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Asteroids are laboratories that astronomers can use to study the history of our Solar System. They provide a means to understand the current environment as well: since they have no atmosphere and (in most cases) relatively little mass, they are good proxies for what interplanetary spacecraft will experience on longer trips, such as missions to Mars. The Hayabusa mission, conducted by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), traveled to the near-Earth asteroid known as Itokawa. The probe collected samples from the surface and returned them to Earth for analysis. As reported by Eizo Nakamura et al. in PNAS, Haybusa's samples showed the effects of the interplanetary environment, especially signs of impacts from tiny rocky particles. As a result, the JAXA scientists were able to piece together the impact history of Itokawa, showing that that the asteroid had survived and been shaped by collisions with objects ranging in size from 10 kilometers down to a nanometer. While some asteroids (such as Vesta) are solid objects with complex structure, many others are looser clumps of rocky material, colloquially known as rubble piles. Near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa is a rubble pile, and is typical of objects in this part of the Solar System. It is somewhat potato-like in shape, about 550 meters across on its longest side, and roughly half that in other directions. Its small size and relatively low density gives it such a tiny gravitational pull that a human could launch herself into an orbit around the asteroid merely by jumping off the surface. The Hayabusa spacecraft collected a number of small pieces of rock from the surface of the asteroid, five of which were analyzed in detail for the current study. Earlier experiments showed that the surface of Itokawa is similar to many meteorites that have struck the Earth known as chondrites. Imaging the samples using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) found a great deal of "space weathering." The weathering takes the form of tiny holes from micrometeorite impacts, as well as signs of more extreme impacts from higher-mass intruders. Micrometeorite impacts leave crater holes less than a micron (10-6 meters, or one millionth of a meter) in diameter. The edges of the craters are marked by spherical blobs, indicating the micrometeorites melted the rock, which is only possible if they were moving at high speeds. Why they are moving so rapidly relative to Itokawa is uncertain; models predict that the smallest meteorites are propelled by radiation pressure from the Sun, but that is insufficient to accelerate them to the speeds required to melt the surface of the grain samples. In the case of larger impact events, the grains showed the effects of shock heating that melted the rock temporarily, transforming it from a crystalline solid to a glassy state. (Glasses are materials that have no regular structure ordering the placement of atoms, while atoms are arranged in strict repeating patterns within a crystal.) The rock also exhibited signs of compression, where it had been squeezed by the high pressure of a strike by larger rocks and small asteroids. As a result of all the signs of stress, Nakamura et al. argue that Itokawa is the remains of a much larger asteroid that was shattered by one or more impacts after it formed. Only a catastrophic event has the energy required to melt the rocks in this way. The researchers conclude that the rubble surface of Itokawa has been shaped by impacts on all scales. Major events included the hypothetical impact that shattered the original asteroid, from which the current form of Itokawa emerged; others fractured and melted the rock on smaller scales, turning solid chondrite into glass. Micrometeorites moving at high velocity punctured the rock, melting small holes. Together, these impacts reveal that our Solar System can be a fairly violent environment. Studies of other asteroids will provide us a better picture of just how many impacts from objects small and large can be expected as we venture further from Earth's sheltering atmosphere.
It’s Day 4 of this course on the basics of Spanish, so we’re going to start talking about a very important concept: grammatical gender. All Romance languages have a certain feature called “grammatical gender.” This means that every noun in Spanish has a gender. Some languages have more than two grammatical genders, but luckily for Spanish learners, Spanish only has two! The two grammatical genders in Spanish are el masculino and el feminino, or masculine and feminine. Spanish nouns indicate their gender with their endings. In general, a noun that ends with an ‘O’ is a masculine noun, and a noun that ends with an ‘A’ is feminine. Before we go any further, I’d like to explain that there are four different forms of the definite article in Spanish (‘the’ in English). They are the following: The reason why we have four definite articles in Spanish is because we have one separate definite article for a singular masculine noun (el), a singular feminine noun (la), plural masculine nouns (los), and plural feminine nouns (las). Getting back to the masculine and feminine noun genders—as I mentioned before, a noun that ends with an ‘O’ is a masculine noun, and a noun that ends with an ‘A’ is feminine. Here are some examples of singular masculine and feminine nouns (we’ll look at plurals tomorrow): • el libro (the book) • el niño (the boy) • el globo (the globe) • la silla (the chair) • la niña (the girl) • la mesa (the table) You’ll notice that the definite article “el” goes with the nouns that end in ‘O’ and the definite article “la” goes with the nouns that end in ‘A.’ That’s because they are of masculine grammatical gender and feminine grammatical gender, respectively. However, sometimes it’s not so simple. Not all nouns in Spanish end in ‘O’ or ‘A.’ Here’s a list of noun endings that are always feminine: Here are some example words that have these endings and are always feminine: • la conversación (conversation), la decisión (decision) • la ciudad (city), la pared (wall) • la libertad (liberty), la actitud (attitude) • la certidumbre (certainty) • la luz (light), la razón (reason) And here are some noun endings that are typically (but not always) masculine: • any consonant ending (besides those listed in the feminine list) • -ma, -pa, -ta (words that have Greek origin) • compound words Here are some example words with masculine endings: • el ordenador (computer) • el hombre (man) • el problema (problem), el mapa (map), el planeta (planet) • el lavaplatos (“lava” means “wash” and “platos” means “dishes,” so “lavaplatos” is ‘dishwasher) Great! Now you have a deep understanding of what makes a noun masculine or feminine in Spanish. Does this mean that Spanish speakers think that chairs and tables are like women and books and globes are like men? Not really! It’s just a part of grammar to make the language flow better. Grammatical gender also matters in terms of adjectives too. It’s called “la concordancia”—making articles, nouns, and adjectives all agree grammatically. We’re going to dive into la concordancia tomorrow, so talk to you then! Recommended book by Highbrow Share with friends
The Earth’s lithosphere, which includes the crust and upper mantle, is made up of a series of pieces, or tectonic plates, that move slowly over time. A divergent boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth’s mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic crust. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of divergent plate boundaries. When two plates come together, it is known as a convergent boundary. The impact of the colliding plates can cause the edges of one or both plates to buckle up into a mountain ranges or one of the plates may bend down into a deep seafloor trench. A chain of volcanoes often forms parallel to convergent plate boundaries and powerful earthquakes are common along these boundaries. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an example of a convergent plate boundary. At convergent plate boundaries, oceanic crust is often forced down into the mantle where it begins to melt. Magma rises into and through the other plate, solidifying into granite, the rock that makes up the continents. Thus, at convergent boundaries, continental crust is created and oceanic crust is destroyed. Two plates sliding past each other forms a transform plate boundary. One of the most famous transform plate boundaries occurs at the San Andreas fault zone, which extends underwater. Natural or human-made structures that cross a transform boundary are offset — split into pieces and carried in opposite directions. Rocks that line the boundary are pulverized as the plates grind along, creating a linear fault valley or undersea canyon. Earthquakes are common along these faults. In contrast to convergent and divergent boundaries, crust is cracked and broken at transform margins, but is not created or destroyed.
Equation of a Sphere Lesson 2 of 9 Objective: SWBAT derive and use the equation of a sphere. Launch and Explore Today's lesson is going to combine some geometric concepts with our new 3D outlook to create an equation of a sphere. Like yesterday's lesson, I have carefully structured the questions on the in-class task worksheet so that students can investigate and make conclusions on their own without me just giving them the formula. Today and yesterday's lesson are very geometric in nature, and would make a good extension for Geometry students who like a challenge. Precalculus students have a lot of background information about spheres so today's task worksheet can be given to students without much introduction. I have students work in their table groups and give them about 15 minutes to work on it. The most important part about the front side of the worksheet is that students are using the 3D distance formula from yesterday to relate the radius to the distance between the center and a point on the circle. While going around the room I focus on that key idea and work with groups who are off track. While students work in their table groups, I will select students to write their answers for #3-5 on the board. It is up to you whether you choose students to write down correct or incorrect answers on the board. If I notice something that will be a common mistake or see a mistake that would start a good discussion, I will often ask the student to put their answer on the board. It is somewhat anonymous so when we discuss the mistake, we do not have to single out the student since they wrote it while everyone was working in their groups. These answers will be the jumping off point for our discussion and my hope is that students will see the pattern in these responses (really drawing on MP7 and MP8). Once we discuss the overall structure of the distance formula in 3D and its application to these problems, I will lead a discussion about how every point on the sphere must be equidistant to the radius. Thus, we can replace the specific numerical points with (x, y, z) and make a general equation to represent any sphere. All students may not get through questions #8 and 9 (about the trace of a sphere) on their own, so I definitely intervene and we talk about these problems. I will choose students who got the questions correct and have them describe their approach to these problems. If you need some tips on explaining how to find the trace of a sphere to your students, you can watch the video below. When I teach this lesson to my students, there are always a few students who think that the sphere formula should have exponents that are threes. It makes sense- if the circle formula has exponents that are twos and it is a two-dimensional shape, shouldn't the sphere have all exponents that are three? I usually end class by thinking about this question. I will pose it to my students and have them discuss it in their table groups. Then we will share out together. I think this a good summative question for the lesson and gets them focused on the fact that all we used was the distance formula to find this formula. To end class, I will give students this homework assignment and have them start it in class if there is time.
Echoes & Reflections: Teaching the Holocaust In this unit, students learn about the ghettos established throughout Nazi Europe and understand that the ghettos were one phase in the continuum of Nazi racial policies that sought to solve the so-called “Jewish problem.” Students investigate the conditions in ghettos and how those conditions severely limited Jewish life and led to immense suffering. Using primary source material, students discover that despite severe overcrowding, starvation, disease, and grief, Jews still did their utmost to conduct their lives and retain their human dignity. - Explain the aims of the Nazis in establishing ghettos. - Identify tactics used by the Nazis to control, isolate, and weaken Jewish people in the ghettos. - Describe what life was like for Jews imprisoned in ghettos. - Identify ways that Jews forced to live in ghettos sought to maintain their dignity and previous ways of life. - Interpret primary source documents—including clips of visual history testimony—that represent the experiences and responses of those forced to live in ghettos, with particular emphasis on the Lodz ghetto.
Soulful Similes and Musical Metaphors - Students will be able to identify and determine the meaning of metaphors and similes. The adjustment to the whole group lesson is a modification to differentiate for children who are English learners. - To begin, introduce the key terms to your class, giving them examples of each figure of speech. Explain that a SimileIs used to compare two things with the words LikeOr As. For example: "She smells as sweet as a rose." Explain that a MetaphorIs used to make a more implied or hidden comparison by using descriptions in a figurative way. For example: "She is a winter rose." - Tell your class that they will be listening for metaphors and similes in the Lyrics, or words, of a song. - Play the song "Firework" by Katy Perry and show students the lyrics to the song. - Have a short discussion with students about what they think the song means. Possible discussion questions include: What does the word firework mean in this context? Why? What clues lead you to that conclusion? Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(15 minutes) - Highlight the main metaphor that repeats throughout the song: "Baby, you're a firework." Discuss why this is a metaphor and its meaning in the song. Remind your students that context clues help to highlight the meaning of figurative language like this. - Draw your students' attention to the first simile in the song: "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, floating in the wind, hoping to start again?" Discuss why this is a simile and the meaning. For example, perhaps the main character feels like she can be set free from a bad experience with a new wind or situation. - Guide students through the rest of the song lyrics to identify other similes, and discuss their meanings. Guided practise(10 minutes) - Play the song "S.O.S." by Jonas Brothers for your class. - Arrange the class into pairs, and give them each the lyrics to this song. - Have your students work with their partners to identify the similes and metaphors in the song and determine their meanings. Instruct them to underline the similes and metaphors and write the meanings in the margins. Independent working time(10 minutes) - Pass out individual copies of the lyrics to "Life Is a Highway." - Play the song for your class. - Ask your students to read all the lyrics and identify the central metaphor. Encourage them to write about the metaphor on sheets of paper. Great discussion questions include: What does this metaphor mean? Why might life be considered a "highway" here? - Challenge your students to write their own metaphors about life and have them write explanations of their metaphors. - Ask your students to complete the following simile with three different endings: "Friends are like..." - Have students who need a greater challenge write lyrics to a song using their own metaphors and at least three similes. - Ask your students to interpret the following metaphor and simile: "The Earth is a delicate flower. Life is like a box of chocolates." - Tell your students to write at least two sentences to provide evidence that supports their interpretations. Review and closing(5 minutes) - Ask your students to define metaphors and similes in their own words. Discuss why musicians sometimes use them in their lyrics.
Ancient Egypt’s written language, hieroglyphs, had been considered un-translatable in the modern era, largely because there were no bi-lingual documents that could act as a key. In July 1799, Pierre-François Bouchard, a soldier in Napoleon’s army, discovered the stone in the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta during an expedition to Egypt. The so-called ‘Rosetta Stone’ was inscribed with one text, in three languages: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Greek script, making it the first artifact discovered that could enable hieroglyphic translation. When British troops took Egypt from the French army, the stone changed hands and was shipped back to England where it was displayed in the British Museum in 1802. A year later, the Greek portion of the stone was translated, but it took another 20 years before French scholar Jean-François Champollion was able to confidently decipher the hieroglyphic portion of the stone. Scholars took decades more to fully decipher and understand the ancient Egyptian language, but the Rosetta Stone was the linchpin in our understanding of this super power of the ancient world. Reed Enger, "The Rosetta Stone," in Obelisk Art History, Published October 27, 2016; last modified November 08, 2022, http://www.arthistoryproject.com/timeline/the-ancient-world/egypt/the-rosetta-stone/.
This lesson will allow young children to explore number patterns and relationships while introducing the calculator at the same time. Before the Activity Prior to this lesson, pass out the calculators to students and demonstrate and explain the different buttons. During the Activity Students will need their own calculators. Introduce the idea of the "counting constant" and demonstrate how to make the calculator count, following the simple step-press 1 then continue to press the = button continually to have the calculator count sequentially. By changing the initial digit, students will be able to explore patterns. (i.e. 2+2=, 4=4+,6+6=,etc.) The same works for subtraction, starting for example at 100-1=, 100-5=. Students will discover what a calculator can do. Model for students a pattern puzzle: 4,8,12,16_ and ask what will the next number be? Or, 24,28,32,_,40,48_? and ask the student to fill in the missing numbers. After the Activity At the end of the lesson, give students the opportunity to explain their strategies for solving the pattern puzzles, either using the calculator and the counting constant function, or pencil and paper, or their mental math. Post pattern puzzles for viewing and allow other students to solve.
After seceding from the British government, the 13 North American colonies drafted the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union to aid in governing the newly formed states, according to HowStuffWorks. This early federal constitution was in effect from 1781 to 1789. Its name is commonly shortened to the Articles of Confederation. As the independent colonies were in the process of drafting individual state constitutions, Britain's oppressive rule made many citizens reluctant to grant too much power to the central government. Although the states were determined to maintain their sovereignty, the Continental Congress recognized a need for uniformity on interstate matters, such as currency, civil disputes and military preparation, according to the Independence Hall Association. The Articles of Confederation defined the powers of the federal government and the 13 states. Regardless of size, each state contributed one vote to the Confederation Congress, and federal laws required a nine-vote majority for passage. States retained most of their power, including the right to enact laws, print money and determine how military forces were distributed, according to the Independence Hall Association. Many of the privileges granted to the federal government were negated by lack of authority. For example, the Articles of Confederation enabled the formation of the Continental Army, but the states were empowered to decide whether they would provide troops or funding. The government could request monetary aid, but had no power to institute taxes. In 1781, the Articles of Confederation took effect after four years of waiting for all 13 states to ratify it, according to HowStuffWorks. Because the doctrine's countless inconsistencies created a weak federal government, a host of political difficulties ensued, leading the states to draft the U.S. Constitution.
Euclid's Axioms and Postulates: A Breakdown In mathematics, an axiom or postulate is a statement that is considered to be true without the need for proof. These statements are the starting point for deriving more complex truths (theorems) in Euclidean geometry. In this blog post, we'll take a look at Euclid's five axioms and four postulates, and examine how they can be used to derive some basic geometric truths. Euclid's Five Axioms Euclid's five axioms are as follows: - Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another. (Reflexive Property) - If things which are equal to one another are also equal to something else, then they are equal to one another. (Transitive Property) - There exists a unique line segment between any two points. - Any line segment can be extended indefinitely in either direction. - Given any line segment, a circle can be drawn with any point on the line segment as its center and with the line segment as its radius. Euclid's Four Postulates In addition to his five axioms, Euclid also included four postulates in his work: - A straight line may be drawn from any point to any other point. - A terminated line segment can be produced in a straight line continuously in either direction. - Circle may be described with any point as its center and with any distance as its radius. - All right angles are equal to one another. 5.'If two lines intersect each other, the vertical angles formed will be equal to one another.' (playfair's axiom) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playfair%27s_axiom#Example These are just a few of the many geometric truths that can be derived from Euclid's axioms and postulates. As you can see, these simple statements can be used to derive some complicated truths about lines, angles, and circles in Euclidean geometry. So next time you're studying for your math test, make sure to review these important principles! What is the difference between Euclid axioms and postulates? Euclid's axioms are statements that are assumed to be true without the need for proof. On the other hand, postulates are statements that are considered to be true based on our experiences in the world. Why is Euclid's 5th postulate controversial? Euclid's 5th postulate, also known as the parallel postulate, is controversial because it is not self-evident like the other postulates in Euclid's system. Many mathematicians have tried to prove the parallel postulate, but no one has been successful so far. What are some of the implications of the parallel postulate? If the parallel postulate is not true, then Euclidean geometry is not the only type of geometry that is possible. In fact, there are many non-Euclidean geometries that have been developed, where the parallel postulate is not true. These non-Euclidean geometries have many applications in physics and mathematics. What are axioms and postulates with examples? Axioms are statements that are assumed to be true without the need for proof. For example, one of Euclid's axioms is the statement that "things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another." A postulate is a statement that is considered to be true based on our experiences in the world. For example, Euclid's first postulate is that "a straight line can be drawn between any two points."
Learners work in groups to discover and practice using adjectives. They use food items for the activity and compete with other groups on who can have the most adjectives. They may use other materials in the room as well. 3 Views 2 Downloads How Do Adjectives Improve Writing? Using adjectives to create vivid descriptions is the focus of exercises in this resource. A cloze reading activity asks class members to add missing adjectives to passages from Mark Teague's The Lost and Found. They then read Teague's... 6th - 8th English Language Arts Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes Looking for materials to accompany your study of Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes? Look no further! Included here is everything you need to go alongside your unit: worksheets, graphic organizers, writing assignments, an assessment,... 6th - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
Consider the mathematical statement 1 + 2 = 3 It is read in English as One plus two equals three. One plus two is equal to three. In English at least, equals is obviously an ordinary verb, but the analysis of "one plus two" isn't obvious. Some other languages have similar constructions; for example: Uno y dos es igual a tres. Uno más dos es igual a tres. Notice that unlike the usual "y" ("and"), "es" is the singular conjugation. Syntactically, plus, minus, times, etc. act a bit like a conjunction, but there are some differences: - Mathematical operators are an open class, whereas conjunctions are normally considered closed; new operators can be created whenever they are mathematically useful (e.g. "xor", "dot", "cross"). Similarly, "plus", "minus", and "mod"/"modulo" seem to be loanwords from Latin. - Plural nouns joined by conjunctions are plural, whereas mathematical-operator phrases are always singular ("Cats and mice are animals", vs. "Two cats plus two mice equals two fat cats.") - Whereas multiple conjuncts joined by the same conjunction usually elide all but the last (e.g. "A, B, or C", "A, B, and C"), this is ungrammatical for mathematical operators ("x plus y plus z", never *"x, y, plus z"). Also, some operators appear to derive from other classes: - over (division) "pi over 2": preposition - of (function application) "f of x": preposition - less (subtraction; synonym of minus) "x less its mean": adjective? - times (multiplication) "2 times 3": plural noun - squared, cubed: verbal participles - to the "e to the x" - dot, cross (vector operations) "tau equals r cross F": nouns many unary operators are derived from nouns: - trigonometric and hyperbolic functions: sin, cos, tan, arcsin, ... "sine pi equals zero", "(the) sine of pi equals zero" - factorial "four factorial equals twenty-four", "24 is the factorial of 4" - root (sqrt) "root two over two", "the square root of two over two" - gradient/*del*, div, curl (vector calculus) "div B equals zero" So what lexical class(es) do mathematical operators belong to, in spoken mathematical usage? I'm interested in how they can be analyzed both in English and in other languages.
Writing the Letter s The lowercase letter s requires careful work and fine motor skills. Introduce or reinforce learning to write the letter s by completing this worksheet with your child. First, you'll need to read a sentence and find the letter s within it. Take a break to draw a picture, then move on to tracing and writing the letter s. Encourage your child to work slowly and carefully in order to form the neatest letters possible. Check out the rest of this alphabet series:
Earth is a dynamic planet, but not everything happens on the surface! A lot of the exciting activity is also happening in Earth’s interior. Before we move into a discussion of Plate Tectonics (Module 3), we first need to learn something about the inside of the Earth. Unfortunately, geologists don’t have any way to see what’s going on in the interior, so they have to use other tools that can help visualize its inner workings. Studying the Earth’s interior poses a significant challenge due to the lack of direct access. Many processes observed at the Earth’s surface are driven by the heat generated within the Earth, however, making an understanding of the interior essential. Volcanism, earthquakes, and many of the Earth’s surface features are a result of processes happening within the Earth. Much of what we know regarding the Earth’s interior is through indirect means, such as using seismic data to determine Earth’s internal structure. Scientists discovered in the early 1900s that seismic waves generated by earthquakes could be used to help distinguish the properties of the Earth’s internal layers. The velocity of these waves (called primary and secondary waves, or P and S waves) changes based on the density of the materials they travel through. As a result, seismic waves do not travel through the Earth in straight lines, but rather get reflected and refracted, which indicates that the Earth is not homogeneous. The Earth’s interior consists of an inner and outer core, the mantle, and the crust. Located in the center of the Earth is the inner core, which is very dense and under incredible pressure, and is thought to be composed of an iron and nickel alloy. It is solid, and surrounded by a region of liquid iron and nickel called the outer core. The outer core is thought to be responsible for the generation of the Earth’s magnetic field. A very large portion of the Earth’s volume is in the mantle, which surrounds the core. This layer is less dense than the core, and consists of a solid that can behave in a plastic (deformable) manner. The thin outer layer of the Earth is the crust. The two types, continental and oceanic crust, vary from each other in thickness, composition, and density. See the Schedule of Work for dates of availability and due dates. Be sure to read through the directions for all of this module’s activities before getting started so that you can plan your time accordingly. You are expected to work on this course throughout the week. - Chapter 9 (Earth’s Interior) Module 2 Assignment: Exploring Earth’s Layers and Seismic-wave Travel Times After you complete the reading, you can start working on Module 2 Assignment – Exploring the Earth’s Layers and Seismic-wave Travel Times. Module 2 Quiz Module 2 Quiz has 10 multiple-choice questions and is based on the content of the Module 2 readings and Assignment 2. The quiz is worth a total of 10 points (1 points per question). You will have only 10 minutes to complete the quiz, and you may take this quiz only once. Note: that is not enough time to look up the answers! Make sure that you fully understand all of the concepts presented and study for this quiz as though it were going to be proctored in a classroom, or you will likely find yourself running out of time. Keep track of the time, and be sure to look over your full quiz results after you have submitted it for a grade. Your Questions and Concerns… Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. General course questions: If your question is of a general nature such that other students would benefit from the answer, then go to the discussions area and post it as a question thread in the “General course questions” discussion area. Personal questions: If your question is personal, (e.g. regarding my comments to you specifically), then send me an email from within this course.
Definition of Sentence Openers Sentence Openers begins to paint a picture in the reader's mind and grabs their attention by drawing them into the composition. Definition of a Sentence Opener is when a writer uses a verb, plural noun, collective noun or a preposition to start their sentence. The writing activities, games, examples, lists, charts of openers and worksheets will compound your child's writing skills and strategies. The writing skills that your child learns at Helping With Writing will transfer over to all of their writing of introductions, essays, references, thesis', resumes, research papers and any other compositions that they tackle. Enjoy reading through the examples, working through the lessons and worksheets and know that if you are having difficulties to contact us at Helping With Writing. |Start Keeping a Notebook| |Throughout the website there are suggestions and teaching instructions on when your child may want to write in their notebook to help improve their literacy and English Grammar.| Definitions, Examples and Seven Lessons are presented here in each of the four sections. Here are the four sections of Sentence Opener Lessons;
Video solutions to help Grade 7 students understand that an inequality is a statement that one expression is less than (or equal to) or greater than (or equal to) another expression. Plans and Worksheets for Grade 7 Plans and Worksheets for all Grades Lessons for Grade 7 Common Core For Grade 7 New York State Common Core Math Module 3, Grade 7, Lesson 13 Lesson 13 Student Outcomes • Students understand that an inequality is a statement that one expression is less than (or equal to) or greater than (or equal to) another expression, such as 2x + 3 < 5 or 3x + 50 ≥ 100. • Students interpret a solution to an inequality as a number that makes the inequality true when substituted for • Students convert arithmetic inequalities into a new inequality with variables (e.g. 2 x 6 + 3 > 12, to 2m + 3 > 12 and give a solution; for example, m = 6, to the new inequality. They check to see if different values of the variable make an inequality true or false. Lesson 13 Classwork Opening Exercise: Writing Inequality Statements Tarik is trying to save $265.49 to buy a new tablet. Right now he has and can save a week from his allowance. Write and evaluate an expression to represent the amount of money saved after: When will Tarik have enough money to buy the tablet? Write an inequality that will generalize the problem. Example 1: Evaluating Inequalities—Finding a Solution The sum of two consecutive odd integers is more than -12. Form true numerical inequality expressions. Write an inequality that will find all values that will make the inequality true. The sum of two consecutive odd integers is more than -12. What is the smallest value that will make this true? a. Write an inequality that can be used to find the smallest value that will make the statement true. b. Use If-then moves to solve the inequality written in part (a). Identify where the 0's and 1's were made using the If-then moves. 1. Connor went to the county fair with a $22.50 in his pocket. He bought a hot dog and drink for $3.75, and then wanted to spend the rest of his money on ride tickets which cost $1.25 each. a. Write an inequality to represent the total spent where is the number of tickets purchased. b. Connor wants to use this inequality to determine whether he can purchase 10 tickets. Use substitution to show whether or not he will have enough money. c. What is the total maximum number of tickets he can buy based upon the given information? 2. Write and solve an inequality statement to represent the following problem: On a particular airline, checked bags can weigh no more than 50 pounds. Sally packed 32 pounds of clothes and five identical gifts in a suitcase that weigh 8 pounds. Write an inequality to represent this situation.
If you're taking a beginning course in chemistry, you may be required to memorize some or all of the important solubility rules. These rules will help you predict which ionic compounds dissolve in water and which will not. Teachers are unlikely to ask questions that require you to restate the solubility rules -- they're more likely to ask questions that require you to use these rules. For example, a quiz might have a question like, "Which of the following reactions will form a precipitate?" The following explains some tricks and tips for memorizing these rules successfully. Create a mnemonic to help you remember which compounds are soluble. One possible example is as follows: "Not All Attractive Fun Cheerleaders Buy Indecent Skirts", where the first letter of each word stands for a class of compounds that are generally soluble (N = nitrates, A = acetates, A = ammonium, F = fluorides, C = chlorides, B = bromides, I = iodides, S = sulfates). Several of these groups have exceptions, however, so you'll need to either remember the exceptions or create a mnemonic for those exceptions. For example, chlorides are all soluble except for compounds with mercury, silver or lead, so you could use the first letter of each name (or the first letter of the symbol, e.g. HAP) to come up with a short three-word sentence that will help you remember them. Remember the solubility of different elements by their position on the periodic table. Any compound with an element from group 1 is soluble, and any compound with an element from group 17 is soluble unless it's partnered with mercury, silver or lead (all of which are fairly close together on the periodic table) or (in the case of fluorine only) if it's partnered with strontium and barium, both of which are in group 2 of the periodic table. Since you will almost invariably have a periodic table available while you are working on a chemistry exam, if you can remember what dissolves and what does not based on its position on the periodic table, you should have no problems on a test. Try composing a song or poem to help put the solubility rules in an order that will make them easy to remember. One possible example is listed under the Resources section and can be sung to the tune of "99 Bottles". You can't sing the song out loud during an exam, but you can always sing it to yourself silently. Try writing the solubility rules (or just a list of soluble compounds and exceptions) over and over until you know them without looking at your book. Always write or repeat them in the same order -- this will help you keep them organized in your mind. Learn to recognize common exceptions like mercury, lead and silver compounds with halogens -- these will all be insoluble. If you spot one of these exceptions, it will help you to rule out some of your possible options on a multiple-choice question.
Search our collection of classroom resources to plan a unit or find the materials you need for class tomorrow. Learn about the early development of apartheid as the white South African government formed a legal system of racial hierarchy and non-white South Africans resisted these laws. Examine the debate that led to a declaration describing the Canadian government's colonial policies toward Indigenous Peoples as “cultural genocide.” Examine the nature of judgment, forgiveness, and justice, and learn about the challenges of deciding an adequate response to the crimes of the Holocaust. Explore how language and culture shape identity, and learn about the challenges faced by the Indigenous Peoples of Canada to preserve their traditional identity. Review some of the profound legacies of the Holocaust and World War II and consider how these histories continue to influence our lives today. Examine how indigenous identities in Canada have been shaped by the ways European settlers responded to real and imagined differences between themselves and the Indigenous Peoples. Consider the dilemmas faced by world leaders as Nazi Germany began taking aggressive action against neighboring countries and individuals in the late 1930s.
Using Phase Change To Measure Velocity Light, radio, microwaves and x-rays are all forms of electromagnetic waves, which is also the type of energy emitted by weather radars. All of these types of electromagnetic waves have different wavelengths (the distance between two crests of the wave), but it is most common for weather radars to use wavelengths of five or ten centimetres. Figure 1. The wavelength is the distance between the crests of the wave. The phase describes the current position of the wave in its sinusoidal cycle. That is, the wave may be at a crest, a trough, or somewhere in between when it returns to the radar, and a Doppler radar is capable of measuring this for each wave that is returned from a reflecting particle. The difference in phase of two waves is known as the phase shift. Figure 2. The difference in phase of two waves is known as the phase shift. If the reflecting particle is not moving, successive pulses will have travelled exactly the same distance, and there will be no phase shift. However, if the particle has a velocity with a component towards or away from the radar, successive pulses will return to the radar with a different phase. The resulting phase shift is therefore caused by the movement of the reflecting particle, with larger velocities resulting in larger phase shifts. Hence by measuring the phase of each returning pulse, the Doppler weather radar is able to measure the velocities of the reflecting particles. Parent page: About Doppler Wind Images
About this Worksheet: Many prefixes we use in English originally come from Greek or Latin words. The prefix mono- comes from Greek meaning “one,” “alone,” or “single.” The prefix tri- comes from Greek and Latin meaning “three.” In this worksheet, students will use each of these prefixes to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the words they have made, students will be asked to circle the word made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes!
Using Pseudo Code We have already touched on pseudo code in this and in the previous lesson. Pseudo code is a nonstandard English like a programming language. It is English like because the logic statements read more like English sentences and phrases than what is typically found with programming language syntax. Program language statements and connecting syntax is much more cryptic and can take on the appearance of a mathematical equation. If you remember correctly from the previous lesson, I compared pseudo code to a recipe you might use to make chocolate chip cookies. Pseudo code is nonstandard because unlike programming languages which have very strict rules regarding keywords and syntax, there are no standards when it comes to pseudo code. As long as the statement is readable and defines what that logic step needs to accomplish, it is acceptable as pseudo code. Keywords: Programming statements contain keywords. The keywords are typically verbs identified in that programming language to perform an operation. The keyword might be a verb print or input. Each language has its own set of keywords but it is not unusual for some keywords to exist throughout multiple languages. The if keyword is almost universal in all programming languages and allows us to program decisions into our logic. Pseudo Code Rules: - The pseudo code program should begin with the Start instruction and complete with the End instruction. - Each pseudo code statement should contain at least one instruction. - Each pseudo code statement should contain a verb that represents the action performed along with any identifier and operators that hold program values or perform calculations. The Advantages of Pseudo Code The primary advantage of pseudo code comes from the fact that it is a programming language. It's a very simple and unstructured programming language and it is very easy to transition pseudo code to a programming language. Since we want our models to represent the best of all possible solutions, pseudo code probably requires the least amount of modification from model to actual program. Whereas a flowchart may represent a perfect world solution it might not be easily implemented into a program. Pseudo code can be more easily transitioned so it is more likely that our model logic will be very close to the implemented program. Another advantage may be in its simplicity. It may take some time for a programmer to learn a new programming language but since pseudo code is so familiar and similar to reading instructions (i.e. recipe), it does not involve a steep learning curve. If you can read and write you can create pseudo code and understand pseudo code instructions. The Disadvantages of Pseudo Code The disadvantages of pseudo code may start with its lack of standards. One person's logic instructions may not seem as logical as the next. Given the unstructured nature of pseudo code, it is few rules and is hard to standardize. One programmer might not see the logic written by someone else. Another disadvantage over other modeling tools like flowcharts may be pseudo codes inability to show logic flows or the bigger picture. Whereas flowcharts provide an overview of logic and can be understood at a higher level, pseudo code is far more detail oriented and requires more concentration and practice to see the bigger picture. Put another way, pseudo code focuses more on the details and the graphics of flowcharts allow for a 10,000 foot big picture perspective. Pseudo Code Example Using the problem and requirements from the flowchart section of the lesson we now put together a pseudo code representation of the logic design. In Practice: Pseudo Code is Recyclable - Using Pseudo Code for Program Comments - Even when students understand the importance of creating logic models they are reluctant to use pseudo code because they're not sure that it adds value to their programming. Most would tell you that pseudo code slows them down and in their impatience; they will start their programming without it. But there is a way to recycle your pseudo code from your logic model into your program design and get more out of your pseudo code. Pseudo code is very similar to program comments. A program comment is a non-executable statement that is inserted into a program to give the programmer information about how the program is constructed. It is very specialized documentation left for the next programmer to clarify the programs design. There's no reason why the pseudo code could not be the basis of your source code comments. As you develop your program and implement the pseudo code into language statements, why not copy the pseudo code down into the program and use the pseudo code as the comment. In PYTHON for example, you could take the pseudo code and place a # sign in front of each pseudo code statement so it now becomes a program comment. This way you'll be able to recycle your pseudo code back into the program and it may not longer seem like a wasted step. What are the benefits and weaknesses of pseudo code? Name some pseudo code rules? It is said that pseudo code is more "English" like. What does this mean?
The GCD of two positive integers is the largest integer that divides both of them without leaving a remainder (the GCD of two integers in general is defined in a more subtle way). In its simplest form, Euclid’s algorithm starts with a pair of positive integers, and forms a new pair that consists of the smaller number and the difference between the larger and smaller numbers. The process repeats until the numbers in the pair are equal. That number then is the greatest common divisor of the original pair of integers. The main principle is that the GCD does not change if the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number. For example, the GCD of 252 and 105 is exactly the GCD of 147 (= 252 – 105) and 105. Since the larger of the two numbers is reduced, repeating this process gives successively smaller numbers, so this repetition will necessarily stop sooner or later — when the numbers are equal (if the process is attempted once more, one of the numbers will become 0). Here is source code of the C++ Program to Find GCD of Two Numbers Using Recursive Euclid Algorithm. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below. using namespace std; int gcd(int u, int v) return (v != 0) ? gcd(v, u % v) : u; int num1, num2, result; cout << "Enter two numbers to find GCD using Euclidean algorithm: "; cin >> num1 >> num2; result = gcd(num1, num2); cout << "\nThe GCD of " << num1 << " and " << num2 << " is: " << result cout << "\nInvalid input!!!\n"; $ g++ GCDEuclidean.cpp $ a.out Enter two numbers to find GCD using Euclidean algorithm: 12 30 The GCD of 12 and 30 is: 6 Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – 1000 C++ Programs. Here’s the list of Best Books in C++ Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms. - Get Free Certificate of Merit in C++ Programming - Participate in C++ Programming Certification Contest - Become a Top Ranker in C++ Programming - Take C++ Programming Tests - Chapterwise Practice Tests: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - Chapterwise Mock Tests: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - Buy Computer Science Books - Apply for C++ Internship - Apply for Computer Science Internship - Practice Computer Science MCQs - Apply for Information Technology Internship
KS2 Nets of Solids Last updated 07 March 2014, created 11 March 2012, viewed 45,561 An introduction lesson to Geometry 3-D Shapes and nets of solids. This presentation is will help your pupils to learn about 3D shapes and discover some of the mathematical properties of shapes. You may ask your pupils to create 3D shapes out of a paper. Through simple crafts, children can underst More…and the connection between 2D shapes such as squares or triangles and geometric solids like cubes, pyramids or cylinders. It is a fun task! Ask them to be ready with their ruler, a pair of compasses. Hope you find this useful.
How can the ternary operators be used in python? Prakash nidhi Verma108026-Jun-2018pythonoops python Updated on 03-May-2023 Can you answer this question? In Python, the ternary operator is a way to write conditional expressions in a concise way. The ternary operator takes the form of: Here, condition is the condition to be evaluated, and value_if_true and value_if_false are the values to be returned if the condition is true or false, respectively. For example, suppose we have two variables x and y, and we want to assign the value of x to z if x is greater than y, and the value of y otherwise. We can write this using the ternary operator as follows: This assigns the value of x to z if the condition x > y is true, and the value of y otherwise. The ternary operator can also be used in expressions, such as: This assigns the string "even" to the variable result if the condition x % 2 == 0 is true, and the string "odd" otherwise. The ternary operator can be a useful tool for writing concise, readable code in Python. However, it is important to use it judiciously and avoid nesting multiple ternary operators, which can make the code difficult to read and understand. Prakash nidhi Verma26-Jun-2018 The Ternary operator is the operator that is used to show the conditional statements. This consists of the true or false values with a statement that has to be evaluated for it. Syntax: The Ternary operator will be given as: The expression gets evaluated like if x<y else y, in this case if x<y is true then the value is returned as big=x if it is incorrect then big=y will be sent as a result.
Students must be able to recognize multiplication and division in real world problem situations, and represent and solve those situations using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations. Ms. Mills volunteered to bring donuts to school for a faculty breakfast. If she brings 7 dozen donuts, how many donuts will that be? Use either an array or a strip diagram to show how you could determine the number of donuts. Distributive Property with Multiplication Area Model with Multiplication Click on the following links for interactive games. Click on the following links for more information. 3.5 Algebraic reasoning. The student applies mathematical process standards to analyze and create patterns and relationships. The student is expected to: (B) represent and solve one- and two-step multiplication and division problems within 100 using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations
Graphing Functions Worksheets How to Graph a Function Graphing functions often require making a pattern. A pattern is anything that repeats itself, i.e., a particular action taking place again and again at regular intervals. In this way, a straight line is a pattern where all the points that are connected with each other are formed on the same plane. Suppose you have an equation to graph x + y = 7. The equation means that when the two variables are added, you get 7. They can 1 and 6, 5 and 2, 4 and 3 or 7 and 0. Given that we put these numbers in the form of a table and start plotting them accordingly, we will get a pattern that will be represented in the form of a straight line. Plotting the graph for x + y = 7: The pattern, in this case, is evident as when we join all the points, it forms a straight line. Demonstrates how to graph linear functions. Practice problems are provided. Linear Functions are straight lines defined by the equation: y = mx + b If m is positive, the line slants upwards. As value of m increases the line tends to becomes vertical with extremely large value of m.View worksheet Explores how to graph the absolute value of a function and exponential functions. Practice problems are provided. Absolute Value of function graph takes a V shape and is defined by: y = |x|. As the coefficient of x gets larger, the graph becomes thinner, closer to its line of symmetry.View worksheet Independent Practice 1 Contains 20 Graphing Functions problems. The answers can be found below.View worksheet Independent Practice 2 As the value of m gets smaller closer to zero the line tends to become horizontal. If m is negative the line slants downhill. By placing any two points of a line into the equation y = mx + b you can determine the equation that it represents.View worksheet 12 Graphing Functions problems for students to work on at home. Example problems are provided and explained.View worksheet What type of function is graphed below? A math scoring matrix is included.View worksheet Homework and Quiz Answer Key Answers for the homework and quiz.View worksheet Lesson and Practice Answer Key Answers for both lessons and both practice sheets.View worksheet John Napier's study of mathematics was only a hobby. He often wrote that he found it difficult to find time for the necessary calculations between working and theology.
Definition: Tone is the verbal stance the author assumes toward the reader and his subject as reflected in his “voice.” It is the quality of language and voice used to convey the speaker’s Attitude toward the subject or audience and is perceived through the various methods and diction used to convey the events of the work. In oral conversation the “tone of voice” may be determined by listening to the words themselves, their inflection, modulation, denotation, and connotation, pitch, stress, or other sound regulators. However, since words on a page are flat, other methods of discernment must be employed. Mood is the overall atmosphere created by the speaker, the setting the events, or narrator. Attitude is the feeling the speaker holds toward the characters, events, or situation he is relating to the audience. With few exceptions and for most practical purposes TONE = ATTITUDE Problem: The terms “tone” and “attitude” may become indistinct. Problem: Students often equate the speaker with the author. Problem: To misinterpret tone is to misinterpret meaning. Process: Understanding tone requires making inferences during and after a close reading of a work. The students must distinguish the techniques used to establish “tone,” “mood,” and “attitude.” Results: Understanding and analyzing the difference between “tone,” “mood,” and “attitude” and perceiving tonal shifts. Objective: Students should be able to show in verbal and written discussions their understanding of the techniques used by the author to establish attitude and achieve a certain tone. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyzing how Tone Contributes to Meaning and Attitude in Literature – In order to answer these questions, a student will need to examine the speaker’s diction: circling words is a good strategy 1. How does the author feel toward his subject? 2. How does the author feel about the characters? 3. How does the author feel about the events presented? 4. How does the author feel about his audience (readers)? 5. Can or does the author have different feelings for his subject and / or his audience? 6. Does the narrator feel the same as the author? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All of these “feelings” determine the TONE and the ATTITUDE of the work. Strategies for determining MOOD: The mood of a piece is generally the overall atmosphere created by the diction, setting, characters, and events and is an important aspect of its style and might be described as:
Some of the early skills we work on with our students who wear amplification include learning the parts and functions of the ear and some basic terms relating to hearing levels. These concepts are helpful as students begin to start learning how to advocate for themselves. In order to understand how their amplification works and to explain their own hearing level, it is important to start by learning the parts of the ear and how each part functions. Parts of the Ear and How they Work is a website that has a fun cartoon that explains the parts of the ear and how they work. Once you get to the website, scroll through the list of videos about the body parts to find the one about the ear! The names for different parts of the ear can be a little challenging to remember so we have added some activities to help you and your family practice them. You will find a diagram of parts of the ear and a worksheet that you can complete at home to try and name the parts of the ear yourself. We have also included a Race to Draw the Ear game that you can use to practice the vocabulary.
This GCSE Chemistry quiz is all about equilibrium. The word equilibrium means something is in a state of balance. In chemistry, it refers to a situation in which the concentrations of the reactants and the products are constant. The plural is equilibria and this word refers to the study of concentrations in chemical reactions. Only reversible chemical reactions are subject to equilibria. In a non-reversible reaction, the products do not react with each other. In a reversible reaction, the products can react together to re-form the products. There are quite a number of reversible reactions, for example, the manufacture of ammonia. During a reversible reaction, both the forwards reaction of reactants going to products AND the backwards reaction of products going to reactants are taking place at the same time. At equilibrium, the two chemical reactions are going at the same rate and so the concentrations of each substance present in the mixture remains the same. It is possible to disturb equilibria in reversible reactions by changing the conditions. If you understand rates of reaction, understanding equilibria should be reasonably straightforward for you. In industrial chemistry, getting the balance right is often a compromise between the speed of reaction and the yield, as you will have seen in your studies of the Haber Process. Firstly, let's look at an increase in temperature. In reversible reactions, if one of the reactions is exothermic and the other endothermic, the yield of products will be affected. A temperature increase will favour the endothermic reaction since there will be more energy available to be absorbed from the surroundings. So if the forward reaction is endothermic, a higher percentage of the reactants will be converted into products, and vice-versa if it is the reverse reaction that is endothermic. Secondly, we will consider what effect an increase in concentration has on equilibria. If the concentration of the reactants is increased, that will increase the rate of the forward reaction, so more product will be made and vice-versa. Where the reaction is between gases, the equivalent of an increase in concentration is an increase in pressure. If there are fewer gas molecules on the products side than on the reactants side, the higher pressure will favour the products. As always, with equilibria, the opposite is also true. When discussing changes to equilibria, chemists usually talk about pushing the equilibrium to the left or to the right. An equilibrium that is pushed to the right actually indicates that the forward reaction is favoured and that you will get more product; one that is pushed to the left will have less product and more reactants.
Students are typically introduced to fractions in second grade. If you are teaching third grade students this year, start by reviewing concepts they would have learned last year, such as visually representing basic fractions, comparing simple fractions and the terms numerator and denominator. After a brief refresher, you can lead your students on a more advanced study of fractions including ordering fractions, equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. Use different teaching approaches, including demonstrations on the board, experiential activities with manipulative's, worksheets and games, so that all students are more likely to comprehend this major mathematical curriculum area. - Sandwich bags - Fraction manipulative (circles and rectangles) From the beginning of the fractions unit, it is a good idea to call fractions by their common names such as "one third", rather than "one over three," or "half" rather than "one over two." Review what students would have learned last year about fractions by drawing a circle and dividing it into four equal pieces on the board. Color in one of the pieces and ask if anyone knows what fraction this represents. Write the correct answer, 1/4, on the board and ask students if they remember what the top number and the bottom number are called. Students should say numerator and denominator respectively. Pass out a sandwich bag of small candies of different colors to each student. Call out a color and ask several students what fraction of their candies are that color. Check each student to see if they have counted the total number of candies and the fraction correctly. Introduce the concept of equivalent fractions by passing out copies of rectangular, fraction manipulatives, such as those available on Kitchen Table's Math website. Ask children to color each bar a different color. Thus the whole, 1 piece would be one color, the half, 1/2 pieces would be another color, and so on. Demonstrate to students how to determine equivalent fractions with their rectangular manipulatives once they have cut them out. Use your own set of manipulatives or draw something similar on the board. For example, ask students how many quarter, 1/4, pieces can fit underneath one of the half, 1/2, pieces. The students should answer two pieces, meaning that one half is equivalent to two quarters -- 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent fractions. Repeat this practice of determining equivalent fractions with the whole class at least 10 times; pass out a follow-up worksheet for students to work on. Teach students how to order fractions on a number line and to determine which fractions are worth more using the same rectangular manipulatives. For example, students can determine that 2/3s is greater than 1/2 by placing two 1/3 pieces (1/3 1/3) under one 1/2 piece. Also show students that if the numerator and the denominator are the same, the fraction always equals a whole or 1. Provide students with a follow-up worksheets. Teach students how to add and subtract fractions that have the same denominator. Tell them that they add or subtract the numerators and leave the denominators as is. For example one quarter plus two quarters equal three quarters: 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4. Provide demonstrations on the board and with manipulatives and provide follow-up exercises. Allow students to practice the new skills they have learned through playing individual or group games. Assign 10 minutes of playing online fraction games for homework or to a student who has finished his in-class work ahead of time. Organize a fraction scavenger hunt by hiding equivalent fraction cards around the classroom or a team competition where players race to determine the answer to fraction problems. Things You'll Need - Zedcor Wholly Owned/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
Homonyms are words that sound the same but that have different meanings. There/their/they're and to/too/two are sets of homonyms that are commonly used (and confused) by students, but there are many others in the English language. The following resources provide a list of lesson plans teachers can use to introduce homonyms to students as part of the language arts curriculum. Homonyms are generally introduced to students at the middle school level, although many students may be familiar with homonyms simply from everyday speech. While most people can easily identify common homonyms, there are some uncommon homonyms that are not recognized as frequently. The following links contain lesson plans designed to help teach the concept of homonyms to students of various grade levels, or to give students additional practice with homonyms. Most of the resources are printable, although some of the links are links to online sources of homonym quizzes that can be used to create your own printable worksheets. Create and save customized word lists. Sign up today and start improving your vocabulary!
A look at a selection of resources for multiplication and division – from 2×1 to multiplication and division of polynomials! The tutorial video is very clear on how this Mathigon resource can be used with spaced repetition, there is also, very usefully a Shuffle mode for simple practice. Choose the Settings and Instructions icon for a summary of the resource and access shuffle mode to practice with a random subset from all decks at once. You can also jump to a later deck with more difficult questions and different visualisations. For more practice try Transum for several resources for mastering tables, including, for Mixed Practice, Beat the Clock. Level 6 offers mixed multiplication and Division problems, later levels use all 4 operations. Also from Transum, try Expedite: For a challenge, try this Open Middle problem from Steve Phelps, Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers. For a very clear demonstration of the area model for multiplication, see PhET Sims Area Model – Multiplication. You can enter your own calculations and as always with the PhET Simulations choose what you want displayed. For a look at how multiplication tables help understand multiplication, factoring, and division, see from Phet Sims – Arithmetic. Following on from the area model, for your older students, try Divide it up from Underground Maths, a resource designed to help students to make links between multiplication and division of polynomials using multiplication grids. The problem is presented in the image here, but also provided is a warm-up activity and further notes The UK National Curriculum specifies that: Pupils should be taught to: Year 6 (UK KS2 age 10-11) - multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication - divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context - divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context Appendix 1 of the KS2 document includes the examples below and states that “the examples of formal written methods for all four operations illustrate the range of methods that could be taught. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, nor is it intended to show progression in formal written methods. For example, the exact position of intermediate calculations (superscript and subscript digits) will vary depending on the method and format used. For multiplication, some pupils may include an addition symbol when adding partial products. For division, some pupils may include a subtraction symbol when subtracting multiples of the divisor. And at KS3 (UK age 11-14) we are reminded that students should be able to “use the four operations, including formal written methods, applied to integers, decimals, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers, all both positive and negative”. The Mathematics documents can all be found on this page. From MathsOnline, comes a clear step by step demonstration of long multiplication, (uses html). Each step is clearly explained. Long Division is also very clearly illustrated and for your older students we can extend to Algebraic Long Division. Refreshing the page generates a new example each time. Mathisfun explains long division very clearly and additionally offers questions and worksheets. Similar resources are available for Long Multiplication and for Algebraic long division. For examples, exercises and problems try the ever-reliable CIMT’s GCSE chapter 6 on the Number System – see Section 6.4.
Graphs of Sine and Cosine (Lesson 4.5 Day 1) Unit 4 - Day 8 Understand that sine and cosine functions can be graphed by plotting angles on the x-axis, and ratios on the y-axis Explain why the range of sine and cosine is [-1,1] Use amplitude and period to describe key characteristics of the parent functions sin(x) and cos(x) Quick Lesson Plan Today we have another hands-on lesson where students create the graphs of sine and cosine using the unit circle and uncooked spaghetti. In addition to the spaghetti students will need either glue or tape to secure the spaghetti lengths onto their graphs. In this activity, students will learn that the cosine and sine values found on the unit circle can be plotted as outputs of a function where the input is the angle. They will break off spaghetti according to the appropriate lengths on the given unit circle and these spaghetti pieces will represent the y-values on the graph. During the activity portion, students think about low points and high points and how long it takes for the graph to start repeating before being introduced to the formal vocabulary of amplitude and period (and range) in the debrief. The trickiest cognitive challenge in this lesson is the idea that the input and x-axis variable is the angle and the output or y-axis variable is the cosine or sine ratio. Students that rely heavily on the “x is cosine”, “y is sine” shortcut may struggle to graph the cosine as an output. For this reason we have emphasized in all previous lessons that sine and cosine represent ratios of sides, and that ratio is easiest to see when the hypotenuse is 1, in which case the legs of the triangles themselves represent the sine and cosine values. Although it might seem tedious, be precise in your language around sine and cosine. Clarify that on the unit circle the x-coordinate represents the cosine and the y-coordinate represents the sine, and when the hypotenuse is 1, the adjacent side represents the cosine and the opposite side represents the sine.
The three primary causes for tectonic plate movement are the convection of material in the mantle, gravity and the rotation of the planet. These forces cause each of the seven major plates and numerous other microplates to move independently of the others at a rate of a few centimeters per year.Continue Reading The most studied aspect of plate movement involves the large convection currents in the mantle. As energy is transferred throughout the molten levels of the mantle (asthenosphere), new material is pushed up towards the surface, moving the old rock out of the way. The emergence of this new land causes the plates to move where the material comes out. The most easily recognizable example of this process occurs at the mid ocean ridges, where the plates on either side of the ridge are being pushed away from each other. The ridges where this new material emerges are higher in elevation than the surrounding areas, and gravity causes the older rock to fall down to the lower points, aiding in the movement of the plates. As molten lava creates new oceanic crust and thermal convection causes cooler rock to sink, the coastal regions of the Earth are constantly losing land mass, while simultaneously gaining land mass in other areas. Mount Kilauea, an active volcano in Hawaii, is an example of this. Since 1983, approximately 500 acres of land have been added to the island by molten lava accumulation, according to the National Park Service. Earth’s land masses move at an average rate of about 0.6 inch a year. The coast of California moves at a much faster speed of approximately 2 inches per year, causing the tectonic plates in this area to grind violently, resulting in frequent earthquakes. According to About.com, the rotation of the Earth is also a contributor to the movement of the tectonic plates but is far less significant than either the convection of the mantle or the force of gravity.Learn more about Plate Tectonics
Learn Chapter 3 Matrices of Class 12 free with solutions of all NCERT Questions including Examples and Exercises. In this chapter, we learn - What a matrix is, how we form it and what is its order - Then we see different types of matrix like Square matrix, Zero matrix, Identity Matrix, Row Matrix, Column Matrix etc. - If two matrices are equal, then how to find its elements - How to add and subtract matrices, - And their Statement questions - Then how to multiply the matrices, keeping in mind their order - And its statement questions - How to solve a x + y, or an x + y + z equation using matrices - Then, finding an element when some equation is given - Or, finding a whole matrix when some equation is given - What is a Transpose of a Matrix, and its order - Then, What are Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices... and how to represent any matrix as a sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrix - Then, doing some proof questions using Transpose property - (AB)' = B'A' - And finding Inverse of a matrix using elementary Transformation. Please check all of its questions. Specially the ones marked important - And then, finally, there are some questions on proof using Mathematical Induction Check out the chapter NCERT way, or the preferred ... concept wise way
Indian Removal Act (1830) This law, signed by President Andrew Jackson, gave the president the power to negotiate treaties with American Indian tribes east of the Mississippi River in order to move the Indians west and open lands in Georgia and Mississippi to white settlement. Indians who did not wish to relocate would become citizens of their home state. The War Department offered protection from white squatters and looters to the Indians who stayed, but frequently neglected that promise. The Indian Removal Act and the subsequent forced removal of tens of thousands of people from their native lands, including the 1838 forced removal of thousands of Cherokee known as the Trail of Tears, challenged American constitutional principles and values including equality, integrity, justice, majority rule versus minority rights, and respect.
Collocations Scavenger Hunt Texts of different genres will have different distributions of collocations. This activity requires students to look through a text to find different types of collocations. Not only does this raise their awareness of collocations in general, but it also informs them about specific types of collocations that can be expected to occur in texts of certain genres. To prepare for this activity, go over your text and make a scavenger hunt sheet listing the common types of collocations that occur in the text. You can allow for multiple examples of each one, e.g. three N + N collocations, five V + N, etc. (see sample below). You can also include a column on the sheet for point values of each collocation. You may want to keep it simple and just award one point for each collocation found or you could establish a point value based on how frequently the collocation appears. For example, in many genres of writing, Adj + N collocations are very frequent, so you could award just one point for each one found. On the other hand, Adv + Adj collocations usually appear less frequently so you could award two, three, four, etc. points for each of those. When you are in class, you should have the students deal with the text for meaning first. Then, put students in pairs or small groups and give one copy of the scavenger hunt sheet to each pair/group. Make sure they understand how the activity and the scoring work. Then get them started by asking them to search through the text and when they find a collocation of a particular type they should write it in the appropriate space on the sheet. Once you’ve decided that the students have had enough practice, you can stop the activity and get the groups to change papers to check and score their classmates work. You only need to be involved if there is some confusion or debate about a particular collocation. After the papers have been checked and scored, elicit the scores to find out who won. Then ask them about the collocations distribution for the text, i.e., which were most/least prominent. To wrap up, have each pair/group discuss which of the collocations that they feel they should remember because they seem most useful. Get some feedback. You could even ask the students to summarize the content of the text using some or all of the collocations they found. You can also use a collocations scavenger hunt outside the class. Use a generic scavenger hunt sheet and give a copy to each pair or small group of students. Then set them free in the school, or if possible, in the big world outside the school. You will need to establish the parameters of the hunt. For example, if the idea is to notice collocations in the environment, it’s probably best to not allow them to pick up printed material like a newspaper or magazine as they could easily complete the activity with just that. Once back in the classroom, elicit some of the collocations they found and have them discuss in their groups which of their collocations would be the most useful to remember and why. This outside scavenger hunt is a great way to raise awareness of collocations outside the classroom and to encourage autonomous learning. For more collocation activities, check out the Teaching Collocations e-book at www.kenlackman.com
The Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, which occurred approximately 65.5 million years ago (Ma), was a large-scale mass extinction of animal and plant species in a geologically short period of time. Widely known as the K–T extinction event, it is associated with a geological signature known as the K–T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world. K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous Period derived from the German name Kreidezeit, and T is the abbreviation for the Tertiary Period (a historical term for the period of time now covered by the Paleogene and Neogene periods). The event marks the end of the Mesozoic Era and the beginning of the Cenozoic Era. With "Tertiary" being discouraged as a formal time or rock unit by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, the K–T event is now called the Cretaceous–Paleogene (or K–Pg) extinction event by many researchers. Non-avian dinosaur fossils are only found below the K–T boundary and became extinct immediately before or during the event. A very small number of dinosaur fossils have been found above the K–T boundary, but they have been explained as reworked, that is, fossils that have been eroded from their original locations then preserved in later sedimentary layers. Mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and many species of plants and invertebrates also became extinct. Mammalian and bird clades passed through the boundary with few extinctions, and evolutionary radiation from those Maastrichtian clades occurred well past the boundary. Rates of extinction and radiation varied across different clades of organisms. Scientists theorize that the K–T extinctions were caused by one or more catastrophic events such as massive asteroid impacts or increased volcanic activity. Several impact craters and massive volcanic activity in the Deccan traps have been dated to the approximate time of the extinction event. These geological events may have reduced sunlight and hindered photosynthesis, leading to a massive disruption in Earth's ecology. Other researchers believe the extinction was more gradual, resulting from slower changes in sea level or climate.
Activities with Rigor and Coherence - ARCs ARCs are Activities with Rigor and Coherence. Each ARC is a series of lessons that addresses a mathematical topic and demonstrates the vision of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. ARCs scaffold effective teaching and support enactment of the eight Mathematics Teaching Practices articulated in Principles to Actions as well as the instructional guidance set forth in 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions. ARCs integrate a wide array of NCTM resources to optimize opportunities for learning, including Illuminations and Student Explorations in Mathematics. ARCs also include community features that offer opportunities for social interaction. Engage in online discussions with other math educators, post a comment, and give feedback with ratings and reviews. Kindergarten, Counting & Cardinality Students focus on understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities by counting, producing, and constructing the numbers 0-10 as well as developing 5 as a benchmark. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Games and activities using cubes, counters and ten frames, carefully sequenced to develop fluency with Combinations of Ten. Name fractions and develop an understanding of equivalent fractions using multiple models, including fraction strips, Cuisenaire rods, and number lines. Grade 5, Operations & Algebraic Thinking Students build and analyze geometric growing patterns, determine rules, and write expressions to describe the growth models. Grade 6, Geometry Students discover the area formulas for triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids, and then apply them to find areas of irregular figures. Explore relationships between the parts of a circle in order to discover the formulas for finding the circumference and area of circles. Explore properties of transformations with the purpose of noticing patterns, making generalizations, and developing rules. 8th or High School, Geometry Can you use transformations to move a triangle onto another if all you know is which measures are the same...and you can't see the triangles? High School, Algebra Explore the meaning of absolute value as a distance from zero using a variety of visual representations. High School, Statistics Students collect and analyze data to help them predict the longest bungee cord that Barbie can use safely.
This Common Core number and operations in base ten lesson teaches students how to multiply multi-digit numbers. The lesson includes research-based strategies and strategic questions that prepare students for Common Core assessments. In this lesson, students use the standard multiplication algorithm to multiply two- and three-digit numbers. This lesson uses a slightly different algorithm than is traditional. This is intentional and is based on the Common Core Progressions. In addition to the lesson, there are four pages of Independent Practice with questions modeled after the Common Core assessment items. This lesson is compatible with all web browsers and operating systems on any PC, Mac, or Chromebook. Answers will pop onto the page with the click of a mouse or presentation remote.
Fraction vs Decimal “Decimal” and “Fraction” are two different representations for rational numbers. Fractions are expressed as a division of two numbers or in a simple, one number over another. The number in the top is called the numerator, and the number in the bottom is called the denominator. The denominator should be a non-zero integer, while the numerator can be any integer. Therefore, denominator represents how many parts make up the whole and numerator represent the number of parts we consider. For an example, think about a pizza cut evenly into eight pieces. If you ate three pieces, then you have eaten 3/8 of the pizza. A fraction in which the absolute value of the numerator is less than the absolute value of the denominator is called a “proper fraction”. Otherwise, it is called an “improper fraction.” An Improper fraction can be re-written as a mixed fraction, in which a whole number and a proper fraction combined. In the process of adding and subtracting fractions, first we should find out a common denominator. We can calculate the common denominator by either taking the least common multiplier of two denominators or by simply multiplying two denominators. Then we have to convert the two fractions into an equivalent fraction with the chosen common denominator. The resulting denominator will have the same denominator and the numerators will be the addition or difference of the two numerators of the original fractions. By multiplying numerators and denominators of the original separately, we can find the multiplication of two fractions. When we divide a fraction by another, we find the answer by applying multiplying the dividend and the reciprocal of the divider. By multiplying or dividing both, the numerator and denominator, by the same non-zero integer we can find the equivalent fraction for a given fraction. If the denominator and the numerator do not have common factors, then we say the fraction is in its “simplest form.” A decimal number has two parts separated by a decimal point, or in simple word a “dot”. For an example, in the decimal number 123.456, the part of the digits to the left of the decimal point, (i.e.“123”) is called the whole number part and the part of the digits to the right of the decimal point (I.e. “456”) is called the fractional part. Any real number has its own fractional and decimal representation, even whole numbers. We can convert fractions into decimals and vice versa. Some fractions have finite decimal number representation while some have not. For example, when we consider the decimal representation of 1/3, it is an infinite decimal, i.e. 0.3333… Number 3 is repeats forever. These kinds of decimals are called recurring decimals. However, fractions like 1/5 have a finite number representation, which is 0.2.
What is “cultural sensitive & diverse” pedagogy? Children construct their cultural identity, their individuality and their group affiliation in relation to their family. Awareness of other cultures also develops in children based on their understanding of their own family culture. Getting to know the cultural characteristics of one’s own ethnic identity takes time and getting to know other family cultures takes even longer. Young children are at the beginning of this journey. Starting with recognizing the family cultures of the children themselves and then expanding their experiences with diversity by getting to know other families, allows a teacher to have enough material for a diversity-sensitive curriculum. Young children are often unsure of what makes a person a member of an ethnic group. They may need help understanding why they belong to their specific ethnic group. For young children, culture is nothing abstract. Culture is lived and learned on a daily basis through the ways in which family members relate to each other, through language, family histories, family values, as well as household practices and family members’ activities. Holidays are just one aspect of a culture, though they are often the most obvious to outsiders.
Application of the Lorentz Transformations To use the Lorentz Transformations, we must decide how to measure a moving meterstick or a moving rocket ship. It sounds simple enough. But if you will think on this for a moment, you will realize that it is not something you ordinarily do. Consider a freight train moving along a track. How would you measure its length? In actual practice, you would probably stop it and then measure its length. But we cannot do that; it keeps on moving. We could send two motorcyclists out--one at the front of the engine and the other at the end of the caboose--to make marks at the front and rear of the train at the same time. Then, at our leisure, we can measure the distance between these marks. Consider a meterstick at rest in the B frame, moving at velocity v with respect to the A frame. The two ends of the meter stick are marked by "events". This may be exploding two flashbulbs or making two chalk marks on a blackboard. They must occur at the same time -- as seen by an observer at rest in the A frame. Now it is very useful to use the Lorentz transformations for differences in coordinates rather than just coordinates. Since the equations are linear, the differences in coordinates transform just like the coordinates themselves. That is, we can rewrite these as For our moving metersticks, we have tA = 0 (the events marking the ends must occur simultaneously in the A frame). Then, the difference in position between the two events, xB, as measured by B is given by This is the length as measured by B, the "moving observer"; we will call this Lo. Lo =xB is the "proper length", measured by an observer at rest with respect to the meter stick; we will call this Lo. This "proper length" Lo is the length we commonly measure under ordinary conditions. xA is the length measured by A as the meter stick moves by; we will call this L. Now we can write This tells us that the length L measured for the moving meter stick is shorter than the length Lo measured when it is a test. This difference in length is called the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction. How can this be? How large is this effect? For ordinary speeds, is as close to unity as you care to calculate. But look at the case of v = 0.9 c. Then L = 0.44 Lo For such extremely relativistic speeds, this effect is quite noticeable! Or, to find a contraction of 10% , the speed must be v = 0.44 c To observe a contraction of 1% , we must have a speed of v = 0.14 c You may also have heard that "moving clocks run slower." This is known as the Einstein time dilation. But what does it mean and how does it come about? How would you compare your own watch with the watch of a friend and see if one ran faster than the other? You would normally set them side by side and watch them. But you can not do that if one of them is moving. The best you can do is to compare a single, moving clock with two synchronized, stationary clocks as sketched here. Place clock A1 near A's origin and clock B near B's origin. Both read tA = tB = 0 as they pass. What are the readings on clocks A2 and B as they pass each other? Clock B is at B's origin, so xB = 0. We could call its time reading tB or tB; call it to for the time of the clock which is at rest. This is also known as the proper time, the time indicated by a clock at rest in its own reference frame. Our equations then gives the reading on clock A2, t o is the amount of time between two events as measured by a single clock present at both events; that is, t o is measured by a clock at rest with respect to the single location where both events occur. We call this the proper time. Clock B is sitting still in the B frame. tA is the amount of time between two events as measured by two different clocks, synchronized and at rest with respect to each other. tA is larger than to . If it takes 10 seconds for clock B to pass between clocks A1 and A2, as measured by these two clocks, it might only require 7 seconds as measured by B. Thus, A will conclude that B's clock is running slowly. But this effect is symmetric. Let B watch a single clock at rest in A but moving with respect to B. The "stationary" observer still finds the "moving" clock running slower! Return to Ch 27, Special Relativity (c) Doug Davis, 2002; all rights reserved
- slide 1 of 2 With the implementation of the Common Core Standards students are being taught to read more critically and have a deeper understanding of what they are reading. They must be able to share their thoughts with examples to back it up. Because of this, students are delving deeper into the different elements of a story such as setting, characterization and sequence of events. In addition to these elements the students will work on identifying words or phrases, which imply feelings or those that appeal to the senses. Then these types of words can be incorporated into their writing. 1.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. 2. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. Materials and Preparation: - Choose a variety of books that fit all the specific reading levels of your students. - Find some words or phrases in some of your favorite books to use as examples. - Book: Old Bear by Kevin Henkes - Book: Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White - Homework paper for each student (download here) - slide 2 of 2 - Say, “Today I am going to read a book called Old Bear and I want you to listen for special words. You know about our five senses. Listen for words that would excite your senses." - Read the book. Then go back and talk about some of the descriptions such as, “The world was covered in ice. It was night and the sky was blazing with stars of all colors. The cold went on forever." - Now pick up some of the books you have selected. Say, “There are many words that tell us how a person feels. These are special words, too. Listen for these feeling words while I read." Then give your own examples. - List some examples of words that express feelings on the board. Explain to your students that these words tell us so much more than if you used words like “said" or “replied". We knew that Fern was upset in Charlotte’s Web when she shrieked, sobbed and yelled. Divide your students into small groups and provide them with books based on their reading level. Ask each group to find five words that they think express feelings or excite our senses. Then gather together to discuss the words and write them on the board. Finally have the students choose two of the words and write a sentence for each word. Send the students home with their worksheet. They will work with their parents to find words expressing emotion in books at home. Then they will write a sentence using the word. - Henkes, Kevin. Old Bear. Greenwillow Books, 2008. - White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web. Harper Collins, 2006.
The discovery that stars are clumped into galaxies represents the first advance in efforts to describe the actual shape of the universe and the distribution of stars in it. Thomas Wright’s theory of galaxies was the first astronomical work to place our sun not in the center of the universe, but in a tightly packed cluster of stars that Wright called a galaxy. This discovery led science a giant step forward in its efforts to understand the vast universe of which our sun and Earth represent only tiny and very ordinary specks. Twenty-five years later, Herschel conducted careful observational studies that proved Wright was right. For thousands of years scientist believed that the universe consisted of a vast spherical shell of stars, with Earth at its center. Nothing existed in the immense void between Earth and that shell of stars except the few planets and the sun. By the mid-1600s, most scientists acknowledged that the sun, not the earth, sat at the center of the spherical universe. Some prominent scientists (Christian Huygens, for example) believed that stars were really holes in the black sphere of space where light from a luminous region of perpetual day beyond shined through. Two men’s discoveries combined to establish the existence of dense clusters of stars called galaxies. Born in 1711, Englishman Thomas Wright taught mathematics and navigation but was a passionate amateur astronomer. As had many astronomers before him, Wright observed that the stars were not evenly spread across the sky. A seeming cloud of faint stars was densely packed along the band called the Milky Way. This bothered Wright. He believed that God had created a universe of perfect order. That should mean that stars were neatly and evenly, perfectly, spaced across the heavens. Wright could not accept that the heavens were not perfect and so began to play with schemes for the placement of stars to make them really be uniform in their placement even though they appeared not to be. Wright considered that the stars might be spread along the surfaces of a field of giant bubbles. If we were packed along one of those rings of stars, looking along the ring would cause us to see more stars than if we looked straight out from it. He then considered the rings of Saturn and proposed that the stars might be packed into wide rings or a thin disk. If we were in that disc, it would account for the uneven distribution of stars we saw, even if the stars were really evenly spaced across that disk. In 1750 Wright published a book, An Original Theory on New Hypothesis of the Universe, in which he proposed this theory. He was the first to use the word galaxy to describe a giant cluster of stars. Five years later, famed astronomer and mathematician Immanuel Kant proposed a similar arrangement of the stars into a giant disk-shaped cluster. English astronomer William Hershel (born in 1738) read with interest Wright’s theory. In 1785 Herschel decided to use statistical methods to count the stars. He surely couldn’t count them all. So he randomly picked 683 small regions of the sky and set about counting the stars in each region using a 48-inch telescope, considered a giant scope at the time. Herschel quickly realized that the number of stars per unit area of sky rose steadily as he approached the Milky Way and spiked in regions in the Milky Way. The number of stars per unit area of sky reached a minimum in directions at right angles to the Milky Way. This made Herschel think of Wright’s and Kant’s theories. Hershel concluded that his counting results could only be explained if most of the stars were compacted into a lens-shaped mass and that the sun was buried in this lens. Herschel was the first to add statistical measurement to Wright’s discovery of the existence and shape of galaxies. The central galaxy of the Abell 2029 galaxy cluster, 1,070 million light years distant in Virgo, has a diameter of 5,600,000 light years, 80 times the diameter of our own Milky Way galaxy.
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about solid shapes, solid figures, and 3D shapes. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Solid Shapes topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more. Classroom Activities for Teaching Solid Shapes Provide a list of solid and plane shapes for your students to find on a scavenger hunt. You can list shapes or write clues, such as “Find a shape that rolls and has two faces.” Then have students or pairs go on a walk at school, on the playground, or in the classroom to find the shapes. Students can draw pictures and describe the items. Then after the activity, have students share the shapes that they found. You can use this opportunity to discuss how shapes are alike and different. Use building blocks of different solid shapes and have your students trace all the faces on a piece of paper. What shapes make up a rectangular prism’s faces? What shapes make up a cylinder’s faces? Together as a class, make tree diagrams showing how a solid figure can be broken down into its faces. This will help your students relate three-dimensional solids with two-dimensional plane shapes. Cut index cards into shapes that fit together as faces of a cube, rectangular prism, or pyramid. Then put the shapes into separate plastic bags with a drawing of the shape on the front. Give students tape and have them work with partners to build the three-dimensional solids. As an extension you can have students try to cut up their own cards to make their own three-dimensional shapes and trade them with friends. Have students work in pairs or small groups. Give each pair or group a set of building blocks of different solid shapes or pictures of solid shapes. You may want to cut out photos or pictures from magazines of objects of different solid shapes. Then have one student sort the items and have the other students figure out the sorting parameters. Encourage students to sort not just by shape, color, or texture, but by number of faces, vertices, or edges. Have group members discuss each shape together. Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching Solid Shapes Getting into Shapes Have your child put together different shapes to create a new shape. If you do not have building blocks at home, you can use household items such as cans, boxes, balls, and dice. Have your child put different objects or shapes together and then discuss the new shape. What happens if you put two cubes together? What shape does it become? Your child can stack and attach different shapes together to create a shape sculpture. Organizing the Pantry The kitchen or pantry is a great place to find different solid shapes. Have your child collect different items and sort them by shape. This will enable your child to see how the dimensions of rectangular prisms, cylinders, and other solid shapes can be drastically different. A tuna can is a cylinder that is short and squat, but a glass can be a cylinder that’s tall and skinny. Encourage your child to describe how the shapes are alike and different.
|Center Home -> Content Areas Home -> Math Home -> Project Activities -> Sketchpad Activities ->| of Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles Students will discuss the difference between drawing and constructing a triangle using The Geometerís Sketchpad. They will further develop constructions for both isosceles and equilateral triangles. In the extension activities, students will script their construction of a right triangle. The students will develop constructions for an isosceles and an equilateral triangle. Students will conjecture the following theorems: Extension activities include: (1) Proving Euclid's first proposition in the Elements, "For a line segment AB, there is an equilateral triangle having the segment as one of its sides" and (2) Developing a construction for a activity, students will be asked to conjecture and prove the aforementioned theorems and proposition. They will also use critical thinking skills to develop their constructions for an isosceles and for an equilateral triangle. This activity (with its extensions) uses several Sketchpad commands such as: Circle By Center + Radius, Point on Object, Length, measure an Angle, Point of Intersection, Hide Objects, Perpendicular Line, Save As, Select All, Script and Make Back to Project Activities | Back to Math Homepage Send questions or comments here. Last modified on August 13, 2001.
When typing in a word processor, you can enter a newline character by pressing the "Enter" or "Return" key on your keyboard. This creates a line break (also known as a "carriage return" or "line feed") in the text and moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line. When a line break occurs at the end of a block of text, it is called a trailing newline. The newline character is important in computer programming, since it allows programmers to search for line breaks in text files. For example, if a data file lists one element per line, the items can be delimited by newline characters. In most modern programming languages, the newline character is represented by either "\n" or "\r". Some databases, like MySQL, store line breaks using a combination of "\r\n". By searching for newline characters in text strings, programmers can parse documents line by line and remove unwanted line breaks. Updated: March 1, 2011
Assigning Electrons to Atomic Orbitals The central structure of an atom is the nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons. This nucleus is surrounded by electrons. Although these electrons all have the same charge and the same mass, each electron in an atom has a different amount of energy. Electrons with the lowest energy are found closest to the nucleus, where the attractive force of the positively charged nucleus is the greatest. Electrons that have higher energy are found further away. When the energy of an atom is increased (for example, when a substance is heated), the energy of the electrons inside the atom is also increased -- that is to say, the electrons get excited. For the excited electron to go back to its original energy, or ground state, it needs to release energy. One way an electron can release energy is by emitting light. Each element emits light at a specific frequency (or color) upon heating that is based on the energy of the emitted light. You can think of this like going up a flight of steps. If you don't lift your foot enough, you will bump into the step and be stuck on the ground level. You need to lift your foot to the height of the step to move on. The same goes for electrons and the amount of energy they can have. This separating of electrons into energy units is called quantization of energy because there are only certain quantities of energy that an electron can have in an atom. We can think of these energy levels in the atom like steps. The energy of the light released when an electron drops down from a higher energy level to a lower energy level is the same as the difference in energy between the two levels. We will start with a very simple view of the arrangement of electrons around an atom. Here, electrons are arranged in energy levels, or shells, around the nucleus of an atom. Electrons that are in the first energy level (energy level 1) are closest to the nucleus and will have the lowest energy. Electrons further away from the nucleus will have higher energy. An atom's electron shell can accommodate 2n2 electrons, where n is the energy level. For example, the first shell can accommodate 2 x (1)2 or 2 electrons. The second shell can accommodate 2 x (2)2, or 8, electrons. In the example pictured here, the energy levels are shown as concentric circles around the central nucleus, and the electrons are placed starting from the inside out. Another example, fluorine (F), has an atomic number of 9, meaning that a neutral fluorine atom has 9 electrons. The first two electrons are found in the first energy level, and the other seven are found in the second energy level. In the previous example, electrons circled the nucleus in rings. However, in reality, electrons move along paths that are much more complicated. These paths are called atomic orbitals, or subshells. There are several different orbital shapes -- s, p, d, and f -- but we will be focusing mainly on s and p orbitals for now. The first energy level contains only one s orbital, the second energy level contains one s orbital and three p orbitals, and the third energy level contains one s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitals. Within each energy level, the s orbital is at a lower energy than the p orbitals. The above diagram helps us when we are working out the electron configuration of an element. An element's electron configuration is the arrangement of the electrons in the shells. There are a few guidelines for working out this configuration: - Each orbital can hold only two electrons. Electrons that occur together in an orbital are called an electron pair. - An electron will always try to enter the orbital with the lowest energy. - An electron can occupy an orbital on its own. But an electron would rather occupy a lower-energy orbital with another electron before occupying a higher-energy orbital. In other words, within one energy level, electrons will fill an s orbital before starting to fill p orbitals. - The s subshell can hold 2 electrons. - The p subshell can hold 6 electrons. Electron configurations can be used to rationalize chemical properties in both inorganic and organic chemistry. It is also used to interpret atomic spectra, the method used to measure the energy of light emitted from elements and compounds.
● To recall the decimal notation and to understand the place value in decimals. ● To learn the concepts of decimals as fractions with denominators of tens and its powers. ● To represent decimal numbers on number line. Kala and Kavin went to a stationery shop to buy pencils. Their conversation is given below. Kala : What is the price of a pencil? Shopkeeper : The price of a pencil is four rupees and fifty paise. Kala : Ok sir. Give me a pencil. Kavin : We usually express the bill amount in rupees and paise as decimals. So the price of a pencil can be expressed as ₹4.50. Here 4 is the integral part and 50 is the decimal part. The dot represents the decimal point. (After a week of time in the class room) Teacher : We have studied about fractions and decimal numbers in earlier classes. Let us recall decimals now. Kala and kavin, can you measure the length of your pencils? Kavin : Both the pencils seem to be of same length. Shall we measure and check? Kala : Ok Kavin. The length of my pencil is 4 cm 3 mm (Fig. 1.1). Kavin : Length of my pencil is 4 cm 5 mm (Fig. 1.2). Kala : Can we express these lengths in terms of centimetres? Kavin : Each centimetre is divided into ten equal parts known as millimetres. Do you remember that we have studied about tenths. I can say the length of my pencil as 4 and 5 tenths of a cm. Kala : Since 1 mm = 1/10 cm or one tenth of a cm, it can be represented as 4.5 cm. Kavin : Then the length of your pencil is 4.3 cm. Is it right? Teacher : Both of you are right. Now we will further study about decimal numbers. 1. Observe the following and write the fraction of the shaded portion and mention in decimal form also. (i) 4/8 = 0.5 (ii) 3/10 = 0.3 (iii) 5/10 = 0.5 2. Represent the following fractions in decimal form by converting denominator into ten or powers of 10. 3. Give any two life situations where we use decimal numbers. The length of shirt cloth is 2.50 m. The cost of one packet of chocolate is ₹ 20.60 Consider the following situation. Ravi has planned to celebrate pongal festival in his native place Kanthapuram. He has purchased dress materials and groceries for the celebration. The details are furnished below. What do you observe in the bills shown above? The prices are usually represented in decimals. But the quantities of length are represented in terms of metre and centimetre and that of weight are represented in terms of kilograms and grams. To express the quantities in terms of higher units, we use the concept of decimals. MATHEMATICS ALIVE- Number system in Real Life
<The Detail of This Chapter.pdf> operation, like set, is the most fundamental notion in mathematics, so we have to see how about the structure of a set when we define an operation in it. 1. the most general operation, a composition +: a+b=c At first, we can make the composition is associative in the sense that: a+b=c, c+d=e, b+d=f, a+f=h, then e=h. This constraint brings a kind of order to the set, and as soon as we endue a set with an associative operation, we will see the law's meaning from the structure of that set. if we define an associative composition + in a set A, then (A, +) is a semi-group. associative law means: if a+b+...+n=z, there is only one z in the semi-group. if the operation is non-associative, such z is NOT only one at sometimes. we can always use a multiplication table to express the composition in a set, then if the composition holds associative law, what we can say about the table? 2. for the completeness of operation itself, we need introduce an element e to the set that for any element x: x+e=x or e+x=x. this means that composition can change an element, or can not change an element. if there is e1: e1+x=x, for any x; and there is e: e2+x=x, for any x. does e1=e2? if we want to investigate the structure of a group, let's begin from: when we can say two groups have the same construction? and when they don't? this question introduce the notion of isomorphism: when we can get a 1-to-1 correspondence between two groups, and this correspondence retain composition
If the acceleration of an object is not constant, in either magnitude or direction, the development of a kinematic description necessitates the use of calculus. A very common class of motion, in which the acceleration is guaranteed to change in at least direction, is the motion of an object on a circular path. Let's examine general circular motion in more detail before we attempt to describe a specific situation. The x- and y-position of the object moving along a circular path of radius R can always be described by the functions: assuming the origin of the coordinate system is placed at the center of the circle. Defining angular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration The function q(t) specifies the angular position of the object, and is typically measured in radians. It specifies where, along the circle, the object is at every instant of time. For example, if q(t) is a constant, the object doesn't move. if q(t) is a linear function of time, the object moves with constant velocity around the circle. If q(t) is a more complex function, the object speeds up or slows down as it moves around the circle. The rate at which q(t) is changing, , is termed the angular velocity of the object, and denoted w(t). (w is the lower-case Greek letter "omega".) Since w(t) is the rate at which the angular position is changing, it has units of rad/s. The rate at which w(t) is changing, , is termed the angular acceleration of the object, and denoted a(t). (a is the lower-case Greek letter "alpha".) Since a(t) is the rate at which the angular velocity is changing, it has units rad/s2. Deriving Relationships for velocity and acceleration Now that we have the definitions of the angular quantities out of the way, let's determine the velocity and acceleration of an object undergoing circular motion. I'll begin by writing the position function in notation, common "short-hand" method of writing the x-, y-, and z- components of a vector all together. In this notation, the simply stands for the x-component, the for the y-component, and the for any z-component. Hold onto your hat and try not to get lost in the calculus. Remembering to use the chain rule for differentiation, These relationships for velocity and acceleration look intimidating, but are actually rather simple. (You don't have to believe me just yet...) The problem is that they are written using an awkward choice of coordinate system. In a previous Model, we used inclined coordinates for situations involving objects moving on an inclined surface. For an object moving in a circle, it's almost as if the surface upon which the object moves is continually changing its angle of incline! Perhaps we whould use a coordinate system in which the orientation of the system continually changes, always keeping one axis parallel and one axis perpendicular to the motion. This is exactly what we will do. This coordinate system is referred to as the polar coordinate system.
Reading Guides Guided Notes (answers underlined) A “Reading Guide” (RG) is an activity that helps students to apply _reading strategies_. Reading guides are a collection of “_components_(like a dvd player and xbox for your TV” That can be used interchangeably. Sometimes specific components will be _required. Other times student will be given a _choice as to which component they will use. All of the components put together is one _reading guide_____. Describe some of the basic reading guide components: Summary: An efficient account of only the most vital facts or events in a text. Written in Making Connections: Connections can be personal or academic. The important thing is not that a similar idea or event is identified, but that the connected event reveals something about the new or old content. As an example: it is not enough to say that “The Interlopers” reminds you of “The Most Dangerous Game.” You would need to discuss what comparing the two texts reveal to you about them – how thinking about them both makes you think about them in a new way. Personal Reflection: Describe how the text changes or challenges the way you think or what you believe. Connection to themes: Reflect on the text’s relevance to one of more of the class’ organizational themes (identity, morality, power, truth, heroism). Answering Questions: Thoughtfully answer questions given about the text in complete sentences. Use text to support answers. Asking Questions: Compose a list of questions about the text. These questions should be open-ended and should generate discussion or controversy. Students may be asked to answer their own questions.
Common Core Standards: ELA Knowledge of Language L.11-12.3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. - Vary syntax for effect, consulting references (e.g., Tufte’s Artful Sentences) for guidance as needed; apply an understanding of syntax to the study of complex texts when reading. “Syntax” is the name given to the rules that govern sentence structure in any given language, including English. Varying syntax when writing shows a mastery of the language, and it allows students to emphasize or de-emphasize certain ideas based on where and how they are placed into sentences. Understanding syntax also helps students understand emphasis while reading, giving them a broader insight into what’s being said in a text. Sample Activities for Use in Class 1. Sentence Combining Combine students into small groups and give each group the following selections of short sentences. The groups should work together to find at least two ways to combine each selection of short sentences into a single sentence. When each group has finished, get the class together as a whole and discuss the long sentences each group came up with. What does each long sentence emphasize, and what does it conceal through de-emphasis? When would each type of sentence be the most appropriate or effective? The books were school-books. The books were in the attic. The books were old. Nobody had read the books for years. The kittens are thin. The kittens are black and white. The kittens are friendly. The motorcycle is not large. The motorcycle is not heavy. The motorcycle is powerful. 2. New York is a city. It is a city of things. The things are unnoticed. (Adapted from http://grammar.about.com/od/tests/a/scnewyork.htm) Have students read the following passage from Gay Talese’s “New York is a City of Things Unnoticed,” paying attention to how Talese constructs his sentences and how they vary. Then, have students construct their own sentences using the short sentences in the six questions below. Students may also combine numbers - or some sentences from different numbers - to create sentences. New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick's Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried up there by wind or birds, but nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, "I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsensuous." New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gum chewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing momentarily just before they get off--to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ballpoint pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by workmen when they clean the sea lions' pool at the Bronx Zoo. A saxophone player stands on the sidewalk. He stands there each afternoon. He is in New York. He is rather seedy. He plays Danny Boy. He plays in a sad way. He plays in a sensitive way. He soon has half the neighborhood peeking out of windows. They toss nickels, dimes, and quarters at his feet. Some of the coins roll under parked cars. Most of them are caught in his hand. His hand is outstretched. The saxophone player is a street musician. He is named Joe Gabler. He has serenaded every block in New York City. He has been serenading for the past thirty years. He has sometimes been tossed as much as $100 a day. This $100 is in coins. He is also hit with buckets of water. He is hit with beer cans. The cans are empty. He is chased by wild dogs.
6 Traits Writing Word Generation and Words Their Way Did you know that the best way to become a better reader is to read every day?! In Room 204, we use the Daily 5 model as an adapted Daily 3. During reading, students are engaging in read to self, read to someone, and work on writing. They also meet with Ms. G. for guided reading, and work on the weekly skill/strategy aligned with the Common Core Standards. Mini-lessons occur between "rounds," where students engage in direct instruction, as well as guided and independent practice. Students have access to a wide variety of books from the school and classroom library. Read aloud is a fun part of our day, and students have input on which novels Ms. G reads aloud. A genre wheel is used to help students remember to wide read across genres. MobyMax is a free website where students can practice their reading skills. Weekly Readers' Response Each week, students respond to their reading using a variety of prompts. The Six Traits of writing are Voice, Ideas, Presentation, Conventions, Organization, Word Choice, and Sentence Fluency. Students learn about these traits and how to apply them to their writing expository, narrative, and persuasive writing. Throughout the year, students use the writing process to create many different writing pieces. Word Generation emphasizes 21st century learning goals such as academic language, developing an argument, reasoning analytically, reading to find evidence, reviewing data, discussing various perspectives, engaging in debate, and expressing well-reasoned positions in writing. 5th Grade Units: 5.01-Where Do I Belong? 5.02- Should Everyone Be Included? 5.03- Why Should I Care? 5.04- What Divides Us and How Can We Resolve Our Differences? 5.05- Why Do We Fight? Words Their Way Words Their Way is a developmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program. Students are given an assessment that determines where they are at developmentally as a speller. They then work with various sorts individually and in small group to improve their spelling and vocabulary.
Algebra and Functions Build up your child's confidence with algebra using this practice sheet. He'll solve for A in simple equations and then be challenged with multiple variables. Learn about different number patterns and relationships! Review basic math skills as to figure out the missing number in each sequence. Help your child practice 'greater than', 'less than' or 'equal to' with mathematical equations. Review the order of operations to solve each problem! Introduce your middle school student to some basic algebra concepts. He'll work with variables and exponents as he combines like terms. Test your algebra ace with a few algebraic equations. He'll solve each equation and determine if one is greater than, less than or equal to the other! Need some help with algebra? Your child will practice simplifying algebra equations as he solves for 'x'. Does your child need a hand with algebra? She'll get plenty of practice solving for X with this worksheet. Two important concepts are needed for algebraic success: order of operations and combining like terms. Learn all about them with this practice sheet. Help your middle schooler get some practice with polynomials. He'll identify polynomials and practice putting them into standard form. Math maniacs, need a challenge? Give your student practice solving for X in subtraction problems with this introductory algebra sheet.
Introduction to Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion NIS Grade 11 Physics Describe examples of free oscillations. Describe the conditions of Simple Harmonic Motion. Apply Hooke’s Law for objects moving with simple harmonic motion. Describe the motion of pendulums and calculate the length required to produce a given frequency. Any periodic back and forth motion produced by a restoring force that is directly proportional to the displacement and in the opposite direction. The displacement centers around an equilibrium position. When the restoring force has the mathematical form F = –kx, the type of friction-free motion illustrated in the figure is designated as “simple harmonic motion.” One of the simplest type of simple harmonic motion is called Hooke's Law. This is primarily in reference to SPRINGS. The negative sign only tells us that “F” is what is called a RESTORING FORCE, in that it works in the OPPOSITE direction of the displacement. The maximum displacement from equilibrium is the amplitude ‘A’ of the motion. The shape of this graph is characteristic of simple harmonic motion and is called “sinusoidal,” because it has the shape of a trigonometric sine or cosine function. Sin or Cos function depends on the starting position of the SHM. The choice of using a cosine in this equation is arbitrary. Other valid formulations are: x = A sin(ωt + φ) The amplitude, A, of a wave is the same as the displacement ,x, of a spring. Both are in meters. Period, T, is the time for ONE COMPLETE oscillation (One crest and trough). Oscillations could also be called vibrations and cycles. In the wave above we have 1.75 cycles or waves or vibrations or oscillations. Ts=sec/cycle. Let’s assume that the wave crosses the equilibrium line in one second intervals. T =3.5 seconds/1.75 cycles. T = 2 sec. The FREQUENCY of a wave is the inverse of the PERIOD. That means that the frequency is the number of cycles per sec. The commonly used unit is HERTZ (Hz).
Slavery and Civil Rights New York State abolished slavery in 1827 but did not extend full civil rights to its African-American citizens. In New York City, black New Yorkers were barred from many public places--including Barnum's American Museum. This activity points students toward selected Archive materials, as well as exhibits in the Museum rooms, and asks them to consider how different visitors to the American Museum might have reacted to Barnum's exhibits about race. Read the "Notice to Persons of Color" in the Archive. Then read the correspondence between Barnum and a newspaper editor that was published in the National Antislavery Standard. Then examine the documents and images in the Joice Heth Archive. After that, explore the museum rooms and consider how various exhibits refer to ideas about race and race relations. Imagine and then write about how a black and a white abolitionist (antislavery advocate) might respond to these exhibits. What about a white tourist from the South? Be specific about the exhibits.
Students try to build a pegboard mechanism in which one strip controls another. In order to do so, they will invent a new way to use a fastener.They observe the directions that each strip moves. Pegboard bases, strips and fasteners (as in Lesson 1) Work Sheet: Which Way will it Move? 1.Introduction to Materials and Activity: Demonstrate a strip connected to a based by two fasteners and a strip connected to a base by one fastener. Review the difference between a structure and a mechanism, and how to convert one to the other. Present the challenge: Make a mechanism using two strips so that one strip controls the other.One strip controls another when it makes the other strip move back and forth. As students work, pose productive questions to further their inquiries.Here is a video on productive questions and samples of good questions to ask. Make a diagram of your mechanism. Describe how it works. After the class discussion, label the input and output of your mechanism. Gather students' constructions and analyze them as to whether they are structures or mechanisms. For those that are mechanisms, analyze them as to whether one piece controls another. See this video. Introduce the terms “input” and “output”.Then students operate and describe their constructions using “input”, “output” and “control.”As students become fluent with. “input”, “output” and “control,” introduce the terms “fixed pivot” and “floating pivot.” They should include these terms in their descriptions of their mechanisms. Here are suggestions for the discussion. Focus students’ attention on the direction of motion of input and output, and on the relative locations of the fixed pivot and the floating pivot. This is crucial to understanding how mechanisms move. Here are suggestions for the discussion, and drawings. 5.Extension:Circle the 1st class levers on the Lesson 3 Worksheet. 1.Students make a mechanism where one strip (the input) controls the movement of a second strip (the lever).The output of the mechanism is located on the lever. For most of our work we consider the output to be at the end of the lever. 2.Students discover that in order to make one strip control another, they will need to use a fastener that connects one strip to another, but not to the base. 3.Students become familiar with the terms “input”, “output”, “fixed pivot” and “floating pivot” 4.Students recognize that the input and the output go in the same direction when the input (and floating pivot) are between the fixed pivot and the output and that the input and the output go in the opposite direction when the fixed pivot is between the input and the output The issues students encounter have to do with the way their mechanisms work - or don't work - and how to represent them. Here are videos to address these issues.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Sustainability education is a dimension to learning rather than a traditional subject discipline. It is significantly different to other areas of the curriculum as there is no established body of knowledge to master making the boundaries difficult to define. We would suggest that adequate knowledge and understanding to enable students to make good enough decisions is sufficient to support the sustainably literate student. A distinguishing feature of sustainability education is a commitment to care for the well-being of the human and non-human world. Sustainability education raises questions about the things we value, the way we relate to others and the stories we tell ourselves which help make meaning in our lives. Teachers need to be aware that learning about sustainability problems has the potential to be overwhelming. Approaching environmental problems with a positive but grounded approach offers hope for both learners and educators. Thus, it provides an opportunity to develop interactive and participatory learning communities promoting the humanitarian values which underpin a sustainability mindset. Students will know that sustainability is a complex global issue with many dimensions, all of which are inter-related and influence the ecosystems on which we depend. They will understand why pupils need to learn about some key issues and the action that can be taken to minimise their harmful impact on the environment. Students will have reflected on how to teach pupils about sustainability issues through interactive, participatory activities which make learning more meaningful and encourage their involvement in the community.ACTIVITIES: Activity 1. Ask each student to write down what they think sustainability means in a sentence or short paragraph. Get them to compare their ideas in small groups to work out a group definition. Share these around the class. Now introduce the students to two key diagrams (figure 1 below). Both these diagrams emphasise that sustainability has several dimensions - environment, social and economic. Activity 2. Watch these videos to find out more about what sustainability might mean. Activity 3. Students should discuss the importance of teaching about sustainability. Do they think it is important in all subject areas? Why should children - future citizens of the world - know about global and local environmental issues? Activity 4: Students will be divided into 17 groups. Each group will discuss one of the goals of sustainable development according to the United Nations – 2015, will give examples and will explain its relevance to everyday's life. Then each group will share their work in front of the classroom. Activity 5: Students will suggest experiential and meaningful teaching methods for teaching about sustainability, and will plan activity for school's students.BIBLIOGRAPHY: Hicks, D (2014) Educating for Hope in Troubled Times. Trentham Books: Stoke-on-Trent Sterling, S. (2001) Sustainable Education: Re-visioning learning and change. Green Books: Totnes Stibbe, A. (ed) (2009). The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: Skills for a change world Green Books: Totnes. Scoffham, S.(2013). Do We Really Need to Know This? The challenge of developing a global learning module for trainee teachers, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning 5(3): 28-45 Scoffham, S. (2014) Exploring Sustainability Website. URL: http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/education/our-work/exploring-sustainability/exploring-sustainability.aspx Scoffham, S. (2016) Grass Roots and Green Shoots: Building ESD capacity at a UK University, in Challenges in Higher Education for Sustainability. Springer: Switzerland. Jones, P., Selby, D. and Sterling, S. (eds) (2010). Sustainability Education: Perspectives and practice across higher education. Earthscan: London.
Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line Worksheet Inequalities on a number line are mathematical statements that compare the relative size of two numbers using symbols such as “greater than” (>), “less than” (<), “greater than or equal to” (>=), and “less than or equal to” (<=). These symbols can represent a range of numbers on a number line rather than a single value. The inequalities on a number line worksheet guides students through solving one-variable inequalities and then graphing those results. Teachers recommend it for students looking to practice various arithmetic concepts. Free graphing inequalities number line worksheet Using the inequality number line worksheet can help students understand the real world. Those who dream of careers in surveying, game design, and even education will benefit from using this tool to learn in their early years. The worksheet is free on Brighterly and regularly updated to include the latest and most relevant examples in line with standard educational practices. 1:1 Online Math Tutoring Let’s start learning Math! Kids need to understand how inequities play out in the actual world, and they may do so via comparisons. For instance, “James is shorter than John” or “My school is bigger than yours.” The questions in the inequalities number line worksheet serve as the numerical equivalent of such real-life comparisons. You can get the printable version of the graph inequalities on a number line worksheet to aid independent continuous learning. As kids continue to learn with the sheet, they will develop a mastery of the concept. Graph Inequalities On A Number Line Worksheet Graphing Inequalities Number Line Worksheet Graphing Inequalities On A Number Line Worksheet Inequalities On A Number Line Worksheet Problems with Inequalities? - Does your child need extra help with understanding inequalities concepts? - Start studying with an online tutor. Is your child finding it hard to grasp of inequalities? An online tutor could be of assistance.Book a Free Lesson
When sentences are used together and they are linked to each other, they can finally form paragraphs. In this lesson, we will learn about them. In this lesson, we will study compound sentences and learn how to create them by joining two or more independent clauses together. Ellipses is the plural form of ellipsis. They are three dots beside each other that stand for something. In this lesson, we will learn all about them. A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Let's get to know it in detail! A full stop or period is usually used to show the end of a sentence. In this lesson, we will learn all about this punctuation mark. Most of us learned how to put three words together to make sentences in kindergarten: I love puppies! Games are fun! Let's learn all about simple sentences! A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. In this lesson, we will learn all about this type! Run-on sentences are special types of sentences that are not actually correct ones. In this lesson, you will learn how to fix them. Cleft sentences are complex sentences that have a meaning we can express by a simple sentence. They are used to emphasize one part of a clause. Let's see.
Although typically words that identify more than one person, place, or thing are made plural in the English language, collective nouns are an exception. This unique class of nouns denotes a group of people, animals, objects, or concepts or ideas as a single entity. Confused about the differences between these types of nouns? There are many types of nouns that refer to units or groups in a collective sense. Some of the most common include: Common collective animal nouns include: Nouns in the collective class can be used in either the singular or plural form depending on the context of the sentence. For example, family is a collective noun because it refers to more than one person sharing a relationship or camaraderie. However, you can also use this as a plural in referring to groups of families. Using collective nouns in sentences can be confusing because it's sometimes difficult to discern whether to use plural or singular verbs and pronouns. To use verbs and pronouns correctly, identify whether the collective noun refers to a group or unit working as individuals or in unison. When group nouns signify units acting as individuals rather than in unison, it is also appropriate to add or replace words to create reference to the individuals – for example, adding the word "members" after collectives like board or committee, or inserting "players" for "team" or "students" for "class." Many singular nouns have very unique collective forms that pertain specifically to that term. While most people are familiar with the more commonly used collectives such as a class of students or crowd of people, there are a large number of less common collectives. Many people find it interesting to read and learn what the appropriate collective forms of various nouns are. Many teachers, students, and other lovers of the English language also find it entertaining to list original collectives or come up with new ways to use them in fun or ironic ways. Like most linguistic developments, collective nouns have developed through time as a result of many different situations. For example, venery nouns, those nouns used to specifically signify groups of animals, developed as a result of fifteenth century English hunting practices. Other collective nouns are called derivational collectives -- derived as a result of language relationships and maintaining root word tendencies. Gradual shifts in the ways that words are used and understood have also contributed to the formation of this special class of nouns. There are a variety of online and printable worksheets, quizzes, and activities focused on collective and mass nouns. These include: These links will be helpful resources for teachers and students.
Which Way Can We Go? Students will be able to use a map to identify and provide examples of the directions north, south, east, and west. Students will be able to write a sentence description using the cardinal directions. Introduction (5 minutes) - Place the direction flashcards in a jar or container. - Pull out a card and read it to the students. - Ask the students to point and name something that is in that direction. - Continue with the remainder of the cards. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (10 minutes) - Display the Town Map worksheet. - Show the students north, south, east, and west on the map. - Using the sentences on the bottom of the map and a paper doll, demonstrate how the students can find the direction and name the directions of north, south, east, and west. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (10 minutes) - Invite a student to come up to the interactive white board or the enlarged Town Map worksheet. - Give the student a paper doll, and tell the student that he can start at any location on the map and move the paper doll somewhere else on the map. - Invite other students to name the direction of the paper doll’s movement. - Continue with the same procedure, inviting other students to come up and model the movement of a paper doll while the other students name the direction that the paper doll is moving. Independent Working Time (15 minutes) - Direct the students to use the map as a model and to create their own maps on a piece of white drawing paper or construction paper. - Ask the students to draw arrows on the map and then write sentences about movement and direction on the map. For example, students could write: The playground is north of the post office. - As needed, provide additional modeling and sentence examples. - Enrichment: Teach a mini-lesson on combining directions to be more specific. Challenge students to use more complex descriptions of direction, such as northeast, southwest, etc. Have students complete the State Directions worksheet. - Support: Use the Position and Direction worksheet to reteach concepts of cardinal directions. Provide illustrations of types of buildings and landmarks students could use in creating their maps. Label students’ papers with the cardinal directions. - Use an online map to help students explore more about the cardinal directions. - Guide students in locating your location, and help them explore places that are to the north, south, east, and west of that location. Assessment (5 minutes) - Use the Cardinal Directions worksheet to assess students’ knowledge of directions. - Read the questions aloud to students, and ask them to write the answer beside each question. Review and Closing (5 minutes) - Play an “I Spy” direction game. - Place the Cardinal Directions flashcards in the corresponding location around the classroom, taping them on the wall. - Using those directions, tell the students that you spy something on the north, south, east, or west side of the classroom. - When a student answers correctly, ask them to spy something in one of those directions.
Preparing your class This exercise and comparing books with film will help get the most out of watching screen texts, and encourage children to think about how literature works. Both encourage exploration of what they already know about films and books, and allow children with all levels of literacy to share their knowledge. Children will begin to identify different patterns and elements used in storytelling and gain confidence in using terms that they will become familiar with such as character, plot, structure, genre. Stage one - a story that doesn't work A good way to start the discussion is with statement, such as 'Jonathan goes to school'. Ask the group whether this is a story, and if not, why not. What would you need to make it into a story? You may get inundated with responses at this stage, and very specific responses at that, with everything from zombies attacking Jonathan, to Jonathan marrying a fairy princess. But now you're under way, and the children realise they know what they're talking about, you can begin to structure the discussion, and use the children's initial responses as reference points for teasing out information. Stage two - a story that does work As the class has no doubt told you, something has to happen. So now take a story the whole class has read. - Discuss the plot of the story. - Start very broadly - beginning, middle and end - and work in more detail as you go. - What different elements can the class identify in this story and others - highlight words like danger, relief, succeed, climax and so on. Twists and cliffhangers are always popular! This exercise is a treat to help with stories and there are downloadable pdfs to go with it. What kinds of stories are there? See how many the class can come up with. Can they give you the name of the genre? ('Comedy', rather than 'funny'). Discuss how the plots differ in different genres. And the elements they share. Some pupils are able to identify quite sophisticated patterns, for example 'after a really scary bit there's a funny bit'. What types of characters are to be found in all stories and are there specific characters the class associates with different genres? Again, you may get a huge range of answers from the very broad - goodies and baddies - to more specific answers such as 'a person who helps the hero'. Are there different places in the plot that different characters might appear? How does the setting add to the story? What is its effect on the action, the characters, and how does the setting affect the mood of the story? If your class are a little older or quite advanced you may want to jump straight to our how stories are told section.
Starting from the first grade and up, your child will be exposed to area and perimeter. Area and perimeter problems are divided into multiple types of problems but the one they will most likely see first are grid format perimeter problems. Perimeter refers to the length of a line that encloses a shape. In other words, it’s the length of all sides of a shape. There are a variety of formulas that can be remembered to speed up the process of calculating perimeter early-on, but once your child reaches a certain stage, those formulas will actually complicate the problem and make the solution much more difficult to find. We recommend teaching them one simple method of finding perimeter: Add all the lengths of the sides together. This can be performed early-on when your child is just learning perimeter, and also applied in the future when they encounter much more complex perimeter problems. Perimeter problems are subdivided into multiple categories, but since this is the first step in getting your child to become an expert in learning perimeter, we’ll go over the most basic form – grid format perimeter problems. A grid format perimeter problem refers to a problem that has a shape with grids. Each box within the grid denotes a single unit of length. Look at the example below to get a better idea: From this one example, there are a variety of questions that can be asked. We’ll go over each Problem Type 1) Find the lengths of all sides, and then the perimeter of the shape. This problem has two steps that need to be completed: First, the length of the sides needs to be found, then you can use those numbers to find the perimeter. To find the length of a side when you have a grid, all you have to do is count the grid squares attached to each side. We’ve colored the corners with 2 colors to show that they apply for the lengths of both sides they are attached to. Once you finish counting, then you should have the length of each side Now you just take each length and all them all together. Problem Type 2) Missing Length Perimeter Grid Find the length of the missing side, then find the perimeter of the shape. This problem differs slightly from the first problem type in that you are given some of the side lengths, but not all. The common approach most people take to this is “The lengths of the horizontal lines are equal, and the lengths of the vertical lines are equal” which is actually an ideal approach as it will help to set your child up for more difficult problems in the future. This problem, like the one above, has two steps: first, find the length of the missing side, and then you can find the perimeter. Your child can take two approaches here: - Count the grid boxes and find the length of the side (like we did above) - Use the equal sides rule Since we’ve already covered how to do approach one, let’s look at approach 2 in this problem. Because we know this shape is a rectangle, and rectangles have equal heights and lengths, we can apply that knowledge to define the missing lengths. We are given a height of 8 and a length of 13, so we know the missing height and missing length should also be the same respective numbers, giving us this solution below: Then we follow the same steps by adding up the lengths of all sides, and we should find our perimeter Problem Type 3) Just Finding Perimeter The last problem is relatively simple compared to the other two. The problem is already set up so that your child has the length of all sides and they would just need to add up all the length values to find the perimeter. Perimeter problem types are not just limited to the ones we have shown here. Over the course of the next few blog posts, we’ll be posting about more difficult and complex perimeter problems. Check out our worksheet below for more practice with your child!
This resource also includes: - Answer Key - Join to access all included materials In this factors activity, students find the factors for each number. Students use division to find the factors and complete the 10 problems. 3 Views 14 Downloads Numbers in a Multiplication Table Identifying patterns is a crucial skill for all mathematicians, young and old. Explore the multiplication table with your class, using patterns and symmetry to teach about square numbers, prime numbers, and the commutative and identity... 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed Prime Factorization and Product of Primes Demonstrate a method for finding the prime factorization of numbers using factor trees and a video that explains how to break a number down to its prime factors. The instructor reinforces the concept of factors by displaying the number... 5 mins 3rd - 7th Math CCSS: Adaptable Inspired Multiplication - Beginning Multiplication and Formulating Story Problems Beginning multiplication is introduced to learners in 3rd grade by using the software, Inspiration. They will explore the concept of repeated addition to factors of a number. They design a story problem involving multiplication and use... 3rd English Language Arts
Lesson 1.5a - Basic Purpose: To learn how to write statements involving basic arithmetic Java Math Mathematics plays a large role in computer programming. Practically everything boils down to math in some way. So Java has to have a way of performing math operations. We will begin with basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. |example of use | a = b + c; | a = b - c; | a = b * c; | a = b / c; Operations Java has the same order of operations as in Algebra. Remember PEMDAS? Multiplication and Division together Addition and Subtraction together Modulus The modulus operator is another arithmetic operation that you will find quite useful. Modulus, or mod for short, gives the integer remainder of division. The symbol for modulus is %, but it has nothing to do with percents. Here are some examples of results of modulus calculations: 13 % 5 = 3 26 % 10 = 6 20 % 4 = 0 5 % 7 = 5 Note that modulus is an integer operator. It does not work with decimal values. So you would never write a calculation like 5.8 % 3.1. Modulus works only with integer operands and its result is always an integer. Modulus OK, mod gives the remainder of integer division. So what? Well, it turns out that mod will be useful in a variety of situations. One of these situations is breaking a measured value into different units. For example, suppose we want to break total seconds down into hours, minutes and seconds. Recall that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. That means there are 3600 (60 * 60) seconds in an hour. So here is how modulus would break 10,000 total seconds into hours, minutes and seconds. int totalSeconds = 10000; int hours = totalSeconds / 3600; // the result is 2 int minutes = totalSeconds % 3600 / 60; // the result is 46 int seconds = totalSeconds % 3600 % 60; // the result is 40 So 10,000 seconds = 2 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds Note the pattern of using / then % from each equation to the next. This pattern will also be used in your programming problems involving modulus (#'s 6-8). Secondly, recall that when dividing integers, the result will be an integer. That is why the calculation for hours and minutes works correctly here. In Closing Remember to work with only integers when using modulus. It doesn't work with decimal values. Lastly, modulus falls in with multiplication and division in the order of operations.
We were tuning in to our inquiry about Fractions. It was interesting to ask them to write down everything they already knew. Here is one example: This is a pretty comprehensive list. I liked the way it included text and pictures - a really descriptive account. I like to ask the students about what they want to learn - it is part of the PYP (Primary Years Programme - IB) framework of inquiry. So we include it in maths. Here's a few they came up with: - Does BISMAS apply to fractions? - How do you add fractions together? - Could "1" be a fraction? - Will I become more understanding of how to add and subtract fractions during this unit of inquiry? - What is the origin of fractions? - How many different ways of adding fractions together can there be? - If you have two unproper (sic) fractions, how can you add them together? - How come you cannot use decimals in a fraction? These student questions gave us some areas to focus our inquiry on: - The nature of fractions - what they are, what they represent - Addition and subtraction of fractions - Improper fractions - Decimals and fractions Thanks kids - it's great to know what you want to learn. Equivalence - what's that? The next part of the conversation focused on a really important aspect of fraction - equivalence. Not surprisingly, there was a diversity of understanding of what this meant and how it looked. We did a bit of exploring using circle and rectangles, dividing them up to show how we could show 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8 etc. Lots of conversation and discussion about what to do and how to get it equal. Then we tasked the kids with choosing different shapes, not circles or rectangles, to see if they could be used to represent fractions and demonstrate equivalence. Here are a few examples: A bit hard to see but it shows 3/4 and 6/8 of a square being equal. Using a triangle to show that 1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8 Yes, this is true - but are the pictures really showing equal parts? The hexagon and the octagon were produced by the same Awesome and Adventurous inquirer. He was able to put forward a theory. We called this theory: Jack's Theory of Making Fractions Out of Polygons According to the theorist, when you have a polygon, you will definitely be able to divide it into equal pieces with a denominator that is a factor of the number of sides. He later produced an addendum to his theory to include multiples of the number of sides. A very interesting exercise.
What determines the type of bond formed between two elements? There are two ways of classifying elements to determine the bond formed: by electronegativity, or by metallic/non-metallic character. Electronegativity is a property of atoms that is reflected in the layout of the periodic table of the elements. Electronegativity is greatest in the elements in the upper right of the table (e.g., fluorine), and lowest in the lower left (e.g., francium). Electronegativity is a relative measure of how strongly an atom will attract the electrons in a bond. Although bonds are the result of atoms sharing their electrons, the electrons can be shared unequally. The more electronegative atom in a bond will have a slight negative charge, and the less electronegative atom will have a slight positive charge. Overall, the molecule may have no charge, but the individual atoms will. This is a result of the electronegativity—by attracting the electrons in a bond, an atom gains a slight negative charge. Of course, if two elements have equal electronegativity, they will share the electrons equally. Metallic elements have low electronegativity, and non-metallic elements have high electronegativity. If two elements are close to each other on the periodic table, they will have similar electronegativities. Electronegativity is measured on a variety of scales, the most common being the Pauling scale. Created by chemist Linus Pauling, it assigns 4.0 to fluorine (the highest) and 0.7 to francium (the lowest). When drawing diagrams of bonds, we indicate covalent bonds with a line. We may write the electronegativity using the symbols and . Look at this example. The plus goes over the less electronegative atom. From the above diagram, we can see that the fluorine attracts the electrons in the covalent bond more than the hydrogen does. Fluorine will have a slight negative charge because of this, and hydrogen will have a slight positive charge. Overall, hydrogen fluoride is neutral.
In the program, we will learn to find the GCD of two numbers that is Greatest Common Divisor. The highest common factor (HCF) or Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two given numbers is the largest or greatest positive integer that divides the two number perfectly. For example, here, we have two numbers 12 and 14 Output: GCD is 2 - Define a function named gcd(a,b) - Initialize small =0 and gd =0 - If condition is used to check if a is greater than b. - if true small==b, else small==a. - using for loop with range(1, small+1), check if((a % i == 0) and (b % i == 0)) - if true gd=I and gd value is returned in variable t - Take a and b as input from the user. - The function gcd(a,b) is called with a and b as parameters passed in the function. - Print the value in the variable t. def gcd(a,b): small=0 gd=0 if a>b: small==b else: small==a for i in range(1, small+1): if((a % i == 0) and (b % i == 0)): gd=i return gd a=int(input("Enter the first number: ")) b=int(input("Enter second number: ")) t=gcd(a,b) print("GCD is:",t) Enter the first number: 60 Enter second number: 48 GCD is: 12
Lesson 2.3 Creating Inequalities from Word Problems. Concept : Solving Inequalities in One Variable EQ : How do I create inequalities from word problems? ( Standard : CED.1) Concept: Solving Inequalities in One Variable EQ: How do I create inequalities from word problems? (Standard: CED.1) Vocabulary: Inequality, Less than, Less than or equal to, More than, More than or equal to, No more than, No fewer than Create an expression to represent each of the following: 1. A number and 20 can be no more than 41 2. Four times some number is at most 16 3. The minimum value of a number is 84 4. 45 is more than a number Susan is saving for a house. She needs at least $2,000 for her down payment. She makes $15 an hour. Write an inequality to represent the minimum number of hours she can work to afford the down payment. Alexis is saving to buy a laptop that costs $1,100. So far she has saved $400. She makes $12 an hour babysitting. Write an inequality to represent the least number of hours she has to work to buy the laptop. The elevator can hold a maximum of 2,500 pounds. If 5 people get on the elevator together and they all weigh the same amount, write an inequality to represent the most each of them can weigh to be on the elevator. Juan has no more than $50 to spend at the mall. He wants to buy a pair of jeans and some juice. If the sales tax on the jeans is 4% and the juice with tax costs $2, write an inequality to represent the highest priced jeans he can afford. The students at Dayton High School are selling candles and scented soaps to raise money for a new computer lab. They will earn $10 for every candle they sell. They need to raise a minimum of $2,020 to have enough money to finish construction of the computer lab. Write an inequality to represent the least number of candles they must sell.
This piece is to accompany the Teaching Tolerance article "Getting the Civil War Right." Some historians have called the period of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War the "second American Revolution" and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments a "second Bill of Rights" for African Americans. The aim of Reconstruction and these amendments was to free black Americans from white oppression and to give them full citizenship rights in the country they had helped build. This second revolution would ultimately fail, however, although the scholar and civil rights activist W.E.B. DuBois would call it "a glorious failure." Reconstruction's glory rested in the fact that the rights of African Americans were finally written into the Constitution of the United States. However, these rights largely remained promises on paper only. The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, guaranteed Blacks "equal protection of the laws." But states routinely disregarded the amendment's "equal protection" provision. The Supreme Court itself stripped the law of impact when it ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 that segregated facilities were not by nature unequal, and the system of Jim Crow segregation flourished in the South. Voting rights were guaranteed to Blacks under the 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, which said that citizens could not be denied the vote on the basis of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." But states found ways around this law, too, instituting poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses (which stipulated that a man could vote only if his father or grandfather had voted). All of these measures were designed to prevent Black men from voting. But because the language of the state laws did not explicitly target African Americans, the courts upheld them. Violence and intimidation were also used to keep Blacks away from the polls, and thus shut them out of the political process. African Americans' efforts to secure their rights did not die with the unfulfilled promises of Reconstruction, however. Black men and women and their White allies continued to organize and agitate for change, voicing their demand for racial justice in the Black press and forming civil rights organizations of local and national scope, including the Niagara Movement in 1905, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909 and the National Urban League in 1911. The diverse and persistent efforts of many individuals and groups would coalesce in the modern Civil Rights Movement of 1954-1965. During this period, widespread legal action, sit-ins, marches and other nonviolent protests pressured the courts and federal government to enforce the guarantees of the Reconstruction amendments. In fact, some historians have called the Civil Rights Movement the "second Reconstruction" because it finally realized the promises made to Black Americans after the Civil War. In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court nullified the doctrine of "separate but equal" in its landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling, restoring the power of the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause. A decade later, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal to discriminate against Blacks in employment and accommodations and put the last nails in the coffin of Jim Crow. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act outlawed poll taxes, literacy tests and other discriminatory practices, finally allowing African Americans to fully exercise the right to vote that the 15th Amendment had promised them nearly a century earlier. The sweeping civil rights changes of the 1950s and '60s were the victories not only of celebrated heroes such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. but of the countless foot soldiers such as Robert Fox who fought the early battles of our nation's civil rights revolution.
Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them. Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example: Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example: The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above, the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize, and the noun child becomes the adjective childish. Word creation with prefixes and suffixes Some prefixes and suffixes are part of our living language, in that people regularly use them to create new words for modern products, concepts, or situations. For example: |word||prefix or suffix||new word| Email is an example of a word that was itself formed from a new prefix, e-, which stands for electronic. This modern prefix has formed an ever-growing number of other Internet-related words, including e-book, e-cash, e-commerce, and e-tailer. You can read more about prefixes and suffixes on the OxfordWords blog. Here you will find guidelines, examples, and tips for using prefixes and suffixes correctly. Back to grammar
Help your students prepare for their Maths GCSE with this free expanding brackets worksheet of 33 questions and answers The practice questions on the expanding brackets worksheet cover all aspects of expanding brackets. They begin with expanding single brackets. This is done by multiplying the term outside the brackets by everything inside the brackets. Questions then move on to expanding double brackets. This is done by multiplying everything in the first bracket by everything in the second bracket. Expanding double brackets usually results in quadratic expressions which require simplifying by collecting like terms. The extension of expanding brackets is expanding triple brackets. This is done by multiplying the first bracket by the product of the other two brackets. A good understanding of indices, order of operations and negative numbers is useful throughout expanding brackets. Looking forward, students can then progress to additional simplifying expressions worksheets and on to more algebra worksheets, for example a sequences worksheet, simultaneous equations worksheet or straight line graphs worksheet. When you have students who require more intensive support our one to one GCSE maths revision programme will match them with the most appropriate tutor. This way we can provide individual students with personalised programmes of study while you continue to teach the rest of your class as a whole group. There will be students in your class who require individual attention to help them succeed in their maths GCSEs. In a class of 30, it’s not always easy to provide. Help your students feel confident with exam-style questions and the strategies they’ll need to answer them correctly with our dedicated GCSE maths revision programme. Lessons are selected to provide support where each student needs it most, and specially-trained GCSE maths tutors adapt the pitch and pace of each lesson. This ensures a personalised revision programme that raises grades and boosts confidence.
Ancient Rocks Provide Critical Clues About Modern Earthquakes At first glance, there’s nothing remarkable about the rocky Maine blueberry field in which University of Maine graduate student Nancy Price does her research. But those rocks are crucial to our understanding about how faults work nearly 10 miles below the surface of the Earth. Indeed, that’s where rocks are supposedly the strongest. Price’s findings suggest that geophysical assumptions about the strength of faults at different depths may need to be reevaluated. And if we better understand faults, we may be able to better predict the behavior that causes large earthquakes. Price is studying the Norumbega fault system, a line of ancient faults that cuts across Maine from Calais to Casco Bay. The now extinct faults were seismically active millions of years ago. Today, the Norumbega system is considered an ancient analog for major earthquake faults, such as the San Andreas fault in California and the North Anatolian fault in Turkey, which have produced some of the deadliest quakes in our time. Like the San Andreas, the Norumbega is a strike-slip fault where only the shallowest parts are exposed or can be reached by drilling. To study deeper fault rocks, an ancient, extinct zone must be found where the depths have been exposed through exhumation and erosion. Price is studying a part of the Norumbega fault in Windsor, Maine, that more than 300 million years ago was situated about 10 miles below the surface, but is now exposed. In a strike-slip fault, two tectonic plates slide against each other. They do not slide smoothly and stress builds up as the plates snag on each other. Close to the surface, where the rocks are relatively cold, the plates are brittle and rocks break, easily releasing the stress. Temperature increases with depth in the Earth, and at a certain temperature the rock weakens and stretches like chewing gum. The strongest part of the crust lies at the depth where the rock starts to stretch, but can also still crack, a region called the frictional-viscous transition. This is the depth level Price is studying. “How this region behaves is the key to how the fault works,” says Price, who earned a master’s degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “If we understood it, we wouldn’t have to rely on how often an earthquake ruptures. We could model the fault based on what we understand of the physics of how the rock will behave and predict what will happen.” Working with geologist Scott Johnson, chair of UMaine’s Department of Earth Sciences, Price originally set out to model the fault using data collected from hundreds of rock samples that were once in the transition zone. These sheared fault rocks contain thin, gray veins called pseudotachylyte — evidence of ancient earthquakes. But when Price’s samples revealed more pseudotachylyte than expected, she turned her attention to identifying how much of the rock contained these veins and how this might change assumptions of fault strength at these depths. Price found the process of pseudotachylyte formation causes the size of the mineral grains in the rock to be smaller and the percentages of the minerals to change, causing the thin gray layer to be weaker than the rest of the rock. If enough pseudotachylyte from earthquakes is created over millions of years, the fault itself becomes weaker than is generally accepted. “This change in perspective will help drive discussion,” Price says.
Not only is math essential to programming, it’s also fascinating. Especially when you have a super-powerful calculator like Python to do the heavy-lifting for you. In this tutorial you will learn how to use Python operators to perform basic mathematical operations. You don’t have to be an Einstein to be a computer scientist (though it wouldn’t hurt). You only need to understand the basics. Then you can fake your math chops just like the rest of us. If you are just joining us, you may want to start at the beginning with our Introduction to Python. Python operators, operands and operations Imagine you are in an operating room at Rossum’s Universal Robot Hospital. Dr. Plus, Dr. Minus, Dr. Slash and Dr. Asterisk are working on a patient. Our robot patient needs to maintain a certain voltage to continue running, currently 12 V. The Drs. operate. Dr. Plus increases the voltage by 108. >>>12 + 108 120 Dr. Minus makes a minor adjustment: >>>120 - 10 110 Dr. Asterisk has determined that the robot is European and multiplies the voltage by a factor of 2: >>>110 * 2 220 At the last moment, Dr. Slash rushes in and saves the patient from circuit overload: >>>220 / 44 5.0 Commercial Break: Floats, Integers & Division Why did 220/44 return 5.0 rather than simply 5? Just to make your head explode, Python 3 has two division operators. A single slash, ‘/’, is true division. The other operator is called floor division and consists of two slashes, ‘//’. True division returns what is called in computer science a floating point. In Python we refer to these as floats. You can think of a float as a number with a decimal point bobbing about inside it. Or, because true division is a single slash, ‘/’, it is lighter than floor division and therefore floats. It’s really useful when working with exponents. Floor division on the other hand, because it is composed of two slashes, is heavier, and bottoms out at the nearest integer. For example: >>> 5/2 2.5 >>> 5//2 2 >>> -5/2 -2.5 >>> -5//2 -3 What’s an integer? It’s any positive or negative whole number, including zero. You may find that you don’t want a float. You can fix that with the int() function. >>> int(2.5) 2 >>> int(-2.5) -2 And you can convert integers to floats with the float() function. >>> float(5) 5.0 But we’re getting ahead of ourselves… We Now Return You to Rossum’s Universal Robot Hospital With our patient near the end of its consumer life cycle, an expert is called in. “Paging Dr. Powers, Dr. Powers…” Dr. Powers saunters into the operating room and performs his specialty: exponentiation. >>> 5 ** 2 25 You can think of exponentiation as “times times”. In the above example, 52 is the same as 5 * 5. And 53 can be thought of as 5 _ 5 _ 5. This metaphorical medical drama illustrates the basic mathematical constructs used in any programming language: operators, operands, and operations. An operator is a special symbol indicating a specific computation. An operand is a value on which an operator performs. And an operation is any statement in which one or more operands are operated upon by an operator. Let’s dissect this on our operating table: |+||Addition||12, 108||12 + 108||120| |–||Subtraction||120, 10||120 -10||110| |*||Multiplication||110, 2||110 * 2||220| |/||Division||220, 44||220 / 44||5| I said above that math is fascinating. Let me prove it with this magic trick. I will transform any whole number into the number 3. Follow along with your Python prompt. Pick a number, any number, and enter it in your Python prompt. I’m going to pick lucky number 7. Add 5 and hit Enter. >>>7 + 5 12 Multiply the result by 2. >>>12 * 2 24 >>>24 - 4 20 Divide by 2. >>> 20 / 2 10 Subtract the original number. >>> 10 - 7 3 Mathematical! Or should I say, mathemagical? Use this magic link to learn our next trick: operator precedence.
Learn how using energy affects the environment and explore different methods of generating electricity. Get your students thinking about different ways electricity can be generated, and how these different methods impact the environment. The energy choices we make have an impact on the environment. There are pros and cons to all energy choices, but some forms of energy, like fossil fuels, have a greater impact than others. The power generated from systems like hydroelectric dams are considered to be sustainable because the source of the power, water, is renewable. This form of energy generation is often referred to as being “green” because of the renewable source, and the fact that the environmental impact is relatively minimal. When it comes to resources, there are consequences for not using sustainable practices. Fossil fuels are a finite resource and once used up they are gone. And burning them impacts the environment and climate. Learn more about the environmental impacts of plastic and craft a bird feeder out of used plastic containers. Sort the causes and find solutions to poor air quality. Explore a range of options and generate new ideas for practical and powerful actions. We want to ensure that we’re providing activities your class will enjoy. Please let us know what you think about this activity by leaving us your feedback.
Ice can be a powerful force of erosion, particularly when it accumulates into thick deposits. Glaciers on Mars were once proposed to be likely because of the planet's cold temperatures. The global average temperature of Mars is about -68 Celsius (-90 Fahrenheit). Glacial-looking landforms are now seen to be commonplace, and even abundant in mountainous regions at higher latitudes such as here in Protonilus Mensae. These landforms are quite similar in appearance to glaciers on Earth. This image shows an example of such a landform. The mountain valley to the North (toward the bottom of the unprojected image) would be the zone of accumulation of snow and ice, which then flowed downhill (toward the top of the image) and out onto a neighboring plain. The evidence of this flow comes from the myriad of stream lines and flow fronts visible in the surface topography. Some of these topographic features may also be "moraines," ridges of rock and soil debris common on the surface of glaciers and at the boundaries. Boulders up to 3 meters (9 feet) in size are visible on the surface of this feature. If you trace the streamlines from these boulders back uphill into the accumulation zone then you'll see where boulders have tumbled off the valley walls before being rafted downhill to their current location. This process continues today even though the feature itself may not be flowing significantly anymore. Once onto the more level plain, the ice flow stalled and spread out into a bulb shaped pile where it would have gradually evaporated, called the ablation zone." Melting of the ice might have also occurred, though geologic evidence of melting has not yet been found. Today, Mars is very dry place, and surface ice is unstable everywhere except on the polar caps. Any ice left on the surface would evaporate without ever melting, a process called "sublimation." However, past climate changes may have periodically allowed snow and ice to be stable on the Martian surface and even to build into glacial masses, hundreds of meters (yards) or more in thickness. In this image, the surface is made up of regolith (rock and soil debris) and no ice is visible. Interestingly, subsurface ice may still be present as relatively soil-free ice, which would then be called a "debris covered glacier." Ice may also occur as a cement between rocky material throughout the glacial deposit and would also be capable of flowing like a glacier, which is called a "rock glacier." Alternatively, the ice may have all sublimated and what we see now is a residue of the "glacier till," remnant ice-free rock and soil debris. Future stereo images of this landform will help scientists to understand the surface tilt and the forces driving ice flow under Martian gravity. In addition, stereo topography may help in estimating the thickness of the feature we see here and if any subsurface ice may still be present. Written by: Mike Mellon and Shane Byrne (8 September 2010) This is a stereo pair with ESP_019358_2225
You are using an old browser with security vulnerabilities and can not use the features of this website. All children, regardless of language, disability, sex, cultural background, religion, migration status, socioeconomic status, etc., have the right to accessible education. UNESCO (2003) states that: “Inclusive education is an approach that looks into how to transform education systems in order to respond to the diversity of learners. It means enhancing the quality of education by improving the effectiveness of teachers, promoting learning-centered methodologies, developing appropriate textbooks and learning materials and ensuring that schools are safe and healthy for all children. Strengthening links with the community is also vital: relationship between teachers, students, parents and society at large are crucial for developing inclusive learning environments.” Building off the above statement, the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities underscores the right to equal and inclusive education for all children. By signing this convention, Germany committed itself to creating inclusive educational opportunities for all youth. This national commitment to inclusive education posed certain challenges to existing school systems across Germany. In order to train a new generation of teachers ready to foster inclusive learning, the University of Potsdam created an Inclusive Education emphasis in Teacher Education at all levels. For Primary Education a comprehensive curriculum was developed that highlights areas such as speech and language acquisition, mathematics education, social and emotional development, assessment and diagnostics, and diversity based on culture and migration. In addition to traditional subject-oriented training, students should gain in-depth knowledge of theoretical and empirical research regarding all aspects of inclusion. As a young, interdisciplinary, and growing field, learning how to conduct and interpret research on both the national and international levels gives students the skills needed to plan, enact, and evaluate evidence-based practice in inclusive education. Students learn how to create an inclusive environment to support and promote optimal learning for children of diverse abilities and backgrounds. Broadly, students learn about obstacles children face, while also gaining strategies to help them overcome such obstacles in the school context, thereby widening educational opportunities for all children. Inclusive thinking and action require students to develop skills to reflect on, monitor, and understand their own pedagogical beliefs and attitudes more deeply. To accomplish this, students are introduced to national and international literature from various academic disciplines, they learn about scientific and methodological approaches in education and related fields, and discuss how to apply theory and research findings on child development and learning to the classroom context. Moreover, they learn basic statistics and research methods in order to critically evaluate information from empirical journal articles, as well as from everyday sources of information such as newspapers, reports, and online material. The aim is to train students to adopt an inclusive mindset, with the motivation and skills to develop into effective teachers able to work with a diversity of children. This goal, and the Inclusive Education program at large, follow the directive of the most recent Kultusministerium Konferenz, which stated that, “Teacher training for a ‘school of diversity’ is a cross-cutting task, which must build on an intersection of education science, teaching methodology, and specialized research within teachers colleges for all types of teachers.” (Kultusminister Konferenz, 2015, p. 3).
Suppose you have the expression: How could you write this expression in a more concise way? In the expression , the is called the base and the is called the exponent . Exponents are often referred to as powers . When an exponent is a positive whole number, it tells you how many times to multiply the base by itself. For example: There are many rules that have to do with exponents (often called the Laws of Exponents ) that are helpful to know so that you can work with expressions and equations that involve exponents more easily. Here you will learn two rules that have to do with exponents and products. RULE: To multiply two terms with the same base, add the exponents. RULE: To raise a product to a power, raise each of the factors to the power. The answer can be taken one step further. The base is numerical so the term can be evaluated. Concept Problem Revisited can be rewritten as . Then, you can use the rules of exponents to simplify the expression to . This is certainly much quicker to write! - In an algebraic expression, the base is the variable, number, product or quotient, to which the exponent refers. Some examples are: In the expression , ‘2’ is the base. In the expression , ‘ ’ is the base. - In an algebraic expression, the exponent is the number to the upper right of the base that tells how many times to multiply the base times itself. Some examples are: - In the expression , ‘5’ is the exponent. It means to multiply 2 times itself 5 times as shown here: . - In the expression , ‘4’ is the exponent. It means to multiply times itself 4 times as shown here: . - Laws of Exponents - The laws of exponents are the algebra rules and formulas that tell us the operation to perform on the exponents when dealing with exponential expressions. Simplify each of the following expressions. 1. . Here are the steps: 2. . Here are the steps: 3. . Here are the steps: Simplify each of the following expressions, if possible. Expand and then simplify each of the following expressions. - Hint: Look for a pattern in the previous two problems.
It is a common assumption that electrical energy travels very fast. It is an equally common assumption that the speed, or velocity, of electricity is a single measurement. But actually, electrical current travels with relative slowness. In this article, learn how science defines and calculates the speed of an electric current. Understanding how electricity flows To start with, let’s take a look at what happens when you plug in an average, ordinary floor light and it starts to glow. What makes that happen? Interestingly, an electric current isn’t a single entity. It is always in motion and is made up of billions of moving parts including atoms and free electrons. The atoms are large and stay in a fixed position. The free electrons are small and much quicker, relatively speaking. As the free electrons zig and zag around, bouncing off one atom and then another, slowly but steadily making their way down the chain of atoms. Each free electron is bouncing on its own and also taking help from other bouncing free electrons that bump them along in a forward direction. (Here, it may help to visualize teeny tiny bumper cars all bumping each other forward in the same direction.) Eventually all those free electrons generate enough built-up momentum that they all arrive at their destination, and – PRESTO. The light comes on! 3 Velocities make up the flow of an electric current Unless you are a research scientist or an electric engineer, you may not know that there are three different velocities that are factored into any calculation of how fast electricity itself flows. These three different velocities are: 1. Electron velocity: the speed of each electron. 2. Drift velocity: the speed of the free electrons moving forward together. 3. Signal velocity: the speed of the electric current itself. The actual formula used today to calculate the signal velocity is as follows: I = n*A*v*Q You may also see the formula written as follows: v = I/(n*A*Q) Here is the key that explains what each element stands for in this formula: – I = the electrical current – n = electrons/m3 (electrons per cubic meter) – A = a cross-section of the wire – Q = each free electron’s charge – v = is the electrons’s collective drift velocity Let’s say we are working to calculate the flow of electric current through a copper wire, which is the standard type of wire used for electrical wiring today. To calculate the number of free electrons present in that copper wire, you use the formula: n = 8.5 * 1028 per m3. To calculate the charge of each free electron inside that wire, you use the formula: Q = 1.6 * 10-19C. Putting it all together: how fast does electricity flow? So now let’s put it all together using a common example. In this example, we will assume the following: – The current is 14 ams – The wire is copper – The cross-section of the wire is 3 * 10-6 m2. This tells us that the electron speed is 3.4 * 10-4 m/s. This works out to approximately one-third mm/second. But what is the speed in plain language? It works out to be about 4.1 feet (1.2 meters) per hour. Yes, you read that right – per hour. With a speed this slow you wouldn’t think you’d ever get your light bulb to light up! So what gives? It is true each electron is drifting rather than speeding towards its destination. But together, the create a chain reaction whereby a continual flow of current is generated.
Secrets Buried Under the Ground Soil Study (ES 1, 5, 6, 8, and 10; Env I, II, III, IV and V) Soil Textures - Students learn about the soil textural triangle and practice some different exercises using the triangle. They will also use soil sieves to determine the amount of sand, silt, clay in an unknown sample and determine what of soil it is. Porosity vs. Permeability - What's the Difference - Students will learn about how much land is actually avialbe for growing food. They will complete two labs, one on porosity and one on permeability, to investigate why some soil is better than others for crops. What's In My Soil? - Students will learn about the major nutrients that plants need and why pH is important. They will test soils for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and pH levels. The will then be given several plants and have to make recommendations based on their plant's requirements and their soil test results. What's Down there? - Students will compare soil core samples from three different types of soil and identify soil horizons from these soil cores. They will also use a Munsell soil color book to identify the hue, value, and chroma of the different horizons. When available, students will observe well drillings from different depths and hypothesize about how materials came to be at the levels they are found. Students can play an optional go-fish style game that will familiarize students with different families of life under the soil. Life Underground Mobile Classroom - Students will learn about the horizons of soil and what goes on in each horizon. Students will tour the ESSWCD mobile soils classroom. Points of discussion include human impact and conservation. When we return to the classroom, students will create their own soil profile in a cube. Weathering, Erosion, and Sediment Erosion Box Experiment (ES 1, 6, and 8; Environmental I, II, IV, and V) - Students are divided into four groups and assigned an erosion scenario (bare soil, gulley/ditch, silt fence, and sod) and provided with a kit that corresponds to their scenario. Each group group will set up an erosion box and perform their experiment for the class. Students are given the opportunity to predict which scenario will have the most and which will have the least soil erosion. We will then discuss management practices that are used by farmers to help decrease soil erosion and ways students can help reduce it at home. Will there be water to drink? Enviroscape Model (ES 1, 6, and 8; Environmental I, II, III, IV, and V) - Students will learn about watersheds. A model is used to visually demonstrate point and non-point source pollution helping students to understand the environmental impacts of each person in a community. We then talk about measures that can be taken to prevent everyday pollution. Rocks and Minerals (ES 1, 4, and 5; Environmental II) - The student will play a rock cycle game where they divide themselves among 10 stations and roll a die to determine their next station on their journey as a rock or mineral. At each station they collect a bead and wind up making a bracelet. Students will then write a story about their journey. This is designed for students who are already familiar with the basic rock cycle and will allow them to apply their knowledge to this simulation. A Landfill is No Dump (ES 1, 6, 8, and 10; Environmental I, IV, and V) - Students will learn about the length of time it takes for different items to decompose and the importance of the Four R's - refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle - by playing a "Trashy Timeline" game. They will also create a mini-landfill that will be observed in 10 days, 20 days, and again at the teachers discretion. Worksheets and questions will be provided. Topographic Maps (ES1) - Through several activities students will learn vocabulary, map reading, and interpreting both raised and flat topographic maps. They will also make a 3D model from a topographic map and learn how to calculate the gradient (slope) of particular points.
1. Essential questions are concept in the form of questions. Questions suggest inquiry. 2. Essential questions are organizers and set the focus for the lesson or unit. 3. Essential questions are initiators of creative and critical thinking. 4. Essential questions are conceptual commitments focusing on key concepts implicit in the curriculum. 1. Each student should be able to understand the essential question(s). 2. The language of the questions should be in broad terms. 3. There should be a logical sequence to a set of essential questions. 4. Essential questions should be posted in the classroom. · What is your teaching objetive? · Write the objective as a question. · Do you need smaller key questions? · Rewrite if necessary to make sure learners understand the question(s). 1. How do chemicals benefit society? 2. Are animals essential for manís survival? Explain. 3. Does South Carolina have reason to fear a natural disaster? Which ones or Why not? 4. What must a scientist do in order to research something? Math1. When should I multiply? When canít I multiply? When is multiplication most useful? Can multiplication make things smaller? 2. How is geometry used in the real world? 3. What is the role of geometry in advertising, architecture, or fabric design? 4. How would you explain, demonstrate, or draw the ________ process? Social Studies1. How have ancient Greeks affected our society? 2. Why would the Europeans want to come to the colonies? 3. Why did your textbook include _____ in this chapter? 4. How does the economy of a society depend on the geography of the region? Language Arts1. Why read? 2. What is the connection between reading and writing? 3. Do stories need a beginning, middle, and end? Why? 4. What does the ďBernstein BearsĒ teach us about life? Technology1. How can the computer be used as a tool? 2. How would our culture be different without computers? 3. What process would you use to write a letter using Microsoft Word? 4. What are your top ten priorities when producing a news video? Physical Education1. Why should you spend time stretching before and after an athletic event? 2. What are the top three rules in basketball? Why? 3. How can advertising affect a teenís choices? Art1. Why is art necessary? 2. How do people express themselves through art today? 3. How has art changed through time? 4. What choices must a painter make before beginning a work? Foreign Language1. How is Spanish/French like and unlike English? 2. In what ways would learning a foreign language be beneficial? I have my essential question, now what? Now you need to ask some basic questions in order to possible revise it. These will also assist in generating lessons to lead students toward the answer. 1. What should the student have learned prior to the lesson? 2. What will the student need to know in order to answer the question? 3. What strategies will actively engage the student as they work toward the answer? 4. How will you know that the students are learning the information? 5. How will the students demonstrate their final answer to the question?
Magma rises from the mantle because it is more buoyant than the surrounding rocks. This occurs when gas dissolved in the magma forms bubbles, reducing its density and causing it to well upward. If the magma finds a vent, or the pressure cracks the crust, it can reach the surface.Continue Reading The material that makes up magma consists of molten rock as well as dissolved minerals and gases. Under normal circumstances, the pressure of the rock around a magma pocket is enough to keep those dissolved elements in solution. However, if the rock fractures due to tectonic activity, it can reduce the pressure enough to allow the gases to come out of solution and form bubbles. When this happens, the magma begins to exert upward pressure as it tries to reach the surface. If there is a natural vent available, the magma may simply seep to the surface in a slow, controlled flow. However, if there is no readily available vent, the upward pressure increases until the magma flow fractures the rock above it. When this occurs, the sudden release of pressure can create a volcanic eruption. The material carried to the surface can even begin to build a cinder cone around the vent, producing a brand new volcano.Learn more about Layers of the Earth
Hello my name is Christine Smerdel and I am the lead teacher of Green Class. I created these two worksheets as a fun way to practice the concept of more and less. Comparing groups is super important for children learning the relationships between numbers. Attached are two worksheets that focus on the concept of more and less. A good way to utilize these worksheets would be to count each group with the child and ask them which one has more and which one has less.Once the child answers which group is correct, have them circle the group. This activity helps engage their fine motor skills when you have them circle the correct group. These two activities help children practice comparing groups, practicing counting and also helps them learn the relationship between numbers. This activity can be adapted to any age group Pencil, crayons or markers Comparing groups of more and less Learning about the relationships between numbers One to one correspondence Fine motor skills How many more does that group have? How many less does that group have compared to the other group? Christine S.|Lead Teacher
Mars' two moons, Phobos and Deimos, are small, irregular, but orbit in the same equatorial plane as the red planet. Although they've long been thought to be captured asteroids, those orbits would be supremely unlikely. Another possibility would have been if a massive impact created a debris disk, similar to how Earth's Moon was formed. That alternative creates equatorial orbits, but normally produces at least one very large moon. However, a new simulation was performed, showing how an impact could create three moons around Mars, where the largest, inner one decays, creating Martian system we see today. Our Moon may be what we grew up with, but it's a cosmic oddity among the rocky planets. Of all the rocky worlds in our Solar System, it's the only one with a large Moon. Mercury is moonless, Venus is moonless, and Mars only has the two very small moons, Phobos and Deimos, that orbit around it. Phobos and Deimos don't resemble our own Moon; they're just 22 and 12 kilometers across: small and oddly-shaped. Quite frankly, they look more like asteroids. But gravitational capture of asteroids is completely random. They're just as likely to orbit retrograde (the opposite direction) or at a high inclination as any other direction, and yet these two appear to be in nearly perfect circular orbits, and extraordinarily close to Mars to boot. Their compositions and appearances might be asteroid-like, but their orbits tell a different tale. Circular orbits generally only come about when something formed a long time ago, from an initial disk configuration of some type of debris. Our planets are circular around the Sun because they formed from an early protoplanetary disk; the moons of the gas giants are circular because they formed from a circumplanetary disk around each of those worlds; our Moon has a near-circular orbit because it formed from a giant collision that created an enormous, massive disk around the Earth some 4.5 billion years ago. Mars, like many worlds in our Solar System, has written on its surface evidence of a history of tremendous impacts. Some are small, leaving modest craters, while others must have been tremendous, like the one responsible for Mars' enormous Borealis basin. That impact must have occurred billions of years ago, but would have kicked up much more debris than would lead to two small moons. Yet Phobos, the larger and closer of the two, orbits at a distance of only 6,000 km from the surface Mars: the closest moon known in the Solar System. Deimos, at 23,000 km distant, is much farther but still very close. In a paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience, however, a team led by Pascal Rosenblatt showed that the large impact creating this basic should have kicked up a dense disk of debris around Mars. Based on the impact parameters, a few thousand years is all it takes for a large, few-hundred-kilometer wide moon to form very close to the Martian surface, thanks to the dense disk region near the planet. The gravitational influence it has on the outer disk leads to instabilities, which could have created Phobos and Deimos, according to the simulations. While the large Moon will be destined to be tidally destroyed and drawn to the surface through friction with Mars' atmosphere after about five million years, the other two moons -- made of a mix of the compositions of Mars' surface and the impactor -- could remain. Phobos and Deimos had a much larger sibling at some point in the past, but it may have lasted only for a few million years. After billions of years more, these two small moons remain. Perhaps in a few billion more, Phobos may be destroyed as well. If the new theory is right, a future scientist will only have Deimos and the basins on Mars to piece together this story from. It's a stark reminder that in the Solar System and the Universe in general, the past is gone. All we have left to base its history on are the survivors. Reference: Accretion of Phobos and Deimos in an extended debris disc stirred by transient moons, Pascal Rosenblatt et al., Nature Geoscience 9, 581–583 (2016).
A big part of teaching writing is teaching about sentences and sentence structure. There are basic things that students need to learn, and then there are more complex rules and ways of writing. It all starts with understanding that a sentence starts with a capital letter, ends with punctuation, and is a complete thought. Students also need to understand the parts of a sentence: subject and predicate or noun and verb. A third thing they need to practice is writing different kinds of sentences: simple, compound, and complex. Then there are things like subject-verb agreement, tenses, quotation marks, and other punctuation. It is important that students have a chance to learn these things in context. This means that they need to see it in the text that they read and they need to use it in everyday writing. However, one way that they can practice their sentence writing skills is with worksheets and examples. Depending on what students need to practice, you can find worksheets in your teaching materials, in books for teachers, and online. You can also ask your colleagues for worksheets they like to use. If you’d like something specific, you can also make your own. Using Word is pretty easy these days and you can put together a worksheet focused on the skills your students need to practice. Time4Writing provides practice in this area. Sign up for our Elementary Sentence Structure course or browse other related courses below to find a course that’s right for you.
Glaciers - those large frozen expanses that can cover valleys or whole continents - seem an unlikely contributor to stratigraphically younging indicators. They do, however, provide clues by what happens when pieces of them begin to melt. While the glaciers are active, they pluck and embed thousands of rocks into their ice body. We know that rocks existed within the glaciers by the striations that the glaciers left as they carved into the bedrock during their passage. We are also familiar with icebergs - those pieces of glacial ice that break off and float away into whichever body of water the glacier finds at its terminus, such as is seen in the picture on the left. How do dropstones show stratigraphic up? Linking these two ideas together - the embedded rocks and the migrating icebergs - we can envision how this particular type of stratigraphically younging indicator forms. Let us consider an iceberg that calves off into the ocean. As the iceberg moves out to sea, it will begin to melt. Any rocks that it had held in its ice now are released and fall to the bottom of the seafloor, which is typically covered in numerous thin layers of very fine clay sized particles. The very large rock - called a dropstone - that has come from the melting glacier is substantially different in size than the material on the seafloor. Because of the dropstone's more substantial mass, it will embed itself into the sediments to many centimeters depth. This causes the layers into which it falls to be deformed by compaction and/or piercing. Subsequent sediments will fill in around the dropstone and eventually cap it, but these sedimentary layers will appear to be draped across the top of the dropstone instead of crushed and compacted. By seeing how a dropstone compares to the sediments surrounding it, we can tell which way was originally up. For example, the dropstones shown in the three photos to the left and below all are oriented stratigraphically up. en Espanol Spanish version - dropstones (Microsoft Word 34kB Feb2 09)
Liberty and Justice for All - Grades: 1–2 Students explore significant events of the Civil Rights Movement during the late 1950's and discover why everyone deserves to be treated respectfully and fairly. - Explore details of the Civil Rights Movement - Research and discuss significant historical figures and events of the Civil Rights Movement - Sequence these significant events in a timeline - Discuss the importance of appreciating individual differences - Learn two new vocabulary terms: segregation and supremacy Lesson Plans for this Unit Allow students to visit other classrooms to share their timelines while reading their paragraphs about the Civil Rights Movement.
To distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy; to investigate a variety of renewable energy resources and compare the benefits and drawbacks of each. Students will use Internet resources to investigate and compare alternative sources of energy. It is presumed that students have some basic prior understanding of the concept of energy. This investigation uses many resources from Energy Quest, an Educational Supersite. The recommended readings and activities in this investigation would be most appropriate for fourth or fifth grade students. However, this site provides ample resources for adapting the lesson to a wide variety of reading levels. You may wish to preview The Energy Story prior to introducing these activities, to gather background information on energy resources and to identify the most appropriate resources for your students. To introduce this activity, students should use their Energy Sources and Use student esheet to go to and read Energy Story: Introduction on the Energy Quest website. This page introduces students to the concept of energy, and the importance of using energy resources wisely. The introduction includes a list of the energy resources. Ask students which resources they have heard of, which are used in their homes, and which are used in school. Tell students that they will be energy-nauts for their own community. They will research to find the theory, applications, environmental impact, and cost related to a specific energy resource. Each group will present its findings and the class will attempt to reach a consensus on the most practical source(s) of energy for the community. In this part of the lesson, students will learn more about energy sources, including renewable energy sources. To begin, student should use their student esheet to go to and read Fossil Fuels. Students can use the Energy Sources & Use student sheet to write down answers to questions. Once they are done reading the resource, ask students: - What are the major forms of fossil fuels? - How were fossil fuels formed? - How are these fuels collected? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels? Students should use their student esheet to go to the Solstice Crest—Center for Renewable Energy Systems Technology site to read California and Renewables: FAQs. They should scroll down the page to read: - What are the environmental benefits of renewable energy? - How much would it cost a household to do renewable energy? These reports are somewhat sophisticated, but clearly and concisely present the case for utilizing renewable energy technologies. After students read these reports, they should write down their answers to these questions on their student sheet: - Why do these reports suggest that communities should begin to look at alternative energy resources? - What are the benefits of using renewable energy technologies? - Why aren't some renewable resources widely accepted today? - Which energy resource is cheaper in the short run? In the long run? - What is meant by the terms "environmental costs" and "social costs"? What are some examples of each? Divide students into teams of three or four and give them the Renewable Energy Systems student sheet. Each team will be responsible for researching either Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass, or Hydropower systems. Ideas for students to consider include: - How does this technology work? - How might this energy resource be used? - What are some examples of its current use? - What is the environmental impact of this technology? - What is the cost of this technology? - Are there hidden environmental and social costs? - Is this technology widely accepted today? Why or why not? - What obstacles have to be overcome for it to be accepted? Students might use any of the following online resources, in addition to any print resources available in the classroom: Students will complete a group presentation on the topic they have researched. Allow the class ample time to compare the potential benefits and drawbacks of each. Ask questions such as these: - Which form of energy is most cost efficient? - Which has the least impact on the environment? - Which is most realistic given the specific demands and resources of your community? After all group presentations have been completed and discussed, have students write a persuasive essay in which they recommend a renewable energy technology that could potentially be used in their community. They should offer evidence to support their recommendation, including the environmental and/or economic benefits of this resource. For a hands-on activity related to solar energy, go to Make A Pizza Box Solar Oven on Solar Now Project's site. Energy Quest's Science Projects for Kids offers hands-on projects related to Hydropower, including one in which students create a small water turbine model. Students can share their findings on renewable energy with a local congressperson via email. If they don't know the address, they can find it at Find Your Representative.
Students can learn the Common Core Standards and have fun!!! Your students will love these 9 Halloween activities that are all aligned to the Common Core Standards. There is one activity for each of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking standards. Each of the activities is meaningful and require students to apply the multiplication and division skills from the Common Core Standards. Some of the skills practiced are representations of multiplication, representations of division, one-step word problems, two-step word problems, arrays, missing numbers, patterns, and more! Each activity includes a title page, directions, necessary materials, and a recording sheet. Students can work in partners or independently to complete their centers. ~Candy Corn Division ~Batty About Division ~Flying Through Multiplication Check out these other center activities! Enrichment Math Centers Christmas Centers for Math Enrichment Fall Centers for the Common Core Standards Valentine's Math Activities and Center Board Earth Day Math Centers
The story “How Full is your Bucket?” by Tom Roth is a great story to discuss the importance of how positive and negative words, and actions can affect the mental health of others. In Prep-ONE (Senior Kindergarten), we introduced the story after many discussions on equality and inclusion during our Black History Month unit, to further extend the conversation and discuss the importance of our actions and their impact on others. How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Roth After reading How Full is Your Bucket, we had a long class discussion about our actions and what we can do to make our friends, family and peers have full buckets. Students talked about making a conscious effort to be kind to others. Below are some of the thoughts and ideas the students talked about during our class discussion on bucket filling: Student 1: We should smile at our friends. Student 2: Sharing toys with my sister makes her happy. Student 3: When my friend can’t read a word, I can help them. Student 4: I help my mom and dad grocery shop. Student 5: Saying nice words to our friends will fill their buckets. Student 6: If someone is not nice, we can be nice to them. Student 7: When we are filling buckets, we feel happy. Filling Your Bucket in Kindergarten Montessori During this class, students realized that our buckets are full when we are kind to one another, and that they are empty when we are rude or mean to others. Children in Prep-ONE learned strategies to lift one another, instead of bringing each other down through literature. Reading is a fantastic tool to help students understand concepts such as positivity and mental well-being. We encourage every parent to spend time using books as a way to help develop valuable learning lessons. Click here for some helpful tips on how to make reading more fun for your child.
Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on their own they have a hyphen before or after them. Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. For example: Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example: The addition of a suffix often changes a word from one word class to another. In the table above, the verb like becomes the adjective likeable, the noun idol becomes the verb idolize, and the noun child becomes the adjective childish. Word creation with prefixes and suffixes Some prefixes and suffixes are part of our living language, in that people regularly use them to create new words for modern products, concepts, or situations. For example: |word||prefix or suffix||new word| Email is an example of a word that was itself formed from a new prefix, e-, which stands for electronic. This modern prefix has formed an ever-growing number of other Internet-related words, including e-book, e-cash, e-commerce, and e-tailer. You can read more about prefixes and suffixes on the OxfordWords blog. Here you will find guidelines, examples, and tips for using prefixes and suffixes correctly. Back to grammar
Humans and many other animals have a “handedness” — a preference for using one side of the body more than the other. Handedness has been observed in many living animals, but recently it was reported in 400 million-year-old trilobites. You might well ask how something like handedness can be determined in an animal so ancient. Trilobites were arthropods, the same group that includes insects, crabs and lobsters. More than 17,000 species of trilobites have been found in rocks ranging from 520 million to 250 million years old. Like most arthropods, to grow they would periodically shed their old, hard skin and then form a new, hard, slightly larger skin. That process is called molting. Different species of trilobites molted in different ways. The ones in the current study would split their hard skin along the border between their pygidium (their “head”) and body. The pygidium would be pushed aside and the animal would crawl out of the hard skin covering its body. The researchers looked at 294 specimens from two species of trilobites, both found in Devonian rocks in China. The rocks were fine-grained sediments of volcanic ash and mudstones representing deep-water environments. They found that in one species of Late Devonian trilobite, the pygidium was pushed to the right side in 70 percent of the cases, while in another species, from the Early Devonian, it was pushed to the left 67 percent of the time. This isn’t the first time trilobites have been used to suggest ancient handedness. A study published a number of years ago by Ohio State University professor Loren Babcock showed that trilobites had injuries on the right side of their bodies 2 1/2 times more often than on the left. Most of those injuries were attributed to the attack of another arthropod, Anomalocaris, since many of the injuries matched the size and shape of its mouthparts. The preponderance of injuries on one side suggested that either the predator preferred to attack from that side (thus suggesting a handedness in that animal) or the trilobites tended to preferentially move away to one side when approached by a predator. Handedness is not uncommon in arthropods — many crabs and lobsters have one claw much larger than the other. Evidence for handedness among other groups of prehistoric organisms is not abundant, but it does exist. Scolecodonts, the fossil “jawbones” of carnivorous worms, are frequently asymmetrical, as are the “jaws” of conodonts, worm-like animals that may be related to us vertebrates and whose fossils are so abundant in some Paleozoic rocks that petroleum geologists have used them for years to date the rocks being drilled. The skeletons of fossil bryozoans (so-called moss animals) and corals sometimes show asymmetry, as do the spiral burrows of animals from worms to mammals. Mastodons, ice-age relatives of elephants, usually had one tusk shorter than the other, indicating it was used more often. Early hominids made stone tools whose pattern of manufacture strongly suggests that most of the makers were right-handed, and some human fossils show more wear on teeth from one side of the mouth than the other. Dale Gnidovec is curator of the Orton Geological Museum at Ohio State University.
On this day in 1792, France declared war on Austria in an act that saw the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars, a series of wars that pitted France against other European powers. The wars were originally undertaken with the intention of defending and subsequently spreading the effects of the French Revolution. After the overthrow of King Louis XVI, Austria and Prussia had issued a call to European rulers to assist in the re-establishment of Louis as King of France, which led France to declare war on Austria. European rulers were also afraid of the influence of the French Revolution, which had been stirring for a long time out of repression under Louis’ rule. Reactionaries and the monarchy in France desired war because they believed that the new government could be easily defeated by foreign powers, especially as the French Armies lacked organisation and discipline. This would pave a way for the old routine, with King Louis at the head of government. Revolutionaries also desired war because they believed that war would unify the country, and they wanted their revolutionary ideas to be spread across Europe, which is exactly what European leaders were afraid of. After almost ten years of conflict, the Republicans won the war in a victory that saw the survival of the French Republic and the signing of the Treaty of Amiens. The Napoleonic Wars would soon follow in 1803.
The Union victory in the Civil War may have given some 4 million slaves their freedom, but African Americans faced a new onslaught of obstacles and injustices during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877). By late 1865, when the 13th Amendment officially outlawed the institution of slavery, the question of freed blacks’ status in the postwar South was still very much unresolved. Under the lenient Reconstruction policies of President Andrew Johnson, white southerners reestablished civil authority in the former Confederate states in 1865 and 1866. They enacted a series of restrictive laws known as “black codes,” which were designed to restrict freed blacks’ activity and ensure their availability as a labor force now that slavery had been abolished. For instance, many states required blacks to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they risked being arrested as vagrants and fined or forced into unpaid labor. Northern outrage over the black codes helped undermine support for Johnson’s policies, and by late 1866 control over Reconstruction had shifted to the more radical wing of the Republican Party in Congress.
Section 2: Patterns in number charts Key Focus Question: How can you use number charts to help pupils find patterns in numbers? Keywords: number chart; number pattern; multiplication; investigation; group work; basic operations By the end of this section, you will have: - helped pupils to find patterns using number charts; - set up and managed investigations using number charts; - improved your skills at working with groups. A number chart of 100 is a simple aid for helping pupils see pattern in number, and can support a wide range of learning activities. Number charts can be used for young pupils to practise counting, yet can also be used for open-ended investigations with older or more able pupils. In this section you will help your pupils to understand mathematical concepts through investigational and group work.
For those who were enslaved, resistance meant making choices that asserted their fundamental humanity. Many nurtured a cultural community, and others sought emotional support through marriage, even though their unions were not recognized by the law. Some individuals tried negotiation as a means to improve their conditions while others resisted by seizing opportunity as they arose. All forms of resistance could result in punishment, but running away and fighting back were the most dangerous actions of all. Although enslaved individuals were defined as property under colonial law, they nevertheless made decisions throughout their lifetimes to defy this dehumanizing legal definition. While their choices were limited and often had traumatic consequences, the actions they took have left us with a record of resistance and survival. Negotiation under slavery occurred daily. Some enslaved people withheld their labor skills to lobby for improved conditions. Others did so to protest work in general. Despite various acts of defiance, most positive outcomes were temporary. Some individuals rejected negotiation in favor of outright defiance. However, defying the interests of an enslaver could have life-threatening consequences. Enslavers had the legal authority to sell, separate, and brutally punish those they held as property. Nevertheless, some enslaved people seized what opportunities they could to disrupt the balance of power. Throughout the colonial North, newspapers printed thousands of advertisements for “runaway slaves.” These ads, while often biased and demeaning, also inadvertently showcased the skills, education, ingenuity, and determination of the many enslaved people who made the decision to self-emancipate, despite the risk. Arson. Rebellion. Sabotage. Poisoning. When enslaved people fought back with violence, punishment was swift and brutal. But they continued to rebel, showing enslavers that the system of treating people as property would not go unchallenged.
Welcome to another Python snippet post. This week we're going to take a brief look at conditional expressions in Python, sometimes referred to as Python's ternary operator. Conditional expressions are a slightly obscure bit of syntax in Python, but they essentially allow us to assign values to variables based on some condition. Let's take a look at a quick example: x = 6 value = x if x < 10 else "Invalid value" # 6 In this case we have some value bound to the variable x, and we check if the value of x is less than 10. If it is, we assign the number to value; otherwise, we assign the string, We can see a case where the value of x is not less than x = 10 value = x if x < 10 else "Invalid value" # Invalid value Let's break down the syntax. First we start with the value to return if the condition is True. In our case, this is x. We then have the if keyword followed by some condition. In our case this is a comparison using the less than operator, but any expression which can evaluated to a Boolean value is fine. After the condition, we use the else keyword, followed by the value to return if the condition evaluates to <value if condition True> if <condition> else <value if condition False> One thing to keep in mind when it comes to conditional expressions is that we actually need all of the parts. We can't simply do away with the else clause if we don't care about it. We have to explicitly define a value for if the condition evaluates to Failing to add an else clause results in a Conditional expressions can be chained by appending to the else clause, but the syntax is already confusing enough that I wouldn't ever recommend doing this: x = 16 value = x if x < 10 else "Invalid value" if x < 15 else "Super invalid value" So, should you be using conditionally expressions all over your own code? Probably not. Personally, I think the order of the conditions and the return values is pretty unintuitive, and it can be hard to follow the logic of these conditional expressions. Often it's much clearer to just use an if statement, even if it's a little longer: x = 10 if x < 10: value = x else: value = "Invalid value" There are, however, plenty of examples of this structure being used in the wild, so it's important to be able to recognise it and understand it when it's used in other people's code. That's it for this snippet post. Hopefully you learnt something new, and I hope you find some use cases for conditional expressions in your own code. Sometimes they can be very useful. If you want to upgrade your Python skills even further, I'd recommend checking out our Complete Python Course over on Udemy! There's over 35 hours of material, as well as dozens of exercises and projects to get you really comfortable working with Python. I'd also recommend signing up to your mailing list below, as we post regular discount codes for our courses, ensuring you get the best deal.