If the virus mutates to a less virulent form, or the increasing humidity or geographical sensitivity affects it for the better, we are lucky.
But these are only speculations, with debatable evidence behind the same.
Viruses do mutate, but it can go in either way in terms of virulence and hence the pathogenesis and severity of infection.
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The cytoplasmic part of A/M2 also found to interact with caveolin-1 [60], is a host a cholesterol-binding protein enriched in lipid raft [61].
However, the effect of this interaction needs further investigation.
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This selectivity is due to their positive charge which attacks the negatively charged membrane bilayer of microbes [87].
The antimicrobial peptides block the receptors present on the host cell's surface, which in turn inhibit different steps of viral fusion and replication causing virolysis and activation of host's adaptive immune response [88].
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The cells were incubated with a primary antibody and washed three times with 0.05 % Tween 20 in PBS (PBS-T).
Next, the cells were incubated with secondary antibodies [Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (H + L) for mouse monoclonal antibody, or Alexa Fluor 594 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H + L) for rabbit anti-serum (Invitrogen)] and washed with three changes of PBS-T. Cell nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (Invitrogen).
Immunofluorescent stained cells were analyzed using a fluorescent microscope.
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Atropine provides clinical improvement when administered intravenously at 0.02 mg/kg, but the duration of effect is short-lived (2 hours) and atropine may be associated with the development of ileus, abdominal pain, tachycardia, mydriasis, and thickening of airway secretions.430 Atropine generally is used for emergency relief of airway obstruction.
Glycopyrrolate has been reported to be efficacious at a dose of 0.007 mg/kg, but it also may cause colic.
One also can administer ipratropium bromide by inhalation at a dose of 180 to 360 mg 3 times daily with a low risk of inducing systemic side effects.395
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Thus, these results also support a hypothesis that IAV production correlates with cell fusion induced by hPIV2.
Although these results suggest that cell fusion by hPIV2 infection supports IAV growth in the respiratory epithelium, further studies, such as the use of human primary airway epithelial cells, are essential to detailed evaluation of its significance.
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This window of therapeutic opportunity is expected to be significantly longer in humans.
Overall, EIDD-2801 pills hold promise for not only the treatment of COVID-19 patients today but also against new CoVs that may emerge in the future.
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Although this guideline sought to create recommendations on MERS infection control by searching for as many articles as possible through systematic literature review, the research findings that could be used as evidence were very limited.
It is necessary to revise the guideline based on future research findings on South Korea's 2015 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak.
Moreover, the application of the present guideline can differ, depending on the individual circumstances, and specialists' opinions should be reflected with consideration of the specific individual circumstances.
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However, the impacts of AGs on PGC-1α pathways are rarely reported.
Consistent with the reduced mtDNA copy number and ATP production, our results also indicated that AG treatment resulted in the downregulation of the PGC-1α-NRF1-TFAM pathway, suggesting that mitochondrial biogenesis is likely impaired by AGs.
ETM inhibited this pathway the least.
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This is narrated as an opportunity to shed light on truth and give more credit to scientific findings.
This event should also become an opportunity to enlighten science doubters, and increase the pubic respect for expertise in specific areas of public health and epidemics.
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In animals, exposure to 1 specific subtype of influenza A virus can also induce protective immunity against challenges with other subtypes.
This heterosubtypic or cross-protective immunity could represent a key mechanism for facing, and limiting, new influenza outbreaks.
In 1997, during the Hong Kong influenza (H5N1) outbreak, an immune response induced by an influenza virus (H9N2), being T cells but not antibodies, protected chickens from lethal influenza (H5N1) (13).
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With regard to environmental factors—when the dimension of JCSE in increasing social resources enters the regression model as a predictor, the influence of perceived opportunity to craft in an organization on this parallel job crafting dimension starts to be negative.
Future studies need to examine how JCSE in increasing social resources may operate in relationship with related constructs.
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were generally present in the fractions corresponding to micro-, nanoplankton, microdetritus, and silt/clay particles, and not in zooplankton.
It is still an open question whether the Vibrio serotypes O1 and O139, as well as the viable but not cultivable, and nonviable forms are preferentially associated with determined seston size classes or wetland ecosystem compartments.
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Because all test statistics and figures from our main model are relative to the reporting effort measure, we also ran “unweighted” models.
We expected these would score yield higher cross-validation scores, since we expected that reporting effort would be correlated both with some important predictor variables and the outcome, and weighting background samples uniformly rather than according to this variable would present a clearer contrast.
To avoid bias from land area in the WGS84 grid cells, we additionally weighted our “unweighted models” by land area per grid cell.
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To illustrate how the methodological metaphor of triangulation can be used to draw inferences from convergent findings, we have drawn on the example of a Danish study by Midtgaard et al. (2006) (Fig. 3 ).
This study was conducted to explore experiences of group cohesion and changes in quality of life (QoL) among people (n = 55) who participated in a weekly physical exercise intervention (for six weeks) during treatment for cancer.
The study, conducted in a Danish hospital, involved the use of structured QoL questionnaires, administered at baseline and post intervention (at six weeks) to determine changes in QoL and health status, and qualitative focus groups, conducted post intervention (at six weeks), to explore aspects of cohesion within the group.
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Results of our analysis suggested that T cell-mediated responses might play an important role in immune defense against H7N9 virus infection.
Further studies on T cell-mediated responses during H7N9 infection might provide useful information to help develop effective therapies such as H7N9 vaccines.
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Nevertheless, finding IgG to one or more antigens of B. anthracis could point investigators toward such a seropositive individual, whereas an IgM finding could justify critical therapy.
Where information points to a particular individual, investigation could be extended to search for ingestion or injection of antibiotics as illustrated below in the ciprofloxacin example.
Questions would be raised regarding access to antibiotics, recent ingestion/injection of them, half-life of the antibiotic, half-life of the metabolites of the antibiotics, and in which body fluids or tissues can the residual be found.
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We then discuss how re-engineered bacteria have been exploited in basic and applied biology thus far.
Throughout, we attempt to highlight recently developed technologies across disciplines that may prove useful in the context of bacterial surface display, improving existing applications and perhaps enabling new ones.
Finally, we address an important caveat: despite the tantalizing clinical and biotechnological prospects for surface-engineered bacteria, their implementation outside the laboratory has been greatly hindered due to concerns over the environmental dangers of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
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However, the fluctuating levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 in normal vs. pathological conditions, but also between individuals, make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
The liver of normal individuals in fact present higher levels of Aβ, perhaps reflecting the organ’s clearance function [116], with liver function showing an inverse correlation with plasmatic levels of Aβ [117].
Additionally, the dilution effect of the non-CNS districts and local biophysical factors contributing to Aβ42 accumulation and oligomerization (pH, ionic strength, metals distribution) may contribute to the inhomogeneous distribution of Aβ and, consequently, the preferred organ deposition and disease development.
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Pharmacokinetic differences between PHAH congeners exist and are known to influence their relative potency (DeVito and Birnbaum, 1995; DeVito et al., 1998).
The decreased degree of responsiveness in EROD induction and developmental reproductive effects using the TEQ mixture suggests either slight conservatism of the TEFs and/or a lower tissue distribution of compounds within the mixture than would be expected with an equivalent dose of TCDD.
Using the disposition data from this exposure (Chen et al., 2001), a comparison of the total toxic equivalency within offspring shows the mixture resulted in lower TEQ within the offspring than has been reported for equivalent administered doses of TCDD in our laboratory (Hurst et al., 2000).
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Immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and PCR can all be used to confirm the diagnosis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on scabs or tissue can be used to differentiate the brick-shape of the orthopoxvirus from clinically relevant differentials, importantly contagious ecthyma (“Orf;” a parapoxvirus), papillomatosis (papillomaviruses), and insect bites.
After infection, immunity to camelpox is life-long.
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Two types of vaccines are currently available.
An inactivated intramuscular vaccine may be given to piglets over three weeks of age.
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For each variable, we calculated the weighted median based on the county population and produced a dichotomous indicator for upper vs. lower values.
We further examined excess mortality by deciles of the county-level characteristics that were most closely associated with variation in excess mortality.
We also explored differences between states that had Republican and Democratic Governors.
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No pig serum showed a higher titer to the new isolates than to MK, suggesting that those pigs were not infected even if the farm was affected by the new PEDV strain.
Alternatively, it could indicate that antiserum against group I vaccine also protected against infection by group II viruses, and thus no antibodies were elicited by group II viruses.
Collectively, these data indicated that neutralizing antigenicity does not differ between MK (group I) and the new isolates (group II).
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We describe severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in France.
Patients meeting the World Health Organization definition of a suspected case underwent a clinical, radiologic, and biologic assessment at the closest university-affiliated infectious disease ward.
Suspected cases were immediately reported to the Institut de Veille Sanitaire.
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In the short run, the capacity of any food processing facility is limited.
In the COVID‐19 economy, regardless of the presence or absence of NPMs, COVID‐19 will have positive effects on derived retailer demand for processed food and negative effects on derived foodservice demand for processed food.
However, the magnitude of the effect depends on the nature of NPMs and the trust and access to accurate and reliable information about food supply.
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Based on our analysis, we observed that the genes Orf3a, Orf6, Orf7, Orf8, N and Orf10 accumulated markedly more mutations than expected solely by random drift (Fig.S4) (e.g., Real/Expected ratio: N: 1.43; ORF3a: 1.52; E:1.17).
This mutation rate may indicate adaptation to the human host following recent spill over from an, as yet, unknown animal reservoir.
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4) Land-use change has been hypothesized as a key driver for disease emergence by perturbing ecosystems and bringing humans into close proximity with wildlife5, 7, 8, 21, 27.
We created metrics of change for pasture and cropland by calculating the between-decade difference in values for each grid cell for cropland and pasture.
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Indeed, both CHLA and PUG efficiently inhibited entry and spread of these viruses to varying degrees.
We suggest that CHLA and PUG have potential as novel cost-effective and broad-spectrum antivirals for controlling emerging/recurring infections by viruses that engage host cell surface GAGs.
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They develop inflammation in the mucous membranes of the small intestines, which leads to the destruction of intestinal epithelial cells and severely limits their ability to extract nutrients from food.
Inhibitors of TG2 could represent a therapeutic approach.
Inhibitors for transglutaminases can be developed by following analogous principles as in the case of the cysteine protease inhibitors.
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FY and SY retrieve data of bear bile, other animal biles and Chinese herbs from databases of Medline, Pubmed, other databases and data analyses and drafted the manuscript.
WN retrieves data in Chinese from database of China Journals Full-text Database and translated them into English.
NKM analyzed and summarized chemical data from above database.
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Wholesale removal of conjugated ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers would therefore greatly inhibit the IFN induction pathway.
Indeed we observed a significant reduction in the levels of cellular ISG15- and ubiquitin-conjugates during NSDV/GV infection (fig. 7a, b) which could be attributed to the OTU domain of the L protein (fig. 7c, d).
The enzymatic activity proved to be essential for the observed inhibition of IFN induction (fig. 8e).
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As future works, the learner’s internal context data should be extensively exploited combined with the physical characteristics of mobile devices to allow instant and logical interpretations of information.
The option to personalize the learning environment based on the learner’s ability and introducing deep artificial intelligence techniques to monitor both the psychology and performance of the learner are promising.
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Gotovos et al. [8] provided theoretical convergence bounds for the acquisition function in discrete domain problems by bounding the number of samples required for a specified confidence.
Theorem 2 provides a cumulative regret bound for the acquisition function in a continuous domain, where regret is the same as that defined in [15].
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Candidate vaccines currently under development include virus-vectored vaccines presenting BCG antigens, adjuvanted subunit vaccines, and whole-cell vaccines (15–17).
Further examples include malaria and HIV/AIDS.
As these examples reveal, adequate protection against many important infections is not yet available.
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Then, the ADP-r binding properties of three MAYV MD variants were quantified using ITC (Fig. 3b).
For MAYV MD WT, the results confirm a 1:1 stoichiometry.
The obtained dissociation constant K d is 10.9 ± 0.7 μΜ, while the NMR titration data show a slow-exchange process between free and ADP-r-bound MD.
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Oil firms, and US shale oil companies too, will face serious pressures with oil now trading around $30 for WTI (West Texas Intermediate) and $33 for Brent.
Such pressures will include funding problems, spreading through the broader economy and ramping up expectations more rate cuts, and potentially monetary easing.—Quoted from Chris Beauchamp, Chief Market Analyst at IG Group, UK, 10 March 2020
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Annual percent change (APC) for each line segment and the corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were estimated.
The APC is tested to determine whether a difference exists from the null hypothesis of no change (0%).
Each joinpoint informs a statistically significant change in trends (increase or decrease) and each of trends is described by an APC [28].
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Viruses are intracellular parasites and need host tissue to reproduce and grow, so viral culture was dependent on the development of an effective tissue culture system.
The first attempts at growing animal tissues in vitro occurred in 1885, when Wilhelm Roux was able to sustain part of a chicken embryo in a saline solution for a few days.
Over the next 50 years the techniques and ability of scientists to maintain animal cultures began to improve [15], [16], [17].
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In lung carcinoma there was an inverse association between zeb1 and claudins 1 and 2 and between twist and claudin 5 [63].
Metastatic tumors to the lung also showed an inverse association between claudins 5 and 7 and twist [63].
These results show that a part of claudin expression is regulated by EMT associated transcription factors and that claudins are involved in EMT.
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As such, this annual mass gathering brings the possibility of the propagation of respiratory infections [6].
The KSA has taken unprecedented measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and these measures were taken ahead of many other countries around the globe.
On 27 February 2020, for the first time in 80 years and in the history of Muslim pilgrimage to the holy sites, KSA placed restrictions on inbound Umrah pilgrimage [7,8].
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Interestingly, no viruses were amplified from the second sampling in this cave during the rainy season in February 2017.
Nonetheless, during the second visit we observed a consequent diminution of bats present in the cave and our sampling was lower than expected.
This could be due to Hipposideros spp.
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As of July 23, 2014, 837 laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection have been reported by WHO, including 291 deaths.
Both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV are thought to have originated in bats and spread to humans through intermediate hosts (Coleman and Frieman, 2014).
Human coronaviruses also have been detected in human CNS and are able to replicate in CNS derived cells (Arbour et al., 1999, Murray et al., 1992) as well as having been isolated from patients with gastroenteritis and diarrhea (Gerna et al., 1985, Resta et al., 1985), and more seriously, causing neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (Rousset et al., 1984).
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Clinicians should be aware of circulating community acquired viral infections to assist not only with the preparation of the patient for hospital discharge but also with evaluation of patients who return with acute illness.
In addition, the viruses recovered are similar to those reported in previous studies (8, 9).
Rhinovirus, which until recently was recovered with conventional viral culture, comprised a significant proportion of the RVI (20%), similar to that reported in adults (9).
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Recent reports showed that the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 infections in persons with no or mild symptoms was similar to the viral load of symptomatic patients (5,6), which could contribute to rapid transmissions (5).
However, other studies demonstrated that asymptomatic patients had a lower viral load than symptomatic and presymptomatic patients (7,8,9), which might indicate less transmissibility from asymptomatic persons.
The median cycle threshold values for the 18 cases were 38.2 for ORFa1b gene and 38.1 for the N gene, indicating a relatively low viral load.
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In this study, the degree of user’s willingness to adopt ICKM was taken into consideration to examine the importance (the discriminating power) of each construct variable.
In terms of the willingness to adopt ICKM, those answering “1.
very low willingness,” “2.
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Hela, Vero, and HEC-1-A cells were obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA).
The cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) or McCoy’s 5A, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA).
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Though research on COVID‐19 is just beginning, we are likely to find in this disease as well, that these vulnerability factors are more predictive of poor outcomes than is chronological age.
As a result, making rationing decisions informed primarily by chronological age is extremely problematic and, we believe, unethical.
The AGS position paper outlined additional important considerations for the allocation of scarce resources.
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CD spectroscopy was used to probe G4 folding and conformation of the tested DNA oligonucleotides.
Oligonucleotides were diluted to a final concentration of 4 μM in lithium cacodylate buffer (10 mM, pH 7.4), KCl or NaCl (100 mM) and 20% of PEG200 where indicated.
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Optimal antigenic expression with the infected and fixed cell monolayers was obtained by inoculating 2.8×103 fluorescent focus-forming units of viral inoculum per well and fixing the plates after 12–15 h of incubation.
These conditions guaranteed a citopatic effect between 80 and 90%, which gave a very high rate of fluorescence, but keeping the integrity of the monolayer.
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In some series, over 80 % of E. coli isolates are fluoroquinolone resistant [280].
The presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and A. baumannii, and multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa among cancer patients is now routinely encountered [281–287].
As mentioned above, the increasing use of azoles for antifungal prophylaxis is thought to have played a role in the emergence of azole-resistant non-albicans Candida spp.
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Mirpur Khas has a population of ∼357 000, has successful agriculture, and is connected to the Indus via irrigation canals.
The irrigation system of Pakistan has been considered “one of the largest contagious systems of the world” by Gachal et al. (2007).
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The most successful models are based on the atomic coordinates of the RNA backbone.
Using polymer statistical mechanics, Cao and Chen (42) calculated loop entropy parameters for pseudoknots with interhelix loop size nt.
Recently, their so-called virtual bond model has been extended to pseudoknots with interhelix loop size nt (48).
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Autophagy is known to be controlled by a group of autophagy-related genes (Atg genes), and more than 30 Atg genes have been identified in yeast so far.
The molecular pathways that regulate autophagy have been investigated extensively.
A critical positive regulator of autophagy is the class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3KC3), whose activity in promoting autophagy depends on its association with a multi-protein complex that contains the essential mammalian autophagy protein Beclin-1 (homologue of yeast Atg6) [7].
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Gross findings in the post-mortem lung tissue were similar among patients (table 2 ).
Where the lungs were removed en bloc, they weighed 1000–2100 g and were oedematous, with a greyish brown consolidated cut surface.
The consolidation was irregular and patchy, with foci of pale tissue measuring up to several millimetres in diameter.
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A Canadian simulation study that used a dye solution sprayed from a mannequin found that aerosolized particles can end up on a healthcare worker's exposed neck area and below their gown on the lower legs and shoes.
31 For this reason, it is recommended that shoes be disinfected and healthcare workers shower after an episode of care with a COVID‐19 patient.
At the completion of the procedure, the entire team should meet for a debrief where lessons can be learnt on how to improve for subsequent patients.
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PBMCs and lymph node-derived cells were cultured in complete RPMI-1640 medium (cRPMI) supplemented with 10% FBS, 1 × of GlutaMax-1 (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA), 100 units/mL of penicillin, and 100 µg/mL of streptomycin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA).
Mouse monoclonal antibody specific to PRRSV N protein SDOW17 was purchased from the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (Ames, IA, USA).
Anti-porcine CD3ε (clone BB23-8E6-8C8; FITC-conjugated), anti-porcine CD4 (clone 74-12-4; PECy7 -conjugated), anti-porcine CD8 (clone 76-2-11; Alexa Flour 647 -conjugated), and anti-porcine IFN-γ (clone P2G10; PE-conjugated), were purchased from BD Biosciences (San Diego, CA, USA).
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Countries that have maintained low COVID-19 per-capita mortality rates appear to share strategies that include early surveillance, testing, contact tracing, and strict quarantine.
The scale of coordination and data management required for effective implementation of these strategies has—in most successful countries—relied on adopting digital technology and integrating it into policy and health care.
This Viewpoint provides a framework for the application of digital technologies in pandemic management and response, highlighting ways in which successful countries have adopted these technologies for pandemic planning, surveillance, testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and health care.
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We had two main concerns regarding phosphate displacement.
The first was mechanical – as the virus gets smaller, the membrane curves more per unit area.
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In a recent study, papain-like protease of Murine Coronavirus also underwent a single thermal transition with a T m value of ~46 °C (Mielech et al. 2015).
A three-dimensional model of the thermal transitions of MERS-CoV PLpro was generated using Global 3 analysis software (Fig. 6d).
A single transition is clearly evident at lower wavelengths in the far-UV spectra region.
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In practice, TJCHA will select qualified volunteers, give them proper training and send them out for site visits in their own spare time.
Health care professionals are willing to volunteer out of altruism and also because of being a surveyor conveys prestige.
For the purpose of this pilot test, TJCHA chose the most experienced surveyors from their pool of volunteers.
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The third family includes the viral 3C proteases, which occur in picornaviruses (human rhinovirus, poliomyelitis, or hepatitis viruses) or corona viruses (SARS).
These viral proteases process the primary polypeptide chain and generate the specific viral proteins during maturation.
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Using online apps and recording class presentations recorded the lowest with means of 774.480 and 952.320.
As these two activities were more popularly used during class time and rarely outside the classroom, the researchers reckoned that the time recorded was mainly based on the number of English language learning hours set by the university.
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This is necessary for all countries regardless of their wealth.
During the SARS outbreak in 2002, the only facility equipped with diagnostic equipment in Singapore was Tan Tock Seng hospital and people were sent there, thus increasing the chance of spreading this disease during their transportation.
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For all groups, the trends in relative divergence (fig. 3a) and selective constraints (fig. 3b) were consistent with one another.
For example, the de novo proteins of cardioviruses are more highly diverged than the ancestral proteins and they also show a lower selective constraint.
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Across these reviews, the most effective interventions were those that specifically targeted social isolated or lonely individuals, had a sound theoretical basis, used a multi-leveled approach, and involved active engagement of the participant.
There were inconsistent findings regarding greater effectiveness for group compared to one-on-one interventions.
Individual reviews highlighted particular effectiveness of psychoeducational approaches and social skills training,88 , 89 the need to better understand mechanisms (such as maladaptive thinking) underlying SI/L90 , 91 and the need to incorporate and evaluate technology in future interventions.89
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Because sputum cell counts for inflammatory cells were not increased at baseline in patients with more frequent exacerbations, the increased cytokine production may be originating from the bronchial epithelium in COPD.
During an exacerbation, inflammatory markers include levels of plasma fibrinogen and serum cytokines; IL-6 rises [17] and is higher in viral than in nonviral exacerbations [18].
Plasma fibrinogen levels vary in response to virally induced exacerbations.
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These reflected the most frequently hypothesized drivers of zoonotic disease emergence and included (Table 1): human presence/activity, animals/hosts, the environment, and reporting effort.
Explanatory variables came from a variety of data sources, and all were rescaled or transformed to a spatial grid of 1° resolution (WGS84, c. 110 km at the equator) prior to their use in models.
Full details of sources, original resolutions and rescaling are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
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For example, in the case of African sleeping sickness (Table 1), the rainy season is hypothesized to modify tsetse fly distribution, which results in changes in human–tsetse fly contact and subsequently African sleeping sickness incidence; in this case, we can classify the seasonal driver as (1) vector seasonality alone or as (2) seasonal climate influencing vector seasonality and vector seasonality having a downstream effect on seasonal exposure.
Abiotic and biotic seasonal drivers are therefore interconnected and not mutually exclusive.
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Phylogenetic trees were visualized in MEGA6.06 [50].
For the RNA-seq samples, results from STRUCTURE analysis were incorporated into the phylogenetic tree using iTOL [51].
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Levels of processing theory state that the learner’s mind processes stimulus information at multiple levels.
The nature of the information impacts directly on the processing level.
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The corresponding adult estimates are between 10% and 33%.
Intensive care admissions in children were between 0.58% and 2% of all pediatric cases, and hospitalization and ICU admission were more likely if an underlying medical condition was present or in patients <1 years of age.
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During COVID‐19, her CSU was refractory to deflazacort 30 mg/day, bilastine 80 mg/day, and ketotifen 2 mg/day (Fig. 1c–e), when anosmia and ageusia were still present.
Omalizumab 300 mg subcutaneously was initiated, with complete resolution of urticaria and itching after 72 hours.
Improvement of all COVID‐19 symptoms was also noted.
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PPE-related skin injuries, initially highlighted through case reports [5], have now been established as a serious consequence of managing this pandemic.
Indeed, a recent large multi-centre, cross-sectional survey in China revealed an overall prevalence of skin injuries estimated at 42.8%.
This included medical device-related pressure ulcers, representing the most common form of damage, moisture associated skin dermatitis and skin tears.
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The effect of high efficiency in-duct filtration on peak and short-term time-weighted averaged levels of ETS is depicted in Figure 3A and 3B for a typical 24-hour period (February 1) that had eight smoking events in the living room.
For a home with conventional in-duct filtration, each cigarette smoked is associated with a peak concentration of approximately 80 μg/m3 and a subsequent exposure period of at least 8 hours when windows are closed.
In contrast, peak ETS concentrations per cigarette during model runs with the high efficiency in-duct device were about 40 μg/m3.
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Dorm occupants reported opening status of doors and windows during measurements.
Questionnaires on cold incidence and duration were only administered in Phase I, 1 year prior to the ventilation assessment in Phase II.
Results of Phase II were that 90% of the dorm rooms had an outdoor airflow rate less than the Chinese standard of 8.3 l/s‐person (17.6 cfm/person) during the heating season.
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Infected horses initially show signs of colic and muscle stiffness involving muscle groups of the lips, nostrils, ears, jaw (lockjaw), and tail.
Horses are hyperesthetic and rapidly have a spastic and tetanic paralytic syndrome develop.
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The size-specific nested RT-PCR products (472 bp) were sequenced by Genotech (Daejeon, Korea) in both directions using N2F and N2R, and the sequences were confirmed for PHEV using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (Blast,
The nucleotide sequences were aligned to evaluate the relationship with other sequences using the Clustal X (1.83) multiple sequence alignment program and BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor (
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Plague, is a zoonotic infection caused by Yersinia pestis, which occurs in the western United States with regularity and has an animal reservoir (Bennett et al., 2015).
The situation with the naturally occurring Yersinia is in contrast to the appearance of a case of smallpox which would raise an immediate red flag for a bioterrorist event.
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During the long period of about seven years, 2008-2015, with fed funds rate remaining essentially at zero, monetary policy followed QE and increased its balance sheet from about 1 trillion to 4.5 trillion to stimulate the economy that found itself to be in a liquidity trap.
The use of QE was motivated by the pursuit of its goal of maximum employment.
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In severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection, viral nucleocapsid protein activates COX-2/PGE2 pathway through direct binding to regulatory elements for NF-κB and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein [80].
In our previous report, PSaV VPg and ProPol proteins significantly enhanced the expression of COX-2/PGE2 signaling pathway [34].
Likewise, some FCV and MNV proteins are anticipated to activate the COX-2/PGE2 signaling pathway, the mechanism of which will be investigated in a future study.
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This was not the case in the E18.5 cochlear structure where the loss of α7GFP expression by OHC and Deiters' cells and acquisition of staining by Hensen's cells was first observed in the most basal structures and it then appears in the more apical structures successive developmental stages (Fig. 3B and C and not shown).
This generates a striking contrast in α7GFP expression between cochlear structures at the apex relative to the base with intermediary turns, exhibiting the progressive stages of this change in α7GFP expression (Fig. 3B).
By P4, this gradient was not evident (not shown) and the mature α7GFP expression pattern first observed in the E18.5 basal cochlear structures was present across the entire structure.
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Thus, in order to evaluate the ability of PAMAM G4NH2 to protect siRNA from RNase degradation, siRNA–G4NH2 dendriplexes were formed at several N/P ratios and incubated with the RNase A (the lowest concentration found to digest free siRNA completely −0.162 μg RNase A per 1 μg siRNA – as seen in the SI) for 6 h at 37 °C, following RNase inhibitor and heparin treatments, and gel electrophoresis so as to release and quantify the nondegraded siRNA.
The results are presented in Figure 3.
PAMAM G4NH2 is seen to efficiently protect siRNA from RNase A degradation upon complexation.
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Physical or emotional separation from parents also can be interpreted as withdrawal of love, abandonment, punishment, or rejection.
Diminished attention from parents can lead to jealousy.
This can be expressed in statements such as, “My parents pay less attention to me because they love me less” [1].
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Ebola spreads through direct contact with body fluids (blood, saliva, mucus, vomit, faeces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine, semen) of persons who developed symptoms of the disease.
Zoonosis (notably involving bats and primates) played a role as well.
The largest outbreak to date was the epidemic in West Africa from December 2013 to January 2016, claiming a death toll of more than 11,000 victims (while nightmare scenario’s forecasted millions of deaths).
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Myoglobinuria can have an additive deleterious effect on tubular epithelium already undergoing ischemic necrosis.
At autopsy (syn: necropsy), the renal cortices in myoglobinuria are diffusely stained red-brown to blue-black and have intratubular orange-red, refractile myoglobin casts (see Fig. 11-40).
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TMP/SMX is also possible, with the same doses as used in PcP [58, 59].
TMP/SMX proved to be as effective as sulfadiazine/pyrimethamine in two RCTs on ocular and cerebral toxoplasmosis [60, 61].
A Cochrane review showed no superiority of any one specific regimen [62].
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The demonstration of a functional bat immune system in NSG mice recipient holds a fundamental importance for the potential utility of this model.
To investigate if bat-mice have a functional immune system, 24-week old bat-mice that were generated by injecting 1 × 105 BM cells during their neonatal stage (Fig. 4a) were immunized with 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitrophenylacetyl hapten conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (NP-KLH) using incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) as an adjuvant to determine whether antigen-specific adaptive immune responses can be achieved in bat-mice.
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The proposed conceptualisation in this paper provides an extended context for the discussion of overtourism.
Importantly, it suggests that to ignore resident stress responses is equal to accepting more violent forms of anti-tourism sentiment in the longer term.
While the paper thus confirms some of the place-person interrelationships outlined by McKercher et al. (2015) or Steen Jacobsen et al. (2019), it also highlights social psychological complexities, and the importance of considering responses to overtourism as emotionally accentuated outcomes of changes in place perceptions.
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Some have suggested it is related to the long course of the left recurrent laryngeal, which extends down into the chest and loops under the arch of the aorta to return to the larynx, but this hypothesis is weakened by the fact that the axonal injury is distal to where the nerve innervates the larynx.
Curiously, studies have shown that other long nerves in the horse can also show degenerative changes, which may indicate that this disorder is a polyneuropathy, rather than a specific disease of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
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In this section, we will introduce the tight binding formalism.
This will allow one to capture the time dependent dynamics assuming an ideal quantum transport in the quantum structure (register) and can be easily extended to multi-particle and multi-energy level systems [5, 9].
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In summary, this is the first imaging documentation of microvascular thrombosis in living severe COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the hospitalization.
The clinical relevance of microvascular thrombosis in COVID-19 requires further research.
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Our result showed that there were 6 lncRNAs producing precursors of 13 miRNAs possibly (Additional file 4: Table S4).
The secondary structures of these lncRNAs and miRNA precursors were predicted via the RNAfold web server (
Figure 4 illustrates the secondary structure of TCONS_00013287, which might release the precursor sequence of miR-365 by an endonuclease cleaving, and form mature miR-365-3p and miR-365-5p finally.
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The conclusion is also indirectly supported by the observation of GM1 rafts throughout the brain of flies (Fig. 6C), the observed disruption of GM1 rafts in the whole-brain tissue of chloroform-treated flies (Fig. 6E), and the modular transfer of anesthetic sensitivity to TRAAK by localization of a PA-producing enzyme (Fig. 3B).
We expect the lipid to contribute to central regulation of excitability through direct binding to multiple proteins including ion channels (42, 43).
Recently, PA emerged as a class of lipid-regulated ion channel, modulating excitability and pain (28).
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The aggregate care needs of facility residents are the basis for determining staffing needs for each facility.
To simplify the acuity classifications, we recommend that facilities use 6 basic nursing acuity levels consistent with the Medicare PDPM categories from highest to lowest: (1) Extensive Services, (2) Special Care High, (3) Special Care Low, (4) Clinically Complex, and the non-Medicare groups: (5) Behavioral Symptoms and (6) Reduced Physical Functioning.32 These categories identify both the licensed nursing care needs and the CNA care needs.36 Based on a summary of individual resident assessments, each facility should determine its aggregate resident acuity level.
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A key advantage provided by NGS in genomics is the capacity to detect low-frequency variants [15], which are important elements in both genetic and infectious diseases research [16] (see ‘NGS to study rapidly mutating viruses’ below).
NGS analyses have also revealed complex scenarios, with somatic gene rearrangements in host tissues or cells being far more common than expected, and copy number variations accounting for more variation between individuals than the many recognized single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) [12].
As a remarkable example, a comprehensive whole genome analysis revealed a catastrophic event – termed chromotripsis – occurring in at least 2–3% of all human cancers, whereby tens to hundreds of somatic genomic rearrangements occur with many genomic segments from distinct chromosomes reassembled in random order into a derivative chromosome [17] .Box 3Technical review of data analysis approachesAnalysis of NGS data generally requires a pipeline of bioinformatics tools, which serve a variety of purposes, including technical error correction, quality control of the data output, and ad hoc analyses relevant to specific NGS applications (e.g., variant detection, transcriptome analyses, and epigenetics).
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If the endoneurial tube (sheath) remains intact, as can occur following a compression injury to a peripheral nerve, neural regeneration through the formation of axonal sprouts can occur.
A regenerating sprout from the proximal axonal stump can enter the column of Schwann cells and regenerate uninterrupted along its original pathway to the periphery, reestablishing innervation with an end-organ (skeletal muscle).
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To inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, the main protease (Mpro) that performs key biological functions in the virus has been the focus of extensive studies.
With the fast-response experimental efforts, the crystal structures of Mpro of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have just become available recently.
Herein, we theoretically investigated the mechanism of binding between the Mpro’s pocket and various marketed drug molecules being tested in clinics to fight COVID-19 that show promising outcomes.
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It is possible that standard COVID laboratory tests, and particularly D-Dimer, should be routinely drawn among “persons under investigation” and COVID-positive patients preoperatively and at delivery, with additional hemorrhage precautions taken in patients with unexpectedly abnormal values.
However, future studies are needed to answer these questions.
The knowledge we gain will further inform the management of COVID-positive pregnancies and, in this case, the intersection between COVID19 and cesarean sections.
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These mechanisms likely led to the spongy change (status spongiosus) characteristic of the disease microscopically.
Because astrocytes play an important role in regulating fluid and electrolyte balances in the CNS and are the primary cell type having lesions (Alzheimer's type II astrocytes) in hepatic encephalopathy, it is not surprising that alterations in osmoregulation are a component of the pathogenesis of the disease.
Astrocytes also contain high concentrations of glutamine synthetase, an enzyme that breaks ammonia into glutamine.
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