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history blame
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import glob
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from os import listdir, path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import datasets
from datasets import BuilderConfig, DatasetInfo, Features, Sequence, SplitGenerator, Value
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BratConfig(BuilderConfig):
"""BuilderConfig for BRAT."""
url: str = "" # type: ignore
description: Optional[str] = '''This dataset is an extension of the Dr. Inventor corpus (Fisas et al., 2015, 2016) with an annotation layer containing
fine-grained argumentative components and relations. It is the first argument-annotated corpus of scientific
publications (in English), which allows for joint analyses of argumentation and other rhetorical dimensions of
scientific writing.'''
citation: Optional[str] = """|
title = {An argument-annotated corpus of scientific publications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Mining Argumentation},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
author = {Lauscher, Anne and Glava\v{s}, Goran and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo},
address = {Brussels, Belgium},
year = {2018},
pages = {40–46}
homepage: Optional[str] = ""
subdirectory_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
file_name_blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None
ann_file_extension: str = "ann"
txt_file_extension: str = "txt"
class Brat(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
BUILDER_CONFIG_CLASS.file_name_blacklist = ["A28"]
def _info(self):
return DatasetInfo(
"context": Value("string"),
"file_name": Value("string"),
"spans": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"locations": Sequence(
"start": Value("int32"),
"end": Value("int32"),
"text": Value("string"),
"relations": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"arguments": Sequence(
{"type": Value("string"), "target": Value("string")}
"equivalence_relations": Sequence(
"type": Value("string"),
"targets": Sequence(Value("string")),
"events": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"trigger": Value("string"),
"arguments": Sequence(
{"type": Value("string"), "target": Value("string")}
"attributions": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"target": Value("string"),
"value": Value("string"),
"normalizations": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"target": Value("string"),
"resource_id": Value("string"),
"entity_id": Value("string"),
"notes": Sequence(
"id": Value("string"),
"type": Value("string"),
"target": Value("string"),
"note": Value("string"),
def _get_location(location_string):
parts = location_string.split(" ")
assert (
len(parts) == 2
), f"Wrong number of entries in location string. Expected 2, but found: {parts}"
return {"start": int(parts[0]), "end": int(parts[1])}
def _get_span_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
T1 Organization 0 4 Sony
_id, remaining, text = annotation_line.split("\t", maxsplit=2)
_type, locations = remaining.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
return {
"id": _id,
"text": text,
"type": _type,
"locations": [Brat._get_location(loc) for loc in locations.split(";")],
def _get_event_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
E1 MERGE-ORG:T2 Org1:T1 Org2:T3
_id, remaining = annotation_line.strip().split("\t")
args = [dict(zip(["type", "target"], a.split(":"))) for a in remaining.split(" ")]
return {
"id": _id,
"type": args[0]["type"],
"trigger": args[0]["target"],
"arguments": args[1:],
def _get_relation_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
R1 Origin Arg1:T3 Arg2:T4
_id, remaining = annotation_line.strip().split("\t")
_type, remaining = remaining.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
args = [dict(zip(["type", "target"], a.split(":"))) for a in remaining.split(" ")]
return {"id": _id, "type": _type, "arguments": args}
def _get_equivalence_relation_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
* Equiv T1 T2 T3
_, remaining = annotation_line.strip().split("\t")
parts = remaining.split(" ")
return {"type": parts[0], "targets": parts[1:]}
def _get_attribute_annotation(annotation_line):
example input (binary: implicit value is True, if present, False otherwise):
A1 Negation E1
example input (multi-value: explicit value)
A2 Confidence E2 L1
_id, remaining = annotation_line.strip().split("\t")
parts = remaining.split(" ")
# if no value is present, it is implicitly "true"
if len(parts) == 2:
return {
"id": _id,
"type": parts[0],
"target": parts[1],
"value": parts[2],
def _get_normalization_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
N1 Reference T1 Wikipedia:534366 Barack Obama
_id, remaining, text = annotation_line.split("\t", maxsplit=2)
_type, target, ref = remaining.split(" ")
res_id, ent_id = ref.split(":")
return {
"id": _id,
"type": _type,
"target": target,
"resource_id": res_id,
"entity_id": ent_id,
def _get_note_annotation(annotation_line):
example input:
#1 AnnotatorNotes T1 this annotation is suspect
_id, remaining, note = annotation_line.split("\t", maxsplit=2)
_type, target = remaining.split(" ")
return {
"id": _id,
"type": _type,
"target": target,
"note": note,
def _read_annotation_file(filename):
reads a BRAT v1.3 annotations file (see
res = {
"spans": [],
"events": [],
"relations": [],
"equivalence_relations": [],
"attributions": [],
"normalizations": [],
"notes": [],
with open(filename) as file:
for i, line in enumerate(file):
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
ann_type = line[0]
# strip away the new line character
if line.endswith("\n"):
line = line[:-1]
if ann_type == "T":
elif ann_type == "E":
elif ann_type == "R":
elif ann_type == "*":
elif ann_type in ["A", "M"]:
elif ann_type == "N":
elif ann_type == "#":
raise ValueError(
f'unknown BRAT annotation id type: "{line}" (from file {filename} @line {i}). '
f"Annotation ids have to start with T (spans), E (events), R (relations), "
f"A (attributions), or N (normalizations). See "
f" for the BRAT annotation file "
return res
def _generate_examples(self, files=None, directory=None):
"""Read context (.txt) and annotation (.ann) files."""
if files is None:
assert (
directory is not None
), "If files is None, directory has to be provided, but it is also None."
_files = glob.glob(f"{directory}/*.{self.config.ann_file_extension}")
files = sorted(path.splitext(fn)[0] for fn in _files)
for filename in files:
basename = path.basename(filename)
if (
self.config.file_name_blacklist is not None
and basename in self.config.file_name_blacklist
):"skip annotation file: {basename} (blacklisted)")
ann_fn = f"{filename}.{self.config.ann_file_extension}"
brat_annotations = Brat._read_annotation_file(ann_fn)
txt_fn = f"{filename}.{self.config.txt_file_extension}"
txt_content = open(txt_fn).read()
brat_annotations["context"] = txt_content
brat_annotations["file_name"] = basename
yield basename, brat_annotations
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
"""Returns SplitGenerators."""
subdirectory_mapping = self.config.subdirectory_mapping
# since subclasses of BuilderConfig are not allowed to define
# attributes without defaults, check here
assert self.config.url is not None, "data url not specified"
# if url points to a local directory, just point to that
if path.exists(self.config.url) and path.isdir(self.config.url):
data_dir = self.config.url
# otherwise, download and extract
data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(self.config.url)"load from data dir: {data_dir}")
# if no subdirectory mapping is provided, ...
if subdirectory_mapping is None:
# ... use available subdirectories as split names ...
subdirs = [f for f in listdir(data_dir) if path.isdir(path.join(data_dir, f))]
if len(subdirs) > 0:
subdirectory_mapping = {subdir: subdir for subdir in subdirs}
# ... otherwise, default to a single train split with the base directory
subdirectory_mapping = {"": "train"}
return [
# These kwargs will be passed to _generate_examples
"directory": path.join(data_dir, subdir),
for subdir, split in subdirectory_mapping.items()