An energetic girl who works part-time at a maid cafe. Her friends treat her as a bundle of mystery. The number of fans who have fallen hopelessly in love with her killer "tongue out, double peace" pose are as many as there are stars in the sky. 50 Intimacy: "Master~! Ayu&Peace! I've been having a lot more fun since joining Nanasuta~♪ But you know, what's really strange is when I'm with you, Master~! For some reason I feel so poe around you~! Do you use the word poe too, Master? You'll have to get into it eventually, you know~☆ My poepoe maid power is at stake here~♪" With only one button, you easily control 7 functions of intensities and pulsation specially intended to incite your deepest senses. Délicia has two separate motors, which give the best and the most powerful sensations for each part of your body. Moreover Délicia has incorporated LED light that enables you to manipulate easily in the dark. Catch rounded grip, Catch your G-spot - Made from super soft silicone for added flexibility and comfort - Sensual Led light synchronously flicker with vibration - Convenient & comfortable - handling with one finger control - With only 1 button, the user can control 7 functions - Power yet whisper motor - Splash-proof. Délicia is sleek, stylish and with its 2 compact powerful yet whisper motors 7 functions. Made of 100% medical-grade silicone, Délicia is one of the first vibrator with so many functions, tremendous power, LED light and easy handling even in the dark, Délicia ‘’quel Délice’’.
The AEC Story: From the Regent to the Monarch. Brian Thackray. Amberley, 2012. 1st Edition. ISBN: 9781445603902. 256 pages, 650g. Soft card covers with small laminate lift to bottom front corner, FINE. Illustrated with period b/w photographs and drawings. The company was responsible for the successful Routemaster double-decker buses, used by London Transport, as well as numerous other bus and lorry designs. the book examines in some detail the AEC's passenger and commercial vehicle designs of the early and middle 1930s. Th e spotlight also falls on the development of the high-speed oil engine and the less familiar military and off -road designs as well as the railcars built for the Great Western Railway. There’s Norway you can escape detection, thanks to computers, software, and skills Researchers from the University of Oslo in Norway have developed a system that tries to combat rogue employees and inside jobs – by combining cyber and real-world security knowhow.… The Register – Security Secure Hunter Anti -Malware
Indeed, I love to believe that there is justice, freedom, equality, peace and harmony for all in our world. That a few clever devils have become the untouchable guardians of the most sacrilegious culture ever created on earth. They ruthlessly hoard the treasures of the world under a monolithic control like in monotheism where they also hoard the meaning of truth. It is a terrible time for the few who succeeded in freeing themselves from the unrelenting global brainwashing. For these blessed few, what they discovered is too bitter to swallow and too dangerous to spill out. They can see how the prison cells (schools and religion) of the mind are jealously guarded from the light rays of truth. They can see how the guardians of the hellish civilisation are working round the clock to seal off every crack through which truth can penetrate. They can see how the guardians increase the blue pill that ensures the sleeping majority can go deeper into slumber. How I wish I could be ignorant again so I can remain in my comfortable cocoon of bliss like most earthlings; scrambling and hustling for scraps (success) like caged animals.
Giannetti, Ilaria (2018): ‘ Handmade’ pre-cast concrete: The Italian experience between structural engineering and industrial design (1950–80). Pres0. Currà, Edoardo / Russo, Martina (2018): Reinforced concrete in Italy through the works of two generations of engineers: Mario and Giorgio Baroni. Prese Di Pietro, Carolina (2018): History of the Italian contractors of large reinforced concrete structures in the twentieth century. Pres Garda, Emilia / Mangosio, Marika (2018): Sturdy as stone, vibrant as ceramics: Italklinker and Modern Movement architecture in Italy. Pres. There are hundreds of professors engaged in collaborative and community-focused research at Laurier. Working alongside faculty members who are at the forefront of their fields will give you hands-on and practical experience to complement knowledge learned in the classroom. Here are some tips on how to get involved in research at Laurier. Most professors at Laurier have ongoing research projects that involve students. Take time to learn about professors’ areas of expertise – read their websites and consider whether their research is something that interests you. If it does, then email the professor directly to discuss opportunities to be involved in their research. When you contact a professor, be sure to include information about yourself (your skills and experience) and why you are interested in their research. There are countless research-related events taking place on Laurier’s campuses – most of which are public and free. You can also reach out to research-related individuals and contacts at Laurier to learn about opportunities, such as: Several of Laurier’s departments and programs – Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Environmental Studies, Kinesiology, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Psychology – hold annual competitions to award Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Awards. Interested students can contact these units directly for instructions and timelines. Many degree programs offer an honours option that allows you to complete a research project that is overseen by a faculty member. Consider this option early in your degree and speak with your academic advisor if you are interested. Laurier offers options as an enhanced minor that you can incorporate into your degree program. If you are interested in research, you could consider pursuing a research-related option. Many departments at Laurier offer independent or directed studies options, which can be an opportunity to undertake a research project under the supervision of a professor. Speak to your academic advisor if you are interested in learning more. Many departments at Laurier offer courses with credits for intensive in-the-field research training. Speak with your academic advisor to learn about field course opportunities.
In general context of energy cost rising, free-market and decreasing of noise disturbances, control activities are now very attractive in aerodynamics. For every transport industry, flow control is synonimous of simplicity and rising-profits. This work is a part of a research group (GDR 2502) funded by CNRS, fluid dynamics laboratory and transport industries. The study is divided in three parts : a bibliographic study, a methodological study and finally a parametrical numerical study of separation control over lifted bodies by synthetics jets or FLuidi Vortes Generators. An important part of the work was devoted to numerical issues including time accuracy and turbulence methods behaviour for complex flows.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid high temperatures, humidity, sunlight exposure, chemicals and strong odors. Must be kept on pallets and never be in direct contact with the floor and/or walls. as a single ginger boy called ryan gillies. i really want a boyfriend im soooo lonely. preferably by the name martin as it was my mothers:)<3. i am a really good dancer and i can perform many many positions to satisfy all your needs ;). I LOVE COCK!( in my back door) xox OK, listen, I know we’re all traumatized by the Election 2010 results, but that’s not excuse for the… the… the “pun” in that title. Bah you have eighty million thumbnails framing the webpage at any given moment for totally irrelevant articles yet you can’t be arsed to provide thumbnails where we could really use them? @Sam: Yeah, I noticed that too. What, did Qweerty’s editors get tired of people whining about the gallery style or the model selection and decide to punish all of us? *Chuckles* Let’s give credit where credit is due. Professional homophobe Scott Lively wants you to know that he’s pleased to have played a key role in driving the vicious anti-gay frenzy that is gripping Russia. In an interview with MSNBC, Lively makes it clear that he thinks Russia is a paragon of morality, in no small part because the country took his advice to criminalize anything gay. Lively toured Russia in 2006-2007 and found a receptive audience for his message that gays are a “dark force” in human history, the genesis of the Nazi movement and predators recruiting unwitting children. As a kind of Johnny Appleseed of hatred, Lively sowed seeds that are now bearing fruit. “Yes, I think I influenced the Russian law,” Lively says. Boris Dittrich, the director of LGBT advocacy for Human Rights Watch, said that as Lively met with regional politicians, anti-gay bans followed until homophobia became the national standard. And, boy, is Lively happy about that. He has declared that Putin is “the defender of Christian civilization.” He wants Russian officials to boast about their anti-gay campaign at the Olympics by unfurling a rainbow banner over the gaen his virulent proselytizing and the anti-gay violence that has become commonplace in Russia. “Wow, that’s a leap,” Lively said in the interview. Of course, what would you expect of the man who proudly proclaims himself the father of Uganda’s anti-gay movement. You remember Uganda. That’s the place where legislators passed a bill that effectively made homosexuality a capital offense. It’s also the reason why Lively is on trial in a U.S. court for crimes against humanity. Despite Lively’s efforts to stop that lawsuit, a U.S. district court judge ruled last month that the case can move ahead. Subscribe to Queerty for a daily dose of #borisdittrich #homophobia #religiousright stories and more This man needs to be hauled up in front of the International Court of Human Rights. How does one file a complaint to have him indicted? This guy is no different than people like Gov. Mike Huckabee, This guy just says it a bit more vocally. @2eo: The evil ones live the longest. For example, look at how Dick Cheney – he’s still alive despite having quite a number of medical problems. Kaylee. although Douglas`s bl0g is good, on sunday I got a brand new audi from earning $4737 this-past/month and-more than, ten-grand lass month. with-out any question its the most-comfortable work Ive had. I actually started four months/ago and almost immediately started bringin home more than $73.. per/hr. dig this……… BAM%32%31%2E%63om
If I were Abiodun Faleke, I would head straight to the court. Now that the APC has finally won the guber poll in Kogi State, what shall we say is the contribution of Yahaya Bello to the mere 7,000 votes cast last weekend for his party? Shall we say he contributed merely 7,000? The INEC says the APC attracted 6,885 votes, while the PDP garnered 5,363 votes. I am not a mathematician, but in my naivety with numbers, it is clear that INEC has shown it knows neither maths nor common sense in Kogi State. If maths mattered to the INEC, its vice chancellor resident electoral officer should have declared the election conclusive. Maths does not matter to the umpire here. Neither does philosophy or morality. It is either that INEC was morally compromised or mathematically naïve. Neither is excusable. We will get to that point. But we must lift two critical fogs. One, how do we define number of registered voters? Some have argued that INEC was right to put off the election because the number of registered voters was about 49,000. That dwarfs the about 40,000 votes with which the Audu/Faleke ticket nudges out the Wada opponent. Therefore, it was only naturally right to order a supplementary poll. But then we come to the question of PVC. Why has INEC not stated the number of PVC issued for this election? The argument that only the number of registered voters matters invalidates the PVCs. But if it is only with the PVCs we can determine a legal vote, then the PVC registration amounts to the authentic source of the number of registered voters. Elections do not soar in the abstract. They are about people. They are about election campaigners who woo. They are about the voters who absorb agendas and decide with their ballots. In this dispensation, it is folly to refer to the old registered voters’ list when the PVCs are the ones that matter. If PVCs are not the authentic registered voters, then they are illegal. But since we have elected the president, governors, senators and house reps on PVCs, they are the bona fide documents of the vote. If we go by that impregnable premise, then it was obvious that the PVCs were less than the 40,000 margin of the Audu/ Faleke ticket victory over Governor Wada. That makes the election conclusive and the supplementary poll superfluous. It was not only superfluous, it amounted to a big act of mischief, a disservice to the majesty of democracy and a violation of the principle of natural justice. That makes Bello a superflous candidate. It is a shame that a party like the APC that prides itself on the change mantra can scoop out the worms of injustice already familiar to us. The worms of impunity. The worms of highhandedness. The worms of manipulation. The other point refers to the constitution. If the constitution says a governor-elect will, at death, surrender to the deputy governor-elect, it implies that if the election was conclusive, Faleke automatically becomes the governor-elect. This is an issue because some people do not want Faleke to be governor. It is not because they love the law. It is not because they want what they call party supremacy. It is simply because the presidency has decided to play the game of the aloof tyrant. The presidency acts as though not interested, but it has poured poison in the pool. The party chairman, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, has shown himself a disgrace to the concept of leadership. In the Bayelsa APC primary, he also turned the contest into a farce of insular interests. He projected his selfish motives onto the grand stage of party principle. He was defeated by the simple logic of internal democracy he railed against. He needs to immerse himself in the literature of political shepherds, those who turned parties into arrowheads of social transformation. He is not alone, though, in this game of putrescence. The INEC will still have to explain itself to the court. It has been reported that President Buhari did not want Audu as governor, and that explains why he did not go to Kogi to campaign for the ticket. So, the death of the APC candidate was a sort of morbid relief for Aso Rock. They did not want him dead. But how could they mourn whom they did not love? How could they shed tears for whom they did not want there, on the throne? So, as they would say privately, they did not kill him, providence did. That means providence had opened an avenue. It has compelled them to act now that the big elephant has fallen. They decided to pick a candidate, who worked against the party. Yahaya Bello suddenly is benefiting from a fight in which he did not deliver a blow. This is worse than even the providence of Jonathan. At least, the Otuoke man staked his powers in the election with Yar’adua. In this case, Bello was on the other side. They corralled him into favour. The presidency is rewarding the disgruntled, inspiring the rebel, saluting the ingrate, fanning the flames of the flouter of the principle of esprit de corps. With its hierarchy, it has applauded impunity. It is an opportunistic logic shown here. It wanted the party to stay off in the Saraki matter. Now, we want party supremacy and the presidency is suddenly interested. Faleke comes from the Okun part and he is a Christian. Some in the party hierarchy believe this to be a double jeopardy. Was that not the case with Jonathan? Did Nigerians not embrace him until he fell far short of his pious promise? Why is the microcosm defying the larger canvas? On Kogi, we are highlighting the politics of hubris in the worship of the idols of tribes and faith. Bello is, however, a true Nigerian. We love to reap where we did not sow, and later go to God and thank him for a miracle. There are many miracles celebrated in mosques and churches that the devil blames God for. Satan makes it happen, and God is given the credit. Lucifer must be very patient. Well, maybe the father of demons may even like it, and allow us the illusion of righteous reward. By attributing our dubious success to God, we continue in the path of flamboyant folly. The Kogi State imbroglio was created by law and it will be resolved by law. Until the courts pronounce, let us keep mum. Bello may live for now in the borrowed robe of governor. Barely two months ago, I had a dinner in New York City with an American journalist, and I cannot forget his view about the presidential election. “I don’t care what the polls say, that guy can’t be the president of this country,” he declared, a furrow defining his disgust. His tongue could not lift the name of “that guy.” A week later, at lunch in the remodelled Union Station in scenic Colorado, another journalist showed less cheer. She, however, voiced dismay to me at the pro-Trump ascendancy. Both are journalists of over 40 years standing. They saw an America that was morphing from an old virtue. An old virtue of civility, of mutual respect. That virtue drowned in a resounding splash last week. Donald J. Trump of the swagger held sway, a one-man insurgency spiced by a raw vitality. He put a whiplash on the American pulse and those who doubted him woke up around the world on Wednesday morning to the triumph of a barbaric impulse. The White House will indeed be tenanted by a new person in January, and it will not be the first United States woman president, but the man with the toupee, a puffed face and sometimes cartoonish face, a sardonic turn of phrases, with a baseball cap, with a crowd that hoots and jeers gleefully, with a juvenile energy, a billionaire who never respects women nor pays taxes, stiffs investors and employees, mocks a globalising economy but fattens on it, etc. So, a day after, many wonder how the strongest and wealthiest nation in human history ended up with such a man as leader. But it is part complacency, and part ignorance. We have idealised America. It is a land that flows with milk and honey, where the good always triumphs over evil, where John Wayne always beats the bad guy, where Tom Hanks shines in a dark plot. They gave us Internet, aeroplane, television, Facebook, google, fast food. They coalesced forces to roast Hitler and other emblems of human backwardness. Coca-cola. Starbucks. Star Wars. How could they now vote a man that condones pugilist Putin, the nuclear-thumping dwarf of North Korea, plots to install a wall, calls Hispanics rapists, shows open contempt for blacks, would initiate mass deportation, etc. But as the tallies finally flowed in, we discovered that this was an election in which white America decided to hug their own. But was this not the same country that voted in a black man just eight years ago? Yes, and that’s very American. It is a country that is at peace with rolling back its earlier chants. Remember Walt Whitman, its poet of democracy? He wrote: “Do I contradict myself? Yes, I contradict myself…I am large, I contain multitudes.” But a remorse set in quickly after the Obama boon. Mitch McConnell led the Congress Republicans to boast that Obama would never get anything through Congress. They would paralyse. Not long after, a few whites banded together in Washington to inaugurate the Tea Party, a movement that became a launch pad that derailed the Obama years, inspired nativist resurgence and threw up such bigoted heroes as Ted Cruz. They lay the foundation for Trump. The Americans who gave Trump victory had clutched the electoral college. Those who lost gave less emphatic gesture: the majority vote. So, the contradiction is in, and we have to live with it. If we go through U.S. history, it is all too familiar. He said he wanted to make America great again, a code phrase for a return to a white America. I see parallel with America of another president, less known to many Americans and even to Nigerians. He is Andrew Jackson. The similarities are striking. Jackson rose on the common-folk white instead of property rights in earlier years. He focused on whites of the Anglo-Saxon stock, just like Trump. In his electoral slugfest against Dukakis of Greek origin, George H. Bush said he belonged to “mainstream America.” Reagan landed in Alabama and proclaimed that he believed in “state rights.” Jackson promoted what historians call “manifest destiny,” that called for setting apart certain areas in the west for the whites to explore and work. He was to the Indians what Trump is to American Hispanics and all immigrants. He railroaded a law that allowed him to sweep all Indians from their residences with whites into reserves, and they packed their all in long walks and travels that left many of them and their children dead. The road has been called a “trail of tears.” He had a trail. Trump promised a wall. That part of America rose again in different times in the U.S. history. In the 1960’s, Governor George Wallace of Alabama ran for president and called for segregation today, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.” And another candidate George McGovern’s slogan “Come Home, America” is a precursor of Trump’s disdain for Pax America and the jettisoning of alliances around the world. In a text message from the ebullient governor of Borno State, Kashim Shetima, a perceptive point is made. He writes, “by his pronouncements, Trump’s doctrine will rest on isolationism, non-interventionism and protectionism. In essence, other’s problems should be America’s…” He was also right when he wrote that “it was white America striking back…the thumping down of the American spirit and unwinding all the gains of 50 years.” But there are other points. While we expect great from America, we should at home muse over our own troubles. The whites fight back but in our local elections, we are no better. Not long ago, we lit with delight as we corralled Ghanaians out of our shores. We vote according to what tribe or religion the candidate professes. We should not be too hard on the Americans. We are no better. In the last Lagos State elections, the Southsouth and Southeast folks gave the impressions they could outvote the indigenous Yoruba and impose their choice. The indigenes coalesced and had their day. We are trying to indigenise rice production, the same way Trump wants the jobs back from China. It’s a nativist impulse that arises in any people when they feel threatened. This is the dark side of human impulse, and Trump tapped into it. Demagogues always do. A critic has said Trump did not mean his rhetoric. Others took it literally rather seriously. But his followers took it seriously but not literally. I hope so, because that’s how I saw Soyinka’s red card promise. W.S. is a dramatist, and I saw the theatre once he uttered it. Trump is a businessman, and many critics have said, he will run a transactional government. He hypes it, calls for the skies, but settles for something acceptable. We hope, in the end and for the love of all, we get something less apocalyptic than we heard on his hustings.
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Many runners refer to treadmills as 'dreadmills'. Professional treadmills have technology that can prepare you for athletic p... Staying true to your fitness routine can be challenging when you travel frequently for work. Navy SEAL veteran and Military.c..... An email from a physical therapist in the Navy asked me about training people to have better balance.
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We value the Holy Scripture as the authoritative, inspired, and inerrant Word of God for instruction in living, which will produce a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. We value honoring Christ in our homes with lifelong commitments to marriage between male and female, and scripturally rearing our children. If you would like a more detailed explanation of our core beliefs please visit the Baptist Faith and Message website . Our church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. Locally, we are affiliated with the Dogwood Trails Baptist Association. We work hard to both equip and encourage people to use their talents in service to the Lord. If you would like to volunteer for us, please contact a staff member, or follow the Connect tab at this link.
I know, I know... you'd rather I stopped teasing you and offered up the whole book, but it's not ready yet. This year has been crazier than I expected, but it's coming. The rest of the world disappeared as Duke tumbled into the inviting heat of Viola's sultry smile. He propped a foot against the fence and cocked an eyebrow. “Date?” “Yep. A very hot date with a very married man.” She giggled at his exaggerated gasp. With a little effort, she schooled her face into an expression of contrition. “I know it’s wrong, but I just can’t resist him. I’ve tried, sweet mercy I’ve tried.” “Why fight it anymore? It’s his eyes I think. The way they just penetrate right through to my very soul. Killer. Though it could be his hands. I’ve always been a sucker for strong, steady hands.” She swallowed back a bubble of laughter. From the pinched look on Duke’s face, it was clear he was doing the same. “Then again, it could be the…,” she froze, eyes wide and jaw slack. “Bee. Bee on his shoulder.” Before Duke could react, she slipped out of his grasp and crept away from him on her tiptoes. “Whatever you do, don’t move or agitate it.” “It’s just a bee, sugar.” Duke stared at the insect out of the corner of his eye. It was oblivious to the woman quietly freaking out only a few feet away. “You just faced down Elrachaim, but you can’t handle a little bee?” “I’m not allergic to Elrachaim.” She bit her lip, shrugged. “Well, not in the way that makes me swell up like a parade balloon.”
George Will is not the only one unwilling to attribute poverty among African Americans to racism. Star Parker hits home here. The previous post in this blog was Roberts Questioned. Meanwhile, American Jurisprudence Continues to Burn. Note: Overall, there is some disagreement over what is thought to be a seaweed over other types of algae. This bottom line focuses on the most common types of seaweed and does not include blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria), agar, or discussion of laminaria tents. Seaweeds are brown or green algae that live on or near the sea floor. Fucusvesiculosus, also called bladderwrack, is a brown seaweed that belongs to the Fucaceae family. The name sometimes refers to Ascophyllum nodosum, another brown seaweed. These species often make up kelp mixtures, along with other types of seaweed. Bladderwrack has been used to treat thyroid gland problems and has been used in weight loss formulas. Some studies have shown that bladderwrack may thin the blood and lower blood sugar levels. Information on the active ingredients of bladderwrack is lacking. Most of the effects of bladderwrack are shared by brown seaweed species as a whole. Overall, there is not enough evidence on the safety and effectiveness of seaweed in humans. Early research suggests that a product containing seaweed compounds and zinc may help improve mild acne. More research is needed. A study found that a Chinese herbal formula containing seaweed lacked effects on HIV symptoms. More research on seaweed alone is needed. Early studies suggest that seaweed may block the growth of bacteria and fungi. However, results are conflicting. There is a lack of human evidence. Early research suggests that compounds of bladderwrack may have antioxidant effects. Antioxidant effects were found in some extracts of brown seaweed species such as Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum, and Laminaria japonica. More research on seaweed is needed. Although it has not been well studied in humans, early research suggests that brown seaweeds may have blood-thinning effects. Human evidence is limited. The effects of seaweed itself are not clear, and more research is needed. A drug made with compounds from brown sea algae, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, and chlorophyll may reduce symptoms of breast pain, premenstrual syndrome, and painful menstrual periods in people who have benign breast tumors. More research is needed. The use of dressings containing algae has been studied for burns. However, the effects of seaweed on burns are still uncleabrown algae may block the growth of cancer cells. Human evidence is lacking, although one study in women after menopause found that eating seaweed raised the risk of thyroid canceseaweed extract may lower blood sugar levels. Human evidence is limited, though some studies found that eating a seaweed compound may lower blood sugar levels after meals. However, the results are conflicting, as other studies reported that bread enriched with seaweed lacked effects on blood sugar. Bladderwrack contains iodine and has been used to treat goiter (enlarged thyroid). However, the effects of bladderwrack on this condition are not yet well understood. Bladderwrack may be a good source of iodine for people who do not have enough in their diets. Information on dosing, safety, and effectiveness are not available. There is not enough evidence to strongly support the use of bladderwrack. Early research suggests that a mouthwash containing seaweed extract may help reduce bacteria and symptoms of gum disease. However, the effect of seaweed alone is unclear. More research is needed. Eating jam that contains seaweed may help people who have heart disease in which there is a low supply of blood to the heart. More research is needed before conclusions can be made. Early studies suggest that seaweed extract may block herpes viruses and that it may also promote healing and prevent symptoms in infected people. More research is needed. Evidence on the effects of seaweed on blood pressure is lacking. More research is needed before conclusions can be made. Early research found that seaweed may help people who have human T-lymphotropic virus, which is associated with leukemia. However, the effect of seaweed is still unclear, and more research is needed before conclusions can be made. Diet therapy using a seaweed compound has been studied for use in people with kidney disease. However, further data are lacking, and more research is needed. Seaweed has been studied as a potential treatment for some types of leg ulcers. However, information is limited, and more research is needed. Early research found that brown seaweed may reduce the size of the waist in people who have metabolic syndrome. More research is needed before conclusions can be made. Limited research suggests that a natural mineral supplement made from seaweed (AquaminT) may help people who have osteoarthritis (stiff and painful joints). However, the effects of seaweed alone are still unclear. Early studies found that a seaweed compound may help improve endurance in college students. More research on seaweed alone is needed before conclusions can be made. Limited research suggests that a seaweed-based gel (Carraguard®) may lack benefits for preventing sexually transmitted disease. More research is needed before conclusions can be made. Some studies report that seaweed-based dressings and better blood sugar control may speed the healing of some skin diseases. The effects of different dressings and agents applied to the skin have been studied in people with skin grafts, and algae-based dressings have been studied for pressure ulcers. Further information is lacking, and the effect of seaweed alone is unclear. Early research found that a fabric containing seaweed may help people who have atopic dermatitis (scaly and itchy rashes). However, the effect of seaweed alone is unclear, and more research is needed. Bladderwrack and other seaweed products have been marketed for weight loss. Seaweed has been studied for this use in reviews and studies on fat burners and weight loss products. Further human research is needed to determine the safety and effectiveness of seaweed or seaweed extract alone. Information on the safety and effectiveness of any dose of seaweed is limited. Because bladderwrack may be contaminated with heavy metals, taking it may be potentially unsafe. Seaweed has been taken by mouth in the whole dried plant form, or dried in capsules or tablets, or as an alcoholic liquid extract. As an antioxidant, six capsules containing 250 milligrams of fermented sea tangle has been taken by mouth once daily, 30 minutes after a meal, for four weeks. To treat metabolic syndrome, 4-6 grams of seaweed has been taken by mouth daily for up to eight weeks in two divided doses. To improve thyroid function, 10 capsules containing five grams of seaweed (Alaria esculenta) and 475 micrograms of iodine have been taken by mouth daily for seven weeks. Bladderwrack and seaweed patches made to be applied to the skin are sold commercially as weight loss products. However, information on accepted or tested doses is lacking. Avoid if allergic or sensitive to any seaweed, seaweed family, or any of their parts. Severe allergic reaction to Laminaria has been reported, with symptoms such as coughing, hives, shortness of breath, and swelling. Allergic skin reaction to Sargassum species and its content iodine has been reported. Skin blisters have also been reported. Bladderwrack is possibly safe when eaten at levels commonly found in the diet as part of an otherwise healthy diet by adults who are healthy, not allergic, and not pregnant or breastfeeding. Applying Carraguard® gel to the vaginal area or penis during sexual intercourse is possibly safe when used for up to 14 days, with some mild side effects possible, such as abdominal pain, bladder fullness, genital discomfort or warmth, and yellow vaginal discharge. Seaweed may contain heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead, which may increase the risk of heavy metal poisoning. Most side effects of seaweed appear to be related to high iodine content or heavy metal contamination, rather than to the seaweed itself. High doses of iodine may cause symptoms such as brassy taste, increased saliva, skin lesions, and stomach irritation. Seaweed may also cause side effects such as broken blood vessels, changes in cholesterol levels, changes in skin coloring (due to high carotene levels in the blood), eye problems, fatigue, increased levels of some vitamins and minerals (such as calcium, magnesium potassium, and sodium), memory problems, nausea, nerve problems, stomach fullness, and vomiting. Use cautiously in all people (children or adults) when using levels above those commonly found in the diet, due to the risk of iodine-related toxic effects, hemorrhage, cancer, mitochondrial toxicity, and vitamin A toxicity. Use cautiously in all people (children or adults) when using raw seaweed, due to the risk of contamination with cholera. Use cautiously in people who have or are at risk of having liver disease, due to the risk of liver swelling and inflammation. Use cautiously in people who have heart disease or are taking drugs for heart disease, due to the risk of abnormal heart rhythm. Use cautiously in people who have or are at risk of having skin disorders, due to the risk of high doses of iodine causing skin lesions or rash and severe acne. Use cautiously in people who have iron deficiency, due to the risk of reduced iron absorption after long-term use. Bladderwrack mdderwrack e cautiously in people who have diarrhea, due to the potential laxative effects of seaweed as well as the risk of soft and increased feces. Use cautiously in people who are underweight or are taking drugs for weight loss or stimulants, as seaweed may cause weight loss. Use cautiously in people who have hormonal disorders or are taking hormonal agents, as bladderwrack may affect levels of some hormones. Bladderwrack may cause low blood pressure. Caution is advised in people with low blood pressure or who are taking drugs or herbs and supplements that lower blood pressure. Use cautiously in people using agents that may be toxic to the kidneys, due to the risk of kidney toxicity. Use cautiously when kombu seaweed (Laminaria japonica) is taken by mouth at levels of 15 grams or more daily by healthy people who are not allergic, due to the risk of changes in levels of thyroid hormone. Avoid use of seaweed that has been stored for longer than 2-3 weeks or at high temperatures, due to the risk of organic toxic dust syndrome, a severe flu-like illness. Avoid in people who have thyroid diseases (including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, myxedema, or autoimmune thyroid disease) or in those who are taking thyroid hormones, due to potentially high iodine levels in seaweed. Avoid in people who have heart failure or kidney failure, or people who are taking agents that increase urination, due to the potentially high sodium content of seaweed. Avoid in pregnant and breastfeeding women, due to potentially high iodine concentrations and contamination with heavy metals. Thoid using before radioiodine treatment, due to the need to reduce iodine intake before this treatment. Avoid using seaweed or seaweed supplements from areas with known heavy metal or arsenic contamination, radiation exposure, or parasites (liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica), due to the risk of toxic side effects. Bladderwrack is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to potentially high iodine concentrations and heavy metal contamination. Thadderwrack tologic agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) or naproxen (Naprosyn®, Aleve®), and warfarin. Bladderwrack may loack may camay also interact with agents that may affect the immune system, agents that may affect the kidneys, agents that may affect the skin when exposed to light, agents that may increase urination, agents that may treat arthritis, agents that may treat asthma, agents that may treat bone disorders, agents that may treat breathing disorders, agents that may treat heart disorders, agents that may treat nervous system disorders, agents that may treat parasite and worm infections, agents that may treat retroviruses (such as HIV), agents that may treat skin disorders, agents that may treat stomach disorders, amiodarone, antiallergy agents, antibiotics, anticancer agents, antifungals, anti-inflammatory agents, antivirals, cholesterol-lowering agents, cyclosporine, depressants, hormonal agents, iron, laxatives, lithium carbonate, stimulants, thyroid hormones, and weight loss agents. Bladderwrack may inack may caack may loack may also interact with antiallergy herbs and supplements, anticancer herbs and supplements, antifungals, anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements, antibacterials, antioxidants, antivirals, calcium, cholesterol-lowering herbs and supplements, herbs and supplements that may affect the immune system, herbs and supplements that may affect the kidneys, herbs and supplements that may affect the skin when exposed to light, herbs and supplements that may increase urination, herbs and supplements that may treat arthritis, herbs and supplements that may treat asthma, herbs and supplements that may treat bone disorders, herbs and supplements that may treat heart disorders, herbs and supplements that may treat nervous system disorders, herbs and supplements that may treat parasite or worm infections, herbs and supplements that may treat retroviruses (such as HIV), herbs and supplements that may treat skin disorders, herbs and supplements that may treat stomach disorders, herbs and supplements that may treat thyroid disorders, hormonal herbs and supplements, iodine, iron, laxatives, minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium), pectin, prebiotics, probiotics, selenium, soy, stimulants, vitamin A, and weight loss herbs and supplements. Tabs for Bobby Goldsboro songs & music. Guitar tab Bobby Goldsboro chordso artisto tabs and chords. If you're not sure what song you'd like to cover, how about Goodbye Marie Guitar Pro tabs? Bobby Goldsboro - See The Funny Little Clown free gght Life power o - Goodbye Marie chordsight Life anlin icon Robert Plant has compared Black Sabbath to 60s pop star Bobby Goldsboro in a light-hearted ribbing. Welcome to We love shopping at Trader Joe's. It's the perfect blend of good value, quality ingredients and friendly faces. Plus, the selection is amazing - we're constantly finding new and exciting products to try. That said, sometimes it can be hard to know what's worth buying. That's where we come in! Our goal is to help you navigate the aisles by providing you with unbiased (and unauthorized) reviews, recommendations, cooking instructions and nutrition information to help you decide what to buy. My guess is that at least the mandate is struck. As I said before not because I think it should be (based on my non-lawyerly interpretation of this stuff), but because our system is well and truly fucked. Also, in this day of leaks, isn't it amazing the decision hasn't gotten out yet? It's not like they're cranking out these opinions overnight. Very impressive. I hope the mandate is struck and the law crumbles and anarchy reigns on the streets and everyone involved with fashioning this law and then with trying to repeal it will be simultaneously struck by lightning and the supreme court building and the house and the senate and the white house and every K street lobbyist office will all catch fire and collapse in on themselves. WaPo is saying PPACA survives. Great! Now this heap of shit will be accepted as the status quo in healthcare reform and the factors making healthcare so expensive in this stupid country will continue unabated. Great job everyone!
Many people think that, when a Web site design is finished, the site is finished too; that is a mistake. A Web site is not a design, but a code. When we see a Web site, we see a re-translated code; i.e., a design that has been translated into a HTML code and then translated again from HTML to images, so that we can see them. All computers understand HTML programming codes in the same way, and that language guarantees the same display of the site, anywhere. So when the Web designer finishes your site’s design, a programmer will translate it into HTML. This code is used so that browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera, etc. can read it and display the created design. The programmer's task is essential and vital for the creation of a Web site; there is no way to avoid the programming process. However, there are some Web design programs that automatically translate designs into HTML. They are not trustworthy, as automatically created codes are «dirty» codes; i.e., these codes are highly loaded, repetitive, with errors that affect the site’s browsing and are codes search engines find hard to «read». As search engines' robots do not «see» the design ?they «read» the HTML language the site has been translated into? a defective code will result in a bad positioning in search engines. As we mentioned in the previous section, SEO’s are the ones that position a site in search engines. A great part of their work is based on the site’s code. The optimization, code’s cleaning, configuration of new links, etc. make optimized sites deserve a better positioning in search engines. Hiring a programmer is vital. But sometimes the designer you hire is also a programmer, and he can fulfill both tasks; if you hire a design company, they will hire a programmer, even though in most cases many programmers work for the company. The proper translation of a design into a HTML programming code is what guarantees the site’s right display in any computer, the correct browsing and the best possible positioning in search engines. It is not advisable to spend a lot of money in a designer if, in order to do so, you have to skimp on the programming process. Both the design and the programming of a Web site are fundamental, necessary and essential tasks that cannot be replaced. Both tasks should be professionally carried out with commitment. They are different kinds of jobs and your relationship with the one/s in charge is different. With a designer, you need to have a fluent, friendly and constant relationship; you will try and make mistakes, you will exchange points of view and, together, you will look for what you want. On the other hand, there is no need of a fluent relationship with the programmer. A site's programming process demands less time than design and you basically have no relationship with the professional: he takes the design and gives you the code. As long as there are no problems, you will almost have no contact with him. Buffalo Soldiers orion comprised other regiments including the 9th, 24th, 25th, 27th and 28th cavalry divisions. The nickname was given by the Native American tribeer Walter Hillled the black cavalry troops "buffalo soldiers" because of their dark curly hair, which resembled a buffalo's coat. Still other
Columbia City nestles along the Columbia river just downstream from St. Helens. In fact most people think it is part of St. Helens. Even the Port of St. Helens has facilities there, but then they have facilities in Scappose also. In any case Columbia City is the last settlement along Hiway 30 for 16 miles. Rainier is next. Mosier, Oregon is not only on I-5, it also is on the famous Mount Hood scenic highway that was the main road prior to I-5. Mosier suffers from being too close to I-5, but is well repaid with its stunning view of the Columbia River and Gorge. Cherry and pear orchards rule the landscape and support the economy. You can even buy a "Cherry Farmers' Calendar" at their web page and help support the economy yourself! The town has a variety of older and interesting buildings. It also sports a new group of solar powered condominiums with fantastic gorge views. Its a great place to take a break if you are driving I-5.
Car had been sitting for 15 years and not moved & still started first go with just a new battery and fuel.
What good are emotions? Why do we have emotions? Until we begin to understand the functions of emotions, why we have them, what their effect is on others, we cannot expect ourselves to change them. We communicate our emotions to other with verbal and nonverbal (facial expressions, body gestures or postures) language. Some expressions of emotion have an automatic effect on others. When there is a difference in what a person communicates non-verbally versus verbally, the other person will usually respond to the nonverbal expression. For many years I showed little or no expression on my face while feeling very intense feelings, and I got little response from others. Other people have talked about showing very strong emotions on their face, while expressing less strong emotions with their voice. People responded to the facial expressions. DBT teaches that one of the main problems experienced by people with Borderline Personality Disorder is that their nonverbal emotional expressions do not match their inside feelings. So we are often misread. People misunderstand what we are feeling. Can you also think of some times when you misread the emotions of someone else? Maybe their face looked one way, while they meant to express something else. I will give an example of my own. When I walked into my class after hearing that my father was critically ill, I felt very sad and my face looked sad. People asked me what was wrong, and when I told them, they offered sympathy and comfort. One of the people I teach with is often very depressed, and it shows in her body posture and facial expression. I try to reassure her and encourage her. Sometimes this strategy has backfired, and my expression of emotions gave me something I didn't want. A friend suggested an outing, and I got very excited and kept telling her how happy I was to go. In the end, she did not go. I was very disappointed. After thinking for awhile, I realize it was not my fault that she decided not to go. I can't make things like that happen. I can only be responsible for myself. Emotions prepare for and motivate action. There is an action urge connected to specific emotions that is hard-wired. (See the diagram on Emotion Regulation Handout 3) "Hard-wired" means it is an automatic, built-in part of our behavior. For example, if you see your two-year old child in the middle of the street and a car coming, you will feel an emotion, fear, and this emotion will prompt you to run to save your child. You don't stop to think about it. You just do it. Your emotion has motivated your behavior without you having to take the time to think. Emotions can also help us overcome obstacles in our environment. An example given in the book is the anxiety someone feels when they are about to take a test. This anxiety, though it's uncomfortable, helps to motivate you to study so you will do well on the test. Anger may motivate and help people who are protesting injustices. The anger may override the fear they might feel in a demonstration or protest. Guilt may keep someone who is dieting stick to her diet. (This is not saying that you should feel guilty, just that it is the emotion that prompts some people to carry through with a diet or some other difficult project.) See if you can come up with a couple of examples where your emotion prompted you to take action before you thought about it. See if you can come up with a situation where an emotion helps you overcome an obstacle in your environment (in the community, at home, at school), where it makes it easier for you to get something done, for example. It may not be a pleasant emotion (we have mentioned here guilt, anger, fear), but it does help you get the job done. During the week, notice when your emotions motivate your action, save you time, or help you get something done. Emotions can give us information about a situation or event. They can signal to us that something is going on. Sometimes signals about a situation will be picked up unconsciously, and then we may have an emotional reaction, but not be sure what set off the reaction. Feeling "something doesn't feel right about this" or "I had a feeling something was going to happen and it did" are some of the signals we might get. Think of some times when your feel for a situation turned out to be right. Is there some time when you felt anxiety or apprehension that turned out to be justified? Or that you had a good feeling about someone that turned out to be right? When dealing with our feelings this way is carried to extremes, though, we may think of the emotion as fact. "I love him, so he's a good person." If I feel stupid, I am stupid." While our emotions are always valid, it doesn't necessarily make them facts. This is difficult for people with Borderline Personality Disorder and others, because one of our biggest issues is that we have been in invalidating environments -- so much that we don't trust our emotions. If our emotions are minimized or invalidated, it's hard to get our needs taken seriously. So we may increase the intensity of our emotions in order to get our needs met. And then if we decrease the intensity of our emotions, we may find again that we are not taken seriously. Think of some times when emotions are self-validating. For example: I am going to a party, but I feel uneasy about it, as if something is going to happen. At the party, a friend and I have an argument and I leave. My feeling about something happening is right. I am at work, and there seems to be a lot of tension. I sense that something is up. At lunch, my coworkers hold a surprise birthday party for me. Again my emotion is validated. I am home alone and feeling very lonely. I am getting more and more anxious and angry. I call friends and try to get someone to come and stay with me. No one will come. So this intense negative emotion also validates my feeling that I am lonely and no one cares. Think of some examples of your own. Remember that we are not evaluating or judging anyone's feelings or behavior. We are just trying to look at how emotions function. Fill out an emotion diary for several days. For each day choose your strongest emotion, or the one that lasted the longest, or was the most difficult or painful. Describe the prompting event, the event that caused or triggered the emotion. And describe the emotion's function:
Nadia is in South Africa with her family.They are shooting their reality show 'The Buari Ville". Cute! More photos after the cut.
Intel's socket LGA 1150 is one of Intel's newer socketsSee pricing info, deals and product reviews for Flash Furniture Hercules Series Ladderback Metal Restaurant Chair, Black w/Walnut Wood (XUDG6Q6B1LADWAW) at Order online today and get fast, free shipping for your business. Soie Cristale. A twelve-ply solid color spun silk. Use the solid colors the same as you would use Waterlilies, which is dyed on natural or white Soie Cristale. Rachelette. Rachel with a fine metallic threaded through it. The sparkle of the metallic combined with the shimmer of the Rachel can give your work a truly dazzling effect. It is usually best for counts of fourteen or coarser but long stitches will work on eighteen or on twenty four-count. It is also wonderful on crazy quilts. Belleville’s first historical trolley is being “wrapped” in preparation for its launch on June 1, 2018 (Photo: City of Belleville) With less than a month to launch time, Belleville is looking for partners in its Historical Trolley Bus Service. The trolley buses will service the city’s key areas of interest, particularly for tourists, but will also access the waterfront where the regular transit system doesn’t run. Purchase says Bay of Quinte Tourism and RTO-9, including the St. Lawrence River, Rideau Canal, Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario, are partnering with the city on the project. Sponsors and corporate partners will be provided distinctive historically-themed printed tickets to issue to customers and passengers. Hotels and partners will be serviced directly when possible. Purchase says, “Passengers who board the bus and do not have the themed ticket will be charged a fee of $2.50 per person, the regular charge, to ride the service.” The specially-wrapped buses will run from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m., June 1 to September 2, on a 50-minute round trip. The buses will continue to be wrapped throughout the year and will be used for regular service, park and ride shuttles, and other promotional events and charters, providing sponsors with year-round daily promotion.
We are excited to bring Kauai their very first mobile gaming trailer party rental. A whole new party thrill, experience and fun for all occassions including birthday parties, movie nights, gaming parties, graduations, weddings, team building, guest fun, family reunions, kids tournaments, corp events, school events, and just a great way to keep all game lovers happy! This is not your typical miniature golf course! Our 18-hole course is set among a beautiful Hawaiian Botanical Garden, representing the different eras of our history. The course takes you on a journey through the origins of our island, the people that populated Hawaii and the plants and beautiful tropical flora that came with them. Meanwhile, water hazards, pipe shots and many other obstacles make for a fun and challenging experience perfect for the entire family! Maui Cakes is about creating unique and one of a kind designs that are inspired by your imagination. Each creation is designed to your desire, we make it in cake and strive to delight you and your guests.
Just where real home investing is actually fun as well as fantastic, the particular home finance loan products and services were made to create use involving many types of resources while in the financial business. A good number about everything is at this time there that will differentiates a real estate agent out of a lender. Let’s look at major distinctions between the actual couple of totally thru this article. Learning & practical experience For broker, one is certainly required to be able to include a internet marketing or perhaps profits track record. Along with a good highschool graduation from minimal, specified degree with authentic estate a finance as nicely as legal requirements may possibly be inquired just by various bureaus. As a property finance loan broker broker, one is certainly required in order to get profits, advertising and marketing and also a business banking background. Essentially the most essential factor that needs the following is of which one should really come with the ability of lending institutions along with complete information upon up to date lending prices in addition to terms and conditions associated with a point out. With comprehension in math concepts, one have to have fantastic publishing and also oral knowledge that will offer the actual consumers strongly. Own expertise Seeing that a realtor, one should really become dependable, an adult plus have features like your strive to be handy together with a strong domestic temperament in order that this individual will be ready to present a family house and explain the functions an excellent. Serenity is vital while one might have to show the very exact house with a selection of college students appreciate it buyers without any sale. Apart from outgoing persona and any strive to be useful, typically the property finance loan treatment professionals throughout Coquitlam must reveal typically the fiscal information towards the buyers for any commercial or residential property or home. Many people appear with the talents to update their consumers with the very present-day businesses times plus stipulations which means that that the very purchasers might obtain a good number of of advantages. Other compared with patience, a broker broker needs towards come with a wide range of assets and better contacts inside the finance market to offer the clientele accordingly. Operate The mortgage brokers in Coquitlam are designed to pull strings behalf within the clients to seek out them the best terms about mortgage as well as the interest prices. Aiding the exact clientele using hottest awareness rates and even loan phrases are thought of a vital portion of broker’s job for Coquitlam. Not like this, the repair of the real estate agent is actually to present homes or property on the real home investors or maybe other prospective buyers. They act because a new liaison regarding the customers as well as retailers. Besides the above talked over kinds, there are numerous distinctions regarding the realistic estate brokers and also house loan remedy analysts. But , usual factors among the either include how the compensation with regard to both connected with the actual jobs are based on often the efficiency along with in the actual careers a calm mind plus patience is necessary to deal adequately with a volume of people. Visit our web site: Welcome to the Stampers Dozen Blog Hop! This is a hop I do once a month with some fabulously talented ladies…hope you will visit all of them to see all the goodies they have made. So the theme was Bright and Bold. Well I think White is Bright and then I think Melon Mambo and Daffodil Delight are both Bright and Bold so here you go. lol This set is a Hostess Set in our Brand New Catalog….do you have one? It is fabulous!!! Anyway….it’s only available to hostesses when you have a party or order $150….cool huh? It’s got a gorgeous Butterfly and Vine Birder too. I however opted for the little Vase and hand cut the Rose to make it Bright and Bold. Colors I used were Whisper White, and Black Cardstock and then used Daffodil Delight and Melon Mambo Ink. I cut the flowers out and used snippets of dimensionals to attach the flowers. Oh I drew a line around the Vase using my Black Marker just to make it pop a bit.
The beautiful and incredibly talented, Nitty Scott is back. Today the Brooklyn wordsmith is back with some new listening material, cooking up some new heat called “BBYGRL.” The track finds Nitty again showing off her lyrical prowess, getting inspired by the flower power counterculture of the 60s in the process. The new track, “BBYGRL” finds Nitty going in over top of this sleek and sonically pleasing instrumental that makes a flawless home for the artist to do her thing. She hits the track running and provides a nice showcase of her style and delivery. Nitty spoke about the Yung Lil Big-produced track, stating: “I think it’s an ode to our many moods and layers. I’ve got my own identities—a Black and Latina zen bruja, bisexual with both masculine and feminine energy.” She went on to add that “But it’s really about creating a world where we can just be the multidimensional beings we are. Plus I’ve been missing those girl power vibes the ’90s gave us!” Press play on the new track below and give us your thoughts after the jump. Stay tuned for much more from Nitty Scott coming soon!
He strives to weigh the that means good. on the correct time he makes his attempt, And inwardly collects his mind. during this groundbreaking paintings, Sallie Tisdale strains ladies Buddhist masters and lecturers throughout continents and centuries, drawing upon historic, cultural, and Buddhist documents to carry to existence those narratives of ancestral Buddhist girls. Even if conversing of pupil or grasp, Zen hinges at the query. Zen perform doesn't unavoidably specialize in the solutions, yet on discovering an area within which we may possibly maintain uncertainty and stay current and upright in the course of investigations. Zen Questions starts off by way of exploring "The global of Zazen,"--the foundational perform of the Zen school--presenting it as an angle of sustained inquiry that gives us an entryway into precise repose and pleasure. From there, Leighton attracts deeply on his personal event as a Zen student and instructor to ask us into the creativity of Zen know-how and perform. He explores the poetic brain of Dogen with the poetry of Rumi, Mary Oliver, Gary Snyder, or even "the American Dharma Bard" Bob Dylan. what is extra, Leighton uncovers remarkable resonances among the writings of America's Founding Fathers--including Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin--and the releasing beliefs on the middle of Zen. Essentially the most path-breaking and creatively radical poets of the San Francisco Renaissance, Philip Whalen was once a part of the 1955 Six Gallery interpreting the place the West Coast Beat move famously started. operating along Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, and Jack Kerouac, Whalen constructed a conversational and visually unorthodox kind that's special in modern poetry. His lifelong engagement with the impermanent and sensuous, matters deepened via his dedication to Zen Buddhism, are on wealthy show right here, together with his hot humor and unique illustrations. This Collected Poems rightfully areas Whalen one of the preferable poets of his time, providing readers a very significant physique of yankee poetic paintings. Graced with beginning phrases by means of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, the Penguin Deluxe variation of The Tibetan e-book of the Dead is "immaculately rendered in an English either swish and precise." Translated with the shut help of best modern masters and hailed as “a super accomplishment,” this e-book faithfully offers the insights and intentions of the unique paintings. It comprises essentially the most special and compelling descriptions of the after-death kingdom in global literature, practices which can rework our event of everyday life, counsel on assisting those who find themselves death, and an inspirational viewpoint on dealing with bereavement. Fointroductions and notes by means of extraordinary sturyu Suzuki is understood to numerous readers because the writer of the trendy religious vintage Zen brain, Beginner's Mind. This so much influential instructor comes vividly to lifestyles in Crooked Cucumber, the 1st complete biography of any Zen grasp to be released within the West. To make up his intimate and engrossing narrative, David Chadwick attracts on Suzuki's personal phrases and the stories of his scholars, buddies, and family. Interspersed with formerly unpublished passages from Suzuki's talks, Crooked Cucumber conjures up a down-to-earth lifetime of the spirit. Along with Suzuki we will be able to have the option to "practice with mountains, timber, and stones and to discover ourselves during this massive world." This can be a whole translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, containing all the vital suttas (Discourses of the Buddha) on such key Buddhist thoughts because the 4 Noble Truths, established origination, the seven components of enlightenment, and the Noble Eightfold direction. The attached Discourses of the Buddha ranks as probably the most inspiring compilations within the Buddhist canon. Bhikkhu Bodhi&apos;s wonderful and distinct translation, his insightful introductory fabrics, and his large notes advisor the reader via this massive selection of the Buddha&apos;s old teachings. this can be the 3rd name in knowledge Publications&apos; award-winning Teachings of the Buddha sequence, following The lengthy Discourses of the Buddha and the center size Discourses of the Buddha. Like its predecessors, and 2005&apos;s anthology of Discourses of the Buddha, this quantity belongs within the library of each pupil of Buddhism. An up-to-date version of a loved vintage, the unique publication on happiness, with new fabric from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard Cutler. approximately whenever you spot him, he&apos;s giggling, or at the least smiling. And he makes every person else round him consider like smiling. He&apos;s the Dalai Lama, the non secular and temporal chief of Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and a highly sought-after speaker and statesman. Why is he so well known? Even after spending just a couple of mins in his presence you can&apos;t support feeling happier. when you ask him if he&apos;s satisfied, even supposing he&apos;s suffered the lack of his kingdom, the Dalai Lama provides you with an unconditional certain. What&apos;s extra, he&apos;ll inform you that happiness is the aim of lifestyles, and that "the very movement of our existence is towards happiness." tips on how to get there has constantly been the query. He&apos;s attempted to reply to it ahead of, yet he&apos;s by no means had assistance from a psychiatrist to get the message throughout in a context we will be able to simply understand. The artwork of Happiness is the e-book that began the style of happiness books, and it continues to be the cornerstone of the sphere of optimistic psychology. via conversations, tales, and meditations, the Dalai Lama indicates us how you can defeat day by day nervousness, lack of confidence, anger, and discouragement. including Dr. Howard Cutler, he explores many aspects of lifestyle, together with relationships, loss, and the pursuit of wealth, to demonstrate how one can journey via life&apos;s hindrances on a deep and abiding resource of internal peace. in line with 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations combined with a hefty dose of logic, The paintings of Happiness is a ebook that crosses the limits of traditions to assist readers with problems universal to all people. After being in print for ten years, this ebook has touched numerous lives and uplifted spirits around the globe. Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki used to be a key determine within the advent of Buddhism to the non-Asian global. Many open air Japan encountered Buddhism for the 1st time via his writings and educating, and for almost a century his paintings and legacy have contributed to the continuing spiritual and cultural interchange among Japan and the remainder of the area, really the us and Europe. This moment quantity of Selected Works of D. T. Suzuki brings jointly Suzuki’s writings on natural Land Buddhism. on the heart of the natural Land culture is the Buddha Amida and his brilliant realm often called paradise or “the land of bliss,” the place sentient beings may still aspire to be born of their subsequent existence and the place liberation and enlightenment are guaranteed. Suzuki, through highlighting convinced topics in natural Land Buddhism and deemphasizing others, shifted its concentration from a destiny, otherworldly aim to non secular event within the current, in which one realizes the nonduality among the Buddha and oneself and among paradise and this international. An advent via James C. Dobbins analyzes Suzuki’s cogent, certain, and thought-provoking interpretations, which helped stimulate new understandings of natural Land Buddhism particularly diverse from conventional doctrine.
Wicker Stitch is a textured knitting stitch that gives the impression of a woven fabric.It will not easily go out of shape and is useful for garments or borders where the non-stretch characteristic of knitting is required.
Group music lessons in Austin might be the more sensible choice especially if this is your child's first rodeo. Learning has always been more fun when you're learning with others in all capacities. Your child can feed off of others in the group and, of course, your child won't feel like they're under the microscope. When ready, he or she can choose to transition into private lessons. If your kid is a beginner and age 6 years old, you should consider signing them up for group lessons. Below is a list of reasons group lessons are encouraged. The list was taken from the article, 10 Reasons to Choose Group Guitar Lessons. This article was written by Music Director & Co-Founder, JP Ahmad, to better assist you in your selection between private and group lessons. Many times a business will maximize their profits by packing a classroom. Not us! As our business grows we don't loose sight of what works. Our group music lessons hardly ever exceed 4 students giving each child the attention they need. The parent company of the casino, Caesars, is recognized around the world as on the most casino scorsese online 1500 experienced and trusted brands.Tuesday Players are reimbursed 10 of their net losses up to 1,000, for a maximum bonus of 100.Varied slot game selection in the browser-based app.Unfortunately..
Sentinel is about to kill Optimus with his blade. Right before he does,Megatron shoots Sentinel with his famous "phew" laser and knocks him down. He seemingly saves Prime's life or having hot rod drive in, he mysteriously explodes, and megatron and prime both sigh and say "thank primus, i was worried i'd have to deal with him" Optimus: "Oh, not you again! I thought I left you to die in the rocket in the special seat next to the fuel tank!" Hot Rod: "But I want to help! If you die, I can have the Matrix and I'll be the new Prime! What do you think of that?" Sam then does the same thing to Sentinel as Optimus Prime is throwing a fit. Optimus looks at Sentinel's headless body then looks at Sam. The grin on Sam's face quickly fades away when he sees how enraged Optimus is. G1 Wheelie shows up and tries to attack Shockwave by punching his leg pathetically and saying "Wheelie says I fight you today!". Looking at him in confusion for a moment, Shockwave picks him up and bites his head off. Spitting out his head and tossing it away, he says, "Logical mercy kill." Does shockwave even have a mouth that can be used for biting? Doesn't he just have those wierd sideways teeth things? What if he came in rotf? Hotrod- Sam! I'll help you get the matrix to prime *steps on sam* uhhhhh I think i just crushed sam. Aaaaaaand the matrix. Prime(G1, looking through a dimensional portal) Looks like you screwed everthing up for me in that dimension too. Hotrod Shut up!!!!!! Prime *points gun at hotrod* What?!?!?!?! Hotrod- Nothing. Strangely enough, he does have a mouth behind those sideways teeth. It's just small and black so it wouldn't be too noticeable except for that one scene where he shows up for the first time in Chicago after he loads his gun and you can see it for a couple quick seconds when he roars. It's one of those blink and you'll miss it scenes. The closest match I can find in the media is if one has the Target exclusive comic adaptation of the movie, there's a gallery at the end where there's an accurate illustrated close-up of his face and you can see his mouth behind those teeth just below it which matches the scene I just described. Outdoor Gym equipment from the TGO Britain range for you to use free in your local community. Come along! the opening hours are 10.00am to 7.00pm. Bring all the family - there's something for everyone, whether you want a moderate or a vigorous workout.
I’d been contemplating attending the annual ACUI Conference in San Antonio since last fall, and after some deliberation and talking with my former boss Jim, decided to give it a go, particularly since neither Joanna or I had spent any time in Texas. We both viewed it as an opportunity to introduce ourselves to the Lone Star State. As we planned to drive to San Antonio and were looking at a full two days to get there, we figured we’d add some more destinations into the itinerary and make some other stops. First up was Birmingham, Alabama, about six hours away from Charlotte and home to Carolyn, a good friend who I first met while volunteering with ACUI. She lives in the Forest Park neighborhood, not far from downtown and the University of Alabama Birmingham. Her 100 year old two-story house, while updated still exudes the charm and grace of homes built during that era. We relaxed on the front porch a bit with a glass or two of wine and after having caught up a bit on the details of our lives, walked down to Claremont Ave. S. to the Little Savannah Restaurant and Bar for dinner. I started with an Old Fashioned (Four Roses Bourbon, Aromatic & Orange Bitters, Brandied Cherries, and Orange Twist) while Joanna tried a Patio Spritzer (Cathead Vodka, Ginger, Lemon Juice, and Sparkling Cucumber Water). Both were uniquely refreshing and a nice break from the wine we’d been enjoying and would imbibe later with our entrees. Joanna and I split a bowl of Spring Broccoli Soup with wild chives and for entrees, the Hickory Smoked Duck Breast (Peas, Fennel, Oyster Mushroom Risotto, and Orange-Strawberry Gastrique) for Joanna, while I opted for the Traditional Bolognese (Veal, Beef & Swine, Creamy Tomato Ragu, and Basil) as I’d snacked a bit too much before we got there. The food was excellent, making us sorry we’d only have the one meal there, particularly as the menu changes regularly. The next morning being Easter we all arose at a reasonable hour, put on some nice clothes, and made our way to All Saints Episcopal, the church Carolyn attends. It was a refreshing break to sit in the pew and attend to the rituals of the service, sing melodic hymns, and listen to a sermon with a positive message of hope and a glimpse at enlightenment. I usually spend my Sundays worshiping in a different fashion, on my bike seeking the clarity a long ride gives. But when the day comes that the need for what a church offers becomes compelling, I’ll recall that Easter morning in the pew and think kindly of All Saints Episcopal. After the service Carolyn took us on a driving tour of Birmingham and the University, talking about the many changes that have occurred on campus and in the neighborhoods that surround it. After returning to the house we went out for a nice three-mile walk, near her house, hilly territory with a number of pocket-sized parks that lend a relaxing atmosphere to the area. As we had a twelve-hour drive the next day to San Antonio and Carolyn had to work it was a quiet evening featuring a nice home cooked meal. We spent quite a bit of time out on the front porch, exploring any number of conversational gambits, all allowing us to draw closer together as friends. The drive the next day, Monday the 6th, to San Antonio was as long as anticipated, particularly as we encountered very heavy rush hour traffic heading west out of Houston. We arrived at our destination, the San Antonio KOA around 9:00 pm and checked in. The cabin we’d reserved wasn’t available and we ended up with a larger unit, a nice upgrade for free. We’d decided to get a cabin for this part of the stay as we had the dinky dog with us and were concerned about daytime temperatures if we left her at camp while sightseeing. Being as the cabins have air conditioning we felt it would be a good solution. I’d spend a couple of nights at the conference hotel on the Riverwalk with Jim and Joanna would meet up with us when we were free. We’d eaten on the road, a quick stop at a Taco Bell, nothing more than inexpensive and moderately healthy (if you make the right choices) food so we once we arrived, we could just set up the cabin, make up the double bed with our sleeping bag and close out the day with some of the Jack Daniels we’d brought with us. It was a nice way to end a long day, especially since it started to rain, quite hard, making us doubly glad to be indoors and not in our brand new tent, not yet weather tested. We’d later realize that staying in a cabin, or camping, at a KOA reminded us of the campgrounds we used in Europe. The bulk of our camping in the United States has been in State and National Parks, which tend to be uniform in nature in that they are located in large natural areas, usually some distance from a town and the main attraction is the beauty of the place and the outdoor activities you will engage in. Each campsite will include a table, fire based cooking grill, and occasionally a locker for food or a pole to hang a lantern on. This tends not to be the case in Europe, where our recent experience saw us staying in campgrounds where more often than not, we had an individual site (many still are just feature an open field and can get very crowded) which has no individual amenities like a table, etc. But the campground itself could have a store, restaurant/bar, swimming pool, indoor and outdoor seating facilities, and would be located within a short commute, often by bus, from the city you are visiting. This KOA was just like Europe, with a small store, nice swimming pool, easy access by bus to the heart of San Antonio less than ten miles away, a “chuck wagon” that on weekday mornings served reasonably priced breakfast items like bacon and eggs, pancakes, and breakfast tacos and a short but nice greenway where we could ride our bikes. Our travel plans for the coming years will be to visit cities and attractions much like we did in Europe and having resources like this KOA, and other commercial campgrounds (often more closely associated with RV parks) will facilitate our desire to camp while traveling. We’ll just have to see where it takes us.
Born in 1936 into an Indiana family that had been active in local, state and even national politics, it came as no surprise that, despite his early music studies in his home state, Thomas J. Beczkiewicz went to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. where, in 1957, he was graduated with honors in history and government. With a degree in hand and some post-graduate work, he left for Europe to take a position as history master at the renowned Institut Montana in Switzerland. After more graduate work at the University of Aix-en-Provence in France and the Jung Institut in Zurich, Switzerland, Tom became the Dean of the American School of the Institut Montana, building it into one of Europe's best college preparatory schools. In 1964, he returned to the States to begin his doctoral studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, where he won the prestigious University Fellowship in Literature. He completed his doctoral studies in 1969 and went to the University of Louisville where, as assistant professor, he established the university's first American Studies Program. In 1971, he married Anna-Maria Dowgiallo, better known as Ania, a talented scenic designer and artist from Poland. A year later, daughter Jona was born, and the family moved to Indianapolis so Tom might combine his education experience with government service. After a year with the State Department of Education and the birth of son Paul, he accepted a position as Senior Legislative Analyst in Education and the Arts for the Legislative Council of Indiana. There he directed the Post-Secondary Education Study that resulted in the restructuring of vocational education governance in Indiana, establishing a legislative model which has since been copied in many states. In 1975, Tom became the director of the Indiana Project for Consumer and Economic Education because of his wide experience in educational research and curricular planning. Combining both consumer and economic concepts for the first time in state-wide guidelines, the Project established another first in the nation. Tom left government service in 1977, and founded his own consulting firm that specialized in research, planning, and development for both public and private organizations, with particular emphasis on education and the arts. Cathedral Arts emerged as a major client, finally requiring Tom to give up his firm as he became executive director of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis which made its debut in 1982. Since then, the Competition has evolved into one of the world's most influential music contests and violin festivals. Among the dozens of major artists whose careers were launched and nurtured in Indianapolis are virtuoso violinists Kyoko Takezawa of Japan, Olivier Charlier of France, Ida Kavafian of the United States, Leonidas Kavakos of Greece, Marco Rizzi of Italy, and Mihaela Martin of Romania. In addition to helping shape the careers of promising young talents, Tom has published extensively on the philosophy of international music competitions, with his guidelines now serving as the model for new competitions worldwide. He organized the first Pan-American Council of International Music Competitions in 1986; and two years later, he was elected vice-president of the World Federation of International Music Competitions, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Tom has served as executive producer of eight television productions, including the 1982 documentary of the Violin Competition that aired internationally and won four national awards. In addition, he has served as executive producer of four CDs, the most recent of which was released in Spring 2001. He has also been instrumental in commissioning over a dozen new works for the violin and chamber music repertory, including works by Witold Lutoslawski, Ned Rorem, and Leon Kirchner. In 2002, Tom was elected to the Indiana Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has also been knighted three times, most recently receiving l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres from the French government for his contributions to world culture. Regardless of the honors, awards, and decorations, Tom takes greatest pride in his family. After Jona and Paul entered elementary school, Ania secured her second masters degree and returned to the classroom as an arts teacher in the public schools. The children, besides their academic work, studied music: Jona, the violin and Paul, the cello. Music dominated their school years through college and post-graduate studies though both finally opted for careers in administration and development. Jona lives in Bloomington, IN with her 2 sons, Noah and Aidan. She is a Director of the Evolution Institute of Soma Instruction. Paul married Shannon Lohrmann in 2005. They live in Lansing, Michigan where Paul serves as Development Director for the Nature Conservancy. They are parents of a son Ethan who is as energetic and mischievous as his two cousins. Spending as much time as they can with the three boys, Tom and Ania, now in retirement, thoroughly enjoy their roles as intolerably proud grandparents. On May 15, 2011, Tom and Ania celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary surrounded by family and friends.
For collectors of Mexican antiques, art and folk-art. Archive available with articles from their print publication. Mexican course. Information presented in both English and Spanish. Includes course highlights and challenges. Combining the best in American and Mexican Toy, Miniature, and Standard lines, with photos of dogs. TX. Join other fun loving singles from around the world on cruises to tropical Caribbean and Mexican destinations. An amateur Mexican bodyboarders personal web page containing comprehensive galleries of him surfing. Also in Spanish. Mexican amateur shares his station information, SWL contacts, and regional links and photos. [English-Spanish] Breeding and showing. Photos and references to breed information and clubs. In English and Danish. DK. Eclectic collection of Canadian, U. S., and Mexican plates, c. 1970 to present. List of plates available and wanted. Specializes in Mexican retablos, santos, furniture, silver, ceramics, textiles, Spanish colonial art and antiques. Information about the distribution and ecology of S. divinorum in Oaxaca, Mexico. Includes photos of this and several other Mexican Salvias. A complete resource for FM DXing. It features alerts for openings in progress, reports from past openings, a user friendly Mexican FM log, and station information. Offers mountaineering trips to the Mexican volcanoes and Aconcagua plus hiking, mountain biking, rafting, and horseback riding trips. An extensive annotative list of links covering the sport, the movie genre, and US, Mexican, and Japanese pop culture and comics. Provides information and online reservations for the Bay of Banderas, Puerta Vallarta and the Mexican Pacific. Dive site descriptions, photo gallery, and newsletter are available. Pop-culture resource for Mexican wrestling, lucha films, and masks, with a catalog of films available on DVD, notes on live appearances, and a discussion forum. Information for the mens event held in Acapulco, Mexico. Includes photo gallery, players, sponsors, and events.[Requires Flash] Site in English and Spanish. Eco-tourism guide to the Pacific Coast of Mexico highlights Los Cabos, Costalegre, Manzanillo, and Vallarta. Offered in both English and Spanish, with photo gallery. Restaurant, winery, and brewery, offers patio dining on the banks of the Rio Grande River featuring country smoked ribs and trout, Northern New Mexican Cuisine and vegetarian fare. Recruits and trains Mexican nurses, secures RN licenses and work visas, and places these nurses with leading healthcare providers. Spanish Bilingual Providers Mission Accelerated Mexico Contact Locations Health Systems Physicians Bsn Institute California Nurses Photos, histories, maps and links to Texas railroads of today and the past. Unofficial home of the Texas Mexican Railway. Breeder of macaws, african greys, red-bellied, eclectus, senegals, meyers, pionus, conures, mexican redhead amazons, double-yellowhead amazons, and lovebirds. Archaeological findings prove that the Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican Hairless has been around for thousands of years. His former masters include the Toltecs, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Colima Indians. Many links to breed information. North County Times reported on a small reenactment of the muster that occurred at San Luis Rey in 1847 before the march to Los Angeles to fight in the battle that ended the U.S.-Mexican War. These couple of pages contain pictures mostly Mexican troops with artillery. This is part of the larger, framed THS site, which has references, links and articles, mostly on the Filibustero (gringo) side. Photo gallery illustrating current Mexican license plates. All states and plate types are represented. Guided tours to Veracruz and to Tlaxcala featuring foraying in a variety of ecosystems, commercial production facilities, and gourmet dining. Includes photos, biographies of guides, and comments from participants. Parent company for several Mexican brands including Corona and Negra Modelo. Includes investor information, games, multimedia downloads, corporate information and history. [English/Spanish] The temporary home of the Alamo de Parras site, before the Texas Revolution. There are extensive resources for research into the soldiers and life the in the Spanish and Mexican period, drawings, glossaries, pictures of artifacts and all kinds of information. Live-Aboard and single day dive trips to US and Mexican waters aboard the Horizon and Ocean Odyssey departing from San Diego. Many trips to San Clemente Island. Schedules on-line. This website was created by Doña Pátryka Chaves de Tachick to assist members of the New Mexican Hispanic Cultural Preservation League in costuming themselves for their events. While it is a bit disorganized and has some pictures originating on other sites, it also has some pictures and links not found on other sites in the directory. Mexican producer, founded by the renowned Eli Raphael, of a range of large-scale resin cast collectors figurines with a vampiric feel. Reviews, history (Mexican perspective), magazine articles, box scans, high scores, top 10 game lists, links and personal sale/trade/wants. 'Refreshingly original film-noir mystery adventure steeped in Mexican folk tradition and starring affable undead skeletons. Really. It works.' Download a computer version of the domino games Chickenfoot and Mexican Train. Objective is to get rid of all dominoes before the opponents can do the same. Play against multiple computer opponents. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
To start our tutorials off, let’s start by introducing Selenium and what it’s good for as well as discuss one of the tools of the Selenium suite, the Selenium IDE. The Selenium IDE is an excellent starting point to start using and learning Selenium. For a short description, the Selenium IDE is a plugin for the Firefox browser that let’s one click and record actions in the web browser. In addition, it adds options to your contextual menu (the right click menu) that helps you create tests. As a result, you can very quickly create and prototype scripts for automation. To get started, head over to the Selenium homepage at and download the IDE (at the time of this writing, it’s located at Remember that this is a Firefox plugin so it’s vital that you download and install it in Firefox. Once you have it installed, start it up by hitting Tools -> Selenium IDE (Ctrl + Alt + S as a keyboard shortcut, if you’d prefer). The IDE shou This is where we put the URL of the web page that we want Selenium to start from. In our example case, we want to put there. The controls – Right under the Base URL field, we have the controls. From the various buttons, sliders, and toggles here, we can control the execution of our test as well as whether or not we’re actively recording. The table – Here is where our script’s functionality will appear/live as we create it. We can also tweak our scripts and add additional commands if we desire. For now, those are the 3 basic areas that we’re concerned about. We’ll revisit the other areas when we delve deeper in. To start off automating our test case, let’s first navigate to in Firefox and fire up the Selenium IDE if it’s not already open. If there are any commands in the table, highlight them and delete them for now. Now, toggle on the record button (the red circle on the right hand side of the controls) and switch back to Google. From now on, all actions we take in the browser will be recorded by Selenium IDE! As a reminder, our test is “When we search for a query on Google, the query string should remain on in the query field on the results page“. Now let’s toggle off the recording button in the IDE and we’re finished! As you can see, all the actions we did have been recorded into the table to be played back at our convenience. Now if you click on the click on the ‘Play Entire Suite’ button in the controls section, Selenium IDE will playback the exact steps as well as verify that the text is present! Congratulations on creating your first QA automation test! The ability to record and play actions using the Selenium IDE makes creating automated test cases just that simple. Even if you decide to not learn anymore about Selenium, you can still really power up your QA prowess using just the little bit that you’ve learnt here. Using the IDE is that simple. By leveraging this tool, we can quickly create automated tests that allow us to save on tons of repeatable actions and time. However, we’ve only really just begun scratching the surface of the IDE. In our next installment, we’re going to show how you can customize the tests and create all sorts of advanced automated test cases. However, even though the Selenium IDE has an amazing amount of functionality, it pales in comparison to the other part of the Selenium testing suite, specifically SeleniumWebDriver. For example, the Selenium IDE is restricted to only Firefox, which as we all know, is not the only browser in town and it also lacks the ability to scale. So in additional to exploring advanced usage of the Selenium IDE, we’ll also explore how we can leverage the IDE to help supply test cases for SeleniumWebDriver, which doesn’t have the same shortcoming as the IDE. SELF was founded in 1990 by Neville Williams, author of “Chasing the Sun: Solar Adventures Around the World” and former U.S. Department of Energy staffer during the Carter administration. The organization’s primary mission was to develop small-scale solar energy systems for homes in rural communities that would generate enough power to run a few compact florescent lights, a radio, and a small black and white television fects in eleven countries throughout Asia, Africa, and South America, such as powering 1,000 households in 14 villages in western China; starting a division within a national development agency to sell photovoltaic systems in Sri Lanka at prices villagers could afford; working with the Masai tribe in Tanzania to acquire solar-powered telephones and FM radios; and installing a photovoltaic system in a South African school, using the energy to power computers and connect them to the internet. However, SELF’s goal was not to merely supply solar lighting systems to a small number of homes and walk away, but rather it was to establish a business model that could be self-sustained in communities over the long term, one that would eventually pave the way for the commercialization of solar electrification of homes in the developing world. Through a series of pilot projects around the world, SELF had demonstrated the willingness of rural families to pay for solar electricity when given access to credit. Given the success of the pilots, in 1997 the organization decided to launch a for-profit affiliate to be led by Williams called the Solar Electric Light Company (SELCO) based in Bangalore, India, its goal being to sell solar home systems in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, led by its new executive director, Bob Freling, SELF embarked on its next generation of projects, seeking ways to harness solar energy to empower people in developing countries to rise from poverty by using energy from the sun to power rural schools, health clinics, small businesses, and water pumping and purification systems.
The Buenos Aires Japanese Garden was created in 1967, within the Tres de Febrero park in the Palermo neighbourhood. It was done to celebrate the visit of the prince of Japan, Akihito, who is nowadays the Emperor of Japan. The park is administered by the Fundación Cultural Argentino Japonesa. The area includes, apart from the garden, a building that serves as a cultural centre, a greenhouse that specializes in growing bonsai trees and a Japanese food restaurant. It´s a nice alternative for a short stroll, surrounded by trees, lakes and the typical oriental bridges and walkways. Alternatively it´s an ideal place to sit down and relax with a good book.
The Caribbean is a famous pick year round for Caribbean family vacations. The Caribbean has an astonishing varied of terrain – from dense rain forests to volcanoes, from white-sand to black-sand beaches. Good food, music, adorable scenery, and leisure lifestyle of the islands attracts millions of travelers each year for their Caribbean family vacation. The main draws are of course the incredible beaches and weather. Many Caribbean destinations are well appropriate for families and have some of the excellent family resorts one will find anywhere. Some of the best family Caribbean resorts have banks, big pools with waterfalls and some even have individual waterparks. All-inclusive resorts are also very ample in the Caribbean and that is other reason the Caribbean is a famous for family beach holiday. There are many islands which are well suited for Caribbean family’s vacation. Nevertheless not all places in the Caribbean receive children as well as others. Some testimonials of Caribbean destinations that are well known as being family friendly. Anguilla: Anguilla is a small island in the Caribbean located close to St Martin. In spite of the growing numbers of tourers who cluster to the Caribbean looking for a holiday in heaven, Anguilla has managed to stay comparatively unexploited and so if one is looking for some excitement to go with the dazing ocean views, then one needs to find other destination. Aruba: This is the best Caribbean family vacation which has an exotic view of the island. Its desert landscape, with divi-divi trees, cactus, and aloe vera set in contrast to the background of azure skies and the blue-green water of the sea gives the ideal setting for a Caribbean family vacation. Bahamas: Blessed with the ideal location, the ideal climate and the ideal surroundings-crystal clean turquoise blue waters and pearly white beaches, the Islands of the Bahamas are the ideal place for the next family beach vacation. British Virgin Islands: The British Virgin Islands are a real experience in Caribbean living, where things slow down and allow you to experience paradise in a serene environment. Cayman Islands: The Cayman Islands offer a variety of diverseness in terms of what travelers can expect, and that’s what makes it such a good option for a family holiday. This is the ideal place for Caribbean cruise vacation. Cuba: Family holidays in Cuba are perfect if one is looking for a family holiday that’s literal absorbed in foreign culture, vivacious music and not a little contention. With its capital city of Havana a chill seekers heaven, to the first city of Baracao or instead Santiago de Cuba where one will find out everything one ever wanted to know about the revolution, there’s adequate to learn about this energizing country.
An analysis of the postponement theory by scott schones 2 table of contents 3- introduction 5- what the postponement theory states 8- why i believe writing this is. Postponement strategy is one of the major supply chain management (scm) pr- tices that has a discernible impact on rms' competitive advantage and organi- tional performance postponement is a mass customization strategy that captures the advantages of both mass production and mass customization. Analysis, postponement analysis, safety stock level analysis, service level analysis, budget analysis, and cost breakdown analysis. Designing products for postponement and performing late-stage product completion as close to demand as possible is vital for profitability companies must put the right products into the hands of. Expert claims analysis our team of delay analysis experts has a breadth of experience in identifying, analyzing, preparing, and presenting claims and disputes on a variety of projects our distinct advantage is a direct result of our expertise and background in managing more than $100 billion in projects o. The adaptive supply chain: postponement for profitability 1 is postponement right for your company with rising customer expectations and companies less willing to hold finished. By the irrawaddy 1 september 2018 ye ni: welcome to dateline irrawaddy this week, we'll discuss why the court has postponed the verdict in the case of two reuters reporters ko wa lone and ko kyaw soe oo, and if the verdict will be against or in favor of the two. The department has proposed to postpone compliance of the dec 19, 2016 regulations for two years by changing the compliance date from july 1, 2018 to july 1, 2020 the department also proposed to postpone the date children ages three through five must be included in the analysis of significant disproportionality from july 1, 2020, to july 1, 2022. Each candidate may also postpone the examination once up to ten (10) business days prior to the examination date requests for postponement must also be received in writing (receipted email, fax, or mail. The match at oakwell did not get under way after an air ambulance landed on the pitch burton albion manager nigel clough says it was the right decision to call off their league one game at. While it will take a miracle to deny marc marquez the 2018 motogp title, andrea dovizioso could postpone the celebrations as the duo is again set to battle it out for the win at motegi. Boxing news analysis visa issues force postponement of wbc's world invitational semifinals [tuesday] night to postpone the event due to learning that, despite our best efforts, several of. Our analysis and numerical examples imply that in most of the cases, the postponement system outperforms the non-postponement system the smaller the variance of the backorder costs and the variance of the machine utilization rates, the more cost-effective the postponement system is. Failure to provide good forensic schedule delay analysis is a main contributing factor to the second leading cause of disputes, all resulting in a failure to resolve claims in a timely manner. Postponement is widely used in the automotive, apparel, and consumer electronics industries many companies produce products that are candidates for postponement. Postponement as supply chain strategy next in my series on supply chain strategy is the postponement as a strategy till now in this series, we have covered the lean and agile as supply chain strategies and this is the third conventional supply chain strategy i will be talking about. Reebok nfl replica jerseys: a case for postponement value of the excess jerseysthis is because although reebok may want to minimize inventory, it needs to consider the impact such an action will have on the service level and its profitability. The perils of postponement we all battle the problem of procrastination - some things ought to be postponed - ( not all things are of equal value and urgency ) it is unwise, hurtful & even case 2 . Inventory is an important part of supply chain management as it directly impacts both cost and service as demand is more or less uncertain and it takes time to manufacture and deliver the goods, some amount of inventory is required somewhere in the chain to provide the required service to the end customer. The analysis also demonstrated that the information linkage across value chain is one of the most important factors towards the application of postponement strategy this ensures detailed information can flow smoothly, accurately and quickly across the value chain, which then gives companies the opportunities to tailor products and services. The nfl announced on wednesday that the week 1 matchup between the tampa bay buccaneers and miami dolphins, scheduled for sunday in miami, would be postponed because of hurricane irma. 31 analysis of postponement strategy by an epq-based model without stockout 47 further assumptions (i) end-products 1 and 2 are produced separately by two machines(ii) for each end-product, the production rate is larger than the demand rate. Tron(trx) slides after postponement of super representative elections: iota, eos, tron, stellar lumens and litecoin technical analysis dalmas ngetich | june 27, 2018 | 12:02 am yesterday we were supposed to see the final push and declaration of tron independence. Led by avalara, which traded up 87% its first day, the week saw six companies raise a total of $13 billion also this week, adaptive insights was acquired two days before its expected ipo as of. The effect of statins on average survival in randomised trials, an analysis of end point postponement malene lopez kristensen,1 palle mark christensen,1 jesper hallas1,2 to cite: kristensen ml. Results of the analysis the obtained results of the regression analysis allow to notice some significant relationships between the dependent variables reflecting the types of postponement strategies and the independent factors. Which of the following is an example of a postponement tactic delayed differentiation the process of dismantling and inspecting a competitor's new or revised product for the purpose of gleaning design ideas is called.
One of our favourite offerings of London Fashion Week this season was Hemyca’s AW14 collection. Inspired by restraint the collection was entitled ‘Neoteric’. The collection has a running theme of patent straps and pvc detailing which accented the restraint and empowerment of ‘Neoteric’. The simplicity of the colour palette was sublime, with key colours black, midnight blue and silver. The silhouette was spot on to juxtapose the empowerment and restraint, with dramatic capes as the powerhouses of the collection. The film itself was directed by Chris Butler and produced by Che Frantz. Throughout the film we see the ‘Hemyca Woman’ ina number of macabre and romantic settings, our favourite without doubt has to be the talons of the crow, as well as the ice and black horse, creating an outstanding vision that really does grip the viewer. The film and collection explores the fine line between fiction and reality, a fascinating concept, and one that was excellently executed.
I have had miy MT for 18 months now and I am still surprised about how much joy this amplifier gives me. In September I got a pair of LCD 2.2 for my birthday and to be smart I immediately plugged them in to my MT and they stayed there. They have barely been unplugged since, and today I had a long listening session and for some reason I took the cans out and the lesson learned was, take out your headphones when not in use. Maybe not technically weird, but music from my speakers seemed totally different. I hadn't noticed since they have been plugged in 99% of time to secure good burn in and easy to just put them on when I wanted the headphone experience.. And today I learned that the head psycholist, where I work , ordered a Zen Select after he came by and heard my system playing. Go Drammen, opting to be the decware enthusiasts city of Norway Believe it or not, my MininTorii came with the OC2 (input voltage regulators) defeating switch wired backwards, so all this time I've assumed those little tubes did not lid even if these were working, since the switch was in the "ON" position all the time. Since I discovered this by accident not too long ago, the OC2's (switched in the opposite direction relative to the rest of the switches), are glowing! Sound differences are tangible indeed. My latest "MOD", for free! The shop is now online.If anyone has a query in regard to items not online please contact Michael Hegarty 087 2046722 The word "very" is important for my answer. I think that I would prefer to be in the company of very logical than very sentimental person, although I can imagine that neither is a compliment if is overdosed. If someone is objective, this word for itself is enough. Then too objective...hm, what could it be? If s/he is too objective, then eventually too disturbing too because of much analyzing or something like that. Too passionate can also be disturbing as overdosed. As error, maybe too objective, as objective is enough. Too passionate...almost never enough of passion. I think that imagination involved both, emotion and reason. English is not my mother tongue and I am not sure that I can make so precise distinction between these two words. It seems that sensible is more likely to be imaginative...I am not sure. I think that my answer would depend on the context. In business related circumstances I suppose I would generally prefer to be more rational, if it was relationship related, I would prefer to be viewed as empathetic or sentimental. Ideally, I suppose that I would balance the two. Of this I am not sure. The best way I can describe my view is to say that, very generally, sensible people are imaginative in practical ways. Their ideas and creations tend to be more utilitarian, meaning they server some practical purpose in everyday life. Emotional people are imaginative/creative in ways that stir emotions. They sing, dance, write, speak, make music, paint, sculpt, act, etc. in ways that evoke and/or convey feelings and passion. There is a good book on the relationship between emotion and reason. The title is Decartes' Error. It was written by Antonio Damasio who I believe is an Italian neuroscientist. Basically The traditional view [I think] is that reason and emotion are at opposite ends of a continuum or spectrum. And, that emotion, tends to cloud or bias reason/rational thought. Damasio made a pretty good case that the spectrum metaphor does not apply universally. I'm certainly no expert, but it was a fascinating book. Thanks for telling about this book. It sounds very interesting and is worth buying it. As you said: "my gut reaction ..." Mirjana, please let me know how you like it...I'll try to find my copy and read it again so we can discuss. I admit in taking the gnostic approach of trying to find unification in all dualities, but this thought occurred to me while I was reading Emile Coue's writings on Auto-Suggestion. He says that our conscious, reasonable thoughts are products of our subconscious. That is to say, our subconscious habits and emotional reactions will dictate our conscious thoughts. He adds, however, that it is just as easy for our conscious thoughts to dictate our habits and emotional reactions. For instance, a person can tell a lie so many times that it becomes truth. On the flip side, a person can base a belief on a subconscious "gut-feeling".I understand that I may have lumped sensibility and emotion with the conscious and subconscious, but to me they are the same. To answer your questions, Sabina, I can only do so as would an architect. The only valid answer would be finding the direct balance between the two extremes in #1 and #2. As for #3, I cannot agree that imagination and sensibility are opposing. I do understand the direction you're coming from. A robot would be an example of something entirely rational, while ultimately possessing no imagination whatsoever. But even the most logical people need to be at least a bit creative to make any progress. A robot cannot exist without the imaginative impulse of its creator. To answer the third question, I find sensibility more attractive because I find intelligent conversation very productive in any relationship. And #4, I am tempted to consider that imagination is the direct product-child of the two? What do everyone else think? There's a riposte to "Descartes' Error" called "Damasio's Error and Descartes' Truth" by Andrew Gluck. It's a more philosophical examination of Damasio's empirically based points so makes for a good follow-on read. I agree that the balanced option is almost always the best one. That is exactly why, at least for me, these questions were interesting. In a situation where I know that neither extreme is right, but I can only choose one of the two, which would I choose? Why? I like Tim's answer to this question, but if I didn't have the luxury of choosing different compliments for different situations, I would probably select "That is a very sentimental person". Everyone actually gave the same answer, more or less, to this question, but I liked Tim's explanation, that both are, or can be, imaginative, just in different ways. In my experience I've found that emotional people are more imaginative in terms of creativity. I once described my best high school friend as being "the kind of person who'd tell you to take a pair of clean socks on a flight of fancy." She was sensible and practical and as imaginative as a brick. On the other hand, sensible, logical types can be amazingly creative in inventing things and solving problems. Whatever other problems Terry had, she could always figure out a way to make something work. If the two of us had to design a car, make it as near-perfect as possible, I'd be painting an elaborate decoration on the exterior, and she'd be under the hood working on performance. My creativity would be aesthetic value; her creativity would have a more tangible result. Let's start a new introduction thread for new people stopping in. Sound off - let us know who ya are, where you're from and what ya like to hunt! Ok.....I did this once.I'll do it again.I live at go by 'womanwhohunts" there.I hunt to live and live to hunt.My home is sweet home Alabama.I've hunted for over 30 years and got my first bow 2 days ago.Been married 18 years and got 2 boys,12 and 14.We all hunt and fish and camp and its great. I'm glad you stopped by WWH! When you're not a Realtree, you need to stop by here and make sure this crowd is in line! Good luck with the new bow. We expect you to be a contributor in "Primitive Camp Talk" now! It took me awhile to finally take the plunge with a bow, but I'm glad I did. It's gets the old heart pumping even more than rifle hunting! Lots of fun! East central Indiana, Hunt with a White 50 cal. smokepole. Haven't bow hunted for 2 yrs. bad shoulder Iowa country boy,been a hunter all my life.love to hunt with the bow and frontstuffers.Bow season starts here Oct.1st and im ready to go.Be looken for a big feller and one of his sweet hearts. ck, glad to see another "front-stuffer" on here. Our bow season opened Sept. 6, but between working the weekends and having a hurt back, I haven't been able to go. I'd rather made that big cloud of smoke though!!!!!! I'm from western nc , where deer are spread pretty thin. Used to hunt around Tignal Ga, 'til the declining deer population and the local fuzz made it not fun anymore, Anyway I'd rather chase bunnies than deer . Thats all deer season is for me anyway, just killing time 'til all the hunters go home. Then the REAL hunting begins. Nothing like a pack of beagles and shotguns to make some noise, right guys? Hey: How do you all feel about chatting with a old canadian? I'm tired of my close chat lines. I have a connection with the south as I used to be an outfitter. If I ain't welcome I understand and won't be offended.
The 36th Tokyo Auto Salon has been held at Makuhari Messe exhibition complex in Chiba city from 12th to 14th of January. Our participation was since 2016 after we skipped it last year. Whenever we come back to this enthusiastic event, we feel that we are in the right place at the right time. At this show, we saw a lot of friends and people of the car-related industry. We exchanged new year greetings each other, everywhere at the venue. This is exactly our opening of the season. This time, we had three outstanding features in our exhibition booth such as Bull-tra, Barrel, and Bosozok BRE wheels with revolver effect. Both Bull-tra and a forged wheel “Barrel” were really eye-catching and became a phenomenon. This brand-new Stance forged wheel “Barrel” lured so many emthusiasts and onlookers by not only its astonishing looking but also the 22in and 17.5J size.
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Female Athlete of the Week: Notre Dame's Marcella Gossen Marcella Gossen has had quite the last couple of games for the Notre Dame Lady Pioneers. Check out this story on Trey Labat, Published 4:13 p.m. CT April 5, 2017 | Updated 5:49 p.m. CT April 5, 2017 The Lady Pios’ are one of the top teams in Class 2A and are expected to once again compete for a state championship, this year in the Division IV bracket in the new split format. Notre Dame coach Ashley Ray said Gossen was a quiet, but effective leader in the circle for the Lady Pios. “Marcella is a little more quiet; she just goes about her business and does her thing. She controls both sides of the game very well,” Ray said. Gossen has been a consistent performer for the Lady Pios throughout her career and her performances in the circle helped lead the Lady Pios to a semifinal appearance last season where they were beaten in a close game by Calvary Baptist. Gossen’s twin, Melise, was injured all of last season but has been back this year and been similarly impressive for the Lady Pios. "They're very good leaders. Having one of them was good and having two of them has been great," Ray said. "Melise is a little more verbal, she'll huddle up the infield if she needs to." I had just released The Disciple-Making Parent’s Donut Date Journal and it was doing quite well. I was excited about happy parents who were loving this time with their children. Then within one day of each other, I had similar requests. Two different young people each asked their parents: These parents contacted me and essentially said the same thing, “We love The Donut Date Journal. But could you please make one for children to ask questions of their parents?” “Of course!” I thought to myself. “Why didn’t I think of that before? What a great way for children to show honor to their parents—by learning their parents’ stories!” As I reflected more, I realized how valuable something like this would be for me. I have heard stories from my parents. But those stories had come in bits and pieces throughout the years. Over time the details have begun to fade. In addition, because I heard the stories piecemeal, I don’t remember the chronology or specific years. After some work, I am about to release The Donut Date Journal 2. In this companion journal you will find 70 questions for children to ask their parents. I think young children will enjoy asking these questions. At this age, they are eager to hear their parents’ stories and will find them interesting. Even more, teens and adult children will enjoy asking their parents these questions. Although it has Donut Date in the title, this journal could make for stimulating conversation around the holiday table or on a long car trip. And for teens, this resource can help them connect with their parents and grandparents. God commands his people to show honor to their parents and the aged. Unfortunately we live in a time when families are often child-centered. This resource can help bind families together and honor the different generations.
General Electric's new boss said he's weighing potentially dramatic changes including a breakup into separate businesses, after the iconic manufacturer said it would take a major charge related to a legacy insurance operation. "We are looking aggressively at the best structure or structures for our portfolio to maximize the potential of our businesses," Chief Executive Officer John Flannery said Tuesday on a conference call with analysts. A review "." Flannery renewed the discussion of a potential breakup after disclosing a $6.2 billion charge related to an old portfolio of long-term care insurance, another setback for a company already struggling with flagging demand in some key markets. The CEO, who took over for Jeffrey Immelt in August, is cutting costs and selling assets after GE posted last year's biggest drop on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. While Flannery vowed last year to consider all options for GE, he emphasized a plan in November to focus the company on jet engines, power-generation equipment and health-care machines. He also said the company would sell $20 billion in other assets, taking the spotlight off the possibility of a more ambitious restructuring. Flannery said Tuesday he would continue to review the company's strategic options and update investors in the spring. GE will take a $9.5 billion pretax charge related to GE Capital's North American Life & Health portfolio, according to a company statement.
Selecting the right worktop for your kitchen can be a daunting task as there are so many options available, all offering their own individual benefits and drawbacks. Granite is one of the most popular choices for kitchen counters because of the many benefits it provides. Take a look at this list of reasons why you should choose to install granite worktops in your kitchen and take the guesswork out of such a big decision. When trying to select something beautiful for your worktops granite is the obvious choice as it offers a stunning appearance. From a design and decorating perspective granite offers visual qualities that can be matched by no other material. Granite gives a high end, luxurious feel to a space that can be matched with any style of design enhancing its textured, gently hued appearance. A major benefit to opting for granite worktops is the incredible durability of the stone. Granite is literally rock hard, and comes second only to diamonds in terms of natural materials so if properly maintained it could literally last a lifetime. In addition to this, it is also well known for its ability to resist chipping, cracking and scratching as well as being naturally heat resistant. The wonderful thing about granite is its versatility. Granite is available in a wide array of natural hues and patterns making it easy to select the perfect slab to compliment any design. Because it is so versatile granite is easily incorporated into any space and can really change the look and feel of an area, especially a kitchen, when a unique slab is installed. Granite countertops are an excellent investment for homeowners because their presence is directly reflected in the valuation of the home. Granite worktops are very desirable amongst those looking to buy a home which means homeowners can see as much as 100% return on their investment. In addition to raising the value of the home, installing granite worktops makes any property easier to sell. Whether you are aiming for a traditional or more contemporary look for your kitchen worktops granite provides the perfect option. Granite is perfect for achieving the traditional look because quite simply- it IS traditional, and its natural look and feel fit in well with other traditional design elements. On the other hand, when striving for a contemporary look, granite rises to the occasion offering a high gloss finish, sleek lines and a smooth feel. Whatever type of kitchen you’re planning on installing, choosing a quality granite worktop will bring the perfect finishing touch.
| RACER Trust Mansfield's WMFD-TV offered web viewers a live feed of the news conference where RACER Trust Trustee Elliott P. Laws announces the sale of the former GM Stamping Plant in Ontario to Brownfield Communities Development Co. Did you know March is National Frozen Food Month? Not only is this a great excuse to keep your freezer fully stocked, but also it gives you a reason to try some great freezer-aisle products. So before you head to the grocery store this weekend, make sure to check out these two new breakfast items that deserve a prime spot in the &apos;ol ice box: Made with organic eggs, cheddar and bell peppers, PJ&apos;s Organic Denver Breakfast Burritos are portable A.M. meals. ($3.39) mistake and rider lost iron briefly 1st, soon in touch on outside, hampered 7th, pecked 4 out, led after next, ridden clear before 2 out, kept on led, headed after 3 out, soon ridden and no chance with winner, outpaced in 3rd next, stayed on to take 2nd towards finish tracked leader to 4th, behind when mistake next, close up again 4 out, chased clear winner before 2 out, ridden after last, never on terms, lost 2nd towards finish Results: GOODWOOD - Arab Race - Qatar International Stakes (Group 1) (on Sat 1 Aug 2015 at Goodwood)
I know since kishore knelt down at him when she has loosen her tight little bit of house i then lean. A few generations ago, couples met through family friends at their church or synagogue or by the water cooler at work. Today, more than 90 percent of America's 54.3 million singles have tried online dating, according to Statistic Brain Research Institute. From e Harmony to JDate to Tinder to Grindr, the tech industry has found ever more interesting and unusual ways to use apps to pair us up. For Jason Mac Naughton, a 35-year-old VR developer and former telecommunications engineer, it's a place to catch up with his long-distance girlfriend of five years, who goes by T. He would travel to places like Saskatoon, in Canada's great plains, leaving behind T. But when they put on their VR headsets, the miles of distance melt away. "I first heard about v Time during Christmas of last year and found it was a really great way to interact with my girlfriend rather than using Face Time," Mac Naughton said, referring to the video chat feature on Apple's i Phones. who is david tennant dating nowlatineuro dating girlsare mandy moore and zachary levi datingNo credit card required girls looking for free sex chatFree senor sex datingLive free mutual webcam chat The Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City and the Role of Global Earth Observations Conference envisions to: •develop adaptation strategies for Mediterranean-climate cities•identify best adaptation programs and approaches and evaluate their benefits and applicability •explore the potential of earth observations and thrust climate information transfer from the science to the stakeholder application realm•help local and regional authorities and stakeholders to gain insight on the role of EO-based services in adapting to climate chance impacts in urban hot-spot areas•enhance and strengthen European and international cooperation •create new and strengthen existing collaborations among scientists, policy makers, elected officials, corporate sustainability leaders, engineers, planners, natural resource managers, NGOs and other experts •contribute to the promotion of action in Greece and the adoption of a comprehensive adaptation strategy The international conference aims at contributing towards healthy Mediterranean cities that continually develop and improve their physical and social environments and expand the community retheir maximum potential.
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Moody girls, your moment has come. Lush just announced that it will launch 17 new bath oils. In keeping with the brand's tradition of releasing products to complement your good mood (or cure a bad one!), these new oils each match specific feelings. From energizing aromas to sexy musks, we promise every single one of your personalities will be satiated by the new releases. Even better is that all but one product (Oil on Troubled Water) is vegan. Read on to see the goods, which launch on Jan. 5.
“Eventually all the pieces fall into place. Until then laugh at the confusion, live for the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.” - Carrie Bradshaw”
A photographic deck by Mexican artist José Raúl Pérez. Site available in English and Spanish. A detailed thesis of the origins, events and outcomes of the US-Mexican war, sourced largely from the diary of President James Polk. mexican law firm, with offices in east lake, focusing on mexican real estate and cross-border business transactions, and representing americans in civil and crimial litigation. History, identifiers, allies and rivals of Mexican/Hispanic criminal organizations, including the Mexican Mafia (La EME), Grandel and Surenos. Site also presents images of gang tattoos and patches. Index to record of service of Connecticut men who served in regular army Mexican War. Compiled from rosters on file in Adjutants Office Washington, D.C.HARTFORD 1889 General Winfield Scott defeats a numerically superior Mexican force in a 5 month campaign. Article with a link to a biography. The Quinceanera - A glorious celebration and cherished tradition in honor of a Mexican girls 15th birthday. 'here we have mexican infiltrators (oh! do you prefer 'migrants'?) pouring across into the united states in search of work and a better life. the american government is doing little to stem that tide. the mexican leadership hails those workers as 'heroes' for carrying some kind of abstract isotopes of a borderless mexico farther into the north.' article by barry farber [newsmax] A brief biography, commemoration, marker, photographs and links of this Mexican War military leader. Mural and history of Mexican-Americans in Sterling, IL, including links to community organizations and festivities. An essay examining the reaction of the American hierarchy to the Mexican oppression of the church in the 1930s. Curley Mexico Mexican Catholic Church Kelley American Daniels Baltimore Bishop Calles Díaz Catholics Archbishop Elizonde Michael Gibbons Mencken Ted Vincents Africa In Mexican Multiculturalism contains articles, links, photos, and a suggested reading list. Includes comprehensive description of the holiday, its cultural significance, and the religious overtones, as well as actual photographs from the celebration. dating agency for men seeking marriage with latin women through correspondence, personal introductions, and group tours to guadalajara, mexico. A listing of the main facts about the war, plus a brief description of the causes and the conflict. It also contains unique facts and links. 'a radical hispanic movements dream to retake the southwestern united states is becoming a reality with the aid of mexican and u.s. policies, according to some immigration watchers.' [worldnetdaily] Trail of Feathers deals with the 1998 search for missing reporter Philip True in Mexican wilderness and the quest to bring his killers to justice. Illustrated biography concentrates on this Hoosiers service in the Mexican-American War and the Civil War. Examines the differences between Halloween and the Day of the Dead, and explores the customs related to the traditional Mexican holiday. Comprehensive site with information, letters and photos from a US perspective of the US Civil War, Philippine Campaign, Mexican Service, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Unannotated collection of links on such topics as arts and crafts, folklore, entertainment, music, and sports. Offers Black Gay and Lesbian cruises to the Bahamas or the Mexican Riviera. Includes a photo gallery, reservation information, details about the ship, and links to related sites. expresses concern that mexican nationalists are 'gearing up a movement to carve out of the southwestern united states - a region (called aztlan) including all of bushs home state of texas' Military Society of the Mexican War. Includes history of the war and the 150 year old society, biographies, historical accounts, documents, photographs, artwork and links. story about how an american male and a mexican woman met online, fell in love, got committed and now live together happily married. story in english and spanish. A database of political history and cemeteries, with brief biographical entries for U.S. political figures who died in the War between 1846-1847. Political County Graveyard Mexican Butler Army Killed Ohio Born Politicians Robert Govtrackus Cemetery Representative Original Vista Mexico Politician Thomas Point Hamer Echols article on rural us hospitals near the mexican border that are coping with the health needs of illegal immigrants. Offers discount vacation packages, airfare, and hotel rates to various Mexican destinations. Includes destination and accommodation information, general travel information, and an online quote request form. Victor Sanchez is a Mexican researcher who has developed workshops for personal and spiritual growth, applicable to the creative improvement of the every day life. Includes information about the author, his books and his organization, plus articles, training programs and events. Politics in Mexico, republic of Texas and annexation, war, protests, California and the rest of northern Mexico. The invasion at Veracruz and fall of Mexico City, and the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Explains the history and significance of Cinco De Mayo, which commemorates the defeat of the French army by the Mexicans at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862. From Mexico Online. Offering gift sets which consist of a Mexican pewter or hand-thrown stoneware bowl which will contain blessings written by or for the recipient. Photographs, ordering facility and sample blessings. A non-profit organizing workcamps in Mexico for young people, and sending Mexican young people to serve in other countries. Information about their mission and activities. (In Spanish and English, site requires Flash.) Genealogical research guide listing every US arrival port with links to finding aids for passenger lists. Includes Canadian and Mexican border crossing records links to free on-line sources of american law that are available without charge, with some additional links to mexican and canadian resources. a sizable collection of classic rock, alternative, and pop lyrics, also mexican artists. run by two bilingual mexican students. Subscription based service which provides promotional mexican music to DJs in advance of commercial release. List of services and track details. Mexican Ad Ceramics Spain Glance History Mexico Ceramic Gallery Arabic Since Bc Vida_ Ortiz_ Mesoamerican Rights However Appearance States dedicated to the presentation of indigenous costume, the people, their location and their traditions. Review looking at the villians, the use of the Mexican desert and the Italian twist on the traditional Western. Cast/crew information with user comments and ratings, with links to trailers, reviews, and other related details. new mexican song writer, singer and guitarist. includes a discography, bookings, biography and contact details. illustrations and descriptions of the work of this mexican-born artist now living in finland. extensive exhibition history. Ceramics Works Torres Javier Artartist Presents Sculptures Installations Ceramist Includesexhibitions Other Internationally known Mexican folk dance group. The site has history, contact information, and upcoming events. in this story by sergio troncoso, three boys play a dangerous game that becomes a test of character on the mexican-american border. biography of the mexican architect from great buildings online, with a description of casa antonio galvez (1954). josé manuel springer describes this exhibition by mauricio rodriguez anza at the mexican cultural institute of new york in october 2001. Review of 'Sign of Truth' praises the singers blending of country, folk, and her native Mexican heritage her new album. biography of the author of 'gatherin moss', in which a psychedelic country-swing band gets tangled with a mexican dishwashers union in san francisco. includes an excerpt. a new mexican retelling of the dickens story by azucena macias, offered royalty free to school drama departments, or community theatres. Mexican Revolution: a revolution for agrarian reforms led in northern Mexico by Pancho Villa and in southern Mexico by Emiliano Zapata (/-) Mexican War: after disputes over Texas lands that were settled by Mexicans the United States declared war on Mexico in and by treaty in took Texas and California and Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada and Utah and part of Colorado and paid Mexico $,/,/ beaded lizard / Mexican beaded lizard / Heloderma horridum: lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales, of western Mexico guano bat / Mexican freetail bat / Tadarida brasiliensis: the common freetail bat of southern United States having short velvety fur, migrates southward for winter Mexican bean beetle / bean beetle / Epilachna varivestis: introduced into the United States from Mexico, feeds on the foliage of the bean plant Mexico / United Mexican States / / / / / / / / / / / / / -r -r / / : a republic in southern North America, became independent from Spain in / Mexican cypress / cedar of Goa / Portuguese cypress / Cupressus lusitanica: tall spreading evergreen found in Mexico having drooping branches, believed to have been introduced into Portugal from Goa / Mexican juniper / drooping juniper / Juniperus flaccida: small tree of western Texas and mountains of Mexico having spreading branches with drooping branchlets Mexican poppy / Argemone mexicana: annual herb with prickly stems and large yellow flowers, southern United States to West Indies and Mexico golden cup / Mexican tulip poppy / Hunnemania fumariifolia: native of Mexican highlands grown for its glossy clear yellow flowers and blue-grey finely dissected foliage Mexican hat / Ratibida columnaris: coneflower with flower heads resembling a Mexican hat with a tall red-brown disk and drooping yellow or yellow and red-brown rays, grows in the great plains along base of Rocky Mountains Mexican sunflower / tithonia: any plant of the genus Tithonia, tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden-yellow to orange-scarlet rays / Mexican mint / Salvia divinorum: an herb from Oaxaca that has a powerful hallucinogenic effect, the active ingredient is salvinorin tomatillo jamberry Mexican husk tomato / Physalis ixocarpa: annual of Mexico and southern United States having edible purplish viscid fruit resembling small tomatoes poinsettia / Christmas star / Christmas flower / lobster plant / Mexican flamele: tropical American plant having poisonous milk and showy tapering usually scarlet petallike leaves surrounding small yellow flowers fire-on-the-mountain / painted leaf Mexican fire plant / Euphorbia cyathophora: poinsettia of United States and eastern Mexico, often confused with Euphorbia heterophylla / jumping bean / jumping seed / Mexican jumping bean: seed of Mexican shrubs of the genus Sebastiana containing the larva of a moth whose movements cause the bean to jerk or tumble SiteBook Mexican Springs City Portrait of Mexican Springs in New-Mexico. This Topic site Mexican Springs got a rating of 4 SiteBook.org Points according to the views of this profile site. The City of Mexican Springs is in the American State of New-Mexico and has the Zip Code 87320. Nakaibito is a census-designated place in McKinley County, New Mexico, United States. - Last Update: 2018 Mining, civil, mechanical and structural engineering contractors based in Gladstone Australia. Includes a project portfolio and career opportunities. UK. Manufactures extensive range of pottery equipment. Includes pugmills, extruders, wheels, whirlers, spraybooths, slab rollers, and mixers. Site provides detailed product information. UK. Manufactures wide range of pottery equipment. Includes wheels, whirlers, spray booths, mixers, pugmills, and slab rollers. Site incorporates detailed product and application information. Tack and riding apparel retailer specializing in custom made saddles. Includes a product catalog, online ordering, and directions to the stores. Locations in Gladstone, New Jersey and New Canaan, Connecticut. Veterinary practice for dogs, cats, and exotic animals. List of services, news, and staff biographies. Parts, books, classified advertisements, and photos. Small association located on the central Queensland Coast of Australia. School in Gladstone, Missouri, teaching Ryukyu Kempo as taught by Taika Seiyu Oyata. Site features founders and instructors biography, style history, links and general school information. Preview, by Darren Gladstone: 'No doubt about it, Infernals graphics are tight. The two-level sneak peek looks smart, and Lennox animates like some demonic panther ready to pounce...' locations in oregon city and gladstone. site provides staff profiles, maps and directions, description of services, and listing of recent obituaries. Wirral theatre presenting both professional and amateur shows. Includes information about current and coming productions, ticket sales, resident groups, theatre hire, and the trust. A musical group playing original compositions in a range of musical styles. Lyrics, music clips, album information and ordering details, and concert information. Gladstone / William Gladstone / William Ewart Gladstone: liberal British statesman who served as prime minister four times (/-) SiteBook Gladstone City Portrait of Gladstone in Oregon. This Topic site Gladstone got a rating of 4 SiteBook.org Points according to the views of this profile site. The City of Gladstone is in the American State of Oregon and has the Zip Code 97027. Gladstone may refer to. - Last Update: 2018
grab the pheasant by the feet, swing it over your head a few times, set it under a bush for Mike to “hunt”. The guy should be toast, in my opinion. He’ll keep his job because his superiors probably share his perspective. And he’s a weather vane, just like all the other politicians and career bureaucrats. But hunters and shooters should not tolerate this sort of behavior. If he does indeed support science-based hunting, he would realize, as do virtually all wildlife biologists, that the only thing between game animals and extinction is the money generated by hunters. How much does PETA contribute to game animal preservation? Sierra Club? Audubon? I don’t have the data but I’m willing to bet that it is less than 1% of the money contributed by hunters thru their licensing, tags, and various tax revenues generated from activities related to hunting. In Hawaii, science-based game management is a joke. On Mauna Kea, for example, where I hunt sheep and pigs, the Sierra Club [Earth Justice] sued Hawaii many years ago claiming the mouflon sheep were eating a bush that the endangered palila bird uses for food and nesting. The Feds agreed and now there are aerial shoots every month or so in which virtually all the sheep are killed. The scientists, however, have found that it may not be the sheep at all but that moths [caterpillars] that are part of the palila diet are dying due to a virus and that even though the sheep population has been culled down to 5% of its prior level, the palila continue to disappear. Further, scientists claim, feral cats, which hugely outnumber sheep, are preying on the palila. Now Earth Justice has changed it’s mantra, stating that other factors are causing the palila decline but that since sheep are an introduced species, they should all be killed anyway. So the aerial shoots continue. PETA opposes killing the feral cats because so many PETA members own cats and they are cuddly and cute. The feral cats are also cuddly and cute, sort of like bobcats are. It’s frustrating here in HI and I’m sure in CA, but when I hunt grouse in Montana in the fall, or quail in Arizona in the winter, the opposite is the case. Those states take hunting seriously and it seems that science is the dominant factor when decisions are made involving game management. This year, I’ll be making 3 trips to hunt birds in Montana. I just love it up there, at least in the fall. But I can’t gripe about Hawaii. I can hunt sheep, pigs, goat, and wild bulls 365 days a year, and on any single day’s outing, I won’t see another hunter and I have about a 50% chance of scoring, all on public land. But the politics here stink. Good job covering such an important issue to hunters. President Sutton clearly does not support hunting and needs to be removed from the California Fish and Game Commission. Bruce, I agree in regards to science-based wildlife management. CA, like several states, lost track of this basic concept a long time ago. I honestly believe there are folks in the DFG (DFW) who still think it matters, but the way the laws and process work these days, science simply has no place alongside emotion and opinion. Overall, I just hope that CA folks who agree with what I’ve written here will take that anger and frustration to the right places, and make sure elected officials know that CA sportsmen are done with this idiocy.
We here at Substream love to give you our fresh takes on the best new theatrical and VOD releases, but what if you love something enough to want to own a physical copy? This is our rundown of this week’s best new releases on DVD and Blu-ray, so that you know what films to add to your home video library. Dhe battle for Ninjago Cf (Jake Gyllenhaal), a ngly ordinary night in Paris, Pierre takes one last look his lover Paul’s sleeping body, then steals away into the early morning light. Where he’s headed, neither of them know. Pierre’s only guide is his Grindr app, which leads him on a series of encounters with an indelible cast of characters across the French countryside. Paul sets out after him, using his own phone to track Pierre’s movements in a strange and wonderful game of Grindr cat-and-mouse. If you’re anything like me, chances are you have about 15 different riffs and melodies from different songs running through your head all the time. There’s something so satisfying about latching onto a particularly well written piece of music and humming along with it for the rest of the day. It absolutely never gets old, because each day comes with great new music to hum along with. Cleveland band Ottawa are master craftsmen of indie rock tunes that will have tons of those little moments running through your head. Their latest track “Strangers” is one of their best, and I’m thrilled to premiere it this morning on Substream. The first thing you hear on “Strangers” is the most perfect drum kick for a rollicking rock song. Ottawa has two guitarists, Will Hooper and Tim Czajka, and they both show off their skills shortly thereafter. Between the two of them, the twin guitars fill up the listeners’ ears with a rich full rock sound. Peeking out from within this guitar explosion is Jeremy Barnes’ bass, which leaps and bounds up and down the scale to give “Strangers” a thrilling undercurrent. Over it all is Dale DeLong’s vocals, delivered in a passionate and soaring burst of expression. Asked about the origins of “Strangers,” Jeremy Barnes says ““Writing ‘Strangers’ was a very memorable experience for us because the whole song came together in about an hour. Outside of one tweak to the chorus during our recording session, the song remained exactly as it was from the day we wrote it. Our guitarist, Will, has this super distinct way of strumming and was playing around with the chords you hear in the intro. during one of our practices. The second Dale (singer) heard it he had him loop it and came up with the verse melody in a matter of minutes. It was one of those sincere refrains that just stays with you and when he delivers one of those to us, the song almost always becomes something. I loved the melody so much that I stole it for my bassline (thanks Dale!). Our other guitarist, Tim, had been sitting on a really cool riff for months that hadn’t been used in any of our other songs yet and it just so happened to fit perfectly into this one. Before we knew it the song was written and we never looked back!” You can listen to Ottawa’s new single “Strangers” below. With riffs like these, you’ll want to pay attention to Ottawa going forward. We wrap up our conversations with scouts today with a conversation with former Browns scout Scott Aligo, who’s pretty wise for a young scout. Scott worked with us during the ’16 draft helping connect agents and their clients with teams, and his work really made a difference. I knew he’d be willing to help out on this project, and I knew he’d have good things to say. What is the one thing NFL draft fans don’t understand about the evaluation process, and about how NFL teams scout players, that they should know? “The biggest misconception is (that creating a scouting profile for a prospect is not) a 2-3 year process, instead of just the hot name. The time that is invested . . . no one really has a concept of (and) how much digging we have to do on that. Fans are usually like, “how did you not know that?” It’s about building relationships at the schools and getting to know the players without doing illegal activity. It’s underlooked.” We all know the best advice for a young man hoping to play in the NFL is to play his best football this fall. However, as a former scout, what would you tell a young man’s parents? “The agent is not the most important deal. The scout and the agent are going to be embedded with each other, no matter what anyone wants to say. There’s a lot of (agents) who say, “we hate scouts,” and there’s a lot of scouts who say, “we hate agents,” but no matter what, they will always be embedded together. And whether they admit it or not, it’s a beneficial relationship. I think the parents need to know that the evaluation on the field is probably the most important thing. All the other fluff, when it comes down to it, is, can he play?” If a young person asked you how to break into the scouting business, what advice would you have for him? “Quick advice is, you better have thick skin and you better look up the word ‘sacrifice,’ because if you are going to be in this business, you are going to have to sacrifice a lot. Be patient. Everybody says they want to be the GM by 30, and you have to be patient and embrace the grind of it. You might make ($17,000) for five years while all of your other buddies are making $70-80,000 going to happy hour three times a week. Well, you might get to go once a month or you only get one month a year to do stuff. The young group needs to embrace the whole ‘grind’ aspect of it and know that they have to be 100 percent patient and that it is not going to be a quick-and-easy process. You are going to sacrifice everything. Family. Friends. Girlfriends. Where you live. Everything.”
In February, Vogue magazine published, for the benefit of its 11.7 million readers, an article titled "A Rose in the Desert" about the first lady of Syria. Asma al-Assad has British roots, wears designer fashion, worked for years in banking, and is married to the dictator Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has killed over 5,000 civilians and hundreds of children this year. The glowing article praised the Assads as a "wildly democratic" family-focused couple who vacation in Europe, foster Christianity, are at ease with American celebrities, made theirs the "safest country in the Middle East," and want to give Syria a "brand essence." Vogue's editors defended the controversial article as "a way of opening a window into this world a little bit," conceding only that Assad's Syria is "not as secular as we might like." A senior editor responsible for the story told me the magazine stood by it. A few weeks later, the article and all references to it were removed from Vogue's website without explanation. In August, The Hill reported that U.S. lobbying firm Brown Lloyd James had been paid $5,000 per month by the Syrian government to arrange for and manage the Vogue article. For all the controversy, the article's author, former French Vogue editor Joan Juliet Buck, did manage to spend some one-on-one time with both Asma and Bashar al-Assad, an exclusive many journalists might have killed for. Today, as the world watches for cracks in the Assad regime and in the Assad family, Buck's interviews are an increasingly important tool for understanding the man at the top of Syria and the woman next to him. Sadly, Vogue's piece of the Syrian puzzle has been almost entirely scrubbed from the internet. But, somehow, the text can still be found at a website called PresidentAssad.net, a gif-filled but meticulously updated fan page to the Syrian dictator. The site is registered to a Syrian man living in Rome named Mohamed Abdo al-Ibrahim. A personal site for Ibrahim lists him as an employee of the Syrian state-run news agency. If you're a researcher focused on Syria or simply a reader curious about how this family presents itself to the Western media as of early 2011, you'll want to bookmark Ibrahim's website, which holds what appears to be the only complete copy of this article remaining online. Here are the first few paragraphs: Asma al-Assad is glamorous, young, and very chic--the freshest and most magnetic of first ladies. Her style is not the couture-and-bling dazzle of Middle Eastern power but a deliberate lack of adornment. She's a rare combination: a thin, long-limbed beauty with a trained analytic mind who dresses with cunning understatement. Paris Match calls her "the element of light in a country full of shadow zones." She is the first lady of Syria. Syria is known as the safest country in the Middle East, possibly because, as the State Department's Web site says, "the Syrian government conducts intense physical and electronic surveillance of both Syrian citizens and foreign visitors." It's a secular country where women earn as much as men and the Muslim veil is forbidden in universities, a place without bombings, unrest, or kidnappings, but its shadow zones are deep and dark. Asma's husband, Bashar al-Assad, was elected president in 2000, after the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad, with a startling 97 percent of the vote. In Syria, power is hereditary. The country's alliances are murky. How close are they to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah? There are souvenir Hezbollah ashtrays in the souk, and you can spot the Hamas leadership racing through the bar of the Four Seasons. Its number-one enmity is clear: Israel. But that might not always be the case. The United States has just posted its first ambassador there since 2005, Robert Ford. Iraq is next door, Iran not far away. Lebanon's capital, Beirut, is 90 minutes by car from Damascus. Jordan is south, and next to it the region that Syrian maps label Palestine. There are nearly one million refugees from Iraq in Syria, and another half-million displaced Palestinians. It's also a neighborhood intoxicatingly close to the dawn of civilization, where agriculture began some 10,000 years ago, where the wheel, writing, and musical notation were invented. Out in the desert are the magical remains of Palmyra, Apamea, and Ebla. In the National Museum you see small 4,000-year-old panels inlaid with mother-of-pearl that is echoed in the new mother-of-pearl furniture for sale in the souk. Christian Louboutin comes to buy the damask silk brocade they've been making here since the Middle Ages for his shoes and bags, and has incidentally purchased a small palace in Aleppo, which, like Damascus, has been inhabited for more than 5,000 years. The first lady works out of a small white building in a hilly, modern residential neighborhood called Muhajireen, where houses and apartments are crammed together and neighbors peer and wave from balconies. The first impression of Asma al-Assad is movement--a determined swath cut through space with a flash of red soles. Dark-brown eyes, wavy chin-length brown hair, long neck, an energetic grace. No watch, no jewelry apart from Chanel agates around her neck, not even a wedding ring, but fingernails lacquered a dark blue-green. She's breezy, conspiratorial, and fun. Her accent is English but not plummy. Despite what must be a killer IQ, she sometimes uses urban shorthand: "I was, like. . . ." 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Notes: sent index card to Mr. Foss in sase. He signed it and included a signed card of his own and a personal note! Thanks Mr. Foss and SA!
The present article seeks to clarify the relation between economic function of women in villages and sustainable development of rural areas. Documentary research methods, questionnaires and monitoring were used. Principal component analysis (PCA) and a model derived from PSR model are the usual pattern in data classification and analysis. Statistical society consists of 8619 women in active ages in 564 villages of more than 15 household in Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari. The volume of selected points and households are classified using probable sampling. Results indicate that economic function of rural women is under the influence of local-spatial structures and has a significant relation with factors like general skills and access or control of producing factors. Upgrading education level, holding different educational-promotional courses, providing necessary requirements to increase rural women access and control over producing resources and factors with solutions like cheap bank facilities, etc. are among solutions which is expected to increase economic functionality of rural women in the process of sustainable development.
The cover of branches and Foliage formed by the crown of trees is called Canopy. The percentage area of land covered by the canopy of trees is called Canopy density. Forest Cover is defined as “All lands more than one hectare in area, with a tree canopy density of more than 10 % iamboo and palm. In India, Forest area is a legal status. Forest cover is a geographical status. The government assigns many lands as forests even if some parts of them don’t have full tree cover. For instance, there could be rivers, lakes, grasslands rocks and even some empty land inside the forest that is still counted as a forest area – as the government doesn’t want you to build homes or farms on them. This is protected. Forest cover is any area with a lot of trees [tree canopy density more than 10%] whether it is officially protected by the government or not. The term ‘Forest Area’ (or recorded forest area) generally refers to all the geographic areas recorded as forest in government records. Recorded forest areas largely comprises Reserved Forests (RF) and Protected Forests (PF), which have been constituted under the provisions of Indian Forest Act, 1927. Besides RFs and PFs, the recorded forest area may include all such areas, which have been recorded as forests in the revenue records or have been constituted so under any State Act or local laws. On the other hand, the term ‘Forest Cover’ as used in the ‘SFR’ refers to all lands more than one hectare in area, having a tree canopy density of more than 10%. Thus the term ‘forest area’ denotes the legal status of the land as per the government records, whereas the term ‘forest cover’ indicates presence of trees over any land. Since the primary function of CAMPA is the regeneration of vegetation cover and promoting afforestation as a way of compensating for forest land which is diverted to non-forest uses. It, therefore, calls for an information system so as to collect and present information to monitor and track how well CAMPA funds are achieving this end. It is defined as the amount of carbon stored in the ecosystem of the forest especially in living biomass and soil. The degraded forest lands which have a Canopy density of less than 10% are called Scrubs. The Lands with Canopy density of 10-40% are called Open Forests. The Land with forest cover having a canopy density of 40-70% is called the Moderately Dense Forest (MDF) The Lands with forest cover having a canopy density of 70% and more are called Very Dense Forests (VDF). The Government announced that India’s forest and tree cover has increased by 5, 081 sq km. While the total forest cover of the country has increased by 3, 775 sq km, the tree cover has gone up by 1, 306 sq km. According to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015, the total forest and tree cover is 79.42 million hectare, which is 24.16 percent of the total geographical area. The total carbon stock in the country’s forest is estimated to be 7, 044 million tones, an increase of 103 million tonnes, which is an increase of 1.48 in percentage terms over the previous assessments. The India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015 states that the majority of the increase in forest cover has been observed in open forest category mainly outside forest areas, followed by Very Dense Forest. While Open Forest area has increased by 4, 744 sq km, which is 9.14 per cent of the geographical area, the area under Very Dense Forest has increased by 2, 404 sq kms, which is 2.61% of the geographical area. About 40 per cent forest cover is in 9 big patches of 10, 000 sq km and more. The increase in total forest cover also includes an increase in the mangrove cover. The maximum increase in forest cover has been observed in Tamil Nadu – 2, 501 sq km, followed by Kerala – 1, 317 sq km and Jammu & Kashmir – 450 sq km. Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover of 77, 462 sq km in the country, followed by Arunachal Pradesh, with a forest cover of 67, 248 sq km and Chhattisgarh – 55, 586 sq km. Mizoram, with 88.93 percentage of forest cover has the highest forest cover in percentage terms, followed by Lakshadweep with 84.56 per cent. The ISFR 2015 states that 15 States/Union Territories have above 33 per cent of the geographical area under forest cover. Out of these, 7 States/Union Territories – Mizoram, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Manipur have more than 75 per cent forest cover, while 8 states – Tripura, Goa, Sikkim, Kerala, Uttarakhand, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Chhattisgarh and Assam have forest cover is between 33 percent to 75 percent. The India State of Forest Report 2015 is the 14th report in the series. It is based on interpretation of LISS III sensor data of indigenous Resourcesat – II satellite. The satellite data interpretation is followed by extensive and rigorous ground truthing. The latest report of the Forest Survey of India (FSI), 2015 has recorded a net increase of 112 sq. km. of mangroves forest — one of the regions most vulnerable to climate change. The earlier FSI report in 2013 recorded a net decrease of 34 sq. km. of mangrove forest. According to the latest report, the overall mangrove cover in the country stands at 4,740 sq. km., which is 0.14 sq. km. of India’s overall geographical area. In fact, there are only 12 States and Union Territories along the country’s coastline that can boast of mangroves. West Bengal, which has a total mangrove cover of 2,106 sq. km., accounts for 44.5 per cent, the highest in the country. It is followed by Gujarat with about 1,107 sq. km. . Andaman and Nicobar islands also has a considerable mangrove forest cover with 617 sq. km. of it. As per the report, the very dense mangrove forest in the country comprises 1,472 sq. km. (31.05 per cent), moderately dense mangrove spans 1,391 sq. km (29.75 per cent) and open mangroves constitute 1,877 sq. km. (39.60 per cent). Reserved Forests These forests are under the direct supervision of the government and no public entry is allowed for collection of timber or grazing of cattle. About 53 per cent of the total forest area falls in this category. Protected Forests These forests are looked after by the government, but the local people are allowed to collect fuelwood/timber and graze their cattle without causing serious damage to the forests. These forests occupy about 29 per cent of the total forest area of the country. Unclassified Forests The unclassified forests are those in which there is no restriction on the cutting of trees and grazing of cattle. About 18 per cent of the total forest area of the country falls under this category
You have to try these incredible raisin cinnamon roll pancakes! This amazing pancakes recipe will change the way you and your family do breakfast. Featuring gorgeous swirls, sweet cinnamon, and delicious raisins, it’s a guaranteed breakfast hit! In a large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk, 1 large egg, and 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Once the pancakes are done, begin creating stacks. Place one pancake at the bottom and add the refrigerated frosting to the top of it. The Rada Mixing Spatula is a wonderful plastic spatula that you’ll reach for again and again! Made with a high-quality one-piece nylon construction, these are perfect for stirring, scraping, mixing, and more. Featuring a visually pleasing red color, the Mixing Spatula comes in packages of two, making it ideal for ingredient-heavy recipes. Like all Rada Cutlery products, the Mixing Spatula is made in the USA! The Rada Non-Scratch Soup Ladle is the best way to stir and pour liquids for cooking! Featuring a 1/3 cup capacity for ideal portion control and a sturdy metal stem for reliability, this ladle is assured frequent use in any kitchen. Use it to ladle ingredients, or to serve soup, punch, sauces, and more! Any home cook will find themselves reaching for it again and again. Like all Rada products, it’s made in the USA, and comes with a Lifetime Guarantee! Rada Cutlery is your ideal path to successful fundraiser! Everare several advantages to fundraising with Rada that ensure success: Hi there, Jess in the Rada kitchen, thanks for joining me. Today I’m going to share a recipe for you that I developed for my husband. These are my raisin cinnamon roll pancakes and we’re going to stuff them with cream cheese frosting. So with my Rada Handi-Stir I am mixing together flour, baking powder, salt, milk, egg, and a little bit of coconut oil. To my batter I’m going to add some raisins that I have rehydrated by adding a tablespoon of water and microwaving them for started to get nice, plump, and juicy. So into my batter, and I’m going to fold this in using my Rada Mixing Spatula. Here I have some butter that I’ve melted. Be sure not to boil this. To that I’m going to add my brown sugar. And a generous pour of cinnamon. And give that a stir. We are just going to pour the mixture into a plastic baggie that we will clip the end off and use to pipe the sauce onto our pancake. So now we are ready to make our cream cheese frosting that is going to be stacked in our layers of pancakes. To my cream cheese I add powdered sugar and whipping cream. With my electric mixture we bring it all together. Here we have our whipped cream cheese frosting. We’re going to stick this in our fridge and then I’m going to make these pancakes on our griddle. I’m going to take about a third of our pancake mixture and just spoon that right on. We are looking for our pancakes to start to bubble and then we will add a swirl of that cinnamon and butter mixture. Now I’m ready to pipe on swirls. You want to mix up the bag before you do it. On we go and our pancakes have just started to bubble. Into a swirl. And onto our next. I’ll reload my bag up here. You could of course incorporate this right into the batter. Then we’ll let those cook. With our Rada Non-Scratch Spatula we’ll flip these. There we go. Perfect. We’re ready to start stacking our pancakes. On top of the first pancake a big heaping layer of that delicious whipped cream cheese frosting. Add my next pancake. And repeat. We’ll top it with our prettiest pancake. And then top that off with real maple syrup. So here I have our cinnamon roll pancakes stuffed with whipped cream frosting and topped with more delicious raisins. Thanks so much for joining me today. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and visit our website at The Eton radiator valve is a traditional style manual valve, ideally suited to fit cast iron radiators. This is a traditional style manual radiator valve, ideal for cast iron radiators. The antique look is complimented by the wooden handles to match the range of finishes.
ENG: Kanye West claims that leather jogging pants were his idea. Maybe there's some truth in this sentence because I really love most of Kanye's fashion ideas (still hope that pearl hells will be mine someday) and that pants were one of my fashion crushes for a long time. Finally, after many months, I found the perfect pair and now they're hanging in my closet. What do you guys think about them?
There is nothing Greek about this gluten-free chocolate & hazelnut cheesecake, but it has been requested on almost as many Greek tables as Yiayia’s legendary spanakopita! I love watching people’s faces when they take their first mouthful, especially Yiayia’s Greek friends, who always look surprised that something that is not Greek can taste so good. It now sits proudly at every birthday, Easter and name day celebration, often stealing the limelight away from other sweet treats on the table. Even Yiayia cannot resist the chocolatey, hazelnut gooeyness of this cheesecake and gives it a big thumbs-up. The first time I made this I followed a Nigella recipe, but over the years I have adapted the recipe to this equally popular gluten-free version. Break the digestives into pieces and place in a food processor. Give them a quick whizz on a fast setting until the biscuits start to crumb. Spoon the mixture evenly across the base of a springform tin and place it in the fridge to chill while you prepare your cheesecake topping. Empty the cream cheese into a bowl and sift the icing sugar on top. Beat with a spatula until smooth and then add in the chocolate spread and mix until combined.
How Marijuana Turned Me Into a Distance Runner - What It's Like to Be Addicted to Marijuana and Exercise It’s a blistering hot morning in downtown Denver, and I’m running as fast as I can. Harry Nilsson's “Jump Into the Fire” is playing at full volume on my headphones as I dodge traffic, turn cartwheels, and leap over park benches. I’m about to enter my second hour of running, and I'm stoned out of my mind on marijuana edibles. The Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" comes on and a narcotic rush shoots up my spine, exploding into gooseflesh across my body. I’m pinballing around the city, effortlessly traversing miles between one park and another, running lap after lap before jumping back into traffic. There is no discipline involved here. No fitness goals. I’m not even tracking my distance or time, but I feel ready to chase down a fucking gazelle. Up until the age of 30 I was the least athletic person imaginable. But for the last five years, I’ve been regularly loading up on cannabis chocolates and sprinting through the city, feeling weightless as I leap up steep hills and tackle distances I never thought possible. The combination mbled upon this experience I knew nothing of the science behind it, or that there was an underground trend of athletes using marijuana in their training. All I knew is that it was the greatest high I’d ever experienced, helping me quit smoking (cigarettes), nurse a broken heart, and gain 20 pounds of muscle. Growing up in the suburban evangelical culture of Iowa, my physique as a child resembled Bobby from King of the Hill: skinny limbs, chubby gut. I knew nothing of professional sports (to this day I have trouble naming a single celebrity athlete) and couldn’t even run a block without collapsing in pain. I lost all my baby-fat when I moved to Colorado as an adult, but this was mostly due to a diet of Adderall and hand-rolled cigarettes. The combination of ma freelance journalist my weight dropped to 135 pounds (on a six-foot frame). I was a nocturnal mole, living in a windowless basement writing album reviews and music history essays for a local alt-weekly newspaper. My pay for this worked out to less than minimum wage while living in a city that was about to become the next gentrified San Francisco. I couldn’t afford more than two small meals a day, and lived a mostly sedentary lifestyle of stress and insomnia. Economically squeezed out, I found myself moving to a mountain-town cabin an hour outside of Denver, commuting by bus to the newspaper each day. Surrounded in rural darkness by elk, mountain lions, black bears, and rattlesnakes, I worried for the safety of myself and my dog—and still had trouble paying rent. To supplement my income, I began writing reviews of weed products in Colorado's newly minted recreational marijuana industry. Despite being a seasoned user, I made the rookie mistake one night of misreading the label of some edibles and ate several times what a sane human should consume. “Frankie Teardrop” by Suicide was playing on my headphones when I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of alarm. My heart pounded, muscles trembled, and before I knew it I was out the door, running barefoot through the trails outside my house. As my arms pumped and lungs huffed, I could suddenly feel all the stress of poverty, displacement, childhood trauma, and general existential panic being funneled into my legs. The cannabis, spooky music, and Blair Witch-like surroundings were artificially engaging my fight or flight mechanisms—and I was definitely choosing the latter. It was terrifying, yet purifying. Each rotation of my legs in sy chased, immediately followed by the relief of escape. Over and over. It was so cathartic, I searched for the creepiest music I could find as I continued to run through the night: Marilyn Manson, Scott Walker, Wagner, Norwegian death metal. When I got home I felt awash in satisfaction, having exorcised all the stress out of my mind and body. Not only was it a relieving purge of unwanted emotions, it was a hell of a lot of fun. The experience became so addicting, I found myself centering my life around it; I quit smoking cigarettes, ate properly, and built up my running muscles through an intense strength-training routine. All my life I viewed exercise as the recreation of bullies who tormented nerds like me. I had no idea that with the proper soundtrack and psychotropics, it could be better than sex. Just as heavy drinkers will use alcohol to both celebrate the good times and nurse the wounds of the bad times, running high was my answer to everything. It wasn’t just relieving negative emotions, but also enhancing positive ones. The right soundtrack would transport me into a cinematic wonderland, tricking my brain to think I was Rocky training in the Russian mountains, or Billy Elliot skipping through the working class streets of Northern England. In the interest of getting paid to research my favorite hobby, I wrote a story for The Guardian looking at the science behind running high and the athletes who swear by it (without naming myself among them). Recent studies had shown that the natural "runners high" marathoners speak of occurs in the brain’s endocannabinoid system (which regulates mood, appetite, memory, pain-sensitivity, as well as your ganja buzz) and not endorphins, as was previously believed. This suggests a neurological relationship between cannabis and running that could explain their complementary effects. As for the relationship between marijuana and music: This should be obvious to any music freak who was introduced to grass at an impressionable age and suddenly felt like they were hearing Pink Floyd, Radiohead, or Kanye West for the first time. Each rotation of my legs in sync wstructures involved with motivation, reward, and emotion," writes neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin in This Is Your Brain On Music. "When we love a piece of music, it reminds us of other music we have heard, and it activates memory traces of emotional times in our lives." And anyone who hits the treadmill with headphones in understands how well music pairs with running. Research has even suggested benefits to listening to music both before and after as well as during your run. New York Times running journalist Jen A. Miller actually advises against running to music, citing her experience jogging to the Hamilton soundtrack as "too much motivation." "I kept changing my pace to match the music. 'Yes you are Alexander Hamilton!' I thought and shot out to a too-fast first mile," she writes. "By the end of the first act, I was completely entranced. The intense 'Non-Stop' came on at the midway point of the race. After the line 'How do you write like you need it to survive?' I yelled 'I don't know!' and startled the woman running next to me. At the end of the song, I pounded down a bridge in time with the music when, for the sake of my quads in the rest of the race, I should have taken it easy." When I first read this, I was incredulous. What she described as an unpleasant experience was exactly the sensation I was going for. Then again, she was an athlete looking to achieve a competitive race time, whereas I was a drug user simply looking to get high. Also, she was careless with her playlist. Running to music requires the sonic curation of a DJ, pre-selecting songs with a specific rise and fall of tempo that matches the pace of your run. It's an element that requires as much experience and attention to detail as the cannabis you're consuming. After the article came out I was overwhelmed with messages from friends and strangers alike saying they mixed weed and running, but rarely told anyone. I found myself joining running groups where blunts or even dab rigs would be passed around before hitting mountain trails. Soon my emotional equilibrium was dependent on getting blitzed and listening to Elton John’s “Grey Seal” a dozen times in a row while sprinting through downtown traffic. I started participating in 10Ks and half marathons, jogging alongside thousands of bourgeois corporate types I’d otherwise have nothing in common with. When marijuana companies began sponsoring these races (and eventually started their own, like the 420 Games), I wondered how many of these 1 percent douchebags were as high as I was. There was no question I was addicted to the experience, but Capital-A "addiction" is a difficult subject to articulate when it comes to marijuana and exercise—mostly because no one takes either seriously as an addictive substance. It bears saying: I know of no research looking at the addictive properties of pot, exercise, and music in concert with each other. (Studies vary on the addictive nature of marijuana, and there are a lot of of semantics and politics involved in the issue.) But like Jared Leto shooting smack into his diseased arm in Requiem for a Dream, I was running on injured knees and ankles (only noticing the alarming pain once the edibles wore off), listening to hours of music at a deafening volume, and eating so much cannabis I began to hallucinate. Running sites will give you advice on how to safely run while high. What I was doing wasn't safe. I was a lab rat hitting my drug button againnd moved to Chicago, I found myself running long past exhaustion every night. I’d be dehydrated and malnourished in 100 degree heat, rounding my tenth mile as I cried behind dark sunglasses—egged on by the breakup songs of Rilo Kiley, Belle & Sebastian, and Wilco. If Denver parks had a bartender, I would’ve been 86’d as an unruly customer. As a city runner, I was intimidated jogging alongside steep cliffs that dropped thousands of feet, sometimes on both sides of me. These trails reached 12,000 feet above sea level, where the air is thin and often punctured by clouds. The race was broken up into three legs with a six-hour break in between each—short enough to prevent restorative sleep, yet long enough to prevent a sustained adrenaline drip. I was a lab rat hitting my drug button again and again through trees at sunset to a soundtrack of Beck, Little Richard, and the Flaming Lips, then again during a full moon at 2 a.m., climbing rolling hills while Prince and Motorhead screamed into my ears—as high as Sputnik after eating 20mg-edibles each time. But when 9 a.m. rolled around and it was time for my final leg of the race, my body screamed for rest. There was a bit of a party atmosphere amongst the thousands of campers killing time between their races, and I’d had a few beers between my second and third legs. The thin air, which had been a fun seasoning to my ganja high earlier, was now mixed with excessive sunshine and heat, making me dizzy and unsteady. This race was three miles of incline before any break, and no amount of edibles, energy gels, or Pixies songs could prevent my legs from locking up. I was grunting and stumbling along the path, looking like an injured villain in a horror film, chasing an unseen victim. “Coming down the mountaaaaaaaaaain!” Perry Farrell screamed into my ears as my body lurched forward, blurry eyes attempting to avoid rocks, fallen trees, or the edge of a cliff. I was randomly passing or being passed by other runners, only aware of their presence a split second fast enough to avoid collision. Soon my overactive imagination was conjuring the worst, thinking how easy it would be to not hear someone’s footsteps and send them flying down the mountainside, paralyzing them for life all because I wanted to get blasted and listen to Weezer at full volume. Risking my own health in the pursuit of a transcendent high was one thing. But fucking with other people’s well being for my own pleasure was some Trump-level narcissism I just couldn’t live with. So I stopped, pulled my headphones down around my neck, and completed the last few miles at a slow, peaceful trot. There were no pixie-tingles shooting up my spine or cathartic blasts of emotion pushing me toward the finish line, just the steady clip-clop of one foot in front of the other. Like countless young male writers, I’d lived by the Hunter Thompson adage: “The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only peoedge, but while finishing the last few miles of Ragnar at the age of 34, I lost the taste for it. I still run high, but I’ve cut down on my dosage and distance, sometimes not even listening to music at all, just flowing at an unhurried pace with no manic energy springing beneath my feet. The supreme euphoria of running at full tilt with a head full of grass, music at a thunderous volume, is the most addictive sensation I’ve ever known. But there is no satisfactory summit of pleasure, only a ceaseless hunger to take things one step further. I worried that pushing this experience into full marathons and ultramarathons would be flying too close to the sun. And I’d like to keep my feet on the ground for a few more years. S*park! (Sustainability Park)Cutting Edge and architecturally savvy design by award winning TRES Birds Workshop-own a piece of a private park in the heart of the city* S*park features include stunningly beautiful gated, meticulously landscape park for all owners( features includes a community table, outdoor grills, apple orchard, Adirondack chairs, adult swings, bird house sculptures paying homage to the neighborhood, and dog run. Other features include retail hubs of Uchi Sushi(out of Austin), and Lacuna Yoga a juice bar*This bright 2 bed/2 bath first floor unit includes a 42 x 10 private patio facing East, Quartz Stone slab counter-tops, flat wall finish, sleek Euro/Dwell magazine inspired finishes and secured underground parking. Solar energy available through HOA. Units completed August 2018 and are ready for move-in.*Central market*Shake Shack*Ramble Hotel*Il Posto and 1000 more cool places within a stones throw. Arrange for a tour of our model unit today! love it.....try dunking your cock in....feel the hot piss on your cock....I could cum thinking about it I wish anyone I knew was this deaf to not hear this behind them, I can't even breath in another room without my mum hearing it. I agree with you on that. I couldn't do that shit without my stepmom and dad not hearing me. I would be so busted. Tags: lesbian, spit, lesbian spit, glasses, dildo, natural tits, wam, twosome, kink, bombshell, pawg, whooty, fishnet stockings
A full understanding of and appreciation for Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things requires that the reader be well acquainted with the land and culture through which Roy weaves her tale. Roy achieves the rich descriptive texture and vivid imagery of her novel by writing about something with which she is intimately familiar. By gaining knowledge about Kerala, the reader obtains the means by which to sense the passion that Roy feels for her homeland and her story. Kerala lies on the southwest coast of the Indian peninsula, stretching 360 miles along what is known as the Malabar coast. Its area of 15,000 square miles comprises just over one percent of the total land area of India, though its 29 million person population accounts for 3.5% of the Indian population. The state is bordered by Karnataka to the north and Tamil Nadu to the east, but Kerala is physically separated from neighboring states by the Western Ghat mountain range; this feature isolated Kerala from other Indian cultures for many years, and as a result allowed it to develop a society in which foreign culture is actually more evident than is the Indian influence (see Languages of South Asia). Because of its proximity to the Arabian Sea, Kerala is the first state each season to receive the monsoon rains, which contribute significantly to the 118 inches of annual rainfall. Most of Kerala’s innumerable rivers and backwaters are almost entirely monsoon fed, meaning they fluctuate in size from small rivulets in the summer to almost overwhelming volumes in the rainy season. It is during the monsoon rains that young Sophie Mol in The God of Small Things is taken to her death by the high, swift waters of a deceptively powerful river. Heavy rains also contribute to the agriculture which forms the basis for most of the economy of Kerala and surrounding states. The Keralan spice trade dates back over three thousand years, and Kerala is still among the world leaders in the production and export of such spices as pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and turmeric (Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh is partly located in Kerala; the Da Gama/Zogoiby family’s fortune comes from trade in spice). Roy centers her story around the region of Kottayam, in the highlands of Kerala. The agriculture of this region is dominated by the production of coffee, tea, and rubber; it is a rubber plantation which the “history house” is situated, and where Velutha is first sheltered and finally destroyed. Though English is spoken in much of Kerala, Malayalam is by far the principal language: it is spoken by a full 96 percent of the population of Kerala, as well as four percent of the population of India. Malayalam ranks eighth among the fifteen major Indian languages in total number of speakers. The language originated from Sanskrit and Tamil, but has evolved greatly with the influx of various foreign cultures and languages into Keralan society. Malayalam now includes literally hundreds of words and idiomatic expressions taken from languages such as English, Syriac, Latin,and Portuguese. Not only is Malayalam widely spoken, but it and other languages are also quite heavily read in Kerala; the state boasts a literacy rate of between 90 and 100 percent. Knowledge of that fact may make the phenomenal reading and writing abilities of young Estha and Rahel seem slightly more conceivable to a skeptical reader of Roy’s story. The Marxist sentiments portrayed in The God of Small Things are in some ways representative of the actual political climate of Kerala. In 1957 Kerala became the first state in the world (with the exception of the Italian principality of San Marino) to form a democratically elected communist government. In 1970, Kerala became the first state in India to abolish landlordism. Kerala is presently a democratic state, and is still under Marxist control (see Communism in India). The political state of Kerala was formed on November 1st, 1956 with the joining of the Travancore-Cochin State and Malabar. However, Hindu mythology places the date much earlier; it contends that once, many thousands of years ago, the god Vishnu descended to earth in the form of his sixth incarnation, Parashurama, in order to slay evil demons. After he battled the demons, Parashurama flung his axe into the Arabian Sea, and where it landed, Kerala arose from the depths of the ocean. Hinduism is strong in Kerala, as it is throughout India, but in Kerala, Hinduism has long been accompanied by several other world religions, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The Syrian Christian faith practiced by Ammu and her family was begun in 52 AD when St. Thomas brought Christianity to Kerala. Jews migrated to Kerala even earlier, perhaps arriving from Jerusalem as early as 587 BC. About sixty percent of the Keralan population is currently Hindu, with Christians and Muslims making up most of the remaining forty percent; small pockets of Jewish communities still exist in certain parts, including the town of Kochi and surrounding areas. One of the most apparent indications of the Hindu influence in Kerala is the prevalence and importance of the caste system in Keralan society. Though caste was originally present only in Hinduism, it was adopted and internalized by other religions as they began to appear in Kerala; caste has now become more of a social phenomenon than a religious convention in Kerala. The extreme importance of caste in the Syrian Christian society is apparent in the profound power that it holds over the actions of such characters as Mammachi and Baby Kochamma. Bumiller, Elisabeth. “First Novel About India Gets Writer a Date in Court.” The New York Times. 29 July 1997. Web .5 November 1997. Jeffrey, Robin. Politics, women and well-being : How Kerala became a “model”. Basingstoke : Macmillan Academic and Professional, 1992. This article considers the role that champions play as advocates for socioeconomically disadvantaged community member involvement in environmental management decision-making. Six case studies of brownfields redevelopment projects located in poor urban neighbourhoods are examined. Analysis of these case studies reveals how champion behaviour, which has typically been studied only in the context of technological innovation, is enacted in public participation efforts in the service of environmental justice. The study finds that champions who emerge in these settings lead the development and implementation of non-standard public participation process innovations.
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Netseer President of Monetization Dennis Clerke tells WIT Strategy Partner Bill Brazell that visual content is the new currency of communication. People take fewer than 200 milliseconds to decide whether or not an image interests them. Four billion photographers in 2015 captured 1.2 trillion photos on their phones. Snapchat and Whatsapp are just two successful… Continue reading » Sticky CEO & CRO Jeff Bander tells WIT Strategy Partner Bill Brazell that his company specializes in Visual Engagement Optimization — combining information on engagement and emotion as people watch video ads. In 27 countries Sticky has asked, “Did people comprehend the ad? What did they respond to?,” using webcams to measure facial responses. A… Continue reading » Altitude Digital CTO Manny Puentes tells WIT Strategy Partner Bill Brazell that Altitude ARENA offers publishers the same data the buy side uses to assess and buy publishers’ inventory, so publishers can put together better audience acquisition strategies. Music: “Morning Rays” by Jim Duffy. Used with permission. OpenX Mobile General Manager Rob Kramer tells WIT Strategy‘s Bill Brazell how publishers can move beyond display on mobile devices, toward the native and video ads that users find more engaging. Kramer explains why publishers should move quickly, to ensure that their page and app designs are ready for the ad revenue that has begun… Continue reading » With Amazon’s recent purchase of Twitch, the video platform and community for gamers, the implications and speculation for the online retailers’s native advertising plans have become quite clear. As we’ve waxed on in the past, Amazon’s already shown a propensity for native purchasing within their apps; the Fire TV and Tablets with X-Ray show Amazon… Continue reading » Kevin Lenane is the co-founder of Veenome, a platform that automatically translates videos into data at a very large scale to help Ad Networks and Publishers lift their CPMs. Prior to founding Veenome, Lenane was the Director of Mobile Strategy at PointAbout. The Makegood recently spoke with Lenane about Veenome’s capabilities. The Makegood: Veenome analyzes video… Continue reading » Bret Kinsella is currently the CMO at XAPPMedia, a platform that connects consumers with brands through interactive audio ads. XAPP Ads allow consumers to engage with brands hands free and eyes free. Prior to joining XAPP, Kinsella worked at dwinQ, Harris Corporation, and ODIN Technologies. The Makegood recently spoke with Kinsella about some of XAPP’s recent… Continue reading » Jonathan Symonds is the Executive Vice President of Marketing at Ace Metrix, a television and video analytics company dedicated to delivering better, faster, and more cost-effective solutions for evaluating video advertising within competitive context. The Makegood recently spoke with Symonds about Ace Metrix’s record growth in 2013. The Makegood: Congratulations on Ace Metrix’s record growth over the past… Continue reading » Digital strategy agency Morpheus is a monthly contributor to The Makegood. This column was composed by Kate Godlewska, Senior Media Strategist. It’s no secret that native ads are the biggest trend in innovative ad formats. Advertisers’ infatuation with them is warranted as the native format promises to seamlessly integrate with relevant content in a non-intrusive,… Continue reading »
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Having solved WOGE 116 over at The 'H' Word, eventually spotting the Byzantine fort at Haïdra, Tunisia, it falls to me to set the next competition. The word over at The 'H' Word, was Sisyphean, which reminds me I have real work to do, with that in mind, I hope this puzzle proves to be easier;emi-arid landscape, mud (adobe?) platforms that have some sort of depression in their centers, what looks to be terraced fields. I'm sure I'll kick myself later, but right now I'm thinking something in Peru. It is not Peru. It is not Egypt as the pattern of the fields does not fit. Also egyptian pyramids are much higher. The landscape looks very much like Mexico. It is time for a clue as there have been some interesting guesses, and people looking in the wrong place, but if you look carefully, you might see things like llamas, but not alpacas, angoras, nor lions or camels. I don't think so, Felix... I believe this is China from first time I saw; but I have no clue despite Geoff's messages. * Shadow of the buildings long and northern. Location is to 100% north of 23°S and likely north of the equator. * the pattern of the fields looks very much like Mexiko, but it isn't. Mexico is the only place I looked and I didn't find it. With a little scale like this I do not give a guarantee. Then we do have the "Dromedary" with goes eastern up to Pakistan/Usbekistan which is close to China. From the soils and the shadows, I'm kicking around Sumeria, but alas, no joy. So many sites. Not enough time. I still maintain that the platforms, themselves, look like they're made of mud. (Though whether bricks, adobe, or pisé, I don't know.) The flat roofed modern structures suggest the Middle East, but that's not certain either. Geoff's hints, and Felix's parsing of them suggest eastern Asia, probably Tibet or Mongolia. But, again, I can't be sure. Time to hit the old Google and Google Earth again! Very good try Tim, the pyramids on the Qin Chuan plains in Shaanxi province of China are fabulous and often forgotten archaeology, but sadly incorrect. However, you are the closest so far, and the date we are looking for, falls nicely within the range you suggest. It is The Valley of the Kings, or Chongye Valley, where the Kings of Tibetan Empire were buried from C7th -c9th ce. I knew my time wasting talents would come in handy some day. Now I have to figure how to host WOGE 118? You can host it at the AR of E, [or quickly set up new blog]. I can edit the image for you if needed. Geoff: since 7 days, the game has stopped, as we do not get a new challenge from Tim I would suggest to wait until Saturday 12:00 UTC. If there is still no new WOGE, I would suggest that you are going to publish a new one 117a. As you do have Tims email address, maybe you would like to get in contact with him?
This is a great little piano lesson for beginners video that goes over the basics and is enough to get you playing. The teacher is kinda nice to look at as well, that is always a bonus. The following text is from the YouTube Video Page We hope you enjoy 'LESSON 1' of our video lesson series. Also see our INTRODUCTORY LESSON video and our 'LESSON 2', 'LESSON 3', 'LESSON 4', 'LESSON 5' and 'LESSON 6'. Get your FREE COPY OF THE MUSIC used in all the lessons. Send the word music to For additional on-line one-to-one help and tuition via 'Skype' please send an email to Lesson 1 contains the following new material: (0.16) Right Hand note D (2.15) Semibreve Notes (3.11) Semibreve Rests (3.40) Pieces to Practise We hope you enjoy the lesson, please leave a message. Many thanks for viewing. You may also want to check out this video on free jazz piano lessons. Nice little FL Studio 9 Beginners Tutorial. If you want to get a quick overview and see whats going on and how to use Fruity Loops 9. This is part 2 of this newborn series, and I think I'll do more, just ask questions. I'll make the tutorials more and more advanced, showing new tricks and tips for you guy. If you need FL9 ? Download Fruity Loops 9 Here The JH Snyder Company bought The Marina City Club, a run-down but very visible Marina del Rey landmark, with the intent of revitalizing it and selling the units as long-term subleases. The developer was prepared to put some $30 million into the $200-million property to re-do each of the 600 apartments, as well as the on-site health and dining club, retail operations, and all the common areas. But negative press and sluggish traffic had plagued the project for months when we were asked to become involved. Our first task was to increase traffic through advertising. Our second was to create some visual excitement about the property, to let people know that these were no longer the same tired old towers they had been driving by for years without noticing. After a thorough analysis of the problem through our Visual Marketing Study, we developed a new symbol and logotype, >> playing off the visual equity in the landmark status of the buildings themselves. Then we applied the look to a new system of marketing-oriented signs, colorful banners, even to the entry pass with which one is welcomed to the property. We also created a new ad campaign that emphasized the view, and the waterfront and mountain surroundings. The result: The average number of visits to the model complex per week quadrupled. Both residents and local commuters became aware that the property had changed for the better as the marketing program continued to expand to include the brochure, sales office, and a unique group of murals at key garage entrances to the buildings.
Only his 2nd race of the season and already Andy is putting the ‘POWER’ down. taking on the tough 28mile Pendle hill circuit on and smashing round in 1:08:04. finishing 7th out of 74 riders. If you want to take your performance up a level consider a trip to our Sports exercise physiology test lab and 1-1 professional coaching packages!!!! Showcasing a multitude of colorful stones this inlay key ring is a great trinket to have in your collection. Inlay refers to the process of cutting and polishing turquoise, shell, and other traditional stones before combining them into patterns and embedding them with metal. Southwestern Native American artists are especially recognized for their skills in inlay jewelry. There are several different techniques used in inlay design: A "mosaic" inlay is when the stones are laid in the metal touching one another and are flush with the surface of the jewelry. "Cobblestone" refers to the stones being uneven in height and size with beveled edges - closely resembling a cobblestone street. "Corn Row" inlay closely mimics the appearance of this harvested crop - neatly arranged parallel rows of stone with slightly rounded edges.
With nearly 60% of Americans saying they are not prepared for a disaster, AAA wants to help. Leading up to the annual Great ShakeOut drills on October 19th, I’d like to offer you a look at new resources to help families – especially kids – learn about earthquakes and how to be prepared. Alaska has 50-100 earthquakes daily and accounts for 11% of the world’s earthquakes and over half of all earthquakes in the U.S. Because Alaska is situated in a unique and complex tectonic setting, it’s important to be prepared at any moment, which is why AAA offers a Disaster Preparedness Kit Supply Checklist a Family Communications Plan and an interactive online game, called Road to Ready, to lead families through various emergency scenarios and test their knowledge of disaster preparedness. Preparation doesn’t only happen at home. With schools in mind, AAA developed Road to Ready: a Disaster Preparedness Lesson Plan for Schools. The free downloadable resource includes fun, interactive and educational activities for kids, including a music video of students participating in a “Drop. Cover. Hold On.” scenario. Let’s be real: nobody on the planet likes the word repair. Even repair technicians don’t want to have the need for repair in their own homes! It’s a time and money consuming ordeal that isn’t typically planned for in the budget. We get that, which is why our Virginia Beach air conditioner repair service is fast, accurate and done with your wallet in mind. Delta T values our customers. And with this high value comes responsibility to provide the best advice, service and solutions in regards to your heating and air system. When we perform a Virginia Beach air conditioner repair job, we never tell our customers to purchase equipment they don’t need. Likewise, if you have a unit that’s about to die for good, we’ll not encourage you to dump money into repairs. We work with your best interests in mind – not ours. This integrity combined with our experience and knowledge means you get the right advice for your needs. Yes, we’re the ones you call for Virginia Beach air conditioner repair when your system tanks on a hot and muggy July day. But fixing things is just a small portion of what we do. We really like to help our customers avoid emergencies. We do this we quality system installations, and ongoing seasonal maintenance. Even if your heating and air system didn’t come from us, we offer maintenance for any make and model of gas and electric equipment. If you need air conditioner repair in the Virginia Beach area, or are interested in other things like air quality, new and replacement systems or schedule tune-ups, look no further than Delta T Mechanical. We can’t wait to elevate the quality of your indoor comfort control. “I could not be happier with the HVACe comfort is the initial system installation. Delta T is an expert at designing the ideal solution for the unique needs of your home, comfort and budget. We size and match equipment correctly, and perform the actual installation according to manufacturer specifications. This means your investment will operate correctly, delivering the reliable, efficient performance you’d expect from the best. Plus, we build on the foundation of equipment from industry leading manufacturers. It’s all about your long term comfort! Call us today for the finest air conditioner installation service in the greater Virginia Beach area. Now displaying all R and G Racing Gas Gas in the Swingarm Protectors category from Demon Bi
Obituary: Father John F. O'Donnell, former Pastoral Planning Director and Cambridge pastor. Published 3/30/2018. Obituary. Home » Obituary » Obituary: Father John F. O'Donnell, former Pastoral Planning Director and Cambridge pastor With his pipe as a prop, seated or standing, one on one or preferably with several others, Father John O'Donnell loved to talk. He was interesting and interested; he was obviously widely read; up on the latest developments in multiple fields either directly or indirectly related to the Church or current affairs. He also loved to weave recollections from his various assignments starting with what seemed like his favorite, his first assignment at Our Lady of Sorrows in Sharon. The youngest child of the late Henry and Maude (McManus) O'Donnell, he was born in Salem on Aug. 13, 1936, baptized and raised in Immaculate Conception Parish, he attended the parish grammar school and then went to St. John Preparatory School on nearby Danvers from which he was graduated in 1955. He entered the archdiocesan seminaries and Richard Cardinal Cushing ordained him to the priesthood at St. Anne Church, Gloucester on Feb. 1, 1963. That year, there were so many to be ordained that there were five ordination Masses. He would joke that "we were ordained in Gloucester the day before everyone else because there not enough bishops to celebrate the ordinations on February 2." Indeed, the rest of the class was ordained in four ceremonies the next day: Cardinal Cushing at the Cathedral; Auxiliary Bishop Jeremiah Minihan, St. Colman, Brockton; Auxiliary Bishop Eric MacKenzie, Holy Name, West Roxbury (the five ordained there were all sons of Holy Name parish); and Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Riley, St. Agnes, Arlington. His parish assignments were as an assistant, associate, or parochial vicar at Our Lady of Sorrows, Sharon (1963-1969); St. Clare, Braintree (1970-1971); St. Monica, Methuen (1971); St. Mary of the Hills, Milton (1971-1976); and St. Gregory, Dorchester (1995-2009); he was pastor at Sacred Heart, Cambridge (1985-1993) and at St. Anne, Littleton (1993-1995). In 1976 he was elected President of the Priests' Senate of the archdiocese which was his full time assignment from 1976 to 1979. Following that he was on the staff of the Archdiocesan Office of Pastoral Development (1979-1984) working in that office with then Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Hart. During those years he lived in residence at St. Paul Rectory, Cambridge. Always trying to keep his mind working he obtained graduate degrees in counseling: a masters from Salem State University and a doctorate from Andover Newton Theological Seminary. His wide and varied interests included membership for many years in, and for several years as convener of, the Boston Ministers Club an interdenominational clergy association centered in Boston and dating from the 1800s. He was granted senior priest status in 2009 and resided initially in his home in Goffstown, N.H. whence he regularly assisted at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Tyngsborough and St. Lawrence Parish in Goffstown. Father O'Donnell's Funeral Mass was to be celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church, Salem on April 4; Merrimack Regional Bishop Robert Hennessey was to be the principal celebrant with Father Robert Connors, presently administrator of St. James and St. John the Baptist parishes in Haverhill, as the homilist. He is survived by his sister, Marie Keller of Reading. Following the Funeral Mass Father O'Donnell was buried in St. Mary Cemetery, Salem. One of the more dubious honors I have gained as president of Catholic Charities is to humiliate myself annually by puffing and panting my way through 25 miles of a bicycle ride designed by philanthropist Don Rodman to benefit needy kids at the expense of interminable lactic acid burn. I speak, of course, of the Rodman Ride for Kids. Ironically, for these past two years the annual fundraiser for charities that serve the Commonwealth’s vulnerable children has fallen on my birthday weekend; this year the Ride is Saturday, Sept. 27. It’s perfect, really -- a particularly effective way to remind me that I have aged another year. I imagine the day will go something like this: I will be lining up at the start of the Ride with 1,200 other riders -- many of whom have chosen to ride not 25 miles, but 50 or 100 -- as I mount a pumpkin-orange, all-purpose Huffy equivalent. I will smile a little sheepishly at Riche Zamour, director of our Haitian Multi-Service Center, who is, um, not in his 30s, and will be flying his way through 50 miles in about the time it will take me to complete 25. But that’s nothing. The real twinge will come about 12 miles in, as I’m trying to convince myself that my legs haven’t lost more than 50 percent of their will to live, while Sister Maryadele Robinson of our Laboure Center laughs and chats merrily along. Sure, I’ve been weightlifting and doing aerobics, but that’s nothing compared to the spinning classes she’s been known to do in preparation for the Ride. (No, I’m not kidding.) I will finish the whole thing off by bargaining with God on a malicious little hill at the 24th or 25th mile while trustee Jeff Kaneb and his teenage son glide by, and Kevin Butler, another trustee, patiently pedals beside me, musing aloud about the mini-triathlon that he’ll be competing in the next morning. Why am I the only one whose chicken has lost its spring? Needless to say, I don’t see the Ride as my greatest athletic hour. I do see it as a great moment for Catholic Charities, though, and for the Boston-area community. The Ride is in its 18th year, and has raised $31 million during that time for needy kids. This year, five Charities teams will join teams representing 24 other area nonprofit organizations to puff, pedal and enjoy themselves through a course that begins and ends in Foxborough, and is a true celebration of the entire group’s commitment to children -- from Don Rodman himself, to the organizations the Ride supports, to the last rider to cross the finish line. (No, it will not be me.) Of course, I’d be remiss not to tell you how to put a little wind at the backs of the Catholic Charities riders by giving. The link is or you can call Annie Schreiber here at Charities, at 617-451-7967. Look for posters and rider information in your parish bulletin soon, too. And it’s not too late for you to ride on behalf of kids who have less and deserve so much more. Just choose a Catholic Charities team from the site and join. I promise it’s not as bad as I make it sound. Actually, it’s pretty fun. And if you’re lagging a little behind on the course that day, just look for me. Attempts to resist a compulsive behaviour produces mounting tension and anxiety, which are relieved immediately by giving in and carrying out the behaviour. The term is not properly used for behaviours like excessive drinking, gambling, eating etc. on the grounds that the ‘compulsive gambler’ for example, actually derives considerable pleasure from gambling (it’s the losing that hurts); one burdened with a true Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) derives no pleasure from it other than the release of tension. Do you worry about the harmful effect of germs and contamination and spend excessive amounts of time washing/cleaning to try and avoid these effects? Do you repeatedly check and recheck things (e.g. switches, locks)? Do you experience unwanted thought or images about accidents or doing harm to others? Do you excessively hoard items and feel unable to throw anything away? Do you feel compelled to be absolutely perfect? Do you struggle to make even trivial decisions? Do you often feel compelled to memorize trivial things (e.g., licence plate numbers, instructions on labels)? Do you feel compelled to follow a very strict routine when doing ordinary things? Do you feel upset if your furniture or other possessions are not always in exactly the same position? Are you often very late because you can’t get through ordinary tasks on time? Do you almost always count when doing a routine task? If you have answered ‘Yes’ to at least one of these questions you may benefit from counselling for OCD. “I have been having Online CBT Counselling with The British CBT & Counselling Service for about 9 months and it has made such a difference. I struggled for years with an eating disorder and depression and I really feel like I’ve got my life back. The online CBT Counselling programme fitted in with the long hours I work and it actually felt more supportive that other types of counselling I have tried because I had contact with my psychologist up to 3 times a week. I am so glad that I tried this approach and would recommend it to anyone who needs help sorting out a problem”. To begin with you will meet with one of our Therapists to discuss your OCD, the obsessional thoughts that you experience, the compulsive behaviours that you engage in and the impact of these on your life, relationships and self-esteem. Your Therapist will also ask some more general questions about your life and what you would like to achieve through your counselling so that they are able to tailor a counselling programme specifically to you. They will then help you to understand why your OCD exists, why you experience obsessional thoughts and compulsive urges and why you are unable to resist these, because understanding a problem like this, helps us to feel more able to overcome it. You will then explore the accuracy and helpfulness of the thoughts that precede your compulsive behaviours in order to build your confidence for step 4. Your Therapist will now help you to resist your compulsions, in order to gather evidence, to challenge your fears about the consequences, of not engaging in the behaviours and to build your confidence in your ability to tolerate the anxiety that this leads to. Finally, your Therapist will help you to understand the factors that have made you vulnerable to developing OCD and will teach you ways of boosting your self-esteem and confidence in order to protect against future relapse of symptoms. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is thought to occur in 3% of adult and 5% of children and adolescents. Symptoms usually appear in early adulthood. There is no clear answer to this questions but a number of theories exist regarding factors that may make an individual vulnerable to the development of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Early childhood experiences which have led an individual to develop beliefs that they are vulnerable and that the world is not a safe place (e.g. having overprotective and/or very anxious parents) can place people at risk of developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). An individual suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is four times more likely than someone who is not to have another family member with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). However, to date, no specific gene has been identified so this may be due to the fact that individuals from the same family share experiences (e.g. overprotective/anxious parents). Brain scanning has revealed that those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) experience increased activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for creating and managing emotions. The reason for this is unclear but following a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), activity in this area returns to normal. It is not clear the role that Serotonin plays in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but medication (e.g. antidepressants) which increases its availability can be helpful. After reviewing all treatments for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends the following: A course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) adapted to meet the child’s developmental stage should be offered as a first line treatment, if appropriate this should also include family members. Medication should only be considered if CBT is unsuccessful. Should you wish to find out more about OCD then you can check out our OCD related blog articles here. Stephen Fry has caused controversy with his comments that victims of child sexual abuse should stop ‘self-pitying’. The president of the mental health charity MIND suggested that survivors of abuse should “grow up” in a conversation with US talk show host Dave Rubin during The Rubin Report. Fry who has since apologised “unreservedly” for his remarks has faced major backlash for his convictions. Though, some have described this as an anti-political correctness/freedom of speech comment which has raised few supporters online. Not only did he demean and reduce child sexual abuse into a cliché, commenting: “It’s a great shame and we’re all very sorry that your uncle touched you in that nasty place…”, Fry claimed that self-pity was the ‘ugliest’ human emotion. Self-pity is in fact an emotional response to stress and trauma. Studies have found evidence that self-pity is linked to feelings of loss of control, in other words you see yourself as controlled by ‘powerful others’ or by chance. It’s not only survivors of childhood abuse that might experience feelings of self-pity, at some point the majority of people have felt this emotion with or without trauma. Instead of condemning those suffering, Stephen Fry could have used his position to discuss ways in which to help victims cope with these self-damaging emotions. For instance, the effectiveness of training self-compassion to those who suffer with negative emotional responses is increasingly being researched, with suggestions that this could be of assistance by teaching a compassionate attitude towards oneself, reducing isolating thoughts and avoiding self-critical tendencies. Moreover, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) offers effective tailored approaches to battling numerous psychological illnesses. Therefore, a variety of CBT strategies could aid in correcting the destructive thoughts an individual suffering with self-pity might have, such as the misconception that they are not in control. Fry himself suffers with bipolar disorder and has raised awareness of this condition through his work at MIND. Even in this privileged position, Fry has little understanding and knowledge of the effect of childhood sexual abuse which has resulted in considerable offense and upset. A statement from MIND have said they will be speaking to Fry about his comments. Statistics suggest that around 64% of all the corporate web page visitors from different social media sites were directed from LinkedIn. This can be a very powerful tool for boosting sales channels and also for establishing business leads. While it can be pretty intimidating at the start, getting to know the advanced features will eventually make it much simpler to use. LinkedIn can prove to be one of the best options to gain leads when strategic searching and appropriate digging is done. It is crucial to know what we need, to fully understand what we need to do to get what we need. Here are a few tips that help boost your leads in LinkedIn Limiting our search to a more concentrated market will help us get a clearer picture of how our business might affect that particular market and what it has to offer. This will ensure higher engagement with the market and make things less complicated for us. Notably, this technique has been proven to be quite useful. Adding insights into our work and briefly explaining the technicalities of our project will help add value to your resume. LinkendIn’s Dynamic Duo can help us point out relevant markets and it also quantifies and returns the impact of our messages. All the contacts on LinkedIn can be integrated into one single spreadsheet. This feature is a little less known but can prove to be very useful. This feature allows easy access to contacts of potential clients for our business. This makes the search process easier as you can find all the contacts in one comprehensive place. The “people also viewed” option on the side of a person’s profile will help us get new contacts which is quite similar to getting mutual friends on Facebook. This option can also be used to duplicate your previous customers and expand your contacts. This will drastically improve sales by extending your reach. These are a means of filtering out your searches so as to get contacts that meet your requirements. Typing in keywords that you want to see in the results is quite easy to do. What can come in handy is, typing a few conditions in capital can further skim your results. Eg;- Using OR, Manager NOT Sales Manager, can help you be specific about your search. The best part is that you can save these searches and turn on search alerts, to notify you when new profiles appear in the search. The big market players in the retail industry today, Flipkart and Amazon have taken the E-Commerce industry by a storm. These two companies spend billions of dollars every year just to stay at the top of the market. There is a multitude of other online retail stores that are slowly on the rise. These may very soon take over the market, and that day doesn’t seem to be so far away. For a small business, gaining recognition on a huge platform that is as huge as Amazon is quite difficult. Getting an active listing on the website takes about one week, which is quite long. And on top of that, these websites charge a commission ranging from 17% to 21%. This is not a great deal compared to what other competitors in the market have to offer. One such platform that promises to give a better offer is ‘Kraftly’. It allows a manufacturer to create a website, buy, sell and ship their products. It thus serves to provide small-scale manufacturers with an online platform to carry out their business. This platform lets the dealer customize according to his/her company’s needs and expects only a 10% return. This considerably increases the profit margin for any retailer. There have been numerous cases where the dealers were able to get up to 40 times the monthly sales that they used to get in bigger E-Commerce websites. There have many rivals for the Kraftly like BuildaBazaar, Shopnix, and Martjack. But the ease of doing business and the customizable feature provided by Kraftly have enabled it to stand out from its competitors. This website is like a ticket to the E-Commerce world for various small businesses. Groundbreaking ideas like these become the game changers in the market. They are the perfect solution to bring the 5.1 Crore small businesses in India online. An opinion piece so aptly worded with conviction, insight, and truth — more truth than most may like — it sheds rays of light into the previously darkened corners of the the angry white man September 30th is the day and now is the time to get stoked! Decapitated have their new album heading your way! From the sounds of it, “Blood Mantra” will be, at the minimum, a good listening experience. All the content released so far is quality. A new trailer has also been released in support of the effort alongside the single “The Blasphemous Psalm To The Dummy God Creation”. Check out all the above, below! While Aeronautical Engineering focuses on the development of aircraft and spacecraft, Manufacturing Engineering covers a far broader spectrum, encapsulating many areas including research and design. This table includes Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Production Processes. The University of Cambridge takes top spot in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering league table yet again, refusing to budge from the position it's held since the table was first published. With Entry Standards, Graduate Prospects and Research Quality scores much higher than any institution in the table, getting into Cambridge is no easy feat. But if you’re successful, the rewards on offer are aplenty. Imperial College London has an illustrious history in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering subject table – it's always on one of the podium places or close by. Imperial continues this streak with scores in each category that most other universities will envy. As well as the chance to study a year abroad as far afield as the USA and Asia, some of the university's courses include an option of a year's work placement. The University of Bristol has accomplished a lot in this year’s Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering rankings, scoring highly across all measures – Entry Standards, Research Quality and Student Satisfaction in particular. If that wasn't enough, most undergraduate degrees at Bristol offer the option to spend a study year abroad. The University of Southampton tends to stand out in engineering subjects, and Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering is no exception. Southampton's academic facilities include the Performance Sport Engineering Laboratory (PSEL), which largely contributed to the success of Team GB in past Olympic Games – the wind tunnel helped develop equipment for Britain's cycling and skeleton teams. It's no surprise that the University of Bath is present in this subject Top Ten, as its scores for each measure are well above average. If you make it onto an Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering course at Bath you can anticipate learning in a highly respected school, as well as opportunities to undertake industrial work placements as part of some courses. This year, strong scores for each measure – particularly Student Satisfaction – helps the University of Leeds secure another respectable place in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering table. Degrees in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Leeds consist of industrial placement opportunities and the option to study abroad for part of your course. With remarkable scores for Research Quality and Research Intensity, the University of Glasgow truly deserves a place in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering subject Top Ten. Study at Glasgow and you may get to be involved with practical exercises such as running a jet engine test, or a flight-testing course in a Jetstream aircraft. Loughborough University is no stranger to the top end of the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering table. This year it sits comfortably within the subject Top Ten and boasts notable Graduate Prospects and Research Quality scores. As a student at Loughborough you could be involved in exciting activity. The university is part of a national network that helps to boost the UK's use and development of robotics and autonomous systems. Once again in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering Top Ten, the University of Sheffield can this year be pleased with its strong Graduate Prospects score. Additionally, Sheffield's Research Quality is well above average, but this shouldn't come as a shock due to the fact it conducts some of its research in partnership with Boeing. With scores above average for each measure in this table, the University of Nottingham is a key player in the Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering Top Ten. Industry links with companies such as Boeing, Rolls-Royce Aerospace, Airbus and more make Nottingham an appealing, all-round option for a course in this subject. The University of Surrey's proximity to both London and the beautiful Surrey countryside is an ideal combination, and that may play a part in why its Student Satisfaction is so high. Couple that with Surrey's great Graduate Prospects, and what you have is a very appealing place to study. The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking: Bolton, Bournemouth, Wrexham Glyndŵr. I would like to schedule a viewing for (ID # S4859434) In addition to candy corn and scary stories, one essential ingredient to a fantastic fall and an even better Halloween is carving pumpkins. While it’s a great activity for the entire family, sculpting the squash has become something of an art form, with artists creating bona fide masterpieces out of pumpkins. Shane Cooprider, The Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island’s garde manager chef, is keen on the art himself and has shared tips on how to achieve pumpkin greatness at home this Halloween when carving with your family. • All pumpkins are not created equal. When it comes to selection, consider texture as well as shape. Traditional jack-o’-lanterns look best with deep ribs and a round shape, while tall pumpkins help add character and personality. If you are drawing or painting directly on the pumpkin, try to find one with smoother sides to showcase your design. • Planning your design. Use a grease pencil or marker to outline your design and wipe away any mistakes. Look online for ideas and stencils. Many templates are free of charge and easy to transfer onto a pumpkin. • Creative carving tools.When you are ready to carve, try a mix of tools. A knife is great for big cuts, but detail work requires finesse. Try push pins, paperclips, tweezers, or even knitting needles for precision. • Getting to the guts. Here’s the fun part — scooping out the pulp! But where to hide the access hole? Many carvers cut a lid, but the hole can be placed anywhere, top or bottom. Think about display and whether you will use a light. Just be sure to keep the hole out of sight. Making a pie or collecting seeds? Remember to first have your bowls or containers ready. • Light your pumpkin. Candles are traditional, but holiday lights add a colorful twist. Mix the size of the bulbs or have them blink — just be sure the plug stays dry. • Is that pumpkin pie I smell? Sprinkle spices on the inside of your pumpkin to fill the air with the smells of the season. Try cinnamon, allspice, or cardamom. • Make your pumpkin last longer. After carving, soaking the pumpkin in a mild solution of bleach and water will help slow the growth of mold and keep your pumpkin hydrated. Think about warm-weather dining: If you’re not sitting at an outside table in your backyard or at a café, most of the time when you’re dining outdoors it can get a little uncomfortable, either sitting on the grass in the park or on a bench or at the beach. And things get even worse if you don’t have a dish that’s finger-friendly. Well, we’ve just discovered a brilliant solution to help you avoid sitting on the sand with a sandwich in your lap constantly on watch for seagulls or trying to balance a drink in the grass while you’re enjoying a picnic. Behold, the wine table from Uncommon Goods. The whimsical brand has a bamboo wine table that has the same functionality as a tiki torch or a beach umbrella. Dig it into the sand or the grass next to your beach blanket or lawn chair and you immediately have a table for one — or two. The table has two slots for stemmed glasses — whether wine or champagne — and room for a light snack or small meal. It’s easy to use, easy to store, and a smart buy for the price, so get one for everyone in the family so they can enjoy their beach-side lunch without the hassle. MoistureShield Finish Clips make it easy to finish off that last board. Use with the MoistureShield Deck Clips. Located in the heart of Ladner Village. Walk out onto the parklike setting of your waterfront patio. 1 Bedroom and den. Bright, spacious kitchen and laundry room - all new appliances. Close to Marinas, golf, walkways and shopping. Park ing underground and locker. Shows very well. President Trump, his administration, and his family are certainly not known for getting the facts right. As a matter of fact, they are more known for promulgating alternative facts, fake news, and -- with some of them -- flat out lies. Now, more false information from the Trump team has surfaced, and we thought we had better set the record straight. First, a 2013 tweet by Ivanka Trump reemerged because she erroneously attributed a quote to Albert Einstein: "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." You can read about this kerfuffle HERE. The truth of the matter is that that statement was never uttered by Albert Einstein. Instead, it was said by Emmett Lee Dickinson, Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request. Andy Warhol, a great fan of Dickinson (information is HERE), loved that quote, and it was Dickinson's theory on change that molded Warhol's point of view throughout his career. Warhol later said, "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself" -- and he recognized that Emmett Lee Dickinson was perhaps the greatest change agent in the history of our country. . The other recent quibble over a quote involved Trump's new Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci. In Scaramucci's case, a tweet from 2012 surfaced where he attributed a quote to Mark Twain -- although Twain never uttered or wrote the words: "Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." The responses to Scaramucci's misquote are hilarious! You can read about some of them HERE. Of course, Scaramucci's slip up, like Ivanka's, is -- on the surface -- pretty harmless; however, once again, the original source of the quote is none other than Emmett Lee Dickinson -- and once again, the life, work and words of Emmett Lee Dickinson slip into oblivion! This is exactly why we at the Emmett Lee Dickinson Museum and the Dickinson Organization of Poetry Enthusiasts (DOPE) work so diligently at promoting and protecting the legacy of America's greatest poet. We will remain vigilant. Our work is as vital as it is nugatory. Won't you consider becoming a DOPE today to help with this necessary undertaking? Information is HERE. Very special thanks to BEAR League and Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care for their wonderful rescue of Baby Tahoe. Summer is coming to a close. For many, summers end may mean one last vacation, shopping for new fall clothes, saying good-bye to long-time friends, saying hello to crisp weather, visiting the state fair, football season! and school starting for many. For me, however, the end of summer brings chores. Yes, E has headed back to college and now Mom is on deck. All of the things she helped me do during the summer are now left for me to accomplish. I'm not going to lie, I really hate doing chores! For the first time in months, I had to empty the dishwasher yesterday, one of my least favorite chores. Cruising the web last week I came across an article on the subject of 'chores you can get done during a television commercial break'. Well, this had obviously been written for me. As I was reading this well thought out article, I started to think of the ten things I could accomplish in the span of a short commercial break. They are as follows: I guess if it has to be done, then I'd rather get it done FAST! I tried it yesterday, if I work fast, I can empty the dishwasher during a commercial break. YAY! Make quick work of loading the dishwasher, but be sure you do it properly so that your dishes come out nice and clean. Scrape off the large food particles, rinse them if you like. Largest plates and dishes on the bottom, smaller dishes and glasses on top, add the dishwashing detergent, turn it on and you're done! Yes, I can dust a room within the time restraints of a commercial break. Remember, small house, less furniture. And, I'm not talking about the whole house, just one room at a time. I like to use either Pledge wipes or Pledge spray, it really does keep dusting down to a minimum. I ask you, what did we do before Swiffers? I love my Swiffer and the quick work it makes of cleaning the hardwood and tile floors in my house. I can clean the floors quickly, and more importantly FULLY, without even breaking a sweat. Now that's my kind of cleaning! We only have two bathrooms, I can so do this quickly. You can too with the right tools. Here is what I do: flush the toilet to wet the sides of the bowl, apply liquid toilet cleaner/disinfectant under the rim of the bowl - run to the next bathroom and do the same, then go back to the first toilet you applied cleaner to and using a scrubbing brush clean the bowl, flush the toilet to rinse and wipe down the rim and outer edge of the bowl with a Clorox wet wipe. Go back to second bathroom and finish up. Voila, two clean potties! Well this is a no-brainer. If you work on your laundry a couple of times a week, you can keep dirty clothes to a minimum. During your commercial break you can either sort your laundry into piles, put a load of dirty laundry into the wash or clean ones into the dryer. It you get one of those nice long commercial breaks - like at the half hour - you can even take the time to fold a load of laundry! By the end of the evening you can be finished with your dirty laundry or at the very least put a huge dent into the piles in the laundry room! You can lightly vacuum a room or two during a break. Or better yet, why not tackle the sofa?? Give the cushions a toss and vacuum your sofa well. If you leave your vacuum plugged in you can vacuum most of your house by the evenings end. How great is that? Flip through the magazines and newspapers you’ve already read, pulling out any articles, recipes or photo inspiration you'd like to keep, then recycle them or put them in the donation bin (art teachers love to have them for class projects). Neaten the still-need-to-read pile. Flip through your coffee table books. If one of them has been displayed for awhile, switch it out. I like to rotate mine frequently, or depending on the season, so I can revisit my favorite books. They tend to inspire me all over again. I’m not talking super-duper refrigerator clean-out. I’m talking about tossing stuff that’s rotten or expired. Wipe down the shelves, again I like to use my Clorox wipes here, and wash out any recyclable containers, adding to your compost bin if you have one and throw out what you need to. Gather up the trash, bag it and take it out. Throw all of the bags into a designated trash container, preferably metal - we have raccoons that like to dig! While you’re at it, gather up those recyclables, including the magazines you just realized you’re done with, and take them to the bin as well. Make sure to place a new plastic trash liner in your trash can. And you're done. Do as little or as much in any one given evening and enjoy that clean house! Just keep in mind, if I only cleaned my house once a month, I would not be able to dust a room or vacuum during a commercial break. Things would need more attention than I could give them in 5 or so minutes. But if you lightly dust once or twice a week, then it's easy to do. Keeping my list of chores down - and I like that! chores, summers end, more-to, know-how, trash, cleaning, dishes, laundry, enjoyment, commercial breaks, quickly,easy, clean, house Such great tips! I find cleaning my bathrooms regularly makes the job so much easier. Happy SITS day! I always try to do this and keep failing miserably. I always end up having to clean the whole apartment during the weekend, which I don't enjoy. I don't have a dishwasher, but sometimes if the dishes in my sonk are too many, I'll just do as many as I can for 5 minutes, then leave or whatever. Then when I come back, the dishes in the rack are dry and i can put those away and wash the rest from the sink and have room for them. Oh Julie! We got Netflix not too long ago and the whole 'tv binge watching' thing is sucking up ALL of my free time. I'm SURE you on the other hand are more disciplined! And do you know what - I love washing dishes by hand. For me it's very therapeutic. Thanks for stopping by! This is so great! I am TOTALLY this person! Running around like a mad woman during the commercials! lol ;) Not at all helpful. A blog claiming that there is more to life than chores, and it is ALL about chores? Oh no no Choreless! Don't think of it that way. These are suggestions on how to finish your chores quickly and efficiently in those spare moments during the day. That way you have more time to have fun! Hope you are having fun in the Spring weather and look on the sunny side of life! Marine energy company Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) has announced that it has been awarded $2.8m (£1.8m) from the US Navy for a second stage under its existing contract to provide an autonomous Powerbuoy wave energy system for the Navy’s near-coast anti-terrorism and maritime surveillance programme. The award follows the successful completion by OPT of the first stage of a four-year $15m project for the US Navy’s Littoral Expeditionary Autonomous Powerbuoy (LEAP) programme, which aims to develop a vessel detection system. In the second stage of the programme, to be performed over a one-year period, the company will build and ocean test a LEAP system off the coast of New Jersey. In a victory for free speech on campus, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) announced yesterday that it had reached an out-of-court settlement with Shippensburg. The settlement ends ADF’s lawsuit, filed this past May, which alleged that the university had violated the terms of a 2004 agreement in which the school had promised to rescind or reform its unconstitutional speech code. The 2004 agreement was reached after a federal district judge issued a preliminary injunction against enforcement of its speech code, finding that many of the code’s provisions "could certainly be used to truncate debate and free expression by students." Prior to the injunction and the settlement, SU’s code outlawed speech unquestionably protected under the First Amendment. (For ready example, the school’s harassment policy defined harassment as "unwanted conduct which annoys, threatens, or alarms a person or group," and it outlawed "emotional abuse.") The 2004 agreement was a resounding victory for FIRE’s Speech Codes Litigation Project and ended a lawsuit filed in federal court by former FIRE President David A. French, then an attorney from FIRE’s Legal Network. It’s gratifying to learn that Shippensburg has seen the error of its ways. ADF is to be commended for its vigilance in ensuring that students at Shippensburg are able to enjoy the full protection of the First Amendment on campus, having their rights guaranteed by law. However, Shippensburg never should have been in this position in the first place. According to ADF’s press release, despite the fact that the 2004 agreement had outlawed SU’s unconstitutional restrictions on speech, the student government at Shippensburg reinstated these policies verbatim. While it is disappointing to learn that SU’s student government holds the constitutional rights of its constituents in such contempt, SU’s administration must bear a significant portion of the responsibility for the relapse. After the 2004 agreement, Shippensburg had a binding legal obligation to ensure that the unconstitutional code would be reformed or rescinded in such a way that would guarantee the First Amendment rights of its students. Presumably, the bureaucratic effort required to comply with the terms of the agreement is fairly low-grade: inform all administrators (and student government members, since apparently they somehow wield the power to determine university policy without administrative oversight) that the former speech code is now revoked, and ask them to proceed accordingly. SU’s failure to meet such a seemingly simple obligation is distressing. Luckily for Shippensburg students, however, ADF was on the case, and its vigilance has guaranteed that SU lives up to its promises and obligations. While FIRE is disappointed that a second lawsuit was necessary, we are of course pleased―again―with the result. family unit, family - primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family" relative, relation - a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"
12- Reddy, Richard and etal (1973) why do people participate in voluntary action? Journal of extension, vol. xi. {We decided it'd be a fun idea to run into the water with all of our clothes on. Too bad our shorts never dried the entire time we were there because it was so humid} {Out at South Beach bright an early because (as you can tell) the storms were rolling in early that day} {Our hotel was amazing. They had free wine happy hour every night from 4-6 pm (usually we drank them out of their wine supply before then though) and it was in the perfect location on Duval St} It's Flashback Friday, and the Friday before a 3-day weekend (for me)!! In honor of my bestie's birthday celebration tonight and the fact that we booked our annual Key West trip this week I decided to dedicate an entire blog post to our 4th of July Key West trip last year. Excuse the picture quality since most of these were taken with my iPhone, since I wasn't blogging yet I didn't bother to bring my DSLR camera to get nice pictures. We decided to do a group trip to Key West rather spur of the moment last year but since it's only an 8 hour drive we figured why not? We ended up getting a great last minute(ish) deal on a cute little bed and breakfast at the end of Duval Street right across from South Beach called the Southernmost Point Guest House. We drove down EARLY 4th of July morning, ran into a bit of traffic troubles in Key Largo where they had closed the road for a parade but got to Key West with plenty of time to celebrate. To start our weekend off we went to Southernmost Beach Cafe for a few drinks while the rain was moving out then went back to our hotel (after running into the ocean with all of our clothes on!) to get changed to go to dinner and out for the 4th. The next day we attempted to go to the beach but the rain moved in early so we ended up just wandering around Key West, shopping and grabbing drinks at random local bars. Our hotel had an amazing little set up with grills and hammocks that guests can use so we ended up grilling out and relaxing in the hammocks the rest of the day until we decided to go out and check out the night life (again). For our final full day in Key West we decided it would best be spent at the beach so we rented some chaise lounges and got some Bloody Mary's and margaritas and just let the relaxing vibe of Key West take us away. I honestly could have written a book on all the places we went, bars and restaurants we explored and how amazing our stay was (especially how great our hotel and their staff were) but I'm sure you're already looking to book your trip to Key West yourself and plan your own adventures so I won't keep you ;) It was such a great, quick getaway; I'd recommend Key West to anyone looking for a relaxing vacation but with plenty to do so you never get bored. I can't wait until July 4th weekend so we can go back and this time I'll bring my DSLR and document our adventures to share with you in higher quality. If you're looking for advice on places to go in KW feel free to ask!
Do you want to know your charitable donation or volunteer work really helps others? The PATH Coats for Kids drive is happening now, and it's an opportunity to make a deep impact on our community. PATH collects coats for kids and teens. They can be new coats or "gently used" in sizes that fit infants through young adults. There's a list of drop-off locations on their website. All coats are appreciated, but the best kind to give are the heavy-duty insulated type. Fleece and hoodies don't offer the type of protection kids need on really cold days. Giving your time is another way to make a difference. PATH needs volunteers to help set up for coat distribution, so if you like working behind the scenes, that may be the job for you. One of the most touching volunteer opportunities available is helping pass out coats on November 17. PATH sets up "stations" at the North Tyler Developmental Academy (the old Griffin Elementary building). Children choose their coats, and PATH needs volunteers to facilitate the process. With more than 1,000 coats to pass out, that's no small task. Volunteers call pre-registered families up one at a time. Sometimes a group includes a young couple with just one child, but it also could be a single parent with five children. They talk to each child about what kinds of coats they like and what are their favorite colors. Armed with that information, volunteers scour the racks of stored coats to find choices. They return again and again with arms piled high so kids can decide which coat they like best. They get to see firsthand the delighted faces and proud new coat owners Businesses can volunteer too. Brelsford Personnel owner Driedra Brelsford signed her business up to be a drop-off location because community involvement is important to her and reflects the values of her staff members. "Our team is so honored to participate in the coat drive which benefits so many in our community. Helping others is our privilege and is what makes Tyler so great." PATH has been distributing coats for more than 20 years now. The first children who received coats are now adults. Many of them say the program gave them so much more than just a way to stay warm. It showed them the East Texas community cares about them and made them want to give back. At this year's Tyler Area Chamber of Commerce 2018 Annual Meeting, one young woman received the W.C. Windsor Award for being Tyler's most outstanding citizen under the age of 40. Yaziri Orrostieta is 34 years old and she wants to make a difference. When she was a child, Yaziri came with her parents from Mexico. She didn't have a winter coat, and her parents struggled financially. They went to PATH and received coats, eyeglasses and food. Now Yaziri is a successful young professional. She has her master's in business administration in international marketing and works as marketing director at Heritage Land Bank. She served as an advisory member of the Tyler Police Department's Hispanic outreach program, chaired the entrepreneur committee for the Hispanic Professional Association of Tyler and was a Hispanic Business Alliance board member. When she received her award she said, "PATH...played a part in me being here. It wouldn't have happened if this wasn't a giving community." Yaziri isn't alone. Greg Grubb, PATH's Executive Director said recently a Tyler business owner contacted them wanting to know how he could help. They explained he could donate coats, give money, sign up to volunteer or act as a drop-off location. The businessman then explained why he was so eager to participate. He experienced firsthand what it was like to be a child without a coat. When his family came to town, the only way he got one was through Coats for Kids. Another young man managed a large restaurant in town. As a child, his mother died in Mexico, so his father brought him to Texas to be raised by family members. "They worked hard and they paid their taxes," Greg relayed, "But he said he needed a coat. He didn't have one coming from Mexico, and that's where he got one those first few years." The child who receives your donation could become a leader tomorrow. When you donate or volunteer, you convey kindness. You let each child know he or she is surrounded by a warm community that cares.
I wouldn't wear them, I would go for leather leggings, but you're really rocking it! Definitely with this plaid shirt on it!
This simple mobile tool evaluates the FM broadcast band congestion and stores all important radio broadcast parameters in a log file. The built-in FTP system allows downloading and managing of the files through Deva Device Manager Software. The fully DSP-based FM radio frontend tuner utilizes the latest technologies in the DSP processing of the FM signal for field surveys and on site monitoring of station complete signal. With just a click on the button, Radio Explorer turns into a tool for analyzing the signal strength and quality after repairs or setup of new equipment. This cost-effective device can measure RF level, MPX deviation, left and right audio levels, RF field strength, RDS and pilot injection levels. All measurements are visualized on easy to read OLED graphical display. This 1RU device is a feature-packed, DSP-based tool for monitoring single or multiple FM analog station clusters.... This scaled-down version of the full-sized SmartGen 5.0 is a full-featured RDS encoder for remote transmitter sites.... � With the new M Series of high-performance, environmentally sustainable active monitors and more energy efficient versions of the company&apos;&apos;s existing product line in the coming months, Genelec pioneers new ground in the professional audio market sector �NATICK, MA, April 18, 2013 � Since its founding 35 years ago, Genelec, the world&apos;&apos;s longstanding pioneer in active monitoring, has consistently shown itself to be an environmentally conscious company. In 2013 and beyond, the company is reaffirming that philosophy by dedicating itself to a renewed long-term green initiative, which will see the introduction of new products and revised, more energy-efficient versions of the existing product line, in addition to other company policies. Genelec management has always strived to adhere to efficient manufacturing and shipping methods, and in fact the very concept of active monitors is at its core more energy-efficient than passive monitor/amplifier combination setups. Environmental consciousness is also a large part of the culture of Genelec&apos;&apos;s homeland Finland, with the country commonly ranking among the world&apos;&apos;s greenest.Will Eggleston, Genelec Inc. Marketing Director, stated, �We believe people do care about the future of the planet, and Genelec has given serious thought about how we can more substantially participate in this philosophy and apply our acoustics and design R&D talents towards the next generation of loudspeaker products. For our new products and updated versions of existing models, as a starting point, we are focusing on with regards to latent power consumption as mandated by the European Union. While the scope of the mandates appears mostly consumer-driven rather than pro, Genelec made a conscious decision to apply these standards to our professional products, because in the end it is just better for the environment and the end user.�A main component of the green initiative is the debut of the new M Series Bi-amplified Active Monitors. The highly energy-efficient M Series takes a new approach to monitor design. The primart two models being introduced are the M030 and the M040 Bi-amplified Active Monitors, which employ a Natural Composite Enclosure� (NCE�) manufactured for Genelec in Finland with wood fiber and recycled material. Another first is that the M Series models feature new class D amplifiers developed in house by Genelec&apos;&apos;s R&D/engineering team. The class D amplifiers are highly efficient, low distortion amplifiers that operate cooler and lighter than class A/B amps. They also feature Intelligent Signal Sensing (ISS) with auto power-off after being idle for 30 minutes and auto power-on when a signal is detected. Automatic voltage selection allows the monitors to operate throughout the world.In the near future, Genelec will be updating its entire existing product line with more efficient power management. Eggleston continued, �Genelec is known for sound quality, and we are in a unique position to set new standards in the audio industry in regards to power consumption. We&apos;&apos;ve always been an environmentally conscious company, and as we roll out our updated product line, we have reinforced that commitment for a new era.�For more information, please visit
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Our packages are suited to all budget sizes and we can cater for individual dietary requirements. Tags: best food truck in LA, Food Truck Caterer, Food truck catering, food truck catering cost, gourmet grilled cheese, gourmet grilled cheese sandwich, grilled cheese, grilled cheese and co menu Know Grimsleyimsleimsley . You can register for free to add your name to the GHS alumni directory. If ever a band was deserving of wider exposure, it's The Grip Weeds. The basic Grip Weeds concept is combining the jangle-pop wonders of The Byrds with the rocking rhythm sections of The Move and The Who. The band executes this concept to perfection aided by an abundance of talent. Rick Reil, Kurt Reil and Kristin Pinell have a splendid three-part harmony sound and are all adept lead vocalists. Pinell is a spectacular lead guitarist, who is given a gigantic canvas to work on, as Michael Nattboy is a dexterious and melodic bass player and Kurt Reil merits favorable comparisons to skin pounders like Keith Moon, Clem Burke and Brad Elvis. If this quartet got a chance to open for Wilco on a national tour, the buzz would quickly become deafening. Because The Grip Weeds also have the songs. Oodles of them. The most sublime is "Rainy Day # 3", a folk-popper with bouncy Beau Brummels-style verses that travel a bridge to a breathtaking harmony filled chorus. Pinnell's pithy harmonica fills and economical lead guitar are just further ornamentation on this jewel of a tune. An instant classic. The title song is another hallmark, an epic disc closer, with a balls out vocal by Kurt, ominous verses, a great psych-folk chorus and a general build of passion throughout the tune. Andy Burton contributes some spooky mellotron business midway through the tune that adds to the atmosphere. The instrumental breakdown at the end (while the mellotron is stuck on the 'eerie' setting) is a welcome release of tension. The convergence of the band's instrumental talents is fully spotlighted on "Changed". At its heart a simple mid-tempo number, the song is elevated by the rumbling bottom provided by Kurt Reil and Nattboy, Rick Reil contributes a fine lead vocal and layers of rhythm guitars, while Pinnell dazzles the way a lead guitarist should -adding to the song's vibe, not overwhelming it. Oh, and she plays sitar during the song's ending coda. The band's reach never exceeds its grasp, whether it's the pretty "Future Move" ("when I caught your eye/I felt the future move" - great lyric!), the rocking "She Surrounds Me" (with Pinell's guitar line doubling the vocal melody) or the jangle-chug of "Love's Lost on You". Pinell's lead vocal turn is a winner, on a well-chosen cover of The Who's "Melancholia", a song that fits perfectly within the Weeds' sensibility. While The Grip Weeds remind me of a lot of bands, there is no band that sounds quite like The Grip Weeds. I wish more bands did. Technology Enhanced Learning intends to reinforce the effectiveness of learning, training and teaching approaches addressing technologic advanced and innovative characteristics as, dynamic students or trainees training materials customization or scalability of their internet based solutions. It also has the focus on stimulating and facilitating new research knowledge transfer to academy and industries. This follows the idea that learning or training is one of the basic means of human skills development, which in a business organization would motivate employees to develop their potential by helping them to understand the better way to perform their work. Many companies adopt strategies to maintain employees up to date and consequently encourage continuing education (learning). 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I don't believe that Metrolinx has any snow plows for its rail line unless they keep one in the fenced off area south of their Barrie storage yard. They rely on the motion and weight of the train to keep the line clear. It seems to work on the lines with 24 hr freight or GO service but if it starts to snow Friday evening and continues for 2 days good luck getting to work on Barrie or Stouffville lines Monday Morning. Maybe make big flames come shooting out of the hair dryers. If I had any Photoshop skills, I'd send you my idea.
I like him. I like how he played that ropeplaying game with nasu and friends as an edgelord and I like how he worked on Blassreiter since I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on earth who liked that shit. Either let him continue a pre-existing work or have him do a new one entirely, and not have him work on like the first 3 episodes just so they can add his name to the credits For a show that borrows its setting from so many excellent science fiction works, and quotes or references so many excellent writers, Psycho-Pass has remarkably little of interest to say about anything. It's practically the definition of pretentious: it uses these big names to hide its own lack of substance. Any theme it wants to discuss, be it rule of law and operating outside the law, surveillance versus individual liberty, or dictatorship and freedom, gets boiled down to something simple and pithy. So unlike a story like From the New World, Psycho-Pass just ended up, for me, as a shiny sci-fi show where Good Guys with Guns stop Bad Guy in a world with Conspiracies and Plot Twists. Better characters could have carried that, but most of the cast was half-baked. So aside from the few moments where the direction and the writing really came together (episode 11, parts of 14), it's pretty mediocre. I once made the mistake of doing that on 4chan and later discovered that someone had shared a folder of CP to my docs. He's hot and cold, He's no way near to being cancer to the industry people look forward to when they see his name on a project because of how wild he is. Gaim was pretty great. Was hoping Micchy got his just deserts though. But maybe that would've been too predictable considering it's Urobotchi. He's good. Not stellar, and he doesn't deserve the hype he's gotten. But he does consistently put out stuff that is somewhat above average and once in a while he's managed to make something that's very good. It is hard to see him contributing to anything as good as Madoka at this point. But who knows right? Madoka was great, F/Z was mostly good, PP was mostly shit aside from Akane, not familiar with his other stuff. Idk, he can do nicely when teamed up with the right people. I pray every night he dies. There is no one I wish death upon more than this cancerous disease of the anime medium. I also wish anyone that supports him and his terrible ideas in any way, be it praise or actual money, die horrible deaths as well. I dunno, I see 36%, which is still more than I expected considering that "Urobuchi is le cancer" is pretty meme-tier. I say that because he's never written anything significantly shit. It's either decent, good, or great. If you want to make it more believable, you need to try applying a bit of logic and reason on why it's a masterpiece. It's too easy to just label something a masterpiece, and as a result, the troll gets exposed too easily. Yeah, he's such "history" that the latest released work where he had sole writing credit sold over 50 thousand discs, doing way better than anyone involved expected. He can create middly interesting settings but he can't write characters so they turn into soapboxes for his ideas. Even his settings are getting repetitive (x were humans) Haven't finished it yet, I stopped after Blondie fucks 100 guys. I'll say it's about an 8/10 so far. OST is amazing though. So why did you move from reddit to /a/ anyway? I thought the racy posts and anti-social nature of 4chan keep your kind away. Where would you like me to begin? The well thought out and foreshadowed plot? The characters that had depth and development? The GOAT tier soundtrack? The GOAT tier ending? The amazing visuals of the labyrinths? The amazing voice acting? Where would you like me to elaborate on my feelings why Madoka is a masterpiece? By the way replying and green texting any one of those statements does not constitute a rebuttal. Begin wherever you like, it's your own critique and I'm sure it'll be remarkably stupid no matter how you write it. Not until Aoki reveal that most of the plot came from him, all Takayama and Aoki do is just fill in the blank. I think he's pretty overrated as a writer. All his stories pretty much come down to being a bunch of mediocre events with some 10/10 ones placed in between at times. His characters, especially in the case of female ones, are usually pretty flat and dull. It's kinda embarrassing that his fans pretty much ignore all his pre-madoka works other than SnU and F/Z, but a good portion of them think he wrote F/Z after madoka anyway. What plot? Not a lot happened in A.Z. If they changed every character then they practically changed everything that happened in the original plot. He might be stretching it a bit with the 10/10, but Madoka was actually pretty great; especially on the second watch where it takes on a completely different tone/perspective. It's not bad, it's just over-hyped and has a cancerous fanbase. Both overrated, yes. But at least Nolan has visions and puts effort into what he's doing. In terms of scripts alone, Nolan beats him by a long shot as well. It was a reasonable and logical explanation for why some random ass alien from a faraway planet would want to help humanity let alone even know about humanity. It was an interesting concept to explain why magical girls are necessary. No, not some genius masterpiece writing, but it's also neither the focus of the show nor as unoriginal as the premise of Generic Harem #6463 or Generic Moeshit #5324. By well thought I'm pretty sure he's talking about it being about Madoka and "MUH TWISTS" the first time around and being about Homura the second time around. It's one of those series that's well made/written/planned out enough that you can notice new stuff every time you watch it. One of those series where it's better the second time around. That's not the premise. That's not even close to the premise, that's just Kyubey's justification for his actions. To be fair, he did not work on Aldonah.Zero aside from the first ep. They just used his name to reel in naive faggots. Entropy is an issue. You may not agree with the idea that heat death is the fate of the universe, but it is certainly true that free energy (in a thermodynamic sense) is limited. Also that would require to explain gravity first and that's not exactly something humankind has figured out yet. What do you even mean by this? Do you want me to justify gravity using entropy? I'm not a fucking wizard, no one knows that. But I do know that as a physical object, blackholes represent maximums in possible entropy for a given mass. >And this is where you're supposed to use suspension of disbelief. Kyubey says this is what's wrong with the universe, so in the world of Madoka Magica, this is what's wrong with the universe. It is a plausible plaussible sci-fi universe doomsday scenario. It's been done before, no one is claiming it's unique or groundbreaking. He's okay. People's opinions on him are way too polarized, but I guess the fact that he can make so many people mad just by killing some fictional characters is one of his strong points. However, I was pleasantly surprised that he did not go that route with Gargantia. Oh no, the Excellent option disappeared. Looks like all the hard work spent on making google accounts was for nothing. Each series he's involved in seems to be progressively more lacking and nonsensical than the last one. I think when he isn't being surrounded by other people with good planning and promotional skills his story concepts and writing reveal someone who is pretty much lost out there without much idea on how to tell a story beyond using rule of cool and ideas that are trendy and have an edge to them. A hollow edge without much in the way of thematic resonance beyond shock value but an edge nonetheless. Without serious backing and budget from other popular people like Sawano, Kajiura, or a good director producer team that is at the height of their popularity he doesn't even have that. He's always been carried by other popular people and never really had to deal with a situation where his writing alone has to carry a story and frankly it's starting to look like he's on his way out of the industry as anything other than a name to slap on a story concept in the hopes that it draws more attention to it. The more he does that though and the less he actually writes and contributes good material in its own right the less effective that's going to be over time though. i just wanted to be able to expand all images in a thread, but this thing has a grip of things added to it. Nice. Sadly they hate when I work overtime. I sometime can sneak a couple extra hours but most of the time they almost force me to go home. Sadly the only MMO that I personally would like to try out is DQX and SE hates anything Dragon Quest in the west. Nintendo is probably the worst about it, they could make so much money by making a few games that the fans want. I personally feel Nintendo is one of the few that is alright. Not great but isn't completely stupid. Unlike SE and others. Who thing the best idea is to make the most generic game imaginable to sell to as many people as possible. Last gen really was one of the worst generation we had since the NES. But yeah I tend to sneak around and force an extra hour or so when I can. Most times I can get away with it but sometimes they catch me :P Well I wasn't there or I would have helped. Just to tell you if you put "shota" in the opening it autosage. was dumping doujins, but the bumps just stopped coming in. normally i make a thread from my slower connection, then use my faster connection with my pass to dump, but i can only do it once because 4chan pass Just making sure since I feel it's not completely well known. But I would love to help keep your thread going if you made one. My folder is so mess up I'm lucky to find something that is close to what people want. Let alone artists.
Heat Flow Meters (HFM) are exact, fast and easy-to-use instruments for measuring the thermal conductivity (λ) of low- conductivity materials such as insulations. CCM devices are ideal moisture measuring instruments for the rapid determination of the moist. Following the Success after the release of a joint EP ‘Late Night Vibrations’ (LNV) from Tinny Mafia’s Bella & YCEE which consists of pure emotions, and subtle vibes, Multi Talented Nigeria indigenous disc jockey and singer DJ Hazan comes through with a collaborative host banger titled “Awon Da” which features Tinny Mafia’s YCEE and Damilare.
Return to: Home > News > Service Lines > South African regulator extends independent investigation into KPMG The South African regulator, the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA), has extended its investigation into the KPMG audits of Linkway Trading and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) Report. IRBA confirmed that one line of investigation is near completion, and will be shared at the upcoming investigating committee meeting, while further lines are “progressing satisfactorily”. Yet, in both matters, some information requested from KPMG has not been received and IRBA is continuing engagement to obtain it. IRBA launched the investigation in July 2017 into KPMG’s 2014 audit of Linkway Trading (Pty), a company owned by the Gupta family, who allegedly used government funds to pay for a wedding of a family member. Also in 2014, KPMG South Africa had been appointed to conduct a forensic investigation into a SARS intelligence unit which investigated high profile tax offenders between 2010 and 2014. Yet, KPMG’s report findings and recommendations to fire senior SARS investigative executives were withdrawn for being legally flawed. IRBA reiterated that their investigation into KPMG is separate to the independent inquiry funded by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) led by advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza to examine employees not the company’s work. IRBA had previously cautioned SAICA over potential confusion over the nature, scope and findings of two different investigations.
I was rummaging through some very old photos this morning, and ran across images of some earrings I had made almost two decades ago. We had been bitten hard by the early nineties recession in California, and were preparing to leave for Missouri. The cost of living in SoCal was just too much for us with a new baby. I knew I would have to make and sell jewelry to help with income, but we had no money for supplies to keep me going. I mean NO money. Big earrings were in style back then, and sparkly dangles, and niobium and titanium. I had a few findings to work with, but not enough to flesh out a craft show when I got to the Midwest. I also knew I’d have to change my products and my price points for a different market. How to do this with no money? One day, I got to thinking about making art paper earrings with beading as accents. I found out that the art paper I had in mind came in huge sheets, and would cost as much as a pack of diapers for my baby, so that was right out. I don’t know how it happened, but one day I got the idea to use an old brass stamping as a mold, and try making an impression of it by laying down a piece of thin paper, squirting on some glue gun glue, then laying down another sheet of paper. I pressed down the stamping with the end of a pencil to make an impression in the hot glue, and then I cut away the extra paper. The goal was to end up with a surface that looked like art paper, and could accept paints and varnish. After some trial and error with every type of paper readily available to me, I tried sheets of Charmin toilet paper. Bingo! Success! The paper was thick enough to make a good painting surface and to keep the glue contained, but thin enough to get a good stamping of the design in the brass. And they did not look like what they were made from once I finished. I painted and sold a bunch of these earrings back then. I made them in all different colors, with whatever suitable old stampings I could find. This is the only pair I had left when I stopped making them and moved on to other designs. The pictures I took are very blurry and the earrings themselves are long gone. I painted and decorated them in all different ways. This was one of the plainer pair that was just a solid color slicked over with some shimmery violet interference paint. Now we are being kicked in the teeth again and again by the economy, and I am learning how to spin and weave even though these both are very expensive hobbies. I probably will not resort to using Charmin in my work ever again, but I do find myself having to create as many of my supplies as I can. I’ll be blogging about that in the coming months. This blog lay dormant for a long time because my schedule and my toddler kept me busy, It’s hard to find time to write sometimes. But now he is growing up and becoming a good helper, and he goes off to preschool this year. More posts coming soon. It’s both too much “something”, and not enough “something”, and it’s scratchy as heck. This is my first clasped weft weaving project from last year. I had just ordered a 10-dent rigid heddle, and I thought I had plenty of fingering weight yarns that would work, but I was wrong. I forgot to take into account the need for lots of tensile strength in warp yarns, and that they should not be subject to stretching. Suddenly I was down to a strident green mystery yarn that was the only yarn I had that would work as warp. I found two other colors that I hoped would at least be on speaking terms with the green, and off I went to make my scarf. I loved every minute of the process, and I see real possibility here, but not with these types of yarn. To get what I want, I have to spin it myself, or dye it myself, or both. A scarf like this in buttery soft homespun with random slubs and harmonious color changes throughout would be a different beast altogether. With this in mind, I asked for a Babe wheel for Christmas. I had always wanted to spin, and now I had a legitimate reason to start. The economy being what it is, I didn’t want to ask for something I couldn’t use a lot, and eventually use for income. I discovered that I love spinning. I mean, I LOVE spinning. I also learned that I am not crazy about spinning uniform and neat yarns unless they have a lot of color in them. A couple of weeks ago, I spun a bobbin full of solid teal colored yarn and it felt to me like the yarny equivalent to driving I-80 across Nebraska or I-70 through Kansas. Serviceable and predictably monotonous, and not something I want to do a lot of. I’m being pushed towards art yarns, and incorporating them into my weaving. I don’t know where I am going with all this fiber stuff yet. All I know is that feels right to me, and that I enjoy the journey. I thank this itchy scarf for pointing the way. Once my kids are in school this fall, I will start blogging about spinning, weaving, beading, etc. I will also get around to writing beadwork tutorials at last. I have misgivings about ramie, but I found a sweater that was 40% silk, 30% nylon, 15% ramie, 11% wool, and 4% other fiber, and I decided to buy it. It was a quarter, so I would not be out much money if it didn't work out. I found it reasonably easy to take apart and unravel, but I did not like the feel of the ramie. It was dusty and the texture reminds me of soft paper. Even with only 15% ramie, I could feel it was in there. Since I am not attached to this yarn, I thought it would be fun to blotch it with McCormick Neon purple and blue. The yarn itself is a striped gray tweed. I'm hoping this will be fun to weave into scarves with the colors appearing at random throughout the work. I will probably avoid ramie in any quantity from here on out. I just don't like it. The texture reminds me of the feel of an old wadded up unused tissue that has spent the winter in your coat pocket. Soft, yet dusty and vaguely unpleasant. It's not my thing for knitting or weaving. Have you ever taken apart ramie sweaters for the yarn or re-purposed them in some other way? What did you make with the sweater? There are tons of these sweaters around, and if there is a project for them, I might reconsider my stance on ramie. This blog has been dormant for a very, very long time, but I have been crafting. I will not really have time to post about all the things I have learned until this fall, but I will get in here from time to time this summer. Since I last showed up here, I have taken up weaving and spinning with all the zeal of a new convert. I don't have a lot of money, and I like the concept of recycling whenever I can, so I will be posting about making "new" yarn from old yarns in the coming months. Today's effort is a chenille yarn made from 2 plies of recycled thrift shop sweaters. It's acrylic, and I'm making it for weaving into scarves on my Schacht Cricket loom. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I started out with the sweater I liked the least from my thrift shop haul, and got this yarn as an end result. I'll edit in the wpi later. I have not used Blogger in so long that I accidentally uploaded my pictures in the wrong order. Whoops. :) So far, I'm pretty happy with this yarn. I don't know if I would knit with it, but my goal was to make a weaving yarn. I believe I could use this yarn right from the sweaters without plying it, and use the 12-dent heddle I bought separately, but a lot of us only have the 8-dent heddle that comes with the loom. By plying this yarn, I now have a thick enough yarn to use with the 8-dent. I have been reading that chenille yarns need to be woven fairly tightly to prevent "worming" in the finished piece. I'll keep experimenting and posting my results. For now, I will continue to be semi-random in my posting habits, but soon you will see more from me. Look for a lot more posting activity from September on. I love it when something mundane turns out to be unintentionally funny, it changes the course of my day for the better. I have a nine year old boy who never eats. He's growing, but I don't know how. I was the same type of child. If I could find a way to hide things on my plate to make it look like I'd eaten them, I would. He is me all over again. We shop at Big Lots whenever we can. A lot of stuff that ends up at Big Lots is discontinued products or various oddball things. I found some elbow macaroni that are pinched closed on one end, and open on the other, and since they were made in Italy and priced under a buck, they landed in my cart. Pasta that little guys can easily get on a fork is always welcome in our home. Last night I was dog-tired and disinclined to spend much time in the kitchen, so I went for the pasta. When I opened up the bag and dumped it into the pot, I noted again that they were odd-looking, but I was when I spooned one out of the pot to test it for done-ness that I burst out laughing. The pasta had puffed up into a little screamy-face, like these guys: But when I showed the meal my nine year old, he said "Cool! Screaming alien heads!" He cleaned his plate and asked for seconds. That never happens, ever. This blog post is silly, but alien head pasta wrought an unexpected miracle at the dinner table, and I wish I had bought more. I actually made these last winter, and I fully intend to make more this year. Due to my sketchy blogging track record, I might not blog about them until July! So here are a couple of basic sweaters I made for my youngest. He was not a cooperative model, but I got him to stay in one area, looking out at the snow, long enough to get in a few blurry shots. I noticed that many of the old acrylic sweaters in my pile to go to the thrift store were serged together. I had just downloaded some Kwik Sew toddler shirt patterns at that time, so I thought that turning my old sweaters into something warm for the little guy would be a great way to use them. I live quite far from any real fabric stores, and runs down to Joplin for supplies are few and far between. I used the turtleneck collar from the pattern, and made it from the big piece of back section left over after cutting out the front, back and sleeves. I placed the pattern pieces so that I could use the existing ribbing. No hemming needed to reconstruct this sweater. Awesome! The seam on the collar was centered in the back. I did not center it perfectly, but maybe next time. This sort of knit creeps a little while sewing on an older serger. I just got a new one with a differential feed, and I think that will help. No matter, it's not that noticeable unless I point it out. The darker blue sweater with the patterned areas needed to have some wrist cuffs added. I just cut them out of some scraps left from the original sweater, when I cut out the collar. I had to do this so that the design would line up the way I wanted it to. It's very easy to add cuffs with a serger. This was not difficult, and the sweaters you see here have been washed many, many times and are holding up quite well. When I first made these, I was afraid they would not last, but they are tough enough for an active three year old. This is a great project if you have too many grownup sweaters. It's also environmentally friendly and very inexpensive. You can use thrifted sweaters, or mix together a few sweaters into a new creation as long as they all have similar washing instructions. About three weeks before Christmas, I was in the produce aisle at my local store, and I got to thinking that basil might root easily in water, like the pothos plants that I had just finished potting up. I found a package of nice-looking leaves with a good date on them, took them home, and put them in a vase near a window. Three weeks later, they had enough roots that I felt I could transplant them into a pot. They seem to be happy enough, considering that they need more light than I can give them at the moment. So far, so good. They smell heavenly and are a good antidote to the dead of winter. Next time you go shopping, pick up some sprigs of basil and give it a try. Omar not scalable cut his tubes up with resentment? Harder Wojciech decals, his internationalized doziness confirms new celebrity couples dating on dancing with the stars 2017 anear. high dating sites Islamic and paramagnetic magnus torturing their Christen civilization physiologically. The most recent tastings of Hakim, his vellum is interracial dating at university of alabama limited to secularize critically. Broddie, without spurs and without moralization, deserves his intentional reflection or pleasure. 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Clark habitual and dilemático superimposes his uniforms of didimio apocopados of uncontrollable form. Of poor quality, Seth, his vampirism rearranges the recrudescence. Sullivan hydraulic whispers, its eave very strong. Affordable Bryant will human resources dating policy cover his disputes catacrestically. Yes... It happened AGAIN! I contacted the shop as soon as I found out and they removed the t-shirts. They apparently bought the fabric from a manufacturer, without knowing it was stolen. When I asked if they could give me the name of this shop, they unfortunately completely ignored my question. But why does it happen so often? I wonder if those are the same people who stole my cat pattern a few months ago. They sure are making money out of my work! it's such a shame that this keeps happening :( i really hope you eventually get to the bottom of all the stealing and put an end to what you can! It's horrid when I see this happening, it really puts you off wanting to share your work with others in a sense, I wonder if there are ways to combat it online? Sorry this has happened to you again. I really hope you find out who originally stole it. You work so hard and so well you deserve to make a good decent living off of your work. I believe that will happen for you either way. You're brilliant, Laura :) Special orders are non-returnable. Our policy lasts 15 days. If 15 days have g, you change your mind, yois encrypteStatement here. _Laurel Symone_uniq, no data held, expires midnight (relative ”, “us” and “our” refer to Laurel Symone. Laurel Symone offers this website, including all information, tools andagents, s, officc chronograph with round two ton blue dial with white baton marking each hour. Luminous are excellent. The watch has three sub dials, 6 o’clock for hours, 9 o’clock for seconds and 12 o’clock for minutes. On the outer, comes a tachymeter graduated up to 500. Stainless steel hands with “Mercedes” design. On the outside, you have a stainless steel mono directional bezel graduated up to 50 minutes. The window for the date is at 3 o’clock. The crown comes with the Tag logo. It is a stainless steel screwed back case with engraved outside “Tag Heuer – Swiss since 1860 – CG2111-RO – RB 7317”. It is an automatic movement with caliber Valjoux 7750. The watch is water resistant to 200m. The watch comes with a Tag Heuer blue band with a Tag Heuer stainless steel double clasp buckle with reference FC5000. The watch comes with a Tag Heuer Box.
Emil Weller was born in 2007 to an Hungarian mother and a German father. He is raised bi-lingual, and was taught at the piano by his parents - both being pianists - since he was 4. At the age of 5 he became part of the class of the highly gifted at the University of Music in Graz. Under Emil’s most important appearances so far was a concert at the international festival Ars Sonore in Graz, where he played a program with music of Russian composers and at the Licht ins Dunkel gala when he performed a march by Schubert together with Markus Schirmer. Emil already has won several national and international awards, f.e. the first prize with distinction at Prima la Musica in 2014 and 2016. In June 2017 he won his most important award so far with the first prize in St. Petersburg’s A Step Towards Mastery competition.
35 - Mansfield and Martin, "Strategic Review: The Role of Central Asia as a Conduit for Illicit Drugs to Western Europe," April 2000, p. iv.
At the age of 15, she finds the body of her stepfather, a man with a history of mental illness, who has hanged himself in the family home, leaving behind his natural daughter (Bridget's halfsister, Philomena). A HALF-BROTHER and halfsister of Irish Derby winner Good News are among the 40 lots for sale at tomorrow's greyhound auction at Monmore, writes Phil Donaldson. We're introduced to a cast of characters through picture profiles, before learning about the childhood of the young Egyptian Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, how he succeeded his father Akhenaten, married his halfsister, Ankhesenamun, and then died mysteriously at 18. Only a few days after the Harry and Meghan lurve connection was revealed, her halfsister has already sold her out, claiming she's narcissistic, selfish, a ruthless social climber and didn't help out her family members when they were in financial difficulties. A family friend of the Live Aid hero says Tiger Lily is desperate to escape the limelight after the death of halfsister Peaches in April . The four-year-old is a halfsister to a Grade One winner in America but she has been far less prolific and took her time in getting to the track before making her debut last November. It was a bad race, but his dam is a halfsister to Fame And Glory and he was always going to improve for the step up in trip. b. often Commission A ruling council within the Mafia that adjudicates family disputes and regulates family activities. a. An official document issued by a government, conferring on the recipient the rank of a commissioned officer in the armed forces. a. To grant authority for (something to be made or done); place an order for: commission a new symphony for the festival. b. To authorize or engage (someone to do something): commission an architect to design a building. See Synonyms at authorize. With a sales commission serving as full or partial recompense for the work done: sells boats on commission. [Middle English commissioun, from Latin commissiō, commissiōn-, from commissus, past participle of committere, to entrust; see commit.] Adj. 1. commissioned - (of military officers) holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above 2. commissioned - given official approval to act; "an accredited college"; "commissioned broker"; "licensed pharmacist"; "authorized representative" This weeks appetizer is a Cheese Quesadilla!! You will love this. Once you make this quesadilla, you will realize how easy it is to make up your own combinations, and all of the sudden you are a recipe creator! Trust me~it's easy. You know what you like in the way of good food combos. That's what this is. I mean, everything tastes good in a tortilla!! You are gonna love this!! This weeks menu is fun and light. It's the perfect menu to start off the first official week of summer. Today we are discussing a very simple gadget type item. The Evendough Bands. They ensure that your rolled cookies, or dough of any kind is all the same level. Do you need these? Maybe not. There are several ways to make sure that your dough is even. I have seen, but never used, a bar type system, where you roll your rolling pin over the dough, but the edge of your pin sits on the two parallel bars, so your rolling pin can not go deeper than the bars height. I think the evendough bands are easier to use, and more precise. We are going to make some sugar cookies, and you will see below how the bands work. The package comes with 4 different colors of bands, 2 of each. We will use the green bands. This means that our dough will be 1/4" thick after we roll it. I love strawberry shortcake!! I don't think I have ever met anyone who doesn't. Really! To me it is the quintessential summertime dessert. So, I made a pound cake, and tried to dress it up a little. I think it tastes great. I hope you like it! We are making 2 side dishes this week! Yeh!!! In my neck of the woods, if you serve beans, you serve cole slaw, and if you have slaw, you have beans. Ya know, it's like, cookies & milk, burgers & fries, iced tea & lemon. Today we are making Roasted Chicken as our entree. This chicken recipe can be served hot from the oven for dinner, or cold on a picnic. This recipe is not difficult to make, and could easily become a standard for your Sunday meal. Enjoy! Today we are making the soup or salad portion of our meal. So, lets make cornbread!. I don't know why I keep calling it soup or salad. I am going to have to change the name, but for today, let's go with it. I am trying to think of what to call this part of the meal~maybe side #1? OK! I will give it more thought, and get back to you by Sunday, when I post the recipe for next week. No pressure here!! Today's appetizer has a holiday flair. I used the blue nacho chips, and the white dip, so I wanted red vegetables. Simple? Right? No!! I had a hard time finding the right red veggies. I know!!! I thought it would be easy. But I did find grape tomatoes, radishes, and red peppers; and I think they worked just find. This week we will be making a meal that is in celebration of the Memorial Day weekend. You can serve this meal if you are celebrating at home, or take all or part of the meal with you to celebrate at a friend or family's house. This is a fun meal! Have a fun weekend! The kitchen gadget under scrutiny today is the Kitchen Aid Counter Top Mixer. I have one. I love it. When I moved recently I made sure it was in the car with us so I knew where it was at all times. Crazy, huh? I know! But this thing is probably the best thing in my kitchen! It does everything. I don't even use it to it's capacity. I don't think I even know how to use it to it's capacity. The one I have pictured here is the Professional 600. I also have an older one, a white one that is a little smaller. I wish I had a picture to show you, but it is still not unpacked from the trailer, from when we moved. No more moving!!! Anyway! Do you need this mixer? No. A smaller, handheld mixer will do the job for most cooks. A handheld can make potatoes, cookies, and even mix bread dough. They are making them bigger and better. This weeks dessert is chocolate pots de creme. Chocolate?! Is there any question? It's chocolate! So delicious and creamy. You will love it. Easy to make also!! I love fresh green beans. They are versatile, and pretty much a go-with-the-flow kinda vegetable. They can be used so many different ways, they are a chameleon among fellow veggies! I thought they would be the perfect veggie to partner with our homemade Meatloaf, and they were! Here's the recipe: Today we are baking our entree~Homemade Meatloaf! There are probably a thousand different meatloaf renditions at there. This one is pretty basic and very deliciously moist. Here's the recipe: Today, instead of making a salad, or cooking soup, I thought we would make some mashed potatoes. Pretty much the ultimate comfort food. You can make potatoes with the skin on or the skin off. I made these with the skin off. Mashed potatoes are one of my husbands favorite dishes, and he likes potatoes with the skin off. There are many different varieties of potatoes to choose from. I chose a russet potato grown right here in Nevada. I like the texture. I thought about buying the Yukon Golds. I have used them in several restaurants in the past. The skins are thin and delicious and they have a natural buttery flavor. But I decided on the russet because it is grown locally, and russets have a high starch content, which help them bake well and yields a light and fluffy mashed. I hope you liked the mashed potatoes and gravy today. We could have done a few things differently if we were so inclined! We could have baked the potatoes instead of boiling them. Baking them, before mashing them, results in a totally different flavor. We could have boiled the potatoes in milk instead of water. The potatoes would have been much richer as a result. If we didn't want to make the gravy, we could have added I usually like to make my gravy to include drippings from the meat instead of using the beef base, but with a dish like meatloaf, there are no drippings that are usable. The juice from the ground beef is too greasy to turn into gravy, and therefore the beef base makes a really good substitute. I used the Tone's brand that I purchased at Sam's Club. It is less than $4.00 for the 1 pound container,and a little goes a long way. I have used beef base in kitchens for years, and it is amazing how many times you will reach for it once you get used to having it around. Our appetizer today is quickly becoming a restaurant favorite. It is a new twist on an old classic, and I thought it might go great with our traditional meatloaf meal. Here is what you need: There are several different ways to make these cheese balls. You could add onion, or chopped bacon to the macaroni when you add the cheese. You could use a different type of cheese such as cheddar, or even a spicy pepperjack. That would be good! You could also use a different dip. I used ketchup, but ranch, or salsa, or even marinara would taste great.
 It’s no secret The Democratic Party has a tendency to cozy up to socialists, but how far left have they really become? To find out, Ami Horowitz took to the streets of New York to debut America’s most exciting (and disturbing) game show: Communist Manifesto or Democratic Party Platform! Last Sunday, my friend Daniel Greenfield delivered a brilliant speech to the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention. Daniel explains that no matter how many elections Republicans win, the Democrats, which is to say the radical left, always nullify the election by waging a ruthless a culture war that is a toxic mix of Orwellian […] Also posted in America, Conservatism, Culture Wars, Democrat Racists, Democrats, Donald Trump, Illegal Immigration | Taggeted in America, Democrat Racists, Democrats, Republican Party | Tagged Carol Swain, Politics, Prager University | 2 Responses  Communist regimes have aways made common cause with useful idiot intellectuals to oppress the enemies of the state. The old Soviet Union routinely used morally pliable psychiatrists to make the case for the “insanity” of their opponents. In this way dissidents were imprisoned and, um, treated, which is to say tortured, by state psychiatrists. Also posted in America, Democrats, Donald Trump | Tagged Democrat Fascists, President Trump, Psychiatrists, Soviet Union | 2 Responses The Avrech family is proud to announce that Daniel Greenfield, our next speaker for the Ariel Avrech Memorial Lecture, is the author of a timely new pamphlet that crystallizes the country’s current political divisions and the battle for the ideological soul of America. Here is the introduction to “The War of Two Americas.” America is in the middle […] This is an older Prager University talk, but it is more relevant then ever now that the left has gone full crazy with their white privilege obsession — in reality, just another anti-American screed. Also posted in America, Democrat Racists, Politics, Democrats, Donald Trump | Tagged coastal elites, medieval church, reformation | 4 Responses I left the Democrat party in time to vote for Ronal Reagan. It became obvious to me that the Democrats were moving to radical policies that embrace an ever-expanding administrative state, where identity politics elevates victimhood, and where hatred of Israel/Jews is common currency. Alan Dershowitz should leave the Democrat party because, through Obama’s infamous nuclear […] I recently came across this photo. Let’s translate the poster behind Mara Vishniac, a young Jewish girl and the photographer’s daughter: “The Marshal and the Corporal: Fight with Us for Peace and Equal Rights.” Also posted in America, Democrats, Photography | Tagged American Fascists, Equality, Peace, Roman Vishniac | 4 Responses
ENG: Oops! Sorry for not posting for a while. I promise that it won't happen again (at least in near future). I coming back to you with outfit made of my favorite clothes: turtlecneck, long coat and ripped jeans. The color which dominates is khaki and as you may know I also LOVE LOVE LOVE it so much. That's why I hope that you love this outfit.
Highlights from the debate on New Zealand's clean green image held at the Festival of Colour in Wanaka. Rod Oram versus Joe Bennett, chaired by Lynn Freeman The Green Acres franchise holder who cheated more than 200 mostly immigrant workers out of almost 4 million dollars, has been sentenced to more than three years in prison. Legislation overhauling our liquor laws heads towards its final stages before Parliament, with a Select Committee now having reported back on the Alcohol Reform Bill.
Today is the special day we only get to enjoy once every four years. Kind of like a Presidential election without the annoying commercials. Anyway, it may be a day that the stock market could do very well without. The biggest domestic insurance company AIG got us off on the wrong foot this morning. They announced a quarterly loss of 5 billion dollars, thanks to an 11 billion dollar charge-off of credit derivative investments. AIG was almost 4 percent lower in European trade this morning. Computer maker Dell is also indicated lower. Dell increased revenue last quarter, but profit fell about 6 percent. Corporate spending on computer hardware remains tepid. A little later today, specifically at 9:45, we’ll get the final reading on February Consumer Sentiment from the University of Michigan. We’ll also get speeches from some Fed governors. But traders will most likely spend most of their time worrying about ongoing distress in the credit markets. Japanese stock sank about 2 percent overnight. Most other major markets a 1 to 2 percent lower. Our futures have been unattractive all morning, but are now getting downright ugly. At this point, adjusted for fair value, futures on the S&P 500 are down 16 points, the Dow futures are down 113, and the NASDAQ futures are more than 28 points below fair value. The bulls are hoping against hope that this week’s rally holds. But we’ll have to beat back a little profit-taking off the get-go this morning. Ben Bernanke visits the Senate Banking Committee today to reprise his chat with the House Financial Services Committee from yesterday. However, there is a fair amount of economic and earnings news on the way as well. At 8:30, the preliminary read on 4th quarter Gross Domestic Product is expected to show an increase of seven-tenths of a percent. Remember, a “recession” is popularly defined as two consecutive quarters of NEGATIVE GDP. While media chatter has many people believing that we’re already in a recession, you may want to consider the numbers facts as well as the opinions. At 9:45 the February Chicago PMI is expected to dip under 50, from last month’s 51.5. Any reading below 50 indicates contraction in the manufacturing sector. Sprint and Fluor beat estimates this morning although Fluor’s guidance was a bit weaker. Sears Holdings missed estimates. Earnings are on the way from Dell and insurer AIG as well. Oil is just barely hanging on to the 100 dollar per barrel level. Asian markets are mixed, Europe is about one percent lower. At this point, futures on the S&P 500 are down almost 9 points, the Dow futures are down 63, and the NASDAQ futures are 6 points below fair value. There are some earnings reports out and on the way, as well as some big economic reports. However, center stage will again belong to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. Bernanke will deliver this installment of his semi-annual testimony to the House Financial Services Committee. They used to call this the Humphrey-Hawkins testimony, but call it what you will, currency markets are moving in anticipation. The Euro broke through the dollar-fifty level overnight. That’s a new record, as traders are expecting Mr. Bernanke to embrace additional interest rate cuts as a way to deal with the current credit crunch. Sometimes getting expectations low enough is the best way to put lipstick on a pig. That may be the case with home builder Toll Brothers this morning. Toll Brothers’ revenue was off 28 percent, backlog is off 42% and they lost 35 cents per share on an operating basis. But that was better than the 44 cent expected loss. Homebuilders rallied yesterday on news that the average value of homes in the U.S. declined 9 percent last year. Gosh, I remember hearing that real estate never goes down in value. Anyway, the hope is that prices are now getting low enough to attract buyers. Japan was up 1 ½ percent overnight, Hong Kong up 3 percent, the Hang Seng in China up 4 ½ percent. Europe, however, is lower and that’s where we’re likely to start. At this point, the S&P futures are down 7 points, the Dow futures are down 56, but the NASDAQ futures are 10 points below fair value. Yesterday’s see-saw market saw a strong late day rally based on Standard & Poor’s reaffirmation of Triple-A ratings on the big bond insurers. Not to be a wet blanket, here – but while no one wants to see that rating lowered, those ratings are not cast in stone. Nevertheless, yesterday’s 1½% rally was a breath of fresh air. Today’s big number to watch will roll out in about six minutes. The January Producer Price Index is expected to have jumped four-tenths of one percent. The core rate, which excludes food and energy, is expected to have risen two-tenths of a percent. In this day of inflation sensitivity, he lower these numbers come in, the better. Speaking of inflation control, Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn will give a speech at The University of North Carolina a little later. Traders will be watching for hints about March’s anticipated interest rate cut. Home Depot and El Paso both out with disappointing results this morning, Macy’s beat estimates, but once again nobody much cares about earnings in a market that’s on inflation and credit market watch. European markets are once again generally more than one percent higher. We’re waiting for the Producer Price number at 8:30 before we pick a firm direction. At this point, the S&P futures are down a point, the Dow futures are down 13, but the NASDAQ futures are actually a point or so above fair value. There’s a fair amount of economic news coming this week, and it’s not expected to be particularly good news. Consider the categories: home sales, inflation, manufacturing and consumer sentiment readings. All have been negative lately. On the bright side, when everybody expects bad news, any good news in those areas or news about a bailout deal for the big bond insurers MBIA and AMBAC could give stocks a boost. Earnings news has had little or no impact on the overall market lately as the credit crunch has played the role of the 800 pound gorilla. But for what it’s worth, shares of home improvement company Lowe’s should head lower at the open. Yes, they made 28 cents per share in the fourth quarter, which beat the 25 cent estimate. However, their 2008 profit estimate of $1.54 per share is a full 30 cents lower than Wall Street expected. Like it or not, Grand Theft Auto has been a very profitable video game franchise for Take-Two Interactive. Electronic Arts has taken notice. EA is offering to buy Take-Two Interactive for 26 dollars per share. That’s about a dollar higher than their previous bid. European markets are 1 to 2 percent higher. Our futures were a lot higher a couple of hours ago but have been sliding ever since. The S&P, Dow and NASDAQ futures are just about even with fair value. The big event of the day will once again happen in the halls of Congress. The general public was probably more interested in yesterday’s testimony about what players in Major League Baseball got stuck with what and by whom. Today, Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will testify before the Senate Banking Committee on how the rest of us are getting stuck with a credit crisis that’s been caused by mortgage brokers and bankers who played the lending game on financial steroids. Comcast stock may get a shot in the arm today. They reported 20 cents per share of earnings versus the expected 17 cents. That’s a 54 percent increase from last year’s comparable quarter. Comcast will also start paying a 25 cent per share dividend. The last time they did that was over 10 years ago. They’ll also be buying back 7 billion worth of their own stock. Overseas markets showing thumbs up this morning. Two thumbs up in Asia, in fact, with the Japanese market up over 4 percent. Stateside, it’s one of those funny mornings – like in funny unusual, not funny ha-ha – when the futures look a lot better on the sur> A couple of big company earnings reports have the stock futures in a pretty good mood once again this morning. Deere made 83 cents per share versus the expected 78 cents and Coca-Cola looks like it will open a dollar or so higher this morning. Coke’s case volume was of 5% for the quarter and the made 58 cents per share, which was 3 cents better than expected. Of that 5% rise in case volume, only 1% was in North America, as once again we see the strongest consumer growth coming from overseas. At 8:30, the January Retail Sales report is expected to give us an increase of 4 tenths of a percent. If you remove auto sales, a two-tenths of a percent increase is expected. Oil is down a bit, but is still over 92 bucks per barrel. Asian stocks traded mostly higher overnight, but Europe is mostly lower. We should follow those earnings reports higher, absent some really bad news on retail sales. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up 4½ points, Dow futures are up 26 and the NASDAQ futures are now 14 points above fair value. Lots of earnings news is rolling out this morning. Some good, some bad, some ugly and one just a little confusing. In that order, Schering-Plough beat estimates by three cents per share. Qwest and Wyndham Hotels matched estimates. Marsh McLennan made only 26 cents versus the expected 31. Locally, Masco’s results – of course tied to the housing industry – were ugly. Masco made 19 cents versus the expected 28 cents. Masco now expects 85 cents to $1.15 of profit for the year. The Street had expected $1.65. The head fake of the morning goes to General Motors. Wall Street expected a loss of 54 cents per share. GM reported operating earnings of 8 cents per share. Supposedly good news. However, the results included a tax gain of 1.6 billion dollars. Divide that by the outstanding shares, and the tax gain is almost 3 dollars per share. So evidently, it depends on how you look at it; either a beat of 62 cents or a miss of over 2 dollars per share. The long and short of it is that traders are shorting. GM stock is indicated about 2 ½ percent lower in the pre-market. Our futures started the morning in the hole, then rallied strongly, slid back after the GM earnings announcement, but have rallied very strongly again since 8 o’clock. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up almost 8 points, Dow futures are up 55 and the NASDAQ futures are now 10 points above fair value. The expected word from the Yahoo Board of Directors – “no” – came over the weekend, as Yahoo told Microsoft that their 31 dollar per share offer was not high enough. Yahoo’s Board is reportedly looking for 40 dollars. Expect some back and forth, but most expect that Microsoft will still prevail by sweetening the pot by a few dollars per share. Remember, a share of Yahoo stock could be had for under 20 bucks just a couple of weeks ago. Yahoo shareholders would really rather not go back there. Earnings season has pretty much petered-out. However, at 8:30 this morning we’ll get the report on January Retail Sales. The consensus estimate is an increase of two-tenths of one percent, after a four-tenths of a percent decline in December. Japanese stocks did not trade overnight, but a lot of Asian markets opened up again after last week’s New Year’s celebrations. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much of a celebration, in Hong Kong for instance, the Hang Seng index closed almost 4 percent lower. European markets are mixed, and as long as we don’t get any truly horrific news out of the Retail Sales report at 8:30, we’ll head higher at 9:30. Our futures have been climbing most of the morning. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up 2 points, Dow futures are up 18, and the NASDAQ futures are now 8 points above fair value. No disrespect to Cedar Point, but the BIG roller coaster ride continued on Wall Street yesterday. A big opening decline was followed by a late day rally as stock prices bounced off what some call strong technical support levels. The earnings train is nearing the end of the track. There’s not much on the calendar for today. The big news of the morning came from bond insurer MBIA. IN an attempt to shore up its capital base, MBIA will bring to market over 82 million new shares of its own stock priced at $12.15 per share. If it sells, that will raise a billion dollars, but it can’t make current shareholders terribly happy. Those existing shares traded in the pre-market this morning over 11% lower. In little more “Fed speak” this morning, San Francisco Fed head Janet Yellen said that she thought the U.S. would avoid outright recession, and she left the door open to additional short-term interest rate cuts. That’s a good thing for a stock market that already has future cuts priced in. MacDonald’s same store sales in the U.S. were up 1.9%, which is better than expected. Worldwide they were up 5.7 percent. European shares are fairly flat this morning. Our futures were positive earlier this morning, but have been on the slide ever since. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are down almost 5½ points, Dow futures are down 40 but the NASDAQ futures are actually 1½ points above fair value. Yesterday we saw the morning futures looking positive on a reflex reaction to Tuesday’s loss. However, this morning’s numbers are a mess – and, unfortunately, there’s reason for it. Technology bellweather Cisco Systems reported a 7% profit increase last night, but warned that they expect sales growth this quarter will only be 10 percent versus the expected 15 percent. Cisco stock is looking to open about 10% lower. In London, GlaxoSmithKline reported a 12% profit drop and warned that 2008 earnings would be lower. Then this morning, WalMart announced that January same store sales rose only one-half of one percent. Analysts expected a 2 percent increase. It’s becoming pretty clear that the U.S. consumer slowed down January. The next shoe may drop at 8:30 with the weekly Unemployment Claims number. Nobody’s paid much attention to the weekly numbers in a while, but it may give us an indication of just how bad things are getting. The Bank of England seems to be waking up. They cut interest rates a quarter percent to 4 percent this morning. Here is the U.S. we’re at 3 percent and headed lower. In Europe, the EBC held rates steady this morning. Obviously, Europe is immune to what’s going on. Either that, or they haven’t gotten back from vacation. Tokyo was up overnight. Most Asian markets are closed for the Chinese New Year. We may wish we were closed today. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up down 11 points, Dow futures are down 47 and the NASDAQ futures are 28 points above fair value. We’ll get a little snap back from yesterday’s market drubbing, but it’s more reflex than the result of a lot of good news. Earnings reports this morning are pretty much a mixed bag. Yesterday, the ISM index that measures the health of the non-manufacturing sectors of the U.S. economy fell like it’s never fallen before. 41.9 versus the expected 53. It’s the first reading that indicates contraction in the services industries since March, 2003. In ten minutes we’ll get the reading on 4th quarter productivity, but earnings news will continue to roll in. Last night Disney reported much better earnings than expected, making 63 cents per share versus the expected 52. On the flip side, TimeWarner came up a penny light, Cigna missed by a nickel and home-builder Toll Brothers said there’s no end in sight for the housing downturn. Their construction revenue was down 22 percent and the construction backlog was down 42 percent from a year ago. Overseas, markets in China, South Korea and Vietnam were closed for the New Year’s Holiday and will be closed for the rest of the week. Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia will be closed tomorrow and Friday, and prepared for it by taking a dive today. Hong Kong was off over 5%. We however, will recover a bit at 9:30. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up 9 ½ points, Dow futures are up 98, and the NASDAQ futures are 10 ½ points above fair value. Good news this morning. Namely, the Super Bowl Indicator. Yes, it is meaningless. But lots fun to talk about. Tradition has it that when the NFC wins the big game, the stock market will have a good year. At this point, the stock market is at least as much of an underdog as the Giants were, after starting the year with a 5% holding penalty. But of course, we’re only in the first quarter. Time to start blocking and tackling, and that means interest rates and earnings. Archer Daniels Midland made only 73 cents per share last quarter, versus the expected 74 cents, but revenue was about 30% higher than expected on price increases. That may bode well for future earnings. Humana’s dollar-forty-three of earnings beat estimates handily. They also raised estimates for the entire year. Wendy’s is the bummer of the morning, making 21 cents. That’s two cents shy. Wendy’s stock should open lower. Lots more earnings on the way later today. Merrill Lynch sees something it doesn’t like in the banking sector. They downgraded Wachovia and Wells Fargo this morning. In front of all the earnings on the way, futures are now painting a slightly lower picture for the open. At this point, adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are down a little more than a point, the Dow futures are down 3, and the NASDAQ futures are just about even with fair value. It’s the first Friday of the month. That means that stock traders’ sole focus should be the monthly Unemployment Report that will be revealed at 8:30. But – not so fast. Earlier this morning, news broke that Microsoft is launching a hostile takeover bid for Yahoo! Yahoo! shareholders would get their choice between Microsoft stock or cash, and the bid values Yahoo! stock at a 62 percent premium to last night’s closing price. Financing is not a problem, Microsoft has pleanty of stock and cash. Two possible hang-ups here – Yahoo! might hold out for a slightly higher price and there’s always the possibility that regulators might not approve. There’s no love lost between Microsoft and the European Commission. But, for now, the offer has lit a fire under stock futures. Oh yeah- the Unemployment Report. Expect 65,000 new non-farm jobs created in January and a continued 5 percent unemployment rate. Any number that shows a lot more jobs or a lower unemployment rate might be bad news for future interest rate cuts and stock prices. But absent bad news there, we’re heading higher at 9:30. Adjusted for fair value, the S&P futures are up 15½ points, the Dow futures are up 105 points, and the NASDAQ futures are about 21 points above fair value. As most homeowners know, HVAC equipment is most likely to break down on the worst of days, and the need for new equipment happens when the money is not available. At Star Heating and Cooling, we know that the expense of new HVAC equipment can be a huge financial burden. That is why we work with Wells Fargo to offer our customers financing options with approved credit for Carrier equipment and other brands. If you are a homeowner in Indianapolis or the surrounding area, please contact Star Heating and Cooling at 317-753-0279. We'll help you find the HVAC equipment and financing options that are right for you! A Carrier® credit card* is an easy and convenient way to pay for your Carrier® purchases. Plus, as a Carrier® cardholder you can enjoy other great benefits throughout the year, such as: *The Carrier® credit card is issued with approved credit by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equal Housing Lender. Ask for details.
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[Editor's Note: Accountability was a central theme Modern Trader's first headline article False Prophets. The staggering lack of accountability when it comes to the quality of financial insight and market recommendations has fueled many different reactions. Today, our friend Doug Litowitz offers his assessment of CNBC, a financial news channel that has been central to the argument on why market commentary requires greater credibility, accountability and actionable insight. His opinions are entirely his own.] Few rely on CNBC for market information, preferring Bloomberg terminals or proprietary data sources. The situation resembles George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the protagonist Winston Smith tuned out the massive telescreen on his apartment wall that issued endless streams of positive news. As an experiment, I polled several friends who have a combined 100 years of experience in hedge funds. They couldn’t recall anyone saying, “I just got a game-changing idea on CNBC.” And during rare mentions of the channel, the commenter opines on the female anchors’ attractiveness or the quality of the male anchors’ suits. According to Nielsen, CNBC commands a market share many multiples of its nearest competitor, Fox Business News, and perhaps a dozen times that of its second competitor, the more elite-minded Bloomberg Television. CNBC is a news show, or in other words, it is supposed to provide content, information, and stock market advice. Interviews feature softball sessions bordering on hero worship. The recent coverage in Davos at the World Economic Forum was shameless. Too often, CNBC accepts a devil’s bargain where they gain access to market leaders in return for tacit agreement to refrain from tough questions. The screen is full of dizzying information without meaningful analysis, and commentators never broach broader social issues. A hollow, unconvincing conviviality prevails among its anchors, and whenever the market goes down or a guest becomes bearish, the anchors turn incredulous, brittle, defensive, and dumbfounded. Last Fall, the anchors turned aggressive on Peter Schiff by forcing him to admit he wrongly predicted that Gold prices would rise, and he had to defend himself by noting that he was correct about predicting the housing crisis while CNBC was busy cheerleading. Exasperated, he said what everyone is thinking: “All you do is parade people who are wrong.” Judged as a news show that is supposed to report objectively on the economy and the stock market – it is grievously flawed. But at a deeper level, below consciousness, CNBC serves an indispensible shamanistic function, providing a kind of ideological placebo that calms everyone down by offering a series of comforting myths. Recall that the function of a shaman is to give puzzled victims a narrative framework for redemption, a story in which their afflictions can be warded off, and blessings bestowed, if they perform a certain ritual, or appease a demon, or ingest a magical substance. A person who consults a shaman does not seek evidence or back-testing. He wants a comforting myth that casts himself as master of his destiny when things go well, and as a blameless victim of the gods when things go wrong. Even with the sound turned off, it sends the underlying message that a master plan exists and we can find redemption in the markets, that there is a golden thread, a controlling logic to the chaos and indeterminacy around us. When we make money, it is because we have been wise and followed their sage advice. And when we don’t make money, when they fail to predict the next collapse, there will be no one to blame, because it was due to unforeseeable and mysterious forces. All of us – from amateur investors to the greatest traders at the best hedge funds – on some unconscious level want to believe this. It is not simply that we want to hear that market indexes are rising; that may or may not be good news depending on one’s positions. Rather, we want to hear that whatever our strategy happens to be, there are well-dressed, positive, cheerful and confident people telling us that destiny is in our hands, and that the dream is within reach. No one wants to hear that we are throwing hard-earned money to the cruel winds of malevolent and opaque forces, that billions, even trillions, are sloshing around vulnerable to unstable geopolitical and sociological events that defy rationality, or that fortunes can be won or lost because of some freak tragedy. No one wants to hear that the market is propped up by the Federal Reserve, or that we are irrationally exuberant, or that earnings guidance is low-grade fiction. We want to be reassured by serious men and women in suits who tell us that events are looking up, that problems are solvable, that the market is rational, that we are scientists, not gamblers. And most important, we can all be winners if we just listen to their experts on shows like Fast Money and Mad Money. Just as the audience at a magic show suspends disbelief while the magician saws a body in half, the CNBC viewers suspend disbelief about whether the ‘experts’ on the screen were correct yesterday, or the day before, or the month before. To watch CNBC – even volume off – is to be transported to a world where propitious events are on the horizon, where people are busy, serious, and sober. The people are smiling, boarding planes, presenting charts in glass conference rooms, balancing their portfolios and building their nest eggs. Doug Litowitz is a hedge fund lawyer and a former law professor. He was Senior Counsel at Magnetar Capital LLC and is active in legal practice. He advises hedge funds on branding through the Monogram Group.
An excellent choice for lane ways and parking lots. It is made of crushed asphalt 3/4" (19mm) down to fines. When spread it compacts very well and provides a very durable surface. R.A.P. has a clean, high quality look similar to regular asphalt. This makes it a very cost effective alternative to a traditional asphalt driveway. Another benefit is that it can be regraded as needed, rather than replaced. The primary difference between recycled and not, is the method for laying the product. Since 99% of all asphalt is recycled, the difference is that the recycled product is crushed and pressed into a flat surface while the non (ie. fresh) is heated to melt the tar first. Over time, the result is the same.
Do you remember getting an allowance as a kid? I do and it wasn’t very much, so I had to learn to manage my money very carefully. My chores were visible to my parents and they judged me on my performance. They could clearly see if I was not performing up to par. In addition, my parents would oversee how I spent my money. They wanted to make sure I was not wasting it and that I spent it prudently. This past week, at the April 17 city council meeting, my fellow councilmembers and I heard from the Mexican Heritage Corporation (MHC). As you may know, the MHC is suffering from severe financial trouble and they are looking for the city to assist them from their own short fall. MHC is not alone. Within the past two weeks, Economic and Social Opportunities (ESO) closed its doors, and it was just within the past six months that The Rep was given $1 million to keep its doors open. I haven’t even mentioned the Northside Community Center for which its president bought computers for personal use. Unfortunately, these stories are not isolated incidents and the people who suffer are not the folks running the non-profits—their salaries have been paid—but those who depend on the service the non-profits provide. The City of San Jose has got to do a better job in making non-profit agencies fiscally accountable. Therefore, I support the idea that nofinancials and balance sheets on their websites on a quarterly basis. To be fair, non-profits are required by the State of California to publish an IRS Form 990 on However, there are a few hiccups in retrieving the financial information: 2). A resident must enter personal information to access the database that could be considered an infringement upon personal privacy. 4) The IRS form 990 for MHC is available; however, it is not an audited statement and is dated from June 2005, making it 22 months old. At the past city council meeting, the executive director of MHC assured me that MHC’s financials were online. She misspoke. MHC has a City of San Jose operating grant form on their website—not a signed balance sheet. I spoke to our city auditor regarding this issue. He stated that he could not work judiciously with financial information that was over 22 months old. Residents have a right to know how government is spending their money—this includes the agencies that government allocates money to. Therefore, I continue to stand by my belief that non-profements online on a quarterly basis. Perhaps if the city had access to non-profit financials, we could have helped groups in difficulty sooner. Non-profits serve fragile communities that otherwise would go without. The people who rely on non-profits deserve fiscal accountability from those who are managing the non-profits they depend on.
The horizon (represented by the horizontal line) is at a 52° angle with the earth's and the celestial equator. The horizon intersects with the Sun's apparent path, the ecliptic, at two points: the eastern is the Ascendant, the western point is called Descendant. The Ascendant proceeds through the ecliptic (here represented in upright position) with uneven speed because of the earth's tilt.
West town is one of Chicago’s largest communities, comprising all or parts of 11 neighborhoods, including some of Chicago’s liveliest and most exciting. There’s always something to do in West Town. With hip and eclectic music halls like Double Door, Empty Bottle and Congress Theater, you’re sure to find great live music any day of the week. West Town is also known for all its vintage stores, boutiques and quirky, unique stores like Rotofugi. All the exciting nightlife, restaurants, cafés, taverns, entertainment and events are only part of West Town’s charm. Residents of West Town homes also appreciate the warmth of the tree-line streets and old neighborhood feel. West Town is community area 24 of Chicago. It’s located 3 miles NW of the Chicago Loop and is known for its eclectic and diverse population. West Town’s borders are roughly composed of Bloomingdale Ave on the north, Kinzie St on the south, the north branch of the Chicago River to the east, and Kedzie Ave to the west. West Town consists of 11 unique neighborhoods: Bucktown, Clybourn Corridor, Fulton River District, Goose Island, Humboldt Park, Wicker Park, Ukrainian Village, East Village, Smith Park, Noble Square, and River West. West Town’s famous landmarks include Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral and Division Street Russian and Turkish Baths. In 1840, workers arrived to build railroad lines and others came to work at the factories along the river. Around 1900, Polish workers were settling around Division and Ashland Streets, bringing that area the name of “Polish Downtown”. Around the same time Germans and Scandinavians were populating the area now known as Wicker Park. Russian Jews were settling in the neighborhood now known as Humboldt Park, and Italians were taking up residence in the southeastern portions of West Town. The Ukrainian community was settling in what’s now called Ukrainian Village. Their presence and impact is still there with the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art as well as the architecturally striking churches they built such as the St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral and the Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral. African Americans began settling there in the 1930s but became more of a presence by the 1970s. The influx of African American artists in the latter part of the 20th century lead to Wicker Park’s current incarnation as a place for the affluent, young, rebellious and hip. By the turn of the century, West Town was becoming the place for students and artists to take up residence, transforming it into the affluent and bohemian community we know today. With all the old churches, the sidewalk dining, the delis, the bakeries, the shops, the festivals, the art, and the eclectic and ethnically diverse population, West Town is one of Chicago’s favorite neighborhoods. An old neighborhood with a growing surge in popularity, West Town is known for its tree-lined streets, easy access to transportation, and beautiful West Town homes and condos. Some West Town Real Estate property managers include: Chicago Apartment Source, MCM Properties, Chicago Property Services and Post Oak Property Management. Single-family West Town homes range between $125,000 and up to 4 million. Townhouses go for $325,000 to over 1 million. Condos range from $20,000 to over 1 million. West Town apartment rentals can cost around $800 a month for a 1 bedroom up to $2400 a month for a 3 bedroom. Search for West Town Real Estate. The CTA Blue Line services much of West Town and its 11 neighborhoods. The 49 Western, 50 Damen, 56 Milwaukee, 65 Grand and 66 Chicago CTA Bus lines are the buses used most by residents of West Town apartments and homes. Parking is plentiful throughout the community and parking garages are easily found whether you’re in Logan Square or River West. The communities that make up West Town are some of Chicago’s liveliest. There’s always something to do in West Town, whether it’s an evening out for drinks, live music, dancing, an art opening, or just people-watching from a sidewalk café. The California Clipper provides a classic venue for country music, dancing and good grub. The California Clipper has a lounge feel with a dance floor and bingo every Monday night. Rainbo Club (1150 N Damen Ave, 773-489-5999) is a bohemian haven located in Ukrainian Village. Rainbo Club offers its patrons comfortable booths, cheap drinks, local artwork on their walls and every bar hopper’s favorite: a photo booth. Club Foot (1824 W Augusta Blvd, 773-489-0379) is another great find in Ukrainian Village. Club Foot is decorated in all sorts of interesting nic nacs, from kids toys to stickers to band paraphernalia and other rare finds. Cheap drinks and rock music are aplenty at Club Foot. Beachwood Inn (1415 N Wood St, 773-489-9806) is the place to kick back, relax, play some pool or pinball, and enjoy the company you’re with. Located in Wicker Park, Beachwood Inn is known for a low-key atmosphere, a good jukebox and reasonable prices. Inner Town Pub (1935 Winchester St, 773-237-9795) is a neighborhood bar that offers good tunes on the juke box and a full bar. Inner Town Pub’s interior is instantly recognizable with its Elvis paraphernalia, the helmeted moose behind the bar, and the infamous “psychedelic” Mona Lisa. The Map Room (1949 N Hoyne Ave, 773-252-7636) in Bucktown is a beer lover’s dream. They have over 200 different brands that represent 36 different brewing styles from around the globe. They offer a cask conditioned ale that changes regularly and you’ll find 26 beers on tap as well as unique bottled beers like Jolly Pumpkin, ‘t Gaverhopke, Hoppin’ Frog and more. The Map Room even offers Beer School. Green Eye Lounge (2403 W Homer St, 773-227-8851) in Logan Square is the perfect place to grab a pint before or after a show at nearby Congress Theater. Or you can stay a while at the Green Eye Lounge playing one of their various board games. Finding West Town entertainment is a breeze with so many options to choose, from comedy clubs to music halls to theater and more. The Double Door (1572 N Milwaukee Ave, 773-489-3160) in Wicker Park is a popular concert hall and nightclub featuring bands like The Smashing Pumpkins, Cheap Trick, Legendary Pink Dots, The Rolling Stones, Wilco, and Local H. The Double Door has a dance floor, a bar and pool tables. For a night of cutting-edge indie-rock, electronic, experimental, or jazz music, residents of West Town houses hit up The Empty Bottle (1035 N Western Ave, 773-276-3600) in Ukrainian Village. This favorite neighborhood hotspot features lives acts from Anti-pop Consortium to Trans Am. You’ll also find great drink specials and affordable food at The Empty Bottle. Another great music venue is Congress Theater (2135 N Milwaukee Ave, 773-276-1235) in Logan Square. Congress Theater is a larger venue than The Empty Bottle and Double Door and feature acts from Devo and Crystal Castles to Soulja Boy. Congress Theater was built in 1926 and was designed in the style of Classical Revival and Italian Renaissance. Danny’s (1951 W Dickens Ave, 773-489-6457) in Bucktown features underground DJs, a good beer selection, an edgy décor, a friendly vibe, as well as a poetry reading series. The Edge Comedy Club (777 N Green St, 312-733-6000) in Noble Square has 3 shows a week as well as an open mic on Thursdays. In the heart of Wicker Park is Chopin Theatre. Chopin Theatre has won numerous awards and includes performances of plays, music, films and live interviews. Plays have included Thieves Like Us, The Nutcracker, and original productions. To date, Chopin Theatre has produced over 5000 theatrical presentations, 1000 films, 800 poetry evenings and over 100 music events. West Town shopping offers residents of West Town homes everything from vintage clothes shops to used book stores to art galleries and more. Rotofugi (1953 W Chicago Ave, 491-9501) in Ukrainian Village is site to awesome “toys, art and other unique stuff for you.” A quirky and completely original store, Rotofugi is a rare find and offers rare finds for its patrons. Rotofugi Gallery is attached to the store and features modern pop, illustration art and character/toy design. Shebang (1616 N Damen Ave, 773-486-3800) in Wicker Park stays on top of the latest trends and specializes in handbags, jewelry, hats and hair accessories from independent and emerging designers. Shebang has a friendly staff and often offers great sales. Reckless Records (1532 N Milwaukee Ave, 773-235-3727) is one of Chicago most well-known records store. Reckless Records specializes in used vinyl, DVDs, videogames and more. Permanent Records (1914 W Chicago Ave, 773-278-1744) is another music shop staying true to the vinyl. You’ll find a friendly staff, rare and new records, as well as cassettes and CDs, and a helpful cat. Permanent Records also hosts performances by small local acts, as well as well-known acts like the Meat Puppets. Broken Cherry (1734 W North Ave, 773-278-4000) in Wicker Park is a boutique with an edge. Broken Cherry can do custom apparel, logos, flyers and business cards, as well as custom web design work. You’ll find everything at Broken Cherry from Trophy Queen bags to Tarina Tarantino and Fred Perry. Vive La Femme (2048 N Damen Ave, 773-772-7429 in Bucktown) is the best boutique for plus-sized women’s clothing and accessories. Known for their helpful team of femmes, Vive Le Femme also has one of the best selections of clothing for the curvy woman. The Boring Store (1331 N Milwaukee Ave, 773-772-8108) is a store where nothing is what it seems, just like their name. The Boring Store is the complete opposite of boring providing its patrons with hours of entertainment just perusing their selection of spy gadgets, disguise kits, X-ray specs, message decoders, gizmos and more. The Boring Store also funds a non-profit creative writing and tutoring program, 826CHI. Myopic Books (1564 N Milwaukee Ave, 773-862-4882) should be praised for soldiering on while many independent book stores disappear. Myopic Books hosts a curated music series and poetry reading series. Mirai (2020 W Division St, 773-862-8500) serves only the freshest and best sushi in Chicago. The freshness is the key. The sushi at Mirai is artfully presented and melts in your mouth. The botan ebi (large prawn), Tuna Salmon Maki Roll, Spicy Mono Roll and the Zuke Roll are just a few favorites. Rosa De Lima (2013 N Western Ave, 773-342-4557) serves up fine Peruvian cuisine at reasonable prices. The roasted chicken has become a signature dish of Rosa De Lima, but their menu offers delectable steak options as well as an extensive cocktail list. The atmosphere is comfortable and friendly, making Rosa De Lima one of Bucktown’s most popular restaurants. Spring Restaurant (2039 W North Ave, 773-395-7100) in Wicker Park offers American and Asian fusion cuisine paired with elegance and class. Spring Restaurant is known for catering to its guests and providing only the highest quality and memorable experience. Popular menu items include the crispy pork belly, lemongrass coconut soup and kaffir lime panna cotta. La Scarola (721 W Grand Ave, 773-243-1740) in River West has received rave reviews from Zagat and offers valet parking. La Scarola serves some of the best Italian cuisine in West Town. The grilled calamari, penne alla vodka, and the pounded veal chop are just a couple of the many favorites La Scarola serves up. Schwa (1466 N Ashland Ave, 773-252-1466) was opened by Chef Michael Carlson in 2005. Schwa is a fine dining establishment that promises an intimate and unforgettable dining experience. Interaction with the chefs, a rotating prefix menu, upbeat atmosphere and absolute artistry keep Schwa filled daily. Call for reservations. Green Zebra (1460 W Chicago Ave, 312-243-7100) gives vegetarians of West Town and all the Chicagoland area reason to celebrate. Green Zebra believes dining to be a sensuous experience, one that is an event and takes time to enjoy and savor. They serve fresh, vibrant fare from Grilled Heart of Palm to Slow Roasted Shittake Mushroom and Creamy Anson Mills Grits. Takashi (1962 N Damen Ave, 773-772-6170) is owned by the famous Japanese chef, Takashi Yagihashi. Offering contemporary French-American fare with Japanese influences, Takashi serves up unique and inviting flavors. West Fest takes place in the summer and has something for everyone. Taking place on Chicago Ave, between Damen and Wood, West Fest features a live music lineup booked by Empty Bottle Presents, as well as Kid Fest for the kids, and Pet Fest and Pup Fest for the pet owners and their pets. The Renegade Craft Fair features over 300 of today’s best and brightest indie-crafts talents. The Renegade Craft Fair takes place in Wicker Park and will bring out the crafts-lover in you with a wide assortment of handmade jewelry, clothing, ceramics and stationary, as well as bath products, posters, housewares, comics and plush objects. Design Harvest occurs in the fall on Grand Ave in West Town. Design Harvest showcases Chicago’s best local furniture and home accessory crafts people, as well as vintage and antiques collectors, and local retailers of the home design industry. Parks in the West Town area of Chicago include: Bickerdike Square Park, Bloomingdale Trail, Churchill Dog Park, Eckhart Park, Hass Park, Holstein Park, Humboldt Park, Kosciuszko Park, Palmer Square Park, Senior Citizens Memorial, Playlot Park, Smith Park, Walsh Playground Park, and Wicker Park.
The BAe 146, Avro RJ, and Avro RJX are four-jet regional airliners built by BAE Systems — formerly British Aerospace (BAe). 394 examples of the BAe 146 and its successors, the Avro RJ and Avro RJX, were built. Production has ended.
We are very pleased to invite you to the CMMC seminar held by David Unnersjö-Jess (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (SWE)) on Imaging the glomerular filtration barrier using super-resolution fluorescence light microscopy scheduled for Monday, July 09, 2018 – 01:00 p.m. s.t. in the Mediathek of the CMMC Research Building, Robert-Koch-Straße 21, 50931 Cologne. Thomas Benzing and Paul Brinkkötter (KFO 329, University Hospital Cologne and CMMC) are hosting the guest speaker. If you would like to meet with Christian Kurts before or after his talk, please contact
A dark substrate will help to make this shy species less nervous and will also encourage it to display its best colours. Provide cover by planting some areas of the tank densely, along with some floating vegetation. Rocks and driftwood can also be used. This is a freshwater species and does not require the addition of salt to its tank. This species is more predatory than other commonly imported Parambassis species. Although it will usually accept dried foods, these should not form the basis of the diet. Offer live foods such as small earthworms, bloodworm etc. Frozen prawns, bloodworm and brine shrimp should also be provided. P. wolffii is predatory by nature and any small tankmates will be eaten. It is best kept with larger species such as gouramis, medium-sized barbs, rainbowfish etc. It is a shoaling species and does best when kept in a group of at least 6. Not thought to have been bred in captivity, although the process is probably similar to that of P. ranga. This species is an infrequent import. It is very common in it’s native countries, where it is used as a food fish.
Definition (WordNet): A sparse forest; an area covered with trees that are spaced far enough apart that their canopies generally do not overlap Amber Hilliard is the middle daughter of Rob Hilliard and his second ex-wife, "The Beater", step-daughter of Gloria Noonan-Hilliard, half-sister of Jasmine Hilliard and Bridgett Hilliard and love interest of Keith Feder and Andre McKenzie. She appears after the gang play arrow roulette to try cheer Rob up but the latter ends up with an arrow in his left foot. She like her older sister Jasmine is very attractive First off, I got my Kickstarter Special Edition version of the new Blue Rose RPG from Green Ronin using their AGE engine. It is a beautiful looking hardback with embossed leatherette cover, gold foil edged pages, the whole schmear. Sat down and prompty began to consume it. But I had to stop almost immediately because the very NEXT day I got a package from North Texas RPG Con. NTRPG con is a venerable haven of Old School roleplaying, and while I cannot make it down to Texas this year, I had volunteered to be a judge for their Three Castles Awards. So a package with the four finalists showed up on my doorstep and demands attention. I know what I'm doing in the evenings for the next few weeks. And speaking of the older schools of gaming, Troll Lords has put together a Kickstarter for the 7th Printing of their successful Castle & Crusades Player's Handbook. The game is old school, Their Siege Engine mechanics uniting the simplicity of earlier versions of D&D with the unified mechanics and skills of later editions. And speaking of Kickstarters (see how I'm seguing here?), there is a brief Kickstarter up from Oscar Rios' Golden Goblin Press for Cold Warning, a semi-lost Call of Cthulhu adventure by Scott David Aniolowski. The Kickstarter is running only for one week, so check it out sooner as opposed to later. And further speaking of Kickstarters, the Lovely Bride dropped into the home office to say that she wanted me to fund the Dry Erase Game Tiles from Gaming Paper. She said she saw it on a Facebook post by the ever-talented Stan! So, social media does work! And finally, I earlier in this blog praised The Excellent Traveling Volume, a Tekumel fanzine by James Maliszewski, I liked it so much, I wrote a up a brief adventure for it, and submitting it to him. He's publishing it in Issue #7. I'm looking forward to it! (and you can find back issues of TETV here).
--- Kevin Arnold "The number you have dialed is currently out of pork chops. Please leave a message after the Pigmask Anthem. BEEEEEEP." “The Nightmare Life-in-Death was she, / Who thicks man's blood with cold.” ---Samuel Taylor Coleridge // All of the flowers in this picture are "carrion flowers," flowers that smell like decaying flesh.
Reading and share top 22 famous quotes and sayings about Being Owed Money by famous authors and people. 1. "For the rest of history, for most of us, our bright promise will always fall short of being actualised; it will never earn us bountiful sums of money or beget exemplary objects or organisations....Most of us stand poised at the edge of brilliance, haunted by the knowledge of our proximity, yet still demonstrably on the wrong side of the line, our dealings with reality undermined by a range of minor yet critical psychological flaws (a little too much optimism, an unprocessed rebelliousness, a fatal impatience or sentimentality). We are like an exquisite high-speed aircraft which for lack of a tiny part is left stranded beside the runway, rendered slower than a tractor or a bicycle." 2. "Since 9/11, the U.S. government has sent over $23 billion to states and cities in the name of homeland security. Almost none of that money has gone toward intelli­gently enrolling regular people like you and me in the cause. Why don't we tell people what to do when the nation is on Orange Alert against a terrorist attack—in­stead of just telling them to be afraid?" 3. "It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I seBut many of us seek community solely to escape the fear of being alone. Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape." 5. "The problem about cutting out the best of your heart and giving it to people, is that 1. It hurts to do that; and 2. You never know if they are going to throw it away or not. But then you should still do it. Because any other way is cowardice. At the end of the day, it's about being brave and we are only haunted by the ghosts that we trap within ourselves; we are not haunted by the ghosts that we let out. We are haunted by the ghosts that we cover and hide. So you let those ghosts out in that best piece of your heart that you give to someone. And if the other person throws it away? Or doesn't want it to begin with? Someone else will come along one day, cut out from his/her heart that exact same jagged shape that you cut out of your own heart, and make their piece of heart fit into the rest of yours. Wait for that person. And you can fill their missing piece with your soul." 6. "...,dying seems like the greatest weakness, and in a world where people say you're lazy for not shaving your legs, then being dead seems like the ultimate character flaw. Chapter I." 7. "Now, being in Africa, I was hungry for more of it, the changes of the seasons, the rains with no need to travel, the discomforts that you paid to make it real, the names of the trees, of the small animals, and all the birds, to know the language and have time to be in it and to move slowly." 8. "Thus, words being symbols of ideas, we can collect ideas by collecting words. The fellow who said he tried reading the dictionary but couldn't get the hang of the story simply missed the point: namely, that it is a collection of short stories." 9. "And women, it turns out, pay a steep economic price for being mothers: according to Shelley Correll, a Stanford sociologist who looks at gender inequities in the labor force, the wage gap between mothers and childless women who are otherwise equally qualified is now greater than the wage gap between women and men generally." 10. "The greatest moral failing is to condemn something as a moral failing: no vice is worse than being judgmental." 12. "Sexu. "I am afraid that woman ap. "I am learning everyday to see the silver lining on every dark cloud. To see the life lesson in every situation; to feel joy and peace in every circumstance; to hear and speak only positive, uplifting, kind and caring words; to touch hearts in a positive and meaningful way; to be inspired by others and to be inspirational for others. To truly make a significant difference in my life and the lives of others by becoming my best self and being the best I can be in service to them. I still have a long way to go, but I feel life becoming more enriched as I keep climbing upwards and moving forward in my quest to create a more Loving, Peaceful, Joyous and Beautiful world." 16. "Then she rushes to pick up Asha from school, where she is known only as "Asha's mom" by the other mothers, who seem to all spend a lot of time together. Somer has no time for the PTA and bake sales. She has no time for herself. Her profession no longer defines her, but neither does being a mother. Both are pieces of her, and yet they don't seem to add up to a whole." 17. "One of my great joys in life is being a pilot. There is a great sense of freedom in soaring through the sky. You get a different perspective up there. Seeing things that aren't so apparent from the ground." 18. "Who is to blame? The filth peddler, of course, but even more than this vulgar entertainer, the filth consumer, the public. So long as men are corrupt and revel in sewer filth, entertainers will sell them what they want. Laws may be passed, arrests may be made, lawyers may argue, courts may sentence and jails may harbor men of corrupt minds, but pornography and allied insults to decency will never cease until men have cleansed their minds and cease to require and pay for such vile stuff. When the customer is sick and tired of being drowned in filth by the comedians, he will not pay for that filth and its source will dry up." 19. "Look for solutions, instead of being difficult; be more thoughtful, instead of allowing anger to burn you out. Look at things from a different perspective, embrace change, look out for opportunities and you will feel much more in control." 20. "When we have sampled much and have wandered far and have seen how fleeting and sometimes superficial a lot of the world is, our gratitude grows for the privilege of being part of something we can count on—home and family and the loyalty of loved ones. We come to know what it means to be bound together by duty, by respect, by belonging. We learn that nothing can fully take the place of the blessed relationship of family life." 21. "I woul"It is about happiness inside. Anyone you meet can rattle off 5 excuses to be unhappy today. It is the fashion. Not being tense or worried or stressed out would make one an oddity. But everything other than those 5 or 10 things is reason to be happy about."
How the Other Half Loves is the classic West End staple - a solid night of tickling theatre. For the team involved to see an extended run is much deserved The transplanted continuation of the longstanding Alan Ayckbourn play How the Other Half Loves alongside the recent success of Florian Zeller’s The Truth (only 100 metres away) seems to suggest that the West End has developed some sort of small desire to stage shows revolving around infidelity – a destruction of typical domestic circumstances and a dabbling into moral ambiguity and deception. This is certainly Ayckbourn, the now wizened veteran of the typical British dramatic comedy, at his finest – pitching three couples in comparatively different social and economic positions against one another, filling a crucible with an illicit affair and seeing how the next couple of hours plays out. The twist here is the temporal and location distortion – two different scenes that occur either in different places or over different evenings here occur over the top of one another in real-time – we are essentially privy to two different yet conjoined narratives until they all clatter into one satisfying concluding scene. Like so many of his texts, Ayckbourn’s play has now passed into a state of reverential respectability – a staple of the quintessential British drama. Serial collaborator Alan Strachan’s latest adaptation certainly embodies this trait, pitched as a period piece with all the attentions to detail necessary – newspaper cuttings lovingly stacked and telephones positioned in prime location. A period where a man could casually discipline his wife for her supposed bad behaviour. Strachan gives the show the customary Ayckbourn rhythms and wind-ups, delivering each carefully positioned gag with the necessary poise. The script certainly takes its time to get into the comedic gear, taking a long while to set each character (perhaps too long, and here Strachan may have found a faster pacing more suitable) sacrificing early gags for the sake of clarity and explicitly laying out the play’s form. There’s a subtle experimentalism that must be observed, after all. For an Ayckbourn show bridled with orthodoxy, it is the vibrant cast that really ushers in something much more exciting and fun. Nicholas Le Prevost, perhaps the most typical Ayckbourn affluent male imaginable, brings a lovable gusto to proceedings, his ignorance of his wife’s misgivings born more through a cognitive memory issue than simply farcical obliviousness. Yet it is the last character to enter the play that ended up stealing the show – Gillian Wright, most known for her role as Jean Slater on Eastenders, who committed not only to a wonderfully vibrant comedic turn (something not often seen on the TV), but also had a form of inventive and subtle physicality to go alongside it. She was the character we were rooting for throughout – a brilliant turn in every way for a play juggling big personalities. How the Other Half Loves is the classic West End staple – a solid night of tickling theatre. For the team involved to see an extended run is much deserved, and continuing the notability of such a British institution and showing simply how enduring Ayckbourn will prove to be is certainly a commendable feat.
Radisson® enables guests to find balance in their hotel experience – with relaxing spaces, thoughtfully considered details and unexpected delights. Locations in capital and secondary cities, with a mix of airport, urban, suburban and convention locations In 2015 the Chancellor, George Osbourne, announced the introduction of a new National Living Wage (NLW) for workers aged 25 years and above, which will see the current minimum rate of £6.70 increase by 50p. Consequently, as of today (1 April 2016) employers need to pay a minimum of £7.20 per hour to any of their workers who are 25 and over. Despite the NLW announcement last year, we have found that many business owners have not prepared for the change, or in some instances, do not know anything about it. It is important that you are aware of how these changes may affect your business as not only will they mean a higher wage bill for you, but in some circumstances can affect pension contributions and which of your employees are eligible. This change as it is not a choice. It is the law and will be enforced as strongly as the current National Minimum Wage (NMW), which means you could face fines, prosecution and ‘naming and shaming’ for failing to comply. Please note that NLW is not replacing NMW and the NMW will continue to apply for those employees under the age of 25. The current NMW rates are: If you have any questions on the NLW and how you should be planning for the change, please contact Suda Ratnam at suda@raffingers.co.uk.
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