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Visual tool composed of two or more overlapping circles used to show relationships between sets of items. In the classroom, the term “Venn diagram” is most often used to describe a specific type of graphic organizer that shows similarities and differences between two or more items. When used to compare two items, these may be referred to as double bubble charts. In many cases, these graphic organizers are not true Venn diagrams according to the strict mathematical definition of the term. For more on classification, double bubble charts, and true Venn diagrams, see the article “Higher Order Thinking with Venn Diagrams.” Examples and resources - Higher order thinking with Venn diagrams - Graphic organizers are powerful ways to help students understand complex ideas. By adapting and building on basic Venn diagrams, you can move beyond comparison and diagram classification systems that encourage students to recognize complex relationships. - By David Walbert - Blank Venn diagrams - Printable blank diagrams are available from 2learn.ca. - Introduction to Venn diagrams - This lesson plan can be used to introduce the mathematical concept of Venn diagrams to students in many grade levels. - Basic Venn diagrams - An overview on using double bubble charts as graphic organizers from The Graphic Organizer.
The treaty era for the Nez Perce begins in 1846, when Great Britain and the United States settled a long running disagreement over settlement and control of what was known then as Oregon country. With the settlement of this dispute, settlers going overland on the Oregon Trail began to pour into the region. The creation of the Oregon Territory in 1848 and Washington in 1853 triggered the treaty process. In 1855, territorial governor Isaac I. Stevens met with representatives from the Umatilla, Yakama, Nez Perce, Cayuse and Palouse. After more than a week of tense negotiations, The Nez Perce agreed to cede 7.5 million acres of tribal land while still retaining the right to hunt and fish in their "usual and accustomed places". The Treaty of 1855 was ratified by the US Senate in 1859. In 1860, gold was discovered within the boundaries of the reservation. Rather than stop the squatters and trespassers onto reservation land, the U.S. government initiated another treaty council that would shrink the 1855 reservation by 90%, claiming over five million acres. The bands that lived outside of the proposed reservation boundaries walked out of the proceedings and refused to endorse this land grab. Nevertheless, 51 headmen, who lived inside of proposed reservation, affixed their marks to the treaty. The US Senate ratified the document in 1867. The 1863 Treaty became known as the 'steal treaty' and created the conditions that would eventually lead to the armed clash between the Nez Perce and the US Army in 1877.
Women’s suffrage was one of many causes that emerged in the Progressive Era, as Americans confronted the numerous challenges of the late nineteenth century. Starting in the late 1800s, women increasingly were working outside the home—a task almost always done for money, not empowerment—as well as pursuing higher education, both at universities that were beginning to allow women to enroll and at female-only schools. Often, it was educated middle-class women with more time and resources that took up causes such as child labor and family health. As more women led new organizations or institutions, such as the settlement houses, they grew to have a greater voice on issues of social change. By the turn of the century, a strong movement had formed to advocate for a woman’s right to vote. For three decades, suffragist groups pushed for legislation to give women the right to vote in every state. As the illustration above shows, the western states were the first to grant women the right to vote; it would not be until 1920 that the nation would extend that right to all women.
Do you wonder how to start teaching your child the names and sounds of the letters? After your child learns the names and sounds, how can you teach your child to read words? The library has purchased a series of books called Hanson Reading Phonics Chart System that approaches learning these skills in a very organized and fun process. What are some positive highlights of this series? - Only one skill is taught at a time. - Stories use select vocabulary to emphasize the skill being acquired while reinforcing prior skills. - Books provide lots of visuals that are helpful for all children, especially kids with learning difficulties. - The sound of two vowels together is studied early in the series. - Tips are provided for adults on the top of the page to highlight the skill being presented. - Each story has a yellow summary page to note skills at each level and unfair words (words with combination of letters that do not follow the same sounds as most other words, i.e. sight words). - Visual clues are provided in small print above the letters such as a "z" over an "s" in which the "s'" has a "z" sound such as "bees". - Words with two syllables have a line between the syllables to assist children to focus on each syllable separately. As the labeling on the books can be confusing, here is a summary of the order of the books and what concepts are provided so you can get started with your child at their current level. Just click to place a hold!
Have you ever looked at a math question and had no idea what it was asking you to do? Maybe you understand mathematical equations and algebraic expressions, but when a question is phrased as a sentence, you don’t know where to start. Maybe you just don’t understand the terms being used, or can’t remember what they mean. This module will help you understand the language of math so that you can apply your knowledge when solving math problems Word problems show the real world application of math concepts, so they are an essential part of learning math. However, many people find solving word problems difficult or intimidating. You may be comfortable with the math concepts, but how do you convert the words into a math problem? To help you translate words into math, there are specific keywords you can look for in a question. These keywords indicate the math operation(s) you should use to solve the problem. This is a list of commonly used keywords that are used to identify each math operation. Look for these keywords when solving word problems to help you translate the words into math. add, sum, more, more than, increase, increased by, together, combined, total of, in total, plus, added to, also, in all, join, both, gain, and Tan weighs 71 kilograms. Minh weighs 9 kilograms more than Tan. How much does Minh weigh? Therefore, Minh weighs 79 kilograms. subtract, difference, difference between, less, less than, decrease, decreased by, minus, fewer, fewer than, reduce, deduct, left over, remaining, remove, take away, fell Marcella has 6 fewer male cousins than female cousins. Let ƒ represent the number of female cousins. Write an expression for the number of male cousins. multiplied by, of, by, times, product, product of, factor of, double, triple, twice, rate Kailey is putting in a flower garden. She wants to have eight times as many tulips as sunflowers. Let s represent the number of sunflowers. Write an expression for the number of tulips. divide, per, out of, ratio, rate, quotient of, percent, split, equal parts/groups, evenly, average, share, shared between, shared equally Three friends went out to dinner and agreed to split the bill evenly. The bill was $79.35. How much should each person pay? is, are, was, were, will be, gives, yields, answer, equates to, makes, produces, results, same as Jeannette has $5 and $10 bills in her wallet. The number of fives is three more than six times the number of tens. Let t represent the number of tens and ƒ represent the number of fives. Write an equation to represent the number of fives. |number of fives||is||3 more than||6 times the number of tens| Therefore, the final equation for the number of fives is: ƒ = 3 + 6t Examples are derivatives from: Prealgebra - opens in a new window by Lynn Marecek & Mary Anne Anthony-Smith is licensed under CC BY 4.0 - opens in a new window / A derivative from the original work - opens in a new window Do you have difficulty solving mathematical word problems? Do you need a strategy to tackle word problems? You’re not alone. Many students have difficulty with this area of math. This strategy can be utilized for all math word problems as well as math-related word problems in other courses such as chemistry or physics. After practicing the step-by-step method, you will find solving math problems less daunting.
Lists are one of the fundamental parts of the Python programming language. Lists are similar to an array or tuple in many respects. However, the sheer versatility and flexibility of lists gives them a special place of honor in Python. We can see this by delving into some of the more basic aspects of list manipulation. For example, how do we determine Python list size? Let’s take a look at a quick example which will demonstrate the len function. Keep in mind that these examples are formatted for explanatory use. In real world situations they could be shortened and we obviously wouldn’t have any need to print out the results. We normally use python len readings as part of a parameter or object rather than within the print function. # python list size ourList = [1, 2, 3] listLength = len(ourList) print("List length = ", listLength) We begin by creating a list and assigning it to the ourList variable. Next, we create a variable called listLength to store the length of our given list. The len function is called with ourList as a parameter. This value is then assigned to listLength. Finally, we print out the value in listLength. This might sound like a lot of things going on at once. But remember that in actual production code we’d typically just be using the python len function without any need to print or declare variables. The items that we’d be testing would already be present, and we’d usually use len as a precursor to another action. But what if we needed some more control over the process? We can essentially recreate some aspects of the len function by iterating within a for loop. This can be seen in the following example. ourList = ["One", "Two", 3,4,5] print ("Our list = " + str(ourList)) iteration = 0 for n in ourList: iteration = iteration + 1 print ("And its length = " + str(iteration)) In this example we start out with a given list made up of multiple string and integer number values. This data structure shows that we could apply this method of iteration with any type of list. Next, we do a quick printout of the current list items so that we can verify what we’re looking at. The str method ensures that everything is properly formatted and the data type fully aligned. We begin our iteration at zero and then create a for loop within our Python code. With every list element, our iteration will go up by one. As we progress through the iteration we essentially see a given size n variable grow. Finally, the iteration variable is passed to str to be printed out as a result that’s analogous with len. But what would happen if our list object python program was a little more complex? One of the most significant benefits of Python’s lists are the sheer variety of items that can be stored within them. We can even store a tuple, an immutable collection of objects, inside a list. Consider the following example. ourTuples = [(1,2,3),("four","five","six")] print("First tuple= ",ourTuples) print("List length = ", len(ourTuples)) print("Length of first tuple = ", len(ourTuples)) We begin by creating a new list of tuples called ourTuples. This current list contains two tuples. The first is a collection of integers. And the second tuple contains strings. The next line highlights the fact that we can still access a tuple from within the list comprehension. We can access and print out the first tuple in the nested list just as easily as we could any other item in a new list. Next, we’ll take a look at what happens when we use len on the ourTuples list. Note that len treats the tuples as it would any other single element of a given size n. Even though the tuples contain multiple items, len treats them as a singular unit. As we’ll see, that doesn’t mean that the function is blind to the tuple’s contents. On the final line we output the results of using len on one of the tuples within the ourTuples list. Note that at this point len will treat the tuple in a similar way to a list. But this only happens if we actually point len at the tuple. Otherwise, it will simply count the tuple as a single item.
Narrative structure is the plot or grammar for a story. Every story has a setting, main characters, a problem, plan to solve the problem, attempts and outcomes. When children know story grammar, they can better comprehend stories they read and write more complete and organized stories. Storyboards include 1 with definitions, 2 with words, and 1 with icon. The 10 page manual provides many uses of the storyboard. Storyboards are great visual tools for learning story grammar. Use the storyboard to guide story retelling and improve reading comprehension, chart story episodes to follow complex plots, and plan story elements to write better stories. Place the large stickers on a strip of balsa wood to make a classroom board, the small stickers on paint sticks to make personal boards. Worksheets can be used to write story elements for comprehension or for generating well structured stories. (Balsa wood or paint sticks not included).
Of the fourteen different punctuation marks in English, learning how to use a bracket in grammar should be one of the easiest. Punctuation marks are a basic part of English grammar and must be understood. This particular punctuation mark has very limited usage in academic writing. Writers use brackets to add information to a sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence. This means that the writer can add words if necessary to make the sentence read more clearly or add a correction or comment to quoted material. There are a few different types of symbols that can technically be considered brackets. Each pair of marks has its own rules for academic use. Outside of academic writing, they may all be interchangeable with few repercussions. Check out the YourDictionary Punctuation Jungle infographic for an easy-to-understand visual explanation of brackets. The most commonly used bracket in English is the parentheses. This pair of round brackets is used when a writer wants to add information to a sentence that will give greater detail to the information presented. However, the information is extra and not really necessary, which means that it can be removed with ease and without damaging the original information. Items placed in parentheses can often be set off with commas as well. Sentence examples using parentheses: Square brackets have important usage in academic writing, especially when the writer needs to add information to a quotation. Normally, a quotation must be presented exactly as it was spoken or written. The square bracket allows the writer an opportunity to fix mistakes, add explanatory information, change a quote to fit in a sentence, or add emphasis to a word through bold or italics. Similar to the parentheses, the information in the bracket cannot alter the meaning of the quoted material. Example of square bracket use in grammar: In this example, the words “in classes” do not appear in the original quotation but the writer wanted to add this information to make the sentence read more clearly. To add emphasis a set of words, italics were added by the writer that were not there in the original quote. Angled brackets have very limited use in writing. They primarily set off highlighted material. The most common use for angled brackets is for placing URLs (Universal Resource Locator) into text. Examples of Angled brackets: This mark has extremely limited usage and mostly for poetry or music. An exception to this would be if a writer wanted to create a list of items that are all equal choices. Otherwise, this punctation mark would not be used in academic writing. In all of these examples, the brackets set off, add emphasis or further explain information presented to a reader. The different brackets all have slightly different functions and overall limited usage in academic writing, but learning how to use a bracket in grammar is as easy as recognizing and marking the extra information in a sentence.
The lithosphere is the solid, outer layer of the Earth, and it is around 100 kilometers thick. It consists of the brittle upper portion of the crust and mantle. It is divided into huge sections called tectonic plates, on which the continents sit. According to National Geographic, the movement of the lithospheric plates, called plate tectonics, is responsible for many geologic events on Earth. Earthquakes and volcanoes are created when plates move beneath each other or when two plates rub against one another. Scientists believe that the continents originated from a single landmass known as Pangaea. The lithosphere broke apart, resulting in the separation of Pangaea into different landmasses. According to Encyclopedia World of Earth Science, the lithosphere extends from the Earth’s surface to a depth of approximately 70 to 100 kilometers. This relatively cool, rigid section “floats” on top of a warmer, partially melted and non-rigid material. The temperature reaches 1,000 degrees Celsius below the lithosphere, allowing rock material to flow when pressurized. Based on seismic evidence, there is also around 10 percent molten material at this depth. The zone beneath the lithosphere is the asthenosphere. Windows to the Universe states that the asthenosphere is ductile, and it can be deformed and pushed. When it flows, it carries the lithosphere and continents above it.
Why This is Important Vocabulary is the students’ knowledge of and memory for word meanings. A strong vocabulary improves all areas of communication—listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Goals for Strong Readers - Learn and use new words through various activities. - Build a large receptive vocabulary (words students understand when they are read or spoken to). - Enhance expressive vocabulary (words students know well enough to use in speaking and writing). Have your child pick a picture or photograph without you seeing. Close your eyes and have your child describe the details in the picture, without giving away what it is. Encourage your child to give you as many details as possible. Guess what the picture is based on the description. Switch roles. More Activities and Games Use this vocabulary word list for the next three activities. Write words with the same prefixes or suffixes on small pieces of paper and post them on the wall or place on the table. Read aloud the meaning of each word. Have your child swat the word that matches the meaning with the swatter (or a hand). Example: - Ask: What word means: to politely refuse? - Answer: decline Write sentences on strips of paper with vocabulary words missing. Have your child pull a sentence from a jar and read it aloud. Have your child fill in the missing word (you may have a list of words for your child to choose from). Have your child explain his or her reasoning for using the word by giving the meaning and using it in context . Example: - We cannot use the refrigerator now because it is ____________. - List of words (optional): functioning, inoperable, working - We cannot use the refrigerator now because it is inoperable. - Inoperable means it does not work. Read a text of your child’s choice. For fiction texts, which are made-up stories, have your child draw a picture that represents a part of the story. For non-fiction texts, have your child label the picture using vocabulary words from the text. Non-fiction is real information with facts such as news articles, biographies, and how-to books. Encourage your child to write a paragraph explaining the drawing. Come up with a word but do not tell your child. Have your child ask you yes or no questions to determine the word. The questions should be about the meaning of the word, not about its letters, sounds, or word parts. After your child guesses the correct vocabulary word, switch roles. Example questions include: - Does the word involve movement? - Is it an adjective? A verb? A feeling? An adverb? - Do you use this word when referring to animals?
Social & Emotional Support Social and Emotional Learning is the process through which children and adolescents learn the skills and attitudes they need to be able to: - Develop positive relationships with others. - Make responsible and healthy choices. - Show others that they care or are concerned about them. - Recognize and manage their own emotions. - Be able to handle difficult social situations. Our students will be taught skills in the following areas: 1. Relationship Skills What do Relationship Skills look like? - Cooperating with others. - Asking for help when you need it. - Working through conflict with peers and adults. - Negotiating with others. - Building relationships. 2. Responsible Decision Making What does Responsible Decision Making look like? - Identifying and solving problems in a healthy way. - Looking at all of the options before making a decision. - Reflecting on your choices. - Social Awareness What does Social Awareness look like? - Empathy or being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. - Showing respect to others. - Understanding another’s perspective. - Recognizing that everyone is different and that is okay. What does Self-Awareness look like? - Identifying and honoring your needs, strengths and values. - Seeing yourself for who you really are instead of what other people say you are. - Believing in your ability to achieve, solve problems, and reach goals. What does Self-Management look like? - Setting goals for yourself. - Being organized. - Managing your stress so it doesn’t become overwhelming. - Keeping your impulses in check. - Self-motivation to complete tasks and achieve goals. For more information on SEL, please visit www.Casel.org
Most pre-algebra questions from "Holt Pre-Algebra" are based on memorizing simple vocabulary words and substitution systems that determine the correct answer, so memorize the appropriate words for each question and check your work by working backwards to get the right answer. Memorize what integers, variables, expressions and other terms mean to understand how they are used in the context of math problems. Understand fractions and values, and follow simple operations to see how they work.Continue Reading Equations are central in pre-algebra and algebra math problems, and they often have mixes of numbers, exponents and letters. The letters are designed to substitute for numbers in the context of a complete equation. Understanding that both sides are meant to be equal can help you check your work when you are done. Additionally, use the equations to represent real life finances or situations for more practice, such as using substitutions, equations and fractions to determine how much money you need to purchase something you want. Begin by tracking your work using a step-by-step formula. Write out every order of operations in a straight line down below the original equation to begin tracing your work to discover the answer. Not only does this help you keep track of your operations, but outlining each step makes it easier to see if you make any mistakes during the solving process.Learn more about Algebra
Click on the image at right to get the lesson app with instructor notes. Or you can install right from here by clicking the logo below: In the first module, students will learn a process they can use to create an equation to represent a linear relationship. Students will identify the proportion that represents the rate of change, then they cross multiply and isolate to write the equation in the form px + q = r, and finally, they add (a positive or negative) to adjust for the initial, or starting, value in the problem situation. Students will then figure out the function hidden inside each of several linear function machines by entering inputs and observing the outputs generated by the machine and recorded in an x-y (input-output) table. Functions involve positive, negative, and 0 slopes and positive and negative y-intercepts. Students determine the rate of change, or slope, whether the linear function is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and the value of the function at x = 0 (the y-intercept). Finally, students write and evaluate linear functions, given a small variety of different problem situations. Students use function notation to evaluate functions at given inputs, and they determine ordered pair solutions for functions. Students write linear functions for situations by identifying whether the function is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and determining the y-intercept. Module 3 Video This video introduces the basics of linear functions. Ask students to tell whether the first function, f(x) = 2x + 3, is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and why. Do the same for the skier function and for the plane function at the end. Have students compare the graphical representation of the skier’s function with the table representation for the plane’s function.
Gerunds are a form of verbs, but they are not actually verbs. Instead, they are a verbal noun. A verbal is a verb that functions as another part of speech. As verbal nouns, gerunds can act as subjects, direct and indirect objects, subject complements and objects of prepositions. All gerunds end with “-ing,” but do not confuse a gerund with the present participle. The present participle acts as a verb or adjective, whereas a gerund acts as a noun. Consider the following examples: Gerund (noun): Dancing is good exercise. (“Dancing” is a gerund because it is the subject of the sentence.) Verb: Meredith is dancing. (“Is dancing” is the verb phrase, consisting of “is” as a helping verb and “dancing” as the main verb.) Adjective: The dancing class is open to all ages. (“Dancing” is an adjective that modifies “class.”) Gerunds can act as the subject of the verb, a direct or indirect object of the verb or a subject complement. A subject complement follows a linking verb. Consider the following examples: Example 1: Writing is a viable way to earn an income online. (“Writing” is the subject of the verb “is.”) Example 2: Shawn’s skills include writing. In Example 2, “writing” is the direct object of the verb “include.” You know it is a direct object because if you ask, “what do Shawn’s skills include,” the answer is “writing.” Example 3: Shawn gives writing her full attention. In Example 3, “writing” is the indirect object of the verb “gives.” Remember that when you ask “Shawn gives what,” the answer is “her full attention,” making it the direct object. The indirect object is what receives the direct object. Example 4: Shawn’s passion is writing. In Example 4, “writing” is the subject complement because “is” is a linking verb, and when you replace the linking verb with an equal sign, the sentence still makes sense. Keep in mind that gerunds sometimes have adjectives that modify them in the same way that nouns do. See the below example: Example 5: Shawn’s passionate writing is her strength. (“Writing” is the gerund, and “passionate” is an adjective that modifies it.) When a “-ing” form of a verb is used following a preposition, it is always a gerund. A good way to remember this is that when a gerund follows a preposition, it is easily replaced with another noun. The gerund is the object of the preposition it follows. Make sure not to confuse a gerund with a full infinitive (to working); in the case of the gerund, the use of “to” is as a preposition, with the noun replacement check remaining applicable. Consider the following examples: Example 6: Karen stopped by her co-worker’s office before leaving. In Example 6, “leaving” is a gerund and is the object of the preposition “before.” The gerund is easily replaced with a noun; Karen stopped by her co-worker’s office before her exit.) Example 7: Karen does not object to socializing with her co-workers. In Example 7, “socializing” is a gerund and is the object of the preposition “to.” A noun is easily inserted to replace the gerund; Karen does not object to lunch with her co-workers.
The rules of accent marking are not often taught in introductory Spanish, but it’s helpful to understand them, and they are actually quite straightforward. Learning the rules will help you understand why accents are present where they are and will help you remember which words have accents. Accents in Spanish tell you which syllable of the word is stressed. So how would you know which syllable is stressed in an unaccented word? Well, there are two basic rules about where the stress goes in a word, and accents are only used when the normal rules are being broken. These two rules are: 1. The stress in a word falls on the second to last syllable if the word ends in s, n, or a vowel. 2. If the word ends in consonant other than n or s, the stress is on the last syllable. Words that follow these rules do not take accents, and those that break the rule do. For example: (stressed syllables are underlined) “árbol” ends in a consonant other than n or s, so the stress should be on the last syllable according to the rules above. Since the stress is actually on the first syllable, the a is marked with an accent. Otherwise it would read arbol. “libro” ends in a vowel, so according to the rules above, the stress should be on the second to last syllable. Since it follows the rule, there is no accent. These rules explain why some words that have an accent when singular lose the accent when made plural. This happens because making the noun plural can change the number of syllables in the word. For example: “vacación” ends in n, so the stress should be on the second to last syllable. Since it breaks that rule, it has an accent. “vacaciones” ends in s, so the stress should be on the second to last syllable. Since it follows the rule, there is no accent. Although it’s still cion that is being stressed, making the word plural adds an extra syllable at the end, which makes cion the second to last syllable. Words with only one syllable don’t have accents unless the accent differentiates them from a similarly spelled unaccented word. For example: si = if; sí = yes el = masc. def. article; él = he tu = your; tú = you se = reflexive pronoun; sé = I know In these examples, the presence or absence of an accent lets you know which of the two words is being referred to. Accents are important in Spanish. They often make the difference between one word and another, so knowing if a word has an accent and where it goes is key. If you know what a word sounds like, being familiar with these rules will help you determine if the word has an accent. In addition, you’ll be able to read new words and know which of the syllables is stressed. There are a few more technicalities for accent marking, but these are the basic rules. If you’re interested in learning more specific details about when and how accents are used, let us know and we’ll teach you! Elite Private Tutors is a world-class tutoring service helping students in Math tutoring, English tutoring, History tutoring, Spanish tutoring, SAT tutoring, Science Tutoring, ACT tutoring, ISEE tutoring, and much more. We deliver concierge-level service and are a boutique agency located in Houston, Texas. Please click here for more information. Tag:act tutoring, Algebra help, algebra tutors, Bellaire tutors, best houston tutors, best tutoring, elementary school tutoring, elite tutors, english tutoring, geometry tutors, High school tutors, history tutoring, Houston Tutor, houston tutor help, Houston tutoring, Houston tutors, isee prep, isee tutoring, isee tutors, latin tutoring, math tutoring, middle school tutors, Private Houston tutoring, Private tutors Houston, River oaks tutors, sat tutoring, science tutoring, spanish tutoring, Tutoring Houston, Tutoring in Houston, Tutors Houston, Tutors in Houston Math tutoring, West u tutors
C++ Programming< C++ Programming | Programming Languages | C++ | Code | Statements | Variables | Operators Conditional operators (also known as ternary operators) allow a programmer to check: if (x is more than 10 and eggs is less than 20 and x is not equal to a...). Most operators compare two variables; the one to the left, and the one to the right. However, C++ also has a ternary operator (sometimes known as the conditional operator), ?: which chooses from two expressions based on the value of a condition expression. The basic syntax is: condition-expression ? expression-if-true : expression-if-false If condition-expression is true, the expression returns the value of expression-if-true. Otherwise, it returns the value of expression-if-false. Because of this, the ternary operator can often be used in place of the if expression. - For example: int foo = 8; std::cout << "foo is " << (foo < 10 ? "smaller than" : "greater than or equal to") << " 10." << std::endl; The output will be "foo is smaller than 10.".
Imagine the early universe: The first massive stars sparked to life and rapidly consumed their supply of hydrogen. These “metal poor” stars lived hard and died fast, burning quickly and then exploding as powerful supernovas. This first population of stars seeded the universe with heavier elements (i.e. elements heavier than helium, elements known as “metals” by astronomers) and their deaths created the first stellar-mass black holes. But say if there were black holes bumbling around the universe before the first supernovae? Where the heck did they come from? Some models of universal evolution suggests that immediately after the Big Bang, some 13.82 billion years ago, quantum fluctuations created pockets of dense matter as the universe started to expand. As inflation occurred and the universe cooled, these density fluctuations formed the vast large-scale structure of the universe that we observe today. These cosmological models suggest the early quantum density fluctuations may have been dramatic enough to create black holes — known as primordial black holes — and these ancient Big Bang remnants may still exist to this day. The theoretical models surrounding the genesis of primordial black holes, however, are hard to test as observing the universe immediately after the Big Bang is, needless to say, very difficult. But now we know gravitational waves exist and physicists have detected the space-time ripples generated by the collision and merger of stellar-mass black holes and neutron stars, astronomers have an observational tool at their disposal. Simple Idea, Not-So-Simple Implementation In a new study published in Physical Review Letters, researchers have proposed that if we have the ability to detect gravitational waves produced before the first stars died, we may be able to carry out astronomical archaeological dig of sorts to possibly find evidence of these ancient black holes. “The idea is very simple,” said physicist Savvas Koushiappas, of Brown University, in a statement. “With future gravitational wave experiments, we’ll be able to look back to a time before the formation of the first stars. So if we see black hole merger events before stars existed, then we’ll know that those black holes are not of stellar origin.” Primordial black holes were first theorized by Stephen Hawking and others in the 1970’s, but it’s still unknown if they exist or whether we could even distinguish the primordial ones from the garden variety of stellar-mass black holes (it’s worth noting, however, that primordial black holes would have a range of masses and not restricted to stellar masses). Now we can detect gravitational waves, however, this could change as gravitational wave detector sensitivity increases, scientists will probe more distant (and therefore more ancient) black hole mergers. And, if we can detect gravitational waves originating from black hole mergers younger than 65 million years after the Big Bang, the researchers say, those black holes wouldn’t have a stellar origin as the first stars haven’t yet died — they could have only been born from the quantum mess immediately after the birth of our universe.
At the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a supermassive black hole. This is normal — at the center of almost every galaxy there is a black hole that is millions or billions times heavier than our sun. As galaxies move through the universe, they occasionally collide (the Milky Way is currently colliding with the Sagittarius Galaxy) and over a long time [1. But do not fear, the spaces between stars are so high that as galaxies collide, the inhabitants of a planet would never notice. When galaxies collide, their cores get closer and closer together, but the stars and planets on the outskirts of a galaxy, like our solar system, will never collide with anything. All that will happen is that our night sky will start to look a little different over time.], eventually the cores of these galaxies crash into each other, resulting in two supermassive black holes orbiting one another. The two black holes will get closer together, orbiting faster and faster as they fall into one another. This phenomenon should be common, based upon how frequently galaxies collide, however, we have never detected any close orbiting supermassive black holes. Due to this lack of evidence, there has been much debate in the scientific community regarding if it were even possible to for black hole orbits to be smaller than 1 parsec (about 3.25 light years) [2. The sun is about 8 light minutes from Earth, meaning it takes the light from the sun about 8 minutes to get to us. So if the sun disappeared right now, no one on Earth would notice for 8 minutes, therefore a light year is the distance that light would travel in a year. For perspective, Pluto is about 8 light hours away.] which is about the resolution of our modern telescopes. That is, until now. The research done by scientists at Columbia University has confirmed the existence of a two supermassive black holes in orbit separated by 0.007 – 0.017 parsecs (8 – 20 light days)! It is difficult to detect this phenomenon by observation, because this occurs at the centers of colliding galaxies. The distances between galaxies is quite far, so our telescopes cannot see the separation between two supermassive black holes that are orbiting each other from one very massive supermassive black hole. So how did they do it? Using quasars! Quasars are the dense region of hot gasses and materials surrounding a supermassive black hole. As the large amount of gravity surrounding a black hole attracts things to it, the material and gasses it attracts get shredded and fall into the black hole. These materials end up piling up around the black hole, and begin to form a hot, shredded disk, known as a quasar. These disks radiate enormous amounts of energy and light and rotate around the black hole, creating a rotating disk of brightly emitting material. Now, if each of the supermassive black holes that are rotating one another have their own quasar, the quasars will be orbiting each other as well. The quasars are so bright that we can detect them with our telescopes. It is still difficult to tell the two quasars apart in the sky. However, what can be seen are the changes in light emitting from what appears to be a single quasar. The scientists took advantage of the flickering light from the quasars to try and tell them apart. From their observations, they decided it was either one quasar rotating obscenely fast, or, as they showed, is in fact two supermassive black holes, that are rotating in close proximity! This is the first discovery of supermassive black holes orbiting each other this fast. It’s so fast that Einstein’s theories of relativity apply! It is an important discovery because it settles a conversation about the formation and collision of galaxies. Furthermore, this discovery introduces some good methods for identifying other quasars fluctuations resulting from orbiting supermassive black holes. It’s also reassures our hypothesis of the frequency of galactic collisions with the discovery of these close orbiting supermassive black holes!
An atom is defined as the smallest part of a chemical element that retains the chemical properties of the element. Atoms are comprised of three subatomic particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. The positively charged protons and neutrons (which have no charge) make up the atom’s nucleus, or center, while the negatively charged electrons orbit around the nucleus. To accurately diagram an atom you must know how many protons, neutrons and electrons the atom contains, in addition to the atom’s “Electron Shell Configuration.” Refer to the Periodic Table of Elements to learn the atomic number and atomic weight of the element for which you want to create a diagram. The Periodic Table is a grid-like chart displaying all known elements. Each individual grid square on the Periodic Table lists the atomic number, atomic symbol and atomic weight of each element; the elements are arranged in ascending order according to atomic number. To find the atomic number for the element you want on the Periodic Table, locate the grid square on the table assigned to that element by finding the element’s name or atomic symbol (the atomic symbol is the abbreviation of the element's name). The element’s atomic number is written in a small font at the top of each grid square; the atomic weight is written in small font at the bottom of the square. Determine how many protons and electrons are in the selected element. An element’s atomic number represents the number of protons that element comprises. Since atoms have no overall electric charge, each atom has an equal number of protons and electrons. For example, a nitrogen (N) has an atomic number of 7, so a nitrogen atom is made up of seven protons and seven electrons. Calculate how many neutrons the selected element is comprised of. The formula for finding out how many neutrons an atom has is: Mass Number - Number of Protons = Number of Neutrons. To find the Mass Number of an element, round its atomic weight to the nearest whole number. The nitrogen atom, for example, has an atomic weight of 14.0067. Rounded to the nearest whole number, nitrogen'sMass Number is 14. Subtract the number of protons to get 14 – 7 = 7; nitrogen has seven neutrons. Draw a circle for each proton and each neutron contained in the selected element. Make sure these circles are clustered together. Place a positive sign inside each proton circle, or color each circle representing a proton the same color. Leave the inside of each neutron circle blank, or color all the neutron representative circles the same color. This cluster of circles represents the atom’s nucleus. Find out the selected element’s “Electron Shell Configuration.” Nitrogen, for example, has an Electron Shell Configuration of: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^3; this means it has two shells with 2 electrons in the first shell and 5 electrons in the second shell because the “1” has a superscript number of 2; and the "2’s have superscript numbers of 2 and 3, which together make 5. Draw one ring around the atom’s nucleus for each shell the atom has. Draw small circles on each ring to represent the number of electrons on that shell. The first shell is the ring closest to the nucleus. About the Author Maya Austen began freelance writing in 2009. She has written for many online publications on a wide variety of topics ranging from physical fitness to amateur astronomy. She's also an author and e-book publisher. Austen has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the New England Institute of Art and currently lives in Boston, Mass. Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
Getting words into alphabetical order is as easy as A-B-C with Crayola Color Switchers. Colorfully identify key letters to organize words with similar beginnings. 30 Minutes or Less Make putting words in alphabetical order fun by using the second, third, or fourth letter in the word. Have students compile a list of words to put in order. Have them choose words they like, such as names, spelling words, or words from a dictionary. Give them a challenge! Have them choose words that start with the same letter or letters. Students list the words. Have them write words in random order on the left side of the paper with Crayola Washable Markers. (The right side will be where they will write the alphabetized list.) For students to remind themselves of the order of letters, have them sing the English ABC song to themselves or write the alphabet at the top of the page. Students color-code their words. TIP: Alphabetize the first letter of each word when all the words begin with a different letter. When words begin with the same letter, alphabetize by the second, third, or sometimes fourth letter. Students search! Students look for words that start with each letter of the alphabet, beginning with words that start with a, then b, and so on. If only one word begins with the letter, write it in the alphabetized list with a Color marker. If more than one word begins with the same letter, use a different Color Switchers color to write over the second letter in each of the words. Figure out the order of this group of words. Write them in order on the alphabetized list. If words start with the same two or more letters, write over the similar beginning letters in each word. Order the words by looking at the first letter that is different in each word. Add them in order to the alphabetized list. LA: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. LA: Participate in shared research and writing projects. LA: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. VA: Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. VA: Use visual structures of art to communicate ideas. Students may enjoy beginning this lesson by singing the alphabet song while a member of the class points to or holds up manipulatives for each letter. Students can prepare for this lesson by writing the alphabet at the top of their papers using an under color. As students generate words beginning with different letters for the teacher, students will write over each beginning letter of a word that is added to the class list. (Example: "bird" begins with "b"; students use an over color for "b".) Encourage students to generate as many words as possible that begin with different letters of the alphabet. Can the class over color all the 26 letters of the alphabet? Using a past or recent unit of study as a point of reference, ask students to generate a list of vocabulary words that are important to that unit of study. Students will write these terms on their papers using a self-chosen Crayola under color. Once the list is exhausted, students will be challenged to place these terms in alphabetical order. Students can work individually or collaboratively to complete this task. Using a recent whole class reading (novel, short story, or children's picture book where there is some character development), ask student groups to choose one character from the story and generate a list of adjectives that help to describe the character. Student groups will share their adjective lists with the class and see if anyone can name the story character.
Our Equivalent Expressions lesson plan teaches students how to identify the primary theme of a quote. During this lesson, students are asked to work with a partner to read a short story, decide the theme of the story, and find quotes that demonstrate that theme. Students are also asked to match common themes and quotes that illustrate that theme from a given list. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases, such as matching quotations to the theme of a story, as they are used in a text. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.4
When solving basic algebraic equations, there is no one perfect way, but one tip is to rearrange the equation so it reads x = something. The process is similar to solving a puzzle, and it includes several rules or tips. These tips tell the student what he can and cannot do.Continue Reading Because algebraic fractions are difficult to manipulate, students begin solving equations involving fractions by multiplying every term of the equation by the denominator of the fraction. In order to isolate a term, such as x, the rules allow adding or subtracting the same number from both sides of the equation. They also allow combining like terms, so it is possible to add 8x and 3x to get 11x. Algebra rules also allow students to factor an equation to find a solution. When solving by factoring, there is often more than one solution to the equation. Solving the equation only gives a list of potential solutions and students should check each of the possible solutions in the original equation. In some cases, substituting a possible answer into the equation causes problems, such as dividing by zero. When one of the possible answers causes such issues, it has to be ruled out of the solutions, and the student should include the reason he rules it out.Learn more about Algebra
More Science Worksheets A series of free Science Lessons for 7th Grade and 8th Grade, KS3 and Checkpoint Science in preparation for GCSE and IGCSE Science. Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemists use equations to describe what happens in a chemical reaction. The equations provide the essential information an an easy-to-read form. The simplest equations are word equations. The substances that take part in a reaction are called reactants. The substances that form as a result of the chemical reactions are called the products. reactants → products magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide Chemical names of compounds There are rules for how chemical names are built up. The first part of the name is usually the name of an element in the compound. The second part of the name has part of the name of the second element in the compound. If the element is not connected to other elements the suffix -ide may be added as in sodium chloride. Some more complex endings to compound names. SO4 - sulfate CO3 - carbonate NO3 - nitrate OH - hydroxide Rotate to landscape screen format on a mobile phone or small tablet to use the Mathway widget, a free math problem solver that answers your questions with step-by-step explanations. You can use the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice Algebra or other math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations. We welcome your feedback, comments and questions about this site or page. Please submit your feedback or enquiries via our Feedback page.
Verbs Worksheets Practice A verb is a word that shows action or links a subject to another word in the sentence. A verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. Verbs are one of the most basic parts of speech. Verbs are in every sentence you write. Verbs show action. We currently have verbs worksheets for subtopics: action verbs, irregular verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, general and precise verbs, to be verbs, phrasal verbs, modal verbs and verb conjugation. Here is a graphic preview for all of the verbs Worksheets. Our verbs Worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Use these verbs worksheets in school or at home. Click here for a description of all sub-category Verbs Worksheets. Quick Link for All Verbs Worksheets Sections Click the image to be taken to that Verbs Worksheets Section. Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets The basic rule is that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a plural subject takes a plural verb. These Subject-Verb Agreement worksheets are for students at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Action Verbs Worksheets Action Verbs are verbs that describe actions and things taking place rather than states. They are words that show action. There are two types of action verbs, mental and physicial action. It is fun to write with action verbs because they show action of the noun in the sentnce. Verb Tenses Worksheets Verb tenses are tools that English speakers use to express time in their language. The present tense of a verb names an action that happens now. The past tense of a verb names an action that already happened. The future tense of a verb names an action that will happen. These Verb Tenses worksheets are for students at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Helping Verbs Worksheets Helping verbs help a main verb to name an action or make a statement. There are 23 verbs that can be used as helping verbs in the English language. These helping verbs worksheets are for students at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Irregular Verbs Worksheets An Irregular Verb does not follow the pattern of regular verbs in terms of adding an -ed for the past and past participle. Irregular verbs live by their own set of rules. Most of the verbs in the English language are irregular verbs. Linking Verbs Worksheets Linking verbs do not show action but instead they rename or describe a subject. These linking verbs worksheets are for students at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. To Be Verbs Worksheets The verb to be most frequently works in conjunction with another verb. To be verbs include; am, are, is, was and were. These To Be Verbs worksheets are for students at the beginner, intermediate and advanced level. General and Precise Verbs Worksheets A verb is a word that shows action. A verb can show a mental or physical action. Verbs are one the most common parts of speech in the English language. It is important to expand one's vocabulary as they age. Using more precise verbs are a good way to show that a students has expanded their vocabulary. Phrasal Verbs Worksheets Phrasal verbs are two word phrases consisting of a verb and adverb or a verb and preposition. Think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning. They are an idiomatic phrase consisting of a verb and another element. When the added adverb or preposition is added to the verb, it creates an additional meaning different from the original verb. Modal Verbs Worksheets A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality that is likelihood, ability, permission, and obligation. Common modal verbs include: can / could, may / might, must, will / would, and shall / should. Modal verbs tend to precede another verb. Modals do not have subject-verb agreement. They are used to indicate modality. Verb Conjugation Worksheets Verb conjugation refers to how a verb changes to show a different person, tense, number or mood. There are many ways to conjugate verbs in the English language. In the English language, we have six different persons: first person singular (I), second person singular (you), third person singular (he/she/it), first person plural (we), second person plural (you) and third person plural (they). Conjugating a verb is creating an oderly arrengement of that verb in its many forms.
When meteorites hit the Earth, a crater forms violently and very fast, lifting deep-seated rocks from the centre of the impact area to the surface in seconds. Measuring the consequent geological deformation at different scales in these complex impact structures is tricky. If microscale mineral deformation can be correlated with macroscale crater-formation processes, we can better understand how the Earth’s surface behaves during meteorite impact. The Woodleigh crater near Shark Bay, WA was created by a meteorite impact about 360 million years ago. It is buried below younger sedimentary rocks that obscure its macroscale features, including its size. Estimates of the crater diameter vary between 60 and 120km. Research student Morgan Cox from Curtin University, under the supervision of Dr Aaron Cavosie, is studying core samples from the Woodleigh crater. The samples were collected by the Geological Survey of Western Australia from 300m below what is thought to be the centre of the crater. Electron microscopy, including electron backscatter diffraction analysis, in the Microscopy Australia Linked Lab at Curtin, revealed tiny areas of a mineral named reidite. This extremely rare mineral only occurs in rocks subjected to the incredible pressure created when space rocks slam into the Earth’s crust. Reidite forms when the common mineral zircon is transformed during the massive pressure of impact. The researchers also found microscopic structures called deformation twins that only form in zircon grains shocked by impact. Analysis revealed that reidite formed first during the initial shock-compression stage. The twins then formed during the post-compression stage, when a lower pressure shock wave lifted the formerly compressed crust rapidly upwards. The discovery of reidite near the base of the core suggests a relatively large crater. The research team is now using numerical modelling to refine the size of Woodleigh. If its diameter is greater than 100km, as now seems likely, it will be the largest-known impact crater in Australia, and the fourth largest known on Earth. The third largest is the Mexican crater (Chicxulub, largely underwater), formed by the meteorite impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Morgan A. Cox, Aaron J. Cavosie, Phil A. Bland, Katarina Miljković, Michael T.D. Wingate; Microstructural dynamics of central uplifts: Reidite offset by zircon twins at the Woodleigh impact structure, Australia. Geology ; 46 (11): 983–986. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G45127.1
This elementary language arts lesson focuses on teaching about ending punctuation marks. After this lesson students will be able to distinguish between periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Worksheets and activities also included. What is a Sentence? There are several rules the student must remember to comprehend a sentence. - Is a set of words - Tells a total or complete idea - Starts off with a capital letter - Ends with a punctuation such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point Examples of a sentence: - My car is bigger than yours. - He is taller than Jan. - They went to the farm. Examples of non-sentences: - Bigger than yours. - Is blue. - Did it. The previous examples of sentences make sense. The non-sentences do not show a complete thought process. It seems to abruptly start or end. Not only does the sentence have to make sense but the words have to be in order. - I have a bat. - He is tall. Not in order: - Bat I have. - Tall is he. Period, Question Mark, Exclamation Point: When should we use a period, when should we use a question mark, and when should we use an exclamation point? When we change the end punctuation this changes the meaning of the sentence. When the sentence is stating something as it is telling about something or even someone, we would use a period. - The car is blue. ( We are stating that the car is blue) - She has red hair. ( We are stating that she has red hair) What About Questions? A question is a sentence which asks something. We end a question with a question mark. (?) - What color is the car? (We are asking what color the car is) - Who is her friend? (We are asking who her friend is) Common words which will come at the start of the question: An exclamation is also sentence but this sentence shows a strong emotion or reaction. (!) · Turn down that radio! · Stop that train! Language Arts Activities: While explaining to students the difference between statements, questions, and exclamations have them complete the compare and contrast chart provided below. - Put students into groups or pairs. Print out the word sheet provided below and give one word sheet to each group/pair. They will now cut the word cards out and create statements, questions, and exclamations. This hands on learning activity will allow for the students to fully comprehend when to use the punctuation marks. - Have students complete the quiz provided after the lesson.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction You can isolate virtually any DNA sequence by means of the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. PCR uses repetitive cycles of primer‐dependent polymerization to amplify a given DNA. Very little original DNA is required, as long as two unique primers are available. Knowing the sequences of the primers before starting out is helpful, but not always necessary. Each cycle of PCR involves three steps: DNA double strand separation, primer hybridization, and copying. First, the original DNA is denatured by heat treatment to make two separated strands. Then the two primers are hybridized to the DNA, one to each of the two separated strands. These primers act as initiators for DNA polymerase, which copies each strand of the original double‐stranded DNA. The original two strands of DNA now become four strands, which are then denatured. These four strands are then hybridized with the primers and each of them is now copied, to make eight strands, and so forth. Amplified DNA can be analyzed by any of the techniques used for analyzing DNA: it can be separated by electrophoresis, Southern blotted, or cloned. Because a single DNA sequence is obtained by PCR, sequence information can also be obtained directly. See Figure 1.
In the first part of the chapter, we will get to be introduced to logarithms. We will learn that Logarithms like simply mean that the base 2 is multiplied 4 times to get the number inside the parenthesis which is 16. To simply put, logarithms are the opposite of exponents, because instead of finding the resulting number from raising your base to an exponent, you are looking for the exponent that is used to raise the base to get a particular number. Then in the second part of the chapter, we will learn how to convert an expression in logarithmic form like or , into their exponential form, and . We will have plenty of examples to do just that. In the next part we will learn how to evaluate logarithmic expression without the aid of a calculator. To do that, we will be introduced to the common logarithms and natural log. The common logarithms are logs that have the base 10 like log (100) = 2. Natural log on one hand is a log that has the base like . In the sixth part of the chapter we will be introduced the change base formula .This formula will be used to transform one logarithmic expression in to another expression but with a different base. In the proceeding parts we will learn how to convert an expression in its exponential form into the logarithmic form. Then we will learn how to apply logarithms in solving equations. From here we will be introduced to logarithmic equations and logarithmic functions. We will learn that the domain and range of the logarithmic functions is the positive numbers and the real numbers respectively. Last but not the least, we will also be introduced to one of the rules of logarithm, the product rule which simply states that logbAC = logbA + logbC. We will get to have more examples that will illustrate this rule more elaborately.
Sometimes it is very difficult for students to decide whether they should use the present simple or the present continuous tense. To help them decide correctly, I will share several activities with you. These activities make it clear which tense the students should use and how to form it. In this post there are two comic stories and an accompanying worksheet. Then there is an infographic focusing on the keywords which are often connected with the tenses. And the last activity is an interactive game to practise the usage of the two tenses. Present simple or present continuous – Comics Now, print the following worksheet and your students should complete the first exercise. Check the answers and then ask the students to write sentences into the table in exercise 2. It is a good idea to elicit the first line before they start. In the exercise 3, students write about their normal day. As an additional activity, you can ask the students to use the comic story and retell the American´s day. Thus they can practise the third person singular. Now, it is time to hand out the second comic. You can print the comic here: Students should read the comic and answer the questions in exercise 4 in the worksheet above. Present simple or present continuous – explanation Others might profit from the following infographic which focuses on the key words. Present simple or present continuous – games Students work in pairs. They choose a square where they would like to enter their cross or nought. However, they can do so only if they form a correct sentence using all the words of the coordinates for the given square. If they make a mistake they cannot draw anything. If they are not sure, they can check the sentence in the key grid. The winner is the student who manages to draw four symbols next to each other. The following game is called Quiz Darts. Your task is to put the verb in the correct tense and if you answer correctly, you can throw the dart. Your task is to score as many points as possible.
The development of social skills is an important part of early childhood education. Many children enter preschool or kindergarten with little or no exposure to individuals outside their own families. Teachers can encourage social skills development through activities that introduce concepts such as verbal communication, negotiation, active listening, non-verbal communication and social conventions. Once a week, have a community or class meeting to discuss issues that arise in the classroom. Teachers need to involve all students in the problem solving process. Students take turns sharing concerns and offering solutions to problems. The class meeting is also a time to introduce giving compliments. Students give one another compliments when they see classmates acting appropriately or doing good work. The act of giving compliments is a positive behavior to replace the negative act of tattling, and provides students with positive feedback from their peers. Teachers introduce complimenting during the class meetings by modeling. Class meetings are part of a classroom management approach known as Positive Discipline, and are an excellent method for teaching interpersonal communications skills. Reading Facial Expressions Teachers will need a stack of pictures representing various facial expressions. Students should sit in a circle or grouping that allows everyone to see the pictures. The teacher allows the students to guess the emotion shown in the picture. This can lead to a discussion of the clues the students used to figure out the emotion. A follow-up activity for this is to have students choose a picture and make up a story about why the person feels that emotion. These activities can help students build the concept of empathy and reading facial expressions. Another activity for practicing reading body language and facial expressions is a modified game of charades. The teacher can whisper an emotion to one student and have him act out that emotion. The other students try to guess how he feels. For older kids, teachers can write down names of emotions on slips of paper and let kids draw from a hat. Cooperative Decision Making Encourage negotiation skills by involving students in cooperative decision making activities every day. For snack time, have pictures or representations of three possible choices. Have students discuss ways they could come to a decision: voting, drawing out of a hat, allowing one person to choose each day, etc. Students must use creative problem solving skills and diplomacy to reach a decision as a group. This activity is useful for deciding on activities or games for the group as well. It can also lead to discussions of fairness and how to behave if your favorite is not the class choice. Role-playing is an excellent way to teach social skills. Students can act out scenarios that have occurred in the classroom while the other students brainstorm various resolutions. The students can then act out “what should be done” in the situation. Role-play is also a way to practice social conventions, such as: greetings; saying please, excuse me and thank you; handshaking or hugging appropriately. Role-play is also useful for teaching safety procedures, such as calling 911, fire drill procedures and “stop-drop-and-roll.” Social stories are typically used with children with disabilities, particularly autism. However, these also can be useful when teaching young children who are unfamiliar with social conventions. In a social story, the children imagine an everyday scenario, and instead of acting it out, they write a “script” about how the situation should unfold. This can easily transition into a role-playing session. - Self Esteem 2 Go: Social Skills Activities - Parenting Science: Social Skills Activities for Children and Teenagers - American Academy of Pediatrics: The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds - Poly XO: Social Stories - Courage to Risk: Class Meeting Format - Photo Credit playing image by Lisa Eastman from Fotolia.com How to Use Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson was a a 20th century psychologist and humanitarian, best known for his theory of psychosocial development. He based this theory... How to Apply Psychosocial Development in the Classroom Social interaction shapes personality development, according to Danish psychoanalyst Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. From birth, a child creates an emotional... Activities Using Erik Erikson's Stages of Development Erik Erikson was a psychoanalyst who believed that individuals progress through eight stages of psychosocial development throughout their lifetimes. Each stage is... Psychosocial Development Activities Psychosocial development in children involves development of the individual's sense of self, including confronting issues such as identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality and...
*Count to 20 by ones and tens *Count a set of objects and write the numeral for that number (up to 10) *Count objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array, a circle, or in a scattered arrangement (up to 20) *Understand the idea of greater than, less than, and equal to *Recognize numerals using number cards (1-10). Knows which number is greater/less between the two without using manipulatives. For a challenge, work on: *Recognizing and writing numbers above 10 (you can go as high as your child can). Try the numbers in order as well as out of order. *Skip counting by 10s, 5s, and/or 2s *Counting objects by grouping them in 10s, 5s, or 2s If your child has trouble with any of the objectives, work on: *Counting objects while you are doing errands *Counting together in the car as you are riding down the road *Write numerals in shaving cream *Play “War” with a deck of cards to work on the idea of greater than, less than, and equal to *Letter recognition (all upper and lowercase) *Identify all Letterland Characters *Identify parts of book (front, back, title) *Distinguishes between letters and words *Points to first/last letter in a word *Points to first/last word on a page *Work on sight word of the week and review previous sight words *Identify word pairs that rhyme For additional challenge, try: *Reading more challenging high frequency words listed on our website *Reading more challenging books from the library *Reading non-fiction books *Make sure you ask your child comprehension questions including characters, setting, events, identifying the author’s message, and making personal connections to the book. If your child has difficulty with the objectives, try: *Focusing on one or two letters/skills at a time *Work on identifying the letters in your name *Children will often confuse letters and words. Start with identifying one letter/two letters and then first/last letter in a word. Once your child has that down, move on to words. *Read stories that have rhyming words. Repetition is important! *Practice writing your first name using a capital letter for the first letter and lowercase letters for the rest. *Write letters of the alphabet. *Write dominant sounds your child hears in a word he/she is writing. (phonetic spelling--conventional spelling will develop as we write more...) If your child already knows the objectives above, for a challenge try: *Spelling high frequency words (or words your child uses a lot) *Correct formation of the letters on lined paper *Write 1 or more sentences about a personal experience (a trip to the zoo or a visit to Grandma’s house). *Practice writing words and/or sentences using dominant consonant sounds. If your child can do that, encourage him/her to add vowels. If your child has trouble with any of the objectives above, then: *Have your child practice writing his/her name in the sand or in shaving cream. *Rainbow write your name. (You write your child’s name in large letters on a piece of paper. He/she traces their name over and over using different colored crayons) *Focus on a couple of letters at a time. Practice recognizing the letters and the sound each letter makes. Make it into a game and think of words that begin with that letter. *Look for letters in the environment while you are out shopping. Give lots of praise!
The concept of force can be taken from our daily experience. Although forces cannot be seen or directly observed, we are familiar with their effects. For example, a helical spring stretches when a weight is hung on it or it is pulled. Our muscle tension conveys a qualitative feeling of the force in the spring. Similarly, a stone is accelerated by gravitational force during free fall, or by muscle force when it is thrown. Also, we feel the pressure of a body on our hand when we lift it. Assuming that gravity and its effects are known to us from experience, we can characterize a force as a quantity that is comparable to gravity. In statics, bodies at rest are investigated. From experience we know that a body subject solely to the effect of gravity falls. To prevent a stone from falling, to keep it in equilibrium, we need to exert a force on it, for example our muscle force. In other words: A force is a physical quantity that can be brought into equilibrium with gravity. Characteristics and Representation of a Force From experience we also know that force has a direction. While gravity always has an effect downwards (towards the earth’s center), we can press against a tabletop in a perpendicular or in an inclined manner. The box on the smooth surface in Fig. 2 will move in different directions, depending on the direction of the force exerted upon it. The direction of the force can be described by its line of action and its sense of direction (orientation). In Fig. 1, the line of action f of the force F is inclined under the angle α to the horizontal. The sense of direction is indicated by the arrow. Therefore, we conclude: According to standard vector notation, a force is denoted by a boldfaced letter, for example by F, and its magnitude by |F| or simply by F. In figures, a force is represented by an arrow, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Since the vector character usually is uniquely determined through the arrow, it is usually sufficient to write only the magnitude F of the force next to the arrow. In Cartesian coordinates (see Fig. 3), the force vector can be represented using the unit vectors ex, ey, ez by, Applying Pythagorean theorem in space, the force vector’s magnitude F is given by The direction angles and therefore the direction of the force follow from
Teach your students to understand the concept and real-life applications for using a formula to find the area of a circle. Objective: Students will learn and apply the formula to find the area of circles. CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.B.4: Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. Materials: local pizza ads, pencil, large paper, rulers, drawing compasses Previous skills: Students should be familiar with identifying and finding the radius and diameter of circles. Step One: Introduction Give students copies of local pizza ads, and ask them to locate the sizes of the pizzas listed in the ads. For example, large pizzas might be 16", small pizzas might be 12", and so on. List sizes of different pizzas on the board, and lead the class in a brief discussion as to what those measurements actually mean. Students should reach the conclusion that the sizes listed in the ads are actually the length of the diameters of each size pizza. Discuss what methods can be used to find the actual sizes of the whole pizzas. Step Two: Introduction of Concept (Area of a Circle) Guide students in drawing replicas of the smallest sizes of pizza listed in the ads. Demonstrate briefly how to set the compass for the radius, and assist students in using the compasses to draw their “pizzas" on the large pieces of paper. Show your students how to draw one inch squares on the pizzas, beginning with the diameter of the circle and measuring out a grid with lines spaced one inch apart until the entire circle is covered with the grid. Students will make their own grids over their circles, and count up as many of the squares as they can to estimate the area of the circle. Encourage students to count up fractions of squares to the best of their ability to include in their estimates. After a brief discussion in which students share their estimates of the area of the circles, invite students to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using such a method to find the area of their pizzas. Step Three: Introduction of Skill (Using a Formula) Write the formula for the area of a circle on the board, and explain to students that they will be using this formula to get more accurate measurements of the area of their pizzas. Demonstrate to students how to use the formula, and guide them through a few computations of sample pizza sizes. Because the sizes of pizzas are given in diameter, you may want to explain to students that they will need to divide their diameters in half to find the radius, so that they can plug those numbers into the formula. Step Four: Application of Skill Ask students to circle a minimum of five pizza sizes from the ads, and list the diameters in a chart. Students will then find the radius based on each diameter, and plug the radius into the formula for area of a circle. A sample chart is shown above. Download the sample chart. As students work, circulate to check that they understand the concept of using a formula to find the area of a circle. Students can peer-check their tables for accuracy after completing them. Assessment: Collect students’ charts to check that the formula was used correctly to find the area of each pizza. Extension: To connect this concept with other areas of math skills, you may want to ask students to use the process for finding unit rate to determine the actual cost per square inch of pizza for each of the five pizzas listed in their charts. Using the cost per square inch, students can then determine which pizza company offers the lowest price per square inch.
Under the thickness of the Antarctic ice, scientists have discovered a tectonic relief that has a huge impact on the melting of the largest ice shelf on the continent. Hidden from prying eyes, the rock has been controlling water flows around the giant Ross ice shelf for hundreds of millions of years. This shelf currently acts as an essential buffer preventing the leaching of more Antarctic ice into the open ocean. In 2019, researchers discovered the subglacial rock thanks to the IcePod scanning system, which measures the height of the ice shelf, its thickness and internal structure, as well as the magnetic and gravitational forces of the rock on which this ice rests. In fact, IcePod can peer through hundreds of meters of ice to detect underlying rock structures that cannot be seen from satellites. In a new paper, researchers report that the geological boundary between East and West Antarctica has created a barrier under the continent that protects the Ross ice shelf from warmer waters and further melting. “The geological boundary makes the seabed of the eastern part of Antarctica much deeper than in the west, and this affects how ocean water circulates under the ice shelf,” says marine geologist Kirsty Tinto from Columbia University. As a result, this barrier slows down the drift of approximately 20% of all Antarctic ground ice into the ocean. If all this mass of frozen water were in warmer regions, the sea level would rise by as much as 11.6 meters. This is critically important for many coastal areas and settlements around the world – it is unlikely that they would have survived after such a large-scale flood.
Democracy has many characteristics which include majority rule, individual rights, free and fair elections, tolerance, participation and compromise. A democracy is based on the idea of the people having a say in who governs and rules them, making participation one of the most important characteristics in the system.Continue Reading Most democratic governments operate through representative democracy, which means that a representative is elected to be the voice of the people in the government. This does not mean that every action the occurs falls under the representative heading. Some of the actions taken by representatives are considered direct democracy. The representative or governing body may put forth a mandate or referendum on a law, which can stem from town hall meetings held by representatives in the area they represent or groups from the area requesting the changes. This can also apply to a nominee calling for votes to be recounted in an election. These are all direct actions that do not go to be voted on by the people, although they can be requests or suggestions from them. Another important characteristic of a democracy is majority rule and minority right. When decisions are made based on the majority of the populations wishes, this could easily lead to the oppression of those who did not agree or vote alone with the majority. Minority rights keeps this from happening by taking into account an individual's rights and needs along with the majority rule.Learn more about Types of Government
Batteries Lesson Plan: How Does a Battery Work? In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students use BrainPOP resources and a hands-on investigation to learn how batteries operate. - Label the parts of a battery. - Order the steps to describe how a battery works. - Demonstrate understanding of a battery's operation through a hands-on investigation and oral/written reflection. - Internet access for BrainPOP - Interactive whiteboard - Small dry erase boards (optional) - Class set of copies for the Activity Page (optional) - Project the Batteries (Review) Quiz on the whiteboard. - As you display each question, have students share their responses, either by writing them on a small dry erase board or using their fingers to show responses (1 finger means choice A, 2 fingers means choice B, etc.) Talk through student misconceptions. - Now instruct students to open the Battery Activities at their own computers, or distribute printouts if individual computer access is not available. Review the activities with students, and encourage them to be attentive to the answers as they watch the movie. - Play the Batteries Movie once through for the class without pausing. - Have students complete the Label It and Order of Event activities using what they’ve learned from the movie. - Play the movie again, pausing for students to complete each activity or correct any misinformation from earlier. - Invite students to explore batteries in a hands-on activity or experiment. Some ideas include this Making a Battery activity and/or Creating a Potato Battery. - Have students take the Battery Quiz again to assess what they learned through the activities they've explored. Extension Activity:Complete the Graphic Organizer by listing facts about batteries as they relate to potential energy, kinetic energy, and stability. Divide the class into groups of five. Assign a different FYI to each student in a group. Have students read their FYI article then summarize for their group what the FYI is about.
Python has two primitive loop commands: The while Loop With the while loop we can execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true. Print i as long as i is less than 6: i = 1 while i < 6: print(i) i += 1 Note: remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever. The while loop requires relevant variables to be ready, in this example we need to define an indexing variable, i, which we set to 1. The break Statement With the break statement we can stop the loop even if the while condition is true: Exit the loop when i is 3: i = 1 while i < 6: print(i) if i == 3: break i += 1 The continue Statement With the continue statement we can stop the current iteration, and continue with the next: Continue to the next iteration if i is 3: i = 0 while i < 6: i += 1 if i == 3: continue print(i) The else Statement With the else statement we can run a block of code once when the condition no longer is true: Print a message once the condition is false: i = 1 while i < 6: print(i) i += 1 else: print("i is no longer less than 6") Test Yourself With Exercises Print i as long as i is less than 6. Python While Loop In Python, While Loops is used to execute a block of statements repeatedly until a given condition is satisfied. And when the condition becomes false, the line immediately after the loop in the program is executed. While loop falls under the category of indefinite iteration. Indefinite iteration means that the number of times the loop is executed isn’t specified explicitly in advance. while expression: statement(s) Statements represent all the statements indented by the same number of character spaces after a programming construct are considered to be part of a single block of code. Python uses indentation as its method of grouping statements. When a while loop is executed, expr is first evaluated in a Boolean context and if it is true, the loop body is executed. Then the expr is checked again, if it is still true then the body is executed again and this continues until the expression becomes false. # Python program to illustrate # while loop count =0 while(count < 3): count =count +1 print("Hello Geek") print() # checks if list still # contains any element a =[1, 2, 3, 4] whilea: print(a.pop()) Hello Geek Hello Geek Hello Geek 4 3 2 1 For more, checkout W3Schools and Geeks For Geeks.
The Magna Carta made the English king accountable to his subjects for the first time. It also gave the people of England the right to a criminal trial in front of their peers instead of indeterminate detention following an accusation.Continue Reading The Magna Carta was introduced in 1215, when King John was facing a political crisis. Its directives made everyone in England, including the king, accountable to the law for the first time. In addition, it gave subjects a say in matters like taxation and foreign invasions. It is worth noting that most people did not benefit from this, as many were peasants working for the barons and landlords, who the Magna Carta did not include. Initially, the Magna Carta did not have much of an impact. However, following King John's reign, Henry III introduced clauses that stated while he was able to sometimes raise taxes without his subjects' permission, other cases required their approval. This eventually led to the first parliamentary session in 1265, which is a practice that still continues in the United Kingdom. Later influences of the Magna Carta on English government include a 14th century parliament guarantee that people had a right to a trial by a jury of their peers. In the 17th century, those who opposed King Charles used it as a basis to oppose royal authority, which had a significant impact on the monarchy's ability to rule in England.Learn more about Middle Ages
General Astronomy/Galactic Evolution (This section is incomplete.) The question of which came first, stars or galaxies, was once the "chicken and egg" question with no real answer. However, more recent evidence points to vestigial structures in space that ultimately led to the formation of galaxies, long before the formation of any stars. Thus, galaxies came first and stars formed within them. Astronomers have pieced together the evolution of galaxies not from any one particular galaxy, because of the enormous time scales involved, but by reference to many galaxies in different stages. It is possible, for example, to note common characteristics in all spiral galaxies. Astronomers also can view various spirals at various ages to develop a relative time sequence. If we look at a galaxy that is 5 billion light years away, we know that it is at least 5 billion years old. The distance, and hence minimum age, can be determined by the shift in spectral lines from the light of the galaxy via the concept of Red Shift and the Hubble Law. Galaxies form from immense clouds of intergalactic gas in three basic types: spiral, elliptical and irregular. Ultimately, the type of galaxy is determined primarily by the dimensions and mass of the gas cloud, and the amount of angular momentum it contains. The angular momentum determines how much the cloud begins to spin as it contracts under the force of gravity. Clouds with large angular momenta spin faster and flatten into a disk-like structure that evolves into a spiral galaxy. Clouds with little angular momenta spin little if at all, and the central force of gravity pulls them into a near-spherical or elliptical shape, appropriately forming an elliptical galaxy. Most large galaxies are of these two types. There is good evidence to believe that when two similarly-sized spiral galaxies collide, the ultimate result can be a large ellipical galaxy. Although no such single process has ever been observed, there are numerous examples of colliding galaxies. Smaller clouds of gas may be so loosely bound by gravity that they have not specific or definable shape, and are known as irregular galaxies. In addition, there are also "strange" or "peculiar" galaxies, likely the result of not of the original formation of the galaxy, but rather some subsequent event, such as the collision of two galaxies. Once a galaxy forms, its subsequent evolution is determined primarily by the conditions in its nucleus, and the amount of gas left over for further star formation. Astronomers have determined that the core of most newly formed galaxies is dominated by a supermassive black hole (section 13.5). Young galaxies typically are quite energetic due to radiation formed from material that spirals down into this supermassive black hole (SBH). This is likely the source of energy of active galactic nuclei and quasars (Section 13.6) Over time, all of the material that is close enough to the SBH to be pulled into it diminishes and with it the strong radiation from the core. Thus, young galaxies are very energetic, but they calm down with age.
This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with identifying and describing the properties of 2-D shapes, including the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line. In KS1 children are taught to identify some of the properties of 2-dimensional shapes. Year 2 children begin to understand that some shapes have lines of symmetry. They will begin to explore this for themselves, perhaps by folding a shape exactly in half - the fold line then shows one line of symmetry. This quiz will help children to identify the property of symmetry in a variety of 2-dimensional shapes.
1. To review some vocabulary associated with hyperbolas 2. To learn to graph a hyperbola using its asymptotes as a guide. This lesson uses a video to demonstrate how to graph a hyperbola which is centered at some point other than the origin. It then provides two practice problems so that students can check their understanding of the concept. hyperbola: the name given to the graph of a rational function of the form y = a/(x - h) + k branch: each of the two separate curves that make up a hyperbola asymptote: a line that a curve approaches very closely as either x or y gets very large but does not ever reach This video gives step by step instructions for graphing a hyperbola. Graph each hyperbola and then check your answers on the following pages. After you've tried the two problems above check the solutions shown below.
The two-stranded, double helix-shaped molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) stores the genetic code for most organisms. DNA not only contains genetic instructions for cell division and reproduction, but it also functions as the basis for thousands of proteins. This entails two processes: transcription and translation. TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) For protein synthesis, messenger RNA must be made from one strand of DNA called the template strand. The other strand, called the coding strand, matches the messenger RNA in sequence except for its use of uracil in place of thymine. For protein synthesis, DNA must first be copied to messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA. This process is called transcription. The mRNA holds the coding information to make proteins. Unlike DNA, RNA is single-stranded and not helical in shape. It contains ribose instead of deoxyribose, and its nucleotide bases differ by having uracil (U) instead of thymine (T). Initially, the enzyme RNA polymerase must assemble the pre-mRNA molecule that complements a section of one DNA’s two strands. Since the goal is not replication but protein synthesis, only one strand of DNA needs copying. The RNA polymerase first attaches to the double helix of DNA and works with proteins called transcription factors to determine what information needs transcribing. The RNA polymerase and transcription factors bind to this DNA strand, called the template strand. The unit of RNA polymerase and transcription factors moves along the strand in a 3’ to 5’ (3 prime to 5 prime) direction and makes a new strand of mRNA with complementary base pairs. RNA polymerase builds the mRNA with additional nucleotides in elongation. The complementary nucleotides in mRNA, however, differ from DNA in that uracil replaces thymine. The mRNA runs in a 5’ to 3’ (5 prime to 3 prime) direction. After elongation ceases, mRNA separates from the DNA template strand in termination. Then mRNA serves either in a role of messenger in the cell, or it is used in protein formation, or translation. The newly assembled mRNA can begin translation. Translation entails reading the mRNA to generate new proteins. Codons, sequences in combinations of three of the mRNA nucleotides A, C, G or U make up amino acids. Ribosomes, cells’ protein-making units, work to build new proteins from chains of those amino acids. The DNA strand that mRNA is built from is called the template strand because it serves as a template for transcription. It is also called the antisense strand. The template strand runs in a 3’ to 5’ direction. The strand of DNA not used as a template for transcription is called the coding strand, because it corresponds to the same sequence as the mRNA that will contain the codon sequences necessary to build proteins. The only difference between the coding strand and the new mRNA strand is instead of thymine, uracil takes its place in the mRNA strand. The coding strand is also called the sense strand. The coding strand runs in a 5’ to 3’ direction. The dual processes of transcription and translation could not proceed without the double-stranded nature of the DNA double helix.
A black hole is a region of space that has so much mass concentrated in a small area that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull. In order to escape from the Earth's gravitational pull, an object must accelerate away from the surface at least 11.2 km/s. This is called the escape velocity. Any slower and the object will fall back to the surface. The same thing is true for a black hole, however the escape velocity is so great that not even light has sufficient speed to escape. Black holes are so called because we cannot see them; no light can leave its surface (either emitted or reflected) therefore it remains invisible. We can only detect black holes when they pass in front of another object and we witness gravitational lensing. To date, no black holes have actually been detected and confirmed, although there are several possible candidates. It should be noted that contrary to popular belief, black holes are not "vacuum cleaners" sucking in everything around them. A black hole with a mass equal to that of the Sun will have a radius about 3 km. At a distance of about 106km, this black hole has no more attraction than any other body of the same mass. For example, if the sun were replaced by a black hole of the same mass, the orbits of the planets would remain unchanged. Once you cross the event horizon however, it is a different story. When a star reaches the end of its life, it cools down and contracts under gravity. As it contracts it becomes more and more dense as the volume decreases. Some stars will explode (super novae) while others become neutron stars or black holes. Imagine a star 10 times bigger than our Sun, collapsed in on itself to the size of about 30km. The resulting object is so dense, its gravitational pull is immense. Black holes could also be formed through high energy collisions, such as colliding neutron stars in binary systems. Stephen Hawking provided a theoretical argument for the evaporation of black holes in 1974. The Hawking radiation process reduces the mass of the black hole and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Because Hawking radiation allows black holes to lose mass, black holes that lose more matter than they gain through other means are expected to dissipate, shrink, and ultimately vanish. Smaller micro black holes are predicted to be larger net emitters of radiation than larger black holes, and to shrink and dissipate faster. There are a number of theoretical techniques that can be used to locate black holes. Since a black hole cannot be directly observed, we must use indirect methods - looking for the effect of a black hole on its surroundings. Massive, ultra-dense objects such as neutron stars and white dwarfs can cause accretion disks and gas jets to form, and it is believed that a black hole will behave in a similar way. We can see accretion disks and we can account for the central star, but they could identify where it might be worth looking for a black hole. Extremely large accretion disks and gas jets may be good evidence for the presence of super massive black holes, because as far as we know any mass large enough to power these phenomena must be a black hole. Intense, one-time gamma ray bursts may signal the birth of a black hole because astronomers believe that GRBs are caused either by the gravitational collapse of giant stars or by collisions between neutron stars. Both types of event involve sufficient mass and pressure to produce black holes. In the image below you can see observed gravitational lensing as imaged by Hubble Space Telescope in the galaxy cluster Abell 1689. My website and its content are free to use without the clutter of adverts, tracking cookies, marketing messages or anything else like that. If you enjoyed reading this article, or it helped you in some way, all I ask in return is you leave a comment below or share this page with your friends. Thank you.
The two-stranded, double helix-shaped molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) stores the genetic code for most organisms. DNA not only contains genetic instructions for cell division and reproduction, but it also functions as the basis for thousands of proteins. This entails two processes: transcription and translation. TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) For protein synthesis, messenger RNA must be made from one strand of DNA called the template strand. The other strand, called the coding strand, matches the messenger RNA in sequence except for its use of uracil in place of thymine. For protein synthesis, DNA must first be copied to messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA. This process is called transcription. The mRNA holds the coding information to make proteins. Unlike DNA, RNA is single-stranded and not helical in shape. It contains ribose instead of deoxyribose, and its nucleotide bases differ by having uracil (U) instead of thymine (T). Initially, the enzyme RNA polymerase must assemble the pre-mRNA molecule that complements a section of one DNA’s two strands. Since the goal is not replication but protein synthesis, only one strand of DNA needs copying. The RNA polymerase first attaches to the double helix of DNA and works with proteins called transcription factors to determine what information needs transcribing. The RNA polymerase and transcription factors bind to this DNA strand, called the template strand. The unit of RNA polymerase and transcription factors moves along the strand in a 3’ to 5’ (3 prime to 5 prime) direction and makes a new strand of mRNA with complementary base pairs. RNA polymerase builds the mRNA with additional nucleotides in elongation. The complementary nucleotides in mRNA, however, differ from DNA in that uracil replaces thymine. The mRNA runs in a 5’ to 3’ (5 prime to 3 prime) direction. After elongation ceases, mRNA separates from the DNA template strand in termination. Then mRNA serves either in a role of messenger in the cell, or it is used in protein formation, or translation. The newly assembled mRNA can begin translation. Translation entails reading the mRNA to generate new proteins. Codons, sequences in combinations of three of the mRNA nucleotides A, C, G or U make up amino acids. Ribosomes, cells’ protein-making units, work to build new proteins from chains of those amino acids. The DNA strand that mRNA is built from is called the template strand because it serves as a template for transcription. It is also called the antisense strand. The template strand runs in a 3’ to 5’ direction. The strand of DNA not used as a template for transcription is called the coding strand, because it corresponds to the same sequence as the mRNA that will contain the codon sequences necessary to build proteins. The only difference between the coding strand and the new mRNA strand is instead of thymine, uracil takes its place in the mRNA strand. The coding strand is also called the sense strand. The coding strand runs in a 5’ to 3’ direction. The dual processes of transcription and translation could not proceed without the double-stranded nature of the DNA double helix. About the Author J. Dianne Dotson is a science writer with a degree in zoology/ecology and evolutionary biology. She spent nine years working in laboratory and clinical research. A lifelong writer, Dianne is also a content manager and science fiction and fantasy novelist. Dianne features science as well as writing topics on her website, jdiannedotson.com.
National Curriculum KS2 Y3 & Y4: Composition Pupils should be taught to: - plan their writing by: - discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar - discussing and recording ideas - draft and write by: - composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures (English Appendix 2) - organising paragraphs around a theme - in narratives, creating settings, characters and plot - in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings] - evaluate and edit by: - assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements - proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, including the accurate use of pronouns in sentences - proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors - read aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils should continue to have opportunities to write for a range of real purposes and audiences as part of their work across the curriculum. These purposes and audiences should underpin the decisions about the form the writing should take, such as a narrative, an explanation or a description. Pupils should understand, through being shown these, the skills and processes that are essential for writing: that is, thinking aloud to explore and collect ideas, drafting, and re-reading to check their meaning is clear, including doing so as the writing develops. Pupils should be taught to monitor whether their own writing makes sense in the same way that they monitor their reading, checking at different levels. This is a full preview of this page. You can view a couple of pages a day like this without registering. But if you wish to use it in your classroom, please register your details on Englicious (for free) and then log in!
Lesson Plan: Comparing Proper Fractions This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to compare two proper fractions by converting them into equivalent fractions with a common denominator. Students will be able to - use a model to compare fractions that have different denominators, - identify and list multiples to find the common denominator of a pair of fractions, - convert two fractions so that they have a common denominator and then compare them, - solve word problems involving comparing two proper fractions. Students should already be familiar with - using a model to represent a fraction, - identifying common denominators, - finding equivalent fractions, - comparing two fractions with the same denominator. Students will not cover - comparing fractions greater than one, - calculations with proper fractions, such as addition or subtraction.
1. Review math terms used to describe solid figures. 2. Number geometric solids(five or more) 3. Tell students that they may ask questions using mathematical terms. They may only ask questions that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no". 4. After asking questions,students write down the name of the solid object. 5. After students have written answers for all of the objects,pull the objects out of the bag and have the class identify them and check their answers.
Postulates are mathematical propositions that are assumed to be true without definite proof. In most cases, axioms and postulates are taken to be the same thing, although there are some subtle differences.Continue Reading The difference between axioms and postulates is that axioms, or algebraic postulates as they are sometimes called, are generally about real numbers, whereas postulates relate more to geometry. There are five key postulates that form the basis of Euclidean geometry that are known as Euclid's postulates. Euclid laid these postulates out in "The Elements." Euclid's postulates have been corrected slightly over the centuries, but they still remain basically sound. From these postulates, mathematicians are able to form theorems and geometric proofs. Euclid's basic postulates are that a straight line can be drawn to connect any two points, any line segment can be extended into a line that goes on forever, any straight line segment can be transformed into the radius of a circle with the centerpoint of the circle on the segment, all right angles are congruent, and if two lines are drawn so they intersect with a third and the sum of the inner angles is less than 180 degrees, then those two lines eventually intersect if they are extended.Learn more about Logic & Reasoning
Today we briefly talk about Python functions and control statements. The outline is as follows: "Let the dirty work be done by the function", first of all, let's look at the method of defining functions in Python. def function name (parameter 1, parameter 2...): return'result' Functions are used to deal with repetitive things, for example, to find the area of a right-angled triangle, each time we have to define two right-angled sides and a calculation formula. By defining the function, the area function of the right triangle can be calculated by only inputting the right-angled side: def function(a,b): return '1/2*a*b' #You can also write like this def function(a,b): print( 1/2*a*b) Don't be too entangled in the difference, using return is to return a value, and the second is to call a function to perform the printing function. Enter function(2,3) to call the function to calculate the area of a right-angled triangle whose right-angle sides are 2 and 3. Python's judgment statement format is as follows: if condition: do else: do # Note: Don’t forget the colon and indentation # Look at the format of multiple conditions if condition: do elif condition: do else: do Here, we give a score and return its score. a = 78 if a >= 90: print('Excellent') elif a>=80: print('good') elif a>=60: print('qualified') else: print('Unqualified') Python loop statements include for loop and while loop, as shown in the following code. #for loop for item in iterable: do #item means element, iterable is collection for i in range(1,11): print(i) #The result is to output 1 to 10 in turn, remember that 11 is not output, and range is a Python built-in function. #while loop while condition: do For example, design a small program to calculate the sum of 1 to 100: i = 0 sum = 0 while i <100: i = i + 1 sum = sum + i print(sum) # result 5050 Finally, when loop and judgment are used in combination, you need to learn the usage of break and continue. Break is to terminate the loop, and continue is to skip the loop and continue the loop. for i in range(10): if i == 5: break print(i) for i in range(10): if i == 5: continue print(i)
Looks like you are using an old version of Internet Explorer - Please update your browser The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History teaches: Rocks contain atomic clocks. They enable geologists to calculate when a rock formed—its absolute age—by measuring its radioactive elements. At last, geologists were able to attach years to the fossil-based, relative time scale and figure out, for example, exactly when the dinosaurs ruled the Earth. (www.mnh.si.edu/earth/text/3_1_2_3.html) What the museum may not tell you is that not all rocks contain “atomic clocks.” Instead, igneous (formerly molten) rocks and metamorphic rocks are the best candidates, while sedimentary rocks (which contain fossils) generally lack atomic clocks. There are many problems with this “absolute” method of age-dating rocks, and many assumptions involved with these methods. A major assumption of any radioisotope dating method is that the decay rate of a given isotope (an atomic nucleus with a given number of neutrons) is constant—that it has always been what it is today. Radioisotope methods can only be used to estimate a reliable age if nuclear decay rates have always been constant. After all, a clock would not give the correct time if it were to dramatically speed up or slow down. A group of scientists participating in the RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) project has recently uncovered several lines of evidence, which confirm that decay rates have not always been constant and were faster in the past: The RATE researchers suggest that the accelerated decay happened at two different times in earth’s history—during the initial creation event, and during the Flood. For more information, see D. DeYoung, Thousands … Not Billions, Institute for Creation Research, 2005, and visit www.answersingenesis.org/go/dating. Relative ages are assigned to rocks based on the idea that the layers that are lower in the strata were deposited before rock layers that are higher. This is known as the Law of Superposition and can be applied to layers that are found in one location and are continuous; however, it cannot easily be applied across the board to layers found scattered around the world. A relative age is an age that is based on a comparison with another rock. This is in contrast to “absolute” ages, which are based on direct age-dating of rocks (through radioisotope methods, for example). Of course, the time associated with the layering of rocks is much smaller than the museum exhibits tell you—most fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks were probably laid down during the Flood over a period of days or months, not many millions of years.
From the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics comes a FREE app called Equivalent Fractions. Kids create equivalent fractions by dividing and shading squares or circles. Circles can be divided into 24ths. Squares can be divided into 144ths. In the play mode, a fraction is shown and kids must create 2 additional fractions that are equivalent. All 3 fractions must have different denominators. The app also places the fractions on a number line – a great visual for comparing! There is also a “build your own” mode which would be fabulous to use for guided exploration & practice. Kids could also use this section as a virtual manipulative when working independently. This app is an excellent resource for the classroom! Common Core Standards met: - 3.NF.3 – Explain equivalence of fractions and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.
Students are introduced to basic human rights as entitlements that everyone holds. Students further examine how their wants and needs are consistent with human rights and more specifically, with the rights of a child. Lesson 1.1: Child Rights are Human Rights Examine the needs and wants of children and consider the rights of all children; students will address their own wants and needs, begin to comprehend the Convention on the Rights of the Child and create a mind map about the information on child rights. Lesson 1.2: Child Rights Students are introduced to child rights and who is responsible for upholding the rights; students will group child rights into the four categories of survival, development, protection or participation. Students will further examine each individual category, determining who within the community is responsible for children’s accessibility to these rights.
You can say algorithm is a logical map of your program. Now consider you are given a problem and you have to create a program to solve it. Lets take an example. ex. Create a program to determine whether input number is even or odd. Now if you directly start writing the program code, you will find it very difficult to complete the program. But if you create steps and procedure map (algorithm) on the paper, you will find it very easy to write the program. Here is the algorithm for above problem. Meaning of each step is also given in bracket for better understanding. - start (include header files or other resources which your program may need) - input number A (write the coding part which takes number input from keyboard) - perform operation B = 'A % 2' (perform modulo operation by 2 to check whether input no. Is perfectly divisible by 2) - if B=0 - display "input number is even" - Goto step 6 - display "input number is odd" - goto step 6 - End (terminate the program) As above example is one of the simplest examples, it is not much difficult to write the program directly. But if the problem is bigger and requires large number of logic steps and loops it is always advised to create the algorithm first because it makes you simpler to write the program. For detailed information get help at CodeAvail- Online Computer Science Assignment
Everything kids need to know about triangles—vocabulary, explanations and all. Beginning with the definition of a triangle and a breakdown of its parts—sides, angles, vertices—Adler quickly launches into a discussion of angles, even teaching kids how they are named, measured and classified. A clever activity instructs readers to cut out a triangle, any triangle. By tearing off the corners and lining them up so the vertices touch, kids can see that the angles of a triangle always sum 180 degrees. Vocabulary is printed in bold type and defined within the text, each new term building on the ones that have come before: “All three angles in ?ABC…are acute angles. ?ABC is an acute triangle.” In the primary-colored digital illustrations, a dark-skinned boy and a light-skinned girl are accompanied by a robot as they progress through the book, drawing and studying triangles. They accumulate materials to make another robot and then identify the angles and triangles that make up its body. Labels and diagrams make the learning easy, while the endpapers show several examples of each type of triangle presented. A final activity challenges readers to use their arms and hands to find and name angles—a turn of the page supplies labeled answers. With lots of layers of information, this is a book that can grow with kids; new information will be accessible with each repeat reading. (Math picture book. 6-10)
Carbon dating activities dating sites 2016 in usa for divorce people The activity uses the basic principle of radioactive half-life, and is a good follow-up lesson after the students have learned about half-life properties.See the background information on Students will use half-life properties of isotopes to determine the age of different "rocks" and "fossils" made out of bags of beads.Technology also provides tools for investigations, inquiry, and analysis. Once this is done, students have some post questions they are given that they should record in their science notebook. Adapted from: For Special Ed and ELL kids, you could give them a template of the data table/graph. Once all groups finish, each group records their info on the class decay table (on the board) and we calculate the averages of the class. Isotope Concepts: Students should begin to see the pattern that each time they dump out their M&Ms, about half become stable. Once this info is calculated, students create a graph comparing the class average of parent isotopes to the number of half-lives. Students will be able to explain what a half-life of a rock is. Students will have a more in-depth understanding of what radioactive decay is. Students will understand how scientists use half-lives to date the age of rocks. Students then should be able to see the connection of the M&Ms and radioactive elements in rocks, and how scientists can determine the age of rocks by looking at the amount of radioactive material in the rock. When an element has atoms that differ in the number of neutrons, these atoms are called different isotopes of the element.
Interlocking Fraction Circles provide students with a model they can manipulate as they discover the parts of a whole, the relationships between fractions, equivalency, and much more. This Teacher's Guide includes complete lessons to use with Interlocking Fraction Circles. The guide features classroom activities for 12 key topics: - Reading Fractions - Changing Fractions - Parts of a Whole - Mixed Numbers - Adding Like Fractions - Adding Unlike Fractions Each unit features a lesson plan that can be used to model the activity, two student worksheets, and additional follow-up practice questions. All of the lessons have students actively involved with hands-on practice using the fraction circles.
It is important to understand conditions and comparisons, which are a core concept of the Perl language. Perl is a language developed by Larry Wall in 1987 when he was working for NASA as a systems administrator. He created the language with the sole purpose of making report processing easier. However, through the years, it has developed into something bigger, playing larger roles beyond its intended purpose. Conditions and Comparisons In order to learn the basic guide to files and strings, it is necessary to understand one more concept of the Perl Language. If and Unless All good programming languages allow you to be able to ask questions such as “Is this number greater than that number?” or “Are these two strings the same?” It will then act according to what the answer is. Perl has four operators that it uses when dealing with numbers. These are <, >, == and !=. These symbols mean “less than,” “greater than,” “equal to” and “not equal to” respectively. The symbol <= can be used to denote “less than or equal to” and >= for “greater than or equal to”. These operators can be used along with one of the conditional keywords in the Perl language, such as if and unless. These keywords will take a condition that Perl will test and Perl will run a block of code in curly brackets if the test works. The conditional keywords if and unless works in the same way like their English equivalents. The if test will succeed if the condition is true and the unless test will succeed if the condition turns out to be false. You can avoid a common bug by keeping in mind that there is a difference between = and ==. The former means “assignment” while the latter symbols mean “comparison for equality”. Be careful of coding these in so that you can save time for troubleshooting and looking for bugs. Both the if and unless statements can be followed by an else statement should the test fail. It allows Perl to execute a code block whenever this happens. In order to chain together a bunch of if statements, you can use the keyword elseif. While and Until While and until are two slightly more complex keywords in the Perl language. Like the if and unless statements, they both take a condition and a block of code. The difference is that while and until act like loops that are similar to for. Perl will test the condition and run the block of code over and over again as long as the condition is true (when using the while loop) or until it becomes false (when using the until loop). The most common string comparison which tests the string equality is eq. It tests if the two strings have the same value. The keys == and eq may seem interchangeable but keep in mind that the former will tell Perl that you are dealing with numbers while the former will tell Perl that you are comparing strings.
Ordering numbers is a skill that students usually learn in Kindergarten. process begins in Pre-K classes with basic counting skills and is built upon in later grades when students learn about place value and larger The worksheets below start out with the numbers 1-10 and progress into larger numbers. Be sure to work with numbers that your child is familiar with. Preschool and Kindergarten students will enjoy the first set of worksheets that concentrate on the numbers one through twenty. Students with better counting skills will have no problem ordering the numbers in the second set. Another fun way to learn about number order is with the Connect the Dot puzzles I've created. I've included one example in the second group of worksheets. You can find more dot to dots at the bottom of this page. Click on a picture below to open up a printable file in another tab. The first sheet is a bit different than the others. It's a simple before and after task like the ones found in the lesson on preschool counting. Your child is shown two numbers and must determine which number is missing. The rest of the activities are number ordering tasks featuring various items. In each paper you'll see a certain number of items (baseball shirts, computers, ballerinas) with numbers on them. The numbers are all jumbled up and it is your child's job to put them back in order. On the line at the bottom, write the numbers in correct order from smallest to largest. The final printable is a sample of one of the connect the dot puzzles I've made. They are another great tool for teaching number order. You can find more dot to dots, number activities, and counting lessons below. Sign up for the newsletter to receive important updates about new lessons, coupon codes for school supplies and books, and to provide feedback on the site. I've put together a list of educational resources that include links to more free work sheets, workbooks, home school curriculums, teacher resources, and learning toys.
Writers employ figurative language with words and phrases that have a different literal meaning than the idea they are trying to convey. When students interpret figurative language in literature, they develop critical thinking skills, gain deeper comprehension and become more creative writers.Figurative language helps readers connect through the imagery of human experience. Figurative Language Bingo Play figurative language bingo. Create bingo cards with spaces labeled simile, metaphor, idiom, personification, hyperbole, metonomy, synecdoche, apostrophe, irony, pun, euphemism, oxymoron, litote, analogy, dialect, allusion, onomatopoeia, paradox, understatement and idiom. Read several examples of figurative language, and have students mark their cards according to the type of figurative language you have read. For example, if you read the statement, “I asked you a million times to clean your room,” students would mark the “hyperbole” space. Alternatively, you could project images of the statements as well as reading them aloud. Figurative Language Poetry Notebook Assign students the task of creating a figurative language poetry notebook. They must include a designated number of chapters titled with a type of figurative language. For instance, chapters could include “Simile,” “Metaphor” and “Personification.” Students will find poems that contain examples of these figures of speech to include in each chapter. To encourage engagement, allow them to use lyrics from music they listen to. You may use this as a cross-curricular assignment by having students illustrate the book as an art project. Class Personification Scrapbook Brainstorm with students to get a list of human emotions and mindsets, and write them on the board. Use terms such as "love," "fear," "anxiety," "joy," stubbornness" and "control." Then have students personify each term. Prompt them with ideas such as, “Imagine fear is a person. Describe his actions,” or, “If anxiety was a person who came to visit, how would she behave?” They can respond with passages such as “Fear waited for me right outside the front door every day, rendering me a recluse.” Have them write their personification on small pieces of colorful cardstock. Label each page of a scrapbook with one of the emotions from your brainstorming session. Have each student place their personification cards on the corresponding pages and embellish with scrapbooking supplies. Humorous Idioms Posters Read examples of idiomatic phrases to students, such as “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” Ask them to guess what the idioms mean. After hearing the students’ ideas, read to them the explanations and origins of the idioms from books such as “The Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms.” Then, Have students design a poster on which they illustrate the literal meaning of an idiom that they choose along with an explanation on the bottom of the poster. Have each student present his or her poster. Hang the posters around the classroom. - Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images
A permutation is an act of arranging the elements of a set in all possible ways. P(n, r) denotes the number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time. Permutation worksheets cover the topics such as listing possible permutations, finding the number of permutations using the formula, evaluating the expressions, solving equations involving permutations and more. We also have exclusive combination worksheets available for download. Listing possible permutation These permutation worksheets require students to write all possible ways of arranging the given objects. Use the answer key to verify your solutions. Number of permutations In this set of worksheets, find the number of permutations using the formula. There are five problems in each worksheet. Number of unique permutations Based on the given words, students should observe for repetition of letters and use the formula to calculate unique permutation. Evaluate - Level 1 These worksheets require students to use the relevant formula to evaluate the expression involving permutation. Evaluate - Level 2 The level 2 worksheets raises the bar by offering more complex expressions where relevant formulas need to be used for solution. Solve - Level 1 Solve the equations involving permutation. Click on the "Download the set" option for all printables in this section. Solve - Level 2 These level 2 permutation worksheets require students to solve slightly more complex equations involving permutation. Permutation and Combination - Mixed Review Access this set of worksheets with a blend of problems on permutations and combinations. The worksheets include identifying and write permutations or combinations, two-level of solving equations and evaluate the expressions. The entire collection of worksheets on permutation can be downloaded in a jiffy!
Postulates are mathematical propositions that are assumed to be true without definite proof. In most cases, axioms and postulates are taken to be the same thing, although there are some subtle differences.Continue Reading The difference between axioms and postulates is that axioms, or algebraic postulates as they are sometimes called, are generally about real numbers, whereas postulates relate more to geometry. There are five key postulates that form the basis of Euclidean geometry that are known as Euclid's postulates. Euclid laid these postulates out in "The Elements." Euclid's postulates have been corrected slightly over the centuries, but they still remain basically sound. From these postulates, mathematicians are able to form theorems and geometric proofs. Euclid's basic postulates are that a straight line can be drawn to connect any two points, any line segment can be extended into a line that goes on forever, any straight line segment can be transformed into the radius of a circle with the centerpoint of the circle on the segment, all right angles are congruent, and if two lines are drawn so they intersect with a third and the sum of the inner angles is less than 180 degrees, then those two lines eventually intersect if they are extended.Learn more about Logic & Reasoning
After a destructive earthquake, scientists sifting through the rumbles that preceded the big event often find foreshocks. Foreshocks are smaller temblors that strike in the days and hours before a moderate-to-large earthquake. They're puzzling. Not all earthquakes have foreshocks, and despite decades of effort, no one has successfully found a way to predict earthquakes using foreshocks. Now, a new study may help explain some of the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic earthquakes. At plate boundaries, the interface between two of Earth's tectonic plates, foreshocks result from slow, creeping movement between the two plates before big earthquakes rupture more rapidly, according to a study published today (March 24) in the journal Nature Geoscience. As the fault creeps, small, stuck zones resist this slow movement and eventually break, generating foreshocks, explained study co-author Virginie Durand, a graduate student in seismology at the Institute of Earth Science (ISTerre) in Grenoble, France. Thus, foreshocks aren't triggers for earthquakes, as was once thought, Durand told OurAmazingPlanet. Instead, "these events can tell us how an earthquake begins," she said. "And if we understand better where and how earthquakes begin, we can better mitigate earthquake hazard." For the study, Durand and her colleagues looked at earthquakes bigger than magnitude 6.5 along the edge of the Pacific Ocean, where Taiwan, Japan, the United States and Mexico operate dense seismic monitoring networks. Between 1999 and 2011, half of the earthquakes tested were on plate boundaries (22 subduction zone quakes and nine strike-slip) and half were so-called intraplate earthquakes. [Video: What Does Earthquake 'Magnitude' Mean?] Subduction zones are collision zones between two plates, where one bends down and dives under the other. Strike-slip boundaries are where plates slide horizontally past one another. Intraplate quakes hit away from the massive faults that mark plate boundaries. While the pattern for each plate boundary earthquake was unique, on average, the seismicity along the faults was nearly constant until about two months before a big earthquake, when there was a small but noticeable increase, the researchers found. Seismicity refers to the geographic and time distribution of earthquakes. Mitigating future risk The increase became more pronounced about 20 days before the main event. Earthquake frequency continued accelerating about two days before, then a few hours before, and kept increasing until the final convulsion, the study found. "This observation suggests that an earthquake is preceded by the slow slip of the two plates in contact," Durand said."If confirmed, the relatively long duration of this nucleation phase may help mitigate earthquake risk in the future." There was no clear pattern in earthquakes away from plate boundaries, on the intraplate quakes, an observation that could help explain the puzzling lack of foreshocks for some earthquakes. Future research will confirm whether the pattern is present in other earthquake zones around the world, and if monitoring faults for creeping movements and foreshocks could be used to forecast future earthquakes on certain types of faults. It's not known if the pattern also appears along faults when there are no earthquakes, the researchers point out.
Or download our app "Guided Lessons by Education.com" on your device's app store. Students will by able to follow instructions by utilizing their listening comprehension skills. - Tell students that DirectionsAre steps given to complete a job. Sometimes directions are written and sometimes they are spoken. It is important to follow directions exactly as they are given in order to do work properly. Following directions can be very difficult, or even impossible, if the person receiving directions doesn't listen or isn't focused. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(5 minutes) - Tell the students that today we will play a game that is likely very familiar: Simon Says. - Explain, "The object of the game is to listen carefully to the instructions and only do what is instructed if you hear the words 'Simon says.' If you do not hear the words 'Simon says' before an instruction, it is important that you do not do what was instructed. If you do what is instructed without first hearing 'Simon says,' you will be out of the game. - Say, "Let's practise first to make sure everyone understands the game. Everyone stand beside your seat. Ready? Simon says pat your head." (Look around to see which students patted their heads.) "You were a good listener if you patted your head, and you would still be in the game." - Play another round. Say, "Ready? Pat your head again." (Look around to see which students patted their heads.) "You were a good listener if you remained still, because I did not say 'Simon says pat your head.' If you did pat your head this time, you would have to take a seat for the remainder of the round." - Allow students to ask questions about the rules of the game. Guided practise(10 minutes) - Play two rounds of Simon Says and then have the students be seated. - Ask the students about what they thought was easiest or hardest about the game. - Ask, "What would make it easier to be more successful in this game?" Independent working time(15 minutes) - Explain to the students that the worksheet they are going to complete will also require them to really pay attention to what is being said. - They will not have to rely on hearing "Simon says," but they will have to look closely at the answer choices. - Have students work independently on either of the Following Directions worksheets (1 if they're at level or struggling, 2 if they're advanced). - Once they're done, distribute the index cards and have them each write one direction on the card. Use these cards for future Simon Says games. - Enrichment:Assign to advanced students the Following Instructions (2) worksheet during Independent Working Time. - Support:Assign to struggling students the Following Instructions (1) worksheet during Independent Working Time. - Have students complete the Listening Skills quiz. - Collect the quizzes and worksheets at the end of the lesson, and review them later to assess student comprehension of the lesson content. Review and closing(5 minutes) - Have students place their non-writing finger in their ear. Now, give one direction, such as "Simon Says put your pencil behind your ear." - Ask a student who was successful with this to explain to their classmates what was to be done. - Ask the students, “Was the task hard? What might be the reason some of you did not complete this task?" - Remind the students the most important part of following directions is to know exactly what needs to be done. In order to do this, the one who is working must be focused on the task at hand. If that person is talking to someone else or cannot hear the directions given, it will usually result in the task not being done, or the task being done incorrectly.
The distance formula is used to find the exact distance between two points, and can be easily explained with a right angle triangle to demonstrate it. Assume that you want to find the distance between two points. If you extend a horizontal line across from one point, and a vertical line through the other, these two lines will intersect at a right angle. You can then imagine the hypotenuse of this right angle triangle to be the distance between the two points in question. From this, you can see that the distance between the two points is simply the length of the hypotenuse. We already know that to find the length of the hypotenuse, we apply the Theorem of Pythagoras, which says that c2 = a2 + b2. (The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the remaining two sides). So from this, then, we see that we need to determine the lengths of the two sides that we have created by extending lines through our points to join at a right angle. And to find these lengths, all we need to know are the coordinates of our two points! For a general triangle, then, we have something like this: To find the horizontal length, it is just the difference between the two x-coordinates (ie. x2-x1). Think of it as taking a stick that is x2 units long, and chopping off a length of that stick that is x1 units long. The stick that you are left with, x2-x1, is the length of our horizontal side. The same reasoning applies to find the vertical length, which is the difference between the two y-coordinates (ie. y2-y1). One comment I will make here, is that since we are talking about a length of a side, the length has to be the absolute difference between the two points (ie. you can't have a negative side length). So then, for our general triangle, we have our two lengths, and let's call the hypotenuse "d" (as in, the distance between the two points). So then, if we apply the Theorem of Pythagoras to this triangle we have created, we can come up with the distance formula very easily! c2 = a2 + b2...... which we can change to read: d2 = (x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2 And so we have: d = sqrt [(x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2] Let's quickly try with 2 points. You can draw the triangle out as I have above to follow along more closely. I will just do the quick calculation for you though. Find the distance between the points (1,2) and (3,5). d = sqrt [(3-1)2 + (5-2)2] d = sqrt [(2)2 + (3)2] d = sqrt [4 + 9] d = sqrt And that's all there is to it. I hope that with this example calculation, I've been able to clearly explain how to derive the distance formula. Once you know where a lot of these formulas come from, you'll never have to worry about memorizing them again! If you learn how the derivation works first, then in time, you will automatically remember the formula.
Click on the image at right to get the lesson app with instructor notes. Or you can install right from here by clicking the logo below: In the first module, students will learn a process they can use to create an equation to represent a linear relationship. Students will identify the proportion that represents the rate of change, then they cross multiply and isolate to write the equation in the form px + q = r, and finally, they add (a positive or negative) to adjust for the initial, or starting, value in the problem situation. Students will then figure out the function hidden inside each of several linear function machines by entering inputs and observing the outputs generated by the machine and recorded in an x-y (input-output) table. Functions involve positive, negative, and 0 slopes and positive and negative y-intercepts. Students determine the rate of change, or slope, whether the linear function is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and the value of the function at x = 0 (the y-intercept). Finally, students write and evaluate linear functions, given a small variety of different problem situations. Students use function notation to evaluate functions at given inputs, and they determine ordered pair solutions for functions. Students write linear functions for situations by identifying whether the function is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and determining the y-intercept. Module 3 Video This video introduces the basics of linear functions. Ask students to tell whether the first function, f(x) = 2x + 3, is increasing, decreasing, or neither, and why. Do the same for the skier function and for the plane function at the end. Have students compare the graphical representation of the skier’s function with the table representation for the plane’s function.
This is the PDF file for printing the complete standards document, including all elementary standards, with appropriate footnotes. This includes Tables 1 & 2, which are essential for considering the progression of word problems in grades K-5. The tables are located on pages 88-90 in the glossary. This document provides some everyday events that can be used to help students develop a conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction of integers. Also, it shows how teachers can use number lines, two-sided counters, and linking cubes to assist in understanding of adding/subtracting integers. Presented at KEDC's Summer Mathematics Leadership Netwok Meeting. Session was designed for math teachers in grades 8-12. Congruence and Similarity Using Rigid and Non-Rigid Motions--(I love this) This is an excerpt from an EXCELLENT website that has numerous lessons for teaching the mathematical standards (content and practice). For the shortened PowerPoint Presentation that shows what it looks like to teach congruence and similarity in the way the CCSS/KCAS intened, please click, here. To be redirected to the website that includes a video clip of a student working through a problem and for downloadable lesson resources, please click, here. To reinforce and honor the language of the standards, we have directly correlated the mathematical practice standards to excerpts of mathematics lessons. Just as with content standards, not every lesson reflects all elements of the individual standards for mathematical practice. By representing examples from different classrooms for each standard, we also want to emphasize how many different ways teachers may enact these standards for mathematical practice in their classrooms, with their particular learners. While there is no one "right way," there are multiple examples of successful strategies to launch and sustain these practices. Click the individual standards below to see instances of the practice standards in classroom lessons. Although the practices are presented here individually, it's important to keep in mind that the practices can, and should, be evident together in a lesson. See the Exemplary Lessons Integrating the Standards for Mathematical Practicefor a holistic view of the practices together. Explore materials and tasks you can use immediately with your students. Inside Mathematics has aligned our tasks and assessment resources with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Content. Note that you can make use of these standards through searching by grade level as well as by progression, so we have provided two routes through these tasks and other resources. Developed in December 2011, the Common Core Standards Writing Team developed this companion document to explain, in depth, the progresion from grade 6 to grade 8 of probability and statistics. Click here for the link to more progressions documents. Developed in April 2012, the Common Core Standards Writing Team developed this companion document to explain, in depth, the progresion of the high school probability and statistics standards. Click here for the link to more progressions documents.
Shear wave, transverse wave that occurs in an elastic medium when it is subjected to periodic shear. Shear is the change of shape, without change of volume, of a layer of the substance, produced by a pair of equal forces acting in opposite directions along the two faces of the layer. If the medium is elastic, the layer will resume its original shape after shear, adjacent layers will undergo shear, and the shifting will be propagated as a wave. The velocity (ν) of a shear wave is equal to the square root of the ratio of shear modulus (G), a constant of the medium, to density (ρ) of the medium, ν = √G/ρ. Both shear (transverse) and compressional (longitudinal) waves are transmitted in bulk matter. Shear waves travel at about half the speed of compressional waves (e.g., in iron, 3,200 metres per second compared with 5,200 metres per second). The shear-wave velocity in a crystal varies according to the direction of propagation and the plane of polarization (i.e., plane of vibration) because of the variation of shear modulus in a crystal.
Your students will observe that some materials are better conductors of heat than others. Your students will observe that some materials help to retain heat, or are good insulators. Your students will learn how to record the results of their experiments using tables and column graphs. Set a container filled with ice blocks and tap water on the table. Place a metal, wooden and plastic spoon in the water. After a minute, feel the end of each spoon. Record which spoon is the coldest and which is still warm. |Which spoon do you think will be the coldest?| |What does this tell us about which material is the best conductor and which is a good insulator?| Take 4 aluminium cans, and wrap a different material around 3 of them (leaving 1 can without insulation). Fill each can with 2cm of tap water, and measure and record the temperature of the water. Place the cans on a solid surface either under the sun or under a lamp for 10-15 minutes to warm the water. Cover each can with a square of cardboard to prevent the heat from escaping. Ask your students to make a prediction about which can will have the hottest and the coldest water after 15 minutes. Measure and record the temperature of the water in each can every 15 minutes, and then at the end of the hour. |Which can do you think will lose the most heat, and why?| |Think of your home. Do you have insulation in the walls, roofs and floors to keep heat in or out?| This video helps to explain the principle of conduction. Starting with a simple experiment, it then dives into more detail about how conduction works. Think about the experiment we did above. What objects can you find in your kitchen at home that heat up quickly. What material is it made from? Some examples of good conductors include metal, water and people! For heat to move from one object to another, the objects must be touching each other. Some examples of insulators are glass, plastic and rubber.
Activity 4 - Simplifying code with functions We drew one hexagon. But this is just one of many hexagons Alex needs to build his honeycomb. Once again, it seems that we would have to repeat the code many times to draw multiple hexagons. Fortunately, we don’t have to! Functions to the rescue! A function is a way to group together lines of code to do something. For instance, turtle.forward(50) moves the turtle forward 50 steps, and turtle.left(120) turns the turtle left 120 degrees. What if we want to always do these two actions together? We can put them in a function called draw_line(), so that whenever this function is called, both of these actions take place simultaneously. Think of this like a recipe: we compile all the instructions together, and the recipe’s name is the food we are making. Here is an example of a function definition, and how we would use it: def draw_line(): turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(120) The first line is called the function definition header. The def keyword tells the computer that we are defining a new function. Next, we give the function a name, in this case draw_line. Finally, don’t forget the (): at the end of the line, which tells the computer that we are starting the function body. Extra material - parameters Inside the parentheses () we would normally define parameters for the function. Parameters are inputs that we can give into the function, which the function can use to produce its output. For example, we must have two numbers to add them together and produce a result - the two numbers we used can be considered parameters. Today, we will not use parameters, and leave it as Similar to a for-loop, anything that we wish to define within the function needs to be preceded by 1 tab. If you press run with just this code, you will notice that you won’t see any output! We’ve only created the functions, but we need to use them. To use the function we created, type in draw_line() again, but without the def draw_line(): # Function definition turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(120) draw_line() # Function call This is called a function call for the draw_line() function. A function call runs the code that’s defined in the function with the same name. With the recipe analogy, think of it as actually performing the recipe. - Always make sure the names of your functions are descriptive enough to explain what the code in the function does. - Your function call must be below the function definition. Tricky Python syntax - Part 2 Notice that functions use similar syntax rules with for-loops - you must have a : at the end of the function declaration, and anything in the function body needs to start with a tab. What happens when you need a for-loop inside of a function? Then, you need to combine the rules together! Here is an example on how to properly put a for-loop inside of a function. def draw_line(): for i in range(3): turtle.forward(50) turtle.forward(50) has 2 tabs in front of it, because it is both inside of a function definition, and inside of a So, let’s try that out by making our own draw_hexagon() function! Remember to include the function definition header, the number of sides a hexagon has, and the angle associated with a hexagon: 60 degrees.
Fixed number of coins Make a given amount of money using a fixed number of coins. For example make 26p using exactly 6 coins. Encourages children to partition amounts in different way and requires higher order thinking. New Maths Curriculum Year 2: Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers Year 2: Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value and match different combinations of coins to equal the same amounts of money; add and subtract money of the same unit, including giving change KS2 Primary Framework:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day provides an opportunity to teach children about the civil rights movement, racial equity, and Black history. While older students will have an easier time understanding the complexity of the civil rights movement, everyone can learn about the importance of respect and kindness. Here are a few ways to introduce learners of all ages to MLK Jr. and empower them to put his messages into action. Learn about Martin Luther King Jr. Spend some time talking to students about why we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Learn about who he was, the work he did, and the message he stood for. Check out these engaging worksheets for introducing children to Dr. King: - Martin Luther King Jr. and His Dream: Designed for preschoolers through first graders, this activity will introduce kids to MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and encourage learners to illustrate their own dream for a brighter future. - Cut-and-Paste Timeline: Students will learn about Martin Luther King Jr.’s life work and use a timeline to put historical events in order. - Who Was Martin Luther King Jr.?: Fourth and fifth graders will read Dr. King’s biography before reflecting on his message through this writing activity. Beyond the famous “I Have a Dream” speech, students also need to understand the greater messages that civil rights activists like MLK Jr. were trying to convey. While many people shy away from having serious conversations about racism with children, research has shown that kids who are informed about race and differences are more inclusive. Use these age-appropriate activities to start the conversation about diversity and inclusion: - Appreciating Diversity: This lesson plan helps younger kids explore what inclusivity looks like. - You Are Not Alone: Children will be asked to reflect on the importance of diversity and brainstorm ideas to help those who feel left out in this social-emotional activity. - My Family Heritage: This worksheet will help younger learners develop social awareness and an appreciation of diversity. - Understanding Communities and Differences: Perfect for upper elementary students, this lesson plan helps kids recognize their biases and discusses how to practice empathy. Go beyond the holiday Martin Luther King Jr.’s life work still applies to our everyday lives, and conversations about his message should not be limited to just one day. Continually educate yourself and your students about both the ongoing discrimination faced by the Black community and the impact Black activists continue to make. Don’t forget: Black history is American history. Check out our roundup of helpful resources to honor Black history with young learners year-round!
VBA Arithmetic Operators VBA arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations. Which involve the calculation of numeric values represented by the variables, literals, function, constants, property calls, and other expressions. You can perform arithmetic operations between two values in an expression together, such as adding, subtracting, multiplication, or division. There are following arithmetic operators in VBA: 1. Addition (+): You can add two number in an expression together with the addition operator. 2. Subtraction (-): You can subtract the two numbers in an expression together with the subtraction operator. 3. Negation (~): Negation also uses the subtraction operator, but with only one number or operand. 4. Multiplication (*): You can multiply the two numbers in an expression together with the multiplication operator. 5. Division (/): You can divide the two numbers in an expression together with the division operator. Integer division returns the quotient, which means the integer that represents the number of times the divisor can divide into the dividend without consideration of any remainder. The divisor and the dividend both must be integral types (Byte, SByte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, and ULong) for this operator. First, all other types must be converted to an integral type. 6. Exponentiation (^): Exponentiation operator is used to raising a number to the power of another number. 7. Modulus Operator (Mod): modulus arithmetic is performed using the Mod operator. This operator dividing the divisor into the dividend an integral number of times and returns the remainder. If divisor and dividend both are integral types, then the return value is integral. And if the divisor and dividend both are the floating-point types then return value is also a floating-point. A bit-shift operation is to perform an arithmetic shift on a bit pattern. This pattern is contained in the operand on the left. And the operand on the right specifies the number of positions to shift the pattern. You can shift the pattern into the right with >> operator or into the left with << operator. The data type of the pattern operand is Byte, SByte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, or ULong. Arithmetic shifts are not circular, means the bits shifted off one end of the result are not redefined at the other end. The vacated positions of the bit by a shift are set as follows: - 0 for the arithmetic left shit. - 0 for the arithmetic right shift of a positive number. - 0 for the arithmetic right shift of the unsigned data type (Byte, UShort, Uinteger, ULong). - 1 for the arithmetic right shift of the negative number (SByte, Integer, Short, or Long). Example, in below example, shifts the Integer value left or right both. NOTE: Arithmetic shifts never generates overflow exceptions. In addition to being logical operators, And, Or, Not, and Xor also perform bitwise arithmetic when used on numeric values. VBA Arithmetic Operator Example Step 1: First add a Button to the excel sheet as we have shown earlier. 1. Change the name property such as btnAdd. 2. Right-click on the button. 3. Select View Code option. 4. You will get the code window as shown in the below screenshot. Step 2: Write the following code in between Private Sub btnAdd_Click and End Sub as follows: - Dim x As Integer, y As Integer X = 4 Y = 5 - MsgBox x + y, vbOKonly, “Addition Operator” Step 3: Click on the Save button. Step 4: And close the code editor window. Step 5: Then turn off the Design Mode button. Step 6: The indicator is, it will change into a white background from the greenish coloured background, as shown in the below screenshot. Step 7: Click on the Add Operator button. Step 8: And you will get the output of the code as shown in the below screenshot.
An angle is a geometric shape formed by two rays. Their initial point is the same. This point is called the angle vertex, the rays are called the angle sides. The angle sides divide the plane into 2 regions, they are called flat angles or simply angles. The smaller angle is called the inner angle, and the larger one is called the outer angle. Angles can also be designated as three points. Let’s say, ABC. In this record, B is a vertex, and A and C are points lying on different rays of the angle. To simplify and record fast, angles are usually defined by lowercase Greek letters: α - alpha, β - beta, γ - gamma, θ - theta, φ - fi, etc. The angle is denoted by a two-line symbol meaning the angle. On the picture, you see two rays AB and AC with a vertex at point A forming two angles: α - internal angle, β - external angle. The angular measure allows comparing the angles between each other. It means that knowing the angle measure we can say that this angle is either greater than the other one, or smaller, or they are equal. There are several measures of angles: - in degrees, minutes, seconds; - in radians; - in turns; In maths, the first type of the angle measure is more widespread - degrees, minutes, seconds. Let’s learn it in details. Look at the clock shown below. If you look at the clock, you see the hands of the clock as rays where the starting point is the same as the center of the dial. The complete rotation of the arrow makes 360 degrees. The degree is defined by the symbol °. If the needle makes a half of the turn, it moves 180 degrees or 180°. If it makes a quarter, it moves 90°. In the picture below, you can see what time corresponds to each angle when the time varies. It means that 15:00 corresponds to an angle of 90°, 18:00 corresponds to an angle of 180°, 21:00 to 270° and 24:00 to 360 °. The sum of the outer and inner angles should always be 360°. You will study the angular measure in details in other maths sections: geometry and trigonometry. Types of Angles Depending on the angle measure the types of angles are as follows: A zero angle is an angle where two sides coincide. Two equally directed rays emerge from the vertex. The zero angle is 0°. An acute angle is lying from 0 ° to 90 ° where 0 and 90 do not enter into this frame. An acute angle is easy to remember. All sharp objects have an acute angle like a beak of a bird, an awl, a kitchen knife. You can see a yellow border on the picture showing the maximum measure of the right angle. A right angle is the angle with perpendicular sides equal to 90°. A right angle is a small square at the bottom of the angle as shown below. An obtuse angle is lying between 90° and 180° where 90° and 180° are not included. An oblique angle means an angle different from 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°. A straight angle equals to 180°, its rays go to opposite directions. A convex angle is an angle between 0 ° to 180 ° the boarding values included. Non-convex, or concave angle A non-convex angle or a concave angle is an angle lying within 180 ° and 360 ° where boundary values are not included. A full angle is the one with two coinciding sides. It is the opposite of a zero angle. The full angle equals to 360°. A zero and a full angles have the same sides. A zero angle is an internal angle of 0°, and a full angle is an outer angle equal to 360°. Look at the picture and count the number of angles of each type? - Zero angle - 2; - Acute angle - 3; - Right angle - 2; - Obtuse angle - 2; - Oblique angle - 6; - Straight angle - 1; - Convex angle - 10; - Concave angle - 1; - Full angle - 1;
Most high school students learn to calculate exponents in their algebra classes. Many times, students do not realize the importance of exponents. The use of exponents is just a simple way to perform repeated multiplication of a number by itself. Students need to know about exponents to solve certain types of algebra problems, such as scientific notation, exponential growth and exponential decay problems. You can learn to calculate exponents easily, but you will first need to know some basic rules. Understand that you express a power in terms of a base and an exponent. The base B represents the number you multiply and the exponent "x" tells you how many times you multiply the base, and you write it as "B^ x." For example, 8^3 is 8X8X8=512 where "8" is the base, "3" is the exponent and the whole expression is the power. Know that any base B raised to the first power is equal to B, or B^1 = B. Any base raised to the zero power (B^0) is equal to 1 when B is 1 or greater. Some examples of these are "9^ 1=9" and "9^0=1." Add exponents when you multiply 2 terms with the same base. For example, [(B^3) x (B^3)] = B^ (3+3) = B^6. When you have an expression, such as (B^4) ^4, where an exponent expression is raised to a power, you multiply the exponent and the power (4x4) to get B^16. Express a negative exponent like B raised to the negative 3 or (B^ -3) as a positive exponent by writing it as 1/ (B^3) to solve it. As an example, take "4^ -5" and rewrite it as "1/ (4 ^ 5) =1/1024 =0.00095." Subtract the exponents when you have a division of 2 exponent expressions with the same base, such as "B^m)/ (B^n)" to get "B^ (m-n)." Remember to subtract the exponent that is on the bottom expression from the exponent that is on the top expression. Express exponent expression with fractions like (B^n/m) as the mth root of B raised to the nth power. Solve 16^2/4 using this rule. This becomes the fourth root of 16 raised to the second power or 16 squared. First, square 16 to get 256 and then take the fourth root of 256 and the result is 4. Note that if you simplify the fraction 2/4 to 1/2, then the problem becomes 16^1/2 which is just the square root of 16 which is 4. Knowing these few rules can help you to calculate most exponent expressions.
After a destructive earthquake, scientists sifting through the rumbles that preceded the big event often find foreshocks. Foreshocks are smaller temblors that strike in the days and hours before a moderate-to-large earthquake. They're puzzling. Not all earthquakes have foreshocks, and despite decades of effort, no one has successfully found a way to predict earthquakes using foreshocks. Now, a new study may help explain some of the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic earthquakes. At plate boundaries, the interface between two of Earth's tectonic plates, foreshocks result from slow, creeping movement between the two plates before big earthquakes rupture more rapidly, according to a study published today (March 24) in the journal Nature Geoscience. As the fault creeps, small, stuck zones resist this slow movement and eventually break, generating foreshocks, explained study co-author Virginie Durand, a graduate student in seismology at the Institute of Earth Science (ISTerre) in Grenoble, France. Thus, foreshocks aren't triggers for earthquakes, as was once thought, Durand told OurAmazingPlanet. Instead, "these events can tell us how an earthquake begins," she said. "And if we understand better where and how earthquakes begin, we can better mitigate earthquake hazard." For the study, Durand and her colleagues looked at earthquakes bigger than magnitude 6.5 along the edge of the Pacific Ocean, where Taiwan, Japan, the United States and Mexico operate dense seismic monitoring networks. Between 1999 and 2011, half of the earthquakes tested were on plate boundaries (22 subduction zone quakes and nine strike-slip) and half were so-called intraplate earthquakes. [Video: What Does Earthquake 'Magnitude' Mean?] Subduction zones are collision zones between two plates, where one bends down and dives under the other. Strike-slip boundaries are where plates slide horizontally past one another. Intraplate quakes hit away from the massive faults that mark plate boundaries. While the pattern for each plate boundary earthquake was unique, on average, the seismicity along the faults was nearly constant until about two months before a big earthquake, when there was a small but noticeable increase, the researchers found. Seismicity refers to the geographic and time distribution of earthquakes. Mitigating future risk The increase became more pronounced about 20 days before the main event. Earthquake frequency continued accelerating about two days before, then a few hours before, and kept increasing until the final convulsion, the study found. "This observation suggests that an earthquake is preceded by the slow slip of the two plates in contact," Durand said."If confirmed, the relatively long duration of this nucleation phase may help mitigate earthquake risk in the future." There was no clear pattern in earthquakes away from plate boundaries, on the intraplate quakes, an observation that could help explain the puzzling lack of foreshocks for some earthquakes. Future research will confirm whether the pattern is present in other earthquake zones around the world, and if monitoring faults for creeping movements and foreshocks could be used to forecast future earthquakes on certain types of faults. It's not known if the pattern also appears along faults when there are no earthquakes, the researchers point out. - 7 Ways the Earth Changes in the Blink of an Eye - Image Gallery: This Millennium's Destructive Earthquakes - The 10 Biggest Earthquakes in History Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. It is a repeated behavior and can be physical, verbal, or relational. While boys may bully others using more physical means; girls often bully others by social exclusion. Bullying has been part of school, and even workplaces, for years. More recently, though, technology and social media have created a new venue for bullying that has expanded its reach. Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online and via cell phones. Websites like Facebook, MySpace, Tumblr and Formspring allow kids to send hurtful, ongoing messages to other children 24 hours a day. Some sites, such as Tumblr and Formspring allow messages to be left anonymously. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can thrive, socially and academically, without being afraid. APA recommends that teachers, parents and students take the following actions to address bullying. Be knowledgeable and observant Teachers and administrators need to be aware that although bullying generally happens in areas such as the bathroom, playground, crowded hallways, and school buses as well as via cell phones and computers (where supervision is limited or absent), it must be taken seriously. Teachers and administrators should emphasize that telling is not tattling. If a teacher observes bullying in a classroom, he/she needs to immediately intervene to stop it, record the incident and inform the appropriate school administrators so the incident can be investigated. Having a joint meeting with the bullied student and the student who is bullying is not recommended — it is embarrassing and very intimidating for the student that is being bullied. Teach your child how to handle being bullied Until something can be done on an administrative level, work with your child to handle bullying without being crushed or defeated. Practice scenarios at home where your child learns how to ignore a bully and/or develop assertive strategies for coping with bullying. Help your child identify teachers and friends that can help them if they’re worried about being bullied. Don’t bully back It may be difficult to not bully back, but as the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. Try not to show anger or tears. Either calmly tell the bully to stop bullying or simply walk away.
In this post, we will study Python If statement, Python if else statement. first of all, lets first understand what is if statement? And why we use that. Python if-else, python elif is part of python basics. If we want to execute some line of codes on any particular condition, in that case generally we use if statement. Flow chart of If Statement: If we see the flowchart of if condition, it will be like A conclusion from flowchart of if condition: If we observed clearly the flowchart, we will see If some condition is true in the program, then it will execute the statements inside if block, else it will execute the rest of the program. For example: if we want to print the capital of the country, we can use if statement like this print (“New Delhi”) print (“Washington, D.C.”) in this example we saw, if country name is India then “New Delhi” will print and if countryName is USA, then “Washington, D.C.” will print. Now we understand what is if condition and why we use it Python If statement: Now we will study Python If statement and how we will write if statement in Python. Python If statement syntax: Here we will see the syntax of Python if Statement, below is the syntax This is the general syntax of python if statement. Key points to understand: - There will be a keyword if in if condition - condition is some expression to validate - There will be colon ( : ) after condition - Statements are the line of code which will execute inside if block Example of python if statement If we take the same example as we discuss above, then we will write that code in python as below countryName="India" if countryName=="India" : print("New Delhi") if countryName=="USA" : print("Washington, D.C") The output will be New Delhi in this case Now we have read python if, now we will read python if else statement Python If else Statement If we generally say if-else is interpreted as either this or that. Let’s understand it by taking an example. Example: if there is a number, now the requirement is that we need to check whether the number is 0 or not then we will write python if-else program like this Python if-else example number=1 if number > 0 : print ("number is greater than 0") else: print ("number is 0") The output will be number is greater than 0 . This is if-else python program like if we will put a colon ( : ) after else keyword, after that the statements which we want to execute. Python elif Statement: Python elif is another if condition, which is used with if condition in python. elif states that when if the condition is not true then python will check this condition, it’s kind of another if condition which will be used with if condition in Python. Example: let’s understand by taking one example. Requirement: Suppose we have to check whether the number is 5 or greater than 5 or less than 5. Then we can use elif like this number=6 if number==5 : print ("number is equal to 5") elif number > 5: print ("number is greater than 5") else: print("number is less than 5") The output is number is greater than 5 In this example, the code will check the value in if condition, here the value is 6, so if condition code will not execute, then it will come to elif, it will check, now the number is 6 and it’s greater than 5, so this condition will be true. Hence we will able to see the result. The number is greater than 5 So we have study about python if statement, Python if-else statement and Python elif statement.
Sedimentary rocks are formed by the weathering, erosion, deposition, and lithification of sediments. Basically, sedimentary rocks are composed of the broken pieces of other rocks. The obvious place to start this chapter is a discussion of how rocks are broken down, which is a process called weathering. There are two basic ways that weathering occurs in nature. First, rocks can be physically broken into smaller pieces (imagine hitting a rock with a hammer), which is called mechanical weathering. Alternatively, rocks can be broken down and altered at the atomic level (imagine dissolving salt in a glass of water), which is called chemical weathering. There are multiple ways each type of weathering can occur and, therefore, both the rate that rock breaks down and how it breaks down vary dramatically depending on the area and environment. The most prevalent type of mechanical weathering is the collision, breaking, and grinding of rock by the movement of a fluid, either water or air. The size of the carried sediment depends on the type of fluid and speed of the movement. A fast fluid (like a rapidly flowing river) can carry large particles and cause immense amounts of weathering while a slow fluid (like a calm stream) would hardly cause any weathering. The density of the fluid also controls the size of particle that can be transported, for instance, denser fluid (like water) can carry larger particles than less dense fluid (like air). Another common method of mechanical weathering is called frost wedging, which occurs when water seeps into a crack in the rock and freezes. Water has a unique property in that it expands when frozen, which puts pressure on the rock and can potentially split boulders. The addition and subtraction of heat or pressure can also cause rocks to break, for instance spilling cold water on a hot light bulb will cause it to shatter. This breakage can also occur with rocks when they cool very quickly or immense pressure is released. Finally, plants, animals, and humans can cause significant amounts of weathering. These sediments then undergo erosion, which is the transport of sediment from where it is weathered to where it will be deposited and turned into a rock. Rocks can also be chemically weathered, most commonly by one of three processes. The first, which you are probably familiar with, is called dissolution. In this case, a mineral or rock is completely broken apart in water into individual atoms or molecules. These individual ions can then be transport with the water and then re-deposited as the concentration of ions increases, normally because of evaporation. Chemical weathering can also change the mineralogy and weaken the original material, which again is caused by water. A mineral can undergo hydrolysis, which occurs when a hydrogen atom from the water molecule replaces the cation in a mineral; this normally alters minerals like feldspar into a softer clay mineral. A mineral can also undergo oxidation, which is when oxygen atoms alter the valence state of a cation, this normally occurs on a metal and is commonly known as rusting. Chemical and mechanical weathering can work together to increase the overall rate of weathering. Chemical weathering weakens rocks making them more prone to breaking physically, while mechanical weathering increases the surface area of the sediment, which increases the surface area that is exposed to chemical weathering. Therefore, environments with multiple types of weathering can erode very quickly. As you go through the following sections (on rocks and environments) think about the types of weathering required to make the sediment that will then make up different types of sedimentary rocks as well as what types of weathering you would expect to occur in different environments.
Common Core Standard 4.NF.5: Express a fraction with denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, and use this technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100.2 For example, express 3/10 as 30/100, and add 3/10 + 4/100 = 34/100. 4.NF.6: Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100. For example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100; describe a length as 0.62 meters; locate 0.62 on a number line diagram. 4.NF.7: Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual model. Download this replacement unit on Fraction and Decimal Concepts: http://bit.ly/M8pnfT A thought about fraction and decimal concepts… If fractions are a bit of a mystery for our 4th graders, then the relationship between fractions and decimals strikes them as entirely arbitrary. Throughout this unit, we will build upon the students’ prior knowledge of fractions and its representations (area model and number line) to show how fractions and decimals are related to one another. The connections are numerous, so it is no wonder that students get confused!
Social skills are the skills we use everyday to interact and communicate with others. They include verbal and non-verbal communication, such as speech, gesture, facial expression and body language. A person has strong social skills if they have the knowledge of how to behave in social situations and understand both written and implied rules when communicating with others. Children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger’s often have difficulties with social skills. Social skills are vital in helping children to have and maintain positive relationships with others. Many of these skills are crucial in making and sustaining friendships. It is also important for children to develop ’empathy’ (i.e. being able to put yourself into someone else’s shoes and recognise their feelings) as it allows them to respond in an understanding and caring way to how others are feeling and thinking. Here you will find activities to improve children's social skills.
¿Qué puedo hacer? Acerca de este recurso... Homophones, or words that sound alike but are spelled differently, can be difficult for students to use correctly. In this worksheet, your youngster will learn basic definitions for the homophones one and won. Then he’s asked to place the correct word in sentences. It’s useful for 4th grade Common Core Standards for Language, but it may also be helpful for other students and other grades. It is an educational content by K12 Reader. Fecha publicaci?n: 12.5.2016 Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.
“Inclusive education allows students of all backgrounds to learn and grow side by side, to the benefit of all” – UNICEF What inclusive education is: Inclusive education is a highly-effective, research-based model of education that is supported with empirical evidence. It occurs when all students can equitably access, participate and make progress in learning alongside their same-aged peers. It is built on a system that values the contributions and importance of all students. It means that all students are in the same classrooms, and the same schools, and it involves the provision of reasonable adjustments and high-quality teaching strategies to promote belonging and success. Inclusive education is about how we design and facilitate our schools, classrooms, programs and activities so that all students are provided with rigorous, purposeful and effective education. Inclusive education can be summarised as an equation that encompasses the attitudes and beliefs of educators, the locations where students engage in learning, and the practices that are utilised. All three aspects are necessary for authentic inclusive education to be realised. Inclusive Education = Philosophy + Place + Practice What inclusive education is not: Inclusive education is not the mainstream! It is common for mainstream education to be misaligned with the concept of inclusive education. However, mainstream education and inclusive education are actually mutually incompatible. Simply placing students in the existing systems and structures of mainstream education is not inclusive education, it is integration, and integration does not result in improved experiences and outcomes for students. Inclusive education requires transformation of mainstream beliefs, physical environments, practices, and policies. It demands a commitment to ensuring both the place and practice of education recognises, anticipates, and respects diversity from the outset. All Means All – The Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education provides us with the following summary of what inclusive education is and is not: Inclusive education is: - all students included in the general education classroom every day; - all students working in naturally supportive, flexible structures and groupings with other students regardless of individual ability; - all students presumed competent; - students are supported (where needed, such as through curriculum adaptations and differentiated teaching) to access the core curriculum; and - all students known and valued as full members of the school community, developing meaningful social relationships with peers and able to participate in all aspects of the life of the school. Inclusive education is not: - students only being allowed to participate in the class if they are “keeping up” academically – this includes: - frequent “pull-outs”; - working separately in the classroom with the education assistant while the teacher instructs the rest of the class; or - students being given a separate “special curriculum” or “program” (as opposed to being supported where needed, including through curricular adjustments, to access the same core curriculum); or - demonstrating independence or self-sufficiency as a condition of entry An additional summary of what inclusive education is and is not can be experienced by viewing, Not all models of education are inclusive.
Common Core Math Vocabulary Are you as smart as a fourth grader? Test your basic Common Core Math vocabulary and find out! Adding Signed Numbers Practice adding signed numbers to get the correct sum. Commas, Elements, Math, and more! play with your friends. have fun learning how to use a comma and some other things Multiplying and Dividing Integers Students will solve problems relating to multiplying and dividing integers in order to progress in the game. Mots Croisés HEC Teste ton niveau de culture HEC! Match the Number Try and match the number to the word Virginia and Math Jeopardy Answer questions about Va 6c and Math Patterns Matching Elementary Math Terms Students will match terms to the correct answer. Types of Data Knowledge Check Students will assess their knowledge on the types of data. Place Value Terms study terms associated with place value
1.2 Line Segments and Rays In this lesson I will teach you about line segments and rays. A line segment is basically what the name implies- it's just a "piece" of a line with end points. Along with the definition of a line segment you need to understand the proper notation to describe a line segment. The next shape we will look at is the "ray". You can think of a ray like an arrow in the sense it has one starting point and travels out in specific direction. The key difference between a line segment and ray is that the line segment has two end points where as the ray only has one. The notation for a line segment and ray are similar so be careful not to confuse the two. Like I said in the previous lesson, geometry has lots of symbols and notations- you need to watch the details of these symbols as many will look a like. Lastly you need to ensure you practice after you watched the lesson it's a must if you expect to master the concepts. Good luck! - Watch The Lesson Video First - Take Good Notes. - Next, Scroll All The Way Down The Page To View The Practice Problems - Try Them On Your Own. - Check The Solutions To The Practice Problems By Looking At The Answer Key At The End Of The Worksheet. - However, YOU MUST Still Watch The Video Solutions To The Practice Problems; These Are The Videos Labeled EX A, EX B, etc. - They Are Located Next To The Lesson Video. - After You Did All Of The Practice Problems - Complete The Section and Advance To The Next Topic.
Classroom rules are a set of rules and guidelines that the teacher imposes that the class must follow. These rules are designed to assist the teacher in behavior management and ensure a positive learning environment where all pupils feel comfortable and safe. They are often drafted with input from the students so that everyone has a say on how they want everyone to behave in lessons. These rules vary depending on the school, teacher, and class. Classroom Rules Example Below is an example list of school rules that represents the kind of rules found in a classroom. - Be on time at the beginning of the day and after lunch and breaks. - Come prepared with stationery, workbooks, and completed homework. - Be kind and polite to others. - Keep your hands and feet to yourself. - Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and belongings. - Listen to the teacher and follow instructions. - Work hard and do your best. - Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class or need the bathroom - Obey all school rules. Breaking these school rules may result in disciplinary action, such as staying behind after school. How To Teach Classroom Rules Now that you know a fair amount about what rules in the classroom are, it’s time to find out about putting them into practice. Here are a few helpful pointers about teaching your learners classroom rules. - Be clear about what your rules are. In the long run, this will make it much easier to teach classroom rules effectively, as children will have a clear understanding of your expectations. You can ensure this by setting aside a portion of time to explain your classroom rules and put up some posters to serve as reminders during children’s time in your classroom. - Come up with the rules together. At the start of the term, use our Editable Class Rules Poster with your class to create a list of rules which works for your class. That way, children are more likely to follow them as they are given a chance to voice their opinions, and they know the rules are built on mutual respect. - Continually reinforce your classroom rules while teaching day-to-day. Doing this ensures that your expectations become a matter of principle and routine for children in your classroom. - Decorate your classroom with our Respect in the Classroom Display Posters to remind children daily of the importance of showing respect. These posters focus on respecting classmates, the teacher, the classroom, and yourself. - If children don’t respect ‘rules,’ why not change the vocabulary to make them seem less threatening? We have resources that help you create a Classroom Pact, which sounds more friendly and cooperative, perfect for showing students that you respect them and they should respect you. - Role-play situations involving respect. You can use our Respect Scenario Cards to create discussions around respect and get children to act out each scenario to see how respect is shown in real-life scenarios. - If your classroom rules are broken, call attention to this as soon as it happens. That way, the child/children will learn where they’ve gone while it’s fresh in their memory. Ultimately, this will mean that the behavior is less likely to be repeated later. - Similarly, when rules are being followed, make sure that you reward and praise this. Positively reinforcing behavior is proven to be a very effective technique in behavior management and will incentivize your children to follow your classroom rules.
Your students will enjoy this integrated and differentiated ELA and Art activity! Students create characters, write riddles, and solve each other’s riddles! A detailed lesson plan and two differentiated writing levels are included. This activity can enhance any Author’s Study or focused character work in classroom texts! Look for more I.D.E.A.S. For Teaching products coming soon! We strive to create Integrated, Differentiated, Engaging Activities and Strategies! Common Core State Standards Addressed: CCSS Writing 2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. CCSS Writing 8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. Conventions of Standard English CCSS 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. CCSS 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. CCSS Reading-Informational Text CCSS Reading 1. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. CCSS Reading 2. Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. CCSS Reading 10. With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1. CCSS 1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. CCSS 2. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. CCSS 3. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather information or clarify something that is not understood. CCSS 4. Describe people, places, things and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. CCSS 5. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings CCSS 6. Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation.
Democracy has many characteristics which include majority rule, individual rights, free and fair elections, tolerance, participation and compromise. A democracy is based on the idea of the people having a say in who governs and rules them, making participation one of the most important characteristics in the system.Continue Reading Most democratic governments operate through representative democracy, which means that a representative is elected to be the voice of the people in the government. This does not mean that every action the occurs falls under the representative heading. Some of the actions taken by representatives are considered direct democracy. The representative or governing body may put forth a mandate or referendum on a law, which can stem from town hall meetings held by representatives in the area they represent or groups from the area requesting the changes. This can also apply to a nominee calling for votes to be recounted in an election. These are all direct actions that do not go to be voted on by the people, although they can be requests or suggestions from them. Another important characteristic of a democracy is majority rule and minority right. When decisions are made based on the majority of the populations wishes, this could easily lead to the oppression of those who did not agree or vote alone with the majority. Minority rights keeps this from happening by taking into account an individual's rights and needs along with the majority rule.Learn more about Types of Government
The Recipe for a Perfect Story Students will be able to identify and describe story elements. Introduction (5 minutes) - Explain to your students that they will learn about all the parts that make a story. Explain that they would add the parts of a story in the same way that ingredients are added in a recipe. - Raise a discussion on recipe. Potential guiding questions include: Why do you need a recipe? What happens if you forget an ingredient? Explain that when an author writes a story, she must have certain parts. - Ask your students how the story of The Three Little Pigs would change if there were no pigs and wolf. Potential discussion questions include: How would the story change if the wolf never tried to blow down the pigs' houses? - Explain that these are the parts that make the story what it is. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (20 minutes) - Tell students that there are several ingredients that a story must have, including character, or the people or animals involved, setting, or the time and place, problem, or the issue the story revolves around, and solution, how the problem is fixed. - Read a model fiction book of your choosing to the students, and identify each element. - Display chart paper with a list of the ingredients needed for the story. - Check off with the class that each of the four elements was present in the story. - Next to the ingredient, write an example from the story you read. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (15 minutes) - Pass out the story, story map, and blank cube worksheet to each student. Ask your students to cut the cube out. - Have your students write one story element on each side of the cube. Some may repeat. - Model how to roll the cube as a die. - Explain that whichever face is up is the element they need to name and give an example of from the story worksheet they read with their partners. - Instruct your students to read the story. - Once students have read the story and rolled the cube, call them to return to their seats. Independent Working Time (15 minutes) - Direct your students to complete the story map based on their discussions with their partners. - Encourage students to refer to the story as they complete the story map. - Enrichment: Have students write down the elements for other well-known stories. Have students find the story elements of their independent reading story. - Support: Encourage students who are struggling to reference the example from your model. Use guided questions such as “who?” for the characters, “where?” for the setting, etc. Assessment (5 minutes) - Circulate and monitor as students read and discuss the elements. - Collect the graphic organizers to further check for student understanding. - Question students as they work about how they identified the elements. Review and Closing (5 minutes) - Call students back together. - Ask them to describe how having all of the parts of a story compares to following a recipe. - Have them identify elements of a story and examples of each.
Unit 1 Family Materials Math in Our World Math in Our World In this unit, students recognize numbers and quantities in their world. Section A: Exploring Our Tools In this section, students discuss what it looks like to do math in their classrooms. They work with the math tools they will use during math activities and centers throughout the year. Students have the opportunity for free exploration in order to think of mathematical purposes for the tools. Students are encouraged to use their own language to describe their work, as well as listen to the ideas of others in the class, which positions students as mathematicians who have interesting and worthwhile ideas to share. The math tools students used in this section include: Section B: Recognizing Quantities In this section, students continue to explore math in their classrooms, focusing on small groups of objects or images. Students may begin to see dot images in arrangements that allow them to know how many without counting such as these: These lessons encourage students to notice and ask questions about math in their world. Students continue to develop the language to express these ideas and listen and share ideas with their peers. Section C: Are There Enough? In this section, students count groups of objects by touching and counting, saying one number for each object. Students answer the question “Are there enough?” and match and create groups with the same number of objects. Section D: Counting Collections In this section, students focus on the question “How many of us are here today?” Students think about different ways to answer the question and represent the information. Students also count collections of objects each day. Collections are created from classroom objects such as connecting cubes, two-color counters, pattern blocks, buttons, or objects to count from home. For collections of up to 10 objects, students begin to recognize that the last number named tells how many objects there are. Try it at home! Near the end of the unit, ask your student to count a given number of objects around your home. Questions that may be helpful as they work: - How many are there? - How did you count them? - Why did you count them that way? - Are there enough for everyone in the house?
These exercises and activities are for students to use independently of the teacher to practice and develop their number properties. Use compatible numbers to solve addition problems with decimal fractions (tenths) (Exercises 1-5) Use compatible numbers to solve subtraction problems with decimal fractions (tenths) (Exercise 6) Addition and Subtraction, AM (Stage 7) - Explain place value with decimals - know combinations of tenths that add to one - Use the idea of compatible numbers to add whole numbers This activity uses the strategy of compatible numbers to add decimal numbers. Students at this stage should be familiar with using the strategy with whole numbers. Comments on the Exercises Asks students to identify tenths that add to one. Asks students to use <, > in sentences to show they can identify tenths that add to one, are less than or more than one. Exercises 3 – 5 Asks students to solve problems requiring addition of decimal fractions (tenths) using compatible numbers strategy. Exercise 3: All numbers are less than one and students make numbers up to one. Exercise 4: Compatible numbers include one number less than one and one number greater than one. Exercise 5: Compatible numbers could both be greater than one. Asks students to use compatible numbers in subtraction (decimal fractions).
Are your students confused trying to memorize all the rules for exponents? Begin with a simple analogy. Just as multiplication made it quicker and easier to express the repeated addition of the same number, so exponents make it quicker and easier to express the repeated multiplication of the same number or variable. Because we understand this concept of exponents, there is no need for memorization of the rules. Teach students how to use simple examples to derive the rules for the product or quotient of powers, the power of a power, and the power of a product or quotient. Use patterns of successive division by the base to build understanding of 1, 0, and negative numbers as exponents. Finally, expect students to be able to derive the rules and assess them on derivation and justification of the rules, not just on application of the rules. You will be giving your students – and their future teachers – the gift of true understanding and mastery. Some good resources:
This part of the writing process involves arranging your supporting sentences in a logical and cohesive manner. Enumeration is the most common method to do this. The writer begins with a general class and then breaks it down by listing some or all of its members or parts. Words that show the reader exactly what is being listed are called enumerators. (These usually appear in the topic sentence.) These are valuable key words, and using them in your topic sentence helps you organize your paragraphs more clearly. When making a list, you usually use numbers to indicate the various items: In more formal writing, however, you use listing signals (first, second, third …) Familiarize yourself with the various types of listing signals and structures in your textbook. Oftentimes, all the parts of a paragraph will be of equal importance. (square) Sometimes, however, the writer will want to single out an item (which is more important, more interesting, more influential, stronger, bigger, etc.). If the writer lists the most important point first and then goes on to speak of the other points, then s/he is using descending order. (Triangle with base on top) If the writer lists the minor points first and saves the most important point for last, then s/he is using ascending order. (Triangle with base on bottom)
In "End of Watch," Charlie and Amita shoot flaming projectiles at a model they built. The question of how far a projectile can travel is a very old one. Throughout history, people have tried to launch weapons over great distances. Two primary factors play a role in solving this problem-- the force behind the projectile and the angle at which it is launched. Students will understand how the angle at which a projectile is launched affects the distance in which it travels. Before the Activity Download the attached PDF and look over the Teacher Page. During the Activity Discuss the materials from the Student Page with your class.Share the attached CATAPULT calculator program for students to check their work. After the Activity Encourage students to explore web sites and questions from the Extensions Page.
Both electrical currents and magnetic materials produce a magnetic effect on them- a magnetic field. The magnetic field is a vector- it has both magnitude and direction. In our previous articles on magnetism, we have learnt about the magnetic effects of electric current flowing through a straight wire. We also learned how to find the direction of the magnetic field. We also know that the strength of the magnetic field varies with the force of the electric current. In this article, we shall learn more about magnetic fields, with a particular focus on magnetic fields around a circular loops, coils and solenoids. Let us do a small activity to find out about the magnetic field produced by a loop of wire. Take a straight wire and bend it to produce a circular loop. We have previously learned that the strength of the magnetic field is inversely proportional to the distance from the centre of the wire. Therefore, in the loop model, we will note that the magnetic field lines from each point on the loop converge at the centre of the loop to form a straight line. Using the right-hand thumb rule, we can infer that each point on the loop contributes to the magnetic field at the centre of the loop, and the direction of the field is the same. The above method is a little-complicated way to find the direction of the magnetic field in a circular loop. There is a simpler method- the Maxwell?s corkscrew rule. Imagine driving a corkscrew. If we drive in the direction of the current, then the direction of the corkscrew is the direction of the magnetic field. What would happen to the magnetic field if we use many coils of the wire to make a circular loop? The direction of the magnetic field produced by each point on each coil would be the same. Therefore, according to vector physics, they would just add up. Therefore, more the number of coils, greater is the strength of the magnetic field. A solenoid is many turns of insulated copper wire wound in the form of a cylinder. The following diagram shows the direction of the magnetic fields through a current carrying solenoid. You can note that one end of the solenoid behaves like the magnetic north pole, and the other behaves like the south pole. In fact, the magnetic field produced by a solenoid is similar in all aspects with that of a bar magnet. This property is of great relevance in physics and everyday life. Using solenoids, we can now produce unyielding magnets that can be activated by switching on the current. . Such magnets are called as electromagnets. Can you think of some uses for electromagnets? Electromagnets are used in electric motors and generators. They are used in transportation- like subway cars. They are used to lift heavy loads- like an electromagnetic crane. They are also used in space crafts. The list of uses of electromagnets is endless.
The sense of touch provides some indication of the temperature of an object but is unreliable. For example, the metal shelf in the refrigerator feels colder than the food sitting on the shelf, even though they are in thermal equilibrium. The metal feels colder because the metal conducts the heat from your hand more efficiently. Thermometers are instruments that define and measure the temperature of a system. The common thermometer consists of a volume of mercury that expands into a capillary tube when heated. When the thermometer is in thermal equilibrium with an object, the temperature can be read from the thermometer scale. Three temperature scales are commonly used: Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin (also called absolute). Comparisons of the Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers are shown in Figure 1. Comparison of Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers. On the Celsius scale, the ice point is 0, and the steam point is 100. The interval between these temperatures is divided into 100 equal parts called degrees. As shown in Figure , on the Fahrenheit scale, the ice point is 32 degrees, and the steam point is 212 degrees. The interval between these temperatures is divided into 180 equal parts. The following equations relate temperature in Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F): The Kelvin scale (K) has degrees of the same size as the Celsius scale, but the zero is shifted to the triple point of water. The triple point of water exists when water within a closed vessel is in equilibrium in all three states: ice, water, and vapor. This point is defined as 273.16 Kelvin and equals .01 degrees Celsius; therefore, to convert Celsius to Kelvin, simply add 273.15. Note that because the degrees are the same in the two scales, temperature differences are the same in either Celsius or Kelvin. A mercury thermometer utilizes thermal expansion: the phenomenon that most substances increase in volume as their temperature increases. A rod that is heated will change in length (Δ L) according to Δ L = α L 0 Δ T, where L 0 is the original length and Δ T (delta T) change in temprature. The constant α (Greek letter alpha) is the average coefficient of linear expansion. This value is found in tables of coefficients for different materials and is measured in units of (degrees C) −1. Not only does length change with a change in temperature, but area and volume change also. Thus, Δ A = γ A 0Δ T, where Δ A is the change in the original area A 0. The Greek letter gamma (γ) is the average coefficient of area expansion, which equals 2α. For change in volume, Δ V = β V 0, Δ T, where Δ V is the change in the original volume V 0. The Greek letter beta (β) is the average coefficient of volume expansion, which is equal to 3α. Example 1: As an example of the application of these equations, consider heating a steel washer. What will be the area of the washer hole with original cross‐sectional area of 10 mm 2 if the steel has α = 1.1 × 10 −5 per °C and is heated from 20 degrees C to 70 degrees C? Solution: The hole will expand the same as a piece of the material having the same dimensions. The equation for increase in area leads to the following: Therefore, the new area of the hole will be 10.011 mm 2. Water is an exception to the usual increase in volume with increasing temperature. Note in Figure 2 that the maximum density of water occurs at 4 degrees Celsius. The density of water changes as the temperature changes. This characteristic of water explains why a lake freezes at the surface. To see this, imagine that the air cools from 10 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius. The surface water in equilibrium with the air at these temperatures is denser than the slightly warmer water below it; therefore, the colder water sinks and warmer water from below comes to the surface. This occurs until the air temperature decreases to below 4 degrees when the surface water is less dense than the deeper water of about 4 degrees; then, the mixing ceases. As the temperature of the air continues to fall, the surface water freezes. The less dense ice remains on top of the water. Under these conditions, life near the bottom of the lake can continue to survive because only the water at or near the surface is frozen. Life on earth might have evolved quite differently if a pool of water froze from the bottom up.
Let's Play Equivalent Fractions! Students will be able to identify and represent equivalent fractions using visual fraction models. - Put students in groups of 3. - Give each group a different amount of candy in multiples of 3. - Instruct students to divide the candy evenly in the group. - Have each group share how many pieces each person ends up with. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(5 minutes) - Ask your student what EquivalentMeans. Explain that equivalent means equal. - Have them discuss the importance of understanding equivalent fractions. Ask them to discuss how fractions are used in the real world. - Use a picture of a pizza to show students how two different pizzas can be cut into different sized slices and how each person can get the same amount. - Provide additional examples of equivalent fractions using different shapes (e.g., a rectangle broken up into 4 equal parts with 2 parts shaded is equivalent to a rectangle broken up into 2 equal parts with 1 part shaded). Guided practise(10 minutes) - Distribute a copy of the Finding Equivalent Fractions worksheet to each learner. Go over the information at the top, and explain how 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent because you can visually notice that the same amount of the circle is shaded in. - Lead students through the first example by counting how many total parts there are in the first cookie (4) and how many are shaded (2). Say, "To create an equivalent fraction, I need to colour in the same area on the second cookie. Let's count up how many total parts there are in the cookie (8) and how many are shaded (4). That shows me that 2/4 and 4/8 are equivalent." - Put students into small groups or partnerships and have them complete the remainder of the worksheet. - Check the worksheet together as a class, and ask students questions to prompt them to explain their process. Independent working time(10 minutes) - Write the following fractions on the board: - 2/3 = 3/6 - 2/5 = 4/6 - 1/3 = 2/6 - 1/2 = 4/8 - Have students work independently in their journals to create visual models to prove whether the fractions are equivalent or not. - Facilitate a class discussion about the equivalency of the fractions. Enrichment:Have students draw pictures of real world objects that can be divided evenly. Support:Work with these students in a small group, and model for them the first problem on the board before they begin their independent work. Show them more pictures of real world objects that can be divided evenly. - Give students the Equivalent Fractions worksheet. - Ask students to put a star next to one of the problems on the page and explain how they know the fractions are equivalent. They should write their answer on the back of the worksheet. Review and closing(5 minutes) - Write two fractions on the board, and have some volunteers come up to draw visual models and identify whether they are equivalent. - Call on other students to share whether they agree or disagree with their peer's work.
Students will be able to identify pronouns and use them in their writing. Introduction (5 minutes) - Tell students that today we are going to learn about pronouns. - Read aloud If You Were a Pronoun by Nancy Loewen. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (10 minutes) - Display the anchor chart. - Read and discuss the information on the anchor chart. - Write the following sentences on the board: Mom and Dad are best friends. Mom and I will be there. - Have students look at the anchor chart and ask what pronoun could take the place of Mom and Dad (they). - Ask students to identify which pronoun would take the place of Mom and I (we). - Read aloud a few more sentences and have students replace the noun or nouns with a pronoun. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (10 minutes) - Place a copy of Pick the Pronoun worksheet on the document projector for everyone to see. - Read aloud the first sentence and ask students to decide if the answer is "my" or "mine." - Ask students to clap once if they think the answer is "my" and twice if they think the answer is "mine." - Discuss the correct answer with the students. - Repeat the exercise for each sentence. Independent Working Time (15 minutes) - Read aloud the directions at the top of the Pronoun Sentences worksheet. - Have students complete the worksheet on their own. - Enrichment: For advanced students, let them create sentences about a friend using pronouns. - Support: For students in need of support, let them copy classmates' names from the board and replace them with pronouns. Assessment (5 minutes) - Collect students' Pronoun Sentences worksheets and review them later to assess students' understanding of the lesson content. Review and Closing (5 minutes) - Ask a volunteer to explain what a pronoun is. - Ask several volunteers to give an example of pronouns. - Have students watch and sing the Pronouns video.
1-2-3 BLAST OFF: ROCKETS! Students will work on projects to learn about the fundamentals of Rockets and participate in hands-on activities to build and launch actual rockets. A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle that obtains thrust from a rocket engine. How does a rocket engine work? According to NASA, Like most engines, rockets burn fuel. Most rocket engines turn the fuel into hot gas. The engine pushes the gas out its back. The gas makes the rocket move forward. A rocket is different from a jet engine. A jet engine needs air to work. A rocket engine doesn't need air. It carries with it everything it needs. A rocket engine works in space, where there is no air. There are two main types of rocket engines. Some rockets use liquid fuel and other rockets use solid fuels. Fireworks and model rockets also fly using solid fuels. Students will design, build and launch paper rockets, water rockets, air pump rockets, alka-seltzer rockets and engine propelled rockets. The rocket activities will teach children Newton's Three Laws of Motion through hands-on experience. It also helps the children make connections between math, science and everyday activities. The activities are aimed at teaching children the engineering design process and teamwork. The Power of Wind: RENEWABLE WIND ENERGY Wind is the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. In fact, wind exists because the sun unevenly heats the surface of the Earth. As hot air rises, cooler air moves in to fill the void. As long as the sun shines, the wind will blow. And as long as the wind blows, people will harness it to power their lives. Students will work on projects to learn about the principles of simple circuits, electricity and Wind Energy. Students will build simple circuits powered by Wind energy. Students will be able to describe how a circuit works and follow directions to create different kinds of circuits. Students will design, build, test and evaluate their own wind mill and turbine. The Power of the Sun: RENEWABLESOLAR ENERGY Solar Energy is a renewable energy! Solar energy because it is constantly replenished and will never runs out. Students will work on projects to learn about the principles of simple circuits, electricity and Solar Energy. Students will build simple circuits powered by solar energy. Students will be able to describe how a circuit works and follow directions to create different kinds of circuits. Students will design, build, test and race their own Solar energy cars.
Homonyms are words that sound the same but that have different meanings. There/their/they're and to/too/two are sets of homonyms that are commonly used (and confused) by students, but there are many others in the English language. The following resources provide a list of lesson plans teachers can use to introduce homonyms to students as part of the language arts curriculum. Homonyms are generally introduced to students at the middle school level, although many students may be familiar with homonyms simply from everyday speech. While most people can easily identify common homonyms, there are some uncommon homonyms that are not recognized as frequently. The following links contain lesson plans designed to help teach the concept of homonyms to students of various grade levels, or to give students additional practice with homonyms. Most of the resources are printable, although some of the links are links to online sources of homonym quizzes that can be used to create your own printable worksheets. Create and save customized word lists. Sign up today and start improving your vocabulary!
THE SERIES CIRCUIT After reading this section you will be able to do the following: - Define a series circuit, and list the components needed to make it. - Construct a simple and complex series circuit. - Define what a load is. Try building this simple series circuit In the interactive box (applet) below, you will need to place the correct circuit components (i.e. battery, light bulb, etc.) on the correct diagram symbol by dragging them with your mouse. Congratulations! You have just built an electric circuit. Notice that when you close the switch to complete the electrical circuit, the electrons start moving and the ammeter indicates that there is current flowing in this circuit. Also notice that the light bulb begins to glow. This happens because the electrons moving through the tiny wires in the bulb (or filament) make them become so hot that they glow. If there is any air inside the light bulb, the filament wires will burn up. What you have just created is something called a series circuit. This is called a series circuit because there is only one path for the electrons to take between any two points in this circuit. In other words, the components, which are the battery, the switch, the ammeter, and light, are all in series with each other. The light bulb is considered a load in this circuit. You might think of a load as anything that is using the energy that is being delivered by the electric current in a circuit. It could be anything from a light bulb to a computer to a washing machine and so on. Try building a series circuit with resistors Lets build another series circuit, but this time we will use some resistors instead of a light bulb. Resistors are components that are used to control that amount of current flowing in a circuit. The light bulb in the first circuit was actually acting like a resistor because it only allowed a certain amount of current to flow through it. If there are no resistors or components that act like resistors to slow the flow of electrical current, too much current may flow through the circuit and damage its components or wires. Too much current flowing through a component results in the generation of heat that can melt the conductive path through which the electrons are flowing. This in known as a short circuit and is the reason fuses or circuit breakers are often included in a circuit. Congratulations! You have just build a more complex series circuit. We cannot see any work being done since there is no light bulb, but there is current actually flowing inside. We know the current is flowing because the ammeter is indicating this. It is important to know that we may not be able to tell whether current is flowing through a circuit without test equipment, such as our ammeter connected to the circuit. Electricity can be very dangerous and experiments like these should never be conducted without adult supervision. Never work with electricity unless you are trained to know how to work with it safely. - When all the components are in line with each other and the wires, a series circuit is formed. - A load is any device in a circuit that is using the energy that the electron current is delivering to it.