards: Geometric Properties as Equations Students use what they know about operations in algebra to demonstrate (or prove) certain aspects or characteristics of geometric shapes for Common Core Standards. For example, if you know that the three interior angles of a triangle must add up to 180 degrees and that the first two angles are 70 and 50 degrees, you know that the third angle is 180 – 70 – 50 = 60 degrees. Students also begin to explore conic sections (or simply conics) — curves, circles, or ellipses formed by a plane slicing through a cone. Upon graduation, students need to be able to translate between the equation and the graphical representation of conic sections. If the center of a circle is represented by (h, k) as an ordered pair, then the equation of a circle is (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2, with r being the radius. For our purposes, let’s say that the center of the circle is at (3, 4) and that the radius of the circle is 5. If you graph this on a coordinate plane, then all points lying on the circumference of the circle can substitute for the values of x and y in the equation. To test whether you’ve graphed the circle correctly, pick a point that you know should be on the circumference and insert it into the equation. For example, the ordered pair (8, 4) should lie on the circumference. When you substitute (8, 4) for x and y, the equation is still true. (8 – 3)2 + (4 – 4)2 = 25 52 = 25 The equation represents a cross section of a cone taken parallel to the base. The equation defines a circle with a center at x = 3, y = 4 and a radius of 5.
Knowing basic parts of speech can be helpful for English Language Learners. It helps give them structure in their speaking and writing. It is a great way to introduce new vocabulary words and lends itself well to sorting activities. Many language standards in the Common Core cover parts of speech. Here are some strategies for teaching parts of speech. Highlight parts of speech in different colors In a reading passage or on a worksheet assign each part of speech students are studying a different color. Then have them highlight them in the text. This is a great way to integrate a grammar lesson with reading. You can use text that students are already familiar with or use a piece of their own writing. Use a photograph or picture and label all the nouns. Come up with adjectives that describe the photograph. Use adverbs to describe what is happening in the picture. You can give groups of students a picture to label and then combined the responses onto a larger one to display. This is a great writing warm-up. After this grammar exercise student will have a list of descriptive words to use in their writing. **The Amazon links are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase the item. There are many games that can be used to help teach parts of speech. This includes: DK Silly Sentences: Each part of speech is a different color. Students create silly sentences using puzzle pieces. There are pictures for the nouns. Parts of Speech Bingo: Match words used in a sentence with the correct part of speech on the gameboard. Sentence Shuffle Fun Deck Cards: Unscramble color coded sentences. Each part of speech is a different color. Word sorts help students to categorize and remember words. Sorting words into groups of nouns and verbs or person, place, and thing can be a quick warm up and easy way to review or practice parts of speech. This can be done with both words and pictures depending on students language levels. Combining coloring pages with learning parts of speech allow students to practice vocabulary words in a fun way. Coloring gives them a creative outlet that even older students will enjoy. Read more about using color by code sheets to teach parts of speech Task cards are a great tool for learning parts of speech. You can use them to focus on specific areas and break apart information into small chunks. Students can use the task cards independently or work with a partner to answer the questions. Task cards can also be used with game boards. I have a ready-made set of Preposition Task Cards. This series of books uses funny cartoon pictures to illustrate the parts of speech. The books cover Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs, and Prepositions. This series of 8 books by Ruth Heller highlights each part of speech. Beautiful illustrations help students visualize the vocabulary words on each page. Schoolhouse Rock has some fun songs from the 1970s: Sesame Street has segments that focus on parts of speech. Maple Leaf Learning has some catchy songs with easy to follow hand movements for prepositions, and another song for adjectives.
Geometry Basics Resource Book Grades 5-8 Students who complete this workbook will be instructed in the basic concepts of geometry that are needed to build a solid base for understanding and performing operations involving higher math. Concepts covered in this book include lines and angles; two-dimensional figures; circles; three-dimensional figures; as well as perimeter, area, and volume. Lessons have extensive introductions that are designed as teacher-guided introductions to the lesson steps and skills. Provided practice pages feature exercises that permit students to practice and apply the concepts learned in real-world settings. The unit assessments that are located in the book are presented in standardized test format, and the text material is correlated to Common Core standards. An answer key is also included. 94 pgs, pb. ~ Mike Build a solid foundation for higher-level learning by focusing on basic geometry concepts. Geometry Basics for grades 5 to 8 targets the essential concepts of geometry to help students understand and perform operations that involve higher-level math. Complete with teacher-guided lesson instructions and student assessments, it is structured to increase subject-comprehension and improve student performance. In this standards-based resource book, students are given practice with lines, angles, circles, perimeter, area, volume, two-dimensional figures, and three-dimensional figures.
Today, you’ll learn about confidence intervals. But before that, we need to have a clear understanding of the difference between parameters and statistics. Parameters vs. Statistics Parameters are used to describe population, while statistics are used to describe samples from population. In Lesson 1, we used an example of a fast food restaurant in which we wanted to find the proportion of customers who buy burgers and fries and the proportion of customers who buy chicken wings. If we were to ask each single customer about their choice of food, we would have an exact value that demonstrates how many customers buy one type of meal or another. This value would be our parameter, as it describes the entire population of our fast food restaurant. However, it would be quite a tedious and tiring process to survey each customer, and therefore, we agreed to choose a sample of random customers and ask them about their choice of meals. We would have a random sample that would provide us with a statistic, which approximates the parameter. Statistics are used to provide us with the estimation of parameters. Margin of Error To have a better estimation of a parameter with respect to a statistic, statisticians come up with a margin of error. Using a margin of error, we can have an interval that provides us with a range of values, one of which is a parameter. A margin of error is calculated using multiple samples: More different samples provide us with a lower value of an error and a more accurate estimation of a statistic. For instance, let’s assume that our estimated statistic for customers who prefer chicken wings is 30%, meaning that 30% of the clients in our fast food restaurant prefer chicken wings to burgers with fries. An estimated margin of error is 5%, meaning that our parameter would be any value between 25% and 35%. We can also add some features to the aforementioned interval, which is based on a statistic and a margin of error, and redefine it as a confidence interval, which is a range of plausible values. However, sometimes we might get a statistic that is biased and does not capture a parameter even with a margin of error. To evaluate that, statisticians came up with something called the confidence level. The confidence level is the probability of the confidence interval to capture a population parameter. Most of the time, statisticians use a 95% confidence interval. To better understand it, look at the graph below: The graph illustrates a bell-shaped distribution: 95% of the distribution roughly lies within two standard deviations of the center of the distribution. Therefore, it is assumed that a population parameter lies within two standard deviations—or standard errors, in this case—within the center. The formula for a 95% confidence interval would be: (Statistic – 2 * (Standard Error)); (Statistic + 2 * (Standard Error)). For example, let’s say that we want to estimate the percentage of high school seniors who got accepted to college in state X. After getting a random sample of high school students, we get 76%. We also know that the standard error is 4.5%. Thus, our confidence interval would be, (76% – 2 * 4.5%; 76% + 2 * 4.5%) = (67%; 85%), meaning that we can be 95% sure that between 67% and 85% of high school seniors in state X got accepted to college. That’s it for today. Tomorrow, we will discuss hypothesis tests. Share with friends
Organic Chemistry lesson is now available as an individual lesson here for more information! Reactions introduces the nature of free-radical reactions and addresses such topics as chlorination, bromination, energy factors, the Hammond Postulate, isotopic effects, and other reactive intermediates. After a brief overview of the way in which the Chemistry Professor intends to address chemical reactions, the unit directs attention to the chlorination of methane and the nature of the free radical. An explanation of how the free radical mechanism occurs is accompanied by animation to promote understanding of this fundamental reaction. The three phases of the reaction are discussed: initiation, propagation, and termination with detailed examples and explanations of each. Positioning of chlorination on hydrocarbons with non-identical carbons is introduced by comparing percent of possible products based on probability of attack and the range of products based on observed percent. The concept of free radical stability is introduced and students address the product ratios that experience teaches. The concept of stability is treated using the Arrhenius equation and appropriate energy diagrams so that students can understand the actual reasons for the unexpected differences between the probability approach and the free radical approach. The method of reasonably predicting accurate product distribution is demonstrated. approach to transition state as the rate determining step is explained using energy diagrams stressing Ea. Multiple transition states are noted and the rate determining step for these situations noted. The program then moves to the bromination of propane and the many ways in which it is similar to and different from chlorination of propane. The familiar series of free-radical steps is noted, reminding the student of the basic principles of the free-radical mechanism. Superimposed energy diagrams are used to compare the ease with which second degree and first degree free radicals are produced. Chemical reactions then compares the chlorination vs. bromination processes by using comparative energy diagrams. The endothermic nature of one and exothermic characteristic of the other are compared, as are the energy differences in the transition states. The Hammond Postulate is introduced by denoting differences in the reactive states of the two processes. The student is led to note positional energy relationships among the states: reactants, transition state, and products, hence clarifying the Hammond Postulate. From these discussions, the concept of reactivity vs. selectivity is The need to selectively designate certain hydrogens for attack via free-radicals gives rise to the need for isotopic labeling. The characteristics of deuterium and deuterium-to-carbon bonds play important roles in studying chemical reactions. The ways in which deuterium labeling are used is described in this section. Brief mention is made of other reactive intermediates such as the carbocation, the carbanion, and the methylene free radical. The structures are presented for comparison, but the actual topics are addressed in later, more appropriate, units.
word problems can and should be done in students' heads. However, in order for them to fully understand what they are doing, and why, these are the steps to take for full math problem solving comprehension. 1. Student should read the problem at least twice for full 2. Student should highlight or underline the important information. 3. Ask student, "What is being asked of you? What do you want to know?" (That is the question at the end of the word 4. Ask student, "What operation needs to be performed? Look for key words." (sum, difference, total, etc...) 5. Ask student, "What steps do you need to take in order to solve the problem? List them." 6. Ask student to solve the problem. At the end of students are expected to write an "Exemplar". An "Exemplar" is written steps taken to explain how a story problem is solved. I read the problem. I know that…(list important I want to find out…(what question are you trying to answer?) I used was… (List your strategies- tally marks, draw a picture, add, subtract, I used this strategy because… (explain why you used certain steps.) My final answer is…(show your number models and final answer.) sense because…(explain how you checked information on exemplars, click
Order in the Math Class The students will physically review the order of operations. Grade Level: 5 - 7th Length of Time: 1-2 Class Periods Common Core Alignment CCSS.Math.Content.6.EE.A.2.C - Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole-number exponents, in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order (Order of Operations). For example, use the formulas V = s3 and A = 6 s2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s = 1/2. Objectives & Outcomes Using an interactive process, the students will be able to correctly use the order of operations. Pre-cut sheets of paper/cardboard large enough to see at a short distance, markers Prepare ahead of time: Create about 15 pieces of cardboard/paper with each having a different symbol, number, number w/exponent, root, parenthesis, etc. Opening to Lesson - Display the letters: PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) - Explain to students this will help them remember the order of operations - Display an example and have students solve the problem - Discuss responses and common errors Body of Lesson - Display prepared pieces of paper/cardboard showing different parts of an expression: operation signs, exponents, parenthesis, etc. - Give the samples to student volunteers or assign each to a student - Have students stand in front of the room creating an acceptable expression to be solved - Ask seated students to solve the problem - Discuss responses and common errors - Have the students shuffle the display - Ask students to solve the new problem - Split students into two large groups - Distribute blank sheets or paper/cardboard and markers to the students - Have students create various operational signs, numbers, parenthesis, exponents, roots, etc. (This should take no more than 10-15 minutes) - Once both groups have completed creating the display cards, tell students they will arrange them in a logical order for the other half of the class to solve - Some students may be holding a parenthesis and a number, or an operational sign and number - Encourage students to display easier problems first, then increase the difficulty - Allow about 10-15 minutes for each group to present the problems in front of the classroom - The seated students will be solving the expression (An option may be for the class to solve together the first couple of times.) - During the lesson, remind students of PEMDAS, but also tell students that when it is only addition/subtraction or multiplication/division, work left to right - Seated students may also write out the problem to help with solving - Review PEMDAS - Create or use a commercial worksheet with problems students will solve using the correct order of operations, in-class or for homework. Ask students why it is important to solve problems using the correct order of operations. Finally, ask students to create a new pneumonic device to recall the order of operations. Assessment & Evaluation Assessment page used for students to solve order of operation expressions/problems Modification & Differentiation Students work in smaller groups; have the paper/cardboard symbols, numbers, etc. created ahead of time and distribute some to each student randomly calling students to the front of the room to display different problems; do the lesson outdoors or in a gym where there is more room; have students create a 6-foot problem using old adding machine-like tape for peers to solve. Related Lesson Plans Students will learn about simple interest and how to calculate the real cost of a loan, credit card, and other types of borrowing. Using a current list of prices for food and clothing, the students will practice math skills related to percentages. The students will practice using geometry formulas measuring items in the classroom to find area and volume, radius and circumference, and identify the types of angles. Students will work in pairs to practice finding the volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres using everyday objects.
Confusingly, the symbol = can mean a few different things. - If we represent the quantities in a word problem with x + 2 = 3x, we might mean, "What value in place of x, if any, makes each side have the same value?" - If we decide to see what happens when x is 4, we might write down x = 4. In this case, the = symbol means, "At this moment, we assign the value 4 to x." - If we represent two quantities that we suspect are equal no matter their value of x with 4 + 6x – 12 = 2(-4 + 3x) and use properties of operations to rewrite each expression until they are identical to each other, = means an entirely different thing: "I think these expressions are equal no matter what I substitute for x, and I would like to know for sure." If you're reading this you probably realized all of that a long time ago, but none of this is at all obvious to your average 6th grader, or even 11th grader, and 6th grade is where in the common core math standards we are supposed to make a big pivot from arithmetic to algebra. This is just one task in a 6.EE arc designed to foster deep understanding, but I think it exemplifies the careful approach that we take for the sake of sense making. [student materials] [teacher materials (requires free registration)] The purpose of this task is to understand that two expressions that are equal for every value of their variable are called equivalent expressions. After the teacher eases students into it, students have a chance to work through the task. The entire point is to contrast x+2 and 3x, which are only equal (the same length) when x is 1, with x+3 and 3+x, which are equal no matter the value you substitute for x. Hey we could have told you x+3 and 3+x are equal no matter the value of x because of the commutative property. I wonder what other properties we can make clever use of. That's the purpose of the next task. Now, it was hard to choose activities from one lesson to share. This curriculum is multi-faceted and has some super cool stuff. (Akshully, the entirety of unit 6 in grade 6 is one of my favorite things in the world, along with the continuation of focusing on the EE standards in grade 7, unit 6. Check it out.) And this lesson is all steak and no sizzle. But getting the unsexy but necessary bits right is something I'm really proud of.
Mastery style instruction is a type of instruction that focuses on repetition and memorization. When using this method, it is important to hone in on increasing a student’s ability to “remember and summarize” the information in order to increase their competence on the subject matter. This method is best used when learning “practical information and procedures” such as multiplication or classroom rules. Students who learn through the mastery style of instruction typically are sufficient at math and benefit from practicing the material repetitively and receiving feedback. (Silver et al., 2009, 4-7) Understanding style instruction is a type of instruction that strives to deepen a student’s understanding of the subject matter by using “evidence and logic”. When using this method, it is essential to encourage students to inquire about the material so that they build their own understanding of the content. For example, when teaching a thematic unit on the beach, have students develop their own questions they want to know the answer to (ex. What are seashells?) and have them research it. Doing so effectively will create a very individual understanding of the content, specific to each child, so students can discuss their findings together, employing another effective method called “The Jigsaw Classroom”. Students who employ this learning style typically enjoy “inquiry, independent study, and making arguments” and are sufficient at explaining their findings. (Silver et al., 2009, 4-7) The self-expressive style of instruction is a type of instruction that encourages creativity and individuality when learning the subject matter. This method highlights each student’s own ability to “imagine and create” and leans on the “what-if’s” left in the learning material to foster each student’s unique understanding of the material. For example, having students write a diary entry as if they were Anne Frank and accompany the entry with a picture of what they think her living space looked like. Completing this activity will require students to figuratively step into Anne’s shoes and use their imagination, along with the descriptions they’ve read, to create her living space. Students who learn through the self-expressive style of instruction enjoy using “their imaginations to explore ideas” and typically right-brained creative thinkers who love expressing themselves and their original ideas. (Silver et al., 2009, 4-7) The interpersonal style of instruction is a type of instruction that seeks to create a understanding of the subject matter through building classroom relationships. An effective way to use this method is by encouraging teamwork through team building exercises. For example, dividing the classroom into groups and giving them spaghetti noodles and a marshmallow and tasking each group to build the tallest free-standing structure. The goal is not for each group to compete to build the tallest structure, but instead to build community in the classroom. Students who learn through the interpersonal style of instruction typically enjoy group work and “cooperative learning activities” and learn best when the teacher acknowledges their “successes and struggles”. (Silver et al., 2009, 4-7)All information for this section of the exam whether quoted, summarized, or put into my own words was gathered from the textbook cited here: (Silver et al., 2009, 4-7). What contributions did each of the following people make in terms of strategy development? Carl Jung contributed to strategy development through his work and theory on personality and learning styles. He asserted that individuals learn best through different instruction methods depending on their personality (extroversion vs. introversion, thinking vs. feeling, etc.). His theory on personality types eventually led to the development of the widely used Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. (Silver et al., 2009, 6) Kathleen Briggs and Isabel Myers Kathleen Briggs and Isabel Myers built on Carl Jung’s theory of personality types to develop a now-famous assessment that indicates how an individual’s personality type affects their learning styles. This cognitive assessment is called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and can be used by educators to assess student’s personality types. Educators can use these results to adjust instruction for each individual child depending on their personality. (Silver et al., 2009, 6)
This activity consists of listening for a letter or number, and then clicking on it. It is intended for native speakers, but is a good listening exercise for Spanish language learners. Each phrase that you hear begins la letra….or el número…Hearing and identifying these words, your child narrows the set of possible answers, and focuses on either the letters or the numbers. It is a simple version of “listening for the main idea.” This activity also teaches correct Spanish pronunciation. In Spanish, the names of the vowels are the same as the vowel sounds. Pronouncing the vowels correctly is crucial to good Spanish pronunciation. By hearing the letters pronounced correctly, your child will learn to say them correctly. Follow these steps to play: 1. Click on the link to practice recognizing letter and numbers in Spanish. 2. Click on Aprender con padres (Learn with parents). 3. Click on Reconocer letras y números (Recognize letters and numbers). You will hear Vamos a reconocer letras y números (Let’s recognize letters and numbers), and then a phrase. For example, you might hear – el número cinco (the number five) – la letra A (the letter A) Click on the letter or number that you hear. 4. After five letters and numbers the game will ask you ¿Quieres volver a jugar? (Do you want to play again?) Click on sí to continue playing.
In this activity, students will watch a video and answer related questions about the chemistry of pigment molecules and how they are used to give paints their specific color. During the video, students will learn about the importance of a pigment’s molecular structure, how they are physically suspended to create a paint color, as well as how they interact with light. High School and Middle School By the end of this activity, students should be able to - Describe the purpose of a pigment within a paint. - Differentiate between a pigment and a dye. - Understand the basic relationship between pigment molecules and light. - Describe how molecular structure is related to the color of a pigment. This activity supports students’ understanding of - Electromagnetic Spectrum - Visible Light - Solute& Solvent - Molecular Structure Teacher Preparation: minimal Lesson: 10 minutes - No specific safety precautions need to be observed for this activity. - The video, What are Pigments? was developed as a part of the 2017 AACT-PPG, Chemistry of Color content writing team project, sponsored by PPG Industries. The entire video series can be found here. - Additionally, 17 lesson plans related to the Chemistry of Color theme were developed by the content writing participants. You can learn even more about this project by reading an article from the September 2017 issue of Chemistry Solutions, written by the lead teacher involved in this project. - The running time of this video is approximately 4 minutes. - This video is intended for students to watch, and for teachers to integrate into their curriculum. - The student questions/answers are presented in sequential order in the video. - An answer key has also been provided for teacher reference. - Videos can be shown with the use of a classroom projector, or teachers can generate a Student Video Pass through their AACT membership to allow students to independently access the video. For the Student While watching the video, What are Pigments? answer the following questions: - True or False? Pigments are the same as dyes. - Dyes ________________ bind to what they are applied to. - Pigments are ____________ ground to a fine powder and ____________ in paint. - True or False? Pigments are not dissolved in paint. - Which portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum can our eyes can detect? - True or False? The chemical bonds in pigment atoms filters lights so we only see certain wavelengths. - Pigments absorb light when the light’s energy “excites” an _______________. - A conjugated system is a type of _________________, which is the part of a molecule responsible for its ____________. - Axochromes are usually chosen to __________________ a molecule’s color.
What Is An Arête? Landforms are important features on the surface of the earth which define the surface terrain. There are four main landforms namely the mountain, hill, plateau, and a plain. The other landforms include basins, valleys, and buttes. Landforms can be created naturally by the movement tectonic plates under the earth or through the influence of human activities. Landforms can also be set up by the flow of the glacier, either on the mountain or a plain. Such landforms are referred to as glacial landforms. Glacial landforms can be formed by glacial erosion or glacial deposition. Depositional landforms are formed when the glaciers retreat leaving behind freights of crushed rocks and gravel while erosional landforms are created when expanded glacier crush and abrade scoured surface rocks. Some of the erosional landforms include Cirque, arête, glacial horns, and U-Shaped Valleys. Description Of Arêtes Arêtes are thin, spiky land formed when two glaciers erode towards each other. It is a small ridge of rock that is formed between the two valleys created the glacial erosion and is formed when two glacial cirques are eroded towards one another. The edges of arête are sharpened by freeze-thaw weathering while the slopes of the sides of arête are made steep through mass erosion of the exposed rock. Arête is a word borrowed from French which translates to edges and is used to refer to the sides of a ridge formed when glacier erode to form a U-shaped valley. Where more than cirques meet, a pyramid peak is formed. Formation Of Arete The formation of arête begins with the creation of Cirque through glacial erosion. Arête are on the mountainside shielded from direct sun energy and prevailing wind. The process starts with the accumulation of snow which forms the glacial ice. The hollow in the slope is then enlarged by glacial erosion and ice segregation. The hollow becomes significant if the glacial erosion intensifies creating a larger leeward deposition zone. The hollow may eventually become a large bowl-shaped on the slopes of the mountain with the headwall being weathered by ice segregation and plucking. The bowl formed by this glacial erosion is the Cirque. Two cirques may erode towards one another leading to the formation of arête landform or steep-sided ridge. If more than two cirques erode towards one another a Pyramidal Peak is formed which can be accessed by one or more arêtes. Cleavers are types of arête that disrupt the unified flow of glacial ice from the uphill side leading to the formation of two glacier flanking. Cleaver resembles meat cleaver slicing meat into two. The two glaciers flanking melt to their respective ends before they can be brought back together by their courses. The location of cleavers determines the route for the glacier flow because they are likely to disrupt the flow leading to a formation of a new route for the glacier. Examples Of Arete Some of the notable examples of arêtes include Clouds Rest, Half Dome, and the Minarets in California, the Garden Wall located in Glacier National Park in Montana, Crib Goch in Wales, Striding Edge in Lake District England, and Sawtooth in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Arete together with other glacial landforms such as Cirque and Pyramidal Peaks are important features that have not only been major tourist attractions but have also been used to describe mountains and predict weather patterns and weathering process in the area.
The Earth is formed of four concentric layers that have very different physical and chemical properties: inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the upper mantle form a cold, strong layer known as the "lithosphere" (from the Greek for "rocky" sphere) floating on the inner mantle. The lithosphere is fragmented into a dozen of huge, irregularly shaped pieces, called tectonic plates, which are in constant motion and slide over, under and past each other on top of the partly molten inner layer. There are two kinds of plates: oceanic crust (i.e. the plates under the ocean) and continental crust. There are 7 large and many small moving plates. The plates have a depth of 50 miles and on average they move only a few inches a year relative to one another. Coastlines and plate boundaries do not always align. Although the upper mantle is solid rock, it slowly flows in a convection current because of heat dissipating from the core. Convection currents in the mantle cause the plates to move several centimeters a year in different directions. If you look at the convection currents, you'll see that: Stress is exerted the plates as they move and those around them. They may collide, sink, or pull apart as the plates scrape boundaries creating stress which results in strain setting energy free. Subduction occurs when plates collide and one is drawn beneath another. This process can take thousands of years. The collision of plates creates mountains as rock layers are forced upward. As the plates diverge lava pushes through the mantle, cools and forms a new section of crust. Plates moving slowly along side each other create friction and intense heat as they slide resulting in volcanic activity if the rock melts. Earthquakes can occur if the plate slips sliding away or towards each other. In some cases this is a gradual movement. Sometimes the plates lock together unable to release the energy accumulated which builds up in the rock. When this energy elevates to the elastic limit of the rocks, they will break free causing the ground to shake. This usually occurs when two plates either ride over, or slide against each other, and the material at the edge of the tectonic plates deforms and ruptures at its weakest point. Thus the strain energy stored within the plate is released in the form of vibrations. Plate Boundaries are categorized into three types: There are places on earth where two plates are separating or spreading apart, such as at oceanic ridges. Rift valleys and faults occur when the lithosphere is under tensional stress. At spreading zones, new magma comes up from the mantle, pushing two plates apart and adding new material at their edges. Spreading zones are usually found in oceans along with mid-ocean ridges. For example, the North American and Eurasian plates are spreading apart along the mid-Atlantic ridge. As the new material flows out of the ridge, it pushes the existing ground floor out, until it eventually sinks under another plate, which leads us into a different type of boundary. Earthquakes with low Richter magnitudes along boundaries with normal fault motion tend to be shallow focus. These quakes can have focal depths of less than 20km.This indicates the brittle lithosphere must be thin along the diverging plate boundaries. These are found where plates slide past one another. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform -fault plate boundary along the north western Mexican and California coast. Earthquakes along transform boundaries show strike-slip motion on the faults, they form fairly straight linear patterns and tend to be shallow focus earthquakes with depths usually less than about 100 km. Richter magnitudes could be large. As seen in the image above, the trees (they look like small dots) in the aerial view of San Andreas fault have been offset by the slipping of the plates. The North American Plate to the right and the Pacific Plate to the left. Convergent boundaries are the place where two tectonic plates converge (i.e. two plates move toward each other). These zones tend to be where compressional stresses are active and this results in thrust or reverse faults being common. Converging plate boundaries are of two types: Convergent boundary zones are characterized by deep-ocean trenches, shallow to deep earthquakes, and mountain ranges containing active volcanoes. In general, where an oceanic and a continental plate collide, the denser oceanic plate will be forced under (subduction) the other.
The main function of a chemistry set is to teach about scientific principles by letting you observe them first-hand. One of the first things you learn in science classes is that scientific observation is systematic and ordered. This is why science projects must follow specific procedures, also called the scientific method. Chemistry sets provide young scientists with ideas and materials for a range of experiments, but always following the scientific method. The scientific method is universally used in all different branches of science and it always includes certain steps, which can be applied to any experiment: - Question/Problem: The first step to any scientific inquiry is to ask a question about something. This is what you want to find out by doing your experiment. For example, you might start with a question like “In what temperature does a lima bean plant grow the fastest?” - Background Research: Before beginning the experiment, you must research all the scientific principles involved. During this step, you are gathering the existing knowledge related to the experiment you intend to conduct. Using the above example of a lima bean plant experiment, you might research the plant’s typical growing conditions, water needs and other characteristics. - Hypothesis: A hypothesis is simply an educated guess about what you think will happen in your experiment, based on the research you’ve conducted. In the plant example, you might guess that lima beans will grow the fastest at temperatures of 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. - Experiment: Next, you conduct the actual experiment. In a science project context, you will need to outline and explain your procedures in detail and follow them exactly. Your experiment must also be designed to isolate the single variable you want to measure. In the lima bean example, you would set up a series of plants to have identical conditions except for the temperature. If you varied other things besides the temperature, you wouldn’t be able to tell which variable caused the change in results. In real scientific tests, the experiment is usually conducted several times and the results must be repeatable to be considered valid or proven. - Analysis: After conducting your experiment, you must look at the data you’ve collected and make a conclusion. The conclusion refers back to your original question. For example, you might conclude that lima bean plants grow the fastest in temperatures from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Your results do not always prove your hypothesis correct. One of the most exciting things about science is that your guess is not always right and sometimes you will get unexpected results. When that happens, you must use what you’ve learned to try to explain why you got the results you did instead of the results you predicted. Most chemistry set experiments don’t involve this type of detailed procedure because much of the initial work is already done for you. The experiment manual will include the question, background information and hypothesis, and all that’s left for you to do is conduct the experiment and observe the results. Still, chemistry sets are a great way to introduce young scientists to the process of systematic observation and the idea that conducting a true scientific experiment means being analytical, organized and thorough. Our chemistry set review highlights a range of sets for young scientists at many different levels. At TopTenREVIEWS We Do the Research So You Don’t Have To.™
Neutrons are neutrally charged particles that are found in the nucleus of atoms, along with the positively charged protons. As you can see in figure 1, the protons are pushed apart by the electromagnetic force, but pulled together by the strong force, which is stronger at short distances (these distances are about a fm or 10-15 m). The strong force comes from the interactions among the protons and neutrons. Neutrons are incredibly small, about 10-15 m, 10,000x smaller than an atom! Please see size of the universe for some online demonstrations to show this scale. The number of neutrons in a nucleus determines what isotope the nucleus is. Some isotopes are stable, and some aren't, depending on the ratio of protons to neutrons. If a nucleus has too many neutrons, it undergoes one type of beta decay and if has too few neutrons, it undergoes the opposite type of beta decay, see the bottom of the page for a PhET simulation about this stability. These decays are due to another force called the weak force. To learn more about neutrons please see hyperphysics. The University of Colorado has graciously allowed us to use the following Phet simulation. This simulation builds atoms from protons, neutrons and electrons and tests knowledge of the periodic table. The simulation shows how the neutrons and protons must balance for the nucleus to be stable.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, the Lithosphere (crust and upper mantle) is divided into twelve or so rigid plates, which collide, separate and slide by each other as they move. These movements can cause earthquakes, volcanoes, oceanic trenches, mountain range formation, and many other geological phenomenon. The plates are moving at a speed that has been estimated at 1 to 10 cm per year. The place where the two plates meet is called a plate boundary. Most of the Earth's seismic activity (volcanoes and earthquakes) occurs at the plate boundaries as they interact. Boundaries have different names depending on how the two plates are moving in relationship to each other: - Crashing: Convergent Boundaries At boundaries where plates collide, sometimes the crust buckles and mountains are forced up. The Himalayas are a good example where the Indian plate is pushing against the Eurasian plate and continuing to force up the mountains. At other convergent boundaries one plate will slide under the other. If an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, the lighter oceanic plate will go under (or subduct) under the continental plate. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can result. The most devasting earthquake occured off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26th 2004 when the the India Plate slid under the Burma Plate. The slip did not happen instantaneously but took place in two phases over a period of several minutes. The resulting earthquake triggered the Indian Ocean tsunami which claimed over a quarter of a million lives. - Pulling apart: Divergent Boundaries At boundaries where plates diverge, long parallel rifts can form in the Earth's crust. Examples include the East Africa rift in Kenya and Ethiopia, and the Rio Grande rift in New Mexico. Magma (liquid rock) seeps upward to fill the crack between the two plates. In this way, new crust is formed along the boundary. Earthquakes occur along the faults, and volcanoes form where the magma reaches the surface. In the ocean, magma wells up from the mantle along mid-ocean ridges. As the magma cools, it forms rock which spreads out at either side of the ridge, forming new oceanic crust. - Sideswiping: Transform Boundaries Places where plates slide past each other are called transform boundaries. Since the plates on either side of a transform boundary are merely sliding past each other and not tearing or crunching each other, transform boundaries lack the spectacular features found at convergent and divergent boundaries. However, their sliding motion causes lots of earthquakes. The most famous transform boundary in the world is the San Andreas fault in California (See the Earthquakes page). The strongest and most famous earthquake along the San Andreas fault hit San Francisco in 1906. - Where plates separate (e.g. the Mid Atlantic Ridge) new plates are created and where they collide (e.g. the Himalayas) plates are destroyed. - Movements along plate boundaries can result in mountains being built, volcanoes, earthquakes and the formation of deep-sea trenches.
Part 7: The Finale, Tectonic Plate Boundaries The mid-ocean ridges were formed by the movement of tectonic plates. Before data was obtained in the field of plate tectonics, people accepted the Permanence Theory, stating that continents and oceanic plates had not moved. During the twentieth century, scientists including F.B. Taylor, A. Wegener, and Taylor, Dietz, and Hess, began contributing the necessary information and forming more plausible theories. They all agreed that the continents are moving, known as continental drift. The most widely accepted hypothesis about continental drift is that of convection currents. This idea suggests that the flow of the mantle is induced by the currents which move the plates in the lithosphere. Convection currents rise and spread below divergent plate boundaries, converging and descending. Convection currents are believed to be caused by the cooling of the earth’s core and the cooling of and radioactivity in the mantle. There are three possible tectonic plate boundaries. These include divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. New crust is created at divergent boundaries, where plates diverge or pull away from one another. Oceans are created and widened in this manner. An example of this type of plate boundary would be the expansion of Iceland along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is creating crust in Iceland, but this landmass is expected to break apart along the rift that is forming there. Convergent boundaries are known as compression zones are subduction zones. Land masses are coming together, often forming mountains and volcanoes. There are three types of convergent boundaries: Oceanic-Continental convergence occurs when an oceanic plate pushes into and subdues under a continental plate. The continental plate is pushed up, forming mountain ranges. The deepest part of the subjecting plate fragments, and after some time these pieces of earth will suddenly move and cause large earthquakes. Oceanic-Oceanic convergence occurs when one oceanic plate is subjected under another, forming deep oceanic trenches such as the Marianas Trench. Undersea volcanoes are also formed this way. Continental-Continental convergence does not result in subduction. The two plates hit head-on, and because they are both relatively light they collide and resist downward motion. The crust is forced upward or sideways. The Himalayas were formed during the slow convergence of the Eurasion Plate and the Indian Plate. Transform boundaries, or transcurrent boundaries, are not formed by separation or collision. Instead, two plates will slide past each other, forming faults. Most transform faults are found on the ocean floor and are usually defined by small earthquakes. Some do occur on land, such as the San Andreas Fault in California. Faults can be classified geometrically, using the angle of the net slip and the apparent movement of the plates. These classifications include a strike-slip fault, characterized by parallel movement; a dip-slip fault, where one plate appears to have moved down relative to the other; and a diagonal-slip, incorporating a downward and sideward slip that appears as a diagonal movement. The theory of continental drift helps to explain the biogeographic distribution of present-day life found on different continents with similar ancestors. As discussed in Part 2, the history of species distribution can be uncovered using the theory of plate tectonics; geographical regions with the same biota may one day become separated; and disconnected geographical regions may collide, introducing unfamiliar organisms to new habitats.
Density is a convenient means of identifying solids and liquids. Density, however, is not measured directly. It is instead calculated from two or more simple measurements. Density represents the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume (the amount of space it occupies). Measuring the density of a solid or liquid therefore necessarily involves two measurements (mass and volume). In the sciences, these measurements are usually stated in metric units, such as grams (g) for mass, and milliliters (mL) or cubic centimeters (cm³) for volume. In these units, pure water has a density of 1.00 g/mL. Measurements of mass simply require a scale or balance. Solid objects can simply be placed on the balance and weighed after the balance has been adjusted so that the initial reading is zero. Liquids have to be placed in a container to be weighed. In this case, the weight of the empty container will also have to be determined and subtracted from the weight of the liquid plus the container: weight of liquid = (weight of container and liquid) – (weight of empty container) Measuring Volumes of Solids Two methods are available for measuring the volume of a solid object. If the object has a regular geometric shape, such as that of a cube, sphere, or cylinder, then the object’s dimensions can be determined by measurement with calipers or a simple ruler. You must then, however, know the equation for the volume of that shape. The volume (V) of a cylinder, for example, is given by V = ?r²h, where r is the cylinder’s radius and h is its height. NASA provides a convenient online formula sheet. The second method of determining the volume of a solid is by cubic displacement. This method requires a water-filled container with graduated volume markings. A kitchen measuring cup would suffice, although a graduated cylinder used in chemistry labs would be more accurate. In either case, the container would be filled about half full with water and the object then submerged in the liquid. The difference in the water level before and after the object is submerged gives the cubic displacement, which is equal to the object’s volume. For example, if a measuring cup was initially filled to 4.0 oz. and then read 4.6 oz. after the object was submerged, the volume of the object would be 4.6 – 4.0 = 0.6 oz. Measuring Volumes of Liquids Volumes for liquids are determined by placing the liquid in a container with graduated volume readings marked on the side. In most cases, this will be the same container that is used to hold the liquid while its mass is measured. Measuring cups or plastic syringes work well for this purpose. Make certain, however, that the volume of liquid is the same volume that is weighed when the mass is determined. After the mass and volume of the solid or liquid have been measured, divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density. - measuring cup image by Antonio Oquias from Fotolia.com
A depiction of the Western Hemisphere geoid. Areas in yellow and orange have a geoid which is comparatively further from the center of the Earth. While we often think of the earth as a sphere, our planet is actually very bumpy and irregular. The radius at the equator is larger than at the poles due to the long-term effects of the earth's rotation. And, at a smaller scale, there is topography—mountains have more mass than a valley and thus the pull of gravity is regionally stronger near mountains. All of these large and small variations to the size, shape, and mass distribution of the earth cause slight variations in the acceleration of gravity (or the "strength" of gravity's pull). These variations determine the shape of the planet's liquid environment. If one were to remove the tides and currents from the ocean, it would settle onto a smoothly undulating shape (rising where gravity is high, sinking where gravity is low). This irregular shape is called "the geoid," a surface which defines zero elevation. Using complex math and gravity readings on land, surveyors extend this imaginary line through the continents. This model is used to measure surface elevations with a high degree of accuracy.
This section contains 30 daily lessons. Each one has a specific objective and offers at least three (often more) ways to teach that objective. Lessons include classroom discussions, group and partner activities, in-class handouts, individual writing assignments, at least one homework assignment, class participation exercises and other ways to teach students about the text in a classroom setting. Use some or all of the suggestions provided to work with your students in the classroom and help them understand the text. Objective: Aunt Polly feels that she's doing wrong by Tom when she doesn't beat him. The objective of this lesson is to explore why Aunt Polly's conscience tells her to beat Tom. 1) 1) Have students write down an example of a time they were punished. Have the students share their examples, tell how and why they were punished, and how they felt about the punishment. Discuss... This section contains 5,924 words| (approx. 20 pages at 300 words per page)
Here is a unique opportunity to understand more about the ways your youngest students learn to count, recognize numerals, understand fractions, and learn about place value. Explore activities that support multiple intelligences, examine constructivist theories within the curriculum, and help students meet National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Along the way, you will develop strategies to help students build counting skills and understand our number system. Finally, you'll create a lesson plan to teach the concepts of counting and numbers. Lay the foundation that your students will build on to meet mathematical standards for years to come. Learn to teach "mental arithmetic" to enhance your students' understanding of addition and subtraction. Develop your understanding of computational strategies by observing students, exploring lesson plans, and examining Web resources. Find teaching resources and program information such as episode descriptions and educational learning goals for PBS KIDS shows. Nurture early math skills with original math games, offline activities, and age specific milestones for math development. (Available in English and Spanish) Find science, technology, engineering, and math resources for PreK-12 teachers and students.
Our planet’s interior is complex and has many layers. There are many unsolved mysteries about the formation and structure of these layers, but new research is providing some clues about how Earth’s internal structure may have evolved. If you were to take a journey to the center of the Earth, you would find that most material there is made of just three elements, at least until you get to around 3000 km below the surface. These elements—oxygen, silicon, and magnesium (plus a little bit of iron)—make up more than 90% of Earth’s “ceramic” mantle. Electrically and thermally insulating, the minerals of the mantle are the stony part of the planet. But as you go deeper, things suddenly change. About midway to the center, you cross a boundary from the stony mantle into the metallic core, initially liquid in its upper stretches, and then solid right in the center of the Earth. The chemistry changes, too, with almost all of the core being composed of iron. The boundary between the metallic core and the rocky mantle is a place of extremes. In physical characteristics, Earth’s metallic liquid outer core is as different from the rocky mantle as the seas are from the ocean floor. One might imagine an inverted world that has storms and currents of flowing red-hot metal in the molten outer core. It is this flow of metal in the core that gives Earth its magnetic field, protects us from the solar storms that constantly bombard us, and allows life to thrive. How did such distinct layers of material end up next to each other? In a paper published in the Nature Geoscience, a group of scientists led by Wendy Mao of Stanford University have shown how metallic iron may be squeezed out of rocky silicates at depths of around 1000 km beneath the crust. Experiments on mixtures of silicate minerals and iron cooked up in the lab show that iron sits in tiny isolated lumps within the rock, remaining trapped and pinned at the junctions between the mineral grains. This observation has led to the view that iron only segregates in the early stages of planetary formation, when the upper part of the silicate mantle is fully molten. It is thought that droplets of iron rained down through the upper mantle and pooled at its base, then sank as large “diapir” driven by gravity. These fell through the deeper solid mantle to eventually form a core. Mao’s work suggests that this model needs revising. The team used intense X-rays to probe samples held at extreme pressure and temperature squeezed between the tips of diamond crystals. They found that when pressure increases deep into the mantle, iron liquid begins to wet the surfaces of the silicate mineral grains. This means that threads of molten iron can join up and begin to flow in rivulets through the solid mantle, a process called percolation. More importantly, this process can occur even when the mantle is not hot enough to form a magma ocean. “In order for percolation to be efficient, the molten iron needs to be able to form continuous channels through the solid,” Mao explained. “Scientists had said this theory wasn’t possible, but now we’re saying, under certain conditions that we know exist in the planet, it could happen. So this brings back another possibility for how the core might have formed.” Commenting on the results, Geoffrey Bromiley of the University of Edinburgh said, “This new data suggests that we cannot assume that core formation is a simple, single-stage event. Core formation was a complex, multi-stage process which must have had an equally complex influence on the subsequent chemistry of the Earth.” Mao’s data raises important questions about how we start the formation of cores in planets. The prevailing idea in earth sciences is that studying the cores of meteorites and asteroids may help reveal insights about our own planet. But, Bromiley said, “their deep percolation model implies that early core formation can only be initiated in large planets. As a result, the chemistry of the Earth may have been ‘reset’ by core formation in a markedly different way from smaller planets and asteroids.” He added, “The challenge now lies in finding a way to model the numerous processes of core formation to understand their timing and subsequent influence on the chemistry of not just the Earth, but also the other rocky bodies of the inner solar system.” Bromiley and his colleagues are now investigating whether other factors might influence structure formation, like the deformation that asteroids and other bodies might have experienced on their chaotic pathways through the early Solar System. His work is adding other interesting questions. “We are increasingly observing metallic cores in bodies much smaller than the Earth. What process might have aided core formation in bodies which were never large enough to permit percolation of core forming melts at great depths?”
Learners make statements using the greater than and less than symbols. They read the given problem and brainstorm ways to solve it. Then they observe 4 pictures and make statements that could be true using them. 3 Views 1 Download New Review Two-Step Problems—All Operations Step 1: Use the resource. Step 2: Watch your class become experts in solving two-step problems. Scholars learn to solve two-step word problems in context. They use tape diagrams and algebraic techniques to break the problem into two,... 6th Math CCSS: Designed Subtracting Mixed Numbers (Unlike Denominators) Young mathematicians demonstrate their ability to subtract mixed numbers by completing this collection of fraction word problems. From figuring out the weight of objects in a package, to finding the difference in height between two... 3rd - 7th Math CCSS: Adaptable Number Line Graphic Organizer for Elapsed Time Introduce young mathematicians to the concept of elapsed time with this simple upper-elementary math lesson. Using the help of the included number line graphic organizers, children work through a series of guided and independent practice... 3rd - 6th Math CCSS: Adaptable Assessment for the California Mathematics Standards Grade 7 In need of an all-inclusive seventh grade math resource? Packed full of the topics necessary for Pre-Algebra the packet includes practice problems with different difficulty levels. It works great for any supplemental use needed in the... 6th - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable
Students learn that every step in a set of instructions is important. In this resource we look at the idea that computer programs comprise a series of steps (or instructions) to work. Computer programming is complicated, especially for this age group, but we are looking at the concept that computers, like people, require instructions to reach a desired end result just like cooking a recipe. Includes step-by-step lesson plan. We have also provided a PowerPoint sequencing activity for making a Pizza which can be downloaded FREE from our store. Foundation to Year 2 / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills / ACTDIP004 Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems. Please download preview to see full resource before purchasing.
The electoral college was created as a compromise between those at the Constitutional Convention who wanted the U.S. president elected by popular vote and those who wanted Congress to select the president. Instead, electors corresponding to the number of representatives each state had in Congress would elect the president.Continue Reading Objections to a popular vote mainly concerned the difficulty of transmission of information about the candidates to voters throughout the country, which would lead voters in larger states to prefer local politicians with which they were familiar. Voting by Congress alone would potentially upset the governmental balance of power and lead to corruption and political bargaining. A group called the Committee of Eleven proposed the compromise of the Electoral College. Each state would have a total number of electors corresponding to its two senators and the amount of its members in the House of Representatives, which is based on the state's population. Individual state legislatures would decide on how the electors were chosen, assuaging the fear of many states of a too-powerful federal government. To maintain balance in the various branches of the federal government, members of Congress and government employees were not allowed to be electors. The electors would meet in their home states, further forestalling federal intervention. The Constitutional Convention agreed upon the compromise, and the Electoral College system was written into Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.Learn more about Elections
Our Introduction to Commas lesson plan introduces students to the proper use of commas in writing. They learn how to use commas in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes, as well as when not to use commas. Students are asked to work collaboratively on an activity in which they create sentences that use commas and share them with the class. Students are also asked to demonstrate their understanding of comma placement by completing exercises in which they insert commas into existing sentences and write out the comma rule for example sentences. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define comma, and correctly use commas in dates, series, greetings, letter closings, addresses, and dialogue. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.1.2.C, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.2.B, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.2.B, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.2.C
An investigation that allows children to understand the properties of magnetism and grouping materials by properties i.e. magnetic and non-magnetic. - Bar magnet - Wooden blocks - Paper / card objects - Plastic objects - Post it note - White boards & pens - Aluminium cans - Steel cans Programmes of Study: Working scientifically Lower KS2 - Use results to draw simple conclusions Forces and magnets – Year 3 - compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials 1. Split the children into groups. Give each group a set of magnets and a variety of objects from the list. 2. Set the following question – What does your magnet do to the objects supplied? 3. Give the groups time to play with their magnets and see how they react with the materials they have been provided with. 3. At the end of a set period of time, ask the children to stop and feedback what they have found out so far. Introduce the term attraction if they have not used it. 4. Set up two hoops at the front of the classroom and label them ATTRACTION and NO ATTRACTION. Explain to the children that they are going to work in their groups to go on a magnetism hunt. They must test objects around the classroom to see which objects the magnets are attracted to and which objects the magnets are not attracted to. Each time they test and object they must write its name on a post it note and place it in the correct hoop. 5. After a set amount of time stop the children and draw them back to the front of the class to look at the hoops. What do they notice about the objects in the ATTRACTION hoop? They should notice that all the objects are metal. If there are any that are not retest them and prove that it is only metal objects that attract magnets. Ask the children in their groups to write a conclusion on their white boards based on their findings and feedback. 6. Discuss as a class these conclusions and come up with an agreed conclusion, aiming to get something along the lines of – Magnets are attracted to metallic objects. - Look at the second hoop NO ATTRACTION. What do the children notice about the objects? It should be a mix of non-metallic objects and some metallic objects that are not iron or steel (ferrous). Introduce the idea of different kinds of metal – Iron (steel – iron based metal) and others such as aluminium. Show the children labelled cans (different metals). Allow the children to experiment with these cans and the magnets. Repeat the sorting activity. What do the children discover? - Amend the group conclusion to make sense of this new knowledge. Magnets are attracted to ferrous metal objects. - Make sure the magnets are working before using. - Ensure that you have a variety of different cans/objects of different metals (labelled) for the extension activity.
Diversity’s literal definition would be difference or range. Diversity recognises that although people do have similarities, they have many more differences which make them unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising and valuing our differences as well as understanding and embracing them. It is important to teach children about the different people around them, this includes interior and exterior factors. Interior factors include: culture, background, personality, religion/belief, ability, needs and sexual orientation. Exterior factors include: ethnicity, age, personal/facial features, clothing, and body weight/build. Equality is often conceived to be treating people exactly the same, but it is more about treating them in a way that is appropriate for their individual needs. This is important and fair because some people will need more support than other people in order to achieve and be included. An example of this could be if when in the setting you have arranged a physical activity for the children in the garden. Children vary in development in all areas, some children may be lacking in confidence or self-esteem. They could simply different in personality but it is important to allow them to feel confident and comfortable in participating or to set up separate activities. A variation of the same activity or making all children feel involved in the same activity is good when possible. As part of equality practitioners must not show favouritism or disfavour different children because of their ethnicity, age, gender, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status, or religion/belief. Inclusion: Inclusion is about how we respond to diversity and prevent inequalities. This is to provide equal opportunities for all children regardless of their various backgrounds or needs. It is important to encourage children to participate as well as to respect and value their needs. Sometimes children may not feel
This book is designed to be used with most second-grade English language texts and provides practice in capitalization, punctuation, writing sentences, paragraphs, and stories, and identifying parts of speech. Each page in the book introduces a new concept or skill with a definition or rule clearly stated at the top of the page. Learning different kinds of words (nouns, verbs, etc.) and their relationship to each other (grammar) helps children develop confidence and skill in using language. Answer key included. This enhanced eBook gives you the freedom to copy and paste the content of each page into the format that fits your needs. You can post lessons on your class website, make student copies, and more.
Student Materials: Words & Their Parts Stresses the importance of word parts in determining a word’s meaning. Coupled with this word learning principle is the vocabulary-building strategy of adding the distinct meanings of individual word parts together to determine a larger word’s meaning. All of the vocabulary words to learn in this lesson have the same targeted word parts—in this case, prefixes. Students learn what prefixes are and an important principle that will help them learn new words with these prefixes. Students learn to use their knowledge of prefixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. Students sort vocabulary words to place them on the correct branch of the graphic organizer prefix tree.
This resource is beneficial in a classroom as it demonstrates the clear distinction between prefix-root word-suffix. Flint (2014) notes when students learn a selected number of prefixes and suffixes, their ability to decode words dramatically increases. This resource will be a helpful tool in the classroom as children have access to an extension range of affixes, and can utilise this display at all times whenever they're in the classroom. This activity engages children, as they can enjoy a game of bingo, whilst learning literacy and spelling content inadvertently. Reys (et al., 2009) notes that play lays the foundation for formal schooling and the progression of development. It is discussed that children learn best from lessons that are planned, interesting, directed by thoughtful questions, as well as enriched by activities and materials. This activity allows children to match prefixes to root words, in an exciting way. This resource allows children to develop a greater understanding of the root words they attach affixes to, by exploring the etymology of the word. As Flint (2014) notes, the etymology of the word goes hand-in-hand with affixes, as recognising the root word helps a reader learn words that are in the same word family. This allows children to take the next step in the structure of language, as they discover words that share the same word origin. This activity is great to utilise in a classroom as children can engage with suffixes in a creative way. As Antonelli (2014) notes, student engagement is a critical component in enhancing learning and development in a classroom. By encouraging children to engage in an art based learning activity, they have high levels of engagement as the information they are receiving is delivered in a fun yet informative manner, whilst creating deep and meaningful learning experiences. This resource is beneficial as it allows children to engage in a hands on activity, to create words using a variety of prefixes. As Flint (2014) notes, prefixes have the ability to change the meaning of a word, due to the morphemes the word carries. Children can use this activity to create and learn a variety of different words with various meanings, simply by attaching a different prefix onto a base word. This resource encourages children to engage in literacy creatively, by creating their own book, and exploring words ending in 'ed'. As Hill (2006) notes, teachers should plan literacy curriculum to meet their children's interests and needs, E.g- allowing the children to engage in art to design their own book. As a result, effective learning can occur as children learn through inquiry and investigation, as well as encouraging children to take responsibility for their learning in a social…
In a Manner of Speaking: Figurative Language and the Common Core Figurative language is woven through the elementary and middle school Common Core standards beginning very early. Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard #4 requires that students learn to "Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone." As students move through the grades they progress logically from identifying words and phrases that suggest feelings (first grade), to distinguishing literal language from nonliteral language (third grade), to working specifically with metaphors and similes (fifth grade), and analyzing how a writer's word choices impact the meaning and tone of a text (sixth grade). Working with the standard at one grade level is dependent upon the foundational work done in previous grades. The term “figurative language” refers to a set of tools or devices employed by writers to move beyond the literal meaning of a word or phrase or to add special effects—things such as alliteration, personification, hyperbole, imagery, simile, and metaphor. In this article we will offer some teaching suggestions and resources and take a look at some books that can be used with younger learners as they move toward a working knowledge of figurative language—specifically metaphors and similes.
Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Fugitive Slave Acts Fugitive Slave Acts, in U.S. history, statutes passed by Congress in 1793 and 1850 (and repealed in 1864) that provided for the seizure and return of runaway slaves who escaped from one state into another or into a federal territory. The 1793 law enforced Article IV, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution in authorizing any federal district judge or circuit court judge, or any state magistrate, to decide finally and without a jury trial the status of an alleged fugitive slave. The measure met with strong opposition in the Northern states, some of which enacted personal-liberty laws to hamper the execution of the federal law; these laws provided that fugitives who appealed an original decision against them were entitled to a jury trial. As early as 1810 individual dissatisfaction with the law of 1793 had taken the form of systematic assistance rendered to black slaves escaping from the South to New England or Canada—via the Underground Railroad. The demand from the South for more effective legislation resulted in enactment of a second Fugitive Slave Act in 1850. Under this law fugitives could not testify on their own behalf, nor were they permitted a trial by jury. Heavy penalties were imposed upon federal marshals who refused to enforce the law or from whom a fugitive escaped; penalties were also imposed on individuals who helped slaves to escape. Finally, under the 1850 act, special commissioners were to have concurrent jurisdiction with the U.S. courts in enforcing the law. The severity of the 1850 measure led to abuses and defeated its purpose. The number of abolitionists increased, the operations of the Underground Railroad became more efficient, and new personal-liberty laws were enacted in many Northern states. These state laws were among the grievances officially referred to by South Carolina in December 1860 as justification for its secession from the Union. Attempts to carry into effect the law of 1850 aroused much bitterness and probably had as much to do with inciting sectional hostility as did the controversy over slavery in the territories. For some time during the American Civil War, the Fugitive Slave Acts were considered to still hold in the case of blacks fleeing from masters in border states that were loyal to the Union government. It was not until June 28, 1864, that the acts were repealed. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The Founding Fathers and Slavery…a fugitive slave clause ( seeFugitive Slave Acts) designed to encourage the return of runaway slaves who sought refuge in free states, but the Constitution left enforcement of this clause to the cooperation of the states rather than to the coercion of Congress.… Millard Fillmore…on federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 alienated the North and led to the destruction of the Whig Party. Elected vice president in 1848, he became chief executive on the death of President Zachary Taylor (July 1850). (For a discussion of the history and nature of the… Compromise of 1850…the application of the new Fugitive Slave Act triggered such a strong reaction throughout the North that many moderate antislavery elements became determined opponents of any further extension of slavery into the territories. While the Compromise of 1850 succeeded as a temporary expedient, it also proved the failure of compromise…
A science fair project is always a highlight of the school year – one of those times that students can demonstrate their ability and creativity. But for many students, one of the most difficult step is just getting started. Before you can schedule tasks, and even before you pick a topic, you must first understand the different types of the Science Fair project. It is very important to choose the right type of project, or all your efforts could be wasted There are three different methods you can use for your science fair project :. Building (or sit), demonstrating or investigating. When you among them, there are two things that need to be considered. First you have to select the type required by the Science Fair rules, so be sure to check with teachers. Second, if you have a choice, choose the type that will enable you to show what you are best at doing. The Model Building method model building method is the kind of project that, as the name suggests, allows you to build a model, to scale as possible is to show a specific scientific principle. This can often be a real working machine, such as a simple crystal radio set, or a simple model, such as one of the solar system. Many of us have seen the model of an erupting volcano as a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar causes realistic looking ‘lava’ flows down the sides of the “mountain”. These models can be fun to build and quite spectacular – but they are often suited to elementary school science fairs because of the relative lack of real ‘science’ or the creation of most of them. Having said that, however, there may be some beautiful models produced by the higher degree level students; especially if the model is really to show something new. The show or descriptive method of research is again fairly self-explanatory. Here, you might display a collection of things or interesting artifacts (eg rock collection) related to a topic (geology), and describe them in detail on the display board, or report or speech. Alternatively, you could produce a poster or visual display of the issues that you have carried out extensive research -climate change is understandably very popular at the moment. If you choose this form of projects, again you are not trying new science; rather, you are showing and explaining scientific principles already known. The Scientific Experiment (Investigation) There is a third of the possible methods that you can provide the most science fairs for older students are looking for – proper scientific experiments using scientific methods to construct and test the hypothesis and draw conclusions from it. If you have ambitions in science, or want to progress to regional or even national science fairs, this is the area that you really should be looking into. And the choice of the Science Fair project materials is limitless. Decide where high your interest lies – it could be biology, chemistry or physics, but it could also be an earth science, environmental science, sports science, meteorology or computer – and then try to develop their own theory and method of testing it. There are many different books and websites that can get ideas, but remember, the more individual and unique project, the better the chance of winning. Finally, to ensure your success, always stay in touch with teachers about what you are doing, and confirm that you fully understand the science fair rules and guidelines. Then, if the type of project you decide to undertake, you can enjoy it with confidence!
The witches from Macbeth just might have it right when they claim that "fair is foul and foul is fair" - at least that's what your students might think when they find out they have to read a Shakespeare play... To prevent them from getting a boring start, introduce them to Macbeth with this engaging PPT presentation, filled with prediction activities, fun facts, and thoughtful discussion prompts throughout. Then, have them interact with Shakespeare's language in a lighthearted and relevant way by having them write Shakespearean letters to their "boss," their parents, or even their boyfriend/girlfriend. 1. Lesson Plans 2. A detailed "Introduction to Macbeth" PPT Presentation - Editable Format! - Warm-up Prediction Activity based off Macbeth's motifs - Historical Fun Facts and Notes - Discussion Questions with Possible Answers Provided - Background Information, Plot Overview, & Main Character Descriptions 3. Guided Notes for the PowerPoint Presentation (With Answer Key) 4. Shakespearian Language Activities - 19 Elizabethan Words Taken Straight from the Play - Warm-up Matching Activity (With Answer Key) - "Write a Shakespearean Letter" Activity - Student Samples Together, these materials ensure that your students become introduced to Macbeth in a positive and "fair" way - there's no "foul" about it! I hope you and your students enjoy! Other Products You Might Like: Modernize A Shakespeare Scene Movie Project: Works with ANY Shakespeare Play Keywords: Shakespeare, Macbeth, prediction, motifs, introduction, Shakespearean language, Elizabethan Period, Jacobean Period, plot overview, summary, collaboration, lesson plans, activities, printables, handouts, guided notes, background information
Binomial coefficients are positive integers that occur as components in the binomial theorem, an important theorem with applications in several machine learning algorithms. The theorem starts with the concept of a binomial, which is an algebraic expression that contains two terms, such as a and b or x and y. The binomial theorem describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial. The binomial expansion leads us to the binomial coefficients which, in other words, are the numbers that appear as the coefficients of the terms in the theorem. The binomial theorem is one of the most important classes of discrete probability distributions, which are extensively used in machine learning, most notably in the modeling of binary and multi-class classification problems. A popular use case is logistic regression, where the response variable is assumed to follow the binomial distribution. It is also used in text analytics applications such as modeling the distribution of words in text. In this guide, the reader will learn how to perform binomial coefficient analysis in the statistical programming language R. Before understanding binomial coefficients, it's imperative to understand the concept of factorials because of their use in calculating binomial coefficients. In simple terms, the factorial of a positive integer n is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n, and is denoted by n!. Take, for example, 6! equals to 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720. The relevant function in R is the For example, 6! or 20! can be calculated in R using the syntax below. 1 2 3 1 2 3 720 2.432902e+18 It’s important to note that the factorial of zero is one. The underlying rationale is that there is exactly one permutation possible for selecting zero objects. Binomial coefficients are used to describe the number of combinations of k items that can be selected from a set of n items. The symbol C(n,k) is used to denote a binomial coefficient, which is also sometimes read as "n choose k". This is also known as a combination or combinatorial number. The relevant R function to calculate the binomial coefficients is choose(). For example, if we want to find out how many ways are there to choose two items out of seven, this can be calculated using the code below. Note that k must be less than n, otherwise the output will be zero, as shown below. In this guide, you have learned about the basics of binomial distribution. You also learned how to compute the factorial and binomial coefficients using R. These coefficients form the components of the binomial distribution, which is used in predictive modeling applications like binary and multinomial classification. It is also used in probability theory, which forms the basis of powerful statistical algorithms like logistic regression and naïve bayes. Understanding these concepts will help you in understanding the distribution of variables in the data, thereby assisting in selecting the best machine learning model. To learn more about data science using 'R', please refer to the following guides.
Kids Math Multiplication Kids Math has free interactive learning activities, math games, facts, printable worksheets, quizzes, videos, and other fun resources that will keep students engaged while learning. The website is http://www.kidsmathgamesonline.com. Note: This can be used for kindergarten - eighth grade, depending on the topic. - Be able to improve their multiplication skills. - Multiplication: Multiplying means repeated addition of a number. See Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4students.net site in the Teacher Resources. Directions for this activity: Students will watch the introduction video to multiplication. Have students go to the Math games website. (bookmarked or assigned in Google Classroom) There are four different multiplication games that they can choose from. One game you have to try to beat the computer by seeing who can get four in a row first. The teacher can then test the students on their multiplication skills by giving them the printed out version of the test. Different options for assessing the students: - Check for understanding There is a quiz and answers at the bottom of the multiplication page for students to check. MITECS COMPETENCIES & ISTE STANDARDS MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018. 1a. Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.| 1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. 1c. Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal. Devices and Resources CONTENT AREA RESOURCES Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in five groups of seven objects each. This task card was created by Dawn Phillips, Wyoming Public Schools. January 2020.
If you’ve read our previous articles on Genetics and Inheritance, you might be wondering what a gene pool is. Simply put, it’s the different versions of genes in a group of individuals at a specific time. But how do we calculate the frequency of these genes? That’s where the Hardy-Weinberg Principle comes in. Using this equation, we can figure out how often a specific gene appears in a population. This is known as allelic frequency, which is just a fancy way of saying the number of times a gene shows up in a group of individuals. The Hardy-Weinberg principle is a mathematical equation that helps us calculate the frequency of an allele in a population at equilibrium. This principle states that the allele frequencies of a gene in a population will stay the same from one generation to the next, as long as there aren't any significant advantages or disadvantages linked. This'. An example of directional selection is the case of the peppered moth during the industrial revolution. Due to pollution, dark moths became more common as they were better suited to blending in with their environment and avoiding predators. The Hardy-Weinberg principle gives us a formula to calculate the expected frequency of an allele in a population. We use the letters P, Q and A to represent the dominant homozygous frequency, heterozygous frequency, and recessive homozygous frequency respectively. If we know these frequencies, we can use the equation to find the expected frequency of an allele in a population. Let's imagine a organisms Hardyin provides model to predict the frequency of alleles in a However it's challenging to find a natural population that meets all five conditions of the model, such as random mating, an infinitely large population size, no migration, no selection, and no mutations. If we observe different frequencies than the ones the model, we can conclude that at least one of the conditions is not being met. To calculate the allelic frequency, we can look at a specific example. Let's say we have a population of 10,000 humans, and we're studying the gene that controls hair colour. The dominant allele B results in brown hair, while the recessive allele b results in blonde hair. Each individual has two copies of this gene, making a total of 20,000 alleles in the population. If everyone in the population had blonde hair (homozygous recessive), the frequency of the b allele would be 100%, while the frequency of the B allele would be 0%. However, things get more complicated when we consider heterozygous individuals. For example, if we cross two heterozygous individuals, we can use the number of B and b alleles to calculate the frequency of the b allele in the population. If there are 4 B alleles and 4 b alleles among the offspring, then there are a total of 20,000 alleles in the population, with 10,000 of each allele. Therefore, the allele frequency of the b allele is 50%. Where p² = BB, 2pq = Bb, and b² = aa. Using the Hardy-Weinberg equation, we can calculate the frequency of an allele in a population. In this case, p² = BB represents the frequency of the dominant allele B, 2pq = Bb represents the frequency of heterozygotes, and b² = aa represents the frequency of the recessive allele b. The equation for the Hardy-Weinberg principle is expressed as p² + 2pq + q² = 1.0, where p is the frequency of the dominant allele and q is the frequency of the recessive allele. Therefore, the frequency of the dominant allele is p², the frequency of the heterozygotes is 2pq, and the frequency of recessive allele². What does the Hardy-Weinberg principle predict? The Hardy-Weinberg principle predicts that at equilibrium, the allele frequencies of a gene within a population will not change from one generation to the next. What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle used for? It can be used to calculate the frequency of an allele in a population at equilibrium. The Hardy-Weinberg principle is also used as a null model in genetics. If the predicted allelic frequencies do not match the observed frequencies, we can conclude that at least one of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions has not been met. What are the conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle? There are 5 conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These are:- Mating is random.- The population size is infinitely large.-There is no migration: the population is isolated.-There is no selection: all alleles are equally likely to be passed on to the next generation.-No mutations arise. Join Shiken For FREEJoin For FREE
The American Dawes Commission, named for its first chairman Henry L. Dawes, was authorized under a rider to an Indian Office appropriation bill, March 3, 1893. Its purpose was to convince the Five Civilized Tribes to agree to cede tribal title of Indian lands, and adopt the policy of dividing tribal lands into individual allotments that was enacted for other tribes as the Dawes Act of 1887. In November 1893, President Grover Cleveland appointed Dawes as chairman, and Meridith H. Kidd and Archibald S. McKennon as members. (pictured above) During this process, the Indian nations were stripped of their communally held national lands, which was divided into single lots and allotted to individual members of the nation. The Dawes Commission required that individuals claim membership in only one tribe, although many people had more than one line of ancestry. Registration in the national registry known as the Dawes Rolls has come to be critical in issues of Indian citizenship and land claims. Many people did not sign up on these rolls because they feared government persecution if their ethnicity was formally entered into the system. People often had mixed ancestry from several tribes. According to the Dawes Commission rules, a person who was 1/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Creek had to choose one nation and register simply as ’1/4 Cherokee’, for instance. That forced individuals to lose part of his or her inheritance and heritage. Although many Indian tribes did not consider strict ‘blood’ descent the only way to determine if a person was a member of a tribe, the Dawes Commission did. Many Freedmen (slaves of Indians who were freed after the Civil War), were kept off the rolls as members of tribes, although they were emancipated after the war and, according to peace treaties with the United States, to be given full membership in the appropriate tribes in which they were held. Even if freedmen were of mixed-race ancestry, as many were, the Dawes Commission enrolled them in separate Freedmen Rolls, rather than letting them self-identify as to membership. The result of the Dawes Commission was that the five Indian nations lost most of their national land bases, as the government declared as “surplus” any remaining after the allotment to individual households. The US sold the surplus land, formerly Indian territory, to European-American settlers. In addition, over the next decades, settlers bought land from individual Indian households, thus reducing overall land held by tribal members. The Indians received money from the overall sale of lands, but lost most of their former territory. *Please note these links are not associated with the Cherokee National Historical Society, Inc., the Cherokee Heritage Center, the Cherokee Family Research Center or its partners. The link below may take you to other sites which require a fee to join such as Fold3.com or Ancestry.com. To search the link below for free please scroll down to the mid-section of its page to where you see the search engine titled: Search the Final Rolls by Last Name We recommend that you do not enter information into any other search engine on this link. Thank you for your visit to our website, www.cherokeeheritage.org.
Heating the gas in an air balloon makes the balloon rise because the gas in the balloon becomes lighter than natural air. The heated gas has less mass per unit of volume than that of the cool air surrounding the balloon.Continue Reading A hot air balloon consists of three main parts: the envelope, the burner and the basket. The burner, which is usually fueled by liquid propane, is located below the envelope; it is responsible for heating the air in the envelope. The basket holds the pilot, the passengers and the propane tanks. To move the balloon upwards, the pilot firsts opens the propane valve to release the liquid propane into the envelope. The mixture of propane and natural air ignites under the envelope, heating the air in the envelope. The balloon then starts rising. The pilot must keep reheating the air for the balloon to stay airborne. To ascend higher, the pilot opens the valve for more propane to be released. To lower the balloon, the pilot gradually releases the hot air from the envelope through the parachute valve at the top of the balloon. A hot air balloon doesn't land in a predetermined location. The pilot lands it where there is a safe, open space to land.Learn more about Thermodynamics
I. Grade: 5 II. Subject: Math III. Topic: Prime and Composite Numbers/Prime Factorization IV. Standards: NI.G.5.1, 2 V. Objective: TSW identify numbers as prime or composite and complete prime factorization of composite numbers. VI. Materials: construction paper, markers, cleared desktops, paper, pencil, several small, colorful pieces of poster board, masking tape 1.Focus: The teacher will have two prime numbers written on small poster boards. She will put both numbers on the board and ask students what is special about the numbers. She will ask students if either of the numbers have any factors, other than one and the numbers themselves. She will explain that in today?s lesson they will learn about prime and composite numbers. 2.Input: The teacher will display the definitions of prime and composite numbers. She will go over the definitions and give examples on the board. She will also introduce prime factorization of composite numbers. She will provide students with examples. 3.Model: The teacher will have numbers written on small squares of poster board, with masking tape on the back. (The number squares need to be small, but large enough for everyone to easily see). She will also have the (x) multiplication symbol written on several pieces of poster board. She will model prime factorization, using the colorful poster board. She will display the squares on the white board. (You could use a chalk board, if you don?t have a dry/erase board). 4.Check for Understanding: The teacher will check for understanding by orally asking questions, listening and observing student response, throughout the lesson. 5.Guided Practice: The students will create their on construction squares. Each child will write the numbers 1-20 on construction paper. The construction paper should be divided into small squares. The students will need around five of each number and around ten multiplication signs. They will cut the numbers out. The teacher will display a number on the white board. The students will then display the same number, using their construction squares, on their desks. They must first decide if the number is prime or composite. If it is composite, they will demonstrate prime factorization, again using their construction squares. The teacher will walk around the room to ensure student understanding. 6.Independent Practice: The students will put construction squares away. (The best thing to do is give each child their own Ziploc bag). The teacher will write several examples on the board for students to complete with paper and pencil, independently. She will also assign a few examples for homework. 7.Closure: The teacher will complete one more example on the board, using her poster board squares. She will remind students of the definition of prime and composite numbers and explain that future lessons will build on this lesson. She will ask students to raise their hands if they have any last questions. VIII. Assessment: The teacher will ask oral questions throughout the lesson. She will also walk around the room to observe students as they complete examples. She will review each child?s work, completed during independent practice. IX. Reflection: This lesson worked really well. The students just have to get used to working with the construction squares. I would recommend having them put them in piles before they begin to try any problems. For example, put all the ones in a pile and all the twos in a pile, etc. Once they get the hang of using the squares, they enjoy them, and it gives them something hands on to work with.
Students’ age range: 14-16 Topic: How Writer Develops Theme of Racism Description: Step 1 Students will watch a clip of a popular trial involving a black man and a white woman. Students will discuss what impact the race of the defendant and victim had on the outcome of the trial. Students will be asked to compare the issue on the video clip to the situation described in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Students will in pairs discuss how racism is shown (a) in 2018 and (b) in 1950 and discuss which era was better/worse and give reasons for their response. Students will be told to google search 'Black lives matter' and explain the reason behind the movement. Students will use graphic organizer to detail the steps that lead up to selected characters being treated unfairly because of their race. Students will listen as a section of the text is read and discuss how the think the character should have responded. Students will listen to clips of various civil rights advocates using their smartphones to identify them and make comments on the ways in which those people would have responded to the situation faced by the characters in the text. Students will identify specific examples of racism and the response of selected characters and give reasons for their responses.
The Primary Framework for Mathematics uses a variety of methods to explain written addition in years 3 and 4, but by Year 5 it is expected that children know and understand how to use the standard method, which is exactly the same method that most parents learnt when they were at school. The key to success is to line up the numbers to be added under each other so that the units line up, then the tens and then the hundreds. This will also apply when decimals are introduced. By keeping to 2 sets of 3-digit numbers this place value idea is re-inforced. It also really helps if children know, off by heart, all the answers to adding 2 single digits together – you would be surprised to know how many children are still using their fingers to add single digit numbers because they have never learnt them! This is the second in our series of written addition pages. More worksheets can also be found in our Four Rules section. - Free Year 5 Maths Worksheets - © 2009 Maths Blog
A volcano erupts when the pressure of a subterranean pool of magma becomes great enough to crack the earth's crust. Whether the eruption results in a violent explosion or a slow seepage depends on several different factors, according to How Stuff Works.Continue Reading Molten rock, called magma, forms underground when Earth's tectonic plates collide or move apart, or when activity within the mantle, a very hot layer beneath the earth's crust, causes the crust to melt. Magma contains dissolved gases that remain dissolved as long as the pressure of the gas is not greater than the confining pressure of the solid rock around it. If the vapor pressure becomes great enough, the gas forms small bubbles within the magma. These bubbles are less dense than the surrounding magma, so they push upward to escape it, and an eruption occurs. The composition of the magma is an important factor in determining the force of this eruption. If it contains larger amounts of gas, it erupts more violently. Another factor is the viscosity of the magma. Magma with a high viscosity resists flowing, and the gas bubbles must forcefully push out more material to escape. On the other hand, magma with a low gas content and low viscosity is likely to result in a slow, non-explosive eruption. Volcanic eruptions can occur without any prior warning, making them hard to predict. Understanding how a volcano works and how its eruptions can be predicted is important to the preservation and well-being of the inhabitants of volcanically vulnerable areas. There are three main classifications of volcanoes. Active volcanoes have recently erupted, dormant volcanoes have not erupted in a long while but are likely to erupt in the future and extinct volcanoes have not erupted in a long while and are not expected to erupt in the future.Learn more about Volcanoes
Mathematics instruction occurs in small homogenous groups of students at an appropriate instructional level. Some of our students are strong in math while others are challenged by this subject. Using multisensory teaching methods, teachers move students through the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) sequence to develop solid foundational skills. Students practice math facts in many ways, including using the computer, in order to increase fluency. Learning algorithms and correct format for solving computational problems is important. The goal of math is to be able to apply these facts and algorithms to real-life problems. Therefore, students use various methods to understand and solve word problems. Our teachers understand the language of math and how this use of language impacts many of our students. Terms such as “greater than” and “less than” are quite confusing to students with language-based learning disabilities. Direct instruction in the language as well as strategy development help our students learn these terms and how to apply them in order to solve problems. Depending on the math level and learning needs, students may use strategies such as TouchMath, singing songs to support memory for math facts, walking a number line, using manipulatives to solve equations in Hands-On Equations, or referring to their math journal for help with concepts. Calculators are used to support problem-solving activities.
In 2nd grade geometrical shapes for kids we will discuss about different kinds of shapes. Some basic geometry shapes are shown so, that kid’s can recognize the shapes and practice the different geometrical worksheet on shapes. We see a variety of shapes in objects. Objects mostly have one or more geometrical shapes like the following. These types of shapes are called three dimensional (3-D) shaped solids. All these geometrical shapes have faces. We have learned about faces like triangular faces, rectangular face, square face and circular face. All these faces are flat but some are curved. The cylinder, sphere, cone etc. have curved faces. ● The faces of a cuboid are either rectangular or square. Thus, a cuboid has all 6 faces flat. ● All the faces of a cube are flat. So a cube has flat faces. ● A sphere has one face and this face is curved. Thus, a sphere has a curved faces. ● A cylinder has three faces. If a cylinder stands erect, its bottom face and top face are like circles. The bottom and top faces of a cylinder are flat. The third face is a curved face. ● A cone has two faces. One is curved and the other is circular and flat. ● A prism has five faces. Three faces are rectangular and two faces are triangular. All the five faces are flat. Children should themselves find out from the surroundings different objects having different geometrical shapes. In geometry we term the faces of any object as surfaces. We can touch and see the surface of an object. There are two kinds of surfaces. (i) Flat or plane surface (ii) Curved surface (i) Flat or plane surface: Objects having the shape of a cuboid, cube or prism have plane surfaces. The surface of paper, top of a table or box etc. are plane surfaces. (ii) Curved surface: Objects having the shapes of sphere or unplained surface of a cylinder have curved surfaces. The surface of a football, cricket ball, round bottle, orange, grapes, mango etc. are curved surfaces. If an object is in its standard position, it has its top, bottom and sides as indicated in the following: The uppermost portion of an object is called its top. The lowermost portion of an object is called its bottom. We may place any article on the top but now below the bottom of an object. We can put something inside a vessel, box, almirah, etc. In a bucket we can store water or some other liquid. Inside a box we place our clothes. On a tray we can have fruits or vegetables. Thus, in any vessel, box, almirah, refrigerator etc. there is empty place inside, where we can put some objects. There may be other articles inside.