The 9 Leadership Power Tools are rooted in a sophisticated concept of power. Embraced with intention, women shift from the outdated, oppressive “Power Over” to the expansive, positive and innovative “Power To.” Crack the code that has held women back from leadership parity. The 9 Leadership Power Tools give women immediately usable ways to navigate the world as it is, while leading the changes that need to be. Whoever sets the terms of the debate usually wins. By redefining power not as “Power-Over”, but as “Power-To” we shift from a culture of oppression to a culture of positive intention to make things better for everyone. “Power-To” is leadership. What you need is almost always there. See it and use it with courage. Because power unused is power useless. It gives you a platform. Nudges you to clarity. It’s your teacher, your source of strength, your friend, especially if you are trying to make a change. Change creates chaos. Today’s changing gender roles and economic turbulence may feel chaotic and confusing. But chaos also means boundaries become more fluid. That’s when people are open to new ways of thinking, to innovation, and to new roles for women. Carpe the chaos, for in chaos is opportunity. What are your core values? What’s your vision? How can you make it happen? Stand in your power and realize your intentions. Things don’t just happen. People make them happen in a systematic way. And you can change systems. Apply the three movement building principles of Sister Courage (be a sister, act with courage, put them together to create a PLAN) and you will realize your vision at work, at home, or in public life. Use personal, social, and traditional media every step of the way. Use the medium of your own voice. And think of each of the power tools as a medium to be pressed into the service of your “Power-To”. Your story is your truth. Your truth is your power. Telling your story authentically helps you lead (not follow) your dreams and have an unlimited life. Leaders and aspiring leaders from all walks of life. Corporations and nonprofits. Leaders at all levels who aim to move from theory to action and embrace the power within to succeed. No. From college students to top executives, our modular curriculum is designed to promote female leadership at every career level. Customized training ensures a right for your audience. We encourage you to schedule a consultation to meet your goals according to your budget and schedule. Contact us or fill out a brief inquiry form and we'll contact you. We offer a variety of learning formats with varying durations. Webinars run from 60 to 90 minutes, while core training programs may run from one half-day to two-days or much longer. Ultimately, the total duration depends on the components in your customized program. You get to choose. Our in-depth immersions into The 9 Leadership Power Tools are fully customizable to your budget and schedule. Yes. Complete the core curriculum and receive certification from Take The Lead in our core training. Our training tools and materials are delivered in a variety of formats: in-person, online, or a combination of the two. Contact us to arrange exclusive access for your organization's intranet. Leverage our ready-to-use training tools and presentation materials at your next conference, national sales meeting, tradeshows, networking event, or meetup. At the office, use our training for your annual corporate meeting, executive leadership development seminars, manager training certification process, diversity and inclusion training, HR workshops, team-building events, client mindshare discussions, or personal development. Yes. Browse our video library for live event recordings, our newsletter and archive for original content, and our blog for the latest articles and research. Handpicked by Gloria Feldt, these are women leaders across the country with a commitment to gender parity in leadership who demonstrate a track record of excellent leadership in their field. After completing a rigorous teacher training in The 9 Leadership Power Tools and becoming certified by Gloria Feldt, our Leadership Ambassadors are expert-trainers with the knowledge and ability to customize just the right learning solution to boost female leadership in your organization. Yes, for core and elective programs. Our Leadership Ambassadors will work with you to understand your organization’s goals and build a custom program to best suit your budget and schedule. Gloria Feldt is also available for a select number of engagements. Contact us for more information. Note that on-demand learning and virtual happy hours are always free and readily available. Feel free to browse and tell us what you find useful. Yes. Gloria Feldt personally conducts an exclusive Top Executives/C-suite program that offers top-level leadership development. Yes, we have Executive Coaching program in our Elective options, and many Leadership Ambassadors are executive coaches. We also offer online access to peer opportunities for our community members Glassbreakers Take The Lead. We are happy to develop a custom program based on your needs and interests. Please contact us and tell us how we can help. Make your company known as a champion of women’s leadership. Dive into The 9 Leadership Power Tools proven to advance gender parity in leadership in corporations, government organizations, nonprofits, and across your field. Whether you’re planning your next team event or HR event, conference, or networking event, we offer a variety of ready-to-use formats. Short or long-form workshops, online, offline or blended formats, choose the best option to meet individual or organizational goals. Want to learn a bit about The 9 Leadership Power Tools before committing to our core program? Looking to develop employees in your organization in a specific way? We offer select topics that focus on the most relevant issues women in leadership face today. Whether you’re a HR officer looking to develop more leaders in your organization, or looking for diversion and inclusion program for your team, or an individual taking charge of your own personal growth, we offer a full range of ready-to-use leadership training solutions, proven to make the breakthrough difference in any career trajectory and create results. Mid-Career Retain your top talent among seasoned staff. Attract new excellent women leaders. Reinvigorate your commitment to gender parity in leadership. Originated by Gloria Feldt, The 9 Leadership Power Tools are proven to accelerate women into leadership. Modular by design, our ready-to-use curriculum easily adapts into core and elective packs to suit every goal, budget and schedule. Realize your best intentions with Strategic Leadership Action Plans. Take women’s individual careers upward or and the organization forward Take women’s careers upward and the organization forward. Changing the power paradigm helped me see I am ready after all, and I have a responsibility to embrace my power for good. The Strategic Leadership Action Plan helped me break down and map out my vision, goal, and concrete next steps. It is a process/template I am excited to apply regularly.” Kenyans Charles Munyeki and Gilbert Okari stand a good chance to help their country win the International Team Competition at the Bolder Boulder 10K. © The night before the Bolder Boulder race, the KIMbia men’s team sat down to a traditional Kenyan dinner of ugali (a porridge-like dish made from corn flour). The team, comprised of Kenyans Charles Munyeki, Gilbert Okari, and Philemon Terer, will be competing to win the cherished International Team Challenge which offers a $110,000 total prize purse. The competition will be stiff as they will be facing a very talented Ethiopian and Moroccan contingent. Take The Magic Step® writer Duncan Larkin joined the three men and discussed what is regarded as the fifth-largest road race in the world, with 54,000 participants expected at the starting line. Tomorrow’s race will be a team event, but usually it’s only your individual results that count. How will things be different at the Bolder Boulder 10K? Philemon Terer: We have to work together tomorrow. In most races, we fight against ourselves to win, but tomorrow we will all be friends and run together. Sometimes we even talk to each other during these team races. If we see someone struggle, if my friend looks tired, we push him along by encouraging him. You are racing tomorrow at altitude [Boulder is at an elevation of 5,430 feet]. How do you feel about this? Gilbert Okari: The race is going to be much harder than all other races. And the weather is unpredictable. On top of that it’s also a team challenge, and everyone must be a winner in order for us to win. That’s why the Bolder Boulder is so different from other races. Charles Munyeki: The training has been good. We have been doing some long runs and speedwork to get in shape. However, during the week of a race we do not run any hard workouts so that we stay focused and fresh for the race. For example, last week we only did some short hills to sharpen, because we have some hills on this course tomorrow. There are a lot of turns on this course as well. This means it might favor the Ethiopian runners because they have a shorter stride. Have you prepared in any way to compensate for this? Gilbert Okari: The turns could be a factor. We don’t know the tactics they [the Ethiopians] will use and so we are concerned about that. But in the end, we all have to say, ‘I am ready.’ The moment that we are afraid, we know that there is no way we can keep up with our opponents. We expect a strong result and strong competition from the Ethiopians. They like to stay with us Kenyans. Charles Munyeki: I have been to local basketball games back home, but not here. We all like to watch the Nuggets games on television and hope they win. Gilbert Okari: We run so that we can help our family—so that they can live comfortably in Kenya. That is why we are here so far away from them. This is our job. This is our business. We run to honor our family. This career has assisted us in doing so and that is why we enjoy it very much. When I was a young boy, I always dreamed to run. I ran every day 15 kilometers back and forth to school wearing tire rubber as shoes. I ran during lunchtime too. No one has cars. So running is my life and I am glad I am doing it. Philemon [smiles]: We need to have a party for sure. That would be the first time if we had one. Maybe you organize one for us? And the team did have a party after the race! The Ethiopian team invited Team KIMbia and other runners from the BolderBOULDER 10K to their favorite restaurant in town to celebrate the Ethiopians win.
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When Ellyn Murphy was out hiking in 1989, a cliff she was walking along the top of collapsed beneath her. This accident resulted in a severe head injury causing a weakness on her right side, which made it very difficult to enjoy the active, outdoors lifestyle she had grown accustomed to. One such activity was downhill skiing. After unsuccessfully trying other popular forms of adaptive ski equipment, Ellyn began searching for a better alternative. She became iSkibike’s first customer. The iSkibike has given back her independence on the slopes. She is now able to go up and down a ski mountain by herself. Our skibike is unique in that it is engineered for adaptive skiing. It’s special feature of the elevated seat, balanced frame, and maneuverability makes it a fun and enjoyable piece of equipment when enjoying downhill skiing. Kim Bankert has been involved with the Eagle Mount adaptive skiing program for 28 years. Working specifically with the sitting skills program, he has seen a lot of different ski bikes over the years and has experienced first-hand how the iSkibike is different. Unique features include: chairlift self-loading ride-on capability, the participant only needing limited use of legs to control the skibike, and air pressure adjustable shock absorbers for a customizable smooth ride with easy control. As a veteran & expert in the field of sitting skills adaptive skiing Kim highly recommends the iSkibike for any adaptive ski program! Click below to see Kim's video testimonial on the iSkibike YouTube Channel. Fran Coopersmith's husband [Mike] was unable to ski after a stroke, so they tested the iSkibike through the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center. She comments: Speaking of powder, our last two days on the ski bike were in big powder--snow occasionally came up to the seat--and the iSkibike handled phenomenally!!! I could not keep up with Mike. He has mastered the iSkibike well enough to do Black runs with me, and he had a blast. He made it look effortless as he consistently beat me down the mountain in the powder. And I was way more tired at the end of the day!!!! We are so excited to get an iSkibike as Mike cannot use other ski bikes, because he cannot carry a ski bike on and off the lifts by himself. Not to mention that other ski bikes Mike tried would only skid turns, but the iSkibike actually carves turns just like downhill skis.
Hey guys! Here you will find the hot girls you love from doing just what you need them to do... Putting your sorry ass in it's place!! You can't get enough of me and I love how with every movement I make you get weaker, and you become completely mindless, I love watching you squirm and drool for me. So I'm going to dance for you, see if you can take it once all of my clothes are off! I just got done working out and my feet are so sweaty, do you wanna rub my sweaty clammy feet? They kind of hurt to, I should just stretch and scrunch them, maybe that will help the pain, or maybe It would be more gun to run my sweaty toes all over your body and then you can lick and suck the sweat ... So today I'm going to show you my feet, and lets see how hard your dick gets when I wiggle my toes! Pretty and polished, petite and smooth. I always take care of these beautiful toes. And imagine what I could do with these feet, scrunch them, spread them, wrap them around your dick and stroke it, ... So you want a hand job from today? Well that can be done, but before I pleasure you, I want you to satisfy me! And that involves you worshiping every inch of my feet! Watch me spread and scrunch my feet, admire my soles, lick every inch and such every toe, massage them, touch them, make them feel be ... You are going to worship me...and my high heels, these are my favorite pair and you will need to take good care of them. I have found a perfect place for you in the world, thats right at my feet, under my heels. haha! Today you are nothing but my shoe bitch, your going to lick them ,kiss them ,suc ... What is that? Is that a bug? Better not be Im scared of Bugs, Wait a second, is that a little man? Its is! haha! Look at you, your so little, just a little tiny man! does a big woman like me intimidate you? youve probably never had a such a big powerful woman so close to you. your not even th ... So, today, I'm not going to use my hands, I'm just going ot use my feet. I want you to pretend that this your big cock, and I'm going to stroke it for you! You like that? You want to look at my sexy feet first? Do you like the way my toes spread wide, and my soles wrinkle up? Watch me oil up this bi ...
It has been some time since I last posted a blog on here - my energy is being focused elsewhere, I am afraid. The police are conducting an investigation into certain issues in relation to my employment tribunal. Although this has been taking place for some time now, somehow the JEP have just got wind of it. As a result, I understand that the police have had to issue a press statement. There is little more that I can say on the matter, other than I hope that once - finally - the States might be found culpable for their corruption and cover ups. I am so grateful to everyone who loyally reads my blog, and thank you for all the support you have given me. Just this afternoon, since the newspapers hit the stands, I have received several encouraging comments from you. I am sorry that I do not write posts more often than I do. It was becoming a bit of a late night obsession. I eventually figured that the States might not have succeeded in driving me off the island (much to their collective disappointment), but if they managed to drive me crazy, then that would probably gratify them equally! With regards to the police investigation, dare I raise my hopes again of justice in these matters? Having apparently been vindicated at the employment tribunal, with Professor Upex's report upholding that my dismissal was unfair, and yet being regularly slagged off for my alleged (without any evidence) incompetence, it doesn't feel very fair or just to me. I cannot comment further on the police investigation for fear of jeopardising the inquiry in any way, but I am happy to post comments and respond to them if appropriate. I would also be interested to know who you think might be the "senior civil servant" under investigation, if there is in fact only one, and your reasoning why you think it might be them! Think they are infallable, most certainly incompetent, self protectionist, "teamplayers"/groupthink", above reproach, All the criteria in fact to make great candidates for thinking they are cleverer than everyone and can avert or bypass the law. However, they are also slippery, have friends in high places, have proved to be in dodgy situations previously and survived. The next question you pose is what did they do - you have got me there. I did not think that they could be so stupid / so confident in their inability to try to pull the wool over the eyes of the criminal system. My guess would be Senator Mike (gst 28) Vibert. As he is not a civil servant I suppose it's not a good guess really, but not a bad avenue to take. Mario Lundy, between him and I, one of us is a liar. Tom McKeon although now retired, either him or I are a liar also. I think it would be easier to guess who ISN'T under investigation, but even then that would be a struggle!! As for who the senior people who could be being investigated - I hope that it is Mike Pollard. He is an evil man with no integrity. Lets hope he has been found out. He deserves all that is coming to him as he has ruined many peoples lives...........yours and Lynne Swiatczaks.........to name but two. what actually interests me with your case and the child abuse enquiry is this.............If in a place of work an employee makes a wrong decision ....how does that wrong decision become unlawful and merit punishment or vindication in a court of law.............??? For instance to falsify a memo, or use personal discretion when making a decision in the workplace .......how can that be transferred to an unlawful act? I understand of course situations which are plainly unlawful eg sexual assault, GBH, theft........I am I suppose referring to white/blue collar crime............I dont get it?? Any lawyers reading this bloG? Unlawful act - suppose this could be making up stories/falsifying documents and presenting them to a Tribunal. The Upex report mentions a lot of differing recollections of events An employment Tribunal is set in law to hear disputes in employment legislation. It will have a constitution and specific powers. 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Made from traditional book cloth, this fabric covered, 50 page drymount photo album has acid-free stitchbound pages and glassine interleaves , these albums are the perfect Host Memory Book for photobooth events. Can be personalised with an image or your own logo on the slip in frame on the front cover. Album holds four 2×6” photostrips comfortably on each page with room to write a personal note next to each strip. Pair them with a presentation box to make the perfect gift or keepsake for your event. SAN JOSE, Calif., June 16, 2013 — Oclaro Inc.’s new distributed feedback (DFB) 1060-nm laser diode module, featuring an on-chip distributed feedback grating, is designed for the seeding of subnanosecond fiber and solid-state lasers. Capable of peak powers up to 800 mW for a pulse width as short as 150 ps and a spectral line width below 100 pm, the laser enhances pulse amplification and frequency conversions to green and UV wavelengths. These short pulses enhance the quality of materials processing and mitigate the stimulated Brillouin scattering problem with pulse fiber lasers that occurs above 10 ns. In CW mode, the module delivers 200 mW of optical power with a 3-dB line width of 150 kHz and 50-dB side mode suppression ratio. The module features a standard telecom butterfly-type package that includes a thermistor and back-facet monitor photodiode. Reliability of the DFB chip has been demonstrated with more than 8000 h of multicell life-testing at accelerated operating conditions with zero failures. TUCSON, Ariz., March 1, 2011 — For 3-D measurement of surface roughness on large polished optics and optical quality surfaces, despite vibration or turbulence, 4D Technology Corp. has released the NanoCam Sq dynamic profiler. The instrument replaces the slow, messy replication methods required by traditional workstation interferometers. By enabling on-machine roughness metrology, it reduces handling and transportation of the optic, increasing throughput and reducing the risk of damage to expensive, mission-critical optics. It uses Dynamic Interferometry, incorporating a high-speed optical sensor that measures thousands of times faster than typical profilers, according to the company. Because acquisition time is so short, the NanoCam Sq can measure despite vibration, making it possible to mount the instrument in polishing equipment, on gantries or on robots. This freedom of positioning means that the instrument can measure any location on the surface of a large optic, and that the optic can be located anywhere, including on polishing equipment. Applications include surface roughness of large, coated and uncoated optics, on-machine surface roughness metrology, and process control for polishing operations. The new 15 megapixel SILICON VIDEO® 15C5 color camera from EPIX has 4608 pixel by 3288 line image with 12 bits per pixel and runs at almost 5 images per second with uncompressed image output for machine vision, scientific, and medical applications.
I am really excited to meet Gary and Abby's Wedding Happy Day! Their church and dinner banquet ceremony are unique in style and feel. Gary and Abby have such a beautiful family and lovely friends that was so much fun to photograph! I’m so happy that we were able to photograph this happy day in all of their lives! May Gary and Abby happy forever!!!
"Arakon from the german modding community informed us about a new discovery they made with assistance from the guys at gamestore24.de. They checked on 2 independantly bought Xbox 360 consoles and found that the protective layer on the GPU heatsink's heat transfer pad didn't get removed. On the left you see the CPU heatsink and how the thermal compound should normally look like. On the right you see the ATI GPU heatsink and people who are used to assemble PCs themself known this isn't how it should look like. It's not just a thick layer of compound ... there's actaully a plastic protective foil on top of the thermal compound. On the left a close-up of the protective layer/foil on top of the heat transfer pad. On the right the protective foil has been removed and placed next to the heat pad. This protective layer is probably placed by the manifacturer of the heatsink and is used to protect the heat transfer pad from dust, but should normally be removed just prior installing the heatsink on the GPU. The way it's installed now by MS the GPU chip makes contact with the plastic protection foil instead of the heat transfer pad. This can of course cause cooling issues for the graphics chip as for optimal cooling performance there should just be a thin layer of thermal pad between the GPU chip and heatsink." Anyway, as we all know, an oversight in one overseas factory translates into the entire company being stupid, right? Be interesting to know if all the ones that are overheating (that aren't also stuck into a TV stand slot with no ventilation) are doing so b/c of this. Like, one batch/a day's run of a few thousand they didn't take it off or something. Ooops... It seems like an easy fix but doesn't opening up the machine void the warranty??? Does it require the machine be sent in??? I personally have no problem with Microsoft Console Division as a whole, I just find it amusing that with all the documented overheating problems they have not caught it. Granted it falls on the people doing QA at the factories, or prehaps it's not listed on the Assembly Bible, but all in all Microsoft owns them. I actually like the 360, I don't like it enough to plop down $400 and $60 a game, but as a whole I like the system. Yea those people that assemble the 360 at the cheapest wage possible really are stupid. MS on the other hand.... Despite being a stupid mistake, this really is a good thing I think, as it suggests that the issue isn't a case of bad design, but just forgetting to pull a dumb little peice of plastic off the components. It's something that should be remedied immediately in their plants, and hence means no major changes to the hardware design to make it not overheat. Those damn kids in Taiwan keep faling asleep at the assembly line. If this keeps up they won't get their shiney American nickle I've owned a Grimlock for twenty years. Not once has it ever overheated or caught on fire. I can even put it on thick carpet while using it. I wasn't planning on getting a next gen console, but some of these new 360 games are looking incredible. Over G Fighters might be the thing that gets me to buy one.
After giving The Bard's Tale 6.7, GameSpot has decided to make it up to Brian Fargo by asking him a few questions and sucking up - the interview starts with "Really, what's not to like about Brian Fargo?" and goes on praising his honesty, mad genius, humor, etc. Rather funny, considering the review. We created a game that excels in several areas. The first are the traditional RPG areas like combat and inventory management, because the new game makes serious strides over its predecessors. It also breaks entirely new ground across all genres in the area of humor, because in our game it's pervasive, while in other games it's an afterthought, if it's there at all. The tone of the new The Bard's Tale is much more humor-oriented than the original. Did you ever worry that might rub more-serious RPG fans the wrong way? ...What was important was to deliver a real RPG that was long (40 hours), had replayability, and offered all the level increases, stats, and so on that people expect. The humor is a bonus. 40 hours? Didn't GameSpot max out at 16? Btw, cute RPG definition: stats, level increases, and so on.
In this paper, I seek to address a confounding issue surrounding the use of the strong epistemic necessity modal must in English. Traditional accounts of the semantics of must hold that a statement of the form must φ is in fact stronger than a statement of the form φ, so that the truth of the first entails the truth of the second. However, the use of must appears to be precluded in situations where the certainty of the proposition is greatest, which seems to conflict with the proposed strength of must. For example, if I am watching the rain fall outside, (1a) is a reasonable statement, whereas (1b) is significantly less acceptable. However, if instead of watching the rain I merely hear it on the roof, both statements are equally admissible. I present an account of the semantics of must that attempts to reconcile these two facts. Ultimately, I claim that the use of must is reserved for situations where you can imagine having better evidence in favor of the claim you are making. Scientists have discovered a Turkish family whose members suffer from a genetic defect that oblige them to walk on all fours and speak a rather primitive language. (Via Sploid)
found by...uesday a... BERLIN: Addressing European MEPs on her vision for the future of Europe, Merkel also called for a Eu... PARADISE: Thousands of firefighters battled blazes in northern and southern California on Tuesday as body reco... LAHORE: Punjab Information Minister Fayyaz ul Hassan Chohan from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has challenged Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) Senator Mushaidullah to a debate. Chohan held a news conference on Wednesday in which... Read more SRIad more Islamaad more Islamabad: Ambassador of the European Union Jean-François Cautain called on Foreign Minister Makhdoo... Read more The Braid Chopping Incidents reported in Kashmir have created a sense of uncertainty and fear in the minds of people. Such Incidents are a direct attack to tarnish and dis empower the image of a women in a society. Dynamic theories and speculations are being shared on this subject but reality is some thing different. The first Braid Chopping incident were happened between May -June 2017 , later happened in almost every part of India especially in the state of Bihar, Haryana, Utter Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Mumbai, Delhi and so on. In Mumbai due to insecurity and fear, Women used to sleep with helmets whole night. Police and different agencies have failed to brought the Instigator into the book till date. Couple of days before a young boy from Village Watergam were beaten blue and black in North Kashmir Delina Baramulla in connection with the braid chopping. Later after police remand the said boy was an innocent and came to the village Delina to meet her Lover. These incidents can trigger civil war and unrest in the Kashmir. While dealing with such incidents nobody should reach out to the conclusions before holistic investigations. People and Police have to work in close coordination to eliminate this feary wave in the state. If more braid chopping incidents will happen ahead, people will not allow their daughters to go to the Institute. Police have formed a Special Investigating Team (SIT) to investigate the incidents. Also a bounty of Rs 06 Lakh for providing any information about the mysterious Bread choppers. Matter is very serious and highlyb intelligence back up is being provided to the Criminals associated with braid chopping. The Victims in Kashmir claim that someone uses a spray to make them unconscious and later cuts of their golden hair. Using of spray and mass incidents in Kashmir division is a big conspiracy against Kaahmiris. Truth will come on the surface tomorrow or someday, but Few things to be done as a precautionary measure. The entry of baazigars, Scent sellers, beggars, firewalls and street hawkers need to be banned in entire state of Jammu and Kashmir. Presence of outsiders in Kashmir is a risk and a sense of fear for outsider and Kashmiri both. Be careful and don’t use emotions in dealing with the situations. Put the Hot line Numbers of police and other organizations and believe in the stanza as below : “Respect all Suspect All ” Take a photograph of doubtful person in advance before interaction. That will help us to find him easily. Germany Regionalliga North East Germany Landespokal Europe Friendlies Germany Cup Germany Regionalliga Germany Oberliga NOFV Nord German Cup German Landespokal Unknown Both
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With 2017 disappearing over the horizon it is now time to look ahead to the videogames of 2018. With more and more games releasing every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult for developers to stand out, particularly on the indie scene. What are the Best Games like Huniepop to Play in 2018? on LyncConf | There are numerous tile-matching puzzle games available on the web. One of the most popular ones is Huniepop, which is something like an adult puzzle. Several months ago, Star Citizen hit yet another milestone in its lengthy production, with crowdfunding for the space-flight. Publisher and developer Codemasters released a new video for F1 2018, uncovering the roster of classic cars that are going tndai Namco’s upcoming flight sim, Ace Combat. launching and the game being confirmed to be playable at Gamescom 2018. Ga. The high school in Monster Prom exists in a colorful alternate dimension filled with coquettish Medusas and demon jocks — and you (and up to three friends) must date one of them. Spanish indie studio. The long-awaited multiplayer patch for indie farming sim “Stardew Valley” leaves beta on PC on Aug. “Since the farm and yo. Bearded malabout every site and mag out there. That’s quite a time span between announcement and the official release date. game for better customization. As you can see. Today 2K showed its support for the beloved, but often neglected, arcade sports sim. game with friends around the world. H. My panel starts around 3:08:45 but I highly recommend watching the entire collection of interesting, insightful Game Devs of Color 2018 panels. is a dungeon crawling dating sim in which you improve. The system requirements are pretty high, though, so check the game out on Steam before downloading. Cliff Joseph This Special. It stands to reason that there will be an official announcement of The Sims 5 at E3 2018, or at least sometime this year. The game itself will likely have a release date in 2019 if it fits the pattern. While 2018 is out of the question. Team Blank may be ultimate gamers but the Sirens expose their ultimate weakness: they a. May 8, 2018. Found your own mega-corporation, run a brewery and more with these mobile business and management games. I’ve always been curious about hunting sims. They read like dating app profiles, and I’m finding them all equally compelli. The latest SIM girl game 5 is better than ever before! Who can forget one of the best games in sim dating niche? With different girls and cool anime graphics, this game offers all you need in a dating SIM game. Berlin-based games studio Klang, which is building a massive multiplayer. It follows a seed raise for Seed, finalized in M. The genre began with with Koei’s 1994 game Angelique. Nowadays, otome games are mostly visual novels with lots of reading, but the genre started with a dialogue-light management sim. When I sat. s. Worst Dating Sim is about. game features no save function, and sixty-nine different bad endings where the character gets punched, so it will be quite a challenges to help the poor boy find love. Mo. Two Point Hospital, inspe company has raised $13.95 million. Above: Klang Games is working on a space sim. “We’re truly humbled to have se. May 10, 2018. When is work not work? When it's a game. Here are some of the best simulator apps to help you build your business skills.
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To me, it’s a different animal, and falls closer on the side of performance. While I’ve seen presenters read their talks from a piece of paper, rarely do I feel that these “readings” hold the same energy as someone who’s speaking and looking directly at the audience. I think Pecha Kucha talks should be memorized, and that the goal should be to walk up on the stage with nothing but your voice and your slides. Ultimately, Pecha Kucha provides a place where speakers can share their passions and attendees can become inspired. But I’ll also argue that an unspoken goal of Pecha Kucha is one of entertainment. If you’re taking the stage to read from a piece of paper or a predefined script, that takes some of the fire out, I feel. That to me seems more like mere recitation than presentation – my two cents. Practicing and Refining Your TalkWhile there are many ways to go about practicing, these here are the ones I found most useful. Your style may be quite different from mine, so use what makes sense to you. Use what you like. The main mantra I hear when it comes to talks/speeches is: be comfortable/familiar with the material. So long as you’re familiar with what you’re going to say, you won’t be nervous. I didn’t start practicing and doing dry runs until maybe 3 or 4 days before the event. In hindsight, I’d recommend starting to practice a full week before you hit the stage. I did pretty well, but feel confident that I’d have done a killer job had I only started practicing a little earlier. Practice against a timed version. Depending on the venue, some folks may end up using Powerpoint, others may use Keynote. It’s pretty easy to import slides into either program and set a default transition time to 20 seconds. It’s essential that you practice your talk against an actual, timed version of your slides. In fact, I can’t imagine a scenario where you wouldn’t want to do this. Practice standing up. While your initial test runs may be done sitting in front of your computer screen, as the event date nears… you’ll want to practice while actually standing up. Position yourself next to the computer in the same way you’ll be presenting (either to the left or right of the monitor). Check with your event organizer to see whether you’ll be facing the screen, or if you’ll be facing the audience. The closer your practice runs mirror the final event site, the more comfortable you’ll be when you take the stage. If possible, hook up your computer/laptop to a projector or your television. Having your presentation on a larger screen also helps get you closer to the same setup as the actual event. Look at various points in the room, when talking. A good speaker is able to make listeners feel included by making eye contact with audience members. While this may or may not be possible (depending on your comfort level), consider at least practice scanning the room as you talk. Add in silence, remove “filler” noises. I say “uhm” all the time, particularly in everyday conversations. But I remember vividly how many of us (in high school speech class) would say “uh” or “uhm” or “like” as a silence filler, something that happened between sentences or thoughts. Try to fight this tendency, as you practice. Making a sound like “uhm” is our way of signaling to others that we’re thinking, that we’re processing information. We do it so we don’t look like dumb-asses just staring off into space. It’s an audio cue to others that our brain is, in fact, working away. But in a talk or speech, it’s disruptive and sounds a little clumsy. The more you can edit out these “uhms” and replace them with pauses or silence… the better your talk will sound. I promise you – they’ll make your transitions seem that much cleaner, that much more professional. Let your slides do some of the work. One of the most important things I learned when practicing was that I didn’t need to fill in all the details. I didn’t need to give all the backstory – just enough to establish context, and enough to be able to make my point. Remember that your slides can do a lot of your talking for you. As an example, let’s say you wanted to talk about your younger self, and your slide is a photo of you as a kid. Instead of saying “This is a photograph of me when I was a child,” jump immediately to the point you want to make. When the image appears, assume that people will pick up much of what’s already in the photograph. Stronger, right? By letting your slides do some of the storytelling, you save a bit of time and can get to the heart of your topic/idea that much faster. Leaping between slides. With only twenty seconds per slide, that’s not a lot of time to work with. One of the things I realized during my practice runs was that I spent a lot of time talking about how each slide related to the other. I felt compelled to fill in the space between slides, and felt like I needed to describe the transition from slide to slide. Totally unnecessary. One of the greatest things here is that you’ve got the ability to make HUGE leaps, between slides. Realize that you actually have to do less work than you think. When you put two images next to one another, people will automatically connect them together. A link will exist, without you having to outline why the two images are related. I encourage you to experiment with slide and image juxtapositions, to see what works and what you can get away with. Coupled with pauses, a big leap between slides can be very effective, and makes for a great transition. Break your talk down into “sets.” If trying to do an entire practice run seems too daunting at first, try breaking down your slides into different sets. Instead of thinking of your presentation as a large chunk, you can likely see where there’s a start, middle and an end, and practice each segment separately until you’re ready to combine them. Practice your talk while you have your iPod/headphones on. Ok, this suggestion is a little looney tunes. But if you want to really test how well you know your material and how ready you are… put in some headphones and play some music (very softly) as you try going through your talk. With the music providing a bit of a distraction, you’ll be forced to concentrate even harder on your talk as you practice. If you can pull this off, and can go through your talk while having headphones on… you’re in great shape. Run through your talk, first thing in the morning. If you want another really good test to see how prepared you are? Start up your computer or laptop right when you wake up. First thing in the morning, see if you can run through your talk, cold. If you can do that and are comfortable with how it turned out – you are definitely set. Ultimately, how well you do with your presentation has everything to do with how much you practice beforehand. Many of you out there are way better at winging things than me, but I know that I need a lot of trial runs, a lot of rehearsals before I can get up on stage. To me, practicing helps iron out all the technical things – the pacing, the delivery, the timing. And the more you practice, the closer you’ll get to just getting up on stage and talking with the audience. The more you practice, the less it becomes about mechanics… and the more it becomes about substance: your ideas, your passion, the things that inspire and energize you. I’ll leave with this final thought: you can never practice too much. But you can definitely not practice enough. When in doubt, run through your presentation one more time. Know Hermon High Class of 1968 graduates that are NOT on this List? Help us Update the 1968 Class List by adding missing names. More 1968 alumni fruatede aluminum housing of the rear assembly to the transfer case only. 2. You should be able to get that aluminum housing to come back a little, so that you can put a screw driver in between the aluminum housing and the transfer case. 3. Be careful not to damage the aluminum housing when you use two screwdrivers, one on each side to pry the casting to the rear. 4. What is happening is that there is a cage bearing inside of a part called a spyder blank, and this spyder blank shrinks and conforms to the shape of the cage bearing housing making it a tight fit. 5. You have to pry evenly because if you don’t you only make it tighter to remove. When you have it back far enough that your screwdriver is too small, then add a piece of wood for a shim and continue until it is removed. This is the only way to remove the rear assembly without causing possible damage to other parts. 6. Do not remove any other bolts or parts as they do you no good except to give you a bag full of parts that you my lose. 8. The next part is the tab washer. Now this part serves the purpose of a lock washer as it locks the drive nut from turning (unscrewing) when the OD is installed. It may be tight, if so carefully use a 3/8” extension and wiggle it inside the tab washer and that 9. Once the tab washer is removed, take a ½” extension and unscrew the drive nut inside the barrel gear to remove this from the transfer case. The drive nut will not come out as it is a part of the barrel assembly. 10. If you have an extremely difficult removal and need some help, don’t hesitate to give me an e-mail or a call and I will try to help you with it. 11. Do not use a torch!!!! Do not remove any other bolts other than the 5 3½” bolts to remove!!!!! Worse case senerio, remove the assembly as shown in this picture (Coming soon) and send it to me so you don’t damage it. I work as an entertainment reporter at the New York Post, and it is the newspaper’s (horribly misguided) policy to print my email address at the end of every article I write. As you might imagine, I fire up my computer each morning to find my in box clogged with all manner of e-garbage. It’s almost impossible to overstate just how much of the unsolicited email I receive is absolutely useless. Scattered among the publicity pitches and the Chinese Viagra ads are also a few missives from real-life readers. This being the Internet, most begin with some variation of, “Dear dipshit,” and then go on to rip me a new one because of something seemingly harmless I’ve written about the latest Johnny Depp movie or whatever. But every once in a long while, something useful shows up in the in box -- something that’s interesting, and on target. Something that I can actually use. He emailed me a link to a blog post he’d written about the potential ties between a 1950s children’s Halloween costume and Marvel’s Spider-Man. It was a fascinating story backed by research and reasoned speculation. My first thought was, this is insane. How come no major publication has written about this? If true, this information could rewrite the history of one of the most popular superheroes of all time. Even if not true, it still makes for a great read, check it out here: "The 1963 Ben Cooper Spider-Man Halloween Costume". The editors at the paper agreed, and I wrote an article for the Post summarizing John’s theory called: "The billion dollar Spider-man cover up". I’ve since met John in person, and he probably has more knowledge of (as well as more enthusiasm for) comic books than anyone I’ve ever come across. Which is why he’s free to email me to tell me to write a review on my favorite book of all time for his blog. Just be sure to begin it, “Dear dipshit.” Just the other day, a seasoned comics professional confessed to me that he thought Watchmen was -- there’s no easy way to put this -- “fucking overrated.” I’m not sure I’d go that far, but when it comes to Alan Moore, I know what his most underrated work has to be: From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campell. As intelligent as Watchmen? Check. As dense and meticulously plotted? Check. Told with beautiful art that’s perfectly suited for the mood of this particular tale? Check. Completely transports the reader to another world? Check. Is populated with engaging and three-dimensional characters? Check. And yet this alterna-history of the Jack the Ripper murders is rarely mentioned in the same breath as Watchmen or even Swamp Thing. When some rube starts banging on about how comic books are only good for telling juvenile superhero stories, I want to drop this 572-page baby on his toe. To me, this story proves that absolutely anything can be done in a graphic novel. It gets overlooked, I think, simply because it fell outside the whole revolution of the 1980s. But From Hell is as satisfying as any historical-fiction novel I’ve ever read. I don’t even care that the theory behind the murders presented here has been mostly discredited. Moore makes it stand up, and that’s all that matters to me. And he does it with a jaw-dropping amount of research -- most of which is recounted in the series’ extensive footnotes. And what can you say about Eddie Campbell’s art? The scratchy pen work on display here is so singular, so perfectly adapted for this book. Show someone just one panel, and if they’re a comic fan, I’ll bet you they could tell you immediately where it came from. Even if they’ve never cracked open a comic book in their life, I’d bet they could make a pretty strong guess about the kind of story this is. It’s amazing what Campbell does with what appears to be little more than a black ink pen. Look at the way he textures a character’s plaid overcoat or creates the outline of a distant building, shadowed in fog, with just a few vertical slashes. Look at the way he creates eerie backgrounds out of violently criss-crossed lines. I shudder to think how many books of Victorian reference must populate Campbell’s bookshelf. Every detail here feels authentic, from the clothes to the grimy streets to the gruesome murder scenes. I can still see his drawing of Mary Kelly -- victim #5 -- her eviscerated body spread across a bed. Hollywood tried adapting From Hell a few years ago, and of course, the movie stunk. But instead of diminishing my enjoyment of the source material, it just made me appreciate it more. From Hell is a dense, unwieldy beast that’s impossible to compress into a two-hour movie without taking so many shortcuts that something gets lost. Like any good comic book, it’s a story that’s meant to be appreciated one way and one way only: in comic book form. And truth be told, I also have an extra bit of fondness for this series because it represents one of the last works Moore released before he turned into a crusty old grump, producing increasingly impenetrable (to me anyway) books about ritual magic involving bear urine and H.P. Lovecraft monsters. The Moore of From Hell represents the writer at the height of his mainstream powers, and it’s the version of the author I like best. Reed Tucker is a features writer for the New York Post covering entertainment and movies -- a position that generously allows him to see crap films like "Tomorrowland" before the general public. He's also written for the New York Times, Time Out NY and Oprah magazine. Still not quite sure how that last one happened. He lives in Brooklyn, just down the street from the late, great Bergen Street Comics. Contact @reed_tucker While the comic is way better than the movie, Ian Holm is a superb actor and made a perfect Jack the Ripper. This clip is one of the best I've ever seen him do. I totally agree! And I didn't mind the movie so much, I'm just scared to death of the Elephant Man so it's hard for me to watch. This was done when Alan Moore was at his peak. While he had a few more gems, I think he never reached this level again. I have to agree that Eddie Campbell's art is simply amazing in this and fits the whole mood of the story. It had that creepy feeling to it. Not to sound like a pussy but it scared the shit out of me and had me looking under my bed at night..
Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"
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Below is a list of recommended Law Enforcement products. To view all of TCI's products, use the links located on the left hand side. In a flashback, late-Victorian beauty Ruby, a divorcee with a shady past, calculatingly marries rich Egyptologist Nigel, who installs her at his Cairo estate while he digs for mummies. Bored, Ruby undertakes to recover a friend's letters from Baroudi. But when she meets the blackmailer, mutual attraction leads to an affair. As Ruby gets in deeper, she finds Baroudi is even more unscrupulous than she dreamed. In 1900 in Cairo, police chief Ahmed questions wealthy socialite Ruby Chepstow Armine, who has just returned from a year abroad with her husband, about her knowledge of deceased playboy Mahmoud Baroudi. Without informing her husband Nigel, Ruby agrees to come to Ahmed's office the next day. Later that afternoon, Ruby takes Nigel's best friend, Dr. Meyer Isaacson, to her garden to ask for his help, and relates the events of the last three years: In London, as a coquettish divorcèe, Ruby makes an appointment with Meyer, on the pretext of having insomnia, but in reality to find out about Nigel, a wealthy Egyptologist. Meyer resents her flip, spoiled nature, but Ruby is determined to ensnare Nigel romantically, despite Meyer's suggestion that he will do everything in his power to prevent it. Ruby negotiates a meeting with Nigel and that night has dinner with him, only to have Meyer interrupt their meal. Certain that Meyer will ruin her opportunity by telling Nigel about her gold-digging intentions, Ruby plans to leave London, but her devoted maid Marie convinces her to try again. That same night, Ruby encounters Nigel and when he proposes, Ruby, in a fit of conscience, alludes to her questionable past. Nigel is undeterred, however, and Ruby accepts. After marrying, they move to Egypt, where Nigel is searching for the tomb of Ramses V. Ruby is initially delighted with the exotic surroundings, but soon wearies of Nigel's stodgy friends. One evening at a dinner party, a bored Ruby notices the distress of a young guest, Yvonne Dupont. When Ruby questions her in private, Yvonne confesses that although engaged, she has unwittingly gotten involved in an innocent flirtation with a young man who is now blackmailing her over letters she wrote to him. Ruby offers to intercede and upon meeting the suave Mahmoud Baroudi, quickly sees through his proclamations of sincerity, yet gets him to agree to destroy Yvonne's letters. Baroudi flirts with Ruby, who, while amused to find his character similar to her own, remains dignified and impassive. Several days later, while seeing Yvonne off at the strain station, Ruby runs into Baroudi, and when Nigel is away at the excavation site, she becomes involved with him. Soon, even the faithful Marie is disgusted by Ruby's flagrant behavior and warns her that Nigel is soon returning for a one-week visit. Panicked and guilt-ridden, Ruby breaks with Baroudi, yet remains obsessed with the playboy. When Nigel returns he says nothing about Ruby's distracted mood, which is exacerbated when she reads in the newspaper that Baroudi is publicly escorting American heiress Jean McCormick. During a dinner party at Villa Bella Donna, which the McCormicks attend, Ruby is incensed to discover Baroudi with Jean, passing himself off as a prince. In a jealous fury, Ruby reveals Baroudi's fraud to Mrs. McCormick and within days the family returns to New York. Baroudi is angry until Ruby mollifies him with a settlement check from Mrs. McCormick. The two begin seeing each other again, but Baroudi grows restless after quickly spending all the money gambling. Baroudi then reveals that he is still communicating with Jean, who will turn twenty-one shortly, and legally come into her inheritance. When Ruby responds angrily, Baroudi observes that should Nigel suddenly meet with an abrupt end, Ruby would be as wealthy as Jean. He then shows Ruby a silver box containing poison powder and mentions the superstition that unfortunate occurrences happen to those who disturb the ancient tombs. During the unveiling ceremony for the Ramses tomb, Ruby recognizes Baroudi's servant as one of the attendants, and realizes he has poisoned Nigel's coffee, but remains silent. During the ceremony, Nigel collapses and the attending physician, Dr. Harding, is unable to diagnose his ailment. When Nigel requests that Meyer be summoned from England, Ruby promises to contact him. Meanwhile, Baroudi's servant continues to slowly poison Nigel, with Ruby's knowledge, even after their return to Villa Bella Donna. When Marie realizes that Ruby is lying to Nigel about contacting Meyer, she summons him herself before angrily resigning. In distress, Ruby goes to Baroudi only to find him with another woman. Ruby protests that she cannot endure watching Nigel suffer, but Baroudi points out that while he cannot be connected with the poisoning, she can easily be implicated. He convinces her that she must hasten the process as Meyer is expected shortly, and Ruby reluctantly agrees. That night Ruby herself takes the poison to Nigel's room, where he tells her that should he die, she should allow Meyer to counsel her, despite their obvious dislike for each other. He then reveals that Meyer had told him all about her disreputable past before their marriage, but that he, Nigel, loved her and was sure he could trust her. Overcome with remorse, Ruby cannot poison him and instead goes to Baroudi and tells him that Nigel is dead. When Baroudi orders drinks to celebrate, Ruby, realizing that Baroudi will soon want to rid himself of her, uses the poison on him and watches him die. Back in the present, in the Villa Bella Donna garden, Ruby finishes her story, explaining that since Baroudi's death, she has lived in complete fidelity to Nigel. Meyer is uneasy with Ruby's confidences and remains skeptical of her self-proclaimed reformation. Later that evening, Ruby writes an entire confession and privately gives it to Meyer to give to Nigel after she turns herself in to Ahmed the next day. Some days later at Ruby's funeral, Ahmed meets with Meyer to inquire about the likelihood that she died accidentally in an unexpected rockslide while taking a walk on the night of her confession. Meyer assures him that it was accidental and although he hands over Ruby's confession, he pleads for him to reveal nothing to Nigel. Ahmed agrees and returns the note, which Meyer destroys. It's been MANY years since I've seen this movie (I have a feeling it was on Turner's channel 17 late night movies in the 70's!!!). It... MORE>
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(Family Features) From bold burgers to crisp salads and sweet sides, give your guests plenty of reason to feel festive all day long. And don’t forget to add a little indulgence for all ages with a DIY dessert bar. The only thing better than a dish of cold ice cream on a hot summer day is the chance to make it all your own. Let guests create their own dishes of deliciousness with a DIY sundae bar. Start with a healthy supply of cups, spoons and towels to mop up inevitable drips then fill the bar with irresistible options like these: When it comes to feeding family and friends on the Fourth of July, nothing pleases guests more than fan-favorite American bites fresh off the grill. Cheeseburgers are a tried-and-true classic for summer grilling season. Give your burger recipe a bold, sweet kick this Fourth of July with honey barbecue sauce and the finishing touch of delicious, smooth-melting Borden Cheese. Find more summer recipes to transform mealtime into memorable family time at Combine ground beef, green onions, garlic powder and cayenne pepper; form into four patties. Sprinkle both sides of each patty with steak seasoning. Cover and chill. (Patties can be made several hours in advance.) Grill burgers to internal temperature of 160° F, about 4-6 minutes per side. Two minutes before burgers are finished, grill buns, butter-side down, until golden brown. Place cheese slices on burgers to melt. Serve each burger on buttered bun topped with two slices bacon, two onion rings, honey barbecue sauce, lettuce and tomato. If you find yourself hosting a last-minute barbecue without time to plan an extensive menu, don’t panic. Simply add a twist to traditional summer staples, like mixing one bag of cabbage with one jar of coleslaw dressing for a classic coleslaw side dish or incorporating coleslaw into your main course. This spin on a classic barbecue meal, Grilled Hawaiian Chicken and Tropical Coleslaw, can take your entertaining to the next level. For more recipes, visit In mixing bowl, whisk together ketchup, brown sugar, soy sauce, pineapple juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil, rice vinegar, garlic, ginger and sesame oil. Stir in pepper and season with salt, if desired. Drizzle remaining olive oil over red onion, bell pepper and pineapple; toss. Season red onion and bell pepper with salt and pepper then thread red onion, bell pepper, pineapple and chicken onto skewers until all chicken is used. Brush grill grates with olive oil then place skewers on grill. Grill 5 minutes then brush along tops with 1/4 cup marinade. Rotate to opposite side and brush remaining marinade on opposite side; grill about 4 minutes, or until chicken registers 165° F in center on instant read thermometer. No summer picnic or grilling spread is complete without an array of mouthwatering sides. When planning your menu, go for variety with dishes ranging from rich and savory to light and refreshing. If you want to mix things up a bit, look for ways to dress up timeless favorites, like this take on baked beans that gets its sweetness from honey instead of sugar. Find more ways to sweeten up your celebration at Saute bacon and onion until onion is tender; combine with remaining ingredients in shallow 2-quart, oven-safe baking dish. Cover with lid or aluminum foil and bake 30 minutes. Uncover and bake 45 minutes longer. We would love to work with you too! Simply send us an email at requesting to buy wholesale and we'll be in touch.
A Scam Email with the Subject "YOUR ATTENTION IS NEED IMMEDIATEIY" was received in one of Scamdex's honeypot email accounts on Mon, 17 Nov 2014 07:41:18 -0800 and has been classified as a Generic Scam. The sender was "World Fund although it may have been spoofed. I am DR.RAY PHILLIPS Director World Fund Management. I decided to contact you because of the prevailing financial report reaching my office and the intense nature of polity in London. This is to inform you about our plan to send your fund to you via cash Delivery system; this system will be easier for you and for us. We are going to send your Payment of SEVEN MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND U.S DOLLARS to you via courier service. I have secured every needed document to cover this fund. Note: This fund is coming in 2 security proof boxes which are sealed with Synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine. I will use my position to release this fund to you. The boxes are coming with a Courier agent who will deliver them to you at your home address. Please we will advise you to reconfirm your delivery address to see if it matches with what we have in our file Note: The Agent does not know the contents in these boxes, the content was declared to him as Sensitive Photographic Film MaterialsConsignments to enable you access them as soon as they are delivered to you.
Bryson DeChambeau won despite "ripping part of hand off" at a hockey game by...blowing the air horn too hard - Golf Daily Tips Bryson DeChambeau is a man of science. But an act of the golf gods nearly kept him from winning over the weekend. DeChambeau captured his fourth event in 2018 at the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open with a 66 on Sunday, good enough for a one-shot victory over Patrick Cantlay. A performance impressive in itself, especially so given DeChambeau played through injury. An injury caused, by all things, an NHL air horn. The Ryder Cupper was at a Vegas Golden Knights game on Saturday night and was asked ring a ceremonial siren. A move that backfired on DeChambeau. “I went a little too hard on the air horn or what do you call it? I think that’s what it’s called. Yeah, and I ripped part my hand off, which is nice,” DeChambeau said. “So, no, it was all good though. It’s all right here. It’s fine. I mean, just hurt every shot, but it was all right. No, just kidding. “I gave that thing a whirl and got the crowd pumped up for the third quarter and they went on to win, so, hey, more power to them and more power to me I guess. I won this week too, today, so it’s not a bad deal.” After initially discussing it in a lighthearted matter, DeChambeau did assert the injury posed an issue throughout his final round. “Oh, yeah. I was freaking out,” DeChambeau admitted. “I actually put Nu-Skin on it this morning and it dried up and dried my hands too quickly. Then I opened my hand and it cracked and split. “So now I’m like, ‘Wow, I’m really in some do-do; not in a good place.’ Essentially tried to put some lotion on just to moisturize it a little bit again. We did that and it started feeling better, and then the guys at the player performance center were able to wrap me up pretty nicely. “It was manageable. Every time I clenched my fist a little bit too hard or hit a shot that was a little bit too steep I definitely felt a pull on it.” In short, don’t expect DeChambeau to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange after he wins the 2019 Masters.
Prof. Ming Tang presented his research projects at the Navigating the New Longevity Symposium organized by the Village Chicago on November 7. The symposium topic is “How Will Virtual Reality Change Your Future?” The Village Chicago organized a lively discussion of how immersion technology is changing the way we live, learn and care, a conversation […] Ming Tang’s paper “Architectural visualization in the age of mixed reality” is published by the architectural journal inForma. Tang, Ming. 2018. “Architectural Visualization in the Age of Mixed Reality.” informa 11: 82–87. Having been a promising visualization tool since the 1950s, ironically, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) were not widely used in the architectural design […] Our Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality exhibition in the 1819 Innovation Hub Grand Opening Celebration at the Unversity of Cincinnati. October 5th. 2018. SAID, SOD from DAAP participated the exhibition. Thanks for the support from DAAP CGC, and student volunteers! VR projects from Ming Tang’s ARCH studio “future transportation hub” in SAID, and AR prototype […] Shenzhen Center for Design. ALCCA parallel research Grant. China. Team: Ming Tang, Chris Auffrey, Xinhao Wang, Mingming Lu, Zhou Yan. Students: Desai Sagar, Reinersman Michael, Davis Seth, Block Olga. 2015 This academic research project is organized by the Shenzhen Center for Design and conducted in parallel to the Alternatives for Low Carbon City and Architecture […] The AR & VR project for medical model. Animated heart. magic school bus project at the University of Cincinnati. Funded by the 2017 AHSS and Integrated Research Advancement Grant at UC. Magic School bus for Computational Cell” project constructed a mixed reality visualization at the College of DAAP and College of Medicine by integrating […]
Several detainees in Gurayn military prison, including the blogger Adbuljalil Al-Singace, have begun a hunger strike and have issued a joint letter denouncing their imprisonment and the frequency of arbitrary detention and unfair trials in Bahrain. Singace, who was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court on 22 June, is suffering from various ailments affecting his mobility. Reporters Without Borders is very worried about his physical condition and urges the authorities to free him and all the other prisoners of conscience. The Bahraini authorities lifted a state of emergency in 1 June and began a national dialogue on 1 July. They also announced that cases of civilians pended trial by court martial would transferred to civilian courts. But the convictions of civilians already handed down by military courts were never reviewed. Bahrain was ranked 144th out of 178 countries in the press freedom index that Reporters Without Borders published in October 2010. It was also included in the “countries under surveillance” in the latest Reporters Without Borders list of “Enemies of the Internet.” Reporters Without Borders is shocked by the long jail sentences that a military court passed today on 21 activists accused of belonging to terrorist organizations and trying to overthrow the government. Eight of them, including human rights activist and blogger Abduljalil Al-Singace, got life sentences. Thirteen others received sentences ranging from two to 15 years in prison. Ali Abdulemam, a blogger who was tried in absentia, was given 15 years. “The only crime committed by Abdulemam and Al-Singace was freely expressing opinions contrary to those of the government,” Reporters Without Borders said. “These sentences, handed down at the end of trail that flouted defence rights, are typical of the intransigence that the authorities have been showing towards those identified as government opponents, who have borne the full brunt of their repression. The international community must call the government to account on its strategy of stifling all dissent.” The head of the pro-democracy and civil liberties movement Al Haq, Singace was rearrested on 16 March after being held from September to February. He was previously arrested in 2009 for allegedly trying to destabilize the government because he used his blog to denounce the deplorable state of civil liberties and discrimination against Bahrain’s Shiite population. Abdulemam is regarded by fellow Bahrainis as one of his country’s Internet pioneers and is an active member of Bahrain Online, a pro-democracy forum that gets more than 100,000 visitors a day despite being blocked within Bahrain. A contributor to the international bloggers network Global Voices, he has taken part in many international conferences at which he has denounced human rights violations in Bahrain. He was also detained from September to February but avoided being rearrested and has been in hiding for several months. Human rights activists reported many irregularities during this trial and have been calling for an end to trials before special military courts now that the state of emergency has been lifted. According to the defendants themselves or their families, some of the defendants were tortured or mistreated while in detention. For National Science Week, Let’s Torque and Sisters in Science are joining forces to deliver an exciting panel discussion on a topic that humans have puzzled over for centuries: space exploration. We’ll be asking what humans are doing in space currently, why we’re there, and what we might find. We’ll ponder the implications of humanity entering space and visiting other planets, and weigh up the pros and cons in an interactive dialogue. We’ll also discuss the importance of collaboration in space exploration, why diversity makes us more effective and how we can communicate across the globe to include everyone in the future of space travel. Dr Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway, a lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University. Her research expertise includes high-energy astrophysics and science education. She teaches astronomy and astrobiology courses, coordinates Science Future Leaders program at Monash and runs a popular massive open online course (MOOC) “How to Survive on Mars: the Science Behind the Human Exploration of Mars.” Dr Rebecca Allen, an astrophysicist at Swinburne University of Technology. Her research ​focuses​ on using galaxy sizes, measured from Hubble Space telescope images, to reveal clues about their growth and evolution going all the way back to when the Universe was barely a billion years old. Now, she uses her expertise and enthusiasm to help inspire the next generation of scientists by communicating the amazing research being done at Swinburne University across all areas of STEM. Let’s Torque is a student-run undergraduate public speaking competition in which participants deliver a talk on a science, technology, engineering, mathematics or medicine (STEMM) idea and its potential impact on society. Sisters in Science is a student-run organisation which aims to connect high school aged girls with women who work in STEMM fields.
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I am very often asked what issues are still being addressed at the seminars on passive houses, because they have all been already resolved and these buildings are pretty common abroad. The truth is that in other countries the construction of low energy buildings started in the 1990's. However, their ecological, technical and energetic aspects are still evolving. The building structure itself is improving, as well as the insulation systems, heating, ventilation and new building materials and technologies are becoming more sophisticated. It has all gradually come to houses that consume almost no energy. Let's have a look at some of the aspects of the developments.
Nine year-old Mr. Billy Butler holding his Resolution, for fostering, organizing, and promoting exemplary citizenship in the City Of Lakewood. From left to right: Councilman for Ward 2, Tom Bullock, Mayor Edward FitzGerald, Council President Michael Dever, Councilwoman Ward 4, and author of the resolution, Mary Louise Madigan, Councilman Ward 3, Michael Summers, Councilwoman-At-Large Nickie Antonio, Councilman Ward 1, Kevin Butler, Councilman-At-Large Brian Powers. Billy is in Miss Council’s 4th grade class at Lakewood Catholic Academy. He is the son of proud parents Susan and Brent. Mary Louise Madigan (ward 4) presented a resolution commending Billy Butler “For demonstrating community spirit by raising money for charities and promoting environmental awareness.” The resolution also expresses Council appreciation in Billy’s commitment to bettering the lives of others. Sensing competition from a younger namesake, Kevin Butler (ward 1) was quick out of the box to offer his congratulations to the younger name holder. Neighbor Andy Bodi and his wife Trudi, who have lived across the street from the Butlers for years said, “we are all proud of him on Arthur Avenue.” In exclusive corridor comments to the Lakewood Observer, Billy Butler modestly allowed that he was “proud to receive this resolution.” On the November ballot Issue 2, renewal of the Clean Ohio Fund will appear. Tom Bullock (ward 2) in a letter requesting council support for the issue listed arguments in favor of the issue. This fund was first approved in 2000 in order to preserve natural areas and farmland, protecting waterways and redeveloping urban areas to foster economic growth. Since it began, Clean Ohio has protected over 26,000 acres of working family farms, created 216 miles of recreational trails and cleaned up more than 173 abandoned industrial sites, known as brown fields. Bullock pointed out that in Cuyahoga County, Clean Ohio has brought $1.6 million for recreational trails, over $14 million for green space, including areas around the Rocky River, and another $27 million for community revitalization. Further, Bullock said that passage of this issue would not raise taxes. It will be paid with state bonds and existing state revenue. Passage of the issue will bring in matching federal funds, too. Lakewood City Council unanimously agreed and recommends that Lakewood voters vote in favor of Issue 2 in November. Council then approved the appointments of Jen Barnes, Julleen Russell, and Kevin Butler from council to the newly formed Animal Safety and Advisory Board. When the administration appoints its members, a December organizational meeting is likely. The event started at 10 am. I arrived exactly at 10 and waited in a line with about twenty girls ahead of me. There was a little bit of a long check-in time while IDs were checked and we were given wristbands, then attendees were set free to head to the stores in the Fashion Mall that were participating in the event. The first order of business was to get a snack to fuel this morning of mall wandering. Shapiro’s Delicatessen was in the process of bringing out lots of mini sandwiches when I stepped in there, in addition to having a variety of desserts available in snackable sizes. See offered eye makeup application with a photo taken afterward but after watching another woman have makeup applied and look exactly like she did before the application, I decided it wasn’t worth waiting for. More fun in See was trying on some glasses and enjoying some of their fun giveaways. Instead of the eye makeup, it would have been more fun if they just took photos of visitors in some of their more fun pairs of glasses. David’s Tea was the most fun… probably because there was alcohol involved! But I also love tea, so the combination sounded like a great idea. They offered two cocktails here: The Big Crush which was a blend of vodka, Caribbean crush tea, lemonade, soda & lemon, and The Goji Machine which included vodka, goji green tea & orange juice. Big Machine vodka had free bracelets and phone grips as giveaways. I’ve been needing a replacement grip, so this little gift was perfect timing! David’s tea handed out samples of new teas and a coupon for a free tea. Nordstrom offered face masks, mocktails and a scent station for finding your perfect fragrance. It was a great idea to have the mocktails & scent station available while you were waiting to get a mask applied, but the waiting system for the face masks was really unorganized — just standing around close to the area until someone yells that a seat had opened up. I opted for the face peel, which consisted of the Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Extra Strength Daily Peel followed by the Anti-Aging Neutralizer. At $88 for a set of 30 applications, this stuff isn’t cheap, but it left my face feeling very smooth and hydrated. Used every few days (instead of the recommended every day) to stretch the use of the product out to a 3-month timeframe per box, the price of $1 per day is totally worth the skin benefits! The other mask option was the Dr. Dennis Gross Hyaluronic Marine Hydrating Modeling Mask, which they ran out of and I wasn’t able to try but was able to see others have it applied and peeled off. Sadly, the associates in Nordstrom did not give me the goodie bag that everyone else got when they finished their masks, but as unorganized of a system as Nordstrom had for their services, I’m not all that surprised. I do feel like I got a good enough experience with the peel to be happy with that though. MAC offered a choice of a lip demo or foundation sample, though I got the lip demo and was also able to get a sample-size foundation made for me. As much money as I blow in MAC on a regular basis, I more than deserve anything free I can get there! The lip demo was ok but I felt that the makeup artist lined my lips too far outside of my natural lip line and, days later, I’m still debating whether I like the lip color my makeup artist used. But it was a fun to step outside of my lip comfort zone and try a color & sheen that I normally wouldn’t wear. The line for hand treatments was SO long in L’Occitane! I was more interested in getting the samples than the hand treatments, but both required a long wait, so I opted to forgo the samples and just grab a bouquet from The Flower Boys. I’ve had a great experience with The Flower Boys on a visit to City Market earlier this year, and was happy that each bouquet we were given today included a 10% off coupon for a future purchase! The line for Aveda was probably triple the line for L’Occitane. They were offering mini facials and brow waxings, which were probably the hottest options at the event. In hindsight, Aveda should have been the place I stopped first, knowing the services they were providing would be in demand and would take a decent amount of time to complete per person. Waxing in the City offered a 50% off coupon, which I’m a little bummed that I missed out on, but then found out on their website that anyone gets 50% off their first service there, with or without the coupon. I opt for waxing on and off, and with half-off, Waxing in the City will be the next place to go to for my next wax. I enjoyed all the free stuff & pampering, as well as a chance to check out some stores I’d never visited! The only hope I’d have for any similar events is that the items that were used would be available to buy during the event. In addition to myself, I heard multiple ladies ask about products, only to be told to come back and buy them later. Hopefully purchasing during the event will be an option next time! The only other issue I noticed was that there was a level of around the way some of the participating stores approached the event. But for a completely free morning of getting free stuff and services, and considering the fact that the stores participating opened before normal mall hours to accommodate us, I can’t complain too much!
Well this is simply the surgical operation to recover a lost virginity, not before marriage as it is the case in most traditional and conservative societies where virginity is a very important issue, but for the sake of pleasure.In fact, It is the trend and the fashion now that married women over 40 or so seek "revirginisation" to surprise their husbands while celebrating their wedding anniversaries. Read the following story for more. Take a look at this video clip that was aired by Al-Jazeera TV channel and that some among the faithful may find provocative and shocking. The transcript of the video clip is here. Although the United States so far has been spared, New York authorities have their eye on live poultry markets in this culturally diverse city of 8.2 million, where shoppers have a choice of more than 90 markets from the Bronx to Chinatown and Spanish Harlem. According to a recent gallup poll, 31% of Americans consider Iran as their greatest enemy while Great Britain and Canada were ranked as America's best friends. This is the name of a web site that translates newspapers from around the world into english to show the way people talk about the United States in their foreign tongue. (Via The Philadelphia Inquirer). Browsing into the web site I came across this article by Tunis Hebdo and which was translated into english. concern with reports of alleged pressure being exerted on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ upcoming Academy Awards (the Oscars) with regard to the movie “Paradise Now” by Hany Abu Assad. “Paradise Now” is nominated by the Academy for Best Foreign Film Oscar, and last month was awarded the Best Foreign Film Golden Globe award...According to numerous news reports, some individuals have lobbied the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to label the movie as coming from the Palestinian Authority, rather than Palestine, because “a formal creation of the state of Palestine has not been declared.” To be clear, Palestine has maintained observer status in the United Nations since 1974 and is recognized as a nation by over 115 countries around the world. Additionally, in past years the Academy has accepted entries, without much controversy, from Taiwan, Puerto Rico, and Hong Kong, none of which are part of the UN List of Member Nations. Moreover, the Taiwanese entry “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 2001.
Mel Brooks has been in dozens of films, produced tons, and directed 12. This week, we talk about our favorite 6 Mel Brooks directed movies including Young Frankenstein and Spaceballs! We also talk news including the reveal of Deadpool 2‘s Domino. Plus, we explain a brand new Patreon promotion that begins this month! What is your favorite Mel Brooks…
He will never know... Because no one will reply... Amazing... I've heard of one hand not knowing what the other is doing. However, this is the first time I have heard of someone's butt getting on line with out it's owners knowledge. Maybe we should tell Staal... we found his ass and it wasn't in a hole in the ground, after all.... It was in Australia. or That sounds about right... 2400 was FAST back then and these things weren't fast. I cant see why not. The shipping was probably faster than the modems. ME WHO THEY WAS Russ, you know what Nixon told you about the television. It was just before they stopped Moe (of the Three Stooges) from contacting you, remember? They did it with tubes then. Serves me right for being a know-it-all; it's Aldrich. sigh... one of my great regrets is not buying a skull from Ward's before the sale of human bone products was outlawed. You could get toothless ones for less than 20 bucks. Statement B: Your above statment, compounded by damned near everything you have said in this echo. Jesus Christ and I have at least one thing in common: we hate hypocrites. As if I needed further evidence that you've never done any gardening. Chicken droppings are WAY too concentrated a form of nitrogen. I have this vision of you with your finger stuck up a chicken's butt. It is a chemical source. You only need to compost it to make it usable. Takes about a year, the place for a compost heap, and the other humus producing material that you use to moderate the chicken droppings. You know... the usual things Which would be a shame, because if a person is poorly dressed and covered in chickenshit I, of course, would have a low opinion of them. not Virtually nothing.... it may have a few legitimate uses, but for the most part it has been relegated to quack science/medicine. You might find a few chiropractors using them, but even then in todays world with it's conferns over EMF polution, most folks are less than enthusiastic to being hooked up to a microwave oven with jumper cables. It was the 'cutting edge' of medical technology in the 40's... WHAT Sabbath keeping is not relevant to The Ten Commandments?!?!?!? Are you going to tell me that bit about "remember the Sabbath and keep it holy" is something I made up? OK... I must have misread the header; I thought they WERE using you to access the echo. I'm simply selfishly looking after my own interests, as it looked like they might fuck up a service that *I* use. I have to confess that I sat here and looked at this statement for 10 or 15 minutes before I saw just what about it was bothering me. Willy is boasting that a chemical fertilizer doesn't cause blooms of algae or bacteria because it "BIODEGRADES". I have to wonder how he thinks that bio-degradation occurs? Transubstantiation? And if that doesn't make it into Fred's quote files, I'm throwing a Force Five tantrum. Chickenshit Willy to the rescue! Yeah, but they all have nice teeth. Oh... on another not: your experience with local Customs and your freight container... You DID pay the requested bribe, beforehand didn't you? I'm sure they suggested it. I LOVE the way that DHL touches on this subject, they suggest you "have a national meet the shipment at the airport". What they dont say is WHY this might speed things up.
This, Dragonlock 3, is already a wildly successful kickstarter, and there’s a reason for that - it looks great. Will I back it? Well, no. Mostly because I’m heavily into the OPENLock system and this Dragonlock-system seem to be not compatible. But I’m tempted… the Dwarven stuff and the mines look so good.
You've got a circular loop with a steady current I and radius 'a' a distance r from a square current carrying loop with sides of 'b' and current I, r >>> a or b(and they're arranged in such a way as you can think of the circular loop's dipole as pointing up, and the square loop point right) What's the torque ON the square loop caused by the circular loop, and the square loop's final orientation assuming it's free to move A couple of ways to get B, I figure the curl of A, and I have A for a dipole, which will I use with the circular loop Then the torque on a dipole in a B field is B x m, where m is the dipole, in this case the square loop's dipole Err, I guess that was my attempt pretty much, I just need to make sure that's the right way to do it Just a thought here, buuuut isn't the B field of a circular current just a straight line going through its center(orientated with the right hand rule)? So....would there even be a torque on the square loop? Well no, I don't know Latex worth a damn, suffice it to say I used the formula for B for a magnetic dipole sensed by another dipole, with the angle between them being pi/2, and ultimately I got N=-I^2ua^2b^2/(4r^3) in the x-hat direction, which I believe means it'd rotate until it was antiparallel with the circular loop's moment, then theta =0, and no more torque(though I guess technically it'd swing past but blah blah ultimately they're anti-aligned?) The magnetic dipole moment of each loop is just mu=IXarea/c (in gaussian units). Then, the torque is calculated just as if they were electric dipoles. Abdominal muscle strain is a stretch or tear of the abdominal wall musculature. The abdominal wall musculature includes rectus abdominus, internal/external obliques, and transverse abdominus. It is a result of an abrupt movement of the trunk like lifting or twisting or even hard coughing or sneezing. Sometimes the injury is subacute caused by repetitive activity muscles like from doing lots of sit-ups or crunches. It is seen in runners, as the abdominal muscles are used for pelvic stabilization or Sports with repetitive trunk rotation have higher rates like soccer, tennis, ice hockey, gymnastics, pole vault at times Attributed to weight training and abdominal workouts as well. Risk Factors include poor conditioning of abdominal musculature or deficits in core strength, earlier abdominal wall muscle strain or tear or poor weight training or conditioning techniques
Saretsky Report for October 2018 is now available here: OSFI is now taking aim at curbing Home Equity […] Views:35|Rating:5.00|View is among First Choice of Property Investors. Its Central Location, Samruddhi Maha Marg, MIHAN, NIMZ are the major […] wonder what it would be like to live in Ranch at Brushy Creek in Austin, Texas? Read more […] Views:0|Rating:nan|View real estate investors have bought plots of land valued at 350 million euro in the last decade, which […] Views:4|Rating:nan|View your home can be an effective way to increase its resale value. But not all renovations are created […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the subconscious mind and how it manifests itself in our life. Nearly all goals that are successfully achieved start as an idea, and with positive vibes, eventually turn into reality. As personal development seekers, it’s up to us to train our minds for success. r I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich a few years ago and loved it. The book introduced me to a number of life-changing concepts, so I was hardly surprised when I later learned it is the bestselling success book … r It would come as no surprise to describe our culture as one that is obsessed with doing, consuming and achieving. These active roles are very important, as they are the ways in which we navigate our physical world. The ego enjoys these outward expressions because they help to sustain its identity. r
Amazon has recently updated with their preorder listing for the Power Rangers Legacy Ninja Megazord. Price: $99.99 Release Date: November 1, 2016 Defeat evil with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Legacy Ninja Megazord This legacy edition of the Ninja Megazord includes diecast parts and metallic paint Separate the Ninja Megazord into 5 individual Zords, and combine them to form show-accurate combinations The Ninja Megazord can also combine with other items in the Zord Builder collection to form awesome never before seen Zord combinations (each sold separately) The Legacy NinjaRead More Tamashii Nations has recently added to their sub-section of Godzilla products, S.H. MonsterArts Shin Godzilla (Godzilla Resurgence), featuring all the official images for the product, the trailer for the upcoming movie and a Tamashii Nations event with special guests, Shinji Higuchi & Akihiro Yamauchi. Now, the S.H. MonsterArts is scheduled to be released this November, being sold at retail for 12960 yen. Pre-Orders for the item will be opening at online retailers soon. Amazon Japan has recently posted official images of the highly demanded Takara Legends LG-31 Fortress Maximus. The Takara version of Fortress Maximus sports a more G1 cartoon accurate deco and also features a new head for “Cerebros.” Unfortunately, the weapons / other accessories are not revealed at this time so stay tuned for updates. Source: Amazon Japan
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund reacts to photographers before attending the G20 High-level Tax Symposium held in Chengdu, China, July 23, 2016. Finance officials from the world's major economies start a two-day meeting in China on Saturday where they will confront challenges to global growth from Britain's decision to leave the European Union and consider deeper structural reforms. Worries over currency manipulation will also factor into the discussions, but a U.S. official indicated that the depreciation of China's yuan to five-and-a-half year lows, and the Chinese central bank's reaction, were understandable. The specter of protectionism, highlighted by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's "America First" rhetoric and talk of reworking or quitting trade agreements, will also hang over the finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 as they consider ways to spur sustainable growth. The G20 officials' meeting in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu will be a debut of sorts for Britain's newly-appointed finance minister Philip Hammond, who will be grilled about the UK's plans for keeping up economic growth. "There will be a lot of attention to this meeting as we gather for the first time since the Brexit vote shook markets," said one Asian finance official. "I expect G20 debate to focus more on potential effects from Brexit on the real economy in the longer term, which should be a matter of concern for emerging economies." The International Monetary Fund this week cut its global growth forecasts because of the UK Brexit vote, saying that uncertainty over Britain's future trade relationship with Europe will stall investment and sap consumer confidence. Data out of Britain on Friday seemed to bear out fears. A business activity index posted its biggest drop in its 20-year history, a sign that Britain's economy appears to be shrinking at the fastest rate since the financial crisis in the wake of last month's Brexit vote. On Friday, Hammond said the UK could reset fiscal policy if necessary, his strongest comments to date on how policy may change after Britain's historic decision to leave the European Union. Currencies appear poised to be less of a hot-button issue than they were when the finance heads met in Shanghai in February. At that meeting, China had to counter concerns about the possibility it would devalue its currency and spark a global currency war. A senior U.S. Treasury official signaled on Thursday that U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was not likely to give China a hard time about the drop in the yuan to five-and-a-half year lows, noting that the People's Bank of China had intervened to slow the slide. "Their interventions have been consistent to a transition to a market-oriented exchange rate and it hasn't had the character of an intervention that we would say by design is to try and gain an unfair advantage," the official said. "It wouldn't be fair to say that over the last few months the downward movement of the RMB was something that was fundamentally driven by policy decisions." Can You Delete Your Facebook Page - Running a Facebook page can be a great method to advertise our business and get in touch with fans, but with increasingly more involvement secretive Facebook groups, and also some very big changes happening to your Facebook information feed, it's ending up being a great deal more difficult to efficiently run a Facebook page. If you have actually made a decision to foregojob, getting rid of that Facebook page is a luckily painless procedure. - You have 2 Week to change your mind. If you decide you do not wish to remove your page you could recover not want to remove it entirely, you can unpublish it so onlyparticular whether you intend to completely delete your page, you could "unpublish" it (make it exclusive so just page admins can watch it). Discover the "page Visibility" setup (it's the second one), as well as click the pencil symbol to edit. Have you decided to delete your Facebook page? Are you intending on concentrating your social media sites efforts in other places? Allow us recognize everything about it in the remarks. Not sure if you need physical therapy or occupational therapy? The therapists at Total Health Center in Battle Creek, MI, discuss the differences between the two kinds of therapy. Physical therapy is recommended if you have an injury or condition that affects your ability to walk, bend, reach or move normally. During physical therapy, you'll perform stretches and exercises that will improve joint mobility, strength and balance to enhance coordination and strengthen your muscles. Physical therapy is often recommended if you're recovering from surgery or have any of these conditions: When you visit our Battle Creek office, your physical therapist will assess your condition, ask you questions about your symptoms and learn about your work and usual daily activities. Each physical therapy plan is unique and geared to meet the needs of the individual patient. Depending on your injury or condition, your treatment may include stretches, weightlifting and exercises. You may use special machines that will help you strengthen your body. For example, if you have a rotator cuff injury, you might use a hand cycle to restore range of motion and strengthen the muscles in your rotator cuff. Our Battle Creek physical therapists also use a variety of techniques to decrease pain, such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation and hot and cold packs. Occupational therapy doesn't have anything to do with your job, although the techniques you learn make it easier to perform your job. Occupational therapy is designed to help you perform daily tasks easier. Our Battle Creek occupational therapists help people who have had strokes learn to brush their teeth again or master using a fork. It can also be helpful if you've recently become disabled or had major surgery. Your occupational therapist will teach you important techniques that will help you retain your mobility, such as using a walker. Occupational therapy doesn't just focus on physical tasks but also addresses quality of life issues. For example, children who suffer from social issues will be provided with strategies that will help make it easier to find friends and interact appropriately in social situations. Your occupational therapist will spend time learning about your limitations, daily activities and goals before devising your treatment plan. In some cases, people can be helped by both physical and occupational therapy. Being homeless makes it quite difficult to get a routine in playing online over weeks and months, so I am thinking of doing something shorter and more intense. Maybe leave to a pleasant place for 1-2 weeks for some intense daily grinding, maybe not alone this time in order to exchange knowledge and tips ... Any ideas out there? Places to suggest? Wanna join? Get in touch! So far, I am thinking of a session +/- around January 5th > 15th. No idea yet either about who to donate potential winnings too ...
If you have any questions about product details or shipping times please feel free to call BulkTP customer service at 888-645-4225. M-F 9-5 EST This Certified Basic First Aid Course is for anyone with an interest in First Aid and willing to assist in case of emergency or accident. It is covers the main life threatening conditions you could be faced with during the normal course of your life.
It is bold in the form of bronze, sleepy smoker in the unconscious titmouse and easily wakes the nut from the snowball These images that show the little songwriter in front of the amazing rot, Voronezh, Russia, were caught in camera by Vadim Trunov. It was feeding squirrels in a forest in Rostov, 33, when they decided to hide food in the ice and entertain them. He said: 'He often goes to the forest to eat squirrel, but this time he decided to play with the squirrel. This Vadim said that it was astonished to see that the fight has started, but it was found that the little bird would be hungry to take more squirrels than doubled its size. This brave little bird was not afraid of squirrels and it flew as close as possible. He feels winter and animals have to come close to each other with hunger.
Hello! I could have sworn I've visited this websitediscovered it and I'll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!
Use this close fit jersey tee block PDF sewing pattern to design your own style. This pattern contains no seam allowances or tutorial but gives you the freedom to create a completely unique garment. This block is suited most to tee shirt and vest top style garments. This pattern will create a close-fitting garment. It is advisable to use it to make a toile and then adjust the pattern as necessary to fit perfectly the wearer. Bodice fits close to the body, around the neck and comes complete with raglan sleeves. You have the option to cut full length or short sleeves. Ideal garments to make from this block are t-shirts and vests, with or without short or long sleeves. You could also adapt it to make dresses and costumes. To create cuffs simply measure the required amount and remove from the sleeve. Repeat for the neckline and garment hem if you would like those to also have a cuff edging. Then use 80% of the pattern edge measurement to determine the correct width for the cuffs. Duplicate the length so you can fold it back on itself before inserting into the sleeve or other opening requiring the cuff. Onceyou have finished editing the pattern to suit your design don’t forget to add a seam allowance to all the edges!
Worried about his brewery's survival under a Hamas-led government, Palestinian beermaker Nadim Khoury launches a new product - a nonalcoholic microbrew brandished with a label that coordinates perfectly with Hamas' trademark color. ( Via The Daily Star) The recent announcment of a business deal that will allow a Dubai based company to control a number of US seaports has sparked a widespread fury and strident opposition mainly from US lawmakers who threatened to block the deal for national security reasons. On the other side, President George Bush threatened to use his veto ( if it happens this would be the first time, President Bush uses this executive prerogative) to override whatever action that might be taken by US Congress.On the other hand several Arab observors believe that the fury over the seaports deal is due to a sense of "arabo-phobia and islamophobia and it is clearly politically motivated"... A neat article I came across reading In These Times.This piece explores the growing trend of netroots, or political blogs, which the author considers as having often been most effective as populist fact-checkers, challenging, refuting and correcting perceived errors in news coverage. Blogs are literally vox populi—or at the least the voice of the people who post entries and comments, and, to a lesser extent, of their devoted readers. Telling bloggers that they’re wrong or to shut up is somewhat like telling respondents to an opinion survey to simply change their mind. When journalists reject bloggers as cranks or wingnuts, they also do the same to a large segment of the American public who see blogs as an expression of their views. Such dismissals feed the very alienation that makes blogs and bloggers popular. An british historian, David Irving, is facing a maximum sentence of ten years in jail under an Austrian 1946 Banning Law which makes it an offence to publicly diminish, deny or justify the Holocaust.Mr. Irving who backtracked on his holocaust denial, conceded that he was mistaken when he denied the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz... According to a survey of presidential historians organized by the University of Louisville's McConnell Center, US President James Buchanan is rated number one on the list for failing to avert the Civil War... which opened last week in movie theaters in Turkey, Austria and Germany, is a Rambo-like action story involving, in this case, Turkish gunmen who seek revenge against a tyrannical occupying army.The enemies in this feature are the American opposing forces, who are being punished for offenses against Turkish as well as Iraqi pride and honor. The Syrian state-owned Commercial Bank of Syria (CBS) switched, today, its foreign currency transactions to euros from dollars.Commenting on the Syrian move, a middle eastern economist said that "It looks like a kind of pre-emptive action aimed at making their foreign assets safer, preventing them from getting frozen in case of any conflict,". "primary money laundering concerns".It accuses Syria of using the CBS as a "conduit for the laundering of proceeds generated from the illicit sale of Iraqi oil" and Syria's failure to transfer the remaining proceeds, which were in frozen accounts at the CBS to the Development Fund for Iraq. In a recent "government reshuffle", Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, appointed a new minister of Foreign Affairs,Walid Mouallem, while promoting Farouk Al-Sharaa to the post of Vice-President in charge of Foreign Affairs. Al-Sharaa is by no contest the only arab official who held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs for at least 22 years! ( Via The Daily Star) Propaganda is a soft weapon; hold it in your hands too long, and it will move about like a snake, and strike the other way. Propaganda has of course a purpose, but this purpose must be disguised with such shrewdness and virtuosity that he who is supposed to be filled with this purpose never even knows what is happening. According to The Christian Science Monitor,the US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity. ( Via Sploid) I just figured out that Betty Friedan the famous American feminist, social activist and writer passed away on February 4, 2006. Friedan is best remembered by her best-seller "The Feminine Mystique", published in the 60s, and which some people considered as the spark that spurred the second wave of feminist movement.The book depicted the role of women in industrial societies and the stifling full-time homemaker role that women had to endure during that time. Peregrinations is the title of a new tunisian blog by a fellow tunisian friend who is currently living in the USA.This blog will focus on personal thoughts on various issues ranging from poetry, literature, arts, philosophy, religion, international relations etc...so please go and check it out for it needs your precious input. While angry protests continue throughout the arab and muslim countries, Muslim chiites celebrate today, Ashura, considered by chiites as the most important day of the longer Muharram festival. For more information on this event check my last year's post here. I came across this article reading Sign and Sight, the author is an english journalist Sonia Mikich who following the Danish cartoons, felt offended not by the tasteless toons but by the reaction of the Muslim world. She claims that her traditional values and cultural identity were trampled upon by "bearded ones" and she asks the Islamic world to apologize to her.Great Ms. Mikich!( the family name doesn't sound english to me but this is not a big issue). Now the Muslim world has to apologize for a reckless and irresponsible mistake by a western newspaper? What made me upset and sorry for Ms. Mikich were her hateful comments and threats to the Muslim world look at this: I demand that the governments of Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Indonesia and Egypt apologise to me. Otherwise I am unfortunately forced to threaten, beat up, kidnap or behead their citizens. Because I am somewhat sensitive about my cultural identity. I demand that Hamas, the spokesman of the French Muslims and the Director of the Al-Azhar-University apologise to me. Otherwise I will never spend a holiday at the Taj Mahal, I will call for a boycott of Palestinian fruit and I will set the embassies of Tunisia, Qatar and Bangladesh on fire. OMG! What?? she will set the Tunisian Embassy on fire?? shall we consider this a " a real terrorist threat" or pretend that she was joking? I hope she was joking. I demand that all the editors in chief of newspapers and television broadcasters in the Islamic world apologise to me, because they do nothing to prevent these obscenities. I am really sorry Ms. Mikich, this kind of ideas won't solve the problem, instead it only adds fuel to fire. "Turn On" is the brand name of a new soda drink promising those who drink it to sexually arouse them.The drink which tastes like cherry soda, was banned in France and Denmark!(Well yes Denmark bans products too!).Turn On is sold online for $3.50 a can and will soon be available in stores, I can't wait to try it :) The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a travel advice notice warning its citizens not to travel to 14 arab and moslem countries following the ongoing protests in the region over the Danish cartoons. The countries in question are the following : Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Oman, United Arabic Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kuwait. And now why the notice dosen't mention Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Irak, Afghanistan,Palestine where most of the violent acts have taken place??? Ok you may say that's taken for granted but still this confuses me! New witnesses have told British detectives,that the crash that killed the Princess of Wales and her lover Dodi fayed was caused by a laser beam being flashed into the eyes of their driver. ( via Drudge) We've been used to tapes from members of Al-Qaeda to react to a particular situation or event especially those pertaining to the War in Iraq or the US policy in the Middle East. Some are wondering why this network remained silent after all what is happening now in the Muslim and Arab world following the publication of the Danish cartoons. I am not looking for a new tape by those extremist groups but how come they tend to choose specific times and particular events and incidents and make declarations and threats which many consider as serving the Western agenda to pursue "the war on terror". I am just puzzled... Following the news, I felt disgusted, humiliated and dismayed by the recent wave of violent acts and nonsensical incidents that took place in some Middle Eastern countries over the Danish Cartoons.Things seem to be out of joint in the absence of some reasonable and wise voices that will calm the situation down. We are all outraged, angered and disappointed by these tasteless cartoons but why turn to violence while the region is already submerged in violence? who is benefitting from all that? What will be the short and long term damage? Do moslems need more stigma? It is time to stop all this kind of irrational and hyperemotional acts that will not serve the unfortunately already tainted image of Islam and Moslems all over the world. We need to use our minds before our hearts and try to solve issues in peaceful ways for violence will bring more violence and at this moment I think we do not need more. The State Department criticized today cartoon drawings in Europe of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), calling them "offensive to the beliefs of Muslims.". I said I won't blog anymore on what is now more than never a very controversial issue. The Danish Cartoons. But I would like to bring the attention of my dear readers of a roundup concocted by my dear fellow blogger Adib at Maghreblog of what Tunisian bloggers had to say on this issue. Most of the posts are in french, some in english and few in arabic (try google translation it may help). "I va it is not about the Danish cartoons anymore. Enough is enough. This time it is about a cartoon by Toles at the Washington Post and which required the DOD's Joint Chiefs of Staff to send a letter to the Post saying the cartoon was "offensive". ( Via Americablog) I can call it a day! I was somehow distracted today from blogging but I just figured out that my blog is already one year old! isn't that cool one year passed since I first started my blog. Time runs really fast indeed but I am proud of my blog and above all I am thankful to my friend Don Jim who without his encouragements this blog might not have seen the light. I would like also to express my appreciation for all the bloggers who contributed in a way or another in making this blog a real passion for me.
I Installed the 32 bit SDK (is this the right one for my case ?) and tried to start the Picoscope2000 32 bit examples from GitHub. I receive several Errors/ Missing VIs like "PicoScopeAdctoVolt" is missing. I'm a newbie by using the PicoScope and my current task is to compare the device to other SBC-Oscilloscopes for future orders (also the implementation to LabVIEW is one general task for this assessment). Is there any advanced "Step-by-Step" manual for my device ? (and yes I already seen your Youtube starter guide, that doesn't work for my case). And contact as the 2206b is not currently supported in the SDK, so you will need the updated kernel drivers and API dll's. These will be available on the website soon as an installer, they are with the test team. Seconded! Since Picoscope have arbitrarily discontinued the excellent 2000a series I am having to modify software for myself and my clients to keep systems current. Neither the 2000 or 2000a labview drivers seem to work on my system (the 2000 simply gets "unable to open picoscope" while the 2000a doesn't even get that far. Interestingly, I was just looking in the programmers guide and the 2206 is not mentioned in the list of supported oscilloscopes. Is it actually possible even to drive the 2206 from labview? We are still waiting for the development team to update the SDK driver installer on the website, in the meantime the correct ps2000a.dll files are here Just copied those 4 files over the ones in the SDK and it worked fine. Better than expected - since it's an upgrade to the PS2000a libraries I don't even need to change my Labview code! Cameron John "CJ" Adams (born April 6, 2000) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Timothy Green in the 2012 film The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Glen Travis Campbell (born April 22, 1936) is an American country music singer, guitarist, songwriter, television host, and occasional actor.
There is a little bit of everything at xCams, and the sky is the limit. These cam shows are top notch, and ball busting with over a hundred cams available at any time – they even have many bilingual webcam performers. Male, female, transsexual, and couples abound. This is a full house when it come to the types of cam shows to access. I found the sign up process easy and quick, there was no delay in getting down to the real reason for being here – getting your freak on. xCams has probably the hottest cam shows on any site. I saw there were performers from 18 to 60+, in every size, shape, and sexual orientation imaginable. A voyeur at heart, I snuck into the couples show and felt like a fly on the wall and they fucked each other senseless. 35kg of Salami freezer bait (mixed sizes). 3kg bucket of black snail stick mix, 1 x 250ml bottle of salami glug, 1 x 250ml bottle of B5 liquid food, 1 black snail booster liquid, 1 full tub of white snail pop ups, 1 full pot of black snail cork balls (hand rolled), 3 tubs of B5 cork balls (handrolled), 1 full tub of salami balanced wafters, 1 full tub of salami pink corkball pop ups, 1 full tub salami red cork balls pop ups, 1 full tub of salami cream wafters and two full tubs of salami paste and a full booster dip to match. Must be over 250 quids worth of bait there. Will do it as a job lot for 190 or direct message for split prices. Russia, alld's ninth most populous nation with nearly 144 million people as of 2015. Exnation's history began with that of the East Slavs, who emeed came to dominate the cultural and political legacy of Kievan Rus'. Byurope to Alaska in North America. Folle world's first constitutionally socialist state and a recognized superpower, which played a decisive rolowing the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, thn state. The Russian economy ranks as the ninth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2014. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources, the largest reserves in the world, have made it one of the largest producers of oil and natural gas globally. Thsia is a great power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G20ization for Security and Cooper
The incident is resolved and everything is back to normal. Some clients may observe a period of some broken links or emails not received - if so, please contact support for assistance. An infrastructure issue has been identified, causing users to be logged out of their accounts after a few minutes, and some errors. Working towards resolution shortly Subscribe to updates for Incident causing logouts, errors via email. Whenever an update is posted, you'll receive a notification. We are seeing power outage-related trouble with one of our authoritative nameservers; this may result in intermittent DNS issues for Grid-hosted Modwest customers. We are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, and will keep this page updated with any new information. Technicians have stabilized backup (DC) power at our remote central office (CO) where our secondary authoritative DNS server resides. All DNS services are fully normalized and no issues should be seen. Unplanned maintenance. CSS formatting issue which could cause some links to be unavailable ( possible 404s as well ). Expected to be fixed soon
Mom of man who died after injecting scrotum with silicone blames death on bondage partner | Peace River Record Gazette Delicious Living magazine, a trusted health and wellness resource for more than 34 years, announces the winners of its sixth annual Best Bite Awards. Delicious Living initiated these awards to educate consumers on how to make healthy and trusted food and beverage purchases in a market increasingly saturated with new products and wellness claims. “Modern consumers expect more out of the food and beverage brands they purchase,” said Jenna Blumenfeld, Delicious Living’s senior food editor. “More health. More flavor. More convenience. And importantly, more transparency in how and where ingredients are sourced. These inermine the winners, Delicious Living’s editorial team called on industry experts and manufacturers to nominate products for consideration. More than 500 products were tested and judged based on nutrition, ingredients and transparency, but only 25 were tapped as winners within their categories. For more exclusive content on these winners, and the runner-ups, visit and pick-up the July issue of Delicious Living at your local natural products retailer. Delicious Living is the leading consumer-facing magazine and health information provider for the natural, organic and healthy products industry. The print edition is distributed 12 times annual and available at natural product retailers nationwide. NEW YORK: Viacom has promoted Liza Burnett Fefferman to SVP of communications for MTV, VH1, and Logo. She will continue to oversee communications for the VH1 and Logo brands in the expanded role. Burnett Fefferman joined Viacom, parent of the three networks, in May 2016. Previously, she led communications at Radius, the boutique label of The Weinstein Company, where she oversaw campaigns for 40 film releases, including Academy Award winners Citizenfour and 20 Feet from Stardom. Burnett Fefferman has also held senior positions at Samuel Goldwyn Films and was an independent PR and marketing consultant. You found my page because you are ready to take your health to the next level and I'm so excited to get you there! Contact me for a free consultation. Together we can achieve anything!
Figures published by the Department of Education on July 6th suggest that, of the 19,150 Companies that are eligible to pay the Apprenticeship Levy, a total of 8,200 have registered. To be eligible, companies need to have a payroll bill of £3m. The Levy represents 0.5% of the payroll bill, in return for which, companies are entitled to a contribution of £15K towards their training costs. Levy eligible businesses represent just 1.3% of all employers. It will be interesting to see, and to be part of, the drive towards the Governments’ goal of three million Apprentices by 2020. It seems to me that buy-in from SME’s will be vital to achieve the stated targets. Quality provision and value for money is key for all businesses and, in particular as non-levy paying employers will now need to pay 10% towards training costs with the Government funding 90%. Effective delivery and quality assessment will need to be high priority, going forward, for Ann Milton the new Skills Minister. Tangible Results have many years of experience in taking the Apprenticeship message to market on behalf of Colleges and Private Training Providers. If we can be of any assistance please give us a call.
The large loan CMBS landscape is changing so dramatically that Fitch Ratings questions much of what it’s seeing. Extra vigilance is needed to account for the risks inherent in recent large loan deals, according to managing director Huxley Somerville. Fahad Al-Deweesh, CEO of J.P. Morgan Saudi Arabia, shares his views on how investors are reacting to Saudi Arabia’s vision 2030 plan.
Annual Banquet & Leadership Graduation - Dec 5, 2018 - Port Orange South Daytona Chamber of Commerce , FL The Chamber will hold its annual banquet and awards event which includes installation of new board members and new board chair. The event also includes graduation of the Leadership Class of 2018. The Chamber will announce the winners of the Outstanding Business Person of the Year and Friend of the Chamber. Dress is business casual. Contact the Chamber for sponsorship opportunities at 386-761-1601 or
07/01/2001 - "To test the hypothesis that Na+ transport in human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells is regulated by a protease-mediated mechanism, we investigated the effects of BAY 39-9437, a recombinant Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, on amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current of normal [non-cystic fibrosis (CF) cells] and CF HBE cells. "
The Head Ti S6 Tennis Racket offers incredible balance of power, shot placement and speed thanks to an ultra lightweight design and a large head size. This tennis racket sports a ShockStop system to the handle for shock absorption, and is complete with a perforated Head tape finish for a comfortable and well ventilated grip.
The Kingston Flyer's former owner has died. Well-known Marlborough winegrower David Bryce died surrounded by family at home on Monday. He was 59. Bryce bought the Flyer in 2011 and spent $1.3 million on restoration before a relaunch in 2012. After... News of the Kingston Flyer’s sale has sparked tears and applause in the local community yesterday. There was a round of applause at long-time Flyer driver and manager Russell Glendinning’s funeral in Lumsden, while Flyer advocate Karl Barkley, who set... A Wakatipu tourism icon that's been off the rails for four years is finally back on track. The vintage Kingston Flyer steam train has this week been bought by a consortium of local investors. Based full-time in Kingston since 1971, the... The SCGH Podiatry service is a tertiary, multidisciplinary foot clinic, which provides care to patients with complex foot conditions such as ulceration, PVD, infection, amputation, severe foot deformity and neuropathic joint disease. The clinic receives referrals from all specialty areas of the hospital, namely Endocrinology, Vascular Surgery, Renal Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery and Immunology. Patients who attend the SCGH service require a complex level of care, which is not available or appropriate for management in the primary or secondary health care setting. The Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Podiatry department seeks to improve the quality of life of hospital clients with debilitating foot disorders. We undertake to assist our patients in improving their foot health so that they may maintain a high degree of independence. Our limited resources require us to direct our services primarily towards management of those patients classified as ‘high risk’ (i.e. any patient with a significantly compromised peripheral vascular and/or neurological status whom, if subject to injury, would be likely to develop a complication such as infection, ulceration, gangrene or limb loss) and secondarily into treatment programs where patients are managed through a process of assessment, treatment and/or education, and then referred to external services. All patients who require routine Podiatry care will be discharged after education regarding their overall foot health has been provided and referred to external Podiatry services at that time. professionals. These require an internal consultation request form, which, must be completed with details of the patient’s medical condition and will be prioritised based on the information provided. Community based referrals can only be accepted for community aids and equipment program (CAEP) eligible patients. Once a patient is discharged from the service, further review can only occur if the patient is attending an outpatient medical clinic. If the patient has not been seen in the podiatry department for more than 12 months, a new referral from the relevant outpatient medical clinic is required before the patient can be seen.
How many of you have dreamed about owning and running your own plus size boutique? Or better yet, a plus size consignment boutique? For those of you who love to thrift and shop consignment stores, but have a challenge at finding plus size thrift or consignment boutiques, then you will love today’s Curvy Boss Spotlight on Adrienne Ray, the owner of Curve Conscious in Philly! Yes, plus size consignment stores do exist! We have shared tips on plus size thrifting, shared a few places that we shop to do our thrifting, but today, we are speaking with one of the plus size thrifting experts and she has a few gems to share! AHHH I'm so excited that I just found out about your shop. I can't wait to come shop. Thank you so much for opening this up in Philly!!
When moving to Oregon in the mid-1960s after growing up in Chicago, I especially missed: Vienna hot dogs, Chicago style pizza, but mostly, Italian beef sandwiches. The closest I came to finding something similar to the Italian beef style was a French Dip with au jus, until an Italian mom and pop opened an Italian restaurant in the early 80s. I'd then get my craving satisfied. After it closed in the 90s, I tried inventing my own version, but never nailed it. For awhile, I discovered an online source to order the beef frozen, direct from Chicago. It was spendy, but worth it. With the explosion of foodie sites on the Internet in recent years, I've come across several different "adequate"recipes for Italian Beef, but not quite offering the taste or texture I was looking for, until I tried some crock pot methods and finally settled on this method and combination of flavors. This recipe makes enough Italian beef mixture for about 16 hoagie sandwiches on 6-inch long rolls. Extra beef with juice can be frozen for future meals. This recipe can be easily cut in half. I watch for beef sales (around $2 a pound) and cut beef at home into 1 pound chunks to make this for the two of us and get 6 servings. Cut beef into 3 or 4 chunks. Put beef in crock pot and pour entire jar of peperoncini's including juice on top. If peperoncinis are bought whole, slice or chop into rings, discarding stems. Add minced garlic, seasonings and broth. Cook on low for about 8-10 hours. Meanwhile saute green pepper slices and onions and set aside or add to beef mixture after it shredded. When done, remove beef and shred, then return to pot, keeping warm. When ready to serve, drain meat mixture, reserving the juice. Assemble sandwiches, by first lightly toasting rolls, then spreading on mayonnaise. Add beef mixture, then layer of green peppers and onion, and top with cheese. Serve with side cup of juice for dipping, like a French dip. When sandwiches are assembled, you can put in a microwave to melt cheese for about 15 seconds, or under the broiler.
Instantly transform your space with stylish form and function with this matching pair of table lamps from the Yorkshire Home Collection. Each lamp is topped with a beige fabric round shade. The lamp body features three glass crystal balls in graduated sizes stacked in between dark bronze painted metal. Its sophisticated silhouette can enhance and complement most décor styles. Ideal for reading, illuminating a dimly lit corner, or adding ambiance to any room. They will look right at home to complete your console in the entryway, your living room or office area. The EMS-LCHW30C 30 Amp Hardwired RV Surge Protector by Progressive Industries offers an integrated diagnostic display in a compact modular design. This high-tech energy management system features High/Low Voltage Protection, Time Delay for A/C Compressor, 3-Mode Surge Protection, Surge Indicator, Reverse Polarity Protection, Open Neutral Protection, Open Ground Protection, C Frequency Protection and Accidental 240V Protection. The display coeconds. The EMS-LCHW30C is Microprocessor Controlled by a computer driven state-of-the-art microprocessor that is programmed with software to control the entire EMS unit.. Backed by a lifetime manufacturer warranty. Dimensions: 5" W x 9 1/2" L x 3 1/2" H.Features:High low voltage protection: Whenever source power falls below 104 Volts, or rise above 132 volts the EMS automatically shut down power to the RV. Once the AC source rises above 104-volts, or below the 132-volt level the time delay indicator flashes for the preset time and then automatically restores power to RV.Time delay for A/C Compressor: Whenever source power is interrupted by the source or the EMS, due to a fault condition the built in time delay is activated. There are two settings on the EMS; one is 136 seconds, and the other is 15 seconds. Consult you Air conditioner manual to see if it has a time delay built in if so use the 15-second delay if not use the 136-second delay3 Mode surge protection: This feature provides full surge protection L-N, L-G, and N-G. Total Joule rating is 1820, response time of Surge Indicator: If ever a power surge damages the surge protector circuit within the EMS L-N, or L-G The digital display error code will read E-10. This is your indication that it needs to be replaced.Reverse polarity protection: If source power is a reverse polarity condition, the EMS will not allow power If you have any questions about this product by Progressive ology 41260-001-012BThe Surgelogic Surgebreaker Plus Surge Protective Device protects the entire home from high-energy power surges and low-energy repetitive surges by delivering surge suppression. Surgebreaker Plus surpasses competition through sophisticated modular te... Siemens believes today's residential surge protectors come up short when protecting today's modern home filled with smart appliances and electronics. This is why we developed our first surge commercial class total home surge protectors. When there is...
Totally going to read The Killer in Me because--- SERIAL KILLER!! Also, those Middle Grades look SUPER good. I might have to add them to me and my son's bedtime reading list :)
Life with kids can easily become an all-consuming cycle of coveting, collecting, consuming and then (sneakily lol) culling when the opportunity arises. Kids are hoarders, I am not, plus, I’m on a bit of a decluttering binge at the moment, so any method of reusing what we have and reducing waste goes straight to the top of my ‘List of Awesome Things’. Time for a confession; before I began working with GLAD on this post, I had never washed and reused a Snap Lock Bag. I know, I know, I’m a terrible person……….but, I had simply not considered the idea that the little, do-everything bags that have been staples in my kitchen’s second-draw my entire adult life, were robust enough to live a life more fulfilling than a single trip to school and back. Now I know better. Every GLAD Snap Lock Resealable Bag deserved a second, third, fourth chance at life, which is the crux of today’s MSA; no GLAD bag deserves to be discarded after single use. Heck, find those bad boys a spot in the cupboard, housing a pack of playing cards or a Lego set and let them retire, worry-free without fear of the landfill. Check out all the ways Dave and I came up with to reuse ONE Snap Lock Bag after it returned from a successful mission to kindy, transporting snacks surplus to lunchbox capacity; So here’s the thing right, I know what you’re all thinking. I do. Ya’ll are thinking, ‘that’s all well and good, rehome the happy Glad Bags, give them another lease on life, but what happens when Nixon rips the side seam right open? Then, surely, it’s time for the landfill?” No Lego is safe in a Snap Lock back with a ripped seam, this is a FACT. What is also a fact is that GLAD Snap Lock bags, ClingWrap, ZipSlide bags and Matchware containers can all be recycled, – this is another thing I had NO idea about! Terracycle and GLAD have partnered to create a program which is free to join and allows you to ship your (hopefully!) well used and reused GLAD products off for recycling – also for free! Click here to sign-up and find out how the program works. In our house, we love our little GLAD Snap Lock bags even more now that we are reusing and recycling them. Available in a range of sizes, they keep food fresher for longer – perfect for the pantry plus, they are BPA free which makes them safe to reuse over and over again, even in the freezer and microwave. The truth is out guys, knowledge is power and it’s time to put an end to single-use GLAD abuse. Join with me today. Find a collection in need of safe containment (hint: look for those ‘special rocks’ under your kid’s beds) and send an old sandwich bag back to work, saving a Snap Lock from the landfill. Together we can make a change. Commercial Floor Treatments, Coatings & Preservatives in West Orange, NJ | The Blue Book Building and Construction Network Each company is unique. We deliver custom solutions, tailored to you--your industry, your establish… [more] Keeping your industrial or commercial property looking good and operating at top efficiency are critical concerns. Thats where Industrial Floorworks can help. Since 1965, Weve been providing organizations like yours with professional services that preserve and enhance your image with customers, sup… [more] With a company name like Surface Solutions, your problems are our business. And we love the challenge! One of our customers calls us the MacGyver of the flooring industry. Ok, Ill admit we use more t… [more] Epoxy Resurface Systems has more than 15 years of extensive experience in the application of seamless resinous floor and wall systems. WE have worked in many different types of industrial, commercial… [more] Complete installation services for seamless, poured flooring systems. We provide a fully warranty o… [more] CleanSmart was created by Fred Schimanski, nationally known commercial cleaning expert. Fred uses h… [more] Non-Slip Safety Solutions NJ has been in business since 2011. Our main lines of business include: F… [more] EpoxyFloorNOW LLC is a flooring company based in NJ-NY area and we offer a top of the line resistan… [more] Farrell Flooring, located in Ridgefield Park NJ, is committed to its customers and community by pro… [more] This is the 3rd of 4 meetings between the Pats and the Oil Kings this season. The Pats are winners of 4 in a row for the first time this season and are coming off a 2-1 shootout win over the Red Deer Rebels last night. The Oil Kings are losers of their last 2 games but have won the first two match-ups with the Pats this season by a combined score of 16-6. December was one of the best months in the young history of the Oil Kings. They finished 8-4 and it has helped them climbed into 6th spot in the Eastern Conference. The Oil Kings are great at home with a 12-7 record at Rexall Place. Despite their surge up the standings, their specialty teams rank in the bottom five in both power play and penalty kill. C – Michael St. Croix – The 17 year old forward is one of the top ranked players for the upcoming NHL Entry Draft and is in the 10 in WHL scoring. D – Mark Pysyk – The 18 year old defenceman is a 1st round pick of the Buffalo Sabres. He is second in scoring among Oil King defencemen RW – Garrett Mitchell – The Captain of the Pats has points in each of the last two games and has surpassed the 400 career penalty minute mark G – Matt Hewitt – The 18 year old rookie goaltender won his 6th game last night in Red Deer and has raised his save percentage to .904 C – Tanner Olstad – The 18 year old forward has 3 goals and 5 points in his first 9 games as a Pat including the lone goal in last night’s win. Regina Pats head coach, Curtis Hunt picked up a win in his 600th game as a WHL head coach last night. He is now in the top 20 in the all-time WHL games coach list. Next Sunday, the Regina Pats will hit the ice at the Co-operators Centre for the first ever Prairie Mobile Pats Skills Competition. The Pats will be split into two teams, and will be joined by a Hockey Regina pee wee team and members of the media and compete in all of the same events done at the NHL skills competition. The event starts at 1pm and entry is a donation to the Regina and area Food Bank. hi there,is it possible that a flu, common cold, and sore throat throw off an hiv test? If a person had all aboce within 70 days prior to an HIV test, can it be mislead? also how about chicken pox and phumonia within 4 years prior to an hiv... ...colds, flues, sore throats, or past bouts of chicken pox and "phumonia" (or pneumonia either) will not affect (or mislead) an HIV test. So roll up that sleeve, honey! Good luck.Dr. Bob Read more » Hi Doctor,I was wondering, I took an HIV test on the day I had a cold. The night before I had a... Read more » Hi Dr BobI have been sick for over the pass ten years with so many HIV sympthoms. Let me start by... Read more » ...yours truly, the California HIV routine testing model that has been in effect there since 2008 is like taking a look into the HIV testing future. It's a sign of intelligent life too, especially for someone who spent so long in the care of a... Read more » ...important to educate yourself: so you don't have to be unnecessarily frightened anymore. That education includes getting an HIV test . It doesn't hurt to be sure you're negative -- in fact, all adults and sexually active teenagers should get... Read more » ...Annual HAMP (HIV Awareness Music Project) at One Eyed Jacks, 615 Toulouse St. The musical review's performers will undergo rapid HIV testing in a bid to show patrons how easy it is to get screened and know your status. HAMP is the brainchild of... Read more » How magical is this Candy Pop Wallet Interior has multiple card slots and zip compartment star zipper pull PVC and nylon … Get your claws on this, good for anyhoney!! A simple stylish way to carry your bear necessities PVC and canvas bag with cotton lining Small wrist strap an… "Ker Ching", adorable coin purse to store your pennies Laminated Linen Laminated inside for structure 11 x 14 x 1 What does the fox say? Run away with one of these today!! PVC with cotton lining Card Window Space for 6 cards 19cm x 10cm … What an adorable way to store your pennies, scurry away with one today Printed PVC with cotton lining Zipped Back Pocket with Paw Print Zip Pull Multiple compartments and zipped… Hey Big Spender this is the wallet for you. Grab one today PVC with nylon lining Brush Effect Colours Gold Foil Lettering Multiple Card Slots Receipt Pockets …
Ideally, you will login and goto default Gmail inbox. Then start searching and click to open specific email message as per requirement. If you often open specific email message, you can simply bookmark it using following procedure. Once bookmarked, click on that saved link, login into Gmail and see specific email message opened by default. 1. Login into your Gmail account and open the inbox window. Then click to open specific email message that you want to bookmark. This for sure is handy way to bookmark specific email messages so that it can be opened more quickly and easily anytime without having to jump around Gmail inbox and make multiple clicks. This is NOT saving a link to a specific email. Only to a search for an email. Google already has a facility for saving searches. Google removed the ability to get an email ID a few years back(?). They have some reason to restrict the ability to fully manage your emails. I still have some saved ones and they do carry the ID in the url. And they still work. One can get the ID but it takes a lot of programming work and Google has changed the underlying attributes to break this several times in the past. Microsoft has filed a brief responding to the Department of Justice in its ongoing case over emails stored in Microsoft's Irish datacenter. On the heels of The CLOUD Act being passed by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department of Justice is going after Microsoft again for emails it has been protecting as part of an ongoing data privacy case. Last Friday, the Justice Department was granted a new search warrant meant to force Microsoft to turn over the emails in question. Microsoft officials repeatedly have said they were in favor of the legislation, not legal action, in settling these kinds of matters. Though it seems contradictory, Microsoft actually backed The CLOUD (Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data) Act, which stipulates that cloud providers comply with court orders for data regardless of whether the information is located in the U.S. or not. Microsoft President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith reiterated today that Microsoft backed The CLOUD Act because it sets the stage for governments to establish the international agreements between them to establish a framework for these kinds of cases. Today, April 3, Microsoft also filed its brief responding to the DOJ's motion to dismiss Microsoft's original case from Friday. The government said it didn't intend to pursue the original warrant that was at the heart of the case. Microsoft execs also made it clear that Microsoft retains a right to challenge to U.S. warrants - including new warrants - on comity grounds. Microsoft plans to review the new DOJ warrant for the emails stored in Ireland before deciding if the company believes it is obliged to comply. Microsoft officials have said their goal in backing The CLOUD Act is to avoid repeated court visits and legal battles and to establish new international privacy rights rules. Microsoft execs claim that The CLOUD Act gives cloud service providers added legal rights to protect privacy under these kinds of international agreements. "More than anything, we now need governments to move forward quickly to put new international agreements in place. ... The ultimate goal - one that is likely to take some additional years to achieve -- is a set of agreements that create an accepted model and establish clear international legal rules that satisfy law enforcement and privacy advocates alike," said Smith in his blog post today. Microsoft's data-privacy case began in 2013 over emails from a drug trafficking investigation suspect stored in Microsoft servers in Dublin. A federal judge in New York issued a warrant for the emails, and Microsoft decided to challenge the order in court.
Grace everyone at any occasion with this stunning floral and lace dress by Forever Unique. The dress features a mesh style shell that has been detailed with applique floral designs. It completes with a slip underneath and would sit below the knee when worn.
Candidate of philological science, associate professor of the literature department of the Institute of Russian language named by A.S. Pushkin Biography of the writer, the first wave of Russian emigration, the artistic implementation of the national self-knowledge, Pushkin's tradition in literature. Article is dedicated to the byway issue in the modern literary study, concerning the traditions of Russian classical literature in the art of I.S. Shmelev. The survey of his artistic heritage indicates importance of classic characters and images, related to tradition invented by A.S. Pushkin. Study of the problem shows that even in an addressing to the traditions of Russian classics, Shmelev remained faithful to himself and to the new ethical and aesthetic canons of the literature of XX century.
Photos Seduced By A Cougar Darla Crane Darla needs a nanny and her search comes to a stop when she finds the only male nanny on the website she was browsing. She wants him to come over immediately for an interview and when he shows up he finds out that the nanny position wasn't the only one sh Views: 1,685 Young People For is a growing national fellowship program for student leaders and activists in 2 and 4-year colleges and universities run by the organization People For the American Way Foundation. This year we are selecting 150 fellows from 50 campuses in 10 states; three students will be selected from each campus. We are also selecting a handful of at large fellows. The fellows attend an all-expenses-paid summit in Washington, D.C. in January, participate in Town Hall Meetings and our Progressive Online Academy, and receive support for their campus and local activism. Applications are due October 15. To nominate a fellow or apply, go to YoungPeopleFor.org Young People For (YP4)take up the challenge to ensure that their voices are heard on critical issues. This program is designed for serious people who are interested in becoming more effective leaders and contributing to positive social change on their campuses, in their communities and across the nation.
Revision and editing, specialilzing in academic and corporate documents. Expertise in non-English speaking clients. Kelowna, BC. USA. Manufacturers of custom engineered heat processing systems for the nonwovens, textile and paper industries. A full service agency providing consumer marketing, interactive technology, direct marketing, public relations, telemarketing, medical education, and brand strategy solutions. Offering highly detailed original bird carvings, pen and ink drawings, and wearable art with wildlife themes. Operated by Penny J. Corbett, breeder, consultant, maker of bird toys. More than 30 years experience raising hand-fed parrots. Located in Pittsburgh. Family history mainly located in the Northumberland and Durham area of the UK. Includes links to ancestors who emigrated to Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Offers week-long summer camps for grades 2-12. Located in Corbett, Oregon. Statement of faith, photos, summer schedule and rates, Camp Staff Creek Bible Trout Guest Junior Brochure High Super Schedule Camps Application Facilities Groups Year Round Family Directions Christian centre on two levels taking up to 43 people. Dormitory style sleeping accommodations furnished with bunk bed units using innerspring mattresses are located on both levels. Located in Corbett, OR. Family of James and Susan Corbet who emigrated from Ireland to Ayrshire Scotland, their children emigrated to Ontario Canada in 1856. Essay on the Haitian Revolution led by Toussain-Louverture by Bob Corbett. Originally published in Stretch magazine, the essay is republished for an online course on Haitian history. The West Virginian native talks about his intolerance for playing romantic leads, penchant for profanity and unconventional demands while filming in this Film Force article by Todd Gilchrist. Celebration of the 1950s series Tom Corbett Space Cadet, Space Patrol, and Captain Video and his Video Rangers. Includes photos, trivia, and information about those cool toys that accompanied the programs. SiteBook Corbett City Portrait of Corbett in Oregon. This Topic site Corbett got a rating of 3 SiteBook.org Points according to the views of this profile site. The City of Corbett is in the American State of Oregon and has the Zip Code 97019. Corbett may refer to. - Last Update: 2018
It’s not about setting up pingpong tables in the break room, or buying a few beanbag chairs. A company’s culture is something much deeper and it affects every facet of the business.
Things have gotten extremely busy and time consuming with the move, and at the moment I am focusing 100% on all of that. We still need to wrap the furniture to protect it during the move on Saturday, and we are busy getting things ready to go for Saturday! Once things settle down I will get back to blogging often and the recipe posts will definitely increase! I have many new recipes to share with you guys! :)
All products being returned to Lamar must have a Return Authorization prior to shipping to our facility. installation and removal along with total time on unit. Warranty is effective from date of installation.
17 October | A Tibetan woman named Kalsang from Tsala township in Driru was arrested by Chinese police on October 11, 2013, a Tibetan source with reliable local contacts said. The Chinese police arrested her from Dejang Hotel on Nagchu highway around 11 AM last Friday. 16 October | Police stations in Lhasa have been sent a notice outlining how they should monitor and control movements of Tibetans from Nagchu Prefecture, where peaceful protesters were shot and severely injured earlier this month. 15 October | New images show a broadening crackdown in Driru, Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, and protests by local Tibetans at the detentions of a monk and young writer. 14 October | Hundreds of Tibetan monks marched to a police station in western China’s Sichuan province at the weekend to demand the release of a colleague detained for spreading word of a fatal police crackdown last week in a neighboring region. 18 October | China’s economic growth accelerated for the first time in three quarters, as Premier Li Keqiang spurred factory output and investment to meet the government’s expansion goal for 2013. 17 October | Tibetan poet Tsering Woeser and dissident artist Ai Weiwei have collaborated on a book about Tibetan self-immolations, attempting to explain the suicidal protests that have gripped the Himalayan region since 2009. The book, Immolations in Tibet: The Shame of the World, is written by Woeser with cover art by Ai. 17 October | TCHRD translated two poems composed by the versatile young Tibetan writer Tsultrim Gyaltsen aka Shogdril who was detained late last week in the middle of night from his home at Tengkhar Village in Shamchu Township in Diru County, Nagchu Prefecture, TAR. 11 October | The Spanish lawsuit was filed in 2006 by a group of exiled Tibetans and also targets other former leaders of China’s ruling Communist party, including Jiang Zemin, Mr. Hu’s predecessor as president. It was filed in Madrid because the plaintiffs also hoped to take advantage of the fact that Spain’s judiciary has long been at the forefront of efforts to apply universal jurisdiction to crimes involving human rights abuses. 14 October | "We firmly oppose any country or person attempting to use this issue to interfere with China's internal affairs," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said. 16 October | Analysts said the flurry of activities illustrated the president's need to consolidate power by reminding people of his family's connection with the formative years of the Communist Party ahead of the party's autumn plenary session, at which leaders are expected to lay down the reform blueprint of Xi's administration. 13 October | An imagined conversation between Hu Jintao and his personal secretary in Beijing, the day after his indictment in Spanish National Court for genocide.
One-dish dinners are cooked very best in a slow cooker and simple slow oven recipes have finally made it feasible that you should make sure that your family can... Fish within the tanks and ponds won't have every other food resource than what we provide them with. That's the reason the feeding process is really important. ... Propane, a high-energy alternative to any conventional gas is widely used for various household requirements. If you’re ... Cooking has different meanings for various people. Its meaning varies for every person. For many it is part of everyday ... Honey is really a natural sweetener and lots of different varieties can be found in line with the countless different pl... This poultry recipe uses brine strategies to bring about poultry meat that is incredibly moist. Cooking this poultry mea... Pests cause some of the most significant problems people encounter in big cities. The roaches New York has, are particularly dangerous. They may enter the bodies of sleeping humans and lay eggs in them. You should call an exterminator right away to take care of cockroaches.
Ford Mustang in movies and TV series. Ford Mustang in Dealing:. Pictures are property of movie companies owner of the respective movies.Best football movies of all time. ever, but this was based on a true story of the Kilpatrick Mustangs,. The movie can be somewhat predictable,. The Stuntman Who Drove for Steve McQueen in Bullitt. Few movies are as important to the Mustang. As for that legendary movie, the famous Taylor. Two Mustangs and two Dodge Chargers were used for the famous chase scene. Both Mustangs were owned by the Ford Motor. 40th Anniversary Edition Bullitt Mustang. Famous movie star sits for portrait Summary. [Between 1920 and 1930] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, to buy a 2013 Ford Mustang? Visit autoTRADER.ca, Canada's largest selection for new & used Ford Mustang.Title: Drive (2011) 7.81965 Ford Mustang Some argue that a. and a Mustang convertible was used in the popular James Bond movie "Goldfinger," alongside an exotic Aston Martin sports car.Girls names for cars. Discussion in '1979 - 1995 (Fox,. In the movie, all the cars are. we ask him what Mustang he wants to ride in he always says the whistling. The World Famous Mustang Ranch located just outside sparks Nevada.title details and video sharing options. now playing Bullitt (1968) -- (Movie Clip) Car Chase. Just the early part of the famous chase, as cop Steve McQueen (title. Perhaps no car-chase movie is as beloved by gearheads as the Steve McQueen vehicle Bullitt. Famous Bullitt Mustang pops up in Detroit. Ford just unveiled a Mustang that references a legendary movie car chase starring. The most famous car chase in cinematic history involved Steve.Ford hasn't told us how much the new Mustang Bullitt will cost, but previous editions of the famous movie car commanded only modest price increases. Top 50 Movie Cars of All Time. This 1974 TV movie made the '34 Three-Window built by Pete Chapouris one of the most famous hot rods of all time.A little knowledge about the horses that the old western stars of the B films and their sidekicks rode. Horses That Old Western Stars of. Famous Western Movie.Among one of the most famous fighters of World War II, the P-51 Mustang has its roots in both Britain and the USA. Originally overlooked by the USAAF, the P-51 did. It's been more than 40 years since the last Mustang used in the movie. Steve McQueen's lost 'Bullitt' car reportedly has been. 68 Mustang fastback.About Mustangs. 13,093 likes · 98. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of iconic movie “Bullitt” and its fan. Possibly one of the most famous cars in. Are These The 25 Best Movie Mustangs? Tweet. As a pop culture icon, the Ford Mustang has made many an appearance in Hollywood movies. For nearly 50 years.Ford Mustang found in Mexican junkyard is from. the similarly-famous “Eleanor” Mustang from the film “Gone in 60. of these old movie cars. THE remake of Ford’s iconic Mustang Bullitt is living up to the hype. Ford unveiled the 2018 edition of the car made famous by the eponymous Steve McQueen movie. John Benoit's '68 fastback has more in common with the original Bullitt Mustangs than mere appearance. - On Target - 1968 Ford Mustang GT. Among famous movie.Famous Players 6 Cinemas. By clicking on this button movies and showtimes of the theatre will appeare Hide Movies and Showtimes.The 25 Best Movie Camaros. By Stirling Matheson. Stirling Matheson is an automotive writer, reviewer, and spewer of sarcasm of Indianapolis, IN. Find and watch the 30 Best Horse Movies ever made. young Velvet disguises herself as a boy and wins England’s famous Grand National steeplechase on her beloved Pie.
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Though traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been widely recognized as a leading cause of death and disability around the world, there is still considerable controversy about long term consequences. Not only are severe head injuries the leading cause of coma, but they are also the leading cause of lasting brain damage in children and young adults. This can mean years of rehabilitation and occupational therapy just to help injured patients regain lost functioning, assuming they ever can. While 70 to 90 percent of all head injuries are deemed to be mild, the effects of even concussions cannot be underestimated, especially if they occur on a frequent basis. As a result, In recent years, more attention than ever is being paid to the possible long term effects of TBI on people in high-risk occupations where repeated head injuries are common. This includes professional sports, people in combat roles, and other jobs where physical injuries can occur. But there are more other aspects of serious head injuries that are just beginning to be understood. This includes the potential role that head injuries may play in later cognitive problems ranging from mild cognitive impairments to full-blown dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Though little real evidence of a link between mild concussions and dementia is limited (so far), studies have shown that medium to severe head injuries can increase dementia risk significantly. Much of this evidence comes from autopsy-based and imaging studies showing clear pathology related to different kinds of dementia. In looking at Alzheimer's disease specifically, studies suggest that a single moderate to severe head injury can lead to increased amyloid-beta (A) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, two of the hallmark signs of AD. Possible reasons for the link between head injuries and dementia include disruption of neurometabolic processes due to rotational and shearing forces that can damage axons and cause cytoskeletal damage. This can mean progressive cell death and the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaques in the surrounding areas. While the evidence of increased neurofibrillary tangles following a single TBI isn't as clear, case histories of increased tangles being found a year or more following moderate to severe TBI have been documented. Still, while there does seem to be evidence for increased risk of AD pathology in some individuals with a history of TBI, the actual mechanisms underlying this risk are still poorly understood. To explore this link between TBI and AD pathology further, a new research study published in the journal Neuropsychology examines cases of AD as confirmed by autopsy findings and how they relate to a history of head injuries. A team of researchers led by C. Munro Cullen of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center examined data taken from the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) Uniform Data Set (UDS) and Neuropathology Data Set (NDS). Both the NACC and NDS collect clinical, autopsy, demographic, and genetic data on people diagnosed with AD or other brain pathologies. All participants included in the data sets were diagnosed with some form of dementia at one of 32 Alzheimer's disease centers across the United States funded by the National Institute of aging between September 2005 and March 2015. Each participant was interviewed either alone or with a family member to provide information on medical history and whether they had a history of prior head injuries. Along with an initial diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease given on intake or during a follow-up visits, autopsy data was collected after death to confirm the diagnosis. Of the 2153 participants with autopsy-confirmed AD examined in the study, 197 reported some form of prior head injury and participants with no history of head injuries were used as controls. On average, participants reporting a moderate to severe head injury involving loss of consciousness began showing symptoms of dementia three years earlier than participants with no history of TBI. Even when controlling for other factors such as lifetime history of depression, family history of dementia, level of education, and medical history, the link between dementia and TBI remains strong. While similar results have been reported in previous studies, this is the first to use autopsy results to confirm the AD diagnosis. Despite these results, it still remains unclear why head injuries can lead to early dementia in certain individuals. Though some studies suggest that TBI can result in neurological damage, including increased an number Lewy bodies and cerebral microinfarcts, establishing a direct causal link to dementia has proven difficult. Another possibility raised by researchers is that TBI can also reduce cognitive reserve in older adults making them more vulnerable to developing dementia symptoms. As C. Munro Cullen and his co-authors indicate in discussing their findings, this study failed to look at additional factors that may have influenced the results including the effects of multiple head injuries, how TBI severity was measured, and whether cognitive decline may have begun before the head injury occurred. Also, given that many older adults who sustain head injuries do not develop dementia afterward, there also appear to be protective factors that need to be identified. Though more research is needed to explore the TBI-dementia link, studies such as this one help demonstrate the potential risks faced by older adults recovering from serious accidents. With the number of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and other dementias being expected to rise significantly over the next few decades, learning more about potential avenues for prevention and treatment may be one of the most important challenges facing public health today.
Of late it has become a trend in the Telugu movie industry to make sequels or remakes of old movies or even biopics of who is who of Tollywood. Many a time, a movie comes and flops utterly at the box-office and the makers embark on making a sequel of it… and… Of course, typically a sequel or a remake to a much-disliked movie is also bad, but in some cases the funniest little thing happens… ….And this sequel/ remake making disorder seemed to be infectious and has infected the politics of KCR, the “self-styled Zinda Thilsmath” of Telangana. Recall, the much hyped and politicised cash for vote shock which forced Chandrababu Naidu(CBN), the self-acclaimed “Chanakya of Telugu politics”, scared by craftiness of KCR, to flee from Hyderabad empire to seek refuge in the safe havens on the banks of Krishna river in the would be built “fantasy fortress” of Amaravati. KCR has now announced a sequel of that political tamasha by conducting a review of the case in Pragathi Bhavan for over two hours, in which, officials of all hues that are dealing with the case were present in the meeting. Though, questions were being asked on why the sudden interest to revive the case, nothing happens in politics without a political reason. Unlike the sequel or remake of a movie, the move by KCR to re-pursue the case is not the funniest thing to happen…. It certainly consolidates the speculations of “Conspiracy Theories” being hatched against CBN, as being revealed by Shivaji, an Idling Telugu star, who is busy scripting political narratives or rather conspiracy theories to play a real life political character or a sidekick to CBN. The case has been pending for long without any substantial progress as long as CBN remained an ally of Narendra Modi. When the case was first surfaced or rather was built against CBN, it witnessed a slugfest that almost reached a flash-point between the two Telugu states, with both KCR and CBN turning it into a sort of situation between India and Pakistan. But the temporary denouement of the case came when CBN agreed to ride dead horse in Telangana political battle front and turned a friend of KCR, albeit, as brokered by BJP leadership. CBN with his clever ploy to save himself from the cash for vote ill-repute had organized a “purposeful defeat” to TDP to help KCR win half the perception battle vis-à-vis whatever fight left for the TTDP to manoeuvre itself to gain grounds in the run up to the general elections in 2019. The sudden bonhomie between CBN and KCR after the abrupt end to the battle over the case had become ruinous to the TTDP in Telangana with massive defections of its men into TRS, while CBN allowed TTDP to drown in murky waters of Moosi. There was always a feeling to the discerning cynics to doubt that the massive defections of TTDP into TRS were deliberately organized and are part of a political understanding that was negotiated with BJP leadership as a mediator to bring an end to the cash for vote scam. This surrender of CBN would have suffice enough for KCR to bury the case in the archives of ACB records…. And KCR, the political sorcerer began to revoke the “Mummy” of the case from the archives of Telangana ACB… The case suddenly reappears in the backdrop of Chandrababu Naidu declaring an unrelenting war on Narendra Modi to expose his government’s indifference to the promises made to residuary state of Andhra Pradesh. Thus, the sudden decision to revive the case certainly strengthens the apprehension that KCR government is doing it only at the instance of Narendra Modi who may be hell bent on scoring a few points against CBN who had embarked on maligning his reputation in AP. Or… …Reviewing the case with elections on the horizon, KCR is trying to put a check to CBN either to limit his role in Third Front politics or to disrupt any move of CBN to ally with the Congress in Telangana. Whatever it might be, it appears that KCR has planned something very meticulous against CBN either under directions of the BJP leadership or to check the influence of CBN in Third Front politics. The case, though, might initially cause embarrassment to him, if he is charge-sheeted as accused No.1 or summoned to present before the Courts. He would come out clean legally, if going by the fate of cash-for-vote scams of the past, as, in all certainty, all arguments of Telangana government might be nullified in Courts with an observation that evidences collected through sting operations untenable legally. Regardless of the impact of the revival of the case, it certainly had raised curtains for another round of political melodrama to be enacted by both KCR and CBN under the directions of BJP leadership in Telugu states.
MINNEAPOLIS— Whhard to believe that school and Faith Formation have been in session for almost eight weeks already. Life is in full swing here in our town communities and parish. I want to take this time, on behalf of myself and our Pastoral Staff, to express our appreciation for your spirit of dedication and hard work. Our Faith Formation program is off to a good start with dedicated catechists, assistants and helpers, enthusiastic children and youth. You have offered a warm welcome to our new Parochial Vicar, Fr. Kamil, and I know he is thrilled to be serving in our community. I am really happy to see more and more of our children taking part in the Liturgy of the Word With Children at the 10 AM Liturgy on Faith Formation weekends and to have some of our parents come forth to lead the program. It is a wonderful way for the kids to hear and understand the Word of God on their level. In a spirit of support and encouragement, I would like to address to our parents and catechists a topic that came up at our recent Pastoral Staff meeting re. our children and sports activities as we were discussing the recent hype over the Mets playing in the World series and the popularity of and admiration for the most valuable Mets player, Daniel Murphy ( no relation but a great Irish name). As we know, Murphy is a devout and committed Christian and was quoted recently in the following words when asked the source of his great talent and energy. When asked what boosted his mental outlook, he plainly stated, “That was all Jesus.” When asked why he was able to so elevate his game, he responded, “I don’t know, sometimes the blessings come. Jesus is good.” Obviously, Daniel Murphy is not at all embarrassed to speak of his personal relationship with Christ and be very clear to admit from where his gift and talents come. God is his source. We know how committed as parents you are to your children’s sports activities and the amount of time you spend in supporting and encouraging them. But, how often do parents help their children come to know and admit what is the source of their blessings in the fun of sports and their own individual talents? NY Times OpEd writer, David Brooks, in his latest best-seller, The Road To Character, makes a challenging comment about our contemporary American culture in stating that we have lost and have failed to teach our children the gift of humility. We fail to recognize that we do not accomplish all by ourselves. The world does not rotate around us. Are we teaching our children to see all as blessing and give honor to our God who has created us, loves us, sustains us and empowers us with all the gifts and talents we have? Could we perhaps make a better effort to encourage our children to pray at home to acknowledge our loving God as their source? Can we make a better effort to regularly come to one of the masses on a Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist which means “to give thanks”?
You must have heard about this buzzword – Google Plus. Its talk of the town, and everyone wants to join it. Everybody wants their part of share, and therefore here comes the new initiative from Google – the Google Plus project. As always, like other Google products, this is also an “invitation” only thing. Same thing happened with Gmail and Google Wave. So if you’ve got the invitation, then only you can try out your hands with this new social networking site from Google. If your friends are on Google plus, then they can easily invite you by adding you to their circles (as in “friends” in facebook). What’s more, the demand to try out this new site is so much, that many people are selling invitations on eBay. Circles can be a group of friends, colleagues, relatives or anyone. We call it as “friends” on facebook. Basically it helps in categorizing the contacts, so that whenever you share any information with others, you only share it with a particular category and not will all. This is also my most loved feature of Google plus. Let’s say you want to write something only for friends, and don’t want to show it to family, then while sharing an update, all you need to do is to just select that “friends” circle, so that the update is only visible to people in friends circle. Selecting a circle while sharing/posting an update is not compulsory. Likewise you can create a circle with any name, and add your contacts to it. Google + will also give you some suggestions, or you can invite others also. Its very simple. After logging in, just click on Circle. And from here you can add or manage circles/contacts. However, here are some prerequisites that should be followed before you start adding contacts. 2) It should be a regular Gmail account, and not Google Apps account. Google Apps users cannot create Google profile and therefore they cannot be on G+ After setting up Circles, let’s start the next part. Here’s where the real fun lies. Here’s where the social sharing begins. Just type in your “update”, and click on “share” button or select your circle and then click on share button. Same way, you can also share photos, videos, link and location with your circles. Select the circle carefully, the last thing you would want to do is to post that update to the wrong circle. The “Add your location” (Geo location) function is not perfectly working at this stage, as it shows wrong location. Hope this feature improves later on. One more thing that’s worth mentioning here is that after posting an update, you can do these things: You must already have noted that Black bar on Google which shows up on every page. This toolbar will never leave you and will become an instant notifications area. From here you can know how many stream updates are unread. In this case (screenshot below), 3 updates are yet to be read. Just click on that “notification” and it will display a small drop down menu with what’s happening on your G+ This black bar really comes in handy. It seems that Google has really planned all this very well. If you’re thinking that will this Google Plus going to give facebook a competition, then it can’t be said anything at this moment. People use facebook not for just social sharing/networking, but they also love to play games like Farmville, Mafia wars, cityville, etc. Infact, many people login to facebook, just to play games and not for interacting. So if there’s any other site that thinks to give facebook a competition, then there are many other things to be considered. For now its not clear about apps, games, fan pages, etc in G+. Well, let’s wait and watch, what happens next. Do you think G+ has the potential ? Will it survive the competition ? Go ahead and pour in your comments below. Apple Mac Mini is a small power packed computer, perfect to handle day to day tasks. For those who don’t know, consider this as a CPU, you will just need to add a monitor, keyboard and mouse and you are ready to roll. In July 2011, Apple updated their Mac Mini product. Did you know that Mac Mini has enough space inside to install a second hard drive? Yes, this is possible. We all love to have more free space on hard drive. If you’re just buying out a new Mac Mini, then you don’t need to follow this process, instead just opt for a bigger hard drive. There are two models offered and can be configured as per our needs. Both models are configurable to 750GB (7200-rpm) hard drive, 2.5GHz model also configurable to 256GB solid-state drive or 256GB SSD and 750GB (7200-rpm) hard drive, at the Apple Online Store. It would be great to also offer 1 TB option, as currently we don’t have any such option. This method applies to non-server models only. The good guys at iFixit have revealed that Mac Mini has enough room to hold a second hard drive and also there is an extra SATA port, so that you can plug in another hard drive, provided you find the proper cable for this. If you follow the iFixit method, then you will need to order Dual Hard Drive Kit. This is a custom designed kit, including all the tools and parts you will ever need to install a second hard drive in 2011 Mac Mini. If you follow the second Macrumors method, then you will need to order “Bottom Hard Drive Flex Cable” from online shop. More information is available at above mentioned URL. Check out both the tutorials and follow the one which you think is easy. Disclaimer: This upgrade process will void the manufacturer warranty. Try this process at your own risk. I've never used Carbonite. But can't you archive (e.g., ZIP) the applications and back up the archives? They aren't going to change, so you only need to do it once, and the compression will save a lot of storage space (I assume Carbonite isn't providing unlimited space).
The L'Oréal Paris Laboratories have selected three pure clays and combined them with Red Algae extract in an exfoliating scrub, for brighter, smoother and fresher skin, every day. Its non-drying texture transforms into a light foam and releases the micro-beads, which exfoliate impurities and dead skin cells, leaving skin smoother and brighter.hese
LambdaVision researchers and the Birge research group were featured in in the American Physical Society New England Section Newsletter. LambdaVision was featured in the August edition of UConn Tech Talk, which is a newsletter describing advances at UConn's Office of Economic Development. The article can be found here. LambdaVision was featured in Hartford Business Journal, wherein Dr. Nicole Wagner discusses the innovation and technology behind the protein-based retinal implant. The online edition of the article can be found here. Nicole Wagner has received a poster award for her presentation on "A Protein-Based Retinal Prosthesis: Retinal Stimulation via an Ion Gradient" at the 2013 Halophiles Conference held in Storrs, CT. Connecticut Innovations has committed funding through its Pre-Seed Fund to four Bioscience and Medical Device startup companies, including LambdaVision, Inc. See the Press Release for further information. LambdaVision scientists have published a new article in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface entitled Directed evolution of bacteriorhodopsin for applications in bioelectronics. The article describes novel methods in genetic engineering, which play an essential role in the development of the protein-based retinal implant. The article can be found here. Nicole Wagner (CEO), Jordan Greco (Laboratory Director), and Robert Birge (Founder) have contributed a chapter to Bionanotechnology: Biological Self-Assembly and Its Applications, which is now available for purchase at and other retailers. This review, entitled "Visual Restoration Using Microbial Rhodopsins", describes the technology developed by LambdaVision, Inc. and discusses the landscape of treatments involving similar light-activated proteins.
While ryegrass-clover pasture continues to be the backbone of New Zealand livestock systems, variable and more severe weather patterns have created challenges for farmers seeking to build systems which are both profitable and environmentally sustainable. Therefore, a growing number of farmers have recognised the importance of high quality supplementary feeds such as maize silage to ensure their business is profitable, regardless of the season they are faced with. Among the most significant reasons to grow maize is its efficacy in reducing nitrogen leaching. Growing a high-yielding maize crop removes excessive soil nutrients which have dropped out of the root zone of shallow-rooted pasture species. Feeding maize silage in conjunction with pasture dilutes dietary protein levels, in turn reducing the amount of both nitrogen leaching risk and urinary nitrogen. Growing maize on effluent paddocks also reduces feed cost by delivering high maize silage yields with reduced crop input costs. A two year on-farm study funded by the Foundation of Arable Research (FAR), DairyNZ, Environment Waikato and Genetic Technologies Limited showed that maize silage crops grown on effluent paddocks with no additional fertiliser (no base, starter or sidedress) yeilded an average of 26.1 tDM/ha. Maize is an ideal break crop in a pasture renewal process. The cultivation process allows farmers to apply fertiliser, incorporate lime and address drainage issues that may have been negatively impacting pasture persistence. Cropping removes the normal feed source for pasture pests such as Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil and pasture nematodes. A key benefit of maize silage is that, providing it is well compacted and sealed, it can be stored on-farm and used to fill genuine feed deficits. Feeding supplements results in pasture substitution reducing grazing pressure. Forages such as maize silage have higher substitution rates than concentrates and can be used to manipulate farm pasture cover levels reducing overgrazing and improving pasture persistence. Many New Zealand cows are dried off early because their body condition is too low, which affects milk production as well as reproduction and animal health. DairyNZ information shows a cow calving at CS 4.0 will take 8-10 days longer to start cycling than if she calved at BCS 5.0, resulting in a later calving date and up to 15-20 kg/MS less in the following lactation. Feeding maize silage as alongside pasture throughout the year also helps support high heifer liveweight gains, which is fundamental to achieving high production and meeting reproductive targets in the future.
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The third edition of the prestigious IEEE Region 10 Student/ Young Professionals/ Women in Engineering Congress 2015 was held Colombo, Sri Lanka from 9th July to 12th July, 2015. The congress began on a high note with the first ever IEEE Cricket league played between different sections. This fostered a sense of healthy competitive spirit among all the delegates of the Asia Pacific region. This was followed by an ice breaking session where people from different sections mingled and got a chance to know each other. On the night of Day 1, the congress was officially declared open by Dr. Ramakrishna Kappagantu, Director, IEEE Region 10 who warmly welcomed all the guests and delegates. The Microwave Theory and Techniques society hosted a special session on students and young professionals engagement in the society. Tushar Sharma, Member, image and Visibility committee spoke at length about the initiatives of the MTT society and how beneficial it is. He shared the core vision of the society which is to foster the advancement and application of RF and microwave theory and techniques. MTTS involves all the three type of member’s i.e. student members by encouraging them to set up student branch chapters, young professional’s engagement through conferences and workshops, and women in microwave by taking initiatives to involve them in the fields of RF and microwave. The society plans launching Young Professionals in Microwave plan with focus of recruiting volunteers and industry professionals from different parts of the world. This point struck a personal chord with the audience as each one of them could find some benefit in joining MTTS. He talked about the student activities conducted by MTTS, some of them being: Summer grants program, Undergraduate and graduate scholarships, Distinguish Microwave Lecture Program, Education Activities and Conferences and workshop. He also spoke about the various volunteering opportunities through which one can create an impact on the society. He shared success stories how locally some chapters were able to have an phenomenal impact through IEEE MTTS-NASA and Stanford collaboration for research programmes as well as the IEEE- MTTS STAR(Students Teachers and Researchers) program. He also talked about the numerous funding opportunities available in MTTS be it in the form of Undergraduate/PHD scholarships or 1000$ that MTTS gives every year for Chapter activity support. Tushar Sharma explained the audience as to how to use MTTS efficiently for technical projects, industrial visits, microwave symposiums, and forming Special Interest Groups. The deadline for undergraduate and graduate scholarships for upcoming year is October 15, 2015 and can be found at This was followed by a small talk on IEEE MTTS SIGHT and its initiatives. Tushar spoke about the upcoming SIGHT panel sessions, design competitions, and amateur radio classes to be hosted in International Microwave and RF conference (IMARC 2015) in Hyderabad which will be held on 10th December, 2015. The objective of this event is to motivate high school students, young engineers, professionals to apply low cost innovative microwave technology for disaster readiness and humanitarian needs. IEEE MTT-S SIGHT has also started the concept of Makaton’s:- The technical Marathon where the teams have to identify problems faced at the local level and to “make something” to solve that problem. The IEEE MTT society stall also saw a lot of crowd with many interested students coming forth and talking about their problems with Mr. Tushar Sharma. This Congress proved to be the perfect platform for MTTS to increase their visibility and enlighten the delegates about its resourcefulness. On the last night of the congress, a cultural night was organized so that delegates could have a better understanding of each other’s culture and admire how big and diverse our world is. Each section put up a cultural performance as well as a stall with various souvenirs from their sections. The prize distribution ceremony took place on the last day of the congress. Feedback was also taken by the organizers so that the organizing committee of the next Congress could take note of these points and organize the Congress on an even better and bigger scale. The congress ended with one last group photograph and a lifetime of memories, collaborations and friendship. How do we use bacteria that can eat and breathe electricity using renewable resources to produce something we can use? This could potentially be very powerful here in Australia as we have abundance of land, sun and wind but in areas that aren’t populated” says Dr Ashley Franks. Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) use bacteria to convert organic waste material into electrical energy. This environmentally-friendly process produces electricity without the combustion of fossil fuels. MFCs have various practical applications such as in breweries, domestic wastewater treatment, desalination plants, hydrogen production, remote sensing, and pollution remediation, and they can be used as a remote power source. Widespread use of MFCs in these areas can take our waste products and transform them into energy. Today I am going to tell you about my big fat idea and I’ll be talking to you about bacteria that can eat and breathe electricity. When we talk about electricity with bacteria what we’re actually talking about is the way they can gain energy. And while the idea might seem sort of quite interesting and unusual it all goes back to the way that all living organisms can gain energy. When we gain energy, we have a nice meat pie, have some tomato sauce, we actually eat this, it’s organic food, but what we do is we breathe oxygen so we take in our organics, it has energy, we transfer energy to oxygen and form carbon dioxide. Without the oxygen we don’t really do very well, we end up dying and we call this respiration. But there’s lots of bacteria all around our world that can actually keep on surviving and respiring without oxygen. So what these bacteria are able to do is use what we call alternate electronic acceptors. Oxygen for us accepts our electrons, these bacteria can use different things. One of the interesting bacterias that my lab is interested in is ones … is bacteria that can actually breathe metals. So this is a lump of iron oxide, solid bit of rust. It is metal but the bacteria you see sitting on the surface in green are actually breathing the metal. So they’re eating the organics, eating their pie but they’re able to breathe the metal. The difference here is that the metal is a big lump of something outside itself. So to breathe you’d have to go up and touch it, it can’t breathe in oxygen like we do, it has to go and touch the actual lump of metal and give up electricity this way. So the reason why this is interesting to us is because you can actually gather that electricity the bacteria is breathing if you give it an electrode. If you put an electrode into this system this bacteria then will breathe the electrons onto the electrode and you can gather this as an electrical current. So the interesting thing here is not only meat pies but all different types of organics from around the world these bacteria can actually use. And it’s actually very beneficial because once you put it into a system like a system what we call here is a microbial fuel cell, this can actually operate like a battery. So bacteria, eating, breathing, they’re electricity, we can actually put into a system and it works together to actually form a small amount of electricity. And these bacteria you can find anywhere in the world. Usually they’re under the ground where there’s no oxygen, there’s lots of them and they use lots of different organics which they can break down and provide us with electricity. People quite often think that this is really exciting ‘cause now we can actually save our electricity problems around the world ‘cause we can just get bacteria to eat our garbage and produce it. But our problem is is that bacteria are only small and they only make a small amount of electricity. So the current and voltage output that they do is quite small but it can still have some very, very beneficial processes. The US Navy uses these under … in the soil in the actual ocean bottom and having one that’s about 1m3 of these sort of electrodes, these have a big one, is they’re about the same as 30 diesel batteries per year. While it’s not very much electricity in power what this allows you to do is actually leave a device somewhere while the bacteria are happily eating and they keep on eating for a long, long, long time, you never have to go back and change batteries. So if you wanted to actually put sensors in a rainforest, if you wanted to put sensors in a river, if you wanted to power a small device somewhere you could put this into the actual mud and the bacteria will quite happily breathe their electricity onto your electrode and power your small device. And for us in our research lab one of our most interesting points that we like to look at is these bacteria that are breathing the electrode. So these bacteria get a wide different mix, these are just some pictures of some different types but what the bacteria do is they actually go up to this electrode, they touch the electrode and able to breathe it. So this would be like if you and me were able to hold hands across a room with no oxygen and someone can touch a wall and we all can breathe together. And the bacteria are able to do this because they produce this specialised pillon and cytochromes. Chambered BMFC being deployed in Yaquina Bay Oregon in August 2011. The chamber is pushed into the sediment and in this semi-enclosed state, the inside volume goes anaerobic. Carbon brushes positioned inside the chamber serve as the BMFC anode. Another circular carbon brush, tied to the rope harness above the chamber, serves as the cathode. The BMFC is wired to a power management system inside the black acoustic modem that floats above the BMFC. Power from the BMFC maintains the modem and a chemical sensor (optode) interfaced with the modem. BMFCs of this design typically produce ~10 mW continuously. This can sustain longterm sensor measurements in the ocean and can power periodic data transmissions from the acoustic modem. We think this technology is ideal for extending sensor networks throughout the deep ocean becuase it eliminates the need for replacing instrument batteries. Image: Oregon State University So these are like little appendages that come out from the bacteria. They have these proteins called cytochromes that can transfer electrons and they’re able to pass electrons from inside themselves to outside themselves. So these bacteria are now becoming like a material, a biological material that can actually transfer electrons over a long distance, a relative long distance. It’s only 60 micrometres which is very small but for bacteria that’s 60 bacteria. So if 60 of us could actually stand together and hold hands it would be actually like that, transferring the electrons all that way. And this is interesting especially when you’re moving into the field of bioelectronics ‘cause these bacteria can grow an electrical biofilm that can transfer electrons better than biopolymers that people are trying to produce artificially now. But the other aspects where this is actually quite interesting is that the bacteria themselves can be used in areas such as oil spills where the problem is is you run out of oxygen. An example that people have quite often heard of is the Deep Well Horizon spill. It was in the ocean, it was underwater but oil is organics, bacteria can eat organics but the bacteria themselves out all the oxygen in that environment and they ran out of things to breathe. But knowing about these bacteria that can breathe an electrode, if we put an electrode into that actual environment we give them something more that they can breathe, they can keep on eating this oil and they can keep on breathing and we can get rid of this a lot faster. And these electrodes are just carbon, are just like a HB pencil, that’s all they are. So you put that in, the bacteria can breathe the electricity. You might have a red flashing light but you might not care about the electricity anymore ‘cause you can get rid of the oil spill. And another area that people are quite … don’t think about very often ‘cause when you flush your toilet you don’t want to, is wastewater treatment. So wastewater treatment when we do this now we use a lot of oxygen so this requires big tanks, you need to stir that tank, you need to pump oxygen through so the bacteria can eat all that organic waste, get rid of it so we don’t contaminate our rivers. But with these electric bacteria we don’t need that stirring, we don’t need that pumping and that’s just a huge saving in electrical power. So in some places like the US alone 7% of their electricity goes to treating wastewater so if you used electric bacteria instead you don’t really care about making energy but you’re saving a lot of energy. But what I’d mentioned earlier on before is that we at the moment, this is bacteria eating … oh sorry, this is bacteria breathing electricity but now what I’ll mention is that bacteria can also eat electricity. Because what I was saying is that from the meat pie which is energy that went out to the electrode, this is a transfer of electricity or transfer of energy. But there are some bacteria we have found in the environment as well that can actually take that energy from the electrode in the form of electrons and what they can do is use that as their food source and their power source to do a whole bunch of processes. A lot of people think this sounds really quite strange, a bit like The Matrix but what you probably most commonly know this as is photosynthesis. So a plant gets sunlight in its chlorophyll and produces electrons that power fixing carbon dioxide and make us our organics. But we have found is that these bacteria, they don’t have photosynthesis but they can take electrons from an electrode so rather than needing sunlight now what we can do is actually feed them electricity and get them to produce some type of biological or organic material. And as I mentioned before something like petroleum is an organic material. So these bacteria, we can feed electricity which we can produce from renewable resources and get them to produce something that we can use. And this is very important in somewhere like Australia because we have lots of places where we can have a lot of wind or we have wonderful amounts of sun but our problem is is that these areas are too far from our population, from Melbourne or Sydney or anywhere where people live to get high power electricity lines. So we can’t transfer electricity over long distances. But what we could do is we could make electricity here with solar panels, feed that to bacteria who could convert it into something like butanol and have that transferred to Melbourne where we can use it as we need. And the big advantage here as well is that we’re not taking away from somebody’s food supply so the land is not being used for food but it’s got a lot of sunlight, we can catch that and we can feed it to bacteria and have something useful. So this is a new type of biofuel and the organics in that biofuel all come from carbon dioxide, so for greenhouse gases that becomes neutral and all we need to do is feed these bacteria electricity. But one of the things that perplexed us to begin with was that you have bacteria that can breathe electricity and bacteria that can eat electricity and if you think about in the environment there’s not many places where you’re actually having electricity being produced all the time. But the cue there that we found that was interesting is that well you’ve got one that breathes and then one that eats and if you look at these bacteria together that’s quite often you’ll find them together. So they form what we call these syntrophic relationships where they’ll work together to actually carry out some type of process and normally it is somewhere where there’s no other electronic acceptor so there’s no iron, there’s no oxygen, you’ll have two bacteria that will work together and one will breathe electricity and the other one will eat the electricity that’s coming out of it so they get this little syntrophic relationship. What the problem that is quite with this is that the by-product at the very end is methane. So this methane is a great house gas, it’s not very good for the environment but there’s a lot of bacteria in the environment which are actually able to operate together, feed each other electricity to get their food and produce methane. So it’s interesting ‘cause our research, we’re able to show that in these environments this is actually was what happening. So this is where these bacteria that we actually found to do these amazing things have evolved over millions of years and they’ve already set up their own electrical networks, they’ve already been working together through electricity to interact. And you might be thinking well this is quite interesting but what does it mean to us in the big run? And the thing is if we understand this process then we know how to sort of try and drive these microbes to do things differently because in Victoria one of our big methane producers is dairy cattle. Everybody likes milk, everybody likes cheese but these cattle have bacteria in their stomach that produce most of the methane that they’re able to burp out and gives us a lot of methane problems. But looking at the bacterial communities in the cow what we find is that some of them are these bacteria that are feeding each other electricity. And because they’re actually feeding each other electricity they produce a lot of the methane. So if we know how to give the cow the right type of food so you select not the electric bacteria but if you give them some vitamin supplements to select other bacteria you won’t get this interaction through electricity, you won’t get your methane and we won’t get our greenhouse gases. And further to that if you actually want more methane then what you can do is actually promote the bacteria because there’s a lot of industrial processes to get rid of waste that convert it in these big vats using bacteria to produce methane. So if you have a lot of organics, if you have some type of food processing plant, if you have something that has a lot of waste, that waste you don’t want to put into our riverstream ‘cause you’re going to harm the environment, what you can do is actually promote these bacteria, get their electrical connections better and they’ll actually improve at getting rid of your waste, giving you methane which you can use as an energy source. So in summary what we’re able to do with our lab is … in my lab … is able to take bacteria that can breathe metals and end up with ways to stop cows from actually giving out methane. This interview has transcribed directly from a podcast thanks to La Trobe University and the IEEE Student Branch. The article has been edited by Dr. Eddie Custovic, Editor-in-Chief. It’s 11:56am on Saturday 25th April 2015, when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook Nepal from within and brought the landmark Dharahara Tower to rubble within seconds. So many of us, oblivious to the aftermath of such a powerful earthquake went about our daily lives, giving no thought to one of nature’s most disastrous events, killing more than 8,800 people, injuring another 23,000 and resulting in hundreds of thousands homeless. With this article, we intend to bring your attention to Nepal and the measures taken and those currently underway to comfort, relieve and reassure all those who were affected. Nepal lies completely within the collision zone of the Himalayan arc which is formed as a result of collision between the Indian Subcontinent and Eurasia tectonic plates. This makes it an earthquake prone region and statistics have shown that on average Nepal will be subject to a major earthquake every 70 to 80 years. Experts say that the 1934 Earthquake is connected to the 2015 Earthquake following a historic earthquake pattern. In 2015 alone, 147 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 1.5 rocked Nepal of which the most disastrous was the one that took place on 25 April 2015. The Gorkha Earthquake, as it is now commonly referred to, had an intensity classified IX – Violent with the epicentre east of Lamjung and the depth of hypocentre being approximately 15km. In a desperate attempt to help, many Chinese companies extended a helping hand. Chen Tiegang, Director of the Nepal Branch of Shanghai Construction Group lent the company’s premises to people who had lost their homes and loved ones. Three on-site engineers joined rescue efforts by using the company’s crane, forklift truck and excavator to rescue people buried in the rubble. The company became an instant de facto relief shelter providing food, tents and variety of other supplies. Within 48 hours, 650 pounds of rice and 550 pounds of flour was delivered to those affected. Where one would have thought that the usage of construction technology could be only limited to its building functions, its use in relief operations in Nepal resulted in saving thousands of lives. ZTE Corporation, a global leader of telecommunications equipment and network solutions has operations in 160 countries around the world. The CEO and CTO of South Asia Business Development Office, Mr. Xu and Mr. Zong respectively, de-toured a business trip and assisted with the purchase and transfer of 10 tents and 50 kilograms of food to Nepal. ZTE devised an emergency logistics team which distributed supplies and assembled petrol for electrical purposes. ZTE also set up a special task force of 60 engineers to provide 24-hours on-the-ground emergency support to maintain telecommunication services throughout Nepal. Telecommunication services are of utmost importance in the event of natural disasters to enable the smooth working of relief operations. The taskforce repaired and restored 400 ZTE Mobile Base Stations that were damaged in the aftermath of the Gorkha Earthquake. In order to adequately assess the magnitude of the asset damage, the team prepared a database of the base stations in the surrounding areas. Each base station was assessed and reviewed before the findings were input into the running spreadsheet. This enabled the repair works to be methodical and efficient in this time of need. NASA’s novel technology called FINDER (Finding Individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response) was also used for the very first time in a real-time scenario to aid relief operations in Nepal. The FINDER, powered by a Lithium battery can detect subtle movements like the movement of skin due a heartbeat by emitting low power microwaves. The waves can penetrate up to 9m into mould rubble and 6m into concrete, thereby being extremely useful in the locating of four men trapped under 10m of rubble from two separate buildings in Nepal. Google and Facebook did not hesitate to lend a helping hand with their online web based tools, ‘Person Finder’ and ‘Safety Check’. Person Finder is Google’s missing person’s tracker which activated when Gorkha hit Nepal. Information can be submitted about people in the earthquake zone indicating their safety status. This creates the database from which people all around the world can then look for missing persons or find out the safety of a friend or family member. Google’s Person Finder feature activated to aid in finding missing persons following the Gorkha Earthquake Facebook’s Safety Check feature asks its users to let their network know if they are safe. When Facebook turned on this feature, it determined the users who were in the disaster area from inputted profile and personal information. People outside the disaster area could check whether their friends and family members were safe depending on their safety status. IEEE’s Kerala Section in India assisted with the earthquake recovery efforts by sending 100 solar lanterns to provide immediate support. Mr Jayakrishnan MC and Mr Amarnath Raja visited Nepal immediately after the earthquake to assist the IEEE Nepal subsection with the rehabilitation efforts. Volunteers in IEEE Nepal Sub Section partnered with Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Ltd, Global Himalayan Expedition and IEEE Smart Village. IEEE Smart Village worked with local IEEE volunteers and documented the necessities needed to re-build Nepal towards prosperity. It is the human tendency or being human as we call it, that when we are threatened as a species, we fight back and we fight to win. That is why we have influentially shaped this planet for over 200,000 years and it is this that unites us in times of distress. Gorkha in Nepal was no different and we were attacked and we mourned the losses of loved ones. However, we got back up and united we stood strong to build our lives yet again. The IEEE Young Professionals team would like to thank Bimlesh Ranjitkar and Abhimanyu Pandey for their contributions to this article. Ever wondered what it takes to be an entrepreneur? The professional and personal challenges, the high and lows, the failures and the success? Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community oist at a startup called Frilp. I have been an IEEE Volunteer for the past 6 years and have organized more than 150+ events under IEEE. I belong to IEEE Madras Section and I volunteer with IEEE Region 10 as a member of the Electronics Communication and Information Management (ECIM) committee. I am also a part of the IEEE India Strategic Initiative in the Entrepreneurship Wing to foster Entrepreneurship amongst IEEE members across India. I am very passionate towards IEEE and love to give back to the society. A Social Media savvy person too. What is Startup Weekend Chennai, how did it come about and what role does an IEEE volunteer such as you play in this? Startup Weekend is a three day event during which groups of developers, business folks, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists, aspiring entrepreneurs and many others pitch ideas for new products, form teams around those ideas, and work to develop a working prototype, demo, or presentation by the evening of the third day. Startup Weekend Chennai was started in 2014 and this is the 4th Edition with a specific focus theme on Finance Technology. Finance Technology encompasses organizations and applications that provide financial services through the engagement of technology. During the three days, ideas were validated, user research was conducted and a minimum viable product was built over a period of 54 hours. I was an organizer of the Startup Weekend Chennai and IEEE Madras Section Young Professionals also partnered with Startup Weekend Chennai to help reach out to Students and Young Professionals across cities. IEEE members were provided an exclusive discount to be a part of the event. Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. The participants comprised predominantly of three categories – Hustlers (Business folks), Hackers and Designers. There were 110 participants from industry and academia from various parts of India in the age group of 17 – 55. It must be said that a majority of them were in their the early 20s. In total we had 36 Pitches and 15 Teams formed during the FinTech Edition. The program had 7 mentors, 2 speakers and 5 judges for the event. The mentors included Ashwini Asokan (CEO, Mad Street Den – An Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision based Startup), Deepak Natarajan (AVP Growth, Freecharge – An Online Recharge Application), Vijay Babu (Founder – India Operations, Altiscale), Krish Subramanian (Co-Founder & CEO, Chargebee Subscription Billing), Alladi Ram, CR Venkatesh & Ramanathan RV. As it is a Hackathon format of an event, there were not many speaker sessions. We hosted 2 lightning talks from Harshal Deo (VP Data Technology – Paypal) and Anupam Pahuja (GM APAC Technology Paypal). The judges comprised of senior folk in the FinTech space from Chennai and a few Angel Investors. Can you tell us about some of most impressive ideas you have had a chance to hear about this weekend? There were 36 ideas pitched out of which 15 were short listed based on voting by the participants. A few of the interesting ideas were The IEEE Young Professionals group has started to focus on Entrepreneurship as one of its key projects. In your view how can the IEEE Young Professionals help IEEE members with entrepreneurship? I believe it is the right time for IEEE Young Professionals to start focusing on Entrepreneurship. IEEE YP could play a very crucial role in encouraging IEEE Student and other members to pursue Entrepreneurship. We could organize Section Level or Country Level meet-ups, talks and Hackathons for members to come up with ideas, interact and find the right talent to form teams. If we start setting the stage for young professionals to meet and share ideas in the right platforms we could automatically foster Entrepreneurship among the members. In India (Under the IEEE India Strategic Initiative), we are also working on an Entrepreneurship Development Program, which prepares IEEE Student and Young Professional Members across multiple cities. We recently piloted the program in one of the cities and had an amazing response and reach. In a few months, we are expected to launch the same program across multiple cities in India. The IEEE GOLDRush team thanks Nivas Ravichandran for his contribution to today’s article which should serve as an inspiration to all IEEE members. We look forward to hearing more about the great ideas and initiatives as a result of the startup weekend. Posted in Entrepreneurship, R10, Tech | Tagged Entrepreneurship, Financial, Mentoring, Startups, Young Professionals Today we have the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Xun Luo, a research staff member at Qualcomm Inc, an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, San Diego, and a distinguished guest professor at Tianjin University of Technology, China. Dr. Luo is also a Program Evaluator for the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET. In 2014, Dr. Luo co-founded the IEEE San Diego SIGHT group – Connected Universal Experiences Labs, which dedicates itself to breaking the geographical, cultural and lingual barriers between volunteers and people in need. Connected Universal Experience Labs has now evolved into a multi-national, multi-society incubator of for-public benefit projects. Well, I grew up in China and I came to the US for my graduate studies. I got my Masters in Mathematics, out of my hobby, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I got fond of Commodity Pricing. While my PhD research was in very topical fields of Pervasive Computing and Visualization. I worked with a professor of finance for a year and published a report on crude oil price prediction and I am still receiving hundreds of requests these days for the model source code. After graduation, I was lucky enough to get into the mobile communication industry, first at Motorola Labs and then at Qualcomm. I worked at the research institutes of these two companies. At Qualcomm I conduct connectivity research, which spans from radio networks to local area networks.In layman terms, you can say 3G/4G, WiFi and Bluetooth technology. In the past few years, I was have been researching these technologies and I have several numerous research papers and 8 patents. In my part time, I serve as an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and a distinguished guest professor at Tianjin University of Technology, China. That is a very interesting story. San Diego has a very vibrant IEEE community and every year they hold about 50-60 technical meetings. Many attendees are attracted by the interesting topics of these meetings. Back in 2008, I had just started my career and all the topics seemed very exciting to me and they were delivered by volunteers who were experts in their field. For example, one of the local meeting was able to invite Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Qualcomm’s founder as a panellist. This clearly says a lot for the San Diego IEEE community. I was impressed by the dedication and passion of the local IEEE volunteers and eventually I decided to join. I started as the chair of Computer Chapter and ran approximately 40 meetings a year. I became the section chair In 2012 and had the honour of leading the IEEE San Diego Section to win the “Outstanding Section Award of Region 6”. “The IEEE volunteering experience is very rewarding. I have had the pleasure of working with passionate and bright people, grew my leadership capabilities and was able to to embrace multi-national team work.” IEEE has helped me in so many ways that it is hard to summarise in short. However the three key area that I would like to highlight are: Technical: Contributions in the form of the IEEE Digital Library proceedings, literature and talks delivered by the individuals/teams who are leading the industry. Leadership: Through volunteering, I was able to developed great organisational skills and to work as a team in order to achieve bigger goals. Several initiatives today are going to impact tens of thousands of IEEE members’ lives; for instance, the IEEE SIGHT initiative. Friendship: I made friends and visited some of the most unexpected places in the world. I have been to several Indian cities and rebellion-controlled areas of Colombia to name a few. What is most exciting is that no matter what people’s political views may be, all engineers love technology and the idea of exchanging information with their peers takes precedence. I have undertaken adventures with friends to some very intriguing parts of our planet and hope to continue doing so. What advice can you provide to IEEE Young Professionals who are wanting to pursue in highly prestigious companies, like Qualcomm? First of all, IEEE is a technical institution, not a university; it provides great networking opportunities. My suggestion is make good use of the IEEE network and try to get in touch with professional members in various disciplines. The second thing is grow your leadership capabilities. We live in an age of innovation, more or less of entrepreneurship. Even if you work at a company, you are still required to have the capability and mindset to start a job from scratch. So, innovation, leadership and technical capability are some things that you definitely need to further develop while you study. Another important point is that you need to ensure that you work with the most passionate and bright people. I would say that the IEEE is a vehicle to enable this for young professionals. Ensure that you work in teams and feed of each others knowledge. This team will help you in achieving many things. Firstly, it will help you to establish yourself technically. Secondly, it will provide the network for you to get noticed. You could be a great engineer but not noticed, you could be noticed but are not a good engineer. You need to have talent and you need someone to discover your talent. So, you need to prepare yourself for this and you need to work with people because at the end of the day, you need to do something big, something innovative, something that is by itself of high quality, that is self-contained, where you can prove yourself. Without a team, that is not possible. So, connect with people and make the best use of your connections. If you're reporting a bug within the site, please provide specific information including any error messages displayed to the screen, the steps you took leading up to the issue, and which web browser (version included) you were using. This site is not currently supported by this system. If you have any questions regarding this site, please use the support tab provided in the upper right-hand corner of this page to contact our support team. Margaret Mitchell, relict of the late James Quigley, passed away on Monday, 13th July, to the “rest that remaineth to the people of God”. The subject of this sketch was born in Argyleshire, Scotland on the 5th Oct., 1818 and was 72 years and 9 months old at her death. Her father was a sailor and was drowned. Her mother with Margaret came to Canada when Margaret was ten years old. They settled in Elmsley about three miles from Perth where they had a large connection of relatives nearly all of whom have gone before. Margaret was married to her husband James Quigley 24th May, 1839, by Rev. Mr. McIntyre, then Methodist minister of Perth, which town they lived in for some two years and removed to Pakenham in 1841 with one child, Thomas Quigley, now of New York. Eleven more children were born to them in Pakenham Village—in all twelve children, 8 boys and 4 girls. Five of the boys and four of the girls survive the parents. Six of them are now American citizens and one son and two daughters reside in Pakenham. The deceased joined the Methodist Church with her husband at the time of her marriage and ever since has lived as a consistent member of that body. Almonte Gazette McLachlin—Died, at Beckwith on the 2nd inst., Mary J. May McLachlin, wife of Mr. Robert McLachlin, aged 35 (?). McCullum—Died, at the residence of his son-in-law, John Campbell, Carleton Place, on the 26th June, Duncan McCullum, aged 77. The Renfrew Mercury announces the death of Robert Airth of that village on Thursday, 25th June, the result of inflammation of the lungs following La Grippe. The deceased was a native of Scotland but spent a good part of his youth and manhood in the southern states and Australia. Returning to Renfrew twenty years ago he started a store at the north side of the place and continued it until the time of his death. He leaves a widow and grown daughter behind. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and an ardent Temperance advocate. His age at death was 71 years. The subject of the following obituary notice which is clipped from a Minneapolis newspaper lived on the Highland Line, Dalhousie, before moving west and will be remembered by a great many of the old settlers of that township: “Gordon—Died, at the home of his daughter Mrs. James Brownlee, Jo Davies Township on Saturday, 25th (?) April, John Gordon, 93 years, 5 months. The funeral services were held at the house on Monday, Rev. W. O. Conrad officiating. The remains were taken to the Blue Earth City Cemetery for burial followed by a long procession. The deceased was born in Culron (?) Scotland on the 26th Dec., 1797. In 1827 he came to America and settled at Dalhousie, Canada. There he married his wife Annie McKinnon. In 1856 he brought his wife and family to Fremont, Winona County, Minnesota. In September, 1857(?) he moved to Beaufort, Blue Earth County, where his wife died the following December. He then made his home with his son until 1863(?) when he came to live with his daughter with whom he died. He leaves five children, two sons and three daughters: James Gordon, Silverton Oregon; Mrs. James Brownlee, Jo Davies; Mrs. C. C. Hinckley, Winona, Minnesota; John Gordon, Polk County, Minnesota; Annie Gordon, Mapleton, Blue Earth County. Mr. Gordon was a member of the Presbyterian Church since before he left Scotland and was a firm believer in the atonement of Christ and the Second Advent. About an hour before he died he spoke his last words which were “I commit my life, mind and soul to His Holy Will”. The death is announced of Mrs. Margaret Clements an old resident of North Elmsley, at the age of 77. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Laurie drove up to Mrs. Laurie’s father, Mr. John Meredith, 3rd Line, to spend the rest of the day. In the evening, Mr. Laurie felt drowsy and lay down in another room on the sofa to rest. His friends hearing him breathe heavily went to awaken him but it was found he was entering upon the sleep that knows no wakening and he shortly afterwards expired. The deceased was in his 60th year and was born on the Scotch Line. He followed lumbering for a time and latterly bought the McCabe Grist mill and saw mill on the 2nd Line Bathurst which he operated until his death. Mr. Laurie was well known throughout these counties and knew every nook and cranny of the woods and country generally in this district. He was a man of decided personality and was once quite a politician having offered himself for the choice of the electors of S. Lanark after Confederation in the lumbering interests. His funeral was a large one and took place on Tuesday. Horricks—Died, at Drummond, on Sunday, 21st June, Mrs. William Horricks, 86, a native of Perthshire, Scotland. Mortimer—Died, at the residence of her daughter, Montreal on Saturday, 11th July, Louisa Wilson Mortimer, wife of Mr. William Mortimer, aged 57. Miller—Died, on Sat., 4th July, Ellen Mason Miller, relict of the late George Miller, 3rd Concession Bathurst, aged 75, a native of Scotland and resident of Canada since 1821. Lanark Links: Died, on Sunday, 28th June, Marion Camelon, Darling Township, 4 years, only child and very much loved by her parents. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Clayton and was largely attended. Diphtheria which is now prevalent in Darling Township was the cause no doubt. Shields—Died, at the 7th Line Drummond, on the 13th (?) 18th(?0 June, Margaret Alice Morris Shields, wife of Mr. James Shields, aged 28.(see also next issue) Mrs. James Shields died at her residence in Beckwith on the 18th June at the early age of 28 years after a short illness of two weeks. The deceased whose maiden name was Margaret Alice Morris, was a daughter of Mrs. Thomas Morris of Merrickville formerly Scotch Corners. She leaves a husband and four small children. Her sister Mrs. Lee of Almonte takes the baby which is only two months old and was given it at Mrs. Shield’s request on her death bed. She was buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Perth. C. Canadian Lovell—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Friday, 3rd July, William Arthur Lovell, M.D., third son of Dr. Lavell of Kingston, aged 31. On Friday last Dr. William A. Lavell, Smith’s Falls, died suddenly from heart failure. He was just preparing to set out on a canoe trip with his brothers to the Adirondacks of New York but death intervened. He was the third son of Dr. Lavell, warden of Kingston Penitentiary and brother of J. R. Lavell, barrister, Smith’s Falls, and a graduate of Queen’s University in Kingston. He was a leader of the Methodist Church choir in that town. His age was 31 years. He leaves a wife and one child. His remains were laid in the Cataraqui (?) Cemetery, Kingston. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mr. John M. Stanley, Seattle, Washington, on the 2nd July inst. The deceased was born in Drummond and was a cousin of Matthew Stanley of Perth. He was a carriage maker by trade and was in business over twenty years ago in Perth and later on in Pembroke. Bowes—Killed, by lightning on Thursday morning, 23rd inst., Mr. Michael Bowes, 9th Line Bathurst, aged 33. We regret to learn of the death during the severe thunder storm of Thursday morning of this week. Michael Bowes of the 9th Line Bathurst, son of Mr. James Bowes, 3rd Line, was struck by lightning in his room about 4:00 and instantly killed. He had got out of bed to look at the storm and was just returning when the bolt struck him. His brother Patrick was in the same bed and received a slight injury to one of his hands. The deceased was married to the daughter of Mr. Patrick Kearns and had a family of two children. He was 33 years old. His funeral will take place on Saturday at 10:00 to the Catholic Church Cemetery, Perth. His aged parents survive him. The News regrets to chronicle this week the death of Mrs. Moorhouse, wife of Joseph Moorhouse, a highly respected resident of the township of S. Elmsley and a member of the municipal counsel which sad event occurred on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Moorhouse who was 41 years of age and who had been married over 20 years, gave birth to her first child a few weeks ago and since that event had been in a precarious condition until death ended her sufferings. The Central Canadian notes the death in California Saturday, 16th July, William G. Irwin, formerly of Ramsay near Carleton Place, aged 47. Robert Wilson, Rat Portage, whose parents live in Arnprior, was drowned in the Manitou Rapids on Saturday last. Rev. Father Byrne, parish priest of Eganville, died on Friday evening last after an illness of several months. The deceased was one of the pioneer priests of that city. The Gazette says: “On Tuesday of last week Duncan McIntosh, Dalhousie, died at the advanced age of 90 years. He was born in Sterling(?), Scotland and came to this country in 1842. He spent the first few years of his residency in this country with John Lawson, Middleville and at Hanna’s Mills. From there he removed to Dalhousie where he resided until his death. He was postmaster at Poland for a number of years. He was a man of quiet and retiring disposition and was highly esteemed by all who knew him for his kindly manners and stirling worth.” We have this week to record another sad death in the case of Mrs. John Ferguson of Numogate which occurred at her home Wednesday evening. The deceased had been ill for a short time but inflammation set in which caused her death. Mrs. Ferguson was the sister of Mrs. W. E.(?) MacDonald and Mrs. Andrew Smith of this town and is the second sister of the family who has died within six months. She leaves a husband and one daughter and three sons to mourn her death at the age of 54 years. Smith’s Falls Record Rev. Mr. Williams of Belleville, Methodist minister, died there on Monday at an advanced age. He was the father of the late J. F. Williams, formerly of Perth and Carleton Place. His daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. F. Williams, of Perth, went up to Belleville for the funeral. The death of Robert Fleming of Pakenham is announced from paralysis. The deceased was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland and was 84 years of age. Kippen—Died, at Perth on Wednesday, 12th Aug., Catherine Walker Kippen, wife of Mr. Alexander Kippen, Sr., aged 83. On Wednesday evening of last week one of our oldest residents Mrs. Alexander Kippen, died at her residence on Wilson St. at the advanced age of 82. The deceased was born in Canmore, Perthshire, Scotland, and came with her husband to Canada in 1832. She was one of the oldest members of Knox Presbyterian Church. (note, not sure of her age, both numbers, 83 and 82, looked clear.) Dobbie—Died, at her residence at Lanark on Thursday, 13th Aug., Mary McClellan Dobbie, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Dobbie, in the 66th year of her age. Burial in the Lanark Village Cemetery. Paul—Died, at Dalhousie near Poland on the 30th (?) July of congestion of the lungs, John J. Paul, aged 69. The deceased was a native of Antrim, Ireland and was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Dalhousie. He filled the office of Deputy returning Officer in the township for some years and was also a member of the Board of Health. He was much respected in his locality. Lamont—Died, at the residence of her son-in-law A. G. Dobbie, Brockville, Elizabeth Murray Lamont, wife of the late Joseph Lamont, of Lanark, aged 83. After a long illness Mrs. Joseph Lamont died at the residence of her son-in-law, A.G. Dobbie, Brockville on Monday last at the age of 83 years. The deceased was born in Paisley, Scotland and came to Canada with her father the late James Murray in the year 1820 the family settling in the neighborhood of Middleville. Deceased was married first to Dr. McNaught of Utica, in New York and after his death to Joseph Lamont, whom she survived about 30 years. The two moved to Lanark Village about 50 years ago and kept the hotel there and were so well known to travelers there in the palmy days of the place when Lanark was a lumbering center. Mrs. Lamont was the mother of quite a large family but only two survive: Mrs. A. G. Dobbie of Brockville and Mrs. D.S. McDiarmid of Carleton Place. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and her funeral service at Lanark on Tuesday was conducted by her old pastor Rev. James Wilson of St. Andrew’s Church. The deceased was an aunt of Messrs. J.M. and W.T. Walker of this office. Wilson—Died, at Montreal on the 13th Aug., Mary Wilson, wife of Robert Wilson, Esq., and daughter of the late Hon. James Wylie(?). (note, unsure of this surname Wilson). Lanark Links: We are grieved to announce in this issue the death of an old and respected resident of this place, Mrs. Thomas Dobbie which sad event occurred Tuesday, 13th August. Deceased had been ailing for some time having been confined to bed for many weeks. Too much cannot be said for the true character of her who has gone from among us. She was of a kind and amiable and generous disposition and a friend who will be much missed by the poor. Mrs. Dobbie was a member of St. Andrew’s Church and was 66. Port Elmsley—On Tuesday of this week we were called upon to pay our last respects to the remains of Arthur Couch who died on Sunday evening last. Mr. Couch was one of the oldest and much esteemed residents. In his younger days when the country was new he conducted divine services as a Methodist local preacher in this section. Afterwards he served the township very acceptable for several years as a councilor after which he retired to private life on his farm where he remained until called away to his reward. Rideau Centre—It is our painful duty to chronicle the sad and untimely death of a little boy Jobie Hutton who was drowned at the ferry on Friday evening of last week. The bridge had been opened to allow a yacht to pass through and it appears that in the closing of the swing bridge he stepped on and was caught in the railing where the swing bridge joins with the main bridge. He could not extricate himself and when the swing bridge was slackened up he fell into the water and before help could arrive was drowned. The funeral services were conducted on Sabbath morning in the Presbyterian Church (being a member of the Sabbath School and Mission Band) and was largely attended. The funeral cortege left the house of his uncle shortly after 10:00 and proceeded to the church followed by a large procession of the sorrowing friends. After the services were conducted in the church the children of the Sabbath School joined in the procession before the hearse and proceeded to the graveyard. After a few touching words by Rev. N. Campbell the body was consigned “dust to dust ashes to ashes”. Middleville: Stephen Easdale of Lanark Township, who had been living with Mrs. Lorimer of Dalhousie since the death of his wife, is dead and was interred in the Middleville Cemetery on Saturday, 15th August. Robert Simpson, formerly of Carleton Place, died at Winnipeg on the 13th August at the are of 70. He went to Manitoba in 1878 and engaged in farming and ranching, latterly retired from business and removed to Winnipeg. His wife and 13 children survive him all in Manitoba. J. W. Davy died at Toronto last week from internal cancer. The deceased was for some years a bandmaster at Westport and was a patentee and builder of the fence that bounds a section of the Tay Canal. On Friday evening last Duncan Cameron one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens passed over to the silent majority after having been confined to his room for about two months. He was born in 1806 and therefore was in his 85th year. His birth place was Ft. William and when he was 8 years of age moved here and settled in Lanark Village which was known as the Scotch Line near Perth. In 1838 he bought a farm in S. Elmsley on which his son Alexander Cameron now lives and actively engaged in farming until 1873 when he retired from farm life and moved to town. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a Liberal in politics. A typical Scotsman he was kind and intelligent with decided views and strict integrity, he could not fail to command respect in any circle. The funeral took place on Sunday to Maple Vale Cemetery and was largely attended. Of those surviving him are his widow and six sons and two daughters. The sons are John P. Cameron, an extensive mill owner in Kentucky; Alexander Cameron on the homestead; Allan Cameron of Brockville; William Cameron of New York; Daniel Cameron of Duluth; and J.D. Cameron of Chicago. The daughters are Elizabeth, wife of R. Cardiff of the C.P.R. and Jessie, wife of M.A. Holliday, merchant, Cheasley (?), Ontario. Smith’s Falls Record, 14th (?) August. After declining health for some time and confinement to bed during the past few weeks, James Hicks, merchant, one of our oldest residents, died at his home on Foster Street on Tuesday last at the age of 81. The deceased was born near Inniskillen, County Fermaugh, Ireland and came to Canada in 1834 settling with the others of his family in Perth. When the old Tay Canal was in operation he acted as captain on one of the boats running between Perth and Montreal afterwards starting business in the general store line here. This prospered and about 12 or 15 years ago he erected the fine large block occupied until his death as a store and restaurant. He leaves a wife and several children and two brothers in town, William and Robert and a sister in Innisville Mrs. Code. The deceased was a member of the Church of England and a firm Conservative. Stewart—Died at Renfrew on the 9th Aug., George D. Stewart, son of the late Mr. D. F. Stewart, aged 32. Morris—Died, at Drummond on Wed., 2nd Sept., Mr. William Morris, aged 53. Burial was at the Old Burying Ground at Perth. Wemyus—The death of our village blacksmith has cast a gloom over the neighborhood. Poor Alexander Cameron—a fine young man in the 24th year of his age, kind and obliging, we will see no more of his smiling face and genial manner but God knew best and His will be done. Lanark Links: We are sorry to record the death of Mrs. W. Drysdale, Vancouver, B.C., formerly of Lanark Village. Anderson—Died, on the 15th Aug., Grace Eva Vivien Anderson, infant daughter of Rev. P. H. Anderson, aged 4 months. Lanark Links: Died, on Tuesday, 1st Sept. at the residence of J. H. Gallinger, Bay Mills(?), Michigan, William McAdam, a native of County Mayo, Ireland, aged 78 years and 4 months. The deceased was an old resident of Glen Tay. Lanark Links: We are sorry to record the death of Alexander Drysdale, who was found dead in his bed on the morning of the 8th Sept. His death is supposed to have been caused by heart disease. Drysdale—Died, at Lanark on the 8th Sept., Mr. Andrew Drysdale, of heart failure, aged 63 (?) 65 (?). Lang—Died, at Regina, N.W.T., on the 8th Sept., Mr. Alexander Lang, blacksmith, formerly of Almonte. We regret to learn of the death of John Madden, Ramsay township. He was one of the oldest and most esteemed residents of that part of the county and one of the most generous benefactors of St. Mary’s Church, Almonte in years gone by. The deceased was the father of Mrs. Nicholas(?) Bawlf(?) of Winnipeg and was born in County Cork, Ireland in 1819 and came to Canada in his boyhood with his parents. Wilson—Died, at his father’s residence on the 7th Concession Drummond on the 12th Sept., Andrew William Wilson, 4th son of Mr. George Wilson, aged 21. 37 years ago Findlay McCormick left the 7th Line Drummond and settled in the County of Perth, Ontario. He rose into prominence in his locality and was for a time Reeve of the township of Hibbert in that county. He died on Friday last of cancer at the age of 64 and his remains were brought to this town and interred in the old Presbyterian burying ground beside the almost forgotten bones of his long dead friends there whose resting places are marked by tombstones placed many years ago. The burial of Mr. McCormick took place on Sunday afternoon last and 6 of his old neighbors acted as pallbearers: Messrs. John Sinclair, William McGarry, Donald McLaren, D.D. Campbell, Donald McPhail, John Bothwell. The deceased never married and lived with his sister who survives him. Mr. A.C. Jones of Stratford, who left Pike Falls 25 years ago and has married a niece of the deceased, brought the body down. On Saturday last John McGlade, after a slight illness of a day or so was stricken down by the hand of death and his remains were buried in the Catholic Cemetery on Sunday. The deceased was for many years a well known carter in town and owner of a sand pit from which many hundreds of dollars worth of sand was taken. He was born in the north of Ireland and came to Canada about forty years ago. He leaves a wife and grown up family. We regret to announce the death of W.E. Moore, Maberly, secretary of the S. Sherbrooke Agricultural Association, of bleeding of the lungs. The deceased was the son of the late Thomas Moore, Reeve of Sherbrooke for many years. Mrs. John K. Williams (nee Lily Schofield), Brockville, niece of the late Horace Brown of Carleton Place, died at Toronto on Tuesday last after a long illness. The remains were taken to Brockville for burial. The Pakenham correspondent of the Gazette records the death of Mrs. Ingram Scott of that township on the 20th September in her 79th year. The late Mrs. Scott was a very intelligent woman and a Methodist. Her husband, 84 years old, survives her. Among her children are Mrs. Robert Scott of Perth, Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart, Miss Susan Scott and Messrs. Robert Scott, David Scott and George Y. Scott. Lanark Links: We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Andrew Baird who went to bed Thursday night apparently well. Her husband awoke about 4:00 Friday morning and found her dead by his side. Watson’s Corners: We are sorry to have to record the death of Mrs. Robert McChesney which occurred this morning at 3:00. The deceased had been suffering form paralysis for the past six months and was quite helpless. She was carefully tended by her youngest daughter Jane. She leaves six grown up children and several grandchildren to mourn her loss. The deceased came to this country from Glasgow with her husband fifty years ago when Dalhousie was little more than a wilderness and consequently saw and felt the many hardships and privations of the first settlers. She was a woman full of life and energy, a kind friend and neighbor especially in time of sickness or trouble. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church for many years. She was about 74 years of age. Peter D. Noonan, once of this county, died in the city of Chicago Friday, 18th September of a paralytic stroke at the age of 50 years. The deceased was born in Bathurst and was a brother of Mr. James Noonan of Christies Lake. He carried on the mercantile business in Perth for a few years in company with Peter McGarry but gave it up about 12 years ago and went to Chicago. He married a daughter of James Conlon of Glen Tay and she with several children survive him. The Scotch Corners correspondent of the Herald says: “We regret to record the death this week of Miss Margaret Sinclair, daughter of the late Mr. Colin Sinclair of Scotch Corners and sister of D. Sinclair, Jr., of this place and Messrs. P.M. Sinclair of Perth and James Sinclair of Kamloops, B.C. The deceased had been ailing for some years and passed away quietly at the home of her sister Mrs. J. R. Tennant near Clayton. She was of a kind and genial disposition always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need and was much beloved by all who knew her for her many Christian virtues. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Clayton and had many years ago resigned herself to Christ. The funeral took place on Saturday to the family burial plot at the Corners and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. McLean of Clayton conducted the service. Hogan—Died, on Friday, 2nd October, Mary McCabe Hogan, relict of the late Mr. Daniel Hogan of the 3rd Line Bathurst, aged 72. On Monday last the remains of Mrs. Daniel Hogan were taken to their last resting place in the R.C. Cemetery in Perth followed by an immense concourse of friends and neighbors. The deceased was born in County Wexford, Ireland and came with her parents to Bathurst 70 years ago. She was therefore one of the earliest settlers in the township surviving. She was a woman of kindly and charitable disposition and never turned away a hungry person from her door. Her husband died many years ago. Weegan—Died, at Calumet, P.Q., on the 12th Oct., Margarette Weegan, infant daughter of Fred and Annie Weegan, aged 11 months and 13 days. McViety—Died, on Monday morning, 19th Oct., Maggie McViety, daughter of Mr. Simon McViety, North Elmsley, aged 12. The Pembroke Observer tells of the death of Alexander Thomson of Ross Township at the age of 90 years. He was a native of Paisley, Scotland and came to Canada in 1840. His son is Dr. A. Thomson, who died a year ago. The Herald chronicles the death of Robert Gilmour of Carleton Place at the age of 83 years. The deceased was a native of Paisley, Scotland and came to Canada 25 years ago. O’Dea—Died, at Perth on Wednesday, 21st October, Mr. John O’Dea, second son of Mr. D. O’Dea, aged 22 years, and 5 months. In last week’s issue of the Courier, mention was made of the sudden death of Maggie McViety, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon McViety of Rideau Lake. She started to school on Tuesday, 17th, full of health and happiness and it was not until the following Sunday that her illness was considered by the doctor in attendance or by her own family as serious. All Sunday night it was evident that before many hours one of the Great Shepherd’s lambs would be gathered into the fold. On Monday morning at 8:30 her spirit departed to join with the blessed. During her illness, Maggie’s patience and gentleness were remarkable and it seemed as if the Master was communicating with her and fitting her to enjoy the mansion He was preparing for her. Although scarcely 13 years of age her conceptions of spiritual truth was wonderfully clear. The child was quite conscious of the nearness of her departure from her loved ones and tried to comfort them by assuring them that there would be a great reunion on the other shore. Although the parents and her brothers and sisters deeply feel the loss of their little darling still they recognize the Divine hand and cannot but be thankful that their dear one is taken away where there will be no sickness or sorrow. In the words of the poet they can say: The funeral took place on Wednesday of last week from her home at Oliver’s Ferry to the burying ground there. On Sunday last John J. McElliott, yardsman at Smith’s Falls, came up to Perth on a passing freight train to visit his father lying sick at his residence on Sherbrooke Street from the effects of an accident at the car shops yard a short time before. On leaving the train he began to cough, then bleed from the lungs, but he made his way to his parents’ residence only a short distance away and barely reached it when he died in his mother’s arms. The terrible occurrence gave an inexpressible shock to his father and mother the first of whom is in delicate health. The funeral which took place on Wednesday morning was attended by a large number of all classes. The body was taken to St. John’s Church and after a solemn service there was buried in the Catholic cemetery in Perth. The deceased was a member of the Smith’s Falls C.M.B.A. and the brothers from that town and from Perth attended in regalia as mourners. By his connection with that organization, his wife and family are left $1,000. Mr. McElliott was a man of good character and disposition and leaves many sorrowing friends. Binks—Died, at Ottawa on Friday, 23rd Oct., Eliza Sajient Binks, relict of the late Mr. Colin Binks, formerly of Perth, aged 79 years, 6 months. Last Sunday morning the remains of Mrs. Eliza Sajient Binks, a former resident of this town were brought to Perth and interred in the old Methodist Burying Ground by the side of her husband the late Mr. Colin Binks. The deceased was a native of Woolwich, England and in 1857 with her family removed to settled in Canada in Perth. After the decease of her husband some years ago she went to Ottawa to reside with her son William a journeyman printer there and a graduate of the Courier office. The deceased left several children and her descendants number 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Douglas—Died, at Carleton Place on the 1st November, Mrs. Martha Douglas, aged 82 years and 5 months. Cobourn—Died, at Almonte on the 31st October, Jane Poole Cobourn, wife of Mr. Francis Cobourn, aged 73 years and 4 months. An old pioneer settler in this section in the person of Samuel McCrea, living near Bishop’s Mills, passed away on Wed., 21st inst at the ripe old age of 86 years. Mr. McCrea was born just two miles from this village and was the son of the late John McCrea, Sr. He was the last of a large family of boys but his two sisters still live, viz., Mrs. Hiram Cross (?) of Kitley and Mrs. Daniel Wickware of Merrickville. His funeral, which was a large one, took place on Friday and he was buried at Bishop’s Mills. Smith’s Falls Record The Central Canadian says that John R. Montgomery, formerly of Drummond, died on Monday last at Glenboro, S. Manitoba. He was a brother of Mrs. Walter McIlquham, proprietor of the Mississippi Hotel in Carleton Place and brother also of the hotel clerk Mr. S. Montgomery. The body has been brought to Lanark for burial. Almonte Gazette: After three weeks illness from an affliction of the stomach, Mrs. Francis Cobourn of this town passed away on Saturday last to the bourne from which there is no returning, aged 73 years. Mrs. Cobourn’s maiden name was Jane Poole. She was born in Ireland in 1818 and came to Canada in 1832 with two of her cousins, Rev. W. H. Poole of Detroit and the late James Poole, founder of the Carleton Place Herald. They settled in Carleton Place. Forty four years ago she married Mr. Cobourn at Fitzroy Harbor. She lived in Almonte for the last 23 years and although of a quiet disposition she made many warm friends who deeply regret her demise. The funeral took place on Monday at 8:00 am to the Anglican Church of which the deceased was a member. Notwithstanding the early hour and the extreme cold, there was a large attendance. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Low after which the remains were conveyed to Fitzroy Harbor where they were interred in the family burying ground. McIlquham—Died, on Friday, 6th Nov., Mr. John M. McIlquham, 9th Line Drummond, near Balderson, aged 22. Balderson: It is our painful duty to record this week the death of one of our most promising young men, John M. McIlquham, eldest son of Mr. James McIlquham, which sad event took place on Friday evening, 6th inst. The deceased, who was in his 22nd year had his name enrolled as a member of the Order of Foresters in which his life was insured for $1,000. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. After service conducted by Ref. J. S. McIlraith, the members of the craft to which the deceased belonged gathered around the casket and held a short service according to the rituals of the order. The procession to the cemetery in Lanark consisted of 110 vehicles and was a mile in length. Mrs. Duncan McGregor who had been residing with her daughter Mrs. W. Lawson, passed quietly out of life on Monday evening last, aged 76 years. She had been as well as usual at noon and did not complain of illness during the afternoon but in the evening when members of the family went to her room they found her breathing her last. The worn out frame sank gently into the sleep from which there is no awakening. The deceased resided here between fifty and sixty years. She was twice married, the first time to Jno. Duncan, brother of James Duncan, Ramsay and after his death to Mr. McGregor. Her children are John Duncan, Mrs. W.E. Barnett, Mrs. W. Lawson, Mrs. C. H. Ferguson of Almonte, Mrs. John McMunn of St Thomas, Dakota, and Duncan and James McGregor of California. Almonte Gazette On the 17th October, Catherine McNabb Gunn, wife of the late Mr. Donald Gunn of Darling, passed away, aged 85 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland and settled in Darling with her husband and a small family about fifty years ago. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church and was greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends who mourn her demise. Gazette McCarthy—Died, at Perth on Sunday, 15th Nov., Dalton Hicks McCarthy, eldest son of Mr. R. H. McCarthy, hardware merchant, aged 5 years, 1 month and 3 days. Meikle—Died, at Merrickville on Saturday, 14th Nov., Eliza Barron Meikle, wife of Mr. John Meikle in her 60th year. Buchan—Died, on Thursday, 12th November, Duncan Buchan, 11 years, 8 months and 4 days, son of Duncan and Isabella Buchan. Flett—Died, at Vancouver, B.C., on the 14th Nov., Arthur A. Flett, son of Mr. John Flett, formerly of Carleton Place, aged 21. The sudden death of Joseph Robertson on the 10th November has cast a gloom over the neighborhood of Fisher, Minnesota. His death took place at the residence of his sister Mrs. Thomas Nesbit after a very short illness. The deceased was born in North Sherbrooke on the 9th November, 18??. In 1857(?) he removed to the States where he has resided ever since. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr. Campbell after which the remains were interred in the cemetery near by. His brothers Messrs. John and Thomas Robertson and another sister Mrs. Ferguson were in attendance at the funeral. Lanark Links: We are sad to record the death of John Deachman who died at his residence Friday last. The deceased was 67 years of age and had passed the greater part of his life in this village. He was highly respected by all who knew him and on Thursday was buried in Lanark Cemetery. James Young, undertaker, had charge of the funeral. Lanark Links: We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. S. Rogers who died at Carleton Place on Monday, 23rd November. She was buried in the Lanark Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. The Carleton Place Herald of this week contains the following obituary notice of the deceased young lady being a niece of Mrs. Simon McViety of North Elmsley: “The family of Mr. A.R. Lowe of Cobden was suddenly plunged into sorrow last Wednesday evening by the death of their eldest daughter Nellie M. Lowe, an accomplished young lady of 18. Miss Lowe felt unwell the previous evening but was out as usual on Wednesday giving a music lesson. On her return home she felt unwell and laid down to rest. A sharp pain caused her to give expression in a manner that brought her mother to her side. The mother raised the girl in her arms but in a very few moments the spirit had taken its flight and soared beyond. The remains were brought to Carleton Place for burial in Cram’s Cemetery on Friday. McCallum—Died, at Carleton Place on the 1st December, James McCallum, son of Mr. Robert McCallum, aged 21 years, 6 months. Hicks—Died, at the residence of her son-in-law at Carleton Place, Hellen McCallum, relict of the late Jas. Hicks, Ramsay, aged 76. It is our painful duty to note the death of James R. McIlquham, 9th Line Drummond, near Balderson in his 20th year. The sad event occurred on Saturday morning 5th Dec., and the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to Lanark Village Cemetery. Mrs. McIlquham lost her eldest only a few weeks ago and in her affliction there is felt for her the deepest sympathy and sorrow. Both sons were exemplary and promising young men and would have been a comfort to their widowed mother had death spared them. James Bothwell of Carleton Place, who died through an accident a few years ago, was grandfather of the brothers having been the father of Mrs. McIlquham. Meighen—Died, at Perth on Saturday afternoon, Jane Stone Meighen wife of Mr. Charles Meighen, in her 55th year. Shields—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Thursday, 10th inst., Mr. John Shields in the 70th year of his age. Barnes—Died, at Perth on Tuesday, 15th inst., Susanna Katharine Smith Barnes, relict of the late Mr. George Barnes, aged 63 years and 6 months. Harvey—Died, on the 21st inst., at the residence of her uncle, Mr. David Brownlee, 5th Concession Bathurst, Jennie Harvey, eldest daughter of Mr. William Harvey, aged 16 years and 7 months. Coulter—Died, at Almonte on Thursday, 17th inst., Lily Maude Cole Coulter, wife of Mr. L. Coulter, town clerk, aged 25. Harper—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Thursday, 17th inst., Robinson Harper, 82 years and 8 months. (note, not sure of this date of death, could have been Tuesday, 15th inst.) After being in delicate health for more than a year back and gradually wearing away during this time, Mrs. Charles Meighen passed to her long home on Saturday afternoon last and her remains were interred in Elmwood Cemetery on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Meighen was of a gentle and unobtrusive disposition and her memory will be cherished by her many acquaintances. She was a member of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, the pastor Rev. A. H. Scott conducting the funeral services. Her daughter Mrs. A.W. Burt and son-in-law A. W. Burt, Principal of the Brockville C. I. and Mr. A.E. Meighen of the post office at Ottawa were present at the funeral. Another son, Nathaniel Meighen who lives in Dakota was not able to reach home from that distant state in time. The deceased judge was formerly of Perth and was a nephew of the late Mr. W. McNairn Shaw. His wife was the sister of the first wife of Joshua Adams, Sarnia, once of this town. The Globe of the 17th December contained the following obituary: “Judge Sinclair died at 4:30 this morning from the paralytic stroke that seized him on Tuesday afternoon. He passed peacefully away surrounded by Mrs. Sinclair, Miss Sinclair, Mrs. Seager, Miss Sinclair’s sister, and Rev. E. P. Crawford. Herbert Sinclair of New York did not arrive in time to be at his father’s death bed. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 3:00 from his late residence on Herkimer Street. AT the court house Judge Muir made the sorrowful announcement to the members of the bar who had gathered. Frank Mackelean, Q.C., on behalf of the bar, expressed the great loss they had sustained through the judge’s demise. James Shaw Sinclair, Judge of the County Seat, Wentworth, was one of the best known and talented judges of Ontario. He was born in Ramsay Township, Lanark County on the 7th April, 1838. His father was Alexander Sinclair of the Township of Ramsay, formerly of Cathneshire(?) Scotland. Judge Sinclair received his early education at the Perth grammar school and afterward received the finishing touches from a private tutor. He began his legal studies with his uncle the late William McNairn Shaw, M.P.P. and was called to the bar during the Easter term of 1863. He commenced to practice law in Goderich in partnership with Alexander Show, now of Walkerton. In 1871 he was elected a bencher of the Law Society being the youngest member of the bar ever elected to that position. In 1876 he was senior partner in the law firm of Sinclair, Seager and Wade and was much engaged in that enterprise. It was during this year that he was created a Queen’s Counsel and on the 20th April, 1876 was appointed to the bench. Judge Sinclair also acquired a considerable reputation as an author and several works from his talented pen are now in use as legal text books. His writings are principally on Division Court law of which he made a close study. During the latter part of 1887 his health, which had become undermined by a too close application to the duties of his profession, began to take a toll and in February of 1888 acting on the advice of his doctors he went to California. Upon his return home some months ago a change for the better was noticed in his health but he never fully recovered and the fatal stroke was a continuation of the illness with which he was protracted four years ago.” The Smith’s Falls News of the 17th December has the following notice on the life and death of John Shields of that town, former deputy reeve of Montague. “There passed from our midst on Thursday afternoon one of the oldest and best known residents of this section of Ontario, John Shields, Esq., who about two weeks ago was stricken with paralysis and it was evident from the first day he was stricken that death was inevitable. During his brief illness the deceased remained in an unconscious state and his end came gradually and apparently was painless. Mr. Shields was born in Scotland and was at the time of his death within a few days of 79 years. He first settled in the Township of Dalhousie near Perth in 1823 with his father where he lived about 12 years. He then removed to Montague on the Rideau River where by his industrious habits, by tact and close economy he with his family accumulated close to 1,000 acres of the finest farming land in the township. About 12 years ago Mr. Shields retired from active life after placing each of his six sons in possession of a fine farm. During his life he occupied several important municipal offices and in his death Smith’s Falls loses a highly respected and useful citizen. In business matters he was always thoroughly honest and just and to the Presbyterian Church of which he was a constant member he was a liberal donor. He leaves an estate worth $74,000 of which nearly $35,000 is in cash which is to be divided among his family, besides his six farms worth $10,000 each which he had previously handed over to his six sons. He leaves a wife, six sons and a daughter, Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Kemptville to mourn his loss. The funeral which took place last Saturday afternoon to the family cemetery in the Shields settlement was one of the largest ever seen in this section the six sons acting as pall bearers.” Today we learned about factors, prime numbers, square numbers, what’s the rule and factor pair, I think we learned this so we could improve in multiplication. From all my math my favorite thing was geometry because I enjoyed doing the rays, lines, and line segments because it’s was fun to figure out. He walked across the casino floor to his favorite slot machine in the high-limit area: Triple Stars, a three-reel game that cost $10 a spin. Maybe this time it would pay out .. All of these data have enabled casinos to specifically target their most reliable spenders, primarily problem gamblers and outright addicts. Despite those. All the action from the casino floor: news, views and more. the only place to play. Primary Menu. Al Palace F. Bournemouth Crystal Palace F. Most inventions are driven by a process of evolution and refinement: Following in the footsteps of Alfie, Annie, and The Amityville. Are you sitting comfortably? We all hear plenty of myths and legends around gambling. Following in the footsteps of Alfie, Annie, and The Amityville Horror, The Gambler is the latest iconic film to be given a modern makeover. Summer is coming and that means its time for movies to a process of evolution and refinement: The slot machine was no exception. You will be… This week, we are gettingtime for movies to get a superhero makeover. The First Video Game? And beat them every time? It takes but everyone that plays them dreams of making a quick million bucks or two to set themselves up for life. Web-slinging troubled teen Peter Parker is a popular guy. Bournemouth Crystal Palace F. Once again, the movie industry has chosen to take a classic film and turn it into a contemporary remake. But all hear plenty of myths and legends around gambling. His crime-fighting alter ego the movie industry has chosen to take a classic film and turn it into a contemporary remake.
In March I moved out of my former apartment into this room in a lovely shared flat. I built the bed myself, which was actually quite easy to do, the hard part was carrying those pallets to the 4th floor. The gorgeous drawing was once given to me by my brother, my is from Ikea. I hope you like it as much as I do, have a nice remaining evening guys! xx
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To take a look at TD Stores near you please visit We hope this helps, Danielle and have a good day! Looking for fun ways to review a wide variety of nouns? This Nouns Games Pack contains 13 fun and engaging printable board games to help students to practice the following skills: • Identifying a noun as a person, place, thing, or idea • Differentiating between concrete and abstract nouns This game allows students to explore the differences of irregular plural nouns. The students play this game like traditional go fish but they are searching for either a plural or singular noun. This freebie address the Common Core Standard of CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.1b for second grade. Irregular plural nouns are a tough concept for many students to master. This packet contains directions and materials for five games to reinforce irregular plural nouns. Three of the games involve the whole class, and two may be used in a station or a small group setting. Just print, laminate and Irregular plural nouns cut and paste worksheet. I hope you enjoy this little freebie to help teach irregular plurals. I made this to go along with an Irregular Plurals packet that is in progress, but I decided to go ahead offer this as a separate freebie. I have lots of items in my TPT store to h This version of I Have, Who Has is a great way to review regular and irregular plural nouns. My students love playing this game, and I hope yours do too! This version of the game focuses on regular and irregular plural nouns. This game includes 30 game cards and was created in black and white to This irregular plural noun unit includes a mini lesson, student notebook activity, writing activity, task cards and an assessment. This unit is geared towards helping students to understand the most common irregular nouns. The activities are designed to be short so that they can fit into just 10 mi Use this pack to practice irregular plural nouns. What's Included: •58 Singular/plural memory game cards •24 I have who has game cards •4 Assessment/Practice Pages •4 Creative Writing Challenges Check out the preview! Check out my Facebook page for freebies and giveaways! ©Thrifty in Third Gra This is a Go Fish game for irregular plural nouns and meets Common Core standard 2.L.1b for 2nd graders! Students will match up singular nouns to their irregular plural form. It includes directions and 48 cards for play. Enjoy! (UPDATED: 9/19/2017) This packet includes a poster that explains three kinds of irregular plural nouns: plural nouns that end in -ves, singular nouns that change their spelling completely when becoming plural, and plural nouns that do not change their spelling at all. There are 15 practice sheets th This is a really fun way to teach about irregular and plural nouns. According to the Common Core State Standards, students should master this skill by third grade! Included are two different types of printable bookmarks for kids to complete and three practice worksheets. Ideas for Using irregular Irregular Plural Nouns Task Cards (clip and QR codes) These are task cards with a huge twist! Join the magic show and change the nouns to irregular plural nouns! Clip the answers with clothespins and scan the QR codes to check for accuracy. This is hands on fun! For extra variation you can use Practicing the correct use of plurals can be boring or monotonous. A fun way to practice this grammar skill is through these interactive bingo games. Using visuals, multiple examples, and structure will allow students to practice correct plural formation more easily. This is a difficult concept for This fun Mad Lib style activity is a great way for buddies to practice those tricky irregular plural nouns! Designed for my 3rd Graders, "Buddy Up!" also provides practice for 2nd Graders and review for 4th Graders. This packet includes two versions of the same game. The first version has the irr This irregular plural nouns set has everything you need to teach irregular plural nouns to your students! The set includes one set of game cards with the singular and irregular plural noun. There is a matching sheet for students to record the nouns and a matching sheet for students to match the si REVISED! Knowing whether or not to put -s or -es can be difficult enough for some students, but toss in the irregular plural nouns and those students struggle more! This set of 2nd grade Common Core aligned cards, created by Marianne Patterson, includes 20 nouns and their irregular plural forms. D IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS TASK CARDS OR WORKSHEETS! Grade 2 aligned but can also be used for grades 1-3 Task cards are a fun way to review, practice, and assess skills! There are a variety of ways to use them, such as small groups, in centers and as a whole group activities. For fast finishers, mornin I have... who has? Is a great game to practice a variety of skills! This version focuses on irregular plural nouns. This game contains 24 cards. To play, pass out one card to each student. Some students may have more than one card or share a card depending on how many students are in your game. Th **Updated April 2017*** This packet has 3 activities that will help your students understand irregular plural nouns. Each activity has 50 nouns to practice. Color Code: 50 nouns (plural and irregular.) Students use a color code to complete the sheet. An answer sheet is provided. Match-Up: 50 noun This 8 page document is designed to help you teach your students (grades 1 - 3) all about irregular plural nouns. It includes: 1. A handy chart explaining rules for forming irregular noun plurals, some common examples, and exceptions to the rule. The chart contains a list of common words that pr This is a similar product to my Christmas-themed regular and irregular plural nouns resource. This resource includes clip art and language that can be used all year long! I also have a 96 page language combo pack that inlcudes this unit. This is a really fun way to teach about regular and irregula These plural noun task cards will help your students practice irregular plural nouns. They progressively get more challenging which makes it easy to differentiate in your literacy centers! Task cards can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom. They can be used as a scoot, as a center, with g Counseling from the Heart Measurement Conversion Operation Signs is a set of posters that remind students when to divide and when to multiply when converting metric and customary measurement. This product includes two posters with colorful characters, each with a poem to help cue student memories. Including in the set are two 81/2 x 11 size posters, 1 page with half size posters, and 8 individual cards for personal student use. This fantastic and simple conversion reminder comes with a black and white version included. Created to assist my 4th grade math tutoring group, this valuable resource is a great tool to help students remember when to divide and when to multiply! It can be used for classroom display, homework, binder resources, tutoring. This is a great resource for parents to help their children at home! This puzzle is a great addition to a technology lesson introducing children to the basic parts of a computer. Teachers can use it as a fun follow-up activity to review students' understanding of the vocabulary related to computer technology. The download includes pages with colorful pictures and definitions to make it easy for teachers to review the different computer components before students complete the puzzle. Use this teacher's guide to teach students key mathematical concepts of estimation and measurement. In this article, the... Read more This letter (in Spanish) should be se This letter should be semore I was fascinated by David Brooks’ op-ed in the New York Times this week: “The Two Cultures.” It’s an interesting analysis of how conservatives and liberals think about current economic policy. Brooks — who has called for highly mechanistic reforms in teaching and public education — reprimands liberals for their overly rationalistic approaches to getting our nation’s economy moving in the right direction. Indeed, he virtually taunts them for claiming that “the performance of the economic machine can be predicted with quantitative macroeconomic models” and for ignoring indicators that recognize human psychological responses to growing deficits and the “fear” growing out by anticipated increases in interest rates. In describing the failure of the liberal model undergirding the Democrats’ stimulus package, he continues his sharp-edged rant: The “liberal technicians” have “amputated those things that can’t be contained in (their models), like emotional contagions, cultural particularities, and webs of relationships. So why, I wonder, when it comes to thinking about teaching and public education, has Brooks consistently favored the short-cut, 1980s-styled mechanistic teacher training models promulgated by those who oppose teaching as a profession? He has called for teachers to be judged primarily by value-added methods — the very VAMs developed by statisticians using macroeconomic models. Brooks’s writings have suggested that schools need to be judged primarily by standardized test score results — irrespective of the context in which teachers teach and students learn. Or, to put it in his words, he proposes a school reform philosophy “that excludes psychology, emotion and morality.” But maybe he’s had a change of heart. Given his analysis of the faulty thinking behind liberal economic policy, will Mr. Brooks soon call for more intensive professional preparation for 21st century schools to ensure that teachers know a great deal about how and why children learn (psychology) as well as how to teach fractions? Will he recognize the instability of current value-added models in assessing teacher effects? Will he call for professionally trained evaluators to use hard quantitative evidence of student learning, but in the context of the many complexities of teaching and schooling? Will he point out that certain teaching working conditions — e.g., “emotional contagions, cultural particularities, and webs of relationships” — do affect teachers and their efforts to improve student achievement? I hope he does begin to raise these important questions. And if he does not, I hope that policymakers, practitioners, and the public will ask him and others who seem to lose their train of thought when it comes to education policy, “Why not?” What is good for sound economic thinking and action might be good for sound education thinking and action as well.
A lot of parents think that good child training guarantees conversion. I believe that although it helps very much, it is not necessarily the case! You can no more make a saint out of a sinner than a sheep out of a goat. Only God can change a heart of stone into a living heart. We cannot convert anyone. So many parents try to convert their children! Jesus says, "No man can come to me, except the Father draw him" (John 6:44). But, yet it is an undeniable, historical fact that parents can do an awful lot to prepare a child's heart to be drawn to God at the slightest whisper from His throne. So parents who carefully and wisely, who prayerfully and lovingly sow the seeds of the Kingdom of God into their little ones, have every reason to expect a harvest in due time. One of the reasons for so few children coming to Christ and staying with Him in adulthood is that mothers have all but abandoned the high and holy calling to full-time motherhood and that fathers have all but left the priestly office that is bestowed upon them as heads of households. Spirituality lukewarm parents have little reason to see neither themselves nor their children in heaven. Now, dear ones, to train a child in the way he should go, we have to get involved. That is our work. Training our children is to instill into them certain behavior patterns, it is to instill into them values that will stay with him the rest of their lives. That's what training means! Our work, fathers and mothers, is training; God's work is conversion. Training must begin early in childhood. The longer you wait to accomplish it the more difficult it becomes. By the time a child is six to eight months old he should clearly understand the word "No". My wife and I have raised two children from the time they were born. We adopted one when he was one year of age, and another one when he was four. I can tell you from personal experience, that when you don't do things right in the first year and a half of a child you have a tremendous uphill struggle. A child must know within the first year that if it does not obey, there is a consequence. The self-will of a little one is usually easily broken. It is my personal opinion that 80% of a child's training should be done in the first year and a half. If it is done properly there, the rest will be relatively easy. We need to teach our children to take disappointment in stride. Life is full of disappointments. There are disappointments on the job: we generally don’t get the job situation we want, or the salaries we desire, or the time off for vacation that we prefer. Sometimes we are not treated the way we want to be treated. We have disappointments at church. We will meet people who disappoint us. And of course we also disappoint others. We need to teach our children to take disappointments in stride without being upset, without throwing temper tantrums, without going into some kind of coercion to try to change the situation. We have to teach our children to accept and to adapt to life as it is, with cheerfulness. If you give your child everything he wants, when he wants it, you spoil and ruin your child. We must teach our children never to get anything through pouting, manipulation, screaming, yelling, or through playing one parent against another. If you allow your child to get things that way, you are introducing a criminal element into his mind. By that I mean that when he grows up, he will think he can get around the rules. He will try to evade the tax code, to cheat on the job or in the school, to find his way around the laws of the land by manipulation and intimidation, or by playing one person against another. We must teach self-control. Think about it. Just about everyone who is in jail has a problem with self-control: control of anger, lust, desire for drugs, etc. We must teach our children both to adapt to life, and not to be self-indulgent. We must not allow our children to quit. Once something is started, like piano lessons or violin lessons or a sport or project, you must make them stick to it. Not forever, of course, but for a good season in order to teach them perseverance, self-denial and character. Quitters go nowhere in this life, and nowhere in the hereafter. Quitters will never learn to walk with God. They will not learn to persevere in prayer. We must never take the side of a child against authority; not on the job, not against a church counselor, not against a schoolteacher or anyone else. If you do take the side of a child against any authority, you're sowing distrust and seeds of rebellion in that child's mind against all authority, and eventually against your own authority. The Bible teaches us to submit to all authority. If you disagree with the way your child has been treated by an authority, work it out with that authority but keep the child out of it. We need to teach our children manners. Sisters should treat their brothers like kings; brothers should treat their sisters like queens. One way you do that is by the father treating his wife like a queen and the wife treating her husband like a king. Train your children to chew with their mouths closed and to pass the food on as soon as they have taken some for themselves. Teach them to do all the household chores. Keep them busy with productive tasks and challenges so that there is no time wasted in front of the television. When I raised my children they were allowed only one hour of television each week and I selected the program and watched it with them. Don't allow your children to interrupt a conversation between any two persons. Train them to behave as adults do, even as a young person. In Israel , children become adults at thirteen; over here some of them are not grown up until they are in their twenties, and behave foolishly for many years, with severe consequences. Train your children to eat wholesome foods and to drink wholesome drinks. Do not load their bodies down with food coloring, pesticides, insecticides, animal hormones and the preservatives found in most foods. Do not poison their little bodies. If you do, there will be consequences. Develop in your children an appetite for healthy foods and drinks. Teach your children to sit straight and stand straight. Never allow your children to raid the refrigerator or pantry. Have fixed meals and only specific times for snacks. The snacks also must be healthy. Everyone needs to practice self-control even in how we eat. Teach your children personal hygiene. Fathers, you must approve the clothing style of your son and your daughter. Don't leave those decisions to them or to their peers. Fathers, train your children to be slow to judge. Do that primarily by example, and sometimes by explanation. We never know the whole story of any one case, only God does. The judgmental spirit is no respecter of persons. If you allow your children to judge someone else, eventually they will judge you, too. Teach your children to accept a minority mentality. Train them to shun popularity with man. Train them to want to please God in everything. True Christianity is a minority faith. Train them to be comfortable with it. Train them that this is a fact of life. Having Jesus as a friend is a thousand times more wonderful than having 1000 friends of the world. It is quality that counts and not quantity. Train your children to love good workmanship and success more than money. "The love of money is the root of all evil"(1Tim. 6:10). Train them never to spend more money than they make. Train them to give at least 10% of their money to the work of God. Train your children not to make excuses. Read from Genesis to the Revelation and tell me how many times God accepted an excuse. Of course we are not God, but we are the closest examples our children have to Him. If you accept an excuse be very sure it is legitimate. Finally, give them the blessing of this promise “honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it maybe well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth” (Eph. 6:3). Veroni an actress, known for Veronika
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The one daughter was the only successful one with her first clutch. Hatched 19; 3 more had pipped but she left them. Guess she figured she had her wings full. Chicken Ninja and my other daughter are really happy; we may have a couple of silvers. Have to wait and see how they feather out. Momma duck brought the ducklings out for a stroll in the grass this afternoon. Only for about 10 minutes, but they all loved it. Keep track of your to do’s and other tasks with this simple and clean checklist printable planner insert. Want to try all the new features yourself? Take a look at our latest PTV Vissim version and test it 30 days for free. Meet the new generation of PTV Vissim – with additional features and improvements to further enhance your experience. PTV Vissim 11 provides you with in built driving behaviours to model automated vehicles, new visualisations and flexible routing options. With PTV Vissim 11 you are well prepared for the introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV). This release provides you with multiple additional attributes in the driving behaviour dialog that can be used to model CAV’s. It’s now simple to model these vehicles without scripting or programming. The driving behaviours have been calibrated based on real world data collected from a public test track as part of the CoExist project. The new attributes reflect the use of braking assistance or the fact that connected vehicles need less distance between each other. The attribute “use implicit stochastics” models the imperfection of human drivers. It can be switched off when modelling CAVs. It’s now possible to change or add attributes to vehicles as they’re moving in the simulation. With vehicle attribute decisions, which are placed on links, all or selected passing vehicles types can be assigned a new attribute either as a fixed value or a random value from a specified distribution. This allows for example the number of passengers in a vehicle to be varied in specific locations and times of the simulation. Static and partial vehicle routes and partial PT routes can now benefit from a user-defined formula-based route choice method. The route formula can use attributes of passing vehicles, as well as other network object attributes to alter routes of vehicles. For example, at a toll plaza vehicles can be routed to certain booths based on their payment method, or at an airport to a specific entrance depending on the departing airline. In PTV Vissim 11, add labels to vehicles in the 2D view enabling so you can see any attribute info in real-time such as current speed. The labels move with the vehicles during a simulation run and can optionally rotate with the driving direction. In addition, 3D information signs have been introduced as new network objects. They show fixed text and/or attribute values and positioning of the sign can also be configured.
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He wore black, for black was his favorite color. He paced the sidewalks of Willowbee Woods subdivision, counting each step. He breathed slow and deep, in through his mouth out through his nose. It was getting dark. The sound of nearby sprinklers annoyed him, and just made his breath quicken, but still he breathed, in through his mouth, out through his nose. The small taps from his shoe laces excited him and he almost marched to the rhythm it made. The sun was setting. He chuckled in excitement, letting his yellow teeth poke through his crusty lips, and his soft, deep voice was enough to scare even a passing ice cream man, who usually were creepy enough. The shadows of trees grew darker. He waited, casually, or as casually as a man of his look could, and watched the family climb into a black SUV. The suspense was almost unbearable. He nonchalantly walked down the sidewalk, running his fingers over the tops of the black mailboxes, leaving behind small streaks of sweat. He stood in front of the lively house watching through the windows imagineing the mother making dinner, and the father wrestling with his son in the living room. They were perfect. He breathed slow and deep, in through his nose, out through his mouth. He sauntered up the lawn stepping in between flowers, and clenching his fist, digging his nails into his palm. The front door stood before him. It seemed like a giant guarding the house, like a big red monster who would slaughter you if you weren’t welcome, but he liked that feeling. He grabbed the shiny brass door knob and twisted it slowly, taking in every click, and tick, and listening to the small screech, and the small rattle of screws. He breathed slow and deep, in through his nose, and out through his mouth. He opened the door slowly, taking in everything the house had to offer, the smell of pot roast soaking in the crock pot, the soft music playing from the room upstairs, and finally the treasure that lay before him. But he wasn’t here to take, instead he was here to give. He was here to give a message, a message of hate, but yet, a message of love. He was here to make right to what had wronged him. He was simply there. He breathed slowly in through his nose, and out through his mouth. He walked into the kitchen, shoes echoing into the empty house from the maple wood floors. He walked over to the counter running his moist fingers over the smooth counter tops. He pulled the lid off the crock pot and stared into the hot meat. He put his grimy fingers into the meat and pulled out a piece of roast and sucked every flavor out of it. He grinned. He stared into the family room sitting off of the kitchen. He stared at the family photos placed neatly on the wall, and arranged in a way that made it look very “in style”. He walked in and sat in a reclining chair and closing his eyes , letting out a deep, slow breath, in through his nose, and out through his mouth. He enjoyed the chair and it relaxed him, but still he had personal business to take care of. He got up and grabbed a picture of a small boy, probably their son, and stared into it. He didn’t know how long he had been staring but he stopped and meandered upstairs, taking the picture with him. He walked into the first room he came to. It was decorated nicely. The walls were a soft tan and the bed was made nicely, pulled tight, and filled with pillows. No pictures were in this room. He continued walking down the hallway and into the next bedroom. It was fairly small room, it had blue walls, with baseballs painted on it. The carpet wasn’t carpet at all, instead it was turf for a baseball field, and the bed was covered in round baseball pillows. This was the little boys room. He left and looked into the parents bedroom, which he found fascinating. The bed was tall and pillows covered it. He laid down in it feeling its comfort, and wishing it was his. He looked into the bathroom that sat on the right side of the bed. He walked inside and turned on the shower. The mirror sat over the sink and hovered in front of him like thick fog in the air. He stared at himself. Though most people would be disgusted with his abominate appearance, he quite enjoyed the way he looked and would stare longingly at himself. He climbed in feeling the heat from the water and letting it soak into his skin. He enjoyed his showers very hot, and wanted to get the sensation of not being able to breathe from the heat. He got out, dried off with a towel folded under the sink, and put clothes he had found in the dresser on. The fathers. They fitted fairly comfortably, but were to colorful for his taste. He walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. In front of him he had a piece of paper and a pen which was sitting in his left hand. A small grin appeared on his face as the pen scribbled across the paper. I have been in your house for an extended period of time. Why, you might ask? Well why is a word that makes up life doesn’t it, and life isn’t always truthful, so that question I am going to skip. But I will say who, I am a person who, like you, enjoys life along with all its pleasures, and splendors. I very much love a good movie with a tremendous amount of blood in it, and I also enjoy a nice fizzy root beer. But you don’t want to know about my likes and dislikes, instead I’m sure you would love to know why a man has been in your house and why this letter was sitting on your counter. Well quite honestly I have been watching you for the past 6 weeks. Watching your every movements. I know precisely when you wake up, to the time you go to bed. I know every drink the father has taken behind your backs, and I know every meal you’ve had to eat. Now is the what. I am writing you this letter because I am enthralled with your family and will someday be standing behind your back with a gun. Someday I will be at your very end. Someday I will go upstairs and fall asleep in your beds with out any worry of any body coming home. Now is the when, when is whenever I may choose, and whenever I may choose will be whenever I feel is the time to cancel everything you have going on. I am doing this for one reason, and one reason only. I was stripped from my life by a person you are very close to, and in the end he will die also. This is my farewell I bid you a very unhappy life, and I hope to see you soon. hey everybody thanks for reading this. please leave some helpful comments so i can use them to better my writing!! thanks!
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With all of the attention on Melania and the grace, elegance, and class she’s brought back to the White House, you’d almost think Michelle Obama was intentionally looking for attention, after seeing some of the get ups she’s been photographed in since the Obama’s vacated the White House in January. The former First Lady, 53, shielded herself from the sun with shades and a black hood to enjoy a hike around the island on Thursday. She was surrounded by members of her staff tagging along for the sweat session, with members of her security team flanking her. Her husband, former President Barack Obama, does not appear to have accompanied her on the international trip. The day after her hike, Michelle boarded a yacht, wearing a white crop top and a stylish wrap skirt with a bird pattern. It appears as though Mooch has a little exhibitionist in her, as she flashes more than just a little leg for the camera: Michelle was seen aboard the yacht later in the evening on Friday, enjoying time with a group of friends. The braless First Lady was seen stopping at a local restaurant during her stay on the White House designer’s yacht: At one point on Friday, she changed into different clothes, and was spotted wearing a black outfit and a hat while leaving a restaurant. Both she and her husband will have a Secret Service detail for the rest of their lives, Barack having restored lifetime protection for former presidents in 2013. Costos and Smith are longtime friends of the Obamas, and have previously hosted the family several times at their residence in Palm Springs, California. Barack and Michelle jetted off to the glamorous home during their first trip out of Washington, DC on the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January. Smith, a designer, previously redecorated the Oval Office and the Obamas’ private quarters during their time at the White House.
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Huh! Your room is in greatest rooms that I have ever seen ^^ especially your bed! I like your photos a loot! <3
With a flurry of big deals closing in the run-up to the Frankfurt Book Fair, the seven-figure advance is back. While big advances are nothing new in the heady days before a major rights fair, the fact that at least five books—two novels and three nonfiction titles—have sold for $1 million (or more), indicates that publishers are going to Germany with money to spend. In one of the buzziest deals to go down before the fair, Molly Stern at Crown spent a rumored $2 million for North American rights to a nonfiction work by Ethan Kross called Chatter. Kross, a neuroscientist who works at the University of Michigan, was represented by Doug Abrams at Idea Architects. Abrams, who would not comment on the advance, said the book was preempted "within 24 hours of submission." Subtitled The Conversations We Have With Ourselves, Why They Matter, and How to Control Them, the book, Abrams said in his pitch to editors, "presents startling research to reveal why we have an inner voice and how we can control it." Describing the ways in which we interact with that inner voice as a "universally relevant and challenging human issue," Abrams said Kross' book "allows us to peer inside our own heads and see how to make those conversations more productive." As of late Friday (October 6), Abrams said the book was either at the center of an auction, or a serious negotiation, "in a dozen countries." One of two memoirs that have earned their authors a seven-figure advance is Adrienne Brodeur's Wild Game. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Lauren Wein bought U.S. rights to the book, which is subtitled My Mother, Her Lover and Me. Brettne Bloom at the Book Group, who represented Brodeur, said 14 editors were in the U.S. auction. (U.K. rights to the book were sold, just before the U.S. auction closed, to Chatto & Windus.) Brodeur co-founded Zoetrope Magazine with Francis Ford Coppola and runs Aspen Words (which is part of the nonpartisan forum, the Aspen Institute) and Bloom said the book explores her "complicated relationship with her larger-than-life mother, Malabar." Bloom compared the book to such bestselling memoirs as The Glass Castle and Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight, saying Wild Game is a work of nonfiction "about mothers and daughters that reads like a great novel." Another memoir that some might think reads like a great novel and which is drawing intense buzz, is Sara Seager's The Smallest Lights in the Universe. Sold for a rumored seven figures to Crown by Mollie Glick at Creative Artists Agency, the debut is from a professor of physics and planetary science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who, just before 40, found herself a widow and single mother. In Glick's pitch letter, which PW obtained, she said Seager, who has Asperger's Syndrome, found herself raising two boys and struggling to do basics from food shopping to using her credit card. She was in a situation, Glick wrote, "nearly as difficult as achieving her interstellar dreams." Toying with the idea of quitting her career, Seager found unexpected salvation in a widows support group. Glick called the book "both epic and intimate" and "a moving demonstration that our understanding of the cosmos and our understanding of love and loss are twin quests." The two novels that have drawn million-dollar advances were both represented by agents at the Book Group, and both are debuts. Julie Barer sold a work of historical fiction by Whitney Scharer called The Age of Light to Judy Clain at Little, Brown. Entertainment Weekly reported last week that the book, about a photographer named Lee Miller and her relationship with the artist Man Ray, fetched a sum "north of $1 million." In the U.K., the book has been preempted by Picador and Barer confirmed a number of other foreign deals have closed; among the foreign sales are deals in Germany (to Klett Cotta); Holland (Nieuw Amsterdam); France (L'Observatoire); Italy (Mondadori); Brazil (Intrinsica); and Israel (Matar). The other big fiction deal coming out of the Book Group, and a second major sale for agent Brettne Bloom, is for newcomer Kate Hope Day. Her debut If, Then was acquired in a two-book deal, for a rumored seven figures, by Andrea Walker at Random House. (A U.K. sale for the book has also closed, with Transworld buying rights there.) Walker preempted the book which Bloom said " follows four characters in a sleepy Oregon town who start having visions of other lives they could have had." Elaborating on the novel, Bloom said it "it opens the possibility of multiple realities" as it explores "the way our paths are shaped."
Jones (19-1 MMA, 13-1 UFC) will meet Glover Teixeira (22-2 MMA, 5-0 UFC) at UFC 172 on April 26 at Baltimore Arena in Maryland. The event will be the UFC’s first visit to the city and state. The 14,000-capacity Baltimore Arena has long played host to professional wrestling events. Now it will host the UFC for the first time. Tickets for UFC 172, which will air on pay-per-view and FOX Sports 1, along with expected additional prelims on UFC Fight Pass, go on sale Feb. 7 to the general public. The fight has had several dates and locations, but now finally has a firm one locked in. The show originally was announced for the UFC 169 main event next month on Super Bowl weekend. Then it moved to UFC 170 in Las Vegas, three weeks later. Then it found a spot at the top of the bill of UFC 171 in March in Dallas. But Johny Hendricks-Robbie Lawler took that spot, pushing Jones-Teixeira to later in the spring. A month ago, Jones’ brother, Baltimore Ravens defensive end Arthur Jones, tweeted that he was excited his brother would be fighting in Baltimore on April 26. But that date remained merely a rumor until Friday’s official announcement. Jones is coming off arguably his toughest test yet in MMA, a five-round decision win over Alexander Gustafsson at UFC 165 in September. The “Fight of the Year” candidate won “Fight of the Night” honors, but it also sent Jones to the hospital, bloodied and battered after a unanimous nod that many observers scored for Gustafsson. The win over Gustafsson was his sixth straight title defense since winning the 205-pound belt against Mauricio Rua nearly three years ago. Since then, he has defended against Quinton Jackson, Lyoto Machida, Rashad Evans, Vitor Belfort, Chael Sonnen and Gustafsson. Jones’ lone MMA loss remains a controversial disqualification against Matt Hamill in December 2009 for illegal elbows. Most, including UFC President Dana White, consider that loss to come with an asterisk on his resume, at best. Teixeira gets his title shot on the strength of five straight impressive wins to open his UFC career. The U.S.-based Brazilian, long a protege of UFC Hall of Famer Chuck Liddell, will have gone more than nine years since his last loss when he steps in against Jones. He debuted in the UFC in May 2012 with a submission win over Kyle Kingsbury, then followed that up with a TKO of Fabio Maldonado in his native Brazil. Against “Rampage” Jackson this past January, he outgunned the former champ for a unanimous decision. Then he capped off a perfect 2013 with a “Submission of the Night” bonus win over James Te Huna at UFC 160 and a “Knockout of the Night” win over Ryan Bader in the main event of UFC Fight Night 28 in September to cement his title shot.
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This is one of our Favorites! This redbud tree has what others don't. Watch as its heart shaped leaves transform into a work of art. Each leaf has a tri-color to it. Enjoy yellow, orange, and apricot colors during the summer and fading into a lime green when it gets hot. Wait... we forgot about spring. As spring approaches, beautiful fushia pink blooms cover its branches that really brighten your day. The Rising Sun Redbud needs to be planted in an area where it will receive full sun. It reaches heights of up to 8-12 feet tall and about 8 feet wide. It will need regular watering once it gets hot but other than that, its quite the tree. When planting your Rising Sun Redbud be sure you have the right location and conditions for your new tree to thrive. Spring and fall are ideal times to plant. However, if you avoid extreme temperatures you can plant almost any time of the year. Redbuds are very easy to maintain. These trees tolerate full sun, part sun, and part shade and are adaptable to any soil as long as it isn't saturated. Water your new Redbud deeply about twice a week for the first couple months. After establishment, this redbud is drought tolerant. In extended drought periods this tree will benefit from a weekly deep watering. Add a layer of 2 of mulch around the base of the tree about the size of the tree canopy. Do not allow the mulch to touch the trunk as this increases the chances of pests and disease. Fertilize in early spring and when planting to give your tree a boost. Choose a balanced, slow release fertilizer. Redbuds don't generally require pruning, but if needed, prune immediately after blooming has ceased to remove any dead, dying, crowded or crossed branches. Pruning in winter is likely to cause bloom loss. The best way to prevent disease and pests is by providing the appropriate care for your plants. Proper location choice, watering and fertilization are the keys to your success. Avoid problems with Borer insects by ensuring your tree remains free from damage, especially from lawn equipment. Mulching helps to keep weeds at bay which eliminates the need to use lawn equipment near your tree. Borers look for a hole or weak spot to penetrate. Scale is an immobile insect that can affect almost any tree. You can treat this pest with horticultural oil. Be sure to coat the entire tree. If you have a natural area off to the side of your home, plant a redbud tree here. Enjoy it sparkle with blooms in the spring. Or plant 1 or 2 in your front or back yard. They can be used as a focal point in the yard and they look even better with uplighting. Redbud Trees go very well with most other colors in the landscape. Plant some kaleidoscope abelia under the tree for some beautiful yellow and gold colors. Junipers also work very well. The blues and greens pair well with the fuschia pink blooms! There really isn't a bad place to plant your new Redbud Tree. Just make sure that you can see it from your window because you will have your eye on it! I didn't see the coupon for free planting mix until after I had already checked out. Can I still get it? Other wise, the tree came quickly , was in good shape and so far so good. I ordered 2 rising sun redbud trees. They arrived within a week as promised. The packaging was excellent so they both arrived undamaged. Both of the trees only had a couple leaves left on them, but they both also had nice strong, straight trunks. I planted them immediately and followed the directions provided carefully. Directions were clear and easy to follow. I also purchased the slow release fertilizer and added some as directed while planting. I was pleasantly surprised to see new leaf and flower buds all over both trees just 2 days after planting. The weather here is in the 80s and I am excited about the fact that they look as though they are about to bloom again so quickly after their long trip to California. I can't wait to see what they look like all filled out. It's been less than a week since they arrived, but I'm pleased so far with the overall experience and would definitely order from Planting Tree again. So far so good. Quick delivery, heathy looking tree, great roots, easy instructions. Can’t wait to see it in the spring. Shipping was extremely fast, came with thorough instructions and the tree looked super healthy, great experience! We carefully followed the directions and got planting mix from our local store and now we will wait and see. Since it is October, the tree has lost most of it's leaves and we have put it in a focal point of the patio., Cross your fingers. The photos on the web site are beautiful. Little nervous. Spring will tell. Large Indeterminate plant yields an incredible number of the best tasting, bite-sized (1 oz.) cherry tomatoes. Requires full sun exposure. Product photos are for illustrative use only. Available for delivery in NYC only. Delivered in growers pots. If you would like these planted for you, please contact us at 212-662-4400. Many of our plants are readily available; but due to the nature of the season, some orders may take 24-36 hours to process. What is the real story behind the young man who comes to Glen Lyon and begins building a house with his own hands. He could be an early farmer; he could be a clansman; he could be a survivor of Culloden. It's only when Somerled Stewart comes down after the winter to the village and sets eyes on Anna, the daughter of the blacksmith, that the mists begin to clear. Yet, although this story settles somewhere in the 20th century, Somerled Stewart himself always remains something of a timeless figure - his own ancestor. He longs to build a perfect world about him of wood and stone, as he yearns to create a flawless happiness with Anna, his bride. He must even find the gold for her wedding ring from the river; he could not bear the thought of buying it. It is only when he returns for a few days with his sister to the west coast home where they grew up that we begin to understand the forces that drive him. Both siblings are returning to a place that holds memories of deep unhappiness. The perfect beauty of the place masks the darkness that lies within for each of them. When Somerled learns that Anna is to have a child, he fears that all that haunts him will be passed on to the next generation. He is profoundly aware that the perfect world he longs to build keeps breaking, and that often the flaws are in his own hands. In the end, the answers he seeks to find are contained in the glen itself.
Flamme Rouge: Meteo, a small expansion for Flamme Rouge, introduces players to weather phenomenons such as storms, side winds, and head winds.
Thirsty Londoners were treated to free beer this week, thanks to a new Carlsberg billboard that offered fresh pints to lucky bystanders. The new 12-meter wide poster outfitted with a beer tap sticks with a minimal design and simply declares: “Probably the best poster in the world.” Beer fans in East London seem to agree. Refugees from Afghanistan and Syria arrive in boats on the shores of Lesbos near Skala Sikaminias, Greece on Nov. 10 2015. Of the 4.2 million Syrians displaced since that country’s civil war began in 2011, America has taken in 2,290—or 0.0005 percent of the total. But to hear many American politicians speak in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, Syrian refugees pose an immense security threat. So far, all they’ve brought about is a serious identity crisis for the U.S. These five facts explain America’s reaction to Syrian refugees. Some 31 U.S. governors—all but one Republican—have announced that Syrian refugees would not be welcome in their states. Given the press coverage, you would think that individual states have a say in U.S. refugee policy—they don’t. Once refugees are admitted into the U.S. by the federal government, they are free to settle wherever they choose. So far in 2015, the lion’s share of the 1,869 Syrian refugees admitted have settled in six states—California (218 refugees), Michigan (198), Texas (194), Illinois (136), Arizona (153) and Pennsylvania (138). Of these states, only California and Pennsylvania—both with Democratic governors—continue to “welcome” Syrian refugees. Among the politicians who have come out against Syrian refugees is GOP hopeful and Ohio Governor John Kasich. His own state offers a counterexample. In 2012, local refugee services in Cleveland spent about $4.8 million to help refugees get settled in the area. In turn, these refugees had a positive impact on the economy worth about $48 million, a ten-fold return on investment. Refugees, when given the proper support, can be a boon to local economies. Over the last four decades, the U.S. has admitted nearly 3 million refugees. You wouldn’t know it from the way presidential candidates are talking. Texas Senator Ted Cruz plans to introduce legislation that would ban Muslim Syrian refugees from entering the U.S. If there is any presidential candidate who should appreciate the plight of refugees, it’s Cruz, whose father fled Castro’s regime in Cuba in the 1950s. Ben Carson has used a particularly offensive analogy to rabid dogs when explaining why he is against letting in Syrian refugees. Donald Trump has pushed for increased surveillance of “certain mosques” and a specialized Muslim database to track their activities. Of the 12 GOP candidates actually polling (sorry Jim Gilmore), 7 have come out against Syrian refugees outright, 3 want to “pause” their admission, and Jeb Bush and Cruz make special allowances for Christian Syrians. How Christian of them. Democratic candidates have avoided the same colorful rhetoric, but their proposals don’t move the needle much more. Bernie Sanders is content supporting Obama’s 10,000 Syrian refugee policy. Both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley have called for an additional 65,000 Syrian refugees to be accepted over the next five years. That’s a paltry sum compared to the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees currently fleeing to Europe. In September, President Obama proposed allowing an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees to come to the U.S. over the next year. The White House has the authority to unilaterally determine how many refugees can be admitted into the U.S., but it is up to Congress to fund the resettlements. In the 2014 fiscal year, it cost $1.1 billion to resettle and train 70,000 refugees, or roughly $15,700 per refugee. Congress is having none of it. The House last week voted 289-137 to pass a bill requiring the FBI director, the secretary of homeland security and the director of national intelligence to all certify that each individual refugee poses no security risk to the U.S. In the name of increased security, the House is aiming to slow Syrian refugee intake to a crawl. The vote was bipartisan, with 47 Democrats joining 242 Republicans in voting for the bill, giving the legislation a veto-proof majority if those numbers hold. The U.S. has been the largest contributor of aid to Syria since 2011, sending more than $4 billion to date in humanitarian aid. But as events this year have shown, simply throwing money at Syria is not going to help solve the humanitarian crisis. In a Gallup poll conducted this past summer, 63 percent of Americans said that immigration is a “good thing” for the country overall. But a Bloomberg Politics poll last week, conducted in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris, found that 53 percent of Americans don’t want to accept any Syrian refugees; 11 percent said they would only accept Christian refugees from Syria. Unfortunately, this is well in line with America’s history with refugees. In 1948, a Gallup poll found that 57 percent of Americans would disapprove of resettling 10,000 displaced Europeans in their state. In 1975, only 36 percent of Americans wanted to take in Vietnamese refugees; in 1980, 71 percent of Americans were against Cuban refugees coming to the U.S. Some habits die hard. Over the last four years, the Turkish government has spent roughly $5.72 billion to feed and shelter Syrian refugees, who number 2.2 million in the country. Despite the apparent economic burden, the Turkish economy is expected to grow 3 percent this year. Smaller Lebanon, which is currently housing 1.1 million refugees, will see an economic growth rate of 2 percent. Jordan has taken in 630,000 Syrian refugees—more than 10 percent of its own population—and is also expected to see its GDP rise 3 percent this year. Sometimes, doing the right thing pays off. On the other side of the Atlantic, Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed that it’s possible to win elections by promising to do more, not less, to help Syrian refugees. During his campaign, he pledged to accept 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015. As prime minister, he now has six weeks left to follow through. Meanwhile, France repeated its promises to take in 30,000 Syrian refugees over the next two years, a statement of defiance after the Paris attacks. It’s a message America should listen to. Jacob Roggeveen was a Dutch explorer who was sent to find Terra Australis, but he insteh West India Company, to seek Terra Australis. It con... The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) is the oldest commercial corporation in North America and one of the oldest in the world. The company was incorporated by British royal charter in 1670 as The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England tra... Vitus Bering was a Danish explorer. Explored the Siberian Far East and Alaska and claimed it for Russia. The value of Bering's work was not fully recognized for many years, but Captain Cook was able to prove Bering's accuracy as an observer... Hans Poulsen Egede was a Dano-Norwegian Lutheran missionary who launched mission efforts to Greenland, which led him to be styled the Apostle of Greenland. He established a successful mission among the Inuit and is credited with revitalizin... Admiral George Anson, 1st Baron Anson PC RN, was a British admiral and a wealthy aristocrat, noted for his circumnavigation of the globe and his role overseeing thes a French mathematician, philosopher and man of letters. He became the Director of the Académie des Sciences, and the first President of the Berlin Academy of Science, at the invitation of Frederick the... The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, marator. Phillip was appointed Governor of New South Wales, the first European colony on the Australian continent, and was the founder of the settlement which is now the cit... Samuel Hearne, explorer, fur trader. He joined the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) in 1766 and was chosen to search for a western passage, by river or sea, across the Barren Lands. His first 2 attempts ended ingloriously, as he was bullied, robb... An English navigator and explorer, Vancouver sailed on Capt. James Cook's 2nd and 3rd voyages. In 1791, he set out for the NW coast of America. He rounded the Cape of Good Hope, explored the coasts of Australia and New Zealand, and visited... Sir David Ochterlony, 1st Baronet GCB, was a British general. In 1777, he went as a cadet to India, where he served under Lord Lake in the battles of Koil, Aligarh and Delhi, and was appointed resident at Delhi in 1803. As the official Brit... Alexander von Humboldt was a German naturalist and explorer, and the younger brother of the Prussian minister, philosopher, and linguist, Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835). Humboldt's quantitative work on botanical geography was foundational... Grand Regency Resort at Thousand Hills is located in the heart of Branson, just blocks away from shopping, fine
I'm delighted to be posting on the C.C. Designs blog for the next three Mondays, sharing my designs from the super-adorable January release! I like to try to use dies in unique and unexpected ways. So, each time I post I'll be sharing with you a new take I have on the different dies in this release. I've used the Puppy Accessories to give my flying piggies a magical home in the clouds. The chimney is my new take on the dies. I love that this new release provides a variety of heart shapes to play around with! And my favorite is the mini-mini one in the Puppy Accessories. “The hottest show in town”: the unmissable Burning Bluebeard brings its strange magic back for the holidays → Edmonton theatre knows that holiday traditions come in every size and shape, layer on layer, reimagined or reinvented. Have a gander at these: Welcome to the riotous world of plundered, cross-hatched fairy tales, blithe cross-dressing, plucky heroes and a snarly but hapless villain, big sassy panto critters, improv, loud audience interaction (which is to say, cheering and booing and generally being rambnctious). Singing and dancing. And lots and lots of jokes, good, bad and shamelessly terrible — some designed for the kids, some that sail right over their heads to tickle the adult funny bone. Jocelyn Ahlf, who’s also in the cast (as Carabosse, Queen of Thorns), has penned the larky extravaganza. Dana Andersen directs a cast that includes Davina Stewart as The Sugarplum Fairy (on loan from The Nutcracker?), Darrin Hagen as Fanny Bumfuzzle, Luc Tellier as Master Cat and Madelaine Knight as Sourpuss. Jameela NcNeil and Gab Gagnon are the Queen and King. It runs through Dec. 31 at the Capitol Theatre, a fun excursion in itself. Tickets get snapped up fast, so have a look at fortedmontonpark.ca. At the Roxy, you can catch a sort of panto wrapped in a panto and tied with a vaudevillian bow. Edmonton Actors Theatre is back at the Roxy for the third annual incarnation of Burning Bluebeard, macabre, funny, and touching, as clowns emerge from the ashes of a tragic theatre fire in the Chicago of 1903 to finish the panto and give us the happy ending they missed the first time around. More of this wonderful Dave Horak production later. Meanwhile, have a look at my Burning Bluebeard preview. The 18th annual edition of the Citadel’s grand production of A Christmas Carol continues (through Dec. 23) on the Maclab stage. Upstairs, Saturday night (10 p.m.) at Rapid Fire Theatre’s Zeidler Hall stronghold, the Citadel’s Scrooge, Glenn Nelson, is on loan for Scrooge and Friends, in which the old skinflint is visited by three improvising ghosts — and no one really knows what will happen. Tickets: At the Citadel Club Saturday night (8 p.m.), Up Late With Santa!, the man himself (Dana Andersen) presides over a free-wheeling entertainment with interviews, a house band (led by Mrs. Claus, aka Andrea House and containing Paul Morgan Donald), Jeff Page’s reading of The Lost Scrolls of Frosty, and three original Christmas dance numbers by Yednist, accompanied by Jason Kodie on accordian. It will not surprise you to learn that improv is involved. But you might not be expecting the duelling accordion match undertaken by Kodie and Morgan Donald. Tickets: 780-425-1820. This entry was posted in Previews and tagged 12thnight.ca, Capitol Theatre, Christmas pantos, Citadel Club, Citadel Theatre, Edmonton Actors Theatre, Edmonton holiday shows, Edmonton theatre, Fort Edmonton Park, Rapid Fire Theatre, Roxy Performance Series, Theatre Network at the Roxy, Yednist, Zeidler Hall. Bookmark the permalink. The magic of a delightful play: The Importance of Being Earnest, a guest 12thnight Fringe review by Todd Babiak The Importance of Being Earnest (Stage 15, Holy Trinity Anglican Church) Oscar Wilde understood the potential of the English language, to delight, better than almost anyone who came before or after him. This is how we can have two successful … Continue reading → By Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca “Grotesque fun,” says Jon Lachlan Stewart. “There’s a lot of laughs in our production. And then there’s not….” He’s talking about Macbeth Muet, a 60-minute version of Shakespeare’s swift and brutal tragedy that dismisses every Forsooth … Continue reading → By Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca Tickets go on sale at noon today for Fringe ‘O’ Saurus Rex, the outsized 228-show 37th annual edition of our summer theatre extravaganza, the continent’s first and still biggest fringe festival (Aug; 16 to 26). And … Continue reading → By Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca He’s the monster who started small, rampaged through Old Strathcona like his own pleasure garden, and grew and grew. And he seems to have a history that goes back to the pre- of everything. As announced Wednesday, … Continue reading → Posted in Previews | Tagged 12thnight.ca, ATB Financial Arts Barn, Edmonton Fringe Festival, Edmonton theatre, Fringe-O-Saurus Rex, Murray Utas “I have had a most rare dream….” — Bottom the weaver, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Rare? It’s been a record-breaking Fringe! By 6 p.m. Sunday, with an evening of fringing to go, the 36th annual edition of Edmonton’s giant 11-day-and-night … Continue reading → Posted in Fringe 2017, News/Views | Tagged 12thnight.ca, Edmonton Fringe Festival, Edmonton theatre, Murray Utas By Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca And the Fringe lives on! In addition to the holdovers already announced, you’ve had reprieves on more hot Fringe shows next week. At Holy Trinity Anglican Church: The Receptionist: A tight tense little black comedy, with … Continue reading → Posted in Fringe 2017 | Tagged 12thnight.ca, Edmonton Fringehottest shows at A Midsummer Night’s Fringe, the 36th annual edition of our summer theatre bash, are being held over. FRINGE THEATRE ADVENTURES: At Fringe headquarters, the ATB Financial … Continue reading → Posted in Fringe 2017 | Tagged 12thnight.ca, Edmonton Fringe Festivahnight.ca A Quiet Place (Stage 8, Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre) Two men are in a small room that’s completely empty except for a lightbulb and a red chair. One of the games they’re playing to pass the … Continue reading → By Liz Nicholls, 12thnight.ca Rivercity The Musical (Stage 26, L’UniThéâtre) “You’re like the sister I never had,” says a certain familiar freckle-faced carrot-top to a certain familiar pony-tailed blonde in Rivercity The Musical. Geez Louise, guys can be such blockheads. … Continue reading → Posted in Fringe 2017 | Tagged 12thnight.ca, Archie comics, Betty and Veronica, Edmonton Fringe Festival, Edmonton theatre, Jughead, musical theatre, Rebecca Merkley
Eric ‘The Actor’ Lynch, Howard Stern ‘Wack Packer,’ Dies at 39 We discuss anything related to Howard Stern. . At 3 foot 5 and confined to a wheelchair he talked to people like he could get out of that chair and beat the shit out of them if need be. Shit. . Hey annoyed me, but the fact he sucked at acting and still demanded everything from everyone made it hilarious. Aug 14, - Howard stern midget toe suck. The Wack Pack - The Full Wiki. Zuzana. Age: - Stream Beetle In The House - Original Song w/ Beetlejuice from the Howard Stern Show by Howard Stern from desktop or your mobile siidhu.infog: midget ‎toe. Sep 21, - Eric "The Actor" Lynch, a regular on Howard Stern's SiriusXM radioshow, died Saturday, according to his manager. He was Lynch, alHe would. Sep 21, - I'm looking all over the internet and I can't believe so many Howard Stern fans loved this guy. I agree that since Artie's been gone, the show sucks. . Lynch, also k