<s>[INST] I am a 60 year old white female, 5 feet tall and weigh 135 lbs. I am a five year ovarian cancer survivor, diagnosed with stage 1C in Oct. 2005. My most recent CAT scan(May 2011) revealed asymmetrical lymph nodes on the right side groin area. In 2005 my cancer was located in my right ovary which was removed along with everything else including my omentum, appendix and 14 lymph nodes. Presently, my CA 125 is at 10.2. It has been a slow but steady incline during the past two years going from 4 to 10.2. I was wondering if you think something may be brewing. Should I be concerned? My Dr. said to come back in six months and we will check things out again. I am otherwise in excellent health. [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have history of ovarian cancer. CA 125 is the marker of ovarian cancer. Its level is increased in recurrence of cancer. However uour level is slightly high and its increasing. Yoy should go for repeat testing of CA 125 ! after 3 months for early detection of recurrence. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my son is 10 years old and has been complaining of an aching feeling and soreness around his pectorals. This has been happening for a while now and we can not think of anything he may have done to injure himself. He is generally a fit, athletic (he is a gymnast) young boy. Many thanks Alexis [/INST] hellowelcome to HCMyour son is gymnast so soreness may be due to severe and strenuous physical activity with faulty techniques or may be due to exercise after a long time. follow these simple rules1. do regular and continuous physical activity without breaking days2. use vitamin c rich fruits which will reduce recent and future sore and aches.3. in diet, takes pulses and eggs for protein and also take plenty of fluids, will prevent dehydration 4. apply ice at the aching part, will reduce inflammation and also do massage from physiotherapist or experts5. rest the affected part for a day and apply heat on other day6. if severe pain, use paracetamol or brufen but no aspirinthanks for contacting and have a healthy life ahead... </s>
<s>[INST] i feel pulling my stomack but wbc/pus cells 20-30 hpf rbc occasional/hpf epithelial cells numerous/hpf bacteria present 2+ [/INST] Hi. This looks to be the urine report- suggests severe infection of the urinary tract, which is kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most of the structures are in the abdomen , so feeling of pulling sensation is possible. Please go for urine culture and sensitivity reports, sonography of abdomen and proper courses of antibiotics and supportive medicines as suggested by your Urologist ( preferably) </s>
<s>[INST] Dear doctor, My husband recently watched a strip show. It affected him a lot. After asking a lot of questions, he revealed that he could not come out of it. He is always straying on other women, and he is thinking of going back and booking a prostitute. Also, he is worried that he could not come out of it. He is fantasizing them while having sex with me. He is feeling guilty and wants to stop thinking like this. Please kindly advise what should I do to get it out of him. [/INST] Hello. For further information consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor before 10 days i have done sex without prevantion i think small amount of man hormone went inside my bodyi have pregnate or not hii female 20 rosy,i have done sex before 10 days without prevention ,i think small amount of sperm went into my body.will i pregnate? will little amout of sperm is sufficient for pregancy? [/INST] Hi Welcome to HealthcareMagic Pregnancy occurs when sexual intercourse is done around the time of ovulation. Yes even little amount of semen is sufficient to cause pregnancy if you are unlucky. Confirm pregnancy by doing urine pregnancy test if you miss your periods. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with PCOS over 20 years ago. 1 year ago I am now type 2 diabetic. Last few months my ESR levels have been over 80. I have hot flashes on my face and a lot of join pain that wakes me up in the night sometimes. I have had 2 bouts of kidney stones over the last 20 years. I am in my early 40s. My right foot has swollen twice the size with no injury and I have been on anti-inflamatory medication now for a month and a red rash originally thought of as viral, but has lasted 4 weeks, so GP not sure now. Not hives. [/INST] thanks for the questionAs I have found you have pcos, type 2 diabetes, with swollen foot also you had kidney stones.I would have also considered the possiblity of gout simply because of kidney stones, you are diabetic then your kidney function might have been damaged for uric acid excretion.Also pcos is generally found in slight overweight females.Also diet has abig influence on uric acid.Get your serum uric acid checkedI am just considering another possibility although I haven't examined youAnyway get well soon </s>
<s>[INST] I have a fungal rash behind my knees. It developed last June, but went away with treatment of Ketoconazole Cream 2%. This time, the Ketoconazole doesn't seem to help. My doctors said to try Nystatin Cream, but that seemed to make it worse. What should I do? [/INST] Hello,Thank you for posting on HCM.It seems you are suffering from Tinea corporis, a kind of fungal infection.Fungal infections need proper treatment otherwise they keep on recurring.I usually recommend proper course of oral anti-fungal drugs like Fluconazole along with anti-fungal cream like luliconazole for local application at bedtime.You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing sertaconazole during day time and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistaminics for itching as required.Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments.Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health.Thank youDr Hardik Pitroda </s>
<s>[INST] i hav small fatty type muscular things developed in both hands & stomach without pain. what it is, due to and what are it's remedies? earlier it was at one place in rt. hand then expanded in other places also. it is chronic since 10 to 15 yrs. docs say it nothing to worry it is lucoma. [/INST] Hello dearWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* This most probably indicates multiple neurofibromatosis lesion .* Needs confirmation with clinical examination or evaluation with high resolution photo pic as an attachment .Hope this will clear your query .Regards . </s>
<s>[INST] hello i am 33 yrs old male i was diagnosed fatty lever disease grade 1and kidney stone, my lipids profile shows increased triglycerides which was 254 and now after 2 months is 160 i havent taken any medicine for cholesterol. and i was also diagnosed with a stone in kidney which was uric acid stone (in stone analysis) doctor advised me for uric acid test which was normal but now i am confused which diet should i follow. kindly help me out. as i am not taking any medicine for fatty lever, high cholesterol and uric acid. [/INST] Hello and welcome to HCM. As an Urologist,i can understand your anxiety.You've two issues:1.fatty liver with high TGL and 2. kidney stone-?uric acid.1.It's amazing that your TGL(triglycerides)reduced so much, without drugs. Normally,a Statin with a Fenofibrate,is given to reduce the TGL.You need to do regular exercises and reduce fatty foods in your diet.2. You need to repeat your scan,to see if there're any other stones. You should do a 24 hours urine uric acid,calcium.Your stone could recur. Drink more than 12 glasses fluids daily,till the reports come.If you've any doubts,send all the reports to me,as a direct question.Dr.Matthew J. Mangat. </s>
<s>[INST] hello my name is Ali,,,I bought this new cream Oil Olay and i was useing it only for a week. the first 2 days i was ok, when the 3rd day come i wash my face n apply but i felt a little burning on my face , i taught that maybe its just getting rid of the dead skin and will refresh the new one, so the 4th day it got worst and my face was burning even more n was starting to feel tight after i wash right away. the 5th day my face was on fire and it was sp tight and it felt so werid and was painfull. i went to the dr n told dem what happen , n they give me some pill n such ,, but i was just wondering, today i saw my face is starting to go down n the redness but the skin now is peeling and when i peel it off the new skin burns a little and it is red, will me face be to diffrent color or will it get back normal to one color..... i hate the way my face looks rite now, and i am soo not trying anything new again.... i jusy want my face back the way it was before i started putting this cream ..... [/INST] Hello and welcome to HCM.It seems you have got local irritation to the cream you have used. It called Contact irritant dermatitis.Nothing to worry as your skin will be fine soon.I would advise you a weel course of oral prednisolone in low dose (5-10mg).Apply a mild cortisosteroid like desonide and antibiotic like fusidc acid twice a day.After good quality moisturiser like cetaphil DAM twice a day over full face.Avoid use of any cosmetics/facewash for few days.Avoid direct sun exposure and use water-based sunscreen before stepping out in sun.Hope this was useful.Take care Dr Hardik Pitroda </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Doctor I am taking forecox sinnce last 6 month. can i stop the tablets. when i had a operation, the doctor told me to continue 9 months taking this tablet.. but when i continue in summer season i get fill sum illness and my operation side is paining.. so please help me [/INST] Hello,It is better you don't discontinue the medication. If you have pain then get it done ultrasound and liver function tests. If both are normal then you have to continue medication. If any abnormality detected means you may consult your doctor he may write alternate medication.Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Penchila Prasad Kandikattu, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] I am Mou.My age 38,height:158cm,weight:58.I have (ASD(OS)mitral valve normal;interatial septum o.s ASD left to right sunt size 3.1CM.I don t have any proplem till now..Dr,may u clear my following question.1) Is it necessary to close ASD(31MM) as Early as possible though do not have any2) Is surgical closer is better then device closer3) Which type of device is best?4) Is it necessary to take recurring medicine after device closer [/INST] Dear Mou,It is better to close ASD not to have complications in the future. If the anatomy of your ASD permits to close it with device percutaneously, it is the best way, as the complications are less. The choice of the device depends on many factors and the type of the ASD. There will be no need to take any medications after the procedure.Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr, i had lentil pulse fritters last night and since today morning, I have been suffering from stomach ache. I took 1 aciloc 150, but the pain is still there. I ate only boiled rice- pulse today. I'm feeling as if I would feel relieved if I managed to pass gas or burp. Please help. Thanks in advance! [/INST] Hi. Continue taking aciloc twice daily. You can add activated charcoal 2 tablets thrice daily , curd with banana as these help. You can take tablet domperidone to hasten the passage. Try to avoid antispasmodics until the pain is bearable. ( it relaxes the bowel loops) </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i have had a kidney infection for the past week. It was very severe and i was perscribed cipro as an antibiotic. I Started my period at about the same time. I am feeling better however i had developed red itchy bumps surrounding my labia which began to appear when i started my antibiotics. They have continued to get worse. What could they be? [/INST] Hello,'I have gone through your query and understood your concerns. There might be infection over there due to periods. Make the area clean and dry. Cipro got no effect on this. Try to consult a gynic for this if it is associated with any discharge then you need to worry a little and take the correct treatment. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a hard and extended upper stomach and severe pain in my back associated with it. I thought it was gas that wasnt routing itself properly or not releasing? It is extremely painful ive tried a blander diet but it rears its ugly head at a moments notice. This has been going on for 5yrs and i have no Dr or insuance?? Thanks, Carrie [/INST] Hi Thanks for using Health Care Magic Forum, Pain in upper stomach may be due to Gastritis / Peptic Ulcer disease Abdomen pain associated with back pain is to be investigated by Ultrasound Abdomen to rule out Calculi formation. Avoid spicy foods. Do not constipate. Drink Plenty of Water.I Hope I Provided Useful Information. Do ask Furthur Questions to help You get well soon.RegardsDr.J.Kingson John David </s>
<s>[INST] My 3 month old son is throwing up and in pain while he eats, and sometimes arched his back after eatting even pulls on the breast and crys. I Just started to see this problem develope more over the past couple of week. I was wondering if I were nursing him and had galblader problem start up arround the same, if that could be affect him and causing his acid reflux with the acid the it is releasing, which is causing me to have painful stomach acke, back pain, indigestion, and a sudden weight gain. Sincerely, Worried Mommy [/INST] Hello, If the baby is gaining weight appropriately and urinating 4 to 6 times per day I do not think you need to worry about this as this could be a simple regurgitation because of overfeeding. But if the baby is stretching the spine backwards and vomiting after every feed and losing weight then we need to consider gastroesophageal reflux and treat appropriately. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Sumanth Amperayani, Pediatrician, Pulmonology </s>
<s>[INST] I am 79 yrs old and have been diagnosed with aspergellis. a fungus was found in my lungs from sputum and I have been treated with itraconosole. I have recently read about symptoms for valley fever. I have always had to use lidex crèmes, etc. for occasional rashes. I am continually fatigued and I have night sweats regularly, especially if I take aspirin before bedtime. not always, but often enough to be suspicious that something else is in play besides the aspergellis diagnosis. what do you think? [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your all symptoms are mostly due to aspergillosis. There are less chance of having other pathology. However you should take proper treatment of aspergillosis according to your doctor's advice. If you don't get complete benifit then think about other pathology. But at this stage you should take treatment of aspergillosis. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 53 and have a nagging feeling of mild uneasiness on the left side of my upper chest slightly below shoulder at about 45 degrees from the shoulder. The ECG is normal but for the past few months I have a feeling of breathlessness on climbing. I am hypertensive of two years and after medication the blood pressure on different days varies between 75-82 / 117-135. Could you tell me the possible cause and advice. Mallickarjun Joshi [/INST] Hello, It is not a heart problem you have, it is a chest problem as I think, may be inflammation in the lung or the layer which surrounds it. You must see a doctor to examine you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Salah Saad Shoman, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] My blood pressure at the psychiatrist today was 141/105 and pulse was taken several times, and the lowest was 125. Doctor said I had an irregular heartbeat and insist that I go to the ER. I panicked and left the office and I dont want to go to the ER. My pulse has always been high for 20+ years; and I am 41 years old now. I am on Seroquel and have bad anxiety. [/INST] Hi welcome to hcmI understand your query and concern.Irregular heart beat in your case are suggestive of any arrhythmias of heart which means abnormal conduction abnormality of heart.I advise you to get an ECG,2 D Echo of your heart immediately to confirm the diagnosis.I also advise you to get lipid profile,complete blood picture,chest x ray immediately as a part of routine check up.Drugs like Amiodarone,Betaloc,Pantop 40 mg will be helpful in your case.Avoid stress and anxiety.Avoid smoking ,alcohol,fatty foods.Abnormal lipid profile if present in your case should be treated with atorvastatin.Monitor blood pressure and heart rate immediately.EP study and radiofrequency ablation will be the procedure of choice.Consult your cardiologist for expert management.Post your further queries if any,Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] My 4 moths old baby got cough and had X-ray found Inhomogeneous opacities noted at both mid and lower zones. Other symtoms are - blocked nose, difficulty in feeding. X-ray report s Impression - Pneumoniits. Doctor has prescribed him Antibiotic and othe cough syrup. Please advise. [/INST] Hello and welcome to HCM. Pneumonitis means that there is inflammation at the region of lungs. It usually gets corrected with antibiotic course over 5 to 6 days. However, we should watch that the symptoms are decreasing. Good Day. </s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with severe ascites on my unborn fetus at 16weeks in both the abdomen and chest and was told to expect the fetal heartbeat to stop, i am now 24 weeks with the ascities having spontaneously resolved and feel like i ve just been dumped in the desert as noone has discussed possible birth defects or problems resulting from this and i m reading storys on the net and scaring myself stupid, please help [/INST] Yes there is possibility of cogenItal malformations in your baby. But it's strange that previous scans showing severe ascites which has been resolved spontaneously. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doc.. My daughter is 10 months old and her birth weight is 6.2lbs and now she is 15 lbs. she looks so lean. I am giving her mothers milk and rice, even then she did not put on much weight. Can you give me any advice to increase her weight. She is very active girl, thought this might be the reason. Thank you so much for your time. Dolly. [/INST] Hi mam, one thing which I would suggest is formula milk. Because baby would definitely require additional calcium which is not sufficient with breast milk, hence formula feed has to be given. There is a nutrition dip at this weaning age, hence nutritional supplements has to be given till this dip is sufficed with natural food.One should ensure that the infant takes fruits, vegetables and rice dal everyday. Do visit your doctor and check for anaemia .So the kid has to be put on calcium, iron and multivitamin syrups.Well, hope it improves your kids health.Tc </s>
<s>[INST] My son has High Hep A Virus IgM Negative S/CO=0.49 HBsAg (Quantitative) Negative S/CO=0.33, HCV Ab Negative S/CO=0.15, , and WBC count=7,790/mm3 , ESR=15 Tota Bilirubin = 1.2, ALT=452,AST=244,Alk Phos=138, Gama GT=132, his Age=21,weight=75kg hight=5 feet 4 inch [/INST] Thank you for posting query.Acute Hepatitis A presentation. HepA liver infection is a common cause of hepatitis and "self limited disease".moreover, your sons seems overweight and its better to loose some weight.increase in the level of liver enzymes(AST,ALT) reflect an INJURY to the Liver. medically, the condition is know as "Hepatitis". It maybe caused by viral infection, alcohol, gall stones, increased fat in body.advice:- abstinence from "Alcohol" - NO fat diet should be followed for 6 weeks ( atleast)- NO red meat- vegetables should be ingested daily- Moreover, less activity should be carried out (no sports), REST more. - use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day- udiliv or Liv52 maybe taken (consult hepatologist/ treating physician)Repeat LIver function test and lipid profile after 6 to 8 weeks.Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health.regards,Dr Tayyab Malik </s>
<s>[INST] During the evening, mainly, my back starts to itch terribly. What causes this? I am now sitting at my desk and or an unknown reason, which is strange, my back is now itching. It is because I drink mountain dew sodas? I am a 3rd year doctoral student who works full-time, and take care of two sisters who are ill. I thought it was because of the stress I m dealing with; but need to know how to resolve the itching. Also, I have bumps on my back and top of arm. I m a 59 year old African American female. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your question. After going through your question there may be following possibilities for your symptoms of itching and bumps over back - 1) Allergic reaction to some food stuff, environment or to insect bite. As your symptoms start abruptly this is most likely cause. 2) Fungal infection which is rare possibility as your symptoms started abruptly. 3) Scabies most rare cause. In this case some family members may have similar complaints. Try some antihistaminics like cetrizine or hydroxyzine. Apply lactocalamine lotion. Watch for symptoms like breathing difficulties, swollen lips. If there is no relief or started appearing new symptoms better to consult dermatologist. Hope this helps you, if so do vote. </s>
<s>[INST] Well me and my sister were playing and she kicked me really hard on the bottom of my right leg and its been at least 6 hours since that happened and now my leg pain spread to my foot all the way up to my knee and it hurts really bad when I walk or put pressure on the leg also my right feet looks a little bit swollen and pink but I did not get kicked in that area... What can it be ? A deep bruse ? [/INST] Thank you for the question. Yes a deep bruise is quite likely and rarely the collection of blood may impinge a superficial nerve causing pain to spread to the knee.However I have to say that as per protocol such trauma always warrants an x-ray or at least a general physical examination to look for crepitus or severe tenderness to rule out a fracture.Hence my suggestion is get an x-ray especially if the swelling has still not subsided </s>
<s>[INST] I get occasional sudden pins and needles with some tightness in my left chest. Usually only lasts 5 minutes, but today it lasted 30 mins . It comes out of nowhere and its happened in and off for at least 10 years. Not sure what it is or why it happens. [/INST] HelloTightness in left side of chest need proper evaluation.It may be due to cardio pulmonary causes,reflux etc.You may need clinical examination and investigations like routine hemogram,random blood sugar,liver function test,renal function test,lipid profile,urine RE/ME,upper GI endoscopy,ECG,ECHO,TMT,ultrasound of abdomen.Proper treatment depend upon findings.Get well soon.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan </s>
<s>[INST] HI doc, im 25yrs old, im suffering from stammering (which occurs when im nervous, like talking with some strange numbers over mobile or while giving seminars in college or talking with professors like this, when i get nervous then i cant able to speak fluently with anyone, im a double graduate, M.tech student but due to my stammering im unable to concentrate or willing to go for job) so if any one of u guys can understand my problem then plz let me know the solution/treatment to get rid of this stammering. is it possible with hypnotism???? plz let me know of it, where to contact for such doc. [/INST] Hello,If the stammering problem is present only in situations when you are anxious, probably you need treatment of anxiety problems. I would suggest you to take tablet inderal 20 mg half hour before facing a situation which causes anxiety.Otherwise, you can go to a speech therapist.Hypnotism is not much practised and recommended these days. I would advise not to gir for such therapy.Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] 2 days ago for no apparent reason i began to experience severe joint pain and intense muscle soreness.also noticed on day 1 my legs were very red.very even redness top to bottom,not splotchy or broken. then i noticed both my arms getting red as well.also experiencing a general rundown feeling. any ideas? [/INST] these pains and redness must be assessed for an autoimmune disorder if persisted for more than 3days..get a ESR test done.. Rh.factor ..CBC </s>
<s>[INST] i just came back from the with extreme severe pain in my thighs my arms my lung sound like they are crackling i have a temp of 102 in his office he put me on amoxocillin 3 times a day for 7 days i am 65 year old he you dont have pneumona your lugs sound clear isiand i can here it in my lungs with my stehascope he never had me breath in deep. he sid you proublay have bacterial infection but never took a blood test, i spit up green and brown flem last night but in his office it was pure white. he said go to er if you dont get any better, that was the worst dr i ever went to. [/INST] Hello,Welcome, and thanks for sharing your concern I went through your query, and I feel, the colour of your sputum is indicative of pseudomonas infection, get culture done and you will need some other supportive therapy I hope my advice would have been useful, in decision making regarding your treatment, still if you have any clarifications or doubts feel free to contact back.Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i am a 26 year old female and i ve been having painful pains on my waist, when i go to the doctors they are telling me that i have too many sores on my womb, do i still have a chance to get pregnat because i have been trying but no luck. what can i do? [/INST] Hello,Thanks for writing to us. I will be able to comment further if you can upload any relevant reports. Erosion of the cervix and infection as such are not a hindrance to conception, and should be treated effectively. Infections, however, may delay the process. Polyps and fibroids can enlarge during pregnancy and can cause miscarriage. So, it depends on what you have and how treatable your condition is. Hope you find this information useful. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My 3 year old has bad enviornmental allergies and takes a antihistamine and nasal spray everyday. She usually has a runny nose with clear mucous, itchy eyes and even wheezing when the weather changes or if the pollen is high but it usually goes away and is not severe. She has had a really stuffy nose, alot of thick mucous and a bad smell from her nose. She had a nose bleed last night and Im cocerned thats it might be more than allergies. [/INST] Hi, In children who have seasonal allergies, it is very common to have occasional nosebleed like this. You need to worry about this only if there is a family history of a bleeding disorder or if there is a history of excessive bleeding when she was vaccinated. Otherwise, you can rest assured. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Sumanth Amperayani, Pediatrician, Pulmonology </s>
<s>[INST] my roommate is complaining of nausea. He has a pain that in the right upper quadrant of his abdomen and the way he describes it circles down towards his intestines. He is also complaining that he is cold, sweating, and his toes are cold, red and swollen. I know he has a hx of drinking - I was at the hospital with him last week and learned he has cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis c and issues with his gall bladder. He has been drinking today and has had very little to eat. Should I get him to a hospital? Are these symptoms something that can be treated here? I'm seriously thinking it has something to do with his cirrhosis... any suggestions? [/INST] firstly, you have to convince your friend to stop drinking otherwise disease process continue to progress and reduce the function of liver further.yes, nausea and abdominal pain are due to liver cirrhosis and hepatitis c due to inflammation of liver tissue with its enlargementyou should take him regular to hospital for checkup and follow up and these symptoms should be treated in hospital as in these cases internal bleeding can occur in stomach and patient will collapse sudden so need a active interventionyou can take help of de-addiction center for alcohol withdrawal. </s>
<s>[INST] I am taking Femara having had breast cancer. I am 68 and have taken it since Sept 2012. I am now finding when I sing or talk more than usual my throat chokes up to the point no sound comes out when I sing for awhile and feels tired when talking a lot.. [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.Probably, your symptoms are not related to your medicines. Go and consult some ENT specialist as there may be some issues unrelated to your primary disease.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. B.dinesh </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 25, married and sexually active. I suffered from PCOD for a while, took all sorts of allopathic and homeopathic medicines and when I got scanned two months ago, PCOD was not found. I thought this is the end of my problem but, still, my periods are irregular. Last time, I was late by 15 days and took Primolut and got my period after five days. This month, my due date was on the 19th. I started to get bloody mucus-like bits and pieces one week prior to 19th and till date, this is continuing. What could this possibly be? Can I have a permanent solution to this problem ever? I am frustrated with irregular periods and weight gain for 10 years now. Any amount of exercise does not show any result. [/INST] Hello. Please note that PCOD is not diagnosed by ultrasound. Kindly get thyroid profile, serum androsterone test, serum prolactin, serum testosterone, free androgen index, serum insulin, and fasting blood sugar test done. Start doing six sets of Surya Namaskar every day. Follow a vegetarian diet. 50 % of your diet should be raw fruits and veggies. Stop taking sweets. Consult a good gynecologist and an endocrinologist. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Yes, I am taking Lyrica 100mg, once daily for nerve pain in feet and legs. I am type ll diabetic. I have lately been having problems breathing, swelling of feet and lower limbs. I also am having balance issues. Any connection? My email is YYYY@YYYY . What cause [/INST] Hello,Welcome to Healthcare Magic.I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.Lyrica (Pregabalin) can cause fluid retention in the body, leading to swelling of legs. This is a common side effect. It can also cause breathlessness though it is a rare side effect. Lyrica can also cause balance problems. You could stop the Lyrica and see if the symptoms settle down. If the symptoms subside you could try an alternative pain relief like Gabapentin. If the symptoms still have not settled, you need to see your doctor for further evaluation, as there could be other causes for the fluid retention. I hope this answer has helped you.Thank youRegardsDr Sunita Sayammagaru </s>
<s>[INST] I am getting Charlie horse pain in my fingers and calfs....especially during the night. I am 75 and have numerous medical issues but these just started since my dr limited my fluids and potassium, because of kidney failure...is there anything I can do to relieve this pain. [/INST] Hi, As first-line management, you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. An arterial Doppler also required to rule out peripheral vascular diseases. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had my sinus surgery 15 days back. After four days nasal cleaning was done. After it, I got severe pain for five to seven days. But after that it reduced. But still, it persists. Please let me know how much time it will fully go away. I am clearing that I had all type of sinuses and my surgery time was three to four hours. Currently, I am taking nasal cleaning, spray, and antiallergic tablet. I also took antibiotics for 15 days. [/INST] Hi. Are you not taking any anti-inflammatory medication? You should take paracetamol one gram twice daily. it will reduce swelling as well as pain. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] What is the best treatment for lower stomach pain I take ibs medication but haven't been tested for it the doctor also thought I could have a gluten allergy should I just go ahead and get tested? Recently my stomach has been hurting with or without the medication n usually only at night [/INST] Hello! Welcome to HCM.Yes, your concern is very true.Before we label it as IBS, it is important that we have ruled out all other possibilities.Gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance should be ruled out.For IBS, stress needs to be relieved.Yoga & meditation help a lot.Avoid late night meals, hot/spicy food, alcohol.Hope this information is useful to you.Wish you a healthy life.Thanks. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with balantis, am using daktacort cream for it but it is still there, I m on my 8th day. Also my foreskin is very tight so iv been putting it on the tip of my head and over the foreskin. Should I carry on using this cream or contact my doctor for something else? Thanks [/INST] Hello dear,Thank you for your contact to health care magic.I read and understand your concern. I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.Balanitits has wide etiology which includes bacterial, fungal, parasitic and others.So you may be having any one of the above condition.The cream you are applying daktacort is steroid and anti fungal drugs. So it will only affects if the infection is caused by fungus.I suspect your infection has different etiology so you are not getting cured by the cream.I advice you should visit near by doctors to diagnose and treated accordingly.Please maintains good hygiene locally by frequent cleaning at local site.Avoid sexual intetcourse until you are all cured. Or you can use condom to prevent cross infection.Use only cotton undergarments, it will help in infection condition.I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.Thank you,Dr Arun TankInfectious diseases specialist,HCM. </s>
<s>[INST] before 8 months i had a sexual contact with prostitute girl without condam, and after 15 days i had pain in my panis and headche to till today.but i did HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases of blood test 2 times nothing can be found,so here iam wondering for good suggestion,can you help me? [/INST] Hi, Some of the STD tests have to be repeated after 2 to 3 months. It is better to take a professional help as you had unprotected sex with a prostitute. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr B. Radhakrishnan. Nair, OBGYN </s>
<s>[INST] I am 33 years old recently married. My penis is not erecting while having sex. Even if it gets erection it is for very short time and while entering in to my partner's part the erection gets lower. So my sperms are not getting released. Please advice. [/INST] Hello, Lack of erection and slackening of erection during sex are different issues. During sex, if you divert, slackening can happen and there is nothing wrong in it. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand, Psychologist </s>
<s>[INST] I had 6 bottom teeth extracted 6 days ago. One was abcessed. Then had immediate denture placed. I was on antibiotics before surgery, amoxicillian and then keflex after surgery. Just last night I noticed my heart is racing and pulse is fast. Woke up like this too and has been like this all day. Is it possible I could have beginning of sepsis from abcessed tooth? No pain, no dizziness and no shortness of breath. Wonder too if it could be from antibiotics. [/INST] hello thanks for consulting at hcm..may be ur immediate denture placed is pressing on the socket area of the extracted teeth,, it might be causing this feeling,, either ways plz take food before u take antibiotics and analgesics, and consult ur nearest dentist..do salt water gargle thrice daily..hope it helps..tak care.. </s>
<s>[INST] My son which is 4 and a half got a trouble with his bottom. Firstlly we thought that those are worm or something, so we have treated him for that and than repeated the treatment after 2 weeks. But he has got problems with his bottom quiete regulary evry 3 months. Evry time it does happens it last only around 3 days. If we want to book an appointment with the doctor is about 2 weeks wait for appointment and walk-in centers are only advising about tredworms. What can it be and what should we do ?? [/INST] Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. I understand your concern. I have a few questions and will suggest few possibilities.Questions:1. What was the birth weight and what is the current weight?2. How is the attaining of developmental milestones?3. Is the stool oily and floats in the pan?4. Is there any colour change in the hair or skin?5. Is there any history of recurrent serious infections?Possibilities:1. Chronic diarrhoea - ? Fat malabsorption2. Micro Nutrient deficiency3. Immunodeficiency either primary or acquired.Please revert back to me with answers so that I can guide you better. You can approach me at the following link.Once the page opens there will be an option below my image as – ASK ME A QUESTION – click on it.Please find the link below - www.healthcaremagic.com/doctors/dr-sumanth-amperayani/67696Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] hii....i m mani. i was suffering from meningitis, and was under treatment. i m having my medicines now, but i just wanted to know how long will i live or will i die soon of meningitis and if i die how much time is left. and in addition to that, i m 22yrs old female and was having this problem since june 2010. I was even hopitalised. Please tell me how long will i live. [/INST] Hello There. welcome to healthcare magic forum.. Meningitis is a serious disease only if you dont get adequate treatment at a proper time..If you get proper treatment at the right time there is all chances that you could cured fully...So consult a doctor and discuss with him about the appropriate management.. Hope this helps.. Take care.. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 26 years,5 7 and 72 kgs.I am diagnosed with mild MVP and have symptoms as palpitations,swelling of the nerves in the left palm.however I experience these symptoms in a cycle.I stopped weight training because I started experiencing panic,continuous palpitations.I am using betablockers 80 mg currently recommended by my cardialogist.Please suggest how can I lead a normal life. [/INST] hi noted all your details your symptoms are because of mitral valve prolapsehoweverMitral valve prolapse causes no problems for most people, so treatment is usually not needed.but in your case most likely severe mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapsehas developed ,it is often benefited from surgery to repair or replace the leaky valve. For people with symptoms of congestive heart failure( swelliing in arms) caused by mitral valve prolapse with mitral regurgitation, surgery is usually the best treatment.but if there is no mitral regurgitation is present on echocardiogram, symptoms of mitral valve prolapse rarely pose any risk. The best treatment for each person may vary, but can include: Exercise Pain relievers Relaxation and stress reduction techniques Avoidance of caffeine and other stimulantso your treatment and my suggestion fully depends on report of your 2d echoyou can follow the treatment after considering the echo report yourself thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hi .. i just got the result ofmy medical. It says, consider minimimal kochs infection,bilateral. May i know if what that means, (i know it sounds like tb)? and what you may suggest to do? what should i do to prevent my friend rather housemate from my condition? thanks [/INST] Hi, The tuberculosis of lungs has to be treated with a full course of anti tuberculous treatment as per guidelines of WHO. To protect your friend from the condition, you have to get it evaluated whether it is contagious or not with the help of sputum microscopy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have heartburn and gas problem. I have burning pain in between chest and stomach. I have feeling of something stuck on throat. I am facing difficulty with continuous burping. [/INST] Hello. According to your complaints, you are having GERD- gastroesophageal reflux disease. You can undergo endoscopy examination to rule out any upper GI problems. Try the following medicines and review: 1. Tablet PAN D 1 BID before food. 2. Tablet Libarex 1 BID after food. 3. Tablet Alprax 0.5. 4. Liquid Sucralfate 10 ml BID after food for 10 days. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I am a 41 yo male. 6'2. 227 lbs. I just had blood work. Everything back normal except sgot was 79. I have just started exercising harder and eating less. I am worried. Should I be concerned? Lipids, etch. All other liver measurements were normal. Cardiac work up was just normal. [/INST] Hi,Thanks for asking.Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Not to worry. SGOT is only mildly raised.2. Alone it does not have any significance. As all your other values are normal, not to worry. It might be increased due to exercise. Its not specific to liver and also found in skeletal muscle and heart.3. As cardiac workup is also normal, it is secondary to exercises. More skeletal muscle, SGOT can be more. Not to worry. Continue nutritious diet and exercise moderately.Hope it helps.Any further queries, happy to help again. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been taking Romilast-L since the last one year...I had slight bronchital asthma..but it does not seem to have controlled it in any manner...I have problems if I do not take Romilast for even one day...There have been 2 instances that I woke up in the night and felt like I had nothing left in me (is that panic attack?)..Now I am afraid to even do any sort of physical workout..Please advice. [/INST] HI, thanks for using healthcare magicIt would be best to use additional medication along with the romilast-l.It is possible that you may need to use a preventer inhalor as well.Preventer inhalors would reduce the inflammation in your chest and therefore reduce the incidence of asthmatic episodes.You should consider consulting a pulmonologist for review of your current therapy.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my brother tryer to commit suicide,I'm aoife and I'm 13 years old. We got him professional counselling and he stopped thank god. But before he tried to kill himself he was cutting his wrists for a few months.so anyway we continued with the counselling and professional help but my brother is 18 and says'im apoffically an adult you can't tell me what to do .'thats his theory ,so he won't get the help or do what he is told for his own good.we don't now hat to do anymore and he also leaves the house,and doesn't bother coming home and my mam and dad think he killed himself because he has left no information on where he was going not even a text.i am a twin and this is scary to watch.im only in first year and my brother won't get out of bed to get a job I really need help.ive talked to people on what to do but it has been no help plz :) give some advise on what myself and my sister should do? [/INST] Hello,welcome to Healthcare Magic.Multiple attempt to cut wrist and suicidal tendency points toward severe psychiatric illness like depression and psychosis along with some personality disorder related traits. Some time because of lack of insight it is difficult to bring patient in treatment. Many time in severe cases, along with counseling drug treatment is needed. As he is having suicidal ideation, then urgent and involuntary treatment may be needed in his case. For help it is better to visit nearby psychiatrist.Wish you good health and all the best.Regards,Dr Ashish Kumar Mittalwww.99doctor.com </s>
<s>[INST] I ve been to the gynecologist twice in the past month for what I believed to be a simple bacterial infection...however, symptoms returned soon after the single dose of metronidazole, and never left with the 7 day course...what could be wrong? Do I need to return for more testing, or might it be a simple allergic reaction to a soap or fabric softener? [/INST] Hello, Thnx to contact us. If I am your doctor I would like to advice you that this may be reaction to various agents as you have mentioned like soap or fabric softner. I advice you to leave the agent one by one and check if your symptoms decreases. If you find helpful with it than withdraw it. You had already taken the metronidazole tablet so there is no chance of bacterial infection now. Please maintain the hygiene also in genital area. If you have anything else to ask please contact me. Thanx. Dr. Arun Tank; Infectious Disease Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has stage IV clear cell renal carcinoma. It has spread to lungs, 2 ribs, and the pericardium. He has been taking sutent 37.5 mg. for about a month and a half. He is having a lot of pain, swelling on left side if ribs, and under the shoulder blade. I just noticed that there is bruising under the left breast, and blood under the surface of his skin on the left lateral side of the ribs. This is the side the the ribs are with the cancer. Also he had a chest drain removed a month and a half ago. This blood under the surface has not been there. Could this be caused by the sutent. [/INST] HiSutent is very safe drugIt can only cause increase in blood pressure which can be treated by medicines </s>
<s>[INST] hai i m over 50year and i m a businessman who has to move out at regular intervals in order ot keep a good track on my business. RECENTLY I M SUFFERING WITH SEVERE PAIN IN MY BONES AND NERVES CAN YOU RECOMMEND ME WAY TO REDUCE THIS PAIN EITHER THROUGH DIET OR TO CONSULT A DOCTOR [/INST] Hello, As you been travelling a lot and your age is 50 where you mentioned about pain in bones and nerves, I think this will be the degenerative changes in the spine which may be either the cervical or lumbar one. Based on the clinical symptoms you maybe assessed for the cervical or lumbar region. Post which medicine can be prescribed by the physician. But this will be a symptomatic relief and post medication gets over you may have the pain symptoms again for which there is a possibility on the upper side. I will advise you to meet up a physician, get assessed, of MRI is recommended please take it, and later physiotherapy may be advised to you for the same for better and long lasting results. In case if you think to avoid the whole process it's totally up to you and later the income you make will unnecessarily get spent into the health. So to have good productivity in business health matters a lot. Focus on health and it will save your lot of financial stress and improve the business also which might have got affected due to this nerve and bone pains. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Jay Indravadan Patel, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist </s>
<s>[INST] my son i now eight and he has always complained with his stomach hurting since he was two or three and it seems to be getting worse now that he is geting older and more active he expecially cries with it after he eats and when he first wakes up in the mornings [/INST] Hi.... stomach ache after feeding is suggestive of 2 problems - 1. Gastro oesophageal Reflux which will require anti reflux therapy.2. Worm infestation in the intestine which will require deworming.Both of these are prescription medications and I suggest you consult your pediatrician regarding this.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am suffering from dried, itchy, chappy, dark and extremely ugly lips since I was 10 years old. I am tired of dealing with this. I have tried everything throughout the years. I am 28 years old now, and today my lips are in their worst state. At 13 years of age, I also used to have swollen fingers with pus and sort of bumps. The bumps still appear sometimes, but not that severely. At the age of 23 years, I experienced vaginal thrush, and this has been on and off till now. Not sure if the situation of my lips is connected to this. The doctors told me to avoid detergents so that the bumps will not come out on my fingers anymore. For my lips, they said not to lick it, but it is hard, as it is a habit already. I tried a treatment last year which started to work; as I stopped but I gradually licked my lips again, and until now it is worst. Please help me cure my lips. I am a lady and lips count for 40 % of my beauty. I avoid wearing lipsticks, not to aggravate the situation. My ugly lips are making my life miserable. I have used lip balms, shea butter, soothing lip butter or balms. The medicines prescribed two years back were 1% Terbinafine Lamisil 10 mg and 0.05 % Desonide DesOwen cream 15 mg. Nothing was found in the skin test and biopsy performed by an immunologist three years back. [/INST] Hello. I have viewed the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Apart from what you have said I also noticed that you have depigmentation of lips. I suggest you to use a Tacrolimus 0.1 % ointment, twice daily and a moderately potent topical steroid, for e.g, Fluticasone Propionate 0.05 % cream once every night. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and take medications with their consent. For more information consult a dermatologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I have a rash or brusing on my arm between the wrist and elbow. It occurs most often when my arms are covered with long sleeves, like a jacket or sweater, If I wear a watch or any metal, it will also happen if I carry any item such as a bag containing any item over 8 oz [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.From your description of your rash it could be one of these possibilities:Allergy or eczema, which usually appears in such areas, especially, if you have a prior history of any allergies. It could be aggravated by contact with the synthetic/woolen fabric or any metallic object, most commonly containing nickel such as watches and jewelry. This is allergic contact dermatitis. Without treatment it may persist and aggravate each time you come in contact with certain items.Sweat/certain cosmetics/strong soaps can also make it worse. The strap of the bag may be causing a reaction rather than the weight. The bag rubbing on the rash may also aggravate it.Also, rule out similar rashes elsewhere on the body and in family members to check for fungal infections, etc.First step is to note down exactly all the causes that give you a rash and avoid them. Once you are allergic to something, repeated exposure will cause repeated and worse rashes.Check with a dermatologist to confirm and certain blood and skin tests may be done to check allergy levels and to find out allergens as well such as patch testing.Avoid direct sun/dust exposure on the area. Wear loose cotton clothing. Use a mild nonfragranced soap and always moisturize with a hypoallergenic product such as Cetaphil.For the rash apply Calamine lotion 2 to 3 times a day when itchy. During a recurrence of new rashes or severe rash apply a steroid-based cream like Mometasone for 5 to 7 days till it heals. Do not use for a prolonged period, more than 2 weeks.Antihistamines like Levocet or Benadryl can be taken till itching subsides.Keep in mind that it is recurrent if exposed to allergic items and will take a while to heal. Don’t scratch the area. Visit a dermatologist for follow-up or if it persists.I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Dinah Levillard </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,For the past I would say 2 days I have had severe diarrhea which is I would say yellowish brownish and slight orange. My main concern is that it has a very strong foul smell similar to vomitt or bile. I feel dehydrated and a little weak also but not nauseated so much or have any other symptoms. I have had this happen to me on and off over the last few years and it comes and goes but my diet has been pretty much the same. I recently 3 times this year have had what I believe is a gal bladder attack [/INST] HIThank for asking to HCMI can understand your concern, looking to your history it seems chronic intestinal infection and not the gallbladder problem because this is not the sign and symptoms of the gallbladder pathology, If I would be your doctor then I would treat you as patient of chronic dysentery of protozoal infection and straight,away put you on antiprotozoal drugs (Metronidazole 400 mg twice a day for 10 days) and if it fails to respond then I would ask for some investigation to rule out the possibility of other differential etiologies but I am sure the initial treatment would give satisfactory result have nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] My dog jumped on me play and scratch my arm. Very small scratch but underneath where he got me is on top of a vein. About an hour after it happened I noticed a lump underneath skin about the size of a nickel in circumference and raised up about half inch and starting bruise. [/INST] Hi,Welcome to HealthcareMagic .That is due to small haematoma. It will heal by itself in few days once blood gets absorbed.If pain is there you may take anti inflammatory drug like aceclofenac.Hope I have answered your query. RegardsDr Deepika Patil </s>
<s>[INST] i have always taken the two tablets of postinor 2 in a single dosage but in a month s interval for about two years. i stopped using it for about three months ago and i have always had my normal periods even though i have continued to have unprotected sex with my husband. could this have caused any side effects that stops me from conceiving? thanks Rhonah [/INST] Hi,Thanks for the query. Emergency contraceptive pills will have high dose of hormones compared with regular contraceptive pills. Repeated usage of emergency contraceptive pills can lead to problems like hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularity etc.For more details : The usual recommend gap between two emergency pills is two months. As you are not having menstrual irregularity, there may not be any problem for fertility. As you have used the pills for longer period, better to avoid emergency pills from nowonwards. You once go for ultrasound to check the uterine size, endometrial thickness, ovaries etc. Then track the ovulation in next cycle and plan intercourse around that period. This will increase the possibility of pregnancy. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a headache for approximately one weak, with it going from bad to mild on the left side of my head. Today I feel weak in my limbs and still have a slight headache. My blood pressue last week at the doctor was 112/70. I am almost 73 years old. Should I see a doctor. [/INST] hello,I have gone through your query.Thanks for using HCM.your headache may be simple sinus headache and you may take plain paracetamol along with decongestants.If it persists along with weakness in limbs then you must consult a physician for further work up,My best wishesDr.Rajesh Teli,MD. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I was just wondering if you've ever heard of anyone getting a slight pain on the right side of their chest and right arm after taking HCG drops? I feel the pain when I breathe in and move my arm. I'm 30, female, good health, a little overweight. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. No I have not heard about this correlation. No need to worry for this kind of chest and arm pain. This is not associated with HCG drops you have taken. Your this pain is mostly musculoskeletal. And it is just co incidence that this pain is felt after HCG drops. There is no scientific connection between these two. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My boss smokes an e-cigarette in his office and my office is connected to his so the vapors travel into my office and the windows don t open so there s no ventilation other than the door in and out of the office. A month and a half ago I started to have symptoms of shortness of breath, pain in my chest, neck and back. My breathing feels like it s being restricted by something. I have been to see an ENT and Cardiologist which both did test and found nothing. I m scheduled to see a pulmonologist on 10 July but my breathing is really affecting just doing small things especially just breathing . I have to keep my mouth open in order to breath because if I close my mouth to breath thru my nose my air supply feels like it s being cut off. I m 48 years old and I ve never smoked and I m afraid I may have lung cancer. Can this e-cigarette be a cause of this respiratory problem that I m having? My name is Melanie and I hope you can give me some insight. [/INST] Hello dear Melanie , hiWarm welcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* E-cigarettes are known to give respiratory symptoms from the passive smoking effect and damaging your bronchi and alveoli .Hope this will help you for sure .Regards . </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I want to reduce my stomach belly. I need some suggestion. I have a belly for the past six months. [/INST] Hi. The belly fat around the waist can put you at risk of lots of diseases. Anything above 40 inches in men and 36 inches is obesity. Diet: count calories, keep a diary for food you are having daily. To reduce weight you have to cut on carbohydrates and fats. You can increase proteins, fibers, lots of vegetables and fruits. Instead of white rice and bread, change it to brown rice and bread. Coffee can also increase your metabolism. Include green tea around three cups a day. Two exercises: Start daily cardio for 30 to 40 minutes at least five days a week with muscle strengthening exercise especially abdominals. Three weight loss pills are also available like Orlistat and Phentermine. </s>
<s>[INST] I went to the ER with a feeling of chest heaviness and could not get a deep breath. Nuclear stress test was fine, cardiac echo was fine, VQ scan showed a low probility of PE, D-dimer was elevated at 250 and segs were elevated at 60.8. what do the elevated labs represent if anything [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting health care magic...Noted your D dimer level elevated....It signify coagulative abnormality like disseminated intravasucalr coagulation like condition or pulmonary embolism in which fibrin degraded product present in blood ..Your symptoms highly suggestive pulmonary embolism....Examination of your calf muscle done to look for deep vein thrombosis ...Here for confirmation of pulmonary embolism CT angiogram can be done....If emboli seen heparin given.....So search for cause need to be done as otherwise d dimer not elevated Also investigate with PT , aPTT like test ....Consult good physician for detail examination and investigation ...Take care.Dr.Parth </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr, i am 31 and my husband is 33. We wanted to start a family, so we gone through all test. my blood and sonography came OK. my husband semen count was low, so dr recommend drug . How his count has increased and motility is also good. Now my dr is recommending me for Laproscopy surgery. i am confused as she had told me everything is normal and i am also ovulating. should i go for a second opinion or change the dr. please advice [/INST] Hi, Please ask your doctor that what she wants to do through laproscopic surgery and decide accordingly. With good wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] Just had a baby March 9. On March 15 I developed high blood pressure and heart rate dropped. Also, had swelling in both ankles and calves. Blood pressure is still at 176/93 with meds that were just started on March 15. Heartrate has been as low as 45 but stays around 50. What do you think could be causing this? I had hypertension prior to pregnancy, but did not have hypertension or swelling during the pregnancy. Blood pressure ran low and heart rate was usually around 90-100. [/INST] Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!Regarding your concern, I would explain that it is important performing a comprehensive differential diagnosis of different causes that may lead to this clinical scenario: - peripartal cardiomyopathy- preeclampsia - an electrolyte imbalance. Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with your doctor for a physical exam and some tests: - a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound- fasting glucose- complete blood count- blood electrolytes- an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring to examine your heart rhythm trends. Hope to have been helpful!Kind regards, Dr. Iliri </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I had a consultation with a local doctor, and she told me that I have corneal dystrophy. It is genetic here as my mother also have that. I can see bubbles moving around when I concentrate at any point, it is like tiny white color dots on cornea. I am using spectacles since last few years (cylindrical power, -2(L), -1.5(R)). This dystrophy is not a big problem for now, but it creates a problem when I study or read something. It creates a headache, which distracts me while studying. Can you please suggest me a treatment either prevention through surgery or medication (any eye drop)? Please let me know if you need further details. Thank you. [/INST] Hello. Dystrophies of the cornea are divided based on the layer of cornea involved. If the dystrophy is the cause of your headache, then your dystrophy must involve the outer layers of cornea. More than frank pain, these conditions cause irritation which increases on blinking, more during early morning hours. If this is the case, then the best over-the-counter medication is Lacrigel (2% Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate). This medication is essentially a gel formulation of the drops your doctor has recommended and just like the drops, it will cause no side effects except for mild blurring soon after installation. The exact diagnosis of such dystrophies can be done by a cornea specialist. In case you need any further information, please send a very clear and magnified photo of your cornea. I will do my best to help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor My mother has a lump on the side of her forehead it started off as big as thumb nail and in 8weeks is golf ball size it looks like a pumpkin in shape and bleeds and has puss coming out usually in the night she had a biopsy last week and is due for surgery on wednesday hopefully what do you think it is .....H Hartley [/INST] Hi,Dear H HartleyThanks for the query to My HCM Clinic.I studied your query in details and understood your health concerns.-Cause of the forehead painful bleeding lump with pus discharge-a-In my opinion-this is -Infected Boil which grew in 8 wks time to Abscess on forehead,which has burst openI would advise -a-Antibiotics b-Tb NSAIDs prior to Surgery, to ease out the after recovery after Surgery.c-Incision and Proper Drainage is to be done by ER Surgeon.This advise would help you to plan treatment with you doctor.Hope this resolves your query.Wellcome for further query in this regard. Have a Good Day.With Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with a prosterior fossa meninganoma 2.7 x1.5 cm. I am going to the Mayo Clinic in AZ this week to discuss prossible surgery. What can I expect with the recovery for such a surgery? I'm 47 and in otherwise good health. I exercise regularly and dont drink or smoke. I'm hoping for a quick recovery but I'm not so sure that its in the cards considering the location of the tumor. Any advice? [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.I agree with you that posterior fossa is not the best place to get a meningioma, as the surgery needs precision, as well as recovery is delayed. However, meningioma is a benign tumor and long-term outcomes are very good.You may take 10-14 days after surgery to recover well.Please get back if you require any additional information.Best wishes,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,My personal URL on this website: My email: drsudhirkumar@yahoo.com </s>
<s>[INST] Hello , I ve had an intercourse with my boyfriend on the 25th and he ejaculated inside of me I am supposed to have my next period on the 27th I have a regular cycle of 28 days.. Am I in danger of conceiving? Help plz. [/INST] no,you are safe. but use protection from next time onwards. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 18 . this problem started since my overmasturbation in 2011 . i have this pain on the head along a line , may be a blood vessel . some times on the left or right . it goes away as soon as i stop concentrating. also goes away when kneel on my bed and put my head down as i know this sends more blood to the head. this has improved alot over the 1 and half year . but are my brain cells dying due to less blood .if so how much cells have i lost ?? how can i stop this [/INST] Hi Thanks for writing to Health Care Magic Masturbation doesnot cause headache. Blood supply of the brain will also not be affected by masturbation. Braincellsdonot die so easily. Donot get anxious. U said ur headache has improved much. So forget about other things and enjoy life. Hope this helps u Thanks and regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have high pulse during the day 95-105 but normal in the morning. and mild chest pain in ribs and sternum. in the last two days I stayed the night in hospital, Had numerous blood tests, Stress Tests, EKGs,.. My heart seems to be fine and undamaged. I take Candesartan and metropolol. What should I do now to find out the cause of the Heart rate issue and this annoying chest pain. Cardiologist says, don t worry lose 20lbs and exercise. Im 42yr, male, non-smoker, 5 -9 204lbs. [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. After going through your medical details I understand your concern for your health and I would like to tell you that heart rate is ever changing phenomena depending on your activity level, emotional stress and physiological changes. People with obesity can have high heart rate, high Blood pressure issues but as all other cardiac test came out normal then you need not worry about Cardiac Health. Cause of chest pain can be indigestion or sever gastric reflux. It's recommended for you to avoid spicy and junk food and continue with the medications prescribed and loose weight. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] i have two widsom teeth coming through and went to guys hospital and they said i have an infection on the bottom 1 is growing sideways and its very painful! guys hospital didnt give me nothing for the infection what can i do and can i take flucloxacillin? [/INST] Hello!Gone through your query.You did not mention if it is a pericoronitis or a pulpitis . It is beta-lactam antibiotic and it can be used.You must also take analgesics for controlling pain.However I suggest you to check with your physician. You must get these wisdom teeth surgically removed as soon as the infection subsides.regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor I am doing excercise and eating regular food but i have some problem like breathing.While i am breathing it stuck near right side of my chest and i feel like getting uneasy.Once I make my gas come out from my stomach it will be easy to breathe.I am struggling with this frequently.So can u suggest me any Idea What to do with these problem? [/INST] Hello dear , hiWelcome to Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* This seems in relation with psychosomatic manifestation of underlying stress and anxiety issue .* Guidelines for better recovery- Focus on deep breathing exercises , YOGA , regular walking in fresh air- Avoid smoking , alcohol if using .- No exposure to house dust , pollens , polluted environments .- Once get x-ray chest with your physician .Hope this clears your query .Regards dear take care . </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 46-year-old female. I have burning discomfort in my legs, buttocks, arms, hands, and lower back for six days. There is no weakness, no tingling, no numbness, no confusion, and no stroke symptoms. My friend told me that I might have multiple sclerosis. What could it be? [/INST] Hello. I would like to know some more details about your symptoms, 1. Did you have burning sensations over the whole body below the neck at one time? Or had uneven patchy distribution? Or the location of burning sensation was varying with time like, sometimes at legs, sometimes at arm and sometimes back? 2. Do you have any neck pain or lower back pain? 3. Did this burning sensation start suddenly? Or it gradually progressed and is it persistent? 4. Is there any particular position of body or activity in which this burning increases, during walking, neck flexion, and forward bending? Or any specific situation like stress or anxious state? 5. Have you any urinary symptoms like urgency, frequent urination or urine incontinence? 6. Do you have a history of a burning sensation or other neurological problem? 7. If burning is episodic, how long does it last? And is it also associated with palpitations and breathlessness? 8. How is your sleep? And how is your mood these days? 9. Have you any other medical problem too, like diabetes mellitus or a heart problem? </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Is it normal to have dryer skin around ankles where I cross my legs....I have a habit of always crossing my legs..IE ankle over thigh...noticed a perfect 3 inch wide by 4 inch square that a few shades darker just above ankle? is it just dryer skin? [/INST] Hello, mild dryness is common in areas like ankles as a result of frequent washing and exposure to environmental dry air..but it doesnot leads to hyperpigmentation as you mentioned, the darker shade may be a frictional melanosis as a result of your habit of sitting cross legged I would adv you to apply venusia max cream on your ankles and visit a dermatologist for the evaluation of hyperpigmentation, if it doesnot fade.ThanksTake care </s>
<s>[INST] I contacted syphyllis 14 yrs ago.. Fit tested again 2 yrs. ago came back non reactive... Just had a rest again 3 weeks ago RPR shown 1-2.. Was I reinfected again? Waiting in another blood work taking... I no it always shows positive in blood work, but wen I tested 2 yrs. ago it was nonreactive.... [/INST] Thanks for your query at HCM!I am Infectious Disease Specialist! I went through your query!Don't worry you are absolutely fine.RPR 1:8 titre or more is considered reactive.Yours is low dilution which is considered non-reactive.Relax. To be absolutely sure you need to take tests like VDRL, FTAbs or TPHA.Happy to take more queries! You can also write a review for me. If you would like some more information, I will be happy to provide. You can take a follow-up query.Take care!Dr. Sheetal VermaInfectious Disease Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My name is Lana. I am 30 years old. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with my second child, EDD: 3/23/13. I gave birth to my son in June 2010 via emergency C-section secondary to PROM, polyhydromniosis, and head being very high when doctor broke water. I currently want to attempt a VBAC . I have monthly ultrasounds because I am a high risk pregnancy (have epilepsy and taking lamictal- also did that with first pregnancy). Anyone, my most recent ultrasound said my AFI was a 22. I do not know what my levels where last time but no one mentioned I had polyhydromniosis until after delivery. My question to you is how likely is it that I will have prolapsed cord again? What should I do if water breaks at home? Last time was a very traumatic experience for me. Would you recommend I still attempt a VBAC or elect to do a RCS? Would appreciate your feedback. [/INST] Hello,Welcome Healthcaremagic.It is better to go fro Elective Cesarean section.Because you have high risk pregnancy 1. History of epilepsy2. Previous Low segment cesarean section3. Previous history of cord prolapse 4. History of Polyhydramnios.These all increase your risk of present pregnancy.If membrane ruptures in home, Do not worry. Just go to ER. C- section is advisable, even if membrane ruptures.Hope this helps.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir, my age is 19 years,,height-5 11,,weight-85kg...my query is that i hv been under the influence of bhang lassi since 2 complete years....now presently i have avoided it completely 1 month..still i am feling uneasy....i deadly need to consult you that how to get relief from dis problem...plzz help. [/INST] HiThanks for using healthcare magicIn your case, you need some low dose benzodiazepine or antipsychotic. These would help to control withdrawal symptoms or psychological craving for bhang. Better to consult a psychiatrist for proper management. In case, you need further help, you can ask.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hello docmy sister is just 29 years old and unmarried.She finds a small lump in her breast when she moves her fingers over the breasts.Last year she reported some pale yellow discharge from both her breasts.On diagnosis the doctor she was consulting said that she had some hormonal problems due to which this discharge was there.We are afraid for her.Please suggest what we should do.Is mammography a right step?? [/INST] Hi.Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.Yes, this is due to hormonal changes.. all the changes in the breast since puberty are all governed by hormones. So there is nothing to worry about. Yes mammography along with ultrasonography help in diagnosis. MRI is the best provided they have the facility specifically for breast. The lump should be diagnosed.::It is better to get this removed (excised) for 2 reasons.1> your get rid of the disease and 2> you get the histopathological diagnosis- makes you tension-free that it is not a cancer. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, about 10 years ago i fell off a horse and shocked my lower back and hips. i was unable to move for a few hours and it took about a week for me to be able to walk properly. I have suffered with bad hips every since. i have previously been to the doctor who told me to loose weight, this i did and returned a year later. I was then told that this was a kind of pain i was going to have to put up with! my hips click as i walk and crack every few minutes (loud enough for other people to hear), they also feel like they come out of the joint or are not sitting in the joint properly. recently the pain has also spread to the back of the joints aswel, making walking very difficult and even standing painful!! please help! [/INST] Dear patient Considering your case possibility of hip arthritis with loose bodies inside hip is more likely. Are you having difficulty in squatting and cross legged position? If yes then this diagnosis is more likely. I would advise Xray of pelvis with both hips anteroposterior and frog leg view to confirm diagnosis. Visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. If report shoes arthritis need to consult expert orthopaedic surgeon nearby you and get yourself examined. If report is normal start physiotherapy with hip range of motion exercises from physiotherapist. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a serious doubt in my mind. I had my last period on the 26th of December and it ended on the 30th of December. I presume my cycle lasts 25 days, as I had my period before this on 1st December. I had unprotected intercourse one week after the start of my period, i.e. on the 3rd of January and consumed an i-pill five hours after the intercourse. I have now started experiencing some bleeding from the 10th of January and its still continuing, though not as much as the bleeding during my period. Also, the bleeding takes place only during the afternoon/evening, and stops at night. Is this my period or is this a side effect of the i-pill ?? Am I pregnant ?? I am really confused, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thank you. [/INST] Hi,As you had sex during non fertile period and again you took I-pill tablet in time, risk of having pregnancy is less likely.Bleeding you got might be due to withdrawal bleeding of I-pill.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 22 year old female. I have a dusky skin that is brown skin. I want to become fair. Can I use Kojivit gel? Or any other dermoatology cream can I use? My hands are also brown in color and full of tan. Do you suggest any creams to get fair? I want to become fair as my marriage is going to get fixed by next year. Please suggest me some creams, so that it should not show any side effects. Also, how long I should use it? If I use anything, then will it have any effect in case of pregnancy, etc? Please help me. Thanks in advance. [/INST] Hi. One's skin color has 2 components. First one is genetic, which cannot be changed. Every skin color is beautiful in its own way and we should learn to love our skin color and augment it and not hide or lighten it. The second component is acquired, which is due to the influence of environment, sunlight, hormones, aging, etc. We can only target the acquired component of fair skin color while attempting lightening procedures. I suggest you antioxidant capsules like capsule Antoxid HC (Beta-carotene) and apply sunscreen lotion Lashield gel at 8 AM and 12 PM. Also, you can apply Glyaha koj lotion (Hydroquinone) at night time. Start with an alternate night application initialy as it may irritate your skin a bit and after a week or so, shift to daily night application. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and take the treatment with consent. You can go for chemical peeling or microdermabrasion from your dermatologist which will help in exfoliating and give you a clearer skin tone. All these treatments are free of side effects. You may use them for three months. For further information consult a dermatologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Behind my knee on my left leg only, I've had some what looks like veins pop. They look like bruises but they're not. I also have a small knot about the size of a pea in the upper part of my left thigh. The area behind my knee almost feels like the circulation is cut off. [/INST] Hi, you could be having Varicose veins or Bakers cyst or very unlikely but possible to have an Aneurysm of the Popliteal artery. You should get an ultrasound or a Color Doppler of the area done to confirm the diagnosis and then treatment can be guided accordingly. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My dentist discovered a red patch on the roof of my mouth about the size of my thumbnail. It is a little sore. I have post nasal drip and my throat feels sore. I am a pack a day smoker. I have been under a tremendous amount of stress and have been developing auto immune issues. Could this be oral cancer or auto immune issues? [/INST] Hi, Please stop smoking whatever this may turn out to be. The red area can be an ulcer/hyperemic area because of stress or problem with bowel. Or it can be premalignant condition and thus needs evaluation. Please use hexidine mouth wash and apply triamcinolone gel to that area and if it does not heal in few days, go to your ENT and may need a biopsy. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I am expierencing fatigue,insomnia,something effecting my brain and eyes, blurred vision , dizziness , seeing black spots and lines ,disorientation,nausea,unexplained weight loss (28 lbs.) In the past few months , brain fog , morning sickness and just had a hysterectomy in November of 2013 . This is not me I ve had to stop working and driving. I don t have anxiety other than what is happening with my health and same with depression. What could be causing this? [/INST] dear,the complaints you suggest from above history, points towards a pathology in brain.1) a possible poor blood supply to brain, which could be transient. An underlying heart related issues.2) a possibility of brain space occupying mass. A brain MRI scan will be helpful to rule out this cause.3) a spurious injury to brain leading minor blood accumulation inside brain. Here again an MRI Bain scan will be needed.4) a rare but psychological cause can be suspected, if no abnormality I detected on investigations.Therefore considering all these possibilities and facts, I suggest an urgent MRI brain scan with routine blood investigations, ecg to get done.I would like to know any history of cancer in your family and the cause for you undergone hysterectomy.hope to have satisfied you query.thank you. stay healthy. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 26 years old and am on my 3rd cycle of clomid 100mg. I was told that I did finally ovulate with this cycle and my day 21 progesterone tests were 19.9 (so I felt some hope this month). Anyways I am 9 or 10 days past ovulation and for the last three days my temps have been steady at 98.0. My coverline is 97.8. I am having really really bad back pain and have had it since two days ago. I have also felt a lot of twinges in my lower abd. area. I am worried that these cramps and low temperatures could indicate my period is coming, but it should not be here for another 4 to 5 days. Is it possible to still be pregnant with this low of temps and bad cramps. We have been trying to conceive for 16 months and I was so hoping this was our month. thanks! [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for trusting health care magic.Wait for another 2 days and get your bhcg levels done In case you have any questions in future you can contact me directly on </s>
<s>[INST] Hi.. My 11 month baby boy had polio drops twice on tge same day .. is it harmfull for him ..? Or will it results in high fever .. ? Because he is then suffering from high fever with body rashes from the bottom till the top of the body .. is this because of polio drops for twice in a day? His doctor says that its a viral rashes but family and neighbours says its a kind of chicken pox (manal vaari ammai) which is the fact? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.No problem with a double dosage of Polio drops on the same day. No, it is some viral rash, as in chickenpox, the rash usually starts from the abdomen and chest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards, Dr. Varinder Joshi </s>
<s>[INST] my legs and ankles are severlly swollen I took 80 mg of lasix this afternoon and a pil that is supposed to boost the lasix and Ihave not seena difference in them it i really painful to walk would a trip to the er do any good or is there something else I can do [/INST] Hi there.Lasix is a dangerous medicine and should not be taken without Doctor's prescription. Lasix is a water drug and helps drain body fluid through the urine. I advise you to keep both your feet elevated over a couple of pillows or a chair. Flex your feet and ankles up and down for about 10 times a day. This will help drain the body fluid back to the heart. You may be suffering from deep vein thrombosis or varicose veins. You must see a Surgeon for the same. Avoid squeezing the calf. Keep well hydrated. Wishing you a speedy recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am 30 years old. My height is 190 cm and weight is 130 kg. I have a relationship for about five years now and we are married for the last four years. We have a boy, who is 2.5 years old. I am an architect. My wife is 29 years old and she is an interior architect. But, she is not working at the moment as she is looking after our son. I had my first sexual engagement when I was 16 years old. I knew from the beginning that something was wrong with the way I was doing sex. I did not have any proper education about it. I always felt my erection time a little below the standards. I do not really know how much it should actually be. While having sex, I could not go all the way as my erection was no more. When I had a proper erection, I was early all the time. That was not a problem those days as I was young. I was comforting myself about how young and inexperienced I am and believed it will be better as I get older. But the truth is, it has got worse. I had sex with my wife for around four or five times after the birth of my son, which means five times in 2.5 years. In the early stage of our relationship, our sex life was good. Later, our sex period started to decrease. After we learned about my wife's pregnancy, real problems began. We did not have sex for 3 or 4 months and it continued the same way, until this point. But, there were no problem with my masturbation count. I had never had such a high libido and so is my wife. But, we had a good vibration and our relationship got better and better. We were always into the ordinary type of sex and did nothing so special. I can even say we have three or four positions and all of our diversity comes from differentiating our location, such as living room, bedroom, etc. My biggest issue about our sex pattern was not doing it in the mornings. I guess most of the women do not like it, but it became a bigger issue. Because, after some time, those were my only moments that I want to have sex.  But, we could not do any, because she did not want that. Initially refused morning sex and then she said she does not like to have sex at all. Last week, she told me that she like to get a divorce and that really made me so sad. My wife's parents are with us for the past two months. As they are renovating their house, they will stay with us for a year. We also got other problems, but none of them are desperate as this one. I am not expecting a magic response from you, but at least I need a direction to solve this issue. Should I begin with myself or should we do something together? Where should I seek further medical advice? Should I get checked physiologically or just see a family counselor? What should be the first step of a solution for me to be happy forever with my wife and child? [/INST] Hi. Revert back with the answer to the above question to a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Docs, I am 31 year old and suffering from PCOD, Hypo thyrodism and endometriosis since last 7 yrs. I was put on yamini since last 5 yrs and had undergone IVF for infertility issue. Now while on yamini i use to have in between breakthroughs though i never ever missed my tablet. So i underwent an DNC, and was asked by my gynaec that i should go on yamini for 3 months n than 3 months without it, n c what happen whenever i need to take withdrawel tablet i do so during my yamini free days. I am really tired of all these problems along with weight gaining pls help me outTosha [/INST] Hi, thanks for writing..Dont worry. Tension itself causes weight gain.Get hypothyroidism under control . Good diet control, avoid fatty food, fried items, regular execise and metformin to reduce PCOS..Try IVF again after stopping yasmin. Positive approach will help..Hope I have cleared your doubts. Good day. </s>
<s>[INST] HiI have regular periods and i am trying to get conceive as well. Doctor prescribed me to take fertyle tablet 5th day onwords for 7 days.....for 3 cycles. Anod i would like to know should i have intercourse during these 7 days or not....please give me some information about this. [/INST] Hi ,Fertyl is a medicine which increases the number of egg output from ovaries. You ovulation (egg being pushed out of Ovary ) will occur around 13th-15th day of periods. Once bleeding of period stops you can have intercourse,(it's to throw away all the old sperms- sperm's life is only 3 days) till 10th day of periods. ( 1st day of bleeding is 1st day of periods)Have abstinence or not intercourse for 3 days,& then have contact from 13th to 18 th day of periods daily atleast once. After 18th day is optional.All the bestDr.Balakrishnan </s>
<s>[INST] sir i tried ivf and result is negative i wanted to repeat ivf but wanted to know that shall i try with doner sperm countsperm count 28 million, active 60 % sluggish 20% non motile 20% pus cells 8-10/ HPF, PH alkaline liquifaction time within 30 minutes. doctor transferred 3 5 celled embryo on day 3. what i do I am 38 years. thanks [/INST] Hi,Thanks for your query. I read your query and I understand your concerns. Following is my reply:1) Your sperm count is good. You dont need donor sperms.2) Your embryos also appear good and hence no need to worry. Try another cycle with your spermsI hope I answered your query. I will be available for any follow up query you have.Regards,Dr. Mahesh KoregolIVF & Infertility Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] My father weighs 113, height 5'8', age 89, congestive heart failure, several bouts of pneumonia in the last few years, cannot eat without feeling nauseous - Dr. wants to put him on Megace (have already tried various other things). Is Megace a good option? [/INST] Thank you very much for asking me this question megace in high doses can increase appetite in some cases since your father has been just of heart failure so you should be careful because it can worsen shortness of breath it has some other side effects like thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism but usually it is a common practice to give this medication and you should be under constant of care off your physician I hope this was helpful thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I had a blood test performed and although I m anemic (I always am) all the cell counts are fine except my monocytes which was consistently 223 the last two years but decreased to 153. I m a little worried because this is a big drop. Do you think I have some kind of infection or what can I do to help increase it. Thank you [/INST] Hello, welcome to HCM. Firstly, you do not need to increase the monocyte count. Basically we find Monocyte as 1-3%. So, usually the level is very low. But, this report should be corroborated with the peripheral blood findings. Secondly, decreased monocyte count does not indicates an infection. Rather its increased number indicates a chance of leukemia. There is nothing that can help you to increase its number. So, do not worry. </s>
<s>[INST] My grandmother is suffering from recurrent kidney infections , she is 90 years old and has been tried on all antibiotics , her doctor has said she has only one more to try. Her kidney function has declined and we are wondering what treatment would be available if any or what next. Her physical health Is deteriating and her liver function and bloods for cardiac output have dropped significantly too. Thanks [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing in.First of all the kidney infection needs to be dealt with aggressively. There could be infection due to resistant organisms. She may require hospital stay with treatment including intravenous antibiotics.Then comes the part where the cardiac condition needs to be controlled. This can be done with the expert opinion of a cardiologist. At the same time medicines given to her must have lease liver or kidney toxicity.The general health and nutrition also need further attention to keep her health from deteriorating further.Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump under the skin on my chin. I noticed that it got bigger. Then there was another small lump next to it, now I found more small lumps on the right side of my face at the chin line every day they seem to get bigger. I don t know what to do. [/INST] these are nothing but benign sebaceous cysts. they arise from minor trauma like shaving or itching.not to worry much but just take caution not to infect them.all the best! </s>
<s>[INST] my 7 month old grandson is waking up during the night tonight, crying and has cold sweats. We think he is teething and a tooth is about to errupt. We have given him age appropriate tylenol but what else should we do for him? Should we take him to the ER as it is after hours for the doctor. [/INST] Hi,Thank you for asking question on health care magic.Tylenol 15 mg/kg/dose 6th hourly will reduce pain as well as fever.Once the tooth erupts the pain will subside .There is no urgency to rush to ER.Hope this answer will serve your purposePlease feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake careDr.M.V.Subrahmanyam MD;DCHAssociate professor of pediatrics </s>
<s>[INST] I am 5 weeks late for my period for the first time EVER, 2 pg tests, neg, hcg blood test neg. I have been feeling all the typical pg symptoms, the past 5 days, i have been spotting pinkish/red, but no accumulation on pad. I ve had a bad lower back ache most of the past 4 weeks. I have had no pms symptoms at all. [/INST] Hallow Dear,Urine test for detection of pregnancy as early as five days after missed period may give false negative results some times. You may repeat the test after 5 more days to have reliable results. The other option is to go for Beta hCG test which is very specific and sensitive. This test gives reliable results even 2-3 days or even earlier after missed period. If all these tests reveal that you are not pregnant, and you do not get your menses, you may take Deviry pills for 5 days. 4-7 days after discontinuing Devery, you should get your menses. I am sure this helps you. Dr. Nishikant Shrotri </s>
<s>[INST] Hi...my baby is 6 and 1/2 months now. I have been having knee and joint pain and stiffness everytime i get up for the last few months. It seems as if my body freezes in 1 position and when i try to change, it s uncomfortable and takes a few seconds for all joints to move smoothly. [/INST] Hello, If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. We have to rule out possible causes like early arthritis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>