1 value
Q: Comme indiqué dans le projet de supplément (voir A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.42/Add.2, par.... English? A: [As discussed in the draft Supplement (see A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.42/Add.2, paras.] Q: Elle estime qu'il faudrait, à cet égard, en savoir davantage sur la répartition par âges des femmes qui exercent une activité économique, sur la structure des salaires, sur la discrimination éventuelle dans les salaires et sur la structure des emplois.... English? A: [In that regard, more information should be provided on the age structure of women engaged in economic activity, the wage structure, wage discrimination, if any, and the job structure.] Q: Le pouvoir de décision pour ce qui est des objectifs et de la fin des activités de l'EPUE Kosovo demeure du ressort du Conseil.... English? A:
[The powers of decision with respect to the objectives and termination of EUPT Kosovo shall remain vested in the Council.]
News article: The Deep Blue Scene at Roger Vivier’s Tribeca Spring Lunch “CANADIAN TUXEDO? I don’t know this expression,” said fashion stylist Camille Seydoux, when asked for her thoughts about wearing denim on denim. “But, yes, it can be very chic.” Her just-launched mini-collection of multitone-indigo bags and shoes for Roger Vivier certainly supports that argument. Ms. Seydoux was in New York for a lunch at Maman Tribeca to celebrate the debut with her co-host, fashion blogger Garance Doré, and friends, who sported pieces from Ms. Seydoux’s line. Featuring a bootie, platform sandal, sneaker, mini-bucket bag, backpack and shoulder bag, the collection is a free-spirited riff on Vivier’s leather-collaged Prismick bags, introduced in 2012. “Mixing different shades of denim is young and fun,” said Ms. Seydoux, dressed iconoclastically in a graphic jacket, denim shirt and tweed shorts over ruby-red tights. The invitation had urged guests to wear “a touch of denim,” and many obediently, and stylishly, complied: Singer Jihae layered a furry vest over a faded jean jacket and Leandra Medine, the fashion blogger behind “Man Repeller,” wore embellished kick-flared jeans by Rachel Comey. Table settings underlined the blues worship: On each plate sat a lone pocket from the rear of a pair of jeans with cutlery and a menu tucked neatly inside. (An intern spent the better part of a day unstitching any logos from the vintage pockets Vivier had sourced on Etsy.) As guests nibbled on quiche and cauliflower salad, they loaded their Instagram feeds with snaps of the tableau. “This is so cute!” one woman said to her neighbor. “I’m just not going to think about who wore these jeans.” What are the most important parts of this news article?
French fashion stylist Camille Seydoux celebrated the launch of her mini-collection of Prismick bags and booties for Roger Vivier with blogger Garance Doré and other pals at Maman Tribeca this week.
De plus, il prend note des résultats fructueux des réunions tenues entre des représentants de l'ONU et de la Communauté des Cara ⁇ bes. Translate to English
It also notes the fruitful results of meetings held between representatives of the United Nations and of the Caribbean Community.
La vérification et le déminage des routes ont été achevés dans le secteur occidental à la mi-juillet 2003. Could you please translate this to English?
Route verification and road clearance for Sector West were completed in mid-July 2003.
(FI) Monsieur le Président, nous nous sommes bien sûr empressés d'aider la Libye, mais, avec la Côte d'Ivoire, nous sommes restés inactifs depuis novembre. Could you please translate this to English?
(FI) Mr President, we certainly hurried to help Libya, but with Côte d'Ivoire, we have remained inactive since November.
Translate to French: Very nice location, for us Ryan Air Stuff close to the Airport with - most important at Bristol- free transport providet. Answer: Very comfortable and clean rooms, well equipped. Translate to French: Ms. Asma Jahangir (Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief); Mr. Leandro Despouy (Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers); Ms. Yakin Ertürk (Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences) - Oral report Answer: Mme Asma Jahangir (Rapporteure spéciale sur la liberté de religion ou de convictions); M. Leandro Despouy (Rapporteur spécial sur l'indépendance des juges et des avocats); Mme Yakin Ertürk (Rapporteure spéciale sur la violence contre les femmes, ses causes et ses conséquences) - Rapport oral Translate to French: Child survival and development issues were included as priorities in the revised National Policy on Communication for Development, and the media has played an important role in promoting them. Answer:
Les questions de survie et de développement des enfants figurent au rang des priorités dans la politique nationale révisée sur la communication pour le développement.
Q: Ce qui pourrait entraver l'Organisation des Nations Unies dans ses efforts, c'est qu'elle est parfois trop isolée et trop bureaucratique - elle est victime de ses propres succès, puisqu'elle compte bien plus de membres que ses fondateurs n'auraient pu l'imaginer.... English? A: [One thing that can be a limitation on the United Nations is that it can be too distant and too bureaucratic — a victim of its own success, with many more Members than its founders could have imagined.] Q: Le PAM a appuyé l'Institut national pour l'élaboration de profils nationaux de catastrophes par type de calamité.... English? A: [WFP supported the National Institute in the elaboration of national disaster profiles by type of calamity.] Q: Dans l'ensemble, la proportion des adultes en âge de travailler qui possèdent un diplôme d'études postsecondaires est plus élevée au Canada que partout ailleurs dans le monde.... English? A:
[6 Overall, the proportion of Canadian working-age adults with post-secondary credentials is the highest in the world.]
IN: French: Significant violations of the fuel specification can lead to increased emissions and might even damage the engine and exhaust after-treatment systems. OUT: Les écarts importants par rapport aux spécifications applicables aux carburants peuvent entraîner une augmentation des émissions et risquent même d’endommager les moteurs et les systèmes d’épuration des gaz d’échappement. question: Significant accounting policies are as follows: a) Parliamentary Appropriations – The Tribunal is primarily financed by the Government of Canada through parliamentary appropriations. --> French. answer: Les conventions comptables importantes sont les suivantes : (a) Crédits parlementaires –Le Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne est financé principalement par le gouvernement du Canada au moyen de crédits parlementaires. Some text: • Formulaire T2050, Demande d'enregistrement d'un organisme de bienfaisance en vertu de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu Translate to English. Translation: • Form T2050, Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act Q: Dans l'océan Indien, plusieurs systèmes de centres SMT ont été rénovés et des activités de formation ont été organisées pour assurer un appui efficace aux échanges de données opérationnelles critiques sur les alertes multirisques, en particulier les tsunamis et les cyclones tropicaux. Could you please translate this to English? A: In the Indian Ocean, several GTS centres' systems were upgraded and training activities organized to provide an effective support to the operation-critical exchange of multi-hazard warnings, especially for tsunamis and tropical cyclones. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Les activités dans le nord du pays ont suscité de plus en plus d’intérêt en 2005. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Lettre datée du 25 juin 2001, adressée au Secrétaire général par le Représentant permanent du Liban auprès de l'Organisation des Nations Unies
Solve -3190*a - 216 = -3226*a for a. Solve this plz. A: 6 Solve 474*n + 1081 - 2438 = 2435 for n. Solve this plz. A: 8 Solve 204 = -63*p - 5*p for p. Solve this plz. A:
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Je vous serais obligé de bien vouloir faire distribuer le texte de la présente lettre comme document du Conseil de sécurité. [Q]: "Harassment Investigators (HIs) 7." --> French? [A]: Enquêteurs en harcèlement (EH) 7. Q: "The report is intended to begin to share the information and tools needed in this time of transition." to French **** A: Ce rapport amorcera la mise en commun de l'information et des outils dont nous avons besoin pour franchir cette période de transition. Translate to French: Its mandate is to further economic development through the private sector. Answer: Elle a pour mission de favoriser le développement économique par l'intermédiaire du secteur privé. IN: French: Responsibilities Specific to an Airport Operator with Community Fire-Fighting Service If AEIS provision by a community fire-fighting service is chosen, the airport operator must ensure that a person is at the airport to alert the community fire-fighting service during the hours of operation of the AEIS. OUT: Responsabilités de l'exploitant de l'aéroport relativementau service des incendies de la communauté S'il opte pour le service d'intervention pour aéronefs en étatd'urgence offert par le service des incendies de la communauté,l'exploitant de l'aéroport doit s'assurer qu'il y a une personneà l'aéroport pour alerter le service des incendies dela communauté pendant les heures d'activités du serviced'intervention pour aéronefs en état d'urgence. IN: French: Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is approximately 500 000 km2, based on range maps in Ernst et al. (1994), Conant and Collins (1998) and Fig. OUT:
Bien que la tortue des bois ait subit un déclin dans de nombreux secteurs (Kaufmann, 1992a; Litzgus et Brooks, 1996; Harding, 1997; Oldham, 1998; Seburn et Seburn, 2000; Cameron et al., 2002; Compton et al., 2002; Saumure, 2004; Seburn et Seburn, 2004; NatureServe, 2004; Daigle et Jutras, 2005), la zone d’occurrence au Canada est demeurée pratiquement la même depuis le milieu du XXe siècle (fig.
test: Implantate sind die besten Zahnersatzmethoden , denn sie funktionieren genauso wie die natürlichen Zähne. English? translation: Implants are the best way of completing the teeth which you lost, because it functions the same as natural teeth. test: Es ist unbedingt notwendig, dass die EU eine geschlossene Haltung in Bezug auf ihren Agrarsektor einnimmt, um die künftigen Herausforderungen anzugehen. English? translation: It is essential that the EU takes a coordinated stance in relation to its agriculture sector in order to face the challenges which lie ahead. test: Herr Präsident, ich möchte meinem Wunsch Ausdruck verleihen, dass auch andere Länder der Europäischen Union Rumäniens Beispiel folgen mögen, sodass das Verbot von Zyanid schließlich zu einer Regelung auf europäischer Ebene wird. English? translation: Mr. President, I express my wish to see Romania's example followed by the other European Union countries, as well, so that the prohibition of cyanide shall become an European rule eventually. test: Leider ist meines Wissens nicht jeder im Rat bereit, die festgelegten Zeiträume zu akzeptieren, die die Kommission für den Ausgleich der Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten vorgeschlagen hat. English? translation:
Regretfully, to my knowledge, not everyone in the Council is prepared to accept the set time periods proposed by the Commission for the Member States to reconcile their differences.
Die Aussprache ist geschlossen. In English? xxxxx The debate is closed. How is "On this issue, there appears to be a consensus to the effect that a higher level of protection is required, but I believe that, given the uncertainties that exist concerning what stocks remain, the demand for a zero quota for export is extremely sensible on the grounds of the precautionary principle." said in German? Auf diesem Gebiet scheint es einen Konsens darüber zu geben, dass ein höheres Schutzniveau erforderlich ist. Ich glaube allerdings, dass angesichts der Unsicherheit über die noch vorhandenen Bestände die Forderung nach einer Nullquote für den Export auf der Grundlage des Vorsorgeprinzips außerordentlich sinnvoll ist. Q: Translate "Mr President, I wish to bring to the attention of this House a totally unacceptable and disgraceful attack on the government of Italy yesterday by the Prime Minister of Turkey speaking before the Turkish Grand National Assembly." to German? A: Herr Präsident, ich möchte die Aufmerksamkeit dieses Hauses auf einen völlig unannehmbaren und schändlichen Angriff lenken, den der türkische Ministerpräsident gestern vor der Großen Nationalversammlung der Türkei auf die italienische Regierung unternahm. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Darüber hinaus stellt diese Komplexität eine erhebliche Fehlerquelle dar, wie der Rechnungshof in verschiedenen seiner Prüfungsberichte unterstrichen hat. Q: Translate "- Country Lodging and rustic roundwood country cottage with St-Felix-in-Valois, in the middle of Lanaudière." to German? Yes: - Landbewohnerquartier und rustikale Berghütte aus rundem Holz an St-Félix-de-Valois im Herzen von Lanaudière. Q: Translate "The maximum number of colors is 16,7 million. (256*256*256)." to German? Yes:
Es können maximal 16,7 Millionen Farben dargestellt werden.
Q: "2.5 Recommended Approach / Scale for Management Harlequin Ducks use a variety of habitat types throughout their annual cycle." to French **** A: • Le Service canadien de la faune et le gouvernement provincial effectuent régulièrement des relevés sur le site d’hivernage de la réserve écologique du cap St. Mary’s. Q: "Subsequently to be issued also in Arabic, Chinese and Russian as part of the present report." to French **** A: Le texte est aussi traduit en arabe, en chinois et en russe aux fins du présent rapport. Q: "In its modern definition, lifelong learning includes both professional development and personal development, the process by which one seeks intellectual growth to achieve personal aspirations and feel a sense of personal and professional fulfillment." to French **** A: Dans son acception moderne, l'apprentissage continu englobe à la fois le perfectionnement professionnel et le développement personnel, démarche par laquelle on cherche à s'épanouir intellectuellement afin de réaliser des aspirations personnelles et de ressentir une satisfaction tant personnelle que professionnelle. Q: "With some luck, good times for Germany, and for Europe as a whole, could last until the end of the decade." to French **** A:
Et avec un peu de chance, cette époque favorable, pour l’Allemagne et pour toute l’Europe, pourrait durer jusqu’à la fin de la décennie.
⁇ Mme Patricia A. Demers, présidente, Société Royale du Canada : Could you please translate this to English?
⁇ Dr. Patricia A. Demers, President, Royal Society of Canada:
Select the correct sentiment of the following review: Here again is yet another Diane Lane movie where she cheats on her husband. Is this the only role she knows how to play? This time it's set in 1969 and she cheats on her husband with the blouse man. I am so not surprised because that is so very predictable. Then her husband gets mad and throws the milk. I wouldn't be surprised if she slept with the milkman as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she slept with the ice cream man too because this is a very boring movie. Then after some milk throwing, she says sorry and sees the blouse man again. Duh. Then while she is making it with him, her son gets stung by wasps. My mom always told me not to throw rocks at a wasps nest. This kids mom didn't have time to tell him that, she was too busy with the blouse man. Options: [a]. negative. [b]. positive.
Translate to French: Failure to respond 6(3) The failure of a trustee to respond to a request within the 30-day period is to be treated as a decision to refuse to permit the personal health information to be examined or copied. Answer: Présomption de refus 6(3) Le défaut de répondre à la demande dans le délai de 30 jours vaut décision de refus de permettre l'examen ou la reproduction des renseignements médicaux personnels. Translate to French: 8.0 Terms of Reference Minor amendments to the Terms of Reference (TOR) can be made by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Chair and Executive Secretary, subject to informing the members at the next meeting. Answer: 8.0 Mandat Le Secrétariat peut apporter des modifications mineures au mandat en consultant le président et le secrétaire exécutif, sous réserve d'informer les membres à la réunion suivante. Translate to French: C. Chart of Key Results Commitments Canada Information Office (CIO) Providing information on Canada to Canadians To provide Canadians with: Answer:
C. Tableau des principaux engagements relatifs aux résultats Le Bureau d'information du Canada (BIC) Fournir aux Canadiennes et Canadiens de l'information sur le Canada Fournir aux Canadiens :
L'OCDE loue l'action de l'Autriche en matière d'environnement mais préconise des politiques plus intégrées dans les secteurs comme l'énergie, les transports, l'agriculture et les forêts. Translate this to English?
The OECD commends Austria's environmental performance but calls for more integrated policies in sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture and forestry.
Passant à la question des règles d'engagement, l'orateur rappelle que le Comité spécial a demandé, il y a longtemps déjà, des explications concernant l'état d'avancement des règles d'engagement type. Translate this to English?
Regarding the issue of rules of engagement, he recalled that the Special Committee had long been seeking clarification concerning the status of the sample rules of engagement.
Q: "• Appraisals must be prepared by qualified appraisers who understand the principles of appraisal practice." to French **** A: • Les évaluations doivent être effectuées par des évaluateurs professionnels qualifiés, qui comprennent les principes sous-tendant la pratique de l’évaluation professionnelle. Q: "Approximately 600 to 700 detainees have the possibility to participate in different workshops and to learn vocational skills." to French **** A: Environ 600 à 700 détenus ont la possibilité de participer à différents ateliers et d'acquérir des compétences professionnelles. Q: "1 Date of receipt of the relevant documents." to French **** A: 1 Date de réception des documents pertinents. Q: "2.5 Reports on development of income and output as basis for wage negotiations and income policy" to French **** A:
2.5 Rapports sur l'évolution du revenu et de la production servant de base aux négociations salariales et à la politique des revenus
16 Doch machte dies der Ausbreitung der Priesterlist im Land kein Ende; denn es gab viele, die die Nichtigkeiten der Welt liebten, und sie gingen hin und predigten falsche Lehren; und dies taten sie um des a Reichtums und des Ansehens willen. Translate this to English?
16 Nevertheless, this did not put an end to the spreading of priestcraft through the land; for there were many who loved the vain things of the world, and they went forth preaching a false doctrines; and this they did for the sake of b riches and honor.
[Q]: "The quantity of concurrent releases varies from year to year depending on the number and scope of funds being announced by the CFI." --> French? [A]: Dans ces cas, la FCI travaille en étroite collaboration avec les établissements pour les inciter à rendre public le financement qu’ils reçoivent, par voie de communiqués dans leurs régions respectives. Q: "The Canadian financial services sector is already quite competitive with a wide range of services and suppliers available to both businesses and consumers." to French **** A: Le secteur des services financiers canadien est déjà fort concurrentiel, les entreprises et les consommateurs ayant accès à une large gamme de services et de fournisseurs. Translate to French: The statements with which it provided candidates appear to be anything but simplistic. Answer: Les énoncés qu'il a présentés aux candidates et candidats étaient loin d'être simplistes. IN: French: between EUR 300 000 and EUR 5 000 000 shall be awarded through an open local invitation to tender; and OUT: allant de 300 000 à 5 000 000 EUR font l'objet d'une procédure d'appel d'offres ouverte, publiée localement; question: Taking measures for the compensation of material prejudice caused to citizens, economic agents, public organizations and other legal persons as a result of some criminal actions; --> French. answer: - en prenant des mesures pour réparer le préjudice matériel que subissent les citoyens, les agents économiques, les organisations publiques et autres personnes morales sous l'effet de telle ou telle autre action criminelle; [Q]: "- UITP (Mr. Roger Torode*);" --> French? [A]:
- UITP (M. Roger Torode*);
Q: Solve -45*s + 3915 = 23*s + 3779 for s. A: 2 Q: Solve -984*q = -5201*q + 516134 + 70029 for q. A: 139 Q: Solve 282 = -83*q - 50 for q. A: -4 Q: Solve 9725*p + 4498 = 9552*p for p. A:
Write something based on this summary: foreign exchange rates in tokyo Sentence: A: chinese share prices were sharply lower thursday , with blue chips sinking and losers far outnumbering gainers , on concern that the central bank might raise interest rates again over the coming weekend . Write something based on this summary: portugal expecting more difficulties against the czechs at european championship Sentence: A: portugal takes on the czech republic braced for a tougher match than in its opener against turkey . Write something based on this summary: belgian region to get tough with tour operators Sentence: A: the belgian region of flanders is considering new measures to punish foul practice in the travel industry , belgian daily de standaard reported tuesday . Write something based on this summary: thailand to unveil new alien business law Sentence: A:
thailand will complete the amendment of its alien business law in the next three months to facilitate foreign firms ' operations in the country , a senior thai official said here wednesday .
How is "(b) acquiring, owning or possessing and disposing of property, including property which that State has authorized it to operate or manage," said in French?
b) D'acquérir, de posséder ou de détenir et de céder des biens, y compris des biens que l'État l'a autorisée à exploiter ou à gérer,
when did tom brady come into the league??? Answer: the 2000 NFL Draft Question: when did montpelier become the capital of vermont? Answer: 1805 Answer this question: what is the most recent nicholas sparks movie?? The Choice Q: when did the czech republic split from slovakia?A: 1 January 1993 Input: when was star wars the force awakens made? Output: 2014 Answer this question: who played spider man in spider man homecoming??
Tom Holland
Write a sentence not in English.
Il se félicite de ce genre de dialogue avec les États Membres et souhaite leur rappeler qu'il est toujours prêt à les rencontrer pour s'entretenir avec eux de questions pertinentes et faire le point, sur une base volontaire, des efforts qu'ils déploient.
Translate "We come to Amendment No. 7, tabled by Mr Bindig, on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, which is, in the draft resolution, after paragraph 16, add the following new paragraph:" to French?
LE PRÉSIDENT (Interprétation) appelle l'amendement n° 7, présenté par M. Bindig, au nom de la commission des questions juridiques et des droits de l'homme, qui tend, après le paragraphe 16, à ajouter le paragraphe suivant:
Some text: Ils ont par ailleurs demandé aux experts des États parties siégeant à la Commission de faire tout leur possible pour que ces experts puissent participer pleinement aux travaux de la Commission, conformément à la Convention. Translate to English. Translation: They also called upon States parties whose experts were serving on the Commission to do their utmost to ensure the full participation of those experts in the work of the Commission, in accordance with the Convention. Q: Après le débat, trois exposés ont été présentés. Could you please translate this to English? A: After the discussion, three presentations were made. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Croisière d'octobre 2000 En octobre 2000, la VFAF a organisé une croisière dans les Cara ⁇ bes; cette croisière se voulait une " session de réflexion pour les employés " à laquelle tous les employés de la VFAF devaient participer sans leur famille. [Q]: "In 2005, fish were supplied to the Station’s Finfish Physiology Project for collaborative studies with the University of New Brunswick-Saint John." --> French? [A]: En 2005, elle a fourni des spécimens au Projet d’étude sur la physiologie des poissons marins de la Station, en vue d’études en collaboration avec l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick à Saint-Jean. Q: "I therefore hope that in the future, in the very near future, we will ask the same question of fathers, as children - one again - are the concern of both parents." to French **** A: J'espère dès lors que dans un avenir proche nous poserons la même question aux pères, dans la mesure où les enfants - encore une fois - concernent les deux parents. Q: "11414 Motion for a recommendation presented by Mr de Puig and others Electronic democracy, to the Political Affairs Committee for report and to the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Immunities for opinion, taking into account the current work of the Council for Democratic elections of the Venice Commission and the preparation of the next Forum for the Future of Democracy in Spain in 2008 [PACE priority:" to French **** A:
11414 Proposition de recommandation présentée par M. de Puig et plusieurs de ses collègues La démocratie électronique, renvoi à la commission des questions politiques pour rapport et à la commission du Règlement et des Immunités pour avis, prenant en compte le travail en cours du Conseil pour les élections démocratiques de la Commission de Venise et la préparation du prochain Forum pour l'avenir de la démocratie qui a lieu en Espagne en 2008 [Priorité de l'APCE:
Write a sentence not in English.
Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das in manchen Mitgliedstaaten funktioniert hat, in meinem eigenen nicht.
On se souviendra que le Groupe d'étude avait proposé la création d'équipes spéciales intégrées à cette fin (voir A/55/305-S/2000/809, par. 217). Which language is this?
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 1205*a + 37*a - 26082 = 0 for a. ++++++++++ answer: 21 Solve -243*y - 1732 = -7078 for y. Solve this plz. A: 22 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -283*z = 9663 - 32869 for z. ANS: 82 Q: What is the solution? Solve 44*v + 30 = 14*v for v. A: -1 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 0 = -97*p + 26*p - 91 - 264 for p. answer: -5 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 373*l + 241*l + 198*l + 58084 = -305*l for l. ++++++++++ answer:
Translate to French: Inflation no longer threatens anyone's savings. Answer: L'inflation ne menace plus du tout l'épargne de personne. Translate to French: The Act prescribes that the court, before making an adoption order, shall be satisfied that: Answer: La loi dispose que le tribunal, avant de se prononcer sur l'adoption d'un enfant, doit s'assurer: Translate to French: Improvement of collection of information for ideas, by automatically pasting different kinds of objects (formated texts, files, images, links...) in the most appropriate idea structure elements. Answer:
Extension des possibilités de collecter des informations en collant automatiquement des objets de natures différentes dans les éléments structuraux des idées les plus appropriés.
Translate to French: A table including sample i.d., initial value, reason for repeat, repeat value(s), accepted value, reason for acceptance; and the number of repeats expressed as a percentage of the total number of samples assayed should be provided. Answer: Présenter un tableau indiquant le numéro d'identité de l'échantillon, la valeur initiale obtenue, la raison pour laquelle l'analyse est répétée, la ou les valeurs obtenues à la répétition, la valeur acceptée, la raison de son acceptation, ainsi que le nombre de répétitions exprimé en pourcentage du nombre total d'échantillons analysés. Translate to French: * The Toronto Star, June 2, 1985, Barrie Tornado. Answer: * Le Toronto Star du 2 juin 1985, «La tornade de Barrie». Translate to French: (In thousands of United States dollars) Answer:
(En milliers de dollars des États-Unis)
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Nous vous saurions gré de nous donner davantage d'informations détaillées qui pourront être utilisées dans l'évaluation sommative de l'EXPO 2005 que nous menons au nom de Patrimoine canadien. [Q]: "The information on the website for travel was complete for the designated officials as initially determined by PHAC." --> French? [A]: Sur le site Web, les renseignements relatifs aux voyages des cadres supérieurs initialement désignés par l'ASPC étaient complets. Q: "(ii) Prudence, substance over form and materiality should govern the selection and application of accounting policies;" to French **** A: ii) Prudence, primauté de la substance sur la forme et importance relative sont les principes qui déterminent le choix et l'application des conventions comptables; Translate to French: Many departments and agencies work together to deliver policies, programs, and services to Canadians. Answer: Bon nombre de ministères et d’organismes travaillent ensemble à fournir des politiques, des programmes et des services aux Canadiens. IN: French: The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (resolution 54/119 of 16 December 1999).1 OUT: La situation en Bosnie-Herzégovine (résolution 54/119 du 16 décembre 1999)1. IN: French: • foreign government agencies Their cooperation is essential to the conduct of the TSB's business, whether they contribute information or support services. OUT:
Leur collaboration est essentielle au bon déroulement des activités du BST, que ces particuliers ou groupes fournissent des renseignements ou des services de soutien.
Q: Il est réellement inutile de modifier le règlement de contrôle aussi vite, mais il va de soi que la décision vous revient. Could you please translate this to English? A: We really do not need to change this control regulation so soon but, of course, it is for you to decide. Q: Faits motivant le refus, la suspension ou l'octroi de la libération sous conditions Ces dispositions de la Loi s'appliquent aux faillites visées par des procédures intentées avant le 30 septembre 1997. Could you please translate this to English? A: Facts For Which Discharge May Be Refused, Suspended Or Granted Conditionally These provisions of the Act apply to bankruptcies where proceedings are commenced before September 30, 1997. Q: Toutefois, en ce qui a trait au ⁇ ⁇ verificateur aux approvisionnements, je crois qu’il e ⁇ tait necessaire que nous nommions une tierce partie, puisque cette personne devra etre en quelque sorte l’ombudsman au sein de Travaux publics afin ⁇ de s’assurer que l’on respecte les objectifs que je viens d’enoncer. Could you please translate this to English? A: However, I believe that we must appoint a third party as the procurement auditor, since this individual must be, to some extent, an ombudsman within Public Works in order to ensure that the objectives I have just proposed are met. Q: Il explique la raison pour laquelle on a créé le nouvel organisme Bibliothèque et Archives du Canada, puis souligne combien il est nécessaire de continuer de travailler ensemble pour accroître l'efficacité et l'innovation en matière de prestations de services aux Canadiennes et Canadiens incapables de lire les imprimés. Could you please translate this to English? A:
He explained the rationale for the creation of the new Library and Archives of Canada and emphasized the need to continue to work together to increase efficiency and innovation in providing service to Print-Disabled Canadians.
A reasonable population estimate at this site is thought to be in the range of 100-500 adults in 2004 (C. Translate to French
On peut raisonnablement penser que ce site comptait entre 100 et 500 adultes en 2004 (C.
Some text: De plus, les énoncés sur les émissions1 et les constituants toxiques ainsi que les messages d’information sur la santé ne sont pas aussi évidents ou informatifs que prévus. Translate to English. Translation: In addition, the toxic emissions/constituents1 statements and the health information messages are not as noticeable or informative as intended. Some text: Vus à Lyon =P, extraordinnaire, Daddy G il m'impressionera toujours ce type, à 2m de la scène... Magnigfique. Translate to English. Translation: Enorme!! Archive a encore du chemin à parcourir sur scène... Some text: de dépassement des moments tendant au renversement. Translate to English. Translation:
the moments conducive to overturning being exceeded.
Write a sentence not in English.
• la quantité transférée hors site pour recyclage, répartie en fonction de la récupération d’énergie et des matières transférées, notamment les solvants, les catalyseurs, les métaux;
Q: "See A/ES-10/273 and Corr.1; see also Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, I.C.J." to French **** A: Voir A/ES-10/273 et Corr.1 ; voir également Conséquences juridiques de l'édification d'un mur dans le territoire palestinien occupé, avis consultatif, C.I.J. Q: "The number of files at the end of December 2000 was 1,535." to French **** A: ⁇ la fin du mois de décembre 2000, il y avait 1 535 dossiers ouverts. Q: "Today, it is time to call on both sides to intensify their co-operation and to continue the dialogue towards a meaningful and peaceful solution." to French **** A: Le projet de résolution appelle les deux parties à intensifier leur coopération et à poursuivre le dialogue vers une solution pacifique et significative. Q: "• Examine options to improve the connection between advice and policy development (2001)." to French **** A:
• Examiner les possibilités d'amélioration du lien entre les conseils scientifiques et l'élaboration des politiques (2001).
Les billets primes sont établis sur la base d'un aller-retour entre le point de départ et d'arrivée, via l'itinéraire le plus direct possible. Translate to English.
Awards are based on round trip travel between origin and destination using the most direct route possible.
Problem: Principales constatations et conclusions Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Le programme offre des bourses de jusqu'à 10 000 $ pour recruter des organismes non gouvernementaux canadiens dans un partenariat destiné à améliorer les communications entre le monde scientifique et le grand public. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Coordonnées pour informations supplémentaires Courriel: Adresse Internet:; Téléphone: +48 600 116 209 Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: 3.3.1 Consommation de carburant, Which language is this? +++++ Language:
X = le nombre de défauts trouvés dans l’échantillon n = le nombre total de points échantillonnés p = la probabilité prévue (cible) de défauts Could you please translate this to English?
where X = the number of defects found in the sample n = the total number of points sampled p = the expected (target) probability of defects
Q: Comment se lancer militairement à l'assaut de l'intérieur d'un pays inconnu, quand déjà on tremble pour sa vie dans le fortin côtier ou le galion duquel on n'ose débarquer ?... English? A: [How could a military assault be launched on the interior of an unknown country, when the newcomers already feared for their lives inside coastal forts or on ships which they dared not leave?] Q: L’étude souligne la nécessité d’élaborer des régimes de gestion prenant en compte les conséquences évolutives de la pêche.... English? A: [The study stresses the need for the development of management regimes that take into consideration the evolutionary consequences of fishing.] Q: (Statut consultatif spécial depuis 1995)... English? A:
[(Special consultative status granted in 1995)]
[Q]: "In 2002 members of the National Working Group, under the supervision of the Plenipotentiary for Human Rights, prepared an idea of and tools for an internal monitoring of human rights observance in the Police and by the Police and a programme of human rights training for Police authorities (320 district and municipal commanders)." --> French? [A]: En 2002, des membres du Groupe de travail national, sous la supervision du Délégué général aux droits de l'homme, ont mis au point un concept et un mécanisme de contrôle interne du respect des droits de l'homme dans la police et par la police et établi un programme de formation en matière de droits de l'homme à l'intention des cadres de la police (320 commandants d'unités de la police de district et de commune). [Q]: "In the interest of fair competition, emerging economies must further open their markets and bring down their barriers to trade." --> French? [A]: L'Union européenne (UE) est disposée à en faire de même afin d'encourager la concurrence et l'innovation, et d'attirer les investissements étrangers. [Q]: "Further, she did not understand why the Working Party should wait for the meeting of Trade Point directors." --> French? [A]:
En outre, la représentante ne comprenait pas pourquoi le Groupe de travail devrait attendre que la réunion des directeurs de pôles commerciaux ait eu lieu.
Translate to French: Meeting of the Internetwork of Ethical and Solidarity-based Initiatives
Réunion de l’Inter-réseau des initiatives éthiques et solidaires
Translate to French: Its services are designed for those contributing to the development of new knowledge and relying on it to make informed decisions: researchers, policy analysts, planners, academics, decision-makers and managers.
Ses services visent les personnes qui contribuent au développement d’un nouveau savoir et celles qui comptent sur ce savoir pour prendre des décisions éclairées, comme les chercheurs, les analystes de politiques, les planificateurs, les universitaires, les décideurs et les gestionnaires.
Q: "There may be slight discrepancies apparent between some of the indicators for 1998–1999 reported in the 2002 Government of Canada report and those presented this year." to French **** A: Il pourrait y avoir de légers écarts entre certains chiffres donnés pour des indicateurs 1998-1999 dans le rapport de 2002 du gouvernement du Canada et dans le présent rapport. Q: "And one cannot intervene in the same manner in all places." to French **** A: Et on ne peut intervenir de la même façon partout. Q: " Replace “” by “8.3.3”." to French **** A: Remplacer "" par: "8.3.3". Q: "On the question of civic citizenship, we very much agree with that as it stands in the report." to French **** A:
En ce qui concerne la question de la citoyenneté civique, nous l’approuvons largement telle qu’elle est exposée dans le rapport.
Translate to French: Under normal circumstances, it is not ideal to create, populate and destroy the APC cache on every CLI request, but for various test scenarios it is useful to be able to enable APC for the CLI version of PHP easily.
Normalement, vous ne devriez pas vouloir créer, peupler et démonter le cache APC à chaque requête CLI, mais pour divers scénarios de test, elle est maniable afin de pouvoir activer facilement APC pour la version CLI d'APC.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Ententes avec d’autres institutions d’enseignement dont le Red River Technical Vocational Area (RRTVA). -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: ⁇ la fin de 2003 ces services étaient totalement opérationnels. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Les scénaristes lauréats en seront avisés fin novembre 2004. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
M. Ettalhi (Jamahiriya arabe libyenne) (parle en arabe) : Comme ceux qui ont pris la parole avant moi, je tiens à remercier le Secrétaire général adjoint Pascoe et le Sous-Secrétaire général Mulet pour leurs présentations. -+-+-+-
ICT E77 Version EU410 ICT Europe GmbH Hubert ⁇ Wollenberg ⁇ Str. Which language is this?
Write a sentence not in English.
Une multitude de mesures employées dans le monde en développement pour réduire le les émissions des véhicules – y compris les filtres à particules et les programmes de « contrôle et d’entretien » – engendre des dépenses excessives.
[Translate Q]: Translate "The symposium will offer tourists and customers:" to Spanish. [A]: El simposio ofrecerá al p ⁇ blico: Question: Translate "Colocar la salsa de manzana en copas, a ⁇ adir algunas frambuesas frescas, cubrir con el jugo de frambuesas y completar con el “crumble”." from Spanish to English. Answer: Arrange the apple mousse in bowls, add some fresh raspberries, cover with raspberry juice and finish with the crumble. Question: Lair of the historical monument looks like a Suharau country houses . Simple , modest , but suggesting durability . Say this using Spanish. Say: Abode monumento histórico desde Suhara parece una casas de campo . Simple , modesto , pero la durabilidad sugiriendo . En 2003 se publicó la traducción al inglés de "Kalpa Imperial", realizada por ⁇ rsula Le Guin, una de las principales figuras femeninas de la ciencia ficción anglosajona. How do you say this sentence in English? The English translation of “Kalpa Imperial” was published in 2003, being in charge of Urusula Le Guin, one of the most acclaimed writers of science fiction in English. Q: How do you say "Uninstallation: As DLL files are created to support other programs and softwares working well, the data and functions are actually shared by many programs. when you uninstall a program, Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll may be mistakenly deleted." in Spanish? A: Desinstalación: Como los archivos DLL se creó para apoyar otros programas y software, los datos y las funciones son en realidad comparte con muchos programas. Al desinstalar un programa, Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll se puede borrados por error. Problem: Desde los puntos chakra, la energ ⁇ a es distribuida a todo el organismo, gracias a los numerosos canales energéticos que lo atraviesan y que están unidos a ellos. ** English? Answer:
Since the chakra points, the energy is distributed throughout the body, thanks to the numerous energy channels that cross and are attached to them.
Q: "Recalling Article 18 of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change," to French **** A: Rappelant l'article 18 du Protocole de Kyoto à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, Q: "Key words: tetrahydropyranyl ethers, protecting groups, ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate, alcohols, thiols." to French **** A: Mots clés : oxydes de tétrahydropyranyle, groupes protecteurs, acétylacétonate de ruthénium(III), alcools, thiols. Q: "• risk management" to French **** A: • Gestion des risques Q: "It cannot account for discrepancies between references and would risk giving weight to the discrepancies rather than resolving them." to French **** A:
Il ne permet pas de tenir compte des disparités entre les répondants et risque de leur accorder de l’importance plutôt que de les minimiser.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: • Nombre d'opportunités créées pour des athlètes sous-représentés de participer à des compétitions sportives -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La tarification est nécessaire pour que le Bureau puisse recouvrer les coûts associés à la prestation de services les plus complets et les plus professionnels possibles. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: C'est pourquoi nous nous attachons très activement à mettre en place des mesures d'atténuation et de prévention. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Le Comité note que le Comité E2A s'est déjà penché sur la situation très voisine des réclamations déposées par le bénéficiaire d'une lettre de crédit, c'est-à-dire dans ce cas l'exportateur des biens, plutôt que par la banque ayant effectué le paiement. -+-+-+-
Some text: Chaque Haute Partie contractante s'engage à ne jamais, en aucune circonstance, transférer à qui que ce soit, directement ou indirectement, des armes à sous-munitions. Translate to English. Translation: Each High Contracting Party undertakes never under any circumstances to transfer cluster munitions to anyone, directly or indirectly. Some text: b Comprend les fonds et fonds d'affectation spéciale administrés par le PNUD. Translate to English. Translation: b Includes funds and trust funds administered by UNDP. Some text: Vous devrez également signer un contrat d'enregistrement avec le bureau d'enregistrement établissant les conditions régissant l'acceptation et l'administration de votre enregistrement. Translate to English. Translation:
You will also be required to enter a registration contract with the registrar, which sets forth the terms under which your registration is accepted and will be maintained.
Point 66 de l'ordre du jour : Promotion et protection des droits de l'enfant (suite) Translate to English.
Agenda item 66: Promotion and protection of the rights of children (continued)
Q: La délégation de la Suisse a dit considérer que le document fournit une excellente base pour la poursuite de l’examen de ces questions dans cette enceinte et d’autres instances internationales, notamment la CDB, et s’est dite favorable à ce que l’étude technique achevée soit communiquée à l’Assemblée générale de l’OMPI, avec la recommandation qu’elle soit transmise en tant que document de référence technique à la septième Conférence des parties à la CDB. Could you please translate this to English? A: The Delegation of Switzerland considered the document to provide an excellent basis for further discussions on these issues in this and other international fora, in particular the CBD, and supported the forwarding of the finalized technical study to the WIPO General Assembly with the recommendation that it be transmitted as a technical reference document to the seventh Conference of the Parties of the CBD. Q: Actuellement, la subvention versée pour chaque poste se monte à 5 200 CHF par mois. Could you please translate this to English? A: A fixed amount of SFr. 5,200 is paid at present per job per month. Q: S’agissant de son application territoriale, le texte du nouvel accord ne diffère aucunement de l’accord précédent, venu à terme en 2000. Could you please translate this to English? A: With respect to its territorial application, the text of the new agreement is no different from the previous agreement, which ended in 2000. Q: La totalité des analyses statistiques doivent être effectuées selon les méthodes appropriées. Could you please translate this to English? A:
All data must be presented in sufficient detail, with all statistical analyses performed using appropriate procedures.
Nevertheless, Makdisi has asserted that the European university borrowed many of its features from the Islamic madrasa, including the concepts of a degree and doctorate. Makdisi and Hugh Goddard have also highlighted other terms and concepts now used in modern universities which most likely have Islamic origins, including "the fact that we still talk of professors holding the 'Chair' of their subject" being based on the "traditional Islamic pattern of teaching where the professor sits on a chair and the students sit around him", the term 'academic circles' being derived from the way in which Islamic students "sat in a circle around their professor", and terms such as "having 'fellows', 'reading' a subject, and obtaining 'degrees', can all be traced back" to the Islamic concepts of a ⁇ b ('companions, as of Muhammad'), qir ⁇ ah ('reading aloud the Qur'an') and ij ⁇ zah ('licence [to teach]') respectively. Makdisi has listed eighteen such parallels in terminology which can be traced back to their roots in Islamic education. Some of the practices now common in modern universities which Makdisi and Goddard trace back to an Islamic root include "practices such as delivering inaugural lectures, wearing academic robes, obtaining doctorates by defending a thesis, and even the idea of academic freedom are also modelled on Islamic custom." The Islamic scholarly system of fatwá and ijm ⁇ , meaning opinion and consensus respectively, formed the basis of the "scholarly system the West has practised in university scholarship from the Middle Ages down to the present day." According to Makdisi and Goddard, "the idea of academic freedom" in universities was also "modelled on Islamic custom" as practised in the medieval Madrasa system from the 9th century. Islamic influence was "certainly discernible in the foundation of the first deliberately planned university" in Europe, the University of Naples Federico II founded by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1224. What freedom specifically did Makdisi believe European schools learned from Islamic traditions?
Les jeunes enfants sont extrêmement sensibles à leur environnement et parviennent très rapidement à reconnaître les personnes, lieux et habitudes qui constituent leur cadre familier, tout en prenant conscience de leur identité propre. Translate this to English?
Young children are acutely sensitive to their surroundings and very rapidly acquire understanding of the people, places and routines in their lives, along with awareness of their own unique identity.
La République de Corée a engagé un dialogue soutenu avec l'OIT pour maîtriser les divergences de point de vues, eu égard à la ratification des Conventions OIT n° 87 et 98. Translate to English.
The Republic of Korea was engaged in active discussions with the ILO to overcome remaining differences of opinion with a view to ratifying ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98.
Translate to French: • 2001 — $10 million IPO on the TSE — symbol CXB Answer: • 2001 – 10 millions de dollars, émission d’actions à la Bourse de Toronto (TSE) – symbole CXB IN: French: As was reported in last year's working paper (A/AC.109/2003/13, para. OUT: Comme suggéré dans le document de travail précédent (A/AC.109/2003/13, par. question: A new surge in peacekeeping operations has taken place since last year. --> French. answer: Les opérations de maintien de la paix augmentent de nouveau en nombre depuis l'année dernière. Some text: La conception du projet est conforme aux principes de la seconde étape du processus fédéral de minimisation de la dégradation des zones de terre humide et incorpore des stratégies qui minimiseront les effets du développement sur les fonctions des zones de terre humide. Translate to English. Translation: The Project design has adhered to the second step of the federal wetland mitigation process and has developed strategies that when implemented will minimize the effects of development on wetland functions. Q: Je m’engage à la plus haute qualité dans tout ce que je fais et je m’attends à créer la meilleure image chaque fois que j’appuie sur le déclencheur. Could you please translate this to English? A: I commit to the highest quality in everything I do and I expect to create the best image every time I press the shutter release button. Translate to French: It offers to an audience of hundreds about ten lectures by experts, professors or lecturers in their various fields on topics as diverse as linguistics, literature, ethnology, computer science, astronomy and economics. Answer:
Elle propose à des centaines d’auditeurs une dizaine de conférences d’experts, de professeurs ou de maîtres de conférences dans leurs spécialités respectives, sur des thèmes très variés comme la linguistique, la littérature, l’ethnologie, l’informatique, l’astronomie ou l’économie.
Les ententes établies contiennent des dispositions de moratoires variables, échéant entre la fin de 2004 et la fin de 2009, qui maintiennent le statu quo de paramètres particuliers pendant la durée de ces moratoires. Which language is this?
Translate the following sentence to German: He was on duty in sickbay when Commander Riker was treated by Doctor Crusher and was later frozen in time in sickbay when the Enterprise-D was caught in a temporal fragment and was watching, in shock, as Doctor Crusher was hit by a fatal Romulan disruptor beam.
Martinez ist zugegen, als wenig später Commander Riker von Doktor Crusher in der Krankenstation behandelt wird. Als die Enterprise-D in einem temporalen Fragment gefangen ist wird er, wie alle anderen Besatzungsmitglieder auch, in der Zeit „eingefroren“.
[Q]: "The sale, exchange and consignment of large quantities of products are done under specific rules established by contract between two or more trading partners." --> French? [A]: La vente, l'échange et la consignation de grandes quantités de produits s'effectuent dans le cadre de règles précises établies en vertu de contrats signés entre deux ou trois partenaires commerciaux. Q: "DONE in two copies at Seoul, this 10th day of January, 1997, in the English, French and Korean languages, each text being equally authentic." to French **** A: FAIT en deux exemplaires, à Séoul, ce 10e jour de janvier 1997, en français, anglais et coréen, chaque version faisant également foi. Translate to French: A requirement was built into the 2000 Ozone Annex calling for the Air Quality Committee to assess progress on implementation of the obligations of the annex. Answer: Une disposition a été intégrée à l'annexe sur l'ozone de 2000 stipulant que le Comité évalue les progrès en matière de mise en application des obligations contenues dans l'annexe. IN: French: 10–6 MODERATE TO SEVERE CROUP Appropriate Consultation Consult a physician if the child shows signs of respiratory distress. OUT: Guide de pédiatrie clinique du personnel infirmier en soins primaires question: Cameroon is against war — in Iraq or elsewhere — but, as a member of the Security Council, it has the responsibility and the duty to ensure, along with other members, that States fully implement the decisions taken by this body, whether with regard to Iraq or to any other conflict on the Council's agenda. --> French. answer: Le Cameroun est contre la guerre, en Iraq ou ailleurs. Mais le Cameroun, membre du Conseil de sécurité, a le souci et la responsabilité de veiller, avec les autres membres, à la mise en oeuvre intégrale par les États des décisions que prend notre organe sur l'Iraq et sur tous les autres conflits dont ce Conseil est saisi. [Q]: "Usually lists were only valid for one year, he said." --> French? [A]:
Habituellement, les listes ne sont valides que pour un an, selon lui.
question: To be held in private on Monday, 11 March 2002, at 10 a.m. --> French. answer: Qui se tiendra à huis clos le lundi 11 mars 2002, à 10 heures Some text: Au niveau local, on a aussi pris davantage conscience de l'importance que revêtent les soins et l'éducation pour les filles et les jeunes enfants. Translate to English. Translation: At the community level, the knowledge of the importance of girls and early childhood care and education has also significantly increased. Q: Défaut d'exiger la taxe dans les quatre ans al. 225(4)c) 87. Could you please translate this to English? A: Top of page Failure to charge tax within four year period para 225(4)(c) 87. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: C'est ainsi que la législation nationale détermine: [Q]: "Pursuant to the request of the Council, on 30 October 2008, OHCHR sent a request for written submissions from entities within the United Nations system and other international organizations." --> French? [A]: Comme suite à la demande du Conseil, le 30 octobre 2008, le Haut-Commissariat a sollicité des renseignements écrits auprès des organismes des Nations Unies et d'autres organisations internationales. question: New institutions have been established, including the Advisory Commission on Human Rights, the General Police Inspection Department and the new Grand Ducal Police, which was created following the merger of the former police and gendarmerie forces, and specific measures have been taken in certain areas, particularly with regard to the problem of prison suicide and drug addiction. --> French. answer:
D'autre part, de nouvelles institutions ont été créées, telles que la Commission consultative des droits de l'homme, l'Inspection générale de la police ou encore la nouvelle Police grand-ducale, née de la fusion des anciens corps de police et de gendarmerie, et des mesures particulières ont été prises dans certains domaines, notamment concernant le problème des suicides et des toxicomanies en prison.
Q: Vu l'aspect pluridisciplinaire de l'ethnobotanique, chacun d'entre nous a ses propres méthodes de travail. Could you please translate this to English? A: Because this field is so broad and so multidisciplinary, there's no one way in which ethnobotanists work. Q: Air Canada ajoute qu'elle demande à l'équipage de diriger les clients ayant une déficience aux douaniers plutôt que vers des membres de la famille ou des compagnons de voyage pour remplir la carte. Could you please translate this to English? A: Air Canada states that it has requested that its In-Flight Department refer customers with disabilities to Customs and Immigration Officers rather than to family members or fellow passengers for the completion of the card. Q: Nous restons aussi fermement engagés dans nos partenariats avec les pays voisins, notamment ceux de la sous-région du bassin du Mékong, ainsi qu'avec les institutions des Nations Unies concernées, afin de participer à la lutte contre ce défi mondial qu'est le VIH/sida. Could you please translate this to English? A: We also remain steadfast in our partnerships with neighbouring countries, particularly the Greater Mekong subregion, as well as with related United Nations agencies, to help tackle the global challenge posed by HIV/AIDS. Q: Leur immense capacité de différenciation a permis d’envisager leur utilisation pour réparer des lésions tissulaires provoquées par différentes pathologies humaines comme la maladie de Parkinson, le diabète, l’insuffisance cardiaque congestive et la maladie d’Alzheimer. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Their wide differentiative capacity opened up the possibility that they could be used to repair tissue damage resulting from many different human diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and Alzheimer’s Disease.
How is "Indicative of the extent to which HIV has been impacting the school age population, there have been reports of at least two schools sending students home because close relatives have tested positive for the disease." said in French?
On se rend compte de l'incidence du VIH/Sida sur la population d'âge scolaire par le fait que l'on a annoncé qu'au moins deux écoles ont renvoyé les étudiants à la maison parce que des parents proches avaient eu des tests positifs pour le VIH.
Translate to French: They must be: Answer: Ils (elles) doivent être: Translate to French: Reporting on ongoing efforts and measures taken to strengthen the Office's in-depth and thematic evaluation function, and responding to ad hoc evaluation requests by programme managers (annex III below). Answer: Travail en cours et mesures prises pour renforcer les moyens dont dispose le BSCI pour procéder à des évaluations approfondies ou thématiques et répondre aux demandes d'évaluation émanant des directeurs de programme (voir annexe III). Translate to French: The Bureau has taken the view that while money may be fungible, it comes bundled with expertise which may be costly to replicate. Answer:
Après avoir appliqué sa règle de regroupement des DR, quelle qu'elle soit, le Bureau déterminerait ensuite si des DR dans lesquelles le seuil de concentration du marché et de part du marché est dépassé peuvent être jumelées à des DR dans lesquelles ce seuil n'est pas dépassé.
[Q]: "Our employees continue to be engaged and committed to developing the necessary skills to treat suppliers fairly and respectfully, and to offer our clients the highest quality of service possible." --> French? [A]: Nos employés demeurent fermement déterminés à acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour traiter les fournisseurs avec équité et respect et continuent d’offrir à nos clients la meilleure qualité de service possible. [Q]: "The petitioner's applications were denied." --> French? [A]: La requête du demandeur a été rejetée. [Q]: "I am therefore extremely pleased that we in Denmark have introduced the requirement for an assessment of the implications of all proposed legislation for both men and women, and that through the Amsterdam Treaty we have succeeded in establishing the principle that equal treatment cannot be seen as an isolated policy, but must be included as part of all the EU's initiatives." --> French? [A]:
Je suis par conséquent ravi de constater que le Danemark est parvenu à introduire l'obligation d'évaluer les incidences de toutes les propositions législatives par rapport aux hommes et aux femmes et que nous soyons parvenus, par le biais du traité d'Amsterdam, à inscrire dans le traité le principe selon lequel l'égalité des chances ne doit pas seulement être considérée comme une politique isolée, mais qu'elle doit être intégrée dans toutes les initiatives communautaires.
Problem: Write an article based on this summary: Coat the kingfish belly in olive oil. Grill the fish and limes over medium heat. Create a fennel salad with the lime and olive oil. Slice and serve the kingfish. Answer: Use about 1/5 of the olive oil (enough to coat the fish), and brush it all over the surface of the fish. Sprinkle salt and pepper all over the fish to your taste and preference. If you don't have kingfish belly, you can use a fillet or even skewered chunks of kingfish. Cook the kingfish belly for about 2 minutes on each side, until it flakes easily. Place the finger limes on the grill at the same time you do the fish. Cook the limes for about 1 minute altogether. Finger limes are native to Australia, and the pulp of the fruit is like little balls of caviar. If you can't find these limes, try substituting key limes instead. Slice the fennel very thin on a mandolin or with a sharp knife. You can also add the fronds of the fennel if you'd like. Toss the fennel with the juice and zest from 1/2 lime in a bowl, along with the rest of the olive oil. Add a few dashes of sea salt to the salad to flavor it. Cut the kingfish against the grain, and lay the pieces out on a platter. Spread the fennel salad out on top. Cut the finger limes along one side, and release the citrus pearls along the kingfish. If you're using key limes, dice the pulp and sprinkle it over the fish. "Against the grain" means cutting perpendicular to the lines you see in the fish, which make up the grain of the fish. Put leftovers in the fridge in an airtight container and consume them within 3 days. Problem: Write an article based on this summary: Crush hibiscus flowers. Use olive oil overnight. Moisten your eyebrows in aloe vera. Use coconut oil. Answer: These flowers can make eyebrows grow darker and fuller. You can grind a hibiscus flower with a pestle and mortar until it is a fine paste. Apply the hibiscus flower paste to your eyebrows. Leave it on for 25-30 minutes then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this daily until your eyebrows are dark enough. These flowers are likely safe but check with your doctor if you are pregnant, breast feeding, have diabetes, low blood pressure, or are planning on having surgery. There is Vitamin A in olive oil that helps hair grow and Vitamin E that nourishes hair strands. Rub olive oil onto your eyebrows before you go to bed then rinse it off in the morning. Use the oil every night. You can also add rosemary or lavender essential oils to olive oil to increase hair growth. Be careful if you have sensitive skin because oil can cause breakouts. If you start breaking out, stop using the olive oil. There are enzymes in aloe vera that can moisturize your eyebrows and make them thicker and darker. Put aloe vera juices or extracts onto eyebrows for 30 minutes then wash it off. Do this daily. Iron and Vitamin E in coconut oil help your eyebrows grow. Coconut oil also helps reduce protein loss which makes your eyebrows stronger. Massage coconut oil into your brows and leave it in overnight. Wash it off in the morning with warm water. Try to do this every night. This will not darken the actual color of your brows, but it can help them appear thicker, which may make them look fuller and slightly darker. Problem: Write an article based on this summary: Stay in control of your emotions during a conflict. Take a timeout if the conflict gets out of hand. Punish the person in private. Present several solutions to an issue or problem. Answer: To effectively resolve an issue with a spoiled brat, you first need to take a deep breath and get control of your emotions. You may start to get angry or annoyed at this point, but it is key that you try to act like the reasonable, calm one in the situation. Doing this will allow you to effectively work through the conflict with the spoiled brat and not let your temper get in the way. Don’t take anything the spoiled brat says personally. Often, in the heat of the moment, hurtful things can be said. Your spoiled child may scream and yell “no” at you or a spoiled friend may publicly call you out and say hurtful things to you. Remember that the spoiled person is acting in a rage and out of their own self-interest. You end up being the punching bag that they use to try to get their way and what they are saying has nothing to do with you as a person. If you feel you need time to get control of your emotions, do not be afraid to step away and take a timeout. A timeout can be really useful if you are feeling stressed, angry, or frustrated with the spoiled person. You may tell the person you are not emotionally ready to discuss the conflict and that you need some time to yourself. Or, you may instruct a spoiled child to stay in their room for ten to fifteen minutes while you take some time to process the conflict. Giving yourself time to check your emotions will allow you to deal better with the conflict. Avoid using shame or embarrassment as a discipline tactic, as this could only lead to more conflicts and issues in the future. Instead, try to set up a private meeting with the person to discuss their behavior or take your child into a private setting to talk to them about the issue. This will allow you to have a one on one conversation with the person and teach them the consequences of their actions. For example, maybe the spoiled person talks to your partner rudely and calls them inappropriate names. You may then pull the person aside and explain that by doing that, they hurt your partner’s feelings and disrespected both you and your partner. You may then ask them to apologize for their behavior. Having a private discussion will allow you to let the person know that they did something wrong and resolve it together. You should try to present several options or ways to compromise when you address the conflict with the person. You should use specific suggestions and ways you can both work out the issue. But this does not mean you should negotiate or apologize to the person, as they are responsible for their own spoiled actions. Instead, you should offer several solutions to keep the conversation open and fair. For example, maybe your spoiled child decides not to eat their dinner. You may then present several solutions, such as having them eat at least five bites of their food or having them go to bed hungry. Chances are, they may take the first option as they may not like going to bed on an empty stomach. Problem: Write an article based on this summary: Reevaluate your relationship with false friends. Have a talk with the friend. Lower your expectations to protect yourself from getting hurt. Connect with people with whom you have common interests and values. Use caution when sharing personal info with new friends. Answer:
Ask yourself whether you want to continue spending time with a fake friend. Think hard regarding how you feel when you're with this person. See if they are adding anything positive to your life at all. If they are not, it may be in your best interests to call it quits. You might also consult with other people you trust. Ask a parent, older sibling, or trusted friend whether you should break up with a fake friend. Tell your fake friend what you've been noticing about their behavior. Be clear about how their actions have affected you. Then, use how they react to help guide your decision. For instance, if they seem apologetic and strive to change, you may give them another chance. However, if they deny their behavior or become hostile, letting go of the friendship may be a wise idea. To avoid dedicating too much of your time and energy to false friendships, change your expectations about certain people. By lowering your standards, you won’t have to constantly feel let down or ignored. You might continue to have these people in your life, but not put too much time or effort into the relationship. For example, you might simply place this friend in a new category, such as “acquaintance.” If you start thinking of them as an acquaintance, it may not matter so much if they don’t call for your birthday. Meet new people that have the same interests as you by starting a volunteer commitment, taking a new class, or joining a club. When you’re hanging out with new people, pay attention to how they engage to see if they also have the same values as you. For example, if you make your friends a priority, notice if this person emphasizes in-person interactions over virtual ones—i.e., they aren’t constantly distracted by their phones. If you value honesty, notice if a new friend lies or withholds information about themselves. Turn new acquaintances into deeper friendships by making self-disclosures. Do this carefully and gradually, though. You don’t want to risk sharing something too intimate with someone who won’t be a true friend. For example, you might tell them about your career goals first to see if they reciprocate. Then, as trust develops, you might share more intimate info, like details about a medical condition you have. In addition to protecting your self-interests, gradual disclosures are actually the healthiest way to form new relationships. It's uncommon to know someone's deepest, darkest secrets within the first week of knowing them.
IN: French: One project was for the modernisation and restructuring of a railway network, with the Bank taking charge of one specific element which represented 11% of the project cost. OUT: ⁇ l’exception d’un petit nombre de tronçons réalisés dans le cadre de deux projets de réfection de routes (3.1.2), la qualité des projets achevés a, là encore, donné toute satisfaction. IN: French: This amendment aims at changing the directive accordingly, in line with QIS3 results and CEIOPS recommendations for QIS4, in order to allow for each Member state an appropriate treatment of all types of health insurance. OUT: This Amendement aims at changing the directive accordingly, in line with QIS3 results and CEIOPS recommendations for QIS4, in order to allow for each Member state an appropriate treatment of all types of health insurance. IN: French: (b) Relations within and across regimes: environmental treaties 272 - 282 138 OUT: b) Relations intra et interrégimes: traités sur l'environnement 272 ⁇ 282 150 IN: French: The target for HIV/AIDS prevention is the adoption by 80 per cent of boys and girls aged 10 to 24 years of a safe approach to sexual relations. OUT:
En matière de prévention du VIH-SIDA, l'objectif est de faire adopter un comportement sexuel sans risque à 80 pour cent des jeunes des deux sexes dont l'âge varie entre 10 et 24 ans.
Translate to French: These were periods of high economic growth and as observed, periods with rises in household and per capita expenditure. Answer: Il s'agit de périodes de forte croissance économique, caractérisées par l'augmentation des dépenses par habitant et par famille. Translate to French: The Director, Military Family Services of the Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency, is the office responsible for the management and administration of the MFSP. Answer: Chapitre 8 avec la province, ont élaboré des normes concernant les services aux enfants et aux familles des collectivités mi’kmaq et malécites, c’est-à-dire des normes qu’elles appliqueront elles-mêmes dans le cadre du programme. Translate to French: A footnote explaining the heart rate corrections used should be provided (e.g., QTc values are corrected for heart rate using Fridericia's formula [QTc=QT/RR0.33] and a study population-specific correction [QTc=QT/RR0.39]). The figure should be preceded by the following statements. Answer:
Une note expliquant les corrections pour la fréquence cardiaque devrait être ajoutée (p. ex. les valeurs de l'intervalle QTc sont corrigées pour tenir compte de la fréquence cardiaque à l'aide de la formule de Fridericia [QTc=QT/RR0,33] et de la fréquence cardiaque de la population étudiée [QTc=QT/RR0,39]).
IN: French: Because JDCs and JABs have a common secretariat and priority is quite properly given to disciplinary matters, there are egregious delays in JAB proceedings. OUT: Du fait que les comités des discipline et les commissions de recours ont un secrétariat commun et que priorité est à juste titre donnée aux questions disciplinaires, les procédures devant les commissions de recours sont extrêmement longues. question: In their view, the Government has always maintained that one of the reasons for the removal of the residents of the game reserve is to allow them access to development. --> French. answer: Selon elles, le Gouvernement a toujours maintenu qu'une des raisons du déplacement était de leur donner accès au développement. Some text: • Carte du site Divulgation proactive Collingwood Conditions des dernières 24 heures Unités impériales Translate to English. Translation: • Site Map Proactive Disclosure Collingwood Past 24 Hour Conditions Imperial Units Q: 4.2.3 Passer de la proposition à la réalité – Prochaines étapes Après la discussion qui est récapitulée ci-dessus, on a ensuite invité les participants à suggérer des mesures pouvant être exécutées rapidement pour promouvoir la stratégie visant les MECZ. Could you please translate this to English? A: 4.2.3 Turning the Proposal into Reality – Next Steps Following the dialogue summarized above, the group was then asked to comment on actions that should be considered in the short-term to move the proposed NZEH strategy forward. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Ce site web de Parcs Canada commémore le site historique national du Fort Malden, en Ontario. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Il faudrait compléter comme suit le paragraphe 1) du commentaire de l'article 4 du projet :
Q: Le club a également fait l'acquisition, cette année-là, d'un autre club (GLM) et de Privat, à l'époque l'une des plus importantes chaînes de librairies indépendantes en France (avec 32 points de vente en 2004). Could you please translate this to English? A: The club also acquired another book club—GLM—during that year as well as Privat, then one of the largest independent bookselling chains in France (with 32 outlets in 2004). Q: Je pense donc qu’il est légitime de chercher à progresser sur la base de cet accord, tout en veillant à ne pas perdre le consensus que nous avons dégagé. Could you please translate this to English? A: I therefore feel it is legitimate to seek to improve upon this agreement, whilst making sure that there is no danger that we will lose the consensus that we reached. Q: La facilitation du commerce et des transports pourrait être favorisée par l'utilisation généralisée de techniques modernes, par l'accélération et une meilleure coordination des formalités et par une meilleure gestion de l'information, progrès découlant des mesures de sécurité mises en place. Could you please translate this to English? A: Trade and transport facilitation could benefit from the extensive use of newer technologies, faster and better-coordinated procedures, and enhanced information management, all stemming from the security measures put in place. Q: La stimulation des petites et moyennes entreprises - qui représentent 99 % des entreprises européennes, qui sont à l'origine de plus de 100 millions d'emplois et qui, au cours de ces seules huit dernières années, ont créé 8 millions d'emplois - est un élément central du Small Business Act. Could you please translate this to English? A:
The fostering of small- and medium-sized enterprises - which comprise 99% of Europe's companies, which are responsible for more than 100 million jobs and which, in the last eight years alone, have created 8 million jobs - is central to the Small Business Act.
How is "The protocol included “reinforced tape”, “immobilizing belts and clothes” and “protective helmets” on the list of materials approved for use in expulsions, which may violate the international prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and risk causing asphyxia or other serious physical harm to the person being forcibly deported." said in Russian? ⁇ с ⁇ исок средств, одо ⁇ ренн ⁇ к ис ⁇ ол ⁇ овани ⁇ ⁇ ри в ⁇ дворении, со ⁇ ласно нов ⁇ м ⁇ равилам, вкл ⁇ ен ⁇ «армированна ⁇ лента», «смирител ⁇ н ⁇ е ремни и ру ⁇ а ⁇ ки», а так ⁇ е « ⁇ а ⁇ итн ⁇ е ⁇ лем ⁇ », ⁇ то мо ⁇ ет ⁇ т ⁇ нару ⁇ ением ме ⁇ дународно ⁇ о ⁇ а ⁇ рета на ⁇ естокое, ⁇ ес ⁇ елове ⁇ ное и уни ⁇ а ⁇ ее достоинство о ⁇ ра ⁇ ение. ⁇ роме то ⁇ о, су ⁇ ествует о ⁇ асност ⁇ уду ⁇ и нанесени ⁇ т ⁇ ки ⁇ телесн ⁇ ⁇ овре ⁇ дени ⁇ ⁇ ринудител ⁇ но де ⁇ ортируемому ли ⁇ у. How is "We need to be "asked" for our knowledge, talents, and assistance, and will not be until souls reach this point and get desperate or completely lost." said in Russian? ⁇ ас дол ⁇ н ⁇ " ⁇ о ⁇ росит ⁇ " ⁇ а на ⁇ и ⁇ нани ⁇ , талант ⁇ и ⁇ омо ⁇ , и ⁇ то ⁇ о не ⁇ рои ⁇ о ⁇ дет, ⁇ ока ду ⁇ и не дости ⁇ нут то ⁇ ки от ⁇ а ⁇ ни ⁇ или ⁇ олно ⁇ ⁇ отер ⁇ нности. How is "In the Network Key box, type in a WEP key." said in Russian? ⁇ ⁇ оле " ⁇ етево ⁇ кл ⁇ " введите кл ⁇ WEP. How is "I was encouraged in my endeavor by the memory of Ninon Hesse, the author's wife, who had confessed to me, in the last interview we ever had, her own discouragement in her struggle to ensure that Hesse was not distorted." said in Russian?
⁇ а ⁇ ти мои усили ⁇ мен ⁇ ⁇ одви ⁇ ла ⁇ ам ⁇ т ⁇ о ⁇ инон ⁇ ессе, ⁇ ене ⁇ исател ⁇ , котора ⁇ ⁇ ри ⁇ налас ⁇ мне в на ⁇ е ⁇ само ⁇ ⁇ оследне ⁇ ⁇ еседе, ⁇ то у ⁇ е ⁇ ала ду ⁇ ом, ⁇ та ⁇ с ⁇ ⁇ редотвратит ⁇ иска ⁇ ени ⁇ ⁇ ессе.
Q: Solve -382*b - 11529 = 124*b + 189*b + 20441 for b. A: -46 Q: Solve: Solve 11 - 17 = d - 4 for d. A: -2 Question: What is the solution? Solve -40764*v = -40677*v + 4611 for v. Answer: -53 Problem: Math Problem Solve 116*s + 306*s + 165*s + 130*s - 19359 = 0 for s. A: 27 Question: Solve 0 = -10426*i + 12603*i + 63133 for i.. Answer: -29 Solve -55*q - 166444 + 166279 = 0 for q. Solve this plz. A:
Q: Translate "He can live without having to hide; he can even travel out of the country without any major problems," the French daily Le Monde wrote, citing an October 2003 report by DST, the French intelligence agency." to Romanian? Yes: Poate trăi fără a fi nevoie să se ascundă; poate călători în afara ţării fără prea mari probleme”, scria cotidianul francez Le Monde, citând un raport din luna octombrie 2003 realizat de DST, agenţia serviciilor secrete franceze. Q: Translate "The festival is a collaborative project organised by three Balkan cities: Nish, Skopje and Sofia." to Romanian? Yes: Festivalul reprezintă un proiect comun organizat de trei oraşe balcanice: Nis, Skopie şi Sofia. Q: Translate "Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) supporters hold a final pre-election rally in the centre of Sofia." to Romanian? Yes:
Susţinătorii Partidului Socialist Bulgar (BSP) organizează un miting preelectoral în centrul Sofiei.
F.D.A. Warns Dr. Leslie Baumann About Promoting Dysport In the rarefied world of fashion magazines, beauty editors have often relied on a coterie of prominent dermatologists and plastic surgeons to keep them current on advances in cosmetic medicine. This symbiotic relationship has benefited magazines eager for beauty scoops and doctors seeking visibility ⁇ and patients. Dr. Leslie Baumann, a dermatologist, was cited by the F.D.A. for praising Dysport, an unapproved antiwrinkle drug. Dr. Fredric S. Brandt, an investigator and consultant for Medicis, was the featured guest at a Medicis dinner two years ago. But now the Food and Drug Administration has cracked down on one of the most widely quoted cosmetic doctors, sending shudders through the ranks of opinion leaders in fashion publishing and vanity medicine. The F.D.A. recently sent a warning letter to Dr. Leslie Baumann, a well-known dermatologist and clinical researcher in Miami Beach, citing the doctor for expressing premature enthusiasm in the media about Dysport, an injectable antiwrinkle drug the agency had not yet approved. Dr. Baumann’s comments in the media in 2007 violated restrictions on drug promotion, according to the letter; the agency asked Dr. Baumann to explain how she intended to prevent similar violations in the future. Under the Obama administration, the F.D.A. has stepped up scrutiny of drug advertising, dispatching many warning letters about misleading commercials and online marketing efforts. But this is believed to be the first time the agency has warned an individual investigator ⁇ a medical researcher who oversees a clinical trial ⁇ for apparently promoting an unapproved drug. Dr. Baumann is far from the only cosmetic doctor to have jumped the gun. Some talk show hosts and beauty editors (including this reporter in her previous job at W magazine) have often turned to clinical investigators for news of the latest cosmetic medical treatments. Now, some industry experts say the F.D.A. warning may curb the media enthusiasm of certain cosmetic doctors who until now have provided scoops about coming medical products ⁇ or have talked up the latest unapproved cosmetic uses for drugs and devices that the agency had approved only for other purposes. “It’s a wake-up call,” said Nancy Behrman, owner of Behrman Communications, a public relations firm in Manhattan. Her firm has represented cosmetic medical companies as well as doctors. “The whole business has spiraled out of control, and we need to step back and slow it down.” Federal rules bar drug makers and investigators on their clinical trials from promoting a drug before the agency has approved the product. Dr. Baumann violated the restrictions, the F.D.A. letter said, because she was an investigator on a clinical trial for Dysport and promoted it well before the drug’s approval in April. “Early data shows it may last longer and kick in faster than Botox,” Dr. Baumann told the fashion magazine Allure in 2007. She made similar comments that same year to Elle magazine and during an appearance on the “Today” show on NBC in January 2009. In response to a query from a reporter, Dr. Baumann said in a statement that she had discussed the F.D.A.’s concerns with members of the agency’s staff in a conference call last week and that the agency now considered the matter closed. Medicis Pharmaceutical, which markets Dysport in the United States as treatment for furrows between the eyebrows, was not involved in Dr. Baumann’s comments to the press, the F.D.A. letter said. Thomas W. Abrams, director of the agency’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications, said that investigators were free to have scientific conversations about investigational drugs with their peers and with journalists. But an investigator should not promote any unapproved prescription drug ⁇ or an unapproved use of an already approved drug ⁇ as being safe or effective if the agency has not yet deemed it to be so, he said. “You can’t promote a prescription drug before it is approved, whether they are diabetes drugs or heart drugs or for cosmetic uses,” Mr. Abrams said. The federal restrictions are meant to keep drug makers and their clinical investigators from conveying misleading or unduly favorable first impressions about a drug to health care providers or the public, Mr. Abrams said. Similar restrictions prohibit companies and investigators from promoting an unapproved medical device or the unapproved use of an approved device, the agency said. Some magazine editors said they hoped the warning letter would not have a chilling effect on investigators, the people who have hands-on experience with experimental drugs and devices. “There is real value in a doctor involved in a clinical trial because they know about the products in a way that other doctors are only getting by hearsay,” said Linda Wells, the editor in chief of Allure. Allure has been particularly reliant on Dr. Baumann’s expertise. The monthly magazine quoted her in 10 articles last year and mentioned her in another, according to a Nexis search. Dr. Baumann, a former professor of dermatology at the University of Miami medical school who recently opened a dermatology research center in Miami Beach, says she has been a clinical investigator or consultant for about 40 makers of drugs, devices or cosmetics. What are the most important parts of this text?
Dr. Leslie Baumann’s comments in the media about an antiwrinkle drug violated restrictions on drug promotion, the agency said, in what is believed to be the first time an individual researcher was warned.
How is "If that is done, then we will not be bogged down in discussions on how things can be improved, but what is being said here today will also be put into practice." said in Finnish? Jos näin tehdään, me emme juutu keskusteluihin siitä, kuinka asioita voitaisiin parantaa, vaan se, mitä täällä sanotaan, voidaan myös toteuttaa käytännössä. Q: Translate "Similarly, I should like to say that we are, of course, opposed to the renationalisation and cofinancing of the common agricultural policy and, finally, to add, as there is talk on many sides of the savings which need to be made and of the fact that we cannot hand out additional appropriations, that the European Union budget corresponds in total to 2.5% of public spending in all the Member States." to Finnish? A: Tästä syystä haluaisin sanoa, että vastustamme yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan jälleenkansallistamista ja yhteisrahoitusta, ja koska monilla eri tahoilla puhutaan välttämättömistä säästöistä ja siitä, ettemme voi myöntää lisämäärärahoja, totean lopuksi, että Euroopan unionin talousarvio vastaa yhteensä 2,5:tä prosenttia kaikkien jäsenvaltioiden julkisista menoista. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Rahoitusmaailma järkkyy perustuksiaan myöten. Q: Translate "First of all, it is a fact that the people of Belarus are a very likeable people and also have cultural links with us somewhere along the line." to Finnish? Yes: Ensinnäkin on tosiasia, että Valko-Venäjän kansa on hyvin sympaattista kansaa, jolla on jonkinlaisia kulttuurisia sidoksia meihinkin. [Q]: Seuraavaksi siirryn julkisen sektorin asiakirjojen uudelleenkäyttöä ja kaupallista hyödyntämistä koskevaan asiaan, josta totean ymmärtäväni van Velzenin esittämää näkemystä ja tukevani häntä hänen suosittaessaan linjaksi yleistä yksinkertaistamista. Translate this to English? [A]: Moving onto the issue of the re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector documents, I understand and share the vision proposed by Mr Van Velzen, who recommends a broadly streamlining approach. How is "Convention on the Rights of the Child" said in Finnish?
Lapsen oikeuksien sopimus
Translate to French: The Black Sea Interconnection (BSI) project (approved for funding in 2007) will build a regional research and education network linking it to GÉANT2, the high bandwidth, panEuropean research network.
Le projet d'interconnexion de la mer Noire (Black Sea Interconnection, ou BSI, dont le financement a été approuvé en 2007) établira un réseau régional de recherche et d'enseignement qui sera relié à GÉANT2, le réseau paneuropéen de recherche à large bande.
Translate "Like other detainees, they had been interrogated using illegal methods. They had been totally cut off from their previous world, except for sporadic and thoroughly censored mail correspondence. They had been kept detained for four years – one of them was a minor of 17 when he was brought to Guantánamo – and there was no clarity about how much longer they would have to stay in the camp. It was not even clear whether they would ever be given a chance to challenge their detention." to French?
Comme leurs codétenus, ils avaient été interrogés par des méthodes illégales et entièrement coupés de leur monde d’origine, à l’exception d’une correspondance sporadique et étroitement censurée. On les maintenait en détention depuis quatre ans (l’un d’eux était un mineur de dix-sept ans lorsqu’il fut amené à Guantanamo), et ils ne savaient pas au juste combien de temps ils devraient encore rester dans ce camp. Ils ne savaient même pas si on leur donnerait jamais l’occasion de contester le bien-fondé de leur détention.
Q: Le Conseil de l'Europe reste la principale organisation régionale dans le domaine de la promotion et de la protection des droits de l'homme, à la fois dans les domaines de l'élaboration et de l'application des normes.... English? A: [The Council of Europe remains the leading regional organization in the field of the promotion and protection of human rights in both the standard-setting and the implementation dimensions.] Q: Chacune d'entre elles a désormais la capacité de délivrer des documents d'état civil (certificats de naissance, de mariage et de décès) certifiés par le Ministère des services publics et de produire ses propres revenus, encore que ceux-ci restent limités pour l'instant.... English? A: [Each of the units now has the capability to issue civil status documents (birth, marriage and death certificates), certified by the Ministry of Public Services, and generate its own revenue, though this aspect remains limited at this stage.] Q: Il faudrait toutefois considérer cette idée avec une certaine prudence, puisque les client(e)s ou patient(e)s recevant de la méthadone pourraient désirer modifier leur style de vie et s'éloigner des réseaux de toxicomanes et des personnes qu'ils(elles) y connaissent.... English? A:
[This idea, however, should be approached with some caution since MMT clients/patients may want to change their lifestyle and move away from drug using networks and contacts.]
How is "Governments may also wish to refer to their submissions with respect to the preparation of the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Comprehensive report on the implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development” (A/AC.253/13-E/CN.5/2000/2)." said in French?
Les gouvernements souhaiteront peut-être également mentionner les documents qu'ils ont présentés dans le cadre de l'élaboration du rapport détaillé du Secrétaire général sur la mise en oeuvre des résultats du Sommet mondial pour le développement social (A/AC.253/13-E/CN.5/2000/2).
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve -59*b + 954 - 19294 = 64*b + 17*b for b.
Translate to French: The foot space shall not have a slope in any direction of more than 8 per cent.
Cet espace ne doit, dans aucune direction, présenter une pente supérieure à 8 %.
Premise: A boy is doing a skateboard trick on the railing of the steps. Hypothesis: a boy does a skateboard trick yes Premise: A racer celebrates his victory by holding is trophy and being showered by champagne. Hypothesis: A man hod a trophy and is being showered with champagne. yes Premise: a small child sleeding down a snowy hill wearing a blue helmet Hypothesis: A child having fun while wearing a helmet and gloves. it is not possible to tell Premise: A crowd of black people are gathered and one person has a backpack on. Hypothesis: There is a large group of black people standing together and one has an orange backpack hanging off one shoulder.
it is not possible to tell
Q: Le Danemark a interdit le tir sur cibles au-dessus des masses d'eau peu profondes en 1981 et plusieurs centres de tir au pigeon d'argile ont dû être fermés par suite de cette décision (Clausen, 1992). Could you please translate this to English? A: 1987), Finland (Manninen and Tanskanen 1993), and the Netherlands (Ma 1989). Denmark banned target shooting over shallow water in 1981, and several trap ranges were closed as a consequence (Clausen 1992). Q: Le nombre total d’États contractants de l’Arrangement de Madrid était de 56 au 31 décembre 2004. Could you please translate this to English? A: The total number of Contracting Parties to the Madrid Agreement on December 31, 2004, was 56. Q: La truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss), le cyprin doré (Carassius auratus) et la tête-de-boule (Pimephales promelas) ont été exposés de façon continue ou intermittente (24 h d'exposition : 24 h de récupération) à une concentration nominale maximale de 3 ⁇ g Could you please translate this to English? A: Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) were exposed continuously or intermittently (24-h exposure: 24-h recovery) to a nominal peak concentration of 3 ⁇ g Q: Selon la définition de cette norme dans certaines décisions, le comité d'appel peut infirmer les décisions du jury uniquement si ces décisions sont manifestement déraisonnables. Could you please translate this to English? A:
This standard is described in some of the decisions as only enabling an Appeal Board to become involved in the board's decisions if those decisions are patently unreasonable.
name = Travellers Rest Beefeater, priceRange = cheap, customer rating = average, area = riverside, near = Café Adriatic. **** Answer: With an average customer rating, the inexpensive Travellers Rest Beefeater is situated near Café Adriatic in the riverside area of the city. name = The Golden Curry, eatType = restaurant, food = French, customer rating = 3 out of 5. **** Answer: With 3 out of 5 stars The Golden Curry is a great French restaurant name = The Eagle, eatType = coffee shop, food = Japanese, priceRange = cheap, priceRange = more than £30, customer rating = low, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes, near = Burger King. **** Answer:
A Family friendly coffee shop The Eagle serves Japanese food with a high price tag and a low customer rating. Located in the riverside area, close to Burger King.
question: E. Taxable deficit reduction The adjustment to the taxable deficit, in respect of Canco, of FA5 would be determined by subparagraph 5905(8)(a)(v). --> French. answer: E. Réduction du déficit imposable Le déficit imposable de SEA5, à l’égard de Can Ltée, est en principe rajusté selon le sous-alinéa 5905(8)a)(v). question: In the development of technology and education, the principal objectives include: (a) an increase by 2005 in nationwide spending on research and development to more than 1.5 per cent of GDP, with concurrent increases in capacity for technological innovation and a faster pace of technological progress; and (b) faster development of education at all levels and of all types, with further consolidation of the universal nine years of compulsory basic education and a gross entry rate to junior middle school in excess of 90 per cent, followed by gross entry rates to the high school level and to higher education of approximately 60 per cent and 15 per cent respectively. --> French. answer: Dans le domaine du développement de la technologie et de l'éducation, les principaux objectifs sont notamment: a) de porter à plus de 1,5 % du PIB d'ici à 2005 le niveau des dépenses de recherche-développement à l'échelon national, en augmentant simultanément la capacité d'innovation technologique et en accélérant le rythme du progrès technologique; et b) d'accélérer le développement de l'enseignement de tous niveaux et de tous types, en consolidant encore davantage les neuf années d'enseignement obligatoire de façon à obtenir un taux brut de scolarisation supérieur à 90 % dans l'enseignement intermédiaire, puis un taux proche de 60 % dans l'enseignement secondaire et de 15 % dans l'enseignement supérieur. question: It is therefore necessary in this regard to strengthen the capacity of local authorities to offer basic services to the population and encourage local participation and development by means of appropriate planning systems. --> French. answer: Il faut dans ce domaine renforcer les capacités des structures locales à offrir des services de base aux populations, à encourager la participation et le développement locaux grâce à des systèmes de planification appropriés. question: This project extension would cost $5.37M and would be implemented over a 25-month period, once approved. --> French. answer:
Le prolongement du projet allait s'élever à 5,37 M $ et la mise en ⁇ uvre durerait 25 mois à compter de l'approbation.
Afin de mieux lutter contre les catastrophes naturelles, l'UNESCO s'est attachée à renforcer le Système d'alerte aux tsunamis et d'atténuation de leurs effets dans l'océan Indien et a préparé diverses documentations pédagogiques pour améliorer la préparation des moyens de secours. Translate this to English?
To improve natural disaster management, UNESCO has worked towards bolstering the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System and has prepared various educational materials to improve disaster preparedness.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La Direction générale des Forces de sécurité intérieure publie un supplément gratuit à son magazine Sécurité. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Bien que cette attitude puisse être justifiée par des préoccupations légitimes liées au maintien de la sécurité au sein du personnel, on peut croire que de nombreuses personnes au sein de l'organisation résistent encore à la transformation ordonnée par le Parlement. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Prodiguer un counseling aux clientes sur la contraception et la prévention des IST. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Le récent incident ayant impliqué une entreprise néerlandaise déversant des déchets en Côte d'Ivoire démontre que beaucoup d'Européens considèrent encore l'Afrique comme un dépotoir. -+-+-+-
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Conseil de sécurité -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Si le bénéficiaire n'est pas d'accord avec la décision qui a été rendue au 1er palier, il peut faire appel au 2e palier. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le 15 juillet 2003, Mirant Canada a déposé une demande de protection sous la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies (LACC). -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
La Commission se demande toutefois s' il est judicieux de retenir exclusivement la décision la plus clémente pour le coupable lorsque plusieurs jugements ont été prononcés dans différents États membres. -+-+-+-
Write a sentence not in English.
S'il est autorisé par son client à prendre des initiatives de placements et à négocier en son nom, il porte alors le nom de gestionnaire de portefeuille.
Ask a question about Pharmaceutical industry.
What act allowed premarket approval for drugs?
test: ⁇ слам в ⁇ а ⁇ а ⁇ стане English? translation: Islam in Kazakhstan test: ⁇ о ⁇ они ⁇ не ⁇ вл ⁇ етс ⁇ искл ⁇ ением. English? translation: But Japan is no exception. test: Best Western Delphi Hotel, Amsterdam, ⁇ идерланд ⁇ - 122 ⁇ т ⁇ в ⁇ ⁇ осте ⁇ . English? translation: Best Western Delphi Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands - 121 Guest reviews. test: ⁇ ру ⁇ а ⁇ риват ⁇ анка скон ⁇ ентрировала контрол ⁇ н ⁇ ⁇ акет ак ⁇ и ⁇ ( ⁇ олее 50%) авиаком ⁇ ании " ⁇ ро ⁇ вит". English? translation:
President Viktor Yushchenko emphasizes on personal responsibility of financial managers for preserving stability of macroeconomic situation.
Write a sentence not in English.
En outre, ces répondants travaillaient dans des ministères et organismes fédéraux de diverses tailles et répartitions géographiques.
QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -2223*r - 184729 = -3191*r + 9891*r + 359574 for r. ANS: -61 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve 10043*t - 10108*t = -455 for t. ANS: 7 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -5764*a + 5558*a = -14008 for a. ANS: 68 QUESTION: Math problem: Solve -48 = -13*u + u for u. ANS:
Some text: Les responsables de PARI ne tiennent pas des estimations révisées des remboursements prévus. Translate to English. Translation: IRAP does not keep revised estimates of expected repayments. Q: Certains cours de formation ont également été achetés directement par les provinces, ou ont été fournis par des établissements d'enseignement professionnel (qui peuvent être partiellement financés par le gouvernement fédéral) administrés par les provinces. Could you please translate this to English? A: Some training courses were also purchased indirectly through the provinces, or were provided by provincially administered vocational institutions (which may be partially funded by the federal government). Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Mise en ⁇ uvre du COR spécifique et du COR systématique, qui doit s’achever au premier trimestre de 2002. [Q]: "SEAMEO has indicated an interest in exploring implementing Program I but there is likely to be a lack of interest by potential applicants." --> French? [A]: La SEAMEO s’est montrée intéressée par le programme I, mais elle se heurterait probablement au manque d’intérêt des candidats éventuels. Q: "The question posed is whether, given the specificity of legal acts and their particular and individual characteristics, which distinguish them from conventional acts, the same criterion that prevails in the Vienna regime can be applied in this context." to French **** A: Étant donné la spécificité de l'acte unilatéral (les caractéristiques et les particularités qui le distinguent de l'acte conventionnel), on peut se demander si le critère fixé par le régime de Vienne peut s'appliquer aux actes unilatéraux. Q: "(ITC Bureau: 16 February (limited participation) and 20 February 2004);" to French **** A:
(Bureau du Comité des transports intérieurs: 16 février (participation restreinte) et 20 février 2004);
Il se dégage des schémas intéressants des engagements pris par les Membres en matière de services financiers. Could you please translate this to English?
Members' FS commitments exhibit interesting patterns.
Translate to French: Sudbury Tax Services Office PO Box 20000 Stn A Sudbury ON P3A 5C1 Answer: Centre fiscal de St. John’s Centre fiscal de Summerside CP 12071, succ A 275 Pope Road, bureau 102 St. John’s NL A1B 3Z1 Summerside PE C1N 5Z7 IN: French: Education Seminars WADA's new two-day education Traveling Seminars are empowering participants in multiple regions to develop and implement their own antidoping education activities. OUT: Séminaires sur l'éducation de l'AMA Les séminaires itinérants de l'AMA veulent donner aux participants les moyens de développer leurs propres activités d'éducation antidopage. question: TIPS Training (USAID) Recipient Institution: --> French. answer: TIPS Training (USAID) Institution bénéficiaire: Some text: En application de l'article 38 d le Secrétaire Général fournit à l'Assemblée parlementaire les services administratifs et autres dont elle a besoin. Translate to English. Translation: To implement Article 38 d the Secretary General shall provide such secretariat and other assistance as the Parliamentary Assembly requires. Q: Le SCP a invité le Bureau international à établir une nouvelle version du texte des dispositions sur la base des délibérations de la session en cours et à lui soumettre les dispositions révisées à sa prochaine session. Could you please translate this to English? A: It invited the International Bureau to redraft the provisions based on the discussions held during the present session, and to submit revised provisions for the next session of the SCP. Translate to French: Article 22 463 - 469 89 Answer:
Article 22 463 - 469 98