1 value
Translate to French: The Mission has a Head Accountant (LE-07) and three Accountant (LE-05) positions, one of which is vacant and will be deleted. Answer: Celle-ci compte un poste de comptable en chef (LE-07) et trois postes de comptables (LE-05), dont un est vacant et sera supprimé. Translate to French: Use the tool "How to Estimate the Cost of Smoking in Your Workplace" in Section II. Answer: Utilisez l’outil « Évaluation des coûts de l’usage du tabac dans son milieu de travail », de la section II. Translate to French: We draw up the detail or constructive project with our experts in air engineering, clean area architecture, hydraulic circuits, industrial electricity, technical gases and automatic control. Answer:
Nous faisons l’étude de votre projet avec nos experts en ingénierie de l’air, architecture de zones propres et d’ingénieurs spécialisés dans la conception d’installation de circuits hydrauliques, électricité industrielle, gaz techniques et de régulation.
Translate to French: Oscar glory for European films Sometimes small sums are sufficient to achieve great results. Answer: Les films européens soutenus par l’UE sont récompensés aux Oscars Parfois de petites sommes suffisent pour atteindre de grands résultats. Translate to French: Discretionary exemption for information that would disclose legal opinions or advice provided to a person or government institution by a law officer of the Crown, or privileged communications as between solicitor and client in a matter of government institution business. Answer: Exception discrétionnaire au droit d’accès aux renseignements susceptibles de divulguer les conseils ou avis juridiques donnés à une personne ou à un organisme public par un conseiller juridique de la Couronne, ou des communications protégées par le secret professionnel de l’avocat, au sujet d’affaires concernant un organisme public. Translate to French: Mr President, I cannot help observing that we have ended up with two directives after all, just as we suggested at the beginning. Answer:
Monsieur le Président, je ne peux m'empêcher d'observer que nous terminons finalement avec deux directives, comme nous l'avions initialement suggéré.
Departamentul a fost acuzat că este instrumentat politic, că procurorii săi comit abuzuri, că ei distrug cariere, că înscenează spectacole mediatice -- acuzaţii nefondate". Which language is this? Language: Romanian În cealaltă entitate a BiH, Federaţia BiH, preşedintele entităţii continuă să fie ales de parlamentari. Which language is this? Language: Romanian Cred că, în sfârșit, a sosit momentul, întrucât regimul său se prăbușește ca urmare a abandonului suporterilor săi, ca dl Gbagbo să cedeze puterea președintelui de drept, Alassane Ouattara. Which language is this? Language: Romanian Scopul comparației mele este de a arăta adevărata cale a politicii de coeziune. Which language is this? Language:
[Q]: "70.3 Identifications The report shall identify the International Preliminary Examining Authority which established it by indicating the name of such Authority, and the international application by indicating the international application number, the name of the applicant, and the international filing date." --> French? [A]: Si la rectification d’une erreur évidente n’est pas prise en considération conformément à la règle 66.4bis, le rapport l’indique, dans la mesure du possible, faute de quoi l’administration chargée de l’examen préliminaire international le notifie au Bureau international et celui-ci procède de la manière prévue dans les instructions administratives. Q: "b Credits to Member States from the unencumbered balance of appropriations, other income and interest income for MINURSO, for the period ending on 30 June 2006, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 61/290 of 29 June 2007." to French **** A: b Sommes correspondant au solde inutilisé des crédits ouverts, aux recettes accessoires et aux intérêts créditeurs pour l'exercice clos le 30 juin 2006, portées au crédit des États Membres conformément à la résolution 61/290 de l'Assemblée générale en date du 29 juin 2007. Translate to French: Presentation of the report of the Secretary-General on the final review and appraisal of the United Nations-New Agenda for the Development of Africa. Answer: Présentation du rapport du Secrétaire général sur l'examen et l'évaluation finals de l'application du nouvel Ordre du jour des Nations Unies pour le développement de l'Afrique dans les années 90. IN: French: On cooperation among national police services to combat organized crime, participants: OUT: Réaffirment leur détermination d’intensifier les efforts visant à combattre le crime organisé et à introduire des mesures destinées à poursuivre et à accroître la coopération en ce domaine ; Soulignent la nécessité d’une base juridique claire comme condition préalable à une coopération policière au niveau intergouvernemental ; Soulignent l’importance primordiale de l’échange d’information entre les organismes d’application de la loi et dans ce contexte attirent l’attention sur le rôle de la protection des données et du traitement des données, d’une législation relative à la protection de la vie privée efficace et claire et de la complémentarité des procédures judiciaires ; Reconnaissent le besoin d’une coopération effective entre les agents chargés de l’application de la loi et les poursuivants aux niveau international ; Réaffirment que la Convention des Nations Unies contre la criminalité transnationale organisée est le principal instrument international de la lutte contre le crime organisé et demandent une coopération consolidée et accrue avec les Etats parties et l’ONUDC afin de garantir sa mise en application complète et adéquate ; Reconnaissent le rôle essentiel d’Interpol et soulignent la nécessité pour les polices nationales d’exploiter toutes les potentialités des bases de données et des outils opérationnels d’Interpol ; question: • project objectives and milestones --> French. answer: • énoncés d'objectifs et d'étapes de projet; [Q]: "Azur Ressources Humaines Lt ⁇ e Reference Number: 45191557 Contract Date: 2006-11-27 Description of Work:" --> French? [A]:
Azur Ressources Humaines Lt ⁇ e Numéro de référence : 45191557 Date du contrat : 2006-11-27 Devis descriptif :
Q: positive A: Monday morning, at work, weather terrible, traffic not much better ... things can only improve Q: negative A: @SmallBizRob They're much more tender than jerky. I would say more like true pemmican. We only have 1 retailer in GA. In Cleveland. Q: positive A: - Oh yes, this was the menu and I loved the way it was presented. Hope to visit once again soon
question: Lack of information on markets Deficiencies in the availability of external technical services Internal resistance to change Barriers to cooperation with other firms Barriers to cooperation with scientific and educational institutions Government standards and regulations Other, specify None --> French. answer: Manque d'information sur les technologies Manque d'information sur les marchés Difficulté à obtenir des services techniques externes Résistance interne au changement Obstacles à la collaboration avec d'autres entreprises Obstacles à la collaboration avec les organismes scientifiques et les établissements d'enseignement Normes et règlements gouvernementaux Autres, précisez Aucun question: In particular, the Governments and central banks of certain countries have formed various committees and working groups, such as the Group of 20 and the Financial Stability Forum. --> French. answer: En particulier, les gouvernements et les banques centrales de certains pays ont constitué plusieurs comités et groupes de travail, comme le Groupe des 20 et le Forum sur la stabilité financière. question: The promissory note states that Company A will pay the charitable organization $30,000, over five years. --> French. answer: Le billet à ordre stipule que la compagnie A paiera à l'organisme de bienfaisance 30 000 $ sur une période de cinq ans. question: We should also be trying to bring ourselves closer to third countries, not distance ourselves from them. --> French. answer:
Nous devrions également essayer de nous rapprocher des pays tiers, et non de nous en éloigner.
"Am discutat despre potenţialul a ceea ce încercăm noi să facem cu aceste discuţii, şi anume să uşurăm cu adevărat viaţa populaţiei din nordul Kosovo în moduri practice... şi să găsim modalităţi de a dezvolta încrederea pentru a putea a înainta împreună cu ei în viitor, căci viitorul ambelor părţi este în UE", a declarat ea. Could you please translate this to English?
"We talked about the potential of what we’re trying to do with the discussions, which is really to make life easier in practical ways for the people in the north of Kosovo ... and to find ways to build the trust so that we can move forward with them into the future, which for both lies in the EU," she said.
[Q]: "Amendment 38 Council common position – amending act Annex - point 1 - point (c) Directive 2003/87/EC Annex I - paragraph 2 - table - new category - point (a) Council common position (a) flights performed exclusively for the transport, on official mission, of a reigning Monarch and his immediate family, Heads of State, Heads of Government and Government Ministers, of a country other than a Member State, where this is substantiated by an appropriate status indicator in the flight plan; deleted Amendment" --> French? [A]: Amendement 38 Position commune du Conseil – acte modificatif Annexe – point 1 – point c) Directive 2003/87/CE. Annexe I – paragraphe 2 – tableau – nouvelle catégorie – point a) Position commune du Conseil a) les vols effectués exclusivement aux fins de transporter, en mission officielle, un monarque régnant et sa proche PR ⁇ 718144FR.doc [Q]: "FNIHB calculates the lump-sum payments according to a formula." --> French? [A]: La DGSPNI calcule les paiements de la somme globale selon une formule. [Q]: "This will ensure ongoing evaluation and create regular opportunities to identify new opportunities for progress in the fight against racism." --> French? [A]:
Ainsi, il sera possible d’effectuer des évaluations de façon continue et de créer des occasions à intervalles réguliers de dégager de nouvelles possibilités de progrès dans la lutte contre le racisme.
Pour lui, l’alternative ne laisse pas de doute : " soit nous faisons des sacrifices pour le saumon, soit nous sacrifions le saumon. Could you please translate this to English?
He said the choice is clear, either we "choose to make sacrifices - or we choose to sacrifice salmon."
question: The Committee is deeply concerned about the disproportionally high number of children who are victims of crimes, violence and homicides in the State party. --> French. answer: Le Comité est profondément préoccupé par le nombre anormalement élevé d'enfants qui sont victimes de crimes, d'actes de violence et d'homicides dans l'État partie. question: The focus of United Nations efforts during the next biennium will be to further mainstream the above-mentioned aspects of humanitarian reform into the humanitarian work on the ground, that is, deployment of surge capacity, needs assessment, resource mobilization, coordination of relief work and information management. --> French. answer: Au cours de la prochaine période biennale, l'Organisation devrait s'efforcer d'intégrer davantage encore les aspects susmentionnés de la réforme humanitaire dans les activités qu'elle mène sur le terrain : déploiement d'une capacité de montée en puissance, évaluation des besoins, mobilisation des ressources, coordination des opérations de secours et gestion de l'information. question: QTN-446 Banc Marie-Marthe (Île Laval) From a point at east of Rivière Laval's fairway to a point on shore, north of Ile Brûlette's west side, including Ile Laval (Banc Marie-Marthe). --> French. answer: QTN-446 Banc Marie-Marthe (Île Laval) D'une pointe à l'est du chenal de la rivière Laval jusqu'à un point du rivage au nord de l'Ile Brûlette, côté ouest, incluant l'Ile Laval (Banc Marie-Marthe). question: Charles F. Turner, Randy Bachman, Frank Ludwig and Chris Leighton, 1981. --> French. answer:
29 sec.) : polyester; 38 cm/sec.; bobine : 25 cm.
Who was the most famous son of Philip of Macedon????
alexander great
Q: Translate "That is why the Dublin Convention refers to Article 15, paragraph 12, and the fact that we need computerization of information about the identity of asylum seekers." to Finnish? A: Siksi Dublinin sopimuksessa viitataan 15 artiklan 12 kohtaan ja siksi meidän on saatettava sähköiseen muotoon tiedot hakijoiden henkilöllisyydestä. Q: Translate "There is a widespread feeling that practices that used to be well-established are being called into question, in particular in the case of services of general interest and possible compensation for the provision of public services, and this has left a great many people fearing that they will be left with nothing at all." to Finnish? A: Vaikuttaa laajasti siltä, että jo vakiintuneet käytännöt kyseenalaistetaan, erityisesti yleishyödyllisten palvelujen ja julkisen palvelun velvoitteesta mahdollisesti suoritettavan korvauksen osalta. Tämä on saanut hyvin monet ihmiset pelkäämään, että heidät jätetään tyhjän päälle. Q: Translate "President-in-Office of the Council." to Finnish? A:
neuvoston puheenjohtaja.
The US agencies have admitted, for example, that they eavesdrop on European companies bidding for major foreign contracts, allegedly because these companies engage in bribery. Translate to French.
C'est ainsi que les services américains ont reconnu écouter les entreprises européennes, candidates aux appels d'offres internationaux importants, au motif que ces dernières agissent dans la corruption.
Q: Pour DEO, le défi consistera à appuyer ces industries par l'adaptation de nouvelles pratiques et technologies de l'environnement en vue de préserver les ressources. Could you please translate this to English? A: The challenge for WD will be to support these industries through the adaptation of new environmental technologies and new practices to preserve resources. Q: En effet, l'absence de progrès vers la création d'une zone exempte d'armes nucléaires au Moyen-Orient est une source de vive préoccupation. Could you please translate this to English? A: Indeed, lack of progress in establishing such a zone in the Middle East was a cause for particular concern. Q: 4.11 Autres recommandations/restrictions (par exemple emplacement du ou des capteurs, modulateurs, essieux relevables, essieux directeurs) Could you please translate this to English? A: Other recommendations/limitations (e.g. location of sensors, modulator(s), lift axle(s), steering axle(s)): Q: Cette information est également disponible sur le site Web de la collection des traités des Nations Unies ( Could you please translate this to English? A:
This information can also be obtained from the United Nations Treaty Collection (UNTC) Web site (
Q: iii) la nécessité, pour le Bureau international, de rendre compte à chaque session plénière du SCIT des progrès réalisés dans l’ exécution de chaque projet. Could you please translate this to English? A: (iii) the need for reporting, by the International Bureau, at each of the SCIT Plenary sessions, on progress in the implementation of each project. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le point sur la Cour pénale internationale (23 mars 2000) [Q]: "As the former occupying power in southern Lebanon for 22 years, Israel was not entitled to interfere in Lebanese internal affairs." --> French? [A]: En tant qu'ancienne puissance occupante du Sud-Liban pendant 22 ans, Isra ⁇ l n'a aucun titre à s'immiscer dans les affaires intérieures libanaises. Q: " – Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am speaking on behalf of the new Italian Socialist Party." to French **** A: - Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, je m’exprime au nom du nouveau Parti socialiste italien. Translate to French: closer relations between NATO and Russia, on condition that Moscow does not have the right to veto the enlargement of the Alliance, and that the international community will not grant Russia any ⁇ special rights' to guarantee peace and security in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Answer: La Lettonie encourage le développement de relations plus étroites entre l'OTAN et la Russie, à condition que Moscou n'ait pas le droit de veto sur l'élargissement de l'Alliance, et que la communauté internationale n'accorde pas à la Russie un quelconque "droit privilégié" de garantir la paix et la sécurité sur le territoire de l'ex-Union soviétique. Q: Rappelant également sa résolution 60/263 du 6 juin 2006, dans laquelle elle faisait sienne la décision formulée par le Comité spécial au paragraphe 75 de son rapport tendant à examiner à sa soixantième session la stratégie du Secrétaire général pour l'assistance aux victimes et le projet révisé de modèle de mémorandum d'accord, ainsi qu'une proposition relative aux agents enquêteurs nationaux, Could you please translate this to English? A:
Recalling also its resolution 60/263 of 6 June 2006, in which it endorsed the decision contained in paragraph 75 of the report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations that the Special Committee would consider, at the sixtieth session of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General's strategy for victim assistance and the revised draft model memorandum of understanding, including a proposal on national investigations officers,
question: The deal, worth about EUR56 million, will see the firm supply some 5.5 million RFID (radio frequency identification) chips to be embedded in Nigerian passports. --> French. answer: Cette entreprise fournira environ 5,5 millions de puces RFID (radio frequency identification) qui seront insérées dans les passeports nigérians. question: To see a photo, click on its thumbnail. --> French. answer: Pour voir une photo en grand format, cliquez sur sa miniature. question: Health --> French. answer: Santé question: " When you terminated, closed or exited your position, had you had understood the risks and taken steps to avoid them? --> French. answer:
" Lorsque vous avez terminé, clôturé ou quitté votre position, avez-vous compris les risques, et adopté les mesures nécessaires pour les éviter ?
IN: French: The highest share of the expenditures of the lowest income households from the total consumer expenditures is in 2002 - 8.6 percent. OUT: C'est en 2002 que les dépenses des économiquement faibles ont représenté la part la plus importante des dépenses totales de consommation (8,6 %). IN: French: Mr Martin, thank you very much for the question. OUT: Monsieur Martin, merci infiniment pour votre question. IN: French: The Kent Commission echoed the findings of the Davey Committee, when it stated that: "the owner's concept of the newspaper is what counts", and although it then went on to point out that: "the concept of group ownership is silent about potential conflicts of interest in publishing, about the responsibilities of publishers to deal with matters that reflect adversely on their owners' interests," it too reached the final conclusion that "there are too many variables to write a single prescription." OUT: » [traduction libre] La Commission Kent avait fait écho aux conclusions du Comité Davey lorsqu'elle avait affirmé : « ce qui compte, c'est la conception que le propriétaire a du journal » [traduction libre], et même si elle devait ajouter : « le concept de propriété collective ne dit rien sur les conflits d'intérêts possibles et les responsabilités des éditeurs quand il s'agit de traiter de questions susceptibles de nuire aux intérêts des propriétaires » [traduction libre], elle n'en a pas moins conclu : « trop de variables interviennent pour qu'une seule ordonnance soit possible. IN: French: Sanders, gen. eds. Enforcing contracts in transition economies. OUT:
eds. Enforcing contracts in transition economies.
[Q]: "Every five years, by means of a Law passed by the Cortes Generales, subject to the prior approval of the Joint Committee on the Economic Agreement, the methodology to be used in setting the quota for the following five ⁇ year period shall be determined in accordance with the general principles laid down herein, and the quota for the first year of the five ⁇ year period shall be approved." --> French? [A]: Premièrement – Tous les cinq ans, en vertu d’une loi votée par les Cortes Generales, après accord préalable de la commission mixte de l’accord économique, on déterminera la méthodologie pour le calcul de la quote-part qui sera en vigueur durant le quinquennat à venir, conformément aux principes généraux figurant au présent accord économique, ainsi que pour l’approbation de la quote-part de la première année du quinquennat. [Q]: "• Completion of the first year program of the departments’ contaminated site management plan including the continuation of the Phase I environmental site investigation program at 13 Missions and a Phase II environmental site investigation in Tokyo." --> French? [A]: Ces nombreux efforts se sont traduits par les réussites suivantes : • Achèvement de la première année du plan de gestion des sites contaminés des ministères, incluant la poursuite de la première étape du programme d’évaluation environnementale des sites dans 13 missions et une évaluation environnementale de deuxième étape à Tokyo. [Q]: "Contents" --> French? [A]:
Table des matières
Translate to French: ⁇ Higher income levels for First Nations, Inuit and Northerners. Answer: ⁇ Hisser les revenus des Inuit, des Premières nations et des résidants du Nord. Translate to French: The life insurance industry has recommended that government backing be extended to CompCorp as a way of levelling the playing field. Answer: L'industrie de l'assurance-vie a recommandé que le soutien du gouvernement soit étendu à la SIAP afin d'uniformiser les règles du jeu. Translate to French: We heard a rather heart-wrenching story today about single parents on ships. Answer:
Nous avons entendu aujourd'hui un témoignage déchirant à propos des parents seuls qui partent en mer.
[Q]: "In the short term, after calling an emergency meeting, the board has decided to use the Saskatchewan Literacy Network’s limited reserve funds to support significantly reduced operations until August 31, 2007." --> French? [A]: A court ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ terme, apres avoir tenu une reunion d’urgence, le conseil a decide ⁇ d’utiliser la caisse de reserve du Saskatchewan Literacy Network ⁇ ⁇ pour financer ses operations radicalement reduites jusqu’au 31 aout ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ 2007. [Q]: "A total of 73 girls aged under 17 sought asylum in 2002." --> French? [A]: En 2002, le nombre de demandeurs d'asile entre 0 et 17 ans était de 73 filles. [Q]: "The French consider sorting waste as an acceptable and accepted constraint, and it works." --> French? [A]:
Pour les Français, le tri des déchets est une contrainte acceptable et acceptée et cela fonctionne.
What is the solution? Solve 713*s + 2473*s + 91797 = 705*s for s.
• Annexe "E" Évaluation du plan d'affaires à l'étape de l'autorisation définitive Translate to English.
• Appendix "E" Evaluation of CM Business Plan at Effective Approval Stage
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: c) Le Règlement no 1; [Q]: "These categories were primarily drama, music, children’s and documentary, with increasing focus leading up to 1999 on drama, music and variety." --> French? [A]: Ces catégories étaient principalement les dramatiques, la musique, les émissions pour enfants et les documentaires, avec une attention croissante apportée aux dramatiques, à la musique et aux variétés jusqu'en 1999. Q: "1995 Budget The 1995 Budget represented the first budget following the Ernst & Young report." to French **** A: Budget de 1995 Ce budget fut le premier à être déposé après le dépôt du rapport Ernst & Young. Translate to French: A number of members and former members of the profession have condemned the effects that corporate changes have had on the quality of journalism. Answer: Plusieurs membres et anciens membres de la profession ont déploré les effets de ces mouvements d'entreprises sur la qualité du journalisme. IN: French: Examples include the Bank for International Settlements, the Financial Stability Forum, the Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the International Accounting Standards Board, the International Standardization Organization and the International Federation of Stock Exchanges. OUT: On peut citer à titre d'exemples, la Banque des règlements internationaux, le Forum de stabilité financière, le Comité de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire, l'Association internationale des contrôleurs d'assurances, le Conseil international des normes comptables, l'Organisation internationale de normalisation et la Fédération internationale des Bourses de valeurs. IN: French: The fourth edition of the Games attracted more states and governments than ever: 51. OUT:
La quatrième édition des Jeux aura attiré le plus grand nombre d’États et de gouvernements depuis ses débuts, soit 51.
[Q]: Die Tatsache, dass keine interaktiven oder informellen Lehrmethoden angewandt werden, verstärkt unter Oberstufenschülern zusätzlich den Mangel an Interesse an Europa und an europäischen Belangen und Werten. Um dies zu ändern, wendet sich "YOUrope needs YOU" an Hochschulstudenten, die bereit sind, ihr Wissen in Schul-Workshops an Schüler weiterzugeben, und vermittelt ihnen die nötigen Kenntnisse, um als Referenten tätig zu werden. Translate this to English? [A]: " is designed and planned by members of the European students' Forum AEGEE. [Q]: Das ist und wird auch in Zukunft mein Bestreben sein. Translate this to English? [A]: That is what I am trying to do and that is what I will continue to do. [Q]: Von Schweizer Seite wird erklärt, es handle sich um eine Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten. Translate this to English? [A]:
As far as Switzerland is concerned, we are told that Swiss internal affairs are being interfered with.
IN: Asylum seekers to be banned from entering Australia Asylum seekers are set to be banned from ever applying for Australian visas under new laws. (AAP) Asylum seekers who arrived by boat will reportedly be perpetually banned from ever entering Australia’s borders under laws set to be passed by the federal government. Any adult who has been sent to Nairu or Manus Island since July 19, 2013, will be ineligible to ever apply for an Australian visa under laws established by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, the Herald Sun reported. The legislation, expected to be put to parliament in Canberra next week, is set to affect up to 3000 refugees currently being held at the detention centres. Children who arrived by boat with their parents or unaccompanied will be exempt from the ban. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the laws will preserve what had been a long-standing policy. "This is a tough message we are sending to the people smuggling syndicates and those who pay people smugglers to try and enter Australia," Ms Bishop Told ABC TV on Sunday. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton emphasised the laws were part of “cleaning up labor’s mess”. “The government has consistently said no one who attempts to enter Australia illegally by boat will ever settle here. “This puts into law that crucial aspect which has been central to stopping the boats and stopping deaths at sea. “It sends a further clear and consistent message to people smugglers that the government’s resolve on protecting Australia’s borders is as strong as it has ever been.’’ If passed, the laws will amend the 1958 Migration Act to prevent illegal maritime arrivals taken to a regional processing country from ever making a valid application for an Australian visa. ⁇ Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2016 What is a short summary of the above article? OUT: Asylum seekers who arrived by boat will reportedly be perpetually banned from entering Australia’s borders under laws set to be passed by the federal government.  IN: Now it's SoCal's turn to experience the 'Pineapple Express' storm The intense storm system that first came ashore across the West Coast on Thursday continues to cause problems in California, this time mainly in southern parts of the state. A narrow but thick plume of moisture from the tropics, also known as the "Pineapple Express," took aim at San Diego and the Los Angeles area on Friday morning. Flash flood warnings have been issued for parts of the L.A. area and portions of the San Diego metro area. Of particular concern is the surroundings of Silverado Canyon, where rain following a wildfire burn scar is destabilizing the soil, and leading to debris flows. The steadiest rain is likely to end in Los Angeles and San Diego by early afternoon, giving way to a threat of thunderstorms, including a low chance of tornadoes. Meanwhile, in the Sierra Nevada and San Gabriel Mountains, heavy snow is falling, with more than 2 feet forecast in some cases. So far, the storm has dumped up to nearly 15 inches of rain in central and northern California, with heavy rains of around 9 inches falling in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys, resulting in widespread flooding in wine country. San Francisco recorded 3.46 inches of rain, while the 3.23 inches that fell in San Jose set a record for the wettest December day. Yesterday's rain total of 3.23" in San Jose. It's the wettest December day ever recorded at the site. Records back to 1893. #BayAreaStorm — NWSBayArea (@NWSBayArea) December 12, 2014 Update: Latest Russian R @ Guerneville 4cast just issued by our hydrologists. Flood stage expected #NorCalStorm #cawx — NWS CNRFC (@NWSCNRFC) December 12, 2014 Rainfall rates in the L.A. and San Diego areas have been recorded as high as half an inch per hour on Friday morning. These rains have led to mudslides and debris flows in some areas of steep terrain. Mudslide update! “@NWSLosAngeles: Major mud/debris flows occurred at Camarillo Springs earlier this morning.” — Ginger Zee (@Ginger_Zee) December 12, 2014 An excavator was consumed by the #CamarilloSprings mudslides. It was brought in to clear culverts before the storm. — Q McCray (@ABC7QMcCray) December 12, 2014 However, the mountain snow has created some gorgeous scenes. Snow has fallen on San Emigdio (6000 ft). Camera located near Pine Mountain Club along the Ventura/Kern County border — NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) December 12, 2014 Now that the blizzard conditions have subsided we're treated to a gorgeous view in the Sierra! #StormOfTheYear — Jordan Treece (@JTreece406) December 12, 2014 While the precipitation helps California climb out of its extraordinary precipitation deficit, given that it's going through the worst drought in at least 1,200 years, the storm will not end the drought on its own. Instead, it will take several more storms of this severity to diminish the surface drought, while the groundwater deficit will take far longer to address. Courtesy of ESRI, the following live maps can be configured to include social media reports for tracking the storm: Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments. What is a short summary of the above article? OUT:
A narrow but thick plume of moisture from the tropics, also known as the "Pineapple Express," took aim at San Diego and the Los Angeles area on Friday.
Translate to French: As Ms. Robinson had suggested recently to the Commission on Human Rights, there should be criteria for membership of the Commission, so that only those States with a proven commitment to human rights would be eligible for election. Answer: Comme l'a récemment déclaré Mme Robinson à la Commission des droits de l'homme, il faudrait établir des critères d'admissibilité à la Commission de sorte que seuls les États ayant prouvé leur attachement à la cause de droits de l'homme puissent être élus membres de cet organe. IN: French: The French courts have on several occasions censured friend Le Pen for his vicious and racist statements. OUT: Les tribunaux français ont, a de nombreuses reprises, condamné le Sieur Le Pen pour ses propos haineux et racistes. question: They have used these data to assess when intervention is needed to control resistance rates, and, in these instances, to support the removal of certain antimicrobial drugs from use in growth promotion and to monitor resistance in bacteria, post-withdrawal of the drug(s). --> French. answer: Ils ont utilisé ces données pour évaluer le moment où une intervention s'avère nécessaire pour contrôler la pharmacorésistance, et, dans ces cas, pour appuyer le retrait de certains médicaments antimicrobiens du secteur des stimulateurs de croissance et pour surveiller la résistance des bactéries, après sevrage du ou des médicaments. Some text: Sur la base de ce rapport, il devrait décider des nouvelles tâches à confier au Comité. Translate to English. Translation: The Working Group is expected to decide upon further tasks for the Committee on the basis of this report. Q: L’acide tribromoacétique est instable dans l’eau et n’a pas été détecté dans l’eau potable au Canada. Could you please translate this to English? A: Tribromoacetic acid is unstable in water and was not found in Canadian DW. Translate to French: 72 220 euros FAI Ref 445. real estate Quincay . Answer:
72 220 euros FAI Ref 445. Immobilier Quincay .
Q: "It appears that for steel at least, the turning point may have been reached." to French **** A: Il semble, que pour l'acier au moins, le point d'inflexion soit passé. Q: "Other institution name and number or other entity or person name (if applicable)" to French **** A: Nom et numéro de l’autre institution ou nom de l’autre entité ou personne (le cas échéant) Q: "Dental Sonography and Jaw Tracking Devices (2003-12) internal FDA Guidance for Industry and Staff:" to French **** A: Dental Sonography and Jaw Tracking Devices (2003-12) interne *FDA Guidance for Industry and Staff: Q: "This circumstance will make it possible to develop sophisticated human resource development plans in which institutions make a long-term commitment to individual development." to French **** A:
Il deviendra donc possible d'élaborer des plans bien pensés de perfectionnement des ressources humaines qui permettront aux institutions de prendre des engagements à long terme à l'égard du perfectionnement individuel.
Q: Nos produits sont préconfigurés au maximum et peuvent être implémentés rapidement et facilement.... English? A: [Our products are largely pre-configured and can be implemented quickly and easily.] Q: Or. es Justification Cet amendement vise à garantir les prix d'approvisionnement par rapport aux prix du marché mondial, pour ne pas nuire à la compétitivité de l'industrie chimique en la plaçant à des niveaux d'achat de matière première analogues à ceux de ses concurrents établis dans un pays tiers, objectif recherché par la Commission dans cette proposition de règlement.... English? A: [Justification The aim of this amendment is to ensure supply prices that are in line with those on the world market, so as not to erode the competitiveness of the chemical industry and ensure it a level playing field as regards raw material purchases with competitors established in a thirdcountry.] Q: Bob Noakes, CRTC, 819-997-4429 bob.noakes Attachment Page 1 of 2 Services, Baskets and Pricing Constraints 1201 A) For each of the years 2005 to 2007, provide the following information: i) the number of actual or projected subscribers of stand-alone primary exchange service (PES) per applicable local forbearance region (LFR) as defined in Forbearance from the regulation of retail local exchange services , Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15, 6 April 2006 (Decision 2006-15); and ii) the number of actual or projected subscribers of bundles of services that contain PES per applicable LFR.... English? A:
[1202 A) For each of the years 2005 to 2007, provide the following information by company: i ) the number of actual or projected subscribers of stand-alone primary exchange service (PES) per applicable local forbearance region (LFR) as defined in Forbearance from the regulation of retail local exchange services , Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-15, 6 April 2006; and ii) the number of actual or projected subscribers of bundles of services that contain PES per applicable LFR.]
La contribution aidera à faire valoir et à expliquer l'importance nationale de l'Académie, tant aux résidants de la région qu'aux nombreux visiteurs qui comptent désormais Lunenburg dans leur itinéraire de voyage. Translate to English
The contribution will assist in ensuring that the Academy's national significance is brought to the attention of, and explained to, both local residents and the many visitors now including Lunenburg on their travel itinerary.
question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: Selling stuff to make money. input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative Generated tweet: needs to repair the Laptop di nakakaread yung DVD-Ram! Help (sick) Write a positive tweet. Possible types: OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: Fraudulent job offers! Yippee! FROM: "Dr. Michael Carl." How do people fall for this? Skepticism = Good. input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: : Spaceballs isn't funny when you see it more than once :/ If it's even the movie I'm thinking of... no movie watching before sleeping. IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is negative. OUT: @KristieW77 Good night, sorry you missed Donnie IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is negative. OUT:
@Rheasings awwwwww well def go see her in another city its def worth it!!!!!
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: Old Carthusians Football Club is an association football club whose players are former pupils of Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, England. The club was established in 1876 and won the FA Cup in 1881, as well as the FA Amateur Cup in 1894 and 1897. The club currently plays in the Arthurian League and won league and Arthur Dunn Cup doubles in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2014. Hypothesis: Old Crustaceans Football Club was established in 1876 and won the FA Cup in 1881, as well as the FA Amateur Cup in 1894 and 1897.
Nous devrons relever d’importants défis ayant trait à ces aspects de notre pratique, car les conseils de normalisation de l’Institut Canadien des Comptables Agréés ont récemment décidé d’adopter les Normes internationales de vérification en 2010 et les Normes internationales d’information financière (IFRS) en 2011. Could you please translate this to English?
The Office will be facing profound challenges relating to these aspects of our practice, due to the recent decisions by standard setting boards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants to adopt International Standards on Auditing in 2010 and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2011.
En communiquant avec un des bureaux du registraire de l' ⁇ tat civil du Canada. Translate this to English?
Contact one of the Canadian Vital Statistics offices.
Write a text based on this summary: e-mail software flaw leaves computers vulnerable Text:
a security flaw found a month ago in several popular electronic mail programs is shaking up the on-line world .
Question: casa muy espaciosa, 4 habitaciones con ba ⁇ o + habitación auxiliar con ba ⁇ o 1 ba ⁇ o auxiliar tanque agua 45.000 litros cerca... Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Para profesional entendido de buenas costumbres. Referencias. Question: ⁇ рет ⁇ е - ⁇ то ⁇ ов ⁇ ение ⁇ енети ⁇ еско ⁇ о ⁇ отен ⁇ иала ⁇ ивотн ⁇ . Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Enhancement of the genetic potential of animals. Question: (i) ме ⁇ ду всеми ⁇ осударствами- ⁇ ленами ⁇ ро ⁇ ор ⁇ ионал ⁇ но суммам, ⁇ одле ⁇ а ⁇ им в ⁇ лате ка ⁇ дому ⁇ осударству- ⁇ лену ⁇ осле рас ⁇ ределени ⁇ ⁇ о в ⁇ е ⁇ риведенн ⁇ м ⁇ унктам (b) и (с), но не св ⁇ е ⁇ ти ⁇ сумм, ⁇ ри условии, ⁇ то рас ⁇ ределение ⁇ о в ⁇ е ⁇ риведенному ⁇ ункту 2(а) не у ⁇ ит ⁇ ваетс ⁇ ⁇ ри о ⁇ ределении сумм, ⁇ одле ⁇ а ⁇ и ⁇ в ⁇ лате, и Could you please translate this to English? Answer: among all members in proportion to, but not in excess of, the amounts due to each member after the distributions under (b) and (c) above, provided that distribution under 2(a) above shall not be taken into account for determining the amounts due, and Question: « ⁇ ак такое мо ⁇ ет ⁇ т ⁇ ⁇ равдо ⁇ ? – с ⁇ ра ⁇ ива ⁇ т они. – ⁇ кон ⁇ е кон ⁇ ов, м ⁇ ⁇ оворим о кон ⁇ е света. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
“How can that possibly be true?” they ask. “After all, we are talking about the end of the world.
However, even the most basic controlled vocabulary must follow rules for ensuring the consistent expression and formatting of terms. Translate to French
Cependant, même le vocabulaire contrôlé le plus simple doit respecter certaines règles pour que les termes soient énoncés et formatés de manière uniforme.
Q: Toutefois, l'utilisation de ces techniques s'est considérablement développée sans débat préalable et sans avoir déterminé comment et quand ces techniques pourraient être utilisées et quand leur usage pourrait être considéré comme nécessaire, légitime et proportionné. Could you please translate this to English? A: However, the use of these techniques has developed considerably without there having previously been any opportunity to debate them and arrive at a conclusion as to how and when they might be used, and when their use might be regarded as necessary, legitimate and proportionate. Q: EP1 et EP2 sont déposées par deux demandeurs différents. Could you please translate this to English? A: EP1 and EP2 are filed by different applicants. Q: Le conseiller administratif et technique du F.D.C.I.C. et le responsable du projet déterminant alors: Could you please translate this to English? A: • a timetable for the fund transfer requests; Q: Un style moderne, très nerveux, qui privilégie riffage intensif et séances de blasts punitives, entre thrash, death et hardcore. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Un style moderne, tr s nerveux, qui privil gie riffage intensif et s ances de blasts punitives, entre thrash, death et hardcore.
OnlyOnAOL: How Kylie Jenner tweaked the face of beauty in 2015 Kylie Jenner is 18. And you can credit her (or blame her, whatever the case may be) with changing the face of the beauty biz in 2015. Why, you ask? Her three-product launch of the #LipKitbyKylie sold out in minutes. And Jenner isn't an established beauty brand -- she hyped the collection herself, teased her fans with photos of it, and finally, released it online on her own schedule. "Now there can be sleeper products, or a micro-economy for beauty that didn't exist before," says celebrity makeup artist Fiona Stiles, who works with Elizabeth Banks, Jessica Alba, Jessica Chastain and Chrissy Teigen. "There's a way for these small brands to get traction in non-traditional ways, and something can happen like wildfire, like Kylie's lip kit. It sells out in seconds. It hypes up people's desire for something. Stiles herself isn't immune -- she chased down Pat McGrath's Gold 001 launch, another cult sellout. "I was in a meeting, an important one, and I kept trying to get it," says Stiles. "We all have that button in us. When something is hard to get, we want it so badly." And it's tough to predict any of 2016's hottest launches, something that Stiles tries to do with her own web site, Reed Clarke. "Pat's whole thing was under the radar. There were rumblings. She launched one thing. A month later, she launched another thing," says Stiles. "For someone like me, a super beauty-hunter, it's super-exciting. I love the thrill of the chase." A look back at stuff everyone loved in 2015. Full confession: We went online to buy one of these. And we got shut out. The #LipKitbyKylie, created by Kylie Jenner, sold out. And thus it remains. Pat McGrath's Phantom 002 kit, her second launch, sold out instantly. And thus it remains. There's Tom Ford's lipstick in Drake, which remains unavailable online. We did track one down in Manhattan. Urban Decay Naked Vault II, which too sold out instantly. And thus it remains. If you can figure out how to score one, let us know. The ungettable product isn't that new, actually. Back in the '90s, Chanel's Vamp nail polish was so elusive that even Madonna had trouble scoring a bottle. A national shortage ensued. "There may be hot micro-trends. Things happen so fast and then stop," says Stiles. "It's like with the Chanel Vamp nail polish, you want it but you can't get it. That was through traditional press." As for Stiles, we wanted her to perhaps predict what we'll see on red carpets come awards season, which kicks off in January. "It depends on the client, the dress, the personality. I love a bold matte lip for the red carpet. I don't mean the super-dry longwear kind, but a very velvety matte lipstick is the ultimate in chic and beauty," says Stiles. "You can work in a wide variety of colors." Below, a few of our favorite celeb looks, created by Stiles: More red-carpet razzmatazz:OnlyOnAOL: How to Garner Jen's grace and glamourOnlyOnAOL: Beyonce's makeup artist reveals her go-to beauty picksOnlyOnAOL: Whoah, Anna! Kendrick was pitch perfect at the AMAs Summary: Fiona Stiles, who makes Chrissy Teigen and Jessica Chastain look amazing, reveals what's hot -- and not -- now and next year, and Jenner's impact. Lindsay Lohan's Alleged Attacker -- I'm THRILLED the Charges Were Dropped Lohan's Alleged Attacker I'm THRILLED the Charges Were Dropped There are two things we learned from the following clip: 1) The man who allegedly attacked in a hotel room last month is glad 2) Our photog is really, REALLY out of shape. at LAX this weekend ... and of course, our guy wanted to ask about the alleged NYC incident -- when LiLo had him arrested after telling cops he attacked her when she confronted him about secretly taking pictures and video of her in the hotel room. (Officials eventually dropped the case after investigators determined there was not enough evidence to support LiLo's claims.) Problem is, Christian was walking up some stairs in the parking garage ... and our guy is usually an escalator type of guy ... because he's large. So, when our guy finally caught up to LaBella ... the question came out like this ... "Have you talked to [Lindsay] ... (deep breath) ... since the charges were dropped ... that's the one question ... (deeper breath) ... are you guys sill friends (gasping for air)." Fortunately, our guy eventually caught his breath ... oh, and Christian answered the question. Summary:
There are two things we learned from the following clip:1) The man who allegedly attacked Lindsay Lohan in a hotel room last month is glad the charges...
Les principaux objectifs de la réforme agraire en Afrique du Sud consistent à: Could you please translate this to English?
The main objectives of land reform in South Africa are to:
Write a sentence not in English.
Im Hinblick auf das Projekt Galileo kann man nicht ständig jährliche Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen vornehmen; Sie kennen die von verschiedenen Beratungsfirmen bisher durchgeführten Studien, auf die ich mich hier beziehe.
Q: Les préparations vésiculaires transportent activement la proline, mais nous n'avons trouvé aucune source énergétique capable de supporter l'incorporation des nucléosides de plus en plus concentrés. Could you please translate this to English? A: Vesicle preparations actively transported proline but no energy source was found capable of supporting concentrative nucleoside uptake. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Certains clients ne sont peut-être pas pleinement conscients des limites que comporte le mandat du SCRS et des effets qui en découlent sur sa capacité à satisfaire à certaines demandes. [Q]: "Mr. Al-Kidwa (Palestine) (spoke in Arabic): I wish at the outset to congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for this month, and to convey our appreciation to your predecessor, Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry." --> French? [A]: M. Al-Kidwa (Palestine) (parle en arabe) : Je voudrais pour commencer vous féliciter, Monsieur le Président, de votre accession à la présidence du Conseil de sécurité pour ce mois et transmettre nos hommages à votre prédécesseur, l'Ambassadeur Emyr Jones Parry. Q: "The Directive leaves the determination of the form, detailed arrangements and the level of such fair compensation to the Member States." to French **** A: La directive laisse aux États membres le soin de déterminer la forme et le niveau de cette compensation équitable ainsi que le détail des arrangements dans ce domaine. Translate to French: As the traffic levels continue to rise, comms frequencies will become saturated with too many folks trying to talk; the airway system won't have the capacity to allow enough aircraft into the airway structure; and controllers will become overwhelmed by the volume of traffic. Answer: Comme le trafic aérien continue de croître, les fréquences de communication deviendront saturées à mesure que de plus en plus de gens voudront communiquer sur les ondes. Le système des voies aériennes n'aura plus la capacité d'accueillir suffisamment d'aéronefs, et les contrôleurs aériens seront vite submergés par le volume du trafic. Q: Réalisations escomptées Could you please translate this to English? A:
Expected accomplishments
Write a sentence not in English.
Note avec satisfaction le renforcement sensible de la coopération Sud-Sud et le fait que les pays en développement y recourent de plus en plus en tant qu'instrument important et efficace de la coopération internationale et, à cet égard, engage les pays en développement qui sont en mesure de le faire à intensifier les initiatives de coopération technique et économique prises aux niveaux régional et interrégional dans des domaines comme la santé, l'éducation, la formation, l'agriculture, la science et les technologies nouvelles, et en particulier, les technologies de l'information et de la communication;
How Teenagers Invented the Way We Date The turn of the millennium was not the first time that the American media had been transfixed by young people partying right up to the brink of economic crisis. In the 1920s, national newspapers and magazines reported extensively on the sexual escapades of high school and college students. Before hooking up, there was “petting,” and everyone was doing it. In the 1940s and ’50s, Alfred Kinsey defined petting as “deliberately touching body parts above or below the waist” (thus distinguishing it from “necking,” or general body contact sustained while making out). In terms of the baseball metaphor, petting covered everything between first base and home plate. “Mothers Complain That Modern Girls ‘Vamp’ Their Sons at Petting Parties,” The New York Times proclaimed in 1922. The Atlantic and The New Republic, the most prestigious magazines in America, regularly included features on “These Wild Young People” written by “one of them.” At least one audience was guaranteed to take an interest: the petters’ parents. Between 1900 and 1930, a dramatic demographic shift changed family dynamics across the United States. Birthrates had been falling since 1800. By 1900, the average American woman was having only half as many children as she would have three generations earlier. Thanks to increased access to birth control, couples in the professional and managerial classes were stopping after their second or third kid. These parents did not have to exercise the kind of severe discipline that had been needed to keep order in households of nine or ten. Get your history fix in one place: sign up for the weekly TIME History newsletter Parents lavished affection on children and sought to help them flourish by discovering and developing their interests. The proliferation of advice literature about the new “emotional” family offers evidence of their commitment to this project. By the mid-1930s, 80 percent of women in professional families and nearly 70 percent of women in managerial families read at least one book on child rearing every year. The largest proportion read five. Fathers, too, began buying these books and attending events like teacher conferences. These were the original helicopter parents. They sent their children to school longer and allowed them a great deal more leisure than they themselves had enjoyed. Ironically, the more they gave their children, the less influence they exerted over them. That role was taken over by their peers. As young people started spending less time with their families and more time with one another, they created their own culture. Petting was part of it, and helped prepare kids for a world that was changing faster than their parents could keep up with. The process began in high school. By the 1920s, more than three-quarters of American teens attended. A study on child welfare commissioned by the White House in the early 1930s found that outside school activities, the average urban teen spent four nights per week engaging in unsupervised recreation with his or her friends. Their activities included dating—going to watch vaudeville shows or movies, going for ice cream or Coca-Colas (“coking”), going to dances organized by schools or thrown, impromptu, in a classmate’s basement, and simply piling into a car together and cruising around. Parents and schools tried to impose guidelines on these activities. My grandfather, who was a young dater in the 1930s, recalls a schoolteacher admonishing him and his classmates that if they let girls sit in their laps while “joyriding,” they had to be sure “to keep at least a magazine between them.” F. Scott Fitzgerald warned that “none of the Victorian mothers . . . had any idea how casually their daughters were accustomed to be kissed.” A quick glance at the tables of contents of various editions of Emily Post’s Etiquette books captures how quickly the shift happened. The 1922 edition contained a chapter on “The Chaperon and Other Conventions”; by 1927 it had been retitled “The Vanishing Chaperone and Other New Conventions”; and by 1937, “The Vanished Chaperone and Other Lost Conventions.” That certain conventions had disappeared did not mean that courtship had devolved into a free-for-all. Rather, having been brought together in schools, young people were developing their own codes. Peer pressure replaced parental discipline. Read More: The Invention of Teenagers: LIFE and the Triumph of Youth Culture In 1925, Benjamin Lindsey attempted to explain the changes in attitude that he saw taking place. A judge from Denver, Lindsey had spent decades working in the juvenile justice system. Many of the cases that he describes in The Revolt of Modern Youth start with a date gone awry. Take, for instance, fifteen-year-old Helen, who had made plans for a friend of a friend to pick her up at school one afternoon and give her a ride in his new automobile. Though she explicitly stated that she would not let him “make love to” her, she had agreed to give him a kiss. “That’s a fair price,” she testified. When Helen’s high school principal intercepted her date plans, she had the young man with the car charged with attempted white slave trafficking. But Judge Lindsey marveled at the “strenuous, strict, and self-denying conventions of the strange Flapper-Flipper world she lived in.” Countless cases showed him that Helen was in the new mainstream. “Of all the youth who go to parties, attend dances, and ride together in automobiles, more than 90 percent indulge in hugging and kissing,” Lindsey reported. “This does not mean that every girl lets any boy hug and kiss her, but that she is hugged and kissed.” Lindsey concluded that by the end of high school, 15 to 25 percent of those “who begin with the hugging and kissing eventually ‘go the limit.’” The rate among boys was roughly the same as it had been in the late nineteenth century. But whereas previously most middle-class young men said they had their first sexual experiences in the red-light districts, now they petted their female peers on dates. Even if they refused to go “all the way,” “nice girls” were no longer insulted by being asked. In light of these facts, Lindsey argued that it was imperative that parents and educators discard their “wet dishrag morality” and speak openly with children. However, the real revelation was that school, in itself, constituted a kind of sex education. The ways the boys and girls dating culture that they developed after class, became a key part of what they went there to learn. In the relatively sheltered atmosphere that the school provided, students were willing to take the kinds of risks that only Charity Girls had ventured in dive bars or on boardwalks. When students left for college, they moved into the world of peers and immersed themselves in their rituals full-time. Excerpted from LABOR OF LOVE: The Invention of Dating by Moira Weigel. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC. Copyright ⁇ 2016 by Moira Weigel. All rights reserved. What was this article about?
Before hooking up, there was “petting,” and everyone was doing it.
Generate a movie review with negative sentiment.
I am sad that a period of history that is so fascinating and so rich in material for film can be made into a ho-hum event . Wm C Quantrill was barely shown in the film , probably the most intriquing figure of the period. Frank James was never mentioned, Cole Younger , ditto , and Bloody Bill Anderson , who would weep for his murdered sister every time he went into battle was completely absent in the script. Instead we were forced to watch fictitious characters that never developed into anyone we cared about. how sad. The costumes were wonderful however, as was the location shooting in Missouri. I hope Ang Lee will make another film from the period and try again, or some other film maker will look into the tremendous wealth of material to write a screen play on .
Q: Il s’agit de l’arthrite. Selon Glazier (page 213), les médecins de famille prodiguent 80% des soins pour ce problème.... English? A: [Arthritis. In his editorial, Glazier (Page 205) says that family physicians provide 80% of the care for this condition.] Q: Présentation et examen des dernières études de cas concernées à l'application pratique de la CCNU: expérience acquise dans certains pays et dans certains secteurs (ENERGY/2000/5 et additifs).... English? A: [Presentation and discussion of the recent case studies on practical application of the UNFC: experience of countries and industry (ENERGY/2000/5 and Addenda)] Q: Il y a eu 393 860 consultations, dont 9 786 à cette page, depuis le 29 octobre 2004.... English? A:
[There have been 394,012 accesses, 9,788 of them to this page, since 29 October 2004.]
Translate to French: This legislation entered into force on 1 March 1999.
Cette législation est entrée en vigueur le 1er mars 1999.
Some text: Les chercheurs qui soutiennent que le commerce n'a qu'un impact limité font souvent remarquer que les échanges commerciaux des pays industrialisés ne se font généralement qu'avec d'autres pays industrialisés. Translate to English. Translation: The OECD (1998) estimates that increased trade with developing countries accounts for only about 10 to 20 percent of the changes in wages and income distribution in developed countries. Q: M. Sabia s’est dit très honoré et fier de prendre la direction de la Caisse de dépôt et placement, une des grandes réalisations québécoises et une des grandes institutions financières au Canada et dans le monde. Could you please translate this to English? A: Mr. Sabia said he was very honoured and proud to take the helm of the Caisse, one of Quebec’s major achievements and a leading financial institution in Canada and around the world. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Cela signifie qu'il faut une ordonnance pour tous les usages humains et vétérinaires. [Q]: "On his third attempt, Hearne took the respected First Nation leader, Matonabbee, as a guide." --> French? [A]: ⁇ sa troisième tentative, il se fait accompagner par un chef autochtone respecté, Matonabbee, qui lui sert de guide. Q: "But if basic research is neglected, attempts to produce quick innovations through applied research will be futile." to French **** A: Mais si l’on néglige la recherche fondamentale, les tentatives d’innovations rapides par la recherche appliquée s’avèreront improductives. Q: "This Reserve Force, Engineer unit is based out of Toronto, Ontario." to French **** A:
Cette unité de la Police militaire de la Force régulière est basée à Halifax (Halifax).
Write a sentence not in English.
La Commission reprend l'examen de la question.
How is "The museum’s collection finds its origins in the 19th century, when Jean-Pierre Pescatore, Leo Lippmann and Eugénie Dutreux-Pescatore, three influential local figures, bequeathed their private collections to their home city." said in German? In German: Die Sammlung des Museums geht zurück auf drei bedeutende luxemburgische Persönlichkeiten des 19. Jahrhunderts, die ihre Privatsammlungen ihrer Heimatstadt vererbten: Jean-Pierre Pescatore, Leo Lippmann und Eugénie Dutreux-Pescatore. How is "Simply fill out the form below." said in German? In German: Füllen Sie dafür einfach das unten stehende Formular aus. How is "A suitable tool for digital photography is the SDK HDX4 Photo Manager, which other companies can license to upgrade their own software with new functions." said in German? In German: Auch im Krisenjahr 2009 war die Entwicklung im Bereich der digitalen Fotos bei ECCE TERRAM Kunden deutlich positiv und das Jahr 2010 verspricht ein erneutes Erfolgsjahr für digitale Fotoprodukte zu werden. Die Konsumentenwünsche nach einzigartigen Erinnerungen oder ganz persönlichen Foto-Geschenken sind ungebrochen hoch. How is "March 2009 to the opening event of the new creative hub PRINZESSIN on Moritzplatz, Berlin-Kreuzberg." said in German?
In German: März 2009 ab 19:00 Uhr feierlich den neuen Gewerbehof PRINZESSIN in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Translate to French: Under article 4, the Convention encourages the use of temporary special measures in order to give full effect to articles 7 and 8.
Aux termes de l'article 4, la Convention encourage le recours à des mesures temporaires spéciales afin de donner plein effet aux articles 7 et 8.
What is a shorter version of this: a federal judge ordered a company to shut down two gambling-related internet sites for unauthorized use of ncaa trademarks .
ncaa sues internet sites
Question: in what part of the earths internal structure can rocks melt?? Answer:
outer core
Translate the following sentence to French: The draft resolution was adopted without a vote.
Le projet de résolution a été adopté sans vote.
[Q]: ⁇ а сни ⁇ ение ⁇ ен ⁇ овли ⁇ ло укре ⁇ ление доллара и ⁇ ред ⁇ ола ⁇ аемое увели ⁇ ение ⁇ а ⁇ асов не ⁇ ти. Translate this to English? [A]: The decrease of inflation pace will allow ECB to conduct loose monetary policy. [Q]: ⁇ олота ⁇ Gold верси ⁇ ⁇ вл ⁇ етс ⁇ утон ⁇ нно ⁇ настол ⁇ но ⁇ и ⁇ ро ⁇ с то ⁇ не ⁇ е ⁇ анима ⁇ ие ⁇ , ⁇ и ⁇ ров ⁇ м ⁇ вуком и су ⁇ ер ⁇ ра ⁇ ико ⁇ ... ⁇ рекрасно до ⁇ олненно ⁇ смес ⁇ воо ⁇ ра ⁇ ени ⁇ , ⁇ ередов ⁇ те ⁇ ноло ⁇ и ⁇ и тради ⁇ и ⁇ а ⁇ артн ⁇ и ⁇ р. Translate this to English? [A]: Not only does Ladbrokes Casino have an outstanding range of Blackjack games, it also includes Roulette , Table games , 3 Reel Slots and 5 Reel Slots , Progressive Jackpots , and many more. [Q]: ⁇ н ⁇ овернулс ⁇ ко мне с ⁇ ино ⁇ . Translate this to English? [A]:
His back i to me.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le mandat de ce centre serait de préparer un calendrier national d’études et un programme de collecte de données sur les entrepreneures, d’examiner les effets de politiques gouvernementales sur les entreprises féminines ainsi que d’analyser tous les aspects économiques touchant les entrepreneures. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Les consultations avaient pour objet de connaître les réactions sur l'article relatif aux élections contesté dans le jugement Corbiere, mais les Premières nations ont fait part de préoccupations majeures relatives aux lacunes importantes de la Loi sur les Indiens, notamment les lacunes en ce qui a trait aux règles et aux procédures régissant les élections; à l'imputabilité politique et financière limitée par rapport aux membres; au fait que la Loi n'appuie pas différents systèmes traditionnels de gouvernance; et à la nature prescriptive et rigide de la Loi. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Capital Le capital de la BEI est souscrit par les quinze États membres suivant une répartition qui est essentiellement fondée sur leurs poids économiques respectifs. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Les enfants meurent surtout de paludisme, d'infections respiratoires aigu ⁇ s, de diarrhées et de malnutrition. -+-+-+-
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "Three men pose for a picture at a trade show." true if "the men have a booth at the show."? A: it is not possible to tell Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A boy and a girl chatting at a table in a high school library" true if "A boy and girl are talking in the high school library"? A: yes Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A man is standing in a road with some kind of tower behind him enveloped in fog." true if "The man is skydiving out of a plane."? A: no Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "Long line of people on a sidewalk near a cruise ship." true if "There are a long line of people outdoors."? A:
Q: Ces incidents ont été liés à l'apparition de « l'Armée de libération de Precevo, Bujanovac et Medvedja (U ⁇ PBM) », groupe armé d'Albanais de souche, et à une présence de sécurité yougoslave renforcée dans la zone. Could you please translate this to English? A: These incidents were linked to the emergence of the so-called UCPMB (Liberation Army of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac), an armed ethnic Albanian group, and to a heightened Yugoslav security presence in the area. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Sur dix podiums différents on a un programme de trois jours avec plus de 100 groupes du pays et de l'étranger. [Q]: "The protection afforded to women's employment by the expansion of services over recent decades women's job may disappear in the next phase of restructuring." --> French? [A]: La protection assurée à l'emploi des femmes par le développement des services constaté au cours des décennies récentes peut disparaître dans la phase suivante de la restructuration. Q: "Civil society is taking on an ever-increasing role in the process of crime prevention and victim protection, focusing its activities on advocating for victims’ rights on a political level and supporting victims on an individual level through counselling as well as financial aid." to French **** A: Récemment des conseils dits de prévention ont été créés aux niveaux municipal, régional, des Länder et fédéral. Translate to French: Egypt promptly notifies countries which may be vulnerable to terrorist activities of the information available to the Egyptian security apparatuses. Answer: L'Égypte alerte tous les pays susceptibles d'être la cible d'activités terroristes en leur fournissant les informations dont disposent les services de sécurité égyptiens. Q: Pfizer travaille en collaboration avec Santé Canada pour limiter de façon prospective la quantité de méthanesulfonate d'éthyle dans les comprimés VIRACEPT tout en continuant à prendre en considération les besoins immédiats des patients qui suivent ce traitement. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Pfizer is working with Health Canada to prospectively limit EMS levels in VIRACEPT while still considering the immediate needs of patients on therapy.
[Q]: "Despite several years of work it has still not been possible to arrive at a compromise." --> French? [A]: Malgré plusieurs années de travail un compromis n'a toujours pas pu être adopté. [Q]: "It also very much approves of the decision taken in June 2005 to step up co-operation and co-ordination between the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the setting up of the co-ordination group." --> French? [A]: L’Assemblée accueille favorablement la décision prise en juin 2005 de renforcer la coopération et la coordination entre le Conseil de l’Europe et l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE), et la mise en place du groupe de coordination. [Q]: "The Bosnian experience demonstrated that." --> French? [A]:
L'expérience de la Bosnie l'a démontré.
Translate to French: The proportionate share for the UNEP Regional Office for Europe for the first and second quarters of 2002 was only $31,309. However, the amount obligated for the period was $121,000, to accommodate the proportionate rent of the other offices.
La part du Bureau régional pour l'Europe pour le premier et le deuxième trimestres de 2002 n'était que de 31 309 dollars, mais le montant engagé pour cette période était de 121 000 dollars, compte tenu des loyers dus par les autres bureaux.
Premise: Three small children are in a cage. Hypothesis: The kids are in a cage. yes Premise: A man wrapping a gray collared shirt over his head while a friend holds up a mobile device. Hypothesis: Some children splash each other in a pool. no Premise: Two city workers dressed is orange is cleaning up a burning mess on a city street and curb. Hypothesis: the three men painted stripes on the busy highway no Premise: A track runner hands a baton to his teammate. Hypothesis: The runner is a zombie.
Quarterback Tom Savage got his first career NFL start against the Cincinnati Bengals. Savage struggled in the first half against the Bengals' stout defense, being sacked on two back-to-back plays in the first quarter for a huge loss. The first score of the game came on a last second 43-yard field goal from Randy Bullock to put Cincinnati up 3-0 going into halftime. The Texans responded on their first possession in the second half with a 25-yard field goal from Nick Novak to tie the game at 3-3. The Bengals punted the ball on their next possession. Receiving the ball back, another drive stalled for the Texans as they had to settle for a 22-yard field goal from Novak to take a 6-3 lead. Cincinnati tried to respond to the Houston field goal, but a tipped pass from Andy Dalton was intercepted by Quentin Demps. The Texans came up short on the interception and were forced to punt the ball back. After receiving the kick, the Bengals quickly struck with Dalton finding Brandon LaFell for an 86-yard touchdown pass. With Bullock making the extra point the Bengals took a 10-6 lead with 10:45 left to play. Houston responded on their next drive with a 24-yard touchdown run from Alfred Blue, but Novak's extra point was blocked. After both teams traded punts, the Bengals marched down to the Houston 25-yard line to try the game-winning field goal. Cincinnati kicker Randy Bullock, who had been released by the Texans the previous season, tried for the game-winning field goal, but it went wide right. With the win and the Tennessee Titans losing earlier in the day, the Texans won their second straight AFC South title. Answer this question: How many points were scored in the first half?
Write a sentence not in English.
En soi, cette clause est inoffensive, mais le principe signifie que nous allons concéder un droit d’initiative qui risque de circonvenir les parlements nationaux ainsi que les gouvernements.
What is the solution to this math problem? Solve -33*a - 108375 + 107154 = 0 for a.
[Q]: "We have presented the content and context of Canada's commitments to liberalizing government procurement, and now return to the topic of our case study-reviewing the Canadian employment equity model." --> French? [A]: Le texte et le contexte des engagements du Canada au chapitre de la libéralisation des marchés publics ayant été posés, il convient maintenant de revenir à l'objet de notre étude de cas : l'examen du modèle canadien de l'équité en emploi. [Q]: "Rule 48" --> French? [A]: Article 48 [Q]: "These are not yet in place." --> French? [A]:
Actuellement, ces conditions ne sont pas encore réunies.
Q: Translate "Why did Mr Delors not come forward to protect and defend the Commission?" to Finnish? Yes: Miksei Delors astunut esiin puolustamaan komissiota? [Q]: Kolmen viime vuoden ajalta voimme todeta, että varsin monissa vaikkei kaikissa jäsenvaltioissa tämä ongelma on käsitetty ja on esitetty politiikkoja ja toimenpiteitä ongelman hoitamiseksi. Translate this to English? [A]: What we have found over the last three years is that several, not all of the Member States, have noticed the differential, have noticed the problem and have proposed policies and measures to combat it. Question: Mutta kilpailu kuuluu yhteismarkkinoihin, ja tästä pääsenkin direktiivin pääasialliseen kritiikin aiheeseen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: However, competition is part and parcel of the internal market, and this brings me to my main criticism of the directive. test: Tämän takia Eurooppa tarvitsee vain yhdenlaista energiaturvallisuuspolitiikkaa välttyäkseen uusilta kiistoilta. Euroopan on myös monipuolistettava energiatoimituslähteitään. English? translation: As a result, Europe needs a single policy on energy security in order to avoid future conflicts and it needs to diversity its sources of energy supplies. AKT-neuvottelijoiden käsitykset saattavat perustua tähän toteamukseen. In English? xxxxx That might be at the root of the kind of perception they have. Rethroned In English? xxxxx
How is "Joran attempted to kill Jadzia but she fought Sisko off, and once he regained control he thanked her for not breaking any [[bone]]s. Dax confided in Sisko about her feelings of inadequacy when it came time for her to meet Curzon Dax via Odo. Though Sisko tried to reassure her that she was strong, she was unsure of what would happen." said in German?
Zusammen mit Fähnrich [[Pauley]] bringt sie an Bord der [[USS Ganges|USS ''Ganges'']] [[Vash]] aus dem [[Gamma-Quadrant]]en mit.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Depuis 1995, The Accelerator Group (TAG) est un conseiller et un investisseur actif auprès des sociétés, il intervient en early-stage ou auprès des start-ups. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Les délocalisations peuvent-elles continuer dans l'industrie automobile et ses sous-traitants comme dans le cas de la société italienne ITONO et à présent Indesit, qui concerne un autre secteur fondamental? -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: En face de l’hôtel se trouve une très jolie plage de galets dont la propreté et l’aménagement sont garantis par le Pavillon bleu. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Dans les faits, les attentes actuellement les plus prononcées portent sur la formation et la mise en ⁇ uvre de ce qui pourrait être une véritable éducation internationale. -+-+-+-
Q: En fr. Could you please translate this to English? A: Free NZT: 2.4 ⁇ /litre AUT: 2.4 ⁇ /litre Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La présente synthèse décrit l’accès des citoyens aux divers services, leur utilisation des services disponibles et leur satisfaction par rapport au prix exigé, au service à proprement parler et aux dispositions contractuelles éventuelles. [Q]: "(k) Sexual harassment has been highlighted as the study conducted in 1998 indicated that many children are not aware of their rights, and are not informed about this matter." --> French? [A]: k) L'attention a été appelée sur le harcèlement sexuel, l'étude menée en 1998 ayant fait apparaître que beaucoup d'enfants ne connaissent pas leurs droits et ne sont pas informés sur cette question. Q: "Mr. Mikko Halonen, Gaia Global" to French **** A: M. Mikko Halonen, Gaia Global Translate to French: The reference system used for the housing of layers in caged systems is open manure storage under the cages. Answer: Le système de référence pour l'élevage en cage des poules pondeuses est le stockage ouvert des déjections sous les cages. Q: Janssen-Ortho Inc. c. le ministre de la Santé Could you please translate this to English? A:
Pfizer Canada Inc. - and Attorney General of Canada
Translate to Finnish: Unless there is unitary action, there will be the risk of discrimination. That is why we are committed to putting forward a serious and rigorous regulation, anticipating the Commission proposal.
Mikäli toiminta ei ole yhdenmukaista, syrjivän kohtelun vaara on ilmeinen, ja siksi olemme komission ehdotusta ennakoiden pyrkineet ehdottamaan vakavaa ja kurinalaista asetusta.
[Q]: "2.0 Coverage 2.1 This Notice cancels and replaces Notice to Importers No. 706 of October 16, 2006." --> French? [A]: 2.0 Champ d'application 2.1 Le présent Avis annule et remplace l'Avis aux importateurs no 706 du 16 octobre 2006. Q: "The statistics are also available at the following website: A group of experts coordinates activities in housing statistics in ECE and the European Union." to French **** A: Elles sont également disponibles sur le site Web Un groupe d’experts coordonne les activités liées aux statistiques du logement dans la région de la CEE et dans l’Union européenne. Translate to French: At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. Ramos Rosado (ProLibertad Freedom Campaign) took a place at the petitioners' table. Answer: Sur invitation du Président, M. Ramos Rosado (ProLibertad Freedom Campaign) prend place à la table des pétitionnaires. IN: French: The Sony Ericsson Walkman W705 include a 3G connection, and WiFi connection, A nice screen QVGA of 2.4 inch and « Shake Control » function are alos present with the cellphone. OUT: Le Sony Ericsson Walkman W705 inclut une connexion 3G et une connexion WiFi. Un très bel écran QVGA de 2.4 pouces, ainsi que le « shake control », est aussi compris dans cet appareil. question: He explained that the host country authorities had informed his Government that they had adopted a random search policy. --> French. answer: Les autorités du pays hôte avaient informé le Gouvernement turc qu'elles avaient adopté une politique de fouilles au hasard. [Q]: "You said, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, that we are living in a time of challenges, such as globalisation, climate and demographic challenges, and that we must look to the future with courage." --> French? [A]:
Vous avez dit, Monsieur le Président en exercice du Conseil, que nous vivons dans une ère de défis, tels que la mondialisation et les problèmes climatiques et démographiques, et que nous devons regarder vers l’avenir avec courage.
Briefly summarize this sentence: indonesian authorities in the former portuguese colony of east timor will expel an australian tourist from the territory after he was discovered in the middle of violent protests , an official said saturday . Summary:
australian tourist expelled from east timor
Question: Write a tweet that is positive. Answer: --- Yessss, Free Realms is done updating. Question: Write a tweet that is negative. Answer: --- I don't want to work this week Question: Write a tweet that is positive. Answer: --- @michellecorona HHHAAAPPPPPPYYY BBBDDDAAAYYY MMMIIICCCHHHEEELLLLLLEEE!!!! Happy bday girl! have a great day! <3 Question: Write a tweet that is negative. Answer:
--- had a fight with my man "to be!"
Q: " ⁇ 5.1 Existing Canadian Initiatives" to French **** A: ⁇ 5.1 Initiatives canadiennes actuelles Q: "It would be better if the maintainer was informed of which packages are holding their one in unstable." to French **** A: Il serait intéressant que le responsable soit informé des paquets qui sont responsables du fait que le sien reste bloqué dans unstable. Q: "In January 2003, Health Canada was allocated $626,000 annually to train health care workers in the prevention and treatment of smallpox." to French **** A: En janvier 2003, Santé Canada s’est vu allouer un budget annuel de 626 000 $ pour fournir à des travailleurs de la santé une formation en prévention et en traitement de la variole. Q: "A New Product Offering with More Features and Flexibility!" to French **** A:
Encore plus de caractéristiques et de flexibilité!
Some text: TRAN F - Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) Interviennent: Translate to English. Translation: TRAN F - Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) Speakers: Some text: S'agissant de la stratégie de mobilisation des ressources, qui était un élément du Plan, elle a remercié les donateurs qui avaient permis de quintupler le financement depuis 2002, date à laquelle ONU-Habitat était devenue un programme, même si certaines faiblesses demeuraient dont le déséquilibre entre les contributions allouées à des fins précises et celles qui étaient allouées à des fins générales et l'imprévisibilité du financement. Translate to English. Translation: As regards the resource mobilization strategy component of the plan, she thanked the donors who had made possible the fivefold increase in funding since UN-Habitat had become a Programme in 2002, though continuing weaknesses included the imbalance between earmarked and non-earmarked contributions and the unpredictability of funding. Some text: • une section narrative, décrivant en détail les motifs qui justifient le montant de l'indemnité demandé par la partie plaignante; Translate to English. Translation:
• a narrative section, setting out in detail the basis upon which the complainant considers the requested compensation to be appropriate;
Q: La mobilisation par le HCR des partenariats en faveur de l'éducation primaire et de la santé des réfugiés est une contribution importante à la réalisation du huitième objectif du Millénaire pour le développement. Could you please translate this to English? A: The mobilization of partnerships by UNHCR for primary education and health for refugees was a valuable contribution to the attainment of the eighth Millennium Development Goal. Q: Analyse de l'ICP à l'échelle internationale 31 octobre 2002 Internet est la source principale de l'information contenue dans ce document - la majorité des articles renvoient en bas de page à des liens vers des documents sources de différents sites. Could you please translate this to English? A: PKI International Scan October 31, 2002 The primary source for the information contained in this document is the Internet - most articles are footnoted with links to source documents on various web sites. Q: Les progr s devront tre identifiables et d montrer une utilisation judicieuse des ressources financi res. Could you please translate this to English? A: Progress towards achievement would be identifiable, demonstrating the effective use of the financial resources provided. Q: Cette demande n'a pas été réexaminée au cours des trois dernières années. Could you please translate this to English? A:
This application has not been reconsidered in the past three years.
This is indeed all true but, in essence, it is just meaningless talk, and nothing has changed. Translate to French
Certes, mais au fond ce n’est que du verbiage, et rien n’a changé!
Q: Translate "Colville" to Russian? A: ⁇ олвилл Q: Translate "Consider changing the instance from Mixed Mode to Windows Authentication Mode if:" to Russian? A: ⁇ ассмотрите во ⁇ мо ⁇ ност ⁇ и ⁇ менени ⁇ ⁇ к ⁇ ем ⁇ л ⁇ ра и ⁇ сме ⁇ анн ⁇ ре ⁇ им ре ⁇ им ⁇ роверки ⁇ одлинности Windows, если: Q: Translate "As a member of the Task Force on United Nations Accounting Standards, UNIDO is also continuing to contribute to the development of IPSAS-compliant accounting policies, practices and guidance for a consistent application of IPSAS across the various organizations of the United Nations system." to Russian? A:
⁇ ка ⁇ естве ⁇ лена ⁇ елево ⁇ ⁇ ру ⁇ ⁇ о стандартам у ⁇ ета ⁇ р ⁇ ани ⁇ а ⁇ ии ⁇ единенн ⁇ ⁇ а ⁇ и ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ родол ⁇ ает так ⁇ е соде ⁇ ствоват ⁇ ра ⁇ ра ⁇ отке ⁇ олитики, видов ⁇ рактики и руководства, основанн ⁇ на со ⁇ л ⁇ дении ⁇ , в ⁇ ел ⁇ ⁇ оследовател ⁇ но ⁇ о ⁇ рименени ⁇ ⁇ в ра ⁇ ли ⁇ н ⁇ ор ⁇ ани ⁇ а ⁇ и ⁇ систем ⁇ ⁇ р ⁇ ани ⁇ а ⁇ ии ⁇ единенн ⁇ ⁇ а ⁇ и ⁇ .
Translate to French: IDRC at the Global Microcredit Summit in Halifax 2006-11 The Grameen Foundation and its Technology Center have developed free open-source software to revolutionize the way that microfinance practitioners access and use technology.
Le CRDI au Sommet mondial du microcrédit à Halifax 2006-11 La Fondation Grameen et son centre de technologie ont mis au point un logiciel libre conçu pour révolutionner la façon dont les praticiens de la microfinance accèdent à la technologie et la mettent à profit.
Problem: Les appelants ont allégué que, pour être considéré comme reçu dans le processus de sélection, la candidate ou le candidat devait satisfaire à tous les sous-facteurs des facteurs mentionnés. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: • Comparer les informations sur la situation avant et après les modifications du programme pour confirmer qu'elles se sont concrétisées; Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Vous trouvez la source des problèmes, mais vous veillez à ce que les objectifs soient atteints. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Le Faucon pèlerin se nourrit rarement de charogne (Holland, 1989). Which language is this? +++++ Language:
[Q]: Nie wieder dürfen riesige Scheiterhaufen zum Wahrzeichen von Nordostengland werden. Diese Verbrennungen hatten nicht nur für die Agrarwirtschaft verheerende Auswirkungen, sondern auch für das Fremdenverkehrsgewerbe und alle damit in Verbindung stehenden Sektoren. Translate this to English? [A]: Never again must we see the enormous funeral pyres all over the landscape of the north-east of England, which had such a devastating effect on the tourist industry and all related industries, not just agriculture. Question: Dosierpumpen kommen überall dort zum Einsatz, wo Flüssigkeiten dosiert, d.h. möglichst genau mit einem definierten Volumen und in einer definierten Zeit einem Medium zugegeben werden sollen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Metering pumps are used wherever fluids must be dosed into a medium with a highest possible grade of accuracy with a defined volume and within a defined time period. test: Über ein Vertriebsnetz mit über 300 Verkaufsniederlassungen allein in Deutschland und über 28.000 Verkäufern auf der ganzen Welt suchen wir die Nähe zu unseren Kunden und gewährleisten somit kompetente Beratung und schnelle Belieferung. English? translation: Daily contact through our sales network of more than 300 branch offices in Germany and more than 28,000 sales representatives worldwide guarantees that we remain close to our customers and can thus provide competent advice and fast delivery. Es ist zwar richtig, diesen Fortschritt zu begrüßen, dennoch sollte weiterhin gefordert werden, dass die Mittel des Fonds schneller zur Verfügung gestellt werden. In English? xxxxx While it is right to welcome this progress, it is worth continuing to call for the fund to be made available more quickly. How is "Except for Legionnaires and artifact creatures, creatures you control cannot attack." said in German? Außer Legionären und Artefaktkreaturen können keine Kreaturen, die Du kontrollierst, angreifen. [Q]: Das bedeutet, dass der Bedarf trotz all der gegenwärtig durchgeführten Projekte nicht gedeckt werden wird. Translate this to English? [A]:
This means that demand will not be met, even with all the projects currently in hand.
Morgen ist, soviel ich weiß, Herr Dimas anwesend. In English? xxxxx As far as I am aware, Commissioner Dimas will be here tomorrow. Sparer bei der britischen Northern Rock-Bank geben ebenfalls den Entwicklungen in Amerika die Schuld an den Turbulenzen, die es der Bank unmöglich machten, Mittel für ihre Kreditvergabe aufzubringen. In English? xxxxx Depositors with the British bank Northern Rock blame American developments for the credit turbulence that made it impossible for the bank to continue to fund its lending. Anstatt einzugreifen, weinen und jammern wir wie alte Frauen. In English? xxxxx
Instead of taking action, we are crying and shouting like old women.
2.1 Sur la base de son enquête, le Médiateur conclut que le Conseil a accepté son projet de recommandation et que les mesures qu’il a prises sont satisfaisantes. Could you please translate this to English?
2.2 The Ombudsman therefore closes the case.
What is the sentiment of the following tweet? Tweet:back to proposaling - now working on proposal of subcontractor... nice to define work you don't have to do #balanceonline
• La CCG a entrepris un projet qui lui permettra de respecter ses obligations au titre de la Loi sur les grains du Canada et qui appuiera deux de ses résultats stratégiques, soit la protection des producteurs et le maintien d'un système d'assurance de la qualité des grains. Could you please translate this to English?
• An initiative was undertaken that will align the CGC with its legislative obligations under the Canada Grain Act and support two of the CGC's strategic outcomes: producer protection and the maintenance of the grain quality assurance system.
QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -9*v - 2 = -7*v for v. ANS: -1 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -3*f + 37*f = 91*f - 188 - 496 for f. ANS: 12 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve 1304*h + 94 = 1278*h - 166 for h. ANS: -10 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve 1173332 = 130*y + 1187242 for y. ANS:
Math problem: Solve -51*i = -35*i - 16 for i. What is the solution?
Translate to French: Lasting peace will not exist unless statehood for the Palestinians is realized and security for the Israelis is guaranteed.
Une paix durable ne pourra voir le jour à moins que les Palestiniens n'obtiennent un État et que les Israéliens ne voient leur sécurité garantie.
Translate "An inadequate number of health-care personnel at health centres affects the entire group of users of those facilities." to French?
Lorsque les centres médicaux disposent d'un personnel insuffisant, tous les usagers de ces centres se trouvent affectés.
Q: Translate "What works for real women?" to Russian? Yes: ⁇ акие су ⁇ еству ⁇ т вариант ⁇ дл ⁇ насто ⁇ и ⁇ ⁇ ен ⁇ ин? Q: Translate "The electricity and heat output can be adjusted in a flexible manner according to need, which may sometimes change at short notice." to Russian? Yes: ⁇ рои ⁇ водство ⁇ лектри ⁇ ества и те ⁇ ла мо ⁇ ут ⁇ т ⁇ ле ⁇ ко ⁇ риведен ⁇ в соответствие с уровнем ⁇ отре ⁇ лени ⁇ , котор ⁇ мо ⁇ ет и ⁇ мен ⁇ т ⁇ с ⁇ о ⁇ ен ⁇ ⁇ стро. Q: Translate "Carex lyngbyei" to Russian? Yes:
⁇ сока скр ⁇ то ⁇ лодна ⁇
[Q]: "“(b) Support of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change for these efforts;" --> French? [A]: b) L'appui apporté à ces mesures par le Groupe de personnalités de haut niveau sur les menaces, les défis et le changement; Q: "Heading 44.17 does not apply to tools in which the blade, working edge, working surface or other working part is formed by any of the materials specified in Note 1 to Chapter 82." to French **** A: Le no 44.17 ne couvre pas les outils dont la lame, le tranchant, la surface travaillante ou toute autre partie travaillante est constitué par l'une quelconque des matières mentionnées dans la Note 1 du Chapitre 82. Translate to French: 4.9 Monitoring As part of a licence of occupation, NHSs must be returned to their original condition following a special event. Answer: 4.9 Contrôle Conformément au permis d’occupation, les lieux historiques nationaux doivent retrouver leur état d’origine après un événement spécial. IN: French: C. Human rights and justice OUT: Droits de l'homme et justice question: Abstaining: --> French. answer: S'abstiennent : [Q]: "In this respect, you must certainly take full advantage of your discussions with the members of the Duma during the third meeting of the European Union-Russia Joint Parliamentary Committee which is being held at the moment." --> French? [A]:
De ce point de vue, vous tirerez certainement le plus grand profit de vos discussions avec les parlementaires russes à l'occasion de la troisième réunion du comité parlementaire mixte «Union européenne-Russie» qui a lieu ces jours-ci.
question: This patent describes a means of improving the elevated-temperature properties of magnesium components by incorporating a ceramic reinforcement in the selected region or regions of the component where improvement is needed. --> French. answer: Ce brevet décrit un moyen d’améliorer les propriétés des composantes au magnésium de façon à ce qu’elles réagissent comme il se doit aux températures élevées, soit l’ajout d’un renforcement céramique dans la ou les zones de la composante nécessitant une amélioration. question: Supports the initiatives listed in the other business areas/activities, therefore contributing to the same benefits; Public Confidence and Safeguarding from Undue Loss. --> French. answer: Appuie les initiatives énumérées dans les autres secteurs d'activité/activités, contribuant ainsi aux mêmes avantages, soit confiance du public et protection contre toute perte indue. question: Tracking progress: the evolution of Strategic KM in DND/CF Read more >>> --> French. answer: L’évolution de la GC stratégique au MDN et dans les FC Pour en savoir plus>>> question: The gear engaged shall be such that the speed of the engine does not exceed the maximum value prescribed by the manufacturer. --> French. answer:
Le rapport de transmission engagé doit être tel que le régime de rotation ne dépasse pas la valeur maximale fixée par le constructeur.
Q: "Transmitted by the European Community (EC)" to French **** A: Transmis par la Commission Européenne (CE) Q: "Under the PCT, you may file for a patent in as many as 133 member countries through a single application filed in Canada." to French **** A: En effet, bien qu’ils acceptent souvent le rapport d’examen international, les bureaux de brevets des pays désignés comme pays de dépôt se réservent le droit d’effectuer leurs propres examens. Q: "For the purposes of this publication, the HST represents only the federal component in the participating provinces (i.e. 7 per cent)." to French **** A: Aux fins du présent document, la TVH ne représente que la composante fédérale (7 %) dans les provinces participantes. Q: "30 June 2008" to French **** A:
30 juin 2008
Translate the following sentence to French: There is no adequate proof in any of the three files that they were not received or that the addresses to which they were sent were incorrect.
Il n'y a pas de preuve suffisante, dans aucun de ces dossiers, qui permettrait de croire que ces avis n'ont pas été reçus ou que les adresses où ils ont été envoyés n'étaient pas les bonnes.
Input: 'The Amazing Spider-Man 3' Delayed; 'Sinister Six' Gets 2016 Release Date Sony is doing precious little at Comic-Con this year — with no Spider-Man film in production, the Columbia Pictures panel isn't even in Hall H — but they'll be back soon enough. Just not as soon as we thought, and with different titles to promote. The studio on Wednesday announced that Sinister Six, its supervillain team-up from the Spider-Man "universe," will be released November 11, 2016. It also said The Amazing Spider-Man 3, which had been set for June 10, 2016, is now coming sometime in 2018. SEE ALSO: Movie News Still Rules Comic-Con. Here's What You'll See This Year That prime June date now falls to Uncharted, based on the Playstation game featuring Nathan Drake — a project that's been in development for a good long while now and finally gets a deadline and a fast-track. Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses) is already set to direct his first big-budget action project. Drew Goddard, who made his feature directorial debut on Joss Whedon's The Cabin in the Woods and wrote much of the TV series Lost and Alias, is writing and helming Sinister Six for Sony. “With Sinister Six in the hands of writer-director Drew Goddard, we feel extremely confident placing the film on a prime date in 2016,” Doug Belgrad, president, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group, said in a statement from the studio. It's an important movie for Sony, which is intent on expanding the Spider-Man universe as much as it can, despite a somewhat disappointing $706 million worldwide box-office return for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. That's down $50 million or so from the first Spider-Man film starring Andrew Garfield, with most of the softening coming in the U.S. That could explain why Sony is delaying the film — it's been said that the first movie turned out very differently from what director Marc Webb turned in, and the largely negative critical reception that the sequel earned could have Sony re-thinking it's flagship superhero strategy. That takes time. Though it hasn't gotten a specific date yet, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 will already have plenty of competition in 2018 — two Marvel movies, both untitled, and that mystery Fox superhero film (Fantastic Four and X-Men team-up, anyone?) are both slated for that year. Meanwhile Warner Bros. is reportedly setting a Flash/Green Lantern team-up and a Man of Steel sequel. BONUS: 5 Biggest Moments in Comic-Con History BONUS: 5 Biggest Moments in Comic-Con History Are you interested in a Sinister Six film? What about Uncharted? We'd like to know in the comments. What was this article about? ++++++++++ It's about: "The Amazing Spider-Man 3" is pushed back two years, while "Sinister Six" gets fast-tracked. Input: Terror in Paris shows the limits of appeasement PARIS — It was shortly before 11 a.m. Wednesday when a small enclave off one of Paris’ large boulevards close to the Place de la Bastilles was shaken with bursts of gunfire and cries of “Allah is the greatest” and “The Prophet is avenged.” Within minutes, people who rushed to their windows and balconies to see what was going on realized that the long-threatened jihadi operation against Paris was under way. The target this time was the weekly Charlie Hebdo, one of the liveliest and, perhaps necessarily, most irreverent satirical journals still attracting a major audience in a Western democracy. By the end of the operation, carried out by a three-man commando group armed with assault rifles, at least 12 people were dead and six others injured. Among those killed — it’s better to say executed — were 10 members of the weekly’s editorial staff, including the flower of French political cartoonists: Stephane Charbonnier, alias “Charb,” Jean Cabut, alias “Cabu,” Bernard Tignou and the magazine’s top star, Georges Wolinski. All had been threatened with death on numerous occasions, especially for drawing and publishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (including one with a bomb hidden in his turban) and for a special issue, renamed “Sharia Hebdo” for the occasion, with “Muhammad” as guest editor. In 2011, Charlie Hebdo was also the only major publication in the West to republish the Danish cartoons of Muhammad that provoked violence in numerous countries. In 2013, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius distanced the French government from the weekly’s in-your-face criticism of Islamism and Islam and warned Charlie Hebdo not to push provocation too far. Wednesday’s attack must have been carefully planned and based on some inside information. For it came precisely as Charlie’s weekly editorial meeting was under way with a maximum turnout of writers, cartoonists and editors. The attack also came only hours after the weekly’s new issue went on sale with a cover inspired by a new novel by Michel Houelbeque, which envisions the election of a Muslim as France’s president in 2022. The government had provided police protection for four of the weekly’s key editors. The assassination of three of them on Wednesday suggests the protection may have been more formal than real. The style of the attack and the getaway, the weapons employed and the safe haven — probably set up in Seine-Saint Denis, a suburb of Paris with a large Muslim population — indicate some input from professional armed bandits who appear to have reached a coordination agreement with jihadists. Two hours after the attack, President Francois Hollande, accompanied by a raft of high officials, visited the scene of the carnage to recite a cliché-ridden statement about resisting terror and defending freedom of speech. The problem, however, is that successive French administrations on both left and right have failed to develop a coherent position on terrorism, especially the Islamist variety, let alone forge policies to effectively deal with it. Since the 1960s, France has been a target for terror attacks by various Palestinian, Algerian and Lebanese groups, as well as others sponsored by the Islamic Republic in Iran or backed by Marxist organizations linked to Cuba and the now-defunct Soviet Union. All along, French policymakers have been divided between a desire to make a deal with terror groups in the hope of securing immunity and the necessity of fighting them with all it takes. Over the years, successive French governments have also arranged for the payment of ransoms in exchange for the liberation of over 100 French hostages in the Middle East and Africa. In the context of a so-called “Arab Policy,” successive administrations have also banked on the illusion that, by casting France as the sole Western friend of “the Arab and Muslim masses,” they would buy security while also benefiting from business opportunities. Thus, France was the first Western power to impose a ban on arms exports to Israel, and the first to allow Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization to open an “embassy” in its capital. In 1996, a French refusal to put several organizations including Hezbollah and Hamas on a terrorist list prevented the adoption of a G-7 agreement on 45 measures to combat global terrorism. In 2003, France did all it could to prevent joint UN action against Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein. Last month, France also stood apart by voting in the UN Security Council for an Arab resolution to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a nation-state without a peace agreement with Israel. Wednesday’s horror is a bitter lesson on the limits of this strategy of appeasement. What was this article about? ++++++++++ It's about:
PARIS — It was shortly before 11 a.m. Wednesday when a small enclave off one of Paris’ large boulevards close to the Place de la Bastilles was shaken with bursts of gunfire and cries of “Allah is t...
Q: "Price volatility has been very significant and had a detrimental, and indeed destabilising, effect on farming, not only in the outermost regions, but in all areas of Europe." to French **** A: L'instabilité des prix a été marquante et a eu un effet préjudiciable, et même déstabilisant, sur l'agriculture, non seulement dans les régions ultrapériphériques, mais dans toutes les régions d'Europe. Q: "Indeed, as in Ukraine, Georgia is undergoing a test of democracy that Europe cannot afford to ignore." to French **** A: En effet, en Géorgie, comme en Ukraine, la démocratie est mise à l’épreuve et l’Europe ne peut se permettre de l’ignorer. Q: "Justification Any overlap between the Foundation's activities and those of Cedefop - or other Community bodies - must be avoided in order to prevent the squandering of human and financial resources." to French **** A: La Fondation a un conseil de direction composé de six représentants des États membres et de six représentants de la Commission, ainsi que de trois représentants des pays partenaires. Q: "To recruit and retain francophone teachers through advertisements and participation in job fairs." to French **** A:
Recruter et maintenir en poste les enseignants francophones par des annonces et une participation à des salons de l'emploi.
@sterlinggates Because K-9 is awesome! Obviously. Describe the sentiment embodied by this tweet. Choose from: (i). negative; (ii). positive; I think the answer is
If "Two dogs play with a green ball on a wooden deck.", does it logically follow that "dogs are playing fetch"?
it is not possible to tell
Je crois que c'est en partie, probablement, de la responsabilité des ONG ou des humanitaires, mais c'est aussi en grande partie, et peut-être le rapport ne le dit pas suffisamment, dû, je le crains, à la corruption gouvernementale et à un gouvernement qui, honnêtement, n'est pas très juste et n'est pas très efficace. Translate this to English?
I think that this is probably in part the responsibility of the NGOs and the humanitarian organisations. However, and the report possibly does not state this sufficiently, it is also largely due, I fear, to government corruption and to a government which, it must be said, is neither very fair nor very effective.
How is "They are probably right." said in French?
Ils ont probablement raison.
Translate "The Turkish Cypriot administration is recognised by Ankara alone." to Turkish?
K ⁇ br ⁇ s Türk yönetimi sadece Ankara taraf ⁇ ndan tan ⁇ n ⁇ yor.