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Extending Sentence To Make Them Interesting KS2 children need help with writing interesting sentences and extending sentences. Given the choice, most will opt for writing short simple sentences mainly because it is easier. However, when writing, sentences need to be varied in order to keep the readers interest. This means children need to learn how to improve their writing by using better vocabulary and ensuring they are grammatically correct. Primary school children are expected to achieve a high level of grammar, spelling and punctuation skills before children leave Primary School. These skills are essential in both fiction writing and non-fiction writing. Practise Makes Perfect At school, children will be taught and shown ways in which they can make their sentences more interesting. This is an ongoing theme and needs to be practised at school regularly and through homework. With continuous practise, children will begin to automatically think about their vocabulary choice and sentence structure when writing. How To Improve Your Writing KS2 children will learn about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. These are needed when making sentences more interesting and complex. When children have completed a piece of writing, it is always a good idea to get them into the habit of checking their work to find ways in which they can improve it. This editing habit can be practised by following a few simple steps, which can be turned into a routine, every time they do some writing. - Does your writing make sense? - Have you used the correct punctuation? - Have you used adjectives to describe nouns? - Have you used adverbs to describe verbs? - Have you used a variety on conjunctions to extend your sentences? - Have you used a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences? - Have you checked your spellings? - Can you add anything to your writing to make it sure the reader understands what you are writing about? Teach My Kids - Activities For Children: Click on the link below to download a free worksheet. This English worksheet improves children's ability to make sentences more interesting by showing them what a boring / simple sentence looks like. KS2 children then turn these simple sentences into longer, more informative sentences, using conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs. This will help children write compound sentences and complex sentences.
In mathematics , the order of operation also known as precedence rule is a rule used to clarify which procedures should be performed first in a given mathematical expression. When there is more than one operation involved in a mathematical problem, it must be solved by using the correct order of operations. The rules are 1. Calculations must be done from left to right. 2. Calculations in brackets (parenthesis) are done first. When you have more than one set of brackets, do the inner brackets first ie starting our work with the innermost pair, moving outward. 3. Exponents (or radicals) must be done next. 4. Multiplication and division are done next . 5. Addition and subtraction must be done next. The acronym which can be used to remember this order is Big Elephants Destroy Mice And Snails (Brackets, Exponents, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract) If the order of operation is not followed, a lot of problem is created. we get different answers for the same problem. for example 15 + 5 X 10 -- Without following the correct order, we know that 15+5=20 multiplied by 10 gives me the answer of 200. 15 + 5 X 10 -- Following the order of operations, we know that 5X10 = 50 plus 15 = 65. This is the correct answer, where as the above is wrong. If I was to invent a new notation where the order of operation was made clear, I would have used colours. I would have assigned each operator a colour.
- slide 1 of 5 1. Write narratives in which they recount a well‐ elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. (2.W.3) 2. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. (2.SL.4) Learning to speak in front of a group can be natural for some children and traumatizing for others. Planning for this can be more comforting when the student knows what he or she is going to talk about. Using Common Core Standards spend one day planning and the next day speaking and listening. - slide 2 of 5 Prepare a short story about an event in your life that you would like to share with your students. Make sure you include: - Descriptive words relating to your actions and feelings - Sequence of the events - An ending Make copies of the downloadable worksheet for each student. - slide 3 of 5 As the children gather around you, tell them your short prepared story. Make sure you follow the “Good Speaking Practices" below. Then say, “Now it is your turn to tell your classmates a story about something that has happened in your life. Today you will come up with a topic and use a practice sheet to plan what you are going to say. Tomorrow you will present your story to the class. “Here are some things to remember. Put your story in the order of how it happened. Add some describing words so that your classmates can picture what is happening. For example, the fire was sizzling or the parade was colorful. Let us know how you felt. (I was so surprised when my grandmother walked in the house. I was sad when my dog ran away.)" You may want to brainstorm some ideas before the students start on the worksheet. Here are examples of possible events that could happen in a child’s life: - Favorite birthday - A family outing or vacation - A time when I was scared - Favorite present - Christmas surprise - Something funny that happened - A story about a pet - The birth of a sibling - A sport that I play Give the students the worksheets to help them organize their presentation. Since it is a practice paper, complete sentences are not necessary. - slide 4 of 5 Today each student will give a short presentation about something that has happened in his or her life. Remind students to be good listeners: no interrupting, be respectful and save thoughtful questions until the end. Discreetly take notes on each child’s presentation. Before beginning, discuss important speaking practices. Give both good and bad examples of each of the following points. - Speak in a loud clear voice. - Speak in complete sentences - Stay on topic. - Use details so your classmates will understand. - Make eye contact. - slide 5 of 5 Who was listening? Give students pieces of paper and instruct them to write numbers 1 to 10 on their papers. Ask them to answer questions about the presentations they heard. Questions might be something such as, who went to Disneyland, who got a new puppy and who was scared?
When dealing with the occurrence of more than one event or activity, it is important to be able to quickly determine how many possible outcomes exist. For example, if ice cream sundaes come in 5 flavors with 4 possible toppings, how many different sundaes can be made with one flavor of ice cream and one Rather than list the entire sample space with all possible combinations of ice cream and toppings, we may simply multiply: 5 • 4 = 20 possible sundaes. This simple multiplication process is known as the The Fundamental Counting Principle: If there are a ways for one activity to occur, and b ways for a second activity to occur, then there are a • b ways for both to 1. Activities: roll a die and flip There are 6 ways to roll a die and 2 ways to flip There are 6 • 2 = 12 ways to roll a die and flip Activities: draw two cards from a standard deck of 52 cards without replacing the cards There are 52 ways to draw the first card. There are 51 ways to draw the second card. There are 52 • 51 = 2,652 ways to draw the two The Counting Principle also works for more than two activities. a coin is tossed five times There are 2 ways to flip each coin. There are 2 • 2 • 2 • 2 •2 = 32 arrangements of heads and tails. a die is rolled four times There are 6 ways to roll each die. There are 6 • 6 • 6 • 6 = 1,296 possible The Counting Principle is easy! Simply MULTIPLY the number of ways each activity can occur.
The graph of the equation x 2 + y 2 = 1 is a circle in the rectangular coordinate system. This graph is called the unit circle and has its center at the origin and has a radius of 1 unit. Trigonometric functions are defined so that their domains are sets of angles and their ranges are sets of real numbers. Circular functions are defined such that their domains are sets of numbers that correspond to the measures (in radian units) of the angles of analogous trigonometric functions. The ranges of these circular functions, like their analogous trigonometric functions, are sets of real numbers. These functions are called circular functions because radian measures of angles are determined by the lengths of arcs of circles. In particular, trigonometric functions defined using the unit circle lead directly to these circular functions. Begin with the unit circle x 2 + y 2 = 1 shown in Figure . Point A (1,0) is located at the intersection of the unit circle and the x‐axis. Let q be any real number. Start at point A and measure | q| units along the unit circle in a counterclockwise direction if q > 0 and in a clockwise direction if q < 0, ending up at point P( x, y). Define the sine and cosine of q as the coordinates of point P. The other circular functions (the tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant) can be defined in terms of the sine and cosine. Unit circle reference. Sin q and cos q exist for each real number q because (cos q, sin q) are the coordinates of point P located on the unit circle, that corresponds to an arc length of | q |. Because this arc length can be positive (counterclockwise) or negative (clockwise), the domain of each of these circular functions is the set of real numbers. The range is more restricted. The cosine and sine are the abscissa and ordinate of a point that moves around the unit circle, and they vary between −1 and 1. Therefore, the range of each of these functions is a set of real numbers z such that −1 ⩽ z ⩽ 1 (see Figure 2). Range of values of trig functions. Example 1: What value(s) x in the domain of the sine function between −2π and 2π have a range value of 1 (Figure 3 )? Drawing for Example 1. The range value of sin x is 1 when point P has coordinates of (0, 1). This occurs when x = π/2 and x = −3π/2. Example 2: What value(s) x in the domain of the cosine function between −2π and 2π have a range value of − 1 (Figure 4 )? Drawing for Example 2. The range value of cos x is −1 when point P(cos x, sin x) has coordinates of (−1, 0). This occurs when x = π and x = −π. Example 3: The point P is on the unit circle. The length of the arc from point A(1,0) to point P is q units. What are the values of the six circular functions of q? The values of the sine and cosine follow from the definitions and are the coordinates of point P. The other four functions are derived using the sine and cosine. The sign of each of the six circular functions (see Table 1 ) is dependent upon the length of the arc q. Note that the four intervals for q correspond directly to the four quadrants for trigonometric functions.
Computers draw lines and circles during many common tasks, such as using an image editor. But how does a computer know which pixels to darken to make a line? This activity shows how difficult it is for a computer to do something as simple as drawing a straight line or a circle, and shows a clever way (Bresenham’s algorithm) to do it quickly. This exercise was developed by Joshua Scott (University of Canterbury). Great Principles of Computer Science - Computation, recollection ACM K12 Curriculum - Level I (Grades 6-8) Topic 9: Demonstrate an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, algorithms, and their practical applications. New Zealand Curriculum - Mathematics Level 1: Shape - Identify and describe the plane shapes found in objects - Mathematics Level 3: Patterns and relationships - Connect members of sequential patterns with their ordinal position and use tables, graphs, and diagrams to find relationships between successive elements of number and spatial patterns
Earth’s Major Boundaries Revealed By Seismic Waves The Moho (Mohorovicic discontinuity): (Discovered in 1909 by Andriaja Mohorovicic) • The Moho is the boundary between the crust and the mantle. It separates less dense crustal rock from underlying denser mantle rock. • Identified by a change in the velocity of P waves The core-mantle boundary (CMB): (Discovered in 1914 by Beno Gutenberg) • Based on the P-wave shadow zone • No P waves from 105 to 140 degrees • The fact that S waves do not travel through the outer core provides evidence for the existence of a non-solid layer beneath the mantle • Showed existence of liquid outer core and overlying mantle Lehmann Discontinuity (Predicted by Inge Lehmann in 1936) • Boundary between outer and inner core defined by an increase in seismic wave velocity from outer to inner core and by seismic wave reflection off the solid inner core. The locations of the Moho, CMB, and Lehmann Discontinuity are shown in Figures 3-8 and 3-17.
Decimal system is the most widely used number system. But computer only understands binary. Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems are closely related and we may require to convert decimal into these systems. Decimal system is base 10 (ten symbols, 0-9, are used to represent a number) and similarly, binary is base 2, octal is base 8 and hexadecimal is base 16. A number with the prefix ’0b’ is considered binary, ’0o’ is considered octal and ’0x’ as hexadecimal. For example: 60 = 0b11100 = 0o74 = 0x3c # Python program to convert decimal number into binary, octal and hexadecimal number system # Take decimal number from user dec = int(input("Enter an integer: ")) print("The decimal value of",dec,"is:") print(bin(dec),"in binary.") print(oct(dec),"in octal.") print(hex(dec),"in hexadecimal.") Enter an integer: 344 The decimal value of 344 is: 0b101011000 in binary. 0o530 in octal. 0x158 in hexadecimal. In this program, we have used built-in functions bin(), oct() and hex() to convert the given decimal number into respective number systems. These functions take an integer (in decimal) and return a string.
WD Hill Fall Workshops Grades K-3 4:00pm to 6:00pm Topic for workshop: Misleading Graphs Instructor: Lateasha Shirer Number of Students: 10 1. Provide a brief overview of the workshop (i.e. purpose, activities and materials): Teaching misleading graphs will show students the bad side of misleading graphs and the positive side of misleading graphs. This lesson will show how people use graphs to focus on a certain point or to make something look more or less like how it actually is. This lesson helps students identify good and bad graphs. 2. Did the students engage the workshop and ask questions? The students engaged in class discussions about what makes a good graph and what might be a misleading graph. This class separated into groups and discussed different misleading graphs. Students asked questions about misleading graphs that were displayed on the board. 3. Did the students seem to learn and understand the material? For example, can the students explain what they learned? The students seemed to really understand how to determine a good graph from a misleading graph. To test their knowledge the instructor passed out sample graphs. The students had to determine if the graphs were good and explain why they thought the graphs were good. 4. Is this material appropriate for the K-7 grade level? Is it more appropriate for K-3 or 4-7, and why? This material was a little challenging for the younger students, but they were able to identify which graphs are good graphs and which ones are misleading. The older students understood the lesson really well. They were excited about answering questions about the graphs. Everyone identified the graphs correctly. Each graph was discussed after the class reunited for more instructional time. 5. How do the materials and activities apply to the science and math the students are This lesson is geared towards math, however it can be used in science. Scientists can formulate graphs that may appear to prove an argument on their side. Math contains misleading graphs often in statistics. 6. Additional comments: Use graphs that the students can relate to. Using graphs that they don't understand only makes teaching a little harder on the instructor.
To understand how a microprocessor works, it is helpful to look inside and learn about the logic used to create one. In the process you can also learn about assembly language -- the native language of a microprocessor -- and many of the things that engineers can do to boost the speed of a processor. A microprocessor executes a collection of machine instructions that tell the processor what to do. Based on the instructions, a microprocessor does three basic things: - Using its ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a microprocessor can perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Modern microprocessors contain complete floating point processors that can perform extremely sophisticated operations on large floating point numbers. - A microprocessor can move data from one memory location to another. - A microprocessor can make decisions and jump to a new set of instructions based on those decisions. There may be very sophisticated things that a microprocessor does, but those are its three basic activities. The following diagram shows an extremely simple microprocessor capable of doing those three things: This is about as simple as a microprocessor gets. This microprocessor has: - An address bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that sends an address to memory - A data bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that can send data to memory or receive data from memory - An RD (read) and WR (write) line to tell the memory whether it wants to set or get the addressed location - A clock line that lets a clock pulse sequence the processor - A reset line that resets the program counter to zero (or whatever) and restarts execution Let's assume that both the address and data buses are 8 bits wide in this example. Here are the components of this simple microprocessor: - Registers A, B and C are simply latches made out of flip-flops. (See the section on "edge-triggered latches" in How Boolean Logic Works for details.) - The address latch is just like registers A, B and C. - The program counter is a latch with the extra ability to increment by 1 when told to do so, and also to reset to zero when told to do so. - The ALU could be as simple as an 8-bit adder (see the section on adders in How Boolean Logic Works for details), or it might be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide 8-bit values. Let's assume the latter here. - The test register is a special latch that can hold values from comparisons performed in the ALU. An ALU can normally compare two numbers and determine if they are equal, if one is greater than the other, etc. The test register can also normally hold a carry bit from the last stage of the adder. It stores these values in flip-flops and then the instruction decoder can use the values to make decisions. - There are six boxes marked "3-State" in the diagram. These are tri-state buffers. A tri-state buffer can pass a 1, a 0 or it can essentially disconnect its output (imagine a switch that totally disconnects the output line from the wire that the output is heading toward). A tri-state buffer allows multiple outputs to connect to a wire, but only one of them to actually drive a 1 or a 0 onto the line. - The instruction register and instruction decoder are responsible for controlling all of the other components. Although they are not shown in this diagram, there would be control lines from the instruction decoder that would: - Tell the A register to latch the value currently on the data bus - Tell the B register to latch the value currently on the data bus - Tell the C register to latch the value currently output by the ALU - Tell the program counter register to latch the value currently on the data bus - Tell the address register to latch the value currently on the data bus - Tell the instruction register to latch the value currently on the data bus - Tell the program counter to increment - Tell the program counter to reset to zero - Activate any of the six tri-state buffers (six separate lines) - Tell the ALU what operation to perform - Tell the test register to latch the ALU's test bits - Activate the RD line - Activate the WR line Coming into the instruction decoder are the bits from the test register and the clock line, as well as the bits from the instruction register.
The size of the Earth -- about 12,750 kilometers (km) in diameter-was known by the ancient Greeks, but it was not until the turn of the 20th century that scientists determined that our planet is made up of three main layers: crust, mantle, and core. This layered structure can be compared to that of a boiled egg. The crust, the outermost layer, is rigid and very thin compared with the other two. Beneath the oceans, the crust varies little in thickness, generally extending only to about 5 km. The thickness of the crust beneath continents is much more variable but averages about 30 km; under large mountain ranges, such as the Alps or the Sierra Nevada, however, the base of the crust can be as deep as 100 km. Like the shell of an egg, the Earth's crust is brittle and can break. Inside the Earth Cutaway views showing the internal structure of the Earth. Below: This view drawn to scale demonstrates that the Earth's crust literally is only skin deep. Below right: A view not drawn to scale to show the Earth's three main layers (crust, mantle, and core) in more detail (see text). Below the crust is the mantle, a dense, hot layer of semi-solid rock approximately 2,900 km thick. The mantle, which contains more iron, magnesium, and calcium than the crust, is hotter and denser because temperature and pressure inside the Earth increase with depth. As a comparison, the mantle might be thought of as the white of a boiled egg. At the center of the Earth lies the core, which is nearly twice as dense as the mantle because its composition is metallic (iron-nickel alloy) rather than stony. Unlike the yolk of an egg, however, the Earth's core is actually made up of two distinct parts: a 2,200 km-thick liquid outer core and a 1,250 km-thick solid inner core. As the Earth rotates, the liquid outer core spins, creating the Earth's magnetic field. Not surprisingly, the Earth's internal structure influences plate tectonics. The upper part of the mantle is cooler and more rigid than the deep mantle; in many ways, it behaves like the overlying crust. Together they form a rigid layer of rock called the lithosphere (from lithos, Greek for stone). The lithosphere tends to be thinnest under the oceans and in volcanically active continental areas, such as the Western United States. Averaging at least 80 km in thickness over much of the Earth, the lithosphere has been broken up into the moving plates that contain the world's continents and oceans. Scientists believe that below the lithosphere is a relatively narrow, mobile zone in the mantle called the asthenosphere (from asthenes, Greek for weak). This zone is composed of hot, semi-solid material, which can soften and flow after being subjected to high temperature and pressure over geologic time. The rigid lithosphere is thought to "float" or move about on the slowly flowing asthenosphere. Last updated: 05.05.99
In this activity, you will practice how to use adverbials correctly. Adverbials are useful words or phrases that can describe the action in a sentence. Just like an adverb, an adverbial adds further detail or information to a verb. An adverbial can be used at the beginning or end of a sentence. When it is used at the beginning of a sentence, it is called a 'fronted adverbial'. 'She jumped around, all day long.' (Here the adverbial is at the end of the sentence). 'All day long, she jumped around.' (Now the adverbial is at the beginning of the sentence and is called a fronted adverbial). 'We met by the bus station.' (Adverbial at the end of the sentence). 'By the bus station, we met.' (Now the adverbial is at the beginning of the sentence and is called a fronted adverbial).
Weather can be thought of as the result of gradients in various atmospheric properties such as temperature, moisture, and pressure. The atmosphere is continually working to eliminate these gradients and restore itself back to equilibrium. Gravity waves are one of the mechanisms that the atmosphere utilizes in an attempt to restore itself to an equilibrium state. While these waves typically do not influence large-scale weather patterns, they can affect smaller scale weather events. They can sometimes be seen on radar images and produce some characteristic cloud patterns. The stability of the atmosphere is vital in the generation of gravity waves; if the atmosphere is stable, the difference in temperature between the atmosphere and the rising air creates a force that returns this air to its original position. The air will continue to rise and sink, forming a wave pattern. An analog to this is to imagine throwing a rock into a pond. When the rock hits the water, ripples are generated and then spread outward. As the ripples spread outward, they eventually dissipate. For a gravity wave to maintain itself, the vertical atmospheric structure is essential. A key feature of this arrangement is a deep low-level inversion (a layer in which the temperature increases with height). This layer is characteristically very stable and is typically located to the north of a warm front. The inversion itself plays two roles in the propagation of the wave. First, it enables the wave to continue horizontally spreading while maintaining its strength. Secondly, the inversion prevents the wave’s energy from propagating vertically, which in turn, prevents the wave from dissipating. So, what do gravity waves look like on radar? Below is an example of them on RadarScope, as well as an accompanying visible satellite image. Gravity Wave Radar and Satellite Image Gravity waves can produce atmospheric phenomena that have the potential to create significant impacts, especially in aviation. When over mountainous terrain, gravity waves can produce Clear Air Turbulence. This turbulence can occur at altitudes as high as 50,000 feet and up to 100 miles downwind from a mountain range. As much as 40% of all aviation accidents can be attributed to this turbulence. These waves can sometimes aid in thunderstorm development as well. If thunderstorms are ongoing during the time of a gravity wave passage, the wave can cause them to intensify.
The concept of force can be taken from our daily experience. Although forces cannot be seen or directly observed, we are familiar with their effects. For example, a helical spring stretches when a weight is hung on it or it is pulled. Our muscle tension conveys a qualitative feeling of the force in the spring. Similarly, a stone is accelerated by gravitational force during free fall, or by muscle force when it is thrown. Also, we feel the pressure of a body on our hand when we lift it. Assuming that gravity and its effects are known to us from experience, we can characterize a force as a quantity that is comparable to gravity. In statics, bodies at rest are investigated. From experience we know that a body subject solely to the effect of gravity falls. To prevent a stone from falling, to keep it in equilibrium, we need to exert a force on it, for example our muscle force. In other words: A force is a physical quantity that can be brought into equilibrium with gravity. Characteristics and Representation of a Force From experience we also know that force has a direction. While gravity always has an effect downwards (towards the earth’s center), we can press against a tabletop in a perpendicular or in an inclined manner. The box on the smooth surface in Fig. 2 will move in different directions, depending on the direction of the force exerted upon it. The direction of the force can be described by its line of action and its sense of direction (orientation). In Fig. 1, the line of action f of the force F is inclined under the angle α to the horizontal. The sense of direction is indicated by the arrow. Therefore, we conclude: According to standard vector notation, a force is denoted by a boldfaced letter, for example by F, and its magnitude by |F| or simply by F. In figures, a force is represented by an arrow, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Since the vector character usually is uniquely determined through the arrow, it is usually sufficient to write only the magnitude F of the force next to the arrow. In Cartesian coordinates (see Fig. 3), the force vector can be represented using the unit vectors ex, ey, ez by, Applying Pythagorean theorem in space, the force vector’s magnitude F is given by The direction angles and therefore the direction of the force follow from
Materials: Wide range and variety of children's literature that the teacher has selected (books should be different levels, types, and contain different contents), many types of paper, drawing materials, writing materials such as markers, crayons, etc. 1. Introduce the lesson by explaining to the children that expression is important in reading books. "When we talk, we use lots of expression. When we read books, we should also use lots of expression. The way we express words in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence." Read the sentence She gave me the paper. Now, read the sentence with different expressions such as excited, mad, bored, sad, etc. "The expression we use when we read depends on what the sentence is about, or other sentences that are in the book. When you read, remember to think about what you are reading. If what you have read does not make sense, go back and reread the sentence." 2. Call on children and give the sentence He made me do it. Assign children with an expression such as mad, upset, happy, surprised, etc. Have each child read the sentence with their assigned expression. 3. Each child will choose a book he or she can read that is on their reading level and they will read the book silently. Using materials given to them, the children will draw a picture of the emotions expressed in what they have read. 4. Children will share pictures describing the emotions from the book. The children will then practice reading their book to a friend, focusing on reading with expression. Encourage friends to show their feelings and emotions. 5. Each child will read their book to the teacher, focusing on expression. For assessment, the teacher will give each child a sentence to read that is on their reading level. While the child is reading, the teacher will document all expressions made by the child. Reference: Eldredge, J. Lloyd. Teaching Decoding in Holistic Classrooms. Prentice Hall, Inc. 1995, pg. 19-20. Click here to return through Breathroughs. Questions? Click here email@example.com
Do a science fair project! Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult to help you research the topic and find out how to do a science fair project about it. Test, answer, or show? Your science fair project may do one of three things: Test an idea (or hypothesis.) Answer a question. Show how nature works. How do the constellations change in the night sky over different periods of time? How does the number of stars visible in the sky change from place to place because of light pollution? Learn about and demonstrate the ancient method of parallax to measure the distance to an object, such as stars and planets. Study different types of stars and explain different ways they end their life cycles. How do the phases of the Moon correspond to the changing tides? Demonstrate what causes the phases of the Moon? How does the tilt of Earth’s axis create seasons throughout the year? How do weather conditions (temperature, humidity) affect how fast a puddle evaporates? How salty is the ocean? Solar system topics: How does the size of a meteorite relate to the size of the crater it makes when it hits Earth? How does the phase of the Moon affect the number of stars visible in the sky? Show how a planet’s distance from the Sun affects its temperature. Observe and record changes in the number and placement of sun spots over several days. DO NOT look directly at the Sun! Make a sundial and explain how it works. Show why the Moon and the Sun appear to be the same size in the sky. How effective are automobile sunshades? Study and explain the life space of the sun relative to other stars.
To calculate the normal force on an object, draw a free body diagram, determine the surface's angle, factor in the other present forces, and solve for the normal force. Note that the normal force is perpendicular to the surface the object sits on.Continue Reading Draw a free body diagram of the object in question, along with all the forces acting on it. For example, if a box is sitting on the ground, the only two forces present are the force of gravity and the normal force. These forces act in opposite directions, with gravity acting downward and the normal force acting upward. If a person were pushing the box, this would be an additional force. These forces are typically shown as arrows to indicate the direction of the force. Recall that normal force is always perpendicular to the surface on which an object sits. Determine the angle of the surface the object is in contact with. If the surface is flat, there is no angle. If the surface is slanted, use the trigonometric angles of sine, cosine and tangent. Calculate the other forces that are acting on the object. The force of gravity is the mass of the object multiplied by the gravitational constant of 9.81 meters per second squared (m/s^2). Other forces, such as the force generated by a push or pull, may be given to you in the question. Solve for the normal force by summing the other forces. If an object is motionless on the ground, the normal force is equal to the force of gravity. Pay attention to the direction in which the force travels. If it moves in the same direction as the normal force, then this force must be subtracted from the gravitational force (Normal = Force of Gravity - Force). If the force travels opposite the normal force, it is added to the gravitational force (Normal = Force of Gravity + Force).
Whether you're making your own irregular verb worksheet or looking for one that's already done, you're in the right place. Below, you'll find activities to use and/or tailor to your students' own unique learning needs. Irregular verbs can be a bit of a tough subject for some learners, so having some great worksheets for practice can really help with the process. Irregular Verb Worksheets Developing an Irregular Verb Worksheet When you first introduce irregular verbs to your students, it will probably be within the context of simple past tense verbs. You might show them how "take" becomes "took" and not "taked," for example, and how you would convert "run" to "ran" and not "runned." That's because irregular verbs don't follow standard formulas for conjugating into the past tense form. If that's as far as you've gotten, then your irregular verb worksheet should only include activities that pertain to past simple verbs. It may be easier to focus only on the past tense before moving on to more complex subjects. With more advanced students who may already be working on past participles, you'll need to include activities that allow them to practice using the past participles of irregular verbs, as well as with the past tense. No matter how advanced your students are at this point, try to include some easy, medium and hard activities on your worksheet, relative to how much they already know. You can use these activities as they are, or you can use them as inspiration to come up with your own learning activities. Easy Irregular Verb Activities The activities in the following worksheet are considered easy because they simply require students to fill in blanks with specific instructions on how to do so. They can be made more difficult by requiring the students to fill in the blanks from memory (without using an irregular verb list or chart). For a little more fun, you can also make a word search or cross-word puzzle where the clues are the base form of the verb, and the students have to either find or fill in the past or past participle form. Medium-Difficulty Irregular Verb Activities You can make any of the easy activities harder by taking away your students' irregular verb lists/charts and dictionaries. But the medium-difficult activities in the following worksheet add an extra challenge to the easier ones in the above worksheet. Hard Irregular Verb Activities You can make any of the easy or medium activities in the above worksheets into hard ones by taking away the word bank, taking away the students' irregular verb lists/charts and dictionaries, and mixing in some regular verbs as well. If you're teaching your students to differentiate between past simple and past participle, an activity like the one in the following worksheet is also very challenging. For even more practice with irregular verbs, check out Activities for Past Tense of Irregular Verbs in ESL and Speaking Activities for Intermediate ESL. With the latter, "Whodunit" and "Amnesia" are both especially great for practicing past tense.
Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adverb Age Range: 7 to 11 This activity develops the children's understanding of the different types of words, and can also be used to teach the children about alliteration. It will also provide an opportunity for them to use a thesaurus. 1) Give each child a copy of the worksheet found here. 2) Remind the children of the meanings of the terms Adjective, Noun, Verb and Adverb. 3) Tell the children that you want them to write an adjective in the first box in each row. To the right of that, write a noun, then write a verb, and finally write an adverb in the box on the right of the row. This will produce a sentence, although it may seem silly or strange. 4) When the children are comfortable with the idea, ask them to try and use alliteration in some of their sentences, i.e. choose words which begin with the same consonant for each row. They might want to use a thesaurus to help them to search for suitable words 5) Share each other's sentences, and make a collection of the class' favourites. Comments powered by Disqus
In their school science classes, students learn about Isaac Newton's laws of motion and his work on understanding gravity. Students in history classes may learn about Newton's philosophical writings, and in advanced math classes, they could cover Newton's contribution to calculus.Continue Reading Students typically learn about Newton's laws of motion while studying physics, although lessons on the overall concept may be presented to students in elementary and middle school. Students in the sixth grade or below may learn about the laws of motion through in-class demonstrations. Students between grades six and eight usually study the practical uses of the laws of motion through real-world examples, such as learning how airplanes are able to fly. They may also study the laws of motion through mathematical worksheets, learning famous formulas such as "force equals acceleration times mass" and "distance traveled equals velocity multiplied by time." More advanced versions of these lessons that are appropriate for high school students may involve creating and graphing data sets and understanding the different kinds of motion that an object is experiencing. Upper-level high school students may be asked to apply the mathematics of the laws of motion to different concepts, such as vortices, thrust, lift and drag, and to measure these concepts for use in calculations.Learn more about Motion & Mechanics
Amending the federal Constitution to include a bill of rights was the essential political compromise in the creation of the United States government. Even though Federalists believed that individual rights were fully protected by state and common law, they knew that Anti-Federalists would never embrace the new Constitution until amendments protecting specific rights were adopted. Therefore, in 1789 Congress passed proposed amendments to the Constitution as one of its first orders of business. Viewed as unnecessary by many and a mere diversion by others, the first ten amendments, which are known as the “Bill of Rights,” became the bedrock of individual rights and liberties. “The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added.” Preamble to the Bill of Rights
the moment of a force about a point is given by the magnitude of the force times the perpendicular distance from the point to the force. Using the same definition, the moment of an area about a point is the magnitude of the area times the perpendicular distance to the point. When the moment of an area about a point is zero, that point is called the centroid of the area. The same method can be used to determine the centroid of a line or the centroid of a volume by taking the moment of the line or the moment of the volume. Finding the centroid of a body is greatly simplified when the body has planes of symmetry. If a body has a single plane of symmetry, then the centroid is located somewhere on that plane. If a body has more than one plane of symmetry, then the centroid is located at the intersection of the planes. The centroid of a volume defines the point at which the total moment of volume is zero. Similarly, the center of mass of a body is the point at which the total moment of the body's mass about that point is zero. The location of a body's center of mass can be determined by using the following equations, Here ρ is the density of the body. If ρ is constant throughout the body, then the center of mass is exactly the same as the centroid. Center of Gravity The center of gravity of a body is the point at which the total moment of the force of gravity is zero. The coordinates for the center of gravity of an object can be determined with Here g is the acceleration of gravity (9.81m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2). If g is constant throughout the body, then the center of gravity is exactly the same as the center of mass.
Primary maths - Measure height and length OR browse below for resources uploaded by the TES community: In this Measuring collection, we have activities to practise measuring height and length, including ideas for practical lessons, worksheets and presentations. Our kind contributors have shared introductions to the topic, problems to investigate and ways to revise the unit. Measuring with non-standard units Cut and stick the snakes in order according to their length. A great practical investigation to build a bridge for the billy goat to cross the river, using unifix cubes and lengths of card. A set of problems for children to solve, using Mr Small and Mr Tall as non-standard units. Children first predict which wobbly line they think will be the longest then, using a piece of string, work out the actual answer. A presentation, with teacher notes, to introduce measuring and address misconceptions. Choosing appropriate units A fantastic revision tool to check that pupils understand appropriate units for measurement, for time, weight, length and capacity. Help Bob the Builder choose his units of measurement. Great for revision of appropriate units. A cut and stick worksheet that is easily adaptable. Children decide whether the object in the picture should be measured using centimetres or metres. An activity in Notebook format to sort pictures of various familiar items by choosing the appropriate unit of measurement. Using standard units of measurement A set of differentiated cards to print off for carousel lessons. Powerpoint presentation for introducing different measuring media. An engaging cross curricular lesson embedded in a story. Use is made of an instructional text to explain how to measure a line in cm using a ruler. A results table for a lesson on estimating and measuring a variety of objects. Worksheets with pictures and shapes (sides) to measure. Worksheets for a practical lesson where pupils measure each other’s hand spans, arms, heads and height. Worksheets covering 3 ability levels for measuring using a ruler. Aimed at Y3. An outdoor activity to create a life-size outline of a favourite dinosaur, using string, tent pegs and measuring skills! A KS1 investigation, combining maths and science, to compare sizes of hands and feet and then to analyse the results. Several excellent worksheets for use with KS1 children to learn how to measure both in non-standard and standard units and to order by length. A lesson plan and pupil workbook on estimating, comparing and measuring things inside and outside the classroom. A folded booklet with measure activities, focussing on pupils measuring themselves, e.g. head circumference, height, arm length, hand span, etc. An introduction to measuring, focusing on length in cm, including practical measuring of classroom items. Year 3 investigation chart and differentiated worksheets to explore cm/m in a classroom setting. Conversion of units Interactive Smart Notebook file to teach units of measurement, length and conversions with links to well known websites and other interactive activities. Help pupils convert between units by using these Printable Conversion Lines for Capacity, Weight, Length, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Compare similar lengths in different units (mm, cm, m, km) An interactive Pelmanism game: Match the centimetre lengths to their equivalent lengths in metres.
What is binary? Many people think that our counting system is based on 10s because we have ten fingers, and use them to count. Computers don't have fingers - they have electrical circuits, and electrical circuits have two states - on or off. Computers, therefore, use a number system based on twos, called binary. In many ways, they are the same. In a number system based on tens, each column heading (units, tens, hundreds, etc.) is ten times the value of the column heading to its right, and you can use one of ten values (1-9 and 0) in each position. In a number system based on twos, each column heading is two times the one to its right, and you can use one of two values in each position. Here you can see a binary number with the column headings added. After the equals sign is the number as we'd normally write it. You can click each digit to toggle it between 0 and 1. If you change the binary number so that it reads 00001010, that means that you want one 8 and one 2, so the value of 00001010 is 10. It's as simple as that! Click to investigate. Can you make 100? Is there only one pattern of 0s and 1s that make each number? A sequence of eight bits (0s or 1s), like the one shown above, is called a byte. What is the maximum number that a byte can store? If you used your 10 fingers to count in binary, you could actually count up to 1023! For an alternative view of binary, you could try using the abacus in base 2. If you're wondering how we can represent numbers that aren't positive integers, have a look at the pages on binary fractions or normalised floating-point binary. We can take advantage of the fact that there is only one way to make each number by using something called binary flags. The patterns of 0s and 1s can't also be used to design a text character. This page is designed to cover the KS3 National Curriculum requirements for Computing. For a more in-depth discussion of number bases, look at the Number Bases page in the Mathematics section. You can also watch an introduction to binary and examples of how computers use binary on the AdvancedICT YouTube channel. Why not practice your programming skills by creating a program that uses these techniques? Try to create a program that will convert a decimal number to binary - I can think of at least two ways to do it (one of which uses bitwise Boolean logic). Click here to download some curriculum programming examples.
Extension: Classroom Connection Try this activity with your students: - As a whole class, brainstorm a list of characteristics that make human beings individual. This list might include things such as culture and ethnicity, family structure, siblings, likes and dislikes, hobbies, where they live or have lived, pets, important experiences they have had, and many other factors. - Ask each student to list 10 to 20 specific characteristics that combine to portray who they are as a human being. - Ask students to choose a way of presenting these characteristics visually or verbally to share with the class. - Discussion should focus on how these individual characteristics combine to make us unique human beings with unique points-of-view. - Additional discussion might focus on how understanding the multiple perspectives offered in our communities helps us broaden our own view of the world, but at the same time embodies the possibilities for conflicts that require thoughtful Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner What are your own diversities? Use the Teacher Resource "Bringing Diversity to the Foreground" [link to pdf] to list the various characteristics that make you the person you are. How do these characteristics influence your view of the world? Of your classroom? Of yourself? Of your students? What are the implications for you as a learner and a teacher?
Psychology is fun for students, especially when they learn through hands-on activities, such as experiments. Teachers can find many examples of classroom activities and psychological experiments appropriate for the classroom in teachers' manuals for specific textbooks and on websites. Prisoner's Dilemma Game The "Prisoner's Dilemma Game" shows cooperation and competition. Start by describing a situation where two arrested people are separated immediately. The arresting officers tell each prisoner that if he confesses, he will get a reduced punishment. If both prisoners confess, their punishments will be longer. If neither prisoner confesses (they cooperate), both prisoners will receive short punishments. Place people into groups with three members: two game players and the middle person as scorekeeper. During ten trials, players do not speak as they give the scorekeeper a paper saying they will confess or not. Use points in place of punishment. One possibility is when a person confesses and her partner does not, give confessor 10 points and partner minus 5. If both confess, each receives 2 points. If both cooperate (neither confesses), each receives 5 points. Fundamental Attribution Error Have paired people interview each other to find out what the other person is like. After a few moments, give them a questionnaire about the other person. Devise a questionnaire with 10 or 12 characteristics, being sure they are positive or neutral, for example "quiet" or "talkative" or "depends on situation." When they have completed the questionnaire about their partners, have them respond to the same questionnaire about themselves. Then ask all participants to count the number of times they marked "depends on situation" for their partner and themselves. People are more likely to choose "depends on situation" for themselves than for others -- the Fundamental Attribution Error -- attributing their behavior to the situation and the behavior of other people to their personality. In-groups and Out-groups You can show the ease with which in-groups and out-groups form by putting people into two groups. The basis for inclusion in the group should be something simple such as who is wearing jeans and who is wearing other types of clothing. Seat the members of the two groups (jeans wearers and non-jeans wearers) together and tell them to discuss why the other group is dressed differently. After the discussion continues, people have a tendency to find more derogatory reasons for the worn clothes -- producing an in-group and out-group. False Consensus Effect Develop a short questionnaire with simple questions, such as, "I think the government should spend less money on security and more on helping the homeless." The questionnaire should be short and one that can be answered quickly. After people answer the questionnaires by themselves, ask them to guess the number of others in their group who have the same opinion on each question. Then ask participants to raise their hands to indicate their responses on the questions. People have a tendency to overestimate how many others have the same opinion they do. The False Consensus Effect demonstrates the idea that people think those who are similar to themselves also have similar attitudes. - Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
In our class blocks have been a hotspot of inspiration and learning. Playing with blocks keeps children very engaged and interested. Using blocks creates challenges and repeated use inspires children to be more creative and work on more complex structures. Through block play children learn: (Image sourced from: http://www.stevenscoop.org/news/article/index.aspx?linkid=60&moduleid=39) Ffion, Alex, Walker and Nicolas decided to draw a plan on how to use the blocks to build a train, plane and a castle. In order to put their plan into action, there was a lot of sharing of and building on ideas. When building with blocks the children are not only using their imagination but are also able to describe and narrate their story. Here are some of their descriptions: “A very tall tower for all of us to live in and hide from the baddies.” Karson and Walker “A scary dinosaur castle and the dinosaurs are looking for children to eat.” Edward “A castle with wheels.” Alexander “We can do a train and also a bridge.” Edward, Walker and Nicolas “A garage for the trains.” Ffion, Anika, Edward The range of math skills the children are exploring are: counting, measuring, comparing length and width, names of shapes, and how to combine some geometric shapes to make other shapes. They are even learning the basics of addition when they discover that two short blocks will be the same length as big block. “Look Mrs. Rao, if I put two small blocks they are the same as the big one.” Karson “Two small rectangle blocks are the same as the big rectangle one.” Walker “We have 13 blocks and you have more.” Edward. “I am taller than this tower.” Zane “I am taller than the tower, but shorter than Zane.” Amy “I am shorter than the tower. I cannot see Zane.” Annabel “Thank you for sharing the blocks with us.” Nicolas Children experiment with science concepts such as forces, when they learn how to balance the blocks to avoid their constructions from falling. They learn the use of simple machines such as ramps and slides through their buildings. Here the children are experimenting to discover: How many blocks until it topples over? What can we do to make it balance? What will slide down easily and what will not move when we put it on the ramp? Block play encourages healthy social development among children. When groups of children play with blocks together, they learn how to share, cooperate and build on each others ideas.
It is believed that the Moon was formed when a Mars-size body collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago. This "giant impact" melted both objects and sent molten debris into orbit around the Earth, some of which coalesced to form the Moon. Under this scenario, the heat from the giant impact would have vaporized the light elements. Over the past forty years there have been significant efforts to determine the content and origin of the volatile contents in the lunar samples. There is reliable evidence that the Moon's interior contains sulfur, some chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. Yet the evidence for indigenous H2O has remained elusive, consistent with the general consensus that the Moon is dry. The research team, with scientists from Brown University, Carnegie Institution for Science, and Case Western Reserve University, took advantage of new methods for analyzing lunar samples to detect tiny amounts of water. Co-author of the paper, Erik Hauri of the Carnegie's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, developed new techniques that can detect extremely minute quantities of water in glasses and minerals by the technology called secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). These technical advances were made in collaboration with engineers from Cameca Instruments (France), who manufactured the NanoSIMS instrument used to make these challenging measurements. "For the past four decades, the limit for detecting water in lunar samples was about 50 parts per million (ppm) at best," explained Hauri. "We developed a way to detect as little as 5 ppm of water. We were really surprised to find a great deal more in these tiny glass beads, up to 46 ppm." One glass bead told the tale of what happened. The researchers found that the volatiles decreased from the tiny sphere's core to its rim - a difference that indicates that some 95% of the water was lost during the volcanic activity. James Van Orman, a former Carnegie postdoc now at Case Western Reserve University, was one of the team members who wrote the numerical model. "We looked at many factors over a wide range of cooling rates that would affect all the volatiles simultaneously and came up with the right mix. A droplet cooling at a rate of about 3° F to 6° F per second over 2 to 5 minutes between the time of eruption and when the material was quenched or rapidly cooled matched the profiles for all the volatiles, including the loss of about 95% of the water," he said. The researchers estimated that there was originally about 750 ppm of water in the magma at the time of eruption. "Since the Moon was thought to be perfectly dehydrated, this is a giant leap from previous estimates," continued Hauri. "It suggests the intriguing possibility that the Moon's interior might have had as much water as the Earth's upper mantle. But even more intriguing: If the Moon's volcanoes released 95% of their water, where did all that water go?" Since the Moon's gravity is too feeble to retain an atmosphere, the researchers speculate that some of the water vapor from the eruptions was probably forced into space, but some may also have drifted toward the cold poles of the Moon where ice may be present in permanently shadowed craters. Several previous lunar missions have suggested the presence of ice at both poles. Unless it is very deep, lunar groundwater is unlikely to exist since the Sun heats most of the Moon's surface to over 200°F (100°C). Lead author of the study, Alberto Saal of Brown University remarked: "Beyond the evidence for the presence of water in the interior of the Moon, which I found extremely exciting, I learned that the contributions from scientists from other disciplines has the potential to produce unexpected results. Such a scientist is able not only to ask questions that no one has asked before, but also can challenge hypotheses that are embedded in the thinking of the scientists working in the field for many years. Our case is a typical example. When I suggested we measure volatiles in lunar material, everyone I talked to thought that such proposal was a futile endeavor. We ‘knew' the Moon was dry." Many scientists have believed the Moon's polar ice, if there, originated from impacts of water-rich meteoroids and comets that struck the Moon's surface over its history. The new study suggests that some of this water could have come from lunar volcanic eruptions. Verifying that water is at the Moon's poles is one goal of the NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, due to launch later this year. And it is the primary objective of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite with a 2009 launch date. Verification of water on the Moon's surface is an important step in progress toward an eventual manned lunar outpost. Funding for the study came from the Carnegie Institution for Science, the NASA Cosmochemistry Program, and the NASA Astrobiology Institute. |Journal Home Page||Apollo 15 Journal Index|
Density refers to the amount of mass contained in objects; though two objects may be the same size, if one has more mass than the other, it will have greater density. Explaining this concept to elementary students may be difficult, but presenting them with hands-on experiments that allow them to see density can promote an understanding of this scientific property in a way they can relate to. Float or Sink Show students how density affects objects' ability to float on water. Fill a bucket with water and provide students with a variety of objects that are the same sizes; packing peanuts, balls of paper, paperclips, coins and pebbles, for example. Ask children to predict whether the objects will float or sink in the water and then invite students to place the objects on the surface of the water to test their predictions. After observing which items float and which sink, provide an explanation of density. Use raw eggs and water to teach children about density. Fill two containers with water, one with plain water and one with salt water. Ask students to predict whether raw eggs will float or sink in the water. Place the eggs on the surface of the water and observe what happens. The egg in the plain water will sink to the bottom, while the egg in the salt water will float. Explain to students that salt water is denser than plain water, enabling the egg to float. Water and Oil Show students how oil and water don't mix to teach them about density. Fill two clear containers with water and oil and ask students if they think the liquids will mix together when they are combined. After students have made their predictions, pour the oil into a clear, empty container and then pour the water into the same container. As the water is added to the oil, the oil will move to the top of the container and the water will move to the bottom. Inform children that oil is less dense than water, which makes it float on top of the water. Create a tower of different liquids and float different objects within the liquids to demonstrate density. Fill a clear container with oil, honey and water and allow them to settle. Observe how the liquids settle and inform students that the most dense liquid settles on the bottom and the least dense liquid settles on the top. Ask children what they think will happen when a coin, a cork and a grape are dropped into the liquid tower. Place the items into the container and observe as each one floats in a different liquid. Explain that each item has a different density, making them float in different materials.
The Trail of Tears describes the routes taken by five Native American tribes after they were forced from their homes by the United States government. Beginning in 1831, tens of thousands of men, women and children were forced to move west from the Deep South to what is now Oklahoma. The motivations for this forced removal, and subsequent developments in the five tribes' homelands, highlight the magnitude of the trail's historic importance. What Led Up to the "Indian Removal" The "Indian Removal" of the early 19th century was the result of persistent pressure on and by successive United States governments. The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee Creek and Seminole peoples inhabited large areas of land which became increasingly financially valuable. As the land became more valuable, the states that included it put pressure on the federal government to make it available to them. This increasing pressure eventually led to the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Immediate Gains and Losses The terms "Trail of Tears" and "The Place Where They Cried" refer to the suffering of Native Americans affected by the Indian Removal Act. It is estimated that the five tribes lost 1 in 4 of their population to cholera, starvation, cold and exhaustion during the move west. The United States government, meanwhile, gained millions of square miles of territory, and put an end to the tribes' decades of legal and military attempts to protect their lands. The Removal and the Development of Slavery The Indian Removal Act freed up land to be farmed for the most important cash crop in the Deep South: cotton. Cotton production in the South rose from almost none in 1787 to 3.6 million 500 pound bales by 1860. This explosion in production depended on an increase in the numbers of slaves to harvest the cotton. The Southern economy’s reliance on slavery, and increasing Northern opposition to it, would eventually lead to secession of 11 Southern states from the Union, and eventually to the American Civil War. The tribes on the Trail of Tears were described as the "Civilized Tribes" because they had largely agreed to live peacefully alongside European settlers, and had adopted settler culture as it helped with co-existence. That the government forcibly removed them afterward led to an abiding lack of trust between the tribes and the United States, and subsequent laws, from the Dawes Act which led to massive acquisition of native lands by European speculators, through the Termination of the Reservations in the 1960s, have -- it can be argued -- ensured this alienation is still felt today.
Students have been hard at work on their fractions practice this year, so now it's time to see how far they've come. This end-of-year check-in will help you assess student understanding of simple fractions of wholes. Fractions are a mathematical concept that students begin learning in second grade and are used to mathematically represent a part of a whole. Fractions can be difficult for your child to understand with new vocabulary like numerator and denominator, but with our worksheets and exercises, your child will be a pro at everything from adding fractions to dividing them! Find teaching strategies and guided practice for your child with our Fractions Skills Guide. A Guide to Fractions There are many types of fractions that your child will learn to work with, so we’ve compiled a short guide to help you help your child recognize the different types! Numerator and Denominator The numerator is the top number in the fraction and is the number of parts used. The denominator is the bottom number in the fraction and is the number of parts that make up a whole. For example, if we are looking at a pizza and we are told that someone ate 2⁄8 of the pizza, the numerator would be 2 (the number of slices eaten) and the denominator would be 8 (because there are 8 pieces total). Equivalent Fractions Equivalent fractions are fractions that have different numbers as the numerator and denominator, but are actually the same. For example, 4⁄8 = 3⁄6 = 2⁄4 = 1⁄2. Proper Fractions vs Improper Fractions Proper fractions are any fractions where the numerator is less than the denominator. 8⁄9 and 2⁄3 are both proper fractions. Improper fractions are any fractions where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. 9⁄4 and 5⁄5 are both improper fractions. Mixed fractions are used to show when there is a whole plus a part involved. For example, if someone ate 2 whole pizzas and 1⁄2 of another pizza, the mixed fraction of how many pizzas they ate would be equal to 2 1⁄2. Mixed fractions can be converted to improper fractions by multiplying the whole number by the denominator, adding the numerator to their product, and putting that sum over the original denominator. Similarly, improper fractions can be converted to mixed fractions by dividing the numerator by the denominator to get the whole number and using the remainder as the new numerator. Now that you have a better understanding of the different types of fractions your child will be working with, scroll up to check out our fraction worksheets and exercises!
Gravitational waves are one of the fundamental building blocks of our developing picture of the universe. Although there is strong evidence for the existence of gravitational waves, they have not yet been directly detected. waves are thought to be similar to light waves in that they carry energy and momentum that can be detected by a suitable instrument. Light carries information about the structure of the matter that generated it, and scientists think that gravitational waves will too. It is believed that gravitational waves behave something like ripples in the curvature of space-time and are generated by the motion of massive particles. These waves cause a varying strain of space-time, which result in changes in the distance between points. If scientists can measure the changes that take place between fixed points, more can learned about where these wave come from and what caused Interferometer Space Antenna - LISA will attempt to detect gravitational waves. The primary objective of the LISA mission is to observe gravitational waves from distant stars. Of special interest are the gravitational waves generated near the massive black holes found in the centers of many galaxies. consists of three spacecraft flying 5 million kilometers apart in the formation of an equilateral triangle. The triangle formation follows along behind the Earth, in the same orbit, circling the sun. The three LISA spacecraft flying in formation will act as a giant interferometer, measuring the distortion of space caused by passing gravitational waves. Each spacecraft will contain two free-floating masses. Each mass is shielded from distorting movements caused by the sun, or other factors, by its housing. Lasers in each spacecraft will be used to measure with great precision the changes caused by passing gravitational waves in the distance between the three
An angle is the distance, measured in degrees, between two lines that share one endpoint. The exact degree of the angle is measured by a protractor or calculated based on other angles, if using a triangle, which as three sides and three angles total. As an angle increases, the name of the angle changes. A right angle is exactly 90 degrees. The two lines are perfectly perpendicular to each other. If one line is horizontal, the right angle is created by drawing a second line 90 degrees away from it. This second line is not closer to the first line on either side. A right angle is indicated by drawing a small square in the angle, as shown in the first picture. Imagine a right angle as 1/4 turn of a circle. Obtuse angles are larger than 90 degrees, but smaller than 180 degrees. Make an obtuse angle by drawing a right angle and then adding more degrees to the second line. Obtuse is defined as blunt, referring to the less pointy characteristic of an obtuse angle. An obtuse angle looks like you are opening a book, before the front cover hits the table, but after the point where it would close if you let the cover go. Acute angles are less than 90 degrees, but larger than zero degrees. Subtract degrees from a right, 90 degrees, angle to get an acute angle. Acute is defined as sharp, referring to the angle being more drastic than a right or obtuse angle. You can add together two or more acute angles to equal a right angle. A straight angle is exactly 180 degrees. This is half a circle -- a full circle is 360 degrees total. A straight angle can also be called a straight line. A reflex angle is larger than 180 degrees, but less than one turn, or an entire circle. It will look like a piece taken out of a pie, where the remaining pie is the reflexive angle.
From the late seventeenth century onwards, a few American colonists, mostly Quakers, had expressed their moral opposition to the spread of black slavery America. It was not until the coming of the Revolution , however, that the first concerted protests arose, first against the continued importation of slaves and then against slavery itself, as contrary to the liberties and natural rights for which the war was being fought. Some New England states adopted immediate emancipation: Vermont ’s 1777 constitution explicitly outlawed slavery and in Massachusetts and New Hampshire , a series of judicial interpretations during the 1780s declared the institution in violation of the bills of rights contained in their new state constitutions. Elsewhere in the northern states, a policy of gradual emancipation was adopted, in Pennsylvania in 1780 and Rhode Island in 1784, but not until 1799 and 1804 in New York and New Jersey . This legislation provided for those born into slavery after the act to be freed at a certain age (21 in Pennsylvania and 28 in New York), so that masters would still receive the bulk of their slaves’ working lives as compensation for their ultimate loss of “property.” Slavery was excluded from the territories north and west of the Ohio River. Still further north, British Canada harbored several thousand former slaves freed by British forces during the revolutionary war. This “first emancipation” set slavery on a course towards extinction in the northern United States. As the first large-scale freeing of slaves in human history, it helped launch a movement that would in less than a century transform slavery from an accepted component of almost every human society since ancient times to something morally suspect, a “peculiar” institution. It marked a turning-point in the black experience in America. Yet in the short term within the new United States, its results were limited. In the south, where some 95% of the country’s slaves were held in 1776, slavery emerged from the revolutionary era challenged but confirmed, protected by the new Federal constitution and ready to embark on its greatest expansion south and west. Only around the Chesapeake did a brief easing of the restrictions on individual emancipation raise the number of free persons to 10% of the region’s black population by 1800. In the north, meanwhile, the “first emancipation” freed few immediately and others only gradually. There remained twenty thousand slaves in the former northern colonies in the 1820s, with a few in New Jersey still enslaved in 1860. Blacks due to receive their freedom were sometimes forcibly sold to continued bondage in the south. Even when freed, blacks were still subject to social discrimination, political disenfranchisement, and, all too often, various forms of bound labor imposed by local authorities. Eroding slavery gave new meaning to the American pursuit of liberty. Yet it was but one step in the African American quest for citizenship and social justice. Arthur Zilversmit, The First Emancipation: The Abolition of Slavery in the North (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967); Joanne Pope Melish, Disowning Slavery: Gradual Emancipation and “Race” in New England, 1780-1860 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998); David Gellman, Emancipating New York: The Politics of Slavery and Freedom, 1777-1827 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 2006). University of Washington
Simplifying an expression is the first step to solving algebra problems. Through simplifying, calculations are easier, and the problem can be more quickly solved. The order for simplifying an algebraic expression is always the same and starts with any parentheses in the problem. Expressions are simplified using the order of operations, which is a mathematical principle covering how to simplify expressions and solve problems. Simplifying an expression without following the order of operations will result in a wrong answer. Work out any terms within brackets first. For example, in the problem 2 + 2x [2(3x+2)+2)], multiply out the terms within the bracket first. Get rid of any parentheses in the problem. Multiply any terms in the parentheses with the number outside of the parentheses. For example, for the expression 2(4x + 2), multiply the 2 by the 4x and by the 2 to end up with 8x + 4. Get rid of roots and exponents. Figure the roots and multiply out any exponents. Complete any multiplication within the expression. Add the coefficients of any like terms. The coefficient is the number in a term with a letter. For example, in 2x, the coefficient is 2. Add any remaining numbers. This includes the numbers without coefficients.
Phonics and reading schemes Communication and language Listening and attention Children listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity. Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events. Children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. This involves providing opportunities for pupils to be active and interactive, and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Pupils must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Personal, social and emotional development This involves helping pupils to: develop a positive sense of themselves and others form positive relationships and develop respect for others develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings understand appropriate behaviour in groups have confidence in their own abilities Specific areas of learning and their associated ELGs This involves encouraging pupils to read and write, both through listening to others reading, and being encouraged to begin to read and write themselves. Pupils must be given access to a wide range of reading materials for example books, poems, and other written materials to ignite their interest. This involves providing pupils with opportunities to: practise and improve their skills in counting numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems describe shapes, spaces, and measures Understanding of the world This involves guiding pupils to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. Characteristics of effective learning Gives you information about how your child is learning. It’s about the processes they use to learn rather than outcomes Playing and exploring – engagement Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Active learning – motivation Creating and thinking critically - thinking
Magnitude Estimation is a psychophysical method in which participants judge and assign numerical estimates to the perceived strength of a stimulus. This technique was developed by S. S. Stevens in the 1950s (e.g., Stevens, 1956). Magnitude estimation usually works in the following way. A stimulus is presented, and the participant simply gives a number that indicates how intense she perceive that stimulus. In a common variation, an experimenter presents a standard stimulus, which is often called the modulus, and assigns it a particular value, say 20. Then the participant must judge subsequent stimuli and give them a numerical value comparing it to the standard stimulus or modulus. So if the participant thinks the new stimulus is twice as intense as the standard, it should be assigned a 40. If the next tone is just a bit less intense than the standard, it will be assigned a 15. If the tone is heard to be much less intense than the standard, it might receive a 5 on this hypothetical scale. In this version of magnitude estimation, you will be judging the loudness of a tone. To see the illustration in full screen, which is recommended, press the Full Screen button, which appears at the top of the page. On this tab you can adjust the type of stimulus and the various parameters of the motion of the stimulus to see how this might effect the aftereffect. The settings include the following: Frequency: the frequency of the tone, or how fast the sound cycles, in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Tone Duration: how long the tones in the experiment will play, in seconds. Frequency Difference: the difference of the frequency between the modulus (the value given above) and the frequency of the tone you are judging, in Hz. Play: allows you to play the current version of the standard tone. Reset At the top of the settings page is a Reset button. Pressing this button restores the method settings to their default values. On this tab, you can adjust how the method will work. The settings include the following: Number of Levels of Gain: how many different levels of intensity of your stimulus. Number of Repetitions: how many times each stimulus will be presented. Use Modulus: controls if a comparison stimulus (the modulus) be presented. Enter the value for this standard stimulus. A value of 50 is the default. Minimum Value of Gain: What is the least intense tone that will be played. Maximum Value of Gain: What is the most intense tone that will be played. Reset: at the top of the settings page is a Reset button. Pressing this button restores the stimulus settings to their default values. On the Experiment tab, press the space bar or the Start button on the screen to start the experiment. Listen carefuly. If you use the modulus, it will be the first tone played. The value of the modulus will be shown below the fixation mark. Then the target stimulus will be presented. This stimulus, a tone, will be played shortly after the modulus. After the target tone has been played, a box will appear for you to type your judgment. you have a keyboard, you can use the numbers to type your estimate of the stimulus. Back space will remove the last number typed and the delete key will clear the stimulus. Press the enter key when you are done. If you do not have a keyboard or wish to use your mouse, you can use the number buttons after the Done button to enter the numbers. The B button is the back space and the C button will act as the delete button. You can press the done button to go to the next trial. When you have finished all of your trials, you will be instructed that you can view your results. Your data will be presented on this tab. On the x-axis will be the different levels of intensity of the stimulus. On the y-axis will be the average magitude estimation of that intensity. To display the data showing the average magnitude estimation for each stimulus level, click or tap the Show Data button. Change the settings below to alter the stimulus parameters in this experiment.
Classroom discussions can tell the teacher much about student learning and understanding of basic concepts. The teacher can initiate the discussion by presenting students with an open-ended question. The goal is to build knowledge and develop critical and creative thinking skills. Discussions allow students to increase the breadth and depth of their understanding while discarding erroneous information and expanding and explicating background knowledge (Black and Wiliam 1998; Doherty 2003). By activating students as learning resources for one another there is the possibility of some of the largest gains seen in any educational intervention (Slavin, Hurley and Chamberlain 2003). The teacher can assess student understanding by listening to the student responses and by taking anecdotal notes. To prepare students for the discussion, the teacher could have students complete the Decision Making Chart. Ten Techniques for Energizing Your Classroom Discussions The Importance of Classroom Discussion How to Encourage Classroom Discussion Classroom Instruction: The Discussion Technique Real World Model of Classroom Discussion
Many neutron stars are surrounded by accretion disks. The disks are often made up of matter pulled in by the neutron star’s gravity from a companion star in a binary system. Over time, the neutron stars can swallow so much additional material that they collapse into black holes. Recently, research associate Bruno Giacomazzo and Fellow Rosalba Perna studied this collapse process in detail. They modeled how an accretion disk affects a neutron star’s collapse into a black hole. Their model included an analysis of the kinds of signals that would be emitted by neutron stars with and without accretion disks as they collapsed into black holes. The researchers were a little disappointed to discover that the gravitational wave signal would likely be similar for an accretion-induced collapse and the collapse of a “naked” neutron star. However, they were excited to find that the two kinds of collapses would send very different electromagnetic signals such as short bursts of gamma rays. The variations in electromagnetic signals stem from differences in what happens immediately following the collapse into a black hole. When a neutron star with an accretion disk collapses, it leaves behind some of its accretion disk. The newly formed black hole voraciously swallows the surviving disk, which can launch relativistic jets and emit short bursts of gamma rays in the process of growing rapidly. Thus, accretion-induced collapse of neutron stars could be responsible for some of the short gamma-ray bursts observed in our Universe. In contrast, when a “naked” neutron star collapses into a black hole, almost no ordinary matter is left anywhere near the new black hole. Thus, nothing happens in this kind of collapse to generate bursts of gamma rays (or any other electromagnetic signals). By identifying and interpreting gamma-ray “messages from the abyss,” researchers now have a way to locate accretion-induced collapses of neutron stars — even when they occur far outside our own Galaxy.
Skills and Best Practices Activity 1: Skills and Best Practices Simulations are learning experiences that enable students to participate in a simplified representation of the social world. Simulations differ from classroom games. Games often involve activities in which there is a competition to get correct answers. Examples of games include spelling bees and competitive drill activities. Simulations, on the other hand, allow students to understand a process through participation in that process. In most simulations, students take on roles and have specific objectives to accomplish. In order to accomplish their goals, students use resources provided and make decisions about how those resources should be used. Simulations are complex learning activities. Most research suggests that simulations are about as effective as conventional classroom techniques in teaching subject matter. Simulations are more effective in helping students retain knowledge learned as part of the simulated experience. Research suggests that simulations are more effective than traditional methods in developing positive attitudes toward academic goals. Simulations are also motivating for students. Frequently students express satisfaction with participation in simulations and are excited about the learning that took place. Students connect with simulations because the simulations deal with real questions and issues. Journal articles and other information about simulations can be found at: http://www.ericfacility.net/teams/search
Different Perspectives on the Emancipation Proclamation There are several documents that are integral to and synonymous with US history: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, The Emancipation Proclamation. They can be found in every textbook, and students are often forced to memorize parts of them, but how often are students encouraged to think critically about these documents? It is taken for granted that these documents are important, but allowing students to form their own ideas about why these documents are so essential to the history of the United States can help students appreciate them in a whole new way. In the unit plan “The Immediate Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation”, students are split up into four groups: the Union states, the Confederate states, the Union Army, and black Americans. Each group will read the Proclamation together and create a historical argument that their assigned group was the most impacted by the Proclamation. This activity allows students to think critically about the Emancipation Proclamation and its effects. By taking different perspectives, this plan helps students achieve Core Standards about reading in history. The Proclamation is no longer a boring document from their textbook, but an important piece of history that affected different people in many different ways.
After learning the conjugations of ser and estar, students should focus on understanding the basic difference between the two. Creating a storyboard like this is a powerful tool for illustrating the common uses of ser and estar. Have students create original storyboards like this model to practice and demonstrate their understanding of ser and estar. Instruct students to make a cell for each category, label it, and provide a sentence below the image using ser and estar correctly. Since there are more ser categories than estar, students should use the extra cells to practice various conjugated forms of estar while alternating between examples of emotion and location. Alternate Activity 1: Students create storyboard to focus solely on ser—6 cells, one for each use of ser. Alternate Activity 2: Students create storyboard to focus solely on estar—2 cells, one for each use of estar. (These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Use This Assignment With My Students", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.) Grade Level 9-12 Difficulty Level 2 (Reinforcing / Developing) Type of Assignment Individual
1.1 Angles, notation and measurement In everyday language, the word ‘angle’ is often used to mean the space between two lines (‘The two roads met at a sharp angle’) or a rotation (‘Turn the wheel through a large angle’). Both of these senses are used in mathematics, but it is probably easier to start by thinking of an angle in terms of the second of these – as a rotation. The diagram below shows a fixed arm and a rotating arm (with the arrow), which are joined together at O, forming an angle between them. Imagine that the rotating arm, which is pivoted at O, initially rests on top of the fixed arm and that it then rotates in the direction of the arrow. Focus on the size of the marked angle between the arms. At first the angle is quite sharp, but it becomes less so. It then becomes a right angle, and subsequently gets much blunter until the two arms form a straight line. Then it starts to turn back upon itself, passing through a three-quarter turn and, when the rotating arm gets back to the start, it rests on top of the fixed arm again. The most common unit for expressing angles is degrees, denoted by °, with a complete turn or revolution being equal to 360°. Angles can also be measured in radians, and you will meet this unit of measure if you study further maths, science or technology courses. Remember that if the angle between two straight lines is 90°, then the lines are said to be perpendicular to each other. Sometimes it is necessary to refer to a turn that is more than one complete revolution, and so is greater than 360°. An example is the angle that the minute hand of a clock turns through in a period of 12 hours: each complete revolution of the minute hand amounts to 360°, so twelve revolutions amount to 12 × 360° = 4320°. Several different notations are used for labelling angles. For example, the angle below can be referred to as ‘angle BAC’ and written as BC or BAC, or it can be referred to as the angle ‘theta’ and labelled θ. Alternatively, an angle may be denoted by the label on the vertex but with a hat on it. The vertex is another name for the ‘corner’ of an angle. For instance, the angle θ above may be denoted by , which is read as ‘angle A’. This notation can be ambiguous if there is more than one angle at the vertex, as in the example below. In such cases, θ can be specified as , , CAB or BAC – the middle letter indicates the vertex and the two outer letters identify the ‘arms’ of the angle.
The various resources listed below are aligned to the same standard, (5G02) taken from the CCSM (Common Core Standards For Mathematics) as the Geometry Worksheet shown above. Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation. - Coordinate Graphing 2 : creating and plotting ordered pairs Similar to the above listing, the resources below are aligned to related standards in the Common Core For Mathematics that together support the following learning outcome: Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems - The Coordinate Graphing System (From Example/Guidance) - Identifying X-Y Coordinates – based on coordinates shown on 0 to +10 grid ( 1 of 10) (From Worksheet) - Identifying X-Y Coordinates – based on coordinates shown on 0 to +10 grid ( 2 of 10) (From Worksheet) - Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a 0 to +10 grid ( 3 of 10) (From Worksheet) - Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a 0 to +10 grid ( 4 of 10) (From Worksheet) - Navigating a Number Line : foundation/ pre-assessment questions (From Worksheet) - The Coordinate Graphing System : foundation questions about x and y-axes (From Worksheet) - X-Y Coordinates – blank grid from 0 to 10 on x and y axes (From Worksheet)
When we count, we usually do it in base 10. That means that each place in a number can hold one of ten values, 0-9. In binary we count in base two, where each place can hold one of two values: 0 or 1. The counting pattern is the same as in base 10 except when you carry over to a new column, you have to carry over every time a place goes higher than one (as opposed to higher than 9 in base 10). For example, the numbers one and zero are the same in base 10 and base 2. But in base 2, once you get to the number 2 you have to carry over the one, resulting in the representation “10”. Adding one again results in “11” (3) and adding one again results in “100” (4). Contrary to counting in base 10, where each decimal place represents a power of 10, each place in a binary number represents a power of two (or a bit). The rightmost bit is the 1’s bit (two to the zero power), the next bit is the 2’s bit (two to the first), then 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. The binary number ‘1010’ is 10 in base 2 because the 8’s bit and the 2’s bit are “on”: 8's bit 4's bit 2's bit 1's bit 1 0 1 0 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10 In Python, you can write numbers in binary format by starting the number with 0b. When doing so, the numbers can be operated on like any other number! Take a look at the examples in the editor. Really try to understand this pattern before moving on. Click Run when you’re ready to continue.
Circling is a basic technique or skill of TPRS®. It always looks easier than it really is when one watches masterful storytellers. Circling is a way to make a statement repetitive by asking repetitive questions. Circling involves just one statement. Circling always starts with a statement. Questioning during stories serves two purposes: A) working on comprehension and processing speed via repetitive statements and questions, or B) developing storyline (or some combination of the two). As students process language faster, we are able to dedicate more class time to developing storyline and less on repetitive questions. Personalized Questions and Answers can serve much of the same purposes but PQA is also often used to find out information about students. - Start with a positive statement. - Ask a question that demands a “yes” answer. - Ask an either/or question. - Ask a question that requires a “no” answer. - Restate the negative and then restate the positive. - Ask questions with who, what, where, when, etc. - Restate the sentence. In circling there are many skills and layers. For example: - Whenever possible, we say back the entire answer. We get used to repeating the statements to the students so they can hear them again. - We can use gesture to aide comprehension and processing. - We don’t follow the predictable order. Even though there are templates for circling, we don’t want anything in TPRS® to be predictable. - You can create a parallel sentence about a student or imaginary character. The boy plays the guitar. The girl sings well. Now you have two positive statements. You can circle both statements at the same time and I like to incorporate props whenever I can. PDFs for your classroom: These posters and other goodies can be found at https://tprsbooks.com/resources/
Microsoft Office Tutorials and References In Depth Information Using Mathematical Operators As you learned earlier, all formulas begin with an equals (=) sign. Besides the equals sign, a formula typically includes one or more cell addresses that reference the values in those cells, and one or more mathematical operators , that tell Excel to add, subtract, multiply, divide, or to do something else with those values . Here are some common operators you should know: While the result of a formula appears in the active cell, the formula itself appears in the Formula bar. Using Exponential Operations Formula Versus Result An example of an exponential operation is 2 3 . To indicate exponential calculations in a formula, use ^ as in C4^2, which tells Excel to take the value in cell C4 squared. In Figure 2-2, notice that the formula = E12+E13+E14+E15 appears in the Formula bar, but that the result, $1,618,365, appears in cell E16. In addition to cell addresses and mathematical operators, formulas can also contain constants , which is just a fancy name for a number, such as 32, 2.75, or 5%. Yes, although you should not use dollar signs ($) or commas when entering a constant into a formula, if you prefer, you can use a % sign to enter a percentage such as 25% rather than using its decimal form (.25). Excel comes with many built-in formulas (such as rounding to the nearest dollar or finding the maximum value in a group of numbers). The built-in formulas are , and they make it easier for you to perform calculations on your data without actually typing the corresponding mathematical formula into a cell. See Chapter 3, “Using Excel Functions,” for more information.
Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) are the small lights commonly used in electronics. LED's emit a single wavelength (color) of light, with a brightness proportional to the current supplied. Various styles of LEDs have different operating specifications. LEDs can be ran off multiple voltages, but a series resistor is required to limit the current in the circuit. Too much current in an LED will destroy the device. As with all diodes, LED's will only allow current to flow in the direction from the anode to the cathode. - LED and Datasheet - 12 volt Direct Current (DC) supply If the LED does not light, try turning it around. There is no danger in reversing the LED connections, but it will only light in the proper orientation. If the LED is exceedingly dim, try a smaller value resistor. Supplying more current than the LED can safely handle, the result of too small a resistor value, will destroy the LED. LEDs can not be repaired. Depending upon the color and size of LED, the voltage drops and maximum currents can be significantly different. Examine the specification sheet for the LEDs which you wish to use in your circuit. Determine the values for maximum forward current (If) and typical forward voltage drop (Vf). Calculate the voltage drop required across the resistor. This will equal the 12 volts supplied minus the forward drop across the LED. Vres=12 volts - Vf If there are two or more diodes in the circuit, add all the forward voltages together and subtract the sum from 12 volts. Calculate the current through the series resistor. The maximum current will be governed by the amount of current the LED can tolerate, specified as If. For reliable operation, choose a current equal to 60% of the LED's maximum allowable current. Determine the value of the series resistor. Example: Determine the resistor required for an LED with If = 20mA and Vf = 2V Vres=12 volt supply - 2 volts (Vf) Vres=10 volts Rseries=Vres/Ires Rseries=10 volts / (60% X 20mA) Rseries = 833 ohms Resistors are commonly available in standard 5% values (E24 series of resistors). Choose the next highest value of standard resistor. A list of E24 resistors is found in the resources section. Example: 833 ohms. The next highest value is 910 ohms. Connect the positive terminal of the 12 volt power supply to one side of the resistor. Connect the other side of the resistor to the anode of the LED. Check the LED data sheet to identify the anode and cathode. The cathode is commonly the shorter lead and located nearest any flat side of the LED. Connect the cathode of the LED to the negative terminal on the 12 volt power supply. Things You'll Need - "Simple, Low Cost Electronics Projects;" Fred Blechman; 1998 - If the LED does not light, try turning it around. There is no danger in reversing the LED connections, but it will only light in the proper orientation. - If the LED is exceedingly dim, try a smaller value resistor. - Supplying more current than the LED can safely handle, the result of too small a resistor value, will destroy the LED. LEDs can not be repaired. - Depending upon the color and size of LED, the voltage drops and maximum currents can be significantly different. About the Author Andrew Hazleton has been writing on a freelance basis for more than 20 years, and his work has appeared in national, regional and in-house publications. His work has appeared in "Sports Illustrated," "IEEE Spectrum," "Popular Photography" and several newspapers. Hazleton has a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Lehigh University and a master's degree in management from Pepperdine University. Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images
TES collection Primary Science - Forces Understanding the nature of forces at work in our world is a vital concept in Physical Science. Here are resources to help you plan and to inspire your pupils to discuss, explore and experiment. - A PowerPoint with different examples of pushes and pulls for pupils to discuss movement. - A Powerpoint showing how various toys react to forces. - A worksheet for pupils to list which forces would make each object move faster, slower or change direction. - All you need for a great display on forces, including questions and key vocabulary. - A playground screen showing various forces at work. Zoom in to focus on each example and discuss. - A virtual version of a ramp experiment showing friction and gravity at work, using ramp angle and type of surface as variables. - A lesson plan and sorting worksheet for Y1 pupils to learn about forces. - A lesson plan and worksheet for Y2 pupils to explore forces in action. - A screen to introduce forces and a forces concept map for pupils to complete, illustrated with Widgit or PCS symbols. - KS2 posters revising key points of magnets, gravity, air resistance, forces and friction. - A variety of useful worksheets and full planning for the Y4 unit. - A parachute experiment for pupils to try, with planning and worksheets. - An investigation into friction, put into context using the runner, Usain Bolt. - Investigation sheet for pupils to test the strength of various types of magnet. - An experiment for children to design a shape that offers less resistance when dropped into water. Aimed at Y4 pupils. - A rail engineer visits a Y5 class to demonstrate the forces at work on structures such as bridges, and children design models using their newly-acquired knowledge.
The printable worksheets on these pages can help you supplement your math lessons on rounding. Skills include rounding to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, tenths, hundredths, and nearest dollar. If you're teaching kids to round 2 and 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten, take a look at this page. It has a Scoot game, lots of worksheets, and rounding charts. (examples: 75 rounds to 80; 167 rounds to 170) On this worksheets, pupils will round numbers to the nearest hundred. There's also a section for rounding to nearest ten and hundred (mixed). (examples: 345 rounds to 300; 1,677 rounds to 1,700) This section has a few printables on rounding to the nearest thousand. (example: 5,765 rounds to 6,000) Round decimals to the nearest tenth, hundredth, thousandth, and/or whole number. (example: 2.67 rounds to 3) Round money amounts to the nearest dollar. There's a math riddle activity, and practice worksheets. (example: $6.71 rounds to $7.00) Super Teacher Worksheets has a HUGE collection of place value worksheets. Use these resources for teaching kids about comparing and ordering numbers, place value blocks, expanded notation, and digit values.
Physlets run in a Java-enabled browser, except Chrome, on the latest Windows & Mac operating systems. If Physlets do not run, click here for help updating Java & setting Java security. Exploration 24.2: Symmetry and Using Gauss's Law Please wait for the animation to completely load. Gauss's Law is always true: Φ = ∫surface E · dA = qenclosed/ε0, but it isn't always useful for finding the electric field, which is what we are usually interested in. This should not be too surprising, because to find E, using an equation like ∫surface E · dA = qenclosed/ε0, E has to be able to come out of the integral, and for that to happen, E needs to be constant on a surface. This is where symmetry comes in. Gauss's law is only useful for calculating electric fields when the symmetry is such that you can construct a Gaussian surface so that the electric field is constant over the surface, and the angle between the electric field and the normal to the Gaussian surface does not vary over the surface (position is given in meters and electric field strength is given in newtons/coulonb). In practice, this means that you pick a Gaussian surface with the same symmetry as the charge distribution. Restart. Consider a sphere around a point charge. The blue test charge shows the direction of the electric field. There is also a vector pointing in the direction of the surface normal to the sphere. - By moving the surface normal vector on the sphere and putting the test charge at three different points on the surface, find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ (set dA = 1) at these three points (read the electric field values in the yellow text box). Are they the same? Why or why not? Now, put a box around the same point charge. The test charge now shows the direction of the electric field, and the smallest angle between the vector and a vertical axis is shown (in degrees). The red vector points in the direction of the surface normal to the box (two sides show). - By moving the surface normal vectors on the box and putting the test charge at three different points on the top surface, find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ (set dA = 1) at these three points. Are they the same? Why or why not? - In the context of your answers above, why is the sphere a better choice for using Gauss's law than the box? Let's try another charge configuration. Put a sphere around a charged plate (assume the gray circles you see are long rods of charge that extend into and out of the screen to create a charged plate that you see in cross section). - Would the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ be the same at any three points on the Gaussian surface? - Explain, then, why you would not want to use a sphere for this configuration. Now, put a box around a charged plate (assume the points you see are long rods of charge that extend into and out of the screen to create a charged plate that you see in cross section). - Find the value of E · dA = E dA cosθ at three points on the top. Are they essentially the same? - What about E · dA = E dA cosθ on the sides? For the plate, using a box as a Gaussian surface means that E · dA = E dA cosθ is a constant for each section (top, bottom, and sides) and the electric field is a constant on the surface. This means you can write: ∫surface E · dA = E ∫surface dA = EA (for the surfaces where the flux is nonzero). - Knowing that the charge per unit area on the big plate is σ, use Gauss's law to show that the expression for the electric field above or below a charged plate is E = σ/2ε0 and the direction of the electric field is away from the plate for a positively charged plate. In your textbook you will probably also see an expression that says that the electric field is σ/ε0 above or below the charged sheet. This holds true for conductors where σ is the charge/area on the top surface and there is the same amount of charge/area on the bottom surface (there is no net charge inside a conductor). Exploration authored by Anne J. Cox. Script authored by Wolfgang Christian and modified by Anne J. Cox.
|Home | Reading | Writing | Math | Alphabet | Numbers | Shapes | Colors | Basic Concepts| First Grade Proper Noun Worksheets Learning the difference between common nouns and proper nouns is simple with this set of 3 worksheets! First grade students will have to find proper nouns in sentences, will have to categorize common and proper nouns, and will practice capitalizing proper nouns! These worksheets are fun yet challenging!
Civil Rights and Protests Why did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation before the end of the Civil War? As the war raged between the Confederacy and the Union, it looked like victory would be a long time in the making: in the summer of 1862 things seemed grim for the federal troops when they were defeated at the Second Battle of Bull Run (which took place in northeastern Virginia on August 29 to 30). But on September 17, with the Battle of Antietam (in Maryland), the Union finally forced the Confederates to withdraw across the Potomac into Virginia. That September day was the bloodiest of the war. President Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) decided that this withdrawal was success enough for him to make his proclamation, and on September 22, he called a cabinet meeting. That day he presented to his advisers the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. The official Emancipation Proclamation was issued later, on January 1, 1863. This final version differed from the preliminary one in that it specified emancipation was to be effected only in those states that were in rebellion (i.e., the South). This key change had been made because the president’s proclamation was based on congressional acts giving him authority to confiscate rebel property and forbidding the military from returning slaves of rebels to their owners. Abolitionists in the North criticized the president for limiting the scope of the edict to those states in rebellion, for it left open the question of how slaves and slave owners in the loyal (Northern) states should be dealt with. Nevertheless, Lincoln had made a stand, which served to change the scope of the Civil War (1861–1865) to a war against slavery. On January 31, 1865, just over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment, banning slavery throughout the United States. Lincoln, who had lobbied hard for this amendment, was pleased with its passage. The Confederate states did not free their four million slaves until after the Union was victorious on April 9, 1865.
For a mathematical wave, the phase constant tells you how displaced a wave is from an equilibrium or zero position. You can calculate it as the change in phase per unit length for a standing wave in any direction. It's typically written using "phi," ϕ. You can use it to calculate how many oscillations a wave has undergone through its cycles. To calculate the phase constant of a wave, use the equation 2π/λ for wavelength "lambda" λ. The wavelength is the length of a full cycle of the wave; for example, if you place a point at the top of a "peak" on a waveform and another point at an identical spot on an adjacent "peak" on the same waveform, the length between those two points is the wavelength. The phase constant does not change over time, and it describes the wave's displacement along the axis it travels. The full equation for a harmonic wave with positions x and y with time t is: y − y0 = A sin (2πt/T ± 2πx/λ + ϕ) In which y0 is the y position at x = 0 and t = 0, A is the amplitude, T is the period and "phi" ϕ is the phase constant. For this sinusoidal wave, the period T = 1/f for frequency (f), which is how many cycles of a wave pass over a given point per second. The left side y − y0 is the displacement of the wave in the y direction from the initial position, and the value within the parentheses 2πt/T ± 2πx/λ + ϕ is the phase. Phase Constant and Phase Difference Although you can calculate the velocity of the wave by multiplying its wavelength time frequency, v = fλ, you can also calculate velocity as the difference between two phases. For two different pairs of x and t, you can write the phases ϕ1 and ϕ2 as 2πt1/T ± 2πx1/λ + ϕ and 2πt2/T ± 2πx2/λ + ϕ. Subtracting one phase from the other and rewriting them gives you 2π(t2 − t1)/T ± 2π(x1 − x2)/λ = 0, which can be written with "delta" Δx and Δt for changes in position and time, respectively. This gives you 2πΔt/T ± 2πΔx/λ = 0. Divide both sides of the equation by 2π and rearrange it to get Δx/Δt = ∓λ/T. Because Δx/Δt is velocity (v), you end up with λ/T or λf for the velocity of a wave in either direction (given by the – or +). Tbis derivation means scientists and engineers can use the phase difference between two waves for determining how far away two waves are from one another or how fast they are with respect to one another. In sonar and echolocation technologies, sound waves through different media, such as water or air, let scientists figure out the location of objects underwater. Excel Formula for Phase Constant If you have a large amount of data about a wave, you can use Microsoft Excel's methods of calculation in determining phase constnat. Assign each variable to a specific column in an Excel spreadsheet, and use them to create a final column to calculate displacement. If you know the wavelength of the wave, you can calculate the phase constant as 2π/λ_._ As the phase constant can vary between different waves, it's helpful to use the formula in Excel to compare the differences. The percentage difference formula is one method of doing that. If the phase constant varies over multiple waves, you can also use an Excel formula to calculate percentage of grand total displacement by summing the phase constants. You can then divide this by the number of waves you have to get the average wave phase constant. Then, you can use an Excel percentage difference formula by dividing the value of how much each wave differs from the average by the average. About the Author S. Hussain Ather is a Master's student in Science Communications the University of California, Santa Cruz. After studying physics and philosophy as an undergraduate at Indiana University-Bloomington, he worked as a scientist at the National Institutes of Health for two years. He primarily performs research in and write about neuroscience and philosophy, however, his interests span ethics, policy, and other areas relevant to science.
When Crispus Attucks earned his unfortunate claim to fame as a victim in the Boston Massacre, he was not a slave. He was one of the relatively few African Americans to achieve freedom in colonial America. Although freedom is clearly desirable in comparison to a life in chains, free African Americans were unfortunately rarely treated with the same respect of their white counterparts. There were several ways African Americans could achieve their freedom. Indentured servants could fulfill the terms of their contracts like those brought to Jamestown in 1619. In the early days, when property ownership was permitted, skilled slaves could earn enough money to purchase their freedom. Crispus Attucks and many others achieved liberty the hard way — through a daring escape. It only stands to reason that when faced with a perpetual sentence of bondage many slaves would take the opportunity to free themselves, despite the great risks involved. Another way of becoming free was called manumission — the voluntary freeing of a slave by the master. Masters did occasionally free their own slaves. Perhaps it was a reward for good deeds or hard work. At times it was the work of a guilty conscience as masters sometimes freed their slaves in their wills. Children spawned by slaves and masters were more likely to receive this treatment. These acts of kindness were not completely unseen in colonial America, but they were rare. In the spirit of the Revolution, manumission did increase, but its application was not epidemic. Free African Americans were likely to live in urban centers. The chance for developing ties to others that were free plus greater economic opportunities made town living sensible. Unfortunately, this "freedom" was rather limited. Free African Americans were rarely accepted into white society. Some states applied their slave codes to free African Americans as well. Perhaps the most horrifying prospect was kidnapping. Slave catchers would sometimes abduct free African Americans and force them back into slavery. In a society that does not permit black testimony against whites, there was very little that could be done to stop this wretched practice.
Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation “In a thousand years that action of yours will make the Angels sing I know it.” America’s promise of freedom is filled with contradiction. Perhaps no people understood this more than the roughly four million enslaved African Americans living in the United States before 1863. Through their actions, large and small, enslaved people worked toward the moment of freedom for more than 200 years. On January 1, 1863, the United States government responded. Invoking presidential wartime powers, Abraham Lincoln decreed that all persons held in bondage within the Confederacy were free. The Emancipation Proclamation cracked open the institution of slavery, changing the course of the Civil War and the nation. Lincoln and the Drafting of the Proclamation By 1862, Abraham Lincoln realized that to restore the Union, slavery must end. Politically, Lincoln faced pressure on all sides: from African Americans fleeing bondage, from Union generals acting independently, from Radical Republicans calling for immediate abolition, and from pro-slavery Unionists who opposed emancipation. Lincoln also felt constrained by Constitutional limits on the federal government, which protected private property. Striking a balance, he believed the president only had the authority and political support to free enslaved persons residing within the eleven rebel states. In the summer of 1862, he began to draft the Emancipation Proclamation. “I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel.” Lincoln and Slavery Abraham Lincoln had always opposed slavery, but never sided with abolitionists who called for its immediate end. He sought solutions that would make slavery gradually fade from white society—limit its location, sponsor compensation programs for slave owners, and relocate freed blacks outside the country. The war made these gradual solutions woefully inadequate. On the advice of his cabinet, Lincoln waited for a Union victory before announcing his decision. Without a victory, they feared the proclamation would only appear as a meaningless act of an embattled government. On September 22, 1862, five days after Union troops defeated Robert E. Lee’s advance at the Battle of Antietam, Lincoln released the proclamation.
Our Counting to 120 lesson plan enables students to count to 120, using interactive activities and lots of practice to solidify their understanding. Students are asked to complete an activity in which they fill in the missing numbers in a chart that shows numbers 1-120. Students are also asked to practice counting objects. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to count from 1 to 120. Students will be able to begin counting forwards and backwards from a designated number. Students will understand changing the position of the digit will change the quantity of the number. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.1
With large swaths of oceans, rivers that snake for hundreds of miles, and behemoth glaciers near the north and south poles, Earth doesn't seem to have a water shortage. And yet, less than one percent of our planet's mass is locked up in water, and even that may have been delivered by comets and asteroids after Earth's initial formation. Astronomers have been puzzled by Earth's water deficiency. The standard model explaining how the solar system formed from a protoplanetary disk, a swirling disk of gas and dust surrounding our Sun, billions of years ago suggests that our planet should be a water world. Earth should have formed from icy material in a zone around the Sun where temperatures were cold enough for ices to condense out of the disk. Therefore, Earth should have formed from material rich in water. So why is our planet comparatively dry? A new analysis of the common accretion-disk model explaining how planets form in a debris disk around our Sun uncovered a possible reason for Earth's comparative dryness. Led by Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., the study found that our planet formed from rocky debris in a dry, hotter region, inside of the so-called "snow line." The snow line in our solar system currently lies in the middle of the asteroid belt, a reservoir of rubble between Mars and Jupiter; beyond this point, the Sun's light is too weak to melt the icy debris left over from the protoplanetary disk. Previous accretion-disk models suggested that the snow line was much closer to the Sun 4.5 billion years ago, when Earth formed. "Unlike the standard accretion-disk model, the snow line in our analysis never migrates inside Earth's orbit," Livio said. "Instead, it remains farther from the Sun than the orbit of Earth, which explains why our Earth is a dry planet. In fact, our model predicts that the other innermost planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, are also relatively dry. " The results have been accepted for publication in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. In the conventional model, the protoplanetary disk around our Sun is fully ionized (a process where electrons are stripped off of atoms) and is funneling material onto our star, which heats up the disk. The snow line is initially far away from the star, perhaps at least one billion miles. Over time, the disk runs out of material, cools, and draws the snow line inward, past Earth's orbit, before there is sufficient time for Earth to form. "If the snow line was inside Earth's orbit when our planet formed, then it should have been an icy body," Martin explained. "Planets such as Uranus and Neptune that formed beyond the snow line are composed of tens of percents of water. But Earth doesn't have much water, and that has always been a puzzle." Martin and Livio's study found a problem with the standard accretion-disk model for the evolution of the snow line. "We said, wait a second, disks around young stars are not fully ionized," Livio said. "They're not standard disks because there just isn't enough heat and radiation to ionize the disk." "Very hot objects such as white dwarfs and X-ray sources release enough energy to ionize their accretion disks," Martin added. "But young stars don't have enough radiation or enough infalling material to provide the necessary energetic punch to ionize the disks." So, if the disks aren't ionized, mechanisms that would allow material to flow through the region and fall onto the star are absent. Instead, gas and dust orbit around the star without moving inward, creating a so-called "dead zone" in the disk. The dead zone typically extends from about 0.1 astronomical unit to a few astronomical units beyond the star. (An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and the Sun, which is roughly 93 million miles.) This zone acts like a plug, preventing matter from migrating towards the star. Material, however, piles up in the dead zone and increases its density, much like people crowding around the entrance to a concert, waiting for the gates to open. The dense matter begins to heat up by gravitational compression. This process, in turn, heats the area outside the plug, vaporizing the icy material and turning it into dry matter. Earth forms in this hotter region, which extends to around a few astronomical units beyond the Sun, from the dry material. Martin and Livio's altered version of the standard model explains why Earth didn't wind up with an abundance of water. Martin cautioned that the revised model is not a blueprint for how all disks around young stars behave. "Conditions within the disk will vary from star to star," Livio said, "and chance, as much as anything else, determined the precise end results for our Earth." Cite This Page:
Teacher will explain to students that they will be learning about a very special property of Calcite today and use it to find out if rocks contain calcite. First, the students have to figure out what that property is. Students will research on the Internet to find out what makes Calcite stand out (it fizzes when it comes in contact with a cold acid). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj5Wh_2v1xo students will watch a video that shows how Calcite reacts with acid. "How will knowing that help us determine if Calcite is a mineral present in a rock?" 2 Direct Instruction Students will discuss in their groups about how knowing that Calcite fizzes when it comes in contact with a cold acid will help us identify if Calcite is in the rock. The teacher will guide the discussion toward the idea that if we put the samples of rocks in contact with acid, it would fizz if it contained Calcite. 3 Guided Practice Students will be given four samples of rocks (basalt, limestone, marble, sandstone) and will plan their own experiment. Students will grab materials they think they need from our materials station and begin their experiment. Students will take pictures and use Skitch to annotate their pictures for each part of the experiment (does it contain Calcite?) Students will screenshot and upload their Skitch images to Science/Earth Materials/Bubble Test/Calcite Album in Schoology. 4 Independent Practice Students will find thier own sample of an earth material (a rock) at home. They will conduct the experiment with acid (we use vinegar- if students dont have any at home, a sample will be sent home with them). They will take a picture of their experiment, annotate it (just like with their groups) on Skitch and determine if Calcite is present in their earth material. Students will access the directions on Schoology, the are also listed below: Students will log-in to Geddit and answer a question about calcite. They will also check-in to tell the teacher how they well they are understanding the material.
We know the stories of disruptions and destruction caused by massive volcanic eruptions, but scientists are still learning how to predict such events. A study published in Nature details how scientists studied the 'Minoan' eruption on the island of Santorini around 1600 BC, in order to learn more about the changes that volcanoes undergo ahead of such eruptions. The challenge with predicting the most powerful volcanic eruptions, known as caldera-forming eruptions, is that they happen so infrequently that there's simply not enough information to interpret a volcano's warning signs easily. Volcanologists - scientists dedicated to studying volcanoes - can monitor active volcanoes, but studying dormant ones to try and predict the next event requires forensics. The scientists who studied the Minoan eruption looked at pumice rocks from the volcano using a technique called diffusion chronometry. They figured out that between 100 years and a few months before the Minoan eruption, the volcano's magma reservoir underwent some serious changes. More, hotter magma was added to the reservoir in spurts, as indicated by the chemistry of the pumice's crystal structure. More immediately, the impending eruption was also heralded by increased seismic and volcanic activity in the region, which provided some warning to the area's residents. For a detailed description of the study results and methodology, pay Nature a visit.
Following the Common Core State Standards for kindergarten English, this class demonstrates grammatically correct speaking and writing, along with correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation while writing. Students’ vocabulary is improved upon by clarifying words with multiple meanings and how words in a sentence relate to each other. The students will learn phonics to sound out words while reading. The students will be exposed to emergent-reader books and asked to answer questions about the plot, key ideas, and details of story. Students will be able to explain relationships between text and the illustrations, compare and contrast two different books on the same topic, and participate in group reading activities. By the end of the class, students should be comfortable holding collaborative discussions about age-appropriate topics, be able to answer questions about a story read aloud to them, be comfortable asking for help or clarification on a topic, and be able to tell a story through a combination of text, drawings, and spoken words. 2- The Alphabet – M, W, B and P 3- The Alphabet – N, D, T, and A 4- The Alphabet – H, Y, S and E 5- The Alphabet – Z, V, I and F 6- The Alphabet – L, G, O, and K 7- The Alphabet – J, R, X, and U 8- The Alphabet and Sounds – C, Q, Ch, Th, Sh, and Wh 9- Sight Words, Poems, Author and Illustrator, Comparing 10- Opinion, Sequences, Prepositions and Sorting 11- Plurals, Syllables, Synonyms and Antonyms 12- Capitalization, Punctuation, Your Name and Predictions 13- Course Evaluation © Copyright 2018
The rocks of the earth’s crust vary according to mineral composition. Rocks are made out of particles that are made of different combination of normal elements as oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium, together with less-abundant elements Although rocks can be classified according to their physical properties, but the more common approach is to classify them by the way they formed. The three main groups of rock are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are shaped by the cooling and solidification of molten rock. Cracks in the crust give molten rock a chance to inside or onto the crust. At the point when the molten rock cools, it solidifies and becomes igneous rock.The name for underground molten rock is magma; over the ground, it is lava. Intrusive igneous rocks are shaped below the ground level by the solidification of magma, whereas extrusive igneous rocks are created above ground level by the solidification of lava The creation of magma and lava and, to some extent, the rate of cooling decides the minerals that form. The rate of cooling is primarily responsible for the size of the rock. Large crystals of quartz—a hard mineral—form slowly beneath the surface of the earth. When combined with other minerals, quartz forms the intrusive igneous rock called granite. The lava that seepages out onto the earth’s surface and makes up a substantial part of ocean basin becomes extrusive igneous rock called basalt, the most common rock on earth surface. Instead of oozing out, the lava may erupt from the volcano crater, it might cool quickly. A portion of the igneous rocks are formed in this way contain cavities and are light, for example, pumice. Some might be glassy, as is obsidian. Some sedimentary rocks are made out of particles of rock, sand, silt, and clay that were eroded from existing rocks. Surface water carries the sediment to seas, marshes, lakes, or tidal basins. If the particles are large and rounded—for instance, the size and shape of gravel—a gravelly rock called conglomerate forms. Sand particles are the ingredient for sandstone, whereas silt and clay form shale or siltstone. Sedimentary rocks may also be formed from natural material, for example, coral, shells, and marine skeletons. These materials sink into beds in shallow oceans, forming limestone. If the organic material forms mainly from decomposing vegetation, it can develop into a sedimentary rock called bituminous coal. Petroleum is also a biological product, formed during the millions of years of burial by chemical reactions that transform some of the organic material into liquid and gaseous compounds. Metamorphic Rocks are shaped from igneous and sedimentary rocks by earth forces, heat, pressure or chemical reaction. The word Metamorphic signifies “changed shape.” The internal earth forces may be so great that heat and pressure change the mineral structure of a rock, forming new rocks.Limestone, under specific conditions, may become become marble, and and granite may become gneiss. Like igneous and sedimentary rocks, however, their formation is a continuing process.
Students learn to use pattern blocks to build a design that has a line of symmetry. They use the calculator to determine the value of half the design. They predict and then find the value of the entire design. After the Activity Students will explore the following concepts in this activity: - whole numbers - 2-dimmensional geometric figures About the Lesson Distribute the student activity page to the class. Students will need pattern blocks to do the activity, which can be cut from the handout provided. Students will use pattern blocks to build a design that has a line of symmetry. They will predict the value of half the design, if the value of a triangle is 1 cent. Next, have them predict the value of the entire design, find the values and compare with the predicted values. Repeat the activity with other values of the triangle and two lines of symmetry.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Use the Pythagorean theorem. - Use the converse of the Pythagorean theorem. - Solve real-world problems using the Pythagorean theorem and its converse. Terms introduced in this lesson: Teaching Strategies and Tips Students learn that the Pythagorean theorem relates the lengths of the sides of a right triangle to each other. Students also learn that the Pythagorean theorem has a converse. - It can be used to verify that a triangle is a right triangle. - If it can be shown that the three sides of a triangle make the equation true, then the triangle is a right triangle. Remind students of the following few prerequisites from geometry: - A right triangle is one that contains a angle. - The side of the triangle opposite the angle is called the hypotenuse. - The sides of the triangle adjacent to the angle are called the legs. - The longest side of a right triangle is the hypotenuse. Encourage students to say the Pythagorean theorem in words. Point out that knowing the value of two variables in the Pythagorean theorem is sufficient for determining the third. See Example 4. Suggest that students discard negative solutions obtained from radical equations in this lesson since the lengths of sides of triangles are nonnegative. See Example 5. Specify how many decimal places are required of students when rounding. General Tip: Remind students to set the value of as the length of the hypotenuse; the values for and can be switched. In Review Question 18, assume that the hypotenuse is also the diameter of the circle.
Circling is a basic technique or skill of TPRS®. It always looks easier than it really is when one watches masterful storytellers. Circling is a way to make a statement repetitive by asking repetitive questions. Circling involves just one statement. Circling always starts with a statement. Questioning during stories serves two purposes: A) working on comprehension and processing speed via repetitive statements and questions, or B) developing storyline (or some combination of the two). As students process language faster, we are able to dedicate more class time to developing storyline and less on repetitive questions. Personalized Questions and Answers can serve much of the same purposes but PQA is also often used to find out information about students. - Start with a positive statement. - Ask a question that demands a “yes” answer. - Ask an either/or question. - Ask a question that requires a “no” answer. - Restate the negative and then restate the positive. - Ask questions with who, what, where, when, etc. - Restate the sentence. In circling there are many skills and layers. For example: - Whenever possible, we say back the entire answer. We get used to repeating the statements to the students so they can hear them again. - We can use gesture to aide comprehension and processing. - We don’t follow the predictable order. Even though there are templates for circling, we don’t want anything in TPRS® to be predictable. - You can create a parallel sentence about a student or imaginary character. The boy plays the guitar. The girl sings well. Now you have two positive statements. You can circle both statements at the same time and I like to incorporate props whenever I can. PDFs for your classroom: These posters and other goodies can be found at https://tprsbooks.com/resources/
In All About Solids, Liquids and Gases, young students will be introduced to the three common forms of matter. They'll learn that all things are made up of tiny particles called atoms and that the movement of these particles determines the form that matter takes. In solids, the particles are packed tightly together and move very little. The particles in liquids are more spread out and move faster. In a gas, the particles are spread even farther apart and move even faster. Kids will also discover how matter can change from one form into another when energy is added or taken away. The terms melting point, freezing point and boiling point are introduced and clearly explained. Includes many real-life examples and colorful graphics, along with a fun, hands-on activity that demonstrates how different liquids evaporate at different rates. This program is based on the concepts outlined in the National Science Education Standards for Physical Science: properties of objects and materials, position and motion of objects and light, heat, electricity and magnetism. The program is one of 11 volumes in the Physical Science for Children DVD Series in the Schlessinger Science Library. Part of the Schlessinger Science Library for Children Collection. A Teacher's Guide is available online. 23 minutes. Grades K to 4.
Density refers to the amount of mass contained in objects; though two objects may be the same size, if one has more mass than the other, it will have greater density. Explaining this concept to elementary students may be difficult, but presenting them with hands-on experiments that allow them to see density can promote an understanding of this scientific property in a way they can relate to. Float or Sink Show students how density affects objects' ability to float on water. Fill a bucket with water and provide students with a variety of objects that are the same sizes; packing peanuts, balls of paper, paperclips, coins and pebbles, for example. Ask children to predict whether the objects will float or sink in the water and then invite students to place the objects on the surface of the water to test their predictions. After observing which items float and which sink, provide an explanation of density. Use raw eggs and water to teach children about density. Fill two containers with water, one with plain water and one with salt water. Ask students to predict whether raw eggs will float or sink in the water. Place the eggs on the surface of the water and observe what happens. The egg in the plain water will sink to the bottom, while the egg in the salt water will float. Explain to students that salt water is denser than plain water, enabling the egg to float. Water and Oil Show students how oil and water don't mix to teach them about density. Fill two clear containers with water and oil and ask students if they think the liquids will mix together when they are combined. After students have made their predictions, pour the oil into a clear, empty container and then pour the water into the same container. As the water is added to the oil, the oil will move to the top of the container and the water will move to the bottom. Inform children that oil is less dense than water, which makes it float on top of the water. Create a tower of different liquids and float different objects within the liquids to demonstrate density. Fill a clear container with oil, honey and water and allow them to settle. Observe how the liquids settle and inform students that the most dense liquid settles on the bottom and the least dense liquid settles on the top. Ask children what they think will happen when a coin, a cork and a grape are dropped into the liquid tower. Place the items into the container and observe as each one floats in a different liquid. Explain that each item has a different density, making them float in different materials. About the Author Lily Mae began freelance writing in 2008. She is a certified elementary and literacy educator who has been working in education since 2003. Mae is also an avid gardener, decorator and craft maker. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in education and a Master of Science in literacy education from Long Island University.
101 sudoku-style chemistry puzzles with printable worksheets and answers to engage your students and consolidate their knowledge about key topics Gridlocks are a fun and stimulating way for students to learn the facts they need in chemistry. Discover 101 printable puzzles with answer sheets, covering core topics for ages 11–14, 14–16 and 16+. Download the puzzles for each age group below, or read on to find out: - How gridlock puzzles work - How you can use the puzzles in your teaching - What your students can learn Download the puzzles Browse, print and download the puzzles for your students’ age group: Each download includes a series of puzzles focusing on a particular topic, with a printable student worksheet and answers. How do gridlock puzzles work? - Students begin by filling in a table to review the key ideas they need to complete the puzzles. The table contains information about a group of objects, concepts or things related to the chosen topic. To complete the table, students identify items in this group or match them with further information, data or examples. - After filling in the table, students use this information to complete the gridlock puzzles that follow in the worksheet. Completing the puzzles - Each puzzle features a 4 x 4 grid divided into rows, columns and four 2 x 2 boxes. - The objective is to fill in the grid using information from the table at the top of the worksheet, so that each row, column and 2 x 2 box contains only one reference to any single item (or row) from the table. - Each 2 x 2 box is labelled using headings from the information table. These headings tell students what type of information should be used in that box. - Each puzzle includes instructions telling students whether to use the whole information table, or only a part of it. How can I use these puzzles in my teaching? You can use gridlock puzzles during lessons or set them as homework. They are designed as follow up activities to consolidate students’ knowledge, rather than as introductions to a topic. Ideally, students should have met at least some of the data the gridlock puzzles are based on already. The worksheets are simple to set and can readily be peer or self assessed. During lessons, the puzzles can be used flexibly as part of an individual, group or class-based activity. You can also add an extra element of competition or challenge. For example, set a target time and invite students to try to beat the clock, or encourage groups of students to see who can solve the most. What will my students learn? Each puzzle focuses on a topic appropriate to 11–14, 14–16 or 16–18 year old students. To solve the puzzle, students need to engage with the factual information the gridlock is based on, recalling the relationships between ideas and data established in the first part of the activity. For example, they need to recall that three electron pairs corresponds to trigonal planar geometry, or that sulfuric acid forms sulfate salts. As they work on the puzzles, students will find themselves referring to the initial data repeatedly, gradually consolidating their knowledge of the relevant facts. Problem-solving and thinking skills Gridlock puzzles give students a problem-solving context for their learning, promoting engagement and offering students a sense of satisfaction in completing the grid. The puzzles also develop some important thinking skills, as students must use logical reasoning to survey the data given in the gridlock and determine which squares can be filled in. This resource was originally part of the Gridlocks microsite, produced by the Royal Society of Chemistry with support from the Wolfson Foundation. Gridlocks: 101 printable chemistry puzzles - Currently reading
This picture book guide was designed to help teachers prepare their students for Common Core extended response questions. It was also designed to help teachers make digital connections to literature. The guide opens with a digital connection to a website that allows students to build interest in the story by creating a class web of things they would wish for and the consequences of those wishes. Five guiding questions are provided that can be the basis for whole class discussion or individual student essay response. An extension idea is provided in the form of a link to an additional online story that can be compared and contrasted with this one. The guide closes with the five guiding questions on three printable pages with plenty of room for written responses. An answer key is also provided. Common Core Standards Addressed: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Learn about the regular and progressive verb tenses in both active and passive voices. Verbs are used to show actions (walk, talk, see, go) or to describe a condition of existence or state of being (is happy, is tall). Verbs have many attributes such as person, number, voice, mood, and tense. A student asked me to discuss verb usage in the past tense, so here it is. ========================================================== Introduction In English grammar, you should already know that a verb has six tenses: present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect. This lesson will focus on the past tense. Objectives To Introduction English has an significant group of verbs that end in “en”. These are often made from adjectives but may sometimes be formed from a noun as well. Adjective + “en” => to get/become more adjective; to make something more adjective Noun + “en” => “ Examples worse + en
The word of the circumference of any shape will define the boundary that is around that particular shape. In other words, the circumference is also referred to as the perimeter and will help in identifying the length of the outline of any kind of shape. But in the cases of circles, the perimeter is considered to be the circumference and circumference of circle will be the measurement of the boundary line of the circle. On the other hand, the area of the circle will define the region occupied by it but if the individuals will open a circle and make a straight line out of it then it will be the length of the circumference and normally it is measured in the units for example centimetre or meter. When the students will utilise this particular formula to calculate the circumference of the circle then the radius of the circle will be taken into account which is the main reason that students need to be clear about the value of the radius and diameter of the circle. Following is the formula to be utilised in the cases of the circumference of the circle: Two into the value of pi into the value of r which is the radius of circle This is the mathematical formula which the students have to utilise to find out the circumference of the circles without any kind of problem. - The distance from the centre to the outline of the circle will be termed as the radius and this is considered to be one of the most important quantities of the circle depending upon which the circumference formula will be implemented by the people. Twice the radius will be the diameter of the circle and the diameter will cut the circle into exactly two equal parts which will further be known as two semicircles. - The meaning of circumference will be the distance around the circle or any other kind of curved shapes. This is the one-dimensional linear requirement of the boundary across a two-dimensional circular surface and it will follow the very basic principle of finding out the perimeter of any kind of polygon which is the main reason that calculating the circumference of the circle is also referred to as the perimeter of the circle. - The circle will be defined as a shape in which all the points will be equidistant from the centre point at the circle will be based upon the utilisation of the value of pi which will be normally 3.142. This particular value will be the non-terminating value and has to be utilised in the formula of the circumference of the circle to reach an accurate answer very easily. Also to check out if the individuals are moving in the right direction or not it is very much important to confirm the proportion between the circumference of the circle and its diameter and it will always be equal to the value of pi. - A very important thing to be taken into consideration in the whole process is that one cannot physically measure the length of a circle with the help of scale or ruler like it can be done in the cases of any other kind of polygon which is the main reason that it is very much important for the people to depend upon the utilization of above-mentioned formula because it is the only thing that will help in providing them with the most accurate answer in the whole process. Hence, another very important thing to be taken into consideration is to provide the children with the right kind of guidance throughout the process so that they can achieve the overall purpose very easily. Experts from the house of cuemath.com will help in clarifying the concepts like the radius of circle, the diameter of the circle, area of a circle, the chord of the circle, circumference of circle and several other kinds of things very easily in the minds of individuals so that they can search good marks in the examination.
This standard addresses students' understanding of the equal sign, a concept that is super important for students' later understanding of algebra. A common misconception in equality is that students assume if it "looks wrong", then it can't be true. So 5 = 2+3 is false because 5 is on the "wrong" side. As students practice equality, they are also getting great practice with math fluency. Fluency is explicitly stated as part of the standards (1.OA.C6), and this lesson is a great example of how to embed number facts throughout the year. Yesterday (See the We're Tied! lesson) we played a game where we had to figure out: Are we tied? And we talked about how tied means equal. This is important because you will use the = sign in 2nd grade, 3rd grade and all the way to college! Today, our goal is to think about: How can we figure out if number sentence are equal? First, I am going to explain the game. After that, we will practice the game all together. I’ll actually play this game with another student, having that student work out their side on the chart paper while I do mine. Throughout this lesson, we are requiring work for each number sentence as evidence of student thinking. This is aligned with CCSS MP2, “Reason abstractly and quantitatively” , which focuses largely on pushing students to coherently represent a problem. Step 1: Both partners pull a card. My card says 3+4. ____’s card says 8 - 1. Step 2: Partners record their number sentences Step 3: Each partner figures out how many points he/she got. I’ll reinforce the importance of proving your answer and both the student and I will draw our strategy. Step 4: Partners decide: Did we tie? Are the number sentences equal? I’ll model another round with a different student, this time making sure they are not equal. Student Work Time: I’ll present 2 cards to students and have them figure out if they are tied on their own. While students work, I’ll make sure they are proving their thinking. The CCSS emphasizes student independence, this is a time I want the students doing all the heavy lifting! I had students show their thinking on white boards. Attached you'll see how 2 different students showed their thinking. One student used counting strategies for both. Another drew a base ten model for both equations. This is a great example of having students represent their thinking in writing/pictures. The CCSS MP2, "Reason abstractly and quantitatively". This standard is focused on students being able to show what they are thinking using symbols and pictures. If time, we will do one more statement together, such as 4 = 6+2. This number sentence forces students to pay attention to the symbols. If they subtract instead of add they will think it is equal. Students play the game with a partner. To differentiate this activity, I just changed the materials students use. See below for intervention ideas! Gets card set A. Card set A has all totals under 10. Students get ten frames to record how many they got. This helps support students in deciding if they are equal. Because we have worked so much with the ten frame, they can quickly look at both ten frames and see if each one has the same amount. See attached Basketball game cards and Recording Sheets! See attached video of 2 students playing the game. You'll see that they both show their strategies for the equations they pulled. I'll bring students back together and we will do a set of number cards together and determine if they are equal. This will be brief to allow for time for the exit ticket. Students complete the exit ticket. See attached exit ticket, 2 per page!
Metamorphic rocks started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form. Metamorphic rocks form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot, mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors. Conditions like these are found deep within the Earth or where tectonic plates meet. In metamorphic rocks some or all of the minerals in the original rock are replaced, atom by atom, to form new minerals. It's not hard to see that this metamorphic rock, called gneiss, has been intensely folded! This rock had to have been under very high pressure and temperature to allow it to fold like this without breaking. Photo by Edward P. Klimasauskas, USGS. Metamorphic rocks are often squished, smeared out, and folded. Despite these uncomfortable conditions, metamorphic rocks do not get hot enough to melt, or they would become igneous rocks! Foliation forms when pressure squeezes the flat or elongate minerals within a rock so they become aligned. These rocks develop a platy or sheet-like structure that reflects the direction that pressure was applied in. Slate, schist, and gneiss (pronounced 'nice') are all foliated metamorphic rocks. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks do not have a platy or sheet-like structure. There are several ways that non-foliated rocks can be produced. Some rocks, such as limestone are made of minerals that are not flat or elongate. No matter how much pressure you apply, the grains will not align! Another type of metamorphism, contact metamorphism, occurs when hot igneous rock intrudes into some pre-existing rock. The pre-existing rock is essentially baked by the heat, changing the mineral structure of the rock without addition of pressure.
Understanding mirrors puts you half ways towards fully understanding lenses as well. The same sort of rules apply, just with a few modifications. Keep in mind that for an object to be considered a lens it must be made of a transparent material that has an index of refraction higher than air. - That way it will be able to refract the light as it passes through. The shape of a lens is named in a similar way to the naming of mirrors, it’s just a little more complicated. - All lenses are broken into two broad groups, depending on whether they focus light at a point (converging lens), or spread it out (diverging lens). - Converging lenses are always convex in shape, which means the centre is thicker than the edges. - Diverging lenses are always concave in shape, which means the edges are thicker than the centre. When drawing lenses in our sketches, you need to put in a principle axis, just like mirrors. - You also need to add in a principle plane, a line that is perpendicular to the principle axis and runs length wise through the middle of the lens. - We will be assuming that all refraction happens when the light reaches this principle plane. - Although this is not true, it makes our sketches a lot easier to do, and it is pretty accurate for lenses that are fairly thin. - I still draw in the focal point, but now I do it on both sides. Rule #1: Any ray through the focus will refract parallel to the principle axis. Same basic idea as the rule you used for mirrors, but now the ray refracts and travels through the lens. The light ray comes off of the object and goes through the focus. Notice that we did keep the ray moving in the same direction until it reached the principle plane in the lens. That’s where we bent the light so that it would travel parallel to the principle axis. Rule #2: Any ray parallel to the principle axis will refract so that it passes through the focus. Just like for mirrors, we could stop now. We will look at how the third rule applies just to see what we get. Rule #3: Any ray that passes through the centre of the lens will come out the other side without any refraction. By centre, we mean where the principle axis and plane cross. The ray goes straight through as if nothing was there. This is because as much as the ray is refracted one way on one side of the lens, it will be refracted back the other way on the other side of the lens. It looks like this ray agrees with our other two, so we must be doing ok! Let’s look at an example using a diverging lens. We still use the same ideas, but we’ll have to look at where the image will be formed carefully. When I draw in the first ray parallel to the principle axis, it will hit the lens and diverge (be bent away). This must mean that if I extend the diverging ray back down as a dotted line, it will hit the focus on the object’s side. We can draw another ray that simply goes through the centre and see what happens… Notice where this line crosses the dotted line from the first ray? That’s where my image will appear. Since one of the rays is not truly there, the image will be virtual. You can use the same formulas as you did for mirrors to do calculations with mirrors. Just keep the following rules in mind (they’re similar to the ones for mirrors…) - do and di are positive for real objects and images, negative for virtual objects and images - “f” is positive for convex (converging) lenses, and negative for concave (diverging) lenses.
Standards in Economics Below are the National Standards in Economics that most closely relate to the following lesson. - Students will understand that: People usually respond predictably to positive and negative incentives. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Identify incentives that affect people's behavior and explain how incentives affect their own behavior. Name: Decision Making - Students will understand that: Effective decision making requires comparing the additional costs of alternatives with the additional benefits. Many choices involve doing a little more or a little less of something: few choices "are all or nothing" decisions. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and citizens. Name: Competition and Market Structure - Students will understand that: Competition among sellers usually lowers costs and prices, and encourages producers to produce what consumers are willing and able to buy. Competition among buyers increases prices and allocates goods and services to those people who are willing and able to pay the most for them. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Explain how changes in the level of competition in different markets can affect price and output levels. Name: Economic Fluctuations - Students will understand that: Fluctuations in a nation's overall levels of income, employment, and prices are determined by the interaction of spending and production decisions made by all households, firms, government agencies, and others in the economy. Recessions occur when overall levels of income and employment decline. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Interpret media reports about current economic conditions and explain how these conditions can influence decisions made by consumers, producers, and government policy makers. - Students will understand that: Productive resources are limited. Therefore, people cannot have all the goods and services they want; as a result, they must choose some things and give up others. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Identify what they gain and what they give up when they make choices. Name: Unemployment and Inflation - Students will understand that: Unemployment imposes costs on individuals and the overall economy. Inflation, both expected and unexpected, also imposes costs on individuals and the overall economy. Unemployment increases during recessions and decreases during recoveries. - Students will be able to use this knowledge to: Make informed decisions by anticipating the consequences of inflation and unemployment.
Teacher: Hannah Colleen Lockheart Length: 1 hour Grade Level: 6th Grade When reading ‘Wisdom Story #149’ by Paul Brian Campbell, the students will identify the cause and-effect relationship, verified by the teacher. Formative assessments, such as worksheets that will serve as a quiz, will be used in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment, which will also involve listening to students’ responses after reading the selected stories. Cause and Effect Worksheets, Pen, Scratch Papers (For Group Brainstorming), & Whiteboard Marker Advanced Preparation by Teacher: Prepare printed copies of the story and worksheets to distribute to the students. Prepare the needed materials for discussing and performing the ...view middle of the document... 3. After reading and brainstorming, discuss the cause-and-effect relationship to the whole class. SAY: An effect is what happens in a story. A cause is the reason why something happens. As you read, ask yourself: What happened? This is the effect. Then ask: Why did it happen? This is the cause. Identifying cause and effect helps you to understand the story. 4. Model cause-and-effect relationships. • Have students from each group cite what they have brainstormed. Give emphasis on the topic. • After sharing, proceed to ask the ff. from each group: • What is the main cause? Support your answer • What is the main effect? Support your answer 5. Have the whole class reread the same story paragraph by paragraph and tell all of the events that happened with. Then ask them to explain why these things happened. Remind them that they are trying to find the cause (reason why something happens) and effect (what happens in the story) of each event that happened in the story. Next, have each group brainstorm for causes and effects by providing a printed copy of a cause and effect worksheet. Next, let each group present their input in the worksheet to the whole class. 6. Ask the students to give conclusion to support their work and how they think. 7. Ask the each student to give a short generalization. 8. Review cause and effect. A cause is the reason why something happens. An effect is what happens in a story. Ask if they have any questions. 9. Have each group hand their worksheet and scratch paper for brainstorming. Then, let each student return back to his or her proper seat. Meet with “student name” during group reading time. Did the majority of my students meet the performance objective? What parts of the lesson went well? What parts of the lesson did not go as well? How will I improve my lesson for the next time I teach? (Revised and edited) Credits to the site. (forgot!) sorry!
West Nile virus is a disease spread by mosquitos. The condition ranges from mild to severe. West Nile virus was first identified in 1937 in Uganda in eastern Africa. It was first discovered in the United States in the summer of 1999 in New York. Since then, the virus has spread throughout the United States. The West Nile virus is a type of virus known as a flavivirus. Researchers believe West Nile virus is spread when a mosquito bites an infected bird and then bites a person. Mosquitos carry the highest amounts of virus in the early fall, which is why the rate of the disease increases in late August to early September. The risk of disease decreases as the weather becomes colder and mosquitos die off. Although many people are bitten by mosquitos that carry West Nile virus, most do not know they've been exposed. Few people develop severe disease or even notice any symptoms at all. Mild, flu-like illness is often called West Nile fever. More severe forms of disease, which can be life threatening, may be called West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis, depending on what part of the body is affected. Risk factors for developing a more severe form of West Nile virus include: West Nile virus may also be spread through blood transfusions and organ transplants. It is possible for an infected mother to spread the virus to her child through breast milk. Mild disease, generally called West Nile fever, has some or all of the following symptoms: These symptoms usually last for 3 - 6 days. With more severe disease, the following symptoms can also occur, and need prompt attention: Signs of West Nile virus infection are similar to those of other viral infections. There may be no specific findings on a physical examination to diagnose West Nile virus infection. About 20 - 50% of patients may have a rash. Muscle weakness with other related symptoms are signs of a West Nile virus infection. Tests to diagnose West Nile virus include: The most accurate way to diagnose this infection is with a serology test, which checks a blood or CSF sample for antibodies against the virus. Rarely, a sample of blood or CSF may be sent to a lab to be cultured for the presence of West Nile virus. The virus can also be identified in body fluids using a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, these methods can provide false negative results and are not commonly used. Because this illness is not caused by bacteria, antibiotics do not help treat West Nile virus infection. Standard hospital care may help decrease the risk of complications in severe illness. Research trials are under way to determine whether ribavirin, an antiviral drug used to treat hepatitis C, may be helpful. In general, the likely outcome of a mild West Nile virus infection is excellent. For patients with severe cases of West Nile virus infection, the outlook is more uncertain. West Nile encephalitis or meningitis may lead to brain damage and death. Approximately 10% of patients with brain inflammation do not survive. Complications from mild West Nile virus infection are extremely rare. Complications from severe West Nile virus infection include: Call your health care provider if you have symptoms of West Nile virus infection, especially if you may have had contact with mosquitos. If you are severely ill, go to an emergency room. If you have been bitten by an infected mosquito, there is no treatment to avoid getting West Nile virus infection. People in good general health generally do not develop a serious illness, even if they are bitten by an infected mosquito. The best way to prevent West Nile virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. Community spraying for mosquitos may also prevent mosquito breeding. Testing of donated blood and organs is currently being evaluated. There are currently no guidelines.
This is for IGCSE Double Award Physics (EDEXCEL), tailored to the 2009 specification. If you spot any mistakes, please let me know, thank you! I hope you find this useful! :) This blog is no longer updated as I've finished IGCSEs in 2012. I may sometimes reply to questions if you comment or email me, but not guaranteed. I hope what I had time to post back during IGCSEs helps anyway!! :) a) Movement and position 1.2 understand and use distance-time graphs Distance -time graphs The gradient of a distance-time graph=speed Distance isn't increasing-gradient=0, hence speed=0---->object is stationary (not moving) The steeper the graph, the greater the speed as the gradient is steeper. If the graph is curved, then the speed must be changing. If it is curving upwards (blue line), the speed is increasing, if it is curving downwards, the speed is decreasing. So the gradient of the graph also tells us how the speed is changing. Instantaneous speed=How fast an object is moving at a particular instant. The gradient of the tangent at a point on the distance-time graph gives us the instantaneous speed. 1.3 recall and use the relationship between average speed, distance moved and time: average speed=distance moved/time taken 1.4 recall and use the relationship between acceleration, velocity and time: acceleration=change in velocity/time taken where v=final velocity 1.5 interpret velocity-time graphs 1.6 determine acceleration from the gradient of a velocity-time graph the gradient at a point on the velocity-time graph gives you the acceleration 1.7 determine the distance travelled from the area between a velocity-time graph and the time axis basically, the area under a velocity time graph = distance travelled
Unlock this lesson plan by signing up for a free trial. Existing members, please log in. Students will learn the value of coping skills and practice some. By the end of the lessons, students will be able to: - Demonstrate their understanding of coping tools and when to use them - Identify helpful coping skills they can use during difficult times - Discuss the importance of coping skills and the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping skills We all have ways we blow off steam, decompress, relax, let go, or deal with life’s difficulties through various coping skills but we aren’t born knowing how to cope! This lesson introduces students to coping skills and provides you with multiple options for activities. The lesson starts with a Mindful Moment: students learn to count their breath to develop focus. The lesson then introduces students to the concept of coping skills and why we use them. As coping skills is a big topic for middle schoolers, the lesson plan then offers three options for you to select from that best fits your classroom. The lesson closes with a reflection in which students are able to journal some of their thoughts and what they would do next time during a challenging situation. If children are at home in a stressful situation, a lesson on coping skills can hit the spot! Students are more likely to have coping skills for using in their home than in class, so ask students to share what makes them feel calm in their home. When choosing coping skills to teach them, choose ones that require no or minimal supplies, such as breathing, lying down with a stuffed animal, taking a bath, etc. See lesson one on Mindfulness for some general teaching recommendations about doing live or recorded social-emotional lessons. The Middle School Scenarios activity can work well online but unless you already have a strong culture around breakout rooms, simply read out the scenarios and have students chat in their answers then choose some students to explain themselves. One tip for chat use is to have students prepare their typed answers but not hit enter until you say “1, 2, 3, enter!” Then have students read each other’s answers and comment on ones they agree with by typing in “+1” and the author’s name, as in “+1 Darnell.” Give students options of things they can do in their home as a coping skill and give them the assignment of doing at least one. Depending on the socioeconomic conditions of your students (or if you’re able to provide supply boxes), consider assigning students the task of making their own stress ball (see lesson plan for more details). Ask students to send you a picture of themselves doing something calming, and create a document with all the pictures and share back to them. Self-management: The ability to successfully regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations — effectively managing stress, controlling impulses, and motivating oneself. The ability to set and work toward personal and academic goals.
A hands-on resource to help introduce the concept of fractions. A flip book for students to create and use to help with their understanding of fractions. The book includes wholes, halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths. How to use this resource: - Print out this resource on A3 or tabloid size paper. - Cut along the dotted lines on the outside of each page and glue or staple the book together at the top. - As you introduce a fraction, have students go to that part of the flip book and cut along the dotted lines inside the flip book. Other resources that you may like: Download this resource as part of a larger resource pack or Unit Plan. National Curriculum Curriculum alignment - Key Stage 1 (KS1) Key Stage 1 (KS1) covers students in Year 1 and Year 2. The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This should involve working with numerals, words and the four operations, includin... We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz! Suggest a change You must be logged in to request a change. Sign up now! Report an Error You must be logged in to report an error. Sign up now!
Join the Discussion The group of operators that I left out are the bitwise operators. In order to understand what they do you need to have an understanding of how computers store information so we'll start there. If you already know about bits and bytes feel free to skip ajead. Computers don't actually understand characters or even numbers. All they understand is on and off. A given location in memory can either be turned on or turned off. To allow us to get computers to work with numbers we treat these on and off signals as binary numbers and refer to them as 1 when it is on and 0 when it is off. We can then translate these binary numbers into the decimal numbers that we are more familiar with and can thereforwe get the computer to easily handle numbers even though it doesn't know what numbers are. To get the computer to handle characters other than numbers we need to allocate a specific number to represent each of those characters. There are several different ways that computers map the characters. Popular character encoding methods are EBCDIC, ASCII, and unicode. The first two of these allow for up to 256 different characters and the number of binary digits (usually abbreviated to bits) needed to store 256 different values is 8. Most computers therefore work with bytes of memory each of which consists of eight bits. Unicode uses between one and four bytes to represent just about any possible character in any possible language. - setting up multiple flags in a much smaller space - bit operators work with 31 bit signed numbers and so 32 flags can be stored in those 4 bytes instead of requiring one byte each - manipulating hexadecimal fields such as IP addresses and colour codes - exchanging the values in two fields without requiring any temporary fields So what bitwise operators are there and what do they do? - & is the bitwise AND operator. There are four possible outcomes from a comparison involving this operator as illustrated in the and table below. By setting up the second value as a mask you can zero out the specific bits in the first value that you have set to zero in the second one. - | is the bitwise OR operator. Again, there are four possible outcomes from a comparison involving this operator as illustrated in the or table below. By setting up the second value as a mask you can convert the specific bits in the first value that you have set to one in the second to also be one. - ^ is the bitwise exclusive OR operator. Again four possible outcomes as illustrated in the xor table below. By setting up the second value as a mask you can invert selected bits in the first. - ~ is the bitwise ones complement operator. It takes just one value and will invert each bit within that value. All of the 0 will become 1 and the 1 will become 0. A fast way of changing the sign of a number would be to use this operator on the field and then add one to the result. - << is the bitwise left shift operator and moves all of the bits one to the left. The leftmost of the 32 bits is dropped and a 0 is added to the end. - >> is the bitwise sign propogating right shift operator. All bits are moved one to the right with the rightmost being dropped. The new bit added to the left of the value will have the same value as that immediately to its right. - >>> is the bitwise zero fill right shift operator. All bits are moved one to the right with the right most being dropped. A zero bit is added to the left end. These operators can also be combined with = to make a bitwise assignment operator. This is particularly useful sometimes for those operators that require two fields rather than just one (& | ^) where the result is to be loaded into one of those two fields. For example A |= B is equivalent to A = A | B. Oh, and if you are wondering which of these operators you would use to exchange the contents of two fields without the use of a temporary field the answer is to se three exclusive ors. To swap A and B you would use: B ^= A; A ^= B;
Before You Start: Prepositions In this lesson you'll be learning about phrasal verbs, but before we get started, it's important to learn a little bit about prepositions. Definition: A preposition shows a relationship of some kind. You use prepositions all the time even though you may not realize it. They typically answer questions such as which one, what kind, how much, how many, where, when, how, and to what extent. The cow jumped over the moon. Where did the cow jump? Over the moon. We went to the movies after school. When did we go to the movies? After school. Don't worry if you don't quite have a handle on prepositions yet. You'll learn more about them in Module 6. For this lesson, you just need to be able to recognize them. Here are a few prepositions that are commonly used in phrasal verbs. Definition: Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and one or more prepositions. They are called phrasal verbs because it takes two words or more (a phrase) to complete their meaning. The verb and preposition work together to form a new verb whose meaning is different from those of the individual words. Please fill out these forms so I can find out more about you. If you fall behind in your homework, your parents will hear from your teacher. If you blow up at your friends, it makes it harder to get along with them. Many phrasal verbs are idiomatic, which means that you can't interpret them literally. The original meanings of the verb and preposition are often altered. For example, if you tell someone to shut up (which we know is rude), what up are they supposed to shut? Native speakers of any language understand phrasal verbs because they use them all the time, but it can be challenging for non-native speakers to understand and learn these verbs. Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs With some phrasal verbs, it's possible to separate the verb and the preposition without affecting the meaning of the sentence, but with others, separation is not possible. Separable Phrasal Verbs: Transitive Separable phrasal verbs are always transitive, which means they always have a direct object. If the direct object is a noun or a noun phrase,1 you can choose to put it after the preposition or between the verb and the preposition. However, if the object is a pronoun, it must go between the verb and the preposition. Correct: You will need to work out the problem on your own. Correct: You have worked the problem out. Correct: You have worked it out. Incorrect: You have worked out it. Because it is a pronoun, you have to put it between the verb and the preposition, not after the preposition. Just because all separable phrasal verbs are transitive does not mean that all transitive phrasal verbs are separable. Correct: Make sure you look after your little brother. Incorrect: Make sure you look your little brother after. Inseparable Phrasal Verbs: Transitive or Intransitive Inseparable phrasal verbs can be either transitive or intransitive. With transitive inseparable phrasal verbs, the direct object must always follow the preposition. Correct: We went over the answers. went the answers over. With intransitive phrasal verbs, it's common to try to separate the verb and the preposition, but this is not correct. Because intransitive verbs don't have direct objects, there's nothing you can put between the verb and the preposition. Correct: You will have to catch up on your homework. Incorrect: You will have to catch your homework up. Your homework is not the direct object of the verb catch up, so it can't go between the verb and the preposition. - The preposition on in the example above isn't part of the phrasal verb catch up. When you're unsure of whether or not a preposition is part of a phrasal verb, you can always look up the phrasal verb in the dictionary. A noun phrase includes the noun plus other elements such as articles (the, a, an), possessive pronouns (my, your, his, etc.), or demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those). Noun phrases can also include adjectives (describing words). Noun Noun Phrases dog my dog, a dog, the dog, this dog, those dogs, the little spotted dog
In this video, we learn how to graph inequalities on a number line. Inequalities have a greater than or less than sign instead of an equal signs. Remember that these are no different than figuring out how to graph normal equations. First, you will need to remove the single numbers from each side of the equation. Continue to do math on the equation until you figure out what 'x' is. From here, draw the numbers on your graph and then find the number that 'x' is greater to or less than. Use an open dot to show that it is not greater than a number, then use a closed dot with an arrow in the direction that the number will be!
Or download our app "Guided Lessons by Education.com" on your device's app store. Simple Machines: Wheel and Axle Students will be able to explain how the wheel and axle work as a simple machine. Students will be able to identify objects which use the wheel and axle. - Introduce the topic by telling your class that a simple machine is a device that can change the direction or strength of force. There are six simple machines that people can use to move objects. - Activate students' prior knowledge with a question about items with wheels. For example, ask: What do a bicycle, skateboard, stroller, wheelchair, and car have in common? - After the class points out that all of these machines have wheels, ask questions about how wheels work. For example: How do the wheels cause movement? - Explain that wheels help things move by rolling. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(15 minutes) - Distribute small toy cars that have wheels joined by axles to groups of students. Kick-start a discussion with some questions about the toy car mechanics, such as: How do these toy cars move? How are the wheels on each side of the car joined to each other? - Have a student volunteer point to the rod that holds the two wheels together. Explain that the bar that joins two wheels is called an axle. - Tell students that they will be learning about wheels and axles. - Hold up the doorknob, explaining that it is an everyday example of a wheel and axle. - Challenge the students to help you identify the wheel and axle in the doorknob. Listen as different students call out their guesses. - After some speculation, tell students that the knob that turns is the wheel. The inner rod that is attached to the knob is the axle. - Demonstrate how the wheel and axle works by turning the knob (wheel). That turns the inner rod (axle) and moves the latch, to open the door. Guided Practice(15 minutes) - To consolidate student thinking, set up activity stations with play dough and a rolling pin. - Let students practice flattening the dough with the pin. - Guide them to express these understandings: The rolling pin is a wheel and axle. When you push on the handles (the axle) the wheel turns and flattens out the dough. - Challenge students to think of other common machines that have one wheel like the rolling pin. Great examples include a wheelbarrow, a top, and a playground merry-go-round. Independent working time(15 minutes) - Pass out a copy of the Wheel and Axle worksheet to each student to complete independently. - Walk around the classroom to offer support to students who get stuck. - Enrichment: Have students who need more of a challenge read a history of other simple machines, and fill out an accompanying word search. - Support: Put students who need more support into pairs to complete the Wheel and Axle worksheet. - Collect the worksheets that the students have filled out, and correct them using the Wheel and Axle answer sheet. Review and closing(5 minutes) - In summary, remind students that the rolling pin is a wheel and axle. When you push on the handles (the axle) the wheel turns and flattens out the dough. - Challenge students to think of other common machines that have one wheel like the rolling pin, such as a wheelbarrow, top, and merry-go-round. - Remind your class that the wheel and axle is only one of six common simple machines that help things move. For homework or additional independent work, consider encouraging students to learn more about other kinds of simple machines.
Atomic radius is a measurement used in atoms involving the distance from the center or nucleus to the outermost parts of the electrons. In a single atom, the nucleus is typically situated at the center with the protons scattered in the middle. The negatively-charged ions called electrons typically surround all atomic components and form the so-called outer shell. The outside of this shell and the actual center or nucleus form the basis for measuring atomic radius. Owing to the differences in structures of atoms, the measurement of atomic radius may involve different parts other than the nucleus and the outer shell of electrons. For atoms that are closely connected with each other for example, atomic radius may be measured be measured in a different way. When two atoms are attached, the distance between the 2 nucleus involved is measured and divided into two to come up with the atomic radius. The variations in the atomic structure and its placement basically dictate on how the atomic radius is measured. With this difference, one specific atom may come up with different values for atomic radius because of its structure and its placement along with other atoms and particles. The value given for atomic radius is also considered approximates rather than absolute. This is simply due to the fact that not all atoms are spheres and not all are fixed in terms of structure and placement. Variations already exist if atoms are neatly aligned with each other versus those that are actually attached and connected to each other. Densely-packed atoms for example lie so close to each other which basically lowers the value for atomic radius based on the location of the nucleus. The assumption also involves the spherical shape of most atoms when measuring atomic radius. For non-spherical types and atoms with odd shapes and structures, further variation in value is expected and the approximate value for atomic radius is given.
Create a Character Story Write a story from the perspective of one of the characters in the story. Be sure to use the appropriate dimension and thought process described as belonging to that character in the book. Character Classes Drawing Draw pictures of three of the classes of characters within the novel. Beside each, list the class, and the characteristics associated with the shapes in the novel. Make a family tree for a family of Squares and Pentagons, and include pictures of the family members. Show how each male offspring leads to a higher class level in society. Design and create a physical interpretation of something from Flatland. This can be a diorama, a class, or any other object that is explained in the book. A. Square's Writing Write a brief statement to the circle as if you were A. Square, defending your outbursts... This section contains 665 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
A Term 2 Montessori lesson in ‘Addition’ had the children in Kindergarten 1 working with materials and playing a game to understand the concept of addition. First up, the concept is introduced through an “Addition game”. A small group of children are given a box of golden “unit beads”. Each child will pick a few of the beads. A child will count to find how many beads he/she has and inform the group aloud. He/She will then place them on a piece of cloth the teacher has prepared. After the teacher adds all their beads together, she brings the four corners of the cloth together and carries it in her hand. The teacher will then spread the cloth and count the total number of beads inside. The children take turns to say aloud the number of beads that they initially had with them and then everyone will count the total beads. After these steps in the game are carried out, the children will be able to see that there are more beads altogether than what they individually had. This allows the children to realise and relate that addition is “putting together” and that “adding up” means becoming “more”. The children play the addition game in pairs or in small groups till they become confident of adding up. Once the children are confident, they are introduced to the symbols “+” and “=”. The whole concept of addition is further reinforced and practised through attempting simple addition of whole numbers within 10 using a variety of Montessori materials like Short Bead Stairs, Number Rods and Addition Strip Board. The children will also have the opportunity to work with two sets of materials, taking a bead bar etc. from each set to represent the two numbers to be added, count to find the sum and record it.
Glaciers leave an impressive footprint on the landscape, carving the rock as they retreat and leaving behind steep topography and fiords where the ice once held sway. Flooded seacoasts and rising water levels are the legacy of their retreats, as are the ecological changes on the landscapes around the glacier’s edge. Glaciers also have cultural impacts, in that their activity has affected human settlement, migration, and subsistence over thousands of years. The landscape around a glacier clearly illustrates the effects of Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation. Ice excavates the bedrock, forming bowl-shaped cirques, pyramidal horns, and a series of jagged spires called arête ridges that separate glacial valleys. As glaciers carve U-shaped valleys, rocks plucked from the bedrock and frozen in the ice etch grooves and striations in the bedrock. Rocks scoured from surrounding valley walls create dark debris lines called lateral or medial moraines along the edges and down the center of glaciers. Pulverized rock called rock flour, ground by the glacier to a fine powder, escapes with glacial meltwater producing the murky color of glacially fed rivers and lakes. Glacial recession unmasks trimlines, slightly sloping changes in vegetation or weathered bedrock on the valley walls that indicate a glacier’s height at its glacial maximum. Meltwater transports glacially eroded material to the outwash plain, an alluvial plain at the edge of retreating glaciers. Icebergs break away or calve from the faces of glaciers ending in lakes or the ocean. Cracked pieces of rock, plucked or torn from the bedrock, are carried with other debris in and on the glacier. This debris scrapes the valley walls and floors, leaving grooves and striations. Rock debris is crushed and ground into fine grains, called rock flour.
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. The heart of the sentence is the verb, which is the mover of the sentence. In order to be able to understand the written word clearly, and to express one's own thoughts in writing, a student must be able to identify and manipulate verbs. Understanding Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs A verb is a word that shows action or "state of being." Action words include words like "run," "dance," "draw" and "eat." Action verbs can be used in different tenses, so they may have an "-ed" or "-ing" ending. A "state-of-being" verb links the subject to the predicate nominative or predicate adjective. The list of state-of-being verbs is small and can be memorized for easy access. It includes "am," "is," "are," "was," "were," "be," "being" and "been." Finally, auxiliary or "helping" verbs come before main verbs to help them complete the thought in a sentence. Helping verbs include forms of "be," "have," "do," "may," "will" and "shall." Finding Simple Predicates Sentences are composed of subjects and predicates. The subject is the "doer" in a sentence, or what the sentence is about. A simple predicate is simply the main verb. Each sentence must have a main verb, and the easiest way to find it is to look for a word that shows action. If there is no action verb in the sentence, then the simple predicate will be a "state of being" verb. By memorizing the short list above, you can easily find this type of verb. Finding Complete Predicates The complete predicate contains the main verb and all of the words that describe the verb and make the sentence's meaning clear. The predicate is usually in the second half of the sentence. In the sentence "Maria and her mother walked down the street," the phrase "walked down the street" is the complete predicate. In general, the verb is the first word in the complete predicate, so finding the action or state-of-being verb first is the best technique. Complete predicates also include any helping verbs. In the sentence "He may be running in the marathon," the words "may" and "be" are helping verbs, while "running" is the main verb. If asked to find the complete predicate, you would say, "may be running in the marathon," because that includes the entire verb phrase and other modifiers. Finding Verbs in Unusual Sentences Finding the verbs in inverted sentences is more difficult; these include interrogative sentences and those that begin with "here" and "there." To find the verb in an interrogative, you need to flip the sentence around first: "Why are you running away from me?" becomes "You are running away from me." In this way, it is easy to see that "running" is the main verb. Sentences beginning with "here" and "there" are also inverted. The sentence "There are many bugs on the window sill" becomes "Many bugs are on the window sill." The linking verb "are" is easily found in this sentence.
Rockback landscapes are a great place to start when thinking about the possible evolution of the moon. The Moon’s craters look as if they were formed slowly by the action of the tides, and this is reinforced by the discovery of more subtle tidal effects within the lunar crust and upper mantle. The Moon has never completely been a completely symmetric object, but tidal deformations of the crust and mantle must have occurred throughout its long history. Figure 1: Crater density gradient. The figure shows the gradient of craters per unit radius as a function of radius (black), along with the best-fit crater production rate (blue). In the lower figure the gradient of the best-fit crater production rate is shown as a function of radius (green). The blue and green curves are offset vertically for clarity. The craters are distributed in a gradient which increases with the distance from the center of the Moon (Figure 1). By comparing this distribution with a theoretical gradient of the tidal potential and the production rate of craters over the past 4.5 billion years, it can be concluded that a great number of craters were produced more than 4.5 billion years ago, when the moon was much denser and its solid interior deformed considerably due to the tidal forces of the Earth. A closer look at the craters shows that a great number of them are elongated on their long axes, perpendicular to the steepest gradient. This means that the tidal effects of the Earth were concentrated in a specific direction, probably the same direction for all the craters. It could be possible that the Moon never was a perfect sphere, but a slight asymmetry could have existed since its formation, which now is revealed by the tidal patterns. This means that the lunar tidal field may not be the same for all latitudes, which is not surprising since the tides are much weaker than the gravitation due to the Earth. The shape of the craters can also tell something about the density distribution of the crust. If a material is of high density, a small impact should produce more deep craters than a smaller one. The craters on the Moon show no preference for deeper or shallower craters, which shows that the lunar crust must be relatively sparse and not too rigid. ### 2.3 The Origin of the Surface Texture The surface of the Moon is roughened and cratered by the effects of solar wind. The lunar crust is probably very thin (about 1.5–2 km) and of low density, similar to a typical volcanic crust. The surface also shows numerous topographic lobes and highlands, and some regions have been eroded to great depths. The topographic features on the Moon are the result of past and present tectonic activity. The Moon is a strongly differentiated body, in that the core is almost completely solid, the crust is much thinner than the Earth's, and it is only about 6 % in thickness. The core and crust are of nearly the same density, so there is a sharp boundary between the two. The outer part of the crust and the core are therefore called the mantle, and the region from the mantle to the outermost crust is called the lithosphere. The boundary between the mantle and the crust is called the core–mantle boundary (CMB), and the mantle–lithosphere boundary (MLB) is the boundary between the mantle and the crust. In a strongly differentiated body like the Moon, the core–mantle boundary is likely to be the most important boundary for the tectonic processes, such as impacts or the transport of heat. The mantle is probably the oldest part of the Moon. Although the Moon is not known to have had a molten phase, it does have magma generated by volcanism. Such a magma would be trapped in the mantle, and when the Moon was at a warmer and less massive stage it would be a solid. If the Moon formed by accretion of planetesimals, then the mantle of the Moon probably formed first, and the rest of the Moon would grow by differentiation of this solid mantle. It is important to remember that the mantle of the Moon is relatively thin, that is to say, the boundary between the mantle and the crust is not well-defined, that is to say, some of the mantle and some of the crust can exist almost side by side, so a geologist who is not very familiar with the Moon could, in certain circumstances, confuse the two and think that the Moon is composed of two regions. The mantle of the Moon is probably differentiated because the core of the Moon is less massive than the mantle. The Earth's mantle is much more massive than the core, so the core must have formed first and the mantle formed later, as a result of differentiation. We now come to the question of the structure of the Moon's core. In fact, it
Introduce your kids to probability and chance with a fun interactive. By flipping coins and pulling marbles out of a virtual bag, students begin to develop a basic understanding of probabilities, how they are determined, and how the outcome of an experiment can be affected by the number of times it is conducted. Probability is the measure of how likely an event is. Flip a coin and what are your chances of getting heads? It's a 50-50 chance every time since there are two possible outcomes—heads or tails—that are equally probable. Of course, actual outcomes aren't necessarily the same as the probability for those outcomes. One coin flip and you get heads or tails, not half heads and half tails. Ten flips could give you seven heads even though chances are 50-50. But, the more tosses you do, the closer you can expect to come to a 50-50 outcome. Still, you don’t know what you’ll get each time. Do a little coin tossing to warm up for this activity. Ask kids what they think the chances are for a heads or a tails. Explain that there’s a 50-50, or 50 percent, chance or probability that the outcome will be "heads" or "tails." Point out that 50-50 is also a one in two chance or a ½ chance. Tell them that you’ll do this 10 times and ask them to predict what the outcome will be. Jot down the results on the board and discuss it. Provide kids with the Marble Mania Record Sheet. Have kids pair off for a few minutes to do some coin tossing. They can record their guesses and the actual results of the coin tosses on the record sheet. Ask them: “If you could do 1,000 coin tosses, what do you predict would happen?” They may or may not know that the results would get closer to 50-50, but the point is that each time a coin is tossed, there’s no telling what the outcome will be. Now lead your group in a demonstration of an online probability activity. Gather around a computer and pull up the Marble Mania interactive activity. To mimic the coin toss, pick one red marble and one blue marble and plug in one pick and 10 trials. Ask kids what they think the outcome will be. Guide them to make the connection that there is a 50-50, or 50 percent, chance a red marble will be picked each time, just like the coin toss. Once the results come up, discuss how the outcome is different from the chance or probability. Ask, “Do you think you could ever get a 50-50 outcome?” Running a larger trial will pull up results closer to 50-50, but you still never know what the outcome will be each time. Run 50 or 100 trials and discuss the results. Pick three marbles, one red and two blue. Plug in one pick and 10 trials. Ask kids what the chances are for red to be picked. Now, it’s a one in three chance for red to be picked. Give each child a Marble Mania activity sheet and a pencil and point them toward the the student web page. The activity sheet will provide kids with the URL to access the interactive. First, for simplification and better understanding, have kids use the tool to repeat the lesson's first marble experiment scenario that was conducted with only two marbles in the box. (This can be done by putting "1"s in the red and blue boxes, and "0"s in the yellow and green boxes.) To make the experiment similar to the original, kids also should select "1" marble to draw (per trial). Also make sure kids click on the "Clear Trial" button after running each trial. Kids can record their results on the activity sheet. Ever play heads or tails with your friends? It's fun when you're right. But each time you guess, there's no telling what will happen. Even if you just flipped ten heads in a row, there's still a 50-50 chance it'll be heads (or tails) again.
Reading With Expression Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is to teach children to read fluently and more expressively. When children learn to read with expression, they become more confident readers. They also enjoy reading more when using expression. In this lesson, we will learn to read with expression by using whole texts. Materials: chalk, chalkboard, one copy of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, enough age-appropriate books for each student in the class (must be books that can be read with expression), and paper for each child 1) Begin by reviewing cross-checking. Say: Remember to first try the word, then finish the sentence. If something does not make sense, go back and reread the sentence. I will also remind the children to use cover-ups. 2) Next, tell the children that they are going to learn to read by using expression. Does anyone know what reading with expression means? Good job! It means making the way that we read more interesting for other people who are listening to us. There are different ways to express our reading voice. We can change how loud or soft our voice is, and we can change the pace of our reading. We can also change the pitch of our voice. Today, we are going to practice using some of these expressions. 3) Ask the students: Has anyone ever heard someone read a story that was very exciting because of their expressions? Explain to the children that stories are much more enjoyable when expressions are used. 4) Next, take out Goldilocks and the Three Bears and model reading to the children without using expression. Then, model the story (a few pages) a second time using expression. Ask the children: Which one did you like better? Good! Why did you like the second one better? That’s right, because my expressive voice made the story more enjoyable. We will make a list on the board. This list will include some of the expressions that I used in the story. 5) Next, I will group the children in pairs. Each group will have a different age-appropriate book. I want each person to read your book to your partner without using expression. Then, you and your partner will make a list of different expressions to use in your book. Then, each person will read the book again using expressions. 6) I will have each group come to the front of the class and read their book using expression. When they finish reading, they will show the class the list of expressions that they made. Everyone did an excellent job reading their story with expression. 7) For assessment, I will have age-appropriate books for each child. Each child will choose a book. Then, they will read it and make a list of their expressions (like we did earlier). When they are done, each child will come up to the teacher’s desk at different times and read their book with expression. Reference: Marilyn Adams, Beginning to Read; 1990 Questions? Click here email@example.com Click here to return to Breakthroughs.
The "is greater than" and "is less than" symbols are the relations of an equality. this is the greater than symbol > this is the less than symbol < Less than is indicated by < and is the upper case comma on keyboard Greater than is indicated by > and is the upper case period on keyboard If you want less than or equal to or greater than or equal to these are available as symbols on Microsoft Greater than: > Less than: < You can make a turkey with your keyboard by typing a series of symbols. These are the less than sign, a colon, a greater than sign, and the two equals signs. The turkey will appear to be sideways. Is < Less than or Greater than or > Greater than or Less than < means less than > means greater than Less than is shown by a < Greater than is shown by a > < > = Greater than , less than and equal too > is greater than = is equals < is less than. The greater than symbol is ">" and the less than symbol is "<", without the quotes. If the "comparison symbol" is the equal sign, it is called an "equation". If the symbol is less than, greater than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal, it's called an "inequality". > greater than < less than = equal to > is greater than and < is less than (EXAMPLE: 8 > 3 and 3 < 8) The mathematical symbol for 'less than' is On the keyboard, is found over the period, or full stop.One way to remember which way the symbols go is this:BIGGER > smallersmaller < BIGGERor2 > 1 (2 is greater than 1)1 < 2 (1 is less than 2) They are keys on the keyboard. Use "<" for less than and use ">" for greater than. Symbols= greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) maybe you keys are broken. all i do to put a greater than or less than symbol is hold shift then press the comma on the keyboard for less than... and hold the shift and press the period on the keyboard for greater than. A HTML tag is used within two symbols. The symbols are less than (<) and greater than (>). In algebra mathematical symbols are used to compare multiple quantities. The symbols are < and > which represent greater or less than depending on expression and = for equivalent. Another symbol of quantity comparison is less/greater than or equal to. Examples: Less than: 3 < 5 More than: 7 > 5 The symbols are: 60 > < 90 Greater than: > Lesser than: < Example: 10 > 2 (ten is greater than two), 2 < 10 (two is less than ten). Use the less than sign and the 3. The less than sign is the comma key plus shift. <3 < 3
How does it work? log(ab) = log(a) + log(b). The distance computer uses a mathematical function called the logarithm to do multiplications. A function is a "machine" that takes in a number and gives you back a different number. For the same input number you always get the same output number. Mathematicians call this a mapping. The logarithm of a number x is written as log(x). This function has a very special property. For any two positive numbers a and b, log(1a) = log(a) = log(1) + log(a). Remember that in algebra, ab means a times b. So this means that the logarithm function turns a multiplication problem into an addition problem. It is fairly easy to make physical objects that perform addition, but much harder to make something that naturally We can find an important property of the logarithm function very easily. That is the value of log(1). Since 1a = a, The only way the last part can be true is if log(1) = 0. Now, another important value is the number B such that log(B) = 1. It turns out that we can choose B to be any positive number greater than 1. Because our number system is based on 10, it is convenient to choose B = 10. B is called the base of the logarithm function, and the logarithm with base 10 is called the common logarithm. Now you can see how the distance computer is laid out. We draw the scale by taking a set of numbers: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, ...2.0, 2.5, 3.0,...10.0, and for each number x we make a mark at an angle of 360 log(x) degrees, and label this mark with the number x. (Or, to be nearer the numbers we will actually encounter in using the distance computer, we label the mark with the value 10x.) Solving a step-distance problem. D = NL, The basic problem we need to solve is log(D) = log(N) + log(L) where D is the total distance, N is the number of steps, and L is the length of your step. Taking the logarithm of this formula, we get If we draw the angles corresponding to log(D), log(N), and log(L) on the distance computer, we see what is going on: When we find the location of the "feet" mark, we are placing it 360 log(L) degrees around from the "STEPS" marker. When we rotate the computer so that "STEPS" points to the number of steps, we have added in 360 log(N) degrees. We now have log(D), which is turned back into D just by reading If you have enjoyed learning about the secrets of the distance computer, think about taking more math courses in high school. The logarithm function is usually studied in "Algebra 2." There are many other wonderful things that you will learn in Geometry, Trigonometry, and even Calculus. In Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, you will learn how the mathematics works to produce the world around you. You have started on a great adventure. Good luck!
Days of the Week Related To Common Core Standard: Precursor to Kindergarten K.CC.A.2 Printable Worksheets and Lessons - Order the Days: Step-By-Step Lesson- To help you, I give you a monthly-calendar. - Guided Worksheet - Find the missing day, put the days in order, and make sure the days are in the right order. - Guided Explanation - This is an activity with a lot of repetition that students need to put some time into. - Independent Practice Worksheet - Find the missing days and make sure the days are in the correct - Matching Worksheet - You need a solid understanding to tackle this one, otherwise you will lose track of things. Answer Key- All the answer keys in one file. I think it is better to have a calendar handy when first working on these. You can find one in the lesson material. Each of these practice worksheets looks at days of the week from a different angle. Math Skill Quizzes I'm really proud of this quiz. It was featured at an assessment workshop last month.
What Is Kwanzaa? Grade Levels: 3 - 5 - Students will use vocabulary related to Kwanzaa. - Students will identify main ideas and details related to the celebration of Kwanzaa. - Students will summarize information about Kwanzaa. - Kwanzaa Concept Map graphic organizer (included in the this lesson's packet) - Kwanzaa Comparison Chart (included in the this lesson's packet) - Access to the internet to search for Kwanzaa websites - Introduce key vocabulary: celebration, Kwanzaa, rejoicing, principles, symbols, unique. (included in the this lesson's packet) - Invite pairs of students to use the Internet (Ex: InfoPlease or Official Kwanzaa Website) to learn more about this celebration. - Have students use the Kwanzaa Concept Map graphic organizer to organize main ideas about the holiday of Kwanzaa. Have the students add circles to give details about each main idea. - Set aside a time for groups to share their organizers and talk about the holiday. Use students' graphic organizers to evaluate their ability to synthesize information about the holiday of Kwanzaa. Ask students to complete the Kwanzaa Comparison Chart. Find additional Kwanzaa lessons and activities that can be used as extension activities on TeacherVision®. If you need to teach it, we have it covered. Start your free trial to gain instant access to thousands of expertly curated worksheets, activities, and lessons created by educational publishers and teachers.Start Your Free Trial
Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. (Grade 4 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.) Standard TypeMichigan State Math Standards Use visual models and benchmark fractions to help compare and order fractions with unlike numerators and denominators. Use a number line and benchmark fractions to compare and order fractions. Represent fractions as parts of a set using the decimal fraction one-tenth (0.1). Practice reading decimals. Explore mixed fractions and decimals. Compare mixed decimals. Explore, represent, and identify equivalent fractions. Compare fractions that are not equivalent.
If you have read How Cells Work, you know how both bacteria cells and the cells in your body work. A cell is a stand-alone living entity able to eat, grow and reproduce. Viruses are nothing like that. If you could look at a virus, you would see that a virus is a tiny particle. Virus particles are about one-millionth of an inch (17 to 300 nanometers) long. Viruses are about a thousand times smaller than bacteria, and bacteria are much smaller than most human cells. Viruses are so small that most cannot be seen with a light microscope, but must be observed with an electron microscope. A virus particle, or virion, consists of the following: - Nucleic acid - set of genetic instructions, either DNA or RNA, either single-stranded or double-stranded (see How Cells Work for details on DNA and RNA) - Coat of protein - surrounds the DNA or RNA to protect it - Lipid membrane - surrounds the protein coat (found only in some viruses, including influenza; these types of viruses are called enveloped viruses as opposed to naked viruses) Viruses vary widely in their shape and complexity. Some look like round popcorn balls, while others have a complicated shape that looks like a spider or the Apollo lunar lander. Unlike human cells or bacteria, viruses don't contain the chemical machinery (enzymes) needed to carry out the chemical reactions for life. Instead, viruses carry only one or two enzymes that decode their genetic instructions. So, a virus must have a host cell (bacteria, plant or animal) in which to live and make more viruses. Outside of a host cell, viruses cannot function. For this reason, viruses tread the fine line that separates living things from nonliving things. Most scientists agree that viruses are alive because of what happens when they infect a host cell.
C++ Programming< C++ Programming | Programming Languages | C++ | Code | Statements | Variables | Operators Conditional operators (also known as ternary operators) allow a programmer to check: if (x is more than 10 and eggs is less than 20 and x is not equal to a...). Most operators compare two variables; the one to the left, and the one to the right. However, C++ also has a ternary operator (sometimes known as the conditional operator), ?: which chooses from two expressions based on the value of a condition expression. The basic syntax is: condition-expression ? expression-if-true : expression-if-false If condition-expression is true, the expression returns the value of expression-if-true. Otherwise, it returns the value of expression-if-false. Because of this, the ternary operator can often be used in place of the if expression. - For example: int foo = 8; std::cout << "foo is " << (foo < 10 ? "smaller than" : "greater than or equal to") << " 10." << std::endl; The output will be "foo is smaller than 10.".
In U.S. history the slave codes were a set of discriminatory rules enacted to control enslaved people of African descent and to protect white people from the danger of a slave rebellion. The slave codes stripped enslaved people of their civil rights. The codes were based on the concept that enslaved people were property, not persons. White people in America made and enforced the codes from about the 17th to the early 19th century. The slave codes gave way to the likewise discriminatory Black codes of the mid-19th century. The Black codes assured the continuance of white supremacy in the United States after slavery was ended. American colonists often feared slave rebellions in areas with large enslaved populations. This sentiment continued after the formation of the U.S. states. In Virginia alone during 1780–1864, some 1,418 slaves were convicted of crimes. Ninety-one of the convictions were for insurrection and 346 for murder. In the British colonies in the Americas, the settlers were free to enact any regulations they saw fit to govern enslaved people, who formed the bulk of the labor supply. As early as the 17th century, white officials developed slave codes in Virginia and elsewhere. The slave codes varied from one colony—and, later, one state—to another. Each colony constantly altered the codes to adapt to new needs. All the slave codes, however, had certain provisions in common. In all of them the color line was firmly drawn. Any amount of African heritage established the race of a person as Black, with little regard as to whether the person was enslaved or free. The status of children followed that of the mother, so that the child of a free father and an enslaved mother was thus enslaved. This provision is reflected in a Virginia slave code from December 1662: Whereas some doubts have arisen whether children got by any Englishman upon a Negro woman should be slave or free, be it therefore enacted and declared by this present Grand Assembly, that all children born in this country shall be held bond or free only according to the condition of the mother... Enslaved people had few legal rights. They could not testify in court in cases involving white people. Enslaved people could make no contract, nor could they own property. They could not own firearms. Even if attacked, they could not strike a white person. White officials also made sure to enact social controls over enslaved people. For example, enslaved people could not be away from their owner’s premises without permission. They could not assemble unless a white person was present. They could not learn to read or write, nor could they transmit or possess “inflammatory” literature. In addition, enslaved people could not marry. White officials did not always strictly enforce the slave codes. However, if they detected unrest, they strengthened the codes and ensured that enslaved people followed them. Officials had various ways to make sure that enslaved people adhered to the slave codes. White owners and plantation overseers (bosses) commonly used whipping and branding to punish enslaved people. Sometimes they imprisoned enslaved people. The ruling white class also sometimes killed enslaved people, especially those who committed violence against white people. However, owners viewed enslaved people as valuable laborers, so they generally discouraged killing as punishment.