<s>[INST] I am a 25 yr old male. I have asthma . And when I travel, because of the exposure to cold and change it climate, it triggers more of it. I have to sometimes use Asthalin inhaler 10 -15 times a day. My doctor had suggested Deriphyllin 150 retard, but it has been causing me headaches after regular initial usage. Is it normal ? Is inhaling that many times normal ? [/INST] IF YOU GO TO ALLERGIST THE POSITION IS DIFFERENCE THESE ARE IF TREATED ACCORDING TO ALLERGY WE ADVISE TO GET ALLERGY TEST DONE GET BLOOD SERUM TEST FOR SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES FOR FOOD MILK,WHEAT,RICE,CHANA,EGG AND DUST AND COMMON POLLENS AND DO SLIT FOR CURE MEANTIME STOP ALL MILK AND DIARY PRODUCTS START TAB SINGULAR 10 MGM TDS TAB ALLEGRA 120 MGM OD SYP VENTROLIN 1/2 TSF BD APPLY NEOSPORIN H EYE OINTMENT IN NOSE TWICE A DAY SEA WATER IN FORM OF 2 DROPSAT NIGHT ON EACH NOSTRIL YOU CAN CONTINUE FOR LONG TILL YOU GETRESULTS AND GO FOR SLIT </s>
<s>[INST] hi dr,,Im a mom of 2 years old boy hes a bottle feed since birth and until now hes depending on the formula milk.And about his intake of solid food its very ok especially his snacks and i gave him some yogurt drink regularly.And he can drink 210 ml 6-8 bottle in a day.He s weight is ok and it seems that hes becoming heavier everytime that i carry him i can feel some backpains on my back especially my mother.So my question is that when he will depend on milk??I want him also to eat rice like us.He can eat rice but not too much rice in a meal.He prefer to drink his milk.Thank you [/INST] Hi...1. Too much milk will cause constipation and anemia.2. Only milk will not suffice for all the nutritional requirements of the kid at this age.3. Gradually will reduce the milk and increase rice and cereals and pulses.4. He should be eating rice like all of us at this age.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] My boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident a year ago. He hit his hip very hard when he went down and the injured ared was at least 10 by 10 inches and was Severely swollen. Dr s told him it would go away in a few months but it hasn t. What kind of Dr. should he see to address this continuing problem? [/INST] Hello, It might be a contusion or fracture. Consult an orthopaedician at the earliest and get evaluated. An MRI scan is required for further evaluation. As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like aceclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, Do hand job and body to body massage have some HIV risk where the lady was not fully naked? Only the top part was naked. [/INST] Hi. No, you will not get HIV because of body massage or hand job, unless, you have an ulcer or cut injury or she should be positive and she should contact your ulcer or cut with her saliva or vaginal secretion or other body secretion. You may get a bacterial infection if the person giving hand job did not wash hands. So, no need to worry. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I am very worried about my husband. He is 25 years of age and is suffering from teeth and gum problems. He says that they are just sensitive but I know there is more to it. He has bad breathe, his gums bleed even under the slightest of pressure...due to the pain and bleeding of his gums he doesn't brush his teeth much. I have also observed that for a few of his teeth, under their gums there seems to be a substance growing on them, it looks and feels like metal? I am sure the teeth are rotting but I am not sure. What may he be suffering from and how can we help him? I am worried because he is so young and I know that teeth and gum problems can initiate heart problems... [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The bad breath and the bleeding gums can be because of the gum infection secondary to the deposits over the teeth. The bad breath can be because of the pus discharge secondary to periodontal abscess. You are right, the hard deposits on the inner aspect of the teeth are nothing but the calculus(hard deposits), these deposits makes the gums weak and they will recede, this will expose the dentin on the root surface and cause sensitivity. Nothing to be panic, consult a periodontist and get the teeth cleaned (scaling and root planing). After getting you teeth cleaned, maintain oral hygiene and use mouth wash. Nothing to worry about heart problem, it is not related to that. Consult the dentist and get it treated as early as possible.I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] i have been diagnosed with acanthosis nigricans and i'm currently under medication with venusia cream and fluvitate cream and also desloratadine and monteleukast tablets. My weight is 72 kg, slightly obese. I'm worried if this problem could be solved. my neck is totally dark, also most of my parts of the body are dark. will i be able to get rid of this completely. i'm totally frustrated because of this. please give suggestions [/INST] Hello,Welcome to healthcare magic.Acanthosis nigricans could be associated with obesity and is also a marker for diabetes. I understand your frustration.You could continue venusia cream in the morning. After using flutivate cream for 3 weeks, use a cream containing .0.25% Tretinoin at bedtime on the neck. Do not use this on other areas like underarms and groins as it can irritate the delicate skin there.You could get retinol peels or yellow peels done by a dermatologist.You should try to lose weight as this is the major contributing factor for the darkness. Be positive and motivated and you will do well.Hope this helps you.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, My MRI report is as follows. Diffuse marrow edema involving scaphoid bone with a thin layer of fluid within adjacent dorsal intercarpal joint space. No obvious cortical break seen at present. Articular surfaces around wrist shows intact cortices with normal marrow intensity. Please explain the treatment for this. [/INST] Hi. Scaphoid marrow edema. Revert back with MRI report and detailed history to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] At the beginning of December 2013, I began feeling like my stomach was unsettled and bloated. I also had difficulty completely emptying my bowel. Around mid-December, after running a 5K, I had pain in on the right side in my pelvic area which lasted for a week. I also had pain and pressure under my right rib cage. The pain in the pelvic area increased and I had abdominal swelling (a pelvic MRI showed nothing). When the swelling and pain did not subside, I ended up going to the ER in January of 2104 . All they found after a CAT scan was excess abdominal fluid; they said this was possibly from an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. My GI woes continued and I felt like I was emptying too much from my bowels whenever I went in the morning. The stools would often stick to the toilet bowl. I also continued to have incomplete evacuation. This continued on and off for months. In April and May, I had two days where my stomach felt so bloated and full that I had to throw up to relieve the pressure. In May, I ran the Broad Street run and had stomach pain the entire race. All throughout the summer, I still had problems with emptying my bowels and emptying what looked like too much. In August, I took my migraine meds (Immitrex, which always gave me abdominal pain, but I continued to take it as it took away my migraines) one night and went for a 16 mile run the next day. When I finished, I had bad pain under my right ribcage and the pain descended down to my stomach. I ate chili that night and this worsened my pain to the point where I considered going to the ER. This triggered two months of my stomach feeling unsettled and my stools looked like sludge (again, I was emptying too much and still could not completely empty my bowel). After this “GI attack” I lost 7 pounds. I finally went to a GI doctor in October who discovered after doing an endoscopy that I had severe esophogitis (even though I never had any symptoms of GERD—no acid reflux, esophageal burning, etc). There was also a small, benign nodule that had formed under my right rib cage (where I had the pain). After this diagnosis, I changed my diet (I eliminated acidic foods) and my stomach settled down, even though I still had stomach discomfort off and on. I also continued to have pressure under my right rib cage. In December of 2014, I had a hysterectomy (I had multiple issues with my uterus). I recovered well and I felt like my GI tract was “back on track.” I was on a good routine where my system emptied at the same time every day and it was emptying what seemed to be a normal amount and it looked like “healthy” stool. I had also put on the weight I had lost from the previous GI attack. In February of 2015, after reading about the dangers of esophogitis, I decided to take the PPI my doctor prescribed in October of 2014. I then started having acid reflux—burning in my esophagus, burps that were stuck in my throat, etc. So, I returned to my GI doc who then told me to take 60 mg of Dexilant. I did so for a week and 4 days and then I developed severe abdominal pain. I immediately went off of the Dexilant and what ensued was two months of GI hell—I had cramping pain in stomach that was relieved somewhat with taking different laxatives to empty my system. I also was not able to eat most evenings because of the pain in my stomach. As a result, I lost 9 pounds. One doctor said that stopping the acid production in my stomach caused bad bacteria to grow/caused a leaky gut and this seems like a likely theory as different foods that I ate seemed to worsen the pain. Mid April I also ate salmon and asparagus one day and this resulted in awful pain in my stomach in the middle of the night and into the next day. I had to throw up to try and relieve the pain—what came out was full pieces of the asparagus that I had eaten. I had an abdominal MRI to rule out anything going on in my stomach. It came back negative. Now in May, the abdominal pain has stopped, but I have abdominal discomfort most evenings—my stomach feels full and bloated and my gas feels trapped. The pressure is not relieved until I go to the bathroom the next day. I am back to not being able to completely empty my bowels—there seems to always be a little more that I need to strain to get out (what comes out is normally flat and/or thin or a small “nugget” when the “extra” does come out). To rule out anything serious going on with my colon, I had a colonoscopy on May 4; I also had a repeat endoscopy. My colon looked great, but I still have a little scarring on my esophagus. I don’t know if the PPI incident reveals that I may have low stomach acid and not high stomach acidity. Or, did it exacerbate an existing condition with SIBO. Do I have motility issues where food is either moving too quickly or not quickly enough through my system? If so, what creates this problem? Is it possible my gallbladder is not working correctly and breaking down my food even though the abdominal MRI did not show anything? If you are able to lend any insight as to what my going on with my GI track, I would greatly appreciate it! [/INST] Hi,Welcome to health care magic,I have read all your long query and understand the concern.Your main problem is stomach bloating and delayed emptying or fullness in stomach.This all symptoms could be due to dyspepsia, constipation,gastroenteritis,IBS orinflammatory bowel disease,parasitic infestation(giardiasis) etc.You should undergo certain routine blood investigations with urine and stool examination for R/M and ova or ultrasound of abdomen or upper GI scopy if required.Treatment is mainly depend on the underlying cause but symptomatic treatment can be given.You may require antibiotics (quinolones, antiprotozoals or amoxycillin derivatives)and anti helminthic (albendazole) with proton pump inhibitors and prebiotics and probiotics.You must consult your gastroenterologist for detailed medical history and thoroughly clinical examination and get it diagnosed first.Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] Lower back pain with problem with legs. MRI findings: 1. Marked anterior marginal Osteophytic lippings in L1 to L5 with bony bridging and fatty change. 2. Mild degenerative changes are seen in all lumbar intervertebral discs as evidenced by reduction in bright signal intensity of nucleaus pulposus on T2 weighted sagittal sections. 3. Posterior disc bulge is seen at L4-5 causing marked narrowing of both nerve roots. 4. Mild disc bulge is seen at L5 - S1 level causing minimal narrowing of both nerve roots. 5. Available Central Canal AP diameter are : Level Canal APD (mm) D12-L1 12 L1-L2 12 L2-L3 11 L3-L4 11 L4-L5 10 L5-S1 10 6. Central canal is adequate in diameter with no evidence of any stenosis. 7. The Lower end of spinal cord and conus medularis are normal.Conus ends at D12 - L1 level. 8. CSF demonstrates normal signal intensity. 9. No pre/paravertebral soft tissue mass is seen. 10. Impression: a) Posterior disc bulge at L4-5 level causing marked narrowing of both nerve roots. b)Mild disc bulge at L5-S1 level causing minimal narrowing of both nerve roots. c) Gross lumbar spondylosis. [/INST] Hi, I am Dr.Bruno. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question 1 : What does my MRI of the spine indicate?Answer 1 : This indicates that you have a disc prolapse in L4L5 Level. Disc is a cushion between two vertebra. In your case, it has slipped and come into spinal canal and is compressing the nerve roots. If you are having (1) Numbness or (2) Weakness, you need to undergo surgery immediately If there is pain, you can continue non operative treatment for some more time and see whether the pain reducesHope you found the answer helpful.If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions.Let me know if I can assist you further.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a high level of immature granulocytes 5% and absolute .3% so my doctor ordered a new CBC, but did not check for immature granulocytes. The results did show a high hematocrit level and elevated RBC and hemoglobin. I have been having night sweats and itching like crazy after I shower, and i have severe neck pain which was just diagnosed as occipital neurolgia. Could this all be related and possibly be polycythemia Vera ? [/INST] Hi and thank you so much for this query.I am so sorry to hear about this. Your symptoms are very suggestive of polycythemia vera and even seem classical. I will suggest that you meet a hematologist and this probed further into. It should be one of the things that should be investigated and either confirmed or rule out given your symptoms and preliminary results. I hope this helps and I wish you well.Thanks for using our services and feel free to ask more questions if need be.Dr. Ditah, MD </s>
<s>[INST] My left spermatic cord is swelled up with little pain a year ago I woke up with so much pain felt like someone plucking me every couple of seconds for like an hour but it went away so never thought about it again till now ive been like this now for a couple of months and three weeks ago lymph nodes in my right armpit have swollen up? Help lol am I in trouble? ? [/INST] HelloThanks for query.Swelling of the spermatic cord is due to chronic infection of the spermatic cord (Funiculitis)Consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine Routine 2) Ultrasound of the scrotumYou need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Cefexime along with anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily for 10 days.Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily.Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] I am wondering if anemia is ever cured? I was diagnosed with it about three weeks ago. In addition, I had an inflamed pancreas , dehydration and low potassium levels. I was on an iv drip for 4 days, then took pill verison of potassium. Upon discharge, I was told to take folic acid and B-1 (which I have done but I am feeling weak again. Is it safe to take potassium supplements over the counter? [/INST] Hi plz tell me your age and weight. There r types of anemia plz tell which is the anemiau r sufferingfrom. Do not purchase any otc medicine. My advice will be better u show to some good hematologist and get your blood profile done and revert me if u feel. Bye and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My wife is wanting to give my 9 year old son Melatonin (3mg) to help him sleep. All I have read about melatonin is that it should not be given to children under 18. It says it can cause nightmares, seizures, and other side effects. I feel a different method needs to be approached and not use melatonin because of these side effects. Is it safe for my son to take this? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service.I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.If you give proper dosage for short period then side effects will not appear. Every remedy has negative effects. If I were your treating Doctor for this case of sleeplessness, I would come up with usual possibilities.- Hot milk with honey before sleep- Don't sit before computer- Don't watch TV 1 to 2 hour before sleep- Walking outside for 2 hours in the evening- Fresh cool room- Aurvedic remedy - Ashwagandha 1 capsule in the evening for 1 monthStart on these changes and get back to me in 2 to 3 months.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Svetlana Shrivastva </s>
<s>[INST] hi, am 35 yrs old. had an ecotopic pregnancy cos of which my right fallopian tube had to be removed. now am not conceiving after trying for a long period of time. though my and husbands tests are all normal still am unable to conceive. have pcos for which am taking metformin and my periods are irregular from the very beginning. what to do? am afraid to go for ivf. wat to conceive naturally. [/INST] Hi, I think you can take some medicines like clomiphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 cycles. If it doesn't work, then you can go for a IUI. Do a HSG test to see the tubal patency before that. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I fell on my tail bone 2 nights ago, I have injured it so much that it hurts quite bad to touch, to sit, walk and move in different positions. I have also hurt my rib cage in this fall and the base of my neck is tender. I am sweating serverly and feeling quite nauseous. At first I thought it was a hang over but it has been 2 days since is last had a drink. What should I do? [/INST] Hi i am Dr Ahmed Aly thanks for using HealthcareMagic site ,I had gone through your question and understand your concerns .. In my opinion i recommend you to take painkillers (NSAIDs ) like tylenol 400mg tabs when needed , icing it will be helpful for all bruised areas , muscle relaxants , B12 vitamin supplements will be helpful in most of cases . I hope you feel better soon , try to avoid heavy lifting , over weighing , vigorous movements , bad sleeping and sitting postures and you will be fine .If pain persist i recommend further investigations and follow them up with your orthopedic for proper evaluation and management . Please click and consider a 5 star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health,Any further clarifications feel free to ask. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I have five small bumps appeared on the head of my penis after I had oral sex. It has been two months now, but it is still there. I have attached the photo. Also about two weeks ago I got rash on my hands, around the feet, and legs. When I consulted a doctor he said it is probably syphilis and gave me 2,400,000 units of Penicillin G shots. However, the results of blood test came back negative for syphilis. The result is rapid plasma reagin non-reactive. I am really confused whether the rash is related to oral sex or not. Please help. [/INST] Hi. I need few more details to guide you. Revert back with the answers for the above questions to a venereologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] One month old baby girl, got a breast infection, had to have surgery as it was very swollen and infected, now is under anti-biotics and got vaginal thrush! I am most worried for all this on such a small baby. [/INST] Hi, It could be because of poor hand hygiene while handling the baby which is the most common cause for such a scenario in this age group. The only other possibility is a primary immunodeficiency like severe combined immunodeficiency. I suggest you discuss all this with her pediatrician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Sumanth Amperayani, Pediatrician, Pulmonology </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I m am 29yrs old male . Since last 3 months I m having excessive gas in my stomach .occasionally I have a cooling sensation or pain around my chest and back. I also have my pain in my stomach near right rib cage. Pain in my neck and reddish windpipe, my mouth gets dry . Sometimes during bowel I have a thick white penile discharge but in small volume. Have met several doctors no reliefPlease explain Need help. [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, you are mostly having GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms of gaseous feeling in stomach, burning pain with stomach pain. So better to start following steps for symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid stress and tension. 2. Avoid hot and spicy food. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Start proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. 7. Avoid smoking and alcohol, if you are having these habits. 8. Loose weight if you are obese. Don't worry, you will be alright. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor..! I have become very sensitive to people`s statements, their reactions.... I take everything personally.. I am a lot worried about my future.. I was a positive person and i want to succeed. Even a simple thing like an unsuccessful experiment in my research worries me a lot... I dont want to be like that. I want to be what i was. [/INST] Hello Such type of symptoms like extreme sensitiveness, worry about future and sensitivity to rejection as you take everything personally can occur most likely due to depression especially atypical depression. In atypical depression especially typical features like low mood, loss of interest are not usually seen, instead abnormal features like sensitivity to rejection, irritability, worries etc are seen. I would advise you to consult a Psychiatrist for treatment. Medicines of SSRI and SNRI group are used commonly in such cases. Commonly Fluoxetine, Sertraline etc are used. Cognitive therapy is also equally efficacious.Hope this helps you, thanks </s>
<s>[INST] I am 27 years old, have a mild prolapsed disc since 2008 that effects my daily activities until now so i my outdoor activities is very limited. i have bad gastric & external hemorrhoid. My question is, why i always feel so uncomfortable/pain at my chest every time i consume banana in my diet? thank you! [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. According to the history you provide you should consult your doctor and do a gastroscopy examination for detecting better the stomach. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] To Whom It May Concern, I have a 3weeks-old boy and his upper lip has got a thick layer,then that layer turn dried,white and I put vasinline on it and the dried skin go off. After that, the thick layer grow again. Would you help me on that? Thank you so much. [/INST] Your child has a dry upper-lip, nothing else. Vaseline is the right way to go. Where do you hail from? If you are living in a cold place, this is easy to understand. If not, then it needs a proper evaluation by a dermatologist - i.e. a skin specialist. Regards,Dr. Taher </s>
<s>[INST] Occlusive peripheral arterial disease in the subclavian artery in the left arm. Could you please give me more information. The blockage has been found at the begining of the artery leading into the arm. Can this condition cause headaches and blurred vision. What is the best treatment for this condition. [/INST] Hello,Yes this disease can cause your mentioned symptoms. Due to subclavian obstruction, blood from the brain is diverted to arm from side vessel leading to decreased blood supply.You must have undergone CT scan for diagnosis and other causes of it.Best treatment is angiography and stenting of subclavian artery, so visit nearby cardiologist performing peripheral intervention.Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Sir,Last few months or say around a year....In my mind think such unwanted things... They fully depressed me in all time ....I know the questions or thinking comes on my mind is unwanted or waste there is no mean in real life......in other I think as..... I correlate the all things to the nature, to the rules of nature........Sir please give me some recommendation to I prevent myself....please sir.. [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. You have not mentioned your are here. First of all, I request you not to worry regarding your current mental state of affairs. In my opinion, the given information may not be enough for a proper diagnosis. But, I think your problem is not depression, but disappointment. Your negative thinking and unnecessary thinking could be due to obsession with the disappointment happened to you, the reason for the disappointment.Introspect, understand your disappointments, try to correct them. Interact with people, be active, play games, work well. Everything comes together to manage your disappointment.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Semen analysis report Quantity 1.5 ml ,colour grey whitish,transperancy opaque ,viscosity.viscous ,time ov liquifictn 30 min pH 7.5,fructose positive ,total count 21 mill/ml, live count. 6 mil/ml,sperm per ejculate 31 mil ....p ercentage ov mtlty 30 % rapid linear progression 0%,,slow linear/non linear progression 35%..non progressive 65%,, sperm normal morphology 20%,,wbc 2 % rbc 1 % what does this report means ? Am i able to impregnate my wife ? Am so woried am just 27 yrz old.how to treat rapid linear progression its zero :( [/INST] Hi, thanks for using healthcare magicSemen analysis provides general information on fertility. Some men with abnormal results are still able to conceive and some men with normal results may experience difficulty.(1)Semen volume is normally 2 to 5 ml, your value is slightly below this at 1.5 ml(2)sperm count of 21 mill/ml- this is normal, it is suppose to be greater than 20 mil/ml(3)in terms of motility or progression of movement , normally at least 50% should show normal progression.65% of your sperm were not progressive , this would imply that at 35 % were moving(4)in terms of their shape and structure (morphology)- at least 50% are suppose to be normal , in your result only 20% were normalIt is possible that with the abnormalities in shape and movement that pregnancy may still occur naturally though it may be more difficult.If it is not possible to achieve conception via natural means that artificial methods are available that may be able to help you and your wife.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] hello sirThanks for the response i am not under any stress or something ,i am worried due to the new once should i take laser or else prescribe some homeopathic medicines . [/INST] hello welcome to HCM there are many good medicine in homoeopethy so no need to go for laser therpy take homoeopathy medicine it really work .you start with thuja 30 thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I just got one side of my wisdom teeth removed both upper and lower six days ago, and I have another one scheduled after two days for the left side. The upper is 100 % fine, which they pulled. The lower they pulled the tooth without removing the root because it was too close to the nerve. I do have some stitching in this area currently on the lower cheek. Noticed a hard lump about 1 inch between my lower jawline and cheek area. Is this normal because of swelling or something else. Currently taking Amoxicillin 500 mg and Ibuprofen 600 mg. Please let me know what this hard lump is, also generally on the lower side where this lump is, remains sore. [/INST] Hello. The lump is mostly a hard swelling which forms postsurgical removal of the wisdom tooth or maybe even by swollen lymph nodes due to infection. It takes a week or two for the swelling to subside. Sometimes, if the root is still inside, the infection may be remaining there causing swelling. Get an X-ray done to find out the exact problem and stronger antibiotics like Augmentin (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid) along with a painkiller for a week. For more information consult a dentist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my first baby boy is 7 months old now. He is fine in every way but feels sleepy quite often. He is not able to sit for long in between naps and if I try to extend his awakening time he Just gets crankier. He gets 10 hours of sleep at night and also 2 to 3 hours during the day. He also does not like to roll over though it has been more than a month since he first rolled over. Is it normal for babies to not being interested in rolling over? [/INST] Thank you for the query.By the description of your child it seems to me that he is not able to sit with support. He had been rolling over earlier but not now. You have mentioned that he is sleepy but have not mentioned his activity otherwise.At this stage I feel you should consult a pediatrician.He/she shall be able to help you as for other findings the child needs to be examined. </s>
<s>[INST] I have this spot on my shoulder blade, at first I thought it was a bite but it has been a month or longer since it surfaced. A few weeks ago my friend inspected it, and then squeezed out the majority of the inside, but it s not doing anything since then.What do I do now? [/INST] HiWelcome to healthcaremagicI have gone through your query and understand your concern.It may be sebaceous cyst. It does not require any treatment unless it is painful or causing any problem. Without clinical examination or photograph nothing more than this can be judged. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you.Wishing you a good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, for 9 months ive had a rash under my penis foreskin.... im 24 years of age... ive been givin canastan cream, treated for thrush and given dakacourt cream........ however none of these have helped me and the pain is really annoying. ive also got checked for STI and came back all clear [/INST] Hello, As per your history, it may be dermatitis. For that, you can apply hydrocortisone ointment locally. Take tablet loratidine for itching. Maintain proper hygiene. Avoid harsh cosmetic products. Use loose cotton clothes. Kindly watch for symptoms like fever, penile discharge, lower abdominal pain. Hope I have answered your query and let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shyam B. Kale, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Sir, My 3.5 year old daughter have ear piercing on 24 Feb 2016. Sir, i have observer pus in her ears now and when changing her cloths some pus came out with blood. now I can see that her both ears have redness . and pus. she was also having cough and cold so doctor recommends fastclav antibiotic. please help. [/INST] Hello Thanks for contacting HCM. You are parent of 3.5 year old baby girl. who have pus discharge from ears, is it from inner aspect/external. If it is external then it should be because of ear piercing. If it is from inner part then we need to consider Furuncle, acute suppurative otitis (ASOM). The antibiotic prescribed by the doctor should be helpful, in either of the case, complete the course of it for 10 days. Keep your baby's ear dry, make sure water does not enter ears while bathing. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I recently started exercising on an elipitical machine, in five minutes my pulse increased to 140 followed by chest pains so i stopped. i have high blood pressure is this normal? [/INST] it is not normal to have chest pain with 5 minuted of exercise. you should have further investigations to rule out coronary artery disease (e.g.. exericse stress test). if you have high blood pressure it should be treated to prevent an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. you should visit your doctor to assess whether it is safe to exercise before trying again on your own </s>
<s>[INST] I have severe stomac cramps and find it painful to stand up straight. I cam feel pain in the lower back too...I've had it for about 5 hrs now and the only way I can alleviate the pain is by lying down- but I can't do that, as I am at work. Is there anything I can do? [/INST] Hi, thank you for posting.I have gone through your query and I understamd your concerns.Your symptoms are caused by peptic ulcer. To treat it you should take proton pump inhibitor medications such as Nexium.You should also avoid spicy foods, acidic foods, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, coffee and milk.But before starting the treatment you must confirm the diagnosis. For the diagnosis you need fibrogastroendoscopy, complete blood count and urine test.All the best.Dr. Behar. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my brother had been admitted to hospital due to appendicitis and offered surgery straight away.he was asked if he have moved his bowels during post operation assessment and he told the attending doctor that he moved bowels but is quite loose.after more than 24 hours he was discharge as he was up and about.But the problems arise, on the night of his discharge when he developed vomiting of bile fluid and abdominal distention and he complained of feeling bloated.no foods are being retained if he tries to it.what do you think must have happened?was there a fault in his surgery?he is now readmitted and we were told that it maybe is a mechanical obstruction and need to have tube in his nose to drain the fluids in his abdomen.will my brother be in danger? [/INST] Hi ! From the history you have mentioned, it could be just that starting of oral food was early, and so there is persisting paralytic ileus due to which the present problems arose. It may get relieved of its own by conservative management.One perplexing finding is of loose stool post opertively, which usually occurs due to any kind of peritoneal irritation to the colon. I am not sure, but there could be some fluid accumulation due to very many causes resulting in peritonitis which caused the secondary bowel obstruction. The vomiting of bilious fluid points to obstruction of the intestines. The treating surgeon is the best judge and he may go for some investigations like complete blood count, ultrasound abdomen, X ray abdomen in erect posture to exclude pathological processes in the abdomen. If diagnosed as a mechanical obstruction, he may be in need for a relook surgery in the hospital.I wish him an early recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 24 years of age, 5'4 and 70 kg..me and my husband is very excited to have a child..we are always trying every time i am fertile but unfortunately it does not work.i am just wondering if why because if i have an abnormality i don't have any signs and symptoms.thank you [/INST] HAI WELCOME TO HCM YOU NEED DAY 2 FSH,LH,TSH,PROLACTIN HORMONE TEST AND HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAM TO CHECK YOUR TUBAL PATENCY.SEMEN ANALYSIS SHOULD BE DONE.OVULATION INDUCTION WITH IUI WILL HELP YOU TO CONCEIVE SOON .REGARDSDR.VANITHADEVI </s>
<s>[INST] sir my daughter suffering from urine infection since last six or seven years she is 8yrs old now when she go to toilet her toilet doesnt come freely and she face lots of pain there after taking medicine it will come normal but after few dasys she again suffers from same problem please suggest me what to do [/INST] Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic. I think your kid is having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you.Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fibre diet) appropriately?You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link below - www.healthcaremagic.com/doctors/dr-sumanth-amperayani/67696Suggestions:1. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in Indian type of lavatory daily at the same time will help a lot.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have reason to think that I have been ingesting small amounts of Strychnine over a long period of time. Not enough to kill me. But enough to cause noticeable symptoms. The symptoms resemble tetanus. Extreme jaw muscle tension to the point that I have trouble chewing sometimes, paralyzing neck muscle tension and general stiffness through out all the muscles. Extreme irritability, anxiety and tremors. And extreme trouble breathing as well as dementia-like symptoms. My question is if I have been ingesting small amounts of Strychnine are there any tests that will show it? Will small amounts of Strychnine build up in my hair follicles? Will any signs of it remain in my blood? How long after ingestion will traces still be detectable? And what is the best method of determining whether or not it is, in fact, Strychnine that I have been ingesting? What kind of symptoms can I expect after long term exposure? Are the symptoms likely to continue after I am no longer exposed? And am I likely to recover? [/INST] Hello. What is your age? Since how long have you been ingesting Strychnine? In what form and amount? Though there are one such diagnostic tests available to detect Strychnine poisoning other than typical signs and symptoms like generalized effect of muscles, convulsions, etc. Chemical analysis can be done to reveal the poison. Yes, continuos use of Strychnine can deposit in the body and can be detected many years after death as well, but not in hair follicles but in the spinal cord. Some amount of Strychnine also gets secreted in milk, saliva, sweat, etc. To know whether it is Strychnine apart from test typical signs and symptoms will conform it. Presence in the body and detection of the same would depend largely on the form of poison consumed. The presence of symptoms must be treated with certain drugs. Long term exposure will cause it to accumulate in the body. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, My partner pressed my nipples very hard multiple times. It was very rough. My nipples are hurt very badly. I am facing a huge amount of pain in my nipples. Is this a serious issue or just normal? Please answer I am very much tensed. How long will it take to become normal? [/INST] Hi. I can understand your worries and this pain is all natural, due to intimate circumstances observed with your partner. It will resolve soon with time and may take a couple of days to a week for the pain to vanish. But, if it is unbearable, you can take Tablet Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for pain. It is available over-the-counter. For quick relief, take the cabbage and keep it in a refrigerator. Take one leaf of it and put as a layer inside your bra (on each side). It will soothe your breasts and sore nipples. It will give you relief. You can repeat it as much as you needed. Change the leaf with fresh one taken out of the refrigerator (each time). For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] several years ago I had a spontaneous renal rupture and almost died. The results have been bad for me now my body isnt the same, lots of pain ,fatigue on and on ,Is there anywhere that I cant find out why this happened and if it has happened to others are they having the same problems with their bodies? they say I have fibro but it only started during this illness. [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing in.Spontaneous renal rupture is a rare occurrence. The renal rupture itself might cause blood loss and tiredness. It is important to know if you have any connective tissue disorder which predisposed you to have renal rupture. Our entire body is made of connective tissues and these hold various structures together. When a person has conditions involving connective tissues then there are symptoms of fibromyalgia and rupture of organs like the kidneys.Please discuss with your doctor in detail if you have any condition causing the connective tissues in your body to become weak. Please do not worry. </s>
<s>[INST] I am alergic to dust. I had breathing problems since Nov.2011 after replacing a old cotton bed and did some wall painting. I was under treatment with a chest specialist for alergy and chest infection, and the breathing problem reduced but due to over dose of tablets although i do not have much of a breathing problem I have developed internal fever which is less than 100 F which comes down with paracetamol but is persisting for the past two weeks. I have visited another doctor who has given me antibiotics which I have taken for the past 5 days with no positive results. He says I have to do a PFT and cardiac test. What should I do? Please help. I feel very exhausted with to much of medication. [/INST] Hi, You have taken treatment for allergic breathing problem, and later developed fever.But fever can not be due to side effect of any tablet usually given for allergic breathing problems. I would suggest you to record temperature pattern and then consult doctor. There are many conditions like TB/Malaria where particular temperature rise pattern will be present. Get lung function test [PFT] and imaging too ,to rule out infective foci. As fever is there means , there is infective foci in body. So consult doctor for thorough clinical examination. Take care. Best regards, Dr. Neelam. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband has mothball breath. Any idea what we can do to prevent this? He is 30 years old and in good health (to our knowledge). I was wondering if dairy foods could cause this since that is the one food he seems to have a reaction to (mild bloating, etc. - doesn't seem to be complete lactose intollerance). He flosses and brushes regularly and we have used several mouthwashes. [/INST] Hello,Gastric disturbances can cause bad breath in some instances. Lactose intolerance is not particularly assocoated with bad breath. Acid reflux can cause an acid feeling in the mouth and change the oral environment. Medications can cause dry mouth. Dehydration and breathing through your mouth can irritate oral tissue. Plaque becomes more difficult to remove. Be sure to brush the tongue as a coating on the tongue can create an odor. Tonsil stones, located in back of the throat, are another possibility. Sinus congestion with post nasal drip can contribute as well.The most likely cause and first area of evaluation should be your oral health. A routine dental exam will rule out active areas of decay, abscess and periodontal conditions that need to be addressed. Evaluation of your oral hygiene and instruction on proper oral care will include an evaluation for bad breath. Some additional basic techniques may be recommended. The most typical cause of persistant bad breath is buildup of bacteria in the mouth. First rule this out. A thorough cleaning is needed and tartar removed. Even with daily home care, there may be tartar undeer the gums if you have not had a recent dental cleaning.Diet and chemicals can contribute to bad breath. Once in the blood stream, with blood traveling to the lungs, your breath can be effected. The smell of garlic, spicy foods and alcoholic can be obvious on the breath of people who have recently consumed these. This type of bad breath is temporary and easily controlled with a diet change. Avoid certain foods if you suspect this to be the cause. Smoking and the body breaking down medications including vitamins may contribute. Make your diet is balanced. Deficiencies or excess viamins and minerals should be avoided. Keep well hydrated for your entire body systems to function properly.Even a dietary change or fasting can cause an unhealthy sweet breath. This can be due to chemicals called ketones being expelled. They are made by the breakdown of fat. Diabetes can be suspected with this symptom and may warrent further evaluation by your physician.A fishy type odor, from the syndrome trimethylaminuria, is possible due to the inability to properly break down trimethylamine which is found in certain foods. There may be a build-up of trimethylamine in the body which can be released in your breath. Urine and blood tests are suggested help to confirm this diagnosis if it is suspected. This may be noticed in sweat and urine as well. This is not a common condition.I thank you for your inquiry and hope you find my suggestions helpful to assist you with an answer and solution. </s>
<s>[INST] hey,,,i'm 19 years old,,,sometimes i get my mind goes weired,,, suddenly my mind starts saying everything so quickly and if i heard or if i read anything it's the same everything come in so so quickly and that's make me feel nerves,, and it tooks a few minutes and after that everything get normal,,,why is that happening ??? thanx in advance [/INST] This can be happen due to excessive nervousness or some electrolyte imbalance. It can also happen due to reduced glucose levels in the blood. Your history is incomplete ao I can not comment much. You can take salt and sugar rich solution and see the effect. So dont worry. Hope my suggestions helpful and thankful to you. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I find myself obsessing about having things like a nice car, looking smart (shave, hairstyle), dressing properly and maintaing a calm composure purely to be given attention by girls. I am a good looking guy, i know that, yet I crave that attention from girls; especially ones that I used to know, as it gives me that self satisfaction/acknowledgement that i crave. Why is this? [/INST] HiThanks for using healthcare magicI think, you have histrionic or borderline personality traits. In histrionic personality, people want attention from opposite sex or want to remain center of attraction. They try to do any activity to get satisfaction. In that case, you should consult a psychologist for proper personality evaluation and if you need further help, you can ask.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] i started taking yasmin in the sunday after my period, i had been taking the pill for three days when i had unprotected sex, but he didnt finish, am i good to go? i have been taking the pills the same time everynight. My yasmin booklet says its fully effective after three days... [/INST] Hi, Effectiveness depends upon which day of your menstrual cycle it is taken. If you have started taking Yasmin on days 1-5 of your period, you will be protected against pregnancy immediately. Since you had an unprotected sex on 4th day after taking pills you seem to be on safer side. However, if you take the pills on the other day of your menstrual cycle, the pills will take at least 7 days to start working so in that case you are at a risk of getting pregnant. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali </s>
<s>[INST] My penis retractred after I pulled the foreskin too far back tuesday. Then I noticed it shrank next day. Friday everything was ok. But Saturday I had constant leakage of urine. It does not hurt and the color of urine is changed.The penis also retractred again. I have no pain otherwise. [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. Please don't worry. Your penis will shrink whenever it is under pain or your body is week or you are mentally facing some stress or anxiety or depression. Nothing to worry about that. It will come back to its normal position when the circumstances change. Unnecessary worries could trigger obsession and result in anxiety disorder. Be away from obsession.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I first started to have a pressure in my head about 3 weeks ago . Then I had trouble sleeping having a hot flash feeling with no high temperature . A week later I started feel confusion and later became disoriented and have a hard time to feel emotion . since then I still feel the same ! [/INST] Hello,The acute nature of symptoms suggest the possibility of a neurological problem behind them.I think you should consult a neurologist as soon as possible to clarify the doubts. He would do some tests- make you do some exercises and carry out a neurological examination to form a diagnosis. The doctor also might ask you to get a CAT scan or an MRI brain to rule out any organicity there.Even a fundus examination of eye is helpful in determining the brain pressure.Im not sugesting these things to make you panic but Im conerned about you after looking at the symptoms mentioned. There is not enough detail available in query to pin point the possible causes behind all this ( of course you will not know what all details are required from you in this situtaion).So, in short - a visit to the neurologist is the wisest thing to be done.Wish you best of health!Dr. Manisha GopalMD psychiatry </s>
<s>[INST] My son is of 4 years. He had seizure attack when he was 1 year old. He took Velporin syrup for 2 years. Then started taking Eptoin 100 from last 1 year. He is going to school from last 7-8 months but still he could not understand things like how to write counting or ABCD by himself. I want to know is there any possibility that its side effect of Eptoin or Valparin ? Any advoice will be very much appreciated. [/INST] Hi,Why he was changed from valparin to phenytoin? Any breakthrough seizure? How was his overall development? all milestones attained on time or any delay?Phenytoin is a very commonly used drug, and most of the children do well without any significant effect on cognition or scholastic performance.Also, if he had only one episode of seizure, and remained seizure free for last 3 years, we can consider tapering and stopping the drug. But this depends on the cause of seizure and reports of EEG and brain imaging. Kindly discuss with his pediatrician / neurologist.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Muhammed Aslam T. K., Pediatrician </s>
<s>[INST] For a week now I have had problems with my mouth. My throat hurts everytime I swallow. I also have something hanging off my left tonsil. My gums are swollen. the top of my hard palate is all shriveled and raw. I have all these spots in my gums that are painful which prevents me from chewing and eating. what do I have and what can I do to make it better? [/INST] hiwelcome to HCMyou must be suffering from throat infection for that you can start with azithromycin Once a day for 5 days. For swollen gums, spots all over mouth and shriveled palate can only be diagnosed after reviewing throughly and might be your throat infection is a part of that.you may be suffering some infection or lesion so, better to consult a dentist.meanwhile you can have antioxidants once a day.hope it will help you </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I just results back for a Gamma Gt blood test. It was in the 500's I have an a1c about 10.4 am 100 lbs pounds over weight. I am a 56 year old male. I have some high alt levels 103 and sgpt 70 / ast 88 and sgot 80 in the past. Was told I have a fatty liver. Can you tell me if I might have cancer. I am on several meds. Prevacid 20 years,metformin, asprin, lisinopril, flomas, advair disk, Humerlin 500 and a few others. Please help, very concerened [/INST] Hi and welcome to HCM.Since you take many medicines and some of them are hepatotoxic, this elevation of gGT is probably caused by these drugs and fatty liver both. Cancer would have some other symptoms,but you must do some imaging tests to rule this out. US or CT scan. Till this you should only change dietary and lifestyle habits. Do exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, fats, fast food and carbonated drinks. Eat more fruit and vegetables, boiled meat and follow some of hepatoprotective diets. Findings usually improves on such measures. If not, then some medicines can be prescribed, but I suggest to go step by step. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] i am a 58 year old female who has worked as a computer accountant for 20+ years. Have two years ago been diagnosed with arthritis. I have had mild to severe hand pain for several years that comes and goes. I take a lot of Aleve, which upsets my stomach. For the last few months I have been experiencing shooting pains in my left arm and tingling and numbness in my left hand. Stabbing pain that feel like my hand is being crushed in a vice. Wakes me up in the middle of the night, for months. I recently, about six weeks ago went through a workmans comp doctor who thought I had Carpal Tunnel. I have been through 6 weeks of therapy, which does bring some immediate relief. When i go back to the job, pain returns. Had a nerve study last week. Results were radiculpathy involving C-8 distribution. Workmans comp dropped me, as they said not work related . I now have an appointment to go back to primary doctor tomorrow for follow up. The pain level and numbness is the same as when I started. Now i am experiencing some tremors in the left hand.And since the nerve study and 20 holes poked in my neck, my neck hurts. Cant hardly turn my head. What does all this mean? [/INST] Hello, It could be be due to neuropathic causes like carpel tunnel syndrome. As of now you can consult a neurologist and plan for an MRI scan for further assessment. As of now you can take analgesics like Tramadol or Aceclofenac for pain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] I am waiting for a fibro scan due to raised enzyme in blood tests, I have been suffering with back pain and stomach pain for some time. More recently I have been feeling extremely tired and ache. The Hepotolgist is not concerned about my liver but wants to out rule any concerns in elation to my liver. I am also awaiting a gynaecologist appointment. I am concerned that my symptoms are getting worse and I am no closure to a diagnosis [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The raised liver enzymes are not worrisome if the values are less than three times the basal levels. Such mild rise can be corrected with dietary modifications and weight loss. You need to have rest of the investigations to rule out other organic causes. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. Praveen Tayal drtayal72@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] Have yellow greenish discharge from penis burning when I pee only feel it in the tip of penis i don t drink water and I use the drug crystal meth but just smoke it and don t want to see a doctor so what can it be and what can I try to clear it ??? Please need help with out seen a doctor??? [/INST] Thanks for asking in healthcaremagic forumIn Short: Greenish discharge suggest infection.Explanation: Greenish discharge from urethra suggest infection of urinary tract. So, please visit a doctor and get yourself tested for STDs as early as possible. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I m a student at jefferson davis community college and I have a report to do on cerebral palsy and I was hoping that you can give me information on this are tell me where I can find this information at. I need to know about it in from birth thanks so much , Caira Jefferson [/INST] Hi. You can read in detail about cerebral palsy in nelsons text book of peadiatrics. Alernatively there are several articles on the internet which you search in google scholar. Hope this helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] My brother,s heart stopped for 15 mins while under high bp and afib. Now he is under heavy sedation and bp is normal. Could he have had a brain damage. Yesterday his body kept shaking twitching and now is better but he is also sedated. He started a fever today. Is this life threating Thanks [/INST] Hello,High blood pressure is one of the most important risk factors for stroke and heart attack. Brain damage may have occurred from lack of oxygen due to the heart stoppage. I would need more information in order to assess his condition.However, you should be able to speak with the doctor in charge of his case and get this sort of information just as well since they also have the advantage of being able to physically examine him, look at test results, and call in specialists to help guide treatment.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Dariush Saghafi </s>
<s>[INST] I had tooth pulled 6 weeks ago and the dentist broke a piece of my maxilla. I am having severe pain in my jaw that goes by my ear and up the right side of my head totally up to the top of my head. I use a heating pad and take Ibuprofen around the clock. How long should this take to heal? I am miserable. [/INST] Hi..Welcome to HEALTHCARE MAGIC..As per your query the healing depends upon the depth extent of fracture as well as whether it is in a condition that it will resolve on its own or needs surgical intervention for resolution..I would suggest you to consult an Oral Surgeon and get evaluated and along with clinical evaluation a thorough radiograhic evaluation is a must for ruling out the extent of fracture and time duration of healing..In case if the broken segments are not in their original position they will fuse in wrong positions and cause further complications..In case if the broken segments have moved away they will not fuse and there will be continuous pain and discomfort and will require manual reduction and fixation of the fracture segments..Pain can also be due to unhealed sockets known as Dry sockets which also needs to be evaluated and treated if present..As of now you should take higher painkiller like Tramadol for relief but consulting an oral surgeon is a must..Hope this information helps..Thanks and regards..Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora. </s>
<s>[INST] Female 47 years, LAVH done 4 months back c/o Pain lower abdomen, USG & CT abdomen revealed Left adenexal mass ? Malignancy- contrast enhancing 8+ 5 cms.H/O hypothyroidism on 150mg eltroxin,T2 DM on insulin.Laporotomy done solid left adenexal tumor removed.What could be the probable diagnosis? H/O of 2LSCS uneventful Both ovaries & uterus were removed intact during LAVH. Kindly respond [/INST] Ovarian malignancy is one possibility but not the only possibility. Possibility of ovarian malignancy is considered since you said it was complex ovarian cyst. Sometimes non malignant cysts like theca lutein cysts can also be large. Biopsy would give definitive answer </s>
<s>[INST] I had blood draw approx 2 months ago that caused a hemotoma. Draw ws on right arm inside elbow to the left of the main vein . That area of arm has been painful but I kept thinking it would go away. today I have a 1 inch lump at that spot which is very sensitive to touch,. I plan to try ice today and decide if I need to return to clinic. Please advise as to urgency of this. and is ice the correct tx. Do I need to return to clinic sooner or at all. [/INST] not to worry at all dear, ice application is ok. may use thrombophob ointment if it is not dissolving and troubling u. no need to panic, will dissolve on its own, going through diff. stages and colours. leave it and relax. </s>
<s>[INST] i m a mother of oneyear 9 months old child.. 2 weeks before on the 8 th week of my second pregnancy becos the doctor suggested it s ouside of the uterus. then i undergone D&C then incert copper t after one week from d&c.after that i feel so much of pain in my lower abdomen especially right lower abdomen.some time the pain elongated through the right thy and entire right leg. sometime it s unbearable.i also find that im gaining weight and my stomach is still look like pregnant.is it becos of the copper t.pease give me a solution [/INST] hi thanks for writing to uscopper t can be a cause of abdominal pain very rarely when there is infection,or it is misplacedit does not not cause increase in weight gain.it is a misconceptionit is advisable to take some analgesics and see whether pain settles or else doctor consultation is neededhope this information was useful </s>
<s>[INST] Dear sir/madam, i have a veyy high blood pressure from last 15 years, my age is 38, i was not taking any medicine,and i got used to the blood presure, further investigation says its anxiety, does anxiety causes blood presure to increase,and my creatinine levels shows 1.7,that bothers me a lot, but no matter how much i try my presure is not coming down from 180, all this check ups and test where done by general family doctor, and local pathology ,actually i want to consult you concerning this. YYYY@YYYY mob - 0000 kindly suggest thanks [/INST] Hi.I had gone through your query.I understand your concern.Anxiety can result of increase sympathetic outflow from brain.Neurotransmitters like nor epinephrine and adrenaline discharge play important role.So it may also elevate blood pressure. But control of anxiety can also improve in blood pressure.Anxiolytic like etizolam along with anti hypersensitive medicine can help.Regular exercise and meditations can help.Daily work schedule with stress free activity can be beneficial.Still if you have query then feel free to ask.Get well soon.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello.. My boyfriend have a problem where his penis have a slight burning sensation when we have sex. His penis is shiny on one side but not the other. He do have herpes and take meds for it but it only happen when we have sex. We both was tested and treated for a STD call Trich.. I been sleeping with him for a year now and no one else. Can you tell me what it could be that every time we have sex he have a burning sensation ?. Thank you [/INST] Hi,Your boy friend seems to have candidal balanoposthitis.there may be redness on glans with burning sensation mor after intercourse. The disease is caused by Candida albicans and spread by sexual contact. You and your boy friend should take antifungal therapy. I advise in my patients antifungal like ketoconazole or itraconazole orally for two weeks. Application of clotrimazole may improve the disease. Washing the area with antiseptic like dettol in water may enhance the improvement. I hope you got my answer.Thanks.Dr.Ilyas Patel MD </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] hello dr.i m mr.rites from uganda,i have problem of early ejeculation since i started sex,thats why i m became gay ,i like to play sex with men, and play with penis of any budy,i have no children, i want to became a perfect man,please help me [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I am sorry to say that you misunderstood the whole thing. You did not become gay because you had premature ejaculation. You are a gay and therefore , you had premature ejaculation whenever you tried sex with women. Nothing matters here. If you are happy with gay sex, enjoy it and feel it is normal. It is normal, for sure unless you think otherwise or become anxious. You are already a perfect person with natural sexual urge (your naturalism is gay). Don't worry and accept it as it is. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, Yesterday, I bent down to pick up a grocery bag, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the lower right region of my back. And ever since, I have had sharp pains in that area whenever I walk, bend over or if I place my weight over my right hip, and whenever I put pressure on my right leg whilst walking. It especially hurts when coming up those positions. When I am not moving, I have no pain. My mom thinks it is a pulled muscle, but it does not have an aching type of pain. The pain is more sharp and intense when moving. Please help. [/INST] Hello. Your predominant complaint is of pain in the right lower back, which is aggravated by bending forwards and walking. There are two possibilities: Regards. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi me and my girl friend were fooling around and the tip of my penis was rubbing against her vagina. Now i dont know if i had pre cum sliding out but if there was any could it be possible if she could get pregnant? We were grinding a bit so the head slid back and forth but no penetration. [/INST] Hallow Dear, Precum (preejaculatory secretion) does contain some amount of sperms. These sperms are very active and swim their way to the ovum for fertilization. Even if you have deposited precum at the opening of vagina, there is chance of pregnancy to her. If you do not want this pregnancy, please advice her to take Plan B birth control pill within 24 hours, but definitely not later than 72 hours to avoid pregnancy. Alternatively, she can get intrauterine contraceptive device inserted which will prevent pregnancy. This device then can be further continued which will give her on going protection against pregnancy for few years. I hope this helps you.DR. Nishikant Shrotri </s>
<s>[INST] My 2 year old grandson suddenly had 2 large, quite hard lumps appear on the right side of his forehead even though he definitely had not bumped himself. He was fine in himself and after a nights sleep the lumps had miraculously disappeared. Could you please suggest a possible cause for these lumps ? [/INST] Hi.Thanks for your query.Noted the history related to your grandson developing two large bumps on theright side of his forehead even though he definitely had not bumped himself. He was fine in himself and after a nights sleep the lumps had miraculously disappeared. Could you please suggest a possible cause for these lumps?Such large bumps which vanish on its own are due to angioneurotic edema. This is an allergic reaction to something in food or in the air, that can be found out on observation by the family members alone. You have to keep the dosage of antihistamine and oral steroids adjusted to his weigh at reach at home so that the next time it develops you can immediately give him medicines as this can be dangerous if they appear on the neck, in mouth or inside. This can not be due to hematoma as it could not vanish within a night. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here..Hi ,there is no follicle in left ovary and right ovary there are follicle yesterday I did follicular monitoring andit was my third day of my period.Please suggest is there any chances of conceiving this month. [/INST] if right ovary dere r follicles...u should go fr follicle induction drug like clomiphene or letroze to increase size of follicle... n follicular study...visit n regular follow up til rupture of follicle den have relationship </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I had sex with a partner 2 days back using condom after the sex i was resting for 1o mins with condom,my face was down,she massaged my back,when i got up the bed was wet near my penis what was that,i belive she pressed my back and that was the reason the sperm came out,is it a risk?Pls help [/INST] Hello,There always will be sperm even after having sex. This sperm could come out in itself or when you exert pressure on your groin. This is normal and nothing to worry. Therefore, I suggest consulting a psychologist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand, Psychologist </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a cold for several days and possibly a sinus infection. Past 2 days seem back to normal except for the occasional runny nose. Tonight, t hours after dinner I spit in the sink and my spit was light pink. I brushed my teeth and it did not change. Toung is also more bright pink than normal. the back of my neck has also been sore on the left side for a few days. Any ideas? [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM,The history and symptoms suggest me that you are having upper respiratory tract infection because of which you are having these symptoms.When you spit in the sink it was light pink in color. Tongue is bright pink than normal along with pain in the back of your neck.For all these symptoms I would suggest you to follow1.Steam inhalation with vapocaps.2.Oral Antibiotics like Tab Augmentin, 625 mg, twice daily, for five days.3.Oral antihistamines, Three times a day.4.Oral NSAIDs to relieve pain and fever.5.Drink hot water along with these medicines.The aforementioned measures help to reduce the symptoms and improve the condition.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been making a horrible whezzing cough it occurs when i tried to talk, pain in my back lower back and now i have just notice i am bleeding but not bad bleed, i am been having stomach pains i haven't been able to eat sometimes.. feel nausa sometimes too [/INST] Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of bronchitis is more. Your stomach problems are mostly due to GERD. GERD can cause worsening of bronchitis. So we need to treat GERD and bronchitis both simultaneously. For bronchitis, consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). You may need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid. For GERD, start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic drugs. Avoid hot and spicy food. Drink plenty of fluids orally. Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir/ Madam I am undergoing treartment for infertility from last 2.5 years . I hav no problem as such. My gynae explained it as unexplanied infertility. Though in last August I concieved but ended up with miscarriage. I hav undergone several IUIs. My query is I had IUI on 25.05.2011 with Siphene of 100 mg for 5 days. Now my gynae has asked me to take Suprefact injection of 26 units dailay starting from 2.06.2011. Would it be correct if I take theseinjections without evening waiting for the result of IUI. Suppose I get pregnant than what will happen. Would it would be advisable for me to take this injection from 2.06.2011. Pl tell . I am very worried. [/INST] HiDr. Purushottam welcomes you to HCM virtual clinic.I have gone through your query. I think I have understood your concern, I will try to suggest you the best possible treatment options.The injection you are saying is used for IVF procedure. AS such if you are concerned about the result of IUI , I will suggest you to wait to see if get your periods and then discuss with your treating doctor to start the treatment with Superfact injection in the subsequent cycle.In this case, your treatment will begin in the next cycle; means at the end of February months cycle. I hope my answer helps you.Thanks.Wish you good health.With regardsDr Purushottam Neurgaonkar </s>
<s>[INST] diagnosed with herniated discs at l1-l2, l4-l5 and l5-s1. went through Physical therapy for six weeks, course of steriods and nsaids - was feeling great for about 3 months. did something the other day and i'm in agony...other than taking more nsaid and ice any other suggestion for alleviating pain? doc can't see me until later next week [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.The pain in your case is neuropathic in nature, due to compression of nerves in the lower back due to herniated discs.This pain generally would not respond well to NSAIDs alone. So, I would recommend using pregabalin or gabapentin capsules, which are specific for relieving neuropathic pain.In addition, if pain does not subside, epidural injections may be given.I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information.Wishing you good health,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant NeurologistApollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, IndiaClick on this link to ask me a DIRECT QUERY: BLOG: </s>
<s>[INST] hello, my baby is 9months old and every few hours he tenses his face, neckandshouldersand looks like hes pressing or pushing. H edoes it for a few seconds and stops. He has just come off anti biotics a week ago for middle ear infection and throat infection. H e also has not emptied his bowels since yesterday. He is feeding well on breastmilk and taking solids. [/INST] Hi...by what you say I feel that it could be a seizure or it could be that he is straining at stools. But what ever it is - to be sure, please take a video of the episode when it occurs next time and consult your kid's pediatrician regarding this.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] i had unprotected sex twice yesterday with my boyfriend about 30-45 minutes after each other, but he finish in me and im on birth control but lately i havent really had a chance to take it around the same time at night & I ve missed a night taking it, im wondering if i should take plan b [/INST] Hello dearUnderstand your concernAccording to your history you missed one pill. But if It is just 24 hours after missing pill then take two tablet simultaneously means missed tablet and that day tablet together. So take birth pills together that prevent the pregnancy but take the remaining tablet regularly. So in this case no need of Plab B pill.But if 24 hour has been crossed and you did not took missed pill then you have to take plan B as early as possible or with in 72 hours after sex to prevent the pregnancy.Hope this will help youBest regardsDr. Sagar </s>
<s>[INST] my sister in law is living with me she will not see a Dr for her cirrhosis she was diagnosed with it last Aug 2010 treated for fluid in stomach drained of 4 liters in Aug then again in Oct , 5 liters was put on antibiotics IV she has all 30 symptoms or more of end stage liver failure now she is bleeding every week from her nose and vomiting once a week I asked her if she was vomiting blood she said no but she will not tell us the truth what the Drs told her in the hospital last year she only told me she has a dead liver.So she continues to drink she has drank since she was 14 years old she is 53 years old . She still drinks everyday gets herself out to get beer and vodka her confusion is worst then ever her bed room has a nasty sweet smell she is alittle yellow .the veins in her skin are getting worst and also live on over the counter water pills 2 to 4 daily never eats maybe 1 meal a day .She looks 9 mouths pregnant also sleep most of the days and up until 2 or 3 in the morning I feel I am going to wake up one morning and she will be in a coma or she will bleed out in her room.Her symptoms are much worst then when she moved in with us in april 2011 I need to know how much longer she has I told her this morning she need to go to the hospital and she went out she still goes out and drive but her confusion is scarring me [/INST] Hi and welcome to HCM. Thanks for the query. Statistically, this ranges between 6-12 months but it is individual and depends on the cause of liver falure. In cases of alcoholic crirhosis it may be longer, and in tumors it may be shorter. If there is no possibility of liver transplantation then there is no some other teratemnt methods which can prolong life. I hope I have answered your question. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I have a 9 year old boy. He has had a cold the last few days. While having the cold he has had several blood noses lasting about 5-10mins each time. Today he has had 2 blood noses; this last time he felt dizzy and is a little pale. I am trying to decide whether I take him to the Doctor now or just put it down to his cold inflamming his nasal passage and leave him warm at home. What do you think? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The nose bleeding can be secondary to the respiratory tract infection or any breach in the nasal cavity secondary to chronic irritation. I advise you to consult an ENT surgeon and get it evaluated.I hope I have answered your query, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I ve had a persistent cough for 8 months now. My doctor prescribed me an inhaler (bero something), which did not work. Now I am getting what feels like bubbles popping in my lower right lung. I am otherwise a fairly healthy 23 year old. Any thoughts on what it could be? [/INST] Hi,Welcome to HCM,Coming to your question it seems you have two different symptoms First is Chronic Cough for 8 months now and Bubbling sensation in lower Right chest. for chronic cough it would b worthwhile if you gt done High resolution CT Scan (HRCT) of chest because you have been using inhaler and thats not helping you. Secondly bubbling sensation can be cause of Chilladitti syndrome that is usually asymptomatic and that is not any major disease but just anatomical variant and HRCT would help in identifying that also. also if u have allergy and repeated cough and cold then that can also be cause of your prolong cough just get yourself examined by ENT. </s>
<s>[INST] I ve had dentures for 15 yrs now. shortly after having oral surgery I developed a bone spur. it just finally popped out. I know I should have had it treated but I d been in an sorta abusive marriage (if neglect counts as abusive). any way the oral surgean said there are no stem cells in the gums so a hole in my gums from a bone spur will never heal and will eventually kill me. is this true? I m a little freaked out, now that I m single, I really don t want to die.. where the spur fell out from there is no bleeding or pus..I know when I ve had a single tooth pulled the gum healed so I really am kinda confussed what to believe. there s no pain, just relief and some tenderness... [/INST] A biopsy report is required to get proper analysis of the lesion. If you haven't got it done, get it as soon as possible. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, on my left leg, at the bottom of my shin and just above my ankle there is a small lump which is ball like, it does not cause pain unless hit hard and is only slightly discomforting when being touched, what could this be? do i need to see my doctor? [/INST] Hi! thanks for writing to us sharing your problem of the painless hard lump on leg above ankle!If I were your family physician and had you presented to me with this problem, I would like to consider following possibilities, as per my experience of ultrasound, CT scan and needle biopsies:1. benign cyst or cyst-like conditions like bursa, sebaceous cyst, ganglion, hemangioma, lymphangioma or parasitic cyst2. benign skin nodules or tumors like lipoma, neurofibroma, dermatofibroma, fibrous histiocytoma etc Therefore, you need not worry about this one but please see a doctor today for an examination and if needed simple needle biopsy for confirmation of the lesion's nature!Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] 11 year girl have a spina bifide (myclo meingocale) closed at birth.Doctors adviced bladder augmentation and Mitroffnof procedure.Please advice is their any other option from which she can pass her urine normally without any cathalitization process.???? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Surgery is the only option available. You can also opt for life long catheterization which has got chances for complications like recurrent infection. So surgery is the preferred choice. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been having chest pains and have had the all clear with a Cardio Angiography procedure, an ultrasound of my heart and blood tests all fine. I seem to be getting a constant warm sensation through my sternum with some shooting pains on occasion on either side of my chest. Mylanta antacid has been tried and I am not sure if that helped at all. Could it be heartburn, an ulcer? What other possible aspects could it be. It does seem to be worse after eating or having a scotch and cola. [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM. In my opinion you are having GERD ( Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease ) only. As your pain is getting worse by eating and drinking scotch or cola.It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. Try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Start proton pump inhibitor. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed. 7. Avoid smoking and alcohol. 8. Loose weight if you are obese .Since your cardiac work up is normal, I don't think of any other cause. It is GERD mostly. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump on the inside of the top of my leg, right by my vagina. It doesn't hurt, its about the same size as a marble but you can feel it and when you put two fingers round it you can feel the actual lump. I have had it for a few weeks now, you cant see it just feel it. What could this be? [/INST] Welcome to health care magic. 1.History suggest that the lumps you have noticed are lymph nodal enlargement.2.Lymph nodal enlargement is seen in any infection / inflammation with in the body also seen in the systemic diseases. And malignancies.3.In this case treat any underlying medical conditions causing the lumps.4.Other possible cause could be vascular cause.5.If they are large and causing any discomfort - get an FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology for confirmation if cells. Good luck.Hope i have answered your query.Any thing to ask do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my name is XXXXX and i have been diagnosed with lupus , for the past 5 years i just want to know because i moved from a much colder climate, but as soon as i moved to tropical climate i would even consider that with temperatures and water may have something to do with me getting lupus. So far no one in my family have the history of lupus [/INST] hi, generally temperatures and climate dont have much to do with the possibility of getting lupus. </s>
<s>[INST] my baby having uti. {E-COLI} possitive so, treated with oral antibiotic syr. augmentine. during uti he had a cold dr s suggest to give syr.cetrizine. now he developed cough and cold because, i though syr augmentine i kept in frige. before giving medicine only we keep the medicine out after 10or 15 mints only we will give. and they adviced to give syr azee od 3days, now the antibiotic course over. still he have sever cough. what do? i can give asthalin nebulization in home. but he is ok active .mainly he is not taking food properly. [/INST] Asthalin is a bronchodilator and is safe and often essential in persistent cough. Such cough commonly occurs due to viral infection where antibiotics are ineffective and hence he has not recovered yet. You can give asthalin nebulisation at home but you would need a nebuliser device. Alternatively, you can give steam inhalation on one hand and asthalin inhaler through spacer device and the combination will serve the same purpose.It is common for children not to eat well if they are not in proper health. However, since the child is otherwise active, I would not worry. </s>
<s>[INST] Helo DoctorThis is Mohammed and as Prescribed by my doctor iam taking MAXOZA -L Powder 5mg twice a dailt (Morning & evening) , my question is will it work for me to make my wife pregnant and my sperm count increaseIf you reply me now i will be very grateful to u sir/ mam [/INST] Higreetings. maxoza is an antioxidant given to you to improve sperm production.To give a you a better answer we should know your semen analysis report and any problems you are having.Esply we should know the size of testis and any evidence of infections or varicocele. If there is a treatable causes semen parameters will improve after taking maxoza.hope you are convinced. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] hi my daughter is 26 years old. She recently had a tubal using filshy clips. Every since she had the surgery, she has had abdominal pain,loss of appitite,swelling, fatique and sleeplessness. What could be wrong with her. She can not get her doctor to listen to her. [/INST] Hi. If the patient is suffering from the problems you told about, there has to be a problem. I would advise you to take her to another Doctor, get a clinical examination and investigations like x-ray chest, blood , urine and sonography to ascertain the cause, and treat accordingly. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a rash on my neck, lower stomach area (right under my bellybutton) and right on my vagina. I have had these rashes for a few months now and its starting to get really annoying if someone could please just tell me why they are there and how to get rid of them that d be great. [/INST] Hi, The rash could be a tinea corporis (fungal infection). This conditions should be treated with topical and oral antifungals. But, before treatment, the diagnosis should be confirmed by ruling out other conditions such as eczema. So, please do consult your dermatologist for further management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] i am trying to conceive since last 9 months. In this cycle i was suggested to take letrozole from CD 3-7, and on CD 12 my doctor had a ultrasound of my ovaries for seeing follicles. she reported it as bilateral enlarged cystic ovaries, but then she gave me 5000 iu ivfc injections for two days on CD 12 and 13 for ovulation . my question is is there any chance of me to conceive with this kind of situation? what is meant by cystic ovaries at CD 12? [/INST] hello welcome to HCM enlarged cystic ovaries - its very important to know the arrangement of the follicles, size and volume measurements the injections you mentioned are for helping the release of the egg when there is a dominant follicle in the ovary As far a getting pregnant - all factors both male and female partners need assessment and if normal then the chance is good however I will add that in 25% of the cases everything can be normal and still the couple has some difficulty getting pregnant - Unexplained infertility wish you all the best hope to have answered your query Dr Nandita Thakkar </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, How do Melatonin supplements work? Does taking Melatonin actually help you fall asleep and stay asleep? Are there any potential side effects or drawbacks to using Melatonin to fall asleep? Are there any health benefits of taking a Melatonin supplement? Is it safe to take Melatonin on a nightly basis? If so, does your body get used to it? [/INST] Hello. Melatonin is a natural hormone found in our body. The Melatonin pill works the same as this natural hormone as per studies. It helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. It also helps fall asleep and stay asleep. It worked for my patients. It is usually safe. I have prescribed for short term only. No side effects so far. If the sleep is improved, patients overall status improved too. Do not recommend to take regular use. Advise frequent consultation and short term use only. </s>
<s>[INST] I am archana. i am 28. i am working as an assistant professor in india. I have a relationship with a married man for more than 8 years. He is taking control of my all activities and finance but i am not even given a right to question him on any of his activities. he neither marries me nor leave me. My family is unaware of all this. Some time i feel like quitting the relationship but he dont want to break it. All this years i anyhow balanced it to survive, but its depressing me - he start to torture me i dont know what to do? [/INST] HiI understand your concern.It is adjustment issue rather then depression.stress arises from relationship.1st to be very frank that you are deeply involve in this in spite of you know that he is married and further legal relationship is very difficult.you have to do mutual communication and leave him as early as possible because there is no future of this relationship.It will affect your future and your life.From today you will start discussing with him and if require then take help of your friends.Only you have to do this.There is no medicines help to break this medicines only help to reduce your stress.This kind of stress can be treated with anxiolytic like etizolam.So take help of common friends and family members and come out from this.Start your new life and concentrate over carrier and life.If needed then go for relationship counseling to psychiatrist.Best luck for it.Still have a query then feel free to ask.Thank you.Happy to help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well. [/INST] Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help. </s>
<s>[INST] Diagnosed with T5 spinal compression in 1984 due to a M.V.A. Now experiencing moderate to sever pain 5-8/10 in bilaterial wrist with locking digits. Have been dropping item more often. Could the wrist issue be related to the T5 compression fracture from 1984? [/INST] Hello, The severe pain with locking of the joints can be due to nerve compression or arthritis in the joints. Proper examination is needed to clinch the diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Praveen Tayal, Orthopaedic Surgeon </s>
<s>[INST] My son, 17yrs, has a bump that is beneath the corner of his right eyebrow above his eye next to the bridge of his nose. It is tender to the touch and appears bruised. When I stretch the eyebrow up there is a clear knot in the center about the size of a dull pencil lead. Should we be concerned enough to visit er? My husband just list his job and our insurance. [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have angular dermoid or some other lesion. Treatment of choice is surgery. You should go for excision of lump. Then go for histopathological examination. Ho for further treatment if needed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] My 10 yr old son went to the emergency room last nigh because he was urinating blood. He had an ultrasoud of his kidneys to check for possible kidney stones . We will be getting an appointment with a nephrologist in the next week or two, but I was concerned about the findings from the ultrasound . The ER doctor said it could be normal, but that makes me feel that it could also be something else. What does mild pelvic fullness is noted in both kidneys without frank hydronephrosis mean? Thanks. [/INST] Hi scruggsm. Your son had acute onset blood in urine.there are so many causes of it but the most common are-Renal stone,ureteric stone,bladder stone,may be stone in the urethra,acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis and other type of kidney infection,UTI,ingestion of any drug like aspirin,tumor in the kidney,rarely bleeding disorders. But it seems to be from renal stone. Do some investigation like-USG-KUB,Urine for routine,blood for count,urea,creatinine,bleeding and clotting time as early as possible and consult a urosurgeon or a nephrologist for opinion. Mild pelvis fullness is a vague term it can not make any diagnosis but in renal stone mild pelvic fullness is seen.And hydronephrosis means if a stone obstruct renal pelvis outlet then urine can not drain properly and it become swollen that is called hydronephrosis.It is a bad sign as due to back pressure of stored urine kidney function gradually deteriorate. Best wishes, Dr Sourav Ganguly </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am having vitamin D of 11.45 ng/ml and B12 of 145 pg/ml. While jogging, I am having pain in the lower one-third of the tibial region. I am feeling a little tired. I am currently on Supradyn and Calcirol. Can you please give me some perfect medicine to treat? Thank you. [/INST] Hi. It seems that you have a low vitamin D and low vitamin B12. And, that could be causing tingling, numbness, and tiredness. For treatment, I would suggest tablet Calciquick 60000 units. You take the tablet once a week for eight weeks and after that same tablets once a month for another ten months. Methylcobalamin injection, one ampule 1000 mg should be given as an injection in the buttocks, two injections every week. In total, ten doses for five weeks. I hope this helps. Thank you. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,I have had a mucous cyst on the inside of my lower lip. I have had it for about 2 weeks in January. It is not painful and it decreases in size and then returns. So I went to see a doctor who recommended surgery. All went well for a week after surgery at the beginning of February. However on the second week the cyst appeared again and it has reached the same size as before. The doctor has recommended surgery again. I am afraid that this cyst may reappear after the second surgery. What should I do? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The causes for recurring mucous retension cyst is because of the improper removal of the cystic lining or repeated trauma to that region like lip biting.So consult a good maxillofacial surgeon and get it enucleated or surgically removed. Then we have to remove the cause like any trauma from the teeth to the lip. If any sharpness over the teeth are there, then it has to be rounded off. Nothing to get afraid. I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 32 female and for the past week I have been experiencing pulsatile tinnitus, it happens usually but not always at night when I lean over and reach over my left side, I hear a wooshing sound on my right side and sometimes it is so loud that even my husband can hear it if he comes close enough to my right side. Also I have been experiencing numbness and tingling in my hands if I have my elbows bent (like holding/reading a book) Any idea what could be causing this? [/INST] the numbness in your hands is probably a pinched nerve in your wrist/elbow/or neck and not a big deal. the pulsatile tinnitus is not related and needs to be checked out sooner rather than later as you could have a blood vessel malformation </s>
<s>[INST] I am 26 I have been doing research and I believe I have low cognitive ability I have tried guided meditation and it has not helped. I believe I am slower than most people and cannot make connections and have a hard time it's focusing studying completing tasks having goals . I have read of modafinil and I believe I fall under the symptoms [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. You are already 26. How will you rate your educational and allied performances all those prior years. I think you are already aware about this or you were just ognoring the symptoms. You may not have memory problems. You may be having some learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities. I suggest you to consult a clinical psychologist for a psychometric assessment in those areas. You will exactly know what is troubling you. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] 16 month old is vomiting yellow slime, what could be the cause, wont eat or drink anything-her temp is on the low side 96.8 degrees. She was born 5 weeks early at 6 lbs 1oz. she had vomiting issues for months with her formula for about 6 months give or take a month. She is now 22 to 24 lbs and 31 and a half inches tall [/INST] hi, most probable cause of vomiting in your child is acute gastroenteritis. at this age, child usually sucks his fingers and put everything in mouth which results in infection of stomach. For vomiting you can give antiemetic syrup like syrup ondem 4 ml 3 times a day for 1 day. The main thing that we have to take care is of dehydration. Give more Fluids to child. Give ORS solution to child so that hydration can be maintained. If vomiting persist then antibiotic needs to be started also an examination by doctor is also necessary so that we may not miss any important finding. Take care. </s>