125 values
adrenaline , noradrenaline and isoprenaline all produce inhibition of acetylcholine induced contractions in both untreated and reserpinized tissues that can be antagonized with azapetine and propranolol on its specific receptors but propranolol has a greater capacity to decrease the sensitivity of both untreated and reserpinized tissues to isoprenaline and adrenaline than azapetine can in case of noradrenaline and adrenaline .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 13, 26 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 418, 428 ] }
the existence of pulmonary hypertension should be suspected despite roentgenographic evidence of aspiration in any patient who also manifests the clinical characteristics of pfc because its treatment may alter the prognosis of such patients .
{ "id": "C0020542", "name": "pulmonary hypertension", "pos": [ 17, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0031190", "name": "pfc", "pos": [ 174, 177 ] }
associated cardiac conditions were severe rheumatic mitral regurgitation ( 3 cases ) , cardiomyopathy ( 5 ) , atrial tumors ( 2 ) , infective endocarditis ( 1 ) , paroxysmal atrial tachycardia of infants ( 4 ) , idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation ( 1 ) , marfan 's syndrome with mitral regurgitation ( 1 ) , endocardial fibroelastosis ( 1 ) , and structural congenital heart malformations ( 17 ) .
{ "id": "C0878544", "name": "cardiomyopathy", "pos": [ 87, 101 ] }
{ "id": "C0014117", "name": "endocardial fibroelastosis", "pos": [ 315, 341 ] }
in conscious dogs with a thoracic duct-venous shunt , lymph flow ( lf ) , protein concentration ( lp ) , transported protein ( ltp ) , albumin concentration ( la ) , globulin concentration ( lg ) , albumin to globulin ratio ( lag ) , plasma disappearance rate of labelled albumin ( k ) , plasma volume ( pv ) and intravascular protein pool ( ivp ) were studied at rest , during walking and muscle relaxation induced by guajacolglycerinether .
{ "id": "C0007292", "name": "transported protein", "pos": [ 105, 124 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 327, 334 ] }
in conscious dogs with a thoracic duct-venous shunt , lymph flow ( lf ) , protein concentration ( lp ) , transported protein ( ltp ) , albumin concentration ( la ) , globulin concentration ( lg ) , albumin to globulin ratio ( lag ) , plasma disappearance rate of labelled albumin ( k ) , plasma volume ( pv ) and intravascular protein pool ( ivp ) were studied at rest , during walking and muscle relaxation induced by guajacolglycerinether .
{ "id": "C0017649", "name": "globulin", "pos": [ 166, 174 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 327, 334 ] }
the duct showed negligible selectivity between the monovalent cations li : na : k : rb : cs = 1.08:1.10:1.09:1.12 in contrast to the definite selectivity sequence for the anions f : br : cl : i : hco3 = 0.44:1.38:1.08:2.05:0.60 .
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anions", "pos": [ 171, 177 ] }
{ "id": "C0016327", "name": "f", "pos": [ 178, 179 ] }
the duct showed negligible selectivity between the monovalent cations li : na : k : rb : cs = 1.08:1.10:1.09:1.12 in contrast to the definite selectivity sequence for the anions f : br : cl : i : hco3 = 0.44:1.38:1.08:2.05:0.60 .
{ "id": "C0003075", "name": "anions", "pos": [ 171, 177 ] }
{ "id": "C0021966", "name": "i", "pos": [ 192, 193 ] }
the natural course of the disease is characterized by spontaneous remissions and exacerbations and by possible arrest at any stage .
{ "id": "C0242656", "name": "course of", "pos": [ 12, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0035053", "name": "spontaneous remissions", "pos": [ 54, 76 ] }
the prostaglandins ( pgs ) released from the heart have generally been characterized as resembling pge by bioassay techniques .
{ "id": "C0033554", "name": "prostaglandins", "pos": [ 4, 18 ] }
{ "id": "C0033559", "name": "pge", "pos": [ 99, 102 ] }
a glucose binding fraction was obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation and sephadex g-200 chromatopgraphy from confluent normal cells and rous sarcoma virus-transformed fibroblasts .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "normal cells", "pos": [ 125, 137 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 173, 184 ] }
it was more or less loosely bound to the membrane fraction , most strongly in sarcoma cells , and most loosely in slowly growing confluent fibroblasts .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 86, 91 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 139, 150 ] }
role of cell surface carbohydrates and proteins in cell behavior : studies on the biochemical reversion of an n-acetylglucosamine-deficient fibroblast mutant .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cell", "pos": [ 8, 12 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblast", "pos": [ 140, 150 ] }
all of the enzymes inactivated the viral infectivities except for ecori , which did not inactivate the infectivity of the dna of two of the reticuloendotheliosis viruses , spleen necrosis and chick syncytial viruses .
{ "id": "C0042769", "name": "viral infectivities", "pos": [ 35, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0012922", "name": "infectivity", "pos": [ 103, 114 ] }
these results are consistent with the hypothesis that cells that integrate infectious spleen necrosis virus dna at a single site survive and multiply , whereas cells that integrate infectious viral dna at additional sites either die or selectively lose or inactivate the dna in the additional sites .
{ "id": "C0012939", "name": "infectious viral dna", "pos": [ 181, 201 ] }
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 271, 274 ] }
this and the uniform size of the linear dna indicated that the viral dna has unique ends and a complexity of 3.4 x 10 ( 6 ) daltons .
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 40, 43 ] }
{ "id": "C0012939", "name": "viral dna", "pos": [ 63, 72 ] }
cytotoxicity was always maximal for interactions in which thymus-derived cells and targets shared h-2 genes but , unlike the situation found in other assays of this type , considerable lysis of allogeneic , virus-infected target cells may also occur .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 73, 78 ] }
{ "id": "C3485979", "name": "allogeneic", "pos": [ 194, 204 ] }
the antigen is different from known ebv-induced antigens like ebna , viral capsid antigen ( vca ) or the d- and r-subspecificities of the early antigen ( ea ) complex .
{ "id": "C0003342", "name": "viral", "pos": [ 69, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigen", "pos": [ 144, 151 ] }
thus , it appears that ebv-infection mediates the expression of this antigen , for which the name tina ( transiently induced nuclear antigen ) is suggested .
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigen", "pos": [ 69, 76 ] }
{ "id": "C0069115", "name": "nuclear antigen", "pos": [ 125, 140 ] }
a complete experimental format is given for the reconstitution of human hemoglobin from the separated heme-free alpha- and beta-globin chains ( alpha degrees , beta degrees ) and hemin , by two alternative routes .
{ "id": "C0018966", "name": "heme", "pos": [ 102, 106 ] }
{ "id": "C0018988", "name": "hemin", "pos": [ 179, 184 ] }
in the second pathway , either globin chain is mixed with the complementary untreated subunit to form the half-filled ( with heme ) intermediates , which combine stoichiometrically with hemin .
{ "id": "C0018966", "name": "heme", "pos": [ 125, 129 ] }
{ "id": "C0018988", "name": "hemin", "pos": [ 186, 191 ] }
most brain abscesses have a characteristic but nonspecific appearance on computed tomography ( ct ) , consisting of a ring configuration of the abscess capsule which shows marked enhancement after injection of contrast material .
{ "id": "C0006105", "name": "brain abscesses", "pos": [ 5, 20 ] }
{ "id": "C0000833", "name": "abscess", "pos": [ 144, 151 ] }
plasma concentrations of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate ( plp ) , the active coenzyme form of vitamin b6 , were found to be markedly raised in patients with fulminant hepatic failure , when estimated within one week of the onset of symptoms .
{ "id": "C0034266", "name": "pyridoxal-5", "pos": [ 25, 36 ] }
{ "id": "C0009235", "name": "coenzyme", "pos": [ 69, 77 ] }
there was a progressive decline in plasma plp levels after the initial period , which was not prevented by administration of high doses of pyridoxine hydrochloride ( 100 mg intravenously daily ) , suggesting that thseepatients are either unable to convert pyridoxine to plp , or that degradation of plp occurs at a pathologically incrased rate in this condition .
{ "id": "C0700496", "name": "pyridoxine hydrochloride", "pos": [ 139, 163 ] }
{ "id": "C0034272", "name": "pyridoxine", "pos": [ 256, 266 ] }
after subcutaneous infusion of the gastric secretagogues , pentagastrin + carbachol , there was a six-hour period of gastric hypersecretion , but no change in plasma and g-cell gastrin .
{ "id": "C0030859", "name": "pentagastrin", "pos": [ 59, 71 ] }
{ "id": "C0017151", "name": "gastrin", "pos": [ 177, 184 ] }
in 24 consecutive patients admitted for surgery because of gallstones , the value of various criteria for differentiation between the two types of stones was assessed .
{ "id": "C0008350", "name": "gallstones", "pos": [ 59, 69 ] }
{ "id": "C0006736", "name": "stones", "pos": [ 147, 153 ] }
the therapeutic margin of this new retinoid is clearly better than that of natural vitamin a and vitamin a acid preparations and other previously tested synthetic retinoids .
{ "id": "C0042839", "name": "vitamin a", "pos": [ 83, 92 ] }
{ "id": "C0035339", "name": "retinoids", "pos": [ 163, 172 ] }
a case of allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis has been diagnosed on the basis of recurrent , transient pulmonary infiltrates , serum precipitins against aspergillus fumigatus and a dual-type reaction to intradermic testing with aspergillus antigen .
{ "id": "C0004037", "name": "aspergillus fumigatus", "pos": [ 158, 179 ] }
{ "id": "C0004034", "name": "aspergillus", "pos": [ 233, 244 ] }
bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma is a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma which starts as a peripheral solitary nodule and gradually spreads via the bronchi to give rise to a disseminated , diffusely infiltrative tumor .
{ "id": "C0007120", "name": "bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma", "pos": [ 0, 29 ] }
{ "id": "C0001418", "name": "adenocarcinoma", "pos": [ 55, 69 ] }
feeding of the synthetic retinoid , 13-cis-retinoid acid , inhibited the incidence and extent of bladder cancer in these rats , even when 13-cis-retinoic acid administration was begun after completion of the carcinogen treatment .
{ "id": "C0035339", "name": "retinoid", "pos": [ 25, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0022265", "name": "13-cis-retinoic acid", "pos": [ 138, 158 ] }
significant increases in serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase , glutamic-pyruvic-transaminase , lactic dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase activities were observed from immediately after release of occlusion , but alkaline phosphatase values increased much later than did these .
{ "id": "C0002594", "name": "transaminase", "pos": [ 51, 63 ] }
{ "id": "C0001899", "name": "glutamic-pyruvic-transaminase", "pos": [ 66, 95 ] }
results obtained showed that uroporphyrin and hepta-carboxylic porphyrin were predominant in the urine , liver and skin .
{ "id": "C0042093", "name": "uroporphyrin", "pos": [ 29, 41 ] }
{ "id": "C0032712", "name": "porphyrin", "pos": [ 63, 72 ] }
although certain clinical and pathological features of this disorder overlap with other vasculitides which effect the central nervous system , the disease nevertheless retains sufficient individuality to warrant status as an entity , and should be considered in the differential diagnosis in adults with lesions which produce focal neurological deficits and signs of increased intracranial pressure .
{ "id": "C0030660", "name": "pathological", "pos": [ 30, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0012634", "name": "disease", "pos": [ 147, 154 ] }
the effect of ischemia on the ionic gradients of the cerebral cortex was assayed by determining total cortical electrolytes and by recording the activities of extracellular potassium ( [ k+i1e ) and subarachnoid sodium ions ( [ na+ ] ) s ) with ion-sensitive electrodes .
{ "id": "C0022023", "name": "ionic", "pos": [ 30, 35 ] }
{ "id": "C0013832", "name": "electrolytes", "pos": [ 111, 123 ] }
in contrast to post-traumatic late epilepsy ( pte ) , which is a manifestation of a static process , early fits are triggered off by a dynamic process ( brain oedema , haemorrhage ) and are a sign of cerebral irritation , but do not represent a true form of epilepsy .
{ "id": "C0036572", "name": "fits", "pos": [ 107, 111 ] }
{ "id": "C0014544", "name": "epilepsy", "pos": [ 258, 266 ] }
these include patients with meningioma , astrocytoma , glioblastoma multiforme , oligodendroglioma , ependymoma , medulloblastoma , neuroblastoma , retinoblastoma , pineoblastoma , and pituitary adenoma .
{ "id": "C0004114", "name": "astrocytoma", "pos": [ 41, 52 ] }
{ "id": "C0017636", "name": "glioblastoma multiforme", "pos": [ 55, 78 ] }
thyroid function tests were obtained in 10 patients on chronic lithium therapy before and after the administration of potassium iodide 250 mg q.i.d .
{ "id": "C0032831", "name": "potassium iodide", "pos": [ 118, 134 ] }
{ "id": "C0021966", "name": "i", "pos": [ 144, 145 ] }
the pca soluble fraction radioactivity followed in parallel with tha variations observed in the rna fraction , supporting the view that cyclic nucleotides may regulate rna by modulating the nucleotide precursors pool .
{ "id": "C0028631", "name": "cyclic nucleotides", "pos": [ 136, 154 ] }
{ "id": "C0028630", "name": "nucleotide", "pos": [ 190, 200 ] }
during the second and the third day of t4 administration , the amount of 27s and larger complexes of thyroglobulin was reduced by 30-40 per cent and the amount of the albumin-like protein was significantly increased and present in almost all samples .
{ "id": "C0001924", "name": "albumin", "pos": [ 167, 174 ] }
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 180, 187 ] }
as no significant correlation was found between p/hypro and bmc in hyperparathyroidism , the findings of low values of p/hypro and of bmc in patients with elevated serum calcium point to primary hyperparathyroidism .
{ "id": "C0020502", "name": "hyperparathyroidism", "pos": [ 67, 86 ] }
{ "id": "C0221002", "name": "primary", "pos": [ 187, 194 ] }
circadian variations of the plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone , 17-hydroxypregnenolone , pregnenolone and testosterone were investigated by radioimmunoassay in 10 normally menstruating women during the periovulatory period .
{ "id": "C0376260", "name": "17-hydroxypregnenolone", "pos": [ 70, 92 ] }
{ "id": "C0373704", "name": "pregnenolone", "pos": [ 95, 107 ] }
dehydroepiandrosterone , 17-hydroxypregnenolone and pregnenolone showed a marked circadian rhythm with highest mean levels in the morning between 06.00 and 0.900 h and lowest mean levels during the night between 21.00 and 24.00 h .
{ "id": "C0376260", "name": "17-hydroxypregnenolone", "pos": [ 25, 47 ] }
{ "id": "C0373704", "name": "pregnenolone", "pos": [ 52, 64 ] }
the peak levels of individual subjects coincided completely with the highest mean levels in the case of dehydroepiandrosterone , in 9 out of 10 cases with regard to 17-hydroxypregnenolone and in 8 of 10 cases as far as pregnenolone levels were concerned .
{ "id": "C0376260", "name": "17-hydroxypregnenolone", "pos": [ 165, 187 ] }
{ "id": "C0373704", "name": "pregnenolone", "pos": [ 219, 231 ] }
the difference between the highest ( morning hours : 06.00-09.00 ) and lowest ( evening hours : 21.00-24.00 ) geometeric mean values was 404 % for 17-hydroxypregnenolone , 163 % for dehydroepiandrosterone and 71 % for pregnenolone .
{ "id": "C0376260", "name": "17-hydroxypregnenolone", "pos": [ 147, 169 ] }
{ "id": "C0373704", "name": "pregnenolone", "pos": [ 218, 230 ] }
concomitantly with a marked accumulation of cholesteryl ester ( ce ) in the liver , however , many microscopical changes occurred in guinea pigs fed cholesterol/fat .
{ "id": "C0008387", "name": "cholesteryl ester", "pos": [ 44, 61 ] }
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 149, 160 ] }
both the biochemical and the morphological findings in hepatocytes and kupffer cells are very similar to those observed in cholesteryl ester storage disease and in wolman 's disease .
{ "id": "C0008384", "name": "cholesteryl ester storage disease", "pos": [ 123, 156 ] }
{ "id": "C0043208", "name": "wolman 's disease", "pos": [ 164, 181 ] }
these findings suggest that guinea pigs fed cholesterol/fat , in some respects , can be used as a model for wolman 's disease and cholesteryl ester storage disease .
{ "id": "C0043208", "name": "wolman 's disease", "pos": [ 108, 125 ] }
{ "id": "C0008384", "name": "cholesteryl ester storage disease", "pos": [ 130, 163 ] }
the kinetics of nortriptyline in four patients were investigated before and during treatment with perphenazine ( 24-36 mg/day ) by administering 57 mg nortriptyline hydrochloride as an intravenous infusion and evaluating the resulting plasma concentration data according to a two compartment open model .
{ "id": "C0028420", "name": "nortriptyline", "pos": [ 16, 29 ] }
{ "id": "C0700459", "name": "nortriptyline hydrochloride", "pos": [ 151, 178 ] }
effects of total energy withdrawal ( fasting ) on thelevels of growth hormone , thyrotropin , cortisol , adrenaline , noradrenaline , t4 , t3 , and rt3 in healthy males .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 105, 115 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 118, 131 ] }
thus , vt is acceptable as the only warning arrhythmia even in complicating vf but antiarrhythmic drugs do not seem to have the same prophylactic efficacy in complicating vf as in primary vf .
{ "id": "C0003811", "name": "arrhythmia", "pos": [ 44, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0042510", "name": "vf", "pos": [ 188, 190 ] }
eight women who reported that they had smoked during pregnancy had infants with significantly lower birth weights ( p less than 0.01 ) , gained less weight during prenatal care ( p less than 0.01 ) , and had a lower nar index ( p less than 0.10 ) than 32 women who said they did not smoke during pregnancy .
{ "id": "C0005612", "name": "infants", "pos": [ 67, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0005910", "name": "weight", "pos": [ 149, 155 ] }
this analysis showed that birth weight of the infant was positively related to number of weeks of gestation , overall dietary quality , delivery weight of the mother squared , age of the mother squared , and number of previous pregnancies squared , and negatively related to weeks of gestation squared , iron and protein intake , age of mother , number of people in the household , and number of cigarettes smoked by the mother per day .
{ "id": "C0005612", "name": "birth weight", "pos": [ 26, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0005910", "name": "weight", "pos": [ 145, 151 ] }
correlation with the clinical data revealed that every patient but one had a malignant lymphoma , most commonly hodgkin 's disease .
{ "id": "C0024299", "name": "malignant lymphoma", "pos": [ 77, 95 ] }
{ "id": "C0019829", "name": "hodgkin 's disease", "pos": [ 112, 130 ] }
bronchopneumonia , aspiration pneumonia , and lipid pneumonia were frequently reported at autopsy , and in a total of 146 cases ( 61.6 % ) at least one type of pneumonia was reported .
{ "id": "C0032290", "name": "aspiration pneumonia", "pos": [ 19, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0032298", "name": "lipid pneumonia", "pos": [ 46, 61 ] }
bronchopneumonia , aspiration pneumonia , and lipid pneumonia were frequently reported at autopsy , and in a total of 146 cases ( 61.6 % ) at least one type of pneumonia was reported .
{ "id": "C0032290", "name": "aspiration pneumonia", "pos": [ 19, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0032285", "name": "pneumonia", "pos": [ 160, 169 ] }
the effect of graded doses of synthetic human gastrin and pentagastrin on gastric secretion from the innervated and denervated stomach was measured in dogs .
{ "id": "C0017151", "name": "gastrin", "pos": [ 46, 53 ] }
{ "id": "C0030859", "name": "pentagastrin", "pos": [ 58, 70 ] }
in the gastric fistula and in the pouch , maximal acid responses for gastrin and pentagastrin were linearly correlated , but doses for half maximal responses were not .
{ "id": "C0017151", "name": "gastrin", "pos": [ 69, 76 ] }
{ "id": "C0030859", "name": "pentagastrin", "pos": [ 81, 93 ] }
this indicates that step-dose infusion of pentagastrin may be used to estimate the maximal acid response to gastrin , but it is not proven that such a test is useful to estimate the sensitivity of the parietal cells to gastrin in individual dogs .
{ "id": "C0030859", "name": "pentagastrin", "pos": [ 42, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0017151", "name": "gastrin", "pos": [ 219, 226 ] }
it is particularly helpful to know that a patient with pancreatitis has gallstones and , therefore , the disease is probably caused by the passage of these stones .
{ "id": "C0008350", "name": "gallstones", "pos": [ 72, 82 ] }
{ "id": "C0006736", "name": "stones", "pos": [ 156, 162 ] }
the possible role of various factors chemotactic for eosinophilia in the patient are reviewed , and the place of the disorder among the hypereosinophilic syndromes is discussed .
{ "id": "C0014457", "name": "eosinophilia", "pos": [ 53, 65 ] }
{ "id": "C1540912", "name": "hypereosinophilic syndromes", "pos": [ 136, 163 ] }
in both normal subjects and hypertensive patients , blood pressure levels correlated positively with the noradrenaline excretion rate ( r = 0.40 and 0.36 , respectively ; p less than 0.025 ) but not with adrenaline excretion , circulatory volume or the volume-renin product .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 105, 118 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 204, 214 ] }
statistically significant increases in vaginal blood flow , systolic blood pressure , and pulse rate were found in seven normal subjects during a 4 minute immersion of one hand in ice water .
{ "id": "C0020746", "name": "ice", "pos": [ 180, 183 ] }
{ "id": "C0043047", "name": "water", "pos": [ 184, 189 ] }
asymmetrical refractive errors , both astigmatic and myopic , were associated with infantile hemangiomas of the eyelids and orbit in 46 % of 37 patients who had large lesions and upper eyelid involvement predisposing to the ammetropia .
{ "id": "C0034951", "name": "refractive errors", "pos": [ 13, 30 ] }
{ "id": "C0027092", "name": "myopic", "pos": [ 53, 59 ] }
the authors suggest that these pharmacologic agents should be used cautiously in treating patients with possible movement disorders ( tics ) and conclude that their findings lend support to the catecholamine hypothesis of the etiology of gilles de la tourette 's disease .
{ "id": "C0026650", "name": "movement disorders", "pos": [ 113, 131 ] }
{ "id": "C0040188", "name": "tics", "pos": [ 134, 138 ] }
the integrity of the normal mature intestinal mucosal barrier to unaltered proteins was evaluated with tritiated bovine albumin in rats .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "proteins", "pos": [ 75, 83 ] }
{ "id": "C0001924", "name": "albumin", "pos": [ 120, 127 ] }
simultaneous determination of phenobarbitone , primidone and phenytoin in small samples of blood by gas-liquid chromatography .
{ "id": "C0031412", "name": "phenobarbitone", "pos": [ 30, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0033148", "name": "primidone", "pos": [ 47, 56 ] }
this study indicates that hypertriglyceridemia and associated pre-beta hyperlipidemia ( fredrickson 's type iv lipid pattern ) is frequently associated with intrinsic allergic disease characterized by chemical intolerant ( hypersensitivity ) states , particularly of the aspirin intolerant type and to a somewhat lesser extent with the butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene intolerant type , as well as the iodide intolerant state .
{ "id": "C0020557", "name": "hypertriglyceridemia", "pos": [ 26, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0020473", "name": "hyperlipidemia", "pos": [ 71, 85 ] }
the plasma half-life of phenylbutazone in horses was not increased after pretreatment with chloramphenicol or quinidine , but was increased after oxyphenbutazone .
{ "id": "C0031463", "name": "phenylbutazone", "pos": [ 24, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0030078", "name": "oxyphenbutazone", "pos": [ 146, 161 ] }
this increased plasma half-life after oxyphenbutazone is consistent with observations in other species and suggests that oxyphenbutazone inhibits the metabolism of phenylbutazone in horses .
{ "id": "C0030078", "name": "oxyphenbutazone", "pos": [ 38, 53 ] }
{ "id": "C0031463", "name": "phenylbutazone", "pos": [ 164, 178 ] }
aggregates of virus coated with specific antibody were seen in virus samples mixed with homologous convalescent antiserum , but not in control samples containing preexposure serum or antibody directed against a heterologous virus .
{ "id": "C0020960", "name": "antiserum", "pos": [ 112, 121 ] }
{ "id": "C0003241", "name": "antibody", "pos": [ 183, 191 ] }
each of the 2 antigens tested , coccidioidin and purified protein derivative of tuberculin , induced a higher rate of 3h-tdr incorporation in lymphocyte cultures from dogs immunized to the homologous antigen than in lymphocyte cultures from dogs immunized to either the heterologous antigen or no antigen .
{ "id": "C0003333", "name": "heterologous antigen", "pos": [ 270, 290 ] }
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigen", "pos": [ 297, 304 ] }
at 24 to 168 hours after the instillation of spores , these rabbits succumbed to diabetes or zygomycete infection , or both , and the possibility of a mixed infection with both fungus and p. carinii could not be ruled out on morphologic criteria alone .
{ "id": "C0009450", "name": "infection", "pos": [ 104, 113 ] }
{ "id": "C0275524", "name": "mixed infection", "pos": [ 151, 166 ] }
the folic acid antagonists , aminopterin and then methotrexate , have been the primary systemically administered drugs for the treatment of severe psoriasis for 25 years .
{ "id": "C0002583", "name": "aminopterin", "pos": [ 29, 40 ] }
{ "id": "C0025677", "name": "methotrexate", "pos": [ 50, 62 ] }
a careful regimen including precise visual field testing and the plotting of the diurnal curve is most important in evaluating ocular hypertension and glaucoma .
{ "id": "C0028840", "name": "ocular hypertension", "pos": [ 127, 146 ] }
{ "id": "C0017601", "name": "glaucoma", "pos": [ 151, 159 ] }
the antimicrobial activity of netilmicin , a new semisynthetic aminoglycosidic aminocyclitol , was determined against 123 recent gram-negative clinical isolates susceptible to gentamicin and 60 isolates resistant to either sisomicin , gentamicin , or tobramycin .
{ "id": "C0027780", "name": "netilmicin", "pos": [ 30, 40 ] }
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 223, 232 ] }
the antimicrobial activity of netilmicin , a new semisynthetic aminoglycosidic aminocyclitol , was determined against 123 recent gram-negative clinical isolates susceptible to gentamicin and 60 isolates resistant to either sisomicin , gentamicin , or tobramycin .
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 223, 232 ] }
{ "id": "C0017436", "name": "gentamicin", "pos": [ 235, 245 ] }
the minimal inhibitory concentrations and minimal bactericidal concentrations of netilmicin , sisomicin , gentamicin , and tobramycin against pseudomonas , escherichia coli , klebsiella , enterobacter , proteus mirabilis , and indole-positive proteus were , in general , quite similar .
{ "id": "C0027780", "name": "netilmicin", "pos": [ 81, 91 ] }
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 94, 103 ] }
the minimal inhibitory concentrations and minimal bactericidal concentrations of netilmicin , sisomicin , gentamicin , and tobramycin against pseudomonas , escherichia coli , klebsiella , enterobacter , proteus mirabilis , and indole-positive proteus were , in general , quite similar .
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 94, 103 ] }
{ "id": "C0017436", "name": "gentamicin", "pos": [ 106, 116 ] }
when the levels of macrophage precursor cells in bone marrow and spleen were followed in mice after amb treatment , an eightfold increase in the splenic content of limited stem cells for both macrophages and granulocytes ( colony-forming units in culture ) and a threefold increase in the number of pluripotent hemopoietic stem cells ( colony-forming units in spleen ) were observed on day 4 .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "the", "pos": [ 5, 8 ] }
{ "id": "C0018956", "name": "hemopoietic stem cells", "pos": [ 311, 333 ] }
with the exception of the aminoglycosides , these organisms are susceptible to virtually all of the commonly used antimicrobial agents .
{ "id": "C0002556", "name": "aminoglycosides", "pos": [ 26, 41 ] }
{ "id": "C1136254", "name": "antimicrobial agents", "pos": [ 114, 134 ] }
the antibiotic activity of cephalothin , cephaloridine , cephalexin , cephaloglycin , cefazolin , and cefamandole was determined after storage for up to 30 days in horse serum at -10 and 4 degrees c .
{ "id": "C0007716", "name": "cephalexin", "pos": [ 57, 67 ] }
{ "id": "C0007721", "name": "cephaloglycin", "pos": [ 70, 83 ] }
cephalothin , cefamandole , cefazolin , and cephalexin were stable for at least 30 days at -10 degrees c , whereas cephaloridine lost 29 % of its initial activity and cephaloglycin lost more than 50 % .
{ "id": "C0007716", "name": "cephalexin", "pos": [ 44, 54 ] }
{ "id": "C0007721", "name": "cephaloglycin", "pos": [ 167, 180 ] }
cefamandole , cefazolin , and cephalexin could only be stored for 3 days at 4 degrees c without significant loss in activity , whereas cephalothin , cephaloridine , and cephaloglycin could be stored for only 1 day .
{ "id": "C0007716", "name": "cephalexin", "pos": [ 30, 40 ] }
{ "id": "C0007721", "name": "cephaloglycin", "pos": [ 169, 182 ] }
three clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus resistant to gentamicin and other aminoglycosides have been examined for antibiotic modifying enzymes .
{ "id": "C0017436", "name": "gentamicin", "pos": [ 62, 72 ] }
{ "id": "C0002556", "name": "aminoglycosides", "pos": [ 83, 98 ] }
netilmicin , a new semisynthetic aminoglycoside derived by ethylation of the 1-n position of the deoxystreptamine ring of sisomicin , was tested in vitro with 4,070 strains of gram-negative bacilli isolated at the ucla medical center during 1975 to 1976 , using the agar dilution technique and an inoculum of approximately 10 ( 4 ) organisms .
{ "id": "C0027780", "name": "netilmicin", "pos": [ 0, 10 ] }
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 122, 131 ] }
because of the need for non-beta-lactam antimicrobics with antistaphylococcal activity , 14 antimicrobics ( 3 penicillinase-resistant penicillins , 7 aminocyclitols [ 5 new ] , 2 macrolides [ 1 new ] , clindamycin , and a new polysaccharide , everninomicin ) were tested in vitro for activity against 22 penicillin-susceptible , 51 penicillin-resistant , and 47 methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus .
{ "id": "C0282215", "name": "beta-lactam", "pos": [ 28, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0030842", "name": "penicillin", "pos": [ 332, 342 ] }
gentamicin , tobramycin , sisomicin , and verdamicin inhibited almost all strains at concentrations less than 1 mug/ml .
{ "id": "C0017436", "name": "gentamicin", "pos": [ 0, 10 ] }
{ "id": "C0037209", "name": "sisomicin", "pos": [ 26, 35 ] }
recent availability of in vivo and in vitro animal models of ssss have advanced the knowledge of the disease : the responsible epidermolytic toxin has been characterized , and the purely extracellular pathogenesis of ssss has been established .
{ "id": "C0039082", "name": "ssss", "pos": [ 61, 65 ] }
{ "id": "C0012634", "name": "disease", "pos": [ 101, 108 ] }
investigations were carried out to determine the lung lesions responsible for the development of pulmonary heart disease , cor pulmonale , in rats treated with monocrotaline pyrrole or monocrotaline .
{ "id": "C0018799", "name": "the", "pos": [ 45, 48 ] }
{ "id": "C0034072", "name": "cor pulmonale", "pos": [ 123, 136 ] }
the operation also caused a transient one-day increase in the concentration of epinephrine and a more prolonged five-day increase in the concentration and norepinephrine in arterial and venous plasma .
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "epinephrine", "pos": [ 79, 90 ] }
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "norepinephrine", "pos": [ 155, 169 ] }
a recent study compared the acoustic impedance values in the affected and unaffected ears of patients with unilateral meniere disease , and suggested that the higher impedance measured in the affected ears was due to increased intralabyrinthine pressure ( endolymphatic hydrops ) .
{ "id": "C0025281", "name": "meniere disease", "pos": [ 118, 133 ] }
{ "id": "C0206586", "name": "endolymphatic hydrops", "pos": [ 256, 277 ] }
obviously , vascular wall cells emigrate into the surrounding tissue and transform themselves into small fibroblasts .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 26, 31 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 105, 116 ] }
the inhibition of activated factor xii ( hageman factor ) by antithrombin iii : the effect of other plasma proteinase inhibitors .
{ "id": "C0015527", "name": "activated factor xii", "pos": [ 18, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0015525", "name": "hageman factor", "pos": [ 41, 55 ] }
autoimmune hyperlipidemia ( aih ) may be induced a variety of antibodies which inhibit different stages of the lipolytic process by which the lipid load is removed from the circulating lipoproteins .
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipid", "pos": [ 16, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "circulating lipoproteins", "pos": [ 173, 197 ] }
these rabbits , while showing only a slight reduction of plasma cholesterol levels , as compared to cholesterol-fed ( h.c. ) animals , show a marked decrease of the aortic cholesterol esters and atheromatous process .
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 64, 75 ] }
{ "id": "C0008387", "name": "cholesterol esters", "pos": [ 172, 190 ] }
this work does not support the suggestion previously made that the dietary protein cholesterol interact in determining the concentration of aorta cholesterol and the atherosclerosis index in this breed of pigeon .
{ "id": "C0008395", "name": "dietary", "pos": [ 67, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 146, 157 ] }
increased wet weight and changed composition of cholesterol fatty acids in aorta of rabbits fed a cholesterol-enriched diet with added glucosamine .
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 48, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0008395", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 98, 109 ] }
glucosamine did not affect the concentration response of serum cholesterol to dietary cholesterol or the amount of free and esterified cholesterol in the inner aorta .
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 63, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0008395", "name": "dietary cholesterol", "pos": [ 78, 97 ] }
glucosamine did not affect the concentration response of serum cholesterol to dietary cholesterol or the amount of free and esterified cholesterol in the inner aorta .
{ "id": "C0008377", "name": "cholesterol", "pos": [ 63, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0008387", "name": "esterified", "pos": [ 124, 134 ] }
lecithin : cholesterol acyl transfer rate in plasma and its relation to lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in primary hyperlipidemia .
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipid", "pos": [ 72, 77 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoprotein", "pos": [ 82, 93 ] }
plasma lecithin : cholesterol acyl transfer ( lcat ) rate and concentrations of lipids in plasma and lipoproteins were studied in 107 hyperlipidemic subjects .
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipids", "pos": [ 80, 86 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 101, 113 ] }