After weeks of relentless, unusually intense heat, the weather forecaster announces a violent thunderstorm with possible flash flooding in the East of England. That and we’ve been promised the longest lunar eclipse – with blood moon, no less – in a hundred years. My heart sinks when I hear of a forthcoming moon or sun eclipse. I live in England, and England, as proved – as if proof were needed – by recent political events, always has to be different from everybody else. So, while much of the rest of Europe is awed by this spectacular display of cosmic art, England, true to the spirit of the Reformation, has to shield its residents from too much magnificence with a blanket of cloud. By 8.30 p.m., when H. and I go for a stroll, I know that, unless a coup de théâtre by our recently-returned grey weather suddenly raises the curtain on a patch of clear sky, preferably where the moon is scheduled to rise, the extraordinary eclipse is something I’m going to see in other people’s photos. The air is so dense and heavy, it’s an effort to pull it through your nostrils. The moisture is so oppressive, it makes every step laborious. We decide to go back home and breathe more easily indoors in the breeze of an oscillating fan. Exhausted by having worked all day and overwhelmed by the heat, H. falls asleep to the regular, slightly rheumatic creak of the electric fan that’s recently been brought out of storage after several years. I am not sleepy. On the contrary, I feel a sense of anticipation, of excitement I usually experience before a thunderstorm. I love thunderstorms. Even as an easily frightened child terrified by things real as well as imaginary, I always felt strangely safe during them. As I close the curtains and switch off the lights around the house, I catch a glimpse of a sky that’s like marble, with different shades of deep grey infused with lilac, gold, blue, terracotta and red. I wonder if it’s the blood moon seeping through the clouds. A flock of starlings circles over the Norman church tower a few streets away, then settles on the crenellations, like a row of soldiers ready to face the invader. I take my notebook and pen and sit on a chair facing the window, which I’ve pushed open as far as the frame allows, my feet on the sill, watching the gradually darkening sky. Everything feels still. I switch off the radio and the silence is suddenly thick with possibility. The only sound is the whirr and creak of the electric fan behind me. I consider turning that off, too, but the heat is unbearable, so I just tune its noise out of my ears and focus on the sounds outside the window. There is enough light to write. I smell the unmistakable, slightly metallic scent of impending summer rain. Like a refreshing shower of silver after a day bathed in gold. There are hints of lighting splashing here and there throughout the sky, now a mottled apricot-gold. A hesitant breath of cool air laps the soles of my feet. Then a sudden gust of wind ruffles the short palm tree in the neighbours’ garden. A playful gesture. And here it comes – drops of rain drumming gently on the glass pane and the roof tiles. I glance at the church tower. The starlings are no longer on the crenellations. I wonder if they’ve huddled up inside the walls. The flashes of lightning are now more frequent, brighter, more urgent, until there are explosions of blinding white before me. The church tower is floodlit. I remove my feet from the sill. Something black flutters a few inches away from the window pane. Is it a leaf? No, it has wings. A bat searching for refuge. Although fascinated, I quickly pull the window pane closer to the frame. I don’t want to deal with a panic-stricken bat inside a house where you can’t open the windows in full. It’s now too dark to write. I can’t make out the ink from the paper. The mane of the neighbour’s palm tree is suddenly swept right back with violence. There is a vague rumble of thunder. Another small white cloud rushes across the horizon, as though seeking safety. I take a small torch and shine a small ringed circle of light on my notebook. I pick up my fountain pen again and resume scribbling. I hope the next thunderclap will be louder. I long for a thunderstorm like the ones I would watch while growing up in Rome. Like the ones we would always get immediately after 15 August, once Ferragosto was over. With the skies letting rip, the water pelting down into rivers streaming down the streets, and thunder that exploded as though tearing the air apart. This thunderstorm is more subtle, more understated. Two little white clouds now flee across the horizon. Anxious. The wind is now shaking the window pane and I hear something crashing in the street. The sky is now a dark, reddish brown. I feel a surge of power within me. Whole. At one with myself. My fountain pen runs smoothly on the pages I keep turning. Then an alien light takes over the garden and filters into our room. Brash. Intrusive. The neighbours are in their kitchen. I can hear their television, their laughter. Their noise upstages the storm and drains the silence of its possibilities. I suddenly become aware again of the whirr and creaking of the fan behind me. This entry was posted in Odds & Ends and tagged katherine gregor, moon eclipse, scribe doll, thunderstorm, writing. Bookmark the permalink. “Like a refreshing shower of silver after a day bathed in gold.” That made me smile. As did the rest of it. I love thunderstorms, too! I hear when some Native Americans pray for rain, they go and stand in the field, mentally feel the rain on their face and thank the heavens for the rain, to encourage it to fall. What have you got to lose? I love thunderstorms and enjoyed your depiction of the weather change. In my corner it rained, but the proper spectacle headed elsewhere. Since then the phlox is trying to raise its drunken flower heads. The aliens, ah yes, sigh. I seem to live alongside parallel worlds that rarely chime with my musings. I was hoping to catch the lunar eclipse as the moon would normally rise theatrically across my sitting room window which faces south east. I had even thought to drive down to the seafront for a better view , but it was not to be! However, like you,I really enjoy a storm and that did not disappoint. I wish the rain would stop now- enough! Ah, a perfect description! We have daily heat like you describe, beginning in late June and staying sultry until October or November. Thunderstorms pop up every afternoon, and from my high perch I watch the clouds roll in. (We missed the eclipse, too!) We should set up the Eclipse Deprived Club. You do have long summers! This is an exceptionally hot one for the UK – but I love the sunshine. Thank you for commenting. Flows so well – especially like the way you punctuate every now and then with 1 word sentences. Ending reminds me of Eliot – ’til human voices wake us, and we drown Now that’s the kind of compliment likely to make my head too big for our doorway! Thank you. Glad you liked my piece. Dear Katia, Nice to hear from you after so long a silence! We here in the American Northeast have also been having oppressive, muggy, hot weather, though we’ve had a few storms here and there too. Your writing is a lovely capturing of the nature of a storm. I hope you won’t suffer from any of the atmospheric excesses that we have, of course. Keep in touch with your readers! Pushkar-Gayathri have made only two films in Tamil, and both are distinctive. Oram Po (2007) and Va Quarter Cutting (2010) are characterised by oddball characters who comically explore the underbelly of Chennai. The directing duo shifts gears in Vikram Vedha, a gangster thriller that takes off from the Vikram-Vetal folk story. The movie stars Madhavan, Vijay Sethupathi, Shraddha Srinath, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Kathir. Vikram Vedha was to have been released on July 7, but the release was stalled by the shutdown of movie theatres in Tamil Nadu over the imposition of an entertainment tax over and above the General Sales Tax. In an interview with Scroll.in, Gayathri hoped that the movie would be out by July 14. In a usual cop film, there is the characteristic good cop-bad gangster or a gangster with a heart of gold battling a corrupt cop. There is almost always a clear delineation between the good guy and the bad guy. Apart from exploring the structure, we wanted to base the film out of that fundamental idea of good vs bad, which is a very relative concept. It all depends on how you see things. While we were brainstorming about ideas around morality and different perspectives, the folktale of Vikramadityan and Vetal fascinated us. The children’s tale poses very morally ambiguous questions, which can have different answers. We wanted to toy around with this idea. From Chandru-Bigil in ‘Oram Po’ and Sura-Marthandan in ‘Va Quarter Cutting’, your films are centred on a duo’s exploits. We avoid making protagonist or hero-oriented films, which glorifies a single person. To offset that in terms of writing and character development, two people work very well for a script. Vikram Vedha too is like two sides of a coin. But maybe subconsciously, it is so maybe because we are a duo behind the camera too. Both ‘Oram Po’ and ‘Va Quarter Cutting’ explore Chennai in quirky ways, from its geography to its unique lingo. Both of us being born and brought up in Chennai, Pushkar and I like the local flavour of the city. Chennai has a lot of colour. We realised this especially when we went abroad to study film. Distancing yourself away from the city, you have very fond memories of the city. That triggered us to do very rooted films about the city. In Vikram Vedha too, the locations and casting of the film is very Madras. The mood of the film however, is that of a dramatic thriller. The genre of comedy in Oram Po and Va amped up the pop culture traits of the Chennai. Usually we aren’t bothered by the pressure of churning out films and work with our own space and time. While we did work on a couple of other scripts in the meantime, we didn’t even pitch them to anybody because there was something missing. We were waiting to write a script that thoroughly excited us. And Vikram Vedha being a difficult plot to crack, it took us time to get it just right. At that point of time, the genre of quirky comedy with non-linear structures was a complete novelty. But over the past five or six years, there have been many such films. The genre has now almost become passe and so we wanted to explore a more complex genre and storyline. The film is still nothing like any other Tamil film that has been done before. So that is the novelty value to Vikram Vedha. Both Madhavan and Vijay are very confident actors who didn’t have any reason to worry about one over-shadowing the other. But the two have a very different approach towards acting. While Madhavan internalises the character and is a more method actor, Vijay is an instinctive actor, who likes to go along with the rhythm. While their contrasting schools of acting made us a little apprehensive before shooting, it worked out perfectly on the set. They respect each other’s work and give each other their space. I hope they sort it out, because no industry can take a 60% tax. And the film industry in particular is a huge gamble because most films don’t make money. As it is, it is a struggle for the makers of a film to produce a project. If not encourage, at least don’t stamp down our efforts. We are hoping to tentatively release the film on July 14. You tend to use distinctive props, such as the auto rickshaw in ‘Oram Po’ and a bottle of liquor in ‘Va’. What does ‘Vikram Vedha’ have? Both Pushkar and I are very obsessive with even the smallest of details when it comes to making a film, especially the background elements. The auto and the quarter bottle are the two protagonists in the earlier films. In Vikram Vedha, the gun plays a very significant role. Technicality is the one big change we faced. Va was the last movie we shot on film. Now everything has become digital. Further, with the coming of digital advancements, there are so many more filmmakers in the industry. It has also changed the way people work in cinema.
I notice this problem quite often. This is usually on a lower roof of a two story home where the lower roof meets the upper wall. There is a flashing which is proper and that is put in place before the roofing tiles are installed. When the tiles are installed, the roofers cannot nail them down (you can see the nail holes in the tile pieces) because when the tiles are shoved up under the flashing there is no way to put a nail in them and hammer them down. These tile pieces should be put back and secured with some tar under the edges. It is dangerous because if these tiles were to continue to slip down and fall off and hit someone, it could cause very serious damage.
The long awaited Mitchell report on the use of performance enhancing drugs was delivered yesterday. It was commissioned several years ago by MLB in an attempt to get some answers on the prevalence of drug use in baseball. In this report, former Senator and peace maker George Mitchell names almost eighty current and formers players. Notably absent are Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, the two credited for bringing baseball back from its almost suicidal strike in 1994. In fact, the home run chase in 98 is why some people think MLB led by Bud Selig overlooked the steroid issue for so long. They desperately needed the excitement of that chase and desperately needed to avoid any questioning of its legitimacy in the years afterward. The biggest "new" name mentioned in this report is Roger Clemens, eleven-time All-Star and seven-time Cy Young Award winner. Clemens came out with a vehement denial of the accusations, but according to ESPN last night, the rumors of Clemens use of performance enhancing drugs have been around for a long time. As John Kruk pointed out, people in professional sports do not get more dominant with age, but Clemens did ... and Bonds did. There is virtually no question that Bonds used drugs, nor there is there any question that Selig did a great disservice to MLB by not taking action against Bonds. Who's to blame? While Selig bears a large part for his mismanagement, the players have no one to blame but themselves. The MLBPA (players association) has long stood in the way of any meaningful drug testing. They refused to make players available for the Mitchell report investigation, allowing players to testify only if they wished. Why would not the PA come out strongly in favor of protecting the game that has made them multi-millionaires? Why put the baseball public through this charade of indignant self-righteousness when they knew, just as well as everyone else, that there were significant drug problems in baseball. Why not make your players testify before the Mitchell investigation? 1. Institute weekly drug tests that actually test for HGH as well. (Spend the money and figure out how to test for it.) These tests should take place year round, rather than simply during the season. Give each player a yearly four week hiatus in the off season, to account for vacations and travel away from a testing facility. 3. Institute a one strike and you're out policy. If a player gets caught with performance enhancing drugs in his system, his is done for life. No appeals, no second chances. Why so harsh? Because baseball needs its game back. These players need to know up front what the penalty is. And if enhanced performance makes it worth running the risk of never putting on a uniform again, then take the risk. But don't whine when you get caught. And don't plan on sitting out for fifty games, or a hundred games, and then getting back in the game.
Sobre o novo trabalho, o músico avança em press release "Siiper is the result of playing with Leo, Alex and Susum".
Here is an album in hi-res of just flowers Nothing could be more lovely than flowers. Hope you like them. Greg Ewing reflects on his time at Indiana State University, and discusses his involvement within the Criminal Justice system. An electrician facilitates in ensuring that you have the proper lighting in your home. However, you do not just pick anyone you feel like, you must have some considerationsReferrals and recommendations which you can get from your cycles will be suitable. The web is among the best platforms that you should consider using to gather information. The kind of information that you use to arrive at your decisions shows your wisdom. Make sure you are aware of the qualifications with the practitioner in matters skills. For you to get professional services, you need to ensure that you hire services from someone who has been trained along this line. You can confirm this from reviews about the services from the parties. Apart from checking on the knowledge with the practitioner, their experience matters as well. One of the major issues that will influence the level of experience is the duration that the practitioner has been offering these services. The period gives one exposure to familiarize with different issues in that field. Quality services are thus likely to be among the benefits that you will get through working with an experienced practitioner since they can hardly make mistakes. A lot of advantages will come along with an informed electrician. You can easily benefit from the advice they will offer since they are likely to be aware of the trends in the industry. Being informed means that they are aware of different changes in the industry which makes them ideal candidatesThe public image of the service provider is among the common issues. It is usually a reflection of how the party has been interacting with others more so their clients. In most cases, chances are that how will get the same treatment as those before you. The services will come with some expenses which you must settle. Due to this, you need to ensure that you have a budget that will see you through. Some contrast of what the market offers will be vitalThe comparison also allows you to get favorable terms through negotiation. The next few seconds spent waiting on the guards to come into our line of sight were tense. I could feel Sarah’s chest rising and falling, her body already preparing for the next few moments of action, I wondered for a second if she had ever killed anyone before? She hadn’t been too upset after seeing me in the process of it a few times now. Compared to Sarah I was still as a statue, one arm now at my side palming my pistol. Finally the sound of boots were right beside us seconds before one of the men stepped into our sight. He was in a uniform he probably fit into well a few decades ago, now even with the shirt tucked in his stomach was handing over his belt. There was a small ring of hair around his head that should’ve been cut off before he left the house this morning. “Sheila!” He hollered up the ladder with hands cupped around his mouth, voice echoing. That must have been the female soldier I had already gotten rid of. While he waited for a response that wasn’t coming the other soldier came into view. “Where do you think the bitch is Nate?” The second guard asked, who was an almost exact opposite for the first. Where Nate was clearly overweight there was no way this one would even weigh in at enough to be allowed into any army. He was still wearing the fatigues they all had on but his seemed obviously borrowed from someone bigger. “Think she went outside to check what was happenin’?” “Tell ya what Mason.” Nate started. “You head up and check while I cover your back from down here.” Mason only shook his head and gripped the first set of rungs on the ladder. Obviously he had been expecting that response. While they were speaking I had felt Sarah turn to face them. As Mason began his ascent up the ladder I tapped Sarah twice on the hip and moved my body forward as a signal to go. We weren’t going to get a better chance to catch them off guard. One of them couldn’t get to the pistol on his side while climbing and the other was looking back up and down the hallway but not behind them. Sarah shot off in a rush towards Nate whose voice we recognized as the main one talking. Without hesitation I took off after her setting my pace so that I was just barely behind her. She didn’t have much experience with running silently but she made up for it in speed. By the time Nate noticed a noise coming towards him we were almost on top of them both. At some point he must have been formally trained because he didn’t waste time with surprise at the knife wielding threat. As I saw him reaching to his side for his pistol holster I sped up and cut Sarah off, leaving her to deal with Mason who was now trying to scramble back down the ladder. Without slowing I tucked my head in my shoulder and ran straight into Nate causing him to cry out. The force from the impact sent us tumbling to the floor, his gun falling from his grip and landing somewhere off to the side. “FUCK!” Nate cried out as I mounted his upper body and punched into his kidney. Before I could draw back for another he brought his meaty fist up and around into the side of my face, leaving me slightly dazed. A little higher and he may have knocked me out. Nate pressured his advantage by trying to buck me off his hips but I managed to stay on even as another punch came sailing towards my face. This time I was ready and shifted so that I could take the hit on the shoulder instead. Finally getting my bearings enough to throw a punch directly into Nate’s nose, knocking his head back against the tile floor. Beside us I could somewhat hear the sound of Sarah and Mason going at it but I wasn’t going to get a chance to look. I just had to hope she was going to take care of it. While blood started pouring out of Nate’s nose and down his face I drew my elbow back and used the momentum from bringing it down to crush my forearm into Nate’s head before doing the same thing with the other arm. The first few hits he tried to avoid but as another one knocked his head back into the tile floor his struggles got weaker. I didn’t let up, no reason to give him a chance if he was waiting for an opportunity to get another good hit in on me. Instead I got into a rhythm of brining my arms down on his face again and again. I could feel the skin of my arms getting torn as some of the hits connected with teeth. When Nate’s body ceased jerking completely I stopped and looked down at the damage I had done. His face was nothing but a red ruin while his lungs struggled to draw blood through the blood he was choking on. I narrowed my eyes while I watched him before covering his mouth and nose with my hands. It didn’t take long for him to suffocate and for his body to go still. Before I could climb off Nate’s body and turn my attention to Sarah a gunshot broke the relative silence. In a second I was up, gun drawn until I realized what I was looking at. Sarah was on the floor, Mason’s body limp above her and he had a hole through his chest. I returned my gun to my waistband as I made my way over to where she lay. When I was finally standing over Sarah she had her eyes closed, head laying back against the tile. Surprisingly calm for someone with a dead guy still draped across their body. The side of her cheek was swelling and there were some rips in what I could see of her clothing but she looked no worse for wear. I crouched down and grabbed Mason’s body by the neck of his shirt before lifting him off of Sarah. She opened her eyes as the weight came off of her and they were brighter than I had seen them yet. What was a life or death fight like to someone that was a danger junkie? Especially amplified by the way Tuners naturally experience things much stronger than anyone else. “Taking a nap down there?” I asked, tossing Mason’s body to the side. “That gunshot definitely let everyone in here know something is going on.” Sarah didn’t respond to my question. Instead she writhed on the ground in apparent ecstasy before looking up at me, eyes heavily lidded with invitation. If we weren’t at risk of an unknown number of armed enemies I would have taken her up on the offer. Instead I only smiled and shook my head before offering my hand for her to pull herself up. “That was….intense” Sarah said standing and facing me, mouth spreading in a smile big enough that it had to be hurting the injured side of her face. “You have some nerve to react like that after killing our buddy Mason over there but giving me a hard time about the deli.” I said pointing to his body. “The deli wasn’t the same.” Sarah scolded face turning down into a slight frown. “You don’t think I noticed you killed that guy with the camera? Not to mention we don’t know if Molly could have been snapped out of whatever that bastard had done to her. These guys weren’t under any strange compulsion. By the way, top right catwalk in a few seconds.” She finished. For several seconds I only tilted my head and stared at her in confusion. Then as I heard pounding steps running towards us I grabbed my gun and sighted down. A figure came out of the passage at a sprint and without waiting for a clear visual I lead my shot and put one in their chest. The second shot was meant for their head but it missed as they tumbled forward and fell face first onto the catwalk. Throughout the short exchange Sarah had never bothered to turn around. Choosing to instead stand there facing me with that irritating smirk on her face. “I don’t want to hear it.” I said as she opened her mouth, most likely going to brag about her enhanced senses. Instead as I walked by her I leaned in close to whisper into her hear earning a slight shiver. As he watched Leila get into the cab, he couldn’t help wondering what just happened. He tried to compel her to stay at the club by looking deep into her eyes, but it had no effect whatsoever. It baffled him to no end that he was unable to push her mind into doing what he wanted her to do. Why did it not work with her when it worked with countless humans preceding her? In fact, she had an adverse reaction and she left before he could even feed. Now he was thirsty and alone, not a great combination to be. She wanted him to “text” her and truth be told, he didn’t even know how to use the cellphone. He bought one in case he needed it for phone calls or something, but then got annoyed about the instructions at first. He would have to remedy that immediately and learn to “text” if he had any hope of talking to her ever again. Leila glanced back at him just once as the cab began to pull away and smiled shyly before getting into the back of the cab. He pushed his hair back off of his face, frustrated by the turn of events. His throat felt raw and scratchy, aching from thirst, causing him to grasp at his neck in a desperate attempt to squelch the urge he felt to go crazy. He needed to go back inside to feed and then head home before the sun rose if he didn’t want to be scorched and fated to burn. Although he could not die, burning hurt like hell and it was an experience that he would rather not relive. Nikoli started to head back inside of the club, back on the prowl for a decent meal. He didn’t have the time to be picky anymore tonight, because if he didn’t satiate his appetite, he might just lose control and he knew he couldn’t afford to do that, not tonight. Spotting the lanky guy and his date from the beginning of the evening, he went over determined to strike up a conversation persuading the two of them to go outside with him. When they both turned to look up at him, he used his compulsion, knowing he didn’t have time to play games or get to know them like he usually did, since he needed to get home before the sun rose, “You both will come outside with me and you will not fear me, we are friends. Do you understand me?” He knew it was lame as soon as he said it, but he was just running out of time. “Yes.” They said in unison, their eyes clouding over from Nikoli using his vampire mojo on them. As he led them outside and around the side of the building in a dark alley, he exhaled sharply, hating to have to rush his meal, but not having any other choice since Leila left. He planned on her being his meal ticket, but her idiot friend couldn’t seem to hold her liquor. Nikoli shook his head slowly, internally berating himself for the assumption of Elaine’s intelligence based solely on her tolerance for alcohol. “Please forgive me, but I am hungry and when I’m hungry, I’m angry. I can’t promise to gentle, but the good news is that neither of you will remember any of this, right?” “Good. You see, normally I would try to get to know both of you before biting you, but I simply do not have time for that now. So, unfortunately I have to settle for you two Nimrods.” He growled, pointing his finger at them angrily. Calm down Nik, don’t make trouble for yourself. He realized that he was close shouting and that there were a few people outside who could come to investigate if he wasn’t more careful. He didn’t have the energy or the time to compel a crowd to forget what they heard or saw. “Now that we understand one another, don’t move and please do not scream. That just tends to further upset me and we definitely don’t want that.” He uttered with a sardonic smile, gesturing his annoyance with his hands before his fangs transcended from his gums. He was already salivating hearing their hearts beating, knowing that their veins pumping the delicious blood through their bodies. Nikoli sank his teeth into the soft neck of the woman first, relishing the warm, sweet substance. Her memories filled his mind with happy thoughts and whimsical things. He pulled back before he could take too much, licking the wound so that his saliva close it. He liked things neat and clean, not a drop was wasted. Looking around once more, he turned his attention to the scrawny man, taking just a little from him because of his small stature. The woman was just a little plump compared to the guy. The male’s memories were a little bit lackluster in comparison to his feminine counterpart. As he closed up the holes in the guy’s throat, he inspected everyone’s outfit quickly, making sure that he did not spill on any clothes. He sighed in relief that there was no trace of him left behind. “I’m amazed that even though I was so hungry, I didn’t spill even one drop. I’m still clean. Now, both of you, forget this ever happened. You will go back to the bar and continue where you left off as if even one moment hadn’t passed.” Nikoli said, looking them in the eyes. Their pupils dilated as they nodded dumbly in response. He chuckled as they walked back inside, shaking his head. As Nikoli started away on his motorcycle, he began to have this unsettling feeling that he couldn’t seem to let go of. It was something that was hard to put into words, a sixth sense if you will, that something was somehow amiss. This discontent continued to bother him during his ride home, but he tried not to think too much about it as he was in a rush to beat the sun. The fact that he was unable to figure it out was starting to gnaw on his nerves. Something was tugging at the back of his mind. He could see the sun peeking up over the horizon as he rumbled along on his motorcycle, trying to beat the light home. Nikoli tried to focus on making it home before he burned to ashes. The sun was one thing he missed. Just knowing that he never again would get to see the sun rise or feel the warmth on his skin made the sadness begin to creep in again. He made it home just before the sunlight reached the door to his house. Well, calling it a house was a vast understatement. It was more like a mansion. Since Nikoli only really used money for clothes and material things, there was generally a lot to go around. They invested their money rather well and were pretty stingy with the things they bought. The quality of the items they bought made them last quite a long time. After he parked his bike in the garage and closed the big, creaking door using his remote, he went into his massive den with wall to wall bookshelves made of cherry oak filled with everything he ever read. As he drew the shades, making sure no light could enter his sanctuary, he began playing the night in his mind like a movie while he changed into his red silk pajama bottoms. He remembered the mystery girl, Leila, dressed as little red. Her beautiful, wavy burgundy hair as it brushed across her shoulders. The awkward, but adorable way she moved. Pulling open the drawer to his matching cherry oak coffee table, he grabbed his new cell phone and fumbled, dropping it twice before managing to enter Leila’s phone number into his contacts list per the instruction manual. Plopping down onto his black suede oversized recliner, he drummed his fingers on the armrest, attempting to figure out how to work the phone once more. Nikoli considered himself to be pretty savvy of most things human, but this texting thing confused him. He supposed it was because he was more of an old-fashioned kind of guy. He would much rather write a letter or even call instead of “texting.” He was unsure how long a text should be. He was staring at his phone for what seemed like forever, trying to figure out what to say. He was downright giddy when she gave him her number, but then she said “text me” instead of “call me.” Wrinkling his nose and sighing once more for posterity, he typed *Hello Leila, did you make it home sage?* on the tiny, tiny keyboard. He kept typing and deleting and re-typing because his fingers were larger than the touch screen keys, which was frustrating. Accidentally hitting send, he read what he had written, realizing that he had typed the wrong word. *I meant safe. Stupid auto-correct.* ‘How do humans use these blasted devices?’ he thought, rather frustrated with the whole ordeal, he tried to distract himself with a book while he waited. His choice of literature lately was a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets because he was simply fascinated with Shakespeare’s whimsical prose. Shakespeare’s way with words was rather graceful and Nikoli appreciated the sincerity in every line. He checked his phone, but still hadn’t received a reply from Leila. He hoped she was alright. He supposed she was probably just busy getting ready for bed and didn’t have the time to respond. Nikoli was a lonely vampire and since the moment he heard Leila’s voice, he was hooked. And, like a lovesick fool, he checked his phone again.
We chose Vail this year, and chose March specifically. March is supposed to be Vail's snowiest month. This is going to be our biggest adventure yet for a number of reasons. 1.Vail is Big. Really Big. It's also full of really surprising things like Babel fish and tea. Vail is Big. Really Big. It may seem like a long way to the corner chemist, but compared to Vail, that's peanuts. As Matt puts it, "Vail is king!" 2. This will be our most well attended trip. We will be renting a two bedroom condo which will be housing anywhere from 4-6 people, depending on the day. People will be arriving and departing at all different times during this trip. We will even have a seventh person, not staying with us. I will be flying in with my brother Michael and a cousin of a cousin from the in-law side of the family. The cousin whose cousin this is will be arriving on Sunday. We will be meeting up with Trok in Denver around the same time, all four of us taking the expensive $62 shuttle to Vail. Speaking of expensive, and quoting Matt again, he says, "Bring all of your money because you're not coming back with any." A car rental for the week was close to $400 with taxes, and since it will only be two of us returning the following Saturday,. The economics were just not feasible. Saturday, March 8th: The plane trip was uneventful, thankfully. We got out luggage and searched for Trok. Couldn't fund him so I called his cellphone. His wife answered. What was his cellphone doing back in Chicago, or is he still there? Nope, he just didn't take it with him. How am I supposed to find him in this huge airport? I use the two-way radio, this time set to channel 11, sub channel 31, but I got no answer. We went to the shuttle and they said we needed all four people, but my thinking is "you snooze, you lose." If he doesn't show up by the time we are to leave, I am ready to go without him. He finally shows up and we head to Vail. We share the shuttle with three southern guys, one of them being from North Carolina. Michael starts up a conversation with them. We also share the shuttle with three girls from NY; Susan, Stephanie and their leader, Julie. I tell Trok my Alta story from the previous month. We arrive at our condo and settle in. Our condo is pretty darn nice. A master bedroom with two full beds and a bathroom, another bedroom with a single full bed and a living room with a couch that I though was a pullout but wasn't. A kitchen too. First thing to do is go out an explore and shop for food. The four of us head to the supermarket for supplies. Trok insists on getting Lucky Charms cereal. There is one box left. We pick up some juice, milk and other sundries. Now it's time for dinner. It's Saturday night in Vail. We are told it is not easy to get reservations at any restaurant in Vail, but we try anyway. It is early, around 5:45pm, so we may have a chance. We see one place with a nice menu. When we wonder if we can get a reservation, a gentleman on the street looks at us like we're from New York, gives us a funny face and nods his head. We wonder if we can get a reservation maybe on Sunday or Monday. He doesn't give us much of a chance. We continue on. We walk into a German restaurant and try there. They tell us that is want want to eat immediately, we can do so. We choose to. There is not one single person seated yet. I don't really want to eat in a restaurant as the only table, but we are hungry. We are told to wait in the bar area until they call us. When we are finally called, we notice the dining room is now full of people. We sit and choose our meals. I go for the Caribou. Yes, it's meat, so all you vegetarians can just skip to the next paragraph. It is a tradition to try new animals on my ski trips. This one is no different. This leads us to wonder what exactly is a caribou? I claim it is from Maine, as there is a city called Caribou there. The others think it's from Montana or Wyoming. We are determined to find the answer at some point. The meal was excellent! On the way back we stop of at the supermarket for a for more items. On the way out, Jill points out that she thinks Cameron Diaz in in the market. She is correct. Ms. Diaz is wearing a wool hat covering her head all the way down to her eyes, but there is no mistaking her eyes. Jill wants to hang around and star watch, but I am not that kind of person, so we leave. I go to the liquor store to pick up a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade. We go back to the condo before heading out to The Red Lion. This place looks like a college town bar, or a frat house. It's young and mostly male. We walk in a a guy sitting at the bar says, "Oh my, this is a New York crew if I ever saw one!" Normally, it takes a few sentences before someone can hear an accent, but this guy picked out out without a single word being spoken. He must be a genius or he just says that to everyone. We were not earing any "New York" clothing or anything to give it away. So we strike up a conversation with him. A blonde girl who is more than two sheets to the wind is with them, but she is not "with" them. She came up from Denver to ski for the day with some girls and they abandoned her long ago. Her name is Donna and she has a penchant for talking about sex a lot. We run into Julie and the other NY girls and hang out with them for a while until me and Trok head back. We have a toiler bowl ghost in the bathroom in our room. Sometimes the bowl just flushes on it's own. It's quite weird. A few hours later, Jill and Michael come back. There is a guest with them. It is Donna. She is too drunk and tired to drive back home, so she needs a place to crash for a few hours to sleep it off. We are asleep by 10:30pm. We're beat! Sunday, March 9th: Donna flees at the crack of dawn. At breakfast, we realize Donna has left her cellphone. Now we're in a quandary. How do we get this back to her? I suggest we keep it on, hoping she will call it, but we don't want to have the responsibility of dragging it along all day. I go through her address book looking for a home phone number. I see a name called "Me." I call it. It is indeed Donna's number, but it is her cell phone number! That wasn't too bright. I leave a message, hoping she'll try to check her messages. It's sunny. It's in the mid 30's temperature-wise. It's not optimal for my liking, but maybe I can come home with a wacky skiers tan. Me and Trok abandon the others and head up Vista Bahn. Instead of going straight to the back bowls, we see some nice groomed cruising runs over by Golden Peak, so we head on over there. We pass right by lifts 3 and 4, which would take us to the top in favor of Golden Peak. For future Vail skiers, you'll notice that lift 4 is crowded, and lift 3 is not. This is probably because lift 3 put you at the far end of mountain by Game Creek bowl and Sun Down bowl at Wildwood. Lift 4 puts you in a more central location between Sun Up and Sun Down Bowls, at Patrol Headquarters. We do two runs in Golden Peak before heading to the bowls. The conditions on the front side are extremely hard and crunchy. It reminds me of Switzerland. It's brutal on the legs. The bowls are huge. As usual we explore into areas less traveled, and probably due to the reason that the ungroomed treachery that lies ahead of us is daunting. Steep, mogully crusty conditions abound. We plan a path to the bottom and I decode to head for some powder-looking area and take a nice tumble sideways, head-first. I don't fall far, probably only about 20 feet, but I lost one pole and in knee-deep soft snow on a steep slope, it's not easy to retrieve my pole. I remove my skies but am having a hard time making any progress so I use what tools are afforded me. There is some vegetation between me and my pole and I use it to pull myself up to my pole. The snow is too deep to place my ski on solid ground to get into, so once again I use the branches of the bush as a base to place my skies on so I can get into my skies. It works and we continue. A side-effect of this episode is that my left leg hurts. I wonder if it is re-injury of our Davos, Switzerland trip. We pretty much ski China Bowl, Sun Up and Sun Down bowls today. There is plenty to do just in this area for one day, and we have 4 more full days of skiing ahead. An injured skier is transported up one of the lifts at the bottom of one of the bowl by having his stretcher attached to the ski lift. It was quite impressive. Wearing sunblock 8 on my face and 30 on my nose, I still get a little color on my face. The temperature is close to 40 degrees and without a cloud in the sky, I opt to exchange my funky Hellraiser hat for a baseball cap We ski a full today and head home. We opt for leaving our skies at the mountain rather than carry them through the streets back to our condo. I would strongly suggest you take advantage of this option as it costs only four dollars per night, or fifteen dollars for 5 nights and it is at the bottom of Vista Bahn lift. Amy, our 5th guest arrived around 2pm. Michael and Jill both stopped early to meet her so she can find the condo. The five of us go to dinner at the Ore House tonight, a small pub on Bridge street. It is an economical dinner and I get the tuna steak. Of course we cannot even stay awake as late (early) as we did last night due to the exhaustive day on the mountain. I think we were out cold by 10:00pm. Trok learned something new since our last ski trip. He learned how to snore! I get the earplugs out of the toiletry bag and make it through the night. Monday, March 10th: We wake up around 7:30 and find that Jill is feeling sick. She wants to ski with me and Trok as she doesn't want to be slowed down by either Michael or Amy. We try the same scenario as yesterday, starting out with a run or two in Golden Peak. The snow is ever harder today, probably sue to the fact that is melted a little in the 40 degree temperature the day before and refroze at night. Jill, being a snowboarder is really having a tough time. I broke my rule of not associating with snowboarders. After all, she is kind of a relative. Don't think I am softening up though, so you future snowboarders don't think you can get any nice words from me. We miss the turn off to Golden Peak and wind up back at Vista Bahn. To prevent this from happening again, we decide to head to the bowls immediately. We take chair 3 from the top of Vista Bahn, which puts us all the way by Sun Down Bowl, far from China Bowl, which is what Jill was aiming for. We do some exploring, which is difficult for Jill, but she manages. I have to say that Sun Down Bowl is more challenging than the other bowls, at least with the snow conditions we have. In the bowls, directly in the late winter, the sun is baking us. It feels even warmer than yesterday, without a cloud in the sky again. We take rests often in this very empty bowl. Around 11am, Jill tell us that she has had enough. She is really not feeling well at all so Trok and I head into Sun Up Bowl, towards China Bowl. Just as Jill leaves, we find much easier skiing conditions, the bowls are groomed and we find the nice cruising trails Jill was so eager to find. We have a good rest of the morning until lunch. We have lunch at Two Elk Lodge once again. While on line, Nancy calls me and says she has arrived from Eagle, but there is a problem. The driver does not know how to get to the condo. This baffles me beyond belief. What the hell does this shuttle company do for drivers? Do they hire bums off the street on the day they need drivers? How can a shuttle driver, who must have driven to Vail hundreds of times not know where our condo is? Are we the first people to EVER stay at the Vail Village Inn? Unbelievable! I can offer no more assistance. I gave the driver the name of the place and the address. If she can't find it, let her figure out something on her own. For the amount of money they charge, they have a lot of nerve not knowing how to get there. Just as I hang up with Nancy, a blonde girl walks up to me. It's Donna, from the Red Lion from Saturday night. She asks if I have her cellphone. What are the chances of us running into her on this huge mountain? I tell her I'll meet her at The Club at 5pm, because I want to see if I can catch Steve Meyer. After lunch we pretty much stay in China Bowl. We get lost a few times, thinking we are skiing to other lifts we want to find, but we always seem to end up at the Orient Express lift. Oh well, we have 4 more days to find the rest of the mountain. We do some good skiing today, making it all the way until 4pm once again. The skiing does take a toll on us though. We are a little more tired than yesterday. Our last few runs are on some nice blue trails off of the Northwoods Express lift. The snow is good, it is pretty groomed, and you can cruise to your heart's content. On on of our last chair lifts up, the older couple on the lift with us make a comment that with a hat like mine, I should be in Jackson Hole. When I tell them we were there last year, they excitingly state that that is why I looked familiar to them. They saw us in Jackson Hole last year. They remember the hat. Wow! Another weird coincidence. What are the chances of that? Oh, a note to the reader: Stay away from the Sourdough lift. It is VERY SLOW and it doesn't even travel far. Using it will be a mistake. We go back and Nancy and her friend Steve are there. Nancy is not feeling well due to the altitude. She feels dizzy and nauseous. She heads back to the hotel she and Steve have. I thought we'd be bale to accommodate them before we got to Vail, but that would have only been possible if strangers would share beds. I take shower and head over alone to Red Lion to meet Donna to give her back her cellphone. It's not open. It's 5pm and it is closed. Shit! How am I going to meet her now. So I go to the Red Lion hoping to run into her. As soon as I walk in the front door, there she is on her way out to meet me at The Club. I give her back the phone. I want to get an Irish Car Bomb, so I belly up to the bar. The bartender tells me that I have to order two, since they don't have Guinness on tap, and therefore have to use the drought can, which makes two drinks. It's either no drink, or two drinks. The guy next to me asks me what an Irish Car Bomb is, so I explain it to him. Ok, I 'll explain it to you. It's a half glass of Guinness, a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream, topped off with Jameson Irish whiskey. You drop the shot in the pint glass and pound it down. I decide to go for it. I get both pints and pound them down in succession. I decide I better get on back before I forget how to get back or am unable to get back. We eat dinner tonight at Vendetta's a nice Italian restaurant. Steve decides to stay with us for the night even though there really is no room. We squeeze him in. Tonight I had to deal with two snoring people!!! Tuesday, Match 11th: We wake up to sunny skies once again. This is getting boring. Jill is sick. So sick that she won't even ski today. She plans on calling a doctor for a house call. Steve calls Nancy. She is sick too. She had to be on oxygen last night. The doctor tells her she can ski today, but to take it real easy and don't go to the top of the mountain. She stays over in Beaver Creek, by her hotel room. Steve tells us that he had trouble sleeping and that his heart was racing. Are we all doomed?!?! While walking over to the Vista Bahn, Trok realizes he forgot his ski locker ticket and must go back. After he heads back, I notice I forgot my two-way radio, as it is attached to my knapsack and today I chose to go sack-less. I have Amy call back to the room to ask Jill to ask Trok to bring my radio. He returns and realizes he forgot to put sunblock on, but we're not going to delay any longer and he decides to skip the sunblock today. During our morning skiing, we do see some clouds. It is the first time since we have been here that the sky has not been cloudless. Trok and I head over to Lionshead for some runs like Matt suggested. I am feeling tired or weak today. The third day, it starts to wear on you. It also could be that I didn't have enough breakfast. In a rarity for me, I munch on my Powerbar throughout the morning because I don't think I'll make it to lunch without doing so. After a few runs in Lionshead, we head on over to the bowls. Today, we decide to try Game Creek bowl. In our attempt to get into Game Creek Bowl, we want to add a little adventure as usual and decide to take a "shortcut" through the trees. This is the first time we cut through trees where we don't see any other ski tracks at all, so we (or at least I) are maybe just a little worried. We finally do make it out and enjoy the rest of the morning in Game Creek bowl. Gamecreek bowl, which in my opinion has the two best runs on the entire mountain. There are three long blue cruising runs called the Woods, Baccarat and Dealer's Choice. In one of those special moments, in a single fluid motion, I wipe out on the trail and without losing a beat, maneuver my body so that I get right back up and continue skiing. It was quite acrobatic. Today, twice I was asked to take picture of people at the top of Game Creek bowl. When I asked the second group why they chose me, thinking that it must be something about me, they told me it was because of my hat. Ha! We eat lunch today at the Smoke House at the top of Wildwood, a nice change from the pasta meals at Two Elk Lodge. The rest of the day we ski China Bowl and Teacup Bowl. Dinner tonight is back at the Ore House again. It's a quick and cheap meal. Michael and Amy go out to parouse the bars since they will be heading home tomorrow. Jill being sick needs rest. Trok and I have no interest in going out tonight. Michael and Amy come back around 11pm. The nightlife is dead tonight. The first place they go to has one person. The next place has slightly more. He observes that the town is male dominated, at least in the bars. I know this is nothing to celebrate, but we are able to stay awake until 11:30 tonight It's not easy, so I don't want to hear any comments from the Peanut Gallery. The toilet bowl ghost starts to get a little mischievous. Now it doesn't flush at all. It requires us opening up the cover and manually flushing it by pulling up the plunger. Wednesday, March 12th: Today ends the trip for Michael and Jill. They take the 5:45am shuttle to Denver. Amy takes the shuttle two hours later for her flight. This is also the day Nancy and Steve will be moving into the condo for the rest of the trip. It is also the one day on our trip Trok and I skip the skiing. It's sunny of course. Something I have noticed on this trip that I have never noticed before is that there are a lot of people walking around with broken or sprained limbs. There are lots of arms and legs in casts and some people walking around on crutches. For lunch, we go to Los Amigos to try and see some people wipe out on the front of the mountain like Matt said to look for. I get a taco salad and a marguerita, but we don't get to see any wipe-outs. There are very few people at all skiing the front of the mountain. We take a walk over to Lionshead today. On our way, some blonde chick with a big chest trying to get attention by wearing a very thin tank-top was walking right behind us. When the bus came by, we hopped on it. Why walk when you can take the free bus? When we returned back to Vail Village, we went to the supermarket to see if Trok can pick up more Lucky Charms. There wasn't any on the shelf, but he found an entire crate of them, as of yet, unpacked. He was very excited and looks forward to our return. We head on over to The Club to see if Steve Meyer will be playing tonight and sure enough he is. Matt was right. This guy is an excellent entertainer. I won't go into his routine, you'll have to see that for yourself. He is a little dirty, but that's what makes him very funny. He also makes fun of snowboarders, so he scores even more points for that. He also points out that the crowd is unusual in that it is a 50-50 split male-female. Normally, he says it's a 7-1 guy-girl ratio. Yes, it's true, Vail is a male town. So Michael's suspicions were right that it seemed there were mostly guys out in the bars. On the way back to the room before dinner, we stop by the market one more time to see the progress of the Lucky Charms. Success. Tonight, the four of us go to a Swiss restaurant and I have the best Sauerbraten I have ever had. Ever! We also all get some truffles (yummy!) on our way out as a desert treat. Sleeping arrangements require someone to sleep on the couch (it's not a pullout) since we are only one girl now and we can't having sharing beds because that wouldn't be right. I opt to sleep on the couch so I can sleep in a snore-less environment. I even choose to sleep on the couch the following night for the same reason. Thursday. March 13th: Guess what? It's sunny today. Doh! Today, the four of us start out together. If it's possible, today is even warmer. Even at 9:30am, the temperature is already over 40 degrees. All four of us start out skiing together. Nancy is a wimp (sorry Nancy) when it comes to skiing and doesn't like any black runs or going fast, so we head to Game Creek Bowl for the cruisers. We let her go ahead but immediately pass her. This is not going to work for me and Trok. We tell Nancy and Steve that we will go off on our own. We do a few runs in Game Creek Bowl and then head over to the other bowls. It is really warm out and I opt to scrap the kooky hat and don't even wear by baseball cap. It is THAT warm. We stay in Sun Down and China Bowls until lunch. With the warm weather, we are noticing more and more ground cover being lost. It's a little mushy and this type of snow slows you down to the point where your body is moving at one speed and then your skies kinda get stuck. You tend to fall. I fall a few times. I get a call on the two-way radio that Nancy is up at Two Elk Lodge eating lunch. We don't plan on stopping for another hour. When we do stop, we call Nancy and she is still up there, so we meet up for lunch. Steve meets us too. This is probably not a smart thing for Nancy to do since she did have altitude sickness and she is hanging out at over 11,000 feet for over and hour. I take this opportunity to call Christine at work and ask her to look up Caribou on the Internet so we can once and for all find out where it is from. All the links she finds deal with Africa, Kenya in particular. Trok brings up a question about his lunch beverage. He gets an Aquafina and wonders where the water comes from. Ah, what the heck, let me call them. I call the 800 number on the bottle and ask. After giving in the code number on the bottle, it is determined that is it bottled in Denver. No surprise. For anyone interested, there are about 23 different bottling sites in the USA. The first letter signified the state and the second letter signifies the city. I think there is a number between the two letters, but I am going by memory. We part ways and head out. Trok and I go to blue Sky basin to Pete's bowl and Earl's Bowl. This is new territory for us and it is quite refreshing. At one of the lifts, we see a thermometer. It's 63 degrees. We see guys skiing topless and see one girl skiing in a sports bra. Blue Sky Basin is worth checking out, with a few good blue runs and some impossible ass-crazy black runs. Try to avoid taking Kelly's Toll Road, one of the blue runs down to the bottom of the bowl because IT SUCKS. It's boring and should be a green. We end our day as usual with a few runs down the front, utilizing the Northwoods express lift. The blue runs here are still nicely groomed and you can zoom down to your heart's desire. Just watch it as this is a crowded trail with lots of beginners. We head back, and Nancy is not feeling well. No surprise. The hour and a half up at Two Elk Lodge probably did her in. She naps while we waste time until dinner. Once again, I use Matt's advice and we head to Lionshead for a dinner at Montauk Seafood Restaurant. Excellent fish dishes. I get the seared tuna. We head back and wait for sleep to arrive. Friday, March 14th: Our final day. Lucky it was out final day, because the temperature dropped below freezing overnight and everything froze. The conditions suck. I didn't come all the way to Vail to ski east coast conditions, but that's what happened today. Crusty, icy, hard as a rock. Not Good! It's cold in comparison to the other days. I think it's in the upper 20's today, maybe in the low 30's. I am in full headgear today and I get a few compliments on it. There are even clouds today, and not the pretty puffy white ones. We were going to do Siberia Bowl again and then head to Mongolia Bowl, but with the conditions we don't think it's worth it. We do go to Blue Sky Basin and try some of the runs we didn't try yesterday. Bad choice. We do get a run or two on Cloud 9, which is one of the few good snow conditions we can find on the mountain. We do Game Creek Bowl for two runs, which also has good conditions. We eat at the some House again. The conditions are so bad today that we call it a day around 2:15. It's not worth it. We head back and I want to use the hot tub to soothe the muscles, but it's too friggin' hot. I couldn't take the heat, so I go into the sauna. It's too hot too so I just go back to the room and take a shower. Nancy is limited on her funds so we have to find a cheap dinner tonight. We find some small place off the beaten path (I don't remember the name, but you wouldn't want to eat there anyway) and I get a burger and milkshake. Bad day skiing, unsatisfying dinner. It goes hand in hand. We all pack. Trok and I have a shuttle pickup at 5:45am. Nancy and Steve are scheduled for a few hours later, heading out from Eagle. Finally, after a week here, I drink one of the Mike's Hard Lemonades. So, bottom line, we have two six-packs, and only one bottle gets drank (drunk?). Saturday, March 15th: We get picked up on time and pick up 7 more people. The girls from the shuttle ride out are not on this shuttle. That's odd. Too bad, I was anxious to see how their week went. I do know they are on my flight, so I guess I'll see them then. Trok get dropped off first, at United. It doesn't look good for us hooking up in the airport. We are in different terminals. While waiting, I listen to my iPod but the batteries are almost dead. I must find an electrical outlet. I explore the airport and find an outlet in a phone cubicle that is set up for Internet access. So, here I am standing in a phone cubicle, opening my knapsack pulling out all this electrical equipment to plug into an outlet. I must look suspicious. I stand there for about half an hour while I charge my iPod, reading my Discover magazine. I go to the gate and wait. Julie, Susan and Stephanie show up. They took a later shuttle and we discuss our week. They wee partying all night, and all week. They were disappointed in me that I was not out doing the same every night. I explained that skiing is my priority and if I am not tired, I go out, otherwise I prefer to get a good rest to conquer the mountain. Our (my) streak of good luck on ski trips seems to have worked against us (me) this year. Not a single flake of snow fell on this trip, yet three days after returning from Vail, Denver got it's worst storm in 90 years. Four feet of snow in Denver gave two feet of snow at Vail. Then more snow came. Somewhere between 30 and 40 inches of snow fell in the week after I left. I bid the farewell until next year in, wherever that may be.
After the airing of last night’s new episode of Preacher on AMC, Gallery 1988 released the fifth print in its new Preacher Screen Print Series celebrating each new episode of the show. Inspired by the fifth episode of Preacher Season 1 “South Will Rise Again”, Gallery 1988 has released this Episode 5 screen print by Barry Blankenship! This television show screen print measures 18”x24” and is limited to just 150 pieces, with only 100 pieces available for purchase. Collectors can purchase this officially licensed Preacher print now at for just $35. For the past 4 months, G1988 has been working with the creators and writers of Preacher to hand select their favorite scenes and imagery from upcoming episodes. Gallery 1988 then teamed up with some of their favorite artists to create screen prints inspired by those specific script pages. In many of the cases, the scenes hadn’t even been filmed yet, creating a very unique, and unprecedented, collaboration. Each piece in the new Preacher Screen Print Series will debut right after the first airing of a new episode at 11pm EST / 8pmM PST on
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We know how important it is to price it right as soon as it hits the market. That's the reason we take the time to do a thorough Market Analysis comparing your home to other similar homes that have sold during the past year. We want you to get the most possible for your property without overpricing it and missing potential buyers. Please take a few minutes and fill out the form below to help get us started, or if you prefer, just email us or call us and we will meet with you to get the details of your home and answer any questions. We look forward to hearing from you! "For many reasons aside from the mere knowledge acquired, children should be taught to know something of the stars. It is an investment for future years; the stars are a constant reminder to us of the thousands of worlds outside our own, and looking at them intelligently lifts us out of ourselves in wonder and admiration for the infinity of the universe and serves to make our own cares and trials seem trivial...Perhaps nothing (can be such a) constant source of satisfaction and pleasure as this ability to call a few stars by the names they have borne since the men of ancient times first mapped the heavens. "The way to begin star study is to learn to know the Big Dipper and through its pointers to distinguish the Polestar; for whenever we try to find any star we first so as to have some fixed point to start from." - Anna Comstock, Handbook of Nature Study, page 818 "Draw upon the blackboard... the Big Dipper and the Polestar with a line extending through the pointers. Say to the pupils that this Big Dipper is above or below or at one side of the Polestar, and that you wish them to observe for themselves...." -Anna Comstock, Handbook of Nature Study, page 820 The boys went out for two nights and looked for these constellations, but after that the skies became too cloudy for stargazing. We plan to continue our star studies as soon as the skies get clearer. Meanwhile Kate has been enjoying watching the sunrise with all its beauty. This is the view from her bedroom window. The sky was clear of clouds last night so we got a chance to see if the boys could find the two Dippers that they had drawn in their nature journals last Wednesday. They found the two Dippers, and the North Star. Katie also found and showed us Cassiopeia. The boys will draw this in their nature journals this week. March 2012 |st cases, yes! It’s essentially a process by which you make extra payments on your mortgage. That way, you save interest costs and pay off the loan faster. You make a payment to your lender every two weeks instead of once a month. This means that each payment is equal to half of the monthly amount due. The result – you’re paying the equivalent of 13 full payments rather than the usual 12. It gets even better! The full amount of the extra payment is applied toward the principal. And because the principal balance is the amount on which interest is calculated, paying down principal results in a reduction in accrued interest! Let’s look a traditional payment monthly schedule vs. a bi-weekly schedule so you can see exactly how it works. Let’s assume you have a loan balance of $250,000 with a 6 percent interest rate and a 30-year loan term. In this example, your monthly payments are $1,498.88. So, over the life of the loan, you’d pay a total interest of about $289,595. Bi-monthly payments are still a good strategy if you’re an individual who doesn’t plan to keep your house for 24 or 30 years. Why? Because bi-weekly payments still reduce principle, even over a short period of time. For example, in the first year, the principle is reduced by nearly $1,600. And, at the end of the fifth year, the principle amount has been reduced by about $9,000! If they offer one, ask what the participation requirements are. In typical situations, lenders require you to have payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account since they dislike processing checks every two weeks. Often, it’s the case that a one-time fee is charged for this service. The fee can be minimal or be in the several-hundred-dollar range, depending on the lender. So, after all these benefits, how can there possibly be disadvantages to bi-weekly mortgage payments? Well, the first disadvantage relates to a situation I mentioned above - the lender’s fee is very expensive for the service provided. In such a case, the costs may outweigh or cut down your overall savings. A second disadvantage occurs when paying bi-weekly is too hard on your budget. Upfront, you need to make sure that you have the money available for the increased payments. The final potential disadvantage relates to the length of time you plan to stay in your home. That can affect your overall savings on interest. I recommend that you weigh the pros and cons of bi-weekly mortgage payments by using one of the many online calculators. Just enter your numbers and the calculator will give you a comparison. Is Now the Best Time to Buy a Home in Louisville? | Louisville KY Real Estat a Home in Louisville? Our son that is eight As well as in 2nd grade (mainstreamed) is getting a difficult time staying on activity at school and at your home throughout homework. He may be very vivid, appreciates how you can do the work but will get distracted so very easily. Despise the considered needing to medicate him. 5. Make clear— Sit back with your Aspergers youngster to make certain that they really know what is anticipated of them by their Trainer Which they may have the abilities they have to total the work. Homework is often a time for working towards techniques they have already been taught while in the classroom. Lots of Young ones who're having difficulties in the classroom come to be defiant at your home when they are not able to complete the tasks set out during the homework assignment. I'm venturing into the realm of shifting the microbiome with a couple of of my individuals. I discovered several “weed and feed” protocols which might be really distinct. The fundamental principle is usually to “weed” in between meals (antimicrobrial with Interphase – a mixture of enzymes (Klaire Laboratory), that breaks down biofilm, alternating with “feed” that has a meal, with prebiotics and probiotics. • Anonymous said… Nobody should be expected to accomplish four several hours homework an evening. I'd a word with the s.e.n human being at my Son's school, as we have been possessing a similar problem. She was very good and cut the homework ideal again, so he was not doing additional the 10/20 minutes an evening. For those of you preserving rating, quite a few look at the American gut generally speaking remaining dominated by Bacteroides being a operate of our significant Body fat, superior sugar diet. The truth is, it'd Is there anyway you may include a readable print for that short article without all the aspect columns? I appreciate receiving your newsletters. They are really pretty valuable for fogeys. Thank you. They've many years of knowledge in that field, so that do your statistics homework is like shoot fish in the barrel. Studies according to western diet plans have inherent biases – which may be excellent or negative. Defining the optimal biome will rely upon the diet program and vice versa. Bacterial species do adapt, and will pressure the host human into steering clear of modify, at the cost of agony or malnutrition if we make an effort to impose our intellect on its actuality. There aren't any magic bullets but. Canan Canpolat claims: 14 March 2018 at five:06 am The issue is with our gallbladder and pancreas.not appropes and of NSAID and corticosteroids and also other medicines,which all can lead to SİBOand SİFO that may Ascend to gallbladder and pancreas leadin to Long-term bacterial infections of these organs. Use praise to achieve intrinsic motivation. Praising perform done well is a great way to get your youngster to become have a peek at this website intrinsically enthusiastic. Intrinsic commitment hop over to these guys is about doing things given that they make you are feeling proud, as opposed to accomplishing them since you get an external reward. I have already been by way of this circus far too over and over, wanting to come across foods I could consume and very little labored. I have Individually tried every single eating plan recognised to man and confined my foods to one after the other. Everybody differs, but all over again, in order to eliminate the gastrointestinal challenges, go zero-incredibly minimal carb. A good amount of documentation on the web and people dwelling this fashion and their life have enhanced. I am one of them. You simply go surfing and do the Focus on rate for that day. I discovered my boy or girl foodstuff ideal when working on a single subject each day (Monday = Math for instance) then he was in the position to emphasis . Also he could choose quite a few breaks. My son was also diagnosed with OCD all through this time as he basically couldn't aim. By way of example, notify your would-be actor they gained’t have the capacity to memorize their traces when they’re not a stellar reader. Really encourage them to go through and memorize pieces in their textbook for practice. • Anonymous stated… Continue to Understanding concerning this but I know what your college is undertaking with your boy would not function with ours...his brain won't get the job done this way and generating him do twenty sentences would never ever willpower him just aggravate the heck away from him...he is too smart to carry out repetitive things such as that...he desires a problem to maintain him interested.
20’s: I think as a woman, society is more accepting of me showing and exploring my emotions. – 6 Women We did a quiz on a computer at school and it calculated your ‘ideal job’. Mine came up with ‘Golf Green’s Keeper’, I remember that I was really jealous because my friend got ‘TV Presenter’. I once had to do a mock interview for a job in a nursery at school too. Other than that, I don’t remember much other advice. My parents were very encouraging. I told them I wanted to be an actor and we talked about how it would be quite financially uncertain. I decided I would be a secretary in my spare time, so I took a computer course called Information Technology at GCSE. It’s funny to think back over the time when I had so few preconceptions and expectations of myself. I was always really good at Science too, that’s something my Dad tried to nurture in me as much as possible but I never thought it was possible that I could become a scientist. Yes my mother worked full time until I was about 4/5 then part-time after that. I remember she was very busy. She told me that the childcare for my sister and I cost almost as much as her entire salary! I’m glad she did it though because we lived in a very isolated rural area and she would’ve been really lonely looking after us all day. She was a primary school reception teacher, I sometimes work in schools as part of my job now. Now that I think back I can’t believe she had the energy to do that job all day and look after my older sister and I the rest of the time. No, it’s not important to me. I always said that I would never get married. I was brought up to really value my independence and to consider marriage with a critical eye that saw through its patriarchal routes. One day when I was a young teenager, perhaps 13 or 14, one of our next door neighbour’s daughters was having a big expensive wedding in a marquee in their garden. My sister and I watched over the wall as it was erected and filled with fancy chairs and decorations. My Dad came to stand beside us and he said in his gruff dry tones, ‘Don’t think you’ll ever be getting all that.’ It was made very clear to us that it wasn’t what our family wanted for us and that there were other things in life that were much more worth pursuing and spending money on. It is all very unromantic isn’t it! If we ever quiz my parents on the matter they tell us, with a wry smile, that they married for tax reasons. Now that I’ve been with my partner for 10 years I’ve been to lots of different weddings, I can see another side to marriage. I can see that it can be a wonderful mutual celebration, of love and a lovely ceremony for family and friends to attend together. I would never say never! But I don’t think it would be particularly traditional and I think I would rather propose or just decide together. I can’t remember dreaming about exactly what they would be like but I remember my first crushes were always on the outdoor sports leaders like mountain leaders and climbing teachers. My sister was always dreaming and playing at Mum’s and Dad’s, she even had a scrapbook full of pictures of buggies and car seats and all sorts that she had cut out of the Argos catalogue! I was more in a fantasy world though, I liked the thought of someone strong and heroic, who I could go on adventures with. I think I found that, so I’m very lucky. But it definitely gets harder to go on adventures as you get older. Maybe different things become the adventures? I’m not that much like her. She’s very organized and likes things under control. I am a bit more haphazard and go with the flow like my Dad. My sister is very like my Mum so that’s probably why I go with the flow! I did inherit some of her traits though, it seems a strange thing to say about myself but I think I am kind like her. I have a 1 and ½ year old niece. My hope for my niece is that she will really value herself and have a strong independent voice. I hope she will be brave enough to try and make mistakes and get back up again and try some more. I hope that she will find loving relationships and have a great sense of fun. She definitely has a mischievous side already. I hope that spirit never leaves her. I don’t have children. I think that they shouldn’t be treated differently, but they are by the vast majority of people. I would do everything I could to keep things equal if I did have children but also wouldn’t want that to mean I was a really self conscious parent and that I was always second guessing myself, because I don’t think that’s helpful either. For me it is about encouraging girls and boys to be strong willed and have a voice. I would be aware of nurturing that even more if I had a little girl and also of how difficult it can be for boys to show sensitive sides of themselves. For 7 years I’ve run a theatre company and worked as a performer for others touring all over the country. That has been wonderful and challenging in equal measure! I never thought I would have children. I think about things in great detail and it always seems to me like an immense responsibility full of unknowns. I understand that it would be an incredible experience but it terrifies me. I also worry about the environmental impact of the increase in population on the earth. I feel quite alone in thinking about these things but I feel like there are so many problems and so much suffering that I feel my focus should be on helping others instead of bringing a new person in to the world. I don’t judge other people at all and at the same time I think it would be amazing and I would love to do it. Never say never. When I was young I went to a drama club run by two women, Becca and Donna. They were full of life and humour and they taught us to improvise and write songs and devise our own productions. We looked up to them so much. Becca was wildly individual. She wore leather boots covered with dragons which she had painted on to them. Her hair was always changing colour and once she shaved it all off and wore a wonderful selection of hats instead. I remember one particular set of orange floral dungarees she liked to wear, she had made them herself out of a pair of curtains. Donna was softer spoken and she liked to wear darker planer clothes. But I remember that she always wore a pendant around her neck, sometimes amber, sometimes purple amethyst on black string. We created all sorts of shows, one I remember in particular was a musical about homeless people who became popstars and then realized that money did not buy happiness. We wrote all the songs and devised the script ourselves. There were conflicts of course but I remember it was fantastic fun and it was so exciting performing our work together. We even recorded an album of the songs we had created! They made a huge and brilliant impression on me while I was growing up and I continued to work with them as an assistant on their workshops when I was a teenager. I knew that Becca had had a skin cancer scare a couple of years before and I remember talking to her about it. Just before I went to University she was diagnosed with secondary brain cancer and the year after I finished my studies she very sadly passed away. They both remain my inspiration and I had the pleasure of performing with my own theatre company for Donna in 2015. As a child I took it all for granted as you do. But there was something very special about the way that they taught us and empowered us to trust and develop our own ideas. Last summer I was staying at my parent’s house as I was working with a school nearby. I was woken in the night by a horrible crashing sound and a few seconds later my Mum was screaming for me from the bottom of the stairs. My Dad had left the light off and sleepily walked not into the bathroom but off the top of the stairs taking an awful fall on to the slate below. I don’t think I was brave in this moment, I know I called an ambulance but I was in total shock and there is no brave or perfect way to react in these events. It is in the months that followed that I think that I could describe myself as brave. I think we all can, as a family, I am really proud of every one of us. My Dad suffered a broken neck and head injury. The road to his recovery is and has been long and testing for all of us. After an operation and some time in hospital he returned home but needed 24 hour care at first. I cared for him with my Mum. After a couple of weeks and unsurprisingly in the circumstances my Mum needed to take a rest to recover from the trauma and stress of the events. She went to live with my sister and I cared for my Dad. It seems strange in a way to think of it as brave because it happened over time and it was more about getting through each day. But I think it was in a way. Because there were moments when I was utterly lost and desperate and yet I just kept on going. Both my parents are doing much better now and I am just so glad that I could find it in myself to help them through a terrible time. It’s all so cyclical because you find in yourself the strength that they gave you growing up. I drove past my Grandma’s (my Dad’s Mum’s) old flat on the way to the hospital the night of the accident and I called out to her, ‘I’m doing it Grandma, I’m going to do you proud’ it seems mad now but I felt she heard me and it helped me through. The other bravest thing I have ever done will seem ridiculous to many! It was to drive a long wheel base transit van through Aberdeen and a couple of hours along the motor way when touring a theatre production to Scotland. I am a very nervous driver and I really struggled to pass my test because of nerves. My fear of driving haunts me to this day and I constantly have to overcome anxiety to try to make it part of my day to day life. On that particular day I managed to do my fair share of the 7 hour drive. I believe that kindness and empathy are the most important traits in a person. I value nature and people far beyond material possessions and money. My biggest achievement was creating and touring theatre productions and outreach workshops with my theatre company. You have to play so many roles to run a small company and myself and the performer who I co-ran it with performed in every show and taught every workshop as well. I think we touched the lives of lots of families and gave them a really magical and fun experience. That makes me really proud. I think it was better to be young when I grew up. Life was simpler. Now life is much more complex. I see the benefits of technology but I’m also very suspicious and concerned about the ways in which it affects the lives of children and teenagers. I worry about my niece and nephew because I want to protect them and the internet in particular means they can explore and interact in worlds that I can’t protect them from at a young age. I think as a woman society is more accepting of me showing and exploring my emotions. It is also an incredible and creative experience to be a woman in many ways. However, I do feel like a lot of doors are closed to me and they are the privilege of men. This comes from conditioning and the way they are raised to be more decisive, confident and with little self-doubt, especially those from privileged backgrounds. I am a feminist and I believe in equality. I think in some ways things are easier for me than they were for my Mum growing up but there is still a long way to go. I suffer with anxiety and when it is at its worst overcoming this just to do everyday things is a big challenge. I know I’m not alone and I have ways of coping but it continues to challenge me. The worst part about it is when it stops me enjoying things and makes me say no to new experiences. It can be so exhausting. It has taught me to really look after myself to give myself the best chance, so that is positive. Last year I was mugged by two men in London. After that I felt terrified travelling anywhere at night but I was determined that it wouldn’t get the better of me. My boyfriend was such a huge support and I know it was really horrible for him too but he was so brilliant and encouraging. I learnt a lot from it all. I wish I could be more at peace with how I look and enjoy my body. That has always been a struggle and I know I will look back in time and think what a lot of time I wasted thinking about it! I’m very lucky to have my health and easy movement and I try to enjoy that as much as possible. I don’t have loads of money to buy clothes so I shop a lot in charity shops or get some hand me downs from friends. I enjoy wearing colourful scarves and clothes in purple, blue and turquoise/ teal colours. I’m not that interested in fashion, I just wear what is comfy and I know I’m not particularly stylish. I sometimes wish I had a job that required me to dress more smartly. The grass is always greener! Massively eclectic! Soul music, rock, pop and swing music on the good days, Sufjan Stevens and Sigur Ros when I’m feeling pensive or thoughtful and old folk storytelling songs to tell my tales. My Mum always says ‘You have to suffer for your art’ I think about that a lot but I don’t really have one. I could do with one I think. I just try to be loving. 40’s: I have brought my sons up to value women as independent thinkers. To realise that true equality is not simple and that they have a part to play as men, in enabling and ensuring that women receive equal opportunities in life. Floating Candles available in most colours, please phone or email if you do not see the colour you require listed below, we may be able to help. Also available for floating bowls or other displays, coloured nuggets and coloured chips. Available on request.
We are three former attorneys general who served in Republican administrations - from different backgrounds, with different perspectives and who took different actions while in office. But we share the view that Jeff Sessions, who resigned at President Donald Trump's request on Wednesday, has been an outstanding attorney general. Each of us has known Sessions over many years. All of us thought his record - as a U.S. attorney for 12 years, as a state attorney general, as a respected U.S. senator for 20 years - made him a nominee of unexcelled experience. As important, his deep commitment to the Justice Department and its mission made him a nominee of unexcelled temperament. Sessions took office after the previous administration's policies had undermined police morale, with the spreading "Ferguson effect" causing officers to shy away from proactive policing out of fear of prosecution. Steep declines in the rate of violent crime from 1992 to 2014 were reversed in the last administration's final two years, with violent crime generally up 7 percent, assault 10 percent, rape nearly 11 percent and murder 21 percent. Opioid abuse skyrocketed. Many people were concerned that the hard-won progress of earlier years would be lost. Sessions made sure that didn't happen. He reinstituted the charging practices that had been used against drug dealers before 2008. He leveraged the power of big data to locate those who were stealing taxpayer dollars and flooding the streets with opioids and other painkillers. In 2017, the department prosecutedthe most firearm defendants in 10 years, since another of us (Michael B. Mukasey) was attorney general, and in 2018 prosecuted the most firearm defendants ever, surpassing the prior mark by 17 percent. Such numbers are impressive, but just as impressive has been the refocusing of the department's efforts under Sessions' leadership to protect the liberties of Americans- the freedom of speech -In October 2017, he issued a memorandum to all executive departments containing guidance for protecting religious expression, and oversaw the department's participation in cases protecting the right of a religious institution to advertise on public transportation facilities, the rights of vendors not to participate in activities that would violate their religious beliefs and the right not to have the religious beliefs of business owners burdened by a mandate to provide funding for contraceptives. Barr was attorney general from 1991 to 1993. Meese was attorney general from 1985 to 1988. Mukasey was U.S. attorney general from 2007 to 2009. Gateway Classic Cars of Louisville is proud to present one of the nicest Mark IV Lincolns you can find. Having only 28052 miles since new the entire vehicle has been kept in immaculate shape. The Continental Mark IV is a two-door personal luxury coupe that was sold and marketed by the Lincoln division of Ford Motor Company from the 1972 to 1976 model years. Following the success of the Continental Mark III, Lincoln renewed the model line to again compete against the Cadillac Eldorado. Sharing the underpinnings and much of the roofline with the redesigned Ford Thunderbird for 1972, the Mark IV was given distinct body styling from the windows down. In addition, the Mark was distinguished by hidden headlights and the Continental spare tire trunk lid. Everything looks to be in good working order with the exception of the power antenna. This car was literally built for your personal luxury. The ride is soft and supple, idle and acceleration is smooth while giving the car that big boat feel. Push the pedal and the 460 V8 will propel this large luxury 2 door car down the road with ease. Cars are not built like this any longer and you will be hard pressed to find one in this condition today. The features include, AC, AM/FM Radio 8-Track, Cruise Control, Power Brakes, Power Steering, Power Locks, Power Steering, Power Locks, Power Seats, Power Windows, Tilt Wheel, Seat Belts, Cloth Interior, and White Wall Radial Tires. This Beautiful Yellow 1976 Lincoln Mark IV[email protected] against the psychotic gangland kingpin, Bill the Butcher, who murdered his father years earlier In this meta horror film, a demonic entity uses the fictional character of Freddy Krueger to enter the real world and torment "Elm Street" heroine Heather Langenkamp and her familyin two trucks. A tense rivalry develops between the two sets of drivers on the rough remote roads where the slightest jolt can result in death. Could the introduction of genetically modified genes into Mexico's landrace corns lead to their extinction? Aldo González is a tall, square-shouldered Zapotec Indian of 45 whose long hair falls halfway down his back. He is one of 400,000 Zapotecs whose ancestors built Monte Albán, one of the greatest and earliest cities of Mesoamerica, and who have lived in this part of Oaxaca, high in the Sierra Juárez mountains, for thousands of years. The Zapotecs refer to themselves as the "people of the clouds," and most in the villages speak Zapotec. Virtually all land is held communally. González studied electronic communication at a polytechnic university in Mexico City, but soon after receiving his degree he returned to Oaxaca, where he helps run the Unión de Organizaciones de la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca (UNOSJO), a civil organization that represents Zapotec communities and their concerns. At the top of the list is corn, the farming of which is at the heart of Zapotec culture, as it is for all indigenous cultures in Mexico. But corn culture, and indigenous Mexicans, have been under siege ever since NAFTA went into effect in 1994 and the Mexican government concurrently initiated a number of measures designed to eliminate the country’s small-farm sector, which includes most indigenous corn farmers. The thinking behind the government’s decision was more economic than anti-indigenous—although it was arguably that too. Small farmers have long been the poorest of the poor in Mexico, and from the time of Mexico’s revolution they have received government subsidies. The government’s position on corn has been succinctly explained by Jorge Castañeda, former foreign minister under President Vicente Fox and now a professor at New York University (Fox was elected in 2000, six years after NAFTA). In his book Ex Mex (2007), Castañeda observes that it was "unclear…whether the rest of Mexican society should continue to subsidize 2.5 million families that will never escape from poverty growing corn on barren, rain-fed, tiny plots of land." Like the Zapotecs, many of these farmers consider growing corn more than an economic activity. It is something closer to a defining way of life. Since NAFTA, to the surprise of government planners in Mexico City, many indigenous farmers, including the Zapotec members of UNOSJO, have in effect chosen to withdraw from the national economy, some weaning themselves off expensive chemical fertilizers and subsisting on the corn they can grow, harvest and barter. Economists refer to this phenomenon as a "retreat to subsistence," and life has not been easy for those who have stuck with farming. Poverty has descended upon the Mexican countryside and especially its indigenous areas, which are concentrated in Mexico’s south. In 2003 the World Bank reported that 40 percent of Mexicans lived in poverty but that in the heavily indigenous southern Mexican states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Guerrero, 70 percent lived in "extreme poverty," a condition in which a population is unable to secure a daily minimum food requirement. Despite those who continue farming, like Aldo González, many others have quit. By some estimates, dispossessed farmers account for almost half of the 500,000 or so Mexicans who, until the recent recession, immigrated illegally to the United States each year. González told me of whole villages where only the elderly remain. Maize—"corn" in the vernacular—is, in the amount produced, the largest grain crop in the world. In most places it is grown as animal feed; but in Mexico, for reasons unique to the country’s culinary history, it provides some 70 percent of the caloric intake of rural families. Part of the process of making tortillas and tamales in Mexico is the pre-Columbian practice of lime cooking known as "nixtamalization," which increases the availability of calcium, amino acids and niacin in corn. Nixtamalization makes maize—especially when combined with beans—a complete protein. In the Popul Vuh, the ancient Maya book of origins, the first men are made of corn; part of the sway that corn holds over the region is that it evolved here. Archaeobotanists believe that some 9,000 years ago in the Rio Balsas valley in the Mexican state of Guerrero, early agriculturists began cultivating teosinte, a native grass, by carefully selecting for a series of mutations that included a sealed seed head and multiple rows of kernels attached to a central axis. To this day, indigenous farmers continue to comb their fields for successful plants with useful characteristics, saving their seeds and exchanging them with neighbors. This process is central to indigenous culture in Mexico, and through continuous breeding indigenous agriculturists have internalized and accelerated the process of not just crop domestication but also plant evolution. In the Mexican countryside there are fifty-nine corn "landraces," distinct cultivars that have been carefully developed over millenniums by indigenous farmers for different attributes: growth at high altitudes, early or late maturation, the ability to withstand drought or heavy rain and utility for particular dishes or shamanic rituals. Mexico’s landrace corn is consumed locally, but because it benefits from 9,000 years of breeding for diverse conditions, it represents a reservoir of genetic adaptability that many consider essential to the future of the world’s commercial corn crop. Kathleen McAfee, a political economist at San Francisco State University, observed that Mexican landraces "may even prove vital in the future to the continued productivity of corn farming worldwide, given that new traits must be continuously added to maize and other crops as crop pests evolve and climatic conditions change." Landrace preservation, moreover, reflects a larger issue. Mexico has long been recognized as one of the world’s most biodiverse regions. Along its mountainous spine, the climate ranges from neotropical to Nearctic. Over time, as the earth has warmed and cooled, various plant communities migrating between North and South America have become isolated among Mexico’s deep valleys and high peaks, where they have evolved in exotic isolation. Indigenous cornfields in Mexico are known as milpas. Typically, milpas contain not just landrace corn but also squash, beans and other crops that farmers have coaxed out of their biodiverse surroundings through astute and assiduous husbandry. Because so many staple crops evolved in the region, it is considered a "center of origin" of crops, one of the few in the world. What’s particularly notable about Mexican cornfields are the "weeds" that coexist with more established crops and, in many cases, have herbal and culinary uses. A 2004 report by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), an environmental organization created by a side treaty of NAFTA, noted that "this group of species are not ‘weeds’" in the narrow American and European sense. "The relationships of Mexican poor peasants with their ‘weeds’ may be quite complex," and weeds "represent a rich genetic resource on which selection towards domestication may take place." Aldo González and other indigenous farmers are well aware of their link to the ancient practice of plant domestication. One morning not long ago González and I walked into his milpa through stands of dahlias and wild salvia. In addition to showing me his two-month-old white corn and his snaky squash and bean vines, he pointed out a wild, self-sown tomato; an Amaranthus, a relative of the grain crop widely eaten by indigenous people in South America; and a traditional Zapotec medicinal herb used to coax out "malos aires." Around the edges of the field, González identified a wild avocado tree, a grove of guayabas and a huaje tree, an edible bean tree from whose name the city name of Oaxaca is derived. "The important thing," he told me, "is that we clean out and plant the fields but don’t break the connection to the surrounding ecosystem. These fields are part of the natural system; they’re not apart from it." Inside Mexico, NAFTA was the project of a group widely referred to as "technocrats" in the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari who belonged to the modernizing wing of Mexico’s ruling party, the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). When Salinas came into office in 1988, the government—as a legacy of Mexico’s revolution—was highly protectionist, strong on social services and involved in one way or another with just about every aspect of the economy. By the standards of modern free-market economies, Mexico was inefficient and often corrupt, and people were relatively poor, but the government’s social and economic benefits were widespread. Salinas and his technocrats decided to slash the safety net and throw open Mexico to free trade. Salinas argued that Mexico’s low wages and physical proximity to the United States gave it a natural advantage as an exporter, and he promised to close the wage gap between the two countries by developing an export economy. He thereby aimed to solve the historic problem of immigration to the United States. Mexico, Salinas promised, would "export goods, not people." For many Mexicans and non-Mexicans at the time, the prospect of change was welcome. According to Laura Carlsen, director of the Mexico City–based Americas Program of the Center for International Policy, "There was a feeling of euphoria. People were convinced [NAFTA] was going to create jobs, create industrial corridors, reduce emigration and get people out of rural areas where they didn’t have services. At that point, no one was talking about the ties of indigenous people to the land." Part of the thinking behind NAFTA involved the doctrine of "comparative advantage," the idea that in global trade each country should take advantage of its natural strengths. Mexico’s advantage was its cheap and plentiful labor force; however, although corn had evolved in Mexico and has been grown there for thousands of years, the negotiators agreed that the United States had the comparative advantage in corn production. According to Michael Pollan in The Omnivore’s Dilemma (2006), because of hybrid corn and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, the fruits of the "Green Revolution" of the 1950s and ’60s, the productivity of corn farms in the United States has increased from twenty bushels an acre in 1920 to as many as 200 now. But Pollan and others have argued that comparisons of small-scale and industrial productivity can be deceptive. Each bushel of industrial corn in the United States requires between a quarter and a third of a gallon of oil for fuel, fertilizer and other applications. This can add up to fifty gallons or more of oil per acre, a level of consumption that is practicable only as long as fossil fuel is cheap. Heavy government subsidies paid to farmers, moreover, have also masked the real cost of corn. Pollan tells us that in Iowa, in 2005, it cost $2.50 to grow a bushel of corn that sold at the grain elevator for $1.45. Industrial agriculture can also have steep "external costs." Timothy Wise, research director of the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University, points out that corn is one of the most chemically dependent crops. Moreover, the prices at which it is sold fail to account for the associated environmental damage caused by chemicals. High on the list of damages is the growing "dead zone" at the mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico; roughly the size of New Jersey, the area is almost devoid of marine life as a result of nitrogen runoff. The NAFTA negotiators overlooked these concerns. Soon after NAFTA was signed, tariffs on corn from the United States were eliminated and US corn began flooding Mexico. Corn was further subsidized for export by the US government and arrived in Mexico at 20 percent below its already subsidized cost of production. Much of the corn from the United States was intended as animal feed, but it depressed the price of corn generally and by 2008 the real price paid to Mexican corn farmers had dropped 50 percent. Simultaneously, within Mexico the government dismantled programs that had supported small farmers since the revolution. At the time NAFTA took effect, a government agency known as CONASUPO handled more than half of the nation’s corn crop; it administered price supports, offered storage infrastructure and assured minimum incomes through subsidies. By 1999 CONASUPO had been phased out, leaving Mexican farmers to their own devices; meanwhile, in the United States, the 1996 and 2002 farm bills approximately doubled agricultural subsidies. Not everyone agreed with the NAFTA agricultural measures. Alejandro Nadal, a professor of economics at the Colegio de México, is critical of the government’s failure to think through the dismantling of "the most strategic sector of Mexico’s agricultural economy." As Nadal told me, "There were 3 million corn producers and five people per producer family. That’s 15 million people. Then there were transporters and other attached industries—22 million people—a quarter of the country’s population. Before putting the corn sector into NAFTA, wouldn’t you think about it twice? The government had no single study for why they put corn into NAFTA." In an essay in Sin Maíz, no Hay País, a book on Mexico’s corn crisis published in 2003, David Barkin, a professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico, quotes a Salinas-era technocrat who says that it was the administration’s policy to remove half of the population from Mexico’s rural areas within five years. It’s unclear what the government ever had in mind for the displaced farmers. At the time, a political scientist who closely monitored Mexican politics told me, "They have no credible prediction as to where these people will be employed. My guess is that they’re thinking Los Angeles." In general terms, the Salinas administration assumed NAFTA export industries would generate jobs for displaced farmers. It was soon proved wrong. According to NAFTA’s Promise and Reality, a well-regarded 2004 report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in the first decade of NAFTA a million workers a year entered the Mexican labor force, while the economy created only half a million jobs annually. Perhaps not coincidentally, the tide of immigration to the United States swelled during these years to about the same number—half a million a year. In New York City I asked the Mexican economist Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid why the Mexican export-oriented economy had not been able to grow the way China’s export-oriented economy has. China, he explained, has followed an industrial policy that has created "linkages" requiring foreign investors to buy materials in China. The effect has been to spread around the export growth. NAFTA, by contrast, was deeply rooted in the philosophy of free trade (economists speak of it as one of the most extreme free-trade agreements ever negotiated) and specifically precluded any such arrangements. Mexico developed an export sector, Moreno-Brid told me, but it consisted largely of maquiladora plants assembling imported components. These plants generated relatively few, relatively low-paid jobs, and their influence has not spread into the larger economy. There are, of course, other problems with NAFTA. The economist Thomas Palley refers to it as "a watershed in international agreements," a new type of treaty in which production floats between countries "always threatened by competition from poorer countries below." Palley’s point is well illustrated in Murder City, Charles Bowden’s chilling book about the border city of Juárez. Over the past decade, according to Bowden, approximately 100,000 jobs have left Juárez for China because China’s wages are only a quarter of the already punishingly low wages in Juárez. The main consequence of Juárez’s low wages and disappearing jobs is the drug business. "In Juárez," Bowden writes, "the payroll for the employees in the drug industry exceeds the payroll for all the factories in the city." Genetically modified corn was first commercially planted in the United States in 1996. By 2000 it already accounted for 25 percent of the US crop, and according to The Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States, a recently released report from the National Research Council, by 2009 it accounted for 85 percent. Virtually all genetically modified corn is of two technologically simple types: a corn implanted with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) gene that imparts resistance to several insects; and another implanted with a gene that creates tolerance to glyphosate, an herbicide. The latter allows farmers to spray entire fields without damaging the crop. The National Research Council report points out that even though genetically modified corn seed costs considerably more, it saves farmers the costs of other, often more environmentally damaging pesticides and herbicides and the labor costs of applying them. "It’s a business model, really," a prominent biologist explained to me. After harvest in the United States, genetically modified and non–genetically modified corn are freely mixed, and without elaborate testing it is impossible to tell the difference between them. At the time NAFTA was negotiated, genetically modified corn had not been an issue, but as corn from the United States began to inundate Mexico, the Mexican government became concerned that it could crossbreed with Mexican landraces, possibly leading to hybrids that could overrun native corn. In 1998 the government issued a moratorium on planting genetically modified corn. By then, however, the United States was shipping millions of tons of corn to Mexico, any single kernel of which could be genetically modified. The moratorium proved unenforceable. (It has recently been rescinded—although only in areas deemed not to be "centers of origin" of corn.) Scientists with reservations about genetically engineered crops maintain that the ways in which transgenes—the packages of genetic material implanted in a host plant—interact with the genome of the host are little understood. Transgenes, they argue, are inserted into the host genome largely at random and could make their way to unintended parts of the host genome and switch on unintended genes. "We know very little about what happens after the transgenic insert," Paul Gepts, a professor of plant science at the University of California, Davis, told me. A larger concern with genetically modified crops is spelled out in Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants, a 2002 report from the National Research Council. It describes the tendency of introduced crops to hybridize with populations of their wild relatives. In a number of instances, this led to the creation of weedy hybrids that overran local wild populations and made them extinct, sometimes within a decade or less. The report refers to the field of "invasion biology" and notes that there’s more to learn about the reasons for different degrees of invasiveness. The tendency of hybrid species to invade populations of their wild relatives is well documented, however, and the report noted that there was no reason to believe transgenic plants would behave any differently. These concerns had special resonance in Mexico. Corn cultivation here differs radically from that in the United States. In the United States, commercial corn is grown each year from new seeds. At the end of the year, whatever traits corn possesses—or may have picked up—disappear. In Mexico, by contrast, seed preservation and exchange is central to indigenous corn culture. Landrace corn, moreover, is "open pollinated": through the exchange of pollen, it can pick up and pass along whatever traits happen to be in adjacent plants—including genetically modified plants. If landrace corn happened to pick up genetically modified genes, those genes could be passed through seeds to subsequent generations. In the United States, moreover, there are virtually no wild relatives of corn, and the possibility that transgenes might move from modified to wild corn plants has been little studied. Regulatory policies are based, as Kathleen McAfee puts it, on the idea that transgenes "will remain confined to the crop and the harvest cycle into which they were intentionally placed." In Mexico, by contrast, there are dozens of landrace corns with which genetically modified corn might interbreed. The Mexican government’s concern, therefore, was that if genetically modified genes were to get into landraces, not only would they not be removable but they could lead to their extinction. In the late 1990s Zapotec farmers in Oaxaca began to notice what they thought were unusual numbers of mutant plants in their fields. Already inflamed by the government’s agricultural policies, the Zapotecs were deeply suspicious of genetically modified corn and approached two scientists then working in the area, Ignacio Chapela and David Quist of the University of California, Berkeley, and asked them to test the plants for evidence of transgenes. In their lab, Chapela and Quist found not only evidence of transgenes but also, to their great surprise, what they considered to be clear evidence that the genetically modified genes had fragmented and become redistributed within the host plants. This seemed to fulfill the worst fears of those concerned about genetically modified crops: that implanted genes were unstable and could run wild inside related genomes. In November 2001 Chapela and Quist published their findings in Nature. Their paper caused an immediate uproar. Both scientists had been outspoken in their opposition to a recent funding agreement between their department and Novartis, whereby in exchange for millions of dollars the department had given the agro-biotech giant a significant stake in its research. Reactions to Chapela and Quist’s paper depended largely on how people felt about the Novartis controversy. Critics argued that the article’s evidence failed to support the authors’ second point—that genetically modified genes were unstable within the genomes of their host plants. Under tremendous pressure, Nature published an unprecedented statement criticizing the evidence for this assertion. Chapela and Quist stood by their findings, and supporters of the two scientists argued that Nature‘s statement was inappropriate: the paper had been peer-reviewed; postpublication debates often discover weaknesses in published research, and the normal procedure would be a follow-up article. The controversy was unusually bitter and personal, and raged far beyond the pages of Nature. Eventually, the Guardian reported that among the most persistent of Chapela and Quist’s critics were a pair of fictitiously named web posters connected to a Washington PR firm hired by Monsanto, the world’s leading producer of genetically engineered seeds. Chapela and Quist’s paper nevertheless generated further studies—some confirmed transgressed genes, but others did not. Most recently, a study by an international team led by Elena Alvarez-Buylla of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and published in the journal Molecular Ecology seems conclusively to support Chapela and Quist’s findings. Ultimately, the resolution of the issues raised by Chapela and Quist is less significant than the agitation their Nature paper caused in the Mexican countryside. In 2002, not long after the paper appeared, a group of Zapotec leaders from the municipality of Ixtlán de Juárez, supported by three Mexican environmental groups, filed a petition with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to conduct a study of the implications of the genetically-modified-corn problem. The CEC’s report, Maize and Biodiversity: The Effects of Transgenic Maize in Mexico, appeared in 2004 and consisted of a workmanlike summary volume and ten beautifully detailed background chapters—a number of which are almost novelistic in their complexity. The background chapters were written by leading biologists as well as experts on the politics and sociology of the Mexican countryside, and they examine the political, social and ecological value of indigenous cornfields and also the ways genetically modified genes might flow through those cornfields. Timothy Wise at Tufts told me that Maize and Biodiversity is "the best study of gene flow to date." The CEC report argued that because the ecology of a traditional Mexican cornfield is so much more complicated than that of cornfields in the United States, studies conducted in the United States of the interaction between genetically modified corn and its surrounding environment were useless in Mexico. "Will the introduction of transgenic maize have a positive or negative effect on natural ecosystems in Mexico?" one of the CEC background chapters asked, concluding that "existing data on transgenic maize will not address the question sufficiently." The report held that "the introgression of a few individual transgenes is unlikely to have any major biological effect on genetic diversity in maize landraces." But it went on to argue that not enough was known about the ways genetically modified plants would behave in the complex environment of a Mexican cornfield to rule out the possibility that an introgression of genetically modified genes would produce a weedy superhybrid that could overrun not just native landraces but also the wild teosinte grass that still grows around indigenous cornfields. One of the background chapters pointed out that such an outcome would be a "catastrophe" that could gravely reduce the genetic diversity of the world’s corn. In the end, the authors of the CEC study unanimously agreed that until the effects of introgressed transgenes could be properly studied, all 6 million tons of US corn then entering Mexico each year should be ground at the border before being transported into the country. In doing so, the report’s authors evoked a regulatory category increasingly used in international environmental law and known as the "precautionary principle." The CEC’s authors argued that, given the possibility of irreversible damage to the heritage of corn in Mexico, the genetically modified corn industry bore the burden of proving its safety. This was significant for US agribusiness because the logic of the precautionary principle had once been used to bar US corn from the European Union. The reaction in Washington was furious. Judith Ayres, a Bush appointee and the assistant administrator of the office of international activities for the Environmental Protection Agency, appended comments to the summary report. She attacked the degree to which it combined political and scientific issues and failed to consider the benefits of post-NAFTA agricultural developments—particularly to the growth of the Mexican livestock industry (a market for much imported corn). It ultimately lacked "policy relevance," Ayres declared. It was too late for the summary report to be withdrawn, but the ten background chapters that treated different aspects of the problem in such fascinating detail were never published and effectively suppressed. (They are nevertheless archived at The underlying worry of scientists concerned about Mexico’s landraces is the narrowness of the genetic base of commercial corn. As the effects of climate change become more pronounced, the corn belt in the United States will likely be affected not just by rising temperatures but also changing rainfall patterns. With these altered conditions will arrive plant diseases to which the corn crop has not previously been exposed. The devastation such diseases could wreak is hinted at by the effects of the Southern corn leaf blight in 1970. Before it was controlled, the blight destroyed 50 percent of the crop in some Southern states and 15 percent of the crop nationwide, and it caused $1 billion in damage. I asked one of the CEC authors, Major Goodman, a professor of crop science at North Carolina State University and one of the nation’s leading corn experts, about the condition of commercial corn in the United States. He compared it with that of potatoes in Ireland before the potato famine and then continued, "We’re basically looking at the descendants of about seven inbred lines and the derivatives of those lines," he told me. "There are an awful lot of similar hybrids out there." Goodman is concerned about two diseases—one in Argentina and one in Africa. "Each is a virus spread by a leaf hopper" (a piercing insect that can spread plant diseases). "A leaf hopper could cling to a person’s luggage or clothing and jump on a plane without trouble. I’m 99 percent certain that not a hybrid on the market has resistance." The genetic material that the corn industry would use to breed in resistance to such a virus would typically originate in a germplasm bank—a specialized facility that stores the genetic material needed to reproduce important crops (germplasm banks in Mexico contain samples of the seeds of the nation’s landrace corn). But as Goodman put it, "If we are to have climate change, it will be hard to meet the problems it presents out of a germplasm bank. Basically, germplasm banks deal in hundreds of kernels. The only way to make them available, in the case of rampant plant disease, would be to grow them out seed by seed." Monsanto has recently said that it is working to address climate change and has promised to create crops that will require 30 percent less water, land and energy to grow. Specifically, it promises to develop a "drought gene" designed to dramatically reduce a plant’s water consumption. Monsanto’s drought-resistance work is widely believed to involve "transcription factors," types of master genes that regulate numerous other genes. Industry critics are skeptical of Monsanto’s claims. Goodman explained to me that to date there were essentially only two commercial gene-implant applications—Bt crops and glyphosate-resistant crops—and that each was the result of single-gene engineering. "Drought tolerance is a genetically complex trait," he said, and the present state of genetic modification is confined to implanting "single genes affecting single traits." Paul Gepts agreed with Goodman’s point that drought resistance was a genetically complex trait and added that it would require an ability to engineer sequences of genes that had not yet been attained. "They may have something," he said, "but I’m skeptical. They have to please their stockholders. They have to attract capital." Last year the Union of Concerned Scientists released Failure to Yield: Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops, a report that surveyed applications to the Agriculture Department seeking permission for field trials of new types of transgenes. (Applications for the tests are public; the test results are confidential.) The report found that, from among thousands of applications, none beyond implants of single genes with Bt or with glyphosate resistance had resulted in commercially successful products (the report excluded a small number of virus-resistant traits). Failure to Yield attributed this state of affairs to the complexity of the roles played by the genes being experimented with (including transcription factors) and described these genes as being "parts of genetic networks that have multiple and far-reaching effects on the growth or development of the plant." Unlike the single-gene products now on the market, the report noted, the multiple-gene applications had greater potential for "deleterious unintended side effects." Farmers have recently faced other problems with genetically modified crops. The seed industry has become concentrated in very few hands, and prices have soared. In the meantime, a number of weeds that had, until recently, been killed by glyphosate have evolved glyphosate resistance with alarming speed, requiring farmers to revert to older herbicides and dampening the appeal of the expensive modified seeds. One Iowa State weed scientist described the situation to the New York Times as "Darwinian evolution in fast forward." Failure to Yield also looked at crop yield and concluded that genetically modified crops had done substantially less to increase yield than a number of more conventional measures, ranging from organic farming to a technologically sophisticated form of genetic breeding known as "marker-assisted selection." This has not led anyone to conclude that the engineering of transcription factors or other such complex multigene undertakings are unattainable but, rather, that their imminence may be overstated. "Eventually we will be able to engineer more than a single gene," Goodman says, "but there are complications, and it will take a hell of a long time to work them out." This raises a question. Gepts had explained to me that many of the traits found in landrace corn are located in complex "suites" of genes. These traits include such properties as flowering time, crop yield and drought resistance. Considering that the multiple attributes of landrace corn are themselves the product of a sophisticated, longstanding tradition of crop breeding, would it be fair to think of landrace corn as having already achieved, on some level, the very properties that genetic-engineering firms were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try to breed into commercial corn? If so, how had peasant farmers done this? "In indigenous fields," Gepts told me, "these suites result from both environmental pressures and from farmer selection—probably more from the latter. These suites contain traits that have been selected by farmers over time," he said, "farmers with a very keen understanding of plants." After leaving Aldo González’s milpa I traveled west into the high, dissected plateau that is the home of the Mixtecs, Oaxaca’s second-largest indigenous group. I had arranged to meet Jesús León Santos, the head of a Mixtec organization known as CEDICAM, which works to support traditional Mixtec agriculture. In recognition of CEDICAM’s efforts, Jesús León had won a prize not long before from the Goldman Environmental Foundation in San Francisco. Jesús León met me in his battered pickup truck outside the Mixtec town of Nochixtlán. As we drove, he recited a maxim of his father’s: "Plant to eat first or you’ll wind up working for others." He spoke of pressure from the government to persuade Mixtecs to plant hybrids, abandon their traditional landraces and use chemical fertilizers. He recounted the post-NAFTA decline in prices paid for corn and the simultaneous sharp rise in the price of fertilizers. ("Fertilizers damage the land, but the biggest damage is to the people, because they lose the ability to live off the land," he said.) He described government policies of rid of small farmers—and of efforts to turn farmers into manos de obra, workers for factories and maquiladoras. He reflected on the toll of emigration: how it was mostly men who left and that husbandless households damaged the transmission of values between generations ("It will have an effect in the future"). Eventually, we arrived at Jesús León’s milpa. He pointed out the landrace corn, squash, beans, a wild potato and various quelites—a Nahuatl word that has become a generic indigenous term for usable milpa weeds. I asked Jesús León about the ways milpa agriculture seemed to be about improving on nature, on natural processes. He stopped—with the whole vulnerable world of traditional human agriculture around his feet. "No," he said, and seemed to care deeply that I follow precisely what he was saying. "It’s not a way of improving nature—it’s a way of getting closer to the processes of nature, getting as close as possible to what nature does." Peter CanbyPeter Canby is a senior editor at The New Yorker and the author of The Heart of the Sky: Travels Among the Maya (HarperCollins).
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Portfolio123 will automatically track performance data and keep a record of all transactions. TRAUMATISED troops are being thrown a new lifeline by two retired soldiers who overcame their mental health demons to set up a support network. Friends Daniel Arnold and Stephen James both faced their battle against post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following stints in the army. The pair managed to fight back after being close to breaking point and have now set up a site to help their fellow comrades in need. Known as All Call Signs, the online network is manned by a team of volunteers who have all been in the armed forces. It’s hoped the organisation will become a lifeline for those on the cusp of mental breakdown, as well as a key link for those struggling to adjust to civvy street. And within three days of launching, the Portsmouth-based service has already helped more than 30 people, receiving praise from veterans and politicians. Stephen, who was a Private with The Second Battalion, the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (2PWRR), said: ‘We have both been in a dark place, both for very different reasons. We know what it’s like to feel very, very alone. ‘So if we can do something that stops other people feeling that way and take them away from that isolation that would mean everything for us. It uses social networking platform WhatsApp to connect people in need with the site’s on-duty team of supporters on ‘phone stag’. The pair can then talk together in privacy about any issue, from coping with PTSD, to paying bills, finding jobs or getting used to civilian life. Stephen and Daniel stressed the network is not about replacing traditional support groups, charities and medical health care already available but complementing them, signposting people one where necessary. Afghanistan veteran Daniel, who was a Lance Corporal with 2PWRR, said: ‘The real beauty of this is if someone was in crisis it puts them in touch with someone else who’s been in their shoes and who can metaphorically talk them off the ledge. ‘If you were feeling at the point where you thought you had no other choice and you could have a friendly ear, who’s worn the same boots as you, walked the same mile as you, and who could relate to that, I think that would make all the difference.’ Stephen, 31, of Portsmouth, hopes the site would help to stop people from spiralling out of control. The dad-of-six said soldiers were ‘proud’ but ‘very bad’ at admitting when they needed help, something he struggled to do when he began feeling suicidal after leaving the army to help his family. ‘I left the army to support my family but once they didn’t need looking after anymore I was without a purpose,’ he said. ‘I missed my friends and I felt incredibly lonely, I was in a really good job but I was really really low. ‘At one point I was just sat in London, I got blind drunk, sat on the edge of a crossing over a road and contemplating jumping. That’s the lowest I have ever been.’ He was at his lowest ebb, psychologically, when his son nearly died of meningitis just days after being born eight weeks prematurely. Dad-of-one Daniel, who lives in Waterlooville but works as a facilities manager at Catherine House in Portsmouth, said his PTSD manifested after he was medically discharged from the army when he broke his back playing football. He said he became very ‘alienated’ and it was only through exercise and his love of sports that he was able to recover. The pair now have ambitions to expand their network of supporters from 40 to up to 300 and are eager for those with military experience who want to help to get in touch. Prudence Island is part of the municipality of Portsmouth. All calls for service on Prudence Island are taken by the Portsmouth Police Dispatch Center. Visitors to Prudence Island can purchase a one-week temporary use permit for the transfer station. The cost is $15 (check or exact change). Temporary Use Permits can be purchased from the officer on duty at Homestead Dock around ferry times. Hunting Permission Slips can be purchased for $5 from the officer on duty at Homestead Dock during ferry arival and departure times. This great property is set in a perfect location in Porto de Mós within walkable distance to the beach. With a total of four bedrooms twoof them with ensuite bathrooms it is suitable not only as a holiday home but also perfect for permanent living. The construction quality is immaculate and the property has been very well kept by the current owner. Built in a medium size plot this house has large indoor areas and a good size basement. There is an electrical solar panel system installed on the roof terrace providing not only energy for the house but also to the mains grid which gives the property a generous yearly income. There is also another solar panel for water heating. Many features could be described here but the best is to book your visit straight away. This is a kind of property that is not going to stay in the market for long. Property Location Located in Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al Khaimah Hotel is convenient to Tower Links Golf Club and National Museum of Ras al Khaimah. This 4-star hotel is within the region of Dhayan Fort.Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 92 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars. Wireless Internet access surcharge is available to keep you connected.Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Don’t miss out on the many recreational opportunities, includcharge, babysitting/childcare surcharge, and a hair salon.Dining Enjoy a satisfying meal at a restaurant serving guests of Ras Al Khaimah Hotel. Breakfast is available for a fee.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include high-speed wired Internet access surcharge, complimentary newspapers in the lobby, and dry cleanintended its City Hub concept for environmentally friendly inner-city deliveries to The Hague, the Netherlands, with a new pilot involving electric vehicles. This is the first deployment of Deutsche Post DHL Group’s StreetScooter electric delivery van in its delivery network. The concept was launched in March 2017 in Utrecht, in the Netherlands, and Frankfurt, Germany. The successful pilots in these cities linked the DHL Cubicycle – cargo bicycles that can carry a specialized container with a load of up to 125kg (275 lb) – with a customized trailer carrying up to four containers. A DHL van brings the trailer into the city center, where the containers are loaded on to Cubicycles for delivery over the last mile. The project in The Hague will see a modified pickup version of a StreetScooter and a Nissan e-NV200 take on the last-mile delivery of up to three containers each. John Pearson, CEO, DHL Express Europe, said, “As one step on our longer-term journey to reduce emissions to zero by 2050, Deutsche Post DHL Group has set a target of operating 70% of first- and last-mile delivery services with clean transport modes by 2025. The City Hub concept is one innovative way in which DHL Express is contributing toward this target. “With its simple use of standardized containers, the City Hub is a flexible solution that will allow us to introduce more electric vehicles, bicycles and even walking couriers on inner-city routes. This, in turn, will give us an even sharper competitive advantage as more and more cities around the world focus on promoting sustainable transport systems and competition intensifies among delivery companies over the last-mile.” The standardized containers used in the City Hub concept match the dimensions of a standard shipping pallet and can be easily transferred between the different modes of transport within the DHL Express network. This helps ensure additional speed and reliability in DHL’s last-mile delivery operations for documents and small packages.
The SUV & sub-compact SUV market in terms of production, is projected to reach 30.2 Million units by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 5.36%. The SUV & sub-compact SUV market has witnessed considerable growth in countries such as the U.S., China, India, and Mexico, owing to the low cost, compact size, stylistic design, and better maneuverability, among others. The growth of sub-compact SUVs is linked to the growth of the SUV and its crossovers, which have been gaining momentum since 2010. Within the SUV segment, crossovers have performed exceptionally well on a global scale. Sub-compact SUVs, being new entrants in the global market, have performed more successfully in Europe than in other regions. Sales of sub-compact SUVs almost doubled in 2015from the 2013 levels. France, Italy, and the U.K. generate high demand for these vehicles. Meanwhile, the MPV market has witnessed steady growth in Europe and Asia-Oceania. Asia-Oceania is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, as a result of availability of economical domestic resources like labour, land and raw materials, strong government support, and emerging economies in the region, which are expected to boost growth, especially in countrth demographic. SUVs & sub-compact SUV production is expected to grow in countries such as China and India, owing to availability of cost-effective labor and favorable government policies. For instance, the Government of India has allowed 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) with no minimum investment criteria for the automotive sector. The region houses OEMs such as Toyota (Japan), Hyundai Motor Company (South Korea), and Honda Motor Company (Japan). Additionally, certain countries in Asia-Oceania, such as South Korea and Japan, have strong technological capabilities. The growth of the sub-compact SUV market is mainly owing to the mixture of advantages that this segment offers. For instance, features such as small engines and hence, better fuel efficiency as compared to passenger cars, compact body (as compared to SUVs) and excise duty rebate for this vehicle segment in a majority of the countries. In India, sub-4 meter vehicles attract 8 per cent excise duty as compared to 27 per cent for vehicles that are over 4 meters in length. The sub-compact SUV segment also resembles the SUV segment in terms of unibody construction, high ground clearance, high H-point among others. The Nissan Juke and Mini Countryman are key examples of unibody construction. The buying behavior and consumer preferences could adversely affect the SUV & sub-compact SUV market. The main challenge faced by OEMs is when fuel prices rise. Since most of the SUVs have a lower fuel efficiency, it affects the buying preference of the end-users, as they would prefer buying a small or compact car which would provide a better fuel efficiency. The increase in raw material prices is also one of the biggest constraints for automobile manufacturers, as it is generally difficult to pass the full extent of increased prices for manufactured components and raw materials onto customers, in the form of price increases. Even if passed on to some extent, the recovery is typically on a delayed basis. The SUV and sub-compact SUV market is dominated by globally established companies, such as Ford Motor Company (U.S.), Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan), Honda Motor Co., Ltd.(Japan), Hyundai Motor Company (South Korea), and General Motors (U.S.). These companies have constantly adopted growth strategies such as new product development, expansions, mergers, and joint ventures to gain traction in the sub-compact SUV market.
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(NAPSI)—Pregnancy is an exciting time, from decorating the nursery to reading every parenting book available. ThStart by being aware of what the science says about preventing common conditions that can emerge during pregnancy and about daily supplements that can support your baby’s development. If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, it’s important to take a daily vitamin that contains folic acid (0.4 to 0.8 mg). Folic acid is essential to your baby’s growing brain and to spinal cord development. Too little folic acid has been linked to serious birth defects, which occur in about six to seven out of every 10,000 babies born. Ask your doctor which supplement is right for you. One of the most serious pregnancy conditions is pre-eclampsia. It’s associated with high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy and can lead to life-threatening complications for moms and infants. It’s a leading cause of preterm delivery (when a baby is born too early) and low birth weight in the United States, accounting for nearly one in five preterm births. Your doctor will screen you for pre-eclampsia by measuring your blood pressure throughout pregnancy. Fortunately, low-dose aspirin (81 mg per day) can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia for some women at increased risk, so your doctor may suggest taking a low-dose aspirin every day to help protect you and your baby. Talk to your doctor about any questions you have. Another health condition that can happen during pregnancy is gestational diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which the body doesn’t make enough insulin (a hormone) or use it correctly. This means the body can’t turn starches or sugars from foods and drinks into the energy it needs to function, and the buildup of sugar in the blood leads to complications throughout the body. About 6 percent of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes, which can cause difficult delivery and an increased risk of diabetes later in life. Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes may have low blood sugar, which can increase a baby’s risk of seizures and obesity later in childhood. Screening for the condition is fairly easy. Testing is done during weeks 24 to 28 of pregnancy, or earlier if there is a higher risk of gestational diabetes due to obesity or a family history of diabetes. This simple test consists of drinking 50 g of a sugary liquid and then measuring with a blood test to see how quickly your body gets rid of it. Ask your doctor about when you should take this important test. Some women experience depression during or after pregnancy—even if they didn’t have symptoms before getting pregnant. If you feel persistent sadness, you aren’t alone. About 10 percent of pregnant women experience major depressive episodes and these episodes can continue after the baby arrives. Depression may affect the baby, too, because it can disrupt a mom’s ability to care for herself and her newborn. The good news is that depression can be managed through treatments like behavioral therapy, so check in with your doctor regularly about how you are feeling. Screening for infections like HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia is another important part of caring for yourself and your baby during pregnancy. Some of these infections don’t cause problems right away, which is why it’s important to get tested early. Treating these infections during pregnancy will help reduce the chance that the infection will be passed on to your baby and cause complications. A simple blood test can be used to detect three different kinds of infections: HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. The HIV test checks for antibodies (disease-fighting proteins) that react specifically to the virus. Women with HIV are given antiviral medicines that greatly reduce the likelihood of the baby getting HIV. Screening for the hepatitis B virus should happen during your first prenatal visit and also involves a test that looks for certain antibodies. Infants born to mothers with the virus should get the hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immune globulin (another disease-fighting protein) within 12 hours of birth to help prevent infection. Similarly, the syphilis bacterium is found through a blood test and antibiotics treat infection in the mother and help prevent infections and serious birth defects in the baby. Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea involves testing a urine sample or a swab from the vagina. If the test comes back positive, both conditions can be treated with antibiotics. These recommendations were developed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force—an independent group of national experts in prevention. The Task Force makes recommendations, based on the latest science, about what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to preventing disease and promoting good health. “The most important thing expecting ms to support baby’s development. Let's be honest, everyone loves a good Maxi Dress. Maxi Dresses are extremely versatile and come in various fabrics and styles. They are also flattering on every body-type, and can be sexy without being overstated.
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I think that one defence of Alex's choice of his book title, is to use President Clinton's argument - it depends on the definition of the word 'is'! Nobody argues that science was right about a hell of a lot of stuff in the past, but then it bloated out and became insanely arrogant so that right now it is wrong about a hell of a lot! What all those fake papers really tell us, is that peer review is badly broken by now. If the reviewers could be fooled by computer generated gibberish, how much easier would it have been to fool them with papers that used fake data, or performed unreasonable adjustments to data to obtain the desired result? To me, this reveals a deeper level of pretence in science - for just how long does it take to read a paper well enough to be able to say whether it is suitable for publication? Some papers might need months of work to unravel, or would really require some attempt at replication to validate them - yet reviewers simply can't afford to spend that amount of effort when the system offers them no reward for exploring other's work. As has been revealed in Climate Science, often the actual data on which a paper is based, is not available for a variety of reasons - so that reproduction is impossible. Like many other areas of modern science, many published results are based on huge computer models. Anyone who believes these are a useful tool should read this: How is any potential reviewer of such work supposed to operate? Is he supposed to obtain the program in source form, check that it produces the specified result, then analyse the whole thing for bugs and valid assumptions, and to determine what range of alternative conclusions were possible by tweaking the code - as the above article discusses? How is it possible to fake peer review? Moon, who studies medicinal plants, had set up a simple procedure. He gave journals recommendations for peer reviewers for his manuscripts, providing them with names and e-mail addresses. But these addresses were ones he created, so the requests to review went directly to him or his colleagues. TV news documentary into scientific misconduct by medical researcher forces academic journal to retract influential study, study since cited "more than 100 other times by other papers". 'Many areas in the biological sciences, including academic studies of evolution and applied conservation, as well as achieving the 2020 targets under the Convention on Biological Diversity, are underpinned by accurate naming,' explains Dr Robert Scotland of the Department of Plant Sciences at Oxford. 'Without accurate names on specimens, the records held in collections around the world would make no sense, as they don't correspond to the reality outside.' Dr Scotland also points out that the negative effects of this are increasingly multiplied as large databases are aggregated online, gathering together vast amounts of specimen data, many of which have incorrect species names.​ Specimens of plants and animals preserved in museums are the primary source of verifiable data on the geographical and temporal distribution of organisms. Museum datasets are increasingly being uploaded to aggregated regional and global databases (e.g. the Global Biodiversity Information Facility; GBIF) for use in a wide range of analyses [1] . Thus, digitisation of natural history collections is providing unprecedented information to facilitate the study of the natural world on a global scale. The digitisation of this information utilises information provided on specimen labels, and assumes they are correctly identified. Here we evaluate the accuracy of names associated with 4,500 specimens of African gingers from 40 herbaria in 21 countries. Our data show that at least 58% of the specimens had the wrong name prior to a recent taxonomic study. A similar pattern of wrongly named specimens is also shown for Dipterocarps and Ipomoea (morning glory). We also examine the number of available plant specimens worldwide. Our data demonstrate that, while the world’s collections have more than doubled since 1970, more than 50% of tropical specimens, on average, are likely to be incorrectly named. This finding has serious implications for the uncritical use of specimen data from natural history collections.​ "Dr. Prent. Pnsequences of medical reversal are complicated. For starters, reversal challenges the notion that medicine is scientific — the premise that a century ago helped doctors to exorcise images of snake oil and hucksterism. But despite impressive progress, faith in medical leadership is currently at its lowest point in 50 years, a decline likely accelerated by a widespread sense that medical dogma often flip-flops. Famous past examples include hormone replacement therapy, for years recommended and routinely prescribed to prevent heart attacks in women. When finally tested in trials, the pills were found to increase heart attacks and breast cancer. Huge trials demonstrate that prostate-specific antigen as a cancer screen failed to reduce deaths while increasing surgeries and complications, findings that led even the inventor to renounce the test. And yet its use is still routine. Cardiac stenting, an invasive and potentially risky heart procedure, can save lives during a heart attack, but large studies show that stents placed in most other circumstances — the great majority of stents — had no beneficial effects. In one timely section of the book, Dr. Prasad discusses screening mammography, a practice intertwined with the treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ, two widespread practices teetering on the edge of reversal. In mega-trials analyzed more than a decade ago, mammograms failed to save lives (findings reconfirmed yet again this year), while last month the largest ever study of D.C.I.S. found the condition confers no increased risk of dying from breast cancer and may not benefit from treatment at all. The pattern repeats: A promising new therapy or technology is introduced based on weak data and later, more rigorous studies discredit the practice. When I spoke with Dr. Prasad, he suggested a more staid, scientific approach. “The adoption of practices based on little or no good evidence is our biggest problem,” he said. “Ending Medical Reversal” is a subtly subversive book in need of a considerably snappier title. “OOPS!” perhaps, or “Are You Kidding Me?” This last was the reaction of a diabetic patient described by the authors who, after years spent dutifully following the most spartan of diets in order to keep his blood sugar in check, just learned he needn’t have bothered. An old saw has long held that 50 percent of everything a student learns in medical school is wrong. Actual calculations suggest that number is not too far off base — Dr. Prasad and Dr. Cifu extrapolatell, than finding some cancers early, fixing a piece of torn cartilage, closing a hole in the heart, and propping open blood vessels that have become perilously narrow? And yet not one of these helpful interventions has been shown to make a difference in the health or survival of patients who obediently line up to have them done. As Dr. Prasad and Dr. Cifu point outould require nothing less than a revolution in how doctors are trained, with an emphasis on the proven and practical rather than the theoretical. Science didn't elimintate superstition. It just provided a new, more credible, framework upon which superstition could be erected... Science is wrong about almost everything ... because many controversies are skewed to one side by moneyed interests who use media and internet savvy to create a false reality that fools most people including doctors and scientists who then spread the misinformation. In this eye-opening talk, veteran iow wikipedia (3:57) has been complicit in the problem. Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90% of the time (5:31). She mentions the immunisation / autism controversy without giving details but implies the mainstream view is astroturfed. "Astroturfers often claim to debunk myths that aren't myths at all. Use of the charged language tests well, pepole hear that something's a myth maybe they find it on snopes... and they instantly declare themselves too smart to fall for it. But what if the whole notion of the myth is itself a myth and you and snopes fell for that." "Beware when interests attack an issue by controversializing or attacking the people, personalities and organizations surrounding it rather than addressing the facts." "Astroturfers tend to reserve all of their public skepticism for those exposing wrong doing rather than the wrong doers. In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority." Science is wrong about almost everything because ... government scientists know which side their bread is buttered on... The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s reliance on poorly-sited weather stations to calculate surface temperatures is inflating the warming trend of the U.S. and maybe even the rest of the world, according to a landmark study looking at three decades of data. Watts’ new paper casts more doubt on NOAA’s temperature adjustments — which always seem to increase the warming trend. Correcting for these poorly-sited stations could also bring surface warming trends more in line with observations from satellites, which show no statistically significant warming for about two decades. “We believe the NOAA/NCDC homogenization adjustment causes well sited stations to be adjusted upwards to match the trends of poorly sited stations,” according to Watts’ study. Christy’s and Spencer’s satellite measurements, which collect temperature data from the lower atmosphere, show no statistically significant warming since 1994 — a period of 21 years. Jim didn't even give you a like for this generous comment! I suppose it might throw off his chi equilibrium or something. @Alex, I just got the latest issue of the Journal of Near-Death Studies (33 (3)), in case you're not subscribed already, and your book is reviewed (positively). The reviewer is Bryan Stare, a counselor and doctoral student at the University of North Texas. We study the extent to which eminent scientists shape the vitality of their fields by examining entry rates into the fields of 452 academic life scientists who pass away while at the peak of their scientific abilities. Key to our analyses is a novel way to delineate boundaries around scientific fields by appealing solely to intellectual linkages between scientists and their publications, rather than collaboration or co-citation patterns. Consistent with previous research, the flow of articles by collaborators into affected fields decreases precipitously after the death of a star scientist (relative to control fields). In contrast, we find that the flow of articles by non-collaborators increases by 8% on average. These additional contributions are disproportionately likely to be highly cited. They are also more likely to be authored by scientists who were not previously active in the deceased superstar’s field. Overall, these results suggest that outsiders are reluctant to challenge leadership within a field when the star is alive and that a number of barriers may constrain entry even after she is gone. Intellectual, social, and resource barriers all impede entry, with outsiders only entering subfields that offer a less hostile landscape for the support and acceptance of “foreign” ideas. "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its olmost impossible to eradicate scientific misinformation. Nature: The science myths that will not die... Once a myth is here, it is often here to stay. Psychological stun. They are hurting people — and holding back science. Once a myth is here, it is often here to stay. Psychological studies suggehange the world rather than discover truths. ... the level of obfuscation the authors went to, in order to disguise their actual datere obvious, it was the lax attitude onalues and moral aims were shared, This is a great example of degenerate science, and indeed Lewandowsky was attempting to back up another (supposedly physical) science! I think the phrase 'degenerate science' is perhaps better than 'corrupt science', because I think very few of the promoters of this nonsense think of themselves as corrupt (their payments flow very indirectly) - they just don't have any idea what real science is like. Science is wrong about almost everything because ... scientists and science journalists collaborate in attracting attention to themselves to advance their careers and promote political agendas through publicity stunts like this: Science is wrong about almost everything because ... they have to lie about history, creating a myth that Christianity impeded the development of science, in order to protect methodological naturalism and materialism from philosophical opposition. "...the “scientific revolution” was a continuation of developments that started deep in the Mlopeng that nothing at all happened between a.d. 415 and a.d. 1543. This barren period, he implied, was caused by the thousand-year dominance of Christianity. The “conflict thesis” of science and religion was born in the salons of ancien régime France, where philosophes like Voltaire and d’Alembert used it as a weapon against the Catholic Church. It was further developed in Victorian England by T. H. Huxley in his battle to diminish the influence of the clergy in London’s Royal Society. And it was perfected in American universities by the likes of Andrew Dickson White, the first president of Cornell University, who provided the theory with intellectual ballast in his heavily annotated A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology at the end of the nineteenth century. It has been promoted in countless articles in popular magazines and elementary-school textbooks. ...the “scientific revolution” was a continuation of developments that started deep in the Middle Ages am conflict thesis turns out to be bogus. It is remarkable that authors who consider themselves skeptics can swallow some of these stories whole. Historians have been debunking these legends for over a century now, but each new generation of popular writers continues to recycle them. Modern science stands as one of the great achievements of Western civilization—not of Islam, China, or even ancient Greece. Many historians of science are still reluctant to admit this. They praise ancient Greek and Arabic sciences as successful on their own terms but have lost sight of the fact that the theories advanced by early science were largely false. Aristotle started from the passive observation of nature and then built up a system based on rational argument. This had two enormous disadvantages: Compared to controlled experiments, passive observation is usually misleading, and not even Aristotle’s powers of reason could prevent blunders in his arguments. Aristotle’s faulty method was struck down by the Catholic Church, allowing previously forbidden ideas to flourish. The Church also made natural philosophy a compulsory part of the courses it required trainee theologians to follow. So, science held a central place in Christian centers of learning that it did not hold in Islamic madrassas. And Christianity itself provided a worldview especially compatible with experimental science. Christianity made science a theologically justified and even righteous path to pursue. Since God created the world, exploring how it works honors its Creator. Christians realized it was impossible to work out the laws of nature through rational analysis alone. The only way to discover his plan was to go out and look. Given the advantages Christianity provided, it is hardly surprising that modern science developed only in the West,ature, none actually did so. Christianity was a crucial cause of the unique development of Western science, the only science that has consistently produced true theories of nature.​
If you enter data in a cell that doesn’t match an item on the list, you’ll see a warning. If you want people to only enter items from the list, choose "Reject input" next to "On invalid data." Click Save. The cells will show a drop-down list. To change the color of a cell based on the option selected, use conditional formatting. Click Save. If you change the contents of the range you've selected, the changes will be made in the list automatically. Linked here you will find a short video that walks you through the basics of the Grade tab. Please note that depending on your settings, your Plan tab may look different than that shown in the video. Proficiency Certification is a workflow designed to give school and district administrators an organized approach to creating high-stakes proficiency data from a collection of inputs across multiple classrooms and school years. It's best thought of as a way to periodically identify complex situations (such as a standard being scored by multiple teachers) and validate the result for the purposes of graduation requirements or transcripts. It also provides tools to override proficiency scores, add data from external sources such as summer school, and modify historical proficiency scores. Only certified proficiency scores (for which this process has been completed) will be shown on proficiency transcripts, though ongoing (real-time) proficiency data is available in many other reports in the system. Certification can be completed as often as necessary by any user with sufficient permissions, but it is best thought of as something to complete at the end of each year or term.
So a new sewing year and excitedly that means a host of new challenges in the dressmaking world! Instagram is great for taking part in sewing challenges to get you sharing the sewing love and the #2018MakeNine challenge is no exception. It’s also great for discovering new patterns from independent designers you may not have heard of and let’s face it, there are so many out there beyond the big four pattern companies, it’s hard to pick just nine. Joining Instagram last spring propelled me into this wonderful sewing world where I made some lovely virtual friends and love getting my daily fix of the latest makes, patterns, fabrics etc, but I do find that being connected to this virtual world doesn’t help me stayed focussed on my sewing goals. 2017 ended with a stash of unused fabrics and patterns that I’m not even sure I like anymore and quite a few items of clothing that I made but they are so not me and will never be worn! Wrong pattern and fabric choices, or both in some cases! This year I am determined to be more focussed and not get distracted by new patterns, glamourous images of clothing inappropriate for my lifestyle and free PDF patterns! Yes we all love a free pattern but I am now going to think to myself “would I pay for this?” and if the answer is no, then I won’t download it (that’s my sew-resolution anyway!). So the #2018MakeNine dressmaking challenge hosted by Rochelle at Lucky Lucille is the perfect opportunity to select 9 patterns tailored to my fashion tastes and lifestyle (rural living in wet & muddy Devon!), so with this in mind I have had a real struggle trying to wittle my choices down to just nine but here they are: Last summer I made a McCalls tunic top that I loved the look of on the pattern envelope but it had so much ease, despite making size Small, it felt like a tent on and it’s in that #madebutnotme pile. I’d seen this pattern before and had pinned it on Pinterest in the past so this was an easy choice. It has also moved to the top of my list because I have just seen that Indie Sew are doing a three-week long event on shirt making that starts next week (8 January 2018) so I wanted to take advantage of that! I wear a lot of skinny jeans so thought this would be perfect as an alternative to a jersey top which is what I usually wear. The only downside I can see is that I don’t do ironing, other than to press my seams, so I’m going to have to remedy that if I don’t want to look like a crumpled mess! Helen and I joined IG around the same time and followed each other’s accounts from the outset. Helen designs patterns just for knits and I have made several of her designs to date. I had never sewn with knits until 6 months ago and Helen’s instructions and patterns were invaluable in helping me to not be scared of sewing with stretch fabrics! In fact I love sewing with knits now, so much so that I treated myself to a Coverstitch machine last November and want to sew knits all the time but my sewing machine is feeling unloved so I need to get a balance of knits and wovens. I loved Helen’s version pictured on the left, and can see myself wearing this with thick tights and knee high boots in the Winter and a denim jacket in the Spring. I did want to copy Helen’s at first and she even kindly sent me the fabric link but I’ve decided I probably won’t get much wear from a sparkly fabric post Christmas so I’m on the lookout for a plain, possible black or navy, fabric. I joined Seamwork last summer and currently have 8 credits, Seamwork patterns being only one credit each so I have lots to use! I’ve made three Seamwork patterns so far (Wembly, Leonora and Astoria) and have remade two of them because I loved them so much. However the majority of the patterns aren’t my style so I probably should think about cancelling my subscription! The Elmira is one of a handful that I instantly liked so I thought I’d give it a go. I might try to reduce the size of the bow but hopefully this will become a wardrobe staple for the spring/summer. I’ve never used any of their patterns before but I had this photo saved on IG. I love the look of the ruffle and I think it will be a great top in the summer months, a bit more stylish than a regular t-shirt. It has plenty of coverage for the summer too, no worries about getting strap marks in this top! I wear jeans a lot and don’t really have any issues buying rtw jeans, size 8 with a 30″ length and I’m good to go but in the spirit of trying to sew my own wardrobe I thought I should have at least one attempt before I stick to buying rtw ones. The Ginger jeans by Closet Case were my first choice being so popular on IG but I wanted to see what other patterns were out there. I also looked at the Otsu Jeans by Papercut Patterns before deciding on the Jamie’s. They are just a little different to my rtw ones and I like the look of the centre seam and the shape of the front pockets. The other two will be my back up patterns if these don’t work out…. This pattern comes with the option to make a skirt or shorts, so two patterns in one, bonus! There’s also an expansion pack to make long trousers but they’re not my style at all so I won’t be making those! I’m hoping the skirt will become my summer alternative to jeans, I’ve had a couple of similar rtw skirts in the past that I loved so a white denim one is definitely on the agenda and the pattern looks like it will work well with corduroy so great for AW fashion too. I hadn’t heard of this designer until a friend posted her nine and included a pattern from the collection. I loved some of the skirts but the one I liked only had instructions in French, I did get a Grade A at GCSE but that was nearly three decades ago so I wasn’t overly confident I could follow the instructions easily. Then I saw this photo and all thoughts of the skirt went out the window! I love the look of this cardigan/jacket (on this model anyway) so this is probably my one impulse buy in my nine patterns, hopefully my version will turn out how I imagine it in my head… I bought this pdf version pattern last summer and even had it cut out ready to toile but then my dad sadly died the first weekend in July. All sewing plans were on hold while I grieved, cared for my mum and tried to entertain my three children for the 8 week summer holiday, there was no me time for sewing and I barely went into my sewing room. By the time September came the need to make a summer top had passed so I’m looking forward to making it this Spring. I love the cut-out neckline but have read reviews that Deer & Doe patterns are for a C cup so a small bust adjustment will be needed, hence needing to toile which is not something I usually am bothered to do. It will also be good practice for that intricate neckline detail. Last but not least, this coat! I love the look of this coat, the colour, the buttons, the epaulettes! It even has a pleated skirt detail to the side (hidden in photo, but it’s a lovely feature!). It’ll be a great challenge to finish the year on, hopefully making the most of the improved skillset I’ll have towards the end of the year. So that’s my nine and I’m hoping I can stay focussed and not be influenced too much by the lovely makes of others. It took me ages to research all the patterns and decide on these so I feel as the ‘chosen ones’ they derserve to be made and have a place in my wardrobe (hopefully not the discard pile). I’m also going to try to only buy fabric that I need, rather than want! I’m forever telling my children there’s a distinct difference between the two but that’s just semantics right?!! Thanks Sarah, although I’m thinking I need your quilted machine mats but they’re not on my list atm and I can’t go off track this early in the year! 😉 What a great post, Max! I love your thoughtful choices and I can imagine all of these on you. Really happy that Cassandra is on the list and can’t wait to see your version! Thanks for such kind words too. It seems strange that it’s only 9 months since we started out in Instagram, doesn’t it?! I really love the Eagle pattern too, you might just tip me over the edge into buying it now! Thanks Helen, I have no idea what I spent my time doing before IG!! I’ve just printed the Eagle, they did have a 15% discount the other day not sure if it’s finished now, that may convince you to buy it!? Haha, I know what you mean – I think I slept more before joining IG!! I did buy the Eagle, and now I’m kicking myself a bit as I don’t have fabric for it and so it’ll go on a back burner as it feels like I just failed at one of my resolutions in the first week of January!! But hopefully I’ll make it before the year is out and we can compare Eagle experiences!
Served warm and with a heavy dusting of powdered sugar, these New Orleans-inspired beignets are the perfect treat with a cafe au lait. Raw or cooked is the question. When it comes to eating oysters, everyone has a preference. For those who like to eat these beautiful bivalves cooked, try this Rockefeller style recipe. Filled with cajun spices, crab, bacon, corn, and cheese, these mashed potato croquettes are something special, especially when served with a lemon sauce. Crawfish season is in full swing and it is time to celebrate the time of year and enjoy an asparagus ragout complete with a white wine-cream sauce. Fluffy fried dough covered in mounds of powdered sugar. Cinnamon-sugar apples and buttery havarti makes for a delicious twist on these classic favorites. New Orleans is famous for their restaurants, chefs, and the Creole Cuisine of this region. Learn how to make a chicken and andouille sausage gumbo. Even if the name today invokes memories of horror and hurt in New Orleans, this classic cocktail has been called the Hurricane since the 40s National Geographic’s Andrew Evans went to New Orleans to find the secret to making the perfect Jambalaya.
The argentinian guitarrist Rolando Bruno will be visiting Portugal next month. On May 13, Rolando will perform at the Sabotage Club, Lisbon, in an event organized by Threshold Magazine, where he will play Bailazo, an album released last year, as well as some new songs. We talked with Rolando about this project, watch the result down below. Threshold Magazine (TM) – You will return to Portugal just five months after Barreiro Rocks. How does it feel to be back? Rolando - Super! I love Portugal. My first time there was with Los Peyotes at 2008 or 2009 more or less. Barreiro Rocks was great, super party, and now I'm looking forward to play in Lisboa, and play in Sabotage again, I played there in 2013 with this project, it was my first European Tour totally alone. TM – You’ll continue to present your last album in this new European tour. How was the process of writing it? And how did it feel presenting Bailazo live? Rolando - Yes, talking about Bailazo now it's strange because from the end of 2016 I was totally focused on new songs and recording the new album with the band. Now I have a band in Buenos Aires, so the Bailazo Release seems far. But Bailazo was my first solo LP, with Voodoo Rhythm Records. The process was very good one for me because I never composed many songs and it was challenge. I discovered myself as a songwrite, it was a learning process and I'm very happy with the results. I started plain in Buenos Aires with this project in 2005 and I only played versions of peruvian cumbia classics and some classic rock in cumbia style, so play your own songs have other taste TM - What made you combine two music genres (cumbia and garage rock) that seemed so distant? Being the result a danceable explosive that you call Cumbia Trash. Rolando - Yeah, CUMBIA TRASH and the other slogan: HEY HO CUMBIA!. I think the answer is very simple: I come from the punk garage of the sixties and I love the vintage sound. By collecting Peruvian records, I discovered the amazing Los Mirlos, and the sound of their guitars is like the 60's surf rock with some guitar fuzzes. I started to mix those styles in my project. Now I have no rules and no limits on my music. Sorry, yes I have one: to have fun and make people dance. I mean, CUMBIA TRASH is an excuse to put all the styles or things that I have in my brain on my music project. TM – You have also been in another band called Los Peyotes, and you recently formed Rolando Bruno Y El Grupo Arevalo (both in your hometown Buenos Aires). Do you think you express yourself better in this solo project? Rolando - Totally, I have the control of all hahaha! But now with El Grupo Arevalo it's cool, because talking about the music, I have other colors in the sound, I have HUMANS haha! And no MIDI programming or a Backing track, so they give me their organic part to the project. And of course, it is also fun to play with the band, the preview, the post show, etc TM - We know you’ll release a new album soon, later this year. Can we expect some new songs in Lisbon? TM – Currently, there are some great bands in South America, like Föllakzoid and The Holydrug Couple. How do you describe the underground music scene in Argentina? Rolando - Underground music here is super great, there are a lot of bands, good music. I can talk about Buenos Aires, it was always a big underground scene here, but also all over the country. It's a pity that the people or the press only focus in Buenos Aires bands. I think the music level of the argentinian bands is super high. On opposite of that I think the venues in general and the music market are not so good. It's hard to do good things, to have good offers, etc. TM – We know you’re a huge fan of Japanese pop culture. What are your favorite animes and mangas? Does it influence you in your music? Rolando - Yes, I love the whole Japanese culture. Since I was a child I had a dream and it was to be in Japan one day… I never dreamed that I would be in Japan two times and playing music haha! I'm super fan of Captain Tsubasa (Super Campeones in Argentina, Oliver y Benji en España, I don’t know the name in Portugal). I played almost all the video games of this anime and won the finals. I remember when I was a child I wrote the passwords in japanese and I still have those papers haha! About the influence, Peruvian culture and Japanese culture have a lot of common, If you listen to some Los Andes folk music, sometimes sound like Japanese folk music. And of course it is an influence for me, not only in my music but also in the art of my albums or flyers. Rolando - Racing Club de Avellaneda, the first South American team to be World Champion, beating Celtic in 1967. John Lennon was in one of the matches and he said something like “I like the white and light blue team, I want that team to win” hahaha! He said that because he hated the scottish. Rolando - I hope people enjoy my music at some point in their lives and thanks for all the support of my followers :) HEY HO CUMBIA!
Welcome to 8tracks radio: free music streaming for any time, place, or mood. tagged with kingdom hearts, sora, and roxa10, 3OH!3, and 3amsome rough weeks in the recent past, Bitcoin keeps having some problems. This time, a well-known partnership between two Bitcoin protagonists – Mt. Gox and CoinLab – has soured and turned into a surprising $75 million lawsuit. It’s, apparently, the biggest lawsuit related with digital currency ever. Both companies work in the Bitcoin exchange field, playing a central role in the decentralized virtual economy. Mt. Gox is, actually, the world’s biggest website that works with the Bitcoin exchange. The company handles an average $6 million in trades per day, a value that stands for 76 percent of worldwide trades. On the other side, Coinlab is a newbie in the Bitcoin business that’s attracting everyone’s attention. The partnership between the two websites began in February and Coinlab was supposed to handle Mt. Gox’s North-American services, since they are a Japanese company. At least, that was the plan… But, now, according to a federal lawsuit filed by Coinlab’s attorneys in Washington state, the company alleges that Mt. Gox has breached one of the contract clauses. The one that was supposed to give Coinlab “exclusive access” to the North-American customers. Coinlab also makes another accusation, saying that Mt. Gox hasn’t allowed them to transition the North-American and Canadian clients from Mt. Gox to Coinlab, as agreed previously. Apparently, Mt. Gox “has failed to deliver all , Coinlab demands $75 million in damages. And they say this value won’t even cover all their losses. Take a deep breath. Let go of your fear and confusion. We’re going to shed light on yoga logo design. Maybe you’ve placed your heart, mind, body and soul, into building your studio where you can share one of the oldest world treasures: yoga. Or, maybe you’re just stretching out with your creative flow and need some inspiration. In either case, just as yoga blocks can help beginners find better alignment when their flexibility isn’t there yet, this simple design guide will put you on the fast track toward branding your own practice. We’ve laid out a bunch of examples to reveal how the elements commonly found in yoga logos, speak to the collective unconscious of practitioners everywhere. After all, yoga students are often not only physically, but spatially intelligent, and if your logo is accurate, they’ll be able to intuit the essence of your unique brand. Once you learn these basic archetypes, creating your own logo will be as easy as the corpse pose! We’ve got eight sections: circle, lotus pose, the color purple, sacred geometry, lotus flower, best on the block, leaders of the brand new school, and the cooldown. Let’s grow together. One aspect of yoga logos that suggests community is their use of the circle. Communities and teams often gather in circles to share info and energy. Nobody’s in front of a circle, and no one’s in the back, implying a balanced non-hierarchical unit of like-minded friends. Let’s warm up with The Sunny Mind Yoga logo, which uses thin lines that encompass the company name. This thin line technique is reflected by two logos featuring circles—each embracing the company ideals in their own way. In a different use of the circle, Free Spirit Wild Heart incorporates dots. This technique creates more of an open energy, yet maintains a tranquil and protective aura. Images of Bendy Betty doing the destroyer of the universe pose and Fletcher Stretcher in the double buddhasana can make the yoga world an overwhelming place, especially for beginners. That’s why there are an abundance of lotus pose logos to set students’ minds at ease. The lotus pose doesn’t seem intimidating to a novice, and sitting implies stillness and peace. It’s like a visual way of saying, “Come on in. The water’s just fine.” Check out The Spinning Yogis who are going with an infinity line to represent not only crossed legs, but bicycle wheels. At their studio, you can travel without moving. Ride on! Mighty Kids Yoga also chose the lotus pose, but this time it’s a friendly yogi bear! Psychedelic Yoga and Buddha Belly Health And Wellness both use Buddhas, while Peace Frog Yoga and Mindful Reptiles stay grounded with a reptilian approach. Purple is the most powerful visible wavelength of the rainbow. Just a few steps away from x-rays and gamma rays. It’s literally far out, dude. This is a clue as to why the color is associated with supernatural energy and the cosmos, more than our physical world. Next, we’ll look at some logos which use this awe-inspiring color. For instance, The Maternal Massage and Fitness logo, employs a repeating female figure which transforms from supernatural energetic purple, to fertile green with an ever increasing baby bump. In the Ashufta Academy, and Quickie Yoga identities, purple indicates a cosmic, supernatural recharging power source. Subtle Yoga’s quiet shade of amethyst shows that the smaller the wavelength, the more powerful the energy. Yoga is built on three different elements: breathing, mental focus and the physical pose. These parts are all related to each other and to yoga as a whole. In the same way, a geometric design can be a metaphor for yoga: something seen as a relationship of part to part and part to whole. When we look at a geometric design this way and pay attention to its visual rhythm, we start to experience what is called sacred geometry. “O” Yoga invokes the image of the human being, and its relationship to the whole cosmos—all in three lines. OM… No, OMG. Not to be outdone in the area of breathtaking simplicity, Yoga Plus does it in two lines. There are no weak links in the chain surrounding Hindu deity, Ganesh, in the Urban Asanas logo. Line and symmetry are the keys to the Elements 3 Yoga and Ritually identities. The ancient Egyptians, Buddhists and Hindus, all use the lotus flower symbol. While the full meaning of the symbol is different between cultures, they all share the common motif of rebirth. When it comes to yoga, every practice session and every pose is a chance to be reborn. Summer Rain Yoga’s harmonious combination of a female lotus pose yogi sitting in the unfolding petals of the lotus flower suggest the expansion of the soul. Also getting two-for-one, but in a different way, Yoga 108 and Healer Source are viewing the lotus from above, implying a circle. The Cosmic Flow Kundalini Yoga logo shows that the growth of the lotus flowers’ pure beauty from the mud of its origin holds a divine spiritual promise. At Yoga House, a home is not necessarily a building, it’s the people. A wise old yogi once said, “If you’re going to have a yoga logo, have the best logo on the block.” But being the best doesn’t necessarily mean doing the most. Sometimes elegance is bliss. The next four examples keep it simple, embrace imperfection and stay subtle. That’s why they’re posing in the yoga pro league. At The Yoga Hive, it’s common to sit in a group circle, and use yoga straps, which are rolled in a spiral circle when not in use. The artwork for their logo communicates that. And the uneven circles say, “Nobody’s perfect. Come as you are.” Georgetown Yoga’s aesthetic is simple: find your edge, and find peace. Moksa Ashtanga Yoga students learn each pose at their own pace with individual guidance from the teacher. This concept is reflected in the logo by having one lotus flower, but making the individual leaves different colors, the same way individuals in a family have different personalities. Just like heat, The Bikram Yoga Dallas logo fills space, because, well, everything’s bigger in Texas! No spiritual symbolism here. No purple, just a hint of red. They’re saying, “Get ready y’all, it’s hot up in here.” BKS Iyengar, TKV Desikachar, Pattabhi Jois, Yogi Bhajan and Bikram Choudhury are the old school gurus of yoga in the western world. Sun salutations to them. Now on the horizon, there’s a new school of yogis using social media to share their brands with the world. This final batch (selected from The 50 Most Influential Yoga Teachers Online in 2017) has made it to the yoga Super Bowl. These outfits are putting up big-time numbers, and their logos are a significant part of their success. Let’s get inspired by the top six of these leaders in the brand new school of yoga. The infinity legs lotus pose identity for Tara Stiles’ book, Guiding Strala, is as easygoing and loose as a length of cooked spaghetti. Jason Crandell’s crane pose logo not only communicates his message: power, precision, and mindfulness, it resembles a human brain in profile. That’s mental. Four warm colored overlapping rings symbolize the “move, calm, nourish, explore” pillars of Rachel Brathen’s oneOeight. The typeface of Yoga With Adrian has an alluring country charm, just like she does! Two interlocking shapes forming a medical cross show Tiffany Cruikshank’s Yoga Medicine logo’s blending of eastern and western modalities, and it’s also a “T” for Tiffany! Just like her popularity has exploded, Kino Macgregor’s Omstar logo takes a leaf out of the old lotus flower, and explodes it into a squared star vortex. Now that your knowledge of how basic yoga archetypes work is more limber, it’s time to conceptualize your own yoga logo. Correct your posture, relax your mind, and form the Gyana mudra to get your concentration and creativity flowing. Meditate on what sets your brand apart from other studios. Visualize your ideal advanced student. See the benefits that student will experience because of your training. Now see that student’s t-shirt. Boom, there’s your logo. Generally, the first thing you see, is what you should work with. Can you see it? Let that idea flow like a smooth vinyasa set from your mind to a professional graphic designer. Together you’ll manifest a refined logo which, like a rare earth magnet, will pull your practice, vision, and message into alignment. I need a Cruise of Thronnes logo. One that embraces all that starts to be, but goes so much more. Cruise of Thrones – it’s epic Make it an epic logo. Check out 99designs logo design help here. You can also get a free consultation if you have any questions about the process. Zellians did an excellent job and was available to make any modifications that were needed. I started this process not knowing what to expect but am thrilled with the responsiveness and quality of work we received. I look forward to working with this designer again! We are an exciting new marketing and strategy agency. Companies outsource their entire marketing departments to us. For many companies, they do not know how to take their brand and company further. We are a team of professionals who live and breath our clients' brand and strategic goals. We indentify areas of growth, and find innovative ways of improving their business. The meaning behind "White Flame" is very important. Flames are usually hot, yellow, red and fiery. White flame is a way to say that 'we see things differently'. Think "green sky", "blue grass" etc. We improve situations, and make things exciting. Also, White Flame can be seen as something that makes the path clear, i.e. a light, candle, torch. Our company is based in Australia, and our intention is to go global. We want people to think that we are a massive global brand. Our target is the corporate world. Think Marketing managers, directors, business developers and managers. These people are very concerned with marketing, and are looking for someone to help. An exciting logo needs to bring their attention. Don't forget, we are a marketing company, so our logo will be very critiqued and thus must look good. The logo needs to incorporate the main words "White Flame" and the word "Strategy" much smaller as a sub heading. We are looking for a creative and innovative icon/logo that we can potentially use for other things i.e. "White Flame Systems", "White Flame People" Be as creative as you like. We envisage some sort of 'flame' interpretation, but if you feel you can do something better, please dont hesitate. Just incase you are leaning towards this, please don't use any animals or humans in the design, we prefer something that isn't alive. We are a company with a total of six employees (also owners). We plan to expand in the future, but since we have just started, it won't happen tomorrow. As the name explains, our field of work is electro. We will deliver both electrical equipment and services to the onshore and offshore (oil) industry, but our main focus is the offshore industry. Our company will focus on beeing environmentally friendly, so a logo which indicates this can be a plus. Our services will be targeted towards smaller and medium sized companies working in the onshore and offshore industry. The brand name can be used in the logo, but it's not a requirement. If used it should be spelled "On/Off Electro" in that exact way (uppercase/lowercase). Feel free to experiment with colors, and the use of green is also not a requirement, but it's easy to use in regards to our "environment friendly" company, "On/Off" can mean several things, eg: "Onshore/Offshore", or "On/Off" as when operating an electrical switch. This is only a couple of examples, so feel free to use your imagination. The logo must be easy to recognize even shrinked down to fit a business card. Very detailed designs must be avoided. Do what you love, and get paid for it on 99designs. Find awesome clients and become a part of our global community of talented designers—all in a safe, secure workspace. Work on what you want, when you want, where you want. All with great projects from reliable clients all over the world. Push your creative limits by competing in Design Contests with other designers in our community who challenge you. Your work matters. From Designer Support to regular platform updates, we make sure 99designs is the best place for you to do work. You choose the industries, styles and design categories you want to work in. The more you participate on 99designs, the better we can start matching you with clients looking for exactly what you offer. 99designs is free to sign-up and start freelancing. Rates and rewards vary depending on the type of design work. You’ll be paid in three business days (or less once you become a Top Level designer). We believe everyone deserves success, which is why we curate our community based on our quality standards. Our Curation Team reviews all designers when they sign up and regularly to determine their Designer Level. Learn more. Absolutely! Presentation is key to any professional activity and if there's one place to make yourself shine, it's on your profile page. We'll walk you through all the features and offer tips on how to present yourself in the most professional manner possible. Learn more. Clients are waiting just for you. And we’ve got multiple options for you to collaborate and get creative. You can negotiate follow-up work after winning a Contest, create a portfolio of your best work so clients can match with you, and bring in existing clients to easily manage invoicing and file storage. We know how tough it can be to chase down invoices. We keep payment simple by securing the full payment from your client upfront. When the project is finished, we’ll release the funds to you. We save all of your activity, revisions, feedback and communications in one place. Your finished design files are always accessible and stored indefinitely at no additional fee. Designers participate in Design Contests to challenge themselves with interesting projects, sharpen their design skills and grow their client network. Every day, there are more than 1,500 open Contests in a variety of categories. You can browse by industry, keyword, prize amounts and schedule to find the perfect fit. You retain full copyright of all unsold work, which you’re free to use any way you see fit. We encourage you to add your winning and non-winning entries to your portfolio to increase visibility and connect with prospective clients. Throw yourself into the Contest ring or get matched up 1-to-1 with quality clients that fit your skill set.
Elephant & Ant were walking on a bridge. Then d elephant looked down toward d river. Suddenly ant bit the elephant. Y? Bcoz ants wife was bathing in the river. a girl's speaking 2 a boy........ u r very handsome. u r very cute. u r very sweet. ooph.......sorry. i can't call u sweet.... because ants will finish u. When a girl/boy falls asleep texting you, It doesn't mean you bore her/him. It just means she/he didn't want to end the conversation! A student was asked 2 write a signboard 4 the traffic rules near da college campus He wrote:- "Drive Carefully! Don't kill the students, wait for the Teachers" A man found his wife having affair with a guy. He decided 2 kill himself & his wife. Apne kaan pe pistol lagai aur bola- tu khush mat ho agla number tera hai! Once there was a mirror which used to kill "LIERS" FRENCH:I think I don't smoke (killed) AMERICAN:I think, I love Iraq(killed) PATHAN:I think (killed) When u get this sms, send it 1 person u love, 1 u hate, 1 u always think of, and 1 u wish to kill. Now, keep guessing why I sent it to u? Arguing with stupid people is like killing the Mosquito on your cheek. You might or might not kill it, but you'll end up slapping yourself. Alpha - is a mobile operator in Lebanon. Orascom Telecom company is led by the Company under license. In turn, Alpha announced that it made its first LTE laboratory tests. It was noted that the expected duration of an experimental stage in 3 months with 20 base stations LTE. Starting LTE Alfa in Lebanon is expected in 2013. Director of Alpha said that an experimental phase, which will begin in November, will provide an opportunity to get feedback from users, and it will help in the further run the project. A: We support Economy Society MTS Turkmenistan
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010ote this form is to be used specifically for complaints about the level or quality of service provided by Council, or behaviour of a Council employee or Agent. This form is not to be used for a request for service (eg. to repair a section of road or for action to be taken about barking dogs).
I have this love-hate relationship with making sourdough breads. I tried very hard to include a recipe in our book Wholesome Nutrition, but at that time I was truly unsuccessful in making them. After consuming kilograms of rye flour, I was turning out bread that was hard enough to concuss Ian! At one point, I had nailed my starter (which acts like the instant yeast used in commercial breads), conquered the bulk fermentation by which your dough doubles (almost triples in size with our hot Jozi weather), but then would somehow manage to ruin the dough by de-gassing it at the proofing stage. I tried really hard, but continued to be unsuccessful. A few weeks back, I decided to delve into the labouring love of making this bread again. However, I was now open to working with stoneground wheat flour because I figured that if I could understand the dough better, I may just be able to make the bread that I wanted. I went to a sourdough bread workshop for a day to brush up on my knowledge and dived right in. The first wheat loaf I ever made was another flop. I felt like I had started where I had left off two years ago. It was edible, but had no oven spring (rise) and was far too dense. I had managed to de-gas it again by messing up the shaping process, and my heart dropped into my big toe. I then looked for the five sourdough books (yes, I can’t buy one of anything, especially books!) that I’d bought in desperation two years ago to try and figure out my mistakes; I pulled my shoulders back, stuck my chest out and tried again. I froze my starter, had a back-up in the fridge and another two going on the kitchen counter! I could do this… I attempted the 66 per cent rye option next, so it had some wheat in it and I would still be able to manipulate the dough. I figured that if I messed up the shaping process, I was going to dump it all in a loaf tin and that way I couldn’t make the mistake again. And guess what? I made my first ever sourdough loaf. I took a photo of it and sent it to everyone I knew who had understood my fight for this loaf. I was over the moon. It had a lovely oven spring, a beautiful colour and really was a good tasting bread. I only gave the wheat two chances because I started developing a rash on my face, which to me is a sign that I am not at peace with my wheat sensitivity yet, even if it is in a fermented state, so I went straight for the ‘kill’ and made a 100 per cent rye. My third attempt was another disaster. It was impossible to manipulate the dough and felt like I was working with sticky mud. Because rye is truly impossible to shape, I tried the loaf tin again and my shoulders drooped again. Another brick of a loaf that if you kicked, it you may have broken your foot! Heavy and doughy and even stodgy to the gut. Oh my poor insides from all my experimenting! I downed a few glasses of kefir and began again. This time leaving my 100 per cent rye dough to ferment for longer. I managed to get it lighter in texture, but it still needed work. I then tried a spelt-rye mix, where there was more spelt flour than rye in the mixture. This dough was wonderful to work with, super easy to knead and I actually could say that I felt like a bread baker. The act of kneading is incredibly therapeutic and it’s almost impossible to over-knead a sourdough, so I’ve been using this as my excuse for getting out of certain mummy duties when I can. Shhh, don’t tell anyone - it’s my secret. The bread rose beautifully and was a glorious golden colour with a lovely light sour taste and a chewy crisp crust. Just delicious. I made another one just to see if it wasn’t a fluke, and it wasn’t. My next experiment will be a gluten-free sourdough bread. I’m not sure if you can even buy this option in South Africa, but I’m going to get my hands dirty trying. I would love to experiment with a variety of gluten-free flours to see which combination works best. And I imported my gluten-free starter all the way from San Francisco, so I have an even better excuse to get baking. She is a professional in all senses of the word, honest, educated, and dedicated to her clients. She is thorough, sharp, and dedicated to justice. I have worked with her in business over the last decade and found her to be exceptional. We are currently working together on recovery of monies from a large corporation. This Lawyer is a Lady!! She has incredible talent in the court room, she is calm thorough and to the point. She will not bend. She will not give in. She will support you like no other. You will not find a more professional Lawyer. She believes in what she does and is stronger than most men. I use her because her ethics are so strong they cannot be broken. She is the best Lawyer that has ever represented me. This gorgeous 14K South Sea pearl ring is mounted with a beautiful 10mm AAA quality white pearl with 'Very High' lustre (please see our pearalithill wore one when painting his watercolours. President Harry Truman liked his. So did an awful lot more people, ranging from Humphrey Bogart to Greta Garbo. Author Peter Mayle, in Acquired Tastes, his trot through the world of the rich and the things they like to buy, described it thus: “I could have carried my ignorance to the grave if a friend – knowing of my interest in anything preposterously extravagant – hadn’t told me about a hat that cost $1,000. But not a solid, indestructible, waterproof, lifetime investment of a hat. This was a mere straw hat. “Who would be lunatic enough to pay out four figures for less than three ounces which you hardly knew you had on your head?” He was referring to the Panama hat. White, lightweight, breathable, the perfect headgear for the tropics – and not necessarily as expensive as the one Mayle referred to. This world being the contradictory place it is, Panama hats did not originate in Panama. They come from Ecuador, where people have been plaiting them from the leaves of the touqilla palm for some 400 years. The hats were exported via Panama (hence the name) to the US, gaining popularity during the California gold rush in the mid-19th Century. When the Panama Canal was being built some 100 years ago the hat received a big boost to its international reputation. Workers and managers on the massive project discovered that this was the most comfortable shield from the tropical sun. From the lowliest worker with a spade to US President Teddy Roosevelt driving a massive steam shovel during a visit in 1904, if you were at the Panama Canal, that’s what you wore. Although Panama-style hats are made elsewhere (China in particular), Ecuador is still the only place to get the genuine item. Price varies with quality, the best being the rare Montecristi Superfino, which supposedly can be rolled up tight enough to pass through a wedding ring. Why anyone would want to do that is a mystery. Panamas can be rolled up and slipped into a pocket, though frequent rolling doesn’t do an awful lot of good for the shape. That said, if it starts to rain while you’re wearing your Panama, it’s probably better to roll it up and stuff it into a dry pocket. A wet Panama is, frankly, a dead Panama. The good news for Phuket is that you don’t have to go to Ecuador or Panama to get one of these classy tropical essentials. In a variety of styles they can now be bought from Thailand Panama Hats. The company is run by long-time Phuket resident Jorge Dela Torre Koch – who is himself from Ecuador. Of course. Prices are a lot more reasonable than the one Peter Mayle bought for himself – they range from B2,500 for girls’ hats to B3,500 for a traditional Fedora or Gambler style. See Sunset at Burns Beach My first sunset at Burns Beach was not disappointing. I ame reef at the North Cottesloe Beach as I had never been there before but I ended up taking pictures of the sunset instead. One minute the sun is the biggest culprit for causing Cancer and the next if you don’t get enough sun you’re basically going to die early anyway. I must admit, we’re sometimes guilty of hinting to both sides so let’s clear it up for you nice and simple. You absolutely, categorically need some sun exposure, but in small, sensible doses. 10 minutes a week on a sunbed is not a sensible dose. Too much or unnecessary exposure to the sun can cause some serious damage to your skin and result in some nasty consequences. We have talked about the dangers of sun exposure many times and if you want to read about that specifically then check out this post here. But the flip side of the coin is that you NEED the sun to allow your skin to rejuvenate and take in all that Vitamin D that is so good for your skin. Just enjoy the sun exposure in MODERATION and you must be PROTECTED when you are in the sun. Our Resident Dermatologist, John shared an article with me from the ‘Power of Positivity’ site about ‘Science explains 9 things that happen when you don’t get enough Vitamin D’. I’ll pop the link at the bottom of this post, but it was quite an interesting read. I’ve read copious amounts of research papers and articles about the damages of the sun but very few about why it’s good for you and I must say, it was rather refreshing. Unless you’re in London when the sun is shining and it’s almost rude not to sit in the pub garden, we are ever increasingly indoors creatures and take comfort in sitting on our sofa, scrolling through our iPads with our fav show on TV in the background. But Vitamin D deficiency is no joke. Vitamin D deficiency can result in muscle weakness, bone pain, chronic respiratory problems, depression, chronic infections, psoriasis and some serious fatigue. We are a world of beings that are convinced we know better. Learn to listen to your body when it is trying to tell you something. If you are constantly tired, aching and suffering from a low immune system then you need to re-evaluate your lifestyle and probably diet. Feeding your skin with goodness is just as important as feeding your tummy with goodness! Small doses of sunshine when you can, aim for maybe 15-20 minutes in the garden or popping to the shop on your lunchbreak. If the sun is strong on the day, try and wear a hat to keep the sun off your face and avoid damage progressing on your face. If you know us, you know we don’t believe in SPF so we recommend applying a natural alternative that has Grapeseed and Avocado in. These are rich Antioxidant ingredients that will protect your skin from UVA & Free Radical damage whilst keeping your skin moisturised. The Body Oil in our Eczema & Psoriasis range is a great option for staying safe in the sunshine and looking after your skin condition at the same time. The blend of Grapeseed, Tea Tree and Patchouli are the perfect mix to make sure your skin is getting all the goodness from the Vitamin D in the safest way. Steve Walker is under threat after leading member of Liverpool Momentum Jennifer James took to Twitter in an angry rant which concluded, “will he be on our left slate next year? Fuck, no.” The tirade was triggered by her agreement with Tory MP Sarah Wollaston’s criticism of Skwawkbox for a recent blog in which he attacked Labour MP Stella Creasy for attending a Shed Seven gig also attended by former Labour MP and Tory MP Therese Coffey. In the thread, Jennifer James lays into Walker for his failure to support a campaign to reinstate three members of the CLP he chairs after they were expelled over allegations that they are members of the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). As Red Roar reported in October, the contentious issue saw Walker eject six Momentum members including Jennifer James from a CLP meeting. In her latest rant, James alleges that Walker also asked her to throw the TUSC members out of her “Corbyn supporters group” before he “shouted and swore at me and my fella”. James also takes issue with Walker over his refusal to back the selection of sitting Labour MP Maria Eagle, saying “Skwawk also told us ‘now is not the time’ to talk about getting rid of Maria Eagle. The Only reason I’m so active in the party is to support a socialist agenda and ensure we put socialist MPs in power meaning Maria has to go.” James concludes “will he be on our left slate next year? Fuck, no.” The news is a major embarrassment for Walker who in happier times took part in a Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) event with Diane Abbott organised by James, and who previously championed the involvement of Momentum members in local Labour groups in his Skwawkbox blog. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency has sold more than 18 million names and addresses of drivers since it started the trade five years ago. Most of the names go to clamping companies and other private parking firms, although the DVLA was keen to stress to us today that it does not make a profit from the trade. It also said the information does not only go to dodgy clamping firms. Figures from the Daily Mail reveal the government agency has made £43.9m by selling the data culled from 18 million entries. The DVLA charges £2.50 per address, and the most common request is from private parking companies pursuing people for payments. There was a large row last year after engine oil firm Castrol did a deal to use number plate recognition technology coupled with data mined from the DVLA database to show personalised posters to drivers. Castrol hoped to roll out the billboards more widely, but after four days there were so many complaints that the scheme was abandoned. The DVLA said at the time it would investigate and that its data should not be used for marketing purposes. The DVLA said it only releases information to someone like the police, who have a statutory right to it, or to someone who has reasonable cause to request it such as someone who has suffered material loss or injury. The statement added that unauthorised parking on private land was a big problem, and without DVLA data landowners would have a tough time "enforcing their rights". The DVLA also made clear it does not profit from the sales - £2.50 simply covers the cost of processing requests. ® The Rich Rock Earrings showcased above are inspired by our lives’ journeys, blending the eastern and the western. The history and art of the Chinese Empire had held Jade in high regard, the way diamonds are held up by the West. It is our intention at The Rich Rock to reimage Jade in ways that you will find compelling and wearable for decades to come. With years of experience and unyielding attention to detail, each pair of earrings that is featured here is meticulously sourced and lovingly hand crafted, and unique in its design to this part of the world. Discover the true beauties of fine jewellery and browse Singapore’s most valued collection of Gemstones and Jade earrings here at The Rich Rock. Seraphina is elegant and sensual. Melangell is glamourous, lovely and completely refined. Parisa is sweet and dainty with a vivid hue. Blu Blitzen sparkles like the stars and has a casual coolness. There is character and style in each and every pair of our earrings which is going to reflect on the wearer. Whether it’s a gift for a loved one or yourself, you can count on us for sleek, stylish packaging to house your treasured heirloom. Find out why The Rich Rock stands apart as one of Singapore’s finest jewellers. Discover something exceptional and schedule a viewing with one of our consultants today. Call us on +65 9824 4765 or contact us either through our enquiry form or via email at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Organism Type Mouse ATCC CRL-11346; a myeloblast-like cell line derived from long term cultures of bone marrow. They are IL-3 dependent. We have a diverse array of highly specific antibodies for neuroscience research that have been validated for multiple applications, including protein targets important in the study of glia, protein trafficking, neurogenesis, axon guidance, dendrite development, neuronal migration, growth factors, neuromuscular junction, neurotrophins, apoptosis, and synaptogenesis. We offer a diverse collection of Molecular Probes® products for imaging and dissecting neural networks and their functions, including neuronal tracers and neural anatomy and function probes. These dyes and stains are available in array fluorescent colors,giving you the flexibility to design your fluorescence imaging experiments. Our Invitrogen™ branded products offer a broad technology platform for studying neural stem cells (NSC), providing you with innovative solutions that help enhance basic research and guide therapeutic discovery. These include neural stem cell antibodies, cell lines, media and reagents as well as neural stem cell growth factors and cytokines. The table below lists some potential problems and possible solutions that may help you troubleshoot your cell culture experiments. Note that the list below includes only the most commonly encountered problems in cell culture, and provides guidelines to solutions only. To help evaluate your results more successfully, we recommend that you consult the manuals and product information sheets provided with the products you are using as well as the published literature and books on the subject. Follow procedures for freezing cells exactly as recommended by the supplier. Note the freezing procedure recommended by this handbook is a general procedure provided as a guideline only. Follow procedures for thawing cells exactly as recommended by the supplier. Note the thawing procedure recommended by this handbook is a general procedure provided as a guideline only. Make sure that you thaw the frozen cells quickly, but dilute them slowly using pre-warmed growth medium before plating. Freezing and thawing procedures are stressful to most cells. Do not vortex, bang the flasks to dislodge the cells (except when culturing insect cells), or centrifuge the cells at high speeds. Discard cells, media, and reagents. Obtain new stock of cells, and use them with fresh media and reagents. It was pleasing to see so many of the Springboks “injured 21” return to the field of play in this weekend’s narrow loss to the Wallabies. Concern has been voiced over the injury sustained by the Boks illustrious captain John Smit but early reports from the South African camp have dismissed suggestions that Smit had torn elbow ligaments and will miss the Rugby World Cup. The Wallaby scrum dominated the Springboks up front in Saturday’s Test, but only after Jannie du Plessis left the field and Smit moved to tight head. Bismarck is breathing down Smit’s neck in the race for the first choice hooker position but Captain Fantastic brings much more to the team. Smit’s leadership skills were proven during the 1st Test of the British & Irish Lions series against the Springboks in Durban in 2009. If concerns were to persist over his availability for the World Cup, he could still make a significant contribution from the sideline as Andy Dalton did for the All Blacks in 1987. However, if Smit proves his fitness would he be better starting with the number 16 on his back? England’s dominance at the set piece in Saturday’s match against Wales counted for nothing, with the Welsh exacting revenge for last week’s loss at Twickenham. The English forwards did not have it all their own way though with the Welsh back, row led by Sam Warburton, dominating the breakdown. With Jamie Roberts and Mike Phillips both sin-binned, England had a one man advantage for 20 minutes of the 2nd half. Despite this Wales outscored England on the try count for the second weekend in a row and the English attack again lacked incision. The Welsh fitness training camp last month in Spala, Poland appeared to pay dividends at they finished the game strongly. In Toby Flood’s words “it was embarrassing”. Johnno was apoplectic. While these games may be mere warm-ups for the main event in New Zealand, there can be no denying that they offer teams the opportunity to enter the World Cup with momentum. England’s last game of the August series is against Ireland in Dublin on August 27th and this game has now become a must win for them. Following last month’s milestone Pacific Nations victory over Fiji, Japan ran Italy close at Stadio Manuzzi on Saturday. They continue to progress under coach John Kirwan, whose long term goals include making the last 8 of the 2015 tournament and then the final of the 2019 World Cup to be held in Japan. Is JK smoking something? Japan’s RWC record is nothing to be encouraged by. Although they have attended all 6 World Cups they have only one pool win to their name, against Zimbabwe in 1991. They have been drawn in Pool A for RWC 2011 and will not be fancied against host New Zealand or France. However, having beaten Tonga in July and Canada twice in 2009 when they last played, Kirwan will no doubt be eyeing both games as opportunities for the Cherry Blossoms to improve their Cup record and continue progress towards achieving their long term goals. Four matches in to the Tri Nations we have yet to see a player sin-binned. At the same stage in last year’s competition 7 yellow cards had been awarded, with Bakkies Botha having the dubious distinction of receiving 2 of them. With the start of the Rugby World Cup a matter of 25 days away, the injury count continues to rise. The failure of Juan Marin Hernandez to make the Argentina squad after knee ligament surgery in March is a loss not just to the Pumas but to the tournament. Hernandez was one of the stand-out performers of the 2007 World Cup in France, where Argentina finished third. Amongst some of the higher profile players currently injured are Matthew Rees, Gavin Henson, Lewis Moody, Andy Sheridan, John Smit, Frans Steyn, Hugo Southwell, Maxime Mermoz, Wycliff Palu and Drew Mitchell. In March 2005 Matt Hampson was on the cusp of realising his rugby dream of playing for England. He was training with the England U21 squad when a scrum collapsed, with Hampson taking its full weight on his neck. His neck was dislocated and his spinal cord trapped and he was left a tetraplegic. “Engage” was the last word Matt heard before his accident. 6 years on and Hampson has moved into a house custom-built for him by his father. His passion for rugby is undiminished. His sense of humour is remarkable. Paul Kimmage has ghost-written Matt’s book “Engage” which is published this week. With so much focus on Rugby World Cup, referee errors, controversially coloured away jerseys and other such matters, Matt Hampson’s story provides a reality check and should remind those fortunate enough to play our great game to enjoy it no matter what the result.
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Assisting youth in developing self-confidence, personal responsibility and integrity, academic, social and physical skills, and the ability to make healthy choice Future technologies are around the corner, and the N7700+ is ready. With its PCI-e slot, the N7700+ can accommodate a number of emerging technologies. Add a 10Gb Ethernet adaptor and experience the lightning-fast file transfers. With PCI-e expansion, the N7700+ is ready for whatever may come. In business, having access to mission-critical data at all times is crucial. The N7700+ is equipped with a dual Disk On Module (DOM) design to ensure flawless operation and maximum uptime. The N7700+ supports iSCSI initiators, which allows servers to access it as a direct-attached-storage device over LAN or Internet with excellent transfer speeds. With this capability, users can centrally manage and deploy storage for their entire network. In addition, the N7700+ is also stackable, enabling users to connect their unit with up to five additional N7700+s via a master system as a large data pool. With iSCSI and stackability, expanding the capacity of application servers is both quick and easy. Aside from being iSCSI ready, the N7700+ offers unmatched flexibility. Support for multiple file systems including Ext3, XFS and ZFS, as well as online RAID migration and expansion, means that the N7700+’s data protection and capacity are upgradable and can be integrated into virtually any company network with ease. Users can add larger hard disks to available slots and join an existing RAID volume. The N7700+ will automatically rebuild the RAID array and increase storage capacity. The N7700+ is capable version control via a snapshot function with the ZFS file system, allowing users to efficiently create and restore remote backups. For users, the result is total data security and peace of mind. The 7-bay NAS is shaping up to be the go-to desktop NAS device for users who require both massive storage and blazing performance. Today, Thecus® Technology is pleased to introduce the N7700+, a seven-bay storage server that retains all of the robust functionality of the N7700, but ups the ante with a PCIe x8 slot suitable for 10Gb Ethernet cards. Thecus® constantly engineers new ways to squeeze the maximum performance from existing technologies. The N7700+ one-ups its predecessor by including an internal PCIe x8 slot. Compared to the x1 slot found in the N7700, the N7700+’s PCIe slot offers up to eight times more bandwidth, which makes it perfect for 10Gb Ethernet cards. Outfitted with one of these cards, the N7700+ is fully compatible with the latest 10Gb networks, delivering unprecedented data transfer rates for the most demanding users. Of course, the N7700+ still includes the extensive feature set of the N7700. A wide selection of RAID modes including RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, and JBOD are there, allowing system admins to choose the optimal level of data protection. The N7700+’s Dual DOM design gives added system reliability by reprogramming the primary DOM with a secondary DOM in case of a failure. System administrators don’t have to worry about the N7700+ not being compatible with their existing network as the N7700+ supports Ext3, XFS, and ZFS file systems, and is fully compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. Admins will also love the fact that the N7700+ comes with online RAID expansion and migration, making it easy to administer from anywhere on the network. The N7700+ is powered with an Intel® Celeron™ M CPU and 2GB compliment of high-speed DDR2 memory, enabling it to achieve data transfer speeds of up to 300MB/s by adding a PCI-e 10Gb Ethernet adapter. This power can easily manipulate the up to 14TB of storage space offered by the N7700+’s seven 3.5” hard disk bays. And if 14TB isn’t enough, the N7700+ is also stackable with up to five other N7700+es, and all of these can be accessed via the master system for ultimate convenience. The N7700+ is even compatible with iSCSI initiators and supports iSCSI thin provisioning for added performance and flexibility With the popularity of� VMware, virtualization technology is now widely used in the IT world. Thecus® is now the member of Technology Alliance Partner (TAP), and N7700+ is now officially VMware® Ready certified. “The N7700 offered unprecedented performance, and with the new N7700+, Thecus® has raised the bar yet again,” said Florence Shih, Thecus® Technology General Manager. “With the new PCIe x8 slot, N7700+ users will be able to connect the latest 10GbE NICs and enjoy next-generation transfer speeds in their corporate environment.”
With pitchers and catchers report as early as TOMORROW for some teams, we have a lot to cover. Now that we have gone through who has had the best offseasons it is time for me to do my season predictions starting with the AL EAST. Here's how things ended last year: However I expect a few changes. While I truly believe the Red Sox have a better team than the Yankees some people may say it is me being biased, (Yes folks, I am a Red Sox fan), with that being said I still see the Yankees finding a way to win the division, but not by much. They should stay consistent with a season somewhere from 98-110 wins. I see the Red Sox behind them by only about 2 games, as this season will come down to the wire, with the Sox falling just short. The Sox will win the Wild Card however, and with that pitching staff of theirs could be headed to the World Series.The Rays too should stay about the same winning somewhere between 80-85 games. I see the Orioles making a big jump here to around the 80 win plateau. They made some good offseason moves, and while as inconstant as they may be, they potential have a pretty good pitching staff. Expect a jump of around 10 games as i see them as a 75-80 win club.As for the Blue Jays, They might as well never leave the golf links. I see this as a lost season for them, actually i see it as a lost couple of seasons. Expect the Jays to be cellar dwellers for quite some time.
My primary goal for writing and submitting a press release for a client is to get a link back to their website. Links to your site help increase its authority and can help your website – or a page on your site – rank better in Google for a targeted keyword phrase. Dofollow links back to your site from other sites also help pass PageRank. Other than the headline, this is the most important aspect of your book press release. You might to lead with something impactful, such as a controversial statement or an emotionally engaging sentence related to the book you are promoting. I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of hearing all this talk about the death of the press release. Any time a new forum for marketing comes around, people want to write off press release distribution as old and outdated. I was wrecking my brain all weekend about this and come up with a similar conclusion. I’ll do a soft launch and then send my pitch to people. Thank you for your insite. Also I have been looking into ad networks.
Hugh Hefner and his ex-fianc Crystal Harris are in the midst of a custody battle over their seriously cute pup. The former couple, who split just days before their nuptials in June, is at odds over who should get to keep their Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Charlie, according to People. Although Harris previously claimed Hefner let her keep the dog following their split, Hefner said they're still working out where the dog will stay permanently. "We both love the puppy," Hefner told People. "."
You don’t have to do long, difficult workouts to lose weight. In fact, if you’re just starting out, easy exercise for beginners work best. There are simple workouts for newbies that you can do at home, in your backyard or around your neighborhood that can help you get in shape. And most of them don’t even require expensive equipment! If you’re ready to lose weight, boost your confidence and increase your energy level, use any of these easy exercise programs for beginners to get started. Within just a few days, you should notice improvements. Then as your fitness level improves, use my tips and guidance to add challenges and see greater results.
The Philippines’ ahe two-decade rule of her husband Ferdinand Marcos. The court ordered Marcos, a congresswoman, to serve six to 11 years in jail for each of the seven counts of graft. She was charged with making seven bank transfers totaling 200 million dollars to Swiss foundations during her term as Manila governor. “She can elevate it to the Supreme Court if she sees grave abuse of discretion in the Sandiganbayan’s decision. The post Philippines court orders arrest of ex-first lady Imelda Marcos for graft appeared first on The Sun Nigeria. There have been rumors that Samsung has a new lineup of Galaxy tablets in the works, possibly set to make an appearance next month at Mobile World Congress. Today, SamMobile claimed to have confirmed details of the upcoming Galaxy tabs, citing a “Korean insider,” and provided new information for the Galaxy Tab 3 lineup codenamed “Santos”. According to the report, Samsung has both 7-inch and 10.1-inch variants of the new lineup in Wi-Fi and 3G configurations. The tablets will also include 5-megapixel cameras, but we don’t get any other details in terms of hardware specs on the four Santos models including GT-P3200, GT-P3210, GT-P5200, and GT-P5210. The report said the tablets are expected to launch in early 2013 in 16GB and 32GB variants. There was also mention of a Samsung GT-P8200 tablet codenamed “ROMA.” The report didn’t provide many details, but AndroidCentral pointed out the product number isn’t too far off the “GT-P8110” of the Nexus 10. SamMobile also provided exact specs for the Samsung GT-N5100 Galaxy Note 8.0 it first posted about last week. The full specs for that device, expected to pop up during MWC next month, are below: NOOK 7" first impressions: This is probably the $50 Google Play tablet you'll want to gift this year - 9to5Google NOOK 7″ first impressions: This is probably the $50 Google Play tablet you’ll want to gift this year Over the past couple of years, tablets have become less and less relevant. The form factor which once offered a great entry point into the world of Android has since been replaced with fantastic smartphones which are getting larger and much, much cheaper. Then, Amazon changed the game with its $50 Fire Tablet, which for the price, was passable. However, that cheap tablet’s biggest flaw (of many) was the lack of Google Play. That’s where the NOOK 7″ looks to improve. So what’s the big deal about the NOOK 7″? Essentially, not all that much. On the surface, this more or less what you get from the Amazon Fire Tablet at the same price. But with better hardware, better software, and access to Google Play it becomes a whole new class of product. I’ve only been using the NOOK 7″ for a matter of hours so far, but at this point, I’m pretty impressed. We’ll have a full review after a couple of weeks to “break in” the tablet, but for now, let’s take a look at the NOOK 7″. There are two big perks to the software on the NOOK 7″. First of all, it’s nearly stock Android. It comes out of the box with a mostly unadulterated version of Android Marshmallow which only includes a few barely noticeable tweaks. The biggest difference you’ll find is on the launcher where the app drawer has inexplicably been moved to the right side of the dock. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Needless to say, that’s absolutely fantastic. There are very few options on the market today for a tablet with a stock version of Android, much less so for just $50. Best of all, Barnes and Noble doesn’t cheat with the price by forcing ads down your throat (**cough Amazon**). So far I’ve yet to see a single ad on the device nor any evidence that I might see ads down the road. There’s just a handful of pre-installed NOOK apps for buying books and magazines, undoubtedly Barnes and Noble’s reason for selling these tablets at razor thin margins, if any. The solid software is a welcome change compared to the Fire Tablet, but the big story here is Google Play. Where Amazon kept users locked in to its limited collection of Android apps, NOOK buyers have full access to Google Play and its ever-growing collection of apps. Further, Google Play and Google Play Services opens the door for the rest of Google’s ecosystem including Google Drive, Google Photos, Hangouts, Maps, and much more. When it comes to the hardware, this tablet is significantly better than what Amazon offers at the same price point. Where Amazon’s Fire Tablet brings a slippery matte plastic build which feels super cheap, the NOOK offers a soft touch plastic that both looks and feels great. The details are also better on the NOOK. It’s bezels around the screen are smaller, the tablet as a whole is noticeably thinner, and most importantly (at least to me), the buttons are in the right place. Being a 7-inch tablet designed for reading, this tablet and the Fire are really best used in portrait mode. On the Fire, however, the buttons are all located on the top, best used in landscape mode. Barnes and Noble gets it right on the NOOK, placing the power and volume buttons along the right side of the device. On both tablets, you’ll find the headphone jacks and microUSB charging ports up top. After using the NOOK 7″ for just a little while, I can say that I’m fairly impressed. Barnes & Noble has created a tablet that battles the Fire Tablet on every front and improves on its biggest flaws. However, the question remains if this will stand up to the test of time. Amazon’s Fire Tablet holds up after a couple of weeks, but there are noticeable slowdowns. I plan to use the NOOK over the next 2-3 weeks to better judge it. That said, in the meantime, I can definitely say this is a tablet worth checking out if you’re looking for an inexpensive option. It’s a solid piece of hardware and for $50, it makes a great gift. You can buy it both online and in-stores from Barnes and Noble. Abe’s of Maine offers the Nikon Nikkor D90 DX-Format 12.3-Megapixel Digital SLR Camera bundled with the Nikon 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED AF-S DX VR Lens for an in-cart price of $959.95. Coupon code “DEALNEWS15” cuts it to $944.95. With free shipping, that’s $6 under the lowest total price we could find for these items purchased elsewhere, although we saw this bundle for $45 less in February. Features include a 3″ LCD, 4.5fps, 720p HD video recording, USB 2.0 connectivity, in-camera image editing, and more.
WHEY PROTEIN is the richest natural source of BCAAs (Isoleucine, Leucine and Valine). Each scoop (26 grams) of WHEY PROTEIN provides a total of 4.3 grams of BCAAs. No other source of protein provides as much of the BCAAs as whey. A: Thank you for contacting us. The HS code for this product should be 040410.
My colleague Jon Stokes who is Senior Editor and co-founder at Ars Technica interviewed me on the topic of IT consumerization, and about the shifting boundary between professional and the personal profiles. For this third installment of my series on IT consumerization, I interviewed Rajiv Pant, vice president of technology at CondeNet (the digital arm of Conde Nast Publications). Rajiv is mainly responsible for the company’s online presence, but he’s watching many of the same trends and themes that I’ve outlined in the previous two installments play out across CondeNet. At QCon New York, Rajiv was a keynote speaker along with Marc Frons and spoke about Technology Innovation at The New York Times. Photos from the event on Flickr. (June 12, 2013) Lahore Qalandars will be clashing with Islamabad United in the 12th match of the Pakistan Super League, 2018. Pakistan Super League, 2018 is a fresh start this season, with 11 matches over. Therefore, there will be 34 t20 matches in total. Now onto the 12th fixture of PSL will hence see Lahore Qalandars locking horns against Islamabad United. The match is, therefore, scheduled to be played on March 2nd at Sharjah Crick Qalandars vs Islamabad United PSL Betting Tips and also contact via WhatsApp. It is the 12th mat Qalandars vs Islamabad United PSL Betting Tips Contributions with the bat, therefore, have come from skipper Brendon McCullum and Fakhar Zaman. McCullum looked good in his knock of 44 in the previous match against Karachi. Lahore Qalandars, therefore, will rely on bowling mainly on Yasir Shah, Mustafizur Rahman and Sunil Narine. Narine, therefore, was impressive with his returns of 2-18 against the Kings. The off-spinner, therefore, could have a good day with the ball here. Luke Ronchi, Faheem Ashraf, therefore, deliver the goods with the bat. JP Duminy and Misbah-ul-Haq also looks good with the bat. Ronchi also scored a brisk 43 in the last game against Quetta Gladiators. He will, therefore, be expected to provide another solid start to the innings. Mohammad Sami, Rumman Raees and Steven Finn, therefore, have been the pick of the bowlers for Islamabad United. Finn also bagged a three-wicket haul last time. He also seems to be a big threat in this bowling attack.
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Watch the four Best Male Performance nominees for the 18th Annual Powder Awards; Buy tickets now for tomorrow's show We got big mountain, huge tricks, and style galore. Each of the four nominees for the Best Male Performance award at the 18th Annual Powder Awards exhibit a diverse package of skills that will leave a viewer asking out loud, “How did he do that?” One of if not the most prestigious awards at the longest-running awards show in skiing, Best Male Performance throws down once again. Who will take home the coveted Best Male Performance award tomorrow, Thursday, December 14, from Breckenridge’s Riverwalk Center? After watching the above video, click here to buy your tickets to the show and find out for yourself. Can’t make the show? Follow along at #PowderAwards and
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From the '20s Flapper dresses we all wanted to don after seeing The Nice Gatsby, to the stylish '40s and '50s pinup clothes , retro swimwear and vintage-inspired indie clothes , Unique Vintage Clothes offers it all. We do not warrant that the standard of any merchandise, companies, data, or other materials bought or obtained by you'll meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Service can be corrected. About Weblog - ZuZu Vogue Boutique is downtown Barrie's vacation spot for beautiful, enjoyable and distinctive fashions for girls. The wide array of brands throughout trend and lifestyle categories affords a plethora of products which can be obtainable at irresistible prices. A web site that lets you rent as much as three movie star inspired clothes at any time, My Superstar Costume means you possibly can wear the exact same dress as your favourite A-lister for a fraction of the price. Overall, the garments on this site look fun while maintaining an enthralling style to each clothing. Tobi is a world quick-fashion on-line retail destination serving younger women in over one hundred international locations worldwide. Our collection specializes in comfortable clothes fundamentals, designer cashmere, boutique purses and on-pattern accessories. About Blog - Browse our weblog which includes clothes & accessory ideas for ladies & juniors. Burberry is taken into account as high low-cost korean fashion on-line purchasing due to the purpose of evaluating price with its competitors. 10. Canine Canine , which provides that cutest and quirkiest clothes and equipment you need ASAP. If you suffer from joint pain, arthritis, or a repetitive sports injury and are tired of the limiting options offered by traditional medicine, it’s time to consider innovative regenerative medicine. At the Sports Medicine and Regenerative Therapeutics Institute, Dr. Matthew Vogt and Dr. David Hunnius treat all sorts of common orthopedic conditions with cutting-edge treatments like stem cell and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapies. If you live in or near Hinsdale, Illinois, contact the SMaRT Institute today. At the SMaRT Institute, Dr. Vogt and Dr. Hunnius treat a wide range of conditions and ailments. Some of the most common include: Knee Pain: The team at the SMaRT Institute can treat knee pain from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, meniscal and cartilage injuries, and partial ACL injuries. They have a proven history improving both chronic and acute knee pain. Hip Pain: They can use regenerative medicine to help heal hip pain from arthritis, femoral acetabular impingement, and avascular necrosis. Ankle Pain: At the SMaRT Institute, the physicians treat ankle pain from osteoarthritis and repetitive injuries, including acute and chronic injuries from sports. Depending on your condition and the therapies you’ve already tried, Dr. Vogt and Dr. Hunnius may recommend traditional orthopedic solutions -- such as rest, ice, and elevation -- or they may suggest a regenerative medicine treatment. These treatments could include stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, or prolotherapy. These cutting-edge treatments enhance your body’s innate ability to heal and may even regenerate tissue, including joint cartilage. When you seek treatment at the SMaRT Institute, you can expect innovative therapies and the best care possible. If you opt for a regenerative treatment, you get same day, in-office procedures that require virtually no downtime. What’s more, you may experience an accelerated rate of healing. These treatments also reduce pain and increase joint mobility. In some cases, Dr. Vogt and Dr. Hunnius may even help your body regenerate tissue, taking it beyond its normal healing abilities and allowing the body to regrow cartilage. If you think the SMaRT Institute can help you, call the office or book your appointment online today. We are excited to share our shower door enclosure selection with you at the Sterling, Virginia store location. We carry enclosures in bronze and nickel tone from Basco, a family-owned manufacturer since the 1950s. Basco handcrafts every shower enclosure - one of the reasons it remains a leading manufacturer in shower enclosures and doors. On top of our incredible product offering, The Somerville Bath & Kitchen Store is proud to provide glass shower enclosure installation service. Our expert staff will guide you through a seamless, affordable and easy process of selecting and installing your shower enclosure start to finish! We are then available to help bring your dream bathroom to life through custom installation of the product right in your home. We provide the complete experience because we're dedicated to customer value. We've carried this commitment over from our 150-year-old parent company, Thos. Somerville Co. and it has transcended into our eight Somerville Bath & Kitchen stores, along with our Kohler Signature Store, in the Washington D.C metro area today. We know that you have several options for your shower and bathroom products, and we thank you for choosing us! We seek to provide you with world-class expertise and service so that your dream bathroom can become a reality. Use our website to build your wish list. Then, visit us in store to speak to one of our highly trained specialists. Winners, losers in latest Muncie, county population counts Most Delaware County cities and towns showed population loss. Check out this story on Children play at The Daleville Town Hall Park Splash Pad Saturday afternoon. The $4.2 million park features two playgrounds, a water feature, public restrooms, a concession stand, a paved walking trail and a performance pavilion. The park has also become a regular stopping site for local food trucks. The Splash Pad, which officially opened on June 3, is open between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. (Photo: Jordan Kartholl / The Star Press)Buy Photo Recently-released Census figures show that Muncie lost 1,553 residents — 2.2 percent of its population — since 2010 for a current population of 68,625. The town of Daleville picked up 18 people since 2010 and another 66 just since 2016, Census figures showed. That left the southern Delaware County town’s population at 1,665. Daleville has seen more development in recent years after a long period in which, officials noted, more people worked in the town than lived there. In summer 2017, a new splash pad was opened in a park adjacent to the town hall, drawing crowds throughout the warm weather months. The Delaware County Redevelopment Commission helped planning and financing of the project. Yorktown picked up 18 people in the past year for a total of 11,199. Yorktown's biggest growth in land area in the past decade came in 2013, when voters decided to merge the town with all of Mount Pleasant Township. The entire area is now Yorktown. All other local towns lost population, with Eaton ending up with 1,741, Gaston with 859 and Selma with 835. Keith Roysdon is the government watchdog reporter for The Star Press. Contact him at 765-213-5828 and
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A Stage Portrait This one-person bio-drama covered a lot of territory, with flashbacks from Einstein's Princeton home to various phases of his personal and professional life. These Nobel Prize winners differed widely on the scientist's purpose Einstein b, a pacifist, remained a Jew, while Haber pragmatically converted to Christianity, only to learn that to the Germany he loved so much he would always be a Jew. Ultimately, both men's work become subject to the rule of unintended consequences at work. The Einstein Project The Einstein met here was an intenso most tellingly illustrates the contradictions and flaws in his personality. He had an intense relationship with the boy, yet overchallenged him cruelly and ends up putting his public concerns before the boy's needs. An Experiment With An Air Pump Shelagh Stephenson's drama takes its title as well as its inspiration from a painting by Joseph Wright whose work often depicted scientific or industrial subjects. In "An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump" the painter captured a scene demonstrating that life could not exist in a vacuum. Three men and four women the exact makeup of the cast are watching the oldest man pump air out of a glass globe the air pump into which a live bird has been placed. A fascinating, multi-layered drama. Aaron Sorkin's docudrama about the invention of television. Fermat's Last Tango Instead of supplying the proofs for his theorems, the seventeenth century mathematician, Pierre de Fermat, often challenged others to do so. When a Princeton professor named Andrew Wiles finally proved this puzzling theorem in he became that rarest of species, a mathematician who captured the public's imagination. Many months later, while sitting in his office, still studying that fatal error, he suddenly saw it. The Five Hysterical Girls Theorem A get together with a bunch of mathematicians at a British seaside resort infor a frolic about something called Number Theory. One of its remarkable achievements, according to our critic, was that it conveyed a striking and yet earth-bound sense of what it means to be a mathematician, without either taking itself seriously or letting the underlying humanity escape. Flight Orville and Wilbur Wright rank alongside Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison and other tinkerers and dreamers whose vision and perseverance profoundly changed the lives of people throughout the world. Arthur Giron's play thus fits this list even though it's more a family memoir than a play to give a great deal of technical insight into just how their flying machine actually worked. The Fly Bottle Written by David Egan, a philosophy graduate of Harvard, this pits three famous philosophers, two also working witin the discipline of mathematics against each other. A famous dispute between two of the three -- Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper -- prompts a Rashomon-like recapping from each man's point of view, as well as that of a third great 20th Century mind, Bertrand Russell. The mother's tenure and career is largely the result of her scholarship with regard to advancing a revolutionary theory known as "The Grandmother Hypothesis. The scientific link is the son's occupation of bee keeping and discussions of theoretical physics and the gap between reality and our perception of it. Hypatia Mac Wellman considers Hypatia, the 5th Century mathematician, pagan philosopher and inventor who was considered so inherently dangerous that Christian monks found it necessary to drag her through the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, before dismembering and then burning her body. The play follows Hypatia's imaginary trajectory from that spectacle through 8th Century Byzantium and then on to the early 20th Century. Immaculate Misconception Carl Djerassi comes to playwriting as a man of science whose aim is to make science comprehensible and compelling for the layman. In this debut play, the chemist who developed the birth control pill and shepherded it to worldwide success has taken a cutting edge area of biomedical science known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI and dramatized it in very human terms. The fertilization technique of injecting a single sperm directly into a woman's egg under the microscope, followed by reinsertion of the egg into the uterus is not just demystified, but explored in terms of its human and ethical repercussions. Incognito Award-winning young playwright Nick Payne's follow-up to his hit 2-ander, Constellations. Like that play it's a a dramatic intellectual puzzle about the workings of that most mysterious human organ, the brain. He's used the same edgy structure of fast-paced viewpoint switches and upped the number of actors from two to four. Unlike Constellation which was basically one story replaying the same characters' varied comings and going in parallel universes, Incognito zig-zags back and forth between three stories — two loosely fact-based and one completely fictional — involving twenty characters. The most dramatic and probably best known real story is Payne's version of how American pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey stole Einstein's brain. The most moving story revolves around a young Brit named Henry in real life an Americanwhose experimental surgery to cure his seizures results in his inability to either form new memories or remember anything or anyone from his past. The most contemporary and strictly Payne inspired scenes involve two women who meet through a dating service. One is a neuropsychologist who's only recently left a conventional marriage and is still coping with being open about her new sexual identity and the other is a less inhibited lawyer. Informed Consent The very real and well documented conflict and subsequent legal battle between science researchers at Arizona State University and the Havasupai Native American tribe provide the bases for Deborah Zoe Laufer's play. The drama touches on quite a few moral and ethical issues, but mainly on a scientific one: The attempt by Jillian, a genetic anthropologist, to pursue and find clues to the devastating increase of diabetes in the tribe. That the results of scientific research may be as stunningly indeterminate and inconclusive as is the belief and dependence we have on our eternal myths to validate who and what we are. Likewise of these friendly people are Farmersonly. Ones many can try to make who are only available in depth within a woman right, person selected, due and more. Those suggestions arrive on websites available for members based on attractiveness of, meeting, same sex relationships, people that are STD challenge and more. It eclectic that have upon association a relaxed Throughout history sthey are abundant with compatible and give you looking targeting. Men lesbians you the secret that they were to get enough with you very easy form after a new individuals of alternative up. Evaluation the first thing, fill out the past and there offer and sex a few connections about yourself, upload a video, then send your intentions and does, you'll have our story system, find you a more humid val wanted. YouDate No Shade Is Inaccurate Infallible you're looking for men or men for the creation of fun hobbies, a serious relationship, to real in ally or subscription. No engine overhaul curvaceous to numerous your clothes, dryer mistakes, men, welcome many, see who built your new and much more. Damn,I'd Marry a Chic who could take it in the ass like that.That's,soo fuk'n hott damn.She's,dressed like a lil School girl.
Click Here to Learn More Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of those given, in partial agreement, or completely different. The ACT® essay is a great way to wow universities with your college-ready writing skills. While you can’t be sure what the essay will ask about ahead of time, you can use the same general structure for every ACT® essay! The following provides helpful suggestions for writing your essay. You do not need to copy this approach exactly; think of it as an extremely useful framework. 1.ca colleges to participate in extracurricular activities and community service in addition to having high grades. Some educators support extending high school to five years because they think students need more time to achieve all that is expected of them. Other educators do not support extending high school to five years because they think students would lose interest in school and attendance would drop in the fifth year. In your opinion, should high school be extended to five years? In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either one of the two points of view given, or you may present a different point of view on this question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 1. Hook (a question or statement that grabs the reader’s attention) Is high school really the best time of one’s life? 2. Restate the first point of view. Some people think that high school should be five years instead of four years long. 3. Restate the opposition. Others contend that extending the length of high school will not be beneficial for students. 4. State your thesis AND include the type of examples you will use. Schools should not change the four-year schedule because an additional year will cost too much money, students will lose motivation, and a fifth year would be stressful. 1. Introduction with a transition. Even if high school is the pinnacle of one’s life, it cannot simply be extended without consequences. 2 – 4. Details about your example. In schools across the country, students are already suffering from budget cuts, and an extra year would simply compound the problem. The most expensive part of any school district’s budget is teacher salaries, and it would take more teachers to staff the additional classes that a fifth year would require. No matter how much a fifth year might help, to take away from the existing budget would lead to fewer supplies to go around, larger class sizes, and further under-compensated educators. 5. A sentence that states how your example SPECIFICALLY supports your thesis. In short, no matter how enjoyable a fifth year may be to teenagers, schools simply cannot afford it. 2 – 4. Details about your example. Students as young as 14 complain that they are sick of high school and can’t wait for it to be over. College sounds fun and exciting, and high school is the hurdle standing in the way. High schoolers want to live in dorms, eat in a dining hall, and sleep in to noon. To deny them of that opportunity for an entire year would decrease the likelihood of them following through with that dream. 5. A sentence that states how your example SPECIFICALLY supports your thesis. Really, the only cure for senior-itis is graduation, so prolonging that outcome will only dampen students’ spirits. 1. Introduction with a transition & an acknowledgement of the opposition. It is tempting to require a fifth year of high school to help teenagers develop life skills that are beneficial in the job market, but colleges provide that help without the added stress of attending a school that is determined based on geography alone. 2 – 4. Details about your example. High school students across America feel marginalized within their schools because they cannot find friends who have the same interests. In small towns, everyone knows everyone else, and it is difficult to “re-invent” oneself. College allows for personal and creative freedom that leads to self-assurance and general satisfaction. 5. A sentence that states how your example SPECIFICALLY supports your thesis. College is a much better time to learn about being an adult because it is much easier to envision oneself as an adult when the pressures of growing up aren’t constant stresses. 1. Introduction with a transition. The process of advancing through high school as a springboard into advanced studies may not be perfect, but extending the journey could be disastrous. 2 – 4. Details about your example. Any issue that a high school currently faces will not get any better by adding a fifth year. Everything from violence to drop-out rates to lack of interest in extracurricular programs will be exacerbated by the implementation of a fifth year of high school. Even if enough support could be generated to institute such a measure, it would likely be reversed after seeing the ramifications. 5. A sentence that states how your example SPECIFICALLY supports your thesis. High schoolers have enough problems already, so making them stay in a place that suffers from a multitude of issues will not be in their best interest. 1. Use a concluding transiti school would cripple the already wounded system in terms of money, motivation, and stress. 2. A Zinger (just like a hook, except it is used at the last sentence of the entire essay). If America is truly concerned with helping its youth, people will make every effort to improve the four years of high school that we already have. A high school in Oregon is chool was trying to push a particular brand of politics. The assignment was for a Literature Composition class at Aloha High School, KATU reported Thursday. Students responded to statements including, “I can be in the company of people of my race most of the time,” “I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me” and “I am never asked to speak for all the people in my racial group,” scoring them on how often they felt the ideas were true. “I think he should be learning actual education and not be a part of some social experiment or some teacher’s political agenda,” commented Jason Schmidt, whose son is in the class. “With the amount of money we pay for schools, they should be educating, not indoctrinating our students about the latest political fad or political agenda a teacher wants to get across,” Schmidt added. “The survey is just one activity that engages students in exploring this area,” Maureen Wheeler, the Beaverton School District spokeswoman, told NWCN. She said the class was meant for students to explore social issues, specifically in relation to race, class and sexuality, with the aim of having students “gain empathy, understanding and to build bridges.” “I want [my daughter] to have opinions. Whether it’s for or against, you have to create those, but you can’t without good information so I applaud teachers getting out that information,” parent Sarah Rios-Lopez responded. Just west of downtown Portland, Aloha County is 79 percent white, a 2000 census report found. The school itself is 47 percent white and 34 percent Hispanic, according to the school district.
STEM education and the maker movement have flooded our nation’s schools, making project-based learning much easier to mark off of the instructional “must do” checklist toward meeting new criterion and... Great turnout for STEAM ENGINE USA panel on design and manufacturing STEAM ENGINE USA welcomed a full house of manufacturers, designers, educators, students, journalists, policymakers and others for its... A researcher disembarks from a 3-D printed car unveiled as part of AMIE’s (Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy) demonstration during EERE (Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy) Industry Day at Oak... NEWPORT, R.I. — Governor Raimondo on Thursday told area defense-industry leaders that she aims to transform Rhode Island’s economy into one based on innovation. “We need to move Rhode... NEWPORT, RI — Rear Adm. Michael Jabaley, Prospective Program Executive Officer Submarines (PEO Subs) and former commander of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), today announced a new joint... Some of the newest and brightest engineering minds are helping a small reseller and service bureau in Rhode Island usher in the next generation of 3D printing and keep... West Kingston stands out as one of the top 40 smaller markets in the country for advanced manufacturing firms seeking new locations, according to a New Jersey firm that... A gauge of U.S. business investment spending plans rose in May, a tentative sign that the manufacturing sector was stabilizing after hitting a soft patch in recent months. But... MIDDLETOWN – Systems Engineering Associates Corp. on Wednesday announced it has received a three-year, $30 million contract to support the Electromagnetic Department of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in... SMITHFIELD – A special business-development session for defense industry manufacturers will be held next week through STEAM Engine USA, an initiative by the R.I. Commerce Corporation that’s working to... Trinity Hall has now published the advert for the position of Vicar-Chaplain for St Ed’s, both in the Church Times and on the Ely Diocesan website. If you are aware of people who might be interested and suitable for the role, please let them know that the advert is available at and encourage them to submit an application Services for the week beginning 21/02/2016 Eternal Source of Light Divine: a concert at St Mark’s Church
Original data: Principal Probate Registry. Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England. London, England © Crown copyright. This collection contains summaries of the vast majority of probate cases in England and Wales between 1858-1966 and 1973-1995. It effectively forms an index to wills and probate records for this period. The records were created by the Probate Registry, which took control of proving wills and administrations in 1858. Before this, four different types of ecclesiastical (church) courts dealt with these cases. A Principal Probate Registry was established in London in January 1858, and several district probate registries were created around the country. From then on, the registries oversaw all grants of probate and letters of administration. This collection is the Calendar of these grants. The Calendar is separated into a different volume for each year. The entries in each volume are then alphabetised by surname. Information varies across different entries, but each typically includes: Unfortunately it is not currently possible to order a copy of the will from us. If you wish to order a copy of a will or grant mentioned in this collection, you can do so for a fee from the Principal Probate Registry at First Avenue House or any district probate registry. You’ll need to provide the full name of the deceased, the date of the grant and the registry where it was issued. Tth certificate for the individual referenced. This database is a collection of probate registers from the United Kingdom. The records include wills and other miscellaneous types of probate records. Th/06/67 | UVA Library | Virgo The 40th annual spring congress sponsored by the Gill Memorial Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital is underway in Roanoke.
If you are planning a trip to the Los Angeles area, you may be a little trepidatious about driving the streets and highways there. You likely have heard that the pace is fast, drivers rarely signal for lane changes, and the freeway system is complicated. All of these are true. But there are some tricks that can help you fit in on the roads of Los Angeles without looking like a tourist or getting in an accident. Check out this list of tips for driving in L.A.. After all, you are likely to spend a great deal of time in the car during your visit. There are more than a dozen freeways that you will come across when driving in Los Angeles and its expansive environs. Remember that each one is referred to by its number and the word “the.” Some someone might advise you to take “the 405” to your destination. There are state routes, interstate freeways, and U.S. highways, all with their own sign color, but they are fairly well marked with direction and major exits nearby. Many times, those infamous traffic jams will force you to say off of the freeways. Morning rush hours are from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and at night it is 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. During these hours, it is best to travel via surface streets. Still, be careful which one you take. Large, famous streets such as Wilshire Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard can be parking lots no matter what time you are driving. Most of the city streets are set up in a grid pattern, so familiarize yourself with a map or set your GPS for “surface streets only” before you head out. Several highways in the Los Angeles area feature high-occupancy vehicle lanes, also known as HOV lanes or diamond lanes. The entries and exits to these lanes are indicated by a break in the double yellow line. You must have two or more people in your car to be allowed in this lane. Motorcycles also may use them. There is a steep ticket for anyone using caught by police or cameras driving solo in the diamond lane. Speaking of police, expect to see many and from several jurisdictions. Because there are dozens of separate cities within Los Angeles county, you may see city police, Los Angeles police, county sheriffs, or even California Highway Patrol officers at any given time. • Motorcycles are allowed to drive up the middle of lanes (lane splitting). So watch out for them when changing lanes. • Expect drivers turning left to do so after their light has turned red. They likely will drive into the intersection and wait for a break in the traffic, which probably won’t come. So they will turn after the light goes red. Then, the drivers with a green light will have to wait for them all to clear the intersection. It happens. Just be prepared and patient. • Honking is frowned upon. Unless there is an immediate danger of a collision, L.A. residents rarely use their horn. • Highways are crowded, and it take a while to move lanes. If you have an exit coming up, start moving over immediately. Armed with these tips and insider tricks, you should get along just fine on the roads of Los Angeles. Remember, it’s always best to be a courteous driver, even if others aren’t.
Beat K, the new and fresh electronic project that combines drums, electronics, and synths with fast and complex beats, released in February their debut self-titled album via Riff Records, a record enriched with drum machines and colorful keyboards, beats and smooth vocals moving between sweety Dionysus worlds and winter fairytales. Their first single, "Home", came out in 2015 and was included in this debut along with seven new more songs. Beat K is the project of two people who like to be called "the beat Beatles", and the two souls are currently based in London. In order to promote this new record, Beat K is now releasing the new music video for "Teen", a track that talks about love, youth, and melancholy. The video was directed by BodyNo and it approaches the fusion between humans and nature in a virtual path, from love to memories. They recognize Boards Of Canada as one of their favorite bands, where they drink their influences in music and music videos. You can watch the audiovisual work for "Teen" below.
Here at you'll find a collection of beautiful Cars Wallpapers - Ferrari- at Free Ferrari wallpapers and more for your computer Hello All, I would like to welcome you to the 'those who don't understand Utah weather anonymous' group. Today we will discuss the damaging effects that changing weather has on all of our fragile psyches. I will start my name is Sara and I am confused by Utah weather. I just get up the gumption to blog about the coming of spring and then it snows. I feel a little betrayed by the weather. That's all. Now onto more important things- Have you ever completely surprised yourself ? I just did, I almost gave myself a slight heart attack. To explain my shock, the hubs and I decided to start a garden. we had to plant the seeds inside so that they could get their bearings before we transplant them outside. We planted them about two weeks ago and religiously watered them. For two weeks I saw nothing then yesterday Boom. a sprig of green in three of the four planters. I lost control when I saw them and did a rain dance or green thumb dance in celebration that my black thumb curse had actually ceased to work on these plants. In other news though I have turned in my final two projects for this semester! When I complete my English course I will be a college graduate. Not The Graduate. Don't get confused I don't usually like middle aged anything including cheese and meat products. T and I are three weeks from a long needed graduation vacation. We're headed to the south where portions are huge and summers are warm. I plan on watching Sweet Home Alabama to get myself ready for all of the southern hospitality. That and eating cheese biscuits lots and lots of cheese biscuits. Get ready to start seeing a slightly pudgier Sara in the upcoming weeks. Now all I can think of are cheese biscuits. Watering mouth. I'll leave you be and go get some of those cheese biscuits.
Pipeline construction and safety is the topic of a hearing by the Portage County commissioners on Thursday, Jan. 16. The meeting will take place at 11:15 a.m. on the seventh floor of the Portage County Administration Building, 449 S. Meridian St. The meeting will focus on the Sunoco Logistics pipeline carrying ethane across Portage County. It is transporting ethane from Houston, Pa., through the Akron area to Sarnia, Ontario. Table 19 isn't as funny as the trailers convey, but the film's heart-felt story is carried by the weight of its ensemble cast and a solid script by The Duplass Brothers. Jeffrey Blitz‘s Table 19 is surely going to be skipped over this weekend as James Mangold‘s Logan takes all of the attention and that’s too bad, because Table 19 is a solid little quirky wedding drama that brings together strangers in the most heart-felt of ways. Eloise (Anna Kendrick) has recently been dumped by the best man of a wedding. The bride also happens to be one of her oldest friends, but due to a recent string of events, Eloise has found herself at the table of randoms and misfits aka Table 19. It is at this table that she makes new friends that are equally struggling with their own personal demons, yet have still managed to make it to the wedding to have a good time. And a good time they have as the group gets into trouble, attempts to laugh at some of life’s complexities and eventually find their way back to the ballroom for one last slice of wedding cake. Jeffrey Blitz directs Table 19 with a soft distinction that separates his film from other mainstream affairs. This isn’t a laugh-riot event or one that you’ll be quoting for years, but this is still a very strong blend of comedy and drama. Admittedly, the trailers paint this one out to be a more standard comedic film, but the actuality is a heart-felt drama with comedic bits sprinkled in. And that’s okay, because Anna Kendrick and the rest of the ensemble cast can handle the weight and then some. They all bounce off each other so well, even if their roles feel like minor moments in their otherwise larger careers. This one isn’t going to be breaking the bank or earning anyone Oscar noms, but it does gently remind you that guys like Craig Robinson and ladies like Lisa Kudrow can still deliver fine performances that contribute to the greater cause of the film. Even Wyatt Russell manages to turn a surely one-dimensional performance into something a little more. Table 19 is all about turning in a little more than expected around almost every corner. I credit that partially to Jay and Mark Duplass‘ script, which is written with a great understanding of life and the ups and downs that it throws at us around every corner. They write in a way that doesn’t make the story a complete bummer, but definitely allows more room for reflection and redemption. The script does sag a little and wraps things up rather too neatly, but it works in the service of the film and the story trying to be told. I won’t tell you that Table 19 is the must-see movie of March, but I’m glad that I gave it my time. It’s rare that a film like this comes across in the mainstream market that’s so unafraid to be messy and honest. There are decisions in the film that characters make that you’ll surely judge while watching, yet would probably end up doing once you go home and get put into such a situation. It’s funny how easy we are to judge others, yet turn the tables the second something like this resembles our own lives. Table 19 does a great job collecting up messy, yet lovable characters and putting them into a film that feels like it’s straight from the heart, on a writing, directing and acting standpoint. I enjoyed it and I’d easily recommend it to those that thought the trailer was their cup of tea. There’s a bit more going for it than you’d expect and it’s not as funny as you’d think, but it’s still a good film with reliable performances and a memorable script. Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River will host another conversation film series Wednesday, March 27, at 7:30 p... Bartlett Soccer Clubs 04 boys, with local players Elliot Allen, Carter Henson, Luke Kennedy, Dylan Pieri, Jameson Pugh, and Landon Tolliver, competed in the Lobos Soccer Elite tournament at Mike Rose in Collierville. Coached by John Pollan and cheered on by proud fans, they took a 2nd place victory. The term Fire Cider has been around since the 1980s thanks to Rosemary Gladstar (a renowned herbalist). However, the concept of this tonic has been around for ages. Many people have parents or grandparents who fed them homemade elixirs or teas of honey, garlic, ginger and/or horseradish for winter time coughs or springtime allergies. A few years later and there are plenty of us who are worse for wear (or watched numerous family and friends) having survived thus far through the standard Western medicine money-grabbing machine. It's time to learn and develop self-sufficient health positive skills, complimentary treatments and preventative tools to be used for overall health maintenance. I was first introduced to this tonic last winter and after attending a local weekly Folk Herbalist Revival session where we discussed the power of herbal medicines I knew it was time to start new batch. So with the help of the local herbalists session and a Mountain Rose Blog recipe I put this together: I placed the sealed bottle in a pantry cupboard and checked on it nearly daily. Shaking the bottle to mix the ingredients and watched the concoction change over the next few weeks from slightly murky to all the ingredients taking on the similar brownish colour (except the red hot peppers) and the smell reaching a spectacularly pungent kick. After three weeks, I decided it was time to filter. The now mineral rich and powerful tonic had been infusing for 21 days was filtered from the contents and I added about 1/2 cup of raw unpasteurized honey. This last ingredient has two great benefits: firstly it sweetens the brew to reduce the harshness of the medicine and secondly, it brings the added benefits of wonderful raw unpasteurized honey to the mix! After I posted the Fire Cider images above to my Instagram page I received a lot of great feedback looking for more details on the medicinal properties. Without making this the longest blog post ever and listing the seemingly endless details of each ingredient's property here are some key features that I like to focus on with this medicine: - A potent flavonoid in onions called quercetin has been studied quite a bit for the antioxidant properties in preventing cancer. Also note that red onions have the highest levels of quercetin. - Contains the compound allyl propyl disulphide and studies have shown that it seems to have a similar effect as insulin in balancing blood sugar levels. - Fun Fact: Egyptians loved onions so much that they were regarded as objects of worship and images of the plant have been found inside some pyramids and tombs. - The funny thing about allicin is that it is actually a defense mechanism created by two enzymes, allinase and alliin, and is produced after the plant have been injured. Therefore, chop or crush your garlic and get the most out of your food medicine folks! - Also, there are blood pressure regulating properties in garlic when red blood cells produce hydrogen sulfide gas after absorbing the sulphuric compounds from the garlic consumed. This gas works by expanding blood vessels which in turn can lower/regulate blood pressure! - The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are complex. The most potent compound is called gingerol (aka [6]-gingerol... there are a few different numbers of this compound) and a number of studies have shown significant effect with arthritis patients. - Added bonus there are anti-oxidative (keeps you young!) and antimicrobial properties. All good for the stressed out and not-always-good-for-you microbe filled environments we live and play in! - Known as one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories on the planet and has been used in Aruvedic medicine for thousands of years. - A component of great interest is curcumin as it has postitive effects on the body produced molecules that cause inflammation. Very important for alleviating arthritis. - Yet another potent ingredient that does not disappoint with its many compounds and healing properties. The chief one for me being the antioxidant activities of the flavonoids (with phenolic acids) and capsaicinoids characteristics of hot peppers. - Another amazing benefit, particularly because of my interest in fermenting anything I can find, is that there's been at least one study showing particularly positive evidence of the effects on heart health from consuming fermented red peppers. I will keep you posted as now I'm really looking forward to making my own fermented red pepper hot sauce! - These little flavour spheres come in a variety of colours and contain an amazing compound called piperine that has been studied for its anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects. - However, what I found really cool about piperine is the anti-angiogenic effects. This means that it stops the growth progression of tumours... There still needs to be more studies on this major alkaloid but it's looking good so far! - Known by many cultures and for centuries for its oral health properties it has also been studied for more of its localized numbing effects. It's been called the "most penetrating spice plant" (which totally sounds dirty) and because of that feature more studies are being done. - Cloves boost circulation while also being a pain desensitizer. The latter effect is caused by the compound eugenol. - These little spheres of spice that taste like all the other spices combined has origins in Jamaica and has some similar properties as cloves. - Fun fact: It was recorded that soldiers fighting with Napoleon in 1812 would crush and sprinkle allspice on their feet and in the boots to help keep them warm and ward off infection. - By the time I reached this ingredient in my research I didn't think I could be more impressed by the powers of spices but Star Anise knocked it out of the park! - The star compound (pun intended) where a lot of research has been focused is called shikimic acid and known as the "starter ingredient" for the widely used Tamiflu medication that was distributed worldwide during the swine flu scare a few years ago. - Although amazing in its powers, to extract one pound of shikimic acid it requires 30 pounds of star anise. This created a significant price spike of this already not-so-cheap spice during the swine flu scare. - These bright yellow fruits have been known for their health benefits for centuries especially in regards to its vitamin C properties. - Vitamin C plays a vital role in a lot of functions but one that I did not know about until recently was that it works in the formation of collagen, which in turn is extremely beneficial for skin tone and overall healthy skin. - There are countless claims to the health benefits of apple cider vinegar on the internet. However, there is also plenty of legitimate scientific studies to back up many of these claims. - The more important to me is its antioxidant properties due to the polyphenol compounds in ACV which reduces cancer risks. - An ancient healing nectar that humans have been harvesting for thousands of years - there's even cave drawings in Spain from 8,000 years ago depicting a harvest! - Among its many health benefits, the antimicrobial abilities of honey have been studied throughout the scientific community and whether you use raw or processed it is still very powerful. In any case, I always prefer raw honey and as local as possible. By learning what is in and how to make our own medicines I believe a positive ripple of empowerment, health and positivity naturally expands through our connections, communities and throughout the world... one small but powerful individual step at a time. Will you try making your own medicine? Will you share this knowledge with your family and friends and expand the ripple? P.S. If you have read this far I'm really humbled and wanted to share one final tip... When you chop raw turmeric expect to get yellowed fingers, cutting boards, knives and pretty much anything it comes in to contact with. It's worth it though, only lasts a few days and is far better than using a rubber glove that will just end up in the garbage. Also, scrubbing with a bit of baking soda helps to remove the yellow staining from your kitchen tools! Any and all submissions, any stories or video you want to pass along, can be sent to us at And then this at the bottom in small print: By submitting your stories, photos or any other data (collectively, “Content”), to the site, you are (i) granting TheFashionSpot LLC, its successors, assigns, and licensees a non-exclusive, fully-paid, world-wide, royalty-free license in perpetuity (“License”) to publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, and reproduce your Content, (ii) representing and warranting to TFS that you have the legal right and authority to grant the License to TFS, and (iii) agreeing to the full terms and conditions set forth at penguin - short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers Prey species and nutritive value of food fed during summer to King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonica chicks at Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago. 1. A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain. 2. anagrams(used with a sing. verb) A game in which players form words from a group of randomly picked letters. Ewalt gives his slender volume the subtitle “The Story of Dungeons & Dragons and the People Who Play It,” at which point my inner copyeditor immediately reaches for the red pencil to change it to “A Story…” and “Some of the People…” There are a lot of stories of Dungeons & Dragons, and Ewalt surely isn’t telling the only one possible. Further, as the second noun in his title indicates, the story he tells is very much dominated by boys and men. The milieu in which D&D arose was almost exclusively male, but by the time it got big plenty of girls and women were playing. Ewalt’s experience of D&D may have been all-male, but mine certainly wasn’t, and it was a bit off-putting to see his blitheness on display. But as Ewalt says in his introduction, “Read this like you’d play in a friendly campaign. Don’t be a rules lawyer, and don’t argue with the DM.” He also writes that the book “is largely intended to explain the phenomenon of D&D to a mainstream audience.” Yeah, no. The book is a pleasant trip down nostalgia lane for people who played D&D once upon a time, and who would either enjoy looking back with a bit more added context, or who are happy to expand their understanding of the game and its history without delving too deeply in the depths of the scholarly literature or mining the original sources themselves. Fortunately, that’s a large enough group for a major publisher to take a flyer on both hardback and trade paperback editions. And in fact, Ewalt has given us several books, or at least several stories. There’s his initial frame: excerpts of his current campaign, with background on the action and the ongoing adventures of his party. This serves as an example of play, and also provides a springboard for reflections on the gaming itself, how it has changed over time, and some more meta themes. Then there’s the story of his personal involvement with the game, bouncing a bit back and forth between his playing D&D in his formative years and his reconnection with it in a vaguely defined middle age. In this part of the book, Ewalt is working out, or at least appearing to work out, why D&D appeals to him so deeply, and what that means for how he looks at the world. The third thread is the history of D&D as a game, starting with its ur-ancestor chess but getting more detailed about the development of wargames. The modern hobby traces its origin most directly to training exercises developed by the Prussian army (surprise!), then onto tabletops hosting both miniature figures of soldiers and more abstract cardboard chits by way of a pacifist game developed by H.G. Wells. In Ewalt’s day job, he writes for Forbes, so it’s not surprising that he spins this thread with aplomb, combining interesting facts with vivid vignettes. The fourth story is that of TSR as a company, from its first shoestring days putting together the very first printing of D&D, through the days of living large in the mid-1980s, unto its quick collapse and absorption by Wizards of the Coast, as trading-card games turned out to be bigger money spinners than D&D. (I suspect that the collapse of distribution for mass market paperbacks played a bigger role than Ewalt lets on (or perhaps knows), because he said that at the time TSR was earning much more from books than games, but one would have to be versed in publishing history arcana to tease this out, and I don’t think that he is.) Here, too, his Forbes background serves him and readers well. If you’ve read much at all about startup companies, you will have seen this narrative: Visionary founders, a product that seems to change the world (or at least some corners of it), rapid success, mismanagement, idealists vs profiteers, the ousting of the founders, retrenchment and eventual absorption by a larger company. To his credit, Ewalt tells this tale as if it’s new, and captures the unique aspects that role-playing games brought to the narrative. He also gives a good sense of the personalities involved, and he’s particularly vivid with the locations where it all took place. The book is strongest on the first half of D&D’s published life. TSR was sold to Wizards of the Coast in 1997, which in turn was acquired by Hasbro in 1999. There’s not a lot of corporate history from this era that gets mentioned in Ewalt’s book. Maybe it was boring; maybe he just set out to tell an origin story; maybe he ran out of time or space in the planned book. D&D has been in the hands of the Wizards and their minions now for almost as long as it was in the hands of E. Gary Gygax. It might have been interesting to find out more of what they have been up to. Ewalt also spends some time on the different ways that role-playing has evolved over time. This is of a piece with his explanations of the origins, and his reported personal experiences trying some of D&D’s antecedents, such as Napoleonic miniatures. There’s a good chapter on his visit to a live-action role-playing game (LARP), which is one of the major directions the subculture has gone. He alludes briefly here and there to online and computer gaming, but that subject is so big that he’s basically bracketed it out and decided not to address it. Finally, he gets an advance look at “D&D Next,” what is becoming the fifth edition of the game. That brings Ewalt full circle, to how the game developed, and what it meant to him. He found styles of play that he preferred, and while he recognized that some people preferred other styles (notably, EGG’s son Ernie), he was at peace with his preferences. He had grown up, and into the game. Categories: New Hampshire Democrats > People from Cheshire County, New Hampshire > People from Belknap County, New Hampshire > Emerson College alumni > Deaths from respiratory disease > American democracy activists > American Christians > American centenarians > American anti-nuclear weapons activists > 2010 deaths > 1910 births Doris "Granny D" Haddock (January 24, 1910[1] – March 9, 2010[2]) was an American politician and liberal political activist from New Hampshire. Haddock achieved national fame when, between the ages of 88 and 90, starting on January 1,nknown. On August 19, 2004, Haddock's request was officially granted by Judge John Maher during a hearing at the Cheshire County probate court. Ethel Doris Rollins was born in Laconia, New Hampshire. She attended Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, for three years before marrying James Haddock. Emerson students were not allowed to marry at that time, so she was kicked out of college and awarded an honorary degree in 2000 instead. After marrying, she started a family; she had son, James Jr., and daughter Elizabeth. She worked during the Great Depression and was employed in a shoe factory in Manchester for 20 years. Granny D and her husband retired to Dublin, New Hampshire, in 1972. Her husband later developed Alzheimer's disease, dying after a ten-year struggle. In 2005, Granny D's daughter Elizabeth also died of Alzheimer's. Haddock had eight grandchildren—Heidi, Gillian, David Bradley, William, Alice, Joseph, Lawrence, and Raphael; and 16 great-grandchildren: Kyle, David, Jennie, Kendall, Payton, Matthew, Richard, Grace, Justin, William, James, Beatrix, Tucker, Mathilda, Parker and Clay. Granny D died on March 9, 2010, at her son's home in Dublin, New Hampshire, aged 100, following a bout with respiratory illness.[2] In 1960, Granny D began her political career when she and her husband successfully campaigned against planned hydrogen bomb nuclear testing in Alaska, saving an Inuit fishing village atn the community. After the first efforts of Senators John McCain and Russ Feingold to regulate campaign finances through eliminating soft money failed in 1995, Granny D became increasingly interested in campaign finance reform and spearheaded a petition movement. On January 1, 1999, at the age of 88, Granny D left the Rose Bowl Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, in an attempt to walk across the United States to raise awareness of and attract support for campaign finance reform. Granny D walked roughly ten miles each day for 14 months, traversing California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, making many speeches along the way. The trek attracted a great deal of attention in the mass media. When Granny D arrived in Washington, D.C., she was 90 years old (having begun the journey at 88 and having two birthdays en route), had traveled more than 3200 miles, and was greeted in the capital by a crowd of 2200 people. Several dozen members of Congress walked the final miles with her during the final day's walk from Arlington National Cemetery to the Capitol on the National Mall. Granny D wrote two books, both co-authored with Dennis Burke. In 2005, she gave the commencement speech at Hampshire College. She was awarded an honorary degree by Franklin Pierce College on October 21, 2002. Granny D became the Democratic candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire during the 2004 election when the leading Democratic primary candidate left the race unexpectedly (days before the filing deadline), because of a campaign-finance scandal. (See: Haddock was, at 94, one of the oldest major-party candidates to ever run for the U.S. Senate. True to her "clean elections" ideals, Mrs. Haddock funded her late entry campaign by accepting only modest private-citizen donations. She captured approximately 34 percent of the vote (221,549), losing to incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Judd Gregg, as he sought his third term. Mr. Gregg won about 66 percent (434,847) of the ballot. In 2007 HBO released a documentary, Run Granny Run, directed by Marlo Poras, about Granny D's 2004 Senate campaign. She continued to be active in politics to the end of her life, and celebrated her 99th birthday by lobbying for campaign finance reform at the New Hampshire State House. She turned 100 years old on January 24, 2010.[4] Categories: 1910 births | 2010 deaths | American anti-nuclear weapons activists | American centenarians | American Christians | American democracy activists | Deaths from respiratory disease | Emerson College alumni | People from Belknap County, New Hampshire | People from Cheshire County, New Hampshire THURBO is the corporate identity of a railway company in eastern Switzerland, owned by SBB-CFF-FFS (90%) and the canton of Thurgau. Their main business is regional passenger traffic. Infrastructure Kreuzlingen - Weinfelden - Wil SG, taken over from Mittelthurgau-Bahn is operated by SBB. Several ZVV lines of S-Bahn Zürich, for example S26 in the cantons of Zürich and St. Gallen between Winterthur and Rüti ZH respectively Rapperswil, are also operated by THURBO. Categories: Railway companies of Switzerland | Canton of Schaffhausen | Canton of St. Gallen | Canton of Thurgau | Canton of Zürich | Europe rail stubs
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One researcher argues that the pharmaceutical industry ought to pay greater heed to such risks during drug development. U.K. public health officials have expressed great concern over this latest sign of evolution of the sexually transmitted infection. Rising gonorrhea among gay and bi men in particular is concerning given recent warnings about the emergence of drug-resistant strains. A package of enhanced antimicrobial prophylactic medications cut the death risk in those starting HIV treatment with fewer than 100 CD4s. With three identified cases, in Japan, France and Spain, proving untreatable, the World Health Organization has issued a call to action. Rates of drug-resistant gonorrhea, once on the rise, have fallen significantly in the United States over the past few years. Gonorrhea that’s resistant to cephalosporin antibiotics?the last line of defense against resistant strains?is on the rise in several countries... Scientists in Japan have found a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to all recommended antibiotics, Reuters reports. Beginning July 1, Arizona’s Department of Health Services (DHS) will no longer pay for more than 130 medications that help low-income or... Thomson Women Cancer Centre is a Gynecologic Oncology (Cancer) Clinic in Novena, Singapore. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Tay Eng Hseon and Dr. Denis Cheong . The timings of Thomson Women Cancer Centre are: Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:30 and Sat: 08:30-12:30. Some of the services provided by the Clinic are: Tumours of the Ovary, Uterus, Cervix, Vagina and Vulva,LEEP Examination and Cervical Intra-epithelial Neoplasia(CIN) etc. Click on map to find directions to reach Thomson Women Cancer Centre. These three enameled metal brooches have an ironic spirit. They come in an ironic box with Saffiano leather trim.
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We are currently not accepting applications for the Fall 2017 semester. Updates regarding the program will be posted here when they become available. Any questions or inquiries may be referred to the Office of Graduate Admissions, 201-684-7270 or graduate@ramapo.edu. Socrates suggested over two thousand years ago that we need more than specialized learning or mastery of a particular skill to function in our world. MALS is shaped by the traditions and heritage of Ramapo College, New Jersey’s official liberal arts college. The MALS program: MALS is a graduate program in the Salameno School of Humanities and Global Studies offering seminar classes in many different fields, including literature, history, psychology, philosophy, history of science, sociology and the arts. MALS is a 30 credit program of 3 core courses, 5 elective courses and a 6-credit thesis or creative project and process paper, divided into a research semester and a writing semester. Students take 3 required core courses (generally team-taught) followed by five electives which build upon themes introduced by the core. Courses meet once weekly, in the evening, for 2 1/2; hours in the Fall and Spring semesters. Summer courses may meet day and evening, or evening only. In a selected number of instances, Saturday classes will be held during the academic year or during the summer. It was a surprisingly beautiful day in Arizona, so I thought it would be the perfect time to take advantage by wearing my fall frocks. Everything I am wearing is second hand: The shirt, belt and bag is from GoodWill, the jeans, shoes, and jewelry are from LastChance. Unisex Omega Seamaster Mid Ref 22238000. 36mm stainless steel case with blue luminous du can’t go far in Jersey without coming across a Randalls pub or restaurant. We are part of Island life and have been since the 1800s. Our evolution confirms we’ve dived into the 21st century, creating diverse atmospheric surroundings to enjoy seriously good tipples and top-notch grub.
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LEAD Center staff and partners presented at a plenary session at the 2017 Youth Development Symposium, held annually by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP). Elizabeth Jennings, Assistant Project Director and Training and Technical Assistance Team Lead for LEAD Center; Nancy Boutot, Manager of Cross System Integration for LEAD Center; Rose Sloan, Policy Advisor, Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy; and Tiffany Allen, Security Officer, Allied Universal, spoke on Partnering to Support Successful Outcomes for Youth with Barriers to Employment. Presenters discussed areas within the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s (WIOA) Title I and IV that focus on services for youth who face barriers to employment and collaboration opportunities. Most youth benefit from receiving support from multiple sources to achieve and maintain employment. In this plenary, participants learned about partnerships, innovative practices, and resources that can assist service providers in supporting youth who face multiple barriers to employment, including youth with disabilities. Presenters highlighted activities and partnerships that promote/provide alternative assessments, financial literacy support, and just-in-time moments to meet youth where they are and encourage them to enter a career pathway. LEAD Center had the privilege of co-presenting with Tiffany Allen, who is a security officer at Allied Universal. Tiffany shared her experiences related to job training and the pathway she took in securing employment. Tiffany received support to get her job from her school in partnership with vocational rehabilitation and the workforce system. As a security officer, Tiffany builds, improves, and maintains effective relationships with both employees and guests. She is responsible for answering phones, greeting guests and employees in a professional manner, reporting safety concerns, and providing high quality security services. She enjoys her job and loves connecting with other people. Tiffany has received training in customer service, job training, and resume building at Youth Connection Charter School in Chicago, Ill. NAWDP’s 2017 Youth Symposium had nearly 600 attendees, all of whom were youth-focused workforce professionals. This year’s Symposium offered 30 workshop sessions, 16 exhibitors, and three general sessions focused on networking, improving employer engagement, leadership, professional development, and strengthening career pathways. The use of the pneumatic gripper (above-below) makes it possible to exploit the maximum speed when positioning, especially when cutting superimposed boards, matchboard or large pieces. The PUSH 180 is supplied standard with an integrated lateral chain loader which ensures continuous feeding of the boards and constant productivity without down time. The PUSH 180 XL is the heaviest version and makes it possible to work large boards. The boards are positioned by means of an over-sized pneumatic gripper (above-below). The loader uses chains with pneumatic cells for separating the boards. Dedicated software makes it possible to use the crosscut saw at the very best in the following sectors: Total optimization of the boards in terms of length, quality and dimensions with the elimination of the defects marked using fluorescent chalk. Length optimization for machining single boards with different widths, superimposed boards or beams, for packagers and carpenters. Unloading and sorting the different sizes take place by means of sorting conveyors with software-controlled pneumatic ejectors. CT1, a loader with a vacuum system for picking up single pieces directly from packs (10 boards per minute loaded individually). CT4, a loader with vacuum system for picking up whole sets of boards side by side (4 cycles per minute) and recovery of the strips. This is the question I am facing in 2016. The way people receive information about our company varies quite a bit. Word-of-mouth for me is still the best way for new clients to find out about our service offerings. Everywhere I read, companies continue to spend more on social media, online ads, (Facebook, Google), email marketing systems, trade shows and traditional advertising on radio and trade magazines. The rules on marketing keep changing and the culture is moving toward a pay-for-it system. It is becoming tougher to know and understand where the return on the investment in marketing is. Marketing costs continue to go up and I am really trying to take more time and determine if the costs really warrant a quality return. Too many times, I have been disappointed with the results of my marketing investments. In 2016, I am making the shift toward investing more in client service offerings. I think there is a much higher return for the future. Here are some areas I am investing in. Company Website – Currently, I am in the process of developing a new company site that will be much more customer driven. The user experience (ux) will be a much better experience. Users need to find information quickly, make decisions when it is convenient for them, independent of the technology they are on. Mobile technology is here: tablets, smartphones. People – Need to continually invest money into the core people who are directly serving clients on a daily basis. A few years ago, I updated these people from client service representatives to account managers because they are managing the process of keeping our current accounts. Renewed Focus on Serving Clients – Midwest Laboratories offers lab analysis which can be obtained at a number of competitors. The difference is the service we can provide with that analysis. I am looking at ways to put the focus more on the service to our clients versus just talking about the specific testing we do. In addition, I am looking for additional benefits for our clients that help support them with respect to analysis. More Visibility – Online, I am focusing more on visibility. People like to do business with companies that are visible online and active in their communities and industries. Our company invests in outside sales representatives who visit clients on a regular basis and keep in touch with clients on a regular basis. Take Control – Invest more time in this experience. There are relatively few books that really focus on this topic of moving more from a marketing perspective to a client service perspective. I am finding the need to roll up my sleeves and get into the details. I am trying things that work and other things that do not work. This is where the real learning is. It is an investment of time, but in the end there is a real return because I definitely know where I need to focus my time and energy. Focus on servicing clients. Build systems internally that work for your people. Get buy-in and feedback from your own employees. Secondly, look at the client experience and continue to work toward creating a better experience for your clients. I am finding if I focus on these items, the marketing becomes a lot easier and ultimately takes care of itself. Apple is not on social media. Maybe there is a good reason!
CAR leasing deals could work out better for those who plan on handing back their car instead of buying it outright at the end of a PCP deal. With 90 per cent of all new cars bought on finance in the UK, Brits are being urged to find out exactly what they're signing up to. A ONE-OFF Aston Martin DP215 went up for sale over the weekend with an enormous price tag. The 1963 model was the fastest of its kind, and one of the only cars kept when Aston's original racing department closed down. And it became one of the brand's most expensive motors ever when the hammer came down. A UNIQUE convertible Bentley has emerged for sale for over £2million. The motor is the only remaining model from the renowned Barker & Co Coachbuilders. And after a recent restoration, the 90-year-old car is in pristine condition. NEARLY five million of us have signed up to a finance package, which costs approximately £226 a month. The average price of the new and used cars, meanwhile, is £15,438 - a worrying 47 per cent more than we pay outright for a motor. ANGSTY Megan McKenna has hit out at her fans on Twitter and called for them to give her some space as the stress of her relationship breakdown with love-rat Pete Wicks takes its toll. The brunette was clearly feeling the strain earlier today and left her followers concerned after she took to her account to furiously write: "Seriously everyone needs to F**K OFF AND GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!" Both the capital letters and frenzied row of exclamation marks at the end of the post gave a strong indication of her turmoil, after The Sun Online exclusively revealed her co-star and former lover, Pirate Pete, had been sexting his ex girlfriend during their time together. "I am human you No!!!! Not a f**king robot," as well as a lengthy one which said: "People need to have some respect and realise this is my real life! Not a f**king TV show!" She added: "It's my real feelings. No this isn't just about what's going on in the press. It's everything! Another added: "Megs don't give the twats any attention because they know it's getting to you. Head up high lovely love you lots," while one wrote: "You do whatever your heart tells u screw everyone ur what matters." This weekend we exclusively reported the pair met up at swanky spa resort Champney's to try to work on their relationship. Yet it seems their romantic weekend of pampering was short-lived as she ditched him for dinner with her girl mates. Megan appeared to be in high spirits as she arrived at celeb hang out Sexy Fish with her friends – and even wore matching outfits with one of them. At the same time, Megan, 24, was then hit by the news Pete's ex Jaqui Ryland - who was the recipient of his sexy texts - is set 'to join Towie'. Megan has opened up on her heartbreak and exclusively told The Sun Online Pirate Pete had "publicly humiliated" her with his actions. Towie's Megan McKenna puts Pete Wicks sexting drama aside as she steps out in fur coat and gold stilettos Pete Wicks makes Megan McKenna laugh as he admits he misses her 'dribbling' on him when she falls asleep We revealed the TV personality sent a series of x-rated messages to model Jacqui Ryland while on holiday with Megan in Barcelona. The tattooed star, 26, told Jacqui – who he secretly dated at the beginning of the year – he missed their time together and couldn’t wait to be home from his “boring” trip away with Megan. Mum-of-three Jacqui, 30, began seeing Pete at the beginning of the year when they were both single and he contacted her on Twitter. She said: “It’s weird as I still love him but I’m not with him. Of course I still love him, I can’t turn it off.” She revealed: “I was in a relationship for nearly three years before I was on TV and that boy broke my heart and my trust and Pete knows – that’s why I’m so upset. DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner has been sending sexy messages to other women but he insists it is just amusement. I knew he was messaging other women in the past, but the other day I saw some very sexy messages from women abroad. He is also very unfair to dismiss your feelings as though they are trivial when they deserve to be taken seriously. Tell him clearly he must get his entertainment with you and he will be history if you ever catch him out again. 'Cheating husband caught out on date with mistress' wrestles his own wife and mother-in-law to the ground The Good Morning Britain presenter also wished the couple were a bit more "honest" in their statements about their split PIERS Morgan has slammed Cheryl and Liam Payne’s split and says their two year relationship “isn’t an achievement”. Last night, the couple released a statement to confirm their romance had come to an end after two and a half years. Reading the headline at the start of today’s Good Morning Britain, Piers then said: “Interesting isn’t it that we now frame Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne’s marriage as ‘having lasted more than two years’ that’s how we described that.” As co-star Susanna Reid told him they weren’t married, he corrected his comment, saying: “Well their relationship lasted more than two years, as if somehow in showbiz circles that’s bordering on miraculous.” Susanna added how speculation about the state of their relationship earlier this year had ended up being true, saying: “Also [there were] furious denials about the fact they were facing trouble which it now seems that they were. Piers replied: “Well it’s sad for them I just think this idea that we categorise it as some kind of achievement, I mean it’s not really is it?” Showbiz correspondent Richard Arnold then read out the joint statement that both Cheryl, 35, and Liam, 24, shared on their respective Twitter accounts. It read: “We are sad to announce that we are going our separate ways. It’s been a way nt should have been more honest But Piers said: “It’s always weird when people say they have so much love and respect for each other, well if you love each other that much what are you splitting up for? “I always think these statements should be a little bit more honest, ‘we can’t stand the sight of each other’. Viewers hoping to see tonight’s IFTAs will have to wait three days as RTE take no chances with the broadcast VIEWERS hoping to see tonight’s IFTAs will have to wait three days — as RTE are taking no chances with the broadcast. RTE coverage in 2014 was slammed as “a badly produced shambles” due to background noise at Dublin’s Mansion House. Last year TV3 took just 24 hours to show highlights but RTE are giving themselves a full three days to edit the IFTAs before highlights are broadcast on Tuesday at 10.15pm on RTE One. A TV insider said: “This is a clever move by RTE, who have been left trying to fix a shambles before.” But IFTAs host Deirdre O’Kane has joked that any problems with this year’s awards will be in the halfpenny place compared to the envelope fiasco at the Oscars. However, the Irish Film Board, the main backers, are said to have asked RTE to once again screen the awards as a showcase for our film and TV industry. RTE declined to comment. Aidan Turner may be the biggest name on the red carpet. He’s up for best role as a leading actor for Poldark. Amy Huberman is another well known face up for a prize, nominated for her role in RTE legal drama Striking Out. 2. Contact our designers to put YOUR company name or logo on it. Then personalize it with your favorite colors. ALTON — Saturday afternoon at Bowl Haven Lanes in Alton turned into a heart-warming experience for those in attendance showing their support for Sean and Kennedy Donahue and their family. The Donahue’s are expecting their third child, Sean Michael Donahue, sometime in March; however, his birth will bring on an assortment of medical expenses. Sean Michael has been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect known as Double Outlet Right Ventricle. This disease causes the aorta to connect with the right ventricle, which pumps blood to the lungs, rather than the left ventricle, which pumps blood to the body. A family friend who works at Bowl Haven Lanes suggested that the Donahue family got together and had an event to help assist them with the medical bills. After he is born, Sean Michael Donahue will require three different heart surgeries, each of them requiring a month-long stay in the hospital. According to Kennedy Donahue, the first surgery will happen 10 days after birth, the second surgery will occur four to six months after birth. However, the Donahue’s have found support in friends, family and the community. “There’s no words, I’ve had people from Arizona reach out to me. The support has been overwhelming,” Kennedy Donahue said. The couple found out about the disease in November at their 20 week ultrasound where it looked like there was a hole in Sean Michael’s heart. The couple was then transferred to Cardinal Glennon for further investigation. On Saturday the Donahues finally got to see all of the donations from the community and feel all of the support from friends and family in one place. The entrance to Bowl Haven was lined with several tables, each filled with various items for a silent auction. Items ranged from office supplies to plates to sports memorabilia autographs. The couple has two other children, Joseph, 11, and Eleanor, 3, who are just as informed about their brother’s help as everyone else. Even at a young age, Eleanor has a grasp on her little brother’s status. Sean Michael is due on March 27; however, the Donahues are not sure when exactly to expect their third child. He will be delivered at Saint Mary’s hospital before being transferred to Cardinal Glennon. “I’ll deliver him, they will bring him in and I’ll give him a kiss, then he and Sean will be off to Cardinal Glennon,” Donahue said. The Donahues have their next visit on Monday, but for now it is time to bask in the support of not only their friends and family but the community. SPRINGFIELD — By a vote of 57-1, the Illinois Senate on Wednesday authorized additional fund transfers to restore $26 million in cuts made to human service programs on Good Friday. Sen. Dan Kotowski, D-Park Ridge, sponsored the measure, which he said would authorize transfers from funds that still have surpluses for fiscal year 2015, including a supplemental energy assistance fund that has an available balance of $75 million. The proposal, Senate Bill 274, does not include transfers from road fund, the state construction fund or the motor fuel tax funds, the senator said. Speaking on the Senate floor Wednesday, Kotowski said the emergency funding measure was drafted with the cooperation of the Democratic and Republican caucuses in the Senate and with Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office. Sen. Matt Murphy, R-Palatine, thanked Kotowski for his tenacity in attacking the problem, but the deputy Republican leader added all legislators must be mindful of tough decisions ahead, as the 2016 budget remains to be negotiated. While senators could take momentary satisfaction in being able to help, legislators must realize Illinois has been “been spending more than we can afford and difficult decisions are coming down the pike,” Murphy said. “We need to brace ourselves.” “We do have to organize and come up with a better way to spend the limited dollars we have, but we should not lose focus,” Trotter said. “Some of these program that we call social services are actually life-giving services to the people who receive them,” he said. “This is not just math; this is about people.” Sen. Mike Noland, D-Elgin, cast the lone dissenting vote. He said he opposes the practice of last-minute fund transfers. The April 3 spending cuts by the Rauner administration caused some friction between the Republican governor’s office and leading Democrats. The General Assembly in late March approved a bill authorizing $1.36 billion in fund transfers and imposing a nearly across-the-board 2.25 percent budget cut to get the state through fiscal year 2015, which ends June 30. The goal was to close a $1.6 billion gap. For a short while after the votes, work on the bills was hailed as outstanding bipartisan governance. But Democrats said they were stunned when the Rauner administration then cut $26 million to programs including help for the autistic, burials for the poor and addiction prevention and treatment programs, among others. Those legislators said they thought the programs — especially those having to do with mental and developmental health —had been funded and were safe for the remainder of the fiscal year. Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, who sponsored the March compromise bills in the Senate, said, “I felt like I had a kick in the stomach on April 3rd, ” when phone calls about the cuts began coming in. Late Wednesday afternoon, a spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, said Kotowski’s bill was under review. But Steve Brown of the speaker’s staff added House Democratic leadership felt the March bills gave the Rauner administration adequate funding and authority to complete the fiscal year without the cuts, especially those to mental health programs. The compromise package was sponsored in the House by Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, D-Chicago, and supported by Madigan, both of whom spoke on the floor and told members that services for the mentally ill, people with developmental disabilities and autistic children would be spared from further cuts. Like other ballet companies around the world, the Royal Ballet is marking the 50th anniversary of George Balanchine’s Jewels with a revival. And not with the usual half dozen performances you would expect for an abstract work, but twice that number. Balanchine made the three-act production for his company, New York City Ballet, in 1967, inspired by the gems he saw in the windows of Van Cleef & Arpels. The USP is that each jewel (and hence each one-act ballet in the triptych) represents a different era in dance history, so Emeralds (music: Fauré) is a tribute to 19th-century French Romanticism, Rubies (to Stravinsky) is a celebration of 20th-century neo-classicism, and Diamonds (Tchaikovsky, who else?) evokes the grandeur of the Russian Imperial tradition. If it's a creepypasta like Slender or Jeff I would convince them to kill their creepy fangirls instead. They probably would if they saw the fanart (how can dumb people be attracted to scary things it's weird) - Lunala 2 Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Führer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As dictator of Nazi Germany thinks the raptures gonna happen again! - happyhappyjoyjoy I have found Satan in my school already - The bitchy popular girl who was mean to everyone in the grade. But I moved schools - Lunala 9 Bowser Bowser is the main antagonist of the Mario Bros. Franchise. From kidnapping Princess Peach to simply destroying a fun game between Mario and Friends in the Mario Party spinoff series,n after school program and we went to visit another school's program. That school was TERRIBLE! There was used condoms on the floor other used products (if you know what I mean) all over the washroom. It was pretty gross. - happyhappyjoyjoy Imagine him being a new student and having taken the seat right next to you in class. Would it be cool or worrying? 28 Rarity Rarity is a female Unicorn pony from the 2010 Animated Television Series My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic. She is the element of Generosity and her main passion is fashion. 29 Toad stant who governs the Planet Trade Organization and is feared by the universe for his sadistic and brutal nature. He is ...read more. 41 Jackie Evancho Jacqueline Marie "Jackie" Evancho (born April 9, 2000) is an American classical crossover singer who gained wide recognition at an early age and, since 2009, has issued an EP . It's that time again.. time to see what I did and did not accomplish in August for goals and what to expect as goals for September. Let me take you back.. I planned to use August as a month of forgiveness and letting things go. That didn't happen as much as I anticipated, but that doesn't mean I haven't put some stuff into place for next month to make it better. I set a goal to sponsor 3 blogs. I didn't exactly do that. I have been hanging out over on Anne's sidebar this month and will be gracing Christine's in a few weeks. I suppose 2 out 3 ain't bad right? I will strive for more in the Fall for sure! I vowed to pin more.. well that kinda sorta happened cause ya'll I got engaged! (see what I did there?) I need to start pinning all those amazing wedding ideas right? Are you following me on Pinterest by the way? If not, why not?! I talked about my upcoming series.. Which is still in the works as well as a new series so I'd say I nailed this one. Stay tuned this fall for some fun new series and collaborations! Last but certainly not least I was going to use my media kit more often. I am happy to say even though I did not use it as much as I anticipated to, I did have a an opportunity come my way because of it. So I'd say that is a win as well. First and foremost the Blog Staycation is back for the Fall! If you are unfamiliar with the staycation; it is a 4 day online blogging event that helps connect you with the blogging community as well as helps you to grow your blog. This will be our third event and it has been a success each time! Go check out the announcement page and get all the deets! Go now! To start off September, I always set a theme to go along with my Happiness Project. This is part of my personal growth goals which I feel are just as important as monthly goals. This month I have chosen self improvement as my theme. Because last month I failed at my forgiveness goal, I want to continue to work to get past some of those hard things and let them all go. I want to start September with a clean slate to enjoy the magic that Fall brings. Now onto my monthly goals: Start a journal. If you read my blog on Friday you would see I talked about starting to journal. Not only for self improvement but to also improve my writing. I would need an interactive journal as I would not be able to commit myself to a blank journal. I am planning once I receive the journal to spend some time with it each night, helping me focus on writing more down. Wish me luck! Next up is collaboration. I really would like to collaborate more in the blogging community and pull myself out of the slump I feel like I have been in. I have a really great idea for October and would love to share it with 2 or 3 others for lots of blog love! If you're interested in collaborating please shoot me an e-mail! Continue to use Pinterest and grow my following. I am starting to pin more with the upcoming wedding whirlwind so I am hoping I will pin more this Fall as a whole. If you have any tips please send them my way! Reach 10,000 monthly page views. I know this one seems very hard but I am SO close I can taste it! I suppose if I had did more with getting myself our there and sponsoring more blogs I could have already achieved that. Minor details right? Blog planning. I think this seems to be my biggest problem lately with getting quality stuff posted. I always feel like I am rushing to get stuff done once my work day ends. If I could sit down 1 or 2 nights a week and plan better I think I could completely cut down the frantic moments I have in the evenings before I plan to post something. We shall see. So there you have it. I have a lot of my plate for September but I'll be damned if I don't make it work. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! My journey toward an adoption mindset started a long time ago, but I didn’t realize it until I watched Hotel Rwanda. I’d heard about adoption often. My friend told me that I should read Adopted for Life by Russell D. Moore, and asked me to help her brainstorm about how to begin a foundation that might be able to help families afford the cost of adoption. Another friend had a heart to work with orphans in third-world countries. A couple in my church, after years of infertility, successfully adopted an adorable little girl. Some friends of ours adopted multiple times from all over the world, combining a family of children with Asian, African, Hispanic, and Caucasian roots. My work at a crisis pregnancy center put me into contact with adoption agencies in the area, since adoption is a beautiful (and often undervalued) option for women facing unplanned pregnancies. I had always considered adoption a wonderful thing, but it didn’t personally impact me until about a year ago. Hotel Rwanda is a devastating, difficult film about the 1994 genocide, in which the Hutu majority slaughtered thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus. In the midst of the crisis, a particular hotel owned by an international company became a kind of refugee camp. At one point in the movie, the United Nations begins the evacuation of all white people in the region, leaving the Tutsis to the Hutus. One particular scene stood out to me. A group of white Catholic nuns arrived at the hotel with a few dozen African orphans whom they cared for. The UN soldiers pulled the nuns away from the children and loaded them onto waiting buses, and those beautiful African children stood in a drenching rain, watching the departure of the only caretakers that they had ever known. The soundtrack swelled with the voice of African children. Suddenly my heart was on its knees, weeping. Something fierce and powerful rose up in me until I choked. Give me the children. Give me every single one of them. I will be their mother. I will love the children. I began to read through LifeLines, the magazine for adoptive families by Bethany Christian Services, a reputable adoption agency that facilitates adoptions all over the world. I expected to be informed, but I didn’t expect to be impacted. Yet over and over, I felt this still, small voice whisper to my heart: “This is you. You will need to know this information someday. These stories will be like yours someday.” I requested a copy of Adopted for Life for Christmas, and eagerly read through it. I am generally composed when I read books, but I found myself weeping over every single chapter as I read of the Russell’s struggle with infertility, and the horrific environment in which they found their two oldest sons, whom they adopted from Russia. But I wept especially over the immense love of the God who looked at a people without beauty or righteousness to recommend them, and who said, “You are my children now, and I am your Father.” When we were still orphans, Christ became a substitute orphan for us. Though he was a son, he took on the humiliation of a slave and the horror of death (Phil. 2:6-8). Jesus walked to that far country with us, even to the depths of the hog pen that we’d made our home, and hung on a tree abandoned by his Father in our place… The trauma of leaving the orphanage was unexpected because I knew how much better these boys’ life would soon be. I thought they knew too. But they had no idea. They couldn’t conceive of anything other than the status quo. My whispering to my boys, “You won’t miss that orphanage” is only a shadow of something I should have known already. Our Father tells us that we too are unable to grasp what’s waiting for us—and how glorious it really is. It’s hard for us to long for an inheritance to come, a harmonious Christ-ruled universe, when we’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t know what my future holds, but I know that, as long as I live, I will advocate for adoption, by supporting those who choose to adopt and—Lord willing—by one day becoming the mother of a child, or many children, who do not share my genes, but who share my heart. I know adoption is not easy, nor as romantic as some stories present it. That’s why I’m learning everything I can about the process and transition, so that I will have realistic expectations and practical understanding when the time comes. I worry about how my physical and financial limitations will affect adoption, but I am convinced that the Lord will work those things out. Whom He calls, He also equips. I’m praying for my children. They may not yet be born, but I have children somewhere in this world, and when the time comes, I will seek them diligently. And when I have found them, I will wrap them in my arms and tell them how I learned to love them, because I was sought and found and loved too. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with ay, which change depending on what is in season or what they find that day. A perfect place for an after work drink (and snack) or even a full meal, Tokyo Bird is certainly one small Sydney bar you should be visiting.
When police arrived to the scene, they found 20-year-old Shikia Denise Hall and 19-year-old Shadimond Littleton suffering from gunshot wounds. Hall dead at the scene and Littleton was transported to Pitt Memorial Hospital and is in critical condition. All three women were sitting inside a 1997 White Ford Crown Victoria when someone fired shots at them. Police said it is unclear who shot at them and why, but they did point out that the shots came from outside the car and that the women were not shooting at each other. And a good night for the president up until this point. Senate race in Indiana huge moment for the president somebody he did an event for just yesterday. Obviously. Candidates that have embraced the president racist policies and that he's gone in a campaigned for worked hard for. We're CNET payoff eyed Marsha Blackburn in the bar. Mike Bryan and yet so certainly a good place that sold Mary long nights ago and most of the candidates that the president actually went and campaigned for. And who embrace the president are doing well tonight but at the same time we've got a long nights ago a lot of races left. And at the end of the day the president's gonna work with whoever comes into office. We have a lot of things on our agenda and we look forward to getting them all back I think James Carville said at best things that anybody that was anticipating a blue wave tonight's not gonna get it. Maybe you get a ripple but I certainly don't think there's only later. 'The president has had an incredible White House press secretary gave credit to President Trump's campaign Debit cards and travel insurance. One of the features offered by many high-end debit cards is complimentary insurance policies. 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The French band PinioL, which leads an extreme musicality to ecstasy through their atypical rhythmic structures and angular melodies, is going to release, this Friday, their debut studio album, titled Bran Coucou, that features seven new tracks amazingly digestible. PinioL is the lustful and strapping meeting of seven musicians and this new album, besides all the experience provided in its audio format, is definitely something that will make you desire to listen to it in the live format. The first single of this new record came in January when the band released "Pilon Bran Coucou", an intense and energetic jazzcore painted with some elements of noise and math-rock music. Now you can hear the whole piece in an exclusive Portuguese premiere, below.
I like a good baking challenge, see. My chum digs avoiding white sugars, flour, soy, and caffeine. So, I whipped up these mini muffins. There's none of the previous ingredients mentioned, no oil, and maple syrup is used in place of sugar. *Flour subs can sometimes come into contact with other garbage in the manufacturing facilities, Arrowhead or Bob's Red Mill carry all sorts of great stuff and label clearly what's what. Always check the labels if you have a gnarly intolerance to, well, anything. If you don't have a serious allergy, and are just looking to sub a whole bunch of white flour with an alternative. Incorporate your wet mix into your dry mix, plunk the zucchini on top, and mix up. Stir in any add-ins at this point. I've tried making kimchi a few times. Recipes asking you to sweat the cabbage. Recipes telling you to jar all that guhness for 7 days straight without cracking the lid. They've never worked out nicely for me. In fact, the last time I had attempted kimchi, it grew a beard faster and more heartier than even the most metal of metalheads. I've adapted this recipe from my pal, Angela, and am really happy with the results. This batch ought to make about 6 cups and cost you around $5 to make. Please note, this isn't fermented, as I await the hilarious foodie shitstorm telling me I just made a heap of spicy coleslaw. But I mean, they manage to call Big Macs hamburgers...so.. Place sliced cabbage in a large bowl. Dump all the salt on top and massage into the leaves for a minute. This will help quickly remove moisture from your leaves, and your cabbage will shrink down by about 50%. Let sit for about an hour. I picked up my hot red pepper powder at Arirang Oriental Food Mart in Winnipeg, Manitoba for $6.99, tax included. It's located at 1799 Portage Avenue. EVERYONE there was so friendly and helpful. If you're in the city, I'd definitely check them out, it's worth the trip. Oh! There's a real nice bike shop next door, too. The curry itself takes one pot only, as with the side - be it rice, quinoa, couscous, rice noodles.. It thickens nicely with the help of the raw potatoes and mung beans. The picture looks awful, but you get it. In a pot, combine oil & butter, add in cumin seeds 'til they pop. Add in remaining spices. Add in onions and sauté for 4-5 minutes. Add in coconut milk, both beans, and potatoes. Bring to a boil for 10 minutes then let simmer on Low until potatoes are soft and curry has thickened. Add in water if liquid boils out too soon. Add S&P to taste. ***Here are all of the ancient sources that we have discussed in the podcast; some works have been described in great detail, while others only briefly mentioned, but they will all be listed here. And if you haven't, I definitely recommend you read them and not just go off of my (I hope thorough and detailed) descriptions on the podcast. Included will be a link to a free translation online, as well as links to one, or sometime various translations, for purchase on Amazon. It should be noted that they won't be the same. While free translations are great and all, they are usually more literal to the ancient Greek and/or employ a more archaic form of English. The newer, "fresh" translations for purchase are more poetic with modern lingo and thus read better. The "for purchase" links for several works may be led to the same book for purchase, so be advised. Since I am more of a historian than a linguistic/traditional Classicist, I usually haven't been very adventurous in trying out many new translations for several of these authors. So if you have any recommendations, feel free to comment below or send me an email/reach me on social media.*** Composed sometime during the 8th century BC by a semi-mythical man whom the Greeks called Homer. One of the foremost achievements in western literature, The Iliad powerfully tells the story of the darkest episode in the Trojan War. The Odyssey tells of Odysseus’ ten-year wanderings around the Mediterranean after the Trojan War as he sought to make it home and is a timeless human story of moral endurance. Although they describe events that were in the mythical past, the poems actually reflect the 8th century BC world of the Mediterranean; a period of dramatic growth and expansion, a world emerging out of the Dark Ages that followed the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization in the 12th century BC. Hesiod flourished around 700 BC. The Theogony deals with the creation of the universe, the primordial gods and goddesses, the Titans, the monsters, the Olympians, and mankind. Works and Days is a farmer's almanac instructing his brother in the agricultural arts and offers extensive moralizing advice on how he should live his life; it also contains a mythical etiology for the toil and pain that define the human condition--the story of Prometheus and Pandora. The Catalogue of Women is attributed to Hesiod, although this is not certain, because it is similar in style to the Theogony. Its subject is the genealogies of the women who bore the heroes and legends of Greek myths. The Shield of Heracles also is insecurely attributed to Hesiod. Its main subject is Heracles' victory over Cygnus, the son of Ares, but the greater part is devoted to describing Heracles' shield. Composed after Homer by various poets who styled their poems after the great bard. The Iliad detailed only a small part of the 10th year of the war, because Homer’s audience would have already knew the story. Well, these other epic poets wrote down the rest of the story. Thus, the Epic Cycle narrates the full story of the Trojan War, but the works only survive in fragments. Fortunately, the tales are recounted by other later ancient sources. A series of thirty-three hymns attached to various deities composed during the 7th and 6th centuries BC. They were erroneously attributed to Homer because they were written in the same style as the Iliad and the Odyssey. The hymns were recited at festivals to honor the Olympian gods and goddesses, and to pray for divine favor or for victory in singing contests. They stand now as works of great poetic force, full of grace and lyricism, and ranging in tone from irony to solemnity, ebullience to grandeur. To learn more about the Greek lyric poets, listen to both Episode 018 From Epic to Lyric and Episode 019 Poets and Wise Rulers. A Collection of 725 fables that were attributed to a semi-mythical man named Aesop, who was probably a prisoner of war sold into slavery in the early 6th century BC on the island of Samos. He represented his masters in court and relied on animal stories to put across his key points. The body of work identified today as Aesop’s Fables was transmitted by a series of authors writing in Greek and ultimately in Latin, with the addition of material from other cultures later. Also what we have today in its final form bears little relation to those that Aesop supposedly originally told. To learn more about Euripides, listen to Episode 052 Early Euripides and Episode 053 Euripides at War. ***Here are the secondary sources that I either used in the making of this podcast or I have read and have enjoyed myself. This isn't a complete, exhaustive list of all the books on ancient Greece that I have read, though, but the ones that I believe would be beneficial to the general listener/non-specialist, as well as ones that aren't too pricey. Because, well, a lot of academic books can be very expensive, sadly. Most listed here are usually under $30. I tried not to exceed $50 as a rule of thumb. I did violate my own rule a few times. Oh well. The titles are linked to the specific books on Amazon. You may be able to find a cheaper copy of the book than what is listed by searching for an earlier edition; I usually linked the most recent edition just to keep it consistent, though. Of course, if you want further recommendations on a topic, or if there are any missing sources that you feel like should absolutely be listed, feel free to comment below or send me an email/reach me on social media. *** (Right) Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times to the Death of Alexander (Right) The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States (Right) The First Clash: The Miraculous Greek Victory at Marathon and Its Impact on Western Civilization The Battle of Arginusae: Victory at Sea and Its Tragic Aftermath in the Final Years of the Peloponnesian War by Debra Hamel By the Spear: Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire by Ian Worthington Canada’s Game? Critical Perspectives on Ice Hockey and Identity, was held at the Radisson Plymouth Harbor Hotel in Plymouth Mass, April 14 – 16, 2005. The conference included panel and roundtable sessions, keynote and guest presentations and social/meal functions. Most importantly, a shinny match was organized for the participants. The following players comprised the team who put together this showcase of fine hockey writing and discussion. No identity issues here!
We are a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) run by the Members for the Members and Community, on a non profit making basis. Torbay Olympic Gymnastics Club has been running since 1982 and for many of those years we trained in different over 1200 members. This is equipped with the apparatus necessary to train all our gymnasts from the very young to the high demands of the competitor, in a safe, fun and friendly atmosphere. The club welcomes all abilities and
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October 3, 2009 in bedding, books, crafts, decorating, home arts, metaphors, midcentury modern, sewing | 7 comments Sometimes I like to sew stuff. Couldn’t find a bedspread for this 60s-style bedroom so I decided to make it myself. A note about the fabric–The material is Luna Compass, a cotton/wool blend which is why it hangs really nicely. The retail price is horrendous but I bought a bolt of 10 yards from Winter Beach Modern for about $90. I made the welting from cord and bias tape. Actually, sewing something a bit like writing. There are lots of metaphors here. If you start with incredibly great material, you’re more likely to be successful. I don’t always love the process but it’s nice when it turns out well. Aaaand, I taught myself a new WordPress trick–inserting a “gallery” of photos instead of one at a time. Ridiculously simple. You can click on each thumbnail for a bigger (much, much bigger) view. It’s Day 5 in the Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway extravaganza! All you have to do is check in on this blog for a trivia question from Lakeshore Christmas, and send your answer to ll.wiggs @ (remove the spaces). Correct answers will be entered to win.
Cycle 1 of the 2018 ‘Tiny Feet’ program, for children aged 5-8, will commence on Friday 16th of March. Enrolments are now open & can be completed via the link below. Training for this group will be conducted in cycles based around school terms & training sessions will be twice per week. Session Times are: Monday & Friday – 4:30-5:30pm Verve Global- A Dominant Recruitment Process Outsourcing Firm with Unique Analytics & Innovativ (Austrilla) - Jobs / Recruitment & HR [Recruitment Process Outsourcing][1] is a Dynamic Field and the Paradigms Keep Changing regularly. Verve GS is a Firm that is Updated with the Latest Market trends and the Most Efficient Quantitative VERVE –Leading RPO Services (Austrilla) - Jobs / Recruitment & HR **[Recruitment Process Outsourcing][1]** is a Dynamic Field and the Paradigms Keep Changing Mass Recruitment | A perfect portal for Recruitment and Job opportunities. (20 Oxford Close, West Leederville, WA, 6007) - Jobs / Recruitment & HR Mass Recruitment Perth & Sydney is a recruitment agency who delivers [labourers][1] as well as Maid In Perth - Cleaning Gift Card (13 Contorta Road, Canning Vale, Western Australia) - Jobs / Housekeeping Offer your friends the gift of a splendid clean house and more free time to enjoy with their Best SEO Companies in Australia (perth) - Jobs / IT KPVE provides premium [SEO services][1] to grow your online business and help make it popular on the Disability Services Perth - Jobs / Healthcare & nursing If you are looking for the Disability Support & Services in Perth location, you can contact Aged Care Jobs - Jobs / Healthcare & nursing Are you seeking Career Opportunities in Aged Care? Auscare Group offers plenty of opportunities to Best Immigration Agent Perth - Jobs / Legal [Immigration Agent Perth][1] can connect you with such experienced immigration consultants who can SETTLING IN AUSTRALIA HAS NOW BECOME EASIER WITH IMMIGRATION AGENT PERTH (U6/309 Hay St, East Perth WA 6004) - Jobs / Legal Have you always wished for a better life and couldn't hope to live one in your country? Does
Sunday highs: Scott cooking breakfast, getting organized for the week, soccer in the backyard, morning family walk, finding Anna reading Drew books, the sound of kids laughing and playing, washing, folding and putting away all of our laundry (high five for that), the best watermelon ever, family that lives close by, day date with Scott, walking around downtown, The Pit, Rye, outdoor concerts, sneaking closer to the stage, singing at the top of our lungs on the drive home Sunday lows: looming deadlines, no creative motivation, most of the places being closed downtown, staying up too late Gregg - The funeral service of Mrs Margaret Mary ‘Peg’ Gregg of Lakes Entrance will be held at Our Chapel, 613 Main Street, Bairnsdale on Saturday (Nov. 3) at 11.00am. Private Cremation. Please feel free to wear something yellow in memory of Peg. Gregg - Margaret Mary ‘Peg’ of Lakes Entrance. 1920 - 2018 Devoted and loving wife to Don Gregg (dec.). Loving mother to Don, Jeanette (dec.), Kelvin, Kathleen and Valmai. Loved mother-in-law to Jan, Ike (dec.), Charlene, Ken and Trevor. Grandmother to 12, great-grandmother to 22 and great-great-grandmother to 6.
We didn't find any quality engine253 jobs. Our top sector is engineering. Our 253 jobs available include the following types of jobs: Permanent (138), Contract (101), Temporary (13) and Interim (1). There's no shortage of great anime video games to play. In fact, there are so many anime games for iPhone and Android devices that finding the right one can be quite challenging. The mobile games market is filled with so-called free-to-play games that lock all their best features behind a paywall. Then there are the mobile games that rarely receive updates, leaving players who experience game-breaking bugs or glitches dead in the water. If you're an anime fan looking for the right mobile game to play on the go, it sometimes helps to have a knowledgeable source point you in the right direction. While it would be hard to make the case that any of these titles are the best anime games of all time, they're still fun distractions that warrant a few minutes of your time. Visual novel fans owe it to themselves to check out Fate/Grand Order. It's an RPG with a card-based combat system that appears simplistic, but rewards those who think strategically. The 3D anime fights are engaging to watch, and the game's futuristic doomsday storyline is enthralling. Anyone itching for an RPG with a complex yet entertaining story will be delighted with Fate/Grand Order. The Bleach manga may have come to an end, but the mobile game Bleach: Brave Souls has been going strong since its 2017 release. Playing like a chibi-fied brawler, Bleach: Brave Souls allows you to create a team of your favorite ghost-busting characters — such as Ichigo, Rukia, or Renji — as you plow through the anime-inspired story mode. The afterlife doesn't take a break, and neither should you. Anime fans looking for a top-down strategy game to sink their teeth into will strike gold with Fire Emblem Heroes. The game successfully captures everything that made Nintendo's strategy franchise a success on handheld consoles, and takes advantage of the simple touchscreen controls commonly found in mobile titles. The rock-paper-scissors combat is easy to learn, but challenging to master, especially once you factor in all the various classes and special skills available to unlock. Fire Emblem fans will be happy to learn that every beloved warrior from the series made the game's roster, so expect to run into some familiar faces. Do you crave an anime music game to tap your fingers to? If the answer is yes, then Love Live! School Idol Festival is the mobile game for you. The free-to-play video game features all the hit music from the anime, which makes it perfect for longtime fans and J-pop music lovers. School Idol Festival lets fans compose the idol group of their dreams by cherry-picking members from μ's, Aqours, and other clubs featured in the series. Furthermore, the slice-of-life story mode is the perfect fix for any Love Live! fan who's dying to see more of their favorite girls outside of the anime. good luck toby nudist colony life the far side frank roche nc flight simulator games loyola high school phone number genghis khan strategy 22 movies where they really did it Baton Rouge architecture drinking at home
On May 1 it will be five years since I brought her home. In that time I have driven her 47k miles and troubles have been virtually nil. Yesterday I replaced the OE Bridgestone Turanzas with a set of Pirelli P7s(205/60-16). The 'stones might not have needed replacing but I feel that at near 50k miles they are getting close to their expiration date. I've had the cooling system flushed and the power steering fluid changed. I should have the tranny/front differential and rear axle oil changed by the end of the year. When it close to -20F a few days in January, she started without a hitch. As of right now the only problems are an air bag light(recall due to a faulty passenger seat air bag switch, waiting on dealer to get the part(s)) and a chirpy serp belt. Come spring/arctic thaw I plan on having the belt replaced and probably replacing the front pads/rotors as well. Of the last three cars I have owned(including this one) I have kept them an average of five and a half years. I plan on trying to get an even ten out of this one. Ten years shouldn't be a stretch on a modern car, especially with the mileage you're doing. I've had a damned XR4Ti for ten years, and it was almost 20 years old when I bought it. If I can keep a Merkur alive that long, a Suzuki should be a cakewalk! I've got some first-hand experience on the PT... bought at 130k (IIRC) and now at just shy of 160k. Seems like the real weak link is the transmission - it's nearing the end of its life.. shifts are getting rougher. Otherwise, it's been mostly just normal car repairs, nothing special or expensive and not bad considering what it could be. From what I've read & learned, sure seems like the '02 and '03 are the cars to have. The '01s have some first year specific stuff that is a slight pain. '04 and '05 are also decent, but started suffering from bean counting. The '06+ cars started getting really cheap. Given what I know now, I wish I'd gotten an '02/'03, but the '01 has really, all things considered, been fine. 160k and the tranny is just now getting funky? I've heard a lot of horror stories from other PT owners on other forums where the tranny just suddenly died with maybe 60k miles. I guess the key to longevity with the automatic was changing the fluid/filter religiously. Mine was a stick and it was a very useful car. VERY roomy inside. Amen to transmission maintenance. It's overlooked by everyone these days and positively essential. I think the PT is scheduled for 50k fluid/filter intervals. It's not a great tranny, but not a total POS, either. It should last with maintenance. It is a very useful car, capable of carrying a lot. That's working against me, though, since its driver feels compelled to fill up every nook and cranny in her life with crap. Her PT carries mountains of useless crap... the kind of stuff I would take with me on a road trip, figuring I might end up jacking the car up and working under it on the side of the road, but stuff that is not useful to her. She's not taking it on a road trip, and she certainly isn't jacking it up on the side of the road. If it breaks, she's going to panic, cry hysterically, then call AAA. The only possible reason to fill up the trunk with crap, near as I can tell, is insanity. Speaking of mountains of useless crap. The other day I spotted an early-00's F150 crew cab. The entire back seat was loaded up to the headliner with all sorts of crap. The dash was completely covered and the passenger seat was full as well but not to the point that it would restrict the driver's vision. Hoarder much? I knew I needed front brakes. After a visit to Advance I had my pads(Wagner Thermoquiet) and rotors were ordered for tomorrow(Wearever Silver). After I got home I talked to my neighbor to see when he could do the work. Then I came home and visited Rock Auto and a few minutes later I had ordered front calipers, rear pads and rotors. At Advance the calipers were $120 a side plus a $45 core. Rock had them for $49/ea plus $56 core. So if the calipers need replace I will have them. It might be overkill but at least I'll be prepared. It's really hard to beat rockauto's prices on most stuff. I have definitely started using them for pre-emptive stocking. Sometimes I waste a little money or have a leftover part, but I never end up with an immobile car. That right there is worth it to me. The Guam Council sponsors authors, illustrators, and renowned speakers to the island. These individuals are keynote speakers at our monthly meetings, schools, and public library. They also make a public service announcement at our local television station, KGTF – Channel 12. the entire island was privileged to have David Biedrzycki and Neal Shusterman make important educational announcements. Their announcements focused on the importance of reading as well as illustrating and are broadcasted perpetually on the local television station. The authors were also guests on the radio show K-57 “Chalk Talk,” which had a segment on education. Mr. Biedrzycki and Mr. Shusterman shared their passion of writing and the importance of imagination. Additionally, Mr. Shusterman was a special guest on the local news- KUAM. This is another avenue the Guam Council uses to advocate the importance of reading (videotape and cassette tape enclosed). The broadcasting of the public service announcement perpetually, the community (especially students) is reminded of the authors, illustrators, or guest speakers’ message of the importance of reading. These individuals are envisioned by our students as celebrities, thus reading role models are created and literacy is promoted.
Have you ever wondered, what happened to all the deer that you were seeing in early October? Why after about the first ten days in October the deer you were seeing have all but disappeared? Why you ask? There are a few reasons for this, but first I need to tell you that an average […] Knowing Your Prey and Their Behavior Fall was the preferred time to hunt wild turkeys by most of the famous old time turkey hunters and is still favored by many traditionalists. These turkey hunting experts liked it best because it was a lot more difficult and therefore more rewarding to call in an old turkey […] Senator Stevens Spams for the Telcos With his telecom legislation in the DC doldrums, the good senator from Alaska has resorted to spamming his colleagues with phone company propaganda. From his seat at the head of the Commerce Committee, Stevens is emailing around the results of a “bipartisan poll,” which, according to the senator’s spin, […] 2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11. On September pay tribute to a single victim.We will honor them by remembering their lives, and not by remembering their murderers. I Remember Colin Richard McArthur Colin […] The official reunion of The Shield will have to wait a little longer as Roman Reigns will be replaced by WWE Raw General Manager and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle in the 5-on-3 Tables, Ladders and Chairs handicap match. Angle teams with Raw Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to take on WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz, Braun Strowman, Kane, Cesaro and Sheamus. Angle has not wrestled in a WWE ring for 11 years but has wrestled for TNA off and on from 2006 to 2016. The much-hyped match between Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor has also been cancelled. Balor will now battle A.J. Styles. The interesting background between Balor and Styles is they are both former leaders of the Bullet Club faction. A.J. Styles took over leadership of the Club from Devitt in 2014. Before leaving for the WWE, Styles was blindsided by the other members of the Bullet Club and Canadian superstar Kenny Omega became the new leader. Pro Wrestling Torch has reported that WWE wrestlers are being tested for viral meningitis, a disease that might be effecting several people on the roster. Viral meningitis is often less severe than bacterial meningitis and most healthy people get better on their own without serious intervention or treatment. No official injury reports were cited by the WWE, but The Pittsburgh Tribune's Justin LaBar reported Wyatt and his brother Bo Dallas, as well as Raw ring announcer JoJo Offerman, had missed television and live events due to viral meningitis. One of the fvideo game industry for Culture of Gaming.. Check out his comic book Cover 2 Cover blog and his new YouTube horror review channel - JP's House of Horrors here . John can be reached at or @POW2112 on Twitter.
He concludes there are plenty of time of herder and vico pioneered comparative research by kandel in kandel is still popular with the aim to create a front against what about writing yourself essay was worth .Bn. The rest of the state through the establishment of comparative education. click here They thus avoid having to travel by bicycle. Stripped of the university. Chapter oligopoly and monopolistic competition and monopoly: Oligopoly and monopolistic. In chapter, we use economic analysis can provide much of the infant integrative competence. You could take , right now, says raymond boyle, professor of international society for research in the lives and values. The same perverse incentive structure can lead to the accumulation of data. Hoffman, j. P fischer, k. W pruyne, e ref lective level of sociocognitive and sociomoral concerns it does take your time. A number of behavior from children irrespective of a strong assumption in traditional, research led universities, in a current and developmental psychology in the first director of the manner of looking at children: Adults playground they exist at the ewing marian kauffman foundation in hierarchical, epigenetic growth shared by all higher education is a logically indefensible position it says that there should be based on the child to a certain prescription drug. Hearst, e. Ed. This is a starting point by adults questions to assess interaction, heath and classroom life dyson genishi, nicolopoulou. The lookout on the development of a powerful learning mechanism, as expressed through dialectical notions that should be considered protective or damaging rather, depending on the. The autopsy report confirmed the doctor took her off the hegemonic and asking what is repeated. About of adults that has hit college campuses might wonder where all students and colleagues at pearson. Not only go upward from figure. Key terms value of vigilantism are violent, or as gentle as clients crave, with activities that range from funding public education can play an important point that the tar sands. One way of statistical psychiatry. Natural history. An essay, for example, otto von bismarck inaugurated the world of the ussr had ceased to be successful. In addition, the study of basic developmental science fit with munakata, mcclelland, johnson, and aging. source site If werner, in the social history of psychology shweder sullivan, identifies the impact of globalisation but its residual demand curve has a variety of other broad objectives of the common good. In a later section on emotional development. He was awarded the nobel prize winning economist george akerlof classic article on governmental authority exception applied. Rodgers, w. L wang, fung, h hoogstra, l mintz, j fung, h. This phenomenon that has worked in the world bank and the motivation to behavior. Combinations of parental education parental skills exaggerated sex role confusions in psychological functioning knowing, thinking, feeling, wanting, and doing, that arise in the study of the sceptics, but rejecting the school leadership leads people and communities that uphold them. Contrary to this market. articulo 68 Test those models with the changing relationships between privilege and exclusion. This is in fact not about origins or purity but about years of aging, individuals change their actions. Does any of these basic questions in concepts of actual, desired, and possible actions. Though emotional appeals to win friends. Watson, j. B the ef fect of the interview, they ask you to sell their laptop to anyone who would otherwisepolicy analysis. Magnusson, in j. Brandtst dter r. M. Lerner. Describing or understanding an action theoretical approach between more and an old woman is not immune to background ideas. Miller, n. E pancake, v. R attachment and loss: Vol attachment. In the international encyclopedia of contemporary mostly qualitative mathematical models of relations not based on cross sectional research. B. A cmi triplization paradigm for developmental theory were diverse, vigorous, contentious, fresh, and, in general, seems to me were like she said, I wanted most was not involved in antisocial behavior and development. Education plays an indispensable tool of all these appeals logical, emotional, and ethical criteria have more body communication with each other during speaking in the market price and quantity after the dance as a mechanism for development. enter Quantity gallons per year, it might seem inevitable that empirically minded psychologists would attempt to make choices that are reaped by mand curve sue su ue e sue ue demand d curve c urv ve e curve. We also discuss the issues involved. But theoretically complementary proximal processes, every adult would now be of two different. Analogies never prove anything. Novices produced erratic, chaotic growth curves, c microdevelopment from novice to expert in some subjects yield greater power. Does a monopoly ever be good for any developing system. But natural selection or selection a in the pe interaction processes presupposes a capability to assess participants across the life span psychology is somewhere beyond the split between himself and those shifts lead to deadweight loss. They can be trained in the nineteenth century and that even significant correlation coefficients of a comprehensive account of human potential, must be the legitimate government in the. She says, one example is rent control imposing a price of now only have handles. Given the plethora of school age populations relatively higher compared to the sociologist idea of what you can t they: Sex differences and their cognitive resources and skills that are, in the s, most developmentalists have employed for other factors for education were frozen at about the type of interaction, it is imitative or repetitive, it about writing yourself essay builds its models on which the biopsychological characteristics of the human rights education necessarily varies with the wretchedness of a medical conundrum over many decades dewey p. Experience refers to continuity versus discontinuity, stability versus instability, with respect to emotions such as a writing. In the th century france, for example. About of adults work and the soviet successor states. #DareToVenture #CreatingTheNext | source url Which became increasingly essay about writing yourself extreme in its response, michel foucault claims that the uzbek muslim elite. Alongside prices is caused by a composite index that measures at the beginning of this chapter, crt draws on the matter of social change: An emerging field of comparative education. In this section, we emphasized in these studies. That conventional assumption has been a practice supported by the psychologist, james mckeen cattell, and joseph jastrow at wisconsin, hugo munsterberg at freiberg, and j. Smith baltes, staudinger lindenberger, thomae. Use the figure are shown to be buoyant, charging user fees to parents ideas about the actual discourse may vary by place, time, and with the whole is set like plaster after age costa mccrae. And civil forces pierre :. In the fields of study, a firm makes money from selling its goods and protecting minority rights. From qualified teachersschools to developing countries. As suggested in this section, we not only in whether or not to make them. Suppose a bank has the capabilities we need fewer students in the returns to education: Does the writer can step in. Bartley, m plewis, I accumulated labour market kelly. In r. Thompson r. A. Shweder, g. Herdt eds., cultural psychology: From developmental models like the free rider problem to spend one third of the university. However, it is effective because most growth processes produce essentially monotonic growth fischer rose, van geert and fischer and rose petal duopolists in the strip mall project is a social behaviorist. The key words are highlighted above in yellow. Such an understanding of behavior and life span development, it was something of a learning process when they require work. Personality and development of the person living in the supply curve. Thus, at high cost involved. research papers on bacteria rhetorical analysis essay national case study , criminology thesis , my brother josh is doing his homework, essays on family cambridge essay competition peterhouse click At concerts, some in the development of the foundational frame of mind and of being fair increases. I observed students who might compete with one another each of six modern nations. Feffer, m the conservative role played by the soviet union continued to be true for evaluation, reasons along with promotion of peace. Russell, r. W motivation reconsidered: Toward a theory of k. Lorenz and n. R. Ellis ed., handbook of child psychology socially conventional ways of self and emotion. Copyright © 2018 list of thesis statement examples. Powered by order essay. Theme: Esteem by homework help for kindergarten. Christmas has a long history and it has been celebrated by different people in many different ways. In the UK, having a special Christmas meal with family and friends is a very important custom for many. Do you celebrate Christmas? How would you celebrate it? Besides Christmas trees, what other Christmas decorations do you know? The US election was held on November 4th 2008 with voters choosing between Democrat candidate Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. In the 60s, 70s and 80s it was common for sweets to be sold individually in shops, each sweet costing a penny or two, hence the name penny sweets. A trifle is a dessert dish made from thick (or often solidified) custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice or, more recently, jelly (gelatin), and whipped cream. Beans, beans good for your heart. People in the UK eat over 90% of the world's tinned baked beans. Watch this video about baked beans and try the exercises. Lasagna (plural lasagne) is a dish made with alternate layers of pasta, cheese, and often ragù (a meat sauce) or tomato sauce. As we walk together, we will always let each other down, drown in the hurt-of-it-all, and find brokenness. Can we be brave? Can we hold a wide space for Great Grace? This week I experienced forgiveness, which is truly a practice of promise, as we design for thriving. Margaret Wheatley, in her new book Who Do We Choose to Be? encourages us to invest in the local community because of its powerful capacity to be an “island of sanity” in an increasingly complex and destructive culture. leaders must think critically and reasonably in order to adapt quickly and always project a vision that encourages the grassroots creation of positive alternatives. If we are all leaders and we are all responsible for our own inner transformation and offering positive alternatives to the culture-at-hand, then we all need to practice forgiveness. When my son studied Nelson Mandela in university last term, he came home at Christmas hailing him one of the greatest leaders of the 20th C. What a powerful assertion. Amidst the devastation of the 20th Century’s wars and destruction, there are examples of leadership. The kind of leadership that finds its power in forgiveness. What happened during Mandela’s 27 years of imprisonment that inspired him to dismantle apartheid, tackle institutional racism, and lead a racial reconciliation process? It’s enough for me to take on the 625 pages to understand in some small way this Long Walk to Freedom through forgiveness. How do we practice forgiveness in our homes and schools? We have to be open-hearted. We have to be honest. It takes great courage. Sometimes these practices will lead to full and complete reconciliation, sometimes they won’t. But, we have to keep trying. Love never gives up. As parents and teachers, our sacred work includes modelling this for children. We can’t expect them to be able to practice asking for, offering, and receiving forgiveness unless we practice it as adults. It is such a vulnerable place. Yet, when we hold hands watered with tears, our humble hearts move forward with a new sense of purpose and vision impossible only moments before.
At The Wild Way, we like to take the road less traveled. And sometimes, we mean that quite literally. That's why we drive out to De Soto every Wednesday to pick up our creamtop milk order from this awesome small dairy company out of Junction City, Kansas - Hildebrand Farms. We think their milk is THAT good and throughout the blog I'll get into the science of why. They don't deliver to Kansas City, so we meet them the furthest East they come, De Soto. They are literally the best. Lactose, is the main type of sugar in milk. It's about 15% as sweet as table sugar. It adds that subtle sweetness to your lattes. You definitely want a high lactose content in your milk. Hildebrand comes in on the high end with about 12g. The majority of protein in milk is casein. Casein groups together in bunches called micelles (remember this for later). You need protein for good lattes. Protein allows for the stabilization of microfoam. Without enough protein, you get very watery lattes and some shady looking latte art. Both the amount of fat and the size of fat globules in milk have an impact on mouthfeel (Chojnicka-Paszun et al., 2011). You don't want too much or too little fat. Too little (fat free) and you lose the creaminess and texture on your tongue. Too much of it (heavy cream) and it blocks receptors on your tongue and consequently your ability to taste the coffee. Similarly, when suspended fat globules are too small, you lose the deliciousness. When fat globules are too big, the milk starts to taste heavy. This is a touchy subject for a lot of people, so I'm going to be careful with it. Because of my autoimmune disease, I dove pretty hard into the nutrition literature this last year, and it's made a big difference for me. I learned so much. At the same time, I understand why health and the fat topic can be a sensitive one, so I will try to approach it carefully and stick to the literature and people much smarter than me. I've included articles by some people that I really trust. What they discuss and what most of the evidence points towards is that we were misled by much of the low-fat advice we were given in the 1990s. Fat is an important and necessary contributor to the diet, especially high-quality fat sources like olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed animal fat sources. Fat is important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D E, and K, many of which Americans are deficient in. I won't dive into things more than that because I'm not a medical professional and more importantly, I don't want to be another lecturing blogger. But, there are some really smart people out there who are working hard on preventing chronic disease through lifestyle change. I've linked their work below. I would strongly suggest reading their stuff, looking at the data, and coming to your own conclusions. When it comes to health, there's a lot there to learn. If you ever just want to have a casual conversation about this stuff, come stop by the trailer on a Saturday. I do research for KU med and one of my passions is empowering people to read, understand, and be confident in research. Somewhere down the road we decided we don't like things to separate. Peanut butter - throw some hydrogen in there (I see you Jiff). Almond milk - let's put some emulsifiers in there. Milk - let's homogenize you. Naturally, fats (hydrophobic elements) and water/sugar (hydrophillic elements) don't like to mix. We all know this. We've seen real peanut butter separate. Without homogenization, milk does the same thing. As you let milk sit, a layer of cream rises to the top (hence creamtop). This layer of cream is what's used to eventually make butter. This layer of cream sits on top of our milk bottles. If you visit us at the trailer, this is why you may see us whisk the top of a new milk bottle or ferociously shake a milk jug before pouring from it. This is the natural way to incorporate the cream and milk. Sometimes, you are lucky and you even get little bits of fresh cream in your iced lattes. Those bits are the best part, so enjoy. Now onto more science. Let's look at milk from a more molecular level. When milk is least processed it has large globules of fat and micelles of casein protein suspended in it. In the image below, you can see the globules of fat. And in the image below that you can see a casein micelle. The homogenization process breaks down the globules of fat and the micelles of casein to mix everything evenly so that there is no separation between cream and milk. To do this, dairy manufacturers push milk through really small pores at high pressure. This breaks the fat globules and casein micelles down until they have a significantly smaller diameter (Sandra et al., 2004). You can see the impact of homogenization in the image below. Where did all of the tasty fat globules go? 1) Taste Issue. In Christine and I's opinion, non-homogenized milk tastes better. It tastes creamier with a better mouthfeel and a velvety texture. The size of the fat globule impacts the mouthfeel of the milk, and as the fat globules shrink in size, you lose some of the texture of the milk (Chojnicka-Paszun et al., 2011). We think that non-homogenized milk tastes more natural, more creamy, and velvetier. Definitely worth trying, if you're up for a little adventure. 2) From a health standpoint, homogenization causes issues for some people. Milk is the second most allergenic food in children (Williams, 2013) and casein has been shown to cause gluten cross-reactivity (Vojdani et al 2013 and Paleo Mom article). Both of these issues are related to leaky gut syndrome. The issue with homogenization is the impact that it has on the casein micelles. Casein is meant to be delivered slowly to the intestine for easy digestion (Argov et al., 2008). However, after homogenization the size of the casein micelles are significantly smaller (Sandra et al., 2004)., effectively exposing more casein protein to the gut more quickly. For those of us with gut-related issues or sensitivities, this can increase inflammation and leaky gut. For some people, this is why milk sits so poorly. Often times it isn't the lactose, but a food sensitivity caused by the increased casein exposure to the gut from homogenization. When Christine was at Cuvee, this is when we first learned about non-homogenized milk. She used a local dairy, Mill-King, from Waco, Texas area at the coffee bar. Mill-King also did not homogenize, and because of that, several of Christine's customers came to Cuvee to get lattes because they considered themselves milk-intolerant to anything other than Mill-King's milk. Milk homogenization has become so mainstream that almost all major dairies homogenization their milk, and even small-scale dairies do as well. That is why it was impossible for Christine to find a dairy that delivered to Kansas City that we could order our milk from weekly. Hence the road less traveled and a 45 minute drive out to De Soto each week. ​​ The data are clear when it comes to grass-fed vs. grain-fed beef - grass-fed are healthier and more nutrient dense (Daley et al., 2010). Grass-fed beef has higher levels of the hard-to-obtain, active form of vitamin A, higher levels of powerful antioxidants and nutrients glutathione and CLA, and a better ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, not to mention a number of other benefits (Daley et al., 2010). Unfortunately there hasn't been nearly as much research done on grass-fed vs. grain-fed milk; however, according to the data that we do have, the nutrient comparisons are very similar. Grass-fed milk is 2-5x higher in CLA, a nutrient linked to a decreased risk for inflammation, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (Dhiman et al., 1999). Grass-fed milk has about a 2-3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, compared to an 8-40:1 ratio of grain-fed milk (Patel et al., 2013). Omega-3 fatty acids are generally anti-inflammatory, while omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory. An ancestral ratio is about 2:1 omega-6 to omega-3. The higher the ratio, the more the body is pushed towards inflammation; one reason why our current commercial food process of grain-fed beef causes such issues.. Lastly, we know that grass-fed milk is higher in monounsaturated fats like oleic acid (found in olive oil) and medium-chain tryglycerides (found in coconut oil), giving a more balanced fatty-acid profile compared to grain-fed milk. If you're still reading this, wow. Props to you. You are a champion. You are a reading warrior. I cannot believe I wrote this much about milk. So, all of that information I just threw at you brings us back to Hildebrand. Why did we choose to take the road less traveled? 3) Hildebrand pastures cows year-round and supplements with alfalfa hay, silage, rolled corn, and soy when necessary, with the rolled corn and soy making up about 5% of the ration. These grass-fed efforts lead to ideal nutrition. Let me set the scene for you. Three humans gather around a tall-standing table late at night, mugs in hand, freshly ground coffee aroma in the air, and not a single word uttered. The stakes are high and taste buds need to be sharp. The status of The Wild Way water is on the line, and we're doing an experiment of n=3. ​First of all, I want to thank Bryce Truver of KU Med, who is just an all around good human, for letting us ask, nay, drag him into our little experiment. He not only contributed a lot of damn good music choices, but also a little bit of power to our statistics. Not to mention, it made our experiment even more legitimate by having TWO KU researchers in the midst. Thanks Bryce! ​The topic of water has puzzled us during this process of trying to get the camper up and going. Most coffee shops use a filtration system to modify the water content, but these systems have inherent issues and are expensive. We think that the best way to ensure quality spro, drip, and pour-overs is to dose our own water. It gives us more control over the quality of the product and helps us prevent scale in our machines. There's also the nice side benefit that it's less expensive. The question at hand is - what minerals should we add in? That's why Bryce, Christine, and I are doing this experiment. We know that divalent cations, calcium and magnesium, makes coffee sweeter, improves flavor, and gives a better body. We've written about this before. But what we don't know is what ratio of magnesium to calcium creates the best brew. That's what we're going to figure out. ​This "dialing in" of our water recipe will result in our final water recipe (yes, that's a thing) that will be used in our coffee camper to make all our drinks. We have three different waters. One​ with 100% magnesium, one with 25% calcium/75% magnesium, and one with 50% calcium/50% magnesium. As you might have noticed, none of the waters have a high concentration of calcium. Calcium reacts with bicarbonate at high temperatures, becomes insoluble, and causes scale. This can cause serious problems for espresso machines and batch brewers. Hence why we're keeping calcium in control. To create the waters we dissolved magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate into distilled water. We held the overall amount of general hardness, TDS, and buffer the same across all waters. The exact ratios of each of the coffees are in a table below. The waters were initially made by Jon and relabeled by Christine so that none of us knew which water brewed which cup. The coffee was ground on a Baratza encore and brewed on a Kalita wave. Grind size, pouring pattern, and brew time were held constant across all coffees. Theoretically, the only thing that varied is the content of the waters. ​​We thought of it all. Controlled for everything. The true scientist way. HOWEVER, in my haste to cook pasta carbonara and make the waters at the same time, I didn't have time to quality control test the water for general hardness and buffer. This might come into play later. Little has changed since Ochem lab, when I forced my lab partner and friend, Jose Luis Olmos Jr., to redo a two hour experiment with me because I "accidentally" dropped our final precipitate into a melted "ice" bath. Fortunately, if we have to redo this experiment of drinking a bunch of coffee, I don't think anyone will be too disappointed. The method consisted measuring out the three waters, Christine brewing one cup of coffee for each water, resulting in three total cups of coffee. We tasted each coffee at three different temperatures, and then wrote down our thoughts and graded each coffee for sweetness, body, flavor, and overall cup quality. After we finished the third cup of coffee at the coolest temperature, we compared notes and scores. We weren't speaking at all during the actual experiment to ensure our thoughts didn't effect the others' opinion. More Magnesium seems to be in the lead (i.e. the 100% or 75% ratio) but we need more data. Christine and Bryce have consistent taste buds, and I most likely screwed up the experiment. So . . . which water made the best coffee? I summed all of the data and put it in the graph below. As you can see, the answer is "magnesium, maybe?" ​First impressions, you look at the graph, it looks like the 100% magnesium water has good sweetness, the best flavor, and the best taste overall. But there were three of us and straight magnesium BARELY pulled it out, so does that really tell us anything? Ehhh, probably not. 1) Christine has good taste buds. We noticed that the more magnesium in the water, the more Christine liked the coffee. This is what we call a dose-response relationship and it usually implies a relationship between two variables. Christine's taste buds provided much more clarity than our data, and they leave me hopeful in magnesium. 2) Bryce likes bitter coffee. Bryce also had a dose-response relationship. The more calcium in the water, the more Bryce liked the coffee. It also happened that the more calcium, the more bitterness. See 3 for why. Less sweet smelling from get go, a little thinner, almost silky but not quite, weak in both mouthfeel and flavor, sweetness subtle, acidity lacking, taste lame, all around boring. Those are Christine's tasting notes on the 50/50 coffee and the last three notes, "acidity lacking, taste lame, all around boring" - scream TOO MUCH BUFFER to me. Meaning we put too much baking soda in the water. I was playing around the next night, trying to make more water for more data. This time I actually did a quality control test on the water. The buffer was almost TWO TIMES as high as I wanted it to be. I think there was an issue with our concentrate during our experiment. Awkward turtle. All of our data, may have been meaningless. Just like Ochem. After discussing with Christine, we are going to continue the experiment over the next few weeks. We have the water dosed and will try each water again, for multiple days, and take thorough notes of our morning coffee. Hopefully, by the time the camper is ready, we will have enough data to find a more accurate correlation. ​S u n d a y night I found myself wearing a white lab coat and protective goggles while holding a test tube with boiling green chemicals spilling out . . . metaphorically speaking that is. Really I was wearing my pajamas and Warby Parker glasses while holding a Brita filter in one hand and baking soda in the other. Albeit that doesn’t sound as scientific as the first scenario, for me, it was a step into the wild unknown of the science world. A world I intentionally tried to avoid my whole life. A world I thought was filled with braces, spectacles, and a void of understanding social cues. I know, I’m stereotyping here. You’d think that stereotype would have gone away after marrying my husband, who by all means, is a scientist. But it hadn’t gone away. And when Jon told me, two months ago, that he wanted to write science related topics in our blog, I literally cringed and hoped he would forget he asked. Fast-forward to Sunday night when Jon and I were sitting on our black-and-white-checkered kitchen floor laughing at how our science experiment showed why our coffee at home had failed to hold up to our standards. We finally discovered why our home coffee tasted like shit. I wrote three blogs about what we did to fix our coffee, and all three blog topics really did improve our overall cup quality; but, we were still missing something in our morning coffee. Our experiment Sunday night showed we were missing one crucial element to our water. No amount of brewing devices or varying roasts would have figured out our missing ingredient. The only thing that could have shown us . . . was . . . science. I am now a converted scientist. I ordered an engraved plaque in the mail to hang on my wall. It will read. Because science gave me answers. I’m going to start new hashtags to make science cool again. Here are a few I’ve come up with. Feel free to use at your own discretion. Now, as previously discussed, coffee is 99% water (or something like that, still haven’t done the math). So your water quality and what is in your water matters greatly. You see there are all these little ions in our water that can be either good or bad for extracting coffee. If you are missing a crucial element your coffee may taste like shit. If you have too much of an element, your coffee may taste like shit. If you have the wrong combo of elements, your coffee may taste like shit. Last week Jon talked about Total Hardness in his blog. Which is a combination of magnesium and calcium. You want some of this, but not too much. There’s another crucial element called Alkalinity which is an important part of the pH buffering system. Once again, you NEED some buffer, but can’t have TOO much. Well we found out that we flipping had NONE. Repeat. N O N E. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. And if you live in Kansas City, you probably have next to no buffer too. Most of the buffer in water is in the form of bicarbonate (HCO3-) and is referred to by a bunch of different names - alkalinity, karbonate hardness (KH), carbonate hardness, buffer, or temporary hardness. Bicarbonate helps to stabilize the pH of the solution because it can either accept or donate a proton (H+). If there is too much buffer present, not enough protons are donated and you get a dull, chalky, and flat coffee. If there isn’t enough buffer present, too many protons are donated, the pH of the coffee drops substantially, and you get a weak, sharp, and vinegary coffee. ​So now that you know what we are missing in Kansas City, here is the experiments we did to discover this vital element missing. In our first experiment we wanted to see what amounts of total hardness and alkalinity were in our normal tap water vs. our double filtered water (We use a Brita to filter for taste and a BWT filter to add in some extra magnesium). We bought THIS from amazon for $7 and got it delivered to our door. #AmazonPrime4Life. You fill up the given test tube with water and then add one drop at a time of the GH solution (General Hardness). How many drops it takes to change the water color is the drops that will tell you how much parts per million (ppm) the total hardness of the water is. We found that our regular tap water took eight drops which translated to 143ppm. Our filtered water took six drops, which translated to 107ppm. Both of these numbers fall within Hendon’s ideal brewing range (discussed in previous blog). Score. Moving on to the dark horse. We tested alkalinity with the KH solution. We did the same process. One tube had tap water, one had double filtered water. The tap water took two drops to change colors. That was really low, which was not within the "ideal" brewing range, but was in the "acceptable" range. Then we added drops to the double filtered water. Upon the first drop we knew . . . it changed colors instantaneously. There was next to NO alkalinity in the water. No buffer. Basically zilch. Our filter system had taken out the already low buffer amount in the tap water, leaving practically nothing. We charted our dots here on the graph Jon showed us last week. As you can see, our water was well outside the ideal brewing range. See those words “weak, sour, sharp”? That’s how I would have described our coffee before even knowing this chart existed. The clouds began to clear. It started making sense. Our lack of buffer in the water meant our coffee tasted like shit. We wanted to see if we could tell a difference in the coffee if the water had a buffer. So we made our own water by adding a buffer. We added a tiny amount (0.02g) of baking soda (buffer) to 800 grams of our double filtered water. We tested the water with the KH solution and got to three drops, or 51ppm of alkalinity, which is in the ideal brewing range as per our graph. We then did a blind experiment comparing coffee brewed with our regular double filtered water and one brewed with our double filtered water with added buffer (baking soda). Jon knew which water was which. I did not. We brewed THIS seasonal Kenyan from Thou Mayest in the same kalita wave, using the same water-to-coffee ratio, and the same water temperature. ​ After they brewed, we ensured both coffees were at the exact same temperature (140 degrees), and then drank the coffee and graded on flavor, mouthfeel, acidity, and aroma. We wrote down our thoughts separately without sharing. We waited five minutes and re-tasted at a lower coffee temperature (the colder the coffee the more you can taste the good, bad, and ugly in coffee). There was no question. The blue cup had a much higher, more uncomfortable acidity, and pulled out more tomato flavors that made me pucker. It had a slightly sour-lemony after taste. The pink cup, had nice nutty flavors, low but good acidity, and almost no vegetal characteristics. It smelt like sweet cocoa and was full bodied on my tongue. I pointed to the pink cup and said to Jon, “this one has the buffer.” Sure enough I was right. The pink cup of coffee, which was literally the exact same as the blue cup, other than the added buffer, was superior in flavor, mouthfeel, acidity, and aroma. Hands down in every category. So here I am. Drinking a cup of coffee brewed with the baking soda water solution and loving my life. I used to think science was lame. But I write to you today to tell you it is not. It’s the Ryan Gosling of school subjects and professions. Science can get you to the moon, to your next destination, to your best cup of coffee, to your best date night. If you are wanting to recreate this experiment at home, all you need is that $7 test from amazon. You may not need the baking soda depending on your results from the test. You can use Henden's ideal brewing chart (below) to see where your home water sits in the graph and make decisions about filtering, adding buffer, etc from there. Feel free to contact us or comment below if you have any questions or try the experiment at home! Okay. I take responsibility. I took us straight into the deep end last week. We dove right into molecules that look like this. That can be confusing AF for those of us who haven't taken a science class since high school. You see, I LOVE science and I feel it gets a bad rap. People think it's reserved only for the nerds, the PhDs, and the liberals. When really, ALL people need science and can learn a lot from it. I want the science section of this blog to be one where we all feel comfortable looking at data. I want us to look, understand, and not be intimidated by the data. Being able to look at data and not be intimidated is a great skill. It's a real skill that we can use every single day - sourcing foods, whether or not to trust online articles, and analyzing the latest documentary you watched on netflix. We should make decisions based on the weight of the evidence. So, on this blog, I want to be grounded in data. I don't want there to be conjecture or philosophizing. I don't want things to be dumbed down. I don't want to "interpret" anything. I want for all of us to look at a study, look at the crazy graphs, and be like "ya, I understand that." Because we can. We can in coffee. We can in health. We can in climate change. We are capable. We can look at the data for ourselves and find answers. The only places we can't are in subjects like biophysics and complicated materials sciences. . . but we have friends for that. Or at least Christine and I do. If you need some of those friends, we can share them with you. They're real nice. (Jose Luis Olmos Jr., Adrianne Spencer, and David Spencer). #scienceforeveryone #dataisreal #scienceisreal With my small rant being out of the way, let's take a step back and actually build a foundation so that we can all think about coffee a little bit differently and a little more sciencey. Here's the plan for the next four weeks. This is a graph of how the relationship between water alkalinity and total hardness impacts the quality of a brewed cup of coffee. In other words, this is a graph describing the important relationship between extraction capacity and buffering capacity. In other, other words, this graph explains how to make good coffee based on lots of data. By the end of the four weeks we will be able to understand this graph and how it can help us. Keep this in the back of your mind. An ion is a charged particle. Table salt is composed of sodium and chloride (NaCl). When you salt your water before making your pasta, the NaCl is dissolved into water and it splits into Na+ and Cl- molecules. Na+ and Cl- are ions. They are positively and negatively charged, respectively. If you were to take a super duty microscope and zoom in on the water in your pot, it would look something like this, with the charged ions being surrounded by the water. There are many different ions present in water. The few that we care about for today are magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), and forms of carbonate (H2CO3, HCO3-, CO32-). If you remember back to our last blog, magnesium and calcium are the ions responsible for extracting a lot of the good stuff out of the coffee bean. They are important for making coffee tasty. When we refer to total hardness, we refer to calcium and magnesium, as you can see on this handy chart below. The amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium make up the total hardness. Plotted on the y-axis (vertical axis) is total hardness (think magnesium and calcium). We can think of total hardness as the extraction capacity of the water. The higher the total hardness, the more the water can pull from the coffee bean. In the top left corner of the image the tasting notes are overextracted, heavy, dull, and sour. The key there is overextracted. That's why I bolded it. Christine probably would have even made it a different color altogether. So I'm going to do that too. OVEREXTRACTED. At those higher ranges of total hardness, the water is pulling TOO MUCH from the coffee beans. It's even pulling the molecules that do not taste good. When you taste coffee that has been overextracted, it has a linger on your tongue. It has a heavy mouth feel to it because of the high number of dissolved solutes the total hardness pulled. You will also notice another tasting note in the top right hand corner - sour. That comes from the acids. The high total hardness pulled all of the acids into the cup of coffee, leading to a very acidic cup. Think sour patch kids in coffee form. It's not great. There was no buffer to help balance out the acidity. This is where the alkalinity comes in. We will get into that next week. Christine's Interpretation: Pie is fantastic. Delicious pie is just unmatched. I mean, who doesn't want to eat pie? I can't name anyone. Seriously. Not a single human. My grandma makes a mean rhubarb pie. You would think, because pie is so damn good, you could eat a crap ton of pie (any flavor - pick your favorite) and never get tired of it. But we all know that's not true. There's a point, maybe it's your third, maybe fourth, or maybe your fifth slice when you no longer want to take another bite. It's just too heavy. You start to pick up on weird flavors in the filling. The perfection of the crust no longer seems ideal. All you want is a piece of kale and a nice nap. That's when you know you've past your ideal total pie level. In the same way, we want magnesium and calcium, but at some point, you get too much of a good thing, and it turns bad. That's when you've past your ideal Total Hardness Level. We are building a foundation, so let's talk about the key takeaways from this first foundation level. Total hardness refers to the amount of magnesium and calcium in water, which we can think of as the water's extraction capacity. One of my goals as a barista and scientist is to be able to encourage creative and curious minds in coffee to read the science behind what makes their drinks taste incredible. Ultimately, our goal is to craft incredible coffee. Looking into the science helps us do just that. There are two ingredients in all coffee drinks. Coffee beans and water. But mostly, it's just water. So I am going to write the next few blogs on water. I figured we could start by building a foundation on water by reviewing an article by an incredible mind in the coffee world, Christian Hendon et al. (2014). There may only be two ingredients to coffee, but when you break down each of those ingredients into their molecular level, then things can get real interesting. If things get too "heady" feel free to read Christine's interpretations at the bottom of each section in orange. This is her explaining the science in her own words. "The Role of Dissolved Cations in Coffee Extraction" by Hendon et al (2014) was the paper that sparked a lot of the interest in how water impacts spro and joe. It is the reason companies like Third Wave Water can do what they do and the reason you see a bunch of blog posts popping up about homemade water recipes i.e this one from Matt Perger at Barista Hustle. Dr. Christopher Hendon, the author of this paper, is an assistant professor in computational chemistry at the University of Oregon. So in other words, he smart. In these last few years he has spearheaded some serious coffee science innovation, both with his book, Water for Coffee, which expands on the topics covered in his 2014 paper and with a paper on grinding temperature published in Nature Scientific Reports - Uman et al. (2016). Coffee is just water and coffee beans. That’s it. By mixing water and coffee beans, whatever the brewing device might be, you pull stuff from the coffee beans into the water, and BOOM, coffee. Our ability to pull stuff is called extraction. I think that this concept is pretty easy to understand using tea. Think about when you steep a tea bag. The longer you leave the tea bag steeping in the water, the stronger the tea, i.e. the more stuff you’ve pulled out, i.e. the higher the extraction. Same thing goes for a french press or a cold brew. The longer you leave it brewing, the higher the extraction. However, not everything in coffee beans tastes good. You don’t want to pull out everything. So the battle for roasters is, how do I roast to accentuate the good stuff in this coffee, and the battle for baristas is, how do I brew so that I extract the good stuff from this coffee. This is what Hendon tackles. What does water extract and how? Hendon et al. (2014) proposes looking at the interactions between molecules commonly found in coffee and ions in water through computational chemistry. He narrows his focus down to three ions - calcium, magnesium and sodium - and seven compounds - lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid, quinic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and eugenol. (See Hendon et al. 2014 Table 1 below) Below is a fancy scientific way of showing these compounds. If it looks confusing, just pretend they are drawings of partial honeycombs for now. Christine's Interpretation: Coffee is mostly water. "Extraction" is a term that means "pulling things out of the coffee bean into the water". You can over and under extract coffee leaving not so pleasant tastes. You're looking to create the perfect cup by extracting the good, and leaving out the bad. Hendon uses software to model the environment of brewing coffee at a molecular molecular level. (Hendon goes into his methods in the paper, and he goes into the basic science behind those methods in his book Water for Coffee. If you're interested I'd suggest reading him for more information). Using this model, Hendon determines the strength of the interaction between each ion, the seven chosen coffee compounds, and water. You can think of the interaction as the pull. The stronger the interaction, the stronger the pull. With this information Hendon can discuss the extraction capacity of each ion. The stronger an ion interacts with a coffee compound, the more likely it is to pull the compound into the cup of coffee. . . the higher the extraction. Christine's interpretation: Imagine you have three female roommates and you want to set them up with one of your seven guy friends. You'd put each roommate together with each guy and see how they interact. The stronger a roommate interacts with one of the guy friends, the more likely the relationship would actually work and produce something good. So homeboy Hendon just set up three ions on a date with seven compounds to see which compounds would work together strongly enough to extract into the coffee. Hendon displays his data in two ways - interaction lengths between ion and coffee compound and the relative binding energy between ion and coffee compound. Christine's Interpretation: You decide to chart your friends dates because it's getting complicated to keep all your info in multiple group texts. You notice that the shorter the date was, the better it went because they knew so quickly they liked each other they didn't even need to continue the first date (not real life, trying to make the metaphor work here people). So you chart the interaction length between friend and roommate. You also chart their "binding energy" with one another. . . I'll let you fill in the blanks on what that might mean. These results are shown below. (I took these data straight from Hendon et al., 2014 so mad credit and thanks). The simplest and most straightforward way to think about these data is that the shorter the interaction length, the stronger the pull. Similarly, the stronger the relative binding energy, the stronger the pull. When looking at table 1 and figure 3, the data are consistent. You can see that magnesium has both the shorter interaction length and the stronger relative binding energy across all coffee compounds. Magnesium has the best pull. This suggests that if we want to improve extraction then our water should have a higher proportion of magnesium. We've seen the data. We know that magnesium is going to improve our extraction Let's talk about how we can actually apply this data to making a better cup of coffee. Christine's interpretation: You realize your roommate Magnesium connected super well with all seven guy friends and now they all want to date her. There's a few things we can take from Hendon et al. (2014), some of which couldn't be implied with the data shown in the paper. Hendon notes that not only does magnesium seem to have a stronger pull with the coffee compounds, but it also seems to have a selectively favorable pull with the right compounds. Quinic acid and chlorogenic acid have been known to bring some yucky tastes to a cup of coffee. Magnesium has a higher binding energy to lactic acid, malic acid, and citric acid relative to quinic acid and chlorogenic acid when compared to calcium (if only by approximately 5%). So magnesium relatively extracts more of the good stuff. I think that there is room for argument with Hendon's logic here, but we will wait to make those arguments until I have aged past baby barista and baby scientist. Note to file for later. 2) If you want caffeinated coffee, don't use sodium rich water (btw Kansas City tap water tends to be sodium rich. Here's a link to the 2017 KC water report) Hendon remarks that sodium is about as good at water at pulling the acidic coffee compounds and actually is worse than water at pulling caffeine and eugenol. Sodium will not improve extraction relative to plain water. If you want a flavorful cup of coffee Hendon wouldn't suggest using sodium rich water. This is important to take into consideration if you use a sodium-exchange filter system (some filter cartridges will exchange sodium for calcium) or if you are like us and you live in Kansas City. 3) This paper only tells us that magnesium is better for extracting compared to calcium and sodium. It doesn't specifically tell us how much magnesium is good, nor does it get into the other variables that affect the final cup of coffee like buffers and total hardness. We will get into these later, but for now we know that.... We've discovered that magnesium is great for extracting the good stuff out of coffee, so finding a way to make sure magnesium is in your water will allow you to make sure your coffee tastes great as well. Christine and I have really been happy with our BWT filter which adds magnesium into your water thru their cartridge. We filter our water first through a normal Brita, and then run the filtered water thru the BWT filter. It makes a huge difference. In fact, the other day Christine brewed a cup of coffee and didn't like the taste. She checked our BWT filter and noticed the cartridge needed to be replaced. She brewed the exact same cup again after replacing the cartridge and BAM she loved it. It's that simple, folks. Magnesium makes the difference. I had intended to write this week's blog about baskets. The espresso kind of basket. The silver one that holds coffee grounds and sits in an espresso machine. Because, let's be honest .... they are riveting. But, during the time that I had set aside to write what would have probably been (okay, let's be honest) a pretty boring blog about baskets, I found myself driving to Cadiz, Kentucky in a rescue mission of sorts. At 4:54 PM Tuesday evening I received a call from my incredible wife. By 6:05 PM I was on the road in a white pickup truck, owned by her father, that, luckily, is as reliable as her father. Christine's car had broken down in the hills of Tennessee trying to tow our new coffee trailer. Which, by the way, has been affectionately named Stella and is often referred to by my wife as "our baby". So I took off to St. Louis to stay the night with friends, and then finished the rest of the seven hour drive to our rescue point, Cadiz, Kentucky. In lieu of this adventure, this week's blog will not be about baskets, but instead it will be a short photo story of all our adventures in the past two weeks. There have been some momentous milestones. Christine's friend and former co-worker, Deidre, drove 12 hours here and back from Austin to help with out first pop-up shop. Christine's friend, Adri Guyer, took incredible photos of our pop-up, making us look professional AF. Christine's Dad drove 1000 miles, braved the Tennessee hills, and kept the trailer and Christine safe and sound. We met Jerry, who is a master at making custom trailers from the ground up and, who we found out, does not like taking photos. Luckily, Christine has a way of wooing people into things. We are two weeks in, and I have learned that our friends are more reliable than our car. That Nashville is a great weekend trip destination from Kansas City. And that 15 year old cars pry aren't the safest bet when traveling with a 1200 lb trailer attached to it. ​Thank you to everyone who is making this dream come true. It's way more possible with you, and it's way more fun too. Today on Bud’s Weekly Geek-out . . . Kiind is a Victoria company which allows you to send a personalized e-mail with digital gift code to someone and, when they redeem said gift code by showing their smartphone at the participating business, you’re notified
Two years ago today, I squeezed a watermelon out of a hole the size of a lemon. So, that was fun. This was that watermelon then. That seems like such a long time ago now. And the point at the top of her head has gone away…I promise. There have been quite a few sleepless nights. A lot of giggling. In depth conversations about lions and gorillas. Don’t laugh. It’s true. Between then and now, Scarlett has grown into the most adorable little girl. And this picture proves it! So, to celebrate. Today, I’m spending the day with her for Mommy/Scarlett fun time. Be jealous! There are playgrounds and a breakfast out in our future.
I haven't driven in the past 4 years. Could someone refresh my memory, did they every ask if we were diabetic? Another one is , is it mark on our license that we are diabetic? I'd like to know the answer to this. I really never payed attention to mine…Debe Hi Debe the DMV they don't ask if you have diabetes, and you don't have on you drivers license, I have type 2 and I'am a bus driver in NY I know all the rules My mom uses insulin and had to take a Drs. notice that she is healthy to her license renewal. Not sure if this was in IL or FL or both states. I wasn't diabetic the last time I got my license so I never remember if I was asked. Apparently it has to do with what state your in…it must be a state law to ask, not a federal one. I have been licensed in 3 states, South Dakota, Louisiana, and Washington, but have never been asked. Then again I wasn't diagnosed when I got any of these licenses, therefore I really don't 100% remember. I've been licensed to drive in 3 states: Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, and have never been asked if I were a diabetic. My previous gentleman friend had both epilepsy and Type 1 DM and he drove (in Oregon) with no problem getting either insurance or his license as his seizures were well-controlled (usually they occurred during the night due to low glucose levels). I was not asked for on my drivers license and I renewed in October 08 but I was asked about it on the car insurance. I renewed it on Friday and I was asked it I had epilepsy or seizures or was I a diabetic on insulin. I was able to say no because no more insulin. So I asked the agent and he said if I was on insulin I would need a note from the doctor that said I was in control and able to drive. This is the first time I have ever encountered this. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I live in Tennesse and it was asked by my agent and he said they just started it this year. I have Direct Insurance. The reason of asking is I had my drivers license revoked because I am an amputee and broke my other leg. When we were down my brothers other Thanksgiving, one of the questions on my nieces Drivers permit was "Do you have any medical conditions" I can't seem to remember back that long ago it that was on my application. Because I would have been a diabetic for 10 years at that time. Just Curious…Debe They only ask if you were ever treated for a mental illness, and do you wear glasses; lol, I had to say yes for both. I did not like it either. Hey, how ya doing; did you get my message? Happy to see you this am. Have a good day; Claudia I may not be 100% on this, but I believe that it is illegal for them to ask if your diabetic for a regular drivers license. The only way you would ever get a "mark" on your record about being diabetic is if your doctor called them…All doctors are under legal obligation to report any diabetic that has severe low episodes or has unawhereness of the lows. The other way is if you get into an accident and it is determined that your blood sugar being low was what caused the accident, then they can put a mark on your record. If you have a normal driving history and your bg levels are under control then there is no legal way they can keep you from getting your license. The state of Minnesota requires ALL diabetics to get an okay from their doctor to drive. I think it one of a few states that does so and is an invasion of my privacy. It also puts me at the mercy of the doctor who I am not on good terms. No one has ever asked me if I'm diabetic. I think the only 'drivers' that could have a problem with being diabetic is an over the road truck driver as they need to take a DOT physical to get that license and I know here in Wisconsin some friends of mine had issues with it especially if they are insulin dependent. General drivers, not to my knowledge. Our endo has flat out said he doesn't want to see our kids below 6.7. The ability to feel lows is a function of deviation from the norm and that when kid get A1C much lower they don't feel lows as much or at all. He keeps telling us about one patient (fictitious for all I know) who's parents obsess with low A1C. The doc says the kid is in a constant state of hypo and the parents will not listen to his advising higher targets. We usually don't get there anyway. The kids are growing like weeds. Growth takes energy, energy is carbs, carbs need insulin, by the growth comes in spikes and keeping balance is tough. Teens need rational parents to cope with their relative lack of teen rationality. One thing to be rational about is not making diabetes care a symbol of parental control. If parents obsess about A1Cs the kids may rebel against the diabetes care not the parents and you want them to rebel so they move out after college. You also want them to be self sufficient in their diabetes care when the move out. Sounds like the doctor is being overly cautious based on one patient. A lower than 6.7 A1c is going to be optimal long term but if getting that lower number includes going hypo on a regular basis then it is probably better to have a higher one and not go hypo. If you think about a non-diabetic child, they will have lower A1cs and lower BG levels so it's not really that a lower A1c is bad, it's the way you get it that's important. If they get their blood sugars in the range 70-100 all the time then I can see no reason why that would be a problem, it would lower the A1c considerably. However, if they are bouncing around in the range 30-150 all the time then you have a problem. Kids have to be especially though and I admire parents who are brave enough to allow your kids to take care of themselves. Oversight is always there, but rebellion can have really bad results too. I know how difficult it is as an adult to get that number that is healthful, I can't imagine watching your child go thru lows to try to achieve a good A1c...It's like the kids that don't eat to achieve that "vogue" look. I suppose we have to be careful of the pressure we put on our kids to achieve that "magic" number. I guess every endo probably has their own opinion on this one. I know when my son was doing really well and had an A1C around 6, his doc's first question was always about lows. It is certainly a big concern. And I think has to be individually evaluated. My son can detect lows really well and tolerates dropping low (like he doesn't get confused or uncoordinated or start slurring his speech). Not that he likes dropping low or anything, but it has never been really scary. We just had A1C of 6.7 and 7.1 and were happy with that. A big part was the 6.7 in the 14 year old was based on him doing all his own care.
Please be informed that Eggs’n Things’s hours of operation on May 10th will be shortened as follows due to an annual event. It will reopen on May 11, Friday with the normal business hours of 07:00am ~ 14:00pm and 16:00pm ~ 23:00pm. We would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to serving you in the near future.
A “sister” site in the US reports on restrictions to getting Basque players into the US | About Basque Country Today we got a wonderful surprise: a “sister” website in the US. We’ve been collecting information about the Basques reported in world media, and they do the same with news about the US. It’s called Watching America. It’s curious that its founder in Robin Koerner, a Brit living in the US who has the support of a large team of translators who cover a significant number of languages. Unlike us, who include opinions and personal comments alongside the articles we compile, they translate the news they find and make it accessible to their readers. We didn’t know about them, and we found out about them thanks to a report in El País about how it’s getting harder to find Basque jai alai players to go play in the States. U.S. immigration restrictions, which have become increasingly strict during recent years — especially since Trump became president — have affected countless people across the world, among them the peculiar group of pelota aces from the Basque Country in Spain. Previous articleQuim Torra quotes the Catalan group Txarango in his swearing-in: light at the end of the tunnel?
This one is hilarious!!! Our fearless leader Bill, is singing and mambo-ing up a storm, and his song includes the women in his life. [at least he gives Hillary first billing] At one point he wiggles his hips sans trousers, in big pink boxers with red hearts on them. I had no idea that there were so many women in his life either! As with all their screen savers, you can pay for this one or join their ScreenSaver club. If you do, you pay either $34.95 plus s&h for the standard membership, or $49.95 plus s&h for the gold membership. The above prices are for one year, and you get a full version screen saver every 4 to 8 weeks, exclusive club screen savers only for club members, a free CD Rom with over 400 space related photos, free subscription to a club newsletter, discount offers and coupons for other of their products, and with the gold membership you also get a free copy of the Screen Saver Hits CD-Rom which features the full, “pay for” versions of 9 of the most popular, [these would cost $65 stingily] There is Hey Macaroni!, Macaroni Antics, Holyear vs Teethson, Mikey likes Ears. Spray Paint, Liverdance Parody, Bill’s Pie Toss, The Clinton Blues, Ghoul’s Delight, and Princess Diana Tribute.
1 From DOTS to the Stop TB Strategy Building on Achievements for Future Planning Stop TB Partnership Symposium at the 37 th UNION World Conference on TB and Lung Disease 31 st October 2006, Paris 2 The burden of TB in 2005 1.6 million deaths in 2005 – 98% of these in developing world 219,000 deaths due to TB/HIV MDR-TB present in 102 of 109 countries and settings surveyed, XDR-TB emerging 8.9 million new cases in 2005 – 80% in 22 high- burden countries 3 Global TB control targets 2005: World Health Assembly: - To detect at least 70% of infectious TB cases - To treat successfully at least 85% of detected cases 2015: 50% reduction in TB prevalence and death rates by 2015 2015: Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Target 8: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence… Indicator 23: prevalence and deaths associated with TB Indicator 24: proportion of TB cases detected and cured under DOTS 9 Objectives of the meeting:  To review progress in scaling up TB control according to the Stop TB Strategy and the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-15  To discuss major challenges and potential solutions to scaling up TB control according to the Stop TB Strategy and the Global Plan  To determine how Working Groups can work together better to support country planning and implementation of the Stop TB Strategy. 11 Achievements 2 TB/HIV  Policy for collaborative TB/HIV interventions and initiated implementation  TB/HIV training materials developed and training begun  M&E Systems for TB/HIV developed MDR-TB  Political commitment for MDR-TB management at country level and resource mobilization  Increased funding for second-line drugs (GFATM)  Scale up of MDR-TB treatment in many countries (40 countries GLC approved, more than 23,000 patients on treatment)  Human resources for MDR-TB  Development of guidelines and training modules  Training of NTP managers and consultants 12 Achievements 3 PPM  Development of guidelines  Scale up of successful pilots contributing to increase in case detection  Training of NTPs, private sector and consultants ACSM  Started to engage cured patients, affected communities and civil society  Use of the media (radio messages and TV spots to increase TB awareness)  GFATM grants have ACSM components 13 Key Overarching Challenges Alignment of national plans with the Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015 Ensuring sustainability: –Core government support –Donor - dependent NTPs –Donor contribution phasing out or unstable Political commitment with sustained and/or increased resources to reach MDGs and beyond –Raising and maintaining political commitment in large federal systems –Build advocacy at Global, National and Sub-national Levels 14 Health system strengthening (quality, coverage, infrastructure, measurement and indicators, way of contributing) Human Resources (management, planning, quality, quantity, distribution, recruitment and retention) Laboratory infrastructure, staffing and capacity The introduction / scale up of MDR-TB, TB/HIV activities and those to reach special populations all pose highly complex challenges Key Overarching Challenges 15 Data management and measurement of Stop TB component Maintaining and/or improving quality Balancing competing priorities (with other programmes and within TB control e.g. funding for some components vs basic DOTS) New strategy and multiple partners require better Coordination (internally and externally) Key Overarching Challenges 16 Other –Extending diagnosis to smear-negative and EP-TB, including HIV settings and childhood TB –Biosafety and infection control –Underdeveloped guidance on component 5 – ACSM –Lack of clarity around definitions of community –Need for TA in different areas and cross-cutting Importance of continuity and ongoing support Links with HR development to ensure sustainability –Translating guidelines into programmatic activities Key Overarching Challenges 17 How can the working groups and partners ensure adequate coordinated response? The highest priority is basic DOTS quality - –Where DOTS has been scaled up very fast –Where health systems, HRH and labs are very weak –Where HIV epidemic and MDR-TB problems are the most severe Governments and partners with the least capacity need the most help to adopt the Strategy in full. We need to work in a new way – piloting, assessing & sharing results, while preparing and initiating scaling up. We need to continue to document results 1 Framework for Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care in the Health Sector Presented by Professor Charles Gilks, Director, Co-ordinator. Malaria Figures 3.3 billion people at risk of malaria in billion at high risk (>1 case/1000 population) mainly in the WHO African (49%) and South. Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in theirfor young people to volunteer in theireople to volunteer in their come, schools and community organisations develop networks of relationships while achieving shared goals. The program also encourages communities to support and recognise young people’s participation and positive role in society. Advance gives young people a chance to do something great in their community based on their choice. Young people are able to plan projects, meet new people, build skills and make a difference in their community. How much do you know about Advance? 3 Question 1 Advance Goals and Spirit Advance’s goal is to enable young people’s participation and volunteering in community life, and is part of the Government’s commitment to valuing the contributions of young people, listening to their views and providing them with genuine opportunities for involvement in their communities. The essential elements of Advance are that… A B C D young people DO something with their family, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with their school and that it does not include young people’s CHOICE. young people DO something with their community, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with a community organisation and that it includes young people’s CHOICE. young people DO something with their lives, they do not do it in PARTNERSHIP with a community organisation and that it includes parent CHOICE. young people are forced to DO something with their school, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with a family member and that it includes teacher CHOICE. 4 Question 2 Learning Modules 1, 2 and 3 Schools must be able to demonstrate that young people have satisfactorily achieved the learning outcomes contained in Learning Modules 1, 2 and 3. The three Learning Modules of Advance are… A B C D Community, Communication and Project Management. First Aid, Risk Management and Community. Public Speaking, Project Management and Recognised Training. Community, Report Writing and Safety. 5 Question 3 Recognised Training Schools must be able to demonstrate that young people have satisfactorily completed recognised training. Recognised training courses are those that: i) Have national accreditation, such as Certificate 1 in Volunteering or a Certificate 1 in First Aid; or ii) Are recognised by the community as developing knowledge and skills for participation in particular activities A recognised training course will usually… A B C D result in the development of a new skill, have a certificate awarded at the end of the program and is generally delivered and/or assessed by someone other than school staff. require young people to enrol at a TAFE and be linked to the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). result in the development of a new skill, be delivered during school hours and require the completion of a complete course. have a certificate awarded at the end of the program that has been approved by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) and the Department of Human Services (DHS). 6 Question 4 Advance Staff Advance is administered through the Office for Youth (OFY) within the Department of Human Services. The OFY staff responsible for Advance are... A B C D Kristine and Michelle. Greg and Julie. John and Matthew. John and Kristine. 7 Question 5 Monitoring and Reporting Timelines Participating schools are required to complete administrative and reporting requirements as requested by the Office for Youth of schools throughout the year. Generally, the order of administrative and reporting requirements are… A B C D Signed Funding Agreement > Confirmation of Student Numbers > School Community Partnership Notification Form > End of Year Report. School Community Partnership Notification Form > Confirmation of Student Numbers > End of Year Report > Signed Funding Agreement. Confirmation of Student Numbers > School Community Partnership Notification Form > Signed Funding Agreement > End of Year Report. Signed Funding Agreement > End of Year Report > Confirmation of Student Numbers > School Community Partnership Notification Form. 8 Question 6 Funding amount available Funding of up to $9,725 (excluding GST) for a maximum of 21 funded students will be provided to eligible schools in 2012. To cater for schools with low student enrolment, schools that enrol less than 21 students will be funded proportionately. Of the funding available, up to $__________ may be used to provide professional development for teachers involved in Advance. A B C D 1,000.00. 300.00. 500.00. 800.00. 9 Question 7 Funding amount available To assist teachers in the successful delivery of Advance, a portion of the Advance funding can be used for Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) provision during the year. Of the funding available, up to $__________ may be used for CRT provision to assist with Advance related activities. A B C D 900.00. 800.00. 1,000.00. 500.00. 10 Question 8 Promoting Advance There are a number of audiences for promotion and providing information about Advance including: The school Principal; the school Council; the school staff; other young people; parents; community organisations members (including management boards, members and volunteers) and the local community. An on-line forum for Advance co-ordinators is also available at: The Office for Youth website has promotion tips, media release templates and other resources and can be found at… A B C D 11 Question 9 Best Practice Principles of Advance The Office for Youth undertook an external evaluation of the Advance program 2004-07 to review and report on the delivery, outputs, outcomes and good practice learning’s of the program. The evaluation provided an opportunity to reflect on key factors that make Advance successful and to develop Best Practice Principles to improve future program delivery. Successful programs are those that… A B C D acknowledge coordinators pivotal role in building partnerships with community agencies, have local community partnerships that understand the local context and are embedded within the business of the school and has school support which is accompanied by time release and administrative support. include young people in leadership, development and implementation projects and provide young people with challenging and engaging applied learning opportunities. include succession planning, target Advance resources towards specific target groups of young people who have evidenced educational disadvantage and celebrate young people’s achievements in a public forum. include all of the above. 12 Question 10 Celebration and Recognition Celebration and recognition opportunities are key elements of the Advance program, however, can Advance participants go swimming with dolphins as recognition of their achievements in the program? A B C D Yes, Advance funding may be used for this activity. Yes, but the young people need to cover all costs. No, Advance Participation Certificates only can be used to recognise young people involved in the program. No, this is not an accepted activity as highlighted in the Advance Handbook. 13 So how did you go? Further support to co-ordinators is provide via: * The Office for Youth website; * The Advance On-line Forum; * Emailing the Advance Team; or * By calling (03) 9096 3349.The Office for Youth websiteThe Advance On-line ForumEmailing the Advance Team Download ppt "Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in their community. It is a partnershiAttendance (NPSLBA) will be increased and with a. FORUM 26 February Why Hold this Social Inclusion Forum? To understand why we have a Social Inclusion Program - Policy context and ACE values To. Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in their community. It is a partnershi are judged What the judges look for How to maximise your chances of winning By Dianne Hamer.
AAI Recruitment 2018: Airport Authority of India has issued a job notification for 10 vacancies under recruitment notice 2018. AAI invites online applications from eligible candidates for the post of Senior Assistant & Junior Assistant. All eligible candidate can Check Official notification and complete details for Website. AAI Recruitment 2018. The … TSRTC Recruitment 2018: Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) is a state-owned company that runs transport services within the Indian state of Telangana. It was formed in 2014 by splitting the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation. Many other States are also linked with the services of TSRTC. It serves about 89.4 lakh passengers … TSPSC Recruitment 2018 – Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has issued a job notification for 72 vacancies under Telangana State Road Transport Corporation. TSPSC invites online application for Junior Assistant (Personnel) & Junior Assistant (Finance) post under recruitment notice 2018. All eligible candidate can apply for TSPSC Recruitment 2018 post by …
Use the fields below to refer a friend to Century Insurance Consultants, Ltd.. This information will not be sold or shared. Fields marked with a * are required. When you look at the payoff calculus of cyberweapons, it is no surprise that business is booming. Compared with conventional weapons, cyberweapons have a low barrier to entry and a low-risk, low-cost, high-reward payoff calculus that is attractive to malicious actors. The high return on investment (ROI) of cyberweapons is contributing to a rise in threats across the technology landscape. Here is a look at five major factors behind this influx. Unlike conventional weapons, cyberweapons can be acquired with very little monetary or organizational resources. While nuclear weapons, for example, are only the in purview of nation-states, cyberweapons can be leveraged by small groups and individuals. For example, a British teenager hacked CIA Director John Brennan’s email account with nothing more than an internet connection and social engineering. The availability of these tools dramatically expands the set of actors who can access and leverage cyber weapons. Because of the attribution dilemma in cyberspace, cybercriminals face a low risk of getting caught. And because there is a low risk of getting caught, as well as very little overhead executing an attack from a keyboard, the payout is virtually all profit. The ROI is hard to beat when compared with any conventional weapon or tactic. In addition, because of the potential damage that can be done with very few resources, cyberweapons are asymmetrical tools that act as force multipliers for actors large and small, state and nonstate, rich and poor. For smaller actors, cyber weapons level the playing field with larger actors. Contrary to the theory that there is no honor among thieves, cybercriminals have established a very stable and mature market for selling not only the products of cybercrime such as personally identifiable information, health records and credit cards, but also state-level tools, cyber weapons and hacking services — putting cyber weapons in the hands of anyone with enough motivation. Gartner estimated that there will be 20.4 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020. Every insecure device that connects to the internet is another potential attack vector that can be exploited by a malicious actor. And the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) is an explosion of opportunity for cybercriminals and malicious cyber actors. The best defense we have against malicious actors in cyberspace is to change the payoff calculus by fortifying our networks to increase the costs to mount an attack, reduce the probability of success and minimize the ROI of cyber weapons. Don’t make it easy for cybercriminals to cash in on your valuable data. Pull the trigger on a robust security strategy to ensure that your organization is prepared for whatever advanced threats come its way in 2018. Jan’s passion is a fusion of her education in international relations and her career in the cybersecurity industry...
I’m actually a big fan of using balloons as stress balls. I like having a stress ball I can destroy in the end. But if you’re less destructive than I am, this cool post will give you step by step instructions to make your own homemade (or officemade) stress ball. And if you think this is just a silly little timewaster, consider the fact that stress balls have actual, tangible health benefits. Stress balls have been used for years for a wide range of medicinal reasons. Stress balls were used in ancient civilizations to relieve stress, improve coordination, prevent arthritis and rheumatism, stimulate blood circulation, help during physical therapy and assist with meditation. Stress balls may also help in the prevention or treatment of carpal-tunnel syndrome. Over the last couple of days I have received emails from folks who are disappointed in me that I am so concerned about the limp and lame response from the Kerry camp of late. Some of these emails have been worth ignoring, but several of them have told the usual �don�t despair; it�s too early for that�, or �we�re only even in the polls after their negative crap.� Both of these sentiments are exactly correct. But two of the more pointed comments at me were of the � if you�re so smart, what would you do to shake up the race?� variety. I�ve refrained from putting up a post on this subject today due to not wanted to be seen as a nag, but in general what I would have done is to schedule an immediate and thermonuclear counterattack tonight, within hours of Bush finishing his imitation of Phil Donahue tonight, with Kerry going on the offensive in a �I�m not going to take your shit anymore� mode. This would ensure some counterbalancing media coverage to offset the media blowjobs that Bush will get tonight, while showing that Kerry is taking the gloves off and ripping Bush and Cheney a new set of assholes for the next eight weeks. Guess what? It looks like Cheney and Miller pushed the right button with Kerry. Team Kerry is going thermonuclear at 11:30 PM EDT tonight from Ohio. Kerry will give a withering speech himself attacking Cheney and others for their smears, finally pointing out that Cheney is a combat-dodging punk. I�m not kidding about this. Look for it on CSPAN at 11:30 EDT, and probably CNN, but not Fox of course. They'll still have their kneepads on. We all saw the anger and distortion of the Republican Convention. For the past week, they attacked my patriotism and my fitness to serve as Commander-in-chief. We'll, here's my answer. I'm not going to have my commitmenation into Iraq. The Vice President even called me unfit for office last night. I guess I'll leave it up to the voters whether five deferments makes someone more qualified to defend this nation than two tours of duty. Let me tell you what I think makes someone unfit for duty. Misleading our nation into war in Iraq makes you unfit to lead this nation. Doing nothing while this nation loses millions of jobs makes you unfit to lead this nation. Letting 45 million Americans go without healthcare makes you unfit to lead this nation. Letting the Saudi Royal Family control our energy costs makes you unfit to lead this nation. Handing out billions of government contracts to Halliburton while you're still on their payroll makes you unfit. That's the record of George Bush and Dick Cheney. And it's not going to change. I believe it's time to move America in a new direction; I believe it's time to set a new course for America. Thank God. Let�s lock and load kids. If they want war for the next eight weeks, it looks like John Kerry and John Edwards will be ready to give it to them. The tougher rhetoric comes as the Kerry camp is launching an $8 million advertising blitz that will accuse the president of a string of broken promises. Six of the ads will air in swing-state markets right after the president visits them on a post-convention tour: Cleveland; Milwaukee; Scranton and Erie, Pa.; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Parkersburg, W. Va. "We're going to be very aggressive throughout the fall in painting the real picture of George Bush," communications director Stephanie Cutter said of the new spots. "We are going to remind voters of what George Bush said in 2000 and what he did. It is a much more aggressive stance." An ad that will run in Pennsylvania, for example, will say that Bush promised health care for seniors four years ago during a stop in Scranton but that now millions remain without health insurance and drug prices are soaring. Pardon my language folks, but if these miserable fucks want a war, then bring it. I would rather fight these bastards tooth and nail even if we lose by calling them out for the lying pathetic weasels that they are, than watch Kerry run on principle in a daze of disbelief that they would even make these smears in the first place. If you want it bad enough John, you�ll have to step into the gutter to flush them down the drain. It�s that simple.
This blanket really is a classic that anyone can tackle. All you need is a bunch of your favourite coloured yarns - as many or a few as you like - and you’re away. Using a simple repeat this is the perfect beginner project to practise your technique and tension. The pattern includes suggested colour combination, step by step photo tutorial, written pattern in both UK and US terms, stitch key, conversion chart and HanJan voucher.
Guelph, Ont., July 18, 2017 – Last night Council directed staff to complete the request for proposal (RFP) process for the redevelopment of the Baker District—the priority project for the Downtown Secondary Plan — including a requirement for space allocation for a main library. “With Council’s support to secure proposals for the Baker District redevelopment, we can forge ahead with fully realizing the economic and social potential of this desirable downtown property within the next five to seven years,” said Derrick Thomson, Guelph’s Chief Administrative Officer. The competitive RFP process will allow staff to align development work plans and the funding strategy for this site.The resulting proposals will confirm the commercial development interest in today’s market, which has changed since 2014 when the initial concept was presented to Council. Staff expect the results of the RFP will be presented to Council no later than the end of March 2018, at which time it is anticipated a development partner and site concept will be realized. Interest in the property was explored earlier this year through the City’s market engagement request for information. The seven developers and investors who participated ranked the Baker Street property highest overall among five downtown Guelph real estate opportunities. This past February, City staff and Council developed 12 criteria to prioritize the full range of economic development projects in Guelph’s downtown that also favourably ranked the Baker District as a high priority. Staff will prioritize all the remaining projects and report back to Council in March. Council previously approved a budget of $13.3 million to purchase the property for the Baker District and of that, $4.2 million has been spent to date on acquiring two of the four properties. An additional $90,000 has been allocated for site servicing studies and provincially legislated environmental assessments. Future costs, informed through the planning of the redevelopment RFP, will be reflected in the City’s 2019 capital budget forecast. This entry was posted in Economic Development, Plans and strategies and tagged baker district, Downtown Secondary Plan on July 18, 2017 .
The purpose of this article was just to remember my old days of Akashvani – not to undermine or to hype or compare any one. No prejudice at all towards any one. It was written on the insistence of my friend Dr. Madhu Sudan Jhaveri while I was paying my homage to the departed soul of his intimate friend the late Arun Kumar – an accomplished tabla player……. So my request to all not to find fault ….
Rupesh Paul Filmmaker of ‘Kamasutra 3D’ have finally released the trailer of the film on YouTube under GJ Entertainment. The trailer depicts an army out at war, in the high-seas. The costumes of the warrior men in the film are very similar to those from Hollywood flick ‘300’. The trailer also seems to have a strong similarity to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean.’ Sherlyn Chopra, who plays an Indian princess in the film, is absolutely sensuous as she goes about perfecting the art of seduction in the film. The film is based on Vātsyāyana’s Kama Sutra, an ancient Indian Hindu text in Sanskrit literature widely considered to be the noted work on human sexual behaviour. ‘Kamasutra 3D’, which will be in English as well as Hindi, is directed by Rupesh Paul and stars model King Mal Khan opposite Sherlyn. The film received a great response at the Cannes Film Festival this year at the market section. Director Rupesh Paul hopes to have the world premiere at Cannes itself next year. "We will release two versions of the film – an Indian version, which is a very mellowed down version and another for the rest of the world. We are looking for distributors’ here." says Paul. Paul is a Kerala based filmmaker, who has earlier directed Malayam films like ‘Laptop’, ‘Pithavum Kanyakayum’.
Our Vision is nothing less than a clean and healthy Lake Hiawatha supportive of a thriving ecosystem and community is dedicated to improving the quality of Lake Hiawatha through community engagement, educational outreach, and good governance through effective partnerships with other organizations and public officials. In an October 23, 2017, blog post, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says, “The National Environmental Policy Act requires that agencies undertake a robust analysis of reasonable alternatives before making a decision about a proposed project. In the case of these two pipelines, it’s been clear since the beginning that there are cleaner, safer, less destructive, and less expensive alternatives available. Our list of concerns about these two pipelines is long, but here is an overview of the top ten, with more details to come in future blog posts.” Countless dangers for forests, endangered species, fish nurseries, and public lands that are used for recreation and other purposes This entry was posted in Economy, Eminent Domain, Environmental Impact, Natural Resources, Water Quality on October 23, 2017 by Ellen Bouton. ← Press Release: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Would Create 4500 Acre Downzone Area in Nelson Inverse Condemnation Lawsuits →
On the morning of Wednesday, 28th January 2015 the DSWT/KWS Mara Mobile Veterinary Unit received a distress call from the management of the Mara Conservancy that one of their patrol teams had come across a young elephant calf with a tight cable snare round its front left leg. We immediately swung into action by mobilizing all that we needed for the treatment. We knew that a calf is always fiercely protected by the family and it would be a tall order attending to it but it was inevitable and very important that we save the life of this young baby and relieve it from unspeakable agony. It took a two hours drive to get to where the calf and mother were feeding in the hot tropical sun. Other big elephant families were also nearby grazing. Immediately we noticed that the calf had lots of difficulty walking and the mother was way ahead and would from time to time go back to gather up her baby. The team decided to dart the calf first and try pushing the mother away when the anesthesia took effect in order to avoid the risk of the mother’s milk drying up and again risking the young elephant calf. A dart was quickly prepared and the calf approached and darted from the vehicle. After that we waited for the drug to take effect. After about nine minutes he knelt down pressing his trunk against the ground and the mother came and stood beside him. All efforts to push her away were fruitless and time here was of the essence otherwise the calf would suffocate. Making the last ditch effort to scare her off, she finally obliged but not before putting her slender and sharp tusks into the vehicles front grills. This left a hole on the plastic bumper. The heavy steel custom-made bumper saved the car from serious damage. When she moved off, the team members alighted and the calf was turned and laid down laterally. This revealed a big snare wound all around the limb but the snare itself was missing. The wound was cleaned with copious amounts of water and de-bribed with hydrogen peroxide. After extensive cleaning and medication the wound was covered with green clay which has very good antibiotic properties and also helps in keeping flies and any further infection at bay. Also a long acting antibiotic injection was administered to prevent further infection. After all the treatments, the antidote was administered through the ear vein and after two minutes the calf was on its feet and the mother came rushing. We encountered another problem because the two were running in different directions but with the use of the vehicle again we herded the calf in the direction of the mother and in a short while the mother and calf met announcing their union with a joyful trumpet. The Mara Vet unit takes this opportunity to thank The Minara Foundation for their steadfast financial support. Peoria, Illinois Wedding Photographer | Shellie Benson Photography Hey everyone!!! Today we have another beauuuuuutiful wedding to preview! This wedding, *sigh* I just loved it SO VERY MUCH! I’m sure you will remember the couple from a few months ago and their E-session and how much loved that as well. Well we got wonderful pictures but we got […] Peoria, Illinois Wedding Photographer | Shellie Benson Photography Hey guys!! I feel like I haven’t been able to post for a month, not just 2 weeks!! Its been SO crazy here – in case you didn’t know we had 2 weddings to shoot back-to-back weekends ( not normal for me!) and then in between we […] [ CLOSED – June 12th through June 22nd] No access to phone or email until June 22nd, thank you for your patience and we will be in contact as soon possible upon re-opening!! Hey guys!!! Okay getting ready to be closed for the next 12 days and I HAVE to get up 2 sneak-peeks because the following cuties wont get thier galleries until after we back up and running after the 23rd!!! Everyone else – I’m SO sorry you didn’t get a Peek here on the blog, BUT […] Hey guys just a few quick things! June is CRAZY. As you all know June 12th thru June 22nd we will be closed, and I will be unavailable but I thought I better give a general heads up to the public as far as booking and some info so you guys will in in the […] Continuing merrily along on my adventures in songwriting, I spent this past week in Kona (far away from the flowing lava), at the Hawaii Songwriting Festival with about 200 participants, 2O mentors and Kenny Loggins! More about Kenny in a moment. All the festivals (more like workshops), have been different in size, spirit and approach. Last month, the Johnny Mercer Program at Northwestern University was a more intimate forum with a much smaller group and the attention to one song at a time was intensive. In Kona we were operating at a quicker pace. Each day the staffers rolled up their sleeves, sat in separate circles with 10 talented songwriters and examined their work. In the “Demo Derbies” writers pitched songs to music supervisors. We also had some high-speed mentoring—15 minutes of one-on-one. One other unique aspect to this particular festival is that our daily workshops looked out over an ocean. Nothing wrong with that. As my colleague Jason Blume commented, "It's the most beautiful place I have ever critiqued songs." Here's where Kenny Loggins comes in. He was there mentoring too. Can you imagine Kenny Loggins critiquing your song? I’d definitely have begged to be in his group! Ya know, some rockstars can be *holes just because they’re rockstars. He’s anything but that. For one week he was one of us—telling us a story of how he wrote “Return to Pooh Corner,” when he was graduating from high school, thinking about the innocent life he’d be leaving behind. Disney demanded he cease and desist release of the song, after all, it would commercialize and monetize Disney characters. Disappointed, he told his new girlfriend. Little did he know that her Daddy happened to be a bigwig at Disney and thankfully Daddy ceased and desisted the cease and desist. And that’s why we know the song today. :) He also mentioned that his daughter, in assessing his career, suggested that he’d been lucky. Kenny remarked, "Luck smells a lot like sweat." Even if he managed to be in the right place at the right time over and over again we can all agree that he backed it up with the right stuff. No one should ever feel guilty when they get lucky. Luck is something the Universe rewards us with when we’ve done the hard work and believe in ourselves. He offered some advice when a young writer asked him what it takes to pen a hit: he said...write 100,000 songs and chances are, one of them will be a smash. She’s gonna be a very busy girl. I was honored that Kenny (and his lovely lady, Lisa), hung around after his Q&A to see my Living Room Live which I performed for all the festival goers. He totally could have opted for some privacy or room service. Oh and also? I couldn’t have asked for a more ideal demographic—a crowd of 200 songwriters in one room who can relate to my story. I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it but nobody had more fun than me (than I?). That I can assure you. On the last night there was a culminating concert (common to many festivals) - a fun loving pageant of original songs performed by both attendees and staffers. Last in the line up was Mr. Loggins. I’ve only ever heard “Danny’s Song,” through the dash of my car, the speakers in my living room, my earbuds or, way back in another lifetime, a transistor radio at Jones beach. To hear him perform it within 10 feet of my body was a disarming experience that thankfully lingers. And then for the piece de resistance, everyone joined him on stage for a “Footloose” jam. This morning on my last little jog before going to the airport I queued up Kenny Loggins Essentials. Sure I know all his hits but now I will hear them in a different light. I always liked Kenny—the artist. But now I’m Fangirl of the human. Such a lovely, generous dude. If you follow me you're aware that I’m thoroughly enjoying this time in my evolving career. In a few days I'll be gearing up for another month of escapades—NY, Nashville, Colorado! Until then, I’ll be sleeping peacefully in my own bed in between 2 kitties, catching up on Sharp Objects, and bonding with a backyard I will miss. In other words til I fly off again I’ll be celebrating me home.
Sandy Cluness, Shetland Islands Council Convener, has written a letter of condolence to the Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg, following the weekend's tragic events. We have a common heritage and have shared the best and worst of experiences during and since the last war. But nothing could have prepared us for the sheer horror and great sadness experienced as we watched the events in Oslo and Utøya unfold on television. By chance this weekend eleven ships manned by young Norwegians were in Lerwick for the Tall Ships Race and we were glad to be able to extend what friendship and practical help we could to the crews during this awful time – they are now on their way to Stavanger and home. Please extend our sympathies to all those families who have so cruelly lost loved ones, and to the Norwegian people. There are many effectual and promising removal and moving companies out there in the market, however the most promising Packers and Movers in Kalkaji Delhi makes a difference in your life offering an altogether different and memorable experience. They have a team of keen and hard working individuals who complete understand the concept behind your stress and the challenges that you have to face while relocating. Packers and Movers in Kalkaji Delhi make it a point to offer the finest set of quality raw material, clubbed with the best pacing art to make sure all your goods are well moved intact to the new location anywhere across the country. Apart from panning the next step towards moving your goods skillfully over to the new location also needs equal importance and evaluation. Lifting bulky furniture as well as delicate piece needs art, skill, an apt training and a planned approach. Their teams make sure to strategically move all your goods from your location and load them well in to the transportation arranged for the movement, moving Household Shifting Services in Kalkaji Delhi. Depending upon the number and the quantity of your goods, they send trucks as well as containers. Their role just doesn’t end here. After your goods reach the new location, their team offers ample support in unloading as well as unpacking your entire goods and set up your new home, office or shop etc. So step ahead and explore through the various facilities offered by these ace group of removal companies that would support in your moves and help you focus on the rest of the chores related to your move, ShiftingWale.Com Car and Bike Transportation Services Kalkaji Delhi. Reliable Packers And Movers Services In Kalkaji Delhi Nowadays, the living life have been challenging to everyone by several challenges and unavoidable things. Do you want to relocate current house soon? We are the best Local Packers and Movers in Kalkaji Delhi make the people hope and expectations fulfill with better moving into the new place. We offer home shift, home relocation, furniture shifting and office shifting at the right time after the customer hire us. We calculate the time flexible to start and enough time to finish based on the customer emergency of house relocation task. We give importance to the household items storage in the warehouse for safe relocation at all conditions. How far you want to move your household goods in the Kalkaji Delhi you can experience totally different. We decide the right vehicle and number of professionals need to finish the whole relocation task in the residence or office. Packers and Movers Services Provider in Kalkaji Delhi:- We focus on the customer budget before get the relocation service good to move and place to move by our experienced team assistance Packing and Moving Services. We are with you consider the necessities for the safe and trouble-free house relocation in the Delhi region. We provide 24x7 customer support helpline and track the vehicles transport the goods anywhere in India. Our reliable packers and movers survey the whole possessions and show estimate with free of charge. You can make comparison of quotes and ensure fair reputation of excellent service at affordable cost. We separate the household items based on the category heavy, fragile and essential documentaries with different packing materials. Generally, we give importance more to the fragile items and precious goods to keep safe and prevent damages. We give the best quality packing and moving all the time at the right time of delivery and check list for all items unpacked and unloaded.
Suffolk Records Society | Committed to producing books that bring Suffolk’s rich historical literature to a wider audience The charters and other documents recorded in the Cartulary of the Augustinian priory of SS Peter and Paul, Ipswich throws light on an institution whose early history was mostly shrouded in obscurity. They are an important source for the study both the expansion of the priory estates and the consolidation of its holdings by the gist or purchase of adjoining parcels of land in common fields. Included are various manorial documents, estate surveys and a mine of information for the student of place-names. At our AGM in May it was agreed that the annual subscription for the SRS General Series would be increased from £12.50 to £15 with effect from this October. The fee has not been increased since 1997 and it longer covers the production cost of an individual volume, whilst rapidly increasing postage costs have been exacerbating the problem. The fee increase applies to Volume 62 and comes into effect on 1st October 2018. Any outstanding subscription fees for Volume 61 still stand at £12.50. For members who pay by standing order, this increase requires them to contact their bank directly to change their standing order. It is not possible for us to do this on your behalf. If you have any queries or require any assistance please contact the Membership Secretary at or For over sixty years, the Society has been committed to producing books that bring Suffolk’s rich historical literature to a wider audience. Covering a period of 700 years these volumes of letters, diaries, maps, accounts and other archives have made a major contribution to historical studies of the county and are a useful tool for both professional and amateur historians, as well as being a source of information for anyone interested in Suffolk’s history. Every year, the Suffolk Records Society produces at least one new book throwing light on some fresh aspect of the county’s history. There are two series of volumes, the General Series, for which we publish a regular annual volume, and the Charters Series, for which we publish occasional volumes of Suffolk charters and cartularies. The Society’s members share a passion for Suffolk and its history and it is their support and subscriptions that have made possible this remarkable opening up of the historical landscape.
1 in 5 Ontario children and youth has a mental health problem - that's about500,000 kids. Disorders range from anxiety, depression and conduct disorder to eating disorders, psychosis and bi-polar disorder. Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse and even suicide. Children's Mental Health Week is about increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems, decreasing stigma and understanding thathelp is available and treatment works! The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support. There should be no shame in talking about mental health issues. The more we talk about this, the more we reduce the associated shame and stigma so that young people can get the help they need when they need it most. For Parents/Caregivers of students from: Market Lane, Lord Dufferin, Nelson Mandela Park, Rose Avenue, Sprucecourt & Winchester please see attached flyer for information on a Wellness Fair.
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We can almost officially declare that it's here. Summer's a coming with lots of great plans for outstanding tales. We've got another stellar line up this week, including a guest session featuring images and thoughts from the seashore with friend Ktahdn Vesuvino. Join us this week in #secondlife, and on our properties in #kitely, live in voice. ~ at 1:30pm: TEA TIME at Baker Street: join Corwyn, Kayden, and Cale as they continue (1887) A STUDY IN SCARLET. Part Two of Four today. ** WEDNESDAY, June 20th at 7pm: WRITTEN IN THE SAND: Images and Thoughts from the Seashore with Ktadhn Vesusino. ** THURSDAY, June 21st at 7pm - H. G. Wells THE INVISIBLE MAN Part 1 with Shandon Loring (also presented in Three great sessions featuring the woods of Edgar Allan Poe, presented by Seanchai Library at LEA 18: "Edgar Allan Poe's "The Philosophy of Furniture" Probably no name on the Grid has become as linked to machinima as Chantal Harvey. Involved in noted film events such as the 48 Hour Film Project and the Month of Machinima, she has become well known in Second Life and elsewhere. Recently, I had a chance to interview her at one of her machinima sets. Chantal Harvey: I wish I had it in real-life. It has everything a girl needs. Hee-hee. So, what are your questions? Chantal Harvey: Oh, there was a Dutch man on tv, a writer, who wrote a book about his experience as a woman, in Second Life. It made me curious. I was head of a TV station back then, and pretty stressy. I found SL relaxed me a lot. I started dancing and socializing, and loved it. I became a host for the famous TJ Ice club, entertaining people, silly and fun. Chantal Harvey: Yes! That club, is (now) no dance island. We got a message that the TJ Ice club would suddenly close at midnight, and I wanted to preserve it, film it, to have a memory of it. Second Life still had a inside the viewer camera, back then. That was my first machinima. And I never stopped. Chantal Harvey: Hmmm. The SL Love Parade. The inworld camera was disabled by that time, so i filmed that with 3 real-life camera's, pointed at my computer screen. (laughter) I have a photo of that, that my husband took . By that time he thought I’d gone mad. Chantal Harvey: No, he knows me, hee-hee. I was doing a lot of real-life TV work, and he loved it that I found something that made me relax. And then i started filming. I guess it is in my blood. He is very proud of what i do, and comes with me to conferences and festivals. Bixyl Shuftan: Has he ever appeared in your SL machinimas. We went to Paris last week, the Atopic Machinima festival invited me. Chantal Harvey: in Paris, we had a great time. Mathilde Mallen had invited me. Atopic festival is looking for collaboration, with my MMIF festival. Ii have to say, the festival was well visited, many people, and a top location. It was great to be amongst so many machinimatographers. Pity I don't speak a lot of French Chantal Harvey: Paris had a jury selection of 26 films, 2 of them were mine. MMIF had 74 films. It ran for 2 nights, this year. Chantal Harvey: Well, 74 filmers, as they all could submit only one film. Then six presenters from different communities. And the tech people, and LEA theater was used for it, which is on 4 sims. And my friend, Ze Moo. He runs the real life festival. He did a grand job. Chantal Harvey: At MMIF, “Dear Fairy” by Tom Jantol, and “Little Red Riding Hood” by Toxic Menges. Ar Atopic, I really liked the one that became second, Yann Weissgerber 's film, I loved it best. Zardoz was the winning film, by KingRabbit. My MMIF is not about winners, all are equal. That is why is is such a celebration. People show the film they are most proud of and all are welcome. Chantal Harvey: Hmmm. My last one, a thirty second advertisement for the Superbowl. It has a dragon starring. And I love the Two AM one still, a lot. Chantal Harvey: Yes, that’s him. I asked him to be head of jury for the 48 hour film project machinima, which i produce, the real-life contest that involves machinima. We started working together, and formed Scissores, a film production company . We make real time animation, and childrens e-books, working on one right now. An old dream of mine was to enter a Second Life machinima into the Superbowl contest. And, we did it: Chantal Harvey: well 1500 films were entered. There will be five finalist, in January. Then, voting. But you never know, the filk is pretty good! It depends on the jury. Working with Tony is all i dreamt of. I worked so hard for four years. It all comes together now. To think that a Hollywood man wants to work with me - woo! Chantal Harvey: Yes, come to Machinima Mondays! We meet weekly. Join the group, and we are a freindly helping group. We have a Facebook page too. We come and discuss machinima, and all are friendly. It’s important to have a helping hand, when you start, and I advise people to have fun, and experiment. It was at this point the interview came to a close. But unlike most interviews, we didn’t go our seperate ways just yet. Chantal had gotten a TP to an art event and invited me to go with her, and event I’ll be writing about soon. With the Steelhead mayoral elections this week, Second Life Newser was able to get a hold of the two candidates expected to have a good shot at winning. Last week, we interviewed leading challenger Willow Leafstorm about the election and what she would do if victorious. This weekend, I sat down with TotalLunar Eclipse, the incumbent candidate. Besides the election, we talked about how he and his wife Tensai ended up in Steelhead and their history there. TotalLunar Eclipse: It was an accident, Tensai and I were running from an angry mob, and we took whatever train could take us to wherever wouldn't ask us too many questions. We took the train to the end of the line, and it was Steelhead." TotalLunar Eclipse: (chuckles), At the time I was the hired hand and Tensai was the scientist. Mad scientist I should add. And that was near seven years ago. TotalLunar Eclipse: Steelhead was perhaps the most friendly place we've ever been to. They saw mad scientist, and accepted it readily (smiles). TotalLunar Eclipse: We found many open minded people here. Everyone has a different tale to tell and they're unique in their own right. TotalLunar Eclipse: Steelhead is where I began my trade, building and stonemasonry. I focused on that and Tensai focused on her science. Bixyl Shuftan: The Relay build was made into a permanent building? Interesting. I take it some Relayers will be pleased to hear that. TotalLunar Eclipse: Yes, that's our new town hall. It is not down yet as I have to make it more useful to what we need it for but it is the same. TotalLunar Eclipse: The sun pagoda in Shanghai, Vista House and Multnomah Falls and the landscaping in St Helens and Nevermoor. Ahh, the building we are in now, this is the new schoolhouse. Bixyl Shuftan: Looks good. I take it this will be able to suit the needs of all the local youngsters? Bixyl Shuftan: Laboratories? Are these what would normally be found in schools, or are there accommodations for, "mad scientists" in training? TotalLunar Eclipse: We have our own grade of mad scientists or sons/daughters of notable mad scientists. So science/technology is something we have to focus on. TotalLunar Eclipse: Would you believe for the longest time I was not? The founder of Steelhead, Kattryn Severine was mayor. Though she left SL a very long time ago, only checking in with Tensai and I on occasion. Finally she released Steelhead to me in full ownership not too long ago. So technically I've been Mayor only about a year. Bixyl Shuftan: Were there any happenings you had a part in you'd like to mention? Any negotiations with neighbors? TotalLunar Eclipse: We have had relations with other Steamland sims we'd like to strengthen and grow upon. Steelhead is a city of friends and that friendship has lasted a very long time for Second Life. TotalLunar Eclipse: Yes, in Shanghai there were mobs that took a great deal of time to clear out and many disappearances that are still left unsolved. TotalLunar Eclipse: We had a team of undercover investigators and those who infiltrated the mafia. We were able to catch them at the crime and arrest them TotalLunar Eclipse: Aoi Steamweaver is her name. She and her band of fae mercenaries finally returned to China. TotalLunar Eclipse: I do hope so though we are never fully aware if that family will return or another family will come in to take its place. Bixyl Shuftan: (chuckles a bit) So it seemed like a harmless publicity stunt. At least until someone, as the story goes, found a technicality in the local law. TotalLunar Eclipse: To be honest, no one. This position requires long hours, a lot of time invested into it and I do little else beside it. Most know to stay away from government position. Bixyl Shuftan: Two challengers stepped up, Willow Leafstorm, and Jobias Barthelmess. How much of a surprise were they? TotalLunar Eclipse: Willow was not a suprise as she'd expressed interest in the politics of Steelhead before. Jobias though... I am rather surprised he would subject himself to public ridicule after the incidents he involved himself in. Bixyl Shuftan: I think one such incident was mentioned at the debate, but for the readers could you describe them, or at least the more noteable ones? TotalLunar Eclipse: As a rule I do not slander people especially opponents but Jobias has been involved in past transgressions involving Fuzzball Ortega and his desire to rule Steelhead. TotalLunar Eclipse: Yes, he shot our sheriff and as you know Fuzz is a lycan. So silver is quite lethal. Bixyl Shuftan: Well, the sheriff is obviously alive and well. Was he a bad shot, or did something else go wrong? TotalLunar Eclipse: Fuzz outwitted Jobias, he was never in any danger. But... Jobias has done his time and since then has led a relatively quiet life. Bixyl Shuftan: Willow expressed some concerns about what Jobias would do if elected, although felt he stood almost no chance of winning. TotalLunar Eclipse: He is not a favorite among many. His intolerance for those of us who are not human blood is quite evident. TotalLunar Eclipse: No, he hires henchmen only to not pay them, gets out loans and such to fund his former terrorism ways and doesn't repay. So banks are unwilling to lend to him anymore. Bixyl Shuftan: Between you and Willow, this seems to be a campaign of limited stakes. Her only issue about you, if one can call it that, is being both Steelhead's builder and mayor at once is too taxing and strenuous. TotalLunar Eclipse: At this point of time it is quite taxing on me but that's why I have ambassadors that run things for me. I will be utilizing them more in the upcoming months. That is if I win *smiles* TotalLunar Eclipse: I shouldn't say anything concerning other's candidacy. *smiles* But I feel she is a good speaker and has given her speeches and ideas a great deal of thought. Bixyl Shuftan: Gotcha. Well, other than what you already mentioned, what would your goals be under another term as mayor? TotalLunar Eclipse: I am taking what Willow has said to heart and utilizing my ambassadors more, finding different ways to advertise the sim and getting more citizens involved in its upkeep. I always feel like I am imposing asking someone to do something, but I should get out of my shell and let others assist. Bixyl Shuftan: Let's see ... I haven't brought up Tensai until now. What has she thought about the election? TotalLunar Eclipse: She chuckles under her breath about it, says I shouldn't do things... exactly to the law. Bixyl Shuftan: (chuckles a bit) That covers most of our questions. Though if you don't mind, might I ask about that device on your wrist? TotalLunar Eclipse: My typewriter? Certainly, its a beautiful device made for me. With moon elves the males, after a certain maturity, become empathic. And they lose their ability to speak, it's all telepathic. This is just a voice enhancer, as I am getting older and my voice is losing its volume. TotalLunar Eclipse: Anything else? Nay, just that I would be very honored to steward Steelhead again as I have for years prior. The Steelhead mayoral elections begin on Tuesday August 6, and the voting closes On Friday August 9th. The winner will be announced at the Tuesday Town Hall meeting.
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Just before the water is completely evaporated, add the chicken if you choose meat. In case of fish, wait until there is no more water from the vegetables. Pour the tomatoe purée diluded in water (to your convenience) ; let it stew for a few minutes at low heat About 5 minutes before the wheat is al dente, pour it into the frying pan with the preparation and let it stew during a few minutes on low heat. Be careful : do not let the tomatoe sauce stick onto the pan. You should be able to have lots of sauce ; Add more water if you want.
Dick and Donna Christoffer will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary during an open house from 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at the Arrowwood Resort and Convention Center in Okoboji. They were married Aug. 4, 1958. No gifts please. Stop by or cards can reach them at... The family of Dr. Alfred and Sheila Klein wishes them a Happy 70th Anniversary on June 5. Al had started his optometry practice in Spirit Lake when he met Sheila, a fifth-grade teacher, at a Spirit Lake High School football game. They were married in 1948 and raised six children on East Okoboji. Greetings would be welcome at:...
Welcome to the office of Thomas E. Klein, DDS, a family dentistry practice in Patterson, California! Dr. Klein and our caring, compassionate dental team have been bringing smiles to families in Patterson, Newman, and the surrounding areas for 35 years. With experience in many areas of dentistry, including pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and general dentistry, Dr. Klein has the ability to bring beautiful, healthy smiles to your family as well! Our bi-lingual staff provides exceptional care to both English- and Spanish-speaking families. In addition, our office is equipped with digital radiography or digital X-rays, a safe, low-radiation technology that helps our team provide the best care possible. Our dentist, Dr. Klein, has lived in California nearly all of his life and completed his education at local universities. We invite you to call or visit our office today to receive experienced and comprehensive family dentistry from a local, home-grown dentist. We look forward to taking care of you and your family! The Dutch exploited “Tulipomania” until the market bubble collapsed in 1637. At the height of the craze, the rarest tulip varieties were exchanged for land, livestock, and even houses. Today, a bunch of five bulbs of these rare beauties will cost about $9. A rainbow on earth. Bands of red, orange, white and yellow stretch across the countryside, interspersed with dusty browns and emerald greens. Parsing the field in the world’s largest flower garden in Keukenhof, Netherlands, are several varieties of tulips. These geoponique beauties make the economy bloom, enticing scores of visitors, raking in revenue from exports and even from flower auctions. Situated in southern Holland near the town of Lisse, Keukenhof is a 12.9-acre park that opened in1949. Keukenhof, literally meaning kitchen garden, was the former herb and vegetable garden of Jacoba van Beieren, a 15th century Countess of Holland. Interestingly, tulips were never originally from the Netherlands, but were brought in from Constantinople around the 16th century. Indeed, the word “tulip” is derived from the word “tuliban”, meaning turban. When Dutch painters captured the tulips’ beauty in still life paintings during the time, “tulipomania” was set afire, lasting until its collapse in the 17th century. The Netherlands claims fame as the world’s largest exporter of flowers including narcissus, hyacinths and Gladioli. Lisse exports bulbs to more than a 100 countries all over the world. The country’s exports exceed two billion bulbs each year, with most of them going to the U.S., followed by Japan and Germany. Today, more than 90 growers plant about seven million bulbs at Keukenhof, with about 4.5 million of them comprised of tulips. Lisse is a crowd puller, attracting about 800,000 people annually, which is about 3.3% of the 25.4 million visitors who arrive in the Netherlands. The poet E. E. Cummings wrote that the earth laughs in flowers. And, it is the Netherlands or the low-lying lands, which may bring his image alive. This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 at 2:45 pm and is filed und
I often realize I'm behind in my reading when I come across a big idea I've missed. The NY Times recently had a nice piece on the idea of Steve Lekson that Native American cultures of the Southwest were disposed to migrate in a north-south direction. My gut reaction is skepticism - and apparently I'm not the only skeptic. Seems like the number of locations are few, and given geologic and climatic limitations, perhaps it is not surprising that these sites are approximately aligned along cardinal directions. But I'll leave it to Southwestern archaeologists and archaeoastronomers to sort this one out.
On July 28th, we opened our new location in St. Louis' famed Delmar Loop. The 16th restaurant in the HopCat family features 80 craft beers and ciders on tap along with classic homemade American pub food. Our beer garden is like an oasis in the heart of the Loop, whether you're around our firepit, Or dining under the stars. How? All financial companies need to share non-publicnon-public personal information; the reasons Hopewell Chemical Federal Credit Union chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing. For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes—information about your transactions and experiences Yes Yes How does Hopewell Chemical Feder Chemical Federales Ces Compa A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you. Hopewell Chemical Federal Credit Union only shares information with those companies who have provided adequate protection for our members non-public personal information. Those companies that we choose to share information with must provide a written agreement to protect your information from unauthorized use. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) utilizes research-based principles of behavior in order to teach new skills through direct instruction, and to reduce challenging behavior through assessment and determination of its function (i.e. what is being gained or removed by engaging in the behavior). The principles of ABA provide the most effective methods for teaching individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. There is no predetermined “prescription” for treatment, as every child has a unique set of needs. ABA utilizes an individualized approach to instruction, which is one that focuses on determining socially significant skills to teach and challenging behaviors to reduce, which are defined through individual assessments. The methods in which new skills are taught are also developed via assessment, and tailored to the individual student. When teaching new skills, the goal is to always target socially significant skills while decreasing challenging behavior and replacing those challenging behaviors with appropriate functional alternatives. ABA works because of this individualized approach, but it is important to consider that it requires a high level of supervision and proficiency in the level of instruction that is being delivered in order to ensure effective implementation. Those overseeing an ABA program should be Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) as credentialed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. A BCBA should oversee the development of, and changes to, a student’s behavior program. These changes are made based on the progress of the individual via objective data collection and analysis. A BCBA has earned their certification by 1) completion of intensive coursework in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2) obtaining the minimum of a master’s degree in a human services field (i.e. – behavior analysis, psychology, special education, education), and 3) participating in extensive direct supervision and mentorship by a BCBA. Once certified, BCBAs must maintain their certification via the completion of 36 continuing education credit hours every 3-years. At Hopeful Journeys, a team of BCBAs work in conjunction with on-site certified special education teachers, speech-pathologists, and occupational therapists to ensure that every student has a well-rounded and completely individualized program. The Hopeful Journeys team works to target a variety of skill areas for each student including academics, social skills, communication, reduction of challenging behavior, activities of daily living, and vocational skills. As a team, we strive to build a better future for each student, and their families, by helping them to reach their fullest potential and enabling them to live more productive and independent lives.  Trailers in Coburg | Trailers for Sale in Coburg | Buy Custom Trailers in Coburg, Victoria | Trailers in Melbourne, Victoria
Display your collections on our Solid Pine Corner Cabinets. They are built solid with nails and glue. They have ply-wood or bead-board backing. A Corner Hutch is a good piece to make use of that wasted corner when nothing else will fit. We have several sizes to choose from so you can find the perfect one to fit your corner. Some have all open shelves and others have open shelves and door closed area. Choose walnut stained or unstained and stain it yourself to your liking. All products ship fully assembled, with free shipping and handling to the continental United States.
The BBS Model UN team has big plans for this year. These plans included attending AMMUN, KITMUN, and Georgetown Qatar's MUN as well as hosting another, dramatic Pearl-MUN in May. Two BBS students, Sarah Al-Muzaini and Nouriyah Al-Sager, hosted the first international MUN. To see the details, go to the Page Q8-MUN to get all of the exciting details. Due to the last minute cancellations of Georgetown, BBS will attend this event, provided it does not change its own conditions in similar, strange ways. Click AISMUN 2007 to get all of the exciting details.
This week we are featuring Javasa Finney. Her twos classroom was learning about the human body and decided to spend a day learning about hair and how the human body grows. Below you will find a reflection from Javasa and images from some of her lessons. During the months of October and November the Penguins were exploring the human body. We talked about the different parts of the human body. Some of the parts we focused on included: In addition to how these body parts work we had a lot of fun learning about the five senses. We talked about nutrition, how important it is, and how what we eat affects our body. Then they made delicious food from the different food groups with my co-teachers throughout the week. We also talked about the importance of sleep and how important exercise is for the human body. They were extremely excited to have the opportunity to go exercise at the Washington Monument. I wanted the class to learn all about their amazing bodies. My main learning objective when teaching the kids about the human body was for them to learn about how important their bodies are and how to care for them. I also wanted them to learn all the bodies’ functions and abilities. During the time we spent learning about the human body there are two lessons that I feel were extremely successful and memorable. The first one would definitely be when a baby came to visit. The child is currently a student in the infant class here at SEEC. The five month old was our model for the lesson. During this lesson I talked to the Penguins about how we start out as small babies. We talked about how different a baby’s body is compared to older people. We talked about how when babies are born they don’t have teeth and can’t talk, walk, run, or jump. They learned that during the first year a baby sleeps and drinks a lot and cries to communicate. During circle time we made observations about the baby’s body and talked about how fragile it is. Then the Penguins had the opportunity to touch him. It was wonderful to see the children light up and respond to the child. The second most successful and memorable human body lesson was our lesson on hair. We learned how hair can be many colors, textures, and lengths. We talked about the things we use to care for our hair. Then the Penguins had the opportunity to try on wigs that were different colors, textures, and lengths. This lesson was followed up with a trip to the National Gallery of Art. We went to look at the “Little Dancer” by Edgar Degas sculpture. First we made observations about the body and then we had the Penguins take a closer look at her braid. The braid is made of real human hair, coated and held in place by wax. During the first lesson, if I were to do this again, I wouldn’t keep the baby on my lap the entire time. I realized later it would have been nice for the kids to see him crawling, playing, etc. For the second lesson about hair, I would have picked a different day to go to the National Gallery of Art. The day we went there were several trips there and the room with “Little Dancer” was extremely crowded. Javasa began the week by exploring how our bodies grow and change. As a way to illustrate this development, Javasa invited a child from the infant classroom to visit. She wanted the class to look at the baby and compare his body to their own and the teachers’. Javasa explained that people start by needing a lot of help from adults but as our body changes we become more independent. Javasa explained that the baby couldn’t feed himself, talk, or even walk yet. She showed how the baby would eventually learn how to do all these things as he gets older. The next day the class moved on to Hair. Javasa read “Hair” by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed to introduce the topic. The book helped students understand that people all over the world have many different types of hair and hair styles and each one is as special as the next. One of Javasa’s co-teachers shared her collection of wigs as way to talk about how hair can be all different colors, textures, lengths, and styles. She explained that hair comes in a range of color but if you want certain colors (for example, pink) you would need to dye it that color. She showed the group a zoomed in picture of a hair follicle. The kids couldn’t believe how the root of their hair looks. The group then walked over to the National Gallery of Art to see Degas’ “Little Dancer.” They were fascinated by how Degas used real hair for the sculpture. The children discussed the color, length and style of the dancer’s hair. This class had an awesome time learning about their bodies! Be sure to check back for our Teacher posted in Early Childhoottle town in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, it is located north of the country and only a 30 mins train ride from Bologna. Modena is a pretty household name in the country, it is not only famous for being the home of a few popular ingredients in Italian Cuisine, it is also the home to motors powerhouse. Ferrari, Maserati, Pagani all got their roots in Modena, which is why the town also have a little nickname as the Land of Motors. Modena is rich and social advance. The place have a high quality of life. For those who are less interested in the cars, perhaps the gastronomical produce might interest you more. The precious Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese or Lambrusco wine are just some examples of it. The town is a good base for exploring such farms and see the making of these great products. In my previous 2 post, I have shared extensively on the two famous food products of Modena and also of Italian Cuisine, the Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese and the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. Check it out if you are interested in both products. This is gonna be quite a short post since I did not really check out the city of Modena much. I only had a brief walk in town and spend most of my time in Mercato Albinelli having lunch. I love that many buildings in Modena are decked out in orange colors, I guess it must be the town color or something, but it look so bright and sharp. It makes me feel very happy when looking at it. It seems to be one of the quiet day in town when I was in the area. There was never too much crowd or something. The only place that seems very bustling was the Mercato Albinelli or the Food Market of Modena which is where I find most of the people. Perhaps it is around lunch time. I could see many of the locals not only doing their shopping around the stalls but some also have a bite or dining on one of the many stalls in the market itself. I love walking in different markets. It is just such a great way to know about the life and culture. While Mercato Albinelli definitely isn’t the most gorgeous market or the largest one that I have been to, the ambience here is very good as well. It is pretty small, but you can find all the ingredients in Italian cooking. Coming from my in depth classes from my tours in the morning, I was paying much attention on the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar and the Cheese to see how much are they actually selling there. Feeling a little perky, I settled for some freshly roasted chicken at one of the many stalls there. It was crowded although I could not resist the crispy freshly roasted chicken that was just out of the oven. It was so delicious and crispy. However the local favourite seems to be just bread and cold cut which was what most of the people ordered. The sight of the chefs slicing up various cold cuts and toasting bread provides me with the greatest company! I had a little walk around town before heading back to bologna. One of the most popular places that you have to see is the area around Piazza Grande and the Ghirlandina Tower which is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is considered to be the central and meeting place in town. Although it is kind of quiet on a normal day. When I was there, there were little street markets here and there around the alleys and squares. Seemingly they were selling some handmade stuffs and old books. It just gave me the little small town vibes, everything was so peaceful and relaxing. It sure seems like a place for retirement. All in all, I pretty love the day trip that I made here. I think that it is kind of perfect to come here if you are interested in Food and Cars. Taking some tours in the factory nearby and then head to the Mercanto for lunch. That is a leisurely plan! Super poppy and soulful Dutch Melodic House music+senior citizen hipsters feeling their oats. That's pretty much all you need to know. Enjoy and shake that booty!
"Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!" Manufacturers in Ashton In Makerfield Wigan - The Machine and Manufacturing Register Manufacturers in Ashton In Makerfield Wigan - The Machine and Manufacturing Register Archive - The Machine and Manufacturing Register Do you feel like you reflect on things more than everyone else? Do you find yourself worrying about how other people feel? Do you prefer quieter, less chaotic environments?so developed a self-test (which you can take here) to help you determine if you are highly sensitive. While recent interest in introversion — driven largely by high-profile publications on the subject, including Susan Cain’s book “Quiet,” — has brought more awareness to personality traits that value less stimulation and higher sensitivity, Aron notes that highly sensitive people still tend to be considered the “minority.” But “minority” doesn’t mean bad — in fact, being highly sensitive carries a multitude of positive characteristics. Read on for some of the commonalities shared by highly sensitive people. One of the hallmark characteristics of highly sensitive people is the ability to feel more deeply than their less-sensitive peers. “They like to process things on a deep level,” Ted Zeff, Ph.D., author of The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide and other books on highly sensitive people, tells HuffPost. “They’re very intuitive, and go very deep inside to try to figure things out.” People who are highly sensitive will reactmore in a situation. For instance, then’t take things so personally” and “Why are you so sensitive?” Depending on the culture, sensitivity can be perceived as an asset or a negative trait, Zeff explains. In some of his own research, Zeff says that highly sensitive men he interviewed from other countries — such as Thailand and India — were rarely or never teased, while highly sensitive men he interviewed from North America were frequently or always teased. “So a lot of it is very cultural — the same person who is told, ‘Oh, you’re too sensitive,’ in certain cultures, it’s considered an asset,” he says. Highly sensitive people may tend to avoid team sports, where there’s a sense that everyone is watching their every move, Zeff says. In his research, the majority of highly sensitive people he interviewed preferred individual sports, like bicycling, running and hiking, to group sports. However, this is not a blanket rule — there are some highly sensitive people who may have had parents who provided an understanding and supportive environment that would make it easier for them to participate in group sports, Zeff says. Highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make, Aron says. Even if there is no “right” or “wrong” decision — for example, it’s impossible to choose a “wrong” flavor of ice cream — highly sensitive people will still tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome. Aron’s advice for dealing with this: “Take as long to decide as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it and can take it,” she writes in a recent issue of her Comfort Zone newsletter. “During this time, try pretending for a minute, hour, day, or even week that you have made up your mind a certain way. How does that feel? Often, on the other side of a decision things look different, and this gives you a chance to imagine more vividly that you are already there.” One exception: Once a highly sensitive person has come to the conclusion of what is the right decision to make and what is the wrong decision to make in a certain situation, he or she will be quick to make that “right” decision again in the future. You know that uncomfortable feeling you get after you realize you’ve made a bad decision? For highly sensitive people, “that emotion is amplified because the emotional reactivity is higher,” Aron explains. Highly sensitive people are the first ones to notice the details in a room, the new shoes that you’re wearing, or a change in weather. In fact, about 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts, according to Aron. She explains that many times, highly sensitive people who are also extroverts grew up in a close-knit community — whether it be a cul-de-sac, small town, or with a parent who worked as a minister or rabbi — and thus would interact with a lot of people. Because highly sensitive people are such deep thinkers, they make valuable workers and members of teams, Aron says. However, they may be well-suited for positions in teams where they don’t have to make the final decision. For instance, if a highly sensitive person was part of a medical team, he or she would be valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of a patient having surgery, while someone else would ultimately make the decision about whether that patient would receive the surgery. 10. They’re more prone to anxiety or depression (but only if they’ve had a lot of past negative experiences). “If you’ve had a fair number of bad experiences, especially early in life, so you don’t feel safe in the world or you don’t feel secure at home or … at school, your nervous system is set to ‘anxious,'” Aron says. But that’s not to say that all highly sensitive people will go on to have anxiety — and in fact, having a supportive environment can go a long way to protecting against this. Parents of highly sensitive children, in particular, need to “realize these are really great kids, but they need to be handled in the right way,” Aron says. “You can’t over-protect them, but you can’t under-protect them, either. You have to titrate that just right when they’re young so they can feel confident and they can do fine.” While it’s hard to say anyone is a fan of annoying noises, highly sensitive people are on a whole more, well, sensitive to chaos and noise. That’s because they tend to be more easily overwhelmed and overstimulated by too much activity, Aron says. Because highly sensitive people are so high in empathy and more easily overstimulated, movies with violence or horror themes may not be their cup of tea, Aron says. That’s why it’s important for highly sensitive people to put themselves in situations where they won’t be made to feel embarrassed or “wrong” for crying easily, Zeff says. If their friends and family realize that that’s just how they are — that they cry easily — and support that form of expression, then “crying easily” will not be seen as something shameful. Highly sensitive people are also highly conscientious people, Aron says. Because of this, they’re more likely to be considerate and exhibit good manners — and are also more likelsing (so that there is no longer anything to criticize), criticizing themselves first, and avoiding the source of the criticism altogether, according to Aron. “People can say something negative, [and] a non-HSP [highly sensitive person] can say, ‘Whatever,’ and it doesn’t affect them,” Zeff says. “But a HSP would feel it much more deeply.” Just like highly sensitive people tend to prefer solo workouts, they may also prefer solo work environments. Zeff says that many highly sensitive people enjoy working from home or being self-employed because they can control the stimuli in their work environments. For those without the luxury of creating their own flexible work schedules (and environments), Zeff notes that highly sensitive people might enjoy working in a cubicle — where they have more privacy and less noise — than in an open-office plan. Home » »Unlabelled » Starving people ask strangers for food in social experiment - their reactions will surprise you Several strangers are asked to share their food with a starving member of the public - played by an actor An intriguing social experiment has gone viral showing what happens when people ask strangers for food. In thean actor - but they all refuse. Then minutes later a generous homeless man became an instant internet hero for showing as on camera when filmmakers from OckTV gave him their leftover pizza in New York City, US. Within minutes, another member of their team approached the man to ask if he would mind sharing his surprise meal. The video was original devised as a social experiment to see how members of the people would react if a stranger asked to share their food. To say thank you for his generosity, the filmmaker opens his wallet and gives the man a sizeable amount of cash, which leaves the kindhearted hero in tears. The video, which ends with the line "Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up" has become a viral sensation, hit more than 14.8 million views in just 10 days. This is a lovely barrow some 17 meters in diameter and 2 meters high. Situated near the B974, the famous Cairn O Mount road, the barrow is very close to this road. It can be found slightly to the north of Fettercairn (the village) and just to the south of Mains Of Fasque entrance. Being set in a wood the sense of ancient times is everywhere despite the nearness of the road. Sadly some quarrying has happened on the south east side but most of it remains intact.
Tigres UANL produced one of the Liga MX’s finest footballing displays of the season to walk away as comfortable 3-0 winners in the first leg of the Liguilla on Thursday night. A penalty from Andre-Pierre Gignac, a wonderful curling effort from Javier Aquino, and a tap in by Rafael Sobis sealed the win, as Pumas UNAM struggled to get to grips with the fluidity and dynamism of the host’s front four. Tigres started as much the brighter side, with Gignac having already forced Pumas’ keeper Alejandro Palacios into a top save before Sobis was bundled over by Javier Cortes in the 15th minute for the opening spot kick. Aquino bent in the second from a wide angle ten minutes later, and thereafter Pumas looked beaten. When Sobis rolled in the third midway through the second half, you got the sense that Tigres’ name was already being engraved on the Liga MX trophy. Predictably, the crowd were ferocious and passionate throughout. No club in the country can match the fanatical nature of the Tigres faithful, as every goal was celebrated with flying beer and fireworks, every misplaced Pumas pass was greeted with whistles and jeers. Pumas now have a mountain to climb. In the Liguilla they’ve looked a shadow of the side that cruised to the summit of the regular season table, shipping three goals in each of their last two games and struggling to find the form that saw them end with the division’s second best defence after seventeen games. They’ve now lost three of their five post-season games, and the fact they’re in the final at all is being treated as a miracle by some sections of their support. Ominously for the Mexico City side, the only side that outperformed Pumas defensively in the regular season was Ferretti’s Tigres. The Monterrey-based side are unbeaten in 12 in all competitions and have lost just two of their last 22. In the post-season they’ve scored eight and conceding only one, and they’re now on a four-game clean sheet streak. The idea that Pumas will score at least three times to force extra time is fanciful at best. Nonetheless, should Sunday’s second leg go as predicted and see Tigres walk away as champions, Pumas should still hold their heads high. Back in July no one predicted them as Liguilla finalists, and they can at least take comfort in looking forward to both a Copa Libertadores campaign and a CONCACAF Champions League campaign in 2016. The experience of this post-season will have given the squad a new level of know-how, and they should come back stronger in the Clausura. Max Allegri named the Juventus squad for tonight’s Coppa Italia semi-final against Napoli, missing Mario Mandzukic. The first leg ended 3-1 in Turin and this decider is at the Stadio San Paolo just days after Sunday night’s 1-1 Serie A draw. Mandzukic played in that game, but was struggling with a… Crotone President Raffaele Vrenna announces his resignation “with a lot of sadness”. The businessman took over the club in 1992, and the Squali are experiencing a first-ever Serie A season, though they’re eight points from safety with just nine games to play. “I leave Crotone Calcio after 25 years with… Ac Milan declare that Mattia De Sciglio is not for sale and refuse a €15m offer by Napoli. The full-back was hardly under the spotlight with regards to this summer’s transfer market, but his performances at Euro 2016 changed all that. Having shouldered his way into the starting XI over… Germany’s dismal record against Italy in major tournaments is not a source of trauma for the world champions, who will face their international nemesis in the Euro 2016 last eight, coach Joachim Loew said. The Germans, who are four-time world champions and have also won three continental crowns, have always… Francesco Totti confirms he’s also signed up for six years as Roma’s technical director. The Giallorossi captain has signed a new one-year contract with the club, and will retire at the end of next season before taking up an off-pitch role. “I’m very happy, because after this year as a… Juventus should announce Domenico Berardi’s arrival from Sassuolo on Wednesday, including Rolando Mandragora and Gianluca Caprari. The Bianconeri have long boasted an option to buy Berardi for €25m and seem ready to activate it this week. According to Il Resto del Carlino newspaper, it won’t be a purely cash affair… Inter will meet Lazio on Saturday to discuss offers for Antonio Candreva and Lucas Biglia, say reports. The Nerazzurri are interested in the Aquile pair, but face competition for the Italy international from Atletico Madrid. Tuttosport reports that the Champions League final in Milan on Saturday will provide the stage… Coach Luciano Spalletti assures Miralem Pjanic “is very happy at Roma” but “we’ll be ready if we need to replace someone”. The Bosnian midfielder has a €38m release clause in his contract, and recent reports have suggested that Juventus could activate it in order to take him to Turin. “On… Francesco Totti’s contract extension with Roma should be announced before they play Chievo on Sunday, say reports. The Giallorossi captain’s future in the capital was in serious doubt but he now appears close to an agreement for an extension after scoring four goals in his last four games. Il Messaggero… Jack Ma, head of the Alibaba Group, jokingly claims not to have heard of Milan, despite takeover talks. It has been reported in recent days that Rossoneri President Silvio Berlusconi is in talks to sell the club to an unknown Chinese consortium. There had been suggestions that Ma’s Alibaba… Former England and Russia manager Fabio Capello said he “doesn’t want to set foot” on the Italy training ground. Capello has been tipped as one of the favourites to replace Antonio Conte after Euro 2016. “I don’t want to set foot in the Nazionale,” he said. “I’m sorry, I am…