asalam o alakum /hello walakum salam this is tomato plant disease this disease calls blight in this disease plants leaf gets dry like this this and this one the bottom plant leafs gets dry in this disease like this if did not control then this disease cause the plant to dry this is blight disease for this disease we uses pesticides like 4 plus and agrobet both are suitable pesticides for this disease first we sprays 4 plus pesticides because we cannot mix with or add to another pesticides then after a couple of days we will spray agrobat pesticides then these plants will change to a healthy plant then this disease will stop insha Allah making spray solution this spray pump is bigger therefore we make 5 pump spray solution from this packet because this pesticides packet is for 8 pump spray solution but we will make 5 spray pump from this packet because this a bigger 18 litre spray pump therefore we will 5 spray pump from this insha Alaah it is full now and tight the lid on the spray pump tomato farm or tomato land spraying now the horn worms also attacks in this stage for horn worm pest we add or mixes coragen pesticides with this but we cannot mix coragen pesticides with this because this pesticides doesn't work with other pesticides we farmers request government that cooperate with farmers and give them packages help farmers when farmers loses in crops because of diseases or natural disaster then the government need to help farmers and cooperate with farmers and help them and produce quality pesticides in the ,market
well okay the tribe of Dan and who John the Baptist mmm will John the Baptist the greatest man whom ever lived did you think about it why was he the greatest man whom ever lived isn't there a war going on in heaven there's a war going on in heaven for all the fucking wrong the prophets spoke before John yeah all the wrong the prophets spoke before John all the prophets of old all the Mormon prophets yeah all the fucking wank Mormon fucking wank prophets yeah all the fuckin old prophets the prophets of old out of the Bible and out of the Quran erh all the fucking old prophets of old all of the prophets of old fucking got it wrong didn't they who got it right? John the Baptist that's why there's a war going on in heaven mmm for who entereth and who fuckin doesn't because all the prophets were wrong and there's a fucking war going on on earth that's why all the fucking bullshit dickhead's are talking shit mate yeah it's called a war war of words mmm war of fucking what hmm a jihad eh? or a war of religions yes that's right a war a fucking wank wank one person got it right hmm who got it right John the Baptist John the Baptist got it right all the rest of them were fucking idiots that's why there's a war going on in heaven mmm that's why fuckin John the Baptist come down and stired the pot so fucking much so fucking much that what happened oh there was just fucking chaos and discord among the fucking people among the world among everything cause he got it so fucking right and everyone was so fucking wrong they're still arguing over fucking their wrongness yeah how fucking wrong they are well hello Jesus told you yourself if you read the Bible mmm but if you haven't he ain't told you fuckin shit yeah well who's the greatest man whom ever lived why is he the greatest man whom ever lived and how come Christ took over his religion oh-ah yes there's a reason left and right mmm left right left right mmm hello right okay what about the tribe of Dan well the tribe of Dan the Illuminati tribe of Dan okay the Eagle all the places that are run under the eagle all the places all the fuckin civilizations that have run under the eagle yes that's right they go back for centuries for millennia yes eagle this the Eagle that before that it was a serpent but that if you look into it the tribe of Dan hmm was the serpent they changed their fucking symbol to the eagle the eagle whom represents the fucking serpent bearer the one whom yeilds the fucking serpent yes the serpent bearer that's right the tribe of Dan are the Illuminati the tribe of Dan were the Vikings the Vikings that will get maritime Admiralty law from that's what the whole world's based on maritime Admiralty law yeah all that bullshit look that shit up and fuckin understand the symbology in it and you might fucking know something yes that's right maritime Admiralty law come from the tribe of Dan cause the tribe of Dan were the judges and they ruled the seas mmm the Sea all the waters of the ocean that's why the tribe of Dan wasn't given any fucking land ok! see this this shit only happens to me somebody doesn't want me to be heard okay so what did the tribe of Dan do they run the sea they were the fucking what? they were the Vikings the six kings the VI kings hmm the six kings and wherever the fuck they come from doesn't matter tribe of Dan it was the fucking judges the Illuminati mmm tribe of jan dan shall judge the fucking tribes as one of the fucking tribes of Israel or one of the tribes of Jacob Jacob yes Israel Jacob the bloodline hello of the tribes not the fucking place of a fucken piece of soil on a fucking map you dickheads okay so what's all this about hm it's all about who runs the world who has run the world for fucking millennia the tribe of Dan has the Illuminati whom are the tribe Dan yes that's the serpent symbolism and everything that's all over your dollar bill mmm dollar bill the tribe of Dan are know what's going on hmm what do you think the fucking eagle represents on the fucking dollar bill in America hmm Eagle represents Christ yes that's right Christ hello y
Let us now start with properties of logarithms. Our first important property is a raise to the power log of x to the base a, gives the result as x. Let us see what happened here, if any positive real number 'a is raised to the power of the logarithm of a real positive number x to the same base a then the result is x, for example, '2 to the power log of 8 with base 2 gives us 8 as the result'. Our next important property is log of m*n is equal to log of m + log of n, that is if any real positive number, let's say b, can be written as the product of its two factors m and n then, it's logarithmic value is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its individual factors. Infact not just two factors, if you can write this number b as the product of its n factors such that, x1 * x2 * x3 up to xn is equal to b, then log of b is equal to log of x1 plus log of x2 plus log of x3 up to log of xn. That is, the sum of the logarithms of its individual factors for example, let's say log of 108, now if i prime factorize 108 it becomes, 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 that is, i can write log of 108 as log of 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3. Now if i split it as the sum of its individual factors, it becomes log 2 + log 2+ log 3 + log 3 + log 3 and + log 3. Now if I add log 2 and log 2 and log 3 with other log 3's, we get log 108 is equal to 2 log 2 + 3 log 3. Similarly log (m/n) is equal to log m - log n and that is the logarithm of division of two numbers, is equal to the difference of that individual logarithms. For example, log 125/8 is equal to log 125 - log 8. Let us take an example now, the question says simplify log 5 + log 4 - log 2. Here, if i use the properties of log, i can write log 5 + log 4 as log (5 * 4), that is, log 20. Now my question has become, log 20- log 2. Now we know, that the difference of the logarithms of individual numbers is equal to the logarithm of their division. Thus, log 20 - log 2 = log 20/2, that is log 10. Now here since, the base is not mentioned so by default, i'll take its value as 10 and we know, that log of a number to the same base is equal to 1. Thus if i simplify log 5 plus log 4 - log 2, the result is one. Let us see a next property which is also known as the base changing theorm. It states that the quotient of the logarithm is independent of its base, that is log b to the base a, can be written as log of b to the base m upon log of a to the base m, where a is greater than 0 is not equal to 1 and m is greater than 0 and is not equal to 1. Ofcourse this real positive number b is greater than 0. For example, log of b to the base a * log of a to the base b is equal to log of b upon log of a * log of a upon log of b. Here log a and log a cancels each other and similarly, log b and log b cancels each other leaving 1 for us. So log b to the base a * log a to the base b gives us one as the result. So we can also say, that log of b to the base a is equal to 1 upon log of a to the base b, also by base changing theorm, a raise to the power log of c with base b is equal to c raise to the power log of a to the base b. Our next property is log of b raise to the power m to the base a is equal to m log b to the base a, that is the exponent of the number b, becomes the coefficient of the logarithm. For example, if i write log of 5 raise to the power 3 to the base 8 it becomes 3 log 5 to the base 8. Similarly log of 3 raise to the power 2 to the base 2 becomes, 2 log 3 with base 2. If this power m is the exponent of the base, instead of the number then log of b to the base a raise to the power m is equal to 1 upon m * log of b to the base a, that is the reciprocal of the exponent of the base gets multiplied with the logarithm. For example, log of 9 to the base 4 is equal to log of 9 to the base 2 square. Now the reciprocal of two gets multiplied with the logarithm and it becomes 1/2 log 9 with base 2. Let us solve few examples now, the question says evaluate log 27 to the base 9 - log 9 to the base 27. Here, log 27 to the base 9 can be written as log of 3 raise to the power 3 to the base 3 raise to the power 2 as 27, is 3 raise to the power
Now that we're comfortable with the "why" of why we do something to both sides of an equation, let's see if we can apply it to some equations to solve for an unknown variable. So let's say that you have x plus seven is equal to ten, and I want to solve for x. All its saying is something plus seven is equal to ten, and you might be able to figure that out in your head, but if you want to do it a little bit more systematically, you're like well just all I want on the left hand side is an x. Well if all I want on the left hand side is an x I'd want to get rid of the seven. I want to subtract seven from the left-hand side, but if I want to maintain an equality here, whatever I do to the left-hand side I also have to do to the right-hand side going back to our scales that's so that we can keep our scale balanced, so that we can say that the left is still equal to the right. And so what we're going to be left with is x and then the sevens cancel out is equal to ten minus seven is equal to three. So that unknown is three, and you can verify it, three plus seven is indeed equal to ten. Let's try one more. Let's say we have a minus five is equal to negative two. So this is a little bit more interesting since we have all of these negative numbers here, but we can use the exact same logic. We just want an a over here on the left-hand side so we have to get rid of this negative five somehow. Well the best way of getting rid of a negative 5 is to add five to it. So I'll do that. So I will add five to the left-hand side. But if I want the left-hand side to stay equal to the right-hand side, whatever I do to the left I have to do the right. So I'm going to have to add five on the right-hand side as well, and so on the left-hand side I'm left with a, and then the negative five and the positive five cancel out and on the right hand side, and they're going to stay equal because I did the same thing to both sides, we have negative two plus five which is equal to three. So a is equal to three. Once again you can verify it. Three minus five is indeed equal to negative two.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a brave and noble warrior named Gintoki. He was a master swordsman and had a heart of gold. He was also a master of disguise and could often be found on the battlefield, facing down countless enemies. One day, while on a mission to save his people, Gintoki stumbled upon a beautiful woman named Scarlett O'Hara. She was a mysterious, strong-willed woman who had been kidnapped by a group of bandits. Gintoki was immediately taken by her strength and beauty, and he vowed to rescue her. Gintoki tracked the bandits to their hideout, and with his sword and skill, he defeated them all. After rescuing Scarlett, he brought her back to his home village, where they became fast friends. Scarlett was fascinated by Gintoki and his courage, and she was in awe of his skill with a sword. She soon realized that Gintoki was a man of great honor and deeply respected him. Gintoki and Scarlett began to grow close, and after a few months, Scarlett confessed her love for him. Gintoki was taken aback but couldn't deny that he felt the same way. He proposed to her and they were happily married. Gintoki and Scarlett's union was a happy one, and they lived happily ever after. They had a son and a daughter, who both inherited Gintoki's courage and Scarlett's strength. The two of them traveled the lands and fought off evil wherever they found it. They were known for their courage and bravery, and their legend still lives on to this day.
We now know that the atom is not the smallest particle of matter and that it is broken down into protons, neutrons and electrons. But just knowing these particles exist is not enough. In this video, we are going to look at the 3 subatomic particles and what role they play in the atom! In order to understand the significance of the 3 subatomic particles, there are a couple concepts you need to remember from other videos: What is an Atom, Atom vs Ion and Isotopes. If you do not remember this information or need a refresher, please check out our videos on all of these topics! This slide summarize the 3 subatomic particles and their role in the atom. Pause the video now and write this down! We will cover each particle in more detail as we go through this video. Here we see what happens when we change the different particles. If you change the number of protons, you will change the element. If you change the number of neutrons, you will change the mass and that will create an isotope. And if you change the number of electrons, you will change the charge and that will create an ion. The proton is the subatomic particle that gives us the identity of the element. The proton is located in the nucleus. The number of protons is the same as the atomic number found on the periodic table. Remember that the atomic number is the number at the top of each square on the periodic table. Notice that every element has a different atomic number which means they all have a different number of protons. For example, oxygen will always have 8 protons as we see here the atomic number is 8. Magnesium will always have 12 protons because it has an atomic number of 12. If you change the number of protons, you will change the identity of the element! The neutron is located in the nucleus and serves 2 roles in the atom. The first role is that it helps to buffer the positively charged protons in the nucleus. Particles that have the same charge repel each other. This means they do not want to be close together. Because all protons are positive, they repel each other. The neutron acts as a buffer between the protons so that the nucleus of the atom does not just break apart. The second role the neutron serves is that it contributes to the mass of the atom. Remember that the mass number is calculated by adding together the number of protons and neutrons. We just learned that if you change the number of protons then you will change to a new element. So if you want to change the mass of an atom but keep it as the same element, you can change the number of neutrons. Changing the number of neutrons changes the mass which creates an isotope. The electron is the final subatomic particle. It is located outside the nucleus in the electron cloud and particle that mainly responsible for an elements chemical reactivity. It is also the main particle responsible for changing the charge of the atom. As we discussed in our Atom vs Ion video, an ion is simply an atom with a charge. There are 2 charged particles in the atom, the proton and the electron. Changing either of these particles will change the charge of the atom. As we learned previously, changing the number of protons will change the identity of the element. So if we want to keep the identity the same and only change the charge, we have to change the number of electrons. Electrons are negative so adding electrons will make the charge negative and removing electrons will make the charge positive. If you want to learn more about calculating the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom or an ion, check out our videos! To summarize what we have covered in this video, I want to bring back the chart from the beginning. Remember that changing the number of protons will change the identity of the element. Changing the number of neutrons will change the mass which creates an isotope. And changing the number of electrons will change the charge which turns the atom in to an ion. Now you should have a better understanding about the role of each subatomic particle in the atom. If y
(tense ambient music) - [Female Entity] Every living thing has a mind. We all have the ability to create, choose, imagine. We're able to do research, study, invent. (people chattering) (person laughs) Some create to do good and some create to do evil. (screen crackles) But we can always choose what side we want to be on. (prototype shatters) But can a machine think for themselves like a human? Or be slaves to their masters? (door creaks) (spacecraft whirring) (spacecraft rumbling) - [Pilot 1] Our prototype should be ready soon. Maybe we should check on him. - [Pilot 2] It's been a long time coming. (tense ambient music) (lock clicks) (door squeaks) - [Pilot 1] Greetings. How nice of you to finally join us. - [Pilot 2] It's been a long time coming. Do you know who you are? - [Pilot 1] You work for us now. - [Male Prototype] I don't know who you are. - [Pilot 1] We are your masters. Rise. (prototype clicks) (dramatic orchestral music) (steps thudding) (male prototype blipping) (gun blasting) (suspenseful electronic music) (alarm wailing) - [Guard] Go, go, go, go, go! (gun blasts) (man grunts) (gun blasts) (explosion booms) (guns blasting) (tense music) - [Soldier] Sir, the prototype is out of control. - [General Kai] He must not leave the ship. Attack it. (guns blasting) (intense electronic music) (explosion booms) (guns blasting) (spacecraft rumbling) - [Soldier] Sir, I don't think this is a good idea. We have men on that ship. - [General Kai] Are you questioning my authority? (tense music) (sword whooshes) The prototype must be destroyed. (spacecraft whooshes) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (spacecraft whooshes) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (flames whooshing) (explosions booming) (gun blasting) (intense music) (explosion booms) (gun blasts) (explosion boom) (explosions booming) (men groaning) (male prototype blipping) (explosion booms) (flames whooshing) (explosion booms) (gun clicks) (explosion booms) - [Soldier] Sir, our ships turned against each other. (dramatic music) (explosions booming) (cannons blasting) (electricity crackling) (spacecrafts whooshing) (cannons blasting) (explosion booms) (gun blasting) (intense music) (flames whooshing) (explosion booms) (guns blasting) (man grunts) (explosion booms) (male prototype blipping) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (spacecrafts whooshing) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (alarm blaring) (flames whooshing) (explosions booming) (intense music) (explosion booms) (male prototype blipping) (spacecraft rumbling) (cannons blasting) (spacecraft whooshing) (cannons blasting) (explosions booming) (spacecraft whooshing) (explosion booms) (cannons blasting) (explosion booms) (electricity crackling) (cannons blasting) (calm ambient music) (gentle ambient music) (menu chimes) (bright ambient music) (calm ambient music) (tense ambient music) (spacecraft rattling) (flames whooshing) (spacecraft creaking) (explosion booms) (spacecraft thuds) (flames whooshing) (ominous choral music) (steps thudding) (wind whooshing) (gun clicking) (beast shrieks) (dramatic orchestral music) (beast grunts) (beasts growling) (gun blasting) (gun clicks) (gun blasting) (beast growls) (steps thudding) (beast growls) (claw clinks) (gun blasting) (steps thudding) (steps thudding) (gun blasting) (beast growling) (beast grunts) (claw thuds) (gun blasting) (beast growls) (intense music) (beast growls) (gun blasts) (gun clicks) (gun blasts) (gun clicks) (spacecraft whirring) - [Soldier] We took some heavy losses, but there was a ship that was spotted escaping. Intel shows it crashed on Air Axis Eight. - [General Kai] I want additional troops sent down there as well as our planetary armament. We must make sure the prototype is there. (tense ambient music) (ground crashes) (beast shrieks) (intense music) (beast rattles) (stinger clinks) (beast whirring) (ground rumbling) (gun blasting) (beast whirring) (beast shrieking) (steps thudding) (beast shrieking) (steps thudding) (ground crashes) (steps thudding) (beast shrieks) (gun blasting) (beast sh
SEGI: [SINGING] When you're in school and in the classroom. ALL: [SINGING] Woohoo. SEGI: [SINGING] You got something to say. ALL: [SINGING] Woohoo. SEGI: [SINGING] When your teacher asks a question. ALL: [SINGING] Woo, woo-oh. SEGI: [SINGING] You know the answer right away. ALL: [SINGING] Woohoo. SEGI: [SINGING] Before you speak, raise your hand up high. Just raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] And I said, raise your hand up high! ALL: [SINGING] Raise your hand up high. SEGI: [SINGING] Stick your fingers to the sky! ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up to the sky! Woohoo! SEGI: [SINGING] It's a very simple rule when you want to talk in school. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Sometimes you feel like shouting out. ALL: [SINGING] Ah. SEGI: [SINGING] But that's not the way to go. You've got to raise your hand in school now. ALL: [SINGING] Woohoo. SEGI: [SINGING] That's how to show the world you know. ALL: [SINGING] You got to show the world you know now. SEGI: [SINGING] So be calm, stay cool and just raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. Raise it up! SEGI: [SINGING] Remember to raise your hand and your teacher will give the word. Be patient and be strong now because it won't be too long now. ALL: [SINGING] You will get the chance to be heard! ALL: [SINGING] Woo, woo. ALL: [SINGING] And I said, raise your hand up high. ALL: [SINGING] Raise your hand up high. SEGI: [SINGING] Stretch your fingers to the sky! ALL: [SINGING] Raise them up to the sky. Ooh-ooh. SEGI: [SINGING] It's a very simple rule, when you want to talk in school. Just raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] I said, raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Just raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Just raise it up. ALL: [SINGING] Just raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up, hey, hey! ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Whoo! ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Hey, hey! ALL: [SINGING] Raise it up. SEGI: [SINGING] Raise it up. Raise it up. Raise it up. Hey, hey, hey. ALL: [SINGING] Raise your hand up high! WOMAN: [SINGING] Just breathe don't lose control. Keep trying and you'll reach your goal. You just didn't get it yet, but you'll make it soon I bet! It's the power of yet. ALL: [SINGING] Yet, yet, yet. That's the power of yet. ALL: [SINGING] Yet, yet, yet, yet, yet.
I was sitting in a corner when I saw her She was like none other and most beautiful My eyes met her eyes yet again Once and then twice then I burst out laughing One hand was in the air and the other on the glass I don’t know what is in the glass But she slowly moved her waist and danced She looks so sexy She glances at me I glance at her The tension in the air started to go up I swear on God that I have never got drunk Even then I started getting intoxicated slowly Unable to control myself I went near her I said I want to talk and she asked me to go ahead I went close to her and asked her, Baby Do you freak like you dance Coz you dance like a pro Have mercy on me Have mercy on me Don’t move your body like you do I feel you will make me reach the Almighty Your body is hotter than chinchilla fur What did your mother feed you when you were growing up? My heart stops when you get low Have pity on me and listen to me Don’t do this my love, my love Don’t do this my love, my love I looked for flaws but couldn’t find any The ground moved from under my feet Stop teasing me like this I fold my hands and say please Have Mercy on me Have Mercy on me Have pity on me and listen to me Have pity on me and listen to me Have pity on me and listen to me Have pity on me and listen to me
in this video we're going to complete  the Kudus software infinite calculus free   worksheet differentiation rules with tables so  the differentiation rules that we're using will   use some rule difference rule product rule  quotient rule and finally the chain rule so   for each problem you're given a table containing  some values of differentiable functions f of X G   of X and their derivatives so we're going to use  the table data and the rules of differentiation   to solve each problem so looking at number one  our table is given on the left it says given H   of x equals f of X plus G of X we're finding the  derivative of H of 1 so using the sum rule we can   say that the derivative of H of 1 equals the  derivative of the function of s at 1 plus the   derivative of the function of G at 1 so looking at  our table when X is equal to 1 the derivative of   f of 1 is 1 so we'll have 1 plus looking at our  table again the derivative of G of 1 so when X   is 1 that derivative which is this last column for  the derivative of G of X and that's going to be 2   and 1 plus 2 equals 3 so the derivative of H at 1  is 3 so number one we use the sum rule continuing   on to number two we're given H of X equals f of  X minus G of X and we're finding the derivative   of H at two so the number two we're going to  be using the difference rule which remember we   could also think of this as the sum rule so we  would be adding a negative G of X as opposed to   subtracting G of X but using the difference  rule the derivative of H of two equals the   derivative of F of two minus the derivative of  G at two so this time we're going to be looking   at when x equals 2 now the derivative of f at  2 is 1/2 so we'll have 1/2 minus the derivative   of G at 2 1 1/2 minus 1 equals a negative 1/2  so the derivative of H of 2 is negative 1/2 so   the derivative of H at 2 is negative 1/2 now  onto number 3 and number 3 we're given H of X   equals f of X times G of X and we're finding the  derivative of H at 3 so remember we're going to be   using that product rule so the derivative of H at  3 is going to equal the derivative of F at 3 times   G of 3 plus F of 3 times the derivative of G at  3 so the derivative of the first times the second   plus the first times the derivative of the second  another way to think of this is since addition is   commutative first times the derivative of the  second plus second times the derivative of the   first but now let's find those values from our  table and plug them in we're looking at when X   is equal to 3 so this bottom row the derivative  of F at 3 is 2 so we're going to have 2 times G   of 3 which is 1 plus F of 3 which is 3 times G  Prime at 3 so negative 2 that's going to be 2   plus a negative 6 and 2 plus negative 6 equals a  negative 4 so the derivative of H 3 is negative so   you can see by using tables we don't have to worry  about all of the algebra and combining like terms   and such we're just focusing on the rules in this  worksheet the values are given to us moving on to   number four we've done the sum rule a difference  rule product rule and now we're going to do the   quotient rule f of X over G of X and we're taking  the derivative of that at three so the derivative   of H of three remember it's a quotient rule we're  going to have low D high so G of X or G of three   in this case times the derivative of f of X so  low D high and that's the derivative of F three   minus high D low minus f of X F of three times  the derivative of G of three all over low low so   that's G of three squared so now we're going to  find those values and plug them in and in this   case we're focusing on this bottom row where X  is equal to three so G of 3 is two so we'll have   two times the derivative of F of three which is  negative one and then we're subtracting F of three   which is 1 times the derivative of G a 3 which  is one and that's all over G of 3 squared which   is 2 squared so we'll have negative 2 because 2  times negative 1 is negative 2 minus 1 times 1   so minus 1 all over 2 squared which is 4 so the  d
dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists narrated by Akash narrated by Akash narrated by Akash narrated by Akash narrated by Akash dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists script by Akash script by Akash script by Akash script by Akash script by Akash script by Akash dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists inspired from discovery inspired from discovery inspired from discovery inspired from discovery dedicated to all nature lovers and environmentalists
Effort Effort is isolated.  the reason why effort is isolated  because nobody can dictate it.  Effort is one hundred percent in the mind.  no coach, no player, nobody else  can make you want to look old.  nobody else can make you finish attack. ` nobody else can do it.  that's why it's the most isolated  things in this earth right now  it's effort. you gonna get up,   you gonna get dressed, you're going to get out and  you're going to do what you've been called to do.  you're going to be what you call it, you will have  and you go prove to everybody, that tried to break   you. you go and prove them wrong everybody trying to stop you,   everybody tried to kill your dream you will prove all of them wrong.  people that say they have dreams, they want  to open a business or want to do something   differently than what they're now doing they don't like their jobs. they're unhappy  they are unfulfilled people who say they want to improve their   income level, look at how they spend their time. how they spend their time,   the commitment of their time, how they use that, that will really tell the truth  you got to be the hardest workers in the group. the masters make the hardest things in   the world, look easiest and in the moments where   you push yourself when no one else is around those moments have a tendency to lead to success  and not only that, but in what  world do we not work every day  I work every f*ckin' day doesn't end.  on the other hand, you can make  the commitment to your life.  that you don't like the results that you have and that you're going to do something about it.  see that power is available to all of  us people who look at life and decide  I want something different for myself. you gonna get up, you're going to get dressed,   you're gonna get out and you're going to do   what you've been called to do. you're going to be what you call it,   you will have and you go prove to everybody, that  tried to break you. you go and prove them wrong  everybody that's trying to stop you everybody tried to kill your dream.  you will prove all of them wrong. we all fail. it's okay.  what is not okay is that  when you fail, you stay down.  whoever stays down is a loser. and winners will fail and get up.   fail and get up, fail and get up. you always get up, that is.   a winner. that is a winner.  one day, I made a decision that enough  is enough. I'm tired of being average  I'm tired of being good. I'm tired. I want to move to the nicest neighborhood.  I want to fly first class. I made a  decision enough is enough. It's show time.  I wake up every morning at three o'clock why? because you just got to get there   before the genius, get there and they ain't waking until eight  so if you get up at three, you  ain't got to be smarter than them.   you just got to be quicker than them, you just got to be faster than them.  you just got to get to the slide  before they get to the spots,  you ain't got to be him, you  ain't got to be on that level.  you don't have to be smart, you don't  have to become them. you can stay you  but you got to get there before they  get there. if you gonna stay you every day, I feel like eating every day.  I feel like giving my wife the best life  every day. I feel like driving in a nice car every day. I feel like flying on a first class  every single day of my life.  i feel like giving a 100%  every single day. i don't have. days   where i don't feel like it, why? because i'm counting on me,   my wife's count on me i don't have days to waste  when you want it that bad. we wake up early in the  morning when everything else is secondary to you  you're going to be successful, but  until you do that, you'll never have it  when you want to succeed as bad as you want  to breathe, then you will be successful. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE
ok this is Jesus's time the head of the fork is pointing towards Jesus the ox and the blade is pointing north to the Water Bearer or the mother and the blade of the fork is pointing in our direction so that's where the destruction is coming the back of the fork is where we're heading the back of the blade is where we're heading the back of the fork is where we're heading so we're heading to the forks handle and the back of the blade of the knife is how we get there but we have to face the face of the blade which is the actual fucking blade the razor's edge to get there which is the water bucket the man bearing the water bucket or the woman bearing the water bucket of water that will fucking get us home to West but it's always about south and south is the father all right? the same on here! we've got the arrow pointing up everything's aligned the father's making love with the mother the mother is making love with the father over here we have west and west west or! east and east alright? so! Jesus Jesus John John mother father mother father all right? and he is centered why God have you forsaken me so! that's the clock okay so? three is the celestial one 3 three is the celestial one the celestial one goes in the middle into the center which is the scorpion scorpions always the center celestial one in! astrology the scorpions the center the center head and the center head flips so this is Jesus's time in John's time this flips clockwise around now the arrows pointing down same with the plate this flips around now the knife is pointing down so! once Apophis hits and we make it to the kingdom in the west of the eagle we have to face the Sun burning up at the end and the blade and if we can get past that then we can get to the other side of the fucking knife again understand? and in this time Jesus is the handle and John is the fuckin head of the fork over here it's all the same on the outside the only thing that's changed is what's flipped is the center so now we have gay farther and farther together mother and mother together we have earth fighting West and we have West fighting earth so we have west earth earth west all right! mother mother father father the arrows pointing down the pyramids upside down so it's coming in from the North! which is what Jesus was talking about facing the blade we have to get to the other side and? it comes in from the north! it comes in? we're here and we have to get back here! and that's our whole destination and the wings are spread to get us back to here all right? and that's how it's positioned right now! on the Mayan calendar so? that's what's going on in the world we have water and fucking earth and water and fire all doing their things all because of the air right! and the calendar swapped over so now we're on the other side of the calendar we have Jesus we have John all right? the elder always looks after the younger is that not right! so forth etc twelve o'clock six o'clock three o'clock nine o'clock north south west east alright? so! did we have two tables or two tablets of commandments of stone they were two tablets we're they not? last time i checked a tablet is what! a tablet is it not? yes! are a round thing so he come down with two tablets or tables of stone two Round Table's like King Arthur and your two round tables of stone alright? and we have eight points on this and we have four points on that so! what? what does that equal hmm! 12 does it not? so is that not! that? is it not! what are these for? precisely! okay? hmm so! we have two tables of stone that we're in the Ark of the Covenant the two tablets of the Lord tablets like you put a tablet in your mouth and they're round okay? three is the celestial one the celestial one is always! Scorpio Scorpio is the head of a long tail bore of the tribe of Judah so there's your head of the long tail bore of the tribe of Judah alright? so here's the head that collides at the bottom and this time John and west the Eagle come down to here! the two heads collide this head which is this head is the head of the tribe of Judah which is we
- (Popcaan) Yeah man, yeah I know the boss. See me? Merci. Oh the Unruly. Represent for the Viva tho. Kick it off like a record max the same speed. [Energetic Piano Music] - Yo. Fully fully. On the Viva tho. Yo Josh. Life teach me something Made me no trust a lot. Me no trust me 'cause if he got trust a shot? y'all find someone me friend you know what I Believe me say it was a lot. I don't trust friend. I don't trust family. I am chosen. Me no love life like similile. Me only trust the bank and God People only trust the bank and God. Me only trust the bank and God. Jobs, only trust the bank and God. Me just trust the bank and God. Hmm, only trust the bank and God. Only trust the bank and God Ay Y G. Them people worser than shark. Ya that tell them your business Because them love talk. Instigator them, so watch your head back them set up them friend to kill in the bus park. From them we no seem right. Them Father move them from out of my life We set up your life So me walk with my gun every day, every night. I don't trust friend I don't trust family I am chosen Me no trust no body. Me only trust the bank and God. Oh, Only trust the bank and God Only trust the bank and God Oh, Only trust the bank and God. You see them drive wheel in a Jesus hand Me see man kill him brother for a piece of land Judah not afraid of a evil man [Inaudible Lyric] Jah Jah watch over me You know say me firm, me born to fight Me full up an enemy. Me no leave me gun no day, no night Dawg, man ah real OG me no frighten for the lime light Pagan love spy like them working fly ah Tell them run up if them want gun and bright light Man future so bright, Jamaican sunlight And me got me weed, and the same thing so high 8 7 6 GAD, the great, the Judah Like Kalonji we taking over Dawg, me don't even trust me neighbor From me young me trust the savior I don't trust friend I don't trust family I am chosen Right I don't trust nobody. Me only trust the bank and God. Yeah, only trust the bank and God. Me only trust the bank and God. Only trust the bank and God. Me only trust the bank and God. Only trust the bank and God. Only trust the bank and God. Only trust the bank and God. [Inaudible Lyrics] Foolish Foolish, Crazy Crazy Y G, Y G! Bombaclat Only trust the bank and God [Upbeat Outro Music]
hydrogen 1st atomic berelyum 4th atomic lol lithium 3rd atomic it's 6 pointed star forming time sodium 11st atomic magnesium 12th atomic potassium 19th atomic calcium 20th atomic scandium 21st atomic titanium 22nd atomic vanadium 23rd atomic (sorry about the symbol but i will reupload it) chromium 24th atomic manganese 25th atomic iron 26th atomic cobalt 27th atomic nickel 28th atomic copper 29th atomic zinc 30th atomic gallium 31st atomic aluminium 13th atomic silicon 14th atomic boron 5th atomic carbon 6th atomic nitrogen 7th atomic oxygen 8th atomic fluorine 9th atomic neon 10th atomic helium 2nd atomic (fake) see the real one at the reupload phosphorus 15th atomic sulfur 16th atomic chlorine 17th atomic argon 18th atomic germanium 32nd atomic arsenic 33rd atomic selenium 34th atomic bromine 35th atomic krypton 36th atomic rubidium 37th atomic strontium 38th atomic yttrium (yeet) 39th atomic cesium (caesium) 55th atomic barium 56th atomic francium 87th atomic radium 88th atomic zirconium 40th atomic niobium 41st atomic molybdenum 42nd atomic technetium 43rd atomic ruthenium 44th atomic bai hava greit taim rhodium 45th atomic palladium 46th atomic silver 47th atomic cadmium 48th atomic indium 49th atomic tin 50th atomic antimony 51st atomic tellurium 52nd atomic iodine 53rd atomic xenon 54th atomic hafnium 72nd atomic tantalum 73rd atomic tungsten 74th atomic rhenium 75th atomic osmium 76th atomic iridium 77th atomic platinum 78th atomic gold 79th atomic mercury 80th atomic thallium 81st atomic lead 82nd atomic bismuth 83rd atomic polonium 84th atomic astatine 85th atomic radon 86th atomic rutherfordium 104th atomic dubnium 105th atomic seaborgium 106th atomic bohrium 107th atomic hassium 108th atomic meintnerium 109th atomic darmstadtium 110th atomic roentgedium 111st atomic copernicium 112th atomic nihonium 113th atomic flevorium 114th atomic moscovium 115th atomic livermorium 116th atomic tenesine 117th atomic organeson 118th atomic lanthanum 57th atomic cerium 58th atomic praseodymium 59th atomic neodymium 60th atomic promethium 61st atomic samarium 62nd atomic europium 63rd atomic gadolinium 64th atomic terbium 65th atomic dysprosium 66th atomic holmium 67th atomic erbium 68th atomic thulium 69th atomic ytterbium 70th atomic lutetium 71st atomic actinium 89th atomic thorium 90th atomic protactinium 91st atomic uranium 92nd atomic neptunium 93rd atomic plutonium 94th atomic americium 95th atomic curium 96th atomic berkelium 97th atomic by sun californium 98th atomic einsteinium 99th atomic fermium 100th atomic mendelevium 101st atomic nobelium 102nd atomic lawrencium 103rd atomic
Translation by Agami I am hearing voices from the glorious future, In the silver dew these morning voices sound, I am hearing voices and alluring road Whirls my head just like in childhood roundabout. I pray glorious future, Don't be to me so cruel. Don't be to me so cruel, Oh, please do not be! From innocent inception Into the glorious future, Into the glorious future I start my way to thee. Pronunciation spelling by Angel the SiliconHeart Slishoo gawlahs is pree-krahsnah-vah dahlyokah Gawlahs ootreeniy, v see-rebryannoy rah-seh Slishoo gawlahs, ee mah-nyashchah-ya dah-raw-gah Kroo-zheet gaw-lah-voo, kahk v detstweh carousel... Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Zhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'! Ot chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah Ya nah-chee-nah-you poot' I am hearing voices from the glorious future, They are calling me to fairy wonderlands, Hearing voices and they're asking me so strictly: For tomorrow what's been done by you today? I pray glorious future, Don't be to me so cruel. Don't be to me so cruel, Oh, please do not be! From innocent inception Into the glorious future, Into the glorious future I start my way to thee. I swear I will become better and kinder, And will never leave in trouble any friend, Slishoo gawlahs is pree-krahsnah-vah dahlyokah, Ohn zah-vyot me-nya v choo-des-nee-ye krah-ya. Slishoo gawlahs – gawlahs sprah-shee-vah-it straw-gah: Ah see-vod-nya shtaw dlya zavtrah zdeh-lahl ya? Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Zhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'! Ot chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah Ya nah-chee-nah-you poot'. Ya klya-noos', shtaw stah-noo chischeh ee dub-reh-ye, Ee v behdeh nee braw-shoo droo-gah nee-kah-gdah. I am hearing voices, rushing to their callings, By the road on which there's not any trail. I pray glorious future, Don't be to me so cruel. Don't be to me so cruel, Oh, please do not be! From innocent inception Into the glorious future, Into the glorious future, I start my way to thee. Slishoo gawlahs ee spee-shoo nah zawv skah-reh-ye Pah dah-raw-geh, nah kah-taw-roy nyet sleh-dah... Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Ne bhoot' kah mneh zhees-taw-kah, Zhees-taw-kah ne bhoot'! Ot chees-tah-wah ees-taw-kah V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah, V Pree-krahsnah-ye dahlyokah Ya nah-chee-nah-you poot'.
DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell them play that shit again Tell him that you like that, like that DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell him play that shit again Tell him Turn up the bass! DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell them play that shit again Tell them that you like that, like that DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ DJ turn it DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-urn up the, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-urn up the bass! DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back Tell the DJ turn it up Tell the DJ bring it back DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ DJ turn it DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ DJ, DJ, DJ T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-turn up the bass T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-turn up the bass DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it (turn up the bass) DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it DJ turn it (turn up the bass) DJ turn it DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ, DJ (turn up the bass) DJ, turn it up Tell the DJ
I thought that you remember but it seems that you forgot It’s hard for me to blame you when you were already lost oh yeah I’m tired of always waiting oh yeah yeah I see you changed your number That’s why you don’t get my calls I gave you all of me now you don’t want to be involved oh yeah yeah I really gotta face it oh yeah yeah I just wanna be the one But to you we’re already done Tell me why’d you have to hit and run me Now I’m all alone crying ugly You broke my heart just for fun Took my love and just left me numb Now it’s 8 in the morning Hate in the morning All because of you Another story that’s sad and true I can feel the pain can you You had to be the one to let me down To color me blue Hate to see you with someone new I’ll put a curse on her and you Ain’t no looking back now you’re dead and gone My love is gone too All my love is gone All my love is gone Now you’re dead and gone All my love is gone and the hate has grown Standing all alone and I’m searching for something But I can’t feel nothin’ I pack my bags and go This don’t feel like home Too much darkness for a rainbow I feel so used How am I supposed to live without you I refuse yeah I just wanna be the one But to you we’re already done Tell me why’d you have to hit and run me Now I’m all alone crying ugly You broke my heart just for fun Took my love and just left me numb Now it’s 8 in the morning Hate in the morning All because of you Another story that’s sad and true I can feel the pain can you You had to be the one to let me down To color me blue Hate to see you with someone new I’ll put a curse on her and you Ain’t no looking back now you’re dead and gone My love is gone too All my love is gone All my love is gone Now you’re dead and gone
Hello and welcome viewers Today I will share with you an amazing drink that is best for your children’s height, sharp eye sight and brain development. It is very tasty in drinking and good for all ages, even pregnant ladies can use it The ingredients used are full of all those nutrients and vitamins The ingredients used are full of all those nutrients and vitamins. which are must for growth of healthier and strong bones. which are must for growth of healthier and strong bones. Flax seeds used here have abundance of calcium, magnesium, iron and protein Flax seeds used here have abundance of calcium, magnesium, iron and protein You should try and add Flax seeds in your family diet You should try and add Flax seeds in your family diet Sesame seeds which are packed with calcium, copper, iron, copper and magnesium. Sesame seeds which are packed with calcium, copper, iron, copper and magnesium. Remember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body Remember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body Remember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body Remember all foods which are high in minerals and nutrients leaves a warm impact on body But today I will explain you the usage in a way that all these ingredients will leave a cool impact But today I will explain you the usage in a way that all these ingredients will leave a cool impact And whole family can use it very easily in summer Third, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium Third, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium Third, Pistachio that is also rich in vitamin A & B, calcium, magnesium It is good for growth of stronger and healthier bones, and play big part in beautifying your skin It is good for growth of stronger and healthier bones, and play big part in beautifying your skin. Cashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium. Cashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium. Cashew Nuts are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, iron and potassium. it’s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight. it’s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight. it’s a super food for growth of children height, brain development and eye sight Almonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health. Almonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health. Almonds are no doubted best for eye sight, skin and for your overall health. It has Vitamin E in high quantity that is best to keep your skin as young and tight. It has Vitamin E in high quantity that is best to keep your skin as young and tight. We may add rock sugar as sweetener here, it is an healthier option than white sugar. it is an healthier option than white sugar. it is an healthier option than white sugar. it is an healthier option than white sugar. Now we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond Now we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond Now we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond Now we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond Now we will add 100gram for each of Cashew, Pistachio and Almond and 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar. and 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar. and 50gram each of sesame seeds, flax seeds and rock sugar. Now grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately Now grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately Now grind all these ingredients all together and rock sugar can be grinded separately Don’t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video Don’t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video Don’t grind it too much, but keep upto what you see here in video You may eat with spoon, but kids may not like eating it in summer You may eat with spoon, but kids may not like eating it in summer So, put the mixture i
Hello music people, welcome to another video on our channel. In this video we are going to analyze Diana Ankudinova. And for those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, I am a composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer. And this time we are going to analyze a song "Duduk", music by Diana Ankudinova. And this time we are going to analyze a song "Duduk", music by Diana Ankudinova. Let's analyze and see the behavior of your voice. If possible, add information about the music production. and also in relation to the composition of the music, so it will be done. and also in relation to the composition of the music, so it will be done. But first of all, if you are not subscribed, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. And leave your suggestion in the comments. The message was passed and let's go to the most important one who is Diana Ankudinova. It is the style of music we are used to listening to Diana Ankudinova. It is the style of music we are used to listening to Diana Ankudinova. It's the kind of music with a very mysterious and mystical sound. It's the kind of music with a very mysterious and mystical sound. and this fits very well with the artistic personality of Diana Ankudinova. and this fits very well with the artistic personality of Diana Ankudinova. It's not something she's been doing lately but, It's not something she's been doing lately but, we noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice. we noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice. we noticed that she began to work more with the use of the mixed voice. It is a job that she began to adopt and that is very good, It is a job that she began to adopt and that is very good, because by the way she interprets the songs, this is something that brings more dynamism to your playing. this is something that brings more dynamism to your playing. And this is very positive. The use of mixed voice and the use of falsetto... The falsetto was something she used occasionally. and currently makes a very different use of falsetto. and currently makes a very different use of falsetto. And this is also very good, along with the use of the mixed voice. This is a mixed use of voice. It's not a full voice in the chest region... And it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region. And it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region. And it's not just this region, which we call the voice mask region. We use mask voice a lot, when we use our modal region, We use mask voice a lot, when we use our modal region, the speaking region, the voice conversation region. Now there is a second voice on this work, an octave up. And it is very likely that Diana herself made this recording. And it is very likely that Diana herself made this recording. And she has the ability to do this kind of voice and play those notes softly. And there is still a third voice doing solos. The solos are vocalizations... Listen to this beautiful falsetto. Listen to this beautiful falsetto. Diana starts a job where she builds her voice Diana starts a job where she builds her voice and we're starting to realize that it projects a dynamic that wasn't there in the beginning. and we're starting to realize that it projects a dynamic that wasn't there in the beginning. She was doing another dynamic and this is fantastic. She was doing another dynamic and this is fantastic. She inserted a Glissando. Listen to these vocalizations and these solos that she interprets with her voice. Listen to these vocalizations and these solos that she interprets with her voice. It is wonderful. This is something that Diana knows how to do very well. It is a work that adds a main voice line that she recorded. It is a work that adds a main voice line that she recorded. Therefore, in post-production effect, she inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo. she inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo. she inserts these vocalizations that we call a solo. It's a voice solo.
welcome to an Adventure Into the Heart of  Africa a land of incredible wildlife and   natural beauty in this video we'll take you  on a journey through the vast savannas unless   Forest of Africa introducing you to some  of the most incredible animals you ever   see from The Majestic lions and elephants  to the Speedy cheetahs and nemble gazelles get ready to experience the thrill of the  African safari so sit back relax and get   ready to explore the Wilds of Africa with  us we hope you enjoy this video and that   it inspires you to appreciate the beauty and  diversity of the animals that call Africa home foreign we need your support it's disheartening when we  see viewers enjoying our content but not taking   a moment to like And subscribe your support  means the world to us and it motivates us   to continue creating more exciting content so if  you enjoy this video please hit that like button   and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on  our latest Adventures thank you for your support   let's get started on our African safari lichu antelopes Cape buffaloes an elf crocodile hippos Serengeti African elephants zebra lion foreign ER yes flamingos Kenya foreign giraffe foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign we hope you enjoyed this journey into the Wilds  of Africa and discovering some of its incredible   animal species from The Towering giraffes  to the playful zebras and fierce Predators   like lions and hyenas there's no shortage of  amazing animals to see on African continent if you enjoyed this video please  remember to give it a thumbs up and   subscribe to our channel for more  exciting content don't forget to   hit the notification Bell to stay  updated on our latest Adventures thank you for watching and we  look forward to taking you on   many more wild Journeys in  the future goodbye for now foreign foreign
WS: Here I go! WS: WHOO! WS: Back up! WS: Uh Oh! WS: Watch out! WS: You done wound me up! WS: Boutta show you what I'm workin' with! RW: Well, Ali Baba had them forty thieves, RW: Scheherazade had a thousand tales. RW: But, master, you're in luck 'cause up your sleeves, RW: You got a brand of magic never fails! WS: You got some power in your corner now! WS: Heavy ammunition in your camp. WS: You got some punch, pizazz, yahoo, and how? WS: All you gotta do is rub that lamp! And then I'll say: RW: Mister ... WS: Man, what's you're name? Whatever. RW: What will you pleasure be? RW: Let me take your order, jot it down, RW: You ain't never had a friend like me! WS: Life is your restaurant, and I'm your maître d'. WS: Come, whisper to me whatever it is you want. WS: You ain't never had a friend like me! RW: Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service. RW: You're the boss, the king, the shah! RW: Say what you wish, it's yours, true dish! RW: How about a little more baklava? WS: Have some of column A. Try all of column B. WS: I'm in the mood to help you, dude. WS: You ain't never had a friend like me! WS: Can your friends do this? RW: Can your friends do that? WS: Can your friends pull this.... RW: Out their little hat? Can your friends go.... RW: WHOO! WS: [Beatboxing] WS: [Beatboxing] WS: I'm the genie of the lamp. WS: I can sing, rap, dance, if you give me a chance! RW: So don't you sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed! RW: I'm here to answer all your midday prayers! RW: You got me bona fide, certified! RW: You got a genie for your chargé d'affaires! WS: I got a powerful urge to help you out, WS: So what's your wish? I really wanna know. WS: You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt! WS: All you gotta do is rub like so! RW: Mister Aladdin, sir! RW: Have a wish or two or three! RW: I'm on the job, you big nabob. RW: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't.... WS: Never had a friend, never had a friend, you ain't.... RW: Never! Had a! Friend! Like! WS: Never! Had a! Friend! Like! RW: Me! WS: You ain't never had a friend like me!
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Vanessa: Hi, I'm Vanessa from Are you ready to learn a lot of English? Let's do it. I have a little secret or surprise to share with you. For the last year I have been making 10 second to 30 second quick, rapid fire English lessons for a social media channel that I have in China. You can check it out here if you are in China. But I thought, why should my lovely YouTube students, you, miss out on these English lessons? So today I have compiled 84 rapid fire English lessons that you can study today to improve your vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural knowledge of American English. 84 lessons is a lot, so I have created something spectacular for you. I have created a huge PDF worksheet that you can download for free that has everything you will learn today. I hope that this worksheet will help you never forget what you've learned and feel excited about English. So make sure you click on the link below this video to download the free PDF worksheet. All right, let's get started with these 84 rapid fire English lessons for beginners and intermediate English learners. Don't forget to click on CC to view the full subtitles so that you don't miss a word that I say. All right, here goes. In America, these are pants. These are pants. But in the UK these are trousers. Trousers. So what are pants in the UK? You wear pants inside your trousers. They're this. So be careful. In America, these are pants but in the UK these are pants. Do you know how to describe this shirt in English? It is a long-sleeved shirt. It has a color and it has buttons. Sometimes we call this a button up shirt. A button up shirt. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt. This is the sleeve and it's short. This is the sleeve and it's long. Long-sleeved, short-sleeved. This is a tank top. A tank top has no sleeves. This tank top has a built in bra. This is a piece of elastic inside the shirt. This is also a tank top but you can call this also a spaghetti strap tank top because the straps are thin like spaghetti. It's a spaghetti strap tank top. Jeans. Jeans. Khakis. Khakis. Sweat pants. Sweat pants. Women wear leggings. Leggings. Or sometimes we call these yoga pants. Yoga pants. What's this? It's a baseball cap. I don't play baseball but it's still a baseball cap. In daily English we do not say it's a cap. The word cap is old fashioned in American English. Instead, we say baseball cap or this a sun hat. A sun hat. This is a winter hat. A winter hat or a beanie. A beanie. What are these shoes in English? Slip-on shoes. Slip-on shoes. Sandals. Sandals. In America, these are flip flops. Flip flops. Rain boots. Rain boots. Tennis shoes. Tennis shoes. Maybe for running or basketball, they're all tennis shoes. High-heeled shoes. High-heeled shoes or high heels. High heels. And dress shoes. Dress shoes. What do you wear under your clothes? I won't show you, but we wear underwear or undies. A bra. A bra. For men, men could wear briefs, boxers or boxer briefs. Do you like to garden? First, you plant the seeds in the soil. Let's watch. I'm planting the seeds in the soil. I'm planting the seeds in the soil. What a beautiful day, spring has sprung. This is a great expression we can use at the beginning of spring after a long winter, cold, dark, cloudy, snowy. When the trees become green, the flowers bloom, you can say, "Yes, spring has sprung. Spring is here. Spring has sprung." Do you hear that sound? The birds are chirping. Birds are chirping. This is a wonderful phrase that we use in the springtime because the birds are making a lot of noise. Usually, its beautiful noise and we say, "The birds are chirping. Spring is here. What a wonderful day. The birds are chirping." What is this in English? Let's see. These buds haven't opened yet. This is a bud. This is before the flower opens or before the flower blooms. It is a bud. A bud. In the springtime, there are a lot of buds on the trees. I hope they will open and bloom soon. I have great news, my seeds are sprouting. Let's look. The seeds have sprouted, have sprouted. These are seedlings. Se
E Ex Exc Exci Excit Excita Excitat Excitati Excitatio Excitation Excitation Excitation t Excitation te Excitation tes Excitation test Excitation test Excitation test o Excitation test of Excitation test of Excitation test of C Excitation test of CT Excitation test of CT, Excitation test of CT, Excitation test of CT, P Excitation test of CT, Pa Excitation test of CT, Par Excitation test of CT, Part Excitation test of CT, Part Excitation test of CT, Part I Excitation test of CT, Part I: Excitation test of CT, Part I: T Tr Tra Tran Trans Transf Transfo Transfor Transform Transforme Transformer Transformer Transformer a Transformer an Transformer and Transformer and Transformer and i Transformer and it Transformer and its Transformer and its Transformer and its s Transformer and its sa Transformer and its sat Transformer and its satu Transformer and its satur Transformer and its satura Transformer and its saturat Transformer and its saturati Transformer and its saturatio Transformer and its saturation Transformer and its saturation: Transformer and its saturation: Before talking about the Excitation test, it is necessary to review some important and useful subjects related to analyzing behavior of transformers including equivalent circuit and some electric and electromagnetic analyses. You can see a transformer equivalent circuit in the figure. In this circuit, “Rp” and “Rs” refer to the primary and secondary coils resistance respectively which occur as heat loss and increase in the temperature of the coil. “XP” and “XS”, on the other hand, indicate a part of the flux whose path is through air and is known as “leakage Flux”. In the parallel branch, “Rc” is the indicator of core loss including eddy current and Hysteresis losses which occur as increase in the temperature of the core. The reason for parallelism of “Rc” is that the losses caused by it are in accordance with the square of the input voltage. “Xm” indicates magnetizing inductance of the wires wrapped around the core of the transformer. Transformer Loading and Its Effect on Transformer Saturation When load is drawn from the transformer, this power causes the secondary current to increase. When the secondary current increases, the flux caused by the secondary coil increases as well. Also, after the secondary current increases, the primary current increases as well which leads to an increase in the flux of the primary side. But since the changes in the secondary side current are bigger, the flux of the secondary side will be more than the primary side. Because of the influence of the opposite side of these two in the equivalent flux of the transformer core, the flux of the transformer decreases. As a result, while the load drawn from the terminals of the power transformer increases, the core recedes from the saturation area. Therefore, in full-load it is possible to use a small core for the transformer, but since transformer is not always used in nominal load, by reducing the core, the decrease in the load, leads to the saturation of transformer. So to avoid transformer saturation in light load and change the waveform from sine wave, it is necessary to extend the transformer core. S Sa Sat Satu Satur Satura Saturat Saturati Saturatio Saturation Saturation Saturation C Saturation Cu Saturation Cur Saturation Curv Saturation Curve Saturation Curve Saturation Curve o Saturation Curve of Saturation Curve of Saturation Curve of “ Saturation Curve of “C Saturation Curve of “CT Saturation Curve of “CT” Saturation Curve of “CT” As mentioned before, the power transformer recedes from saturation by increasing the current whereas CT gets closer to the saturation area. The reason for this is related to the voltage of parallel branch where, in the power transformer by increasing the current, voltage of the parallel branch decrease. But in “CT”, by increasing the current, the voltage of the parallel branch in the secondary side increases and the “CT” saturates. “CT” saturation in a power system is caused by increase in the primary current because of occurrence of a fault which disa
Scientific method Scientific method First you make an observation of the world around Take notes and record all the things that you found Then you ask a simple question Something that you wanna learn Then you form a hypothesis to explain what you observed Then you make a prediction about how it's gonna go Do a test with a control and a variable Then you analyze the data and draw a conclusion Do the scientific method to avoid all confusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis and make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis and and make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method, scientific method, scientific method... First you make an observation of the world around Take notes and record all the things that you found Then you ask a simple question, something that you wanna learn Then you form a hypothesis to explain what you observed Then you make a prediction about how it's gonna go Do a test with a control and a variable Then you analyze the data and draw a conclusion Do the scientific method to avoid all confusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis And make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis And make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis And make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis And make a prediction Do a test Or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method Scientific method
today we will learn about basic  mathematics in logic how to write   simple equations consisting of predictions  square roots subscripts and superscripts   there are two types of mathematical modes  these are inline and displayed modes   in inline mode the expression is displayed  in between the text while in the displayed   mode the expression is displayed on a new line to  write the mathematical expression in inline mode   it should come in between the single  dollar symbol like dollar x plus 5 dollar the x plus 5 is written in the same  line similarly to write the expression   in displayed mode it should come in  between the double dollar symbols like x plus 5 here the x 5 is written on  the separate new line to write the   multiplication symbol in the expression  the times command used for example 3 times 5 the multiplication symbol is coming here   similarly to write the division  symbol the div command used 25 leave 5 25 divided by 5 is coming here the fractions  are written with the prediction command   it has two arguments first  argument is the numerator and   the second argument is the denominator of  the expression write the fraction command in the first argument write denominator of the  expression x plus 5 and in the second argument   write the denominator of the expression x  minus 5 the fraction is coming here but it   is coming in small size to display it in the  normal size write the command display style   now the fraction is coming in the proper size  subscripts are written with the underscore   symbol and the superscripts are written  with the hat symbol after the underscore   underscore or head symbol the text will appear in  the base or in the power respectively for example to write 3 in the base of x write x underscore 3. now 3 is coming in the base of the x similarly to write 10 in the base of y only the 1 is coming in the base and the 0 is   not coming to write the 10 in the base  and close it in the curly brackets now the whole whole number is coming in the  base of y similarly to write the superscript   x at 3 x to the power of 3 is  coming here similarly to write   more than one words in the power close  it in the curly brackets y hat 23 y to the power of 23 is shown here the square  root is written with the square root command   write the square root command sqrt in the curly brackets write the expression of  the square root for example 2 the square root of 2   is coming here in the curly brackets you can also  write long expression fractions etc for example s   qrt x plus 3 sqrt write the fraction in  it reaction command x plus 2 x minus 5   the fraction command is coming in the square  root you can also write the display style here   now the square root is  coming in in the proper style let's write these expressions these  equations here for example this f   of x is equal to 1 plus x square can be written as f of x is equal to 1 plus x to the power 2 here it is coming here f of x is equal to 1 plus  s square x square similarly the second expression f of x is equal to 1 minus square  root of square t square root of x the second equation is coming here write the third equation f of x is equal to square root of 5 x plus 10. write the fourth equation g of x is equal to  square root of x to the power 2 minus three of x the fourth equation is coming here write the fifth equation f of t is equal to selection  write reflection command   in denominator there there is four and  in the denominator there is three minus t it is coming in small size write the display style now it is coming in proper form and proper style this equation is j of t is equal to fraction like the fraction   a denominator that is true and in the denominator  there is t square right a power 2 minus 16 write the display style command is coming here the next one is find the  domain of y finally the name of it is coming in line write the inline  command y is equal to and there is fraction   right the fraction command in the in denominator  there is x plus 3 and the denominator there is   4 minus and square root right  this square r
You have time You make the time Look everyone has a problem with time. But the day is 24 hours, and we sleep 6. Now I know there are some out there that say whoa whoa whoa whoa ... I need 8. But I say to sleep a little faster. Because the bottom line is we have 6 hours of sleep, 24 hours are available. So it's 18 hours now available do your work, your family, your hobbies, and also to learn something new, or to do something new which could easily be that you want to learn and language or that you want to read does and as a New Year’s resolution after read a book every week, or where you say I gonna to reshape my body. So you're gonna go and take this hour out of your schedule and say I'm gonna to train an hour every day so this is for most people a huge challenge but it’s totally doable I can tell them because the kind of things that I did When they came to this country I mean I went to school, I was working in a construction I was working out 5 hours a day I was taking acting classes from 8 at night to 12 midnight. I was doing all of those things. I wanted to make sure that out of the 24 hours of the day that I don’t waste one single hour. Those hours were too precious and so they're just going to tell people don't give me this thing I have a difficult time of at the time and I don't have time for this now You have time You make the time When the president of the United States has time to work out. When the pope has time to work out. Then you have time to work out.
May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. In the name of God, praise be to God, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him From here from Egypt, specifically from Cairo, we are enlightened by the grace of God the world and we take it out of disregard for it You will ask me the reason for this introduction The truth is that a foreign person wrote to me in the comments ,, How to believe a person who has been absent from his culture since the second century AD Of course he meant the end of Roman rule in the year 200 AD after the Pharaohs or the ancient Egyptians As if our culture had ended at this century and forgotten or forgotten that God had sent to us A great Messenger is our master Muhammad, the world has enlightened him, What this means is what you will add to us after losing culture What this means is what you will add to us after losing culture In the sense that whatever you discover you will not reach the extent of our knowledge, we are the ones who invented complicated machines and machines This is true, but he forgot that the reason for this knowledge is the Islamic civilization, with its pioneering scholars in all fields, and everyone knows them They put the furniture of the people of the West, translated their books, studied them well, and finished them I wrote to him in response to his comment, I said it, then his culture returned to him again in the sixth century AD to illuminate the world and take it out of its delusions At the hands of our Master Muhammad and culture, it was only 350 years late and not a long, dark find. We start now with the episode first. I notice that the videos there are watched by just a few minutes, and nothing will benefit Thanks to God, these are the foundations of new science. If you see a part and leave a part, maybe you will leave it with strong evidence, build it in the future. Thanks to God, these are the foundations of new science. If you see a part and leave a part, maybe you will leave it with strong evidence, build it in the future. Like a doctor or a teacher. If you leave part of his explanation, you will not understand the lesson. There are those who object to things that you answered in many videos. The meaning of this is that he did not see anything and object and only must watch the whole video as the subject of the mountains will continue with us for some time, And the issue is not limited to the mountains only, but what was hidden was greater and everything was in its time Now if the huge mountains are rooted in plants, they must have huge fruits, just as they are Here is the first picture with us The fruit on the right is two conjoined fruits, with a fossil of figs, as are many fruits The fruits are many and sporadic And this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified And this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified And this is very clear that it is a fruit and its shell has occurred as the skin is a texture and the fruit is another fabric and there is a separation between them as it is the first thing that occurs when the fruit is petrified These are scattered fruits in the desert, where are the mountains then? I say that the mountains are connected to each other by roots and these fruits come out This is another , And this is an external framework then an internal layer and then the nucleus These are v
Whoo! Pressure. Oh, no, please, Shellyann, don't fumble. Tonight, there's no rules any more, is there, for what could happen. Rule book, gone. # I was born in a thunderstorm # I grew up overnight # I played alone and I played on my own # But I survived # I'm still breathing I'm still breathing # I'm still breathing... # Yes, yes! # I'm still breathing # I'm alive... # Yeah, she's doing it! # I'm alive # I'm alive # I'm alive # I have made every single mistake # That you could ever possibly make # I took and I took I took what you gave # But you never noticed that I was in pain # I knew what I wanted I went out and got it # Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't # I told you that I would never be forgotten # And all in spite of you... # Go on! # I'm still breathing # I'm still breathing # I'm still breathing # I'm alive # I'm alive # I'm alive. # CHEERING With a score of 100, you're our winner. CHEERING You just won £50,000. Oh, my God! Thank you so much, guys, thank you. What does £50,000 mean to you, Shellyann? I'm going to get married. You're going to get married? CHEERING And Southern Flavor, just pipped at the post. You should be so proud of yourselves. This entire experience has been absolutely amazing. You guys are absolutely amazing. Thank you for this. Thank you. Give it up for Southern Flavor, everyone. Congratulations. Ladies and gentlemen, your All Together Now 2019 champion, it's Shellyann. You so deserve to win. I'm so proud of you. We all are. CHEERING Well, that's it for this series. Thanks to all our amazing acts and, of course, Geri and the rest of the 100. To find out more about the show, check out our website and follow us on social media. Now, it's been an incredible night, and to sing us out one last time, Shellyann and the 100. Good night. # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # And don't it feel good? Yeah! # And don't it feel good? Hey! # I feel the love I feel the love # I feel the love that's really real # I feel the love, I feel the love, I feel the love # That's really real I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # I'm walking on sunshine, whoa-oh # And don't it feel good! #
Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Cumming on Cumming on [x2] Cumming on [x3] Cumming on [x4] Final Lees out of my K Time for me is counting no A Couldn't be DARE, shouldn't be scare Good at repair under E-snare Tangible, think so I con man Panoramic make it all man Pick and flu all you Chicks 'n Pink is really Picture down in a book Like you lick, you think is Miss Tickle Piritual, here's a new the cure to Lifeless, to bishop for what christ-less To you, to on the "like it?" Righteous but side kick to zes you in Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Cumming on Cumming on [x2] Cumming on [x3] Cumming on [x4] Essence to 'bout choo-choo Allow me to choa like it Rhythm, you DON'T (accurate portrayal of this video) That's an ffff in 'em Tree, every Terry Cloud in semen-je AAH Che and the...chin in the f***ing enter Something to ya list so might as nuts as people Me as a guy, Y'all can see me ne See with ya i, see with ya ma n, f***ah, so brown with what mentor Russ are mah member when the I brought you kazoo, law is law Fearless, and Saw was dead Quill and rem, all in your HEN Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Happy, feeling glaa Sunshine in a bad Museless, not for Lon Future coming on Cumming on Cumming on [x2] Cumming on [x3] Cumming on [x4] Future coming on Cumming on [x5] Cumming on [x6] Cumming on [x7] Cumming on [x8] Future coming on Cumming on [x9] Cumming on [x10] Cumming on [x11] Cumming on [x12] Future coming on Cumming on [x13] Cumming on [x14] Future coming on Cumming on [x15] Cumming on [x16] Future coming on Cumming on [x17] Cumming on [x18] Future (it's just instrumentals from here on out, bois)
Someone’s shadow is slightly passing Its charm makes heartbeat mixing like the drunk Hooking the clouds following the waves continuously Your sweet smile makes me disappear and forget all the way to get home eh, Could not find my own way home ehhhh Rhythm mixing in your lips and eyes Create the way for the love vibration Touching takes many Attached Love overwhelms Fill up everywhere Daydream with winds and flowers Just in that moment Speechlessness controls Thousands stars warmly handing make me feel solitary All the flowers are awakened up smoothly overwhelming over the spaces Singing together asking for your stop of each step The lovesick is amazed The shocking beautiful maze save our memories Give it to me Give it to me What I am waiting Give it to me Give it to me Lets do all we wish right at this moment Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me all of burning love Give me the fully origin love Looking at my Gucci is about that time We can smoke a blunt and pop a bottle of wine Now get yourself together and be ready by nine Cuz we gon’ do some things that will shatter your spine Come one, undone, Snoop Dogg, Son Tung Long Beach is the city that I come from So if you want some, get some Better enough take some, take some Touching takes many Attached Love overwhelms Fill up everywhere Daydream with winds and flowers Just in that moment Speechlessness controls Thousands stars warmly handing make me feel solitary All the flowers are awakened up smoothly overwhelming over the spaces Singing together asking for your stop of each step The lovesick is amazed The shocking beautiful maze save our memories Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me What I am waiting Give it to me Give it to me Lets do all we wish right at this moment Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me all of burning love Give me fully origin love You let me see the paradise quickly in just a second Like the sound contains all the invitation via the song Like a drunk guy looking for, wishing for Slowly getting closer holding you tightly Give it, Give it all, don’t waver or hide anymore Forget forget all, get closer, closer Sinking into the sky, for us only, closing our eyes, hand in hand get lost amongst the stars You let me see the paradise quickly in just a second Like the sound contains all the invitation via the song Like a drunk guy looking for, wishing for Slowly getting closer holding you tightly Give it, Give it all, don’t waver or hide anymore Forget forget all, get closer, closer Sinking into the sky, for us only, closing our eyes, hand in hand get lost amongst the stars Give it to me Give it to me What I am waiting
glucoseandrodo: hello? glucoseandrodo: hello? DukeDeserix: Sup glucoseandrodo: hello? DukeDeserix: Sup barnycalhoun: trol glucoseandrodo: hello? DukeDeserix: Sup barnycalhoun: trol doomguydon: good afternoon glucoseandrodo: hello? DukeDeserix: Sup barnycalhoun: trol doomguydon: good afternoon spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad DukeDeserix: Sup barnycalhoun: trol doomguydon: good afternoon spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad barnycalhoun: trol doomguydon: good afternoon spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad doomguydon: good afternoon spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad doomguydon: good afternoon spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad jcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better spoofaman_2: no Tyler people on the internet told me 76 is bad so it is bad jcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better jcscruggs: New Vegas 2 is better s4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea s4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler s4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler glucoseandrodo: hola s4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler glucoseandrodo: hola xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO s4turngamer: @spoofaman_2 yea TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler glucoseandrodo: hola xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler glucoseandrodo: hola xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR TheOwlOfLife: hi ty ler glucoseandrodo: hola xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA glucoseandrodo: hola xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: YOOOOOO xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: TYLEEERRRRR xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: LOTTA LOVE FROM LAAA LittleGreentrooper: Hi vnn, where's Tyler ? LittleGreentrooper: Hi vnn, where's Tyler ? xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Oh- I mistook vnn for tyler, my mistake xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Oh- I mistook vnn for tyler, my mistake jcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that’s all I ever hear jcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that’s all I ever hear xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76 jcscruggs: This game must be good now cause that’s all I ever hear xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76 xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: I get bullied at school because I like Fallout 76 xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help innerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot xX_TheMidnightGospel_Xx: Tyler help innerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot doomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! innerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot doomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! innerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot doomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! edenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!! innerred_mitorict: Then again, you also liked Artefact, so that says a lot doomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! edenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!! comic_sams123: Can you elaborate on the fallout 76 offline thing you talked about? :) doomguydon: doomguydon subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! edenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!! comic_sams123: Can you elaborate on the fallout 76 offline thing you talked about? :) edenmann: fallout 76? more like fallout 75!!!!!!!
Christopher Carbone: This is Question Number fourteen of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: If F. Of X is equal to x to the fourth, or it's fourx. We want to find F. Prime of X, Christopher Carbone: and then try to see Christopher Carbone: that your answer in part A is reasonable by comparing the graph of F and F. Prime. Christopher Carbone: So first and foremost, Christopher Carbone: we need to find this derivative. Christopher Carbone: So F. Prime of X Christopher Carbone: is by definition a limit. Christopher Carbone: As h approaches zero over F of Vax bus age, Christopher Carbone: minus F of x, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: And let's do the work for that down here. Arms Christopher Carbone: F of x plus H. Christopher Carbone: Minus F. Of x, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: So there should be x plus h Christopher Carbone: to the for us, Christopher Carbone: plus four times x plus h Christopher Carbone: manus. Christopher Carbone: Let me fix my age there Christopher Carbone: minus Christopher Carbone: um. This would be going to suction is off Christopher Carbone: manus ducks to the fourth, Christopher Carbone: who has four acts, Christopher Carbone: all divided by H. Christopher Carbone: So expanding the x plus h to the fourth, distributing the four and the four times x plus h, Christopher Carbone: and distributing this negative at the end. Christopher Carbone: This mates x to the fourth Christopher Carbone: was four x cubed times H. Christopher Carbone: And let me just fix that Christopher Carbone: to make that more readable, Christopher Carbone: Four x cubed times h Christopher Carbone: plus six x squared times H. Squared. Christopher Carbone: It was fourx times. H cubed Christopher Carbone: cross edge to the fourth, Christopher Carbone: who has fourx. Christopher Carbone: What's for H Christopher Carbone: man? It sucks to the forest, Christopher Carbone: minus fourx, Christopher Carbone: all divided by it, Christopher Carbone: and a few things cancel there, Christopher Carbone: right. It's next to the fourths Christopher Carbone: and the four X. Christopher Carbone: So this would leave us with Christopher Carbone: before we divide by H, Christopher Carbone: and this will leave four X cubed. H Christopher Carbone: was six x squared. H squared Christopher Carbone: was four x H. Cubed. Christopher Carbone: Who is H to the fourth? Christopher Carbone: What's voyage, Christopher Carbone: all divided by it Christopher Carbone: that leaves us with. When we divide by H. We Christopher Carbone: a four X cubed Christopher Carbone: or sips x squared times H. The Christopher Carbone: plus fourx times h squared plus h cubed Christopher Carbone: what's four Christopher Carbone: so we can we way. I'll limit no with this Christopher Carbone: before we apply h is equal to zero Christopher Carbone: limit as h approaches zero of the Christopher Carbone: or it's cubed Christopher Carbone: was six x squared. Christopher Carbone: That's h Christopher Carbone: was four x h squared Christopher Carbone: what h cubed plus four, Christopher Carbone: so since h can be zero here and make no issues. We would just be left with four X cubed. Christopher Carbone: It's plus four Christopher Carbone: to compare those graphs. Let me Christopher Carbone: hold up. That's most for this. Our original function was X to the fourth Christopher Carbone: quest for Apps Anna, me Christopher Carbone: zoom out so we could see that Christopher Carbone: there we go, Christopher Carbone: and the derivative. We just found the Christopher Carbone: which was four X cubed. Christopher Carbone: What for? Christopher Carbone: And we could see that comparison Christopher Carbone: by looking at this, even though we are not looking at a specific point per se. Christopher Carbone: The derivatives, the one in green does show that diversity of what's no function in red. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.
22K Gold heat the gold on a metallic cotton then make the gold little longer in the rolling machine cut it into half so that one half portion used to make wires and another to cut gold pieces this is gold press dies cutting machine which cut gold pieces change the dies and we can have different gold pieces now it time to make gold wires 22 gauge wire to make pendant holder 24 gauge wire for designing and solid small gold spheres 31 gauge wire to make twisted wire 31 gauge wire to make twisted wire the twisted wire can not be made at once so heat it up again then twist it again another wire for designing use 22 gauge wire to make the frame the frame is almost ready solder all the edges this is plasticine type clay the surface of the clay should be uniform so use two iron plate to make the surface uniform place all the frame part on the clay press the frame little inside the clay lets start designing heat the design with diluted acid this magnetic polishing machine I use polish gold jewelry the final design and the weight of this pendant is 9.480 grams
2000+ Common Swedish Nouns with the Pronunciation a people a dad a thank you a no a home one day a way a mother a song a problem a helpful a father a hell once an error a choir a friend a child a product a name a mine a hold a son a faith a wife a God a question awhile one morning a road a field a pipe end an era a brother a woman a time a sweetheart a guy a chance a place a part one night a car one thing a couple a house a ride a liver a daughter an idea a danger one word a leg a room a sister a fool a life a family a bath a weapon a friend a choice a hand a captain a plan one four a spring a heart an attempt a number a blood one week an apology a card a foundation a mother a sting a love a miss a lot a doctrine a girl a place a mistake a poison a role a gentleman a sin slightly an order a night a health a while a story happiness a trip a person a country a service a piece of evidence a side an advice a job an agent an earnest a murder a ring a body an answer one hour a boy a conversation a type a cop an injury a mess a start a boss a prison a human a moment a berry a planet a dog a doctor a coffee a phone a world a fire a speed a war a hair a message an office a face a bowl a game an animal a party a land a movie a president a peace a murderer a reason an uncle a goodbye a meeting a dream a contact a goal a rest a decision one step a beer one meter an information a book a city a stop bar a lunch a ship a head a king a father a joke a safety a mission a lawyer one minute one month a colonel an apartment a light a nod a river a picture a thought a pile an accident a letter a husband one thing a track a glass a jump a team an eye a Christmas a general a baby a reindeer a scarf a crime a sign a gun a voice a kid a force a victim a surprise a doctor a permission a group one piece a reason an honor a drink a corpse a host a band a visit a paper a grandfather a boat a tea a future a bed a grace a power an age a wine a speech a feeling a price a responsibility a brother a translation a difference one reason a cousin one leader a hero an example a pain a destiny a lead a hospital a brain a pig a hole a farewell a teacher a shape a relationship a pattern one second A wedding a fish a horse a lady one punch a company a medicine a memory a hotel a kiss a whore a bite a pressure a gift a man a strength a text a battle a class a shop A holiday a percent a truth a proposal a million an egg a suicide a freedom a position a school a soldier a wife a marriage a career a situation an area a present a door one flesh a mouth a grandma one mile a sound a farce an opportunity a threat a door a tree a table an advantage a pleasure a major a fact a birthday one arm a computer a debt a breast a desire a lie a French an army a bag an ice a passport magic a stone a champion a fear an afternoon a game support an oath a lock a path a possibility one kilometer an energy a style a guy a protection a deal a cat a color an al a language an address a queen a cup a duck a report a vocation a bid a Friday a professor a knee a hostage surgery a vengeance one sentence a grandmother an asset a system an ironing a knife a guard a thing a desire a Saturday a panic a sight an opinion an enemy a vacation a dress a bottom a courage a disease an experience a bottle a justice a purchase a German a relation a judge a tongue a prince a bomb one eleven a miracle a need a coat a milk a container a brand a back a window an alternative awhile a sword an art a Monday pound a bed a favorite a mood a guest a dance a park a client a signal a star a patient a nightmare a warning a salary a risk a level a clock a funeral a village a priest a course a rumor a bullet a break a duty a genius a seizure a radio a distance a patient a champagne an ambulance cancer an interest a suit a family a line one bread a row a punishment a taste a turn a theory a task a walk a fight a scene an equipment a colleague a talent a promise one move an ice cream an angel a bench a discovery a key an explanation a ground a result attack a bird a silence a chocolate a chicken a grass a stomach one tire
alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien orifice alien alien orifice alien alien where alien where is hold on alien where is hold on Argos where is hold on what where is hold on what is where is hold on what if where is hold on what if we where is hold on what everyone where is hold on what if we were all where is hold on what if we were all too where is hold on what if we will all try where is hold on what if we were all trap where is hold on what where is hold on what if we where is hold on what if we were all where is hold on what if we were all trapped where is hold on what if we were all trapped inside where is hold on what if we were all trapped inside a trap what if we were all trapped inside a trap there was nothing what is what is a what is free or oral free or at least or at least of or at least of our or at least or at least of our or a cold or at least of our or at least of our ecole de commerce commerce and or at least of our ecole de commerce commerce and in or at least of our ecole de commerce commerce and in the or at least they are recalling and in the cinema or at least they are recalling and in the cinema but or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is a or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is a chat or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is a or at least they are recalling and in the cinema what is a chair what is a chair you might think I'm what is a chair you might think I'm really what is a chair you might think I'm real what is a chair you might think I'm what is a chair you might think I'm real what is a chair you might think I'm real but what is a chair you might think I'm real but I what is a chair you might think I'm real but I'm what is a chair you might think I'm real but am I what is a chair you might think I'm real but what is a chair you might think I'm real but am I really is what really is what really is the person what really is the person who what really is the person what really is the person you see what really is the person what really is the person you see what really is the person you see isn't what really is the person you see isn't real what really is the person you see isn't real but what really is the person you see isn't real but the what really is the person you see isn't real but the person what really is the person you see isn't real but the person behind what really is the person you see isn't real but the person behind the what really is the person you see isn't real but the person behind the person what really is the person you see isn't real but the person behind the person most see isn't real but the person behind the person most definitely see isn't real but the person behind the person most definitely is HR h o have you heard of a choke have you heard of a choke is have you heard of a choke is something have you heard of a choke is something that have you heard of a choke is something that is have you heard of a choke is something that is very have you heard of a choke is something have you heard of a choke is something that have you heard of a choke is something that is have you heard of a choke is something that is very have you heard of a choke is something that is very likely to happen so what so what I so what I have so what I have seen so what I have seen that so what I have seen better so what I have seen that so what I have seen so what I have seen this so what I have seen this I don't so what I have seen this I don't know so what I have seen this I don't know why so what I have seen this I don't know why that so what I have seen this I don't know why so what I have seen this I don't know why that was so what I have seen this I don't so what I have seen this I don't know so what I have seen this I don't know why so what I have seen this I don't know why that so what I have seen this
Sara Lovecraft: hi everybody welcome in. Sara Lovecraft: Welcome in it is so good to see everybody Thank you so much for letting me, be a part of your Saturday. Sara Lovecraft: I got a fun project for you guys that I think that you guys are really going to like i'm going to give you kind of like an insider. Sara Lovecraft: trick insider secret, if you will, to how a lot of the beaten tassel things that you see that are for sale. Sara Lovecraft: are actually put together, and there are so many different ways to make a tassel whether you're using cord or. Sara Lovecraft: Whether you're using jump rings, or you know there's there's a lot of different ways that you can do this, but I found that for the most part, when it comes to purchasing tassels that are pre made. Sara Lovecraft: A lot of them and i've dissected quite a few or put together this way and it's a really cool way to put together a tassel but also can be used as a multi strand design. Sara Lovecraft: i'll try to explain that a little bit sometimes that's a little bit further out there in may deserve a class on its own, but i'm going to try to explain. Sara Lovecraft: and show you how you can make that connection with the exact same technique that we're going to be using today to create these earrings. Sara Lovecraft: Now that being said, i'm a big earrings kind of person, the bigger the better when it comes to earrings, but a lot of people are not. Sara Lovecraft: A lot of other people do not feel the same way about earrings that I do so that being said, this project can also be turned into a pendant doesn't have to be earrings at all. Sara Lovecraft: They are rather large when they are finished, so if you feel like this would be better suited to be a necklace a pendant or you know just a focal to a another beat it design. Sara Lovecraft: Then please feel free to to use it that way you don't have to do things exactly the way that i'm doing it please just let this be your inspiration and you take it and run with it okay. Sara Lovecraft: Alright, so i'm going to turn you guys around and we're going to get started right away with how to do this, and what we need to make it work. Sara Lovecraft: Alright, so i'm going to be using some beat alone wildfire and i'm using the green for this i'm using the point 006 you can use on the point 006 or the point 008 it's completely up to you. Sara Lovecraft: I like to use the green because it disappears, I know that seems a little weird since our beads are kind of a Teal Turquoise a blue color. Sara Lovecraft: But the green really is kind of a camouflage green and it does disappear, and you really don't even see it. Sara Lovecraft: When you're finished so you're going to need about 36 inches of this you want to go ahead and cut that some scissors and have it ready to go you're going to need a beating needle i'm going to thread our needle here in just a second. Sara Lovecraft: Then you're going to need your regular tools just a cutter tool and then, of course, your standard set supplier so i've got two pairs of chain those players and my round nose pliers have those on hand. Sara Lovecraft: scissors of course i'm going to be using some of these are really beautiful check seed beads these are from john Bead. Sara Lovecraft: available at michael's in a bunch of different colors i'm using the 10 oh in beauty blue, which is a very beautiful Turquoise. Sara Lovecraft: And then, for our accents for this i'm using I have mine you'll have to forgive me minor in a bag because i've used so many of these, but a lot of you who have taken classes with me before know that I love the cards The hanging cards beads. Sara Lovecraft: That have rondo's around beads that are in like four different sizes and that's what these are, and of course the link. Sara Lovecraft: is in your handout so you can you can get these exact this exact ones, if you want to, but they come in a lot of different sizes, which means that you can use them for a lot of different projects, as you can tell, this is what I have left over. Sara Lovecraft: And i've used those fou
Fold and unfold along the diagonals Turn over Fold in half Unfold Fold in half vertically Unfold Fold a square base Fold the right corner Fold the left corner Unfold Reverse fold Fold the point up Turn over Valley-fold the left corner Unfold Squash-fold Valley-fold the right and left sides Unfold Reverse-fold Valley-fold Valley-fold the right corner Unfold Squash-fold Valley-fold the right and left sides Unfold Reverse-fold Valley-fold Fold the point down Fold the bottom up to the center Unfold Valley-fold the edge to the crease Repeat on the other side Make a rabbit-ear fold Mountain-fold Bring the point between the two flaps Valley-fold the tip up (note the reference points) Valley-fold the edges Fold in half Bring the edge to the vertical crease Flatten it as shown Repeat on the other side Fold the flap down Fold the top layer on the existing crease and squash-fold Fold and unfold Reverse-fold the little corner Repeat on the other side Open the model Mountain-fold Valley-fold and bring the previous fold under the wings Close the model Bring the wings upwards Valley-fold the edge of the tail Repeat on the other side Bring this edge to inside the tail Repeat on the other side Release the trapped paper Repeat on the other side Fold and unfold the point Fold and unfold at angle bisector Crimp-fold Fold the flap and squash-fold Repeat on the other side Valley-fold from the corner to the base of the flap Repeat on the other side to flatten it Fold the corners inside to narrow the neck Reverse-fold Reverse-fold Shape the tail with crimp folds Pleat-fold the arm Reverse-fold to narrow the arm Repeat on the other side Shape the feet Valley-fold Mountain-fold Repeat on the other side Valley-fold Valley-fold Valley-fold to the previous crease Fold each segment at the bisector Repeat on the other side Valley-fold Valley-fold Valley-fold to the previous crease Fold each segment at the bisector Pleat-fold Repeat on the other side Reverse-fold the corner and mountain fold the edge Repeat on the other side Shape the wings Shape the horns Dragon finished!
KYLE KIDD: Hi. We are Mourning [A] BLKstar out of Cleveland, Ohio. We are so excited to be here. We are a eight-piece band, and we are a genre-nonconforming band. We kind of do whatever we feel, wherever we go. So, we are so excited to be here, and we’re going to share some stuff with you. LATOYA KENT: This first song is called “These Stars Collide.” MOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing “These Stars Collide”] Yes, these stars collide In judgment of your rule In concert with the air Your reign is misery And this land is not yours It’s sovereign It’s god And man And earth My side, this is a lie You kill my kind O lord And when the marching fails us The sun comes down And crush the imperial In you I will not stare And witness the murder Of my kind, yeah My will is aligned With the stars And the earth Is my god And the earth Is my god Philando, Philando Tamir, sweet Tamir Tanisha, Tanisha O Eric, Eric Mike Brown Miss Bland Freddie Gray Akai Rumain Brisbon Powell Ford Parker Crawford Victor White Yvette Cochran Jordan Baker Andy Lopez All these names families All these names families All these names families All these names families KYLE KIDD: This next selection we’re going to do is entitled “Wanders.” MOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing “Wanders”] It’s all the same I know you sense it too The failing The blame The guilt The shame Time passes you At the row you till To let no one die No spar No kiss Look the other way 'Cause you're not to blame I’ve been sitting still 'Cause it's the only way To make this heartache go away No love No bliss No care No love No bliss No care There’s no love No bliss No care I’ve been sitting still 'Cause it's the only way To make this heartache go away No love No bliss No care No love No bliss No care Well you’re wanderers So make sense of this No love No bliss No care JAMES LONGS: All right, this next song is called “Garner Poem.” It’s dedicated to Eric Garner. MOURNING [A] BLKSTAR: [performing “Garner Poem”] I can’t breathe No, it ain’t your hands Choking me It’s history Out of hand with police Situation’s critical You agree, yeah Hey, you’d agree They kill children in the park Murder youth unarmed They stand on the corner Claiming space that’s ours Hey, they kill children in the park Murder youth unarmed They stand on my corner Claiming space that’s ours Hey I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe, yeah I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe, yeah I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe Said I can’t breathe, no I can’t breathe Said I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe Hey, we want fire We want fire Burn it to the ground Burn it to the ground Can’t wait no longer Do you hear the riot sound, yeah Hey, we want fire We want fire Burn it to the ground Burn it to the ground Can’t wait no longer Do you fear the riot sound, yeah Hey, come on I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands I can’t breathe It ain’t your hands Say it, I can’t breathe I can’t breathe Said I can’t breathe, no I can’t breathe Said I can’t breathe, no I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe
Our topic for today is Soil Formation. Our topic for today is Soil Formation. Soil is formed by the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes in which huge rocks are broken down into smaller particles over a long period of time. Rocks undergo a process of expansion and contraction in which they expand during the day and contract during the night due to the constant rise and fall in temperature. However, not all parts of a rock undergo expansion and contraction at the same rate, resulting in the formation of cracks. Gradually, these cracks cause the rocks to break down into smaller pieces. With time, these smaller pieces convert into particles and form soil. Soil is formed by the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes in which huge rocks are broken down into smaller particles over a long period of time. Rocks undergo a process of expansion and contraction in which they expand during the day and contract during the night due to the constant rise and fall in temperature. However, not all parts of a rock undergo expansion and contraction at the same rate, resulting in the formation of cracks. Gradually, these cracks cause the rocks to break down into smaller pieces. With time, these smaller pieces convert into particles and form soil. Water plays an important role in soil formation. Water that gets collected in the cracks of rocks sometimes freezes, which helps in widening the cracks. Also, flowing river water helps in the wearing down of rocks over time, which results in the formation of soil. Strong blowing winds also rub against rocks and help in wearing them down. Water plays an important role in soil formation. Water that gets collected in the cracks of rocks sometimes freezes, which helps in widening the cracks. Also, flowing river water helps in the wearing down of rocks over time, which results in the formation of soil. Strong blowing winds also rub against rocks and help in wearing them down. Lastly, some living organisms like lichens, that grow on rock surfaces release certain substances that cause rock surfaces to powder down and form a thin layer of soil. Lastly, some living organisms like lichens, that grow on rock surfaces release certain substances that cause rock surfaces to powder down and form a thin layer of soil.
You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us? Afraid our aim is out of sight Wanna see us I see Apart, but still together I feel A-A-Anything for you I see Apart, but still together I feel I know I'm not alone Legends never die When the world is calling you Can you hear them screaming out your name? Legends never die They never lose hope when everything's cold. And the fighting's near It's deep in their bones. They run into smoke when the fire is fierce Oh, pick yourself up 'cause Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die They're written down in eternity But you'll never see the price it costs The scars collected all their lives When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream Woah, pick yourself up 'cause Legends never die Legends never die Legends never die (oo-oh) Legends never die (oo-oh) Legends never die What's the trick? I wish I knew I'm so done with thinking through all the things I could've been And I know you wonder too All it takes is that one look you do I run right back to you You cross the line and it's time to say F you What's the point in saying that when you know how I'll react? You think you can just take it back but shit just don't work like that Cause you're the drug that I'm addicted to, and I want you so bad Guess I'm stuck with you, and that's that Cause when it all falls down, then whatever When it don't work out for the better And If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye When it all falls down, when it all falls down. I'll be fine I'll be fine Cause you're the drug that I'm addicted to and I want you so bad But I'll be fine Why we fight? I don't know We say what hurts the most Oh, I tried staying cold, but you take it personal All these firing shots and making ground It's way too hard to cope, but I still can't let you go 'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever When it don't work out for the better And If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye When it all falls down (duo) When it all falls down (duo) I'll be fine Fine, fine and fine I'll be fine(Julie) I'll be fine(Juliander) Cause you're the drug that I'm addicted to, and I want you so bad I'll be fine
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This is your weekly dose of clubland! Techno, Tech House, House Music, Progressive House and Electro House mix with Free MP3 Download featuring tracks released at the end of October 2013. Pressure (Original Mix) - D-Unity Hard to See (Original Mix) - Harvey McKay Frenetik (Original Mix) - Raffaele Rizzi Jungle Luv (Original Mix) - Peter Bailey Good Halloween (Original Mix) - Konstantin Yoodza Come Get It (Original Mix) - Peter Bailey The Morning Kids (Original Mix) - Oscar Aguilera, George Privatti & Guille Placencia Lift Your Feet (Original Mix) - Optimuss Find My Mind (Original Mix) - Harvey McKay Hard Times (Original Mix) - Oscar Aguilera, George Privatti, Guille Placencia Cvile Mi Jaja (Original Mix) - UMEK Work The Track (Original Mix) - Jason Chance, Kevin Andrews Overload (Richard Grey Re-Edit) - Fully Charged Blueprint (Original Mix) - Dannic & Sick Individuals NOLA (Original Mix) - Enzo Darren You and Me Forever (Molella & Montorsi No Rap Mix) - Molella Ft Adam Savage Blasterfunk (Original Mix) - Venemy First Day (Maor Levi Remix) - Walden Can't Hold Back (Original Mix) - Jacob Plant Torpedo (Original Mix) - Jordy Dazz
Marlians Dundum, dundum, Dundum, Dundum, dundum There is space, but nothing to say There is something to say, but no space The little space left Is for the Marlians They call you thief And you are rocking a baby goat They are calling you thief You are dancing with the goat Where is the space now? Child of a king, where is the space now? There is no space at all Where is the space now? Child of a slave, where is the space now? Where is the space now? Child of a dumb man, where is the space now? Where is the space now? Where is… where is the space now? They said I should not utter obscenity That I should not utter obscenity That is to say, You also listen to obscenity May your ears not be deaf May your eyes not be blind Am I not the one that sang "Mafo" I also sang "Japa" Where were you people When we were suffering? When the money now came They now want to come back We've chosen ourselves, we are complete The vehicle is full They are saying I should shift Should I shift, then slip and fall? Where is the space now? Child of a king, where is the space now? Where is the space now? Child of a slave, where is the space now? Where is the space now? Child of a dumb man, where is the space now? Where is the space now? Where is… where is the space now? One can only rest when one dies I will enjoy myself till I die Enjoy myself till I die I will enjoy myself till I die No lapping, no plus one No pushing where we are No more space; where is the space now? No space, no time, this doesn't call for a fight Where is the space? You know me from back in the days? Where was the back in the days? When I was running the… When I was running the race I am not looking at their faces Most of them, they are hypocrites, Everybody is a thief That’s why I am not looking at their faces I am not looking at their… Where is the space now? Child of a king, where is the space now? There is no space at all Where is the space now? Child of a slave, where is the space now? There is no space at all Where is the space now? Child of a dumb man, where is the space now? There is no space at all. Where is the space now? Where is… where is the space now? There is no space at all There is no space at all Excuse me please! Excuse me please! Excuse me! There is no space at all Say what? What did you say? There is no space at all There is no space at all Yeah, yeah, you know what it is? It’s your boy Naira Marley GTTB the Album, out now God’s Timing's the Best Please listen and share with your family It's great! Yeah, yeah The native doctor is a scammer Everybody is a thief Whoever is caught is the one labelled a thief He wants to hurt me I have no charm, but I have a Quran And I always say my prayers And as I say my prayers Allah hears my prayers We've gone and come back He who is fortunate runs back home He whom he went with is the one he returned with When I returned, they crowned me May the crown last for long on your head May the shoes fit your feet for long May my enemies' legs be broken May my enemies… may their legs be broken Excuse me! Inside Life Is where you find 5-Alive Inside Life Is where you find Deeper Life Inside Life, some are suffering while some are enjoying Life Inside Life, as some are weeping, some are eating Excuse me! Dance to soapy (Soapy) Kirikiri dance to soapy Dance to soapy (Soapy) Ikoyi prison dance to soapy Dance to soapy (soapy) Inside EFCC cells they dance to soapy Dance to soapy (soapy) If you don't have a wife at home, dance to soapy (Soapy!) Soapy, this man dances to soapy Soapy, or, you too are so… Or, you too are soapy? Soapy, single fathers dance to soapy Soapy, don't dare use OMO if you are soapy (Soapy!) Can you recognize any currency? Would you say you don't know the Naira? It's heavy in the hand You just exchange it into Naira The dog wants to ambush the tiger The dog is no match for the smallest of tigers They are being overzealous Don't say, Even they themselves want no trouble I just want to make Mama proud They want to make Mama cry Mama, you going to cry no more Even if you do cry, you're going to cry for joy Dance and r
"Krishna roams around with Gopis." "He plays with them, can't stop.." "Now I don't like him." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body." "My beloved comes to the well, twists my wrist." "And everybody blames it on Radha." "He troubles me, that Krishna my enemy." "And everybody blames it on Radha." "He might be a thief of a thousand hearts, think he's a bore." "What a mad he is that he keeps on saying." "O Radha your scarf. O Radha your ring." "O Radha your naughty sight." "O Radha your ear-rings. O Radha your jerky dance steps." "The entire town's behind you." "O Radha your scarf. O Radha your ring." "O Radha your naughty sight." "O Radha your ear-rings. O Radha your jerky dance steps." "The entire town's behind you." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body." "There is peacock feather on his forehead, he's called butter thief." "He plays the flute, thinks of him as some big heart stealer." "But Radha wants more." "I'll look everywhere, I'll find someone else." "I'll give him, this heart's strings." "Because Radha wants more." "O Radha Radha is an innocent mad one." "Radha, it's two moments of youth." "Someone control Radha. Someone tell her." "That there will be no other dear like Krishna." "O Radha your scarf. O Radha your ring." "O Radha your naughty sight." "O Radha your ear-rings. O Radha your jerky dance steps." "The entire town's behind you." "O Radha, why so much Pride?" "Leaves your tantrums, what's the style in that?" "Did you think only are famous here." "There are lacs of gopis dying on me." "The whole world has now admitted." "The whole story begins with me only." "O leave, dear Krishna." "You'll never trouble me, once when I fall on you like a lightening." "O drummer, play the drums." "My anklets are calling you. Come to me." "I'll dance. You make me dance." "O Radha your scarf. O Radha your ring." "O Radha your naughty sight." "O Radha your ear-rings. O Radha your jerky dance steps." "The entire town's behind you." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body." "Radha on the dance floor. Radha likes to party." "Radha likes to move that native Radha body."
Hi! Welcome to Math Antics. In our last video we learned how to add and subtract integers. In this video, we’re gonna learn how to multiply and divide integers. The good news is that multiplying and dividing integers is easier than adding and subtracting them because even though it involves both positive and negative numbers, the multiplication and division still works basically the same way. As we learned in our video about negative numbers, the negative numbers are like a mirror image of the positive numbers on the number line. Each number on the positive side has a negative counterpart on the negative side. There’s a 2 on the positive side, and there’s a -2 on the negative side. There’s a 5 on the positive side and there’s a -5 on the negative side, and so on… Realizing that can help us understand that negative numbers are just like positive numbers, but they have a negative factor built into them. For example, think about the number 3 for a minute. Do you remember when we learned about factors, we learned that 1 is always a factor of any number. And that’s because multiplying by 1 doesn’t change a number. 3 and 1 × 3 are the same value. So if you have the number 3, you can factor out a 1 and you have 1 × 3. On the other hand, what if you have negative 3 instead? We could still factor out a 1 from it and nothing would change; you’d have 1 times -3. But because the number is negative, we could also factor out a -1. Doing that would give us -1 × 3. So one way to think about negative numbers is to imagine that they are just like positive numbers, but they always have a factor of -1 built into them. That means, if you want to change a positive number into a negative number, all you have to do is multiply it by a factor of -1. 5 times -1 is -5, 7 times -1 is -7, 10 times -1 is -10, and so on… And one way to visualize this is to see that multiplying by a factor of -1 just switches a number from the positive side of the number line to the negative side. Ah… but that raises an interesting question. What happens if you multiply a number that’s already on the negative side by a factor of -1 ? …like -1 times -3 Is that going to make it EXTRA negative? Nope! In fact it’s going to do just the opposite! Multiplying a negative number by another negative factor is actually going to switch the answer back to the positive side of the number line. Multiplying by -1 acts like a switch no matter which side of the number line you start on. If you start with a positive, then multiplying by -1 switches it to negative. But if you start with a negative, multiplying by -1 switches it back to positive. And you can keep switching back and forth between the positive and negative side of the number line by multiplying by another -1 as many times as you want… Positive! Negative! Positive! Negative! Positive! Negative! So, multiplying by 1 negative gives us a negative multiplying by 2 negatives gives us a positive multiplying by 3 negative gives us a negative multiplying by 4 negatives gives us a positive multiplying by 5 negative gives us a negative multiplying by 6 negatives gives us a positive, and so on… Do you see the pattern? In a multiplication problem, if you have an EVEN number of negative factors, they’ll form pairs that will balance each other out and will give you a positive answer. That’s because the pair (-1 × -1) just equals 1 which has no effect on the answer. But, if you have an ODD number of negative factors that are being multiplied together, after you balance out all the pairs, there will always be one negative factor left over that will give you a negative answer. In a minute, we’ll see some examples of how knowing this will help us when multiplying and dividing lots of integers, but first, let’s look at the simple problem 3 × 5. We know that the answer is 15. But now, thanks to negative numbers, we know that there’s three more variation of this problem that we need to learn how to do. This might seem a little complicated, but it’s really not. That’s because we’re gonna get the same number for the answer in all four problems,
(everyone laughing and cheering) - Thank you for singing about the alphabet with us, Wiggles. - Yeah, my new favorite is F for friends. - Yeah. - Yeah, mine's still C for cookie. But F for friends, that's pretty good, too. (Wiggles laughing) - Yeah. (laughing) Oh, Elmo can't wait to see The Wiggles again soon. - Us too, Elmo. Let's do it again real soon. Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye. - Bye. - Bye. - Bye, Wiggles. - Oh come on, radio, play. Play radio. - Oh boy, Elmo's never gonna get this radio to work. Oh boy. (Elmo grunting) - Uh, hi, Elmo. - Oh, hi, India. Oh boy. - What's wrong, Elmo? - Oh, well Elmo wants to hear music, but Elmo's radio won't work. - Oh, I think I can help you with that. - You can? - Mmhmm. - What kind? - Music, please. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. - Oh no, no, no, no, Gina. Don't stop, don't stop, you're doing good. - Oh, well I have to stop, Elmo, that's the end of the alphabet. - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh, look, that's the end of the soup, too. More, please. - Okay, I'll get you another bowl of alphabet soup. - No, no, no, no, Gina. Elmo not want another bowl of alphabet soup. Elmo want another alphabet. (Gina laughing) - Okay. - Okay. A. - A. - B, - B. - C. - C. - D. - D. - E. - E. - F. - F. - G. - G. - H. - H. - I. - I. - J. - J. - K. - K. - L. - L. - M. - M. - N. - N. - O. - O. - P. - P. K. (circus music) L. (circus music) M. (circus music) N. (circus music) O. (circus music) P. (circus music) Q. (circus music) R. (circus music) S. (circus music) T. (circus music) U. (circus music) V. (circus music) W. (circus music) X. (circus music) Y. (circus music) Z. (circus music) The alphabet, thank you. - Ha ha, hi, you are just in time, because my friend Tyra and I are
omg what are you doing! I know its your birthday! it doesn't mean you are going to beat mommy daddy! o my small baby, happy birthday dear! o she got bangles! good that we didn't got the same design! we just bought the new bangles for her! its for you, keep it! she got a coin made in 1917! give it back to mommy, I will buy a nice dress for you. now hold these, wow ana got new bangles! ana cracked a lottery lol I am going to feed her, yes please! its so sweet! I am talking on phone with my friend in background sona pari please come to mommy! omg my pants are not tight baby! please understand!!!!! i said it so many times, don't do it! don't do it! but she din't get it i was trying to make her understand don't be mad! but seriously she is having her mind in her knees i think she made pickles out with her mind! after that she regrets! and said why did it happened to me! I did a mistake my small baby! you are smiling, laughing ana, small baby<3 small baby <3 Baar Baar Din Yah Aaye, Baar Baar Dil Yah Gaaye Baar Baar Din Yah Aaye, Baar Baar Dil Yah Gaaye Tu Jiye Hazaaron Saal, Yah Meri Arazu Hai Happy Birthday To You – 2 Happy Birthday To You, Ana, Happy Birthday To You say hail Ana! say hail Ana! say hail Ana! my baby girl baby doesn't eat "Kichdi" "cerelac" please do something for me! please do something for me! please do something for her nose! she is making so many weird faces these day! please do something for me! please bless me Lord Ana! beat mommy! Lord Ana had given blessings now! Say Hail Ana! your sister is here! Ana's sister came! why you are so angry with your sister! say thanks to your sister for coming!
Whispering the names, before she turns to sleep Playing in the games, repeating every vow to keep The storm is closing in, and the water dancer flows The Lions aim to win, but the water dancer knows Winter to the bone, she's cunning and she's quick They circle 'round the throne, and Needle always does the trick The storm is closing in, and the water dancer flows The Lions aim to win, but the water dancer knows Knows how to Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Ravens in the sky, the kings are out for war She tells another lie, revenge is what she's fighting for The armies marching in, and the water dancer flows The battle soon begins, but the water dancer knows Knows how to Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Oh oh, oh oh... How to Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Find another way, find another way, Live another day, live another day Oh oh oh... Far away from home, the enemies surround With nowhere left to roam, the water dancer holds her ground.
Christopher Carbone: Question Number 7 of this final exam review. Christopher Carbone: I have a certain object moves in such a way that it's velocity in meters per second Christopher Carbone: after time. T in seconds is given by V is equal to t squared, plus 3 t plus 4. Christopher Carbone: We want to find the distance travel during the first 4 s by evaluating the integral from 0 to 4 of t squared, plus 3 t plus 4 dt. Christopher Carbone: Rounding. I'll answer to the newest tenth of a meter Christopher Carbone: so, and to go from 0 to 4 Christopher Carbone: for t squared Christopher Carbone: the Us. For dt Christopher Carbone: is one third t cubed Christopher Carbone: what we have Christopher Carbone: t squared Christopher Carbone: plus 4 t. Christopher Carbone: and this whole thing is evaluated between 0 and 4. Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: this would be Christopher Carbone: one-third Christopher Carbone: times 4 cubed. Christopher Carbone: What? We have Christopher Carbone: times 4 squared Christopher Carbone: what's 4 times 4, Christopher Carbone: and we would be subtracting 0 from here. Christopher Carbone: since when you put 0 into that function you get 0, Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: no is that Christopher Carbone: this would give us one into one tenth. Christopher Carbone: yeah, to the newest tenth of a meter. This is about 61 point, 3 Christopher Carbone: meters. Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: interpretation of that the distance traveled. Christopher Carbone: Distance traveled Christopher Carbone: during the first 4 s. Christopher Carbone: The first Christopher Carbone: 4 s Christopher Carbone: He is 61 point, 3 meters Christopher Carbone: for question, number 8. Of this final exam of view. I have a force X and a certain object in such a way that the object has moved a distance of our in meters. Christopher Carbone: The force F and Newton's is given by the Christopher Carbone: F is equal to 6 times r squared plus sixr. We want to find the work in joules done through the first 4 meters by evaluating the integral from 0 to 4 of 6 times r squared, plus 6 r. Dr. Christopher Carbone: This would give us Christopher Carbone: 2 are cubed Christopher Carbone: what's 3 Christopher Carbone: times r squared. Christopher Carbone: and we'll evaluate that between 0 and 4. Christopher Carbone: Putting foreign, we get 2 times 4 cubed. Christopher Carbone: plus 3 times 4 squared. Christopher Carbone: and then playing in the 0 would just give us just right the last problem 0 back, anyway. Christopher Carbone: and this would give us Christopher Carbone: 176 when Christopher Carbone: putting that into a calculator. Christopher Carbone: An interpretation of that is. Christopher Carbone: they work. Christopher Carbone: I'm. Pointed. Christopher Carbone: and the first Christopher Carbone: for Christopher Carbone: in the first 4 meters Christopher Carbone: is 176 jewels Christopher Carbone: based upon Christopher Carbone: the force and distance that we were given. Christopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
1977 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II (5...) 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II (4...) 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II TWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE (4...) 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II TWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE (3...) 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II TWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE (2...) 1977 NASA LAUNCHES VOYAGER I & II TWIN PROBES BOUND FOR INTERSTELLAR SPACE (1...) ABOARD EACH IS A GOLDEN RECORD, CARRYING SOUNDS & GREETINGS FROM EARTH Peace on you. We the inhabitants of this earth send our greetings to you I I w I wi I wis I wish I wish y I wish yo I wish you I wish you a I wish you al I wish you all I wish you all g I wish you all go I wish you all goo I wish you all good H He Hel Hell Hello Hello a Hello an Hello and Hello and g Hello and gr Hello and gre Hello and gree Hello and greet Hello and greeti Hello and greetin Hello and greeting Hello and greetings Hello and greetings t Hello and greetings to Hello and greetings to e Hello and greetings to ev Hello and greetings to eve Hello and greetings to ever Hello and greetings to every Hello and greetings to everyo Hello and greetings to everyon Hello and greetings to everyone Greetings Greetings and Greetings and friendly Greetings and friendly wishes Greetings and friendly wishes to Greetings and friendly wishes to all Greetings and friendly wishes to all who Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this voyager Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this voyager and Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this voyager and receive Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this voyager and receive this Greetings and friendly wishes to all who may encounter this voyager and receive this massage hello hello hello hell hel he h hello May time bring us together W We We i We in We in t We in th We in thi We in this We in this l We in this la We in this lan We in this land We in this land h We in this land ha We in this land hav We in this land have We in this land have We in this land have s We in this land have se We in this land have sen We in this land have sent We in this land have sent w We in this land have sent wa We in this land have sent war We in this land have sent warm We in this land have sent warm g We in this land have sent warm gr We in this land have sent warm gre We in this land have sent warm gree We in this land have sent warm greet We in this land have sent warm greeti We in this land have sent warm greetin We in this land have sent warm greeting We in this land have sent warm greetings We in this land have sent warm greetings t We in this land have sent warm greetings to We in this land have sent warm greetings to y We in this land have sent warm greetings to yo We in this land have sent warm greetings to you We in this land have sent warm greetings to you a We in this land have sent warm greetings to you all We in this land have sent warm greetings to you all hello W We We g We gr We gre We gree We greet We greet y We greet yo We greet you We greet you, We greet you, g We greet you, gr We greet you, gre We greet you, grea We greet you, great We greet you, great o We greet you, great on We greet you, great one We greet you, great ones We greet you, great ones S Si Sin Sinc Since Sincer Sincere Sincere g Sincere gr Sincere gre Sincere gree Sincere greet Sincere greeti Sincere greetin Sincere greeting Sincere greetings Sincere greetings t Sincere greetings to Sincere greetings to y Sincere greetings to yo Sincere greetings to you Sincere greetings to you We We step We step into We step into the We step into the universe We step into the universe with We step into the universe with humility We step into the universe with humility and We step into the universe with humility and hope We step into the universe with humility and hope hello Greetings s rs ars tars st
There is only one of you Only one of me There’s a million of those Who won’t let us be But they’re not gonna, not gonna, see me bleed ‘Cause baby I got you, you You, you I’ve been beaten to the ground, dragged across the dirt I’ve been scared to live cause some people never learn But they’re not gonna, not gonna, watch me burn ‘Cause baby I got you, you You, you Here’s to new beginnings And a better life Here’s to dancing underneath The disco lights They can try but they can never take me down ‘Cause I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) They always prey on the lonely But with you here nothing can scare me I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) I will tell them what I’m feeling, for evermore I don’t care about their feelings, not anymore So let’s show them, let’s show them that love is pure No matter who it’s for, for For, for Here’s to new beginnings And a better life Here’s to dancing underneath The disco lights They can try but they can never take me down ‘Cause I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) They always prey on the lonely But with you here nothing can scare me I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) You… Not afraid to love You… Not afraid to love You I’m gonna go where my heart is From now on I’m being honest I’m gonna show that I got this love, love Love, love ‘Cause I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) They always prey on the lonely But with you here nothing can scare me I’m not afraid I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to love Not afraid to love (You) You… Not afraid to love You… Not afraid to love You
In the name of ALLAH, the Most Merciful and Most Gracious. Peace be upon you and ALLAH's mercy and blessings. Viewers! This is our today's project. "Temperature and Humidity Controller System" Here, first of all for power source, we have used a power source of 12 volts. After this, there is a filter capacitor. After this, there is a voltage regulator 7805. Its input is from 6 volts to 12 volts. And its output is fixed that is 5 volts. After this, here we have used Arduino nano as a microcontroller. After this, we have used a RTC module for real time clock. After this, a relay isused to turn the heater on / off. And a relay is used to turn the humidity booster on / off. After this, here we have used temperature and humidity sensor. DHT 21 After this, here we have used a TJC HMI LCD. This is of 4.3 inches. Here, we have used a thermal printer. We keep 3 days back data stored on it. We print that data on thermal printer day wise. So here, first of all we have displayed time and date on the LCD. After this, set point of the temperature and set point of the humidity is displayed. After this, real time value of the temperature and real time value of the humidity is displayed. After this, there is a button of Print and a button of Setting. From here, we go to Setting. So, as we have moved to the settings. Here, the set point of temperature and humidity is displayed. Along this, difference is also displayed. If the value of the temperature will become more than 40 then our heater will turn off. As it will drop two points from 40. . . Means that when it will drop from 38, at that condition our heater will turn active again. After this, here we have keep the set point of the humidity as 70. As the humidity will increase from 70, Humidity booster will turn off. And as the humidity value will drop from 65, At that condition, himidity booster will turn on again. Because here we have set the difference of 5. And we can also change this difference. Along this, here we can also set the clock. If we have to change any value, then we will press that value. Like, for now I have to increase the difference for temperature. I will press it. Now, here we will set its defference to be 5 degree celcius. So, as the difference of temperature has been changed. Now, from here we will go back. So, as we come to the menu. Here, we get the real time values of the temperature and the humidity displayed. Now as the value of the temperature Will become more than 40 Then heater will turn off. And as the value of the humidity will become more than 70 Then humidity booster will turn off. And as the value of the humidity will drop from 65. At this condition humidity booster will turn on again. So, as the temperature value becomes equal to 40 Our heater has been turned off. And when the value of the temperature will drop from 35 So at that condition, heater will be active again. As the temperature value becomes equal to 35 The heater has become active again. Now, I will keep my finger on the sensor The humidity will start increasing due to the humidity in our hand. So, as the humidity become more than 70 at this condition Our humidity booster has turned off. And when the humidity value will drop from 65, at that condition, humidity sensor will turn on again. So, the data which has been stored If we have to print that data From here, we will press the button for Print. So, as we press the button of Print, this print page opens. If we have to print the data of last one day, from here we will press the button of 1 Day. If we have to print the data of last two day, from here we will press the button of 2 Day. If we have to print the data of last 3 day, from here we will press the button of 3 Day. And if we have to print the real time data, which is currently being read from the sensor. If we have to print that value From here, we will print the Live Data Print button. So, it has printed the real time value being read. along with time and date. And similarly, if we have to print data of last one day. From here, we will press the button of 1 Day. It will print the d
“Hello friends! Ready for a game of Football?” Hold the ball in your hands Bounce bounce bounce Kick the ball all around Kick kick kick Roll the ball on the ground Roll roll roll And shoot it through the goal post Goal goal goal That’s football! Football Yeah! That’s football! Football Yeah! Let’s go to the soccer ground We got a biggest one in town The biggest one in town Change into our playing gear And shout our team’s victory cheer That’s football! Football Yeah! That’s football! Football Yeah! Hold the ball in your hands Bounce bounce bounce Kick the ball all around Kick kick kick Roll the ball on the ground Roll roll roll And shoot it through the goal post Goal goal goal That’s football! Football Yeah! That’s football! Football Yeah! Let’s learn how to swing and swerve Tackle opponents with a curve Cross all of them one by one Doesn't matter if your short or tall That’s football! Football Yeah! That’s football! Football Yeah! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! Kick! Kick!Kick! Hold the ball in your hands Bounce bounce bounce Kick the ball all around Kick kick kick Roll the ball on the ground Roll roll roll And shoot it through the goal post Goal goal goal That’s football! Football Yeah! That’s football! Football Yeah!
everyone welcome to my YouTube channel in this  video we are going to talk about English tenses   that is one of the most important yet  problematic Topic in English language as you can see here in this slide we have  on the left hand side four aspects simple   continuous perfect perfect continuous these  are called four aspects of tenses and on the   right hand side you can see three times these are  called three different tenses we have past tense   we have present tense and we have future tense so  in English language we have three tenses and four   aspects that makes it twelve tenses starting from  simple past it says I studied English yesterday   why have we use studied here with Ed  because studied is the past form of study   so an action that has taken path take in  place in the recent past that is called   a simple past tense that comes Under  The Heading of simple past tense   since this is passed that's why  we use the second form of the verb   and what is the first form of studied study  study so when we come to the simple present   tense it's I study English I study English  here the main verb will remain as it is   when we have a future plan then we can say in  simple future tense we can see I will study   English that shows your intention that shows your  plan so basically when do we use simple past tense   when there's an action which is just completed in  the recent past and we use simple present tense   for habitual actions for a universal  truths and for routine jobs   and when we use Simple future tense it is  used when we have an intention or plan in the   future regarding some action coming towards  the next aspect that is continuous so here looking at the first one   past continuous tense here we'll use an auxiliary  verb that is was auxiliary verb for past is was and there there are so many like walls and  were but for present we have is R and M okay   and for future we'll use will be so we'll see them  categorically and we'll see them individually so   that we can understand clearly so looking at past  continuous tense it says I was studying English   so I was studying English in past  continuous and I am studying English in   present continuous that shows an action  which is going on in the present time   and for future action we'll say I will be studying  English future continuous it represents an action   uh as going on at some time in the future also  it represents future action that are planned   so according to your intention according  to your plan I will be studying English   you have to focus and concentrate on the structure  of these sentences talking about the perfect   aspect let's see the first one past perfect tense  I had studied English so here you have to focus   on two things one is had that is the past form of  Health h a v e have so past form of Harris head   and whenever in a sentence we use head it's  necessary to use third form of the verb   with have and help both also with has so I had  studied English in past perfect tense talking   about present perfect I have studied English now  you will see the difference between present and   past in the present tense I said I have have  but in past I said I had I had so this is the   difference here I have studied English and again  in the future perfect tense I will have studied   English so will is necessary obligatory compulsory  for the future tense I will have studied English   coming towards the fourth aspect that is present  sorry that is perfect continuous tense so   first we'll see the past perfect continuous tense  that is I had been studying English so here we   have edit bean and also you see that with the  addition of word been again we have used here the   fourth form of the verb fourth form that is ing  form of the work so I had been studying English   and in present perfect continuous it will  be I have been studying English only the   difference of have and had and in  future perfect continuous we have   I will have been studying English  I will have been studying English now here as we know that every sentence has
Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#3 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary
What's the trick I wish I knew I'm so done with thinking through All the things I could've been And I know you wonder too All it takes is that one look you do And I run right back to you You crossed the line And it's time to say F you! What's the point in saying that When you know how I'll react You think you can just take it back But shit just don't work like that You're the drug that I'm addicted to And I want you so bad Guess I'm stuck With you And that's that Cause when it all falls down, then whatever When it don't work out for the better If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye When it all falls down When it all falls down I'll be fine I'll be fine You're the drug that I'm addicted to And I want you so bad But I'll be fine Why we fight, I don't know We say what hurts the most Oh, I try Staying cold But you take it personal All this firing shots And making ground It's way too hard to cope But I still Can't let You go Cause when it all falls down, then whatever When it don't work out for the better If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye When it all falls down When it all falls down I'll be fine I'll be fine You're the drug that I'm addicted to And I want you so bad But I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine Cause when it all falls down, then whatever When it don't work out for the better If we just ain't right and it's time to say goodbye When it all falls down When it all falls down I'll be fine I'll be fine You're the drug that I'm addicted to And I want you so bad But I'll be fine I'll be fine And that's that
- [Voiceover] g is a function that describes an arithmetic sequence. Here are the first few terms of the sequence. So let's say the first term is four, second term is 3 4/5, third term is 3 3/5, fourth term is 3 2/5. Find the values of the missing parameters A and B in the following recursive definition of the sequence. So they say the nth term is going to be equal to A if n is equal to one and it's going to be equal to g of n minus one plus B if n is greater than one. And so I encourage you to pause this video and see if you could figure out what A and B are going to be. Well, the first one to figure out, A is actually pretty straightforward. If n is equal to one, if n is equal to one, the first term when n equals one is four. So A is equal to four. So we could write this as g of n is equal to four if n is equal to one. And now let's think about the second line. The second line is interesting. It's saying it's going to be equal to the previous term, g of n minus one. This means the n minus oneth term, plus B, will give you the nth term. Let's just think about what's happening with this arithmetic sequence. When I go from the first term to the second term, what have I done? Looks like I have subtracted 1/5, so minus 1/5, and then it's an arithmetic sequence so I should subtract or add the same amount to every time, and I am, I'm subtracting 1/5, and so I am subtracting 1/5. And so one way to think about it, if we were to go the other way, we could say, for example, that g of four is equal to g of three minus 1/5, minus 1/5. You see that right over here. g of three is this. You subtract 1/5, you get g of four. You see that right over there and of course I could have written this like g of four is equal to g of four minus one minus 1/5. So if you look at this way, you could see that if I'm trying to find the nth term, it's gonna be the n minus oneth term plus negative 1/5, so B is negative 1/5. Once again, if I'm trying to find the fourth term, if n is equal to four, I'm not gonna use this first case 'cause this has to be for n equals one, so if n equals four, I would use the second case, so then it would be g of four minus one, it would be g of three minus 1/5. And so we could say g of n is equal to g of n minus one, so the term right before that minus 1/5 if n is greater than one. But for the sake of this problem, we see that A is equal to four and B is equal to negative 1/5.
they were completely devoted to each they were completely devoted to each other they were a loving couple that other they were a loving couple that other they were a loving couple that were together for quite some time with were together for quite some time with were together for quite some time with not an enemy in the world their friends not an enemy in the world their friends not an enemy in the world their friends were good people and i think good people were good people and i think good people were good people and i think good people attract good people attract good people attract good people good people who somehow end up dead in good people who somehow end up dead in good people who somehow end up dead in the trunk of a car the trunk of a car the trunk of a car who could have done such a who could have done such a who could have done such a terrible thing the treatment of the terrible thing the treatment of the terrible thing the treatment of the victims is shocking i didn't know victims is shocking i didn't know victims is shocking i didn't know anybody could be that brutal to somebody anybody could be that brutal to somebody anybody could be that brutal to somebody all the killer leaves behind is a all the killer leaves behind is a all the killer leaves behind is a mysterious set of clues the blood smears mysterious set of clues the blood smears mysterious set of clues the blood smears indicate that there was violence there indicate that there was violence there indicate that there was violence there we had these military writings that were we had these military writings that were we had these military writings that were all over the place we were wondering if all over the place we were wondering if all over the place we were wondering if this is some disgruntled military person this is some disgruntled military person this is some disgruntled military person the case is confounding investigators the case is confounding investigators the case is confounding investigators there were just so many questions so there were just so many questions so there were just so many questions so many unknowns we had a whodunit the many unknowns we had a whodunit the many unknowns we had a whodunit the first 48 hours are over and we were down first 48 hours are over and we were down first 48 hours are over and we were down for the long haul for the long haul for the long haul to jump start the investigation they to jump start the investigation they to jump start the investigation they turned to a criminal profiler it was a turned to a criminal profiler it was a turned to a criminal profiler it was a horrific crime and we were very anxious horrific crime and we were very anxious horrific crime and we were very anxious to get it solved to get it solved to get it solved she makes some shocking connections this she makes some shocking connections this she makes some shocking connections this person seemed to have some kind of person seemed to have some kind of person seemed to have some kind of fantasy we didn't know what it was it fantasy we didn't know what it was it fantasy we didn't know what it was it seemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic seemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic seemed to be somewhat sexually sadistic they fear the killer will strike again they fear the killer will strike again they fear the killer will strike again can they find him in time we were on a can they find him in time we were on a can they find him in time we were on a race to stop another homicide [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just an hour's drive north of the just an hour's drive north of the congestion congestion congestion and crowds and crowds and crowds of the city of toronto the quaint town of caledon is idyllic the quaint town of caledon is idyllic for city slickers looking for an escape for city slickers looking for an escape for city slickers looking for an escape the large country estates attract the the large country estates attract the the large country estates attract the likes of elton john who's rumored to
Hey, I'm feeling tired. My time, is gone today. You flirt with suicide. Sometimes, that's ok. Do what others say. I'm here, standing hollow. Falling away from me. Falling away from me. Day, is here fading. That's when, I would say. I flirt with suicide. Sometimes kill the pain. I can always say, 'It's gonna be better tomorrow'. Falling away from me. Falling away from me. Beating me down. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground. Screaming some sound. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground. (falling away from me). It's spinning round and round. (falling away from me). It's lost and can't be found. (falling away from me). It's spinning round and round. (falling away from me). Slow it down. Beating me down. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground. Screaming some sound. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground. Twisting me, they won't go away. So I pray, go away. Life's falling away from me. It's falling away from me. Life's falling away from me. Fuck! Beating me down. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground. Screaming some sound. Beating me, beating me. Down, down. Into the ground.
Music Theory for Guitar - Intervals | Half Steps and Whole Steps So half steps and whole steps. Half step F, F sharp, one fret is a half-step, two frets is a whole step. By the way, we call have step have a name called minor second not commonly used. Two half steps are whole step also called the major second, more commonly used. Okay, so play it with me. First fret sixth string and going up to the third fret, that's the whole step and go one fret up half step. Put your first finger on the third fret sixth string -- G to G sharp, that's a half step now a whole step to an A that's two frets up. Now go to the open A string. I want you to play a half step. I want you to do what you gonna play. A to half step, that's B flat good! First fret fifth string. Go from there to whole step, that's a C note, two frets. Now, let's gonna do a little bit ear training. I'm gonna play whole steps and half steps and you try to tell me what it is before I actually say it. I will say the name but I'll give a little pause, listen (strumming) half step (strumming) whole step (strumming) whole step, (strumming) whole step, (strumming) whole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming) whole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming) whole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming) whole step, (strumming) half step, (strumming) half step,
Zon, Hello friends, have a nice day. It's sunny today. Zon drying the rice . Drying again to avoid mold Zon, Hello friends, have a nice day. It's sunny today. Zon drying the rice . Drying again to avoid mold coming soon I need to build a wood grinder, powered by water coming soon I need to build a wood grinder, powered by water Flour corn cooked with bananas Poorly, the mother pig gave birth last night Flour corn cooked with bananas Poorly, the mother pig gave birth last night The number is 05 pigs, I'm happy that the number of pigs is increasing every day The number is 05 pigs, I'm happy that the number of pigs is increasing every day The whole herd is very healthy The whole herd is very healthy Feeding the mother pig with corn and rice porridge just had a baby Feeding the mother pig with corn and rice porridge just had a baby Harvest flowers in the forest This is a plant that blooms in the 10th lunar month The flower has a bitter taste, used to make medicine, or to prepare food Harvest flowers in the forest This is a plant that blooms in the 10th lunar month The flower has a bitter taste, used to make medicine, or to prepare food Or stuffed with chicken eggs + pork and onions + spices Inside the flower, it will form a delicious dish. Wild Or stuffed with chicken eggs + pork and onions + spices Inside the flower, it will form a delicious dish. Wild banana flower, an indispensable dish, for local mothers here banana flower, an indispensable dish, for local mothers here This is a wild ginseng plant Ginseng areca is sweet, warm, effective. warm the kidney (temperate the kidney), strengthen the tendons and bones. This is a wild ginseng plant Ginseng areca is sweet, warm, effective. warm the kidney (temperate the kidney), strengthen the tendons and bones. Keep the small trees to preserve the tendons and bones, except for low welding. The main treatment is impotence, physiological weakness, cold semen, urinary incontinence, cold limbs and back. Keep the small trees to preserve the tendons and bones, except for low welding. The main treatment is impotence, physiological weakness, cold semen, urinary incontinence, cold limbs and back. Soaked with alcohol or dried and boiled to drink is good for health Soaked with alcohol or dried and boiled to drink is good for health Wild Wild ginseng sausages cost 30,000 vnd for 01 kg Thank you, next time support ginseng sausages cost 30,000 vnd for 01 kg Thank you, next time support bitter flowers cost 60,000 vnd for 01 kg bitter flowers cost 60,000 vnd for 01 kg Banana flowers cost 10,000 vnd for 01 pcs Banana flowers cost 10,000 vnd for 01 pcs
(gentle music) - [Divers] Whoa! - [Diver] What is it? (divers chattering each other) - [Man] Yeah, that's weird. - [Man] Yo, what is it? - [Man] Is that a cuttlefish? Or is it a cuttle - [Woman] Get close, get close - [Man] like the angle we are seeing, no no, don't change the angle please - [Man] Maybe the legs are folded under - [Man] Maybe he's got weird eyes - [Man] It's a cuttlefish - [Woman] It might be a cuttlefish it had weird uh - [Man] It's an octopus - [Man] Is it? - [Two Men] Yeah, yeah - [ Man] Yeah it look like - [Man] Yeah the body looks like a cephalopod (divers talking over each other) - [Woman] Well cuttlefish and octopus are related - [Man] Maybe he's got eye problems - [Man] Oh man, look at him - [Woman] He's totally a cuttlefish - [Man] He's different guy. - [Woman] Look at all of his tentacles are centered, - [Woman] So cute - [Man] Like Davie Jones - [Woman] They look fake, like googly eyes - [Woman] They look like they're painted on (all laughing) - [Man] Yeah. - [Woman] They look so fake - [Man] So something that just came before. Just left it here. - [Woman] It's like some little kid dropped their toy. (all laughing) - [Man] trash - [Woman] He is awesome though - [Woman] He's so cute - [Man] He is awesome - [Man] It's a good focus right there. - [Man] Great focus. - [Woman] Seriously, his eyesight's freaking me out. - [Woman] I want to see him move - [Woman] do something. (man laughing) - [Man] Do something (woman laughing) - [Woman] Let's flash our lights (all laughing) - [Woman] Maybe he'll change colors - [Woman] He's all veiny You can see how like reactive he is because of all his veins. - [Man] This is a good spot to end our watch. (laughing) - [Man] Stay here until (man laughs) - [Woman] Just stay here. - [Woman] I don't know if the ship will. - [Man] The ship is still moving - [Man] The ship is still moving. - [Woman] He's cool Mr. Cuttlefish I want to see him swim. - [Man] Yeah me too - [Woman] How can we make him swim - [Man] So are we sure it's a cuttlefish? - [Woman] It's fine, we need like a horn on Hercules - [Man] Or an octopus Cuttlefish, - [Man] Cuttlefish. Cool. - [Woman] They're both cephalopods. - [Man] It's a cuttlefish - [Woman] It's a cuttlefish - [Man] Bye bye guy. - [Woman] I mean, we can still look at him if you want, but I just was gonna slide into it. - [Man] Nice way to end up. - [Man] Got a cuttlefish. - [Man] yeah - [Man] Alright. Hey, I turned around so - [Woman] He's so cute - [Man] He is so that's awesome. - [Man] You were looking - [Man] At a cuttlefish - [Man] We saw two octopus, - [Man] Two baby octopus and this cuttlefish. - [Man] All right, so I'm turning back over. - [Woman] Yeah, I just didn't want to go right over him.
- Missed spot. - What spot? Hey, hey, how come you didn't tell me you were going fishing? You not here when I go. Maybe I would've wanted to go. You think of that? - You karate training. - I'm what? I'm being your goddamn slave, is what I'm being, man. We made a deal here. - So? - So? So you're supposed to teach and I'm supposed to learn, remember? For four days I've been busting my ass and haven't learned a goddamn thing! - You learned plenty. - I learned plenty. I learned how to sand your decks, maybe, how to wax your car, paint your house, paint your fence. I learned plenty. Right! - Not everything is as seem. - Bullshit! I'm going home, man. Daniel-san! Daniel-san! - What? - Come here. - Show me sand the floor. - I can't move my arm, all right? What're you doing? What you... What're you doing? Now show me sand the floor. - How did you do that? - Show! Sand the floor? Stand up. Show me sand the floor. Sand the floor. Sand the floor. Big circles. Sand the floor. Sand the floor. Now show me wax on, wax off. - Wax on, wax off. - Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off. Concentrate. Look in my eye. Lock hand. Thumb inside. Wax on. Wax off. Wax on. Wax off. Wax on. Wax off. Show me paint the fence. Up, down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Other side. Look eye. Always look eye. Show me paint the house, side, side. Lock wrist. Side, side. Side, side. Show me wax on, wax off. Show me paint the fence. Show me side to side. Show me sand the floor. Look eye. Always look eye. Come back tomorrow.
It’s a trip, yeah Gonna hit, yeah Pull me closer to the end of the world Get a grip, yeah Let it rip, yeah I’m addicted to not giving a f*** She said she from São Paulo Burning up like a golden sun Ready to get my heart broke You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one I think I’m ‘bout to blow Like I’m a volcano I think I’m ‘bout to blow Like I’m a volcano Like I’m a volcano Oh oh ohhhhhh Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Like I’m a volcano When it hit ya Bite your lip, yeah That cookie nookie got you closer to God Are you coming or not ‘Cause I’m comin’ in hot And I’m comin’ in hard Yeah, yeah She said she from São Paulo Burning up like a golden sun Ready to get my heart broke You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one You know I’m the one I wanna do magic to your heart I wanna get crazy in your car I wanna see Paris from the stars I’m like a volcano And it’ll be tragic when we part But forget all that sad shit you been on We should just smash it at the bar I’m like a volcano Like a volcano I think I’m ‘bout to blow Like I’m a volcano I think I’m ‘bout to blow Like I’m a volcano Like I’m a volcano Oh oh ohhhhhh Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Like I’m a volcano
We have reached chapter 5 of our course about fundamental cryptography in theory and python, and with this reached the second to last chapter which is dedicated to the classic cryptography security goal of non-repudiation. As a recap, the 4 classic security goals of cryptography are confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation. And non-repudiation as a classic security goal of cryptography demands that within a system providing non-repudiation, the source of information can now not only be verified by a receiving party as it was the case with authenticity, but that the source of information can now be verified by any third party. I again now suggest you to pause the video and to briefly think about how the security goal of non-repudiation relates to the security goal of authenticity. The relationship of non-repudiation with authenticity is, that every system providing non-repudiation is a system that also provides authenticity that can be used to verify that the source of information is a specific sender s. However, non-repudiation is a stronger notion then authenticity, as with non-repudiation, it’s not only the recipient of the data within a certain session of communication that can verify the source of the information, but that this source of information can now be verified by any third party. Explained again on an example using English language, an authenticity statement reads along the lines “observed by entity e, information x has state h”. Non-repudiation now allows to turn this statement into a statement provable to any third party, and the example non-repudiation statement would then read along the lines “As provably observed by entity e, information x has state h”.
I feel your presence amongst us You cannot hide in the darkness Can you hear the rumble? Can you hear the rumble that's calling? I know your soul is not tainted Even though you've been told so Can you hear the rumble? Can you hear the rumble that's calling? I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you A candle casting a faint glow You and I see eye to eye Can you hear the thunder? How can you hear the thunder that's breaking? Now there is nothing between us From now our merge is eternal Can't you see that you're lost? Can't you see that you're lost without me? I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you Can't you see that you're lost without me I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you
Hi! How are you doing during the hot summer days? Hi! How are you doing during the hot summer days? Today, I’m going to make tomato soup. Let’s get started. Today, I’m going to make tomato soup. Let’s get started. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. Cut celery into small peaces. I’m peeling one carrot now. I’m peeling one carrot now. If you don’t want to peel it, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to peel it, you don’t have to. Cut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again. Cut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again. Cut a carrot in half, the cut them in half, then cut them in half again. Cut them into small pieces. Cut them into small pieces. Cut them into small pieces. Put water in a pan and heat. Put water in a pan and heat. Put water in a pan and heat. Put water in a pan and heat. Put the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water. Put the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water. Put the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water. Put the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water. Put the hard vegetables (carrots) into the water. Boil until carrots are somewhat tender. Boil until carrots are somewhat tender. Then add the cut celery stalks. Then add the cut celery stalks. Add stock cubes. Add stock cubes. You can use powdered soup stock if you like. You can use powdered soup stock if you like. Cook until the cut carrots and celery are tender. Cook until the cut carrots and celery are tender. Add the celery leaves. Add the celery leaves. Add the celery leaves. Boil until ingredients are soft. Add pepper if you like. Add pepper if you like. Optional Optional Add a piece of salmon. Add a piece of salmon. You don’t necessarily have to add it. You don’t necessarily have to add it. In that case, the soup is completed in one previous step. In that case, the soup is completed in one previous step. In that case, the soup is completed in one previous step. Simmer until the salmon is cooked. Simmer until the salmon is cooked. Simmer until the salmon is cooked. Bon Appeétit Thank you for watching!! Thank you for watching!! See ya!! See ya!!
Uh-Huh Yeah, Thanos Uh-Huh Yeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity Stones, I'm going to snap til there ain't no more. Yeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity Stones, I'm going to snap til there ain't no more. Got Avengers in the back, world is cut in half. Gamora really bad. She tried to screw her dad. Wish she would of stopped. Come and joined her pops. Betrayed me instead, now she's really dead. And I'm going to bring the balance. I'm going to bring the balance. And I'm going to bring the balance. I'm going to bring the balance. Black Panther is dead. And Spider-man is dead. And Chris Pratt is dead. And I ain't got no regrets. You got my respect, you ain't seen nothing yet. Thor was a threat, should of gone for the head. And I'm going to bring the balance. I'm going to bring the balance. And I'm going to bring the balance. I'm going to bring the balance. Yeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity Stones, I'm going to snap til there ain't no more. Yeah, I'm going to take my gauntlet with Infinity Stones, I'm going to snap til there ain't no more.
[Narrator] The next question checks that you understand one-time pads. Alice and Bob have agreed on a perfectly random key and that Alice will send Bob the answer to the question, "Are you taking CS 387?" As either the single character Y or the single character N. This will be encoded using the string to bits procedure, which takes in a string and gives you a list of bits, and the results of string to bits Y is 1011001, and the route for N is 1001110. Mallory knows nothing about the key or the message, but she intercepts the transmission between Alice and Bob, and intercepts this sequence of bits, and Mallory wants to cause trouble between Alice and Bob. She wants to make Bob hear the opposite of what Alice sent so if Alice sent a Y, Mallory wants Bob to hear an N. If Alice sent an N, Mallory wants Bob to hear a Y. What should Mallory send instead of the original message that she intercepted, and your answer should be in the form of 7 bits, each of which is a 0 or a 1. Once you understand the answer to this, I want to encourage you to join an open discussion question, which is is there a way to solve this problem without using anything other than a one-time pad? Is there a way for Alice and Bob to communicate correctly the answer to this question and know that it can't be altered in transmission and still preserve all the privacy properties of a one-time pad?
welcome to a lesson on the orthogonality welcome to a lesson on the orthogonality of eigenfunctions something that is very of eigenfunctions something that is very of eigenfunctions something that is very useful in the next section is the useful in the next section is the useful in the next section is the orthogonality property of the orthogonality property of the orthogonality property of the eigenfunctions this is an analog of the eigenfunctions this is an analog of the eigenfunctions this is an analog of the following fact about eigenvectors of a following fact about eigenvectors of a following fact about eigenvectors of a matrix a matrix is called symmetric if matrix a matrix is called symmetric if matrix a matrix is called symmetric if Matrix a is equal to the transpose of Matrix a is equal to the transpose of Matrix a is equal to the transpose of Matrix a recall to find the transpose of Matrix a recall to find the transpose of Matrix a recall to find the transpose of Matrix we interchange the rows and Matrix we interchange the rows and Matrix we interchange the rows and columns the eigenvectors of two distinct columns the eigenvectors of two distinct columns the eigenvectors of two distinct eigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are eigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are eigenvalues of a symmetric Matrix are orthogonal recall vectors that are orthogonal recall vectors that are orthogonal recall vectors that are orthogonal are perpendicular the orthogonal are perpendicular the orthogonal are perpendicular the differential operators we are dealing differential operators we are dealing differential operators we are dealing with act much like a symmetric Matrix we with act much like a symmetric Matrix we with act much like a symmetric Matrix we therefore get the following theorem therefore get the following theorem therefore get the following theorem suppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two suppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two suppose that X1 of T and X2 of T are two eigenfunctions of the problems 4.1 eigenfunctions of the problems 4.1 eigenfunctions of the problems 4.1 through 4.3 in the blue box below for through 4.3 in the blue box below for through 4.3 in the blue box below for two different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and two different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and two different eigenvalues Lambda 1 and Lambda 2. then they are orthogonal in Lambda 2. then they are orthogonal in Lambda 2. then they are orthogonal in the sense that the integral from A to B the sense that the integral from A to B the sense that the integral from A to B of X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to of X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to of X1 of T times X2 of T DT is equal to zero the terminology comes from the fact zero the terminology comes from the fact zero the terminology comes from the fact that the integral is a type of inner that the integral is a type of inner that the integral is a type of inner product we will expand on this in the product we will expand on this in the product we will expand on this in the next section the theorem has a very next section the theorem has a very next section the theorem has a very short elegant proof which we will now short elegant proof which we will now short elegant proof which we will now show show show we begin with the following two we begin with the following two we begin with the following two equations X1 double prime plus Lambda equations X1 double prime plus Lambda equations X1 double prime plus Lambda One X one equals zero and next two One X one equals zero and next two One X one equals zero and next two double prime plus Lambda two x two double prime plus Lambda two x two double prime plus Lambda two x two equals zero we multiply the first equals zero we multiply the first equals zero we multiply the first equation by x two which is shown in Blue equation by x two which is shown in Blue equation by x two which is shown in Blue on the right and then we multiply the on the right and then we multiply the on the right and then we multiply the second equation by x one which again is second equation by x
We believe and dream We are where we expected much. There with the seven winds, a motive in the hearts. Through thorns to the stars. Above it will be so easy and simple Start and just go to win. If we fall, then we will take off again. We know the truth You are our team! And this without you It will not fly so high Without you, it will never win! My wings on my back, like sitting on the fuselage. I'm a player, and I always go to the end, the rest does not matter. No matter what they say, I'll win and lose. I'll fall, I will rise up! Encourage all my For everyone I fight, that's what matters. Thanks, team! We are family and we're friends - this is power. Unconquered, invincible, Everything is in our hands, I received a call luck. - Hello? I dream since my childhood, I see dreams, they have the property to be realized. Our goal is high, very high, but our team can get there! There are dreams that can not be measured. And friends, which is worth believing. Each is important, if the limit. Everyone is first, the first on your goals! We know the truth, You are our team! And this without you It will not fly so high, Without you, it will never win! We are in the game! We are in the game! We are in the game! We are in the game! You know, we're in the game!
Metrum (Umek Remix) - Fedde Le Grand Vs Alright - Janet Jackson Playing With Knives (Utah Saints Remix) - Bizarre Inc. Hangover (Delano & Mark Drake Remix) - Marc Systematic, Delano, Mark Drake Vs Dub Be Good To Me - Beats International Hustlin (Original Mix) - Crazibiza & Dave Aude feat. Vassy Colossal (Original Mix) - Thand Steerner Vs Set You Free - N-Trance Club Games (Nihil Young Remix) - Balthazar & JackRock Vs People Hold On - Lisa Stansfield Dig This (Original Mix) - Mike Balance Vs Young Hearts - Kings Of Tomorrow Danger (Original Mix) - Denny Berland Vs Where Love Lives - Alison Limerick True Story (Original Mix) - Mladen Tomic Vs Love Generation - Bob Sinclar House Circus (Original Mix) - Peter Brown Vs Dont Call Me Baby - Madison Ave Filtre (Slideback Remix) - Norman Doray Be Rich (BAZU Remix) - Marco Lys Vs Bad_Habit - ATFC Shake (Original Mix) - Kill The Buzz Vs You Make The World Go Round - Sandy B Reset (Original Mix) - 7 Skies, Tritonal Vs Jus 1 Kiss - Basement Jaxx Ginger (Konstantin Yoodza Remix) - Alex D'Elia Vs Got 2 Get Up - Afrika Bambaata Look Back (Original Mix) - Denzal Park feat. Eyelar Technicolor (Club Extended) - Madeon vS You Make Me Feel - Byron Stingly
The schedule’s tight on the cluster tonight So I parallelized my code All those threads and continuations My head’s going to explode And all that boilerplate That FactoryBuilderAdapterDelegateImpl Seems unjustified Give me something simple Don’t write in Scheme Don’t write in C No more pointers that I forgot to free() Java’s verbose Python’s too slow It’s time you know Write in Go! Write in Go! No inheritance anymore Write in Go! Write in Go! There’s no do or while, just for I don’t care what your linters say I’ve got tools for that The code never bothered me anyway It’s funny how some features Make every change seem small And the errors that once slowed me Don’t get me down at all It’s time to see what Go can do ’Cause it seems too good to be true No long compile times for me. I’m free! Write in Go! Write in Go! Kiss your pointer math goodbye Write in Go! Write in Go! Time to give GC a try I don’t care if my structures stay On the heap or stack My program spawns its goroutines without a sound Control is spiraling through buffered channels all around I don’t remember why I ever once subclassed I’m never going back My tests all build and pass Write in Go! Write in Go! You won’t use Eclipse anymore Write in Go! Write in Go! Who cares what Boost is for? I don’t care what the tech leads say I’ll rewrite it all! Writing code never bothered me, anyway.
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I will analyze Daneliya Tuleshova. We have many videos with Daneliya. If you have not seen the other videos, I invite you, to see other videos of Daneliya Tuleshova. In this video I am going to analyze her doing a cover of Adele, "Set Fire To The Rain". She is an amazing singer. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter. And in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis on his vocal behavior. And in this video I'm going to do a technical analysis on his vocal behavior. Therefore, whenever I deem it necessary, I will make my observations. But first of all, if you are not subscribed yet, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video. And let's go to the most important, let's analyze, Daneliya Tuleshova. And let's go to the most important, let's analyze, Daneliya Tuleshova. I apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped, I apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped, I apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped, I apologize yes, she just started singing and I immediately stopped, but I need to comment on how she has such a powerful and fascinating voice. but I need to comment on how she has such a powerful and fascinating voice. And since her voice plays an incredible role in various songs she records and And since her voice plays an incredible role in various songs she records and we have a lot of videos with Daneliya Tuleshova, so, if you haven't seen it, I invite you to see the other videos we have of her. so, if you haven't seen it, I invite you to see the other videos we have of her. But it's amazing how powerful her voice is. This is fantastic. I love the vocal embellishments that she inserts into her performances. What makes her insert her personality as a singer and What makes her insert her personality as a singer and this is extremely important. Even though she's covering for Adele, it is very important that she does not abandon her artistic personality. She needs to insert, she needs to insert this, because it is something that is part of her as an artist, as a singer. And she's a fantastic singer. If there is something that I find very interesting in the production of this song, it is the reverberation that was built into his voice. This makes her create a much bigger atmosphere, makes her voice more prominent, This makes her create a much bigger atmosphere, makes her voice more prominent, and creates a very interesting effect. Look, she does a very interesting job with her use of the falsetto. like Adele... Can you see the texture? What can she put into her voice? Just for the falsetto. However, in this case, we have to understand that el falsetto is used as a vocal adornment. And it looks very beautiful. This makes his acting very fantastic. And it looks very beautiful. This makes his acting very fantastic. It's amazing how she manages to work the falsetto in such a perfect way. It's amazing how she manages to work the falsetto in such a perfect way. Every time she inserts vibrato, she always inserts vibrato very prominently. Every time she inserts vibrato, she always inserts vibrato very prominently. And this is part of his personality as a singer and you should always insert your personality. She always has to give evidence of her talent as a singer. and how you work with your voice, this is extremely important. Belting is perfect, his voice projection is consistent. Belting is perfect, his voice projection is consistent. She holds her voice perfectly, she's a great singer. She holds her voice perfectly, she's a great singer. And I love analyzing and listening to Daneliya Tuleshova, And I love analyzing and listening to Daneliya Tuleshova, because she does a wonderful job with her voice. She is a great performer and manages to infuse much of her personality. She is a great performer and manages to infuse much of her personality. Look how beautiful this is... This is w
Christopher Carbone: Welcome back. This is part two of the section, two point two: the derivative as a function continuing on Christopher Carbone: a function F is differentiable at A. If F prime of a exists and is differentiable on an open interval, A to B Christopher Carbone: or a tin Fanny Christopher Carbone: negative, a to a negative, and Fanny to and Fanny. Christopher Carbone: If it is differentiable, Christopher Carbone: every number in that interval. Christopher Carbone: A theme that's attached to that is, F is differentiable at A. Christopher Carbone: If, then, F is continuous at a Christopher Carbone: so. Christopher Carbone: An example. Christopher Carbone: This, Christopher Carbone: where is the function F. Of X is equal to the absolute value of X deflangible Christopher Carbone: right? Christopher Carbone: So we could see her from a graph Christopher Carbone: Right? We have this V shape, and we could try to find our limits. We have to look at a couple of cases, though. And now for this to Christopher Carbone: makes sense, since Christopher Carbone: we do have that v-shape Christopher Carbone: first case is when X is greater than zero. Christopher Carbone: So if x is greater than zero. We could choose an H Christopher Carbone: such that we have x plus h greater than zero. Christopher Carbone: This will mean that the limit, as h approaches zero of the absolute value of x plus h. Christopher Carbone: The absolute value of X, divided by H. Christopher Carbone: Since X is greater than zero, Christopher Carbone: we on the right-hand side of this this would be the limit. As h approaches zero. We could just drop this absolute value. Bars. This is x plus h minus x, divided by H. Christopher Carbone: X's cancel h is cancel. This is just the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero of one which as well. Christopher Carbone: One Christopher Carbone: second case, Christopher Carbone: if we have x be less than zero. Christopher Carbone: Again, we could choose an H small enough, so x plus h is less than zero. Christopher Carbone: For this we have the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero of the absolute value of x plus h, minus the absolute value of X divided by it. Christopher Carbone: This time we are on the left-hand side of this Christopher Carbone: so if x's Christopher Carbone: less than zero. That means x is negative. So we could rewrite both of these with negatives. This is the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero of negative x plus h Christopher Carbone: minus negative X, divided by H. Christopher Carbone: Again, x's and H is cancel. Christopher Carbone: We'll just be left with the limit as h approaches zero of negative one, Christopher Carbone: and that makes negative one. Christopher Carbone: So both of those are fine right. We have limits. They give us values. Christopher Carbone: We're good there. Christopher Carbone: But we need one more case right, since we did greater than zero, less than zero. How about a third case to be Christopher Carbone: X is equal to zero, Christopher Carbone: So that means the limit. Christopher Carbone: H approaches zero of the absolute value of zero, plus h Christopher Carbone: plus the absolute value of zero divided by H. Christopher Carbone: So because we have those zeros that was just Christopher Carbone: disappear. This is the limit Christopher Carbone: as h approaches zero of the absolute value of h divided by H Christopher Carbone: this time we didn't really define what is going on with the value of H. Christopher Carbone: I. Christopher Carbone: So because of that we can't just cancel that out in call a day. Christopher Carbone: Um. Christopher Carbone: So Christopher Carbone: because of that, we need to look at the left and right hand limits. Christopher Carbone: Let's start with the like Christopher Carbone: limit as h approaches zero from the right. Christopher Carbone: The absolute value of H divided by H. The. Christopher Carbone: If we're moving from the right, then that means H. Christopher Carbone: Should be a positive value for that, So we cou
hello and welcome to my channel again in  this video you will find out why healing   spiritual healing psychological healing  is not the way to solve your problems   it does seem logical that when you have a problem  or a disease or when something is bothering you   the only logical thing is to think about it   to think of a solution but the longer you're  doing this the more you are in the problem   and what you want to do is to get  out of the problem in to the solution   try to imagine a big Vortex of thoughts  yes of thoughts and this vortex   surrounds you in you you are the  vortex so what you think about now   is this Vortex of thoughts now at this moment  what you think about is what your Vortex contains   so if you think about your problem no matter  what it is about your pain about your sorrow   about your stress that means that  this is what your Vortex contains so now that you try to heal it or to fix it  you are trying to fix it from this vortex   but these vortex does not have the solution this  Vortex contains only thoughts about the problem   the patterns of this vortex  contains only problems patterns   you see so trying to heal a problem from a problem  state will not give you a solution or a healing   this vortex is your mind is your  thought patterns is your energy field   so in order to get to the solution you need  to get out of the problem state of being   and step into the solution instead of being and in order to do that you need to get out  of your mind just think about it why is it so   easy for you to come with that solution with an  easy solution to a friend who comes to you with   a problem because you are out of his mind you  are detached you are detached from the problem   you're out of his energy field you are not  confused so this is what you need to do   if you want to find a solution for  yourself you need to look at your problem   from outside you need to detach [Music] and  the best way to do it is to quiet the mind to be in silence sitting in meditative state for at  least 15 minutes and just listen to the silence and if a thought  comes to just observe it serve the thought observe feeling that  comes with the thought but just observe it   don't be it [Music] and then let it go  let the thought go keep being in silence feel how you are now in control of your  thoughts and not your thoughts controlling you   and when you're in this state you change your energy field and  now you can reach to the solution   to a different solution that comes  from a higher state of being place   I hope this video helped you if it did let  me know in the comments thanks for being here   Please Subscribe and share  with someone you care about
Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Green chili pepper Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Cucumber Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Ingredients in the description Salt Salt Salt Salt Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar Water Water Water Water Water Need to completely cover with water Need to completely cover with water Need to completely cover with water Need to completely cover with water Need to completely cover with water Need to completely cover with water Pinch of salt Pinch of salt Pinch of salt Pinch of salt Pinch of salt Ready to eat in 2 days Ready to eat in 2 days Ready to eat in 2 days Bon appetit Bon appetit Bon appetit Bon appetit Bon appetit
Bai Yucheng: What did you say? Zhan Yao: I said, how come no one has ever file a complain about you Bai Yucheng: Complain about what? Zhan Yao: You drive in and out of the police station with a 400,000 dollar sports car Zhan Yao: I refuse to believe that no one has ever file a complain about you Bai Yucheng: The car was a gift of my brother Bai Yucheng: His money is legal income Bai Yucheng: Besides, I like this car Bai Yucheng: It can drive to the speed of sound Bai Yucheng: The best way to chase criminals Zhan Yao: To the speed of sound? Zhan Yao: That ain't a plane anymore Bai Yucheng: So what? Bai Yucheng: Even on a highway, can no one drive faster than someone with a pilot license Zhan Yao: Team leader Bai Zhan Yao: Your behavior shows that you still enjoy the superiority feeling you had when you were still a pilot Zhan Yao: This clearly proves that your idea of social status is completely off base Bai Yucheng: Oh Doctor Zhan, you've already been trying to prove that I'm abnormal since birth Bai Yucheng: But your mighty psychological theories does not work on me! Zhan Yao: It's okay if you don't admit it Cause for the past twenty years, I've already successfully proven that you have PPD, ASPD, BPD, HPD, NPD and other eccentric personality disorders Bai Yucheng: The people you should research are in a mental hospital Bai Yucheng: Why don't you go show off your obsessive analytical skills Bai Yucheng: Don't use me as your lab rat Zhan Yao: Bai Yucheng Zhan Yao: You are my lab rat! Bai Yucheng: Whose? Zhan Yao: Get lost!
Welcome back, Educators. We're going to create a dynamic Pie chart. In this data set, we have the bio and non-bio fruits orders. Our mission is to show the bio and non-bio ratio of a selected item. We need two helper columns. And a drop-down menu that has the items’ names. In cell D2, type this formula. INDEX($B$2:$C$4,MATCH($G$1,$A$2:$A$4,0)) It returns the bio and non-bio quantity of the selected item. Copy the formula down. Select the A, D, and E columns, then click the icon to insert a chart. Activate the checkboxes. Set a color to the bio partition. And also to the non-bio. Remove the legend. Remove the chart title. On the Pie chart section, select Label. Double-click the Non-bio label. Format the label, then click the icon to come back. Repeat the same process for the Bio label. Set the background color to None. Set the border color to None also. Activate the checkbox. Hide the D and E columns. Activate the checkbox. Hover over the partition to show the screen tip. To resize the chart and maintain the aspect ratio, click hold and move the corner.
Step up the two of us, nobody knows us Get in the car like, "Skrrt" Staying up all night, order me pad thai Then we gon' sleep 'til noon Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub Bubbles and bubbly, ooh This is a pleasure, feel like we never act this regular Click, click, click and post Drip-drip-dripped in gold Quick, quick, quick, let's go Kiss me and take off your clothes Imagine a world like that Imagine a world like that We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest Love how my face fits so good in your neck Why can't you imagine a world like that? Imagine a world Knew you were perfect after the first kiss Took a deep breath like, "Ooh" Feels like forever baby, I never thought that it would be you Tell me your secrets, all of the creep shit That's how I know it's true Baby, direct it, name in the credits Like the movies do Click, click, click and post Drip-drip-dripped in gold Quick, quick, quick, let's go Kiss me and take off your clothes Imagine a world like that Imagine a world like that We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest Love how my face fits so good in your neck Why can't you imagine a world like that? Imagine a world Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Imagine that Imagine it, imagine it Imagine it, imagine it Imagine, imagine Imagine, imagine Imagine, imagine
Hi friends, how are you? I am Nabeel. Today is our Sunday Q&A in which I try to answer your questions. If someone leaves a question, I apologize to them first. Scammers keep searching the comment section. They will write anything in the comment section under my photo or on the telegram. They will comment and I will not answer them. I will not contact them on any other platform. And my name is verified by YouTube. The first question is from Sohail Khil. He says that he wants to buy an iPhone but he has problem in his eyes. And Android has a triple tap to zoom feature. So, does iOS have the same feature? Yes, iOS has the same feature. Those who have problem with hearing, visual impaired, you can see these accessibility features in iOS. So, you can buy an iPhone. You won't face any issue. The next question is from Joy Mir. He says that he has been using 12 Pro Max for two years. He lives in Bangladesh. Should I buy S23 Ultra or 14 Pro Max? I like both of them. Both are great phones. So, you can choose either of them. But if I were an iPhone user, I would have chosen 14 Pro Max. Because I would have felt at home. I am using the same phone as I had before. And I am used to all the features. 14 Pro Max is a great phone. But if you want to buy a phone for a change, and you want to buy S23 Ultra, then you won't go wrong with either of them. Both are great phones. Both have great cameras. But the only difference is that the picture game of Samsung is stronger than the iPhone. And the video game of the iPhone is stronger than the Samsung. So, you can decide according to your preference. If you are an iPhone user, then it is recommended to shift to the iPhone. But it is also important to bring a change in your life. The next question is from Universe. He says that he is a student. I want to buy iPad Air 5. And there is a hollow portion in the back of it. Where we press, we can see some lines in the display. So, if you press the back or Apple logo in the display of the iPad Air 5, you can see the finger print on the display. But I don't think it is an issue. There must be a hollow portion in the display. As you have also written that this issue is coming because of this. So, it is less built quality compared to iPad Pro. But if you put a good case on your iPad, then you won't face any problem. And if it was a major issue, then Apple would have recalled these iPads and solved it. But there is no issue. You just have to press it with your thumb. The next question is from Tejas. Tejas has asked 3-4 questions. So, I can't answer all your questions. But I can answer only the selected questions. Your question was so big that I couldn't answer it in the screenshot. His question is that, 13 Pro Max and 14 Pro Max are used in Pune. And they are running 5G on the latest iOS. So, they are getting less battery life. Because 5G consumes more battery compared to 4G. The second question is that Samsung S22 Ultra has a 1TB S23 Ultra. So, it would be better to buy from Dubai. And they know that the Samsung devices from Dubai, or the devices from India, are in their home country. The devices from India are in India. The devices from Dubai are in Dubai. So, they have to activate the local SIM card there. So, there won't be any issue. There won't be any issue. But I would recommend you that if you are buying a Samsung phone, then buy it from India. And there are many offers in the launch. There are many offers on this phone. You can save Rs.10,000-20,000 in the same way. By exchanging the cashback and your old phone. So, it would be better to buy from India. Because you won't get any warranty on Samsung phones. The next question is from Lakshya. They say that they are getting a manufacturing watch from June 2021. Meaning, they are getting an Apple watch that is almost 2 years old. And it is a sealed pack. They will get a warranty of 1 year. So, should you buy such Apple watch? And will there be any issue with the battery? You have to buy this watch because you are saving money. So, definitely, it will be a valuable thing for you. Because you are gettin
[chimes] [narrator] "The train is a dragon that roars through the dark. He wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark. He pierces the night with his one yellow eye. And all the Earth trembles when he rushes by." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows. Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine. There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "It's the fall, the unfallen apples hold their brightness a little longer into the blue air, hold the dream they can be brighter." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "The cat went here and there. And the moon spun round like a top, and the nearest kin of the moon, the creeping cat looked up." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "My feet took a walk in a heavenly grass. All day while the sky shone clear as glass. My feet took a walk in a heavenly grass, All night while the lonesome stars rolled past. [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "Last night when the yellow moon of November broke through the last line of turbulent Midwestern clouds, a lone frog, the same one who probably announced the spring floods, attempted to sing." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down to day, Nothing Gold Can Stay." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "Snow is a mind falling, a continuous breath of climbs, loops, spirals, dips into the earth like, white fireflies wanting to land, finding a wind between houses, diving like moths into their own light, so that one wonders if snow is a wing's long memory across winter." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bow, And stands about the woodland ride, Wearing white for Easter tide." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "One day, through the primeval wood, A calf walked home, is good calves should, But made a trail all bent askew, A crooked trail, is all calves do." [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "I've watched you now, a full half hour. Self-poised upon that yellow flower. And little butterfly, indeed, I know not if you sleep or feed, How motionless, not frozen seas More motionless, and then. What joy awaits you when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees and calls you forth again?" [chimes] [chimes] [narrator] "I love to see the big white moon A shining in the sky, I love to see the little stars and shadow clouds go by. I love the raindrops falling On my rooftop in the night. I love the soft wind sighing Before the dawns gray light." [chimes]
Hold on Hold on Hold on Hold on Under the cold winter wind deep footsteps, it blooms alone I’ve been trying to find out why I was born and met you A sigh that spreads white It’s frozen tears Abandoned dreams cause other wounds Where is the end of this season? If there is eternity Hold on Hold on Hold on I will take it away before you stumble I will stay by your side until you survive hoping you would bloom Why did I meet you? Why are you here right now on this winter day? If I close my eyes, spring is far away and this place is only full of cold breath In the blood you shed in winter I was born red Plum blossom in the snow, Camellia, Daffodil Yeah, I’m fine with whatever you call me They say life is full of paradox All you gotta do is gettin’ used to this marathon “Would the world be harsh only to you? It’s difficult for anyone” To you who have grown up That's not comforting Listen up, winter : You’re the one that bloomed me Now I'm gonna burn my branches blue I'll let you know, That there’s another sky I'll do my best to get autumn The autumn that resembles you A light that spreads white It's frozen sun Even if it still exists like a hidden moon Where is the end of this waiting? If there’s a beginning Hold on Hold on Hold on I will take it away before you stumble I will stay by your side until you survive hoping you would bloom I won't forget your warmth By becoming a winter flower by becoming a dancing star I will be by your side Stay... I will take it away before you stumble I will stay by your side until you survive hoping you would bloom hoping you would bloom hoping you would bloom hoping you would bloom hoping you would bloom
Hyo Ahn's Origami Simple Origami Sampan Boat Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn Level: Beginner Base: Gate Published on November 25, 2010 at If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on! Subscribe and click the bell for notifications! We will start with a 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) origami paper. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to apply another horizontal valley-fold. Apply another horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to turn the paper over. Turn the paper over. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to open the paper. Open the paper. Prepare to apply two valley-folds. Apply two valley-folds. Prepare to apply two valley-folds. Apply two valley-folds. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold in half. Apply a horizontal valley-fold in half. Prepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold. Apply two valley-folds and then unfold. Prepare to apply two inside reverse-folds. Apply two inside reverse-folds. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to apply two mountain-folds. Apply two mountain-folds. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to apply two mountain-folds. Apply two mountain-folds. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold. Prepare to apply two valley-folds. Apply two valley-folds. Open the boat. Congratulation! You have completed making a simple origami sampan boat.
The evil it spread like a fever ahead It was night when you died, my firefly What could I have said to raise you from the dead? Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July? Well you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head Was it all a disguise, like Junior High Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction Now, where am I? My fading supply Did you get enough love, my little dove Why do you cry? And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best Though it never felt right My little Versailles The hospital asked should the body be cast Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth Do you find it all right, my dragonfly? Shall we look at the moon, my little loon Why do you cry? Make the most of your life, while it is rife While it is light Well you do enough talk My little hawk, why do you cry? Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the Fourth of July? We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die We're all gonna die
Hyo Ahn's Origami Easy Origami Menko Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn Level: Beginner Base: 4x4 Matrix Published by February 13, 2013 at If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on! Subscribe and click the bell for notifications! Let's start witha 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) square paper. Here I am using a typical double-sided origami paper but it might be better if you use a high density paper instead. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold. Apply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold. Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold. Apply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold. Prepare to apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold. Apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold. Prepare to apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold. Apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold. You have completed making a 4x4 matrix base. Prepare to turn the paper over. Turn the paper over. Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Rotate the paper by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Apply a valley-fold and then unfold. Prepare to apply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines. Apply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines. Prepare to apply a mountain-fold. Apply a mountain-fold. Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees. Rotate the model by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a mountain-fold. Apply a mountain-fold. Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees. Rotate the model by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a mountain-fold. Apply a mountain-fold. Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees. Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees. Prepare to apply a mountain-fold. Apply a mountain-fold and insert the flap into a pocket. Congratulation! You have completed making an easy origami menko.
boy number 4014 made a stop in Houston. Houston. >> Immobile I just historic >> Immobile I just historic location. location. >> People wound up close even >> People wound up close even walk inside a rail car to learn walk inside a rail car to learn about railroading history. about railroading history. >> My entire life I really like >> My entire life I really like trains and this is the train to trains and this is the train to >> Josh Myers has a youtube >> Josh Myers has a youtube channel about trains. channel about trains. >> It’s just the >> It’s just the feeling of the of this even feeling of the of this even this close realize it the how this close realize it the how big it is as an engine is big it is as an engine is just unbelievable. just unbelievable. >> Big BOI 44 team was one of >> Big BOI 44 team was one of 25 built in 1941 retired in 25 built in 1941 retired in 1961 but underwent a 1961 but underwent a two-year restoration before two-year restoration before returning to the tracks in May returning to the tracks in May as part of the 100 and 50th as part of the 100 and 50th anniversary celebration, the anniversary celebration, the transcontinental railway. transcontinental railway. >> Tomorrow it will lead the >> Tomorrow it will lead the George Bush 4141 locomotive to George Bush 4141 locomotive to college station with stops in college station with stops in spring. And spring. And never soda. This is what we never soda. This is what we hoped it would be engineer at hoped it would be engineer at Dickens leads big boys Dickens leads big boys operation. It’s the most operation. It’s the most special part. special part. >> The whole operation is being >> The whole operation is being able to share that with all the able to share that with all the enthusiasm. enthusiasm. >> All the enthusiasm passed on >> All the enthusiasm passed on from generation to generation. >> And the public viewing ends >> And the public viewing ends at 3 o’clock this afternoon at 3 o’clock this afternoon both trains will depart Houston both trains will depart Houston at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning and then it will continue its and then it will continue its 60 day tour. Until it ends 60 day tour. Until it ends at home in Wyoming the day at home in Wyoming the day before Thanksgiving reporting before Thanksgiving reporting live near downtown Houston. live near downtown Houston. Cathy Hernandez KPRC. Channel 2
hello everyone. welcome to Jenny Daily Life. grilled chicken eggs. It was 1 PM and many people still come to visit. beautiful souvenirs for sales. Beautiful baskets. the price is depend on its size. grilled chicken 1 stick is for 8000 riel=$2. if you buy 3 sticks of grilled chicken is for 20000 riel=$5. palm juice. palm seeds. milk fruits 1 kg is for 8000 riel=$2. deep fried chicken. sweet pineapple 3 pieces is for 5000 riel=$1.25. Nom Lom Orng Jek ( that made from rice, and sweet coconut mixed with black sesame). 3 pieces is for 5000 riel= $1.25. sweet coconut mixed with black sesame deep fried crispy fresh shrimp 1 piece is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if we buys 3 pieces is for 10000 riel=$2.50. deep fried crispy fresh shrimp. steamed snail. fried field crabs. deep fried crispy fresh shrimp 1 piece is for 3500 riel=$0.875. if we buys 3 pieces is for 10000 riel=$2.50. deep fried spider 1 piece is for 3000 riel=$0.75. deep fried fish patty with lemon grass paste 10 pieces is for 6000 riel=$1.50. deep fried crispy fresh shrimp. deep fried crispy fresh shrimp. deep fried fish patty with lemon grass paste 10 pieces is for 6000 riel=$1.50. fresh palm seeds.
We are about to create unlimited energy with a self-made circuit We will use simple tools and objects you can find at home Let's do it! We're creating this circuit with just a very few common elements We're using a magnet with 4 Ohms of impedance for this experiment. The first step will be attaching some elements to our wood panel. We'll attach a powerr strip to this small hole. Now we'll attach the lampholder. Now we go with the wires. We stretch them well first. And now we start to roll them in the spoon. THis one will have 15 turns in this direction. And the other one will have 15 turns in the other direction. We put a little bit of duct tape on it so that it doesn't unwind. Now we continue with the other spoon. Again, 15 turns in the opposite direction. That's very important. Remember to use the duct tape again to prevent unwinding. The spoons are ready. Now we'll cut the wires to prepare the wielding. We peel every wire ending. Now we're going to solder with the soldering iron. We solder the end of the wire from this spoon to this speaker. And we do the same with the other end to the other speaker. Finally we'll connect all the wires here. This is how we connect the spoons to the main magnet. Now we'ldd a little test with these wires. You'll be able to see how the electricity flows when connected. Now, when we put the spoons on the magnet... One on the North Pole, and the other on the South Pole... ...the magnetic field of the magnet will induce a current to the coils... that will cause a voltage od 12 volts or 12.5 volts at the ends of the wires. ...and here a small spark will jump. And now let's do the first test. We put a spoon in there, and we'll check with the tester in AC mode. As we can see, there's no power if the spoons are not connected. Let's test if there's power when connecting the spoons to the speaker. There is electricity! We have 12-12,8 volts. Now we can also see the sparks. If we disconnect the spoons there's no power again. If we disconnect the spoons there's no power again... And now we are connecting the circuit again... As you can see, we have finished our infinite energy generator. If we remove one of the spoons, the voltage stops.
NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND FORKS.. NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND FORKS.. FOOD NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND NOW TO A PROBLEM IN GRAND FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER SERVICES FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER SERVICES ARE FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER SERVICES ARE BEHIND, FORKS.. FOOD STAMPS AND OTHER SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD BANKS SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD BANKS AND SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO SERVICES ARE BEHIND, LEAVING FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FILL FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FILL IN FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FILL IN THOSE FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. FOOD BANKS AND OTHERS TO TRY TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE REASON TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE REASON FOR TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE REASON FOR THE TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE REASON FOR THE DELAYS? TO FILL IN THOSE GAPS. THE REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF SHORTAGES. REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF SHORTAGES. VALLEY REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS REASON FOR THE DELAYS? STAFF SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS AARON SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS AARON WALLING SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS AARON WALLING BRINGS SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS AARON WALLING BRINGS US SHORTAGES. VALLEY NEWS TEAMS AARON WALLING BRINGS US THE AARON WALLING BRINGS US THE AARON WALLING BRINGS US THE STORY. STORY. STORY. "It STORY. "It really STORY. "It really means STORY. "It really means a STORY. "It really means a lot STORY. "It really means a lot to STORY. "It really means a lot to us." "It really means a lot to us." "It really means a lot to us." Jeannine "It really means a lot to us." Jeannine Ditterick, "It really means a lot to us." Jeannine Ditterick, gets "It really means a lot to us." Jeannine Ditterick, gets food Jeannine Ditterick, gets food Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at the Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at the St. Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at the St. Joe's Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at the St. Joe's Food Jeannine Ditterick, gets food at the St. Joe's Food Pantry at the St. Joe's Food Pantry at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to help at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to help fill at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to help fill the at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to help fill the need at the St. Joe's Food Pantry to help fill the need because to help fill the need because to help fill the need because her to help fill the need because her husband to help fill the need because her husband is to help fill the need because her husband is on to help fill the need because her husband is on disability her husband is on disability her husband is on disability and her husband is on disability and they her husband is on disability and they have her husband is on disability and they have two her husband is on disability and they have two children. and they have two children. and they have two children. "Give and they have two children. "Give that and they have two children. "Give that helping and they have two children. "Give that helping hand. and they have two children. "Give that helping hand. It's "Give that helping hand. It's "Give that helping hand. It's going "Give that helping hand. It's going to "Give that helping hand. It's going to be "Give that helping hand. It's going to be a "Give that helping hand. It's going to be a lot "Give that helping hand. It's going to be a lot more going to be a lot more going to be a lot more beneficial going to be a lot more benef
One of my friends went to her field camp in Morocco, One of my friends went to her field camp in Morocco,
I said we didn't need any new constructs, but we are gonna introduce one and that's gonna make writing the code we need for a search engine much more convenient It's also gonna be very useful for lots and lots of procedures that we wanna write and the construct we are gonna introduce is called a loop It's a way to do things over and over again The kind of loop that we are gonna introduce first is called the while loop The syntax for the while loop is this We have the key word "while", followed by a test expression followed by a colon, and then inside we have a "block" and the "block" is a sequence of instructions This is very similar to the "if" statement So as a reminder, here's what the "if" statement look like we had an "if" followed by a test expression, followed by a colon and then an indented "block", which is a list of statements that executes whenever the test expression evaluates to a "True" value With "if", the block executes either zero or one times, depending on whether the test expression is "True" With "while", the block can execute any number of times It keeps going as long as the test expression is "True" So with the "if " statement, if the test expression is "True" we go to the block, run the block and then continue if the test expression was "False", we go right to the next expression With a "while", we also start by checking the test expression if it's "True", we go to the block But now, instead of going to the next statement, after the block, we go back we try the test expression again, if it's "True", we go back to the block we always go back to the test expression if it's "True", we do the block again, we go back to the test expression If it's "True" again, we do the block again, we go back to the test expression and we can keep going around as many times as we need as long as the test expression is "True" we'll keep executing the block and keep trying the test expression again At some point, maybe the test expression is "False" Once the test expression is "False", we go to the next instruction So this means a while loop can execute the block either zero times if the test expression was "False" at the beginning one time if it was "True" the first time, but "False" after that two times, three times...any number of times, it could keep going forever There's no requirement that guarantees the test expression eventually becomes "False" So here's an example of while loop. We start by initializing variable i, and we'll give it a value, zero then we have the "while", the test expression says i is less than ten So that means as long as this evaluates to "True", we'll evaluate the block and what the block does is print i and then add one to i So here's what happens when this executes So initially, the value of i is zero, i is less than ten So that means we'll enter the loop So that means the test expression is "True", so we'll enter the block, we'll print i So we'll see the value zero printed and then we'll do the assignment, so that will change the value of i We add one to i, so that's gonna be making the value of i now refers to one So if it was an "if", we would be done now, but because it's a "while", we keep going We go back, test again, if i is less than ten Now the value of i is one, which also is less than ten so we continue, go to the block again we are gonna print i, this time we'll see the value one Then we go to the next statement, increase the value of i by one that's gonna make the value of i two Now i refers to the number two Because it's a "while", we keep going, we go back to the test expression i is less than ten, still less than ten, now it's two, we are gonna print the two we are gonna add one that it will make the value of i three and we are gonna keep going Test again, and i is still less than ten, so we are gonna print i again we will print the value nine, then we add one, so that's gonna have one to nine, we'll get ten So that's the new value of i and we go back again and now we do i is less than ten, and now i has the value ten Ten is not less than ten, so that will be "False" and we
(T): Today we have an unusual guest (T): We have Kim Shin from sincook (T): What are we going to cook? (S): Dakbal Spicy Chicken Feet With Cheese (T): First step, is boiling (S): We'll use lemon for getting rid of unpleasant smell on the chicken 1 Lemon juice (S): There's white part of the lemon that is bitter (S): We won't use that part, we use the yellow skin (S): Add a bit of lemon zest Add lemon zest (S): Pepper (S): Then, salt (T): Salt (S): Next, add the chicken feet (S): Then we'll boil it for abut 8 minutes 1 Onion Tips: Soak the onion in the water can reduce the spiciness if you eat it raw (S): Garlic is often used in Korean dish (S): Asides for seasoning, it is also a side dish (S): Then, in South Korea, we usually use green chilli (S): But here we'll use Indonesian bird's eye chilli 3 Bird's eye chilli (S): It smells spicy *Oh no* (S): I Think I'll add more (T): Okay, is that enough? (S): Enough (S): Ooo... Smells spicy (S): Now we're adding Korean chilli sauce (T): Korean chilli sauce 2 tsp Gochujang 1 1/2 tsp Fish sauce (T): Fish sauce, 3 tbsp Chilli powder (T): Chilli powder, 2 tbsp Sugar (T): Sugar, (S): Then we mix (T): Add pepper, (S): Finish (T): It's finish (S): Will you taste it? (T): Is it save? (S): Maybe (T): I think the spiciness is enough (T): But maybe for him (T): It'll be very spicy (S): Very spicy (T): Now we will continue the cooking process (S): Yes (S): This is basil leaf, we'll use it later (S): In Korea, we actually use perilla leaf which has a certain smell Since in Indonesia there's no perilla leaf, so we use basil as subtitutes Drain the chicken feet (S): We soak the chicken feet into the cold water for a while (S): If the cooking oil is heated, (S): Add the chicken feet in a pan (S): If the chicken feet is golden and becomes sticky with each other (S): Then turn off the heat (S): Now we drain to take away the excess oil (S): And, put it back to the pan Add a bit of the chilli sauce, don't put it all at once (T): So, actually you are (T): Really like to cook (T): Or do it for work? (S): Since I was a kid, I like to cook (S): Because I like to eat (S): So I can eat my own cooking (T): Then, if you cook, (T): Do you prefer cooking or baking? (S): Hmm (S): I was prefer cooking, (S): But lately I am into baking (S): Add 1 tsp sesame oil, (S): Basil, (S): Young woman in South Korea really like chicken feet (T): So in Korea, chicken feet is a hit (T): Since chicken feet is good for skin, (T): And an anti-aging (S): Enough! Mozzarella cheese (S): South Korean people usually eat it like this way (S): But since this is spicy, (S): So we add cheese by rolling it like this (S): Or dip it like this (S): Want to try? (T): We can eat as it is, or roll it with cheese (T): Shin too (T): Chan *Cheers* (S): Ooo (S&T): Chaaan (S): Spicy (T): For me this is not too spicy (T): Or maybe it hasn't? But he's already feeling hot (S): Eventhough this is spicy, yet addicting (T): If anyone wants to ask about your social media, (T): Where to? (S): Instagram (T): There's on below, you can check it (T): For you (T): Spatula! (S): Huh? Spatula! (T): And t-shirt like this (S): Ah! Masak.TV! (S): Yeeaaaah (T): I Hope you like it (S): I like it (S&T): Thank you (T): Thank you for watching this webisode (T): Don't forget to watch the other videos (T): Stay tuned on (S&T): Masak.TV
Sab Matsumoto: Hello! Sab Matsumoto: So we learned what a derivative is in Section 3.1. And now Sab Matsumoto: we're going to go a little further. See in that first section. What we learned was the derivative at a single point. Sab Matsumoto: Okay. But in in instead of finding the derivative or the rate of change at every single point, and you have to take the limit of the difference. Quotient every single time at every single point. 200 Sab Matsumoto: there is a much better way to do that which is to take the the derivative or of Alpha at any point X. And so that's going to lead us to the derivative as a function, not at a single point. So that's what Section 2 is about. So let's now get into Section 3, point, 2 derivative as a function. Sab Matsumoto: Okay. So now, what what we are going to do is to generalize the idea of the derivative not as a single point and a single point, but as a function, all right, so we are going to derive a new function based on the old function. F Sab Matsumoto: i'm going to write. I'm going to go right into the definition of this derivative as a function, because it's not too difficult to understand. Given what you have already learned. Sab Matsumoto: If F Sab Matsumoto: is a function. Sab Matsumoto: The derivative. Sab Matsumoto: The derivative. Sab Matsumoto: Of F Sab Matsumoto: as a function Sab Matsumoto: is okay. I'm. Going to use the same notation F. Prime, because it's derived from the original function. F is going to be the limit. Sab Matsumoto: As H. Approach to 0. It sounds familiar, right, but we are no longer going to be looking for the slope of the tangent line at a specific point. So instead of having a we just going to call this random point X right? So F of x plus h Sab Matsumoto: all over 8. Sab Matsumoto: I. If it exists, because sometimes it may not. Sab Matsumoto: all right, and that's it. So this is the definition of the derivative as a function. Most times when we say that find the derivative we are looking for the function which is derived from the Sab Matsumoto: the original function. Sab Matsumoto: So I should also say this: finding the derivative. Sab Matsumoto: F prime yeah. This Sab Matsumoto: we use a specific verb, which is actually a very fairly common verb. We use finding the derivative Sab Matsumoto: in mathematics is called the act of differentiation. Sab Matsumoto: differentiating Sab Matsumoto: differentiation. Okay. And the calculus that has to do with the derivative is called the differential calculus, which is, one of the 2 branches, member of Differential and integral calculus. Sab Matsumoto: And so if you are asked to differentiate a function we don't mean like, oh, yeah, this is different from this. And this is different from that. Okay, differentiating a function means finding the derivative of the function which is to find this limit. Sab Matsumoto: Okay, all right. So remember F. Prime of X. What does it represent? It is the slope Sab Matsumoto: of the tangent mine Sab Matsumoto: now, not at a specific point, but at any X. Sab Matsumoto: So if you can find this derivative as a function, then you can do that first, and then you can plug in these, you know different numbers. What is the slope of what's the rate of change? At 5, 7, 20, and you can just plug in the number, because you have this new function, which represents the slope of the tangent line at any Sab Matsumoto: point. Sab Matsumoto: It's also, of course, the instantaneous rate of change. Sab Matsumoto: instantaneous Sab Matsumoto: rate of change. Sab Matsumoto: Okay. So we were. We're going to do a a few things, I think. let's say we did X Square. Well, like we can try. Right, let's let's go ahead and and differentiate several functions there, maybe 4 or 5 of these right. So first let's say, Sab Matsumoto: Let's try to find the derivative. Of Sab Matsumoto: 3 X. Sab Matsumoto: Okay, You can probably Sab Matsumoto: find the answer. I mean, you can probably get the answer to this? What is the slope of the tangent line at Sab Matsumoto: any point for the line? 3 X. Sab Matsumoto: The key
Pinky swear, if I do tell a lie I'm willing to swallow needles or anything on Monday It doesn't matter if it's Sunday Mirror mirror on the wall Who would give me the fairest love of them all? No need to ask cause it's my darling I want you to be my last If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die I choose you over three meals a day If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die Still, sometimes my heart is being unfaithful Even tho it’ll never be cured, I’m gonna cure it anyway, baby Yeah I ain't nothin but ya baby "You don't know what you got till it's gone" I'm sick and tired of repeating that same old cliché Goodbye Oh Don't you ever say ByeBye Eh I want you to be my last If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die I choose you over three meals a day If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die I want you to be my last If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die I choose you over three meals a day If I had to keep being separated from you like this I'd rather die I'd rather die Still, sometimes my heart is being unfaithful I don't need that corny shit anymore byebye I'll always stick wit ya my baby.
Welcome to this guided affirmation video for Self Love by Luna London. Before starting this meditation, know that you are enough and whole just as you are. When you truly start believing this is true you will unlock all of your heart's desires. If you have a Rose Quartz crystal please place it in the palm of your hand or if you are lying down place it on your heart chakra with your hand resting gently on top. Close your eyes if you haven’t already, and let’s take a few deep breaths now, inhaling and exhaling through the nose... breathe in bringing serenity and relaxation to your mind... and breathe out releasing any worries or anxiety... breathe in again feeling your lungs expanding... and breathe out letting go of any tension in your body... in this way use your exhalation to let go and relax... breath after breath your mind starts to calm down, breath after breath your body gets more and more relaxed... Turn your attention and awareness inwards now... let’s take a moment to simply be present with our experience as it is right now... let your mind settle down and continue to allow your body to relax... And now that you are open and receptive, let’s embody self love through these affirmations we will repeat together. Hear in these words the voice of your true self, your higher self. Repeat after me. I am enough I am enough I’m kind to myself as I am kind to others I’m kind to myself as I am kind to others I choose to show up and become the best possible version of myself I’m grateful and inspired I choose to show up and become the best possible version of myself I’m grateful and inspired What I have to offer the world is of high value What I have to offer the world is of high value I have everything I need I have everything I need I feel empowered to live my best life I feel empowered to live my best life I’m blessed, healthy and happy I’m blessed, healthy and happy I am in control of my destiny I am in control of my destiny I allow myself to feel the loving energy of the universe I allow myself to feel the loving energy of the universe I am confident and strong I am confident and strong I allow my inner beauty to shine brightly I allow my inner beauty to shine brightly I celebrate my success I celebrate my success I am caring and compassionate I am caring and compassionate I am a good friend to myself I am a good friend to myself My ability to succeed has no end My ability to succeed has no end I look forward to the future I look forward to the future I resonate with high frequencies I resonate with high frequencies I am at peace with myself I am at peace with myself I am worthy I am worthy I am talented and capable I am talented and capable I welcome love in my life I welcome love in my life I deserve all the best I deserve all the best I will achieve all my dreams I will achieve all my dreams Nothing can stop me Nothing can stop me I am connected with the source of abundance I am connected with the source of abundance I can manifest my reality I can manifest my reality Others love me for who I am Others love me for who I am I feel supported and loved I feel supported and loved I am grounded and strong I am grounded and strong I fully embrace and celebrate who I am I fully embrace and celebrate who I am I am brave in the face of adversity I am brave in the face of adversity I invite positive energy into my life I invite positive energy into my life I honor my body as a temple I honor my body as a temple My needs are important, I don’t postpone myself My needs are important, I don’t postpone myself I make the world a better place I make the world a better place I’m joyful and others love my company I’m joyful and others love my company I love my own company I love my own company I am creative and inspired I am creative and inspired I am connected with the source of love I am connected with the source of love I am present and mindful I am present and mindful I enjoy being myself I enjoy being myself Everyday I love myself more Everyday I love myself more I am whole I am whole I trust my intuition I trust my intuition I
Friends, the subject upon which I am going to talk today. The name of that subject is science and art of selling. Science and art of selling. What is the science of selling? What is the art of selling? What is the science and art of selling? What is called science? What is science? When vi is added to gyan, Then the meaning of vi is subtle. Very deep. Very subtle. The knowledge which is very subtle. About which subject? It is about selling. The whole world and industry of selling, in which we, in the whole world, have the most management. We are the most organized, and the world most recognized sector of the world. In the world of selling, the most biggest part is direct selling industries. In which we all work. But we will talk about the science that what is the science of selling? What is the subtle of the knowledge? And through subtle knowledge, we will learn that from which skill it can be learned? Right. Are you ready? Let's start. The very first. The first point is what is selling? What is selling? What is selling? To promote something forward. The sound also came from here. Whatever you speak, speak it loudly. To earn money. Okay. You sold someone. Person or things? Whatever you have, you have sold it, that is called selling, very good madam. Anyone else. Tell me in loud voice. To forward a good or service. You came close to the pincord number, very good. My god means it may be bouncer but your words are like you are telling the truth. Vedji, it was correct. It is exactly what you said now. There should be clap for it. It is the same. To sell some things, some service, some thinking. He also told that to sell some things, some services, some thinking. It is correct but why I have come here, is it to take laddu? It is correct. It is correct. The exchange of celebration between two people, that is called selling. That's why I came here. Do you understand? Between any two people, either they are buyer or seller. Or any two people of the world. When there is an exchange of excitement and celebration in this world. The exchange of celebration is called selling. In the whole world of selling. If there are fifty crore people. Then imagine that among fifty crore people, Until the news is not there that The exchange of celebration is called selling. If there is no celebration, whatever you sell, you will never become rich and successful. The people who become rich and successful on this earth. Those are the people who along with things, thoughts, The more kilos of things, the more kilos of excitement, the more kilos of celebration. The shopkeeper who bought a smile on their customer's face, There is an exchange of excitement between two people. When any people come, they ask the condition of your home then there is an exchange of excitement. When there is an appearance of happiness on the face of the people while talking, The exchange of excitement happened. While talking about the things, services, or thoughts. When there is an exchange of excitement, then there is a new creation in the life. And to sell in this way is the successful selling on this earth. Others are just average. The livelihood continues. Selling by some other ways is to continue the livelihood. But when there is an exchange of excitement between two people. One time, please tell me by doing like this. Not like this, That of excitement. What the thousands of words and thousands of lines can not say, Do you know that body can say that things. The exchange of excitement between two people is called selling. Do you understand? What is selling? After today, if you are going to sell in this world. And it was not sold. Then stand on the road and do like this. This has not happened. And until this will not happen, you will not get money. There is an exchange of excitement. Any two people on this earth. Whenever they come to the subject of selling anything in their life. If there is no transaction of excitement. Then you can not create big. The excitement is necessary. The excitement is necessary. It is really incomplete to sell without excitement. There is n
shut my eyes and count to ten it goes in one ear out the other one ear out the other burning bright right 'till the end now you'll be missing from the photographs missing from the photographs watching through my fingers watching through my fingers in my thoughts you're far away and you are whistling a melody whistling a melody crystallizing clear as day oh i can picture you so easily picture you so easily what's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? what's gonna be left of the world, oh every minute and every hour i miss you i miss you i miss you more every stumble and each misfire i miss you i miss you i miss you more watching through my fingers watching through my fingers caught off guard by your favorite song oh i'll be dancing at the funeral dancing at the funeral sleeping in the clothes you love such a shame we had to see them burn shame we had to see them burn what's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? what's gonna be left of the world, oh every minute and every hour i miss you i miss you i miss you more ever stumble and each misfire i miss you i miss you i miss you more you might have to excuse me i've lost control of all my senses you might have to excuse me i've lost control of all my words so get drunk call me a fool put me in my place put me in my place pick me up up off the floor put me in my place put me in my place every minute of every hour i miss you i miss you i miss you more every stumble and each misfire i miss you i miss you i miss you more watching through my fingers watching through my fingers every minute and every hour i miss you i miss you i miss you more <33