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Phonics is a term that refers to the sound that letters make both on their own as well as in relationship to other letters. Educational institutions use phonics lessons to help teach students to become proficient readers. Instructors teach students the sound of each letter and then help them sound out words by putting those different letter sounds together to form complete words. Students can expand on their classroom lessons or get some extra phonics help by using free resources to help them review their phonics sounds. Select a free resource for learning phonics sounds. Free Internet-based phonics program are available such as the Letter Sounds software from Owl & Mouse at "http://www.yourchildlearns.com/lettersounds.htm" or the ABC Fast Phonics program at "http://www.abcfastphonics.com/." These programs require the computer to be connected to the Internet and to have sound capability. Many public libraries have resources for learning to read. Check with your local library to see if they have any programs or materials available for borrowing that offer phonics lessons with a CD or cassette tape so that the student can hear the sounds being taught. Schools may also have materials available for borrowing or be able to offer remedial tutoring for students who need extra help. Set aside time each day for phonics study. Depending on the needs of the student and the time available, choose an appropriate time to devote to phonics study each day -- perhaps one half hour, forty minutes or one hour. Begin with the simple sounds. The easiest sounds to learn are the basic consonant sounds and the short vowels. These are many of the letters that will be found in short words like "cat" and "hop." Once children learn these basic sounds, they can be taught to read these simple words. If the phonics program you are using does not have any simple reading books, find some basic level-one easy reader books so that they can practice what they have learned. Move on to more complex sounds. Teaching long vowels is more complex because many times some of the letters in words with long vowels are silent. Students should learn the different combinations of vowels used most often to make different long vowel sounds. Once these sounds have been mastered, have children practice reading some simple books that contain some long vowel words. Build on what has already been learned by teaching children about some of the different consonant blends, such as "ch" and "tr." These sounds are trickier than regular consonant sounds so children may need extra time to listen to these different sounds and extra practice to learn how to pronounce them properly. Once these students are comfortable recognizing and pronouncing different blends, they can practice by reading short books that include words with different blended consonant sounds. Things You Will Need - Internet connected computer with sound capability or CD or cassette player - Simple easy reader books - Many phonics learning programs include games to make the learning experience fun for children. Allow children to complete the programs independently and have fun with the lessons. - Scholastic: Teach Phonics At Home - Reading Today; "Strickland Discusses Proper Role of Phonics"; Dorothy Strickland; February, 2011. - Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read - Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images
DURATION: 2 hours - Film genres - Technical and symbolic codes in film - Storyboarding a film scene After completing this unit, teachers will be able to: - Identify a variety of film genres and the codes and conventions associated with them (use of film techniques, subject matter, theme, characters, conventional plots, situations and settings) - Identify particular technical and symbolic codes used to convey meaning in film - Develop a storyboard for a film scene that includes the codes and conventions of a particular genre - Identify the codes and conventions used in a film genre popular in another country PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES and ACTIVITIES - Develop a list of film genres that you enjoy. Identify the key elements that define each genre. Watch a scene from one of these films. Note the following: storyline, setting, types of characters, music, lighting, special effects, editing and camera work. What are the messages and values conveyed through the use of these elements in the film? Explain how the meaning of the scene can be altered by changing various elements (e.g. the setting, soundtrack, etc.) - In groups, create a storyboard for a scene from a film genre of choice. Explain the ways in which the ‘language’ of the genre is captured in each scene - Show teachers a clip from a popular film from a foreign country. Compare and contrast the film ‘languages’ used in those with a film produced in their own country. Discuss the effect of the various techniques used. What is communicated through these techniques? Who do you think is the target audience for each film? - Using the Internet or the local library, locate two posters of the same film that will be shown in different countries and consider the following questions: - What impression of the film is conveyed through the posters? - What technical and symbolic codes are being used? To what effect? - Can you identify the target audience for each film based on the posters? - What information about each film is conveyed through the posters?
How to teach students the single digit numbers. Ten frames represent numbers to 10 in a "pairs layout" of counters, where even numbers are showed in pairs. Some more advanced sheets contain both layouts of rows and pairs. Ten frames represent numbers to 10 in a "rows layout" of counters, where one row of 5 spaces is filled first. Some more advanced sheets contain both layouts of rows and pairs. Use flashcards to help students to become familiar with numbers to 10, including their names and ten frame patterns. Number lines are a very useful resources for showing numbers to 10 and beyond. Use number lines to reinforce knowledge of number sequences and for adding or subtracting small amounts. Use these resources to customize activities for your students by inserting your own selected examples. Games to help students practice recognizing numbers to 10 as digits, patterns of objects and number names. These resources are bundled collections from all the other resource categories on this page. Strategies and followup worksheets are grouped into sets allowing for easy sequencing of teaching this important topic. Resources for teaching numbers to 10, including Unifix cubes & the Counting Odometer.
The following program counts the number of times the letter a appears in a string: word = 'banana' count = 0 for letter in word: if letter == 'a': count = count + 1 print count This program demonstrates another pattern of computation called a counter. The variable count is initialized to 0 and then incremented each time an a is found. When the loop exits, count contains the result—the total number of a’s. Exercise 8.5.Encapsulate this code in a function named count, and generalize it so that it accepts the string and the letter as arguments. Exercise 8.6.Rewrite this function so that instead of traversing the string, it uses the three-parameter version of findfrom the previous section.
Our Apostrophes lesson plan sharpens both writing skills and reading comprehension by demonstrating how to identify and use apostrophes in writing, including possessives, contractions, and for other uses. Students will engage in collaborative learning and sensory stimulation by working in pairs and moving around the classroom to complete the activities. Students are asked to use their critical thinking skills to determine why apostrophes are so important and what issues would come up if they didn’t use them in their writing. Students will also practice their public speaking skills as they share their responses with the class. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and use apostrophes in their writing, including possessives, contractions, and for other uses. State Educational Standards: LB.ELA-Literacy.L.6.2.A
Common Core Standards Learn, plan, and implement Common Core in your classroom. Use the Resource Correlations tool to find Common Core-aligned resources from Reading A-Z, the ELL Edition, or Science A-Z or view all correlated resources at once. We have also provided information on key CCSS topics, why they are important, and how Reading A-Z can be used to implement elements of CCSS. What Are Foundational Skills?The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have identified a set of skills that students must master before they can become fluent readers and comprehend what they are reading. Since these skills are at the very foundation of becoming a proficient reader, they are called foundational skills. These skills are taught somewhat sequentially, with some natural overlapping of skills: - Concept of print - Phonological awareness - High-Frequency Words AlphabetStudents need to know the English language is presented using 26 letters. They must be able to recognize, name, and form these letters in order to read and write. Print ConceptsWhen introducing students to written language they must understand the basic organization and features of print: read left to right; top to bottom; letters create words and words create sentences; spaces between words; ending and beginning punctuation. Children frequently come to understand these concepts through owning their first books. Phonological AwarenessThis foundational skill is about recognizing the sounds of language. It begins with word awareness and being able to recognize, for example, the number of words that make up a spoken sentence. Secondary mastery of these skills includes recognizing rhyme and syllables. At the most detailed level, the phoneme level, students can discern the sounds that make up a word. They can segment the sounds within a word, blend sounds together to make a word, and substitute sounds to make new words. PhonicsStudents must match a unit of sound (a phoneme) to the letter or letters that make the sound. Separating the written word into its individual sounds and blending the individual sounds of letters to make words is the foundation of reading. High-Frequency Word RecognitionStudents must be able to recognize and read a collection of high-frequency words by sight and do so with increasing automaticity. FluencyStudents must be able to read and comprehend text on-level – accurately, at the appropriate rate and with the correct expression. This is best accomplished by repeated readings of text passages of increasing complexity while tracking the reading rate and accuracy. Become your school's Common Core expert. We'll focus on one key Common Core topic each month. Why Are Foundational Skills Important?Students must master foundational skills before they can become fluent readers and comprehend text. Foundational skills instruction is the first reading instruction that students should receive. Each skill should be consistently reinforced. Foundational skills are essential for students to learn how to both read and write. They are the skills that help them to decode unknown words and use word knowledge to comprehend more complex writing across varying levels and genres. How Do Reading A-Z Resources Support Teaching Foundational Skills?Reading A-Z provides easy access to a rich collection of resources necessary to help all students develop strong Foundational Skills in reading. Many of these resources are available in printable and projectable formats. - Alphabet Books and activities build skills in letter naming, recognition, and formation. - Books, lesson plans, and activities address all phonics and phonological awareness elements. - High-Frequency Word Books and the Most Common Word Flashcards provide students the opportunity to work with words in isolation and in context. - Leveled Fluency Passages and Reader's Theater Scripts support practicing fluency.
Slavery and the slave trade were always controversial practices. While nearly all societies in the Atlantic world accepted slavery and unfreedom, the institution always faced some opposition. Even as early as the sixteenth century, some individuals (like Bartolomé de las Casas, for example) argued against enslavement on moral grounds. As slavery grew in economic and political significance, imperial and colonial powers faced powerful, organized pressure to support and maintain slavery. As a consequence, the different movements that advocated for the end of slavery and the end of the slave trade had to mobilize a variety of moral, legal, social, and political resources to be successful. Emancipation movements generally evolved along two different lines: one opposing the slave trade and another opposing slavery. Several reasons existed for this separation. Some activists did not contest the legal basis of slavery; rather, they argued that the transatlantic slave trade was brutal and murderous and should be ended. Other abolitionists supported the end of slavery (and the slave trade) entirely, promoting plans for either gradual or immediate emancipation. Proponents of emancipation slowly gained support through the eighteenth century. In the later decades of the 1700s, the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolutions caused Europeans to reconsider and expand their ideas of individual rights and liberty. Those tumultuous decades spurred greater public support for abolitionist causes. Campaigners in Great Britain succeeded in outlawing their slave trade in 1807. Other European nations followed, but not without resistance. It took another generation (with the exception of Haiti) to begin outlawing slavery around the Atlantic. A wave of emancipation started with the British Empire in 1833 and pushed forward into the 1860s. Despite these advances, some people in the Americas continued living under slavery until the twentieth century.
Sixth graders investigate the concept of patterns and how they can occur with numbers and the lesson focuses on the occurrance wiht shapes. They complete an activity investigating patterns using a story to set the tone of fun. 3 Views 10 Downloads Determining Coordinates: Graphing Patterns Building on their prior knowledge about patterns, this series of worksheets introduces young mathematicians to graphing in the coordinate plane. Using written descriptions of different numerical patterns, learners create sets of order... 4th - 6th Math CCSS: Designed New Review Trains, Fibonacci, and Recursive Patterns Watch as your pupils engineer their learning. A hands-on lesson asks scholars to build trains from Cuisenaire Rods to explore patterns. They build both a recursive rule and exponential function to represent their patterns. 6th - 12th Math CCSS: Designed From Patterns of Input and Output to Algebraic Equations Watch video clips titled, "Frog Hops Part I" and "Frog Hops Part II," then discuss patterns demonstrated in the videos. Learners will complete an algebraic expressions and equations handout and discuss the answers. They will be able to... 4th - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable
Teaching Divisibility Rules to elementary and middle school students is an imperative. It is not just a nice topic. It’s an essential component of number theory. And even though it is not explicitly included in common core standards, we will shortchange our students if we fail to teach it. The way I see it, divisibility rules are just as important as spelling rules. It increases students’ computation fluency that they will use all throughout university. The Sieves Method uses Divisibility Rules to find prime numbers. It’s a game like method in learning difference between prime and composite numbers. Grades : 4-6 For the Lesson Plan go to: http://tinyurl.com/kjuyeu6
For our last example in this chapter, you'll learn how to sort strings alphabetically. The type of sort being demonstrated is a called a bubble sort. A bubble sort is easy to comprehend but relatively slow. It works by repeatedly looping through the list of items, comparing two at a time. If item b should come before item a, their places are switched. As you might guess, to make the comparison on strings, we will use the strcmp() function. We say this is a slow sort because it requires a pair of nested for loops that bubbles every item through the entire list of items. If you had a list of, say, 10 words, a total of 90 (9 * 10) comparisons would need to be made. Aside from the type of sort being used, a more important consideration ...
Glaciers begin to form when snow remains in the same area year-round, where enough snow accumulates to transform into ice. Each year, new layers of snow bury and compress the previous layers. This compression forces the snow to re-crystallize, forming grains similar in size and shape to grains of sugar. Gradually the grains grow larger and the air pockets between the grains get smaller, causing the snow to slowly compact and increase in density. After about two winters, the snow turns into firn—an intermediate state between snow and glacier ice. At this point, it is about two-thirds as dense as water. Over time, larger ice crystals become so compressed that any air pockets between them are very tiny. In very old glacier ice, crystals can reach several inches in length. For most glaciers, this process takes more than a hundred years. Glacial ice often appears blue when it has become very dense. When glacier ice becomes extremely dense, the ice absorbs a small amount of red light, leaving a bluish tint in the reflected light, which is what we see. When glacier ice is white, that usually means that there are many tiny air bubbles still in the ice. What makes glaciers unique is their ability to move. Due to sheer mass, glaciers flow like very slow rivers. Some glaciers are as small as football fields, while others grow to be dozens or even hundreds of kilometers long. Presently, glaciers occupy about 10 percent of the world’s total land area, with most located in polar regions like Antarctica, Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic. Glaciers can be thought of as remnants from the last Ice Age, when ice covered nearly 32 percent of the land, and 30 percent of the oceans. Most glaciers lie within mountain ranges that show evidence of a much greater extent during the ice ages of the past two million years, and more recent indications of retreat in the past few centuries. Most of the world’s glaciers are found near the poles, but glaciers exist on all of the world’s continents. Glaciers require very specific climatic conditions. Most are found in regions of high snowfall in winter and cool temperatures in summer. These conditions ensure that the snow that accumulates in the winter is not lost during the summer. Such conditions typically prevail in polar and high alpine regions.The amount of precipitation, whether in the form of snowfall, freezing rain, avalanches, wind-drifted snow, is important to glacier survival. For instance, in very dry parts of Antarctica, low temperatures are ideal for glacier growth, but the small amount of net annual precipitation causes the glaciers to grow very slowly, or even to disappear due evaporation of the ice. Glaciers melt, and ablation result from increasing temperature, evaporation, and wind scouring. Ablation is a natural and seasonal part of glacier life. As long as snow accumulation equals or is greater than melt and ablation, a glacier will remain in balance or even grow. Once winter snowfall decreases, or summer melt increases, the glacier will begin to retreat.
Number – fractions (including decimals) Pupils should be taught to: - recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions - count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by 100 and dividing tenths by 10 - solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number - add and subtract fractions with the same denominator - recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundreds - recognise and write decimal equivalents to , , - find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths - round decimals with 1 decimal place to the nearest whole number - compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to 2 decimal places - solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to 2 decimal places Notes and guidance (non-statutory) Pupils should connect hundredths to tenths and place value and decimal measure. They extend the use of the number line to connect fractions, numbers and measures. Pupils understand the relation between non-unit fractions and multiplication and division of quantities, with particular emphasis on tenths and hundredths. Pupils make connections between fractions of a length, of a shape and as a representation of one whole or set of quantities. Pupils use factors and multiples to recognise equivalent fractions and simplify where appropriate (for example, = or = ). Pupils continue to practise adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, to become fluent through a variety of increasingly complex problems beyond one whole. Pupils are taught throughout that decimals and fractions are different ways of expressing numbers and proportions. Pupils’ understanding of the number system and decimal place value is extended at this stage to tenths and then hundredths. This includes relating the decimal notation to division of whole number by 10 and later 100. They practise counting using simple fractions and decimals, both forwards and backwards. Pupils learn decimal notation and the language associated with it, including in the context of measurements. They make comparisons and order decimal amounts and quantities that are expressed to the same number of decimal places. They should be able to represent numbers with 1 or 2 decimal places in several ways, such as on number lines.
In this section, you will learn about three different ways in which to write down sets of solutions. The real number line "respects" the order of the real numbers. A bigger number will always be found to the right of a smaller number. In the picture below, a>b. We visualize a set on the real number line by marking its members. It is standard to agree on the following conventions: To include an endpoint, we "bubble it in." To exclude an endpoint, we use an "empty bubble". Here is the set of all real numbers greater than -2 and less than or equal to 5: The number -2 is excluded from the set, so you see an "empty bubble"; the number 5 is included in the set, so the bubble at 5 is "filled in." Next comes an unbounded set, the set of all numbers less than or equal to 3: The set does not need to be "connected." The following graph depicts all real numbers which are either greater than 2 or strictly between -1 and 1. The following is a description of the set of all real numbers with the exception of -1 and 2: Interval notation translates the information from the real number line into symbols. becomes the interval (-2,5]. To indicate that an endpoint is included, we use a square bracket; to exclude an endpoint, we use parentheses. is written in interval notation as . The infinity symbols " " and " " are used to indicate that the set is unbounded in the positive ( ) or negative ( ) direction of the real number line. " " and " " are not real numbers, just symbols. Therefore we always exclude them as endpoints by using parentheses. If the set consists of several disconnected pieces, we use the symbol for union " ": is written in interval notation as . How could we write down in interval notation? There are three pieces to consider: An interval such as , where both endpoints are excluded is called an open interval. An interval is called closed, if it contains its endpoints, such as . An unbounded interval such as is considered to be open; an interval such as is called closed (even though it does not contain its right endpoint). The whole real line is considered to be both open and closed. (So intervals are not like doors, they can be open and closed at the same time.) The most flexible (and complicated?) way to write down sets is to use set notation. Sets are delimited by curly braces. You can write down finite sets as lists. is the set with the three elements -1, and . For sets with infinitely many elements this becomes impossible, so there are other ways to write them down. Special symbols are used to denote important sets: Beyond that, set notation uses descriptions: the interval (-3,5] is written in set notation as read as " the set of all real numbers x such that ." The first part tells us what "universe" of numbers we are considering (in our case the universe of real numbers), the delimiter " " separates the "universe" part from the second part, where we describe the property our numbers in the set are supposed to satisfy. is the set of all integers exceeding -3 and not greater than 5; this is a finite set; we could write it as a list, is even smaller; it contains only five elements: Here are some more examples: The interval can be written as the set looks like this in set notation: or like this Write the set of all real numbers strictly between -2 and in interval notation and in set notation. Write the set in set notation. Write the unbounded set in both interval notation and set notation. Mark the set on the real number line. Write down the set of solutions to the inequality in all three notations. Do you need more help? Please post your question on our S.O.S. Mathematics CyberBoard.
A string is a sequence of characters. You can access the characters one at a time with the bracket operator: >>> fruit = 'banana' >>> letter = fruit The second statement selects character number 1 from fruit and assigns it to The expression in brackets is called an index. The index indicates which character in the sequence you want (hence the name). But you might not get what you expect: >>> print letter a For most people, the first letter of a. But for computer scientists, the index is an offset from the beginning of the string, and the offset of the first letter is zero. >>> letter = fruit >>> print letter b b is the 0th letter the 1th letter (“one-eth”), and the 2th (“two-eth”) letter. You can use any expression, including variables and operators, as an index, but the value of the index has to be an integer. Otherwise you get: >>> letter = fruit[1.5] TypeError: string indices must be integers len is a built-in function that returns the number of characters in a string: >>> fruit = 'banana' >>> len(fruit) 6 To get the last letter of a string, you might be tempted to try something like this: >>> length = len(fruit) >>> last = fruit[length] IndexError: string index out of range The reason for the is that there is no letter in ’banana’ with the index 6. Since we started counting at zero, the six letters are numbered 0 to 5. To get the last character, you have to subtract ...
This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 5 and 6 in year 1. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with multiplication using arrays. Multiplication using arrays is a way of organising the numbers in a visual way in order to understand how repeated addition is the same as multiplication. Using an array to visualise a problem also highlights how the order of the multiplication can be reversed to give the same answer. For example, 2 x 4 gives the same answer as 4 x 2.
01/19/2018 Loading… On this third common and proper nouns worksheets reading and writing worksheet, students will practice writing nouns and adjectives. Kids will be able to put their new knowledge to the test by circling the common and proper nouns in written examples, write the plural of each word. With this printable activity; in this kindergarten worksheet, underline the concrete nouns and circle the abstract nouns.Here is a graphic preview for all the kindergarten – this helpful classroom activity makes learning about nouns lots of fun! Once all of the shapes are filled in, i have read and agree to Education. Students will be asked to color the shapes that have a noun in them, use any color you like to fill in the rest of the shapes.They keep track of your progress and help you study smarter, kids will get lots of practice with capitalizing the titles of common books and poems in this exercise. Guided Lessons are digital games and exercises that keep track of your progress and help you study smarter, to complete the assignments, download and print the capitalization and punctuation worksheets suggested as part of this lesson. Your students can choose to fill in the other shapes with any color they want, students will reveal a picture of a octopus! Kids learn about common and proper nouns, all the way from A to Z, company or idea.With this printable classroom activity, a proper noun is the name of something specific, are you 13 or older? Knowing your parts of speech is an important part of learning good writing skills. Students will begin by reading about the different kinds of nouns, helpful hints guide kids on the rules of capitalization. This worksheet is suitable for 6th grade, your student will write the plural form of words.
This tutorial describes the different types of chemical reactions that are used in the equilibrium practice problems. The important thing to remember from the following sections is what happens when certain reactants are mixed. Many of the equilibrium problems require determining the pre-equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products after an initial reaction occurs when mixing two or more chemical compounds. The subscripts in the reaction equilibria refer to pure solids: AgCl(s), liquids: H2O(l), gases: H2 (g), or aqueous solution: Cl-(aq). A chemical reaction occurs when substances (the reactants) collide with enough energy to rearrange to form different compounds (the products). Although not covered in this tutorial, the change in energy that occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics, and the rate or speed at which a reaction occurs is described by kinetics. Gases can react with other gases, liquids, or solids to form new products. Some examples are: Combustion of hydrogen gas: 2 H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2 H2 (l) Combustion of methane: CH4 (g) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) + 2 H2O(l) Heating calcium carbonate (limestone) to make calcium oxide (lime): CaCO3 (s) + heat CaO(s) + CO2 (g) The Bronsted-Lowry definition describes acids are proton donors, and bases are proton acceptors. Mixing acids and bases results in neutralization because the base will accept the proton that the acid donates. HNO3 + NaOH H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + NO3-(aq) The spectator ions are usually left out of the reaction and the reaction is: H+(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l) Many compounds have limited solubility in aqueous solution (water). When the concentrations of the ions in solution rise above the solubility limit, the ions combine to form solid particles that precipitate from solution. The concentrations of the ions remaining in solution are governed by the equilibrium constant (Ksp, also called the solubility product). Example: When chloride is added to a silver solution, solid silver chloride precipitates from solution. The resulting equilibrium is always written in the direction of the solid dissolving: AgCl(s) Ag+(aq) + Cl-(s) Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions involve the transfer of electrons from one species to another. One species will be oxidized, and the other will be reduced. Redox reactions are beyond the scope of this equilibrium tutorial. Example: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) In this reaction two electrons are transferred from each zinc atom to each copper ion. The zinc metal is oxidized to zinc ions, and the copper ions are reduced to copper metal.
Beginning Forming Questions - "How" In this forming questions worksheet, students use the words in the boxes to form 'how' questions. Students write 8 how questions on the lines. 3 Views 0 Downloads George Washington’s Socks: Short-Answer Questions Chapters 1-9 Build a literature unit around the book George Washington's Socks with this series of short answer questions. Broken up in two- and three-chapter increments, these reading comprehension questions allow young readers to demonstrate their... 3rd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Question Words, Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Practice asking how high and how often with grammar exercises about question words. After completing sentences and writing questions for answers that are provided, pupils work on a few activities about comparative and superlative... 4th - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Regarding the Fountain: Questioning Strategy—Cubing Look deeper into the text with a reading strategy based on asking critical thinking questions. While reading Reading the Fountain by Kate Klise, learners think of questions that help them describe, compare, associate, analyze, apply, and... 3rd - 7th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Possessive Nouns and Forms of Be Practice multiple grammar skills with one learning exercise, which includes word banks, fill-in-the-blanks, and reordering sentences. Each exercise focuses on a different skill, ranging from forms of be to possessive nouns, and prompts... 4th - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable The Simple Past: Yes/No and WH- Questions Were you in an accident? How did it happen? Pupils practice asking and answering questions with a language arts slideshow presentation. As they work on describing past events to explain a current condition, individuals take a look at the... 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
Fragments and Run-On Sentences With these worksheets on sentences, run-ons, and fragments, students will learn to recognize and write complete sentences. Most of the worksheets on this page align with the Common Core Standards. To see CCSS connections, simply click the common core icon . Determine which groups of words are sentences and which ones are fragments. Break each run-on sentence into two complete sentences. Add a subject or predicate to each fragment to make it a complete sentence. Tell which groups of words are complete sentences and which ones are fragments. Write S or F on the line. 1st through 3rd Grades Determine whether each group of words is a fragment, run-on, or complete sentence.
Glaciers begin to form when snow remains in the same area year-round, where enough snow accumulates to transform into ice. Each year, new layers of snow bury and compress the previous layers. This compression forces the snow to re-crystallize, forming grains similar in size and shape to grains of sugar. Gradually the grains grow larger and the air pockets between the grains get smaller, causing the snow to slowly compact and increase in density. After about two winters, the snow turns into firn—an intermediate state between snow and glacier ice. At this point, it is about two-thirds as dense as water. Over time, larger ice crystals become so compressed that any air pockets between them are very tiny. In very old glacier ice, crystals can reach several inches in length. For most glaciers, this process takes more than a hundred years. Glacial ice often appears blue when it has become very dense. When glacier ice becomes extremely dense, the ice absorbs a small amount of red light, leaving a bluish tint in the reflected light, which is what we see. When glacier ice is white, that usually means that there are many tiny air bubbles still in the ice. What makes glaciers unique is their ability to move. Due to sheer mass, glaciers flow like very slow rivers. Some glaciers are as small as football fields, while others grow to be dozens or even hundreds of kilometers long. Presently, glaciers occupy about 10 percent of the world’s total land area, with most located in polar regions like Antarctica, Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic. Glaciers can be thought of as remnants from the last Ice Age, when ice covered nearly 32 percent of the land, and 30 percent of the oceans. Most glaciers lie within mountain ranges that show evidence of a much greater extent during the ice ages of the past two million years, and more recent indications of retreat in the past few centuries. Most of the world’s glaciers are found near the poles, but glaciers exist on all of the world’s continents. Glaciers require very specific climatic conditions. Most are found in regions of high snowfall in winter and cool temperatures in summer. These conditions ensure that the snow that accumulates in the winter is not lost during the summer. Such conditions typically prevail in polar and high alpine regions.The amount of precipitation, whether in the form of snowfall, freezing rain, avalanches, wind-drifted snow, is important to glacier survival. For instance, in very dry parts of Antarctica, low temperatures are ideal for glacier growth, but the small amount of net annual precipitation causes the glaciers to grow very slowly, or even to disappear due evaporation of the ice. Glaciers melt, and ablation result from increasing temperature, evaporation, and wind scouring. Ablation is a natural and seasonal part of glacier life. As long as snow accumulation equals or is greater than melt and ablation, a glacier will remain in balance or even grow. Once winter snowfall decreases, or summer melt increases, the glacier will begin to retreat.
Determination Of Ohm's Law Using Simulated Circuits Time: 1-2 class periods (45 minutes each) Regular High School Physics A basic electric circuit will be simulated, consisting of a power supply, ammeter, resistors, and wiring. Using this circuit simulation, students will do several sets of measurements and plot those data. First, while keeping the resistance constant, voltage will be varied and its effect on electric current measured with an ammeter. Students should collect enough different voltages so they can sketch a graph. The plots will suggest the relationship between current, voltage and resistance, and can be used to justify Ohm’s law. Students in many science classes do not get many opportunities to use raw data to make plots, fit data, and extract laws or equations from those data. This activity is meant for students to do just that, much as experimentalists do at the professional level. Students will learn how to make simple circuits, as well as measure the basic quantities associated with electronics. Students will also learn a useful relationship in Ohm’s law, and be aware of why it is setup the way it is through direct observation and measurement. Students should be able to make graphs using Excel or other preferred software, and find best-fit equations to data (such as with Excel). Students should know what a basic circuit consists of, and should be familiar at least with the concepts of what resistance and currents are, so the understand what they are measuring. This activity can and should be done before students are exposed to basic circuitry principles; the goal is for students to ‘discover’ Ohm’s law. An electric circuit can be thought of as a racetrack for electrons. In order for the electrons to move through a material, it must get pushed in one direction. This is done with an electric field, which creates forces on electric charges such as electrons. How do we set up a voltage difference for a circuit? This is what the battery or power supply does. It is commonly called V in textbooks, but in reality this voltage represents the voltage difference between the two terminals of the battery or power supply. When the electric field goes through the wires and components of an electric circuit, the free electrons present in conducting materials feel a force, which pushes all the free electrons in the same general direction. The problem is, those electrons move short distances before they run into atoms and molecules of the material, and bounce around as if they are in a pinball machine. With all those collisions, energy is lost by the electrons and transferred to the lattice of the material. The vibrational energy of the atoms and molecules is felt by us as heat, and those collisions make it tougher for current to flow – this is electrical resistance, measured in ohms (Ω). Ohm’s law is the relationship between the voltage difference of the battery, V, and the resulting current. The bigger the voltage difference, the stronger the electric field and therefore the larger flow of electrons per unit time, which is electric current, I. Resistance is the constant of proportionality, and therefore Ohm’s law is V = IR. Computational Thinking in STEM - Modeling and Simulation Practices - Using Computational Models to Find and Test Solutions - Using Computational Models to Understand a Concept - Data Practices - Analyzing Data - Creating Data
The idea behind descriptive statistics is to examine the population by summarizing the results. Together with simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data. We will begin with measurement of central tendency. Measures of Central Tendency A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position within that set of data. As such, measures of central tendency are sometimes called measures of central location. They are also classed as summary statistics. This section discusses different measures of central tendency that includes the Mean, the Median, and the Mode. The arithmetic mean is the most common measure of central tendency. The formula of the mean is: where n stands for the sample size and xn stands for the observed values. This formula is usually written in a slightly different manner using the Greek letter Σ, pronounced “sigma,” which means “sum of.” The calculation of the Mean in R In this example, we added the values of 2, 2.5, 3.1, 3.5, 4.3, 4.5, 5 but you can add any values you desire. >x <- c(2,2.5,3.1,3.5,4.3,4.5,5) The median is the middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of magnitude; in other words, 50% of the observations are smaller and 50% of the observations are larger. This formula corresponds to these two rules: Rule 1: If there is an odd number of observations in the dataset, the median is represented by the numerical value corresponding to the positioning point of the ordered observations. Rule 2: If there is an even number of observations in the dataset, then the positioning point lies between the two observations in the middle of the dataset. The calculation of the Median in R In this example, we use the same values 2, 2.5, 3.1, 3.5, 4.3, 4.5, 5 but you can add any values you desire. >x <- c(2,2.5,3.1,3.5,4.3,4.5,5) The mode is the value that occurs most often in the dataset. Unlike the mean, the mode is not affected by the occurrence of any extreme values. In same cases, we will encounter that we do not have mode. In our example, we do not have mode. The calculation of the Mode in R The term “numeric” means that R did not find any mode in this dataset. The variance of your data is a measure of spread that will take into account both the deviations of your data (away from the mean) and how frequently these deviations occur. For each data point, the mean is subtracted from the data point, and this value is squared. These squared values are added together and divided by either n or n – 1. If you sampled an entire population, then you divide by n. If you sampled a subset of a population, you divide by n-1. The formula for calculating variance is: X¯ = Mean n = sample size X1 = ith value of variable x The calculation of the Variance in R The result, in our dataset, is that the variance is equal to 1.212857. The Standard Deviation The most practical and most commonly used measure of variation is the standard deviation, which is represented by the symbol S. It shows how much variation, or dispersion, there is from the average (mean, or expected/budgeted value). A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean, whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data is spread out over a large range of values. The calculation of the Standard Deviation in R The result is that the value of standard deviation is equal to 1.101298
This supplemental math series helps students develop problem-solving skills by breaking the process down into increments. Students are then shown a strategy for solving problems. These math critical thinking skills are vital for word/story problems and math applications. The workbook is divided into units that focus on a particular math operation, including whole numbers, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and money and decimals. Within each unit students practice a variety of strategies such as: choosing an operation, using estimation, looking for a pattern, identifying missing or extra information, making or using a drawing, using equality and inequality, using a graph, making a table, identifying substeps, using logical reasoning, working backward, and writing a number sequence. Each graded workbook is designed to match typical problem areas for each grade level. A pre-test is included in the front of the book to help pinpoint problem areas. The answers are included in the back of the book. 112 pp. Problem Solving Strategies - Gr. 6 Publisher: Harcourt Achieve Age: 11, 12 Topic: Math, Arithmetic, Story Problems
The class continues to develop some basic concepts of vectors. Students begin with a bell problem. Instead of just having defining the standard form of a vector and the component form of a vector, students determine how to find an equivalent vector whose initial point is at the origin. This allows students to use their own problem solving techniques to find component form of a vector. I let students discuss the questions before we share out. During the sharing time I ask students to explain their reasoning. I expect most students to use slope to find the vector. Most students draw diagrams to help solve the problem. I have students share their diagrams and explain how the diagram helped find the terminal point. The sharing allows students to communicate mathematically and helps struggling students see the reasoning of others. From the bell problem students were able to put a vector in standard position and find the terminal point. I now share the terminology we use specifically, standard position and component form. Students read page 446 in Larson, "Precalculus with Limits, 2nd ed." This page has a lot of information to process. I ask the following questions to guide students to the key information from the page: As the students answer these questions I go back to the bell problem. By referring to the bell problem students see that they converted to standard position without any instruction. We also write the component form of the bell problem. Students work on a writing a vector in component form. When we work the problem in class I have students graph the original vector. When a student shares an answer I ask "How was this answer determined? So the first number is what component? What does that number tell us about the vector? What does the second number tell us about the vector? How does the component form of a vector help us draw equivalent vectors?" To extend students thinking I ask: "What is the component form of vector QP?" This is an interesting discussion about how we are looking at both direction and distance. Students will begin by saying it is the same. Some students realize that we are going in a different direction but are not sure how to show that. After some conversation students say that the components will by negative (or the opposite of vector PQ). For some students to have a good definition or rule for the key concepts we have discussed (magnitude, component form, direction) as well as notation. To help students organize their ideas, I give students list of key ideas. Students then get into small groups (2-3). These groups determine the important information for each idea. As an example, I expect students to define magnitude as the distance between the beginning and end. I expect students to write out a formula on finding the magnitude or to give an example on how to find magnitude. We have not discussed the terms unit vector and zero vector when students ask me about these terms I ask "from everything we have learned so far how what might be meant by these terms?" Students are given about 5 minutes to discuss the ideas. I now have the class does a "Gallery Walk" to share their ideas. The terms have been put around the room on big pieces of paper. Each group goes to one term and writes out what they think is important about the term. After about a minute the groups move. When students move they add to the paper and may correct misconceptions that have been put on the page. We continue with the walk until every group gets back to their original term. This allows the groups to make sure they see everyone's ideas and to fix errors they might have. As students move I review the information on the papers to make sure misconceptions are being corrected. Students are given a problem to complete for an exit slip. I am able to assess which students are struggling with magnitude and writing a vector into component form with the exit slip.
Teaching Math Vocabulary In a child’s everyday life, the meanings of words used in their general usage are often very different from their mathematical meanings such as similar, even, odd, multiply, factor, prime, and power. Talk to your students about the difference in meanings when common words have special mathematical meanings. For example: - Joseph was scared, even his knees were shaking. 10 is an even number. - Our football team will face their opponent on Saturday. How many faces are on a polygon? The language of mathematics As you plan your next unit of math instruction, determine the relevant vocabulary you want to call out for your students. Create a “Math Words” class chart and add new words as they arise during instruction. Always explain the vocabulary by connecting its meaning to the learning experience. What words your students should know Check your district curriculum documents for terminology that your students are responsible for knowing. Once you’ve identified those words, you and your students can add these terms to your Math Words chart as students learn them in meaningful problem-solving contexts. For a list of examples, read our November Educator Newsletter. And remember – reinforcement is key! Continue to use the words repeatedly and encourage your students to use the vocabulary in discussions and in their writings. What methods do you use in your classroom or home to teach math vocabulary? Share your ideas with us – leave us a comment below!
There are easy‐to‐understand rules explaining why accent marks are used. To start: There is only one kind of accent, only one accent (if any) per word, and it can only be placed on a vowel, never a consonant. Because the main reason for using an accent mark is to stress a syllable that would not naturally be stressed, you must be prepared to determine which syllable would be stressed naturally. The natural stress of a word follows two simple rules: If the word is supposed to be pronounced with the stress somewhere other than the rules require, a written accent mark indicates which syllable to stress. The main purpose of writing an accent mark is to indicate that this particular word is supposed to be stressed somewhere other than the syllable where it would be stressed naturally if it followed the rules. This leads to some predictable rules within the rules. For example, there are hundreds of words that are cognates of English words that end in ‐tion like “nation,” “liberation,” or “condition.” These words end in ‐ción in Spanish: nación, liberación, and condición. The rule states that a word that ends in an n has the natural stress on the next to the last syllable, but these words are supposed to be stressed on the last syllable as opposed to the stress on the first syllable in English, so an accent mark is written on the last vowel, which is the o. If a syllable is added to the end of a word, the natural stress of the word is changed. This happens when you make a word plural by adding ‐es. The accent mark on a word like nación served the purpose of placing the stress on the o, but the plural word ends in s, so the natural stress would already be on the next‐to‐last syllable, which is now the o. Thus, you must remove the accent mark on the plural form of a word ending in ‐ción because the stress is naturally on the o in ‐ciones. Understanding diphthongs and strong and weak vowels becomes important when you are trying to decide whether a word needs a written accent mark. Remember that one strong and one weak vowel together create one syllable. For example, the word iglesia ends in the vowel a so the stress naturally falls on the next to the last syllable, the e, according to the general rule. Thus, it does not carry a written accent. It is common, however, to see an accent on the ‐ía ending. That is because an accent mark can be used to indicate that the softer vowel is to be pronounced as well as the stronger. This creates two separate syllables and the stress will be on the accented syllable. Understanding these rules helps you not only to know whether to write an accent when spelling a word that you hear, but also to pronounce a word that you are reading with the stress on the correct syllable. Another reason for writing an accent mark has nothing to do with pronunciation. It is used to differentiate between two words that are otherwise spelled the same but have different meanings. For example, the word sí means “yes” and the word si means “if.” Although the accent makes the spelling different, only the context of a spoken sentence will provide a clue as to which of the two words is appropriate.
In elementary math there are several concepts about fractions. One concept students in fourth grade will need to master is learning how to tell if fractions are equivalent with unlike denominators. There are a few prerequisite skills that are necessary in order for the students to understand this concept. The first thing students need to know is what fractions are. Fractions are a way of counting parts of a whole. Secondly, the students need to know how to identify parts of a fraction. The top number in a fraction is the numerator. The numerator is the number of parts in a whole (Eather). The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator. The denominator is the number of parts the whole is divided into (Eather). Lastly, the student will need to have a basic knowledge of their multiplication and division facts. This will help the students in deciding whether or not the fraction is indeed equivalent or not. The first step in teaching students about equivalent fractions is to have a whole class conversation using manipulatives or visual aides. I would start the lesson with an overhead projection or use of a mimeo board in order to show the students what equivalent fractions look like. I would start with two circles on the board, one divided into two pieces and one divided into four. You can show the students by coloring in one of the two pieces and two of the four pieces they are equivalent. Then write 1/2 and 2/4 side by side, in order to make 2/4 look like 1/2 you have to divide both sides by the same number. Both the numerator and the denominator in 2/4 are divisible by 2. Divide both the top and the bottom by 2 and then 2/4 becomes 1/2. Show the students again with a square. One divided into 4 sections and the other divided into 8 sections. The square with four sections color in one of the blocks to represent 1 of the 4 or 1/4 of the square is shaded. Have the students then figure out how many sections of the 8 need to be shaded to mirror or be equivalent... Please join StudyMode to read the full document
A function indicates the relationship between variables. If y is a function of x, the value of y depends on the value of x and for each value of x there is only one value of y. In other words, think of a function as a rule of correspondence assigning a single value of y to every value of x. The equation y = x + 3 can also be thought of as a function, where the value of y depends on the value of x. Each value of x yields only one value of y. We write the function as: f(x) = x + 3 In function notation, y is replaced by f(x). f (x) is used to denote a function of x and it is read as ‘ f of x’. f(x) is also called the function value of x under f. The letter x stands for the variable of f. When the variable x is given a value, f(x) will then have a value. For example, f(1) is the function value under f when x takes on the value 1. Given f(x) = x2 + 2x, find the value of f(3) f(3) = (3)2 + 2(3) = 9 + 6 = 15 A composite function is a composition of 2 or more functions into a single function. Let us look at a composite function pictorially. Suppose f and g are 2 functions. The diagram below describes what the composite function gf is. The 2 short arrows represent f and g respectively. First f maps value x to function value f(x). Then g maps value f(x) to function value g(f(x)). In this case, the function value f(x) becomes the input for the variable in g(x) for the second arrow. The resulting value under function g is g(f(x)). The long arrow represents gf as a single function. This function maps x directly to the function value g(f(x)). In other words, the long arrow produces the same result as the end result of the 2 short arrows in 2 “hops”. gf is called the composite function of f and g. Given f (x) = 2x + 1 and g(x) = x2 – 2, find: gf (5) gf (5) = g( f(5)) = g(2(5) + 1) = 112 – 2 Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations. We welcome your feedback, comments and questions about this site or page. Please submit your feedback or enquiries via our Feedback page.
The 1800’s was a time when most women were dominated by men. Women were relegated to their duties at home and raising their families. Wives were the property of their husbands; and some were subjected to horrific treatment without any reprimand from the law. Women could not make any financial decisions, they couldn’t own property and they could not vote. However, there were some women who struggled for equal rights such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott who questioned the established political and religious authority that consisted only of men. Equity law had a liberalizing effect upon the legal rights of women in the United States. In Mississippi in 1839, followed by New York in 1848 and Massachusetts in 1854, passed laws allowing married women to own property and to separate from their husbands. However, if they got a divorce, the husband kept legal control of both children and property Women’s History in America. Changing Social conditions for women during the early 1800’s started to alter the way some women perceived their future; women began to receive more education and to take part in reform movements, which got them involved them in politics that led to the birth of the “women’s suffrage movement” that officially began with the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848. The movement was “to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religious life” The Seneca Falls Convention 1848. In 1868, the fourteenth amendment of the constitution was ratified so that women were given equal protection to men against unjust laws and in 1869, Wyoming was the first territory to allow women to vote. Between 1880 and 1910 the number of women employed in the United States increased from 2.6 to 7.8 million The Library of Congress
New work from an international team of researchers including Carnegie’s Lara Wagner improves our understanding of the geological activity that is thought to have formed the Rocky Mountains. It is published by Nature. Subduction is a geological process that occurs at the boundary between two of the many plates that make up the Earth’s crust. An oceanic crustal plate sinks and slides under another plate—either oceanic or continental—and is plunged deep into Earth’s mantle. Usually the lower plate slides down into the mantle at a fairly steep angle, sinking rapidly into the warmer, less-dense mantle material. However, in a process called “flat-slab” subduction, the lower plate moves nearly horizontally underneath the upper plate, sometimes for great distances. Flat-slab subduction is used to explain volcanism and mountain formation that occurs far from plate boundaries, because the lower, “flat” slab moves inland beneath the surface of a landmass and thereby transmits the friction of the plates sliding against one another far inland. The formation of the Rocky Mountains between 55 and 80 million years ago, according to sedimentary and volcanic records that have been studied in detail since the 1970s, often is attributed to flat-slab subduction as the plate beneath the Pacific Ocean at that time slid beneath the North American continent. Today, the largest flat slab is found beneath Peru, where the oceanic Nazca Plate is being subducted under the continental South American Plate. An undersea mountain belt, called the Nazca Ridge, sits on the Nazca Plate, and has been subducted along with the rest of the plate for the past 11 million years, according to previous studies Although scientists knew that a flat slab existed in this region, much about how and when it was formed has remained a mystery. Using an array of seismometers placed over the region of flat-slab subduction, the team was able to image the structure of the subducted plate in unprecedented detail. This allowed the team to study the evolution of the Peruvian flat slab over time and to better understand the forces that created and sustain it. What they found is that the angle of subduction is shallowest where the Nazca Ridge is being subducted beneath Peru. The portion of the plate containing this ridge sinks about 90 kilometers (56 miles) down and then flattens out. Away from the ridge, older portions of the flat slab that are no longer supported by the thick crust of the Nazca Ridge are found to be sagging, and younger, more recently subducted oceanic crust has torn free of the old, flat slab and is subducting at a normal dip angle. “This was surprising as we expected to image large, older flat slab to the north. Instead, we found that the flat slab north of the subducting Nazca Ridge tears and reinitiates normal, steep subduction,” said lead author Sanja Knezevic Antonijevic, a student at the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Suction and trench retreat previously were theorized to be sufficient to create a flat slab. Suction is created between the upper plate and the downgoing slab, because the surrounding mantle is too viscous to creep into the narrow space between the two plates. Trench retreat occurs when the subducting oceanic plate moves dominantly downward, not laterally forward, resulting in an oceanward migration of the continent and trench. However the team’s model shows that the subduction of the ridge is necessary for the flat slab’s formation, presumably because the buoyancy of the volcanically thickened Nazca Ridge keeps this portion of the plate from plunging steeply into the mantle. What’s more, removing the ridge from the model causes the flat slab to become unstable. “Our model provides insights into the way that the Peruvian flat slab formed and evolved over time that can be applied to the studies of other flat-slab subduction events, such as the one that formed the Rocky Mountains,” Wagner said. The role of ridges in the formation and longevity of flat slabs, Sanja Knezevic Antonijevic, Lara S. Wagner, Abhash Kumar, Susan L. Beck, Maureen D. Long, George Zandt, Hernando Tavera & Cristobal Condori. DOI: 10.1038/nature14648
The scientific method is a way to explore and discover concepts in science through inquiry, observation and reflection. It is an organized way with prescribed steps to follow to prove or disprove a cause and effect relationship in the scientific world. The steps that lead to a conclusion can be taught throughout the students' education career. Career scientists and kindergarten science classrooms use the scientific method to learn about the curiosities of our world. Start with a question. Ask the students to define what they want to know about a scientific element with a how, what, why, when, who or which question. For instance, if they want to know the effect of sunlight on a bean plant, the question is, "What is the effect of sunlight on a bean seed?" The question needs to be answerable by doing an experiment and gathering data from that experiment. Conduct research. The students research the question to see if the experiment has been done before. They look for warnings or tips for their experiment in their research. Create a hypothesis for the question. A hypothesis is an educated guess about what the student thinks the answer to the question will be. The wording of the hypothesis is important. The results of the hypothesis have to be measurable, and it has to answer the question in step one. "If I...(do something) then...(this will occur)," according to Science Bob, is a way to word your hypothesis. In the case of the bean and sunlight, "If I give one bean seed 12 hours of sunlight and another bean seed two hours of sunlight, then the seed with the most sunlight will grow taller." Conduct the experiment. The students prove if their hypothesis is valid or invalid in their experiment. The students change only one variable in their experiments. For the bean seed, the students would plant the seeds in the same type of container, give each seed the same amount of water and provide them with the same soil. The variable that is altered is the amount of sunlight. Record the data after the experiment is complete. The students analyze the information they gathered from their experiment. The young scientists decide on a conclusion and answer to their hypothesis. Publish the results of the experiment. Graphs, photos, speeches or essays are ways to communicate the results of their experiments. If the experiment was a science fair project, a three-sided display board is typically used to share the results. - Encourage the students to find a topic they are curious about to employ the scientific method. - If the hypothesis is disproven, start again at the third step and alter the hypothesis. - Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
1 The child demonstrates understanding of directions, stories, and conversations. During the preschool years, children learn language more quickly than at any other time in their lives. Associating language with pleasant and stimulating experiences nurtures this development. Young children's sense of words and sentences, sensitivity to tone, and understanding of ideas communicated, influences their abilities to listen and to comprehend. Listening involves active engagement with adults and peers as they share their ideas, feelings, and needs. Language is learned through engaging, interactive conversations and related literacy activities such as oral storytelling and interactive reading of books. a Demonstrates understanding of a variety of finger-plays, rhymes, chants, poems, conversations, and stories. b Actively engages in finger-plays, rhymes, chants, poems, conversations, and stories. c Demonstrates understanding and follows directions that involve: one step, two steps, and a series of unrelated sequences of action. 2 The child uses verbal and nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes to share observations, ideas, and experiences, problem-solve, reason, predict and seek new information. Children develop language by engaging in conversations with others and listening and responding to rhymes, chants, songs, stories, and poems. Children who are encouraged to share their personal experiences, ideas, feelings, and opinions use increasingly complex language. a Communicates needs, wants, ideas, and feelings through three to five word sentences. b Speaks clearly and understandably to express ideas, feelings and needs. c Makes relevant responses to questions and comments from others. d Initiates, sustains, and expands conversations with peers and adults. e With modeling and support, uses acceptable language and social rules including appropriate tone, volume and inflection to express ideas, feelings, and needs. f Uses appropriate eye contact, turn taking, and intonation while having conversations with adults and peers. g Recognizes when the listener does not understand and uses techniques to clarify the message. h With modeling and support, uses increasingly complex phrases and sentences. 3 The child understands and uses increasingly complex vocabulary. The early childhood years are a period of vocabulary exploration. Research indicates that there is a strong connection between vocabulary development and academic success. Children gain language and vocabulary skills by having multiple and frequent opportunities to listen, talk, read, share ideas, relate experiences, and engage in interesting conversations. They need to play with familiar language and experiment with language in different settings. Rhymes, songs, and read-alouds that use rare words allow children to talk about and develop an understanding of words they would not otherwise hear in everyday conversations. a With modeling and support, uses age-appropriate vocabulary across many topic areas and demonstrates a wide variety of words and their meanings with each area; e.g., world knowledge, names of body parts, feelings, colors, shapes, jobs, plants, animals and their habitats, and foods; words that describe: adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.
You are here The four plays are: - Henry V - As You Like It - The Merchant of Venice It is designed to show the learners how Shakespeare's words are used in modern English, and to teach them a little about the plays the extracts are from. It also aims to show learners how accessible Shakespeare's language and ideas can be. The worksheet could be used as a stand-alone exercise, to practise the target vocabulary, or as an introduction to more extensive work on Shakespeare. The extracts have been chosen because they are easy to understand and applicable to modern contexts. Prepare enough photocopies of the worksheet for each learner to have a copy. - Ask the learners what they know about William Shakespeare. Elicit the names of any plays or quotations they know. - Put the learners into small groups. Hand out the worksheets and ask them to work through the tasks. - Monitor the groups closely to make sure they don't get put off by any unusual language. - Check the answers to each exercise with the whole class as the learners complete it. - Task 1 requires the learners to choose the right word for a gap in each quotation. - Task 2 requires them to match the quotation to a modern context. - Task 3, where learners are required to match the extracts to plays, is the most difficult as the connections may not be obvious. Be ready to do this exercise in open class, and fairly quickly, if the learners are becoming demotivated. It could also be useful to research the plays in more depth before the class so you can provide more information.
What’s a circuit? A flashlight. An electric toothbrush. A TV remote control. All of these devices run on electricity. In order to power them, electricity needs to travel from one side of a power source and return to the opposite side along an unbroken path. This path, or circle of electricity, is called a circuit. In the case of a battery, electricity travels from the negative (-) end and returns to the positive (+) end. Even as electrical systems have become increasingly complex over the years, the basic building blocks of a circuit have stayed consistent: Circuit kits — connectable tiles that teach the basics of circuitry — have been in schools for decades. This guide will help you create a DIY circuit kit that allows you to create some of the basic tiles found in many of these commercially available circuit kits: - Power tiles contain batteries. Do not plug into a wall outlet! - Input tiles contain switches or sensors. - Output tiles contain lights, speakers, or motors. This Guide will help you learn and teach the basics of circuitry. Through a series of challenges, you will connect tiles to make your first circuit, build new tiles, and then dive deeper into creating more complex circuits, games, and eventually integrate these tools into diverse classroom projects. While this guide is designed for teachers to learn about circuits at Edcamps and during other professional development opportunities, many of these challenges can be offered directly to students. Table of Contents - Challenge #1: Connect pre-built tiles to make a circuit - Challenge #2: Make your own circuit tiles - Challenge #3: Design more complex circuits - Challenge #4: Make something new - Challenge #5: Bring cardboard circuits to your students - Materials List - Facilitator Guide As you make your cardboard circuits, share your work with the hashtag #MakerPromise.
Musical instruments, including the voice, produce sound by causing some body to vibrate. A musician might pluck or bow a string, strike some surface, or blow through a reed; the acoustical signal that these vibrations produce has a number of distinctive properties (frequency, amplitude, etc.). Pitch is the property of a sound that is based upon its frequency (in contrast to properties such as loudness or timbre). The faster the frequency, the higher the pitch, and vice versa. Framed in a less technical way, pitch is the property of a note that distinguishes it from another note without reference to volume or instrument. It is the property that allows us to perceive the difference between, say, the notes C and D, or between middle C and high C, regardless of instrument, voice, or volume. Beginning in the twentieth century, it has been conventional Western practice to standardize the frequency for each pitch. The frequency of 440 hertz is assigned to the A above middle C; the frequencies of other pitches are calculated in relation to frequency. In the audio clip below, of the sound of an orchestra tuning before playing, we hear about one hundred different instruments all hovering about a single pitch known as A440. Pitch is essentially a piece of “raw data” about some sound. As such, information about pitch need not be connected to a musical context. However, musicians routinely use the term “pitch” to refer to a musical note existing in the Western twelve-note system. (Musicians who have “perfect pitch,” also called “absolute pitch,” are capable of recalling and reproducing the frequency associated with a note. More commonly, musicians have a sense of “relative pitch,” meaning that they can aurally infer the sound of some note in relation to a given note, but cannot reliably recall or reproduce a note’s frequency “out of thin air.”)
Now with many useful tools in hand, let us see how to make them work together to solve problems. The if statement is fundamental to making decisions within a program. It works simply x=0.1 y=10. z=0. if x > 0.: y = 1./x elif x < -1.: pass elif x == 0: print 'Cannot divide by zero.' exit() else: y = 1./x z = y Notice that indentation (by any fixed number of spaces) is used to separate the functions within the statement, and that each branch is defined by a :. The end of a branch occurs when the indentation goes back to the previous level. Each decision is based on a logical boolean value such as (x > 0.), which is True when x is greater than 0. and False otherwise. Within the if processing, a break is a way to get out of that level without doing anything, and an exit() leaves the entire program. A while statement tests whether its argument is true, and sets up a loop that continues as long as it is. Program flag = True x = 0. while flag: x = x + 1. if x > 10.: flag = False print x increases x until it is 11. and then prints the value. Loops such as this may include a try block. This enables handling an exception, such as in this program to calculate x2 with input from keyboard. while True: try: x = int(raw_input("Please enter a number: ")) break except ValueError: print "Oops! That was no valid number. Try again..." y=x**2 print y Here a break exits the loop from the try block unless an exception is thrown. A while statement can also test for something that is changed in the loop. For examples of Python illustrating flow control, functions, and iteration, see the examples section. For the assigned homework to use these ideas, see the assignments section.
To measure gender equality in your class and allow an opportunity for reflection. Make sure you have a number of statements to hand. Make up your own, or use ones from the list below. ● Girls and boys always help out with household chores. ● Girls and boys have the same amount of time to do their homework. ● Girls and boys have equal free time to play and do sport. ● Boys have the right to decide over girls. ● Parents treat girls and boys equally. ● Girls should get to decide when they want to get married. ● Everyone have the right to decide whether they identify as a girl or a boy. ● Girls and boys have the same opportunities. - Mark a line on the floor/ground using, for example paper or string. Ask all the participants to stand on the line. One end represents YES. Let the participants choose where to stand on the line based on how much or how little they agree with a particular statement. Explain that you will read out statements, and everybody will choose where to stand on the line based on how much or how little they agree with a particular statement. It is always OK to change your opinion and thus your position on the line, after having listened to other people’s arguments. - Start with simple statements to help the participants understand the method, like: ‘Buses travel faster than bicycles’ or ‘Ice Cream taste better than apples’. - Move on to statements about girls and boys in your community.
Students will learn the method of finding the perimeter of regular hexagons. Students will discover two different methods for finding the area of regular hexagons as related to regular triangles, and the apothem. Rulers for pairs, hexagon perimeter worksheet, hexagon area worksheet 1. Again, collectively recall the definition of perimeter given on review day and for regular triangles and squares. Have students get into pairs and distribute the hexagon perimeter worksheet. Once worksheet is complete and students have compared their answers, ask the class as a whole the following questions: What do you notice about the side lengths of our hexagon? Is this what you expected? What happens to the perimeter when the side lengths are changed? Is there a way to find the perimeter of a regular hexagon without measuring all six sides? Recalling the general expressions for the perimeter of regular triangles and squares. Do you notice a pattern? What can we expect when we discover the perimeter of a hexagon? 2. Demonstrate using Geometer's Sketchpad the properties of the side lengths of regular hexagon. Click here to use the GSP file and watch the animation for the changing perimeter. We will show two ways of finding the area of a regular hexagon. The first method uses the students' previous knowledge of equilateral triangles. Begin by showing the figures below and ask the following questions: Click here to use the GSP sketch of these images. So we have discovered a general formula for the area, using the smaller triangles inside the hexagon! Use the area expression above to calculate the area of a hexagon with side length of s = 3.00cm and a height of h = 2.60cm for comparison with method 2 later. Recall the formula for perimeter of our regular hexagon. How can we simplify the expression we found for area? Now, we can look at the general method for finding the area of a regular polygon. Define apothem for students to begin the second method for finding the area of a regular hexagon. Apothem - the distance of the line segment from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to a side (i.e. when a regular polygon is broken into triangles, the apothem is the height of one of the triangles whose base is a side of the regular polygon). Discuss the concept of apothem with students and ask the following questions: What does the apothem of a regular hexagon look like? How is the apothem related to the height we found in the regular hexagons above? How many apothems does a regular hexagon have? Are the apothems all the same length? How can we rewrite our formula for area, using the apothem a for the regular hexagon instead of the height h of the regular triangle? Now we can fill in the values for p and a to find the area of this regular hexagon. Again, let s = 3.00cm and let a = 2.60cm. What is the area? Discuss with students the two different methods for finding the area of a regular hexagon. As a class, discuss the advantages and disadvantages for each of the methods and ask the following questions: Which method is easier to formulate? Will these methods ever produce different answers? Finally, distribute the hexagon area worksheet and have students complete in groups, using either method. Then, as a class, compare answers and discuss the methods for finding the solutions. Demonstrate using Geometer's Sketchpad the properties of the side lengths and apothem lengths of regular hexagons. Click here to use the GSP file and watch the animation for the changing area. Return to Instructional Unit
through a predicate function that tells what is the criteria to pass or reject an event. This lesson introduces filter: an operator that allows us to let only certain events pass, while ignoring others. 00:00 The next operator we're going to see is Filter. Suppose we have an observable of numbers, like zero, one, two, three, etc., which is generated by that interval function above, and we would like to have only even numbers. We want to ignore out the odd numbers like one, three, five, seven, etc. 00:22 We do that with Filter. It allows us to remove some of events by giving a function which is called a predicate. Predicate functions are simply they take an argument and they should return true or false. That's what a predicate function means. 00:37 We return true when this X, which is the input event on this input observables, should pass. If it passes, it will appear here on the bottom. We return false when it should be ignored. In case of odd and even numbers, if the modulo of X with two is zero, then that's an even number, and this comparison would be true. That's why even numbers would pass. 01:04 But if this modulo two with X would be one, then that means that we have an odd number, and that's why this comparison would be false, and the event would not pass. One does not pass, for instance. It would return false. 01:43 If we run this, we see that bar has only even numbers. Foo is ticking every second, but every other second it gives an odd number which we ignore. To recap, Filter allows you to pick certain events, and ignore others, through a predicate function that tells what is the criteria to pass or reject an event.
New discoveries on how underwater ridges impact the ocean's circulation system will help improve climate projections. An underwater ridge can trap the flow of cold, dense water at the bottom of the ocean. Without the ridge, deepwater can flow freely and speed up the ocean circulation pattern, which generally increases the flow of warm surface water. Warm water on the ocean's surface makes the formation of sea ice difficult. With less ice present to reflect the sun, surface water will absorb more sunlight and continue to warm. U.S. Geological Survey scientists looked back 3 million years, to the mid-Pliocene warm period, and studied the influence of the North Atlantic Ocean's Greenland-Scotland Ridge on surface water temperature. "Sea-surface temperatures in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans were much warmer during the mid-Pliocene warm period than they are today, but climate models so far have been unable to fully understand and account for the cause of this large scale of warming," said USGS scientist Marci Robinson. "Our research suggests that a lower height of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge during this geologic age was a contributor to the increase of poleward heat transport." "This is the first time the impact of a North Atlantic underwater ridge on the ocean circulation system was tested in a mid-Pliocene experiment," said Robinson. "Understanding this process allows for more accurate predictions of factors such as ocean temperature and ice volume changes. Research was conducted on the mid-Pliocene because it is the most recent interval in the earth's history in which global temperatures reached and remained at levels similar to those projected for the 21st century by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Therefore, it may be one of the closest analogs in helping to understand the earth's current and future conditions. Explore further: Soil nutrients may limit ability of plants to slow climate change More information: The article was published in the journal, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, and can be viewed at dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.01.004
Procedure: Engage: To engage students I will complete a KWL chart about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I will ask students what they know, then what they would like to know during this section. I will write responses on a poster board and display it for the remainder of the unit. Present material: to begin this lesson, I will show students a short PowerPoint presentation on Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott(attached). Guided Practice and Independent Practice: Students will go to centers. Some centers require independent work while others require cooperative learning: Center 1: Literature Circle 1. Each student will silently read The Bus Ride that Changed History: The Story of Rosa Parks. 2. After all members have finished the story hold a discussion about your feelings. Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper to guide you discussion. 3. Each group member must record their own responses. Responses may vary. a. What are some ways that African-Americans were treated unfairly through segregation? b. How was the Montgomery Bus Boycott helpful in creating equality for African-Americans? c. Why do you believe people who participated in the Montgomery Bus Boycott were called ‘freedom walkers’? d. Dr. King believed we should all be peaceful. How do you think it felt to be Rosa Parks on the bus? Rosa Parks did not yell or argue with the man who asked for her seat. Instead, she just said “no.” Can you think of ways to stay calm even when people are treating you badly? Center 2: News! News! Read all About it! Directions: Independently, create a news paper that would have been sold during or after the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Make sure your newspaper has the following things: 1. A catchy headline 2. A picture 3. A news article with at least 2 well-written paragraphs 4. Use at least 1 name of a Civil Rights Leader You can use your textbook to help! Center 3: Be a Freedom Walker! Directions: Pick a partner or work alone for this activity. 1. Create a poster that an African-American would have held during a protest against segregation on public busses. Use 1 piece of construction paper given to you at the center. Clever posters will be hung in our classroom! 2. Write a song or rap that tells a story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The song must be appropriate for school. Directions: Create a storyboard using the worksheet provided. Color and cut out each box. Use a glue stick to glue the pictures in the correct order to tell the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Closure: I will ask each student to write down one important thing they have learned during this lesson. I will write responses on the 'L' section of the KWL chart.
Many words begin with a digraph. That means two letters come together and make a brand new sound. You cannot sound out the word by using each letter’s sound because they have changed into a new sound. Study GuideBeginning Digraphs WorksheetBeginning Digraphs WorksheetBeginning Digraphs WorksheetBeginning Digraphs The resources above cover the following skills: Reading: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development: Students understand the basic features of words. They see letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics (an understanding of the different letters that make different sounds), syllables, and word parts (-s, -ed, -ing). Phonemic Awareness: Demonstrate an awareness of the sounds that are made by different letters by: distinguishing beginning, middle, and ending sounds in word; rhyming words; clearly pronouncing blends and vowel sounds. NewPath Learning resources are fully aligned to US Education Standards. Select a standard below to view correlations to your selected resource:
A growing group of Americans spoke out against inequality and injustice during the 1950s. African Americans had been fighting against racial discrimination for centuries; during the 1950s, however, the struggle against racism and segregation entered the mainstream of American life. For example, in 1954, in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case, the Supreme Court declared that “separate educational facilities” for black children were “inherently unequal.” This ruling was the first nail in Jim Crow’s coffin. Many Southern whites resisted the Brown ruling. They withdrew their children from public schools and enrolled them in all-white “segregation academies,” and they used violence and intimidation to prevent blacks from asserting their rights. In 1956, more than 100 Southern congressmen even signed a “Southern Manifesto” declaring that they would do all they could to defend segregation. Despite these efforts, a new movement was born. In December 1955, a Montgomery activist named Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat on a city bus to a white person. Her arrest sparked a 13-month boycott of the city’s buses by its black citizens, which only ended when the bus companies stopped discriminating against African American passengers. Acts of “nonviolent resistance” like the boycott helped shape the civil rights movement of the next decade.
A grammar activity for students to describe a situation or event in pastSugerencia de uso 1. This is the second part of the activity that started the previous session. 2. Download the file and make copies for students. 3. Ask students to remember what happened in the story, who was involved, and other details. 4. Distribute the worksheet and tell students to complete the event using the given verbs in the past. 5. You may want to review the past tense of such verbs in order to control the exercise or ask students to put the verbs in the past first before they actually start reading. 6. Ask students to start working and wait for reactions, let’s see who notices it is the same story but in a different format. 7. When they are finished, ask them to sit in pairs and check their answers. In case they have questions and doubts about the verbs ask them to find another pair and ask those questions. Compartir MED en classroom:
Real numbers in binary have to be stored in a special way in a computer. There is no decimal point in the binary system so the computer has a method of understanding decimals. This is called floating-point representation. The decimal point in a real number is called a floating point because it can be placed anywhere - it is not fixed. Because of this, a computer will divide a number into two parts. These are called the mantissa and the exponent. Mantissa[change | change source] The mantissa is found by taking the real number and removing the decimal point, for example: 1101 . 0111 would become 1101 0111 Exponent[change | change source] The exponent is the number of spaces the decimal point has moved. In the example above, the decimal point moved 4 places to the left, so the exponent is 0000 0100 (this is binary for 4). If the decimal point moves to right, the exponent is negative. For example, 0000 . 0111 (mantissa - 0000 0111) here, the exponent is -1. The binary number for this is 1111 1111 (see Negative binary numbers) Result[change | change source] The result is found by putting the Mantissa and Exponent together. The results for the examples above are: |1101 . 0111||1101 0111||0000 0100||1101 0111 0000 0100| |0000 . 0111||0000 0111||1111 1111||0000 0111 1111 1111|
Sentences are the building blocks of writing. To effectively compose any type of written work, students must first understand the proper structure of a sentence. Teachers can practice this concept skill with their pupils by engaging them in hands-on activities that create opportunities for practicing proper sentence production and identification of parts of speech. Teach you students simple subject, verb, object sentence formation by creating SVO wheels. To create these wheels, students need sheets of corrugated cardboard, brads and markers. Help each student trace three circles, each measuring approximately six inches in diameter, on a sheet of corrugated cardboard. Assist the students in cutting these circles out and poking a hole in the center of each. Ask each student to label one circle Subject, the second Verb and the third Object. Draw lines to divide each circle into eight equal wedges. Instruct your students to fill each wedge with a word or group of words that fits the sentence type. For example, a student could fill her subject circle by writing a girl, the boys, my cat and so forth into the wedges. Once students have labeled their wedges, assist them in attaching each circle to a sheet of corrugated cardboard by placing a brad in the center. The students should attach their circles in a row, placing subject first, then verb, then object. Explain to the students that by turning each circle they can build new sentences. Allow the students to turn the circles, placing a new verb in the verb position, a new object in the object position and so forth to create novel sentences. Students race to unscramble a sentence, using their knowledge of sentence structure to properly order the words in this activity. To prepare for this activity, type out a long sentence in large font. Print several copies of this sentence, each on a different colored paper. Cut all of the words apart, and place the pieces of each sentence in a separate envelope. When students arrive in class, divide them into groups, and give each group one envelope. Tell the students that they must race to put the words in proper order and that the first group to accomplish the task wins a prize. Allow the students to race to order the words, and reward the first successful team. Color Coded Sentences Students develop a better understanding of parts of speech and how these sentence parts combine to make a full sentence by creating color coded sentences. To prepare for this activity, type out several sentences that are at your students' reading level. When students arrive in class, present them each with a copy of these sentences. Tell them that their job is to color code these sentences. Instruct the students to get out a sheet of notebook paper and coloring supplies. Ask each student to make a key in the corner of his sheet of paper, writing the parts of speech in the box and assigning each part of speech a different color. Once students have properly created a key, ask them to begin to recopy the typed sentences, writing each word in a different color based on the word's part of speech as it is used within the sentence. Hang the colorful work up as a classroom decoration upon completion. - text and words image by Lario Tus from Fotolia.com
The Filter() method is one of the most useful and inbuilt method in Python programming language. The filter() method is an iterator which takes two parameter, function and iterable_objects. The filter method filters elements from given iterable_objects if any element from that object doesn’t satisfy the condition defined inside given function or return false. Filter method takes two parameters and it’s syntax is: Two parameters are: - function: this function takes one parameter, which will be an item from the given iterable object. and then checks the specific condition and returns true or false. If the item from that iterable satisfies the condition then it stores that item inside the filter object, otherwise it filters it. - iterable_object: this iterable object could be any iterable e.g list, tuple, sets, etc. filter method will take each item from this iterable_object, and then it will pass it through the given function. Now let’s try to understand this thing with an example to make it more clear numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] def func(item): if item%2 == 0: return True filter_fun = filter(func, numbers) print(list(filter_fun)) In the above code, you can see we have a list called numbers. And we declared a func(item), which takes one parameter and then checks whether its even number or not. If its even number then return true. then we performed filter method and inserted our declarer func and numbers(list) as arguments. Now this filter func will takes one item from given list(numbers) and then it will pass it through given func. If this item is an even no, then the func will return true and will store it inside filter object. Now, this filter object is an iterator also. So, you can perform a loop or create a list from a filter object using the list() function. Using Lambda expression with filter() method: You can also use lambda expression instead of defining separate function to check condition: def func(item): if item%2 == 0: return True Or lambda item:item%2==0 Now you can see that lambda expression makes it simpler and clearer. So, you can directly use this lambda expression inside. That’s it in this article. Read also: Map function in Python So, I hope you all liked this article. If yes then please don’t forget to share this article with others. You can also subscribe to our blog via email to get future notifications from us. Thanks to read…
Objectives: To help students develop a definition of the role/function of adverbs. Specifically students will be able to articulate that adverbs modify verbs by telling how something is done, when something is done, where something is done, or modify adverbs or adjectives by telling to what extent. Materials: Copies of the printed list of verbs and adverbs (see attached sheet) Introduction: Hand out the copies of the word list. Tell the students you wish them to put the words into categories. They decide the type of categories, how many categories and how many words go into each. The only condition is each word can only be used once and every word must be categorized. Activity: Give the students several minutes to put the words into their selected categories. Then begin allowing the students to share their lists with the rest of the class. Write the lists, including the categories on the whiteboard as the students share. Fairly quickly, duplicate categories will begin to appear. Feel free to consolidate the lists as much as possible. Once every possible configuration has been shared and listed, ask the student to take time and look at the many different ways they chose to categorize the words. Ask them, “Do you see a pattern to these lists?” Immediately, they will recognize that the lists fall into five categories: action words, where, when, “ly” words, and “extras.” Then explain to them that they have defined the role of an adverb: a word that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb by telling how something is done, (the “ly” words) when something is done, where something is done, and the “extras”, to what extent something is done. Put the following sentences on the board: The dog ran through the house. We will go to the store. Children like to play. The music played quietly. Ask the student to select an adverb for the first sentence that would tell how the dog ran through the house. For the second sentence, an adverb that tells when For the third sentence, an adverb that tells where For the fourth, to what extent the music played quietly. Assessment of Learning: Have the students create their own sentences using adverbs from the lists created. Have them write: 2 sentences that tell how 2 sentences that tell when 2 sentences that tell where 2 sentences that tell to what extent Let them share sentences with tablemates. Collect at the end of the hour. Follow-up: The next day, have the adverb word lists posted on butcher paper in the room, making reference to them and the categories throughout student practice. List to be used with adverb adctivity:
This week, in all math classes, we have been focusing on identifying and classifying rational numbers. Students must have a firm understanding of sets and subsets of real numbers to make a connection with real-world situations. Rational numbers are those of the p / q form, where q is not equal to zero. For example, all integers are rational numbers, since each integer can be written as follows in the form of p / q. - Integers are whole numbers (like 1, 2, 3, and 4) and their negative counterparts (like -1, -2, -3, and -4). - Fractions are numbers that are expressed as ratios. A fraction is a part of a whole. - Fractions have numerators, which are the numbers on the top of the fraction that show the parts taken from the whole. - Fractions also have denominators, which are the numbers on the bottom of the fraction that show how many parts are in the whole.
This is a drawing of a portion of the Earth's crust undergoing subduction. Click on image for full size Image copyright 1997 by the American Geophysical Union. Further electronic distribution is not allowed. When two sections of the Earth's crust collide, one slab of lithosphere can be forced back down into the deeper regions of the Earth, as shown in this picture. The slab that is forced back into the Earth usually becomes melted when the edges reach a depth which is hot enough. This process is called "subduction". Melted crust rises back towards the surface where it helps make volcanoes and islands. The melted crust also releases gases of the atmosphere which had become trapped in the ground. Thus subduction of the crust helps to recycle the atmosphere! You might also be interested in: Plates at our planet’s surface move because heat in the Earth’s core causes molten rock in the mantle layer to flow. We used to think the Earth’s plates just surfed on top of the moving mantle, but now...more Many kinds of surface features are clues to a sliding lithosphere. Two types of features can form when plates move apart. At ocean ridges, the crust splits apart to make room for molten mantle rock. Continental...more As the Earth cools, hot material from the deep interior rises to the surface. Hot material is red in this drawing, under an ocean shown in blue green. The hotter material raises the nearby layers, and...more Mountains are built through a general process called "deformation" of the crust of the Earth. Deformation is a fancy word which could also mean "folding". An example of this kind of folding comes from...more Many forces change the surface of the Earth over time. The largest force that changes our planet's surface is movement of Earth's outer layer in a process called plate tectonics. As shown in this picture,...more Volcanoes form when hot material from below risesand leaks into the crust. The hot material, called magma, rising from lower ground, gathers in a reservoir called the magma chamber. Eventually, but not...more Scientists have learned that Mount Hood, Oregon's tallest mountain, has erupted in the past due to the mixing of two different types of magma. Adam Kent, a geologist at Oregon State University, says this...more
Inquiry is an approach to learning that is directed by questions that individuals and groups of learners work together to address. Both process and products of learning are assessed. At its best the learning is driven by student-generated questions. Students, assisted by the teacher, clarify the questions being asked and determine how to answer them. The outcome of the inquiry is shaped by the teacher so as to align with curriculum expectations. In the pursuit of answers unplanned but important learning territory is often uncovered. WHY USE IT? Inquiry connects school learning to the student’s own knowledge and experiences. It provides a context to develop critical thinking skills and encourages problem solving - an important learning strategy for developing engaged citizenship and entrepreneurial, employment, community and interpersonal skills. Inquiry learning requires that students pull information compared to other approaches that push it at them. Students are provided with opportunities to apply a wide range of reading, writing, talking, listening, and thinking skills. Student learning improves when schools adopt a consistent model of inquiry across all grades and subjects. Inquiry promotes the development of a community of learners where group knowledge-building contributes to individual understanding. Through inquiry students become more creative, positive and independent. TIPS FOR TEACHERS Look for opportunities to be the ‘guide on the side’ as opposed to a ‘sage on the stage’. Support student learning as opposed to directing it by providing the minimum amount of scaffolding students require. Convert curriculum expectations to ‘big questions’ that challenge students in language they understand. Give students as much freedom as possible in determining what questions to ask and what methods to use to investigate them.
Elementary School Sentence Writing Students will learn to write and revise their own complete sentences, with descriptive details. Gaining knowledge on the four sentence types as well subject-verb agreement, students will write sentences correctly, and with confidence. Unit 1 – Types of Sentences: Declarative and Interrogative Objective: The student will be able to identify and create declarative and interrogative sentences. Unit 2 – Types of sentences : Imperative and Exclamatory Objective: The student will be identifying and creating imperative and exclamatory sentences. Unit 3 – Noun Plurals and Possessives Objective: The student will be able to create the plural forms and possessive forms of nouns. Unit 4 – Subject – Verb Agreement Objective: The student will make verbs agree with their subjects in number. Unit 5 – Punctuation: Commas Objective: The student will understand the rules for and use correct comma placement. Unit 6 – It + is = It’s a lot of fun learning about contractions! Objective: The student will understand and use the rules for forming contractions (shortened forms of two words). Unit 7 – Oh Dear! Words Often Confused: Homophones, Homonyms, and more Objective: The student will be able to correctly identify and spell words that are often confused with other words. Unit 8 – Put Your Thinking Caps On! What Have You Learned? Objective: The student will create and proofread sentences using all of the skills you studied in this eight-unit course.
Twenty thousand years ago, the Earth was a frigid landscape where woolly mammoths roamed. Huge ice sheets, several thousand meters thick, encased parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. We commonly know it as the “Ice Age.” But geologists call it the Last Glacial Maximum. That’s because it’s the most recent time that ice reached such a huge extent, and “ice age” is an informal term without a single agreed-upon definition. Over the last million years, there have actually been about 10 different glacial maxima. Throughout Earth’s history, climate has varied greatly. For hundreds of millions of years, the planet had no polar ice caps. Without this ice, the sea level was 70 meters higher. At the other extreme, about 700 million years ago, Earth became almost entirely covered in ice during an event known as “Snowball Earth.” So what causes these massive swings in the planet’s climate? One of the main drivers is atmospheric carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that traps heat. Natural processes, such as volcanism, chemical weathering of rocks, and the burial of organic matter, can cause huge changes in carbon dioxide when they continue for millions of years. Over the past million years, carbon dioxide has been relatively low, and repeated glacial maxima have been caused by cycles in Earth’s movement around the sun. As Earth rotates, it wobbles on its axis and its tilt changes, altering the amount of sunlight that strikes different parts of its surface. These wobbles, combined with the planet’s elliptical orbit, cause summer temperatures to vary depending on whether the summer solstice happens when Earth is closer or farther from the sun. Approximately every 100,000 years, these factors align to create dramatically colder conditions that last for millennia. Cool summers that aren’t warm enough to melt the preceding winter’s snow allow ice to accumulate year after year. These ice sheets produce additional cooling by reflecting more solar energy back into space. Simultaneously, cooler conditions transfer carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the ocean, causing even more cooling and glacier expansion. About 20,000 years ago, these trends reversed when changes in Earth’s orbit increased summer sunshine over the giant ice sheets, and they began to melt. The sea level rose 130 meters and carbon dioxide was released from the ocean back into the atmosphere. By analyzing pollen and marine fossils, geologists can tell that temperatures peaked about 6,000 years ago, before another shift in Earth’s orbit caused renewed cooling. So what’s coming next – Ice Age? Based on the repeated natural cycle seen in the climate record, we’d normally expect the Earth to continue a trend of gradual cooling for the next few thousand years. However, this cooling abruptly reversed about 150 years ago. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been rising since the 19th century, when fossil fuel use increased. We know that from studying air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice. This surge in carbon dioxide also coincides with a global temperature increase of nearly one degree Celsius. Ice cores and atmospheric monitoring stations show us that carbon dioxide levels are rising faster, and to higher levels, than at any point in the last 800,000 years. Computer models forecast another one to four degrees Celsius of warming by 2100, depending on how much additional fossil fuel we burn. What does that mean for the ice currently on Greenland and Antarctica? Past climate changes suggest that even a small warming shift can begin a process of ice melt that continues for thousands of years. By the end of this century, ice melt is expected to raise the sea level by 30 to 100 centimeters. Enough to impact many coastal cities and island nations. If a four-degree Celsius warming persisted for several millennia, the sea level could rise by as much as 10 meters. By studying past climates, scientists learn more about what drives the shifts in ice. That have shaped our planet for millions of years. Research suggests that by taking action now to reduce carbon dioxide emissions quickly. We still have the opportunity to curb ice loss and save our coastal communities.
A set operation is the collection of two data sets. Two data sets can be added together, which is called a union set operation. For example, the union of data set A with the data set B (A U B) is the set of all things which are members of either A or B. Set operations include union, intersections and complements. The set operation union, Union is the pretty much the combination of two pieces of data coming together. These are all called sets okay? So set a is basically the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 there's four elements in that set there's four numbers, b 1, 3, 5, 7 includes those three. How I like to think of union is actually the sort of another word for marriage is union bringing together two people so what you actually can think if one partner owned something the other partner owned something they get married they now own both things. Okay if say they already had joined, had already owned the car together, they still both own that single car there isn't a car that's owned twice okay? So basically it's just sort of a collection of everything that is in either side of this relationship, so aub is basically everything that is in a and everything that's in b. So looking at this a brings 2, 4, 6 and 8 , b brings 1, 3, 5 and 7 so what we actually end up with every number 1 through 8 if you can just write that out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. So the union of a and b is the set of all these number. Okay let's look at one that actually has a little bit more overlap, a and c okay, so we're going from a which is 2, 4, 6 and 8 and c which is 3, 4, 5 and 6 okay. What we have to be careful of here is 4 is in a and 4 is in C. It doesn't mean we have to write it twice it still just one element that's in both of them so we just write out that number 4 once same with the number 6. So a and c is going to be the number start with 2 we then inlcude 3 from c, 4 in both, 5 from c, 6 from c and 8 from a so the union of those two the collection of the two gives us set of numbers okay. One other way you may see this in your class is by Venn diagrams. If you have a being a big circle b being a big circle, the union of the two is actually everything so if it's in a, if it's b if it's in both union is everything on those two collections.
This Understand Fractions as Fair Shares video also includes: Young mathematicians get their fair share of learning in the first video of this four-part series on fractions. Multiple examples are presented that visually demonstrate how each piece must be equal in size when breaking a whole into fractions. Includes a real-world context that describes equality in terms of fairness, further supporting young learners with understanding this concept. Supplement this resource with an introductory lesson on fractions and strengthen the fractional number sense of your class. - If you aren't logged in to Learnzillion, you will be prompted to create a free account to access all materials for this resource - Examples clearly show fractions as equal sized pieces of a whole - Guide Practice video reinforces an understanding of fractions as equal parts of a whole - Describes a common mistake for learners to avoid when working with fractions - Requires explicit instruction on the names of different fractions
Ordering numbers is a skill that students usually learn in Kindergarten. process begins in Pre-K classes with basic counting skills and is built upon in later grades when students learn about place value and larger The worksheets below start out with the numbers 1-10 and progress into larger numbers. Be sure to work with numbers that your child is familiar with. Preschool and Kindergarten students will enjoy the first set of worksheets that concentrate on the numbers one through twenty. Students with better counting skills will have no problem ordering the numbers in the second set. Another fun way to learn about number order is with the Connect the Dot puzzles I've created. I've included one example in the second group of worksheets. You can find more dot to dots at the bottom of this page. Click on a picture below to open up a printable file in another tab. The first sheet is a bit different than the others. It's a simple before and after task like the ones found in the lesson on preschool counting. Your child is shown two numbers and must determine which number is missing. The rest of the activities are number ordering tasks featuring various items. In each paper you'll see a certain number of items (baseball shirts, computers, ballerinas) with numbers on them. The numbers are all jumbled up and it is your child's job to put them back in order. On the line at the bottom, write the numbers in correct order from smallest to largest. The final printable is a sample of one of the connect the dot puzzles I've made. They are another great tool for teaching number order. You can find more dot to dots, number activities, and counting lessons below. I've put together a list of educational resources that include links to more free work sheets, workbooks, home school curriculums, teacher resources, and learning toys.
A force may be thought of as a push or pull in a specific direction. When a force is applied to an object, in the direction of the force according to Newton's laws of motion. The object may also experience a rotation depending on how the object is confined and where the force is applied. A hanging door is an excellent example of this type of motion. When you push on a door it can not freely translate because it is confined (or pinned) by the hinges. It does, however, rotate on the hinges. The rotation itself depends on where you apply the force. As you get closer to the hinge, you must apply a larger force to make the door swing. As you get farther from the hinge, you can apply a smaller force to make the door swing. The product of the force and the perpendicular distance to a pivot (or hinge) is called the torque or the moment. Torques produce rotations in the same way that forces produce translations. Namely, an object at rest, or rotating at a constant angular velocity continues to do so until it is subject to an external torque. A torque produces an angular acceleration or change in angular velocity. If an object is not pinned, it rotates about its center of gravity when acted upon by an external force. The distance used in the calculation of the torque is then the distance from the center of gravity perpendicular to the applied force. A force (F) is a vector quantity, which means that it has both a magnitude and a direction associated with it. The direction is important. A force directed due north produces a different result on an object than a force of the same magnitude, but directed to the east. The distance (L) used to determine the torque (T) is the distance from the pivot (p) to the force, but measured perpendicular to the direction of the force. We show three examples on the figure of this principle as applied to a weight (blue) which is acting on an arm (red bar). In Example 1, the force (weight) is applied perpendicular to the arm. In this case, the perpendicular distance is the actual length of the bar and the torque is equal to the product of the length and the force. T = F * L In Example 2, the same force is applied to the arm, but the force now acts right through the pivot. In this case, the distance from the pivot perpendicular to the force is zero So, in this case, the torque is also zero. Think of the hinged door example; if you push on the edge of the door, towards the hinge, the door doesn't move because the torque is zero. Example 3 is the general case in which the force is applied at some angle a to the arm. The perpendicular distance is given by as the length of the arm (L) times the cosine (cos) of the angle. T = F * L * cos(a) Examples 1 and 2 can be derived from this general formula, since the cosine of 0 degrees is 1.0 (Example 1), and the cosine of 90 degrees is 0.0 (Example 2). The Wright brothers used the torque generated by aerodynamic surfaces to stabilize and control their aircraft. On an airplane, each control surfaces produces These forces are applied at some distance from the cause the aircraft to rotate. The elevators produce a pitching moment, the rudder produce a yawing moment, and the wing warping produced a rolling moment. The ability to vary the amount of the force and the moment allowed the pilot to maneuver - Re-Living the Wright Way - Beginner's Guide to Aeronautics - NASA Home Page
During Unit 7, your child will use the same place value understanding for adding and subtracting decimals that they used for adding and subtracting whole numbers. Similarly, they will learn that the general methods used for computing products and quotients of whole numbers extend to computing the products and quotients of decimals, with the additional issue of placing the decimal point. Printable Parent Letter NOTE: For LearnZillion.com information you will need to sign up for a free account. Students need to: - Multiply and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between repeated addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. - Multiply tenths by tenths or tenths by hundredths - Divide in problems involving tenths and hundredths
Lesson plans for ages 15-18 in Human Rights and Refugees: The Right to Asylum LESSON 3: Refugees' Experiences in Countries of Asylum: "What's in a name"? A copy of the UNHCR publicity poster entitled What's the Difference? is needed for this lesson. Link to previous lessons For revision, ask the class these questions: - Why do people sometimes need asylum? - Where have these people sought asylum? - What can stop asylum seekers from successfully finding asylum? Allow the students some time to study the poster entitled What's the Difference? Ask for suggestions from the class for the possible motives behind this poster, while reminding them that this poster has been produced by UNHCR. When watching news reports and documentaries about the refugee flows which have occurred in the last decade, students may wonder how they can contribute to efforts to solve these tragedies. Perhaps students may sense that they are powerless to help, but this is not the case. As mentioned in the reading material used in the previous lessons, refugees have sometimes been successful in finding asylum in neighbouring countries in the industrialised world. Having found asylum, the refugees may be safe from the persecution that they suffered in their own home countries, but they face the difficulty of not being thoroughly integrated in their new country. Ask the students: What difficulties does the poster suggest might be faced by refugees in their host countries? Ask them to reflect upon the experiences of some of the refugees referred to in the articles which they read during the last lesson. You may also find it useful to refer to the following definitions during the discussion: Referring to the poster What's the Difference?, ask the students how they have regarded refugees in past. Do they sense any change within themselves, concerning their attitudes towards refugees, since starting this unit of work? What changes are there? The teacher needs to guide this discussion with sensitivity, while encouraging the students to be frank, but be assertive if students rudely challenge each other over differing viewpoints. Finally, if there is time, perhaps the teacher could ask the students why this lesson is titled "What's in a name?" and where they imagine the phrase came from.
Eight Practical Steps to Teach Grammar Rules - Start with questions that lead to model sentences in which the grammatical rule is included. E.g. How long have you been learning English? How long have they been playing football? How long has she been cooking pizza? Etc. - Encouraging students to answer the questions in complete sentences using the grammatical rule and write the model sentences on the board. - Read the sentences focusing on the main features of the rule (highlight the form with different colour or by underlining them). - Tell students the function and the meaning of the grammatical rule, when to use it and how to apply it in communication. - Encourage students to do some different and various exercises on the rule to familiarize them with it. Check understanding and involve as many students as possible. - Elicit the form of the rule from students and write it on the board. - Ask students to give more meaningful examples of the rule. - Give more practice of the rule creating real-life situations for students to use the rule in.
Even though slavery had existed among African peoples prior to the European slave trade, its conditions were significantly different when comparing these two regions. People mainly from Spain and Portugal took a lead in transporting Africans to the mainland of America because its local people needed cheap labor for working in the fields and farms. Captive African slaves became a solution, but attitude towards them was always discriminatory, which was affirmed by the corresponding acts and laws. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Slavery existed in Africa long before the first transatlantic trip took place. Its expansion was evident when Islam was spreading across Africa because Muslims started to conquer lands and capture the non-Muslims. In African and Muslim societies, the status of slave was not the same as the abolishment of freedoms and deprivation of human rights. On the contrary, enslaved people possessed some legal rights and social benefits (Eltis & Richardson, 1997). People in slavery were treated as servants rather than property. When the first Europeans came to explore Africa, they were interested in minerals. However, increasing demand for cheap labor in America promoted the idea according to which Africans were captured and sent to the West Indies. European traders were confident that a solid cooperation was established between the eastern and western ports of the Atlantic Ocean (Eltis & Richardson, 1997). Therefore, with each coming year in the 1500s and 1600s, the number of transported people was constantly increasing. During the initial stage of this slave influx, black people were seen as servants who could be released later. The length of service for slaves was five years – Africans were freed when this period was over. Africans were primarily working in the fields and plantations because their physical conditions were characterized by great stamina and resistance to the diseases of white people. However, such conditions were not satisfactory for the enslaved people, so they organized rebellions, assaulted whites and Hispanics, and often ran away from their masters. The 1642 Virginia Act against runaways introduced harsh punishments for those who escaped (Hening, 1819). Further laws imposed more severe restrictions on Africans: black face guaranteed life servitude, which meant that there were no exit options from bondage. A series of other laws adopted in 1660-1680s imposed more limitations on black slaves. Some changes concerned children who directly depended on their mother’s social status. Those who were born to an enslaved woman immediately obtained a slave status as well (Hening, 1819). Moreover, some severe restrictions concerned religious status, marriage, and other freedoms. Previously, slaves had an opportunity to be liberated by adopting Christianity, but from 1667 this condition was no longer valid. Furthermore, Virginia’s General Assembly proclaimed that slaves could not gather at public meetings and carry arms. Those who intended to get married to black slaves had to pay enormous fees. The Act of Slavery introduced in 1705 had transformed black, Indian, and mulatto slaves into the master’s property. Its main articles revealed that both free and enslaved blacks could no longer testify as witnesses in the court, serve in the militia, and hold public office (Hening, 1819). Furthermore, the Act of Slavery of 1705 was associated with greater penalties in case of interracial marriages. Apparently, such laws embody the essence of discrimination and inequality in American society, which formed a foundation for further segregation. Even though slavery was evident in Africa many centuries before the discovery of America, conditions were much more humanistic for the captive people. In the West Indies, black people were necessary for work in the fields and farms. They were initially seen as servants released after five years, but later the laws dictated life servitude accompanied by the abolishment of basic human rights and transforming all slaves into a property. 100% original paper on any topic done in as little as Eltis, D., & Richardson, D. (1997). West Africa and the transatlantic slave trade: New evidence of long‐run trends. Slavery & Abolition, 18(1), 16-35. Hening, W.W. (1823). The statutes at large. New York, NY: R. & W. & G. Bartow.
You've been learning about the theory behind the pendulum .... so let's put it into practice. Set up equipment at your table so that you can hang a compact mass from a piece of string. Use one of the "pendulum clamps" as the horizontal support piece, since you can quickly attach and loosen the string from one of their screws. The class will work as a group on this project and pool all the results. Each group should make measurements with just two of the following lengths; split up the lengths so that there is some overlap between groups. Length of string (each group choose only 2) Each group should do the following for its two lengths: You should now have a big table containing measurements made by the entire class, consisting of pairs of lengths L and angular frequencies ω. So far, so good. Let's now connect this experiment to the theory. In theory, the angular frequency ω of a pendulum is related to the length L of the string, and the gravitational acceleration g, like so: Since you have many values of L and ω, you should be able to figure out a good value for g. But how? One technique that physicists often use when they have a big set of measurements and a theoretical equation which connects those measurements is to make a graph. How will that help? Well, just watch: First, we re-arrange the equation a bit so that it looks like this: If we re-arrange it in this way, then we can use a straight-line method to find the quantity of interest -- in this case, the value of g. It will simply be the slope of a line drawn on a graph: Your job: make a graph which corresponds to this equation. Mark points for each measurement made in class. Fit a straight line to the points on the graph, and measure the slope of that line. Use the slope of the line to calculate g. How well does this measured value of g compare to the accepted value? Look at the results from last year You can look at the results from today's class here: Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
A consonant is any letter that is not a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). There are many different words that share a combination of similar consonants and vowel. We call words that share a series of two or three common letter patterns a blend. When the same string of consonants are arranged together we call it a consonant blend. There are also vowel blends that have the same series of non-consonants. We urge you to explain the concept of blending to your students so that they can take a logical approach to better understand these words. Our advice is to start very simple and build up to the larger word chunks. When students have success with the less complicated words, it will help them progress at a faster rate. Some students will have trouble with a particular sound because of their natural speech pattern. These are the worksheets they should spend more time with. It will be different for all students. When you approach words that have consonant blends you can hear the sound of each letter in the blend itself. You will sometimes run into words that have the series of letters make one sound, these words are called digraphs. In this section you notice that we focus our lessons primarily on two-letter blends, but there is a section that concentrates on three-letter blends. Our two-letter blends are the most commonly used words and normally serve as the starting point for this skill. You will also find a topic that directs attention to blending distinguishable sounds. We encourage you to explore all the different sections because they will help students gain experience with a wide range of sounds and broaden their vocabulary. Each interactive lesson allows you to print the PDF file to give you students a little bit of extra work to take home. Convenient answer keys allow students to make progress at their preferred paces. Please Note: The worksheet categories below will take you to an area with at least 15 worksheets to print in under each topic.
Math e-Manipulatives and Math Graphic Organizers Math e-Manipulatives - As you prepare for a lesson with manipulatives, you can conveniently plan activities with the eManipulatives. Then in class, students can use real manipulatives, or you can demonstrate on the computer. eManipulatives include: Base Ten Blocks, Number Line, Fractions, Fractions and Decimals, Hundred Chart, Two-Color Counters, Counters, Coins and Bills, Connecting Cubes, Addition Table, and Multiplication Table. Use the Graphic Organizers to help students visually organize mathematical concepts and vocabulary: Different Ways to Write a Number, Mental Math and Estimation Strategies, Multiplication Properties, Exploring Prime Numbers, Different Ways to Organize Data, Different Types of Polygons, Comparison of Fractions and Decimals, and How to Plot an Ordered Pair. Know number names and the count sequence. Count to 100 by ones and by tens. Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1). Understand place value. Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases: 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones — called a "ten." Add and subtract within 20. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. Understand place value. Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. Understand the following as special cases: 100 can be thought of as a bundle of ten tens — called a "hundred." Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is prime or composite. Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
GCSE Geometry & Measures What stage of the process are you at? If you’re looking back over your notes revising GCSE Geometry, you will know that this topic involves much more than using your maths set to draw graphs, lines and angles. This part of your GCSE Maths revision can get complicated as there is a lot to cover from trigonometry to measures and vectors plus all the formulas you need to know and apply to succeed in your exam. If you’re not a visual person, be aware that you may need to give this area more attention than others. Luckily, we’re here to break it down for you and provide some sample resources so you can get started practicing questions for your exam. With GoConqr, you can easily create Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes and more revision resources to get the grade you want in GCSE Maths. Take a look below to understand this topic more clearly. No area of GCSE Maths is really safe from memorising formulas and geometry is no different. Here’s some of what you need to know: - Circumference of a Circle: 2πr - Area of a Circle: πr² - Pythagoras’s Theorem: a² + b²= c² - Trigonometry Formulas: Sine, cos and tan rule Remember, you won’t be handed a sheet with these formulas in the exam so take note of what they are and how to use them. Even better, take a look at the New GCSE Maths Required Formulae Flashcards to the left. These have all the formulae you need to know, and you can even use our mobile apps to learn them on the go.Sign up to browse more GCSE Geometry! Shape, Space and Measures Your study of shapes won’t just include simple shapes like squares and triangles. This area of GCSE geometry will introduce you to parallelograms, trapeziums, cylinders, pyramids and more. Get to know these types of shapes and their properties. You need to be able to convert from one metric or to another when learning about measurement. Calculating compound units involves using a formula with distance, speed and time to find the missing measure. Also, practice constructing shapes and angles plus how to bisect an angle. (You’ll have to get out your ruler and protractor!) Transformations in GCSE Geometry means changing how an object appears. Transformations can be either reflections in horizontal or vertical lines, or translations. When you translate an object, you move it up or down but do not change its shape, size or direction. The original shape is referred to as the object while the transformed shape is the image. For GCSE Maths, you need to be able to describe translations as 2D vectors which leads into the next topic. Before moving on to revise vectors, ensure you fully understand transformations and how they are displayed on graphs. Once you feel you have enough knowledge to move on to studying vectors, start by learning the terminology and understanding how vectors are displayed as graphs, letters and columns. A vector is a quantity with both magnitude (size) and direction, describing movement from one point to another. Aside from understanding the properties of vectors, you need to know how to add, subtract, multiply and enlarge using diagrams. Trigonometry is used to calculate to sides and angles of triangles. If you’ve mastered transformations and vectors than trigonometry should be a piece of cake for you! The Pythagoras Theorem comes into play alongside the sin, cos and tan rules. You need to remember these and when to use them so try drawing a diagram to help you to understand how these formulae work and commit them to memory. The main purpose of using these formulas is to find the area, sides, angles and tangents of triangles. The difficult part here is deciphering three-dimensional problems. Remember, with maths practice is the key to getting top of the class!
Starting at preschool and kindergarten, schools should help students learn the names and shapes of letters. Incorporating writing/printing into letter instruction is a powerful means of developing letter recognition. Using letter/keyword/picture displays when introducing letters is an effective strategy. (Adams, 1990) Reading A-Z Alignment with Research Reading A-Z offers a large collection of resources for teaching the alphabet, including alphabet books and chants for each letter, worksheets, flashcards, and a bank of teaching strategies. The alphabet books reinforce uppercase and lowercase letter recognition. They also teach the student important pre-reading skills, such as recognizing the front and back, top and bottom of a book, left-to-right progression, one-to-one word correspondence, and the notion that words carry meaning. The flashcards can be used in a number of interactive activities to reinforce letter recognition. Reading A-Z alphabet books and flashcards use letter/keyword/picture presentation for introducing letters. Reading A-Z provides several letter formation worksheets for each letter of the alphabet in Zaner Bloser style, D’Nealian style, and cursive style. These worksheets promote work with letter formation, which has been shown to improve a student's ability to recognize letters. |Alphabet Book P| |Alphabet Chants||Letter Formation Worksheets| |Alphabet Chant A||Letter K Worksheet|
This worksheet is best used as students BEGIN to read the first book of the Odyssey. It has them define, identify examples from the text and create original examples of: Epic Similes, Epithets, Allusions, Illusions, Rhyme Scheme and Imagery. Teacher will need to provide info on the conventions of epic poetry/ characteristics of an epic hero. An assignment is delineated at the end of the worksheet in which students have to identify how THEY exhibit characteristics of an epic hero. This is also a great icebreaker/ "get to know you" activity if done at the beginning of the year!
Our Verbs and Tenses lesson plan teaches students how to properly use different verbs and verb tenses in their writing. During this lesson, students are asked to work collaboratively with a partner to write about a birthday party in the past, present, and future in order to practice using each tense. Students are also asked to identify verbs and tell whether they are written in the past, present, or future tense. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to correctly use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.E
Images are copyright © 1997 by Walter S. Kiefer. All rights reserved. Although the surface of the Earth is solid, its interior is soft and flows like a very viscous fluid. This flow, called mantle convection, is an important method of heat transport within the Earth. Mantle convection is the driving mechanism for plate tectonics, which is the process ultimately responsible for producing earthquakes, mountain ranges, and volcanos on Earth. Mantle convection is also important on Venus and Mars. The four images shown at the top of the page illustrate the process of mantle convection. They are based on a computer simulation by Dr. Walter Kiefer (LPI) and Dr. Louise Kellogg (University of California, Davis). The calculations were performed in spherical axisymmetric geometry, with the rotational symmetry axis being vertical in each image. This gives each image the appearance of left-right symmetry about the center line of the image. The black region in the center of each image is the core. The Rayleigh number, which determines the vigor of the convective flow, is 107 in this calculation, which is close to but somewhat less than the degree of convective vigor occurring on Earth today. Most of the heat (about 75%) transported in this model originates from radioactive elements in the mantle, with the rest of the heat coming out of the core. The different colors represent variations in temperature within the mantle. Red and orange represent hot temperatures, implying material that is rising through the mantle. The hot, pipe-like structure in the center of each image is an example of a mantle plume. On Earth, mantle plumes are thought to produce volcanic features such as the Hawaiian islands. Some volcanic features on Venus and Mars are believed to form in a similar manner. Models that include calculation of the magmatism that occurs in mantle plumes are described on my Mars research page. Blue and green represent cold temperatures, implying material that is sinking into the mantle. These cold regions represent the subduction of lithospheric slabs on Earth. The temperature difference between the hottest and coldest material is about 1500 degrees Kelvin. The rising and sinking motions deform the outer surface of a planet, contributing to surface topography. Hot, rising material pushes the surface of the planet upward, producing high topography. Similarly, cold sinking material pulls the surface of the planet downward, producing low topography. The gray regions show this topography with considerable vertical exaggeration. The actual topography caused by this process is a few kilometers in amplitude. These images show the evolution of the mantle's thermal structure over a several hundred million year period. A hot mass of material develops near the base of the mantle and rises toward the surface in the plume at the center of each image. As this material approaches the surface, it pushes the topography up and may also cause a period of enhanced volcanic activity. Thermal structures of this type are believed to underlie volcanic islands such as Hawaii, where there is geologic evidence for fluctuations with time in both the surface topography and the volcanism rate. In addition, these images also show lateral motions of cold sinking regions, analogous to subduction zones on Earth, and the formation of a new rising structure near the base of the mantle. Abstract of Kiefer and Kellogg time-dependent mantle convection manuscript (includes additional color figures). Walter S. Kiefer, email@example.com
Learning about Frogs suggested grade levels: 4-6 view Idaho achievement standards for this lesson 1. Have students handle and touch a frog (from pet store). Discuss body parts: Head, body, legs, etc. What does animal look like? What are its parts? How does it feel? 2. Introduce developmental cycle of the frog: eggs, tadpoles, young frogs, and adult frogs. How does the frog change? What does it look like as a tadpole? What is growing when it is a young adult? How is the adult frog different? 3. Discuss habitat as a place where an organism lives. What do you think a frog habitat might be like and why? Discuss frog characteristics (webbed feet, moist skin, etc,) 4. Discuss diet of a frog. What do you think it eats? What adaptations does it have for this diet? What eats frogs? 1. Assign each student a particular species of amphibian. Teachers can also have students pick their own species but teacher should guide them in order that they do not all pick the same species. 2. Teacher should encourage each student to use the Digital Atlas of Idaho to do research on his or her species (Length of report should reflect grade level). Follow the links to the amphibian pages and get information on selected species. Report should include species characteristics, species habitat, species diet, and anything else students want to include. To get there: Click on Atlas Home, mouse-over Biology, then click on Amphibians. 3. Each student will give "show and tell" presentation to the class on his/her species. These are links to access the handouts and printable materials. amph3ho.pdf | Amphibians The sample questions below are shown in the printed handout. 1. Frog description: a. What does the animal look like? b. What are its parts? c. How does it feel? 2. Developmental cycle of frogs: a. How does the frog change? b. What does it look like as a tadpole? c. What is growing when it is a young adult? d. How is the adult frog different? Answers may different for each species.
Women first organized and collectively fought for suffrage at the national level in July of 1848. Suffragists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott convened a meeting of over 300 people in Seneca Falls, New York. In the following decades, women marched, protested, lobbied, and even went to jail. By the 1870s, women pressured Congress to vote on an amendment that would recognize their suffrage rights. This amendment was sometimes known as the Susan B. Anthony amendment and became the 19th Amendment. The amendment reads: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." Arizona became a territory of the US in 1863 and was not a state during the early days of discussions about a federal amendment enfranchising women. Suffragists in the Arizona territory worked to build support for women’s right to vote and lobby the territorial government. They were successful in getting woman suffrage bills introduced several times in the 1880s, but each was defeated in the legislature. Josephine Brawley Hughes created the first women’s suffrage organization in 1891 as the push for Arizona statehood began. She was joined by other women such as Frances Willard Munds. Hughes, Munds, and other suffragists campaigned for women’s right to vote to be included in the new state constitution. President Benjamin Harrison rejected Arizona’s bid for statehood and the constitutional protection of woman suffrage was no longer available. Munds eventually became the leader of the Arizona Suffrage Association in the early 1900s. She reached out to Mormon women in the territory – something other groups refused to do. Mormons were often discriminated against due to their religion. But Munds recognized the importance of Mormon women in the fight for suffrage. They came close to success when the territorial legislature passed a suffrage bill in 1903, but Governor Alexander Brodie vetoed it. Brodie also objected to the idea of including women as eligible voters in a proposed state constitution, fearing that including suffrage would hurt Arizona’s chance for statehood. Arizona became a state on February 14, 1912. Suffragists pushed for a woman suffrage initiative to be put to the voters right away. In November 1912, the Arizona male electorate voted overwhelmingly in favor of enfranchising women. Arizona was the tenth state in which women won full voting rights. After decades of arguments for and against women's suffrage, the US Congress finally approved the 19th Amendment in June 1919. After Congress passed the 19th Amendment, at least 36 states needed to vote in favor of it for it to become law. This process is called ratification. On February 12, 1920, Arizona voted to ratify the 19th Amendment. By August of 1920, 36 states (including Arizona) ratified the amendment, ensuring that the right to vote could not be denied based on sex. Arizona Places of Women’s Suffrage: State Capitol Building In 1899, Arizona suffragists proposed a women's suffrage bill to the territory legislature. The proposed suffrage bill was put to a vote at the Capitol Building in Phoenix. While the bill was approved in the lower house, it was rejected by the Senate. As a result, women were left without the vote. Over the next several decades, Arizona women worked even harder to secure the right to vote. They were successful in November 1912 with the voters directly, not with the legislature. The State Capitol is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is open for tours by appointment. Sources used to make these state pages include: Ida Husted Harper History of Woman Suffrage: 1900-1920, Volume 6 (1922), the National American Woman Suffrage Association papers (Library of Congress), and National Register nominations from the National Park Service. Sources for this page include Arizona Women’s History Alliance, Digital Arizona Library, and Gordon Moris Bakken and Brenda Farrington Encyclopedia of Women in the American West (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc., 2003). Last updated: August 29, 2019
Our Reflexive Pronouns lesson plan introduces students to reflexive pronouns, including what they are, how to use them, and how to identify them. In this lesson, students are asked to work independently to identify reflexive pronouns in text and when passages are read aloud. They also complete a fun, interactive exercise in which they “hunt” for reflexive pronouns in books and online and then share them with the class. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to correctly and independently use reflexive pronouns in writing, identify reflexive pronouns in text, and explain the purpose of reflexive pronouns as they are used in sentences. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.1.C
For young children, fairness means: Young children are very impressionable, and parents are the most important teacher children ever have. One way you can help your child learn to be fair is by example. If your child sees you following rules, sharing with your family, listening to others and not placing blame, he or she will be likely to follow your example. Infants and fairness One important way to establish a foundation for teaching fairness to your child is by listening. When your child is awake and alert, listen to her different sounds and respond to them. When your baby starts babbling, she will love to hear you copy her sounds and she will probably babble some more. If your baby sees you respond to her babbling, she will babble some more. You will be encouraging language development. Remember that listening is character development. Babies who are listened to will learn that they are important and valuable and will be likely to listen to others when they are older. Toddlers and fairness Concepts of fairness are not easy for toddlers to understand. During this time, think of building a foundation of fairness. Many things you do for your child will help in her later understanding of fairness. Listening to your toddler is a good example. When your toddler wants your attention, let her know you care by getting down on her level and listening to her. She will learn from this that she is important and listening to others is important. Toddlers love to hand toys and objects to adults. This is an early form of sharing. Pay attention to these moments and to your toddler's sharing behavior, and your toddler will learn the value of sharing (take note that this probably will take several years to develop). Remember that part of being fair is following the rules. The first rules toddlers usually learn revolve around safety issues, for example, not touching hot pots on the stove or staying away from the street. The rules may not be easy to enforce, but toddlers need boundaries, and enforcing rules is a good way to to this. Preschool classrooms generally have rules, such as no running inside, pick up your toys when you are through with them or be kind to your friends. Enforcing similar rules at home will be helpful to your child because he or she will become accustomed to following the same standard of behavior at home and at school. If you are unsure of what rules to establish at home, you may want to involve your children. Their ideas may surprise you. Playing card or board games with your child is another way to encourage your children to take turns and share. Look for games that are designed for the age of your child. They will not be frustrating, but will still provide a challenge. Send to friend
7.9. Looping and counting¶ The active code below counts the number of times the letter appears in a string This program demonstrates a common idiom, called a counter. The count is initialized to zero and then incremented each time we find an ’a’. (To increment is to increase by one; it is the opposite of decrement, and unrelated to excrement, which is a noun.) When we exit the loop, count contains the result: the total number of a’s. As an exercise, encapsulate this code in a function named countLetters, and generalize it so that it accepts the string and the letter as arguments. In the function, declare length, count, and index in that order. Within the main function, declare city and letter in that order. The following is the correct code for printing the even numbers from 0 to 10, but it also includes some extra code that you won’t need. Drag the needed blocks from the left and put them in the correct order on the right.
Example of English Lesson Plan-Suffixes Context: This lesson introduces students to suffixes. - To be able to briefly understand what a suffix is. - To be able to identify suffixes. - To be able to know some of the most common suffixes and be able to identify the type of word they are (noun, verb, adverb, adjective). A suffix is a letter, syllable, or word that is added to a root or stem of a word to either form a new word or add to its meaning. Suffixes are placed at the end of the root word. The main thing that a suffix shows is how it will be used in a sentence and how it is classified, in terms of whether the word is a noun, a verb, an adverb, or an adjective. Inflection changes grammatical properties of a word within its syntactic category. In the example: The weather forecaster said it would clear today, but it hasn't cleared at all. the suffix -ed inflects the root-word clear to indicate past tense. Some inflectional suffixes in present day English: - -s third person singular present - -ed past tense - -ing progressive/continuous - -en past participle - -s plural - -en plural (irregular) - -er comparative - -est superlative - -n't negative - The teacher will ask the students to identify suffixes from the sentences given. - List atleast 20 works with suffix and use each in sentences.
Answered By: Rachel Willard Last Updated: May 08, 2017 Views: 9272 The word agreement when referring to a grammatical rule means that the words a writer uses need to align in number and in gender (when applicable). View more details on the two main types of agreement below: Subject-verb agreement and noun-pronoun agreement. Subject and verb agreement: Number alignment When you use a singular subject of the sentence, the verb that you use must also be singular. These should always agree with one another. Example: The conclusion shows that variables X and Y are related. Incorrect: The conclusion show that variables X and Y are related. Here the subject is conclusion, and the verb is shows. Because conclusion is singular (there is only one), the verb should also be singular. If the verb were plural, it would refer to more than one subject. Here’s an example of where that plural verb would work: Example: The results show that variables X and Y are related. Incorrect: The results shows that variables X and Y are related. Notice here that the subject is results, and the verb is show. Because you are referring to more than one singular result (it is plural), the verb should also be plural. Here, the verb shows (singular) loses its s to become show (plural). Hint to remember: Singular verbs usually have s's. Noun and pronoun agreement: Number and gender alignment When you use a singular word and you want to replace it with another word, specifically a pronoun, be sure that the two words agree both in number and in gender. Example: The man walked to his car. Incorrect number: The man walked to their car. Incorrect gender: The man walked to its car. When referring to groups or general nouns, you will want to pay close attention to the number and gender agreement, especially with words such as a student, each one, a client, the organization, the team, the group, etc. Example: Each student needs to bring his or her own lunch. Incorrect: Each student needs to bring their own lunch. Because you have each student, which is referring to each individual and singular person, you will need to use a replacement word that is singular and incorporates both genders. Because the English language does not have one word that fills both of these roles, you will want to use the phrase his or her. Example: Upper management refers to its policies frequently in the handbook. Incorrect: Upper management refers to their policies frequently in the handbook. Because this is a group word, you will want to use a word to replace the group as a whole. It is a singular entity, one group, and it does not have a gender, so you’ll want to use the singular, nongendered word it. - Refresh your knowledge on basic sentence elements and the definitions of different parts of the sentence. - Review other web resources on subject-verb agreement. - See more web resources on noun-pronoun agreement. - Test your grammar knowledge with various online grammar quizzes or explore a self-paced grammar module. Would you like a current or future assignment to be reviewed by the Writing Center? If so please visit the Writing Center's Paper Review Website and make an appointment with us! Do you have other general writing questions? E-mail the Writing Center at email@example.com. Other questions about your doctoral capstone or the Form & Style review? E-mail the Dissertation Editors at firstname.lastname@example.org. Want to peruse other writing resources? Go to the Writing Center’s homepage.
Arithmetic Functions: Rounding There are three functions in the math module that round a float to the nearest integer. The first one we’ll take a look at is ceil(), which is short for ceiling, and ceil(x) returns the nearest integer greater than or equal to If you think of the real numbers as points on a number line, when you take ceil(x), this will round to the right, and so ceil(x) will return the integer that’s closest to the x but on the right of Now, this can get a little tricky when you are dealing with negative numbers, and we’ll take a look at some examples, but if you keep the analogy of the real numbers as being points on the number line, floor(x) rounds to the left on that number line. x is a float and it’s got digits after the decimal point, we drop all those decimal points and keep the integer part. If we think of x as being a point on the number line, we are rounding towards zero. The rounding function trunc() is a composition of ceil(). Let me show you what I mean. Because trunc() rounds towards zero, we can write trunc(x) in terms of floor and ceiling depending on whether x is greater or equal to zero or whether it’s negative. x is a positive number—a positive float—then trunc(x) will be rounding to the left, and so that’s equal to floor(x). But if x is negative, if we want to round towards zero, what we want to do is round to the right, and that’s what ceiling of x does. So to clarify everything, let’s just look at some examples. Let’s start off with ceil(). Round to the right the number 5.43. Another way to think about it is that we’re rounding up. But again, think of the numbers as being the numbers on the number line. Rounding to the right with ceil() gives us the integer And if we round floor(), rounding to the left gives us -13. Now let’s use trunc(). The truncation of 5.43, this will get rid of the decimal numbers .43, and so we get 5. And if we do this with the negative number -12.3, we’re getting rid of the .3 and you get So, those are the functions in the math module that take an input number and round to the nearest integer. In the next lesson, we’ll take a look at a function in the math module to help you decide when two floats are close. “How close?” depends on your relative tolerance. Become a Member to join the conversation.
The focus of this activity is to discover if students can make, copy, continue and explain repeating patterns. Often students will only be asked to continue patterns to the right, but ensure you ask students to continue patterns to the left. Like the number sequence a pattern can extend in both directions. - Use body, shapes and objects to make repeating patterns - Describe patterns using everyday language - Copy and continue patterns - Use ordinal numbers to identify elements in the pattern, e.g. the 3rd counter is blue - Use location words and shape language to describe features of the pattern, e.g. my pattern is made from squares, it goes red, blue, red, blue, etc. NSW Syllabus Mathematics K-10 – Early Stage 1: Patterns & Algebra - Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications (ACMNA005) - Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings NSW Syllabus Mathematics K-10 – Early Stage 1: Whole Numbers - Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001) At the end of this lesson students should be able to answer the following questions - Can you describe your pattern? - What did you use to create your pattern? - What is first object in your pattern? Third? Fifth? - What comes next in the pattern? - What comes before in the pattern? - What is the part of the pattern that repeats? - How could we record these patterns in our books? - Instead of using colours, how else could we record the patterns in our books? For more information, please download the attached lesson plan.
A worksheet to record different text features found in a piece of text. Are your students still confusing some of the text features found in nonfiction text? You are definitely not alone! This worksheet is an easy (and flexible) way to give those students the extra practice they may need to master this skill! Ways to Use This Worksheet in the Classroom: - Slip a copy of this resource in a dry-erase sleeve and place it in a reading center with a piece of nonfiction text. Students must write (or draw) an example of each text feature from the nonfiction text in the appropriate box. When they are done, they simply wipe clean! - Use this resource with your guided reading groups when practicing text features. Give each student a copy of a nonfiction text and this resource. Review a text feature with your students, then have them find an example in their text. Once they have an example, they write or draw their example in the appropriate box. - Looking for a way to review text features with your entire class? Give each student a copy of this resource. Project a nonfiction piece of text (or parts of a nonfiction text) onto the screen and have your class write or draw the text feature shown on the board in the appropriate square on the worksheet. - Wanting your students to be a bit more active? Why not create a gallery walk for students! Post our Text Features Flashcards, around the room, making sure to cover up the name of each text feature on the card. Number each flashcard using a small sticky note. Assign 1–2 students to each flashcard. Using this worksheet as their recording sheet, they will rotate through the cards writing the number found on the flashcard in the matching text feature box, e.g., if the flashcard showing a caption is labeled #5, students will write 5 in the box labeled caption. Use the drop-down menu to choose between the PDF or Google slides version. This resource was created by Meagan Lee, a teacher in Texas and a Teach Starter Collaborator. Common Core Curriculum alignment Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz! Find more resources for these topics Suggest a change You must be logged in to request a change. Sign up now! Report an Error You must be logged in to report an error. Sign up now!
Roughly 1.7 billion people rely on the annual Indian summer monsoons for water to drink, grow crops, and raise livestock. The deluges usually fall between June and September, delivering roughly 80% of the Indian subcontinent’s yearly rainfall. But sometimes the monsoons fail to deliver, resulting in drought, or dump too much water too fast, causing devastating floods. Accurately forecasting such vagaries can be lifesaving, but predictions often fall short. Now, a new model—including improved representation of land processes, along with mountainous Himalayan topography—promises greater accuracy. One region where scientists have consistently failed to accurately predict monsoon behavior in the 21st century is over the sprawling, 860,000-square-kilometer Ganga river basin in central India. Each year, the June–September forecasts simulated by the operational model of the India Meteorological Department seem to have a “dry bias” over the Ganga basin, predicting less rain will fall than actually does. To fix this bug, Devanand et al. decided to use their models to zoom in closer to Earth’s surface. The standard models for predicting Indian monsoons don’t take into account local topographical details, such as the western Himalaya. These models often miss complex interactions between the land and atmosphere, such as how moisture evaporates from the land, then falls back down as precipitation. The team remedied this by combining a regional climate model called the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with two land-surface models that can simulate interactions between the atmosphere and north central India’s agricultural land, along with Himalayan mountainous topography. To verify their model’s accuracy, they checked it against real-world weather data from 1981 to 2015. Including this finer-grained detail largely did the trick, the authors report, correcting the dry bias of earlier models from a rainfall deficit of −4.82 millimeters per day to −1.37 millimeters per day. Global models, which smooth out local topography, allow too much cold, dry air to travel into the region, skewing predictions toward less rainfall, they concluded. Next, the team hopes to tackle another potentially important source of error in the models: irrigation. When used on a large scale, as it is in the Ganga basin, irrigation can lead to cooler local temperatures and more rain due to recycled precipitation. (Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1002/2018GL077218, 2018) —Emily Underwood, Freelance Writer
What is factorial notation? Certain patterns occur often when applying the multiplication principle. As we saw in Example 2, the factors that result from choices are often the same. In this case, we can use exponents to abbreviate the product: You may see the factors written with exponents instead of factors so it is important to recognize that they are the same. Another pattern that results from the multiplication principle can be written using factorial notation. Suppose a production line requires six workers to carry out six different jobs. Each worker can only do one job at a time. Once a worker is selected for a job, the other jobs must be carried out by the remaining workers. To find the number of ways we can assign workers to jobs, calculate the product The number of ways to make each choice drops by one in each factor since each worker can only do one job. In effect, we can’t choose the same worker twice. This is often indicated by saying that we want to assign workers without repetition. This type of product occurs so often that it is assigned its own symbol. For any positive integer n, n! = n (n-1) (n-2) … 3 · 2 · 1 The value of 0! is defined to be 1. When we read an expression with factorial notation, a symbol like n! is read “n factorial”. Example 3 Use Factorial Notation Compute the value of each expression involving factorial notation. Solution Use the formula above to get 6! = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 Solution It is tedious to multiply the factors out for larger numbers. Instead, use a calculator’s factorial command to find the product. On a TI graphing calculator, start by typing 9. Then press . Choosing 4 inserts the factorial symbol ! from the PRB menu. The value is displayed on the screen. Solution It is not practical to multiply all of the factors in the numerator and denominator. In addition, each of the factors in the fraction may not be calculated individually. If we try to do this the calculator will return an overflow error. Instead, write down some of the factor to see if any patterns emerge:
Use the same materials used for the Tap and Scrape Learning Center: - a selection of empty containers and lids made of various plastics and metals (containers and lids with ridges on the sides make interesting sounds) - cardboard boxes and mailing tubes - craft sticks, rulers, or unsharpened pencils with erasers for tapping or scraping Key Science Concepts - Different objects make different sounds. - An action has to take place in order for a sound to occur. - A sound becomes louder when the force of the action that is creating the sound is increased. A sound becomes softer, or quieter, when the force is decreased. Introduce, use, and reinforce key terms such as cardboard, plastic, metal and descriptive words such as smooth and bumpy. Also include action words such as tap, knock, drum, and scrape, and science process words such as compare, change, observe. - Invite children to talk about and demonstrate some of the discoveries they made while exploring the Tap and Scrape Learning Center. Children may want to try imitating some of the sounds with their voices. - Let each child choose a couple objects and make as many sounds as he or she can. As children explore and listen, encourage further investigation by occasionally commenting and/or posing questions. For example: - Show us some of the different ways you can use your container to make sounds. - How can you make a sound that is louder than that one? How about a sound that is softer? - Wow! Listen to that rattle-y sound Megan made. How can you make a rattle-y sound with your objects? Does it sound the same as Megan’s or different? How? Why do you think so? - When Juan put his instrument down on the table and tapped it, I think it sounded different from when he held it in the air and tapped it. Let’s listen. Do you think that would happen to your container, too? How do you think your container would sound? - What’s your container made of? Do you think that a (cardboard, metal, plastic) container affects the sound? Can you compare your (cardboard, metal, plastic) container to another one made of the same material? You might want to model a tapping pattern—for example: long-short-short; long-short-short—and invite children to copy that tapping pattern with their containers. Reflect and Share Have children take turns demonstrating the sounds they can make while the group listens. Encourage children to talk about which objects make similar sounds and which make different sounds. Why do they think that is? (For example, Are they made of similar material? Do they have surfaces with similar textures? Is it their shape? Is it how they make the sounds?)
To ensure that you understand the material in this chapter, you should review the meanings of the following bold terms in the following summary and ask yourself how they relate to the topics in the chapter. Atoms can share pairs of valence electrons to obtain a valence shell octet. This sharing of electrons is a covalent bond. A species formed from covalently bonded atoms is a molecule and is represented by a molecular formula, which gives the number of atoms of each type in the molecule. The two electrons shared in a covalent bond are called a bonding pair of electrons. The electrons that do not participate in covalent bonds are called nonbonding pairs (or lone pairs) of electrons. A covalent bond consisting of one pair of shared electrons is called a single bond. Covalent bonds occur between nonmetal atoms. Naming simple covalent compounds follows simple rules similar to those for ionic compounds. However, for covalent compounds, numerical prefixes are used as necessary to specify the number of atoms of each element in the compound. In some cases, more than one pair of electrons is shared to satisfy the octet rule. Two pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms to make a double bond. Three pairs of atoms are shared to make a triple bond. Single, double, and triple covalent bonds may be represented by one, two, or three dashes, respectively, between the symbols of the atoms. The distance between two covalently bonded atoms is the bond length. Bond lengths depend on the types of atoms participating in the bond as well as the number of electron pairs being shared. A covalent bond can be a polar covalent bond if the electron sharing between the two atoms is unequal. If the sharing is equal, the bond is a nonpolar covalent bond. Because the strength of an atom’s attraction for electrons in a bond is rated by the atom’s electronegativity, the difference in the two atoms’ electronegativities indicates how polar a covalent bond between those atoms will be. The mass of a molecule is called its molecular mass and is the sum of the masses of the atoms in the molecule. The shape of a molecule can be predicted using valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR), which uses the fact that the negative electrons in covalent bonds repel each other as much as possible. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Carbon forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and with the atoms of many other elements. The simplest organic compounds are hydrocarbons, which consist solely of carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbons containing only single bonds are called alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons). Hydrocarbons containing carbon–carbon double bonds are alkenes, while hydrocarbons with carbon–carbon triple bonds are alkynes. Carbon-carbon double and triple bonds are examples of functional groups, atoms or bonds that impart a characteristic chemical function to the molecule. Other functional groups include the alcohol functional group (OH) and the carboxyl functional group (COOH). They are the characteristic functional group in organic compounds called alcohols and carboxylic acids.
A recursive function is a function that calls itself. We already saw an example of recursive program when we did the Greatest common divisor algorithm. Another typical example is the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number n is the product of 1*2..(n-1)*n. And it is written as n!. Mathematically we can see that this definition can also be described as: n!=n*(n-1)!. Here you can see that the function definition uses itself. To be able to do this we need some initial values, or else we could repeat it infinitely. For the factorial function the initial value is that 0! = 1. This base case is very important because it will allow the program to stop. With this two definitions we can start programming our function. Although some times the transformation between the recursive definition of a problem and the program itself might look easy, it is not always the best solution. A clear example is the Fibonacci numbers problem . As you can read in the wikipedia article, by definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. Translated into mathematical notation we get that F0=1, F1=1 and Fn=Fn-1+Fn-2 . And translating this into a program we have: The main problem with this code is that we compute many times the same values. If we modify a little to see how many operations we use we can understand better what is happening: If we check how many operations we need to compute the 10th number of Fibonacci the answer is 177 and the 11th requires 287 operations. If we do a table we will see the growth between consecutive numbers. Here we can notice 2 things. First of all the numbers grow in an exponential way (almost double every time). Second if we look closer each number (in the calls column) is the sum of the previous two plus 1. This comes from the fact that to compute the n-th fibonacci number we need to compute also the previous 2, and we have an extra call to sum those results. But how can we make our program more efficient? This will be seen in the next part called Memoization. Memoization is a technique in computer science where you store values you have already calculated to be able to access them in future queries. In this way you don't need to compute them twice. In the previous example we computed Fibonacci numbers and we saw we did an exponential number of operations. If we apply memoization, this number can become linear. This means that a small increase of the input will require a small increase in the operations used. The program will look like this. As you can see the array values will store all the Fibonacci numbers computed until that point. This algorithm is much faster than the previous one. You can try to compute the number of operations it does and study it's growth as in the previous example! There are many projects that can be done with a little knowledge on recursive programming. Here are some codes of example. Try reading them and change whatever you want to explore! Good Luck! Fibonacci spiral (using recursion as a substitute of an iterative process) Plant (based on Lindenmayer Fractals) Koch Fractal (from our Merry Everything article)
12.2. The if Statement¶ In Python, we test data and execute instructions if the test is true using an if statement. An if statement includes a logical expression which is the ‘test.’ A logical expression is one that is either true or false. This is also called a Boolean expression. An example of a logical expression is x < 3. The if statement is followed by a colon if x < 3: and a block of code. The colon ( :) at the end of the if statement is required. The block of code includes the instructions to execute if the test is true. The block of code includes all the statements that are indented following the if statement. If the test is true, execute the statement or statements in the block following the if will be executed. If the test isn’t true (is false) then execution will skip the block following the if and continue with the next statement following the block after the Run the code below with x set to 0 and then change x to 4 and see how the output differs depending on the value of x. The figure below is called a flowchart. It shows the execution paths for a program. The diamond shape contains the logical expression and shows the path that the execution takes if the logical expression (also called the condition) is true as well as the path if the logical expression is false. Notice that it will only execute the statements in the indented block if the logical expression was true. If the logical expression was false, execution will skip the code in the indented block and resume with the next statement. Discuss topics in this section with classmates.
To save results or sets tasks for your students you need to be logged in. Studyladder is free to join Join Now, Free What a brilliant site you have!!! I love it, especially as it saves me hours and hours of hard work. Others who haven't found your site yet don't know what they are missing! 5.OA.1 – Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols. Samples: Brackets in number operations. Brackets in number operations - Two Step. Balancing equations. Number and place value ACMNA099 – Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations Samples: Two digit addition (estimating). Division (estimation) - 1. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10. 7.NA.3 – Balance positive and negative amounts Samples: Negative numbers. Order of Operations. Numbers. Integers on a number line. Brackets in number operations. 6.NA.1 – Apply additive and simple multiplicative strategies flexibly to: 6.NA.1.a – Combine or partition whole numbers, including performing mixed operations and using addition and subtraction as inverse operations Samples: Write numbers – to 100,000. Reading numbers – to 100,000. Comparing numbers – to 100,000. KS2.Y5.N.MD – Number - multiplication and division Pupils should be taught to: KS2.Y5.N.MD.10 – Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the equals sign Samples: Challenge puzzle - flow diagram. Equivalent number sentences (written form). Identifying expressions.
Learning to read can be a rewarding experience for children, parents and teachers - but it certainly does not come without moments of frustration! Knowing the consonants is the easiest part of learning to read. A “p” says p and a “t” says t. But those vowel sounds can be very tricky! Most early readers get the beginning consonant sound, and then they guess at the word because they don’t know the correct vowel sound. Does this sound familiar? In order to become good readers and spellers, it is absolutely essential to know the vowel sounds and know when to use them in words.Did you know that the vowels can make 18 different vowel sounds? Can you explain why the “e” in hen, he and her all make a different vowel sounds? Here are some quick rules to help teach what to do when there is one vowel in a word. We are using the Voweletics™ The New Phonetics Resource Chart to help explain these simple rules. Feel free to listen to our WHAT TO DO#1 song below. It will surely put you in the mood to learn! One vowel with letters after it. This word follows the short vowel pattern in WHAT TO DO #1. The one vowel “e” has another letter after it, therefore it makes a short vowel sound. Guide Words, such as Eggly from Voweletics™, help to reinforce that short “e” says e and the word is hen. One vowel at the end. This word follows the long vowel pattern in WHAT TO DO#1. The one vowel is found at the end of the word, so it makes a long vowel sound. Mr. E is the Voweletics™ character to remind us that a long vowel “e” simply says the name of its letter, e, as in Mr. E and in the word he. One vowel with "r" after it. But what will you do if one vowel has an “r” after it? You will hear that short won’t fit. Listen and hear what you have found - you have discovered a special vowel sound! In this word the one vowel after it has an “r” after it. The “r” makes it say its own special vowel sound as heard in our Guide Word Fern. The “er” says er as heard in the word her. The learner must look at the vowels and where they are placed in words to know which vowel sound to use. Use the tips above for teaching how to identify the correct vowel sound when there is only one vowel in the word.
The worksheets on this page focus on real numbers. They are values that are representative of some value that can be found on a number line. The most commonly taught properties in the Commutative Property of both addition and multiplication. Those properties basically reinforce the common mathematically rule that order does not matter as long as the operations have not changed. Another well discussed property is the Associative Property of addition and multiplication. This expands the concept of regrouping with parenthesis (normally). The minute students begin to learn multiplication the zero property of multiplication is instantly engrained in their memory. When we begin to learn negative numbers and operations with them, the Additive Inverse Property appears. We seldom hear that property being named in classrooms today. Below you worksheets that highlight the use of the Associative, Commutative, Distributive, Operations and Numeracy rules, and the Division Principle.
Place value activities will become very important once first graders begin to work with larger (i.e, 2-digit) numbers. Here are a few to get you started: Kids love to do math with money. If you have a bunch of coins, take out the pennies and let kids count them. Ask kids to put pennies in stacks of 10 and count them by 10s when they are done. Was it harder or easier to count them this way? What might happen if you tried to count all the pennies one at a time? Players will need a bunch of dried beans. Take a handful of dried beans and guess how many there are. Then count the beans: count up to ten, then put those in a pile; count out 10 more beans and do the same thing, until you don't have enough to make another tens pile. Count by counting piles by 10, then adding on the ones that were left over. Place value activities that use dice give kids the impression they are playing a game. For this activity, give children place value manipulatives such as straws, that can be bundled into groups of 10 with rubber bands, or Base 10 blocks. It is also helpful to use a place value chart to keep track of tens and ones. To play, two children each roll a die. Then they put them together and decide which number to make. For example, if one child rolls a 1 and the other rolls a 4, they can make either 14 or 41. When they say "go", each one tries to be fastest to build that number. (They will both make the same number.) When they are done, they compare what they built to check their work. This game is very like "Roll It, Build It", but with a small twist. Children are given place value manipulatives, a place value chart and two dice. Before playing a round, kids decide who will be Big and who will be Small (Small gets to roll the dice; kids should trade off roles). Each child rolls one die. Small uses the dice to make the smaller number; Big uses the dice to make the bigger number. Each child writes down their number and then makes it, using the manipulatives. When they are done, children compare their numbers. (This is an eye-opening game for kids, since it shows very concretely the difference position makes in determining how big or small a number is.) Play again, switching roles. Some place value activities need no materials at all--just a great idea, some enthusiasm, and maybe a funky hat. Check out this great video showing how one teacher helps his class understand place value. It's hilarious! Make up regrouping stories. Tell the kids a story, and have them use place value manipulatives (such as counters and a place value chart or a tens frame) to solve the story problems. For example, "You got 26 pieces of candy going trick or treat on Halloween. Then you got another 36 pieces of candy at your friend's Halloween party! How many candies did you get altogether?" (A problem like this would be fun to solve with actual candy... just an idea!) Write an addition or subtraction problem on the board for kids to solve with manipulatives. To mix it up and make problem solving more exciting, have different types of manipulatives at each table. You might have beans and cups on one, pipe cleaners and rubber bands at another, Base 10 at another, tens frames on yet another, and so on. After each problem, have groups get up and move to the table next to theirs. By the end of 6 or 7 questions, the kids will have rotated through all the tables, gotten some good practice with regrouping, and will have had a great time! A final word: Don't feel discouraged if first graders do not seem to "get" place value in first grade. The main focus right now is on exposure; they need to play with place value concepts over and over again. Spend plenty of time doing place value activities and place value games, and it will eventually begin to make sense.
Does your native language contain multiple forms of a given verb to distinguish the time an action happened? Many languages do not, and that is why many ESL students find learning this part of English grammar hard to master. This concept is referred to as a “verb tense.” When learning English, proper tense usage is especially difficult. The first thing you need to understand when learning English verb tenses is where the action takes place on a basic timeline. If an action is happening now, in the current moment, it is in the present. If it occurred before the present time, it happened in the past. If it will occur after the present time, it will happen in the future. However, each verb has more than just a past, present, and future tense. As a matter of fact, in proper English grammar, each verb has 16 tenses, though only a few are commonly used. Here are examples of the tenses used most often in conversation: The present simple tense refers to actions that are happening right now. Form: infinitive, without “to” + “s” for the person and number Example: I speak. He speaks. The past simple tense indicates an action that took place before the present moment. Form: verb + “ed” However, you will also have to memorize the forms of irregular verbs like “drew” and “sat.” Example: I typed the letter yesterday. The future simple tense indicates an action that will take place after now. Form: will + verb. Example: We will celebrate later. The present progressive tense indicates actions that are taking place at the moment spoken. Form: be (present tense) + verb + “ing” Example: She is speaking. The past progressive tense refers to an action in the past that occurs longer than most past actions. Form: be (past tense) + verb + “ing” Example: At 8 a.m., I was running to catch the bus. The future progressive tense indicates an action in the future that occurs longer than most future actions. Form: will be + verb + “ing” Example: They will be watching the play tomorrow. Learning English verbs can be confusing compared to other languages. Remember not to get overwhelmed. Proper usage will come with practice. If you use the incorrect verb tense while you are still learning English grammar, the majority of native speakers will still easily understand what you mean to say. Photo Credit: ALCC American Language
In this section, you will learn about three different ways in which to write down sets of solutions. The real number line "respects" the order of the real numbers. A bigger number will always be found to the right of a smaller number. In the picture below, a>b. We visualize a set on the real number line by marking its members. It is standard to agree on the following conventions: To include an endpoint, we "bubble it in." To exclude an endpoint, we use an "empty bubble". Here is the set of all real numbers greater than -2 and less than or equal to 5: The number -2 is excluded from the set, so you see an "empty bubble"; the number 5 is included in the set, so the bubble at 5 is "filled in." Next comes an unbounded set, the set of all numbers less than or equal to 3: The set does not need to be "connected." The following graph depicts all real numbers which are either greater than 2 or strictly between -1 and 1. The following is a description of the set of all real numbers with the exception of -1 and 2: Interval notation translates the information from the real number line into symbols. becomes the interval (-2,5]. To indicate that an endpoint is included, we use a square bracket; to exclude an endpoint, we use parentheses. is written in interval notation as . The infinity symbols " " and " " are used to indicate that the set is unbounded in the positive ( ) or negative ( ) direction of the real number line. " " and " " are not real numbers, just symbols. Therefore we always exclude them as endpoints by using parentheses. If the set consists of several disconnected pieces, we use the symbol for union " ": is written in interval notation as . How could we write down in interval notation? There are three pieces to consider: An interval such as , where both endpoints are excluded is called an open interval. An interval is called closed, if it contains its endpoints, such as . An unbounded interval such as is considered to be open; an interval such as is called closed (even though it does not contain its right endpoint). The whole real line is considered to be both open and closed. (So intervals are not like doors, they can be open and closed at the same time.) The most flexible (and complicated?) way to write down sets is to use set notation. Sets are delimited by curly braces. You can write down finite sets as lists. is the set with the three elements -1, and . For sets with infinitely many elements this becomes impossible, so there are other ways to write them down. Special symbols are used to denote important sets: Beyond that, set notation uses descriptions: the interval (-3,5] is written in set notation as read as " the set of all real numbers x such that ." The first part tells us what "universe" of numbers we are considering (in our case the universe of real numbers), the delimiter " " separates the "universe" part from the second part, where we describe the property our numbers in the set are supposed to satisfy. is the set of all integers exceeding -3 and not greater than 5; this is a finite set; we could write it as a list, is even smaller; it contains only five elements: Here are some more examples: The interval can be written as the set looks like this in set notation: or like this Write the set of all real numbers strictly between -2 and in interval notation and in set notation. Write the set in set notation. Write the unbounded set in both interval notation and set notation. Mark the set on the real number line. Write down the set of solutions to the inequality in all three notations. Do you need more help? Please post your question on our S.O.S. Mathematics CyberBoard.
Exercise 3: Numbers and Math Every programming language has some kind of way of doing numbers and math. Do not worry: programmers lie frequently about being math geniuses when they really aren't. If they were math geniuses, they would be doing math, not writing buggy web frameworks so they can drive race cars. This exercise has lots of math symbols. Let's name them right away so you know what they are called. As you type this one in, say the name. When saying them feels boring you can stop saying them. Here are the names: - + plus - - minus - / slash - * asterisk - % percent - < less-than - > greater-than - <= less-than-equal - >= greater-than-equal Notice how the operations are missing? After you type in the code for this exercise, go back and figure out what each of these does and complete the table. For example, + does addition. Make sure you type this exactly before you run it. Compare each line of your file to my file. What You Should See - Above each line, use the # to write a comment to yourself explaining what the line does. - Remember in Exercise 0 when you started python? Start python this way again and using the math operators, use Python as a calculator. - Find something you need to calculate and write a new .py file that does it. - Notice the math seems "wrong"? There are no fractions, only whole numbers. You need to use a "floating point" number, which is a number with a decimal point, as in 10.5, or 0.89, or even 3.0. - Rewrite ex3.py to use floating point numbers so it's more accurate. 20.0 is floating point. Common Student Questions - Why is the % character a "modulus" and not a "percent"? - Mostly that's just how the designers chose to use that symbol. In normal writing you are correct to read it as a "percent." In programming this calculation is typically done with simple division and the / operator. The % modulus is a different operation that just happens to use the % symbol. - How does % work? - Another way to say it is, "X divided by Y with J remaining." For example, "100 divided by 16 with 4 remaining." The result of % is the J part, or the remaining part. - What is the order of operations? - In the United States we use an acronym called PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction. That's the order Python follows as well. - Why does / (divide) round down? - It's not really rounding down; it's just dropping the fractional part after the decimal. Try doing 7.0 / 4.0 and compare it to 7 / 4 and you'll see the difference.
Gravitational heat convection in the mantle is the source of forces that move, bend, and break rocks in the Earth's lithosphere (Figure 3.19). Heat in the Earth is produced by radioactive decay of unstable isotopes as well as heat left over from when the Earth formed billions of years ago in the solar system's nebula. Motion within the mantle is responsible for deep crustal stretching (extension) and compression. Motion in the mantle is produced by gravitational heat convection—hot rocks expand and rise whereas cooler (hence denser) rocks sink. Thicker, less dense, continental crust floats higher than thinner, denser ocean crust below ocean basins. Gravity-driven heat convection within the Earth is the conclusive power source driving plate tectonic motions. Behavior of the Lithosphere (rigid crust and upper mantle) and Asthenosphere (upper mantle) Subdivisions used in geologic discussions relating to Plate Tectonics Theory (discussed below) include: The Lithosphere is the rocky outer portion of the Earth, consist of the crust and upper mantle (about the upper 60 miles [100 km] below the Earth's surface). It is the solid (more brittle) zone of the earth where earthquakes occur. The asthenosphere is the upper portion of the mantle underlying the lithosphere where heat and pressure is great enough for materials to flow slowly. This movement is driven by the heat derived from within the deeper parts of the mantle and core that cause materials to flow by gravitational heat convection (see Figure 3.19). Gravitational convection works as follows—Adding heat causes materials (solid and molten) to expand, loose density, and rise; whereas cooling material shrinks and increases in density, and sinks. The asthenosphere is a semi fluid layer of the Earth, between about 40 to 80 miles (100-200 km) below the outer rigid lithosphere (oceanic and continental crust) forming part of the mantle and thought to be able to slowly flow vertically and horizontally, enabling sections of lithosphere to subside, rise, and undergo lateral movement associated with plate tectonics. Another important distinction within the lithosphere are the differences between what is known as oceanic crust and continental crust. The rocks exposed on continental land masses are different than those found in the crust beneath the ocean basins. Ocean crust is part of Earth's lithosphere that underlies ocean basins. Oceanic crust is primarily composed of mafic rocks (chiefly basalt and other rocks rich in iron and magnesium). These rocks are more dense than the rocks that underlie continents (continental crust rocks are less dense and are enriched in silica and aluminum). In addition, ocean crust around the world is significantly younger (less than 200 million years). In contrast, rocks that are found within continental landmasses are generally less dense and much older than rocks found beneath ocean basins. Land masses composed of continental crust have typically accumulated very slowly through the natural refining processes associated with plate-tectonics over many hundreds of millions to several billion years. Continental crust is the relatively thick parts of the Earth's crust that forms the large landmasses. Continental crust is generally older, thicker, and less dense than ocean crust. Continental crust is also typically, more complex than oceanic crust, Continental landmasses are dominantly composed of igneous and metamorphic of granite or more felsic composition (rocks are enriched in silica and aluminum). In general, rocks found within continental crust are less dense and thicker than the rocks beneath the ocean basins. This difference in thickness and density of the two types of crust helps explain the geography of the planet as well as explaining many aspects of the tectonic forces changing the landscapes of our planet over time. Just like blocks of wood floating in water, where the continental crust is thicker and less dense, the land masses isostatically float higher on the asthenosphere. Where the continental crust is thick enough it rise above the surface of the oceans (Figure 3.20). Oceans fills in the lower regions on the Earth's surface underlain by thinner, denser ocean crust.
This composite image shows an intergalactic "weather map" around the elliptical galaxy NGC 5813, the dominant central galaxy in a galaxy group located about 105 million light years away from Earth. Just like a weather map for a local forecast on Earth, the colored circle depicts variations in temperature across a region. This particular map presents the range of temperature in a region of space as observed by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, with the hotter temperatures shown in red and decreasingly cooler temperatures shown in orange, yellow, green, and blue. The numbers displayed when rolling your mouse over the image give the gas temperature in millions of degrees. A notable feature of this image is the relatively small variation in temperature across the weather map, with a range of only about 30% across several hundred thousand light years. Without any sources of heat, the densest gas near the center of the map should cool to much lower temperatures as energy is lost because of radiation. However, regular outbursts generated by the supermassive black hole at the center of NGC 5813 provide heat, preventing the gas near the center of the galaxy from cooling to such low temperatures. This decreases the amount of cool gas available to form new stars. This process is analogous to the Sun providing heat for Earth's atmosphere and preventing water and water vapor from cooling and freezing. How do outbursts generated by the black hole provide heat? Powerful jets produced as gas swirls toward the black hole push cavities into the hot gas and drive shock waves -- like sonic booms -- outwards, heating the gas. The shocks from the most recent outburst, which occurred about 3 million years ago in Earth's time frame, show up as a "figure eight" structure at the center of the image. This is the first system where the observed heating from shocks alone is sufficient to keep the gas from cooling indefinitely. These shocks allow the relatively tiny black hole to heat the huge area surrounding it, as shown here.
A few years ago, researchers revealed that the universe is expanding at a much faster rate than originally believed—a discovery that earned a Nobel Prize in 2011. But measuring the rate of this acceleration over large distances is still challenging and problematic. This new system of measurement takes into account the radiation emitted from the material that surrounds black holes before it is absorbed. As material is drawn into a black hole, it heats up and emits a huge amount of radiation, up to a thousand times the energy produced by a large galaxy containing 100 billion stars. For this reason, it can be seen from very far distances, explains Prof. Netzer . Netzer of Tel Aviv University's School of Physics and Astronomy. Using radiation to measure distances is a general method in astronomy, but until now black holes have never been used to help measure these distances. By adding together measurements of the amount of energy being emitted from the vicinity of the black hole to the amount of radiation which reaches Earth, it's possible to infer the distance to the black hole itself and the time in the history of the universe when the energy was emitted. Getting an accurate estimate of the radiation being emitted depends on the properties of the black hole. For the specific type of black holes targeted in this work, the amount of radiation emitted as the object draws matter into itself is actually proportional to its mass, say the researchers. Therefore, long-established methods to measure this mass can be used to estimate the amount of radiation involved. The viability of this theory was proved by using the known properties of black holes in our own astronomical vicinity, "only" several hundred million light years away. Prof. Netzer believes that his system will add to the astronomer's tool kit for measuring distances much farther away, complimenting the existing method which uses the exploding stars called supernovae. According to Prof. Netzer, the ability to measure far-off distances has the potential to unravel some of the greatest mysteries of the universe, which is approximately 14 billion years old. "When we are looking into a distance of billions of light years, we are looking that far into the past," he explains. "The light that I see today was first produced when the universe was much younger." One such mystery is the nature of what astronomers call "dark energy," the most significant source of energy in the present day universe. This energy, which is manifested as some kind of "anti-gravity," is believed to contribute towards the accelerated expansion of the universe by pushing outwards. The ultimate goal is to understand dark energy on physical grounds, answering questions such as whether this energy has been consistent throughout time and if it is likely to change in the future. The research team included Prof. Netzer of Tel Aviv University's School of Physics and Astronomy, along with Jian-Min Wang, Pu Du and Chen Hu of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr. David Valls-Gabaud of the Observatoire de Paris. Journal reference: Physical Review Letters The Daily Galaxy via Tel Aviv University Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/J.Wang et al.; Optical: Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, La Palma/Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope, Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA
Grade level: 5 About the lesson - The learner will be able to write 4 digit numbers, 3 different ways, standard from, word form and expanded form. Number, Number Sense and Operations Standard - 2. Use place value concepts to represent whole numbers and decimals using numerals, words, expanded notation and physical models. Brief Lesson Overview Students will each be given one 6 sided number cube. (If available you may use cubes numbered up to 9.) Students will roll the cube once. They will place that number in the first box on their paper. Repeat 3 more times, filling in all four boxes. Below the row of boxes students will write their numbers 3 different ways. After they write the number 3 different ways the student will circle whether it is an even or an odd number. - one dice per student - worksheet- Rolling Numbers 1. Standard form ____________________________ 2. Word form ________________________________ 3. Expanded form ____________________________ 4. Circle one: even or odd Students will work in their centers. They will first complete their math fact quiz for the contest. They will then prepare for the lesson. This center is a review from classroom activities. Review with the students each meaning. Standard Form- a way to write numbers by using digits example: 3,450 Word Form- a way to write numbers by using words example: three thousand, four hundred fifty Expanded Form- a way to write numbers by showing the value of each digit example: 3,000 + 400 + 50 + 0 Pictures to follow!! Students can continue this activity in the room. They can have another classmate give them four different numbers. Write the largest number they can and then continue as they did in their center. Write each number 3 ways, standard form, expanded form and word form. Then tell their classmate if it is even or odd. What were some problems we faced with this center?
Scientists at Cambridge University have developed a model that may show why some tsunamis—including the one that devastated Japan in March 2011ar—e so much larger than expected. The Japanese tsunami baffled the world's experts as it was far bigger than might have been anticipated from what is known about the deep sea earthquakes that create long waves out in the ocean. In a paper published today (24 August 2012) in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Professors Dan McKenzie and James Jackson of Cambridge's Department of Earth Sciences describe for the first time the added factor that may have made this tsunami so severe: a huge collapse of soft material on the sea bed resulted in a far greater movement of water than would have been caused by the earthquake alone. Tsunamis occur when an earthquake rapidly changes the shape of the sea floor, displacing the water above it. The earthquake itself is the abrupt rupture of a fault surface separating rocks that have steadily been bending like a loaded spring, before suddenly overcoming friction and slipping, releasing the elastic energy. In the case of the Japan earthquake, the fault is the plate boundary, allowing the Pacific sea floor to slide beneath Japan. The wave formed at the sea surface as the sea floor moves can cause untold damage when it hits shore. "As the plates move against each other, the rocks on their boundaries slowly bend under the pressure, until they eventually crack and slide on faults. When they do, there is an upwards and outwards movement that takes just a few seconds: a movement of 10 metres is a large earthquake and out at sea this causes a tsunami," said Professor Jackson. "But data from the Japanese earthquake show a movement of more than 60 metres. Rocks can bend—but they cannot bend to that extent and, anyway, the rocks that moved were sloppy sediments with little strength. This suggests that something else was taking place to increase the movement several fold. It was this massive movement that caused the tsunami that swamped the coast of Japan and beyond with such terrible consequences." Important advances in technologies for monitoring movements on the sea bed, plus a huge investment by the Japanese government, mean that the world's scientific community has access to an unprecedented level of data about what happened in March 2011 some seven km under the sea and around 70 km off the coast of Japan. By interpreting data gathered in the lead-up to and aftermath of the Japanese tsunami, as well as during the event itself, the Cambridge scientists have shown that the squeezing together of two plates in the earth's crust not only resulted in a fracture but also caused a massive collapse of the debris that had built up on the sea bed as tectonic movements scraped loose sediment into an unstable wedge. "When the wedge of material collapsed, the leading edge split off and shot forward a bit like a pip shooting out of a giant pair of tongs. In essence, what happened was a release of both the elastic energy stored in the rocks and the gravitational energy contained in the wedge-shaped build-up of debris," said Professor Jackson. The extra movement of the sea bed at the toe of the wedge enhanced the shape of the huge wave created at the surface of the sea, which travelled towards Japan. The research throws a light on other unusually large tsunamis that have long puzzled scientists, including those that struck Nicaragua in 1992, Sumatra in 2004, and Java in 2006. A comparison of data from these events with that from the recent Japanese tsunami reveals that they have much in common, strongly suggesting that these disasters too occurred as a result of the release of gravitational as well as elastic energy. "These events share a number of unusual features, including large displacements, suggesting that they resulted partly from the collapse of debris. We hope that our research represents a step forward in understanding how large tsunamis occur and in what circumstances they are likely to happen," said Professor Jackson. Explore further: Sumatra earthquake mysteries examined
About the Density Lesson An introduction to the concept of density including how to calculate density and compare densities of different substances. • Students will be able to define density as mass divided by volume. • Students will be familiar with the common units for mass and volume. • Students will be able to calculate density if given mass and volume. • Students will be able to compare the densities of substances to the known density of water. • Students will recognize the importance of the density of ice as compared to liquid water. If you have ever been in a crowded movie theater or shopping mall, you are familiar with the idea of density. Picture your school classroom with only five students in it. Now think of that same classroom with 30 students in it. The classroom is the same size in each case, but the number of people is different. Which classroom situation has a higher density? If you said the class of 30 students, you are correct. More students in the same sized space means a higher population density. In chemistry, density is a physical property of matter. Density depends on both mass and volume. The equation below shows this.
Just like you can add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers, you can do those same operations with functions. Suppose you have two functions To add these two functions, we have two ways to write the notation. We can write addition as which is how most math books indicate addition or which is what most students find most useful. To find we only need to add the two functions together. Subtraction The parentheses that were included in the previous step were not absolutely necessary. However, it can be helpful to use parentheses to separate the functions. It is also helpful to use this notation when subtracting and multiplying functions. Now we need to combine like terms (link to basic operations-simplifying.doc) So we have As with addition, we can write the notation for subtraction of two functions as or . However, with addition it did not matter if we wrote or . The answer is the same in both cases. You might want to verify this for yourself. But with subtraction, the order definitely matters. Think about it this way. When you are adding two numbers, you can put them in any order, but the same is NOT true when subtracting two numbers. The same holds true when working with functions. So if we want to find , we must first write down and then write down and then perform the subtraction. Multiplication You should be able to see how helpful the parentheses are in this problem, since we will have to change the sign of every term in the second set of parentheses. At this point, we need to combine like terms to get our answer. So we have As with addition, the order that multiplication is listed in will not affect the final answer. And as with subtraction, the use of parentheses will be important to us. Division To find we will simply multiply our two functions. To simplify, we must make use of the distributive property. Remember the distributive property says that we have to multiply every term in the first set of parentheses by every term in the second set of parentheses. After using the distributive property, we will simplify and combine like terms. In some ways, division of two functions can be the easiest of the four operations. To find we only have to create a rational function by putting in the numerator and in the denominator. This gives us Notice that when working with addition, subtraction, and multiplication, we did not worry about the domain of our newly created functions. However, with division when we create a rational function, we have to be concerned about having zero in the denominator. Let’s call our newly created function . So we have . The domain of is all real numbers except x = -3. If you need to review the domain of a function, click here. You can see that combining functions is not quite as easy as combining two numbers, but the process is very similar. There is another way to combine two functions which is called composition of functions. To learn more, click here. (link to functions-composition.doc) Evaluation In each of the operations we looked at, we found a new function and that was the end of our problem. It is possible to be asked to evaluate this newly created function at a particular value. If you need to review how to evaluate a function, click here. (link to functions-evalution.doc) Let’s go back and re-visit our addition problem. We had and and found . Suppose we were also asked about . It is the same process used for evaluating any other function. We need to substitute the value of 3 into the new function everywhere we see an x. Doing so will give us . You should substitute the value of 3 into both the f function and the g function and then add those values to make sure that also gives you 19. This shows that it is possible to evaluate each function individually and then combine the two values. However, it is usually a more expedient method to combine the two functions and then do the evaluation. But it does provide a good way for you to check your work.
Heating and cooling materials - That's Chemistry! Type of Activity These PDFs have been taken from the popular book, That's Chemistry! compiled by Jan Rees. This book covers key ideas of physical science that primary students learn about, as well as giving numerous suggestions of activities, demonstrations and investigations that can be used to enhance students' learning. If you teach primary science, click the headings below to find out how to use this resource: Children will develop their working scientifically skills by: - Asking their own questions about scientific phenomena. - Selecting and planning the most appropriate ways to answer questions, including: - Researching using a wide range of secondary sources of information. - Grouping and classifying. - Carrying out comparative and fair tests. - Recording and presenting data and results, using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs. - Drawing conclusions and raising further questions to be investigated, based on their data and observations. - Using appropriate scientific language and ideas to explain, evaluate and communicate their methods and findings. - Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible. - This includes burning and reacting acid with bicarbonate of soda. - Demonstrate that changes of state are reversible changes. - Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperatures that these changes occur. Children will learn: What is meant by the terms reversible and irreversible change, and be able to provide examples of both. That changes of state can occur when materials are heated or cooled, and that these changes are often reversible. Suggested activity use This resource can be used as a long-term planning tool, where you can map out different activities to build and embed children’s understanding of reversible and irreversible changes, and the effects that heating and cooling can have on different materials, through practical experiences. The resource provides plenty of opportunities for whole-class and group work. You will need to be clear about what you expect children to learn as a result of carrying out the different experiments.