<s>[INST] hi i had unprotected sex with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago ... she is on the pill though but she had just went back on it that night after having her period and i am just wondering would that pill work for that night .... and would it be possible is she pregnant cause a bit of sperm went in .. we are always really carefull apart for that time [/INST] Hello,Thanks for asking at Healthcaremagic!I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.Birth control pills are highly effective and failure rate is very low.The failure rate is very low and it is approximately one in thousand.The chance for pregnancy is quite low and you don't need to worry much regarding this.You can do a UPT(urine pregnancy test) for your own reassurance.Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. My grandma is 72 yrs old and diabetic. Since dengue fever is now endemic in my place, she was run thru tests. Her plt is 68000 and wbc is 6000. Lft showed high spot and sgpt of 120 n 160. Ns1ag was negative and malaria too. What could be possible reason? [/INST] she needs to be thoroughly investigated. Is she febrile? she should have complete LFTs ,ultrasound abdomen( to look for liver cirrhosis or hepatomegaly) peripheral blood smear, and hepatitis C antibodies. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I just recently went swimming in a chlorinated pool today and shortly after I started feeling tooth sensitivity. Because of the pain, I have not been able to eat. My teeth begin to hurt when I bite down on food, my top and bottom jaw touch, my tongue touches my teeth, or even when I breathe through my mouth. I have brushed and washed my teeth multiple times and nothing seems to help. Please help ASAP. [/INST] use Tooth paste for sensitivity . Thermoseal tooth paste is good for sever sensitivity. Apply a thick paste on ur teeth and keep it for 10 Minut and then brush..do this 3 Times dialy for a week </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. About a year ago, my 12 year old son told us that he was hearing voices in his head. He described the voices as a lot of people talking but he could not understand what they were saying. We contributed it to a song that he heard on wrestling and did not follow-up with his peditrician. However, his has been displaying signs of attentiveness at home and school. His inability to pay attention and to stay on task at school has caused his grades to decline drastically. In addition, he has become unorganized and forgrtful. Is it possible that the voices are still in his head and he is focusing on those and not at the task at hand? What are some options that we as parents can do to help him without placing him on medication? We would like for the medication to be the last option. [/INST] your son is showing symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) but the type is inattentive type , because unlike the name ADHD there is one type of hyperactivity and the other type is inattentive type .careful history taking and physical exam will confirm the diagnosis a lot of behavioural disorders can be Delt with without medications through psychotherapy, but the first step is to take him to the pediatrician and assess his case .I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am 34 year old female. I have got my STD and HIV done. I have attached my reports for your reference. All look clear, but herpes simplex virus IgM and IgG are 3.5 and 4. I have no other symptoms. Please help. [/INST] Hello. 1. IgG HSV1 and IgG HSV2 to check for immunity against these subtypes individually. 2. The IgM antibodies may still be positive with progressive fading acute infection. 1. If you do not have active lesions or are not pregnant, there is no indication for treatment. 2. If you have active lesions, avoid unprotected sexual contact. It may however still transmit even if you do not see active lesions, since they may be hidden in the genital tract. For further clarifications consult an internal medicine physician online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] Lower leg above ankle VERY swollen with bubbles that Can drain clear liquid. Rest of leg swells too. Seems to be a hard bump mid shin and from there down leg swells hard and round. Right leg. Left has no bump but is starting swelling and bubbles. Kidneys? Skin also pretty dry. [/INST] Hello! I have been through your question.Related your concern i think this could be bullous erysipelas caused by streptococcus beta hemolytic.Usually this is common in diabetic patient( because of the fungi in foot that cause sores), immunocompromised patient and in patient with lymphatic obstruction.I suggest to do e physical examination by an infectious diseases specialist, to do culture of drain liquids in order to find the proper bacteria and to start as soon as possible Intravenous antibiotic( usually I prescribe ampicillin or cefazolin) for better result.I hope my answer helps you.I wish you a quick recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a moving sensation on the upper right side of my abdomen, just below my ribs. It feels as if a baby s foot is moving across my stomach. I have a partial hysterectomy last year, only have my right ovary. It is not painful. I cannot see the movement or feel it when I put my hand on the area, but can feel it inside. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM.I am Dr Rakesh Sharma answering your query.The way you are describing your feeling, it could be gas, or acidity.I do not think there is any connection between partial hysterectomy and present feeling.Take Pantoprazole and domperidone combination.Drink lot of water. If constipated , add mild laxative.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I am suffering from waist pain which goes down the leg particularly on right leg. I wake up each night from sleep because of pain on the right side of waist & leg when I sleep by turning on right side.It is difficult to walk because of pain. I cannot tolerate Gabapentine because of my hyperacidity & swelling of feet. I am on pacemaker. Please advise. B Basak Kolkata, India [/INST] Dear patient your symptoms indicate diagnosis of nerve compression at the level of lumbar spine with radicular pain in the right lower limb. Reason may be disc prolapse. Diagnosis can be confirmed by doing MRI of the lumbo sacral spine with screening of whole spine. Please get it done from radiology centre nearby you. Gabapentin is drug effective in radicular pain. if you are getting hyperacidity please take tab pantocid 40 mg twice a day before meals along with gabapentin. You need to consult spine surgeon with report. </s>
<s>[INST] since sat i have been getting lower abdomen pain, and back pain , since then i have been getting headaches , nausea without throwing up, and really tired, and light headed.. my period ended last week and today i have a pink discharge it seem as long as i lay down or sit with out moving i dont have problems but as soon as i get up it all hits me [/INST] Hello,The pain may be due to musculoskeletal problems because it is aggravated with movement.Rest and analgesic may help.if the pain is not subsiding then take X ray of lower back and consult an orthopedician. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 25 and have been trying to fall pregnant for 12 months have had 2 miscarriages and have been diagnosed with mild pocs and am spending my time thinking about getting pregnant all the time looking closing at all the syptoms I get all the time waiting on my period and not wanting it to turn up and at the moment spend to much time googling online every little thing [/INST] Hello Thank you for your query. Please stop googling and consult an Infertility specialist at the earliest. First get yourself investigated for the 2 miscarriages. Causes could be genetic, uterine abnormalities, hormonal disturbances, infections, autoimmune conditions etc. Next, have a complete PCOS investigation panel done. Assess your tubal patency by HSG or laparoscopy. Have your partner's semen analysis done. Maintain a healthy BMI and take folic acid tablets. Also, with PCOS, you might need help of ovulation inducing agents to conceive, as PCOS patients have irregular ovulation and irregular cycles. PLease consult an expert at the earliest. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have been taking the Noriday pill for around 10 months and have had regular periods whilst taking it however last month i had a break though bleed that lasted for around 2/3 days then had my regular period i am due to have my period again in a couple of weeks but the beginning of this week I got another break through bleed but this time its just a brown stain and occasional brown discharge is there anything to be worried about ? [/INST] Noriday is progesterone only pill, and breakthrough bleeding is more common than combined estrogen-progesterone pills. So you may change the pill with doctor's advice. Other cause of inter menstrual bleed may be a small polyp or erosion of the uterine cervix. This can be detected by clinical examination with a speculum. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I was about to get a complete blood test done to check certain parameters. I have attached herein the screen shot of the parameters. I wanted to know if I have masturbated before 36 hours of these tests then would the results be adversely affected? If so, how many hours should lapse after I last masturbate to get these tests done? [/INST] Hi. For further information consult a family physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am 32 years old. I am having problems of chest congestion from the last two to three months. Prescribed Allegra was quite soothing by the doctor. I was relieved for at least a month, and the problem has been declining since then. There was nothing concerning with the x-ray report, and CBC reports as well. Nose block has started from last few weeks and ache on one side of the head one day or the other. Mild chest congestion has also re-started with a little bit of wheeze sound. Could you please recommend something? [/INST] Hello. I have seen all your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). For further information consult a cardiologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] What could have caused bruising around my son's lips? He had about a half an inch of what seemed to look like bruising all the way around his top and bottom lips. It did not seem to bother him the slightest bit but I feel as though it came out of nowhere and was gone within a few days. [/INST] Hi Dear Welcome to the HCM,apply some moisturiser cream like desowen lotion. it will in few days.Hope the query is answered.thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have depression and my doc gave me viibryd 40ng that I tack for two years and now he gave me for depressesion latuda 20mg to take with the viibryd and I read about this Madison on this web that say that this Madison it s for bipolar and or schizophrenia So I don t understand is this Madison can help for depression? [/INST] HiI had gone through your query.Really you are diagnosed with depression.Because Tab latuda contains lurasidone and it is anti psychotiv medicine.It can be used in bipolar disorder and psychotic illness.It can be used sometimes in bipolar depression.You can discuss with your Doctor and get further help.Still have a query then feel free to ask.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Beta-sitosterol I see that it used for reducing inflammation for different maladies how effective is it for , emptying the bladder reducing frequent bathroom visits, the size of prostate emptying the bladder, reduction of cholesterol compared to statins and helping the inflammation in people with osteo- arthritis. Are the claims like so many other supplements all hype or is there any validity. Thank you for an honest response, MJO [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting in HCM. I understand your concern. Here are some of the details about the medication which you have asked for. beta-sitosterol is one of several phytosterols (sterols from plant origin) with chemical structures similar to that of cholesterol.It is shown to have the following effects: 1. cholesterol lowering effects. 2. Immunomodulator action. 3.Anti-inflammatory effects. Hence, beta-sitosterol is used for heart disease, high cholesterol, preventing colon cancer, gallstones, the common cold and flu (influenza), HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, psoriasis, allergies, cervical cancer, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), asthma, hair loss, bronchitis, migraine headache and chronic fatigue syndrome.Some men use beta-sitosterol for enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and some women use it for symptoms of menopause.However, more clinical studies are needed to verify the benefits of beta-sitosterol in the conditions which it has been used. Hope the information provided would be helpful. All the best. Regards, Dr.Ashakiran.S., MBBS., MD. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, Here is my Question three months ago I tried birthcontrol for the first time it was not for me so I stopped. I had my period right after the pills as was expected but not it has been 32 days since my last period ended and I have yet to have my period. what could be the cause. I am sexually active and I have had unprotected sex. But I have taken three different pregnancy tests and all three have come back as negative. It has also been 31 days since i first had sex but I have had it multiple times since then. Thanks for your help [/INST] Hi,Welcome to Health care magic forum. As you describe it appears that you have used the pills for few days and stopped. So it means you have induced the period. and here after this will be the your expected day of the period. The cause of irregular periods may be the anemia,infection, or the pills. I advise you to consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. Take more of green leafy vegetables,pulses,sprouts,and protein rich foods to have blood,general health and resistance against infections. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I have circumcision 12 days ago open wound on bottom of penis ,with real hard line and penis still bleeding went back to doctor they give me antibiotic and said the only thing gone get it better is time and for me to wait until it stop bleeding that was 2 days ago .it only getting no better.what to do [/INST] Thanks for asking in healthcaremagic forum It takes time for the wound to heal. Please do not meddle with it to prevent bleeding. If bleeding is severe, go for followup with your doctor. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 56yrs old female. Height 5ft 4inches ,weight 73 kg. I was suffering from a choking persistent cough.I have a history of asthma but had no problem for the last 5 years this time as the cough continued for three weeks I have been prescribed ondimont-lc for 14 days I stopped on the 14th day but there was a relapse and I have continued it from the 18th day .The excessive drowsiness and the mild trembling of my limbs is making every day work difficult. How long must I continue it?Does it need tapering off? [/INST] hello, thanks for your query, in my opinion u have got allergy induced cough , well tolerated to tab. odenent- lc. it's a prophylactic drug to prevent allergy or asthma. it should be taken 6-8 months, then slowly it should be tapered. if u feel sleepy with it u can go for ebast- m( ebastine+ montelukast one tab at bed time. all the best. take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...i am approximately 8 weeks pregnant and have been under the guidance of a nutritionist for the past few months because of tummy troubles,mainly consisting of bloating,gas,nausea and growling noises. I have had just had the results of stool test that showed that i have moderate levels of the parasite blastocystis hominis as well as a low level of candida albicans. My nutritionist has told me i will not be able to be treated for either problem until i have my baby and have finished breast feeding. i hate the thought of continued tummy troubles,but,even more than this,i hate the thought of these things living in my body for more than a year. i want them out now. i also am worried that the baby could be affected although i am told it wont be. is there any danger to me or my baby by having this diagnosis and is there no possible and successful treatment whilst i am pregnant? please help as i am very anxious. i am 41 years old,5.6' tall and about 11 stone 4 pounds. i am also very healthy otherwise. [/INST] HiThanks for your query at HCM.I understand your concern and situationAs a infectious diseases Specialist I would like to suggest you that you are normal and require no treatment. The Candida and blastocystis are found in stool of normal people too. It will be of no harm to you or your baby.Take careHope I answered your queryDr Sheetal Verma </s>
<s>[INST] I was on Aromasin for 4 years and am supposed to be on tamoxifen but was tired of these drugs. I am now going to start taking the tamoxifen. How will the side effects impact my brain? I am in an EMBA program...I HATED the confusion brought on by Aromasin. Can I expect something similar? How can I mitigate brain impact? [/INST] Hello! Tamoxifen has another mechanism of action comparing to aromasin, but both have an aim, to reduce the estrogen effect on breasts. Confusion as a direct side effect is registered for none of the drugs. The most frequent side effects of tamoxifen are the hot flashess, vaginal discharges, menstrual disturbances. Depression and fatigue are found in less than 2% and 4% of people using tamoxifen. Meanwhile, with the use of aromasin, fatigue and depression are the side effects seen more often. Other frequent side effects of aromasin are anxiety and insomnia. Tamoxifen does not have any other side effect (at least studied ones) that can give you the confusion that you felt by aromasin. Confusion as a direct side effect is registered for none of the drugs.I hope i have been of help. </s>
<s>[INST] I am an active 71 year old and normally play golf 2 to 3 times a week. 3 weeks ago during a round, I suffered acute pain in the first two fingers of my left hand and could not continue playing I am 6ft 1 and in good health. What remedy do you suggest please? Regards John Marooney [/INST] Hello, Consult an orthopedician and get evaluated. We have to rule out possible causes like arthritis and cellulitis. As of now you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like aceclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] 8 years ago I sprained my back and received a shot to alleviate the pain. The pain finally went away but I muscle knot appeared within a few days of trauma. Over the years the knot was never painful but did get larger. Now this knot (lower left side of back) is causing pain in my back, left side of buttocks, and left leg. Every once in a while I will get tingling in the toes of my left foot. I have been to the chiropractor for 7years now and have seen 3 different massage therapist. I suspect a pinched nerve. What is the next step? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for your query.According to your history it looks like swelling compressing your spinal nerves leading to pins and needle sensation in your legs.I will advise you to do to do x ray spine and MRI spine.You may need muscle relaxant with analgesic,and neurotropic medicine.lumbar corset and hot fomentation will give faster relief.Physiotherapy like USG and SWD will give quick relief.Spine exercises done regularly will prevent reccurance of such episodes.If all conservative management fails then operative decompression can be consideredI do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query.Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I had my gall bladder removed in February 2012 and have had more problems than before. Vomiting, dirrhea, abdominal pain, acid reflux , bile reflux, bile in my stomach and small intestine , bloating . very light color stool and was told my liver was leaking somewhat. Gone to several Drs. and keep getting more pills that don t work or make things worse. I finally had an appt. with a specialist at the Cleveland Clilnic about 2 weeks ago and he has implemented 3 different tests, the 1st one was a gastric emptying test which I don t have the results of yet, the other 2 are a Glucose Hydrogen Breath Test and an MRCP. Do you have any suggestions. I have been totally miserable and cannot function normally because I never know when I will have a bad day or better day, NEVER a good day. Very concerned. Thank you Barbara Ring YYYY@YYYY [/INST] well I think you should wait for the reports as these will make things pretty clear. an d I would like to know the serum bilirubin levels and alkaline phosphatase levels aswell </s>
<s>[INST] 5 days ago, I got #18 pulled out. Over this short time period, I developed white tissue over the extraction site but it came off while brushing my teeth. I still see the blood clot is intact, but will this delay healing as I thought the white tissue was granulation tissue and can I still smoke or am I at risk again?, [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern.As per your query you had extraction of upper last molar tooth and after that there is formation of clot and white layer which is symptom of rapid healing as it is naked bone formation which is whitish in color.Clot got dislodged after repeated touching is a thing you need not to worry about as it is normal. It will not delay healing.Try touching socket area with tongue.I would suggest you not to smoke as it will delay healing. Try to avoid smoke till the time socket would not heal properly as it will cause inflammation and can leads to formation of dry socket.Maintain basic hygiene. Follow all the instructions given by dentist. Do warm saline gargles three times a day.Hope your concern has been resolved.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] I have a rash on the crook of my left arm and just at the crease of my armpit. At both sites there are red bumps which are slightly raised and intensely itchy, especially when the skin gets hot or sweaty. Under my arm the bumps are in a small patch. At the crook the bumps are more separated. [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. It looks like a fungal infection like seborrhea. Apply topical anti fungal ointments like Clotrimazole for symptomatic relief. Keep the area clean and dry. In case of secondary infection, start a short course of antibiotics for five to seven days. Clotrimazole-Neosporins combination is a better choice. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a mosquito bite which I got yesterday but it swelled up when I got up. It s big and on my wrist, there s also a red streak from my wrist up to the crease of my arm. It s itchy and tingling and hot. Doctor prescribed antibiotics but I don t know if I should take it. I took Claritin but no help and put on tricalm but it has become worse. Cortisone and steroid creams make my bites worse as well. Please help I am so miserable right now. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM,Mosquito bite can also do infection and irritation with the sting they can produce allergic reaction along with the saliva.Because of which you are having these feeling.I would suggest you to take antibiiotics and anti allergic like fexofenadine 120 mg od. You can take Tab CPM in the night and apply anti allergic mixed with antibiotic cream locally 3 times a day. It will take at least 3 week to come to normal.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Car insure 500 is recommended for my ankle pain for 15 days one per day I am 59 yrs old lady with BP .Along with that Cap.Snepdol is given two caps daily .Any side effects are there,and the swelling at the ankle is not reducing completely. I am advised to use crape bandage ( like socks) during the day.It is detected in MRI of left ankle that there is no fracture but there is a clot . Pain has reduced considerably.This is 2 months old case Pl confirm whether the medicines have any side effects [/INST] hithank you for providing the brief history of you.as most medication will have its own side effects and they are on random basis so judging is not possible without any physical examination.As you are having persistent swelling of the ankle, I feel it is lack of venous insufficiency. Also, you are a high BP patient and proceeding towards ageing this is also the factor to keep into consideration.As, in my clinical practice I see geriatrics with high age groups. Many of them have multiple issues and with medication some are not getting relief of swelling. I personally prefer to have a thorough examination and then advice physical therapy and find miraculous changes in the swelling of the ankles.I will advice you to undergo a proper physical therapy where your venous insufficiency can be improved and the swelling can be avoided.Also, venous insufficiency is due to the lack of the venous pool by the Heart which needs an attention. I didn't mean the heart has problem , but I intended to mention that the heart needs more pumping action to reduce the swelling.RegardsJay Indravadan Patel </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a strange sensation in my leg for around two years. It usually only affects the lower half of the left leg and foot but has recently encompassed the upper sections. This is accentuated when walking and more so when the pace gets quicker. The feelings feel as if my lower leg and foot are quite light on the lift and not entirely under my control.The foot can feel as if it wants to turn in when I am running but never does, almost like a buzzy electric wave feeling. There is no weakness of the leg itself. I have suffered from cold feet over the years, and these can be pronounced, making the foot very stiff so that wiggling the foot and toes can be quite difficult.It can occasionally feel as if there is a block in the leg. The same sensation with a feeling there is a block can be felt in the forearm also. There are icy hands as well, which can affect ability with the thumb numbness now and then. When sitting, the feet feel as if they are stretching out with light relief available when I do. I am worried about MND. [/INST] Hello. I read your query. As per your symptoms, there can be chances of MND. In MND, there are also other symptoms, and there are chances of underlying sclerosis. But you can not rule it out on your own. You need a clinical examination by a trained physician. So I advise you to visit a nearby reputed physician and ask for the complete examination. Once a proper diagnosis is made, only then start taking treatment rather than taking random treatment. I hope you understand my point. </s>
<s>[INST] i have 2 pea sized moveable lumps in the left side of my neck. They dont hurt or cause any bother. I seem to have had them for quite a while, years in fact. I'm a healthy person and exercise 6 days a week. I have mentioned these to a doctor some time ago but he said not to worry. Think he said something like i'm a hairy person and could be blocked folicals or fatty grizle or something, what do you think as every website seems to be all doom and gloom? [/INST] HelloSwelling in neck area may be due to enlarged lymph node.It need clinical examination and investigations.Neck area is a common site of lymph node enlargement.It may be due to neck,scalp or throat infection.Other causes of swelling may be lipoma,blocked hair follicle etc.You may need ultrasound of neck region.Ultrasound is very helpful in assessing its origin and management.Generally it resolves with treatment of underlying cause.Generally it is not a serious problem.Get well soon.Take CareDr.Indu Bhushan </s>
<s>[INST] hi, 5 days ago my son ran fast and hard right into a concrete wall! it was horrible! he was looking down at his feet. he immediately got a big bump and bruise on his forehead and there were no other symptoms at all. he was back to himself within the hour and i iced it for the first 2 days. my question is. .. should i still be keeping a close eye on him after 1 week or would he have other symptoms before that., if there was damage such as brain injury, fracture, or internal bleeding. thank you. ps- he is suppose to go away with his dad next week but i am worried about him leaving b/c i have heard there could be problems even after 72 hrs. ps- my son is 5 yrs old and the bump has gone down, the bruise is now yellow. it is rt on his forehead. he was running fast! and the wall he slammed into is hard!! concrete!!!! [/INST] there may be several outcomes for this condition1. there may be only superficial injury which is in healing phase as u r mentioning.2. but as u are saying that the child was in speed so there are chances of internal damage also. It is not always necessory that these produce symptom in early days but may cause consequences even after several month in form of post traumatic epilepsy etc. So, rhis time u should go for ct scan of head for any trauma to brain and its vessels. if this is normal then everything is right. </s>
<s>[INST] Last to last month, I got to know that I have pcod. We are trying for baby form 6 month but every month we disappoint. My doctor suggest me to take clomid, bigomet, folic acid, progynova and dubagest. From last 2 month I am taking this medicine. So my question is that how much time will take to concive.. [/INST] Hello, it takes 3-6 months for successful pregnancy to occur. You can add healthy diet and regular exercise to reduce wt for better results. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doc, my spouse is in 28 weeks of pregnancy with some associated problems. Swelling in both legs, reduce after elevation of foot and rest. last 2 weeks back SGOT is 25 and SGPT is 18 But we checked again on 2nd JUNE, its highly elevated. SGOT - 2360 and 1580, SGPT - 1560 and 1404 from 2 different labs, Alkaline phosphate is also elevated (527) and bilirubin is in normal range, the remaining all parameters in normal value. She is in medication of T.Duphastan, T.Shelcal, T. Iron supplement and T. Thyroxin. She have a Hypothyroidism since last 1 year. I am a Registered Nurse in india. i want to what is happening to her and what is the possibilities? today i took the sample fr Hepatitis A, B, C, E and Urine routine? [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Elevated liver enzymes and swelling unfortunately can be symptoms of two potentially very dangerous pregnancy complications. The first and most common is severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome which is a combination of hypertension, swelling and protein in the urine. It normally develops at term but if it does prematurely it can cause seizures in the mother and abruption of the placenta. Typically patients also have low platelets and can be at risk for stroke. The second possibility is acute fatty liver f pregnancy which can also lead to fetal death and potential permanent liver damage. I seriously recommend you consult with a physician or take her to the hospital immediately for evaluation... She needs her blood pressure checked, a urinalysis, a CBC with platelets, electrolyte including BUN/creatinine and a consultation with a high risk obstetrician. Sometimes the baby needs to be delivered prematurely to treat the mother. I again am very concerned about your partners status and please consult immediately with a local physician and do not continue to try to diagnose her yourself. If she develops a severe headache or sees spots in front of her eyes she is at high risk of seizure and should go to the hospital immediately. I am sorry to give you this answer to the question but I am glad you consulted with Healthcaremagic.com and I hope your partner gets the appropriate evaluation. With best regards,Dr. Brown </s>
<s>[INST] in the morning I have a sharp pain in the center of my palm, left hand it feels like I have a splinter crossing the lifeline of my palm, when I make a fist or grab something. This pain dissipates as time goes by, and reappears next morning. Had ultra sound, found nothing. Should I be concerned. My doctor says to leave it alone and see where it leads. [/INST] Hi Hope this message finds you in good health.I have gone through your complaints and understand your concern.U seem to have some sort of soft tissue inflammation in muscle layer of palm that causes stiffness.Get an Mri done to find out the cause.Nothing to worry about.     I hope your question has been answered.If you have any follow-up queries,feel free to consult me anytime.Thanks,Take care,God bless. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am a 65 year old male . My platelets are consistently 15 points lower than normal. My doc says so long as they are at a consistent level It is ok. I am consistently tired and have low energy levels. Is this ok? If the platelets were higher would I be less tired. I am fairly active? [/INST] Low platelets generally are not the direct cause of fatigue. It is usually only when low platelets lead to low red blood cell count that platelets play a role in fatigue. Make sure your other blood counts are within normal limits & follow up with your doctor regarding the severity of platelet counts. </s>
<s>[INST] What is the best medicine for allergy season ??? [/INST] Hello There.. Welcome to healthcare Magic forum.. Best medicine is avoiding the allergen as much as possible.. You can use antihistaminics if you have moderate to severe symptoms.. Hope this helps.. Take care.. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i am a 32 recently married female and i have two children from a previous relationship and my husband also has two children. soon before we were married i quit my job to be a full time house wife. sometimes i do OK.. but most of the time i feel so over whelmed that i just don't want to deal with the day to day duties of being a stay at home mom. what can i do to feel motivated about my new life [/INST] HelloIt was your decision to stay at home and to be a home maker. You have to quit your job for that. I want to tell you that home making is as important as doing a job. You should feel proud for that because for your family you have made a significant sacrifice. The feeling like you dont want to deal with day to day duties can be due to feeling that you have made wrong decision. I would like to tell you that you should not feel low because you have done a good job. Try to do relaxation exercises for motivation. Exercises like Breathing Exercises, Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises, Meditation etc help in improving confidence.Hope this helps you, thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi i am 38 yrs old and i have been suffering with chronic yeast infections, chronic urinary tract infections and oral thrush. I have been to several doctors and they have prescribed suppositories and antibiotics but i still get it to often. What could I possibly do to limit the amount of recurrences. [/INST] Hello dear,Thank you for your contact to health care magic.I read and understand your concern. I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.There are two most common cause if recurrent candida infection. Diabetes and HIV. I also suggest you to rule out this two possibility of infection.I suspect diabetes in you. If you can control the diabetes your problem can be automatically diminished.Fungal infection can be treated by taking fluconazole 150 mg under your doctors guidance.Please maintain good hygiene as it is equally important in treating the infection.I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.Thank you,Dr Arun TankInfectious diseases specialist,HCM. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I an a 51 year old female and I have had back, shoulder & chest pain for a few months now. I have has chest X-rays, spinal X-rays, ultrasound scan and bloods taken. I also had to do a treadmill workout, all test have come back clear, (GP was checking for gallbladder problems). As everything came back clear, the doctor has put it down to stress/anxiety and panic attacks. I am on 50mg sertraline & 20mg omeprazol. I occasionally have paratheisa all over my body. Would a neck, shoulder & back massage help me? Thank you, Moira [/INST] Since you are in the early menopause, please get your vit D levels checked. This could all be some simple osteoporosis. Yea rehabilitation through physiotherapy and massage always helps,but it's only helpful to curb the immediate pain related issues. so for long term betterment a healthy diet and exercise are a must. </s>
<s>[INST] I have herniated disc at L5 s1 on right side for the past 9 yrs. With in the last month my left side of my back is hurting and I have a dent on my left upper but cheek and its very painful. Has my prior injury caused this one and will the dent go away? [/INST] Hi and thanks for the query,These two pains might really not be related. I suggest you get a proper review from your primary care doctor. In case its a rheumatologic condition with inflammation of multiple joints, this could be the case. Your medical history makes this a bit rare. I suggest you consult your doctor. kind regards </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 52 yo male with no current chronic problems and in good overall health. My routine MD visit revealed no concerns. However, my T level is 298, Platelet count was low at 141, and the Bilirubin count was high 1.9. PSA is 0.2. Is this of any concern?Thank you,Curt [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your platelets count is low normal and PSA is normal so no need to worry about that. But your bilirubin is high. It suggest jaundice. You should search the cause of high bilirubin. You should go for complete liver function test, ultrasound abdomen and peripheral smear examination. It will give you exact diagnosis about cause of high bilirubin. Then you should take treatment accordingly.Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hii. I had unprotected sex with my bf yesterday. He thought he had ejacuated he was not sure. So i took an unwanted72 pill approx. 7hrs after sex. I want to know if any bleeding will occur after taking the pill? Any sideffects? Plz help me coz this is the frst time i'm using this stuff. Plz reply as soon as possible.. [/INST] Hello,Thanks for trusting us with your health concern. I have gone through your query and here are the answers. Firstly, any unprotected intercourse during the safe period does not cause conception. Ovulation occurs two weeks prior to the onset of the next period and this is the fertile period in the cycle. So, if you happened to have the intercourse during the safe period, you are naturally protected. The intake of the emergency pill occurred during the stipulated time after the intercourse, so the protection offered is in the range of 98%. The pill can cause side effects like nausea, headaches, vomiting, breast tenderness and withdrawal bleeding owing to its high hormone content. The next natural period also may get delayed by a week or two. Please restrict the use of the pill to one or two occasions per year and get further help if you become overdue by ten days for your next period. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods? [/INST] Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am eager to get my reports examined and get your opinion. Reports attached for your reference. I would be more glad to seek your advice on my LFT/KFT and diabetes reports. What is required to bring all parameters to normal? I work for an IT company and mostly sedentary lifestyle. Hardly I walk for 3 to 4 km in the morning. No smoking, moderate alcohol, vegetarian. I feel tired most of the time, disturbed sleep, unknown reasons for weight increase from 82 kg to 87 kg in the last couple of months. Currently, on Ecosprin 150 mg and Fibbitor 20 (daily once in the morning) for eight years due to MI and was administered check angio. Please advice. [/INST] Hi. You have diabetes mellitus (type 2). This occurs due to deficiency of insulin which is secreted by the pancreas. You will require reduction of your weight, regular walk at a brisk pace for about 45 minutes to one hour daily for most days of the week. You should be on antidiabetic drugs too. You already have had an MI as per your history so you have to be extra careful with your weight and diabetes. You can continue the drugs which you are taking, in addition, you should be on tablet Metformin SR and one of the antihypertensive agents (ACEI or ARBs). Kindly consult a physician or diabetologist near you for the correct dosages of these drugs depending on your sugar levels and blood pressure records. For more information consult a general medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] HELLO MADAM AM MRS KAVITHA FROM RAJAJINAGAR.......I AM WORRIED ABOUT MY SON WHO IS OF AGE 10YRS AND IS GOOD AT HIS STUDIES AND IS DOING HIS 4TH STD..........HE SNORES AT NIGHT AND HAVE READ THAT IT IS NOT GOOD FOR HIS HEALTH SO THOUGHT OF CONSULTING PLS SUGGEST................ [/INST] HiWelcome to the HCMI appreciate your awareness. Snoring in a child is a sign of obstructive sleep disturbance which needs an evaluation. Many a times enlarged adenoids or bad posture can be the reason in this age group. You may visit an ENT specialist for complete evaluation to rule out enlarged adenoids. Also, the following measures will be useful:1. Avoid thick pillows while he sleeps.2. Treat nasal congestion and cough or cold with antihistamine such as Syp. Mantra or T- minic.3. Keep a room humidifier if the season is dry while sleeping.4. Normal saline nebulisations before sleep may be useful.Hopefully this will be useful. I would be happy to help you in future health related questions.Take care </s>
<s>[INST] iv had diabetes since i was ten im now 52,my two year old grandaughter had a wee test done today and there was sugar in it had a finger prick blood test done and it was 5.7 is this ok for her as dr. seemed to think she was o.k but why would she have sugar in her wee? she does drink alot but she doesnt have any other symptoms and is very active. thanks. [/INST] HI5.7 is OK--it's not an indication of diabetesThe sugar in her urine is likely hereditary from you and not from er being diabetic </s>
<s>[INST] sir, my age is 29 i had a 2& half years boy baby now i am trying for second baby for past three monts but i dont get and also i had a pain in abdomen.then i met my doctor she told that you have a pc in both overies then she prescribe BENFORCE-M tablet can i get my second baby soon [/INST] Hi, I think you should take some medicines like clomiphene for the growth of the eggs. In PCO patients, ovulation doesn't happen on its own. So, medicines are required. Track your follicles by ultrasound. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. Take some progesterone after your eggs rupture to support the pregnancy. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help.Regards Dr khushboo </s>
<s>[INST] For year when I sleep I remove my earing and other jewerlly from my body, I also have conversation with my roommate, when she tells me about it I have no memory of it even taking place! I need to mention that when having these convocation I am actually walking about so she tells me, what could be causing this? And for the past 10 months I have been humming non stop, I hum when I m awake, I hum when I wake to go to the bathroom and also hum until I fall a sleep, I ve tried to stop but seem to have no controll over the humming, what could be going on? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. You can do pranayam and yoga which is helpful for improve your memory. You can take almond with milk in the morning best way to put almond in the water and eat in the morning. Meditation is also helpful. aAlways be positive. Negative thoughts is also harmful. Take proper sleep. Consult psychiatrist if you have same complain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, Dr. Grief. About 3 weeks ago a small (about a 1/4 inch in length & 1/8 in width) lump appeared on the inside of my left thumb on the lower joint. It appears to be a blood blister . I haven t any pain from it. However, I am concerned as I was recently diagnosed as having a small amount of renal insufficiency and am wondering if the two are connected.. Unfortunately, I am no longer covered by any insurance so I haven t been able to follow up with a visit to a nephrologist . [/INST] Hello grumpy. There is a small chance that your renal problem and the blister are related. Unless you get yourself checked out (good examination, blood and urine tests at the very least) no one can confirm the co-relation. Providing your age, details of other medical problems and medications always helps when we try and answer such questions. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a colonoscopy done once I woke up from my procedure my bottom lip was swollen and nom only on the right side its been 2 days and my lip still swollen and nom before my procedure I was having problems with dizzying and my head also was hurting in the back on the left side right above my neck on & off [/INST] Hi and welcome to HCM, thanks for the query.No,this is not common after colonoscopy and I don't think this is related to it. SO you should find another cause of your symptoms. It can be infectious disease, allergic reaction or something third, it is hard to say without additional tests.Wish you good health.Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have been experiencing lower back pain and stiffness for about 3 weeks in the lower middle back. I do not notice it on the outside area of the lower back like a kidney infection, but my urine is very yellow. Also, I am experiencing pain the my hips and groin area. The outside of my right hip hurts when I try to lay on that side. I have experienced more difficulty raising my left leg to put on clothes, etc. It hurts more to sit or lie down than to stand or walk. When I first get up, I am very stiff and it is more difficult to get my legs moving without a limp. I have always been pretty active and on my feet with my job as a teacher. I thought it was just age related and would subside when school ended and I was off my feet for the summer, but it has continued with no relief. [/INST] Hello,As I get it you said that you have back pain and it radiates to the hip. What is your job, has it to do with lifting weights? Are you doing any activity when the pain started or it started gradually? Do you have other associated signs like numbness, or tingling sensation? Does the pain radiate lower than the knee level? It is more painful in the night or in the morning? How does it last when it starts? I suggest you to do first a lumbar x-ray and to visit an orthoped.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Emilda Belortaja </s>
<s>[INST] I have fever, nausea, mild headache, dizziness and red itchy bumps on my hands. Is this a sign of meningitis? I went to a gp a week ago to check (did not have the rash at this point and symptoms were milder) and he said everything was OK (blood pressure, heart rate and no ear infection). [/INST] HIThank for asking to HCMI really appreciate your concern and looking to the history given here I would like to say that this could be viral infection and this would take some time to come around and during this period the condition can be managed with symptomatic medicines and the best option is Tab Acetaminophen and Tab Ibuprofen three times in day, have a nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] my problem is releted with regular and long time hairfall.ii is occurring from last five years.i took treatment from aayurvedic as well as alleopathic.i had taken fefol-z capsules and tablet virgin-forte about one year. but it didnt made much difference. [/INST] Hairfall can be treated very effectively with homoeopathic medicines. By homoeopathic medicine we can stabilize the thinning your hairs, control the dandruff and will decrease the hairfall. We can slow down the progression of baldness.Please check your serum ferritil and serum vitamin B -12 levels as well as your TSH level and revert me back </s>
<s>[INST] My six year old has been experiencing nausea after eating - on a regular basis for about four weeks. At one point we took her to the doctor for stomach flu but it has continued. She will be fine all day and then suddenly feel nauseated after eating. [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and I understand your concerns but please get a stool analysis for h.pylori infection as it can cause such symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Heya,Im a little worried I had an epidural steroid injection in my back abound 7 weeks ago, I was on my period at the time. I am now 2 weeks late, ive had tender breasts and nipples, lower back pain, heartburn, headaches, nausea and a lot of pain in which seems to be where my ovaries are. I have pcos, I am sexually active but have never been pregnant before. What could this be?thanks [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The delay in your periods could be due to pregnancy or PCOD. It is not related to the epidural steroid injection that you had earlier. You can get a urine test done to find out the pregnancy.I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal ,drrakhitayal@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] I drank in the afternoon, slept for 4-5 hours woke up feeling fine and sober, I went to the grocery store and while there had a massive panic attack and had to leave, i had problems finding my vehicle and was pulled over a couple of blocks from the store, someone had called in about me wandering the parking lot. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Grave's Disease, t4 was high 1.92 and t3 was 9 something tsh was below .0025. I was arrested and by the time they got me to jail and drew my blood i felt fine again although very tired from the stress. My blood alcohol came back >= .15 which seems impossible given the amount i drank(200 ml) and the time involved (11 hours) [/INST] HiI had gone through your query.Panic attack is result of sudden anxiety or sympathetic discharge from brain.alcohol may affect this by inhibition of GABA pathways.In Grave's disease anxiety is common and may worsen with alcohol intoxication or withdrawal. Thyroid hormonal imbalance also cause anxiety and depression.Need to cut down alcohol and take treatment of anxiety or panic.Go for proper psychological evaluation along with physical examinations.Consult psychiatrist and get help.Thank you.Get well soon. </s>
<s>[INST] I have severe adbominal pain that starts on the right side than it goes up the abdomine and makes my chest hurt than my back is in pain. I can hardly move when I have these pains. I have had bile duct reconstruction surgery and no one can figure out what is wrong with me. [/INST] Hi.Read your query and understood your problems.With the history of bile duct reconstruction surgery I would advise you the following investigations to get the correct diagnosis. ..-ERCP -MRCP and MRI of the spine too. Such pains can be due to bile duct colic. Other causes can he Sensory system problem related to the spinal cord. The treatment would be according to the findings. May need stenting if there is a bile duct stricture or so. </s>
<s>[INST] how to effectively treat sinusitis?I started taking amoxilin antibiotic 1-1-1 for 5 days. but 2 times i skipped the intake. after completing the course my sinusitis didnt reduce. Its very difficult to open my eyes now. what should i do?Pls give me a solution [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You should take higher antibiotics lkke cephalosporins or levofloxacin to treat your sinusitis. You should also take antihistaminics to reduce that. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 25 year old male. I have good erections anytime I need. Not a problem. But I am not able to ejaculate the semen. I always have some uneasiness in the left testicle. I guess it is the semen build up. The only time I could ejaculate semen is during Wet Dreams/Nocturnal Emission. Will this affect the chances of becoming a father. By the way, I am not married. I have not had sex. Is there a serious problem. [/INST] HelloConsistency and volume of seven depends upon number of factors like How frequently you ejaculate?Nutritional statussecretions of prostate and seminal vesiclesHygiene In my opinion you need not to worry,this is not a serious problemIf it gets even thinner or lumpy than it could be urethral discharge You should consult your doctor for seven analysis or urine culture to rule out the possibility of UTIHave plenty of fluids maintain good hygieneMultivitamin and food supplements to boost your heath and vitalityHope you will find my response informative and helpful please feel free to ask for follow up questions, I will gladly answer you Best wishes </s>
<s>[INST] How do I get rid of gynecomastia? I'm 14 and this problem has been with me for three years and I have done research on how to do it. But is there an easy do-it-at-home solution I can use? I don't want to take pills and don't want surgery. I need help. It is so embarassing to have this. My self confidence has gone down so low I don't want to live on this planet. [/INST] Hi, You need to meet a endocrinologist and make sure if it is related to hormones or if it is congenital. Plastic surgeon can help you by doing reconstructive surgery. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S. R. Raveendran, Sexologist </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has had pain in his abdomen for the past 3 days. He says it feels like pins and needles. When he walks he limps because of tbe pain or when he sits for a long time the pain moves to his back and shoots all the way down to his hamstrings. What could be the cause of this? [/INST] Hi. The typical Pins and needles sensation in the abdomen along with reference to the back and then to the hamstrings can be due to a disc in the spine. Get an MRI of the Spine to find where is the compression, Consult a Neurosurgeon and get operated . </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had oral surgery to remove a front upper tooth and also to prep my other front teeth for a bridge.Dentist also did a "scaling" of my teeth where they go up into the gums to remove tarter.In addition they performed a "laser" treatment where they use a laser to kill bacteria up under the gums.2 days after the minor surgery I have pain in my left jaw. It feels like an "infection" type of pain rather than pain from my jaw being worked on. I fear I have an infection but the pain is not in the front of my teeth where the actual work was done but the pain is in my jaw. Any thoughts on what might be the problem? Thanks. [/INST] Hi..Can understand your concern..As per your query the pain in your lower jaw may be due to either an infected tooth or infected gums..If it is an infected tooth you can see your dentist and an IOPAR( x ray ) can give you and your dentist a clear picture of the tooth decay and what treatment should be carried out..Other thing is that when your scaling was done may be due to deeper scaling there might be laceration to the gums or any calculus or food debris may get deeply impacted into the gums accidently leading to pain..The exact cause of pain can be found out by clinical examination and x ray..I would suggest you not to take any pain killer if the pain is not severe as if the pain subsides it becomes difficult for a dentist to quickly rule out the exact cause of pain..Hope your query is solved..Thanks and regards..Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 34 yrs old and trying to conceive for 3 yrs now but with no luck. I have undergone all tests before proceeding to IUI treatment and all seems fine with me and hubby. I have regular periods and both tubes are open. I have done IUI 3 times but not successful. The doctor told me to undergo laparoscopic operation this time to investigate further but I am so scared to undergo this laparoscopy operation. Doctor here also said that after laparoscopy operation and everything is fine, i must go back to IUI again but with FSH drugs for 3 cycle and if its not going to work, will proceed to IVF . What s wrong with me? and I don t understand why to go for laparoscopy or back to IUI when it already didn t work for 3 times. and why not directly go to IVF procedure? Is laparoscopy operation really necessary? I am very afraid to take the risks of this kind of operation [/INST] Hi Welcome to HealthcareMagic As per your history you are suffering from unexplained infertility. As you are already 34 yrs ( with increasing age and time to conception fertility further reduces ) and have been trying for 3 yrs,you need to be thoroughly evaluated by doing a laparoscopy+ hysteroscopy. Why Laparoscopy?? sometimes few patients may have minimal endometriosis or mild adhesions which may affect the function of tubes and leads to infertility. By doing laparoscopy adverse factors if any can be ruled out or treated. Also tubes can be evaluated under direct vision Hysteroscopy is the procedure where inside of uterine cavity is viewed using a camera and if any pathology found can be treated at the same time. Laparoscopy is a day care procedure where you can go same day or next day morning. Don't get scared. As your doctor already said you can try IUI after laparoscopy because immediately after surgery there is good chance of conception. If 3 IUIs fail after laparoscopy you can go ahead with IVF. IVF can be done directly but you need to undergo hysteroscopy before IVF for the reasons explained above. Trust your doctor. All the best </s>
<s>[INST] I have many lumps under the skin in my arm up to my armpit, they do not hurt but there are a lot of them. I went to the doctor and they took blood tests and an xray.. I will be getting the results for those soon. But I was just wondering what they could possibly be from. [/INST] Welcome to health care magic. 1.The history suggest - possible cause could be enlarged lymph nodes.2.Lymph nodal enlargement is seen in case of any infection / inflammation , it can be localised or systemic. And lymph nodal pathology itself can cause the pathology.3.In this case an ultrasound examination of the lesions can help to evaluate the nature of the lump and its source, extensions.4.An FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology for histological evaluation.5.Treat any underlying medical condition if they are any. Good luck.Hope i have answered your query.Any thing to ask do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor,I am belonging from textile sector, during my job i have to work in the fluffy atmosphere during my job hours about 8-9 hours. The fluff of cotton is around everywhere in the mill its a weaving unit. I am facing throat infection & feeling phelgm stores in my chest.Thanks,Danyal Siddiqui [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting HCM...Noted you have exposure to cotton..So here you could gave cotton induce occupational lung problem...It could be pneumoconiosis...Called bysinosis like problem...Chest x ray and pulmonary function test useful...Just now for throat infection you can take antibiotic and antiinflammatory drugs.More water....Here regular follow up needed.Take care.Dr.Parth </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, How does the consumption of okra promote a healthy pregnancy? How does vitamin C content in okra help to reduce respiratory illnesses like asthma? What is the relationship between okra and kidney disease? How can eating okra daily help reduce kidney damage? How can okra help reduce the absorption of glucose in diabetics? Why is it beneficial to add okra to your diet to lower bad cholesterol levels? How does okra aid your immune system? [/INST] Hello. Okra is a vegetable with amazing health benefits. It aids bowel movements in constipation, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. Research shows that this vegetable has natural anti-diabetic properties. Remember that the benefits of okra are due to its fiber and its mucilage (that unpleasant slippery inside). So if you cook the veggie in such a way that you leave the fiber and the mucilage intact you can enjoy its immense health benefits. Chop off the ends, cut them into a few pieces and soak them in a cup of water overnight. The next day remove okra and drink the water. Naturopaths maintain that this medicine also works great for joint pains due to the viscosity of okra which aids joint movement. It is wise to consume okra like other vegetables. But okra alone cannot do miracles like getting pregnant in a woman with some gynecological problem or it cannot cure kidney stone. </s>
<s>[INST] my 5 yr old son has 103.5 fever and a very fast heart rate along. He just woke up from bed. Hes had really bad cough for couple days now, and running fevers since sunday night, a few times getting up to 104. We have alternated Motrin and Tylenol but only temporarily break the fevers. Been to er twice only to get breathing treatments, we have machine but afraid to give him abuterol to much. the hospital says asthmatic but doesn t have asthma please help, would be greatly appreciated. [/INST] Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query your son have symptoms of fever with high BPM and cough which seems to be due to viral infection, infectious mononucleosis, sinusitis and respiratory tract infection. It could be due to poor and compromised immunity of body and increased susceptibility of getting infected. Need not to worry. Drink plenty of water. Take antibiotic along with cough expectorant and NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen for 3-5 days. Give child proper rest. I would suggest you to visit paediatrician once and get it examined. You should go for blood and urine tests for confirmation of diagnosis. Chew vitamin C pellet daily. Take multivitamin tablet as well to booster immunity. Avoid excessive oily food and cold beverages. Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I'm a girl aged 21yrs. Recently I've been feeling dizzy whether I'm seated at my desk working or eating or watching tv. I've never fainted so I'm not sure if this is actually dizziness or is it something to do with my eyes or sleepiness. But I don't think its related to sleep as this is a completely different feeling and it happens to me almost the whole day.This is recent however, I've had issues since last year where I would feel dizzy all of a sudden, my hands would start shaking and I would start sweating. I would then have something sweet and the shaking would stop after a fe minutes. This happens especially on the day of the week when I'm fasting. It's not a complete fast from water and food though. I had my blood sugar n pressure checked then but everything was normal. What would you suggest about this constant dizziness feeling now. Kindly advise. Many thanks, Niki [/INST] HI this may happen due to electrolyte imbalance or due to prolng fast kindly check your electrolyte level and are you on dieting?use proper diet and drink 7 glasses of water in a day </s>
<s>[INST] i have lower back pain just on my right side, it hurts to sit to stand to lay to bend down to bend to the side no matter what i do it hurts, the longer i sit the more it hurts, i also get light headed when i stand up its kinda strange but i have had to hic cups five times today and three times yesterday which is unusual [/INST] Hi,The fact that it is accompanied by hiccups could be a mere coincidence, or at times related. Hiccups generally arise from the irritation of the muscle that separates the thorax from the abdomen, called the diaphragm. A chest x ray and proper physical examination would be useful. Kind regards </s>
<s>[INST] My 6 year old daughter keeps complaining of headahces, ear pain and beeping noises in her ear. We ve been to her pediatrician several times over the last 2 months and he keeps putting her on antibiotics and dimetapp. She has had an ear infection once or twice during this timeframe and has had water in her ears a few times....just last week we went back to her pediatrician and yet again was told she had an ear infection minus puss...just fluid. She s been on antibiotics for 7 days now and today the school nurse called because she was complaining of pain. [/INST] You need to consult ENT specialist. ENT specialist will do detailed examination of ear, nasopharynx by various scopes and will determine the exact source of infection. There may be perforation in the ear drum or the eustachian tube may be blocked or there may be some glue like discharge in middle ear which is responsible for such complaints. </s>
<s>[INST] I m 16 years old, almost 17 and i deal with stress and depression almost on a daily basis. Ive been bullied in the past, and that has bulit up a huge amount of hate inside me. And also it has changed my personality complitely.(im still a good kid though)Unlike 5 years ago, i get angry easily, anything makes me want to swear, i often catch my self in deep hatred towards humanity BUT I LOVE LIFE, i definetly have my future in mind but like i said, i hate most people. Anywhoo, i also am very strange, i can feel what people are thinking about me, its like my brain and heart automatically read people s feelings about me... MY PARENTS DONT LISTEN, THEY THINK IM JUST BEING PARANOID, but i can guarantee you that i am NOT paranoid. ALSO, i can sense people s pain, and make it my own.. like, i can feel other people s pain and understand them even without ever being in their situation. One more thing. MUSIC, it hightens my ability to live, example, if i aint feeling pretty, or if im tired i can just plog in my ears with some music and my mood lights up automatically. I cant go out without music. (THE REASON IM WRITING ALL THIS, IS TO LET THE READER KNOW EXACTLY WHAT MY PERSONALITY IS). (The other night, i was calmly watching a movie on my phone, very relaxed without a care in the world, and out of nowhere MY HEART SHOOCK TO THE SIDES SOOO HARD THAT I FELT EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT.) (It actually jumped around) I get really bad heat waves alot, (could be stress, or because i shower with really hot water) and it always happens when im relaxed playing with my phone. My heart speeds every now and then. (Mom says that for stuff like that to happen, a person must be either excited or ancious, but when these things happen i am always relaxed watching dramas on my phone.) When i was little i was taken to the doctor and they checked my heart, and they said that i was 100% healthy, my heart rate was very normal. Infact, every time i go to the doctor my heart pulse is always calm. So i NEVER get to prove that these things really happen. 3 NIGHTS AGO MY LEFT EAR BLED, BUT THEN I CLEANED UP THE BIT OF BLOOD AND IT STOPED COMPLITELY.. NO PAIN, NO NOTHING, INFACT, I GRABBED AN EAR THINGY TO CLEAN OUT THE BLOOD, BUT THE BLOOD WAS GONE. IT ONLY TOOK ONE EAR THINGY TO CLEAN MY EAR, THEN THE BLOOD DISSAPEARED. Is this normal? Are my heat waves harming my ears? Idk, (PERSONALLY I DONT THINK THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONF WITH ME, BUT THEN AGAIN, I SHOULD LET THE PROS DECIDE THAT.) [/INST] Hey. First of all I must appreacite you for understanding your inner conflicts so well, and for seeking help. Now coming to the queries you have pit, a detailed interaction with you is needed to get an hold of your personality, which needs proper assessment. Visit a psychiatrist\psychologist. Don't loose hope. There so many help options available for you. Right now try to engage yourself in meaningfull activities, spend time with your hobbies, keep yourself busy and do some sports or any other physical activityRegards, Dr Arun </s>
<s>[INST] hello sir. i am nivedita .. i want to discuss about my mother .. she is 50 year old .. she is nt normal or behaving normal from some 3 years.. she has changed alot she s not taking proper food and rest .. used to pray alot and behaves very rudely ... whatever we do she always gets irritated.. she refuses to see a doctor and dnt accepts that she is not well.. she is litle stubborn since her childhood but now she used to get aggressive for her stubbornness.. she used to mind each and every thing and feels insulted for no reason.. she dnt take much care of hygine and do whatever she feels correct .. never listens to anybody and used to argue.. other than these things there are many more she used to do .... please suggest what is she suffering from and what can we do for her .... [/INST] Hello and welcome to Healthcare Magic. Thanks for your query. I understand your concern regarding your mother's psychological problems. Now, increased irritability and anger, mood changes, poor food intake, poor self care, etc. in elderly persons could be indicative of a depression. However, we need a detailed history and a proper psychological assessment to make a definitive diagnosis. I would suggest that you take her to a psychiatrist for a detailed psychological evaluation and further management. Don't worry, there are effective treatment options - in the form of medication or counselling / psychotherapy which will help overcome you mother's problems. Wish you all the best. Regards, Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar Consultant Psychiatrist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 40 year old male. I just like to share a problem with you related to my throat. For the last 10 days or so, I am feeling a scratch or burning like sensation behind the uvula. I do not have any problem with eating. The sensation tends to remain silent at night during sleep, but again started to feel the same throughout the day. I do smoke and drink as well. Further, I have some small multiple round cracks in the middle of my tongue. I am quite worried, especially on the burning sensation part. Thank you. [/INST] Hi. For further information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I am aged 58 years and my height is 5.4” and my weight is 73 kgs. I am using using Loscar-H for the past 4 years for hypertension and my BP is under control. Recently I felt tired and uneasiness in chest while walking. I have taken Lipid profile ( total Cholesterol -164, HDL- 31, LDL-91, Triglycerides-208, VLDL-42) Dr. advised to take Lipicard today. Is it necessary or can I lower my Triglycerides by diet. Kindly advise. Thank you. [/INST] I need some more details like if u have diabetes ...any previous heart problems obesity any addiction...it triglycerides not much raised medication usually require if it goes more than 500 ...but considering Ur age taking tablet is not bad option specially if Ur diabetic and obese....diet will help u to take it in control ...so take care if need more help ...Ur welcome </s>
<s>[INST] My child is 7 and has been throwing up each morning for about 3 wks. I took her to the dr. last week and she dx with a bladder infection and dehydration. She is still throwing up each a.m. and having some discomfort as well. She has had mono last year that caused some spleen enlargement. What do we ask the physician to assess for? [/INST] Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query your child have symptoms of recurring vomiting and discomfort . Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like food intolerance or gastritis and due to underlying systemic disturbances. Need not to worry. I would suggest you to consult pediatrician for proper examination. Doctor may order blood test, stool test and take history. Doctor may prescribe antacids along with proton pump inhibitors such as ornidazole , loperamide along with omeprazole. For now give your infant probiotic food and plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Avoid hot, sharp and spicy food. You can take banana on daily basis and light food. You should avoid taking dairy products in excess. Drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate yourself.Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] I was prescribed the Cilest Contraceptive pill about 5 weeks ago, the first cycle was fine, but now that i have started my second pack I am experiencing what I think are heart palpation roughly every 10minutes. Is this becuase of the tablet? Should I stop taking it? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Yes, hormonal pills can have side effects of palpitations. Actually these pills can cause stress and anxiety and these can cause tachycardia, palpitations etc. Not all women tolerate hormone pills. So in my opinion, you should stop hormonal contraceptive pills because they are causing side effects in you. Better to use barrier contraceptive like female condom or male condom. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, one of my freind s child has fallen during his childhood and got minor injury on his head . On oral medication, he was all right, and doing normal. Now, from Past 1 year he has developed some complications, he suddenly get unconsious & faint. While going through CT scan , it is found that, one veins in his head has been supressed, and so the complication. He is 14 years old. Pls. let me know, whether it can cured by oral medication or surgery is the only way out? [/INST] Dear thanks for choosing health care magic.First of all it is important to know that whether there is connection between the present complaints and past incidence.Because it might be a co incidence.As you are saying it must be block in the vessel,if the block is major he may need surgery,in case of minor block medicines may work,ok buy take care and wish him all the best. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a thyroid biopsy and the results indicate that the test was inclusive but suspicious of papillary carcinoma. I was told that I should have surgery. Is this diagnosis accurate? How can a further get tested to confirm these findings before considering surgery? [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. If your biopsy results suggest papillary carcinoma of thyroid then its accurate results. You should go for total thyroidectomy surgery. No further testing is required for that. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor i am Marco 24 years old i have already recommend for apico lordotic view and the result is - Fibrotic and hazy densities are seen in the upper lung , Impression : Consider PTB.I want to know what does it mean? if there is a possibility after treatment was completed there is no scar seen on the XRAY? thank you doctor for giving me an idea for what findings i have encounter on my xray [/INST] Fibrotic itself means that it is healed and still if you have symptoms of tuberculosis you should get your sputum examination for AFB and mantaux test done. Sputum examination is more important. If you can afford you can undergo quantiferon gold test for tb. But if there is fibrotic changes only no need to take TB treatment in that case </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, a couple of years ago I was skate boarding and fell and shattered my elbow. I had pins and screws inserted to repair my elbow. I now have this aching radiating pain and I can't seem to get relief. I've taken aspirin but it doesn't help. What could the cause? [/INST] Hi, now the time has come to remove the implant, so get xray of elbow in AP and Lateral veiw done and send me the report at XXXX. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My 3 year old has neck pain which has been present for over two weeks , has been to dr who ruled out any severe illness but it doesn t seem to be getting better. Has a physio appointment tomorrow , is there anything else that you think may have caused the pain, has not got better as yet. [/INST] Hi...by what you quote I feel that he might be having a torticollis. This occurs due to an abnormal position in the sleep or otherwise. If it has been going on for 2 weeks with out any weakness of arms or legs, then If I were your pediatrician I would have suggested a mild muscle relaxant.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I woke up this morning with two bruises on my lower back one on each side. I have no idea where they came from and it is very painful. My husband had to help me out of bed because it hurts to move too much. It even hurts to sit.. its most comfortable to lay down on my side. I havent fallen or been hit at all recently. Is this something i should be concerned about dealing with tonight or can it wait until morning? This pain gets unreal. I do have some disks messed up in my back. The report says noncompressive disk bulging t11-t12 and t12-l1 . minimal but broad based disk protrusion l5-s1 this is in close proximity to s1 nerve roots bilaterally without definite deviation or compression. Help? [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case.As you’re MRI says L 5 S 1 disc then Due to compression of this nerve root there can be lower back pain associated with it leading to walking difficulty.Medication like methylcobalamine with neurotropic like pregabalin will reduce pain; you can take them consulting your treating doctor.You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case.I will advise to check your vit B12 and vit D3 level.MRI shows disc compressing on nerve root then surgical decompression is permanent solution. You can send your MRI films or report. So that I can help you better.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] hello Dr,Problem is, i am 29 years old and have been masturbation for past 9 years, in weekly 3 times and sometime 2 times in a day. and some time wet on my bed at sleeping time. is it bad for health and any problem in future and marriage time. and how can i stop for it. i am also loosing the confident and talk to each other. please give me a suggestion for me. and my youngsters. tha [/INST] Hi, Masturbation 2 to 3 times a day is considered normal. It is like having sex without a partner. Ways to reduce masturbation are: * Regular exercise * Yoga * Physical games Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. S. R. Raveendran, Sexologist </s>
<s>[INST] I tripped 3 weeks ago and landed hard on my knee. The skin has heals and I only have minor road rash scabs on it - the lower part of my knee cap is very painful to the touch and I can not kneel on it at all. I can walk OK and I can bend the leg fine. Should I give it more time to heal or should I go it and get it check out - x-rays MRI? [/INST] Hi there . Thanks for your question at HCM.X- ray is indicated if 1. You are not able to walk on your affected knee( not able to take any steps without pain). 2. you are not able to bend and straighten your knee to the fullest extent( or your previous normal range of motion). 3. There are any areas of your knee which are very tender to touch( after you feel all the spots of your knee- all around). 4. If you are elderly , say more than 55 years (your chances of major injury increase with age). MRI of the knee may be useful in you case if at all to evaluate specific clinical scenarios like 1. Prolonged, refractory, or unexplained knee pain for more than 6 weeks 2. Mechanical knee symptoms: catching, locking, snapping, crepitus3. Tibiofemoral and/or patellofemoral instability: chronic, recurrent, subacute- associated with difficulty in climbing or getting down stairs etc 4. Swelling with Limited or painful range of motion Since you can walk and bend ok , major ligamentous injury inside your knee is unlikely . Pain on kneeling with tenderness to touch indicate direct trauma at the site of injury which can be seen on x ray. If pain does not subside in 6 weeks , MRI may be indicated. Hope this answers your questionsAll the best Regards Dr.SBK </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have been on suboxone for a little over 3 years. I want to come off it because of the negative side effects of being on it for too long. The suboxone doctor I see is very nice but honestly is an idiot. He thinks I won t have any withdrawals because I ve been on a low dose for over a year. He thinks I can just stop. I know first hand that s not true because I tried doing that before and the withdrawals are horrible!!! I m very scared to go through withdrawal because of having anxiety disorders. And when an addict like me goes through drug withdrawals, they re anxiety is usually worse. Is there any medication that will help with withdrawal symptoms? I did hear there are some. But what are they? Thank you for helping. -C.H. [/INST] Hello CHClonidine, phenergan, and ibuprofen can help with the withdrawals.That said, you're absolutely correct that going cold turkey off Suboxone will result it withdrawal symptoms regardless of the dosage. A slow wean over about a month is what I would suggest were you my patient </s>
<s>[INST] My Mother is 93 and has blood pooling in her foot and ankle. Medical massage therapist wrapped it but only bruised it more. Massage helped a bit, down in early am up again as soon as on feet. Today it is seeping clear fluid out of leg/pore no lesions. Very thin skin. Going to DR this pm but seeping is non stop since about 9am today. Should I be concerned? [/INST] Hi, As this must be just a bruise leading to fluid ozing out and it will be the metabolic waste so nothing much to worry. Taking care of the wound is more important. Never to do over tightening of the foot with any material as it may lead to skin wounds. Since in aging it's common to has lose and soft skin. Taking utmost care of the skin is important. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Jay Indravadan Patel, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist </s>
<s>[INST] I had a rash last night on both inside wrists. Also itching. I sprayed benadryl and took oral benadryl and they went away. Now my lower abdomen, specifically along my 7 year old c-section scar, is red and itching. I just sprayed it with benadryl and it is feeling better. Several other places on my body are red and itchy as well. What is going on? [/INST] Hi, The rash could be a scabies or papular urticaria. Scabies is usually associated with itching which is more severe at night. The treatment for scabies and papular urticaria are different. So, I suggest you to visit your Dermatologist for further management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am seriously facing acne pimples problem. Sometimes they occur on my face when I masturbate. If I use Mometasone, it gives a good result. Is it okay to continue this? [/INST] Hello. Acne is a universal issue in the age group of 15 to 25 years due to hormonal changes in adolescents. However, there are multiple effective treatment options depending on the grade and severity of the problem. Mometasone is a topical steroid and is to be avoided strictly on the face and for acne as it can harm your skin in the long run. Acne is dependent on hormones hence excess masturbation may sometimes lead to an increase in the problem. I would advise you to stop Mometasone immediately and kindly upload appropriate images to help us assess your current grade of acne and treat you better. Regards. For more information consult a dermatologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I have a bad case of folliculitis in the groin area. Have used benzoil peroxide wash, and doesn t seem to be helping. I have some amoxicillin that has been prescribed in the past, and was effective. Would it be okay to ask my doc for that again? I haven t been on it in over six months. [/INST] Hello,This is Dr. Klarida Papaqako answering your question.If benzoil peroxide topically have not worked, I agree with you, that you need to take systemic (orally taken) treatment.Amoxicillin in is not the first choice, as it may not clear completely the infection, since the bacteria that cause folliculitis may be resistant to it. If I was your caring doctor I would recommend to take one of these first generation cephalosporins, dicloxacillin, flucloxacillin, fusidic acid or azithromycin.In general I give my patients Cephalexin (a first generation cephalosporine) 500 mg, 1 tablet every 12 hours, for 7 days. Hope this information helps,Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been feeling a tightness in the sides of my neck, about where my carotid arteries would be. Sometimes it feels like a pain or pressure and in my jaw slightly. Just wondering if this means anything? Should I consider going for an ultrasound of my carotids? [/INST] Hi, No, it does not mean anything do not worry. It is probably a muscle strain or pain that will go away by time. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Salah Saad Shoman, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Doc... My 13 month old is having a bad cough accompanied with high fever and wheeze. He has been given nebulization with beudecort twice today ,and once with levolin.How soon can I repeat levolin , as he seems still very uncomfortable . Thank you. Worried mom... [/INST] your child seems to have either bronchiolitis or a viral pneumonia, the hint here is the wheeze, if your child have bronchiolitis then the bronchodialator like levloin and inhaled steroids like budesonide will not add much but sometimes it's helpful .if the child is not hypoxemic and he doesn't have shortness of breath and sever tachypnea ( high respiratory rate ) then you can manage him at home with these nebulizers otherwise he should be admitted .the salbutamol or levolin can be repeated every 3 hours unless the child experience a rapid heart beat . if your child is not assessed by his pediatrician I recommend you take him before any further treatment for better assessment .I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I have read that the drug Dyazide can increase the symptons of patients with lupus. I have lupus and have been taking this drug for 15 years. At the same time I have been having a hard time keeping my lupus under control Is it possible that this drug is part of my problem? Thank you. [/INST] Hello. Dyazide can cause cutaneous lupus but not SLE.That said, if the SLE is affecting kidney function, the Dyazide could worsen that problem </s>
<s>[INST] My husband is 91 and has had 2 strokes both affecting his vision. The last stroke was on May 14, 2013. This stroke brought him from low vision to almost no vision. He has lost his peripheral vision and only has a little in the center of his eyes. Since this stroke he is now having what appears to be visual hallucinations. [/INST] HiThanks for your queryI can feel your concernThese are a kind of permanent damage and have a very slow pace of recovery , you need to consult a physiothherapist and opthamologist for its remedy.Have a proper clinical examinationHope it helpsRegardsDr imran </s>
<s>[INST] Getting a small pain relatively close to the opening of my anus and bleeding when I go to the bathroom, it is usually bright red, but there was a bit of a blacker blood in the center the last time I went. A little bit of stomach pains but i'm sure that's just due to being nervous at the fact I don't like this happening. I don't have an accurate amount of blood I usually let out, because I know that blood mixes in with the water and there isn't a good way to get a decent reading on how much there is. [/INST] hello thereyou need to see a general surgeon fast.. maybe its a fissure caused by friction over the skin or else just bleeding piles.. only an examination can tell. </s>
<s>[INST] I sustained a concussion a mere 4 weeks ago, no apparently iv noticed im Havin blurred vision, one eye seems lighter in shade than the other, and i have dark spots in the white of my eyes. Should i be worried? What can i do to prevent any long lasting effects? Will i ever be fine again? [/INST] Hello, In my opinion, since your symptoms are vision-related and are lasting, you should have a brain MRI done. This to evaluate any small damage (contusion) of the brain or optic nerve. If no problems in the MRI then you should improve with time. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Erion Spaho, Neurologist, Surgical </s>
<s>[INST] so if I feel bubbling in my ear, it kind of feels like water in my ear. I have been sick for three days and my fever has ranged from 99 degrees F to 102.6 degrees F. I want to get better A.S.A.P. but I don t know how and i would rather not spend to much money. I have had painful headachs, runny and stuffy nose, and sore throat. How can I get better soon-Molly [/INST] Hello, you having comlications of cough and cold. That is you are developing sorethroat and probably on the way to ear infection also. What you need is1. Steam inflammation and gargling your throat with warm normal saline.2. Loratidine to reduce congestion and runny nose3 antibiotic like amoxycillin4 Paracetamol 6 hourly fo fever and body aches, headache.5 Bed rest until symptoms settles6 Drink plenty of warm water. Hope this helps. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] What can Dr.S learn about me when having a Lumbar Spinal puncture? I have conic headaches prone to migraine. But now feeling hurt Between Shoulder bladees all rhe way up to to top of head. Hurts worse looking down. They gave me a Spinal Lumbar puncture but not sure what results the Dr. Is looking for. Would u have any ideas? Thank you [/INST] in Migraine.....lumbar puncture will be normal....ur doctor must be thinking other causes for headache....apart from migraine.... </s>