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This KS2 PSHE quiz will help you understand when some emotions will be felt by yourself or others as well as teaching you the definitions of some words you can use to describe your emotions. Emotions are the names given to our feelings. They describe the way we feel at different times and enable us to process the situation we are in and how we are responding to it. Our emotions can change quickly from one moment to the next and sometimes certain emotions can last a long time. Some emotions are nice to feel and some are harder to deal with but all emotions are important and it is okay to talk about our emotions with others. There are 6 main categories that emotions can be divided into: happiness, anger, fear, sadness, disgust and surprise, with numerous words being used to describe different degrees of each emotion. It is important that you can start to identify which emotions you are feeling and why - as well being able to tell what emotions are being felt by those around you so that you can respond in an appropriate way.
Written by tutor Kathie Z. A copy of DNA must be replicated before the cell can reproduce itself. The DNA molecule has to replicated, then transcribed into Ribonucleic Acid (RNA), and translated by protein synthesis in three very complex processes in order to duplicate itself. This lesson will discuss the first step: DNA Replication. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the tiny molecule inside every cell that carries all our genes in a code (genetic code). Most of the time, DNA is coiled up tightly inside of our chromosomes, but when needed, it unravels its double helix shape, and looks like a twisted rope ladder. Four chemical bases make up the rungs of the ladder. Each base pairs with only one other, so the sequence of bases along one strand of the DNA is a perfect mirror image of the sequence on the other side. When the strand divides down the middle, each half of the strand can be used like a template to make a copy. It has been proven that adenine always pairs with thymine and cytosine always pairs with guanine in DNA. The backbone of the double helix are alternating molecules of deoxyribose (5 sided sugar) and phosphate groups. The bars of DNA are the four special chemicals called bases: guanine (G), adenine (A), cytosine ( C) and thymine (T). These bases in DNA are set in groups of three called codons, and the order of the bases in each codon varies to provide a chemical code for the cell to make a particular amino acid. The original DNA double helix is called the parent strand. Replication is making a copy of DNA which when replicated in a complimentary strand . Eukaryotic cells start the unzipping and start the replication process in the nucleus. On the other hand, prokaryotic cells (which have no nucleus) unzip and start the replication process in the cytoplasm. But in both cases the replication happens during the S phase of mitosis in the cell cycle. - DNA gyrase (an enzyme) makes a cut in the double helix of and each side separates like unzipping a zipper. - Helicase (an enzyme) causes the the double strand of DNA to unwind into its rope ladder appearance. - Single Strand Binding proteins (SSB – several small proteins) temporarily bind to each side and keep them separate. - DNA polymerase (an enzyme complex) “walks” down the strand and adds new nucleotides to each strand. These make a complementary strand because the complementary nucleotides pair with the A with T, G with C on the existing strand. - A sub-unit of the DNA polymerase “proofreads” the new DNA. - DNA ligase (an enzyme) seals up the fragments into one continuous strand. - The new copies automatically re-zip themselves into the double helix. The consequence of all these steps is that two exact duplicate strands of DNA are produced: each of them consisting of one of the original parent strands and a new daughter strand. The cell can now undergo cell division and provide each daughter cell with a complete copy of the DNA molecule. - The Biology Coloring Book, by Robert D. Griffin - Visual Factfinder Science, by John Farndon
Astronomers think the object shown in this Chandra X-ray Observatory image (in box) may be an elusive intermediate-mass black hole. Located about 32 million light-years from Earth in the Messier 74 galaxy (M74), this object emits periodic bursts of x-rays at a rate that suggests it is much larger than a stellar-mass black hole but significantly smaller than the supermassive black holes found at the centers of galaxies. Few such middling black holes have been discovered, and scientists aren't sure how they form. Black holes are the cold remnants of former stars, so dense that no matter — not even light — is able to escape their powerful gravitational pull. While most stars end up as white dwarfs or neutron stars, black holes are the last evolutionary stage in the lifetimes of enormous stars that had been at least 10 or 15 times as massive as our own sun. When giant stars reach the final stages of their lives they often detonate in cataclysms known as supernovae. Such an explosion scatters most of a star into the void of space but leaves behind a large "cold" remnant on which fusion no longer takes place. In younger stars, nuclear fusion creates energy and a constant outward pressure that exists in balance with the inward pull of gravity caused by the star's own mass. But in the dead remnants of a massive supernova, no force opposes gravity — so the star begins to collapse in upon itself. With no force to check gravity, a budding black hole shrinks to zero volume — at which point it is infinitely dense. Even the light from such a star is unable to escape its immense gravitational pull. The star's own light becomes trapped in orbit, and the dark star becomes known as a black hole. Black holes pull matter and even energy into themselves — but no more so than other stars or cosmic objects of similar mass. That means that a black hole with the mass of our own sun would not "suck" objects into it any more than our own sun does with its own gravitational pull. Planets, light, and other matter must pass close to a black hole in order to be pulled into its grasp. When they reach a point of no return they are said to have entered the event horizon — the point from which any escape is impossible because it requires moving faster than the speed of light. Small But Powerful Black holes are small in size. A million-solar-mass hole, like that believed to be at the center of some galaxies, would have a radius of just about two million miles (three million kilometers) — only about four times the size of the sun. A black hole with a mass equal to that of the sun would have a two-mile (three-kilometer) radius. Because they are so small, distant, and dark, black holes cannot be directly observed. Yet scientists have confirmed their long-held suspicions that they exist. This is typically done by measuring mass in a region of the sky and looking for areas of large, dark mass. Many black holes exist in binary star systems. These holes may continually pull mass from their neighboring star, growing the black hole and shrinking the other star, until the black hole is large and the companion star has completely vanished. Extremely large black holes may exist at the center of some galaxies — including our own Milky Way. These massive features may have the mass of 10 to 100 billion suns. They are similar to smaller black holes but grow to enormous size because there is so much matter in the center of the galaxy for them to add.
This article for teachers discusses examples of problems in which there is no obvious method but in which children can be encouraged to think deeply about the context and extend their ability to. . . . A useful visualising exercise which offers opportunities for discussion and generalising, and which could be used for thinking about the formulae needed for generating the results on a spreadsheet. Eight children each had a cube made from modelling clay. They cut them into four pieces which were all exactly the same shape and size. Whose pieces are the same? Can you decide who made each set? Make a cube out of straws and have a go at this practical challenge. Imagine a 3 by 3 by 3 cube. If you and a friend drill holes in some of the small cubes in the ways described, how many will have holes drilled through them? How can you paint the faces of these eight cubes so they can be put together to make a 2 x 2 cube that is green all over AND a 2 x 2 cube that is yellow all over? A game has a special dice with a colour spot on each face. These three pictures show different views of the same dice. What colour is opposite blue? Which of the following cubes can be made from these nets? Imagine a 4 by 4 by 4 cube. If you and a friend drill holes in some of the small cubes in the ways described, how many will not have holes drilled through them? Imagine a 3 by 3 by 3 cube made of 9 small cubes. Each face of the large cube is painted a different colour. How many small cubes will have two painted faces? Where are they? Here are the six faces of a cube - in no particular order. Here are three views of the cube. Can you deduce where the faces are in relation to each other and record them on the net of this cube? If you had 36 cubes, what different cuboids could you make? This challenge involves eight three-cube models made from interlocking cubes. Investigate different ways of putting the models together then compare your constructions. What is the largest cuboid you can wrap in an A3 sheet of paper? The challenge for you is to make a string of six (or more!) graded cubes. What size square should you cut out of each corner of a 10 x 10 grid to make the box that would hold the greatest number of cubes? Are these statements always true, sometimes true or never true? How many models can you find which obey these rules? Can you create more models that follow these rules? This task depends on groups working collaboratively, discussing and reasoning to agree a final product. I've made some cubes and some cubes with holes in. This challenge invites you to explore the difference in the number of small cubes I've used. Can you see any patterns? Can you make a 3x3 cube with these shapes made from small cubes? What is the smallest cuboid that you can put in this box so that you cannot fit another that's the same into it? Let's say you can only use two different lengths - 2 units and 4 units. Using just these 2 lengths as the edges how many different cuboids can you make? We need to wrap up this cube-shaped present, remembering that we can have no overlaps. What shapes can you find to use? How can you put five cereal packets together to make different shapes if you must put them face-to-face? How can we as teachers begin to introduce 3D ideas to young children? Where do they start? How can we lay the foundations for a later enthusiasm for working in three dimensions? Make a cube with three strips of paper. Colour three faces or use the numbers 1 to 6 to make a die. We went to the cinema and decided to buy some bags of popcorn so we asked about the prices. Investigate how much popcorn each bag holds so find out which we might have bought. How many different cuboids can you make when you use four CDs or DVDs? How about using five, then six? Here are four cubes joined together. How many other arrangements of four cubes can you find? Can you draw them on dotty paper? A description of how to make the five Platonic solids out of paper. How many faces can you see when you arrange these three cubes in different ways? This task develops spatial reasoning skills. By framing and asking questions a member of the team has to find out what mathematical object they have chosen.
In Clauses, you learned that there are two types of clauses: independent and dependent. Recall that independent clauses are complete sentences because they have a subject and verb and express a complete thought. Dependent clauses, in contrast, cannot stand alone because they do not express a complete thought—even though they have a subject and a verb. Independent and dependent clauses can be used in a number of ways to form the four basic types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Time to make their acquaintance. A simple sentence has one independent clause. That means it has one subject and one verb—although either or both can be compound. In addition, a simple sentence can have adjectives and adverbs. What a simple sentence can't have is another independent clause or any subordinate clauses. For example: A simple sentence has one independent clause. Don't shun the simple sentence—it's no simpleton. The simple sentence served Ernest Hemingway well; with its help, macho man Ernie snagged a Nobel Prize in Literature. In the following excerpt from The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway uses the simple sentence to convey powerful emotions: Okay, so it's a real downer. You think they give Nobels for happy talk? A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. The independent clauses can be joined in one of two ways: As with a simple sentence, a compound sentence can't have any subordinate clauses. Here are some compound sentences for your reading pleasure. |Independent Clause||Conjunction or Semicolon||Independent Clause| |Men are mammals||and||women are femammals.| |Mushrooms grow in damp places||so||they look like umbrellas.| |The largest mammals are found in the sea||;||there's nowhere else to put them.| You might also add a conjunctive adverb to this construction, as in this example: The largest mammals are found in the sea; after all, there's nowhere else to put them. A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The independent clause is called the “main clause.” These sentences use subordinating conjunctions to link ideas. As you check out these examples, see if you can find the subordinating conjunctions. The subordinating conjunctions are until, while, and even though. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. The dependent clause can be part of the independent clause. For instance: | ||the lakes dry up,| | ||independent clause| | ||but I couldn't| | ||independent clause| Decisions, decisions: Now that you know you have four different sentence types at your disposal, which ones should you use? Effective communication requires not only that you write complete sentences, but also that you write sentences that say exactly what you mean. Try these six guidelines as you decide which sentence types to use and when: Don't join the two parts of a compound sentence with a comma—you'll end up with a type of run-on sentence called a comma splice. More on this later in this section. Before you shift into panic mode, you should know that most writers use a combination of all four sentence types to convey their meaning. Even Ernest Hemingway slipped a compound sentence or two in among all those simple sentences. Your readers make up your audience. But now it's time to see what's what, who's who, and where you're at with this sentence stuff. To do so, label each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. |1. complex||6. compound-complex| |2. simple||7. complex| |3. complex||8. simple| |4. compound||9. compound-complex| |5. simple||10. compound| Excerpted from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grammar and Style © 2003 by Laurie E. Rozakis, Ph.D.. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Used by arrangement with Alpha Books, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
The Big Idea – Chemical Reactions involve rearrangement of atoms in substances to form new substances. In this topic we look at quantities. How much do we need to react to get a certain amount of product. If we want a defined amount of product, how much of each reactant do we need to start with. The maths of this is fairly simple but applying it to a chemistry context is more difficult. The more you practice these calculations the easier they will become. You must know how to calculate formula masses from individual atomic masses (The top number from the periodic table). You get a mark for doing this in almost every calculation questions so make sure you always do this as a first step. Remember that you are then dealing with ratios. If 1 of A makes 3 of B then 2 of A makes 6 of B and 0.5 of A makes 1.5 B etc The conservation of mass means that the entire sum of masses on the left hand side of an equations must equal to sum of masses on the right hand side. In real life, this doesn’t always work out due to losing materials, incomplete reactions etc and so you can calculate a percentage yield (how much you got divided by how much you expected (maximum) X 100 ) Summarise your knowledge using the worksheet The mole is simply a way of getting around the fact that different atoms have different masses, so if we simply used similar masses of everything we would actually have different numbers of each atom and that isn’t ideal for a chemist who wants to react known numbers of each atom together. To calculate a mole of something you simply take its mass in grammes and divide it by its molecular mass, 24g of carbon is 24/12 = 2 moles. Once we know how many moles there are we can work out how many individual atoms there are by using the Avagadro number. In 1 mole of ANYTHING (atom, compound, molecule) there are 6.02 X10 to the power of 23. a very big number that shows how small individual atoms really are. Exam Question Practice – gcsescienceteacher Review and Rate your Understanding Try the questions below (answers given) then review your understanding Have you learnt all the facts on the 100% sheet? Have you completed the BBC Bitesize tutorial? Have you been able to complete all the questions on the 100% sheet? Let us know how you feel about this topic in the comments section below. Any questions you have, just ask.
Sets as Fractions Third graders practice identifying sets of fractions using Skitles. For homework, 3rd graders are given a worksheet to take home with sets of objects on it. They identify fractional parts of the sets and shade fractional parts of sets. 3rd Math 3 Views 5 Downloads Initial Fraction Ideas Lesson 9 Overview Visual models support young mathematicians with exploring equivalent fractions. Starting with a quick warm-up problem, children go on to work through a series of guiding practice problems before working with a partner identifying and... 3rd - 6th Math CCSS: Adaptable Performance-Based Assessment Practice Test (Grade 3 Math) Put the knowledge of your third grade mathematicians to the test with this practice Common Core assessment. Offering a change from typical standardized math tests, 3rd graders are asked to answer not only multiple choice questions but... 3rd Math CCSS: Designed Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations Need a unit to teach fractions to fourth graders? Look no further than this well-developed and thorough set of lessons that takes teachers through all steps of planning, implementing, and assessing their lessons. Divided into eight... 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed Write Fractions of a Set (1) Fractions can be represented not only with shapes, but with sets of objects as well. The fourth video of this series builds on prior knowledge of fractions, visually demonstrating how groups of items can be broken into equal parts. After... 5 mins 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed Use Fraction Strips to Generate Equivalent Fractions Fraction strips are great visual models that support young mathematicians with learning to compare fractions. The fourth video in this series clearly models how this tool is used with numerous examples of equivalent fractions. Extend the... 4 mins 2nd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed
Lesson 1 of Media in Math We will be talking about the following three types of media: Each one of these can be used within the classroom, or a combination of all three. By incorporating media, students are able to learn in both verbal and visual form. Media also helps students focus as well as being able to better relate to the material. Here are some ideas in which graphics, audio and video can be used in mathematics Graphics: There are many images online that can be related to various math topics. Pictures that involve shapes, angles, and 3-D models (for geometry) or even pictures of various cards in a standard deck can be used (for probability). Be creative! We will go more in depth in Lesson 2 and specific examples will be given. Audio: Students can record their own steps to solving a problem, and have another student listen to follow along and make sure each step is correct. Also, students can listen to recorded word problems which may help them become less afraid of word problems. This will be discussed further in Lesson 3. Video: There are a lot of great videos out there for math. Sometimes videos offer explanations along with visuals to help students understand concepts and may be more effective being shown through the video then lecture. Students can easily learn about pi, or how fractions work through videos found online. This will be discussed further in Lesson 4. Please watch the following video: [Technology in the classroom: Digital Media], as an introduction to media. The video will discuss the importance of using digital media in classrooms. How do the ideas presented in the video help us better understand the importance of using graphics, audio, and video in a mathematics classroom? Optional: Post any ideas you may have about this in the discussion tab Take a look at the following examples: What is considered graphics? Posters, pictures, cartoons, diagrams, pictures, visual representations, graphic organizers, etc. What is considered audio? Recordings, music, sound, etc. What is considered video? Movies, film, or anything that combines graphics and audio together as one. Is there anything you would add to these lists? Take a peek at some of these suggested articles To learn more about advantages with why we use media [click here] To see why math teachers are reluctant to use media and steps they can take [click here] - Using media is beneficial for any classroom. Students are able to learn in new ways and benefit from being able to learn content through these different forms of media. The next lesson will start with our first type of media: Graphics. Why use Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from: http://serc.carleton.edu/econ/media/why.html Horgan Shadoyan, T. (2014). GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS AND TECHNOLOGY UNITE FOR LOTS OF LEARNING!. Library Media Connection, 32(4), 26-28. Technology in the Classroom: Digital Media. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbVKPhVCRFI
Matter and Interactions The teacher will use this video to introduce students to the concept of solids, liquids, and gases. Once the video is complete, the class will reconvene and give examples of each of the states of matter. 2 Direct Instruction Students will view the Bill Nye video on Matter. Once the video is over, the class will reconvene and the teacher will go through a short power point presentation on the concepts covered. 3 Guided Practice Teacher will create a lab for students to help students decipher between the three stages of matter. This will be done in small groups during the lesson. 4 Independent Practice Students will answer questions that are found in the student instructions section. These questions will be used to compile an exit ticket for the wrap up. Answer the following questions: - Name all three of the states of matter - Give three characteristics for each of the three states of matter. 5 Wrap Up Students will create a table of the three states of matter they explored during their lesson today. Within the table, students will categorize their findings as either a solid, liquid or gas. Students are to follow the instructions the the 'Student Instruction' box Using the data you gathered from your investigation, make a chart to categorize the items you had to classify in the investigation based on their state of matter.
Volume and surface area questions GCSE Maths Grade 8/9 Hi there, this is part 1 of the GCSE Maths Grade 8/9 Volume and surface area questions. The lesson slides are attached so that you can follow along with the lesson. You can also view the solutions if you just came here for those too 🙂 If you would like to join my GCSE Skype group lessons, or would like 1-2-1 GCSE Maths coaching, then contact me here on through my website. Volume and Surface Area GCSE Exam Questions - The diagram shows a solid wax cylinder. The cylinder has base radius 2x and height 9x. The cylinder is melted down and made into a sphere of radius r. Find an expression for r in terms of x. - A cylinder has base radius x cm and height 2x. A cone has base radius x cm and height h cm. The volume of the cylinder and the volume of the cone are equal. Find h in terms of x. Give your answer in its simplest form. - The diagram shows a solid cone and a solid hemisphere. The cone has a base of radius x cm and a height of h The hemisphere has a base of radius x cm. - The diagram shows a solid hemisphere of radius 5cm. Find the total surface area of the solid hemisphere. Give your answer in terms of π.The surface area of the cone is equal to the surface area of the hemisphere. Find an expression for h in terms of x. - The radius of a sphere is 3 cm. The radius of the base of a cone is also 3 cm. The volume of the sphere is 3 times the volume of the cone. Work out the curved surface area of the cone. Give your answer as a multiple of π. Don’t for get to like, share and subscribe to my YouTube Page and visit my Instagram at deptfordtutors IF YOU ARE USING AN APPLE DEVICE TO VIEW THESE DOCUMENTS, PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU’VE DOWNLOADED THE MICROSOFT WORD APP TO YOUR DEVICE FIRST, SO THAT YOU CAN VIEW IT CORRECTLY!
The Problem of the Day will give insight to student understanding of the different quadrilaterals. The explanation as to why the other choices are correct may indicate if students need scaffolding to learn about 3D figures. The lesson begins with a review question for the Problem of the Day. Which of the following types of quadrilaterals could be described by these properties: has all sides equivalent and has all angles equivalent? Explain why the other choices are not correct. During class discussion, students should provide answers that display their ability to distinguish each quadrilateral. The vocabulary activity will serve as notes for the lesson. While students are completing the activity, they can write down the definition to use as a resource when completing the 3D Exploration. The 3D Exploration guides students to look at the different components and characteristics of 3D figures. If students complete the chart as individuals then compare information with a partner, they can consider the thinking of others as they make their own meaning. Students will take turns completing the vocabulary activity on the SMARTboard. As volunteers attempt to complete the activity, the class will add the terms and definitions, along with an illustration, to their notebooks. Exploration of 3D Figures To complete the chart, students will work as individuals. Once the chart is complete, they will compare charts then discuss responses to the reflection questions with a partner. Whole class discussion should include questions regarding the differences between figures i.e. compare/contrast triangular and rectangular pyramids. Students can sort the objects using the labels and create a poster with the objects if there is time. If time does not permit, student pairs can present the category they created and volunteers can be chosen to discuss objects placed in the categories given. To summarize the lesson, student partners will sort figures into categories and use available labels to describe the categories. There is a blank label for students to create another category to use with the figures. The report out after the sort should include each pair giving their created category and telling which figure(s) fall into that category.
Your student will practice informative writing with this worksheet. Informative / Expository Writing Prompts Expository writing, sometimes called informative writing, seeks to relay information to the reader. It is one of the main modes of writing and includes such formats as reports, instructions, term papers and even business letters. Since this is the type of writing that most students will use in their adult lives, it is important that they learn to convey information clearly and concisely. To use the expository worksheets below, click on the title. You may then view the details and download it for free for home use or the classroom. Check out all of our writing prompts. In this writing worksheet, your student will write about something green. In this worksheet, your student can practice writing informational text. This writing prompt has your student writing an informative piece on her hometown. This writing worksheet will help your student with informational writing. Your student will practice informative writing in this worksheet about explaining the rules of a game. This worksheet on informative writing asks your student to compare two people in history.
Common And Proper Nouns Worksheet 1St Grade. Click on the image to display our pdf worksheet. In fact, proper nouns are specific names for particular things, places, or people. Part of a collection of free grade 1 grammar worksheets from k5 learning. Award winning educational materials designed to help kids succeed. Proper nouns can be easily identified in a sentence. Table of Contents Second, It Always Starts With A Capital Letter. Part of a collection of free grade 1 grammar worksheets from k5 learning. Sometimes a proper noun can contain two. The moffatt girls fall math and literacy packet 1st grade common and proper nouns proper nouns proper nouns worksheet. Beginner First Grade Common And Proper Nouns Worksheets For Grade 1. Browse printable 1st grade common core proper noun worksheets. First grade proper noun worksheets. Award winning educational materials designed to help kids succeed. Learning The Difference Between Common Nouns And Proper Nouns Is Simple With This Set Of 3 Worksheets! Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Plural and possessive nouns are introduced. Sort common and proper nouns first grade worksheets. The Focus Is On Identifying Simple Nouns Either In Isolation Or In A Sentence. 4 practice worksheets covers the first grade language standard l 1 1b each page has. These language worksheets are perfect for students in the first grade. Second it always starts with a capital letter. Worksheets Are Grade 1 Common Proper Nouns B, Grade 1 Nouns Work, First Grade Noun Work For Grade 1, Proper Nouns, Proper Noun Sentences Work, First Grade Proper Nouns Work, Common And Proper Nouns, Work On Proper And Common Nouns For Grade 1. This resource contains everything you need. Common and proper nouns worksheets and printables explore set of free worksheets for elementary grade kids to practice common and proper. This set of noun activities for kindergarten and first grade students includes noun anchor charts, noun games, noun worksheets and pocket chart sorting activities.
Many factors affect rates of chemical reactions - pressure of gases, temperature, surface area of solids, concentration and if there is a catalyst. Anything that will change the probability of particles colliding or change the energy of the collisions will affect the rate of a reaction. This is the last of three GCSE Chemistry quizzes looking at these factors. When investigating rates of reaction, it is necessary to make a series of measurements over a period of time, for example, how much hydrogen is produced during the reaction of an acid with zinc. The experiment should be repeated several times and, after discarding any anomalous results, the readings averaged and plotted on a scatter graph with time along the horizontal axis. The line of best fit will usually be a curve, with the steepest gradient at the start indicating the fastest rate of reaction. Where the curve is horizontal, is shows that the reaction had finished. The conditions of the experiment can then be changed and the whole process repeated. Plotting the results on the same graph, using different colours, gives a quick and easy visual interpretation, from which you can write your conclusion. When working out rates of reaction mathematically, as higher tier candidates are more likely to do, dividing the amount of reactant used (or product formed) by the time taken gives a valid rate. This is effectively the same as working out the gradient of a graph. If 15 cm3 of carbon dioxide were released in the first 20 seconds of a reaction, the rate would be 0.75 cm3/s. Later in the reaction, it may take 45 seconds to produce 10 cm3 of carbon dioxide, in which case the rate would have dropped to 0.22 cm3/s. This slowing down of the rate occurs because the concentration of one or both of the reactants changes during the reaction. Professional scientists usually refer to the initial rate of reaction, in other words the rate at the very start. How would a decrease in temperature affect the rate of a reaction? What about surface area? Have a go at this quiz and test your knowledge of the factors which affect rates of reaction, such as temperature, surface area or pressure.
This quiz is for teaching children when and how to use the conjunctions ‘And’ or ‘But’. To agree, the word ‘and’ is used, but to disagree the word ‘but’ is used. It identifies two of the most common words used by Key Stage 1 children and highlights the difference one word can make to their sentences. This quiz will also recap all the basic sentence rules like capital letters and full stops which will reinforce children’s knowledge of literacy and English. When we write sentences, we often link two ideas with the words ‘and’ or ‘but’. The word ‘and’ adds detail to what you’ve already said but the word ‘but’ disagrees. Every sentence you write must always start with a capital letter and full stop. To see a larger image, click on the picture.
Students discover the Central Limit Theorem by simulating rolls of two, four, and seven number cubes via the random number generator. In problem 1, students are grouped by threes. The first person simulates rolling two number cubes 10 times, saying the results of each roll aloud. The second person will calculate the means of the two numbers on the Home screen. The third person will record the means, both in the List Editor. Students will then perform a simulation of rolling four and seven number cubes, finding the means, and recording them in the spreadsheet and on the worksheet. After each simulation, students will create a histogram. The groups finish, they discuss the answers to the questions. They will see that in the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) the distribution of sample means becomes normal as n increases, regardless of the shape of the distribution of the population. It could also be normal, skewed, bimodal, or have no pattern. At the end of this activity, students will be able to state the Central Limit Theorem. © Copyright 1995-2019 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
1860: A time when African-Americans were owned by slaveholders before and during the Civil War in the United States. On Sept. 22 of 1862, however, President Abraham Lincoln recognized that change was needed, and he issued a date for a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. But what does that even mean? Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th president shortly after the Civil War began, and originally, his mission as president during the war was to encourage restoration of the Union; slavery was not the main concern. Although he personally believed that slavery was unacceptable, he avoided addressing the slavery issue immediately so he could gain widespread support from the public regarding the repugnant matter. About a year later, Sept. 22, 1862, Lincoln set a date for the freedom and release of over three million black slaves in the United States, and the new priority of the Civil War was to fight against slavery in the states. Prior to the proclamation, slavery was legal in the following states: - North Carolina - South Carolina At the time when the proclamation was issued, Lincoln exempted the border states (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri and West Virginia) because the slaveholders were loyal to the Union. After a Union win at the Battle of Antietam in September, it was announced that within 100 days, slaves in areas of rebellion would be freed. The official Emancipation Proclamation was issued and put into effect on Jan. 1, 1863, which stated “‘that all persons held as slaves’ within the rebel states ‘are, and henceforward shall be free,’” according to history.com. In the Union forces, Lincoln ensured the proclamation required recruitment and establishment of military units for those slaves being freed, which prompted 180,000 African Americans to serve in the army and 18,000 to serve in the navy. Not only did the Emancipation Proclamation free millions of slaves, but it built up Lincoln’s Republican party and allowed them to stay in power for the following two decades. The original, handwritten document was destroyed in the Chicago Fire, but the official version of the document resides in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Considering the proclamation was not a law, it wasn’t considered permanent, meaning the statement could have been taken as very relaxed unless made an official law. In 1865, slavery was eliminated in America after Lincoln fought for and passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Just because slavery was eliminated at the time didn’t mean African Americans were considered equals, for they faced many years of struggles before finally gaining equality in 1964 under the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Jessica Ricard can be contacted at firstname.lastname@example.org
Elementary Spanish/Unit1 Sec1 Unit 1: Elementary Spanish In this Unit, we will focus on the themes of personal experience and family tradition. |First, we'll start with a warm up activity, that introduces us to frequently used questions and responses.| |We will begin the first Spanish lesson by reviewing contextualized language in a story. After, we will discuss the nouns, infinitive verbs, and how they are used with subject pronouns.| First, we'll start off with some warm up questions. |In this section, we'll begin a more focused practice on nouns and verbs. | Working through these activities, we will gain better familiarty with nouns and verbs used within the story, as well as grammatical explanations for their implementation.
Before there were asteroids, there were giant mudballs hurtling around the solar system. The most common type of asteroid, called carbonaceous asteroids, may have delivered water and organic molecules to Earth, and could even be the precursors of rocky planets. They are thought to have formed from ice, dust and mineral grains called chondrules in the disc of dense gas and dust that birthed our solar system. But not much is known about their history, and they have some unexplained characteristics. These rocks appear to have been altered at relatively low and uniform temperatures, so they must have had some way to lose heat from within. Some have proposed that water flowing inside the early asteroids cooled them down, but soluble elements don’t appear to have been moved around, as would be expected if water had been present. Modelling early asteroids as mud makes more sense, says Philip Bland at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, and his collaborator Bryan Travis at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona. When the ice, dust and chondrules came together, they wouldn’t have been compacted under pressure into rock straight away, says Bland. Instead, the ice would have been melted by decaying radioactive atoms present among the dust and gas, turning the mixture into a sludgy mud. Their model shows that these mudball asteroids likely formed from dusty material left over after the sun’s formation, and that convection would take place, allowing the interior to lose heat easily. Soluble and insoluble elements would be mixed together, preserving the primitive chemistry of the asteroid. “It turns out that that explains many more features of interest than if it’s a rock,” says Bland. The mud would have turned to rock later on, perhaps aided by gravitational pressure once the asteroid got big enough, or by impacts with other objects. “I think it’s a very exciting idea,” says Tom Davison at Imperial College London. “From the way they’ve presented it, it’s almost inevitable that this would happen in at least some bodies.” Matching our meteorites Sara Russell at the Natural History Museum in London says the mudball model aligns well with what is found in meteorites. “We see from our meteorite collection that chondrules within a single sample are the same size as each other,” she says. That’s difficult to explain without this model, she says. Two space missions are currently en route to asteroids formed in the early universe that could be former mudballs: NASA’s Osiris-Rex and Japan’s Hayabusa 2 (depicted above). Both of these will map the asteroids in detail and return a sample to Earth, potentially allowing us to test this idea. Understanding how asteroids formed will help us explain how organic chemistry evolved in the solar system, and could even help in the search for life elsewhere, says Bland. “It will help us make more sophisticated models of where we can look for habitable worlds around other stars,” he says. Journal reference: Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602514 More on these topics:
In the same way that electrical current creates a magnetic field, the reverse is also true. In this activity, your students will build electric motors that are enabled by magnets. This hands-on experience has real-world application, as all electric motors in our lives come from this basic principle. Each group will need: It’s a good idea to build your own electric motor in advance so you know how to do the activity and you can work through the troubleshooting steps. Put your students into groups of two or three and then have them follow the following steps: If the coil doesn’t spin, here are some things students can try: Make sure your students make observations on their "Build an electric motor" worksheet and that they complete the analysis. Have the groups share their experience creating an electric motor. Students can talk about what they found challenging, how they solved problems, and what success looked like. Students can test different variables that affect the way an electric motor works, including: Describe what you see. Include sketches as necessary. What do you hear? How long did your coil spin? What would make it stop? Analysis and conclusions Using your understanding of electricity and magnetism, explain in your own words what is happening in the circuit to make the coil spin. What questions about electromagnetism do you have after today’s activity?
4.1 How fast? The rate of a chemical reaction measures the speed of a reaction or how fast it is. Rate of reaction = amount of reactants used OR amount of product formed time time The gradient or slope of the line on a graph of amount of reactant or product against time tells us the rate of reaction at that time. The steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction. The faster the rate, the shorter the time it takes for the reaction to finish. So rate is inversely proportional to time. 4.2 Collision Theory and Surface Area The Collision Theory states that reactions can only happen if the particles collide with enough energy to change into new substances. The minimum amount of energy that particles must have in order to react is called the activation energy. The rate of a chemical reaction increases if the surface area of any solid reactants is increased. By breaking a large solid into smaller fragments, we expose new surfaces, and this increases the frequency of the collisions. Factors that increase the chance of collisions, or the energy of the particles, will increase the rate of reaction, e.g. temperature, concentration, pressure, surface area, use of a catalyst. 4.3 The effect of Temperature Reactions happen more quickly as the temperature increases. Increasing the temperature increases the speed of the particles in a reaction mixture. This means they collide more frequently and with more energy, which increases the rate of reaction. At higher temperatures more of the collisions result in a reaction because a higher proportion of particles have energy greater than the activation energy. 4.4 The effect of Concentration or Pressure The particles in a solution are moving around randomly. If the concentration of a solution is increased there are more particles dissolved in the same volume. This means the dissolved particles are closer together and so they collide more frequently. Increasing the concentration of a reactant therefore increases the rate of reaction because the particles collide more frequently. In a similar way, increasing the pressure of a gas puts more molecules into the same volume, and so they collide more frequently. This increases the rate of reactions that have gases as reactants. 4.5 The effect of Catalysts A catalyst speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. They lower the activation energy of the reaction so that more of the collisions result in a reaction. A catalyst is not used up in a chemical reaction. Solid catalysts have large surface areas to make them as effective as possible. Different catalysts are needed for different reactions. 4.6 Catalysts in Action Catalysts are used in industry to increase rate of reaction and reduce energy costs. Traditional catalysts are often transition metals or their compounds which can be toxic and harm the environment if they escape. Modern catalysts are being developed in industry which result in less waste and are safer for the environment. 4.7 Exothermic and Endothermic reactions Energy may be transferred to or from the reacting substances in a chemical reaction. A reaction in which energy is transferred from the reacting substances to their surroundings is called an exothermic reaction, e.g. combustion, oxidation reactions and neutralisation reactions. A reaction in which energy is transferred to the reacting substances from their surroundings is called an endothermic reaction, e.g. thermal decomposition of CaCO3 4.8/9 Energy and Reversible reactions In reversible reactions, the reaction in one direction is exothermic and in the other direction it is endothermic. In any reversible reaction the amount of energy released when the reaction goes in one direction is exactly equal to the energy absorbed when the reaction goes in the opposite direction. Exothermic changes can be used in hand warmers and self-heating cans. Endothermic changes can be used in instant cold packs for sports injuries.
In Week 1, students are introduced to the ten fundamental principles on which the study of economics is based. Throughout this course, the students will use these ten principles to better develop their understanding of economics and how society manages its scarce resources. Students will see how markets work using supply and demand for a good to determine both the quantity produced and the price at which the good sells. The concepts of equilibrium and elasticity are used to explain the sensitivity of quantity supplied and quantity demanded to changes in economic variables. Students will see how government policies impact prices and quantities in markets. Resources: Principles of Microeconomics, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Identify the fundamental lessons the Ten Principles of Economics teaches regarding: - How people make decisions - How people interact - How the economy works as a whole Explain the following to help the committee members understand how markets work: - How society manages its scarce resources and benefits from economic interdependence. - Why the demand curve slopes downward and the supply curve slopes upward. - Where the point of equilibrium is and what does it determine? - The impact of price controls, taxes, and elasticity on changes in supply, demand and equilibrium prices. Format consistent with APA guidelines.
Lesson 16 Student Outcomes Students solve two inequalities joined by “and” or “or,” then graph the solution set on the number line. "And" and "Or" Statements Recall that for a statement separated by “and” to be true BOTH statements must be true. If it is separated by “or,” at least one statement must be true. 1. Solve each compound inequality for x and graph the solution on a number line. a. 9 + 2x < 17 and 7 - 4x < -9 b. 6 ≤ x/2 ≤ 11 a. Give an example of a compound inequality separated by “or” that has a solution of all real number. b. Take the example from (a) and change the “or” to an “and.” Explain why the solution set is no longer all real numbers. Use a graph on a number line as part of your explanation. Rotate to landscape screen format on a mobile phone or small tablet to use the Mathway widget, a free math problem solver that answers your questions with step-by-step explanations.
On this day in 1865, the House of Representatives voted to pass the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States following Senate’s approval of the amendment in April 1864. The 13th Amendment came to full fruition after years of activism by abolitionists, including many women who later set into motion the women’s rights movement and often sacrificed the cause of women’s suffrage in order to attain the African American male vote more quickly. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the wife of prominent abolitionist Harry Stanton, met the Quaker preacher and abolitionist Lucretia Mott at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in in 1840, after they were ordered to sit separately from men. They held the first Woman’s Rights Convention in England eight years later. Frederick Douglass, a former slave and one of a small number of men in attendance there, persuaded the Seneca Falls audience to accept a controversial resolution demanding that women work to attain the right to vote. Seneca Falls, NY In the later anthology History of Woman’s Suffrage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton dedicates a section to examining the effect of women’s participation in abolitionism on their future mindsets. She writes: “In the early Anti-Slavery conventions, the broad principles of human rights were so exhaustively discussed, justice, liberty, and equality, so clearly taught, that the women who crowded to listen readily learned the lesson of freedom for themselves, and early began to take part in the debates and business affairs of all associations. Women not only felt every pulsation of man's heart for freedom, and by her enthusiasm inspired the glowing eloquence that maintained him through the struggle, but earnestly advocated with her own lips human freedom and equality.” Other American women suffragists also contributed to the anti-slavery cause. Susan B. Anthony was the principal leader of the chapter of the American Anti-Slavery Society and petitioned for the freedom of slaves during the Civil War era. Anna Dickinson was considered one of the greatest orators in New York during her lifetime, and began her involvement in abolitionism as early as 13 years old, when she wrote for William Lloyd Garrison’s respected newspaper The Liberator. America When the women’s rights movement split into two major associations after years of disagreement, Lucy Stone led the American Woman Suffrage Association, which prioritized the rights of black men before those of women. Ida B. Wells, a founder of the NAACP, worked for both women’s and civil rights by exposing in her newspaper the vast number of white men who raped black women, as well as dispelling the myth that black men raped white women. The praised leader of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, also worked often with her good friend Susan B. Anthony to secure women’s rights. Finally, the former slave Sojourner Truth worked all her life for both women’s rights and the rights of black men. “I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman?” she said in her most famous speech. The 13th Amendment was the first of several Reconstruction amendments immediately following the Civil War, but equal rights for the African American community de jure did not culminate until the Civil Rights Act of 1964. To this day, the commonality among seemingly different oppressions continues, and as a result, feminists frequently combine their activism with efforts against racism, homophobia, classism, and ableism in order to address root causes of inequality. Contemporary writers such as bell hooks address the invisibility of black women within the history and discourse of both the civil rights and feminist movements. Different movements continue to learn organizing tactics from each other, and as such, it is likely that equality for all people will finally be achieved only when all minority groups recognize the intersection of their oppression.
The Basics of Working with Exponents Exponents (also called powers) are shorthand for repeated multiplication. For example, 23 means to multiply 2 by itself three times. To do that, use the following notation: In this example, 2 is the base number and 3 is the exponent. You can read 23 as “2 to the third power” or “2 to the power of 3” (or even “2 cubed,” which has to do with the formula for finding the value of a cube). Here’s another example: 105 means to multiply 10 by itself five times That works out like this: This time, 10 is the base number and 5 is the exponent. Read 105 as “10 to the fifth power” or “10 to the power of 5.” When the base number is 10, figuring out any exponent is easy. Just write down a 1 and that many 0s after it: |1 with two 0s||1 with seven 0s||1 with twenty 0s| |102 = 100||107 = 10,000,000||1020 = 100,000,000,000,000,000,000| Exponents with a base number of 10 are important in scientific notation. The most common exponent is the number 2. When you take any whole number to the power of 2, the result is a square number. For this reason, taking a number to the power of 2 is called squaring that number. You can read 32 as “three squared,” 42 as “four squared,” and so forth. Here are some squared numbers: Any number (except 0) raised to the 0 power equals 1. So 10, 370, and 999,9990 are equivalent, or equal, because they all equal 1.
The teacher can engage the students by asking them if they have ever heard or said, "That's not fair!" The teacher can allow the students to turn and talk about when they said or heard this statement. Allow a few groups to share their thoughts. The teacher can then lead the class in an open discussion of what rules are and why we have them. Lead the students to the fact that laws are rules that have been decided on for everyone. These rules have to go through a specific process before they can be a law. Once passed, these laws apply to everyone in a country. Divide the students into 4 groups. One way to do this would be to allow students to work in table groups. Give each group a piece of paper. Tell the students that they are going to take 1-2 minutes to write down all the things for which they think there should be a rule or law. Remind students that they are graffiti writing and it's okay to use phrases and not complete sentences as well as if they write upside down from their neighbor. Set a timer to keep students on track. As students are working, walk around the room to encourage out-of-the-box thinking and ideas. Remind students that there are no bad ideas. This is a time to reflect and dump all the ideas out of their brains. After students write down their ideas, have each group choose one idea that is their favorite. Allow time for each group to write a list of at least 3 reasons they think their choice should be a law. Write the idea from each group on the board and number them. Ask students to vote on the choice they think would make a good new law. The vote can be done by students raising their hand, raising the number of fingers of their choice, on paper, or using a Google Form. Remind students that the law would affect everyone so choose carefully and be sure that they can explain why they think it should be a law. Once the students have voted on a choice to use, tell them they are going to watch a video about what happens when someone thinks something should become a law. The process goes through the legislative branch of the government. This choice is written down and called a bill. The teacher will write the class's choice down on a paper or type it on the computer and project it. The video we are going to watch will explain what happens once the bill is written down. Schoolhouse Rock I'm Just a Bill. Watch the video 2 or 3 times. Have students fill in the Video Graphic Organizer (or take notes on their paper) while watching the video (2nd and 3rd viewing). Divide the class into 2 groups. One group will be the House and one group will be the Senate. Give each group time to discuss if they think the bill should become a law. After students have had time to discuss, have students write a paragraph arguing for or against the bill. They must include 2 or more reasons. The teacher can use the hamburger paragraph rubric to assess writing. This can be posted in the classroom for students to refer to throughout the year as they write. After the students have had time to write about their choice, give students the opportunity to vote by placing a mark on the Voting Board. The Voting Board Template can be displayed on an Interactive White Board or document camera. Tally the votes from both the "House" and the "Senate". If the law passes, then ask students where the law will go next. Tell students that the law will go to the President and he can either sign it (it becomes a law) or veto it (and it is not a law and the process will begin all over again). When the activity is finished, have students complete an exit slip answering 4 questions on their own paper or in a shared Google Doc file: - How does an idea become a bill? - Describe the steps of a bill becoming a law. Assume that it passes at each stage. - What are 2 reasons a bill would not become a law? - What happens to a bill if it does not become a law?
In Aristotle's theory of motion, projectiles were pushed along by an external force which was transmitted through the air. His medieval successors internalized this force in the projectile itself and called it "impetus." This impetus caused the object to move in a straight line until it was expended, at which point the object fell straight to the ground. While objects projected through small distances may appear to behave in this manner, under closer inspection and when viewing projectiles traveling greater distances, it becomes clear that projectiles do not behave in this manner. During the Renaissance, the focus, especially in the arts, was on representing as accurately as possible the real world whether on a 2 dimensional surface or a solid such as marble or granite. This required two things. The first was new methods for drawing or painting, e.g., perspective. The second, relevant to this topic, was careful observation. With the spread of cannon in warfare, the study of projectile motion had taken on greater importance, and now, with more careful observation and more accurate representation, came the realization that projectiles did not move the way Aristotle and his followers had said they did: the path of a projectile did not consist of two consecutive straight line components but was instead a smooth curve. Now someone needed to come up with a method to determine if there was a special curve a projectile followed. But measuring the path of a projectile was not easy. Using an inclined plane, Galileo had performed experiments on uniformly accelerated motion, and he now used the same apparatus to study projectile motion. He placed an inclined plane on a table and provided it with a curved piece at the bottom which deflected an inked bronze ball into a horizontal direction. The ball thus accelerated rolled over the table-top with uniform motion and then fell off the edge of the table Where it hit the floor, it left a small mark. The mark allowed the horizontal and vertical distances traveled by the ball to be measured. By varying the ball's horizontal velocity and vertical drop, Galileo was able to determine that the path of a projectile is parabolic. A page from Galileo's notebooks, showing an experiment such as the one described here. See Stillman Drake, Galileo's Notes on Motion, monograph 5, Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza (Florence, 1979), p. 79.
What are Fraction Circles? Maybe you already know what they are and that's why you arrived at this page. If so, keep on reading and I'm sure you'll find the fraction activities here to be of great use. If you're not so familiar with these circular fractions, you'll learn how beneficial they can be for helping students get a handle on fractions. They allow students to explore fractions in a hands-on and visual manner. - Equivalent fractions - Common denominators - Comparing fractions - Ordering fractions - Basic operations of fractions a good idea for your students to get familiar with the circles by giving each of them a set and a small bit of time to explore them and how the different circles relate to each other. - Have students count the number of red pieces it takes to make one whole. Then have someone or all of the students count the number of green pieces it takes to make one whole. Do this for as many of the different colored circles as you feel gives them a sense of is - Have pairs of students compare a circle divided into more parts with one divided into a lesser number of parts. Then they should discuss what observations they are able to make. - Comparing Ordering Fractions: Which fraction is larger: 2/3 or 5/6? How do you know? Put the following fractions in order from smallest to largest: 2/5, 3/4, 1/3, - How many different ways can you make one-half? one-third? one-fourth? - Equivalent fractions: What is another fraction that is equivalent (the same as) to three-fourths? nine-twelths? - Adding Fractions: Add 1/2 + 2/3 with the fraction circles. What other way (equivalent fraction) is there to represent this sum? - Division of Fractions: How many times does 1/10 fit into 3/5? This has the same meaning as 3/5 / 1/10. Go to main Fraction Games page Return from Fraction Circles to Learn With Math Games Home
A formula is a special type of equation that shows how two or more variables (letters) are related. You will already be familiar with some, like the formula for the area of a rectangle. If you know the length and width, you can use the formula to calculate the area. A useful thing about formulas is that you can rearrange them to work out the value of another variable. So if you know the area of a rectangle and its width, you can calculate the length. Test your skills in using and rearranging formulae in this GCSE Maths quiz. You have to know how to SUBSTITUTE a value into a formula – you do this when you are told what value a variable has. Every time the letter appears in the formula, replace it with the number, remembering to keep the same relationships such as multiplying or adding. The ‘subject’ of a formula is the variable that everything else is equal to. It is usually on the left-hand side of the equal sign, but it doesn’t have to be. You may be asked to ‘change the subject of the formula’ – this means you have to carry out algebraic manipulation to rearrange the variables. This is similar to solving equations, in that you are trying to remove everything from the variable that is to be the subject. However, they don’t just disappear, but have to appear on the other side of the equal sign, retaining the correct relationships with the other variables.
Note: This is part 2 in a multi-part series on fractions. In part 1, I discussed two different meanings for fractions, I recommend you start there. The Whole Story Discussing fractions without discussing their associated whole (also called referent unit) can be problematic. The quantity is assumed to refer to some referent unit. However, I can show students a picture such as this Each response is possibly correct. If the first student was thinking of one of the bars as the whole, than she is correct that the shaded region is of that whole. If instead, a student perceived both bars together as a whole, then 2 shaded boxes would represent of that whole. Thus, it is incredibly important to clearly define the whole when discussing fractions in school mathematics. Typically, teachers are not very clear on what the referent unit is when discussing fractions. This may lead to some student confusion. For example, if I ask a student which is bigger, or , it is typically assumed that they are referring to the same whole and so is indeed less than . However, if I add in a context then this may not actually be the case. For example, I might compare of a mouse’s weight and of an elephant’s weight. This might cause some confusion because students are typically given blanket statements that is always less than without stating that this is assuming that they are referring to the same whole. Another reason why understanding the whole is essential is that some operations with fractions involve consistent referent units (addition and subtraction) while others do not (multiplication and division). For example, in the equation x + y = z (where x, y and z are fractions) x, y, and z each refer to the same referent unit. However, in the equations xy = z, the referent unit for x differs from y and z. I will explore this further in part 3.
Science Fair: A Guide For Students and Parents is a printable booklet to be provided by science teachers and/or science fair coordinators to students who are participating in their first competitive science fair from which they may go on to competition in district, state, or regional science fairs. As a classroom teacher myself for nearly thirty years, I know there’s little time in a science teacher’s schedule for doing direct instruction on how to design and complete a good science fair project. And there’s virtually no time for helping individual students as they proceed step by step through the process. As a science fair judge and coordinator of both school level and district level science fair competitions, I know that without instruction and some adult help, young students have little chance of designing and carrying out well-designed projects. And while parents often want to help their children with projects, without a background in science they may not be prepared to do that. In the past, science fair competitions were rather low key, and mostly just an opportunity for students to pursue a topic of interest, practice designing and doing simple experiments, or create models of scientific principles. Now, however, high school students win thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships and cash awards. School districts expect science teachers to ensure that students are ready to compete in those high-stakes competitions, and that younger students are taught the skills to make it happen. If you’re reading this, chances are you are one of those science teachers, caught between impossible time constraints and high expectations. I wrote this guide to help you, your students, and their parents. This is a complete 26-page guide for students and their parents, covering everything from choosing a good topic to preparing for conversations with judges, including hyperlinks to reputable grade-appropriate websites to get students started on their research and help them design graphs. Here are the contents of the guide: • Starting With The Right Goal • Choosing A Good Topic • What Makes A Good Project • Credible Sources • The Importance Of Being Fair • Controlling Variables (including information about control groups, constants, independent and dependent variables) • Planning the Experiment • Know The Rules • Write a Good Hypothesis • Starting the Experiment • Keep A Log Book • Collect and Analyze the Data • Get Ready To Show What You Know • Preparing Your Display • Tips For A Good Display Board • The Day Of The Fair • Practice What You’ll Say To The Judges • Blank Planning Chart Please see the preview for some sample pages from the guide. And be sure to download this FREE set of 2015-2016 Science Fair Planning Calendars! Connect with me by following My Blog or by following me on Pinterest Click on the green star near my logo to follow my TpT store and receive notifications of new product releases. You won't get annoying emails every day if you do that ! :) You'll only get an email if I have just released a new product! Did you know you can get credits to use on any purchase in any TpT store just by leaving feedback? After you've used a product from a TpT seller, please take a minute to return to leave feedback. It's very much appreciated and it's an easy way to earn credits that save you money on your next purchase!
You are given a string s. Among the different substrings of s, print the K-th lexicographically smallest one. A substring of s is a string obtained by taking out a non-empty contiguous part in s. For example, if s = ababc are substrings of s, while z and an empty string are not. Also, we say that substrings are different when they are different as strings. Let X = x1x2...xn and Y = y1y2...ym be two distinct strings. X is lexicographically larger than Y if and only if Y is a prefix of X or xj > yj where j is the smallest integer such that xj ≠ yj. - 1 ≤ |s| ≤ 5000 - s consists of lowercase English letters. - 1 ≤ K ≤ 5 - s has at least K different substrings. - 67 points will be awarded as a partial score for passing the test set satisfying |s| ≤ 50. Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: Print the K-th lexicographically smallest substring of K. Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1 s has five substrings: Among them, we should print the fourth smallest one, Note that we do not count Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2 Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3
Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or inequality true. Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. For example, given the rule “Add 3” and the starting number 1, generate terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to alternate between odd and even numbers. Explain informally why the numbers will continue to alternate in this way. Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1–100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is prime or composite. Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set. Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison, e.g., interpret 35 = 5 × 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations. Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.2 Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)
are ordered arrangement of objects. We have a great example for you here. Objects stand for anything you are trying to arrange or put in a certain order. Examples of arrangements are: 1)You have 5 CDs. How many different ways can you listen to them? 2)You are seating 3 people on 3 chairs. How many different ways can people sit? 3)You have 6 books to read.How many different ways can you read your books? You can use the fundamental counting principle to find out how many different permutations or arrangements you can have. Before solving the situations above, let us start with this example. and 4 boxes to arrange those books. You want to know how many different arrangements are possible.| Since you have 4 boxes, you have 4 choices to put the first book. You can put the first book in any of those boxes. The important thing is to see that you have 4 choices to do this. Say you put algebra in box #1 After you put the algebra book in box #1, you can no longer use box #1. You can use box #2, box #3, or box #4 to place your next book. This means you have 3 choices to place your next book. Say that you put basic math in box #2 After you put the basic math book in box #2, you can no longer use box #2. You can use box #3 or box #4 to place your next book. Say that you put the algebra 1 book in box #3 After you put the algebra 1 book in box #3, you have only 1 choice ( box #4) to place your last book, which is geometry Now to find the total number of arrangement, you need to multiply all your choices as seen in fundamental counting principle Number of permutations = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 Now,let us solve the situations above. First, how many ways can 3 people sit on 3 chairs? The first person has 3 choices once the first person sits, there are only 2 seats left. Thus, the second person who sits has 2 choices The last person has 1 choice The number of ways people can sit = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6 ways Second, How many different ways can you listen to five CDs? Assuming you do not listen twice to a CD, you have 5 choices to listen to the first CD. 4 choices to listen to the second CD 3 choices to listen to the third CD 2 choices to listen to the fifth CD 1 choice for the last CD So you have 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 different ways to listen to the 5 CDs New math lessons Your email is safe with us. We will only use it to inform you about new math lessons.
- Form: the way in which the word is spelled according to how it is being used (e.g. ‘child’ is singular but changes its form when it is plural, ‘children’) - Feature: distinctive characteristics that don’t necessarily carry meaning, such as words beginning with ‘wr’. - Function: what a word does in a sentence and how that is indicated in its spelling (e.g. words beginning with un- tend to indicate negatives and so ‘unbelievable’, ‘uncouth’ and ‘undo’ are all related by function, whereas ‘uncle’ and ‘unctuous’ are related by feature only) Resources: lesson plan, example worksheet and example lesson Duration: 90 minutes When you type ‘word families’ into a search engine, 90% of what you see are resources on words which rhyme, with inexplicably random exercises on -ap, -op, -ip etc. words. There are much better ways to teach rhymes and blends (a topic we’ll save for another day). In the meantime, to get an expert’s view on the definition of a word family, perhaps reading Dick Hudson’s thoughts on the subject will prove enlightening. To book this presentation at your school, please contact us.
Using Grammatical Sentence Patterns How are sentences formed? Most simple sentences in English follow 10 sentence patterns. These structures are shown in the following examples. - Subj+be+adverbial of time/place Adverbial is an umbrella term which covers all adverb forms, whether single forms, phrases, or clauses. - Subj+be+adjectival Adjectival is an umbrella term which covers all adjective forms, whether single words, phrases, or clauses. - Subj+be+nominal Nominal is an umbrella term which covers all words that function as a noun, whether single words, phrases, or clauses. Linking verb sentences… - Subj+linking verb+adjectieval - Subj+linking verb+nominal Intransitive verb sentences… - Subj+VI VI = verb intransitive Transitive verb sentences… - Subj+VT+DO VT = verb transitive; DO = direct object - Subj+VT+IO+DO IO = indirect object - Subj+VT+DO+adjective (object complement) - Subj+VT+DO+noun (object complement) - The students are here. - She is in a bad mood. - The astronaut is an old man. - The students seem diligent. - The students became scholars. - The students rested. - That car needs new tires. - The teacher made the test easy. - They named their dog Oscar. - The judge awarded Mary the prize. LINK TO PRINTABLE PDF:
In this worksheet your student will write metaphors and similes about himself. A metaphor is one kind of figurative language, as shown in our metaphor worksheets. These metaphor worksheets will help students explore the difference between similes and metaphors. These metaphor worksheets will teach students to identify metaphors, use metaphors in writing and distinguish between metaphors and similes. Each of the metaphor worksheets are free to duplicate for home or classroom use. Helpful Definitions and Examples Metaphor Printable Worksheet Activities Students underline all the metaphors in this brief story called, “The Haircut”. Students read each sentence and tell what each metaphor is comparing. This worksheet features a variety of metaphors and similes from Shakespeare for your student to anaylze. Your student is asked to explain the meanings of these metaphors and similes in this worksheet. Students underline the metaphor and circle the people or objects that the metaphor is being used to compare. Metaphors are great, until they get mixed up! Students read each sentence and re-write it using a metaphor. The job was a breeze. Casey is a night owl. These are examples of metaphors. Print out this free worksheet and have your students identify the metaphors as well as come up with their own. A metaphor worksheet that prompts students read each sentence and explain what the metaphor compares Your student will decide which is a metaphor and which is a simile in this worksheet. Similes are fun to write, especially in this Christmas themed worksheet! Along with similes, students will also write a sentence using metaphors. This multiple choice worksheet asks your student to identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence or phrase. In this worksheet your student will match up the figures of speech with the phrase or sentence. In this worksheet about the famous Christmas poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” your student will find the similes and metaphors.
This is another post from the series of Python programming course which is based on casting and String. We have give some brief introducing below with some example which will help you to make a better understanding. So let’s dive in the deep. Casting is the conversion of a variable from one form to another. In python coding language, this can be done with functions like int() or float() or str(). It is a very common method which is used to convert a number. In int() method, an integer object available in the given number or string treated as a base 10 (with no parameters) and returns 0. If parameters are given then it treats the string with a given base (0, 2, 8, 10, 16). print(“int(123) is:”, int(123)) print(“int(123.23) is:”, int(123.23)) print(“int(‘123’) is:”, int(‘123’)) When you run the code, you will get the result int(123) is: 123 int(123.23) is: 123 int(‘123’) is: 123 It is used to get a floating-point number from a number or a string. This method allows to accepts a single parameter which is also not mandatory to use. The values we use in float method can show the output depending upon the argument. - If you put an argument and it got passed, then you will get the result as a floating number. - If you put an argument and it doesn’t pass, it will show you 0.0 in result - If your provided string is passed (not a decimal number or does not match to any case which you are desired) you will get an error. - If a number is passed which is outside the range of python float method it will show an overflow error in the result. Strings can be a specific arrangement of characters in Python. They are alluded to as str. You can keep in touch with them by utilizing quotation marks. You can utilize single statements just as twofold statements for composing strings in Python. Strings can be any characters set in quotation marks, for example, ’91’, “hello”, and so on. Much the same as integers, there is no restriction to character length in strings. Strings are of different sorts, for example, triple-quoted strings, crude strings, and numerous others. Be that as it may, on the off chance that we would begin talking about strings and their sorts, this article will go excessively long. It is used to transform any specified value into a string x = bytes(‘cöde’, encoding=’utf-8′) print(str(x, encoding=’ascii’, errors=’ignore’)) So this is all about casting and strings. Hope you have got some idea about the concept. You can slow watch the embedded videos in this post and get a better understanding of it. If you want to learn under the guidance of experts, you can join the best python course in Laxmi Nagar Delhi. For more knowledge wait for our next post and you can also join on our social media platforms.
The Pythagorean Theorem states that the area of the two sides forming the right triangles is equal to the sum of the hypotenuse. Commonly we see Pythagorean theory shown as a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Many of the proofs for the theorem are beautiful geometric designs, such as Bhaskara’s proof. You can incorporate this famous theory into various art projects. Finding the Hypotenuse This activity requires the students to rearrange the five shaded pieces to create a larger square, which is a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. Have the students cut out each of the shaded sections and color or design them any way they want. It may take them a while to determine how to put the square together, but the end result will be an interesting mosaic of designs. Another art project can be providing students will many different sizes of squares. Each square can fit into one triangle. Have the students first do all the designs on the squares. Have them determine which squares go together to create a right triangle. Glue the squares onto construction paper. The students can then finish the project by designing the interior of the right triangle. Instruct the students to make a dot drawing of a square. Then have them draw a number of different right triangles within the square. When they have completed this drawing, have them create a right triangle and make the dots to complete squares on each of the sides of the triangle and hypotenuse. Then provide the children with materials such as cotton balls, sea shells or googly eyes to create artwork demonstrating the Pythagorean theory. Some famous pieces of art demonstrate the use of Pythagorean Theorem. Show your students some of the works. Challenge them to create a piece of art that demonstrates the theory without necessarily drawing a formal triangle in their artwork. Keep samples of the artwork available for the children to use as guides. - triangle texture image by michele goglio from Fotolia.com
Scientists at Cambridge University have developed a model that may show why some tsunamis—including the one that devastated Japan in March 2011ar—e so much larger than expected. The Japanese tsunami baffled the world's experts as it was far bigger than might have been anticipated from what is known about the deep sea earthquakes that create long waves out in the ocean. In a paper published today (24 August 2012) in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Professors Dan McKenzie and James Jackson of Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences describe for the first time the added factor that may have made this tsunami so severe: a huge collapse of soft material on the sea bed resulted in a far greater movement of water than would have been caused by the earthquake alone. Tsunamis occur when an earthquake rapidly changes the shape of the sea floor, displacing the water above it. The earthquake itself is the abrupt rupture of a fault surface separating rocks that have steadily been bending like a loaded spring, before suddenly overcoming friction and slipping, releasing the elastic energy. In the case of the Japan earthquake, the fault is the plate boundary, allowing the Pacific sea floor to slide beneath Japan. The wave formed at the sea surface as the sea floor moves can cause untold damage when it hits shore. "As the plates move against each other, the rocks on their boundaries slowly bend under the pressure, until they eventually crack and slide on faults. When they do, there is an upwards and outwards movement that takes just a few seconds: a movement of 10 metres is a large earthquake and out at sea this causes a tsunami," said Professor Jackson. "But data from the Japanese earthquake show a movement of more than 60 metres. Rocks can bend—but they cannot bend to that extent and, anyway, the rocks that moved were sloppy sediments with little strength. This suggests that something else was taking place to increase the movement several fold. It was this massive movement that caused the tsunami that swamped the coast of Japan and beyond with such terrible consequences." Important advances in technologies for monitoring movements on the sea bed, plus a huge investment by the Japanese government, mean that the world's scientific community has access to an unprecedented level of data about what happened in March 2011 some seven km under the sea and around 70 km off the coast of Japan. By interpreting data gathered in the lead-up to and aftermath of the Japanese tsunami, as well as during the event itself, the Cambridge scientists have shown that the squeezing together of two plates in the earth's crust not only resulted in a fracture but also caused a massive collapse of the debris that had built up on the sea bed as tectonic movements scraped loose sediment into an unstable wedge. "When the wedge of material collapsed, the leading edge split off and shot forward a bit like a pip shooting out of a giant pair of tongs. In essence, what happened was a release of both the elastic energy stored in the rocks and the gravitational energy contained in the wedge-shaped build-up of debris," said Professor Jackson. The extra movement of the sea bed at the toe of the wedge enhanced the shape of the huge wave created at the surface of the sea, which travelled towards Japan. The research throws a light on other unusually large tsunamis that have long puzzled scientists, including those that struck Nicaragua in 1992, Sumatra in 2004, and Java in 2006. A comparison of data from these events with that from the recent Japanese tsunami reveals that they have much in common, strongly suggesting that these disasters too occurred as a result of the release of gravitational as well as elastic energy. "These events share a number of unusual features, including large displacements, suggesting that they resulted partly from the collapse of debris. We hope that our research represents a step forward in understanding how large tsunamis occur and in what circumstances they are likely to happen," said Professor Jackson. Explore further: Sumatra earthquake mysteries examined
The chapter will continue with lessons on how to perform the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with real numbers. All of these operations will then be applied to order of operations. Students will also learn how to express a fraction as a decimal and a decimal number as a fraction. The final section of the chapter will deal with representing real numbers on a number line. In this chapter you will do the following lessons: - Addition of Real Numbers - Subtraction of Real Numbers - Multiplication of Real Numbers - Division of Real Numbers - Properties of Addition - Properties of Multiplication - Order of operations with Real Numbers - Decimal Notation - Graphing real Numbers on a Number Line
Python center function is used to Justify the string to the Center. And fill the remaining width with specified character (By Default white spaces) and returns the new string. In this section, we discuss how to write the center Function with an example. The string center Function in Python accepts only one Character as a function second argument, and the syntax is - Width: Please specify the Justifying length of a string. - Char: This parameter is optional, and if you Omit this argument, it considers the white spaces as a default parameter. To change the default value, please specify the Characters you want to use or see in the remaining width. Python center String function Example The following set of examples helps you understand the center Function. For Str2, it Justifies the String variable Str1 to the Center and fills the remaining width with default white spaces, and prints the output. You may be confused with empty spaces, that’s why we used ‘=’ as the second parameter. This Python Str3 statement fills the remaining width with the ‘=’ symbol. The Python center function returns the output in the new string instead of altering the original. To change the original, write the following statement. Str1 = Str1.center() This String Method only allows a single character as the second argument. Let us see what happens when we use the two characters, i.e., + and * in Str4 and Str5 variables. As you see from the below image, it is throwing an error saying: ‘TypeError: The fill character must be exactly one character long’. Str1 = 'Tutorial Gateway' Str2 = Str1.center(30) print('Justify the string with White spaces is =', Str2) Str3 = Str1.center(30, '=') print("Justify the string with '=' using this is =", Str3) # Observe the Original print('Converted String is =', Str1.center(30, '=')) print('Original String is =', Str1) # Performing it directly Str4 = 'Tutorial Gateway'.center(30, '*') print("Justify the string with '*' using it is =", Str4) # Performing it with two characters Str5 = 'Tutorial Gateway'.center(30, '+*') print("Justify the string with '+' and '*' using it is =",Str5)
Stage 2 - Unit 3 – What is bullying? Broad focus for an inquiry: Personal and social capabilities, ethics and ethical thinking - What is bullying? - Why do people bully? - How do we respond to bullying? - How can we prevent bullying? Understandings, skills and values - Recognising bullying behaviour. - Why some people bully. - How to respond to bullying. - How to be an active bystander (upstander) and assist others who are being bullied. - Know the whole school anti-bullying approach. Questions about diversity Students work in groups to brainstorm what they already know about bullying and create questions they would like to investigate. Display these ideas in the classroom and encourage students to add ideas as the unit progresses. What is bullying? In groups students research one of the following topics and share their findings with the class: - types of bullying - why people bully - ways to respond to bullying - the impact of bullying - how to prevent bullying. Students could choose how to present their findings. This could present a short dramatic performance, a news report (written, multi-media, video) or poster. This activity could conclude with students contributing to a class retrieval chart such as a K-W-L chart (what I know, what I want to know and what I learned). How to respond to bullying In small groups, students prepare and present role plays about bullying scenarios. Discuss and identify the bystanders, the person experiencing bullying and the person displaying bullying behaviour. Students can practice using the whole school responses to bullying behaviour. Reflecting on learning Students return to their previous groups and list what they have learned about bullying. Groups report back to the class. Investigate any further questions that arise. Concluding and acting Encouraging upstander behaviours In groups, students create posters and displays to support positive whole school responses to bullying and to promote messages about being an active bystander (upstander).
Students explore an animated unit circle, looking for patterns. The interactive content allows students to control the level of assistance when answering questions. To understand relationships such as –sin(x)=sin(-x) switch the hint on to see a triangle with its corresponding reflection. The graph of sin(x) is broken into four parts to align with each quadrant of the unit circle and finally, exact angles are reviewed. Explore the connection between the unit circle and periodic patterns in the sine ratio and align these with the graph of sin(x). Unit circle, exact value, sine, About the Lesson Students start by passively observing an animation of the unit circle with a view to identifying some of the periodic patterns that occur in the sine ratio. These observations turn a literal response into a rule with the assistance of CAS. Patterns from the unit circle are then applied to a basic graph of sin(x) that is broken up into the respective quadrants followed by practicing calculations with exact angles and the material learnt to date.
Salts are ionic compounds which, when dissolved in water, break up completely into ions. They arise by the reaction of acids with bases, and they always contain either a metal cation or a cation derived from ammonium (NH4+). Examples of salts include NaCl, NH4F, MgCO3, and Fe2(HPO4)3. Salts are named by listing the names of their component ions, cation first, then anion. This involves three distinct steps. Start by making a vertical slice through the formula just after the metal or ammonium: Determine the ions and their charges on each half. This is definitely the tricky part. Seven rules here are helpful: Rule 1: Group 1 metals (Li Fr) are all 1+ Rule 2: Group 2 metals (Be Ra) are all 2+ Rule 3: Aluminum is 3+; Ammonium is 1+ Rule 4: All other metals require a Roman numeral Rule 5: Group 7 nonmetals (F I) are all 1 Rule 6: Group 6 nonmetals (O Te) AS ANIONS are usually 2 Rule 7: The overall charge must be 0 Then name those ions: |Fe2(HPO4)3||Fe3+|HPO42||iron(III) hydrogen phosphate| Those ions, by the way, are called the principal species in solution for the salt. Figuring out the principal species in solution just this way gets to be REALLY important when you study equilibrium. You'll need to know those charges too, so you might as well learn them now and get it over with. A few more tips may be helpful: There's no way around memorizing element names. Just do it. Rule 7 is far more valuable than most beginners realize. Can't remember or figure out the charge on the cation? Figure it out for the anion and make it all add up to 0. Stuck because you have a transition metal, such as Fe or Mn, and can't remember the charge on the anion? Look around for other examples of the anion being used. For example, say you have to name FeSO4 and you can't remember the charge on SO4. If you find "Na2SO4" somewhere else on the exam, quiz, or in the book, you're home free. With this information you'll know that SO4 must be 2, and therefore the charge on Fe must be 2+. If you know your strong acids, then you know "H2SO4." H here is H+, and the overall charge is 0. So SO4 must be 2. Similarly, HClO3 gives ClO3, and HClO4 gives ClO4. This works with weak acids, too, if you can remember them, such as H2CO3 and H3PO4. Learn lots of acid names, because they help here. X-ic acids give X-ate anions (sulfuric/sulfate, nitric/nitrate) X-ous acids give X-ite anions (nitrous/nitrite) The key to remember is that the system is designed to be unambiguous. We must be able to get one and only one formula from a name, and that name should be a standard one rather than some cutesy name like nutrasweet. In summary, memorize the more common element names and symbols, memorize the seven rules, have a periodic table handy, learn lots of acid names and formulas, and practice, practice, practice! YOU CAN DO IT!
Learn more about the characteristics and rules of voltage and see how these rules apply to divider circuit design. While a full in-depth knowledge of electronics is not necessarily required when designing and building projects, it definitely helps to know a few basics. In this article, we will learn about the behavior of voltage and how resistors can be used to create divider circuits. Before you delve into voltages and dividers, refresh your memory of Ohm's Law and how it relates to circuit design! What is Voltage? Voltage is one of the fundamental units in electronics and can be thought of as a pushing force. Voltage is often categorized into two terms: electromotive force (EMF) and potential difference (PD). When something provides a voltage (such as a battery or power supply), it is said to have an EMF because it provides the force needed to pull electrons along a circuit. When a component âconsumesâ a voltage in a circuit, the amount of voltage drop across it is referred to as potential difference. A few rules surround voltage which can help with circuit design. These rules include: - Voltages in series add up - Voltages in parallel are always the same - The size of the PD across a component is directly proportional to its resistance - Polarity is everythingâmake sure to keep an eye on it! - The sum of the EMFâs around a circuit equals the sum of the PDs "Voltages in series always add up" applies to both EMF and PD. If batteries are placed in series then their voltages add up and if there are components in series then you can take voltages across multiple components and their combined PD is what the output will be. While potential differences are easy to determine, make sure that you keep an eye on the polarity of power sources as batteries in reverse subtract from the combined voltage! An example of how voltages in a series add up. Voltages in parallel are always the same in parallel which is one of the reasons why putting batteries in parallel whose voltages are different is not a good idea. When two batteries which have difference voltages are connected in parallel the battery with the larger voltage will attempt to put charge into the smaller battery which can damage the smaller battery. An example of voltages in parallel. Simple Divider Circuits We have seen that voltages in series add up and voltages in parallel are the same but how do voltages split up across components in a series circuit? What determines the voltage across each component? This splitting up of voltage (called potential difference), is determined by the ratio of the resistance of a component compared to the resistance of the series circuit that itâs in. This is directly related to the voltage rule: âThe size of the PD across a component is directly proportional to its resistanceâ Essentially, this means that the larger the resistance a component has (when compared to the series circuit it lies in), the larger the potential difference across it will be. In fact, the voltage across a component is equal to When considering the classic divider circuit the formula is often written as Below is an example of the classic potential divider circuit being used to provide approximately 3.3V from a 5V source. (Hint: This circuit can be used to connect a 5V output device to a 3.3V input on a microcontroller such as the Particle Photon.) An example of the classic potential divider circuit. When a voltage (EMF) is applied to a circuit, the sum of all of the potential differences across the series components will be equal to the EMF. This is hard to understand as a written sentence but when seen as an example it makes sense. Voltages provided by a battery will divide up across components that are in series and the sum of all those divided voltages will be equal to the battery's voltage! The sum of the potential differences across the series will be equal to the EMF.
Information for Teachers about the Spanish Imperative The imperative is the form of the verb which commands someone to do something. It’s often written with an exclamation mark in textbooks – the imperative of “to eat” is “eat!”. However, it doesn’t necessarily sound rude or commanding. mfor example, recipes use imperatives like “Cut the onion in half”, and you can easily use a polite imperative such as “Please take a seat”. In English we just use one word for the imperative, such as”eat”, but in Spanish the verb form changes depending on who how many people are being spoken to and how well the speaker knows them. Let’s take a simple verb like “beber”, to drink. If you were telling someone to drink, the word you’d use would vary in different situations. One person who you know well or who is younger than you: Bebe (third person single in the present tense). Two people you know well: Bebed (the infinitive with a “d” instead of “r” on the end). One person who you don’t know well or who’s older than you: Beba (third person single present subjunctive). Two people you don’t know well: Beban (third person plural present subjunctive). However, just as important is the negative imperative, when you’re commanding someone not to do something. One person you know well: No bebas (second person single form of the present subjunctive). Two people you know quite well: No bebáis (second person plural form of the present subjunctive). One person you don’t know well: No beba. Rather nicely, this is just the positive imperative with “no” in front of it. Two people you don’t know well: No beban. Just like the singular, the positive with an added “no”. Finally, you’ll sometimes see the positive or negative imperative used as a general instruction to anyone who happens to read it, for instance on a sign: No beber (infinitive). One last thing: if the verb has an object, the object pronoun joins together with the imperative. For instance, “Lo bebe” would mean “he/she drinks it”, and if you were asking somome to drink a particular drink, you’d say “Bébelo” — the same verb form as “Bebe” but with the “lo” at the end. However, in the negative imperative the pronoun stays in front of the verb, so you’d still say “No lo bebas” to tell someone not to drink something. We hope that you and your students understand the imperative better and feel more confident using it. ¡Úsalo bien!
We have spent a lot of time this half term studying fractions. We have learnt about what a fraction is, how to add and subtract fractions with different denominators, how to simplify and convert fractions, and more recently we have been looking at multiplying fractions by whole numbers. After half term, we will be exploring multiplying fractions by fractions and dividing fractions by whole numbers. Here is a link to lots of games which our class would find useful to help practise. We can also use IXL to practise calculating with fractions. Finding Fractions of Numbers Children could write the success criteria (in a comment) for how to do this strategy to help develop their understanding. If you have any questions about this strategy, ask away in the comments or in class.
During the years between 1763 and 1789 Great Britain and America encountered much difficulty while trying to claim control over the frontier regions west of the Appalachian Mountains. However, their struggle for supremacy over the land was not new by any stretch; Britain and America had been battling one another to dominate the lands from the time before the American Revolution through the time up until the Critical Period. Their ongoing contest and lust for more land eventually produced problem after problem and greatly affected all attempts, British and American, at controlling the wild frontier. One of the earliest problems faced by both parties was the fact that the Native Americans were already settled in the land the newcomers were trying to claim, thus, posing problems which eventually led to border disputes. At this time, America was still under the British rule, and Parliament passed The Proclamation of 1763, which graphed an invisible line from the north to the south along the ridge of the Appalachians. The purpose of this proclamation was to provide the colonists with a restriction on where they could settle; if they moved past the line, they would be in danger of Indian raids seeing that the British army would not protect any one outside of it. Britain was trying to protect the settlers, but it was not possible if they were scattered all across the countryside. The Americans did not take this lightly; they were upset that people over 3,000 miles away were dictating where they could and could not live, so they rebelled and took their chances with living on the frontier. After the American Revolution, many of the colonies had claimed enormous amounts of land west of the Proclamation line. Virginia, Connecticut, and Massachusetts held the largest claims out of the thirteen. Many...
Hot molten rock that forms underground is known as magma. During a volcanic eruption, the magma that is ejected onto the surface is referred to as lava. The solid form of magma after it has cooled down is called an igneous rock. Beneath Earth's surface, magma occurs either as a molten or semi-liquefied combination of four primary components: thermal fluid base, crystallized minerals, dissolved gases and solid rocks. The hot liquid base, which is called the melt, causes minerals to develop crystalline structures. Nearby rocky materials are also assimilated into the melt during magma formation. Magma is characterized by its exceedingly high temperature, which ranges between 1,292 and 2,372 degrees Fahrenheit. The properties of magma are influenced and determined by several factors, such as variations in subterranean pressure and temperature. Changes in the structures found in Earth's mantle and crust may also affect magma formation.
Subduction zones are cornerstone components of plate tectonics, with one plate sliding beneath another back into Earth’s mantle. But the very beginning of this process—subduction initiation—remains somewhat mysterious to scientists because most of the geological record of subduction is buried and overwritten by the extreme forces at play. The only way to understand how subduction zones get started is to look at young examples on Earth today. In a new study, Shuck et al. used a combination of seismic imaging techniques to create a detailed picture of the Puysegur Trench off the southwestern coast of New Zealand. At the site, the Pacific plate to the east overrides the Australian plate to the west. The Puysegur Margin is extremely tectonically active and has shifted regimes several times in the past 45 million years, transitioning from rifting to strike-slip to incipient subduction. The margin’s well-preserved geological history makes it an ideal location to study how subduction starts. The team’s seismic structural analysis showed that subduction zone initiation begins along existing weaknesses in Earth’s crust and relies on differences in lithospheric density. The conditions necessary for the subduction zone’s formation began about 45 million years ago, when the Australian and Pacific plates started to pull apart from each other. During that period, extensional forces led to seafloor spreading and the creation of new high-density oceanic lithosphere in the south. However, in the north, the thick and buoyant continental crust of Zealandia was merely stretched and slightly thinned. Over the next several million years, the plates rotated, and strike-slip deformation moved the high-density oceanic lithosphere from the south to the north, where it slammed into low-density continental lithosphere, allowing subduction to begin. The researchers contend that the differences in lithospheric density combined with existing weaknesses along the strike-slip boundary from the previous tectonic phases facilitated subduction initiation. The team concludes that strike-slip might be a key driver of subduction zone initiation because of its ability to efficiently bring together sections of heterogeneous lithosphere along plate boundaries. (Tectonics, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006436, 2021) —David Shultz, Science Writer Shultz, D. (2021), Subduction initiation may depend on a tectonic plate’s history, Eos, 102, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EO159821. Published on 21 June 2021. Text © 2021. AGU. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Except where otherwise noted, images are subject to copyright. Any reuse without express permission from the copyright owner is prohibited.
Objective: SW be able to (1) determine the value of a group of coins (2) identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (3) count a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Advanced Organizers: The teacher should have play money (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) on hand to demonstrate how to count the money. The teacher should also make cubes (or buy cubes) and tape the different coins on each side (you will have to use two of the same coins twice). * You can buy money stickers to place on cubes or tape the play or paper money on the sides of the cubes.* Introduction: SW review each coin by singing "Money Song" by Dr. Jean. TW review each coin (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) by holding up the coins and discussing the appearance and value. Modeling/ Check for Understanding: TW review how to count a collection of coins by demonstrating how to count a group of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters with the play money. TW have the students count the play money (collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) together to see if students understand the concept of counting a group of coins. 1.The teacher will place each student with a partner. 2.The teacher will give each group one of the pre-made dice and explain that each student will take turns rolling the die. 3.The first person rolls the die and the partner should draw the coins (circle with the amount in the middle) he/she rolls on a piece of paper. The first person rolls the die three times as the other partner draws the coins each time. The partner drawing the coins should add up the coins (I get my students to add the amount up under the coins) and write the total. The person rolling should check to see if the total is correct. 4.The partners should then switch (roller now draws and adds the coins and the previous drawer rolls and checks the work). 5.Each group should roll a total of six times (each person will get three turns to roll and three times to draw and add the coins). 6.Once the students are finished, they can share their data with the class. 7.The class can compare/contrast data. 8.The teacher should explain why counting money is important in real life. The teacher can observe students while they are completing the activity to see which students are having trouble identifying or adding up the coins and which students are correctly completing the activity. The teacher can help if needed. The teacher can also collect the papers and check their work.
It is wonderful to see students as young as 5 years old become completely engaged in creating simple step-by-step instructions using a program like Scratch Jr or witness an 11-year old solve a problem and move up a level after debugging a misstep within her instructions. But do these students know that this is computational thinking? Do they understand that with these programs they are decomposing, abstracting, searching for patterns, and creating algorithms? Much like a person would use a recipe when baking a cake, a computer is programmed with a set of instructions to perform a task or multiple tasks. With coding unplugged (no technology devices within the lessons), students are beginning to see the logic and reasoning behind coding. They learn to use symbols to communicate and that these symbols must be clear and precise. Students also learn how to take a big problem and break it down into smaller problems to create basic computer programs. With coding unplugged, students gain a deeper understanding of computer science while developing the skills of critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, creativity, and perseverance. If you are interested in coding for children, the primary school is currently using Code.org resources. However, please feel free to explore more resources below:
The following videos demonstrate ways of developing pupils' maths skills at home. In this 'Number Recognition' video, we ask, "How many ways can you show me 5?" This helps children to show that they understand the value of a number and to count using one-to-one correspondence (touching each item as they count it). In this 'Number Bonds' video, we demonstrate different ways of showing number bonds to 10. Bridging Ten (Adding three numbers that equal a number greater than 10) In this video we demonstrate the method used to add three single digit number that will equal a total greater than 10. This method uses the children's knowledge of number bonds to 10; they should choose the two numbers that make 10 and then add on the final number.
Students will name one word of a compound word when the other word is taken away. Students will identify part of a compound word. Students will name one word of a compound word when the other word is taken away. Picture cards that could be part of a compound word Seat students at a table. Say, "Let's clap the syllables for snowman. Snow . . . man. How many syllables do you hear? That's right, snowman has two parts or syllables. In fact, snowman is made up of two words. What are they?" Ask, "If I take 'snow' away from snowman, what word is left? If I take 'man' away from snowman, what word is left? Say, "Let's clap out the syllables for football. Foot . . . ball. How many syllables do you hear? What two words do you hear?" Ask, "If I take 'foot' away from football what word is left? If I take 'ball' away from football, what word is left?" Say, "I'm going to say some more words. When I take one part of the word away, you will have a chance to name the other word. We will check your answer with a picture card." Continue, "[Student's name], you will be first. If we have the word doghouse, and we take the word 'house' away, what will we have left?" Give support if necessary by having the group identify the two words in doghouse, then repeat the question. Say, "Let's see if you figured out the word. Turn over the top card. Does the picture match the word that you guessed? If we have a doghouse, and we take away 'house,' we have a 'dog'"! Continue around the table. "If we have the word ______, and we take away _______, what will we have left?" Pause for student response. Say, "Let's turn over the next card. Does the picture match the word you guessed?" Use words from the following list or develop your own list: popcorn, bluebird, raincoat, seashell, teapot, coathook, starfish, beehive, bedroom, skydive, bookcase, starlight, doorbell, moonbeam, seagull, birdseed, meatball, dishwasher, blackbird, cupcake, Sunday, upstairs.
The armistice was agreed on the 11 November 1918, but the formal peace treaty was not agreed until the following year. This peace treaty became known as The Treaty of Versailles. It was signed on the 28 June 1919. The discussions about the treaty between Britain, France and the USA began in January 1919. Germany was not invited to contribute to these discussions. Germany assumed that the 14-point plan, set out by President Woodrow Wilson of the USA in January 1918, would form the basis of the peace treaty. However, France, who had suffered considerably in the war, was determined to make sure that Germany would not be able to challenge them again. Under clause 231, the ‘War Guilt Clause’, Germany had to accept complete responsibility for the war. Germany lost 13% of its land and 12% of its population to the Allies. This land made up 48% of Germany’s iron production and a large proportion of its coal productions limiting its economic power. The German Army was limited to 100,000 soldiers, and the navy was limited to 15,000 sailors. As financial compensation for the war, the Allies also demanded large amounts of money known as ‘reparations’. The Treaty of Versailles was very unpopular in Germany and was viewed as extremely harsh. Faced with the revolutionary atmosphere at home, and shortages from the conditions of war, the German government reluctantly agreed to accept the terms with two exceptions. They did not accept admitting total responsibility for starting the war, and they did not accept that the former Kaiser should be put on trial. The Allies rejected this proposal, and demanded that Germany accept all terms unconditionally or face returning to war. The German government had no choice. Representatives of the new parties in power, the SPD and the Centre Party, Hermann Müller and Johannes Bell, signed the treaty on the 28 June 1919. Many Germans were outraged by the Treaty of Versailles. They regarded it as a ‘diktat’ – dictated peace. Müller and Bell were branded the ‘November Criminals’ by the right-wing and nationalist parties that opposed treaty.
The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the President of the United States the power to trade unsettled land to the Indians for land they inhabited in the same state. Andrew Jackson signed this act into law on May 28, 1830. It led to the famous "Trail of Tears" for the Cherokee nation, which led to the death of 4000 Indians who were removed from their land and forced to go west. The Indians had always been in danger of losing their land since the Europeans began arriving in America. Once the colonies became a nation, the government passed laws affecting the Indians' rights to land. One law prohibited them from actually owning any land. The Cherokees attempted to make themselves a sovereign nation in an attempt to carve out an area they called their own. President Jackson encouraged the passing of the Indian Removal Act to allow him and future presidents the right to move Indians westward, giving them unsettled land in trade for their land east of the Mississippi River. Some Indian tribes complied with the law, but others resisted and refused to sign any proposed treaties. Those groups that did sign treaties found that the government did not always honor them. Within seven years, 46,000 Indians had been removed from their homes.
This student-friendly document is a great reference in any English or Content Area classroom! Students gain insight into ways authors build sentences so that they can see how they can break them down to make meaning. Handout includes a student-friendly definitions and examples of the following features of grammar: 1. Compound Sentences Common Core Standards Conventions of Standard english 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Knowledge of Language 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
Researchers have found that students in the United States often view the equal sign as a “do something” signal. What can we do to help students absorb the concept of balance that the equal sign represents? The Common Core Standards for Grade 1 Mathematics provides us with a guide: Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true and which are false? 6 = 6, 7 = 8 – 1, 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, 4 + 1 = 5 + 2. In order for young children to appreciate the balance inherent in an equation, they need to see different forms of number sentences, where numbers and operations can appear on either side of the equal sign: 1 + 3 = 4, but also 4 = 1 + 3 (this is also an example of the Symmetric Property: If a = b, then b = a) 4 + 1 = 3 + 2, leading to 4 + 1 = __ + 2 In the second example above, many children will instinctively fill the blank with a 5, having become accustomed to the direction of “add 1 to 4” that they believe the equal sign represents. This situation can be avoided by offering students a variety of number sentences and focusing on the relationship between the two sides of the equal sign, that is, that they represent the same quantity. And how often have you seen a student do the following? Question: Jill has some money for shopping. She buys two sweaters for $24 each and a pair of shoes for $32. If she has $6 left after shopping, how much money did she have at first? Solution: 6 + 32 = 38 + 24 = 62 + 24 = 86 Be sure to give feedback to students who show this kind of work so they can break the “equal sign as a do something” habit and learn to focus on the balance of equations.
Spelling it Right: Prefixes For this Language Arts worksheet, students analyze 10 spelling words. Each word contains a common prefix and students read the definition of each prefix. 3 Views 1 Download Skill Lessons – Prefixes and Suffixes Sometimes the best way to understand a concept is to break it down. Young vocabulary pupils work with word parts in a hands-on activity that prompts them to connect flash cards with affixes to their root and base words. Additionally,... 3rd - 5th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words/Base Words Get your class on track with their affixes by covering prefixes, suffixes, and root words in depth. This short three-lesson unit includes vocabulary lists to study, detailed plan procedures, and some accompanying worksheets. 2nd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Vocabulary Strategies for the Analysis of Word Parts in Mathematics Pair this resource with a reading of any math textbook, article, or book. Learners take note of unknown words and use the provided graphic organizer in order to use word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help them determine the meaning of... 3rd - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes How can adding a prefix or suffix to a root word create an entirely new word? Study a packet of resources that focuses on Greek and Latin roots, as well as different prefixes and suffixes that learners can use for easy reference 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable 5th Grade Master Spelling List Here's a spelling program that includes 36 lists of 21 words and 20 suggestions for weekly activities. Each list includes common and proper nouns, sight words, academic vocabulary, and words built on a specific Greek roots. 4th - 5th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Summer Reading Activities Provide parents with the tools they need to bridge the summer learning gap with this collection of fun activities. Whether it's creating an alphabet poster with illustrations for each letter, playing a game of sight word concentration,... Pre-K - 5th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Improve Your Spelling with the Visual Thesaurus Using Visual Thesaurus software, class members participate in a computer-based spelling bee. Then they work in groups to analyze the words and use deductive reasoning to infer spelling patterns. They then present one of their "rules" to... 3rd - 12th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
The LessonThe equation of a circle (centered on the origin) is in the form: In this equation, - x and y are the Cartesian coordinates of points on the (boundary of the) circle. - r is the radius of the circle. Real Examples of Equations of CirclesIt is easier to understand the equation of a circle with examples. A circle with a radius of 4 will have the equation: A circle with a radius of 2 will have the equation: A circle with a radius of 9 will have the equation: Understanding the Equation of a CircleA circle is a set of points. Each point can be described using Cartesian coordinates (x, y). The equation of a circle x2 + y2 = r2 is true for all points on the circle. It gives the relationship between the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of each point on the circle and the radius of the circle. Consider a circle with a radius of 2. Its equation is: x2 + y2 = 4Let us consider some points on the circle. (2, 0)Consider the point at (2, 0). It has a x-coordinate of 2 and a y-coordinate of 0. At this point x = 2 and y = 0. Inserting these values into the equation: 22 + 02 = 4The equation is satisfied ✔. (√2, √2)Consider the point at (√2, √2). It has a x-coordinate of √2 and a y-coordinate of √2. At this point x = √2 and y = √2. Inserting these values into the equation: √22 + √22 = 2 + 2 = 4Again, the equation is satisfied ✔. Any point on the circle would satisfy the equation. Lesson SlidesThe slider below explains why the "Equation of a Circle Works". Open the slider in a new tab The Circle Must Be Centered at the OriginFor this equation to work, the circle must be centered at the origin of the graph: The equation will not work if the circle is not centered at the origin of the graph: Read more about how to find the equation of a circle not centered at the origin Getting the Equation RightThe equation of a circle must have an x2 term and a y2 added together. These is not the equations of a circle: Don't be fooled if the equation is simply rearranged. Below are equations of circle that can put into the familiar form with a little algebra:
Guided reading is a strategy that helps students become good readers. The teacher provides support for small groups of readers as they learn to use various reading strategies (context clues, letter and sound relationships, word structure, and so forth). The steps for a guided reading lesson are: Before reading: Set the purpose for reading, introduce vocabulary, make predictions, talk about the strategies good readers use. During reading: Guide students as they read, provide wait time, give prompts or clues as needed by individual students, such as “Try that again. Does that make sense? Look at how the word begins.” After reading: Strengthen comprehension skills and provide praise for strategies used by students during the reading. In room 4 we have been busy writing letters to each other. We have been learning how to write letters and how to address envelopes. Please encourage your child to write a letter at home to a friend at school and to post it in our letter box. Teach Your Child How to Write a Letter A handwritten letter is a treat to receive. It seems to convey that someone took the time to sit down and put their thoughts on paper- just for you! Children love to get letters, too. Watch a young face light up when they’ve received a letter from Grandma! It is something very special and very personal. Children can write letters as soon as they can write, even earlier if they dictate to Dad or Mum. Teaching your child to write a letter is handing them the power of the pen!
Using the Verb "Be" In this verb worksheet, students use the correct form of the "be" verb to complete sentences. Verb forms are given in a word box. 3 Views 8 Downloads Conversation Pieces: A Verb Tense Activity Teach your English language learners about conversations by inviting them to participate in a conversation about an interesting object. Through this conversation, learners will naturally use various verb tenses and practice asking and... 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Rules For Using Irregular Verbs Add to the grammar toolboxes of young scholars with this comprehensive resource on irregular verbs. Offering clear instruction with the help of numerous examples, this reference document is perfect for upper-elementary English language... 2nd - 5th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Irregular Verbs, Past Tense Clarify the difference between affirmative and negative responses in a grammar instructional activity, which provides several activities about irregular verbs in past tense. Kids read a chart and describe what someone did or didn't do on... 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed
In many use cases, or due to certain business rules, we need to exit a loop in any programming language. Or, we need to stop a particular loop and continue with the rest of the code. This article will help you to understand the use of a break in Python which is mainly used to exit the loops in python programming. To achieve this we need to use “break” keyword while running a loop. Let’s take a very simple example of how to use a break in Python programming language. j= 1 for i in range (6): j=j*2 print ('i= ',i, 'j=',j) if j==32: break If we execute the above code in any Python interpreter, then we will see the following result : So let’s try to understand the code without adding the break statement. j= 1 for i in range (6): j=j*2 print ('i= ',i, 'j=',j) Now we see the code execute without any break. The loop starts from 1 till 5 as we have provided the range as “6” so starting from 0 till 5 the loop will execute : If we compare the code with a break keyword, we have given an argument as if the result of “j” will be 32, then end the execution of the code so that the loop will run till range 5, as at this point the result of “j” is “32”. This article was to explain and show you a simple programme on how to use a break statement in Python. I hope I’ve achieved just that. Thank you for reading my blog, the reference is taken from one of my article that was published by Experts-Exchange. Please feel free to leave me some feedback or to suggest any future topics.
Humans are naturally inquisitive. Young children tend to ask an abundance of questions, yet the volume of questions posed by students often dwindles in middle and high school. Learners at all grade levels benefit from the opportunity to devise questions and seek answers. If students are taught how to ask questions they will learn how to learn. Students frequently hear there is no such thing as a bad question, yet some questions are better than others. How do we help students learn how to ask good questions? Explicit instruction in crafting thoughtful questions is necessary support for student inquiry. Direct instruction and on-going opportunities in the formulation of effective questions provide students with access to deeper learning and meaningful engagement in social studies. Following twenty years of experience and tinkering, the Right Question Institute developed the Question Formulation Technique, a practical and highly effective tool for use by social studies classroom teachers. Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana authored, Make Just One Change: Teach Student to Ask Their Own Questions (2011) to provide educators with a description and analysis of the protocol that can be used with students in grades PK-12. Teacher can apply the protocol to help students to generate questions that support inquiry. There are six key components of the Question Formulation Technique.The list below outlines the components: - Design a Question Focus: a stimulus is provided to serve as the starting point for student questions. - Produce Questions: student creates questions following four simple rules. - Ask as many questions as they can - Do not stop to discuss or answer questions - Write down every question exactly as stated - Change any statement into a question - Improve Questions: student categorizes questions into closed-ended and open-ended and refine questions. - Prioritize Questions: student identifies the most important questions. - Determine Next Steps: teacher and student determine how to use the priority questions. - Reflect: student identifies what they learned and how they can use what they learned. While the protocol focuses largely on what students do, as always teacher facilitation and support is critical for ensuring the success of a protocol. Teachers can support the Question Formation Technique by: - Designing rich stimuli that create a context for questions. - Supporting the question brainstorming process by creating an environment where students create questions without discussion and change statements into questions. - Ensuring that students understand the difference between closed-ended and open-ended questions. - Facilitating the prioritizing of questions. This may include helping students to identify approaches for prioritizing. - Providing adequate time for students to reflect on their learning and how they can use it. The skill of asking questions opens doors to new ideas and essential learning. Good questions generate more questions; intentional instruction in formulating good questions leads to more engaging educational experiences for learners of all ages. Visit the Right Question Institute for free resources and more information, including QFT in Action, a short video that depicts the steps of the Question Formulation Technique. For more information contact Maine DOE Social Studies Specialist Kristie Littlefield at email@example.com.
Students should use their prior knowledge and exposure to number lines to be able to represent equally spaced whole numbers on a number line and determine the distance by the number of whole units between the starting point and ending point. Students should understand that a number line is represents the distance from zero and the scale of the number line can vary depending on the distance between the tick marks. Use the number line shown to answer the following questions.a) What number is represented by Point A on the number line?b) What is the distance between Points A and B? c) What is 40 less than Point C? Click on the following links for interactive games. Click on the following links for more information. 2.9 Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to select and use units to describe length, area, and time. The student is expected to:
Basic vocabulary: colours. In this activity the students will be engaged in learning the colour words following the visual prompts for each word. This 3 worksheet mini lesson introduces the students to the written form of the colours in Italian. 1st WS - Teacher can present the new words reading out lout for clear pronunciation. Students repeat and then read the words, they can also write the new word copying it from the example. 2nd WS - Students will focus mainly of the written form and the correct meaning: they will have to demonstrate to remember the correct meaning of the word colouring a white box. They have also further practice with the written form of the word. 3rd WS - Students will consolidate the knowledge of the written form of vocab. studied in the previous worksheets unscrambling the letters in order to write the correct spelling of the word. Tip: WS #2 and #3 can be used as tests. A product made by English Planet - the Store
Many programming tasks, however, require conditional control, that is, the ability to react differently based upon some condition. For example, consider the task of assigning students letter grades. Depending upon what the student's average is, a different letter grade must be assigned (e.g., 90 to 100 is an A, 80 to 89 is a B, etc.). In this lesson, you will be introduced to the if statement which is used to perform such conditional execution. Based upon some condition, an if statement can choose among alternative sequences of code to execute, or even choose to execute no code at all. The general form of an if statement is as follows, where the else case is optional: The CONDITION in an if statement can be any boolean expression, that is, any expression that evaluates to either true or false. The following relational operators can be used to build boolean expressions: |!=||not equal to| |<=||less than or equal to| |>=||greater than or equal to| Write a code segment which prompts the user for their name, and then displays a special greeting to that person if their name is the same as yours. If the name entered by the user is anything other than your name, your code should not produce any output. At Dickinson, "roll call" grades are assigned around midterm to help students to assess their performance. A common rule-of-thumb is to consider a grade of C or better to be Satisfactory, while C- or worse is Unsatisfactory. Write a code segment which prompts the user for their average, and then displays a message assessing their performance. If their average is 73 or higher, they should receive a Satisfactory rating, otherwise Unsatisfactory. In its simplest form, an if statement can decide between executing a sequence of statements once, or not at all. For example, in the first example of an if statement above, the code will either display a message on the condition that a number is positive, or else it will do nothing at all. Using an else case, an if statement can decide between two alternative sections of code, as in the example where a different message is displayed for positive and non-positive numbers. There are examples, however, in which more than two alternatives must be considered. For example, suppose you were to write code for assigning letter grades in a class based on the student's final class average. In a rigid scoring system, any grade of 90 or better would receive an "A", any grade between 80 and 89 a "B", and so on down through "C", "D", and "F". Thus, there are 5 alternatives for assigning the grade, conditional upon where the student's average. |Nested if Statements||Cascading if Statements| The term cascading refers to the way that control cascades down the statement like water down a waterfall. The top-most test is evaluated first, in this case (grade >= 90). If this test succeeds, then the corresponding statements are executed and control passes to the end of the if statement. If not, then control cascades down to the next if test, in this case (grade >= 80). In general, control cascades down the statement from one test to another until one succeeds or the end of the statement is reached. Cut-and-paste the above cascading if statement into the interpreter. Add a prompt which asks the user for their number grade and reads that value into the grade variable. Similarly, add a write statement at the end to display the letter grade. Execute the code on each of the following grades and report the result. Cut-and-paste the code from Exercise 1 which displayed whether a number is positive or not. Modify that statement so that it prints one of three messages, stating whether the number is positive, negative, or zero. Test your new statement on a variety of numbers to be sure that it works correctly. Once written, a control statement is just like any other statement (e.g., an assignment or a call to document.write). In particular, you can nest a control statement inside another control statement. You have already seen this with a cascading if statement, which is really just a series of nested if statements. The same holds for the other control statement you know, the for loop. You can nest one for loop inside another, although this is usually avoided since tracing the flow of control can become tricky. You can also nest an if statement inside a for loop, and vice versa. Consider the following code segment, which prints a table of powers of 2. The number of rows in the table is specified by the user in response to a prompt. Add an appropriate if statement to this code to verify that the number entered by the user is indeed 1 or greater. If so, it should proceed to display the table as is. If not, it should display an error message and avoid executing any of the table code.
Students roll a die twice to create a fraction. They will then determine if the fraction they rolled is a fraction or improper fraction. If it's an improper fraction, then they will need to divide the numerator by the denominator. They will then use this to help them write the mixed number. To further reinforce their understanding of what a fraction/mixed number means, they will also use the circles to create a visual representation of the fraction/mixed number. The bottom left corner includes guides on what halves, thirds, fourths, etc. looks like for a circle. This makes for a quick and fun math center activity. You can print these out and place them in sheet protectors so students can use a white board marker to easily fill in and erase.
Graphs of Linear Inequalities A linear inequality is a sentence in one of the following forms: Ax + By < C Ax + By > C Ax + By ≤ C Ax + By ≥ C To graph such sentences Graph the linear equation Ax + By = C. This line becomes a boundary line for the graph. If the original inequality is < or >, the boundary line is drawn as a dashed line, since the points on the line do not make the original sentence true. If the original inequality is ≤ or ≥, the boundary line is drawn as a solid line, since the points on the line will make the original inequality true. Select a point not on the boundary line and substitute its x and y values into the original inequality. Shade the appropriate area. If the resulting sentence is true, then shade the region where that test point is located, indicating that all the points on that side of the boundary line will make the original sentence true. If the resulting sentence is false, then shade the region on the side of the boundary line opposite that where the test point is located. Graph 3 x + 4 y < 12. First, draw the graph of 3 x + 4 y = 12. If you use the x‐intercept and y‐intercept method, you get x‐intercept (4,0) and y‐intercept (0,3). If you use the slope‐intercept method, the equation, when written in slope‐intercept ( y = mx + b) form, becomes Because the original inequality is <, the boundary line will be a dashed line. Look at Figure 1. Now select a point not on the boundary, say (0,0). Substitute this into the original inequality: This is a true statement. This means that the “(0,0) side” of the boundary line is the desired region to be shaded. Now, shade that region as shown in Figure 2. Figure 1. The boundary is dashed. Figure 2. The shading is below the line. Graph y ≥ 2 x + 3. First, graph y = 2 x + 3 (see Figure 3). Notice that the boundary is a solid line, because the original inequality is ≥. Now, select a point not on the boundary, say (2,1), and substitute its x and y values into y ≥ 2 x + 3. This is not a true statement. Because this replacement does not make the original sentence true, shade the region on the opposite side of the boundary line (see Figure 4). Figure 3. This boundary is solid. Figure 4. Shading shows greater than or equal to. Graph x < 2. The graph of x = 2 is a vertical line whose points all have the x‐coordinate of 2 (see Figure 5). Select a point not on the boundary, say (0,0). Substitute the x value into x < 2. This is a true statement. Therefore, shade in the “(0,0) side” of the boundary line (see Figure 6). Figure 5. Dashed graph of x = 2. Figure 6. x less than 2 is shaded.
The Creating expressions with parentheses exercise appears under the 5th grade (U.S.) Math Mission, Pre-algebra Math Mission and Mathematics I Math Mission. This exercise practices constructing numerical expressions that use parentheses. Types of Problems There are two types of problems in this exercise: - Write the expression: This problem presents a situation that can be modeled by a numerical expression. The user is asked to find a numerical expression to model the situation and write it in the space provided. - Determine which situation is modeled by the expression: This problem gives a numerical expression. The user is asked to read three scenarios and determine which of the is the situation modeled by the expression. Confidence with word problems and reading quantitative information would be a benefit on this problem but is not necessary. - Interestingly, any equivalent expression will be accepted. That means instead of writing it is possible to just write 9 and it will be accepted. This fact can increase efficiency. - The Determine which situation is modeled by the expression problem can be started before reading the scenario. Most are some things being added or subtracted, then at the end being multiplied. This can help to quickly determine which situation is being modeled.
The main elements of writing are sentences and paragraphs. Using them, you can write letters and essays. If you are fond of writing stories, you may need to use direct speech. Direct speech rules differ from the format of regular sentences and paragraphs, so you should consider them in more detail. Direct and Indirect Speech Direct speech is used when you reproduce the words of the speaker in your essay. Indirect speech is applied when you transmit the content of someone's remarks, without quoting them word for word. For example: Mom told me, "Dinner is ready." Mom told me that the dinner was ready. The Essence of Direct Speech Direct speech is rarely used in scientific papers, as there are usually no actors in them. However, when you are writing an essay, in which there are several characters, it is very useful to transfer the conversation through direct speech for several reasons. - It helps to describe the character. Each person speaks differently, and the way, in which you convey the character's speech style, will tell a lot to the reader. - It helps to make the story more fun and intense. Disputes, conflicts and moments saturated with the action may become more vivid due to direct speech. When using direct speech, it is important to remember that: - Direct speech should be separated from the rest of the text. - The reader must understand which character is speaking at the moment. Follow these rules, and you will not have difficulties: - Each citation must be opened and closed with quotes. - Only words that are part of the phrase and punctuation related to it should be placed inside the quotation marks. Punctuation related to speech must be inside quotes. "How are you?" she asked. "How are you"? she asked. If there are only two characters, it is not necessary to write “said X” or “said Y” after each cue, but you must indicate the speaker after the first replica of person X and after the first replica of person Y. If there are more than two people in the conversation, it is important to let the reader understand who is speaking now. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the talker more often. In a direct speech (but not in indirect speech), it is allowed to use short forms (I’m, you’re, he’ll, don’t, wouldn’t, etc.). Direct speech should be separated from the author’s words by a comma. A period needs to be placed at the end of the sentence after the words of the author. The following sentence, which is a continuation of the citation, must begin with a capital letter. Indication of the Tone and Mood People express emotions with voice tones. Unfortunately, the writer cannot convey the tone of the voice in the text. However, you can find a proper verb to describe the emotions with which the phrase is pronounced (for example, “he said sadly,” “she shouted gaily”). What our customers say?
You Be the JudgeStudents read two U.S. Supreme Court cases and answer questions about how they would rule. What Does the Amendment Say?Students read the actual amendment. Then, the amendment is broken into segments, new vocabulary is defined, and then restate the amendment in their own words. Some Past Decisions of the Supreme CourtA number of cases, with their backgrounds, are presented. Students use the Guide for Analyzing Cases, which helps the students break out the main facts of the case, what amendment was involved, what particular clause of the amendment was involved, what state law or provision (if any) was allegedly involved, what were the issues of the case, what the U.S. Supreme Court decided, and why the Court decided as it did. What are the Origins of the Various ClausesThe Bill of Rights was not written in a vacuum; it can only be understood within its historical background. While the Court must rule with present considerations in mind, deeper comprehension comes with learning the reason the founding fathers felt these rights must be guaranteed in writing. The Amendment TodayHow do these amendments affect our lives today? How have the Court's rulings secured and honed our rights? The workbook and answer guide (You Decide! Instruction/Answer Guide Applying the Bill of Rights to Real Cases) are designed to be used in a student/teacher situation. Discussion points, question sheets, multiple-choice questions, and the Guide for Analyzing Cases provide thoughtful interaction and comprehensive methods to gauge understanding. Another option for studying with the books is to use them as a jumping off point for family discussions. In our family, we instituted "Constitutional Law at Dinner." The name appeals to our children, but what they really enjoy are the discussions. Once or twice a week, while eating dinner, we work throught the book together. One night we read an amendment and discuss what it means. Another, we talk about its historical context. On yet another, we read two or three cases and say how we would rule and why. Sometimes we agree, but often we don't. Each person must support their opinion. If they struggle with their reasons, we work through it together. Then we read how the U.S. Supreme Court actually ruled and discuss why we agree or disagree. Occasionally, we really haven't understood the ruling, so we go back through the specifics of the case. Although we may still disagree with the ruling, we better understand it. We can easily stay on one amendment for a couple of weeks, as You Decide! presents many cases and plenty of background information. Although the workbooks are geared toward grades 6-12+, by discussing them as a family, younger children will pick up concepts and vocabulary, as well as learn how to participate in friendly debates. With You Decide!, our entire family has gained a deeper appreciation for the Bill of Rights and for the impressive document it is.
What are direct and indirect speech? What is direct speech? Direct speech is a sentence in which the exact words spoken are reproduced in speech marks (also known as quotation marks or inverted commas). For example: "What's that?" asked Louise. "Our teacher has a broomstick and a black pointy hat in the back of her car. Maybe she's a witch!" "No, silly! They're for the school play!" replied Louise, sighing. What is indirect speech? Indirect speech is when the general points of what someone has said are reported, without actually writing the speech out in full. It is sometimes called reported speech. For example: When do children learn about direct speech? Teachers will start to teach children how to set out direct speech in Year 3. The general rules of direct speech are: - Each new character's speech starts on a new line. - Speech is opened with speech marks. - Each line of speech starts with a capital. - The line of speech ends with a comma, exclamation mark or question mark. - A reporting clause is used at the end (said Jane, shouted Paul, replied Mum). - A full stop goes after the reporting clause. - If the direct speech in the sentence is broken up by information about who is speaking, add in a comma or question mark or exclamation mark to end the first piece of speech and a full stop or another comma before the second piece (before the speech marks), for example: "It's lovely," she sighed, "but I can't afford it right now." / "I agree!" said Kate. "Let's go!" When do children learn about indirect speech? In Year 5, children may be taught a literacy unit that guides them in writing a newspaper article including the use of indirect (or reported) speech. In Year 6, children may be encouraged to use indirect speech when writing a biography or practising further journalistic writing. When changing direct speech into indirect speech, changes have to be made to a sentence. For example: - Verb tenses usually shift back a tense (into the past) - Word order often needs to change - Pronouns often need to change - Words indicating place and time need to change By Year 6 children should be setting out speech and punctuating it correctly in their stories. In fiction indirect speech can sometimes be helpful if a character in a story wants to recount a conversation they have had in the past. For direct and indirect speech worksheets and activities to help your child put the theory into practice look through our punctuation worksheets.
ELA Assignments Go to Google Classroom to access online Language Arts assignments. Writing Tutorial 1: How to Write an Effective Paragraph In this flipped lesson, you will review how to structure an effective paragraph. This lesson also makes clear our expectations for how a proficient paragraph is written. ELA Unit 1: Setting and Characterization In this unit of study, you will review plot structure. You will also analyze the effect of setting and characters on the plot and resolution of the conflict. Characters:The subjects (people, animals, etc.) that the author writes about. The characters participate in events that move the plot forward. Plot:Story plot is all of the events of the story, from beginning to end. Characters and the setting are introduced during the exposition, which is the first part of the story. Conflicts, or problems, occur during the rising action, and the biggest moment of the story is called the climax. Setting:The setting refers to when and where a story takes place. Conflict:The conflict is the problem the character faces. Examples: The conflict may be between two characters, between the main character and nature, or between the main character and himself. Theme: The theme of a story is the lesson, message, or moral that the author is trying to communicate through the plot and characters.
In this section, you will learn how to break the string into words. The java.util.*; package provides you a simple method to breaking the string into separate words. This program takes a string from user and breaks it into words. The given string has been broken into words based on the blank spaces between the words. This program also counts the number of words present in the string. Following are some methods and APIs which have been used in the program: Above constructor of the StringTokenizer class of the java.util.* package. This constructor creates token of the given string. It takes a string type value as a parameter which has to be tokenized. The passed string is the collection of multiple sets like: blank space (" "), Tab character ("\t"), new line character ("\n") etc. Above method checks the token created by the StringTokenizer() methods. It returns Boolean type value either true or false. If the above method returns true then the nextToken() method is called. This method returns the tokenized string which is the separate word of the given string. Through the help of the available spaces this method distinguish between words. Here is the code of program: Ask your questions, our development team will try to give answers to your questions.
The concept of fractions, though a simple one, can be often confused. Having not solved questions based on this simple concept, students often tend to confuse the problems. These questions can throw up the occasional challenge and it makes sense to practice these questions from this area. Definition: Technically, fraction is defined as part of the whole. The most common example of a fraction that comes to mind is half. When we say give me half of something, we are essentially demanding ½ part of it, in other words, ½ is the fractional representation for half. Fractions are nothing else than the numerator divided by denominator, that is they occur in the form X/Y where X is the numerator and Y is the non-zero denominator. The numerator represents how many parts of that whole are being considered. To remember simply, numerator is the top number of the fraction that represents the numbers of parts that are to be chosen. The denominator represents the total number of parts created from the whole, in other words it is the bottom number representing the total number of parts created. Example of Fractions : ½, 2/3, 3/4, are the numbers which are in the form of x/y where y is non zero. Types of Fractions: Proper Fraction: When Numerator< Denominator, then the fraction is called as proper fraction. For example: 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 etc Improper fraction: When Numerator >Denominator, then the fraction is called as improper fraction. For example: 5/3, 7/5, 19/7 etc Mixed fraction: When a natural number combines with a fraction that is called a mixed fraction. For Example: 21/2 ,34/5 etc. In other words, the mixed fractions are improper fractions Tooltip: Properties of fractions Property 1: If we multiply the numerator and denominator by same quantity, the basic value of fraction will never change. For example:4/5 x 5/5 = 20/25 = 4/5 Property 2: If there are two fractions a/b and c/d then a/b=c/d when ad=bc. For example 3/4 = 12/16 because 3 x 16 = 4 x 12 Property 3: A fraction with zero as the denominator is not defined. Property 4: If the numerator of the fraction is zero, then the fraction equals to zero. Property 5: If the numerator and denominator of the fraction are equal, then the fraction is equal to one.
A tremendous number of earthquakes occur every year around the world. The primary tool seismologists use to locate the source of each quake is a network of seismometers. Seismometers are instruments designed to be sensitive enough to feel even the smallest motion of the waves coming from distant locations on Earth. By understanding how seismic waves travel these records of ground motion, called seismograms, can be interpreted to enable us to locate the earthquake’s source. In this activity, students use recent 3-component seismograms (recordings of motion on the N/S, E/W, and up/down axis) to locate quakes. Students identify P and S waves in their seismograms and measure the time between arrival of the P and S wave. Students then use this time to look-up the distance the epicenter is away from the station using the travel-time-curve. By combining their information with the results from at least three other students using seismograms recorded at different locations, the location of the epicenter can be determined. While seismologists have not used this method of locating quakes since the advent of computers, it is an excellent exercise to get students familiar with the information contained within seismograms and excited about earthquakes as part of the Earth system. By the end of this activity, the student will be able to: - Identify P and S waves on three-compontent seismograms, - Determine the distance of an epicenter from a seismic station using travel time curves, - Locate the epicenter of an earthquake by triangulation, and - Calculate the time of origin of an earthquake based on seismic data
Definition of Sphere: This is a solid generated when a semicircle is being rotated about its diameter. In three-dimensional space, this is also known as perfect round geometrical object. A plane is at the center of the spherical solid divides the solid in to two equal parts. Each shape is called hemisphere. A very good example we can say for spherical shaped solid is globe. Ball is another good example for spherical shaped solid. The size of this kind of solid is depending upon the length of the radius. If the the radius is more the size will be more. If the radius is less the size of the solid would be less. As we have height,slant height in cylinder and cone, here we don't have height or slant height. We have only radius. But we can represent height as radius. That is height is two times radius. That is height of any spherical shaped solid = 2 (radius) Even though we define height of the spherical shaped solid in terms of radius, we don't consider and we don't use height in finding curved surface-area, total surface-area and volume. Since we don't consider height of the cylinder at any circumstances, that is when we find curved surface-area,total surface-area and volumes, very few people are aware of height of spherical shaped solid. Role of radius in finding areas and volumes: Since we don't consider and we don't use height at any circumstance, we use only radius to find everything(curved surface-area,total surface-area and volumes). Radius of spherical shaped solid plays a vital role in finding curved surface-area, total surface-area and volumes.If we find the volume of the shape it will represent the weight of the shape. To know more about areas and volumes of spherical shaped solids, please click the links given below.
History of the Black Vote The 15th Amendment, granting African-American men the right to vote, was formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution on March 30, 1870. Passed by Congress the year before, the amendment reads: “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Despite the amendment, by the late 1870s, various discriminatory practices were used to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote, especially in the South. After decades of discrimination, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that denied blacks their right to vote under the 15th Amendment. The First African American to vote Thomas Mundy Peterson (October 6, 1824 – February 4, 1904) of Perth Amboy, New Jersey was the first African American to vote in an election under the just-enacted provisions of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution. His vote was cast on March 31, 1870 SELMA TO MONTGOMERY MARCH In early 1965, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) made Selma, Alabama, the focus of its efforts to register black voters in the South. That March, protesters attempting to march from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery were met with violent resistance by state and local authorities. As the world watched, the protesters (under the protection of federalized National Guard troops) finally achieved their goal, walking around the clock for three days to reach Montgomery. The historic march, and King’s participation in it, greatly helped raise awareness of the difficulty faced by black voters in the South, and the need for a Voting Rights Act, passed later that year. The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson (1908-73) on August 6, 1965, aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment (1870) to the Constitution of the United States. The act significantly widened the franchise and is considered among the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history.
“One of the Space Shuttle’s enduring science legacies is the near-global topographic mapping of the Earth with innovative radar remote sensing technologies,” wrote Kam Lulla and Michael Kobrick in Wings In Orbit. “The shuttle also served as an important engineering test bed for developing the radar-based mapping technologies that have ushered in a quiet revolution in mapping sciences.” Radio detection and ranging, or radar, bounces rapid pulses of microwaves off of surfaces and records the echoes to create an image, in daylight or the dark of night. The wavelengths are longer than visible light, allowing radar to penetrate clouds, dust, and haze. And when radar is moving along a track line, it is possible to combine the echoes received at various positions to create a sort of “radar hologram.” All of these traits make radar ideal for mapping the surface of our planet—a process that was very difficult to standardize before NASA and other space agencies took a look from space. Starting with the second-ever Space Shuttle mission, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and partners from Germany and Italy flew five radar mapping experiments: Shuttle Imaging Radar A (1981) and B (1984), Space Radar Laboratory 1 (1994) and 2 (1994), and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (2000). Astronauts used the shuttle’s robotic arm like a boom, stretching the radar out of the cargo bay (top image) and into an unobstructed view of Earth. From the very first flight with a single-frequency instrument, the shuttle imaging radars proved themselves useful in mapping geologic structures, exposing faults, fractures, and buried features that were hard to detect from the ground or with visible-light imaging. They also proved themselves sensitive to changes in roughness, allowing researchers to distinguish between vegetation and human-made structures. The middle image above—acquired from shuttle Endeavour in April 1994—shows the scars of an asteroid or comet impact in the midst of the Sahara Desert in northern Chad. The concentric rings of Aorounga impact crater, which spans about 17 kilometers (10.5 miles), were buried and filled over thousands to millions of years by sandy sediments. The Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) and X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (X-SAR) of Space Radar Laboratory 1 was able to see through the debris to the rocky formation below. The bottom pair of images show the Manaus region of Brazil, in the Amazon River watershed. As viewed by space radar in April 1994 (left) and October 1994, green areas are heavily forested, while blue areas are either cleared forest or open water. The yellow and red areas are flooded forest or floating meadows, with the flood extent much greater in April. Such images demonstrate the utility of radar for penetrating thick vegetation and for viewing regions with frequent cloud cover.
In this Lesson, we will answer the following: Here is an elementary example: one half of 1. As fractions of a unit of measure, equivalent fractions are equal measurements. (Compare the theorem of the same multiple; for, a numerator has a ratio to the denominator. Every property of ratios applies to fractions. From the viewpoint of comparing fractions, however, see Problem 2 of that lesson.) Answer. For example, To create them, we multiplied both 5 and 6 by the same number. First by 2, then by 3, then by 10. (Compare Lesson 20, Problem 2c.) Example 2. Write the missing numerator: Answer. To make 7 into 28, we have to multiply it by 4. Therefore, we must also multiply 6 by 4: In practice, to find the multiplier, mentally divide the original denominator into the new denominator, and then multiply the numerator by that quotient. That is, say: "7 goes into 28 four times. Four times 6 is 24." The student who has studied ratio and proportion Example 3. Write the missing numerator: Answer. "8 goes into 48 six times. Six times 5 is 30." In actual problems, we convert two (or more) fractions so that they have equal denominators. When we do that, it is easy to compare them (see the next Lesson, Question 3), and equal denominators are necessary in order to add or subtract them (Lesson 25). For we can only add or subtract quantities that have the same name, that is, that are units of the same kind; and it is the denominator of a fraction that names the unit. (Lesson 21.) Now, since 15, for example, is a multiple of 5, we say that 5 is a divisor of 15. (5 is not a divisor of 14, because 14 is not a multiple of 5.) 5 is also a divisor of 20. 5 is a common divisor of 15 and 20. (15 and 14 have no common divisors, except 1, which is a divisor of every number.) Answer. The denominators 3 and 5 have no common divisors (except 1). Therefore, as a common denominator, choose 15. Once we convert to a common denominator, we could then know denominators, then the larger the numerator, the larger the fraction. (Lesson 20, Question 11.) Also, we could now add those fractions: See Lesson 21, Example 3. We can choose the product of denominators even when the denominators have a common divisor. But their product will not then be their lowest common multiple (Lesson 23). The student should prefer the lowest common multiple, because smaller numbers make for simpler calculations. When fractions are equivalent, their numerators and denominators are in the same ratio. That in fact is the best definition of equivalent fractions. 1 is half of 2. 2 is half of 4. In fact, any fraction where the numerator 1 is half of 2. 2 is half of 4. 3 is half of 6. 5 is half of 10. And so on. These are all at the same place on the number line. of its denominator. Example 6. Write the missing numerator: Answer. 7 is a quarter of 28. And a quarter of 16 is 4. 7 is to 28 as 4 is to 16. How to simplify, or reduce, a fraction The numerator and denominator of a fraction are called its terms. To simplify or reduce a fraction means to make the terms smaller. To accomplish that, we divide both terms by a common divisor. a fraction with its lowest terms, because it gives a better sense of its value, and it makes for simpler calculations. Answer. 15 and 21 have a common divisor, 3. Or, take a third of both 15 and 21. Answer. When the terms have the same number of 0's, we may ignore them. Effectively, we have divided 200 and 1200 by 100. (Lesson 2, Question 10.) Solution. Divide 20 by 8. "8 goes into 20 two (2) times (16) with 4 left over." Or, we could reduce first. 20 and 8 have a common divisor 4: Notice that we are free to interpret the same symbol "the ratio of 20 to 8." Any fraction in which the numerator and denominator are equal, is equal to 1. At this point, please "turn" the page and do some Problems. Continue on to the next Section. Please make a donation to keep TheMathPage online. Copyright © 2013 Lawrence Spector Questions or comments?
Lesson 9: Scales is a particular sequence of pitch names , arranged in order from low to high. Scales are the foundation for understanding You will need to know your half-steps lesson. If you don't know them well, then first go back to Lesson 8: Steps Game (or further back if you need to). Here are some examples of scales and the pitches in them: |B major scale: |B natural minor scale: |D♭ major scale: Here are some important basic facts about the most common scales (some of these things are not true of all These common scales each contain 7 different pitches, numbered A scale's numbered pitches are called the degrees of the scale. For example, from the table above we can say that "the 3rd degree of the B major scale is D♯". A scale's starting pitch is called the tonic. A scale's name is its tonic (its starting pitch, like B or D♭) plus its scale type (like "major scale" or "natural These common scales use each letter-name (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) exactly once. What makes each scale different from the others (besides which pitch it starts on) is the flat (♭) or sharp (♯) (or neither) on each pitch. For these common scales, the distance between each degree of the scale is (usually) either a whole-step or half-step. The thing that makes one scale type different from another is its order of half-steps and whole-steps. For example, "for the major scale scale type, is the distance from degree 3 to degree 4 a half-step When you understand these basic facts about scales, then you can start learning about the major scale (the most "fundamental" scale type) in Lesson 10: Major Scale 1-2-3
This unit helps students understand that Autism affects the brain and social communication skills, and introduces the concept of a spectrum. The students also learn about Asperger’s syndrome. - Individuals with Autism have a wide range of abilities and each individual is unique, with a combination of strengths and challenges. - Individuals with Autism often have difficulties with social communication skills, or the ways we interact and exchange information. - Many individuals with Autism, but not all, have sensory processing issues, or difficulty taking in and managing information from their five senses. - Some individuals with Autism may exhibit repetitive behaviors to cope with stress and may have intense interest in a specific topic. Program implementation is flexible and can be adapted for your classroom, but a typical 2-hour session includes: |Informational Video presentation||Students learn the term spectrum. Information is presented about the challenges and strengths of people with Autism, and suggestions for how to be an inclusive friend are covered.| |Two small group activities||A cooperative puzzle activity demonstrates social communication challenges. An emotion charades exercise helps students understand how facial expression and body language help us understand each other.| |Video: “Intricate Minds II: Understanding Elementary School Classmates With Asperger Syndrome.”||The video highlights children with Asperger’s syndrome talking about their interests and what it is like going to school.| |Guest Speaker||Students meet a guest speaker who shares the experience of living with autism.|
What are inverse functions? Take a function f: draw its graph in the usual way; interchange x and y axes, and you have the graph of the inverse function f -1. y = f(x) means x = f -1(y). This can be accomplished with a drawing on a piece of paper by turning the paper over, orienting so that the old first quadrant appears in the upper right corner, and looking through the paper at the old graph. Do not confuse the inverse with the reciprocal function; they are completely different concepts. Careless people may use notation that is the same for both. This is a bad thing to do since it promotes confusion. Notice that if you substitute x = f -1(y) into y = f(x) you get x = f -1(f(x)). This last equation can be used as an alternate definition of the inverse function to f. There is a problem with defining inverse functions. A function can have only one ordered pair for each argument, while the same value can occur many times. This means that interchanging arguments and values which is what we do in creating an inverse, will create a non-function, unless the original function takes on each value exactly once. When a function takes a value more than once, we have to do extra work to define an inverse function for it. Namely, we have to select one of its values to be the new argument and throw away the others. This can be done in many different ways when f is not single valued, so that there is always some arbitrariness in the definition of f-1 when f is not single valued. The clearest example for this is the function x2. It takes on each positive value twice. Both 4 and -4 have the same square. The standard thing to do for this function is to define its inverse, x1/2, to be the positive square root, ignoring the negative one. (The negative square root is then denoted by -x1/2.) This definition has two virtues: one is that positive numbers are more positive than negative ones. The other is, that with this definition (and not had we chosen the negative root as inverse) the square root of a product is the product of the square roots of its factors. In general, you can make the choice of what you want to call the inverse of f by looking at the graph of f, selecting a domain on which f is single-valued, and making that the range of f -1. Some interesting pairs: Exercises 1.8 For what values can you define the inverse of the function cos(sin x). (Hint: set f = cos(sin x) look at its inverse and figure out the answer.) Solution
The centre of a circle is the point in the very middle. The radius of a circle is a line from the centre of the circle to a point on the side. All points on the edge of the circle are at the same distance from the centre. In other words, the radius is the same length all the way around the circle. Mathematicians use the letter r for the length of a circle's radius. The diameter (meaning "all the way across") of a circle is a straight line that goes from one side to the opposite and right through the centre of the circle. Mathematicians use the letter d for the length of this line. The diameter of a circle is equal to twice its radius (d equals 2 times r). The circumference (meaning "all the way around") of a circle is the line that goes around the centre of the circle. Mathematicians use the letter C for the length of this line. The number π (written as the Greek letter pi) is a very useful number. It is the length of the circumference divided by the length of the diameter (π equals C divided by d). As a fraction the number π is equal to about 22⁄7 or 335/113 (which is closer) and as a number it is about 3.1415926535. The area, a, inside a circle is equal to the radius multiplied by itself, then multiplied by π (a equals π times r times r). π can be measured by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter (d) and circumference (C). This is because the circumference of a circle is always π times its diameter. π can also be calculated by only using mathematical methods. Most methods used for calculating the value of π have desirable mathematical properties. However, they are hard to understand without knowing trigonometry and calculus. However, some methods are quite simple, such as this form of the Gregory-Leibniz series: While that series is easy to write and calculate, it is not easy to see why it equals π. An easier to understand approach is to draw an imaginary circle of radius r centered at the origin. Then any point (x,y) whose distance d from the origin is less than r, calculated by the pythagorean theorem, will be inside the circle: Finding a set of points inside the circle allows the circle's area A to be estimated. For example, by using integer coordinates for a big r. Since the area A of a circle is π times the radius squared, π can be approximated by using: Images for kids Tughrul Tower from inside Circle Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.
9.00AM to 12.30PM When it comes to teaching maths in kindergarten, there are a few different methods that can be used. Some of the most popular methods include using manipulatives, games, and songs. In this course, students will engage in math talks through many different activities. Math talks are a great way for students to develop number sense and mathematical thinking necessary for today's mathematics. The Common Core Mathematics focuses on the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The idea behind these mathematical thinking and practices is to give students the tools they need to solve problems and to become lifelong, independent learners. These skills are developed throughout a student’s math education throughout the years and are critical to a student's success at math. The Standards for Mathematical Practice are as follows: - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. - Reason abstractly and quantitatively. - Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. - Model with mathematics. - Use appropriate tools strategically. - Attend to precision. - Look for and make use of structure. - Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Each class in this ongoing course will focus on developing these skills in students. Topics covered include counting, subitizing and composing numbers, shapes, patterns, addition and subtraction, graphs and data, word problem strategies. Each class will have different activities including songs and games like "What doesn’t belong?", "Spot the Differences", "Would you rather?", "Spot It", "Math Riddles, "Think and Talk pictures" and many more!
Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance, one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship: =, where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the voltage measured across the conductor in... Ohms Law can be stated mathematically as: I = E/R Where: I is the current, E is the voltage, R is the resistance As you can see from the above formula, if the voltage were to double, then so would ... Ohm's Law defines the relationships between (P) power, (E) voltage, (I) current, and (R) resistance. One ohm is the resistance value through which one volt will maintain a current of one ampere. Looking for Ohm's law? Find out information about Ohm's law. law stating that the electric current i flowing through a given resistance r is equal to the applied voltage v divided by the resistance, or i = v / r. According to this law the potential difference (voltage) across an ideal conductor is proportional to the current flowing through it. This law can be given as V = IR Where ‘R’ is a constant of proportionality called as ‘résistance. Its unit is ohms. V = potential difference between two points. Its unit is volts. I = Current flowing ... Ohms Law Wheel; Ohm's law (named after the German physicist Georg Ohm) defines the relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance. V = I x R. Where: V is the electrical potential (voltage), measured in volts (V), I is the current, measured in Amperes (Amps/A), and; R is the resistance, measured in Ohms (Ω). Ohm’s Law Memory Aid : Ohm’s Law Memory Aid To calculate one unit of electricity when the other two are known, simply use your finger and cover the unit you do not know. For example, if both voltage (V) and resistance (R) are known, cover the letter/(amperes). Ohm’s Law also makes intuitive sense if you apply it to the water-and-pipe analogy. If we have a water pump that exerts pressure (voltage) to push water around a “circuit” (current) through a restriction (resistance), we can model how the three variables interrelate. If the resistance to water ... Ohm's law [ōmz] a mathematical relationship formulated by the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm in 1826, comparing voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R), usable for either alternating current or direct current. It originally applied only to situations of steady direct current, with the formula V = IR; with alternating current, the electrical ... radue.wiscoscience.com/Electronics 1/Ohms law worksheet.doc In a circuit, voltage and current are (a) directly proportional, (b) inversely proportional, (c) not proportional. According to Ohm’s Law, what effect will cutting the resistance have on the current? If the voltage stays the same and the resistance is ¼ of its original, what will happen to the current?
6 1.5 Fundamentals of Plate Tectonics Plate tectonics is the model or theory that has been used for the past 60 years to understand Earth’s development and structure — more specifically the origins of continents and oceans, of folded rocks and mountain ranges, of earthquakes and volcanoes, and of continental drift. It is explained in some detail in Chapter 10, but is introduced here because it includes concepts that are important to many of the topics covered in the next few chapters. Key to understanding plate tectonics is an understanding of Earth’s internal structure, which is illustrated in Figure 1.6. Earth’s core consists mostly of iron. The outer core is hot enough for the iron to be liquid. The inner core, although even hotter, is under so much pressure that it is solid. The mantle is made up of iron and magnesium silicate minerals. The bulk of the mantle, surrounding the outer core, is solid rock, but is plastic enough to be able to flow slowly. Surrounding that part of the mantle is a partially molten layer (the asthenosphere), and the outermost part of the mantle is rigid. The crust — composed mostly of granite on the continents and mostly of basalt beneath the oceans — is also rigid. The crust and outermost rigid mantle together make up the lithosphere. The lithosphere is divided into about 20 tectonic plates that move in different directions on Earth’s surface. (For a more accurate depiction of the components of the Earth’s interior, please see Figure 9.2.) An important property of Earth (and other planets) is that the temperature increases with depth, from close to 0°C at the surface to about 7000°C at the centre of the core. In the crust, the rate of temperature increase is about 30°C/km. This is known as the geothermal gradient. Heat is continuously flowing outward from Earth’s interior, and the transfer of heat from the core to the mantle causes convection in the mantle (Figure 1.7). This convection is the primary driving force for the movement of tectonic plates. At places where convection currents in the mantle are moving upward, new lithosphere forms (at ocean ridges), and the plates move apart (diverge). Where two plates are converging (and the convective flow is downward), one plate will be subducted (pushed down) into the mantle beneath the other. Many of Earth’s major earthquakes and volcanoes are associated with convergent boundaries. Earth’s major tectonic plates and the directions and rates at which they are diverging at sea-floor ridges, are shown in Figure 1.8. Exercise 1.2 Plate Motion During Your Lifetime Using either a map of the tectonic plates from the Internet or Figure 1.8, determine which tectonic plate you are on right now, approximately how fast it is moving, and in what direction. How far has that plate moved relative to Earth’s core since you were born?
ELA Assignments Go to Google Classroom to access online Language Arts assignments. Writing Tutorial 1: How to Write an Effective Paragraph In this flipped lesson, you will review how to structure an effective paragraph. This lesson also makes clear our expectations for how a proficient paragraph is written. ELA Unit 1: Setting and Characterization In this unit of study, you will review plot structure. You will also analyze the effect of setting and characters on the plot and resolution of the conflict. Characters:The subjects (people, animals, etc.) that the author writes about. The characters participate in events that move the plot forward. Plot:Story plot is all of the events of the story, from beginning to end. Characters and the setting are introduced during the exposition, which is the first part of the story. Conflicts, or problems, occur during the rising action, and the biggest moment of the story is called the climax. Setting:The setting refers to when and where a story takes place. Conflict:The conflict is the problem the character faces. Examples: The conflict may be between two characters, between the main character and nature, or between the main character and himself. Theme: The theme of a story is the lesson, message, or moral that the author is trying to communicate through the plot and characters.
When there is not enough of one reactant in a chemical reaction, the reaction stops abruptly. To figure out the amount of product produced, it must be determined reactant will limit the chemical reaction (the limiting reagent) and which reactant is in excess (the excess reagent). One way of finding the limiting reagent is by calculating the amount of product that can be formed by each reactant; the one that produces less product is the limiting reagent. The following scenario illustrates the significance of limiting reagents. In order to assemble a car, 4 tires and 2 headlights are needed (among other things). In this example, imagine that the tires and headlights are reactants while the car is the product formed from the reaction of 4 tires and 2 headlights. If you have 20 tires and 14 headlights, how many cars can be made? With 20 tires, 5 cars can be produced because there are 4 tires to a car. With 14 headlights, 7 cars can be built (each car needs 2 headlights). Although more cars can be made from the headlights available, only 5 full cars are possible because of the limited number of tires available. In this case, the headlights are in excess. Because the number of cars formed by 20 tires is less than number of cars produced by 14 headlights, the tires are the limiting reagent (they limit the full completion of the reaction, in which all of the reactants are used up). This scenario is illustrated below: 4 Tires + 2 Headlights = 1 Car Figure 1: The synthesis reaction of making a car. Images used from Wikipedia with permission. The initial condition is that there must be 4 tires to 2 headlights. The reactants must thus occur in that ratio; otherwise, one will limit the reaction. There are 20 tires and 14 headlights, so there are two ways of looking at this problem. For 20 tires, 10 headlights are required, whereas for 14 headlights, 28 tires are required. Because there are not enough tires (20 tires is less than the 28 required), tires are the limiting “reactant.” The limiting reagent is the reactant that is completely used up in a reaction, and thus determines when the reaction stops. From the reaction stoichiometry, the exact amount of reactant needed to react with another element can be calculated. If the reactants are not mixed in the correct stoichiometric proportions (as indicated by the balanced chemical equation), then one of the reactants will be entirely consumed while another will be left over. The limiting reagent is the one that is totally consumed; it limits the reaction from continuing because there is none left to react with the in-excess reactant. There are two ways to determine the limiting reagent. One method is to find and compare the mole ratio of the reactants used in the reaction (approach 1). Another way is to calculate the grams of products produced from the given quantities of reactants; the reactant that produces the smallest amount of product is the limiting reagent (approach 2). How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 1 Find the limiting reagent by looking at the number of moles of each reactant. - Determine the balanced chemical equation for the chemical reaction. - Convert all given information into moles (most likely, through the use of molar mass as a conversion factor). - Calculate the mole ratio from the given information. Compare the calculated ratio to the actual ratio. - Use the amount of limiting reactant to calculate the amount of product produced. - If necessary, calculate how much is left in excess of the non-limiting reagent. How to Find the Limiting Reagent: Approach 2 Find the limiting reagent by calculating and comparing the amount of product each reactant will produce. - Balance the chemical equation for the chemical reaction. - Convert the given information into moles. - Use stoichiometry for each individual reactant to find the mass of product produced. - The reactant that produces a lesser amount of product is the limiting reagent. - The reactant that produces a larger amount of product is the excess reagent. - To find the amount of remaining excess reactant, subtract the mass of excess reagent consumed from the total mass of excess reagent given.
Help your students prepare for their Maths GCSE with this free 3d Pythagoras worksheet of 35 questions and answers Once students are confident with using Pythagoras Theorem to find missing side lengths in right angle triangles in 2D, they can move on to solving problems using Pythagoras Theorem with 3D shapes. A simple introductory example is looking at the longest length that can fit inside a cuboid-shaped box. If the base of the box is a rectangle abcd, the longest length inside that rectangle is the diagonal of the rectangle – e.g. the hypotenuse of the triangle abc. This hypotenuse then becomes a shorter side for another right angle triangle, with the height of the box as the other shorter side. The hypotenuse of this new triangle runs from one corner to the furthest opposite corner of the cuboid. As this is the longest length inside the box, so we would use another iteration of Pythagoras to work out this length. Another common application is finding the perpendicular height of a square-based pyramid, possibly in an intermediate step before calculating its volume. If students are given the slant or slope height of the pyramid, they first need to apply Pythagoras Theorem to find the perpendicular height of one of the isosceles triangles on the side faces. A second right angle triangle is formed, using the length just calculated as its hypotenuse, and a line running to the midpoint of the square base as one of the shorter sides. A second iteration of Pythagoras theorem is then used to find the perpendicular height of the pyramid. As square rooting often results in non-terminating decimals, students should give final answers to an appropriate number of decimal places, or leave their answer in surd form, as required. Looking forward, students can then progress to additional geometry worksheets, for example a trigonometry worksheet or a cosine graphs worksheet. For more teaching and learning support on Geometry our GCSE maths lessons provide step by step support for all GCSE maths concepts. There will be students in your class who require individual attention to help them succeed in their maths GCSEs. In a class of 30, it’s not always easy to provide. Help your students feel confident with exam-style questions and the strategies they’ll need to answer them correctly with our dedicated GCSE maths revision programme. Lessons are selected to provide support where each student needs it most, and specially-trained GCSE maths tutors adapt the pitch and pace of each lesson. This ensures a personalised revision programme that raises grades and boosts confidence.
Greater Than, Less Than: Homework For this comparing numbers worksheet, 1st graders use number lines to compare numbers. Students first circle the number that is greater, and then circle the number that is less. Students then use number lines to find numbers that are greater and less than the numbers given in each example. Students finish by finding numbers in magazines and newspapers and make their own greater than and less than sentences.
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Algebra Groups of Numbers. Ways of Showing Things in Algebra. Properties and Elements. Exponents and Powers. Square Roots and Cube Roots. Zero, FOO, and Divisibility. Chapter 2: Signed Numbers. Introducing Signed Numbers. Adding Balloons and Sandbags. Subtracting Balloons and Sandbags. Understanding Number Lines. Adding Signed Numbers. Subtracting Signed Numbers. Minus Sign before Parentheses. Letter Carrier Stories to Illustrate Multiplication. Multiplying Signed Numbers. Dividing Signed Numbers. Chapter 3: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. The Concept of Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Signed Fractions. Multiplying and Dividing Signed Fractions. Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers. Simplifying Complex Fractions. Changing Decimals to Fractions. What Are Percents? Finding a Percent of a Number. Understanding Scientific Notation. Chapter 4: Variables, Terms, and Simple Equations. Constants and Variables. Coefficients and Factors. Solving One-Variable Equations. Adding and Subtracting Variables. Changing Repeating Decimals to Fractions. Solving Equations Using Multiple Steps. Multiplying and Dividing Variables. Chapter 5: Axioms, Ratios, Proportions, and Sets. Axioms of Equality. Defining and Creating Ratios. Chapter 6: Monomials, Binomials, and Systems of Equations. Creating Systems of Simultaneous Equations. Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution. Chapter 7: Polynomials and Factoring. Chapter 8: Cartesian Coordinates. Finding the Slope and Intercepts. Graphing Linear Equations by Slope and Intercept. Finding the Equation of a Line. Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form. Graphing Systems of Equations. Chapter 9: Inequalities and Absolute Value. Graphing Inequalities on a Number Line. Solving Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting. Solving Inequalities by Multiplying and Dividing. Understanding Absolute Value. Inequalities and Half-Planes. Chapter 10: Algebraic Fractions. Introducing Algebraic Fractions. Simplifying Algebraic Fractions. Multiplying Algebraic Fractions. Dividing Algebraic Fractions. Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions. Chapter 11: Roots and Radicals. Operations with Square Roots. Chapter 12: Quadratic Equations. Standard Quadratic Equation Form. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring. Solving Quadratics by Completing the Square. Solving Quadratic Equations by Formula. Chapter 13: Algebraic Word Problems. Techniques for Translating Problems into Equations. Types of Problems.
top of page National Reading & Numeracy Tests Profion Darllen a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol Children in Years 2 to 9 take the National Tests in Reading and Numeracy each year. Please find some additional resources to support in preparation for these tests. How to access your child's test results? Further information about Online Personalised Assessments can be found on the Welsh Government website: https://t.co/gxg4KlZcmf The reading tests are made up of short questions based on two or more texts. Some of the questions check how well the text has been understood, others aim to find out if children are able to make judgements about what they are reading. There are two kinds of numeracy tests. The procedural test measures skills in number, measuring and data skills. The reasoning test measures how well children can use what they know to solve everyday problems. Click below to find out more about the National Tests Welsh Government National Tests : Numerical Reasoning There are also examples of reasoning questions on the HWB too. If you log onto your child's HWB account and type in 'Reasoning in the search bar' some useful resources can be found. Welsh Government National Tests : Numerical Procedural Tests Welsh Government National Tests : Reading Tests Welsh Government National Tests: Additional Reasoning Resources bottom of page
Creek Freedmen are African American people who were former slaves of Muscogee Creek tribal members before 1866; they were freed (emancipated) by the 1866 treaty with the United States and granted citizenship in the Creek Nation. The Creek Freedmen had lived and worked the land in Indian Territory prior to the American Civil War. The term also includes their descendants. Many have been of partial Creek descent by blood. Most of the Freedmen were former slaves of tribal members who had lived in both upper and lower Creek territories in the Southeast. In some villages, Creek citizens married enslaved men or women, and had mixed-race children with them. Interracial marriages were common during this time, and many Creek Freedmen were partly of Creek Indian ancestry. Because the Muscogee (Creek) Nation mostly allied with the Confederacy, after the Union victory in the Civil War, the United States in 1866 required a new treaty with the Creek Nation. It required the emancipation of slaves and the inclusion of Freedmen as full citizens of the Creek nation, eligible for voting rights and shares of annuities and land settlements. The treaty called for the setting aside of the western half of the territory (thereafter called Unassigned Lands) for the United States to use for the settlement of freedmen and other American Indian tribes. The Creek were forced to cede 3,250,560 acres (13,154.5 km2), for which the United States agreed to pay the sum of thirty (30) cents per acre, amounting to $975,165 USD. The 1866 U.S. treaty article 4 said the US would conduct a census of the Creek tribe, to include the Freedmen. In 1893, the United States Dawes Commission under the direction of Henry L. Dawes was established by an act of Congress. The Dawes Act, in a continuing effort at assimilation of American Indians, directed the break-up of communal tribal lands and the allotment of plots to individual households. All members of each tribe had to be registered for land allotment. The change to communal lands was an attempt to force the Native Americans to assimilate and adopt European-American methods of land use. In 1898, the US officials created the Dawes Rolls to document the tribal membership for such allotments, including the Creek Freedmen citizens, in the Creek nation. The enrollment for the Dawes rolls lasted until April 26, 1906. The final Dawes rolls constitute a record of the documented ancestors of Creek Freedmen. The Dawes Rolls have assumed great importance as tribes have increasingly relied on them as records of ancestors for determining ssues of descent and tribal membership for land claims and other benefits. Critics charge that many mistakes were made in how individuals were recorded. For instance, although many Freedmen were of Creek descent, they were included only on Freedmen rolls, which reduced their qualification for tribal membership in later years. The peace treaty of 1866 granted them full citizenship and rights regardless of proportion of Creek or Indian ancestry. Since the changes in Creek code in 2001, changing the rules for membership in the Nation, the issues have become more controversial. Most of the Creek Freedmen were farmers. They cultivated the land and some owned bees and made honey, such as Tartar Grayson, known as the "Great Bee Man." The children of Creek Freedmen attended racially segregated schools but lived on Creek territory as citizens of the Creek nation. - Muskogee County Indian Journal, Local Happenings, 22 June 1876
Pre-kindergarteners hear and understand language through conversations, stories, and songs. They also lay the groundwork for reading and writing as they explore books and other printed material. Understand and use new words. Use language to express a variety of ideas and needs, like telling a story, explaining, or making a request. Understand and speak in increasingly complex ways; for example, use longer sentences, and understand and ask questions with words like who or what. Engage in classroom conversations, and use conversational skills like taking turns speaking, and responding to what a friend has to say. Explore sounds; for example, detect the beginning and ending sounds of familiar words and names, or listen for words that rhyme. Pre-kindergarteners are laying the groundwork for reading and writing. Here’s how you can help. Learn about letters of the alphabet; for example, recognize and name letters, understand that letters are associated with a sound or sounds, and name some of those sounds. Appreciate print and understand that it carries meaning. Recognize common print, such as familiar signs and logos. Understand the way print works: that it moves from left to right and top to bottom, and that letters are grouped to form words. Show enthusiasm for books; for example, pretend to read a book, or listen to stories read aloud. Ask and answer questions about a story, or retell information using words, pictures, or movement. Understand how books work; for example, how to hold a book correctly, turn the pages from front to back, and recognize features such as the title or author. Actively engage with a wide variety of rich texts including stories, poems, plays, and informational books read aloud. Explore writing and recognize that it’s a way of communicating. Experiment with writing tools; use scribbling, shapes, letter-like forms, or letters to represent ideas. Copy, trace, or independently write letters.
Venn diagrams are graphic organizers that can help students learn how to classify items according to type. These diagrams use circles to show how two or more subjects are alike and different. You can teach second grade students how to interpret and create math-centered Venn diagrams with a variety of instructional strategies. Using discussion, illustration and practice will help your students to understand how to use Venn diagrams. Write two subjects (people, objects, places or animals) on the board and lead your students in a discussion about the similarities and differences between these two subjects. Draw two circles side by side with the edges of the circles overlapping. Label one circle "Chocolate" and the other circle "Vanilla." Label the overlapping area of the circles "Chocolate and Vanilla." Ask your students to vote for their favorite ice cream flavor through a show of hands. They can only vote once, and they can vote for one of the three categories on the board. Make tally marks in the appropriate circles and have your students count the results at the end of the activity. Give your students a worksheet with a Venn diagram. Supply a list of shapes on the worksheet. Some of the shapes should have four sides and other shapes should have another number of sides. Some shapes should be blue and some should have no color (outline only). Tell your students to label their circles, "Four Sides" and "Blue." Instruct them to label the overlap, "Four Sides and Blue." Then let the students work on their own or in small groups to figure out where the shapes that you provided fit in the Venn diagram. Discuss the answers once everyone is finished. - Photos.com/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images
Prefixes, Un-, Re-, and, Dis- Third graders identify prefixes and use prefixes correctly in sentences. They edit and change sentences containing prefixes. 16 Views 63 Downloads Building Vocabulary: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Word roots, prefixes, and suffixes can hold the key to determining the meaning of a host of different words. Included here are five pages of prefixes, roots, and suffixes paired with their meanings and example words. 3rd - 10th English Language Arts Vocabulary Strategies for the Analysis of Word Parts in Mathematics Pair this resource with a reading of any math textbook, article, or book. Learners take note of unknown words and use the provided graphic organizer in order to use word roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help them determine the meaning of... 3rd - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable Prefix, Suffix, and Root Word Worksheets Words are kind of like a train, with affixes as the added cars. Practice prefixes, suffixes, and root words with these worksheets. Learners add words on to the beginning and end of words, practice with some roots, and use the words in... 3rd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes How can adding a prefix or suffix to a root word create an entirely new word? Study a packet of resources that focuses on Greek and Latin roots, as well as different prefixes and suffixes that learners can use for easy reference 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Skill Lessons – Prefixes and Suffixes Sometimes the best way to understand a concept is to break it down. Young vocabulary pupils work with word parts in a hands-on activity that prompts them to connect flash cards with affixes to their root and base words. Additionally,... 3rd - 5th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words/Base Words Get your class on track with their affixes by covering prefixes, suffixes, and root words in depth. This short three-lesson unit includes vocabulary lists to study, detailed plan procedures, and some accompanying worksheets. 2nd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
Help your students understand fractions while adding some color to these shapes! With this helpful math resource, students will create a visual representation of fractions by coloring the parts of the shape indicated by each fraction. Students have been hard at work on their fractions practice this year, so now it's time to see how far they've come. This end-of-year check-in will help you assess student understanding of simple fractions of wholes. Use this resource to assess your students’ mastery of concepts surrounding fractions. Your mathematicians will write fractions, find equivalent fractions, compare fractions, and plot fractions on a number line. Target math academic language in this multidisciplinary lesson! Write descriptive sentences about tape diagrams that show fractional parts. Use this lesson on its own or use it as support for the lesson Fractions and Word Problems.