The ALT project aims to advance the state-of-the-art Asian natural language processing (NLP) techniques
through the open collaboration for developing and using ALT. It was first conducted by NICT and UCSY
as described in Ye Kyaw Thu, Win Pa Pa, Masao Utiyama, Andrew Finch and Eiichiro Sumita (2016).
Then, it was developed under ASEAN IVO as described in this Web page. The process of building ALT
began with sampling about 20,000 sentences from English Wikinews, and then these sentences were
translated into the other languages. ALT now has 13 languages:
Bengali, English, Filipino, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Khmer, Lao, Malay, Myanmar (Burmese),
Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified Chinese).
In this dataset you can find parallel corpus of fil, vi, id, ms, ja, khm languages. Dataset is tokenized using mbart50-like tokenizer. (To be added soon) Tokens are padded\truncated at a size of 128.