<s>[INST] So im on a combination birth control pill and my boyfriend and I use a condom most of the time. Around the start of this pack of pills I started cramping and bleeding and its been going on now for a week and a half with no signs of ending. Any ideas what could be up? Could I not have strong enough pills for me? [/INST] NamastheWelcome to Healthcare-MagicGreetings of the dayOccasionally women who start taking pills for first time may experience bleeding. It's due to withdrawal bleeding due to fluctuations in hormone levels. It will regularise. There is no indication to use higher potency pills. Take careBest RegardsDr T ShobhaMBBS MD </s>
<s>[INST] hi i am 27 year old. it has been more than 5 months i am having very light pain in the left side of my lower abdomen and burning sensation after passing urine and urge to urine. whenever i vomit blood comes out within water. i had a endoscopy , ultrasound and urine examination done. reports are normal. but problem is the same. [/INST] hi, i have read about your problem of voimiting blood . blood is not normally seen in vomit with out any underlying problem like ulcers.as your endoscopy is normal that means you had a mild tear in the mucosa which can produce blood in forceful vomitings or when try to hold the vomiting. regarding your pain,burning urine and urgency to urine is because of urinary tract infection secondary to stones somestimes are not visible in tests(radiolucent) .please contact your physician,who can prescribe antibiotics. i hpoe this will help you take care ,have a good day bye. </s>
<s>[INST] WWW.WWWW.WW think my son is infected with measles. He is 2 year 8 months old now. He's received all required immunizations up till he is 2 years old, and then when he is about 2 year and 2 months old, we moved from USA to Indonesia.This morning when I picked him up from his pre-school, I found red blotchy skin on his forehead. I suspected that he got measles after learning that the symptoms also include runny nose and cough, which is what my son has been dealing with these past few days, but he doesn't have fever. Should I go to doctor immediately? [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM.I understand your concern for your son.If your son has received all the vaccines up to age of 2 year, he should have received 2 shots of measles which will give adequate immunity with efficacy of 95%. This means chances of having measles is very less. Over and above, its extremely rare to have measles without fever.The rash on the forehead should be due to some other reason like sun burn, seborrhic dermatitis or something else. Cough and running nose may be due to some viral infection or allergy.Hope this will be helpful.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have some type of heart problem i believe its called Valvular insufficiency, i have been wanting a tatoo for years now and i am wondering if i take extremely good care of my tatoo would it be okay to get one. i have not talked to my heart doc in 7 year because i have not had the money. He said it was very posssile for me to outgrow my condition. I have never had any problem that could be related to this condition, i am very active and in good health. I am required to take amoxicillin 500mg befor i go to the dentist, and i would take these pills before getting my tatoo as well. Do you think me getting a tatoo would be okayy?? [/INST] let's consider all ...valvular insufficiency is usually corrected by valve repair surgery but valve function improve also if we correct aggravating factors ..now second thing ..if you want to get tatoo ..only concern is that person may be allergic to tatoo dye or risk of infection ..you are given antibiotics before any invasive thing as dental work or tatoo just to save you from endocarditis risk with defective valve ..please take your antibiotic before hand ..and tatoo instruments must be sterilised </s>
<s>[INST] My husband and I both have been waking up in the morning with headaches in the back of our heads, and pain in our necks and shoulders. We ve flipped our mattress and changed pillows three times over the past several months. Some mornings are worse than others. [/INST] Hello, It is better to get examined by a neurologist, rather than blaming the pillows or mattresses. Definitely, your symptoms are not normal and are not related to the pillow or mattress. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Sudhir Kumar, Neurologist </s>
<s>[INST] my son is 3 aND he does have allergies...but hasnt been taking his zyrtec for awhile and he seems to be getting colds alot..everytime i turn around they have colds cough runny nose but no fevers i do have 1 yr twin girls...so i was wondering if i should worry about him getting reaccuring colds.and also hes been complaining of leg pain every once in awhile its mainly at night or in the late evening its never swelled or anything and he walks on it but i worry about childhood cancer ever since i heard about my aunts husbands grandson being the same age as my son and having it. [/INST] Hello, Persistent cough and runny nose looks like allergies any pets cockroaches open fields specific food so try to avoid triggering factor. Another cause is foreign body impaction in nose, 3 year old with leg pains is growing pains typically occurs in night. It will reduce with foods rich in calcium like milk yogurt and vit D supplementation.it is unlikely to be cancer as usually cancer presents with severe night cries bleeding manifestations local swelling and anemia. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Prasanna Lakshmi, Pediatrician </s>
<s>[INST] I had a c section on 27th October,17 and my baby s weight was 2.8 kgs. For the first 2 days my baby was given farex stage 1. Later I fed her BM but from last few days I m giving her farex once . I m noticing that she is passing lots of gas and having difficulty passing stool. Couldn t find out what is the reason? Is the formula milk? Thinking of giving her Woodward s gripe water but doctors are not approving. Can I please suggest which formula for is best. And can I use gripe water if baby cries due to colic pain. Also my baby is having a stuffy nose due to cough. What can I do? Please help. Thanks in advance [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Don't give Gripe water. It causes burning micturition, it contains alcohol. So please avoid. Mother's milk is best milk. if your milk is inadequate, then you can give formula feed like Nanpro/Similac/Lactogen/Farex stage 1 with proper dilution. After feeding, allow him for burping. For colic pain just give Colicaid/Colimex drops. For stuffy nose give Nasivion/Nasoclear nasal drops. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 42 year old female, overweight often have back pain. I fell forward over two stacked milk crates, did not hear a pop or have immediate pain, however, 20 minutes later i was unable to walk without pain in the lower left part of my back. It seems like the pain comes when i twist my back in any way. There is no specific spot that hurts if I touch it and it does not feel warm. I am used to back pain from stress and strain, but this feels different. Should I ice it as if it is a pulled muscle, or heat it? [/INST] Hello dear,The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to muscle spasm secondary to the fall.Symptomatic relief can be obtained by taking analgesics like Diclofenac with serratiopeptidase (to be taken after food), application of analgesic+muscle relaxant ointment, ice compression & adequate rest.Physiotherapy therapy exercise will also be helpful.If symptoms still persist, kindly get an X ray of lower back done to rule out any pathological cause for your symptoms.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My 28 year old daughter has a deep red circle on the tip of her tongue about the size of a quarter. It is much deeper in color than the rest of her tongue and is definitely circular. It has been there for about 3 weeks without change. She does not drink or smoke or chew tobacco. She has good mouth health habits. What could it be indicating? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The red circle at the tip of the tongue can be a benign migratory glossitis or erythematous candidiasis.Consult a oral physician and get it ruled out.The benign migratory glossitis occurs secondary to nutritional deficiency, stress...If it is benign migratory glossitis no need of any treatment, if it is painful, then you can take topical anesthetic and analgesics like anabel gel. apply 3-4 times daily before food.If it is candidasis, Then you can take topical antifungal agents like candid mouth paint, apply 3-4times daily for 1week.I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi , I am 25 years , male I am not married and i have not had sex with anyone. But it is during masturbation i have found to have very weak erections when i stop mastribation for 3 to 4 day my penis is erected when i mastribate but he relase sperm in 5 min this is normal [/INST] Hello,You are just 25. You are not married, I hope. At this age and non-marital status, the erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are mostly due to your stress and anxiety. Can be cured with psycho-education and counseling. Therefore I suggest consulting a psychologist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand, Psychologist </s>
<s>[INST] my face is fully tanned n with pimples what to do for this? [/INST] my face is fully tanned n with pimples what to do for this? </s>
<s>[INST] I noticed my head automatically sways from right to left and left to right again... This is especially noticeable when I work with the computer and start walking... I receive a reprise for this condition when I drive or when I exercise... This happened like 1 1/2 months ago and my dr is unable provide an answer of what is causing the swaying... Was wondering whether you have any ideas what is causing it? [/INST] could be a neck muscle contraction or involuntary spasmthese occur if any supplying nerve root is irritableMRI cervical spine can look for nerve root statephysiotherapy and muscle relaxants will help </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter is deef and dump after unknown sickness doctors says she is fine some psychiatric problem is become just one before two months she was perfect and going school.her body become shaking for almost 30 days ,there was no fits diagnosed now she is ok but cant speak and listen,rarely she speak and hear. [/INST] HiThanks for writing to health care magic.Brain infection called as.meningitis or encephalitis can cause such effects.Get an MRI brain and EEGWishing your child good healthRegardsDr Arun </s>
<s>[INST] yes i fell 7 days ago and landed on both knees really hard i weigh 240 lbs they were sore for a few days and turned black and purple last night my ankles started sewlling i elevated them and the swelling whent down some but not all the way had to work and the swelling started again i dont have insurance to go to a doctor is there anything i can do at home to get rid of this [/INST] Hello, Thanks for posting your query. Rest and protect an injured or sore area. When resting, place a small pillow under your knee. Ice will reduce pain and swelling. Apply ice or cold pack for 10 to 20 minutes,3 or more times a day. Compression, or wrapping the injured or sore area with an elastic bandage will help decrease swelling. Elevate the injured or sore area on pillows while applying ice and anytime you are sitting or lying down. There are many vitamins and natural supplements you can take to help rebuild cartilage and increase blood flow. wishing you good health. Regards. Dr. Saurabh gupta </s>
<s>[INST] had severe urinary infection with high fever on 14th Feb and on CT Scan found stones in tube had laser operation and stones removed but till date fever persists. What could be the reason for the fever and chills. All test taken No Dengue,Typhoid,Malaria. CBC shows infection [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Fever is quite common after removal of renal stones because of subsequent infection following the procedure. Start antibiotics preferably Ciprofloxacin and do blood and urine culture and change antibiotics accordingly. As of now you can take Paracetamol for fever. Drink plenty of water to keep your self hydrated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain </s>
<s>[INST] I have several teeth on the bottom that are turning black at the gum line, what is causing this and what can I do to fix it? I am only 44 years old and I am afraid I either need several root canals or they will tell me to put dentures in but I'm only 44. I brush my teeth twice a day and use mouth wash also. [/INST] helloo...the black line if present on tooth surface it can be either due to staining or it can be caries...if caries u can get it filled based on depth if its staining it can be removed by scaling...if black colour is in gum..then it can be due to subgingival calculus which can be removed by scaling...so nothing to be worried meet a dentist and get ur problem solved...according to symptoms said by u i dont feel u have chances of denture now.....be cool..hope ur benefitted something by this reply..have a healthy day!!! </s>
<s>[INST] My girlfriend took an i-pill after 18 hours of unprotected sex. I didn't ejaculate inside her but still she took the pill for preventive measures. Her periods were due to start 7-9 days after sex. She got her period but it lasted for only 2 days. As well as the bleeding was very light comparing to her normal periods.Can consuming an i-pill for the first time cause irregularity in periods? What can be the effects of it on periods? Can the bleeding in the periods after taking the pill be relatively light? [/INST] hi thanks for your queryyes consuming an i- pill any time can cause irregularity in cycle.most of the time it causes delay in periods.usually does not affect the amount of bleeding . first rule out pregnancy by urine pregnancy test if no pregnancy then tell her to keep menstrual chart and use a good contraceptivealso .if again decreased flow then she needs hormonal evaluation .as decrease in flow could be due to others reasons as thyroid disorder ,hyperprolactinemia wt loss ,stress, </s>
<s>[INST] I just received results of a CT Myelogram which showed disc bulges at L3-4, L4-5 and L5-S1 without significant spinal stenosis or foraminal narrowing. I have been having severe pain in my lower back and R foot. It also showed uncovertebral spurring at C3-4 with foraminal narrowing, bilateral uncovertebral spurring slightly more pronounced on the right with mild to moderate right and mild left foraminal narrowing. At C6-7 there is a diffuse osteophytic bar dorsally with bilateral uncovertebral spurring. This results in moderate right and moderately severe left foraminal narrowing at C6-7. There is also mild spinal stenosis. I am also having significant neck pain. I work as a uniformed law enforcement officer and the gun belt is extremely hard to wear.What does this mean? [/INST] Hello, The low back pain and the neck pain that you have is related to the bulging discs. These are age-related degenerative changes of the spine and are related to poor posture and lack of adequate exercise also. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Praveen Tayal, Orthopaedic Surgeon </s>
<s>[INST] My mother-in-law who is 83 has been having episodes of sudden shaking and total weakness. She has had two falls and broke an ankle. She loses all strength suddenly and doesn t know when it will happen. When she went to the hospital they gave her fluids and tested blood but couldn t find anything. At one point I believe she was told her kidney function is not quite normal. Any ideas....she goes to an array of specialist but know when has an answer for her? [/INST] Hello,Sudden onset of weakness may be due to stroke or essential tremor or delirium or electrolyte imbalance or caffeine or other medications or it ma be a seizure etc. Until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is. Please get it done MRI brain, ECG, serum electrolytes, X-ray of leg and blood sugar levels. Please consult with your neuro-physician he will examine and treat you accordingly.Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Penchila Prasad Kandikattu , Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] I am 57 years had triple vessel graft 2 years ago and on full medical treatment . I still have chest pain at rest and when taking deep breath plus feeling of sob which last one to two hours when i walk there is burning sensatin after 10 min which diappear after 4to5 min rest what should I do now thanks [/INST] Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your situation and problem. Since you had cardiac surgery in the past, we should first rule out cardiac cause for your symptoms. Your symptoms like intermittent chest pain, shortness of breath etc are commonly seen in heart diseases. So first get done ecg, 2d echo and if needed coronary Angiography to rule out heart diseases. If all these are normal than get done chest x ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to rule out bronchitis. As bronchitis can also cause similar symptoms. So you should consult doctor and discuss all these. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] The tube connecting to my left testy is sore and causes an uncomfortable "butterflies in my stomach" feeling. i have also been feeling like i need to pee even if i have nothing to pee. sometimes when i pee it stings slightly. there are also instances when i drink coffee, where i feel an uncomfortable throbbing in the area that is in unison with my heartbeat. I am trying to save money to go to the doctors but due to work i currently cannot afford the trip. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem may be? [/INST] HiIt can be a urinary infection with or with out kidney stone.But if there is swelling and redness above testicles it can be epididimitis.Drink plenty of water.Barley water is good to take. You can take sodium citrate or pottassium citrate syrup 15 in glass of water. It might give you a relief. Urinary infection can be ruled out by a routine urine test.Puss cells will be present in plenty in case of infection. In such case you need to take antibiotics.Let me know if you have any further query.wishing you a speedy recoverythanks </s>
<s>[INST] My father, 81, (after a 4 bypass surgery back in the 80s) has undergone a stent/baloon procedure two days ago at NYU hospital. (Two arteries were disconnected/blocked.) He is home now. Has been prescribed: Aspirin, Plavix, & Pletal for 6 months. He is now complaining of chest pain. Is that normal after the procedure? [/INST] Hello There After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that chest pain is persisting because of blocked arteries and that specific area of the arteries is not getting enough oxygen. It is recommended for you to consult your treating cardiologist and ask him to add some anti anginal drugs to lower the pain.Hopefully this information will guide you properly.Kind Regards Dr Bhanu Partap </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor I am having mild PCOD,last two months tried with clomid but negative. This month taken tab clomid ,done usg on 16th day during that time egg was very small I started to take duphaston from 16 th day After that i had intercourse,Please I want to know if I got pregnant any complications will happen for this [/INST] Hi no complications will occur if you are taking duphaston because it supports pregnancy. But as your eggs was small on day 16 also you need to increase the dose of clomid and also you may require some injections for growth of your eggs. Talk to your doctor regarding this. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 29 yr old, we have been trying to conceive since 3 mnths , my periods are regular, went thru follicular sono at CD9 report was right ovary size 10x11 mm left ovary msf & endo metrium size 6.2 mm, IS THIS NORMAL SIZE , pls suggest which is the size we should consider to be normal for conceiving ?? [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. On day 9 of your cycle the report that you have mentioned is normal. You can get a follicular study done after day 12 to find out about ovulation.I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal ,drrakhitayal@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] I have a low hemocrit and hemoglobin. I have been anemic since the twenties or before. I am 87 and was found consistently anemic. there has been a recent drop in the hemocrit and hemoglobin. I have felt in good health with some esophogeal problems, but no loss of weight or appetite. I work 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and do not feel debilitated. any suggestion as to whether this is serious? [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Most common cause of drop in hematocrit and hemoglobin is gastrointestinal bleeding. You should search for that. Ultrasound abdomen is also helpful to search some internal cause. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] i HAVE PAIN IN THE LOWER RIGHT SIDE AND AND BUTTOCK AREA. iT GETS WORST WHEN I STAND OR WALK, BUT DOESN T APPEAR WORST WHEN I SIT. i HAVE HAD THIS FOR FIVE DAYS, AND HAVE USED VARIOUS PAIN RELIEVERS, ALEVE, AND CORTIZONE. THE PAIN DOES NOT GO AWAY. EMAIL ADDRESS: YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Pain may be due to gluteus muscle spasm which on action on standing. Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus are the three main buttock muscles. Gluteus maximus is biggest muscle in the body and some sources say it’s the strongest. All of these muscles may get tendon problems causing pain in the buttock. There are also a number of trigger points within these muscles that may give pain within the buttock. There are three trigger points commonly encountered in Gluteus max, another three in medius and minimus. Other possibilities like hamstring tendinopathy pain which may be triggered by overuse of muscles of hamstring. You may take rest , use cold and worm compression . Use pain killer medication like naprosyn or ibuprofen or indomethacin. If symptoms not improved please consult your physician he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] This morning I was just standing up doing my makeup, and I felt this sort of air bubble in my lower back. I felt a piercing pain afterwards and it took a while for it to fade although it still hurt to stand up and do certain things. This pain has been going on all day, what is this and what can I do? [/INST] It looks like a muscle cramp.I would recommend a pain killer like acetaminophen. Warm compresses. Avoid massaging.If the pain persists, visit a doctor and get it examined.Hope this answers your question, thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I ve been having a dull, but sometimes sharp pain and a knot in the left side of my pelvis. I have a history of HPV and vaginal cysts. Got an ultrasound and they couldn t see anything due to a large amt of gas bubbles. The pain and weird round ball like swelling comes and goes. Gyno suggests a laparoscopic to check for endometriosis :( thoughts? [/INST] It could also be a lymph node enlargement due to infection. It also has such presentation - On and off with the infective etiology. Get an USG done and check for it. Whenever infection is there, lymph node enlarges. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a new patient for high blood pressure meds. I have been taking AmLODIPine 5 mg for 3 weeks but the blood pressure is still too high. Dr. just ordered me to increase this to 10 mg, to be taken at night, AND a 5 mg Bystolic in the morning. This seems like a lot to me, maybe I am just being over-cautious. I am 71, in good health except for this high blood pressure all of a sudden. Is it normal to take TWO different meds for high blood pressure? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. The treatment for high blood pressure starts with 1 or 2 medications and the patient should monitor his blood pressure while taking medications to see how the treatment is going. If the blood pressure continuous high, the doctor can increase the doses and add other medications. Its very normal to take 2 different meds for high blood pressure. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Why does my wrist hurt when I bend it and also put pressure on it. Like I do things every day wit it hurtin like drive clean even when I carry bags. Its hurts on the back of my wrist and its my left one when im right handed its been going on for years it comes and goes ive had it on my right wrist before to. It feels like it needs to be popped or somthin pain isnt that bad all the time any idea s [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. As per your history there is possibility of TFCC/ligament injury around wrist.It may subside with time.Pain indicates inflammatory process or nerve compression.I will advise you to do MRI and Ultrasound of wrist.Till time you can start analgesic and crepe bandage support.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i have my semen c/s and it show that i have 35-40 pus cells/h.p.f stained smear: gram positive cocci organism: staph.aureus i used levofloxcin for 5 day before that test i gave by my doctor but nothing change of pus cells ..it look the same .. my "Q" 1-.. how can i get staph.aureus in my semen..is it by sex or there is other ways?..and how long i need to take this antibiotic to make sure that this realy gone of my system ? thanks .. [/INST] Hello dear,Thank you for your contact to health care magic.I read and understand your concern. I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.No, it won't spread sexually. But it can be spread via blood or through contagious route.S.aureus is very notorious bacteria for its resistant.I advice you should take the antibiotics according to the report. Complete treatment should be taken otherwise infection will recur.Please avoid sex during this period of treatment.Please maintain good hygiene locally. It will be equally important as taking the treatment. Please wash your genitalia daily while bathing with the clear water.I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.Thank you,Dr Arun TankInfectious diseases specialist,HCM. </s>
<s>[INST] HelloToday, out of the blue, I was sitting at my desk and go a very sharp stabbing pain, near my left testicle.It is not in the testicle, actually up in my groin. It felt liked I was being poked with a needle. I got up and rubbed the area and walked around . . . and the pain went away. SInce then I have gotten the sharp pain about every couple of hours. It comes with no warning. The pain only last about 5 - 10 seconds, but hurts tremendously. It seems that moving helps get rid of the pain, but don't know for sure. The pain makes me have to move and walk.I just saw a dentist yesterday because of a tooth ache. He said I need a root canal and prescribe amoxicillin for the infection. Could this be related to the new stabbing groin pains ?Also, I have had uric acid kidney stones. [/INST] Hi. From your history this looks to be a stone impacted or trying to pass through the ureter on the same side of the pain. No relation to amoxicillin. Get the urine test and sonography done, Visit a Doctor for clinical examination as to see there is no hernia or so. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my daughter just went to her dentist and I was told she had to have 2 back teeth pulled and 6 caps. She is only four years old. I knew it wasn't god when I brought her in. She has experienced no pain what so ever. I know it was my fault from lack of care but it is my job to make her feel the most comfortable as possible. Her molar on her right side is bothering her gums because it is infected and is starting to puss. She was prescribed amoxicillin. They scheduled four separate appointments to do the dental work. The appointments seem fairly close together. I don't believe it is enough time for her to recover before going back. I had asked for her to be put to sleep when the teeth were pulled and the dentist told me she recommended her to be on laughing gas because she was very cooperative. So my question to you is, how long does it take a four year old to recover from teeth being pulled and caps? Also, do you think the teeth should be pulled? Do you think I should demand her to be put to sleep? [/INST] Hello, thank you for consulting with healthcaremagic. As you are mentioning that your daughter molar teeth are infected, and even there is pus discharge , then you should get them removed as these are milk teeth not permanent and if you will leave them they will infect the erupting permanent tooth also.These capping which the dentist has mentioned will maintain the space for permanent teeth, so they are necessary. It will take only 1 to 2 days in recovery from pain otherwise she will be ok after surgery only. So please do not take tension and believe on the dentist. Hope it will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] hi my mother fell unconscious just getting up from the bedshe is 60 years old, no health problem as suchthese was head reeling for few minutes and then she fell downher face was distorted (drropled) for half a minutethen she got back her consciousness and got upbut she does not remember anything about the even afterwards [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.The most likely cause for brief loss of consciousness in your mother is syncope. In this condition, the blood supply to the brain reduces for a short period, leading to fainting. The underlying causes can be hunger, tiredness, infection, diarrhea, etc. Please get her examined by a physician to exclude any underlying cause. The other cause can be a seizure (fits), but it less likely.Please get back if you require any additional information.Best wishes,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,My personal URL on this website: My email: drsudhirkumar@yahoo.com </s>
<s>[INST] 32 yrs old male, height 5.6 weight 88 habbits - smoker ( daily 3 or 4) drinks - occ. once in monthmost of the time Veggy thrice in a month having chicken 1 or 2 pices Problem Desc. always feeling drowsy and muscle pain is there in the body, most of the time my eyes goes red, I just feel my muscles are weak. always feel Tired. [/INST] Hi, See, this is collectively due to heavy smoking, drinking alcohol and non-vegetarian food due to which your metabolism of food which contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats will be low and decreased so my suggestion is to decrease or stop smoking, drinking and eating non-vegetarian food. As you mentioned, redness in eye and drowsiness are sign of improper metabolism of food especially proteins, so uric acid might get increased. You can check your creatinine levels in lab. Do regular aerobic exercises, pranayama, yoga session, regular vegetarian food will prevent all these problems. The best way is to go to an art of living, Happiness workshop, near your city. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Hemang S Jani, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist </s>
<s>[INST] My pelvic scan report for Gall bladder shows multiple echogenic foci measuring 23mm in size noted in lumen . Does that mean I have gall stones? What is the suggested cure? Are there any precautions I should take ( diet etc.)? In past (2 months back) I have had severe abdominal pains lasting 10-15 minutes couple of times. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Your description of pelvic scan for gall bladder study is in appropriate. It should have been ultrasound examination of the gall bladder and the hepatobiliary tree. If this shows radio opaque stones in the gall bladder with post acoustic shadowing then the gall bladder needs to be removed. I hope this answers your querry. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] 2 days ago I noticed a nodule which seems subcutaneous on the palmar surface of my left index finder. It is just proximal to the proximal IP joint. It is about 4 mm in size, blue, and painful. I thought it might be a ganglion cyst, but the blue color, location pain and tenderness make me doubt that. Any thoughts? [/INST] Hello, Most probably it will be a ganglion. Other possibilities like arthritic nodule have to be ruled out. Consult an orthopedician and get evaluated. An MRI scan is required for further assessment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] I am 49 and have a heart murmur that has not impeded any activity in the past. Yesterday after a weekend of working on my house in the hot sun with no breaks for food and water, I woke up with a pain in my heart when I rolled over on my back. It subsided when I sat up, but I was pretty exhausted and slept all day. I felt fine by the evening. This morning when I woke up I felt a slight pain (not as bad as yesterday) again relieved when I sit up. I have a heart vitamin with coenzyme Q10, resveratol in it. I took one yesterday plus one aspirin. I have stayed home again for rest. I have no insurance right now. Recommendations? [/INST] Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms do not seem to be related to the heart. Acid reflux or a musculoskeletal pain could be the main causes underlying your complaints, as your symptoms are relieved by sitting down. Coming to this point, I recommend taking omeprazole for acid reflux. If the pain does not improve, the next step would be taking acetaminophen, which would help in case of musculoskeletal pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I was about to get a complete blood test done to check certain parameters. I have attached herein the screen shot of the parameters. I wanted to know if I have masturbated before 36 hours of these tests then would the results be adversely affected? If so, how many hours should lapse after I last masturbate to get these tests done? [/INST] Hi. For further information consult a family physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I suffer from back pain. Please give me a second opinion. I am attaching my reports. Please help. [/INST] Hi. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Few small multilevel osteophytes are seen. The L3-4 and L4-5 discs are desiccated. A mild posterior-central disc bulge is noted at L3-4 level indenting the posterior thecal sac without causing any nerve root compression. A mild posterior and right paracentral disc bulge is noted at L4-5 level indenting the posterior thecal sac, narrowing the right neural foramina touching the right exiting nerve roots. The facet joints are healthy. Please say about the nature of the pain you have. Say whether it is a radiating pain or tingling sensation. If you have the pain, then it could be due to disc bulge. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello about a week before I had surgery on my neck which involved three levels a plate and screw put in I started with my mouth like a little blood blister in it after surgery which is just little over a week and half my mouth is soar with more blisters I brush wash with warm salt water and use non mint ,or scope mouth wash what can this be ??? I can not go out yet and move around too much please help Thanks. [/INST] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting HCM, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have undergone surgery of neck now you have blood blister and sore mouth, dont worry you first consult your doctor for this , if he said it is not due to neck surgery then should consult dentist and go for Oral Examination and investigations if necessary As you are asking what it can be so it can be due to viral infection may be oral Herpes infection , or may be allergy induced or may be cancer sore or Angina bullosa haemorrhagicaSo consult dentist for Oral examination as early as possible,Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem? [/INST] Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter has had depression and anxiety for several years. Since October she has been struggling having suicidal thoughts with increased anxiety. Two weeks ago she decided to go to the hospital where she stayed for 4 days. They did change 2 out of 4 of her meds. The new antidepressant Trintellix we were told won’t kick in for about 4 weeks. They also put her on Vistiral but she is still having suicidal thoughts and anxiousness. She is 51 years of age. [/INST] Hi,I think its better to start her on mirtazapine in the night and ETIZOLAM in the morning which works betterThank you </s>
<s>[INST] i would like to know what is wrong with me.I felt a small lump in the left side of my neck,i think this is a cervical node.I had this evaluated by an EENT she said it's indeed a node but it was a flat node. i don't know if this has a relation but i have episodes of terrible headache specially when my period is coming. And i have persistent numbness in my left arm down to my hand,and sometimes pain in my left leg and toes, also i have pain in my left shoulder and chest which are also persistent. I am so afraid my father died of lung cancer 3yrs.ago., I have GERD and anxiety that's is why i don't know if i'm just being anxious for nothing but i cannot the fact that i feel the pain. my x-ray in dec.2009 also showed that my cervical spine is straightened, but it be due to spasm or my position during the x-ray. I am a female, 28yrs.old and a mother of 20mos.old baby girl. I delivered through ceasarian operation in nov.2008 [/INST] Welcome to health care magic. 1.Paniless lumps on the neck with mild discomfort - possible cause could be lymph nodal enlargement.2.Lymph nodal enlargement is seen in infections and inflammations which can be localised or systemic and lumph nodal pathology itself.3.If you are concerned and want to be in peace of mind - request your doctor for an ultrasound neck.4.Ultrasound will evaluate the nature of the lump. its source and extensions, An FNAC to rule out any malignancy / cancer cells within.5.An abdomen pelvis ultrasound to assess any possible causes and abdominal lymphadenopathy.6.Treat any illness you are aware of that will heal the nodes automatically. Good luck. Hope i have answered your query.Any thing to ask do not hesitate Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] dr. good day just want to ask if diffuse parenchymal renal disease bilateral is advisable to have more fluid intake i diagnosed that on my kub ultrasound whether im on a dengue px last october 23, 2012 and the procedure was done last october 27. 2012. it is a complication not to be worried or need to follow up toa nephrologist . tnx waiting for your advised. [/INST] Hello , Greetings from healthcaremagic.com I am Dr Sourav Chakraborty and i have gone through your case scenario in detail and i will be answering your queries. Bilateral diffuse parenchymal disease is an umbrella diagnosis or a collective diagnosis and it include a whole spectrum of disease starting from mild infections of kidneys to serious disease of kidney tissue proper. Please do not rely exclusively on ultrasonography reports and do get your blood checked for urea and creatinine levels. If you find any aberration in your report , then visit a physician or nephrologist of your choice. There are some kidney disease where we advocate free water intake and in some we do restrict intake of water to prevent further damage. Hope i have been able to help . Take Care. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband was rushing to his office, went into the chemist to get his medication and they took his blood pressure there and then. It was 151 over 78, and normally isn't this high. He is 64 and takes Pizotifen for migraine which has put two stone on him already. [/INST] Yes you are right...this high blood pressure for his age...he may take something like ezapril or atacand to lower his blood pressure... </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I had sex unprotected almost two days ago and I have a clear-like discharge that keeps coming out after a few hours . It s not really heavy and its odorless. Is it possible that semin could still be oozing out after that amount of time after ejaculation. It doesn t hurt when I owe or anything. [/INST] HI, thanks for using healthcare magicIt is unlikely that semen would still be present in significant quantities. After 2 days, any semen that would have been present should be gone.It is possible , since there are other symptoms associated with the discharge, that what you are seeing a the vaginal discharge that can normally be seen by some women.Yeast infections are normally associated with white/yellow discharge that are associated with itching. Bacterial vaginosis causes a discharge that has a fishy odour.Chlamydia and gonorrhea may or may not cause symptoms but the discharge that can occur would normally be yellow/green.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I have swollen and itchy eyes, and red, swollen and itchy skin on both sides of my nose, going down around my mouth, mostly on the left side...and some swelling and itching on my neck ... experiencing alot of cold symptoms...including coughing and wheezing. Sore throat too [/INST] Tab Montair-LC at bedtime, Nasal drops of tori in containing oxymetazoline 3-5 times a day., Tab Paracetamol for any fever SOS, Steam inhalation for 2-3 times a day.... all these will help you in your condition. If your phlegm has some colour and its frequent then please contact me for further prescription of cough syrup and antibiotics. Thank you, Dr. Ashish </s>
<s>[INST] hi, not hit my head or anything but my right hand side of my brain feels numb/ empty, tapped my skull and it still feels - the tap that is.only medical issue i have is graves disease which was treated with radio active iodine about 6 years ago???? any clues, not got headache [/INST] If what you're referring is sudden onset of right sided head, face, and right upper extremity numbness without any other symptoms you may be suffering from some form of sensory focal vascular deficit or mini-stroke. My advice is to go to either an ER or URGENT CARE CENTER so they can properly examine you and get the history in order to be sure nothing serious is happening. Please rate this a 5 STAR ENCOUNTER and write me at: www.bit.ly/drdariushsaghafi for more information or to ask questions. </s>
<s>[INST] My wife LMP date is on 10th Jan. She had two eggs on her left ovary. one raptured on 21st and other on 22nd. we have intercourse from 16th to 23rd Jan(once in a day). Will she get pregnent?. Is their any symptoms to find weather she is conceived or not. [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing to HCM.The chances of pregnancy is more around 50 to 60 % in your case as the timing of intercourse was correct.But there are many more factors which decide fertilisation and implantation like poor sperm penetration or implantation probelm or hostility.I wish your wife conceive soon. The confirmation of diagnosis is by either serum b-Hcg or urine b-Hcg presence. It will be positive after 14days of fertilisation. The symptoms which can suggest pregnancy are weakness, vomiting or sensation of vomiting, mood variations etc but not so specific.Hope I have been helpful.RegardsDr. Ashish Verma </s>
<s>[INST] I am experiencing pain on my left side of my body. i feel numb and feels like an Indian twist.what can it be? i went to the E.R. and they referred me to a neurologist but the quickest time they can see me is in May. the pain comes and go. i will be painless for 2 months and it comes back and last for 3 weeks. help! [/INST] Hi...ruth., thanks for query.., welcome to HCM.., pain in the left side of the body..., numbness..more favour to Nuerological involvement..., So consult Nuerologist ...and exclude it o.k </s>
<s>[INST] my child 5yrs male weighing 22 kg have high fever since last 10 days tlc 6700 n 72 l 25 m 2 platelets 2.6 lakh malaria negetive widal typhi o 1:80 typhi h 1:160 positive i have given cdone for first 3 days then for 1 day agumentin then for last 5 days he is on iv drip 1 gm monoceff bd he has alredy taken larigo course and today he had single dose rezziz premaquinin but still he has high fever though duration between episode of fever has increased [/INST] Hi,... By what you quote it seems that your child has typhoid fever. Because malaria is negative and you have already given lariago. I also advice you to do typhidot Igm test it will make the diagnosis more clear. Monocef is given for typhoid only so in my opinion your child has typhoid fever and you are getting correct treatment. Regards - Dr Deepak Patel, MD Pediatrics </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i am 33 years old and diabetic. for some time now my sugar levels have been well controlled since i test 3 times a day. however, sometime last year i noticed that sometimes i have a certain sensation that i cant really explain well but i feel like a shock is going through my body and i almost lose recognition of where my am for a moment and that passes in a matter of seconds after which i feel my heart beating fast and a pain in my forehead and eyes and a bit of weakness which all passes in seconds and i become supernormal like nothing happened. it happens mostly when i run on the threadmill or go up a stairs even though it also happens when i am asleep sometimes or just idling. i have checked blood sugar reading just after these episodes but its not hypo and also i had an ECG and doctor says nothing abnormal about heart function. i am confused. thryroid tests, white and red blood cell checks as well as kidney and liver function tests all done and all within range [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, you really don't need to worry.Your symptoms are generally seen in diabetics on treatment. Diabetes induced neuropathy is a well established long term effect. Also, get your medication reviewed by your physician.Take care,Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I have a question I took a physical for the job I going for The ekg was bad sinus trycarca I was drinking 4 cups of coofee about 2 days before the exam The doctor there took my heart rate pulse again it ddidin't go down She stated to go to my doctor qith a note stating that I have a high heart rate. So far I haven't had any coffee since then [/INST] Your heart rate is usually a sign of something else. It goes up if you are worried, excited or scared. It may also change when you are sick. Rarely, the normal leader of the heart has lost control and the rate signals that. Coffee changes heart rate very little and for a very short time. If the doctor observed something abnormal, its best to have your doctor follow up to see if looking further is worthwhile. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,I started with body aches about three days ago, then fever started averaging about 101 for two days. Throat pain started the evening of the first day along with chills. The following morning, when taking out my retainer, my gums hurt. It hurt to brush my teeth. I went to a Stat Center and the doctor told me I had a secondary bacterial gum infection caused by a viral infection of my throat. He prescribed Zythromax, seven day course. I am on day three of Zythromax, the fever is gone, but the throat and mouth pains continue. Now, I have canker sores on my lower lip and blisters on my tongue. Also my gums remain sore and swollen. I have been researching and the Coxsackie virus appears a likely diagnosis. I am at the point that I am unable to eat without a great deal of pain. It is difficult to sleep due to pain. I gargle with a peroxide mix and eat yogurt. Any other suggestions and possible length of healing for this as yet undiagnosed condition. [/INST] Thanks for your query. I have gone through your query. The features what you are presenting looks like herpetic gingivostomatitis. Consult a oral physician and get it ruled out. You can take topical anesthetic and analgesics like anabel gel, apply 3-4times daily before food. You can take topical or systemic antiviral drugs like acyclovir. Do saline gargling. You can take analgesics like diclofenac for body ache and fever.I hope my answer will help you. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Recently when I get mad or strain to have a bm I get pressure in my head andintense pressure in my neck, seeming to come from my jugular veins. No headachs. Female w/3 kids. Last was born feb 2014. Had problems w/ my hr getting to like 220 with ambulation. Was on corgard to control it. Went Way p birth. I don t know why but it makes it feel a little better if I tuck in my chin durring the episode. [/INST] Main use of cogard is hypertension and angina pectoris. Off label uses are arrythmia , Migraine, Aggressive behavior hepatic impairment and renal impairment etc. Pressu re sensation in neck is a symptoms to be evaluated with other findings and necessary tests must be done. If you can upload your health records then I can help you for sure. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,my son, he is 4 years old now and weighs 14kgs, was hospitalized 5 times in a span of 1 year. 1st hospitalization is due to dengue fever, after 4 mos he had tonsilitis, and during the admission pneumonia and myocarditis was discovered. He was re-admitted again a month after due to pneumonia, he had intravenous antibiotic both for pneumonia and to manage the myocarditis. He was discharged, and found to be okay but we were advise to monitor his heart by taking ECG every month. By April this year, he stopped taking carnicor, monitoring is stopped and the doctor advised to just be on the look out when has a fever. Then by June this year, he was admitted again due to pneumonia with consolidation. Treated then okayed. But after 2 weeks he was readmitted again due to dengue and myocarditis again. We are already out of the hospital now, but just after 2 weeks he has some cough again. i gave him ventolin syrup, and we nebulized with duavent for 2 days. his cough has improved but still there every now and then. my fear is if this could developed into pneumonia again. should i bring him to the doctor again? what could be the cause of frequent pneumonia and coughing? should i see and find another pediatrician? [/INST] Hi....your kid falls into the criteria or definition of recurrent pneumonia. If I were your pediatrician I would definitely consider working up your kid immuno deficiency. Cough and cold can be viral in 95% of the times. It does not necessarily mean that it is pneumonia. But if the kid developes any of the below mentioned signs or symptoms, then take him to the nearest emergency room immediately.1. Fast breathing.2. Bluish discoloration of finger tips or lips.3. High grade fever.4. Breathlessness.5. Inability to feed.6. Altered sensoriun or consciousness.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] I have been in a relationship for 6 years with someone who fits the description of narcisstic personality disorder and OCD. He is never wrong, shows no empathy or remorse and does selfish and impulsive acts without consideration of the consequences to others. I am always put down and made to feel worthless. When he does something wrong it is somehow turned on me that I caused the problem and I'm the one treating him poorly, even wen I go out of my way to do a favor he is very ungrateful. This began some years ago he isn't the same person and it has been occurring for 5 years. He has lied and keeps things from me. When he asks me a question he automatically believes I'm lieing. He also has compulsions to wash his hands and repetivly do things a certain amount of times such as flicking the light switch, turning the bathroom tap, standing up and sitting down a certain number of times before he sits and I'm always asked to repeat a sentence he has said if I don't get every word correct he becomes agitated and angry. Does he have a personality disorder, if so how do I approach him about it as he is very defensive and proud? [/INST] Hello,The symptoms you mentioned are suggestive of OCD and personlaity disorder..may be mixed type.It is difficult to treat personality disorders as they dont feel they require anything usually. The parents of such people (who have some authority over them ) can make them go to doctor forcefully.You can however try to make him realise that his repetitive actions are suggetive of OCD and make him read some literature on it ( on net)- this may trigger some realization in him and he goes for treatment.Such personalities have the tendency to blame and trouble people who are near to them and whom they can command all time; they can.be thankless coz they cant relate with other feelings. Always obeying them and fulfilling their demands will only make them behave like this more.Hope you inderstand the issue.Dr. Manisha GopalMD Psychiatry </s>
<s>[INST] I developed fragrance allergies at a new work place. I get dry eye symptoms, nausea, headaches and dizziness. This got worse and I have been in this environment about 3 months. Recently, I noticed my sense of smell has diminished and I don't smell very well any more. what is happening? [/INST] Hi , thanks for using healthcare magicAllergies can sometimes result in enlargement of structures in the nose called nasal turbinates. If enlarged, they may cause nasal obstruction that may reduce smell. In addition , nasal polyps can also cause a reduction in smell.You can consider the use of antihistamines to help with your allergiesYou may also want to visit your doctor or an ENT doctor for assessment of your ability to smell.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 26 year old female. My question is about oral health. In spite of brushing my teeth twice a day, I have bad breath. Please tell me why. [/INST] Hello.  For more information consult a dentist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I had my wisdom tooth pulled Wednesday. It was not infected or with a cavity. It was a bad "food pocket". today the roof of mouth is very sore and hard to eat. I looked inside and saw a red spot by the tooth area. It was my right top wisdom tooth pulled. Should I be alarmed of infection? Is this normal to be red in a circular spot? If not better, can this wait until Monday? Thank you, Judy [/INST] hello judy...its just a healing socket..nothing to worry at all...just be careful while brushing not to touch that area with brush tongue or finger...while spitting be soft...and do salt water gargle..follow antibiotics and analgesic...its healing...dont dislodge the clot.(needed for healing)...have a healthy day!! </s>
<s>[INST] My mom left kidney had shrunken down nd functiong only 5percent and right kidney is workng 80percent but havng urine ifection wich iz gtng all ovr right kidney nd creatine gt high up to 6. Ongoin medcation is she oprt wth dj stand every 3weeks ...what iz the permanent cure 4 dis... she iz diabetic [/INST] she is actyally going into renal failure the condition you are tellingLowering blood pressure and maintaining blood sugar control are absolutely necessary to slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Some medicines called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors can help slow down the progression of kidney damage. Although ACE inhibitors -- including ramipril (Altace), quinapril (Accupril) , and lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) -- are usually used to treat high blood pressure and other medical problems, they are often given to people with diabetes to prevent complications, even if their blood pressure is normal. in the end stage or renal failure last option is dialysis. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, we have just used harpic power plus in the shower after using some drain unblocker, we used it to take the smell away, the odour went through our flat Nd it was really strong, we have all windows open and have left the flat to air but we are now berthing more heavily caughing, and our lungs feel a bit tighter [/INST] Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. The chlorine content in air will be more. 2. Due to severe inhalation of chlorine, mild pneumonitis and mucosal irritation in throat would have occurred.3. If too severe difficulty in breathing is present, you will need to go to hospital to be started on corticosteroids to reduce further mucosal inflammation. If you are better, relax. It will slowly improve. Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My husband has metastatic prostate cancer to the bones, he is 88yrs old, and is on chemo medication and 3monthly injections. this was discovered after being treated for severe arthritic pain in the neck and shoulders.what is his prognosis. Thank you. June [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing in.The treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.Surgery is not possible in a person who has metastatic prostate cancer. This is an advanced disease and cannot be cured completely.For symptomatic relief and to slow down the disease process, radiation therapy might reduce the pain from the cancer and chemotherapy will kill and control the cancer cells. Pain is also important to control and he is also having arthritis. He might require pain shots in the neck and pain relief for cancer symptoms. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 26 yr.old. before 2 month suddenly i feel like a whistling in my ear and quickly i was not in my sense for half hour and after 1 month it repeated again and after passing 2 days it repeated again 4 times in a day but not fully. my hand and face was looking as its going round after this i was feeling sickness and pain in my full body. my CT scan and MRI are normal and no genetic problem.i dot know i suffered from epilepsy or not. please suggest me this time i have not my report here my emeil is YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.I agree with you that your symptoms could be suggestive of epilepsy.It can be diagnosed on the basis of history, and EEG (electroencephalography). There are several good medications such as oxcarbamazepine, sodium valproate, etc for relief of epilepsy.Please consult a neurologist for detailed evaluation. Please get back if you require any additional information.Best wishes,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,My personal URL on this website: My email: drsudhirkumar@yahoo.comMy blog: </s>
<s>[INST] I have a red bump that I thought was a spider bite on my hip that seems to be going down with redness but I m feeling really weak and having a lot of pain on the side the bite is. I feel like I can t even move my toes without severe pain. What should I do? [/INST] Hi, Wouldn't be expected to cause weakness. dermatologic conditions are hard to discuss without seeing them. Of course, serious infection would be spreading and not getting less red and smaller. Local ice cube is good for the pain. ANti-inflammatories maybe.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Matt Wachsman, Addiction Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I always had a lower left brow causing the lid to appear more droopy than the right side. However, the skin on the left side has recently become thinner in the past year I would say, causing less of my lid to appear and I feel a sensation now on that eye like something is sitting on my lid. I am only 18 so I feel like I should not be having any issues with my eyes yet. However, I did have Hashimoto's and thyroid cancer and got the thyroid removed and all of my thyroid levels have been stable since then. However, the skin on my left lid never went back to normal. Also, I feel like I might have a little bit of ptosis in both of my eyes, but it does not obstruct my vision. When I look back at old pictures when I was a baby up until the age of 12, my eyelids appear much more open. So is it normal for eyelids to droop as we age? I am currently on Synthroid. [/INST] Hi. You have explained your history nicely. You have not mentioned about photos. Both are recently taken or different. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). In the photos attached first one which is showing your lower lids down seems to be taken in a slightly down gaze. That is a normal thing. When we look down lower lid goes down with the eye. While in the second picture light reflex is central in both eyes and lower lids are in normal position. Your both upper lids are in a normal position. Normally upper lids cover 1-2 mm cornea superiorly. I would not say these as droopy lids. While in cases of thyroid disease skin changes occur like skin thinning and dryness. So these sensations could be due to hypersensitive skin. For dryness of the skin around the eye or dry eyes, you can use artificial tears. It seems you are thinking too much about it. No significant changes are seen in your eyes or lids after seeing these photos. Just relax. Nothing to worry about and you are absolutely fine. If these are older photos you can send the latest ones. And do not take photos yourself (selfies) because it is not taken in primary gaze (looking straight). I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Mamuna aged 16yrs has infective psychosis and has been on ciprofloxacin 500mg 12hrly for about 4 weeks. The widal titres have however remained high - s. typhi o 1:320 and s. typhi H 1;160. He has been re-admitted and my question is how best do we treat her? [/INST] Hello Mamuna!I would recommend switching to another antibiotic, probably doxycycline combined with Ceftriaxone. Regarding the psychosis, an anti-psychotic like olanzapine could be helpful!A new brain MRI is also necessary. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Best wishes, Dr. Aida </s>
<s>[INST] My hands have been shaking for the last hour, when i sit its not so bad, when i stand i can barely hold myself up. I don t black out like im going to faint. I have breathing problems prior to this but I now have pressure in my chest. And my stomach didn t hurt till just now and I got like instant diarrhea. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern. Tremors, chest tightness, unexplained diarrhoea, breathing difficulty etc are commonly seen with carcinoid syndrome. It is due to hypersecretion of histamine. So better to consult physician and get done clinical examination and blood reports like histamine levels, ultrasound abdomen, stool microscopic examination etc. You may need antihistamine drugs to control these symptoms. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have moderate psoriasis on the face for the past 4 years and it seems to be getting worse each year. I am looking to try some natural remedies for it now. I was advised to try aloe vera for the skin. What do you think ? If it is alright to use aloe vera, can i use the gel direct from the plant. I have an aloe vera plant. [/INST] Hello,Thanks for the query.Aloe vera might help you, as it is a moisturiser.However you should apply some steroid cream also as only cannot treat or control psoriasisLet me know if you have any other doubt.you can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. you a good health.Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I just fell down some stairs in my home and landed on my hip and lower back. I have a burning sensation where I fell but no noticeable marks. I just put an ice pack on it and took Tylenol.my husband thinks I should go to the walk in clinic but I would rather wait till tomorrow what do you think [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.In my opinion, it is better to go for a consultation. with a doctor. As any doubts can be laid to rest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,      Dr. Fahim Sheik </s>
<s>[INST] my 19 month old daughter started sneezing with a runny nose(clear water like)I attributed it to dust and change in weather and started allegra 2.5ml morning and evening for two days after which it cleared but 2 days later she seems to be coughing now and then ,should I give her piriton-cs?she has no congestion as of now [/INST] Hi.... some amount of cough while the kid is recovering from cold is very common. You need not treat this cough as this is a protective reflex. Body produces cough to went out the secretions which have formed during the viral cold.As the kid coughs, the secretions come up, but the kid will not be able to spit it out. So they will swallow it. It will come out in the form of vomiting or in motion.But if this kid is becoming breathless due to cough then it needs treatment and I suggest you consult your pediatrician regarding this is the kid develops breathlessness.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] hi im taking ginet 84 tablet and i take 5 of them in 1day wat side effects i wil have hi there my age is 26 and hy weight is 75kg.i get very depressed tht is m feeling very angry most of the time,dont fil like eating and im on ginet 84 tablet.its been almost 5 month since m tking ginet 84.and 1 day i got so depressed tht i took 5 tablets in 1 day all at 1s.wat are the side effects of me taking it [/INST] Thanks for the query U must go to the ER immediately. U can have cardiovascular, neurologic, gastro intestinal problems, uterine bleeding more than regular. You also need a support from a good psychiatrist Have a healthy ;living </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, My name is XXXX. I am having some problems with my health and no doctor can seem to figure it out. Back in November of 2015, I started awaking to a yellowish fluid in my bra. After about a week, I discovered that the fluid was coming from my right breast. I felt around my breast and discovered a small lump. I went to the doctor who, because of my age of 28, wrote it off as a fibroadenoma. I left it alone. I left the country for a few months, and in South Africa the leakage came back worse than before, so I went back again to the doctor. She had a ultrasound done and revealed that I not only had a Fribroadenoma, but also a Intraductal Papilloma, which would explain my leakage. That was back in March of this year. Over the months the lumps have gotten bigger, they hurt constantly, at least twice a day, and i feel three prominent new lumps that have developed beneath my right breast. I have not had a new ultrasound or mammogram done due to lack of funds. I have had blood work done within the last week and they all reveal nothing to be wrong. Not only am I in pain from my breasts, yes the left one hurts as well just no lumps found yet although a tiny one is popping up in the middle of my chest bone. I am also having serious body aches. Like, my muscles hurt like no other as if I have done an immense amount of days labor, sore, right down to the bones. My upper and lower back are in more pain than I can ever remember them ever being in before. My glands swell randomly, behind my jaw area, and my arm pits area. They don t stay swollen, they just swell as if I m sick but after about four to five hours the pain associated goes away, leaving me simply feeling EXTREMELY exhausted!!!! I can t stay awake to save my life. I don t know whats wrong with me! My head has been hurting, at least one headache a day, and I have the worst dizzy spells, EVERYTIME I stand up.....someone help me out here! I cant handle being cast aside as if I m just some crazy, hypochondriac 28 year old. I know I m not crazy, I know what I m going through is not normal! Whats causing these lumps to starting popping up in my breasts, why are they growing, and why am I feeling as though I have a forever flu??? [/INST] Hi,As per my surgical experience, the issue with both sides breast swelling with supportive symptoms indicate possible hormone disturbances induced fibroadenosis of the breast. An ultrasound of both breasts with hormone levels evaluation is best recommended at this point. Till that time, analgesic with anti inflammatory action as ibuprofen with paracetamol serves best to relieve the pain and agony.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Bhagyesh V. Patel, General Surgeon </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I have a number of tiny flesh coloured lumps on my right hand over the skin of my knuckles. They do not stick out and appear to be under the skin. It started with one or two and over a few years they have multiplied and I am getting more and more tiny flesh coloured bumps on my hand. What could they be? [/INST] HiWelcome.I have gone through your query.It is difficult to diagnose this without examination, so would suggest you to upload the picture of the same for better assessment and to provide you with specific advice, you can directly send me question in premium question. Or you can see local doctor for examination and further help.Hope this helps.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a Flight Attendant and after work yesterday, later in evening, I noticed pain near xiphoid process. Also, I lifted a heavy box from Costco, up two flights of stairs. I didnt lift any particularly heavy luggage items, during flight, but was engaging in some pretty aggressive rearraning of pax luggage in overhead bins. Felt ok, when I got home, but suprisingly the pain increased til bedtime and was really bad during nite. Any suggestions! Claudia [/INST] Hello and welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. It seems you have strained your muscles and tendons near to xiphoid process too much while engaging in rearranging . apply cold pack and apply any pain relieving spray where you are experiencing pain . and dont lift any thing heavy for next 2 to 3 days and avoid any direct or indirect impact over painful site. Please do take care while coughing or sneezing it may hurt you a lot, sleep straight and once your pain subsides please do start some aerobic exercises. It will surely help you out.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Harsh Swarup </s>
<s>[INST] hello i am a 43 year old male with a stiff neck for about 2 weeks . this weekend i used lydacane paches on my neck that i usually use on my lower back . i also used a tens machine . my neck feels 99 percent better but now i feel pain in my upper back that hurts more than my neck did . i was wondering if it stems from my lower back problems [/INST] Hi,There could be many reasons for this pain. It could be your low back or may be due to bad posture. Use hot packs thrice a day. Strengthen your upper back n improve your posture. Do not use mobiles or laptops for long periods. If using them maintain proper posture. You will be fine. </s>
<s>[INST] A large dog bit my foot yesterday. The bite caused very minimal superficial damage to my skin, but when I touch a spot on the arch of my foot it causes a shock of pain and I have discomfort when I go up onto the ball of my foot while walking. Any ideas as to what might be wrong? [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question.You have superficial dog bite at foot.Your skin somewhat get damaged and superficial nerves injury so you definitely feel pain.I advise you to clean bite area with soap and eater.then apply sterile bandage over it.Apply topical antibiotic cream over affected area to prevent infection.If source of dog or its status not known then better to take antirabies vaccine.I hope I have solved your query.Take healthy diet and more fruits.Don't worry .. </s>
<s>[INST] Good evening sir,I'm trying to get bay, but my wife is unnecessarily always feel negative stress. sometimes she's showed her normal behavior with me, like a child, now she's 25. Could you pls let me know the negative sign for metal stress for getting baby.thanks [/INST] HIThanks for using healthcare magicThis is a common problem before conception. Most of female have worries about pregnancy like weight gain, vomiting, baby care, sleep disturbance, irritability, hormonal imbalance etc. Better to consult a gynecologist and psychologist for help. She can try some relaxation exercise that would help her to control stress. In case, you need further help, you can ask.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] my gland was increases from 2 months doctor dignosis fnac then biopsy also but in biopsy also just the report is only infection then doctor suggest for ADA test and tbigm then the tbigm report is positive now and doctor advise for tb medicine but now i feel like a fear in my heart and i ve no interest for food what can i do for further [/INST] hi,the ADA drugs it self causes loss of appetite, don't worry you will feel better in few days, have a balanced diet and lot of fluids,report to your TB physician if 1) you have severe nausea and vomiting2)unexplained fever or tiredness3)have any tingling sensation in feet and palms4) have jaundice - yelow coloration of eyes, nails and skin5)visual changes6) any unexplained skin rash.at any time don't discontinue the medications with out consulting your physician take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My partner has herpes II. Last time, when I was tested before dating her, I did not have either herpes I or II. Is it possible for me to get herpes I and II from her? Or just herpes II? [/INST] Hello. I went through your post. Regards. For more information consult a venereologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My 14 year old son started having sporadic pain in the stomach area about 3 days ago. We think it is gas, however he says it is not a stomach ache. It moves back and forth from his bellybutton area to about his hands length distance to the right. He had a fever 2 days ago but it went away its not excruciating but a dull annoyance type pain, he also has not had a bowel movement in 2 days and doesnt really have an appitite. We do not have insurance so we can not just go to a Dr it would be an ER but only if its the only option. Could it be costipation? [/INST] Hi! Good morning. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.The history and site of pain needs you to take him to the ER to rule out any chances of his appendix being inflamed and this could be known only by a clinical examination and related investigations. Also instruct him not to eat from outside if he does as that could bring in some intestinal infection in him as well.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST] Good Mrng Doctor ! My baby is 5month old. She is having loose motion,irritation and little cold and cough. Her stool is little green colour. My parents and freinds are saying that these are the symptem of teething. But Iwant your opinion and suggestion doctor ? [/INST] HiThanks for writing to health care magic.Diarrhea is usually viral and may last for 5 days.Teething may be coincidental as kids put everything in mouth which causes viral infection during teethingGive ors and zinc.Ensure minimum 6 times urine output in a day.Try avoiding dairy products to see if that helps.Wishing your child good healthRegardsDr Arun </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, a few days ago I suddenly started having abdominal cramps that turned into a sharp pain under my right rib cage. The pain would occur while breathing , laughing, etc. and got worse if I laid down. I went to the hospital for it, and the CT scans came up negative, so they sent me back home with a pain pill prescription. Now I am feeling a bit better, but I am constipated from the contrast fluid. However, my friend told me yesterday she was starting to feel the same symptoms as me and a few minutes ago, she just got taken to the same hospital for the same pains! What is this & could it possibly have been contagious?? [/INST] Dear Kia. This is not contagious. You probanbly have had temporary abdominal bloating with cramps or some abdominal wall nerve was pressed. If CT scan showed nothing the you shouldnt be worried. You could have some stomach disorders such as gastitis,ger dor hiatal hernia. this can cause such pain,especially after meal. So i recommend to do gastroscopy with stomach biospy and the some drugs can be prescripted. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] When will symptoms kick of food sickness kick in after drinking a expired cold coffee drink? I drank a expired cold coffee drink that was expired by 4 years. I had no idea. It was sealed when I first grabbed it. I am pregnant and want to be safe then sorry but it’s been a few hours since I drank it and don’t feel much other then some heartburn which could also be from the dinner I eaten with the drink. [/INST] Hello,Thanks for choosing healthcare magic for your query...I understand your concern...Let's be very assured that drinking expired coffee will not harm baby at all.Just that if you had that coffee and if coffee has some fungus grown over or something like small insects has gone inside the coffee packthen only some mild symptoms may happen.like vomiting, heartburn.Relax. Nothing is going to happen.I hope it helps...Feel free to ask again for any further queries.Regards,DR TEJASHREE BHORGynaecologist, DHANORI, PUNE </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 35 year old male. I cheated on my wife and I am really scared that I may have HIV. When I say scared, I mean night terrors, huge anxiety, and no appetite (lost 15 pounds in three weeks). I cannot work and it is all I think about. The circumstances are as follows. I performed oral sex on a female. I then fingered her and then masturbated myself with the same hand. I have asked a few professionals and they say I am only at risk theoretically but have no real risk of contracting HIV. However, my body tells me differently. I have had a sore throat for 20 days, no appetite, pain where my liver and spleen are, weakness in my legs that come and go and a hint of nausea every now and then. I have night sweats that awaken me but they are accompanied by panic. My heart feels like it is going to burst. My tongue and mouth burn, but I think that is acid-related because my breath is awful, no matter how much I brush. I had an Alere combo HIV test at 25 days and that was negative. I have never had a fever, rash, swollen nodes, or any of the common symptoms. My questions are what is my real risk of contracting HIV? The health department said I do not need to retest and that 25 days was enough time for accurate results with that type of test. Is that true? Could this all be anxiety and guilt? [/INST] Hello. I understand that you are worried but it is not the end of the world. Hope this helps. Take care. For more information consult an HIV AIDS specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] my husband had a heart attack on sunday they did have him on heavy sudative drugs but they have not gave him any in a while but he's still talking like he's loopy...like asking to go to the market knowing he is in the hospital, just saying off the wall stuff could that be from the sudative meds still or could the heark attck effected his brain?? [/INST] your husband had a myocardial infarction ..the intial treatment of heart attack involves the use of morphine injection ..morphine is an opiod drug...which changes perception of pain....morphine is sedative in nature and may cause delerium(false peceptions)you have not wriiten whethr your husband is thrombolysed or stented but in either cases patient is kept on benzodiazapenes class of medicines which reduces the level of anxiety...these drugs causes sluggishness make patient sleepy and may causes mild deliriums(what u call disoriented)dont worry its not because his brain is affected by heart attacki would suggest you to go for ecg every day for 3days2d echo cardiography to find out the area of heart damaged and the ejection fraction(how much blood now heart can pump)most like these delirium will pass by in a day or twokeep a watch on blood pressure because delirious attitude can be because of hypovolemic shock also which is a complication of m.i </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m a mother of an 11 months old girl. She had two huge vomitings in da morning,which had an egg and porridge in it so I gave her 1/2 tsp of gravanite 60ml for the first time, And now she ends up having temperature of 100. I fed her my milk after 4 hrs of vomit... Haven t given her any solid yet... I don t understand if this is indigestion, or food poisoning... Plz help... And letme know what she can eat.. [/INST] This may neither be food poisoning nor an episode of indigestion. It is more likely to be a stomach flu - a virus. You should give paracetamol for fever and continue to give her the vomiting medicine before her food three times a day. If this is a virus, it will settle in a few days. If, however, she has high fever or uncontrolled vomiting, please take her to A & E for an urgent consult.Dr. TaherP.S. Give her Peditral or some other form of rehydrating oral formula to prevent dehydration. </s>
<s>[INST] I am on Lisinopril. I was just wondering if it can cause infertility. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for six months now and still have not been able to get pregnant. I was able to conceive quick with our first child- before I was put on Lisinopril. [/INST] Hello, Lisinopril can lead to weight gain and this, in turn, can decrease fertility. Your primary condition for which Lisinopril was started also may cause infertility. If you become pregnant, you will have to change over from Lisinopril as there is a risk of teratogenicity. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Noble Zachariah, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Pain in abdoman for 3 days First day Pantodac inj and boscopan inj No relief Second day metrogyl iv dns iv pantodac inj ceftrioxzone salbactum No relief Then test cbc normal Sgot 45 Sgpt 75 Bile normal Urine ok Them oral medicine Cef oz Sporlac Panto dsr No relief What to do now Still pain [/INST] Hello and welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. What other symptoms do you have? Nausea vomiting change in bowel habits fever etc? And how is your pain? What cause increase in pain and what relieves it? How do you feel? Is it dull or stabbing or sharp pain? Where exactly this pain occurs or is it radiating somewhere? Had you done ultrasound abdomen? Answer to all these questions are needed. For symptomatic relief, you need to take boscupon or nospa or duragesic (combination of pain killer and spasmolytics). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I began a sore throat last thursday, followed with fever 102.3, chills, nausea, weakness, sinus green drainage, cough-tight burning, I still have most symptoms today 1-7-15. I have never been sick in my life and this is the first time for me, I know it is maybe the flu but does it last this long? [/INST] Thanks for your query at HCM.It looks like seasonal flu. You can take acetaminophen to relieve fever, cough syrup, nasal decongestant, gargle with chlorhexidine. Monitor your fever. Seek physician help if deteriorattion of symptoms.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] i had urine problem..i went for ultrasound 1 year ago and report came as ,left kidney-is normal in size 10.1cm and outline.cortical thickness and echogenicity are normal.cmd is maintained.mild pelvicalyceal system prominence is seen..no calculus is seen..same for right kidney only size differs i.e is 10.5cm. now i had ultrasound yesterday and it says everything is normal execpt,,there is mild prominence in renal pelvis ..ap dimensions of renal pelvis is 25mm.i am worried about the dimensions of renal pelvis.what should i do.i had this problem from 1 year can it cause scarring in kidneys.i had no protein or wbc in urine.my doctor did t say anything.plzz reply i m very much worried [/INST] hi, The size of the renal pelvis is variable, depending on age, anatomical variations. obstructed vs non-obstructed and individual variations.Mild pelvicalyceal dilation means the urinary system appeared to be slightly dilated. This is a very subjective finding. It cannot be the cause of any kidney failure because it only affects one kidney. The report gives no information on the potential causes of your kidney failure. The most common reasons would be a recently passed stone or an over-reading by the radiologist. You should talk to your physician about this. take care </s>
<s>[INST] hi ,this is xxx ,i get a good erection 1st time when i masterbate ,i manage to masterbate for a long ,but once i ejaculate i does not get erection ,it took me a very long time (12 hour) or sometime dont get erection, why ,am i have problem related to sex, plz let me know i will i get erected within 1 hour [/INST] Thanks for asking in healthcaremagic forumIn short: Visit psychiatristExplanation: Kegel exercise may help you. Search for kegel exercise on net. Or else visit a psychiatrist for counselling and investigation. Till then do not worry , be happy.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] my sister has been in and out of the hospital for days now they ve done blood work found high liver emztyes and did an ultrasound and found nothing she crying of servere pain in her upper right under her rib cage part of her body pains so servere she said it goes from her back to the front to the lower adomal. no one can find andthing wrong but the high liver emzytyes in her bloodwork what is this? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Pain radiating from back to abdomen is more likely to be renal colic or biliary colic. But as ultrasound has come normal, those possibilities become zero. Again hepatitis can cause raised liver enzymes but sever pain will not occur. Even cholecystitis can cause similar pain. I would recommend you to get CT Scan abdomen to rule out above conditions as ultrasound can miss few things. I hope I have answered your query. Feel free to revert back for further clarification if required. Best regards, Dr. Neelam. </s>
<s>[INST] My SGPT is always on Higher side (=150).Checking the Ultrasound of Liver ,FATTY LIVER is observed by Radiologist. At the same time I have urine infection due to which Albumin =150, RBC =50/hpf as per report.Doctor has advised me to take following.1.Change of Food Habit (More Boiled Food,less oil, less butter)2. Medicine like ZANOCIN-OZ , ULYSES 300, Digestal;Pl. let me know is this OK. [/INST] HelloThank u for askingSir, wat u ve been asked to do by your doctor is ok ...and practise toilet hygeineand try to take good amount of water... </s>
<s>[INST] Took postinor2 within 24 hrs after sex, bled for a few days then period started just after 2 wks, but haven t seen the next period which is now delayed for almost 2 wks. Ran some test with pregnancy strip which keep switching btw positive and negative. Just confused....any chance of pregnancy? [/INST] Hello dearI understand your concernYou have taken Postinor 2 with in 24 hour of the sex and it is highly effective in preventing the pregnancy.It has just 1-3% failure rate.Bleeding few days after is breakthrough bleeding due to progesterone withdrawal effect.Your period will come early is again due to hormonal imbalance caused by the postinor 2.Your delayed period could be due to hormonal imbalance.Pregnancy test will give sometime false positive result.I would suggest to consult the gynecologist and undergo proper examination and blood HCG, reproductive hormone analysis.Period can be induced by the progesterone pill in absence of the pregnancy.Avoid stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water and do regular exerciseHope this may help youBest regardsDr. Sagar </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, im 34 years old female trying to concieve since august 2009. fertility doctors have found posterior intramural fibroid in teh lower uterine segment that measures approx 3.5 cm. they did not suggest to have it removed but i still wonder if this can be casue for infertility, i do have painfull but regular periods, and would like to hear what do you suggest. i had no previous pregnancies, husbands semen is normal range (had it checked three times) [/INST] hello, u mentioned that u have lower uterine fibdroid which may be obustructive factor for sperms.if your ovaries are good functioning and semen is good quality, go for intra uterine insemination technology, which will be more helpful. in terms of bypass that fibroid. </s>
<s>[INST] I get these weird heart palpitations every once in a while where it literally feels like my heart is beating in my throat for a few seconds. I get really light headed, scares me. and then within a few seconds it just goes away. what could this be? [/INST] hello,I have gone through your query.Thanks for using HCM.you should get ECG at the time of palpitation.You may be getting recurent SVT.you should get echocardiogram done to rule out Mitral valve prolapse.My best wishes,Dr.Rajesh Teli,MD. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 18 years old and hav been into psychiatric treatment for almost 1.5 year now..each my medicines get changed n now what i observe is no change in my depression..rather i am becoming obese with excessive hunger followed by vomitings n excessive sleep..i hav been taking nexito 10 censpram oxylax etc etc...but i havnt got any solution yet [/INST] Hello,You are on the right and good molecule for treating depression ( taking that the diagnosis is right!!). You have not provided with the symptom details of the illness, your mood etc, which is a limitation in making a diagnosis. There is a dictum which we follow in psychiatry treatment- when the suitable drug dosent give response: we revise the diagnosis by again attending the patient in detail and see if something is missed due to which the drugs are not working.However, you may ask the doctor to try a.different molecule - like venalafaxine ( a better molecule than escitalopram) and see if it helps.For nausea and weight gain- you will feel good and light by taking an antacid ( pantoperazole) emptyvstomach. and make soem.life style.changes- running, jym, or brisk walk, cut down sugary and oily foods to reduce wieght. Remember, drus only increase appetite but weight gain depends on what you eat or what you put in your mouth...so, get a control on what you eat and no drug of psychiatry managment can make you fat.Hope the reply helps you Dr. Manisha GopalMD Psychiatry </s>