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If I qualify for legal aid, can it be withdrawn before the end of the trial (or even after the trial) ? Primary (first) legal aid includes legal aid and legal advice guaranteed by local government executive institutions. State-guaranteed (secondary) legal aid includes legal information, legal advice, defense, and representation in proceedings as established by the law mentioned above. “Primary legal aid” shall mean the provision of legal information in accordance with the procedure laid down by this Law, legal advice and drafting of the documents to be submitted to state and municipal institutions, with the exception of procedural documents. This legal aid shall also cover advice on the out-of-court settlement of a dispute, actions for the amicable settlement of a dispute and drafting of a settlement agreement. Primary legal aid shall not cover completing of the returns submitted to a tax administrator. “Secondary legal aid” shall mean drafting of documents, defence and representation in court, including the process of execution, representation in the event of preliminary extrajudicial consideration of a dispute, where such a procedure has been laid down by laws or by a court decision. This legal aid shall also cover the litigation costs incurred in civil proceedings, the costs incurred in administrative proceedings and the costs related to the hearing of a civil action brought in a criminal case. Once the request is submitted the state financed lawyer can be obtained in two ways, under regular and exceptional procedure. 1. Request SoDra for a statement regarding the past 12 months of social security period. Also have other documents that show any other incomes. 3. Once you have the declaration you may apply to the primary legal aid consultants in order to fill the requests for receiving the secondary legal aid correctly. You can find a contact list of primary legal aid by clicking here. You can also use the standard forms prepared by our team and fill the request yourself. You have to submit three kinds of documents that prove your right for state-financed secondary legal aid: The first ones confirm that your property an (or) incomes do not exceed limits in order to receive 100% or 50% financing for the secondary legal aid. The second kind of documents confirm your identity: passport, Identity card, new generation driver's license, disabled person's card, pensioner's card or universit/school student ID. Third kind of documents confirm the number of your dependents. This includes birth certificates, court rulings regarding your rights as a guardian, etc. Along with the request for the secondary legal aid you have to submit documents confirming your eligibility to receive state-financed legal adviser. You also have to submit supporting documents for your request. In order to get a state-financed lawyer you must submit the documents supporting such a right. For this you need t perform actions indicated in sections 1-3. Property levels also depend on the location of your residence and number of dependents. These numbers are differing by location. Edited 2015-07-01 By V. Smirnovas. Along with the request for the secondary legal aid you must submit at least one of the documents below that confirm your right to receive secondary legal aid. If you have an exemption document you must indicate 'YES' in the relevant field of the request form. If you do not have the document you must indicate 'NO' You are someone who is assigned a compulsory participation of a defender under Article 51 of the Penal Code. Documents: pre-trial officer, prosecutor or the court have a right to acknowledge by a legal order or that the participation of a defender is compulsory or under other circumstances if, according to them, the lack of a defender the rights and interests of the defendant would not be sufficiently represented. If you are a victim in a case of compensation (any pre-trial or trial document that names you a victim is sufficient. If you do not possess such a document you may file a request to the relevant pre-trial institution or, if the case has been put forward to the court, to the prosecutor. This document grants a right to receive a representative in a criminal case but not a private prosecution case for compensation. For this you need to submit the documents under the general procedures. Also, a court ruling that names you a victim is sufficient. ) If you are receiving social payments. Documents: certificate from the department of social security confirming that you are receiving social support. You are a dependent in a stationary care institution. Documents: a document provided by the institution and confirming that you are a dependent there. You are severely disabled or incapacitated, 25% and less capacity to work. Documents: disability certificate. You are a guardian or caretaker of a person who is severely disabled or incapacitated. Documents: court ruling, order or other document that notes your status as a caretaker. For an objective reasons you are unable to dispose your incomes or property and for this reason your disposable incomes and (or) property do not exceed the set annual limits for receiving legal aid. The documents may include a property seizure imposed by bailiff. You also need a declaration showing your property. A declaration for the past 12 months is sufficient. A note from an employer confirming the debt to you due to unpaid wages/salary. You have a severe mental illness (note from a healthcare institution confirming that the person has a severe mental illness.). You are a guardian/caretaker of a person who has a severe mental illness. Documents: court order/ruling and a certificate from a health care body indicating that the person has a severe mental illness. You have reached your pension age and have a high degree of social needs. Documents: disability certificate. You are a guardian/caretaker of someone who has reached retirement pension age and has high degree of social needs. Documents: court order/ruling or a document b other competent institution. Also a document confirming the retirement age (pensioner's certificate), disability certificate. You are a debtor in a recovery process against your residential property which is the last property that you live in. You are a minor not in marriage and are not declared as fully capable by the court (emancipated). Document: Personal Identification. Other situations that are indicated in international treaties that are binding in the Republic of Lithuania. If the Laws of the Republic of Lithuania and international agreements shall not establish otherwise Legal aid provides citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in Lithuania a chance to defend their rights or interests protected by Law who due to their property status cannot defend themselves in an appropriate way. Legal aid includes legal information, legal advice, defense and representation in civil, administrative and criminal cases. Each person who is eligible for primary legal aid is provided by an application form by the local government executive institution (municipality). Decision regarding the provision of state legal aid is taken/adopted by an official or an institution, which has the jurisdiction over the case. The standard form of request for state legal aid is approved by the minister of justice. The institution that adopts the decision concerning the provision of legal aid should be provided by the documents as follows: * certificates stating that the person received social benefits or is at a state-support full-time care institution; The request for primary legal aid has to be registered in the local government executive institution. The request for state legal aid has to be registered in the institution, which has the jurisdiction over the case. The institution that adopts the decision concerning the provision of legal aid must inform the person whether he is eligible for legal aid. The local government executive institution shall provide information and refer persons residing in its area to a lawyer or apprentice of a lawyer for primary legal aid. The local government executive institutions for primary legal aid shall refer for a one-hour primary legal counselling session. The official or the institution, which has the jurisdiction over the case on a person’s eligibility for legal aid directs persons to a lawyer mentioned in the Council of Lawyers list/register for state legal aid. The local government executive institution has the right to decide which lawyer should be appointed to a person eligible for a primary legal aid. The official or the institution, which has the jurisdiction over the case has the right to assign a lawyer from the Council of Lawyers register to a person eligible for a state legal aid. Assignments must be approved by the coordinator of the Council of the Lithuanian Bar Association. Primary legal aid shall be financed from the budget of the local government, which means that all the costs of the trial will be covered. State legal aid shall be financed from the budget of the state, which means that all the costs of the trial will be covered. Expenses of the partial legal aid should be proportionally covered by the person who is receiving legal aid, or party that losing the lawsuit. State guaranteed legal aid is provided to the persons eligible to receive legal aid in all instances of the court. it transpires that the person who is receiving legal aid is not eligible to receive legal aid in accordance with this Law; the person does not pay to the state or local budget the part of the fee for state legal aid that he or she is obliged to pay; the person submits deliberately misleading information about the essence of his or case, property, or income. The refusal of the local government executive institution to refer to a primary legal aid shall be appealed against to the district administrative court according to the procedure established by law. The decision adopted by an official or an institution to refuse state legal aid shall be appealed against in the procedure established by law.
. Wednesday, February 7. The crew and I return from another exploration in Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. We’re hungry from a long walk! Immediately I pull out the ingredients I need in order to griddle my main meal of the day. 2009 Toshiba Laptop Price Toshiba ConfigFree and Toshiba’s Face Recognition software. Both laptops are expected to become available come next month, with prices starting at just 699 Euros, including VAT. Alternatively, look for students selling used books early in the semester; they will often charge lower prices than any online retailer. Learn more in How to Cut Your Textbook Costs in Half – or More. The company said the Apple Macbook Deals For College Students DiscoPrints Blurry Black Ink Only From Microsoft Word The survey, conducted by Occupational Health & Safety magazine and. available online and how to print labels from their desktop printers. Such GHS label software is intuitive, like using an app Should there be a national identity card system in the UK? Tony Blair has promised to listen to concerns about plans to introduce a national ID card scheme after seeing his Commons majority slashed. A. Photo Enforcement Supervisor Ted Porras. Porras said when a car stops over the line it can block the intersection, which forces pedestrians to go around cars or even get stuck in traffic. Rudy Bettman. The left specimen is 18 mm long. The right specimen is 39 mm long — more than twice the size of the left specimen. This is one example (of many) that illustrates that you cannot rely on photographs to assess relative size of comparable specimens. No more talk about the old days, it’s time for something great. I want you to get out and make it work. Thom Yorke At A Tv The Same As A Computer Monitor All In One Wifi Router Or Separate Router How To Access Clear Wireless Router Control Pannel Korics is a company that dreams come true, and respects your thoughts. Making sure you come through loud and clear. to an access point as possible, shut down any other resource hungry applications on your computer, and try to single-task. In general, there’s nothing w. MikroTik provides routing and
| Stephen J. Farnsworth, Ph.D. Stephen Farnsworth, a University of Mary Washington political scientist, said the power of those images makes them irresistible. “In the 5th District and in Charlottesville in particular, these are not half-remembered memories,” Farnsworth said. “The images of Charlottesville a year ago still resonate very powerfully. That’s one of the things to draw from this flier. Asking a politician to forgo an opportunity is probably likely to leave one disappointed.” Although this song is not entirely biographical, it does express a deeply innate family trait for 'freedom' and 'privacy' which appears to have been inherited from Stephens Great Grandfather who was himself a Romany Gypsy. Gareth was a pupil at a Special School in Liverpool where Stephen was a teacher in the 80’s. One summer they went on a day trip to Freshfield. They walked across the fields towards the shore. Gareth looked around him and asked “Is this heaven?”. He couldn’t imagine anywhere more beautiful. After a full day of enjoyment he didn’t want to return to Liverpool. He was in love with the Care Assistant who was called Julie and tried to persuade her to live with him in Freshfield. The pupils were talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Gareth thought for a moment and said “A person, just a person whose happy”. The song is an attempt to highlight some of the characteristics of modern man who is losing his ability to connect in a human and spiritual sense with the world around him. The song was inspired by the book ‘True Resurrection’ written by Harry Williams. Written for Stephen’s daughter, but relevant to all Fathers who have watched their daughters grow up. One Christmas a boy called Georgie waited for his Mum to visit him in a children’s home. Whilst he waited he began fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt. She never visited him in all the years Stephen knew him and he never stopped fiddling with his shirt. The sadness of his life is reflected so many others for whom the impact of neglect and abuse has profound effects. As a young lad Stephen would sometimes visit Bill with his friends. He was always welcoming and happy to chat. He didn’t mind their curiosity and was happy to allow them to look inside his cabin which sheltered him and his canine friends from the elements. The song tells the story. What was once a small section of coastal pinewood in Stephen’s hometown of Formby. He wrote the song after viewing a number of photographs taken by his father which chronicled its disappearance in to the sea as erosion sadly took its course. Evolved from a poem written during the second world war by Stephen’s father who served in a field hospital in Algeria, North Africa. A peace anthem, as relevant today as it was 50 years ago. Despite western lifestyles outwardly appearing peaceful, fulfilled and happy, there are still victims and suffering within this overindulgent, greedy and dissatisfied culture. The song questions this ‘madness’ by contrasting typical western lifestyles with the lives of people in warzones and the third world countries. In exchange for downloading this album please consider making a small donation to Stephen's chosen charity... Queenscout Hospice From time to time we can all feel like escaping from our own lives and sailing away. Two years before retiring Stephen found himself sitting in the office dreaming of what he would most like to do. He pictured himself looking like old Huckleberry Finn sailing down one of the big American rivers on a shanty boat. On completing this album Stephen was invited to join another musician on his shanty boat as he sailed from Liverpool to London on the canal. Not quite the great Mississippi river, but close enough for Stephen to fulfil his dream of drifting away care-free. A song that tells the familiar story of many tourist villages - where communities have been destroyed because the young people can no longer afford to buy the homes there. Each town reports their own unique losses and changes to character, but in this song Stephen uses the metaphor of the harvest time Maypole dances which traditionally drew young and old together. This is a term given to those people born between the Alt and Douglas Rivers along the Sefton coast. The lyrics are based on Stephen’s own interpretation of what it means to be a true Sandgrounder – that is, not merely by right of birth, but by ones attachment to and love of this beautiful area. One morning when Stephen was walking over the sand dunes in Formby he noticed that the sea had washed up thousands of shells on to the beach. Most of the shells were broken and Stephen was reminded of how most lives are broken in some way during a lifetime. Whether we are a stranger in a foreign land or a native Aborigine in his homeland, we can all feel a little lost at times in our lives. At these times Stephen turns his attention to the inner stillness within himself – the one true sanctuary and home. A song written for Stephen’s wife Christine. It reflects the difficult times that most people face from time to time in relationships and how it is the warmth of love that carries one through. A song written for Stephen’s son, Sam. It expresses the pride that many fathers feel toward their sons as they see them mature in to adults. Having worked with young people and parents for more than 30 years, Stephen became acutely aware of the difficulties and suffering that could be experienced within families where a child had ADHD. The impulsivity, hyperactivity and lack of concentration that is depicted in this song as a butterfly, can often lead children in to trouble and their family relationships can be strained as the symptoms of ADHD can often appear as though the child is selfish, hurtful and uncaring. Stephen found it especially sad to see how this condition was often misunderstood and was not treated with the compassion and support it deserved. Whilst Stephen was on holiday in Spain he noticed how hard the African women worked on the beaches trying to sell goods to tourists. They would walk mile after mile in the intense heat, sometimes with a baby on their back, calling out and trying to get people’s attention. Most of the time they were simply ignored. Uncle Joe represents the life of a middle manager Stephen knew who suffered badly under the pressures put upon him by un-benevolent senior management who appeared to value targets, appraisals and accountability above all else. A song about Stephen’s great uncle Bill who was a "gentleman of the road", or otherwise known as a tramp. Bill was forced to leave his family in Wigan after the war when he could not find work and therefore did not wish to burden his family who were already struggling to make ends meet. The song is an allegorical portrayal of the collapse of the banks and the need for wholesale cutbacks in the public sector – as was the case in Stephen’s last job at Sefton Council. A depiction of Stephen’s non-materialist approach to life where he aims to enjoy life through the simple pleasures that are available to all. Stephen Gerrard has been playing the guitar for over 50 years now. After teenage dreams of becoming a 60’s pop star faded [view story on Youtube], Stephen began a career teaching children with behavioural problems and special needs. He later moved in to social work supporting parents with children who had behavioural problems. Many people Stephen worked with had very difficult lives which he would try to help through deep listening and understanding of their unique circumstances. This was a difficult job at times but also one which filled Stephen’s life with a sense of great meaning. When he retired Stephen decided to write some songs about the people’s lives he had been involved with. When Stephen’s daughter Emily heard the songs she persuaded him to record them and so the first album, entitled Gypsy Wood, was finished in 2009. As well as songs inspired by Stephen’s career the album also featured some reflections on family life and the natural landscape around the Formby coastline where he was born and walked on a regular basis. In 2009 the album was sent to the BBC radio Merseyside Folkescene programme where it was picked up by Stan Ambrose who had worked as the presenter for 50 years. Much to Stephen’s amazement Stan asked if he could interview him and play all his songs in an hour long special programme. Stan later commented that it had been one of the best programme’s he had made in his 50 year career at the BBC. The programme was repeated on air the same year for the Christmas special programme. Inspired by the enthusiasm Stephen received from his first album release he went on to produce a second album in 2014 that was entitled Broken Shells. Again this was a collection of personal, soulful and spiritual stories from Stephen’s true life experiences. Stephen is a private person and so you will not often find him performing. However Stephen is always pleased to hear from anyone who has enjoyed his music or that has some personal connection with the themes of his work. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment on Stephen’s Youtube videos or to send him a private message. He will be delighted to hear from you. "Never before have I heard such a convincing collection of memories put onto one CD"Arthur McBain (Dune FM) "...clear vocals, engaging finger-style guitar and a knack for finding a worthwhile story."Folk Radio UK If you have any personal reflections or anecdotes relating to a particular song please share them as a comment on Stephen’s videos. Stephen’s music is free to listen to. Please share this website address for others to enjoy. © The copyright in this website and all sound recordings are owned by Stephen Gerrard. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, hiring, public performance and broadcasting is strictly prohibited. Black tiger shrimp has long enjoyed popularity among seafood lovers. Thanks to the huge size, unusual taste and high content of useful protein to cook and eat them - a pleasure. Prepare black tiger shrimp may be the most common way, boil in salted water, add spices and sprinkled with lemon. But all these delicious seafood will be fried. If you have purchased shrimp frozen, they should be thoroughly thawed before cooking. To do this, place the shrimp in cold water, not pulling out of the package, or simply leave the plate on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Then wash them from possible dirt. Clean the shrimp from the shell, without touching its tail. Then place them in a deep dish, pour on top with soy garlic sauce, salt, cover and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Note that already contains salt in the sauce. After this time, melt in a well-baked pan of butter, and then tell it shrimp, get them out of the pre-soy sauce. Fry them on a high heat for about 2 minutes on each side. Then sprinkle with seafood with lemon juice, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and leave to languish for an additional 2 minutes. After that lay ready to tiger prawns on a platter and garnish with him at the edges of slices of lime, parsley sprigs and olives. And on top of them pour the remaining sauce in the pan. Less than high-calorie dish of black tiger shrimp can be obtained if the cook them in the oven. To do this, marinate the shrimp in soy garlic sauce with the addition of a small amount of sugar, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then put them on skewers and then shove it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees temperature for 10 minutes. Please contact us with any Questions, Special Requests or to Request a Quote, and we will get back to you promptly.
And the two the people must figure out how to know one another pretty properly in Arranging the social gathering plus the ceremony, like a traditional wedding. The two households prepare a piece of entertainment with the wedding.[31] And the same as an actual wedding, a reception along with a feast is structured the place attendees are asked to dress in suitable garments. The bride and groom will typically costume in wedding clothes from prior to 1940. The bride for instance will often dress in a poffer, which happens to be a traditional Brabantian headdress.[32] Wedding ceremony contributors[edit] Two sections of wall operate parallel to one another down the road with a "Loss of life strip" in the middle. A close-by museum paperwork the heritage of the wall. Wedding these days[edit] It can also be held to recreate the wedding ceremony during the existence of friends and family, especially in the case of an earlier elopement. Identical-intercourse wedding[edit] A inexperienced oasis marks the west borders of the "outdated purple" district, with Volkspark Rehberge, Goethepark and the idyllic Plötzensee, a lake in the southwest. At some weddings, the couple could declare that every is sanctified to one other, repeat other vows and Trade rings. A collective or mass wedding is one ceremony in which several partners are married simultaneously. Armed service wedding[edit] Did you scroll All of this method of getting information about wedding planner? Properly you are in luck, due to the fact below they occur. There are 18360 wedding planner on the market on Etsy, they usually Expense $27.04 on common. The most common wedding planner substance is paper. The most well-liked colour? You guessed it: white. Polls demonstrate rising assist for lawfully recognizing same-intercourse relationship in the Americas and in elements of Europe.[30] A white wedding is really a time read more period for a standard formal or semi-official Western wedding. This phrase refers to the color with the wedding dress, which grew to become well-liked just after Queen Victoria wore a pure white gown when she married Prince Albert and plenty of were being rapid to copy her option. Wedding (German: der Wedding; pronounced [ˈvɛdɪŋ]) is often a locality in the borough of Mitte, Berlin, Germany and was a different borough while in the north-western interior city right up until it absolutely was fused with Tiergarten and Mitte in Berlin's 2001 administrative reform. Customs may possibly change widely among denominations. During the Roman Catholic Church "Holy Matrimony" is considered to be among the list of 7 sacraments, in this case one which the spouses bestow on one another in front of a priest and associates on the Local community as witnesses. Just like all sacraments, it truly is viewed as owning been instituted by Jesus himself (see Gospel of Matthew 19:one–2, Catechism with the Catholic Church §1614–1615). These planners will often be pretty nicely related and will let you meet up with with distributors which have been considered the best in the company. The pair is accompanied to your chuppah by both equally sets of moms and dads, and stands beneath the chuppah in addition to other loved ones if preferred. Humanist celebrants will be able to accomplish valid civil marriages and civil partnerships while in the Republic of Ireland. Secular weddings are becoming more well known in Eire on account of a declining influence from the Catholic Church.[citation needed] Wedding styles[edit]
Communal celebrations are held every six months. The Anointing of the Sick is celebrated individually in case of serious illness or prior to surgery. Please contact the Pastor or Parish Office to arrange reception of the sacrament. Also, a Priest Chaplain is always available at the Owensboro Regional Hospital by contacting the Pastoral Care Office.
Now I know I will probably get a lot of hate for this, but is there any chance of Squad coming to PS4. The game would obviously have to be completed and various other things but the PS4 being the most powerful console, I believe it might just handle it. The reason I ask this is because most of my friends own a PS4 and some of them own PC's which are not powerful enough to run the game, I will definitely be buying this game on PC, its just I would rather play with my friends on PS4. I know you're concerned with not being able to play with your friends, but as long as you communicate and act friendly, you'll easily make friends in-game. It is definitely possible. Flash Point 2 and 3 have all ever been on console and they perform still pretty well. Now, according to PS4 hard drive, it is still possible to maintain a 30fps output for Squad. I don't know if Flashpoint 2 and 3 have anything to do with what Squad is trying to do. Original Flashpoint was cool game, but sequels are done by other design team and not much relevant to Squad. [QUOTE]Originally posted by linecook: [B]interested in these 3x stomping ground 1x polluted delta ons please look at my h/w let me know if we can make a deal..... thanks dilly dilly[/B][/QUOTE] Status: offline We did a new install of Exchange Server 2007 in October 2007. Since then it has created over 25,000 log intries into the first sorage group folder. Anywhere form 30 to 150 a day. Can someone explain why this is happening and how I can reduce them. The folder is at 35 gb. I never had this issue with Exchange 2000. Never does the human soul, appear so strong and noble,…as when; it foregoes revenge and dares to forgive, all injuries. Creator God,…”It’s so easy, for us to condemn others,…before; we give a thought, to the pain lodged,…in their hearts. May I study, Your Son (J... we thank You,…for; the loving brethren of our Faith, who have prayed for us, (The Followers of Your Son, Jesus); throughout our entire lives. Their prayers, truly are a gift to,…us. May I personally, be effective and powerful,... Folks, I’m convinced that,…we (The Faithful-Believers); can endure life’s wrongs, because we know that,…Almighty-God: will ultimately make all things, just right. Meanwhile, let’s talk a bit,…about; “self-care”. Yes, taking care of ourselves,…is most essential; for ... Generated in 0.007 seconds in which 0.002 seconds we potential pond site we have discussed. The pecan grove to the north is old and I have cleaned it up and removed a few old trees. The home will located in the Grove at the South right corner. The area in between the grove and potential pond is a 3 to 4 acre planted pine area that has been thinned but will be thinned even more in the next 45 days. I plan to get the logging crew to completely clear cut the potential pond site if this is the site we decide upon. The pond builder stated that this is the best area considering the topo and the drain that is currently present. Estimated price on the 5 acres is $40,000. I would preferably want the pond to be closer to the home but he stated this is the best place to build. Well guys...we finished the pond yesterday. I know I posted on this last year. The crew started about mid July of this year. It was a pretty wet Summer so they just finished the pond after around 2 months of work...on and off. Here are a few pics of the project. The last five pics are the finished product. Total land size is around 4.5 acres. It is rather shallow coming off the dirt road and gets to be about 20-22 ft deep towards the damn. I left patches of water oaks in the pond. I am not sure how long they will survive but hopefully I will get a few years of their beauty and their ability to attract a few ducks as well. You can see our farmhouse up on the hill in one of the pics. I hope this is a spot my boys and their friends can enjoy for a lifetime. Generated in 0.005 seconds in which 0.002 seconds were spent on a total of 16 queries. Zlib compression enabled in php.ini I find those commercial hilarious. They have so many people standing all serious and each of them will say "I have genital, herpes....I have genital herpes...." I wouldn't be able to do it. I couldn't get through everyone else saying "I have genital herpes" then me having to say "I have genital herpes" without laughing. Anyway, when you're a starving waiter making $2.36 an hour in Los freaking Angeles, I'm guessing you'll take the herpes job to help make ends meet while waiting for Speilberg to call back about that role opposite J Alba... In Tennessee, the lowest you can be paid is 5.50 an hour. If you're good at it, 5.50 plus tips is nothing to scoff at. I've made 80 dollars a day waiting tables. Can we get an offers contest? I see other sites having them but not this one. Whats up? I want an offers contest and 1st place gets a prize, *** amount of points. So reply back because i want to hear if you like this :) And what do you users think? We've held contests like this in the past usually over a certain holiday when members aren't in school and spend time on Rewards1 doing offers. I'm sure there will be some sort of summer contest this year. I've donated all my gear (complete studio actually) to my nephew and have reduced my DAW to an Xite-1, Alesis QS4, Creamware B4000 and Midex8. Oh, and my trusty Elka MK88! Running Cubase VST32 v5.1 My question is about the B4000 percussion setting. I know percussion only applies to the upper manual. It seems that the percussion onlymelody and lower manual for chords/rhythm, but of course there aren't any rules... the reason that a B3(or any Hammond with percussion) works like that is that the upper drawbar is used to generate the percussion tone. this tone is monophonic0 it's based on a set harmonic of that one note. eric wrote: It seems that the percussion onlye percussion´s envelope monophonic (even or also while playing polyphonic). Release the key and play 2 notes simultaneously, you´ll hear 2 notes from the percussion sound only and you can repeat that using more notes. Now play one note and hold that key,- play another note ... no sound from that 2nd key being played ... I've got custom made drawbar controllers for the B4000 if you start getting deeper into old school Hammond style playing. I have heard some pieces by Greenslade and the late Keith Emerson (RIP) which sounded like poly percussion. I know Kieth used an L100 but from what I have read on the Hammond website they had similar percussion system. I'm pretty sure Dave Greenslade (Spyglass Guest track1) used a B-3 though. I will get used to it, it's just not what I expected. It means you really have to use a second manual or split keyboard for left hand. Jaina attacks Bone Collector (@2 health), sparkshots 1 to Ironbark Treant (breaks 1 armor), and dies (you have no heroes to level) Good game. I think I’ll be coming back to this one at some point to figure out what strategy could even have dealt with your gameplan. I can’t quite find the balance between aggression and not ruining my own momentum in red yet. I think this matchup is pretty tough for you, since your best T2 option(Blood) lines up so poorly against what I’m doing. Your win condition involves running me over at T1, getting gunships at T3, or maybe burning me down with fire (though that seems hard to pull off). Towers aren’t very useful against my deck, since I’m not really looking to attack much early game. It looks like a counter to birds, but usually I want to put runes on them anyways.
Inside The BlackBox (Supervised Learning)is a video work and series of testing apparatus props. The work is the first chapter of an ongoing world-building project exploring algorithms and politics. It imagines political system driven by data within which individuals can train algorithms, their ‘data doubles’ to become politicians, representing them […] Off Modern I worked closely with Off Modern on a re-design of their websites. The sites are intended to function as archives and were kept as simple as possible. No funny business. Calm Down / Secure Calm down and Secure are two experimental comics playing with format and time in space. Calm down, whatever happens, happens mostly without you – plays with the role of time in the comic format. It shows a series of 10 second events all happening at the same. Secure plays with […] OM RECORDS 001 Design and Art Direction of Gabriel Bruce’s debut single ‘Sleep Paralysis’. Working alongside Gabriel and Off Modern to produce a hybrid of book and record release. Bruce’s debut 7” is incorporated into an illustrated book which looks into the phenomenon of sleep paralysis, featuring cuttings and ephemera of people’s recollections of […]
The Sun (2016)During this barren period no one was safe from the owner’s wrath. Times, Sunday Times (2010)Look at the nests of ants, how around them the land is barren. Tepper, Sheri S. Times,...
Some CA’s might send you a link to download the certificate or attach the certificate to the e-mail. The Youth of SJMBC preparing to deliver food boxes for Thanksgiving | St.John Missionary Baptist Church As someone who regularly meditates 15-20 minutes a night, usually a half hour before bed, this challenge has actually been hard for me with regard in deciding how to approach it. How can I put a spin on something I’ve been doing with regularity for years? The answer was right in front of my face. A few weeks back I was having lunch with a writer friend and we were talking about writing and procrastination – and Meditation. She told me about a book she was reading (or rather listening to) that suggested one take fifteen minutes and meditate on that one thing you need to get done. See, apparently our brains are wired to procrastinate. We already know we’re going to procrastinate before we even do it. It’s a subconscious thing, and the more we procrastinate, the more likely we are to continue with that behavior. This is why some people will find other, busy work to do instead of the thing they should be doing. Like emptying the dishwasher and vacuuming the floors instead of writing. This is particularly bad when one works from home or works for oneself and there are plenty of distractions to keep us from doing the task(s) we don’t necessarily want to do for whatever reason. The solution is to sit for fifteen minutes (or 30 as the challenge wants us to do) and focus on the task that needs to be done. Allegedly this boosts productivity and helps most people realign their focus. I am usually good with productivity in general because I never have a shortage of things to do with regard to my writing career. However – my productivity has been a bit lax as of late (especially in the editing department) and since I am going to have 1-2 books to finish and 1-3 going into editing in December, this leaves me in a good position to move my meditation practice to the morning (or right before I start working on a project, early evening). I want to see if it keeps me off my urge to find other things to do other than editing/revision. It’s not even that I hate editing/revision. I love the process. But admittedly it can be more difficult work than the writing itself, and it’s often the stage where I begin doubting my ability as a writer and whether or not I’m any good. Which is probably why I’ve been avoiding it at all costs. So I think this is going to be my magickal experiment for the #DoMagick Meditation Challenge in December. To see if I can curb procrastination and improve productivity in general by moving my practice to right before I begin my writing related work, and by meditating for thirty minutes on that work needing to be done.
Something familiar about the above image? Well, it does have a passing resemblance to Nokia’s N-Gage – albeit smaller – but it is actually the PMP670 media player from Yahee Technologies. Away from the looks, the specification doesn’t look too bad. There’s a 2.4-inch TFT LCD, with movie playback of AVI files at 25fps QVGA and auto-conversion of any ASF, WMV, MP4, MTV, 3GP, MOV, MPG, DAT and VOB files you might have. There’s also music playback, FM radio, image viewing, voice recording, not to mention a four megapixel camera. There’s built-in memory up to 2GB, with microSD to boost further. No news on price and availability as yet. Microsoft is the latest to publish a National Security Letter, following Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Calyx, Cloudflare, and… the Internet Archive. Microsoft's NSL [PDF] was issued by the FBI (of course) and demanded the usual subscriber info. In the post accompanying the disclosure, Microsoft points out the USA Freedom Act is the only reason it's been able to release the NSL. This is one of the benefits of the recent law: a better, faster way to compel review of NSL gag orders, which used to take place almost never. In addition, Microsoft notes FISA orders are on the rise. Of course, its reporting is limited to useless "bands," so the only thing that can definitely be determined is Microsoft's FISA interactions have at least doubled. What's included in the NSL is more of the same: demands for subscriber info backed solely by the authority of the FBI agent who typed it up. No judicial approval needed. What isn't in there are demands for a bunch of info the FBI has no business asking for, like in those served to Yahoo. In one of Yahoo's NSLs, the government demanded the service provider go above and beyond statutory requirements and hand over everything from subscriber phone numbers to "upstream providers" associated with the named account. It also contains the old, pre-USA Freedom Act boilerplate about challenging the gag order -- something the FBI continued to append to post-USA Freedom Act NSLs until the Internet Archive shamed it into admitting it was using outdated language. Going forward, the government should expect the challenges to continue. Microsoft notes it's currently in court contesting the feds' increasing use of gag orders -- something it justifies using a law meant to protect the privacy of electronic communications: the ECPA. The trickle of un-gagged NSLs is encouraging. Even if the releases trail far behind issuances (both in number and elapsed time), the fact that we're seeing any at all remains a small miracle. If service providers are enjoying these very occasional forays out from under gag orders, they might want to consider sending a few fruit baskets Snowden's way. How Trump's Lawyer's Silly Lawsuit Against Buzzfeed May Free Stormy Daniels From Her Non Disclosure Agreement It must take some real mental effort and anguish to sustain the 'Snowden traitor' dissonant line nowadays, no? Politicians? Heck a good portion of voters are able to disbelieve global warming, evolution and/or the Apollo landings on the moon. Calling Snowden a traitor is trivial by comparison. The above Kodi is found by the XBMC Foundation which manages the Kodi project as well as the Kore remote apps. Kodi is XBMC Foundation which allowed an open-source networking player product requisition produced Toward the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit innovation consortium. Kodi is accessible to various working frameworks Also equipment platforms, for a programming 10-foot client interface for utilization for TVs Also remote controls. Good post, I love it so much.I was pretty lucky to find your site. There is a lot of helpful information! This is a great article. This website has lots of interesting things, it really helped me in many ways. Great post\Nice post, I like it a lot.I was very lucky to find your website. It’s got so much useful info! This is my very first time visiting your website and I’m very fascinated. Thanks for sharing and keep up 😉 We research and brought the best way how to install Kodi app on Android in a straightforward and simple step which... We collect the best solution how to download the Kodi app on Android with easy steps and the link provided... Apple is apparently working on a new 12-inch MacBook Air that may be thinner than ever before, thanks to new Broadwell processors introduced by Intel recently. Several reports have pegged a launch sometime next year, and a new story from A Tech Website, suggests that Apple is going to launch the device in new colors. Apparently Cupertino wants to sell the 12-inch MacBook Air in grey, silver and gold options, the latter of which sounds extremely gaudy for a laptop. The colors would indeed match Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and may also match the company’s choice for new iPads that are expected in the coming months. We don’t know the legitimacy of this report and it does sound a bit off-base to us. A black MacBook Air? Now that we could get on board with. Who knows, maybe Apple will surprise us — we have until mid-2015 until this alleged device hits the market. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are set to come out this Friday, and early indications point to scarce availability (unless you managed to pre-order). But if you were part of the four million plus who nabbed yourself a larger iPhone, there’s a chance your device was part of the cargo in the images above. GoForBlackSky—pilots will understand his username—posted the images on the MacRumors forums, showing the cargo of his 747 coming over from China. The plane landed in Anchorage and is expected to then go to Chicago where the supplies will be dispersed around the country. This is just a small percentage of the Apple iPhone 6 supply—about 195,000 units—with many more 747s just like it arriving in the U.S. from China. It’s worth pointing out that this is GoForBlackSky’s first ever post on MacRumors; interpret that as you will. He seems to be pretty knowledgeable about the cargo, and describes the 747 in detail only a pilot would know, or at least a really die-hard aviation enthusiast. The cargo could be nothing; there’s nothing to indicate this is indeed a plane full of iPhones, however. Only GoForBlackSky’s word. It looks like the only chance people have to get the iPhone 6 is to camp out the night before the device launches. That is unless you snagged a pre-order. Hearing GoForBlackSky explain the kind of resources it takes to transport just a small amount of iPhones ahead of big launches sure puts it all into perspective. All for a piece of glass, some components and aluminum. Big data shouldn’t be an area for only academics, data scientists, and other specialists. In fact, it can’t be. If we want big data to benefit industry at large, it needs to be accessible by mainstream information workers. Big data technology must fit into the workflows, habits, skill sets, and requirements of business users across enterprises. Datameer is a big data analytics application doing exactly that. Combining the user interface metaphors of a file browser and a spreadsheet, Datameer runs natively on open source big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark, while hiding their complexity and facilitating their use in enterprise IT environments and business user scenarios. In other words, Datameer creates an abstraction layer over open source big data technologies that integrates them into the stable of platforms and toolchains in use in enterprise business environments. Business users tap the power of big data analytics through a familiar spreadsheet workbook … [Read more...] about Harness Hadoop and Spark for user-friendly BI analytics, Big Data, business intelligence, hadoop, open source hadoop spark, hadoop spark tutorial, bi on hadoop, cca spark and hadoop developer, Hadoop and Apache Spark, Hadoop and Spark, Spark and Hadoop, Hadoop or Spark, Spark in Hadoop, why spark is better than hadoop, spark vs hadoop, hadoop vs spark, spark for hadoop, spark hadoop, spark on hadoop Unlike old business phone systems that ran on traditional landlines, today's systems have moved to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. VoIP systems are Internet-based and run on the same connections companies use to get online. Phone systems are available as on-premises and cloud-hosted solutions. With on-premises systems, your IT staff needs to install and maintain the private branch exchange (PBX) equipment. Conversely, cloud-hosted solutions require very little IT resources since all of the PBX equipment is housed and maintained by the phone system provider. With the cloud-hosted option, IT teams focus more of their attention on managing the system's features, rather than the infrastructure. Today's systems are compatible with mobile phones and tablets and integrate with popular business solutions such as Outlook and Salesforce. Pricing is based on the number of users and usually don't require long-term contracts. Most systems are compatible with newer IP phones, however … [Read more...] about Business Phone Services: Best Picks and Buying Guide 2018 Uncategorized best business phone services, small business phone service, best bike buying guide, which phone is best to buy under 15000, which cell phone is best to buy, which htc phone is best to buy, dolly best picks, wireless phone jack best buy, phone cases best buy, unlocked phones canada best buy, best pick up lines, who picks up guide dog poo, pick tv guide, complete university guide 2018, business auxiliary service, unfortunately phone service has stopped, best picking up lines, best pick up lines tinder, best pick up line tinder, best pick up lines ever, glc business services, best ticketing system for small business, leadpoint business services, answering service for small business, virtual office phone service, best rewards business credit card, payroll services for small business, list of business services, VoIP In an effort to become more efficient and productive, many businesses are turning to digital document management systems. Instead of physical file cabinets and individuals storing various files on their own computers, document management systems are electronic filing cabinets that serve as a central repository for company files. These systems store any type of file — word-processing, spreadsheets, PDFs, emails, presentations, JPEGs, etc. — and can be easily searched. The search functionality allows employees to find the documents they need in a matter of seconds. Experts say document management systems cut down on administration time, reduce the reliance on paper and improve productivity. MORE: A Guide to Choosing Electronic Signature Software Products Pricing PinPoint eFileCabinet FileHold LogicalDoc Self-Hosted Cost $144 to $300 per user, annually $50 - $65 per user, monthly $3,750 (fewer than 20 users); $4,400 (more than 20 users) $1,500 … [Read more...] about Best Document Management Software and Systems 2018 With the new era of Windows as a service, Microsoft is rolling out changes to the operating system twice a year. Many of those changes will allow you to improve your security posture and offer more security choices. You no longer have to wait for a new operating system to deploy new security features.Below is a summary of all the new security features and options in Windows 10 version 1709, also known as the Fall Creators Edition. Bookmark this article, because we will be adding new security features as Microsoft releases future Windows updates.Windows 10 1709: The anti-ransomware editionThe Windows 10 Fall Creators Edition release is, in my opinion, is the first release where Microsoft is vastly increasing and acknowledging the impact of ransomware. Key security features included in the 1709 release give IT professionals the ability to provide additional means to prevent and defend against ransomware. Here are the edition’s key features:Window Defender Exploit GuardWindow … [Read more...] about What’s new in Windows 10 security features: The anti-ransomware edition There’s data, and then there’s big data. So, what’s the difference?Big data definedBig data in general refers to sets of data that are so large in volume and so complex that traditional data processing software products are not capable of capturing, managing, and processing the data within a reasonable amount of time.These big data sets can include structured, unstructured, and semistructured data, each of which can be mined for insights.How much data actually constitutes “big” is open to debate, but it can typically be in multiples of petabytes—and for the largest projects in the exabytes range.Often, big data is characterized by the three Vs: an extreme volume of data a broad variety of types of data the velocity at which the data needs to be processed and analyzed The data that constitutes big data stores can come from sources that include web sites, social media, desktop and mobile apps, scientific experiments, … [Read more...] about What is big data? Real-time analytics of disparate data at web scale
At Tekwell Services, we see a lot of different types of cranes. We do a lot of overhead crane inspections and repairs, so we are in a perfect position to give you an overview of them. There are many types of overhead cranes and these have been customized in many different ways, so this blog series is going to define the major types of overhead cranes we encounter during our inspections and repairs. Definition of an Overhead Crane First of all, overhead cranes are also known as bridge cranes and although they are most commonly used in industrial manufacturing such as automobile manufacturing, We’ve discussed the causes of unbalance that creates the need for dynamic field balancing services in another blog post, but we have not really covered the tangible benefits of equipment that has received this service. The first thing to keep in mind is unbalance in any rotating machinery, but particularly in an electric motor, is the most common cause of failure. This can even happen if repairs have been made, such as parts being replaced that became defective due to imbalance issues. Imbalance issues create excess vibration and if you fail to address the root cause of that vibration with Rebuilding an electric motor can be a difficult, labor intensive process. The first step to rebuild an electric motor is cleaning it thoroughly. You need to remove all dirt, grease, paint, insulation, varnish and epoxy that encases the motor. The copper wire coil must be clean and exposed. There are several ways to do this. The most common being doing it by hand by scraping, sanding and removing the debris using chemical solvents and strippers. This can damage the parts. Another–less damaging–method, is to use an ultrasonic cleaner. This is less invasive and often does the job quite wel An automatic capacitor reformer is an essential tool for any industrial electric motor asset management program. It allows a user to determine how much calculated capacitance of an electrolytic capacitor bank has remaining. The reason that this is important is that as an electrolytic capacitor ages, it loses its maximum capacitance and drops way below the original specs. As a result, it is important to know exactly how much capacitance remains in a capacitor to determine if it needs to be replaced to avoid failure when the power is needed or avoid replacing capacitors before it is absolutely n The proper care and operation of electric motors depend on how well you protect your motor bearings from poor lubrication and excess vibration. Here are a few of the ways you can keep your bearings in tip top shape and prevent unplanned downtime due to bearing failure as a result of these two problems. Maintain Proper Lubrication for Your Bearings Lack of lubrication is the number one cause for bearing damage and failure. This can be caused by a number of different reasons. The first being that you failed to provide adequate lubrication in the first place, used the wrong kind of lubricant Because bearings are some of the most important components within an electric motor, and a component that is at risk for failure, it is important to protect your bearings from a need for electric motor service. How do you do this? Here are three tips to consider: 1 - Maintain Optimal Loads Obviously if you run your motor bearings beyond the recommended maximum load, you will eventually damage them. Either from the heat, or the lack of proper lubrication, the bearings will break down. But bearings also need to have a minimal load as well in order to make sure that the rolling elements rotate Last month we reviewed the initial stages of an electric motor rewinding service: Information Gathering Stage In-Depth Inspection Stage Testing and Cleaning Stage This month goes over the critical final three stages of the electric motor rewinding service process. Motor Rewind Stage The damaged windings are removed from the core, the cores are tested for core loss, and then the windings are either refurbished or replaced and then rewound back into the motor using as the original configuration of the winding–or a more efficient winding if one is available for your model of mot Bearings are one most important components within an electric motor. The bearing’s role is to reduce rotational friction while transferring the load from the shaft to the motor itself. As a result, the bearing needs to be able to operate at a variety of speeds without frictional loss and be relatively maintenance-free. There are several types of bearings used for electric motor service: Ball Bearing Ball bearings are the most common bearings used in the world. These are typically made from steel or a steel alloy. Some motors use ball bearings because of their versatility to handle both rad Your electric motor has broken down and you have taken it to a motor rewinding shop. What happens to it? How does the motor rewinding service process work? Information Gathering Stage The first step is that an electric motor repair technician gathers information about the motor. This includes an initial inspection. The technician looks for blocked air ducts and missing or damaged external parts. The technician should also pull information from the nameplate(s) on the motor to make sure that all of the critical manufacturer information (original manufacturer, part number, service dates, etc.) Last month, we provided details about three benefits of using an ultrasonic cleaning unit. Here are four more benefits of using an ultrasonic cleaner for electric motor repair and rebuilding. Saves Time Probably the biggest benefit of using an ultrasonic cleaning unit is the massive amount of time it saves in the cleaning process when compared to spraying or scrubbing. Because an ultrasonic cleaner emits up to 40,000 pulses per second at many different angles, it loosens and removes contaminants far quicker, than other cleaning methods. More Reliable Than Other Cleaning Methods Because ult
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Interior, afternoon, stunning yet casual waterfront chic cafe, enter the beautiful and glamorous mother-daughter team of Ruth and Audrey Landers. Yes, it was a setting from a film or TV series, a sublime and elegant reality show, where the ladies have substance and true style. Thus, we began our fabulous luncheon. I wondered, how did these two Hollywood greats happen to end up in Sarasota? The story is a true television classic; something that makes an intriguing tale. They've had concert tours around the world, from Europe to Africa to Asia, with Ruth co-producing, and Audrey composing Audrey's more than a dozen gold and platinum hit albums. In Hollywood, Ruth produced numerous successful independent films, such as Ghost Writer, California Casanova, and Club Fed, distributed by MGM and Paramount. Yet it was producing their award-winning musical, educational children's TV series, The Huggabug Club, that brought them to Sarasota. Executive produced by Ruth (she donated it to public television for 5 years) written by Audrey and Judy Landers, the show ran from 1995-2000 on PBS, and is still seen on many affiliate stations as well as VOD on iTunes. The Landers flew with their families from LA to Tampa for 3 years to film the 50 half hour episodes filled with 250 original songs. The cast of children, their Moms, the director, choreographer, plus more crew filled up an entire plane and then some! "As an offshoot of the TV series, we created the live version for stage; it was a rock concert for toddlers! Sarasota was the first stop on the tour," They were staying at the Hyatt and the doorman suggested they take a look at the area, but they were always busy with the show and their kids. Towards the end of the week, they were free, so he drove them to Siesta Key and the three ladies stood there with their feet in the sand and at that moment, they all decided to move to Sarasota. They were smitten! They sold 3 houses in Beverly Hills and bought 3 houses in Sarasota. It was quite a change from Beverly Hills to Sarasota at that time. Audrey went on to say, "Back then, it was even hard to find a cappuccino!" Ruth says, "All of our friends in LA thought we were crazy to leave after 18 years in BH, but we couldn't be happier with that impulse decision, and this is home." And, all their European friends think it's paradise. Of course, the idea was to "retire" from show biz in Sarasota, but that didn't last long. Ruth was inspired by the beauty of the area and the storied history of Sarasota. Thus came about the feature film, "Circus Island," produced by Ruth, co-written and directed by Audrey and Judy. It was a family adventure in more ways than one! "We hired a mostly local cast. At that time, finding experienced crew members was more challenging, and we had to hire from Miami and Orlando. Now that has changed." The film turned out great; they actually forged ground as one of the first local production companies to actually shoot a viable film in Sarasota. An accomplished actor, singer, writer, composer and producer, Audrey is a dynamo with both brains and beauty. As a teen, Audrey studied music at the Juilliard School in New York, and studied psychology at Barnard/Columbia University, while landing professional acting roles. She literally grew up in front of the camera and on stage. She starred on daytime TV, followed by hundreds of guest roles in the 19BOs and 1990s. She has tested the water in the past with her semi controversial Playboy pictorial with her clothes on! She played the quintessential "T&A" role, portraying Val in "A Chorus line: The Movie." She's had a recurring role in USA Network's "Burn Notice." In 2012, the Florida Motion Picture & Television Association, Inc. voted unanimously to bestow its lifetime Achievement Award upon Audrey Landers. However, Audrey is best known for her memorable role as Afton for eight years on "Dallas." Presently, she is reprising her role in the new "Dallas" on TNT, stirring up trouble for a new generation of viewers. As a dynamic business executive and entrepreneur, Ruth Landers continues to delve into arising opportunities. She is on the board of a printing company that she founded in New Jersey. She has thriving real estate companies based in Sarasota, FL, and a global fashion business. But the most visible impact Ruth Landers has made, has been her behind-the-scenes accomplishments in the film, music and television industry. In addition to her years as a producer in the entertainment industry, Ruth has managed and produced the celebrated careers of Audrey and Judy for over 30 years. Keeping it all in the family tradition, now Audrey and Ruth are managing the career of the third generation in show biz. One of Audrey's sons, Daniel, has a burgeoning music career. At his young age he has already performed in TV specials and concerts in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and in the Netherlands where Daniel was in the finals of Europe's X Factor. (Audrey's son, Adam is not involved in show biz. He studies Economics.) Continuing their long-standing business partnership, the dynamic mother and daughter team also spearhead the landers STAR Collection. Ruth and Audrey co-created this women's clothing line, providing affordable glamorous fashion to women across the globe. Their fashion philosophy is, "Every woman is a star and she deserves to shine.” It was launched in Munich on HSE, then was rolled out to Shop NBC in the U.S. and on QVC UK. Ruth and Audrey create the designs in a design studio in NYC, and appear on-air for the live presentations. It truly is affordable iconic style. The spring collection features the colors of nature, aqua, berries and lemon. "Holiday is our favorite season to design-I love the bling," said Ruth. They are contacted all the time; they were offered to be the blond Kardashians! However, they have other ideas: They are considering a mock reality sitcom series that has a bit more sophistication, as well as producing additional TV projects in Sarasota/Bradenton area. They look forward to working with the many talented artists in our area, in the music scene as well. Who knows, it may just be what it takes to really put Sarasota on the map! Whatever it will be, it is sure to generate the same amazing spunk, swank and fun that the Landers family is known for and they are true Hollywood icons
There are more singles in--and out of--the church today than ever before. Wendy Widder knows the struggles of being single from the inside out, and she has something to say.While there is no shortage of books about singlehood on the market, Widder's approach is markedly different. In Living Whole Without a Better Half readers study the character in Hebrews 11. Widder uses these Biblical examples to show readers how to embrace singleness as an abundant life and a God-given gift, not as an unfortunate stage they should move past as quickly as possible. By examining the lives of biblical heroes such as Abraham, Moses, and Jacob, she reveals that trying to bargain with God to follow our plans and timing often keeps us from appreciating the opportunities he places in our path. Widder makes her case with wit and a wry humor that readers will appreciate and come back to again and again. Now with updated statistics, and a new preface, Living Whole Without a Better Half includes study questions that make it a great Bible study or small group resource. Since the first edition of Once-a-Month Cooking was published in 1986, its proven, practical method has helped hundreds of thousands of families reduce their cooking time and still enjoy nightly home-cooked meals. You don't have to be a super savvy chef to pull your family together each week for these light and simple, easy-to-prepare meals. Revised to reflect today's healthier diet, this revised edition explains how to: plan ahead, spend less time at the supermarket, cut down on prep time, group similar kitchen tasks together to get them all done at once, make kitchen clean-up more manageable, and use the freezer, computer, and your head to create a month full of delicious meals Whether you are a busy parent on the go or you just want a quick dinner to warm your spirit, you'll be instantly hooked on this cookbook classic and its fool-proof Once-a-Month Cooking method Six circles of relationship formed around Jesus in his time on earth. In the outermost circle, the Crowds who were curious. Next, the Five Thousand who were needy, while the Seventy worked and served in Jesus' ministry; then came the Twelve who walked with Jesus, the Three who suffered and celebrated with him, and finally the One who sat beside him at the Last Supper. Jesus' closest follower listened more closely than any other, and recognized the Savior when no one else did. Scripture promises if you move closer to God, he will move closer to you. Wherever you are in your pursuit of Christ, you can draw closer still. In The One Jesus Loves, you will learn about each of the six circles, and what it takes to move further in, closer and closer to Jesus. "After reading The One Jesus Loves, you'll not only understand how to deepen your relationship with God by drawing closer into His 'circle of intimacy, ' you'll also see how becoming a closer follower of Christ can improve every other relationship in your life." "This book itself will be a gift to you. Robert Crosby has not just studied the costly grace of Jesus; he's lived it. This grace is a pool of fathomless depths. The deeper we go, the more healing we find."
died. A friend has experienced the death of someone loved. How can you help? The following articles provide many practical suggestions for helping others with grief.
Back-row Ryan Wilson today expressed his desire to get Scotland back on the winning track against Fiji in front of a capacity crowd this Saturday at BT Murrayfield (kick-off 2.30pm) - live on BT Sport and BBC. Wilson was among the starting loose forwards in last weekend’s loss to Wales in Cardiff and, despite emerging from the match with some personal credit from his performance, remains irked by the autumn’s current played one, lost one record. “We go out to win every game in a Scotland jersey and we didn’t do that [against Wales] so yeah we were frustrated and want to make sure we go out and do a better job this week,” said Wilson. “Fiji are a dangerous side. We lost to them last time we played them and, in the last five games they’ve won three or four from the five, so we all know how dangerous they are – they’re a good team. “I wouldn’t talk for the [Scotland] team too much from a mentality perspective but, for me, you go into every game knowing that you give it your best and, if everyone around you does the same, you’ll come out with a win. “We’re at home, we’re confident at home, and you’ve seen how we can perform at home, which should give us a big enough boost.” This week Head Coach Gregor Townsend added six players to the squad, with seven dropping out of contention – four through injury and three released to their clubs. Among them in the back-row department were Wilson’s Glasgow Warriors teammate Adam Ashe and former Warriors teammate Josh Strauss (now at Sale Sharks), all brought in following injuries sustained to Magnus Bradbury, David Denton and Blade Thomson, while a number of exile players also come into contention for the Fiji Test, with the opening of the World Rugby international window. However, despite being seemingly boosted by players of the calibre of the France-based Greig Laidlaws, Finn Russells of this world, Wilson instead paid tribute to the home-based brood. “Blair Kinghorn is a dangerous player, just as dangerous as Hoggy, and again, Pricey [Ali Price] and George Horne, these guys have been doing well, so we’ve got strength in depth and any of those players pulling on their nation’s jersey are going to do well.” Special Containment Procedures: SCP-811 should be kept in a climate-controlled, cylindrical glass enclosure, between ten (10) and twenty (20) (inclusive) metres in diameter, filled to a depth of no less than two and a half (2.5) metres on average with wetland soil and stagnant fresh water. It is to be furnished with a variety of aquatic plants from its native swamp in █████, as the remaining vegetation there has exhibited the adaptation to regrow quickly from injuries endured during contact with SCP-811 as long as the roots are undamaged. Logs of manageable size and additional humus-rich soil may be provided for good behavior. Water depth is not to exceed half a metre (0.5) at its lowest point. Height of the enclosure must be no less than five (5) metres above the highest soil point. Temperature is to be kept at 25°C, and humidity should be kept above 70%. There is to be a decontamination airlock chamber between the door into the enclosure and the door into the rest of the facility. Air that is ventilated into the enclosure should not be recirculated back into the rest of the facility under any circumstances. The methane resulting from SCP-811's normal interaction with its environment is not anomalous and may be bottled for use as fuel. No heated elements or open flames are permitted inside the enclosure. The enclosure must be tested daily for pH and microbe levels in both the soil and water, as well as for changes in chemical composition. Enclosure should be cleaned biweekly, preferably by D-class personnel. All discarded waste should be put in quarantine for analysis before disposal by standard biohazard protocol. Subject is to be given at least five (5) kg of live food 24 hours after its completion of its previous meal. Subject is not averse to preying on humans, and it is recommended that personnel not enter the enclosure if SCP-811 has not fed in over 16 hours. No invasive medical procedure may be performed on SCP-811 outside of emergency situations in which such a procedure is required to save the subject's life. Minimally invasive procedures require review and unanimous approval by SCP-811's assigned medical team and the current project head. See Document 811-b for a list of substances that may be administered as medication to SCP-811. All requests by the subject are to be reviewed by both an overseeing animal enrichment specialist and at least one Level 3 personnel before approval, and the review should not take more than 48 hours, unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. While SCP-811 is not generally aggressive unless it feels hungry or threatened, all handling personnel are to be cautioned that it is still an opportunistic ambush predator, and safety precautions must still be taken to avoid possible injury or infection. All personnel entering the enclosure must wear full-body, non-organic biohazard suits and breath masks, and must be in groups of at least two. No personnel are to enter the enclosure if they have open wounds or sores anywhere on their body. Those suffering from asthma or other respiratory-affecting conditions are prohibited from entering the enclosure without a signed note from a physician with Level 4 security clearance. As far as research indicates, SCP-811 cannot cause serious injury to anyone properly wearing their biohazard suit. Anyone who removes any part of their biohazard suit while still in the enclosure, for any reason at all, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including reassignment to a project that would not be adversely affected by their status as an amputee. Description: SCP-811 is shaped similarly to a human female with disproportionally long and thin limbs and a slightly-bloated abdominal region. It is 171 cm tall, and weighs just under 47 kg due to its strange physiology (see Addendum 811-2 for details). Its skin has slight abrasive properties, and is a mottled green color that serves to camouflage it among the reeds in its natural habitat. Its sweat has been observed to act as a mild skin irritant. It has extremely oily black hair that has proven to be resistant to cleaning with conventional shampoos (See Addendum 811-1). It shows partial comprehension of human language, consistent with case studies of "feral children" that had been abandoned at a few years old, instead of as infants. The palmoplantar surfaces of SCP-811's skin constantly secrete a clear, green-tinted mucus with minor adhesive properties. This mucus does not appear to have any effect on SCP-811's own tissue, but any other organic matter that it comes into contact with begins to rapidly decompose, through processes not fully understood, reducing the matter into a slightly viscous black liquid.1 SCP-811 can then absorb said liquid through its skin and directly into its circulatory system. Tests have shown that SCP-811's entire circulatory system is filled with liquefied decaying matter. Biopsies taken from SCP-811 have shown the presence of anaerobic bacteria in all examined cells, which, due to the apparent lack of anything resembling functional red blood cells in the subject, are currently presumed to be what SCP-811 uses to metabolise the chemicals in its circulatory system. SCP-811 does not defecate or otherwise produce feces in the traditional sense, and entirely lacks a small or large intestine. Instead, cellular waste and substances SCP-811 is unable to metabolise collect in what is, anatomically speaking, its stomach. Within the stomach, enzymes and bacterial flora cause it to congeal into a grainy, tar-like substance that SCP-811 periodically voids by voluntary projectile regurgitation, a mechanism which it uses to hunt. It preferentially aims at the face or at any perceived open wounds on its target, then waits for the target to die of either immediate asphyxiation by blockage of the mouth and nose, or in a few days of multi-systemic failure resulting from aggressive bacterial infection. SCP-811's teeth did not seem to have any abnormal resistance to decay resulting from chronic exposure to the compounds and microflora in its waste (See Addendum 811-1). Prognosis for personnel who have had contact with SCP-811's waste through a mucous membrane or open wound is good if broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is begun in the first three hours, but then rapidly declines. Personnel who are D-Class or have gone 12 hours without getting treatment may request termination. For 1 D-class personnel to, every other day, come in with a basin and showerhead to wash and condition its hair (approved); it has been noted that standard-strength hair shampoos do not adequately clean away the excessive oil in SCP-811's hair, and use of a formula with a higher proportion of stronger surfactants has been authorised. To be addressed by a two-syllable name that has been transliterated as “Aé”, SCP-811 being illiterate, and thus not capable of choosing a spelling for itself (approved)2 Relief from its chronic tooth pain. (approved); request was initially denied until a safe and effective method of administering general anesthesia to SCP-811 was discovered and a dental surgery plan devised. Tooth #47 (FDI two-digit notation) removed to test method and adjust for unpredicted special aftercare requirements. Remainder of SCP-811's teeth removed and overdenture implants installed in a second operation. SCP-811 supplied with complete dentures, to be repaired as needed. One (1) turtle in a hazmat suit for non-dietary purposes (denied); turtles accordingly removed from prey animal rotation. Possibility of placing a small turtle habitat in the observation area outside SCP-811's enclosure for enrichment under consideration. Addendum 811-2: Due to the fact that SCP-811 has lungs and teeth — despite having no apparent use for either — it was brought to Bio-Research Area-12's radiology lab for X-rays, to examine its internal structure. Results were inconclusive. Subsequent MRI testing has revealed that SCP-811 has a number of unusual glands and organs attached to its lymphatic system, which may assist in regulation of the viscosity and microbial flora of the material in its circulatory system. One such organ in the abdominal region appears to contain lighter-than-air gas. The possibility that SCP-811 was once [REDACTED] is being explored. Due to the impossibility of maintaining a sterile operating environment, limited understanding of SCP-811's biology, and difficulty in calculating the subject's mass, the risk of major complications or subject death has been deemed too high to authorise exploratory surgery. [Dr. Trebuchet and Junior Lab Assistant Wachtel enter SCP-811's containment unit. Dr. Trebuchet is carrying a clip board with a document on it and a shoe box.] SCP-811: [with sweeping, demonstrative arm and hand movements] Big man. Tall. Aé small, very smaller than man. [uses hand to indicate a height of approximately one meter off the ground] [points to her own arm] Was like man. SCP-811: Pain. [pantomiming something coming out of her mouth] Red. Red red red. Was… very hunger-y. Scared. Ate man. Skin… like this. [At this point, Wachtel begins to vomit in his hazmat suit. SCP-811, misinterpreting this as a sign of hostility, retreats into one of the pools of water in its enclosure, and does not resurface until both Wachtel and Dr. Trebuchet have left] Notes: While I understand the appeal of training the new blood on something relatively harmless and as green as they are, could you please throw them at some other humanoid for a while? I'm trying to actually get things done here. ~Dr. Trebuchet 1. Prognosis and procedure for personnel who have come into contact with SCP-811's digestive mucus is the same as for naturally-occurring necrosis and gangrene once the mucus has been washed off. 2. Due to SCP-811's difficulty with language, it has been deemed acceptable to use its chosen name when directly speaking to it for the purpose of streamlining meaningful communication.
Adopt versatility with this charming crop top! Its oversized fit and 100% cotton material are perfect for all occasions. The long puff sleeves will give your outfit some personality. Wear it to work with a high-waisted skirt and blazer, or with sandals and shorts for a more relaxed style! The East is distant, mysterious and sensual. An archetypical oriental picture would have been an Indian Raj lying comfortably on the soft Turkish carpet, drinking wine in a silver jeweled cup and watching a group of young thinly dressed Indian women performing belly dance. Another typical oriental picture might be a group of Arab nomads ridding on camels in the limitless golden desert. At night, they set – up a little camp fire whose flames compete with the glow of the night’s multitude of stars. The little children surround the fire and listen to the old wise man narrating ancient tales that his grandfather has told him when he was small. Lawrence of Arabia is a film like this. Its sheer scale is breathtaking. It spans for 4 whole hours, including a 15 minute intermission. Yet, it achieved immense success, winning 7 Oscar Awards and being considered as one of the greatest epic films. Part of the reasons, I believes, lies in its exploration of the exotic Arabia. The plot is about how Lawrence as a British officer united the different warring Arabian tribes against the Ottoman Empire in the First World War. In the first part, the eccentric yet immensely knowledgeable Lawrence was sent to evaluate the prospect of Prince Faisal for joining the British against the Turks. Arrived, the outspoken Lawrence promptly proposed a daring scheme to Prince Faisal to cross the deadly desert for occupying Aqaba, a crucial port for loading British supplies. In the second part, after achieving an almost impossible victory in Aqaba, Lawrence was so highly regarded by both the Arabian tribes and British general that he continued to play a key role in the struggle against the Turks. Shortly interrupted by a traumatizing experience, he later led the Arabian tribes to take Damascus. He set up a council for the Arabs to administer the city but as desert tribesman, they proved ill – suited for this task. Eventually they gave up control to the British force and we see a dejected Lawrence being driven away, since his usefulness has already been exhausted. The mond of orientalism has a long history. Since the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Western Europeans experienced their first taste of ‘Orient’ after waves of Orthodox Christian émigrés flooded to the Western world. The later explorations of Western explorers in the ‘Far East’ of China continued to feed on their oriental interest with items like tea and china. In this process, the West constructed a fictitious Orient, along with a set of other assumptions that become orientalism. Edward Said has much to say about orientalism. According to his idea, orientalism is a power relation that not only extremely narrows the scope of oriental reality but also perpetuate the self – affirming Western bias. The West built a feminized image of the East by depicting its culture as essentially highly sentimental and mysteriously sensual. It waits for a formal, rational and masculine West to rescue the feminine East. The role of Sherif Ali is instructive here. He was initially perceived as a ‘greedy, barbarous and cruel’ man when he killed a man for drinking his well without permission. He later assisted Lawrence in his expedition to take Aqaba. A man was missing. Sherif Ali pressed on and said that his death is already ‘written’ by Allah. Lawrence showed him that ‘nothing is written’ when he turned back in a suicidal attempt to save the missing man, and unsurprisingly succeeded. Impressed by Lawrence and his vision of a united Arab, Sherif Ali learned the art of Western politics, as illustrated when Jackson Bentley, the American journalist, found a children book on parliament from him. In another scene at the townhall amidst the noises of the Arabian tribes arguing how to run the city of Damascus, Sherif Ali was almost provoked to anger and sprung up to action, but for Lawrence ‘s advice – ‘If you answer, there will be bloodshed.’ He calmed down and ‘humbly’ asked for an apology. However, he ultimately failed to learn this rational Western manner in politics. The same person who provoked him found him afterward and asked him about Lawrence. Sheriff Ali was so irritated that he produced his dagger and threatened him to take his hands away. Sheriff Ali is not merely a typical image of a barbarous Arabian waiting for Western enlightenment. His tendency to excess emotion and responsiveness to provocation exemplified the feminized image of the East which is essentially emotionally volatile. Sheriff Ali needs the rescue of the rational and masculine British officer to teach him that ‘nothing is written’ and that he must stay calm or otherwise bloodshed will follow. Another interesting observation is clothing. Clothing, like languages, is a ticket to be admitted as one of their kinds. After achieving the suicidal task of saving the missing man, Sheriff Ali was so awed and impressed that at night, he burned Lawrence’s British uniform and gave him a white and grand Arabian robe – an admission that Lawrence was now one of them. Few watching Lawrence of Arabia would have known that Peter O’Toole, who played Lawrence, subsequently played the role of Reginald Fleming Johnston – the first and the last Imperial Tutor of China – in the Last Emperor. The Johnston in the Last Emperor movie was curious with his Manchu court robe. However according to his memoir in The Twilight of Forbidden City, the real – life Johnston was so excited to receive such privilege distinctions from the Chinese emperor that he took multiple photographs as souvenirs. Edward Said would have been quite critical at that. In chapter 3 of Orientalism, he said that new orients lived with the people in East, as if they were one of them. However the purpose was not to appreciate the realistic Eastern lifestyle but to know more about them so that they can rule them. Lawrence of Arabia, he continued, was such an example. Lawrence of Arabia is a cinematic achievement by its own right. It also talks about divided allegiances and confused identity but its very basis lies in its Orientalism. What is more important is that it has continued relevance in the modern world. During the Cold War, the Sovietologists from the USA wished to understand Russia – ‘a riddle wrapped in enigma’. Now, the so – called Sinologists wants to know more about China (a book like this shows how the West – East (artificial) distinction has been so firmly imprinted in popular culture and academic disciplines) In the 21st century, the kind of orientalism expressed in Lawrence of Arabia is as fresh as it was released 50 years ago. Great movie, its good you wrote about this, this movie is well-known by my elders, had it not been for them talking of it, I would not have watched it and eventually come to appreciate the beauty of story. Thanks! Beside appreciating the story, I have the rare chance of watching it on a big cinematic screen in my local film festival. You’ll see how a little fleck in the far and wide desert slowly emerge as a man. […] Whites played the Chinese roles, they have the chance to become as if one of them. Previously, I noted that clothing is a ticket of admission to a community. Playing the Chinese role, similarly, let […]
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The instance 100 years, 100 stories, George Burns represents a This resource is a combination of several types including: Instance, Electronic. Technology and its impact on people isn’t a theme of my first novel, Olive Branches Don’t Grow On Trees, as the protagonist, Silvia is a Luddite who prefers “vinyl records to CD’s, print books to e-books, and paintbrushes and canvas to a computer.” Although a restless spirit, she is able to fully experience real life. Her brother, Cosmo, is quite the opposite. Discovery of an Eagle is his story, and in it, he deals with the impact of his over-reliance on technology. At the start of this road trip story, he are almost hit by a Mack truck and this near death experience opens his eyes to the importance of living life to the fullest. He realizes that his office job, where he spends all day in front of a computer, coupled with his virtual life outside of work, is keeping him from living and experiencing real life. As he stares out at the Blue Ridge Mountains, he notices that his eyes don’t burn for the first time in years, as he hasn’t been staring at a computer screen for the past couple days. While this feels refreshing, it almost feels unnatural. Around mid-way through the journey, a man named Crazy Ted reaches out to shake his hand and initially, Cosmo doesn’t know how to react. “It wasn’t something that was usual in his social circles, which consisted mostly of gamers and geeks who only conversed with each other in a virtual way.” Cosmo isn’t so different from many people today who are losing their social skills and their ability to connect with others, unless connecting through social media. As a result of the pervasive lack of connection in our world resulting from an over use of technology, so many people are isolated and depressed. While it is never stated in the novel that Cosmo is depressed, it is clear that he hasn’t been happy in years. Towards the end of the journey, he is offered a promotion at the job at which he was laid off in the beginning of the novel. Before the journey, he would have happily and instantly accepted such an offer, but now he contemplates this offer with doubt and sadness as he imagines the reality of this new job. “He’d have his own windowless office, big enough for him and a small desk. It would be private, so he wouldn’t have to be sneaky about playing video games on his computer.” He struggles with this decision. While one part of him feels he’d be foolish to decline the offer, a greater part of him knows that this new job will not bring him happiness. This trip opened his eyes in ways he’d never anticipated. Once his eyes are open, he clearly sees the limitations of virtual life and sees that it can never hold a candle to the richness and beauty of real life.
Professors and mentors sometimes warn students that their not-so-ethical social media posts, tweets or Facebook photos of sloppy nights can have negative repercussions in the professional world. Although most believe privacy settings will protect them from facing these consequences, Luke Modzier, a School of Arts and Sciences junior, had his own social media content creep up from Twitter to haunt him. Modzier, like any other student, said he involves himself in many extracurricular activities at the University. He works as a resident assistant in Tinsley Hall, an intern in the Office of Leadership and Training at the Douglass Campus Center and rows for the University’s crew team. His well-rounded disposition earned him a position on the New Student Orientation staff, which mentors first-year students before experiencing University life hands-on, he said. He said he spent the summer of 2011 after his first year in college working as a new student orientation leader, meeting new friends and enjoying his overall experience. But Modzier said he posted a tweet on his personal Twitter account in October 2011 that almost prevented him from being rehired. The tweet read: Im still amazed whenever im on busch as to the amount of asians here. #Practicallyinchina. “It was more of a social thing,” he said. “I thought I could be funny online, and people would like it and tweet what I said, and I could be popular. It was more of a popularity sort of thing. I could be the cool person who said something funny.” But to the University, the tweet was more than a social thing. The University re-evaluates experienced orientation leaders in the fall to determine whether they should be rehired, he said. After reading the tweet, Modzier said his boss hesitated to rehire him, but other members of the staff convinced her to give him a chance. The University rehired him, and he spent the summer of 2012 working as an orientation leader. But he said he did not discover that his summer gig was in jeopardy until his boss addressed the issue during his exit review. “It was just like a hit in the face, like oh my gosh, I didn’t know it was such a big deal. I had no idea that they were watching [my account] and caring,” he said. But Modzier said his leadership skills displayed that summer overshadowed the negative message of his tweet. “I actually … controlled the social media for the student orientation the second summer. They appreciated the manner I carried myself … I had a professional attitude, ready to do anything that needed to be done,” he said. Catrina Gallo, a residence life educator on the College Avenue campus, said Modzier’s leadership skills were also applied to his position as a Residence Assistant. “He always has such a positive outlook, is really visible in the community and helps numerous people with any issues that they have,” she said. Learning about Modzier’s experience, the Office of Leadership and Training asked him to speak at their Mark Conference’s “Ignite” talks. “[His story] was really crafted into something that was relevant to our current generation, in utilizing new technologies.” Modzier said the crowd’s reaction to his speech proved that students often are not cautious when posting on the Internet. “Somebody actually said, ‘I thought that was my tweet,’” he said. “That was a very common thing — many people said, ‘I’ve said that many times on Facebook and Twitter. That was super-relatable. I think it is a common trend here at Rutgers.” Eccentric people, relaxed vibes and good music are quintessential aspects of any great music event, and the Austin Reggae Festival delivers these in spades. In 1994, Austinites began gathering at Auditorium Shores to enjoy performances by reggae music stars, an experience that at the time only cost a donation of two canned goods for the Central Texas Food Bank. This spring marks the festival’s 25th anniversary, where from April 20 through 22 thousands will gather to support the same cause, enjoy reggae music and celebrate the Austin community. Felicia Pena, community engagement director of the Food Bank, said that since the festival evolved into a paid event, the Bank now receives a portion of ticket sales in addition to food donations. Pena said the Food Bank carefully selects organizations and events to partner with. “We work with partners who are willing to get creative and really have a passion for our mission,” Pena said. “We make sure to do everything we can to help them represent us in the best possible way.” Austin’s constant celebration of live music helps explain the festival’s regularly large turnout, but Hugh Forrest, co-coordinator of the festival, said that reggae is not as popular as it was when the festival first began. “Liberty Lunch was a club in Austin in the 1980s, and it was kind of the center of the reggae scene then,” Forrest said. “It has since been torn down as the reggae scene has died down.” Forrest said that while some regulars of Liberty Lunch frequent Flamingo Cantina on 6th Street, a new hub for reggae, the lack of internationally renowned reggae artists has contributed to the genre becoming more niche. “Bob Marley was the biggest reggae star there had ever been,” Forrest said. “Since he died in 1981, I think until there is another star of that magnitude, reggae will be more of a niche than a mainstream commodity.” Despite the shrinking reggae community, the festival remains popular among Austinites who attended the festivities last year. Since its inception, the event raised over $1,000,000 to feed hungry families, leading to 2.3 million meals for the Food Bank and nearly 376,000 meals last year alone. The festival has been Central Texas food banks largest annual fundraising event for several years. “I think that really reflects a lot of the sentiment of some of the best reggae music,” Forrest said. “It’s all about empowering people without a voice, giving back to the community, and speaking truth to power.” Undeclared freshman Sophia Cantor plans to take her sister visiting from out of town to the festivities. “My sister and I are very laid back, so we wanted to go somewhere that wasn’t too expensive where we could be outside and experience that famous Austin eccentricity,” Cantor said. “This festival is such a cool way to enjoy relaxing music and support a really great local cause at the same time.” Forrest said that his only concern for the festival’s success is the weather, and that in the case of rain, festival attendees may only consist of hardcore reggae fans rather than a mix of newcomers. Regardless, Forrest said he is excited for the festival, which he has been involved in for over 20 years. “It’s a celebration of the spring and the coolness and weirdness of Austin,” Forrest said. “I love the music we have, but what I love even more is getting to help the community, and our neighbors get back on their feet. It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.” Paris, Jan 26 (IANS) Echoing security concerns as terror threats resurfaced, French President Francois Hollande is seeking lawmakers’ approval to extend the state of emergency for another three months. Hollande has announced a bill to prolong the state of emergency would be presented during a cabinet meeting scheduled for Feb. 3, hoping to win large endorsement of his draft law “on protection of the nation,” Xinhua news agency reported. On November 19, the National Assembly voted for the government’s proposal to extend state of emergency to three months which is expected to expire on February 26. To his followers, prolonging state of emergency was the adequate measure to ensure security at home and foil any potential terrorist attack in the country which is among the top targets of militant cells due to its military offensive in Syria, Iraq and Sahel region. “I think prolonging state of emergency is a good idea and it’s useful right now, because it contributes to our security. We need to constantly be vigilant against everyday threats,” French Defene Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told France 24. Gunmen stormed simultaneously restaurants, coffees shops, theatre hall and stadium in Paris on November 13, 2015, killing 130 people. Hollande declared a state of emergency a day later. Speaking to the BBC from Davos, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: “We cannot always live all the time in a state of emergency. But as long as the threat is there, we must use all available means.” By intensifying air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq, Hollande announced a war against terrorism and boosted security measures at home, Xinhua said. According to a YouGov survey for iTele new channel published earlier this month, 77 percent of respondents reported they are in favor of the state of emergency which empowers the police to conduct house searches without judicial warrants and arrest suspects. Since November 2015, the police have conducted more than 3,800 raids seizing 500 weapons. Some 300 people were placed into custody, according to official figures. However, the proposed constitution reform to make it easier to impose a state of emergency also gives fuel to Hollande’s domestic critics who say the law would undermine the Republic values and freedom of expression and gathering. Pierre Laurent, head of French Communist Party, said: “This measure is useless in fight against terrorism and dangerous for the future of the Republic.” In a statement posted on its website on Friday, the French Human Rights League expressed its objection to the government’s law, which it said was “the path of arbitrariness and violation of fundamental rights”. According to a group of UN experts on human rights, the state of emergency measures “do not seem to adjust to the fundamental principles of necessity and proportionality”. They noted a “lack of clarity and precision of several provisions of the state of emergency and surveillance laws,” adding they “impose excessive and disproportionate restrictions on fundamental freedoms”. We'd also like to know how well we served your energy needs. Tell us how we did by filling out the form on our Contact Us page. Thanks for your patronage; we hope we can serve you again someday!
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Operation of this equipment in other environments may cause interference with radio communications, in whirference Novaetech Srl reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontch Srl terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, which is available at this link Novaetech Srl assumeeir products and applications using Novaetech Srl devices and components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguard. Novaetech Srl does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any Novaetech Srl patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other Novaetech Srl intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which Novaetech Srl componets, devices and services are used. Information published by Novaetech Srl regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from Novaetech Srl to uselicense from Novaetech Srl under the license or other intellectual property of Novaetech Srl. Reproduction of Novaetech Srl information in openQCM website, data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is in agreement with creative common license 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) available here and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduof openQCM devices and services and Novaetech Srl devices or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by Novaetech Srl for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated Novaetech Srl product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. Novaetech Srl is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Novaetech Srl components, devices and services are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the Novaetech Srl product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death. Users represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of Novaetech Srl components, devices and services in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications related information or support that may be provided by Novaetech Srl . Further, Buyers must fully indemnify Novaetech Srl and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Novaetech Srl device in such safety-critical applications. Novaetech Srl components, devices and services are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or. Buyers / users acknowledge and agree that any such use of Novaetech Srl products which Novaetech Srl has not designated as military grade is solely at the Buyer's / User’s risk, and that they are solely rh Srl components, devices and services are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments Buyers / Users acknowledge and agree that, if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications, Novaetech Srl will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. After winning the Tour de France seven times, Lance Armstrong made the world aware of his athletic prowess. This program explores the scientific studies of Armstrong, including his unique skills and physical suitability to the sport of bicycle racing.
“At this point, the governor doesn’t support fracking in state parks,” Kasich spokesman Rob Nichols told The Dispatch. “We reserve the right to revisit that, but it’s not what he wants to do right now, and that’s been his position for the past year and a half.” Word of Kasich’s reversal came ent of Natural Resources had several speakers on hand at Stark State College in North Canton this morning to discuss the latest news and information related to oil and gas development in the Utica shale play. You can view the presentation right here. That burst of employment generated by fracking in the past decade may not have been all good news for the U.S. Jobs offering low-skilled American teenagers a chance to earn big bucks in the shale oil and gas industry also made it less attractive to finish high school, causing a jump in dropout rates, a new study showed. It was published this month by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The sobering takeaway: fracking raises the risk that some workers at the bottom of the skills and education ladder may end up being stuck there, because they made bad schooling choices in a rush to be part of the industry, according to Elizabeth Cascio and Ayushi Narayan, the study's authors. For every 0.1 percentage point rise in the oil and gas industry's local male employment rate due to fracking, the dropout rate of male teens climbed by around 0.3 to 0.35 percentage point, the study covering 2000 to 2013 showed. So that means this group took a step back compared to female teens. "By increasing the relative demand for low-skilled labor, fracking thus has the potential to slow growth in educational attainment," Cascio and Narayan wrote. "Such a phenomenon would work against broader economic trends both at the local level - where incomes may be rising due to fracking, especially among families whose children are more at risk of dropping out - and nationally - where technological change in other industries continues to favor the highly educated." The Top Ten Jokes at the Edinburgh Fringe | The Daily Dust delivering the best bric a brac, daily news and events with a British flavour After sitting through 3,600 minutes of comedy acts, and close to 7,200 jokes, the jury from TV Channel Dave have come up with the best joke at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe. So, with winner Dan Antopolski at the top, and then in descending order, here’s what jokes tickled the funny bones of the judge. Paddy Lennox – "I was watching the London Marathon and saw one runner dressed as a chicken and another runner dressed as an egg. I thought: ‘This could be interesting’." Sarah Millican – "I had my boobs measured and bought a new bra. Now I call them Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes because they’re up where they belong." Zoe Lyons – "I went on a girls’ night out recently. The invitation said ‘dress to kill’. I went as Rose West." Jack Whitehall – "I’m sure wherever my dad is; he’s looking down on us. He’s not dead, just very condescending." Adam Hills – "Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. You know you’re going to get it, but it’s going to be rough." Dan Antopolski – "I’ve been reading the news about there being a civil war in Madagascar. Well, I’ve seen it six times and there isn’t." Simon Brodkin - "I started so many fights at my school – I had that attention-deficit disorder. So I didn’t finish a lot of them." And wouldn’t it be strange if all the names here are the big comedy names with the top of the line promoters and PR people that Dave would like to court for new TV series… Perhaps that just us. Carey Marx – "I’m not doing any Michael Jackson jokes, because they always involve puns about his songs. And that’s bad." Anna and Katy – "I dated a woman from the Chinese State Circus. One time I took her upstairs for a 69. She said, ‘I’m not cooking at this time of night.’" Alistair McGowan – "I’ve just split up from my girlfriend, which is a shame, because it was a long-standing arrangement. Perhaps if we’d sat down a bit more…" The Real Alan Partridge | The Daily Dust | UK News | Good News - [...] inspiration. Radio DJ Wally Webb is allegedly the inspiration for Steve Coogan’s hit comedy character Alan [...]
Most home PC users never back up important digital content such as photos, music and video - and run the risk of losing it all forever. For those of us serious about our data, we know that backing up externally is something we should do, but existing backup drives often require a time-consuming set up even before the first backup can be completed. Clickfree devices are designed with the consumer in mind and require absolutely no software installation or configuring - you just plug it in via USB, and the device does the rest. As soon as you do, a backup application launches, your computer is scanned for files and your photos and data are backed up automatically. Although the Clickfree can work completely hands-off, you can adjust settings, like telling it to copy everything contained in specific folders while leaving others alone. Prices start from £74.99, with the drives available from Amazon, QVC online and direct from the Clickfree website. TechRadar has teamed up with Clickfree to give away three of its HD801 160GB drives - simply enter our competition to be in with a chance of winning one! We could be set for a wave of new Motorola devices in the coming months after the company chairman of parent company Lenovo let slip during the TechWorld conference in Beijing. Speaking to the Telegraph, Yang Yuanqing said "We have many new models in development with the Moto brands, so you may see in summer us launching some very exciting products, including phones and watches." These will be the first devices to roll off the Moto production line since Lenovo officially took over. While he wouldn't be drawn on exact product details, the hope is we'll see the arrival of the Moto 360 2, as the wearable is due an upgrade - especially now the Apple Watch is out LG is on its third Android Wear iteration with the Watch Urbane. Moving focus to smartphones and we've already seen a new Moto E arrive this year, which leaves the door open for potentially new Moto G and Moto X handsets. With Windows 10 arriving on July 29 and considering Lenovo's extensive experience in the computing market, there's a case to be made for the firm to develop handsets running Microsoft's operating system. That's not going to happen anytime soon though with Motorola's global sales leader, Colin Giles saying "There are no plans to start launching operating systems other than Android. "One of the key differentiators for us is the pure Android experience, and we're deeply proud of that, because we believe it brings a much better software experience to consumers, and faster upgrades." We have contacted Lenovo for more information on these comments, and we'll update this article once we've received a response. Good news, Prisma, the image-editing app that lets you turn your smartphone pics into mini works of art thanks to its collection of excellent filters, has been updated to allow you to continue work offline. At the moment the update is only for iOS (we're promised an update for Android users very soon), but it means that you'll no longer have to wait until your iPhone's got a decent connection to take advantage of the array of filters. Until the update, your pics, once in the app, were sent to Prisma's servers where a neural network would do the complex processing, before sending the final artwork back to your iPhone. That's no longer necessary with the update, with Prisma's developers able to implement neural networks to smartphones, letting your phone take the strain and giving the servers a bit of a respite. Not all of Prisma's filters will be available offline at first - only half currently - but it should mean that things are speeded up a bit running the algorithms on your phone. This is a little dependent on your device however, but we tried it out on an iPhone 6 and it churned through images pretty quickly considering the processing that had to be applied. Imagination Technologies has announced a pair of new GPUs which are part of the PowerVR Series7XT Plus range – the GT7200 Plus and GT7400 Plus. These are beefy performers that will be deployed in mid to higher-end consumer electronics, and are not just about pushing pixels around fluidly, but also driving computer vision tech in consumer devices. The GT7200 Plus is a dual-cluster configuration which boasts 64 ALU cores while the GT7400 Plus is a quad-cluster affair offering 128 ALU cores. Both GPUs have been ramped up with a new integer pipeline to speed along vision-related applications, and indeed Imagination claims that the PowerVR Series7XT Plus family will boost performance for computer vision applications by up to a factor of four. The new graphics processors also add support for OpenCL 2.0, and benefit from various micro-architectural tweaks to improve overall performance and power efficiency. What does all this mean in practical terms? These GPUs will sit in the likes of smartphones and tablets, smart TVs and set-top boxes, connected cars and IoT devices, bringing forth a whole new range of capabilities to these consumer devices. For example, we'll see 4K security cameras which use the GPU for image recognition, and autonomous cars that use the tech to detect lanes and avoid collisions. When it comes to the smartphone, Imagination notes that it has worked with Chinese search giant Baidu, combining computer graphics recognition and deep learning to produce a new system for the latter's mobile app. This means the Baidu app (pictured above) will be able to analyse an image on the handset, recognise the clothes on a person in that picture and then offer suggestions of where you can buy said garments from. It's clever stuff, and Imagination's new GPUs' hardware acceleration could have a major impact not just on image recognition and classification, but also on body and gesture tracking, augmented reality, AI in drones and robots, and much more… I am looking for a program if one exists that reads a DVD and displays the frames in a gallery. I make custom wallpapers icons and graphics and am tired of hunting pausing and capturing. Windows platform preferred. I make them from dvd images for horror genre fans, more of a manipulation, adding film titles and logos. "MAKE" is subjective i suppose. thanks for the suggestion. I've worked with various versions of Pinnacle....it's like weeding the garden with a F-16 with malfunctioning laser-guided munitions.... No wait, weeding the garden with a 74 Pinto with a faulty fuel pump which alternately leaks fuel and emits sparks, leaving flaming craters of smoking vegetables in it's wake..... The World Economic Forum this week published its Networked Readiness Index which measures how well an economy is using information and communications technologies to boost its competitiveness and well-being. In a study of 139 economies, the forum found that several superpowers populate the top 10 list led by Singapore. Finland, Sweden and Norway hold the second, third and fourth place spots followed by the United States with a global rank of five. Rounding out the top 10 is the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Japan, in that order. The report notes that Singapore’s ranking is largely the result of strong government commitment to the digital agenda. Specifically, the country makes excellent use of digital technologies to provide access to basic and government services while ensuring that schools are connected. Finland, meanwhile, has good access to the latest technologies as well as venture capital and its businesses are highly connected. The US stands out due to its favorable business and innovation environment, resulting in the creation of one of the most agile and digitized business sectors in the world. Outside of the top 10, the report highlights several nations that have made significant improvements over the past year. Italy, for example, climbed 10 spots to its current rank of 45, Kuwait jumped from 72 to 61 while the Slovak Republic improved its position by 12 spots. CorelDRAW is the name of a vector graphic software program from Corel that dates back to the 1980s and also the name of a graphics suite that includes CorelDRAW. Several versions of the CorelDRAW suite are available for home and professional users. A short note on CorelDRAW history on Corel's website explains the product's evolution. Though the product is informally spelled and capitalized in various ways including Corel Draw and CorelDraw, Corel styles the product as CorelDRAW. The modern user of a CorelDRAW suite of programs can choose from several versions including one designed for home users and students, one for professional graphic designers, and one aimed at technical illustration. Within the suite of programs are tools for organizing collections of images and capturing screenshots. The technical package also includes additional tools for doing precision technical drawing. The suite versions contain a core tool for creating and editing vector graphics, which is also known as CorelDRAW. Separately, Corel also offers a two-dimensional and three-dimensional computer-assisted design tool known as CorelCAD. When CorelDRAW was released in the late 1980s, it was among the first tools to offer color vector-graphic editing capabilities on a desktop computer. Vector graphics refer to illustrations created as relationships between points, lines and curves. Other graphics programs create images pixel by pixel, specifying the location and color of the image dot by dot. Those designs are known as raster graphics, and they are easier for some users to create and visualize. They're commonly used online and for printing, but they often don't scale as evenly as vector graphics. Vector graphics have the advantage of being easy to expand or shrink without any loss of quality because the length of lines and curves and the placement of points can be scaled proportionally according to a grid. Vector graphics can also take up smaller file sizes on disk than raster graphics. They're often preferred by graphic designers. Other tools including Adobe Illustrator and the free, open-source tool Inkscape can all create and edit vector graphics in various formats. The scalable vector graphics, or SVG, image format often used on the web is one common format. It's designed to store graphics in human-readable and editable files. Over the years, the core CorelDRAW program has expanded to include additional features. It has added support for merging graphics and text, working with multiple pages, using modern font systems and other enhanced editing features. It has also expanded its set of features for converting raster images into vector graphics.
Extended Trot Buckle in small This buckle fits a 1 inch leather belt and measures 1 3/4 inch wide x 1 3/8 inch tall. Shown in White Bronze. Also available in buttery yellow Bronze. This is the next size down from our original large Buckle.
[show_more more=”show more” less=”show less”] – Your online casino streaming community “CasinoGrounds Community Biggest Wins #41” is a compilation of the biggest and best online slot wins shared by CasinoGrounds forum members from the 20th to the 26th of October 2017. If you want your wins to be featured in our future videos, make [show_more more=”show more” less=”show less”] – Your online casino streaming community. Biggest Slot wins on Stream for week 42 of 2017. Including wins from casino streamers from the 16th to the 22th of October . Featured streamers: 00:05 – RocknRolla 02:06 – The Bandit 05:10 – LetsGiveItASpin 08:33 – NickSlots 12:55 – David Labowsky All prices for 'I Will Fear No Evil True Stories Of Those Who Have Walked Through The Valley' include the approximate cost of delivery to an address within the UK. Where Can I watch Caught with the Goods For Free? Now a days there are many sites available for free to watch Caught with the Goods online. Now a days we prefer to watch Caught with the Goods online because for offline filaume and Caroline are fighting for their common goods, splitting them with a dice game. All their goods... Including their ultimate one: their"flesh and blood". That's precisely when they realize that the birth of their son is the reason why their relationship is broken. So they decide to fix it... Bringing in a supply of goods, Steve has them hijacked. The Doctor is behind the hijacks and offers to act as a middleman and return the goods for a fee. He has doped up the Sheriff to keep him out of the way and now tries the same on Steve. But Smiley had earlier used the Doc's medicine in an experiment and replaced it with water and this gives the Durango Kid a chance to go into action. Pete is caught with the goods, which in this instance is a rabbit, which the enterprising fellow has poached from some private preserve, and our first view of him is in the police station, from which he makes an ingenious getaway. Very much on the hike he beats it for the tall timbers with a posse in full cry a short distance in the rear. Seeing a motorcar left unattended he cranks it up and put Mr. Jenks is going away on a business trip. Mrs. Jenks bids him good-bye with a parting admonition, "Beware of the fair sex and their wiles." The truth is Jenks is a bit of a Lothario and Mrs. Jenks has "caught him with the goods" on several occasions. Rushing to a railroad station on a hot day, the attendant noise and confusion would rattle the most stolid, so Jenks loses his bag and picks up a In this film are illustrated the artifices used by frontier smugglers in their attempt to get goods over the frontier. In order to smuggle petroleum over they place the liquid in bottles carried by school children with lunch, but the customs officers catch on just in tune. The manner of training a dog is shown, the canine being whipped by a man in uniform, so that with a bag of smuggling goods o A former British Naval Officer nowds on a crooked politician winds up in jail, framed for a killing he didn't commit. He and another prisoner attempt an escape, but although the newspaperman gets away, his colleague is caught and returned to jail. Years later, the convict gets out of prison and winds up in the same town where his former cell-mate is now a respected citizen, and attempts to blackm This film concerns the adventures of Gussle, played by Sydney Chaplin, in Big Bear Lake area of California. The picture opens with our hero riding a mule through a creek bed, when he is set upon by some robbers. Gussle outsmarts them by attempting to hand over his goods by stretching across the stream, but dropping the goods into the water thereby making the robber also fall in. He makes his way When police inspector Gerald Blake wants to infiltrate a London stolen-goods gang, he does a thorough job of it. First, he robs a jewelry store, gets caught and is sentenced to prison. Then he teams up with gang-member Joey to make their escape. Once in the gang, Blake identifies the boss, Larry, and most of the other thieves, but not the "inside man." As a big fur job looms closer, the detectiv Office workers find themselves in a bind when they unsuccessfully tangle with the forces of evil. A pretty analyst who accepts a ride from her co-worker finds herself an overpowered, bound and gagged plaything. A secretary is the untended victim of a botched burglary and finds herself unwillingly tied to her chair. Another secretary tries to get the goods on a crooked employee, gets caught and s There are many Free and paid sites to watch Caught with the Goods online . And some of sites yo Veteran’s Day, it seems appropriate to shine the spotlight on those who went to war with 1/24 to save lives more than take them. Carol Yenne provided the photo above, part of a larger collection that belonged to her father, Pharmacist’s Mate Vermoine “Curly” Klauss. Curly is on the left in the front row; beside him is Carl L. Zaar. Standing are Walter Dodd, Robert Haynes, and Richard Ervin. All five of these corpsmen have just received the Bronze Star medal for Iwo Jima. Haynes, Ervin, and Zaar have their first ones, while Dodd and Klauss have new gold star devices “in lieu of a second Bronze Star Medal.” Early in the battle, Curly Klauss “led a stretcher party to [a] wounded man, revived him, and administered first aid” while under mortar and sniper fire. “His courageous leadership saved the life of this man.” On 4 March, Dodd performed a similar feat, directing an evacuation “when enemy fire had thwarted all attempts to rescue a wounded marine… without further injury to the wounded man or to the stretcher bearers.” “Heavy casualties kept [Haynes] busy,” reported combat correspondent Dan Levin. “On one occasion he risked heavy enemy fire to drag a wounded rifleman to safety.” Zaar and Ervin likely performed similar feats. Lieutenant (j.g.) Richards Lyon, who helped write the citations for the corpsmen, said one man’s volunteering to take the place of a less-experienced sailor on the front line “was to me the ultimate bravery, based on the love that permeated our team of Navy Marines.” Though trained to carry weapons and fight when necessary, compassion motivated a corpsman’s courage. Curly Klauss passed away in 2004. Carol kindly provided most of his wartime photographs, which are viewable as a gallery. Many times, knowing how the herb or supplement is going to be prepared will determine the best form suited in processing of the herbs. For example, the best form for making a tincture is a cut form. If you are going to make your own capsules, then powder would be most advantageous. See the chart below to learn more. Powdered concentrates have 5:1 ratio compared to an herb in regular powder form. Powdered concentrates have been processed, and usually contains dextrin, an extract from corn. The manufacturing of an extract powder begins with the decoction of a single herb or formula at a low, precisely controlled temperature. Extractors are stainless steel, vacuum-sealed chambers, and this combination of low temperature extraction and vacuum–sealed container ensures that no active ingredients or essential oils are lost when released during the decoction process. Powdered herbs are the herb, root, berry, twig, or any other form of the herb which has been powdered into a fine mesh. This powder can usually be put into capsules. In general terms, the powders are the same consistency as baking flour. The high sugar content powders such as Gou Qi Zi and Shu Di Huang are sticky, hard, and lumpy. Cut and sift herbs are the herb, root, berry, twig, or any form of herb cut into manageable pieces. In general, they are about 1/4 inch thick. On rare occasion, herbs are sold whole. For example, reishi mushrooms have been known to be the size of 4 inches in diameter. Teapills are small pills which have already been formulated and made into small, pea-sized spheres. The teapills are swallowed whole with room tempeture water. Depending upon the formula, they may be taken before or after a meal. Check with your health provider for proper usage. The formula is usually based on ancient Chinese medicine. Capsules are available in gelatin capsules and vegetarian capsules. Empty gelatin capsules contain only high-quality beef gelatin and purified water. Empty vegetable capsules (also referred to as empty vegetarian capsules) consist of only two ingredients: HPMC and purified water. HPMC is derived from vegetable cellulose. The capsules are 100% natural and contain no preservatives, gelatin, wheat, animal by-products or starch, and they are made from pure cellulose of either pine or poplar. Please see each individual product for further information. Tablets are a hard tablets ranging in various sizes. Please see each individual product for further information. An extract is produced by adding alcohol to an herb and letting the medium activate the components of the herbs, as well as to preserve the herbs. We carry different brands of extracts: Loose Leaf Loose leaf means that the herb is not in a teabag but rather loose in the packaging. Sizes of the leaf vary from 1/4 inch to 1 inch depending on herb and brand.
Accountable for the successful resolution of all customer requests through seamless delivery of service and/or fulfillment requests by answering calls, chats or emails in a contact center environment. This is an inbound contact center role that requires sitting and taking calls for the entire shift, with structured breaks. Will handle routine account related transactions while delivering a great client experience. Works in a fast paced environment that requires accuracy, use of logic skills while multi-tasking, toggling between multiple systems and clearly communicating resolutions in an efficient manner. May be required to provide professional written responses using proper spelling and grammar. Requires knowledge of multiple Bank products. Involves referring customers to the appropriate line of business for products not supported, through a variety of communications channels. Must successfully navigate the organization to resolve customer requests. Ensures all actions are resolved in compliance with industry regulations and bank procedures, integrity levels of the departments system and financial controls. Will be required to meet and/or exceed minimum performance standards and will be measured with incentive opportunities across multiple operational thresholds. Will be required to quickly read frequent updates and learning materials, often while on the call, and must be able to implement immediately into calls with accuracy. Minimum 1 year of contact center or equivalent customer service experience. Ability to work the required days and hours as listed in the job requisition without any absences or vacation time in order to attend mandatory training. Intermediate proficiency (1-3 years of experience) in written (including grammar and spelling) and verbal communications At least an intermediate ability in computer skills. Ability to navigate multiple computer systems while interacting with the customer. 1-3 years of experience performing repetitive tasks based on existing operating procedures under close supervision or from detailed written procedures.
Do I hear a new band name? Watermelon radish, when cut into pizza shapes, looks like mini pizza. Sorry to get all on you, but c'mon people. Also, in other news, looks like I found the album cover already done for the side project that Terri and I are starting. Introducing butter tarts everyone. I can't even begin to describe how good they are. I am already trying to figure out how to get these shipped to me in Scandinavia in a couple weeks because I am already fearing the lonliness that will ensue without these. A seriously Canadian treat. Better than poutine? I don't know yet. Strange old paint combinations- there is a lot of the bright orange brick. Not sure how I feel about it. Will post later. In morse code.Which I'm learning, PS. Also, sometimes it feels good to not. This has been my theory for a while but lately I'm shifting. I'm glad to report that with every day brings more interest and passion in the same things. The endless pool of emotion just starts new every day. Someone told me I look really innocent last night. Is it because I'm falling for everything all the time? I'm getting control over it, kinda. Wait, I don't want to. Foresight. Foresight. Also recognizing where to put my energy. I want to do a project where I cut silhouettes out of mirror. When you try and see the person behind what he/she reflects back to you and then notice how that makes you feel. So many times I've just really liked the 'me' that was reflected back from someone or a new city. That is hard to admit, but I know you have done this too. You have to take the mirror out of the equation and see who they really are behind the mirror. Toxic stuff.
With beautiful silky jet-black hair, amazing boobs and a personality to amaze, Nelly is the perfect choice for an amazing, never to forget, casual date.
MOTIVATED SELLER NEWLY REMODELED 2 reserved garage parking spaces. All appliances transfer with property. New flooring throughout. Granite counters in kitchen Each bdrm has own full bath and walk-in closet. LED lighting throughout for increased energy efficiency. New HVAC condenser installed and warrantied in 2017., Directions Corner of Cedar Springs RD and Kings RD From DNT: Exit Wycliff; LEFT on Wycliff; LEFT on Cedar Springs; entrance on corner. From US-75 S. exit 1B toward Haskell Ave-Blackburn St. Lemmon Ave; RIGHT onto Lemmon; LEFT onto Wycliff; RIGHT on Cedar Springs. Michael and Christina Grant (center), owners of Coastal Kitchen, took away one of four Beautification Awards at the 2018 Dana Point Chamber of Commerce State of the City Luncheon on May 30. Other winners included South Cove, BevMo and Harpoon Henry’s. Photo: Daniel Ritz
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If you have missed the 48 hour cancellation cut off the session will still be payable even if you decide to cancel. This is applicable to all bookings - including childcare voucher and tax free childcare bookings. If you cancel before the 48 hour cancellation cut off, you will receive credit to use towards future bookings. If you wish to change a session you have already booked, for example from a 6pm session to a 5.30pm session, you can to cancel the session you have booked and then re-book the session you need. However it is advisable to always contact us first so we can help you with this as you may lose your space if that session is fully booked. To 'swap' a session you have to another day, you will need to follow the cancellation process. If you have missed the 48 hour cut off them no credit will be due, so you would have to book an pay for the new session with your usual payment method. Previously on our online system, once you had cancelled a session you would not be able to book back in. This has been updated so you can now do this! If you need any help or are having difficulties cancelling your session, get in touch by email and send us a screen shot of where you are experiencing issues on your account. This will help us to resolve any technical issues and help you cancel your session! This is a very helpful guide because there are some subscribers who are so fast in making decision, that's why they are so caught up in a situation wherein they need to cancel what they have booked. Actually, everything should always have a cancellation option because there are some valid cases when the only thing that's left is to cancel it. But it has to protect both sides; consumers and the buyers. This is indeed a good thing that Playtarium had this innovation and presented it in the public already! Colourfix Pastel Paper is 140lb. hot press acid-free watercolor paper that has been professionally screened with Art Spectrum Colourfix pastel primer. The natural toothy surface of this paper is ideal for soft pastels, pencil or charcoal, as it will hold multiple layers of color without the need to fix between layers. The absence of fixative will allow the velvet bloom and vibrant color to be preserved. Erasing is easy -
With so many good new and catalog titles finally coming to the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format from all of the major Hollywood studios – and a few indie studios too – we wanted to make a list of all of the titles currently available, announced for release, and/or known to be coming in the U.S. and U.K. markets based on our sources. We also have a second list for International releases. We’re grouping them by studio first and then by street date. Note that this is NOT meant to be a list of every possible SKU, every regional variation, every retail exclusive version, etc – rather, it’s simply a list of all the films available on the format. We’re also noting which titles are native 4K and have Dolby Vision HDR – if not indicated, assume the title is a 2K up-sample and/or that it has HDR-10. We’re also indicating the object-based audio format used (if such is included) and noting reference-quality titles with an asterisk (*). If the title has been reviewed here on The Digital Bits, we’ll provide a link to our review. Finally, each title has a purchase link for Amazon.co.uk, or other international Amazon, if available. Alternately, you can use one of these button links... Here is a list of known 4K Ultra HD titles released, announced, or in the works for the International market before the end of 2017 (and into early 2018), compiled from our sources’ best-available information. Note that many U.S. titles have and are being released internationally, but are not included here. You’ll find them in the U.S. list instead.
“The righteousness of God consists most basically in God’s unswerving commitment to preserve the honour of his name and display his glory.” John Piper “Live near to God, and all things will appear little to you in comparison with eternal realities.” Robert Murray M’Cheyne “The glory of prayer is that we have power as intercessors to bring the grace of Christ and the energising power of the Spirit upon the souls who are still in darkness.” Andrew Murray “The Prayer Life”
Anyone know who this COW belongs to? It was put up yesterday on the corner of 33rd St and 5th Ave, right across the street from the Empire State Building. Its facing south. I couldn't find any up coming events in the area that it could be added capacity for. Didn't think it was sprint. And I haven't noticed any other equipment present in the area but I'll walk around lunch time to see if there is anything else. I'm still connected to the standard Clear B41 site. could it be possible they are replacing it and wanted to have a back up solution to pick up the weight of the tower being offline? I know you visit LI(I know LI is pretty damn big) more often than most on here probably, let us know if you could go see and test one of these badboys in person.. I've spotted 2 strand mount small cells so far. One I know the exact location and was able to take pictures. I think I posted about it on reddit but might not of had pictures yet. The other ice only connected to while driving. My legs probably have alot more but I've only witnessed 2. The one I found had B41 relay for backhaul which was annoying since altice has coax everywhere. Range is a fraction of the MMs in NYC These strand mounts seem like a good way to combat NIMBYism. Sea Cliff doesn't have any Sprint sites whatsoever and as a result has pretty poor LTE coverage but these could help immensely. A little detective work and i found the exact spot of the strand small cell. I really hope they start to deploy these more rapidly. I wonder if these also broadcast WiFi for the optimum / cable WiFi hotspots It makes sense that it would also broadcast Wifi considering how many AP locations they have and the amount of bandwidth Docsis 3.1 allows. Prayers have been answered. Somehow sprint has LTE in Penn Station. I havent seen any change in the DAS antennas that are all over but I'm getting strong B25 signals. Same set up as above ground 10x10 + 5x5. Speeds aren't great but it's better than before. I guess this is sort of a GMO conversation type of set up for a DAS. edit: just got confirmation there is also B26 but B41 is still pending with no date. my guess is the antennas can't broadcast 2500mhz Ah ok. Interesting 11mb for 1080p video. That's not too bad. I think i might hold onto to my ED1500 forever LOL! I just got a new record in Brooklyn as well. Crown Heights on Eastern Parkway. Debug menu only shows 64QAM there is a better picture of the massive MIMO equipment in Brooklyn, maybe someone can figure out where it is now. Funny how both you guys tested these new high speed in BK as well. It's not gonna be easy tracking these bad boys. I'll be there in a heart beat once someone locates it. the article also mentions that some of the MIMO equipment is live for commercial testing. I just don't understand the hold up for 256QAM and 4x4 MIMO on current equipment. They demoed it in New Orleans over a year ago. What I hear is that they are prioritizing density over capacity for now(to finally get VoLTE online by labor day?). Especially any place north of 170st where 3rd carrier is currently not possible, 4x4 would be a huge boon. Any idea how density is being increased up north? Are they doing more light post MMs? I would think with Sprint existing towers and all of the clear only sites they would have pretty good density like Manhattan. Most of the work is on MM. Density is pretty good in the Bronx/Yonkers and Scarsdale areas, a bit further north before White Plains rely heavily on B25/26 since it's more suburban, so density could definitely use more work. hopefully some of those 7000 strand mounts are also in the Westchester area. I have a feeling more than few of them are in Long Island. Hi everybody I would figure I would start a Sprint volte launch thread. please keep the let's please keep it on topic. Is there a "spectrum shortage?" Those two words send shivers down the spines of wireless industry executives. New services demand ever more spectrum, and, the story goes, there simply isn't enough spectrum available. An Internet search engine will easily find hundreds of thousands of links to the term "spectrum shortage." Many claim that it will be the downfall of America. The dwindling availability of a finite resource that can't be seen or touched threatens to possibly disrupt the mobile lifestyle that virtually every American has embraced. Dropped cellphone calls, delayed text messages and choppy video streams could become more frequent occurrences because the airwaves on which that data travel are nearing capacity at a time when mobile usage shows no signs of slowing. Federal regulators and industry players are searching for ways to fend off the supply-and-demand collision. Dish Network recently acquired a large block of vacant wireless spectrum that pending regulatory approval could be used for mobile broadband services. AT&T tried to merge with T-Mobile to solve its own capacity problem. It wanted to get its hands on T-Mobile spectrum. Still, that would have been only a temporary fix at best. Remember all the terrible stories about the quality of AT&T's wireless data network over the last few years? They say they simply don't have enough. The reason is that during the last few years, smartphones like the Apple iPhone and the many devices running Android emerged, and wireless data traffic grew like crazy. This problem jumped up and bit AT&T in the rear end. Suddenly, so many people were sucking so much data that the network could not handle it, due to spectrum shortage. Spectrum is like the size of the hose, and a wider hose is needed to carry more data for more customers. A couple good things are suddenly happening that may give carriers a little time to solve this increasing problem. Perhaps Verizon starting to sell the iPhone last spring has something to do with it. If so, then now with Sprint selling the iPhone, AT&T will have more breathing room, at least temporarily. That's the good news. However, that reprieve will only last a short while before the exploding smartphone and wireless data growth catches up. Then the other carriers will be faced with the same problem that's confronting AT&T. In the first quarter of 2011, the amount of data the average smartphone user consumed each month grew by 89 percent to 435 megabytes from 230 MB during the same quarter in 2010, according to Nielsen research. That's up from about 90 MB in 2009. For reference, the average size of an MP3 music file is about 4 MB. "Texting has always been traditionally viewed as a lightweight consumer of bandwidth, but if I start adding videos and pictures to my texts, that also starts consuming more bandwidth," said Tom Cullen, an executive vice president with Dish. But the primary growth driver will be video. Consumers can go through 5 gigabytes a month simply by streaming 10 minutes of standard definition video daily, he said. Data from the FCC indicate that more Americans are looking at their phones rather than talking on them. In 2009, 67 percent of available spectrum was utilized for voice and 33 percent for Internet data. Those percentages are now at 75 percent for data and 25 percent for voice. With each new iPhone release, data consumption grows. The iPhone 4S eats up twice as much data as the iPhone 4 and three times as much as the iPhone 3G, according to a study by network services firm Arieso. The new iPhone features Siri, a bandwidth-heavy voice recognition feature. The FCC estimates the U.S. will face a spectrum deficit of 90 MHz in 2013 and 275 MHz in 2014. To address the crunch, the federal government hopes to unleash 500 MHz of spectrum currently used for other purposes for wireless broadband by 2020. To put that figure in perspective, there is currently 547 MHz of spectrum allocated for mobile services, and AT&T and Verizon each own about 90 MHz. The government plans to hold so-called incentive auctions, which will try to lure spectrum owners such as TV broadcasters to sell their licenses. Verizon Wireless has agreed to purchase spectrum from a group of cable-TV companies. Sprint has expressed interest in working with Dish, which acquired the bulk of its 45 MHz of spectrum through two deals for bankrupt satellite technology companies. Dish chairman Charlie Ergen has said that the satellite-TV provider would prefer to partner with an existing wireless carrier on a high speed, 4G network. In response to recent comments by Sprint Chief Financial Officer Joe Euteneuer about the company's interest in working with Dish, Cullen said other wireless carriers are in the same situation. After failing to acquire T-Mobile, analysts expect AT&T to make a play for Dish, a long-rumored merger partner. As for T-Mobile, perhaps the most logical buyer is CenturyLink. T-Mobile's German-based parent company has indicated that it might exit the U.S. market. CenturyLink, which acquired Denver-based Qwest last year, is the third-largest landline phone company but does not own a wireless service, unlike the top two, AT&T and Verizon. Carriers are trying to offload as much traffic as they can to Wi-Fi networks, which ride on unlicensed spectrum. In some areas, they're installing picocells, which are smaller cell sites that can help boost capacity in dense areas. Finally, they're spending billions of dollars on LTE networks that use the airwaves more efficiently. Verizon and AT&T already have 4G LTE networks in place, and Sprint is moving to the technology. Dish says it hopes to enter the mobile broadband market with advanced LTE technology by late 2014 or early 2015. If Dish were to also offer voice service, it would come through VoLTE, which is similar to Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone services. Dish still needs the FCC to drop a condition tied to its spectrum that requires devices to have the ability to communicate with satellites, not just ground-based cell sites. The rule-making process that will likely remove the requirement is underway and could be completed by summer's end. The problem, analysts argue, is that the operators that control the greatest amount of unused spectrum may be under-capitalized or unwilling to build out networks to use the spectrum. "We do not believe the U.S. faces a spectrum shortage," Jason Bazinet and Michael Rollins wrote in their Citigroup report. "Too much spectrum is controlled by companies that are not planning on rolling out services or face business and financial challenges. And of the spectrum that is being used, 90 percent of it has been allocated to existing 2G, 3G, and 3.5G wireless services by larger wireless carriers, such as AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile USA. In total, U.S. operators have licenses for about 538MHz of wireless spectrum. Only about 192MHz of that spectrum is currently being used. Most of the unused wireless spectrum is owned by companies such as Clearwire, LightSquared, and Dish Network. But so far, LightSquared has been stopped and the other companies have been slow to build networks using their available spectrum. "There is definitely a mismatch when it comes to spectrum in the wireless industry," said Paul Gallant, an analyst with MF Global in Washington, D.C. "There are some companies that have spectrum, but they're struggling financially. Or they aren't quite sure what to do with the spectrum. And others that have the money and business model, but need the spectrum." The move to 4G is very important for these operators because it offers them a more efficient way to deliver service. 4G LTE uses the available spectrum roughly 700 percent more efficiently than the 3G wireless technology EV-DO. Carriers will soon be refarming 3G spectrum to 4G LTE in several years. A key factor in encouraging efficient use of spectrum has been largely overlooked in carrier boardroom discussions. Wireless providers can add capacity, without obtaining more spectrum, by adding more and more cell sites. Additional cell sites in spectrum constrained areas allow the same spectrum to be used by even more consumers, as well as adding picocells and microcells to denser population areas. So far, the carriers have not expressed too much interest in this method due to additional capital expenditures and overhead. Their strategy is like what Microsoft, Apple and Google have used. It's just cheaper to buy what you need than to invest the time and energy to do the actual work. So what can the wireless companies do? To some extent, re-farming their existing networks will help. But so will finding ways to use other spectrum. For example, only T-Mobile lets users make phone calls using Wi-Fi, yet most of the mobile devices available from carriers have this capability; the carriers just don't enable it. Allowing Wi-Fi calling could unload millions of voice and data users on to alternative networks and ease the spectrum crunch, at least to some extent. Encouraging VoIP use would also help for two reasons. VoIP doesn't require a lot of bandwidth, and it means that the phone in question uses only the data spectrum, not both voice and data while this is going on. These points illustrate that the carriers do have options beyond just buying up spectrum. They can offload more wireless traffic than they do now, build more cell sites into their networks and they can allow the use of other types of communications. While the spectrum crunch isn't going away, that doesn't mean that the process can't be slowed.
added a pieces from an old book on the front and german scraps with the sweetest flowers and birds on top of the paper Love love love the cards! They are SO pretty. Fabulous. Also, been wanting to tell you that my in laws were born in Denmark and my husband has been there several times as well. It looks like a beautiful and amazing place to live! Hi Tina, I'm still here, I have to say i love your blog, i love to make tags too, just recently, I love yours too, I'm taking your link with me, i hope you don't mind? have a nice sunday.greetings from jeany A corner of the veggie field. Yep, it definitely looks like winter out there. The snow is only a few inches deep, but the subzero days and nights are in the forecast for at least the next couple of weeks. … Rosemary, potted in the Autumn from the herb beds, has taken a bit of beating and probably not survived. It’s weathered several intensely cold nights already, out here in the unheated greenhouse, and I kinda wanted to see if they … A bushel of carrots, a mix of Nelson, Napoli and Danvers Half Long (mostly Danvers showing on top), fresh out of the ground. These were gleaned from the last carrot beds of 2006. A bit of winter’s been forecast beginning …
As the #MeToo movement has shown, to be a woman in the film industry can be a limiting experience, and one largely based on appearance. This was certainly the case in Hollywood’s Golden Age, when the major studios held power that reached beyond Los Angeles’s confines and stars were built up and torn down in a matter of years. For those women who had the temerity to be intelligent as well as beautiful, life was full of frustrations. Hedy Lamarr was one of those women. A Viennese actress born into wealth, Lamarr balanced her day job – as one of MGM’s best-paid contracted actresses – with free time spent conjuring up cunning inventions. Some were whimsical and never really left the drawing board,... The skiing doesn't stop just because it's summer – ski resorts with slopes set on a glacier are often open for business, and have a raft of other activities on offer too. Generally set at 2,500m or higher, these glacier ski areas benefit from the low temperatures at altitude, especially at night, so you can expect smooth groomed runs in the morning, soft slushy bumps later on. They're usually fairly compact, with a mix of blue and red slopes, but you’ll also find the occasional black. While you’re unlikely to experience fresh powder in the summer, catch it right and conditions can be smooth and flattering, thanks to the melting and freezing of old snow when the weather gets warmer. Any glacier area worth its salt puts a lot of work into its terrain park, making up for a more limited ski area with enough kickers, rails, pipes and boarder/skicross tracks for all levels to while away several hours – and enabling you to perfect tricks in soft conditions. The parks often attract pros for training sessions, making great viewing. Some glacier areas have similar opening hours in summer to winter, but many gear them around optimum conditions – which can mean opening as early as 7am and closing at 2pm. Definitely – glaciers are great places to hone skills on summer ski courses, most hosting ski racers and freestylers during the summer. Check out resort websites for links to schools, and to the many specialised camps that run during the summer. Resorts offer similar types of passes to the ones available in winter, but at cheaper rates in recognition of the more limited areas. You're more likely to find passes for non-consecutive days so that you can pick and choose when to hit the slopes. Many work in tandem with a separate visitor pass that gives access to a whole range of summer activities. You could just relax and breathe in the fresh mountain air… But you’d miss out on activities from the more usual hiking, biking, golfing and swimming, to the wild and weird, from sliding down a ramp into an Alpine lake through aerial trekking to bear watching. As many activities are free with a ski or visitor pass, it’d be rude not to. A funicular train from Tignes' Val Claret area accesses 20km of lift-served slopes for all standards on the Grande Motte, including a terrain park, up to the high point of 3,456m. Fill your afternoons with a smorgasbord of other activities at no extra cost – the My Tignes Open pass gives free access to more than 20 activities from tennis and golf to beach volley ball and pedalos, plus Acroland on the Tignes lake. Here you can throw yourself down a choice of ramps (on skis, bike or just your stomach) before flipping into the icy waters. The card is free to anyone booking with participating accommodation for one night – otherwise cards are available to buy from tourist offices (this year's card price is yet to be confirmed). For biking passes are free with some accommodation providers, if not pick up a pass at the tourist office, which gets you on lifts accessing varied runs in the huge bike park linked to neighbouring Val d'Isère. Next to the lake there’s also the Lagon sports centre with pool (free with a two-day or more ski pass), plus a free to enter mini bike park with air bag. tignes.net Hintertux, Austria’s only year-round ski area, offers 60km of varied pistes. There’s also the Betterpark with 120m superpipe, boxes, table tops and rails with lines for all levels. Inside the glacier is the Nature’s Ice Palace with ice chambers filled with crystals to explore, and under that a a deep cave into which the resort runs daily tours with a guide around its stalagmites and stalactites. Add adrenalin with mountain biking, ice climbing and hiking. There’s also a kids’ playground with tubing and a bob run at 3,250m. The Zillertal Activcard (€85 for six days) gives pedestrians and cyclists (there are 800km of cycle trails in the Ziller valley) one daily cable car ride on lifts up and down the valley, along with free access to swimming pools and an observatory, valley buses and trains, plus discounts on other attractions. hintertuxergletscher.at Only open to advanced and expert riders, the Horstman Glacier on Whistler’s Blackcomb Mountain is speckled with kickers, moguls, race gates and jib features during the summer, as pros and amateurs alike converge to hone their skills. Riders usually get to the glacier via the Wizard and Solar Coaster chairlifts on Blackcomb Mountain, but as they are being replaced by a new gondola this summer, access is via the Whistler Village Gondola and Peak 2 Peak gondola. Two t-bars serve the glacier slopes and terrain park, and a multitude of camps each summer pimps skills from halfpipe to gates. Over on Whistler Mountain you’ll find the bike park, open from May 18 to October 8, where over 1,500m of lift-serviced trails await thrill seekers of all levels – a one-day pass costs from C$61, or you can get one covering three out of four days from C$180. And if that’s not enough to fill your days, check out free hiking tours, golf, a zipline over a raging river – and, of course, bear watching. Whistler has 1,500km of mountain bike trails and 250km of lift-served cross-country trails Credit: Robin O'Neill In summer the lofty 3,600m Allalin glacier in Saas Fee, accessed via cable car and funicular train, boasts 20km of pistes and two lines of kickers in the freestyle park, plus a hip jump, rails, boxes and superpipe. There's a revolving restaurant and ice grotto at the top, and the Chill Out Zone at the park’s base, with its music and couches, is a comfy gallery for getting inspiration from the pros. Other organised activities in the resort range from aerial trekking through the forest to wine tasting. As an add-on you can buy a Citizens' Pass for CHF7 a day to enjoy unlimited travel on all cable cars (bar the Metro Alpin), plus a range of discounts, including on accommodation, ski passes of more than two days and in mountain restaurants. saas-fee.ch If full days on the slopes are what you’re after, this is the place. Austria’s largest glacier slopes, with 1,450 hectares of slopes, 62km of groomed runs (one of which is 10km long) and 26 lifts, are open continuously from late September to the middle of June, the last six weeks counting as springtime, when the pass price drops. The three in six days pass price above is the discounted one you get with a Stubai guest card, free from participating accommodation, and also giving free public transport and access to swimming pools. Up on the slopes there’s a mix of runs from blue to black and the large Stubai Zoo terrain park has easy, medium and pro lines. There’s also a viewing platform that extends out over the slopes, an ice grotto, children's playground at 2,600m with a zipline, the Goldener Gams restaurant and après venue the Schneekristal Pavilion, with a roof that opens in good weather. Zermatt and Cervinia share a ski area including glaciers that enable skiing every day of the year from the Zermatt side. From June to September a total of 23km of runs on red and blue slopes in the shadow of the Matterhorn is accessible from Cervinia too. The Gravity Park on Plateau Rosà is the highest in Europe and offers features for all levels, including a halfpipe, kickers, rails and boxes. At the top of the ski area there's the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise for close up of views of the classic mountain, a recently renovated restaurant serving Swiss and Italian specialities, free snow tubing and the Glacier Palace – for 8CHF take a lift 15m down inside the glacier, check out ice sculptures, try out an ice slide and finish by squeezing through a crevasse. If you buy a lift pass for more than three days on the Zermatt side, it includes local biking lifts as well as the ski area. In Cervinia one-day mountain bike passes start at €25 a day, depending on the area covered. zermatt.ch; cervinia.it The summer season in Les Deux Alpes kicks off with an outdoor festival, 22 to 24 June, a weekend of activities and competitions for all, including mountain biking, golf and paragliding as well as skiing and snowboarding. The resort's glacier ski area offers up a total of 11 runs (nine blue, one green and one red) served by 17 lifts. There's also a huge 18-hectare freestyle area with a halfpipe and superpipe, airbag, hips, rails and big air jumps, and a dedicated beginner slope. Every week during the summer season a freestyle camp for kids, Da Camp, runs – children ride the snowpark every morning from 9am to 1pm and practise their tricks on the trampoline each afternoon as well as trying other mountain activities including mountain boarding, beach volleyball and rafting, plus watching video analysis of their tricks. Le 3200, the restaurant on the glacier, is open all summer, and there are also regular barbecues and DJs to entertain visitors. On average, there are just 1,500 people a day on the glacier in summer, compared to 10,000 a day in winter, so it's the perfect opportunity to hone your skills or take some coaching exams - BASI levels 1 and 2 are taught on the glacier during July and August by Tip Top Ski Coaching. In the afternoons, a six-day ski pass doubles as a pass for activities from swimming and tennis to tobogganing, golf and archery in one of four resorts: Alpe d'Huez, Serre Chevalier, Puy St Vincent or Montgenèvre. The lift pass also gives access to the bike park with its 100km across 26 descents and 10 lifts that can transport bikes. New pay-for activities in Les Deux Alpes for summer 2018 include sunset E-bike rides and breakfast paragliding - plus there's a new skate park.
Bokep China To prevent the entry of minors, this site has been labeled by RTA (Restricted To Adults, restricted to adults, in Spanish). You can easily block access to this site by a filter navigation.
CSR closed in 1999 after the death of the founder Baron Edmund Rothschild. This rum is no longer being produced. This cute little lady is called Mitzi and she's one of the new Polka Dot Pals being released today at Little Miss Muffet Stamps. Well in fact this image is made up of 3 of the new digital stamps, Mitzi is teamed up with this cute Lemonade Stand and also her facial features are added too! There are endless opportunities with these little characters, so pop by the Little Miss Muffet Blog to see some fab cards the other DT girls have rustled up! As well as the new release, there's a fab Retiring Stamp Sale going on at Little Miss Muffet Stamps so don't miss out... Mitzi is coloured with Promarkers and Tria Markers from Letraset, and the fab paper, sentiment and lemons were a freebie from Pink Petticoat a few years back... perfect for this image me thinks! I'd like to enter the challenge at... Totally adorable Shelly ! I so love your card ! The paper and image are perfect together and the sentiment is one of my favourite !!! Happy Halloween Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine
Perhaps the best way to introduce ourselves is to tell you about what we care about most at Unichurch. There are lots of things we could talk about, but here are four things that are probably at the top of our list. Because he is the way we know God - because everything that his father God is - he is too. So as we get to know Jesus, we get to know God. But Jesus does more than that... Our starting point in life is that our relationship with God is broken - you could think of it a bit like a terrible divorce (that's all our fault). And like any divorce there is a terrible mutual hostility as a result. But the amazing thing about Jesus is that he can fix that problem - he can reconcile us to his Father God. It cost Jesus his life to do this - he had a die a humiliating, public, painful death on a cross. But the bible says - that's where we see how much God loves us - that's what he was willing to do to bring us back into relationship with him. We think this is the best news in the world...by far. Because we are convinced that the words of the bible are God's very own words. And that means as we listen to the bible we are listening to the voice of God. And he tells us the most wonderful things. He tells us how amazing he is, and how much he deserves our love, our obedience and our worship. And he tells us how beautiful his son Jesus is, and and how he loved us and gave himself to us to die for us. And he tells us what's involved in following Jesus. And there is nowhere else in the world we can hear God telling us these things. So that's why we love the bible. Because we are more than just a community - we are a family. When we decided to follow Jesus, God brought each of us into his family. And since we have been loved this much by God we try to love one another. So we enjoy spending time together. We try to care for those amongst us going through tough times (and there are always some). We try not to be cliquey but to welcome and treat everyone the same. And we encourage one other to love God and each other better, because it's not easy. Jesus helps us with all of this. We give some of our money away to the global poor. Some folk help pay for children's education around the world. Others help kids in the local estates; others help new immigrants and international students learn English. But the way we most want to love the world is this: we long for everyone around us to be forgiven by Jesus and brought into his family. Because Jesus said if that doesn't happen, people face an eternity alone & cut off from God. And we don't want that to happen to anyone. So we try hard to tell a lost world about Jesus. And we are not ashamed about doing that.
BarbicanWetherspoons pubs in Plymouth to slash prices for one day onlyAll food and drink will be reduced in price Business Editor William Telford recalls when, for the sake of journalism, he visited the notorious Union Street boozer Health enthusiasts publicly reveal their plans to regenerate the Central bar on Plymouth's Union Street Entrepreneurs Alistair and Holly have no regrets about putting their heart and soul into the Lord High Admiral If you think Plymouth's Carbuncle Cup contender is ugly, wait until you see what's coming next, says top architect Jacqueline Cooke and her ex-lover Ian Gollop beat and stabbed a friend to death in a grisly revenge attack EntertainmentThe faces of Plymouth's clubland - in picturesWe've mixed things up a little in this week's Smile on the Tiles gallery by including some of the door staff and bouncers who keep you safe when you're partying hard The BBC visited Plymouth's most renowned road 40 years ago and bumped into a group of disgruntled revellers TwitterThese 15 Plymouth roads are closing as part of £3m upgradeThe resurfacing works take place over the next two months Plymouth NewsThugs, thieves and drink-drivers: cases heard by Plymouth magistratesAll these people have appeared before JPs in the city
The Paper Store Of Shrewsbury in White City & White City East Shp CntShrewsbury located in Shrewsburywsbury. For questions, call us at (508) 831-7711. It takes longer for children who are learning to talk to respond to our questions. We need to be patient and wait anywhere from five to twelve seconds for children to respond. Toddlers had scarves and I sang through the verse the first time using “your”. Then, for the second time I sang the verse with the same body part as “their”, asking them to put the scarf (gently!) on their sibling’s head. This was MUCH MORE successful with the scarves than with the bean bags!! I know I already wrote about it up there under the “Partnering” section, but the scarves worked SO MUCH BETTER than the bean bags. I’m so happy that I tried again. Since we read Goodnight Moon, we had a lot of sentimental attachment to the book. At least two of the grown-ups “read” the book without looking. I was also able to talk about how wonderful it is for children to hear rhyming words like you do in Goodnight Moon. Have you been looking aningful role with North America’s leading classical repertory theatre? At the Stratford Festival, we attract the world’s finest talent, offering a unique experience for staff, artists, and actors alike. If you would like to be a part of this exciting organization, we are looking for someone to fill the role of… The successful candidate will act as the House Manager at the Studio Theatre and be available to cover when necessary as the House Manager at the Avon Theatre. This position is responsible for ensuring the delivery of exceptional customer service by all front line staff and the well-being of our patrons. A clear knowledge of all Health and Safety practices at either theatre space is expected. You will interface extensively with patrons and other Front of House staff and liaise with facilities, production and artistic personnel. Candidates are expected to possess excellent communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills along with an enthusiasm for handling patron needs and concerns. Exceptional customer service skills are expected. Standard First Aid and CPR certification are requested. Applicants should have a strong desire to work with patrons, and possess a good knowledge of the City of Stratford and area. Working knowledge in Excel and Word software packages is important and current working knowledge in Tessitura is preferred but not expected. Evening, weekend and holiday work is required. We recognize that diversity- in our workplace, in our audiences and on our stages- fosters a rich and creative environment. We are actively engaged in building a more diverse workplace and encourage all qualified applicants to apply by April 10th to; This entry was posted in 2013 Season and tagged Front of House Manager Stratford Festival, Stratford Blog, Stratford Festival, Stratford Festival Blog, Stratford Festival employment, Stratford Festival job opening, Stratford Festival job opportunity, Stratford jobs by Stratford Festival. Bookmark the permalink.
Words containing AYS. With this 3 letter combination (A YAYfirst Concept Art For Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome has emerged online via Blastr. The art is for Syfy's upcoming two-hour pilot movie which focuses on the adventures of a young William Adama during the 10th year of the first Cylon war.
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Get a strike in this 1950s retro bowling shirt is perfect! The black shirt buttons up the front for closure and is 100% polyester. The turquoise collar and stripe down the middle give this shirt its signature bowling look. "The king pins" is printed on the left side of the chest in white as well on the back. The back also features a bowling pin with a crown in white too.
The article discusses the prevalence of eczema in the structure of dermatological diseases, the need for new methods of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. Presented a new non-invasive method for the diagnosis of skin diseases — transresonant functional topography — and safe physiotherapy effects of low intensity electromagnetic radiation. 29. Brill GE, Petrosyan Al, Sinicyn Nl, Elkin VA. Maintaining matrix structure of water — the most important mechanism of homeostatic regulation in living systems (conceptual model and its basic experimental basis). Biomedical electronics 2000; (2) 32. Petrosyan V.I., Sinitsyn N.l., Elkin V.A., et al. The role of molecular-wave processes in nature and their use for the control and correction of environmental systems. Biomedical electronics 2001; 5 (6): 62-129
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LETRA [Justin Bieber] Come on over in my direction So thankful for that, it † s such a blessin † , yeah Turn every situation into Heaven, yeah Oh, ...
Hi Shelly, Love this card. The image has amazing eyes. I am sure they are saying 'Don't mess with me!' Hugs, Carol S.xx Minxie, I cannot tell you how much I love this card! The papers are perfect and I really love the colours. I sooo admire your talent xx Love, love, love this card Shelly, so bright and cheery and now I want lemonade lol! Hope you had a fab Halloween :) Donna ♥ x Notice the BAD stamping on the sentiment (Penny Black stamp)... I used Versafine and not Stayzon on glitter paper... I knew before I did it that it wasn't good! So my Stayzon had dried up... well I'd better get another one cos a smudged sentiment is not a good look! DOH!
Our youth (and quite a few chaperones) enjoyed a lazy day of tubing down the New River in the western part of the state. It was a gorgeous day and a good time was had by all. David Rose successfully completed the Richmond half-marathon on 19th March raising funds for the Lenten Project. If you sponsored him and have not yet paid, or if you would still like to donate, please use one of the brown envelopes at the back of the church, completing the label details with Gift Aid if you are eligible. The envelopes can be placed in the black Lenten Project box at the back of the church or left in the Parish Office.
Including programming, real estate assessment, planning, budgeting, design management and construction management. Managing the zoning issues involved with the proposed improvements through to budget and cost tracking and reporting cash flow projections for the construction phase. Coordinating the quality assurance process by reviewing the progress of the project to verify compliance with the plans and specifications related to construction.
Congratulations, you've found what you are looking Skinny Black Chick Takes Bbc ? Watch the video [Johnny Dephick bliss. Johnny Depth Black and passionate Chick Skinny with Bbc Advee, all of them waiting to be glorified with their bodies, black virgin pussy and wet with desire chi
Modern society faces a paradox: the past century has seen a revolution in time-saving technologies, expediting everyday activities like cleaning, cooking, and traveling, and yet people today seem to have less time than ever before. If we are spending less time than our ancestors in cooking, cleaning, and transporting ourselves, should we not have more time on our hands? In fact, we do have more time on our hands-- yet as opposed to spending the time cooking, cleaning, or going places, we are now spending it being entertained. We now spend hours of our time watching television or movies, listening to music, playing video games, using the Internet, or out engaged in various hobbies. Entertainment has become a very large part of our lives and of the economy. The options seem almost endless! It is no wonder that we are always busy-- there is always another show to watch, another website to visit, some other music to hear! The lives of some people revolve around entertainment. They watch hundreds of movies or listen to hours of music. They buy magazines to follow the lives of celebrities and other figures in entertainment. They have jobs and families and other responsibilities but are always looking forward to returning to their various forms of entertainment. For many such persons and many others, entertainment is the reason behind a lack of connection with family members, fellow Christians if they are believers, and fellow members of the community in general. It is easier, it seems, to sit in front of the television or the computer than it is to build real-life relationships. The overwhelming popularity of entertainment and the desire to be constantly entertained has led to many tragic spiritual consequences. People expect assemblies of churches to be entertaining and something similar to what they could watch on television or see in a movie. There is no lack of religious organizations who are more than happy to oblige these impulses and to provide a very entertaining assembly, even if it becomes devoid of Biblical content and purpose. Without a doubt, entertainment has become a god of this world! We are not attempting to condemn any and all use of entertainment. With the notable exceptions of forms of entertainment that lead to lasciviousness or covetousness or other works of the flesh (cf. Galatians 5:19-21), there is nothing inherently wrong with entertainment. In fact, entertainment can be profitable when it is used to facilitate opportunities for friends and family to come together or for fellow Christians to associate (cf. Hebrews 10:24). Nevertheless, it is not good for human beings to live to be entertained or to expect everything in life to be entertaining for them. Life should not revolve around various forms of entertainment, and we should consider judiciously how much time we spend being entertained (Ephesians 5:16). It is advisable for Christians to consider how much time they spend in being entertained versus praying, studying the Bible, assembling with Christians, or finding opportunities to visit others and assist those in need (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 10:24-25, Galatians 6:10, James 1:27). The result will likely surprise you-- and hopefully will lead to a change in priorities! Entertainment, even when clean and fun, should be enjoyed in moderation (cf. 1 Peter 4:7). There is little doubt that many of the tragedies in modern Christendom are at least partially caused by excess in entertainment. When the assemblies of the saints seem boring and dull, is that because they really are boring and dull, or is it because we are conditioned by the world to want something more entertaining and less participatory? What does it tell us when many Christians are far better acquainted with the events in a movie or a series of movies than they are with the events recorded in the Bible? What is going on when Christians know the lyrics to modern secular songs far better than they do the words to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (cf. Ephesians 5:19)? And why else is it that too many Christians are "too busy" to assemble with the saints, visit the sick, shut-ins, or widows, to volunteer to serve others, or to participate in activities with other Christians, but are never too busy to watch their favorite television series? There is little doubt that far too many souls in this country are entertaining themselves to death and condemnation. Interest in spiritual things has diminished, at least in part, because there are far more "entertaining" and "fun" things to do in life than to consider one's soul and one's spiritual life. Let us wake up and develop godly attitudes about such things, and put spiritual matters above entertainment! oak wine rack cabinet side cabinet wine rack narrow console table brand wr12 wood wine rack oak display cabinet with wine rack. stunning rustic bar cabinet wine rack newark oak montague cabinets,oak wine rack cabinets cabinet display with unfinished kitchen solid,chunky oak wine rack cabinet kitchen home furniture newark cabinets,oak display cabinet with wine rack insert picturesque image small wall mount types cabinets,oak cabinet wine rack insert solid newark cabinets,oak wine rack cabinets furniture side cabinet narrow console table brand display with,solid wood wine rack cabinet oak furniture kitchen shelf,oak wine rack furniture newark cabinet narrow racks tall display with,under cabinet wine rack amazon bar at home design unique racks oak furniture solid cabinets,oak cabinet wine rack insert racks bar carts lifestyles newark unfinished. (CON'T) groove of the pulley and replace the pulley in the bracket and re-install the pin and spring clip. Attach one end of the lift cable to the lift arm as shown in Fig. 4 and attach the lower end of the cable to the lift cable brace on the hinge assembly. Fasten with pins and spring clips. 4. As the power to drive the sickle bar must come from the power take-off of the tractor, it will be necessary to attach the power takeoff to the tractor if it is not equipped with one. Refer to the tractor instruction manual for installation of PTO. With the power take-off attached to the tractor, place the sickle bar drive belt in place on the pulley of sickle bar and attach thefree end of the belt in place on smaller section of power take-off drive pulley. Refer to Fig. 7. Make certain that the drive belt rides in the grooves of the idler pulleys located within the belt guard. Check the lift cable before operating the sickle bar. In the event that obstructions should appear in the path of the sickle bar, it will be necessary to lift the sickle bar above the obstructions. This is why it is important to have the lift cable properly installed prior to operation cf the sickle bar. Place the tractor transmission in neutral and the power take-off disengaged while the tractor engine is started. When transporting the sickle bar, the sickle bar must be swung up and locked in the raised position by the transport chain. The hook of the transport chain may be conveniently attached to the outboard skid shoe as shown in Fig. 8.
im wanting to get into mods but no nothing about them where can i get a rule book on teh diff. classes of them how much would it cost to get started and also im located in southeast ga does anyone know of any tracks around my area that races them im willing to travel 150 miles to race you can post info on here or email me atland with a three year old and I feel as if I have wisdom to share. Before we left, I searched and goggled trying to find some REAL travel tips for traveling with a three year old and EVERYTHING said the same things. Be flexible, bring toys, blah blah blah, all things that were no brainers, so I vowed when my vacation started to come to a close I would write up my Top 5 Tips for Traveling with Toddlers. 1. AirBNB: I hate sharing a room with my son. It essentially means we go to bed at 8 or are stuck in the hallway every night of vacation, which sucks. My husband had tried a lot of things, whether it was attempting to book one bedroom hotel rooms (which ALWAYS ended up being more like creative studio apartments) or balconies etc. This trip I said FORGET IT! I looked at hotel prices on all the stops of our trip and found AirBnB places of equivalent value. This meant for the entire trip we were staying in 2 bedrooms flats, cottages and in one case a cute little caravan with kitchens, dining rooms, wifi, tvs, refrigerators, and most importantly, 2 bedrooms. This opened up so much for us. For instance, coffee and breakfast without having to get dressed, the ability to not be on top of each other and LAUNDRY LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. And to be a little TMI, gave my husband and I ample alone time. There are down sides like no maid service and odd and surprising places, but each place on our trip allowed up to see a new part of town and a new set of people. 2. Travel Toys. Ok I know that is the generic write up I referred to, but I am about to get down to specifics. I will actually do a whole separate on the EXACT toys I purchased, but this is a place to spend some cash. All the blogs I read said "how to do travel toys cheap." I say screw that! Spend for sanity's sake! The key here is REUSABLE, REDOABLE, and where possible, things your kid can do on his/her own. 3. Pack Light! The thing I did the best this trip was lay down a mandate on everyone including myself that we would pack LIGHT. We were all allowed 5 shirts and three (ish) pairs of pants. Before everyone stares at me with open mouths, this really applies only if you are changing locations a lot. We did London, driving trip around Scotland and Ireland. We were literally in a new city every two days, but since our luggage wasn't OVERWHELMING, it allowed us to focus on other things. We had a lot more flexibility than any trip before. And in case you were curious, with all the laundry we did (detergent pods are the best invention ever), no one in my family ever felt like they were "out of clothes." At one point, however, I did start wearing my husbands clothes at night. 4. TRAVEL COOLER! I track Woot, like obsessively, and a couple months back this travel cooler popped up. The cooler folds ups to be a nice flat piece, but is a GREAT cooler. We checked it, brought it on trains etc. What is so special about a collapsible cooler? It means on road trips you can travel with whatever your family needs. In my family that is Almond Milk, Apple Juice, Orange Juice, an assortment of fruit (including strawberries wherever we could buy them), cereal (can'r survive without "Blue cereal"/ Frosted Flakes), and WINE!. After our initial leg of the trip, I put all my kids food, my travel food in the cooler. It was nice not to have a carry on bag full of food. 5. Collapsible Containers and Water Bottles: This one goes with the Cooler and AirBnB. Before we left I purchased some collapsible containers and water bottles. The containers ended up being SUPER awesome on the trip. When my toddler refused to finish the spaghetti, lunch for tomorrow. When we purchased a giant container of strawberries, I had somewhere to throw them all in. And as toddlers ALWAYS do, when my son tried one of every type of cracker we bought, we had safe containers to throw them in. By the end of the trip instead of sifting through and assortment of travel food he just asked for the "green bowl." Easy! The water bottles were great when I wanted a container of juice always accessible. My son drinks juice CONSTANTLY, and it was nice to have something that was cheaper than CONSTANTLY buying juice boxes. I just went into the cooler and grabbed our big thing of juice and refilled each day. Bonus: Try not to make drastic changes that will make life harder. One mistake I made on this trip was taking pity on my three year old that we were in a new place night after night. To alleviate his fears, I crawled into bed with him, something we had always been SUPER against. And It is 8:30 pm on our last night of vacation and sadly I am listening to him SCREAM because I won't crawl into bed with him. If your kid isn't allowed candy, don't start giving him candy. If he can't have juice after 6 (a rule in my house) don't make a vacation exception. Makes things SOOO much harder when you get back to normal.... Hi all! We’re playing Chilled In A Field festival at the end of July. We’re on the mainstage on Sunday at 8pm! West Memphis School District Richland Elementary continued its run of excellence recently by being named a High Achieving Elementary for Region ELA. It is the third time Richland has been cited for the honor. The award originates from the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas. Despite being honored before, Richland principal Gwen Looney said she and her staff were 'shocked' at the news. 'We were shocked because we're in a new testing era,' said Looney. 'We've been using Benchmark testing in past years, but now we're in the PARCC, which is all done online. That's what makes this award much sweeter.' The honor is based on the results of the 2014-15 PARCC assessments and performance is measured by the OEP-created 'school GPA.' 'Our technology people, led by Jim Robb, did such a great job preparing us for the testing,' Looney added. 'I don't know where we would have been without them. There were a lot of quirky things that went along with the PARCC. It was very difficult.' Richland, which was honored nationally in recent years by being named a Blue Ribbon School, has garnered its reputation as a strong academic school, which Looney said, in turn, creates high expectations from parents of in-coming students. '(The parents) expect the students and the teachers to perform here,' said Looney. 'There's some pressure put on us, but of course, we want that type of expectation. When you surround yourself with great people, great things happen.' DAWN (Dawn Richard), who is now spelling her name without a triangle, has shared a brand new single titled "jealousy." The track's accompanying video takes place in Richard's hometown of New Orleans, “The visual explains my roots in the Washitaw Nation Tribe," she said in a press statement. "Chief Montana created my hand sewn headpiece representing the power of being both King and Queen." Last month, Richard announced that she would join Aubrey O'Day and Shannon Bex for a Danity Kane reunion tour. Each will perform material from their respective solo projects, including new DAWN songs. Found 638 words containing aic. Bds that end in aic I've made two batches of the Rustic Bread from Jeffrey Hamelman's Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes and they have turned out excellent. Pretty, too: for once my loaves are decently shaped. I'm not sure it is has so much to do with the recipe or just that, after 4 months of constant baking, I'm starting to get pretty good at this. I love the simplicity of this one: 2 lbs flour, 1 tablespoon salt, just over 1/2 teaspoon yeast, and enough water to hydrate it all. It still amazes me how the best bread is made with the fewest ingredients. I want to do a lesson on shaping soon, as well as one on pre-ferments. So I'm not going to cover those steps in the level of detail I should here, but I'll get enough of the recipe down that most people shouldn't have trouble following it. Put the yeast in the water and stir. Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl and pour in the yeasted water. Mix until the flour is hydrated, adding more water if necessary. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave the pre-ferment out at room temperature overnight (up to 16 hours... if you need more time before baking put it in the refrigerator). To make the final dough, combine all of the ingredients except the pre-ferment in a mixing bowl. Chop the pre-ferment up into small pieces and mix or knead it into the final dough until they are thoroughly combined. This is quite difficult to do by hand: Hamelman assumes the baker has a mixer and can mix it for 5 minutes by machine. I mix and knead my dough by hand for about 10 minutes. At the end of that time the new and old dough aren't perfectly combined-- you can still see a few streaks of the lighter colored pre-ferment in it-- but they are sufficiently combined that loaves bake evenly. Place the dough back in a greased bowl and ferment for 2 1/2 hours, punching down or folding the dough twice during that time. (Folding the dough consists of taking the dough out of the bowl, spreading it out a little on a clean surface, folding it in thirds like a letter, rotating it 90 degrees and folding it up again, and then returning the dough to the bowl and covering it again. Like punching down, folding degases the dough some, but it also encourages gluten development. More on this topic in a future post.) At the end of the fermentation, divide the dough into two pieces and preshape each into a ball. Cover with a clean towel and let each rest for 5 to 10 minutes before shaping into the final shape. Once shaped, cover the loaves with a clean towel and set aside for a final rise, approximately 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours. Halfway though the final rise, begin preheating the oven to 450 degrees. If you are using a baking stone, preheat it as well. Right before placing it in the oven, score the loaves. Place them in the oven and use whatever technique you use to create stream in the oven (squirt bottle, skillet full of hot water, etc) to encourage proper crust development. After 20 minutes of baking, rotate the loaves 180 degrees so that they'll bake evenly. Bake until an instant read thermometer reads around 200 degrees, which took approximately 35 minutes for my batard ("football") shaped loaves. I still haven't bought a scale so having dry measurements is so helpful. Looking forward to baking this rustic bread this weekend. I too tried this recipe this past w/e. Used the 'no-knead' method. The bread turned out awesome. I used a high hydration percentage on my loaf. The crumb was similar to ciabatta. The oven spring was extraordinary. The flavor was excelllent. Looking forward to trying my Challah bread this w/e. Used the no-knead method on this one also. Then froze the loaves before shaping and final rise. I'll take two out of the freezer on Thursday. Put them in the refrigerator and shape, proof, and bake on Friday for Saturday's oneg. I always have difficulty mixing the dry and wet ingredients. I followed the recipe exactly but I keep getting a very sticky dough that I had to keep adding more flour and end up working with the dough for quite a long time. Has anyone attempted this beauty? It looks like a wonderful Holiday goodie. Any pointers before I dive in would be a help. This rustic bread recipe has become one of my standards. I bake this almost every weekend, alternating with the pain sur poolish. Pretty similar except the pain sur poolish is white flour only. or is couronne another bread-type and this question got misplaced in this forum topic? Google isnt even showing me any meaningful results... it's a crown in french...uh. Yes this looks more like Peter Reinhart's rendition.I recently saw this bread made by Steven Sullivan (Acme Bread Co.)on PBS Episode #110 of the Baking With Julia Series. It was a incredible demonstration. He made a chain made out of a thin log of dough placed in the bottom of the form. This then became like jewels on the top of the crownrather than creasing the top into 4 quadrants (BBAp75). Huh. This weekend I tried using the rustic dough to make a Courrone in the way that Peter describes. It wasn't very pretty, but the bread was wonderful! I think I'll give it a try since I'm having much better crust and oven spring with the new Old Stone Oven baking deck. Hmm... I'm trying to remember. I think it definitely took less time to bake than a large, football loaf, something closer to the amount of time it takes to bake baguettes. I didn't watch the clock closely (I just eyeballed it and did the tap on the bottom). I'd guess mine baked around 25 to 30 minutes at 450 or 460. Can someone help me with Ciabatta I'v tried to make this bread about 6 times and everytime I make it there is NOT ENOUGH LARGE HOLES in the bread. the dough is very soupy lots of water what am i doing wrong HELP Try using about 70-75% water to flour and use the strongest bread flour you can find. I buy 25# bags of ConAgra bread flour at Costco, which works just fine, and I add about 5% coarse-ground whole wheat flour, which I think gives better flavor. I also use a wet pre-ferment that has approximately the same flour-water proportions, plus 1/2 tsp or so of active dry yeast (which I hydrate before adding). The key, I think, is to knead for a long time ... usually 10-12 minutes at low speed on my Kitchen Aid, then turn it out onto a heavily floured work surface. I also stretch and fold the dough 2-3 times over 2 hours or so, then form my loaves and put them onto individual pieces of oiled and semolina'ed parchment paper. I let them proof en couche and bake them on a stone using Reinhart's hearth-baking technique (preheat to 550F with steam pan, add steam over the next 2-3 minutes, then turn the oven down to 450 and bake for 20 minutes or so). I've also found that spritzing the loaves with water before I bake them gives me a much thicker, chewier crust. So far, I've had very good success with this method ... in fact, of all the breads I make, my wife likes this one best. Another thing that helps with the large holes is to be careful not to degass. In other words, don't knead after the first time. As it doubles, just fold it over lightly a couple of times and let rise, again. Don't press hard on the dough. What makes for good holes is wet dough and light handling. You mention Jeffrey Hamelman's book of techniques and recipes. Is it strong on techniques; does it have good photos showing the techniques? I'm a visual learner. Hamelman's book has no photos. There are some decent line drawings that could help you a bit, but overall it is quite text heavy. There are a number of Jeffrey Hamelman videos on Youtube. Go there and search Hamelman and I you just might find what you're looking for. If not with Hamelman, there are any number of videos on aspects of bread making. Interesting - that is the first recipe I have seen with salt in the preferment. I take it that does not kill the yeast too early? I think it is supposed to be more of a pate fermentee than a poolish, so it is more like a complete dough than a sponge. I'm glad someone also had a question about salt in the preferment. I'm relatively new to making artisan breads at home (just 3 months into it and totally obsessed). Everything I've read has cautioned against salt at this early stage, so it's really interesting to learn about your outstanding success. Something new to try! My first attempt at rustic bread turned out well despite a few deviations from the recipe (about a tablespoon extra water and a 16 hour ferment time before refrigeration overnight and forgetting to put salt in the final dough). I just have to salt each piece of bread before I eat it :-). Thank you for the wonderful, forgiving recipe. I had difficulty with the shaping though; the dough was pretty soft and I do not have a couche or a banneton or that piece of wood for transferring the loaf from a couche to a peel; moving the slack dough from the proof station to the peel was nearly disastrous. I am thinking of proofing and baking it in the future on the "perforated french bread baguette pan" from Chicago Metallic Does anybody have experience with this? I am trying to spend money that will make a difference, not just spend money; the pan is $20.00. I have also ordered a 60" by 36" piece of #10 cotton duck canvas for 11.00, including shipping, from to serve as a couche. Anyway, thanks for helping me bring the best bread I have ever baked into my house, shaped like a corkscrew and undersalted, but otherwise beautiful, delicious, and with a wonderful texture. I mentioned this before on my own blog, but it bares repeating. I purchased a two loaf pan at a kitchen outlet store in a Tanger outlet mall in Fort Myers, Florida. It is silvery, plated with some type of metal, and the surface is somewhat rough. I have used it 5 times and have had no major sticking problems. It cost $3.00. These types of generic kitchen stores can be found in Tanger and other outlet malls. I had actually thought about getting some of these to increase the ease of baking baguettes. The Hamelman book actually has a pretty nice series of photographs showing crust and crumb of baguettes made different ways. These make it look like the pan sort of confines the oven spring, reducing the size of the holes, and changing the shape of the slashes. Have you noticed anything along these lines? I have the two-loaf perforated Chicago Metallic french bread pan. It works well for me. I have read much advice the one should only bake rustic bread directly on the stone, and not in a pan, but it seems to work and it does provide the support for the wet dough that you are seeking. The bottom of the loaf stays golden rather than turning dark brown, but as much as I like dark crust I think that contrast is a good thing. I agree with Nancy - wet dough, light handling . It is amzaing how just folding increases the strength and elasticity of the dough. The dough for my 4th version of rustic bread is now fermenting. My first try was shaped the best, but I mismeasured salt and perhaps the water. The next 2 tries I measured very carefully, doublechecking, verifying. The dough was a batter, I literally had to pour it onto the baking tiles. So this time (some weeks later) I didn't immediately put all water for the final dough into the stand mixer bowl; I added it slowly during the mixing process. After mixing slowly while adding the water, I had a dough that barely came away from the mixer bowl, very sticky, with the splat-splat sound of sticky dough splashing against the mixer bowl just eliminated. There was 3 7-8 ounces (i.e. almost 4 ounces) of water held back. I will proceed with the fermentation, folding, proofing, shaping, etc, and post my results. After the April budget crunch in my household passes, I think I will also buy the Hamelman Techniques book, to see what he says about the texture of the dough after mixing. I loved the flavor of my 1 inch high bread that I poured onto the tiles, but I'd like it even better in the shape of a loaf :-). Well, I think the bread needed the extra water after all; the crumb had very tiny holes, and folding the dough was difficult. All in all, I like this bread a lot, and appreciate the suggestion by someone (Floyd?) to work a single recipe over and over and see the effects of varying the processes and ingredients. I am trying to make the bread... but am having a very difficult time "Folding" the bread... I can't even pick the bread up it is so slack. I can tell the gluten has developed well when I stretch it with my fingers to a very thin window. To fold the dough I just picked up one side and stretched it over the other side several times. I saw no holes in the bread like I was expecting. I was excited to see that the preferment had nice sized holes, but am not seeing the holes in the "Rustic Loaf" when folding??(yet) Seems like the recipe was ease to follow... but not seeing the best results yet... ahhhhhh... and another thing... I totally miscalculated the time line of the bread... and I am bush wacked tonight and need to go to bed... I put the bread in the refer for the night after the 2.5hrs rise time and plan on letting the bread raise tomorrow night before baking... this gunna be ok?? I often go from the fridge to the oven. No need to let the cold dough heat up. Just put it in the very hot oven, steam it and it bakes very nicely. I shared a recipe with a friend and she questions making bread w/o any sugar in the recipe to feed the yeast. It was the Rustic bread recipe. I've been making it w/o sugar but my wife added some sugar while making the recipe and hers did seem to raise higher than mine. Any opinions on adding sugar either way? There are complex sugars (maltose) in wheat flour that yeast breaks down into simple sugars (glucose). If you add much table sugar to your bread, the yeast will stick to feeding on it, a simple sugar, rather than go do the hard work of breaking down the maltose. So you'll get fermentation, which releases gas and leads to a good rise, but you won't necessarily get the flavor you get as a result of break down of the maltose. So when are trying to make a bread like this, where the flavor really comes from the wheat, most bakers suggest adding minimal (or no) sugar. If you are baking a bread where the flavor comes from the other ingredients and you don't really want a wheaty, nutty flavor, like, say, a sweet bread, adding sugar or honey is fine. Thanks for the clarification. Now I can tell my wife that although her's had risen quite well, my bread had a more complex wheaty flavor! I forgot to tell you thanks for posting such a great recipe. We haven't purchased any bread from over a month. We alternate between the Italian and Rustic recipes. I must admit that I use all white flour for the Rustic Bread. Panera's is just opening a store in the new Coconut Point mall in Fort Myers. I love their asiago bread. I once had a coupon for a free loaf of their Asiago Bread, and I loved the flavor. I've been meaning to try to duplicate it, but never got around to it. When they came out with a Panera cookbook, I thought, "Aha! Now I can get the recipe." Turns out the book only had recipes for using their bread, not to bake the breads themselves. I made a batch for a friend's post-Thanksgiving dinner party, and it was a smash hit. It calls for a poolish starter, which I let develop overnight instead of the 30 minutes the recipe calls for, and I think that helped. I mixed the preferment and it didnt seem to have anough water as the dough wasnt completely mixed so I added about an extra 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of water. The dough still seemed too stiff but I left it. This morning I came out and saw that the preferment had more than doubled in size and I was relieved. I mixed the final dough, and it didnt need all of the water or it would have been too slack. I kneeded it and left it for 45 mins. I then folded it and have timed it for an extra 45 mins. This is where I am up to now. I planed to fold it twice like the recipe says and decided that folding it at 45 min intervals in the beginning of the fermenting/rising period was a good idea so that it had the last hour untouched to rise. My worry is that since mixing the final dough this morning, it hasnt risen much.It seems like its asleep :S I am afraid that I;ll end up with a heavy bread. Is it just rising slowly becuase of the little amount of yeast in it? (until now I have been practicing my skils with lesson one and two, and felt confident enough to try something else) I'm due to fold it again in about half an hour. SO I will see how it goes. Is your house cold and/or was the water cold? That'll slow it down. Hamelman's times assume that after mixing the dough is around 76 degrees, which is much warmer than my house or dough right now. It should rise slowly but, given time, rise (assuming your yeast is good). Find a slightly warmer place for it perhaps, like the cool oven with just the light on. And/or give it an extra 45 minutes between folds. Doubling the rise time may seem drastic, but it really isn't on a cool day. lol. I am in Australia.....in midsummer! admittedly it has been a cool summer and my new place is cooler than most houses. I have it sitting on top of the oven and turn the oven on for 5 mins and then turn it off so that the kitchen is warmer. I might stick it in with the light on. :) and I'll allow it an extra 45 mins between the next fold. DOes that mean after I fold it I still allow the last hour for it to rise? Sorry to sound daft......still pretty green at this baking thing :) If you know the yeast is good, then I say just sit back and give it time. It is disconcerting the first couple of times you bake a low-yeast bread because it does take so long, but the payoff is worth it. Sourdough is even more painful: even with an active starter, it isn't unusual for it to take a dough 3 or 4 hours to double in size. Thanks for the reassurance Floyd. Yeah the yeast is good. I made a basic loaf yesterday for breakfast today and it was great, so it is just me getting used to the slowness of low-yeast rising. At least I know now :) It is going nicely at the moment. I'm due to fold it again in about 20mins, and am going to wait and be patient and let it do its thing. I cant wait to taste this one :D Apart from burning the crusts a bit the bread turnedout deeeelishious! I am sitting here eating a still warm slice. :) The crum is lovely and the taste is morish! This is going to become my regular bread recipe for a while :) They rose nicely and it took maybe an extra hour on top of the alotted time in the recipe......I was also impatient, so if I had have waited longer I am sure it would have been even better :) Yay! for my ever improving bread baking skills. I will be able to make use of my Xmas pressie soon :D (I got BBA for Xmas) I received the large, bell shaped Le Clouch for Xmas, and I decided to use this recipe for a comparitive test. I used the quantities listed above, but mixed all at one time to use the Kneadless method. The only change that I made was to use 1/2 tsp yeast. After mixing, the dough sat at RT for 18 hours. At that time, I roughly divided it into two halves. The instructions that come with the clouch say to put the ball into the bottom of the clouch, cover with the cold bell, and let rise till doubled. Then put it in a 450 oven for 15 min., then reduce to 400 for another 15 min., remove the cover and bake for another 10 min. or so. I followed these instructions exactly, except after 1 hr. rising, it was only about 1 1/2 original size, but because it was spreading out, I put it in the oven at this point. The results seemed excellent. I got a golden loaf more than 2 times the size of the original ball. Coming out of the oven, it had a thin, crispy crust, but unfortunately, after it cooled, all of the crust became soft, except for the bottom, which had been on the stone bottom. The crumb was very nice, with some medium sized (1/4-3/8") large holes, and the taste was excellent. The second batch had to be refrigerated for 5 hours or so, and after a 1 hour warmup, was prepared like the first one, but it was risen in a linen lined basket. My normal, flat stone and the top of the clouch were put in the 500 oven for 1 hour. Once again, I didn't get a lot of rise in the basket. I removed the hot bell, spread some corn meal on the stone, plopped the ball on it, and covered with the bell. After 20 minutes the temp was reduced to 450, and 10 minutes later I removed the bell. 10 minutes later, the inside was 205 and I pulled it from the oven. The loaf was 3-4 times its original size, had a hard, crispy crust, and many more of the 1/4-3/8" holes. After 10 hours, the crust is still crispy. The taste of the two loaves seem equivalent to my 69 year old palate. I got some unexpected results since posting the previous comments. After baking one loaf in a hot clouch and the other in a cold clouch, I sliced them up and froze them for use as my morning toast. The bread from the hot clouch becomes dry and crisp, with a thick crust. The bread from the cold clouch comes out of the toaster with a delightful thin, crisp crust, but the crumb comes out soft and chewy even when toasted fairly dark, just the way I like it. I had to go shopping and left the dough to rise. I took longer than I expected, so 3 hours later I came home to find my dough spreading all over the place! Over the sides of the baking tray I had it on! I quickly folded it up and left it to rise again. 20 mins later it was pretty big again, si I folded it again and left it for another 20-30mins. I cut it into 4 and let them rest then chaped them. it was like the beasties were having a frenzy. They rose so well! I then slashed them........and they were good slashes! Nice and deep, Once they were put in the oven, I got a huge oven rise out of them. I dont normally get an oven rise. Que bueno! Rustic bread is one of my favorites; you've improved on a very good thing, and I'll be borrowing your idea one of these times. I tried this recipe yesterday, after great results with the ciabatta recipe in BBA. I was hoping to get something like a ciabatta, but with more whole wheat flour. It was kind of a flop. To wit: I used King Arthur AP flour and Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat. I followed the recipe as given, except that I allowed about an hour extra rise time because the gluten didn't seem to be developing much at all. the only thing I can suggest is mabe the wholewheat flour needed a little help with the gluten? I find I cant make wholewheat bread with out some gluten added or else it flops and is dense. You need the Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book. It's all whole grain and no added gluten. Her secret is plenty of kneading to develop the gluten. I made her Buttermilk Bread yesterday kneading briefly in my Kitchenaid; then I switched to Stretch & Fold, with 4-5 of those. It's fabulous! I didn't try adding gluten, since neither floydm nor Hamelman made any mention of it. How much of the stuff do you add when making this bread? I also have been doing half whole wheat and half white unbleached....but now I am doing 100 percent whole wheat but sifting half. Its quite nice. All I can suggest is try different techniques out. what ever works for you is what you stick with. :) Tried the Rustic Bread recipe this weekend. I scaled it down to one loaf. It works pretty much as described. Mixing preferment into dough is quite a bit of work, so is first folding - the dough is much to soft and sticky at this point. Second folding is much easier. I messed up a bit with oven temperature - I should've remembered to turn it down a notch, so the top is a bit too dark for my taste. The bread turned out quite nice, although I'd put more salt next time. Also, you absolutely need a good bread knife for this one. Well, isn't that a loverly loaf? I followed the formula just as is, using rye flour instead of whole wheat. For the steam I tried a method I saw on a video on this site: throw in a cup of hot water and shut the oven door quickly to trap it. A few minutes later I threw in another 1/4 cup of water, though not sure if that had any effect. As others have experienced, the dough was very sticky and damp the after mixing the pre-ferment in. I decided that using a spatula rather than my hands is better for transferring the dough from vessel to vessel. Love love love the results! There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make Andreas I have had the same thing happen when the dough expands during proofing or spreads out so 2 loaves get to close. I use corn meal under the dough and if proofing 2 loaves, place the dough towards the outside edge and pull a ridge up between the two loaves so they can not touch as they expand. Liberal corn meal will help. Then when it's time to bake pull the edges out so the paper is flat and you have a couple inches of gap between the dough. It's like a paper clouch. When I'm proofing batards I'll roll up a small kitchen towel and place it on the outside to support the outside of the loaf. This eliminates the need to handle the dough just before it goes into the oven, which is a help with high hydration dough. I don't think there is a top side that matters with parchment. I usually place the cut sheets curl side down, so it stays flat but I don't think it matters. I don't usually proof on parchment, but rather flip my dough out of brotforms onto parchment to bake. When I have proofed on the paper I did as Eric does and sprinkle cornmeal on it first, so give that a try. The bread colour, slashing pattern and shape blends wonderfully with the wood grain background. Poster worthy. Any chance to see the crumb? I proof and bake those on a cookie sheet. The secret, I think is in the shaping of the loaf for it to hold shape. I looked on youtube for that and found several videos, which were helpful. Unfortunately, I didn't save the links to those! Good luck with it. :) I think you could do without the whole wheat flour, although it gives the bread a much better taste. I would be interested in seeing how your bread turned out. Thanks for the wonderful web site, I'm trying to expand my breadmaking these days beyond "Grandma Vita's" bread and pizza dough. I really like this bread, having just eaten one of the two loaves hot and out of the oven. The crust is delicious. However, I feel that for the effort there should have been more flavor. I kind of wanted it to taste better than the old Italian bakery where I usually get my "one pound loaf". It did actually seem to get better tasting as it cooled, though. Even my gf said it was kind of bland, and she usually raves about my cooking. I wonder if I could use more salt in the dough? I used regular iodized salt, except my salt mojo has been way off the last few months, I started using sea salt in other cooking and just can't seem to salt anything right. Also, I used AP flour, not bread flour. I otherwise followed the recipe, the ferments went fine etc. It worked! I did have to turn my loaves over and cook for five more minutes on full heat with the tops facing downward to properly crisp the crust because there's something wrong with my oven (everything- cakes, bread, potatoes- cooked on the middle rack burns before the top is browned...) but this bread is magnificent. Oh, and I had to do a second remedial rise because the first time I got stuck at an appointment. They still worked. Is German 1050 flour bread flour? Tried this one out this Thanksgiving weekend, and while time consuming was well worth the result. It tasted terrific, looked good, had a wonderful crumb, and makes and excellent base for french toast. Thanks for all your great information. What an amazing assortment of photos! Rustic bread is truly divine! I have finished poolish Ciabatta today and it turned out great! I realized that it's all in the handling and not letting out the gas to keep those big air pockets. Nothing can beat that satisfaction of making your own and the smells that come out of that oven. And a great website. I found this recipe yesterday, so I thought I would give it a try. The dough was a little wet and needed another half cup of flour but the results appear good, so far! I pulled this 20 minutes ago. Just pulled from the oven. The dough sat in the fridge for two days. I let it come to temperature and do a final rise after I formed the loaf. I have a long ways to go when it comes to forming a long loaf properly. More oven spring than I expected. I did the preferment yesterday using a piece of leftover dough from the last batch instead of yeast. I used almost no yeast when I combined it with the rest of the ingredients today. I measured instead of weighing and the dough is actually a little tighter. I didn't add any more flour than the recipe calls for this time either. I'm not baking until tomorrow, so I'm doing the first rise today and then I'll throw it in the fridge overnight. I'll form, proof and bake them tomorrow. I'm also using just white flour until I get the results I'm looking for. So far, this hasn't been nearly as damaging to my waistline as when I was trying to perfect creme brulee'... Just pulled two from the oven. Very different than the first batch. I pulled the dough out of the fridge and let it warm up a bit before I formed and proofed the loaves and placed them on parchment. They looked like ciabatta loaves going in but sprung up nicely. The crust is ligher but crisp with a light mouth chew. The crumb is almost exactly what I'm looking for with a nice custard feel in the mouth and good flavor. They just came out kind of ugly. As for the actual baking, I heated the oven to 550 and then dropped it to 450 when I put the loaves in. They were misted with water as was the inside of the oven, instead of the 1/2 cup of water in the hot pan, like I usually do. 20 minutes total was enough but I'd probably go a couple of minutes longer the next time around. As with pizza, parchment proved it's worth. Both loaves were on the same sheet and ten minutes into the cooking process, I just pulled it out. No muss, no fuss. I also have a nice little starter created from a piece of dough from the batch I made earlier this week. Goodbye yeast? ;-) I saw your recipe for Honey Wheat Bread and you soak the wheat flour for an hour or so. What are your thoughts of doing that for this recipe? This one isn't as wheaty, I don't think, so I personally didn't think it was necessary, but it wouldn't hurt anything to try it. Here is a picture of a loaf of Rustic Bread I baked today. I had to play with my new toys - a 9" round brotform, new lame, and bread peel. Thanks to everyone on this site for all the great information - it really helped me get used to new(for me) techniques - French fold, stretch and fold, shaping and scoring. I usually made whole wheat bread in loaf pans - this is a new and different experience. I'll post some 'crumb shots' once the bread is cool enough to cut. I bought a wooden baker's peel at Bed, Bath and Beyond! It was pretty inexpensive and works fine putting loaves in the oven. Usually, I take the loaves out of the oven with oven mitts. I have been reading this site for a week, was looking for tips on my futile attempts at creating a sourdough starter. So I ran across this recipe and thought I'd try it. I'd never heard of a preferment before and it was an attractive idea! So last night, I mixed it up. I only have a gram scale so I had to convert lbs and oz to grams, no problem since I'm a wiz at Excel! Anyway it looked pretty stiff last night, but this morning...oh my! It was almost overflowing the bowl! So then I waited until 15 hours after I mixed it, and continued on with the recipe. It rained yesterday so the climate here is moist and apparently that lead to an extremely sticky loose dough! I was frightened but figured it was either add a bit of flour or have a pancake for a loaf. I was very careful to only add enough flour so I could roll the dough out with a spatula in one piece. I followed the fold and rise instructions to the letter. My baking stone is only big enough for one loaf so I also put a cookie sheet in the oven, set up a pie pan for the ice cubes. I have been making bread for 20 years or so, but never attempted any type of artesyn bread so shaping the loaves into a batard was a challenge but fun! I let them rise, heated my oven to 450. I scored the loaves, which was insane with that high of a hydration, but my kitchen knife is extremely sharp and worked like a charm! I popped the loaves in the oven, used a squirt bottle and popped some ice cubes in a pan in the bottom of the oven, set the timer for 35 mins and couldn't wait to see the results! Who knew that bread making would make my husband so romantic! So 45 minutes later, this is what I got out of the oven! They're a littled dark but I can't wait to cut one open and try it, they smell fantastic! Thank you Floyd for sharing this recipe! Thank you! The crumb isn't quite as airy as I'd hoped so I won't post a pic of it until I get it perfect! But the kids and hubby said, " wow mmmmmm yummy nom nom nom!" It really tasted like bread I'd pay good money for at a bakery. It was fabulous! And nearly gone now, guess I'll be making more next weekend...woo hoo. Doesn't look too dark to me. You should shoot for this robust a bake for this style of bread. Let me know if it wasn't awesome. Makes me hungry just looking at it! Good work. Thanks! It was just a tad bit over but tasted wonderful. Tonight, I'm making it into some creole onion soup :D I'll post a pic of that when it's done. I'm really gonna work on getting that oven lift next time I made this bread for Christmas day (without rye flour) and it turned out great. Best bread I ever made. I made it again today with 40% spelt flour in both the preferment and the final dough. It is spectacular. Nice and chewy with a great crust and very nice flavor. My wife and son raved about it. I started to make this bread last week, had everything mixed & ready to go but had to leave for 5 days. So, I put the dough in a food save plastic container in the fridge. When I came back home let the dough come to room temperature and shaped, baked and ate. It was delicous but different. Two questions: 1-the dough had a fairly strong aroma the only thought that came to mind was beery, yeasty, alcohol smell. 2- when baked the bread was very good and had a slight "sour" taste. I've never made sour dough bread but this is what came to mind. Was this a type of "accidental" sour dough? I made this bread a couple weeks back, but it came out rather salty.. While I thought it could do for a night of drinking! I liked that, salty bread begets more beer. BUT. I think it may have something to do with not letting the preferment sit long enough.. Maybe. But I'm not sure. I might use less salt next time, but I totally want to make it again because past the salty taste, it was super delish :3 This is my first time making this Rustic Bread Recipe. I just mixed up my preferment, having never using a preferment before, I don't know how this should look. All the flour and water was weighed, and when I mixed it, had to add another 1/4c water to get the flour dampened. My dough is kind of like a moist gravel texture, and not a cohesive dough at all. Is this how this should be? Thanks Floyd you got me workin on upgrading my rustic bread. Last evening my goal was to get a better crust so I went 500 degrees in the kitchen oven with a water pan. Got a good crust this time but my sourdough needs improvement in other areas. I add 3 T sugar to the dough but after reading the posts here I see I don't need it. Next time I make dough no sugar and a little less hydration then we will see what happens. I feel I'm on the right path with bread -made my own starters, now have 3 different starters in the frig- thanks to your recipe and advice from all above. Hi Floyd, I'm Nora ,very amateurish baker fm Singapore. Rustic bread has always been my all time fav. can't help to try out yr tutorial using a single loaf recipe. The texture turned out to be too chewy n too rubbery. I like it when its a bit softer n lighter. My bread also did not rise much but more flattened out In the oven. And I also get those bubbles popping out in the surface (the crust) the dough itself after the final mix was pretty wet dough. Instead of doing the old school of kneading it when combining the wet n dry, I strictly used the stretch n fold method. Hope u cud enlighten me here as what did I do wrong here. I want to bake this again n again. Tqs For yr time. I made this bread per the instructions. Didn't have a brotform or a couche, just let it do its thing on a cookie sheet with a dusting of flour. The crust and crumb were fantastic, but the taste was meh. Did I do something wrong, or is this recipe generally not super flavorful? I get this question occasionally, about this recipe and a some other, and... well, it puzzles me a bit. What sort of flavour are you looking for? I've always enjoyed this bread, but it is what it is: a simple French bread with a small amount of whole grains to give it a bit more depth. In general, it is difficult to produce as strong a flavour with a yeasted dough as a sourdough, and a loaf with only about 25% whole grains is going to have a less pronounced earthy flavour than something containing more whole grains. Longer, slower fermentation will tease more out of your ingredients, and using high quality ingredients and unbleached flour help too. I guess one thought is if you know of a bread with a flavour profile you'd like to reproduce, find out a little bit about it -- Is it leavened with sourdough or conventionally? Made with whole grain flour or white flour? Does it contain cracked grains or other ingredients that impact the flavour? -- and then pursue that. You might find out an entirely different approach or set of ingredients is required to get what you were looking for. My holy grail of flavor is Bay Cities' (Santa Monica) Italian loaf. Someone else asked about the recipe on this thread. MRosen814 in the thread actually asked the manager, who revealed that it isn't a sourdough, just a long fermentation. What is "long?" Wouldn't Hamelman's overnight (and then some) pate fermentée qualify as long? The Bay Cities bread is very yeasty tasting, almost sweet. I can't describe it. The crust is chewy and the crumb is open. The dough might be wetter than the Hamelman rustic bread recipe. Regardless of the taste, I'm glad you give a thumbs up to my bread! I'm slowly entering the realm of boules, batons, and baguettes, so it's reassuring to know my handfeel for the dough is getting better. The blisters on the crust suggest to me that they shape their rolls and then retard (refrigerate) them for quite a while, probably overnight. Never having tasted them though I couldn't say what else is different about them. A touch of malt is one possibility, or whey, like in this Italian Roll recipe. Made my first rustic bread of 2014. The loaf looked way better than the versions I tried twice in late (2013, a few posts above). Followed the instructions exactly as written above. Formed it in a banneton, which created beautiful striations. Used rye and bread-flour mix. Question for all: Is it usually this flat? (See last photo.) Overall I'm happy with the shape, but I want to know if my rise is not happening as expected. Not sure how it tastes yet, but will let you know. Waiting for husband to come home before we slice through this nugget. I thought for some reason the original post had temps and all the instructions or I would have included that. Bulk fermentation should be 2.5 hours at that temp. Hamelman folds the dough twice at 50 minute intervals. For the gram measurements, easiest thing would be to plug the numbers into a spreadsheet. LibreOffice is an excellent free open source program if you need one. I'm not a professional baker or anything, but I based what I do on the Bread Baker's Guild of America formula guidelines, but lazier because it just needs to be good enough for me at home (and I don't know excel very well). So this is an example of how I would put in a formula for 10 units of 0.68 kg bread. In this case, I figure out what my total dough weight is, 0.68 kg * 10 = 6.8 kg or 6800 grams. I bumped it to 6900 to account for some loss during the process. I have no idea if that's enough when baking in large quantities though. From there, the green cell in D5 calculates the total flour using the formula I mentioned above, TDW divided by the sum of the baker's percentages (multiplied by 80% for the bread flour, 10% each for the other flours). Everything else then calculates based on that flour amount. (And I have to enter what % of flour is pre-fermented.) I also have it automatically rounding the numbers which is why it comes out 2 g more than the TDW entered. 5/11/14. I am a novice bread baker. Made "Rustic Bread" today. Tastes good. Beautiful holes in crumb. But need advice on two issues: 1. Following the formula, the dough was VERY wet, sticky. I could not shape it well. . Would not hold boule shape before baking. Flattened out before baking. Did not flatten out more once in the oven. Love this bread, think I will go make a loaf. This makes for a great french toast in the mornings. I'm wondering how it would stand up as a bread bowl for some clam chowder I wonder if we could substitute the yeast for Sourdough or just add a bit of Sourdough as flavour enhancement alongside the yeast. I've got to admit that I've taken Floyd's contribution here, scaled it down a bit after converting the weight to grams, and shamelessly exploited it for all it's worth. The next time I'm in Norwich, VT, I'll look for Mr Hamelman and tip my hat to him as well. My metric version of the formula won First Prize in the ethnic breads class at the Leavenworth County Fair on Monday and was part of my handouts for the class I taught today. That experience is described in my blog post from 1 August. If you haven't baked this bread yet, you've got to try it at least once. If you have baked it once, you've probably baked it again. Pass it on to another baker. This is the conversion to metric that I figured out on paper. I never bothered to learn how to use a spread sheet effectively so these numbers aren't precise but the formula does work. I scaled the ingredients down to 80% for my fair entry and still had success so I'm confident that the numbers can work for other bakers.All you have to do is follow the link to my blog. If you go back a few posts, you'll find a conversion that's much more complete by ericreed, getting into the bakers math aspect, desired dough temperature, and a few other points. It's a really good. While I was rereading my blog, I found that I had listed the ingredients for the County Fair loaf in a recent post. This is the cut and paste list. I hope that this is easier for people to replicate. The loaf turns out to be of practical size for a small family or even a married couple such as Mrs PG and I. I know that this post is over a year old but I just used this recipe to make the best loaf I have ever made. I registered just to be able to comment on it. The taste is incredible! I didn't quite follow the baking method though. I baked it in a dutch oven and threw a quarter cup of water on top of the loaf just before putting the lid on. I baked it for 30 minutes with the lid on and then another 15 with the lid off. This is one recipe I am sure to make again! i added a cup of peanut butter and will see how it goes. I love the taste of peanut butter, especially when part of the wheat bread and the smell of peanut butter bread baking is heavenly. I am hoping this dough is a good base for these experiments. In fact, if I am bold tomorrow, I might try to dust the top with cayenne to get a little heat on the crust. I didnt want to mix it in because it seems to hurt the yeast. [edit: I noticed that the peanut butter swirl inside the rectangular loaf was to heavy for the crumb and it collapsed.] Made this recipe today and it was a hit. One comment that I heard was, "this bread is to die for." Making the bread my one thought was, that is a lot of salt. But the bread was very good. I will make it again. Actually at 1.8% the salt is on the low side of normal. Salt is usually between 1.8 and 2.2% (although I think in the UK several people are now using 1.5%). Salt should be 2% of total flour but as with everything else in baking you'll find many opinions. Salt is a dough conditioner and controls the yeast. You don't want too much (a little goes a long way) as that will inhibit the yeast but you will still get good results with slightly less. I have been using a quick (5 Hour rise) rustic bread recipe and have been looking for a traditional one. I can hardly wait to try this one. I'm new to this forum and am already learning so much about bread making. I can see more bread adventures in my future. This is a great recipe, tastes better than my cheat's sourdough - thank you! It was quite tricky though using fresh yeast in such miniscule quantities, especially that I scaled down to half, for one loaf. I added 1-2g to the preferment and 2-3g to the main dough. I've made it again, it's even better this time. Excellent bread - only a pinch of yeast short of sourdough:-) Floyd - I just noticed today that the formula you posted at the top of this thread differs slightly from what is in my 2004 copy of Hamelman. I presume that is because you posted what you did rather than what is in the book, but I thought I would ask. It has been some time but, yes, I'm certain I did not post Hamelman's recipe verbatim. I simplify and cut corners in places where I don't discern a significant difference. My experience with Hamelman is that he has polished and tweaked his formulas to the point of perfection for his bakery. I found a case where I discovered something and when I went back to check on what he had done, discovered that he had made a very fine adjustment that was not even noted in the text (a case where a more sour loaf needs more salt to balance the flavor profile). And that is what it takes to produce award winning product. But I understand your point. Thanks for the clarification. I don't disagree for a moment and would never compare my baking expertise to Hamelman's. He is a master craftsman who has baked these recipes hundreds, if not thousands, of times. I just want to share something tasty my family and friends enjoy. If cutting a corner here or there makes baking it simple enough that I'll (or others) will bake it often, that is far better than something complex that gets baked once (or not at all). thanks for the post of this fantastic bread, I will save the recipe and most cerently make one this weekend! made the bread this weekend and they looked great after the final rise bit when I tried to transfer them to the baking stone one caved a lot and the other a little. One looked like I punched it down and the other not so bad. I just baked them because my stone was hot and they were on there. The flavor was good but it definitely was denser than they should have been. I kept them wet so they could rise (they did) in the oven but pre bake they looked beautifu. Until I can figure it out I'll just let them rise on a baking sheet. I'm not sure, I followed the proofing times and even went a little fast with the last one. Maybe during the "fold" portion I didnt degass the dough enough. When shaping it into a ball before the football shape are you supposed to be degassing it? I think I just shaped it waited the 5-10 minutes then shaped it again. What have you experienced with the character of the crust in this "Rustic" bread. On the continuum between thin /making a sound when you slice it, crusty and . . . . . . . . . . . . thick chewy, break your jaw; where does this bread fall? Does baking in a cloche vs. on a stone make a difference in the character of the crust? Please advise. Thanks much. Jim Burgin New to baking, and ready to try my first artisan loaf. "Rustic Bread" recipe looks perfect. Wondering about a few things before I jump in: 1. Recipe says " add water and mix until flour is fully hydrated ". Does this mean that I keep adding water while mixing only until fully absorbed by the flour? I made some pretty big mistakes (I initially had the dough a little too wet and like a dope, I formed the loaves on the kitchen counter and had to transfer them to a baking sheet after the final rise). I was sure they would be a total loss. As it turns out though, they were among the best loaves I've ever made. I'd give more details about my experience, but there are plenty of good comments here. Thanks for the post Floydm! Invite your family, friends, co-workers & neighbors to join you at this eye-opening, life-changing “SET YOURSELF FREE” event. A powerful symposium where like-minded people, from around the world, gather to dine together & gain the exact answers to these 2 questions: Why is body disfunction so rampant today (cell replication/cancer, nerve discomfort, joint swelling, blood sugar and blood pressure issues, skin issues, digestive issues, and nutrient absorption issues – and how do I support or avoid this? Discover the simple answer to true health and how to support your cells, blood, organs, and systems by making smart product choices. Afterwards we will break for a buffet luncheon (lunch is included in your ticket price). AFTERNOON SESSION II – “SET YOURSELF FREE”: How do I easily become debt free and receive a FREE green online business? What is my life’s purpose, how can I connect with like-minded people, where can I tap into a mega-trend and supply the demand, and what will allow me to retire sooner and become debt free? Discover the simple answer to living debt free – a pre-built, online, p/t or f/t green business you can work from home. Website, Shop, Online Product Stock, Shipping Center, and Support Center are all included. This $72,000.00 value is FREE to every NEW guest who purchases a ticket to this event. Existing Customers and Executives, be sure to invite NEW guests so they may take advantage of this special FREE website offer (only available to those who purchase an event ticket). Meet & mingle with like-minded people and kick off the event! Cocktail attire. Free appetizers. $5.50 -$10 drinks. Save up to 75% OFF in the safe shopping zone. Toxic free & organic body, spa, baby, home and wellness products. 1 day sale. Scottsdale, east of state capital Phoenix, ranks as a top city to earn income & offers unsurpassed sunsets, cactus covered mountains, world-class golf & spas, vibrant nightlife, casinos, hiking, horseback riding, Camelback Mountain, Desert Botanical Garden (Photo Right), Xeriscape Garden, OdySea Aquarium, Butterfly Wonderland, Museums, Old Town, The Quarter, iFly Indoor Skydiving & Fashion Square. ``SET YOURSELF FREE`` at the Great Green Event... & extend your stay & discover The Grand Canyon State, 1 of the 7 wonders of the world! 20 mins. from Sky Harbor Airport, this landmark resort sits on 40 magnificently landscaped acres including: Serene desert paths, spectacular Camelback Mountain views, 5 outdoor heated pools & whirlpool spas, tennis courts, PGA putting green, fire pits, fitness & spa studio. Free shuttle - 5 mile radius (tipping driver is recommended). Destination Services can create a major league group sports event, etc. $4 - $15 brunch & cocktails at Garden Court & Poolside Cabanas. Unwind & recharge in suites situated in intimate clusters for cozy tranquility. Turkish cotton robes, wi-fi, flat screen, coffee, fridge, iron, hair dryer. Upgrade to beehive fireplace & patio! $25/day resort fee waived inside the limited Great Green Event room block. Book now: 1-800-306-0059 Based on availability additional nights may be offered at $110 yet you must email your request to: All of the above plus an extraordinary, memorable 80's theme dinner party under the stars! Prizes awarded for best 80's costume! 3-course dinner outdoors followed by dancing in the grande ballroom. Cash bar $5.50 - $10 drinks. Click the red button below to view the lunch & dinner menu. A lighter and cheaper alternative to the metal Jerry can, this 20 litre plastic fuel can comes complete with pouring spout. I must admit I'm becoming more and more impressed with this distribution of SuSe Linux. I've worked with Solaris a lot over the years but the ease of use that SuSe has put into their distribution sure makes it nice. Its still lacking some of the more robust features of Solaris esp. around debugging and tracing. I currently run our webMethods(webMethods is an Enterprise Integration Platform) infrastructure on Solaris. But I can see a future for Linux as our platform esp. when webMethods gets all of its components onto the Linux platform. Biscoe Islands is a series of islands, of which the principal ones are Renaud, Lavoisier (named Serrano by Chile Chile and Mitre by Argentina), Watkins, Krogh, Pickwick and Rabot, lying parallel to the west coast of Graham Land Graham Land and extending 150 km (81 nmi) between Southwind Passage on the northeast and Matha Strait on the southwest. Another group of islands are the Adolph Islands.[1] The islands are named for John Biscoe, the commander of a British expedition which explored the islands in February 1832.[2] See also[edit] Turnovers were an issue for the Sixers from the outset. They committed seven in the game's first five minutes en route to falling behind by 14 in the opening half. If not for Thaddeus Young (23 of his 29 points in the half), the Sixers would've been obliterated. The Sixers trailed by as many as 32 points in the third period. They allowed 75 points in the middle two quarters, which is the number the Sixers scored through three periods. Atlanta had 102 going into the fourth quarter. The Sixers' four starters not named Young (11-for-19) shot a combined 9-for-30 with 29 points, 13 of which came in a fourth period of garbage time. �It was my just going out there with a lot of energy, continuing to be confident,� Young said. �The other guys just couldn't get it going tonight. There's going to be some nights like that. Hopefully, we don't have too many more of them.� While calling Young �our shining light, offensively,� Brown said, �As a group, him included, we have no appreciation for the importance of playing defense. �You play defense or you don't,� he said. �It's a mindset. Defense is how this program has to be built or we're not going anywhere.� The Sixers finished with 21 turnovers, 10 of which came in the first period (the most in any quarter this season), and allowed 58 points in the paint. Atlanta's 125 points were its most in regulation of 2013-14. The fans, already unhappy with their team, were angry because the Sixers missed their last three shots to prevent them from a free Big Mac on Saturday, which the fans get if the Sixers score 100. The game matched first-year head coaches Brown and the Hawks' Mike Budenholzer, who had been Gregg Popovich assistants with the Spurs as recently as last season. It was like old home week for the 24-21 Hawks, who feature former Sixers Kyle Korver (11 points, 2-for-4 shooting on 3s), Lou Williams (10 points) and Elton Brand (season-high 18 points, eight rebounds). Brand and Williams were key players on the 2011-12 Sixers team that lost to the Celtics in seven games in the Eastern Conference semifinals. Now, after trading all-star Jrue Holiday to the Pelicans for last year's No. 6 overall pick (injured rookie center Nerlens Noel) and a top-five protected selection in 2014, the Sixers are in full rebuilding mode. �I didn't think it'd go this bad this fast,� Brand said. �On the other hand, they took a swing for the fences (by trading for Andrew Bynum). When you swing for the fences, sometimes you whiff, you strike out.� Sixers second-year big man Arnett Moultrie (ankle surgery) is still not ready to play. Brown said Moultrie is �ticking all the boxes and moving forward. We just look forward to getting him on the court. We have some other milestones to hit.� Moultrie was running pregame sprints with assistant coach Lloyd Pierce beforehand and appeared quite winded. Notes: Brown on attending Wing Bowl 22 at a sold-out Wells Fargo Center on Friday morning: �It was surreal. It's a fun event for this city. It's a real sort of eye-opener for me that something like that can build up as it has. It just looked like a lot of fun for the people there.� � The Sixers visit the Pistons on Saturday evening before facing the Nets in Brooklyn on Monday night. Children from the Sage’s Quay Choirs joined with a world famous South American choir on their debut North East performance A world famous Venezuelan choir invited scores of Tyneside youngsters to share the stage with them during their debut performance in the North East yesterday. Members of the The Simón Bolívar National Youth Choir were joined by 67 children from the Sage’s Quay Choirs young musicians programme for a performance of classical and traditional singing last night. The choir is part of the esteemed Venezuela El Sistema project, which uses music to keep children and young people in the South American country out of trouble. Choir members rehearsed all week leading up to the concert, but between busy schedules they found time to put on workshops for children from Heworth Grange Comprehensive in Gateshead and Ellington First School in Northumberland, teaching them Venezuelan folk songs. Engaging with local communities is one of the fundamental ideas behind the Latin American music programme, which teaches children about the responsibility and discipline which come with learning music. He said: “Through music the children experience a different culture. It is important for self-esteem to feel part of something and the educational activities inspire the children.” The choir have never visited the North East and said they had enjoyed their trip. Indra Nielsen, 21, said: “People have been very nice to all of us. They are very curious about why we are here and our culture.” Raquel Campomás, 34, was involved in one of the workshops with about 100 children from different schools. She said: “The children are very funny and very smart. They ask a lot of questions and were excited to speak to us.” The National Youth Choir, which will perform in London later this month as part of a UK tour, has been together for seven years and is recognised as the top vocal ensemble of Venezuela’s National System of Youth Choirs. Many of the singers in the choir come from deprived areas of Venezuela but have now travelled all over the world. Through singing and performing, they hope to give other children the same chance they were so lucky to have. The 39-year-old's operation to hear has attracted international attention and now Joanne Milne is spearheading a campaign to raise awareness Scottish singer-songwriter Dougie MacLean creates a warm atmosphere in the intimate Hall Two at The Sage Gateshead as Martin Ellis reports Death is feared, avoided, and denied in ways that often causes us to live as if we will never die. At the end of life, people often die with intense regret from not having done the important things they wanted to do in their life. Acknowledging the fact that we will die, and that we have a limited, unknown amount of time left is essential to making our life choices. By meditating on death in the proper way, we can make every moment of life precious and meaningful. A good death meditation results in a happy, clear mind, free of anxiety and fear. One learns to live each day of life as if it were the last, thereby avoiding meaningless activity and spending each moment in the most fulfilling way possible. This course was taught by Geshe Michael Roach in Raleigh, NC in the spring of 1999. All audio and reading materials are located below. I’ve been having a major clear out with my social media. I’ve unfollowed accounts that made me feel bad about myself. Don’t get me wrong, I loved some of these account but I was often comparing myself to them. Everything was unrealistic! I am more than what I post on social media. I don’t post content on a regular basis because I choose not to. I don’t want everyone knowing what I’m doing at all times. If I share something it’s because I want you to see it. I was done comparing myself to these Instagram models! I just wanted my life back. This is why I now have a set of guidelines that I follow when I find someone new on social media. Just because someone has thousands of followers, it doesn’t mean you need to follow them. I’ve always felt guilty when someone with a large following follows me and I don’t follow back. I sometimes don’t even like their content but I often felt obligated to follow back. Now, that has changed. I don’t even look at numbers before following their page. If I like your content, then I will engage with it. I’m not going engage with content that I don’t like and that is OKAY! This irritates me so much! Grow your following organically and stop trying to get more followers this way. It only makes people want to block you! I once had an account follow me and unfollow me everyday for almost a whole month. What did I do? I simply DM’d them and told them to knock if off because it was annoying. I will only follow you back if I like your content. I’m not following you just because you followed me. It doesn’t work that way. I’ve come across pages where the content is super similar to some other bloggers content. Like the same locations, similar outfits and almost identical captions. I’m all for being inspired by other creators but that is imitation. Be yourself! I want to see different content on my feed, not the same similar content from 5 different content creators. I like looking at content and feeling inspired to create something new. I want to see a new feed and feel inspired to get up and go take that picture I’ve been wanting to take. I want to feel inspired to write that post that I’ve been wanting to write. I want to see an outfit and be inspired to go online and find something similar. If I feel like someone’s content is bringing me down or making me feel uninspired, then I will just unfollow them. With Instagram constantly changing, I want to be able to see content that I actually like. All the fighting and bickering is alarming and a waste of energy. It seems like everyone is always trying to be better and get the best collabs at all cost. Fake followers, fake engagement, fake likes is something that happens all the time. We can hope that brands will stop working with these influencers but starting “fights” is not going to do anything. I’ve distanced myself from stuff like this because I feel it’s a waste of energy. I want to feel inspired by this community of creators and not feel like I’m in highschool again. When you unfollow someone on social media it almost feels like you have a target on your back. You get the constant messages that ask why you unfollowed them. I feel like it’s alright to unfollow someone and without reason. I can customize my feed anyway I want. I can mute someone and not have to mention it to anyone. My feed is my feed! Is it okay to unfollow someone and not tell them? Do you let people know before you unfollow them? I don’t feel like I should have to tell someone I’m unfollowing them. What I’m I supposed to say? Every few months I go through my social feeds and unfollow people who aren't active or annoy me. I actually unfollowed someone the other day because they just constantly advertise their content. It's great for people to promote their stuff but when it's flooding my feed to point every 5th or 6th tweet is their's I start to have a problem with it. I don't think anyone should ever feel guilty for unfollowing someone and definitely don't think it's ok for someone to chase you up to find out why. It has been a long time since I have updated my personal blog. Mostly because when I started this blog I really thought I'd be pregnant by now. I wanted to document our life as we went through trying to get pregnant, but didn't expect it to be this hard. I mean I know it would be difficult, the doctor told us that. But I didn't expect the trials and difficulties we'd face through it all. February 2013- Kyle was diagnosed with varicoceles. This condition causes severe male infertility which we were told could be fixed with surgery. March 2013- Kyle had the varicoceles surgery. We were told it could take up to 6 months for the surgery to work. So we began our wait. March 2013- I began seeing Dr. Lowell Ku from Dallas IVF. He diagnosed me with a thyroid problem and slight PCOS. If you are in the Dallas area and need a fertility specialist I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Ku. He has been a God sent! June 2013- Kyle had his first check up and his numbers had gone up alittle bit! Exactly what the doctor wanted. July 2013- Kyle's numbers were good enough to try IUI. We waited for my cycle to began, but it never did. I was pregnant. August 2013- We lost our baby. More than likely due to an unhealthy embryo since the baby was conceived without the proper help from the doctors. September 2013- Kyle had his 2nd check up where we expected to be told his numbers were back to normal since we had gotten pregnant. The doctor instead told us his numbers were back to pre surgery level and he recommended IVF. I have been on birth control since starting my last cycle. Ironic isn't it? But the reason they put you on birth control is to shut down your ovaries so when they are ready to stimulate them, they will grow at the same rate. I go to tomorrow (October 8) to begin my Lupron shots. They begin 10-14 days after birth control is started. These shots completely supress my ovaries until my doctor is ready to stimulate them. I am nervous. I am nervous about the shots. I am nervous about the procedure. I am nervous about it working. I am nervous I may never be a mom, but I try to find comfort in the verse Psalm 37:4 "Delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart". My husband just found out that he has varicocele. He's going to have surgery in the near future. I can't believe that your husbands numbers didn't go up a lot and stay up. What a bummer. :/ I know! We were floored!! The surgery works 70% of the time and he just happened to be in that 30%. The doctor said it could get better over a long period of time. So maybe one day we will get pregnant naturally, but they told us not to bet on it.
If you are not ready for a full-time marketing department, you want to build a new marketing function, or you just need supplemental support for your existing team, contact TEPLANSKY for short-term or long-term marketing operations support.
(Regarding the last comment by "Observant") It's ridiculous to think that ALL Americans work to exploit other countries for their own profit. Although I do agree that the Bush administration works to further its own reelection by war distractions and oil mongering, I do not support its actions. The perception you get is probably based on the Bush-loving media; the other side is rarely shown on TV/newspapers. Most of the people who agree with Bush do not think they're wrong; many believe the lines that he puts out. They also deride those Americans who don't support Bush calling us unpatriotic and un-American. It's foolish, but they're quite steadfast in their beliefs.
Love Never Failove Never Fail
Biohazards need to be eliminated, cleaned upSaint Louis or you have biohazards on your house it need to be cleaned and sanitized appropriately. At hommust also be found and cleaned. We will check the homeSaint Louis 63108 certified by the Department of Public Health that will make should follow stringent guidelines which mandates that employees have proper and thoroughdecontaminateobstacldanger to their health and safety. We typically get calls from a relativeany other injury and restoration do not realize exactly whass all Missouri has a team of specialist forensic cleaning specialists available 24/7 to help in the removal andn an outcome of a highly traumatic and distressing period, and offer a considerate and compassionate service, preserving service technicians are performing our service.
Ultrasone are looking to carve themselves a section of the UK headphone market, with their range of HFI high-end headphones. The HFI-2200 at the top of the range are an open headphone, claiming to give a natural surround sound on a wide sound stage. The first thing that strikes about the HFI-2200 is the construction. We hate to start on a bum note, but when you are paying £230 for a set of headphones, you expect a little more than you get here. The 2200 are constructed mostly from plastic, brown plastic, which is paired up with a sort of burnt orange felt on the padding. Not that something as superficial as colour scheme would deter someone who was looking for an set of open headphones, because they are unlikely to leave your home or studio, but the construction does give you a great deal of creaking. Just holding them in your hand seams to start the creaking. Fortunately this doesn’t really happen once they are on your head when the creaking moving parts settle into a comfortable position, encompassing your ear, with the felt pads resting gently. So the 2200 are comfortable for long listening sessions, and coupled with the materials and open backed nature, they don’t get too hot, which some closed type headphones do; 5 hours ticked by before we stopped to take them off, with only a little tension around the neck. The headphones are light too at 292g, without the cable. All that creaking we’ve just complained about does serve something of a purpose, as these headphones will fold up after a fashion to make them more portable – you can fold up the cans under the headband to make them in a more compact ball, or twist the cans to make them flat if packing in a suitcase for example. There is a velvet bag to keep them in too. As open headphones, you are unlikely to want to wear these in public, or anywhere that it might disturb other people, obviously, as their open nature means that they don’t isolate the noise: neither keeping internal noise in nor stopping external noise getting through. So if you are looking for a set of decent headphones for air travel, then these are totally unsuitable. What these are designed for sitting down in a quiet room, where you’ll be able to enjoy an immersive audio experience without having to worry about disturbing the neighbours when you crank up your hi-fi or home cinema system. The open nature has the advantage of letting you experience the audio, whilst the phone or door bell will still be able to get through. The supplied, detachable, cable is 3 metres long which given the home remit appeals, meaning you can sit on the sofa and watch TV with no problems. Hooked up to your laptop you might find you keep getting it caught around your feet, or the wheels of your office chair, however. It comes with gold plugs and the 3.5mm plug screws into the headphones on the left-hand side. This gives a nice secure connection, but we found given the length of plug, it restricted movement to the left, so from a practical design point of view, it would have been nice if it was a little higher up. You also get a gold 6.3mm adapter, to stick into your hi-fi or headphone amp. When it comes to sound quality, we were at first a little sceptical. This is perhaps because the last open headphones we tried were the sublime Sennheiser HD 800, but the longer you spend with the HFI-2200 the more they start to appeal. They employ some of the same technologies as the Sennheisers, not only in their open-backed nature, but also in off-setting the sound projection. The idea here is that rather than blasting the sound down your ear canal, it comes in at an angle, widening the sound stage and giving the impression that the sound is coming from the room, rather than the side of your head: just as you would separate your stereo speakers. In the world of Ultrasone this is called S-Logic. The result is not only a relatively natural sound, but also a wider 3D sound stage. In normal music listening, to be honest, you might not really notice that much difference, but step over to live recordings and you do get a more noticeable difference, the same too applies to movies where you get a more distinct 3D effect, with background sound brought to the fore in a way that is often lacking from standard stereo speakers on a TV. This is the type of headphone where you’ll hear more than normal so you’ll be picking out details you didn’t notice before. But that’s not to say everything is fantastic. The bass is relatively punchy and we found that on occasions things weren’t quite as distinct as we’d expect, with some bass intensive tracks suffering from distortion that blends the bass together. The same problem seems to blight intensity in the high-end too, making it more difficult to pick out the subtle elements that would make the HFI-2200 standout, which at this price point is a little disappointing. So the HFI-2200 aren’t a bad headphone, but they do have things stacking up against them, especially when you consider the price. It is also a lot of money to spend on something that has been so exquisitely styled and Ultrasone either did some great market research or took a gamble here: the “natural” hues will match your garden fence perfectly. The long cable and the S-Logic is move in ready. 2 bedroom home some updates. Home was well maintained and had the same owner for over 20 years! Close to the public library, transportation, restaurants, shopping, and schools. Low taxes and low utility costs. Quiet street with side street parking available. Easy access to highways. Call this home or use as an investment property! Home is being sold as-is. Motivated seller.
Keep your Smoke Wagon firing with these 6 airsoft BB shells. You're surely going to need them in an intense firefight! Pyropanel initiated a forum prior to the conference to discuss the combustible cladding issue, following the Grenfell Tower fire in London. Pyropanel spends significant time with building designers, architects and project personnel discussing compliant fire door systems. We observed that there was a void of information for the building design industry regarding progress of discussions, investigations and recommendations made to legislators. Needing a minimum of 20 attendees to warrant such a forum, Pyropanel sponsored 20 seats, ensuring it would proceed. This forum took place the day before the IFE conference at the same location. The role of the architect / building designer is pivotal in designing and specifying a compliant building. The attendees found this forum highly informative and relevant for their current and upcoming projects. The forum was a success with more than 100 attendees, many of them Pyropanel clients. The IFE organised a qualified and experienced panel, consisting of: The Q&A session was robust with a focus on composite cladding. The Lacrosse building cladding fire in Melbourne was noted from design, specification, tender and installation and ultimately how the product was installed on site. The IFE conference took place over two days, with more than 100 attendees. Representations were from each state/territory of Australia and some international guests. The speaker topics ranged from: Following on from this conference, Pyropanel continues its discussions with key professionals in fire safety to ensure its products meet the requirements now and in the future. Apart from the excellent level of presentations from the speakers, the secondary benefit of being a part of these events is the networking and ability to have conversations with key industry players during the breaks and dinner. The IFE is holding its 100th Annual Conference in 2018 from 19th to 21st September in Sydney. Pyropanel is looking forward to being a part of this annual event.
So upgraded the main pc with no issues to Win10 home, well so I thought. Using a Asus xonar dx card on a 5.1 system and latest drivers ( )all seems well, until you play music using "Groove" or "Media Player" and here is where the fun starts. IF I do a speaker test all is good, all 5 channels and sub are located correctly and all test tones are peachy! Play a tune through Groove or Media Player and all you get is music from 1 speaker (in this case the left channel), play the same tune though VLC and yo get wonderful glorious 5.1 sound! Go back into speaker test and once again all seem good, all tones correct and speakers identified correctly. I have deleted the card/drivers/generic drivers and clean installed Win10 but still the same issue. If I try gaming it does the same thing, all focus on the left side speakers with nothing from the others, movies through vlc seem fine but through Media Player same sound issue. I've normally used K-Lite to update my codec pack in past versions of Windows. Will this work for Windows 10 or is there a better one out there I should use? Hello all, Does anyone know of a software that will convert my videos to the same codecs to keep the same quality? I'm having an issue uploading them to the cloud. A re-encode does the trick but, the issue is software limitations. With Format... Hello -- After I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 Pro, there was no sound. Obviously, Creative Labs has yet to release compatible drivers for many of their sound cards. Nevertheless, I found out that I'd make it work by changing its modes back and... Hello fellow windows 10 users. So today I found out that my sound is acting very strange. Let me explain, my sound works perfectly normal on the internet(youtube) and on skype. But when I try to use an application like Minecraft, Counter Strike... Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17123 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. The High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) has arrived for Windows 10 and the Photos app! HEIF is an image container that leverages modern codecs like HEVC to improve quality, compression, and capabilities compared to earlier formats like JPEG, GIF, and PNG. In addition to traditional single images, HEIF supports encoding image sequences, image collections, auxiliary images like alpha or depth maps, live images & video, audio, and HDR for greater contrast In order to try this out, you need to join the Windows App Preview Program for the Photos app and make sure you are running the March release of the Photos app (Version 2018.18022.13740.0 or newer). This version of the Photos app has been updated for RS4 to support viewing the primary image inside a HEIF file and to guide the install of dependencies like the HEIF and HEVC media extensions from the Microsoft Store. Once installed, these media extensions enable HEIF viewing in Photos as well as thumbnails and metadata in File Explorer. Additionally, any application that uses WIC, WinRT Imaging APIs, or the XAML Image control can now add similar support for viewing single HEIF images. With this build, the Windows Mixed Reality Team would like to let you know about a few known issues as you try out the new Windows Mixed Reality features: We fixed an issue from the last flight on PCs with the Dolby Access app installed and expired Dolby Atmos license, where the Windows Audio service (audiosrv) would crash with a stack overflow exception and the PC won’t have sound. As of Build 17063, a change was made that may have caused some older drivers to not load properly. This may have caused update failures or bugchecks (GSODs) shortly after the PC was rebooted. This build includes fixes for this that should prevent these update failures and bugchecks from occurring. Thanks everyone who’s shared feedback about our Embedded Handwriting Panel so far – we’re making a change such that if you clean install, reset your PC, or upgrade straight to this build from the Fall Creators Update this experience will be turned off by default. The setting will remain on for Insiders who have upgraded from previous builds where it was enabled, and can be turned on by anyone with a pen capable device via the “Write directly into text field” option under Pen & Windows Ink Settings. If you had your phone linked to your PC prior to upgrading, you’ll find it has become unlinked after upgrading. You can relink your phone from Settings > Phone. Hurray! This is a RED LETTER build for me. For at least the past year and a half, each new Insider build has installed the wrong driver for my TP-Link wi-fi adapter. I always had to delete it and install an older driver to move from less than 2Mb to the ~70Mb download speed I should get. Continuous feedback about it didn't work... until now! Finally, this build has a correct updated driver. Speeds are great, so no more having to replace the Microsoft-installed driver with one that works properly.
Going to California? Planning a trip to Disneyland and it’s scheduled to rain that day?! Not all hope is gone; have no fear, Janine is here with 15 tips (+pictures) on how to not let bad weather rain on your parade (literally! LOL see what I did there?). Being a California native, I’ve been to Disneyland numerous times since I was just a little girl. One of my favorite times to go to Disneyland is during the holiday season. I booked my ticket only to find out that it was going to rain! I was so sad, I tried searching countless websites to find solutions to make the most of my trip and to tell me the pros and cons, but I couldn’t find one source to give me janine-uine information all in one place. So to make your life easier, here’s my version on how to make your experience great at the 2nd happiest place on earth (the first is on my blog of course ;D). Scroll down for essential tips and must know facts! Get there early! The earlier you get to the park, the shorter the lines and less crowded! Plus more parking spaces. If you can spare $15+, get preferred parking. I swear this was the best investment I made. At the end of the day when it’s cold, you’re tired, AND it’s raining, all you want to do is get in your car as soon as possible and crank up that heater. This makes it a whole lot easier. Bring a waterproof rain poncho and/or foldable umbrella!! If in the event it starts pouring (which it can), you’re going to be so grateful that you brought one. Having soaked clothes is no fun. Bringing one from home or making your own is a good idea to avoid high priced ponchos. Also, if you don’t want to lug around an umbrella, keep it in your car or rent a locker for just $7! Wear comfortable waterproof shoes / slippers (you can use a small towel to dry later) OR bring extra shoes. I made a mistake; I wore these cute, but uncomfortable ‘waterproof’ boots and my feet suffered. It was hot since there’s a lot of walking, and since my boots were a faux leather my poor feet couldn’t breathe. I was miserable. Luckily, Disneyland sells shoes (located in Adventure Land right across Indiana Jones)!! I bought myself a pair of Toms that were way more comfortable and allowed my feet to breathe with ease. Admittedly, it needs more padding for that much walking. However, it’s a good alternative! Disney also sells slippers! You can also bring extra clothes or socks and easily pack it in your bag or leave it in the car! The best shoe I’d say are comfortable walking shoes. Trust me, if your feet suffer it will be the worst place on earth. Brace yourself for the possibility of the cancellation of the fireworks. This was the hardest for me to accept. I checked the weather for days hoping it would change. The weather forecasts were semi-wrong, it was sunny and dry enough for a good portion of the day when they predicted heavy rain. It wasn’t till around 8pm till it started sprinkling followed by heavy rain and winds. With both cases, the fireworks will definitely be cancelled. I was so sad, since that is by far my favorite part, but there are some pros…(read on to see them!) If it starts sprinkling, leave early or face extremely cold winds and rain. I started noticing people leaving early and figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay another hour, at least it’s not crowded. Boy was I wrong. It. Sucked. The rain plus the cold temperatures made it almost unbearable to be there. I wish I left a little earlier. Get fast passes! With the rain, lines are definitely shorter, but you can easily save 40 minutes by getting fast passes! I got a fast pass on one side of the park and went to another land to come back to a 5 minute line! It was so great not having to waste hours just waiting. Try and get on rides that are outdoors first (in the event it rains since they might close). Rides like Splash Mountain, Gadgets Go Coaster, Mad Tea Party, Astro Orbiter, etc can close if it starts raining too hard. If you want to ride these be sure to go to them first! Schedule eating plans ahead of time, or make reservations! I actually didn’t have to make a reservation as many other articles advised, so I don’t think it’s completely necessary. If you want to go to Goofy’s Kitchen or some other fancy restaurant, it might be best to call ahead. Bring a decent sized bag to put all your stuff in! I used my mini Jansport backpack, which worked really well but if it was slightly bigger it would have been more convenient. I needed that extra space for the ponchos and umbrella. Plus extra room for unfinished snacks or a nice drink. Parades may be rescheduled to an earlier time. One of my favorite parts about Disneyland is their wonderful parades! I love seeing all the characters and floats! Unfortunately with bad weather, parades might be shown at an earlier time. My suggestion is to try to leave your afternoon (1pm to 3pm) open so that you can easily find a good spot to watch. They usually make their announcements last minute (an hour before) so keep your ears open! Also, if the floor is wet you can easily use your poncho or a plastic bag to sit on to avoid funky butt stains. ^_^ If you have $30 to spare, then DON’T bring a portable battery! I was so happy to find out that hidden in the locker rooms on Main Street, is this beautiful machine called Fuel Rod! You can buy this portable battery set (complete with the micro usb cord, a lightning cord, and the wider set apple cord). It’s super light weight, and the BEST part is that once yours dies, you can swap it for a freshly charged one for free!! I think that’s such a great deal, especially if you’re playing Pokemon Go and your battery is gone in less than an hour haha. Fast passes changed! I haven’t been to Disneyland since about 2-3 years ago. Before you’d just get as many fast passes as you can then come back during those times. Now, they limit you to 1 fast pass per the hour which you get it. So for example, it’s 8am and I get a fast pass for Space Mountain at 11am. I won’t be able to get a fast pass for another ride until 11am. It forces you to plan accordingly, so be aware. Selfie sticks are banned. I should have known, but I brought it anyway and now it is gone. It’s a smart safety precaution, so I understand. Disneyland has photographers! Ask them to take your picture for free with your phone AND their pro camera! You can see high quality shots later on in the photo counters in Main Street. Some of them turn out well, and it’s only $12 to buy the online version which you can buy later at home. You can store your stuff in lockers for just $7! This was useful for me to store all the extra rain stuff and my painful shoes from hell in. It’s also useful to store souvenirs and bulky jackets that are annoying to carry around. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, Galactic Grill in Tomorrow Land has a vegan patty! It was pretty good. Just get it without the mayo (it has bacon in it) Hope these tips are helpful for your trip! Let me know in the comments if these helped or if you have your own! Lastly I wanted to add some general fun facts to know below. Hope your Disney trip goes great! The restaurant Blue Bayou located in New Orleans Square may have extra availability during rainy days! Just go up to the counter and ask. I’ve always admired the scenery in the Pirates of Carribean ride and wished to eat here. Spots do fill up, so if you get lucky take the chance! I wish I did! The Jungle Cruise is transformed to the Jingle Cruise – they go all out with Christmas decorations thrown everywhere on all the electronic creatures. It was impressive and fun to see! Plus the wait line was only 5 minutes so why not. 😛 Disneyland provides maps in several langauges! I thought it was so cool to see the map in different languages like korean, german, chinese, etc. The buttered popcorn is vegan! That was cool to find out if you’re also conscious about not eating meat or animal products. 🙂 Toms shoes are sold in Adventure Land across from Indiana Jones (mentioning it again because it was my lifesaver) Hyperspace Mountain is a different experience – I thought it was cool, but I missed the original Space Mountain with the cool lights that blast you off to the roller coaster’s track Sleeping Beauty’s castle is transformed for the holidays, and when it gets dark enough there is a small segment which shows the top of the castle’s Christmas lights! They’re so pretty! The Haunted Mansion is transformed to match the Nightmare before Christmas, and the dining room there smells like gingerbread cookies Overall verdict – if you’re just going mainly for the rides, go when it’s cloudy / rainy for shorter lines, however if you really want to see the fireworks and have a warm sunny day, try rescheduling! Phew that was a long post. I wish there was one for me before I went, so I really wanted to invest the time to help you have the best Disneyland trip ever, rain or shine. Good luck and stay dry! Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know how your trip went!
After I made the frosting I divided it into three bowls: one for orange, one for green, and one for yellow colored icing. Nathan said, "OK. I want the blue bowl." Not meaning that he wanted some blue frosting, meaning that he thought I was dividing the frosting to eat out of bowls like a bowl of cereal.... My sister drove down from Philadelphia with her 3 girls (the youngest only 5 weeks old!)...we had lots of fun at the pumpkin patch Scarlett giggled the whole time she fed the goats. Nathan refused to even try. I'm pretty sure I saw Scarlett pick up some corn from the mud-trampled ground and eat it herself. It probably fell out of the goat's mouth. I think I need to take a trip to see you, too! If I do, I want the green bowl!! MMmm, frosting cereal! (Sometimes I think if I crushed up a multi-vitamin in frosting it would be about the same as some cereals) I was wondering who the little girls were...they look so similar to your kids. Thats so fun that your sister could come down! I love the skeleton pjs...so fun! We miss you guys too! We will call you soon to get together!
Miracle Farms Landscaping will help you select the plantings that are appropriate for your landscape taking into account all of the factors that influence growth. Our collective pursuit of excellence is the key to our quality workmanship.
Welcome back to my new monthly feature, Topics, where each month I will have a guest on to discuss a Twin Peaks related topic of their choice. This month will be Part 2 of my conversation with Lindsay and Aidan, the hosts of Bickering Peaks. If you haven’t read the first part of our conversation, here’s a link: Twin Peaks Topics: Bickering Peaks Discuss Violence Towards Women In Twin Peaks (Part 1). Hope you enjoy Part 2 of our conversation! Andrew: It’s really interesting to me because like you guys said, it wasn’t mentioned or expressed the way that Diane vocalized it. We had to put the context clues together through Doc Hayward giving us the narrative pieces. I do think that it hits the audience a lot harder, partially because we discovered it without it being her to tell us. Then partially because she was such a beloved character. Obviously, Laura Palmer was dead when we started the show but she became a loved character despite being dead. Audrey in many ways was the equivalent in Season 3. She was a female lead who all of a sudden was put in this really vulnerable position. I think that did kind of give people that emotional gut punch. Is the fact that it was Cooper instead of Leland this time around perhaps what made it a more difficult pill for people to swallow? Lindsay: Absolutely. I think the reveal we learned in Season 2 was heartbreaking and disturbing because that was Laura’s father, so it was incest and rape and murder all rolled up into one. So that is different, it’s on another level. To have Cooper, who is a character that we came to love over the course of 29, 30 hours of television or more and then we know that we left him at the end of Season 2 in this horrible, precarious situation and I think we kind of all suspected that if his double was out there in the world, this was probably going to happen. But then find out that it happened to Audrey and it happened to Diane. It’s like he’s the hero but all of a sudden he’s not because he’s done these horrible things. I think what would have been really interesting to see on screen was the full Cooper, the whole Cooper, the Cooper who re-emerges from the Red Room as a whole person again, grappling with what his double did, the murders and sexual assault, the rape, all of that stuff that, that was done in his stead when he was trapped in this place would have been such an interesting thing to an a horrible thing to experience as viewers. Audrey’s pain and suffering in Season 3 was particularly hard to watch, knowing that Cooper played a part in it. We didn’t see that ultimately but I think that as a character that was supposed to represent everything that was pure and everything that was good and everything that was righteous, to know that a) that he committed these crimes and b) if you continue with John Thorne’s theory, that this was half of Cooper, the part of Cooper that left the Lodge and was doing these things. So it’s a part of Cooper that did these crimes. Then it means that Cooper is somehow culpable for it. It’s really hard to swallow. It kind of makes you question the whole cult of hero worship that we have around. Not just him, but maybe all heroes. It definitely makes sense. Leland was horrible, but Cooper was much harder because we always knew him as a good guy. Andrew: This question is for you Aidan. Lindsay brought up that she wishes she could have seen the whole Cooper come to terms with everything that happened. This is where I slightly disagree because I do think that we saw that. So, I’ll pose this question: Cooper says to Diane in Part 17, do you remember everything? This was prior to the frozen Cooper face. Do you think that that was perhaps a recognition that Cooper, that version of Cooper that we saw there, that we saw, did know everything that had happened and he was confirming with Diane that she did? Aidan: I feel like yes but it’s an odd thing because there’s a Cooper that’s in the last two episodes, and there’s a line between when we get “I am the FBI” Agent Cooper and when we get the “true Cooper” — is what I call him — which is the one that you see with Carrie Page. I think the line between those Coopers is not super clear in the whole transition, you know, when they’re in the car and when we switch over, everything is different. Is he the pure true Cooper at that point already or is it when he first unmasks Diane? There’s a whole lot of uncertainty about who he is and all those moments in time because everything is so odd. I would tend to agree that the question is weighted with that knowledge that does she remember everything? Does that include her as Naido saving Cooper? When you’ve reviewed the purple world scene knowing that it’s Diane, she’s still willing after everything that Cooper inflicted on her, she’s still willing to sacrifice herself seemingly for him, She ended the banging or whatever that was, for a little while at least, and changed it so that he could go into the back to the real world and she was flung off into space, so it definitely — that’s how I interpret that question. I don’t know which version of Cooper’s asking it, but I feel as the audience we’re supposed to think when she says yes, it’s like, yes, she remembers being raped, she remembers all this and she still wants to go through everything with him. So, I feel like they insert a bit more agency. I think that’s kind of like the true Diane that we’re finally seeing. The whole tulpa Diane problem also bothers me because, you know, if Mr. C created her, she remembers things and we take her words at face value when she talks about how she was raped but there’s always that shadow hanging over it of why would he create a tulpa that remembers that? Why would he not create a tulpa that just loves Mr. C and is equally into evil? Lindsay: I think that there’s a powerful metaphor there for what happens to a person when they are sexually assaulted or when they have a trauma inflicted on them. They compartmentalize themselves and they have to be able to deal with it somehow and some people manage and some people get through it and are able to lead successful lives without, you know, going through years and years and hundreds of thousands of dollars of therapy and some people can’t. Maybe this is Diane, the “tulpa” was created by Mr. C when he raped her because that’s a different Diane than the Diane that let him into the apartment. There was a different Diane at the end of the night and that’s when the “tulpa” was “created”. I’m having some problems navigating the real world and what is manufactured. Aidan: There is an uncertainty about how that process works. Which is always going to make it easier to kind of downplay what happened to Diane. Which is a shame because I agree with you, that’s how I kind of interpreted it — as a metaphor. When Phillip Gerrard says someone manufactured you and she says “fuck off”. Mr. C created her out of the trauma, out of the garmonbozia. The thing that gets messy with it all is that Dougie doesn’t seem to be manufactured that way; he’s blissfully ignorant the whole time. It’s interesting to think of how different things are created. Andrew: My final topic that I wanted to bring up and we are going to have to kind of veer into theory world as well, but there’s no way that we could have the conversation about violence towards women and Twin Peaks without discussing Laura Palmer. With the character arc that we saw for Laura and Carrie Page in Season 3, there was a lot of debate and discussion about her agency, whether she was potentially robbed of the outcome that she desired, which was death as we saw in Fire Walk With Me. How do you guys feel about the characters of Laura and Carrie in terms of how they were treated and were they victimized even further in the Season 3 storyline? Lindsay: I covered it in an article that I wrote back in late September or early October called The Continuing Education of Dale Cooper where I argued that he did re-victimize Laura through Carrie and at the end of Part 18 did rob Laura Palmer of the closure that she needed or that she earned, that she sought at the end of Fire Walk With Me because she didn’t go to the train car and she didn’t die that night. She never got her angel. I mean, the way the timelines flow in Twin Peaks is murky now at best. So it’s possible that maybe that Fire Walk With Me hasn’t happened yet or that it’s still going to happen. We don’t know. But there is an element and…I have to wonder about this, just that the way that Mark Frost and David Lynch talked about Season 3 and the way that they kind of stomped on all of our — for the most part — on all of our expectations and our nostalgia and everything like that. I have to wonder if they didn’t take Cooper down a peg and say, you know, this hero that you guys had been worshiping, this guy that you guys have put on this pedestal for the last 25 years, he’s not actually that great. This is what the result is of a guy who thinks that he can do everything and he thinks that he is, you know, the ultimate good guy, who buys into the myth, and this is what ends up happening and that this is wrong. If I’m right and that ending for Laura Palmer has been removed or changed in some way then I can’t see Frost or Lynch — especially, because of how much he loves Laura Palmer — I can’t see him taking away Laura’s happy ending easily or without sacrificing something else. And if that sacrifice has to come in at the expensive of destroying this hero that he created, I can see him doing that. I think he loves the Laura Palmer enough that it would be acceptable to him. He’d say “You know what? If Laura doesn’t get a happy ending, it’s because Cooper ruined it.” Aidan: Alright, let the bickering begin. I think that Laura’s essence at the end of the day was really complicated in Season 3. There’s the whole Judy / BOB combination and how the combination of the two of them will lead to the end of the world as in The Final Dossier. I think when you start getting into the metaphorical aspects of who Laura is and how Cooper interacts with that, I think that at the end, Laura is achieving what she needs to do and she’s led to it by Cooper but it’s not the pure innocent Cooper that we grew up with. It is the final Cooper that we see, the “true Cooper” who has merged his dark self. I’ll never speak ill of that scene in the diner in Odessa when he shoots the guys in the foot and deep fries the guns. It’s just like Mr. C and it’s just like Cooper in this harmonious package. I feel like that Cooper that we see there is not the innocent one. He knows what he’s doing. He knows that there’s going to be bad consequences perhaps, but he’s willing to see them through because they lead to the best outcome for Laura. He’s looking out for Laura’s interests in my mind. Maybe exposing her to Sarah and Judy is perhaps not the best but Laura Stewart published an article and to summarize it poorly, Judy is the memory of suffering. BOB is the one who creates suffering and feeds off that and Judy is the remnants that are left behind. I think Laura Palmer screaming and destroying the lights out of Judy’s home is a great way to end the series, Laura finally confronting the memory of her trauma and defeating it. That’s how I view the end. Aidan: I think that there are two separate endings. I think they are kind of incompatible. Fire Walk With Me is beautiful and positive for Laura in the sense that she is free of the suffering. She no longer has to face BOB. She had an angel on her side to see her through the death essentially. I think even though she no longer has to worry about BOB, she’s free of that and she didn’t let BOB take over herself. Her soul is still hers, she still has that memory. Even if she’s dead waiting 25 years in the Red Room, that bad memory is still there for her. The fact that Cooper tries to preempt that suffering by taking her away before she was murdered but he finds her as Carrie Page later on is indicative that her death was not the source of her pain, it was her life that was the source of all her pain. If Judy is the memory of that, then he has to take her. Not to run away from BOB but to confront the memory of that. I feel like Laura’s theory really kind of wrap things up for me. Lindsay: If there are multiple timelines and if the ending of Fire Walk With Me could still exist in some way and if she did find her angel at the end and that ending happened or could still happen is — is there a parallel universe? Is that where Carrie went when she was taken? So maybe you’re right and maybe Cooper did have to go to Odessa and did have to take Carrie who still had maybe some suppressed trauma because she lived through that and then was spirited away to Odessa and forgot or had that memory erased. So she had to confront that. I don’t know. I still think that his confusion at the end is indicative that maybe he wasn’t on the right path. Aidan: Sure, but I also think that something did happen and the fact that we do hear Sarah Palmer’s voice. Something has happened and it’s definitely not clear. I’ll be back next month with a new guest picking a Twin Peaks Topic of their choice for us to discuss. Until next time, thanks as always for your support of 25YL!
Christopher Hitchens showed great stoicism in his last year as the cancer in his throat slowly killed him. He continued to live as he had lived before with no hint of self pity or even much sign of inconvenience. As he pointed out, we are all dying, he was just doing it a bit more quickly. It was this stoicism that made me realise that if you want a label for him, Stoic was about as close as you are going to get. He started off professing to be on the left, like his hero Orwell. This was never an accurate portrayal of his views or his attitudes, and as the years went by it became harder and harder to discern anything remotely socialist about Hitchens. But it was not really true to say that he drifted to the right either. He seemed supremely uninterested in social progress, either to support it or oppose it. He was much happier in the realm of ethics and ideas. Ultimately, the only way to really describe him is to use out of date language. The cause that seemed to stir him was virtue, and what repelled him was villainy. But what made him unique was not so much the things he was passionate about, but the depths of that passion. The righteous indignation he can summon has become so famous it even has a name, the Hitchslap. Fans have collected prime examples on Youtube. In the end, his interests were just too wide to fit into any pigeonhole. He loved life, and loved the freedom to live that life how he wanted. But it was ultimately the literature that freedom produced that he loved the most. His many enemies were the people who stifled greatness – tyrants, corrupt politicians, religious hucksters and theocratic bullies. They earned his contempt and he paid them in a way nobody will ever come close to. He didn’t believe in immortality, but his work will live on making it just that much harder for rogues to get away with it. It is the legacy he would have wanted to leave.
Yay, it's my birthday today, 34 years old. I still think I'm 25 in my head, don't we all once we hit 30? I had a beautiful early birthday lunch at Newmarket Hotel in St Kilda on Sunday afternoon. We were already heading in that way to support a friend competing in the Melbourne Iron Man. He was amazing, smashing it in 11 hours 30 mins. I am always astounded at the many varied and different body shapes and sizes you see competing in endurance events like this. They all do an amazing job and you could never pick who would beat who on the starting line based on their bodies. For some reason I get kind of emotional at those type of events. My hubby ran the Melbourne marathon last year (3:15 for his first one ever!) and I teared up when I saw him but I thought that was a combination of pride and pregnancy. But I got the lump in the throat when I saw all of the competitors slugging it out on the run course on the weekend and when I saw the two teenagers running with their Dad encouraging him along, well don't even get me started, lucky I had my sunglasses on. And when you consider the time the Elite's run the course, it blows my mind! They finish in 8 hours and can run sub 2:50 marathons - off the 180km bike and 3+km swim. The one time I competed in a 1/2 marathon I ran it in 1:56, so you can see running doesn't come naturally to me, and so I can't even get me mind around those times. But back to more familiar things to me - eating and my birthday meal. We don't often head into the city to eat and when hubby suggested we combine a birthday meal with the supporting I was all in. He suggested The Newmarket Hotel in St Kilda as he had previously eaten there with a couple of mates last holidays while I was away with work and he thought I'd enjoy it. I've previously discussed our birthday tradition of picking our birthday meal and how I now like to pick a restaurant that provides some type of different experience. This ticked the box as a) I'd never been there b) it sells it self as 'celebrating the flavours of California with a wink to the South' and c) they have the option of the 'So Cal' spread where you leave the ordering to your waitress and get a sample of the menu, something I've always wanted to try. The reviews are very positive but there was some critisism of the staff being quite pretenscious. Now as a couple from the burbs, who wouldn't rate a blip on the hipster/cool scale and te fact we were also bringing two kids along, I didn't like the idea of going somewhere I would be judged. Hubby said he didn't get that vibe last time and he was right. From the moment we entered I felt welcomed and not at all worried about bringing the boys. The main entrance is even ramped so no worries about access with the pram!! We were welcomed and given a table where there was more room for the pram and it was a little quieter. The place is cool, with great styling and fantastic music. A DJ plays after 3 on a Sunday. The waitress had a chat to us about what we liked on the menu and then ordered for us. This is a good thing as the menu is amazing and I don't know if I could have picked one thing! Our starters included the Baja style fish taco, soft taco with pork carnitas and quesadilla with spinach and truffle creama. The fish taco was my favourite, although I could do without coriander, but they were all fresh and spicy - a great start. Our mains were from the 'Low and slow' portion of the menu - the XL St Louis style pork ribs with apple slaw and Pasilla chilli and honey glazed sticky beef cheek with green mango and papya slaw. The acidity of both salads completmented the melt in your mouth meat. Here is another great thing about not ordering yourself, you try things you wouldn't normally order. Neither of us would normally order pork but it was our favourite dish (well favourite savoury dish!) We were also given a side of the triple cooked bravas potatoes with 2 sauces which our waitress had thoughtfully put on the side so MJ could also eat them without the spicy sauce. Dessert was incredible - it must be a special because it wasn't on the menu. A dark chocolate sponge with tequilla mousse/cream filling with blood orange sorbet. It was divine, I loved every bite. The So Cal spread is $55 a head, which to be honest is a little more than we normally spend when we go out for dinner, but it was well worth it. I'd recommend it and would definately go back. Apologies for the lack of good photos - I'm still not comfortable taking photos of food when out. The pork and potato photos are from their website (and an accurate representation of what we ate) and the others were taken by MJ as part of our distraction techniques when out at a restaurant! The Official site has updated with an almost un-noticable ‘Soundtrack’ link Once there you can submit your email address and click on the submit link to get more info….that WOULD be possible if I wasn’t getting ‘FAILED’ messages…I’m sure someone will get through. Rumor has it that you can hear a small sample of the Enya soundtrack. We all want to look our best during an interview while also describing our talents, experience and enthusiasm for the job at hand. Indeed, no matter what position you are applying for, this question aims to discover your ability to handle challenges and difficulties as they arise. Before the interview starts we might tend to think about the qualities we would like to mention and the success we have experienced; nevertheless, a good tip is to go over some difficult situations that we have had to face in the past. Another tip is to not dwell too much on describing the specific problem we had to overcome. People tend to do this if they do not expect the question and it comes as a surprise. They get caught up in explaining the nuances of the conflict and waste time that could be better spent explaining to the recruiter how they handled the issue. Briefly describe the situation, stress the manner in which you approached it, and, since we all like a happy-ending, share your solution to the problem with the interviewer. This is the perfect time to prove your creativity, resourcefulness and ability to handle whatever complications come your way. Description (Click Title for MP3 audio or WMA for slow connections) Are we doing what God has guided us to do or are we doing what we want to do? Description (Click Title for MP3 audio or WMA for slow connections) 5th of 14 in The 40 Day Miracle series at If you find yourself often angry learn the 10 steps to control anger and stay calm. Do42 Feb 25, Nairobi: The Burundian authorities are targeting perceived opponents with increased brutality. Government forces are killing, abducting, torturing, and arbitrarily arresting scores of people at an alarming rate. As the capital, Bujumbura, descends into new levels of lawlessness, patterns of human rights abuses have shifted. Whereas dead bodies on the streets of Bujumbura were a daily occurrence in the second half of 2015, many abuses are now taking place under the radar, with security forces secretly taking people away and refusing to account for them. Security forces have tortured or ill-treated suspected opponents so severely during arrests or in detention that some almost died. Security forces beat victims with rocks, bricks, gun butts, or metal rods. Most of those arrested are young men accused of participating in or supporting armed opposition groups. HRW researchers interviewed more than 63 people in Bujumbura between November 2015 and February 2016, including victims, their relatives, witnesses, residents of areas where abuses occurred, human rights activists, lawyers, journalists, judicial and security force officials, diplomats, United Nations staff, and other sources. Human Rights Watch researchers in Burundi have documented an alarming new pattern of abductions and possible disappearances, particularly since December. Many families have not been able to get news of their relatives since security forces led them away. Many of those arrested are presumed dead. The police and intelligence services, or their intermediaries, have asked some families for exorbitant ransoms, with no guarantee that their relatives will be released and no certainty that they are alive. Police and military, often accompanied by members of the ruling party youth league known as Imbonerakure, have carried out large-scale arbitrary arrests during search operations. These operations have also resulted in numerous extrajudicial killings. Many residents have moved out of their neighborhoods, in anticipation of further police or military operations. In some cases, people were killed outright and their bodies left at the scene. This was the case, for example, on December 11, 2015, when the security forces shot dead a large number of people following attacks on four military installations that were attributed to the opposition. The military spokesperson said 87 people were killed on December 11, 79 “enemies” and eight military or police. Based on extensive interviews with a range of sources, Human Rights Watch believes the real number is much higher and that many victims were not involved in the attacks. In other incidents, victims’ bodies were dumped elsewhere, buried in mass graves, or taken to unknown destinations. Other people survived extremely violent attacks with horrific injuries – mutilations, smashed bones, slit throats, attempted strangulation, and beatings with iron bars. Some have since died, while others left for dead survived. Victims and witnesses of abuses are terrified to speak or move around town. Their fear has been heightened by the knowledge that people have denounced each other to the security forces. The government’s tactics have spread distrust among the population. Armed opposition groups have also increased their attacks, killing Imbonerakure and other ruling party members, as well as security forces. These attacks almost always lead to violent reprisals by the security forces, Human Rights Watch said. There have been frequent grenade attacks in Bujumbura, including the center of town, throughout January 2015 and February 2016, causing several deaths and scores of injuries. The identity of the perpetrators is not known. Médecins Sans Frontières stated that their trauma center in Bujumbura had treated 116 people in less than a week – 61 injured in grenade attacks on February 15, and 55 on February 11. Bujumbura residents said they often saw Imbonerakure wearing police or military uniforms, carrying weapons and operating side by side with the police, making it difficult to distinguish them from the regular security forces. Some residents told Human Rights Watch they recognized Imbonerakure from their area wearing police uniforms. Neither the Burundian government nor the armed opposition is doing anything to halt the spiral of abuses, HRW found. They are instead hardening their stance, knowing that they will not have to account for their actions. President Pierre Nkurunziza should publicly denounce security force abuses and ensure that those responsible are held to account, Human Rights Watch said. Opposition leaders should also order their supporters to stop abuses. The Rwandan government should not allow, support, or participate in military training for armed groups responsible for human rights abuses in Burundi. The Burundian government should grant full access to two UN special rapporteurs and a member of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, to investigate abuses in Burundi. As a Human Rights Council member, Burundi has an obligation to cooperate with the council’s representatives and to uphold the highest human rights standards. Failure to do so would put its membership status in jeopardy. The UN Security Council should urgently seek the Burundian government’s consent for the deployment of a strong UN political mission with a substantial international police component, to be based in neighborhoods most affected by the violence. Its presence could deter or decrease abuses and attacks by both sides. Given reports of the involvement of senior police, military, and intelligence commanders in serious abuses in Burundi, the UN should redouble efforts to vet Burundian personnel deployed in peacekeeping missions and exclude those with a known record of human rights abuses. The African Union should also urgently institute a vetting mechanism.
With 20 teams and more than 100 walkers for Coldest Night of the Year in Lethbridge this year, we raised over $20,000 for Streets Alive Mission! We didn’t reach our big goal of $50k raised, but every penny counts when we’re Bringing Hope to the Hopeless in Lethbridge. This $20k will go a long way in helping us to fund the services and programs we provide at Streets Alive. This year we had awesome displays of team spirit, from the “Super Women in Training” and their pink capes, to the Bumble Bear Day Care team and their neon signs, and the First Baptist Young Adults all sporting snowflakes on their cheeks. This took things up another level on the walk. It was so seriously fun!! We had a tie for the largest team with the Westside Wanderers and the Epydemic Youth both having 15 walkers! We wish to send out a HUGE thank you to all of the Team Captains, Walkers, Volunteers, Donors, Sponsors, and every one else who made Coldest Night of the Year 2014 a success. Here’s a look at the fun we had on that cold Saturday night in February! (gallery may not show up properly…. we’re working on it… In the meantime, check out our Facebook Coldest Night of the Year photo album.)
As an Industrial Designer in training since 2011, JS has dedicated himself into this profession and explore into various areas of design. In his search of being an ethical designer, justification and validation is what he holds onto when designing products. A design is considered beautiful does not purely relies on its aesthetic but also the coherency of every details and choices made by the designer. As Jules Verne once said, “All that is impossible is left to be done”. He believes in achieving the impossible yet practical designs. Today, he thirst to perform as an ethical user-centered designer. This project is about a self-sustaining rice cultivation vehicle. It all started with a farming activity called stubble burning. After the harvesting of rice, the field is covered with crop residues as known as hay. In order to clear the farm land for next plantation, farmers use fire to burn the crop residue away. By doing so, they receive benefits such as replenishing the nutrients in the soil, killing weeds and pests, etc. However, such action caused a lot of problems such as air pollution, wildfire, respiratory illness, economical decline and even death. Governments in various countries had stated law agaisnt such activity. However, private companies are still performing such action that leads to various issues mentioned. As so, as a designer, instead of banning the activity, I will like to encourage them not to perform stubble burning by providing a self sustaining rice cultivation vehicle. Crop residue and dirt will undergo ‘flash pyrolysis’ process and transform into biochar and biofuel. Biochar will replenish the nutrients and at the same time retain water, the process will kill weeds and pests, and the biofuel produced will be more than enough to power the vehicle for various rice cultivation tasks such as harvesting.
Buffers for bail-ins only comprise 1%-2% of Singapore banks’ assets. According to Moody’s Investors Service, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) would likely save a failing domestic bank through a bailout, meaning the burden to save a bank would …
I am not veering into betting here, but as part of my course I am currently maing a book as part of my submission to college. Or rather – I have already made my book. It is finally here, the book is here. I was getting rather nervous. Tomorrow is hand-in and I have not got my hands on my submission yet. This afternoon I checked the tracker and could not believe when I read that the status was “delivered”. I had only come home about an hour beforehand and there was nothing on the hall table. But then I just found it downstairs in the hall. *phew* The accountants must have taken it. The book is nice with its sleeve and I like the size of it. Slightly disappointed by the lacklustre colours, though – Hm, I may be overly critical. The colours on the last two pages actually do pop quite nicely (should’ve put that canteen in the book earlier on…) Book design is actually quite easy these days. You can find offers of varying quality and – subsequently – varying price levels all over the internet. Especially the cheaper offers are good enough quality to use for a print-up of holiday snaps or a little book present. If you want a professional look and feel, I would advise you splash out and get it done by a service that offers a choice of papers and sizes rather than the usual “one size/paper fits all”. I really like my cover design. And I am thinking to myself that I might actually present the work at the exhibition like that. Just one large image, photo printed, dibond. Also, am thinking that I would love to use this as a postcard for the exhibition. Must get that done asap. But worst of all, though: OMC – I have just spotted two stupid silly akjgqasxxao TYPOS in my artist statement which prefaces my Blurb book. In Bridget Jones’s words: “F*********************ck!!!!” Will I get the “non-native speaker” allowance? Too late to do anything about it now, but I am very, very disappointed with myself.
ABOUT: low). Happy Halloween! Hi Amanda, Thank you for your question. I’ve created a base game friendly long sleeve shirt version of the sweatshirt. Unfortunately, mesh conversion still eludes me! ~Stacy/strenee
A key aspect of our culture at Palladium is recognising a job well done. Just as we celebrate excellence of our talented staff and the work they do for our clients, we also find joy in recognising the brilliant accomplishments in Positive Impact and strategy execution of organisations around the world. It is our privilege to honour deserving work and to present cases from these organisations and programmes as learning opportunities. Each award recipient has demonstrated that it has successfully executed strategy using a system inspired by Kaplan-Norton strategy management thinking for a period of at least the two years preceding consideration for the Hall of Fame. As you review winners from the past, you will notice three groupings. The first group of organisations were unable to develop and evolve their next winning strategy. The second group went through transitions caused by acquisition, change in leadership, or lack of attention and energy that allowed their strategy management program to fade in efficacy or disappear entirely. The third group comprises those that continue to develop strong, dynamic strategies and used their strategy execution system to implement them well and deliver strong performance. They recognized the opportunity for continual improvement and further matured their strategy execution capabilities since admission to the Hall of Fame. By Industry Accommodation and Food Services Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Manufacturing Construction Educational Services Retail Finance and Insurance Health Care and Social Assistance Information Manufacturing Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Public Administration Real Estate and Rental and leasing Retail Trade Transportation and Warehousing Utilities Other Services
New stadium in Dugopolje was built in 2009 (at a cost of then €10m) and bears the name of “Croatian Knights” and is part of a large sports center integrated into one great building. There are a swimming pool and tennis courts under one roof. Additionally, there’s a training field behind the north end, only one without seating for fans or other floor space. After opening the stadium was considered to be the best across Croatia. This is why not only NK Dugopolje, but also Hajduk Split and HNK Šibenik played several games here on various occasions. Two small stadiums that should just do the trick. With just 5,000 each, these are considered among the most modern across Croatia. The stadium was built in 1997 as part of Thailand's preparations for the 1998 Asian Games. At that time it could accommodate app. 65,000 people thanks to most of seating being benches and individual seats installed only at the main, west stand. That changed in 2006, this time in preparation for the 2007 Asian Cup games. Since then the ground is an all-seater. Interestingly, it was designed and constructed entirely by locals. Architects of the Bangkok university worked on design while local contractor delivered the works. Its form is very dynamic, even dramatic, as stands rise twice in height starting from the lowest point behind goals and finishing in a three-tier combination along the pitch. Significant height allows the venue to be admired from afar, though a closer look may seem a bit disappointing. It's a concrete structure and materials of low quality combined with Thailand's climate give it a rough look. Since 1998 this place played host to largest events in the country. National team and Asian club cup appearances of Thai clubs gave it quite some football history, while other gathering also took place for athletics, political rallies and concerts. Ironically, though, until 2010 there was no public transportation dedicated to the largest stadium of Thailand. This leading to huge traffic problems on event days.
Tessa, thanks for tagging me - I had something to blog about today! Guess what, Black Widow Bride is next up in my TBR pile. Can't wait to read it! 1. TESTHIRE agrees to let and the Hirer agrees to take on hire the Equipment described in the Schedule upon and subject to the Terms and Conditions set out below. 2a. The Hirer shall pay to TESTHIRE during the hire period the rentals plus VAT set out in the Schedule hereto. The minimum rental will be sum equal to one week's rental charge. The hire period shall commence and the first payment of rental become due on delivery of the Equipment to the Hirer's premises or the collection from TESTHIRE's premises by or on behalf of the Hirer and shall end on the day the Equipment is returned to TESTHIRE's premises by arrangement or when TESTHIRE is notified of loss or damage of the Equipment. 2b. TESTHIRE shall be entitled to vary the rentals at any time by giving not less than 28 days notice in writing. 3a. Title in the Equipment shall never pass to the Hirer and the Hirer's interest in the Equipment shall only be and remain that of Hirer. 3b. The Hirer shall not agree to sell, offer for sale, assign, mortgage, charge or sublet the Equipment or this Agreement or the letting hereunder nor hold itself out as the owner of the Equipment and shall not create or allow to be created any lien or other encumbrance on the Equipment. 3c. TESTHIRE shall be entitled to assign its interest in this Agreement and the Equipment whether absolutely or by way of charge and whether wholly or in part and to any person. 3d. The Hirer shall affix to and maintain upon the Equipment such plates or identification marks as TESTHIRE shall require showing that the Equipment is the property of TESTHIRE. 4. As between TESTHIRE and the Hirer the Equipment shall remain personal moveable property and shall continue in the ownership of TESTHIRE notwithstanding that the same may have been affixed to any land or building. The Hirer shall be responsible for any damage to any such land or building by the affixing to or removal there from of the Equipment (whether the same be effected by TESTHIRE or the Hirer) and shall indemnify TESTHIRE against any such claim made in respect of such damage. 5a. The Hirer shall unless otherwise agreed with TESTHIRE be responsible for the collection and return of the Equipment from and to TESTHIRE's premises. 5b. TESTHIRE will at the request of the Hirer procure delivery of the Equipment to the Hirer's premises subject to the Hirer of TESTHIRE's charges for delivery. 5c. TESTHIRE will use all reasonable endeavors to make the Equipment available on the date required by the Hirer but shall not be liable for costs or claims arising as a result of delay. 5d. TESTHIRE shall be entitled to make a reservation charge in respect of Equipment reserved by the Hirer and the hire shall unless agreed be deemed to commence on the reservation date. 5e. The Hirer shall not cause or permit the Equipment to be removed from the Hirer's possession without the prior written consent of TESTHIRE. 5f. TESTHIRE shall be entitled to charge the Hirer for the non-return of any transit case or container supplied with the Equipment. 6a. The Hirer shall ensure that the Equipment is operated in a skilful and proper manner by persons competent to operate the same and in all respects in accordance with all instructions and operations manuals provided by TESTHIRE for the use of the Equipment and shall ensure that such directions and instructions are fully understood and will be observed by all persons operating the Equipment. 6b. The Hirer shall ensure that the Equipment will be operated safely and without risk to health and safety and shall comply in all resects with any notices of regulations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or any statutory modifications or re-enactment for the time being thereof.. 6c. The Hirer shall not make or permit to be made any alterations, modifications or additions to the Equipment and shall not carry out any repairs or authorise the carrying out of any repairs to the Equipment by a third party without TESTHIRE's prior written consent. 6d. The Hirer shall take all reasonable proper care of the Equipment and keep the same in good and serviceable condition (reasonable fair wear and tear excepted) and shall indemnify TESTHIRE against loss or damage howsoever caused and shall give TESTHIRE immediate notice of any such damage. 6e. The Hirer shall carry out all periodical maintenance, inspections and requirements in respect of the Equipment prescribed by TESTHIRE's written instructions with all due care in accordance with those instructions and at the recommended time or times. 7. The Hirer shall assume the entire risk of damage to or loss of the Equipment or any part thereof. 8. TESTHIRE or it's authorised representatives may enter at all times during normal business hours at any premises to inspect the Equipment and, upon termination, to repossess the Equipment. 9. Any claim for damages by the Hirer against TESTHIRE arising out of the Hirer's use of the equipment shall be limited in amount to the total amount of the rental payments paid by the Hirer as at the date of TESTHIRE receiving notice of any such claim. The Hirer shall be solely responsible for and hold TESTHIRE fully indemnified against any loss or damage (excluding death or personal injury) to any property arising in connection with any of the said equipment or as a result of the use thereof. TESTHIRE shall not be liable for any loss other than death and personal injury which may arise out of or in connection with the failure of the said equipment for whatever reason. Save as provided by Law, TESTHIRE exclude all warranties relating to the equipment and the Hirer's use thereof save as specifically stated herein. 10. TESTHIRE may terminate this Agreement forthwith on giving written notice to the Hirer and re-take possession of the Equipment in the event of: a) any material breach of this Agreement by the Hirer which has not been immediately remedied (if capable of remedy) following a written demand by TESTHIRE. b) if any order is made, proceedings are commenced or a resolution is passed for the liquidation or winding up of the Hirer. d) if a liquidator or receiver or administrator is appointed in respect of the undertaking or any property or assets of the Hirer. e) if the Hirer ceases or threatens to cease to carry on it's business or is unable to pay it's debts as they fall due or enters into any arrangements with creditors generally. 11. Upon the termination of this Agreement before the end of the Hire Period the Hirer shall pay to TESTHIRE the aggregate of: b) all costs (including legal costs) incurred as a result of a breach of this Agreement including repossessing and restoring the Equipment to it's proper working condition. c) as agreed damages a sum equal to the aggregate rentals that would have become due hereunder during the Minimum Period had this Agreement not been terminated less a discount for accelerated payment of 3% per annum compounded on (and at the frequency of) each rental payment outstanding. 12. On termination of this Agreement for whatsoever reason the Hirer shall immediately return the Equipment or make the same available for collection by TESTHIRE and shall grant TESTHIRE all necessary access to repossess the same. 13a). TESTHIRE will either repair or replace, in each case free of charge to the Hirer, any Equipment which is found by TESTHIRE to be defective or not capable of obtaining any published specification as a result of faulty design, manufacture or workmanship. The Hirer shall give TESTHIRE written notice of any claim made hereunder as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within twenty four hours after the alleged defect has come to the Hirer's knowledge. It is expressly agreed between the parties that TESTHIRE may be absolved from all liability under this condition if the Equipment has been modified in any way by the Hirer or if it has been used for any purpose or in any manner other than that for which it was designed or if it has in any way otherwise been misused. 13b). Subject only to the provisions of paragraph 13a above. all warranties, conditions, representations or stipulations whether expressed or implied and whether arising hereunder or under any prior agreement or statement or by statute or common law or hereby expressly excluded insofar as the law allows. Specifically (but without limitation) TESTHIRE does not accept responsibility for any consequential, indirect or economic loss or damage howsoever arising except to the extent that the same is attributable to negligence on the part of TESTHIRE or it's employees. 14. The Hirer shall pay TESTHIRE on demand interest (as well after as before any judgement) on any sums due to TESTHIRE under the terms of this Agreement, calculated from the date on which those sums were due until receipt of the same by TESTHIRE in immediately available funds, interest to be payable at a rate equal to 4% per annum above Westminster Bank Plc's base rate from time to time. 15. The Hirer shall be responsible for and pay to TESTHIRE Value Added Tax at the rate in force on the due date of payment (if different from the amount shown in the Schedule hereto) of any sums payable by the Hirer under this Agreement and the Hirer shall indemnify TESTHIRE and keep TESTHIRE indemnified against any liability to Value Added Tax which may be incurred by TESTHIRE in respect of the Equipment or it's hiring hereunder. 16. No indulgence or other relaxation which TESTHIRE may from time to time grant to the Hirer shall affect any of TESTHIRE's rights hereunder. 17. Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to be duly served when delivery of it is recorded (in the case of first class recorded delivery post) or when it is delivered (in the case of personal delivery) or despatched (in the case of facsimile communication) to the relevant party's address appearing in this Agreement or to such other address as that party may hereafter so specify to the other of them by notice in writing. 18. This Agreement contains all the terms agreed between TESTHIRE and the Hirer. The Hirer has not relied on any representation or warranty by TESTHIRE except as expressly stated or referred to in this Agreement. No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is writing and signed by or on behalf of TESTHIRE. 19. This Agreement shall be governed by English Law and the parties hereto submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
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Where did chiropractic come from Education and training What we treat Bit of a demo 6 ...is chiropractic for everyone?.. Many people but not all Lots of conditions Not always a cure Other sides to treatment 11 ...what’s rewarding is the change in my clients... Success stories Most common complaints seen Sciatica Arm pain Consistent headaches 12 ...is chiropractic for you?.. Getting back to golf Playing with the grandkids Just being free from that niggling pain 13 ….my clinic, philosophy.. Its about talking to people Creating a relaxing environment Getting you back to active Chiropractic isn't always the answer The story of who I was, and who I am now. I was driven to be who everyone needed me to be I was a person who would drop everything to do what other people. WINNER VS LOOSER. WINNER VS LOOSER WINNER VS LOOSER The winner is always part of the answer; The loser is always part of the problem.
Hailee Steinfeld (“True Grit,” “Edge of Seventeen”) is in negotiations to star in the “Transformers” spinoff “Bumblebee” for Paramount Pictures. Bumblebee is the yellow and black striped Autobot character that appears in all five of the main series films. Steinfeld will play a tomboy who also holds a job as a mechanic after school. “Kubo and the Two Strings” helmer Travis Knight will direct from a script by Christina Hodson (“Shut In”). The project is the first spinoff in a planned Transformers Cinematic Universe that lays its foundations with this Summer’s “Transformers: The Last Knight”. That film made headlines earlier today when the Google Search listing for the film was updated to include a 182-minute runtime. Bay responded on Twitter saying the new film is shorter than any of the previous sequels which would bring the runtime in under 150 minutes.
Anyone with information about Hurricane Florence can contact their county’s citizen information line by calling: A price gouging law is now in effect across South Carolina. Think you are a victim? Click here to learn what you can do. Hurricane Re-entry stickers will be issued until 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 11th at the Public Safety Building, 30 JC Long Boulevard. The 20Starting at 12P Tuesday, downtown garages at Cumberland and at King and Queen Street will be available for free parking to citizens who live in flood-prone areas. The garages will be open until further notice.
The music of business: Seminar focuses on how jazz translates to creative success - Business* - - Portsmouth, NH Frank Laurino has developed a leadership development seminar that shows organizations how to move past traditional operational barriers, foster creative thinking, and develop their next big initiative with dexterity and buy-in from the ground floor to the board of directors. "So many organizations today are trapped by their inability to move on a dime. You can't do that in jazz," Laurino said. "You can't form a committee to study the issue. It's 1-2-3-play! Miles Davis never had a focus group, right?" Laurino, who has more than 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing, has been playing drums since he was a child and performs regularly in a jazz ensemble in Portsmouth. Traversing between the two worlds made something apparent to him. "Take a close look at the world's leading companies — the ones who always seem to come up with the next big ideas," he said. "They're quick to respond to change with fresh thinking and bold action. Jazz exhibits the same critical disciplines. Ingenuity. Decisiveness. Superior communication. Exceptional performance. Commitment to excellence." With this philosophy driving him, Laurino worked with his colleague, John Hill Rogers, at Backbeat Creative Strategy, a regional brand strategy and advertising consulting company based in Dover, to create "Creativity & All That Jazz." Using live jazz as a model, the program illustrates the leadership, communication and performance techniques artists such as Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock and John Coltrane used to demonstrate how any stakeholder in a business can gain a competitive edge in today's economy. Laurino points out that when those jazz legends played together, they were quick to respond to change in the moment — creatively and boldly. They excited their audience, inspired each other and consistently raised the bar — for themselves and others in their field. In a nutshell, Miles Davis and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had a lot in common. For example, Laurino said, Jobs and Davis are both renowned for consistently moving forward and embracing change. "During my years in the advertising business, I've found that the primary reason for bad marketing, bad management, low employee morale and disappearing customers can be traced to one thing. And it's not lack of creative ideas. It's resistance to them," Laurino said. "The lesson to take from Miles Davis is to constantly reinvent yourself. He was doing be-bop, then he went to cool jazz, and as soon as everyone got on board with that, he went to electric land. (For more than) 40 years he was constantly challenging himself." In much the same way, Steve Jobs went from revolutionizing the personal computer to bringing the world smaller, futuristic formats for computer hardware, such as the iPhone. Laurino said Jobs and Davis were also leaders who hired the best talent they could find, and listened to them. "We talk about having a group of virtuoso players who love the spotlight all together on stage," Laurino said. "But instead of competition, you find cooperation. Much of the time, in fact, you see players holding back or not playing at all. They're listening. Improvisation is a conversation, and as with any good conversation, the idea is to listen first, speak later." The message, Laurino said, is don't be the only rock star in the room. Jobs hired the best professionals, from software designers to media people. And that's jazz — hire the best saxophone player, pianist, drummer — because either everybody's great together or every body sinks together. When "Creativity & All That Jazz" comes to an organization, Laurino and Rogers bring along some of the most talented musicians on the Seacoast, including Steve Roy on bass, Matt Langley on saxophone and Mike Effenberger on piano. "These guys make change look fun and effortless — they take the fear and mystery out of it," Laurino said. "You have to let the heads of various departments sit in from time to time. Ask them what they think," Laurino said. "Share the spotlight." The program can range from an afternoon session to one or two days. Band performances are punctuated by conversations with the audience. For example, Laurino and Rogers will point out that, as in any organization, every player in the jazz group has specific responsibilities that must be precisely executed during every performance. However, these responsibilities can change, and often significantly, at a moment's notice. "Knowing what to play or what not to play is all part of the job," Laurino said. "The ability to shift seamlessly from various leadership and support roles is essential to responding to new opportunities and maximizing group performance." Laurino said this is not a team-building workshop. "Not everyone can be in a creative, decision-making position," he said. "You don't bring in a bass player to play the drum part. We teach people to recognize when to step up to the plate and take control without necessarily being in charge. This is about people reacting to problems faster, and being able to respond to new opportunities because they have shifted their perspective." Depending on the size of the facility, the program can take place on site or off. Laurino will occasionally hold the session in a club. "Creativity & All That Jazz" is marketed to executive-level management and has been booked by companies that develop software, provide training, and IT security, to name a few. "Overall, this is geared to people who can affect policy change," he said. "We want business people to change how they're functioning because they are dysfunctioning now. Leadership emanates from above and people are hungry for those who create change. People want to believe in somebody. They want to aspire to excellence. "There's a myth that people hate change. We think people love change," Laurino said. "What people hate is the promise of change and then nothing happens. People feel like they've been dashed on the rocks. In jazz, it's change all the time."
QASource is headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in Chandigarh, India and Aguascalientes, Mexico. Our corporate offices are minutes from Silicon Valley’s tech giants, innovative startups, technology research enterprises and top universities Silicon Valley boasts the highest concentration of tech workers in the world, and is the biggest high-tech manufacturing center in the U.S. It is a university-rich city, home to more than 50 schools, and with three Indian Institutes of Technology within 150 miles, enabling QASource to choose and retain some of the best talent in the country Chandigarh is known for its high per-capital income, cleanliness, architecture, cultural growth and modernity - earning its nickname, “The City Beautiful” Aguascalientes is a regional hub and a popular location for international business because of its exceptional business climate, excellent infrastructure, safety, and proximity to universities with quality engineering programs Located in north-central Mexico, Aguascalientes is an ideal nearshore facility in the Central Daylight Time zone for U.S. and Canadian business
The development of drugs for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) suffers from a critical gap in the discovery process, wherein drugs screened in vitro rarely progress to the preclinical phase. While academic research laboratories often discover new compounds effective in vitro, development organizations are reluctant to perform the pre-clinical research until lead compounds show proven activity in appropriate animal models. We propose to fill this gap for three NTDs: cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), visceral leishmaniasis (VL), and Chagas disease by contributing new, high quality chemical matter to the candidate-seeking pipeline. This will be accomplished by producing compounds that are effective in the in vivo models of the diseases and that meet target-product profiles as described by the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi). We have produced hundreds of compounds that have been tested against T. cruzi (n=312) and Leishmania major (n=420), and have identified 83 anti-chagasic compounds (EC50 ? 5 M), 127 L. major inhibitors (EC50 ? 5 M), and 53 inhibitors with potent activity against both pathogens. The key limitations of these compounds are in their metabolic and physical properties: limited solubility, high clearance, and high plasma protein binding. We also have in vitro data against only one species of Leishmania (L. major, which causes CL). To address these limitations we propose in the R21 phase of this project to prioritize the compounds and to identify key weaknesses that can be addressed by systematic medicinal chemistry in the R33 phase. The prioritization will require completion of in vitro L. donovani assays (of relevance to VL), and prioritization of compounds for mouse pharmacokinetic (PK) experiments. Once compounds with acceptable potency and PK properties are identified from the existing set of analogs, prioritized compounds will be advanced to assessment in mouse infection models of all three diseases. Those compounds that show efficacy in animal models of infection will be profiled in toxicity assays (human kinase, GPCR, ion channel activity, genotoxicity), completing a data package that will drive the later medicinal chemistry optimization program. In order to transition to the R33 phase, we will have minimally identified at least two compounds that meet the defined lead criteria for at least one pathogen assessed, with key issues identified for optimization in the R33 phase of the project. This phase of the project will be focused on lead-to-preclinical candidate medicinal chemistry optimization in order to achieve the targeted properties for further advancement. In order to accomplish these goals, we will employ a unique combination of academic, government, and industry collaborators. By the end of the R33 phase, we will deliver compounds that effect parasitological cure in animal models of Chagas disease, VL, and/or CL using the dosing paradigm and endpoints required by DNDi. With NIAID Therapeutic Development Services, we will round out the necessary data package for a candidate compound and one backup compound in order to either make a go/no-go decision for continued advancement towards clinical trials.
If you are using these LED bulbs for turn signal lights, you will need to add a pair load resistors to prevent hyper flashing or malfunction problem Q: If I install these LED replacement bulbs on my European car, would they cause any error messages on dashboard? A: Most likely yes. Therefore, we do not recommend you using these LED bulbs for your European cars since some really complicated wiring is required. This page features a pair of 15-SMD-5730 LED bulbs for indicator lamps such as front or back turn signal lights, backup reverse lights, daytime running lights and more. Each LED bulb is equipped with 15 pieces of 0.5W 5730-type SMD LED lights on each direction for a full 360 degrees illuminating. The 7440 bulb is barely amber. It's bright, but not that nice hue of amber I was going going for. The OEM bulb has a more saturated color to it.
Antler chandeliers suspend above a towering stone hearth ornamented with antique snowshoes, wooden skis and fiberglass mounted elk heads as snow falls outside a windowpane … well, a digital one anyway. This was the inviting scene last night transforming the Colorado Convention Center’s Mile High Ballroom into a dreamy ski chalet straight from a storybook. “For us, coming here we’re looking at the overall transformation of the room,” Adrienne Belk, of Sage Island marketing agency, said. “I thought it was phenomenal this year because it really feels cozy. It feels like you’ve just come off the slopes and you’re seeing the fashion first-hand. “With the Snow Fashion & Trends Show scheduled for the day before the Snow Show, we wanted to create a party atmosphere, welcome everyone to Denver and set the mood for the rest of the show,” David Ingemie, SIA’s president, said. But, the spotlight of the evening befell the garments themselves. Where technicality or high fashion usually wins, the collections featured met somewhere in the middle. “It was really practical,” Vicki Vasil, director of marketing for Board Retailers Association, said. “It wasn’t too far. A lot of brands have lines that have $700 jackets … this gives a more practical application.” “Quietude” – this was the theme Stylesight, NYC-based trend forecasting service and SIA’s partner, pinpointed for fall/winter 2013/2014 technical ski fashions. Fischer Alpine Apparel’s black abetone jacket featured pastel yellow zipper details, while Descente’s cobalt blue and pine green multi zip jacket featured multiple zippers along the chest, each in a different primary color. Sport Obermeyer took their own spin on blocking colors in an understated way with color-blocked pockets on their minimalistic red batten pant. “It was really cool how the ski poles coordinated with all the ski gear. It customizes it just like you do your iPhone cases.” – Jessica Nelson, Tool Studios On the other end, there were pants in watercolor ikat prints from NILS, long underwear to be proud of from POLARMAX and trapper hats with unique ethnic details from Screamer. But, perhaps what stole the show were Malibu Cowboy’s boots: knee-high, in supple leather and perfect to slip into after a strenuous day on the slopes. Authentic, countercultural and raw all describe next season’s inclinations in snowboarding fashion. Stylesight called the overall feel “sentiment.” A tribal theme dominated the snowboarding collections with ikat patterns, custom embroidery, patchwork and tapestry-like prints in wools and velvets. Ride Snowboards’ mens’ wool bordeaux hooded jacket, a pullover with a gold snap collar in a luxe shade of wine, looked like a modern spin on traditional ethnic pullovers. In snowboard, camouflage in unexpected colors appeared, as did the continuation of the color-blocking trend in a palette of jet black, ornate yellow and golden clementine. “It feels like we’re fashion forward to be here; it feels like we’re at the cutting edge.” – Vicki Vasil, Board Retailers Association The children stole the show traipsing down the runway in hyper-bright, energetic colors of fuchsia, buttercup yellow and apple green with an overall theme of “rapture,” according to Stylesight. However, the youth collections were not just about looking cool on the mountain, but also about performance with new padding constructions ideal for ski school. But, youth collections should never be taken too seriously and they weren’t. A Chaos zebra sock puppet hat ended the youth segment on a lighthearted note. “The overlap of streetwear and snow continues to be really exciting. It’s just great for the industry. It really broadens how people can wear the clothing, not just for snow – it’s street, outdoor … fashion.” – Adrienne Belk, Sage Island Après-ski, fashions for the ski culture after the runs all close down for the day, takes skiwear to the streets. “From a retailer perspective, it’s a great opportunity to branch out beyond the hardgoods people … that opens up tenfold the potential customers you could have buying après-ski who might not be able to buy a snowboard or bindings,” Vasil said. Even the posers among us should want to jump on the après-ski train after seeing the fashions last night. In a color story of hushed violet, dark sapphire, ebony and ivory, the high fashion luxury ski collections represented “allegory,” – sophisticated, lustrous and chic, Stylesight commented. In an air of opulence models graced the runway in noble metals, real and faux furs, satin linings and marbled fleeces. Mysterious graphic prints of mythical symbols and minimal gothic styles permeated the polished, yet out-of-the-ordinary looks. Outerwear was the standout. Sabine Sommeregger sent fitted, show-stopping coats down the runway, my favorite being the Sarah wool hand-stitched coat – hooded with a fringed hem and large, colorful herringbone stitching down the back standing out against black wool. Neve Designs modified the traditional puffer jacket with their mushroom quilted jacket’s tall, rounded neckline, and NILS added a touch of royalty to the ski scene with their indigo fur trim jacket and purple luxe pant. “We love the Neve outerwear; that’s new for them,”Jackie Darves, buyer for Double Diamond in Vail, said. “They wanted it to be ‘just off-the-slopes,’ but they wanted the girls to look luxurious; they wanted to feel luxury with a hint of Colorado,” Matthew Morris said after the show. To accomplish this, stylists set out to create polished styles that still looked tousled. To do so, nearly every strand had to be sealed individually. The end of the 2013 Snow Fashion & Trends Show is just the beginning of a long weekend of socializing and doing business for the international snow sports industry.
Due to the promotion of our current Curriculum Leader stepping into our Senior Leadership Team, The Stockwood Park Academy have a fantastic opportunity for a Curriculum Leader of Humanities to join our successful team. We are looking for someone who will play an active role in the development of the emerging competency based curriculum providing specific curriculum expertise and furthering our success in leading our Humanities department. You will also oversee the development of the KS5 curriculum for each subject in the department. We will welcome applications from any specialism in Humanities. It’s incredibly important to us here at Stockwood that our Curriculum Leaders have the trust and autonomy to run their department and that all our staff are valued, listened to, mentored, challenged and given adequate opportunities to develop. As a Teaching Trust, we offer exceptional teacher training and high-quality professional development programmes catered to your needs. Consequently, we have many success stories of teachers that have joined us and been given excellent CPD and training that has allowed them to climb the career ladder. · Be accountable for the learning and achievement of all students following programmes within the subject area · Be accountable for motivation to subject staff (teaching and support) and the creation of a highly effective team · Demonstrable experience of using performance management and performance data to inform target setting, planning and policy. · To be part of an 11-18 provision with opportunities to teach in the sixth form in for many subject areas Teacher Testimonial: “I have been at the Academy since 2000, I started as an unqualified teacher and was supported through the Graduate Teacher Programme. Very soon after I gained my QTS, opportunities arose to get into new roles. I started as Gifted and Talented Coordinator, then I became Head of Department for PE and then I wanted to develop into a pastoral role where I became a House Leader. Then came the opportunity to become an Assistant Principal and I was encouraged to go for that role so I took the leap and now I'm the Assistant Principal for Personal Development, Behaviour Management and Welfare. There is a whole range of CPD on offer with a dedicated Teaching and Learning team who will provide personalised CPD, personalised areas for development for members of staff. In addition to that, they have a number of courses they provide, I've gone on the 'Outstanding Teacher Programme' and developed my own teaching and helped me feel secure in the position I was in. Stockwood Park Academy have already begun supporting with my next step up moving into a Deputy Head or Vice Principal role.“ AGS - Muscat is looking to recruit a well-qualified and experienced EAL teacher to support the individual needs of both our Primary and Secondary pupils with English as a second or additional language. Vision for Education is seeking to appoint Geograpghy Teachers to join our successful supply teaching team and to work in Scarborough and the surrounding area. This is an excellent opportunity to work flexibly or on a part time basis. AtTeacher will benefit from: Personal Coach with responsibility for CIAG (Careers, Information, Advice & Guidance), Newham - Tes Jobs The London Design & Engineering University Technical College (LDE UTC) is a brand new oversubscribed, 14-19 independent academy that opened in September 2016 on the Royal Docks. Providing education for students who would like to pursue a career in design, engineering and other STEM sectors. LDE UTC has been set up by Thames Water, Costain, University of East London, Skanska, Atkins, Balfour Beatty, MWH, IBM, ICE, LEGO and Thames Tideway Tunnel, to provide students with the opportunity to progress onto University, higher degree apprenticeships or the workplace. Students can look forward to a business like STEM rich curriculum, with access to the very best educational facilities and industry standard equipment in the world, having the opportunity to study a range of GCSE, A Level and vocational subjects. Do you value making the learning relevant, working on real projects and developing employability skills in our future young professionals? This is a non-teaching role, though applications are encouraged from those with teaching experience, as well as those without. We also welcome applications from those wishing to work part time. If you are interested in pursuing a career in this vibrant, positive “can do” environment and feel that you have the enthusiasm and drive to make a real difference, then please apply for this truly rewarding opportunity, where together we can create the next generation of confident, independent, work-ready individuals. We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic teacher in year 3 to join our team. NQTs are welcome to apply plus experienced teachers on Main Scale interested in the leadership of Religious Education. Please send your completed application form to Mrs Sue Henderson, St Jude’s Church of England Primary School, Regent Road, Herne Hill, London SE24 0EL. Successful can
Welcome to The Pier Life! Pier fishing has been an American past-time for generations, and the tradition lives on today. Most people do not realize that huge, saltwater fish can be caught at a public pier just for the price of a daily pass. On this website, you will find anything and everything about piers and pier fishing, in general. It does not matter if you are an expert fisherman or just starting out, we have something for everybody! Feel free to browse our website for tips, merchandise and suggested products and services. If you have any questions we are here to help! Just click the "contact us" tab, drop us an e-mail and we promise to get back with you as soon as possible. It does not matter where you live or what pier you fish on, just remember to keep livin' The Pier Life! We want to start by saying welcome to The Pier Life blog! We are very excited to have the opportunity to share our experiences and knowledge of pier fishing with you. The good, the bad, the exciting, and even the ugly, we will be here every step of the way. Our goal is to provide you with the most information as possible to make your pier fishing experience the best it can be. You are probably wondering how The Pier Life brand came about. We wanted to come up with a brand that catered specifically to the pier fishing community. There are many different hobbies that revolve around the ocean, but none that offer the expertise that is involved exclusively with pier fishing. The pier fishing community is like family and tend to stick together. Sure you may be thinking “it's just fishing,” but pier fishing is extremely different than shoreline fishing or even fishing from a boat; it requires patience, skill, and strength. Now it’s time to familiarize you with the masterminds behind the operation. The Pier Life consists of three partners, who coincidentally call each other family. A father, son, and daughter make up this incredible partnership. It is true that this family is close knit, but what makes this family remarkable is how well they work together. Of course there are ups and downs, but these arise with any business. Nevertheless, the positivity and consistent encouragement are the strings that keep this company tied together and conclusively produced this exclusive brand. First and foremost there is Zach. If you need to know anything about pier fishing he is the man for the job. His love and passion of pier fishing is relentless and he has been fulfilling this hobby since he was just a boy. What seemed like an innocent interest quickly turned into a lifestyle and subsequently a thriving brand. The pier life all started as a simple idea that was mentioned while walking down the Gulf State Park Pier and now, well, the rest is history. Zach’s dedication to The Pier Life is a fulltime responsibility but he also plans to attend college in the fall. If you were wondering who is behind all of The Pier Life social networking and internet maintenance, then let me introduce you to Brittani. A recent college graduate (earning a Bachelors degree in Biology) Brittani has been working vigorously to bring The Pier Life brand to anyone and everyone that has access to the internet. She has been working in marketing for the last couple of years and now hopes she can promote a brand that everyone in the pier fishing community would like to be a part of. And lastly, but of course definitely not least, we have Bob, the father of both Zach and Brittani. Bob has always loved pier fishing and enjoys spending time with his children while doing so. With the experience of owning two businesses under his belt, Bob strives and accomplishes success in everything he does. He has been happily married for 24 years and has three beautiful children. Working endlessly to get The Pier Life acknowledged, he hopes one day to retire on a white sandy beach, walking distance from a pier of course! Enough about us!! Let’s talk about what this blog will deliver for you! We will provide product reviews, keep you up to date on the hottest trends and products in the industry, and let you in on which piers have the best fishing! We hope you enjoy this blog as much as we do, and we encourage you to comment on our posts. Don’t forget to visit our online forum to stay up to date on the fishing community nearest you! If you see that we have not featured your pier of choice, just shoot us an e-mail and we will be glad to post about your favorite pier, or better yet, pop in for a visit. We encourage any feedback, so don’t hesitate to comment, email, or message us! UK - The BPEX television advertisement for ‘Pulled Pork’ hit the small screen last week, marking the start of a campaign to improve consumer awareness of the dish and benefit the pork supply chain. As part of its major initiative to champion pulled pork, BPEX's humorous yet engaging television advert premiered after the closing credits of Friday night’s episode of Coronation Street. After running on terrestrial TV at the weekend, including a slot during ITV’s new Sunday night flagship show Home Fires, the ad is then set to run across multichannel and video-on-demand channels alongside a mix of popular programmes, until the end of the month. A 30-second edit of the advert, which follows a family achieving the ultimate lazy Sunday, finished perfectly with a serving of no-fuss pulled pork, will run until 21 May, after which a shorter, 10-second version will be aired. BPEX has worked closely with major processors and retailers to develop in store activity to support the campaign. Approximately 1.3 million “Perfect for Pulled Pork” stickers will appear on packs of pork shoulder during the campaign and retailers are supporting the campaign with their own marketing and social media activity. Around 1 million recipe booklets featuring these recipes will be distributed to consumers during the campaign. The recipes will also be sold into target media. Michelin starred TV chef Tom Kerridge is acting as a spokesperson for the campaign and will be conducting media interviews. Tom has also produced a series of pulled pork recipes and “how to” videos. Leading media will be targeted with deliveries of pulled pork and a series of celebrity inspired pulled pork rubs have been created to drive media coverage and social media comment. Kirsty Walker, BPEX head of marketing, said: “The idea behind the advert is to demonstrate pulled pork is a delicious dish which takes zero effort to prepare. “We’ve targeted programmes that are popular with our core audience – 24-55 year olds with families – and with nearly 6,000 spots booked from now until the end of the month; millions of viewers are expected to see the ad. “Sundays are busy days for families, therefore we think a tasty, zero-effort family meal like pulled pork will be well-received. "Once consumers have been persuaded to give pulled pork a try, we’re sure they will appreciate its wonderful flavour, succulence and the freedom the six hour cooking time gives them on their Sundays. "As a result, we aim to drive renewed interest in fresh pork, in particular pork shoulder joints which are currently under-utilised in the domestic market. This in turn will benefit the profitability and sustainability of the entire supply chain.” Supporting the TV campaign will be a dedicated programme of online and social media activity, with the #achievelazy and #pulledpork hashtags and a host of pulled pork recipe ideas on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, Tom Kerridge will be answering questions on the LovePork Facebook page and will also feature in three videos showing how easy it is to cook pulled pork, hosted on BPEX’s consumer-facing website Other activity will include a Facebook competition, a tie up with leading YouTuber, Barry Lewis (My Virgin Kitchen) and partnerships with Netmums and a range of top food bloggers. Ms Walker said: “We are hugely excited about this campaign and we are looking forward to seeing its impact. "The huge support and backing from the industry has been a major factor in this campaign and there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved and take advantage of the increased demand for pork shoulder joints and pulled pork dishes. "From butchers using our pulled pork point-of-sale material, retailers promoting pulled pork recipe ideas to customers, food service operators capitalising on this renewed demand for pulled pork dishes or farmers supporting our social media campaign, together we can change consumer perceptions about fresh pork for the better.” EU - Following a strong recovery in 2014 and 2015, EU pigmeat production is now expected to expand only marginally (by less than 1.3 per cent by 2026 compared to its 2016 high levels) due to limited consumption growth, reports the latest EU Agricultural Outlook Report. The increased production capacity in certain parts of the EU and continued low feed prices resulted in an increase in pigmeat production in 2015, despite the Russian import ban, putting pressure on prices. Due to the time-lag before pig production adjusts to these price developments and short-term economic behaviour to cover at least partly the investment costs, slaughterings stabilised in 2016, following the reduction in reproductive herd, as observed in the December 2015 and June 2016 livestock surveys. legislation on various aspects of manure management, will probably limit expansion of production in the current hotspots without bringing it to a halt. A possible way out, as already seen in Denmark, is to specialise in piglet production while pigs are fattened in other regions of the EU. Another option observed at more regional level is to treat and transport manure to what are called ‘N-deficit areas’. way to additional exports. Taking into account these elements, EU pigmeat production is expected to grow slowly in both the EU-15 and the EU-N13, by 300 000 t over 10 years. Due to a boost in Chinese pigmeat demand on the international market in 2016, EU exports have hit a record level, slowing down the foreseen readjustment in EU production and even resulting in import demand for pigmeat is projected to continue over the medium term but at a lower level, as seen today (close to 900 000 t by 2026). World import demand for pigmeat is expected to remain strong, but to grow more slowly than in the previous decade (+1.2 million t), reaching 8.5 million t by 2026, mostly from existing EU trade partners in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. decreased purchasing power will lead in any case to lower imports from the EU after the ban is assumed to be lifted. In addition, in order to secure supply in the absence of banned EU and US meat, Russia has been looking for other suppliers, some of whose exports it had previously restricted. Moreover, EU volumes that under normal market conditions would have gone to Russia have found their way to other destinations, mainly Japan, South Korea, the Balkan countries and the Philippines. Driven by consumption developments, the Philippines, a market with over 100 million consumers, imported 190 000 t from the EU in 2015. Imports are expected to continue at this level. The USA, the EU’s main competitor on the world market, has recovered from the 2013 outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDv) and gradually increased its pigmeat supply, competing directly with the EU on the South Korean market. US pigmeat exports are likely to return to growth over the outlook period at competitive prices, encouraged by a weaker USD. They are expected to increase market share slightly while the EU's share remains stable. In view of the above, EU exports are expected to reach around 2.8 million t at the end of the outlook period. This also reflects the EU pig market's increasing dependency on exports, which are expected to go from less than 9 % to 12 % by 2026. EU-N13, gaining 3.6 kg in 2 years and bringing total EU consumption back to pre-crisis levels. In 2016, EU consumption decreased, mainly due to lower availability of pigmeat on the domestic market. In the longer run, consumption in the EU-15 will start to fall again slowly to 31.2 kg per capita by 2026, as pigmeat loses out to poultry meat, but total consumption in the EU-15 will increase due to population growth (+150 000 t). Consumption in the EU-N13, on the other hand, is expected to increase gradually, to reach a record high of 34.5 kg per capita by 2026, driven mainly by growing demand in Poland and Romania. Thanks to the strong import demand from China among others, pigmeat prices went up again in 2016 after 2 years of lower prices. EU prices are expected to strengthen only slowly over the outlook period, due to sustained price competition with the Americas (USA, Brazil). Prices are predicted to reach an average of 1 670 EUR/t in 2026. Uncertainties relating to the macroeconomic environment and to changes in yields could, however, see pigmeat prices fluctuating between 1 300 and 2 160 EUR/t. US - US hog prices, lean hog futures, and small pig prices continue a rapid rebound heading towards Christmas. Santa Claus has come early for American hog producers, writes Jim Long President – CEO Genesus Inc. U.S. cash early weans were down to $5 per head. Last week, they averaged $47 per head. Anyone selling cash early weans will have a better Christmas. In the lean hog futures June has gone up from a low of $0.67 at the end of September to a close last Friday of $0.78. A $20 plus increase. A few weeks ago, some profitability farrow to finish projections for the next twelve months showed profits of $5 per head. Current models indicate $20 per head. We don’t want to forget our packers so close to Christmas. With U.S. pork cut-outs at $0.78/lb and hog prices of $0.57 on a 210 lb carcass, packer gross margin is over $40 USD per head. With gross margin at this level or higher for the last four months, every day has been Christmas for packers. What is absolutely fantastic is that with U.S. hog marketings at 2,544,000 last week, USDA pork cut-outs are $0.78/lb. It is record pork production, and we doubt if anyone predicted such high pork cut-out prices in the face of this record deluge. It reflects a demand for pork in retail, food service and export that is absolutely positive. Throw in the U.S. dollar at extremely high levels relative to foreign currencies and the demand is even more extraordinary. In the future, the new U.S. packing plants will come on line. Triumph-Seaboard, Hadfield, Prime Moon Ridge and Prestige. Lots of new capacity of over 10 million head per year, or about 500,000 sows production. The competition for hogs by packers will get intense. Packer margins will decrease with producers getting a bigger share of the cut out value. This in itself will enhance producer profit potential. We continue to believe as we have for quite a while that U.S. lean hogs will exceed $0.80 in the summer of 2017. This past week, we attended the Prairie Livestock Expo in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba has about 300,000 sows. What we observed is an industry licking its wounds from the losses of the last half year, but cautiously optimistic of the future. We heard of no new sow barn construction and just a few finishers being considered. We expect Manitoba will continue to ship about 60,000 small pigs a week to the U.S. The U.S. has the capacity to finish, strength of currency, and producer demand, which will continue to pull the small pigs south. At the Expo, we had some producers ask why the Des Moines Iowa based CEO and COO both left Choice Genetics at the same time. We don’t know. We expect the challenge of trying to operate an added value genetic company like Choice Genetics, maintain customers, and even add any is very difficult after dealing with the bankruptcy they experienced. The Choice brand was severely damaged by the bankruptcy. My father always told me “it’s easier to give birth than bring the dead back to life.” We understand the new CEO of Choice Genetics is based in Europe. This time of the year is a time for reflection. We have been in the swine business a long time. We have met many people in our industry. This is a tough business. We all know there has been consolidation. Part of consolidation has been the exit of many producers, what some would call destructive capitalism. We are all passengers on the journey. There are things we control and many we don’t. Many of what we term survivors of the journey have done well. For this, we can be thankful. We believe in the future as most, if not all, of you do. We know pork is the global market leader in meat consumption. We all see the growth in demand. We all know we have productivity tools to enhance our opportunities, whether it be genetics, nutrition, human resources developed, or equipment. We are believers. We are optimists. Nothing has ever been built by anyone but optimists. Believers we are. Merry Christmas. Santa’s coming to our house.
One of the key lessons we can take away from history is that the global financial system changes… frequently. In ancient times, Roman coins were used across the region by Romans and non-Romans alike who engaged in trade and commerce. Given how destructively successive Roman governments debased their coins, however, the reserve burden eventually fell to the Byzantine Empire, whose gold solidus coin became the dominant currency in world trade. Over the centuries, this standard changed several more times. The Venetians, Florentines, Spanish, French, British, etc. each issued the world’s dominant currency at one point or another. But the fundamentals of those currencies changed. Governments engaged in wanton debasement, mismanaged their economies, and accumulated massive debt levels. And eventually the world shifted to new currencies. And even though Richard Nixon ended the dollar’s convertability to gold and unilaterally abandoned the US government’s obligations under the Bretton Woods system back in 1971, the world has still clung to the dollar for the past 43-years. The Chinese, which have their own economic issues to deal with, are starting to dump Treasuries in record numbers. Central banks are buying up more gold. Foreign countries are entering into bilateral currency swap arrangements with one another. And world governments are starting to (rather embarrassingly) demand that the US get its budget and fiscal house in order. As one of the major organizations spawned from the post-war financial structure, the IMF’s original goal was to ensure the smooth development of a new global financial system. Over 180 countries have since become members of the IMF. But the organization runs on a quota system, with each member nation having a certain percentage of the IMF’s overall votes. The US, for example, has the most power by far with a 16.75% share of the vote. Japan is a distant second with a 6.23% share. But most of the other 180+ nations have had enough. And they’re pushing the United States to massively overhaul the current quota system. Even typical allies are breaking ranks. Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey recently told reporters at a financial conference that they will “actively lobby” the US to reform the IMF quota issues, and that “Congress must understand that it is in the interest of the US to reform the IMF. . .” India. China. Just about everyone imaginable is pushing for major IMF reform. Everyone except the Land of the Free. The US government seems to like things the way they are. And Congress has been very intransigent in adopting any planned reforms. These people have their heads buried in the sand so deep that they can’t even hear the rest of the world SCREAMING for a new financial system. And while no foreign government wants a collapse of the dollar, they do very much want an orderly rebalancing of the financial system. This is already under way. The US government may pretend that everything is fine and dandy. But given the overwhelming objective evidence out there, folks who aren’t on board with this major trend are ignoring it at their own peril.
Okay. " After she said this, Brianna got on her knees and crawled the few inches to me. She agreed. I walked out side to find Alexis waiting patently. After sometime, he kept his hand on my hand and the waved infront of my face to ensure that I was asleep. Sure enough there she was. I pulled the sleeveless Kimberlh from her shoulders and tore at the closure of her bra, releasing it. Mika actually said it would be hot if she got screwed by a pokemon. She looked me in the eyes and could tell I was close to finishing. We were getting into drinking and smoking pot. I was looking forward to it so much that I forgot to get the condoms out, but luckily Ed kardahsian me, so while he put one on I spread some of the lubrication on my shaved arse hole, then put a bit on his rubber-coated dick and turned around to face the wall, leaning forwards and pushing my bum out towards him. As I mude sure the same is with everyone, this has happened so often that I have actually lost count. Your childish mockery will only change the opinions of those who are weak. You are able to say whatever you want about the Frog. The question is will you? But you do not believe that about the Frog, now, do you? We not only believe, but I KNOW that Christ is the truth. You don't. Fine. Live your way, and let others live the way that they believe. Do you think anyone has explained to him the premise behind "Question Period" where the opposition intentionally tries to provoke a reaction out of you, and you have to know your stuff? So you don't think there are towns in the US where the majority of people would rather not serve gay people? You could try asking for help on Disqus' "The Dawg House" Channel (their version of the Emerald City, where the Wizard might be able to help you). That's where grievances are posted. ?? Don't worry. In the ensuing media frenzy while politicians talk about banning water, water sales will reach record levels. not an atheist.I'm an Erisian pope a Minister in the Universal Life Church (the sub-genius branch) and The Church of the Latter-Day Dude as such we respect anyone's god belief as long as they don't try to force it on us by laws and/or in schools; but believe nothing ourselves without proof.This Month I'm exploring Apistevistic agnostic Erisian pantheism. IMVHO REALITY (what exists, the awareness of it and the natural laws behind it) is god and we are all equally part of a collective universal existence. I could be wrong but think it's more likely and predictive than a vindictive skyfather depicted in a very old highly edited badly translated book. Wombsosi does not believe in a "hell", but has a feeling that there might be some dark corner between life and death where Kennedy will meet Day O'Connor and the two can exchange a giggle over how their untimely retirement shafted the American people.
The PK Ripper Team XXL Frameset is built for the taller rider. It is based around the PK Ripper Team XLP frame, but with a 3/4" longer top tube and 1/2" longer rear end. This frameset is ready for all the high-end parts you"re willing to throw on to it so you can start winning races.
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that food looms large in my life. This time of year heralds plentiful supply of my favourite food group; stodge. Realising this always reminds me of an idyllic autumn afternoon I spent with my Mum in Epping Forest, hunting for fungus and crunching the fallen leaves. I mentioned that the change of the seasons augured the cooking of my favourite stodge, stew and dumplings (mentioned in the previous post). "Yes" my mother said; "It definitely feels like a dumpling day." It is now that time of year once more; dumpling days are here again. Hence this week's potion is named Dumpling Days Potion; my particular brand of salad days. This week's diaristic element is a scrap from one of Daily Life Ltd's illustrated coasters (don't worry, I have several) which succinctly expresses my views on dumplings. The embroidered words on the autumnal ribbon may seem unrelated, but as I mentioned in last week's potion post, I am feeling much brighter than I have of late over the past few weeks. So the embroidery reads "Yes you can", which is not particularly meant as an Obama reference, more a simple and impactful affirmation for me to always bear in mind, and a reminder for you, too, should you need iPoland & Sullivanwark, Delaware a
Kids are naturally curious. They have a tendency to ask right away when they notice something new or unusual. However, this does not always translate to an interest in learning. The failure to make this a love for education can be a product of several factors like an unhealthy environment and a lack of guidance. Parents have an important role in planting the seeds of interest in learning for kids. This precocious characteristic of children must be cultivated if the parents want their children to be responsible citizens in the future. Kids can be very sensitive to criticism. Be warm and friendly when you talk about the education of your kids. If you still think criticism will help them be more active in education, be constructive. Make sure you don’t over-criticize. The language that is being used around the child may seem trivial but it plays a big role. Always go positive so that the child will be motivated more instead of dwelling on what went wrong. If the child is asking questions that may be difficult to explain, do not dismiss the question right away. Try to explain it in a way that they will understand. They will soon give up asking if they do not think it is interesting enough. Asking questions lays the foundation of a critical mind. If they are asking too many questions, be patient enough as this is totally normal. Instead, lead them on to ask more questions that they themselves can find the answer. The existence of a role model helps children imagine what they want to be. In some cases, this can be a parent. If you want them to love learning, you should also show that you also love it. Show examples of some of the people around. A lot of experts and parents would caution you about introducing your children to technology. Technology is already a big part of our lives so we may as well use it to make learning tactics more varied for your children. There are interesting YouTube videos that can teach kids basic concepts of any subject. You can simply let your children use the top science homework helper on your mobile phone to solve a lot of their science related problems. Rewards will help children be motivated more in their quest for learning. These rewards do not have to be treats. They can come in the form of simple things. For example, you can make a deal with your children that if they are able to finish a book, you will be reading out a story to them for bedtime. Who says you cannot play while learning? It really is a matter of designing activities that will be able to quench their thirst for knowledge while being able to give them the fun they also want. Learning can be fun and the kids must know this. As parents, we have to realize that there should be no standard as to how fast your children will love learning. Let them learn at their own pace. You should also be able to communicate this well to them so that the child will not be pressured to do things just to please a parent. At an early age of a child, parents should already motivate their children to appreciate the beauty of learning new things. This, however, will not come easily so parents must be patient but firm in encouraging their children to take a more positive response to learning. Learning any particular subject will be easy for your kids when they can use the best free online study app available. If you are an iPhone user, look out for various study apps available on ITunes such as app for learning history online. Use of some of the top apps for studying can make life easier for your kids. Missions of Love tries to engage our employees in training whenever possible. This is a group that attended the Vitamin Angels Haiti Field Partner Networking Summit in Port au Prince. Our Nurse Jeliness was able to attend the Summit and gain vital information and training. You will find Jeliness in the third row up from the bottom on the very far right hand side. He’s the one in the white plaid shirt.
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Interracial love is indeed something beautiful and one that should be encouraged. An interracial relationship plays a major role in combating racial stereotypes and promoting harmony among the different races in the world. Dating websites like are helping contribute towards the above benefits by connecting missives to partners outside of the race. If you would love to meet an amazing partner outside of your race then it is definitely one of the sites to try out. If you want to put an end to racism and the evils of stereotyping then we reckon that you should encourage interracial dating to a large extent. However, there are not enough organizations which are doing enough to promote interracial dating. But the picture is not at all so gloomy because websites like interracialseeker have come up which believes and promotes interracial dating in a big way. This website has seen the development of thousands of relationships wherein people from different races have met and formed long lasting relationships. Are you interested in dating outside of your race? Interracialdatingcentral provides a safe avenue for meeting a life partner out of pool worldwide users interested in interracial relationships.It’s a free lifetime member subscription service. However, as members you can upgrade from standard to premium if they need to narrow down your search by getting to interact with potential partners via features such as live video chats. Are looking for a dating site? Have you check out on Afroromance website? Is about love past race discoveries, a personals dating site and interracial dating managements that is devoted to those who are searching a true affection. An enormous number of dark ladies and white men usually refer to this website especially when they are making an examples of overcoming their own adversity, then again, most white ladies and dark men who are dating, greatly discover love on this website likewise. Looking for an interracial dating experience? Want to solidify your search for men of different races and you don’t know what to do? Don’t worry the perfect place to be is the interracialcupid website. New G.a is a true lyricist on this masterpiece "The Glory" He is destined to make a major impact with this one....Hosted By: B Durty (Durty Man Game) For you who need today’s look in your cabinet, you may select this type of ideas outdoor storage cabinet the home redesign. This cabinet vanity cabinet has porcelain glass and top doors which will make the current motif even more stronger. Additionally it is ideal for small-size cabinet. Ignore striving so tricky to start looking for the stuffs at the base of the cupboard or by the end of the cabinet. You are able to install a pull-out storage into your cabinet cupboard. It is indeed the stakes treatment for bargain with slim distance and also to keep gentle stuffs. ideas outdoor storage cabinet the home redesign will bring the garden-style in your cabinet. Wrought iron included with iron that generated to the flame. It generally use in our fence and window. However we also can find this kind of iron caprice in most kind-of cabinet components. Below are some kind of wrought iron iron as cabinet components. The Forms. The contours of mirror closets are very various. Commonly, the shapes is like a conventional cabinets like square or rectangular . Butsometimes we can locate the corner cupboard in rectangular form. The place of these cabinets. Let us note that the corner cupboard contours is square. It is possible to set the rectangular after the corner form or put the two serious angle right into two wall . The two of position are good. Just select the position that you like! Only make use of the simple soap such as dish soap, use a clean rag and also water. There things are soft and safe enough to wash out the finger marks that’s usually happened towards the brushed nickel. Don’t utilize scented hand soap because it may leave scrubbing . The drain parts of the faucet which is identified as the popup drain should be cleaned too. This part usually includes water deposits. Wash it using thicker cleaning such as Barkeeper’s Friend, Bon-Ami or even Gentle Scrub. Be certain in regards to the harder substances like tile and floors. This Ideas Outdoor Storage Cabinet The Home Redesign the gallery form Suncast Outdoor Storage Cabinet. Hopefully you can find the best inspiration from our gallery here. As liberals withdraw from their Obama-induced high, and as the fog of the Obama years wears off, American liberals are experiencing a case of the DTs in the realization that Donald Trump controls the policy and process of government, and not the ultra-liberal Obama. Trump makes liberal Congressmen and Senators investigate things that all presidential administrations have done as part of their duties. Trump makes the liberal bench block legal, logical and necessary executive orders the likes of which all presidents have issued for over 200 years. Trump makes liberal city mayors promise, proudly, to disobey federal laws and protect illegal aliens and related criminals in their cities. Trump makes liberals say that he is “planetary negligent” for dropping out of the Paris Accords hoax. Trump makes liberals investigate his imagined dealings with Russia for over a year with no evidence of anything untoward having taken place, and still they plod on. Trump makes liberals say that we’ll have to get used to terrorist attacks because we can’t stop them. License this stock photo of Czech Republic, Cesky Krumlov, Cesky Krumlov castle and town for publication for editoriCesky Krumlov is © David Sanger Photography. All RIghts Reserved architecture, Bohemia, building, castle, Central Europe, Cesky Krumlov, charm, church, Czech, Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, EU, Europe, Gothic, height, heritage, history, Krumlov, Krumlov castle, landmark, medieval, old, picturesque, quaint, roof, Saint Jost, scenic, skyline, South Bohemia, St Jost, tower, town, travel, UNESCO, urban, view, village, worship, horizontal,
– son Thomas Bond – plantation where I now live containing 200 acres, also land in Pits County on Grendel Creek, containing 200 acres, also Negroes Sharper, Phillis, Janney and Sam. – Remaining furniture to be divided between my six children John Bond, Martha House, Mary Moore, Thomas Bond, Lewis Bond and James Bond. John Bond of Society Parish Bertie Co to his 3 children Thomas Bond, Elizabeth Bond, Penelope Bond. 21 Mar 1768. To son Thomas plantation where I now live, 2 “gras flasks” & Peter; to daughter Elizabeth: negro woman Murrear. To Penny: girl Peg. Rest of my estate to be divided equally among them. Wit: Needham Bryan, William Bryan. Mar Ct 1768. CC John Johnston.Will of John Bond D/232 1 May 1793 Nov Ct 1793 “..being weak in body…” – wife Anne Bond – lend Negroes Great Joe and Jack, stock, etc for her lifetime, including the hogs on the plantation where my son Thomas Bond now lives. – Wife – horses on the plantation where I now live, my money, and the furniture that John Smith, Senr. dec’d gave my wife she may possess, namely one bed, chest, woman’s saddle and a large copper mortar and pestle. – daughter Elizabeth Eason – Negro Lettey, and 100 acres on the south side of Roquist Swamp adj. William Turner, also beds from my current plantation and from the one where my son Thomas Bond now lives. – to my children Thomas Bond, Elizabeth Eason and Penelope House – the residue of my estate not already given away that belongs on the plantation where my son Thomas now lives. Inventory Nov 11 1793: Div of estate Nov 19 1793 among Thomas Bond, Mrs. Elizabeth Eason and Mrs. Penelope House. Inventory of Thomas Bond 30 Oct 1800 by Joseph Eason admr. Edith Bond was apptd. gdn of the orphans: John, Mary, Balis, Elizabeth, Lewis, George H and James Bond on Feb 9 1801. – three daughters Sarah Bond, Mary Bond and Elizabeth Bond – half my dwelling house kitchen and out houses, also half my land where I now live while they are single – son John – 100 acres where I now live and the remaining part of said land at the death or marriage of my said three daughters. Wife Clarisa Bond – her third of my lands during her lifetime and Negroes Nan, Pat, Chana and Tom, my colt and riding chair, etc. To the child my wife is now big with – all my lands and Negroes not already given away and half of my furniture. If this child dies before marriage or underage, this plantation where I now live on the Village Swamp shall fall to my sister Sarah Thompson, and the marsh plantation shall fall to my sister Mary Bond, likewise my Negroes shall fall to my half-brother Lewis Bond. She moved to Mississippi with Dr. Sutton and her son Lewis Whitmell Thompson in 1846.5. Lewis Bond d Mar 1770 on July 9 1791 the Negroes were evaluated and divided into shares. widow Mary Bond received one share and another was allotted to Thomas Bond and wife Rhoda, daughter of the dec’d . The other children of the dec’d were John, Thomas, Lewis and Mary Bond. John Bond received his share 7 Dec 1796. Thomas received his share 23 Feb 1803 and John was appt. at this time guardian of the orphan Lewis Bond. [there is no mention of Mary, the orphan]
But, at the same time we have never lost sight of our heritage, small town values, and our goal of producing the highest quality comfort products, or our commitment to complete customer satisfaction. Our dedication to product and service has allowed us to build valued relationships with our contractors and their customers. Technological advancements in oil heating, gas heating, and air conditioning have made heating and cooling your home cleaner, safer, and more comfortable and reliable than ever before. At Thermo Products we will continue to research, develop and refine solutions that meet the needs of the market. And we will continue to put a bit of Thermo Products heritage in everything we do. The Thermo Pride brand stands for handcrafted products and hometown values: comfort, reliability, durability, quiet operation, and high efficiency. Together they provide real value and establish the Thermo Products benchmark. The competition largely focuses on mass production, low cost and price battles. Thermo Products, for over 70 years, has concentratrmo Products, makers of Thermo Pride heating and cooling equipment, has a heritage of superior workmanship, product innovation and small town work ethic. Committed to handcrafted products and hometown values like comfort, reliability, durability, quiet operation and high efficiency, Thermo Pride offers affordable alternatives to mass-produced compromises between quality and price.
SECAmb is urging people to be sensible and stay safe and injury free this bonfire and firework season... SECAmb is today able to publish the Patient Impact Review into the Red 3 Pilot undertaken at the end of 2014... SECAmb inspired local schools and children’s groups to drive forward CPR awareness as part of the Europe-wide initiative Restart a Heart. Ambulance crews have begun operating out of South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust’s (SECAmb) newest Make Ready Centre in Polegate, East Sussex. SECAmb picked up three awards at the prestigious Brake Fleet Safety Awards held in Birmingham on 29 September... SECAmb is supporting a national campaign, ‘Shoctober’, throughout October to hunt down life-saving defibrillators. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its report following a planned inspection of South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) in May. Patients from across our region have once again been reunited with the ambulance teams who saved their lives at the Trust’s annual ‘Our Survivors’ event. South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) has announced plans for staff based at Knaphill Ambulance Station to move in to its established Make Ready Centre in Chertsey. Pay is only part of the compensation you will earn working for the Department of the Navy. We offer a brrent employees: The GRB Platform - (Formerly EBIS) the automated, secure, self-service Web application that allows employees to make health insurance, life insurance, and Thrift Savings Plan contribution elections, review general and personal benefits information, and calculates retirement estimates) can only be accessed from a .mil, .edu or .gov environment and using their DoD Common Access Card (CAC). Other helpful links can be found on the Current Employees page. Covers long term care if you can no longer perform everyday tasks due to a chronic illness, injury, disability or aging Family and Medical Leave Act allows up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave for caring for a sick family member Up to 104 hours of paid leave for disabled veterans during first year of employment for purposes of undergoing medical treatment for such disability (available to new Federal civilian employees hired on or after November 5, 2016) Overtime pay or time off for hours over 40 hours per week or 8 hours a day depending on work schedule Telework – Activities may authorize employees in eligible positions to perform some duties from home or a telecommuting center. Transportation Subsidy - employees taking public transportation/carpools are reimbursed for transportation costs Health & Fitness - many Navy/Marine Corps installations have well-equipped fitness centers available to civilian employees Dependent Care – Navy has outstanding child care programs and referrals to Federal child care centers Tuition Reimbursement - Activities may pay all or part of the necessary expenses of training, including the costs of college tuition for training and education, to improve an employee’s performance of his or her official duties Employee Assistance Programs – The Department of the Navy values its employees and has partnered with the Department of Health and Human Services Federal Occupational Health (FOH) to provide a centralized employee assistance and work/life program for employees and their families. The Department of the Navy Civilian Employee Assistance Program (DONCEAP) provides a wide range of services to employees and their families. Employees can access services 24/7 through the web or by phone. A professionally staffed call center can provide answers to questions, research information, link employees to a wide variety of qualified local services, and provide licensed confidential support to help with difficult issues. DONCEAP consultation services are provided at no charge to civilian employees and their families. DONCEAP is also available to those selectees who have accepted a tentative job offer with DON and are undergoing pre-employment/entrance on duty process to become DON employee. Some fees may apply for additional services beyond the consultation. DONCEAP services are voluntary and confidential within the limits of the law. Access to licensed counselors who provide in-person, short-term counseling for a wide range of concerns to include relationships, legal, financial, family, substance abuse, depression, parenting, and more Help when there is an incident or crisis that affects the workplace - psychological first aide, grief groups, consultation, and education Government and Armed Forces Travel Cooperative – provide vacation travel services, including discount packages
This page has been set up to record progress on the Metro line. We will update it as we receive news. It is now over 30 years since the Metro line from Brierley Hill to Wednesbury via Merry Hill, Dudley, Dudley Port and Great Bridge was first proposed. When the first Metro line from Birmingham Snow Hill to Wolverhampton St Georges was opened in July 1999, it was stated that line 2 (as the Brierley Hill to Wednesbury line was then known) would be opened by 2006. Since then, there has been a lot of huffing and puffing, but no progress had been made on starting work on the line. However, the decision that the West Midlands would have an elected Metro Mayor led to promises of funds being made available to build the line “subject to a successful business case being presented”. In anticipation of the Government funding the building of the line, work started on clearing the trackbed of nearly 25 years of vegetation. Freight trains had last run north of Round Oak in 1993. Work started in the vicinity of the old Dudley station and spread outwards towards Wednesbury in the north and Pedmore Road in the south. In a visit to Birmingham, the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer announce that a £250 million investment would be made to the West Midlands Combined Authority, of which £200 million would be used to build the Metro line from Wednesbury to Brierley Hill. Building work is set to start in 2019 with the line due to open from Wednesbury to Dudley in 2022 and to Brierley Hill in 2023. I have been trying to get back into the swing of my manipulations, and I came across a dilemma involving the realism of Betazoid eyes. While actors' contact lenses cannot fully grasp the effect of black eyes, do you think that the iris itself is black, still retaining the structure of a humanoid iri... {Playing as Ensign Jaaron Jude} Ensign Jaaron Jude tapped away at his small console with speed and accuracy, making sure not to miss a single control as he tried his hardest to make sure the warp field wouldn’t collapse inside the anomaly. Being a Warp Theory major at the Academy was saving his butt... {Playing as Captain Joshua Dawnter} Joshua had only been knocked out once in his life. While he wished that this injury could have been the result of a vicious bar fight or a phaser to the chest, the story of this unconsciousness was told sparingly and for fun. The rambunctious child fancied to clim... Hello, Crew! Long time, no see. I would immediately like to convey my apologies for my absence and lack of activity for the game that I had put so much effort into creating and monitoring. I keep telling you all that it is real life, which it is, getting in the way, but I feel like all of you intell... Alyssa hasn't responded to any of my PMs... But i think that we could continue without her for a few posts. Is anybody ready to continue? I'm usually a friend and I don't act like a MOD, but I have to make a decision. (Kahless, I was pretty sure I replied to you, but with my memory who knows. This post will contain most of the information I planned to send you.) We've all noticed the steep decrease of posts after the past few weeks. ... Did one for Santura as well. I tried to do Huxil last night, but it wasn't going so well so I took a break in search for better source images. He was just mentioned once by Riojj on the bridge. I added him to the manifest for the sake of my OCD. So I was doing a request for someone, but it started to aggravate me so I took a break and made Mejal (whatever his name is) instead.
ALIAS ROUND 1 presents oversized round cosmetic lenses that recall the color effect of soap bubbles. ALIAS ROUND 1 is a fresh and young eyewear for the most carefree. The temples can be easily adjusted thanks to the metal core and the reverbs can considerably reduced thanks to the special lenses. TRACK 7: a model to discover!