<s>[INST] hi,i have itching between my legs and testicles,im facing this from past 2 years.im using antifungal powder for timebeing but it is not completely went off.now in that affected area some kind sticky liquid coming out and im unable to work properly.skin became black and looking like dried tree outer layer [/INST] Hello,Thank You for consulting HealthcareMagic!Looks like you would have neglected much and infection got complicated. I think that you would have initially got fungal infection but this now got complicated with secondary bacterial infection. You need scraping and microscopic examination of effected parts, CBC etcYou might also need an empiric course of antibiotics.Stay healthy and thank you for consulting! You can contact me again anytime, if you need clarifications or further assistance in future. Kindly rate the answer if you are satisfied. </s>
<s>[INST] my friend's CT scan report states - calcified granuloma in left occipital peri lesion edema. she have symptoms of sezuries [thrice ] ,regular headache , blurred vision and loss of vision for few seconds 3 days back .what is her diagnosis , is it a life threatning problem ? how can it be cured ? is sugery recommended. [/INST] HIThank for asking to HCMI really appreciate your concern for your friend looking to the history given here for your friend the CT report is not confirmative of any disease even the given report is also not clear in the sense in my opinion she must be in need to EEG and MRI test these tests could clear something, I hope this information may help you, have a nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] my mother is hemolytic ( auto immune hymolytic anemia) patient, taken steroid drug wysolane 10mg daily, she is also diabetic & BP patient. all under control now. from past 3 months she is having heavy hair loss. can you please suggest what might be the problem? and what i need to do? [/INST] Hello. Thank you for writing to usI suggest a possibility of Telogen effluvium, increased hair shedding being part of the stressful response to anemia.Hemolytic anemia causes transition of hair follicles from anagen/ growth phase to Telogen/ resting phase of hair growth cycle. Once hair enters Telogen phase it is subsequently shed.Telogen usually begins 1-3 months following a stressful event (hemolytic anemia in this case) and may last for 3-6 months following which hair re-enters growth phase/ anagen.Since she is on recovery path now and is on treatment with oral steroids for hemolytic anemia, therefore with time her hair fall would stop.Apart from a healthy nutricious diet I suggest that you add an Iron supplement and a Biotin supplement which would aid in faster recovery.These are prescription drugs therefore I suggest that you should visit a dermatologist in your vicinity for the needful.Regards </s>
<s>[INST] My 7 yr old boy had a few red pimple like rash on left leg. and couple in right arm. Took him to the doctor and told us its chicken pox...should go away in four days. Although those pimples have it s pimple head dried off, after four days new ones appeared on same leg, four more on right arm and some few small tiny ones on buttock. What could possibly be? Thanks! [/INST] Hi, thanks for your question. it looks like folliculitis, a form of bacterial infection of skin which can be treated with application of local antibiotics like mupirocin. if your child didnt had fever before the onset of rash it is unlikely to be chicken pox. </s>
<s>[INST] I was bitten by a 4-month old puppy owned by our neighbor. The puppy seems very healthy and active like normal. The owner said she was vaccinated about 1-2 weeks ago with anti-rabies vaccine. The parents of the dog was also said to be well taken cared of and not left astray. It is already the 3rd day since i was bitten, do you think i need to have anti-rabies vaccine for myself even if the puppy looked healthy until now?How long does the anti-rabies vaccine take effect for dogs since she was just vaccinated 2 weeks ago?I'm wondering if the vaccine already took effect on the dog when she bit me..pls.help..Thanks. [/INST] hithank you for asking your concern and welcome to hcm. i would you make you assure that you need not take anti rabies injection at all based on your description given. i would like to to tell you there are few things where we should be more careful about when to think of taking ARV.1. stray dog bite2. history of biting to many people3. unprovoked bite4. oozing of blood from the bite mark5. bite on already existed wound6. bite on face7. bite by non vaccinated dogin your case there is hardly any thing to get worried. there are few things to take care of.1. wash the bite mark under running tap water, even now it is ok if you have not done it.2. injection tetanus is must if not taken within last 3 years3. observe dog for 10 days if it dies you have to take arv. that can be taken on 11th day also.4. no need to take antibiotics if wound is clean and small i hope i answered your concern. feel free to ask any doubts.thank youregardsdr. abhijit </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend and she took the pill(Unwanted 72) within an hour. Two days later, after taking second pill accidentally we had unprotected sex. But, in both the cases I did not ejaculate in her vagina. Now, five days got over and she did not get her periods yet. What are the chances of pregnancy? [/INST] Hi. Firstly, I would like to inform you that taking an I-pill will not cause periods. The periods will come at its own time, maybe slightly late too. Delay in periods after I-pill is a common and expected side effect. Secondly, I would suggest you not to take more than one pill a month as one pill can cause serious hormonal changes. Also, it is best to take it only in emergency. Casual and frequent use can cause long-term problems. For further doubts consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter was almost two when she started gasping tics only while eating or watching tv or movies it lasted a couple months and went away she is now almost three an the gasping tics are back while eating an tv or movies again is this tourettes or is she stressed from a new baby in the house ? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.Tics may increase as a result of stress, fatigue, boredom, or high-energy emotions, which can include negative emotions such as anxiety, as well as positive emotions such as excitement or anticipation and usually disappears while concentrating on other works. If you suspect that tics have started after the new born baby has come home may be this child, if feeling left out which results in emotional stress causing tics.In Tourette's they are frequently associated with learning disabilities, ADHD, compulsive behaviors and this disorder tend to be lifelong. But, it is better to do EEG (electroencephalography) to differentiate from myoclonic jerks which are associated by brief isolated jerks.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Shivtej N </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I had a missed abortion one year back and we have been trying for about eight months for the next pregnancy. My period lags regularly for three to four weeks after the abortion. An ultrasound scan showed typical PCOD on both ovaries with 9 mm follicles and have 5 mm endometrial thickness. My doctor advised taking Glucophage 500 mg for two months. Can I get pregnant soon? How many months should it take to correct my problems and to conceive? [/INST] Hello. You have been prescribed Metformin drug for your case which is prescribed in case of PCOD to decrease glucose level and to regularise the period. If needed, a hormonal pill also can be prescribed. Clomiphene citrate helps in inducing ovulation. So, continue taking the prescribed medication and try to reduce weight if you are obese. Regular exercise will also be beneficial in your case. Take a healthy diet and more fruits. Try to have intercourse especially around ovulation time at around 14 days of menstruation cycle. If you do not get pregnant in a few months, then a USG scan study should be done to detect ovulation and Clomiphene can be prescribed If needed. If no medication helps then assisted reproductive techniques (ART) may be used. For more information consult a family physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] we went to urgent care this morning, they couldn t find anything wrong with my daughter. She is 15 months old and 22 lbs. She has had a fever of 103-104 all day. She has blotchy skin all over her body, she s lethargic, and is too young to take tamiflu. is there any point in taking her to the er, or should i just stay home and ride it out? [/INST] Hello,At high-grade fever, you should rush to ER as baby can get fits any time. It could be viral or bacterial. Do CBC test. Also, improve the feeding status of the baby. And consult again with the test report.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Hina Javed </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Are Halloween colored contact lenses safe? Do people who need prescribed contact lenses be using them? [/INST] Hello. Ophthalmologists do not recommend colored contact lenses. However, they may be used occasionally for not more than a few hours. The reason is that compared to regular glasses, most colored lenses have a lesser tendency to allow oxygen to pass through to the corneas, thus causing damage to the corneal cells. This problem does not depend on whether the user is a prescription lens user or not. It depends on the quality of the lens and a few biological variables of the person using them. I hope this helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] My ALT is 108. How worried should I be? I am on prescription drugs that could be contributing. I am 61, 5'2", 135 pounds. I have asthma, controlled high blood pressure, psoriasis, arthritis, generalized anxiety disorder and PAC's. I take metoprolol, maxzide, singulair, diltiazem and celexa. [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting HCM...You have many problem and taking drug for that...So here you are having drug induce liver affection...So your ALT is high....Take low fat diet and regular exercise done.Exercise also useful for arthritis , anxiety and high blood pressure....Fruits more...Carrot, green leafy vegetables , grapes, apple , avocados, spinach etc..taken more...Perform USG abdomen for fatty liver ...Clinical follow up is necessary....Consult physician for it...Take care ... </s>
<s>[INST] my husband has COPD he was recently in the hspital where they gave him a his nebalizor with medical air and almost need to put him on a ventulator. he is home and not doing well short of breathe I hate to take him back in. he was in better shape b4 he was admited what 2 do [/INST] Hello,Ipratropium bromide like bronchodilator drug useful in COPD patient. So if needed you can give this bronchodilator drug through nebulization at home. Arterial oxygen level also should be checked for low than oxygen therapy. Also needed to assess severity pulmonary function test. Consult pulmonologist for examination and decide management plan accordingly.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,      Dr. Parth Goswami </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I m a 19 yr old female. I have a history of bad headaches. But now I m suffering from headaches mostly/almost exclusively/but my entirely- when lying down..starting at the very base of my skull/right side and seems to be pushing through my forehead just above my right eye. I also get this intense pressure in my head , also starting at the right base of my skull, like its about to explode then finally releases. Resently I ve been seeing stars in my vision as well, even at night. And also dizziness, like I ll feel fine one second and the next I m catching myself falling..but I ve never actually fallen all the way..more just lose my balance but it feels like I m passing out for a very brief moment. I ve suffered from migraines my whole life but this feels different somehow. Is this cause for concern or just a new migraine attack? [/INST] Hello!Welcome on Healthcaremagic!I read carefully your question and understand your concern. Your symptoms could be related to occipital neuralgia or a wrong posture. For this reason, I recommend consulting with a neurologist for a physical check up and a cervical spine X ray study. A brain MRI would help exclude any other possible brain lesions. consulting with an ENT specialist is also necessary to exclude an inner ear disorder. Meanwhile, I recommend correcting your posture and use an orthopedic pillow. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Best wishes, Dr. Aida </s>
<s>[INST] what could be the diagnosis of progressive neuromuscular symptoms that start with double vision after then difficulty swallowing especially liquids unable to cough productively sleep apnea events muscle cramping ans spasms beginning with left leg toes curling under with big toe curled back to body the progress to both legs involved unable to stand and walk on feet with curled under toes. hiccups and muscle twitching at rest now on ventilator unable to wean off due to diaphragm weakness Unable to open mouth wide like locked in place [/INST] In my opinion you have Multiple sclerosis , i recommend you see neurologist if this roles out then you should check your liver function Good Luck </s>
<s>[INST] Yes my name is Darrel ,and I m 26 years old. Iv have issues focusing on anything to the point that I forget or get distracted .I want to start collage but I don t think I can focus long enough to get good enough grades to pass any class. I m smart just not focused enough what can I do or what treatments would u recommend [/INST] Hi, In your age poor concentration may be due to multiple reasons like: -Substance use: stop use if present -Vitamin deficiency: take healthy diet -Stress and anxiety: need evaluation. Daily aerobic exercise will help. -Lack of interest in subject -Poor sleeping habit: follow sleep hygiene. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health. Regards, Dr. Ashish Mittal www.99doctor.com </s>
<s>[INST] gud afternun doctor, iam having pcod problem usually get my periods around 30 to 32 days . it has been 7 yrs since we got married , this month i missed my periods usually i will have more pain and even that i din have its 40th day on 37 day i did a pregnancy test at home it was negative. my bowel movements are more than 3 or 4 tmes a day will it be a sign of pregnancy when should i exactly test my pregnancy [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Excessive bowel movements are not known sign of pregnancy. Confirmatory tests for pregnancy are-Blood or urine HCG testing / USG scan of pelvis at 5 weeks of pregnancy. -The home pregnancy test is best done after 8 days delay in expected date of menses. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] I have a cold sensation on the right back side of my head that started last night. This spot on my scalp feels cold, and bare like there is nothing there also very sensative and hurts when i touch it. What could this be? Could this be brain cancer or tumor? [/INST] HIWell come to HCMI really appreciate your concern, it is the nonspecific kind of feeling and it could be due to anxiety and depression and for sure it is not the cancer or tumor of brain try to come out of the stress and control your thoughts and stop worrying, hope this information helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I have a bump on my buttocks just a single bump that has been there for a month now it s getting smaller so I finally thought it was going away but it hasn t and still itches just the same no pain and no other bumps I tried neosporin and lamasil but nothing is working! [/INST] Hi, an itchy lesion indicates that there is some kind of infection possibly fungus and a receding nodule indicates that the infection is controlled!Well, therefore, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of a buttock lump, I would come up with only one and one possibility that is a sebaceous cyst or a dermatofibroma-like condition getting infected again and again! Nothing to worry about this and try not to get infected there! In fact surgical excision only treats this...Therefore, consult some surgeon if this worries you that much and I would suggest you to go for an FNAC test of the lump for confirmation and to relieve your concerns!Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] my blood pressure has been steadily between 155 over 90 to more recently 146 over 101 . I am 29 years old and fairly active , 5ft 11in aprox 195lb athletic build not obese , how concerned should i be ? My family says that it is bad but i feel fine . [/INST] Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read you question and I understand your concern.I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.We talk about hypertension if we have mean values that exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension is divided in two groups, essential hypertension without identifiable cause and secondary hypertension, meaning that is a secondary cause of it.Secondary hypertension is the main cause in young age hypertension. It might have different reasons like problems with renal arteries, adrenal gland problems or other cardiovascular disease as aortic contraction.Values above 140/90 mmHg might be normal in young ages in a physical or emotional stress but not in steady states. High blood pressure might not give any complain, but it slowly modify the heart if it stay untreated.If you have evaluated several high values in a steady state that i thing it is reasonable to make some examinations.If i was you treating doctor i will recommend a cardiac echo, a blood pressure monitoring for 24 h , a full blood chek up analyze, your urinary cathecolamins, an abdominal echo.After these we can judge what other things to do and how to menage this situation.Hope I was helpful. Best regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear im masturbating since i was 15 years old and now im 29 mean im doing this since last 15 yearsnow i feel that im sexually week because of thiscan u suggest that how can i control my premature masturbation does masturbation effect our ejaculation period [/INST] Hi, Masturbation is an innate response to increased libido. But when we overdo it, it causes negative effects on our body like, reduced testosterone levels, weakened central nervous system which together leads to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions. It's advisable to completely quit masturbation to reverse its negative effects on your body and a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet full of milk nuts fruits and vegetables , and regular exercise and a good amount of sleep will get you back on track. You should expect a gradual improvement in your sex health as 15 years of damage does take some time to restore. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My husband has a chest infection - a small pocket of pneumonia is in his left lobe. He is coughing up large long blood clots and also coming through his nose when blowing. Will this settle or continue [/INST] Respected user , HiThanks for using Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* Recovery time of the pneumonia vary from days to weeks depending upon - extent of pneumonia - associated co morbid conditions - causative organisms virulence - host immune response - type of treatment - smoking consumption - activity level - exposure to noxious substances as pollen or dust - diet .* So , to answer the question , lot many conditions have to be calculated and based upon that we can comment .* One thing I want to convey that it will be surely recovered with proper line of management .Hope this clears your query .Welcome for further doubts .Regards . of management . </s>
<s>[INST] I have a friend who just found out she has increased echogenicity both kidneys chronic renal disease plus simple cist right kidney. she has very high blood pressure which they can t seem to control anyway they have prescribed another blood pressure to take care of problem, does that make sense? [/INST] Hi, welcome to HCM. Looking to your friend's history, it seems that she is suffering from CKD ( chronic kidney disease)High BP in CKD is very common and it requires atleast 2-3 tablets to control it.Keep salt restriction in diet.Check S. creatinine AND BP regularly.Maintain healthy lifestyle.You can communicate with me also with detailed report, and prescription. I think this would be helpful to you.Best wishes. TC.Dr Jay Patel. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been told that I have Atypical cells on my bronch tube located right where the lungs split, therefore making in inoperable. A biopsy was take during a bronchiescope (sp) and was told it was not cancer but obviousely could become cancer. I got pneumonia in Sept 2013 and it still has not cleared up. Theory being those cells are blocking the infection from leaving the lung and allowing good air in, basically operating on one lung. I an using oxygen, 2 lpm. Should I consider radiation? [/INST] thanks for asking your question I completely understand your issueactually you have involvement of the carina .so first a bronchoscopy should be considered and a bipsy can be taken from the area.all atypial cells are not malignanta biopsy will diagnose the lesion and if it is cancer or malignancy the typing can be doneafter typing is done chemotherapy or radiation or both can be considered because each type of cancer have different drugs or chemotherapeutic agentdont panic consult a pulmonologist for a bronchoscopy and an oncologist for further treatment after reportsthanksfeel free to ask more questions may god bless you with good health </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lumg on the top of my wrist which appeared several weeks ago. My doctor did an x ray which was non conclusive, and has ordered an MRI. The lump is just under the skin and on the "pinky" side of my wrist. It is slightly tender to the touch. I am quite nervous about the possiblities. Could this be cancer? [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some soft tissue tumor like lipoma, neurofibroma or dermatofibroma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage? [/INST] Hi. How are you doing? Yes, as you have heard, Yasmin can be used as an emergency pill. Even if you have not ejaculated into her, she stands a chance of pregnancy if the pre-seminal fluid, the clear fluid that comes out before semen, which is rich in young healthy sperms, comes in contact with her genitals. As soon as possible, earlier the better, I suggest taking four tablets of Yasmin (combination of Ethinyl Estradiol and Drospirenone) at the time, repeat four more tablets after 12 hours. This being a high dose of hormones, it will suddenly increase the inner lining of the uterus. Then as it is a single dose, the inner lining will fall off. This makes it unfavorable for the possible embryo or baby to settle into the uterus. She will get her periods within 7 to 10 days of the last pill. But do not keep repeating this frequently, it can disturb the hormonal balance and can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines after their consent. This is an old method, but it is an effective emergency method. Just do not delay the pills. As time passes by, the effectiveness reduces. Hope I have clarified your query, do write back. All the best. For further queries consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I am RAJE,Female,24 yrs..I had a polycystic ovaries and I have done follicular study for 2 times as well as HSG also and for my husband age -30-he has count -110 & motility as 25-28...so Doctor referred him for Scrotalscan with Doppler-In that report Left side Varcicole is mentioned......What to do for next step Thanking You Warm Regards RAJE [/INST] Hello First about Varicocele:Operation for VARICOCELE is not indicated unless there is :(1)pain;(2)serious depression of spermatogenesis (oligospermia ) . In your husband there is abnormality in count as well motility so I advise you please get in surgery for varicolcele for your husband. This will not only improve quality of sperm as well counts .Now about PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome ) :Cysts are often caused by hormone changes .Using birth control pills can sometimes help regulate hormone levels so that cysts can be taken care of.Your gynae will likely want you to come back ( after the use of oral pills ) after you have been on the oral control pills ( some doctor also advise cyproterone acetate for this purpose)to see if the cyst is gone.At that time doctor may suggest you stop using the medication or if indicated , you amy need to continue it for a bit longer .So for you consult an INFERTILITY specialist and get his opinion and surgery for your husband.Hope this will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] While my boyfriend and I were having intercourse, his forskin tore a little and bled (not really bad...just a little). I was wondering how long it would take until it would be healed enough to have intercourse again. Also, is there anything he should be putting on it (like creams) to help it heal faster? [/INST] Hi,It seems that due to forceful act due to excitation, there might be having some injury to frenulum giving rise some bleeding.Avoid sex for few days till healing takes place.Apply antibiotic cream on the afftected part.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] what should i do about a bone inflammation? first, I went to the doctor because I felt literally a nook/crevice in in my shin bone. went to docs, they didn t wanna give me an X-ray but simply but me on antibiotics. now the tissue around there is hard, and right in the inner side lining of my shin it hurts...what wrong and what should I do? could it be a baker cyst? [/INST] Hello, As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like aceclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] I don t know that my wife is a patient who is suffering from it, what is it? She quickly gets angry, aggressive, all the evil, and said to all the insults and threats. More than 25 years that she has taken the nerve pills, and relaxing. I do not know what to do. Could you help me, please? [/INST] earWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Anger and aggression are normally after effects of irritability. Your wife is somehow irritated now a days. She could know the reason. Talk to her. Sympathize and help her. She needs you now. If need be, please take her to a psychologist for counseling.If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 42 year old mother of 2. I noticed a lump above my left collarbone back in August. Went to GP and she said that she wasn t concerned about it and I should go back and see her if it became the size of a golfball. It was about the size of a peanut. A couple weeks later went to Urgent care and was tested for Strep throat(negative) because my throat and neck hurt. Was given antibiotics for sinus infection . I was later referred to ENT by the GP for a CT scan of sinus. This only showed a small polyp in left maxifacial which ENT said was not causing blockage but I did have swelling in my nose and was given another round of antibiotics. A few weeks later I felt like something was pushing against my neck and was constantly pulling at my shirts because it felt like they were on my neck. Went back to GP and she sent me for ultrasound of Thyroid. This showed 2 nodules on my right thyroid 9mm and 1cm. the 1cm looks to be cystic. GP also ran TSH and T4 and antibodies test which all came back normal, but thyroid was enlarged. I asked for a CBC and found out my WBC was 15.5. GP gave broad spectrem antibiotic for 2 weeks. Retested a moth later and WBC is now 11 which is still a little high. Saw ENT on Monday he saw no need for fine needle biopsy because the largest nodule is cystic. Ordered a soft tissue CT for enlarged lymph nodes which showed that I have several borderline nodes with the largest being on the right side but none were reactive to the dye. I didn t even know I had a enlarged node on the right side as I can t feel it. I was given the option to moniter them? Or have a biopsy of one of them. I am at a loss as to what to do or where to turn. It seems that every fall I feel sick and have a elevated WBC, but they never know why. In 2010 WBC was 13, 2011 it was 12.2 and this year 15.5. Should I be concerned about cancer, Hashimotos or where to turn for infection? What kind of doctor or specialist should I see? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank You [/INST] Hi there, I understand your doctors have found out some small lymph nodes and either they can be monitored or can be biopsied. Both the options are reasonable and it depends on how anxious you are really. Just tell the doctor to recommend you the better option of the both (I think monitoring would be fine if the lymph nodes are too small to feel) All your blood tests are fine and these tests fluctuate always and is a normal thing. I'm sure your ENT doctor is doing a fine job and be guided by him. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have a lump on the left side of my rib cage its the size of a golf ball but instead of being round it overal, it feels hard but I can more it slightly, its also very achey and if I press on my ribs just below the lump there very tender! Any ideas? [/INST] Hi,It can be a lymph node or a sebaceous cyst or can be even a malignant tumor.... you need to show it to a surgeon for a physical examination and a needle biopsy, if he feels so, to know exactly what it is.Dr. Ashish Verma </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter had an allergic reaction to epinephrine at the dentist today. The reactions have subsided for the most part, but she s still in pain, especially her jaws. She takes topiramate as a maintenance med to avoid migraines, and since she took 50 mg of it this morning, she s not sure what she could take, or do, to ease the pain in her jaws. [/INST] Hello, Well the pain can be due to the dental problem causing radiating pain in her jaws. So in order to relieve pain she should consult an Emergency room and get evaluated. A painkiller shot can help in severe pain, however oral painkillers can also Be advised to relieve pain. She can take Acetaminophen to relieve pain and along with it do cool compresses over the jaws. Take soft meals and avoid excessive mouth opening. Also in future if she needs anesthesia shots she can be advised an Epinephrine free anesthesia. Also if the dental treatment is due she should get it done soon. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am suffering from loose motion for the last two days, took medicines Norflox TZ and O2, still no recovery. What should I do now? [/INST] Hi. I am sorry to hear about your condition. First, let me assure you that it is going to be alright. But I want to know the following details. Please let me know if possible, have you been traveling recently? Do you have any fever symptoms? And do you have any difficulties in passing urine? Is your loose motion watery or stained with any blood? The tablet you are taking is for urinary tract infection, I might suggest not to take it unless you have any difficulties in passing urine. I would like you to take these tablets: Oral rehydration solution (one packet mixed in one liter water, kindly use it for three days minimum, until your loose motion resolves), tablet Loperamide 2 mg twice a day for three days, tablet Pantoprazole 40 mg once daily for three days, tablet Multivitamin one tablet daily for three days only, tablet Albendazole 400 mg once daily for two days only. (One drug to be taken today and another drug after 14 days). As you might be dehydrated a lot, please continue to drink at least three liters of water every day. If your symptoms are not settling, try to do stool occult blood and stool routine parasite tests, HB, TC, DC, platelet, serum electrolytes. Let me know if you have any more doubts. Wish you good health. Traveling, outside food intake. HB, total count, differential count, platelet, serum electrolytes, stool, occult blood, stool routine parasites. Diarrhea, dysentery, worm infestation. Oral rehydration solution (one packet mixed in one-liter water, kindly use it for three days minimum, until your loose motion resolves) along with prescribed tablets. Avoid outside food, water. Take ORS solution, drink plenty of water. </s>
<s>[INST] My mother recieved a heart cath about a month ago and internally bleed throughout her body. Her blood pressure dropped. She was put into a medically induced coma . If that is even said right. She went into liver shock. Her kidneys shut down. She was losing as much blood as they put in. In all she recieved over 40 pints of blood. She had a second surgery out of nowhere. Her stitch in the artery would not hold. He grafted another piece of artery on. She survived that surgery when they said that it was possible for her to die. She is still in the hospital but out of I.C.U. Her kidney function may return and she is eating now.. My question is....Is this a rare thing? [/INST] if we are concerned with common peopole then it is a rare case but we are concerned with cardiac patient who comes to a cardiac surgeon then it no more remain too rare, these days aortoplasty, arterial grafting repair and even barbiturate indued brain comma are done to save the life of patient on the the operating table.i think you should hold hope and faith on your treating doctors after and all they are expert of what they are doing for saving life. wish you all the best . </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am having acne on my cheeks for the past one month. I have red and pus filled acne. Redness is more in the cheeks area. I used Clindamycin gel and the pimple size reduced. But, pimples did not go away and also spreading nearby. I have used Benzoyl peroxide too, but no improvement. I am using Salicylic acid face wash twice daily. My face is oily. Kindly suggest me some way for removing acne without leaving redness. I have attached pictures for your reference. Thank you. [/INST] Hi. I have read your query in detail and viewed the attached pictures (attachments removed to protect patient identity) and do understand your concern. Moderate acne vulgaris. 1. Continue to use Clindamycin gel in the daytime. 2. Continue Salicylic acid face wash twice daily. 3. Apply Adapalene and Benzoyl peroxide gel (Minoz-BPO gel) at night-time only. Initially, you may experience a little bit of tingling due to this cream. If so, then apply this cream on alternate nights. 5. During the day, use a non-comedogenic gel based sunscreen for every three to four hours. 6. In addition, you will require oral antibiotics. Start with one tablet Doxycycline 100 mg daily for three weeks. After three weeks we will review your improvement and decide on the further treatment. 1. Avoid hair oil application. 2. Drink plenty of water. Revert back after three weeks to a dermatologist online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] My endometrium size is 0.8cm. The GYN said I need to be concerned. I had a transvaginal image last year. Currently, I had another transvaginal sonogram- the results are the endometrium does not appear to be thickened. I do have an IUD per the report the IUD in in place and good position. Just concerned about the endometrium. [/INST] HiWhat is your age? The ultrasound was taken on which day of the period? Why did you do the ultrasound last year? Since you have the IUD inserted I presume you are less than 45years.The endometrial thickness of 0.8 cm after the first week of mensus for all women before the menopause is normal.The second ultrasound is reaffirming the same opinion that I have written.There is no need for you to be concerned.I hope i have answered to your satisfaction . If you have any further queries do contact me through healthcare magic </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a fever since last Saturday. I cough a lot, last night I coughed so I vomited several times. I have been to the doctor who says it's a virus. But many around me have been suffering from pneumonia. Could it be that I have? Was the doctor and took the CRP, the fast variant. It showed the 40 but the physician is not high enough to get antibiotics ... I can not stand it! It does not get better, only worse. Should I apply for a new doctor and get another opinion? [/INST] Hi there, Thanks for your faith in health care magic, Your symptoms like fever and cough for quite few days is highly suggestive of a respiratory tract infection, the possibility varies between upper to lower, though as you mentioned that you have had contact with people having pneumonia so it a possibility of contracting the same does exist, though for pneumonia the cough has to be productive and the sputum is likely to be pale yellow to greenish suggesting infective etiology, but presence of fever for this many days does indicate the use of antibiotics, and CRP levels are not criteria for antibiotics, but the fever is. presence of vomiting also rises possiblity of tonsillitis or pharyngitis which may cause throat irritation and induce vomiting. I would also like to know that whether you experience wheezy breathing or any shortness of breath or not? as it may suggest involvement of your airways, in any case the use of a broad spectrum antibiotic which has its spectrum ranging from upper to lower respiratory tract may help. if you were my patient i would have recomended you Azithromycin 250mg twice daily for 5 days, or if you are allergic to macrolides then i would have suggested moxifloxacin 400mg once daily for 5 days along with an antipyretic for your fever, an anti allergic or anti histamine like Loratidine 10mg twice daily for 5 days as well as an anti-tusive/ expectorant syrup for your cough and discomfort is recommended. Though changing your treating physician is highly indicated along with a detailed work up involving, Complete blood picture along with CRP and ESR, and a chest Xray is highly recommended, also a detailed examination of your chest with a stethoscope to look for ronchi, wheezes or crepitations along with a detailed throat examination for tonsillitis and pharyngitis is mandatory. Hope it suffices your query, Keep posting, See you around. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I have low back pain since last 1 month. However, it still present, but simultaneously I have upper back pain now. Unfortunately, right side of my skull , just above the ear also suffered from pain. Since last 2-3 days, I am feeling cold ( shivering ). Additionally, there is sensation of vomiting form a week. Here, I am not sure, but feel a slight swelling on the last ribs just above stomach. I have no history of me as well as parental of bone related or spine related problems. This all is making me really very upset. I shall be sincerely thankful to you for your suggestion With kindest regards Amit [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The pain in the upper and lower back that you are having might be a muscular pain due to a bad posture. It is not likely to be related to the headache and vomiting. You need to consult an orthopedician for proper treatment. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. Praveen Tayal drtayal72@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] sir i am telling you frankly, i masturbate once in 3 - 4 days, i have reached the peak of my sexual excitement, i am finding that sometimes my wrist pains and then stops automatically, the pain is different than the normal pain caused due to fracture etc. now my knee joints are paining. Is this due to the act of masturbating, guide me to control the habbit [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I can assure you that the pain is not directly associated with masturbation at all. You could observe the position of your hand and wrist. Correct it and pain could vanish.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I m having lots of pressure and a dull pain in my chest. I feel resistance when I take a deep breath, cough, or if I push abit to go to the bathroom then there s a strong tightness in my chest. My X-ray and EKG came back normal. I also have difficulty breathing some days [/INST] thanks for your question chest discomfort can be due to gastritis , peptic ulcer and certain lung and heart diseasesyou need to see a pulmonologist who can request for some investigations and examine the patient and come to a conclusive diagnosis thanksfeel free to ask more questions may god bless you with good health </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a pain under my right rib cage for nearly two months. It feels like there is something pushing into my ribs and it hurts all the way into my back. I also get sick and it hurts worse when i eat. What oculd this be? I have had CT scan, ultrasound, everything and i get told everything is fine. HOwever i know everythinng isnt fine. [/INST] Hi,Looking to the history as all reports are normal there might be having acid reflux or gastritis giving this problem.Take Omeprazole type of medicine for few days.Avoid fried, chillies and junk food.Take less but frequent diet.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] G1p0 went in for US at 7-8 weeks gestation for moderate spotting and cramping. US revealed fraternal twins without heart beats. Went for hcg check and levels good. OB said to come back in one week for repeat US. I was wondering if repeat blood work would be a good idea? And is it normal to not find a heart beat on either twin that early? [/INST] Hello,Mostly, heart activity is evident by 7th week of gestation. Here, it might look bigger sized being twins, more over HCG findings are favorable.So, it is advisable to get USG (Ultrasonography) done after 1 more week to confirm heart beats, before taking any decision.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale </s>
<s>[INST] My son, 23 years old, had grand ball seizure in July 2012. Since then he is on Lapitor. By grace of God he did not have any seizure. Today morning when he woke up he thought in the night sometime he woke up with shaking hands which got normal once he woke up. But there were no othe indication of seizure. He is not very sure. [/INST] Hello, The symptoms which you have described for him do not appear to be those of seizure. I am not sure what is the constituent medication in Lapitor but most likely it is one of the anti epileptic drug and in that case he should continue on that. I will not be worried about the episode that he had in night. Probably you may be more watchful and be alert for any such episodes in future. If these persist he may be evaluated later for them. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] hi,my husband age 32,height ,5 feet 10 inches and medical history includes eye retina problem with a catarct opertion is having stomach ache which is arising in regular intervals and then settles down.pls suggest some immediate drug which can be purchased from walmart over the counter [/INST] Hi ! Good morning. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.For the present, you could give him an anti spasmodic, a proton pump inhibitor and a probiotic drug as an immediate measure. However, I would advise you to get him assessed clinically by your family physician for a proper diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have complicated migraines, simple partial seizures and are controlled by Lamictal. I have a long time pain from sound intake and it has worsened into my face. Other sensory triggers the pain. It has become just way too much to handle. I sought advice from friends and groups and nurses, that have trigeminal neuralgia and they suggest Carbamazepine. I learned it lowers Lamictal. I contacted pharmacy that said many will test blood serum of Lamictal and then add Carbamazepine and adjust Lamictal to therapeutic levels. My doctor is a bit concerned. She is not a pain doctor or neurologist. I am waiting to see one. But my condition makes it hard to travel in a car. My doctor asked I seek advice. Do you agree that checking the serum and adjusting is fine to do, in order to take Carbamazepine? The second option is Oxcarbazepine. In your experience is it a good pain drug for TN and does it mess up Lamictal? I found a study that said it did not. I was thinking I could start it now while I wait on Lamictal levels. And see if it helps. Just really struggling. Pain cream not helping much in certain places. My old neurologist wanted me to lower Glutamate as much as I could and suggested Namenda at one point. I know many people are on two and three drugs. I hope to try injections for the pain soon. Do you have any suggestions? [/INST] Hello. Firstly, we need to be sure if your pain is really Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) as there can be other causes of facial pain like idiopathic facial pain, Post-herpetic neuralgia. Sometimes dental causes of facial pain can mimic TN. Trigeminal neuralgia has sharp, shooting episodes of pain in any distribution of the trigeminal nerve. Pain is mostly along one side of pain and lasts for a few seconds. Pain can be triggered by brushing teeth, cold air, chewing of food. Mostly there is no baseline pain. For TN medications, Carbamazepine is the first line FDA (food and drug administration) approved drug. Second line drugs are Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Baclofen, Oxcarbamazepine, Phenytoin, and Gabapentin. You are already on Lamotrigine which is effective for TN. As add on medication you can do any of the following: 1. Take Carbamazepine and monitor serum levels of Lamotrigine. Both combined will give good relief for TN. 2. You can take Oxcarbamazepine. It does not interact with Lamotrigine. Its effects are like Carbamazepine. I would suggest you to take Oxcarbamazepine to avoid hassles of blood monitoring. I have seen patients getting good relief with Oxcarbamazepine. Remember that these medications take two to three weeks to show results and reach blood equilibrium. Most important is to confirm the diagnosis and then start the treatment. You may require an MRI brain to rule out any vascular loop pressing on Trigeminal nerve. Ultimately for TN, you can go for radiofrequency of affected division of Trigeminal nerve. Surgery is considered if there is a vascular loop. I hope this helps. Avoid exposure of face and ear to cold air. Wrap a scarf around neck and face when exposed to environmental temperature. Avoid your trigger. Practice deep breathing. Sleep for seven to eight hours. Avoid swimming. Avoid smoking and alcohol. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump on my upper arm just underneath my shoulder that is about 2 or 3 inches big. It reappears every couple of days or weeks and sometimes it is really tender and other times I barely notice it apart from when I feel it is there. What could it be? [/INST] HiWelcome to hcmThis can be lymph node. You should see a surgeon for confirmation and mostly it will require biopsy.Regards </s>
<s>[INST] In semen analysis, 85% dead. 15% motile And when i made Doppler , there is varicocele in left testicle 1st grade and no in right on, The strange matter that I m suffering from sever pain in right testicle and sometimes it swollen and became tough although left testicle is suffered one e varicocele I want to know how can I reduce the pain,and how this percentage of dead sperms can be improved?????and thanks for ur interest. [/INST] HelloThanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have Varicocele on left side and your semen analysis revealed what is termed as Asthanospermia meaning there by that motility of the sperm is very less .Truly speaking there are no drugs that can improve the motility of sperms Following measure will help you to improve sperm count and motility of sperm.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and Vitamin A,C,D,E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 everyday..4) Avoid alcohol and smoking..If semen analysis reveals presence of pus cells sugesting infection you may need to take broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefotaxime for 4 weeks.Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] I fell backward landing on both hands and butt. I had serious pain in my right elbow and back that passed after few minutes. Mr right elbow has intense pain depending on how it moves. i don y see any bruise and my hand functions. I have been icing it for 8 hours and i still get intense pain when i move some directions. At wha point do i stop ice and see a doc. I have a high pain threshold, but when it flares i can t use my arm [/INST] Hi,Thanks for your query.An initial xray of the injured part is mandatory to rule out any bony injury (fracture). If the xray is negative for a fracture, then the other possibility is soft tissue injury either to the ligaments, tendons etc.The initial management for your condition is as follows -- Give adequate rest to the injured part and avoid any movements that produces pain- Apply ice wrapped in a damp towel to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours during the day- Compress or bandage the injured area to limit any swelling and movement that could damage it further. You can use a crepe bandage or a simple elastic bandage - Keep the injured area raised and supported on a pillow to help reduce swelling. - Gentle massage with a pain killer cream over the injured area might be helpful If your symptoms are still persisting after the above measures, consult an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation and management.I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query.Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My dad is a heart patient, he had endoplasty 6 years ago, since 2 monthst he has been feeling burning in chest, so he went to see heart spacilost, who did dtress ecg and said during the ecg he had 2 cardiac pain within 4 mins so and said he would need to go for bypass surgery. So yesterday he has his engograph test and then the doc said he doent have any blockage. He doesn t need surgery, so my dad is confusd if thsre is no blockage then why he had 2 cardIac pain during stress ecg and why he is still feelinbg burning in his chest. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. If his angiography is normal means no blockage, no need to worry much. Angiography is the gold standard to see for Coronary blockage. Since his angiography is normal, no need for bypass surgery. Chest pain while stress test is mostly due to musculoskeletal pain. Burning central chest pain might be due to GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause symptoms of central burning chest pain. So ask him to avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Take pantoprazole tablet on empty stomach. Don't worry, he will be alright.. No need to worry for Coronary blockage and bypass surgery. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your father. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Does Zolpidem (10 mg) ever have the side effect of, upon awaking in the dark, having large spots or circles in the eyes, which will disappear upon being in the light, and never happening during the daylight hours? I did quit taking Zolpidem at this time, and have not had the problem with eyes since [/INST] Hi.I understand your concern. Zolpidam is remedy used for insomnia. Dark circle or black out is not common side effects. Though there are few cases reported in literature. But most of them occur due to they were taking co current other medicines.So zolpidam alone does not have such side effect but combination with other medicines may lead to such side effect. Try alternative medicines for sleep disturbances. Consult psychiatrist and get help.I hope I have answered your question. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] sir ! due to the pimples i have dark spots on my face and also having dark circles. what should i do to remove them compleatly for ever . i am 16 years and my height is 175cm and weight is 68 kg. [/INST] Hi Acne or pimples is a recurring problem that is due to age related hormonal problem. With medical treatment the results are not very satisfactory. To get good results you may consult a cosmetologist regarding chemical peeling, microdermabrassion, lasers and other cosmetic procedures. I am sure you will be happy with these treatments. Bye </s>
<s>[INST] I ve woken a couple of mornings recently with a swelling in the lower right abdomen. Its hard but not painful and goes once im moving around. Im now experiencing pain in that area over the last 3 days, it throbs,aches and im uncomfortable lying on my right side. Im very gassy and have experienced both constipation and loose stools. Minor nausea on and off. [/INST] HI.The lump which comes and goes in the lower abdomen is due to Hernia unless proved otherwise. Get confirmed from a Surgeon and if present get operated . </s>
<s>[INST] I'm having ache in lower jaw. Last time i visited dentist...i had a root canal same side After a month i started experiencing pain in that jaw sometimes... [/INST] Hello, welcome to iCliniq. This may be the pain from the same reason you had previously. If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, then that can cause you this kind of problem repeatedly. But if you have pain on biting, that may be from the root canal treated tooth. Do you have the xray? Can you send me a picture of the affected area and the xray ? In the meantime, you can rinse mouth with warm saline water 5-7 times daily. If the pain doesn't subside, you can take painkiller... Tab Ibuprofen (400mg) two times daily for 2/3 days (after meal) Please send me the pictures for proper diagnosis and better treatment plan. Thank you for contacting us. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, i have been suferring from Trichotillomania for more than 9-10 yrs. now it has been reduced 80%. I would like to regrow my hair by using Zevit Tablets. btw i have come acroos many products in internet n got confued to choose right one. please doctor suggest me good supplements.by Shal Age-29. from Bangalore. India. my hairs becoming very thin , dry and Split ends. Its very tough to grow back my hairs. Request you to suggest good supplements to regrow my hairs. [/INST] Save your money! The primary problem is the physical pulling of the hair. The hair will regrow on its own and no supplements will speed that process up considerably. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a smelly tooth when i floss. The dentist says some bone loss causing space for bacteria to grow. I have been very ill for 6 weeks now and have been diagnosed with a polyp in my sinus adjacent to the tooth. What came first the polyp or the smelly bone loss tooth? Which caused which? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The bad breath or halitosis can be because of the gum infection or pus discharge secondary to the deposits between the teeth or below the gums.Consult a oral physician and get your teeth cleaned and use mouth washes after that and maintain oral hygiene after that.The halitosis can also comes from sinus polyp also. But first get your teeth cleaned and later you get the sinus problem solved.I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] i believe i have shingles on my left foot, raised rash very itchy, itches more when i rubbed it,i ve been putting caladrly clear in it, it takes care of the itch a little, making it bearable. but it is contagious, like chicken pox, and do i need to stay clear of the family, wash the bedding( i ve been wearing one sock to bed, just in case..am I doing the right things? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to 'Ask A Doctor' service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.It is certainly not shingles. Shingles is usually painful rather than itchy. Perhaps it is either a fungal infection or it could an eczema patch. I would suggest you to get it examined. A fungal infection is usually a ring shaped, dry, scaly expanding lesion whereas an eczema patch is a dry, red, scaly patch. Depending on the diagnosis you would require either a topical antifungal or a topical steroid cream. In addition to the specific therapy you may take an oral antihistamine e.g Tab cetrizine 10mg once a day for symptomatic relief from itching.Hope I have answered your query Let me know if you need any more assistance </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I just Had my gallbladder and appendix removed eight weeks ago and had complicates after the surgery like throwing up. Now eight weeks later I am still having severe pain like a 12 out of 10. We have gone to my doctor and surgeon but they can't figure out why I'm still in excruciating pain. Do you have any ideas of what it could be? Or what we should do? [/INST] hello,it's not normal that 8 weeks after surgery you still have a lot of pain. Simple muscle pain should have be gone by now or be relieved by taking some pain killers.When the pain perseveres than I would perform a Ct-scan and a blood test to check if everything is ok.One definitely must rule out fluid collections, other problems,...Hope this will help you. Feel free to contact me if you have other questions. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I had epilepsy from last 8 years I am in eight class when I suffered from pneumonia than doctor gave me tabetss of chloroquinine after that I am just have tremble in my body. By seeing this my father thinks that I have epilepsy than he took me to doctor than doctor starts epilex chrono 300mg slowly increasing upto 800mg and one day Ifell down than another doctor said I don t have epilepsy than he stops my medicine slowly. But there is our college trip than I got my first seizure and slowly I know that I am an epileptic patient. Now I got seizure when I am restless I want to ask you about permanent treatment for epilepsy. Please suggest me sir Thanks [/INST] Hello dear,Don't feel so low,as epilepsy is not a curse.Whether you have it or not,a doctor can't tell unless one see you having it or unless he is provided with accurate description of the event.Best thing for you is to video record a typical episode and visit a neurologist with the video.Even if it is epilepsy,treatment drugs depend on the type of seizure,as there are several seizure types and drug of choice for every seizure type is different.Some epileptic persons performed great in life,like Sir isaac newton,johnty rhodes.So,don't be so sad. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, my kid 9 yrs 21 kg has been having high fever since today afternoon. Looks like viral fever. We have given ibugesic (paracetamol+ibuprofen) at 2 pm and then meftal-p (mefenamic acid) at 7.45pm. But within 4.15 hrs, the fever is back to 100 plus. Pls advise urgently. Thanx. [/INST] HelloDr.Ervis answering.First step is to take the clothes off of the child. Let him with one layer or naked if possible. You could use again ibugesic 200 mg every 6-8 hours, 3 doses in 24 hours and between the medicine you could make your child a bath with warm water. Not with cold water as it will make the temp rise. When bathing with warm water take out a cup with warm water and put in a cup with cold water. so cool it down gradually. If fever persists more than 3 days with full 24 hours send him to the hospital it could be bacterial. Check him up and possibly do a Urine analysis. </s>
<s>[INST] hi im have a pcod from when i get my 1st period now im maride.i went for gynocologyst he told me to take hormone test and scan i have 2 go with report in few weeks becoz i had a scan befor doctor told ther is a small dermoid syst in right side overy he told it may go in few weeks.stil i didnt start my tretment how many month it will take to cure with madicin and in how many month i can get pregnent [/INST] Hello Thanks for your query. PCOD needs regular treatment & efforts from patients ,it cannot be cured but brought under control,No one can predict how much time you will need to get pregnant .Start treatment & sincere efforts for result.It is not so easy to cure. ‘Hope I have answered your query, I will be available to answer your follow up queries, “Wish you Good Health and trouble free speedy recovery” </s>
<s>[INST] My 2 year old son has a bruised soft bump seems to be covering a hard bump on his lower mid spine and has had it for at least 2 months now. I took him to the doctor when I first noticed it and she said it looked like it may have been slightly injured. It still hasnt gone away at all should I be concerned? [/INST] Hi... by what you got I feel that It could be a lipoma or as it is in the midline, it could also be a dermoid cyst.Though as of now there are no neurological symptoms or weakness of the lower Limbs I suggest You consult your pediatrician and get an MRI spine done. I am suggesting this to rule out spinal pressure or spinal extension of the swelling.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] DEAR DOCTOR, my dad aged 63 is suffering from liver cirrohsis.. he is a born vegetarian and non-alcoholic.. but he has diabetes... he is bbeing treated for it... but he suffers from fever and chill especially if he travels and drives car... wat may be the cause for fever?? waiting for your reply... thank u... [/INST] Hi welcome to the health care magic Secondary infection as a result of diabetes here can lead fever.. By travelling he might suffers from viral cold and that can also lead fever with chills Your father's work up done with... -CBC along with platelet count and DC-Auscultation -Physical examination and detail drug history -Peripheral smear examination esp for malaria parasitesIf specific cause revealed than treatment done for that If fever not resolving and keep on increasing than blood culture like investigation might done until than symptomatic management done, and for fever paracetamol given Advise : Consult physician for examination... </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Dr. Rynne! Nice to meet you. I am curious to if albuterol in and inhaler could be what is keeping me up at night. I ve been on it for a few days now for acute bronchitis. my breathing is better now but if I should need to take some inhales maybe do it during the day instead? [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your concern. Treatment of acute bronchitis needs antibiotic, antihistamine , antiinflammatory drugs with inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS).Albuterol is long acting beta 2 agonist (LABA). It's action lasts for 12 hours. So better to take it twice daily. Twice in a day will give you more relief. So consult your doctor and discuss about this dose modification and addition of other drugs for better symptomatic relief. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My skin is oily. My problem is around my nose and chins are black in color. Sometimes it may cause itching. I used to avoid soaps in my face. I like naturals. So i always use Turmeric powder, Besan to wash to my face. Is there any home remedy for my problem? [/INST] i think besan and turmeric are good for your condition...you can go for face packs too...multani mitti is also a good alternative...you can use rose water for cleansing your face..it will help... </s>
<s>[INST] Hello My menstrual cycle is reasonably regular but has been flactuating from 28 to 32 days. My last cycle started Dec 14 2014. Yesterday on the 22nd day while having sex the condom broke with semen getting inside. I am considering taking postinor but would not want to expose my fertility to unnecessary risks as I read that the consequences could be quite unpleasant and dangerous. Information is very different from this medication being absolutely safe to causing infertility.i am 27 so would like to have children in next couple years. Could you please advise. Thank you very uh in advance. [/INST] Hello,Thanks for trusting us with your health concern. Ovulation occurs two weeks prior to the onset of the next menstrual period and this is the fertile phase when pregnancy can occur. Since you have 28-32 day cycles, your ovulation would occur from day 14 to day 18. The ovum lives only for 24 hours. Since you had the intercourse on day 22, you are safe. There is no need to consume the emergency contraceptive pill. The pill contains high dose of progesterone and hence can lead to hormone imbalance. Repeated pill usage can lead to infertility problems in future. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi...I am 26 female...I have been having this feeling of that you get after wearing tour helmet for quite sometime..its not really numb..just a weird sticky feeling..always getting tingling on my legs and arms especially when I wake up and then feeling numb for some time.should I be worried?its more to the left side. [/INST] Hello, Consult a neurologist and get evaluated. We have to rule out possible neuropathic causes. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached. [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 30 year old woman and had a tetanus shot administered last Thursday (five days ago). On Sunday evening I noticed a slight itching and then tenderness near my left collarbone. I felt around and have found a small (the size of a marble, but not quite as round) lump on the top side of my collarbone. The lump is hard, but I can move it back and forth. It is tender to touch. I have also been battling a cold (now more of a cough, stuffy nose, sinus stuffiness/ache) for about 16 days. I did take Azythromycin which initially helped my sinus issues, but didn t take away the cough. My throat is sore and my glands seem swollen currently. I have not had a fever or chills. I have had night sweats on and off for the last 7 years and have not experienced an increase with this cold. I have an appointment with a general practitioner on Friday, but am full of anxiety about a possible serious condition. [/INST] Hi,the small lump on the collarbone that moves could well be a lymphnode, the best advice is to get its biopsy done so that you become clear on the status of this lump. Let me assure you that majority of the times its infection, but in a few cases it may be a type of malignancy indicator.do not waste time on this and get yourself examined. </s>
<s>[INST] I have heart disease, with multiple stents. I m also a type 2 Diabetes but my sugar is controlled. I was doing ok till two weeks ago, I start feeling numbness in my hands toes and head and headache after exercise. Could this be related to my heart condition? [/INST] Basically you should recollect your symptoms of heart trouble prior to angioplasty and stenting.Numbness in hands and headache may be angina eqivalent.so you must get your stress teting done .if stress test is normal you should look for possibility of diabetic neuropathy. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 27-year-old male. My weight is 255 lb, and I am a smoker. I suffer from panic attack, anxiety, and fear of cancer for six years. Right now I have been spending all my day reading about brain tumor because I think I have it since I have all the symptoms. Two weeks ago I had a panic attack where I felt I could not breathe, and feeling fainting. After that day, my ears started hurting a little bit, and I started feeling lightheaded, which is very hard to explain. My head feels like I am drunk but it is not spinning. I have not slept for days. I had this problem before when I had anxiety issues, and I went in urgent care, where they checked my ear and I did not have ear infection. The doctor said your neck muscle feels irritated and sore. He said it could be due to it or allergies. And he prescribed me nasal spray to use, but when I used that, I experience terrible headache with neck pain. After two days, I had the feeling that I am about to pass out again, so I decided to go in the ER. I told the doctor I need MRI and may have a brain tumor, and she said I could not do MRI on you without doing a blood test, ECG, and some tests where she makes me walk in a straight line and, etc. My blood test and ECG came back 100 % good. My doctor said there is no need for an MRI. I doubt that how she knows I do not have brain cancer? She gave me some pills for allergies, but I am not taking it because I think I have a brain tumor. I am a painter, and I paint houses, and I work 14 hours a day. I do not feel any tiredness just this feeling in my head is killing me. Do I have a brain tumor and am I going to die within a year? I do not have a loss of appetite or anything, and I am just really thinking that I have a brain tumor. What do you think my problem is? [/INST] Hello. Possibly you are very anxious with thoughts of having a brain tumor. It may be part and parcel of your previous anxiety problem, which might have increased recently. I suggest you consultant a psychiatrist for anxiety issues. For relieving your current thoughts and anxiety, you can get an MRI brain. Otherwise, your thoughts will keep on making you restless. The doctor might have said of not having a tumor because you do not have a different kind of symptom. Still, you can get MRI done, to relieve these thoughts. But for further management, you should meet a psychiatrist. T3, T4, TSH, serum vitamin B12. Anxiety disorder. Daily exercises in form of jogging and yoga. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I ve just had my wisdom teeth removed Monday and now today here is Thursday. The Dentist told me to rest and don t go to the gym for a week, but it s killing me to just eat and lay around all day. A couple days ago I got on the scale and I could be wrong, but I think the scale put me up 2 lbs. So far all I ve eaten since the surgery is: Oatmeal, Soup, Grits, Apple Sauce, Low-fat Yogurt and juice to drink. My question is, will I gain weight this week from no physical activity. [/INST] Thank you for your query,The main purpose of your Dentist advise, is you to prevent any strenuous physical activity. Strenuous physical activity can lead to blood clot coming off from the tooth socket which may hamper the healing process due to wisdom tooth extraction. You can gain some weight but considering the situation, its a better option. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a twelve hour night shift three times a week where i stand for most of the night the inside of my left ankle is swollen and it is painful when i walk but i have been putting up with it for about two months i keep saying i am going to go to the doctors but keep putting it off as i dare not have anymore time off work as i have had shingles in my back and chest last year and was off work for three months can you give me any idea what thecause could be thanks Maz [/INST] Hello and welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Swelling and pain in ankle common cause is ankle sprain.Have u twisted your ankle in near past? if yes ankle sprain is likely cause for pain. I would advise xray of involved ankle anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities. you have to apply crepe bandage and keep your ankle elevated while not on duty. Tab trypsin chymotrypsin thrice a day for 7 days helps in reducing swelling. Tab diclofenac sodium 50 mg twice a day helps in pain relief.Visit to orthopedic surgeon is recommended. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I am having severe stomach ache since last night. Yesterday I had milk in morning and a south indian dish dosa in dinner. Even before having dinner I was start getting the ache. However, after having dinner, the pain became worsen. I had taken medicine ranitidine in the morning. But still no rescue. Please suggest [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Healthcare magic. if it is a gastritis or a peptic ulcer pain which are very common causes of abdominal pain, you should have got at least some relief with ranitidine and food intake. Since there is no relief, i would advice you to visit your doctor's office to rule out conditions like pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. A clinical exam and certain blood tests, ultrasound scan may be needed to come to a conclusion. I wish you a speedy recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I am 63 yrs.76 kg,5 11 ,male.i am having pain in my right thigh since last 1 yr.i feel pain while walking and moving my leg.1 month back dr has prescribed Pregabalin 75 mg tab and methycobalamin 750 mg tab.i am not feeling better.Now i am having pain i n my both knees also.So the dr has added Torcoxia BCD 90 tab and Protera tab empty stomach.Is it safe to take this drug as Torcoxia is antiinflammatory analgesic.i undersatand it may advrsally affect kidney and heart problems though i am not having anykidney or heart problem now.Pleas advise should i take Torcoxia and Protera tablets in addition to pregabalin and methycobalamin. [/INST] Hello, Yes, you can take ,all of them have no interaction with each other and there is no significant side effects also. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Jaideep Gaver </s>
<s>[INST] I have been having pain in my left side and I did ultrasound which came back OK. After that I have been having belly ache a like menstrual cramps along with head ahe and I sometimes feel like am going to pass out. My right leg gets real cramped she I do too much work. I feel like a nerve there is shocking me with pain [/INST] Hi.Thanks for your query. The causes of the pains and the other symptoms is suggestive of hte following in your case:I am suspecting a general disease like Typhoid or gastroenteritis to cause your problems as there is no specific symptom-complex.I would advise you the following:Since the ultrasonography is normal, let us go for the blood tests of CB , Widal for typhoid, and other tests as per the clinical findings. Urine - routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.Stool tests.Get started on an appropriate antibiotics under the guidance of a Doctor and other symptomatic treatment , to see the reports and then to continue or alter the treatment as per the further reports. </s>
<s>[INST] 39 weeks pregnant... came home yesterday from work early cuz had such pain & pressure when standing/walking that I could barely walk. Laid down all afternoon and had some contractions but not regular and some very strong! Today, I am feeling nausea, headache, backache, and few contractions. I called nurse and everything she told me I am pretty much doing to try to find comfort. I did eat something a little bit ago, took some tylenol, but still feeling so crappy and exhausted! [/INST] Hello dear,I understand your concern.In my opinion the pain abdomen and backache needs to be examined to rule out any cervical changes.As you are term there might be onset of labour pains at any time.Take Tylenol for headache.Take adequate fluids upto 2-3 litres per day.Also rule out any high BP.Nothing to worry.Best regards....Dr Srilatha </s>
<s>[INST] have been feeling slightly out of breath for past 3 days. Doctor has prescribed ab phylline 100 - 3 times a day for 10 days and montair fx once a day for 10 days. It's happening for the first time, could it simply be a clogged throat? Doc said my lungs are clear. I never smoke. Pls advise. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Yes, it is possible to have breathlessness even if you are not a smoker. Not only cigarette smoke, pollution, dust, chemical Fumes etc can also cause bronchitis. When they inhaled in lungs, they cause irritation and inflammation (bronchitis). And this bronchitis causes breathlessness. Inhaled treatment is the best treatment for bronchitis. You are not improving because you are not taking inhaled treatment. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will improve with inhaled bronchodilator (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a strange experience that happened about 10 days ago. I can only liken it to amnesia . I seem to have lost a month or so. Just had put a 55 yr old son to rest who died on Dec 3rd, 2017. Memorial service was Jan. 14th..which I rather grazed through. About all I remember after that is a feeling of being semi-conscious, memory loss . I hit my head on an end table and stressed my neck, which had been broken a few years ago. I am not myself, for sure. What do you make of this? Lots of dests done: blood work, EKG, CT, etc. Started with new doctor and husband took me to Emergency where they kept me Sun afternoon, then was told to go home and to see my new doctor in 2-3 days. We are seeing her at 3 PM today. [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. As all tests were done and nothing was figured out, psychologically, the problem could be due to stress and anxiety related to your son's demise. Don't take that incident along with you. Just leave it as past. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I had a problem with lower left abdominal pain for 7 years which is diagnosed in 2017 as an umbilical hernia. I subsequently did the surgery in January 2018 and I was diagnosed with moderate fatty liver during the test prior to the surgery. But I was given Liv 52 to take for three months and Lipitor 20 mg. But when I reported to work I started noticing mild pain in my heels and imbalance which I thought was due to the drugs side effects. Somewhere in March I panicked out of sleep and started sweating with my heart beating very fast. I rushed to the hospital and they did a brain CT and kidney function test which was normal and the gave me some anxiety tablets Lexotamil 1.5 mg. Afterward, I noticed that my heel pain was aggravating with flashes of dizziness and minor headaches which I could manage. I reported to the hospital and was referred to an orthopedic specialist. There I was asked to do and MRI of the brain, neck, and spine with magnesium, phosphate, calcium, and sodium test which were all normal. The doctor then gave me Renerve and Stugeron for the dizziness. But still the issue persisted so I reported back to focus and was asked to see and ENT specialist and EYE specialist. I went to an eye center but they all proved negative. So I was referred to see a neurologist who asked for an MRI of the thoracic and lumbar spines and also test for Folate and Vitamin B12. But again they were all negative and he said my situation might be idiomatic so he did not give anything. But in all these, I realized my energy levels were coming down I easily get tired and occasionally my heart rate will go up with a feeling of uneasiness and confusion all coupled with balancing disorders associated with cluster headaches. I went back to my hospital and was advised to see a cardiologist. He also did his relevant test which all proved negative and he declared me safe. But he advised if I am still not normal I should see his boys at the executive heart center which I did. They have been working on me since and nothing has come up. Although the symptoms still persist. So just last week I was not feeling very well and had to go for a check up when I was told of the micro-pulmonary embolism and was admitted. I currently have serious heel pain without swelling in the legs, dizziness without spinning, chest discomfort, unsteady gait, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue, diminished vision, issues with acid reflux and indigestion, occasional heart palpitations, insomnia, and pressure and discomfort in the chest after standing for about 5 minutes or while walking with extreme dizziness. I currently take Xarelto 15 mg, Motilium once daily, Stugeron 25 mg, Maalox plus suspension 150 ml, Pariet 20 mg, Carvedilol 6.25 mg, and Lexotanil 1.5 mg once daily at night. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to icliniq.com. I can imagine how difficult time you have doing all these visit to doctors. Well, I have gone through your history, I could not see you have any specific gastrointestinal issues at this moment. Your main concerns are related to the neurological department not a gastroenterology department. I urge you to seek help from a neurology team. Well, some of your concerns like fatty liver, and indigestions are related to my field, hence I would like to give you some suggestion regarding that. So I see you already on some medicine for indigestion such as Maalox syrup and Pariet which is an acid suppressant medication. They are relatively safe and can be taken regularly or intermittently based on symptoms. The second concern from GI prespective are fatty liver. You did not mention your weight so I could not estimate the body mass index which is a direct tool to assess the level of fat one has over the liver and other body tissues. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) can reduce some fat from liver but they are not the preferred treatment for fatty liver disease, they can control lipids however if elevated. Atorvastatin can cause myopathy means muscle damage and can cause severe cramps over legs and throughout the body. I want you to check your creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels to confirm this if you have recently stopped your Atorvastatin. The preferred therapy for fatty liver disease, if you are not diabetes is Vitamin E 400 mg twice daily for at least three months. The other recommendation is to reduce your weight by 7 to 10% of current body weight in the coming six months. Walk 150 minutes/week and dieting which is all required. I am sorry I could not answer the rest of your concern, but I want that should contact a neurologist available online on icliniq to be given proper suggestions regarding your health. I hope this helps. Fatty liver disease. Indigestion. Creatine phosphokinase. Drug-induced indigestion. Capsule Vitamin E 400 mg twice daily for three months. You can follow up with me for your GI related issues, and discuss long term management of your fatty liver disease. </s>
<s>[INST] my name is Monica. I have been on birth control since 2007. i would like to know what are my chances of falling pregnant within the month of July. I was supposed to go to my doctor on the 17th of July for birth control but my husband and I have decided to concieve the baby in July? please advise [/INST] stop birth control pill if u want to go for pregnancy. ..as it prevents ovulation. ...after stopping d pill..next month keep relationship between 11 th to 18th day of the cycle to maximise chances of conception </s>
<s>[INST] I'm 16, 140 lbs, and 5"8'. I woke up thursday with a small red lump on my left forearm just below my elbow crease and today it has gotten larger and it hurts really bad. the lump has risen and is hard all around it and has a red rash extending about 2 inches in each direction from it. what could it be? [/INST] Hi.You have explained about a boil turning into a stage of cellulitis which is spreading fast. Get your blood Sugar checked.Consult a Doctor as you need to take prescription based antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines. Apply liquid povidone iodine to the whole area. </s>
<s>[INST] I haver asthma and just got over a devere cold. I havent been able to breathe and i'm coughing for over a week. I just started taking 20 mg prednisone 2x/day. I plan on taking it for 5 days. do i need to be weaned off after the 5 days? (I cant reach my dr) [/INST] HiIf for acute treatment of 5 days then no need to wean the drug. If prolonged for more than a week or if you use repeatedly then you need to wean the drug. Only prednisolone wont help for you. Since cold you need to take antihistamine drug along with anti inflammatory drug. Also get checked for any nasal polyp which is most common in asthmea patient and if present the line of treatment is different.Hope this information helps you. Feel free to ask if any further queries and I will be glad to answer them.Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 31 years old female. For the last one year I have been having severe problem with acne . I ve never had acne as a teenager or anytime before this. Initially I used salicylic acid facewash 2.5%, alongwith 2.5% benzac AC which seemed to reduce the acne considerably in a month. However, the acne recurred and the same medication did not work again. Right now for the last one week I have been using prescription medicine as follows: 1: deriva MS - applied all over face for 1-2 hrs. 2: benzoyle peroxide facewash 4% twice a day. 3: faceline+benzac 2.5% combination on the comedones every night. Now the comedones have come down but have instead become flatter and my face looks really red all over. How do I get rid of these red scars and how do i prevent further acne? [/INST] Hi there. At the outset, i note your problem has been present awhile now. No single treatment regime in acne works for all patients. If there is one medication that has 'universal appeal' in acne managment it has to be Roaccutane (systemic isotretinoin). It however has side effects & your dermatologist will be the best person to explain these in detail, take a consent form you before starting & do a series of preliminary blood tests & as per protocol at regular intervals during treatment. From your description you will definitely do well with a non-comedogenic sunscreen ( i usually recommend Bioderma sunscreens formulated especially for acne patients) to reduce the redness & while using systemic isotreinoin therapy. Cheers & Good luck with your treatment! </s>
<s>[INST] CAN GALLBLADDER CAUSE YOU TO FEEL WEAKNESS N YOUR BODY...I HAVE HAD STOMACH PROBLEMS WITH HEARTBURN, NAUSEA AT TIMES AT NIGHT....LAST NIGHT I GOT NAUSEA AND WENT TO BED,,,FELT VERY WARM WHEN LAYING THERE LIKE A HOT FLASH...WHEN I GOT UP THIS MORNING FELT LIKE MY SUGAR WAS LOW...I ATE AND SYSTOMS DIDNT GO AWAY AND FELT VERY WEAK IN BY BODY...NOT FATQUIED, JUST WEAKNESS [/INST] Hi,Welcome to Health care magic forum. The symptoms appear to be due to the infection, and fever. The heart burn must be secondary to the infection. I advise you to consult a gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatment. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms omeprazole, domperidone,and and antacid gel.Antibiotic and paracetamol for fever. Avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods, and also avoid untimely foods Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! I have chronic hepatitis b, and I don't have any symptoms and do not take any medications. But since last week I've feeling bloated, my stomach is growling constantly , and I feel full. I going to see my doctor tomorrow, but I just need to know if this is something to worry about? Thank you. [/INST] HelloThanks for asking query on HCM. As you have mentioned you are suffering from chronic hepatitis B and not on antivirals, but you have not given details of your liver function tests or viral load. Your description of recent symptoms could be due to two main reasons - fluid in the abdomen or due to dyspepsia/flatulence problems. So you would require atleast ultrasound of the abdomen to rule out chronic liver disease/ascites along with LFT. If normal it could be becauses of dyspepsia for which treatment is simple. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My mother, 58 years, feels a blockage around her chest while eating/drinking?What could be this and what should be my line of action. No prior family history exists of such aliment and she has been healthy other than having much muscular pains for last 05 years. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern.Blocking sensations in chest while eating and drinking are mostly seen with esophageal pathologies like achalasia cardia, GERD, esophageal mass or tumour etc. So get done1. Barium swallow2. Upper GI (gastrointestinal) scopy3. CT thorax.So consult gastroenterologist and discuss all these.Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Every now and then I will feel my chest tighten and my heart starts pounding extremely hard. I can't breath and I begin feeling very lightheaded. It usually only lasts a few seconds and does not happen too often. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? [/INST] Hello and thanks for writing.I can understand your concern and would try to help you in the best possible way. The symptoms you have described are some what red flags and need a thorough workup to get to a cause. A few conditions that might cause them include cardiac arrhythmia, angina, anxiety or Blood Pressure issues. You need to be evaluated with a complete medical history and physical examination. You may also need few tests like BP measurement, CBC, KFT, ECG, Holter study and others to rule out cardiac ailments.I suggest you consult a physician and get yourself worked up for the problem. </s>
<s>[INST] i was stretching before cheer leading the other day, and when i got to there i went into my right split and heard a popping sound around my right butt area. Why would this happen? What should i do? I ve tried icing it and taking pain killers, is there anyway to make it feel better faster? [/INST] hi hope this msg finds u in good health. i have gone through your complaints and under stand your concern. u seem to have injured ur soft tissues like muscle in d butt region.. it might b a simple spasm or cramping. instead of analgesics. .take muscke relaxant tablets..or a pain killer injection and a local spray to alleviate d pain fastenothing to worry about. hope your question has been answered. if u have any follow up queries, feel free to consult me anytime. thanks Take care god bless </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am concerned about ED. I am 51. I am fit but have hypertension that is controlled using 5 mg of Bystolic daily. BP generally runs 120/77 but can be higher depending upon stress levels. My most recent physical showed healthy levels of cholesterol and blood sugars. I do however have anxiety issues. Until last Thursday, I generally woke once or twice each night with strong erections. On Wednesday, I had sex with my wife that morning and then masturbated later in the day. I woke up on Thursday with only a weak morning erection. I was not too concerned but I noted it. (I have had a fear of ED since turning 50). Friday, I had weak morning erection and that night, I had no real libido and when I tried to force the issue, I could not get an erection. I woke up Saturday morning with a moderate erection and was able to achieve 80 or 90 percent hardness and ejaculate. I was still concerned about not being doing so the night before. Sunday morning, I awoke with a moderate morning erection and masturbated to 70 or 80 percent without ejaculation. Monday, there was no morning erection, but I was able to get to get myself fairly erect. Tuesday nothing. Wednesday, no morning erection but I could masturbate to about 70 percent. Thursday, no morning erection but I masturbated to about 70 to 80 % and ejaculated. Each of these times the erection deflated fairly quickly once stimulation stopped. Last night, Thursday night, I was able to masturbate to about 80 percent without ejaculation. However, it deflated quickly again. No morning erection today. Throughout all of this, my libido has been subpar and my anxiety has been fairly high. As I mentioned, I have had a fear of ED. This came on so quickly, it has me very concerned. My question for you is, given what I am experiencing, do you think there is a physical cause of this or is it simply my anxiety about erectile dysfunction? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your description and the likely cause is stress and anxiety. These factors quite commonly affect sexual performance, libido, and erections. Considering your libido was also low during this period, it is likely a stress and anxiety-related issue only and unlikely to be erectile dysfunction (ED). Also, normally in humans, there exists some period during which overall sexual activity is low which is influenced by multiple day to day and hormonal factors. Also, to consider the possibility of erectile dysfunction, one should have a consistent and recurrent inability to sustain or acquire erections and cannot jump to a conclusion of ED over such a short period. So, overall, I do not think this is ED but stress-related and should improve in a week or two. If you are not having libido, then better not force yourself for masturbation and sex, and just wait for few days and then you will certainly come back with stronger desire and erections. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I have a small cyst on my soft pallet left and it is filled with fluid. I popped it because it is a nuisance because my tongue touches it when I swallow. When I popped it today, fluid came out and then it bled. I saw an ENT this morning and he said it was nothing to worry about. However, when he saw it this morning it wasn t there. He said he just saw reminants that he thought was from a surgery - which I ve never had. [/INST] Hello,The Symptom you mentioned in query is indicating towards a condition known as mucocele as duct of gland get blocked and saliva get accumulated and form mucocele.Usually, it goes away without any treatment. Do not touch lump with your tongue or pick it. You can apply honey on lump at night.However, if it persist or cause problem in normal functioning of oral cavity then you should consult dentist/oral surgeon for proper examination and to rule out other condition like 'Torus palatinus'.The doctor may remove the gland surgically or perform marsupialization which is helping a formation of new duct for drainage of saliva.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My bday party is Saturday, 11/6/10; however, 11/3/10, I had a severe allergic reaction to nuts. I was given steroids, pepcid and benadryl at hospital. I was sent home with 40 mg of prednisone 2x a day or 4 days, 40 mg of pepcid 2 x a day and benadryl 25 - 50mg every 4 - 6 hours. I went to allergist who gave me a script to ween off prednisone. For 11/5/10 - 30mg, 11/6/10 - 20mg, 11/7/10 - 10mg, 11/8/10 - 5mg (end). My question, the "caution category" on the prescription info sheet doesn't indicate if I could consume a glass (or two) of wine on 11/6/10; is it safe to consume 1 or 2 glasses of wine on 11/6/10? [/INST] HI, thanks for using healthcare magicThe alcohol should not be used if you are still currently using the medication.The benadryl would have sedative effect and this would be worse with the use of alcohol.In addition, alcohol can affect the stomach to cause gastritis which can also occur with the steroids.When the medication has been discontinued, then you can use alcohol.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,I’m 30 yrs old Male, suffering from Asthma (allergic to dust & cold) since 18 yrs. I have consulted many doctors to get rid of this Asthma but finally I am settled with MONTEK-LC tablet from past 2 yrs. I am comfortable with this tablet and use to take 2 or sometime 3 days once in a night time that will comfort me for 48 hr to 72 hrs. Here my problem is facing few rashes on my face and forehead from past 2 months. I heard this might be because of allergy. I Google it based on the drug Montek-LC and found this may causes rash as a side effect because I only take regularly this tablet. Can you pls let me know is this because of Montek-LC tablet or may be some other and also is there a way to get rid of this Asthma permanently??? Kindly do the help…!! [/INST] MONAIR LC IS NOT GOOD COMBINATION AND ALLERGY BEHAVES LIKE THIS IF YOU TREAT ONE SYSTEM IT INVOLVES OTHER SYSTEMS LIKE SKIN IN YOUR CORSECOMBINATION OF MONTELUCAST 10 MG and fexofenadine is good and is without any side effect.you can apply clobestrl ointment on affected skinbut you can go to allergy specialisy to find out yur allergies and do immunotherapy for cure </s>
<s>[INST] Stopped tramadol cold turkey 19 days ago. HORRIBLE experience. Took 500mg daily for ten years( back surgery). I still feel completely fatigued. The back pain has lessened! But I m extremely bloated with diarhea for 19 days now. I am using a fiber powder. Nothing helps. My stomach is hard and looks like a beach ball. Any suggestions? [/INST] First, tramadol has narcotic effects on teh bowel like any other narcotic. Constipation during taking it and diarrhea after stopping with other withdrawal effects. This would typically settle down 1-2 weeks after quitting, but varies somewhat.Bowel narcotics like imodium stop diarrhea from narcotic withdrawal. And, obviously there is potential for tolerance, addiction and withdrawal from it too even if it does not get out of the gut (return of the withdrawlal gut symptoms when quitting it). Also, stomach pain with increased tone is often a sign of a serious condition that is NOT related to tramadol... This can include serious problems like bowel infection/inflammation or other serious bowel conditions. A lot of pain medication can mask pain from a bowel condition and only appear afterwards, but the hardness of the abdomen is typically present even if the pain is suppressed. </s>
<s>[INST] all i see is the doctors saying heart murmurs aren't harmful and if they are its just from infections and being born with it. im 19 But i (was) a smoker and i smoked maryjane and cigs but what im asking is was it tobacco that caused my heart murmur? and i was just jogging like 20 mins ago and my heart begin to beat very fast and irregularly so what should i do to help build a strong heart? [/INST] Hi,If you are having a heart murmur and echo is normal then probably no need to worry. For your palpitations, get one hemoglobin and thyroid test done, and more importantly quit smoking and marijuana consumption.For strong heart, have a healthy lifestyle like avoid fatty, oily and high calorie diet. Have low salt diet. Regular exercises like brisk walking, jogging according your capacity at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish once or twice a week, and avoid meat. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. There shouldn't abdominal fat deposition or obesity. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Sagar Makode </s>
<s>[INST] good day doctor my daughter is 11months old and has been on lectogen since she was 2months old and it s treated her well. but for the past three days she has diarhea after each feed. does this mean she is ready for Lectogen 3 or must i change the fomuler all together and if so to what? regards julia moss [/INST] Transient lactose intolerance is common during diarrhoea.if diarrhoea dosent subside with medications temporary lactogen feeds should be stopped and supplemented with soya milk like Isomil. </s>
<s>[INST] My Grandma is currently in hospital recovering from brain surgery and has had a Tracheotomy and also a line through her stomach for food. I have been told by the hospital that she now has an infection called Citrobacter Koseri, the hospital do not seem to know too much about the infection or what the long term complications could be, she does not currently have a temperature. Is any one able to give me more information on this infection? Is treatable and what are the long term effects of this infection? Also, how is this infection contracted in the first place? [/INST] Citrobacter koseri is a gram negative bacteria found in the body. It can be a commensal and sometimes it can be pathogenic and cause disease. However, the citrobacter infections are rarely deadly. They can be taken care by various groups of antibiotics which can be picked as per the drug susceptibility testing done in the microbiology laboratory. Your grandma will recover, don't worry. </s>