bourdoiscatie's picture
  - fr
license: other
  - 1M<n<10M
  - text-generation
  - title-generation
  - DFP
  - french prompts
  - found
  - found
  - monolingual
  - amazon_reviews_multi



amazon_reviews_multi_fr_prompt_title_generation_from_a_review is a subset of the Dataset of French Prompts (DFP).
It contains 3,989,924 rows that can be used for a text generation task.
The original data (without prompts) comes from the dataset amazon_reviews_multi by Keung et al. where only the French split has been kept.
A list of prompts (see below) was then applied in order to build the input and target columns and thus obtain the same format as the xP3 dataset by Muennighoff et al.

Prompts used


18 prompts were created for this dataset. The logic applied consists in proposing prompts in the indicative tense, in the form of tutoiement and in the form of vouvoiement.

review+'\n Générer un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Génère un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Générez un titre pour cet avis : ', 
review+'\n Rédiger un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Rédige un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Rédigez un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Ecrire un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Ecris un titre pour cet avis : ',  
review+'\n Ecrivez un titre pour cet avis : ',  
"""Générer un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Génère un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Générez un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Rédiger un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Rédige un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Rédigez un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Ecrire un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Ecris un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
"""Ecrivez un titre pour l'avis suivant : """+review,
review+'\n Titre :\n '

Features used in the prompts

In the prompt list above, review and targets have been constructed from:

arm = load_dataset('amazon_reviews_multi', 'fr')
review = arm['train']['review_body'][i]
targets = arm['train']['review_title'][i]


  • train with 3,799,924 samples
  • valid with 95,000 samples
  • test with 95,000 samples

How to use?

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("CATIE-AQ/amazon_reviews_multi_fr_prompt_title_generation_from_a_review")


Original data

@inproceedings{marc_reviews, title={The Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus}, author={Keung, Phillip and Lu, Yichao and Szarvas, György and Smith, Noah A.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year={2020} }

This Dataset

@misc {centre_aquitain_des_technologies_de_l'information_et_electroniques_2023,
author = { {Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Electroniques} },
title = { DFP (Revision 1d24c09) },
year = 2023,
url = { },
doi = { 10.57967/hf/1200 },
publisher = { Hugging Face }


Amazon has licensed his dataset under its own agreement for non-commercial research usage only. This licence is quite restrictive preventing use anywhere a fee is received including paid for internships etc. A copy of the agreement can be found at the dataset webpage here:

By accessing the Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus ("Reviews Corpus"), you agree that the Reviews Corpus is an Amazon Service subject to the Conditions of Use and you agree to be bound by them, with the following additional conditions:

In addition to the license rights granted under the Conditions of Use, Amazon or its content providers grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to access and use the Reviews Corpus for purposes of academic research. You may not resell, republish, or make any commercial use of the Reviews Corpus or its contents, including use of the Reviews Corpus for commercial research, such as research related to a funding or consultancy contract, internship, or other relationship in which the results are provided for a fee or delivered to a for-profit organization. You may not (a) link or associate content in the Reviews Corpus with any personal information (including Amazon customer accounts), or (b) attempt to determine the identity of the author of any content in the Reviews Corpus. If you violate any of the foregoing conditions, your license to access and use the Reviews Corpus will automatically terminate without prejudice to any of the other rights or remedies Amazon may have.